m 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. < , 1 1 ! 01 40(1) b %-" /resented by Mr. and Mrs.^S. P. Avery and tbe Trustees of Columbia College in the City of New York to / s r f / s / />V/ /v/^ g&4^ s 1 / // / / . < x !- \ AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY ^ xr* ; WFH v \xi/ri c K/y ,g^ ^J^-v; ^te ,. -/ 3T *.^2^ :\ C* >i -i . [N-M EMORY OPH ENRVOGDEN AVE R ARCHITECT BYH iS-PARE J C CHAPLAIN PARIS ETCHED BY H. TOUSSAINT, PARIS, FROM THE BRONZE PANEL IN THE LIBRARY. MODELLED BY J. C. CHAPLAIN, MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. THE MEDALLION PORTRAIT FROM A BUST BY CHARLES CALVERLEY, NEW YORK. CATALOGUE OF THE AVERY ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY A MEMORIAL LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE, ARCHEOLOGY, AND DECORATIVE ART LIBRARY OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE NEW YORK: MDCCCXCV THE DE VINNE PRESS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY IS ONE OF AN EDITION OF ONE THOUSAND COPIES PRINTED FROM TYPE, 1894-95. WINDOW IN THE LIBRARY MADE AND PRESENTED BY THE LATE DANIEL COTTIER INTRODUCTION U j HE Avery Memorial Library was founded in 1890 by Mr. J. Samuel P. Avery, of New York, and Mrs. Mary O. Avery, his wife, as a memorial to their son Henry Ogden Avery, who died April jo, 1890. No better statement of the object and conditions of this foundation can be made than the letter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery to President Low, which is as follows : 4. East j8th Street, New York, June 23, 1890. Mr. Seth Low, President Columbia College. Dear Sir: With your consent and that of the Trustees of Columbia College we propose to establish the Avery Architectural Library in memory of our son Henry Ogden Avery. vi INTRODUCTION We propose (i) to give to Columbia College, for the purpose mentioned, the library, comprising all volumes relating to architecture and the decorative arts, and other professional books, owned by the late Henry O. Avery, including one or more folios of original architectural drawings by the late Henry 0. Avery ; and in addition thereto (2) to give to the Treasurer of the Corporation such sums as may be required to pay for books purchased, as provided below, on notice of their purchase, previous to the ist day of January, 1891, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, and also (j) to give to the Treasurer of the Corpora tion on the ist day of July of this year the sum of fifteen thousand dollars* to be invested and to form a permanent fund, the interest of which is to be em ployed, first, in binding and making the necessary repairs of the books forming said Avery Architectural Library, and second, in the purchase of newly pub lished books, or others, under the conditions stated below. It is our wish that the purchases made for the Avery Architectural Library be made exclusively by a Commission of three persons, namely, the Librarian of Columbia College, the Professor or acting Professor of the Architectural De partment of the School of Mines, and Mr. Russell Sturgis of New York, whose successor, in case of his declination at any time, is to be selected by the other two members of the Commission as above, to be always an architect and not immediately connected with Cohimbia College. It is our wish also that the books so purchased, including those coming from the late Henry 0. Avery, shall be kept together in one room, alcove, or the like, to be set apart and designated for the purpose and approved by the Commission of purchase, but without impairing in any way the constitutional control of the college property vested in the Trustees by the charter, and that they be kept as a library of reference only, and not allowed to leave the library building except on special occasions, as for binding, repairs, etc., or for the ptirpose of having pho tographic or other copies made of plates and the like, but always on the express approval of the Commission of purchase, or a majority of it. It is also our wish that a tablet, or some other form of record, which we will furnish, be put in a prominent position, and always retained, in the room or alcove devoted to the Avery Library, and that a book-plate be pasted inside the cover of each volume of the library, the said tablet and book-plate to state the foundation of this library by the parents of Henry Ogden Avery in his memory. * Since increased to twenty-five thousand dollars. INTRODUCTION vii It is also our zvish that, at the discretion of the Trustees, a separate cata logue of this library from time to time be printed in pamphlet form, at the expense of the college, and that copies of it in sufficient number be furnished the Commission of purchase for free distribution to architects, students of art, and other persons or institutions to whom the Avery Architectural Library may be useful. (Signed] Samuel P. Avery, Mary 0. Avery. The conditions of this endowment were accepted by the Board of Trustees on the 6th day of October, 1890. Mr. Henry Ogden Avery, to whose memory this noble foundation was made, was born in the city of Brooklyn, N. Y., January j/, 1852. The influences surrounding him in his home life, the house and asso ciations of his father, naturally turned his mind to matters of art. Mr. Samuel P. Avery has long been identified with art and its various interests, and for many years has been widely known as a collector in different fields of art, whose treasures have always been freely available to the citizens of New York and the lovers of art objects generally. Commencing with the Cooper Union Schools, the young Henry went in 1870 into the office of Mr. Russell Sturgis as a student of architecture, and in 1872 on his advice went to Paris and entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts under the late able and honored Prof. Jules Andre. The young mans course of study and practice in Paris was long and delightful. From 1872 to 1879 he devoted himself uninter ruptedly to the study of architecture and art, and during these years formed the acquaintance and enjoyed the counsel of many celebrated artists and art critics in Paris. After his return to New York he was for a time in the office of Mr. Richard M. Hunt, and from 1883 on, as an independent architect, devoted himself to the quiet and in dustrious prosecution of his profession. During his brief career as a practising architect he was active, and either built or made designs for a number of buildings and monu- Vlll INTRODUCTION ments. He was also earnestly engaged in the Architectural League of New York and in the Archaeological Institute of America, and was a frequent writer on art topics. His untimely and lamented death at the beginning of the fullness of his career called forth numerous ex pressions of regret from the persons and from the organizations to whom he was best known. In his memory, and in the interest of the arts he loved and of the work to which he had devoted himself , his parents determined to found in Columbia College a library of architecture and the allied arts. The letter of Mr. and Mrs. A very, given above, states clearly the conditions of this foundation and the method of its administration and development. After the expenditure of the sum mentioned in this letter, Mr. A very very greatly extended the credit in the hands of the Commission, and made possible the creation of a collection much broader and richer than the Commission had, at the outset, dared to hope for. The scope of the library was gradually extended until its conception was changed from a selection of a limited number of standard and important works to a reasonably full representation of the literatures of the building and decorative arts. The collection as it noiv stands numbers about thirteen thousand volumes, the majority of which are richly illustrated, and in great proportion large and costly works. It was the purpose in gathering the Avery Library to collect the material out of which, Jirst, any his torical question concerning the development of any form of architecture or the architecture of any land or period could be successfully studied, together with the architectural development of any important building or locality ; and in the second place, to establish a storehouse in which architects and art-workers might find almost infinite resources of suggestion and inspiration for their work. Hence, historical architec ture, rather than an accumulation of treatises on mere construction, characterizes the library. From this position it was but a step to archeology, and the collection is very rich in all those departments of archeology which deal with architecture, sculpture, and the other INTRODUCTION ix decorative arts. Supplemented in some degree by the general library, it contains sets of nearly all the architectural periodicals and many of those devoted to art and archtzology, as well as the transactions of societies in these fields. Most of the large and extensive works devoted to the description and study of the monuments of architecture in all lands and periods will be found here. The general treatises on architecture from Vitruvius, Alberti, and Serlio down to the present time are fully represented. Many of the older works are interesting and valuable for the engravings they contain, which are often from famous hands and of artistic workmanship, or depict objects long since destroyed. Nor has less attention been paid to special works on the different classes of architecture. The oriental, classic, the modern European, Gothic, Romanesque, and Renaissance, in all their various subdivisions and classes, have been considered, and, in like manner, care has been taken to include all the various forms of architectural work as defined by the uses to which buildings are destined. Ecclesiastical architec ture, domestic architecture, and the architecture of theaters, schools, public buildings of all kinds, and of monumental structures, together with military architecture, are largely represented. Persistent efforts have been made to include all works which could throw light on the history of architecture, while the bibliography of the subject and the lives of architects have also been gathered. Despite the extent of the collections in the above-mentioned fields, it is probable that where this library compares most favorably with any other is in its richness in treatises on local architecture, by which is meant the monographs and descriptive works concerning the architec ture of individual towns, districts, and regions, and important single buildings. These collections relating to local architecture may vary from a single monograph of a few pages about some ancient fragments built into a later building, to the whole body of memoirs of a local society, and also to the scores of volumes, including many hundreds of plates, which describe the architecture of Paris or Rome. x INTRODUCTION The practical and mechanical phases of architecture have naturally received much less attention. The newer standard works on con struction in all its details, including ventilation, heating, and light ing have been gathered, and, incidentally, the older works, which have largely historical value only. To go farther into the field of scientific construction would be to make rather a library of engineering, than one of architectural fine art. In like manner it has been thought un necessary to make the collection at all complete in treatises on archi tectural drawing, perspective, and the like, but some important works have been provided. Apart from historical architecture, the library is most rich in the large subject of decorative art not purely architectural. Sculpture of all kinds and of all epochs, it has been thought necessary to in clude. Mosaic, mural painting, and stained and painted glass are of course closely connected with building, but in addition to these arts, those subsidiary arts which are applied to portable objects have received attention. There are hundreds of important works on tapes try, textile fabrics, furniture, pottery, glass vessels, costume, arms and armor, and similar topics. A mong the general art works are numerous illustrated catalogues of art collections existing in museums, or of famous collections made or dispersed during past generations down to recent times. The most of these have been the direct gift of Mr. A very, whose intimate connection and wide acquaintance with the com merce of art have made him conversant with this form of literature. Indeed Mr. Avery s personal purchases of wisely selected volumes have been constant from the beginning. Not a few of these volumes are interesting from their former ownership, or from their rarity, fine binding, or because they have been extra illustrated, or contain orig inal drawings and manuscript annotations by their former owners. The printing of the catalogue, which Mr. Avery with character istic generosity has made his own charge, has occupied nearly two years, during which time large additions have been made to the library. These additions have been incorporated in the catalogue in such por- INTRODUCTION xi tions of the alphabet as were not yet printed, so that the later letters in the alphabet represent more fully than the earlier the collection as it stands to-day. It is intended at a later time to include the omissions and future additions to the library in a supplementary volume. The printing has been done by the well-known press of Theodore L. DeVinne & Co., who have from the beginning shown great interest in the undertaking, and whose excellent work speaks for itself. From the fact that the printing has gone on simultaneously with the gather ing of the books, a few titles may appear in the latter part of the alphabet without the proper author or other collateral entries, which belonged in the letters already printed. Much care has been taken in the titles of the numerous illustrated works here given, to state the number of plates and other bibliographical information not always found in similar catalogues. It is believed that these data, together with the fact that this catalogue is one of the most extensive in print on this subject, will render the work of great and lasting value to pro fessional men, librarians, collectors, and the public at large. It should also be noted that the catalogue as here printed contains only the works in the A very Library, and does not include books on similar topics contained in the general library of Columbia College. Books already in the general library have not, in most cases, been duplicated, and this fact may explain the absence of certain well- known and standard works which might naturally be looked for in a collection of this extent. A card catalogue in duplicate of the entire collection has been pre pared both by authors and subjects, one copy of each entry being placed in the general catalogue of the library, while the other copy forms a special catalogue for the A very Library. It was deemed wise to issue now only the author catalogue, both from the extent of the work and because it was desirable that the subject catalogue be complete before beginning to print. This catalogue contains, therefore, only author and title entries. It is hoped later to print a subject catalogue, either as a whole or in special sections by topic. xii INTRODUCTION The library has been catalogued almost entirely by Miss Harriet B. Prescott, a member of the library staff, assisted in the preparation of the cards principally by Miss Annie I. Mann and Miss Rae Foster. The work of cataloguing has been carried on under the special supervision of the librarian who, with the cooperation of the other members of the Commission and of Mr. A very, has chiefly gathered the books. The work of immediate preparation for the press and of proof-reading in all its stages has been done by Mr. C. Alex. Nelson of the library staff, whose experience as the editor of the Astor Library Catalogue rendered him peculiarly well Jitted for the task. The collection of books has been classified in a simple and readily intelligible manner by subjects, on the shelves, so far as this was possible with volumes varying so greatly in size. The classification is printed after this Introduction. That this rich collection of books may be more widely known, and may more fully serve architects and investigators of every class, the donors have caused this catalogue to be printed. The Commission desires to express its thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Avery for their great generosity and kindness ; also to various friends at home and abroad who have presented books, and to Presi dent Low and the Trustees of Columbia College for constant and hearty cooperation in the gathering and care of this collection. GEORGE H. BAKER, Librarian of Columbia College. WM. R. WARE, Professor, Department of Architecture, Columbia College. RUSSELL STURGIS. Commission of purchase. IN MEMORY OF OVR BELOVED ASSOCIATE HENRY OGDEN AVERY AND IN RECOGNITION OF THE GENEROVS PROVISION MADE IN HIS NAME HERE AND ELSEWHERE FOR THE MORE THOROVGH STVDY OF THE ART WHICH HE LOVED AND SERVED WETHEMEMBERS OF THE ARCHITECTVRAL LEAGVE OF NEW YORK HAVE SET VP THIS TABLET ON THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DEATH XXX APRIL M DCCC LXXXX 1 BRONZE TABLET IN THE LIBRARY COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1Y ARCHITECT BORN THIRTY- FIRST JANUARY MDCCC L li DIED THIRTIETH APRIL M DCCC LXXXXXEX^>- ^2XXc>-HIS PARENTS SAMUEL P AVERY AND MARY OGDEN AVERY HAVE FOUNDED THIS REFERENCE LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATIVE FROM THE ORIGINAL DRAWING FOR BOOK-PLATE, DESIGNED AND DRAWN BY D. N. B. STURGIS, FROM A SKETCH BY RUSSELL STURGIS. CLASSIFICATION D2 GENERAL ARCHITECTURE .... A PERIODICALS B SOCIETIES C DIFFERENT SCHOOLS D ORIENTAL Di GREEK ) ROMAN ) BYZANTINE 03 ARABIAN D4 ROMANESQUE 05 GOTHIC D6 RENAISSANCE Dy NORMAN D8 CHURCH E DOMESTIC 2 FACTORIES, &c 3 THEATER 4 BRIDGES 5 PUBLIC BUILDINGS E6 FORTIFICATION 7 MONUMENTAL E8 HISTORY F BIBLIOGRAPHY 5 LOCAL (arranged by countries) . . H CONSTRUCTION I BUILDERS HARDWARE & MA CHINERY CATALOGUES . . . . I 2 MERCANTILE ARCHITECTURE . . 14 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE 15 VENTILATION AND HEATING, ACOUSTICS, LIGHTING AND PLUMBING J PUBLIC HEALTH, &c Ji TILE AND BRICK WORK . . . . J2 DECORATION AND ORNAMENT . K DESIGN L ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING AND PERSPECTIVE L2 NUMISMATICS Mi WROUGHT-! RON AND METAL WORK Ma BRONZE WORK M3 GOLDSMITHS WORK M4 WOOD-CARVING M.$ FRESCO-PAINTING M6 GLASS, PAINTED My TAPESTRY M8 TEXTILE FABRICS N FURNITURE Ni CERAMICS N2 GLASS VESSELS N3 COSTUME N4 ARMS AND ARMOR N$ INDUSTRIAL ARTS N6 LANDSCAPE GARDENING .... N8 ART O ART COLLECTIONS O2 ART EXHIBITIONS 04 ETCHING 05 PAINTING O6 DRAWING 062 ENGRAVING O; SCULPTURE O8 ARCHAEOLOGY P ARCHAEOLOGY, LOCAL (arranged by countries) R BIOGRAPHY W HERALDRY Wi FETES W2 BIBLIOGRAPHY (general) . . . . Y MISCELLANEOUS X ORIGINAL SKETCHES AND MSS . Z !lberg jHemortal A. A. y P., F. de. AI Manual complete de carpinteria. Madrid, 1853-55. O. 3 v. in 2. Aai Aarau (Switzerland) Mittel=schweizerische geo= graphisch=kommerzielle gesellschaft, editor. AB See Volkerschau. 1888-. V88 Abbeville (France) Societe royale d emulation. Memoires. 1833-76 in 14 v. Abbeville, 1833-76. O. ill. AC 1869-76 form 3<l ser. v. 1-2. Abl Abbey Square sketch book. AA See Douglas, John. 074 Abbott, Henry. Antiquities of Rome comprising . . . views of its principal ruins . . . AH45 London, 1820. F. 6 47 p. 28 pi. R743 Abel, Lothar. AN8 Asthetik der gartenkunst. Wien, 1877. Q. 7+62 p. ill. 6 pi. Ab3 Garten-architektur ... [2. ausg.]. AN8 Wien, 1876. F. 5 8+92 p. ill. Ab3i [Abelin, Johann Philipp. 1590 (?)-i646.] Inventarium Sueciae, das ist, griindliche . . . beschreibung dess AH4&5 konigreichs Schweden . . . verfasset durch Job. Ludwig Gottfried, Ai mit . . . kupfferstiicken gezieret . . . durch F. Hulsium. Franckfurtam Mayn, 1632. F. [6] +430+ [72] p. ill. 5 por. lopl. Joh. Ludov. Gottfridi historische chronica, oder beschreibung der AX ftirnehmsten geschichten . . . vom anfang der welt biss . . . 1659 . . . Ab3 mit kupfferstiicken gezieret durch M. Merianum. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1674-1745. F. 2 v. ill. 53 pi. Aberdeen, George [Gordon], 4th earl of. 1784-1860. Inquiry into principles of beauty in Grecian architecture, no p. A A (In Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Rudimentary architecture. 1880.) V84I 2 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Abernathey, R. James. Practical hints on mill building. AI Moline, 1880. O. 8+298+08] p. ill. 10 pi. Abs Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphischen semi- nares der Universitat Wien, hrsg. von O. Benndorf, O. Hirschfeld AP und E. Bormann. Ab4 Wien, 1880-90. O. pt. 1-8 in 2 v. ill. 7 pi. 2 maps, I tab. Contents: pt. i. SCHNEIDER, R. Die geburt der Athena, pt. 2. DtiRR, J. Die reisen des kaisers Hadrian. pt. 3. KUBITSCHEK, J. W. De Romanarum tribuum origine ac propagatione. pt. 4. L6WY, E. Untersuchungen zur griechischen kiinstlergeschichte. pt. 5. DOMASZEWSKI, A. VON. Die fahnen im romischen heere. pt. 6. STUDNICZKA, F. Beitrage zur geschichte der altgriechischen tracht. pt. 7. WEISSHXUPL, R. Die grabgedichte der griechischen anthologie. pt. 8. REISCH, E. Griechische weihgeschenke. Abingdon, Thomas. 1560-1647. See Habington, Thomas. 1560-1647. Abington, Thomas. 1560-1647. See Habington, Thomas. 1560-1647. About, [Edmond Francois Valentin]. 1828-85. Memoire sur File d Egine. (In Archives des missions scienti- AB fiques. 1854. v. 3, p. 481-567. I pi.) Ar2i See Baudry, P. J. A. 1828-86. Peintures decoratives, executees pour le foyer public de 1 Opera; notice par E. About. 1874. Academic d archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Anvers, 1843-. O. v. 1-46. ill. AC Vols. 1-4 have title Bulletin et annales. Aci Tables des matieres. v. 1-20. Anvers, 1867. O. AC Bound with v. 20. A.C I Bulletin et annales. See, above, Annales. 1843-47. v. 1-4. AC Aci Academic de France a Rome. See Rome (Italy) Academic de France pour les beaux arts. Academy architecture and annual architectural review. AB London, 1889-93. Q- ill- v. 1-5. Aci Edited by A. Koch. Academy of the fine arts. See Philadelphia (Pa.) Academy of the fine arts. Accademia Clementina. See Bologna (Italy) Accademia Clementina. Accademia romana di archeologia. See Rome (Italy) Accademia romana di archeologia. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 3 Account of a tour in Normandy. AH44 See [Turner, Dawson. 1775-1858]. N782 Account of the remains of a Roman villa. AR42 See [Lysons, Samuel. 1763-1813]. 648 Account of the Roman villa discovered at Northleigh, Ox fordshire, in 1813-16. AH42 See H[akewill], H[enry]. 1771-1830. N8ii Account of the Rosetta stone, in three languages, which was brought to England in 1802. (In Archaeologia, v. 1 6, p. 208- AB 263. I pi.) Ar2 Ackermann, R[udolph], 1764-1834, publisher. History of the abbey church of St. Peter s Westminster, its an- AH42 tiquities and monuments [by W. Combe]. L84I London, 18 1 2. Sq. F. 2 v. I por. 82 pi. History of the colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster, with AH42 the Charter-house, the schools of St. Paul s, Merchant taylors, L853I Harrow . . . Rugby and . . . Christ s Hospital [by W. Combe]. London, 1816. Sq. F. Various paging. 48 pi. History of the University of Cambridge, its colleges, halls and pub- AH42 lie buildings [by W. Combe]. London, 1815. Sq. F. 2 v. 80 pi. Ci4i History of the University of Oxford, its colleges, halls and public AH42 buildings [by W. Combe]. London, 1814. Sq. F. 2 v. 115 pi. Ox2 Selection of ornaments for the use of sculptors, painters, carvers, AK modellers . . . London, 1818-19. F. 4 2 pts. in i v. 80 pi. Ac5 Acland, Sir Henry W[entworth], 1815-, and Ruskin, John. 1819-. AO4 Oxford museum. London, 1859. D. 3 + 111 p. ill. 2 pi. Ox2 Acqua, Carlo dell . Dell insigne reale basilica di San Michele Maggiore in Pavia. 2<ia AH45 ed. cor. Pavia, 1875. Q. 291 p. 11 pi. P282 Adam, Johann Christian, Hanel, C. Moritz, and Qurlitt, Cornelius, 1850-. Sachsische herrensitze und schlosser, dargestellt in ansichten, AH43 grundrissen, situationsplanen und einem . . . text. No date. Sa92 Adam, James, -1794, and Adam, Robert, 1728-92. AA Architecture, decoration, and furniture. 1880. Adi Adam, Robert. 1728-92. First issue of decorative designs by R. Adams, architect, 1783. AK Edited ... by R. Charles. London, 1883. Obi. F. 6 pi. folded. Ad 13 4 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Adam, Robert. 1728-92. Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in AH436 Dalmatia. [London] 1764. F. 6 4+L>]+33 P- 61 pi. Spi Adam, Robert, 1728-92, and Adam, James, -1794. Architecture, decoration, and furniture. AA London, 1880. Sq. F. 5 [5] p. 26 pi. Adi Selected from Works in architecture published 1773-1822, and photolithographed from the originals. Works in architecture. AA London, 1773-1822. Sq. F. 5 3 v. in I. 105 pi. Adii Adam, William, architect. Vitruvius Scoticus ... a collection of plans, elevations and sections AH4I of public buildings . . . and . . . houses in Scotland. Ai2 Edinburgh, 1809-10. F. 179 pi. Adam, W[illiam], mineralogist. Gem of the Peak; or, Matlock bath and its vicinity; a tour from AH42 Derby to Matlock ... [2d e d.] 0440 London, 1840. D. 14+351 p. ill. pi. I map. Gem of the Peak; or, Matlock Bath and its vicinity, an account of AH42 Derby ... a review of the geology of Derbyshire . . . and, cata- 044 logue of the flora of the High and Low Peak . . . 6*h ed. Derby, 1857. D - 12 + 384 p. ill. 14 pi. [Adam, William. 1751-1839.] AX Blair- Adam garden . . . [Anon.] No place, 1834. O. 35 p. pi. Z Adams, Edward. Polychromatic ornament of Italy. AK London [1846], Sq. F. 4+16 p. 1 1 pi. Adii Adams, [G.] Louis. -1864. Decorations interieures et meubles des epoques Louis XIII & AK Louis XIV ... Paris, 1876. F. 5 [4] p. 100 pi. Adi2 Recueil de sculptures gothiques, dessinees et gravees d apres les AK plus beaux monuments construits en France depuis le onzieme Adi jusqu au quinzieme siecle. Paris [1856]. F. 2 v. 192 pi. Adams, [G. Louis], -1864, Leveil, J. A., 1806-, and Leblan, Eugene. Recueil des maisons modernes les plus remarquables executees a AH44 Paris par Delalande [and others] . . . P246 Paris, 1858. F. 4 8 p. 66 pi. Adams, Maurice B[ingham]. Architectural drawing. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1885. " s. v. i, p. 73-86. 18 pi.) R8i AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 5 Adams, Maurice B[ingham]. Artists homes; a portfolio of drawings, including the houses and AE2 studios of several eminent painters, sculptors and architects. Adi London, 1883. Sq. F. 5 2+[i]+u p. 31 pi. Examples of old English houses and furniture, with some modern AE2 works from designs by the author. Ad 12 London, 1888. F. B 9 p. 36 pi. Adams, Robert. 1728-92. See Adam, Robert. 1728-92. Adams, William Henry Davenport. 1829-. History, topography and antiquities of the Isle of Wight . . . AH42 London, 1856. Q. pi. W63 Adamy, Rudolf. 1850-. Architektonik auf historischer und aesthetischer grundlage. AF Hannover, 1883-89. O. 2 v. in 3. ill. Adi Contents: v. i. Architektonik des alterthums. pt. i. Die architektur als kunst. pt. 2. Architektonik des orientalischen alterthums. pt. 3. Architektonik der Hellenen. pt. 4. Architektonik der Romer. v. 2. Architektonik des mittelalters. pt. i. Architektonik der altchristlichen zeit. pt. 2. Architektonik des muhamedanischen und romanischen stils. pt. 3. Architektonik des gothischen stils. Einfiihrung in die antike kunstgeschichte. AF Hannover, 1884. O- 5 + J94P- 123 ill. Adu Die Einhard-basilika zu Steinbach im Odenwald, im auftrage des AH43 Historischen vereins fur das gross-herzogthum Hessen . . . be- St3 schrieben. Darmstadt, 1885. F. 4 7+36 p. 4 pi. Die frankische thorhalle und klosterkirche zu Lorsch an der Berg- AH43 strasse . . . Darmstadt, 1891. F. 4 [4] + 5i p. ill. 6 pi. L89 Adda, Qioachimo d\ La metropolitana di Milano e dettagli rimarcabili di questo edi- AH45 ficio. Milano, 1824. F. 6 [16] p. 35 pi. M597 [Addey, H. M.] Royal picturesque hand-book of Liverpool . . . [Anon.] 8th e d. AH42 Liverpool, 1852. S. 157 p. ill. map. L752 Addington, Rev. H[enry]. 1820-. Monumental brasses of Bedfordshire. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 17, p. 77-92.) As7 Some account of the abbey church of St. Peter and St. Paul at AH42 Dorchester, Oxfordshire. [Anon.] 072 Oxford, 1845. O. 12+172+4 p. ill. 15 pi. Published by the Oxford society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture. I* 6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Adeline, [Jules]. 1840-. Art dictionary containing a complete index of all terms used in AO art, architecture, heraldry, and archseology, tr. from the French Ad3 and enlarged. London, 1891. O. 7+422 p. ill. Les sculptures grotesques et symboliques, Rouen et environs; AK preface par Champfleury . . . Ad3 Rouen, no date. Q. 3+16+418 p. ill. 2 pi. No. 82 of 220 copies printed. Adelphi, The, and its site. AH42 See Wheatley, H. B. L8;8 Adelung, Friedrich von. 1768-1843. Die korssunschen thiiren in der kathedralkirche zur Heil. Sophia AH47 in Nowgorod. Berlin, 1823. Q. 8+164 p. 9 pi. N8$ Adhemar, [Alphonse] J[oseph]. 1797-1862. Traite de perspective a 1 usage des artistes. AL,2 Paris, 1836. O. 8+250 p. and Atlas, F. 5 62 pi. Ad4 Adler, Friedrich. 1827-. Aus Andreas Schliiter s leben. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 13, p. 13-44, 383-406. 2 pi.) Z3i Die baugeschichte von Berlin, vortrag gehalten ... 6. Februar, AH43 1 86 1. Berlin, 1861. O. 32 p. 6466 Die Elisabethkirche zu Wilhelmshaven. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 24, p. 287-292. 7 pi.) Z3i Die kloster-und stiftskirchen auf der insel Reichenau. (In Zeit- AB schrift fur bauwesen. v. 19, p. 527-568. 5 pi.) Z3I Mittelalterliche backstein-bauwerke des preussischen staates. Ber- AB lin, 1862. F. 5 2v.ini. ill. 100 pi. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. Z3ii Supplement. 1862.) Contents: v. i. Die mark Brandenburg. v. 2. Die bauwerke der mark Brandenburg. Das Pantheon zu Rom. Berlin, 1872. Q. 20 p. 3 pi. AH45 Romanische baukunst im Elsass. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 28, p. 429-447, 547-562. 4 pi.) Z3i Schloss Chillon im Genfer See. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 10, AB p. 201-214. 4pl-) Z3i Die stoa des Konigs Attalos 2. zu Athen. (In Zeitschrift fiir AB bauwesen. v. 25, p. 17-50. 7 pi.) Die St. Thomas-kirche zu Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. AB v. 21, p. 19-26, 321-328. 12 pi.) Z3i AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 7 Adler, Friedrich, 1827-, and Curtius, Ernst, 1814-. AR495 Olympia, 1890. Olgi Adler, Friedrich, 1827-, Curtius, Ernst, 1814- and others. AR495 Die ausgrabungen zu Olympia. 1876-81. Ok) Adler, Friedrich, 1827-, and others. Die baudenkmaler von Olympia. Berlin, 1892. F. 6 [5] p. 72 pi. AR495 (In Curtius, E., and Adler, F. Olympia. 1892. v. i.) Ok)i Adler, Georg Christian. 1734-1804. Ausfiihrliche beschreibung der stadt Rom. AH45 Altona, 1781. Sq. O. [i2]+354+[i6] p. 12 pi. 3 maps. R746 ^Egyptius, Matthseus. -1745. See Egizio, Matteo. -1745. Affreschi del palazzo ducale detto di Schifanoia in Ferrara. AH45 Ferrara, 1856. Q. 7 pi. 19 pi. F4i Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis George Seroux d . 1730-1814. Memoria sugli autori che hanno descritto le catacombe. (In AR45 Artaud de Montor, A. F. Viaggio nelle catacombe. 1835. P- I-H-) R688i Recueil de fragments de sculpture antique en terre cuite. [Anon.] AO8 Paris, 1814. Sq. F. 3 + ioo+[i] p. i por. 37 pi. Ag4 Agustin, Antonio. 1516-86. Dialogos de medallas, inscriciones, y otras antiguedades . . . AX Madrid, 1744. O. [i2]+47o p. i por. 26 pi. Au4 Plates printed on both sides of the folio. Ahlburg, - . Die klosterkirche zu Riddagshausen. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 7, p. 543~552. 3 pi.) Ainalov, D. [V.] and Riedin, E. [K.] Kievo-Sofiski sobor; isslyedovanie drevnei mosaicheskoi i fres- AH47 kovoi zhivopisi: [The cathedral of St. Sophia at Kiev; description K54 of the old mosaic and fresco painting]. Sanktpeterburg, 1889. Nar. Q. [4] + i56+[i] p. ill. i pi. Aitchison, George. Byzantine architecture. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 221-264.) R8i On colour as applied to architecture. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1857-58, p. 47-60.) R8i 8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Aitchison, George. On iron as a building material. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1863-64, p. 97-107.) R8i The Roman thermae. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1889. n. s. v. 5, p. 105-122. 3 pi.) R8i Aix (France) musee. Le musee d Aix, Bouches-du-Rhone; premiere partie comprenant AO2 les monuments archeologiques, les sculptures et les objets de curi- Ai9 osite par H. Gibert. Aix, 1882. D. 31+623 p. 2 pi. Akerman, John Yonge. 1806-73. Archaeological index to remains of antiquity of the Celtic, Romano- AR42 British and Anglo-Saxon periods. Ai2 London, 1847. O. i2 + [i] + 2O4 p. ill. 20 pi. Albert, Joseph. 1825-86. Details, wanddekorationen, mobel . . . aus den koniglich bayer- ANi ischen schlossern Neuschwanstein, Linderhof und Herren-Chiem- All see, sowie aus der koniglichen residenz in Munchen, gesichtet und mit . . . text versehen von L. Gmelin. Munchen, no date. F. 5 [4] p. 100 pi. Albert!, Leon Battista. 1404-84. L architectvre et art de bien bastir diuisee en dix liures, traduicts AA de Latin en Franois par . . . J. Martin. All 2 Paris, 1553. F. [8] + 228 f. ill. I pi. L architettura, tradotta in lingua fiorentina da C. Bartoli . . . AA Firenze, Torrentino, 1550. F. 404 p. ill. I por. Ali6 L architettvra, tradotta in lingva fiorentina da C. Bartoli . . . AA Venetia, Franceschi, 1565. O. [4] +404+ [27] p. ill. Alls De re aedificatoria. Florentiae, 1485. Q. [204] f. A A Ah i Delia architettura, della pittura e della statua, traduzione di C. AA Bartoli. Bologna, 1782. F. 4 [i5]+34i + [i] p. 69 pi. All Della architettura . . . traduzione di C. Bartoli, con note apolo- AA getiche di S. Ticozzi ... Ah 7 Milano, 1833. O. 26+401 p. por. Atlas. 28 pi. Of statues. (In Evelyn, John. 1620-1706. Account of archi- AA tects and architecture. 1723. p. 61-74.) C35 Opera inedita et pauca separatim impressa H. Mancini curante. AA Florentiae, 1890. O. 12 + 311 p. (Raccolta di opere inedite o Ali4 rare di ogni secolo della letteratura italiana.) See Fossati, C. Q. Tempio Malatestiano. 1794. Albertolli, Ferdinando. -1844. AH45 Fregi trovati negli scavi del Foro Trajano. Q. 126 pi. R762 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 9 Albertolli, Ferdinando. -1844. Fregi trovati negli scavi del Foro Trajano con altri esistenti in AH45 Roma ed in diverse citta d ltalia. Milano, 1824. F. 6 [3] p. 24 pi. R;6i Albertolli, Giocondo. 1742-1839. Alcune decorazioni di nobili sale ed altri ornamenti, incisi da G. AK Mercoli e da A. de Bernardis. Milano, 1787. F. 6 [6] p. 23 pi. Ah Cenni storici sovra una cappella antica ricostruita in oratorio a AH45 Moncucco nella provincia di Milano ... Milano, 1833. O. 1 1 p. 3 pi. M58i2 Corso elementare di ornamenti architettonici. AK Milano, 1805. F. 6 28 pi. Alii Ornamenti diversi ... Milano, 1843. F. 6 22 pi. AK Ah2 Albo dei sottoscrittori per la medaglia d oro in onore del AX commendatore Gio. Batt. de Rossi e relazione della solennita nel Ah presentarla in Laterano . . . xi dec. 1882. Roma, 1882. Q. 107+ [4] p. Albrecht, Ignatz, editor. See Spallart, Robert von. Versuch iiber das kostum der vor- AN4 ziiglichsten volker des alterthums. 1796-1811. Spi Album de la decoration usuelle ; choix de motifs modernes . . . de decoration et de sculpture ornementale. AK Paris, 1878. Sq. F. 2 v. no pi. Ali4 Album della basilica di S. Antonio di Padova. AH45 [Padova] no date. Obi. Q. 36 pi. Pi 37 Album des boiseries sculptees du chceur de Notre- Dame AH44 de Paris . . . Paris, 1855. F. 6 8 p. 35 pi. P2i Album di diverse vedute di Firenze e di altre citta della AH45 Toscana con . . . descrizione. Firenze, 1850. Obi. O. 20 pi. F662 Aldegrever, Heinrich. 1502-62. [Designs.] (In Wessely, J. E. Das ornament und die kunstindus- AK trie in ihrer gesch. entwickelung. 1877-78. v. I pi. 87-100.) W$i Ornamente; facsimiles der im Kupferstich-cabinet Munchen vor- AK handenen orig.-stiche, neu hrsg. von P. Seener. Al2 Regensburg, 1891. F. [i] p. 25 pi. Aldis, Elijah. Carvings and sculptures of Worcester cathedral . . . AH42 London, 1873. Sq. F. |>]+2O f. 28 pi. W89 Aldrich, Henry. 1647-1710. Elements of civil architecture, according to Vitruvius and other AA ancients and the most approved practice of modern authors, AL,2 especially Palladio, tr. by P. Smyth. Oxford, 1789. Q. [70] +66+65 p. i por. 55 pi. Title-page and text in English and Latin. io AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Alesia: Etude sur la septieme campagne de Cesar en Gaule. 1858. AX See [Aumale, H. E. P. L. d Orleans, due d . 1822-]. Au5 Alexander, Sir James Edward. 1803-85. Cleopatra s needle; the obelisk of Alexandria, its acquisition and AE8 removal to England described. Al2 London, 1879. D. 16+109 p. ill. I pi. map. [Alexander, William.] Observations on the construction ... of meeting houses . . . em- AE bracing . . . the method of warming and ventilating. [Anon.] Al2 York, 1820. Q. 66 p. 5 pi. Alexandre, Arsene. 1859-. Histoire de 1 art decoratif du i6 e siecle a nos jours. AK Paris [pref. 1891]. F. 5 7 + 336 p. ill. 60 pi. Ar7i [Alford, Henry, dean of Canterbury. 1810-71.] History and description of the restored parish church of Saint AH42 Mary, Wymeswold, Leicestershire. [Anon.] W98 London, [pref. 1846]. F. 2 + 23 + [4] p. ill. i pi. Alglave, Emile, 1842-, editor. See Bibliotheque scientifique internationale. [Allais, Louis Jean, Detournelle, Athanase, 1776-, and Vaudoyer, A. L. T., 1756-1846.] Prpjets d architecture et autres productions de cet art, qui ont AL2 merites les grands prix accordes par 1 Academic, par 1 Institut Al$ national de France ... [Anon.] Paris, 1806. F. 6 120 pi. Allan, Wfilliam], civil engineer. Strength of beams under transverse loads. New York, 1875. T. AI 1 14 p. ill. (Van Nostrand s science series, v. 19.) Al$ I Theory of arches. New York, 1890. T. 121 p. ill. (Van Nos- AI trand s science series, v. u.) Al$ From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. Allard, Paul. 1841-. L art pai en sous les empereurs Chretiens. AO Paris, 1879. D. i5 + 324+[i] p. Al5 Allegranza, Giuseppe. 1715-85. Spiegazione e riflessioni sopra alcuni sacri monumenti antichi di AR45 Milano, 1757. Q. i 2 +i 9 o+[i] p. 8 pi. M$8i Allemagne, Henry Rene d . Histoire du luminaire depuis 1 epoque romaine jusqu au I9 e AJ Paris, 1891. F. [3]+6+350p. ill. 45 pi. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY u Allen, Charles Bruce. Rudimentary treatise on cottage building; or, Hints for improving AE2 dwellings of the labouring classes. 2d ed. London, 1854. D. ill. Al5i Allen, Frederick H. Great cathedrals of the world. AE Boston, 1886-88. F. 5 2v. 7 + 308 p. 130 pi. Al5 Paged continuously. Allen, John Romilly. Early Christian symbolism in Great Britain and Ireland before AX the thirteenth century. London, 1887. O. 19+408 p. ill. 4 pi. Al5 Rhind lectures in archaeology for 1885. Monumental history of the early British church. AE8 London, 1889. D. Al5 Notes on Celtic ornament; the key and spiral patterns. (In AC Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 19, p. 253- Soi2 308. I facsim.) Notes on early Christian symbolism. (In Society of antiquaries AC of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 18, p. 380-464.) So 12 Notes on some undescribed stones with cup-markings in Scotland. AC (In Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 16, So 12 P- 79-I43-) On the discovery of a sculptured stone at St. Madoes, with some AC notes on [Celtic] interlaced ornament. (In Society of antiquaries So 1 2 of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 17, p. 211-271.) Allen, Lewis F. Rural architecture ... a ... description of farm houses, cottages AE2 and out buildings ... New York, 1863 [c. 52]. D. 378 p. ill. I pi. Allen, Thomas. 1803-33. History and antiquities of the parish of Lambeth and the archi- AR42 episcopal palace, in the county of Surrey . . . [with] biographical Li7 sketches... London, 1827. O. i2 + [i]+458p. ill. 42 pi. 2 maps. 5 facsim. 2 tab. History of the counties of Surrey and Sussex . . . illustrated . . . AR42 from original drawings by Nathaniel Whittock. Su7 London, 1829-30. Sq. F. 2 v. pi. New and complete history of the county of York . . . illus- AH42 trated . . . from original drawings by Nathaniel Whittock. Y87 London, 1828-31. Sq. F. 3 v. ill. 143 pi. Allgemeine bauzeitung mit abbildungen . . . AB Wien, 1836-. Q. & F. 5 ill. v. 1-55. Al5 V. 1-37 have text and plates bound separately. Edited by C. F. L. Forster. 12 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Allgemeine bauzeitung mit abbildungen . . . Beilage. 1837-65. Wien, 1842-65. Q. ill. 7 v. of Beilage have title Literatur- und anzeigeblatt, 5 v. Notizblatt, 2 v. Ephemeriden, I v. Bauverordnungsblatt. Allioli, Joseph Franz von. 1793-1873. Die bronze-thiire des domes zu Augsburg, ihre deutung und ihre geschichte . . . Augsburg, 1853. Q. 4+72 p. 3 pi. Allmers, Hermann. Der alterschrein der kirche zu Altenbruch im lande Hadeln, im auftrage des Vereins fur geschichte und alterthiimer der herzog- thiimer Bremen und Verden und des landes Hadeln, zu Stade pho- tographisch dargestellt . . . Stade, 1873. Sq. F. [3]+i5p. 2 pi. Allom, Thomas, 1804-72, illustrator. See Britton, John, 1771-1857 and Brayley, E. W., 1773-1854. Devonshire and Cornwall, 1832. See Rose, Thomas. Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland. 1832. See Walsh, Rev. Robert. Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor. [i84o(?).] See Wright, Rev. Q. N. i8i2(?)-. France illustrated. [1847.] Allonville, Armand Francois, comte d , 1764-1832, Roger, P. [A.], and others. Bibliotheque historique de la Picardie et de 1 Artois. 1844. AHori, Alessandro, 1535-1607, and others. Decken-malereien des ersten korridors der Kgl. gallerie zu Florenz, gemalt in ... 1581-82. Berlin, 1880. F. 5 44 pi. Allport, Douglas. Collections illustrative of the geology, history, antiquities and asso- ciations of Camberwell and . . . neighbourhood. Camberwell, 1841. O. 16+25 5 + [4] p. ill- 13 pi. Almain, C[onstant]. 1840-. Monographic de la chapelle de Berlaymont, precedee de 1 histoire sommaire du monastere de ce nom depuis sa fondation jusqu a nos Bruxelles, 1878. F. 5 zo+Jj] p. ill. 41 pi. Alphand, [Jean Charles] Afdolphe]. 1817-. Les promenades de Paris; histoire, description ... des Bois de Boulogne et de Vincennes, Champs-Elysees, pares . . . etude sur 1 art des jardins et arboretum. Paris, 1867-73. F. 7 2v. ill. 126 pi. AB Al5 AH43 Au44 AH43 A176 AH42 049 AH42 A69 AH496 763 AH44 A 3 3 AR4 4 AH45 F675 AR42 Ci4 AH493 683 1 AN8 A16 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 13 Alphand, [Jean Charles] Adolphe, 1817- and Ernouf, A. A., baron, 1816-. AN8 L art des jardins. 1885. Er6 Alphen, Daniel van, 1713-97, continuator. See Mieris, Frans van. 1689-1763. Beschryving der stad Ley- AH492 den. 1770-84. v. 2-3. L59I Alt, Heinrich. Die heiligenbilder; oder, Die bildende kunstu. die theologische wis- senschaft . . , historisch dargestellt . . . Berlin, 1 845 . O. 1 4+304 p. Die alte kirche zu Marienhafe in Ostfriesland. AH43 See [Suur, Hemmo]. M337 Alien, Friedrich von. See Boschen, H. Die renaissance-decke im schlosse zu Jever, AH43 mit text von F. von Alten. 1883. J53 Alien, Georg von. Die thoranlagen bei Hagia Triada zu Athen. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. G8i v. 3, p. 28-48. pi. 3-4.) Alteneck, Jakob Heinrich Hefner von. 1811-. See Hefner-AIteneck, Jakob Heinrich von. 1811-. Alterthiimer und kunstdenkmale des bayerischen herr- scher-hauses. AR43 See [Aretin, K. M. freiherr von. 1796-1868]. A 5 Alticchiero. AH45 See Rosenberg=Orsini, Giustiniana (Wynne) grafin. 1730-91. Al/ Alviella, Eugene, comte Goblet d . 1846-. See Goblet d Alviella, Eugene, comte. 1846-. Alvino, Francesco. Anfiteatro Campano illustrate e restaurato. Terza edizione col AE4 paragone di tutti gli anfiteatri d ltalia ed un cenno sugli antichi A18 monumenti di Capua. Napoli, 1842. F. 6 20 p. 16 pi. Amador de los Rios, Jose. 1818-78. See Rios, Jose Amador de los. 1818-78. Amadutius, Johannes Christophorus. 1740-92. See Amaduzzi, Giovanni Christoforo. 1740-92. Amaduzzi, Giovanni Christoforo, 1740-92, and Ve- nuti, Ridolfino, 1705-63. AO8 Vetera monumenta. 1776-79. V56 i 4 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Amat, Andres.] [Tratado 10-40 de la fortification ; por el cadete del Cuerpo rl. de AE; artilleria D? Andres Amat Tortosa. Ami Oran, 1757.] T. 153 f. 33 pi. Neatly written manuscript. Plates 13 and 14 missing. Amati, Carlo. 1776-1852. Regole del chiaro-oscuro in architettura. Milano, 1840. F. e i6p. AL2 14 pi. Ami Amati, Carlo, 1776-1852, translator. See Wiebeking, K. F. von. 1762-1842. Memoria sullo stato A A dell architettura civile nel medio-evo. 1825. W635 Ambras castle (Austria). Kunstwerke und gerathe des mittelalters und der renaissance in AO2 der Ambraser-sammlung . . . hrsg. und erlautert von E. freiherrn Ami von Sacken. Wien, no date. Sq. F. 4 60 p. 40 pi. Ambros, August. Der dom zu Prag. Prag, 1858. T. 8+375 p. ill. 12 pi. AH436 Two pages of music. Ambrosch, Joseph Julius Athanasius. 1804-56. De Charonte etrusco commentatio antiquaria ; accedunt vasorum fictilium, quae in Museo reg. Berolinensi asservantur, picturae . . . Vratislaviae, 1837. Q. 72 p. 3 pi. Ame, Emile. 1821-. Les carrelages emailles du moyen-age et de la renaissance, pre- AJ2 cedes de 1 histoire des anciens pavages, mosai que, labyrintes, Am3 dalles incrustees. Paris, 1859. F. [23] + [i7i] + 2io p. ill. 90 pi. No. 54 of 300 copies printed. Amended building law as applied to the city of New York, passed 1892. New York, 1892. D. 67 p. From Architecture and building. American architect and building news, publisher. AH73 See Monographs of American architecture. 1886-88. An" American institute of architects. Proceedings of the annual convention. 1867,1889-92. AC Chicago, 1867-92. O. 4 v. ill. Ann Edited by J. W. Root. Ames, Joseph, 1689-1759, editor. AW See Wren, Christopher. 1675-1747. Parentalia. 1750. W92I L Ami des monuments et des arts . . . [revue] fondee et AB dirigee par Charles Normand. Paris, 1887-93. O. ill. pi. 7 v. Am$ AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 15 Amici, Domenico. Raccolta delle principal! vedute di Roma. AH45 Roma, 1835. Obi. F. 43 pi. R688 Amico, Bernardino. Trattato delle piante et immaginj de sacri edifizi di Terra Santa, AH569 disegnate in lerusalemme . . . aggiuntoui la strada dolorosa . . . J494 Firenze, 1620. [col. 1619]. Q. [io]+65 p. 35 pi. Amico, Giovanni. L architetto prattico, in cui con facilta si danno le regole per ap- AA prendere 1 architettura civile. . . Am5 Palermo, 1726. Q. [20] +185 + [43] p. ill. 29 pi. Amiens (France) Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. See Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. Amiet, Jacob J. Der erbauer der kathedrale zu Solothurn, Cajetan Matthaus AW Pisoni, seine vorganger und kunstgenossen . . . P67 Bern, 1865. F. [3] +40 p. ill. i por. Amirola, Eugenio Llaguno y. See Llaguno y Amirola, Eugenio, fl. 1774. Amman, Jost. i539(?)~9 I - Wappen & stammbuch. Miinchen, 1881. O. 178+ [2] p. ill. AWi (Liebhaber-bibliothek alter illustratoren in facsimile, v. 3.) AM6 Reprint of the edition of 1589. Ammann, A., and Gamier, J. L. C. 1825-. AE2 L habitation humaine. 1892. Gi8 Amouroux, Jules, Armengaud, J. E. the elder, 1810-, and Armengaud, Charles, 1813- AL2 Nouveau cours raisonne de dessin industriel. 1848. Ar5 Amsterdam (Holland) Exposition. 1873. Objets d art et de curiosite tires des . . . collections hollandaises; AO4 orfevrerie, ivo[i]res, faiences, emaux . . . avec le catalogue . . . Am8 par H. Havard . . . Haarlem, 1873. F. 184 p. ill. 4 pi. 303 copies printed. Amsterdam (Holland) Exposition. 1883. Catalogue illustre officiel de la section des beaux-arts de 1 Exposi- AO4 tion . . . pub. sous la direction de F. G. Dumas. Am8i Paris [1883]. O. 319+3 P- ill- Amsterdam (Holland) Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, editor. AH492 See Janssen, L. J. F. De muurschilderijen der St. Janskerk te G65 Gorinchem. 1858. 16 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Amsterdam (Holland) Maatschappij tot bevorder- ing der bouwkunst. Bouwkundige bijdragen . . . onder redaktie van Js. Warnsinck . . . AA Amsterdam, 1851-71. Q. 6.-i8. deel en bylagen. ill. pi. Am8 Amyot, Thomas. i775~ l8 5o. Defence of the early antiquity of the Bayeux tapestry. (In AB Archseologia. v. 19, p. 192-208.) Ar2 Some account of the abbey church of Tewkesbury. (In Society of AHLj.2 antiquaries of London. Vetustamonumenta. v. 5.) F. 6 10 p. I4pl. A45 Read before the Society of antiquaries, gth June, 1825. Anales del Museo nacional de Mexico. AC See Mexico Museo nacional. Anales. M57 Anatolica; or, The journal of a visit to . . . ancient ruined cities of Caria, Phrygia, Lycia, and Pisidia. 1874. See Davis, Rev. E. J. A8 L ancienne France; etudes illustrees d apres les ouvrages AK de Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1887-88. 2 v. O. ill. pi. In2 L INDUSTRIE et 1 art de"coratif aux deux derniers siecles. 1887. SCULPTEURS et architectes : L Acade"mie d architecture. 1888. Ancona, Alessandro d . 1835-. Catalogo descrittivo della raccolta egizia, preromana ed etrusco- AP romana di A. in Milano. Milano, 1880. Q. 20 pi. An2 Andel, Anton. Die geschichte des akanthusblattes in der decorativen kunst AK Graz, 1891. Q. 1 1 p. 2 pi. An2 Gratz (Austria) Staats-unterrealschule. Jahresbericht. Anderson, Charles. Ancient models; or, Hints on church-building. New ed. enl. AE London, 1841. S. 4+[i] + 2ii p. ill. I pi. An2 Anderson, James. 1739-1808. Account of ancient monuments and fortifications in the high- AB lands of Scotland. (In Archseologia. 1779. v. S, p. 241-266. pi.) Ar2 Anderson, John Corbet. Croydon church, past and present. See, below, Monuments and AH42 antiquities of the old parish church of St. John the Baptist at 887 Croydon. 1871. Croydon old church, parish register and the Whitgift charity. AH42 [London] 1878. Q. 113 p. ill. 13 pi. i tab. C886 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 17 Anderson, John Corbet. Monuments and antiquities of Croydon church in the county of AH42 Surrey, comprising a description of that structure, its monuments C885 and brasses . . . Croydon, 1856. Q. 71 p. ill. 4 pi. Monuments and antiquities of the old parish church of St. John AH42 the Baptist at Croydon in the county of Surrey . . . destroyed by C88/ fire . . . Jan., 1867. [London] 1871. F. 4 2+113 p. ill- 8 pi. Has half title Croydon church, past and present. Parish church of St. John the Baptist at Croydon, Surrey, as it AH42 was rebuilt during . . . 1867-9, after the designs of G. Gilbert Scott. C887 [London] 1871. F. 4 [s]+25 + [2] p. ill. 28 pi. Bound with his Monuments and antiquities of the old parish church of St. John the Baptist at Croydon. 1871. Roman city of Uriconium at Wroxeter, Salop: illustrative of the history and social life of our Romano-British forefathers. London, 1867. D. 10 + 150 p. ill. 12 pi. Shropshire ; its early history and antiquities . . . London, 1864. Nar. Q. pi. Anderson, Joseph. Ancient Scottish weapons, a series of drawings by ... James AN5 Drummond, with introduction & descriptive notes. An2 Edinburgh, 1 88 1. F. 5 [s]+26+[i 12] p. ill. 54 pi. No. 235 of 500 copies printed. Scotland in early Christian times . . . AR4I Edinburgh, 1881. O. 2 v. ill. 7 pi. A 5 Rhind lectures in archasology for 1879-80. Scotland in Pagan times; the iron age. AR4i Edinburgh, 1883. O. 20+314 p. ill. I pi. A4 Rhind lectures in archaeology for 1881. Anderson, R. Examples of the municipal, commercial, and street architecture of AH44 France and Italy, from the 1 2th to the I5th century. A 57 Edinburgh, 1877. F. 103 pi. Anderson, William. 1842-. Pictorial arts of Japan, with . . . remarks upon the pictorial arts of AO the Chinese and Koreans. An2 London, 1886. F. 5 i9+[i] + 276 p. ill. 80 pi. Anderson, William, 1842-, compiler. See British Museum. Descriptive and historical catalogue of a AO6 collection of Japanese and Chinese paintings. 1886. 677 Anderson, William J. Architectural studies in Italy. AH45 Glasgow [pref. 1890]. F. 5 Unpaged. 41 pi. A3i No. 76 of 150 copies printed. 2 18 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Andre, J[ules Louis]. 1819-. Nouvelle menagerie des reptiles au Jardin des plantes a Paris. AE6 Paris, 1880. F. 4 8 p. 10 pi. An2 Photographic view of the menagerie and portrait of the author inserted. Andre, Pierre. Theatre et forum d Ostie. (In Melanges d archeologie et d his- AB toire. 1891, p. 492-505.) M48 Andrea, Carl. Monumente des mittelalters und der renaissance aus dem sachsi- AH43 schen erzgebirge, die klosterkirche Zschillen, jetzt Wechselburg, Sa95 und die rochlitzer Kunigundenkirche . . . Dresden, 1875. F. 7 [4] p. 50 pi. Andree, Julius, editor. See Elis, Carl. -1889. Handbuch der mosaik- und glasmalerei. AJ2 1891. 14 Andrews, John, geographer. Plans of the most capital cities ... in Europe and some remark- AX able cities in the other three parts of the world . . . An2 London [1792]. Ob. Q. 42 pi. Andrews, William, editor. AH42 Bygone Yorkshire. Hull, 1892. O. [5]+267 p. ill. I pi. 84 Andriessen, Andreas. Plegtige inhuldiging van Willem Karel Henrik Friso, prinse van AW2 Oranje en Nassau . . . als markgraf van Vere, op den I. Juny . . . An2 1751. Amsterdam, 1751. F. 5 [io] + 52+4 p. ill. 1 1 pi. Androuet Du Cerceau, Jacques. -1592. See Du Cerceau, Jacques Androuet. -1592. Androvetius, Jacobus. -1592. See Du Cerceau, Jacques Androuet. 1592. Anecdotes of British topography. AR42 See [Qough, Richard. 1735-1809]. " A 17 Angeli, Paolo degli. i582(?)-i647. Basilicae S. Mariae maioris de urbe a Liberio Papa I. usque ad AH45 Paulum V. descriptio et delineatio. Romae, 1621. F. 252 p. pi. R753 Angell, Samuel. 1800-66. On the open spaces of [London]. (In Royal institute of British ar- AC chitects. Papers. 1853-54^.107-117.) R8i Some account of the life and works of Baldassare Peruzzi. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1858-59, R8i p. 103-110.) AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 19 Angell, Samuel, 1800-66, and Evans, Thomas. Sculptured metopes discovered amongst the ruins of the temples AH45 of the ancient city of Selinus in Sicily, by William Harris and Se4 Samuel Angell, in ... 1823. London, 1826. F. 6 [3] + 56 p. ill. 9 pi. Angelus, Paulus. i582(?)-i64;. See Angeli, Paolo degli. i582(?)-i647. Anglo=Jewish historical exhibition. 1887. Catalogue of the . . . exhibition, Royal Albert hall, London, AP 1887, compiled by Joseph Jacobs and Lucien Wolf, illustrated by An4 Frank Haes. London, 1888. Nar. Q. 26+214 p. 28 pi. fedition de luxe. Angus, W[illiam]. 1752-1821. Seats of the nobility and gentry in Great Britain and Wales . . . AH42 [London] 1787. Ob. O. Unpaged. 63 pi. Ap7 Annales archeologiques. Paris, 1844-70. Sq. O. ill. 27 v. AB An7 Edited by A. N. Didron and continued after his death by E. A. Didron. Table analytique et methodique par X. Barbier de Mon- tault. Paris, 1881. Sq. O. 543 p. v. 28. Annali della fabbrica del duomo di Milano dall origine AH45 fino al presente. Appendice. Milano, 1877-83. O. 8 v. M58ii Annoni, Carlo. Monumenti della prima meta del secolo XI, spettanti all arcivesco AR45 di Milano Ariberto da Intimiano . . . Milano, 1872. F. 238+ [3] M$8 p. 8 pi. Illuminated in gold and colors. Annuaire historique du Departement de 1 Yonne . . . Auxerre, 1837-93. O. ill. v. 1-34, 37-50, 52-57 in 27 v. AB An7i Vols. 1-14 known as Annuaire statistique du Ddpartement de 1 Yonne. Tables analytiques 1837-60. Auxerre, 1862. O. I v. Antero Maria, Saint Bonaventura. 1620-86. See Bonaventura, Antero Maria, saint. 1620-86. Le antichita di Ercolano. AR45 See Piroli, Tommaso. 1750-1824. H4I4 Antichita di Pozzuoli, Cumae Baja. AR45 See [Paoli, P. A. i72O~9o(?)]. P87I Antiquarian itinerary. AH42 See [Storer, J. S. I77i(?)-i854]. A48 20 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. Zurich, 1841-- Q- ill- v. 1-22 in 12. Antiquitates architectonicae: allerley alte wolbewarte architectur stuck zum verstand der V. seulen nutzlich und dienst- lich. Zurich, 1596. F. 14 pi. Antiquitates Belgicae. See Royen, Jacob van, publisher. Antiquitates Sarisburienses. See [Ledwich, Rev. Edward. 1738-1823]. Antiquites de la ville de Lyon. See Colonia, Dominique de. 16601741. Antiquites mexicaines. See Dupaix, Guillelmo. Antoine, Jacques Denis. 1733-1801. Plans des divers etages et coupe de 1 Hotel des monnaies a Paris. Paris, 1826. F. 3 6+ [2] p. 12 pi. in 9. Antoine du Mont Royal. 1622-. Les glorieuses antiquitez de Paris. Paris, 1879. O. [nj+954- [3] p. (In Coll. des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. v. 2.) No. 64 of 330 copies printed. Antolini, Giovanni Antonio. 1754-1841. Disamina di altri monumenti antichi nella citta di Assisi. F. 5 1 7 p. 4 pi. Bound with his II tempio di Ercole in Cori. 1828. Idee elementari di architettura civile per le scuole del disegno. Edizione 2<ia. . . . Milano, 1829. F. 5 39+ 17+ [2] p. 24 pi. Bound with his II tempio di Ercole in Cori. 1828. Osservazioni ed aggiunte ai Principii di architettura civile di F. Milizia. . . . Milano, 1817. O. 10+219 p. Principi di architettura civile. 2da e d. Milano, 1847. 33 pi- Progetto sul foro che doveva eseguirsi in Milano. Milano, 18 ii (?). F. 6 24+ [2] pi. Le rovine de Veleia, misurate e disegnate. Milano, 1819-22. F. 5 2 pts. in I v. 19 pi. II tempio di Ercole in Cori. Edizione 2da. . . . Milano, 1828. F. 5 1 1 p. 5 pi. II tempio di Minerva in Assisi confrontato colle tavole di A. Pal- ladio. Edizione 2da. . . . Milano, 1828. F. 5 i6+[3] p. 10 pi. AC An8 AA An8 AH492 Ai 3 AR42 AR44 L992 AR72 Ai AH44 P 3 2 4 AH44 A52 AH 4 5 C8i2 AH 4 5 C8i2 AA An8i AA An8 AH 4 5 M599 AR 4 5 V54 AH 4 5 C8i2 AH 45 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 21 Antolini, Giovanni [Antonio], 1754-1841. II tempio di Minerva in Assisi confrontato colle tavole del Pal- AH45 ladio. 2da ed. Milano, 1828. F. 10 pi. C8i2 Bound with his II tempio di Ercole in Cori. 1828. Antonini, Carlo. Manuale di vari ornamenti componenti la serie de vasi antichi si AN2 di marmo che di bronzo esistenti in Roma e fuori . . . AnS Roma, 1821. F. 3 v. in i. 193 pi. Antonini, Carlo, editor. AA See Vignola, G. B. da. 1507-73. II Vignola illustrate. 1770. V685 Antwerp (Belgium) Academic d archeologie de Belgique. See Academic d archeologie de Belgique. Antwerp (Belgium) Exposition. 1885. Antwerpen und die weltausstellung, 1885, von R. Corneli. Deut- AO4 sche ausgabe von A. Liederwald und K. F. Pfau. AnS Leipzig, 1887. F. 4 322 p. ill. I por. Anzeiger fur schweizerische alterthumskun.de. 1869-91. AB Zurich, 1869-. O- ill- v - l ~6- Title-page in German and French. Continuation of Anzeiger fur schweizerische geschichte und alterthumskunde. Anzeiger fiir schweizerische geschichte. 1870-89. AB Bern, 1873-89. O. ill. v. 1-5. Vols. 2-4 published at Solothurn. Continuation of Anzeiger fur schweizerische geschichte und alterthumskunde. Anzeiger fur schweizerische geschichte und alterthums- AB kunde. 1855-68. Zurich, 1860-68. O. ill. 3 v. An9 Continued by Anzeiger ftir schweizerische alterthumskunde ,1869-91, and Anzeiger fur schweizerische geschichte, 1870-89. Title-page in German and French. Appell, J[ohann] W[ilhelm]. 1829-. Monuments of early Christian art; sculptures and catacomb AO paintings... London, 1872. O. [4] +68 p. ill. Ap4 Appell, J[ohann] W[ilhelm], 1829-, editor. See [Colon na, Francesco. i449(?)-i527]. Dream of Poliphilus; AX fac-similes of woodcuts in the " Hypnerotomachia Poliphili," Cfi Venice, 1499, with descriptions by J. W. Appell. 1889. Apprentices library (New York city). See New York (city) Apprentices library. Apuzzo, Nicola d . Investigazioni preliminari per la scienza dell architettura civile. AA Napoli, 1844. O. 8 + 272 p. Ap9 2* 22 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Aquino, Carlo d . 1654-1737. Sacra exequialia in funere Jacobi II, Magnae Bntanmae regis, ex- AW2 hibita ... in templo . . . sancti Laurentii in Lucina. Aq5 Romae, 1702. F. 43 p. 19 pi. Arabesques antiques des bains de Livie et de la Villa AK Adriana. No place, 1785. F. 6 14 pi. An Arbois de Jubainville, [Marie Henri] d . 1827-. Repertoire archeologique de Departement de 1 Aube . . . AR44 Paris, 1 86 1. Q. 146 p. Aui$ Published by Ministere de 1 instruction publique. Archseologia ; or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to an- AB tiquity. London, 1770-. Q. & Sq. F. ill. v. 1-53. Ar2 Published by the Society of antiquaries of London. Index, v. 1-50. London, 1809-89. Q. & Sq. F. 3 v. Archaeologia Cantiana. See Kent archaeological society. Archaeologia Scotica. See Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ire= land. Catalogue of antiquities, works of art and historical Scottish relics, AR4I exhibited in the museum during their annual meeting held in Ai Edinburgh, July, 1856 . . . [compiled by A. Way]. Edinburgh, 1859. O. 33 + 233 p. ill. 4 por. 31 pi. Memoirs illustrative of ... Norfolk and the city of Norwich, com- AR42 municated to the annual meeting held at Norwich, July, 1847, w ^ ^83 a ... report of the proceedings . . . London, 1851. O. [8J + 56+224 p. ill. 34 pi. Old London; papers read at the London congress, July, 1 866. AH42 London, 1867. O. 11+376 p. ill. I por. L894 Archaologischer anzeiger. AB Berlin, 1849-67. O. 19 v. Nos. 1-228. Ar23 Forms part of Archaologische zeitung, v. 7-25, the other part being Denkmaler, for- schungen und berichte. Archaologische zeitung. AB Berlin, 1843-85. Q. ill. 43 v. in 14. Ar23 Edited by E. Gerhard. Vols. 5-6 also known as New ser. v. 1-2, and v. 26-33 as New ser - v - J -8 ; v. 7-25 are made up of two parts, (i) Denkmaler, forschungen und berichte, v. 1-19, and (2) Archaologischer anzeiger, v. 1-19. Register. Berlin, 1886. O. 6+[2]+38o p. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 23 Archer, James Henry Lawrence. Orders of chivalry, from the original statutes of the various orders AX of knighthood, and other sources of information. Ar2 London, 1887. F. 28+[i]+355 p. 66 pi. Archer, John Wykeham. i8o8(?)-64. Vestiges of old London . . . etchings from original drawings, illus- AH42 trative of the monuments and architecture of London, in the first, L876 fourth, twelfth, and six succeeding centuries, with descriptions . . . London, 1851. F. 4 Various paging. 37 pi. Architecture canonica. AE See Philecclesius Ignotus, pseudonym. P53 Architectura ecclesiastica Londini. AH42 See Booth, John. L893 Architectural association of London. Visit to the domed churches of Charente, France, in ... 1875; AH42 published as a memorial to Edmund Sharpe . . . 37 [London, 1880 (?).] Sq. F. [3] + 19+48 p. 60 pi. Architectural association sketch book. AB London, 1867-78. Sq. F. 5 & F. 6 ill. v. i-ii in 7. Ar27 Architectural institute of Scotland. AC Transactions. Edinburgh, 1851-52. O. v. 1-2. 25 pi. Ar24 Architectural league of New York. See New York (city) Architectural league. Architectural magazine and journal of improvement in architecture, building and furnishing. AB London, 1834-38. O. ill. 5 v. Ar22 Edited by J. C. Loudon. Architectural notices of the churches of the archdeaconry of Northampton. AH42 See Parker, John Henry. 1806-84. N8i2 Architectural precedents, with notes and observations . . . edited by an architect . . . AI London, 1840. O. 76+32+118 p. 23 pi. Ar2 Architectural publication society, compiler. Dictionary of architecture. AA London, 1853-92. F. 4 8 v. in 5. ill. 223 pi. Ar2i Contents, v. i, A-C ; v. 2-3, D-H ; v. 4-5, I-M ; v. 6, N-Q ; v. 7-8, R-Z. Architectural publication society, publisher. Detached essays and illustrations . . . AA London, 1853. F. 4 Various paging, ill. 28 pi. Ar2ii 24 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Architectural record ; published quarterly, with illustra- AB . tions. New York [1891-93]. O. 2 v. ill.pl. Ar38 Architectural sketch book. AB Boston, 1874-76. Sq. F. 4 v. 1-4. Ar32 Edited by Portfolio club (Boston). Architectural studies. AA New York, 1885-91. Q. 10 pts. in 2 v. 120 pi. Ar23 Architecture and building. AB New York, 1883-. Sq. F. & F. ill. v. 2-19. Ar2$ Vols. i-u have title " Building." L/ architecture des nations etrangeres ... a 1 Exposition. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1867. Architecture fran9ais; plans, coupes et profils de palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons particulieres de la ville de Paris et AH44 de ses environs ... F. 5 86 pi. A 14 Collection of 86 plates, with manuscript title-page. Architecture francoise ; ou, Recueil des plans . . . des maisons royales, de quelques eglises de Paris et de chateaux et AH44 maisons de plaisance . . . de France . . . Paris, 1738. F. 6 82 pi. A28 Published by P. J. Mariette. L architecture francoise. AH44 See [Marot, Jean, i63o(?)~97(?), and Marot, Daniel, i66o(?)-]. Ai5 L architecture; journal hebdomadaire de la Socie te cen- AB trale des architectes francais. Paris, 1888-. Sq. F. 4 ill. v. 1-6. Ar26 L architecture militaire. AE7 See Fritach, Adam. Architecture moderne. AA See [Briseux, Charles Etienne. i68o(?)-i754]. 6771 Architecture, peinture et sculpture de la maison de ville AH492 d Amsterdam . . . Amsterdam, 1719. F. 5 22 p. 109 pi. Am8 Architekten- und ingenieur-verein fiir Niederrhein und Westfalen. AC Notizblatt. Coin, 1876-77. F. ill. v. 1-2 in I. Ar25 Edited by C. Jtittner. Architekten- und ingenieur-verein fiir Niederrhein und Westfalen, editor. See [Knaus, L.] Kolner thorburgen und befestigungen 1180- AH4S 1882. [Pref. 1884]. 073 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 25 Architektonische bilderbogen. 1886-92 in 2 v. AB Berlin, 1886-92. F. 6 ill. Arsi Edited by W. Wicke. Architektonische rundschau. AB Stuttgart, 1885-93. F. 4 ill. v. 1-9. Ar28 Edited by L. Eisenlohr and C. Weigle. Architektonisches skizzen-buch . . . AB Berlin, 1855-86. F. 4 1206 pi. pt. 1-201. Ar24 Parts 1-29, 2d edition, 1855-57. Die architektur der Hannoverschen schule; moderne AB werke der baukunst und des kunstgewerbes in mittelalterlichem stil. Ar35 Hannover-Linden, 1889-. F. ill. v. 1-4. Edited by G. SchGnermark. Die architektur und das kunstgewerbe des XVII. und XVIII. jahrhunderts; hrsg. von R. Dohme and C. Gurlitt. Berlin, 1888-89. F. 5 2 v. pi. GURLITT, C. 1850-. Das barock- und rococo-ornament Deutschlands. 1889. GURLITT, C. 1850-, editor. Mobel deutscher fiirstensitze. 1888. Architektur=studien ; aufnahmen und entwiirfe hrsg. AB vom Akademischen architekten verein an der Technischen hoch- Ar36 schule zu Miinchen. Miinchen, 1887-. F. pt. 1-34. ill. Architektur=studien; zur verstandigung. AA Homburg v. d. hohe, 1878. O. 26 p. Ar22 Archiv fiir die zeichnenden ktinste, mit besonderer be- ziehung auf kupferstecher- und holzschneide-kunst und ihre ge- AB schichte . . . Leipzig, 1855-70. O. ill. 16 v. in 7. Ar3 Edited by R. Naumann. Archiv iur Frankfurts geschichte und kunst. [1839-89.] Frankfurt am Main, 1858-89. Q. ill. 2 v.; new ser. II v. in 5; AB 3d ser. v. 1-2 in I. Ar29 Edited by Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde, Frankfort on the Main (Ger.). Archiv fiir ornamental kunst . . . redig. von M. Gropius; AB mit . . . text von L. Lohde. Berlin, 1876-79. F. 12 pts. pi. Ar37 Archives annuelles de la Normandie. AB Caen, 1824-26. O. ill. 2 v. in I. Ar34 Edited by L. Du Bois. Archives de 1 art frangais. Paris, 1851-60. O. 12 v. in 6. Vols. I, 3, 5, 7, 9, ii. CHENNEVIERES-POINTEL, C. P., marquis de. 1820-. Archives de 1 art frangais. 1851-60. v. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. MARIETTE, P. J. 1694-1774. Abecedario. 1851-60. Les archives de la France pendant la revolution. AR44 See [Laborde, L. E. S. J., marquis de. 1807-69]. A 3 26 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires; choix de AB rapports et instructions pub. sous les auspices du Ministere de Ar2i 1 instruction publique et des cultes. Paris, 1850-. O. ser. I, 8 v. ser. 2, 7 v. ser. 3, v. 1-14. From 1859-63 the publication was discontinued. Archives municipales de Bordeaux. AH44 Bordeaux, 1874. Q. ill. pi. 6641 Extra v. DROUYN, F. J. L. 1816-. Bordeaux vers 1450. 1874. Archivio storico dell arte. Roma, 1889-93. F. ill. v. 1-6. AB Ar33 Edited by D. Gnoli. Arclais de Montamy, Didier Francois d . 1702-65. See Montamy, Didier Francois d Arclais de. 1702-65. Arco, Carlo d . 1799-1872. Delle arti e degli artefici di Mantova . . . AO Mantova, 1857. F. 2. v. in I. 59 pi. 2 facsim. Ar2i Arco di Costantino. [Rome] 1807. Q. [3] p. 9 pi. AK L89 Bound with Losi, C. Ornamenti d architettura. 1773. Arendt, K. Das monumentale Trier von der Romerzeit bis auf unsere tage . . . AH43 Luxemburg, 1892. F. B [6] +43+ [5] p. 13 pi. T722 [Aretin, Karl Maria, freiherr von. 1796-1868.] Alterthiimer und kunstdenkmale des bayerischen herrscher- AR43 hauses . . . [Anon.]. A5 Miinchen, 1854-71. F. 6 Unpaged, ill. 54 pi. i tab. Argnani, Federigo. Le ceramiche e maioliche faentine della loro origine fino al principio AN2 del secolo 16 . . . Faenza, 1889. Q. 12+83 p. 20 pi. Ar3 Armaille, comte d . Catalogue des objets d art et de . . . ameublement . . . marbres, AO2 bronzes, orfevrerie, tableaux, dessins, tapisseries composant . . . Ar5 [sa] collection . . . et dont la vente aura lieu ... 5 et 6 juin 1 8 90 ... [Paris, 1890.] F. 55 p. 17 pi. Armellini, Mariano. II cimitero di S. Agnese sulla Via Nomentana descritto ed illus- AR45 tra to. Roma, 1880. O. 8+424 p. ill. 16 pi. R68i Armengaud, Charles, 1813-, Armengaud, J. E., the elder, 1810-, and Amouroux, Jules. AL2 Nouveau cours raisonne de dessin industriel. 1 848. Ar5 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 27 Armengaud, [Jacques Eugene], the elder, 1810-, Ar- mengaud, [Charles], 1813-, and Amouroux, [Jules]. Nouveau cours raisonne de dessin industriel applique ... a la AL2 mecanique et a 1 architecture . . . Paris, 1848. Q. 360 p. Ar$ La armeria real. See Jubinal, M. L. A. 1810-75. J8; Les armes et I armurerie a travers les siecles. AN5 See [Marquis, Raoul. 1863-]. Armitage, Edward. 1817-. Mural painting. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- AC actions. 1877-78, p. 254-264.) R8i Armstrong, John, bp. 1813-56. A paper on monuments. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. AC Transactions. 1844. v - 2 > P- I-I 4-) Armstrong, Robert, civil engineer. Chimneys for furnaces, fireplaces and steam boilers. 2d Amer. Ai ed. . . . [with] an essay on high chimneys by L. Pinzger. Ar5 New York, 1883. T. 104 p. I pi. (Van Nostrand s science ser. v. I.) Armstrong, Walter. 1850-. The Thames from its rise to the Nore. AH42 London, no date. Sq. F. 2 v. ill. 13 pi. 2 maps. T327 Arnaldi, Enea, conte. 1716-. Delle basiliche antiche e specialmente di quella di Vicenza. AH45 Vicenza, 1767. Q. 135 p. 8 pi. V662 Portrait of Andrea Palladio inserted. Idea di un teatro nelle principali sue parti simile a teatri antichi, all AE4 uso moderno accommodato. Vicenza, 1762. Q. 32+8i + 58p. 6 pi. Ar6 Arnaud, A [nne] Ffrancois]. 1787-1846. Voyage archeologique . . . dans le Departement de 1 Aube et dans AR44 1 ancien diocese de Troyes . . . Troyes, 1837. Sq. F. 243 p. 121 pi. Aui Arnaud, C. P. Recueil de tombeaux des quatre cimetieres de Paris, avec leurs AE8 epitaphes et leurs inscriptions. Paris, 1817-25. O. 2 v. 100 pi. Ar6 Arndt, Paul. AN2 Studien zur vasenkunde. Leipzig, 1887. O. 9+ 170 p. Ar6 Arneth, Joseph [Calasanza], ritter von. 1791-1863. Die antiken gold- und silber-monumente des k. k. miinz- und AM4 antiken-cabinettes in Wien. Wien, 1850. F. 6 87-f[6] p. 41 pi- (In Ar6 his Monumente des k. k. miinz- und antiken-cabinettes in Wien.) 28 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Arneth, Joseph [Calasanza], ritter von. 1791-1863. Die cinque-cento-cameen und arbeiten des Benvenuto Cellini und AN6 seiner zeitgenossen im k. k. miinz- und antiken-cabinette zu Ar6 Wien. Wien, 1858. F. 6 io+i32 + [2] p. 22 pi. (In his Monu- mente des k. k. miinz- und antiken-cabinettes in Wien.) Monumente des k. k. miinz- und antiken-cabinettes in Wien. Wien, 1850-58. F. 6 2 v. pi. Contents : Die antiken gold- und silber monumente. 1850. Die cinque-cento-cameen. 1858. Arnold, Bernhard. 1838-. Das altromische theatergebaude; eine studie. AE4 Leipzig, 1873. Q. 24 p. i pi. Ar63 Arnold, C. D. Studies in architecture at home and abroad. AA New York [c. 1888]. Sq. F. 20 pi. Ar6 Arnold, Rev. Frederick Henry, editor. See Spershott, Rev. James. 1709-89. Memoirs of Chichester. AC (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 29, p. 219-231; Su8 v. 30, p. 147-160.) Arnold, Friedrich, architect. Der herzogliche palast von Urbino . . . mit erlauterndem texte. AH45 Leipzig, 1857. Sq. F. 7 [10] p. 50 pi. Uri Arnswald, B. von. See Schwind, Moritz von. 1804-71. Die wandgemalde des land- AH43 grafensaales auf der Wartburg . . . text von B. von Arnswald. W26 1885. Arphe y Villafane, Juan de. 1535-. Varia commensuracion para la escultura y arquitectura . . . 7* AA impresion . . . Madrid, 1795. F. 12+298 p. ill. Ar63 Art de la verrerie. AN3 See Neri, Antonio. i6th cent. N35 Art journal; illustrated catalogue: The industry of all AO nations, 1851. London [1851]. Sq. F. 26+328+^62] p. ill. Ar7 The Exhibition of art-industry in Dublin, 1853. AO [London, 1853]. Sq. F. 8+64 p. ill. 16 pi. Ar7i The Exhibition of art-industry in Paris, 1855. AO [London, 1855]. Sq. F. 20+46 p. ill. Ar7i Art of building in ancient and modern times ; or, Archi tecture illustrated. AA New York, 1856. Q. 10+220+9 p. and Atlas. Ob. O. 60 pi. Ar7 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 29 L art ornemental ; revue hebdomadaire illustree. AB Paris, 1883-86. Sq. F. 4 ill. 4 v. in I. Ar7i Edited by A. A. d Echerac. L art pour tous; encyclopedic de 1 art industriel et decoratif. AB Paris, 1861-93. F. 6 ill. v. 1-32. Ar7 Art-studies from nature as applied to design ... in four papers by F. E. Hulme, J. Glaisher, S. J. Mackie, R. Hunt. AK London, 1872. O. !2+[i]+2i2 p. ill. Ar7 Artaria, F[erdinando]. Description de la cathedrale de Milan . . . AH 4 5 Milan, 1823. F. 14+190 p. 65 pi. M596 II duomodi Milano: Descrizione. . . diquesto insigne tempioedegli AH45 oggetti d arte che lo adornano. Milano, 1831. Q. 9+117 p. 62 pi. M598 Artaud de Montor, Alexis Francois. 1772-1849. Viaggio nelle catacombe di Roma di Un membro dell Accademia AR45 di Cortona; con note ed una Memoria sugli scrittore delle cata- R688i combe di G. B. L. G. Seroux d Agincourt. i a trad, dal francese [del prof. A. Levati. Anon.]. Milano, 1835. S. 8+312 p. Voyage dans les catacombes de Rome . . . Paris, 1810. O. AR45 R688 Arte italiana decorativa ed industriale. Anno primo. [Venezia] 1890-91. F. 5 117 p. ill. S2+[2] pi. 72 details, 22 AO covers. Ar72 Arter, J. Sammlung Ziircher scher alterthiimer nach ueberresten in bau- AR494 kunst und frescomalerei. Zurich, 1853. F. 4 66 pi. Z8 Artistic houses ; a series of interior views of ... homes in the United States, with a description of art treasures contained AH73 therein. New York, 1883-84. F. 2 v. in 4 pts. 203 pi. A 14 No. 271 of 500 copies printed. Artistic one-story houses . . . New York, 1892. Q. 32 pi. AE2 Les arts du bois, des tissus et du papier. AO4 See Union centrale des arts decoratifs Exposition. 1882. Un3 Les arts du feu. AN2 See Wyzewa, T. de. Dessins et modeles; les arts du feu. W99 Les arts du metal. AM4 See Molinier, C. L. M. E. 1857-. Dessins et modeles . . . M73 Les arts du moyen age. AO See Du Sommerard, Alexandra. 1779-1842. Dg4 3 o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Arundel society. [Publications. London, 1854-82.] Q. F. 4 F. 6 1 1 v. ill. pi. COLE, H. H. Architecture of ancient Delhi. 1872. EXAMPLES of art workmanship : Decorative furniture, French. 1871. - Decorative furniture, English, Italian, German, Flemish, etc. 1871. FoWKE, F. R. Bayeux tapestry. 1875. JOYCE, Rev. J. G. -1878. Fairford windows. 1872. KITCHIN, G. W. 1827-. Life of Pope Pius II. 1881. RUSKIN, J. 1819-. Giotto and his works in Padua. 1854. SCHARF, G. 1820-. Description of the Wilton house diptych. 1882. SIENA (Italy) Piccolomini library. Engravings from the frescoes in the library. 1881. SOUTH KENSINGTON (Eng.) MUSEUM. Examples of art workmanship. 1868. WYATT, Sir M. D. 1820-77. Notices of sculpture in ivory. 1856. Ashbee, C[harles] R[obert]. A short history of the Guild & school of handicraft. (In Guild AN6 & school of handicraft Transactions, v. I, p. 17-31.) ill. G94 Ashbee, C[harles] R[obert], editor. AN6 See Guild & school of handicraft. Transactions, v. i. 1890. Ashbee, Edmund William, editor. See Smith, William. I55o(?)-i6i8. Particular description of AH42 England, 1588. 1879. A99 Ashmolean museum. See Oxford (Eng.) university Ashmolean museum. Ashpitel, Arthur. 1807-69. AB The city of Cumae and the recent excavations there. (In Archse- Ar2 ologia. v. 37, p. 316-334. I pi.) On choirs and chancels, particularly as to their use in the south of AB Europe. (In Archaeologia. v. 37, p. 122-133. l pi-) Treatise on architecture, including the arts of construction, building, AA stone-masonry . . . and strength of materials. As3 London, 1867. Q. 53 pi. Ashpitel, Arthur, 1807-69, and Whichcord, John. Town dwellings; an essay on the erection of fire-proof houses in AE2 flats. London, 1855. Q. 40 p. 8 pi. As3 Ashton, Henry, 1801-72, editor. See Wyatville, Sir Jeffrey. 1766-1840. Illustrations of Wind- AH42 sor castle. 1841. W724I Ashworth, Edward. English church architecture in its several periods. (In Exeter AC diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1856-61. v. 5, p. Ex3 169-183; v. 6, p. i-io.) AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ash worth, Edward. Holy wells. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Trans- actions. 1892. v. n, p. 141-153. pi.) On the woodwork of Exeter cathedral. (In Exeter diocesan ar- chitectural society. Transactions. 1853. v. 4, p. 323-331. pi. 21-22.) Aspland, Alfred, editor. See Burgmair, Hans. 1473-1531 (?). Maximilian I. 1873-75. Triumph of the Emperor Assas, Manuel de. Album artistico de Toledo . . . [Madrid] 1848. F. 5 Unpaged. 50 pi. El Alcazar de Toledo. Madrid, 1878. F. 8 [s]+8 p. 2 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Antigua sinagoga, hoy Iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca ; y Brocal de un aljibe de la mezquita aljama toledana. Madrid, 1878. F. 8 [3] + 7 P- iM- 2 P^ (I n Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Capilla de Santiago en Santa Maria, Alcala de Henares. Madrid, 1878. F. 8 [3]+8 p. ill. 2 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Iglesia arcedianal de Santiago en Villena. Madrid, 1878. F. 8 [3]+ 1 5 P ill- l pl- (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Monasterio de Fres del Val. Madrid, 1878. F. 8 [3]+ 12 p. ill. i pl. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Monumentos del estilo ojival: La Cartuja de Miraflores, junto a Burgos. Madrid, 1880. F. 8 30 p. 2 pl. (In Monumentos ar- quitectonicos de Espana.) Salon de la Casa de Mesa. Madrid, 1878. F. 8 [3] +4 p. ill. 3 pl. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) These contributions to Monumentos arquitec. de Espana have the text in Spanish and French in parallel columns. Assas y Ereno, Manuel de, and Rios, Jose Amador de los, 1818-78. Monumentos del estilo ojival: El Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes. 1877. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Asselineau, [Leon Auguste]. 1808- Meubles et objets divers du moyen age et de la renaissance, des- sines d apres nature et lithographies. [Paris, i854(?).] F. 5 2 v. 186 pl. AC Ex3 AC Ex3 AW2 691 AH46 AH46 A 13 AH46 Ai3 AH46 Ai3 AH46 A 13 AH46 Ai3 AH46 Ai3 AH46 A 13 AH46 Ai3 ANi As7 3 2 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Asselineau, [Leon Auguste], 1808- illustrator. See Ramee, Daniel. 1806-87. Meubles religieux et civils. 1864. ANi Ri4 See Ramee, Daniel. 1806-87. Sculptures decoratives. 1864. AK Ri4 Assier, Alexandra. 1821- Les arts et les artistes dans 1 ancienne capitale de la Champagne, AO 1250-1680 . . . Paris, 1876. D. 131 p. (Bibliotheque de 1 ama- As7 teur champenois.) Assmann, . Bau-ordnungen fur stadt- und landgemeinden. (In Zeitschrift fur AB bauwesen. v. 26, p. 85-134.) Associated architectural societies. Proceedings . . . of the Bedfordshire architectural and archaeological society. 1848. Bedford, 1848. O. Reports and papers ... of the societies of the diocese of Lincoln, county of York, archdeaconries of Northampton and Oakham, county of Bedford, diocese of Worcester and county of Leicester. London, 1850-. O. ill. v. 1-18. From v. 3 1 pub. at Lincoln. Title-page varies slightly from year to year with the societies belonging to the association. Associated arts institute (London). AC Papers, 1869-70. London, 1870. O. I v. As7i Edited by F. S. Potter. Association pour I avancement des sciences; Session de 1882. See [Bourricaud, Antoinej. Aster, Qeorg. Architektonische reise-skizzen aus Italien. AH45 Dresden, 1880. F. 65 pi. A39 Astle, Thomas. 1735-1 803. Observations on stone pillars, crosses and crucifixes. AP London, 1800. Q. 15 p. 3 pi. As8 Atkinson, Charles, and Atkinson, T. W., 1799-1861. AD6 Gothic ornaments. 1829. At5 Atkinson, Joseph Beavington. AB Architecture as a decorative art. (In Fine arts quarterly review. F49 v. i, p. 349-371. 2 pi.) An art tour to northern capitals of Europe. AD London, 1873. O. 12+455 P- At 5 The church of St. Francis, Assisi. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1874-75, p. 185-198.) R8i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 33 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam, 1799-1861, and Atkinson, Charles. Gothic ornaments, selected from the different cathedrals and AD6 churches in England. London, 1829. F. 5 48 pi. At$ Atkyns, Sir Robert. 1647-1711. The ancient and present state of Glostershire. AR42 London, 1712. F. 5 [9] + 859+[6] p. I por. 73 pi. map. G$i Atlas de 1 archeologie du nord. See Copenhagen (Denmark) Kongelige nordiske oldskrift sels= AR489 kab, editor. Ai Die attribute der heiligen, alphabetisch geordnet. AO6 See [M M A. von.]. RII AE2 1836-. New York, 1883. D. ill. New York, 1876. O. 46 pi. AE2 Atwood, Daniel T[opping]. Country and suburban homes. Modern American homesteads. Atz, Karl, editor. See Der Kunstfreund. 1885- Auber, Charles Auguste, abbe. 1804-. Considerations generates sur 1 histoire du symbolisme chretien . . . (In Bulletin monumental, v. 23, p. 81-109.) Histoire de la cathedrale de Poitiers . . . Poitiers, 1849. O. 2 v - I2 pi- Title-page calls for 30 plates. Histoire et theorie du symbolisme religieux avant et depuis le christianisme . . . Paris, 1871-84 [v. I, 84]. O. 4 v. Instructions sur la restauration, 1 entretien et la decoration des eglises. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 17, p. 5-43, 81-109.) Sur des sculptures symboliques des lie et I2e siecles. (In Bul letin monumental, v. 38, p. 53-86.) Des verrieres peintes et de quelques amateurs qui en devisent. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 24, p. 524-536.) Aubert, Edouard. 1814- Tresor de 1 abbaye de Saint-Maurice d Agaune. Paris, 1872. Sq. F. 4 2 v. in I. 45 pi. La vallee d Aoste. Paris, 1860. F. [6] +279 p. ill. 39 pi. map. Audollent, Auguste. Mission epigraphique en Algerie de A. et J. Letaille, oct. 1 889 et fev. 1890. (In Melanges d archeologie et d hist 1890. p. 397-588.) AB K96 AB 687 AH44 P 75 i AX Aui AB 687 AB B87 AB 687 AH494 Sa2 AH 4 5 AB M48 34 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Audot, L[ouis] E[ustache]. 1783-1870. Traite de la composition et de I ornement des jardins . . . 6eme AN8 eU Paris, 1859. Ob. D. 2 v. ill. 168 pi. Au2 Audran, Gerard. 1640-1703. Von den verhaltnissen des menschlichen korpers nach den be- AA riihmtesten anticken statuen abgemessen. (In Sandrart, Joachim Sa$ von. Teutsche academic der baubildhauer- und maler-kunst. 1768-75. v. 4 2 , p. 119-130. 30 pi.) Audsley, George Ashdown. 1838-. The art of chromolithography popularly explained, and illustrated AX by 44 plates showing separate impressions of all the stones em- Au2i ployed, and all the progressive printings in combination . . . New York [London, printed], 1883. F. 5 [6] + 24 p. 44 pi. Descriptive catalogue of art works in Japanese lacquer . . . collec- AO tion . . . of James L. Bowes. [London] 1875. Sq. O. [4] + 95 p. Au2i (Liverpool Art Club: Summer exhibition, 1875.) Introduction on the art of Japanese lacquer work. Liverpool Art Club : Catalogue of loan collection of fans, exhib- AO ited . . . 1877. [Liverpool, 1877.] Sq. O. 17 + 27 p. Au2i Introduction on Fans. Matters, chiefly architectural, relating to the accommodation of the organ in churches and other buildings. [London, 1889.] O. [34] p. From Proceedings of the Musical Association. 1888-89. Ornamental arts of Japan. AO London, 1882-84. F. 5 2 v. ill. 107 pi. Au2 Stranger s handbook to Chester, Eaton Hall and Hawarden cas- AH42 ties, and vicinity . . . Chester [1891]. D. [4]+6+i85 p. ill. 5 pi. 0423 map. Audsley, George Ashdown, 1838- and Audsley, W. J., AE2 1833- Cottage, lodge and villa architecture. [1872.] Au2 Guide to the art of illuminating and missal painting. 1862. AK Handbook of Christian symbolism. [1865.] AX Au2 Outlines of ornament in the leading styles, selected from ancient AK and modern works. 1881. Au2 La peinture murale decorative. 1881. AK Au22 Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval AK styles. 1882. Au2i COLUMBIA COLLEGE Audsley, George Ashdown, 1838- and Bowes, J. L. Keramic art of Japan. Liverpool, 1875. F. 5 2 v. ill. 67 pi. Audsley,W[illiam James], 1833-, and Audsley, Q. [A.] 1838-. Cottage, lodge and villa architecture. London [1872]. Q. [4] + 58+[i2i] p. ill. 151 pi. Guide to the art of illuminating and missal painting. 3d ed. London, 1862. D. 72 p. ill. 8 pi. Handbook of Christian symbolism. London [pref. 1865]. Sq. O. 10+145 P- iN- 8 pi- Outlines of ornament in the leading styles, selected from . . . ancient and modern works . . . London, 1 88 1. F. 5 [5]+l4+[l] p. ill. 60 pi. La peinture murale decorative dans le style du moyen age . . . Paris, 1 88 1. F. 5 8+32+[6s] p. 36 pi. Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles... London, 1882. F. 5 [7] + 32+[65] p. 36 pi. Auer, Hans. See Null, Eduard van der, 1812-68, and Siccard von Siccards- burg, August von. 1813-68. Das k. k. hof-opernhaus in Wien . . . text von H. Auer. 1885. (In Wiener monumental- bauten. 1885. v. I.) See Wielemans, Alexander von. 1843-. Der k. k. justiz-palast in Wien . . . text von H. Auer. 1885. (In Wiener monumental- bauten. 1885. v. 2.) Aufauvre, [Pierre] Amedee, 1818-64, and Fichot, [M.] C. Les monuments de Seine-et-Marne ; description historique et archeologique et reproduction des edifices religieux, militaires et civils du departement. Paris, 1858. F. 5 208 p. 99 pi. map. Aufleger, Otto. Altare und skulpturen des miinsters zu Salem. Miinchen, 1892. F. 5 [4] p. 20 pi. (In Siiddeutsche architektur und ornamentik im 1 8. jahrhundert. 1892. v. 6.) Innen-decorationen des koniglichen lustschlosses Schleissheim, mit . . . einleitung von J. Mayerhofer. Miinchen, 1891. F. 5 4 p. 30 pi. (In Siiddeutsche architektur und ornamentik im 18. jahr hundert. 1891. v. 5.) Die klosterkirche in Ottobeuren. Ser. i; 3. ausg. ; Ser. 2. Miinchen, 1891-92 [ser. i, 92]. F. 5 2 ser. 55 pi. (In Siiddeutsche archi- tektur und ornamentik im 1 8. jahrhundert. 1891. v. 1-2.) AN2 Au2 AE2 Au2 AK Au23 AX AK Au2 AK Au22 AK Au2i AH436 V679 AH436 V679 AH44 Se4 AH43 AH43 A4I AH43 A4I 3 6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Aufieger, Otto. Miinchener architektur des 18. jahrhunderts, mit . . . einleitung AH43 von K. Trautmann. Munchen, 1892. F. 5 [8] p. 60 pi. (In A4i Suddeutsche architektur und ornamentik im 18. jahrhundert. 1892. v. 3-4.) Die reichen zimmer der konigl. residenz in Munchen, mit . . . ein- AH43 leitung von K. Trautmann. Munchen, 1893. F. 5 12 p. 60 pi. A4i (In Suddeutsche architektur und ornamentik im 18. jahrhundert. 1893. v. 7-8.) Augsburg (Ger.) Schwabische kreisausstellung. 1886. Meisterwerke schwabischer kunst aus der kunsthistorischen abthei- AO4 lung der kreisausstellung, hrsg. von [E. von Huber, A. F. Butsch, Au4 L. Leybold]. Munchen, 1886. F. [6] p. 33 pi. Auguin, fidouard. Monographic de la cathedrale de Nancy, depuis sa fondation AH44 jusqu a 1 epoque actuelle. Ni5 Nancy, 1882. Sq. F. 4 i6+42O+[3] p. 20 pi. L augusta ducale basilica dell evangelista San Marco nell inclita dominante di Venezia . . . AH45 Venezia, 1761. F. 8 [6] +64 p. 1 1 pi. V"55 Augustinus, Anton. 1516-86. See Agustin, Antonio. 1516-86. [Aumale, Henri Eugene Philippe Louis d Orleans, due d . 1822-.] Alesia; etude sur la septieme campagne de Cesar en Gaule. AX [Anon.] Paris, 1858. O. 88 p. map. Au5 Description sommaire des objets d art faisant partie . . . [de ses] AO2 collections, exposes pour la visite du Fine arts club, le 21 mai, Au5 1862. [London, 1862.] Sq. O. [3] + 83 p. Aumont, Louis Marie Augustin, due d . 1709-82. Le cabinet du Due d Aumont et les amateurs de son temps . . . AO2 accompagne . . . d une notice sur Pierre Gouthiere . . . par le Au52 Baron C. Davillier . . . Paris, 1870. O. 32 + 203 p. 32 pi. No. 24 of 316 copies printed. Aungier, George James. History and antiquities of Syon monastery, the parish of Isle- AH42 worth and the chapelry of Hounslow . . . Sy7 [London] 1840. O. 15 + [2] + 567 p. ill. 12 pi. map. I tab. Aures, A[uguste]. 1806-. Etude des dimensions du grand temple de Paestum . . . AH45 Paris, 1869. Q. Pi3ii COLUMBIA COLLEGE 37 Aus dem Hamburger freihafen-gebiet . . . AH43 Hamburg, 1888. F. 11 pi. Hi;5 Ausfiihrliche und grundrichtige beschreibung des konig- reichs Franckreich . . . AH42 Franckfurt, 1690. Nar. T. 8+iO95 + [i6] p. 113 pi. Aii4 Austin, Henry, translator. See Schayes, A. Q. B. 1808-59. Treatise on the pointed style of A A architecture in Belgium. (In Quarterly papers on architecture. Q2 1844-45. v. i, 74 p. 3 pi. v. 2, 48 p. v. 3, 29 p.) Austria Centralcomtnission zur erforschung und erhaltung der baudenkmale. Mittheilungen. Wien, 1856-90. Q. ill. 20 v.; newser. v. 1-16. AC Au7 Edited by Karl Weiss. Austria Kaiserliche konigl. central commission zur erforschung und erhaltung der baudenmale. See Austria Centralcom mission zur erforschung und erhal= tung der baudenkmale. Auvray, Louis. 1810-90, continuator. See Bellier de la Chavignerie, [J. B.] 6. 1821-71. Dictionnaire AW general des artistes de 1 ecole francaise. 1882-87. 641 Avellino, Francesco Maria. 1788-1850. Descrizione di una casa Pompejana con capitelli figurati all AR45 ingresso. Napoli, 1837. Q- 83 P- IO P^ Avenarius, Tony. Historischer festzug veranstaltet bei der feier der vollendung des AW2 Kolner domes am 16. Oct. 1880. Av3 Hamburg [1880]. Ob. F. 5 23 p. 30 pi. Explanations of the plates in English. Avenarius, Tony, illustrator. See Weerth, Ernst aus m. Der mosaikboden in St. Gereon zu AH43 Coin. 1872-73. 0715 Averlino, Antonio. i4io(?)-i4/o(?). See Filarete, Antonio Averlino, called. I4io(?)-i47o(?). Avery, Henry Ogden. 1852-90. Collection of 66 photographs of buildings in England and AH42 Paris. Q. A79 Mounted in scrap-book of 50 pages. Collection of 368 photographs of buildings, monuments and archi- AA tectural designs. F. 4 Av2 Mounted in a scrap-book. 3* 3 8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Avery, Henry Ogden. 1852-90. Collection of 29 photographs of public buildings in Paris. AH44 Sq. F. 4 29 pi. P2/9 Designs and plans for dwellings, churches, stores and miscellaneous subjects, with competitive drawings for various public monu- AA ments. F. 6 Av33 Drawings for public monuments, including studies for the pedestal of Bartholdi s Statue of Liberty ; also competitive designs for the AA Grant monument, 1889. F. 6 Av34 Drawings made at the Ecole des beaux arts, Paris, including his first Projet in 1872, with other competitions and studies made while A A in Paris, 1872-79. F. 6 Av32 Engravings and photographs of original designs and erected works ; A A professional notes ; contributions to periodicals, etc. Q. Av3 Mounted in scrap-book. Notes and memoranda made while a student in Paris and during AA excursions in France, 1872-79. D. Av3i Paris school of fine arts. AH44 [New York, 1887.] O. 17 p. ill. I por. i pi. P275 Portrait of the author inserted. From Scribner s magazine 1887. v. 2, p. 387-403. Trip through the valley of the Loire. AH44 [New York, 1888.] O. [17] p. P275 Read before the N. Y. architectural league, Nov. 7, 1888. Proof-sheets from their monthly Proceedings. Bound with his Paris school of fine arts. Avery, Winslow Wright, 1836-, publisher. See Carter, Mrs. J. Q. [A.], 1838-, and Holmes, S. P., 1856-92, AW compilers. Genealogical record of the Dedham branch of the Av3i Avery family. 1893. Aviler, Augustin Charles d , 1653-1700, tr. and ed. See Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. GEuvres d architecture. A A 1713. Book 6. Sca5 See Vignola, Q. Barozzio da. 1507-73. Cours d architecture. AA 1693-94. 63 Avolio, Francesco di Paola. Dissertazione sopra la necessita ed utilita di ben conservarsi gli AR45 antichi monumenti di Siracusa. Palermo, 1806. O. 252 p. Sy8 [Avril, abbe.] Temples anciens et modernes; ou, Observations . . . sur les plus AE celebres monumens d architecture grecque et gothique, par M. L. M. Av8 Londres, 1774. O. 16+347+ [2] P- 7 P 1 - COLUMBIA COLLEGE 39 Ayzac, Felicie [Marie iSmilie] d . 1801-81. De la demonologie monumentale dans 1 art chretien du moyen- AB age. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 5.) R-324 Des signes de la main et de la dactylologie numerale dans 1 art AB chretien. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 13, p. 212-228, 298- R324 320, 440-464.) Du symbolisme du griffon dans 1 art chretien du moyen-age. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 4, p. 241-263.) 324 Etudes d archeologie mystique sur les maladies . . . et les dif- AB formites corporelles. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 17, p. 252 R324 263, 343-354J v. 1 8, p. 192-201.) Histoire de 1 abbaye de Saint-Denis en France. AH44 Paris, 1 860-6 1. O. 2 v. I pi. map. Sa24 L homme, etude d archeologie mystique. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v.i6, p. 93-1 14, 194-212.) R324 Iconographie du dragon. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 8, p. 75- AB 95, 169-194, 337-361.) R324 Memoire sur 32 statues symboliques, observees dans la partie AB haute des tourelles de Saint-Denys. (In Revue generale de 1 ar- R32I chitecture. v. 7. pi. 23-27.) Symbolique de 1 iconographie chretienne. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 7, p. 151-156, 206-215; v. 8, p. 206-216.) An7 Symbolisme de la deviation de 1 axe des eglises. (In Revue de AB 1 art chretien. v. 4, p. 590-604; v. 5, p. 29-47, 77-90.) 324 Symbolisme des pierres precieuses. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 5, p. 216-233.) An7 Zoologie mystique et monumentale au moyen-age. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 6-11, 18, 20, 22, 26, 29.) R-324 Contents : L agneau ; L ane ; L antilope ; La belette ; Le holier ; Le bouc ; La brebis ; Le castor ; Le cerf; Lechat; Le cheval; Lachevre; Le dauphin ; Le he"ris- son terrestre ; Lahyene; L onagre ; Le taureau. Baader, Josef. Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte Niirnbergs. (In Jahrbiicher fiir AB kunstwissenschaft 1868. v. I, p. 221-269; v. 2, p. 234-237.) JIQ Babeau, Albert [Arsene]. 1835-. Paris en 1789. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1892. Q. 368 p. P252 Babelon, Ernest [Charles Francois]. 1854-. Le cabinet des antiques a la Bibliotheque nationale, choix des AO4 principaux monuments de 1 antiquite, du moyen-age et de la Bn renaissance. . . Paris, 1887. F. 5 19+225 p. 60 pi. Babinet, Leon. Poitiers place forte; Les anciens remparts, portes et ponts; AR44 Chateau. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du ?75 Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 122-139. ill- pi-) Bacci, Andrea, fl. 1596. AE6 De thermis libri vii. Venetiis, 1588. F. 509 p. 32 pi. Bi2 Bach, Max. 1841- Architektur-skizzen aus Niirnberg; malerische radirungen. AH43 Niirnberg, 1870. Q. 30 pi. in portfolio. N939 Bachelier, [Jean Jacques]. 1724-1806. Memoire historique sur la manufacture nationale de porcelaine AN2 de France . . . reedite . . . par G. Gouellain. Bi2 Paris, 1878. D. 4+57+W P- Bachof en, Johann Jakob. 1815-87. Versuch iiber die grabersymbolik der alten. AX Basel, 1859. O. 7+433 P- 4 pi- Bi2 Bachtold, Jakob. 1848-. Das gluckhafte schiflf von Zurich. Zurich, 1880. Q. 2 pi. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1878-79. An8 v. 20, p. 85-139.) Bacon, John. Remarks on monumental architecture. (In Exeter diocesan AC architectural society. Transactions. 1843. v. I, p. 1 17-126.) Ex3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 41 Badeker, Kar!. 1801-59. Mittel- und Nord-Deutschland westlich bis zum Rhein; hand- AH43 buch fur reisende. 22. aufl. A45 Leipzig, 1887. S. 30+512 p. ill. 85 maps. Schweden und Norwegen, nebst den wichtigsten reiserouten durch AH485 Danemark; handbuch fur reisende. 4. aufl. A3 Leipzig, 1888. S. 88+428 p. 40 maps. Siid-Deutschland, Oberrhein, Baden, Wurttemberg, Bayern und AH43 die angrenzenden theile von Osterreich; handbuch fur reisende. A46 22. aufl. Leipzig, 1888. S. 24+282 p. 42 maps. Zur Danisch-Norwegischen und Schwedischen sprachlehre; AH485 grammatik, redewendungen, wortverzeichniss zum reisege- A3 brauch . . . Leipzig, 1888. S. 40 p. Bound with his Schweden und Norwegen. 1888. Baden (Ger.) Alterthums verein. Denkmale der kunst und geschichte des heimathlandes, hrsg. von AH43 dem Alterthums- vereine fur das grossherzogthum Baden. 614 Carlsruhe, 1852. F. 5 v. 4. Contents: v. 4, Die chorstiihle der hospital-kirche zu Baden-Baden. Bader, F[ranz]. Die baukunst in der Odyssee. Eutin, 1880. Q. 29 p. Programm no. 562, Gymnasium, Eutin. Badham, Rev. Charles. History and antiquities of All Saints church, Sudbury, and of AH42 the parish generally; derived from the Harleian mss. . . . Su2 London, 1852. O. 12+178 p. ill. 5 pi. Badische gewerbezeitung fur haus und familie ; organ der grossh. Landes-gewerbehalle in Karlsruhe und der Badischen AB gewerbe-vereine. Karlsruhe, 186791. O. ill. v. 124. 614 Edited by H. Meidinger. From v. 5 known as Badische gewerbezeitung. Badischer techniker=verein, editor. AH43 See Karlsruhe im 1870. [1872]. 19 Baer, Franz. See Bar, Franz. Baer, Joseph und Co. [Catalogues of works on the fine arts, architecture, etc.], 1886-92. AY Frankfurt am Main, 1886-92. O. 25 nos. in I v. 614 Baes, Edgard [Alfred]. 1837-. Recherches sur les matieres colorantes employees par les artistes AB dans les divers precedes de peinture en usage dans 1 antiquite, 6872 pendant le moyen age . . . (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1883. v. 22, p. 5-107.) 42 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Baes, Jean. Tours et tourelles historiques de la Belgique d apres . . . [ses] AI aquarelles. Bruxelles [1890]. F. 6 [10] p. 50 pi. 614 Baggallay, Frank T[homas]. The use of flint in building, especially in the county of Suffolk. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1885. n. s. R8i v. I, p. 105-124. 10 pi.) Bahr, Karl Christian] W[ilhelm] F[elix]. 1801-74 Der Salomonische tempel mit beriicksichtigung seines verhalt- nisses zur heiligen architectur iiberhaupt . . . J48/ Karlsruhe, 1848. O. 8+352 p. Baiardi, Ottavio Antonio. i69o(?)-i;65(?). See Bayardi, Ottavio Antonio. 1690 (?)-i765 (?). Baigent, Francis Joseph. On Ibberton church, Dorsetshire, and the painted glass remaining AB there. (In Archseologia. v. 48, p. 347-354. I pi.) Ar2 Bailey, Thomas. 1785-1856. Annals of Nottinghamshire; history of the county of Netting- AH42 ham... London [1853]. O. 4 v. ill. 10 por. 9 pi. map. N84I Baily, Thomas Philip. History and antiquities of the town of Cirencester in the county AH42 of Gloucester, with views of the town, tesselated pavements and 49 other Roman remains. Cirencester [1842]. S. 7+272 p. 7 pi. Baines, Edward, 1774-1848, compiler. See Leeds (Eng.) National exhibition of works of art. 1868. AO4 Baines s handbook to the picture galleries. 1 868. Baizini, Giovanni Battista. Due lettere sopra il musaico di Pompei. AR45 Bergamo, 1836. O. 58 p. i pi. 789 Bajot, E[douard]. ANi Les meubles d art au 196 siecle . . . Paris, no date. F. 5 30 pi. Bi6 Les styles dans la maison franfaise; ornementation et decoration AK du 15 au 196 siecle . . . Paris, no date. F. 4 Unpaged. 60 pi. Bi6 Bajot, E[douard], illustrator. See Musee des Thermes et de 1 HoteI de Cluny (Paris). Collec- ANi tion de meubles anciens releves . . . dessines par E. Bajot. 1890. M97 Baker, Benjamin, civil engineer. Actual lateral pressure of earthwork. New York, 1881. T. AI 1 80 p. ill. (Van Nostrand s science series, v. 56.) 617 From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 43 Baker, Oliver. Ludlow town and neighbourhood . . . sketches of its scenery, antiquities, geology, etc., drawn and described in pen and ink . . . Ludlow, 1888. Q. 15+216 p. ill. i pi. i plan. Baker, Rev. R[obert S[ibley]. Roman discoveries at Irchester. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 13, 1875-76, p. 88-1 17. 2 pi.) Baldi, Q., publisher. Album der erinnerung an Gastein und seine umgebung . . . Salzburg, no date. Sq. O. 17 pi. Balduinus, Benedictus. -1632. See Baudouin, Benoit. -1632. Baldus, Edouard Denis. 1820-. Les monuments principaux de la France. Paris, 1875. F. 7 45 pi. Palais de Versailles, Grand et Petit Trianon; motifs de decoration interieure et exterieure . . . Paris, 1877. F. 5 100 pi. Palais du Louvre et des Tuileries; motifs de decoration interieure et exterieure . . . Paris [1875]. F. 5 3 v. 300 pi. Contents: v. i, Decorations intdrieures. v. 2, Decorations exte"rieures. v. 3, Decorations inte rieures et exte rieures. Baldus, Edouard Denis, 1820- editor. See Du Cerceau, J. Androuet. -1592. GEuvre ; meubles. Baldwin, - , and Brewster, J. B. Illustrated catalogue of carriages. [1868.] Baldwin, William J. Hot-water heating and fitting; or, Warming buildings by hot water; a description of modern hot-water heating apparatus . . . 3d ed. New York, 1891 [c. 89]. O. [8]+392+[6] p. ill. 2 pi. Balfour, Henry. Evolution of decorative art; an essay upon its origin and develop- ment . . . London, 1893. D. 15 + 131 p. ill. Ball, John, 1675 (?)-i739, translator. See Gilles, Pierre. 1490-1555. Antiquities of Constantinople. AH42 AC As7 AH436 G2I Ballantine, James. 1808-77. Treatise on painted glass, shewing its applicability to every style of architecture. London, 1845. O- [s]+5 J P- ill. 8 pi. AH44 P236 AH44 V6i3 AH44 P23I ANi D85 AX 675 AJ 691 AK 619 AH496 C764 AM7 621 44 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Balleyguier, Q. Le Loudunais [Arondissement de Loudun, Vienne; la partie AR44 archeologique]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments P;5 du Poitou. 1884-. v. 4. 99 p. ill. 24 pi. I plan.) Balleyguier, G., and Brin, [P. M.], abbe, 1843-. Monuments [de Tiffauges, Vendee]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884- v. 12.) Ballingall, William, compiler. Edinburgh past and present, its associations and surroundings. AFLj.i Edinburgh, 1877. Q. 14+153 p. ill. 32 pi. Ed4i Ballu, Th[eodore]. 1817-85. Monographic de 1 eglise de la Sainte Trinite, construite par la ville AH44 de Paris ... Paris, 1 868. F. 5 13 p. ill. 20 pi. P24I Monographic de 1 eglise Saint-Ambroise erigee par la ville de AH44 Paris. Paris, 1874. F. G 9+[i]p. 24 pi. P233 Baltard, Louis Pierre. 1765-1846. La colonne de la Place Vendome. AH44 Paris, 1 8 10. F. 8 [5] p. 74 pi. P3I4 Baltard, Louis Pierre, 1765-1846, illustrator. See Gatteaux, J. E., 1788-1881, and Baltard, Victor, 1805-74. AH44 Galerie de la reine dite de Diane a Fontainebleau. 1858. F732 Baltard, Victor. 1805-74. AH45 Villa Medicis a Rome . . . Paris, 1847. F - 7 [6] +62 p. 18 pi. R66 Baltard, V[ictor], 1805-74, and Callet, F. Monographic des halles centrales de Paris construites sous le AH44 regne de Napoleon III. et sous 1 administration de . . . Baron P224 Haussmann. Paris, 1863. F. 6 36 p. ill. 35 pi. Baltard, Victor, 1805-74, and Gatteaux, J. E., 1788- 1881. AH44 Galerie de la reine dite de Diane a Fontainebleau. 1858. F732 Bamberger, Rudolf. Wiener vergolder-vorlagen: Entwiirfe von fantasie-mobeln, eta- ANi geres, ofenschirmen, rahmen ... in modernem rococo. B2i Wien, 1891. F. 20 pi. Bancroft, Francis J., and Bancroft, R. M. Al Tall chimney construction. 1885. 622 Bancroft, Robert M., and Bancroft, F. J. Tall chimney construction; a practical treatise on the construction AI of tall chimney shafts ... in England, America and the conti- 622 nent . . . Manchester, Lewes [printed], 1885. O. 136 p. 10 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 45 Bandinel, Rev. Bulkeley, 1781-1861, editor. See Dugdale, Sir William. 1605-86. Monasticon Anglicanum. AH42 1817-30. Ai22 Bankes, George. 1788-1856. Story of Corfe castle and of many who have lived there . . . AH42 London, 1853. D. 8+340 p. I por. 4 pi. C8ii Bapst, Germain. 1853-. A propos de "L Art etrusque" par Jules Martha. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 9, p. 338-346. ill.) Etudes sur 1 etain dans 1 antiquite et au moyen age; orfevrerie et AM2 industries diverses. Paris, 1884. O. io+33O+[i] p. 10 pi. B22 (Bibliotheque de la nature; G. Tissandier, ed.) Etudes sur 1 orfevrerie franaise au i8 e siecle; les Germain. AM4 Paris, 1887. O. 3 1+254 p. ill. 6 pi. B22I L exposition retrospective du metal. (In Revue des arts decora- AB tifs. v. i, p. 447-480. ill.) R32 Histoire des joyaux de la couronne de France, d apres des docu- AM4 ments inedits. Paris, 1889. Q. [7J + 7I5 + [3] p. ill- 622 L orfevrerie d etain: Fr. Briot. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. AB v. 4, p. 164-173, 190-198. ill.) R32 L orfevrerie francaise au i8 e siecle; quelques ceuvres de Th. Ger- AB main. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 7, p. 193-203. ill.) R32 See Louvre (Paris) musee. Deux eventails du musee [par] G. AN6 Bapst. 1882. L93 See Union centrale des beaux=arts Exposition. 1880. Le musee AM2 retrospectif du metal a 1 Exposition; par G. Bapst. 1881. Un3i Bar, Franz. Baugeschichtliche betrachtungen iiber unserer lieben frauen miin- AH43 ster zu Freiburg i. B. Freiburg i. B., 1889. Q. 76 p. I pi. F88i Die wandgemalde in der S. Georgskirche zu Oberzell auf der AH43 Reichenau . . . hrsg. von F. X. Kraus. Ob2 Freiburg im Breisgau, 1884. F. 7 [5] + 2i + [2]p. 16 pi. Baraban, [Louis] V[ictor]. 1839-. Etude sur 1 eglise de Noyon et ses dependances au commence- AH44 ment du I4 e siecle. Noplace, 1872. Sq. F. 7 12 pi. N87I Baran, Anton. 1845-. Schliemanns ausgrabungen und die frage nach dem Homerischen Troia. Krems, 1877. O. 42 p. map. Zur topographic der Ilias. Krems, 1878. O. 30 p. Jahresbericht, Ober-Gymnasium, Krems. 46 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Barbaro, Danielle. 1513-70. La pratica della perspettiva . . . AL2 Venetia, 1568. F. i95 + [u]p. ill. 623 Barbaro, Danielle, 1513-70, commentator. A A See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. De architectura libri decem. 1567. 84 Barbaud, Raymond. Notice sur le chateau de Bressuire en Poitou, precedee d une AH44 lettre-preface par Maurice Du Seigneur. 375 Paris, 1891. O. 19 p. 2 pi. Barbault, Jean. i705(?)-65. Les plus beaux monuments de Rome ancienne; ou, Recueil des AH45 plus beaux morceaux de 1 antiquite romaine qui existent encore . . . R74I Rome, 1761. F. 6 8+90 p. 73 pi. Barber, Edwin AtLee. Pottery and porcelain of the United States; an historical review of AN2 American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day. 623 New York, 1893. Q. 17+446 p. ill. I por. Barber, Mrs. Mary. -1880. Some drawings of ancient embroidery. [Edited by W. Butterfield.] AN London, 1880. F. 4 [7] p. 30 pi. B23 Barberot, [J.] E. [C.] 1846-. Histoire des styles d architecture dans tous les pays depuis les AA temps anciens jusqu a nos jours. Paris, 1891. Q. 2 v. ill. 623 Barbel de Jouy, Joseph Henri. 1812-. Les mosai ques chretiennes de Rome. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 17, p. 151-161.) An7 Les mosai ques chretiennes des basiliques et des eglises de Rome. AJ2 Paris, 1857. O. 3+[ I ] + I 4 2 P- ^23 See Louvre (Paris) musee. Description des sculptures . . . par AO8 H. Barbet de Jouy. 1876. L93 See Louvre (Paris) musee. Description des sculptures modernes par H. Barbet de Jouy. 1855. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Galerie d Apollon. Notice des gem- AX mes et joyaux par H. Barbet de Jouy. 1867. L93 See Louvre (Paris) musee. Les gemmes et joyaux de la cou- AM4 ronne au musee, expliques par J. H. Barbet de Jouy. 1886. L93I Barbet de Jouy, Joseph Henri, 1812- editor. ANi See Jacquemart, Albert. 1808-75. Histoire du mobilier. 1876. Ji6 Barbier, Alfred. Les promenades [de Poitiers]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou : Poitiers. 1890. v. i,p. 179-194. ill. pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 47 Barbier, Joseph, abbe, 1833- and Barbier, Victor, abbe, 1831-. Histoire de 1 abbaye de Floreffe de 1 Ordre de Premontre . . . A [44 Namur, 1880. O. 16+519 p. F66 Barbier, Victor, abbe, 1831- and Barbier, Joseph, abbe, 1833-. AH44 Histoire de 1 abbaye de Floreffe. 1880. F66 Barbier de Montault, Xavier. 1830-. L autel et les saints offices au moyen-age. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 9, p. 113-146.) R-324 Catalogue des pierres et marbres employes depuis le i6e siecle a AB Rome. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 38, p. 242-267.) B8/ La cathedrale d Anagni. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 16, AB p. 137-163, 241-252; v. 17, p. 26-42, 113-118.) An7 La cathedrale [Saint-Pierre, de Poitiers]. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 113- P75 121. ill. pi.) Le chateau de Dissais, Vienne. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 4. 12 p. ill. 6 pi.) P75 Diptyques en ivoire du Vatican. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 27, p. 73-87.) An7 Les eglises de Rome, etudiees au point de vue archeologique. AB (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 20-23.) R-324 Epigraphie et iconographie des catacombes de Rome. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. I, 2.) R-3 2 4 Etude archeologique sur le reliquaire du chef de S. Laurent, AW diacre et martyr . . . Rome, 1864. F. 5 54+ [2] p. I pi. L37 Les gants pontificaux. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 42, p. 401 AB 467, 649-675, 777-809; v. 43, p. 5-62.) B87 Iconographie des sibylles. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 13, 14.) AB R324 Iconographie des vertus a Rome. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 7, 8.) R324 Les inscriptions de dedicace. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 29-31.) R324 Inventaire de la basilique de Sainte- Marie- Majeure a Rome. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 16, p. 147-161, 259-272. i pi.) R-3 2 4 Inventaire du mobilier archeologique de 1 abbaye de Fontgombaud, AB Indre. (In Bulletin monumental. 1889. v. 55, p. 227-256.) 687 48 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Barbier de Montault, Xavier. 1830-. Inventaires de la basilique royal de Monza. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 46, p. 18-82, 313-341, 464-488, 615-707; v. 47, 687 p. 145-186, 700-768.) Le lycee: Ancien college Sainte-Marthe. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 163- ?75 168. ill. pi.) Menigoute et les Chatelliers, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 6. 16 p. ill. 6 pi.) P75 Le missel pontifical de Nouaille. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 2. 2 p. i pi.) P75 La mosaique du dome a Aix-la-Chapelle. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 26, p. 285-338.) An7 Les mosai ques de Milan. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 32, p. AB 421-462. i pi.) R-3 2 4 Observations archeologiques sur les eglises de Rome. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 24, p. 282-299; v. 25, p. 64-78, 334-352.) R3 2 4 Le palais archiepiscopal de Benevent. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 20, p. 345-385-) R 324 Particularites du costume des eveques de Poitiers au I2e siecle. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 43, p. 623-652.) 687 Peintures claustrales des monasteres de Rome. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 4.) R3 2 4 Le prieure d Availles. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884- v. 2. 2 p. i pi.) P75 Rome chretienne: tapisseries. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 15, AB p. 232-244, 296-306.) An7 Sainte-Radegonde. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments AR44 du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 102-112. ill. pi.) P75 Les souterrains et le tresor de S. Pierre a Rome; ou, Description AH45 des objets d art et d archeologie qu ils renferment . . . R728 Rome, 1866. S. 91 p. Tableau raisonne des pierres et marbres antiques employes a la AB construction et decoration des monuments de Rome. (In Bulle- 687 tin monumental, v. 35, p. 837-878.) Traite d iconographie chretienne . . . AO Paris, 1890. O. 2 v. 39 pi. 623 Traite pratique de la construction, de rameublement et de la AE decoration des eglises . . . avec un appendice sur le costume 6231 ecclesiastique . . . Paris, 1878. O. 2 v. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 49 Barbier de Montault, Xavier. 1830-. Le tresor de la basilique royale de Monza. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 48, 49, 50.) 687 Le tresor de la cathedrale de Benevent. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 27, p. 62-94.) 6324 Le tresor du dome d Aix-la-Chapelle. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 43, p. 209-239, 401-438.) 687 Vetements ecclesiastiques. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 17, AB . p. 227-236, 271-277, 348-356.) An7 Le vitrail de la crucifixion a la cathedrale de Poitiers. (In Bulle- AB tin monumental, v. 51, p. 17-45, 141-168.) 687 Barbier de Montault, Xavier, 1830- compiler. Annales archeologiques; table analytique et methodique. AB Paris, 1 88 1. Sq. O. 543 p. An7 Barbier de Montault, Xavier, 1830- and Palustre, Leon, 1838-. Orfevrerie et emaillerie limousines. 1887. (^ n Palustre, Leon. AO Melanges d art et d archeologie. 1887. v. 2.) Pi 8 Le tresor de Treves. 1886. (In Palustre, Leon. Melanges d art AO et d archeologie. 1886. v. I.) Pi8 Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco. 1591-1666. See Guercino, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il. 1591-1666. Barbosa, I. de Vilhena. See Vilhena Barbosa, Ignacio de. 181 1-. Barca, Alessandro. 1741-1814. Saggio sopra il bello di proporzione in architettura. AA Bassano, 1806. F. 20+74 P- 5 pi- 6232 Barcelona (Spain) Exposicion universal. 1888. . . . Album de la instalacion artistico-arqueologica de la Real Casa AO4 en la Exposition. Barcelona [1888]. Q. i43 + [i] p. 70 pi. 623 Barclay, James T. 1807-. City of the Great King; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is and as it AH569 is to be ... J495 Philadelphia, 1859. O. 627 p. ill. I por. 13 pi. 3 maps. Contains a large map not bound with text. Bard, Joseph. i8oo(?)-6i. Dei monumenti d architettura bizantina in Ravenna . . . trad, dal AH45 francese. Ravenna, 1844. O. [j] + 39 p. por. Ri9i 4 50 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bard, Joseph. i8oo(?)-6i. Manuel general d archeologie sacree burgundo-lyonnaise . . . ARii suivi . . . de la Bibliographic . . . de 1 archeologie sacree ... An Lyon, 1844. O. [6]+ii+4 2 4P- ill. I pi. Bardet de Villeneuve [P. P. A.]. Traite de 1 architecture militaire. AE/ La Haye, 1741. D. [io] + i66+[2] p. 24 pi. frontisp. 623 Bard well, William. Temples, ancient and modern; or, Notes on church architecture. AE London, 1837. Q- ilL [ I 6] + 234+[i] p. 15 pi- B2 3 Barff, [Frederick Settle]. 1823-86. Corrosion of iron. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1877-78, p. 265-272.) R8i Barges, J[ean] J[oseph] L[eandre], abbe. 1810-. Notice sur quelques autels chretiens du moyen age, avec descrip- ANi tions des lieux ou ils ont ete decouverts . . . 623 Paris, 1890. Q. n8+[i] p. ill. Bargum, L., editor. See Hamburg (Ger.). Baupolizei-gesetz der stadt Hamburg. AI 1892. Hi 7 Baring=Qould, Sabine. 1834-. See Gould, Sabine Baring-. 1834-. Barker, Lady [Mary Anne (Stewart)]. ANi Bedroom and boudoir. London, 1878. D. 12+1 16 p. ill. pi. 624 Barkhausen, Qeorg. Constructions-elemente in eisen. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1880-. 3 thl. i. bd. p. 139-260. ill.) HIQ Barn plans and outbuildings. AE2 See [Halsted, B. D.]. 1852-. Hi6 [Barnabita, L. M. C.] Memorie intorno alia chiesa de SS. Biagio e Carlo a Catinari in AH45 Roma. [Anon.] Roma, 1 86 1. F. 7 [6] +40+ [2] p. 4 pi. R755 Barnard, George. Handbook of foliage and foreground drawing . . . AL2 London, 1853. D. 8+125 p. 60 pi. 625 Baron, Rev. John. Scudamore organs; or, Practical hints respecting organs for village AX churches and small chancels, on improved principles, with designs B26 by G. E. Street . . . 2<i ed. enl. London, 1862. O. 22+ 112 p. ill. 8 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 51 Baron=Wilson, Mrs. Margaret Harries. 1797-1846. See Wilson, Mrs. Margaret Harries Baron=. 1797-1846. Barozzio da Vignola, Qiacomo. 1507-73. See Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. Barqui, F. 1825-. L architecture moderne en France; maisons les plus remarquables AH44 des principales villes des departements, plans . . . details en con- Ai3 struction . . . Paris [1865-71]. F. 5 [5] +6 p. 120 pi. Barr, Edward. Elevations, sections and details of Strixton church, Northampton- AH42 shire. London, 1849. F. 5 8 P- 12 pi. St8 Barr, James. Anglican church architecture, with some remarks upon ecclesiasti- AH42 cal furniture . . . 2d ed. A28 Oxford, 1843. D. 8 + 216 p. ill. 24 pi. Barraud, Pierre Constant, abbe. 1801-74. Beauvais et ses monuments. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 27, AB p. 29-64, 217-236, 294-316.) 687 Les cloches. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 16, p. 325-337; AB v. 17, p. 103-112, 278-284; v. 1 8, p. 57-71, I45-IS3-) De 1 eau benite et des vases destines a la contenir. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 36, p. 393-467.) 687 Des bagues a toutes les epoques et en particulier de 1 anneau des AB eveques et des abbes. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 30, p. 5-74, B87 353-422, 501-528, 613-670.) Des gants portes par les eveques, par d autres membres du clerge AB et meme par des lai ques dans les ceremonies religieuses. (In Bui- B87 letin monumental, v. 33, p. 197-253.) Description des deux grandes rosaces de la cathedrale de Beauvais. AC (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. 8019 Memoires. v. I, p. 225-246, pi. 12.) Description des vitraux de 1 eglise Saint-Etienne de Beauvais. AC (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. 8019 Memoires. v. 2, p. 537-597.) Description des vitraux des chapelles de la cathedrale de Beau- AC vais. (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement 8019 de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 3, p. 50-86.) Description des vitraux des hautes fenetres du chceur de la cathe- AC drale de Beauvais. (In Societe academique d archeologie ... 8019 du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 3, p. 277-313.) 52 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Barraud, Pierre Constant, abbe. 1801-74. Etude sur les tableaux de la cathedrale de Beauvais. (In Societe AC academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. 8019 Memoires. v. 5, p. 225-298.) Notice archeologique et liturgique sur 1 encens et les encensoirs. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 26, p. 389-421, 501-536, 621-668.) B8; Notice archeologique et liturgique sur les ciboires. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 24, p. 396-442,561-637.) 687 Notice sur 1 eglise de Saint-Martin-aux-Bois. (In Societe acade- AC mique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. 8019 v. I, p. 404-415. pl- 19-20.) Notice sur 1 eglise et la paroisse de Saint-Gilles a Beauvais. (In AC Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. 8019 Memoires. v. 5, p. 44~99, pl- 3~5-) Notice sur la mitre episcopale. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 32, AB p. 117-170, 309-361.) 687 Notice sur les chaires a precher. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 36, AB p. 5-43, II3-I47-) B87 Notice sur les cloches. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 10, p. 93-129.) AB B87 Notice sur les instruments de paix. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 31, p. 249-293, 321-367.) 687 Notice sur les saintes huiles et les vases qui servent a les contenir. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 37, p. 451-505.) 687 Notice sur les tapisseries de la cathedrale de Beauvais. (In Societe AC academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. 8019 Memoires. v. 2, p. 165-256.) Recherches sur les coqs des eglises. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 16, p. 277-290.) 687 Barre, L. N. Flavacourt, notice historique et archeologique. (In Societe AC academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. 8019 v. 10, p. 765-832, pl. 6-8.) Barrere, Joseph, abbe. 1808-. Histoire religieuse et monumentale du diocese d Agen . . . AH44 Agen, 1855-56. F. 2 v. in i. 19 pl. Ag3 Barrett, W[illiam] Alexander]. 1836-. Flowers and festivals; or, Directions for the floral decoration of AK churches . . . 2d ed. London, 1873. S. 8+173 p. 24 pl. 627 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 53 Barrington, M. J. Illuminator; thirty original designs with instructions for colouring. AK London, no date. F. 4 [3] p. 30 pi. 6272 Barren, Louis. 1847- Autour de Paris; 500 dessins d apres nature par G. Fraipont. AH44 Paris [1891]. F. [6] +497 p. ill. 6 maps. ?326 Les fleuves de France . . . Paris [1888-91]. O. 4 v. ill. AH44 A65 Contents: La Garonne. 1890. La Loire. 1888. Le Rhone. 1891. La Seine. 1889. Barry, Alfred. 1826-. Memoir of the life and works of ... Sir Charles Barry, architect. AW 2d e d. London, 1870. O. 15+407 p. I por. 37 pi. 627 Barry, Sir Charles. 1795-1860. Illustrations of the new palace of Westminster, from drawings by AH42 J. Johnson, G. S. Clarke and J. Thomas. History of the palace L926 by H. T. Ryde. London, 1849. F. 4 |>5]+63 p. ill. 18 pi. Travellers club house . . . [with] an Essay on the present state of AH42 architectural study and the revival of the Italian style by W. H. L92 1 Leeds. London, 1839. F. 5 8 + 35 p. 10 pi. (Studies and ex amples of the modern school of English architecture. J. Weale, ed.) Barry, Charles. 1823-. Some descriptive memoranda on the works executed in terra AC cotta at New Alleyn s college, Dulwich ... (In Royal institute R8i of British architects. Papers. 1867-68^.259-280. 2 pi.) Barry, Edward M[iddleton]. 1830-80. Account of the new palace at Westminster ... (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Papers. 1857-58, p. 79-96.) R8i [Bartelemi, Conciateste.] Enciclopedia per pettinarsi . . . [Anon.] AN4 Venezia, 1769. O. 43 p. I pi. 628 Barth, Wilhelm, editor. See Semper, H. G. 1845- Hervorragende bildhauer-architekten AW der renaissance. [1880.] Se5 Barth, Wilhelm, Semper, Hans G., 1845- and Schulze, F. O. AH45 Carpi; ein fiirstensitz der renaissance. 1882. C22 Barthelemy, Anatole Jean Baptiste Antoine de. 1821-. Carreaux histories et vernisses avec noms de tuiliers. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 53, p. 252-272; v. 56, p. 254-259.) 687 4* 5 4 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Barthelemy, Edouard M[arie], comte de. 1830-88. Diocese ancien de Chalons-sur-Marne, histoire et monuments . . . AH44 Paris, 1861. O. 2 v. in I. 8 pi. map. 352 Notre-Dame en Vaux de Chalons sur Maine. (In Revue de 1 art AB Chretien, v. 15, p. 97-136.) R3 2 4 Les tapisseries de Reims. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 46, p. AB 230-253.) B%7 Bartholomew, Alfred. 1801-45. Specifications for practical architecture, preceded by an essay on AA the decline of excellence ... in modern English buildings . . . 628 London, 1840. O. [26+772+63] p. ill. Specifications for practical architecture . . . prefixed an essay on AA the structure and science of modern buildings . . . revised, cor- 6281 rected and enlarged by F. Rogers. 3d ed., with additions. London, 1893. O. 8 + 416 p. ill. 8 pi. Bartlett, William Henry, 1809-54, continuator. See Finden, William, 1787-1852, and Finden, E. F., 1791-1857. AH42 Views of ports and harbours. 1842. v. 2. A55 Bartlett, William Henry, 1809-54, illustrator. See Britton, John, 1771-1857, and Bray ley, E. W., 1773-1854. AH42 Devonshire and Cornwall. 1832. 049 Bartoli, Cosimo, i6 th cent, translator. See Alberti, L. B. 1404-84. L architettvra. 1550 and 1565. See Alberti, L. B. 1404-84. Delia architettura, della pittura e della statua. 1782 and 1833. Bartoli, Enrico, editor. See Ricordi di architettura. 1 890-92. Bartoli, Francesco, -1779, and Bartoli, P. S., 1635- 1700. Le pitture antiche delle grotte di Roma e del sepolcro de Nasoni AM6 . . . descritte ed illustrate da G. P. Bellori. 1706. 628 Bartoli, Giuseppe. 171 7-88 (?). Libro di memorie antiquarie del Piemonte [ed. da Vincenzo AC Promis]. (In Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la provincia di 8017 Torino. Atti. v. 2, p. 281-328.) Bartoli, Pietro Sante. 1635-1700. Admiranda Romanarum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia AA anaglyphico opere elaborata. (In Sandrart, Joachim von. Teut- Sa5 sche academic der baubildhauer- und maler-kunst. 1768-75. v- 5 1 , P- 9-36. 75 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 55 Bartoli, Pietro Sante. 1635-1700. Le antiche lucerne sepolcrali figurate, raccolte dalle cave setter- AJ ranee e grotte di Roma . . . con 1 osservazioni di G. P. Bellori. 628 Roma, 1704. F. 5 + [34] 4- 12 p. n6pl. Bartoli, Pietro Sante, 1635-1700, illustrator. See La Chausse, M. A. de. 1 660 (?) -1746. Raccolta di gemrne AX antiche. 1805. Li I Bartoli, Pietro Sante, 1635-1700, and Bartoli, Fran= cesco, 1779. Le pitture antiche delle grotte di Roma e del sepolcro de Nasoni AM6 . . . descritte ed illustrate da G. P. Bellori . . . 628 Roma, 1706. F. 4 [12] +63 p. 75 pi. Bartolini, Domenico. 1813-87. Le temple de Salamon a Jerusalem. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 14.) R324 Basan, [Pierre] Ffrancois], 1723-97. Dictionnaire des graveurs anciens et modernes depuis 1 origine de AW la gravure . . . Paris, 1767. S. 3 v. 629 Basan, Pierre Franfois, 1723-97, compiler. See Mariette, P. J. 1694-1774. Catalogue raisonne des differens AO2 objets . . . qui composoient . . . [son] cabinet. 1775. M33 Basan, Pierre Francois, 1723-97, publisher. AR45 See Recueil d antiquites romaines; ou, Voyage d ltalie. [i769(?).J A9 Bascle de Lagreze, Qustave. 1811-. See Lagreze, Qustave Bascle de. 1811-. Basel (Switzerland) Qesellschaft fur vaterlandische alterthumer. Mittheilungen. Basel, 1855-60. F. v. 6, 8, ill. Vol.6, BURCKHARDT, L. A., 1808-63, and RiGGENBACH, C., 1810-63. Die Dominikaner klosterkirche in Basel. 1855. 8, BURCKHARDT, C., and RIGGENBACH, C., 1810-63. Die klosterkirche Klingenthal in Basel. 1860. Bashforth, Francis. Practical treatise on the construction of oblique bridges with spiral AI and with equilibrated courses. London, 1855. O. 4+52 p. 12 pi. 629 Basile, Giovanni Battista Filippo. 1825-. Calcolo di stabilita della cupola del Teatro massimo di Palermo. AFLj-t Palermo, 1876. Q. 20 p. 8 pi. Pi73 Sull antico edifizio di piazza Vittoria in Palermo. AH45 Palermo, 1874. F. 4 pi. Pi 72 Sulla costruzione del Teatro massimo Vittorio Emanuele . . . -AH45 Palermo, 1882-83. O. 3 pts. in I v. Pi74 5 6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Basilica Carolina opus grande, non homini, sed Deo pras- AH43 parata habitatio . . . [Manhemii, 1753.] F. 5 80 p. 6 por. 13 pi. MSI Basilica, dass ist, herrliche kirchen des freij-reichs klosters AH43 St. Ulrich und Afra in Augspurg. Au4i See [Hertfelder, Bernard]. Basoli, Antonio. Compartimenti di camera, per uso degli amatori e studenti delle AK belle arti, inventate ... da Antonio Basoli . . . disegnate ed incise 629 a contorno da Luigi e Francesco Basoli. Bologna, 1827. Obi. F. 5 [6] p. 100 pi. I por. Bassi, Domenico. Di una statuetta del Sonno ... e del suo mito nell antichita. (In AC Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la provincia di Torino. Atti. So 17 v. 4, p. 113-249- * PL) Bastelaer, Desire Alexandre van. 1823-. See Van Bastelaer, Desire Alexandre. 1823-. Bastie, Joseph Bimard, baron de la. 1703-42. See La Bastie, Joseph Bimard, baron de. 1703-42. Bastien, Jean Francois. 1747-1824. La nouvelle maison rustique; ou, Economic rurale, pratique et AE2 generate de tous les biens cle campagne. Nouv. ed. 629 Paris, 1798. Q. 3 v. 60 pi. Batcheller, W. New history of Dover and of Dover castle . . . with a short account AH42 of the cinque ports . . . 075 Dover, 1828. D. 365 + 15 p. 6 pi. 2 maps. Bateman, Thomas, 1821-61, and Glover, Stephen, -1869. Vestiges of the antiquities of Derbyshire . . . AR42 London, 1848. O. [7] + 246+ [6] p. ill. I pi. 044 Batenham, George, Batenham, William, and Mus= grove, John. Ancient Chester; a series of illustrations of the streets of this old AH42 city . . . with views of Edgar s cave, St. John s church and Eaton C425 hall; with . . . descriptions by T. Hughes. London, 1880. F. 5 4+[$8] p. 29 pi. Batenham, William, Batenham, George, and Mus= grove, John. Ancient Chester. 1880. C425 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 57 Batissier, Louis. 1813-82. Elements d archeologie nationale precedes d une histoire de 1 art AP monumental chez les anciens. Paris, 1843. D. 608 p. ill. 632 Histoire de 1 art monumental dans 1 antiquite et au moyen age, AF suivie d un traite de la peinture sur verre. B32 Paris, 1845. Q- 4+688 p. ill. 4 pi. Batley, H. W. A series of studies for domestic furniture, decoration, etc., designed AK and etched by B. London, 1883. F. 6 [5] p. 10 pi. 632 Batteley, Rev. John. 1647-1708. Antiquitates Rutupinae, opus posthumum. AR42 Oxonix, 171 1. O. [8]+92+[3]p. 4 pi. R39 Published by T. Terry. Batteley, Nicholas. 1650-1704. Cantuaria sacra; or, The antiquities of the cathedral ... of Can- AH42 terbury . . . and of the other religious places . . . near the city ... Ci65 London, 1703. F. [4] + 178 + [74] p. 15 pi. (In Somner, William. Antiquities of Canterbury. 1703. v. 2.) Batteley, Nicholas, 1650-1704, editor. See Somner, William. 1598-1669. Antiquities of Canterbury. AlHLp 1703. Ci65 Battelli, Giovanni Cristoforo. -1725. De sarcophago marmoreo Probi Anicii, et Proba? Faltoniae in templo Vaticano, dissertatio. Romae, 1705. O. [i8] + i68+|>] p. 3 pi. Date on title-page reads MDDCV. Batty, Lt.-Col. [Robert]. 1 789 (?)- 1848. Select views of some of the principal cities of Europe. A A London, 1832. F. 4 Unpaged. 60 pi. 632 Batty, Rev. R[obert] E[aton]. 1824-76. Historic sketch of Pontefract castle. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 2, p. 90-104. 2 pi.) As7 Die bau= und kunstdenkmaler der Rheinprovinz. AH43 Dusseldorf, 1886. O. ill. C63 Vol. i, LEHFELDT, P. 1848-. Die ban- und kunstdenkmaler des regierungs- bezirks Coblenz. 1886. Bauchal, Ch. Nouveau dictionnaire, biographique et critique des architectes AW frangais . . . Paris, 1887. Q. 16+842 p. 632 Baud, Benjamin, and Gandy, Michael. 1778-1862. AfLj.2 Architectural illustrations of Windsor Castle. 1842. W7242 58 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Baudenkmale des mittelalters im erzherzogthum Oester- reich . . . hrsg. von Leopold Ernst und Leopold Oescher. Stift AH436 Klosterneuburg. Wien, 1846. F. 7 [10] p. 19 pi. A 7 Die baudenkmale in der Pfalz, gesammelt und hrsg. von der Pfalzischen kreisgesellschaft des bayerischen architecten- AH43 und ingenieur-vereins. Pi 7 Ludwigshafen a. Rh. 1884-89. Q. v. i. ill. Baudon, August. Memoire sur les silex travailles de 1 atelier du Camp-Barbet a AC Janville, canton de Mouy. (In Societe academique d archeologie 8019 . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 8, p. 449-516, pi. 10-17.) Baudot, [Joseph Eugene] A[natole] de. 1834-. Eglises de bourgs et villages. AE Paris, 1867. Sq. F. 4 2 v. ill. 150 pi. 632 Contains the detailed cost of many French churches. Reorganisation de 1 Ecole des beaux-arts; decret du 13 novembre, AO 1863; de son influence sur 1 etude de 1 architecture. F46 Paris, 1864. O. 16 p. From Gazette des architectes et du batiment. La sculpture francaise au moyen age et a la renaissance. AO8 Paris, 1884. F. 5 40 p. ill. 120 pi. map. 632 Baudot, [Joseph Eugene] A[natole] de, 1834- editor. AB See Encyclopedic d architecture. 1888-. Eni Baudouin, Benoit. -1632. Calceus antiquus et mysticus, et Jul. Nigronus De caliga vete- AN4 rum . . . Omnia figuris aucta et illustrata observationibus Job. 632 Frederici Nilant. Lugduni Batavorum, 1711. S. 2 v. in I. 29 pi. Engraved title-page dated 1720. Baudri, Friedrich, editor. AB See Organ fur christliche kuns t. 1851-73. v. 1-14. Or3 Baudry, Paul [Jacques Aime]. 1828-86. . . . Peintures decoratives, executees pour le foyer public de 1 Opera, exposees a 1 Ecole nationale des beaux-arts; notice par E. About. Paris, 1874. S. 54 p. I por. Baudson, Emile. 1849-. Connaissance, recherche et essais des materiaux de construction AI et de ballastage . . . Laon [1884]. O. 196 p. B325 Bauformen des mittelalters in sandstein. 1885. See Opderbecke, Adolph. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 59 Baugean, [Jean Jerome]. 1764- Collection de toutes les especes de batimens de guerre et de bati- AX mens marchands qui naviguent sur 1 ocean et dans la Mediter- 6321 ranee . . . Paris, 1826. Obi. O. 15 p. 72 pi. Baukunde des architekten, bearbeitet von den heraus- gebern der Deutschen bauzeitung und des Deutschen bauka- AI lenders. Berlin, 1884-91 [v. 1/90]. O. 2 v. ill. 6321 Baukunst des mittelalters; entwiirfe von studirenden des AB studienjahres 1879-83. Berlin, 1880-83. ill. F. 6 v. 1-3 in I. B32 Edited by J. Otzen ; published by Technische hochschule, Berlin (Ger.). Baum, Ph., and Haas, M. Schloss-Stern bei Prag. Leipzig, 1876. F. 4 [5] p. 40 pi. (In AH45 Italienische renaissance. 1875-82. v. 3.) A28 Bau man n, Frederick. Art of preparing foundations, with particular illustration of the AI "method of isolated piers" as followed in Chicago. (In Powell, P87 G. T. Foundations and foundation walls. 1889. p. 146-166.) Bau man n, K[arl]. Die antiken marmorskulpturen des Grossh. antiquariums zu Mann heim. [Mannheim, 1882.] Q. [9] p. 2 pi. Romische denksteine und inschriften der vereinigten altertums- sammlungen in Mannheim. Mannheim, 1890. Q. 65 p. 2 pi. Programm no. 579, Gymnasium, Mannheim. Baumeister, R. Architektonische formenlehre fur ingenieure . . . AI Stuttgart, 1866. Q. 6+426 p. 362 ill. 5 pi. 6324 Stadt-erweiterungen in technischer baupolizeilicher und wirth- AX schaftlicher beziehung. Berlin, 1876. O. 10+492 p. ill. 632 Baumer, Wilhelm. Das biirgerliche wohnhaus bei den Griechen und Romern im AE2 deutschen mittelalter und im 16. bis 19. jahrhundert. 632 Stuttgart, 1862. ill. 6 pi. Baumer, Wilhelm, editor. AB See Gewerbehalle. 1863-70. v. 1-8. G33 Baumgartner, Adam Friedrich Qotthelf, 1759-1843, editor. AB See Ideenmagazin fur liebhaber von garten. 1797-1806. v. 5. Id2 Nouveau recueil d idees. See Ideenmagazin fur liebhaber von AB garten. 1797-1806. v. 5. Id2 60 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bauordnung fur die k. k. reichshaupt- und residenzstadt AI Wien. Q. 19 P- B 3 2 3 From Reichs-gesetz-blatt fur das kaiserthum Oesterreich, Jahrgang 1859, P- 5^3~53^ , 1861, P- 33 z -332; 1862, p. 65. Bau=ordnung fur die residenz-stadt Karlsruhe ... AI Karlsruhe, 1843. D. 34 p. 6322 Two ms. letters inserted. Bau=polizei=ordnung fur den stadtkreis Berlin, ver- AI offentlicht am 23 Jan. 1887 ... Berlin, 1887. S. 3i + [4] + 8 p. 632 From Centralblatt der bauverwaltung. Batischatz; eine sammlung hervorragenden bauwerke, details, etc., in reproductionen nach seltenen und kostbaren A A werken . . . Wien, 1890. F. B Ser. 3. [10] p. 134 pi. 6322 Ser. 3 : Wien vor 150 jahren. Die bauten technischen und industriellen anlagen von Dresden, hrsg. von dem Sachs, ingenieur- und architekten-verein AH43 und dem Dresdener architekten-verein. D8i9 Dresden, 1878. Q. IO+594 p. ill. 10 pi. map. Bavarian society of art- industry. See Bayerische kunstgewerbe-verein. [Baxter, Mrs. Lucy E. (Barnes).] Renaissance of art in Italy; an illustrated sketch by Leader Scott. AO New ed. London, 1888. F. 22 + [2] + 384 p. ill. 2 pi. 833 Tuscan studies and sketches, by Leader Scott. AH45 London, 1888. D. 329 p. ill. I pi. A4I Baxter, Thomas. 1782-1821. Illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian and Roman costume . . . AN4 London, 1810. Q. 16 p. 41 pi. 633 Bayard i, Ottavio Antonio. i69o(?)-i765(?). Delle antichita di Ercolano. AR45 Napoli, 1755-1831 [v. 1/57]. F. 6 10 v. ill. 6 por. 3 pi. map. H4I2 Contents: .1-5. Le pitture antiche. . 6-7. De bronzi. . 8. Le lucerne ed i candelabri. . 9. Catalogo degli antichi monumenti. . 10. Carelli, F. Dissertazione esegetica intorno all origine ed al sistema della sacra architettura. Prodromo delle antichita d Ercolano . . . AR45 Napoli, 1752. Sq. O. 5 v. ill. pi. H4I7 Baye, Joseph, baron de. 1853-. L archeologie prehistorique. Paris, 1888. D. 340 p. ill. (Biblio- AP theque scientifique contemporaine.) 634 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 61 Baye, Joseph baron de. 1853-. Etudes archeologiques; Epoque des invasions barbares: Industrie AP longobarde. Paris, 1888. F. 144 p. 16 pi. with expl. 6341 Industrial arts of the Anglo-Saxons, tr. by T. B. Harbottle. AN6 London, 1893. Sq. F. [i2] + i35 + [34] P- ill. 17 P 1 - B 34 Note sur quelques antiquites decouvertes en Suede. (In Societe AC nat. des antiquaires de France, v. 50, p. 143-161. ill. pi.) So 13 Bayer, Auguste de. 1803-75. AH43 La cathedrale de Strasbourg. Paris [1845]. F. 6 1 1 pi. St84 Bayerische kunstgewerbe=verein, publisher. Das deutsche kunstgewerbe zur zeit der weltausstellung in AN6 Chicago, 1893, unter der redaktion von L. Gmelin. 6342 Miinchen, 1893. F. 4 v. I. ill. 56 pi. Title-page and text in German and English. Bayet, C[harles]. 1849-. L art byzantin. Paris [1883]. O. 320 p. ill. (Bibliotheque de AO 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; pub. de J. Comte.) 634 Bayet, C[harles], 1849- and Duchesne, L[ouis], abbe, 1843-. Mission au Mont Athos. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. AB 1876. v. 18, p. 201-528. 5 phot.) Ar2i Bazin, - -. Memoire sur 1 Etolie. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. AB 1864. v. 9, p. 249-372. i map.) Ar2i Bazin, Hippolyte. 1855-. Villes antiques: Nimes gallo-romain; guide du touriste-archeo- AR44 logue. Nimes, 1891. O. [7] + 300+ [i] p. ill. N6il Villes antiques: Vienne et Lyons gallo-romains . . . AR.44 Paris, 1891. O. 12+407 p. ill. 2 pi. 67 Beal, Samuel Benoni. Church of Saint Thomas, Newport, Isle of Wight; Elizabeth AH42 Stuart, the prisoner of Carisbrooke. N47 London, 1856. Sq. O. [4J + 55 p. Beale, S. Sophia. The churches of Paris, from Clovis to Charles X. AH44 London, 1893. D. 12+342 p. ill. i pi. P325 Beale, S. Sophia, editor. The Louvre; a ... handbook to all the collections of the museum, AH44 being an abridgement of the French official catalogues. P3i London, 1883. Sq. S. 8 + 279 p. ill. i pi. 62 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Beaton, Alfred Charles. Quantities and measurements . . . with rules for abstracting, hints for preparing a bill of quantities and prices for all work in the building trade. 5th e d. enl. London, 1878. D. 107 p. ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) Beattie, William. i793~ l8 75- Castles and abbeys of England . . . London [1843-55]. Q- 2 v - ill- l P or - 37 pi- The Danube : its history, scenery, and topography . . . illustrated from sketches taken ... by Abresch, and drawn by W. H. Bart- lett. London [1844]. Q. 4+236 p. ill. I por. 80 pi. 2 maps. See Finden, William, 1787-1852, and Finden, E. F., 1791-1857. Views of ports and harbours, watering places . . . and other pic turesque objects on the English coast. 1842. v. 2. Text written by W. Beattie. Beauchamp, , comte de. Chateau-Guillaume en Poitou. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 3. 24 p. ill. 6 pi. facsim.) Beaude, , abbe. Anciennes tapisseries du i6e siecleconserveesdans lacathedrale de Beauvais. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 6, p. 394-403.) Beaulieu, [Sebastien de Pontault, sieur] de. -1674. Les plans et profils des principales villes, et lieux considerables de la Principaute de Catalogne . . . Paris, no date. Obi. D. [9] p. 88 pi. 18 maps. Engraved title-page and text. Beaumont, Adalbert de, and Collinot, E. Ornements arabes. 1883. Ornements de la Chine. 1883. Ornements de la Perse. 1880. Ornements du Japon. 1883. Ornements turcs. 1883. Ornements venitiens, hindous, russes. 1883. Beaumont, [Charles Franois] Edouard de. 1822-. Jewel art studies; a series of . . . original . . . designs, specially prepared for practical working jewellers . . . Edinburgh, no date. F. 68 pi. [Beaumont, Jean Francois Albanis]. i755(?)-i8i2. Select views in the south of France, with . . . descriptions . . . [Anon.] London, 1794. F. 4 15 pi. AI 638 AH42 638 AH 43 6 0231 AH42 A 5 5 AR44 P7S AB 687 AH46 C28 AK 0693 694 C6 9 5 696 691 692 AM4 638 AH44 A47 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 63 Beaurepaire, Eugene de Robillard de. 1827-. La faience de Rouen a 1 Exposition artistique organisee dans cette AB ville en 1861. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 27, p. 572-586.) 687 Les faiences de Rouen et de Nevers a 1 Exposition universelle. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 33, p. 725-762.) 687 Introduction. (In Des Meloizes, A. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Bourges. 1891-92.) Beauties of England and Wales; or, Original delinea tions, topographical, historical and descriptive of each county. AH42 London, 1801-15. O. 18 v. in 25. 647 pi. Aii7 Beauvais (France) Societe academique d archeo= logie, sciences et arts du Departement de POise. See Societe academique d archeologie, sciences et arts du De partement de 1 Oise. Beazeley, Alexander. Notes on domestic buildings in southern Sweden. (In Royal in- AC stitute of British architects. Transactions. 1882-83, p. 1 17-1 1 8. R8i 4PL) Swedish building law. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1885. n. s. v. 2, p. 109-128.) R8i Beccega, Tommaso Carlo. Sull architettura greco-romana applicata alia costruzione del AE4 teatro moderno italiano, e sulle macchine teatrali saggio. 638 Venezia, 1817. F. 6 39 p. 5 pi. Plates by A. Bernatti. Becchio, Alessandro, illustrator. See Tosi, F. M. 1859. Raccolta di monumenti sacri e sepolcrali AF8 scolpiti in Roma. 1853-56. T63 Bechi, Quglielmo. Del calcidico e della cripta di Eumachia scavati nel foro de AR45 Pompeja 1 anno 1820. Napoli [1820]. Q. [4]+ii6p. 6 pi. ?792 Bechler, Ernst. Ein beitrag zur asthetik der baustyle. Bamberg, 1883. S. 28 p. Becker, A. Wolfgang. Charakterbilder aus der kunstgeschichte . . . von den altesten AO zeiten bis zur italienischen kunstbliithe . . . B38i Leipzig, 1862. O. 6+392 p. 187 ill. i pi. Charakterbilder aus der kunstgeschichte . . . von den altesten AO zeiten bis zur italienischen kunstbliithe ... 3. aufl. . . . vermehrt . . . 6382 von C. Clauss. Leipzig, 1869. O. 6+424 p. ill. I pi. 64 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Becker, C., and Hefner- [Alteneck], J. [H.] von. 181 1-. Kunstwerke und gerathschaften des mittelalters und der renais- AO sance. Frankfurt am Main, 1852-63. F. 5 3 v. 216 pi. 638 Becker, Ferdinand. Roms altchristliche coemeterien; ein beitrag zur kenntniss des AP christlichen alterthums . . . Dusseldorf, 1874. O. 120 p. ill. pi. 638 Das spott-crucifix der romischen kaiserpalaste aus dem anfange AX des 3. jahrhundert erlautert. 2. aufl. Dusseldorf, 1876. O. 44 p. 6381 Die wand- und decken-gemalde der romischen katacomben; ein AR46 beitrag zur kenntniss derselben . . . R68g Dusseldorf, 1874. O. 60 p. ill. pi. Becker, Heinrich, and Forster, Heinrich, ritter von. AH45 Die cathedrale zu Palermo . . . Wien, 1866. Obi. F. 6 3 p. 9 pi. Pi 7 Becker, J. A., Lucae, Richard, 1829-77, and Qiesen= berg, E. AB Das opernhaus zu Frankfurt a/M. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. Z$i v. 33, p. i-\2, I33-I54- 13 pl-) Becker, Jacob. Die romischen inschriften und steinsculpturen des Museums der AO2 Stadt Mainz. Mainz, 1875. O. 24+140+13] p. (Verzeichniss M52 der . . . denkmaler des Museums . . . von dem Vereine zur er- forschung der rhein. geschichte ... in Mainz. I.) Becker, Max. Handbuch der ingenieur-wissenschaft. 4. vermehrte aufl. AI Leipzig, 1876-83 [v. I, 83]. O. 5 v. Atlas. F. 5 v. in 3. 225 pl. 6382 Vol. 4, 3 d edition, enlarged; v. 5, 2 d ed. Atlas to v. 3 published at Stuttgart. Contents: v. i. Allgemeine baukunde des ingenieurs. v. 2. Der briickenbau. v. 3. Der strassen- und eisenbahnbau. v. 4. Der wasserbau. v. 5. Ausgefiihrte constructionen des ingenieurs. Becker, W. A. Der feuerfeste treppenbau von natiirlichen und kiinstlichen steinen, AI nach den neuesten erfindungen und ausfiihrungen, mit besonderer 6381 beriicksichtigung der constructionen . . . Neue aufl. Berlin, 1862. F. 4 4+138 p. ill. 15 pl. Becker, W. A., and Fleischinger, A. F. AJ2 Der backstein-rohbau, nach ausgefiihrten musterbauten. 1863. 638 Becker, W. M. Das necrologium der vormaligen Pramonstratenser-abtei Arn- AC stein an der Lahn. Wiesbaden, 1881. Q. 8 + 346+ [2] p. (In Verein fiir Nassauische alterthumskunde. Annalen. 1881. v. 16.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 65 Becker, Wilhelm Adolf . 1796-1846. De Romae veteris muris atque portis . . . Lipsiae, 1842. O. 130+ [2] p. 2 maps. Becker, Wilheltn Gottlieb. 1753-1813. Augusteum ; ou, Description des monumens antiques qui se trou- AO8 vent a Dresde. Leipzig, 1804-1 1. F. 4 3v.ini. 154 pi. 6382 Vom costume an denkmalern. [Anon.] AN4 Leipzig, 1776. D. 8o+[i] p. Beckerath, Moritz von. 1838-. Die zwickelfiguren im lichthof der K. technischen hochschule zu AO8 Berlin, darstellend die verschiedenen disciplinen. 638 Berlin, 1885. F. 5 [3] p. 16 pi. Beckett, Sir Edmund Beckett, 5 th baronet. 1816-. See Qrimthorpe, Sir Edmund Beckett, ist baron. 1816-. Beckett- Denison, Christopher. 1825-84. See Denison, Christopher Beckett. 1825-84. [Becquer, Q. (?)] Espedicion de Veruela; 1863: [ein skizzenbuch darstellend cos- AX tume, landschaften, genrebilder, architekturbilder und architekton. 638 details aller art] Obi. D. 93 pi. Original water-color and pencil sketches ; several dated 1864 ; some signed V. B. Bedford, F[rancis], jr. Chart illustrating the architecture of Westminster abbey. AH42 [London, 1846.] Sq. D. I pi. Lpii [Bedford, John Russell, 6 th duke of.] 1766-1839. Outline engravings and descriptions of the Woburn abbey mar- AH42 bles. [Anon.] [London] 1822. F. 6 Unpaged. 48 pi. W8l Bedfordshire architectural and archaeological society. See Associated architectural societies. Bedroom and boudoir. ANi See Barker, Lady M. A. (S.). 624 Beeverell, James. i8 th cent. Les delices de la Grand Bretagne et de 1 Irlande . . . AH42 Leide, 1707. S. 8 v. in 4. 33 pi. 2 maps. A26 Le beff roi ; arts, heraldique, archeologie. Bruges, 1863-73. Q. ill. v. 1-4. AB Edited by Rev. W. H. J. Weales, 1*39 5 66 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Beger, Lorenz. 1653-1704. Spicelegium antiquitatis; sive, Variarum ex antiquitate eleganti- AP arum, vel novis luminibus illustratarum . . . fasciculi. 639 Coloniae Brandenburgicae, 1692. F. pi. Begin, Auguste Emile Nicolas Jules, 1802-88, La= croix, Paul, 1806-84, and Sere, Ferdinand, 1818-55. Al Le livre d or des metiers; histoire de la charpenterie. 1858. Li i Begule, Lucien. 1848- Monographie de la cathedrale de Lyon, precedee d une notice AH44 historique par C. Guigue. L99 Lyon, 1880. F. 5 8 + 224 4-[i] p. ill. 34 pi. Beham, Hans Sebald. 1500-50. [Designs.] (In Wessely, J. E. Das ornament und die kunstindustrie AK in ihrer geschichtlichen entwickelung. 1877-78. v. I, pi. 82-86.) W5 i Behnke, Qustav. Heimstatten fur genesende. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1880-. A A 4. thl. 5. hlbd. hft. 2, p. 72-77. ill.) Hi9 Die markthalle in Frankfurt a/M. AH43 Berlin, 1880. F. 4 7 p. 4 pi. F852 From Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1880. v. 30. Niedere und hohere schulen. (In Handbuch der architektur. A A 1880-. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. i, p. 3-123. ill.) HIQ Sonstige versorgungs-, pflege- und zufluchtshauser. (In Hand- AA buch der architektur. 1880-. 4 thl. 5 hlbd. hft. 2, p. 105-154. ill.) HIQ Behr, Georg Heinrich. 1708-1761. Strasburger miinster und thurnbiichlein; oder, Kurtzer begriff der AH43 merkwiirdigsten sachen so im munster und dasigem thurn zu St8 finden . . . Strasburg, 1745. S. i57+[io] p. 7 pi. Behrens, Eduard L. Die sammlung E. L. Behrens zu Hamburg; catalog von E. Heilbut. AO6 [Miinchen] 1891. Sq. F. 5 [4] + 35 + 2i8 p. 68 pi B39 No. 167 of 200 copies printed. Behrens, [Wilhelm], and Kramer, [Th.] v. AK Ornamentale fragmente fiir das kunstgewerbe. [1885-91.] K86 Beijer, J[an] de, 1705- and Pronk, C[ornelis], 1691- 1^759- AH492 Een en tvvintig gezichten in de provintie Utrecht. 1779. Ut7i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 67 Beissel, Stephan. 1841-. Die baufiihrung des mittelalters ; studie iiber die kirche des hi. AH43 Victor zu Xanten ... 2. aufl. ... Xi Freiburg im Breisgau, 1889. O. Various paging, ill. I pi. map. Beitrage zur forderung der kunst in den gewerken. AC See Hannover (Ger.) Architecten- und ingenieur-verein. HIQI Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. AO Leipzig, 1878-92. O. 8 pts. new ser. pts. 1-15. ill. pi. 839 Contents: pt. i. SCHULTZ, A. 1838-. Die legende vom leben der jungfrau Maria. pt. 2. WUSTMANN, G. M. 1844-. Beitrage zur geschichte der malerci in Leipzig. pt. 3. LANGE, K. Das motiv des aufgestiitzten fusses in der antiken kunst. pt. 4. MUTHER, R. 1860-. Anton Graff, pt. 5. HOLTZINGER, H. 1856-. Ober den ursprung und die bedeutung der doppelchore. pt. 6. KAHL, R. 1858-. Das venezianische skizzenbuch. pt. 7. VALENTIN, V. 1842-. Neues iiber die Venus von Milo. pt. 8. Voss, G. 1855-. Das jiingste gericht in der bildenden kunst des frlihen mittelalters. n. s. pt. i. SCHUMANN, P. T. 1855-. Barock und rococo, pt. 2. REE, P. J. 1858-. Peter Candid. pt. 3. LEITSCHUH, F. F. 1863-. Die familie Preisler und Markus Tuscher. pt. 4. KAMMERER, L. Die landschaft in der deutschen kunst. pt. 5. FICKER, J. Die darstellung der apostel in der altchristlichen kunst. pt. 6. OTTINGEN, W. VON. 1859-. Uber das leben und die werke des A. Averlino. pt. 7. KRISTELLER, P. Die Strassburger biicher-illustration. pt. 8. TOMAN, H. Studien iiber Jan van Scorel. pt. 9. FICKER, P. G. Der Mitralis des Sicardus. pt. 10. GRAUL, R. Beitrage zur geschichte der dekorativen skulptur in den Niederlanden. pt. n. PAULI, G. Die renaissancebauten Bremens. pt. 12. KOLITZ, K. Hans Suess v. Kulmbach und seine werke. pt. 13. FRIEDLANDER, M. 1852-. Albrecht Altdorfer der maler von Regens- burg. pt. 14. FiRMENiCH-RiCHARTZ, E. Bartholomaeus Bruyn und seine schule. pt. 15. WILISCH, E. 1843-. Die altkorinthische thonindustrie. Beke, Charles T[ilstone], 1800-74. Description of the ruins of the church of Martula Mariam, in AB Abessinia. (In Archaeologia. v. 32, p. 38-57. 2 pi. ) Ar2 Belcher, John. The Institute of chartered accountants in England and Wales, AH42 Moorgate Place, E. C. London, 1893. F. 5 10 p. 20 pi. L936 Musical requirements in church planning. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1889. n. s. v. 5, p. 33-52. 6 pi.) R8i Belcher, John, and others. Sculpture and sculptors methods in relation to architecture. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1891-92. R8i n. s. v. 8, p. 49-64.) 68 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Belger, Christian. 1847-. Beitrage zur kenntnis der griechischen kuppelgraber. Berlin, 1887. Q. 40 p. ill. Programm no. 56, Friedrichs-Gymnasium, Berlin. La Belgique monumentale, historique et pittoresque . . . AH493 suivi d un Coup d oeil sur 1 etat actual des arts, des sciences et de Ai7 la litterature en Belgique, par A. Baron. Bruxelles, 1844. Q- 2 v. ill. 42 pi. Belgium and Nassau; or, The continental tourist . . . il- AH493 lustrated with . . . steel engravings and maps of cities. Ai6 London [1838]. Q. 137 p. 62 pi. on India paper. 2 maps. Belgium Commission royale, publisher. AB See Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1862. 6872 Belgium Exposition nationale. 1880. L art ancien a 1 Exposition nationale beige, pub. sous la direction AO4 de C. de Roddaz. Bruxelles, 1882. F. 396 p. ill. 27 pi. 641 Les arts decoratifs a 1 Exposition du cinquantenaire beige par T. AO4 Fumiere. 2e ed. Bruxelles, 1880. F. 5 ioo+[6] p. 25 pi. 6411 Les tapisseries historiees a 1 Exposition . . . par H. F. Keuller; texte AM8 par A. Wauters. B4i Bruxelles, 1881. Sq. F. 5 2 + 38+[i] p. 127 pi. facsim. [Belgrade, Jacopo. 1 704-89.] Dell architettura egiziana; dissertazione d. Un corrispondente dell AH62 Accademia delle scienze di Parigi . . . [Anon.] Ai2 Parma, 1786. Sq. O. 16+268 p. Belgrano, Luigi Tommaso, 1838-, editor. AC See Giornale ligustico di archeologia, storia e belle arti. 1874. 043 Belidor, [Bernard Forest de]. 1693-1761. Architecture hydraulique; ou, L art de conduire, delever et de AX menager les eaux pour les differens besoins de la vie. 641 Paris, 1737-53. Q. 4 v. 219 pi. Bell, Edward Ingress. The modern barrack: its plan and construction. (In Royal insti- AC tuteof British architects. Transactions. 1 880-81, p. 15-40. 3 pi.) R8i Bell, John, sculptor. 1811-. On the application of the entasis to the obelisk. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Papers. 1857-58,^176-182.) R8i On the geometric treatment of sculpture. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1858-59, p. 29-40.) R8i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 69 [Bell, Mrs. Nancy R. E. (Meugens).] Elementary history of art, architecture, sculpture, painting, by N. AO D Anvers, with introduction by R. Smith. 2d ed. 641 London, 1882. D. 24+672 p. ill. i pi. [Bell, Mrs. Nancy R. E. (Meugens), translator.] See Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P., marquis de. 1818-. Pre-historic AR73 America. 1884. Ai Bella, Stefano della. 1610-64. Collection of etchings, by Stefanino della Bella . . . 180 pieces . . . AO5 prefixed a biographical memoir, by Thomas Dodd. 641 London, 1818. F. 4 22 p. 97 pi. [Bellanger, , architect.] Notes instructives pour MM. les architectes et entrepreneurs des AI grands travaux de 1 ex-gouvernement, instruits par une . . . ex- 641 perience faite sous la gigantesque puissance de 1 empirique Napoleon . . . Paris, 1814. O. 84 p. Last page signed F. M. T. Bellanger, Stanislas. La Touraine ancienne et moderne, avec une preface de 1 Abbe AH44 Orsini . . . Paris, 1845. Q- 614 p. ill. 9 por. 21 pi. T645 Belleforest, Francois de. 1530-83. L ancienne et grande cite de Paris. Paris, 1882. O. 26+292+ AH44 [i] p. I pi. (In Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. A52 1878-83. v. 7.) No. 63 of 330 copies printed. Bellermann, Christian] Fr[iedrich]. 1793-1863. USer die altesten christlichen begrabnissstatten und besonders AR45 die katakomben zu Neapel mit ihren wandgemalden ... Ni62 Hamburg, 1839. Q. 8+120 p. 15 pi. Bellermann, Johann Joachim. 1754-1842. Ueber die scarabaen-gemmen, nebst versuchen, die darauf befind- lichen hieroglyphen zu crklaren. I.-2. stuck . . . [Berlin, 1820-21.] O. 2 pts. Programm, Berlinisch-Kollnisches Gymnasium. Belli, Onorio. i6 th cent. See Falkener, Edward. Description of some important theatres AH4998 and other remains in Crete, from a ms. history of Candia by Ai Onorio Belli in 1586. 1854. Bellier de la Chavignerie, Emile. 1821-71. Dictionnaire general des artistes de 1 ecole francaise . . . continue AW par L. Auvray . . . Supplement, Paris, 1882-87. Nar. Q. 3 v. in 2. 641 5* 7 o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Belloc, J. T. de, translator. See Brunner, Sebastian. 1814-. L art en Italic au moyen age AO et a la renaissance. 1889. 6831 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro. 1615-96. Ichnographia veteris Romae . . . [ed. X. Canale]. AR.45 Romae, 1764. F. 6 6+102 p. ill. 27 pi. R67 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, 1615-96, editor. See Bartoli, P. S. 1635-1700. Le antiche lucerne sepolcrali fig- AJ urate. 1704. 628 See Bartoli, P. S., 1635-1700, and Bartoli, Francesco, -1779. AM6 Le pitture antiche. 1706. B28 Bellou, A. Notice historique et archeologique sur le bourg de Formerie, Oise. AC (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 8019 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 12, p. 688-755, pi. 18-22.) Beltrami, Luca, 1854-. II castello di Milano sotto il dominio degli Sforza, 1450-1535. AH45 Milano, 1885. O. n pi. The central pillars of Milan cathedral. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 265- R8i 272.) La facciata del nostro duomo. 1883. Milano [1883]. O. 22 p. AH45 M5824 II modello per la nuova facciata del duomo di Milano e il disegno AH45 per la torre Campanaria. Milano, 1892. F. 7 [8] p. ill. 13 pi. M58I7 Per la facciata del duomo di Milano. AH45 Milano, 1887. F. 3 pts. in i v. ill. 3 pi. M58i6 Contents: i. Le linee fondamentali. 2. Lo stile. 3. La tcoria. Le volte del nostro duomo. 1881. Milano, 1882. O. 21 p. AH45 M5824 Beltrami, Luca, 1854-, and Fumagalli, Carlo. AH45 La cappella detta della Regina Teodolinda. 1891. M763 Belzoni, G[iovanni Battista]. 1778-1823. Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the AR62 pyramids, temples, tombs and excavations in Egypt and Nubia ... Ai8 London, 1820. Q. 19+483 p. I por. I pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 71 Bemrose, William, jr. Manual of buhl-work and marquetry, with practical instructions AK for learners . . . 3 cl ed. London [1887]. Q. 32 p. ill. 13 pi. 642 Manual of wood carving . . . with an introduction by Llewellynn AM5 Jewitt ... 3 d ed. London [1865]. O. 34 p. 12 pi. 642 Benedite, Leonce. Les applications decoratives du carton-pate. (In Revue des arts AB decoratifs. v. 9, p. 187-193.) R32 Benedite, Leonce, editor. AB See Bulletin des musees. 1890-. ^877 Benigni, Fortunate. Lettera sugli scavi fatti nel circondario dell antica Treja. AR45 Macerata, 1812. Q. 53 p. 13 pi. Tyi Benincasa, Bartolommeo, conte, 1745-1825, editor. See Rosenberg=Orsini, Giustiniana (Wynne), grafin. 1730-91. AH45 Alticchiero. 1787. Al7 Benjamin, Afsher]. Elements of architecture, containing the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic and AA Corinthian orders . . . also the theory and practice of carpentry . . . 643 Boston, 1843. O. 232 p. 28 pi. Benjamin, Horace Bernton. Architecture of the interior. [London, 1886.] O. 16 p. Autograph letter of author inserted. Benk, Johfannes], 1844-, Kundmann, Karl, 1838-, and Weyr, Rud[olf], 1847-. Figuraler schmuck im kuppelraume und dem stiegenhause des K. AH436 k. kunst-historischen hof-museums in Wien. V687 Wien, 1892. Sq. F. 4 28 pi. Benk, Joh[annes], 1844- Tilgner, Victor, and Weyr, Rudolf, 1847- Figuraler schmuck im kuppelraume und den salen des K. k. natur- AH436 historischen hof-museums in Wien. V684 Wien, 1890. F. 4 t.-p. 28 pi. Benkert, Franz Georg, 1790-1859, editor. See Blank, J. B. 1740-1827. Beschreibung seiner musiv-gemalde. AJ2 1820. B6i 72 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Benkwitz, Gfustav]. 1843- Die baufuhrung im anschluss an die vom Ministerium fur offent- AI liche arbeiten erlassene anweisung und das baurecht, mit beriick- 643 sichtigung des baupolizeirechts . . . Berlin, 1892. O. 7+ 120 p. Die darstellung der bauzeichnung . . . AA Berlin, 1889. O. 16 p. 4 pi. 6432 Bennassuti, Giuseppe. Del teatro antico Veronese. Verona, 1827. Obi. O. [10] p. 3 pi. Benndorf, [Friedrich August] Otto. 1838-. Die antiken von Zurich. Zurich, 1872. Q. [56] p. 8 pi. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1870-72. An8 v. 17, p. 123-178.) Bemerkungen zur griechischen kunstgeschichte. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. G8i v. i, p. 45-66, 167-171, pi. 2-3, 7.) Griechische und sicilische vasenbilder. AN2 Berlin [pref. 1868]. F. 5 [3]+ 122 p. ill. 61 pi. 643 Das heroon von Gjolbaschi-Trysa. (In Jahrbuch der kunsthistor- AB ischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 9, p. I Ji9i 134; v. ii,pt. i, p. 1-52; v. 12, pt. i, p. 5-68.) Die metopen von Selinunt mit untersuchungen fiber die geschichte, AH45 die topographic und die tempel von Selinunt. Se4i Berlin, 1873. F. 5 3+81 p. ill. 13 pi. Benndorf, [Friedrich August] Otto, 1838- compiler. See Rome (Italy) Museo Lateranense. Die antiken bildwerke AO8 des museums. 1867. R66 Benndorf, [Friedrich August] Otto, 1838- editor. See Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphischen seminares AP der Universitat Wien. 1880-. Ab4 See Wiener vorlegeblatter fur archaologische iibungen. 1888-. AB W6 3 Benndorf, [Friedrich August] Otto, 1838- and Nie= mann, George. Reisen in Lykien und Karien . . . mit einer karte von Heinrich AR56 Kiepert. Wien, 1884. F. 5 i56+[2]p. ill. 49 pi. map. (Reisen Ai in siidwestlichen Kleinasien. v. i.) Bennett, James. 1795-1856. AR42 History of Tewkesbury. Tewkesbury, 1830. O. 456 p. 8 pi. T3i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 73 Bennett, Solomon. Temple of Ezekiel; viz, an elucidation of the 4oth-42nd chap- AH569 ters of Ezekiel . . . with . . . remarks on the authenticity of the A2 book of Daniel . . . London, 1824. Sq. F. 6+[i]+i57 p. 2 pi. Bennewitz, . Das aufreissen der fassaden auf grund der saulenordnungen. AA Strelitz, 1890. ill. 6433 Benois, N., Resanoff, A., and Krakau, A. Monographic de la cathedrale d Orvieto. AH45 Paris, 1877. F. 5 i4+[i] p. 30 pi. Or95 Benoist, Felix, illustrator. AH44 See La Normandie illustree. 1852. See Pitre-Chevalier, P. M. F. Chevalier, called, 1812-64, and Sou= AH/j/| vestre, Emile. 1806-54. Nantes et la Loire-Inferieure. 1850. Ni55 Benoist, Ph[illipe], 1813- and Jacottet, J. AH44 Nouvelles vues de Paris. Paris, no date. Ob. Q. 36 pi. P256 Benouville, Leon. Etude sur la cathedrale de Beauvais; concours pour les fonctions AH44 d architecte diocesain. Paris, 1892. Q. 22 + [i] p. ill. 3 pi. 638 From Encyclopedic d architecture. 1891-92. Benouville, Pierre [Louis Alfred], 1852-, and Lau= zun, Philippe, 1847-. L abbaye de Flaran en Armagnac, description et histoire. AH44 Auch, 1890. O. 136 p. ill. 7 pi. Ar55 Benson, William. Principles of the science of colour . . . AO London, 1868. Q. 8+[2]+48 p. ill. 1 1 pi. 644 Bent, J[ames] Theodore. 1852-. Ruined cities of Mashonaland ... a record of excavation and ex- AH6o ploration in 1891, with a chapter On the orientation and mensura- Ai tion of the temples by R. M. W. Swan. London, 1892. O. 11 + 376 p. ill. 15 pi. 2 maps. Bentham, Rev. James. 1708-94. History and antiquities of the conventual and cathedral church of AH42 Ely, from the foundation of the monastery, A. D. 673-1771 . . . 192 Cambridge, 1771. Sq. F. 2 v. [i6]+292 + [74] p. 46 pi. Paged continuously. Bentham, Rev. James, 1708-94, Warton, Rev. Thomas, 1728-90, and others. AD6 Essays on Gothic architecture. 1800 and 1808. W26 74 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bentinck, [Charlotte Sophie] (von Aldenburg), grafin von. 1715-1806. Catalogue d une collection de medailles antiques . . . AMi Amsterdam, 1787. Q. 2 v. 1 1 + 1122 p. ill. B44 Paged continuously. Supplement. AMi Amsterdam, 1788. Q. 42 + 241 + 39 p. ill. 644 Berain, Jean. 1638-1711. 100 planches principales de . . . [sa] ceuvre complete, 1649-1711. AK Paris, no date. F. 6 100 pi. 6451 Reproduction in photogravure of selected plates from his decorative work. Decorations interieures, style Louis XIV. AK Paris [1849]. F - 5 3 P 1 - B 45 Ornemens peints dans les appartemens des Tuilleries . . . gravez. AK Paris . . . vers 1690. London, 1888. F. [3] p. 19 pi. (Quaritch s Q2 reprints of rare books, v. 8.) Berain, [Jean], 1674-1726, Chauveau, [Francois], 1620 (?)-76, and Le Moine, [Jean], 1638-1713. Ornemens de peinture et de sculpture qui sont dans la Galerie AK d Apollon au chasteau du Louvre et dans le . . . palais des Tuille- 6452 ries. [Paris, 1710.] F. 6 28 pi. Beraldi, Henri. 1849-. Estampes et livres. 1872-92. AN6 Paris, 1892. Q. 13 + 277 p. I por. 41 pi. 645 No. 153 of 390 copies printed. L ceuvre de Moreau le jeune; notice et catalogue par Henri AY Draibel [pseud.]. Paris, 1874. O. 80+ [2] p. I por. M8i No. 109 of 200 copies printed. Berard, A[ndre], 1806-73. Catalogue de toutes les estampes qui forment 1 ceuvre de Daniel AO7 Marot. Bruxelles, 1865. O. 66 p. 645 Berard, Chfarles] Eug[ene]. 1838-90. Catalogue de dessins anciens, architecture, decoration, ameuble- AO2 ment, orfevrerie . . . des ecoles fran9aise, italienne et allemande 645 du I5 e au I9 e siecle . . . dont le vente aura lieu ... 21, 23-25 fevrier, 1891 . . . [Paris, 1891.] Sq. F. 8+104 p. I por. 15 pi. Berard, Edoardo. Antiquites romaines et du moyen-age dans la vallee d Aoste. (In AC Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la provincia di Torino. Atti. 8017 v. 3, p. 119-212.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 75 Berchet, Federico, and Sagredo, Agostino. AH45 II Fondaco dei Turchi in Venezia. 1860. Berengo, Giovanni, editor and translator. Antico compendio di architettura di anonimo scrittore, emendate A A dal March. Luigi Marini, recato in italiano con note [e Memoria 6452 critica]. Venezia, 1855. Nar. Q. 3 p. + 56+120 col. [34+60] p. Latin t.-p. reads: Vetus anonymi scriptoris de architectura compendium, emendavit Aloysius Marinius. Text in Latin and Italian in parallel columns. Beresford=Hope, Alex. James Beresford. 1820-87. See Hope, Alexander James Beresford Beresford-. 1820-87. Bergamo, Stefano da. See Qli ornati del coro della chiesa di S. Pietro dei monaci cas- AH45 sinesi di Perugia, intagliati in legno da S. da Bergamo. 1845. Bergau, R[udolf]. 1836-. AB Die alte Marienkirche zu Danzig. (In Jahrbucher fur kunstwis- JIQ senschaft. 1868. v. I, p. 123-137.) Der schone brunnen zu Niirnberg . . . AH43 Berlin, 1871. O. 39 p. 2 pi. NQ37 Bergerat, Auguste Emile, 1845- compiler. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1878. Les chefs- AO4 d ceuvre d art a 1 Exposition. 1878. P2II [Berggriin, Oskar.] . . . Cortege historique de la villc de Vienne a 1 occasion des noces AW2 d argent de . . . Francois Joseph ier e t Elisabeth [27 avril 1879. 645 Anon.]. Paris [1882]. F. 6 Unpaged, ill. 45 pi. No. 114 of 550 copies printed. Berghe, Charles Auguste van den. 1798-1853. See Van den Berghe, Charles Auguste. 1798-1853. Berghe, Oswald van den. AB Le temple du Graal. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 17, p. 217- An7 226, 285-295.) Bergk, Theodor, 1812-81, editor. See Zeitschrift fur die alterthums-wissenschaft. 1843-52. New AB ser. v. i-ii. Z3I3 Bergmann, Ernst, ritter von. Der sarkophag des Panehemisis. (In Jahrbuch der kunsthistor- AB ischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. I, pt. I, p. 1-40; v. 2, pt. i, p. 1-20.) 76 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bergmann, L[eo]. Baulexicon; oder, Realencyclopadie des gesammten bauwesens . . . A A Leipzig, 1855. O. v. i. [3J + 572 p. 6453 Berlepsch, H. E. von. 1852-. AH45 Skizzenbuch eines architekten des 16. jahrhunderts. F. 4 [4] p. A28 20 pi. (In Italienische renaissance. 1875-82. v. 2.) See Lambert, Andre, and Stahl, Eduard. Motive der deutschen AK architektur des i6.-i8. jahrhunderts in historischer anordnung, Li/ mit text von H. E. von Berlepsch. 1890. Berlin (Ger.) Archaologische gesellschaft, editor. AP See Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm. W?22 Berlin (Ger.) Architekten-verein. Entwiirfe. 1869-92. Berlin, 1869-92. 2 v. F. 6 ill. AC From 1869-70 known as Monatsconcurrenzen. &45 Katalog der bibliothek. Berlin, 1887. Q. 11 + 380 p. AF5 Nachtrag. Berlin, 1888-91. Q. no. 1-4. 645 Berlin (Ger.) Architekten=verein, editor. Berlin und seine bauten. AH43 Berlin, 1877. Q. 2 v. ill. 6 pi. 3 maps. 6441 See Deutsche bauzeitung. 1867-71. v. 1-5. AB 0481 See Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1851-. AB Z3i Berlin (Ger.) Beuth=Schinkel=museum. Katalog des kiinstlerischen nachlasses von Carl Friedrich Schinkel AA im museum . . . angefertigt von A. freiherrn von Wolzogen. Sch3 Berlin, 1864. O. 15+616 p. (In Schinkel, K. F. Aus seinem nachlass. 1862-64. v. 4.) Berlin (Ger.) Deutsches archaologisches institut. See Deutsches archaologisches institut. Berlin (Ger.) Kaiserl. deutsches archaologisches institut. See Deutsches archaologisches institut. Berlin (Ger.) Konigliche kunstgewerbe- museum. See Berlin (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe-museum. Berlin (Ger.) Konigliche museen. See Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Berlin (Ger.) Konigliche technische Bau=deputa= tion. See Berlin (Ger.) Technische Bau=deputation. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 77 Berlin (Ger.) Konigliche technische hochschule. See Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule. Berlin (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe=museum. Festschrift zur eroffnung des museums gebaudes. AO4 [Berlin] 1 88 1. Sq. F. 4 74+ [4] p. ill. 2 pi. 6451 Holzschnitzereien des I5 ten und i6ten jahrhunderts im Kunstge- AM5 werbe-museum zu Berlin, hrsg. von J. Lessing. 645 Berlin, 1882. F. [8] p. 12 pi. Vorbilder-hefte, hrsg. und mit text von J. Lessing. AO2 Berlin, 1888-91. F. 5 pts. 1-13 in 2 v. ill. 186 pi. 6452 Contents: pt. i. Rahmen; italienische renaissance. pt. 2. Rahmen ; Italien und Deutschland, 16. jahrhundert. pt. 3. Rahmen ; 17. jahrhundert. pt. 4. Rahmen ; anfang, 18. jahrhundert. pt. 5. Stiihle ; I6.-I7. jahrhundert. pt. 6. Stiihle ; I7--I9- jahrhundert. pt. 7. Kandelaber; i6.-i7. jahrhundert. pt. 8. Gothische mobel. pt. 9. Gitter aus schmiedeeisen ; 16. -18. jahrhundert. pt. 10. Oberlichtgitter aus schmiedeeisen und verwandtes ; 16. -18. jahrhundert. pt. ii. Persisch-tiirkische fayencenteller. pt. 12. Italienische truhen ; 15. -16. jahrhundert. pt. 13. Orientalische teppiche. See Lessing, Julius. 1843-. Das speisezimmer und andere fest- AK gaben dargebracht . . . dem Kronprinzen und der Kronprinzessin L56 des deutschen reiches, bei der feier der silberhochzeit am 25 Jan. 1883, angefertigt unter mitwirkung des Konigl. kunstgewerbe- museums zu Berlin. 1886. Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Apulische vasenbilder des museums, hrsg. von E. Gerhard . . . AN2 Berlin, 1845. Sq. F. 8 4+36 col. [2+18] p. 25 pi. 6453 Beschreibung der antiken skulpturen, mit ausschluss der Perga- AO8 menischen fundstiicke, hrsg. von . . . [F. H. R. Kekule]. B45 Berlin, 1891. Q. 11 + 554 p. ill. Beschreibung der bildwerke der christlichen epoche, bearbeitet AO4 von W. Bode und H. von Tschudi. B45 Berlin, 1888. Q. 2 v. ill. 65 pi. Etruskische und kampanische vasenbilder des museums, hrsg. von AN2 E. Gerhard . . . Berlin, 1843. F - 6 46+ [2] p. 39 pi. 645 Griechische terracotten aus Tanagra und Ephesos im museum. AO8 Berlin, 1878. F. [12] p. 32 pi. 6451 Verzeichniss der in der formerei der Koniglichen museen kauf- lichen gipsabgiisse . . . Berlin, 1893. O. 6+86 p. See Gerhard, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Trinkschalen und gefasse des AN2 Koniglichen museums zu Berlin. 1848-50. G3ii 78 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Berlin (Ger.) Museum fiir volkerkunde, editor. AR8s See Seler, Eduard. Peruanische alterthumer. [Pref. 1893.] Ai Berlin (Ger.) Technische Bau=deputation, editor. AB See Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. 1851-. Z3i Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule. Die bauhutte entwiirfe im stile des mittelalters angefertigt von AL2 studirenden unter leitung von C. Schafer. 645 Berlin, 1883-86. F. 5 2 v. 120 pi. Contents: v. i-a 1 . Kirchenbau. v. a 2 . Profanbau. Berichte der ausgefuhrten studienreisen. Berlin, 1882. F. 6 AH495 At4 Vol. 2. BOHN, R. 1849-. Die Propylaeen der Akropolis zu Athen. 1882. Denkmaler der baukunst, zusammengestellt, autographisch ge- AA zeichnet und . . . hrsg. von studirenden. 8454 Berlin, 1877-92. F. 6 pt. 1-22. 264 pi. Contents: pt. 1-3. Antike baukunst. pt. 4-9. Altchristliche und romanische baukunst. pt. 10-16. Gothische baukunst. pt. 17-19. Baukunst der renaissance. pt. 20-22. Renaissance in Frankreich. Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule, publisher. AB See Baukunst des mittelalters. 1880- 632 Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule Louis Bois= sonnet-stiftung. 1883. See Meyer=Schwartau, Wilhelm. Der dom zu Speier und ver- AH43 wandte bauten. 1893. Sp3 Berlin iron bridge co. [Catalogues of] roofs, bridges, buildings, corrugated iron, beams, AI girders, columns, turntables . . . 646 East Berlin, no date. Obi. O. 2 v. in i, ill. Die Berliner stadt-eisenbahn. (In Zeitschrift fiir bau- AB wesen. v. 34, 35. 39 pi.) 31 Berling, K. Die fayence- und steingutfabrik Hubertusburg; ein beitrag zur AN2 geschichte der sachsischen keramik. 645 5 Dresden, 1891. O. [4] + 30 p. ill. 4 pi. Berlyn, Peter, and Fowler, Charles, Jr. The Crystal palace, its architectural history and constructive AH42 marvels... London, 1851. O. 8+92+19 p. 16 pi. L875I Bermudez, Juan Agustin Cean. 1749-1829. See Cean Bermudez, Juan Agustin. 1749-1829. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 79 Bernal, Ralph. -1854. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of works of art from the Byzan- AO2 tine period to that of Louis seize . . . 645 1 London, 1855. O. 357 P- 5 po r - 3 pi- Bernard, Auguste. Recueil d ornemens de la renaissance dessines et graves a 1 eau AK forte. Paris, 1862. F. 4 pt. 3-5 in I v. 25 pi. 6453 Bernard, Auguste Joseph. 181 1-68. Le temple d Atiguste et la nationalite gauloise. AH44 Lyon, 1863. Sq. F. 4 16+172 p. ill. 11 pi. map. A27 Bernard, J. Receuil de monumens inedits dessines et publics sur la ville de AH44 Provins. Paris, 1830. F. 16 p. 24 pi. Bernardis, Andrea de, engraver. See Albertolli, Giocondo. 1742-1840. Alcune decorazioni di AK nobili sale ed altri ornamenti. 1787. Ah Berndt, Fritz. Die gefasse unseres hauses; clrei vortrage iiber keramik. AN2 Aachen, 1880. O. 85 p. I pi. 6452 Bernoulli, Johann Jakob. 1831- Aphrodite; ein baustein zur griechischen kunstmythologie. AO8 Leipzig, 1873. O. 12+426 p. I pi. 6456 Uber die Minerven-statuen. Basel, 1867. Q. 31 p. Der Naturforschenden gesellschaft von Basel zur feier ihres fiinfzigjahrigen bestehens gewidnet. Berquin, Jaques. Architects ra; of, Wiskunstige verhandeling om de voornaamste AA eigcnschappen der burgerlyke bouwkonst betrekkelyk te maaken 645 tot de vyf bouworders. Amsterdam, 1789-90. F. 2 v. in i. 22 pi. Berra, Manuel Orozco y. 1816-81. See Orozco y Berra, Manuel. 1816-81. Berry, William. 1774-1851. Encyclopaedia heraldica; or, Complete dictionary of heraldry. AWi London [1828]. Q. 2 v. 137 pi. and Sup., unpaged. 4 pi. 645 Bert, Petrus de. 1565-1629. See Bertius, Petrus. 1565-1629. Berthaud freres. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Frise in- terieure du dome central du Palais des expositions diverses. 8o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Berthele, [Frar^ois Marie] Joseph. 1858-. Airvault [et Louin], Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Pay- AR44 sages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 7. 14 p. ill. 6 pi.) P/5 La date de la crypte de Saint- Leger a Saint Maixent, Deux- AB Sevres. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 50, p. 89-112.) B8/ Eglise Notre-Dame la Grande; Eglise Saint-Nicholas; Eglise AR44 Saint- Porchaire; Eglise Saint-Hilaire de la belle. (In Robuchon, P/5 J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 92-97. ill. pi.) Nieuil-sur-1 Autise et Oulmes. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 10. 14 p. 8 pi.) P75 Niort, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 6. 26 p. ill. 8 pi.) P7S Recherches critiques sur trois architectcs poitevins de la fin du AB lie siecle. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 52, p. 560-575; v. 53, 687 p. 19-26, 113-128.) Recherches pour servir a Thistoire des arts en Poitou . . . AH44 Paris, 1890. O. [9] +496+ [3] P- P75 Villiers-sur-Chize; Beauvoir-sur-Niort, Deux-Sevres. (In Robu- AR44 chon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884. v. 9. P75 13 P-) Berthele, [Francois Marie] Joseph, 1858- and Bouneault, Arthur. Saint-Generoux, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 7.) ?75 Berti, Alessandro Pompeo. 1686-1752. La scienza delle medaglie. Nuova edizione con annotazioni . . . AMi del Baron B. della Bastie, tradotta dal francese. B46 Venezia, 1756. S. 2 v. 13 pi. [Berti, Giovanni Felice.] Cenni storico-artistici per servire di guida ed illustrazione alia in- AH45 signe basilica di S. Miniato al Monte e di alcuni dintorni presso Sa5 Firenze. [Anon.] Firenze, 1850. O. 190+ [3] p. I pi. Bertius, Petrus. 1565-1629. Commentariorum rerum Germanicarum libri 3. AH43 Amstelodami, 1616. Obi. D. [io]+732+[2] p. ill. A47 Contents: I. De Germania vetere. 2. De Germania a Carlo Magno deinceps. 3. De urbibus Germaniae. Bertling, August, 1838- editor. See Moller, Anton. 1560-1620. Danziger frauentrachtenbuch AN4 aus 1 60 1. 1886. M>3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 81 Bertoldi, Antonio, editor. Michele Sanmicheli . . . document! tratti dal R. archivio generale AW di Venezia. (In Discorso per 1 inaugurazione del monumento a Sa$5 M. Sanmicheli. 1874. 19 p.) Bertoli, Giovanni Domenico. 1676-. Le antichita d Aquileja profane e sacre . . . AH436 Venezia, 1739. F. 5 [14] +444+ [3 6] p. ill. Aq5 Bertolotti, Antonino. 1836-. Artisti subalpini in Roma nei secoli XV, XVI e XVII. (In Societa AC di archeologia e belle arti per la pro vincia di Torino. Atti. v. I, 8017 p. 239-314; v. 2, p. 121-182.) Bertotti Scamozzi, Ottavio. 1726-. See Scamozzi, Ottavio Bertotti. 1726-. Bertrand, Alexandra. 1820-. Archeologie celtique et gauloise; memoires et documents relatifs AR44 aux premiers temps de notre histoire nationale . . . 2 e ed. A6 Paris, 1889. Q. 32+464 p. ill. 12 pi. Bertrand de Molleville, [Antoine Francois], marquis de. 1744-1818. Costume of the hereditary states of the House of Austria . . . AN4 with descriptions and an introduction; tr. by R. C. Dallas. C82I London, 1804. F. 4 Unpaged. 50 pi. Berty, Adolphe. 1818-67. Dictionnaire de 1 architecture du moyen age; contenant tous les A A termes techniques dont 1 intelligence est necessaire pour faire ou 6461 comprendre les descriptions des monuments religieux, civils et militaires . . . Paris, 1845. O- 11+322 p. ill. Les grands architectes francais de la renaissance, P. Lescot, Ph. AW de L Orme, J. Goujon, J. Bullant, les Du Cerceau, les Metezeau, 646 les Chambiges . . . Paris, 1860. O. 12+ 170+ [2] p. ill. Topographic historique du vieux Paris. Paris, 1866-87. F. 5 v - AH44 ill. I por. 173 pi. i facsim. Atlas to v. 1-2, F. 6 2 pi. (His- P288 toire generale de Paris, pub. sous les auspices du Conseil muni cipal; G. E. baron Haussmann, ed.) Contents : v. 1-2. Region du Louvre et des Tuileries. v. 3. Re gion du bourg Saint-Germain. v. 4. Re gion du faubourg Saint-Germain, v. 5. Re gion occidentale de 1 universite. Vols. 1-2 continued after the author s death by H. Legrand ; v. 3 by L. M. Tisserand and T. Vacquer; v. 4-5 by L. M. Tisserand; v. 4-5 have four unmounted plans of the city con tained in cases. Vocabulaire archeologique francais-anglais et anglais-francais AA avec renvois aux 1700 vignettes, illustrant le glossaire d archi- 6462 tecture, public par J. H. Parker, d Oxford. Paris, 1853. O. 40 p. 6 82 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Berwick et d Alba, [Jacques Louis Francois Paul Raphael Stuart], 1821-81, due de. AO2 Catalogue de . . . [sa] collection . . . Paris, 1877. Q. 32 pi. 646 Besant, Walter. 1838-. London. New York, 1892. O. 15 + 509 p. ill. Beschreibung der domkirche von Chur. Zurich, 1857. AC Q. [16] p. 14 pi. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mit- An8 theilungen. 1856-57. v. ii,p. 149-164.) Beschreibu n gder miinsterkirche und ihrer merkwiirdig- keiten in Basel. Basel, 1842. F. 22 p. 18 pi. Beschreibung der weltberiihmten und kiinstlich gemahl- ten glasern in der St. Johannis kirche zu Gouda. 4. ausg. Gouda, 1824. Nar. O. 36 p. Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal. Leyden, 1707. F. 4 various paging, ill. Beschryvinghe van out Batavien. See [Schryver, Pieter]. 1576-1660. Bethke, Hermann. Decorativer ziegelbau ohne mortelputz . . . AJ2 Stuttgart [1877-78]. F. 5 [15] p. 60 pi. 646 Ein-familien-hauser; kleine hauser zum alleinbewohnen fur die AE2 praktische ausfuhrung in kleineren stadten und in vororten gros- 646 serer stadte. Stuttgart, 1887-88. F. 6 [10] p. 60 pi. Stadtische geschafts- und wohnhauser; deutsche renaissance - fa9aden mit entsprechenden grundrissen fur praktische ausfuhrung entworfen und gezeichnet. Stuttgart [1885-86]. F. 5 60 pi. Bethke, Hermann, editor. See Privat- und gemeindebauten. [187688]. v. 3. Bethnal Green branch museum (South Kensington). See South Kensington (Eng.) museum Bethnal Green branch. Betrachtungen und einfalle iiber die bauart der privat- gebaude in Teutschland. See Bothmer, D. F. C. V. Bettoli, Nicolo. A A Introduzione al corso d architettura civile. Parma, 1823. O. 72 p. 646 See Leoni, Michele. I principali monumenti innalzati dal 1814- 1823 da la Principessa Maria Luigia, Duchessa di Parma, ora pub- blicati da N. Bettoli. 1824. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 83 Beule, [Charles] E[rnest]. 1826-74. AH495 L Acropole d Athenes . . . Paris, 1853-54. O. 2 v. 8 pi. At48 L architecture au siecle de Pisistrate. (In Revue generate de AB 1 architecture et des travaux publics. 1857-58. v. 15-16.) R32I L ecole de Rome au dix-neuvieme siecle. [Paris, 1863.] O. 23 p. AO F46 Fouilles a Carthage . . . Paris, 1861. F. 143 p. 6 pi. AR3973 C24I Fouilles et decouvertes, resumees et discutees en vue de 1 histoire AP de 1 art. Paris, 1873. O. 2 v. in I. 646 Contents: v. i. Grece et Italic, v. 2. Afrique et Asia. Histoire de 1 art grec avant Pericles. Paris, 1868. O. 494 p. AO 646 La statuaire d or et d ivoire ; la Minerve de Simart. AO8 [Paris, 1856.] O. [23] p. 646 Beunat, Joseph. Recueil des dessins d ornements d architecture de [sa] manufac- AK ture . . . [Paris, 1814 (?).] Sq. F. [i] p. 72 pi. 6462 f Beurnonville, [Etienne Martin], baron de. 1 779-1 876. Catalogue des tableaux anciens de toutes les ecoles, compo- AO6 sant . . . [sa] collection, dont la vente aura lieu . . . 9-16 mai, 646 1881. [Paris, 1 88 1.] F. i2+445 + [i] p. 50 pi. Beuth, [Peter Christian Wilhelm], chevalier. 1781- 1853- Some particulars respecting the cost of certain public buildings. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1842. R8i V. I, pt. 2, p. III-I22.) Beyer, Jan de. 1 705- See Beijer, Jan de. 1705-. Beyschlag, Robert [Julius]. 1838-. Female costume pictures; figures of female grace and beauty in AN4 costumes of various centuries. London, 1886. F. 5 12 pi. 646 Bezirdjian, Sopon. Albert fine art album . . . containing . . . original . . . oriental de- AK signs ... for ornamental fine art decoration . . . 2<i ed. 646 London, 1889. F. 4 v. i. 26 pi. Bezold, Q[ustav] von, 1848-, and Dehio, Q. G., 1850-. AE Die kirchliche baukunst des Abendlandes. 1887-92. 036 84 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bezon [Jean]. 1813- Dictionnaire general des tissus anciens et modernes . . . AN Lyon, 1856-67. O. 8 v. and Atlas, F. I por. 150 pi. ^46 Atlas published at Paris. Vols. 4-8, 2 e Edition. Biadego, Giuseppe. L arte degli orefici in Verona; memoria. Verona, 1890. O. 55 p. AM4 B 47 From Verona (Italy) Accademia d agricoltura, arti e commercio. Memorie. v. 66. ser. 3. Biagi, Clemente. 1740-1804. Monumenta graeca et latina ex museo I. Nanii veneti illustrata. AR495 Romae, 1787. Q. 24+2 + 278 p. ill. Ai8 Only 250 copies printed. Blanch i, Paolo Federico. Instituzione pratica dell architcttura civile per la decorazione de AA pubblici e privati edifici, preceduta da un articolo di Geometria in 647 pratica ad uso delli disegnatori . . . Milano, i766-[67]. Q. 2 v. 160 pi. Bianchini, Francesco. 1662-1729. Camera ed inscrizioni sepulcrali de liberti, servi ed ufficiali della AH45 casa di Augusto scoperte nella Via Appia . . . ^-697 Roma, 1727. F. 8+87 p. 7 pi. Del palazzo de Cesari; opera postuma. AR45 Verona, 1738. F. 5 [i2] + 3O4 p. ill. [2]+2O pi. R769 Text in Italian and Latin on opposite pages. Biardot, E. Prosper. Explication du symbolisme des terres cuites grecques de destina- AO8 tion funeraire. Paris, 1864. O. 69 p. 647 Les terres-cuites grecques funebres dans leur rapport avec les AO8 mysteres de Bacchus . . . 647 Paris, 1872. O. i4+[i] + 55i p. and Atlas, F. 5 54 pi. Bound with his Explication du symbolisme des terres cuites grecques. 1864. Bibiena, Ferdinando Galli, called il. 1657-1743. See Galli da Bibiena, Ferdinando. 1657-1743. Biblioteca di viaggi. Milano, 1875. O. ill. Vol. 9. MONNIER, M. 1829-85. Pompei e i Pompeiani. 2 da ed. 1875. Bibliothek des Literarischen vereins in Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 1862. O. Vol. 64. TUCKER, E. 1423-1507. Baumeisterbuch der stadt Nurnberg. 1862. Bibliotheque archeologique. Paris, 1888. O. ill. pi. RAYET, O. 1847-87. Etudes d archdologie et d art. 1888. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 8s Bibliotheque artistique. Paris [1881]. O. LAURENT-DARAGON, C. Le bronze d art. 1881. Bibliotheque d art ancien. Paris, 1886. Q. ill. DIEHL, C. 1859-. Ravenne; e"tudes d archdologie byzantine. 1886. Bibliotheque d histoire et d art. Paris, 1886. O. i v. ill. MARMOTTAN, P. 1856-. Les statues de Paris. [1886.] Bibliotheque de ramateur champenois. Paris, 1876. D. 12-13. ASSIER, A. 1822-. Les arts et les artistes dans 1 ancienne capitale de la Champagne. 1876. Bibliotheque de 1 architecte, par C. Daly. Paris, 1870-80. F. 5 II v. in 12. ill. pi. DALY.C.D. 1811-. L architecture prive"e au I9 e siecle; premiere sdrie. 1870. 2 v. in 3. DALY, C. D. 1811-. L architecture prive eauigcsiecle; deuxieme seYie. 1872. 3v. DALY.C.D. 1811-. L architecture prive"eaui9 e siecle; troisiemeseYie. 1877. 2v. DALY, C. D. 1811-. Motifs historiques d architecture. 1870-80. 4 v. Bibliotheque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts, publiee sous la direction de Jules Comte. Paris, 1882-93. O. 17 v. ill. pi. BAYET, C. 1849-. L art byzantin. 1883. CHAMPEAUX, A. DE. Le meuble. 1885. CORROYER, E. J. 1837-. L architecture romane. 1888. DECK, J. T. 1823-91. La faience. 1887. GERSPACH, E. 1833-. L art de la verrerie. 1885. GERSPACH, . 1833-. La mosai que. n. d. LALOUX, V. 1850-. L architecture grecque. 1888. LECHEVALLIER-CHEVIGNARD, E. 1825-. Les styles francais. [1892.] LECOY DE LA MARCHE, R. A. 1839-. Les sceaux. 1889. LEFEBURE, E. Broderie et dentelles. 1887. MAINDRON, G. R. M. 1857-. Les armes. 1890. MAYEUX, H. La composition decorative. 1885. MtJNTZ, E. 1845-. La tapisserie. 1882. PARIS, P. 1859-. La sculpture antique. [1889.] PERATE, A. L arche"ologie chre"tienne. 1892. RENAN, A. 1858-. Le costume en France. 1890. VOGT, G. La porcelaine. [1893.] Bibliotheque de la Construction moderne, publie e sous la direction de P. Planat. Paris [1888-93]. Q. and F. 5 13 v. PLANAT, P. Encyclopedic de 1 architecture. [1888-93.] 6 v. in 12. PLANAT, P. Habitations particulieres. [1888-89.] Bibliotheque de la nature [publiee sous la direction de G. Tissandier]. Paris, 1884. O. pi. BAPST, G. 1853-. Etudes sur 1 etain dans 1 antiquite". 1884. Bibliotheque des arts decoratifs publiee sous la direction de Victor Champier. Paris, 1893. F. ill. UJFALVY-BOURDON, K. E. VON. 1842-. Les biscuits de porcelaine. 1893. 6* 86 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bibliotheque des beaux-arts, par Edouard Lievre. Paris, no date. F. 5 2 v. pi. PARIS (France) SOCIETE D ENCOURAGEMENT POUR LA PROPAGATION DES LIVRES D ART. Musdeset collections. 2 v. Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles aux amis des livres; E. Rouveyre, editeur. Paris, 1891. D. I v. ill. pi. BOUCHOT, H. 1849-. De la reliure exemples k imiter ou a rejeter. 1891. Bibliotheque des ecoles et des families. Paris, 1888. O. ill. SAINT-PAUL, A. 1843-. Histoire monumentale de la France. 1888. Bibliotheque des merveilles, publiee sous la direction de E. [T.] Charton. Paris, 1875-89. D. 5 v. ill. pi. JACQUEMART, A. 1808-75. Les merveilles de la cdramique. 1866-89. 3 v - LASTEYRIE, F. C. L., comte DE. 1810-79. Histoire de 1 orfdvrerie. 1875. MENANT, J. 1820-. Ninive et Babylone. 1888. Bibliotheque des professions industrielles, commerciales et agricoles; Serie C: Art de 1 ingenieur, ponts et chaussees, constructions civiles. Paris [186483]. D. 2 v. ill. No. 4. LATERRIERE, J. DE. Manuel de la literie. [1864.] No. 5. Vioi,LET-LE-Duc, E. E. 1814-79. Comment on construit une maison. 4 e-d. [1883.] Bibliotheque historique illustree. See L ancienne France, etudes illustrees d apres les ouvrages de Paul Lacroix. Bibliotheque instructive. Paris, 1883. D. ill. CERFBERR DE MEDELSHEIM, G. 1858-. L architecture en France. 1883. Bibliotheque Internationale de 1 art, publiee sous la direction d E. Miintz. Paris, 1882-93. F. and O. 20 v. ill. pi. PREMIERE SERIE: VOLS. IN FOLIO. BONNAFFE, E. 1825-. Les amateurs de 1 ancienne France : Foucquet. 1882. CAVALLUCCI, C. J., 1827-, and MOLINIER, C. L. M. E., 1857-. Les della Robbia. 1884. COUSIN, J. I5oi(?)-9o(?). Le livre de fortune, recueil de dessins. 1883. DAVILLIER, J. C., baron. 1823-83. Les origines de la porcelaine en Europe. 1882. GENEVAY, A. 1811-. Le style Louis XIV. 1886. GEYMULLER, H., baron VON. 1839-. Les Du Cerceau. 1887. KONDAKOV, N. P. 1844-. Histoire de 1 art byzantin. 1886-91. 2 v. MOLINIER, C. L. M. E. 1857-. Venise. 1889. MUNTZ, E. 1845-. Les collections des Medicis au 155 siecle. 1888. MUNTZ, E. 1845-. Les precurseurs de la renaissance. 1882. MUNTZ, E., 1845-, editor. Tapisseries, broderies et dentelles. 1890. PERKINS, C. C. 1823-86. Ghiberti et son e"cole. 2 e e"d. [i88s(?).] SOLVAY, L. 1851-. L art espagnol. 1887. ViOLLET-LE-Duc, E. E. 1814-79. De la decoration appliqude aux Edifices. 30 eU [1893.] COLUMBIA COLLEGE 87 Bibliotheque Internationale de 1 art, publiee sous la direction d E. Miintz. Paris, 1882-93. F. and O. 20 v. ill. pi. DEUXIEME SERIE: VOLS. IN OCTAVO. CROS, C. I. H., 1840-, and HENRY, C., 1859-. L encaustique. 1884. GARNIER, E. 1840-. Dictionnaire de la ceramique. 1893. MOLINIER, C. L. M. . 1857-. Les bronzes de la renaissance : Les plaquettes. 1886. 2 v. RONCHAUD, L. DE. 1816-87. La tapisserie dans 1 antiquite. 1884. Bibliotheque orientale elzevirienne. Paris, 1885. S. ill. pi. CLERMONT-GANNEAU, C. S. 1846-. Les fraudes arche"ologiques en Palestine. 1885. Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin, fondee par Rene Menard et publiee sous la direction de A. Cougny. Paris, 1884-. S. 26 v. ill. pi. PREMIERE SfiRIE: ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE. ARNOULD, Mme. D. F. de C. La ce"ramique et les e"maux. GENUYS, C. Construction magonnerie. 1885. 2 v. GERARD, L. G. Le lavis et 1 aquarelle. 1890. Atlas. KELLER, A. filaments de botanique ornementale. 1890. SINAUD, H. Coupe des pierres. 1890. VALTON, E. E. 1836-. Histoire du meuble. 2 v. DEUXIEME SERIE: ENSEIGNEMENT PROFESSIONEL. BOSC, E. 1837-. Les ivoires. 1889. MENARD, R. J. 1827-. L orfevrerie. 1884. TROISIEME SERIE: ENSEIGNEMENT GENERAL. CAVARO, R. Les costumes des peuples anciens. 1887. 2 v. COUGNY, G. 1857-. Promenades au Musee du Louvre. 1888. 2 v. MENARD, R. J. 1827-. Les rite s grecques. 1888. La decoration au i6 e siecle : Le style Henri II. La decoration au i7 e siecle : Le style Louis XIV. 1884. La decoration au i8 e siecle : Le style Louis XV. : Le style Louis XVI. 1884. - La decoration en figypte. 1884. - La decoration en Grfece. 1884. 2 v. Les emblemes et attributs des Grecs et des Remains. - Les villes de Vdsuve. 188^. MONCEAUX, H. 1831-. Les carrelages histories. 1887. 2 v. Bibliotheque scientifique contemporaine. Paris, 1888-89. D. 2 v. ill. BAYE, J., baron DE. 1853-. L archeologie pre"historique. 1888. COTTEAU, G. H. 1818-. Le prehistorique en Europe. 1889. Bibliotheque scientifique Internationale, publie e sous la direction d Em. Alglave. Paris, 1889. O. ill. Vol. 68. CARTAILHAC, E. 1845-. La France prtfhistorique. 1889. French edition of International scientific series. Bickell, L. Bookbindings from the Hessian historical exhibition, illustrating AN6 the art of binding from the 15111 to the i8th centuries. 647 Leipzig, 1893. F. 6 14 p. 42 pi. No. 28 of loo copies printed. 88 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bickell, L., editor. Hessische holzbauten. AH43 Marburg, 1887-91. F. 3 pts. in I v. 81 pi. ^{462 Bicknell, A[mos] J., publisher. Bicknell s public buildings; containing 21 plates . . . showing libra- AE6 ries, town hall, masonic hall, opera-house, court-house, and rail- 647 way station, etc. New York, 1877. F. [12] p. pi. 90-108,133-135. Bid lake, Geo[rge], Sketches of churches designed for the use of nonconformists. AE Birmingham, 1865. Q. [8] p. 18 pi. 647 [Bidloo, Govard. 1649-1713.] Komste van zyne Majesteit Willetn III. koning van Groot Britanje, AW2 enz. in Holland . . . 647 In s Graavenhaage, 1691. F. 4 [io] + i27 p. 14 pi. Engraved title-page. Bielefeld, Charles Frederick. On the use of the improved papier-mache in furniture, in the AK interior decoration of buildings, and in works of art. New ed. 647 London, 1850. Sq. F. i2 + [i]+9 p. ill. 129 pi. Ornaments in every style of design . . . manufactured in the im- AK proved papier-mache. See, above, On the use of the improved 647 papier-mache in furniture . . . and in works of art. 1850. Bierens, David. -1827. Catalogue . . . [de son] cabinet de . . . tableaux anciens de 1 ecole AO6 hollandaise . . . vente . . . 15 nov. 1881 . . . 647 Amsterdam, 1881. Q. 23 p. 18 pi. Biermann, A. Sammlung vorziiglicher alterer goldschmiedsarbeiten aus der AM4 Gmunder ausstellung . . . hrsg. vom Gewerbe-museum zu 6472 Schwabisch-Gmiind. Berlin, no date. F. 5 26 phot. Biet, Leon Marie Dieudonne, 1785-1856, Gourlier, C. P., 1786-1857, and others. AH44 Choix d edifices publics. 1825-50. A22 Bigge, Rev. H[enry] J[ohn], 1816-. Report of the sub-committee appointed to enquire into the differ- AC ent methods of warming churches. (In Associated architectural As7 societies. Reports and papers, v. 4, p. 146-159.) Bigland, John. 1750-1832. AH42 Yorkshire. (Beauties of England and Wales. 1801-15. v. 16.) All7 .COLUMBIA COLLEGE 89 Bigot, Charles [Jules]. 1840-. Raphael and the Villa Farnesina, tr. from the French by Mary AH45 Healy (Madame Charles Bigot); engravings by Tiburce de Mare. R663 London, 1884. F. [?] + I2 9 P- *5 pi- No. 41 of 150 copies printed. Bigot, Mme. Mary (Healy), 1843- translator. AH45 See Bigot, C. J. 1840-. Raphael and the Villa Farnesina. 1884. R/563 Bilderschatz fiir das kunstgewerbe; eine internationale rundschau iiber die hervorragendsten abbildungen, die in den kunstgewerblichen publikationen der letzten jahre erschienen sind . . . hrsg. von Julius Hoffmann junior. Stuttgart, 1892. F. 4 v. I. 120 pi. Billings, Robert William. 1813-74. Architectural illustrations and account of the Temple church, AH42 London. London, 1838. Q. 6+[i] + 55 p. 31 pi. L84 Architectural illustrations and description of the cathedral church AH42 at Durham. London, 1843. Q. 8+54 p. 75 pi. tab. 093 Architectural illustrations, history and description of Carlisle AH4 cathedral. London, 1840. Q. 6+92 p. ill. 45 pi. Ci92 Architectural illustrations of Kettering church, Northampton- AH42 shire . . . engravings by George Winter. K5 1 London, 1843. Q. 16 p. 20 pi. Attempt to define the geometric proportions of Gothic architec- AH42 ture as illustrated by the cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester. Ci9 London, 1840. 16 p. 5 pi. Bound with his Architectural illustrations of Carlisle cathedral. 1840. Baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. AH4I Edinburgh [pref. 1852]. Q. 4 v. in 2. ill. 240 pi. Ai Geometric tracery of Brancepeth church, in the county of Durham. AH42 London, 1845. Q- P 1 - B 73 Illustrations of the architectural antiquities of the county of Dur- AH42 ham, ecclesiastical, castellated and domestic. D93I Durham, 1846. F. 6 + 64 p. 64 pi. Illustrations of geometric tracery, from the panelling belonging AH42 to Carlisle cathedral. London, 1842. Q. 20 pi. Ci9i Infinity of geometric design exemplified. AL2 Edinburgh, 1849. F - : 9 P- 39 P^ ^49 Power of form applied to geometric tracery; one hundred de- AL2 signs and their foundations resulting from one diagram . . . 6491 Edinburgh, 1851. Q. 26 p. 51 pi. 90 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Billington, John. Architectural director ... a guide to builders . . . students and AA workmen in the study, design and execution of architecture . . . 649 and a glossary of architecture . . . London, 1848. O. 8+344+ [109] p. ill. 75 pi. 9 tab. Bindley, James. 1737-1818. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of medals . . . sold . . . Mar. 3, AMi 1819... [London] 1819. O. [4] +65 p. 651 Bindley hardware co. Ai2 [Catalogue.] Pittsburgh [1893 (?)]. F. 21+938 p. ill. 651 Bindseil, Th[eodor]. Die antiken graber Italiens. I. teil: Die graber der Etrusker. AR495 Schneidemuhl, 1881. Q. 52 p. Zi Bing, S., compiler. Artistic Japan; illustrations and essays. AO London [1888]. F. [io] + isop. ill. 115 pi. 651 Bingham, W., co. Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of hardware . . . AI Cleveland, 1894. O. 5 1 + 1476 p. ill. 6511 Binns, R[ichard] Wfilliam]. Catalogue of a collection of Worcester porcelain in the museum at AN2 the Royal porcelain works. 65 1 Worcester, 1882. O. [9]+i83 + [2J p. ill. 4 pi. Bins de Saint= Victor, Jacques Maximilien Benja= min. 1772-1858. See Saint-Victor, Jacques Maximilien Benjamin Bins de. 1772- 1858. Bippen, Wfilhelm] von. Die pfarr- und ordens-kirchen. (Bremen, Ger. Kiinstler-ver- AH43 ein. Abtheilung fur geschichte und alterthumer. Denkmale 6751 der geschichte und kunst der freien hansestadt Bremen. 1870. v. 2 2 .) Birch, Samuel. 1813-85. Description of a fictile vase from Vulci, the allegory of which is AB supposed to be intended to commemorate the fate of the family of Ar2 Agamemnon. (In Archaeologia. v. 32, p. 150-167. 5 pi.) Inscription of Haremhebi on a statue at Turin. AX [London, 1874.] O. 10 p. ill. 653 From Society of biblical archaeology. Transactions. 1874. v - 3> P 4 - 2 - COLUMBIA COLLEGE 91 Birch, Samuel. 1813-85. Observations on the Xanthian marbles recently deposited in the AB British museum. (In Archaeologia. v. 30, p. 176-204.) Ar2 On a vase representing an adventure of Perseus. (In Archaeologia. AB v. 36, p. 53-70. i pi.) Ar2 On some Cypriote antiquities discovered by General di Cesnola AX at Golgoi . . . with the Tablet of Antefaa II. 653 London, 1875. O. 5 + 24 p. ill. 5 pi. From Society of biblical archaeology. Transactions. 1875. parti. On two Egyptian tablets of the Ptolemaic period. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 39, p. 315-348.) Ar2 Translation of the hieroglyphic inscription on the granite altar at AX Turin. [London, 1874.] O. 5 p. ill. 653 From Society of biblical archaeology. Transactions. 1874. v. 3, part i. Translation of the hieroglyphic inscription upon the altar of Nech- AX tharhebes. [London, 1874.] O. 5 p. 653 From Society of biblical archaeology. Transactions. 1874. v. 3, part 2. Birch, Samuel, 1813-85, compiler. See British museum. Description of the collection of ancient AO8 marbles in the museum. 1812-61. v. n. 677 Birch, Samuel, 1813-85, editor. See British museum. Inscriptions in the Himyaritic character. AO2 1863. 677 See Cesnola, Major A. P. di. 1840-. Salaminia, Cyprus. 1884. AR499 Ai See Society of biblical archaeology, publisher. The bronze orna ments of the palace gates of Balawat. 1 880-81. Birk, Ernst, Htter von. Inventar der im besitze des allerhochsten kaiserhauses befindlichen AB Niederlander tapeten und gobelins. (In Jahrbuch der kunsthis- JiQi torischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. I, part I, p. 213-248; v. 2, part I, p. 167-220.) Birkenstock, Jfohann] Melchior, edler von. 1738- 1809. Monumentum aeternae memoriae Mariae Christinae, archiducis AE8 Austriae a ... conjuge Alberto Saxone ... in templo d. Augus- 653 tini e marmore erectum opera A. Canovae, 1805; carmen post- humum, accessit interpretatio Germanica ... a ... [Enzenberg] . . . Vindobonae, 1813. F. 6 38 p. 6 pi. Bischof , Max, and Knochenhauer, Paul. Das chorgestuhl der kirche Sant Eusebio in Rom. F. 4 [3] p. AH45 48 pi. (In Italienische renaissance. 1875-82. v. 4.) A28 92 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bishop, Rev. H[enry] H[alsall]. Architecture especially in relation to our parish churches . . . pub- AE lished by the Society for promoting Christian knowledge. 654 London, 1886. D. 8+216 p. ill. Pictorial architecture of Greece and Italy. AH45 London, 1887. O bl - - r 35 P- m - r P 1 - A 37 Pictorial architecture of the British Isles . . . AH42 London, 1890. Obl. O. 123 p. ill. I pi. Ap3 Bisi, Michele. 1788-. Pinacoteca del Palazzo reale delle scienze e delle arti di Milano, AH45 col testo di R. Gironi. Milano, 1812. F. 4 Unpaged. 52 pi. M595 Bisiaux, - , editor. AB See Journal-manuel de peintures. 1850-63. v. 1-14. J825 Biston, Valentin, and Hanus, P. A. Ai Manuel du charpentier. 1834-. HIQ Bitard, Ad[olphe], compiler. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1878. L exposition. A 04 1878. P2I7 Bittner, Norbert. Collection d idees architectoniques puisse es dans I antiquite* tant AL2 grecque que romaine . . . [Vienne] no date. F. 5 36 pi. 654 Bizeul, Louis Jacques Marie. 1785-1861. Memoire sur les voies romaines de la Bretagne et en particulier de AB celles du Morbihan. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 9, p. 5-42, B87 201-254.) Bizzelli, Giovanni, 1556-1647, Allori, Alessandro, 1535-1607, and others. Decken-malereien des ersten korridors der Kgl. gallerie zu Florenz. AH45 1880. F675 Blaauw, W[illiam] H [enry] . 1793-1870. Dureford abbey: its fortunes and misfortunes. (In Sussex archseo- AC logical society. Collections, v. 8, p. 4196. I pi.) Su8 On the Cluniac priory of St. Pancras, at Lewes, its priors and AC monks. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 3, p. Su8 185-210. i pi.) On the early history of Lewes priory . . . (In Sussex archaeo- AC logical society. Collections, v. 2, p. 7-37.) Su8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 93 Black, William Henry. Observations on the primitive site, extent, and circumvallation of AB Roman London. (In Archaeologia. v. 40, p. 41-58. I pi.) Ar2 On the identification of the Roman Portus Lemanis. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 40, p. 375-380.) Ar2 Blackall, Clarence H. Builders hardware; a manual for architects, builders and house AI furnishers. Boston, 1890 [c. 1888-89]. O- 10 + 322 p. ill. 4 pi. 656 Blackburn, Henry, 1830- compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Pictures at South Ken sington. 1877. Blackburne, Edward L[ushington]. Architectural and historical account of Crosby place, London, AH42 compiled from original . . . sources, with an appendix . . . L87 London, 1834. O. [3]+92 + [2] p. 2 pi. I facsim. Sketches graphic and descriptive for a history of the decorative AK painting applied to English architecture during the middle ages. 656 London, 1847. F - 4 4+88+[i] p. 23 pi. Blackburne, Edward L[ushington], editor. Suburban & rural architecture, English and foreign. AE2 London [1869]. F. 2+117 p. 90 pi. 656 Blacket, W. S. Researches into the lost histories of America; or, The Zodiac AR73 shown to be an old terrestrial map in which the Atlantic isle is A2 delineated. London, 1884. Q. 8+336 p. ill. I pi. Blagrove, George H. Marble decoration and the terminology of British and foreign AI marbles... London, 1888. D. 6+122 p. ill. 6571 Blair, W. N. Building materials of Otago and South New Zealand generally ... AI Dunedin, 1879. O. 7+4+244 p. 5 tab. 657 Blair=Adam garden. AX See [Adam, William. 1751-1839]. Z Blanc, [Auguste Alexandre Philippe] Charles. 1813-82. L art dans la parure et dans le vetement. AN4 Paris, 1882. O. 320 p. ill. 2 pi. 659 Art in ornament and dress, translated from the French. AN4 London, 1877. O. 9+274 p. ill. 6591 94 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Blanc, [Auguste Alexandra Philippe] Charles. 1813-1882. Grammaire des arts decoratifs; decoration interieure de la maison. AK Paris, 1882. Q. 495 p. ill. n pi. 659 Grammaire des arts du dessin, architecture, sculpture, peinture . . . AL 2 e ed. Paris, 1870. Q. 743 p. ill. 659 Histoire de la renaissance artistique en Italic . . . pub. par M. AH45 Faucon. Paris, 1889. O. 2 v. A3 5 Voyage de la haute Egypte; observations sur les arts Egyptien et AO Arabe. Paris, 1876. O. 367 p. ill. 659 Blanc, [Auguste Alexandre Philippe] Charles, 1813-82, compiler. AO2 See Thiers, M. J. L. A. 1797-1878. Collection d objets d art. 1884. T34 Blanc, [Auguste Alexandre Philippe] Charles, 1813-82, editor. See Bonnard, Camille. Costumes historiques des I2 e -I5 e siecles. AN4 1860-61. 6641 Blanc, Charles. 1813-82. See Blanc, Auguste Alexandre Philippe Charles. 1813-82. Blanc, Charles le. 1817-65. See Le Blanc, Charles. 1817-65. Blanc, Edmond. 1841-. La cathedrale de Vence. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 43, p. 603- AB 622; v. 44, p. 24-41, 193-216.) 687 Blanc, Pierre. Nouveau traite elementaire pour le trace et le perfectionnement AI des escaliers. Saint-Etienne, no date. F. [2] p. 20 pi. 6592 Blanchard, Ed me. Traite de la coupe des bois pour le revetement des voutes, ar- AI rieres-voussures, trompes, rampes et tours rondes . . . 659 Paris, 1729. Sq. F. 12+80 p. 46 pi. Blanchard, Edward Laman, 1820- editor. See Dugdale, Thomas. Curiosities of Great Britain: England and AH Wales delineated. 1854-60. A 124 Blanchet, Rodolphe. 1807-64. Memoire sur les monnaies des rois de la Bourgogne Transjurane. AC Zurich, 1856. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mit- An8 theilungen. 1856-57. v. 11^.49-75. 2 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 95 Blanchetiere, - . Antiquites de Jublains. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 24, p. 537- AB 555-) Blanchot, Auguste. Un pastiche de style ogival a Paris; eglise Sainte-Clotilde. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. I, p. 434-447.) R-324 Blancourt, H[andiequer] de. Art of glass, shewing how to make all sorts of glass . . . [with] the AN3 method of painting on glass and enameling . . . translated into 659 English. London, 1699. D. [i3] + 355 + [i2] p. pi. Bland, William. Experimental essays on the principles of construction in arches, AI piers, buttresses . . . London, 1839. O. 8+103 p. ill. B6i Blandot, Lambert. 1833- See Blandot-Grayet, Lambert. 1833-. Blandot[=Grayet, Lambert], 1833-. Maisons et ecoles communales de la Belgique dessinees et mesu- AH493 rees . . . Paris, 1864. F. 5 5 + [8] p. 120 pi. A7 Blank, Joseph Bonavita. 1740-1827. Beschreibung seiner musivgemalde . . . hrsg. von F. G. Benkert. AJ2 2. ... ausg. Wiirzburg, 1820. D. 20+268+ [2] p. i por. i pi. B6i Blashfield, John M[arriott]. Ancient and modern pottery. (In Associated architectural socie- AC ties. Reports and papers, v. 5, p. 117134.) As7 Selection of vases, statues, busts, etc., from terra-cottas. AO8 London, 1857. Q. [6]+4 p. 105 pi. B6i Blashill, Thomas. Architectural history of Tewkesbury abbey. (In Associated AC architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 14, p. 97 104. 2 pi.) As7 The question of oak or chestnut in old timber roofs. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1877-78^.231-239. i pi.) R8i Tenure of land for building purposes. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1883-84, p. 190-198.) R8i Blasius, Clemens. 1740-1804. See Biagi, Clemente. 17401804. Blatter tiir kostiimkunde; historische und volkstrachten. AN4 Berlin, 1876-91. Q. ill. new ser. 4 v. B6i Edited by A. von Heyden and others. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Blatter fur kunstgewerbe. Wien, 1872-91. ill. F. 4 v. 1-20 in 10. Edited by V. Teirich. - Beilagen; no. 1-5. Wien [1872-77]. F, 7 i v. pi. Blavette, V. A. Etude sur le Pantheon de Rome; restauration de la palestre des thermes d Agrippa. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1885, p. 3-14.) AB B6i 1817-76. dans les anciens eveches de Blavignac, J[ean] D[aniel]. Histoire de 1 architecture sacree . Geneve, Lausanne et Sion. Paris, 1853. O. 21+438?. 36pl. map. Atlas, Obi. Q. [5] p. 82 pi. Histoire des enseignes d hotelleries, d auberges et de cabarets. Geneve, 1879. O. [j] + 2 + 542 p. Bleau, Alphonse, abbe. L ancienne eglise des Augustins, a Poitiers; Le grand Seminaire de Poitiers etsa chapelle. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu ments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 161-162, 169-172. ill. pi.) Bleyswijck, Dirck van. Beschryving der stadt Delft . . . Delft, 1667. O. p. 35 pi. Blight, J[ohn] T[homas]. 1835-. Ancient crosses and other antiquities in the East of Cornwall. 2<I ed. London, 1872. O. [6] +6 +134 p. ill. Ancient crosses and other antiquities in the West of Cornwall. 3d ed. London, 1872. O. 7 + 73 p. ill- Bound with his Ancient crosses and other antiquities in the East of Cornwall. 1872. Churches of West Cornwall, with notes of antiquities of the district. Oxford, 1865. O. 4+i54+[i] p. ill. Bloch, Leo. 1854-. Die zuschauenden gotter in den rotfigurigen vasengemalden des malerischen stiles. Leipzig, 1888. O. 72 + [3] p. Doctor s dissertation, Leipzig University. Blomefield, Francis. 1705-52. Essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk, containing a description of the towns, villages and hamlets . . . London, 1805-10. Sq. F. 1 1 v. ill. 4 por. 145 pi. map. I fac- sim. 1 8 tab. Continued from v. 6, p. 463, by Rev. Charles Parkin. AB M48 AX B6i AR42 C8i AR42 C8i AH42 C8i AN2 Z4 AR42 N76 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 97 Blomfield, Reginald, and Thomas, F. L, 1826-. AN8 Formal garden in England. London, 1892. O. 30+249 p. ill. B62 Blondel, Charles Ferdinand. 1807-. See Paris (France) Assistance publique, Administration gene- AH42 ralede 1 . Rapport sur les hopitaux civils de Londres. 1862. L92/ Blondel, Franois. 1617-86. Cours d architecture enseigne dans 1 Academie royale d architec- AA ture . . . Paris, 1675-83. F. 5 3 v. in 2. ill. I pi. 6621 Nouvelle maniere de fortifier les places. AE/ La Haye, 1684. S. [8] +98 p. 10 pi. 2 tab. B62 Resolution des quatre principaux problemes d architecture . . . AA Paris, 1773. F. 6 |>]+86 p. 8 pi. 662 Blondel, Jacques Francois. 1705-74. De la distribution des maisons de plaisance et de la decoration des AK edifices en general. Paris, 1737-38. Q. 2 v. 164 pi. B62 De la distribution des maisons de plaisance et de la decoration AA des edifices en general. 1737. (In Korsak, A. Les grands archi- K84 tectes francais, plates 1-138.) Blondel, Paul. Etat actuel des ruines du temple de la Fortune a Preneste. (In AB Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1882. p. 168-198.) Blore, Edward. 1787-1879. Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, comprising AE8 the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain. B62I London, 1826. Q. Various paging. 30 pi. Blouet, Guillaume Abel. 1795-1853. Traite theorique et pratique de 1 art de batir de Jean Rondelet; AA Supplement. Paris, 1855-68. [v. i, 68.] F. 2 v. in I, and R66 Atlas, F. 6 105 pi. (Rondelet, J. 1734-1829. Traite de 1 art de batir. 1838-55. v. 6-7.) Blouet, Guillaume Abel, 1795-1853, editor. AR495 See France. Expedition scientifique de Moree. 1831. M8i Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche. 1805-88. Companion to the principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture, AN4 being . . . [an] account of the vestments in use in the church . . . B62 London, 1882. D. 5+403 p. ill. Glimpse at the monumental architecture and sculpture of Great AE8 Britain from the earliest period to the eighteenth century. B62 London, 1834. O. 15 + 291 p. ill. 7 98 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche. 1805-88. On Easter sepulchres. (In Associated architectural societies. Re- AC ports and papers, v. 11, p. 67-82.) As7 Principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture, with an explanation AD6 of technical terms and a centenary of ancient terms . . . nthed. B62 London, 1882. D. 2 v. I por. ill. Blumer, Friedrich Imhoof=. 1838-. See Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich. 1838-. Blumner, Hugo. 1844-. De Vulcani in veteribus artium monumentis figura. AO Vratislaviae, 1870. O. 35 p. Z2 Inaugural dissertation, Breslau University. Blundell, Henry. 1724-1810. Engravings and etchings of the principal statues, busts, bas- AO8 reliefs, sepulchral monuments . . . urns ... in [his] collection. B62 No place, 1809. F. 6 2 v. 160 pi. Only 50 copies printed. Bluntschli, [Alfred] Ffriedrich]. 1842-. Stadt- und Rathhauser. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1880-. A A 4thl. 7. hlbd., p. 3-84. ill. 4 pi.) Hip Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh s visit to Man- AO4 Chester un to th greight Hert treasures eggshibishun, at Owd M3i Traffort ... by th editor oth "Bowton luminary" . . . Manchester, no date. D. 80 p. Bocchi, Francesco. 1548-1618. Von der vortrefflichkeit der statue des heiligen Georg des floren- AW tiner bildhauers Donatello, iibersetzt von C. Cerri. (In Semper, D7II H. G. Donatello, seine zeit und schule. 1875. p. 175-228.) Bocchi, Ottavio. Osservazioni sopra un antico teatro scoperto in Adria . . . AH45 Venezia, 1739. Q. 6+26 p. 13 pi- Ad8 Boch, , and Villeroy, . AJ2 Muster- blatter der mosaik-fabrik. 1881. V7I Boch, Jean. 1555-1609. Descriptio pvblicas gratvlationis, spectacvlorvm et Ivdorvm, in ad- AW2 ventv . . . principis Ernesti, archidvcis Avstriae . . . cui est prae- 663 fixa De Bejgij principatu a Romano in ea prouincia imperio ad nostra usque tempora breuis narratio . . . cum Carmine panegy- rico . . . Antverpiae [apud Moretum], 1595. F. 4 i74+[2] p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 99 Boch, Lucas. Anleitung zur verfertigung schoner zimmerwerks-rissen . . . AI Augsburg, 1766. Sq. O. 36 p. 10 pi. 6632 Bochius, Joannes. 1555-1609. See Boch, Jean. 1555-1609. Bock, Fr[anz]. 1823-. Geschichte der liturgischen gewander des mittelalters ; oder, Ent- AN4 stehung und entwicklung der kirchlichen ornate und paramente . . . 663 mit einem vorworte von Georg Miiller. Bonn, 1856-71. O. 3 v. 126 pi. Das heilige Koln; beschreibung der mittelalterlichen kunstschatze AH43 in seinen kirchen und sakristeien ... 713 Leipzig, 1858. Q. Various paging. 48 pi. Das heiligthum zu Aachen; kurzgefasste angabe und abbildung AH43 sammtlicher ,,grossen und kleinen reliquien" des ehemaligen Ai9 kronungs-miinsters . . . Koln, 1867. Q. 48 p. ill. Karl s des Grossen pfalzkapelle und ihre kunstschatze . . . AH43 Aachen, 1866. Q. 2 v. in I. ill. 6 pi. 724 Das Karolingische munster zu Aachen und die St. Godehards AH43 kirche zu Hildesheim in ihrer beabsichtigten inneren wiederher- Zi stellung . . . Bonn, 1859. O. 39 p. Der Kronleuchter Kaisers Friedrich Barbarossa im . . . munster AH43 zu Aachen und die . . . lichterkronen zu Hildesheim und Com- Ai92 burg... Leipzig, 1864. Sq. F. 4 [3] + 56 p. ill. 18 pi. Das Liebfrauen-munster zu Aachen . . . AH43 Aachen, 1866. Q. 22 p. Rheinlands baudenkmale des mittelalters; ein fuhrer zu den merk- AH43 wiirdigsten mittelalterlichen bauwerken am Rheine und seinen A37 nebenfliissen . . . Koln [1868-73]. O. 3 v. ill. Der schatz der Metroplitankirche zu Gran in Ungarn. (In AC Austria. Central-commission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. Au7i 1859- v. 3, p. 105-146. 3 pi.) Le tresor de la cathedrale de Gran en Hongrie, d apres . . . Bock AB [par A. Breuil]. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 3, 4.) 324 [Bockh, August.] 1785-1867. AN2 [De vasis Panathenaicis. Anon.] Berolini [1831]. Q. 12 p. Z3 Programm, Berlin University. ioo AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bockler, . Die polychromie in der antikenskulptur. 1882. Q. 20 p. Bockler, Georg Andreas. 17 th cent. Architectura curiosa nova ... in latinam linguam translata a J. C. AE8 Sturmio. Norimbergae [1664]. F. 4 pts. in i v. 199 pi. 663 Theatrum machinarum novum, exhibens aquarias, alatas, jumenta- AI rias, manuarias ; pedibus ac ponderibus versatiles, plures . . . B63 molas ; ... ex Germania in Latium . . . translatum opera H. Schmitz. Noribergae, 1686. F. [io] + 55 p. 154 pi. Bockmann, Wilhelm, 1832-, and Ende, Hermann, 1830-. Der zoologische garten in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 25, p. 3-12, 127-132, 451; v. 26, p. 149-152. 10 pi.) Z3i Bode, Leon, baron de, translator. See Weltmann, A. F. 1800-71. Description du nouveau palais AH47 imperial du Kreml de Moscou. 1851. M85I Bode, Wilhelm. 1845- Adam Elsheimer, der romische maler deutscher nation. (In AB Jahrbuch der koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. I, Ji92 p. 51-78, 245-262; v. 2, p. 110-112.) Altpersische knupfteppiche; studien zur geschichte der persischen AN kniipfarbeit auf grund eines teppichs, im besitz der Koniglichen 663 museen zu Berlin. Berlin, 1892. F. 57 p. ill. I pi. From Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. Frans Hals und seine schule. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft AB 1871. v. 4, p. 1-66.) Ji9 Die italienischen sculpturen der renaissance. (In Jahrbuch der AB koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 2, p. 69-78; v. 3, Jl92 p. 91-105, 235-267; v. 5, p. 27-42; v. 6, p. 75-81, 170-185; v. 7, P- 23-39-) Contents: I. Die marmorstatue Johannes des Taufers von Michelangelo. 2. Bildwerke des Andrea del Verrocchio. 3. Bildwerke des Donatello und seiner schule. 4. Versuche derbildung weiblicher typen in der plastik des quattrocento. 5. Die florentiner thonbilder in den ersten jahrzehnten des quattrocento; Luca della Robbia. 6. Die florentiner marmorbildner in der zweiten halfte des quattrocento. Die kunstlerische entwicklungsgang des Geraard Terborch. (In AB Jahrbuch der koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 2, Ji92 p. I44-I57-) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 101 Bode, Wilhelm, 1845- editor. See Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Beschreibung der bildwerke der AO4 christlichen epoche. 1888. 645 Bodmer, Karl. 1809-. Faune et flore, compositions et eaux-fortes. AK Paris, 1883. F. 6 [3] p. 30 pi. 663 Boffi, Luigi. II palazzo Vitelleschi im Corneto Tarquinia rilevato e discritto. AH45 Milano, 1886. F. 8 8 p. 29 pi. C8i No. 83 of too copies printed. Bogler, K. Uber die gruppe von San Ildefonso. Wiesbaden, 1855. Q. 19 p. 2 pi. Programm, Gymnasium, Wiesbaden. Bogue, James W. Domestic architecture; . . . designs for cottages and villas, with AE2 . . . estimates . . . added, Handy hints on the internal arrangement, B63 1 and the sanitary contrivances, by the author of "The grammar of house planning" [R. S. Burn]. Edinburgh, 1865. Obi. O. 38 p. 20 pi. B6heim,Wendelin. 1832- Album hervorragender gegenstande aus der waffensammlung des AN5 allerhochsten kaiserhauses . . . B632 Wien, 1894. F. 4 [6] + 28-r-[i] p. 50 pi. Augsburger waffenschmiede, ihre werke und ihre beziehungen zum AB kaiserlichen und zu anderen hofen. (In Jahrbuch der kunsthis- Ji9i torischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 12, pt. I, p. 165-227; v. 13, pt. i, p. 202-225; v. 14, pt. I, p. 329-345-) Handbuch der waffenkunde : Das waffenwesen in seiner historischen AN5 entwickelung . . . Leipzig, 1890. O. 662 ill. B63 Uber einige jagdwaffen und jagdgerathe. (In Jahrbuch der AB kunsthtstorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 2, pt. I, p. 129-144; v. 4,"pt I, p. 52-69; v. 5, p. 97-I09-) Werke Mailander waffenschmiede in der kaiserlichen sammlungen. AB (In Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Ji9i kaiserhauses. v. 9, p. 375-418.) Die zingbiicher des Kaisers Maximilian I. (In Jahrbuch der AB kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 13, pt. i, p. 94-201.) 7* 102 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bohlau, Johann. Quaestiones de re vestiaria Graecorum. Wimariae, 1884. O. 85 + 0] P- iw - Bohme, Karl. Der einfluss der architektur auf malerei und plastic . . . Dresden, 1882. O. [3] + 143 p. ill. Bohn, Richard. 1849- Bericht iiber die ausgrabungen auf der Akropolis zu Athen im friihjahr 1880. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheil- ungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, p. 259-267, 309-316, pi. II.) Die Propylaeen der Akropolis zu Athen . . . Berlin, 1882. F. 6 5+40 p. 21 pi. (Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule. Berichte der ausgefiihrten studienreisen. v. 2.) Die stoa Konig Attalos des zweiten zu Athen. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 32, p. 387-404. 2 pi.) Bohnstedt, [Ludwig]. 1822-85. Die entwurfe des Parlaments-gebaudes fur den deutschen reichs- tag. Berlin, 1872. F. 5 8 p. 5 pi. Das stadt-theater in Riga. Berlin, no date. F. 5 6 p. 5 pi. Bohnstedt, Ludwig, 1822-85, and Wagner, Heinrich. Vorraume, treppen-, hof-, und saal-anlagen. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1880-. 4. thl. I. hlbd., p. 191-255. ill. 6 pi.) [Boid, Edward.] Concise history and analysis of all the principal styles of archi- tecture . . . Egyptian, Grecian, Roman . . . [with] a sketch of the architecture of England . . . [Anon.] London, 1829. D. 20+212 p. 13 pi. Boileau, L[ouis] A[uguste]. 1812-. Histoire critique de 1 invention en architecture; classification methodique des ceuvres de 1 art monumental . . . Paris, 1886. F. 5 2 v. in I. 20 pi. 3 tab. Les preludes de 1 architecture du 2O e siecle; un demi-siecle d etudes architecturales dans le sens du progres. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1893. Q. 27+43 p. 3 pi. Boindin, Nicolas. 1676-1751. Ragionamento sopra la forma e la struttura del teatro antico . . . Venezia, 1746. Sq. O. 1 1 p. I pi. AN4 B6 3 2 AA 6635 AR495 G8i AH495 At4 AB AH43 6454 AH73 P 53 2 AA Hi9 AA 6631 A A 663 AM2 663 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 103 Boirot=Desserviers, P. Recherches historiques et observations medicales sur les eaux AR44 thermales et minerales de Neris en Bourbonnais . . . N35 Paris, 1822. O. 12+494 p. 20 pi. I table. Boissard, Jean Jacques. 1528-1602. Romanae vrbis topographia et antiquitates . . . figurae ... in AR45 acre incisae artifice T. de Bry . . . R682 Francfordii, 1597-1602. F. 6 pts. in 2 v. ill. 496 pi. map. Topographia urbis Romas; . . . beschreibung der stadt Rom . . . AA in die teutsche sprache iibersetzt, und die figuren ... an den tag gegeben durch Dieterich de Bry. Franckfurt, 1681. F. 99 pi. (Zeiller, Martin. Topographia. 1643-88. pt. 31.) Boisseree, [Johann] Sulpiz [Melchior Dominicus]. 1783-1854. Ansichten, risse und einzelne theile des doms von Koln. See below, AH43 Vues, plans, coupes et details de la cathedrale de Cologne. 1821. C7I2I Denkmale der baukunst vom 7ten bis zum I3ten jahrhundert am AH43 Nieder-Rhein. See, below, Monuments d architecture du septieme C7i I au treizieme siecle dans les contrees du Rhin inferieur. 1842. Geschichte und beschreibung des doms von Koln. 2. ausg. AH43 Miinchen, 1842. Sq. F. 8+119 p. 5 pi. C7I2 Monuments d architecture du septieme au treizieme siecle dans AH43 les contrees du Rhin inferieur. C7ii Munich, 1842. F. 6 6+23 p. 72 pi. Vues, plans, coupes et details de la cathedrale de Cologne, avec AH43 des restaurations d apres le dessin original . . . C7I2I Stuttgart, 1821. F. 12 18 pi. Forms an atlas to his Geschichte und beschreibung des doms von Koln. Boissier, [Marie Louis] Qaston. 1823-. Les derniers travaux d archeologie grecque et romaine en France AP et a 1 etranger. O. 39 p. Z2 From Revue des deux mondes, May I st , 1864. Promenades archeologiques: Rome et Pompei. 4 e ed. AR45 Paris, 1891. D. 7+407 p. 8 plans. R686 Boissiere, Qustave. 1837-. Rapport sur une mission archeologique et epigraphique en Mol- AB davie et en Valachie. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. Ar2i 1867. v - I2 , P- 181-221.) Boissoudan, de. Methode pour dresser et faire voler les oyseaux. Niort, 1864. AX Q. 29 p. (In Fouilloux, Jacques du. La venerie, 1864.) F82 104 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Boitard, [Pierre]. 1789-1859. L art de composer et decorer les jardins. Nouvelle ed. Paris, AN8 no date. Obi. S. 6+174 p. and Atlas. 131 pi. (Encyclopedic- 6631 Roret) Traite de la composition et de I ornement des jardins . . . 3 e ed. AN8 Paris, 1825. Obi. S. 6+ 156+ [2] p. 97 pi. 663 Boito, Camillo. 1836- La chiesa di S. Abondio e la basilica dissotta. AH45 Noplace, 1863. O. 11 pi. Sa2 II duomo di Milano e i disegni per la sua facciata. AH45 Milano, 1889. Q. i2 + 3i8+[37] p. ill. 97 pi. M593 Bibliography by F. Salveraglio. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Andrea Palladio, studii artistici. 2<ia ed. AW Milano, 1883. D. 325 + W P- 6633 I principii del disegno e gli stili dell ornamento; lettere. 2da ed. AK Milano, 1882. D. 237 + [i] p. ill. 12 ill. as pi. 6632 Question! pratiche di belle arti: Restauri, concorsi, legislazione, AA professione, insegnamento. 6634 Milano, 1893. O. 1 1+41 9+ [3] p. ill. Boito, Camillo, 1836-, editor. Arte italiana decorativa ed industriale, periodico mensile . . . Anno AO secondo. Roma, 1892. F. 5 104 p. ill. 60 pi. 72 details. AR72 See also title entry: Arte italiana . . . Anno primo. 1890-91. Boldetti, Marco Antonio. 1663-1749. Osservazioni sopra cimiterj de santi martiri ed antichi cristiani. AR45 Roma, 1720. F. 2 v. pi. R69 This work forms a supplement to the Roma sotteranea of Antonio Bosio. Boldoni, Sigismondo. 1597-1630. Descrizione del tempio [di Como]. (In Ceresola, Domenico. AH45 Storia della cattedrale di Como. 1821.) 73 [Bologna, Qiacomo.] Notizie storiche della chiesa arcipretale collegiata di Schio. AH45 [Anon.] Schio, 1879. Q. [3J + 22+59 p. 8 pi. Sch3 Bologna (Italy) Accademia Clementina. See Galli da Bibiena, Ferdinando. 1657-1743. Direzioni a gio- AL2 vani studenti nel disegno dell architettura civile. 1777. Gi3 Bolton, Arthur [Thomas]. Examples of mosaic pavings from rubbings of floors at Pompeii AJ2 and Venice, with additional patterns from Palermo and Rome. 663 London [1891]. Sq. F. 6 3 + [2] f. 12 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 105 Bonanni, Filippo. 1638-1725. Catalogo degli ordini equestri e militari esposto in imagini, e con AN4 breve racconto. 3 a ed. 8643 Roma, 1724. Sq. O. [37] + i4i p. 164 pi. Engraved title-page. Title-pages and text in Latin and Italian ; text in parallel columns printed on recto of folio only. Catalogo degli ordini religiosi della chiesa militante espressi con AN4 imagini, e spiegati con una breve narrazione . . . pte. i a 2 a , 3 a ed. 6642 Roma, 1722-23. Sq. O. 3 v. 324 pi. Title-pages and text in Latin and Italian; text in parallel columns, printed on recto of folio only. La gerarchia ecclesiastica considerata nelle vesti sagre e civili usate AN4 da quelli . . . espresse e spiegate con le imagini di ciascun grado. 6644 Roma, 1720. Sq. O. 2 v. 160 pi. Ordinum equestrium et militarium catalogus. See, above, Catalogo AN4 degli ordini equestri e militari. 1724. 6643 Ordinum religiosorum in ecclesia militanti catalogus. See, above, AN4 Catalogo degli ordini religiosi. 172223. 6642 Bonaparte, Lucien, prince de Canino. 1775-1840. Catalogue and account of certain vases and other Etruscan AB antiquities discovered in 1828-29, by the Prince of Canino; Ar2 translated and communicated by Lord Dudley Stuart. (In Archaeologia. v. 23, p. 130-276.) Museum etrusque; fouilles de 1828 a 1829: Vases peints avec in- AR45 scriptions. Viterbe, 1829. Q. 211 p. 42 pi. Et76 Bonaventura, Antero Maria, saint, originally Filippo Micone. 1620-86. Lazzeretti della citta e riviere di Geneva del 1656 657... aggiun- AH45 tovi . . . un Breve ristretto della vita e virtu dell autore. G283 Geneva, 1744. O. 12+203 + 20 p. Bond, Thomas. History and description of Corfe castle, in the Isle of Purbeck, AH42 Dorset. London, 1883. O. 5 + i44+[i] p. ill. 4 pi- 2 plans. C8iu Bonelli, Ange, translator. AH4S See Fea, C. D. F. I. 1753-1834. Description de Rome. 1821. R698 Bonfils, Adrian. Scenes and scenery of the Bible lands; 200 engravings . . . from AH 569 original photographs ... a full description of each engraving; Ai Bible lands and Bible scenes as they appear to-day. New York, 1894. Obi. Q. [210] p. 200 pi. 106 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bongioannini, F. Gli edifizi per le scuole primarie. AE6 Roma, 1879. Obi. O. [9] + 59+[3] P- 2 3 P 1 - B <54 Boni, Giacomo. The Ca d Oro and its polychromatic decorations. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. v. 3, R8i p. 27-36. 3 pi.) Bonn; beitrage zu seiner geschichte und seinen denk- AH43 malern von Fr. Ritter, J. Freudenberg, K. Simrock, W. Harless, ^645 E. v. Schaumburg, C. Varrentrapp, E. aus m Weerth, A. Wiirst. Bonn, 1868. Q. Various paging. 6 pi. map. Delivered before the members of the International congress fiir alterthumskunde und geschichte. [Bonnaffe, Edmond.] 1825-. Les amateurs de 1 ancienne France: Le surintendant Foucquet. AW Paris, 1882. Sq. F. [s]+99+[s]. 6 ill., 3 facsim., as pi. (Biblio- F82 theque internationale de 1 art.) Les collectionneurs de 1 ancienne Rome; notes d un amateur. AO [Anon.] Paris, 1867. O. 7+i28 + [i] p. 664 No. 13 of 600 copies printed. Eugene Piot. (In Piot, Eugene. Catalogue des objets d art com- AO posant sa collection. 1890. p. 7-30.) P65 Le meuble en France au i6e siecle. ANi Paris, 1887. F. [7] + 2 86+ [2] p. 120 ill. 664 Bonnar, Thomas. Biographical sketch of George Meikle Kemp. AW Edinburgh, 1892. O. 8 + [i] + 227 p. ill. 3 por. 2 pi. K32 Bonnard, Camille. Costumes des 136, 146 e t 156 siecles, extraits des monumens les AN4 plus authentiques de peinture et de sculpture . . . [dessines et 664 graves par P. Mercuri]. Paris, 1829-30. F. 2 v. 200 pi. Costumes historiques des I2e-i5 e siecles tires des monuments les AN4 plus authentiques de peinture et de sculpture, dessines et graves 6641 par P. Mercuri . . . Nouv. edition avec une Introduction par C. Blanc. Paris, 1 860-61. Sq. F. 3 v. 200 col. pi. Bonnardot, Hippolyte. L Abbaye royale de Saint-Antoine-des-Champs, de 1 Ordre de AH44 Citeaux; etude topographique et historique. ?33 Paris, 1882. Sq. F. 4+91 + [i] p. ill. 5 pi. Bonney, Rev. H[enry] K[aye]. 1780-1862. Historic notices in reference to Fotheringhay. . . AR42 Oundle, 1821. O. 7+ 127 p. ill. 9 pi. F82I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 107 Bonnin, Theodose. 1807-71. Antiquites gallo-romaines des Eburoviques . . . AR44 Paris, 1860. Sq. F. 4 27 p. 95 pi. 2 maps. 117 Antiquites gallo-romaines du Vieil-Evreux . . . AR44 Evreux, 1845. Sq. F. 4 [4] p. 49 pi. map. Ev7 Bono mi, Joseph. 1796-1878. Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia . . . with . . . notes by S. Sharpe. AH62 London, 1862. Sq. O. 12+239 p. ill. 101 pi. A9 Bonstetten, Albrecht von. 1445-1509. Descriptio Helvetiae. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. AC Mittheilungen. 1846-47. v. 3, p. 93-105. ill.) An8 Bonstetten, Gustave, baron de. 1816-. Recueil d antiquites suisse, 1855; Supplement, 1860; Second AR494 supplement, 1867. Ai Berne, 1855. Lausanne, 1860-67. F- 5 3 v. 67 pi. Bontemps, G[eorges]. Peinture sur verre au 196 siecle; les secrets de cet art sont-ils re- AM7 trouves?. . . Paris, 1845. O- 45 P- Bonvallet, A. Montierneuf. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du AR44 Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. i, p. 98-102. ill. pi.) Book of costume. AN4 See [Wilton, M. M. (S.) Egerton, countess of]. -1858. Booke of sundry draughtes. AN3 See [Gidde, Walter]. 1 7th cent. 038 Booth, John, publisher. Architectura ecclesiastica Londini; or, Graphical survey of the AH42 cathedral, collegiate and parochial churches in London, Southwark L893 and Westminster . . . [with] considerations on the rise and progress of early Christian architecture by C. Clarke. London, 1820. F. 5 [6]+7+35 p. 123 pi. [Booth, Lorenzo.] Original design book for cornices and draperies. [Anon.] AI London, no date. Sq. F. 24 pi. 6641 Boothroyd, Rev. B[enjamin]. 1768-1836. History of the ancient borough of Pontefract, containing an ... AR42 account of its castle and the three . . . sieges it sustained during the civil war . . . Pontefract, 1807. O. 16+496+24 p. 5 pi. io8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bordeaux, Jean Hippolyte Raymond. 1821-77. Les anciennes maisons monumentales de Caen. (In Bulletin mon- AB umentales. v. 12, p. 106-129.) 687 Les brocs a cidre en faience de Rouen; etude de ceramique nor- AN2 mande. Caen, 1868. Sq. F. 4 32 p. ill. 4 pi. 664 Des voutes en bois et de leur reparation. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 6, p. 354-370.) R324 Etudes heraldiques sur les anciens monuments religieux et civils AB de la ville de Caen. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 12^.461-482.) 687 Eure. (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. pt. 2. 82 p. 27 pi.) AFLj4 N 7 8 3 Principes d archeologie pratique applique s a 1 entretien, la decora- AB tion et I ameublement artistique des eglises. (In Bulletin monu- 687 mental, v. 17, p. 425-467, 505-561, 585-688; v. 18, p. 65-96.) Serrurerie du moyen-age; les ferrures de portes, avec dessins par AM2 Henri Gerente et G. Bouet. 664 Oxford, 1858. Q. 1 27+ [2] p. ill. 40 pi. Traite de la reparation des eglises; principes d archeologie pra- AE tique. 36 ed. Paris, 1888. O. 358 p. ill. 664 Bordeaux, Jean Hippolyte Raymond, 1821-77, editor. See Pettier, A. A. 1799-1867. Histoire de la faience de Rouen. AN2 1870. P85 Bordes, Auguste. Histoire des monuments anciens et modernes de la ville de Bor- AH44 deaux . . . Paris, 1845. Q- 2 v - 7 pi- 864 Bordier, Henri [Leonard]. 1817-88. Les inventaires des archives de 1 empire; reponse a ... Marquis AR44 de Laborde . . . contenant un errata pour ses prefaces et ses in- A7 ventaires . . . Paris, 1867. Q. 47 p. Borghesi, Bartolommeo, conte, 178-1860. Nuovi frammenti dei Fasti consolari Capitolini ... (In Rome, AC Italy. Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1821. R66i v. I, pt. I, p. 179-296; pt. 2, p. 371-576. 3 pi.) [Borghi, Carlo.] II duomo; ossia, Cenni storici e descrittivi della cattedrale di AH45 Modena. [Anon.] Modena, 1845. O- !74+[i] P- 3 pi- M 7 2 Borghini, Raffaello. 16^ cent. II riposo [in cui della pittura e della scultura si favella]. AO Firenze, 1730. O. 24+ 5 5 8+ [i] p. 6642 Edited with notes by G. G. Bottari. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 109 Borgnet, Jules. 1817-72. Promenades dans Namur. AH493 Namur, 1851-59. O. v. i. [5]+4+646p. ill. 6 pi. 3 maps. Ni53 No more published. From Annales de la Socie"te" arche"ologique de Namur (Belgium). Borgnis, Q. A. i78i(?)-. Element! di statica architettonica. AI Milano, 1842. O. 8+29O+[2] p. 13 pi. 6642 Traite elementaire de construction appliquee a 1 architecture AI civile... Paris, 1823. Q. i3 + |>]+646 p. 30 pi. 664 Borlase, William. 1695-1772. Observations on the antiquities ... of the county of Cornwall, AR42 consisting of ... essays on the first inhabitants, Druid-superstition, C8i2 customs and remains ... in Britain and the British Isles . . . Oxford, 1754. F. 4 16+413 P- 23 pi. map. Borlase, William Copeland. 1848- Typical specimens of Cornish barrows. (In Archaeologia. v. 49, AB p. 181-198. 4 pi.) Ar2 Bormann, Eugen. De titulo Spoletino antiquissimo scripsit. (In Institute di cor- rispondenza archeologica. Centum feliciter peracta gratulantur juvenes Capitolini. 1879. p. l-io.) AR 49 5 Zi Bormann, Eugen, editor. See Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphischen seminares AP der Universitat Wien. 1886-. v. 6-. Ab4 Bormans, Stanislas. 1835-. La verrerie et la cristallerie de Voneche. (In Bulletin des com- AB missions royales d art et d archeologie. 1881. v. 20, p. 279-317.) 6872 Borner, Paul Erwin, -1880, editor. AO2 See Felix, Eugen. Die kunstsammlung. 1880. F33 Boromino, Francesco. 1599-1667. Opera, cavata da suoi originali, cioe La Chiesa e fabrica della AH45 Sapienza di Roma . . . Roma, 1720. F. 6 [5] p. I por. 46 pi. R737 Text engraved. Another copy is bound with his Opus architectonicum. 1725. Opus architectonicum, ex ejusdem exemplaribus petitum; Orato- AH45 rium nempe, aedesque Romanae . . . Congregationis Oratorii S. R764 Philippi Nerii . . . accedit . . . descriptio, ac ratio auctore . . . edita . . . Seb. Gianninus edidit . . . Romae, 1725. F. 6 3i + [3] p. por. 67 pi. Text in Italian and Latin. no AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Borrel, E. L. 1822-. Les monuments anciens de la Tarentaise (Savoie) . . . AH44 Paris, 1884. F. 2 v. 97 pi. Ti; Borrmann, R[ichard]. Die bau- und kunstdenkmaler von Berlin . . . mit einer geschicht- AH43 lichen einleitung von P. Clauswitz. 6461 Berlin, 1893. F. io+|>]+436 p. ill. 30 pi. map. Neue untersuchungen am Erechtheion zu Athen. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. G8i v. 6, p. 372-392. pi- 16.) Borrmann, Richard, Adler, Friedrich, 1827-, and others. Die baudenkmaler von Olympia. 1892. (In Curtius, E., and AR49S Adler, F. Olympia. 1892. v. I.) Olgi Borrmann, Richard, Dorpfeld, Wilhelm, 1853-, and others. Uber die verwendung von terrakotten am geison und dache AP griechischer bauwerke. 1881. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 41. Borromini, Francesco. 1599-1667. See Boromino, Francesco. 1599-1667. Borsato, Giuseppe. 1771-1849. Opera ornamentale, pubblicato per cura dell Accademia di belle AK arti di Venezia . . . con Cenni storici dell ornato decorativo italiano 664 di G. Vallardi. Milano, 1831. F. 5 [8] +24 p. 61 pi. Borsen-verein der deutschen buchhandler 6ster= mess=ausstellung. 1884. AN6 Katalog. Leipzig, 1884. Q- I 55 + 584 p- ill. 864 Bosboom, Simon. 1614-68. See Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. Brief and plain description AA of the five orders of columns of architecture ... by S. Bosboom Sca54 according to Scamozzi. 1676. Bosc, Ernest. 1837-. Dictionnaire de 1 art, de la curiosite" et du bibelot. AO Paris, 1883. Q. 16+695 p. ill. 4 pi. 6651 Dictionnaire general de 1 archeologie et des antiquites chez les AP divers peuples. Paris, 1 88 1. D. 7+576 p. 451 ill. 665 Dictionnaire raisonne d architecture et des sciences et arts qui s y AA rattachent. Paris, 1877-80. Q. 4 v. ill. por. pi. 665 COLUMBIA COLLEGE in Bosc, Ernest. 1837-. Traite complet, theorique et pratique du chauffage et de la venti- AJ lation des habitations particulieres et des edifices publics . . . Paris, 665 1875. Q. 5 + 262 p. 250 ill. (Encyclopedic generale de 1 archi- tecte-ingenieur.) Boschen, H. Die renaissance-decke im schlosse zu Jever, mit text von F. von AH43 Alten. Leipzig, 1883. F. 5 2+[i] p. 25 pi. J53 Boselli, Enrico. Gioielleria, oreficeria, oro, argento e platino . . . AM4 Milano, 1889. S. 335 p. ill. 665 Bosigk, F. L. Festbilder, die transparents der festhalle des ersten deutschen AX sangerbundesfestes zu Dresden, 22-25 J un > l %6$ ^65 Dresden, 1865. F. i8+[i] p. Bosio, Antonio. -1629. Roma sotterranea . . . nella quale si tratta de sacri cimiterii di AR45 Roma, del sito, forma et uso antico di essi . . . R6QI Roma, 1632. F. 7 pi. Bosquet, Amelie. 1820- Aperfu general: Caractere, mceurs, usages et costumes [normands]. AH44 (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. pt. 3. 28 p. 24 pi.) N783 [Seine-Inferieure]: Rouen; Le Havre; Dieppe; Neufchatel; AH44 Yvetot. (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. pt. I, p. 4-106. N7&3 37 pi. map.) Bosse, A[braham] . 1 6 1 1 (?) -78. Representations geometrales de plusieurs parties de bastiments AA faites par les reigles de 1 architecture antique . . . 665 Paris, 1688. F. 5 [24]+2of. ill. I pi. Bound with his Traitd des manieres de dessiner les ordres de 1 architecture. 1664 (?). Traite des manieres de dessiner les ordres de 1 architecture an- AA tique en toutes leurs parties . . . B65 Paris [1664 (?)]. F. 5 44 f. ill. i pi. Bossebceuf, L. A., abbe. Histoire et archeologie: Fontevrault, son histoire et ses monu- AR44 ments . . . Tours [1890]. O. 104 p. F73 Histoire et archeologie: Saint- Aignan, Tesee et Montrichard. AR44 Tours, 1890. O. 31 p. F73 Bound with his Histoire et archdologie : Fontevrault. [1890.] Bossuit, Francis van. 1635-92. Beeld-synders kunst-kabinet in yvoor gesneeden. See, below, AN6 Cabinet de 1 art de schulpture execute en yvoire. 1727. 665 ii2 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bossuit, Francis van. 1635-92. Cabinet de 1 art de schulpture execute en yvoire . . . gravees AN6 d apres les desseins de B. Graat par M. Pool. 665 Amsterdam, 1727. Q. 15 p. 2 por. 89 pi. Title-page and text in French, Dutch and English. Boston (Mass.) Architectural club. Sketchbook. [Boston] 1890. Sq. F. 4 30 pi. AA No. 306 of 500 copies printed. 5 See also, below, Society of Architects and Boston Architectural club. Boston (Mass.) Music hall. Plan of orchestra [ist-2d balcony, original drawings of portion of AH73 side wall, of ceiling and of details]. Boston, 1852. F. 5 6 pi. 665 Wood-engraving of the interior and account of opening exercises inserted. Boston (Mass.) Portfolio club. See Portfolio club (Boston). Boston (Mass.) Society of architects and Boston Architectural club. Catalogue of the architectural exhibition held . . . Oct. 28 Nov. 4, AA in conjunction with the annual convention of the American insti- 6653 tute of architects. Boston, 1891. O. 39+72 p. 51 pi. Boston illustrated. Boston [c. 1872]. O. 1 22+ [2] p. ill. and Sup. 32 p. map. B[othmer], C[arl] von, graf. Betrachtungen und einfalle iiber die bauart der privatgebaude in AH43 Teutschland; hrsg. von d. f. C[arl] v. B[othmer]. A3i Augsburg, 1779. F. 4 [4] +44 p. 60 pi. Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano, 1689-1775, editor and annotator. AO See Borghini, Raffaello. 1 6th cent. H riposo. 1730. 6642 Bottazzi, Giuseppe Antonio. Le antichita di Tortona e suo agro . . . AR45 Alessandria, 1808. O. 12 + 320+60 p. ill. map. T632 Botticher, [Gustav] Adolf. 1842-. Die Akropolis von Athen, nach den berichten der alten und den AH495 neuesten erforschungen. At4i Berlin, 1888. Q. 15+295 p. 132 ill. 36 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 113 Botticher, [Qustav] Adolf. 1842-. Die bau- und kunstdenkmaler der provinz Ostpreussen im auftrage AH43I des Ostpreussischen provinzial-landtages bearbeitet. Ai Konigsberg, 1891- Q. v. I. ill. 4 pi. Contents: v. i. Das Samland. Botticher, Karl [Gottlieb Wilhelm]. 1806-89. Andeutungen iiber das heilige und profane in der baukunst der AH495 Hellenen; eine gedachtnissschrift zur geburtsfeier Schinkels. Z2 Berlin, 1846. Q. 34 p. Bericht iiber die untersuchungen auf der Akropolis von Athen in AH495 friihjahre, 1862 . . . Berlin, 1863. O. [63 + 232 p. 13 pi. At52 Dirke als quelle und heroine. Berlin, 1864. Q. 21 p. I pi. AP W/22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 24. Das grab des Dionysos an der marmorbasis zu Dresden . . . AP Berlin, 1858. Q. 12 p. i pi. W;22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 18. Die holzarchitectur des mittelalters mit Anschluss der schonsten AA in dieser epoche entwickelten produkte der gewerbliche Industrie. B6$4 Berlin, 1835-42. F. 6 [3] p. 26 pi. Der hypathraltempel, auf grund des vitruvischen zeugnisses gegen AJ L. Ross. Berlin, no date. Q. 77 p. 665 1 Reprint of first edition, 1847. Der omphalos des Zeus zu Delphi . . . AP Berlin, 1859. Q. 18 p. i pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 19. Das princip der Hellenischen und Germanischen bauweise hin- AH495 sichtlicht der iibertragung in die bauweise unserer tage. Z2 Berlin, 1846. Q. 30 p. Schinkels Geburtstagsfeier, Berlin. Die tektonik der Hellenen ... 2. ausg. AK Berlin, 1874-81. Q. 2 v. 6+627+[i8] p. i pi. Atlas, F. 5 45 pi. 665 Paged continuously. Contents: v. i. Die lehre der tektonischenkunstformen, dorische, ionische und korinthische bauweise. v. 2. Der tempel in seiner raumlichen anordnung und ausstattung. Tektonische untersuchungen auf der Akropolis von Athen. (In AB Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 30, p. 71-88, 209-228. 3 pi.) Z3i Die thymele der Athena-Nike auf der Akropolis von Athen in AH495 ihrem heutigen zustande; nach der tektonischen untersuchung im At54 friihlinge. 1878. Berlin, 1880. O. [3J + 56 p. 3 pi. From Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1880. 8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Botticher, Karl [Gottlieb Wilhelm]. 1806-89. Uber den Parthenon zu Athen und den Zeus-tempel zu Olympia. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 2, p. 194-210, 498-520; v. 3, p. 35-44, 127-142, 269-292. i pi.) Uber .die lezte bauliche untersuchung der Erechtheion. (In Zeit- schrift fur bauwesen. v. 9, p. 203-216, 317-333. 4 pi.) Die untersuchungen auf der Akropolis von Athen . . . 1862. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 13, p. 195-224, 405-470, 557-608. 13 Der zophorus am Parthenon; hinsichtlich der streitfrage iiber seinen inhalt und dessen beziehung auf dieses gebaude ... Berlin, 1875. Q. 132 p. Bottiger, Karl August. 1760-1835. Andeutungen zu 24 vortragen iiber die archaologie im winter 1806 gehalten. Dresden, 1806. D. pt. I. 18+219 p. No more published. Griechische vasengemalde . . . Weimar [3. hft. Magdeburg], 1797-1800. O. v. i in 3. 3 pl. No more published. Hercules in bivio e Prodici fabula et monumentis priscae artis illus- tratus; argumentum epistolae ad Christianum Danielen Beckium, datae . . . Lipsiae, 1829. O. [6] + 54+[i] p. i pl. Ideen zur archaologie der malerei . . . Dresden, 1811. O. pt. i. 30+377 p. No more published. Ideen zur kunst-mythologie ... 2. band . . . hrsg. von J. Sillig. Dresden, 1826-36. O. 2 v. in i. 7 pl. Contents: Bd. i. Stambaum der religionen des alterthums. Einleitung zur vor-homerischen mythologie der Griechen. 2. Jupiter, Juno und Neptunus, Amor und Psyche. Kleine schriften . . . gesammelt und hrsg. von J. Sillig. Dresden, 1837-38. O. 3 v. 17 pl. Bottin, Seb[astien]. 1764-1853. Melanges d archeologie, precedes d une notice historique sur la Societe royale des antiquaires de France ... Paris, 1831. O. ^+92+306 p. Boucher, Francois. 1703-70. Amoretten und decorative figuren. Berlin [1890]. F. 6 ser. i. 50 pl. Wandmalereien im boudoir der Pompadour im Schlosse Crecy. Berlin [i88;(?)]. F. t.-p. 8 pl. (Alte meister, 16.) AB Z$i AB Z3i AB AH495 Z3 AP 6652 AN2 665 AO8 665 AO6 665 AX 6652 AR495 A 12 AR44 Ai6 AK B66i AH44 C86 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 115 Boucher, Francois, 1703-70, and Pillement, Jean, 1727-1808. AK . . . Panneaux. [1880.] P64I Boucher de Villers, C. Tombes eparses dans la cathedrale de Paris, gravees par Denis. AH44 Paris, 1746. F. 6 53 pi. P274 Bouchet, Jules [Frederic]. 1799-1860. Compositions antiques . . . 2e ed. AA Paris [1865]. Obi. Q. 14 p. 17 pi. B66i La Villa Pia des jardins du Vatican, architecture de Pirro Ligorio, AH45 avec une notice . . . sur 1 auteur de ce monument et . . . texte . . . R73 2 par Raoul-Rochette. Paris, 1837. F. 6 36 p. 23 pi. Bouchot, Henri [Francois Xavier Marie]. 1849-. Les artistes celebres: les Clouet et Corneille de Lyon . . . AW Paris [1892]. Q. 62+ [4] p. ill. C62I Cent modeles inedits de 1 orfevrerie frangaise des 172 et i8 e AM4 siecles . . . Paris [1888]. F. 6 [6] p. 60 pi. B66 De la reliure exemples a imiter ou a rejeter . . . Paris, 1891. D. AX 92+ [2] p. 15 pi. (Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles aux B66 amis des livres; E. Rouveyre, ed.) No. 705 of 750 copies printed. Boucoiran, L. 1813-. Guide aux monuments de Nimes. AH44 Nimes, 1878. D. 119+32 p. 14 pi. map. N6n Boudin, Amedee. 1814-. Histoire de Marseille. AH44 Paris, 1852. Q. [3] +8 +608 p. 9 pi. map. M35 Bouet, Georges Adelmard. 1817-90. Analyse architecturale de 1 abbaye de Saint-Etienne de Caen. (In AB Bulletin monumental, v. 31, p. 417-479, 637-680; v. 33, p. 254- 687 303, 546-592, 763-801.) Clochers du diocese de Bayeux. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 36, AB p. 524-540; v. 37, p. 81-100, 182-207, 415-450; v. 38, p. 517-533-) B87 Coup-d ceil architectonique sur les eglises de Fecamp, d Etretat, AB de Jumieges et de Bocherville. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 33, 687 p. 5-26.) L eglise de Germigny et celle de Beaulieu-sous-Loches. (In Bui- AB letin monumental, v. 34, p. 566-588, 648-658.) 687 Nouvelles observations sur les voutes de 1 abbaye de Saint- AB Etienne de Caen. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 28, p. 57-70.) 687 u6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bouillet, A., abbe. L eglise Sainte-Foy de Conches, Eure, et ses vitraux . . . AH44 Caen, 1889. O. 10+162 p. ill. 18 pi. C/4 L eglise Sainte-Foy de Conches, Eure, et ses vitraux. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 54, p. 131-153, 253-312.) B8; Bouillet, J[ean] B[aptiste]. 1799-1878. Description archeologique des monuments celtiques, remains et du AR44 moyen-age du Departement du Puy-de-D6me . . . C59 Clermont-Ferrand, 1874. O. 268 p. From Mdmoires de 1 Acad^mie de Clermont-Ferrand (France). Rapport sur les monuments du Puy-de-D6me. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 4, p. 473-500.) 687 Bouillevaux, R. A., abbe. Les moines du Der, avec . . . notes historiques et notices sur le AH44 bourg et le canton de Montier-en-Der et la ville de Wassy. Mj66 Montier-en-Der, 1845. O. 4&7 P- 3 pi- map. Bouillon, P[ierre]. i7;6(?)-i83i(?). Musee des antiques, avec des notices explicatives par J. B. de AO8 Saint-Victor. Paris [1821-27]. F. 6 3 v. ill. 273 pi. B66 Boulak (Egypt) museum. Guide du visiteur au Musee, par G. Maspero. AR62 Boulaq, 1883. S. 438 p. 7 pi. A7 Boulanger, [Nicolas Antoine]. 1722-59. L antiquite devoilee par ses usages; ou, Examen critique des prin- AP cipales opinions, ceremonies & institutions . . . des differens peuples B66 de la terre . . . [pub. par P. H. Thiry, baron d Holbach]. Amsterdam, 1768. S. 3 v. Boulenger, Jules Cesar. 1558-1628. De pictura, plastice, statuaria. De ludis privatis, ac domesticis AO veterum. De conviviis . . . Lugduni, 1627. D. 3 v. in I. 6663 Boulnois, W[illiam] Allen. On the drainage of buildings and streets in the metropolis. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1853-54, p. 87-106.) R8i Boult, Joseph. Uniformity in building and sanitary regulation. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Transactions. 1881-82, .p. 133-179.) R8i Boulton, Samuel Bagster. Preservation of timber by the use of antiseptics. New York, 1885. AI T. 223 p. (Van Nostrand s science ser., v. 82.) B66 From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 117 Bouneault, Arthur, and Berthele, F. M. J., 1858-. Saint-Generoux, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 7. 6 p. ill. 2 pi.) P/5 Bouquet, Francois. 1815-. Rouen aux principales epoques de son histoire jusqu au ipe AH44 siecle . . . 2<ie ed; description des monuments par G. Dubosc. R-758 Rouen, 1886. F. 4 8+143 p. ill. 30 pi. Title-page calls for 32 pi. Dubosc s descriptions are unpaged. Bouquet, Francois, 1815- editor. See Deville, J. A. 1789-1875. Tombeaux de la cathedrale de AH44 Rouen. 1881. R-754 Bouraliere, A. de la. See La Bouraliere, A. de. Bourasse, J[ean Jacques], abbe. 1813-72. AH44 Les cathedrales de France . . . Tours, 1843. O. 684 p. ill. pi. Ai Esquisse archeologique des principales eglises du diocese de AH44 Nevers. Nevers, 1844. O. 13+ 183 + [8] p. La Touraine, histoire et monuments. AH42 Tours, 1855. F. 5 6io+[i] p. 18 pi. map. T64 Bourasse, J[ean] J[acques], abbe, 1813-72, editor. See Neale, Rev. J. M., 1 818-66, and Webb, Rev. Benjamin. Du AE symbolisme dans les eglises du moyen age. 1847. ^25 Bourasse, [Jean Jacques], abbe, 1813-72, and Man= ceau, abbe. Verrieres du chceur de 1 Eglise Metropolitaine de Tours, dessinees AH44 et pub. par J. Marchand . . . Paris, 1849. F. 5 75 p. 18 pi. T64 (Vitraux peints du 136 siecle.) Bourdon, Charles. Excursion archeologique a la cathedrale de Bayeux. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 17, p. 196-214.) 687 Bourdon, Karl Eugen von Ujfalvy-. 1842-. See Ujfalvy-Bourdon, K. E. von. 1842-. Bourgeois, [Marie] Augustin [Antoine]. 1831-85. Chateau d Anet: restauration du cryptoportique et du perron. AH44 Paris, 1877. F. 6 [3] p. 2 pi. An3i Bound with Pfnor, Rodolphe. 1824-. Monographic du Chateau d Anet. 1867. 8* u8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bourgerel, G[ustave Benjamin Alexandra Le Pre- vost]. 1813-82. Fragments d architecture et de sculpture, dessines d apres nature AA et autographies. Paris, 1863. F. 5 [3] p. 101 pi. B66 Bourges, Isaac de. i8 th cent. See Isaac de Bourges. i8th cent. Bourges (France) Musee lapidaire. Catalogue. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. AC 1873. v. 4, p. 1-40. i pi.) 803 Supplement. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1884. v. n,p. 1-31. i pi.) Deuxieme supplement. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1889. v. 16, p. 67-108.) Bourges (France) Societe des antiquaires du centre. See Societe des antiquaires du centre. Bourget, Jean. 1724-76. History of the royal abbey of Bee, near Rouen in Normandy; AH42 translated from the French [by A. C. Ducarel]. 072 London, 1779. D. 8+140 p. Bound with [Gough, R.]. 1735-1809. Some account of the alien priories. 1779. Bourgoin, Jules. 1838-. Les arts arabes; architecture . . . bronzes, plafonds . . . pavement, AO vitraux . . . Paris, 1873. F. 5 4+[i6] + 28 p. ill. 92 pi. B66 Bouriant, Urbain. Deux jours de fouilles a Tell el Amarna. (In Cairo, Egypt AC Mission archeologique francaise. Memoires. 1884. v. I, pt. I, Ci2 p. 1-22. ill.) L eglise copte du tombeau de Dega. (In Cairo, Egypt Mis- AC sion archeologique francaise. Memoires. 1884. v. i, pt. I, p. Ci2 33-50. 2 pi.) Les papyrus d Akhmim; fragments de manuscrits en dialectes AC bachmourique et thebain. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeolo- Ci2 gique francaise. Memoires. 1885. v l > pt- 2, p. 243-304.) Rapport au Ministre de 1 instruction publique sur une mission AC dans la Haute-Egypte, 1884-85. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission Ci2 archeologique francaise. Memoires. 1887. v - J > Pt- 3> P- 3^7- 408. ill.) See Lefebure, Eugene. Les hypogees royaux de Thebes. AC 1886-89. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique francaise. Ci2 Memoires. 1886-89. v - 3. pt- I.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 119 Bourloton, Edgar. Maillezais et Maille, Vendee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884- v. 10. 16 p. ill. 8 pi.) P/5 Bournand, Francois. 1853- See Bournand, Jean Franjois. 1853-. Bournand, [Jean] Francois. 1853-. Histoire des arts decoratifs et industriels en France. AN6 Paris [1890]. F. 242 p. ill. B66 Bournon, Fernand [Auguste Marie]. 1857- Paris; histoire, monuments, administration, environs de Paris. AH44 Paris, 1888. O. 5 + [i] + 384 p. ill. 2 pi. map. P254 [Bourricaud, Antoine.] Association pour 1 avancement des sciences; session de 1882. AR44 Excursion archeologique a Saintes. [Anon.] Z Saintes [1882]. O. 24 p. 6 pi. Boussard, Jean. 1844-. L art de batir sa maison; i^re partie: Construction antique. 2^me AE2 partie: Construction moderne. B66 Paris [1887]. Nar. Q. 468 p. ill. Thirty-three full-page illustrations as plates. Choix de fontaines decoratives, dessinees et gravees. AE8 Paris, 1883. F. 5 [3] p. 40 pi. B66 Concours de 1 Ecole des beaux-arts; medailles et mentions . . . AO Paris, 1874-75. F. 4 I.-2. serie in i. 2 v. 72 pi. B662 Plates on India paper. Constructions et decorations pour jardins, kiosques, orangeries, AN8 volieres, abris divers. Paris, 1881. F. 5 50 pi. B66 Boussenot, Qustave. Chiffres et monogrammes et suite de compositions decoratives AK de textes et de fantaisies. Paris, no date. F. 5 31 pi. B66 Boussu, Qilles Joseph de. 1681-1755. Histoire de la ville de Mons, ancienne et nouvelle . . . AR493 Mons, 1725. O. [8]+435 + [36] p. 2 pi. M75 - Supplement Bruxelles, 1868. Q. 2 v. in I. map. I facsim. Boutan, - . Memoire sur la Triphylie. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. AB 1864. v. 9, p. 193-248. i pi.) Ar2i Rapport . . . sur la topographic et 1 histoire de 1 ile de Lesbos. AB (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1856. v. 5, p. 273-364.) Ar2i 120 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bouteiller, [Ernest] de. 1826-83. Dictionnaire topographique de 1 ancien Departement de la Moselle AR44 . . . redige . . . sous les auspices de la Societe d archeologie et M85 d histoire de la Moselle. Paris, 1874. Q. 55 + 316 p. Boutell, Rev. Charles. 1812-77. Arts and the artistic manufactures of Denmark . . . AO London, 1874. Q. 15 + 156 p. ill. B66i English heraldry ... London, 1867. D. 19+347 p. ill. I pi. AWi B66 Monumental brasses of London and Middlesex. (In London and AC Middlesex archaeological society. Transactions. 1860. v. I, L84 p. 67-112. ill. 5 pi.) Boutell, Rev. Charles, 1812-77, translator. See Lacombe, Paul. 1834-. Arms and armour in antiquity and AN5 the middle ages. 1874. LII Boutin, Hippolyte, abbe. Palluau, Vendee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments AR44 du Poitou. 1884-. v. 13. 31 p. ill. 4 pi. I plan.) Boutmy, Emile. 1835- Philosophie de 1 architecture en Grece. AH495 Paris, 1870. D. 194+ [i] p. Ai3 Boutovsky, Viktor Ivanovich. 1815- See Butovski, Viktor Ivanovich. 1815. Boutry, Julien. Notice sur le Steen d Anvers. (In Bulletin des commissions AB royales d art et d archeologie. 1880. v. 19, p. 1 1-32. upl.) 6872 Bouveault, A., and Fieffe, C. P. AN2 Les faiences patriotiques nivernaises. 1885. F45 Bouvenne, [Ernest] Aglaiis. 1829-. AX Legende de Sainte Wilgeforte. No place, 1866. O. 8 p. 3 pi. B66 From Revue de 1 art chre tien. v. 10. Notice sur I e glise Saint-Hippolyte a Paris. AH44 Toulouse, 1866. O. 14 p. ill. 2 pi. P235 Bouwkundig tijdschrift. Amsterdam, 1 88 1-. F. 5 ill. v. i-io in 4, and Atlas to v. 6, F. 6 AB B66i Edited by the Amsterdam Maatschappij tot bevordering der bouwkunst. Continuation of Bouwkundige bijdragen. Atlas bound with that of the Bouwkundige bijdragen. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 121 Bouwkundige bijdragen. Amsterdam, 1843-81. F. ill. v. 1-26 in 21, and Atlas to v. I, AB 18-25, F. 6 B66 Edited by the Amsterdam Maatschappij tot bevordering der bouwkunst. Continued by Bouwkundig tijdschrift. Bowes, James Lord. Handbook to the Bowes museum of Japanese art work, Liver- AO2 pool. 2d ed. Liverpool, 1893. O. 48 p. 2 pi. L75I This book and 9 photographs of the museum enclosed in a portfolio. Sq. F.* Japanese enamels, with illustrations from the examples in the AJ2 Bowes collection. London, 1886. Q. io+[i] -f- 1 1 1 p. ill. 20 p. 667 Japanese marks and seals . . . AN2 London [pref. 1882]. Q. 9+ [3] +379 p. ill. i pi. map. 6671 Contents : pt. i. Pottery. pt. 2. Illuminated manuscripts and printed books, pt. 3. Lacquer, enamels, metal, wood, ivory. Vindication of the decorated pottery of Japan. AN2 [Liverpool] 1891. Q. 63 p. ill. 3 pi. 667 See Audsley, Q. A. 1838-. Descriptive catalogue of art works AN6 in Japanese lacquer . . . collection of James L. Bowes. 1875. Au2 Bowes, James Lord, and Audsley, Q. A. 1838-. AN2 Keramic art of Japan. 1875. Au2 Bowles, Rev. W[illiam] L[isle]. 1762-1850. Hermes Brittannicus; a dissertation on the Celtic deity Teutates, AR42 the Mercurius of Caesar, in ... proof ... of the origin and desig- Av3 nation of the great temple at Abury, in Wiltshire . . . London, 1828. O. 149 p. ill. Parochial history of Bremhill in the county of Wilts . . . AR42 London, 1828. O. 24+285 p. 4 pi. map. 675 Bowles, Rev. W[illiam] L[isle], 1762-1850, and Nichols, J. Q., 1806-73. Annals and antiquities of Lacock abbey in the county of Wilts; AH42 with memorials of the foundress Ela, countess of Salisbury, and of Li i the earls of Salisbury. London, 1835. O- 16+374+63 p. 14 pi. 5 tab. Bowman, Henry. Specimens of the ecclesiastical architecture of Great Britain from AH42 the conquest to the reformation. A8i London, 1846. Sq. F. Various paging, ill. 62 pi. 122 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bowman, Henry, and Crowther, J. S. Churches of the middle ages . . . select specimens of early and AE middle pointed structures, with a few . . . late pointed examples . . . 667 London [1857]. F - 6 2 v - 122 pi. Bowman, William, of Leeds, compiler. Reliquae antiquae Eboracenses; or, Remains of antiquity relating to AR42 the county of York. Leeds, 1855. Q. [6] +96 p. ill. 15 pi. Y8i Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius. 1612-53. Monumenta illustrium virorum et elogia . . . AE8 Amstelodami, 1638. Q. [5] + i76+[4] P- ill. 38 pi. 669 Boyer de Sainte=Suzanne, Charles Victor Emile, baron de. 1825-84. AB Les tapisseries d Arras. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 45, p. 687 85-100.) Boyle, Rev. J[ohn] R[oberts]. Comprehensive guide to the county of Durham . . . AH42 London [pref. 1892]. D. 8+733 p. ill. 0934 Two maps in cover pockets. Holy Trinity church, Hull, a guide and description. AH42 Hull, 1890. O. 99 p. 3 pi. H87 Lost towns of the H umber . . . AR42 Hull, 1889. O. 12+102 p. map. I tab. Ai3 Paper read before the Hull literary club, II th March, 1889. Brace, Henry G[eorge]. AA Middle class house architecture. London [pref. 1881]. D. 14 p. Z$ From The artist and journal of home culture, September, 1880. Bradford, Rev. William, of St. John s college, Oxford. 1780-1857. Sketches of the country, character and costume in Portugal and AN4 Spain, made ... in 1808-9 . . . 672 London [1809]. F. 4 [3] + 24+7S P- 55 pi- Title-page and text in English and French. Bramantino, Bartolommeo Suardi, called il. 145 s(?)- Le rovine di Roma al principio del secolo XVI . . . fotocromo- AH45 litografate da A. della Croce, con . . . note di G. Mongeri. 2 da ed. A43 Milano, 1880. F. [s]+28+[i6o] p. 80 pi. No. 40 of 85 copies printed. Brambilla, Camillo. La basilica di Santa Maria del popolo in Pavia ed il suo musaico. AH45 Pavia, 1876. F. 4 6o+[i] p. 4 pi. P28i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 123 Branca, Giovanni. 1 571-1 64o(?). Manuale di architettura, con figure . . . delineate ed incise da AA Filippo Vasconi . . . 673 Roma, 1718. S. [io] + 2O2 + [i i] p. 26 full p. ill. 2 pi. Brancaleoni, Francesco Ranghiasci-. See Ranghiasci-Brancaleoni, Francesco. Branche, Dominique. Sur les danses des morts et les danses macabres. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 8, p. 326-339.) 687 Brand, F. J. Kirchliche baukunst; anleitung zur kenntniss und beurtheilung AE der kirchengebaude und anderer bauwerke des mittelalters . . . 6731 Paderborn, 1852. O. 70 p. 4 pi. Brand, Rev. John. 1744-1806. Inventory and appraisement of the plate in the lower jewel-house AB of the tower, anno 1649. (In Archaeologia. v. 15, p. 271-290.) Ar2 Brandon, [John] Raphael, 1817-77, and Brandon, J. A., 1822-47. Analysis of Gothick architecture; illustrated by a series of . . . ex- AD6 amples of doorways, windows . . . with remarks on the . . . details 673 of an ecclesiastical edifice. New ed. London, 1874. Sq. F. 2 v. ill. 158 pi. Parish churches; being perspective views of English ecclesiastical AE structures . . . [with] plans . . . 673 London, 1848. Q. [ii] + i26p. 158 pi. Brandon, J[oshua] Arthur, 1822-47, and Brandon, J. R., 1817-77. AD6 Analysis of Gothick architecture. 1874. 673 Parish churches; being perspective views of English ecclesiastical AE structures . . . [with] plans. 1848. 673 Brandt, C. L. Der Dom zu Magdeburg. Magdeburg, 1863. O. 20 ill. Brandt, E. Lehrbuch der eisen-constructionen mit besonderer anwendung AI auf den hochbau ... 3. ausg. 673 Berlin, 1876. O. 18+696 p. ill. 4 pi. Branteghem, van. Collection; catalogue des monuments antiques, vases peints, terres AO2 cuites . . . vente . . . 30-31 mai et . . . ier juin . . . 673 Paris, 1892. F. 6 Unpaged. 76 pi. 124 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Brash, Richard Rolt. 1817-76. Ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland to the close of the twelfth AH4I5 century . . . [with] notices of numerous ancient remains of that Ai period. Dublin, 1875. Q. i2 + [2]+i74p. 55 pi. Ogam inscribed monuments of the Gaedhil in the British Islands, AR42 with a dissertation on the Ogam character . . . ed. by G. M. A 19 Atkinson. London, 1879. Nar. Q. 16+425 p. 50 pi. map. Brassey, T[homas], lord. 1836-. On the rise of wages in the building trades of London. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1877-78, p. 147- R8i I59-) Brault, Elie. Les architectes par leurs ceuvres; ouvrage redige sur les manu- AW scrits de feu Al. Du Bois, de 1 Ecole polytechnique. 6734 Paris [1893]. Q. 3 v. por. Braun, Ad[olphe] et C ie Catalogue general des photographies inalterables au charbon, AO faites d apres les originaux peintures, fresques, dessins et sculp- 673 tures des principaux musees d Europe et des collections particu- lieres . . . Paris, 1880. O. Various paging. 3 pi. Braun, [August] Emil. 1809-56. Antike marmorwerke zum ersten male bekannt gemacht; erste AO8 und zweite decade. Leipzig, 1843. F- 6 i2 + [i] + 29 p. 24 pi. 6733 Explanatory text and additional plates to Lewis Gruner s Speci- AK mens of ornamental art, selected from the best models of the clas- Gg2 sical epochs . . . London, 1850. Sq. F. 4+36 p. 8 pi. Ilgiudizio di Paride, rappresentato sopra tre inediti monumenti . . . AO8 2da ed. Parigi, 1838. Q. 13 p. 2 pi. 673 Grundziige der denkmalerkunde. (In Gerhard, F. W. E., compiler. AP Hyperboreisch-romische studien fur archaologie. 1833-52. v. 2, G3i p. 1-76.) Kunstvorstellungen des gefliigelten Dionysos Herrn Prof. Welcker AO8 zurbeurtheilung vorgelegt. Miinchen, 1839. F. 5 [4] + 8 p. 5 pi. 6731 Die ruinen und museen Roms . . . AR45 Braunschweig, 1854. D. 33+860 p. R674 See Gruner, W. H. L. 1801-82. Die basreliefs an der vorder AH45 seite des doms zu Orvieto; marmorbildwerke der schule der Or9 Pisaner, mit erlauterndem texte von E. Braun. 1858. Braun, Georges. Paris. (In Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. AH44 v. 8, p. 21-28. i pi.) A52 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 125 Braun, [Johann Wilhelm Joseph]. 1801-63. Achilles auf Skyros; oder, Die antike bronzestatue von Liittingen. AO8 Bonn, 1858. O. 6+23 p. 6732 Erklarung eines antiken sarkophags zu Trier . . . [Anon.] AP Bonn, 1850. Q. 22 p. i pi. W/23 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1850. Die Externsteine . . . [Anon.] Bonn, 1858. Q. 6+23 p. I pi. AP Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1858. V\ ^2$ Das Judenbad zu Andernach ... [Anon.] Bonn, 1853. Q. 12 p. I pi. AP Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1853. Jupiter Dolichenus ... [Anon.] Bonn, 1852. Q. 16 p. I pi. AP Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1852. Die Kapitole . . . [Anon.] Bonn, 1849. Q- 4+3 2 P- Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1849. W723 Kunstarchaologische betrachtungen iiber das portal zu Rema- AP gen . . . [Anon.] Bonn, 1859. Q. 15 p. 2 pi. W/23 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1859. Das portal zu Remagen . . . [Anon.] AP Bonn, 1859. Q. [i2] + 53 p. 2 pi. W;23 Welcker s fiinfzigjahrige jubelfest. Programm, 1859. Die Trojaner am Rheine . . . [Anon.] Bonn, 1856. Q. 4+53 p. AP Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1856. W/23 Der Wustenroder leopard, ein romisches cohortenzeichen . . . AP [Anon.] Bonn, 1857. Q- M+35 P- i P 1 - W 7 2 3 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1857. Zur geschichte der thebaischen legion . . . [Anon.] AP Bonn, 1855. Q- 37 P- W 7 2 3 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1855. Braund, J[ohn]. Illustrations of furniture, candelabra, musical instruments . . . from ANi the great exhibitions of London and Paris, with examples . . . 673 from palaces and mansions. London, 1858. F. 5 3 p. 48 pi. Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza (Kempe) Stothard. 1790- 1883. Memoirs ... of ... Charles Alfred Stothard . . . and some account AW of a journey in the Netherlands . . . St7 London, 1823. O. 8 + 497 P- ill- 2 P or - [Braybrooke], R[ichard] C[ornwallis] Neville, lord. 1820-61. Saxon obsequies illustrated by ornaments and weapons discovered AR42 in a cemetery near Little Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire, during ... Ai6 1851. London, 1852. F. 4 28 p. 40 pi. map. 126 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Brayda, R., and Rondolino, F. Studii medioevali; Villarbasse, la sua torre, i suoi signori. AH45 Torino, 1886. O. 138 p. ill. 2 pi. 18 tab. V;i Brayley, E[dward] W[edlake]. 1773-1854. Delineations, historical and topographical, of the Isle of Thanet AH42 and the Cinque ports . . . London, 1817-18. O. 2 v. 67 pi. 13475 Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Kent, Middlesex. (In Beauties AH42 of England and Wales. 1801-15. v. 7, 8, IO 1 " 2 .) Aii7 History and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peter, West- AH42 minster, including . . . memoirs of the abbots and deans . . . illus- L8$9 trated by J. P. Neale . . . London, 1818-23. Sq. F. 2 v. 51 pi. Illustrations of Her Majesty s palace at Brighton, formerly the AH42 pavilion, executed by ... J. Nash . . . [with] a history of the 6761 palace. London, 1838. F. 6 [7] + 17 p. 31 pi. Memoir of Robert Bloomfield. (In Storer, James, and Greig, J. AH42 Views in Suffolk . . . ill. of works of R. Bloomfield. 1806. p. 7-24.) A 134 Topographical history of Surrey . . . the geological section by G. AH42 Mantell. London, 1850. Q. 5 v. ill. 1 1 1 pi. I facsim. Su7i See Ferrey, Benjamin. 1810-80. Antiquities of the priory of AH42 Christchurch, Hampshire . . . [with] accounts of the same by E. 46 W. Brayley. 1841. Brayley, Edward Wedlake, 1773-1854, and Britton, John, 1771-1857. Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Che- AH42 shire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Isle of Man, Derbyshire, Devonshire, Ai 17 Dorsetshire, Durham, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Herefordshire. (In Beauties of England and Wales. 1801-15. v. 1-6.) Devonshire and Cornwall illustrated from . . . drawings by T. AH42 Allom, W. H. Bartlett . . . 1832. 049 History of the ancient palace and late houses of Parliament at AH42 Westminster . . . London, 1836. Q. 16+476 p. 41 pi. W52 Memoirs of the tower of London. 1830. AH42 L9H [Brayley, Edward Wedlake, 1773-1854, and Herbert, William, 1771-1851.] History and antiquities of Lambeth palace, illustrated with a series AH42 of views. [Anon.] London [1806]. F. 4 67 p. 2 por. 2 pi. Li7 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 127 Brechenmacher, Franz. Moderne kunstschmiedearbeiten. AM2 Berlin [1890-93]. F. 5 2 ser. in I v. [3] p. 40 pi. 674 Brees, S[amuel] C[harles]. Illustrated glossary of practical architecture and civil engineer- AI ing: comprising the theory and modern practice . . . 674 London, 1852. O. 490 p. ill. i pi. Breholles, Jean Louis Alphonse Huillard=. 1817-71. See Huillard-Breholles, Jean Louis Alphonse. 1817-71. Bremen (Ger.) Kiinstler=verein Abtheilung fur bremische geschichte und alterthiimer. Denkmale der geschichte und kunst der freien hansestadt Bremen. AH43 Bremen, 1870-76. F. v. 2-3. 37 pi. 6751 Contents: v. 2 1 . Episoden aus der cultur- und kunstgeschichte Bremens von J. G. Kohl. v. 2 2 . Die pfarr- und ordens-kirchen von W. von Bippen. v. 3 1 . Der dom zu Bremen von A. Fitger. Brenci, G[usmano]. Majolika-fliesen aus Siena 1500-1550, text von J. Lessing. Berlin, 1884. F. 6 [4] p. 30 pi. Brenci, G[usmano]., and Rotellini, S. Raccolta di ornamenti. 1873. Brent, John. 1808-82. Canterbury in the olden time. 2d ed. enlarged. London, 1879. O. 8+312 p. ill. 33 pi. Brentano, E[mil W. H.]. Zur losung der troianischen frage; nebst einem nachtrag: Einige bemerkungen iiber Schliemanns Ilios. Heilbronn, 1881. O. 64-138 p. I pi. map. Brentano, Giuseppe. Concorso internazionale di 2do grado: Per la nuova facciata del duomo di Milano. Milano, 1888. F. 4 62 p. ill. 1 1 ill. as pi. Progetto per la nuova facciata del duomo di Milano scelto per la esecuzione. Milano, 1889. 4 pi. Brentano, Joseph Augustin. i754(?)-i82i. Catalogue de . . . [son] collection de tableaux des ecoles hollan- AO6 daise, flamande et italienne . . . dont la vente se fera a Amsterdam 675 ... 13 Mai, 1822, et jours suivans . . . Amsterdam, 1822. D. 4+124 p. I por. AJ2 675 AK R74 AR42 Ci6 AR392 T75 AH45 Ms8i8 AH45 128 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Brereton, Rev. Charles. 1814- St. Mary s church, Kirkburn. (In Associated architectural socie- AC ties. Reports and papers, v. 3, p. 222-234. 12 pi.) As/ St. Mary s parish church, Beverly. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 8, p. 91-110. n pi.) Asy Bres, Jean Pierre. 1782-1832. See Musee des monurnens fran^ais. Souvenirs . . . representant AE8 les . . . aspects sous lesquels on a pu considerer tout les monu- Mgy mens . . . dans ce Musee, dessines par J. E. Biet . . . avec un texte . . . par J. P. Bres. 1821. See Percier, Charles, 1764-1838, and Fontaine, P. F. L., 1762- AH44 1853. Arc de Triomphe des Tuileries erige en 1806 . . . pub. P2/2 par Normand, avec un texte . . . par M. Bres. Bres, Onorato. Malta antica illustrata co monumenti e coll istoria. AH458 Roma, 1816. Nar. Q. i4+[i]+48o p. 3 pi. map. M2g Brescia (Italy) Museo. AO2 Museo Bresciano illustrate. Brescia, 1838. F. 6 2 v. 75 pi. 6752 Breslau (Ger.) Museum schlesischer altertiimer. Beschreibender katalog der glasersammlung. (In Czihak, E. von. ANj Schlesische glaser. 1891. p. 225-273.) C99 Breslau (Ger.) Universitat. See Rossbach, Otto. 1858-. Griechische antiken des Archaolo- AR495 gischen museums in Breslau. 1889. AI6 Breslau (Ger.) Verein fur das Museum schlesischer altertiimer, editor. Die Martinikirche in Breslau und Das von Rechenbergsche altar- AH43 werk in Klitschdorf (kr. Bunzlau). Breslau [1883]. Q. 35 p. 4 pi. 6752 Breslau (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte der bildenen kiinste. AW [Publications]. Breslau, 1886. Q. 0712 SCHMARSOW, A. 1853-. Donatello. 1886. Breton, Ernest. 1812-75. See Breton, Franfois Pierre Hippolyte Ernest. 1812-75. Breton, Francois Pierre Hippolyte Ernest. 1812-75. Athenes decrite et dessinee, suivie d un voyage dans le Pelopo- AR495 nese . . . Paris, 1862. Q. 378+[i] p. ill. 8 pi. At4i Cathedrale de Salisbury. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 13, p. AB H3-I33-) R324 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 129 Breton, Francois Pierre Hippolyte Ernest. 1812-75. Monuments de tous les peuples . . . AP Bruxelles, 1843. Q. 2 v. 131 pi. 675 Pompeia . . . suivie d une notice sur Herculanum ... 2e ed. AR45 Paris, 1855. Q. 372 p. ill. 10 pi. map. P78 Quatre jours dans le Peloponese. (In Revue del artchretien. v. 5.) AB Breton [de la Martiniere, Jean Baptiste Joseph]. China; its costume, arts, manufactures, etc., edited . . . from the AN4 originals in the cabinet of M. Bertin; tr. from the French. 4th ed. 675 London, 1813. D. 4v. 80 pi. Bretschneider, Andreas. i5;8(?)-i64o(?). Neues modelbuch, 1619; neu hrsg. mit vorwort von P. Jessen. AN Berlin, 1892. Obi. Q. [10] p. 46 pi. 675 Facsimile reproduction of the Leipzig edition of 1619. Brett, John Watkins. 1805-63. Illustrated catalogue of ... [his] collection of pictures and other AO2 works of art . . . also a ... collection of coins and medals . . . 675 sold . . . April 5, 1864, and nine following days . . . London [1864]. O. i46+[i] p. 44 phot. Brettell, Thomas. Hand book to the Isle of Wight, comprehending its history, AH42 topography and antiquities . . . 4th ed. Is47 London, 1848. D. 12+1 80 p. 3 pi. 2 maps. 4 p. music. Breuil, [Guislain Joseph] A[uguste], 1811-65, editor. See Bock, Franz. 1823-. Le tresor de la cathedrale de Gran en AB Hongrie. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 3, 4.) ^324 Brewer, H[enry] W[illiam]. 1836- On the mediaeval architecture of central and southern Germany. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1867-68, p. R8i 144-156.) Some churches in the neighbourhood of Cleves. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. v. 7, p. R8i 301-320. I pi.) Brewer, James Norris. i799(?)-i829. Descriptive and historical account of various palaces and public AH42 buildings, English and foreign, with biographical notices of their A8 founders... London, 1 8 10. Q. 8+323 p. 16 pi. Middlesex, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire. (In Beauties of England AH42 and Wales. 1801-15. v. io 4 , v. I2 2 , I5 2 .) Aii7 Picture of England; or, Historical delineations of . . . works of AH42 nature and art in each county . . . London, 1820. D. 2v. 84 pi. A44 9 130 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Brewster, James B., and Baldwin, . Illustrated catalogue of carriages. AX New York [pref. 1868]. F. Unpaged, ill. 4 pi. 875 Breymann, G. A. Allgemeine bau-constructionslehre, mit besonderer beziehung AI auf das hochbauwesen . . . neu bearbeitet von H. Lang. 5. aufl. 675 Bd. 4, 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1881-90. Q. 4 v. ill. 389 pi. Contents: v. i. Constructionen in stein. v. 2. Konstruktionen in holz. v. 3. Konstruktionen in eisen. v. 4. Verschiedene construktionen. Volume 3 edited by O. Koniger ; volume 4 by A. Scholtz. Bridgeman, Rev. G[eorge] T[homas] O[rlando]. 1823-. Some account of the parish of Church Eaton in the county of AH42 Stafford. London, 1884. O. 124+17 p. 47 Bridgens, Rfichard], Designs and specimens of furniture, candelabra and interior deco- AN I ration, in the Grecian, Elizabethan and gothic styles, completed 676 and edited by Henry Shaw. London, 1838. F. 4 [4] p. 60 pi. Illustrations of the manners and costumes of France, Switzerland AN4 and Italy. London, 1835. Sq. F. 6+ [79] p. 50 pi. 676 Sefton church furniture, with candelabra and interior decoration. APLj.2 London, 1838. Q. 60 pi. Se3i Sefton church, with part of the interior decorations . . . AH42 London, 1822. F. 5 [3] p. 31 pi. Se3 Text engraved. Bridges, Rev. Brook Edward. 1814-69. On some of the distinctive features of Christian as contrasted with AC classical art. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and As7 papers, v. 3, p. 289-310.) Bridgman, John. Historical and topographical sketch of Knole, in Kent; with a AH42 genealogy of the Sackville family . . . K75 London, 1817. O. 8+ 164 p. 8 pi. Brief account of the Guildhall of the city of London. AH42 See [Nichols, J. B. I78o(?)-i863]. L939 Brief description of his thirty-two ancient Greek painted vases. AN2 See Campanari, Secondiano, marchese. 1808-55. ^15 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 131 Briggs, Robert. Steam heating: an exposition of the American practice of warm- AJ ing buildings by steam, with an addendum ... by A. R. Wolff. 676 New York, 1888. T. 122 p. ill. (Van Nostrand s science series, v. 68.) From Proceedings of institution of civil engineers. Brimont, Thierry, baron de. 1854-. L eglise de Sainte Solange et sa paroisse. (In Societe des anti- AC quaires du centre. Memoires. 1884. v. 11^.289-243. 2 pi.) 803 Brin, [Pierre Marie], abbe, 1843-, afi d Balleyguier, Q. Monuments [de Tiffauges, Vendee]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Pay- AR44 sages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 12. 8 p. ill. 5 pi.) P/5 Brinckmann, Justus. AO Kunst und handwerk in Japan. Berlin, 1889. Nar. Q. v. I. ill. 677 Brindley, William. Ancient quarries of Egypt, with an account of a recent journey AC across the eastern desert. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8i Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 5-26. 6 pi. I map.) Marble: its uses as suggested by the past. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. v. 3, p. 45-56. 7 pi.) R8i Brindley, William, and Weatherley, W. S. Ancient sepulchral monuments . . . AE8 London, 1887. F. 4 [50] p. 212 pi. 677 Brink, Jan ten, 1834-, editor. AB See Nederlandsche kunstbode. 1879-. N28 Brinkley, Capt. [Francis], translator. See Chicago (111.) World s Columbian Exposition. Japan. AH52 History of the empire of Japan. 1893. A2 [Briseux, Charles Etienne.] 1 680 (?) -1754. Architecture moderne; ou, L art de bien batir pour toutes sortes de personnes . . . [Anon.] Paris, 1728. Q. 2 v. in I. 112 pi. L art de batir des maisons de campagne, ou Ton traite de leur distribution . . . construction & ... decoration . . . Paris, 1761. Q. 2 v. 260 pi. Briseville, Hugues. 17 th cent. Diverses pieces de serruriers . . . gravez par Jean Berain, Paris, AK vers 1670. London, 1888. F. [3] p. 17 pi. (Quaritch s reprints Q2 of rare books, v. 9.) 132 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bristol and Gloucestershire archaeological society. AC Transactions. 1876-85. Bristol [1876-85]. O. 9 v. ill. pi. 6771 Bristol guide ... a complete . . . history of the city of AH42 Bristol, the Hotwells and Clifton ... 4th e d. revised . . . enlarged 6771 by Bristoliensis. Bristol, 1815. D. [3]+3+235 p. i pi. map. Britannica curiosa; or, A description of . . . curiosities . . . AH42 of the island of Great Britain . . . 2d edition. A88 London, 1777. O. 6 v. 59 pi. British archaeological association. Collectanea archaeologica; communications made to the associa- AC tion. London, 1862-71. Sq. F. v. 1-2. ill. pi. 677 Edited by T. J. Pettigrew. British archaeological society of Rome. See Rome (Italy) British archaeological society. British architect ... AB Manchester, 1874-77. London, 1878-93. F. 4 v. 1-39. ill. pi. 877 British architects, Royal institute of. See Royal institute of British architects. British galleries of art. AO See [Patmore, P. Q.]. 1786-1855. P27 British museum. Catalogue of engraved gems, department of Greek and Roman AX antiquities [compiled by A. H. Smith and edited by A. S. Murray]. 877 London, 1888. D. 9+244 p. I por. 9 pi. Catalogue of sculpture in the department of Greek and Roman AO8 antiquities; by A. H. Smith. 8771 London, 1892. O. v. I. 9+375 p. ill. 12 pi. Catalogue of the duplicate coins and medals . . . Greek, Roman AMi and modern . . . sold . . . May 22, 1801 . . . 677 London, 1801. Q. 15 p. Interleaved copy. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan vases . . . AN2 London, 1851-70. O. 2 v. 1 3 pi. 677 Vol. i compiled by E. Hawkins ; v. a compiled by C. T. Newton. Description of the collection of ancient marbles in the museum AO8 [compiled by T. Combe, E. Hawkins, C. R. Cockerell and S. Birch]. 677 London, 18 1 2-6 1. Sq. F. 4 u v. ill. 378 pi. Description of the collection of ancient terracottas . . . [by T. A02 Combe]. London, 1 8 10. Sq. F. 7+39 p. 40 pi. 8772 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 133 British museum. Descriptive and historical catalogue of a collection of Japanese AO6 and Chinese paintings, by W. Anderson . . . 677 London, 1886. O. 16+554+28 p. 31 pi. Descriptive catalogue of playing and other cards . . . [with] a ... AK history of the subject and remarks on cards of divination ... by 677 W. H. Willshire. [London] 1876. Nar. Q. 10+360 p. I pi. Supplement with illustrations. [London] 1877. Nar. Q. 8+[3]+87 p. 23 pi. Bound with the preceding. Egyptian antiquities in the museum described by S. Sharpe. AR62 London, 1862. O. 19+ 196 p. ill. A8 Guide to the exhibition rooms of the departments of natural history and antiquities. [London] 1859. O. 4+112 p. 2 pi. Handbook to the department of prints and drawings, with . . . AO7 notices of the various schools ... by L. Fagan. 677 London, 1876. O. 6+ [4] +228 p. I pi. Inscriptions in the Himyaritic character discovered chiefly in AO2 southern Arabia [edited by S. Birch]. 677 London, 1863. Obi. F. 5 [3]+6 p. 18 pi. Townley gallery of classic sculpture ... by Sir H. Ellis. AO2 London, 1846. S. 2 v. ill. 6771 See Brondsted, P. O. 1780-1842. Bronzes of Siris now in the AM3 British museum. 1836. 678 See Menant, Joachim. 1820. Rapport sur les cylindres assyro- AB chaldeens du Musee Britannique. (In Archives des missions scien- Ar2i tifiques. 1880. v. 21, p. 79-132.) See Menant, Joachim. 1820-. Rapport sur les empreintes des AB pierres gravees assyro-chaldeennes du Musee Britannique. (In Ar2l Archives des missions scientifiques. 1882. v. 24, p. 369-415.) Britton, John. 1771-1857. Architectural antiquities of Great Britain, represented and illus- AH42 trated . . . views ... of various ancient English edifices, with A2 . . . accounts of each. London, 1807-26. Q. 5 v. ill. 354 pi. Auto-biography . . . AW London, 1849-50 [v. 1/50]. Nar. Q. 3 v. in 2. ill. 6 por. 5 pi. 677 Contents : pt. i. Personal and literary memoir of the author. pt. 2. Descriptive account of his literary works by T. E. Jones. pt. 3. Appendix : Biographical, critical and miscellaneous essays. Autograph letter of the author inserted. 9* 134 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Britton, John. 1771-1857. Bath and Bristol, with the counties of Somerset and Gloucester, AH42 displayed in ... views . . . from . . . drawings by Trios. H. Shep- 632 herd . . . London, 1829. Q. 55 p. 24 pi. on India paper. Engraved title-page, 3 pages and 2 plates from Jones s views of the seats, mansions, castles, etc., bound in at end of volume. Brief memoir of . . . [his] life and writings . . . AW London, 1825. Nar. Q. 49 p. 6771 From the preface to v. 3 of his Beauties of Wiltshire. Cathedral antiquities; historical and descriptive accounts with 31 1 AH42 illustrations of . . . English cathedrals ... Ai London, 1836. Q. 5 v. ill. 299 pi. Contents : v. I. Canterbury and York. v. 2. Salisbury, Norwich and Oxford. v. 3. Winchester, Lichfield and Hereford, v. 4. Wells, Exeter and Worcester, v. 5. Peterborough, Gloucester and Bristol. Chronological history and graphic illustrations of Christian archi- AH42 lecture in England . . . with . . . accounts of each edifice . . . A3 [and a] list of architects of the middle ages . . . London, 1826. Q. 16+260+64 p. 83 pi. Descriptive sketches of Tunbridge Wells and the Calverley AH42 estate... London, 1832. O. 11 + 148 p. 6 pi. 2 maps. T83 Dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the middle AA ages . . . with . . . biographical notices of ancient architects, ill. 677 by . . . J. Le Keux . . . London, 1838. O. 16+18+498 p. ill. 39 pi. tab. Essay on topographical literature . . . with accounts of the sources AR42 . . . and uses of national and local records ... A 14 [London, 1843.] Q. 66 p. Published by Wiltshire topographical society. From J. E. Jackson s History of the parish of Grittleton. 1843. Historical and architectural essay relating to Redcliffe church, AH42 Bristol... London, 1813. Nar. Q. 16+72 p. 12 pi. 6772 Historical and descriptive essays accompanying a series of en- AH44 graved specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy . . . N78i London, 1828. Nar. Q. 8+20+40 p. History and antiquities of Bath abbey church, including bio- AH42 graphical anecdotes of the most distinguished persons interred in 6321 that edifice . . . London, 1825. O. 16+220 p. IO pi. Lancashire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Northampton- AH42 shire, Wiltshire. (In Beauties of England and Wales. 1801-15. Aii7 v. 9, 11, is 1 - 2 .) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 135 Britton, John. 1771-1857. Picturesque antiquities of the English cities, illustrated by a series AH42 of engravings of antient buildings, street scenery, etc. with histori- A57 cal and descriptive accounts of each subject. London, 1830. Q. 12 + 88 p. ill. 60 pi. Union of architecture, sculpture and painting . . . with descriptive AO4 accounts of the house and galleries of John Soane. Sol London, 1827. Q. 16+60 p. 23 pi. See Gandy, Michael, 1778-1862, and Baud, Benjamin. Architec- AH42 tural illustrations of Windsor Castle. 1842. W7242 Britton, John, 1771-1857, editor. See Carter, John. 1748-1817. Ancient architecture of Eng- AH42 land. 1845. A6 See Wild, Charles. History and antiquities of the cathedral AH42 church of Lincoln. 1837. ^633 See Ferrey, Benjamin. 1 810-80. Antiquities of the priory of AH42 Christ-church, Hampshire. 1841. C46 Britton, John, 1771-1857, and Brayley, E. W., 1773-1854- Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Che- AH42 shire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Isle of Man, Derbyshire, Devonshire, Ai 17 Dorsetshire, Durham, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Herefordshire. (In Beauties of England and Wales. 1801-15. v. 1-6.) Devonshire and Cornwall illustrated from . . . drawings by T. AH42 Allom, W. H. Bartlett . . . 049 London, 1832. Q. 106+48 p. 70 pi. 2 maps. History of the ancient palace and late houses of Parliament at AH42 Westminster. 1836. W52 Memoirs of the tower of London . . . AH42 London, 1830. D. 14+374 p. 19 pi. L9I4 Britton, John, 1771-1857, and Godwin, George, 1815-88. AH42 Churches of London. 1839. L86 Britton, John, 1771-1857, and Pugin, A[ugustus], 1762-1832. Illustrations of the public buildings of London, with historical and AH42 descriptive accounts of each . . . L874 London, 1825-28. F. 2 v. 143 pi. Britton, John, 1771-1857, and Robinson, P. F. AH42 Vitruvius Britannicus, 1847. W8li 136 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Brobes, J. B. Vues des palais et maisons de plaisance de le Roy de Prusse . . . AH43 Augsbourg, 1733. Obi. F. 5 47 pi. AIQ Title-page in French and German. Broc de Segange, Georges Francois Louis du, 1808-. See Du Broc de Segange, Georges Francois Louis, 1808-. Brocard, E. L art de decouper lebois comprenant egalement la marqueterie et AM5 la sculpture simple. Paris, no date. F. 5 40 pi. 678 Brocchieri, Pier Maria. Osservazioni sopra alcune monete consolari. AMi Bologna, 1762. Sq. O. 123 p. I pi. 678 Broderies anciennes des epoques Louis XVI. . . . See Recueil de broderies anciennes des epoques Louis XVI. et AN premier empire. R24 Broggi, Luigi. AfL^ L edificio del teatro alia Scala in Milano. Milano, 1878. Q. M5820 Progetto di un nuovo quartiere per caseggiati e villini e della sua ArLj.5 congiunzione col centro della citta, contrapposto a quello dell Ing. M5820 Maraini. Milano, 1880. Nar. Q. 8 p. map. Brondsted, P[eter] Ofluf]. 1780-1842. Bronzes of Siris now in the British museum; an archaeological AMj essay . . . London, 1836. F. 6 [4] + 52 + [4] p. 6 pi. (Society of 678 Dilettanti.) Voyages dans la Grece, accompagnes de recherches archeolo- AR495 giques ... A 12 Paris, 1826-30. F. 2v.ini. 20+314+22 p. ill. 30 pi. map. Brondsted, Peter Oluf, 1780-1842, compiler. See Campanari, Secondiano, marchese. 1808-55. Brief descrip- AN2 tion of his thirty-two ancient Greek painted vases. 1832. Ci5 Brongniart, [Alexandre]. 1770-1847. Die technik des kolorirens und dekorirens von . . . porzellan, stein- AJ2 gut, fayence, glas . . . durch bemalen, bedrucken, iibertragen von 678 photographien . . . Dritte auflage . . . von K. Strele. Weimar, 1869. O. 10+152 p. 3 pi. (Neuer schauplatz der kiinste hand- werke. v. 146.) Traite des arts ceramiques ou des poteries, considerees dans leur AN2 histoire, leur pratique et leur theorie. Deuxieme edition . . . 678 augmentee . . . par A. Salvetat. Paris, 1854. O. 2 v. ill. and Atlas, Obi. O. 80 p. 60 pi. 3 tab. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 137 Brongniart, A[lexandre], 1770-1847, and Riocreux, D. [D.]. Description methodique du Musee ceramique de la manufacture AN2 royale de porcelaine de Sevres. Paris, 1845. F. 2 v. in I. 80 pi. 6781 [Bronze Roman lamps]: ynea lucerna mira arte fabre- AJ facta, ex ruderibus Aventini effossa . . . [and 78 other copper-plate 678 engravings of antique lamps]. Nar. Q- 79 pi. No text. No title-page. Bronzes and furniture in the style empire. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und Industrie. Brook, Robert. Elements of style in furniture and woodwork . . . ANi London, 1889. F. 36 p. 50 pi. 1379 Brooke, E. Adveno. AN8 Gardens of England. [London, 1857.] F. 6 Unpaged, ill. 25 pi. 679 Brooke, Richard. 1791-1861. Liverpool as it was during the last quarter of the eighteenth AH42 century; 1775 to 1800. ^7S3 Liverpool, 1853. Nar. Q. 558 p. ill. 6 pi. Brooks, J[ames] Willis. Introduction [on the art of illuminating]. (In Delamotte, F. G. AK Mediaeval alphabets and initials for illuminators. 1861. p. 1-6.) D37 Brooks, S[amuel] H. Designs for cottage and villa architecture . . . AE2 London [1840]. Nar. Q. 8+ 148 p. 108 pi. 679 Modern architecture . . . designs for street elevations, shop fronts, AL2 buildings adapted for towns . . . etc. . . . 679 London [1852]. F. 5 8+48 p. 36 pi. Rudimentary treatise on the erection of dwelling-houses; or, The AI builder s comprehensive director ... London, 1860. D. 20+206 p. 679 ill. 27 pi. (Weale s rudimentary series.) Broome, Mrs. Mary Anne (Stewart) Barker. See Barker, Lady Mary Anne (Stewart). Brossard, Pierre. -1885. L art de la soie a Lyon sous Louis 13. (In Revue des arts deco- AB ratifs. v. I, p. 522-532; v. 2, p. 20-25; v. 6, p. 170-182.) R32 Les faiences lyonnaises au i8 e siecle. (In Revue des arts deco- AB ratifs. v. 2, p. 176-189.) R32 I 3 8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Brosse, Jacques de. i56o(?)-i626. See Brosse, Salomon de. 1560 (?)-i626. Brosse, [Salomon] de. i56o(?)-i626. Reigle generalle d architecture des cinq manieres de colonnes . . . 2e ed. Paris, 1619. F. 6 57 p. ill. Brosset, [Marie Felicite]. 1802-80. Rapports sur un voyage archeologique dans la Georgie et dans 1 Armenie, execute en 1847-48. St. Petersbourg, 1849-51. O. 3 pts. in I v. and Atlas, F. 5 [3] P- 45 pl- Also known as Voyage arche"ologique en Transcaucasie. Brothers, Alfred, illustrator. See Croston, James. 1830-. Old Manchester, 1875. See Croston, James. 1830-. Manchester as it is ; a series of views of public buildings in Manchester and vicinity photographed ... by A. Brothers. 1878. Brouerius van Nidek, Mattheus. 1667-1735. Kabinet van Nederlandsche en Kleefsche outheden ... in 300 . . . printtafereelen vertoont door Abraham Rademaker . . . Amsterdam, 1727-33. O. 6 v. 300 pl. Volumes 2-6 by Isaac Le Long. De populorum veterum ac recentiorum adorationibus dissertatio . . . Amstelzedami, 1713. S. [i6] + 348+[i] p. 12 pl. Zederyke zinnebeelden der tonge. Amsterdam, 1716. S. [28] + 326+[io] p. ill. See Leth, Hendrik de. Het zegenpralent Kennemerlant, en kortelyk beschreven door M. Brouerius van Nidek. 1735. Brouillet, Amedee. Musees de Poitiers. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu ments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 177-178. pl.) Brown, Rev. Abner W[illiam]. History and antiquities of bells, and their connection with myth ology and ethnology. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 4, p. 291-321.) Brown, George Preston. Sewer-gas and its dangers, with an exposition of common defects in house drainage . . . Chicago, 1881. D. 242 p. ill. Brown, Q[erard] Baldwin. How to use Vitruvius. (In Royal Institute of British architects. Journal, n. s. v. 9, p. 353~368.) AA B79 AR395S Ai AH42 M3iii AH42 AH492 A8 AX 679 AX 6791 AH492 Ai6 AR44 P75 AC AJ 138 1 AC R88r COLUMBIA COLLEGE 39 Brown, G[erard] Baldwin. Origin of Roman imperial architecture. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1889. n. s. v. 5, p. 137-161.) R8i Brown, Glenn. Healthy foundations for houses . . . New York, 1885. T. 143 p. AI ill. (Van Nostrand s science series, v. 80.) B8ii From Sanitary engineer, 1884. Water-closets; a historical, mechanical and sanitary treatise. AJ New York, 1884. D. 158 p. ill. B8ii Brown, John. Description and use of an ordinary joynt-rule . . . London, 1675. AA Sq. D. 29 p. 3 pi. (In Scamozzi, Vincenzo. Mirror of archi- Sca$2 tecture. 1676.) Brown, L. E. Contractors , builders and carpenters building table and estimate AI book ... 3rd ed. New York, 1889. O. 150 p. ill. B8i Brown, Richard, architect. Domestic architecture, containing a history of the science and the AE2 principles of designing public edifices, private dwelling-houses ... B8i I and suburban villas. London, 1841. Q. 12+342 p. ill. I por. 63 pi. Sacred architecture, its rise, progress and present state; embracing AE the Babylonian, Indian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman temples, the B8i Byzantine, Saxon, Lombard, Norman and Italian churches . . . London [pref. 1845]. Q- 36+304 p. ill. 63 pi. Brown, Robert. 1844- Remarks on the gryphon, heraldic and mythological. (In Archseo- AB logia. v. 48, p. 355-378.) Ar2 Brown, W[alter] Talbot, and Gotch, J[ohn] Alfred. AH42 Architecture of the renaissance in England. 1891-93. Ai5 Brown, William, of Glasgow, illustrator. See Jamieson, John, D. D. 1759-1838. Select views of the royal A!L}.i palaces of Scotland. 1830. A7 Browne, John. History of the metropolitan church of St. Peter, York . . . AH42 London, 1847. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 150 pi. Y8 Browne, Rev. J[ohn] Cave=. 1818-. History of the parish church of All Saints , Maidstone . . . AH42 Maidstone, no date. Sq. F. i3 + [i] + 272 p. 10 pi. M28 140 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Browne, R. P. Greenwich union poorhouse. (In Quarterly papers on architecture. AA 1844-45. v. i. 7 p. 5 pi.) Q2 Browne, Sir Thomas. 1605-82. Garden of Cyrus; or, the quincunciall, lozenge or net- work planta- AX tions of the ancients, artificially, naturally, mystically considered. B8i (In his Hydriotaphia urne-buriall. 1658. p. 87-202.) Hydriotaphia urne-buriall; or, A discourse of the sepulchrall urnes AX lately found in Norfolk . . . with the Garden of Cyrus ... B8l London, 1658. S. [i3] + 2O2 p. ill. I pi. Browning, Henry Bfailey]. Proposed system for the . . . valuation of carpenters and joiners AI works . . . London, 1847. O- [3] + 8+iO4 p. ill. B82 Browning, Oscar. 1837-. Life of Bartolomeo Colleoni, of Anjou and Burgundy. [London] AW 1891. F. 6 7+[3]+93 p. 3 por. 5 pi. i fac-sim. I tab. (Arundel C68 society. Publications.) Brown s illustrated guide to Hull. AH42 See Wriggles worth, Edmund. H87I Bruckner, Alfred. Porosskulpturen auf der Akropolis. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 14, p. 67-87; G8l v. 15, p. 84-125. 3 pi.) Contents : I. Der Typhongiebel. 2. Der grossere Tritongiebel. Zum grabstein des Metrodoros aus Chios. (In Deutsches archao- AR495 logisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. G8i 363-382. pi. 4.) Bruckwald, . See Langhans, K. F. 1781-1869. AH73 Das stadt-theater in Leipzig, mit text vom Bruckwald. 1870. P$32 Brugsch, Heinrich [Karl], bey, 1827-, and Diimichen, Johannes, 1833- editors. Recueil de monmuents egyptiens dessines sur lieux . . . AR62 Leipzig, 1862-85. F. pts. 1-6 in 5 v. pi. A2I Contents : pt. 1-2. Planches 1-107. pt. 3-6. DUMICHEN.J. 1833-. Monuments geographiques. 390 pi. Parts 3-6 have also the German title: Geographische inschriften altagyptischer denkmaler. Bruin, Claas. Speelreis langs de Vechtsroom, op de uitgegeevene gezichten van AH492 De zeegepraalende Vecht. (In Visscher, N. De zegepraalende A 14 Vecht. 1719. 37 p.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 141 Brullov, A[leksandr Pavlovich]. 1800-77. AH45 Thermes de Pompei . . . Paris, 1829. F. 8 i$ + [i] p. 10 pi. Brunn, Heinrich. 1822-. Geschichte der griechischen kiinstler. 2. aufl. AO Stuttgart, 1889. Q. 2 v. Contents : v. i. Die bildhauer. v. 2. Die maler, die architekten, die vasenmaler. Griechische kunstgeschichte. Miinchen, 1893. O. v. I. ill. AO B8 3 2 Contents : v. i. Die anfange und diealteste decorative kunst. Nordgriechischesculpturen. (InDeutschesarchaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 8, p. 81-100. pi. 2-7.) G8i I rilievi delle urne etrusche, pubblicati a nome dell Instituto di AN2 corrispondenza archeologica. 683 Roma, 1870. F. v. I in 2 pts. 7+132 p. 99 pi. Contents : v. i. Ciclo troico. No more published. Brunn, Heinrich, 1822- and Krell, P. F. 1843- Eine historische einleitung und erlauterndem texte. (In Lau, G. AN2 T., and others, comp. Die griechische vasen. 1877. p. 1-38.) ,36 Brunn (Austria) Mahrisches gewerbemuseum. Kunstgewerbliche objecte der Ausstellung kirchlicher kleinkunst, ANi 1884-5. Brunn, 1885. F. 5 [8] + i6p. 99 pi. 683 Brunner, A[rnold] W[illiam]. 1857- Cottages; or, Hints on economical building, containing 24 plates AE2 of medium and low cost houses . . . with ... a chapter on ... B83 water supply . . . and other sanitary questions ... by W. P. Ger hard. New York, 1884. O. 77 p. ill. 24 pi. Pages 57-77 are illustrations. Brunner, Arnold W[illiam], 1857-, and Tryon, Thomas. Interior decoration. 2d ed. AK New York, 1891 [cop. 1887]. Q. [sj+65 p. 65 ill. i6pl. 683 Brunner, Sebastian. 1814-. L art en Italic au moyen age et a la renaissance, biographies et AO esquisses; tr. de I allemand par J. T. de Belloc. 6381 Tours, 1889. O. 237+[i] p. ill. i pi. Brunswick (Ger.) Herzogliche bau=direction. Katalog der bibliothek. AF5 Braunschweig, 1873. O. 12 + 297+ [41] P- B83 142 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Brussels (Belgium) Association nationale pour fa- voriser les arts en Belgique, publisher. See La renaissance; chronique des arts et de la litterature: AB 1839-55. R2 9 Brussels (Belgium) Societe centrale d architecture. See Societe centrale d architecture de Belgique. Brutails, Jean Auguste. 1859-. La cathedrale de Pampelune. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 55, AB p. 554-582.) B87 Bruun, Carl. Kj0benhavn; en illustreret skildring af dets histoire, mindesmaerker AH^g og institutioner. 79 Kj0benhavn, 1887-90. O. 2 v. ill. 17 pi. 3 fac-sim. Bruyn, Hyacinthe de, abbe. Anciennes et nouvelles peintures de 1 eglise de Notre-Dame de la AB Chapelle. (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d arche- 6872 ologie. 1879. v. 18, p. 178-232. 9 pi.) Anciennes et nouvelles peintures murales de 1 eglise de Notre- AH493 Dame au Sablon a Bruxelles . . . 6838 Gand, 1868. Q. fo]+86 p. I pi. Archeologie religieuse appliquee a nos monuments nationaux. AP Bruxelles, 1869-70. O. 2 v. in I. ill. 683 Architectonographie de 1 eglise de Notre-Dame de la Chapelle a AB Bruxelles. (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d arche- 6872 ologie. 1873. v. 12, p. 28-61. 4 pi.) Histoire de 1 eglise de Sainte-Gudule et du tres-saint sacrement AH493 de miracle a Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 1870. O. 451 p. B837 Notice sur 1 eglise de Notre-Dame au Sablon a Bruxelles. (In AB Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1872. 6872 v. 11, p. 84-209. 2 pi.) Tresor artistique de la collegiale de Sainte-Gudule, a Bruxelles. AB (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1871. 6872 v. 10, p. 81-166.) Tresor artistique des eglises de Bruxelles. AH493 Louvain, 1882. O. 8+359 p. T 4 pi- B842 No. 42 of 250 copies printed. Bry, Dietrich de. 1528-98. See Bry, Theodore de. 1528-98. Bry, Theodore de. 1528-98. AK New artistic alphabet. 1595. Edinburgh, 1880. F. 4 3 p. 24 pi. 684 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 143 Bry, Theodore de. 1528-98. See Boissard, J. J. 1528-1602. Romanae vrbis topographia & AR45 antiquitates. 1597-1602. R682 See Boissard, J. J. 1528-1602. Topographia urbis Romae. AA 1681. (Zeiller, Martin. Topographia. 1643-88. pt. 31.) Z3 Bryan, A. J. Architectural proportion illustrated . . . showing the relation AA between an order of architecture and a building of any kind . . . 684 San Francisco, 1880. Q. 33 p. 10 full page ill. as pi. Buccellato, Silvio. Saggio sulla architettura sociale. AA Firenze, 1879. O. 8+44+ [i] p. 2 pi. Z5 Buchan, William Paton. Plumbing: a text-book to the practice of the art or craft of the AJ plumber, with supplementary chapters upon house drainage and B85 ventilation. 6th e d. London, 1892. D. 10+362 p. 380 ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) Ventilation: a text-book to the practice of the ventilating of AJ buildings, with a supplementary chapter on air testing. London, 6851 1891. D. 8+226 p. 170 ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) [Bucher, Adalbert Bruno]. 1826-. Das Kaiserlich-konigliche osterreichische museum und die Kunst- AH436 gewerbeschule. [Anon.] V685 Wien, 1873. Q. [9] + i40+[3] P- ill. 8 pi. Festschrift bei gelegenheit der Weltausstellung in Wien, Mai, 1873. Bucher, Adalbert Bruno, 1826- compiler. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und Industrie. Die AN3 glassammlung des Museums. 1888. V67 Bucher, Adalbert Bruno, 1826-, editor. AB See Das kunsthandwerk. 1874-76. Buchetti, Jacques. 1836-. Manuel des constructions metalliques et mecaniques ... AI Paris, 1888. Q. [9]+36i p. ill. and Atlas. 32 pi. 6852 Buck, C. C. Album of mantels in wood, stone, slate and brick. AI New York, 1883. F. 4 [4] p. 60 pi. 685 Buckler, C[harles] A[lban], and Buckler, J. C. History of the architecture of the abbey church of St. Alban, with AH42 especial reference to the Norman structure. 1847. Sa2i Remarks upon wayside chapels. 1843. AH42 A52 144 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Buckler, George. Twenty-two of the churches of Essex, architecturally described AH42 and illustrated. London, 1856. Q. [3J + 254 p. ill. 2 pi. Es?i Buckler, J[ohn] C[hessell]. Description and defence of the restorations of the exterior of Lin- AH42 coin cathedral, with a comparative examination of the restorations L63i of other cathedrals . . . Oxford, 1866. O. 8+286 p. Elevations, sections and details of Saint Peter s church, Wilcote, AH42 Oxfordshire. Oxford, 1844. F. 4 [4] p. 6 pi. W64 Historical and descriptive account of the royal palace at Eltham. AH42 London, 1828. O. |j] + io8 p. ill. i pi. E18i Observations on the original architecture of Saint Mary Magdalen AH42 college, Oxford ... [Anon.] London, 1823. O. 11 + 182 p. I pi. Ox24 Sixty views of endowed grammar schools from original draw- AE6 ings . . . London, 1827. Q. Unpaged. 60 pi. 685 Views of the cathedral churches of England and Wales, with de- AH42 scriptions. London, 1822. F. 4 Unpaged. 32 pi. A86 Buckler, J[ohn] C[hessell], and Buckler, C. A. History of the architecture of the abbey church of St. Alban, with AH42 especial reference to the Norman structure. Sa2i London, 1847. O. io+[i] + i68 p. ill. 12 pi. Remarks upon wayside chapels, with observations on the architec- AH42 ture and present state of the chantry on Wakefield bridge. A$2 Oxford, 1843. O. [3] +63 p. 5 Pi- Buckman, [James], 1816-84, and Newmarch, C. H. Illustrations of the remains of Roman art in Cirencester, the site AR42 of antient Corinium. 49 London, 1850. Sq. F. 23 + 155 p. ill. 14 pi. Bucknall, Benjamin, translator. See Qodon, Julien. Painted tapestry and its application to interior AM8 decoration. 1879. G54 Budapest (Hungary) Exposition. 1888. Chefs-d ceuvre d orfevrerie avant figure a 1 Exposition, decrits par AM4 C. Pulsky, E. Radisics et E. Molinier et reproduits . . . B8$ Paris, no date. F. 5 2 v. 150 pi. Budapest (Hungary) Museum nationale hungari- cum, editor. Ornamente der hausindustrie Ungarn s; text von C. v. Pulszky, AN gezeichnet von F. Fischbach. B85 Budapest, 1878. F. 4 8+[67] p. 40 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 145 Budge, E[rnest] Aflfred Thompson] Wallis. The mummy; chapters on Egyptian funereal archaeology. AR62 Cambridge, 1893. O. 16+404 p. ill. 9 pi. Ai4 On some Egyptian bronze weapons in the collections of John AB Evans, and the British Museum. (In Archaeologia. v. 53, p. 83- Ar2 94- 4PL) Buel, J[ames] W. America s wonderlands; a pictorial and descriptive history of our AH/3 country s scenic marvels, as delineated by pen and camera ... Ai5 New York [c. 1893]. Obi. O. 503 p. ill. 8 pi. Buff, Adolf. 1838-. See Leybold, Ludwig. Das rathhaus der stadt Augsburg, erbaut AH43 1615 bis 1620 von Elias Holl, mit kurzem historischen text von Au4 A. Buff. 1886-88. Buhl, Sons & Co. Illustrated catalogue of hardware. Al2 Detroit, 1889. Q. 31 + 1206 p. ill. B86 [Buhlers, .] Die entwickelung des Hildesheimer profanbaues bis zur mitte des 17. jahrhunderts, unter besonderer beriicksichtigung der holzarchi- tektur. [Anon.] Hildesheim, 1882. O. 40 p. Buhlmann, J[osef]. Die architektur des classischen alterthums und der renaissance. AA Stuttgart, 1872-77. F. 5 3 pts. in 1 v. 75 pi. B86i Contents: pt. i. Die saulenordnungen. pt. 2. Die bogenstellungen. pt. 3. Die architektonische entwicklung und decoration der raume. Die gestaltung der ausseren und der inneren architektur. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1880- 4. thl. I. hlbd., p. 120-190. ill. 7 pi.) Buhot de Kersers, Alphonse. 1835-. Les chapelles absidales de la cathedrale de Bourges. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 40, p. 419-430.) 687 Les enceintes en terre dans le Departement du Cher. (In Societe AC des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1868. v. i,p. 13-57, pi. 1-8.) 803 Epigraphie romaine dans le Departement du Cher. (In Societe AC des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1873-74. v. 4, p. 103-192; So3 v- 5, P- 83-96. 8 pi.) Essai sur 1 architecture religieuse en Berry. (In Societe des anti- AC quaires du centre. Memoires. 1870. v. 3, p. 91-157. 13 pi. 803 10 146 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Buhot de Kersers, Alphonse. 1835- Histoire et statistique monumentale du Departement du Cher; AH44 texte et dessins. 42 5 Paris, 1875, Bourges, 1883-92. v. 1-6. 400 pi. 24 maps. Contents: . I. Aix-d Angillon, Argent, Aubigny, Baugy. . a. Bourges. . 3. La Chapelle-d Angillon, Charenton, Charost, Chateaumeillant, Cha- teauneuf. . 4. La Chatelet, Dun-le-Roi, Gragay, La Guerche, Henrichemont. . 5. LeYe, Level, Linieres, Lury, Mehun. . 6. Ne"rondes, Saint-Amand, Saint-Martin, Sancergues. Inscriptions murales de 1 eglise de Plaimpied, Cher. (In Societe AC des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1887. v. 14, p .35-5 i. 4 pi.) 803 Statistique monumentale du Departement du Cher. See above, Histoire et statistique monumentale du Departement du Cher. Les tumuli et les forteresses en terre dans le Departement du AC Cher. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1869. v. So3 2, p. 49-80, pi. 2-3.) Buhot de Kersers, Alphonse, 1835-, and others. Bulletin numismatique. No. 1-17. (In Societe des antiquaires du AC centre. Memoires. v. 1-19. 1868-93.) $03 Builder, an illustrated weekly magazine . . . AB London, 1843-93. F. ill. v. 1-65. B86 Builder and workman s new director. 1824. AI See Nicholson, Peter. 1765-1844. N522 Builder s and contractor s price-book for 1860 ... 5 th ed. AI London, 1860. D. 20+296 p. B86 Builder s magazine; or, Monthly companion to architects, AA carpenters, masons, bricklayers ... by a society of architects . . . B862 London, 1774. Q. [4] + 345 + 100 p. ill. 185 pi. Building. New York, 1883-89. Sq F. and F. v. 2-11. ill. pi. AB Ar25 Vols. 1-3 published monthly; v. 5-11, weekly. Continued from v. 12 as Architecture and building. Building news and engineering journal. AB London, 1857-90. F. v. 3-29, 31-50, 52-58. ill. pi. B86i Vols. 3-5 have title Building news ; v. 6-9, Building news and architectural review. [Volume of plates from the years 1884 and 1885.] AA London, 1884-85. F. B86 No title-page. Buillart, Jacques. 1669-1726. Histoire de 1 abbaye royale de Saint Germain des Prez . . . AH44 Paris, 1724. F. 4 i8 + 328 + [2i8] p. 23 pi. map. P286 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 147 Biilau, Th[eodor]. Das haus der Patriotischen gesellschaft in Hamburg; oder, Einiges AH43 iiber einen neubau . . . Hamburg, 1849. Q- [4] +47 P- 3^ pi. Hi 76 Biilau, Theodor, and Popp, Justus. Die architectur des mittelalters in Regensburg dargestellt durch AA den Dom, die Jakobskirche und einige andere iiberreste alt- P8n deutscher baukunst. 1839. Les trois ages de 1 architecture gothique, son origine, sa theorie, AD6 demontres et representes par des exemples choisis a Ratisbonne ... P8 1 tr. de I allemand. 1841. Bulifon, Antonio. 1640-. Ragionamento intorno ad un antico marmo discoverto 1 anno 1693 AR45 nella citta di Pozzuoli. 4* ed. Napoli, 1701. T. ii6p. i pi. P872 Bulle, Heinrich. Die Silene in der archaischen kunst der Griechen . . . AO8 Miinchen, 1893. O. 6+[i]+77 p. Z4 Doctor s dissertation, Munich University. Bullet, Pierre. 1 63 9 (?) - 1 7 1 6. L architecture pratique, qui comprend le detail . . . des ouvrages AA de massonnerie, charpenterie, menuiserie . . . 6871 Paris, 1722. D. [14] + 392 + [i 8] p. ill. 12 pi. Bulletin archeologique du Comite des travaux historiques AC et scientifiques. 1883-86. Paris, 1883-86. O. 4 v. ill. pi. P237 Published by Ministere de 1 instruction publique et des beaux-arts. Bulletin archeologique, public par le Comite historique AC des arts et monumens. [1837-48.] Paris, 1843-48. O. 4 v. P23 Continued as Bulletin du Comite historique des arts et monuments; Arche"ologie, beaux- arts, 1849-52, and Bulletin du Comite" historique des monuments Merits de 1 histoire de France; Histoire, sciences, lettres, 1849-52. Table generale. (In Teissier, M. C. A. O. 1825-. Table AC generale des Bulletins . . . 1873.) ^235 Bulletin d histoire ecclesiastique et d archeologie reli- gieuse des dioceses de Valence, Digne, Gap, Grenoble & Vierbes. AB Romans, 1880-90. Q. v. i-io in 5. ill. pi. 6873 Bulletin de la Societe d art et d histoire du diocese de Liege. See Societe d art et d histoire du diocese de Liege. Bulletin. AC 1881-92. 8032 Bulletin de la Societe d encouragement pour 1 industrie nationale. AC See Societe d encouragement pour 1 industrie nationale. So23 M8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. AB Bruxelles, 1862-85. O. v. 1-24. ill. pi. 6872 Published by Commission royale des monuments, Belgium. Bulletin des musees; revue mensuelle publiee . . . par E. AB Gamier et L. Benedite. Paris, 1890-93. O. v. 1-4. ill. pi. B8/6 Bulletin des societes savantes, missions scientifiques et litteraires, Comite de la langue, de 1 histoire et des arts de la AC France. Paris, 1854-55. O. 2 v. P234 Continuation of Bulletin du Comite" historique des arts et monuments, 1849-53 ; continued as Revue des society s savantes de la France et de I e tranger. Table generale. (In Teissier, M. C. A. O. 1825-. Table AC generale des Bulletins . . . 1873.) Bulletin du Comite de la langue, de 1 histoire et des arts AC de la France. 1852-57. Paris, 1854-60. O. 4 v. ill. pi. P233 Continuation of Bulletin du Comite" historique des arts et monuments, 1840-52, and of Bulletin du Comite" historique des monuments ecrits de 1 histoire de France, 1849-52 ; con tinued as Revue des socie te s savantes, 1856-58. Table generale. (In Teissier, M. C. A. O. 1825-. Table AC generale des Bulletins . . . 1873.) P235 Bulletin du Comite historique des arts et monuments; Archeologie, beaux-arts. 1849-52. AC Paris, 1849-53. O. ill. 4 v. in 3. P23I Continuation of Bulletin arche"ologique, 1837-48; continued as Bulletin du Comite" de la langue, de 1 histoire et des arts de la France, 1852-57. Table generale. (In Teissier, M. C. A. O. 1825-. Table AC generale des Bulletins . . . 1873.) P 2 35 Bulletin du Comite historique des monuments ecrits de 1 histoire de France; Histoire, sciences, lettres. 1849-52. AC Paris, 1849-53. O. 4 v. in 3. P232 Continuation of Bulletin archdologique, 1837-48; continued as Bulletin du Comite" de la langue, de 1 histoire et des arts de la France, 1852-57. Table generale. (In Teissier, M. C. A. O. 1825- Table AC generale des Bulletins . . . 1873.) P235 Bulletin historique et archeologique de Vaucluse. AB Avignon, 1879-83. Q. v. 1-5. ill. 6875 Bulletin monumental public sous les auspices de la Societe francaise d archeologie pour la conservation des monuments AB historiques. Paris, 1834-93. O. v. 1-58. ill. pi. 687 Table generale analytique et raisonnee . . . tome 1-39. AB Paris, 1846-73. O. 4 v. 687 To vols. 1-20, by Abbe" Auber ; 21-38 inclusive, by M. Renault. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 149 Bullettino dell Imperiale istituto archeologico germanico; sezione romana. See Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; romische AR45 abtheilung. R66 Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale. See Rome (Italy) Commissione archeologica comunale. Bui- AB lettino. R66 Bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Roma, 1863-89. F. and Q. 7 v. in 5 ; 2<3 ser., 6 v. in 3 ; 3^ ser., AB 6 v. in 3; 4^ ser., 6 v. in 3. ill. pi. 6871 Edited by G. B. de Rossi. Indici generali. 1863-89. Roma, 1870. F. and Q. 2 v. Bullettino di arti, Industrie e curiosita veneziane. AB Venezia, 1877-80. O. 3 v. ill. pi. 6874 Edited by G. M. Urbani de Gheltof. Bulliot, J. G[abriel], and Fontenay, Henry de. L art de 1 emaillerie chez les Eduens avant 1 ere chretienne. AJ2 Paris, 1875. O. 44+[i] p. 9 pi. 687 Bullock, John. Rudiments of architecture and building . . . AA Philadelphia, 1866 [c. 1854]. O. 468 p. ill. 1 1 pi. 687 Bullock, John, editor. History and rudiments of architecture. AF New York, 1853. D. 264+13 p. ill. 687 Contents : Orders of architecture ; Architectural styles of various countries ; Nature and principles of design in architecture; Glossary of architectural terms. Bulteau, [M. T.], abbe. -1882. Description de la cathedrale de Chartres, suivie d une . . . notice AH44 sur les eglises de Saint-Pierre, de Saint-Andre et de Saint- C383 Aignan . . . Chartres, 1850. O. 320 p. 6 pi. Monographic de la cathedrale de Chartres. 2e ed. AH44 Chartres, 1887-88. O. 2 v. ill. 2 pi. C382 Published by Socie te archdologique d Eure-et-Loir. Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias, freiherr von. 1791- 1860. Die basiliken des christlichen Roms, nach ihrem zusammenhange AH45 mit idee und geschichte der kirchenbaukunst ... Ai6 Munchen [pref. 1842]. Sq. F. 8+84 p. I pi. Atlas, F. 6 6 p. 50 pi. Buonanni, Filippo. 1638-1725. See Bonanni, Filippo. 1638-1725. 10* 150 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Buonarroti, Filippo.] 1661-1733. Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi di vetro ornati di figure, trovati ne cimiteri di Roma . . . [Anon.] Firenze, 1716. Q. [61 + 27 + 324 p. ill. 35 pi. Osservazioni sopra tre dittici antichi d avorio. (In his Osser- vazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi. 1716. p. 229-283.) Buonarroti, Michel Angelo. 1475-1564. Nuova et ultima aggiunta delle porte d architettura. Roma, 1610. F. 4 10 pi. Buonarroti, Michel Angelo, 1475-1564, editor. See Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. Regies des cinq ordres d architecture, avec plusieurs augmentations. 1712. Burckhardt, Achilles. Uber die Aeginetischen giebelgruppen; einladungsschriit zur pro- motionsfeier des Padagogiums in Basel. Basel, 1879. Q. 14 p. Burckhardt, Albert. Das schloss Vufflens. Zurich, 1882. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1881-85. v. 21, p. 59-84. 4 pi.) Burckhardt, Albert, and Wackernagel, Rudolf. 1855-- Geschichte und beschreibung des rathauses zu Basel. Basel, 1886. Sq. F. [_3]+62 C., and Riggenbach, p. 22 pi. C[hristoph]. Burckhardt, 1810-63. Die klosterkirche Klingenthal in Basel. Basel, 1 860. F. [3] +40 p. ill. 4 pi. (Basel, Switzerland Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische alterthiimer. Mittheilungen. v. 8.) Burckhardt, Jakob. 1818-. Der cicerone; eine anleitung zum genuss der kunstwerke Italiens. 6. aufl. . . . bearbeitet von Wilh. Bode. Leipzig, 1893. O. 4 v. Cicerone; or, Art guide to painting in Italy . . . edited by A. von Zahn, translated from the German by Mrs. A. H. Clough. London, 1873. D. 8+291 p. Civilisation of the period of the renaissance in Italy . . . transla- tion by S. G. C. Middlemore. London, 1878. O. 2 v. Geschichte der renaissance in Italien. 3. aufl. . . . bearbeitet von H. Holtzinger. Stuttgart, 1891. O. 16+404 p. ill. (Burck- hardt, Jakob, 1818-, and Liibke, Wilhelm, 1826-. Geschichte der neueren baukunst. v. I.) AN3 AN3 B88 AA V682I AA 687 ADS Z2 AC An8 AH494 6292 AH494 629 A06 6891 AO6 B89 AD7 689 AF 689 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 151 Burckhardt, Jakob, 1818- and Liibke, Wilhelm, 1826-. Geschichte der neueren baukunst. AF Stuttgart, 1882-91. [v. i, 91.] O. v. 1-3 and 5, in 7. ill. i pi. 689 Contents: v. i. BURCKHARDT, J. Geschichte der renaissance in Italien. v. 2. LURKE, W. Geschichte der renaissance in Deutschland. v. 3. LURKE, W. Geschichte der renaissance in Frankreich. v. 5. GURLITT, C. Geschichte des barockstiles in Italien. v. 5^, pt. i. GURLITT, C. Geschichte des barockstiles, des rococo und des klassicisnms in Belgicn, Holland, Frankreich, England. v. 52, pt. 2. GURLITT, C. Geschichte des barockstiles und des rococo in Deutschland. From v. 5, written also by C. Gurlitt. v. i, 3 d ed. v. 2-3, 2 d ed. Burckhardt, L[udwig] A[ugust], 1808-63, and Rig= genbach, Chfristoph], 1810-63. Die Dominikanerklosterkirche in Basel. Basel, 1855. F. i6p. 8 pi. AH494 (Basel, Switzerland Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische alterthumer. 6291 Mittheilungen. v. 6.) Burckhardt= Biedermann , Th [eodor] . Das romische theater zu Augusta Raurica. Basel, 1882. F. 31 p. 5 pi. (In Basel, Switzerland Hist. u. antiqar. gesellschaft. Mit theilungen. Neue folge. Bd. 2.) Burdett, Henry C[harles]. 1846- Hospitals and asylums of the world . . . AE6 London, 1891-93. Q. 4v. ill. I9pl. map. Atlas, F. G 8 p. 112 pi. 689 Contents: v. i. Asylums, history and administration. v. 2. Asylum construction, with plans and bibliography. v. 3. Hospitals, history and administration. v. 4. Hospital construction, with plans and bibliography. Burford, Robert. 1791-1861. Description of a view of the city of Damascus, and the surround- AA ing country . . . London, 1841. O. 12 p. ill. pi. Z4 Burgen und schlosser in Osterreich; heliogravuren nach AH436 naturaufnahmen. 1892. A6 See Schmidt, Otto. Der biirgerliche baumeister. 1790-99. AA See Schmidt, F. C. 1755-1830. Sch5 "Burgermeister Kellinghusen s stiftung," editor. See Gadechens, C. F., Gensler, Martin, and Koppmann, Karl. AH43 Das St. Johannis kloster in Hamburg. 1884. Hi7i See Stoter, Ferdinand. 1811-. Die ehemalige St. Marien kirche. AH43 1879. Hi 72 Burges, W[illiam]. 1827-81. Architectural designs; details of stonework, ed. by R. P. Pullan. AA London, 1887. F. 8 p. 39 pi. 691 152 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Surges, W[illiam]. 1827-81. Architectural drawing in the middle ages. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. .3,9.235-242. 2 pi.) R8i Architectural drawings. AA London, 1870. F. 6 [3] + 2Q+[2] p. 75 pi. BQII Iconographie du palais ducal de Venise. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 17, p. 69-88, 193-216.) An7 La "Ragione" de Padoue. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 18, AB p. 33 J -343; v. 19, p. 241-252; v. 26, p. 189-203, 250-271.) An7 Surges, William, 1827-81, and Didron, [A. N.], 1806-67. Venise; iconographie des chapiteaux du palais ducal. AH45 Paris, 1857. Q. 58 p. ill. 3 pi. 567 Burgess, James, 1832-, editor. See Fiihrer, A. Sharqi architecture of Jaunpur. 1889. (In India- AR54 Archaeological survey. Reports. 1889. new ser. v. I.) Ai Burgess, James, 1832- and Fergusson, James, 1808-86. AH54 Cave temples of India. 1880. A3 Burgess, Rev. Richard. 1796-1881. Description of the circus on the Via Appia near Rome, with some AR45 account of the Circensian games. R684 London, 1828. D. 7 + [i]+m p. ill. 3 pi. I tab. On the Egyptian obelisks in Rome, and monoliths as ornaments of AC great cities. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. R8i 1857-58, p. 167-175, 183-191.) On the Egyptian obelisks in Rome and monoliths as ornaments of AR62 great cities . . . [with] remarks On the application of the entasis Z to the obelisk, by John Bell ... O. 42 p. i pi. From Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. May sist, 1858. On the topography and antiquities of Constantinople. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1853-54^.161172. map.) R8i Topography and antiquities of Rome, including the recent dis- AR45 coveries made about the Forum and Via sacra. R685 London, 1831. O. 2 v. ill. 12 pi. map. I tab. Burgmair, Hans. 1473-1 53 r(?). Triumph of the Emperor Maximilian I. with woodcuts designed AW2 by B. ; edited by A. Aspland. [London] 1873-75. Sq. O. 8912 7+i77 + [i] p. and Obi. F. 2 v. 137 pi. (Holbein Society. Fac simile reprints.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 153 Burkhardt, Johann. 1852-. De origine basilicarum christianarum commentatio. AE Halis Saxonum [1875]. O. 48+[i] p. Z8 Doctor s dissertation, Halle University. Burlington fine arts club (London). AO2 Catalogues. London, 1868-83. [ v - l > 69.] Q- 3 v - ^92 Contents: v. i. DURER, ALBERT, and LEYDEN, LUCAS VAN. Works. 1869. HOLLAR, WENCESLAUS. Work. 1875. MERYON, CHARLES. Work. 1879. RAIMONDI, MARC ANTONIO. Work. 1868. REMBRANDT. Etched work. 1877. REMBRANDT. Notes on etched work. 1877. TURNER S Liber studiorum. 1872. ZEEMAN, RENIER, and JARDIN, KAREI, DU. Etched work. 1883. Collection of woodcuts of the German school. 1882. v. 2. Japanese and Chinese works of art. 1878. English and continental porcelain. 1873. Painted glass. 1876. Bronzes and ivories. 1879. Illuminated mss. 1874. BLAKE, WILLIAM. Works. 1876. ROSSETTI, DANTE G. Pictures, drawings, designs and studies. 1883. v. 3. Works of old masters. 1871. Drawings in water colours by artists after 1800. 1880. Drawings by the Dutch masters. 1878. Cox, DAVID, and DE WINT, PETER. Drawings and sketches. 1873. GIRTIN, THOMAS. Works. 1875. MASON, GEORGE. Works. RAPHAEL SANZIO, and BUONARROTI, MICHEL ANGELO. Works. 1870. RAVEN, JOHN SAMUEL. Works. 1878. Exhibition of bookbindings. AX London, 1891. Sq. F. 5 6i+[i] + i32 p. 1 14 pi. 692 Exhibition of drawings in water colours by artists born anterior AO6 to 1800. London, 1871. O. 82 p. 692 Exhibition of portrait miniatures. [Introduction by John Lums- AN2 den Propert] London, 1889. Q. 67+160 p. 6923 Illustrated catalogue of specimens of Persian and Arab art, ex- AN2 hibited in 1885. [Introductory remarks by Henry Wallis.] Bp22 [London] 1885. Sq. F. 4 1. p. 23 + 70+^] p. ill. 32 pi. Short description of the English and continental porcelain ex- AN2 hibited June, 1873. London, 1873. Sq. F. 24 p. 18 pi. 692 Burn, Robert. Rome and the Campagna; an historical and topographical descrip- AH45 tion of the site, buildings and neighbourhood of ancient Rome. R675 Cambridge, 1871. Q. 83+483 p. ill. 20 pi. 6 maps. Burn, Robert Scott. Grammar of house planning: hints on arranging and modifying AE2 plans of cottages, street-houses, farm-houses, villas, mansions . . . 693 [Anon.] Edinburgh, 1866. D. 10+190 p. ill. 31 pi. 154 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Burn, Robert Scott. Handy hints on the internal arrangement, and the sanitary con- AE2 trivances of cottages and villas . . . [Anon.] (In Bogue, J. W. 663 Domestic architecture. 1865.) Illustrations of joinery . . . with an essay on staircasing and hand- AM5 railing. London, 1859. Nar. Q. 8 p. 14 pi. 693 Burn, Robert Scott, Eyland, E. S., and Lightbody, Francis. Working drawings and designs in architecture and building, with AA essays on various subjects. No date. Ey4 Burn, Robert Scott, and Stephens, Henry, 1795-. AE2 Book of farm-buildings. 1861. St42 [Burnby, John.] Historical description of the metropolitan church of Christ, Canter- AH42 bury . . . 2d ed. . . . enl. . . . with an Elegy . . . by . . . Rev. J. Ci66 Buncombe. [Anon.] Canterbury, 1783. O. 8+156 p. I pi. Burnell, Gfeorge] R[owdon]. On the application of hydraulic limes and other cementitious AC materials to constructive purposes. (In Royal institute of British R8i architects. Papers. 1857-58, p. 109-122.) On the influence of some external agents on the durability of AC building materials. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8i Papers. 1853-54, p. 137-1 53-) On the present tendencies of architecture and architectural educa- AC tion in France. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. R8i 1864-65, p. 127-137, 156-164.) Burnell, H[enry] H[ockey]. Description of the French method of constructing iron floors. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1853-54, p. 36-74. R8i 2 pi.) Burnett, William. See Dugdale, Thomas. Curiosities of Great Britain: England and AH42 Wales delineated. 1854-60. A 124 Burnouf, Emile [Louis]. 1821- Memoires sur 1 antiquite: L age de bronze. Troie. Santorin. AR495 Delos. Mycenes. Le Parthenon. Les courbes. Les propy- Ai7 lees. Un faubourg d Athenes. Paris, 1879. O. 338+[i] p. 4 pi. Notice pour le plan d Athenes antique. (In Archives des missions AB scientifiques. 1856. v. 5, p. 64-88. I pi.) Ar2i La ville et 1 Acropole d Athenes aux diverses epoques. AH495 Paris, 1877. Nar. Q. 215 p. 30 pi. At5 COLUMBIA COLLEGE i^ Burr, G. Gordon. Old landmarks of Aberdeen; a series of twenty-eight sketches of old buildings, with . . . notes by A. M. Munro. Ab3 Aberdeen, 1886. Q. 6+54+|>] p. 28 pi. Burri, R. Saggio sulla stabilita della cupola et S. Pietro in Vaticano. AH45 Roma, 1849. Nar. Q. 2 pi. R;6s Bursian, K[onrad]. 1830-. Adventicum Helvetiorum. Zurich, 1867-70. Q. 5 pts. 60 p. AC ill. 30 pi. 2 maps. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. An8 Mittheilungen. 1867-70. v. 16.) Burt, Isabella. Historical notices of Chelsea, Kensington, Fulham and Hammer- AH42 smith, with ... an account of their antiquities and present state. Lpi6 Kensington, 1871. Nar. Q. 12+140 p. 5 pi. Burty, Philippe. 1830-90. Les emaux cloisonnes, anciens et modernes. AJ2 Paris [pref. 1868]. O. 70+ [2] p. ill. 2 pi. 695 Notes pour une histoire des laques du Japon et de leur entree en AB Europe. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 7, p. 47-56.) R32 [Preface.] (In Laurent-Richard, - . Catalogue des tableaux AO2 anciens et modernes. 1886. p. I II.) L37 [Burty, Philippe.] 1830-90, compiler. Catalogue de lithographies; ceuvres de Bonington, Charlet, De camps, Delacroix, Deveria, Gericault, Ingres, Prud hon, Horace Vernet . . . vente . . . 22-24 avril, 1861. [Anon.] Paris, 1861. Nar. Q. 16+87+8 p. Has half-title: Collection Parguex. Bury, , architect, and Hoyau, - . Modeles de serrurerie, choisis parmi ce que Paris offre de plus AM2 remarquable . . . Paris, 1826. F. 5 2+ 14 p. 56 pi. 695 Bury, T[homas] Talbot. 1811-77. Remains of ecclesiastical woodwork. AM5 London, 1847. Sq. F. 20 pi. 695 Rudimentary architecture for the use of . . . students; the styles of A A architecture of various countries from the earliest to the present 695 period. 6th e d. enlarged. London, 1874. D. 7+208 p. ill. Busby, C. A. Series of designs for villas and country houses. AE2 London, 1835. Q. 20 p. 24 pi. 696 Busca, Gabriello. Delia architettura militare; primo libro . . . AE7 Milano, 1601. Nar. Q. v. I. [i2] + 299 p. ill. 5 pi. 696 156 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Busch, Dr. . Einige bemerkungen iiber das alter der Domkirche zu Limburg . . . AH43 Limburg a/L, 1841. O. 40 p. I pi. Zi Busch, Carl. Die baustile . . . Leipzig, 1868-82. [pt. I, 78.] O. 3 v. in I. AA ill. (Die schule der baukunst. Bd. I.) Sch85 Contents: pt. i. Der griechische und romische baustil. 3. aufl. pt. 2. Die baukunst des mittelalters. pt. 3. Die renaissance und die bauweise der neuzeit. Biisching, Johann Gustav [Gottlieb]. 1783-1829. Reise durch einige munster und kirchen des nordlichen Deutsch- AH43 lands im ... 1817. Leipzig, 1819. D. 8+478-f[2] p. 4 pi. Atf Busgen, Ferdinand. 1840-. De gymnasii Vitruviani palaestra . . . AP Bonnae [1863]. D. 3<D+[2] p. Zi Doctor s dissertation, Bonn University. Busiri, [Vici] Andrea. 1817-. Studii teorico-pratici con monografie sugli ospedali cd ospizii AE6 moderni. Milano, 1884. F. 5 56 p. 9 pi. 696 Busscher, Edmond de. 1805-. See Vigne, Felix de. 1806-62. Album du cortege des comtes AW2 de Flandre, texte par E. de Busscher. 1852. V68 Bussierre, Marie Theodore [Renouard], vicomte de. 1802-65. Les sept basiliques de Rome; ou, Visite des sept eglises. AH45 Paris, 1846. O. 2 v. 3 pi. R73 Bussler, F[riedrich], editor. Verzierungen aus dem alterthume. AK Berlin [1805]. Nar. Q. 8+[4i] p. 126 pi. 896 Buti, Ludovico, i6 th cent., Allori, Alessandro, 1535- 1607, and others. Decken-malereien des ersten korridors der Kgl. gallerie zu Florenz. AH45 1880. F675 Butler, Alfred J[oshua]. 1850- Ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. AH62 Oxford, 1884. O. 2v. ill. 4 pi. Ai Butler, Rev. George. 1819-90. Account of the traces of a Roman villa discovered, 1840, at Gay- AB ton. (In Archaeologia. v. 30, p. 125-131. ill.) Ar2 Principles of imitative art; four lectures delivered before the Ox- AO ford art society during . . . 1852. London, 1852. O. 16+231 p. 697 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 157 Butler, G[eorge] Slade. 1821-82. Church of St. Mary, Rye. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 22, p. 124-133. I pi.) Su8 Topographica Sussexiana : an attempt toward forming a list of the AC various publications relating to the county of Sussex. (In Sussex Su8 archaeological society. Collections, v. 15, p. 215-230; v. 16, p. 273-290; v. 17, p. 169-184; v. 1 8, p. 87-110.) Butovski, Viktor Ivanovich, 1815- editor. See Moscow (Russia) Musee d art et d industrie. Histoire de AK 1 ornement russe du io e au 16 siecle d apres les manuscrits. 1870. M85 Butsch, Albert Fidelis, editor. See Augsburg (Ger.) Schwabische kreisausstellung. 1886. Mei- AO4 sterwerke schwabischer kunst aus der kunsthistorischen abtheilung Au4 der kreisausstellung. 1886. Butterfield, William. 1814-. Elevations, sections and details of Saint John Baptist church at AH42 Shottesbroke, Berkshire. Oxford, 1844. F. 4 |j] + 7 p. 10 pi. Sh8 Published by the Oxford society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture. Butteri, Giovanni Maria, I54o(?)-i6o6, Allori, Ales= sandro, 1535-1607, and others. Decken-malereien des ersten korridors der Kgl. gallerie zu Florenz. AH45 1880. F675 Butzbach, Johann. 1477-1551. Libellus de preclaris picture proffessoribus aus der Bonnenser AB handschrift veroffentlicht von Alwin Schultz. (In Jahrbiicher fur Ji9 kunstwissenschaft. 1869. v. 2, p. 6072.) Buzonniere, [Leon] de. Histoire architecturale de la ville d Orleans. AH44 Paris, 1849. O- 2 v. in I. Or5 Byrne, W[illiam], 1743-1805, and Hearne, Thomas, 1744-1817. Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in views of monasteries, AH42 castles and churches now existing, with descriptions in English A3 2 and in French. London, 1807. Obi. Q. 2 v. 84 pi. c C.,J. See Crull, Jodocus. -1713 (?). C., N. See Cornelissen, gide Norbert. 1769-1849. Cabanie, B. Charpente generale theorique et pratique. 2e ed. AI Paris, 1868. F. 5 2 v. 104 pi. Cii Contents: v. i. Bois droit. v. 2. Bois croche. Cabinet maker s assistant: original designs for modern ANi furniture... Glasgow [1853]. F. 4 72 + 56+48 p. ill. 98 pi. Cii Cabrera, Pablo Felix. Teatro critico americano. (In Rio, Antonio del. Beschreibung AH725 einer alten stadt. 1832. p. 23-123.) Pi7 [Cabrol, Charles.] Saint- Pierre de Rome; par Charles de Lorbac [pseud.]. AH45 [Rome, 1879.] Nar. Q. [3] + 3iop. ill. 8 pi. R784 Cacheux, Emile. 1844-. See Cacheux, Francois Joseph mile. 1 844-. s Cacheux, [Franois Joseph] Emile. 1844-. Etat des habitations ouvrieres a la fin du I9 e siecle . . . AE2 Paris, 1891. O. 184 p. 17 pi. Cn Cacialli, Giuseppe. Collezione dei disegni di nuove fabbriche e ornati fatti nella regia AH45 villa del Poggio Imperiale . . . F676 Firenze, 1823. F. 6 2 pts. in I v. 69 pi. Title-page and text in Italian and French. Pt. 2 has title Opera architettonica la quale con- tiene i disegni dei nuovi ornamenti aggiunti e da aggiungersi all" I. e R. Palazzo Pitti. Cadalvene, Edouard de. Recueil de medailles grecques inedites . . . Europe. AMi Paris, 1828. Q. [i 6] +260+ [4] p. ill. 5 pi. Cn 158 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 159 Cadier, Leon. 1862-89. Etudes sur la sigillographie des rois de Sicile. (In Melanges d ar- AB cheologie et d histoire. 1888, p. 147-186.) M48 Le tombeau du pape Paul III. Farnese, de Guglielmo della Porta. AB (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1889, p. 49-92.) M48 Caesar, Karl Julius. 1816-. See Casar, Karl Julius. 1816-. Caffi, Michele. 1814-. Dell abbazia di Chiaravalle in Lombardia; illustrazione storico- AH45 monumentale-epigrafica. Milano, 1842. O. i58 + [i] p. 2 pi. C43 Della chiesa di Sant Eustorgio in Milano ; illustrazione storico- AH45 monumentale-epigrafica. Milano, 1841. O. 22 + [i] + 2o6 p. Cagnat, R[ene]. 1852-. Rapport sur une mission en Tunisie. (In Archives des missions AB scientifiques. 1882-88. v. 24, p. 61-169; v. 26, p. 1-156; v. 27, Ar2i p. 107-272; v. 29, p. 1-132. pi. maps.) Cahier, Charles. 1807- Calendriers populaires du temps passe. (In Revue de 1 art chre- AB tien. v. 26, p. 5-30, 344-375.) R324 Cahier Charles, 1807- and Martin, Arthur, 1801-56. Melanges d archeologie, d histoire et de litterature . . . AP Paris, 1847-56. F. 4 4 v. ill. 153 pi. Cn Nouveaux melanges d archeologie, d histoire et litterature sur le AP moyen age. Paris, 1874-77. F. 5 4 v. ill. 32 pi. Cm Contents; v. i. Curiosity s myste rieuses. v. 2. Ivoires, miniatures, e"maux. v. 3. Decoration d dglises. v. 4. Bibliotheques. Suite aux Melanges d archeologie . . . AP Paris, 1868. Sq. F. 4 2 v. in I. 250 pi. Cii2 Cahier, Leon, and Didron, A. N., 1806-67. AB La croix orientale. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 5, p. 318-328.) An7 Caille, Jean de la. -1720. See La Caille, Jean de. -1720. Cailleux, Alexandre Achilla Alphonse de, 1788-1876, Nodier, J. C. E., 1783-1844, and Taylor, I. J. S., baron, 1789-1879. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans 1 ancienne France. AH44 1820-78. A23 160 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cain, William. Practical theory of voussoir arches. New York, 1874. T. 118 p. AI ill. (Van Nostrand s Science ser. . v. 12.) Ci2 From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes and AI groined arches. New York, 1879. T. 196 p. ill. (Van Nos- Ci2i trand s Science ser. v. 42.) From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. Cain, William, editor. AI See Jacob, Arthur. Practical designing of retaining walls. 1888. Ji5 Cairo (Egypt) Mission archeologique franaise. AC Memoires. Paris, 1884-. F. 4 v. 1-5. pi. Ci2 Published by Ministere de 1 instruction publique. Vols. 1-4 edited by G. C. C. Maspero. Calandra, Claudio, and Calandra, Edoardo. Di una necropoli barbarica scoperta a Testona. (In Societa di AC archeologia e belle arti per la provincia di Torino. Atti. v. 4, p. So 17 17-52. 4 pi.) Calderari, Ottone, conte. 1730-1803. AA Disegni e scritti d architettura. Vicenza, 1808-15. F. 6 2 v. 90 pi. Ci2 Edited by A. Diedo, G. B. Marangoni, A. Rigato and A. Vivorio. Calepio, Nicolino de Conti di, conte. See Conti di Calepio, Nicolino de , conte. Caley, John, 1763-1834, editor. See Dugdale, Sir William. 1605-86. Monasticon Anglicanum. AH42 1817-30. A 1 22 Callet,- -. i755-i8 5 o(?). Notice historique sur la vie . . . et les ouvrages de quelques archi- AW tectes francais du seizieme siecle ... 2 e ed. Ci3 Paris, 1843. Nar. Q. i6-H3i+[i] p. 12 pi. Callet, F[elix Emmanuel], 1791-1854, and Baltard, Victor, 1805-74. Monographic des halles centrales de Paris construites sous le AH44 regne de Napoleon III. et sous 1 administration de . . . Baron P224 Haussmann. 1863. Calli e canali di Venezia e isole della laguna. AH45 Venezia, Ongania [1893-]. F. 6 pi. i-io. V578 Calli e canali in Venezia. [Venezia], Ongania, 1890-92. AH45 F. 6 [8] p. 100 pi. V579 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 161 Calliat, Victor. 1801-81. Eglise Saint Eustache a Paris, mesuree, dessinee, gravee . . . avec AH44 un essai historique sur 1 eglise et la paroisse Saint Eustache par P226 Le Roux de Lincy. Paris, 1850. F. 6 [s]+43 p. 1 1 pi. H6tel-de-Ville de Paris, avec une histoire de ce monument et des AH44 recherches sur le gouvernement municipal de Paris par Leroux de P2I9 Lincy. Liege [1846]. F. 6+278 p. and Atlas, F. 7 28 pi. Parallele des maisons de Paris construites depuis 1830 jusqu a nos AH44 jours. Paris, 1857-64. F. 5 2 v. 246 pi. P262 Calliat, Victor, 1801-81, editor. AB See Encyclopedic d architecture; journal mensuel. 1851. Eni5 Calvet, Jean. Histoire de la ville de St.-Amans. AH44 Castres, 1887. D. 343 p. 5 p. 2 tab. Sa26 [Camberlyn d Amougies, Jean Baptiste Guillaume], chevalier. 1772-1833. Eyckii immortali genio . . . [Anon.] AO Gandae, 1824. O. 29 p. i pi. Z5 Cambrian arch geological association. Archaeologia Cambrensis ; a record of the antiquities of Wales AC and its marches and the journal of the Cambrian archaeological Ci42 association. London, 1846-. O. 4v. ; newser., 5 v. ; 3<i ser., 15 v. ; 4th ser., v . I-. ill. pi. Cambrian institute, publisher. AC See Cambrian journal. 1854-64. Ci43 Cambrian journal ... AC London, 1854-64. O. 4 v. ; new ser., v. 1-7. ill. pi. Ci43 Published by the Cambrian institute. No more published. Cambridge antiquarian society, publisher. See Willis, Robert. 1800-75. Architectural nomenclature of the AF middle ages. 1844. W67 Cambridge Camden society. Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. AH42 Cambridge, 1845. Nar. Q. [jj+upp. ill. 29 pi. Ci47 Hand-book of English ecclesiology. AP London, 1847. S. 5 + 266+ [144] p. Ci4 Instrumenta ecclesiastica . . . ANi London [1844-47]. Nar. Q. Unpaged. 72 pi. Ci4 Transactions ; a selection from the papers read at the . . . meet- AC ings in 1839-45 Cambridge, 1841-45. Sq. F. 2 v. in i. pi. II 1 62 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cambridge Camden society, publisher. AC See Ecclesiologist. 1842-68. Ec2 Cambridge portfolio. AH42 See Smith, J. J., compiler. 14 Cambry, [Jacques de]. 1749-1807. Rapport sur les sepultures, presente a I Administration centrale du AE8 Departement de la Seine. Paris, an 7 [1799]. F. 2 + 83 p. 9 pi. 14 Camden library; G. L. Gomme and T. F. Ordish, editors. AH42 London, 1893. O. ill. L9i8 NORMAN, PHILIP. London signs and inscriptions. 1893. Camerius, Joachim, 1500-74, translator. See Durer, Albrecht. 1471-1528. De vrbibvs, arcibvs, castellisque AE7 condendis ac muniendis rationes aliquot. 1535. 093 Cameron, K. Plasterer s manual. Revised edition . . . AI New York, 1883. S. 68 p. ill. i pi. 14 Camesina, Albert von. Der altaraufsatz im regul. chorherrnstifte zu Klosterneuburg ; ein AH436 emailwerk des 12. jahrhunderts angefertigt von Nikolaus aus Ver- K6Q dun; beschrieben und erlautert von G. Heider. Wien, i860. Q. [s]+79 P- 32 pi. Die altesten glasgemalde des chorherren-stiftes Klosterneuburg AC und die bildnisse der Babenberger in der Cistercienser-abtei Hei- Au7i ligenkreuz. (In Austria Central commission . . . der baudenk- male. Jahrbuch. 1857. v - 2 > P- 167-200. 27 pi.) Die darstellungen auf der bronzethiire des haupteinganges von AC St. Marco in Venedig. (In Austria Central commission . . . der Au7i baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1860. v. 4, p. 225-234. 18 pi.) Glasgemalde aus dem 12. jahrhunderte im kreuzgange des Cister- AC cienser-stiftes Heiligenkreuz im Wiener Walde. (In Austria Au7i Central-commission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1859. v. 3, p. 277-284. 32 pi.) Camillo, Giulio, surnamed Delminio. 1479-1550. AE4 L idea del theatro. Fiorenza [Torrentino], 1550. O. 86+ [i] p. Ci4 Campagnola, Hieronymus. Pilaster-malereien in der kirche St. Giustina zu Padua. AH45 Berlin [1875]. F. 5 u pi. PI3& Campana, [Giovanni] Pietro, marchese di Cavelli. Di due sepolcri romani del secolo di Augusto, scoperti tra la Via AE8 Latina e 1 Appia presso la Tomba degli Scipioni ... Ci5 Roma, 1840. Sq. F. 6 76+ [14] p. 14 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 163 Campanari, Secondiano, marchese. 1808-55. Brief description of [his] thirty-two ancient Greek painted vases . . . AN2 found ... at Vulci, in the Roman territory . . . [by P. O. Brond- Ci5 sted]. London, 1832. O. 104 p. Delle antiche chiese di S. Pietro e di S. Maria Maggiore nella AH45 citta di Toscanella ; dissertazione . . . T63 Montefiascone [1852]. O. 96+[2] p. 5 pi. Descrizione dei vasi rinvenuti nelle escavazioni fatte nell Isola AN2 Farnese, antica Veio, negli anni 1838 e 1839. Ci5i Roma, 1839. F. 26+ [i] p. 7 pi. Intorno i vasi fittili dipinti rinvenuti ne sepolcri dell Etruria com- AC presa nella dizione pontificia; dissertazione . . . letta ... 28 ... R66i gennaio, 1836. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di arche- ologia. Dissertazioni. 1836. v. 7, p. 1-92. 2 pi.) Sopra uno specchio metallico ed un sarcofago etrusco ; disserta- AC zione letta ... 13 ... giugno, 1839. (In Rome, Italy Accade- R66i mia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1842. v. n,p. 169- 185. 2 pi.) Campanari, Secondiano, marchese, 1808-55, compiler. AN2 See Feoli, Agostino. Antichi vasi dipinti. 1837. F36 Campbell, Colin. -1729. Vitruvius Britannicus ; or, The British architect, containing the AH42 plans ... of the regular buildings both publick and private in Ai7 Great Britain . . . London, 1717-25. F. 5 3 v. in 2. 300 pi. Title-pages in English and French. Campbell, Henry R., Strickland, William, 1787- 1854, and Gill, E. H., editors. AH73 Public works of the United States of America. 1841. Ai7 Campin, Francis. Materials and construction ... a treatise on the strains, designing, and erection of works of construction. 3d ed. London, 1891. D. 8 + 249 p. ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) Campion, Rev. C[harles] H[eathcote]. 1814-. Mural paintings in Westmeston church. (In Sussex archaeologi- AC cal society. Collections, v. 16, p. 1-19. 7 pi.) Su8 Campori, Giuseppe, marchese, 1821-. Notizie stotiche e artistiche della maiolica e della porcellana di AN2 Ferrara nei secoli 15 e 16. (In Vanzolini, Giuliano. Istorie delle 39 fabbriche di majoliche metaurensi. 1879. v. 2, p. 103-243.) Camps, , and Cheminon, . AI Fabrique de parquets. Geneve, no date. F. 39 pi. Ci5 1 64 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Camuzzoni, Giulio. Discorso inaugurate. (In Discorso per 1 inaugurazione del monu- mento a Michele Sanmichele. 1874. pref., p. 5-23.) Canale, X[averius], editor. AR45 See Bellori, Q. P. 1615-96. Ichnographia veteris Romae. 1764. R67 Canals y Marti, Juan Pablo. Memorias sobre la purpura de los antiguos restaurada en Es- AO pana . . . Madrid, 1779. O. [34] + 86+[i] p. 2 pi. Ci6 Candid, Peter. 1548-1628. See Witte, Pieter de. 1548-1628. Candido, Pietro d Elia. 1548-1628. See Witte, Pieter de. 1548-1628. Caneto, Francois, abbe. 1805-84. La chapelle de Notre-Dame de Lourdes. (In Revue de 1 art chre- AB tien. v. 17, p. 281-312. i pi.) R324 Sainte Marie d Auch ; atlas monographique de cette cathedrale . . . AH44 Paris, 1857. F. 6 i58+[i] p. 59 pi. map. Au2 Canina, Luigi. 1793-1856. L antica citta di Veii descritta e dimostrata con i monumenti . . . AR45 Roma, 1847. F - 5 1 08 p. 44 pi. V53 L architettura antica, descritta e dimostrata coi monumenti . . . AW Roma, 1843. O. 50 p. Zi Contains only Discorso preliminare. Cenni storici e ricerche icnografiche sul teatro di Pompeo e fab- AC briche adiacenti, letti ... 2 ... gennajo, 1833. (In Rome, Italy R66i Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1835. v. 6, p. i-37- 3 pl.) Descrizione dell antico castello di Piroi. AW Roma [1840]. O. 14 p. i pl. Zi From Institute di corrispondenza archeologica (Rome). Annali. v. 12. Descrizione dell antico Tusculo. AR45 Roma, 1841. F. 5 183 p. 50 pl. 3 maps. F86 Descrizione di Cere antica, ed in particolare del monumento AR45 sepolcrale scoperto nell" anno 1836 . . . C33 Roma, 1838. F. 4 95 p. 9 pl. map. Descrizione storica del Foro romano e sue adjacenze. AH45 Roma, 1834. Q. i82 + [i] p. 14 pl. map. i tab. R772 Esposizione storica della Campagna romana antica contenuta nelle AH45 due prime epoche anteromana e reale. Vol. I. R75^ Roma, 1839. O. 350+ [i] p. 2 maps. No more published. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 165 Canina, Luigi. 1793-1856. Esposizione topografica di Roma antica, distinta nelle tre prime epoche, anteromana, reale e consolare. Roma, 1855. O. 843 p. 3 maps. Indicazione topografica di Roma antica distribuita nelle 14 regi- oni. 3ta ed. Roma, 1844. O. [6] + 327+[i] p. 40 pi. Osservazioni sull 1 opera di Vitruvio pubblicata in Roma dal Mar- chese Luigi Marini. [Roma, 1836.] O. 19 p. From Institute di corrispondenza archeologica (Rome). Annali. v. 8. Particolare genere di architettura proprio degli usi domestici, de- corato con ornamenti di svelte forme, ed impiegato con poca va- rieta dai piu rinomati popoli antichi . . . Roma, 1852. F. 6 23 + [i] p. 40 pi. Ragionamento sul clivo, sulla posizione e sull architettura del tempio di Giove Capitolino ; letto ... 13 ... febbrajo, 1834. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1835. v. 6, p. 151-178- 3 pl-) Ricerche sul genere di architettura proprio degli antichi Giudei ed in particolare sul Tempio di Gerusalemme. Roma, 1845. F- 5 48 P- 14 pi- Ricerche sull architettura piu propria dei tempi cristiani e appli- cazione della medesima ad una idea di sostituzione della chiesa cattedrale di S. Giovanni in Torino. Roma, 1843. F. 5 H7 P- 58 pi- Ricerche sull architettura piu propria dei tempj cristiani basate sulle primitive istituzioni ecclesiastiche . . . ed. 2da ... Roma, 1846. F. 6 192 p. 145 pl. Sul circo edificato da Adriano vicino al suo mausoleo, per cele- brare il natale di Roma, nell anno 874; dissertazione. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1842. v. 10, p. 431-470. 2 pl.) Sul porto Neroniano di Anzio e sui rostri del foro romano ; dis- sertazione . , . (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di arche- ologia. Dissertazioni. 1838. v. 8, p. 93-118. 4 pl.) Sulla stazione delle navi di Ostia, sul porto di Claudio con le fosse indicate nella iscrizione scoperta 1 anno, 1836 . . . dissertazione letta ... 30 ... marzo, 1837. (I n Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1838. v. 8, p. 257-310. 5pl.) Canino, Lucien Bonaparte, prince de. 1775-1840. See Bonaparte, Lucien, prince de Canino. 1775-1840. 11* AH45 R/59 AH45 R/57 AW Zi AK Ci6 AC R66i AH569 J493 AH45 Ai AE Ci6 AC R66i AC R66i AC R66i 1 66 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Canonici, Ferdinando. L antica Certosa di Ferrara. See, below, Storia e descrizione dell AH antica Certosa di Ferrara. 1851. F4ii Storia e descrizione dell antica Certosa di Ferrara accomodata a AH45 pubblico Campo Santo. Rovigo, 1851. F. 7 10+78 p. 18 pi. F4ii Sulla cattedrale di Ferrara . . . Venezia, 1845. F- 7 2 9 P- 3 P^ AH45 F4ii Canova, Antonio. 1757-1822. See Birkenstock, J. M., edler von. 1738-1809. Monumentum AE8 aeternae memoriae Mariae Christinae, archiducis Austriae erec- 653 turn opera A. Canovae. 1813. See Missirini, Melchior. Del tempio eretto in Possagno da Anto- AH45 nio Canova. 1833. ^84 Cantabrigia illustrata. AH42 See [Loggan, David]. i635(?)-i693(?) Ci44 Cantillon, [Richard] de(?). -1734. Vermakelykheden van Brabant en deszelfs onderhoorige landen . . . AH493 Amsteldam, 1770. D. 4 v. in 2. 190 pi. 6721 Can tu, Cesare. 1804-. La nuova facciata del duomo [di Milano] ; relazione fatta al R. AH45 institute lombardo il 20 dicembre, 1888. [Milano] 1888. D. 14 p. M5823 Bound with Carotti, Giulio. II duomo di Milano. 1888. Cantu, Cesare, 1804- editor. AH45 See Annali della fabbrica del duomo di Milano. 1877-85. M58n Canuti, Qaetano, editor. See Francia, F. Raibolini, 1450 (?)-i 533, and Francia, Giacomo, AH45 -1557. Pitture antiche esistenti nella sopressa chiesa di S. Cecilia. 6631 1829. Cap, Paul Antoine Qratacap, called, 1788-1877, editor. AN2 See Palissy, Bernard. i5io(?)~9O. CEuvres completes. 1844. Pi/ Capes, Alfred. Old and new churches of London . . . illustrations of the ... re- ArLj.2 mains of church architecture . . . from the Norman period to that 1.842 of the great fire . . . with an ... essay on ... principles of archi tectural beauty by J. M. Capes. London, 1880. F. 6+ 24+ [24] p. 36 pi. Capes, Rev. John Moore. 1813-89. Principles of architectural beauty. (In Capes, Alfred. Old and AH42 new churches of London. 1880. 24 p.) L842 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 167 Capmany y de Montpalau, Antonio de. Historia de la villa de Madrid. See Rios, Jose Amador de los, 1818-78, and Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la, 1827-. Historia de la villa y corte de Madrid. 1860-62. Capon, William. 1757-1827. Notes and remarks to accompany his plan of the ancient palace of Westminster. (In Society of antiquaries of London. Vetusta monumenta. v. 5. 7 p. I pi.) Read before the Society of antiquaries, 23 d Dec., 1824, Caporali, Giovanni Battista Benedetto Berto, 1476- I56o(?), translator. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architettvra con il svo comento et figvre. [1536.] Capra, Alessandro. 1 7 th cent. La nuova architettura civile e militare . . . Cremona, 1717. O. 2 v. in I. ill. 7 pi. La nuova architettura famigliare, divisa in cinque libri corrispon- denti a cinque ordini . . . Bologna, 1678. O. 8 + 366 p. ill. 2 pi. Capronnier, J[ean] B[aptiste], illustrator. See Descamps, H. P. V., and Le Maistre d Anstaing, J. -1867. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Tournai. Cara, Qaetano. Sulla genuinita degli idoli sardo-fenicii esistenti nel Museo arche- ologico della Regia universita di Cagliari. Cagliari, 1875. O. 403 p. ill. I por. 17 pi. Caramuel [Lobkowitz], Juan. 1606-1682. Architectura civil, recta y obliqua considerada y dibuxada en el Templo de Jerusalen . . . Vegeven, 1678. F. 4 3 v. I por. 157 pi. Carapanos, Constantinos. 1840- Dodone et ses ruines. Paris, 1878. Sq. F. 2 v. 62 pi. map. [Carcano, Qiuseppina.] Origine della greca architettura della signoraPetralba N. N. [pseud.]. Milano, 1818. O. 109 p. 3 pi. Card ail lac, Xavier de. Les sculptures de 1 abbaye de Larreule en Bigorre. Tarbes, 1892. O. loi + jj] p. ill. Carderera y Solano, Valentin. 1796-1880. Iconografia espanola; coleccion de retratos, estatuas, mausoleos y demas monumentos ineditos . . . desde el siglo n hasta el 17 ... Madrid, 1855-64. F. 6 2 v. 84 pi. AH46 M262 AH42 A45 AA V8 4 3 AA AA Ci 7 AH 493 AH569 P52I AH569 J49* AR 49 5 D66 AH 49 5 Zi AH44 L322 AE8 Ci 7 1 68 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cardevacque, Adolphe de. 1828-. L abbaye de Mont-Saint-Eloi, 1068 a 1792. AH44 Arras, 1859. Q. [3] +4+ 244 p. 15 pi. M;6s Notice sur le prieure de Notre-Dame du Perroy, pres Bethune, AH44 dependant de 1 abbaye du Mont-Saint-Eloi. M763 Arras, 1859. Q. 12 p. I pi. Cardevacque, Adolphe de, 1828- and Terninck, Auguste, 181 1-. L abbaye de Saint- Vaast; monographic historique, archeologique AH44 et litteraire de ce monastere. Sa32 Arras, 1865-68. Q. 3 v. in i. 18 pi. Cardinal!, Clemente. 1789-1839. Memorie de pontefici massimi di Roma antica . . . lette . . . 16 AC dicembre, 1841. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di arche- R66i ologia. Dissertazioni. 1852. v. 12, pt. I, p. 159-254. 8 pi.) Cardinal!, Luigi. Di un antico sigillo capitolare ; osservazioni lette . . . 18 dicem- AC bre, 1823 . . . (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeolo- R66i gia. Dissertazioni. 1825. v. 2, p. 293367.) Le testimonianze scritte e figurate dell antichita intorno a una AC violenza fatta da Ercole Tebano al santuario di Delfo . . . (In R66i Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1838. v. 8, p. 435-560.) Carducci, Giovanni Battista. Sul grande musaico recentemente scoperto in Pesaro e sull antico AJ2 edifizio al quale servi di pavimento. Ci7 Pesaro, 1866. F. 4 55 p. 2 pi. [Carelli, Francesco.] 1758-1832. Dissertazione esegetica intorno all origine ed al sistema della sacra AR45 architettura presso i Greci. [Anon.] Napoli, 1831. F. 6 7 + 224+ H4I2 [2] p. 12 pi. (Bayardi, O. A. Delle antichita di Ercolano. 1755- 1831. v. 10.) Careme, M[arie] A[ntoine]. 1784-1833. Projets d architecture [pour les embellissements de Paris et de AH44 Saint-Petersbourg]. Paris, 1821-26. F. 6 6v.ini. 36 pi. P222 Caristie, Auguste [Nicolas], 1783-1862. Monuments antiques a Orange, Arc de Triomphe et theatre. AH44 Paris, 1856. F. 7 6+89+[3] p. ill. 53 pi. OriS Notice sur 1 etat actuel de 1 arc d Orange et des theatres antiques AR44 d Orange et d Aries ... [Paris, 1839.] Q- 28 P- 9 P 1 - Orl Plan . . . d une partie du Forum remain et des monuments sur la AH45 Voie sacree . . . Paris, 1821. F. 7 [5] p. 7 pi. R695 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 169 Carletti, Giuseppe. Le antiche camere delle Terme di Tito e le loro pitture restituite AH45 al pubblico da Ludovico Mirri . . . Roma, 1776. F. 96+ [4] p. R754 [Carli-Rubbi, Giovanni Rinaldo, conte.] 1720-95. Degli anfiteatri e particolarmente del Flavio dl Roma, di quello AE4 d ltalica nella Spagna e di quello di Pola nell Istria. [Anon.] 19 Milano, 1788. Q. [3] + 88 p. ill. 10 pi. From his Delle antichiti Italiche. pt. 2, book 3. Delle antichita Italiche. [Anon.] AR45 Milano, 1780-90. Q. 4 v. in 2. Ai3 Appendici di documenti. Milano, 1791. Q. 282 + [i] p. 26 pi. 2 tab. Carlisle, Nicholas, 1771-1847, compiler. See Society of antiquaries of London. Catalogue of the printed AY books in the library. 1816. Soi Carlsruhe (Ger.) Badische kunstgewerbeschule, publisher. AK See Meyer, F. S. 1849- Ornamentale formenlehre. 1886. M572 Carlsruhe (Ger.) Badische kunst= und kunstge= werbe=ausstellung. 1881. Alte kunstgewerbliche arbeiten . . . ausgewahlt und beschrieben AO4 von M. Rosenberg. Ki4 Frankfurt am Main. 1882. F. 5 Unpaged. 50 pi. Carlsruhe (Ger.) Grossherzogliche vereinigte samm- lungen. See Carlsruhe (Ger.) Vereinigte sammlungen. Carlsruhe (Ger.) Landesgewerbehalle, publisher. AB See Badische gewerbezeitung fur haus und familie. 1867-. 614 Carlsruhe (Ger.) Vereinigte sammlungen. Beschreibung der sammlung antiker bronzen, von K. Schumacher. AM3 Karlsruhe, 1890. Nar. Q. 7+231 p. ill. 29 pi. Ci9 Beschreibung der vasensammlung von H. Winnefeld. AN2 Karlsruhe, 1887. O. 10+193 p. I pi. Ki4 Fiihrer durch die sammlungen. Karlsruhe, 1881. D. 4+99 p. See Schumacher, Karl. 1860-. Eine pranestinische ciste im AM3 museum zu Karlsruhe. 1891. Sch8 Carol, J. Cours complet d ornements d architecture. AK Paris, no date. F. 5 60 pi. C22 170 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Carotti, Qiulio. II duomo di Milano e la sua facciata. AH45 Milano, 1888. D. i82+|>] p. ill. 3 pi. Ms823 Contents: pt. i. Le vicende del duomo e della sua facciata. pt. 2. Lo stile dell duomo. pt. 3. I voti per la facciata del duomo. Carpenter, Richard Herbert. The mosque-cathedrals of Cordova and Seville, and some contem- AC porary Arabic buildings. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8i Transactions. 1882-83, p. 101-1 16. 4 pi.) On the Benedictine abbey of St. Mary, Sherborne, with notes on AC the restoration of its church. (In Royal institute of British archi- R8i tects. Papers. 1876-77, p. 137-151. 5 pi.) St. Andrew s church, Brigstock. (In Associated architectural soci- AC eties. Reports and papers, v. 13, p. 237-248. 4 pi.) As/ Carpenter, R[ichard] Herbert [and others]. Stained glass. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transac- AC tions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 185-220.) R8i Carr, J[oseph] W[illiam] Comyns. 1849-. Abbey church of St. Alban s . . . AH42 London, 1877. Sq. F. [3] +45 p. ill. 5 pi. Sa2 Carracci, Annibale. 1560-1609. L Enea vagante, intagliate . . . da G. M. Mitelli . . * AM6 Roma, 1663. Obi. F. 5 16 pi. C23 Carrara, Francesco. 1805-. De scavi di Salona nel 1848 memoria. AH436 Vienna, 1850. F. 4 i6+[i] p. 6 pi. Sa3 Estratta dal secondo volume delle Memorie delle Classe filosofico-storica dell Imperiale accademia delle scienze. Carriere, Moriz. 1817-. Die anfange der cultur und das orientalische alterthum in reli- AO gion, dichtung und kunst. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1871. O. 18+615 C23 p. (In his Die kunst im zusammenhang der culturentwickelung. 1871-74. v. i.) Das christliche alterthum und der Islam in dichtung, kunst und AO wissenschaft . . . 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1872. O. 13+307 p. (In his C23 Die kunst im zusammenhang der culturentwickelung. 1872. v. 3, Pt i.) Das europaische mittelalter in dichtung, kunst und wissenschaft AO ... 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1872. O. 13 + 544 p. (In his Die kunst im C23 zusammenhang der culturentwickelung. 1872. v. 3, pt. 2.) Hellas und Rom in religion und weisheit, dichtung und kunst . . . AO Leipzig, 1872. O. 16+636 p. (In his Die kunst im zusammen- C23 hang der culturentwickelung. 1872. v. 2.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 171 Carriere, Moriz. 1817-. Die kunst im zusammenhang der culturentvvickelung und die AO ideale der menschheit. Leipzig, 1871-74. O. 5 v. 23 Contents : . I. Die anfange der cultur und das orientalische alterthum. . 2. Hellas und Rom. . 3. Das mittelalter. . 4. Renaissance und reformation. . 5. Das weltalter des geistes im aufgange. Vols. 1-2, 2 d edition enlarged; v. 3 and 5, 2 d edition. Renaissance und reformation in bildung, kunst und literatur . . . AO Leipzig, 1871. O. 12+696 p. (In his Die kunst im zusammen- C23 hang der culturentwickelung. 1871. v. 4.) Das weltalter des geistes im aufgange; literatur und kunst im 18. AO und 19. jahrhundert. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1874. O. 14+672 p. (In 23 his Die kunst im zusammenhang der culturentwickelung. 1871 1874. v. 5.) Carstensen, Qeorg [Johan Bernhard], 1812-57, and Gildemeister, Charles. New York Crystal Palace ; illustrated description of the build- AH73 ing ... New York, 1854. Nar. Q. 76 p. 7 pi. N48 Cartailhac, fimile. 1845-. Le France prehistorique d apres les sepultures et les monuments. AR44 Paris, 1889. O. 4+336 p. ill. (Bibliotheque scientifique interna- A23 tionale ; publiee . . . E. Alglave. v. 68.) Monuments primitifs des iles Baleares. AH467 Toulouse, 1892. F. 2 v. in I. ill. 51 pi. 619 Mission scientifique du Ministere de 1 instruction publique de France. Cartari, Vincenzo. i52o(?)-i57o(?). Imagines deorum, qui ab antiquis colebantur, una cum earum de- AX claratione et historia . . . C24 Francofurti, 1687. O. 6+228+[i6] p. 88 pi. Translated from the Italian by A. Duverdier. Cartault, A[ugustin Georges Charles]. 1847-. Collection Camille Lecuyer : Terres cuites antiques trouvees en AO8 Grece et en Asie-Mineure. C243 Paris, 1882-85. F - 2 v. ill. H7pl. Vases grecs en forme de personnages groupes. AN2 Paris, 1889. Sq. F. 16 p. 2 pi. C24 Carter, Mrs. Jane Gfreenough] (A very), 1838-, and Holmes, S. P., 1856-92, compilers. Genealogical record of the Dedham branch of the Avery family AW in America, published by W. W. Avery. Av3 1 Plymouth, 1893. 366 p. ill. 5 por. 2 pi. . 172 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Carter, John. 1748-1817. Ancient architecture of England. AA42 London, 1795-1807. F. 6 2 v. in i. 107 pi. AS Contents : v. i. Orders of architecture during the British, Roman, Saxon and Norman asras. v. 2. Orders of architecture during the reigns of Henry III., Edward III., Richard II., Henry VI., Henry VII. and Henry VIII. Vol. 2 never completed. Ancient architecture of England, including the orders during the AH42 British, Roman, Saxon and Norman eras, and under the reigns of A6 Henry III. . . . [to] Henry VIII. New ed. enlarged with notes by John Britton. London, 1845. F. 6 2v.ini. 8 + 74+[5] p. lo/pl. Paged continuously. Vol. 2 never completed. Plan, elevations . . . and specimens of the architecture and orna- AH42 ments of the cathedral church at Exeter . . . [published by the Ex3i Society of antiquaries of London]. [London] 1797. F. 7 [4] + 22 p. 1 1 pi. Plan, elevations . . . and specimens of the architecture of the ab- AH42 bey church of Bath . . . published by the Society of antiquaries of Ex3i London. London, 1798. F. 7 8 p. 10 pi. Progress of architecture, illustrated in a series of drawings, taken AH429 from existing remains in South Wales ; with examples of arches . . . A6 London, 1830. Q. 28 p. 7 pi. Specimens of Gothic architecture and ancient buildings in Eng- AH42 land . . . London, 1824. Sq. Tt. 4 v. 119 pi. A$3 Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in A08 England from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII. . . . 24 New ed. enl. . . . with . . . notes by Dawson Turner [and others]. London, 1887. F. 6 2 v - m I- [5] + I 48 + [5] P- n6pl. Paged continuously. Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining A08 in this kingdom from the earliest period to the reign of Henry ye 241 VIII. . . . London, 1780-87. F. 5 2 v. 114 pi. Carter, Matthew. Honor redivivus ; or, An analysis of honor and armory. AWi London, 1655. S. [9]+88+i7i p. ill. 8 pi. 24 Carter, Owen B[rowne]. 1806-1859. Series of the ancient painted glass of Winchester cathedral. AH42 London, 1845. Nar. Q. 8 p. 29 pi. W72/ Some account of Beaulieu abbey in the county of Hants. (In AA Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - 2 - 5 P- 10 pi.) Q2 Some account of Bishopstone church in the county of Wilts. (In AA Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - 4- 7 P- 1 7 pi-) Q 2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Carter, Thomas. -1867. Medals of the British army and how they were won . . . London, 1861. O. 3 v. ill. 18 pi. Contents: v. i. Crimean campaign. v. 2. Egypt, Peninsula, Waterloo and South Africa, v. 3. India, China, etc. Cartier, Gtienne. 1813-. Etude sur 1 art chretien. Paris, 1879. D. 4+1 80 p. Cartier de Saint=Rene, [L.]. Archeologie industrielle; histoire des forges de Mareuil. (In Soci- ete des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1878. v. 7, p. 283- 317. i pi.) Casali, Giovanni Battista. i7 th cent. De urbis ac romani olim imperii splendore . . . Roma, 1650. F. [6]+437+[i4] p. ill. 6 pi. Casar, Karl Julius, 1816- editor. See Zeitschrift fur die alterthums-wissenschaft. 1843-57. Casati, Dr. Carlo. Leone Leoni d Arezzo, scultore, e Giov. Paolo Lomazzo, pittore Milanese. Milano, 1884. D. 102 + [i] p. 2 por. Vicende edilizie del castello di Milano. Milano, 1876. F. 6-fn6p. i pi. Casati, [Claude Marie] Charles. 1833-. Notice sur le musee du chateau de Rosenberg en Danemark . . . avec notes . . . sur le Musee Grime Gewolbe de Dresde et sur des fai ences danoises inedites. Paris, 1879. O. 62 p. 12 pi. Read before the Paris (France) Institute Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, on the agth Mar., 26th April and 4th Oct., 1878. Caspar, Ludwig. Deutsche kunst- und pracht-mobel neuester zeit . . . Frankfurt a. M., 1884. F. 5 [5] p. 36 pi. Innere architectur und decoration der neuzeit, nach ausgefiihrten arbeiten hrsg. Frankfurt a. M., 1888. F. 41 pi. Miistergiiltige mobel des 15. -17. jahrhunderts aus kunstsamm- lungen, schlossern und privathausern . . . Frankfurt a. M., 1888. F. 6 25 pi. Caspar, M., and Fortsch, R. Elsass-Lothringisches baurecht. [Pref., 1878.] Cass, Rev. Frederick Charles. South Mimms ... Westminster, 1877. Q. 121 p. ill. 4 pi. 3 tab. AMi C24 AO C24 AC So 3 AH 4 5 R69 AB AW L55 AH 4 5 AH489 C792 AN i AK C27 ANi C27 AI F 77 AH42 So83 174 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cassas, Louis Francois. 1756-1827. Voyage pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phenicie, de la Palestine et AH56 de la Basse Egypte, accompagnee d un texte par Laporte-Du- Sy82 theil et Langles. Paris, 1799. F. 6 2 v. 177 pi. 2 maps. Never completed and none of the text published. See Lavallee, de 1 Istrie Cassas. 1802. Bailee, J. A. F. 1801-78. Voyage pittoresque et historique AH436 rie et de la Dalmatic, reclige d apres 1 itineraire de L. F. A9 Cassel (Ger.) Verein fiir hessische geschichte und landeskunde, editor. Mittelalterliche baudenkmaler in Kurhessen. AA43 Cassel, 1866. F. 5 v. I. [4] + io+[49] p. ill. 24 pi. H46 Contents: v. i. DEHN-ROTFELSER, H. von. Die St. Michaelskirche zu Fulda. Die stifts- kirche St. Petri zu Fritzlar. Die schlosskapelle und der rittersaal des schlosses zu Marburg. No more published. Cassell s technical manuals. London, 1868-74. D. 3 v. ill. pi. DAVIDSON, E. A. Linear drawing. 1868. DAVIDSON, E. A. Elements of building construction. 1869. DAVIDSON, E. A. Gothic stonework. 1874. Cassicn, V[ictor Desire], 1808-. Ichnographie de la fontaine monumentale erigee par la ville de AW Chambery a la memoire du General de Boigne, sculptee par Sap- 663 pey de Grenoble . . . Grenoble, 1838. F. 6 14 p. I por. 10 pi. Cassina, Ferdinando. Le fabbriche piu cospicue di Milano. AH45 Milano, 1840. F. 6 2 v. 213 pi. MS 8 Cassini, Giovanni. Nuova raccolta delle megliori vedute antiche e moderne di AH45 Roma . . . Roma, 1775. F. 5 [5] p. 80 pi. A49 Castaldi, Giuseppe. Delia Regale accademia Ercolanese dalla sua fondazione sinora, AH45 con un cenno biografico de suoi soci ordinari. Ni6i Napoli, 1840. O. 270 p. Castan, Auguste. 1833-. See Castan, Ferreol Francois Joseph Auguste. 1833-. Castan, Ferreol Francois Joseph Auguste, 1833-, editor. See Quicherat, J. E. J. 1814-82. Melanges d archeologie et d his- AP toire. 1885. Q4 Casteele, Desire van de. Gres-cerames de Namur. (In Bulletin des commissions royales AB d art et d archeologie. 1885. v. 24, p. 119-172.) 6872 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 175 Caste! , . Compte rendu de 1 excursion faite a Tournai par le Congres AO archeologique de Lille, le 5 juin, 1845. [Lille, 1845.] - l6 P- Z 5 Castel, Horace Viel-, comte de. i8o2(?)-64. See Viel-Castel, Horace, comte de. i8<D2(?)-64. Gas tell, Robert. Villas of the ancients illustrated . . . AE2 London, 1728. F. 6 [4J+35 p- 13 pi. C2/ Castellan, A[ntoine] L[aurent]. 1772-1838. Fontainebleau ; etudes pittoresques et historiques sur ce chateau, AH44 considere comme 1 un des types de la renaissance des arts en F73 France au i6 e siecle. Paris, 1840. Nar. Q. 24+517 p. 85 pi. Castellan!, Alessandro. -1884. Catalogue des faiences italiennes: Siculo-Arabes, de Luca della AN2 Robia, Caffagiolo . . . et de deux pieces de la celebre porcelaine C27 des Medicis . . . dont la vente aura lieu . . . 27-29 mai, 1878. [Paris] 1878. Nar. Q. 91 p. ill. Catalogue des objets d art antiques du moyen-age et de la renais- AO2 sance . . . dont la vente aura lieu a Rome ... 17 mars au . . . C27 10 avril, 1884 . . . [Paris, 1884.] F. i4+[i] + 324 p. ill. 50 pi. Castellani, Augusto. AM4 Delia orificeria italiana ; discorso. Roma, 1872. O. 77 + [i] p. 27 Castellazzi, Giuseppe. La basilica di S. Trinita i suoi tempi ed il progetto del suo res- AH45 tauro. Firenze, 1887. Nar. Q. 82 p. 2 pi. . F677 11 palazzo detto di Or San Michele i suoi tempi ed il progetto del AH45 suo restauro. Firenze, 1883. Nar. Q. 82 +[i] p. 2 pi. F666 [Castellini, T.] II palazzo municipale di Brescia illustrate. [Anon.] AH45 Brescia, 1862. F. 4 [5] p. 51 pi. 675 Castellionseus, Johannes Antonius. See Castiglione, Giovanni Antonio. Castello, Gabriele Lancillotto, principe de Torre= muzza. 1727-91. Dissertazione sopra una statua di marmo scoverta nelle rovine AO8 dell antica citta d Alesa in Sicilia, recitata nell Accademia del C27 Buon Gusto. Palermo, 1749. O. [6]+48 + [i] p. i pi. Castelnau=d Essenault, marquis de. Notice archeologique sur Figeac et ses monuments. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 36, p. 109-128.) 687 176 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Castermans, Auguste. 1828-81. Parallele des maisons de Bruxelles et des principales villes de la AH43 Belgique construites depuis 1830 jusqu a nos jours . . . 6833 Liege, 1852. F. 6 [8] p. 119 pi. Castiglione, Giovanni Antonio. Mediolanenses antiquitates ex urbis Paroeciis collects, ichno- AR45 graphicis ipsarum tabulis . . . illustratae . . . MS 83 Mediolani, 1625. O. pt. i, [44]+288+[22] p. ill. I pi. Castro, Vincenzo de. L ltalia monumentale; o, Galleria delle principali fabbriche antiche AH45 e moderne d ltalia . . . 2<3a e d. Milano, 1870. F. 6 2 v. 373 pi. A2 Contents : v. i. Monument! romani. v. 2. Monumenti di Milano. Edited by A. Ripamonti and R. Gravagni. Castrucci, Giacomo. Tesoro letterario di Ercolano; ossia, La reale officina dei papiri AR45 Ercolanesi. 2da e d. Napoli, 1855. Q. 6+38 p. 18 p. 2 maps. H42I Catalogo delle sante imagini d un altare del duomo di AH45 Modena detto 1 altare delle statuine. 1855. M72I See [Cavedoni, Pietro]. Catalogue d une belle collection de tableaux . . . aquarelles AO2 et dessins, objets d art et d ameublement . . . vente . . . 1-3 fevrier, 282 1893... Paris, 1893. F. 4 75 p. 34 pi. Catalogue de beaux meubles bronzes ; d ameublement du A02 i8 e siecle. Oai See O. * * *, , and B * * *, - , vicomte de. Catalogue de lithographies. See [Burty, Philippe, 1830-90], compiler. Catalogue de . . . tapisseries . . . bronzes d art et d ameu- AO2 blement . . . porcelaines . . . marbres . . . dont la vente aura lieu . . . C28i 23 mai, 1887 . . . [Paris] 1887. F. 27 p. 9 pi. Catalogue des objets d art composant la ... collection de A02 L. de M. M;6 See Montgermont, Lebeuf de. Catalogue des objets d art . . . du i8 e siecle . . . A02 bronzes . . . orfevrerie, faiences, porcelaines, meubles . . . appar- C28 tenant a M. le baron de * * * et dont la vente aura lieu a Paris . . . 30 Jan. 1884. . . [Paris] 1884. F. 4 3O+[i] p. n pi. Catalogue des sculptures en marbre, statues, groupes et AH44 vases decorant le pare et le chateau de Menars . . . vente . . . 10 M52 juin, 1881 . . . Paris, 1881. F. 5 8 p. 9 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 177 Catalogue of a ... cabinet of Roman coins, the property AMi of a gentleman . . . which will be sold . . . Feb. 21, 1837. St4 See [Stevenson, Henry(?)], of Norwich. Catalogue of the . . . cabinet of ancient coins and medals AMi of a late distinguished foreign diplomatist . . . sold . . . 4th of July, St4 1838 . . . [London] 1838. O. 28 p. Catalogue of . . . the . . . collection of coins and medals, AMi comprising the Greek and Roman [Saxon and English] series . . . C28 sold . . . Mar. i8th, 1844 . . . London, 1844. O. 2 v. in I. Cataneo, Girolamo. i6 th cent. Opera nvova di fortificare, offendere et difendere ; et far gli allog- AE/ giamenti campali, secondo 1 uso di guerra . . . C28 Brescia, 1564. O. 6+93 f. ill. 3 pi. Cataneo, Pietro. i5oo(?)-72(?). I qvattro primi libri di architettvra . . . AA Vinegia, Aldo, 1554. F. [2] + 54+ [2] f. ill. C28 Cates, Arthur. 1829-. Concrete and fire-resisting constructions. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1877-78. p. 296-304.) R8i Catherall, T[homas], publisher. Views in North Wales. Series 1-2. AH429 Chester, no date. Obi. T. 2 v. 58 pi. A7 Catherall s guide to Chester. See Hughes, Thomas, F. S. A. Stranger s handbook to Chester. AH42 [1856.] C 4 23 Catherall s new guide to Chester, Eaton and Hawarden. AH42 See Audsley, Q. A. 1838-. Stranger s handbook to Chester, 0423 Eaton Hall and Hawarden castles. 1891. Catt, George R. Pictorial history of Manchester. AH42 [London] no date. Nar. Q. [5] +40 p. ill. I pi. M3I2 From Pictorial times. A number of views of Manchester inserted. [Cattaneo, Gaetano]. i77i(?)-. Osservazioni sopra un frammento antico di bronzo di greco la- AO8 voro rappresentante Venere . . . [Anon.] C29 Milano, 1819. F. [6] +48 p. Cattaneo, Raffaele. L architettura in Italia, dal secolo vi al mille circa; ricerche AH45 storico-critiche. Venezia, 1888. Q. 306 p. ill. Ai8 12 178 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cattier, Edmond. 1855- Cortege historique des moyens de transport, dessins . . . de A. AW2 Heins; 1835-85. Bruxelles, 1886. Obi. Q. 4+82 p. ill. 36 pi. 29 Fiftieth anniversary of introduction of railroads in Belgium. Cattois, [Franfois Pierre]. 1808-74. La grande-chasse. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 22, p. 5-20; AB v. 24, p. 11-26; v. 25, p. 5-23.) An; Cattois, F[ranois Pierre], 1808-74, and Verdier, Ay mar, 1819-80. A A Architecture civile et domestique. 1855-57. ^58 Caulo, A[ntonin], and others. Ornemens des 176, i8e and 196 siecles. Paris [i855(?)]. F. 80 pi. AK (In Ornemens tires des quatre ecoles. Ser. 3.) Or6 Caumont, Arcisse de. 1801-73. Apercu sur le synchronisme de Tarchitecture romane ou byzan- AB tine dans les provinces de France. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 5, B8; p. 474-486.) Cours d antiquites monumentales professe a Caen ; histoire de AR44 1 art dans 1 ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus recules Ai jusqu au l8 e siecle. Paris, 1830-41. O. 6 v. ill. and Atlas. n8pl. Contents : v. i. Ere celtique. v. 2-3. Ere gallo-romaine. v. 4. Moyen age ; architecture religieuse. v. 5. Moyen age; architectures militaire et civile. v. 6. Moyen age ; fonts baptismaux, autels, tombeaux, peinture sur verre, fresques, e"maux, boiseries. Courte visite a Drevant, Cher, en 1865. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 32, p. 97-H6.) 687 Definition elementaire de quelques termes d architecture. (In AB Bulletin monumental, v. 12, p. 1-23.) B87 Excursion monumentale en Italic. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 7> AB p. 70-162.) 687 Histoire de 1 architecture religieuse au moyen age . . . Nouv. ed. AB Paris, 1841. O. 15+475 p. ill. and Atlas. 24 pi. folded. (Bulletin 687 monumental, v. 2.) Inspection des monuments du Calvados en 1848. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 15, p. 89-140, 465-496.) 687 Necrologie gallo-romaine ; ou, Excursions dans les musees lapi- AB daires de France. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 27, p. 185-207; B87 v. 28, p. 433-460.) Note sur la forme et la disposition des cuisines des abbayes. (In AB Bulletin monumental, v. 19, p. 301-312.) 687 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 179 Caumont, Arcisse de. 1801-73. Note sur les ruines d un grand monument remain decouvert a AB Bourges en 1860. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 27, p. 379-391.) 687 Notes provisoires sur quelques produits ceramiques du moyen-age. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 16, p. 377-395.) 687 Notes provisoires sur quelques tissus du moyen-age. (In Bui- AB letin monumental, v. 12, p. 33-45; v. 14, p. 409-425.) 687 Notice sur les villae ou maisons de campagne gallo-romaines. (In AB Bulletin monumental, v. 6, p. 169-204.) B87 Rapport . . . sur quelques monuments du Calvados. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 23, p. 110-145.) 687 Rapport . . . sur une excursion archeologique aux environs d Or- AB leans et en Bourgogne. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 18, p. 225 687 267.) Rapport . . . sur une excursion archeologique en Lorraine, en AB Alsace . . . et dans quelques localites de la Champagne. (In Bui- 687 letin monumental, v. 17, p. 241-326.) Statistique monumentale du Calvados. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 8, p. 145-189,489-525; v. 9, p. 318-342; v. 10, p. 9-48; v. 12, 687 p. 46-61.) Les tours d eglises dans le Calvados. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 13, p. 362-379.) 687 Un mot sur 1 etat de 1 architecture religieuse aux lie, i2e et I3e AB siecles dans les provinces Rhenanes. (In Bulletin monumental. 687 v. 3, p. 233-251.) Un mot sur les discussions relatives a 1 origine de la tapisserie de AB Bayeux. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 8, p. 73-81.) 687 Caumont, Arcisse de, 1802-73, editor. AB See Bulletin monumental. 1834-72. v. 1-38. 687 Caumont, Arcisse de, 1802-73, and others. Relation d une promenade archeologique faite en Bretagne en ... AB 1849. (1 Bulletin monumental, v. 16, p. 425-476.) 687 Causeo de la Chausse, Michel Ange. i66o(?)-i746. See La Chausse, Michel Ange de. 1 660 (?)- 1746. Cavaceppi, Bartolommeo. fl. 1770. Raccolta d antiche statue, busti, bassirilievi ed altre sculture. AO8 Roma, 1768-72. F. 5 3 v. in i. I por. 181 pi. C3I2 Cavalieri, Giovanni Battista da. i53o(?)-97(?). Antiqvarvm statvarvm vrbis Romae primvs et secvndvs liber. AO8 [Roma, 1585.] Nar. Q. 103 pi. C3i i8o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cavalleri, Ferdinando. 1794-1867. Sopra un antica greca pittura, esistente nel museo dell Accade- AO mia etrusca di Cortona, riconosciuta per la Musa Polinnia. Z3 Cortona, 1852. O. 25 p. i pi. Cavallucci, [Camillo] J[acopo], 1827-, and Molinier, [C. L. M.] E, 1857-. Les della Robbia, leur vie et leur ceuvre d apres des documents AW inedits; suivi d un Catalogue de 1 oeuvre des della Robbia. Paris, 31 1884. F. 289 p. ill. 3 pi. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art.) 48 full-page illustrations. Cavaro, Richard. Les costumes des peuples anciens. Paris, 1887. S. 2 v. ill. AN4 (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Troisieme serie ; 031 enseignement general.) Cave- Browne, Rev. John. 1818-. See Browne, Rev. John Cave-. 1818-. Caveda, Jose. Geschichte der baukunst in Spanien, aus dem Spanischen iiber- AH46 setzt von P. Heyse, hrsg. von F. Kugler. A9 Stuttgart, 1858. O. 10+294 p. ill. [Cavedoni, Celestino, abate. 1795-1865.] Dichiarazione degli antichi marmi Modenesi, con le notizie di AR45 Modena al tempo dei Romani. [Anon.] M72 Modena, 1828. D. 11+316 p. ill. 2 pi. [Cavedoni, Pietro.] Catalogo delle sante imagini d un altare del duomo di Modena AH45 detto 1 altare delle statuine. [Anon.] Modena, 1855. S. 1 1 p. M72I D un altare dedicate nel duomo di Modena alia risurrezione del AH45 Salvatore. [Anon.] Modena, 1856. S. 19 p. M/2I Dell altare di San Giuseppe nel duomo di Modena, [Anon.] AH45 Modena, 1857. S. 16 p. M72I Dell altare di San Sebastiano nel duomo di Modena. [Anon.] AH45 Modena, 1858. S. 24 p. M72I Dell altare di Sant Antonio di Padova nel duomo di Modena. AH45 [Anon.] Modena, 1857. S. 28 p. M72I Dell ancona di serafino de serafini nel duomo di Modena all AH45 altare di Santa Lucia. [Anon.] Modena, 1856. S. 22 p. M72I Descrizione del pulpito del duomo di Modena. [Anon.] AH45 Modena, 1855. S. 19 p. M72I Appendice. Modena, 1858. S. 48 p. Sventure del duomo di Modena. [Anon.] AH45 Modena, 1859. S. 18 p. M72I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 181 Caveler, William. Architectural Illustrations of Warmington church, Northampton- AH42 shire, consisting of elevations, sections and details. W23 Oxford, 1850. F. 5 16 p. 19 pi. Select specimens of Gothic architecture, comprising the most AH42 approved examples in England, from the earliest to the latest A5I date. . . 2d ed. London, 1839. Sq. F. [104] p. 80 pi. Cavos, Albert. Uber die architectonische einrichtung von theater-gebauden . . . AE4 nach der franzosischen urschift in s deutsche iibertragen. 31 Leipzig, 1849. F. 4 28 p. 21 pi. Cavrois, Louis. Le refuge d Etrum et la manufacture de porcelaines d Arras. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 23, p. 5-19, 328-351; v. 24, p. 183- R324 210. 4 pi.) Cavvadias, P. See Kavvadias, P. Caylus, A[nne Claude Philippe de Tubieres=Grimo- ard de Pestels de Levis], comte de. 1692-1765. Numismata aurea imperatorum Romanorum e cimelio regis Chris- AMi tianissimi delineata . . . [Paris, no date.] F. 68 pi. . . . , . . . Recueil d antiquites egyptiennes, etrusques, grecques et romaines. AR62 [Anon.] Paris, 1752-67. Nar. Q. 7 v. 832 pi. A2 Cayon, Jean. 1810-65. Eglise des Cordeliers, la Chapelle-Ronde, sepultures de la maison AH44 de Lorraine a Nancy . . . Nancy, 1842. O. 100 pi. 7 p. Ni52 Monuments anciens et modernes de la ville de Nancy. AH44 Nancy, 1847. O. [2J + 33 + 5 f. 41 pi. Ni5i Cayot=Delandre, Franois Marie. 1796-1848. Le Morbihan, son histoire et ses monuments. AH44 Vannes, 1847. O. 560+ [i] P- Atlas, F. 20 pi. M79 Cazin, D., abbe. La chapelle et le pelerinage de Notre-Dame de Rabas; notice AR44 historique. Vigy [1884]. O. 88 p. 7 pi. Z Cean Bermudez, Juan Agustin, 1749-1829, editor. See Llaguno y Amirola, Eugenic, fl. 1774. Noticias de los arqui- AH46 tectos y arquitectura de Espana desde su restauracion. 1829. Ai Cecchini, Alessandro. Due discorsi sopra la cupola di S. Maria del Fiore. (In Nelli, AA G. B. de . Discorsi di architettura. 1753. apx., p. 75-103.) N32 12* 182 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cellesi, Donate. AH45 Sei fabbriche di Firenze. Firenze [1851]. F. 5 24 pi. F6/9 Celtibere, pseudonym. See Monographic de Notre-Dame de Paris et de la nouvelle sacris- AH44 tie de Mm. Lassus et Viollet-le-Duc . . . precedee d une notice P2/ historique . . . par Celtibere. Cenni storico-artistici per servire di guida ed illustrazione AH45 alia insigne basilica di S. Miniato al Monte. 1850. Sa5 See [Berti, Giovanni Felice]. Ceradini, Mario. L architettura italiana alia prima Esposizione d architettura in AH45 Torino. Torino, 1890. S. Sop. A42 [Ceresola, Domenico.] 1683-1746. Storia della cattedrale di Como . . . col volgarizzamento della AH45 descrizione del tempio fatta in lingua latina da Sigismondo Bol- 73 doni. [Anon.] Como, 1821. O. 73 p. I pi. Cerf, Ch[arles], abbe, 1824-. Histoire et description de Notre-Dame de Reims, avec la collabo- AA44 ration de P[ierre] C[harles] Hannesse . . . & 2 77 Reims, 1861. O. 2 v. 34 pi. Contents : v. i. Histoire. v. 2. Description. Cerfberr de Medelsheim, Qaston. 1858- L architecture en France. Paris, 1883. D. 266+ [i] p. ill. (Bib- AH44 liotheque instructive.) A6i Cerri, Gaetano, 1816- translator. See Bocchi, Francesco. 1548-1618. Von der vortrefflichkeit der AW statue des heiligen Georg des Florentiner bildhauers Donatello. 0711 (In Semper, H. G. Donatello, seine zeit und schule. 1875. p. 175-228.) Ceruti, Antonio. I principi del duomo di Milano sino alia morte del Duca Gian AH45 Galeazzo Visconti. Milano, 1879. O. i4+[i]+224 p. I por. M5824 Cesnola, Major Alessandro Raima di. 1840-. Salaminia, Cyprus; the history, treasures and antiquities of Sala- mis in the island of Cyprus, with an introduction by S. Birch. 2<1 ed. London, 1884. Nar. Q. 45 + 276 p. ill. 39 pi. map. fac-sim. Chabas, Francois Joseph, 1817-82, translator. See Cooper, W. R. 1843-78. Short history of the Egyptian obe- AE8 lisks, with translations of many of the hieroglyphic inscriptions C78 chiefly by F. Chabas. 1877. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 183 Chabat, Pierre. 1827-. AN8 Le bois pittoresque . . . Paris [189 -(?)]. F. 4 5 1 p. 50 pi. C34 La brique et la terre cuite . . . AJ2 Paris, 1886. Nar. Q. 8+338+[i] p. ill. C34 Fragments d architecture: Egypte, Grece, Rome, moyen age, re- A A naissance, age moderne, etc., avec notices descriptives. C34 Paris, 1868. F. 5 Unpaged, 60 pi. Les tombeaux modernes, chapelles, croix, mausolees . . . sarco- AE8 phages . . . Paris, 1890. F. 5 16 p. ill. 50 pi. C34 Chabrol de Volvic, [Gilbert Joseph Qaspard], comte de. 1773-1843. Statistique des provinces de Savone, d Oneille, d Acqui et de AH44 partie de la province de Mondovi formant 1 ancien Departement A54 de Montenotte. Paris, 1824. Q. 2 v. 43 pi. 2 maps. 19 tab. Chaine, H[enri], editor. AB See Encyclopedic d architecture. 1888-. Em Challe, [Charles] Michel Ange. 1718-78. Description du catafalque et du cenotaphe eriges dans 1 eglise de AE8 Paris, le 7 Sept, 1774, pour . . . Louis XV. . . la sculpture est C35 faite par . . . Bocciardi. [Paris], 1774. Nar. Q. 27 p. 6 pi. Chalmers, Peter, D. D. 1817-70. Historical and statistical account of Dunfermline. AR4I Edinburgh, 1844. O. 2i + 592 + [i] p. 15 pi. map. D89 Chambers, George Ffrederick]. 1841-. Contributions towards a history of East-Bourne. (In Sussex ar- AC chaeological society. Collections, v. 14, p. 119137. 2 pi.) Su8 Chambers, John. 1780-1839. General history of Worcester [England]. . . AR42 Worcester, 1820. D. 8+41 1 p. 3 pi. W89 Chambers, Sir [William]. 1726-96. Designs of Chinese buildings, furniture, dresses, machines and AH5I utensils . . . [with] a description of their temples, houses, gar- Ai dens. . . London, 1757. F. 6 10+19 p. 21 pi. Plans . . . and . . . views of the gardens and buildings at Kew in AH42 Surrey... London, 1763. F. 6 [3] +8 p. 43 pi. K5I5 Treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture, with illustra- AK tions, notes and an examination of Grecian architecture by J. C36 Gwilt . . . edited by W. H. Leeds. London, 1862. Q. 8+336 p. ill. I por. 65 pi. 1 84 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Chambray, Roland Freard de Chantelou, sieur de, -1676, and Errard, Charles, 1606-89. Parallele de 1 architecture antique et de la moderne, avec un re- AA cueil des dix principaux auteurs qui ont ecrit des cinq ordres . . . 351 [Anon.] Paris, 1702. F. 5 [6] + i i7+[i] p. ill. 10 pi. Parallel of the antient architecture with the modern, in a collec- AA tion of ten principal authors which have written upon the five 35 orders . . . made English . . . by John Evelyn ... 3d ed. enlarged [by] the Elements of architecture collected by Sir H. Wotton . . . London, 1723. F. [22]+38+i 15 p. ill. Chamouin, [Jean Baptiste Marie]. 1768-. AH44 Collection de vues de Paris prises au daguerreotype . . . P263 [Paris, 184-.] Obi. Q. 25 pi. Chamouzt, Ribart de. See Ribart de Chamouzt. Champeaux, [Louis] Alfred de. 1833-. Dessins et modeles : les arts du tissu ; etoffes, tapisseries, brode- AN ries, dentelles, reliures. Paris [1890 (?)]. Nar. Q. 1 1 1 full-paged ill. 35 Dictionnaire des fondeurs, ciseleurs, modeleurs en bronze et do- AW reurs depuis le moyen-age jusqu a 1 epoque actuelle. Paris, 1886. 35 D. v. i. (Guides du collectionneur.) Histoire de la peinture decorative. AK Paris, 1890. Nar. Q. 7 + 360 p. ill. C35 Le meuble. Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1885. O. 2 v. ill. (Bibliotheque ANi de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) C35 Contents : v. i. Antiquite", moyen-zige et renaissance, v. 2. I7 e , i8 e et ig e siecles. Portefeuille des arts decoratifs, publie sous le patronage de 1 Un- AK ion centrale des arts decoratifs ... 0351 Paris, 1888-93. F. 6 v. 1-5 in 3. 480 pi. Champfleury, Jules Fleury Husson, called. 1821-89. Bibliographic ceramique ; nomenclature analytique de toutes les AN2 publications faites en Europe et en Orient sur les arts et 1 industrie C352 ceramiques depuis le i6 e siecle jusqu a nos jours. Paris, 1881. O. [3]+i5+352 P- Histoire des faiences patriotiques sous la revolution. AN2 Paris, 1867. O. 12+404 p. ill. 35 Chatnpier, Victor. 1851-. Les artistes de 1 industrie: Constant Sevin. (In Revue des arts AB decoratifs. v. 9, p. 161-176.) R3 2 Les arts decoratifs en Belgique : les oeuvres monumentales ; les AB ecoles. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 9, p. 112-122.) R3 2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 185 Cham pier, Victor. 1851-. Les industries d art a 1 Exposition universelle de 1889 . . . avec AO4 une Preface de M. Eugene Guillaume. P23 Paris, 1890-91. F. 2 v. ill. pi. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Modeles d art decoratifd apresles des- AK sins originaux des maitres anciens ; notices par V. Champier. L93 1882. Champneys, Basil. 1842-. History and uses of plaster-work, especially as relating to orna- AC mental ceilings. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- R8i actions. 1889. n - s - v - 5 P- 123-136.) Champollion, le jeune. See Champollion, Jean Francois. 1790-1832. Champollion, Jean Francois. 1790-1832. Lettres a M. le due de Blacas d Aulps . . . relatives au Musee AR62 royal egyptien de Turin. Paris, 1824-26. O. 2 v. in I. 3 pi. Ai7 Contents: i. Monuments historiques. 2. Suite des monuments historiques. Lettres ecrites d Egypte et de Nubie en 1828 et 1829 . . . AR62 Paris, 1833. O. 15+472 p. 6 pi. Ai3 Monuments de 1 Egypte et de la Nubie, notices descriptives con- AR62 formes aux manuscrits autographes . . . A$ Paris, 1844-89. F. 2 v. ill. Vol. i edited by Vicomte O. C. C. E. de ROUGE; v. 2 by G. C. C. MASPERO. Cham pol lion- Figeac, Jacques Joseph. 1778-1867. Notice chronologique de la i8 e dynastic egyptienne de Mane- AR62 thon; suite, i6 e a 22 e dynasties. (In Champollion, J. F. Lettres Ai7 a M. le due de Blacas d Aulps. 1824-26. v. i, p. 130-165.) Chancellor, Frederic. Ancient sepulchral monuments of Essex ; a record of interesting AR42 tombs in Essex churches and some account of the persons . . . Es7 connected with them. London, 1890. F. 5 [3] + n+4i8p. ill. 157 pi. Chandler, Joseph Everett. Colonial architecture of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia . . . AH73 Boston, 1892. Sq. F. 4 [5] p. 50 pi. A3 Chandler, R[ichard], 1738-1810, Revett, Nicholas], 1722-1804, and Pars, W[illiam]. Ionian antiquities, published with permission of the Society of AH495 Dilettanti. London, 1769. F. 6 [4] +4+ 5 3 p. 28 pi. (Society of A7 Dilettanti. Antiquities of Ionia. 1769-1881. v. i.) 1 86 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Chanliaux, Philibert. 1826-. Les antiquites de 1 Allobrogie; a travers le Dauphine, de Vienne a AR44 la Grande-Chartreuse; description des villes, bourgs, moeurs, cou- D26 tumes et usages . . . Lyon, 1890. D. 230+ [i] p. Chaplain, Jules [Clement], 1839- and Dumont, [C.] A. [A. E.], 1842-84. AN2 Les ceramiques de la Grece propre. 1888. D89 Chapman, Robert. Parochial history of Hamsey. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 17, p. 70-103.) Su8 Chapuis, J[ean] B[aptiste], 1760-1802, and Janinet, J. F., 1752-1813. Vues des plus beaux edifices publics et particuliers de la ville de AH44 Paris. 1792. P26i Chapuy, [Nicolas Marie Joseph |. 1790-1858. Italic monumentale et pittoresque, ou ses vues et ses monu- AH45 mens . . . avec un discours sur 1 histoire de 1 art en Italic par A46 Didron. Paris [1845]. F- 6 44 pi- Text wanting. Moyen-age pittoresque : Monumens d architecture, meubles et AA decors du io e au i8 e siecle . . . avec un texte . . . par Moret. C36 Paris, 1837-40. F. 5 5 v. 180 pi. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d Amiens . . . avec un texte . . . AH44 par F. T. de Jolimont. Paris, 1826. F. 4 17 p. 10 pi. 051 Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d Arles et details . . . de ce AH44 monument, avec un texte . . . par A. Du Mege. Or5i Paris, 1829. F. 4 19 p. 5 pi. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d Auxerre et details . . . de ce AH44 monument, avec un texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. 051 Paris, 1828. F. 4 1 1 p. 13 pi. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale d Orleans et details . . . de ce AH44 monument, avec un texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. Or5i Paris, 1825. F. 4 16 p. 10 pi. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Chartres et details . . . de AH44 ce monument, avec un texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. Or5 1 Paris, 1828. F. 4 30 p. 15 pi. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Paris . . . avec un texte . . . AH44 par F. T. de Jolimont. Paris, 1826. F. 4 [3J+i6p. 10 pi. Or$i Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Reims et details de ce mon- AH44 ument, avec un texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. Or5 1 Paris, 1826. F. 4 20+16 p. 15 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 187 Chapuy, [Nicolas Marie Joseph]. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Sens et details . . . de ce AH44 monument, avec un texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. Or5 1 Paris, 1828. F. 4 16 p. 5 pi. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Strasbourg et details . . . AH44 de ce monument, avec un texte . . . par J. G. Schweighauser. Or5i Strasbourg, 1827. F. 4 54+ [i] p. 15 pi. Charcot, Jean Martin, 1825- and Richer, Paul, 1849-. Le mascaron grotesque de 1 eglise Santa Maria Formosa a Venise et AH45 1 hemispasme glosso-labie hysterique. [Paris, 1878.] O. 6 p. 4 pi. V"556 From Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpdtriere. v. i. Chardin, Paul [Louis Leger]. 1833-. La cathedrale de Treguier, recueil de peintures et sculptures AB heraldiques. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 52, p. 287-313, 333- 687 351, 474-500.) Recueil de peintures et sculptures heraldiques. (In Bulletin mon- AB umental. 1891-92. v. 57, p. 5-22, 537-554.) 687 Charles, Leopold. 1822-74. Histoire de La Ferte-Bernard . . . eglise, monuments, hommes AH44 illustres, publie par R. Charles. Mamers, 1877. O. 303 p. ill. Li3 15 pi. (Societe historique et archeologique du Maine. Memoires.) Verriers et vitraux au i6e siecle. (In Bulletin monumental, v. AB 39, p. 501-512.) 687 Les vieilles maisons de la Ferte-Bernard. (In Bulletin monumen- AB tal. v. 30, p. 705-728.) 687 Charles, Richard. Cabinet maker: a journal of designs for the use of upholsterers, AM5 cabinet makers, decorators . . . London, 1868. F. 4 3 p. 96 pi. C38 Cabinet makers sketch book. AM5 London, 1866. F. 4 60 pi. C38i Charles, R[ichard], editor. See Adam, Robert. 172892. First issue of decorative designs, AK 1783- 1883. Adi 3 Charles, Robert, abbe. 1847-. Les artistes manceaux de 1 eglise Saint-Pierre-de-la-Cour, d apres AB des documents inedits. 1471-1574. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 687 46. p. 83-121.) Essai archeologique et historique sur Saint Georges-de-Lacoue et AB sur Saint- Fraimbault-de-Gabrone. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. R324 v. 24, p. 345-364; v. 25, p. 79-98; v. 26, p. 224-236.) Guide illustre du touriste au Mans et dans la Sarthe . . . AH44 Le Mans, 1880. D. 11+407 p. ill. 13 pi. L543 1 88 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Charles, Robert, abbe, 1847-, editor. AH44 See Charles, Leopold. 1822-74. Histoire de La Ferte-Bernard. Li3 Charlet, [Nicolas Toussaint]. 1792-1845. Costumes militaires, 1789-1815 . . . notice par A. Guillaumot. AN4 Paris, 1886. F. 4 [5] p. 51 pi. 38 Chariot, Maurice, and Tarsot, Louis. 1857-. Les palais nationaux : Fontainebleau, Chantilly, Compiegne Saint- AH44 Germain, Rambouillet, Pau, etc. [1889.] A72 Charlton, E[dward], M. D. AP Orkney runes. [Gatehead] no date. O. 1 1 p. Z No title-page. From " The Gatehead observer." Charlton, Lionel. 1720-88. History of Whitby and Whitby abbey . . . AH42 York, 1779. Q. 17+379 p. ill. 4 pi- Ws8 Charma, Antoine. 1801-69. Lisieux et Bayeux. (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. v. 2, pt. AH44 4, P- 59-72, 92-116. 7 pi.) N783 Charmeton, Georges. 1619-74. De corniches, ornements et arabesques, choisies sur 1 antique, AK grave par Fay. [Paris] no date. Obi. S. 32 pi. 38 Chartarius, Vincentius. i6 th cent. See Cartari, Vincenzo. i6th cent. Charton, Gdouard Thomas, 1807-90, editor. See Bibliotheque des merveilles. Chartron, C. Apercu geologique et prehistorique des environs de Luyon, Ven- AR44 dee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. P75 1884-. v. II.) Charvet, A. Decorazioni interne; raccolta di soffitti del 16, 17, 18, e 19 se- AM6 colo. See, below, Reiche plafonds aus italienischen schlossern. 38 Reiche plafonds aus italienischen schlossern und palasten des 16., AM6 17., 1 8. jahrhunderts und der neuzeit. Berlin [1889]. F. 5 40 pi. 38 Charvet, A., illustrator. See Turin (Italy) Esposizione italiana d architettura. 1890. AH45 Ricordo. A48 Charvet, Ernest. Deux menuisiers de Beauvais au i8 e siecle: Jean Pauchet et Pierre AC Lefevre. (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departe- Soip ment de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 10, p. 261-297.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 189 Charvet, Ernest. Recherches sur les anciens theatres de Beauvais. (In Societe aca- AC demique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. 8019 v. 11, p. 449-597, 843-861. i pi.) Charvet, [Etienne] Leon [Gabriel]. 1830-. Biographies d architectes : Les De Royers de la Valfeniere. AW Lyon, 1870. Nar. Q. 192 p. ill. 6 pi. R8i Biographies d architectes : Rene Dardel, 1796-1871. AW Lyon, 1873. Nar. Q. 132 p. I por. 024 De 1 etude de la composition dans 1 enseignement des arts du des- AB sin. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 2, p. 362-368, 382-393.) R32 Jehan Perreal. (In Lyons, France Societe academique d archi- AC tecture. Annales. 1875. v. 4, p. 1-233. ill- IO ?!) L99 Philibert De 1 Orme. (In Lyons, France Societe academique d ar- AC chitecture. Annales. 1880. v. 6, p. 87-144. 5 pi.) L99 Rene Dardel. (In Lyons, France Societe academique d architec- AC ture. Annales. 1873. v. 3, p. 1-115. I por.) L99 Sebastien Serlio. (In Lyons, France Societe academique d ar- AC chitecture. Annales. 1869. v. I, p. 89-184. 4 pi.) L99 Charvet, J[ules]. 1824-. See Du Cieuziou, H. R. 1833-. De la poterie gauloise ; etude sur AN2 la collection Charvet. 1872. C59 See Frohner, W[ilhelm]. 1834-. La verrerie antique ; description AN3 de la collection Charvet. 1879. F92 Chateau, Theodore. 1836-. Technologie du batiment ; ou, Etude complete des materiaux de AI toute espece employes dans les constructions, depuis leur fonda- C39 tion jusques et y compris leur decoration. 2 e ed. Paris, 1880-82. O. 2 v. map. Chateau=Thierry (France) Societe historique et archeologique. AC Annales. 1864-84. Chateau-Thierry, 1864-84. O. 5 v. ill. pi. C39 Chateauneuf, Aflexis] de. 1799-1853. AE2 Architectura domestica. London, 1839. F. 4 [3] + 7 p. 19 pi. C39 Text in German and English. Chateaux de la renaissance: Renaissance allemande, AH43 1545-1607. Paris, 1859. F. 6 pi. PFNOR, R. 1824-. Monographic du chateau de Heidelberg. 1859. 190 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Chateaux de la renaissance: Renaissance frangaise, i6 e AH44 siecle. Paris, 1867. F. 6 ill. pi. An3i PFNOR, R. 1824-. Monographic du chateau d Anet. 1867. Chatellier, Paul du. Les epoques prehistoriques et gauloises dans le Finistere; inven- AR44 taire des monuments de ce departement des temps prehistoriques F49 a la fin de 1 occupation romaine. Paris, 1889. O. 211 p. 25 pi. Chattard, Giovanni Pietro. Nuova descrizione del Vaticano; osia, Delia sacrosanta basilica di AH45 S. Pietro. Roma, 1762-67. D. 3 v. 6 pi. R767 Chauderlot, - -, and Festeau, [F.]. El teatro de Moratin construido en Madrid . . . pianos y detalles. AH46 Paris, no date. F. 6 [4] p. 23 pi. M26i Title-page and text in Spanish and French. Chaudruc de Crazannes, Jean Cesar Marie Alex= andre, baron. 1782-1862. Notice sur les vitraux peints de quelques eglises du Departement AB du Lot. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 7, p. 32-52.) 687 Tableau chronologique des monuments historiques du Departement AB de Tarn-et-Garonne. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 4, p. 1-36.) 687 Chaulnes, [Marie Joseph Louis d Albert d Ailly], due de. 1741-93. Memoire sur la veritable entree du monument egyptien qui se AR62 trouve a quatre lieues du Caire . . . Paris, 1783. O. 27 p. I pi. A6 Chauncy, Sir Henry. 1632-1719. Historical antiquities of Hertfordshire . . . AR42 London, 1826. O. 2 v. I por. 44 pi. 2 maps. H44 Chauveau, Francois, 1613-76, Berain, Jean, 1674- 1726, and Le Moine, Jean, 1638-1713. AK Ornemens de peinture et de sculpture. 1710. 6452 Chavannes, Edouard. La sculpture sur pierre en Chine au temps des deux dynasties A08 Han . . . public sous les auspices du Ministere de 1 instruction 39 publique et des beaux arts . . . Paris, 1893. Q. [ 4 i] + 88+[i] p. ill. 65 pi. Chavannes, Pierre Cecile Puvis de. 1824- See Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre Cecile. 1824-. Cheales, Rev. Henry John. 1830-. On the mural paintings in All Saints church, Friskney, Lincoln- AB shire. (In Archaeologia. v. 48, p. 270-280; v. 50, p. 281-286. 4 pi.) Ar2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 191 Checcozzi, Giovanni. 1691-1756. Dissertazione . . . sopra 1 antica idolatria de boschi. (In Cortona, AC Italy Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. C8l 1742-43. v. i, pt. 2, p. 93-156; v. 4, p. 149-234.) Checozi, Giovanni. 1691-1756. See Checcozzi, Giovanni. 1691-1756. Chefs-d oeuvre de 1 art antique . . . AO Paris, 1867-68. Q. 7 v. ill. 806 pi. C4i Contents: Ser. i. ROBIOU DE LA TREHONNAIS, F. M. L. J. Monuments de la vie des anciens. 1867. 3 v. Ser. 2. LENORMANT, F. Monuments de la peintureetde la sculpture. 1867-68. 4v. Cheminon, , and Camps, - . Ai Fabrique de parquets. Ci5 Chenavard, A[ime]. 1798-1838. Album de 1 ornemaniste; recueil d ornements dans tous les genres AK et dans tous les styles . . . Paris [1835]. F. 5 [8] p. 72 pi. C42I Recueil des dessins de tapis, tapisseries et autres objets d ameuble- AK ment . . . Paris, 1833-35. F. 4 43 pi. 42 Chenavard, A[ntoine] M[arie]. 1787-1883. AE8 Fontaines; esquisses. Lyon, 1864-65. Obi. Q. 2 v. in i. 40 pi. C42 Recueil des compositions executees ou projetees sur . . . [ses] AL2 dessins. Lyon, 1860. F. 6 2 v. in i. 54 pi. and sup. 7 pi. C42 Vol. 2 has title Tombeaux executes sur les dessins de C. Supplement aux Compositions historiques: Les poetes; esquisses. AX Lyon, 1863. Obi. Q. 52 p. 21 pi. C42 Voyage en Grece et dans le Levant fait en 1843 et 1844. AH495 Lyon, 1858. F. 6 25 + ^67] p. 79 pi. map. Ai7 Cheney, Mrs. Ednah D[ow (Littlehale)]. 1824-. Life of Christian Daniel Rauch, drawn from German authorities. AW Boston, 1893. O. 8+[3] + 33i p. i por. 4 pi. Ri9i Chennevieres=Pointel, Charles Philippe, marquis de. 1820-. Notes d un compilateur sur les sculpteurs et les sculptures en AN6 ivoire. Amiens, no date. Nar. Q. 91 p. C42 From La Picardie, revue litte"raire et scientifique. Chennevieres=[Pointel, Charles] Ph[ilippe], marquis de, 1820- compiler. Archives de 1 art fran9ais ; recueil de documents inedits relatifs AW a 1 histoire des arts en France. Paris, 1851-60. O. 6 v. in 3. M34 (Archives de 1 art francais. v. 1,3, 5, 7, 9, 1 1.) Vols. 4-6 (7, 9 and n of the series) compiled by A. DE C. DE MONTAIGLON. 192 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Chennevieres-Pointel, Charles Philippe, marquis de, 1820- editor. AW See Marietta, P. J. 1694-1774. Abecedario. 1851-60. M34i Chennevieres [=Pointel], Henry de, comte. 1859-. Jean-Nicolas Servandoni, peintre, architecte, ordonnateur de fetes AB publiques. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. i, p. 122127, !7 R32 176, 403-406, 429-435.) f Chenon, Emile. 1857-. Notes archeologiques sur les environs de Chateaumeillant. (In AC Societe des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 187988. v. 8, 9, 803 10, II and 15. pi.) Notice historique sur Chateaumeillant. (In Societe des antiquaires AC du centre. Memoires. 1878. v. 7, p. 1-234. 3 pi.) 803 Cheret, [Qustave] Joseph. Sculpture moderne ; la terre cuite francaise. A08 Paris, 1885. F. 6 ser. I. 25 pi. C42 Contents: Ser. i. Reproduction de son ceuvre. Cherge, Charles Louis Gilbert de. 1814-. Notice sur 1 inclinaison de 1 axe des eglises. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 9, p. 541-554.) 687 Rapport d ensemble sur les monuments historiques du Departe- AB ment de la Vienne. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 9, p. 386-435.) 687 Cheruel, Pierre Adolphe, 1 809- translator. See Rich, Anthony, jr. Dictionnaire des antiquites romaines et AP grecques. 1873. R-37 Chesneau, Ernest. 1833-90. La peinture franfaise au I9 e siecle; les chefs d ecole : L. David, A06 Gros, Gericault, Decamps, Meissonier, Ingres, H. Flandrin, E. C42 Delacroix. Paris, 1862. D. 2 + 35+424 p. See Quichard, Edouard. 1815-. Dessins de decoration des princi- AK paux maitres . . . avec une etude sur 1 art decoratif par E. Ches- Gg4 neau. 1881. Chevalier, Casimir, abbe. 1825-. Le chateau de Chenonceau; notice historique . . . AH44 Tours, 1869. Nar. Q. 88 + [i]p. i pi. C42 Les fouilles de Saint-Martin de Tours ; recherches sur les six basi- AH44 liques successives elevees autour du tombeau de Saint Martin. T643 Tours, 1888. O. 7 +134 p. ill. 7 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 193 Chevalier, H[enri] E[mile], 1828-79, and Renard, Leon, 1831-. Le Champ-de-Mars; son passe, son present, son avenir. AH44 Paris, 1879. D. 33 + [i] p. 6 pi. P24 Chevalier, Pierre Michel Francois, called Pitre=Che= valier. 1812-64. See Pitre-Chevalier, Pierre Michel Frai^ois, called. 1812-64. Chevalier, Pietro. Di alcuni principal! edifici e situazioni delle provincie Venete . . . AH45 Padova, 1828. Obi. O. Unpaged. 40 pi. A47 Memorie architettoniche sui principali edifici della citta di Padova. AH45 Padova, 1831. D. 191 p. 40 pi. Pi39 Chevignard, Edmond Lechevallier=. 1825- See Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond. 1825-. Chevrier, Jules. Chalon-sur-Saone, pittoresque et demoli . . . AH44 Paris, 1883. Sq. F. [3i]+2i4+[i] p. ill. 35 Chicago (111.) World s Columbian exposition Japan. History of the empire of Japan . . . translated [by Capt Francis AH52 Brinkley]. Tokyo [1893]. O. [9] +6 + 428 p. 42 pi. map. A2 Chicago architectural iron works. Catalogue of cast and wrought iron, brass, bronze and aluminum, Al2 electro-plating, bower-barffing and galvano-plastic work. C43 Chicago [1894]. Sq. F. 4 [5] p. 40 pi. Chiesa di San Secondo in Torino. Sq. F. 3 p. ill. 3 pi. AH45 No title-page. From L lngegneria civile e le arti industriali. 1883. v. 9. 1 842 Chifke ou entre toutes les lettres de 1 alphabet. AX See Cyffer daar al de letteren van het alphabeth in zyn. Li3 Chilcott, J. Descriptive history of Bristol, ancient and modern; or, A guide to AH42 Bristol, Clifton and the Hotwells ... 7th ed. enlarged. 677 Bristol [pref. 1846]. D. 6+[2]+396p. ill. 3 pi. 2 maps. Chipiez, Charles. 1835-. L architecture et 1 etude de la generation des styles. (In Revue AB des arts decoratifs. v. 2, p. 277-280, 309-315.) R32 Exposition des dessins de Viollet-le-Duc au Musee de Cluny. (In AB Revue des arts decoratifs. v. I, p. 6-9, 33-40.) R32 Histoire critique des origines et de la formation des ordres grecs. AA Paris, 1876. Q. 6+384+[i] p. ill. 32 pi. C44 13 194 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Chippendale, Thomas, fl. 1 760. Gentleman and cabinet-maker s directory; being a ... collection ANi of ... designs of household furniture . . . [with] a short explana- 441 tion of the five orders of architecture . . . 3^ ed. London, 1762. F. 5 [6] + 20 p. 200 pi. Ornaments and interior decorations in the old French style, con- ANi sisting of hall, glass and picture frames, chimney pieces . . . 44 brackets . . . ornamental furniture. London, no date. F. 4 32 pi. Chisholm, R[obert] Fellowes. New college for the Gaekwar of Baroda, with notes on style and AC domical construction in India. (In Royal institute of British R8i architects. Transactions. 1882-83. p. 141-146. 4 pi.) Tiroomal Naik s palace, Madura. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1875-76. p. 159-178. 2 pi.) R8i Chmelarz, Eduard. Das altere gebetbuch des Kaisers Maximilian I. (In Jahrbuch AB der kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. JIQI v. 7, pt. I, p. 201-206.) Die ehrenpforte des Kaisers Maximilian I. (In Jahrbuch der AB kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. ]igi v. 4, pt. i, p. 289-319.) Eine franzosische bilderhandschrift von Boccaccio s Theseide. AB (In Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Jlpi kaiserhauses. v. 14, pt. I, p. 318-328.) Konig Rene der Gute und die handschrift seines romanes "Cuer AB d amours espris " in der. . . Hofbibliothek. (In Jahrbuch der JIQI kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. n, pt. I, p. 116-139.) Chmelarz, Eduard, editor. See Das diurnale oder gebetbuch des Kaisers Maximilian I. (In AB Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Jipi kaiserhauses. v. 3, pt. I, p. 88-102.) See Jean du Prier. fl. i$th cent. Le songe du pastourel. (In AB Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Jipi kaiserhauses. v. 13, pt. I, p. 226-266.) [Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Auguste Florent, comte de.] 1752-1817. Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. [Anon.] AR49. Paris, 1782-1822. F. 6 2 v. in 3. i por. 154 pi. 17 maps. A8 Choisy, [Francois] Auguste. 1841-. L arsenal du Piree d apres le devis original des travaux. Paris, AH49 1883. 42 p. ill. 2 pi. (In his Etudes sur 1 architecture grecque.) A2i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 195 Choisy, [Francois] Auguste. 1841-. L art de batir chez les Byzantins. Paris, 1883. F. 5 187+ [6] p. 25 pi. C45 L art de batir chez les Remains. AH45 Paris, 1873. F. 5 2v.ini. ill. 24 pi. R684 L Erechtheion d apres les pieces originales de la comptabilite des AH495 travaux. Paris, 1884. (In his Etudes sur 1 architecture grecque. A2I 1884. p. 85-171. ill. 2 pi.) Etudes epigraphiques sur 1 architecture grecque. AH495 Paris, 1884. F. 7 + 232+[i9] p. ill. 6 pi. A2i " Contents: L arsenal du Pire"e. L Erechtheion. Les murs d Athenes. Un devis du tra vaux publics & Livadie. Appendice. Les murs d Athenes d apres le devis de leur restauration. Paris, AH495 1883. (In his Etudes sur 1 architecture grecque. 1884. p. 43-84. A2I I pi.) Un devis de travaux publics a Livadie. Paris, 1884. (I* 1 his AFLj.95 Etudes sur 1 architecture grecque. 1884. p. 171-211. ill. i pi.) A2i / Cholet, Paul Francois Etienne. 1814-67. Notice historique sur la cathedrale de La Rochelle. [Anon.] AH44 La Rochelle, 1862. O. 173 p. L323 Remarques singulieres de Paris . . . Paris, 1881. O. 19+175 p. AH44 I pi. (Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878 83. v. 6.) A52 No. 224 of 330 copies printed. Choumara, [Francois] M[arie] Theodore. 1787-1870. Memoires sur la fortification ; on, Examen raisonne des propri- AE7 etes et des defauts des fortifications existantes . . . 2 e edition . . . C45 Paris, 1847. O- 28+711 p. and Atlas, F. c 7 pi. Christ, W[ilhelm] von, 1831-, and Lauth, [F.] J., 1822-. Fiihrer durch das K. antiquarium in Munchen. Miinchen, 1883. S. 83 p. Christian, Ewan. Architectural illustrations of Skelton church, Yorkshire . . . [with] a ... descriptive account of the building. Sk2 London, 1846. F. 4 8 + 39 p. 17 pi. A Christian painter of the nineteenth century. 1875. AW See [Lear, Mrs. H. L. (F.)]. F6i Christie, Alexander, 1807-60, and Graham, J. Q., i777(?)-i855. AH 4 i Chapel of St. Anthony, the Eremite, at Murthly, Perthshire. 1 850. M96 196 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Christie, James. 1773-1831. Disquisitions upon the painted Greek vases and their . . . connec- AN2 tion with the shows of the Eleusinian and other mysteries. 46 London, 1825. F. 12+146 p. ill. 16 pi. Inquiry into the early history of Greek sculpture. A08 London, 1833. F. i3 + [i] + 54p. i pi. I facsim. 46 50 copies printed. Christison, David, M. D. 1830-. On the grated iron doors of Scottish castles and towers. (In AC Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 17, p. 98-135.) Soi2 Prehistoric forts of Peeblesshire; with plans and sketches. (In AC Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 21, p. So 12 13-82. 7 pi.) Christliches kunstblatt fiir kirche, schule und haus. AB 1 8 59-73- Stuttgart, 1859-73. O. 15 v. ill. C46 Christtnann, Ludwig. Album d Alsace et des Vosges; Saverne et environs. Strasbourg, 1888-91. Sq. F. 6 3 v. in I. 100 pi. Title-page and text in French and German. [Christyn, Jean Baptiste.] 1622-90. Histoire generale des Pais-Bas contenant la description des dis-sept provinces. Ed. nouvelle . . . Brusselle, 1720. S. 4 v. 143 pi. map. Chromatics; or, An essay on ... colours. 1817. AO See [Field, George]. i777(?)-i854. F45 Chronological history of Canterbury cathedral. 1883. See S., G. Chronological series of engravers. 1770. AW See [Martyn, Rev. Thomas. 1735-1825]. M36 Chrysostomus, Joannes, St., abp. of Constantinople. 35o(?)-407. Oratio de circo. (In Boulenger, J. C. De circo Romano. 1598. AX f. i-io.) B622 Text in Greek and Latin. Church, Arthur Herbert. 1834- English earthenware, illustrated by specimens in the South Ken- AN2 sington museum. London, 1884. O. ill. C47 Old English pottery. (In Some minor arts as practised in Eng- AN6 land. 1894. p. 27-46.) So5 Church, W. A. Patterns of inlaid tiles from churches in the diocese of Oxford. AJ2 London, 1845. Q. [5] p. 24 pi. C47 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 197 Church builder; a quarterly journal of church extension in AB England and Wales. 1863-64. London, 1863-64. D. 2 v. ill. C47 The Church restored, including . . . The church, a poem AFLj.2 by Rev. G. Crabbe . . . London, 1848. Q. 50 p. 7 pi. T;5 Churches of Cambridgeshire and the isle of Ely. 1845. AH42 See Cambridge Camden society. 147 Churches of the Nene valley, Northamptonshire. 1880. AH42 See Sharpe, Edmund. 1809-77. N8i Churton, Rev. Edward. 1800-74. On the remains of penitential cells and prisons connected with AC monastic houses. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports. As7 v. 2, p. 289-315.) See Richardson, William. Monastic ruins of Yorkshire with his- AH42 torical descriptions by the Rev. Edward Churton. 1843. Al4 Ciampini, Giovanni [Qiustino]. 1638-98. De sacris asdificiis a Constantino magno constructis synopsis AJ2 historica. Romas, 1693. F. 16+217 p. 36 pi. C48 Bound with his Vetera monimenta, v. 2. Vetera monimenta, in quibus praecipue musiva opera sacrarum, AJ2 profanarumque aedium structura, ac nonnulli antiqui ritus, dis- C48 sertationibus, iconibusque illustrantur. Romas, 1690-99. F. 2 v. ill. 136 pi. 2 tab. Cibrario, [Giovanni Antonio] Luigi, conte. 1802-70. Storia e descrizione della R. Badia d Altacomba, antico sepolcro AH44 dei principi di Savoia. A174 Torino, 1845. F- 7 [5]+224+[i6] p. 55 pi. Cicognara, Leopoldo, conte da. 1767-1834. Catalogo ragionato dei [suoi] libri d arte e d antichita. AY Pisa, 1821. O. 2v. C48 Storia della scultura dal suo risorgimento in Italia fino al secolo di AO8 Canova . . . continuazione all opere di Winkelmann et di d Agin- C48 court. 2da ed. Prato, 1823-24. O. 7 v. I por. and Atlas, F. B 185 pi. Cicognara, Leopoldo, conte da, 1 767-1834, Selva, G. A., and Diedo, Antonio. Monumenti sepolcrali cospicui, eretti alia memoria degli uomini AE8 celebri in Venezia : Opera che fa seguito alle fabbriche illustri della C48 stessa citta. Torino, 1858. F. 6 [3] p. 91 pi. 13* 198 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cima, Giuseppe. L addobbatore moderno; ossia, Raccolta di 300 tavole rappresen- AN6 tanti oggetti d arti e manifatture desunte dalle* piu recenti mode 49 originali e straniere . . . Milano [1830]. Q. 6 v. 300 pi. Cincinnati (Ohio) National exhibition of archi tectural drawings and sketches. 1889. Selections from [the] exhibition. A04 [Cincinnati, 1889.] Sq. F. [3] p. 48 pi. 49 Cinque Ports brotherhoods and guestlings . . . 1828. AR42 See Mantell, Sir Thomas. 1751-1831. Z Cipriani, Gio[vanni] Battista. 1727-85. AK Anfiteatro Flavio, detto il Colosseo. Roma, 1 80 1. Nar. Q. 13 pi. L89 Degli edifici antichi e moderni di Roma, vedute in contorno. AH45 Roma, 1817. Obi. S. 2 v. 241 pi. R798 Monumenti di fabbriche antiche estratti dai disegni dei piu celebri AH45 autori. Roma, 1796-1803. Nar. Q. 3 v. 301 pi. I tab. R774 Each of the following parts has an independent title-page, and the whole work is engraved. Contents : v. i. Tempi del Sole e della Luna. 1794. 5 pi- Arco di Trajano in Ancona. 1794. 7 pi. Tempio di Saturno. 1795. 4 pi. Pantheon. 1795. 16 pi. Tempio di Marte Ultore. 1795. 9 pi. Tempio di Giove Statore. 1796. 9 pi. Tempio della Fortuna Virile. 1796. 5 pi. Tempio di Sibilla. 1796. 5 pi. Tempio della Pieta. 1796. 6 pi. Tempio di Vesta. 1797. 10 pi. v. 2. Portico di Ottavia. 1797. 6 pi. Tempio di Bacco. 1797. 6 pi. Tempi della Pace, di Antonio e Faustina e della Concordia. 1798. 8 pi. Vedute della Grecia. 25 pi. Tempi di Teseo e di Minerva in Atene. 7 pi. Tempi di Minerva Poliade. 9 pi. Lanterna di Demostene. 9 pi. Edificio a Bazar. 4 pi. v. 3. Anfiteatro Flavio-Colosseo. 1801. 17 pi. Foro di Nerva. 1807. 14 pi. Arco di Settimio Severo. 1807. 12 pi. Arco di Costantino. 1807. n pi. Arco degli Orefici. 1807. 7 pi. Anfiteatro di Verona. 1807. 5 pi. Tempio di Serapide. 1807. 6 pi. Bagni di Paolo Emilio. 1807. 5 pi. Pinacoteca. 1807. 9 pi. Frontispizio di Nerone. 1807. 5 pi. Arco di Tito. 15 pi. Basilica di Antonino. 8 pi. Tempio di Giove Tonante. 10 pi. Teatro di Marcello. 12 pi. AK Scelta di ornati, antichi e moderni. Roma, 1801. O. 61 pi. C49 Su i dodici obelischi egizj che adornano la citta di Roma. AE8 Roma, 1823. Nar. Q. 25 p. 14 pi. C49 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 199 Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, 1727-85, illustrator. See [Milizia, Francesco]. 1725-98. Principi di architettura civile. AA 1781-1800. M59 Cirot de la Ville, - -, abbe. 181 1-. Origines chretiennes de Bordeaux ; ou, Histoire et description de AH44 1 eglise de St. Seurin. Bordeaux, 1867. F. 11+441 p. ill. B642 Cittadella, Luigi Napoleone. Memorie storiche-monumentali-artistiche del tempio di San Fran- AH45 cesco in Ferrara. Ferrara, 1860. O. [7] +83 p. Z Claesen, Charles. 1829- Motifs de decoration exterieure et interieure, appliques aux edi- AK fices publics comme aux habitations de particuliers ; sculpture, C5 1 marbrerie, peinture, menuiserie . . . Liege, no date. F. 5 [5] p. i2Opl. Recueil d ornements et de sujets pour etre appliques a l ornemen- AN5 tation des armes d apres les dessins des principaux artistes. C$i Liege [1870]. Sq. F. 4 40 pi. Claesen, Joseph. See Demarteau, Qilles. 1722-76. Extraits de . . . [son] ceuvre, AK reproduits par J. Claesen. 0392 Clarac, Charles Othon Frederic Jean Baptiste, comte de. 1777-1847. Description historique et graphique du Louvre et des Tuileries, AH44 publiee dans son Musee de sculpture de 1826-28, precedee d une P2in Notice biographique sur 1 auteur par Alfred Maury. Paris, 1853. O. 16 p.+p. 237-692. 24 pi. Manuel de 1 histoire de 1 art chez les anciens. AO Paris, 1847-49. D. 3 v. C54 Contents: v. i. Description des muse es de sculpture antique et moderne du Louvre, v. 2. Tableau chronologique des artistes de 1 antiquite". v. 3. Catalogues des artistes de I antiquite". Musee de sculpture, antique et moderne ; ou, Description, histo- AH44 rique et graphique, du Louvre et de toutes ses parties ... P2ii Paris, 1826-53. Q. 6 v. ill. pi. & Atlas, obi. Q. 6 v. 1000 pi. Continued after the mss. of the author by L. F. A. Maury, v. 3-6. Sur la statue antique de Venus Victrix, decouverte dans 1 ile de AO8 Milo en 1820 . . . et sur la statue antique, connue sous le nom de Z2 1 Orateur, du Germanicus et d un personage remain en Mercure. Paris, 1821. Nar. Q. 67 p. I pi. Clarac, Charles Othon Frederic Jean Baptiste, comte de, 1777-1847, editor. AO2 See Louvre (Paris) musee. Description du musee. 1830. L93 200 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Claretta, Gaudenzio, barone. 1833-. I marmi scritti di Torino e suburbio dai bassi tempi alia meta del AC secolo 1 8. (In Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la provincia 8017 di Torino. Atti. v. 2, p. 87-109, 349-378; v. 4, p. 61-80, 318-342.) Clark, C. Historical and descriptive account of the town of Lancaster [Eng- AR42 land] ; collected from the best authorities. L22 Lancaster, 1807. O. 7+118+ [2] p. ill. 3 pi. Clark, George T[homas]. 1809-. Description and history of the castles of Kidwelly and Caerphilly AH42 and of Castell Coch. London, 1852. O. 32+68+13 p. 9 pi. Cii Lincoln castle. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. 13, p. 176-189. I pi.) As7 Mediaeval military architecture in England . . . AE/ London, 1884. O. 2 v. ill. 63 pi. C$4 Clark, John Willis. See Redfarn, W. B. Ancient wood and iron work in Cambridge ; AH42 the letterpress by J. W. Clark. [1886.] Ci46 Clark, John Willis, editor. See Willis, Robert. 1800-75. Architectural history of the Uni- AH42 versity of Cambridge and of the colleges of Cambridge and Eton. Ci42 1886. Clark, Theodore M[inot]. Building superintendence ; a manual for young architects, students AI and others interested in building operations as carried on at the C54 present day. lotted. Boston, 1891 [c. 83]. O. [3] + 336p. ill. Clarke, Caspar Purdon. Examples of Mogul art in the India museum. (In Royal institute AC of British architects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 122- R8l 132. 4 pi.) Clarke, Caspar Purdon, and Lewis, T. H. 1818- Persian architecture and construction. (In Royal institute of Brit- AC ish architects. Transactions. 1880-81. p. 161-174.) R8i Clarke, Charles. 1760-1840. Observations on episcopal chairs and stone seats, piscinas [etc.] AB . . . with a description of Chalk church, in ... Rochester. (In Ar- Ar2 chaeologia. v. 1 1, p. 317-374. 3 pi.) Some account of the rise and progress of early English architec- AH42 ture, with . . . remarks on the churches of the metropolis. (In L8p3 Booth, John. Architectura ecclesiastica. Londini. 1820. p. I-35-) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 201 Clarke, Edward Daniel. 1769-1822. Tomb of Alexander; a dissertation on the sarcophagus brought AE8 from Alexandria and now in the British museum. C55 Cambridge, 1805. Q. 3 + 160 p. I por. 4 pi. Clarke, Henry James, translator. See Fromberg, E. O. Introductory essay on the art of painting on A A glass. (In Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v. 4. 1 19 p. Q2 Clarke, Joseph Thacher. The hypaethral question ; an attempt to determine the mode in AJ which the interior of a Greek temple was lighted. Cambridge, 1879. C$5 O. 38 p. (Harvard art club. Papers. No. I.) Clarke, Joseph Thacher, translator. See Munich (Ger.) -Pinakothek. Catalogue of the paintings in the old Pinakothek. 1890. Clarke, Somers. The fall of one of the central pillars of Seville cathedral. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. R8i v. 7, p. 169-194.) [Clarke, Thomas.] History of the church, parish, and manor of Howden . . . [Anon.] AH42 Howden, 1851. O. 88+[i] p. 5 pi. H83 Clarke, T[homas] H[utchings]. Domestic architecture of the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James AH42 the first ... London, 1833. Nar. Q. i3+24+[i] p. ill. 20 pi. A6i Clarke, William, architect. Pompeii ; its past and present state . . . compiled in part from the AR45 great work of M. Mazois, the Museo Borbonico [and] the publi- P776 cations of Sir W. Gell and T. L. Donaldson . . . London, 1846-47. S. 2 v. ill. 23 pi. map. Clarkson, D[ouglas] A. New designs containing fonts, mural-tablets, chimney-pieces and ANi balustrades . . . London [1860]. F. 4 48 pi. C56 Clarkson, Rev. George Arthur. Notes on Amberley, its castle, church, etc. (In Sussex archaeo- AC logical society. Collections, v. 17, p. 185-239. 3 pi.) Su8 Clauswitz, P. Zur geschichte Berlins. (In Borrmann, Richard. Die bau- und AH43 kunstdenkmaler von Berlin. 1893. p. 1-98.) 6461 202 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Clavieres, Octavien de Quasco, comte de. 1712-81. See Quasco, Octavien de, comte de Clavieres. 1712-81. Clayton, John. 1820-61. Collection of the ancient timber edifices of England. AH42 London, 1846. F. 6 [12] p. 26 pi. Cleaveland, George A., and Campbell, R. E. American landmarks ; a collection of pictures of our country s AH73 historic shrines, with descriptive text Al8 Boston, 1893. Sq. F. i2+[i]+97 p. ill. Clemen, Paul, 1866-, editor. Die kunstdenkmaler der Rheinprovinz . . . AH43 Dusseldorf, 1891-93. Q. v. 1-2, pt. 3. ill. 38 pi. R34I Contents: v. i. pt. i. Die kunstdenkmaler des kreises Kempen. pt. 2. Die kunstdenkmaler des kreises Geldern. pt. 3. Die kunstdenkmaler des kreises Moers. pt. 4. Die kunstdenkmaler des kreises Kleve. v. 2. pt. i. Die kunstdenkmaler des kreises Rees. pt. a. Die kunstdenkmaler der stadt Duisburg und der kreise Miilheim a. d. Ruhr und Ruhfort. pt. 3. Die kunstdenkmaler der stadt und des kreises Essen. Clemens, [J. F.], Mellin, F. A. I., 1796-1859, and Rosenthal, C. A. Der dom zu Magdeburg . . . AH43 Magdeburg [pref. 1852]. Obi. F. 6 5 f. 30 pi. M2; Clement, Jacques Felix Alfred. 1822-85. De 1 ideal chretien. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 26, p. 257- AB 292.) R324 Histoire abregee des beaux-arts, chez tous les peuples et a toutes AO les epoques. Paris, 1879. Nar. Q. 8+672 p. ill. 59 Clement de Ris, [Athanase] L[ouis Torterat], comte. 1820-82. A02 Les musees de province. Paris, 1859-61. O. 2 v. in i. C59 Clener, A., engraver. See Dubois-Maisonneuve, - . Peintures de vases antiques. AN2 1808- 10. D85 Clercq, Louis [Charles Henri Francois Xavier] de, i845(?)- and Menant, J[oachim], 1820-. Collection de Clercq ; catalogue methodique et raisonne, antiqui- AR56 tes assyriennes: cylindres orientaux, cachets, briques, bronzes, bas- As/ reliefs, etc. Paris, 1888-90. F. 6 v. 1-2, livr. 2, fasc. i. ill. 62 pi. map. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 203 Clerget, C[harles] E[rnest]. 1812-. Nouveaux ornements ... a 1 usage des manufactures et pour 1 ornementation en general. Paris, 1840. F. 5 18 pi. Ornements teintes . Paris, 1840. F. 5 18 pi. AK C59 AK C 5 9 AK Or6 AK Ornemens tires des. quatre ecoles. Paris [i885(?)]. F- 100 pi. (Ornemens tires des quatre ecoles. Ser. 2.) Clericus, L[udwig]. 1827-92. Roccoco; entwurfe fur die graphischen kiinste und das kleinge- werbe . . . Frankfurt a. M., 1886. F. [6] p. 15 pi. Clermont=Ganneau, Ch[arles Simon]. 1846-. Les fraudes archeologiques en Palestine, suivies de quelques monu- AR569 ments pheniciens apocryphes. Paris, 1885. S. 357 p. ill. 5 pi. Ai (Bibliotheque orientale elzevirienne. v. 40.) Recueil d archeologie orientale. AP Paris, 1888. Nar. Q. v. I. ill. 19 pi. map. C59 Clesinger, [Jean Baptiste Auguste]. 1821-83. Catalogue . . . [de ses] marbres, bronzes et terres cuites . . . vente AO8 ... 6 avril, 1870 . . . [Paris] 1870. Nar. Q. i39+[i] p. 36 pi. C59 Cleuziou, Henri Raison du. 1833-. See Du Cleuziou, Henri Raison. 1833-. Cliffe, Charles Frederick. 1809-51. Book of North Wales, scenery, antiquities . . . AH42 London, 1850. S. 302 p. ill. 2 pi. A3 Cliffe, Charles Frederick. 1809-51. Book of South Wales, the Bristol channel, Monmouthshire and the AH429 Wye ... 2d ed. enlarged. A2 London, 1848. S. 400 p. ill. 7 pi. 2 maps. Clinch, George. Bloomsbury and St. Giles s, past and present, with historical and AH42 antiquarian notices of the vicinity. B62 London, 1890. Nar. Q. 12+220 p. 3 por. 21 pi. Marylebone and St. Pancras, their history, celebrities, buildings APLp and institutions. London, 1890. Nar. O. 12+235 p. ill- 38 pi. M36 Mayfair and Belgravia ... an historical account of the parish of AH42 St. George, Hanover Square. L9i London, 1892. Nar. Q. 12+183 p. ill- 2 por. 34 pi. Clochar, P[ierre], 1774- Palais, maisons et vues d ltalie, mesures et dessine s. AH45 Paris, 1809. F. 5 8+19 p. 102 pi. A33 204 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Clough, Mrs. Arthur Hugh. See Clough, Mrs. Blanche (Smith). Clough, Mrs. Blanche (Smith), translator. See Burckhardt, Jakob. 1818-. Cicerone. 1873. Cluny, Hotel de (Paris). See Musee des Thermes et de 1 Hotel de Cluny (Paris). Glutton, Henry. Examples of ecclesiastical perpendicular roofs. (In Quarterly AA papers on architecture. 1844-45. v. 4. 3 p. 7 pi.) Q2 Illustrations of mediaeval architecture in France, from the acces- AH44 sion of Charles VI. to the demise of Louis XII. , with historical . . . A2 remarks. London, 1856. F. 5 6+[i] + 8o p. ill. 16 pi. Cluysenaar, J[ean] P[ierre]. 1800-80. Chemin de fer de Dendre-et-Waes, d Ath a Lokeren et de Brux- AE6 elles vers Gand par Alost; batiments des stations et maisons de C62 Garde. Bruxelles, 1855. Sq. F. 4 28+ [i] p. 32 pi. map. Cobb, Albert Winslow, and Stevens, J. C. AE2 Examples of American domestic architecture. 1889. St4i Cobb, John Wolstenholme. Two lectures on the history and antiquities of Berkhamsted. AH42 London [pref. 1855]. O. [3]+94 P- B 45 Cobham, Claude Delaval. Attempt at a bibliography of Cyprus. 2<i ed. AY Nicosia, 1889. D. 24 p. C63 Cochet, [Jean Benoit Desire], abbe. 1812-75. Archeologie, ceramique et sepulcrale; ou, L art de classer les AN2 sepultures anciennes a 1 aide de la ceramique. C64 Paris, 1860. Q. 19 p. ill. 10 pi. Memoire sur la coutume de placer des vases dans la sepulture de AB rhomme . . . depuis le ii e jusqu au I7 e siecle. (In Bulletin mon- B8/ umental. v. 22, p. 329-363, 425-446.) Sepultures chretiennes de la periode anglo-normande, trouvees a AB Bouteilles ... en 1857. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 25, p. 103- 687 131, 273-311.) Le tombeau de Childeric i er , roi des Francs, restitue a 1 aide de AR44 1 archeologie et des decouvertes recentes faites en France ... en A 13 Allemagne et en Angleterre . . . Paris, 1859. Q. 31+474 p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 205 Cochin, Augustin. 1823-72. See Cochin, Pierre Suzanne Augustin. 1823-72. Cochin, Charles Nicolas, 1688-1754, engraver. See Granet, J. J. 1685-1759. Histoire de 1 Hotel Royal des Invalides. 1736. Cochin, [Charles Nicolas], 1715-90, and Bellicard, [J. C.], 1726-86. Observations sur les antiquites d Herculanum, avec quelques reflexions sur la peinture et la sculpture des anciens . . . 2e ed. Paris, 1755. S. 38+[6] + iO4p. 40 pi. Cochin, [Pierre Suzanne] Augustin. 1823-72. La manufacture des glaces de Saint- Gobain de 1665 a 1865. Paris, 1865. O. 192 p. Cockburn, Maj.-Gen. James Pattison, i779(?)-i847, illustrator. See Donaldson, T. L. 1795-1885. Pompeii, 1827. Cockerell, Charles Robert. 1788-1863. Iconography of the west front of Wells cathedral, with an appen- dix on the sculptures of other medieval churches in England. Oxford, 1851. Q. [4] + i26+ii5 p. 20 pi. I tab. Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at ^Egina and of Apollo Epicu- rius at Bassae near Phigaleia in Arcadia . . . [with] a memoir of the systems of proportion employed in ... these structures by W. W.Lloyd. London, 1860. F. 10+94 p. ill- 37 pi- Cockerell, Charles Robert, 1788-1863, compiler. See British museum. Description of the collection of ancient marbles in the museum. 1812-61. v. 6. Coesvelt, W. Q. Collection of pictures, with an introduction by Mrs. Jameson. London, 1836. Sq. F. 12+27 p. 90 pi. Coetlogon, A[natole], comte de. i82o(?)-69. Les armoiries de la ville de Paris, sceaux, emblems, couleurs, devises, livrees et ceremonies publiques . . . complete par L. M. Tisserand. Paris, 1874-75. F. 2 v. ill. 55 pi. 6 facsim. (His toire generale de Paris, pub. sous les auspices du Conseil muni cipal ; G. E. baron Haussmann, ed.) Coetlogon, [Cesar Bernard Alfred], marquis de. 1810-89. Dessins, histoire et description de 1 eglise de Notre-Dame du Fol- goe t. Brest, 1852. Obi. Q. 43 p. 20 pi. AH44 AR45 H4I9 AN3 C64 AR45 ?798 AH42 AH495 Ae2 AO8 677 AO6 C65 AWi C65 AH44 206 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Coffinet, Jean Baptiste, abbe. 1810-. Les peintres-verriers de Troyes. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 1 8, p. 125-144, 212-224.) An; Tresor de Saint-Etienne de Troyes. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 20, p. 5-20, 80-97.) An; Cohausen, Karl August von. 1812-. Der alte thurm zu Mettlach. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 21, AB p. 31-58. 6 pi.) Z 3 i Der romische grenzwall in Deutschland . . . AR43 Wiesbaden, 1884. Q- 2 v. in I. 52 pi. A4 Cokayne, Andreas Edward. Day in the Peak ; an illustrated handbook to Bakewell church, Haddon Hall and Chatsworth. 3^ ed. London, 1889. D. 135 p. ill. Coke, Thomas. -1759. See Leicester, Thomas Coke, earl of. -1759. Colas, , abbe, editor. See Pettier, A. A. 1799-1867. Histoire de la faience de Rouen. AN2 1870. P85 Colchester (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of the antiquities in the . . . Museum . . . AP Colchester, 1863. O. 38 p. Z Cole, Alan S. AN6 See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Hand made laces. 1890. 8085 Cole, H. Lindsay, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Science and art de- AO partment. Universal art inventory. 1870-79. So8 [Cole, Sir Henry. 1808-82.] Felix Summerly s pleasure excursions as guides for making day s AH42 excursions on the . . . railways. A$2 London, 1847. O- Various paging, ill. Hand-book to Hampton Court, with illustrations ; a complete cat alogue of the pictures and an appendix ... by Felix Summerly. New ed . . . London, 1884. D. 112 p. ill. [Original ms. pocket-book used in his visits to cathedrals and AE churches in various parts of the country.] C6; S. 1 73+ 1 7 p. ill. 3 pi. Cole, Sir Henry, 1808-82, editor. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Science and art depart- AO ment. Universal art inventory. 1870-79. So8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 207 Cole, Henry Hardy. Architecture of ancient Delhi, especially the buildings around the AH54 Kutb Minar. London, 1872. F. 4 6+131 p. 28 pi. (Arundel 037 society. Publications.) Cole, Henry Hardy, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Science and art depart- AO ment. Catalogue of the objects of Indian art. 1874. So8i Cole, Henry Hardy, editor. See India=Archagological survey. Illustrations of ancient build- AH54 ings in Kashmir. 1869. C26 See India-Archeeological survey. Illustrations of buildings near AH54 Muttra and Agra. 1873. Ag8 [Cole, John. 1792-1848.] Scarborough album of history and poetry . . . [Anon.] AH42 Scarborough, 1825. S. [8] + 148 p. ill. 6 pi. Sca7 Scarborough guide. Scarborough, 1829. S. 63 p. 3 pi. AH42 Coleccion de vistas generales de Burgos. AH46 Burgos, no date. Nar. Q. 37 p. 20 pi. 6911 [Coleman, James], compiler. Copy of the names of all the marriages, baptisms and burials AP which have been solemnized in the private chapel of Somerset Z house, Strand . . . 1714-76 . . . [Anon.] London, 1862. O. 32+[3] p. Coleman, Robert H. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of works of antique art and thoroughly authenticated historical relics . . . sold . . . Nov. 29th, 1892. [New York, 1892.] D. 28 p. 6 pi. Coleridge, F[rancis] Q[eorge]. Account of the church of Ottery St. Mary. (In Exeter diocesan AC architectural society. Transactions. 1843. v. I, p. 1-54. 9 pi.) Ex3 Coleridge, John Duke. 1821-. Necessity of modernism in the arts . . . (In Exeter diocesan AC architectural society. Transactions. 1853. v. 4, p. 335-360.) Ex3 On the restoration of the church of S. Mary the Virgin, at Ottery AC S. Mary. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. Ex3 1853. v. 4, p. 189-217.) Coligny, Charles, Gautier, Theophile, 1811-72, and Houssaye, Arsene, 1815-. Le palais Pompeien; etudes sur la maison greco-romaine, ancienne AH44 residence du Prince Napoleon. No date. ?333 208 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Colinet, [Emmanuel Constant] Eduard. 1844-. Recueil des restes de notre 1 art national. See, below, Verzameling deroverblijfsels onzer nationale kunst van de lie tot de i8e eeuw. Verzameling der overblijfsels onzer nationale kunst van de lie tot de i8e eeuw. Brussel, 1873-83. F. 5 v. 1-3 in 2. 214 pi. Title-page and text in Dutch and French. Collection de cottages, chaumieres ornees; ou, Maisons AH42 de campagne d Angleterre. Paris, 1826. F. 4 38 pi. A 125 Collection de documents inedits sur 1 histoire de France, publics par les soins du Ministre de 1 instruction publique. Paris, 1835-81. Q. 10 v. ill. pi. maps. DURAND, P. Monographic de Notre-Dame de Chartres. 1867-81. 2 v. FRANCE COMITE HISTORIQUE DES ARTS ET MONUMENTS. Instructions; architecture militaire. FRANCE COMITE HISTORIQUE DES ARTS ET MONUMENTS. Instructions; monuments fixes. LENOIR, A. A. 1810-. Architecture monastique. 1852-56. 2 v. LENOIR, A. A. 1810-. Statistique monumentale de Paris. 1867. 2 v. MERIMEE, P. 1803-70. Notice sur les peintures de l e"glise de Saint-Savin. 1845. KEY, E. G. 1837-. Etude sur les monuments ... en Syrie. 1871. Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris, avec AH44 introduction et notes par 1 Abbe V. Dufour. AS 2 Paris, 1878-83. O. 10 v. in 5. 3 por. 7 pi. Contents : i. ISAAC DE BOURGES. i8 th cent. Description des monuments de Paris. 2. ANTOINE DU MONT ROYAL. 1622-. Les glorieuses antiquitez de Paris. 3. MAROLLES, M. DE, abbe". 1600-81. Paris. 4. MICHEL DE LA ROCHEMAILLET, G. 1562-1642. Theatre de la ville de Paris. 5. THEVET, A. 1504-90. La grande cite" de Paris. 6. CHOLET, E. Remarques singulieres de Paris. 7. BELLEFOREST, F. DE. 1530-83. L ancienne cite de Paris. 8. MUNSTER, S. 1489-1552. Plant de la ville de Paris. 9. MARANA, G. P. 1642-93. Lettre d Un Sicilien a un de ses amis. 10. DAVITY, P. 1573-1635. Le prdvoste de Paris. Collection diocesaine: La sainte eglise d Aix et Aries. See La sainte eglise d Aix et Aries. Collection of armorial bearings, inscriptions, etc. in the AH42 church of St. Nicholas. 1820. N43 See [Richardson, M. A.]. Collection of armorial bearings, inscriptions, etc. in the AH42 parochial chapel of Saint Andrew. 1818. N43 See [Richardson, M. A.]. Collection of select views in London and Westminster, AH42 engraved by Watts . . . London [1800]. Nar. Q. Unpaged. 17 pi. L886 Les collectionneurs de 1 ancienne Rome. 1867. AO See [Bonnaffe, Edmond]. 1825-. 664 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 209 Collett-Sandars, W[illiam]. 1840-. See Sandars, W[illiam] Collett-. 1840-. Collignon, [Leon] Maxime. 1849- Manual of Greek archaeology, translated by J. H. Wright. Lon- AR495 don, 1886. D. 12+383 p. ill. (Fine-art library; J. C. L. Aip Sparkes, ed.) Plaques funeraires de terre cuite peinte trouvees a Athenes. (In AB Gazette archeologique. v. 13, 1888, p. 225-232. pi. 31.) G25 Collignon, Leon Maxime, 1849-, an< ^ Rayet, Olivier, 1847-87. AN2 Histoire de la ceramique grecque. 1888. Ri9 Colling, James K[ellaway], Art foliage for sculpture and decoration, with an analysis of geo- AK metric form. 2<1 ed. . . . Appendix . . . 697 London, 1878. Sq. F. 7+[i]+84p. ill. 80 pi. Details of Gothic architecture . . . AD6 London, 1852-56. Sq. F. 2 v. 190 pi. 69 Examples of English mediaeval foliage and coloured decoration, AK taken from buildings of the twelfth to the fifteenth century . . . C698 London, 1874. F. 7+72 p. ill. 76 pi. Gothic ornaments . . . AK London [pref. 1848-50]. Sq. F. 2 v. 207 pi. C699 On natural and architectural foliage. (In Royal institute of Brit- AC ish architects. Papers. 1857-58. p. 97-106. 2 pi.) R8r Collings, George. Circular work in carpentry and joinery ... 2d ed. London, 1890. AI D. 11 + 168 p. ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) C69I Practical treatise on hand-railing . . . added, a treatise on stair- AI building. 2d ed. London, 1890. D. 5 + 120 p. ill. 9 pi. (Weale s C692 rudimentary series.) Roof carpentry: Practical lessons in the framing of wood roofs, AI for the use of working carpenters. London, 1893. D. 14+ 150 p. C69 ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) Collingwood, W[illiam] Qershom. 1854-. Philosophy of ornament : Eight lectures on the history of decora- AK tive art, given at University college, Liverpool. C69 Sunnyside, 1883. D. 16+228 p. 7 pi. Collinot, E., and Beaumont, Afdalbert] de. Ornements arabes . . . Paris, 1883. F. 7 [6] p. 40 pi. (Encyclo- AK pedie des arts decoratifs de 1 Orient.) C693 No. 47 of 500 copies printed. 14 210 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Collinot, E., and Beaumont, A[dalbert] de. Ornements de la Chine . . . Paris, 1883. F. 7 [6] p. 40 pi. (En- AK cyclopedic des arts decoratifs de 1 Orient.) 694 No. 180 of 500 copies printed. Ornements de la Perse . . . Paris, 1880. F. 7 [4] p. 60 pi. (En- AK cyclopedic des arts decoratifs de 1 Orient.) 695 Ornements du Japon ... Paris, 1883. F. 7 [6] p. 40 pi. (En- AK cyclopedic des arts decoratifs de 1 Orient.) 696 No. 433 of 500 copies printed. Ornements turcs ... Paris, 1883. F. 7 [6] p. 30 pi. (Encyclo- AK pedie des arts decoratifs de 1 Orient.) 691 No. 81 of 500 copies printed. Ornements venitiens, hindous, russes . . . Paris, 1883. F. 7 [6] p. AK 40 pi. (Encyclopedic des arts decoratifs de 1 Orient.) 692 No. 343 of 500 copies printed. Collins, Arthur. 1682 (?)-i76o. Peerage of England, containing a genealogical and historical AWi account of all the peers of that kingdom . . . 5th edition . . . [en- C6g larged]. London, 1779. O. 8 v. 191 pi. Collins, [Henry George]. Standard map of London with illustrated guide and nearly 4000 street references. London [1853]. S. 47 p. map. Collot, Pierre. Pieces d architecture ou sont comprises plusieurs sortes cheminees, AI portes, tabernacles et autres parties avec tous leurs ornements . . . 8351 Paris, 1633. F. 4 10 pi. Cologne (Ger.) Museum Wallraf=Richartz. A02 Katalog. Koln, 1869. O. 2 v. in I. 71 Contents: v. i. Verzeichniss der gemalde-sammlung von J. Niessen. v. 2. Verzeichniss der romischen alterthiimer von H. Duntzer. Verzeichniss der gemalde-sammlung des Museums . . . aufgestellt und mit biographischen erlauterungen versehen von J. Niessen. 3. aufl. Koln, 1888. O. 215 p. Colomesus, Paulus. 1638-92. See Colomies, Paul. 1638-92. Colomies, Paul. 1638-92. AP [Animadversiones.] (In Giraldi, G. G. Opera omnia, 1696. v. 2.) G44 C[olonia], D[ominique] de. 1660-1741. Antiquites de la ville de Lyon; ou, Explication de ses plus anciens AR44 monumens . . . Lyon, 1733. S. 2 v. in i. 16+555 P- ill- ! 5 P^ *"99 2 Paged continuously. Reprint of v. i of his Histoire litteraire de Lyon. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 211 [Colonna, Francesco.] Dream of Poliphilus; fac-similes of . . . woodcuts in the "Hypnero- AX tomachia Poliphili," Venice, 1499, with . . . descriptions by J. W. C/i Appell. [Anon.] [London], 1889. F. 12 p. 80 pi. Col son, Juste. Collection Juste Colson; catalogue des antiquites et objets d art . . . AO2 vente . . . 10 Mars 1887. Bruxelles, 1887. Nar - Q- I2<5 P- I P 1 - F 4 6 Colucci, Giuseppe, abate. Antichita ascolane illustrate con varie dissertazioni. AR45 Fermo, 1792. F. [6] +245 p. 16 pi. As2 Colvin, Sidney. 1845- Selection from occasional writings on fine art. AO London, 1873. Q. 160 p. C72 Colwell lead co. Illustrated catalogue and price list of steam, gas and water pipe Al2 . . . brass and iron steam valves and cocks, and . . . plumbers . . . C72 supplies . . . New York, 1885. Q. 2Op.+ p. 751-1070. ill. Plumbers brass goods, cast and wrought iron pipe and fittings, AI2 copper work, steam work . . . pumps and tools . . . C72I New York, 1885. Q. 22+[_2]+6oo p. ill. Comarmond, A[mbroise]. 1786-1857. Description des antiquites et objets d art contenus dans les salles AO2 du Palais-des-Beaux-Arts a Lyon, [precede d une notice sur L99 1 auteur par E. C. Martin-Daussigny]. Lyon, 1855-57. Q- 16+851 p. 28 pi. Description du Musee Lapidaire de la ville de Lyon ; epigraphie AO2 antique du Departement du Rhone. L99I Lyon, 1846-54. F. [6]+72 + 5i6p. 19 pi. Combe, Taylor, 1774-1826, compiler. See British museum. Description of the collection of ancient AO8 marbles in the museum. 1812-61. v. 1-4. 677 See British museum. Description of the collection of ancient AO2 terracottas. 1810. 8772 [Combe, Thomas.] 1796-1872. Illustrations of baptismal fonts, with an introduction by F. A. AK Paley. [Anon.] London, 1844. O. 32+f_255] p. 124 pi. C73 [Combe, William.] 1741-1823. History of the abbey church of St. Peter s, Westminster, its AH42 antiquities and monuments. [Anon.] L84I London, 1812. Sq. F. 2 v. i por. 82 pi. 212 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Comerio, Agostino, 1784-1829, illustrator. See Milan (Italy) Reale accademia delle belle arti. Opere dei AL2 grand! concorsi . . . disegnate ed incise per cura [di] ... A. Co- MS 8 merio. 1825. Comes, Dr. Orazio. 1848-. Illustrazione delle piante rappresentate nei dipinti Pompeiani. AR45 Napoli, 1879. F. 74 p. H42i Comite archeologique de Senlis. Comptes-rendus et memoires, 1862-88. AC Senlis, 1864-88. O. and Q. 10 v. in 5 ; 2d ser. 10 v. in 7; 3^ C73 ser. v. 1-3 in I. ill. pi. Comite de la langue, de 1 histoire et des arts de la France. See France Comite historique des arts et monuments. Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques. See France Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques. Comite historique des arts et monuments. See France Comite historique des arts et monuments. Comite historique des monuments Merits de Phis= toire de France. See France Comite historique des arts et monuments. Comolli, Angelo, abate. Bibliografia storico-critica dell architettura civile ed arti sub- AY alterne. Roma, 1788-92. Nar. Q. 4 v. I tab. C73 Comparetti, Domenico [Pietro Antonio], 1835- and Petra, Giulio de. La Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni i suoi monumenti e la sua biblio- AR4S teca . . . Torino, 1883. F. 4 [7] +294+ [3] p. 24 pi. A2 Complete assistant for the landed proprietor, estate and AI house agent . . . architect . . . builder . . . C73 London, 1824. O. 13+476 p. 2 pi. Compte=rendu de la Commission imperiale archeologique. See Saint Petersburg (Russia) Imperial archaeological commis- AC sion. Sa2 Comstock, William T., publisher. Detail, cottage and constructive architecture. 7th e d., containing AE2 ... a variety of designs . . . New York [c. 1886]. Sq. F. 4 76 pi. C73I Modern architectural designs and details . . . showing new and AE2 original designs in the Queen Anne, Eastlake, Elizabethan and C73 other modernized styles . . . New York [c. 1881]. F. 4 [7] p. 80 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 213 Comte, Jules [Abel], 1846- editor. See Bibliotheque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts. Concanen, M[atthew], jr., and Morgan, A[aron]. History and antiquities of the parish of St. Saviour s, South- AH42 wark . . . Deptford-Bridge, 1795. O. 8+280 p. 3 pi. L854 Concise description of Bury Saint Edmund s and its envi- AR42 rons . . . London, 1827. O. [9] +367+ [4] p. 27 pi. 695 Concise history and analysis of all the principal styles of architecture. 1829. A A See [Boid, Edward]. 8631 Conde, [Georges Ferdinand Emile], baron de. 1810-. Histoire d un vieux chateau de France; monographie du chateau AH44 de Montataire. Paris, 1883. O. 480 p. ill. 7 pi. M768 Conder, Josiah, architect. Domestic architecture in Japan. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. v. 3, p. 103-127. 8 pi.) R8i Further notes on Japanese architecture. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1886. n. s. v. 2, p. 185-214. R8i 15 pi.) Notes on Japanese architecture. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1877-78. p. 179-192. 2 pi.) R8i Cone, Ada. Perspective ; a series of elementary lectures. AL2 New York, 1889. D. 62 p. ill. C75 Conestabile, Giovanni Carlo, conte. Pitture murali a fresco e suppellettili etrusche in bronzo e in terra AR45 cotta scoperte in una necropoli presso Orvieto nel 1863 da D. Et79 Golini. Firenze, 1865. F. 206 p. ill. Atlas. Obi. F. 5 [3] p. 18 pi. Conestabile, Giovanni Carlo, conte, editor. AR45 See Vermiglioli, G. B. 1769-1840. De monumenti di Perugia P43I etrusca e romana. 1855-70. Coney, John. 1786-1833. Beauties of continental architecture in ... views of ancient cathe- AA drals and other . . . public buildings in France, the Netherlands, C75 Germany and Italy . . . London [1843]. F. 6 Unpaged. 28 pi. Text in English and French. Engravings of ancient cathedrals, hotels de ville, and other pub- AE6 lie buildings ... in France, Holland, Germany and Italy . . . C75 1 London, 1832. F. 7 Unpaged. 32 pi. 14* 214 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Coney, John. 1786-1833. Engravings of ancient cathedrals, hotels de ville, and other public AE6 buildings ... in France, Holland, Germany and Italy . . . 75 London, 1842. F. 6 [3] p. 33 pi. The illustrative descriptions were never published with this edition. Gravures d anciennes cathedrales. See, above, Engravings of AE6 ancient cathedrals ... 1832. 075 Confutazione dell idee innate. 1 766. AA See [Cristiani, G. F.]. C86 Congregational convention (Albany). 1852. Book of plans for churches and parsonages . . . AH/3 New York, 1853. Obi. F. 58 p. ill. 45 pi. A8 Congres archeologique de France. Seances generates tenues . . . par la Societe fran9aise d arche- AC ologie pour la conservation et la description des monuments. C;6 1843-82. Paris, 1843-83. O. v. 10-49 m 39 v - iH- pi- maps. The Sdances of the first nine years are bound with the Bulletin monumental for those years. Congres international des architectes 3eme Con gres. Paris, 17-22 Juin, 1889. Catalogue de 1 exposition de portraits d architectes organisee a AW 1 Ecole des beaux-arts a 1 occasion du congres par C. Lucas et E. C76 Miintz, secretaires. 2e tirage. Paris, 1889. O. 19 p. La construction moderne; art theorie appliquee pratique; AB directeur P. Planat. 76- 8e annee, Oct. i89i-Sep. 1893. C76 Paris, 1891-93. F. 4 2 v. ill. pi. Contant, Clement. Parallele des principaux theatres modernes de 1 Europe et des AE4 machines theatrales francaises, allemandes et anglaises ; texte par C76 J. de Filippi. Paris, 1860. Sq. F. 5 2 v. |j]+i63 p. 133 pi. Conti, Augusto. 1822-. Illustrazione delle sculture e dei mosaici sulla facciata del duomo AH45 di Firenze. Firenze, 1887. O. 48+ [i] p. I pi. F6/8 Conti di Calepio, Nicolino de , conte. AA Element! d architettura civile ridotti in compendio. Cl2i Bergamo, 1784. O. 95 p. 9 pi. Contreras, Rafael. 1824-. Estudio descriptivo de los monumentos arabes de Granada, Sevilla AH4o y Cordoba; 6, Sea la Alhambra, el Alcazar y la Gran Mezquita de A 14 Occidente. 3* ed. Madrid, 1885. O. 378+ [3] p. ill. 2 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 215 Conway, Moncure Daniel. 1832-. Travels in South Kensington, with notes on decorative art and AH42 architecture in England. So8i London, 1882. Nar. Q. 234 p. ill. I pi. Conze, Alexander [Christian Leopold]. 1831- De Psyches imaginibus quibusdam. AO Berolini, 1855. O. 31 p. i pi. Z3 Doctor s dissertation at Berlin University. Erster bericht iiber die vorbereitenden schritte zur gesammt-aus- AE8 gabe der griechischen grabreliefs. Wien, 1874. O. 24 p. C/6 From Vienna Akad. derwiss. Phil.-hist. classe. Sitzungsberichte. v. 76. Heroe n- und gotter-gestalten der griechischen kunst . . . AR495 Wien, 1875. F. 5 8+49 p. 106 pi. Ai Pergamon: Vortrag gehalten in der offentlichen sitzung der K. AE8 akademie der wissenschaften zur feier des jahrestages Friedrichs II. am 29 Jan. 1880. Berlin, 1880. O. 14 p. From Berlin Akad. der wiss. Monatsbericht. Romische bildwerke; einheimischen fundorts in Osterreich. Wien, 1872-77. Sq. F. 3 v. in I. 17 pi. Contents: v. i. Drei sarkophage aus Salona. v. 2. Sculpturen in Pettau und St. Martin am Pacher. v. 3. Sculpturen in Cilli, Pettau und Seckau. From Vienna Akad. derwiss. Phil.-hist. classe. Denkschriften. v. 22, 24 and 27. Theseus und Minotauros. Berlin, 1878. Q. io+[i] p. I pi. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 38. Zweiter bericht iiber die vorarbeiten zur herausgabe der griechi- schen grabreliefs. Wien, 1875. O. 14 p. From Vienna Akad. derwiss. Phil.-hist. classe. Sitzungsberichte. v. 80. Conze, Alexander [Christian Leopold], 1831- and others. Die attischen grabreliefs, hrsg. im auftrage der K. academic der AE8 wissenschaften zu Wien . . . C762 Berlin, 1893. F. 5 v. i. ill. and Atlas, v. i. 117 pi. Conze, Alexander [Christian Leopold], 1831- Hauser, Alois, and Niemann, George. Archaeologische untersuchungen auf Samothrake . . . AR495 Wien, 1875-80. Sq. F. 4 2 v. ill. 148 pi. and phot. Sa4 Cook, Clarence [Chatham]. 1828-. Introduction. (In Guillaumote, A. E. Costumes of the time of the AN4 French revolution. 1889. 5 p.) 694 What shall we do with our walls? AK New York, 1881. O. 2+35 p. 5 pi. C77 AO8 C76 AP W/22 AE8 216 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cook, [Edward] Dutton. 1829-83. AO Art in England; notes and studies. London, 1869. D. 7+359 p. 77 Cook, G. and D., & co. Illustrated catalogue of carriages . . . AX New Haven, 1860. Obi. D. 224 p. ill. 77 Cook, Henry. Scenery of Central Italy, drawn from nature and on stone. AH45 [London, 1846.] F. 6 [10] p. 26 pi. A6i Text in English and Italian. Cook, Theodore Andrea. 1867-. Old Touraine ; the life and history of the famous chateaux of AH44 France. A26 New York, 1892. D. 2 v. ill. 2 pi. 2 maps. I facsim. I tab. Cook, Thomas & son. Guide to Paris. New ed. with . . . vocabulary of French phrases. London, 1891. D. 130 p. map. Cooke, George, 1781-1834, and Cooke,W. B., 1778-1855. AH42 Thames scenery. 1818. 7329 Cooke, Robert, Clarencieux king of arms. Visitation of London, ed. by J. J. Howard and J. G. Nichols. (In AC London and Middlesex archaeological society. Transactions. L84 1864. v. 2. 28 p. ill.) Cooke, Rev. William. -1780. Enquiry into the patriarchal and druidical religion, temples, &c. AR42 . . . letters to Sir Hildebrand Jacob, bart. . . [with] an account ... AQ of the sacred structures of the Druids . . . 2d ed. enlarged. London, 1755. Sq. O. 9+75 p. 3 pi. Cooke, William Bernard, 1778-1855, and Cooke, George, 1781-1834. Descriptions to the plates of Thames scenery. AH42 London, 1818. O. Unpaged. Frontispiece. T$2Q Thames scenery. AH42 London, 1818. F. 75 pi. ?3 2 9 Cooke, William Bernard, 1778-1855, engraver. AR4S See Donaldson, T. L. 1795-1885. Pompeii. 1827. P79 8 See Humphreys, H. N. 1810-79. Rome and its surrounding AH45 scenery. 1 840. R67 Cooper, Rev. George Miles. The Premonstratensian abbey of Bayham ... (In Sussex archae- AC ological society. Collections, v. 9, p. 149-181. I pi.) Su8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 217 Cooper, Rev. George Miles. Some account of Michelham priory, in Arlington. (In Sussex AC archaeological society. Collections, v. 6, p. 129-163.) Su8 Cooper, Joseph. The hundred of Swanborough. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 29. p. 114-166. 6 pi.) Su8 Cooper, William Durrani. 1812-75. History of Winchelsea, one of the ancient towns added to the AR42 Cinque Ports. London, 1850. O. 7+264 p. ill. 10 pi. map. Parham. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 25, AC p. 1-22. 12 pi.) Su8 Cooper, William Durrant, 1812-75, an ^ Lower, M. A., 1813-76. Further memorials of Seaford. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 17, p. 141-163.) Su8 Cooper,William Durrant, 1812-75, and Ross, Thomas. Notices of Hastings. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collec- AC tions. v. 14, p. 65-118. 2 pi.) Su8 Cooper, W[illiam] R[icketts], 1843-78. Short history of the Egyptian obelisks, with translations of many AE8 of the hieroglyphic inscriptions chiefly by F. Chabas . . . 2d ed. C78 London [1877]. D. 8+150 p. Cooperative building plan association, publisher. AE2 How to build, furnish and decorate. 1883. H83 Coote, Henry Charles. 1815-85. On the centuriation of Roman Britain. (In Archaeologia. v. 42, AB p. 127-160.) Ar2 Ordinances of some secular guilds of London, 1354-1496. (In AC London and Middlesex archaeological society. Transactions. L84 1871. v. 4, p. 1-59.) Copenhagen (Denmark) Kongelige nordiske old- skrift selskab, editor. Atlas de 1 archeologie du nord, representant des echantillons de AR489 1 age de bronze et de 1 age de fer. Ai Copenhague, 1857. F- 5 IO P- l ^- 22 P^- Text in Danish and French. Copenhagen (Denmark) Nordiske industri=land= brugs og kunstudstilling. 1888. Bygningerne ved den kunstudstilling, udgivet . . . ved [C.] Nyrop. AO4 Kj0benhavn, 1891. F. 5 5 f. 34 pi. C79 218 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Copenhagen (Denmark) Selskabet for nordisk konst, editor. AH489 See [Hoyen, N. L. A.]. Det kongelige theater. 1860. 793 Coppard, Rev. Wfilliam] I[saac]. On the church of S. Mary, Plympton. (In Exeter diocesan archi- AC tectural society. Transactions. 1856. v. 5, p. 22-39. pi- 4-6.) Ex3 Coppee, [Francis Edouard Joachim] called Francois. 1842- Les mois, compositions de H. Giacomelli. AK Paris [1877]. F - 6 [5] P- I2 pi- 79 Coppee, Henry. 1821-. See Potter, E. T. 1831-. World pictures in capitals, with a des- AK criptive legend by H. Coppee. 1869. P8$ Coppi, A[ntonio], abate. 1783-1870. Documenti storici del medio evo relativi a Roma ed all agro AC romano. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. R66i Dissertazioni. 1864. v. 15, p. 173-369.) Coppi, Antonio, abate, 1783-1870, continues See Nicolai, N. M. 1756-1833. . . . Storia de luoghi una volta AC abitati nell agro romano . . . (In Rome, Italy Accademia ro- R66i mana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1835-36. v. 5 and 7.) Copy of the names of all the marriages, baptisms and bur- AP ials ... in the private chapel of Somerset house, Strand ... Z 1714-76. See [Coleman, James], compiler. Coquet, Adolphe. A travers 1 Espagne. (In Lyons, France Societe academique AC d architecture. Annales. 1887. v. 8, p. 153-188. ill. I pi.) Lpp Corbin, P[hilip], and Corbin, F. Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of builders and miscellane- AI ous hardware. New York, 1876. F. 10+620 p. ill. C8i Corblet, Jules, abbe. 1819-86. L architecture du moyen-age jugee par les ecrivains des deux AB derniers siecles. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 3.) R3 2 4 Les chandeliers d eglise au moyen-age. (In Revue de 1 art chre- AB tien. v. 3, p. 17-37.) R3 2 4 Des lieux consacres a 1 administration du bapteme. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 23-25.) R3 2 4 Des noms de bapteme et des prenoms des Chretiens. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 22, p. 5-24, 273-306; v. 23, p. 76-110.) R3 2 4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 219 Corblet, Jules, abbe. 1819-86. Essai historique et liturgique sur les ciboires. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 2.) R-3 2 4 Iconographie du bapteme. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 26, AB P- 313-343; v. 27, p. 98-119.) R324 Notice historique et liturgique sur les cloches. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. I.) K-324 Notions elementaires sur les antiquites prehistoriques. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 15, p. 422-457.) K.324 Precis de 1 histoire de 1 art chretien en France et en Belgique. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 4, 5, 6.) R324 Recherches historiques sur les rites, ceremonies et coutumes de AB 1 administration du bapteme. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 28-29.) R324 Les tombes en bronze des deux eveques, fondateurs de la cathe- AB drale d Amiens. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 14, p. 489-496, R324 537-575-) Vocabulaire des symboles et des attributs employes dans 1 icono- AB graphic chretienne. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 16-21.) R324 Corblet, Jules, abbe, 1819-86, editor. AB See Revue de 1 art chretien. 1857-81. v. 1-32. R324 Cordemoy, [J. L.] de, canon of Soissons. Nouveau traite de toute 1 architecture . . . AA Paris, 1706. S. 14+216+14 p. 7 pi. C8l Cordero, Giulio. Dell italiana architettura durante la dominazione longobarda. AH45 Brescia, 1829. O. 319 p. I pi. A53 Cordes, A. W., and Geisenberg, E. Das chorgestiihl derkirche San Severino inNeapel. Leipzig, 1875. AH45 F - 4 [3] P- 5 pl- ( In Italienische renaissance. 1875-82. v. I.) A28 Corey, Arthur Deloraine. 1866-91. De Amazonum antiquissimis figuris. AO Berolini, 1891. O. [3] + iO3 + [2] p. z2 Doctor s dissertation at Berlin University. Corfield, W[illiam] H[enry], M. D. 1843-. Dwelling houses; their sanitary construction and arrangements. AJ New York, 1880. T. 156 p. (Van Nostrand s Science ser. v. 50.) C8i From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. Sewerage and sewage utilization. New York, 1875. T. 128 p. AJi (Van Nostrand s Science ser. v. 18.) C8i From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. 220 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Corinti, Corinto, editor. AB See Ricordi di architettura. 1878-92. R42 Cornaro, Flaminio. 1693-1778. Notizie storiche delle chiese e monasteri di Venezia e di Tor- AH45 cello... Padova, 1758. O. 32+704 p. I por: 23 pi. V$69 Corneli, Rene, compiler. See Antwerp (Belgium) Exposition. 1885. Antwerpen und die A04 weltausstellung, 1885. 1887. An8 Cornelio, Flaminio. 1693-1778. See Cornaro, Flaminio. 1693-1778. Cornelissen, [Egide] N[orbert]. 1769-1849. Notice historique sur 1 acte de devouement de Pierre van de AO Werff . . . de Leyde, pendant le . . . siege . . . en 1574; suivie de Z5 la description d un tableau representant cet acte . . . peint en 1817 par Matthieu van Bree . . . Gand, 1817. O. 27 p. Cornelius, Peter von. 1783-1867. Entwiirfe zu den kunstgeschichtlichen fresken in den loggien AH43 der Koniglichen pinakothek zu Miinchen . . . mit . . . text von E. M922 Forster. Leipzig, 1875. Obi. F. 54 p. 47 pi. Corner, James M., and Soderholtz, E. E. Examples of domestic colonial architecture in Maryland and Vir- AH73 ginia. Boston, 1892. F. 5 [5] p. 50 pi. A 5 Examples of domestic colonial architecture in New England. AH73 Boston, 1891. F. 4 [5] p. 50 pi. A4 Corner, Sidney. Rural churches, their histories, architecture and antiquities. ArLp London [pref. 1869]. F. 8+72 p. 18 pi. A67 Corno, Vittorio del. Le stazioni di Quadrata e di Ceste lungo la strada romana da AC Pavia a Torino. (In Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la pro- Soi7 vincia di Torino. Atti. v. 3, p. 232-297.) Cornwall (Eng.) Royal institution. AP Annual report . . . Truro, 1860. O. v. 42, pt. I. I pi. I map. Z [Corographia dell Italia: Edifizj e monumenti; Monu- AH45 menti ; Vedute pittoriche.] Obi. F. 87 pi. A54I No title-page. A miscellaneous collection. Corona, Giuseppe. La ceramica. Milano, 1885. O. [3] + 589+[4] p. 8 pi. I tab. AN2 (Milan, Italy Esposizione industriale italiana. 1881. Relazioni C8i dei giurati; sez. 12, classi 27 a e 28 a .) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 221 Corona, Giuseppe. La ceramica, biografie e note storiche . . . AN2 Milano, 1879. O. 8+269+^] p. 21 pi. C8ii Corradini, Pietro Marcellino. 1658-1743. Vetus Latium profanum et sacrum. AR45 Romae, 1704-45. Nar. Q. 10 v. in 11. ill. 127 pi. map. R67I Vol. 3-10 were written by G. R. Volpi, and have title Vetus Latium profanum. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. i494(?)-i534- Pitture di Antonio Allegri, detto il Correggio, esistenti in Parma AM6 nel monistero di San Paolo. Parma, 1800. F. 5 22+22 p. 35 pi. C8i Title-page and text in Italian and French. The text was written by G. G. de Rossi, and translated into French by G. de Lama. Correr, [Teodoro]. 1750-1830. Notizia delle opere d arte e d antichita della raccolta Correr di AO2 Venezia, scritta da V. Lazari. Venezia, 1859. O. 12+287 p. C8i Correvon, Gabriel Seigneux de. -1776. See Seigneux de Correvon, Gabriel. -1776. Corroyer, Edouard [Jules]. 1837-. L architecture romane. Paris [1888]. O. 320 p. ill. (Biblio- AH45 theque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) R66i Description de 1 abbaye du Mont Saint- Michel et de ses abords, AH44 precedee d une notice historique. M76 Paris, 1877. O. 16 + 434+^] p. ill- 9 pi- Corroyer, Edouard Jules, 1837- editor. AB See Gazette des architectes et du batiment. 1863-64. v. 1-2. 0251 Corsi Luigi. Dettaglio delle chiese di Cremona, con in fine il Catalogo della AH45 gerarchia celeste di nostra patria ed altre persone illustri per reli- C86 gione e per pieta. Cremona, 1819. O. 196 p. Corssen, [Paul] W[ilhelm], 1820-75. Alterthumer und kunstdenkmale des cisterzienserklosters St. Ma- AH43 rien und der landesschule zur Pforte. P48 Halle, 1868. Q. 14+344 p. ill. upl. map. Corswarem, G. J. de, and Jamine, H. Monographic de 1 eglise de Saint-Quentin a Hasselt (In Bulletin AB des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1869. v. 8, p. B872 404-466.) Corte historische beschryvinghe de nederlandscher oor- AR492 logen. 1612. A2 See Duym, J. J. 222 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cortege historique de la ville de Vienne. [1882.] AW2 See [Berggriin, Oskar]. 645 Cortege historique des moyens de transport. 1886. AW2 See Cattier, Edmond. 1855- 29 Cortesi, [Giuseppe], cavaliere. Relazione di alcuni oggetti d antichita scoperti presso le mura AR45 della citta di Piacenza. P57 Piacenza, 1831. F. 5 2+ [6] p. 11 pi. map. Cortona (Italy) Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche pubblicamente lette nella . . . AC Accademia etrusca. C8i Roma, 1741-91. [v. I, 42.] Q. 9 v. in 8. ill. 77 pi. map. Vol. 8-9 published at Firenze. Cortona (Italy) Accademia etrusca Museo. Museum Cortonense in quo vetera monumenta comprehenduntur AO2 . . . quas in Academia Etrusca . . . adservantur . . . atque a F. C8i2 Valesio, A. F. Gorio et R. Venuti notis illustratum. Romae, 1750. F. 18+126 p. ill. 85 pi. Cory, Alexander Turner, translator. AR62 See Horapollo. $th cent. Hieroglyphics. 1840. A27 Le cose meravigliose dell alma citta di Roma, douesi tratta AR45 delle chiese, stationi, & reliquie de corpi santi, che ui sono ; con . . . R693 L antichita di Roma [di M. Andrea Palladio] . . . Roma, 1574. T. 96 f. ill. Cosmopolitan art journal ; a record of art criticism, art AB intelligence and biography, and repository of belle-lettres litera- C82 ture, 1858-59. New York [1859]. Q. ill. v. 3. Coste, [Xavier] Pascal. 1787-1879. Architecture arabe ; ou, Monuments du Kaire, mesures et des- AH62 sines de 1818 a 1826. Paris, 1839. F. G 52 p. 98 pi. A2 Monuments modernes de la Perse . . . AH55 Paris, 1867. Sq. F. G [6] + 5 7+ [2] p. ill. 71 pi. A 19 Costello, Dudley. 1803-65. Piedmont and Italy from the Alps to the Tiber . . . AH45 London, 1861. Q. 2 v. in 6. 6 por. 124 pi. 6 maps. A32 Costenoble, J. C. liber altdeutsche architektur und deren ursprung. AH43 Halle, 1 8 12. F. 4 [6] +86 p. 17 pi. A27 Costume of the Russian empire. 1803. AN4 See [Harding, Edward]. 825 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 223 Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of engravings, AN4 with descriptions in English and French. 824 London, 1804. F. 4 Unpaged. 60 pi. Costumes historiques de la France. [1852.] AN4 See [Lacroix, Paul. 1806-84]. Lii2 Costumes of the time of the French revolution. 1889. AN4 See Quillaumot, A. E. Cotman, John Sell. 1780-1843. Engravings of sepulchral brasses in Norfolk [and Suffolk] ... to AE8 illustrate the ecclesiastical, military and civil costume . . . [and] C82 preserve memorials of ancient families . . . 2d ed. enlarged with notes by Sir S. R. Meyrick, A. Way and Sir H. Nicolas. London, 1838. F. 4 2 v. 171 pi. Contents : v. i. Norfolk. v. 2. Suffolk. Etchings [with descriptions by T. Rickman]. AH42 London [1838]. F. 5 5 v. in 2. 238 pi. N/6 Contents : ser. i. Architectural antiquities of Norfolk. ser. a. Specimens of Norman and Gothic remains in the county of Norfolk. ser. 3. Specimens of castellated and ecclesiastical remains in the county of Norfolk. ser. 4. Specimens of architectural remains in the counties of York, Cambridge, Suffolk, Lincoln, Essex and North Wales. ser. 5. Liber studiorum. Cotteau, G[ustave Honore]. 1818-. Le prehistorique en Europe : Congres, musees, excursions. Paris, AP 1889. D. 313 p. ill. (Bibliotheque scientifique contemporaine.) C82 Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls. 1787-1847. [Books of sketches and measurements of buildings at Oxford and AAi elsewhere ; containing numerous pencil drawings of moldings, or- C82 naments, &c.]. 3 v. Obi. O. Plans . . . and views of the . . . chapel of King Henry the seventh AH42 at Westminster abbey church . . . L895 London, 1822-29. Sq. F. 6 2 v. in I. 72 pi. Working drawings for gothic ornaments selected and composed AK from the best examples ... of capitals, bases, cornices, friezes, C82 finials . . . corbels . . . doors, windows . . . mouldings, and a design for a gothic mansion. [London, 1822.] Sq. F. 7 Engraved t. -p. 36 pi. Cottle, Rev. James, compiler. Some account of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton, and AJLj.2 the restoration thereof, together with several notices on ecclesias- Ti9 tical matters. [Anon.] London, 1845. Q. [7] + 128 p. ill. n pi. 224 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cotton, William. 1795-1863. Graphic and historical sketch of Bodyam Castle, in Sussex. AH42 London [i8so(?)]. Q. 37+[i] P- ill- 3 pi. B6s Graphic and historical sketch of the antiquities of Totnes. AR42 London, 1850. Sq. O. 6+[2] + ioi p. ill. I pi. T64 On the early use of mosaic and polychrome decorations in the AC primitive church. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Ex3 Transactions. 1856. v. 5, p. 54-65. pi. 8-13.) Couchaud, Andre. 1813-49. Choix d eglises bysantines en Grece. AH495 Paris, 1842. Sq. F. 4 32 p. 37 pi. A3 Notes et croquis; voyage en Grece 1843, 1844. AH495 Paris, 1847. Sq. F. 4 v. I. i7+[i] p. ill. A3 Contents: v. i. Itine raire d Athenes Eleusis. No more published. Cougny, A., editor. See Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Cougny, Gaston. 1857- Promenades au Musee du Louvre. Paris, 1888. S. 2 v. ill. AH44 (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Troisieme serie: ?339 Enseignement general.) Contents: v. i. Lapeinture. v. a. Les dessins. La sculpture. Cougny, Gustave de. 1815-. Lettre . . . sur une excursion en Touraine. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 35, p. 5-64, 121-181, 291-338, 385-415. 606-649, 887 879-911.) Notice sur 1 eglise de Rivieres. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 30, AB p. 529-552.) 687 Coulon, Emile. L eglise de 1 ancienne abbaye de Villers. (In Bulletin des com- AB missions royales d art et d archeologie. 1878. v. 17, p. 259-321.) 6872 Coune, J., -1875, engraver. AH493 See Delsaux, J. C. L eglise St. Jacques a Liege. 1845. L623 See Delsaux, J. C. Les monument de Liege. 1858. AH493 L622 Courajod, Louis [Charles Leon]. 1841-. Le buste de Jean d Alesso au Musee du Louvre. AH44 Paris, 1883. O. 21 p. ill. I pi. Sa22 From Socie te nationale des antiquaires de France. Memoires. v. 43. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 225 Courajod, Louis [Charles Leon]. 1841-. Deux epavcs de la chapelle funeraire des Valois a Saint Denis, AH44 aujourd hui au Musee du Louvre. Sa22 Paris, 1878-81. O. 33 p. ill. 2 pi. and Sup. i6p. ill. i pi. From Socie te nationale des antiquaires de France. Mdmoires. v. 38 and 41. Documents sur 1 histoire des arts et des artistes a Cremone aux AH44 15 et i6 e siecles. Paris, 1885. O. 74 p. ill. i pi. Sa22 From Socie te nationalo des antiquaires de France. Mdmoires. v. 45. Histoire de 1 enseignement des arts du dessin au i8 e siecle; 1 ecole AH44 royale des eleves proteges . . . Paris, 1874. O. 104+264 p. i pi. P282 Les origines de 1 art gothique. (In Bulletin monumental. 1891- AB 1892. v. 57, p. 42-79, H9-I40.) 687 Le pavage de 1 eglise d Orbais. Paris, 1876. O. 27 p. ill. 2 pi. AH44 From Revue arche"ologique. 1876. Or I Le portrait de Sainte Catherine de Sienne de la collection Timbal AH44 au Musee du Louvre. Paris, 1883. O. 16 p. ill. Sa22 From Socie te nationale des antiquaires de France. Memoires. v. 43. Quelques monuments de la sculpture funeraire des I5 e et i6 e AH44 siecles. Paris, 1882. O. 28 p. ill. 2 pi. Sa22 From Soci^te" nationale des antiquaires de France. Proces-verbaux. Fevrier et mai, 1882. La sculpture franfaise avant la renaissance classique. (In Revue AB des arts decoratifs. v. 10, p. 344-364.) R32 Courcelle, . AJ Lustres et autres bronzes. Paris, no date. F. 4 174 pi. C83 Lustres, lampes, antiques, bras, etc. F. 7 52 pi. AJ Original designs, many in color, mounted in two scrap-books. Ct>3 I [Courtois, .] Lettre adressee a Madame la Comtesse de * * * a 1 occasion d un AN6 crucifix en ivoire, sculpte par Michel Ange que possede cette C42 dame. [Anon.] Paris, 1845. Nar - Q- l6 p. Courtonne, [Jean]. 1671-1739. Traite" de la perspective pratique, avec des remarques sur 1 archi- AL2 tecture . . . Paris, 1725. F. 4 [14] + ! i6+[2] p. 33 pi. C83 Courtoy, Henry. Historical guide to the abbey and palace of Holyrood, including annals of the chapel-royal . . . 2d edition enlarged. Edinburgh, 1838. S. [i2] + 3O4 p. ill. pi. map. Cousin, Jean. i5oi(?)-9o(?). Le livre de fortune ; recueil de . . . dessins ine dits public . . . par AK L. Lalanne. Paris, 1883. Sq. F. 39+[i] p. 2OOpl. (Bibliotheque C83 internationale de 1 art publiee d E. Miintz.) 15 226 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cousinery, Esprit Marie. 1747-1833. Essai historique et critique sur les monnaies d argent de la Ligue AMi acheenne, accompagne de recherches sur les monnaies de Corinthe, 83 de Sicyone et de Carthage. Paris, 1825. Nar. Q. 8+192 p. ill. 7 pi. Cousins, Robert H. Theoretical and practical treatise on the strength of beams and A I columns... New York, 1889. O. 9+170 p. ill. 83 Coussemaker, Charles Edmond Henri de. 1805-76. Essai sur les instruments de musique au moyen-age. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16.) An7 Coussin, J[ean] A[ntoine], 1770-1849. Du genie de 1 architecture . . . AA Paris, 1822. F. 12 + 300 p. ill. 60 pi. 83 Le temple de Vesta, Rome; restauration executee en 1802. (In AH45 Restaurations des monuments antiques, v. 4, p. 3-6. 4 pi.) R686 Couture, Thomas. 1815-79. AO6 Methode et entretiens d atelier. Paris, 1867. D. 387 p. 83 Couvez, Alexandre [Henri Joseph]. 1813-75. . . . Inventaires des objets d art qui ornent les eglises et les etab- ANi lissements publics de la Flandre occidentale . . . 83 Bruges, 1852. Nar. Q. 661+8+2 p. Cowley, John Lodge. Theory of perspective demonstrated in a method entirely new, by AL2 which the . . . planes, lines and points . . . are shewn by moveable 832 schemes in the true positions . . . London, 1766. Q. 6+ 11 + 117 p. ll pi- Cowper illustrated by a series of views in, or near, the AH42 park of Weston- Underwood, Bucks. A 134 See [Storer, James, 1781-1853, and Greig, J.]. Cox, Alfred Arthur. A tour in the United States. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. v. 7, p. 351-388. 2 pi.) R8i Cox, Sir G[eorge] W[illiam], bart. 1827-. On definitions of architecture and the laws of architectural develop- AC ments. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. Ex3 1861. v. 6, p. 11-30.) On the historical progress and character of symbolism in ecclesias- AC tical art. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. Ex3 1853. v. 4, p. I4I-I55-) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 227 Cox, Sir G[eorge] W[illiam], bart. 1827- On the present condition of architectural knowledge ... (In AC Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1856. v. 5, Ex3 p. 135-165.) A paper on the development of Anglican ecclesiastical architec- AC ture. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. Ex3 1844. v. 3, p. 21-31.) Cox, Rev. J[ohn] Charles. 1843-. Notes on the churches of Derbyshire . . . AtLp Chesterfield, 1875-79. Nar - Q- 4 v. 89 pi. 0441 Contents : v. i. Hundred of Scarsdale. v. 2. Hundreds of the High Peak and Wirksworth. v. 3. Hundreds of Appletree, Repton and Gresley. v. 4. Hundred of Morleston and Litchurch and general supplement. Cox, Rev. J[ohn] Charles, 1843-, and Hope,W. H. St. J. Chronicles of the collegiate church, or free chapel of All Saints, AH42 Derby. London, 1 88 1. Sq. F. 6+[2]+24Op. ill. 15 pi. 3 facsim. 0442 Cox sons, Buckley and co. Illustrated catalogue of art manufactures in church furniture, art ANi metal work, stained glass . . . wood work, mural decoration . . . C83 1 London [i87-(?)-i89~(?)]. Q. 2 pts. in i v. 77 paged pi. Coxon, Herbert. Oriental carpets; how they are made and conveyed to Europe, with AN a narrative of a journey to the East in search of them . . . C83 London, 1884. O. 15+75 p. ill- 1 1 pi. map. Crabbe, Rev. George. 1754-1832. AH42 The church. (In The church restored. 1848. p. i-ii.) T75 From his The borough. Crabbe, W[illiam] R. Some account of the monumental brasses of Devon. (In Exeter AC diocesan architectural society. Transactions, 1856-61. v. 5, Ex3 p. 95-105, 206-217, and v. 6, p. 104-125, 217-219. pi.) Some account of the tomb of Bishop Bronescombe in Exeter AC cathedral. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Trans- Ex3 actions. 1853. v. 4, p. 228-237, pi. 16-19.) Crace, Frederick. 1779-1859. Catalogue [of his collection] of maps, plans and views of London, AH42 Westminster and Southwark, edited by . . . J. G. Crace. L9I2 London, 1878. Nar. Q. 22+696 p. i por. Crace, J[ohn] Q[regory]. On furniture, its history and manufacture. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1856-57^.113-124.) R8i 228 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cracow (Poland) Akademija Monuments prehistoriques de 1 ancienne Pologne. AR438 Cracovie, 1879. Sq. F. ser. I. ill. 44 pi. map. Ai Contents: ser. i. OSSOWSKI, G. Prusse royale. Title-page and text in Polish and French. Zabytki przedhistoryczne ziem Polskich. See, above, Monuments AR438 prehistoriques de 1 ancienne Pologne. 1879. Ai Cralle, H. A. Revue des monuments de la ville de Liege . . . AH493 Liege, 1856. O. 149+ [3] p. L624 Cranach, Lukas. 1472-1553. Designs. (In Wessely, J. E. Das ornament und die kunstindus- AK trie in ihrer geschichtlichen entwickelung. 1877. v. I, pi. 55-62.) Crane, Lucy. 1842-82. Art and the formation of taste ; six lectures, with illustrations AO drawn by Thomas and Walter Crane. London, 1882. D. 13+ 85 292 p. ill. i por. 6 pi. Crane, Walter. 1845-. AK Claims of decorative art. London, 1892. O. 6+[i]+i9ip. C85 Crazannes, Jean Cesar Marie Alexandre, baron de Chaudruc. 1782-1862. See Chaudruc de Crazannes, Jean Cesar Marie Alexandre, baron. Creasey, James. Sketches illustrative of the topography and history of New and AR42 Old Sleaford, in the county of Lincoln ... Si 2 Sleaford, 1825. O. [i4] + 378 + [6] p. ill. 10 pi. 4 tab. Creeny, Rev. W[illiam] F[rederic]. Book of fac-similes of monumental brasses on the continent of AE8 Europe, with brief descriptive notes. C86 Norwich, 1884. F. c [s] + io+73 P- 53 pi- Cremer, A[lbert]. Die herstellung der domkirche in Limburg an der Lahn. AH43 Berlin, 1874. F. 5 10 p. ill. 9 pi. L62 Crespellani, Arsenio. Marmi modenesi e monumenti antichi lungo la strada Claudia. Appendice. Modena, 1870-71. F. 4 24+17 p. 10 pi. I map. Cresy, Edward. 1792-1858. Practical treatise on bridge-building and on the equilibrium of AE5 vaults and arches, with the . . . life and selections from the works C86 ofRennie. London, 1839. Sq. F. 6 [3] +3 p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 229 Cresy, Edward, 1792-1858, and Taylor, G. L., 1780- 1873- AH 4 5 Architectural antiquities of Rome. 1821-22. R782 Architecture of the middle ages in Italy, illustrated by views, plans, AH45 elevations . . . of the cathedral . . . campanile, and campo santo, at P67I Pisa . . . London, 1829. F. 4 64 p. 30 pi. Cresy, Mrs. Eliza (Taylor), translator. See Mili/ia, Francesco. 1725-98. Lives of celebrated architects, AW ancient and modern. 1826. Creuzer, [Georg] Friedrich. 1771-1858. Ein alt-athenisches gefass mit malerei und inschrift bekannt AN2 gemacht und erklart, mit anmerkungen iiber diese vasengattung. C86 Leipzig, 1832. O. 78 p. I pi. Zur geschichte alt-romischer cultur am Ober-Rhein und Neckar, AR43 mit einem vorschlage zu weiteren forschungen. A7 Leipzig, 1833. O. [3] + 122 p. map. Crilanovich, Leopold, translator. AH45 See [Fontana, Q. J.]. Venezia monumentale pittoresca. [1837.] V57<5 Crinoline from 1730 to 1864. 1864. AN4 See Philpott, Edward, publisher P54 Cripps, Wilfred Joseph. 1841-. Old English plate, ecclesiastical, decorative and domestic, its AM4 makers and marks. 2d ed. . . . C86 London, 1 88 1. O. 18+366 p. ill. i pi. Old French plate, its makers and marks. 2d ed. AM4 London, 1893. O. 8+113 p. ill. C86i Cristiani, Girolamo Francesco. Confutazione dell idee innate; letta in un assemblea dell Acca- A A demia letteraria di Brescia il 17 aprile 1766. [Anon.] C86 Brescia, 1766. Q. 28 p. Dell utilita e della dilettazione de modelli; dissertazione. 2a ed. A A Brescia, 1765. Q. [8]+37 p. C86 Della media armonica proporzionale da applicarsi neh" architettura AA civile; due dissertazioni . . . Brescia, 1767. Q. 40 p. ill. C86 Critical review of the publick buildings. 1 784. AH42 See [Ralph, James]. i695(?)-i762. L898 Croce, Angelo della, illustrator. See Bramantino, Bartolommeo Suardi, called il. i455(?)-i53o(?). AH45 Le rovine di Roma al principio del secolo 16. 1880. A43 15* AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Croce, Ireneo della. i7 th cent. Historia, antica e moderna, sacra e profana della citta di Trieste . . . AH436 Venetia, 1698. F. [24] +694+ [50] p. ill. 773 Crocker, James. Sketches of old Exeter . . . AH42 [London, pref. 1886.] F. 4 Unpaged. 60 pi. Ex32 Croff, Gilbert] B[ostwick]. Original designs for front entrance doors . . . AI New York, 1871. Sq. F. [6] p. 22 pi. C87 Progressive American architecture . . an extensive collection of AE2 original studies for dwellings, bank, school and office buildings . . . C87 New York, 1875. Sq. F. 4 [3] p. 97 pi. Croker, T. F. Dillon, editor. See Croker, T. C. 1798-1854. Walk from London to Fulham. AH42 1 860. L899 Croker, T[homas] Crofton. 1798-1854. Researches in the south of Ireland, illustrative of the scenery, AH4I5 architectural remains, and the manners ... of the peasantry . . . A8 London, 1824. Q. [8] +393 p. ill. 17 pi. Walk from London to Fulham, revised and edited by . . . T. F. D. AH42 Croker . . . London, 1860. D. 256 p. ill. L899 Croker, Thomas Crofton, 1798-1854, compiler. See Londesborough, Lady U. L. Q. (B.). -1883. Catalogue of AM4 . . . [her] collection of ancient and mediaeval rings and personal L84 ornaments. 1853. Cromek, Thomas Hfartley]. 1809-73. AK Etchings of various subjects. F. 6 [3] p. 12 pi. C88 Cromwell, Thomas [Kitson]. 1792-1870. History and description of the ancient town and borough of Col- AR42 Chester in Essex. C67 London, 1825. O. 2 v. in i. [1^+472 + 5 p. 3 por. 24 pi. 2 facsim. Paged continuously. History and description of the parish of Clerkenwell . . . AR42 London, 1828. O. 8+448+5 p. 31 pi. C$9 Walks through Islington ... an historical and descriptive account AH42 of that . . . district ... in its ancient and present state ... Is4 London, 1835. O- 8+412 p. 25 pi. Croquis d architecture. AB Paris, 1866-87. F. 6 ill. v. 1-21 in 9. C88 Published by the Intime club. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 231 Cros, [Cesar Isidore] Henri, 1840-, and Henry, Charles, 1859-. L encaustique et les autres precedes de peinture chez les anciens ; AO6 histoire et technique . . . Paris, 1884. O. [4] +130+ [2] p. ill. C88 (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art; publiee cT E. Miintz.) Crosnier, Augustin, abbe. 1804-80. Histoire symbolique et iconographique du lion. (In Bulletin mon- AB umental. v. 19, p. 283-300.) B8; Iconographie chretienne ; ou, Etude des sculptures, peintures, etc., AB qu on rencontre sur les monuments religieux du moyen-age. (In B8/ Bulletin monumental, v. 14, p. 1-339.) Monographic de la cathedrale de Nevers; publication de la Societe AH44 nivernaise. Nevers, 1854. Nar. Q. [io]+422 p. 16 pi. N4i Notice sur les ecoles d architecture au moyen-age. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 15, p. 413425.) B8/ Ravenna et ses monuments. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 25, p. AB 514-566,665-691.) B8/ Crossing, William. Ancient crosses of Dartmoor, with a description of their surround- AR42 ings. Exeter, 1887. O. i2+[i] + i32 p. 10 pi. map. 025 Croston, James. 1830-. Old Manchester ; a series of views of the more ancient buildings AH42 in Manchester and its vicinity as they appeared fifty years ago, M3in drawn by Ralston, James and others, and reproduced by the au totype process by A. Brothers . . . Manchester, 1875. Q. 5 + 30 p. 59 pi. map. Crowninshield, Frederic. AM6 Mural painting. Boston, 1887. O. 4+ [4]+ 155 p. ill. 13 pi. C88 Crowther, Joseph Stretch, and Bowman, Henry. Churches of the middle ages . . . select specimens of early and AE middle pointed structures, with a few late pointed examples. 1857. 667 Crozes, Hippolyte. Monographic de la cathedrale de Sainte-Cccile d Albi ... 42 cdi- AH44 tion . . . Toulouse, 1873. D. 364 p. All Cruden, Robert Peirce. History of the town of Gravesend in the county of Kent, and of AH42 the port of London. G?8 London, 1843. Nar. Q. 5 + [i] + 569p. ill. 8 pi. Crull, Friedrich. 1822-. Das amt der goldschmiede zu Wismar. AM4 Wismar, 1887. Q. [3] + 54+ up. 2 pi. C88 232 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY C[rull], J[odocus]. - Antiquities of St. Peter s, or the abbey church of Westminster, AH42 containing all the inscriptions . . . upon the tombs and grave- L8$2 stones ... by J. C. ... London, 1711. D. [9]+35i+[i4] P *9 pi- Antiquities of St. Peter s, or the abbey church of Westminster, AH42 containing all the inscriptions . . . upon the tombs and grave- 1.942 stones ... 3 d ed. [Anon.] London, 1722. D. 2 v. 59 pi. Crunden, John. Convenient and ornamental architecture, consisting of original AE2 designs for plans, elevations, and sections, beginning with the C88 farm house and . . . ascending to the . . . villa . . . New ed. London, 1791. Nar. Q. 6+26 p. 70 pi. Crunden, John, and Morris, J. H. Al Carpenters companion for Chinese railing and gates. [1770.] M83 Cruvellie, Alfred, translator. See Urbani de Cheltof, Q. M. Les arts industriels a Venise au AN6 moyen-age et a la renaissance. 1885. V55 Crystal palace, London. AH42 See London (Eng.) Crystal palace. L875I Cubitt, James. Church design for congregations ; its developments and possibili- AE ties... London, 1870. O. io+[i]+iO5 p. 19 pi. C89 Cuitt, George. 1779-1854. Wanderings and pencillings amongst ruins of the olden time . . . AFLp London, 1855. F. 5 [4] +38 p. ill. 52 pi. A4 Cumberland, George. Outlines from the antients, exhibiting their principles of composi- AO8 tion in figures and basso-relievos . . . C9i London, 1829. Nar. Q. 24+44 p. 77 pi- Cumberland and Westmorland antiquarian and archaeological society, publisher. See Ferguson, R. S., 1837-, compiler. Old church plate in the ANi diocese of Carlisle. 1882. F38 Cumming, Rev. J[oseph] G[eorge]. 1812-68. Story of Rushen castle and Rushen abbey in the Isle of Man. AH42 London, 1857. O. 8+64+24 p. 6 pi. map. facsim. Is45 Cummings, E. M. Companion to St. Paul s cathedral, containing a description of the various objects worthy attention and its history ... I5th ed. . . . [with] an appendix containing a description of the new monu ments ... London, 1851. S. 72 p. ill. 4 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 233 Cummings, M[arcus] F[ayette], and Miller, C. C. Architecture ; designs for street fronts, suburban houses and cot- AE2 tages . . . Troy, 1865. Sq. F. 4 2 + [50] p. 52 pi. Cgi Modern American architecture; designs and plans for villas, farm- AH;3 houses, cottages . . . churches . . . etc. ... Ai3 Troy, 1868. Sq. F. 4 Unpaged. 55 pi. Cundall, Frank, editor. Reminiscences of the Colonial and Indian exhibition . . . AO4 London, 1886. Q. i6+n6p. ill. 2 por. 20 pi. CQI Cundall, Joseph. Examples of ornament, selected . . . from works of art in the AK British museum, the Museum of economic geology . . . and the CQI new Crystal palace. London, 1855. F. 5 + [49] p. 24 pi. Cunningham, Sir Alexander]. 1814- Mahabodhi; or, The great Buddhist temple under the Bodhi tree AH54 at Buddha-Gaya. London, 1892. F. 10+87 p. 3 1 pi- Cunningham, Sir Alexander, 1814-, compiler. AR54 See India Archaeological survey. Reports. 1871-. Ai Cunningham, Allan. 1784-1842. Lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors and archi- AW tects. London, 1830-33. T. 6 v. 36 por. 6 pi. C9i Vol. 1-2, 2 d edition. Cunningham, Peter. 1816-69. Handbook to the British portrait gallery in the Art treasures ex- AO4 hibition. [Anon.] London, 1857. D. 72 + 32 p. M3I Reprint of critical notices originally published in " The Manchester guardian." London, past and present, its history, associations and traditions, by H. B. Wheatley, based upon The handbook of London by ... Cunningham. London, 1891. O. 3 v. Cupper, R. A. Universal stair builder, being a ... treatise on the construction of AI staircases and hand-rails ... 3d ed. C92 New York, 1872 [c. 5i]. Sq. F. 4 32 p. 29 pi. Curicke, Georg Reinhold, editor. See Curicke, Reinhold. 1610-67. Der stadt Dantzig historische AH43 beschreibung. 1687. 0231 Curicke, Reinhold. 1610-67. Der stadt Dantzig historische beschreibung . . . verfasset . . . im AH43 jahr . . . 1645 nebst . . . kupferstiicken . . . aussgegeben von 0231 G. R. Curicken, A. D. 1686, und mit . . . additionibus vermehret und continuiret . . . Amsterdam, 1687. F. [i4]+432+[8] p. ill. 2 por. 15 pi. 234 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Curioni, Giovanni. L arte di fabbricare; ossia, Corso completo di istituzioni teorico- pratiche . . . Torino, 1865-72. O. 6 v. 151 pi. Vol. 6, 4 th edition. Costruzioni civili, stradali ed idrauliche . . . Torino, 1870-71. O. 2 v. in I. 38 pi. (In his L arte di fabbricare. 1865-72. v. 5.) Geometria pratica applicata all arte del costruttore . . . Torino, 1868-69 [v. i, 69]. O. 2 v. in i. 17 pi. (In his L arte di fab bricare. 1865-72. v. 4.) Lavori gencrali di architettura civile, stradale ed idraulica e ana- lisi dei loro prezzi . . . Torino, 186566. O. 2 v. in i. 37 pi. (In his L arte di fabbricare. 1865-72. v. i.) Matcriali da costruzione e analisi dei loro prezzi . . . Torino, 1872. O. 2 v. in i. 15 pi. (In his L arte di fabbricare. 1865-72. v. 6.) Operazioni topografiche. Torino, 1869. O- 2 v. in i. 32 pi. (In his L arte di fabbricare. 1865-72. v. 3.) Resistenza dei materiali e stabilita delle costruzioni . . . Torino, 1867. O. 2 v. in i. 12 pi. (In his L arte di fabbricare. 1865- 1872. v. 2.) Curiosities natural and artificial of the island of Great Britain . . . London, no date. O. 6 v. 61 pi. Cursory observations on the churches of Bristol, by An occasional visitor. 2d ed . . . enlarged. Bristol, 1843. D - 8+248 p. 8 pi. Curtis, Atherton, compiler. Catalogue of the etched work of Evert van Muyden . . . New York, 1894. Q. 158 p. i por. 11 pi. No. 215 of 230 copies. Large paper copy. Koln, 1892. Q. 22 p. 3 pi. Curtius, Andreas Wilhelm. Das sticrsymbol des Dionysos. Cologne (Ger.) Gymnasium. Programm. Curtius, Carl. 1841-. Der attische friedhof vor dem Dipylon. (In Archaologische zei- tung. v. 29, p. 12-35, pl- 42-44-) Curtius, Ernst. 1814-. Die Akropolis von Athen ; ein vortrag im Wissenschaftlichen verein zu Berlin am 10. Feb. gehalten. Berlin, 1844. O. 32 p. I pl. Die Atlasmetope von Olympia. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen ; athenische abtheilung. v. i, p. 206-215. pl. 11.) AA 92 AA 92 AA 92 AA 92 AA 092 AA 92 AA 92 AH 4 2 Ai33 AH42 6774 AY M98 AR495 Z2 AB AH495 Zi AR495 G8i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 233 Curtius, Ernst. 1814-. Ephesos; ein vortrag gehalten im Wissenschaftlichen verein zu AR56 Berlin am 7. Februar 1874. Berlin. 1874. O. 39 p. 2 pi. Ep3 Herakles der satyr und dreifussrauber, ein griechisches vasenbild ; AP mit einer nachschrift von Eduard Gerhard. W722 Berlin, 1852. Q. 16 p. I pi. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 12. Die knieenden figuren der altgriechischen kunst. AP Berlin, 1869. Q. 13 p. I pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 29. Die kunst der Hellenen ; festrede am geburtstage Schinkels den AO 13. Marz 1853 gehalten. Berlin, 1853. O. 16 p. Z2 Richard Lepsius. (In Jahrbuch de Koniglich preussischen kunst- AB sammlungen. v. 6, p. 1-9.) J 1 9 2 Zwei giebelgruppen aus Tanagra. AO8 Berlin, 1878. Q. 25 p. 5 pi. C94 From Berlin (Ger.) Akad. der wiss. Abhandlungen. 1878. Curtius, Ernst, 1814- and Adler, Friedrich, 1827-. Olympia ; die ergebnisse der von dem deutschen reich veranstal- AR495 teten ausgrabung ... 0191 Berlin, 1890-92. F. 4 v. 1,4. ill. and Atlas, F. u 143 pi. Contents: v. i. ADLER, F. 1827-, BOKRMANN, R., DOKPFELD, W., 1853-, GRABER, F., and GRAF, P. Die baudenkiruiler von Olympia. v. 4. FURTW.X.NGLER, A. 1853-. Die bronzen von Olympia. Vol. I, 1892. Curtius, E[rnst], 1814- and Kaupert, J. A. Atlas von Athen, im auftrage des Kaiserlich deutschen archao- AR495 logischen instituts . . . At42 Berlin, 1878. F. 4 35 p. ill. 9 pi. 3 maps. Curtius, E[rnst], 1814-, and others. Die ausgrabungen zu Olympia; iibersicht der arbeiten und funde AR495 . . . 1875-81. Berlin, 1876-81. F. 5 5 v. ill. 178 pi. Ol9 Vols. 2-5 sq. F. ; v. i, 2 d ed. Cussy, Pierre Auguste Hippolyte Charles Frederic Rodolphe de. 1793-1867. Memoire sur des chapiteaux romans de la cathedrale de Bayeux. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 25, p. 465-476.) 687 Cust, Rev. A[rthur] P[erceval] Purey. 1828- Heraldry of York minster, a key to the history of its builders and AH42 benefactors as shewn in the stained-glass windows . . . Y82 Leeds, 1890. F. 412 p. ill. 15 pi. No. 194 of 300 copies printed. 236 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cutler, Thomas W[illiam]. Grammar of Japanese ornament and design, with . . . text. AK London, 1880. F. 4 11+31 p. ill. 65 p. CQ7 Cutts, Rev. Edward L[ewes], Essay on church furniture and decoration. AK London, 1854. O. [7J+H3P- ill- 10 pi. 98 Essay on the Christmas decoration of churches, with an appendix AX on the decorations for Easter ... 2d ed. 098 London [1863]. O. 3 + 85 p. ill. i pi. Cuvillies, Francois de. 1698-1768. Kunstschmiedearbeiten im style des rococo. AM2 Berlin [1888]. F. 6 [12] p. 12 pi. 98 Cyffer daar al de letteren van het alphabeth in zyn. AX See La Feuille, Daniel de. [Livre de chiffres, 2^ partie. 1691], Li3 note. Czihak, E. v. Schlesische glaser; eine studie iiber die schlesische glasindustrie AN3 friiherer zeit, nebst einem beschreibenden katalog der glasersamm- 99 lung des Museums schlesischer altertiimer zu Breslau . . . Breslau, 1891. O. 6+1+288 p. ill. 6 pi. Czullik, August. AN8 Wiener garten imjahre 1890. Wien, 1891. F. 5 [7] p. 24 pi. 99 D * * *, pseudonym. See Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d . 1723-89. D., I. I. See Duym, Jonkheer Jacob. 1574-. D., O. See Dapper, Olfert. -1690. Historische beschryving der stadt AH492 Amsterdam . . . 1663. Am83 Dafforne, James. -1880. Albert memorial, Hyde Park; its history and description. AW London [1878]. F. [s]+7O p. 16 pi. Ah [Dagley, Richard. i;6-(?)-i84i.] Gems, selected from the antique . . . [Anon.] AX London, 1804. Q. [5] + 30 + 60 p. 20 pi. Di3 Dahl, Johan Christian Clausen. 1788-1857. Denkmale einer sehr ausgebildeten holzbaukunst aus den friihesten jahrhunderten in den inneren landschaften Norwegens. Dresden, 1837. F- i.-2. lift. 15 pi. [Dahlberg, Erik Jonsson, grefve. 1625-1703.] Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Anon.] AH485 [Holmiae, 1693-1714.] Obi. F. 4 3 v. in i. 13 p. 3 por. 349 pi. A2 2 maps. Paged continuously. Daire, [Louis Francois]. 1713-92. Histoire de la ville d Amiens, depuis son originc jusqu a present. AH44 Paris, 1757. Q. 2 v. 13 pi. 3 maps. Am52 Da I ban ne, Le Brun=. See Le Brun-Dalbanne, . Dalberg, Erik. 1625-1703. See [Dahlberg, Erik Jonsson, grefve. 1625-1703]. Dall, William Healey, 1845- editor. See Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P., marquis de. 1818-. Pre-historic AR73 America. 1884. Ai 238 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dallas, Robert Charles, 1754-1824, translator. See Bertrand de Molleville, A. F., marquis de. 1744-1818. Cos- AN4 tume of the hereditary states of the House of Austria. 1804. 821 Dallaway, Rev. James. 1763-1834. Account of the walls of Constantinople. (In Archaeologia. v. 14, AB p. 231-243. 4 pi.) Ar2 Observations on English architecture, military, ecclesiastical and AH42 civil... London, 1806. Q. !2+3i8+[i3] p. A.g6 William Wyrcestre redivivus : Notices of ancient church architec- AH42 ture in the fifteenth century, particularly in Bristol; with hints A 129 for practicable restorations ... Bristol [1823]. Q. 33 p. ill. i pi. Dalloz, Paul, 1829-87, editor. See Louvre (Paris) musee. La tresor artistique de la France. AM4 1883. L93 Dalmatov, K. Russkiya vyshtchivki . . . [Russian embroideries designed on the AN satin and colored silk furniture coverings and on the linen window Di6 and door hangings of the Russian Terem, in the Royal Danish park at Fredensborg . . .] St. Petersburg, 1889. Obi. F. 16 pi. D Alton, John. 1792-1867. History of Ireland from the earliest period to ... 1245, when the AR4I5 Annales of Boyle . . . terminate . . . [with] statistical and histor- Ai ical notices of the barony of Boyle. Dublin, 1845. O. 2 v. 14 pi. Daly, Cesar [Denis]. 1811-. L architecture privee au 196 siecle ; premiere serie : Nouvelles AH44 maisons de Paris et des environs. Paris, 1870. F. B 2 v. in 3. ill. P249 228 pi. (Bibliotheque de 1 architecte ; par C. Daly.) Contents : v. i 1 . Hotels privds. v. ia. Maisons & loyer. v. 2. Villas suburbaines. L architecture privee au 196 siecle; deuxieme serie: Nouvelles AH44 maisons de Paris et des environs. Paris, 1872. F. 5 3 v. 238 pi. P249I (Bibliotheque de 1 architecte ; par C. Daly.) Contents: v. i. Decorations extdrieures et inte"rieures des dtablissements de commerce et des habitations. v. 2. Villas, chalets, jardins. v. 3. Decorations inte"rieures des dtablissements de commerce. L architecture privee au 196 siecle; troisieme serie : Decorations AH44 interieures peintes. Paris, 1877. F - 5 2 v - no pi. (Bibliotheque P2492 de 1 architecte ; par C. Daly.) Contents: v. i. Salons, salles a manger, chambres a coucher. v. a. Cabinets de travail, bibliotheque, acces, salles de concert, magasins. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 239 Daly, Cesar [Denis], 1811- Des concours pour les monuments publics dans la passe, le pre- A I sent et 1 avenir. Paris, 1861. Q. 6+57 p. Dl 7 Des hautes etudes d architecture. (In Revue generale de 1 archi- AB tecture. v. 41, col. 223-232, pi. 57-58.) R32I Motifs historiques d architecture et de sculpture d ornement . . . AK Paris, 1870-80. F. 5 2 ser. in 4 v. ill. 398 pi. (Bibliotheque de Di7 1 architecte ; par C. Daly.) Contents : ser. i. Choix de fragments empruntes a des monuments francais, du commence ment de la renaissance a la fin de Louis XVI. ser. 2. Decorations inte rieures. Daly, Cesar Denis, 1811-, editor. See Revue generale de 1 architecture et des travaux publics. AB 1840-. See La semaine des constructeurs. 1877-. AB Se 5 Daly, Cesar [Denis], 1811-, and Davioud, Q. [J. A.], 1824-81. Architecture contemporaine : Les theatres de la place du Chatelet, AH44 theatre du Chatelet, theatre -lyrique . . . P27I Paris [1874]. F. 5 42 + [2] p. ill. 64 pi. [Danchet, Antoine.] 1671-1748. Le sacre de Louis XV., roy de France et de Navarre, dans 1 eglise AW2 de Reims ... 25 octobre, 1722. [Anon.] DIQ No place, 1722. F. 7 Unpaged, 39 pi. Danckerts, Justus, fl. 1686. Architectura chivilis, vertoonende verscheyde treffelijcke cappen A I . . . van toorens, kercke . . . etc. ... Di9 Amsterdam, no date. F. 8 p. 39 pi. Dandliker, K[arl]. 1849- Hans Waldmann s jugendzeit und privatleben . . . Zurich, 1878. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen, 1878-79. An8 v. 20. 28 p. i pi.) Daniel, Dr. - -. 1 776-1 8;o(?). De 1 ancienne cite de Beauvais. (In Societe academique d arche- AC ologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 2, p. 9-53, Soi9 377-401, 507-536, pi. I-3-) Daniel=Tyssen, Amherst. 1844-. See Tyssen, Amherst Daniel-. 1844-. Daniel-Tyssen, John Robert, jr. See Tyssen, John Robert Daniel-, jr. 240 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Danjou, Pierre Nicolas. 1795-1878. Considerations sur 1 origine des cryptes d eglises. (In Societe aca- AC demique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. 8019 v. I, p. 173-181, pi. 5-7.) Notice sur Charles Auguste Van den Berghe, peintre d histoire. AC (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 8019 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 2, p. 345-376.) Notice sur Louis Graves. (In Societe academique d archeologie AC . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 4, p. 129 157.) SOIQ Danti, Ignazio, bp. of Alatri, 1537-86, commentator. See Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. Le due regole AL.2 della prospettiva prattica. 1682. V68 Dantier, [Henri] Alphonse [Zepherin]. 1810-. Description . . . de 1 eglise N.-D. de Noyon, precedee d un coup- AH44 d ceil sur 1 art chretien au moyen-age . . . N872 Paris, 1845. O. 4+ 209+ [2] p. ill. D Anvers, N., pseudonym. See [Bell, Mrs. Nancy R. E. (Meugens)]. Elementary history of AO art, architecture, sculpture, painting. 1882. 641 Dapper, Olfert. -1690. Historische beschryving der stadt Amsterdam . . . door Dr. O. D. AH492 Amsterdam, 1663. F. 4 12 + 552+92 p. ill. 72 pi. Am83 Naukeurige beschryving der eilanden inde Archipel der Midde- AH495 lantsche zee . . . A8 Amsterdam, 1688. F. Various paging, ill. 27 pi. 5 maps. Naukeurige beschryving van Asie, behelsende de gewesten van AH 50 Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assyrie, Anatolic of Klein Asie ... Ai Amsterdam, 1680. F. [6]+357+[33o] p. ill. 12 pi. 2 maps. Naukeurige beschryving van gantsch Syrie en Palestyn of Heilige AH569 Lant . . . Pi7 Amsterdam, 1677. F - 8+262 + 595 p. ill. 34 pi. map. Naukeurige beschryving van Morea, eertijts Peloponnesus en de AH495 eilanden . . . Korfu, Cefalonia, Sant Maura, Zanten . . . Ag Amsterdam, 1688. F. [6] + i68 + [i82] p. ill. 14 pi. 3 maps. Daragon, Charles Laurent=. 1833-. See Laurent-Daragon, Charles. 1833-. Darbyshire, Aflfred]. On public abattoirs. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Papers. 1874-75^.119-134. 3 pi.) R8i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 241 Darcel, Alfred. 1818-. Les arts decoratifs au musee de Cluny. (In Revue des arts deco- AB ratifs. v. 7 and 9. ill. 7 pi.) R32 Benitier de la cathedrale de Milan. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 17, p. 139-150. i pi.) An7 Calice et patene de 1 eglise de Saint-Jean-du-Doigt. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 19, p. 328-348. 2 pi.) An7 L exposition d art et d archeologie de Rouen. AO4 Rouen, 1861. O. 46 p. 024 Lassus, architecte. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 17, p. 307- AB Tapisserie du 136 siecle, legende de Saint Martin. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 24, p. 73-84. I pi.) An7 Les tapisseries decoratives. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 2, AB p. 12-19, 69-78. ill. 2 pi.) R32 Tresor de 1 eglise de Conques. AH44 Paris, 1 86 1. Q. n+76+[3]p. ill. 15 pi. 76 See Guichard, fidouard. 1815-. Les tapisseries decoratives du AM8 garde-meuble, mobilier national, choix des plus beaux motifs; texte 6941 par A. Darcel. 1881. See Rouyer, J. E. 1827-. L art architectural en France; texte AK par A. Darcel. R76 Darcel, Alfred, 1818- compiler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Musee de la renaissance, ser. G: Notice AN des fayences peintes italiennes, hispano-moresques et francaises. L93 1864. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Musee du moyen-age et de la renais- AJ2 sance. 1867. See Odiot, Ernest. Catalogue des objets d art. 1889. AO2 Od 3 See Paris (France) Palace of Trocadero. Tresor des eglises et AO4 objets d art francais appartenant aux musees. P2I5 Darcel, Alfred, 1818- editor. AN See Dupont, Pierre. i6th cent La stromatourgie. 1882. D92I See Wilars de Honecourt. fl. 1242. Album. 1858. A A Darcel, A[lfred], 1818- and Delange, Henri, 1804-. Recueil de faiences italiennes des I5 e , i6 e et I7 e siecles, dessine AN2 par Carle Delange et C. Borneman. 024 Paris, 1869. F. 6 8+36 p. ill. 101 pi. 16 242 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dardel, Rene. 1796-1871. Monographic du Palais du commerce eleve a Lyon sous 1 adminis- AH44 tration de Monsieur Vaisse, accompagnee d un texte . . . L-99* Paris, 1868. F. 6 [6]+32 p. ill. 48 pi. Dargent, Jean Edouard called Van , 1824-, illustrator. See Rambosson, J. P. 1827-86. Les pierres precieuses et les AX principaux ornements. 1870. Ri42 Dargenty, Q., pseudonym. See Echerac, Arthur Auguste d . 1832-. Darmstadt (Ger.) museum. Kunstschatze, hrsg. in AO2 lichtdruck von Nohring und Frisch. F. 5 22 pi. 025 Darmstadt (Ger.) Technische hochschule. Die burgkapelle zu Iben in Rheinhessen, aufgenommen von studi- AH43 renden der architektur, unter leitung von E. Marx. Ib3i Darmstadt, 1882. F. 6 16 p. 9 pi. Text in quarto. Darstellungen der stadt Mainz und ihrer denkmaler. AO4 See Mentz (Ger.) Ausstellung. 1879. MS 2 Dart, John. -1730. History and antiquities of the cathedral church of Canterbury, and the once adjoining monastery . . . London, 1726. F. 204+58 p. 61 pi. Westminster abbey, a poem. (In his Westmonasterium. [1742.] AH42 v. i, pref., p. 1-42.) L8si Westmonasterium ; or, The history and antiquities of the abbey AH42 church of St. Peters, Westminster . . . [with] Westminster abbey, L85i a poem . . . London [1742]. F. 5 2 v. ill. 15 pi. Dartein, [Marie] Fernand de. 1838- Etude sur 1 architecture lombarde et sur les origines de 1 architec- AH45 ture romano-byzantine. L832 Paris, 1865-82. Sq. F. [i5]+9+564p. ill. and Atlas, F. 7 [6] p. 100 pi. Monuments du haut moyen-age conserves a Cividale, en Frioul. AB (In Annales archeologiques. v. 25, p. 312-330. ill.) An7 Reponse aux Observations presentees par Alfred Rame sur 1 eglise AH45 de Saint- Ambroise a Milan. Paris, 1893. O. 16 p. ill. M58i2 Dassy, L. T. Monuments chretien primitifs a Marseille. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 2, 3, 4, 6. ill. 5 pi.) R324 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 243 Daumet, Pierre Jerome Honore, 1826- and Heuzey, L. A., 1831- AR38 Mission archeologique de Macedoine. 1876. Mi5 Dauvergne, Anatole. 1 8 1 2-70. Notice sur le chateau neuf et 1 eglise des Capucins de Coulom- AB miers. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 19, p. 597-629.) 687 Daux, Camille, abbe. 1845- La flore monumentale du cloitre abbatial de Moissac. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 21, p. 45-100. 5 pi.) K-324 Histoire de 1 eglise de Montaubon . . . AH44 Paris, 1881-82. O. 2v. 7 pi. map. 3 tab. M765 Davanne, Alphonse. 1824-. La photographic et les arts graphiques. (In Paris, France AO7 Cercle de la librairie. Catalogue de 1 exposition de gravures. 1881. P2i 20 p. ill. 3 pi.) Davia, Virgilio, marchese. See Guizzardi, Giuseppe. 1779-1867. Le sculture delle porte AH45 della basilica di San Petronio in Bologna. . . illustrate con* una 6632 memoria e documenti inediti dal Marchese V. Davia. 1834. Daviau, N. Oyron. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. AR44 1884-. v. 8. 22 p. 10 pi.) P75 David, F[ratiois] A[nne]. 1741-1824. Antiquites d Herculanum; ou, Les plus belles peintures antiques, AR45 et les marbres . . . etc., trouves dans les excavations d Herculanum, H4i I Stabia et Pompei a, avec leurs explications par P. S. Marechal. Paris, 1780-1803. Q. 12 v. 848 pi. Antiquites etrusques, grecques et romaines, avec leurs explications AR45 par d Hancarville. Paris, 1785-88. O. 5 v. 361 pi. Et7i David, Toussaint Bernard Emeric=. 1755-1839. See Emeric-David, Toussaint Bernard. 1755-1839. Davidson, Ellis A. -1878. Amateur house carpenter; a guide in building, making and re- AI pairing. London, 1875. Nar. Q. 8+270 p. ill. 6 paged pi. D28i Elements of building construction and architectural drawing . . . AI London [pref. 1869], S. 120 p. ill. 6 pi. (Cassell s technical D28 manuals.) 244 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Davidson, Ellis A. -1878. Gothic stonework. . . London [1874]. S. 96 p. 24 pi. (Cas- AD6 sell s technical manuals.) D28 Linear drawing, showing the application of practical geometry to AL2 trade and manufactures. London [pref. 1868]. S. io+n8p. ill. D28 (Cassell s technical manuals.) Davidson, James. 1793-1864. British and Roman remains in the vicinity of Axminster, in the AR42 county of Devon. Ax5 London, 1833. Nar. D. 4+[i]+9O p. ill. 4 pi. History of Axminster church in the county of Devon. AR42 Exeter, 1835. Nar. D. [4] +96 p. I pi. Ax$ Davidson, James Bridge. On ancient crosses and cross houses. (In Exeter diocesan archi- AC tectural society. Transactions. 1878. v. 10, p. 238-259.) Ex3 Davie, W. Galsworthy. AH44 Architectural studies in France. London, 1877. F. 6 [7] p. 89 pi. A24 Davies, Robert. 1793-1875. Historical notices of the edifice called the King s manor . . . [at] AC York. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers. As7 v. 10, p. 244-259. 2 pi.) Daviet, C., editor. AB See Recueil de serrurerie pratique. 1876-. R24I D Aviler, Augustin Charles. 1653-1700. See Aviler, Augustin Charles d . 1653-1700. Davillier, [Jean] Ch[arles], baron. 1823-83. Les arts decoratifs en Espagne au moyen-age et a la renaissance. AO Paris, 1879. O. 86+ [2] p. 4 pi. D28 Histoire des faiences et porcelaines de Moustiers, Marseille et AN2 autres fabriques meridionales. Paris, 1863. O. 140 p. D28l Les origines de la pofcelaine en Europe ; les fabriques italiennes AN2 du 15 au I7 e siecle avec une etude . . . sur les porcelaines des D28 Medicis . . . Paris, 1882. Sq. F. 140 p. ill. (Bibliotheque inter- nationale de 1 art.) No. 3 of 25 copies printed on Holland paper. Pierre Gouthiere. (In Aumont, L. M. A., due d . Le cabinet du AO2 Due d Aumont. 1870. pref, p. 13-32.) Au52 Les porcelaines de Sevres de Mme. Du Barry, d apres les me- AO2 moires de la manufacture royale; notes . . . sur le prix des porce- Li32 laines de Sevres. Paris, 1870. O. 75 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 245 Davillier, [Jean] Ch[arles], baron. 1823-83. Recherches sur 1 orfevrerie en Espagne au moyen-age et a la AM4 renaissance ; documents inedits tires des archives espagnoles . . . D28 Paris, 1879. Nar. Q. 6+286+[i] p. ill. 19 pi. No. 121 of 500 copies printed. Une manufacture de tapisseries de haute lisse a Gisors sous le AM8 regne de Louis XIV . . . Paris, 1876. O. 45 p. I por. Z Davillier, Jean Charles, baron, 1823-83, compiler. See Aumont, L. M. A., due d . 1709-82. Le cabinet du Due AO2 d Aumont et les amateurs de son temps. 1870. Au52 See Laguerre, M. J. 1755-83. Une vente d actrice sous Louis AO2 XVI. 1870. Li32 Davin, V[incent], abbe. La Cappella greca du cimetiere de Priscille. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 21-30. 16 pi.) R-324 Davioud, Gabriel Jean Antoine, 1824-81, and Daly, C. D., 1811-. AH44 Architecture contemporaine. 1874. P27I Davis, Charles, compiler. See Rothschild, [Charles] Alfred de. 1842-. Description of the AO2 works of art forming . . . [his] collection. 1884. R-74 Davis, John. Concise history of the cathedral church of St. Andrew in Wells. . . AH42 lives of its bishops . . . Salisbury [1809]. D. 9+81 p. I pi. W46 Davis, Rev. E[dwin] J[ohn]. 1827-. Anatolica ; or, The journal of a visit to some of the ancient ruined AR56 cities of Caria, Phrygia, Lycia and Pisidia. A8 London, 1874. O. 18 + 374 p. ill. 30 pi. 4 maps. Davis, Joseph Barnard, M. D., 1801-81, and Thur= nam, John. Crania Britannica ; delineations and descriptions of the skulls of AR42 the aboriginal and early inhabitants of the British Islands ... Ai5 London, 1865. F. 4 2 v. ill. 66 pi. Davis, Louisa J., translator. AM8 See Miintz, Eugene. 1845-. Short history of tapestry. 1885. M92I Davis, N[athan]. 1812-. Carthage and her remains ; being an account of the excavations AR3973 ... on the site of the Phoenician metropolis in Africa . . . C24 New York, 1 86 1. O. 504 p. ill. 7 pi. Ruined cities within Numidian and Carthaginian territories. AR3973 London, 1862. O. i4+[i] + 39i p. ill. 8 pi. map. C242 1 6* 246 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Davis, Noah Knowles, 1830- editor. AI See Nicholson, Peter. 1765-1844. Carpenter s new guide. 1854. N52 Davis, Owen W. Art and work, as shown in the several artistic industries employed AK in the use of marble, stone and terra-cotta, metal, wood and tex- D29 tile fabrics. London, 1885. Sq. F. 36 p. 85 pi. Davis, Robert Coulton. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of coins, medals, tokens and AMi currency . . . sold . . . Jan. 20-24, 1890 . . . 029 New York, 1889. Q. 128 p. Davison, [Jane], and Davison, [Margaret]. Triqueti marbles in the Albert memorial chapel, Windsor . . . AH42 London, 1876. F. 6 [3] +4+ [98] p. 49 pi. W72 Davity, Pierre. 1573-1635. Davity, Ranchin, Rocoles; la prevoste de Paris et L isle de France. AH44 Paris, 1883. O. 26+i98+[3] p. i por. (Collection des anciennes A$2 descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. v. 10.) No. 113 of 330 copies printed. Davy, Christopher. Architect, engineer and operative builders constructive manual; AI or, A ... treatise on the construction of artificial foundations for D3i buildings, railways . . . London, 1839. O. v - I - iH- *3 P^ No more published. Architectural precedents . . . AI London, 1841. O. 8 nos. in i v. ill. 46 pi. 0311 Contents: no i. Plans and bill of quantities of second-rate buildings. 2. Parochial buildings; plans of Saint Olave s girls -school. 3. Prisons ; drawings of Spilsby gaol and sessions-house. Railway works ; drawings of the Bromsgrove depot and engine factory. 5. Drawings of the Chamberlain hospital at Bedworth. 6. Plans and specifications for repairs, alterations, etc. 7. Specifications of the steam kitchen apparatus at the Reform club-house, Pall-Mali. no. 8. Churches; elevation of the New national church erected in Regent Square, Gray s-Inn-road. Day, H. Kent, compiler. See Philadelphia (Penn.) Academy of the fine arts Exposition. 1893. Catalogue of fac-similes of memorial brasses. 1893. Day, Lewis F[oreman]. Anatomy of pattern. 2d ed. London, 1889. D. 11+54 p. 35 pi. AK (In his Ornamental design. 1890.) D333 Application of ornament. London, 1888. D. 11+73 p. 42 pi. AK (In his Ornamental design. 1890.) D333 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 247 Day, Lewis F[oreman], Application of ornament. 2<3 ed. London, 1891. D. 11+73 p. AK 42 pi. (Text books of ornamental design, by L. F. Day. v. 3.) 0332 Every-day art; short essays on the arts not fine . . . AO London, 1882. D. i2+[i]+283 p. ill. I pi. D33 Instances of accessory art ; original designs and suggestive examples AK of ornament, with practical and critical notes. 033 London, 1880. F. 4 [64] p. 29 pi. Ornamental design ... London, 1890. D. ill. ii6pl. AK Contents : Anatomy of pattern. Planning of ornament. Application of ornament. AJ333 Vols. 1-3 of his Text books of ornamental design with a general title-page. Planning of ornament. 2d ed. London, 1890. D. II+49P- 41 pi. AK (Text books of ornamental design, by L. F. Day. v. 2.) 0331 Planning of ornament. 2d ed. London, 1890. D. n+49 P- 41 pi. (In his Ornamental design. 1890.) ^333 Text books of ornamental design. See preceding entries. De la peinture historique en Belgique. 1845. AO See [Pinchart, Alexandra. 1823-84]. Z$ De vasi antichi dipinti volgarmente chiamati etruschi; AN2 dissertazioni tre. 1806. L29 See [Lanzi, Luigi, abate. 1732-1810]. Dean, George Alfred. Series of selected designs for country residences . . . with remarks AE2 upon site . . . drainage . . . Worthing, 1867. F. 4 34 p. 33 pi. 034 Deane, Rev. John Bathurst. 1797-1887. Observations on Dracontia. (In Archaeologia. v. 25, p. 188- AB 229. 6 pi.) Ar2 Remarks on certain ornaments of gold found near Quentin, in AB Britany, in 1832; presumed to have been the uaviakai of the AR2 ancient Gauls. (In Archseologia. v. 27, p. 1-14. 2 pi.) Deans, Rev. Joseph. AH42 Melbourne church . . . London, 1843. O. 55 p. ill. 5 pi. L6i Debarry, Rev. Thomas. 1817-. Roman mosaic pavements at Bignor. (In Sussex archaeological AC society. Collections, v. 30, p. 63-89. 2 pi.) Su8 Debo, Ludwig. Erorterungen iiber die baukunst der neuzeit. A A Hannover, 1862. O. 79 p. ill. AR22 248 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY De Brosse, Salomon. i56o(?)-i626. See Brosse, Salomon de. I56o(?) 1626. Deck, [Joseph] Theodore. 1823-91. La faience. Paris [1887]. O. 300 p. ill. (Bibliotheque de Ten- AN2 seignement des beaux-arts, publiee . . . J. Comte.) 035 Decker, Paul. 1677-1713. Fiirstlicher baumeister in 57 tafeln, neu herausgegeben mit einer A A einleitung von R. Dohme. Berlin, 1885. F. 6 [6] p- 57 pi. D35 Decleves, [Charles L[ouis], abbe. Notre-Dame de Bonne-Esperance. AH493 Paris, 1857. O- 29+296 p. 4 pi. Ai3 Decloux, , editor. AK See Le Pautre, Jean. 1617-82. Collection. . . [1854.] L55 Decloux, , and Doury, . Histoire archeologique, descriptive et graphique de la Sainte- AH44 Chapelle du palais . . . Paris, 1875. F. 5 48 p. 25 pi. P2I3 Decoration in painting, sculpture, architecture and art AB manufactures. London, 1 881-86. F. 4 new ser. v. 1-12. ill. pi. D35 Decorative furniture, French. See Examples of art workmanship of various ages and countries: ANi Decorative furniture, French. 1871. Exi Decouvertes gallo-romaines d Herbord, pres Sanxay. See La Croix, Camille de. Sanxay, Vienne ; decouvertes gallo- AR44 romaines d Herbord, pres Sanxay. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages ?75 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 2. 12 p. 6 pi.) Dedaux, . Chambre de Marie de Medicis au palais du Luxembourg; ou, AH44 Recueil d arabesques, peintures et ornements qui la decorent . . . P296 Paris, 1838. F. 6 [4] p. 34 pi- De Forest, Lockwood. Indian architecture and ornament. [Anon.] AH54 Boston [c. 1887]. F. 4 [5] p. 50 pi. Ai2 Indian domestic architecture. Sq. F. 4 [3] p. 25 pi. AH54 A4 Degen, Ludwig. Der bau der krankenhauser, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der AE6 ventilation und heizung. Miinchen, 1862. O. 8+261 p. 10 pi. 036 Les constructions en briques. Paris, 1860. F. 4 [4] p. 48 pi. AJ2 D 3 6 Motifs de decoration et d ornement des constructions en bois. AA Paris, 1860. F. 4 [4] p. 48 pi. 036 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 249 Deglane, [Adolphe Auguste] H[enri]. 1855-. Le Stade du Palatin. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. AB 1889, p. 184-229.) M48 Degli anfiteatri e particolarmente del Flavio di Roma. 1 788. AE4 See [Carli=Rubbi, Q. R M conte. 1720-95]. Cig De Goulianof, I. A. -i854(?). See Gul yanov, Ivan Aleksandrovich. -i854(?). De Graff, Simon. Modern geometrical stairbuilder s guide ... a plain practical AI system of hand-railing . . . 036 New York, 1845. Nar - Q- 68 P- 22 pi- Dehaisnes, Chretien Cesar Auguste, abbe. 1825-. Etude sur le retable d Anchin. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 4, AB p. 449-488, 538-5530 K-324 Dehio, Georg Gottfried. 1850-. Die basilika des hi. Martin in Tours und ihr einfluss auf die ent- AB wickelung der kirchlichen bauformen des mittelalters. (In Jahr- Ji92 buch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 10, p. 13-28.) Romanische renaissance. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen AB kunstsammlungen. v. 7, p. 129-140.) J J 9 2 Dehio, G[eorg Gottfried], 1850- and Bezold, G[ustav] von, 1848-. Die kirchliche baukunst des Abendlandes . . . AE Stuttgart, 1887-92 [v. 1/92]. O. v. I. ill. Atlas, F. 5 3 v. 360 pi. 036 Dehli, A[rne]. 1857- Architektonische und ornamentale details hervorragender bau- AK werke Italiens im byzantinischen styl . . . 0361 Berlin, 1893. F. 4 2 ser. in I v. 100 pi. Selections of Byzantine ornament. AK New York [c. 1890]. F. 5 2 v. in I. 100 pi. 036 Dehli, Arne, 1857-, and Chamberlin, G[eorge] Howard, 1868- Norman monuments of Palermo and environs ; a study. AH45 Boston [1892]. F. 5 Pts. 1-4. pi. Pi 75 Dehn=Rotfelser, Heinrich von. 1825-85. Die St. Michselskirche zu Fulda. Kassel, 1866. F. 5 10 p. ill. AH43 4 pi. (In Cassel, Ger. Vercin fur hessische geschichte und H46 landeskunde, ed. Mittelalterliche baudenkmaler in Kurhessen. 1866. v. I.) AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dehn=Rotfelser, Heinrich von. 1825-85. Die schlosskapelle und der rittersaal des schlosses zu Marburg. AH43 Kassel, 1862. F. 5 4+11 p. ill. 6 pi. (In Cassel, Ger. Verein H46 fur hessische geschichte und landeskunde, ed. Mittelalterliche baudenkmaler in Kurhessen. 1866. v. I.) Die stiftskirche St. Petri zu Fritzlar. Kassel, 1864. F. 5 34 p. AH43 ill. 14 pi. (In Cassel, Ger. Verein fur hessische geschichte und H46 landeskunde, ed. Mittelalterliche baudenkmaler in Kurhessen. 1866. v. i.) Dehn=Rotfelser, Heinrich von, 1825-85, and Lotz, Wilhelm, 1829-79. Die baudenkmaler im regierungsbezirk Cassel . . . hrsg. durch den AH43 Verein fur hessische geschichte und landeskunde. Cassel, 1870. C26 O. i6+373 + [34] p. (Inventarium der baudenkmaler im konig- reiche Preussen: Provinz Hessen-Nassau.) Deininger, C. Franz. Sammlung von porzellan-malereien aus dem iStcn jahrhundert . . . AN2 Leipzig [1892]. O. 32 pi. 036 Deininger, Joh[ann] W. See Schmidt, Otto. Kunstschatze aus Tirol, mit . . . texte von AK J. W. Deininger. 1891. Sch5i Deissmann, Adolf. Geschichte des Benedictiner-klosters Walsdorf, nebst einem anhang AH43 iiber die Geschichte des freifleckens Walsdorf . . . hrsg. von dem Wi6 Verein fur nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung. Wiesbaden, 1863. O. 4+i93~h[i] p. 3 pi. De Joly, Jules Jean Baptiste. 1788-1865. See Joly, Jules Jean Baptiste de. 1788-1865. Dejuinne, Francois Louis, 1786-1844, and Forbin, L. N. P. A., comte de, 1777-1841. AH45 Un mois aVenise. 1825. ^577 Dekorative vorbilder; eine sammlung von figiirlichen darstellungen ... fur zeichner, maler . . . architekten. AB Stuttgart, 1890-93. F. 4 v. 1-4. 120 pi. 0351 De la Beche, Sir Henry [Thomas], 1796-1855, and Reeks, Trenham. Catalogue of specimens in the Museum of practical geology, illus- AN2 trative of the composition and manufacture of British pottery and 0371 porcelain, from the occupation of Britain by the Romans to the present time. 3d ed. by T. Reeks and F. W. Rudler. London, 1876. O. 16+336 p. ill. I pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 251 Delacoulonche, - . Memoire sur le berceau de la puissance macedonienne de bords AB de 1 Haliacmon et ceux de 1 Axius. (In Archives des missions Ar2i scientifiques. 1859. v. 8, p. 67-288.) Rapport sur 1 histoire, les mceurs et les coutumes des peuples de AB 1 ancienne Arcadie. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1858. Ar2i v. 7, p. 83-268.) Delacourt, Achilla Peigne. 1797-1881. See Peigne=Delacourt, Achille. 1797-1881. Deladreue, Louis Eudore. 1831-88. Histoire de 1 abbaye de Lannoy. (In Societe academique d arche- AC ologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 10, p. 405- 8019 484, 569-696; v. n, p. 156-236, 289-448. i pi.) Notice sur 1 abbaye de Froidmont. (In Societe academique d ar- AC cheologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 7, p. 469- 8019 624; v. 8, p. 11-62.) Deladreue, Louis Eudore, 1831-88, and Mathon, - . Histoire de 1 abbaye royale de Saint-Lucien. (In Societe acade- AC mique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. 8091 v. 8, p. 257-385, 54I-704- 6 pi.) De la Feuille, Daniel. See La Feuille, Daniel de. Delafosse, Jean Charles. 1734-89. Algemeen kunstenaars handboek ; of, Schatkamer voor alle beoe- AK fenaaren van kunsten en handwerken ... Li3i Amsteldam [1787]. F. 4 [4J+39 p. 103 pi. Text in French and Dutch. Nouvelle iconologie historique ; ou, Attributs hierogliphyques qui AK ont pour objects les quatre elemens, les quatre saisons, les quatre Li3 parties du monde et les differentes complexions de 1 homme . . . Paris, 1768. F. 6 Various paging, iiopl. Nouvelle iconologie historique. 1768. (In Korsak, A. Les grands A A architectes francais. pi. 197-207.) K84 Reproduction of a selection of n plates from this work. Recueil des fontaines, frontispices, pyramides, cartouches. See AK above, Algemeen kunstenaars handboek [1787]. Delagarde, Philip Chilwell, M. D. 1797-1871. Supplement to an " Account of the church of St. Andrew, Cul- AC lumpton," descriptive of its mural paintings. (In Exeter diocesan Ex3 architectural society. Transactions. 1849. v - 3> P- 260-271, pi. 33-38.) 252 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Delalande, Francois Leandre Regnault=. 1762-1824. See Regnault- Delalande, Franfois Leandre. 1762-1824. Delamare, , abbe. Essai sur la veritable origine et sur les vicissitudes de la cathe- AH44 drale de Coutances. Caen, 1841. Q. 127 p. pi. C832 From Socidtd des antiquaires de Normandie. Mdmoires. ser. 2. Delamare, Ad[olphe] H. Al[exandre]. Exploration scientifique de 1 Algerie pendant . . . 1840-45, pub. AR6$ par ordre du gouvernement . . . archeologie. Ai Paris, 1850. Sq. F. 4 2 p. 193 pi. Delamotte, F[reeman Gage]. 1814-62. Book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and mediaeval from the AK eighth century, with numerals ... 3 d ed. 0372 London, 1860. Obi. S. [5] p. 51 pi. Mediaeval alphabets and initials for illuminators, with an introduc- AK tion by J. W. Brooks. London, 1 86 1. O. 6 p. 21 pi. 037 Primer of the art of illumination for the use of beginners . . . AK London, 1874. Sq. D. 43 p. 20 pi. 0371 Delamotte, William Alfred. 1775-1863. Original views of Oxford, its colleges, chapels and gardens . . . with . . . notices by C. Oilier . . . AH42 London, 1843. F. 6 Unpaged. 25 pi. Ox28 Delandre, Francois Marie Cayot=. 1796-1848. See Cayot-Delandre, Francois Marie. 1796-1848. Delange, Carle, 1837-, and Delange, Henri, 1804-. Recueil de toutes les pieces connues jusqu a ce jour de la faience AN2 francaise dite de Henri II. et Diane de Poitiers, dessinees par C. 037 Delange. 1861. Delange, Henri, 1804-, translator. See Passeri, G. B. 1610-79. Histoire des peintures sur majoliques AN2 faites a Pesaro et dans les lieux circonvoisins. 1853. P26 Delange, Henri, 1804- and Darcel, Alfred, 1818-. Recueil de faiences italiennes des 156, :6e, et 176 siecles, dessine AN2 par Carle Delange et C. Borneman. 1869. 024 Delange, Henri, 1804- and Delange, Carle, 1837- Recueil de toutes les pieces connues jusqu a ce jour de la faience AN2 francaise dite de Henri II. et Diane de Poitiers, dessinees par C. D37 Delange. Paris, 1 86 1. F. 34+ [3] p. 5 i pi. No. 95 of 150 copies printed. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 253 Delange, Henri, 1804-, and Sauzay, Alexandra, 1804-70. Monographic de 1 oeuvre de Bernard Palissy, suivie d un choix de AN2 ses continuateurs ou imitateurs, dessinee par C. Delange et C. Sa8 Borneman. 1862-65. Delaporte, L[ouis Marie Joseph]. 1842-. Voyage au Cambodge; 1 architecture Khmer. AH593 Paris, 1880. Q. 462 p. ill. i pi. Ai Delassaux, Victor, and Elliott, John. Street architecture, a series of shop fronts and facades . . . adapted Al4 to different branches of commerce . . . D37 London, 1855. F. 4 16 p. 22 pi. Delattre, Alfred Louis. 1850-. Marques de vases grecs et remains trouvees a Carthage, 1888-90. AB (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1891, p. 53-80.) M48 Les tombeaux puniques de Carthage. AR3973 Lyon, 1890. O. 104 p. ill. C244 Delaunay, L. A. Etude sur les anciennes compagnies d archers, d arbaletriers et AX d arquebusiers. ^37 Paris, 1879. Sq. F. io+[i]+4i2 p. ill. 7 por. 43 pi. 4 facsim. Delauney, A., Qautier, Lucien, and others. AH44 Paris en 1889. P28i Delauney, H[onore] F[rancois]. 1764-1829. Origine de la tapisserie de Bayeux prouvee par elle-meme . . . AH44 Caen, 1824. O. 95 p. A53 Delbrel, E. Traite et modeles d escaliers d art ; ouvrage faisant suite au Roubo AI "Supplement a L art de la menuiserie" . . . 037 Paris, no date. F. 5 [4]+! 6 p. 30 pi. Der treppenbau in holz; ansichten . . . und details von treppen AI fur privatbauten, hotels . . . Berlin [1888]. F. 5 16 p. 30 pi. 0371 German edition of the Traitd et modeles. Delbrel, E., Pfnor, R[odolphe], 1824-, and Verchere, J., editors. Vorlagen fur bautischlerarbeiten . . . nach A. J. Roubo. AM5 Berlin, 1891. F. 5 2 v. in I, 84 col. [42 p.] 100 pi. 037 Paged continuously. Supplement to Roubo, A. J. L art de la menuiserie. Del Corno, Vittorio. See Corno, Vittorio del. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Delepierre, Joseph Octave. 1802-79. Precis des annales de Bruges depuis les temps les plus recules AH493 jusqu au commencement du i/e siecle . . . 68341 Bruges, 1835. O. 26+ip4+[i] p. 44 pi. See Haghe, Louis. 180685. Monuments anciens recueillis en AH43 Allemagne . . . accompagnes de notices historiques par O. Dele- Ai8 pierre. 1845. Delgado, Juan de Dios de la Rada y. 1827-. See Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la. 1827-. Les delices de 1 Italie. 1 707. AH45 See [Rogissart, - , sieur de]. A63 Les delices des Pais-Bas. 1720. AH4Q2 See [Christyn, J. B.]. 1622-90. Histoire generale des Pais-Bas. A6 Delignieres Em[ile Desire]. 1836-. Catalogue raisonne de 1 ceuvre grave de Jean Daulle, precede AY d une notice sur sa vie ... Abbeville, 1872. O. 27+138 p. 037 From Abbeville (France) Socie"te royale d e"mulation. Me"moires. Delisle, Leopold Victor, 1826-, editor. See Haillet de Couronne, J. B. Q., 1728-1810, compiler. Docu- AN2 ments sur les fabriques de faience de Rouen. 1865. Hi 2 Delitzsch, Friedrich, 1850-, commentator. AR354 See Rassam, Hormuzd. 1826-. Babylonian cities. [1883.] BII DelF altare di San Giuseppe nel duomo di Modena. 1857. AH45 See [Cavedoni, Pietro]. M72I Dell altare di San Sebastiano nel duomo di Modena. 1858. AH45 See [Cavedoni, Pietro]. M72I DelP altare di Sant Antonio di Padova nel duomo di Modena. 1857. AH45 See [Cavedoni, Pietro]. M72I Dell ancona de serafino de serafini nel duomo di Modena. AH45 See [Cavedoni, Pietro]. DelP architettura egiziana. 1 786. See [Belgrade, Jacopo. 1704-89]. Dell arte dei giardini inglesi. 1801. See [Silva, Ercole, conte]. Delia Bella, Stefanino. 1610-64. See Bella, Stefano della. 1610-64. AH62 A 12 AN8 Si3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Delia chiesa cattedrale di Prato, descrizione corredata di AH45 notizie storiche e di documenti inediti. P88i Prato, 1846. O. 307 + [i] p. ill. 9 pi. Delia sacrosanta basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano. 1750. AH45 See [Sidone, Raffaele, and Martinetti, Antonio]. R/92 Delle antiche statue greche e romane che nell antisala della libreria di San Marco, e in altri luoghi pubblici di Venezia si trovano. 1740-43. See [Zanetti, A. M. E.,conte, 1680-1767, Zanetti, Q. F., 1713-82, AO8 and Zanetti, Alessandroj. Zi Delle antichita italiche. 1788-90. AR45 See [Carli-Rubbi, G. R., conte. 1720-95]. Ai3 Delle antichita longobardico-milanesi. See [Fumagalli, Angelo, 1728-1804, and Torre e Valvasine, AR45 Michele della]. MS 82 Del More, Luigi. La facciata di S. Maria del Fiore, illustrazione storica e artistica. AH45 Firenze, 1888. Sq. F. 6 [5] + 56+[i] p. ill. 25 pi. F67~ Delorme, Philibert. i5io(?)-7o. L architectvre. AA Paris, Morel, 1567. F. 4 [9] +283 + [2] f. ill. 4 pi. D^Si Architecture . . . avec une belle invention pour bien bastir et a A A petits frais . . . Rouen, 1648. F. 4 348 f. ill. 038 Delsaux, J. C. L eglise St. Jacques a Liege; plans, coupes, ensembles, details . . . AH493 graves par J. Coune. Liege, 1845. F. 6 [4] + 20 p. 15 pi. L623 Les monuments de Liege reconstruits, agrandis ou restaures; AH493 graves et publics par J. Coune. Liege, 1858. F. 6 [10] p. 20 pi. L622 Demarteau, Qilles. 1722-76. Extraits de . . . [son] ceuvre, d apres Boucher, Huet, Bouchardon, AK etc., reproduits par J. Claesen. Paris, no date. F. 5 pt. I. 25 pi. 0392 Demay, [Jean] G[ermain]. 1819-86. Le costume au moyen-age d apres les sceaux. AN4 Paris, 1880. Nar. Q. 496 p. ill. 2 pi. 039 Inventaire des sceaux de 1 Artois et de la Picardie recueillis dans AWi les depots d archives, musees et collections particulieres . . . 039 Paris, 1875-77 [v. I, 77]. Sq. F. 2 v. in I. 24 pi. Contents: v. i. Sceaux de 1 Artois. v. 2. Sceaux de la Picardie. 256 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Demengeot, C[harles]. Dictionnaire du chiffre-monogramme et des couronnes nobili- AK aires universelles. Paris [1883]. F. 5 34 pi. Recueil complet de chiffres modernes a deux lettres, composes et AK graves en taille-douce. Berlin [i864(?)]. F. 37 pi. 0393 Demmin, Auguste [Frederic]. 1823- Catalogue par ordre chronologique, ethnologique et generique . . . AN2 du Musee des arts plastiques et des industries qui s y rattachent. . . 0391 Nouv. ed. Paris, 1870. O. [3] + 3+i32 p. ill. Encyclopedic . . . des beaux-arts plastiques, architecture et mosa- AO Yque, ceramique, sculpture, peinture et gravure. 039 Paris, 1873. O. 3 v. in 5. ill. Histoire de la ceramique en planches phototypiques inalterables AN2 . . . 1 Asie, 1 Amerique, 1 Afrique et 1 Europe par ordre chronolo- 039 gique . . . Paris, 1875. F. 5 2 v. 250 pi. Keramik-studien. Leipzig, 1881-83. O. 6 v. in I. ill. AN2 0392 Contents: . r. Die fayence. Die aretinischen topferwaaren. 2. Das porcellan. 3. Das steingut. 4. Das glas. 5. Unglasirte thongebilde (terracotten). Stuccatur- und cement-bildnereien. 6. Schmelze auf metall. Die kriegswaffen in ihren geschichtlichen entwickelungen von den AN5 altesten zeiten bis auf die gegenwart; eine encyklopadie der waf- 039 fenkunde. 3. aufl. Gera-Untermhaus, 1891. O. 4+1110 p. ill. Souvenirs de voyage et causeries d un collectionneur ; ou, Guide AO artistique pour I Allemagne . . . Paris, 1864. D. 6+507 p. 0391 Studien iiber die stofflich-bildenden kiinste und kunsthand-werke. AN6 Leipzig, 1887-88. O. v. 1-5 in I. ill. 039 Contents: v. i. Die bildnerci. v. 2. Die kunsttischlerei. Die tonwerkzeuge und die anfiinge der musik. v. 3. Die uhrmacherkunst. Die gartenkunst. v. j. Die edel- oder gold- und silber-schmiedekunst. v. 5. Das eisen. Demontiosius, Ludovicus. i6t h cent. See Montjosieu, Louis de. i6th cent. Dempsey, G[eorge] Drysdale. Builders guide; a practical manual for ... builders . . . comprising AI a ... description of materials . . . with rules and data for calculating 039 strengths . . . also tables of weights . . . London, 1851. O. 4+196 p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 257 Dempster, Thomas. 1579-1625. De Etruria regali libri vii, nunc primum editi curante T. Coke . . . AR45 Florentise, 1723-24. F. 4 2 v. 2 por. 93 pi. map. Et78 Dempster, Thomas, 1579-1625, annotator. See Rosinus, Johannes. 1551-1626. Antiquitatum Romanarum AR45 corpus absolutissimum. 1663. R692 Denfer, J[ules]. 1839-. Architecture et constructions civiles ; couverture des edifices, AI ardoises, tuiles, metaux, matieres diverses, cheneaux et descentes. D4i Paris, 1893. O. 469 p. ill. (Encyclopedic des travaux publics, publiee sous la direction de C. Lechalas.) Denfer, J[ules], 1839- and Muller, Emile, 1823-. Album de serrurerie . . . contenant 1 emploi du fer dans la magon- AI nerie et dans la charpente en bois . . . 041 1 Paris, 1872. Sq. F. [4] p. 85 pi. 15 tab. Denison, Albert. 1805-60. See Londesborough, Albert Denison, ist baron. 1805-60. Denison, Christopher Beckett. 1825-84. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of pictures, works of art and AO2 decorative objects . . . sold . . . June 6, 1885, and following days . . . 041 London, 1885. Q. 3 v. in I, 283 p. 32 pi. Paged continuously. Denison, Edmund Beckett. 1816-. See Grimthorpe, Sir Edmund Beckett, ist baron. 1816 . He bore the name Edmund Beckett Denison until 1874, when he dropped the surname of Denison and succeeded his father as 5 th baronet Beckett ; created Baron Grimthorpe in 1886. Denkmahler der kunst und des alterthums in der kirche AH436 zum Heiligen Kreuz zu Innsbruck. 1812. An6 See [Primisser, Gottfried. 1785-1812]. Denkmaler aus Nassau. 1852-66. See Verein fur nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichts- forschung, editor. Denkmaler der baukunst. 1877-92. AA See Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule. 8454 Denkmaler, forschungen und berichte. AB Berlin, 1849-67. O. 19 v. nos. 1-228, tafel 1-228. Ar23 Forms a part of Archaologische zeitung, v. 7-25, the other part being Archaologischer anzeiger. 17 258 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Denkschrift liber das projekt eines neubaues des Bayeri- AH43 schen gewerbemuseums zu Niirnberg. 1889. ^94 See [Kramer, Theodor von]. Denkschriften=serie betreffend die kathedrale zu Metz. AH43 1882-91. M$6 See [Tornow, Paul]. Denne, Rev. Samuel. 1730-99. Brief survey of a part of Canterbury cathedral, as described by AB Eadmer and Gervase; and a review of Mr. Clarke s opinion of the Ar2 original use of stone seats in chancels. (In Archaeologia. v. II, P- 375-396.) Evidence of a lavatory appertaining to the Benedictine priory of AB Canterbury cathedral; and observations on fonts. (In Archaeologia. Ar2 v. 11, p. 108-153. 2 pi.) History and antiquities of Rochester and its environs . . . [Anon.] AR42 Rochester, 1772. D. 14+343 p. 6 pi. R58 Observations on Canterbury cathedral. (In Archaeologia. v. 10, AB P- 37-49-) Ar2 Dennis, George. Cities and cemeteries of Etruria . . . Revised ed. . . . AR45 London, 1878. O. 2 v. ill. pi. maps. Et7 Denon, [Dominique] Vivant, baron. 1747-1825. Monuments des arts du dessin chez les peuples tant anciens que AO modernes . . . decrits et expliques par Amaury Duval. D43 Paris, 1829. F. 6 4 v. 3 14 pi. Contents: v. i. Origine, progre"s, decadence des artsdu dessin. Leur renaissance en Europe. v. 2. Ecoles de peinture depuis la renaissance des arts: Ecoles italiques. v. 3. Suite des Ecoles italiques. v. 4. Ecoles germaniques. Ecole frangaise. Plates numbered 1-310 and 37 bis, 128 bis, 155 bis, 192 bis, 243 bis, 252 bis. PI. 186 and 192 bis cancelled. Denton, John Bailey, compiler. Farm homesteads of England; a collection of plans of English AE2 homesteads ... to illustrate the accommodation required under D43 various modes of husbandry . . . London, 1864. F. 4 15 + 186 p. ill. 68 pi. map. Denver (Colorado) Real estate and stock exchange. AH73 Annual report. 1890-91. Denver, 1891. F. 38+[i] p. ill. 043 Depree, F. T[empler]. Church plate in the deanery of Christianity. (In Exeter diocesan AC architectural society. Transactions. 1892. v. 1 1, p. 193-207. pi.) Ex3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 259 Derand, Francois. 1588-1644. L architecture des voutes ; ou, L art des traits et coupe des AI voutes . . . Paris, 1643. F. 5 [28]+453 + [i] p. ill. 044 Dergny, Dieudonne. Les cloches du pays de Bray, avec leurs dates, leurs noms, leurs AH44 inscriptions . . . Paris, 1863-65. O. 2 v. 8 pi. 673 De Ros, [William Lennox Lascelles Fitzgerald=de= Ros], 23 d baron. 1797-1874. Memorials of the tower of London. AH42 London, 1866. D. 21+298 p. ill. 10 pi. L923 Deroy, [Isidore Laurent], 1797-1886, and Fichot, [Michel Charles]. Album de 1 eglise de Brou, erigee a Bourg-en-Bresse de 1506 a AH44 1536 . . . Bourg, 1857. F. 8+8 p. 6 pi. 6794 Derrand, Francois. 1588-1644. See Derand, Francois. 1588-1644. De St. Croix, Rev. W[illiam]. Parochial history of Glynde. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 20, p. 47-90. 7 pi.) Su8 Desaivre, Leo. Champdeniers, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et AR44 monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 6. 28 p. ill. 8 pi.) P75 Desar, F. L. L. De 1 administration des constructions en general . . . ou, Exposi- AI tion des principes qui constituent le systeme administratif . . . de D45 toutes constructions . . . Paris, 1832. O. 19+366 p. I tab. Desbassayns de Richemont, [Alexandre], comte. 1833-. Die neuesten studien iiber die romischen katakomben, mit einem AR45 briefe des Cav. G. B. de Rossi. Autorisirte iibersetzung. R699 Mainz, 1872. D. 22+[i]+496 p. Descamps, [Henri Philibert Valentin], and Le Mais= tre d Anstaing, J. -1867. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Tournai, dessines par J. B. Ca- AH493 pronnier et mis sur pierre par J. de Keghel . . . T64I Bruxelles, 1848. F. 8 [4] + i6 p. 14 pi. Deschamps de Pas, Louis. 1816- Essai sur le pavage des eglises. (In Annales archeologiques. v. AB 10, p. 233-241,305-311; v. 1 1, p. 18-23,65-71; v. 12, p. 137-153.) An7 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Description archeologique et historique de la cathedrale AR44 de Clermont. 1865. Z See L., P. D. Description de 1 Eglise Royale des Invalides. 1706. AH44 See [Felibien, J. F. 1658-1733]. P3i8 Description de 1 Hotel Imperial des Invalides. 1855. AH44 See Gerard, Col. A. 1*343 Description de la cathedrale de Milan. 1823. AH45 See Artaria, Ferdinando. M596 Description de la cathedrale de Strasbourg. Nouv. ed. . . . AH43 Strasbourg, 1817. D. 12+120 p. 6 pi. St8i Description de la ville et des fauxbourgs de Paris. 1714. AH44 See Le Caille, Jean de. -1720. P3*3 Description des festes donnees par la ville de Paris a AW2 1 occasion du manage de Madame Louise Elisabeth de France et 045 de Dom Philippe . . . d Espagne, les 296 et 306 aout, 1739. Paris, 1740. F. 7 22 p. 13 pi. Description des vases peints et des bronzes antiques. AN2 1839. M27 See Magnoncour, de. Description du catafalque et du cenotaphe eriges . . . pour AE8 Louis XV. 1774. 35 See ChaHe, C. M. A. 1718-78. Description du jubile de sept cens ans de S. Macaire . . . AW2 qui sera celebre dans la ville de Gand ... a ... 30. de mai jusqu au 0451 15. juin, 1767 . . . Gand [pref. 1767]. Q. [8] + 12 + 80 p. 15 pi. Description generate de 1 Hostel Royal des Invalides. AH44 1683. P227 See Le Jeune de Boullencourt. Description historique de 1 Hotel Royal des Invalides. AH44 1756. P 3 i7 See [Granet, J. J. 1685-1759]. Description historique des curiosites de 1 eglise de Paris. AH44 1763- P342 See [Montjoie, de, abbe]. Description of that admirable structure, the cathedral AH42 church of Salisbury, with the chapels, monuments, gravestones Sa32 and their inscriptions . . . [and] an account of Old Sarum. London, 1774. Q. 6+50+144 p. 20 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 261 Description of the Arch of Peace in Milan. 1844. AH43 See Reina, J., publisher. Description of the city of Constantinople ... in the AH4Q6 reigns of Arcadius and Honorius, pub. from the Notitia utriusque 0764 imperii . . . London, 1729. O. 63 p. (In Gilles, Pierre. Antiqui ties of Constantinople. 1729.) Description of the great bell of Moscow. AH47 See [Montferrand, A. R. de]. 1786-1858. M85 Description of the library at Merly. 1785. AK See Willett, Ralph. 1721-95. W66 Description of the new palace of Westminster. AH42 London, 1848. O. 24 p. ill. 5 pi. A52 Description of Tremont House. 1830. AH73 See [Eliot, W. H. 1796-1831]. B65i Descriptions pittoresques de jardins du gout le plus -AN8 moderne. Leipzig, 1802. Sq. O. 8+ 124 p. 28 pi. D45 Descriptive and historical view of Alnwick, the county AR42 town of Northumberland, and of Alnwick castle . . . 2d ed. Ai6 Alnwick, 1822. O. 334 p. ill. 20 pi. Descrizione antiquario-architettonica. 1813. AH45 See [Nardi, Luigi]. R46 Descrizione de cartoni disegnati da Carlo Cignani e de AW quadri dipinti da Sebastiano Ricci posseduti dal Signor Giuseppe Sea 5 Smith . . . Venezia, 1749. Nar. Q. [4]+i58+[2] p. Descrizione del pulpito del duomo di Modena. 1855. AH45 See [Cavedoni, Pietro]. M72I Descrizione del tabernacolo che orna la confessione della AH45 basilica di San Paola sulla Via ostiense . . . R662 Roma, 1840. F. 6 3+43 + 23 p. Descrizione della certosa di Pavia. 1818. AH45 See [Malaspina di Sannazaro, Luigi, marchese. 1754-1834]. Z Descrizione della facciata e dell interno del duomo di AH45 Milano. 8a ed. . . . Milano, 1856. D. 47 p. ill. M5823 Descrizione della regia villa, fontane e fabbriche di Prat- AH45 olino. 1742. P883 See Sgrilli, B. S. 17* 262 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Descrizione delle architetture, pitture e scolture di Vi- AH45 cenza . . . Vicenza, 1779. D. 2 v. in I. 11 pi. V66 Descrizione di Geneva e del Genovesato. AH45 Geneva, 1846. Nar. Q. 3 v. ill. 22 pi. map. i facsim. G28i Descrizione di Roma antica. 1697. AH45 See [Rossi, Filippo], compiler. R795 Deseilligny, J. Pierrot=. See Pierrot-Deseilligny, J. Desgodetz, [Antoine]. 1653-1728. Les edifices antiques de Rome mcsures et dessines . . . AH45 Roma, 1822. F. 5 12+116 p. 137 pi. R685 Title-page and text in French and Italian. For supplement see Moreau, J. C. A. Fragmens et ornemens d architecture. 1800. Designs and examples of cottages. 1857. AE2 See Weale, John, 1 792 (?)- 1862, compiler. Desjardins, Antoine. 1814-82. L art des Etrusques et leur nationalite. (In Lyons, France So- AC ciete academique d architecture. Annales. 1875. v. 4, p. 235- L99 288.) H6tel-de-Ville de Lyon. (In Lyons, France Societe acade- AC mique d architecture. Annales. 1871. v. 2, p. 1130. 5 pi.) L99 Monographic de 1 Hotel de Ville de Lyon, restaure sous 1 adminis- AH44 tration de Mm. Vai sse et Chevreau, accompagnee d un texte his- L992 torique et descriptif. Paris, 1867. F. 6 [6] +75 p. ill. 76 pi. Desjardins, Antoine, 1814-82, editor. See Peyre, J. F. A. Manuel d architecture religieuse au moyen- AE age. 1848. Desjardins, Gustave [Adolphe]. 1834- Histoire de la cathedrale de Beauvais. AH44 Beauvais, 1865. Q. 284+[i] p. ill. 2 pi. 6381 Le Petit-Trianon; histoire et description. AH44 Versailles, 1885. Q. i6+[i]+469 p. ill. 22 pi. T73 Desjardins, [Jacques Jules] Abel. 1814-86. La vie et 1 oeuvre de Jean Bologne, d apres les mss. inedits recue- AW illis par Foucques de Vagnonville. 6632 Paris, 1883. F. 5 208 p. ill. I por. 21 pi. Desjardins, Tony. 1814-82. See Desjardins, Antoine. 1814-82. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 263 Des Meloizes, Albert. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Bourges posterieurs au I3 e siecle AH44 . . . avec une Introduction par E. de Beaurepaire. B66i Bourges, 1891-92. F. 8 pts. 1-5. 42 p. 15 pi. Des Moulins, Charles. Esnandes et Beaumont-du-Perigord, analyse comparative de deux AB eglises fbrtifiees du I4 e siecle. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 23, 687 p. 17-51. ill.) Memoire sur quelques bas-reliefs emblematiques des peches capi- AB taux. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 1 1, p. 177-204, 259-278. I pi.) 687 Notice sur quelques monuments du Bigorre. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 10, p. 276-300, 377-431. ill. 2 pi.) 687 Peintures de Saint-Macaire. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 26, p. AB 772-793. ill.) 687 Despierres, Q. 1820-91. Histoire de la faience de Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon. AN2 Paris, 1889. Sq. F. 6+58+[i] p. 20 pi. 046 Desserviers, P. Boirot=. See Boirot-Desserviers, P. Destailleur, Hippolyte [Alexandre Gabriel Walter]. 1822-. Catalogue de dessins originaux reunis en recueils, ceuvres impor- AL tantes des Saint- Aubin, composant [sa] collection. 047 Paris, 1893. Nar. Q. 66+ [i] p. 17 pi. Catalogue de livres rares et precieux composant . . . [sa] biblio- AO theque. Paris, 1891. Nar. Q. 15+448 p. 047 Notices sur quelques artistes frangais, architectes, dessinateurs, AK graveurs du i6 e au i8 e siecle . . . Paris, 1863. O. 8+323 pi. 0471 Extract from his Recueil d estampes relatives a 1 ornementation des appartements. Recueil d estampes relatives a l ornementation des appartements AK aux i6e, 170 et i8e siecles. Paris, 1863. F. 5 2 v. 144 pi. 047 See Du Cerceau, J. A. -1592. Les plus excellents bastiments de AH44 France. 1868-70. A2i See Jousse, Mathurin. 1607- La fidelle ouverture de 1 art du AM2 serrurier, accompagnee d une notice historique par H. Destailleurs. J82 1874. Detail, cottage and constructive architecture. 1886. AE2 See Comstock, W. T M publisher. C73I Details of decorative sculpture; Italian renaissance. AK Boston, no date. Sq. O. 50 pi. 048 From Technology architectural review. 264 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Detain, C. See Lacroux, J. Constructions en briques; la brique ordinaire au point de vue decoratif; texte par C. Detain. 1878. , Vaudoyer, Detournelle, Athanase, 1776- Allais, - A. L. T., 1756-1846, Projets d architecture. 1806. Deutsche bauzeitung ; verkiindigungsblatt des Verbandes deutscher architekten- und ingenieur-vereine. Berlin, 1867-. F. v. 1-26 in 30. ill. pi. Vol. i has title Wochenblatt des Architekten-vereins zu Berlin ; v. 2-5 have title Deutsche bauzeitung; wochenblatt hrsg. von mitgliedern des Architekten-vereins zu Berlin. V. 1-8 have Annonccbeilagen bound with them ; those to v. 9-12 are bound separately. V. 1-5 ed ited by Berlin, Ger. Architekten verein ; v. 8-26 by Verband deutscher architekten- und ingenieur-vereine. Deutscher tech niker=ver band. Preisschriften. Halle, 1892. O. Vol. i. Wie soil sich der bautechniker eine zweckentsprechende ausbildung er- werben ? 1892. Deutscher verein zur erforschung Palastina s. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1878-92. O. v. 1-14 in 5. ill. pi. Edited by H. Guthe. Deutsches archaologisches institut. Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1887-91. Q. v. 1-5. ill. pi. Edited by M. Frankel. Mittheilungen ; athenische abtheilung. Athen, 1876-90. Nar. Q. v. 1-15. ill. pi. Previous to 1886 known as Deutsches archaologisches institut in Athen. Mittheilungen; romische abtheilung. Rom, 1886-90. Nar. Q. v. 1-5. ill. pi. Title-page in German and Italian; text in Italian. See Curtius, Ernst, 1814-, and Kaupert, J. A. Atlas von Athen, im auftrage des Kaiserlich deutschen archaologischen instituts. 1878. See Kekule, F. H. R. 1839-. Die antiken terracotten, im auftrag des Archaologischen instituts des deutschen reichs. 1880-84. See Koldewey, Robert. Die antiken baureste der insel Lesbos, im auftrage des Kaiserlich deutschen archaologischen instituts unter- sucht und aufgenommen. 1890. See Robert, Karl. 1850-. Die antiken sarkophag- reliefs, im auftrage des Kaiserlich deutschen archaologischen instituts, mit benutzung der vorarbeiten von Friedrich Matz. 1890. AJ 2 LII AL2 Ai 5 AB 0481 AA W6 3 4 AC 0481 AC 048 AR 49 s G8i AR45 R66 AR495 AO8 K26i AH4992 AI A08 RS4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 265 Deutsches archaologisches institut, compiler. Das kuppelgrab bei Menidi . . . AR495 Athen, 1880. F. [4] + 56+[i] p. 9 pi. M52 Deutsches archaologisches institut, editor. See Ivanov, S. A. 1822-77. Architektonische studien. 1892. A A Ivi See Lessing, Julius, 1843-, and Mau, August. Wand- und decken- AM6 schmuck eines romischen hauses aus der zeit des Augustus. 1891. 1,562 See Schreiber, Q. T. 1848-. Die antiken bildwerke der Villa AH45 Ludovisi in Rom. 1880. R/44 Deutsches archaologisches institut, publisher. See Rome (Italy) Museo Lateranense. Die altchristlichen bild- AO4 werke im museum. 1890. R66 Deutsches jahrbuch liber die leistungen und fortschritte AB auf den gebieten der theorie und praxis der baugewerbe. 0482 Leipzig, 1870-76. Q. 7 v. ill. pi. Edited by H. Zwick. Vols. 1-3 have title Jahrbuch iiber die leistungen und fortschritte auf dem gebiete der practischen baugewerbe. No more published. Deutsches kunstblatt. AB Leipzig, 1850-58. Sq. F. 9 v. in 5. ill. pi. 048 Edited by F. Eggers. Vols. 3-6 contain Beiblatt, and v. 9, Literaturblatt. Devals, Jean Ursule. 1814-74. Architecture civile du moyen-age. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 16, p. 39-48. ill. i pi.) An7 La tapisserie de Montpezat. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 3, AB p. 95-112. ill. i pi.) An7 Deville, J[ean Achille]. 1789-1875. Dictionnaire du tapissier critique et historique de 1 ameublement ANi francais . . . Paris, 1878-80. F. 2 v. 124 pi. 049 Essai historique et descriptif sur 1 eglise et 1 abbaye de Saint- AH44 Georges-de-Bocherville, pres Rouen. Sa77 Rouen, 1827. F. [i6]+i 1 1 + [3] P- I2 P 1 - Histoire de 1 art de la verrerie dans 1 antiquite. AN3 Paris, 1873. Sq. F. 108 p. 112 pi. 049 Histoire du chateau d Arques. AH44 Rouen, 1839. O. [12] +4 12+ [3] p. 12 pi. map. Ar6 Revue des architectes de la cathedrale de Rouen jusqu a la fin du AH44 i6 e siecle. Rouen, 1848. O. 95 p. R/55 Tombeaux de la cathedrale de Rouen. Troisieme edition . . . AH44 augmentee avec . . . planches . . . pub. avec notes par F. Bouquet. R754 Paris, 1881. F. 4 [>]+322 + [6] p. 27 pi. 266 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Devillez, [Barthelemy] A[dolphe]. 1816-91. Elements de constructions civiles, art de batir, composition des AI edifices, vade-mecum de construction . . . 4? tirage. 049 Paris, 1882. O. 384 p. and Atlas. 36 pi. with 214 ill. De Vinne, Theodore L. & co. Roman and Italic printing types in ... [their] printing house. AX New York, 1891. O. 145 p. 049 Devoulx, Albert. 1826-. AH6s Les edifices religieux de 1 ancien Alger. Alger, 1870. O. 265 p. Ai3 From the Revue africaine. Dewaele, J. Grieksche en romeinsche bouwkunst: Architecture grecque et AH495 romaine. Gent, no date. Nar. Q. [48] p. 35 pi. Ai$ Text in Dutch and French in parallel columns. De Witt, Simeon. 1756-1834. AL2 Elements of perspective. Albany, 1813. O. 69+ [3] p. 12 pi. 051 Diamond, Hugh W[elch]. 1809-86. On the earliest specimens of mezzotinto engraving ; in a letter to AO7 Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1838. Q. 8 p. 054 From Archaeologia. v. 27. Diana, Manuel Juan. Memoria historico-artistica del teatro real de Madrid . . . AH46 Madrid, 1850. F. 127+24 p. 9 pi. M26 Dichiarazione degli antichi marmi Modenesi. 1828. AR45 See [Cavedoni, Celestino. 1795-1865]. M72 Dickinson, William. 1756-1822. History and antiquities of the town of Newark in the county of AR42 Nottingham . . . with biographical sketches . . . N425 London, 1819. Q. [i7]+4Oi p. 14 pi. 9 tab. Dictionary of the leading technical and trade terms of AA architectural design and building construction ... by the editor of 0562 the "Technical journal" . . . London, 1888. O. 35+283 p. Dictionnaire des artistes. 1778-90. AY See Heinecken, K. H. von. 1706-91. H36 Dictionnaire des beaux-arts. 1805. AO See Encyclopedic methodique par ordre de matieres. Em Dictionnaire encyclopedique de 1 art aratoire et du jar- AN8 dinage. 1802. Em See Encyclopedic methodique par ordre de matieres. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 267 Dictionnaire topographique de la France . . . public . . . AR44 sous la direction du Comite des travaux historiques et des societes M85 savantes. Paris, 1874. Q. BOUTEILLER, E. DE. 1826-83. Dictionnaire topographique de la Moselle. 1874. Didelot, Charles. Notes archeologiques sur la Catalogne. (In Bulletin monumental. AB 1888. v. 54, p. 44-61. 2 pi.) B8; Diderot, Denis, 1713-84, publisher. See Montamy, [D. F.] d Arclais de. 170265. Traite des couleurs AJ2 pour la peinture en email et sur la porcelaine. 1765. M76 Didiot, Jules, abbe. La theologie des catacombes de Rome. (In Revue de 1 art chre- AB tien. v. 8.) ^.324 Didot, Ambroise Firmin. 1790-1876. Jean Cousin, peintre-verrier. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 39, p. AB 75-93, 111-126.) 687 Didot, P. Gelis=. See Gelis=Didot, P. Didron, Adolphe Napoleon. 1806-67. Ameublement et decoration des eglises. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 4, p. i-ii.) An7 Bronzes et orfevrerie du moyen-age. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 19, p. 5-223. ill. 4 pi.) An7 La cathedrale de Reims. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 13, p. AB 289-299; v. 14, p. 25-32, 310-315, 370-377- 3 pl-) An7 La Champagne et Notre Dame de 1 Epine. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 24, p. 293-318.) An7 Le Dallage historic de la cathedrale de Sienne. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 16, p. 338-359. I pl.) An7 Fonts baptismaux. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 5, p. 21-37. 3 pl-) An7 Iconographie chretienne ; histoire de Dieu. Paris, 1843. Q- [3]+ AO 624 p. ill. (Collection de documents inedits sur 1 histoire de D56 France, v. 6.) Iconographie de 1 opera. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 24, p. AB 111-138.) An7 Iconographie des anges. (In Annales archeologiques. v. ii,p. AB 347-362; v. 12, p. 168-176. ill. i pl.) An7 268 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Didron, Adolphe Napoleon. 1806-67. Iconographie des cathedrales. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 9, AB p. 41-56, 99-uo. 17S-1&3, 232-236; v. 10, p. 339-348. ill.) An; Iconographie des chateaux. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 17, AB p. 5-25-) An; Iconographie et ameublement d une cathedrale. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 8, p. 315-329.) An; Manuel des oeuvres de bronze et d orfevrerie du moyen-age . . . AM4 Paris, 1859. Q. 22i + [i] p. ill. D$6 Monographic de la cathedrale de Chartres. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 2;, p. 18-31.) An; Le mont Athos. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 4, 5, ;, 18, 20, AB 21, 24. ill. 5 pi.) An; Notre-Dame-de-la-Treille. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 16, p. AB 205-230.) An; Notre-Dame de Treves. (In Annales archeologiques. v. u, p. AB 272-286.) An; Le paganisme dans 1 art chretien. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 12, p. 300-319. 2 pi.) An; Le palais imperial de Constantinople. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 21, p. 26i-2;6, 309-328.) An; Rapport sur les travaux executes a la cathedrale de Bourges avant AC 1848; communique et annote par Octave Roger. (In Societe des 803 antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1889. v. 16, p. i; 1-208.) Renaissance du moyen-age (architecture). (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 6, p. 1-20.) An; Sienne ; chapelle du palais municipal. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 16, p. 5-25, 282-291. ill. 4 pi.) An; La Societe d Arundel. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 17, p. AB 363-388.) An7 Stalles allemandes. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 9, p. 129- AB 143- 2 pi.) An7 Statuaire des cathedrales de France. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 6, p. 35-59. 3 pi.) An; Symbolique chretienne. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 8, p. AB 1-16. i pi.) An7 Les triomphes. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 23, p. 283-328; AB v. 24, p. 38-54, 145-160. 2 pi.) An; Les verrieres de la redemption a Notre-Dame de Chalons-sur- AB Marne. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 23, p. 69-90.) An; COLUMBIA COLLEGE 269 Didron, Adolphe Napoleon, 1806-67, editor. AB See Annales archeologiques. 1844-65. v. 1-25. An/ Didron, Adolphe Napoleon, 1806-67, and Burges, William, 1827-81. AH 4 s Venise. 1857. Didron, Adolphe Napoleon, 1806-67, and Cahier, Leon. La croix orientale. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 5, p. 318 AB 328. ill. 3 pi.) Didron, Edouard Amedee. 1836-. Histoire de la peinture sur verre en Europe. (In Annales arche- AB ologiques. v. 23, p. 45-60, 201-224; v - 2 4> P- 211-225; v. 27, An p. 188-201. ill. 2 pi.) Les vitraux a 1 Exposition universelle de 1867. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 25, p. 222-239, 33 I ~373-) Les vitraux du Grand-Andely. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 22, p. 260-293.) An/ Didron, Edouard Amedee, 1836-, editor. AB See Annales archeologiques. 1869-70. v. 26-27. An/ Diedo, Antonio. Fabbriche e disegni : Edifice et dessins ; traduction franfaise par AL2 Crilanovich- Leopold. Venezia, 1846. F. 6 Unpaged. 108 pi. 056 Diedo, Antonio, editor. See Calderari, Ottone, conte. 1/30-1803. Disegni e scritti AA d architettura. 1808-15. Ci2 Diedo, Antonio, Cicognara, Leopoldo, conte da, 1767-1834, and Selva, Q. A. AE8 Monumenti sepolcrali cospicui. 1858. C48 Diefenbach, Leonhard. Geometrical ornamentation; a collection of ornaments . . . which AK may specially be adapted for inlaid work, artistic glazing, parquet 056 flooring ... in the Greek . . . Moorish . . . Gothic and modern style . . . New York, no date. Obi. Q. 7+7 p. 87 pi. Diehl, [Michel] Ch[arles]. 1859-. Excursions^ archeologiques en Grece, Mycenes, Delos, Athenes, AR45 Olympic, Eleusis, Epidaure, Dodone, Tirynthe, Tanagra. 2e ed. An Paris [pref. 1890]. D. 10+386 p. 8 pi. Notes sur quelques monuments byzantins de Calabre. (In Me- AB langes d archeologie et d histoire. 1890, p. 284-302. ill.) M48 270 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Diehl, [Michel] Ch[arles]. 1859-. Notes sur quelques monuments byzantins de 1 Italie meridionale. AB (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1891, p. 3-52.) M48 Ravenne; etudes d archeologie byzantine. Paris, 1886. Q. 79 p. AR45 ill. (Bibliotheque d art ancien.) Ri9 Dielhelm, Johann Hermann. Rheinischer antiquarius ; oder, Ausfuhrliche beschreibung des AR43 Rheinstroms, von seinein ursprung an ... mit niitzlichen land- R34 karten . . . zum drittenmal . . . hrsg. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1776. S. [8] + 1030+244 p. 16 pi. 2 maps. Dienstbach, M. Aus der werkstatt : Abbildungen moderner, meist anfacher ANi mobelstiicke, ausgefuhrt in hervorragenden tischler- und bild- 056 hauer-werkstatten. Berlin, 1886-89. F. 5 ser. 1-3. [8] p. 108 pi. Diepolder, Joh[ann] Nep[omuk]. Der tempelbau der vorchristlichen und christlichen zeit; oder, Die AE bildenden kiinste im dienste der religion bei den heiden, Juden, 056 Mohammedanern und Christen . . . Leipzig, 1 88 1. O. 8+295 p. ill. I pi. Dietrichson, L[orentz Henrik Segelcke]. 1834- Antinoos; eine kunstarchaologische untersuchung. AO8 Christiania, 1884. O. 13+357 p. 19 pi. 056 Universitatsprogramm fiir das i. semester. 1884. Den norske traeskjaererkunst dens oprindelse og udvikling; en AM5 fore!0big unders^gelse. Christiania, 1878. O. 6+101 p. ill, 056 Dietrichson, Lforentz Henrik Segelcke], 1834- and Munthe, H. Die holzbaukunst Norwegens in vergangenheit und gcgenwart . . . AH48i Berlin, 1893. F. 5 io+[3] + i28 p. ill. 31 pi. I map. A2 Dietsch, Julius Erdmann Christoph. Die christlichen weihestatten in und bei der stadt Hof ; geschicht- AFLj-3 liche darstellung der allda befmdlichen kirchen, kapellen und H67 friedhofe. Hof, 1856. Q. 8+i64+[i] p. 3 pi. De dietsche warande ... AB Amsterdam, 1855-. O- Io v - ne w ser. v. 1-5. ill. 056 Dietterlin, Wendel. i54o(?)-99(?). Le livre de 1 architecture ; recueil de planches donnant la division, AA symetrie et proportion des cinq ordres . . . 056 Liege [1862]. F. 5 2 v. ill. I por. 194 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 271 Dietzel, Carl Friedrich. 1668-1726. See Diezel, Carl Friedrich. 1668-1726. Dieulafoy, Marcel [Auguste]. 1844-. L acropole de Suse d apres les fouilles executees en 1884-86 . . . AR55 Paris, 1890-92. F. I v. in 4 pts. 446+ [3] p. ill. i6pl. 3 maps. Su8i Contents : pt. i. Histoire et geographic. pt. 2. Fortification. pt. 3. Faiences et terres cuites. pt. 4. L apadana et 1 ayadana. Paged continuously. L art antique de la Perse, Achemenides, Parthes, Sassanides. AR55 Paris, 1884-85. F. 4 5 v. ill. 103 pi. Ai Contents: i. Monuments de la valloe de Polvar-Roud. 2. Monuments de Perse polis. 3. La sculpture persepolitaine. 4. Les monuments voutes de I dpoque ache me nide. 5. Monuments parthes et sassanides. Dieulafoy, Mine. Jeanne [Rachel (Magre)]. 1851- A Suse ; journal des fouilles. 1884-86. AR55 Paris, 1888. F. |j]+366 p. 121 ill. map. Su8~ Dieussart, Charles Philippe. Theatrum architecture civilis, in drey bucher getheilet . . . AA Bamberg, 1697. F. 4 [4J + ioi p. 65 pi. D$6i Translated from the Italian by L. Dintzenhoffer. Diezel, Carl Friedrich. 1668-1726. Kurtz-abgefaste eissfeldische stadt-histoire . . . AP Coburg, 1721. S. [i5] + i57P- K 5 2 Digot, Sebastien Antoine Augustin. 1815-64. Notice sur le font baptismal de Mousson. (In Bulletin monumen- AB tal. v. 13, p. 177-189. ill.) 687 Dijon (France) Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres. Memoires. 1851-87. AC Dijon, 1852-. O. ill. 2<1 ser. v. 1-16; 3^ ser. v. i-io. 056 Dilettanti, Society of. See Society of Dilettanti. [Dilke, Lady Emilia Frances (Strong) Pattison. 1842-.] AO Renaissance of art in France, by Mrs. Mark Pattison. 057 London, 1879. O. 2 v. 19 pi. Diller, Friedrich, freiherr von Hess=. See Hess=Diller, Friedrich, freiherr von. 272 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dillon, Harold Arthur. 1844- Arms and armour at Westminster, the Tower, and Greenwich, AB 1547. (In Archaeologia. v. 5 I, p. 219-280.) Ar2 Dimock, Rev. James F[rancis]. 1811-76. Architectural history of Southwell minster. (In Associated archi- AC tectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 10, p. 39-56.) As7 Recorded history of Lincoln cathedral. (In Associated architec- AC tural societies. Reports and papers, v. 9, p. 190-201.) As7 Dinaux, A[rthur Martin]. 1795-1864. Description des fetes populaires donnees a Valenciennes les 11-13 AW mai, 1851, par la Societe des Incas. D6i Lille, 1856. Nar. Q. 21 8 + [3] p. 22 pi. Diner, Josef, compiler. See Karasz Qeza. Sammlung : catalog der kunst gegenstande AM4 und antiquitaten. 1890. Ki4 Dintzenhoffer, Leonhard, translator. A A See Dieussart, C. P. Theatrum architecturae civilis. 1697. 0561 Dion, [Joseph Louis] Adolphe de, comte. 1823-. Exploration des chateaux du Vexin. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 33, P- 330-366. ill.) B87 Introduction.- Etude sur les eglises de 1 Ordre de Citeaux. (In AH44 Morize, L. Etude arch, sur 1 abbaye de N.-D. des Vaux de Cer- P293 nay. 1889. p. 1-27. 8 pi.) Introduction de 1 architecture gothique en Italic par les Cister- AB fran9ais. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 56, p. 295-325. ill. 3 pi.) 687 La nef de la cathedrale du Mans. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 39, p. 483-501. 4 pi.) 687 Notre-Dame en Vaux a Chalons-sur-Marne. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 52, p. 547-559. ill. 2 pi.) 687 Dion, [N.] H. de, and Lasvignes, L[aurent], Cathedrale de Baycux ; reprise en sous-ceuvre de la tour centrale AH44 par H. de Dion et L. Lasvignes sous la direction de E. Flachat. 634 Paris, 1 86 1. F. 102 + [2] p. ill. 25 pi. Dionisi, Filippo Lorenzo. 1712-89. Sacrarum Vaticanae basilicae cryptarum monumenta . . . commen- AH45 tariis illustrata curante A. de Gabriellis . . . R692 Romae, 1773. F. 4 28+2249. 84 pi. Diprose, John. 1814-79. Some account of the parish of Saint Clement Danes, Westminster, AH42 past and present . . . London, 1868. Sq. O. 4+332 p. 9 pi. L86i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 273 Disch, Karl Damian. 1821-80. Catalogue de . . . [sa] collection a Cologne, vente ... 12 rnai, AO2 1 88 1 . . . et les jours suivants . . . D63 Cologne, 1 88 1. Nar. Q. [ioJ + i/6+15 p. 4 pi. 20 phot. Contents : pt. i. Objets d art de I epoque du moyen-age et des temps modernes. pt. 2. Collection d antiquite"s romaines et gauloises trouvdes dans les provinces rhdnanes. Discorso per 1 inaugurazione del monumento a Michele AW Sanmicheli, eretto in Verona li 7 giugno, 1874 [per G. Camuz- Sa55 zoni], e pubblicazione di suoi scritti inediti e di altri documenti tratti dal R. archivio generate di Venezia [da A. Bertoldi]. Verona, 1874. F. 26+ [21] + 105 p. I pi. I facsim. I tab. Discorso preliminare all Architettura di Vitruvio com- AA mentata ed illustrata da Gio. Poleni e da Simone Stratico. V844 Udine, 1825. O. [2] + [26] . + 38 p. Discorso pronunziato in Pompei addi 25 di settembre, AR45 1879. P 779 See [Ruggiero, Michele]. Dissertatio glyptographica. 1 739. AX See [Vettori, Francesco. 1693-1770]. V64 Dissertation on the antiquity, origin and design of the AE8 principal pyramids of Egypt. 1833. 3 See [Yeates, Thomas. 1772-1839]. Dissertation sur le monument de la Reine Comosarye. AR47 1805. Ai See [Kohler, H. K. E. von. 1765-1838]. Dissertation sur les statues appartenantes a la fable de AO8 Niobe. 1779. Fn See [Fabroni, Angelo. 1732-1803]. Dissertazione sulle statue appartenenti alia favola di Niobe. 1779. Dissertazione esegetica intorno all origine ed al sistema AR45 della sacra architettura presso i Greci. 1831. H4I2 See [Carelli, Francesco]. 1758-1832. Dissertazione. (Bayardi, O. A. Delle antichita di Ercolano esposte. 1755-1831. v. 10.) Dissertazione sulle statue appartenenti alia favola di AO8 Niobe. 1779. Fn See [Fabroni, Angelo. 1732-1803]. Distinto ragguaglio dell ottava maraviglia del mondo . . . AH45 volgarmente detta il duomo di Milano. 1739. M5825 See [Morigia, Paolo. 1525-1604]. 18 274 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Das diurnale oder gebetbuch des Kaiser Maximilian I. AB von Eduard Chmelarz, with drawings by Albrecht Diirer. (In ]igi Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 3, pt. i, p. 88 102.) Divers ajustements et usages de Russie . . . dessines en AN4 Russia d apres nature et graves a 1 eau forte. 1761-75. L55 See Le Prince, J. B. 1733-81. [Diversi, Carlo.] AE6 Sistema generale dell architettura de lazzeretti. [Anon.] D64 Napoli, 1826. Q. 31 p. 4 pi. Plates by Diversi, text by Giuliano de Fazio. Dobbert, Eduard. 1839-. Die darstellung des abendmahles durch die byzantinische kunst. AB (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft 1871. v. 4, p. 281-346.) Jig Gottfried Schadow. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 37, p. 378- AB 391.) Z Uber den styl Niccolo Pisano s und dessen ursprung. AW Miinchen, 1873. O. 5+89 p. N5i Dobson, Edward. Rudiments of the art of building . . . nth e d. London, 1881. D. AI 1 6+ 1 68 p. ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) D65 Documents relatifs a 1 art de la decoration et au dessin AN industriel. Paris, 1888. F. 6 ser. I. pi. D6s Ser. i. fixoFFES anciennes. 30 pi. Documents relatifs aux travaux du Palais de justice et AH44 a la reconstruction de La prefecture de police . . . P 2 59 Paris, 1858. F. [5] + 3i9p. I tab. and Atlas, F. 7 Unpaged. 34pl. Dodd, Thomas, 1771-1850, editor. AO$ See Bella, Stefano della. 1610-64. Collection of etchings. 1818. 641 Dodson, Florence Harriet. St. Mary s church, Barcombe. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 30, p. 52-62. i pi.) Su8 Dodsworth, William. -1826. Historical account of the episcopal see and cathedral church of AH42 Sarum, or Salisbury, comprising . . . notices of the bishops . . . Sa35 Salisbury, 1814. Sq. F. 20+240 p. 19 pi. Dogen, Matthias. i6o5(?)-72. Architectura militaris moderna variis historiis, tarn veteribus quam AE7 novis, confirmata et praecipuis totius Europae munimentis ad exem- D67 plum adductis exornata. Amstelodami, 1647. F. [6] + 504+ [23] p. 69 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 275 Dohler, Eduard. 1811-. Entstehung und entwickelung der religiosen kunst bei den AO Griechen. Berlin, 1874. O. 47 p. Z2 From Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wisscnschaftlicher vortrage. Ser. 9, pt. 205. Dohme, Robert. 1845-93. Barock- und rococo-architektur. AA Berlin, 1892. F. 5 3 v. ill. 200 pi. D68 Filarete s Traktat von der architektur. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich AB preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. I, p. 225-241.) Ji92 Geschichte der deutschen baukunst. Berlin, 1887. Q. 2+444+ AH43 [i] p. ill. 55 pi. (Geschichte der deutschen kunst. v. I.) Ai Die kirchen des Cistercienserordens in Deutschland wahrend des AH43 mittelalters. Leipzig, 1869. O. !2+i5o+[2] p. ill. 4 tab. A5i Das konigliche schloss in Berlin; eine baugeschichtliche studie. AH43 Leipzig, 1876. F. 4 [6]+55 + [2] p. ill. 644 Norditalienische centralbauten des 17. und 18. jahrhunderts. (In AB Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 3, Ji92 p. II9-I35-) Dohme, Robert, 1845-93, editor. Kunst und kunstler des mittelalters und der neuzeit; biographien AF und charakteristiken . . . D68 Leipzig, 1877-86. Nar. Q. 4 pts. in 8 v. ill. 12 pi. Contents: pt. i. Deutschland und die Niederlande. 2 v. pt. 2. Italian. 3 v. pt. 3. Spanien, Frankreich und England. pt. 4. Kunst und kiinstler der ersten halfte des neunzehnten jahrhunderts. 2 v. See Die architektur und das kunstgewerbe des 17. und 18. jahr hunderts. See Decker, Paul. 1677-1713. Fiirstlicher baumeister in 57 A A tafeln. 1885. 035 See Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. AB 1880-. Dolby, Mrs. Anastasia. Church vestments : their origin, use, and ornament practically AN4 illustrated. London, 1868. Sq. O. 8+203 P- ill. 37 pi. D68 Dollinger, C. Architektonische reise-skizzen, I. 3. serie. A A Stuttgart [1871-87]. F. 5 100 pi. D6g Doll man, Francis T[homas]. Examples of ancient domestic architecture, illustrating the hospi- AE6 tals, bede houses, schools, alms-houses ... of the middle ages in 069 England. London, 1858. F. i6+4i + [i] p. 40 pi. 276 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dollman, Francis T[homas]. Examples of antient pulpits existing in England, selected and ANi drawn from sketches . . . taken on the spot . . . D6Q London, 1849. Sq. F. 32 p. 30 pi. The priory church of St. Mary Overie, Southwark. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. v. 7, R8i P- 389-397-) Priory of St. Mary Overie, Southwark, comprising . . . the history AH42 . . . description . . . [and] illustrations of the church and conven- L8$3 tual buildings ... London, 1 88 1. F. 4 8+62 + [2] p. ill. 44 pi. Dollman, F[rancis] T[homas], and Jobbins, J. R. Analysis of ancient domestic architecture, exhibiting . . . examples AE2 in Great Britain from drawings . . . taken on the spot. D69 London [pref. 1861-63]. Sq. F. 2 v. in I. 159 pi. Dolmetsch, H. Japanische vorbilder ; ein sammelwerk zur veranschaulichung ja- AK panischer kunstprodukte . . . Stuttgart [1886]. F. 4 8 p. 50 pi. 069 Der ornamentenschatz ; ein musterbuch stilvoller ornamente aus AK alien kunstepochen ; 85 tafeln mit . . . erlauterndem text. 2. aufl. 0691 Stuttgart, 1889. F. 95 p. 85 pi. Der dom zu Meissen . . . Neue aufl. AH43 Potsdam, 1849. Obi. F. 5 3 f. 22 pi. M47 Der dom zu Prag. 1858. AH436 See Ambros, August. P88 Domaine de la couronne. See Fontaine, P. F. L. 1762-1853. Histoire du Palais royal. AH44 1834- A49 Domaine prive du roi. AH44 See Fontaine, P. F. L. 1762-1853. Chateau d Eu. 1836. A49 Domanig, Karl. 1851- Aelteste medailleure in Oesterreich. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthis- AB torischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 14, pt. I, ]igi p. H-36.) Domaszewski, Alfred von. 1856-. Die fahnen im romschen heere. Wien, 1885. O. 80 p. ill. (In AP Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphischen seminares der Ab4 Universitat Wien. 1885. pt. 5.) Le dome de Milan. AH45 See Vallardi, Pietro, and Vallardi, Giuseppe. M582 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 277 Donaldson, T[hotnas] L[everton]. 1795-1885. Architectura numismatica ; or, Architectural medals of classic an- AMi tiquity, illustrated ... by comparison with the monuments and D/i the descriptions of ancient authors . . . London, 1859. Nar. Q. 3 I +349+[ I ]p- H- 53 pi- Memoir of the late Charles Fowler. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1867-68, p. 1-15. I pi.) R8i On obelisks, their purpose, proportions, material and position. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1877-78, R8i p. 213-221. 2 pi.) On the triumphal arches of the Romans. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1855-56, p. in-n8.) R8i Pompeii, illustrated with . . . views engraved by W. B. Cooke, AR45 from the original drawings of Lt.-Col. Cockburn, and with plans ?798 ... of the public and domestic edifices . . . London, 1827. F. 6 2 v. in I. 80 pi. Some description of Alnwick castle, Northumberland . . . (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1856-57, p. 7-26.) R8i The temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae, near Phigalia, and AH495 other antiquities in the Peloponnesus. [London, 1830.] F. 6 56 pi. At472 ill. 27 pi. (In Cockerell, C. R., and others. Antiquities of Athens. 1830.) Donati, Francesco. Delia maniera d interpretare le pitture ne vasi fittili antichi ritro- AN2 vata e dimostrata. Firenze, 1861. O. 43 p. 3 pi. Z4 Donghi, Daniele. Sulla sicurezza dei teatri in caso d incendio . . . AE4 Torino, 1888. O. 8+91 p. 071 Donne, William Bodham. 1807-82. Taylor s " Reynolds and his times." (In Fine arts quarterly AB review. New ser. v. I, p. 1-26. por.) F49 Donop, Lionel von. Friedrich Geselschap und seine wandgemalde in der Ruhmes- AM6 halle. Berlin, 1890. Nar. Q. 24 p. 5 pi. 071 Dorow, Wilhelm. 1790-1846. Die denkmale germanischer und romischer zeit in den rheinisch- AR43 westfalischen provinzen. Ai5 Stuttgart [v. 2, Berlin], 1823-26. Q. 2 v. 2 pi. and Atlas, F. 5 2 v. 64 pi. map. Plate 17 of v. i never published. Vol. 2 has title Romische alterthiimer in und um Neuwied am Rhein. 1 8* 278 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dorow, Wilhelm. 1790-1846. Etrurien und der Orient ; nebst Albert Thorwaldsen s Darstellung AO der 1828 entdeckten etrurischen alterthiimer. Z4 Heidelberg, 1829. O. 31 p. Romische alterthiimer in und um Neuwied am Rhein . . . Ber- AR43 lin, 1826. Q. !4+[i]+i68 p. 2 pi. and Atlas, Sq. F. 5 29 pi. Ai5 map. (In his Die denkmale germanischer und rom ischer zeit. 1823-26. v. 2.) Voyage archeologique dans 1 ancienne Etrurie . . . traduit de AR45 1 Allemand ... par [J. B. B.] Eyries. Et;3 Paris, 1829. F. [6] +48 p. 16 pi. Dorpfeld, Wilhelm. 1853-. Der alte Athena-tempel auf der Akropolis zu Athen. (In Deut- AR495 scries archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abthei- G8i lung. v. 10, p. 275-277; v. 11, p. 337-351; v. 12, p. 25-72, 190- 21 1; v. 15, p. 420-439.) Die Altismauer in Olympia. (In Deutsches archaologisches insti- AR495 tut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 327-336. G8i pi. 7 .) Die Propylaen der Akropolis von Athen. (In Deutsches archa- AR495 ologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 10, G8i P- 38-56, I3I-H4, pi- 2-3, 5.) Die skeuothek des Philon. (In Deutsches archaologisches insti- AR495 tut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 8, p. 147-164, G8i pi. 8-9.) Der tempel der Athena in Tegea. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 8, p. 274-285, G8i pi. 13-14-) Der tempel in Korinth. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 1 1, p. 297-308.) G8i Der tempel von Sunion. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 9, p. 324-337, pi. 15- G8i 16.) Untersuchungen am Parthenon. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 6, p. 283-302, G8i pi. 12.) Uber die verwendung von terrakotten am geison und dache griech- AP ischer bauwerke. Berlin, 1881. Q. 31 p. ill. 4 pi. (Winckel- W/22 mannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 41.) Dorpfeld, Wilhelm, 1853-, Adler, Friedrich, 1827-, and others. Die baudenkmaler von Olympia. 1892. (In Curtius, E., and AR495 Adler, F. Olympia, 1892. v. i.) 0191 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 279 Dorpfeld, Wilhelm, 1853-, Curtius, Ernst, 1814-, and others. AR495 Die ausgrabungen zu Olympia. 1881. v. 5. Ok) Dorpfeld, Wilhelm, 1853- Judeich, Walther, and others. Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 81-99, G8i 412-428; v. 15, p. 355-4I9- 6 pi.) Dorregaray, Jose Gil, editor. AH46 See Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana. 1859-81. Ai3 See Museo espanol de antigiiedades. 1872-. AR46 Ai La dorure sur cuir, reliure, ciselure et gaufrure en Alle- AN6 magne. St6 See Stockbauer, J. Double, [Joseph Eugene] Lucien. 1846-. Promenade a travers deux siecles et quatorze salons. AO2 Paris, 1878. Nar. Q. 53 + [i] P- 2 por. 29 pi. 074 Double, [Joseph Louis] Leopold, baron. 1812-81. Catalogue des objets d art, tableaux anciens, livres, composant . . . AO2 [sa] collection, dont la vente aura lieu . . . 30-31 mai, I juin . . . 0741 [Paris] 1 88 1. F. 43 + 175 p. ill. 2 por. 15 pi. See [Lacroix, Paul. 1806-84]. Un mobilier historique des 176 ANi et i8 e siecles; [collection de Leopold Double]. 1865. LII Double, Lucien. 1846-. See Double, Joseph Eugene Lucien. 1846-. Douce, Francis, 1757-1834, translator. See La Rue, Qervais de, abbe. 1751-1835. Memoir on the cele- AB brated tapestry of Bayeux. (In Archaeologia. v. 17, p. 85109.) Ar2 Douglas, John. AA Abbey Square sketch book. Liverpool, 1872. F. 3 v. 216 pi. 074 Doury, - , engraver. See Le Pautre, Jean. 1617-82. Collection des plus belles com- AK positions graves par Decloux et Doury. [1854.] L55 Doury, , and Decloux, . Histoire archeologique, descriptive et graphique de la Sainte- AH44 Chapelle du palais. 1857. 280 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Doussamy, A., editor. See Lienard, - . Portefeuille, motifs inedits applicables aux AK arts industriels et somptuaires. L622 Dove, Percy M. Selection of engravings of the Dutch, Flemish [and French] schools, from [his] collection, lent to the committee of the Free public library, Liverpool, July, 1864 . . . [and June, 1865]. Liverpool, 1864-65. Sq. O. 2 pts. Downing, A[ndrew] J[ackson]. 1815-52. Cottage residences; or, A series of designs for rural cottages . . . AE2 and their gardens and grounds, adapted to North America . . . [with] D/5 revised lists of trees, shrubs . . . plants . . . fruits ... by Henry Winthrop Sargent and Charles Downing, edited by G. E. Harney. New York, 1887 [c. 73]. O. 16+261 p. ill. 32 pi. Hints to persons about building in the country ; and Hints to young AA architects ... by G. Wightwick . . . 3^ American ed. W632 New York, 1859 [c. 47]. O. [54] + [i] + i57 P- ill- Drach, C. Alhard von. Jost Burgi, kammeruhrmacher Kaisers Rudolf II.; beitrage zu AB seiner lebensgeschichte und nachrichten iiber arbeiten desselben. JiQi (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 15. pt. i, p. 15-44. I pi.) Draibel, Henri, pseudonym. See Beraldi, Henri. 1849-. Drakard, John. 1775-1854. History of Stamford, in the county of Lincoln . . . with an account AR42 of St. Martin s, Stamford Baron and Great and Little Wothorpe, St2 Northamptonshire. Stamford, 1822. O. !3+62i + [i4] p. 9 pi. Drake, Frederick. Ancient stained glass of Exeter cathedral. (In Exeter diocesan AC architectural society. Transactions. 1878. v. 10, p. 321-327.) Ex3 Drake, Henry Holman, editor. AH42 See Hasted, Edward. 1732-1812. History of Kent. 1886. K4I2 Dramard, E[ugene]. 1831-. La cathedrale de Notre-Dame de Boulogne-sur-Mer. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 17, p. 5-30, 57-70, 113-121. 3 pi.) R324 Dream of Poliphilus. 1889. AX See [Colonna, Francesco]. I449(?)-I527- C7I Drechsler, - , and Zeyer, [Johann], AK Modern ornamentik. [1891.] Z6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 281 Dreizehn gemmen aus cler sammlung der Frau Sibylla AP Mertens-Schaaffhausen. W/23 See [Urlichs, K. L. von. 1813-]. Winckelmann s geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1846. Dresde, ses tresors, ses environs et la Suisse-Saxonne, traduit de 1 allemand. Dresde, no date. D. 4+89 p. ill. 4 paged pi. map. Dresden (Ger.) Ausstellung alter kunstgewerb- licher arbeiten. 1875. Photographische aufnahmen aus der Ausstellung ... in schnell- AO4 pressen-lichtdriick ausgefuhrt von Rommler und Jonas. D8i Dresden, no date. F. 5 [3] p. 117 pi. Dresden (Ger.) Griines gewolbe. Green vaults, Dresden ; illustrations of the choicest works in that AN/ museum of art . . . edited by L. Gruner. D8i Dresden, 1862. F. 4 3 + [56] p. I por. 28 pi. Das Grime gewolbe zu Dresden . . . mit erlauterungen von J. G. AM4 Grasse. Berlin [1876-77]. Q. [6] + i5 p. and F. 5 100 pi. D8i Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Japan-album; decorative japanische handzeichnungen im museum, AK hrsg. von E. Kumsch. Leipzig, 1885. F. 5 30 pi. D8i Leinen-damastmuster des 17. und 18. jahrhunderts . . . hrsg. von E. AO2 Kumsch . . . 148 muster. 2. aufl. D8i2 Dresden, 1891. F. 5 [10] p. 25 pi. Muster orientalischer gewebe und druckstoffe . . . hrsg. von E. AO2 Kumsch ... 212 muster. Dresden, 1893. F. 5 [8] p. 40 pi. D8i4 Posamente des 16. 19. jahrhunderts im . . . museum . . . und AO2 Kunstgewerbe-museum zu Leipzig . . . hrsg. von. E. Kumsch. D8i3 Dresden, 1892. F. 5 [10] p. 25 pi. Spitzen und weiss-stickereien des i6.-l8. jahrhunderts . . . hrsg. AO2 von E. Kumsch. Dresden, 1889. F. 5 [10] p. 50 pi. D8ii Stoffmuster des i6.-i 8. jahrhunderts . . . hrsg. von E. Kumsch . . . AO2 vorworte von C. Graff. Dresden, 1888-91. F. 5 3 ser. 150 pi. D8i Dresden (Ger.) Sachsische gemalde=gallerie. Beschreibung und erlauterung sammtlicher gemalde, nach der AO6 ordnung der raume begleitet von [W. Schafer]. D8l Dresden, 1860. O. 3 v. in 2. 2 pi. Catalogue de la galerie royale de Dresde, avec une introduction AO6 historique . . . par J. Hiibner; traduction de J. Grangier, revue D8ii par A. Maillard. 2e ed. . . . Dresde, 1862. S. 10+462 p. I pi. Dresden (Ger.) Sachsischer verein fiir erforschung und erhaltung der vaterlandischen alterthumer. See Sachsischer verein fiir erforschung und erhaltung u. s. w. 282 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dresdener architekten=verein, editor. See Die bauten technischen und industriellen anlagen von Dres- AH43 den. 1878. D8i9 Dresdener architektur-album ; bauten und entwurfe. AH43 Dresden [1874-78]. F. 5 [6] p. 1509!. 1)814 Dresel, . Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig Hagen. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 34. 10 p. i por.) Z3i Dresser, Christopher. Japan ; its architecture, art and art manufactures. AO London, 1882. O. 11+467 p. ill. D8i Principles of decorative design. AK London [1873]. Q. 6+[i] + i67 p. ill. 2 pi. D8i2 Driver, C[harles] H[enryJ. On iron as a constructive material. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1874-75, p. 165-183. 2 pi.) R8i Drochon, [A.] B[enoni], abbe. Bouille-Courdault, Vendee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et AR44 monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 10. [6] p. ill. 2 pi.) P75 Nouaille et Ste-Marie-d Availles, Vienne. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 2. 17 p. 8 pi.) P75 Drochon, [Jean Emmanuel B.]. Morthemer, Vienne. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884- v. 3. 16 p. ill. 8 pi.) P75 Dromard, L. Catalogue de . . . mcubles d art ... et ... bronzes, par L. Dro mard . . . dont la vente aura lieu . . . Hotel Drouot . . . 1889 . . . [Paris] 1889. Nar - Q- 4 2 P- ll P l - Drouault, Roger. Le Loudunais [Arondissement de Loudun, Vienne; la partie his- AR44 torique]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. P75 1884-. v - 4- 99 P- ill- 2 4 pl- i plan.) Drouet, Louis. Recherches historiques sur les vingt communes du canton de Saint- AH44 Pierre-Eglise ; antiquites, eglises, chateaux . . . Sa34 Cherbourg, 1893. Nar. Q. [6]+488+[i i] p. 35 pl. Drouyn, [Francois Joseph] Leo. 1816-. Bordeaux vers 1450; description topographique. Bordeaux, 1874. AH44 Q. 8+624 p. ill. 4 pl. map. (Archives municipales de Bor- 6641 deaux. Extra vol.) Monographic de 1 eglise de Saint-Martin de Sescas, Gironde. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. i, p. 162-169, 207-216. ill.) R3 2 4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 283 Drouyn, [Francois Joseph] Leo. 1816-. Notes annexes au choix des types les plus remarquables de 1 archi- AH44 tecture religieuse au moyen-age dans le Departement de la 044 Gironde. Bordeaux, 1845. F - 5 2 4 P- 2 5 pi- Ricochets archeologiques dans le Departement de la Gironde. (In AB Bulletin monumental, v. 24, p. 457-523. ill.) 687 Saint-Macaire et ses monuments. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 26, AB P- 537-565, 733-771- ill-) B87 Drucquer, John, translator. L abbaye de Westminster, ses monuments et curiosites . . . AO6 Londres, 1849. S. [4] +47 p. ill. i pi. Z Druery, John Henry. Historical and topographical notice of Great Yarmouth in Nor- AR42 folk . . . including the parishes and hamlets of the half hundred of Y2 Lothingland, in Suffolk . . . London, 1826. D. i8+382+[4] p. 9 pi. 2 tab. Drummond, James. 1816-77. Archaeologia Scotica; sculptured monuments in lona and the West AR4I Highlands. Edinburgh, 1881. F. 4 !9+[i97] p. 99 pi. A3 Published by the Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Mediaeval triumphs and processions. AW2 Edinburgh, 1874. Q. [a] + i6 p. 5 pi. D84 Read before the Antiquarian society of Scotland, Mar., 1873. No. 24 of 50 copies on large paper. Drummond, James, 1816-77, illustrator. AN5 See Anderson, Joseph. Ancient Scottish weapons. 1881. An2 Drumont, Edouard Adolphe. 1844-. Notre-Dame, 1 Hotel-Dieu et les environs. (In Hofifbauer, J. H. I. AH44 1839-. Paris a travers les ages. 1885. v. I. 64 p.) P2I7 Druyts, Herman. Geschiedenis der glasschildering voor het volk geschetst. AM7 Antwerpen, 1874. O. 78 p. D84 From De vlaamsche kunstbode. Dryden, Sir Henry E[dward] L[eigh], bart. 1818- Hunsbury or Dane s Camp, and the discoveries there. (In Asso- AC ciated architectural societies. Reports and papers. v. 18, As7 p. 53-61. 8 pi.) On church music and the fitting of churches for music. (In Associ- AC ated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 2, p. 197-264.) As7 On repairing and refitting old churches. (In Associated architec- AC tural societies. Reports and papers, v. 3, p. 11-32.) As7 Records of restorations of churches. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 14, p. 244-259. 5 pi.) As7 284 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Du Barry de Merval, - , comte. Etudes sur 1 architecture egyptienne. AH62 Paris, 1873. O. 335 p. 8 pi. AS Dubi, H. Studien zur geschichte der romischen altertumer in der Schweiz. AR495 Bern, 1891. Nar. Q. 42 p. Zi Beilage zum Program des stiidtischen Gymnasiums in Bern. 1891. Dublin (Ireland) Exhibition of art and art=industry. 1853. Exhibition of art-industry in Dublin. AO [London, 1853.] Sq. F. 8+64 p. ill. 16 pi. Ar;i Published in connection with the Art journal. Dublin (Ireland) university. Catalogue of Roman silver coins in the library, [compiled by AMi J. A. Malet]. Dublin, 1839. O. 4+96 p. D8$ Dubois, Frederic. 1798-1850. La bataille de Granson. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. AC Mittheilungen. 1844. v. 2, p. 31-51. 3 pi.) An8 Les monuments de Neuchatel . . . (In Antiquarische gesellschaft AC in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1852. v. 4. 8+8+27 p. 58 pi.) An8 Du Bois, Louis Francois, 1773-1855, editor. AB See Archives annuelles de la Normandie. 1824-26. Du Bois, [Nicolas] Alexandre. 1785-1866. See Brault, Elie. Les architectes par leurs oeuvres; ouvrage AW redige sur les manuscrits de feu Al. Du Bois. 1893. ^734 Dubois, Pierre, 1802-60, editor. AM4 See Saltykov, Petr, prince. Collection archeologique. 1858. 804 Dubois=Maisonneuve, - . Peintures de vases antiques, vulgairement appeles etrusques, tirees AN2 de differentes collections et gravees par A. Clener, accompagnees D85 d explications par A. L. Millin [de Grandmaison]. Paris, 1808-10. F. 6 2 v. in I. 149 pi. Du Bois=Melly, [Charles]. 1821-. Chateaux, manoirs et monasteres des environs de Geneve . . . AH494 Geneve, no date. Nar. Q. ser. 2. 30 pi. G28 Du Bois de la Villerabel, Arthur, vicomte. 1839-91. A travcrs le vieux Saint-Brieuc, souvenirs et monuments . . . AH42 Saint-Brieuc, 1891. Q. 8 + 286 p. ill. 2 maps. 8336 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 285 Dubosc, G. Description des monuments. (In Bouquet, Francois. Rouen aux AH44 principales epoques de son histoire. 1886.) Dubosque, J. Etudes theoriques et pratiques sur les murs de soutenement et les AI ponts et viaducs en maconnerie ... 46 ed. ... augm. D85 Paris [1887]. Nar. Q. 3 + 227 p. ill. 12 pi. Dubourg, M. Views of the remains of ancient buildings in Rome and its vicin- AH45 ity, with a descriptive and historical account of each subject . . . R799 London, 1844. Sq. F. 5 [36] p. 26 pi. Du Broc de Segange, Georges Francois Louis. 1 808-. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Moulins. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 42, p. 141-160, 211-246.) 687 Dubut, Louis Ambroise. 1769-1846. Architecture civile; maisons de ville et de campagne de toutes AE2 formes et de tous genres . . . Paris, 1837. F. 5 [4] p. 89 pi. D85 Le temple de La pudicite, Rome; restauration executee en 1801. AH45 Le temple de Vesta par J. A. Coussin. Paris, 1879. F. 7 6 p. R686 8 pi. (In Restaurations des monuments antiques, v. 4.) Ducarel, [Andrew Coltee]. 1713-85. Antiquites anglo-normandes, tr. de 1 anglais par A. E. Lechaude AH44 d Anisy. Caen, 1823. O. 30+404 p. 33 pi. 2 tab. Ducarel, Andrew Coltee, 1713-85, translator. See Bourget, Jean. 1724-76. History of the royal abbey of Bee, AH42 near Rouen in Normandy. 1779. G72 Du Cerceau, [Jacques], the goldsmith. 17 th cent. Androuet du Cerceau. Ornemens d orfevrerie propres pour flan- AK quer et emailler; nouveau livre d ornemens d orfevrerie. Paris . . . Q2 s. d. London, 1888. F. [3] p. 12 pi. (Quaritch s reprints of rare books, v. 7.) Quaritch attributes this to Jacques Du Cerceau, and after 1688. Du Cerceau, Jacques Androuet. i5i5(?)-85(?). De architectvra opvs alterum. A A Parisiis, Wechelus, 1564. F. 4 [4] p. 66 pi. D8si Lecons de perspective positive. AL2 Paris, Patisson, 1576. F. 1 1 f. 60 pi. D85 . . . Liber de eo picturae genere quod grottesche vocant Itali. AK Aureliae, 1550. F. 62 pi. D85 Facsimile reproduction with French title CRuvre ; 62 petites arabesques. 286 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Du Cerceau, Jacques Androuet. i5i5(?)~ 8 5(?) Livre d architectvre, contenant les plans et dessaings de cinquante AA bastimens tous differens . . . Paris [1559]. F. 4 [32] p. 50 pi. V682 Livre d architecture, contenant les plans et dessaings de cinquante AA bastimens tous differens . . . Paris, 1611. F. 6 [32] p. 69 pi. D85 Livre des edifices antiques remains . . . AH45 No place, 1584. F. 4 [4] p. 50 pi. R6/9 CEuvre; mcubles, heliogravure par E. Baldus . . . ANi Paris, no date. F. 5 [3] p. 51 pi. D85 Oeuvre; 62 petites arabesques. See, above, Liber de eo picturae AK genere quod grottesche vocant Itali. Aureliae, 1550. D85 Ornemens d orfevrerie. See Du Cerceau, Jacques, the goldsmith. 1 7th cent Les plus excellents bastiments de France, graves en fac-simile. AH44 Nouv. ed. augm. Paris, 1868-70. F. 5 2 v. 136 pi. A2i . . . Quinqve et viginti exempla arcvvm, partim a me inventa, AA partim ex vetervm svmpta monvmentis . . . V682 Aureliae, 1549. F. 4 25 pi. Du Chesne, Andre. 1584-1640. Les antiquitez et recherches des villes, chastcaux, & places plus AR44 remarquables de toute la France . . . Derniere edition. [Anon.] A26 Paris, 1637. S. [i 6] + 1040+ [24] p. Duchesne, [Jean]. 1779-1855. Essai sur les nielles, gravures des orfevres florentins du 152 siecle. AO Paris, 1826. O. 12+381 p. I por. 7 pi. D85 Duchesne, Louis [Marie Olivier], abbe. 1843-. Notes sur la topographic de Rome au moyen-age. (In Melanges AB d archeologie et d histoire. 1886, p. 25-37; ^87, p. 217-243, M48 387-413; 1889, p. 346-362; 1890, p. 126-149,225-250.) Contents: i. Templum Romas, Templum Romuli. 2. Les titres presbyte"raux et les diaconies. 3. Sainte-Anastasie. 4. Le forum de Nerva et ses environs. 5. Le nom d Anaclet II au palais de Latran. 6. Les regions de Rome au moyen-age. 7. Les le"gendes chretiennes de 1 Aventin. Duchesne, Louis [Marie Olivier], abbe, 1843-, and Bayet, Charles, 1849-. Mission au Mont Athos. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. AB 1876. v. 18, p. 201-528. 5 phot.) Ar2i Du Cleuziou, Henri [Raison]. 1833-. De la poterie gauloise ; etude sur la collection Charvet . . . AN2 Paris, 1872. Q. 309 p. ill. C59 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 287 Du Cleuziou, Henri [Raison]. 1833- See Peigne, C. Monuments historiques de France ; collection de AH44 prototypies, avec un texte explicatif et des notices par H. du AS Cleuziou. [1886-87.] Du Coster, L. B[enjamin], translator. AR45 See Fumagalli, Paolo. Pompeia. [1833.] P/96 Due arche che si conservano nella cattedrale di Gratz. 1858. AH43 See [Steinbiichel, von]. G/7 Duflos, Marie Charles Edouard Ledicte=. 1786-1854. See Ledicte -Duflos, Marie Charles fidouard. 1786-1854. Du Fouilloux, Jacques. 1521-80. See Fouilloux, Jacques du. 1521-80. Dufour, [Auguste Henri]. See Allier, Achille. 1807-36. L ancien Bourbonnais, d apres les AR44 dessins et documens de Dufour. 1833-38. B66 Dufour, Gen. G[uillaume] H[enri]. 1787-1875. De la fortification permanente . . . AE7 Geneve, 1822. Q. 29+355 P- D8 7 Atlas wanting. Dufour, Valentin [Charles], abbe. 1826-. Recherches sur La dance macabre peinte en 1425 au Cimetiere des AX innocents . . . Paris, 1873. Q. 52 p. I pi. D87 Dufour, Valentin Charles, abbe, 1826-, editor. AH44 See Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. AS 2 Dugdale, James. New British traveller; or, Modern panorama of England and AH42 Wales . . . account, historical, topographical and statistical ... of A38 the British Empire . . . London [1819]. Q. 4v. 51 pi. 46 maps. Dugdale, Thomas. Curiosities of Great Britain : England and Wales delineated ; his- AH42 torical, entertaining and commercial, alphabetically arranged; A 124 assisted by W. Burnett [and edited by E. L. Blanchard]. London [1854-60]. O. 2 v. in 10. 1588 p. 250 pi. 47 maps. Paged consecutively ; engraved title-pages ; maps no. i and 41-50 wanting. Dugdale, Sir William. 1605-86. Brief historical account of the cathedrals of York, Durham, and AH42 Carlisle ; as also of the principal collegiate churches in the prov- L844 ince of York . . . London, 1715. F. 4 88 + [20] p. 288 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dugdale, Sir William. 1605-86. History of St. Paul s cathedral in London from its foundation, AH42 extracted out of original charters, records, leiger-books, and other L844 mss. . . . [with] a continuation ... to ... 1685 ... [and] an his torical account of the northern cathedrals and chief collegiate churches in the province of York. 2d ed. . . . enlarged by the author . . . with his life . . . published by E. Maynard. London, 1716. F. 4 [34]+2 10+75 p. ill. I por. 12 pi. History of St. Paul s cathedral in London, from its foundation AH42 untill these times, extracted out of originall charters, records, leiger L844I books and other manuscripts . . . with sundry prospects of the church, figures of tombes and monuments . . . London, 1658. F. [5]+299+[5] p. ill. i por. Page 59 bears title, View of the monuments, situate in and about the quire, side-iles and chapels adjacent . . . Sep. 1641, with their epitaphs. London, 1658. Contains also Appendix in Historiam ecclesias cathedralis S. Pauli, Londini. 1658. History of Saint Paul s cathedral in London . . . with a continuation AH42 and additions including . . . Dugdale s life from his own ms. by L843 H. Ellis. London, 1818. F. 4 i v. in 2. 31+500 p. ill. I por. 67 pi. Paged continuously. Monasticon Anglicanum ; a history of the abbies and other mon- AH42 asteries, hospitals . . . and . . . churches ... in England and Wales Ai22 . . . New ed. enlarged ... by J. Caley, H. Ellis and . . . Rev. B. Bandinel. London, 1817-30. F. 5 6 v. in 8. ill. 242 pi. Duhamel, Leopold [Jean Pierre Emile]. 1842-. L eglise de Saint-Maurice d Epinal. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 33, P- 97-129. ill.) 687 Les oeuvres d art du monastere des Celestins d Avignon. (In AB Bulletin monumental. 1888. v. 54, p. 109-130, 217-244.) 687 Le tombeau de Benoit XII. a la metropole d Avignon. (In Bulle- AB tin monumental, v. 54, p. 381-412. i pi.) B87 Duhamel de Monceau, [Henri Louis]. 1700-82. Anfangsgriinde der schiffbaukunst ; oder, Practische abhandlung Ai5 iiber den schiffbau, aus dem franzosischen, nach der zweyten D88 ausgabe des originals iibersetzt von C. G. D. Miiller. Berlin, 1791. Q. [78] + 5l7+[6i] p. 19 pi. 7 tab. Duh n, Friedrich Karl von. 1851-. Ein bericht iiber Athen aus dem jahre 1687. (In Archaologische AB zeitung. v. 36, p. 55-65.) Ar23 Eine ansicht der Akropolis aus dem jahre 1670. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut Mittheilungen ; athenische abtheilung. G8i v. 2, p. 38-47, pl- 2.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 289 Duhn, Friedrich Karl von. 1851-. Griechische reliefs gefunden in den ausgrabungen der Archaolo- AB gischen gesellschaft am siidfuss der Acropolis, 1876-77. (In Ar23 Archaologische zeitung. v. 35, p. 139-175, pi. 15.) Uber einige basreliefs und ein romisches bauwerk der ersten Kai- AR495 serzeit. (In Institute di corrispondenza archeologica. Centum Zi semestria feliciter peracta gratulantur juvenes Capitolini. 1879. p. 11-16.) Duhn, Friedrich Karl von, 1851-, continuer. See Matz, Friedrich. 1843-74. Antike bildwerke in Rom. AO8 1881-82. M43 Duhn, F[riedrich Karl] von, 1851, and Jacobi, L. Der griechische tempel in Pompeji, nebst einem anhang, Uber AH45 schornsteinanlagen und eine badeeinrichtung im frauenbad der P772 Stabianer thermen in Pompeji . . . Heidelberg, 1890. F. 4 [s] + 36+[i] p. ill. 9 pi. Du Jon, Francois. 1589-1677. Painting of the ancients in three bookes, declaring . . . the begin- AO6 ning, progresse and consummation of that . . . art . . . written D88 first in Latine and now . . . Englished . . . London, 1638. Sq. D. [6J + 355 p. Dulac, H. Quatre contes arabes en dialecte Cairote. (In Cairo, Egypt AC Mission archeologique franfaise. Memoires. 1884. v. I, pt. I, Ci2 P- 55-H2.) Duller, Eduard. 1809-53. Die Donaulander, nebst wanderungen in das baierische hochland AH436 und das salzburgische hochgebirge. 3. aufl. 023 Leipzig, 1849. D. 4+270 p. 60 pi. Dumaine, L[ucien] V[ictor], abbe. 1842-. La cathedrale de Sees, coup d ceil sur son histoire et ses beautes . . . AH44 Sees, 1892. O. 4+75 + [i] p. 3 pi. Se3 Dumas, A. Lombard-. See Lombard-Dumas, A. Dumas, Emilien. 1804-70. See Lombard=Dumas, A. Memoire sur la ceramique antique AN2 dans la vallee du Rhone d apres les notes et la collection d E. L83 Dumas. 1879. Dumas, F[ranois] Q[uillaume]. 1847-. Paris; ses vues, places, monuments, theatres . . . Introduction par AH44 L. de Fourcaud. Paris, 1889. O. 238 p. ill. P2I4 19 290 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Dumas, Francois Guillaume, 1847- editor. See Amsterdam (Holland) Exposition. 1883. Catalogue illustre AO4 officiel de la section des beaux-arts de 1 Exposition. 1883. Am8i Du Mege, Alexandra Louis Charles Andre. 1790- 1862. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la cathe- AH44 drale d Arles et details . . . de ce monument, avec un texte . . . 051 par A. Du Mege. 1829. Dumersan, Theophile Marion. 1780-1849. See Landon, C. P. 1760-1826. Numismatique du voyage du AMi jeune Anacharsis; accompagne de descriptions et d un essai sur 1,23 la science des medailles par T. M. Dumersan. 1846. Diimichen, Johannes. 1833- Baugeschichte des Denderatempels und beschreibung der einzelnen AH62 theile des bauwerkes nach den an seinen mauern befindlichen in 041 schriften. Strassburg, 1877. F. 4 9+41 p. 59 pi. Der grabpalast der Patuamenap in der thebanischen nekropolis: AR62 In ... copie seiner inschriften und bildlichen darstellungen, und T34 mit iibersetzung und erlauterungen derselben hrsg. Leipzig, 1884-85. F. 4 pt. 1-2. 56 pi. Uber die Tempel und graber im alten Agypten und ihre bildwerke AR62 und inschriften . . . Strassburg, 1872. O. 32 p. Z Diimichen, Johannes, 1833-, editor. Geographische inschriften altagyptischer denkmaler an ort und AR62 stelle gesammelt und mit iibersetzung und erlauterungen hrsg. A2i Leipzig, 1865-85. F. 4 pts. 390 pi. (In Brugsch, H. K., and Dumichen, Johannes. Recueil de monuments egpytiens. 1862-85. pts. 3-6.) Monuments geographiques. See, above, Geographische inschriften AR62 altagyptischer denkmaler. 1865-85. A2i Diimichen, Johannes, 1833- and Brugsch, H. K., 1827-, editors. AR62 Recueil de monuments egyptiens dessines sur lieux. 1862-85. A2i Diimmler, Ernst Ludwig, 1830- editor. See St. Gallen monastery (Switzerland). St. Gallische denkmale AC aus dem karolingischen zeit. 1859. (In Antiquarische gesell- An8 schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858-60. v. 12.) Diimmler, Ferdinand. 1859- Bemerkungen zum altesten kunsthandwerk auf griechischem AR495 boden. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; G8i athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 273-303.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 291 Diimmler, Ferdinand. 1859-. Mittheilungen von den griechischen inseln. (In Deutsches archa- ologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 11, p. 15-46, 97-119, 170-179, 209-262. 6 pi.) Contents: i. Reste vorgriechischer bevolkerung auf den Cykladen. 2. Inschriften von Amorgos und Melos. 3. Archaische gemmen von Melos. 4. Aelteste nekropolen auf Cypern. Dumolinet, Claude. 1620-87. Le cabinet de la bibliotheque de Sainte Genevieve . . . Paris, 1692. F. 5 [8] + 224+ [8] p. i por. 45 pi. Du Moncel, Theodore Achille Louis, vicomte. 182 1-84. Antiquites d Athenes. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 2, p. 205- 218, 280-298.) Dumont, [Charles] Albert [Auguste Eugene] . 1 842-84. Etudes d archeologie athenienne : Notice sur une tete de statue en marbre d ancien style athenien ; Pyxis athenienne representant Persee et les Gorgones. Paris, 1879. Nar. Q. 24 p. 2 pi. Inscriptions ceramiques de Grece. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1871. v. 14, p. 1-445. l pi-) Nouveau memoire sur la chronologic des eponymes atheniens posterieurs a la I22 e Olympiade. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1873. v. 1 6, p. 125-192. I pi.) Peintures ceramiques de la Grece propre ; recherches sur les noms d artistes lus sur les vases de la Grece. Paris, 1874. Q. 62 + [i] p. Terres cuites orientales et greco-orientales ; Chaldee, Assyrie, Phenicie, Chypre et Rhodes. Paris, 1884. O. 35 p. Dumont, [Charles] Albert [Auguste Eugene], 1842- 1884, and Chaplain, J. [C.], 1839-. Les ceramiques de la Grece propre. Paris, 1888. Sq. F. 4 v. i. ill. 50 pi. Contents : v. i. Histoire de la peinture des vases grecs. Dumont, [Gabriel Pierre Martin]. i7i5(?)-9i(?). Divers morceaux d architecture. Paris, no date. F. 4 32 pi. Parallele de plans des plus belles salles de spectacles d ltalie, avec des details de machines theatrales. Paris [1774]. F. 4 30 pi. Forms part of his Recueil de plusieurs parties de 1 architecture sacree et profane. 1767. D un altare dedicate nel duomo di Modena alia risurrezi- one del Salvatore. 1856. See [Cavedoni, Pietro]. AR 49 5 G8i AH 4 4 P269 AB AO8 0891 AB Ar2i AB Ar2i AN2 0891 AO8 D89 AN2 D89 AA D89 AA D89 AH 4 5 292 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Duncombe, Rev. John. 1729-86. Elegy written in Canterbury cathedral. (In Burnby, John. His- AH42 torical description of the metropolitan church of Christ, Canter- Ci66 bury. 1783. p. 148-152.) Dundee (Scotland) Institute of architecture, science and art. Annual report. 1885-92. Dundee, 1886-92. D. AC Rules. November, 1891. Dundee, 1891. D. 12 p. 091 [Dunkin, Alfred John. 1812-79.] Memoranda of Springhead and its neighbourhood, during the AR42 primeval period. [Anon.] Noplace, 1848. O. 154 p. ill. por. 6 pi. Sp8 Dunkin, Edwin Hadlow W[ise], 1849. . . . Ecclesiastical history of the deanery of South Mailing . . . AC (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 26, p. 9-96.) Su8 Monumental brasses of Cornwall, with descriptive, genealogical AE8 and heraldic notes. London, 1882. Sq. F. 12+107 p. 62 pi. 092 Dunlop, M[adeline] A[nne] Wallace=. AN3 Glass in the old world. London [1883]. O- 6+[i] + 272 p. 5 pi. 092 Dunnage, H., and Laver, C. Plans . . . and views of the great hall of the royal palace of AH42 Eltham in Kent . . . with an essay, historical and descriptive. Ei8 London, 1828. Sq. F. [3] + 22p. 20 pi. Dunraven, [Edwin Richard Windham Quin], 3 d earl. 1812-71. Notes on Irish architecture, edited by Margaret Stokes. AH4I5 London, 1875-77. F. 4 2 v. 125 pi. A3 Diintzer, Johann Heinrich Joseph, 1813- compiler. AO2 See Cologne (Ger.) Museum Wallraf-Richartz. Katalog. 1869. C7i II duomo di Milano descritto. See [Morigia, Paolo. 1525-1604]. Distinto ragguaglio dell AH45 ottava maraviglia del mondo . . . detta il duomo di Milano. 1739. M5825 II duomo di Milano: Descrizione. 1831. AH45 See [Artaria, Ferdinando]. M598 II duomo di Milano rappresentato in 64 tavole. [1871.] AH45 See Vallardi, Pietro, and Vallardi, Giuseppe. M582I II duomo; ossia, Cenni storici e descrittivi della cattedrale AH45 di Modena. 1845. M72 See [Borghi, Carlo]. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 293 Dupaix, [Guillelmo]. Antiquites mexicaines ; relation des trois expeditions ... en 1805- AR/2 1807 . . . suivie d un Parallele de ces monuments avec ceux de Ai 1 Egypte et de 1 Inde par A. Lenoir, d une Dissertation sur 1 ori- gine et sur la linguistique des populations primitives des deux Ameriques . . . par Warden . . . Paris, 1834-44 [v. i, 44]. F. 6 2 v. 166 pi. map. Dupasquier, Louis. Monographic de Notre-Dame de Brou. AH44 Paris [1842]. F. 6 6 p. 30 pi. 6792 Duperac, fitienne. i535(?)~ l6 4p)- I vestigi dell antichita di Roma, raccolti et ritratti in perspettiva. AH45 Roma, Vaccheria, 1575. F. 5 39 pi. R687 Du Pinet, Antoine, sieur de Noroy. i5io(?)-66(?). De la ville, cite et universite de Paris. (In Collection des an- AH44 ciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. v. 8, p. 11-20. I pi.) A$2 Duplais, L[eonie]. 1850-. Etude sur les Anguier (Francois et Michel), celebres sculpteurs AW du 176 siecle . . . 2e ed. Paris, 1890. O. 16 p. An4 Duplessis, Georges [Victor An toine Gratet]. 1834-. Costumes historiques des i6e, 170 et i8e siecles, dessines par E. AN4 Lechevallier-Chevignard . . . Paris, 1867. F. 2 v. 150 pi. 092 Coup d oeil sur 1 histoire de la gravure. (In Paris, France Cer- AO7 cle de la librairie. Catalogue de 1 Exposition de gravures. 1881. P2i 32 p. i pi.) Le departement des estampes a la Bibliotheque nationale. (In AB Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 6, p. 334-341; v. 7, p. 1-7, 161-170, R32 228-240. ill. 3 pi.) Les maitres decorateurs. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. i, AB p. 49-60, 48i-493; v. 2, p. 373-381. 5 pi.) R32 Dupont, Pierre. i57;(?)-i65o(?). La stromatourgie ; documents relatifs a la fabrication des tapis de AN Turquie en France au 176 siecle, publiee par A. Darcel et J. Guif- D92I frey. Paris, 1882. O. 47+148 p. (Societe de 1 histoire de 1 art franfais. Publications.) Reprint of the edition of 1632. Dupont=Auberville, - . Art industriel ; 1 ornement des tissus, recueil historique et pra- AN tique . . . Paris, 1877. Sq. F. 5 37 + [202] p. 100 pi. A92 Dupont= White, John Theodore. 1801-51. Les antiquaires de Beauvais. (In Societe academique d archeolo- AC gie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. i, p. 1-53.) 8019 19* 294 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Duppa, Richard. 1770-1831. Life and literary works of Michel Angelo Buonarroti . . . AW London, 1806. Q. ii+224+[i33] p. i por. 27 pi. 2 facsim. B88i Dupuis, [Charles], Nouveau traite des cinq ordres d architecture tant ancien que AA moderne . . . avec plusieurs morceaux des plus beaux ediffices DQ2I tant execute que projeste . . . Paris, 1766. F. 4 I por. 50 pi. Durand, E[dme Antoine], chevalier. Description des antiquites et objets d art qui composent . . . [son] AO2 cabinet, par. J.deWitte. Paris, 1836. O. [12] + 544+ [2] p. 5 pi. 093 Durand, Eugene Qermer=. 1812-80. See Qermer=Durand, Eugene. 1812-80. Durand, Quillaume, bp. of Mende. 1237-96. Livre ier du rational des divins offices. (In Neale, Rev. J. M., and AE Webb, Rev. Benjamin. Du symbolisme dans les eglises du moyen- N25 age. 1847. P- 255-402.) Rationale divinorum officiorum. AX Venetijs, Beuilaqua, 1494. F. [2] +149 f. 0931 Symbolism of churches and church ornaments; a translation of AX the first book of the " Rationale divinorum officiorum," with an 093 introductory essay and notes by the Rev. John Mason Neale . . . and the Rev. Benjamin Webb . . . New York, 1893. D. 135+209 p. Durand, Henri, Durant, J. S., 1776-, and Laval, J. B. Q. E., 1818-69. Album archeologique et description des monuments historiques AH44 du Gard. 1853. Gi6 Durand, J[ean] N[icolas] L[ouis]. 1760-1834. Partie graphique des cours d architecture faits a 1 Ecole . . . poly- AA technique depuis sa reorganisation . . . Paris, 1831. F. 35 p. 0932 i por. 34 pi. (In his Precis des lecons d architecture. 1802 31. v. 3.) Precis des lecons d architecture donnees a 1 Ecole polytechnique. AA Paris, 1802-31. Q. and F. 3 v. in 2. i por. 98 pi. 0932 Vol. 3 has title Partie graphique des cours d architecture. Precis des lecons d architecture donnees a 1 Ecole royale poly- AA technique. Paris, 1840. Q, 2 v. 64 pi. 0933 Recueil et parallele des edifices de tout genre, anciens et mo- AA dernes . . . Paris, 1800. F. 8 91 pi. D93 Recueil et parallele des edifices en tout genre, anciens et mo- AA dernes . . . augmente de 20 pi. supplementaires . . . 0931 Bruxelles [1839]. F. 8 1 1 1 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 295 Durand, John, translator. AO See Taine, H. A. 1828-93. Philosophy of art. 1871. Ti3 Durand, Julien. Iconographie de Saint- Marc de Venise. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 14, p. 163-173; v. 15, p. 397-405.) An7 Iconographie du baptistere de Sienne. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 19, p. 297-306. I pi.) An7 Mosaique de Sour. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 23, p. 278 AB 282; v. 24, p. 5-10, 205-210, 286-292. ill. 6 pi.) An7 Les paves mosaiques en Italic. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 17, AB p. 119-127.) An7 Tresor de 1 eglise Saint-Marc de Venise. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 20, p. 164-176, 208-214, 251-263, 307-315; v. 21, An7 p. 94-104, 336-344; v. 22, p. 21-26. i pi.) Durand, Paul. 1806-82. Monographic de Notre-Dame de Chartres . . . Paris, 1867-81 AH44 [v. i, 81]. Q. 12+178 p. and Atlas, F. 8 2 p. 72 pi. (In Col- C38 lection de documents inedits sur 1 histoire de France.) Durant, [Joseph] Simon, 1776-, Durand, Henri, and Laval, J. B. Q. E., 1818-69. Album archeologique et description des monuments du Card. AH44 Nimes, 1853. F. 108 p. 22 pi. Gi6 Durantino, Francesco Lucio, translator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. De architectura. 1524. V834 Des durchlauchtigsten fursten und herrns Herrn Hein- AA richens, hertzogens zu Sachsen . . . Furstliche bau-lust. H362 See Heinrich, herzog von Sachsen-Romhild. 1650-1710 . . . Furstliche bau-lust. 1698. Durelli, Qaetano, and Durelli, Francesco. La Certosa di Pavia, descritta ed illustrata . . . AH45 Milano, 1863. F. 6 28 p. 70 pi. P28 Diirer, Albrecht. 1471-1528. De vrbibvs, arcibvs, castellisque condendis ac muniendis rationes AE7 aliquot, praesenti bellorum necessitati accommodatissimse, nunc 093 recens e lingua Germanica in Latinam traductae [a J. Camerio]. Parisiis, Wechel, 1535. F. [72] p. ill. 3 pi. 9 paged pi. Designs. (In Wessely, J. E. Das ornament und die kunstin- AK dustrie in ihrer geschichtlichen entwickelung. 1877-78. v. i, W5I Pi- 43-54-) Die Durer-handschriften des Britischen museums [von] A. von AB Zahn. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1868. v. i, p. 1-22.) }ig 296 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Diirer, Albrecht, 1471-1528, illustrator. See Das diurnale oder gebetbuch des Kaisers Maximilian I. (In AB Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten JIQI kaiserhauses. v. 3, pt. I, p. 88 102.) Durm, Josef Wilhelm. 1837-. Aus Attika. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 21, p. 469-490. AB 2 pi.) Z 3 i Die baukunst der Etrusker. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. AA 2. thl. 2. bd., p. 1-93. ill.) Hi9 Die baukunst der Griechen. 2. aufl. Darmstadt, 1892. Q. 6+386 AA + [i]p. ill. 3 pi. (Handbuch der architektur. 1892. 2. thl. I. bd.) Hip Die baukunst der Romer. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. AA 2. thl. 2. bd., p. 94-368. ill. 2 pi.) Hi9 Constructive und polychrome details der griechischen baukunst. AB (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 29, p. 1 1 i-i 16, 281, 41 1. 12 pi.) Z3i Festhallen. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., AA p. 146-173. ill. i pi.) Hi9 Das stadtische vierordtbad in Carlsruhe. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 24, p. 123-128. 9 pi.) Z3i Durm, Josef Wilhelm, 1837- editor. AA See Handbuch der architektur. 1880-92. Hi9 Durm, Josef Wilhelm, 1837- and Wagner, Heinrich. Stibadien und exedren, pergolen und veranden, garten-hauser AA und pavilions. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. Hi9 hlbd., p. 431-444. ill.) Diirr, Julius. Die reisen des kaisers Hadrian. Wien, 1881. O. [3] +124 p. AP I tab. (In Abhandlungen des Archaologische-epigraphischen Ab4 seminares der Universitat Wien. 1881. pt. 2.) Dursch, Qeorg Martin. 1 800-81. Asthetik der christlichen bildenden kunst des mittelalters in AA Deutschland. Tubingen, 1854. O. i2 + 546+[i] p. 0935 Du Ry de Champdore, Samuel, editor. See Vignola, Qiacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. Regies des cinq A A ordres d architecture, avec plusieurs augmentations. 1712. 687 Du Ry de Champdore, Samuel, translator. See Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. CEuvres d architecture. AA 17*3- Sca5 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 297 Du Sartel, O[ctave]. 1823-. La porcelaine de Chine ; origines, fabrication, decors et marques ; AN2 la porcelaine de Chine en Europe, classement chronologique, imi- 094 tations, contrefacons. Paris, 1881. F. 4 3 + 23O+[i] p. ill. 32 p. Du Sartel, O[ctave], 1823-, Gonse, L[ouis], 1846-, and Karabacek, J[osef], 1845-. Sammlung von abbildungen keramischer objecte aus dem nahen AN2 und fernen Oriente . . . hrsg. . . . vom Orientalischen museum. Sa/ Wien, 1885. F. 5 4i + [2]p. ill. 58 pi. Dusevel, Francois Hyacinthe Guy. 1796-1881. Descriptions du Beffroi et de L hotel-de-ville. (In Goze, A. AH44 Nouvelle description de la cathedrale d Amiens. 1847.) Am54 Dusevel, Francois Hyacinthe Guy, 1796-1881, Roger, P. [A.], and others. AR44 Bibliotheque historique de la Picardie et de 1 Artois. 1844. Du Sommerard, Alexandre. 1779-1842. Les arts du moyen-age, en ce qui concerne . . . le Palais remain AO de Paris, 1 Hotel de Cluny issu de ses ruines et les objets d art . . . 094 dans cet hotel . . . Paris, 1838-43. O. 5 v. and Atlas, F. 6 3 v. I por. 509 pi. Du Sommerard, E[dmond], 1817- compiler. See Musee des Thermes et de 1 Hotel de Cluny. Catalogue et AO4 description des objets d art de 1 antiquite, du moyen-age et de la M97 renaissance, exposes au Musee. 1872. Dussieux, L[ouis Etienne]. 1815-. Le chateau de Versailles ; histoire et description. AH44 Versailles, 1881. O. 2 v. 32 pi. V6i7 L orfevrerie franfaise du moyen-age. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 3, p. 206-216, 257-268.) An7 Recherches sur 1 histoire de la peinture sur email dans les temps AJ2 anciens et modernes et specialement en France . . . D94 Paris, 1841. O. 171 p. Dutert, [Charles Louis] Ferdinand. 1845-. Le Forum remain et les forums de Jules Cesar, d Auguste, de AH45 Vespasien, de Nerva et de Trajan ; etat actuel des decouvertes et R788 etude restauree. Paris, 1876. F. 5 44+[i] p. ill. 14 pi. Dutschke, Hans. 1848- AO8 Antike bildwerke in Ober-italien. Leipzig, 1874-82. O. 5 v. in 2. 095 Contents : 1. Campo Santo zu Pisa. 2. Florenz. 3. Uffizien in Florenz. 4. Turin, Brescia, Verona und Mantua. 5. Vicenza, Venedig, Catajo, Modena, Parma und Mailand. 298 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Diitschke, Hans. 1848-. Das antike theater von Fiesole. (In Archaologische zeitung. AB v- 34, P- 93-105, pi. 8-10.) Ar23 Dutuit, Auguste. Collection ; antiquites, medailles et monnaies, objets divers, ex- AO2 poses au palais du Trocadero en 1878. 095 Paris, 1879. F. 3+191 p. ill. 35 pi. Duval, Carl. Die kloster und klosterruinen Deutschlands. AH43 Nordhausen, 1846. D. v. 2. i pi. A25 Duval, Charles Alexandre Amaury Pineux. 1760- 1838. Les fontaines de Paris, anciennes et nouvelles . . . contenant soix- AH^ ante-six planches dessinees et gravees . . . par Moisy . . . P264 Paris, 1813. F. 5 [3] + 12 +144 p. 65 pi. Les fontaines de Paris, anciennes et nouvelles . . . ouvrage grave AH44 au trait [par A. Moisy] ; precede d une dissertation sur les eaux P26^.i de Paris . . . Nouv. ed. [Anon.] Paris, 1828. F. 5 [4] + 12+ 152 p. 74 pi. See Denon, [D. V.], baron. 1747-1825. Monuments des arts du AO dessin . . . decrits et expliques par A. Duval. 1829. 043 Duval, [Charles Jerome Alphonse], 1800-70, Kauf= mann, [J. A.], and Renaud, [Edouard], 1819-. Architecture rurale et communale, petites maisons de plaisance et AH44 d habitation choisies aux environs de Paris . . . 3 e ed. P229 Paris, 1857. F. 5 1 S P- 60 pi. Duval, [T.], canon of Amiens, and Jourdain, [Louis], abbe. AH44 Cathedrale d Amiens. 1867. Am5i Le grand portail de la cathedrale d Amiens. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. n, p. 145-176, 279-307, 430-469; v. 12, p. 96-105, 687 269-292. ill.) Les sibylles. 1846. AH44 Am53 Duvau, A. Les origines curieuses dn Champ de Mars et du Trocadero; sou- AH44 venirs historiques and topographiques . . . P24 Paris, 1878. D. 32 p. ill. Duverdier, Antoine, 1544-1600, translator. AX See Cartari, Vincenzo. i6th cent. Imagines deorum. 1687. C24 Duvinage, H. AE2 L architecture rurale Mezieres, 1856. Nar. Q. 452 p. 76 pi. 095 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 299 Dux, Adolf, 1822-, translator. See Ipolyi, Arnold. Geschichte und restauration der kirchlichen AH43 kunstdenkmale in Neusohl. 1878. N39 D[uym], Jfonkheer] J[acob]. 1574-. Corte historische beschryvinghe de nederlandscher oorlogen . . . AR4Q2 d. I. I. D. Arnhem, 1612. S. 213 p. ill. A2 [Duyse, Prudens van. 1804-59.] Kunstplaet over de overvvinningen van den Aertshertog Leopold, AO vooral in West-Vlaenderen. [Anon.] 75 No title-page. O. 34 p. I pi. Dyde, W[illiam]. History and antiquities of Tewkesbury . . . 2d ed. enlarged. AR42 Tewkesbury, 1798. O. 243 + [4] p. 5 pi. T3I2 History and antiquities of Tewkesbury, from the earliest periods AR42 to the present time . . . [Anon.] T3i i Tewkesbury, 1790. D. 6+[8]+i3i p. 4 pi. Dyer, G[eorge]. 1755-1841. History of the university and colleges of Cambridge, including AH42 notices relating to the founders and eminent men . . . Ci45 London, 1814. O. 2 v. 31 pi. Dys, J. Habert=. See Habert-Dys, J. Earle, Mrs. Alice (Morse). China collecting in America. AN2 New York, 1892. O. 11+429 p. ill. Ea/ Earwaker, J[ohn] P[arsons]. East Cheshire, past and present; or, A history of the hundred of AH42 Macclesfield in the county Palatine of Chester ... Mi3 London, 1877-80. Sq. F. 2 v. ill. 2 por. 36 pi. Eastlake, Charles L[ock], jr. Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other details ANi . . . 2d ed. London, 1869. O. 18 + 271 p. ill. 36 pi. Ea7 Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth (Rigby), 1816-93, editor. Life of John Gibson, sculptor. AW London, 1870. O. 9+255 p. i por. 035 Eaton, Cole & Burnham co. Illustrated catalogue of wrought iron pipe, brass and iron, steam, AJ gas and water goods, plumbers supplies . . . Ea8 New York, 1875. Nar. Q. 306 p. ill. Ebbetts, D[aniel] J[ohn]. Examples of decorative wrought ironwork of the I7th and i8th AM2 centuries... London, 1879. F. 5 [5] p. 15 pi. Ebi Ebe, Qustav. 1834-. Akanthus; handbuch der ornamentalen akanthusformen aller stil- arten. Berlin, 1883. Nar. Q. 12 pi. pt. I. No more published. Die spat-renaissance; kunst-geschichte der europaischen lander AD7 von der mitte des 16. bis zum ende des 18. jahrhunderts. Eb2 Berlin, 1886. Nar. Q. 2 v. 18+10+993 p. ill. 26 pi. Paged continuously. Eberhard, G[ustav]. Das neue herzogliche marstall-gebaude in Gotha. AH43 Berlin, 1856. F. 6 |j]+7 p. 6 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 301 Eberhard, H[einrich] W[ilhelm]. Abbildungen pittoresk und plastich architektonischer ornamente AK besonders aus der deutschen flora, in versuchen ihrer anwendung Eb3 fiir kunst und gewerbe. 2. aufl. Gera, 1872. F. [8] p. 48 pi. Ebers, Georg [Moritz]. 1837- The Hellenic portraits from the Fayoum ... in the collection of AO Herr Graf, with some remarks on other works of this class at Z2 Berlin and elsewhere . . . New York, 1893. D. no p. ill. 3 pi. Sinnbildliches; die koptische kunst, ein neues gebiet der altchrist- AO lichen sculptur und ihre symbole. Eb3 Leipzig, 1892. Nar. Q. 4+61 p. ill. I pi. Ecclesiological society. See Cambridge Camden society. Ecclesiologist. Cambridge, 1842-68. O. ill. 29 v. in 28. AC Ec2 Published by the Cambridge Camden society, v. 5-29 published at London. Echerac, Arthur Auguste d , 1832-, editor. AB See L art ornemental. 1883-86. Ar7i Eckenbrecher, Qustav von. Die lage des homerischen Troja. AP Diisseldorf, 1875. O. [6] + 63 p. I pi. 2 maps. Z2 r Ecole des beaux=arts. See Paris (France) Ecole des beaux-arts. Ecole frangaise d Athenes et de Rome, editor. AB Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1881. M48 jT Ecole francaise d Athenes et de Rome, publisher. AR45 See Gsell, Stephane. Fouilles dans la necropole de Vulci. 1891. See Pottier, Edmond, 1855-, and Reinach, Salomon, 1858-. La AR56 necropole de Myrina. 1887. M99 Ecole frangaise de Rome. See Ecole francaise d Athenes et de Rome. Edelberg, Rudolf von Eitelberger von. 1817-. See Eitelberger von Edelberg, Rudolf von. 1817- Edinburgh, [Alfred Ernest Albert], duke of. 1844-. Guide to the works of art and science collected during his five- AO2 years cruise round the world in H. M. S. Galatea, 1867-71 . . . Ed4 3^ ed. London, no date. O. 74+ [2] p. 9 pi. map. 302 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Edinburgh (Scotland) Architectural association. Sketch book. 1875-86 . . . AH4i Edinburgh, 1875-86. F. 5 3 v.; new ser. v. I. 4 v. in I. 188 pi. A2 Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. O. v. i. ill. pi. AC Ed4 Edinburgh (Scotland) International exhibition. 1886. Memorial catalogue of the French and Dutch loan collection. AO6 Edinburgh, 1888. F. [39] +132+ [2] p. ill. 15 pi. Ed4 No. 351 of 520 copies printed. Edinburgh past and present. 1877. AFfyi See Ballingall, William, compiler. Ed4i Edis, Robert W[illiam]. 1839-. Decoration and furniture of town houses; a series of Cantor lectures AK delivered before the Society of arts, 1880. Ed4 London, 1881. O. 16+292 p. ill. 29 pi. Edlibach, Gerold. 1454-1530. Chronik . . . vermehrt und erganzt von J. M. Usteri. Q. 16+ AC 279 p. 4 pi. (Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1846. v. 4.) [Edwards, Edward. 1812-86.] Great seals of England, from the time of Edward the Confessor to AWi the reign of William the Fourth, containing . . . fac-similes of the Ed9 seals in their present condition engraved by the process of Achilles Collas . . . [Anon.] London, 1837. F. 5 17 p. 38 pi. Effmann, Wilhelm. 1847- Heiligenkreuz und Pfalzel; beitrage zur baugeschichte Triers. AH43 Friburgi Helvetiorurn, 1890. Nar. Q. 159 p. ill. T723 List of lectures at Freiburg (Baden, Ger.) University during 1890-91. Die St. Quirinus-kirche zu Neuss . . . AH43 Diisseldorf, 1890. Nar. Q. [3] +46+ [2] p. ill. N393 Egenolff, Christian. 1502-55. Modelbuch aller art nehewercks und stickens . . . neu aufgelegt AN von G. Gilbers. Dresden, 1880. Sq. O. [4] p. 71 pi. Eg2 Reproduced from the edition of 1527. Egerton, Francis. 1800-57. See Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, ist earl of. 1800-57. Egerton, Mary Margaret (Stanley). 1821-58. See Wilton, Mary Margaret (Stanley) Egerton, countess of. 1821-58. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 303 Egger, S. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of bronze arms and implements AO2 and ornaments in gold, silver and bronze . . . sold by auction . . . Eg3 the 25th of June and following day . . . London [1891]. O. 6+32 p. 26 pi. Eggers, [Hartwig Karl] Friedrich. 1819-72. Christian Daniel Rauch . . . AW Berlin, 1873-87. O. 4 v. in 2. i por. I facsim. Ri9 Edited and continued by K. F. P. Eggers. See Briiggemann, Hans. 1480 (?)- 1 540 (?). Der altarschrein der AH43 domkirche zu Schleswig . . . text von F. Eggers. 1866. Sl2 Eggers, Hartwig Karl Friedrich, 1819-72, editor. AB See Deutsches kunstblatt. 1850-58. 048 Eggers, Karl Friedrich Peter, 1826-, editor and con- tinuer. See Eggers, H. K. F. 1819-72. Christian Daniel Rauch. AW 1873-87. Ri9 Eggert, F[ranz Xaver]. 1802-76. Sammlung gothischer verzierungen. AK Miinchen [1865]. F. 5 42 pi. Eg3 Eggert, Qeorg Peter Hermann. 1844- Universitaten. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1888. 4. thl. A A 6. hlbd. hft. 2, p. 4-52. ill. i pi. 7 paged pi.) Hi9 Eggert, H. Das Empfangsgebaude des hauptbahnhofes. (In Wegele, H. Die hauptbahnhofs-anlagen in Frankfurt a. M. 1892. p. 67-74. 4 pi.) Kaiser Wilhelms-universitat Strassburg. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- wesen. v. 34, p. 259-266, 431-440. 9 pi.) Kaiser Wilhelms-universitat Strassburg; der garten des Botani- schen instituts und die Gewachshauser. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- wesen. v. 38, p. 199212. 4 pi.) Egizio, Matteo, conte. 1674-1745. Senatusconsulti de bacchanalibus; sive, yEneae vetustae tabulae AR45 Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis explicatio. R687 Neapoli, 1729. F. [3]+4+22i p. 2 pi. Egle, J[oseph] von. 1818-. Mittelalterliche baudenkmale aus Schwaben: Der miinster in Ulm AH43 ... 31 tafeln in stahlstich nebst erlauterung; supplement zu dem Ul5 werke, Ulm s kunstgeschichte im mittelalter beschrieben von K. D. Hassler. Stuttgart, 1872. F. 5 [9] p. 31 pi. Contains 15 additional plates on the Cistercian abbey, Bebenhausen, and the Frauenkirche Esslingen. 304 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Egle, J[oseph] von. 1818-. Photographische ansichten von offentlichen gebauden, wohn- AH43 hausern und villen in Stuttgart und umgebung. StQ Stuttgart, no date. F. 5 25 pi. / Eglise de Jerusalem [a Bruges], avec ses vitraux gothiques AH493 tels que les firent construire les seigneurs Adormes. 684 Ann? Brugensium, 1841. F. 5 10 pi. Splendidly illuminated title-page and ten plates exquisitely done in water-colors, showing six stained-glass windows, the exterior and interior of the church, the crypt, the tomb of the Adornes, and the coats-of-arms of the Adornes, Baenst, Braderijck, De Broucx, Honyn, Hoste, Van de Walle and Van der Banck families. Notes in ms. on two pages. Probably a unique copy. Les eglises de Paris. 1860. AH44 See [Qourdon, Edouard. 1820-69]. ?32i Ehemann, F[ranz]. Kunstschmiedearbeiten im style des barock und rococo. AM2 Berlin, no date. F. 6 20 pi. Eh2 Eidlitz, Leopold. Nature and function of art, more especially of architecture. AA London, 1881. O. 22+493 P- Ei2 Eigl, J. Osterreichische holzarchitektur ; das Salzburger gebirgshaus AH436 (Pinzgauer typus). Wien, 1894. F. 5 [4] + 38 + [2] p. ill. 37 pi. A8 Einleitung und fragment aus einem noch ungedruckten AO8 werke iiber den Apollo von Belvedere. Z5 See Feuerbach, J. A. ritter von. 1798-1851. Eiselein, Joseph. Vita di Giovanni Winckelmann. (In Winckelmann, J. J. Opere. AP 1830-34. v. i, pref., p. 13-166.) W72i Eisenlohr, Ludwig, editor. AB See Architektonische rundschau. 1885-93. Ar28 Eitelberger von Edelberg, Rudolf von. 1817-. Bericht iiber einen archaologischen ausflug nach Ungarn in den AC jahren 1854 und 1855. (In Austria Centralcommission . . . der Au;i baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1856. v. i, p. 91-140. 6 pi.) Cividale in Friaul und seine monumente. (In Austria Central- AC commission. . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1857. v. 2, p. 233- Au7i 258.) Gesammelte kunsthistorische schriften. AO Wien, 1879-84. O. 4 v. ill. 26 pi. Ei9 Contents: v. i. Kunst und kiinstler Wiens. v. 2. Osterreichische kunst-institute. v. 3. Die aufgaben zeichenunterrichtes. v. 4. Die mittelalterlichen kunstdenkmale Dalmatiens. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Eitelberger von Edelberg, Rudolf von. 1817-. Die mittelalterlichen kunstdenkmale Dalmatiens in Arbe, Zara, AC Trau, Spalato und Ragusa . . . (In Austria Centralcommission . . . Au7i der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1861. v. 5, p. 129312. 20 pi.) Eitelberger von Edelberg, Rudolf von, 1817- Heider, G. A., frieherr von, 1819-, and Hieser, Joseph, compilers. Mittelalterliche kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen kaiser- AH436 staates. 1858-60. A2 Elementary history of art, architecture, sculpture, AO painting. 1882. 641 See [Bell, Mrs. N. R. E. (M.)]. Eletta dei monument! piu illustrie e classici sepolcrali ed AE8 onorarii di Bologna. 1838-44. V82 See [Visibelli, Benedetto], compiler. [Eliot, William Havard. 1796-1831.] Description of Tremont House, with architectural illustrations . . . AH/3 [Anon.] Boston, 1830. Sq. F. [3] + 36 p. 31 pi. 6651 Elis, Carl. -1889. Handbuch der mosaik- und glasmalerei . . . nach dem tode des AJ2 verfassers hrsg. von J. Andree. Leipzig, 1891. O. [6]+ 131 p. El4 ill. 3 pi. (Seeman s kunsthandbiicher. v. 8.) Elischer Gyula, translator. AH439 See Hauszmann Alajos. 1847-. Das Elisabeth-spital. 1884. B8$ Elkan, David Levy, 1808-86, illustrator. AH43 See Emans, Gerhard. Erinnerung an den dom in Coin. i846(?). C72J Ellacombe, Rev. H[enry] Tfhomas]. 1790-1885. Church bells in the towers and turrets of all the parish churches AC of Gloucestershire. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Ex3 Transactions. 1878. v. 10, p. 121-215. pi-) Church bells in the towers and turrets of all the parish churches AC of Somersetshire. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Ex3 Transactions. 1878. v. 9, p. 85-188. pi.) Church bells in the towers of all the parish churches of Devon- AC shire. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. Ex3 1867-78. v. 7, p. 221-410; v. 8, p. 1-6, 257-265 ; v. 9, p. 1-12. pi.) Parish of Clyst S. George, Devon. (In Exeter diocesan architec- AC tural society. Transactions. 1867. v. 7, p. 89-158, pi. 12-24.) E X 3 Prebendal church of S. Mary Bitton, Gloucestershire. (In Exeter AC diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1878. v. 10, p. Ex3 1-76. pi.) 20 306 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ellesmere, [Francis Egerton, i s t] earl of. 1800-57. Catalogue of the Bridgewater collection of pictures belonging to A06 the Earl of Ellesmere at Bridgewater House ... St. James s $d Z edition. [London] 1851. D. 46 p. Elliott, Charles Wyllys. 1817-83. Book of American interiors, prepared from existing houses, AK with . . . essays and . . . descriptions, illustrated in heliotype. El5 Boston, 1876. Sq. F. 4 135 p. ill. 22 pi. Elliott, John, and Delassaux, Victor. AI4 Street architecture. 1855. 037 Elliott, Thomas. Remarks on the probable site of the British city and Roman AC station of Anderida. (In Sussex archaeological collections, v. 27, Su8 p. 152-165.) Ellis, Sir Henry, 1779-1869, compiler. AO2 See British museum. Townley gallery of classic sculpture. 1846. 6771 Ellis, Sir Henry, 1779-1869, editor. See Dugdale, Sir William. 1605-86. History of Saint Paul s AH42 Cathedral in London. 1818. L43 See Dugdale, Sir William. 1605-86. Monasticon Anglicanum. AH42 1817-30. A 1 22 Elmes, James. 1782-1862. Arts and artists; or, Anecdotes and relics of the schools of paint- AW ing, sculpture and architecture. E16 London, 1825. S. 3 v. 14 por. I facsim. I tab. Essay on foundations, part 2, read to the Society . . . 29^1 April, AC 1808. (In London, Eng., architectural publication society. L842 Essays, v. 2, p. [169] -189.) Lectures on architecture, comprising the history of the art from AF the earliest times to the present day. 2d ed. E16 London, 1823. O. 8+432 p. ill. Delivered at the Surrey and Russell institutions, London, and at the Philosophical institution at Birmingham. Metropolitan improvements; or, London in the nineteenth cen- AH42 tury; displayed in a series of engravings . . . from original Lp4 drawings ... by ... T. H. Shepherd . . . London, 1827. Q. 1. p. 6+i72 + [i] p. 80 pi. Practical treatise on architectural jurisprudence, in which the con- AI stitutions, canons, laws and customs relating to the art of build- E16 ing are collected from the best authorities . . . London, 1827. O. 15 + 279 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 307 Elmes, James. 1782-1862. Practical treatise on ecclesiastical and civil dilapidations ... 3^ AI ed. . . enlarged. London, 1829. Nar. Q. 24+288+[i52] p. E16i Sir Christopher Wren and his times, with . . . sketches and anec- AW dotes of ... distinguished personages in the seventeenth century. WQ2 London, 1852. O. 19+436 p. I por. f Eloffe, Madame , marchande de modes de la Reine. Livre-journal. 1787-93. Paris, 1885. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. iiopl. AN4 (Reiset, G. A. H., comte de. 1821. Modes et usages au temps R27 de Marie- Antoinette: Livre-journal de Madame Eloffe. 1885.) Elphinstone, H[oward] W[arburton]. 1830-. Patterns for turning, comprising elliptical and other figures cut on AN6 the lathe without the use of any ornamental chuck. E16 London, 1872. O. 12 + 216 p. 70 pi. 9 tab. Elwes, Dudley George Gary. Bedford castle. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. 12, p. 243-260. 2 pi.) As7 Elwes, Dudley George Gary, and Robinson, Rev. C. J. History of the castles, mansions and manors of western Sussex . . . AH42 London, 1876. Nar. Q. 6+285+43 p. ill. 26 pi. 20 tab. Su8 Ely, Talfourd. Manual of archaeology . . . AP New York, 1890. O. 12 + 272 p. ill. i pi. Elp Emans, Gerhard. Erinnerung an den dom in Coin; eine sammlung seiner merk- AH43 wtirdigsten denkmale . . . gezeichnet und lithographirt von Ger- C723 hardt, Levy-Elkan und Hallersch, gesammelt von G. Emans. Koln, i846(?). Q. 10 pi. Title-page in German, French and English. Emden, Alfred [Charles Richard]. 1850- Law relating to building, building leases and building contracts . . . AI 2<3 ed. enlarged. [London] 1885. O. 74+947 p. Em2 Emden, Hermann. Der dom zu Mainz und seine bedeutendsten denkmaler in 36 AH43 original-photographien, mit historischem und erlaiiterndem texte. M52 Mainz, 1858. F. 23 p. 36 pi. Title-page and text in German and French. Emden (Ger.) Gesellschaft fur bildende kunst und vaterlandische alterthiimer, editor. See [Suur, Hemmo]. Die alte kirche zu Marienhafe in Ostfries- AH43 land. 1845. M337 308 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Emeric=David, Tfoussaint] B[ernard]. 1755-1839. Jupiter; recherches sur ce dieu, sur son culte et sur les monu- AO8 mens qui le representent . . . precede d un essai sur 1 esprit de la 11131 religion grecque. Paris, 1833. O. 2 v. I pi. Memoire sur la denomination et les regales de 1 architecture dite AB gothique. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 5, p. 382-403.) 687 Neptune; recherches sur ce dieu, sur son culte, et sur les ... AO8 monuments qui le representent; faisant suite au "Jupiter" et au 11132 "Vulcain" . . . Paris, 1839. O. 45 p. i pi. Recherches sur 1 art statuaire considere chez les anciens et chez AO8 les modernes ; ou, Memoire sur cette question proposee par EM3 1 Institut national de rance: Quelles ont ete les causes de la perfection de la sculpture antique, et quels seroient les moyens d y atteindre? [Anon.] Paris, an xiii, 1805. O. i4+[2] + 544 p. Vulcain ; recherches sur ce dieu, sur son culte, et sur les monu- AO8 ments qui le representent; faisant suite au "Jupiter" . . . 11132 Paris, 1838. O. 104 p. I pi. Emerson, William. Description of some buildings recently erected in India, with AC some remarks on domes and the mingling of styles of architecture. R8i (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 188384, p. 149-162.) Emmanuel college chapel. [Descriptions of the windows, AH42 and inscriptions on the panels of the walls.] Q. 4 p. Ci43 L emulation ; publication mensuelle de la Societe centrale AC d architecture de Belgique ; nouvelle serie 1891-93, i6e-i8e de 8028 la collection. Bruxelles, 1891-93. F. 5 New ser. v. 1-3. ill. pi. Enciclopedia per pettinarsi. 1769. AN4 See [Bartelemi, Conciateste]. 628 Encyclopedie d architecture et des arts qui s y rattachent. AB Paris [1888]-. Sq. F. 4 2d ser, 10 v; 3<i ser, 6v; 4th ser, v . Em 1-3- ill. Edited by A. de Baudot, H. Chaine, and P. Gout. 2 d and 3d ser. have title Encyclopedic d architecture; revue mensuelle des travaux publics et particuliers. Continuation of Ency clopedic d architecture, journal mensuel. Encyclopedie d architecture; journal mensuel. AB Paris, 1851-62. F. and Sq. F. v. I-I2 in 1 1 v. ill. pi. En 15 Text and plates bound separately. Edited by V. Calliat and E. A. Lance. Continued as Encyclopedic d architecture et des arts qui s y rattachent. From 1863-71 the Gazette des architectes et du batiment took the place of this periodical, but in 1872 the Gazette was continued as a distinct work and the original publication was resumed. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 309 Encyclopedic des arts decoratifs de 1 Orient. AK Paris, 1880-83. F - 6 v - P 1 - 691 COLLINOT, E. and BEAUMONT, A DE. Ornements turcs. 1883. to and BEAUMONT, A DE. Ornements ve"nitiens, hindous. 1883. C6o6 COLLINOT, E. COLLINOT, E. COLLINOT, E. COLLINOT, E. COLLINOT, E. and BEAUMONT, A DE. Ornements arabes. 1883. and BEAUMONT, A DE. Ornements de la Chine. 1883. and BEAUMONT, A DE. Ornements du Japon. 1883. and BEAUMONT, A DE. Ornements de la Perse. 1880. Encyclopedic des travaux publics ; C. Lechalas, editor. AI Paris, 1893. O. ill. 041 DENFER, J. Architecture et constructions civiles. 1893. Encyclopedic methodique par ordre des matieres. AO Dictionnaire des beaux-arts; recueil de planches. Em Paris, an xiii, 1805. Q- 7 + [ 2 ] P- I! 5 pi- Encyclopedic methodique par ordre des matieres. AN8 Dictionnaire encyclopedique de Part aratoire et du jardinage; Eni recueil des planches. Paris, 1802. Q. 54 pi. Encyclopedic theologique. See Migne, J. P., abbe, 1800-75, editor. Ende, H[ermann]. 1830-. Architektonische studienblatter ; photographische original-auf- AH43 nahmen nach der natur und lichtdruck von H. Riickwardt. A44 Berlin [1884-93]. F- 5 4 ser. 600 pi. Ende, Hermann, 1830- editor. AA See Handbuch der architektur. 1880-92. Hi9 Ende, Hermann, 1830- and Bockmann, Wilhelm, 1832-. Der zoologische garten in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 25, p. 3-12, 127-132, 451; v. 26, p. 149-152. 10 pi.) Z3i Endell, F. Das konigliche regierungsgebaude zu Konigsberg. (In Zeitschrift AB fur bauwesen. v. 31, p. 1 1-16, 273-278, 385. 9 pi.) Enfield, William. 1741-97. Essay towards the history of Leverpool . . . AH42 Warrington, 1773. F. 6+[6]+ii6p. 10 pi. 2 maps. 1,75 Engel, Carl, 1818-82, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Descriptive catalogue of AX the musical instruments in the museum. 1874. So8 Engelberger, Georg. Beschreibung der erzbischofliche dom- und munsterkirche zu AH43 Freiburg in Breslau. Freiburg in Breslau, 1847. - 8o P- 2 P 1 - F88 4 20* 310 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Engelhard, J. D. W. E. Die theorie der architectonischen verzierungskunst. AK Cassel, 1857. O- 6+146 p. 113 Engert, Erasmus von, 1796-1871, compiler. See Vienna (Austria) Belvedere. Catalogue de la galerie de AO2 tableaux imperiale-royale au Belvedere. 1865. 672 England illustrated ; or, A compendium of the natural AH42 history, geography, topography and antiquities ... of England A 137 and Wales . . . London, 1764. Sq. F. 2 v. Englefield, Sir Henry [Charles], bart. 1752-1822. Ancient vases from . . . [his] collection, drawn and engraved by AN2 H. Moses. London, 1848. Nar. Q. 12 p. 51 pi. En$ Walk through Southampton. 2<3 ed. enlarged . . . [with] some AR42 account of the Roman station, Clausentum. So8 Southampton, 1805. O. 4+[5]+i46p. ill. 12 pi. English topographer. 1720. AR42 See [Rawlinson, Richard. i69o(?)-i755]. A25 Enlart, Camille. Les premiers monuments gothiques d ltalie. A propos des articles AB de Frothingham, jr. (In Bulletin monumental. 189192. v. 57, 687 p. 160-190. 4 pi.) Ennen, [Friedrich Hubert] Lfeonhard]. 1820-80. Baugeschichte des alten und neuen domes zu Koln . . . AH43 Koln, 1863. O. 46 p. 716 Die entwickelung des Hildesheimer profanbaues bis zur mitte des 17. jahrhunderts. 1882. See [Buhlers, ]. Entwiirfe im wettbewerb fur die kunstlerische ausgestal- AtLy tung der dreigiebel-facade des Romergebaudes nach dem Romer- F857 berg in Frankfurt am Main . . . Frankfurt a. Main, 1890. F. 6 [4] p. 12 pi. Enzenberg, , translator. See Birkenstock, J. M., edler von. 1738-1809. Monumentum AE8 aeternae memoriae Mariae Christinae archiducis Austriae. 1813. 653 Ephrussi, Charles. Etude sur le triptyque d Albert Diirer, dit Le tableau d autel de AW Heller. Paris, 1876. Sq. F. 49+ [i] p. 21 pi. D93 Quelques remarques a propos de 1 influence italienne dans une AW ceuvre d Albert Diirer. Paris, 1878. Q. 15 p. ill. 1)931 Le tableau d autel de Heller, Jacopo de Barbarj et le Prof. AW Thausing. Paris, no date. Q. 19 p. I pi. 0932 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 311 Epigrammata antiqvae vrbis. AR45 See [Mazzochi, Jacopo, i/th cent., collector]. [Erasmus, Georg Caspar.] Seulen-buch; oder, Griindlicher bericht von den funff ordnungen AA der architectur-kunst ... [Anon.] Nurnberg, 1688. F. 52 p. 44 pi. En Erentreitz, Marx Treitzsauerwein von. -1527. See Treitzsauerwein von Erentreitz, Marx. 1527. Erinnerung an den dom in Coin. i846(?). AH43 See Emans, Gerhard. C723 Erizzo, Sebastiano. 1525-85. Discorso sopra le medaglie degli antichi, con la particolar dichia- AMi ratione di esse medaglie . . . Nuouamente ristampato . . . Er4 [Vinegia, Giovanni Varisco, 1568.] Sq. D. [i6] + 78o+[3] p. ill. Erkertz, G[ottfried]. 1817-. Zur erklarung des historischen fest-zuges veranstaltet zur feier AW2 der vollendung des Kolner domes am 16. Oktober, 1880. Er4 Koln [1880]. Obi. F. [3] + i6+[i] p. 21 pi. Text in folio bound with the plates. Erklarung eines antiken sarkophags zu Trier. AP See Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63. W723 Winckelmann s geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programrn, 1850. Ermenonville, Vicomte d , pseudonym. See Qirardin, Louis Stanislas Cecile Xavier, comte de. 1762-1827. Ernouf de Verclives, Alfred Auguste, baron, 1817-89, and Alphand, [J. C.] A., 1817-. L art des jardins; pares, jardins promenades . . . decoration pitto- AN8 resque et artistique des pares et jardins publics ... 36 ed ... Er6 Paris [1887]. Q. 12 + 364 p. 508 ill. [Ernst, Leopold, 1808-62, and Oscher, Leopold.] Hei[lige] drei konig capelle in Tuln. [Anon.] AH43 [Wien, pref. 1847.] F- 7 [4] P- 7 pi- Ob2 Errard, Charles, 1606-89, and Chambray, Roland Freard de Chantelou, sieur de, -1676. AA Parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. 1723. C35 Die erste secularfeier der erbauung der evangelischen kirche Sanct-Aurelien in Strassburg am 28. Mai, 1865 . . . AH43 Strassburg, 1865. O. 20 p. St89 312 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Escallier, E[ugene] A[lexis]. L abbaye d Anchin, 1079-1792. AH44 Lille, 1852. Nar. Q. [6] + 5 i8 + [i] p. 13 pi- An2 Escamps, Henry d . Description des marbres antiques du Musee Campana a Rome; AO8 sculpture grecque et romaine. Ci5i Paris, 1862. Sq. F. 5 66+ [224] p. iiopl. Escher, Q. von, and Hottinger, J. J. 1783-1860. AH494 Das alte und das neue Zurich. 1859. Y8 Escosura, Patricio de la. 1807-78. See Villa=amil, Q. P. de. 1807-54. Espana artistica y monu- AH46 mental . . . texto . . . por P. de la Escosura. 1842-50. A4 Esnault, G[ustave], abbe. Le transsept septentrional de la cathedrale du Mans. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 45, p. 63-79. I pi.) 687 Esperandieu, Emile. 1857-. Baptistere Saint-Jean. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 73-79. ill.) P75 Le chateau du Coudray-Salbart, Niort. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 6. 12 p. ill. 3 pi.) P75 Espinay, G[ustave Marie] d . 1829-. AH44 Notices archeologiques . . . Angers, 1876. O. Ser. I. 14 pi. An4 Contents: v. i. Monuments d Angers. From Revue historique, litte raire et arche"ologique d Anjou. Essai historique sur 1 abbaye de Solesmes. 1846. AH44 See Gueranger, Prosper, abbe. 1805-75. 804 Essai sur 1 origine de la gravure en bois et en taille- AO7 douce. 1808. J26 See [Jansen, Henri. 1741-1812]. Essay descriptive of the abbey church of Romsey. 1841. AH42 See [Spence, Charles]. R66 Esse, K[arl] H. 1808-74. Das neue krankenhaus der jiidischen gemeinde zu Berlin in seinen AH43 einrichtungen dargestellt. Berlin, 1861. F. 5 16 p. 13 pi. 6452 Essenault, , marquis de Castelnau d . See Castelnau=d Essenault, marquis de. Essen wein, August [Ottmar]. 1831- Die ausgange der classischen baukunst; Christlicher kirchenbau. AA (In Handbuck der architektur. 1886. 2. thl. 3. bd. hft. I, p. I- HIQ 140. ill. 1 6 pi. 18 paged pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 313 Essenwein, August [Ottmar]. 1831-. Einleitung: Theoretische und historische ubersicht. (In Hand- A A buch der architektur. 1880. i. thl. i. bd. hft. i, p. 1-50.) Die entwickelung des pfeiler- und gewolbe-systemes in der kirch- AC lichen baukunst vom beginne des mittelalters bis zum schlusse des Au/l 13. jahrhunderts. (In Austria Centralcommission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1859. v. 3, p. 1-104.) Die fortsetzung der classischen baukunst im ostromischen reiche: AA Byzantinische baukunst. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1886. Hig 2. thl. 3. bd. hft. i, p. 143-164. ill. 6 pi. 2 paged pi.) Die mittelalterlichen kunstdenkmale der stadt Krakau. AH438 Leipzig, 1869. F. [io]+i86+43 p. ill. 80 pi. C84 Norddeutschlands backsteinbau im mittelalter. AJ2 Carlsruhe [1855]. F. 5 24 p. 36 pi. Es; Die romanische und die gothische baukunst. Darmstadt, 1889-92. A A Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 28 pi. 5 5 paged pi. (Handbuch der architektur. Hi9 1889-92. 2. thl. 4. bd. hft. 1-2.) Contents : pt. i. Die kriegsbaukunst. pt. 2. Der wohnbau. Uber die herausgabe eines umfassenden quellenwerkes fur die kulturgeschichte des mittelalters, bestehend aus zwei hauptab- theilungen: Monumenta iconographica medii aevi und reliquiae medii aevi . . . Niirnberg, 1884. Nar. Q. 4+19 p. i tab. Essenwein, August Ottmar, 1831- compiler. See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Kata- AI log der . . . bautheile und baumaterialien aus alterer zeit. 1868. N93 See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Kata- AO2 log der . . . gewebe. 1869. N932 See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Kata- AO2 log der . . . interessanten bucheinbande. 1889. ^933 See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Kata- AO2 log der vorgeschichtlichen denkmaler. 1887. N93I See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Quel- AO2 len zur geschichte der feuerwaffen. 1877. N935 Essenwein, August Ottmar, 1831-, editor. See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Kunst- AO2 und kulturgeschichtliche denkmale des Germanischen national- N93 museums. 1877. Esser, [Ferdinand]. Die polytechnische schule zu Aachen. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 21, p. 5-20. n pi.) 314 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Essex, James. 1722-84. Observations on the origin and antiquity of round churches . . . AB (In Archasologia. 1782. v. 6, p. 163-178. I pi.) Ar2 Remarks on the antiquity and the different modes of brick and AB stone buildings in England. (In Archaeologia. 1777. v. 4, p. 73- Ar2 109. I pi.) Essex, W. R. H. Illustrations of the architectural ornaments . . . and painted glass AH42 of the Temple church, London . . . with an account of the . . . L869 restoration of the church by S. Smirke. London, 1845. F. 4 15 p. 30 pi. Estense, Pietro, marchese Selvatico. 1 803-80. See Selvatico, Pietro Estense, marchese. 1803-80. Estlander, Carl Gustav. 1834-. De bildande konsternas historia, fran slutet af adertonde arhun- AO dradet till vara dagar. Stockholm, 1867. O. 12 + 598+30 p. Es8 Estorff, Q. O. Carl von. Heidnische alterthiimer der gegend von Ulzen im ehemaligen AR43 Bardengaue, konigreich Hannover. Ue4 Hannover, 1846. Obi. Q. 7+13300!. [4+67 p.] 16 pi. map. Estrangin, Jean Julien. Etudes archeologiques historiques et statistiques sur Aries . . . AH44 Aix, 1838. O. 14+399 p. 7 pl- Arsi f Etoffes anciennes; nouveau choix de specimens des clix- AN septieme, dix-huitieme et dix-neuvieme siecles . . . Paris, 1888. D65 F. 6 [2] p. 30 pl. (In Documents relatifs a 1 art de la decoration et au dessin industriel. 1888. ser. I.) Ettmiiller, [Ernst Moritz] Ludwig. 1802-77. Eidgenossische schlachtlieder mit erlauterungen. (In Antiqua- AC rische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1844. v. 2, pt. 2, An8 p. 63-84.) Einiges iiber den ritterstand und iiber die bei der ertheilung AC dieser wiirde einst iiblichen gebrauche. (In Antiquarische gesell- An8 schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1856-57. v. II, p. 91-100. 2pl.) Die frescobilder zu Konstanz. Zurich, 1866. Q. (In Antiquarische AC gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1863-66. v. 15, p. 221- An8 242. 6 pl.) Sechs briefe und ein leich nebst einigen bemerkungen iiber die AC frauenliebe im mittelalter. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in An8 Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1844. v. 2, pt. i, p. 97-114. i pl.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 315 Ettmiiller, [Ernst Moritz] Ludwig, 1802-77, editor. Die beiden altesten deutschen jahrbiicher der stadt Zurich . . . AC Zurich, 1844. Q. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mit- An8 theilungen. 1844. v. 2, pt. I, p. 33-96.) See Hadloub, Johannes. I4th cent. Gedichte. (In Antiquarische AC gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1841. v. I.) An8 r Etudes archeologiques sur le moyen-age et la renaissance: AP Marine Architecture militaire Cartes a jouer Croyances pop- Et8 ulaires Manuscrits Peinture murale Peinture Art heral- dique. Bruxelles, 1854. F. 4 Various paging. 41 pi. r Etudes d architecture; antiquite et renaissance italienne : AH45 Grece, Pompeii, Rome, etc., par des eleves de 1 Ecole de Rome. R/5 2 Paris, no date. F. 5 [3] p. 60 phot. Eudel, Paul. 1837-. L hotel Drouot et la curiosite en 1 881-88 . . . AO Paris, 1882-89. D. v. 1-8. ill. 2 por. 10 pi. P2ii 60 planches d orfevrerie de . . . [sa] collection, pour faire suite AM4 aux Elements d orfevrerie composes par Pierre Germain. Eu2 Paris, 1884. Q. 2i + i8 + [i]p. 60 pi. No. 71 of 400 copies printed. Euler, Ludwig Heinrich. Dorf und schloss Rodelheim; beitrage zu der geschichte der- AC selben. Frankfurt am Main, 1859. F. 41 p. 2 pi. (Frankfort on F85 the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrsblatt. 1859.) Zur rechts-geschichte der reichsstadt Gelnhausen. Frankfurt am AC Main, 1874. F. [s] + 38 p. i pi. (Frankfort on the Main, Ger.- F8$ Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrsblatt. 1874.) Evangelisches jahrbuch ... AB Berlin [v. 21, Leipzig], 1851-70. v. 1-21 in 10. ill. pi. Evi Vol. i, 2d edition, 1853. Edited by K. W. F. Piper. No more published. Evangelisches kalender; jahrbuch. AB See Evangelisches jahrbuch. 1851-70. Evi Evans, Arthur John. 1851- Antiquarian researches in Illyricum. (In Archaeologia. v. 48, AB p. 1-105; v - 49. P- 1-167. 4 maps. 2 pi.) Ar2 On a late-Celtic urn-field at Aylesford, Kent, and on the Gaulish, AB Illyro-Italic, and classical connexions of the forms of pottery and Ar2 bronze- work there discovered. (In Archaeologia. v. 52, p. 315- 388. 7 pi.) 316 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Evans, Rev. B., editor. See Hinderwell, Thomas. 1744-1825. History and antiquities AR42 of Scarborough. 1837. Sca7 Evans, Rev. John. fl. 1812. Monmouthshire, Cambria, Anglesea, Caernarvonshire, Denbigh- AH42 shire, Flintshire, Montgomeryshire, Merionetshire. (In Beauties A 117 of England and Wales. 1801-15. v. 11,17.) Evans, John. 1823-. Archaeological survey of Hertfordshire. (In Archaeologia. v. 53, AB p. 245-262.) Ar2 On the occurrence of flint implements in undisturbed beds of gravel, AB sand, and clay. (In Archaeologia. v. 38, p. 280307; v. 39, Ar2 p. 57-84. 6 pi.) Evans, Thomas, and Angell, Samuel. Sculptured metopes discovered amongst the ruins of the temples AH45 of the ancient city of Selinus in Sicily, by William Harris and Se4 Samuel Angell, in ... 1823. 1826. Evelyn, John. 1620-1706. Account of architects and architecture . . . with L. B. Alberti, Of AA statues. London, 1723. F. [6] + 74 p. ill. C35 Evelyn, John, 1620-1706, translator. See Chambray, Roland Freard de Chantelou, sieur de, -1676, and AA Errard, Charles, 1606-89. Parallel of the antient architecture C35 with the modern. 1723. Even, Eduard van. Louvain monumental; ou, Description historique et artistique de AH493 tous les edifices civils et religieux de la dite ville. ^931 Louvain, 1860. F. [6] + 328 p. 112 pi. Everaerts, Adolphe. Monographic de l H6tel-de-Ville de Louvain, 1448-1872 . . . AH493 d apres les documents laisses par . . . Dominique Everaerts . . . L93 Louvain, 1872. Sq. F. 7 55 p. 48 pi. Evers, Edward, M. D. Ancient pottery of southeastern Missouri. (In St. Louis, Mo. Academy of science. Contributions to the archaeology of Missouri. 1880. pt. i, p. [2i]-30.) Ewald, Ernst [Deodat Paul Ferdinand]. 1836-. AK Farbige decorationen. Berlin, 1889-90. F. 5 [3J+i2p. 104 pi. Ewi Ewerbeck, F[ranz]. 1839-89. Architektonische entwiirfe und bauausfuhrungen . . . AL2 Berlin, no date. Sq. F. 5 [4] p. 36 pi. Ew3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 317 Ewerbeck, Franz. 1839-89. Terraffen, freitreppen und rampen-anlagen. (In Handbuch der AA architektur. 1891. 3. thl. 6. bd., p. 158-181. ill. 6 paged pi.) Hi9 Ewerbeck, Franz, 1839-89, and Neumeister, Albert. Die renaissance in Belgien und Holland ... 2. aufl. AH493 Leipzig, 1891. F. 5 2 v. 384 pi. A8 Ewerbeck, Franz, 1839-89, and Schmitt, Eduard. Einfriedigungen briistungen und gelander; balcons, altane und AA erker. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. 2. bd. hft. 2, Hi9 p. 1-104. ill- 2O paged pi.) Examples of armorial china. AN2 See Illustrations of armorial china. 1887. 116 Examples of art workmanship of various ages and coun- ANi tries: Decorative furniture, French. London, 1871. F. 4 8 p. Exi 20 pi. (Arundel society. Publications.) Excursions in the county of Essex; comprising a brief AH42 historical and topographical delineation of every town and vil- 572 lage . . . London, 1818-19. S. 2 v. 98 pi. 2 maps. Excursions in the county of Kent; comprising brief his- AH42 torical and topographical delineations . . . with descriptions of the K4I4 residences. . . London, 1822. S. 4+216 p. 45 pi. I map. Excursions in the county of Norfolk; comprising a brief AH42 historical and topographical delineation of every town and vil- N765 lage . . . London, 1818-19. S. 2 v. 98 pi. 2 maps. Excursions in the county of Suffolk; comprising a brief AH42 historical and topographical delineation of every town and Su25 village . . . London, 1818-19. S. 2 v. 98 pi. 2 maps. Excursions in the county of Surrey; comprising brief AH42 Historical and topographical delineations . . . with descriptions of Su72 the residences . . . London, 1821. S. 4 + 214 p. 45 pi. map. Excursions in the county of Sussex; comprising brief AH42 historical and topographical delineations . . . Su8i London, 1822. S. 4+201 p. 46 pi. 2 maps. Exeter diocesan architectural society. AC Transactions. Exeter, 1843-92. Q. 6 v.; 2d S er. 5 v. ill. pi. Ex3 Exner, Wilhelm Franz, 1 840-, and Laubock, Qeorg. Holz. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1880. I. thl. I. bd. hft. I, A A p. 159-178.) Hi9 3i8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Explanation of the famous and renowned glas-work, or AH4Q2 painted windows in the . . . church at Gouda . . . G;2 Gouda, no date. S. Unpaged. L exposition de Paris (1878), [journal hebdomadaire] ; AC>4 redigee par A. Bitard. Paris, 1878. F. 4 327 p. ill. 40 pi. Die Externsteine. AP See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63]. W723 Winckelmann s geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1858. Eyckii immortali genio. AO See [Camberlyn d Amougies, J. B. Q., chevalier. 1772-1833]. Z$ Eye, Johannes Ludolf August von, 1825- editor. AO2 See Felix, Eugen. Die kunstsammlung. 1880. F33 Eyland, Edward S[amuel], Lightbody Francis, and Burn, R. S. Working drawings and designs in architecture and building, with AA essays on various subjects . . . Ey4 London, no date. Sq. F. 6 various paging, ill. 55 pi. Eyries, Jean Baptiste Benoit. 1767-1846. See Dorow, Wilhelm. 1790-1846. Voyage archeologique dans AR45 1 ancienne Etrurie. 1829. Et73 F., P. AR 4 5 See Fumagalli, Paolo. Pompeia [1833]. ?796 Fabliau du cort mantel. Fabliau of the cort mantel. (In Wright, Thomas. 1810-77. On AP the influence of mediaeval upon Welsh literature. 1863. p. 15-28.) Z In Old French with English translation. Fabre, Paul. 1859-. Un nouveau catalogue des eglises de Rome. (In Melanges AB d archeologie et d histoire. 1887. p. 432-457.) M48 Fabretti, Ariodante. 1816-. Delia antica citta d Industria, detta prima Bodincomago, e dei suoi AC monumenti. (In Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la provincia 8017 di Torino. Atti. v. 3, p. 17-115. 28 pi.) II museo di antichita della R. universita di Torino; notizie. AO2 Torino, 1872. O. 74 p. ill. i pi. T84 Fabretti, Raffaello. 1618-1700. De aquis et aquaeductibus veteris Romae dissertationes tres. AX Romae, 1680. Sq. O. i93 + [22] p. ill. 5 paged pi. 3 maps. Fu i paged map. Jasithei ad Grunnovium apologema in ejusque Titivilitia ; sive, AX Somnia de Tito Livio animadversiones. Fi i Napoli, 1686. Sq. O. [4] + i43 + [8] p. ill. i map. No title-page. Fabricius, Ernst. 1857-. Alterthiimer auf der insel Samos. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 9, p. 163-197, G8i 255-263, pi. 7-8.) Alterthiimer auf Kreta. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 9, p. 363-384; v. 10, G8i p. 59-72, 92-96; v. 11, p. I35-I49- 6 pi.) De architectura Graeca commentationes epigraphicae. AH495 Berolini, 1881. O. [3J+86 p. i pi. Zi Die skulpturen vom tempel in Sunion. (In Deutsches archaologi- AR495 sches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 9, p. 338- G8i 353, pi. 17-19-) 319 3 2o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fabricius, M. P. Le Kremlin de Moscou, esquisses et tableaux, autrefois et aujourd - hui. Moscou, 1883. O. [>o] + 335 + [2] p. 46 pi. M853 Fabriczy, Cornel von. Filippo Brunelleschi, sein leben und seine werke . . . AW Stuttgart, 1892. O. 29+636 p. 683 [Fabroni, Angelo. 1732-1803.] Dissertazione sulle statue appartenenti alia favola di Niobe . . . AO8 [Anon.] Firenze, 1779. F. 5 24 p. 19 pi. FII Faaden=entwurfe neuer g.ebaude aller art. 1874-. AB See Scholtze, Carl. Sch6 Fa^adenbuch. 1870. AA See Schuffenhauer, W. Sch73 Facey, James William. Elementary decoration; a guide to the simpler forms of everyday AK art as applied to the interior and exterior decoration of dwelling- FII houses . . . London, 1882. D. 12+120 p. ill. (Weale s rudi mentary series.) Faes, Jan, 1646-1712, commentator. AP See Giraldi, Q. Q. 1479-1552. Opera omnia. 1696. 644 Pagan, Louis [Alexander]. 1845-. The art of Michel Angelo Buonarroti as illustrated by the various AW collections in the British Museum. B88 London, 1883. Nar. Q. 198 p. ill. i por. Pagan, Louis Alexander, 1845- compiler. See British museum. Handbook to the department of prints. AO7 1876. 677 Fahne, Anton. 1805-83. Diplomatische beitrage zur geschichte der baumeister des Kolner AH43 domes und der bei diesem werke thatig gewesenen kiinstler. 07251 Koln, 1843. O. 88 p. ill. 3 pi. I map. Diplomatische beitrage zur geschichte der baumeister des Kolner AH43 domes und der bei diesem werke thatig gewesenen kiinstler. 2. Zi aufl. Diisseldorf, 1849. O. IO2 p. 2 pi. map. Faija, Henry. Portland cement. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- AC actions. 1879-80, p. 109-128.) R8i Fairbairn, Thomas. Relics of ancient architecture and other picturesque scenes in AH4I Glasgow. Noplace, 1849. F. 6 4 p. 20 pi. 646 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 321 Fairbank, F. Royston, M. D. Roche abbey, and the Cistercian order. (In Associated architec- AC tural societies. Reports and papers, v. 18, p. 35-52. 6 pi.) As/ Fairholt, Frederick William. 1814-66. Description of head-dresses. (In Merrifield, Mrs. M. P. Dress as AN4 a fine art. 1854. p. 1-9.) M55 Homes, haunts, and works of Rubens, Vandyke, Rembrandt, and AW Cuyp . . . Michael Angelo and Raffaelle ... Fi6 London, 1871. O. 14+266 p. 133 ill. Edited by Jfames] D[afforne]. Rambles of an archaeologist among old books and in old places; AO being papers on art in relation to archaeology, painting, art- Fi6 decoration and art-manufacture. London, 1871. O. 8+259 p. 258 ill. I pi. See Society of antiquaries of London. Catalogue of a collection AW2 of works on pageantry, bequeathed by Frederick William Fair- Sol holt. 1869. Fairholt, Frederick William, 1814-66, annotator. See Hall, Mrs. A. M. (F.). 1 800-81. Pilgrimages to English AH42 shrines. 1853. A56 Fairholt, Frederick William, 1814-66, compiler. See Londesborough, Albert Denison, ist baron. 1805-60. Illus- AM4 trated descriptive catalogue of ... [his] collection of antique L84I silver plate. ] 860. Fairholt, Frederick] W[illiam], 1814-66, editor. AO Dictionary of terms in art. London [1854]. D. 6+474 p. ill. I pi. Fi6i Fairholt, Frederick William, 1814-66, illustrator. See Smith, C. R. 1804-90. Antiquities of Richborough, Recul- AR42 ver and Lymne, in Kent 1850. K4ii Fairlie, John. Illustrations of Cheverley church, Cambridgeshire. [Description of the church by E. K. Bennet] London [1851]. F. 5 [23] p. 28 pi. Engraved throughout. Falbe, C[hristian] T[uxen]. 1791-1849. Recherches sur remplacement de Carthage, suivies de renseigne- AR3973 ments sur plusieurs inscriptions puniques inedites . . . C245 Paris, 1833. O. [6]+i32 + [2] p. and Atlas, F. 7 4 pi. 2 maps. Falconer, Thomas. 1738-92. Observations on Pliny s account of the temple of Diana at AB Ephesus. (In Archaeologia. v. n, p. 1-21. I pi.) Ar2 21 322 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Falconet, Etienne Maurice. 1716-91. Notes sur trois livres de Pline 1 ancien, ou il traite de la peinture AO8 et de la sculpture, on y a joint la traduction de ces memes livres ... Fi8 Lausanne, 1781. O. 2 v. (In his GEuvres. 1781. v. 3-4.) QEuvres, contenant plusieurs ecrits relatifs aux beaux-arts . . . AO8 Lausanne, 1781. O. 6 v. Fi8 Falda, Giovanni Battista. i64o(?)-i7oo(?). Le chiese di Roma . . . date in luce con direttione e cura di G. G. AH45 Rossi . . . Roma [1680]. Obi. Q. 37 p. R74 Le fontane di Roma nelle piazze e luoghi publici della citta . . . AH45 Roma [1691]. Obi. Q. 4 v. in i. 107 pi. R672 Vols. 3-4 designed by G. F. Venturini. Li giardini di Roma. (In Sandrart, Joachim von. Teutsche AA academic der bau-, bildhauer- und maler-kunst 1768-75. v. 5 2 , Sa5 p. 39-64- 19 pl-) Fales, Samuel Bradford. 1808-80. Catalogue of ... his art collections, literary property ... to be AO2 sold at auction . . . Nov. 9 ... Fi8 New York, 1881. Nar. Q. 8 + [2] + 235 p. 24 pl. Falize, Lucien [Joseph Mignon]. 1839-. Une conference sur les bijoux. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. AB v. 6, p. 342-350> 367-378. ill.) R32 Falke, Jacob von. 1825-. Costtimgeschichte der culturvolker. AN4 Stuttgart [1881]. Q. 4 + 480 p. ill. i pl. Fi8 Geschichte des modernen geschmacks. 2. durchges. aufl. AO Leipzig, 1880. D. 16+360 p. Fi8 Mittelalterliches holzmobiliar. Wien, 1894. F. 5 up. 40 pl. ANi Fi8 Published by Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und industrie. Falke, Jacob von, 1825-, compiler. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und industrie. AN2 Die . . . Wiener porzellanfabrik. 1887. 67 Falke, Jacob von, 1825- editor. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und industrie. ANi Rahmen. 1892. Au7 Falkener, Edward. Description of some important theatres and other remains in Crete, from a ms. history of Candia by Onorio Belli in 1586 . . . a supplement to the "Museum of classical antiquities." London, 1854. Q. 32 p. ill. 8 pl. map. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 323 Falkener, Edward. Ephesus and the temple of Diana . . . AH56 London, 1862. Q. i4+[i] + 346 p. ill. 25 pi. Ep3 On the hypaethron of Greek temples . . . with . . . observations in AJ reply to the reviewers of "Daedalus." Fi8 London, 1861. O. 38+[i] p. ill. Read before the Berlin (Ger.) archaeological society. Falloux, Frederic Alfred Pierre, comte de, 1811-86, and others. See Abraham, Tancrede. 1836-. Chateau-Gontier et ses en- AH44 virons : 30 eaux-fortes par Tancrede Abraham, texte par . . . le C3Q2 Cte de Falloux. 1872. Famin, A[uguste Pierre Sainte Marie], 1776-1859, and Grandjean de Montigny, A. H. V., 1776-1850. AH45 Architecture toscane. 1815. T87I Famin, Stanislas Marie Cesar. 1799-1853. See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Peintures, bronzes et AH45 statues erotiques, formant la collection du cabinet secret, avec ?77 leur explication par C. Famin. 1832. Farcy, Georges. Monographic de 1 ecole militaire de Paris. AH44 Paris, 1890. O. 82 p. 6 pi. P3II Farcy, Louis de. 1841-. L ancien tresor de cathedrale d Angers. (In Revue de 1 art chre- AB tien. v. 30-32. 2 pi.) R324 La broderie du I ie siecle jusqu a nos jours, d apres des specimens AN authentiques et les anciens inventaires. F22 Paris, 1890. F. 6 4+144 p. 181 pi. Notices archeologiques sur les tentures et les tapisseries de la AH44 cathedrale d Angers. Angers, 1875. O. [3] + i38 p. i pi. An4i Notices archeologiques sur les tombeaux des eveques d Angers. AR44 Angers, 1877. O. 61 p. and Atlas, Sq. F. 16 pi. An4i Farcy, Paul de. 1840-. Abbayes de 1 eveche de Bayeux. AH44 Laval, 1886-88 [v. I 1 , 87]. Q. v. I 1 3 in 3 v. ill. A42 Contents: v. i. Cerisy, Cordillon, Fontenay, Longues. Farge, L. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Les con- AO4 structions frangaises et etrangeres reunies par L. Farge. 1889. P22I Farge, L., editor. See Le recueil d architecture, choix de documents pratiques. AB 1874-. R24 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fargue, Paul Constantin la. -1782. See La Fargue, Paul Constantin. -1782. Farrar, Charles S. Art topics; history of sculpture, painting and architecture, with AO specific reference to most of the standard works on art. F24 New York, 1885 [c. 81]. O. 6+134 p. ill. Farrar, Frederic W[illiam], 1831-, canon, and others. AH42 Our English minsters. London, no date. D. 351 p. ill. Ai27 Farren, R[obert], illustrator. See Freeman, E. A. 1823-92. Cathedral cities, Ely and Nor- AH42 wich. 1883. Elp Farrow, Frederic R[ichard]. The recent development of Vienna. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 27-42. 6 pi. R8i i map.) Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & co. Illustrated and descriptive catalogue [of] locks and builders fine Al2 hardware. St. Paul [1892]. Sq. F. [4] + ! 19 p. ill. F25 Fasti Limburgenses. Die limburger chronik des Johannes, nach J. Fr. Faust s Fasti AC Limpurgenses . . . hrsg. von K. Rossel. Wiesbaden, 1860. O. 58 14 p.+p. 407-5 22 + [2] p. 3 pi. (Verein fur Nassauische alter- thumskunde und geschichtsforschung. Annalen. 1860. v. 6, pt. 3.) Faucherau, , abbe. Saint-Julien-l Ars, Vienne. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et AR44 monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 2. 10 p. ill. 4 pi.) ?75 Faucon, [Pierre Joseph] Maurice [Faulcon], called. 1858-. Les arts a la cour d Avignon sous Clement V et Jean XXII AB (1307-34). (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1882, p. M48 36-83; 1884, p. 57-130.) Faucon, [Pierre Joseph] Maurice [Faulcon], called, 1858- editor. See Blanc, A. A. P. C. 1813-82. Histoire de la renaissance AH45 artistique en Italic. 1889. A35 Faulkner, Thomas. 1777-1855. Historical and topographical description of Chelsea and its en- AR42 virons . . . with biographical anecdotes of ... eminent persons . . . C4I I Chelsea, 1 8 10. O. [18] +459+[6] p. ill. I por. IO pi. map. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 325 Faulkner, Thomas. 1777-1855. Historical and topographical description of Chelsea and its en- AI<42 virons . . . with biographical anecdotes of . . . eminent persons . . . C4i Chelsea, 1829. O. 2 v. ill. 4 por. 30 pi. map. History and antiquities of Brentford, Ealing and Chiswick . . . with AR42 biographical notices of . . . eminent persons . . . 675 I London, 1845. O. 16+504 p. ill. 2 gr. of por. 2 por. 10 pi. History and antiquities of Kensington . . . with biographical anec- AR42 dotes . . . and a descriptive catalogue of the collection of pictures in I<4i the palace . . . London, 1820. O. [i9]+624+[i i] p. ill. 10 pi. map. 3 tab. History and antiquities of the parish of Plammersmith . . . with AH42 biographical notices of . . . persons . . . who have resided in the Hi 82 parish . . . London, 1839. O. i4+[2]+446 p. ill. i por. i pi. 2 maps. Faure, P. Blanc et noir; la decoration geometrique. AL2 Paris, no date. Nar. Q. 101 p. ill. F27 Theorie des proportions en architecture, d apres 1 analyse des AA monuments. Paris, 1893. Sq. F. 4 v. I. 25 pi. F27 Contents: v. i. La Grece et ses colonies; les temples, les propylees, les portiques, etc. Fauveau, Mile. [Felicie] de. 1803-87. La lampe de Saint Michel; sujet tire de 1 histoire du i$e siecle. AO2 Paris, 1832. F. 5 6 p. i pi. P86 Favarger, H. Modern building in Egypt. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 33-48.) R8i Favaro, Antonio. 1847-. L acustica applicata alia costruzione delle sale per spettacoli e AJ pubbliche adunanze . . . Torino, 1882. Q. 8+176 p. ill. pi. F27 Favart, Emile, pseudonym. AK See Hammond, T. W. Flowers and plants. 1880. F27 Favourite scenes of Her Majesty the Queen and Prince AH4i Albert in Scotland. Dundee, no date. Q. 52 p. 10 pi. F76 Fawkes, F[rank] A[ttfield], Horticultural buildings, their construction, heating, interior fit- AE2 tings . . . New ed. London, 1886. D. 300 p. ill. F28 Fazio, Giuliano de. See Diversi, Carlo. Sistema generate dell architettura de AE6 lazzeretti. 1826. D64 Plates by Diversi, text by Giuliano de Fazio. 21* 326 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fea, Carlo [Domenico Francesco Ignazio]. 1753- 1834. Annotazioni alia memoria sui Diritti del principato sugli antichi AH45 edifizi public! ... Roma, 1806. O. i3+i26+[i] p. 4 pi. R;i Conclusione per L integrita del Panteon di M. Agrippa, ora S. AH45 Maria ad Martyres, rivendicata al principato ... R;i Roma, 1807. O. 69 p. Dei diritti del principato sugli antichi edifizi publici ... in AH45 occasione del Panteon di Marco Agrippa. Roma, 1806. O. 24 p. R/i Description de Rome, traduite de 1 Italien ... et ... publiee AH45 par A. Bonelli. Rome, 1821. D. 3 v. 39 pi. R698 Descrizione ragionata della . . . basilica e cappella papale di S. AH45 Francesco d Assisi . . . e delle pitture e sculture di cui va ornato As72 il medesimo tempio . . . Roma, 1820. F. 5 22 + [i]+48 p. n pi. Frammenti di fasti consolari e trionfali ultimamente scoperti nel AR45 foro romano e altrove . . . Roma, 1820. F. i25 + [i]+i8 p. R673 L integrita del Panteon di M. Agrippa, ora S. Maria ad Martyres, AH45 rivendicata al principato . . . Roma, 1807. O. 97 p. R7i Lezione sopra quattro basiliche romane dette Costantiniane; AC recitata ... 20 giugno, 1822. (In Rome, Italy Accademia ro- R66i mana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1829. v. 3, p. 73-99.) Fearnside, William Gray. History of London, illustrated by views in London and West- AH42 minster engraved by J. Woods . . . L887 London [1838]. O. [4]+2O3 p. 29 pi. Continued by T. Harral. Known also as Wood s views in London, Westminster and their vicinities. Fearnside, William Gray, translator. See Kampen, N. Q. van. 1776-1839. History and topography AH492 of Holland and Belgium. [183-.] An Featherstone, Thomas. Legends of Leicester in the olden time. AR42 London, 1838. D. 8+[i]+3O4 p. 5 pi. L$3i Febvre, A[lexis Joseph]. 1820-81. Catalogue des tableaux anciens . . . [et] modernes, objets d art . . . AO2 composant . . . [sa] collection, et dont la vente aura lieu 1720 F3i avril, 1882 . . . [Paris] 1882. F. 9+105 p. I por. 13 pi. Peer, H[enri] L[eon]. 1830- Les ruines de Ninive; ou, Description des palais detruits des AR35 2 bords du Tigre; suivie d une description du Musee assyrien du N5I5 Louvre. Paris, 1864. O. 7+319 p. ill- pi- COLUMBIA COLLEGE 327 Fehr, Ph. T. Zur restauration des domes zu Worms . . . AH43 Worms, 1886. O. 57 p. ill. W8gi Fehrmann, E. G[ustav]. Die architektonischen formen der renaissance und ihre decoration, AK unter mitwirkung des Prof. Carl Weissbach. F32 Dresden [1879-]. F. 6 pt. I. 90 pi. Feldegg, Ferd[inand], ritter von. Moderne kirchen-decorationen; ein vorlagewerk fur ornamentale AK kirchenmalerei, nach original-aufnahmen aus den kirchen Wiens F33 und der umgebung. Wien, 1892. F. 5 [4] p. 32 pi. Felibien, Andre. 1619-95. Memoires pour servir a 1 histoire des maisons royalles et basti- AH44 mens der France, publics . . . [par. A. de Montaiglon]. Paris, 1874. A43 O. 14+ 104 p. i pi. (Societe de 1 histoire de 1 art francais. Pub lications.) Reprint of the edition of 1681. [Felibien, Jean Francois. 1658-1733.] Description de 1 eglise royale des Invalides. [Anon.] AH44 Paris, 1706. F. 5 i77 + [2] p. 2 pi. P3i8 Felibien, Michel. 1666-1719. Histoire de 1 abbaye royale de Saint-Denys en France, contenant AH44 la vie des abbez qui Font gouvernee depuis onze cens ans . . . Sa23 Paris, 1706. F. 4 [32^592+147 p. ill. 14 pi. Histoire de la ville de Paris, reveue, augmentee et mise au jour AH44 par G. A. Lobineau . . . Paris, 1725. F. 5 5 v. 33 pi. map. P287 Felix, Eugen. 1836-. Catalog [seiner] reichhaltigen kunstsammlung ... in Leipzig . . . AO2 versteigerung zu Koln, den 25. October, 1886. F33 1 Koln, 1886. Sq. F. 12 + 228 p. ill. Die kunstsammlung; katalog verfasst von A. von Eye und P. E. AO2 Borner. Leipzig, 1880. Q. 1 2+ 174 p. and Atlas, F. 5 [4] p. 36 pi. F33 Fellenberg, Edmund von. Das graberfeld bei Elisried, Briinnen. (In Antiquarische gesell- AC schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1881-85. v. 21, p. 171-229. ill. An8 II pi.) Feller, J[oseph]. Die schmiedekunst, zum praktischen gebrauche fur schlosser und AM2 schmiede. Diisseldorf, 1891-92. Q. v. 1-3. 300 pi. F33 Vol. i, 3d edition ; v. 2, 2 d edition. 328 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Fellows, Sir Charles. 1799-1860.] Xanthian marbles, their acquisition and transmission to England. AO8 [Anon.] London, 1843. O. [3] +44 p. 2 pi. F33 Felon, Joseph. 1818- Art decoratif; travaux de peinture, sculpture . . . architecture, AK ceramique, executees aux monuments publics et habitations F33I privees. Paris, 1880. F. 5 2 v. 5 por. 96 pi. Pels, Theodor Johann Gsell-. 1819-. See GseIl=Fels, Theodor Johann. 1819-. Fendt, Tobias. Monvmenta sepvlcrorvm cvm epigraphis ingenio et doctrina excel- AE8 lentivm virorvm, aborvmq. tarn prisci qvam nostri secvli memora- F35 bilivm hominvm, de archetypis expressa . . . [Francofurti (?)] 1574. F. [12] p. 129 pi. Fenger, L. Dorische polychromie; untersuchungen iiber die anwendung der AK farbe auf dem dorischen tempel. F35 Berlin, 1886. F. 4 46 p. ill. and Atlas, Sq. F. 7 8 pi. Feoli, Agostino. Antichi vasi dipinti . . . [della sua] collezione descritti da S. Cam- AN2 panari. Roma [pref. 1837]. O- 4+265 + [2] p. 2 pi. F36 Per, Nicolas de. 1646-1720. Les costes de France, sur 1 ocean et sur la mer Mediterranee, &c. AE7 avec leurs fortifications . . . F37 Paris, 1695. Obi. Q. 2 v. in I. 3 pi. 38 maps. Les forces de 1 Europe; ou, Description des principales villes avec AE/ leurs fortifications . . . F37 Paris, 1693-96. Obi. Q. 8 pts. in I v. 172 pi. 10 maps. Ferguson, Charles J[ohn], Development of domestic architecture : Rose Castle and Dalston AE2 Hall. Kendal, 1875. Q. 22 p. 4 pi. Z From Cumberland and Westmorland antiquarian and arch Ecological society. Transactions. Ferguson, R[ichard] Sfaul], 1837-, compiler. Old church plate in the diocese of Carlisle, with ... an account of ANi the municipal insignia and the corporation and guild plate of F38 Carlisle... Carlisle, 1882. O. 8 + 326+[i] p. ill. 29 pi. Published by the Cumberland and Westmorland antiquarian and archaeological society. Fergusson, James. 1808-86. Essay on the ancient topography of Jerusalem, with . . . plans of AH569 the temple . . . and ... of the . . . mosque of Omar. London, 1847. Nar - Q- 16+188 p. ill. 7 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 329 Fergusson, James. 1808-86. Historical inquiry into the true principles of beauty in art, more especially with reference to architecture. London, 1849. Nar - Q- pt- I > l6 +537 P- ill- 6 pi- No more published. History of the modern styles of architecture. 2d edition. London, 1873. O. 19+584 p. ill. i pi. Forms v. 4 of the new edition of the History of architecture. Holy sepulchre and the temple at Jerusalem . . . two lectures delivered in the Royal institution, Albemarle street . . . 2ist Feb., 1862, and 3d March, 1865. London, 1865. O. i3 + [2] + i5i p. ill. I pi. Illustrated handbook of architecture; being a concise . . . account of the . . . styles of architecture prevailing in all ages and all countries. 2& edition. London, 1859. O. 57+[i] + ioo4 p. ill. I pi. Illustrations of the rock-cut temples of India, selected from . . . examples ... of caves at Ellora, Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli and Mahavellipore . . . London, 1845. O. 15+63 p. ill. 10 pi. and Atlas, F. 6 [5] p. i8pl. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus restored in conformity with the recently discovered remains. London, 1862. Q. 43 p. ill. 4 pi. Observations on the British museum, National gallery and National record office, with suggestions for their improvement. London, 1849. O- 94 p. ill. 2 pi. On a national collection of architectural art, delivered on 2ist Dec., 1857. London, 1857. D. 22 p. (Introductory addresses on the Science and art department and the South Kensington museum. No. 6.) On the Erechtheum. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1875-76, p. 139-158. 3 pi.) On the mode in which light was introduced into the Greek temple. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1861- 1862, p. 17-36. I pi.) The Parthenon; an essay on the mode by which light was intro- duced into Greek and Roman temples. London, 1883. Q- 6+OJ + I35 p. ill. 5 pi. Picturesque illustrations of ancient architecture in Hindostan. London, 1848. F. 6 4+[i]+68 p. ill. 23 pi. map. Rude stone monuments in all countries; their age and uses. London, 1872. O. 19 + 559 p. ill. I pi. map. AF 382 AF F38 AH569 J482 AF AH54 A9 AH56 Hi3 AH42 L889 A A AC R8i AC R8l AH495 At42 AH62 Ail AX F38 330 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fergusson, James. 1808-86. The temple of Diana at Ephesus with especial reference to Mr. Wood s "Discoveries" of its remains. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1882-83, p. 147-168. I pi.) Temples of the Jews and the other buildings in the Harem area at Jerusalem. London, 1878. Nar. Q. 18 + 304 p. ill. 9 pi- See Hope, T. C. Architecture at Ahmedabad, the capital of Goozerat photographed by Col. Biggs . . . [with] architectural notes by J. Fergusson. 1866. See Society of Dilettanti, publisher. Antiquities of Ionia. 1769- 1881. Text by J. Fergusson and others. Fergusson, James, 1808-86, and Burgess, James, 1832-. Cave temples of India. London, 1880. Nar. Q. 20 +5 36 p. ill. 99 pi. map. Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe, Aureliano. 1806-. Tres sarcofagos cristianos, de los siglos iii, iv, y v. [Madrid] no date. F. 8 7 p. I pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espafia.) Table of contents and title-page wanting. Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Ferraboschi, Martino, illustrator. See Gilij, F. L. 1756-1821. Architettura della basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano. 1812. AC R8i J48 AH 54 AH 495 A 7 AH 54 A 3 AH46 Ai 3 AH 45 R75 Ferrante, Calisto, editor. See Montano, Q. B. 1545-1621. Architettura con diversi orna- AK menti cavati dall antico. 1636. M76 [Ferrante, G. B.] Regio manicomio di Torino, relazioni della commissione per lo AH 4 5 studio delle nuove fabbriche a Collegno. [Anon.] T843 Torino, 1883. F. 56 p. 5 pi. Ferrar, J[ohn]. History of Limerick . . . from the earliest records to ... 1787 . . . AH4I5 [with] the charter of Limerick and An essay on Castle Connell L62 Spa, on water in general and cold bathing . . . Limerick, 1787. O. 18 + 492 p. ill. 10 pi. 2 maps. Ferrari, Francesco Bernardino. Delia fabbrica delle chiese trattato. AE Milano, 1804. O. 88 p. 2 pi. Ri8 Ferrari, Ottavio. 1607-82. De re vestiaria libri septem; quatuor postremi nunc primum pro- AN4 deunt, reliqui emendatiores et auctiores ... F4I2 Patavii, 1654. O. 2 v. in i. ill. 5 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 331 Ferrario, Giulio. II costume antico e moderno; o, Storia del governo, della milizia AN4 . . . delle arti . . . di tutti i popoli antichi e moderne . . . Firenze, 1823-45 [v. i, 41]. O. 34 v. I por. 1763 pi. 8 maps. 6 tab. Contents : . 1-8. Asia. . 9-12. Africa. . 13-16. America. . 17-31. Europe. . 32-34. Aggiunte. 2 pages of music. Monument! sacri e profani dell imperiale e reale basilica di Sant AH45 Ambrogio in Milano . . . M583 Milano, 1824. F. 5 [6] + 224+ [4] p. ill. 32 pi. Storia e descrizione de principali teatri antichi e moderni . . . col AE4 Saggio sull architettura teatrale di Mr. Patte illustrate con ... F4i Osservazioni del . . . architetto ... P. Landriani. Milano, 1830. O. i9 + 369+[6] p. 12 pi. Ferray, E. Le tombeau prehistorique de Cocherel. (In Bulletin monumental. AB 1890. v. 56, p. 475-505-) B8; Ferree, Barr. Christian thought in architecture. AE New York, 1892. O. 32 p. 2 pi. F4i Read before the American society of church history, Washington, Dec. 3O th , 1891. Chronology of the cathedral churches of France. AH44 New York, 1894. O. 36 p. A/3 Privately printed. From Architectural record, 1894. Comparative architecture . . . New York, 1892. O. 15 p. A A Ar22 Element of terror in primitive art. New York, 1889. O. 20 p. ill. i pi. From American antiquarian. Nov., 1889. The high building and its art. AI New York, 1894. O. 22 p. 16 ill. From Scribner s magazine. 1894. For private distribution. Primitive architecture. New York, 1890. O. 2 pts. in i v. Contents : pt. i. Sociological influences. pt. 2. Climatic influences. Part i reprinted from the American naturalist, Jan., 1889, and part 2 from the American anthropologist, Apr., 1890. Ferree, Barr, compiler. Architectural education for America. New York, 1 894. O. [5] + 15 p. Privately printed. From Engineering magazine, Apr. and May, 1894. 332 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ferreri, Cesare. L arca di Sant Agostino, monumento in marmo del secolo xiv ; AH45 ora esistente nella chiesa cattedrale di Pavia . . . P284 Pavia, 1832. F. 5 36+ [4] p. 4 pi. Ferrerio, Pietro. Palazzi di Roma de piu celebri architetti. AH45 [Roma, 1655 (?).] Obi. Q. i por. 52 pi. R68 Published by G. J. Rossi. Ferrey, Benjamin. 1 810-80. Antiquities of the priory of Christ-church, Hampshire . . . [with] AH42 accounts of the same by E. W. Brayley. 2& ed. revised by 46 J. Britton. London, 1841. Sq. F. [4] + 76 p. 19 pi. Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin and his father Augustus AW Pugin, with notices of their works, with an appendix by E. S. Pg6 Purcell. London, 1861. O. 15+473 p. ill. 2 por. 7 pi. Ferria, Q. G. La cupola della Mole Antonelliana. AH45 Torino, 1888. O. 20 p. 2 pi. T84I From L ingegneria civile e le arti industrali. v. 14. Ferrucci, Girolamo, editor. AH45 See Fulvio, Andrea, fl. i6th cent. L antichita di Roma. 1588. R796 Ferstel, Heinrich, freiherr von. 1828-83. Festschrift bei gelegenheit der feierlichen enthullung seines AW denkmals im K. k. osterreichischen museum fur kunst und F4i industrie. Wien, 1884. Sq. F. 5 + 54 p. ill. I por. Published by Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und industrie. Festeau, F., and Chauderlot, - . AH46 El teatro de Moratin construido en Madrid. M26i Festing, F. Ein gang durch Niirnberg; charakteristik seiner bau-denkrnale, AH43 kirchlichen architecturen und hervorragenden bildwerke. N94I Ntirnberg [pref. 1882]. O. 8 + 99 p. Festiva ad capita annulumque decursio a Rege Ludovico XIV. 1670. AW2 See Perrault, Charles. 1628-1703. P42 Festschrift zur einweihung der neubauten der Kaiser- AH43 Wilhelms-universitat Strassburg. St8i7 [Strassburg] 1884. Nar. Q. [7] + 150+ [4] p. i6pl. Fete publique donnee par la ville de Paris a 1 occasion AW2 du manage de . . . le Dauphin, le 13. fevrier, 1747. F43I [Paris, 1747.] F. 7 [12] p. 8 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 333 Fetes publiques donnees par la ville de Paris a 1 occasion AW2 du mariage de . . . le Dauphin, les 23. et 26. fevrier, 1745. F43 [Paris] 1745. F. 7 17 p. 19 pi. Fetis, Edouard [Francois Louis]. 1812-71. Notice historique sur 1 origine et les accroissements du musee de AB Bruxelles. (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeo- 6872 logic. 1865-84. v. 2, 9, 14, 15, 20, and 23. ill.) Feuardent, Gaston L[ouis]. On some coins of the Castellani collection. AMi [New York] 1878. Nar. Q. 8 p. F43 Read before the American numismatic and archaeological society of New York, Jan. 15, 1878. See Qrueber, H. A. Use and nature of Roman medallions; paper AX read before the American numismatic and archaeological society F43 by G. L. Feuardent. 1878. Feuchere, Leon. 1804-57. L art industriel; recueil de dispositions et de decorations interieures AN6 comprenant des modeles pour toutes les industries d ameublement F43 et de luxe . . . Paris, no date. F. 6 4 p. 73 pi. Feuchere, Lucien, and Regnier, J. H. Recueil d ornemens et de meubles dans le style du i6 e siecle. AK Paris, 1855 (?). F. 30 pi. (Ornemens tires des quatre ecoles. Ser. 4.) Or6 Feuerbach,[ Joseph] Anselm, ritter von. 1798-1851. Einleitung und fragment aus einem noch ungedruckten werke iiber AO8 den Apollo von Belvedere, und das verhaltniss der griechischen Z5 plastik zur tragodie. Speyer, 1828. Q. 38 p. Speier (Ger.) Studien-Anstalt. Programm. Der vaticanische Apollo ; eine reihe archaologisch-asthetischer AO8 betrachtungen. 2. aufl. Stuttgart, 1855. O. 373 p. I pi. F43 Feuillet, Laurent Franois, 1768-1843, translator. See Stuart, James, 1713-88, and Revett, Nicholas, 1722-1804. AH495 Les antiquities d Athenes. 1808-22. At47 Feydeau, Ernest Aime. 1821-73. Le deuil au moyen-age. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 13, AB p. 300-322.) An7 Feydeau, Ernest Aime, 1821-73, editor. AB See Revue Internationale de 1 art et de la curiosite. 1869-70. R327 Fichot, [Michel] Ch[arles]. Statistique monumentale du Departement de 1 Aube . . . AH44 Troyes, 1884. Nar. Q. v. I. ill. 19 pi. Aui Contents: v. i. Arondissement de Troyes. No more published. 334 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fichot, [Michel] Charles, and Aufauvre, P. A., 1818-64. AH44 Les monuments de Seine-et-Marne. 1858. Se4 Fichot, [Michel Charles], and Deroy, 1. L., 1797-1885. AH44 Album de 1 eglise de Brou. 1857. B 794 Picker, Johannes. Die darstellung der apostel in der altchristlichen kunst. Leipzig, AO 1887. O. [7] + 156 p. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. 639 Pt 5-) Ficker, Johannes, editor. See Rome (Italy) Museo Lateranense. Die altchristlichen bild- AO4 werke im Museum. 1890. R66 Ficker, Paul Gerhard. Der Mitralis des Sicardus nach seiner bedeutung fur die ikono- AO graphic des mittelalters. Leipzig, 1889. O. [7] + 78 p. (Beitrage 639 zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 9.) Ficoroni, Francesco de . 1664-1747. Dissertatio de larvis scenicis et figuris comicis antiquorum Roma- AX norum, ex Italica in Latinam linguam versa. Ed. 2da . . . F44I Romse, 1754. Nar. Q. [io] + ii5 + [6] p. 85 pi. Le maschere seniche, e le figure comiche d antichi romani. See, AX above, Dissertatio de larvis scenicis et figuris comicis antiquorum F44I Romanorum. 1754. I tali ed altri strumenti lusori degli antichi romani descritti . . . AX Roma, 1734. Nar. Q. [14] +158 p. 2 pi. F44 Le vestigia e rarita di Roma antica . . . AR45 Roma, 1744. Nar. Q. 2 v. in I. ill. 41 pi. R666 Vol. 2 has title Le singolarita di Roma moderna. Fiedler, Franz [Anton Maximilian]. 1790-1876. Geschichten und alterthiimer des untern Germaniens oder des AR43 landes am Nieder-Rhein aus dem zeitalter der romischen herr- A 14 schaft. Essen, 1824. D. v. i. 4 pi. I map. Contents: v. i. FIEDLER, F. A. M. Romische denkmaler der gegend von Xanten und Wesel. Die Gripswalder matronen- und Mercuriussteine erlautert . . . AP Bonn, 1863. Q. 24 p. i pi. W723 Winckelmann s geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm , 1863. Romische denkmaler der gegend von Xanten und Wesel am AR43 Nieder-Rhein und an der Lippe. Essen, 1824. D. 12 + 236 p. A 14 4 pi. i map. (In his Geschichten und alterthumer des untern Germaniens. 1824. v. i.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 335 Fieffe, C. P., and Bouveault, A. Les faiences patriotiques nivernaises ; introduction par Champ- AN2 fleury. Nevers, 1885. Sq. F. i5 + 5o+[33]p- 49 pi- F 45 [Field, George. 1777 (?)-i854.] Chromatics; or, An essay on the analogy and harmony of AO colours. [Anon.] London, 1817. Q. 8 + 57 p. ill. 5 pi. F45 Field, M. City architecture; or, Designs for dwelling houses, stores, hotels . . . A A New York, 1853. O. 75 p. 20 pi. F45 Fielding, T[heodore] H[enry Adolphus]. 1781-1851. Synopsis of practical perspective, lineal and aerial . . . 2<3 ed. en- AL2 larged. London, 1836. O. 12+156 p. 18 pi. F46 Fielitz, Wilhelm. 1845-. AH495 Der Parthenon; ein vortrag . . . Stralsund [1871]. Q. 16 p. Z2 Fievez, J. . . . Catalogue d une magnifique collection d antiquites et objets AO2 d art . . . vente ... 22. mars, 1888. F46 Bruxelles, 1888. Q. 108 p. 6 pi. Figeac, Jacques Joseph Champollion. 1778-1867. See Champollion=Figeac, Jacques Joseph. 17781867. Figg, William. Some memorials of Old Lewes. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 13, p. 1-48. I pi.) Su8 [Figueiredo de Mello, Pedro Americo de. 1843-.] La reforme de 1 Ecole des beaux-arts et 1 opposition, par Un AO eleve. [Anon.] Paris, 1863. O. 15 p. F46 Filangieri, Qaetano, editor. Documenti per la storia, le arti e le industrie delle provincie AO Napoletane. Napoli, 1883-91. Q. 6 v. I pi. i facsim. F47 250 copies printed. Filarete, Antonio Averlino, called. 1410 (?)- 70 (?). Tractat iiber die baukunst nebst seinen biichern von der zeichen- AA kunst und den bauten der Medici . . . hrsg. von W. von Ottingen. F47 Wien, 1890. O. 12 + 751 p. ill. (Quellenschriften fur kunstge- schichte und kunsttechnik des mittelalters und der neuzeit; hrsg. von R. Eitelberger von Edelberg. Neue folge, 3. bd.) Italian text and German translation. Filippi, Joseph de. See Contant, Clement. Parallele des principaux theatres mo- AE4 dernes de 1 Europe et des machines theatrales frangaises, alle- C76 mandes et anglaises; texte par J. de Filippi. 1860. 336 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fillon, Benjamin. 1819-81. L art de terre chez les Poitevins, suivi d une etude sur 1 anciennete AN2 de la fabrication du verre en Poitou. F48 Niort, 1864. F. 13 + 216 p. ill. 7 pi. Catalogue des objets d art et de haute curiosite . . . composant . . . AO2 [sa] collection . . . vente . . . 20-24 mars, 1882 . . . F48 [Paris] 1882. Nar. Q. 200 p. ill. 5 pi. Lettre a Jules Quicherat sur une decouverte d objets gaulois en or, AM4 faite en 1759 dans 1 Etang de Nesmy, Vendee. F48 La Roche-sur-Yon, 1879. O. 46 p. Lettres ecrites de la Vendee a Anatole de Montaiglon . . . AX Paris, 1 86 1. O. 128 p. ill. I pi. F48 Fillon, Benjamin, 1819-81, editor. AN2 See Palissy, Bernard. i5io(?)~9O. Les ceuvres de . . . Palissy. Pi7i Fillon, B[enjamin], 1819-81, and Rochebrune, O. [Q.] de, 1824-. Poitou et Vendee; etudes historiques et artistiques. AR44 [Fontenay-la-Comte, 1862-65.] F. Livr. i-io. ill. 8 por. 73 pi. P75 No more published. * Finden, William, 1787-1852, and Finden, Edward Francis, 1791-1857. Views of ports and harbours, watering-places . . . and other pic- AH42 turesque objects on the English coast ... A55 London [pref. i837]-42. Q. 2 v. iiopl. Vol. 2 by W. H. Bartlett, with descriptions by W. Beattie. Fine=art library ; J. C. L. Sparkes, editor. London, 1885-86. D. 2 v. ill. COLLIGNON, L. M. 1849-. Manual of Greek archaeology. 1886. MUNTZ, E. 1845-. Short history of tapestry. 1885. Fine arts courts. AH42 See London (Eng.) Crystal Palace. L87S Fine arts quarterly review. AB London, 1863-67. Q. 3 v. ; new series, 2 v. ill. pi. F49 Edited by B. B. Woodward. Fiorelli, Giuseppe. 1823-. AR45 Descrizione di Pompei. Napoli, 1875. D. 461 p. ill. I pi. P797 Gli scavi di Pompei dal 1861 al 1872 . . . AR45 Napoli, 1873. F. 13+172+20 p. 20 pi. ?78i Sulle scoverte archeologiche fatte in Italia dal 1846 al 1866; AR45 relazione al Ministro della istruzione pubblica ... A 14 Napoli, 1867. Q. 109 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 337 Fiorelli, Giuseppe, 1823-, editor. Pompeianarum antiquitatum historia . . . AR45 Neapoli, 1860-64. O. 3 v. in 2. P;82 See Siracusa, Leopoldo, conte di. Notizia dei vasi dipinti rin- AN2 venuti a Cuma nel 1856. 1856. Si/ Firmenich-Richartz, Eduard. Bartholomaeus Bruyn und seine schule . . . Leipzig, 1891. O. AO [7] + 147 p. ill. 5 pi. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. Neue folge, 639 4.) Fischbach, Friedrich. 1839- Die geschichte der textilkunst, nebst text zu den 160 tafeln des AN werkes : Ornamente der gewerbe. Hanau, 1883. O. 24+208 p. F52I Ornamente der gewebe . . . Hanau [1880]. F. 5 10 f. 160 pi. AN F 5 2 Fischbach, Friedrich, 1839- illustrator. See Budapest (Hungary) Museum nationale hungaricum, editor. AN Ornamente der hausindustrie Ungarn s. 1878. 685 Fischer, Hermann, prof, at Hannover. Gasbeleuchtung. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1890. 3. thl. AA 4. bd., p. 29-53. ill.) Hi9 Heizung und liiftung der raume. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1890. 3. thl. 4. bd., p. 91-124. ill. 3 pi.) Hi9 Fischer, Jos[eph] Ant[on]. 1814-59. Kartons zu den fenstern der Mariahilf-kirche in der Au zu AH43 Munchen und zu den glasgemalden des siidlichen seitenschiffes M929 im dome zu Koln . . . mit . . . text von R. Paul. Munchen, 1891. F. 6 [6] p. 19 pi. Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernhard. 1656-1723. Entwiirff einer historischen architectur in abbildung unterschiede- AA ner beriihmten gebaude des alterthums und fremder volcker. F52 Leipzig, 1725. Obi. F. 5 Unpaged. 85 pi. Text in German and French. Fischer=Leaf co. [Catalogue] of marbleized iron and slate mantels, fine Eastlake Al2 and half low down grates . v . Louisville, 1892. Sq. F. 79 p. ill. F52 Fisher, Maj. Payne. 1616-93. Tombs, monuments, etc., visible in S. Paul s cathedral, and S. AH42 Faith s beneath it, previous to its destruction by fire A. D. 1666; L858 edited by G. B. Morgan. London, 1885. Nar. Q. [5]+ 190 p. (Genealogica curiosa. v. I.) No. 22 of 180 copies printed. 22 338 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fisher, Thomas. i;8i(?)-i836. Ancient allegorical, historical and legendary paintings in fresco, ArLj.2 discovered in ... 1804 on the walls of the chapel of the Trinity . . . St83 at Stratford-upon-Avon . . . described by J. G. Nichols. London, 1838. F. 5 [4] + 14+8 p. 26 pi. 30 facsim. Collections, historical, genealogical and topographical for Bedford- AH42 shire. London, 1812-36. F. 5 4 p. 115 pi. B39 Fisher s illustrations of Constantinople. See Walsh, Rev. Robert. Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor. i84o(?). Fishwick, Henry. 1835-. History of the parochial chapelry of Goosnargh in the county of AH42 Lancaster. Manchester, 1871. Sq. O. 7+239 p. 8 pi. 10 tab. G64 Fiske, J. W. Illustrated catalogue and price list of copper weather vanes and Al2 finials . . . New York, no date. Q. 100 p. ill. F54I Supplement. New York [c. 1893]. Q. 48 p. ill. Illustrated catalogue and price list of iron crestings for French Al2 and Mansard roofs ... * F54 New York, no date. Sq. F. 4 47+ [i] p. ill. Bound with his Illustrated catalogue of ornamental iron railing, [c. 1892.] Illustrated catalogue of artistic wrought iron, brass and bronze AM2 work, area gates, window guards . . . etc. F54I New York [c. 1891]. Sq. F. 4 182 p. ill. Illustrated catalogue of iron railings for ... buildings, balconies, cemeteries, etc. . . . manufactured by J. W. Fiske . . . New York. New York, no date. Sq. F. 122 p. ill. incl. 120 paged pi. Illustrated catalogue of ornamental iron railing and gates . . . Al2 New York [c. 1892]. Sq. F. 44 p. ill. F54 Fisquet, H[onore Jean Pierre], 1818-83. Guide du visiteur; histoire . . . des eglises de Paris; Notre-Dame. AH44 Paris, 1855. O. 46+ [i] p. I pi. P297 Fitch, Robert. Views of the gates of Norwich, made in ... 1792-93 by ... John AH42 Ninham, with an historical introduction, extracts from the corpo- N83 ration records and papers of ... John Kirkpatrick . . . Norwich, 1861. Q. 35 + 36 p. 23 pi. Fitch, Rev. S[amuel] Edward. Discovery of Saxon remains at Kempston. (In Associated archi- AC tectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 7, p. 269-299. 6 pi.) As7 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 339 Fitger, Arthur. 1840- Der dom zu Bremen. (In Bremen, Ger. Kiinstler-verein AH43 Abtheilung fur geschichte und alterthiimer. Denkmale der 6751 geschichte und kunst der freien hansestadt Bremen. 1870. v. 3 1 .) Fittler, James. 1758-1835. Scotia depicta; or, The antiquities, castles, public buildings . . . AH4I and picturesque scenery of Scotland . . . from . . . drawings A 13 made . . . by J. C. Nattes . . . London, 1804. Obi. Q. 5 p. I ill. 4 pi. Fitzgerald, Percy [Hethrington]. 1834-. Picturesque London. AH42 London, 1890. Nar. Q. i2 + 3O3 + [2] p. ill. 7 pi. I>934 Fitzgerald, William Lennox Lascelles. 1797-1874. See De Ros, William Lennox Lascelles Fitzgerald, 23^ baron. 1797-1874. Flachat, Eugene. 1802-73. See Dion, N. H. de, and Lasvignes, Laurent. Cathedrale de AH44 Bayeux; reprise en sous-ceuvre de la tour centrale par H. de 634 Dion et L. Lasvignes, sous la direction de E. Flachat. 1861. La Flandre; revue des monuments d histoire et d anti- AB quites. 1872-76. Bruges, 1872-76. O. 5 v. ill. pi. F6i Flandrin, [Jean] Hippolyte. 1809-64. Frise de la nef de 1 eglise St. Vincent de Paul, reproduite ... en AH44 lithographic. Paris [i86o(?)]. Obi. F. 4 14 pi. P2i$ Peintures murales executees dans les eglises St. Paul a Nimes et AH44 St. Martin d Ainay a Lyon, reproduites en lithographic par J. B. N6i Poncet. Paris, no date. Obi. F. 4 19 pi. Flasch, A[doiph]. Die polychromie der griechischen vasenbilder. AN2 Wiirzburg, 1875. O. 4+65 p. F6i Flaxman, John. 1755-1826. CEuvre; recueil de ses compositions gravees par Reveil, avec AO analyse de La divine comedie du Dante et notice sur Flaxman ... F6i Paris, 1847. Obi. S. 8 + 29 p. 264 pi. Contents: L lliade de Homere. L Odyssde d Homere. Tragedies d Eschyle. La divine come"die du Dante Alighieri. L CEuvre des jours et la Theogonie d He"siode. Flechier, Valentin Esprit, bishop. 1632-1710. Circus regius; sive, Pompa equestris Ludovici XIV.; carmen AW2 heroicum. (In Perrault, Charles. Festiva ad capita annulumque decursio. 1670. apx. p. 65-104.) 340 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Flechier, Valentin Esprit, bp. 1632-1710, translator. See Perrault, Charles. 16281703. Festiva ad capita annulum- AW2 que decursio a Rege Ludovico XIV. 1670. 42 Fleck, W. AK Biirgerliches wohnzimmer. Berlin, 1892. F. 31 pi. F62 Fleischer, Ernst. Architektonische und bildnerische iiberreste des alten, 1838 bis AH43 1841 von Gottfried Semper erbauten, 1869 zerstorten Koniglichen D8i2 hoftheaters zu Dresden . . . Dresden [1878]. F. 4 8 p. 9 pi. Zur baugeschichte der Gemalde-galerie in Dresden. AH43 Dresden, 1892. O. i8 + [i] p. I pi. D8i5 Delivered before the Dresdener architekten-verein, n Nov. 1886. Fleischin, - . Aj2 L architecture en briques. Paris, 1871. F. 4 45 pi. F62 Fleischmann, C. W. See Nuremberg (Ger.) Qermanisches national museum. Bild- AO2 werke aus dem mittelalter; eine sammlung auserwahlter sculp- N936 turen nach original-gypsabgiissen im Museum von Fleischmann und Rotermundt. 1856. Fleming, J[ohn], illustrator. AH42 See Leighton, J. M. Select views on the river Clyde. 1830. 622 Fletcher, Banister. Dilapidations; a text-book for architects and surveyors, in tabu- AI lated form ... 4th edition. London, 1891. D. 15 + 159 p. F632 Light and air; a text-book for architects and surveyors . . . 2d AJ edition. London, 1886. D. 10+137 p. 17 pi. F63 The Metropolitan building acts ; a text-book for architects, sur- AI veyors, builders . . . London, 1882. D. 29+219 p. 22 pi. F63I Model houses for the industrial classes . . . AE2 London, 1871. O. 8 + [i] + 86p. 13 pi. F63 Quantities; a text-book for surveyors in tabulated form . . . also AI tables of the various trades . . . tables of constants for the valua- F63 tion of labour . . . and . . . index ... 3d ed. enlarged. London, 1880. D. 16+236 p. ill. Fletcher, W. Y[ounger]. English bookbindings. (In Some minor arts as practised in Eng- AN6 land. 1894. p. 8-26.) So5 Fleurs d apres nature applicables a 1 industrie. AK Paris, no date. Sq. F. 4 38 pi. F63 Original photographs from flowers. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 341 Fleury, Charles Rohault de. 1801-75. See Rohault de Fleury, Charles. 1801-75. Fleury, Edouard. 1815-83. Inventaire du tresor de la cathedrale de Laon in 1523, avec une AH44 introduction. Paris, 1855. Q. 8+47 p. I facsim. 1,291 La France archeologique: Antiquities et monuments du Departe- AR44 ment de 1 Aisne. Paris, 1877-82. F. 4 4 pts. in 2 v. ill. Ai82 Fleury, Forest=, comte de Lemps. See Forest-Fleury, comte de Lemps. Fleury, Georges Rohault de. 1835-. See Rohault de Fleury, Georges. 1835-. Fleury, P[aul Pierre Fouquet Armand] de. 1839-. Inventaire des meubles existant dans les chateaux de la Roche- ANi foucauld, de Verteuil et de La Terne a la mort de Francois VIII F63 de La Rochefoucauld. 1728. Angouleme, 1886. O. i38+[i] p. 4 pi. No. 60 of 100 copies printed. Flint implements in the drift; was man amongst the AP mammoths? [1860.] Z See [Wyatt, James]. Florence (Italy) Uffizi gallery. Indice geografico-analitico dei disegni di architettura civile e AO2 militare esistenti nella R. galleria degli Uffizi in Firenze. Roma, F66 1885. O. 48 + 231 p. (Italy Minister della pubblica istruzione. Indici e cataloghi, no. 3.) Florival, A. de, and Midoux, E[tienne]. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Laon . . . AH44 Paris, 1882-90. F. 2 pts. in I v. ill. 35 pi. L292 Florke, Gustav. 1846-. Die vier parochial-kirchen Restocks; ein beitrag zur geschichte AH43 des backsteinbaues in der nord-deutschen Tiefebene. R73 Rostock, 1871. O. 137 p. 17 pi. Floss, Heinrich Joseph. 1819-81. Geschichtliche nachrichten iiber die aachener heiligthiimer; zum AR43 besten des aachener miinsters. Bonn, 1855. O. 21+406 p. Ai9 Flowers and plants sketched from nature by Emile Favart AK [pseud.]. 1880. Hi8 See [Hammond, T. W.]. Flynt, Paul. AM4 Orfevrerie renaissance . . . Paris, no date. F. 4 33 pi. F67 22* 342 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Foges, Benedikt, editor. See Podiebrad, D. J. Alterthiimer der Prager Josefstadt. 1855. Foggett, C., and Foggett, William H. Monumental designs. AE8 New York [c. 1870]. Obi. F. 4 [3] p. 14 pi. F68 Fohr, Julius von. -1888. Hugelgraber auf der schwabischen Alb, untersucht und beschrie- AR43 ben von Julius v. Fohr, bearbeitet von . . . Ludwig Mayer . . . Wg6 hrsg. im auftrag des K. ministeriums des kirchen- und schulwesens von der Wiirttembergischen kommission fur landesgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1892. Nar. Q. 56 p. ill. 5 pi. Fokke, Simon, 1712-84, illustrator. See La Fargue, P. C. 1782. Convoi-funebre de Anne, princesse AW2 royale de la Grande-Bretagne. 1761. Sw2 See Swart, de. Description de la chambre et lit de parade sur AW2 lequel le corps de Anne, princesse royale de la Grande-Bretagne . . . Sw2 a etc exposee. 1759. Folchi, Clemente. 1781-1868. Discorso archeologico-artistico in encomio del defonto . . . Luigi AW Canina; letto nell adunanza dell Accademia di archeologia in Zi Roma, li 8 gennaio, 1857. Roma, 1857. O. 22 p. From "Giornale arcadico," v. 145. Folliot de Crenneville, Franz, graf. 1815-88. See Leitner, Quirin, ritter von. Monographic des kaiserlichen lustschlosses Laxenburg unter leitung des oberstkammerers F. Grafen Folliot de Crenneville. 1878. See Leitner, Quirin, ritter von. Monographic des kaiserlichen lustschlosses Schonbrunn . . . unter leitung des . . . oberstkam merers F. Grafen Folliot de Crenneville. 1875. Folliot de Crenneville, Franz, graf, 1815-88, editor. See Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des aller- AB hochsten kaiserhauses. 1883. ] 1 9 1 Follot, [P. F.]. Causerie sur le papier peint. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 7, AB p. 241-244, 302-308, 336-343.) K-32 Folsch, Augfust]. Theaterbrande und die zur verhiitung derselben erforderlichen AE4 schutz-massregeln . . . Hamburg, 1878. O. 9+330 p. 4 pi. fji Fonce, C., Qautier, Lucien, and others. AH44 Paris en 1889. P28i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 343 Fontaine, Chfarles]. Recueil de differents monuments du diocese de Saint-Die, Vos- AR44 ges . . . Saint-Die, 1875. F. 4 pt. I. i/ + [i] p. 60 pi. Sa2 No more published. [Fontaine, Pierre Francois Leonard. 1762-1853.] AH44 [Chateau d Amboise. Anon. Paris, 1836.] Sq. F. 6 double pi. A49 Chateau d Eu; [domaine prive du roi. Anon.]. AH44 [Paris, 1836.] Sq. F. 20 p. 41 pi. A49 [Chateau de Bizy; domaine prive du roi. Anon.] AH44 [Paris, 1845.] Sq. F. 13 pi. A49 [Domaine du Mouceaux; Le Raincy; domaine prive du roi. AH44 Anon.] [Paris, 1838.] Sq. F. 27 pi. A49 Histoire du Palais royal; [domaine de la courome. Anon.]. AH44 [Paris] 1834. Sq. F. 38 p. 6 1 pi. A49 The text is p. 281-328 from Pcrcier and Fontaine s Residences des souverains, 1833. Fontaine, Pierre Franois Leonard, 1762-1853, and Percier, Charles, 1764-1838. AH44 Arc de Triomphe des Tuileries. P272 Palais, maisons et autres edifices modernes dessines a Rome. AH45 1798. R666 Recueil de decorations interieures. 1801. AK P 4 i Les fontaines de Paris, anciennes et nouvelles. AH44 See [Duval, C. A. A. P. 1760-1838]. P264I Fontana, Domenico. 1543-1607. Delia trasportatione dell obelisco Vaticano et delle fabriche di AE8 Papa Sisto V.; libro primo. F73 Roma, 1590. F. 5 io8+[4] f. ill. 2 pi. Fontana, Qiacomo. La prospettiva dimostrata con regole pratiche. AL.2 Roma, 1851. F. 5 2 v. 120 pi. F73 Fontana, Q[iovanni Jacopo]. Cento palazzi fra i piu celebri di Venezia . . . discritti quali monu- AH45 menti d arte e di storia. Venezia, 1865. O. 32+445 + [i] p. V"566 Venezia monumentale pittoresca; parte i a , I palazzi. [Anon.] AH45 Venezia [1837]. F. 4 3+4+304 p. 82 pi. V576 Plates designed by M. Moro. French translation by Crilanovich Ldopold. Text in Italian and French in parallel columns. [Fontani, Francesco.] Viaggio pittorico della Toscana. [Anon.] AH45 Firenze, 1801-3. F. 6 3 v 204 pi. 5 maps. T87 344 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fontenay, Henry de, and Bulliot, J. Q. Aj2 L art de 1 emaillerie chez les Eduens avant 1 ere chretienne. 1875. 687 Foppl, A. Ausgewahlte capital der mathematischen theorie der baucon- AI structionen. Leipzig, 1881. O. pt. 2. ill. 4 pi. F73 Contents : pt. 2. Theorie der gewolbe. Forbes, S. Russell. Holy city, Jerusalem, its topography, walls and temples . . . AH$6c) Chelmsford, 1892. D. 82 p. ill. i pi. 5489 Rambles in Rome ; an archaeological and historical guide to the AH45 museums, galleries, villas, churches and antiquities of Rome and R8i7 the Campagna. London, 1882. D. 27 + 329 p. ill. 3 pi. i map. Forbin, Louis Nicolas Philippe Auguste, comte de, 1777-1841, and Dejuinne, F. L., 1786-1844. Un mois a Venise; ou, Recueil de vues pittoresques . . . avec un AH45 texte . . . Paris, 1825. F. 6 4+38 p. 15 pi. W577 Forchhammer, P[eter] W[ilhelm]. 1801-94. Daduchos; einleitung in das verstandniss der hellenischen mythen, AX mythensprache und mythischen bauten . . . M99 Kiel, 1875. O. io+i46+[i] p. 10 pi. Das Erechtheion. Kiel, 1879. Q. 20 p. 2 pi. AH495 Z2 Uber die kyklopischen mauern Griechenlands und die schleswig- AH495 holsteinischen felsmauern . . . Kiel, 1847. Q- 16 p. 2 pi. Z2 Uber reinheit der baukunst auf grund des ursprungs der vier AA haupt-baustyle. Hamburg, 1856. O. [3J + 76 p. 9 pi. F74 Ford, Thomas, publisher. AR42 See [Hall, Rev. George]. History of Chesterfield. 1839. 422 Fordrin, Louis. Nouveau livre de serrurerie, contenant toutes sortes de grilles AM2 d un gout nouveau propres pour les coeurs d eglise, portes de F75 vestibules, peristiles et de jardins . . . Paris, no date. F. 6 [i] p. 30 pi. Reproduction of the edition of 1723. Fordyce, William. History and antiquities of the county palatine of Durham . . . AH42 London, 1857. Nar. Q. 2 v. 30 pi. i map. 0935 Forening til Norske fortidsmindesmerkers be- varing. Aarsberetning . . . 1861-67. AC Christiania, 1862-68. O. i v. ill. pi. F76 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Forest- Fleury, , comte de Lemps. Le vieux Lyon qui s en va; quartier Grolee; text et eaux-fortes. AH44 Lyon, 1890. Nar. Q. 39 p. ill. 5 pi. L994 No. 79 of 200 copies ; printed on India paper. Forester, Thomas. Rambles in the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, with notices of AH459 their history, antiquities and present condition. 2d ed. Ai London, 1861. Q. 34+[i]+45o p. ill. 8 pi. map. Forestie, Edouard. 1847-. Les anciennes faienceries de Montauban, Ardus, Negrepelisse, AN2 Auvillar, Bressols, Beaumont . . . Tarn-et-Garonne. Ed. aug- F/6 mentee. Montauban, 1876. O. 245 + 5 P- ill- 2I pi- Forfarshire illustrated: being views of the principal AH4i towns, gentlemen s seats, antiquities and scenery in Forfarshire, F76 with historical and descriptive notices. Dundee, 1848. Q. [6] + i86 p. 54 pi. Der formenschatz . . . 1877-90. AB Munchen, 1877-90. 14 v. F. ill. pi. F76 Edited by G. Hirth ; v. 1-2 have title Der formenschatz der renaissance. Formenti, Carlo. La pratica del fabbricare. AI Milano, 1893. O. pt. I. ill. and Atlas, F. 6 62 pi. F76 Contents: pt. i. II rustico delle fabbriche. Forrer, R. 1866-. Die fruhchristlichen alterthiimer aus dem graberfelde vom AR62 Achmim-Panopolis, nebst analogen unedirten funden aus Koln . . . Al<4 Strassburg i/E., 1893. F. 29 p. ill. 18 pi. Romische und byzantinische seiden-textilien aus dem graberfelde AR62 von Achmim-Panopolis. Ak4i Strassburg i/E., 1891. F. 28 p. ill. 17 pi. Forstemann, Karl Eduard, 1804-47, editor. See Thiiringisch-sachsischer verein fur erforschung des vater- AC landischen alterthums und erhaltung seiner denkmaler. Neue T^.2 mittheilungen aus dem gebiete historisch-antiquarischer forsch- ungen. 1834-46. v. I-8 1 . Forster, Rev. Charles. 1787-1871. One primeval language traced . . . through ancient inscriptions . . . AX 2d ed. London, 1852. O. i4+[3J+i9Op. ill. 12 pi. map. F77 Forster, Christian Friedrich Ludwig, ritter von, 1797-1863, editor. AB See Allgemeine bauzeitung mit abbildungen. 1836-62. v. 1-27. Al5 346 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Forster, Ernst [Joachim]. 1800-85. Denkmale deutscher baukunst, bildnerei und malerei von ein- AH43 fuhrung des christenthums bis auf die neueste zeit. A/ Leipzig, 1855-69. F. 12 v. ill. I por. 594 pi. Forster, Ernst Joachim, 1800-85, editor. See Cornelius, Peter von. 1783-1867. Entwiirfe zu den kunst- AH43 geschichtlichen fresken in den loggien der Koniglichen pina- Mg22 kothek zu Miinchen. 1875. Forster, Heinrich, ritter von, and Becker, Heinrich. AH45 Die cathedrale zu Palermo . . . 1866. Pi 7 Forster, Henry Rumsey. The Stowe catalogue, priced and annotated. AO2 London, 1848. Q. 43 + 310 p. F77 Forster, Karl August, 1784-1841, translator. See Petrarca, Francesco. I trionfi. (In Steinbiichel, - - von. AH43 Die reliquienschreine der kathedrale zu Gratz. 1858.) 677 Forster, Karl Ferdinand, 1816-, editor. AC See Die Wartburg. 1875- Mg22 Forster, Paul. De hermeneutices archaeologicae principiis. AP Berolini, 1873. O. [3J+43 P- Z2 Doctor s dissertation at Gottingen (Ger.) Georg-Augusts-Universitat. Forster, Richard. 1843-. Der raub und die riickkehr der Persephone in ihrer bedeutung AO fur die mythologie, litteratur- und kunst-geschichte dargestellt. F77 Stuttgart, 1874. O. i2+30o+[2] p. 2 pi. Die verlaumdung des Apelles in der renaissance. (In Jahrbuch AB der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 8, p. 29-56, Ji9 2 89-113.) Fortnum, C[harles] Drury E[dward]. 1820-. Maiolica. London [1875]. O. 7+192 p. ill. (South Kensington AN2 museum Art handbooks; W. Maskell, ed. v. 4.) F77 Notes on some of the antique and renaissance gems and jewels in AB Her Majesty s collection at Windsor castle. (In Archaeologia. Ar2 v. 45, p. 1-28. 4 pi.) Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward, 1820- compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Descriptive catalogue AM3 of the bronzes of European origin in the . . . Museum. 1876. So8 See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Descriptive catalogue AN2 of the maiolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus and Rhodian So8 wares in the . . . Museum. 1873. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 347 Fortoul, [Hippolyte Nicolas] H[onore]. 1811-56. Les fastes de Versailles, depuis son origine jusqu a nos jours. Paris, 1844. Q. [6] + 327 + [6] p. 5 por. 22 pi. V62I Fortsch, R., and Caspar, M. Elsass-lothringisches baurecht, enthaltend eine . . . darstellung AI der auf bauten beziiglichen vorschriften des offentlichen und F/7 privatrechts . . . Strassburg i. E. [pref. 1878]. D. i2 + [i] + 394 P- 2 pi. Forty, Jean Francois. i8th cent. CEuvres de sculptures en bronze, contenant girandoles, flambeaux, AM3 feux, pendules, bras, cartels, barometres et lustres, gravees par 1^77 Colinet et Foin. Paris, no date. F. 4 48 pi. Fosbroke, Rev. Thomas Dudley. 1770-1842. Encyclopedia of antiquities and elements of archaeology, classical AP and mediaeval. New edition. F78 London, 1843. Nar. Q. 2 v. 28+1093 p. ill. 39 pi. 4 tab. Paged continuously. Fossati, Carlo Giuseppe. Tempio Malatestiano de Francescani di Rimino; architettura di AH45 Leon Battista Alberti . . . R46i Fuligno, 1794. F. 5 v. I. 54+[i] p. 8 pi. Title-page and text in Italian and French. No more published. Le temple de Malateste di Rimini. See, above, Tempio Mala- AH45 testiano de Francescani di Rimino. 1794. R46i Fossati, G[aspare], architect. [Views in Rome and vicinity drawn from nature by G. Fossati; AH45 lithographed by Armi. Rome, 1829-31.] Obi. Q. 39 pi. R?73 Foster, Benjamin. History of ye priory and gate of St. John. AH42 London, 1851. Sq. O. i2 + 78+[>] p. ill. L866 Foster, Joseph, 1844-, compiler. Oxford men and their colleges . . . with the matriculation register, AH42 1880-92. Oxford, 1893. Nar. Q. 12+663 p. ill- 21 por. 58 pi. 0x31 Foucart, P[aul Francois]. 1836-. Memoire sur raffranchissement des esclaves . . . d apres les in- AB scriptions de Delphes. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. Ar2i 1866. v. 11, p. 375-424.) Memoire sur les ruines et 1 histoire de Delphes. (In Archives des AB missions scientifiques. 1865. v. 10, p. 1-230.) Ar2i Fougeroux de Bondaroy, Auguste Denis. 1732-89. Recherches sur les ruines d Herculanum . . . avec un traite sur la AR45 fabrique des mosaiques. Paris, 1770. S. 16+232 p. 3 pi. 348 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fouilloux, Jacques du. 1521-80. La venerie . . . augmentee de la Methode pour dresser et faire AX voler les oyseaux par M. de Boissoudan, precedee de . . . [sa] F82 biographic par M. Pressac. Niort, 1864. Q. [;i] + [i86]+29p. ill. Foulston, John. 1772-1842. Public buildings erected in the west of England. AH42 London, 1838. Sq. F. 85 p. por. 117 pi. A$8 Fourcaud, Louis de. 1853-. Notes sur quelques decorateurs: Puvis de Chavannes. (In Re- AB vue des arts decoratifs. v. 9, p. i-io, 74-81.) R32 Fourmont, [Claude Louis]. 1703-80. Historische und geographische beschreibung der gegend um AR62 Heliopolis und Memphis, aus dem franzosischen iibersetzt . . . M"5i von G. F. C. Schad. Nurnberg, 1782. O. [48]+i24+[28] p. 3 pi. map. Fourneau, Nicolas. L art du trait de charpenterie. AI Paris, v. 2-3 ; Rouen, 1768-86 [v. I, 86]. F. 5 4 v. in I. 87 pi. F82 Vol. 4 has title Essais-pratiques de geometric et suite de 1 art du trait. Fournereau, [Michel Louis] Lucien. 1846-. Les ruines kh meres, Cambodge et Siam; documents complemen- AR593 taires d architecture, de sculpture et de ceramique. A2 Paris, 1890. F. 4 [8] p. no pi. Fournereau, [Michel Louis] Lucien, 1846-, and Porcher, Jacques. Les ruines d Angkor; etude artistique et historique sur les monu- AR593 ments khmers du Cambodge siamois. Ai Paris, 1890. F. 4 8+206 p. ill. 100 pi. Fournier, Edouard. 1819-80. Catalogue des anciennes porcelaines de Sevres, de Saxe, de Chine AO2 et du Japon . . . composant . . . [sa] collection et dont la vente F82 aura lieu . . . 2-6 mars, 1885 . . . [Paris] 1885. F. 167 p. 14 pi. Histoire du Louvre et de ses environs. (In Hoffbauer, J. H. I. AH44 1839-. Paris a travers les ages. 1885. v. I. 75 p.) ?2i7 Le Palais-Royal et ses environs. (In Hoffbauer, J. H. I. 1839-. AH44 Paris a travers les ages. 1885. v. 2. 55 p.) P2I7 Fourrier, Edouard, 1819-80, and Michel, F. X., 1809-87. AX Le livre d or des metiers. 1851-59. M58 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 349 Fowke, Francis. 1823-65. Description of the building at South Kensington, erected to AH42 receive the Sheepshanks collection of pictures. SoS London, 1 866. O. 35 p. ill. i pi. Fowke, Frank Rede. Bayeux tapestry, reproduced in autotype plates with historic AM8 notes. London, 1875. Q. 6+2+191 p. 79 pi- i tab. (Arundel F82 society. Publications.) Fowler, Charles. 1792-1867. On terrace roofs. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1835-36. v. i, pt. I, p. 47-51. i pi.) R8i Fowler, Charles, jr. The Cistercian abbey of Maulbronn, Wurtemberg. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1882-83, p. 129- R8i 136. 3 Fowler, Charles, jr., and Berlyn, Peter. AH42 Crystal palace. 1851. L875I Fowler, C[harles] Hodgson. Church restoration: What to do, and what to avoid. (In Asso- AC ciated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 17, p. 921.) Fowler, James. On mediaeval representations of the months and seasons. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 44, p. 137-189. 3 pl.) Ar2 On the process of decay in glass . . . the composition and text- AB ure of glass . . . and the history of its manufacture. (In Archaeol- Ar2 ogia. v. 46, p. 65-162. 2 pl.) Fowler, Rev. Jfoseph] T[homas]. Account of excavations made on the site of the chapter-house of AB Durham cathedral in 1874. (In Archaeologia. v. 45, p. 385- Ar2 404. 3 pl-) Fowler, William. 1761-1832. . . . Engravings of the principal mosaic pavements which have AJ2 been discovered ... in ... Great Britain, also engravings of ... F82 stained glass in the windows of the cathedrals of York, Lincoln. [Winterton, 1804.] F. 7 2 v. 52 pl. Fox, Col. Augustus Henry Lane. Examination into the character and probable origin of the hill AB forts of Sussex. (In Archaeologia. v. 42, p. 27-76. 3 pl.) Ar2 Fox, George. i8o2(?)-7i. History of Pontefract in Yorkshire. AR42 Pontefract, 1827. O. [7] +3 66+ 7 p. 1 1 pl. 350 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fox, George E. Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants, AB in 1891 ... (In Archaeologia. v. 53^.263-285. I pi. 4 plans.) Ar2 Fox, George E., and Hope, W. H. St. J. Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants. AB (In Archaeologia. v. 52, p. 733-758. 8 pi.) Ar2 Foy, Julien. La ceramique des constructions ; briques, tuiles, carreaux . . . AN2 faiences decoratives. Paris, 1883. Nar. Q. 8 + 264 p. 12 pi. F83 From Annales industrielles. Fraipont, Gustave. 1849- L album japonais; motifs inedits de decoration japonaise . . . 2e ed. AK Paris, 1880. F. 5 30 pi. F84 Fraipont, Gustave, 1849- illustrator. AH44 See Barren, Louis. 1847-. Autour de Paris. [1891.] P326 France, Jacques Anatole Thibault. 1844-. See Pfnor, Rodolphe. 1824-. Le chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte, AH42 accompagne d un texte . . . par A. France. 1888. V"46 France Comite des travaux historiques et des societes savantes, publisher. AR44 See Dictionnaire topographique de la France. 1874. M85 France Comite des travaux historiques et scien= tifiques. Instructions; 1 epigraphie chretienne en Gaule et dans 1 Afrique AX romaine par E. Le Blant. Paris, 1890. Nar. O. 140 p. 5 pi. F84 Instructions; recherche des antiquites dans le nord de 1 Afrique ; AR6o conseils aux archeologues et aux voyageurs. Ai Paris, 1890. O. [3] + 25 2 p. ill. map. France Comite des travaux historiques et scien- tifiques, publisher. See Bulletin archeologique du Comite des travaux historiques et AC scientifiques. 1883-86. P237 France Comite historique des arts et monuments. Extraits des proces-verbaux des seances depuis son origine jusqu a AC la reorganisation du 5 Sept. 1848. Paris, 1850. O. 8+456 p. P230 Instructions; architecture militaire au moyen-age, par P. Meri- AE7 mee et A. Lenoir. Q. 85 p. ill. (Collection de documents inedits F85 sur 1 histoire de France.) Instructions; monuments fixes, civilisation chretienne, style roman AF et style gothique. Q. 104 p. ill. (Collection de documents inedits F85 sur 1 histoire de France.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 351 France Comite historique des arts et monuments, publisher. AC See Bulletin archeologique. 1843-48. P23 See Bulletin du Comite de la langue, de 1 histoire et des arts de la AC France. 1854-60. P233 See Bulletin du Comite historique des arts et monuments ; AC Archeologie, beaux-arts. 1849-53. ^231 See Bulletin du Comite historique des monuments ecrits de This- AC toire de France. 1849-53. P232 See Gailhabaud, Jules, 1810-, editor. Bibliotheque archeo- AP logique. 1846. Gi2 France Commerce et de 1 industrie, Ministere du, publisher. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Palais, AO4 jardins constructions diverses, installations generales. 1892. P222 France Commission des antiquites departemen= tales, publisher. Statistique monumentale du Departement du Pas-de-Calais. AH44 Arras, 1850. Q. Various paging. 34 pi. map. Ci2 France Commission des monuments historiques. AH44 Archives. 1855-72. Paris [1855-72]. F. 6 4 v. ill. 235 pi. A4 Rapport au Ministre de 1 interieur [par P. Merimee]. AR44 Paris, 1840. Q. 40 p. A9 France Gtat, Ministere d . Note, circulaires et rapports sur le service de la conservation des AR44 monuments historiques. Paris, 1862. Q. i32 + [i] p. A2 France Expedition scientifique de Moree. Architecture, sculptures, inscriptions et vues du Peloponese, des AR495 Cyclades et de 1 Attique . . . recueillies et publiees par A. M8i Blouet . . . Paris, 1831. F. 7 3 v. 264 pi. France Instruction publique, Ministere de 1 . Instructions du Comite historique des arts et monuments; archi tecture gallo-romaine et architecture du moyen-age . . . Paris, 1857. Q. 242 + [i] p. ill. 7 pi. France Instruction publique, Ministere de 1 , publisher. See Arbois de Jubainville, [M. H.] d . 1827-. Repertoire archeo- AR44 logique de Departement de 1 Aube. 1861. Aui5i See Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires ; choix de AB rapports. 1850-. Ar2i 352 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY France Instruction publique, Ministere de 1 , publisher. See Bulletin archeologique du Comite des travaux historiques et AC scientifiques. 1883-86. P237 See Bulletin des societes savantes, missions scientifiques et AC litteraires. 1854-55. ? 2 34 See Cairo (Egypt) Mission archeologique francaise. AC Cl2 See Cartailhac, Emile. 1845. Monuments primitifs des iles AH46; Baleares. 1892. 619 See Chavannes, ^douard. La sculpture sur pierre en Chine. AO8 1893. C39 See Inventaire general des richesses d art de la France. 1876-. AO In8 See Paris (France) ficole des beaux-arts Bibliotheque. Cata- AO logue methodique. 1873. P2i See Reunion des societes des beaux-arts des departements. AC 1881-. R3i See Revue des societes savantes de la France et de 1 etranger. AC 1856-58. P235 See Revue des societes savantes des departements. 1859-. AC P236 Franchetti, Gaetano. Storia e descrizione del duomo di Milano. AH45 Milano, 1821. F. 153 p. 30 pi. M59 Franchi di Pont, Giuseppe, conte. 1730-1806. See Monumenti dell architettura antica, lettere al Conte Giuseppe AA Franchi di Pont. 1820. M76 Francia, Francesco Raibolini, called. 1450-1518. See Reid, Q. W., 1819-87, editor. Selections from the engravings AO/ of Francesco Francia and of Marc Antonio Raemondi. R27 Francia, Francesco Raibolini, called, 1450-1518, and Francia, Giacomo, 1485-1557. Pitture antiche esistenti nella sopressa chiesa di S. Cecilia, rappre- AH45 sentanti dieci storie della vita di detta santa . . . date in luce da 6631 G. Canuti . . . Bologna, 1829. F. 5 10 pi. Francis, Frederick J[ohn]. Series of original designs for churches and chapels . . . rectory AE houses and schools. London, 1841. F. 4 11 + 14 p. 5 pi- ^84 Francquart, Jacobus. Pompe funebre du tres-pieux . . . Prince Albert, archiduc d 1 AW Autriche . . . Bruxelles, 1729. F. 4 36+ [4] p. ill. I por. 66 pi. AL2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 353 Franke, W[illiam] B. AE8 Designs for monuments. New York [1875]. F. 5 [i] p. 40 pi. F85 Frankel, Max. Eclaircissements stir la Venus de Milo. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 40, p. 431-446.) B87 Frankel, Max, editor. AC See Deutsches archaologisches institut. Jahrbuch. 1887. ^48 Frankfort on the Main (Ger.). Das aufruhrbuch der ehemaligen reichsstadt Frankfurt am Main AC vom jahre 1525; zum ersten male hrsg. von Georg Eduard F85 Steitz . . . Frankfurt am Main, 1875. F. 12+52 p. (Frank fort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und altcrthums- kunde. Neujahrs-blatt 1875.) Mittheilungen aus dem frankfurter stadt-archive; urkunden und AC acten betreffend die belagerung der stadt Neuss am Rheine, G85 147475, hrsg. von Ernst Wulcker. Frankfurt am Main, 1877. F. 1 1 1 p. (Frankfurt on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1877.) Mittheilungen aus dem frankfurter stadt-archive; urkunden und AC schreiben betreffend den zug der Armagnaken, 1439-44, hrsg. F85 von Ernst Wulcker . . . Frankfurt am Main, 1873. F. 3 + 58 p. (Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alter thumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1873.) Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Gesellschaft fur Frankfurts geschichte und kunst. See Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Historische ausstel= lung kunstgewerblicher erzeugnisse. 1875. 100 tafeln mit crklarendem text . . . photographirt von Alexander AO4 Liebener . . . Frankfurt a. M., 1877. F. 5 19+1 p. 100 pi. F85 Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1859-86. AC Frankfurt am Main. 1859-85. F. 26 v. ill. pi. F85 1859 EULER, L. H. Dorf und schloss Rodelheitn. 1859. 2 pi. 1860 HEYDEN, E. Der frankfurter chronist Achilles August v. Lorsner. 1860. i por. 1861 STEITZ, G. E. 1810-79. Die Melanchthons- und Luthersherbergen zu Frank furt am Main. 1861. i pi. 1862 STRICKER, W. F. K. 1815-91. Samuel Thomas von Sommerring der heilkunde doctor . . . nach seinem leben . . . geschildert. 1862. i por. 1863 BECKER, JAKOB. 1820-. Drei romische votivhande aus den Rheinlanden. 1863. 2 pi. 1864-65 CORNILL, ADOLPH. Johann David Passavant, ein lebensbild. 1864-65. i por. i pi. 23 354 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1859-86. 1866 SCHARFF, FRIEDRICH. i8i2(?)-8i. Die deutsche schrift im mittelalter. 1866. 1867 SCHEIDEL, S. A. Geschichte der Dr. Senckenberg schen stiftshauser. 1867. 5 pi. 1868 BECKER, JAKOB. 1820-. Grabschrift eines romischen panzerreiterofficiers. 1868. 2 pi. 1869 STEITZ, G. E. 1810-79. Der staatsrath Georg Steitz. 1869. i por. 1870 STRICKER, W. F. K. 1815-91. Die baugeschichte der Paulskirche . . . zu Frankfurt. 1870. 10 ill. i pi. 1871 CORNILL, OTTO. Jacob Heller und Albrecht Diirer. 1871. ill. 4 pi. 1872 OVEN, A. H. E. VON. Das erste stadtische theater zu Frankfurt a. M. 1872. 2 pi. 1873 FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. (Ger.) Mittheilungen aus dem frankfurter stadt- archive. 1873. 1874 EULER, L. H. Zur rcchts-geschichte der reichsstadt Gelnhausen. 1874. i pi. 1875 FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. (Ger.) Das aufruhrbuch der ehemaligen reichs stadt Frankfurt am Main vom jahre 1525. 1875. 1876 ISRAEL, KARL. -1881. Frankfurter concert-chronik von 1713-80. 1876. 1877 FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. (Ger.) Mittheilungen aus dem frankfurter stadt- archive. 1877. 1878 SCHENK zu SCHWEINSBERG, GUSTAV, freiherr VON. Beitrage zur kenntniss der in Frankfurt begiitert gewesenen adelsfamilien. 1878. a pi. 1879 OVEN, A. H. E. VON, and OLSNER, LUDWIG. 1831-. Die entwicklung der Gesellschaft zur beforderung niitzlicher kiinste. 1879. 2 pi. 1880 OVEN, A. H. E. VON, and BECKER, JAKOB. 1820-. Die kapelle der H. Katharina auf der Mainbriicke zu Frankfurt. 1880. 3 pi. 1881 GROTEFEND, HERMANN. 1845-. Christian Egenoffder erste standige buch- drucker zu Frankfurt a. M. 1881. 2 pi. 1882 RITSERT, FR., and GROTEFEND, HERMANN. 1845-. Die familie von Esch- born und ihr zusammenhang mit der familie von Cronberg. 1884. i pi. 1883 SCHARFF, FRIEDRICH. i8i2(?)-8i. Die furt am unteren Neckar. 1886. 1884 GROTEFEND, HERMANN. 1845-. Die bestatigungsurkunde des domstiftes zu Frankfurt am Main von 882. 1884. 1885-86 DONNER VON RICHTER, O., and RIESE, F. A. 1840-. Heddernheimer ausgrabungen. 1885. 5 pi. Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde, editor. AB See Archiv fiir Frankfurts geschichte und kunst. 1858-89. Ar2p Franklin, Alfred [Louis Auguste]. 1830-. Etude historique et topographique sur le plan de Paris de 1540, AH44 ditplande tapisserie. Paris, 1869. O. [7] + 345 + [2] p. i facsim. P334 Franks, Augustus Wollaston. 1826-. Book of ornamental glazing quarries, collected and arranged from AN3 ancient examples. London, 1849. O. 3i + [i] p. 112 pi. F85 On recent excavations at Carthage, and the antiquities discovered AB there by the Rev. Nathan Davis. (In Archaeologia. v. 38, p. Ar2 202-236. 5 pi.) Vitreous art. (In Waring, J. B. Examples of ornamental art. AJ2 p. 1-32.) W23 See South Kensington (Eng.) museunV Bethnal Green branch. AN2 Catalogue of a collection of oriental porcelain and pottery lent for So82 exhibition, by A. W. Franks. 2d ed. 1878. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 355 Franks, Augustus W[ollaston], 1826-, editor. Japanese pottery ... a native report . . . London, 1880. D. AN2 16+112 p. ill. (South Kensington museum Art hand-books; F8$ W. Maskell, ed. v. 15.) Franz, Julius, pasha. Die baukunst des Islam. Darmstadt, 1887. Nar. Q. 6+ 150 p. AA ill. 4 pi. 35 paged pi. (Handbuch der architektur. 1887. 2. thl. Hi9 3. bd. hft. 2.) Franzenshuld, Ernst Hartmann, edler von. 1840-84. See Hartmann, Ernst, edler von Franzenshuld. 1840-84. Fraser, Rev. Robert W[illiam]. 1810-76. Illustrative views in tinted lithography of ... parish kirks and AH4I manses in Scotland . . . Edinburgh [1857]. Sq. F. 14 p. 25 pi. A 9 Frauberger, Heinrich. Die Akropolis von Baalbek. AH56 Frankfurt a. M., 1892. F. 5 14 p. ill. 22 pi. Sy8i Freard, Roland. -1676. See Chambray, Roland Freard de Chantelou, sieur de. -1676. Frederick William I., emperor of Germany. 1831-88. See Lessing, Julius. 1843. Das speisezimmer und andere fest- AK gaben dargebracht dem Kronprinzen und der Kronprinzessin des L56 deutschen reiches, bei der feier der silberhochzeit am 25. Jan. 1883, angefertigt unter mitwirkung des Konigl. kunstgewerbe- museums zu Berlin. 1886. Frederick, Frank Forrest. Architectural rendering in sepia. AL2 New York, 1892. Sq. F. 40 p. 13 pi. F8/ Freeman, Edward A[ugustus]. 1823-92. Cathedral cities, Ely and Norwich, drawn and etched by R. AH42 Farren, with introduction. 19 Cambridge [Eng.], 1883. F. 5 i7+|j] p. 35 pi. English towns and districts; a series of addresses and sketches . . . AH42 London, 1883. O. i2 + [i]+455 p. 1 1 pi. map. Ai6 Historical and architectural sketches; chiefly Italian. AH45 London, 1876. D. io+[i]+3i5p. 22 pi. A4 History of architecture ... London, 1849. O- 28+456 p. I pi. AF F87 On certain early Romanesque buildings in Switzerland and the AC neighbouring countries. (In Royal institute of British architects. RSi Papers. 1863-64, p. 181-200.) 356 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Freeman, Edward A[ugustus]. 1823-92. On the architectural antiquities of the Island of Jersey. AR42 [Oxford, 1845.] O. 14 p. Z From Oxford society for study of Gothic architecture. Proceedings. 1845, p. 57-70. Remarks on the architecture of Llandaff cathedral, with an essay AH429 towards a history of the fabric. L//! London, 1850. O. i5 + ioi + [i] p. u pi. Freeman, Philip, archdeacon. 1818-75. On some antiquities lately discovered in St. Olave s church, Chi- AC Chester. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 5, SuS p. 213-228. i pi.) Freiberger alterthumsverein. Mittheilungen. I.-22. heft: 1885. AC Freiberg, 1862-86. O. 3 v. ill. pi. F88 Edited by H. Gerlach. Freidhof, - -, Prof. AO8 Die sogenannten gigantensaulen . . . Metz, 1892. O. 30 p. 8 pi. Z5 Metz (Ger.) lyceum. Jahresbericht. Freitag, Adam. fl. 1630. Architectura militaris, nova et aucta; oder, Newe vermehrte for- AE7 tification . . . auffdie neweste niederlandische praxin gerichtet . . . F88 Letzte ed. verbessert. Amsterdam, 1665. F. [8]+i94+[2] p. 35 pi. L architecture militaire; ou, La fortification nouvelle . . . AE/ Paris, 1 639-40 [v. i, 40]. Nar. Q. 3v.ini. 8+i79p. 35 pi. Stab. F9i Paged continuously. French, George Russell. 1803-81. On the progress and prospects of architecture. (In Associated AR42 architectural societies. Proceedings. 1848, p. 9-20.) Z French, George Russell, 1803-81, compiler. See London (Eng.) Ironmongers Hall. Catalogue of the AO4 antiquities and works of art exhibited . . . May, 1861. L84I Fresco decorations and stuccoes ... in Italy. 1844. AM6 See Qruner, W. H. L. 1801-82. Gg2 Fresco gemalde aus der geschichte der Bayern. AH43 See [Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 1805-74, and others]. M932 Freshfield, Edwin. On Byzantine churches, and the modifications made in their AB arrangements owing to the necessities of the Greek ritual. (In Ar2 Archseologia. v. 44, p. 383-392. 2 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 357 Freudenberg, Johannes. 1808-. Das denkmal des Hercules Saxanus, im Brohlthal, erlautert . . . AP Bonn, 1862. Q. 29 p. ill. I pi. W/23 Winckelmann s geburtstag, Bonn. Festprogramm, 1862. Urkundenbuch des romischen Bonn. (In Bonn; beitrage zu AH43 seiner geschichte. 1868. 46 p. map.) 645 Frey, Karl. 1857- Die gedichte des Michelangelo Buonarroti im Vaticanischen AB codex. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsamm- Jip2 lungen. v. 4, p. 40-49, 108-117.) Die Loggia dei Lanzi zu Florenz ; eine quellenkritische unter- AH45 suchung. Berlin, 1885. Nar. Q. 10+389+^] p. ill. 2 pi. F66 Studien zu Giotto. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen AB kunstsammlungen. v. 6, p. 107-140; v. 7, p. 101-118.) J ! 9 2 Freytag, Adam. fl. 1630. See Freitag, Adam. fl. 1630. Friederichs, Karl Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm. 1831-71. Amor mit dem bogen des Herkules, marmorstatue im Museum AP zu Berlin. Berlin, 1867. O. 8 p. 3 ill. I pi. W722 Winckelmannsfcst, Berlin. Programm, no. 27. Apollon mit dem lamm; nebst nachschrift von Eduard Gerhard. AP Berlin, 1861. Q. 12 p. i pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 21. Der Doryphoros des Polyklet. Berlin, 1863. Q. 10 p. I pi. AP W722 Winckclmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 23. Die philostratischen bildcr; ein beitrag zur charakteristik der AO alten kunst. Erlangen, 1860. O. [i i] + 25o+[i] p. Fgi Praxiteles und die Niobegruppe nebst erklarung einiger vasen- AO8 bilder. Leipzig, 1855. O. [3J + I43 P- i pi- Z 4 Friedlander, Julius. 1813-84. Gottfried SchadoAv, aufsatze und briefe nebst einem verzeichniss AW seiner werke . . . Diisseldorf, 1864. O. [3] + 165 p. Schi Die italienischen schaumiingen des funfzehnten jahrhunderts, AB 1430-1530. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunst- Ji92 sammlungen. v. i, p. 4-11, 78-112, 263-270; v. 2, p. 24-54, 92- no, 157-186, 225-254; v. 3, p. 29-46, 136-149, 190-210.) Friedlander, Max. 1852-. Albrecht Altdorfer, der maler von Regensburg. Leipzig, 1891. O. AO i75p. 3 pi. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. Newser. pt. 13.) 639 23* 358 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Friedrich, Carl. Augustin Hirsvogel als topfer; seine gefassentwtirfe, ofen und AW glasgemalde . . . Niirnberg, 1885. F. [5] + 74 p. I por. 37 pi. H6i Die elfenbeinreliefs an der kanzel des doms zu Aachen; eine nach- AH43 bildung der Theoderichsstatue in Ravenna und Aachen. Z Niirnberg, 1883. O. [3]+47P- Friedrich, Thomas. Die holz-tektonik vorder-Asiens im altcrthum und der Hekal mat AA Hatti. Innsbruck, 1891. Nar. Q. [3] + 55 p. ill. Fgi Friedrichs, Carl. 1831-71. See Friederichs, Karl Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm. 1831-71. Friesch genootschap van geschied=, oudheid= en taalkunde te Leeu warden. See Leeuwarden (Holland) Provinciaal friesch genootschap ter AR4Q beoefening der friesche geschied=, oudheid= en taalkunde. F9i Friesen, Hermann, freiherr von. 1802-82. Zur geschichte des koniglichen schlosses in Dresden. (In Sach- AC sischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung der vaterlandischen Sal alterthiimer. Mittheilungen. v. 16, p. 39-55; v. 17, p. 30-50.) Frik, Elias. Ausfiihrliche beschreibung von dem anfang, fortgang, der vollen- AA43 dung und beschaffenheit des herrlichen und prachtigen miinster- U154 ge-baudes zu Ulm . . . hrsg. von G. Haffner. Ulm, no date. Sq. O. [i4] + i32 + [4] p. 5 pi. Frimmel, Theodor von. 1853-. Bronzen in der 2 gruppe der kunstsammlungen des allerhochsten AB kaiserhauses. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen ]ig\ des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 9, p. 207234.) Die ccremonicnringe in den kunstsammlungen des allerhochsten AB kaiserhauses. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen Ji9i des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 14, pt. I, p. i-io.) Frimmel, Theodor von, 1853- editor. See Golden Fleece, Order of the. Ein statutenbuch. (In Jahrbuch AB der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 5, pt. i, p. 263-338.) Frisch, . See Darmstadt (Ger.) museum. Kunstschatze, hrsg. in licht- A02 druck von Nohring und Frisch. D25 Frisi, Anton [io] Francesco. Memorie storiche di Monza e sua corte . . . Milano, 1794. Nar. Q. 3 v. 19 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 359 Prison, Jean Vredeman. 1527-. See Vries, Jan Vredeman de. 1527-. Frissard, P[ierre] F[rancois]. 1787-1854. AH44 Theatre de Dieppe . . . Paris [1827]. F. 5 32 p. 20 pi. 056 Frith, Francis. Egypt and Palestine, photographed and described . . . AH62 London [1857]. F - 5 2 v - i11 - 7 6 P 1 - A 4 Frith, Henry, 1840- translator. AH42 See Villars, Paul. 1849-. England, Scotland and Ireland. 1887. Ai35 Fritsch, K. E. O. Denkmaler deutscher renaissance. AH43 Berlin, 1891. F. 5 4 v. ill. 300 pi. A26 See Schmidt, Albert. 1841-. Die neue synagoge in Munchen, AH43 erlautert von K. E. O. Fritsch. 1889. M93I Fritsch, K. E. O., editor. Auswahl aus den entwiirfen zum deutschen reichstagsgebaude. AH43 1882. Berlin, 1883. F. 5 [5] p. 100 pi. (Sammel-mappe her- A39 vorragender concurrenz-entwiirfe. pt. 6.) Fritze, [E.]. Frankisch-thuringische (althennebergische) holzbauten aus alter AH43 und neuer zeit. Meiningen, 1892. F. [j] + 2i p. 45 pi. A34 Frizzi, Antonio. 1736-1800. AH45 Album de la maison d Este. See, below, Album estense. 1850. Ivj.12 Album estense, con disegni originali dei rinomati artisti G. Coen, AH45 C. Grand Didier e M. Doyen a corredo della storia di Ferrara, F4I2 tradotto in francese da A. Luyrard. Ferrara, 1850. F. 5 i75 + [3] p. 10 por. 21 pi. Title-page and text in Italian and French. Frizzoni, Gustavo. Saggio critico intorno alle opere di pittura dell epoca del rinasci- AB mento esistenti nella Reale galleria di Berlino. (In Jahrbiicher Ji9 fur kunstwissenschaft. 1870. v. 3, p. 81-1 12.) Froehlich, Jules, 1850- and Qanier, Henry, 1845-. Voyage aux chateaux historiques des Vosges septentrionales. AH44 1889. A 39 Frohlich, W. Orientalische teppiche; ein vorlagenwerk zum studium von farbe AN und ornament . . . Berlin, no date. F. 5 14 pi. F92 360 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Frohner, [Christian Eduard Ludwig] W[ilhelm]. 1834-. AN2 Anatomic des vases antiques. Paris, 1876. O. [3] + 36+[i] p. Z4 Importante collection d antiquites grecques, romaines et egyp- AO2 tiennes; objets d art et de curiosite, vente Hotel Drouot . . . 23-26 Fp2 mars, 1868 ... [Anon. Paris, 1868.] O. 8 + 218 + 27 p. Les musees de France; recueil de monuments antiques. AO4 Paris, 1873. Sq. F. 4 76 p. 40 pi. 92 La verrerie antique; description de la collection Charvet. AN3 Le Pecq, 1879. F. G 7+139 p. ill. 35 pi. F92 Frohner, Christian Eduard Ludwig Wilhelm, 1834-, compiler. AO2 See Hoffmann, H. Catalogue des objets d art. 1888. H67 Frohner, Christian Eduard Ludwig Wilhelm, 1834- editor. See Qreau, Julien. Terres cuites d Asie de . . . [sa] collection. AO8 1886. 679 Frolich, Erasmus. 1700-58. Quatuor tentamina in re numaria vctere. 2da editio . . . AMi Viennae, 1752. O. [8] +462 + [9] p.- ill. i pi. F92 Contents: i. Dissertatio compendiaria de utilitate rei numariag veteris. 2. Appendicula ad numos coloniarum Romanarum a cl. Vaillantio editos. 3. Appendicula ad numos urbium Greece loquentium sub Augustis percussos et a laudato Vaillantio vulgatos. 4. Dissertatio de numis, monetariorum veterum culpa, vitiosis. Froling, - , ober-stabsarzt. Katalog . . . kunstsachen und antiquitaten . . . aus . . . privatbesitz A02 und aus dem nachlasse des . . . ober-stabsarzt Dr. Froling . . . F922 versteigerung zu Koln . . . 1890 . . . durch J. M. Heberle . . . Koln [1890]. Q. [4] + ! 12 p. 17 pi. Fromberg, Emmanuel Otto. Introductory essay on the art of painting on glass, translated AA from the German by H. J. Clarke. (In Quarterly papers on archi- Q2 tecture. 1844-45. v - 4- IT 9P-) Frommel, [Karl]. 1789-1863. Baden und seine umgebungen in malerischen ansichten, mit einer AH42 historisch-topographischen beschreibung von [A. W.] Schreiber. Bi43 Carlsruhe, 1827. F. 4 [70] p. 24 pi. Vues de la ville et du chateau de Heidelberg . . . d apres . . . AH43 [ses] dessins, par K. Lindemann and F. Wiirthle. H369 Heidelberg [1843]. Obi. Tt. 19 p. 13 pi. map. Frommel, Karl August Lindemann=. 1819-. See Lindemann=Frommel, Karl August. 1819-. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 361 Frontinus, Sextus Julius. 4i(?)-io6(?). De aquaeductibus urbis Romae. (In Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. AA De architectvra libri decem. 1543. 34 p.) V839 Frost, Charles. i;8i(?)-i862. Notices relative to the early history of the town and port of AH42 Hull . . . H872 London, 1827. Q. 16+150+ [60] p. ill. 5 pi. 2 facsim. 2 tab. Frothingham, Arthur L., jr., and Miintz, Eugene, 1845-. II tesoro della basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano, dal 13 al 15 secolo, AH45 con una scelta d inventarii inediti. 1883. R668 Fiiesslin, J[ulius August]. 1815-66. Das neue mannerzuchthaus Bruchsal, nach dem system der ein- AH43 zelhaft in seinen baulichen einrichtungen. 6838 Carlsruhe, 1854. F. 5 33 + [i 7] p. 13 pi. Fugere, Alexandre Conrad, and Qoguet, A. Y., 1716-58. Arts et metiers. (In Peigne-Delacourt, Achille, comp. Techno- AX logic archeologique. 1873. p. 1-152.) I J 35 Fuhrer, A. Sharqi architecture of Jaunpur, with notes on Zafarabad, Sahct- AR54 Mahet and other places . . . with . . . descriptions by E. W. Ai Smith; ed. by J. Burgess. Calcutta, 1889. Sq. F. 4 8 + 76 p. 74 pi. (In India Archaeological survey. Reports. 1889. new AR54 ser. v. i.) A I Ful, tru un pertikler okeawnt o bwoth wat aw seed tm wat AO4 aw yerd we gooin too th greyt eggshibishun e Lundun . . . kon- M3i taining loikcwoise o dikshunayre ... be o felley from Rachde . . . 3d edition. Rachde [pref. 1856]. D. 87 p. ill. i pi. Fulford, Rev. J[ohn] L[oveland]. Open roofs. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Trans- AC actions. 1844. v - 2 > P- 4 I ~5 I > pi- 3 an d 4-) Fuller, Albert W., and Wheeler, W. A. Artistic homes in city and in country, with other examples of AE2 domestic architecture. 5th ed. F95 Boston [1882-91]. Obi. Q. [7] p. 70 pi. Fuller, George A., co. Prominent buildings erected by the . . . company. AH73 Chicago, 1 893(?). Sq. F. 4 26 pi. C43 No title-page. 362 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Fullerton, William. Architectural examples in brick, stone, wood and iron . . . AA London, 1890. Nar. Q. 22 + 34 p. 220 pi. Fulvio, Andrea, fl. i6 th cent. L antichita di Roma; di nuouo . . . corretta et ampliata . . . con le AH45 aggivntioni et annotationi di Girolamo Ferrucci . . . Venetia, per Girolamo Francini, 1588. S. [4] + 264+^] f. ill. [Fumagalli, Angelo, 1728-1804, Torre e Valvasine, Michele della.] Delle antichita longobardico-milanesi, illustrate con dissertazioni AR45 dai monaci della Congregazione Cisterciese di Lombardia. [Anon.] M582 Milano, 1792-93. Q. 4 v. in 2. 6 pi. I tab. Fumagalli, Carlo, and Beltrami, Luca, 1854- La cappella detta della Regina Teodolinda nella basilica di San AH45 Giovanni in Monza e le sue pitture murali. M763 Milano, 1891. F. 5 17+ [2] p. ill. 42 pi. No. 196 of 200 copies printed. F[umagalli], P[aolo]. Pompeia, trattato pittorico, storico e geometrico; opera disegnata AR45 negli . . . 1824-30, incisa e pubblicata da P. F. 1*796 Firenze [1833]. F. 5 60 p. 66 pi. map. Title-page and text in Italian and French. Translated into French by L. B. Du Coster. Fumi, Luigi. II duomo di Orvieto e i suoi restauri . . . AH45 Roma, 1891. F. [i9] + 528+[i] p. ill. 25 pi. 094 Fumiere, Theophile. L exposition d Amsterdam et la Belgique aux Pays Bas . . . AO4 Bruxelles, 1883. F. 195 p. ill. 38 pi. Am82 Fumiere, Theophile, editor. See Belgium Exposition nationale. 1880. Les arts decoratifs AO4 a 1 Exposition du cinquantenaire beige. 1880. 6411 Funk, Adolf. Irren-anstalten: Entbindungs-anstalten. (In Handbuch der archi- A A tektur. 1891. 4. thl. 5. hlbd. hft. 2, p. 1-73. ill. 5 pi. 2 paged pi.) Hi9 Furchheim, Federigo, compiler. Bibliografia di Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia. 2a ed. . . . AY Napoli, 1891. D. 30+118 p. F97 The I s edition published in 1879 has title Bibliotheca Pompejana. Furietti, Giuseppe Alessandro. 1685-1761. AJ2 De musivis. Romas, 1752. Nar. Q. i6+i3O+[i] p. 2 pi. F97 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 363 Furniture gazette ; an illustrated monthly journal. London, 1873-. F. New. ser. v. 1-25. ill. pi. New scr. v. 1-22 published weekly. Furniture trade catalogue, containing designs for every description of modern furniture . . . with . . . index and price list. 3^ edition. London, 1882. F. 2/+8 + [9] p. 165 pi. Fiirstliche bau-lust. 1698. See Heinrich, herzog von Sachsen=[R6mhild]. 1650-1710. Furtenbach, Joseph. 1591-1667. Architectura civilis; das ist, Eigentlich beschrcibung wie ma nach . . . gerechter regul . . . pallast . . . kirchcn . . . altar . . . spitaler . . . auffiihren und erbauen soil . . . Ulm, 1628. F. [22]+78 p. 40 pi. Architectura recreationis, das ist von allerhand nutzlich und er- frewlichen civilischen gebawen . . . Augspurg, 1640. F. 26+ 1 20 p. 36 pi. Architectura universalis, das ist, von kriegs, statt- und wasscr- gebawen . . . Ulm, Medern, 1735. F. 26+159 p. 61 pi. Furtwangler, Adolf. 1853-. Altlakonisches relief. (In Deutsches archaologischcs institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 7, p. 160-173, pi. 7.) Die bronzen und die iibrigen kleineren funde von Olympia. Berlin, 1890. F. 4 12+220 p. ill. and Atlas, F. 6 [3] p. 71 pi. (Curtius, E., and Adler, F. Olympia. 1890. v. 4.) Die Chariten der Akropolis. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 3, p. 181-202.) Fine argivische bronze. [Berlin, 1890.] O. 29 p. ill. I pi. Winckclmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 50, p. 125-153. Eros in der vasenmalerei. Miinchen, 1874. O. 90 p. Der goldfund von Vettersfelde. Berlin, 1883. Q. 52 + |>] p. ill. 3 pi- Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 43. Marmore von der Akropolis. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 6, p. 174-190, pi. 6-7.) Meisterwerke der griechischen plastik; kunstgeschichtliche unter- suchungen. Leipzig, 1893. Nar. Q. i2 + |j] + 767 p. ill. I pi. and Atlas, F.s 32 pi. AB F98 AN i F98 AA H362 AA F98 AA F982 AA AR 49 5 G8i AR495 GSi AP W722 AN2 Z 4 AP W722 AR495 G8i AO8 F98 364 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Furtwangler, Adolf. 1853-. Orpheus, attische vase aus Gela. AP [Berlin, 1890.] O. 11 p. ill. i pi. W/22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 50, p. 154-164. Der satyr aus Pergamon. Berlin, 1880. Q. 32 + [i] p. 3 pi. AP W;22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 40. Statue von der Akropolis. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen ; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, p. 20-42, pi. i.) G8i Von Delos. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 40, p. 321-368, AB pi. I5-) Ar2 3 Sec Qenick, A. Griechische keramik, mit einleitung und besch- AN2 reibung von A. Furtwangler. 1883. 28 Furtwangler, Adolf, 1853, compiler. AO2 See Saburov, La collection Sabouroff. 1883-87. Sal Fiissli, Hans Heinrich. 1745-1832. Neue zusatze zu dem Allgcmeincn kiinstlerlexicon und den sup- AW plementcn desselben . . . Zurich, 1824. F. 4 pt. i. 4+200 p. Fp8 Continuation of J. R. Fussli s Allgcmeinen kiinstlerlexicon. 1779-1821. No more published. Fiissli, Hans Heinrich, 1745-1832, continuer. See [Fiissli, J. R. 1709-93]. Allgemeines kiinstlerlexicon. AW 1779-1821. pt 2. F98 [Fiissli, Johann Rudolf. 1709-93.] Allgemeines kiinstlerlexicon; oder, Kurze nachricht von dem AW leben und den werken der mahlcr, bildhaucr, baumeistcr, kupfer- F98 stcchcr ... 3. aufl. [Anon.] Zurich, 1779-1821. F. 4 2 pts. in 4 v. I tab. Continued after the author s death by H. H. Fiissli. Neue zusatze zu dem Allgemeinen kunstlerlexicon und den sup- AW plementen desselben . . . von H. H. Fiissli. Zurich, 1824. F98 No more published. Fiissli, Wilhelm. 1803-45. Zurich und die wichtigsten stadtc am Rhcin mit bczug auf alte AH43 und neue werke der architektur, skulptur und malerci. A36 Zurich, 1842-43. D. 2 v. Vol. 2. has title Die wichtigsten stadte am Mittel- und Nieder-Rhcin. Fustel de Coulanges, [Numa Denis]. 1830-89. Memoire sur File de Chio. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. AB 1856. v. 5, p. 481-642. I map.) Ar2i Q., C. H., translator. AE/ See Hugo, Hermann. 1588-1629. Siege of Breda. 1627. H8/ Qabillot, C. Les Hiiet: Jean Baptiste et ses trois fils. Paris [1892]. Q. 179 p. AW ill. 22 pi. 76 paged pi. (Les artistes celebres; P. Leroi, ed.) H87 Gadechens, C. F., Qensler, Martin, and Koppmann, Karl. Das St. Johannis kloster in Hamburg . . . hrsg. von der "Burger- AH43 meister Kellinghusen s stiftung." Hi7i Hamburg, 1884. Nar. Q. 8 + [i] + 2iS p. 24 pi. Gadechens, R[udolf]. 1834-. Das Medusenhaupt von Blariacum, hrsg. vom vorstande des Ver- AP eins von altcrthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. ^723 Bonn, 1874. Q. 13 p. ill. I pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1874. Gagarin, Gr[igori] Gr[igor evich]. Sbornik bisantiskikh i drevne-russkikh ornamentov: [Collection AK of Byzantine and Old-Russian ornaments] ... Gi2 S.-Peterburg, 1887. F. [7] p. 50 pi. Gage, John. History and antiquities of Suffolk, Thingoe hundred. AR42 London, 1838. Sq. F. 27+538 p. 4 por. 27 pi. 5 maps. Su2 Gagniet, J[ules], and Jolimont, F. G.T. B. de, 1787- 1854. Recueil d objets d art et de curiosites dessines d apres nature, AO2 grave a 1 eau forte ct public par C. Naudet. 1837. J6S Gailhabaud, Jules. 1 810-88. L architccture du 6 e au 17 siecle et les arts qui en dependent, la AF sculpture, la peinture murale, la peinture sur verre . . . etc. Gi2 Paris, 1858. F. 4 v. ill. 260 pi. and Atlas, F. G [3] p. 45 pi. L art dans ses diverses branches, nouvelle edition; fragments AK d architecture et d ornementation empruntes a toutes les epoques. Gi22 Paris, no date. F. 4 [3] p. 75 pi. 365 366 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gailhabaud, Jules. 1810-88. Monuments anciens et modernes; collection formant une histoire AF de 1 architecture des differents peuples a toutes les epoques ... Gi2i Paris, 1865. F. 4 v. 397 pi. Contents: v. i. Temps anciens. v. 2-3. Moyen-ge. v. 4. Pe"riode moderne. Gailhabaud, Jules, 1 810-88, editor. Bibliotheque archeologique; cahiers destructions sur 1 architec- AP ture, la sculpture . . . et la musique de 1 antiquite et du moyen- Gi2 age, public par le Comite historique des arts et monuments . . . Paris, 1846. Nar. Q. Various paging, ill. 8 pi. Gailliard, J[ean Jacques]. 1801-67. Inscriptions funeraires et monumentales de la Flandre occiden- AH493 tale . . . Bruges, 1861-67. F. v. I in 3 pts. ill. 154 pi. 6836 Contents: v. i. Arrondissement de Bruges. No more published. Recherches sur 1 eglise de Jerusalem a Bruges, suivies de donnees AH493 historiques sur la famille du fondateur. B83 Bruges, 1843. Nar. Q. 16 p. 20 pi. i tab. Revue pittoresque des monuments qui decoraient autrefois la ville AH493 de Bruges et qui n existent plus aujourd hui, pour servir de com- B8342 plement aux Ephemerides brugeoises. Bruges, 1850. Q. 103 p. 43 pi. Gaisberger, Joseph, 1839-41, editor. See Museal-blatt; zeitschrift fur geschichtc, kunst, natur und AB technologic Osterreich s ob der Enns und Salzburg s. 1839-44. M97 Gale, Arthur J[ohn]. American architecture from a constructional point of view. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1882-83, R8i P- 45-56.) Galeotti, Niccolo, 1692-1758, annotator. See Ficoroni, Francesco de . 16641747. Gemmae antiquae AX litteratae aliaequae rariores. 1757. ^442 Galeries historiques de Versailles, [par J. D. C. Gavard]. AH44 [Paris, 1838.] F. G v. i. I por. 78 pi. and Sup. v. i. 65 pi. V6i8 Galiani, Berardo, marchese, translator and commentator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. L architettura. 1790. V85 Galignani, [John] A[nthony], 1796-1873, and Galig= nani, W[illiam], 1798-1882, publishers. Galignani s new Paris guide for 1855 [and 1866] . . . AH44 Paris, 1855-66. S. 2 v. ill. pi. P344 Two maps in cover pockets. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 367 Gallaccini, Teofilo. 1564-1641. Trattata sopra gli error! degli architetti . . . AA Venezia, 1767-71. F. 4 2 v. in I. ill. Gi3 Vol. 2. has title Osservazioni di A. Visentini, che servoni di continuazione al Trattato di Teofilo Gallaccini. Galland, Georg. Geschichtc der hollandischen baukunst und bildncrei im zeitalter AH4Q2 der renaissance, der nationalen bliite und des klassicismus. Ai Frankfurt a. M., 1890. O. 11+635 P- HI- Der grossc Kurfiirst und Moritz von Nassau der brasilianer; AO studien zur brandenburgischen und hollandischen kunstgeschichte. Gi3 Frankfurt am Main, 1893. Q. [4] + 236 p. Galland, G[eorg], and Rosenkranz, G[eorg]. Italienische renaissance. Leipzig [1887]. O. [6] +480 p. ill. AH45 (Klassiker-bibliothek der bildenden kiinste; klassiker der bau- A 17 kunst.) Galleria Giustiniana. 1631. AO8 See Giustiniani, Vincenzo. G44 Galli da Bibiena, Ferdinando. 1657-1743. L architettura civile, preparata su la geometria e ridotta alle AA prospettive. Parma, 1711. F. 5 [2o] + i56+[i] p. 70 pi. Gi3i Direzioni a giovani studenti nel disegno dell architettura civile AA nell Accademia Clementina ... Gi32 Bologna, I745~53- D. 2 v. ill. 133 pi. Direzioni a giovani studenti nel disegno dell architettura civile AL2 nell Accademia Clementina . . . con nuova aggiunta . . . 4^ ed. Gi3 Bologna, 1777. D. v. i. [I2J+I43 p. 69 pi. Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo, i55o(?)-, translator. See Peckham, John, abp. I24o(?)~92. I tre libri della perspet- AL2 tiva commone. 1593. Gallon, Sir Douglas [Strutt]. 1823-. Address on the general principles which should be observed in the AE6 construction of hospitals, delivered to the British medical asso- Gi3 ciation at Leeds, July 29, 1869 . . . London, 1869. D. 8+95 p. ill. Healthy hospitals; observations on some points connected with AE6 hospital construction. Oxford, 1893. O. 11+287 p. ill. Gi3i Gamba, Francesco. Abbadia di S. Antonio di Ranverso e Defendente de Ferrari da AC Chivasso. (In Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la provincia 8017 di Torino. Atti. v. I, p. 119-172.) 368 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gamba Ghiselli, Paolo, conte. Lettera sopra 1 antico edificio di Ravenna detto volgarmente la AFLj.5 Rotonda. Roma, 1765. O. 14 p. RiQ3 Gamiczer, Wenzel. 1508-85. See Jamitzer, Wenzel. 1508-85. Gamucci, Bernardo. i6*h cent Lc antichita della citta di Roma . . . AH45 Venegia, 1569. S. 8 + 202 f. ill. i pi. R69I Gandon, James. 1742-1823. On the progress of architecture in Ireland. (In Gandon, James, jr. AW Life of James Gandon. 1846. p. 241-274.) Gi5 Gandon, James, jr. Life of James Gandon, with original notices of contemporary AW artists and fragments of essays . . . prepared for publication by T. Gi5 J. Mulvany. Dublin, 1846. O. 16+297 p. i por. Ganier, Henry, 1845- and Froelich, Jules, 1850-. Voyage aux chateaux historiques des Vosges septentrionales. AH44 Paris, 1889. Nar. Q. 8+5io+[i]p. ill. i pi. map. A39 Ganneau, Charles Simon Clermont=. 1846-. See Clermont-Ganneau, Charles Simon. 1846-. Ganneron, Edmond. La cassette de Saint Louis, roi de France ... a 1 abbaye du Lis . . . AM4 Paris, 1855. F. 5 [3]+66+[i] p. 6 pi. Gi5 Garban, E. La porcelaine . . . Paris, 1891. Nar. Q. 304 p. ill. i pi. (Nou- AN2 velle bibliotheque illustree de vulgarisation.) Gi6 Garbett, Edward Lacy. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture, AL as cleducible from nature and exemplified in the works of the Gi6 Greek and Gothic architects . . . 3^ ed. London, 1867. S. 8+ 247 p. ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) [Garczynski, Edward R.] Auditorium. [Anon.] AH73 [Chicago, c. 1890.] Obi. F. 4 144+^7] P- i 11 - J 3 paged pi. 0432 Gardens of England. [1857.] AN8 See Brooke, E. A. 679 Gardner, E[ugene] C. Homes and how to make them. AE2 Boston, 1878 [c. 74]. S. 314 p. ill. i pi. Gi7 Town and country school buildings; a collection of plans and de- AE6 signs... New- York, 1888. Sq. O. i2+i28+[i] p. ill. Gi7 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 369 Gardner, J[ohn] Starkie. Ironwork from the earliest times to the end of the mediaeval AM2 period. [London] 1893. D. 10+152 p. ill. (South Kensington, Gi/ Eng., museum. Art hand-books; W. Maskell, ed.) Wrought-ironwork: Mediaeval period. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. v. 7, p. 143-168.) R8i Wrought-ironwork: Renaissance period. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 273-298.) R8i Gardner, Percy, 1846-, compiler. See Oxford (Eng.) university. Ashmolean museum. Catalogue AN2 of the Greek vases. 1893. Ox2 Gardthausen, V[ictor Emil], 1843-. Mastarna; oder, Servius Tullius, mit einer einleitung iiber die aus- AR45 dehnung des Etruskerreiches. Et/4 Leipzig, 1882. O. [3]+48+[i] P- i pi- Garen, G., Gautier, Lucien, and others. AH44 Paris en 1889. P28i Garland, Robert, illustrator. AH44 See Winkles, R. B. French cathedrals. 1837. Garling, H[enry] B[aily]. Some remarks on the contents of the album of Villard de Honne- AC court. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1858-59, R8i p. 13-20.) Garner, T. On reredoses. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and AC papers, v. 16, p. 136-144. 4 pi.) As7 Gamier, Charles. 1825-. See Gamier, Jean Louis Charles. 1825-. Gamier, Edouard. 1840- La collection de Paul Gasnault au Musee des arts decoratifs; AB ceramique et verrerie. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. i, p. 44- R32 54, 105-114. ill. 3 pi.) Dictionnaire de la ceramique, faiences, gres, poteries. (Guides du AN2 collectionneur.) Paris [pref. 1893]. Nar. Q. 63 + 258+[i] p. ill. Gi8i 20 pi. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art; publiee . . . d E. Miintz.) Histoire de la verrerie et de I emaillerie. AN3 Tours, 1886. Nar. Q. 7 + 573 p. ill. 8 pi. Gi8 Les manufactures nationales; Sevres. (In Revue des arts decora- AB tifs. v. 2, p. loi-iio, 346-354. ill.) R32 24 370 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gamier, Edouard. 1840-. Le musee et les collections de la manufacture de Sevres. (In AB Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 9, p. 140 146. I pi.) R.32 Soft porcelain of Sevres, with an historical introduction. AN2 London, 1892. F. 5 6+32+[ioo] p. 50 pi. Gi8 Qarnier, Edouard, 1840- compiler. See Limoges (France) Musee national Adrien Dubouche. Cat- AO2 alogue de la collection Gasnault. 1881. L932 Qarnier, Edouard, 1840- editor. AB See Bulletin des musees. 1890-93. 877 Gamier, [Jean Louis] Charles. 1825-. Monographic de 1 observatoire de Nice. AH44 Paris, 1892. F. 6 5 + [i] p. 36 pi. N$i Le nouvel opera de Paris. AH44 Paris, 1875-81. F. 2 v. and Atlas, F. 7 6 pts. in 3 v. I por. P255 215 pi. Contents: i. Partie architecturale. 2 pts. in i v. 100 pi. 2. Texte. 2 v. 31. Sculpture ornementalc. 45 pi. 3 2 . Statues ddcoratives. 35 pi. 33. Peintures ddcoratives. 20 pi. 3*. Bronzes. 15 pi. The plates of the Partie architecturale are engravings and chromolithographs ; those of the other parts are photographs. Le temple de Jupiter Panhellenien a Egine; restauration executee AH45 en 1852. Paris, 1884. F. 7 42 + [i] p. 13 pi. (In Restaurations R686 des monuments antiques, v. 5.) Le theatre. Paris, 1871. O. 7+470+ [2] p. AE4 Gi8 See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Constructions AE2 elevees au Champ de Mars par Ch. Gamier. P2I Gamier, [Jean Louis] Charles, 1825-, and Am= mann, A. AE2 L habitation humaine. Paris, 1892. F. 7+895 p. ill. Gi8 Gamier, Joseph. 1815-. Notice sur la maladicre dc Dijon. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 22, p. 5-43.) B87 Gamier, Victor. Les musees et palais nationaux; mobilier d art conserve au ANi Louvre . . . Versailles . . . Fontainebleau ... Gi8 Paris, no date. Sq. F. 4 4 v. in 5, 300 pi. Contents: v. i. Sieges, fauteuils, canapes. v. 2. Meubles sculptds et d e"benisterie. v. 3. Bronzes, cartels, vases, v. 4. Tapisseries, e"toffes. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 371 Qarnsey, Qeo[rge] O. National builder s album of beautiful homes . . . AE2 Chicago, 1891. F. 4 v. I. 58 pi. Gi82 Qarrett, Rhoda, 1841-82, and Garrett, Agnes. Suggestions for house decoration in painting, woodwork, and AK furniture. 4th ed. Gig London, 1877. D. 8+[3]+9<D p. 2 ill. 5 pi. Qarrow, Rev. David William. History and antiquities of Croydon with ... a sketch of the life AR42 of . . . John Whitgift . . . and an appendix . . . C88i Croydon, 1818. O. 8 + [8]+4O7 p. 2 pi. Garrucci, Raffaele. 1812-85. Graffiti de Pompei; inscriptions et gravures tracees au stylet, AR45 recueillies et interpreters. 2e ed. augmentee. P/9 1 Paris, 1856. Q. 104+8 p. ill. and Atlas. 32 pi. Storia della arte cristiana nei primi otto secoli della chiesa . . . AO Prato, 1873-81 [v. i, 81]. F. 5 6 v. 500 pi. Contents: i. Teorica. 2. Pitture cimiteriali. 3. Pitture non cimiteriali. 4. Musaici cimiteriali e non cimiteriali. 5. Sarcofagi ossia sculture cimiteriali. 6. Sculture non cimiteriali. Vetri ornati di figure in oro, trovati nei cimiteri cristiani di Roma, AN3 raccolti e spiegati. Edizione seconda . . . accresciuta . . . con Gi9 atlante . . . di xlii tavole . . . Roma, 1864. Nar. Q. 28+285 p. i pi. and Atlas, F. 5 42 pi. Garrucci, Raffaele, 1812-85, compiler. See Rome (Italy) Museo Lateranense. Monumenti del museo. AO2 1 86 1. R662 Gascoigne, George. i525(?)~77. Princelye pleasures at Kenelworth castle . . . (In Kenilworth AH42 illustrated. 1821. Apx., p. 51-80.) Princelye pleasures at Kenelworth castle . . . (In Knowles, Rev. AH42 E. H. Castle of Kenilworth. 1872. Apx., p. 5-32.) K35 Gascon de Gotor, Anselmo, 1865-, and Gascon de Gotor, Pedro. Zaragoza, artistica, monumental e historica, ilustrada con una ale- AH46 gona composicion del ... artista Marcelino de Unceta. Sa7 Zaragoza, 1890-91. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. i por. 128 pi. Gasparoni, Francesco. Sugli obelischi Torlonia nella villa Nomentana . . . AE8 Roma, 1842. Nar. Q. [6] + 8i + [2] p. 17 pi. map. G2i 372 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Qastellier [de La Tour, Denis Francois], 1709-81. Dictionnaire etymologique des termes d architecture . . . suivi de AA 1 explication des pierres precieuses . . . G2i Paris, 1743. S. [io]+276 p. i pi. Qass, John B[radshaw]. Some American methods. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1885. n. s. v. 2, p. 129-144. 2 pi.) R8i Gateuil, [N]. Recueil pratique de peinture decorative par Une societe de pein- AK tres decorateurs. Dourdan, 1881. F. 46 pi. G22 Gateuil, N., editor. AB See Recueil de serrurerie pratique. 1876-. R24I Gatinais (France) Societe historique et archeolo= gique. See Societe historique et archeologique du Gatinais. Gatteaux, J[acques] E[douard], 1788-1881, and Bal= tard, Victor, 1805-74. Galerie de la reine dite de Diane a Fontainebleau peinte par Am- AH44 broise Dubois en 1600 . . . d apres les dessins de L. P. Baltard et F732 de C. Percier. Paris, 1858. F. c 7 p. 16 pi. Gatty, Rev. Alfred. 1813-. The ecclesiastical bell. (In Associated architectural societies. AC Reports and papers, v. 3, p. 255-271.) As7 Sundials of all times and countries. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 11^.371-389. ill.) As7 Gatty, Rev. Alfred, 1813- editor. AR42 See Hunter, Rev. Joseph. 1783-1861. Hallamshire. [1869.] Sh3 Gatty, Charles Tindal, compiler. See Liverpool (Eng) museum. Catalogue of mediaeval and later AO2 antiquities. 1883. Gatty, Mrs. [Margaret (Scott)]. 1809-73. Book of sun-dials. New ed. enlarged, edited by H. K. F. Gatty AX and E. Lloyd, with an appendix on the construction of dials by G22 W.Richardson. London, 1889. O. 8+5 19 p. ill. 4 pi. Gau, F[ranz] C[hristian]. 1790-1853. Antiquites de la Nubie; ou, Monumens inedits des bords du Nil, AR62 situes entre la premiere et la seconde cataracte, dessines et A3 mesures en 1819. Stuttgart, 1822. F. 7 8+18 + [59] p. 64 pi. 14 facsim. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 373 Gau, Franz Christian, 1790-1853, continuer. AR45 See Mazois, [C.] F. 1783-1826. Les ruines de Pompei. 1824-38. P77I Gaucherel, Leon. 1816-86. Exemples de decoration appliques a 1 architecture et a la peinture AK depuis 1 antiquite jusqu a nos jours . . . 023 Paris, 1857. F. 4 [10] p. 119 pi. Gaucherel, Leon, 1816-86, and Verneilh, Jules de. AH44 Le vieux Perigueux. 1867. P4i Gaudard, Jules. Foundations, translated from the French by L. F. Vernon Har- AI court. 2d ed. New York, 1891. T. 104 p. ill. (Van Nostrand s 623 science series, v. 34.) Reprinted from Van Nostrand s engineering magazine, v. 18. Gaudet, Julien. 1834-. A A L enseignement de 1 architecture . . . Paris, 1882. Nar. Q. 30 p. 623 Read before the Socie te centrale des architectes, 24 Mai, 1882. Gaurico, Pomponio. i48o(?)-i53o(?). De scvlptvra; vbi agitur de symmetry s, de lineamentis, de physi- AO8 ognomia, de perspectiua . . . 023 Norimbergse, Petreius [1542]. O. 47 p. De sculptura. (In Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architectura. AA 1825-30. v. 4, pt. 2, p. 99-120.) 848 Gaussen, A [If red], Portefeuille archeologique de la Champagne. AH44 Bar-sur-Aube, 1861. Sq. F. 4 Various paging. 89 pi. C353 Gauthier, [Marie] J[ules]. 1848-. Repertoire archeologique du canton de Rougemont. AR44 Besancon, 1890. O. 16 p. i pi. R75 Gauthier, [Martin] Pfierre]. 1790-1855. Les plus beaux edifices de la ville de Genes et de ses environs. AH45 Paris, 1830-32. F. 6 2 pts. in I v. 177 pi. G28 Vestibule, gallerien, innenhofe, etc., aus geniisischen palasten. AH45 Berlin [1889]. F. 4 26 pi. 6285 Gautier, Edmond. 1835-. Histoire du donjon de Loches . . . AH44 Chateauroux, 1881. O. 7+221 p. 17 pi. 1,78 Gautier, Lucien, and others. AH44 Paris en 1889. .. eaux-fortes originales. Paris, no date. F. 5 lopl. P28i 24* 374 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Qautier, Theophile, 1811-72, Houssaye, Arsene, 1815- and Coligny, Charles. Lc palais Pompeien ; . . . etudes sur la maison greco-romaine, ancienne residence du Prince Napoleon. Paris [1866]. Nar. Q. 32 p. i pi. Gavard, Jacques Dominique Charles, 1794- editor. See Galeries historiques de Versailles. 1838. Gay, Victor. Glossaire archcologique du moyen-age et de la renaissance. AO Paris, 1887. F - v. i. 8o6+[i] p. ill. 625 Contents: v. i. A Guy. No more published. Vetements sacerdotaux. (In Annales archeologiques. v. i, AB p. 61-69; v. 2, p. 151-164; v. 4, p. 354-368; v. 6, p. 155-169; An7 v. 7, p. 143-150; v. 8, p. 65-76. 4 pi.) Gayangos [y Arce], Pascual de. 1809-. Historical notice of the kings of Granada. (In London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. 1854. ser. i, no. 5, p. 89-117.) Gaye, [Johann] Wilhelm. 1804-40. Carteggio inedito d artisti dei secoli 14, 15, 16; pubblicato cd AO illustrate con doctimenti pure inediti . . . 0252 Fircnze, 1839-40. O. 3 v. 13 facsim. Gayet, Albert. Les monuments coptes clu Musec de Boulaq. (In Cairo, Egypt AC Mission archeologique francaise. Memoires. 1889-90, v. 3, pt. 3, Ci2 p. 1-30; pt. 4, p. 117-119. 98 pi.) Gayet, Georges Lacour=. 1856-. See Lacour=Qayet, Georges. 1856-. Gazette archeologique; recueil de monuments pour servir AB a la connaissancc et a 1 histoire de 1 art antique. 625 Paris, 1875-88. Sq. F. v. 1-13. ill. pi. Fonde" par J. de Witte et Fr. Lenormant. With v. 12 title changed to Gazette archeologique ; revue dcs musees nationaux. Gazette des architectes et du batimenr. AB Paris, 1863-86. Sq. F. 7 v. ; 2d ser. v. 1-15. ill. pi. 6251 Edited by E. Viollet-le-Duc and E. Corroyer. Formed by the union of the Encyclopedic d architecture and the Gazette du batiment, v. 1-2 being known as the 2<> ser. of the Encyclopedic d architecture. The latter afterward reap peared as a separate publication. Gebhardt, W. De tabularum a Polygnoto in Lesche Delphica pictarum composi- AO tione . . . Gottingas, 1873. O. pt. i. ill. Z2 Doctor s dissertation at Gottingen University. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Gebhart, Emile. 1839-. Essai sur la peinture de genre dans 1 antiquite. (In Archives des AB missions scientifiques. 1868. v. 13, p. 1-62.) Ar2i Qebser, August Rudolph. 1801-74. Geschichte der domkirche zu Konigsberg . . . Konigsberg, 1835. AH43 O. 20+400+ [i] p. (Gcbser, A. R., and Hagen, E. A. Der K8s dom zu Konigsberg in Preussen. 1833-35. v. i.) Qebser, A[ugust] R[udolph], 1801-74, and Hagen, E. A., 1797-1880. Der dom zu Konigsberg in Preussen . . . AH43 Konigsberg, 1833-35 [v. i, 35]- - 2 v - in l - K8 3 Contents : v. i. Gebscr, A. R. Geschichte der domkirche zu Konigsberg. v. 2. Hagen, E. A. Beschreibung der domkirche zu Konigsberg. Plates wanting. Gedon, Lorenz. 1843-83. Catalog . . . [seiner] nachgelassenen kunst-sammlungen . . . vcr- AO steigerung zu Mfmchcn den 1721 Juni, 1884 . . . G26 Miinchen, 1884. Nar. O. i5 + i26+[i]p. ill. 17 pi. Geer van Oudegein, J. J. Het oude Trecht als de oorsprong der stad Utrecht . . . AR492 Utrecht, 1875. - 6+185 p. 5 pi. map. Ut/ Geffroy, Mathieu Auguste. 1820-. CEnomaiis, Pelops ct Hippodamie, vase peint inedit. (In Melan ges d archeologie et d histoire. iSSi, p. 349-368, pi. 13.) Gehring, Rudolf. Ornamentale malcreien vom k. schloss Trausnitz bei Landshut in AH43 Bayern. Landshut, 1884. F. [3] p. F. 5 49 pi. L23 Geier, Fr[anz] Xav[er]. Statistische ubersicht bemerkcnsvverther holzverbindungen AH43 Deutschlands gesammelt und herausgegeben. A52 Mainz, 1841. ObLF. 8 [18] p. ill. 35 pi. Geier, F[ranz Xaver], and Gorz, R. Denkmale romanischer baukunst am Rhein. AH43 Frankfurt am Main. 1846-47. F. 4 pts. in i v. 24 pi. A2i No more published. Geisenberg, E., and Cordes, A. W. Das chorgestiihl der kirche San Severino in Neapel. 1875. (In AH45 Italienische renaissance. 1875-82. v. i.) A28 Geiss, [Philipp Konrad] Moritz. 1805-75. Zinkguss-ornamente nach zeichnungen von Schinkel, Stuler . . . AM2 und anderen, so wie statuen und sculpturen nach antiken und 627 modernen modellen. 2. aufl. Berlin, 1863. Sq. F. [4] p. 126 pi. 376 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Geissel, Johannes von. 1796-1864. Details historiques et architectoniques sur la cathedrale de Spire. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 3, p. 443-462. I pi.) 687 Qeitner, H., editor. AN8 See Neide, E. Ausgefiihrte gartenanlagen. 1884. ^31 Gelis=Didot, P., and Laffillee, H. L. La peinture decorative en France du n e au i6 e siecle. AM6 Paris, no date. F. 5 i3 + [i96] p. ill. 60 pi. G28 Gelis=Didot, P., and Lambert, Theodore. La construction privee a la fin du 19 siecle; hotels et maisons de AH44 Paris, facades et details releves et dessines. P328 Paris, 1893. F. 5 8 p. 100 pi. Gems, selected from the antique. 1804. AX See [Dagley, Richard. -1841]. Di3 Genard, P[ierre]. 1830-. Anvers a travers les ages . . . Bruxelles [pref. 1888-92]. F. 4 2 v. ill. 3 por. 18 pi. map. Notice historique sur une verriere a 1 eglise de Notre-Dame a AO Anvers. Gand, 1851. O. 15 p. i pi. Z5 From Messager des sciences historiques de Belgique. Notice sur les architectes Herman, le vieux, et Dominique de AB Waghemakere. (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et 6872 d archeologie. 1870. v. 9, p. 429-494.) Genealogica curiosa. London, 1885. Nar. Q. APLp L858 Vol. i. FISHER, Maj. P. 1616-93. Tombs, monuments, etc., visible in S. Paul s cathedral . . . previous to ... 1666. 1885. Genesteix, . L Ordre de Malte et 1 Hotel du Grand-Prieur d Aquitaine. (In AR44 Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. P75 1890. v. i, p. 155-161. ill.) Genevay, A[ntoine]. iSu-. Le style Louis XIV.; Charles Le Brun, ses ceuvres, son influence, AW ses collaborateurs et son temps. Paris, 1886. F. [3]+258 p. ill. L49 i por. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art, publiee . . . E. Miintz.) Genick, A. Griechische keramik, mit einleitung und beschreibung von A. AN2 Furtwangler. 2. aufl. G28 Berlin, 1883. F. 24 p. and Atlas, F. 7 40 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 377 Gennarelli, Achille. La moneta primitiva e i monumenti dell Italia antica messi in AC rapporto cronologico e ravvicinati alle opere d arte delle altre R66i nazioni civili dell antichita . . . (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1852. v. n, p. 33-169. 9PL) Genolini, Angelo. Maioliche italiane, marche e monogrammi. AN2 Milano, 1881. F. 3+ 170+ [3] p. 35 pi. G28i Qensler, Martin, Gadechens, C. F., and Koppmann, Karl. AH43 Das St. Johannis kloster in Hamburg. 1884. HI/I Genteel household furniture in the present taste, with . . . ANi several articles never before executed, by A society of upholster- G28 ers, cabinet-makers . . . 2d ed. London, no date. O. 120 pi. Gentile, Iginio. 1843-. AO Arte etrusca e romana; see, below, Storia dell arte romana. 1892. G28 Storia dell arte romana premessovi un cenno sull arte italica AO primitiva. 2da e d. Milano, 1892. S. 4+227 p. and Atlas, 79 pi. G28 (Manuali Hcepli. v. 18-19.) Gentleman s magazine library; being a classified collec- AB tion of the chief contents of the Gentleman s magazine from 1731 G28 to 1868; ed. by G. L. Gomme . . . London, 1886. O. 2 v. Contents : Archaeology. Genuys, Ch[arles]. Construction maconnerie. Paris, 1885. S. 2 v. ill. 21 paged pi. AI (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Premiere serie: G28 Enseignement technique.) Contents: v. i. MateYiaux, fondations. v. 2. Execution des maQonneries, murs. Geoffrey of Alatri, cardinal. -1287. Inventaire des meubles du cardinal Geoffroi d Alatri, 1287, par AB Maurice Prou. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1885, M48 p. 382-411.) Geoff roy Saint=Hilaire, Isidore. 1805-61. Mammiferes. (In Jacquemont, Victor. Voyage dans 1 Indie. AH62 1841-44. v. 4. 90 p. 8 pi.) A7 Georg, W., and Wanderley, G. Der metallbau; ein hand- und hiilfsbuch fur architecten, bau-, AI maurer-, zimmermeister und ingenieure . . . Halle, 1873. O. 8+324 p. ill. (Die gesammte hochbaukunst in lehr- und hand- biichern. v. 4.) 378 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY George, Qaspard. 1823-. De la sculpture de figures dans la decoration des monuments an- AO8 tiques. Lyon, 1861. Nar. Q. 72 p. 629 Etude et memoire sur les caracteres architectoniques. (In Lyons, AC France Societe academiquc d architecture. Annales. 1887. LQQ v. 8, p. 51-150.) Sur les monuments de 1 epoque ante-historique. (In Lyons, AC France Societe academique d architecture. Annales. 1873. v. 3, LQQ p. 141-175- i^) Une visite a Pompei en decembre, 1869. (In Lyons, France AC Societe academique d architecture. Annales. 1871. v. 2, p. L99 131-170.) Georgens, J[an] D[aniel], editor. See Sibmacher, Johann. I55o(?)-i6i I. Neues stick- und spitzen- AN musterbuch. 1881. Sii Gerard, Col. A[lexandre]. Description de 1 Hotel imperial des Invalides et du tombeau de AH44 Napoleon ier; publication faite avec 1 autorisation speciale du P343 Ministre de la guerre . . . 2e ed. Paris, 1856. S. 108 p. 4 pi. Gerard, Charles. 1813-77. Les artistes de 1 Alsace pendant le moyen-age. AW Colmar, 1872-73. O. 2 v. 631 Gerard, [Louis] Gaston. Le lavis et 1 aquarelle appliques aux arts industriels et decoratifs. AO6 Paris, 1890. S. 63 p. and Atlas, 9 pi. (Bibliotheque populaire 031 des ecoles de dessin. Premiere serie : Enseignement technique.) Gerhard, [Friedrich Wilhelm] Eduard. 1795-1867. Auserlesene griechische vasenbilder, hauptsachlich etruskischen AN2 fundorts. Berlin, 1840-58. Sq. F. 4 v. 330 pi. 031 Contents : v. i. GStterbilder. v. 2-3. Heroenbilder. v. 4. Griechisches alltagsleben. Danae, ein griechisches vasenbild. Berlin, 1854. Q. 15 p. I pi. AP W722 Winckclmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 14. Festgedanken an Winckelmann . . . Kunstgeschichtliche vasen- AP bilder. Berlin, 1841. Q. 8 p. 2 pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. i. Gesammelte akademische abhandlungen und kleine schriften . . . AR45 Berlin, 1866-68. O. 2 v. in i. i por. and Atlas, Q. [4] p. 82 pi. A7 Grundziige der archaologie. (In his Hyperboreisch-romische stu- AP dien fur archaologie. 1833-52. v. i, p. 1-84.) 631 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 379 Gerhard, [Friedrich Wilhelm] Eduard. 1795-1867. Die heilung des Telephos. Berlin, 1843. Q. 12 p. i pi. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 3. Mykenische alterthumer. Berlin, 1850. Q. 16 p. i pi. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 10. Das orakel der Themis. Berlin, 1846. Q. 14 p. i pi. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 6. Phrixos dcr herold. Berlin, 1842. O. 10 p. i pi. AP W/22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 2. Die schmiickung der Helena. Berlin, 1844. Q. 16 p. i pi. AP W/22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 4. Thetis und Priumne; etruskischer spiegel der Kais. russischen AP sammlung, auch iiber graberidole des Koniglichen antiquariums. W?22 Berlin, 1862. Q. 10 p. i pi. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 22. Trinkschalen und gefasse des koniglichen museums zu Berlin und AN2 anderer sammlungen. 031 1 Berlin, 1848-50. F. 6 2 pts. in i v. 60+ [3] p. 40 pi. Contents: pt. i. Trinkschalen. pt. 2. Gefasse. Paged continuously. Title in German and French. Uber den gott Faunus und dessen genossenschaft. (In his Hyper- AP boreisch-romische studien fur archaologie. 1833-52. v. 2, p. G$i 77-118.) Uber die gottheiten der Etrusker; eine in der . . . Akademie der AO wissenschaften zu Berlin vorgelescne abhandlung. Z4 Berlin, 1847. Q- 64 p. 7 P 1 - Uber die kunst cler Phonicier; eine in der . . . Akademie der AO wissenschaften zu Berlin vorgelesene abhandlung. Z4 Berlin, 1848. Q. 42 p. 7 pi. Uber ursprung, bedeutung und anwcndung der Hermen. (In his AP Hypcrboreisch-romische studien fur archaologie. 183352. v. 2, G3 1 p. 197-283.) Vases et coupes du musee royal de Berlin et d autrcs collections. AN2 See, above, Trinkschalen und gefasse des koniglichen museums zu G3i i Berlin und anderer sammlungen. 1848-1850. Title in German and French. Venus-Proserpina. (In his Hyperboreisch-romische studien fur AP archaologie. 1833-52. v. 2, p. 119-195.) G3i 380 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gerhard, [Friedrich Wilhelm] Eduard. 1795-1867. Winckelmann und die gegenwart; nebst einem etruskischen AP spiegel. Berlin, 1856. Q. 14 p. i pi. W?22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 16. Zwei Minerven. Berlin, 1848. Q. 12 p. i pi. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 8. Gerhard, Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard, 1795-1867, compiler. Hyperboreisch-romische studien fiir archiiologie, mit beitragen AP von K. O. Miiller, Th. Panofka, Otto B. von Stackelberg, F. G. G^ i Welcker, Emil Braun. Berlin, 1833-52. O. 2 v. i tab. Vol. 2. has also the title Archiiologischer nachlass aus Rom. Gerhard, Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard, 1795-1867, editor. AO Etruskische spiegel. Berlin, 1843-67. Sq. F. 4 v. 430 pi. 631 See Archaologische zeitung. 1843-67. v. 1-25. AB Ar23 See Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Apulische vasenbilder des museums. AN2 1845- B 4 53 See Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Etruskische und kampanische AN2 vasenbilder des museums. 1843. ^45 Gerhard, Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard, 1795-1867, and Panofka, T. [S.], 1800-58. Ausgrabungs-berichte. (In Gerhard, F. W. E., compiler. Hyper- AP boreisch-romische studien fiir archiiologie. 183352. v. i, p. 85 G^i 242.) Contents : pt. i. Rb mische ausgrabungen. pt. 2. Grossgriechische ausgrabungen. pt. 3. Etruskische ausgrabungen. Gerhard, William Paul. 1854-. Guide to sanitary house-inspection ; or, Hints and helps regard- AJ ing the choice of a healthful home in city or country. G3I2 New York, 1885. Sq. S. 145 p. House-drainage and sanitary plumbing. 4th e d. revised. New AJ York, 1890 [c. 82]. T. 231 p. 6 pi. (Van Nostrand s science G3i series, v. 63.) Notes embodying recent practice in the sanitary drainage of build- AJ ings, with memoranda on the cost of plumbing work. New York, G$i i 1887. T. 140 p. (Van Nostrand s science series, v. 93.) Sanitary questions. (In Brunner, A. W. Cottages; or, Hints on AE2 economical building. 1844. p. 33-54.) B83 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 381 Gerke, P. Das metallgerath ; kunst- und luxusgegenstande in bronze, silber, AM2 zink, etc., ausgefuhrt in hervorragenden ateliers. 031 Berlin, 1886. F. 5 Ser. i, 20 pi. No more published. Gerlach, Fr[anz] Dor[otheus]. 1793-1876. Griechischer einfluss in Rom im 5. jahrhundert der stadt. AR45 Basel, 1872. O. 61 p. A4 Gerlach, G. Th. Der alten griechen gotterlehre, mythen und heldensagen, fur AX freunde des classischen alterthums iibersichtlich zusammengestellt. G3i Leipzig, 1882. F. 12+1 19 p. ill. Gerlach, Heinrich. Kleine chronik von Freiberg als fiihrer durch Sachsens berg- AC hauptstadt und beitrag zur heimathkunde. Freiberg, no date. F88 O. 12+116 p. ill. (In Freiberger alterthumsverein. Mitthei- lungen. 1875. v. 12.) Gerlach, Heinrich, editor. AC See Freiberger alterthumsverein. Mittheilungen. 1862-86. F88 Gerlach, Martin, editor. Allegorien und embleme; originalentwiirfe von den hervorra- AK gendsten modernen kunstlern, sowie nachbildungen alter zunft- 6311 zeichen und moderne entwiirfe von zunftwappen im charakter der renaissance ; erlauternder text von A. Ilg. Wien, 1882. F. 5 2 v. 353 pi. Contents: v. i. Allegorien. v. 2. Embleme und zunftwappen. Das gewerbe-monogramm. 2. aufl. AK Wien [pref. 1881]. F. 5 10 p. no pi. G3i Title-page and text in German, French and English. Gerli, Agostino. Elementi di nuova modificazione dell ordine dorico. AA Milano, 1820. F. 5 14 p. 12 pi. G3i Germain, Michel. 1645-94. Le monasticon gallicanum ; collection . . . de vues topographiques AH44 des monasteres benedictins de la congregation de Saint-Maur ... Ai6 reproduit par . . . Peigne-Delacourt et precede d une preface par Delisle. Paris, 1882. Sq. F. 5o+[i] + i6 p. 169 pi. Germain, Pierre. 1716-83. Elements d orfevrerie. AM4 Francfort sur Mein, no date. Q. 2 v. 100 pi. G$i Reproduction of the Paris edition of 1748. German artistical handicraft in Chicago. 1893. See Bayerische kunstgewerbe-verein, publisher. Das Deutsche AN6 kunstgewerbe. 1893. 6342 382 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Germer=Durand, Eug[ene]. 1812-1880. Decouvertes archeologiques faites a Nimes et dans le Gard pen- AR44 dant . . . 1872 . . . Nimes, 1876. O. 139 p. ill. 2 pi. N6i3 Autograph letter of the author inserted. Germond de Lavigne, [Leopold] Aflfred Gabriel]. 1812-. Itineraire descriptif, historique et artistique de 1 Espagne et du Portugal. . . . Paris [1861]. D. 28 + 819 p. 8 maps. (Collection des guides; A. L. Joanne, ed.) Map in pocket at end of book. Gerson, Jehan [Charlier]. 1363-1429. AH La dance macabre composee 1425. Paris, 1875. Q. 23 p. ill. D87 r Gerspach, [Edouard], 1833-. L art de la verrerie . . . Nouv. ed. Paris [1885]. O. 320 p. ill. AN3 (Bibliotheque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts, publiee . . . J. 032 Comte.) Etudes sur la manufacture nationale des Gobelins. (In Revue AB des arts decoratifs. v. 8 and 9. ill. 3 pi.) R32 La manufacture nationale de Beauvais. (In Revue des arts deco- AB ratifs. v. i, p. 513-521; v. 2, p. 37-47. ill. I pi.) R32 La manufacture nationale des Gobelins. AM8 Paris, 1892. O. 271 p. ill. 632 La mosaique. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 2, p. 245-261. ill.) AB R32 La mosaique . . . Nouv. ed. Paris, no date. O. 271 p. ill. AJ2 (Bibliotheque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. G32 Comte.) Notes sur le musee et les collections de la manufacture nationale AB des Gobelins. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 9, p. 269-278. R32 2 pi.) Les tapisseries coptes. Paris, 1890. Q. 8 p. 98 pi. AN 632 Die gesammte hochbaukunst in lehr- und handbtichern. AI Halle, 1873. O. ill. G2g Vol. 4. Georg, W., and Wanderley, G. Der metallbau. 1873. Geschichte der deutschenkunst. AH43 Berlin, 1887. Q. ill. pi. AI Vol. i. Dohme, Robert. 1845-93. Geschichte der deutschen baukunst. 1887. Geschichte der Rathhauskapelle zu St. Salvator in Wien. AH436 1 86 1. V692 See [Weiss, Karl. 1826-]. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 383 Qeschichte des Deutschen archaologischen instituts, AC 1829-79. D48i See [Michalis, A. T. F. 1835-]. Geschichtskalender des hochstiftes und des miinsters AH43 von Strassburg. 1891. St8i2 See [Straub, A.]. Gesellschaft fiir bildende kunst und vaterlandische alterthumer. See Emden (Ger.) Gesellschaft fiir bildende kunst und vater= landische alterthiimer. Qesellschaft fiir Frankfurts geschichte und kunst. See Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde. Qesellschaft fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde der Russischen Ostseeprovinzen, editor. AH4; See Neumann, Wilhelm. Das mittelalterliche Riga. 1892. R44 Gessert, M. A. Art of painting on glass; or, Glass staining . . . with descriptions A A of the furnaces and apparatus required for the various operations, Q2 translated from the German by W. Pole. (In Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v. I. 34 p.) Geschichte der glasmalerei in Deutschland und den Niederlanden, AM/ Frankreich, England, der Schweiz, Italien und Spanien, von ihrem 633 ursprung bis auf die neueste zeit. Stuttgart, 1839. O. 6+[i] + 3i2p. Gestoso y Perez, Jose. Sevilla monumental y artistica; historia y descripcion de todes los AH46 edificios notables . . . que existen ... en esta ciudad . . . Se8 Sevilla, 1889. Nar. Q. 2 v. 22 pi. Getty, Edmund. Notices of Chinese seals found in Ireland. AWi Dublin, 1850. Sq. O. 40 p. 19 pi. G33 Read before the Belfast (Ireland) Literary society, 6 th May, 1850. Geudens, Ed. L hopital St.-Julien et les asiles de nuit a Anvers depuis le I4 e AH493 siecle jusqu a nos jours. Anvers, 1887. Nar. Q. 221 p. 5 pi. An82 Geul, Albert. Das aussere der wohngebaude mit besonderer rucksicht auf das AE2 stadtische wohn- und miethhaus ; zugleich 2. band der "Anlage G33 der wohngebaude" . . . Stuttgart, 1874. Q. 4+[i]+4O p. 100 pi. 384 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Qewerbehalle ; organ fur den forschritt in alien zweigen der kunstindustrie. AB Stuttgart, 1863-90. ill. F. and F. 4 v. 1-28 in 14. 633 Ed. by W. Baumer and J. Schnorr. Beilagen. 1863-76. F. 7 2 v. pi. AB G33 Geymiiller, Heinrich von, baron. 1839-. Documents inedits sur les thermes d Agrippa, le Pantheon et les AO4 thermes de Dioclctien. $451 Lausanne, 1883. Sq. F. 4 4i + [i] p. ill. 4 pi. Les Du Cerceau, leur vie et leur ceuvre, d apres de nouvelles AW recherches. Paris, 1887. F. 10+348 p. ill. 4 pi. (Bibliotheque D85 Internationale de 1 art; publiee . . . d E. Miintz. 500 copies printed. Notizen fiber die entwiirfe zu St. Peter in Rom, aus bis jetzt un- AH45 bekannten quellen. Carlsruhe, 1868. Nar. Q. 34 p. R8i5 Raffaello Sanzio studiato come architetto, con 1 aiuto di nuovi AW documenti . . . Milano, 1884. F. 5 7+m + [i]p. ill. 9 pi. Ri8 No. 246 of 300 copies printed. The school of Bramante. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. v. 7, p. 93-142.) R8i Trois albums de dessins de fra Giocondo. (In Melanges d archeo- AB logic et d histoire. 1891, p. 133-158.) IVLj-S Die urspriinglichen entwiirfe fur Sanct Peter in Rom von Bra- AH45 mante, Raphael Santi, Fra Giocondo, den Sangallo s . . . nebst R664 zahlreichen erganzungen und einem texte . . . Wien, 1875. F. 4 [3]+7+38o p. ill. 6 pi. and Atlas, F. 7 [8] p. 55 pl- Text in German and French. Geymiiller, Heinrich von, baron, 1839- editor. See Giocondo, Giovanni. I435(?)-I5I5(?) Cento disegni di archi- AL2 tettura. 1882. 643 Geyser, G. W. See Puttrich, Ludwig. Denkmale der baukunst des mittelalters ArLy in Sachsen, unter mitwirkung von G. W. Geyser dem jiingern. Sa9 1836-50. Gheltof, Giuseppe Marino Urbani de. See Urbani de Gheltof, Giuseppe Marino. Ghiberti, Lorenzo. 1378-1455. Gates of the baptistery of St. John in Florence, engraved by AH45 Ferdinand Gregory and Thomas Patch. F663 Florence, 1774. Sq. F. 5 [2] p. 33 pl. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 385 The Ghiberti gates. 1879. AH45 See Shedd, Mrs. J. A. (C.). 1834-. F668 Giacomelli, Hector, 1822- illustrator. AK See Coppee, F. 6. J., called Francois. 1842-. Les mois. [1877.] C79 Giacomo, Maria, 1667-1717, illustrator. See Carracci, Lodovico. 1555-1619. II clatistro di S. Michele in AH45 Bosco di Bologna. 1694. B65 Gianni, Constantino, illustrator. See Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. Li cinque ordini AA di architettura. 1849. 689 Giannini, Sebastiano, editor. See Boromino, Francesco. 1599-1667. Opus architectonicum. AH45 1725- R;<H Giardina, Gaetano. Le antiche porte della citta di Palermo non piu esistenti . . . AH45 Palermo, 1732. O. 16+175 p. 5 pi. Pi/i Giardini, Giovanni. AK Disegni diversi . . . Roma, 1714. F. 4 2 v. in I. 100 pi. 034 Giarrizzo, M[ichel Angelo]. Lo studio del disegno di ornato e dell architettura elementare AA nclle Universita del regno . . . Palermo, 1886. O. 41 p. 034 Gibb, William. The royal house of Stuart, illustrated by ... plates . . . drawn AW from relics of the Stuarts, with an introduction by J. Skelton and St9 . . . notes by W. H. St. John Hope. London, 1890. F. 6 [3] +40 +[90] p. 40 pi. Gibbon, Charles. Dedications of the churches now existing in the rapes of Chi- AC Chester, Arundel, and Bramber, in the county of Sussex . . . (In Su8 Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 12, p. 61 ill.) Gibbs, Henry Mucks. 1820- The late A. J. B. Beresford-Hope. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 51-61.) R8i Gibbs, James. 1682-1754. Bibliotheca Radcliviana; or, A short description of the Radcliffe AH42 library at Oxford . . . London, 1747. F. 5 12 p. 2 por. 21 pi. Ox2i Book of architecture, containing designs of buildings and orna- AL2 ments. London, 1728. F. 6 [4] + 2 8 p. 150 pi. 635 Rules for drawing the several parts of architecture ... 3 d ed. AL2 London, 1753. F. 5 6+ [4] +28 p. 64 p. 6351 25 386 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Qibbs, John. Domestic architecture and ornament in detail; being a series of A A designs for windows, doorways . . . capitals . . . mouldings . . . 035 chimney-shafts . . . and sundry ornaments . . . Oxford, 1868. F. 6 8 p. 21 pi. English Gothic architecture; or, Suggestions relative to the AK designing of domestic buildings, ornaments, churchyard memo- 635 rials, chimney pieces and alphabets. Manchester, 1855. F. 4 13 p. 20 pi. Series of designs for Gothic monuments, churchyard crosses, AE8 sepulchral slabs and head crosses ... G35 London, 1852. F. 12 p. 12 pi. Gibbs, Roscoe. Delineation of the Courtenay mantelpiece in the episcopal palace AH42 at Exeter, with a biographical notice of Rev. Peter Courtenay . . . Ex33 to which is added a description of the Courtenay mantelpiece, compiled by M. Halliday. Noplace, 1884. F. [3]+34P- ill- 3 pi- Gibelli, Alberto. Memorie storiche ed artistiche dell 1 antichissima chiesa abbaziale AH45 dei SS. Andrea e Gregorio al clivo di scavro svl Monte Celio. R?3i Roma, 1888. O. [3] + i92 + [i] p. I por. 22 pi. Gibert, [L. M.] Honore. See Aix (France) musee. Le musee d Aix, Bouches-du-Rhone; A02 premiere partie comprenant les monuments archeologiques, les Ai9 sculptures et les objets de curiosite, par H. Gibert. 1882. Gibson, John. 1790-1866. Engravings from original compositions executed in marble at A08 Rome... London, 1858. F. 6 76 pi. 635 Gibson, Rev. William. Observations on the remains of a stone cross, or pillar, at Hemsby, AB in ... Norfolk ... (In Archaeologia. v. 14, p. 20-54. l pi-) -A- 1 " 2 [Gidde, Walter. 1 7th cent] Booke of sundry draughtes, principaly serving for glasiers, and AN3 not impertinent for plasterers and gardeners, besides sundry other G38 professions; [edited] by H. Shaw. [Anon.] London, 1848. O. [5] p. 117 pi. Giefers, Wilhelm Engelbert. Der dom zu Paderborn ; vortrag gehalten im Wissenschaftlichen AH43 vereine zu Paderborn. Soest, 1860. D. 53 p. Zi Giesenberg, E., Lucae, Richard, 1829-1877, and Becker, J. A. Das opernhaus zu Frankfurt a/M. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. AB v. 33, p. 1-12, 133-154. 13 pl.) Z 3* COLUMBIA COLLEGE 387 Gigault La Salle, Achille Etienne de. 1772-1855. See La Salle, Achille Etienne Gigault de. 1772-1855. Gilbers, Georg, publisher. See Egenolff, Christian. 1502-55. Modelbuch aller art nehe- AN wercks und stickens. 1880. Eg2 Gilbert, A[ntoine] P[ierre] M[arie]. 1785-1858. Description historique de 1 eglise cathedrale de Notre Dame AH44 d Amiens . . . Amiens, 1833. O. i2+378+[2] p. 5 pi. Am5 Gilbert, Louis. 1799-. La marbrerie . . . representant des travaux de marbrerie, monu- AI ments funeraires, cheminees, autels, fonts baptismaux ... 037 Paris, 1866. F. 120 pi. Gilde de Saint Thomas et de Saint Luc. AC Bulletin des seances. Bruges, 1864. ill. Q. v. I 6. 038 Contents: . i. [Miscellaneous.] . 2. Flandre maritime, Hesbaye. . 3. Limbourg, Gand, Lie"ge. . 4. Nivelles, Saint-Omer, Audenarde. . 5. Louvain, Londres, Lierre. . 6. Treves, Dinant, Reims. Het gildeboek ; tijdschrift voor kerkelijke kunst en oud- AB heidkunde. Utrecht, 1873-81. ill. Q. 3 v. in I. G}8 Edited by Utrecht (Holland) St. Bernulphus-gilde. Giles, J[ohn] Afllen]. 1808-84. History of the parish and town of Bampton . . . 2d ed. enlarged. AR42 Bampton, 1848. O. 178+14 p. 8 pi. W78 History of Witney, with notices of the neighbouring parishes and AR42 hamlets . . . London, 1852. O. 107+60 p. 9 pi. W78 Gildemeister, Karl, 1820-69, and Carstensen, G. J. B., 1812-57. New York Crystal Palace ; illustrated description of the building. AH73 1854. N48 Gilij, Filippo [Luigi]. 1756-1821. Architettura della basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano . . . expressa AH45 in 32 tavole da M. Ferraboschi . . . 33. ed. R75 Roma, 1812. F. G i6+[i] p. 32 pi. i tab. Gill, Edward H., Strickland, William, 1787-1854, and Campbell, H. R., editors. AH73 Public works of the United States of America. 1841. Ai7 Gill, Thomas. Vallis Eboracensis, comprising the history and antiquities of AH42 Easingvvold and its neighbourhood. Ea7i London, 1852. O. 456 p. ill. 15 pi. 388 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gilles, Pierre. 1490-1555. Antiquities of Constantinople . . . translated ... by John Ball . . . London, 1729. O. [i8] + 295 + [;i] p. 12 pi. Qillet, J., abbe. La chartreuse du Mont-Dieu au diocese de Reims, avec pieces AH44 justificatives inedites. Reims, 1889. O. 13+659 p. 18 pi. M/64 Qillmore, Q[uincy] A[dams]. 1825-. A practical treatise on coignet-beton and other artificial stone. AI New- York, 1871. O. [3J + IO7 p. 9 pi. (U. S. Engineer Dept. 6411 Profess, papers, no. 19.) Report on the compressive strength, specific gravity and ratio of AI absorption of the building stones in the United States. 041 New York, 1876. O. 37 p. ill. 2 pi. Gilly, D[avid Friedrich]. i745(?)-i8o8. Handbuch der land-bau-kunst, vorziiglich in riicksicht auf die AE2 construction der wohn- und wirthschafts-gebaude . . . Neue aufl. 041 Berlin, 1798. Q. 2 v. Uber erfindung, construction und vortheile der bohlen-dacher . . . AB Berlin, 1797. Q. 77 p. 8 pi. Sa4 Qinesi, Antonio. Nuovo corso d architettura civile, dedotta dai migliori monument! AA greci, romani e italiani del cinquecento . . . 043 Firenze, 1827. F. 4 93 p. 42 pi. Qiocondo, Giovanni. i435(?)-i5is(?)- Cento disegni di architettura, d ornato e di figure, riconosciuti e AL2 descritti da E. barone di Geymiiller. Firenze, 1882. O. 57 P- ^43 No. 364 of 500 copies printed. Has also half-title Nozze Geymiiller-Sere nyi. Giocondo, Giovanni, i435(?)-i5i5(?), editor. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. M. Vitruvius per Jocundum solito AA castigatior factus. 1511. V85I [Giordani, Gaetano.] Cenni descrittivi sopra arazzi coloriti per tappezzeria a figure in AM8 grandezza al vero, con argomenti tratti dalla Iliade di Omero, Z posseduti dal Signer Giuseppe Insom . . . [Anon.] Bologna, 1867. O. 12 p. Giornale ligustico di archeologia, storia e belle arti; anno AC 1-18. Geneva, 1874-91. O. v. 1-18 in 17 v. ill. pi. G43 Edited by L. T. Belgrano and A. Neri. Giovio, Paolo, bp. 1483-1552. Le sententiose imprese di Giovio et . . . G. Symeoni. AX Lyone, 1562. O. 134 p. ill. G 43 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 389 Giraldi, Giglio Gregorio. 1479-1552. Opera omnia duobus tomis distincta . . . quae omnia partim tabu- AP lis aeneis et nummis, partim commentario J. Faes et animad- 644 versionibus . . . ineditis P. Colomcsi, nee non indicibus emenda- tioribus ac locupletioribus illustrata exhibet J. Jensius. Lugduni Batavorum, 1696. F. 4 2 v. in I. 10 pi. [Girardin, Louis Stanislas Cecile Xavier, comte de. 1762-1827.] Promenade ou itincraire des jardins d Ermenonville . . . [avec] AH44 vues dessinees . . . par Merigot. [Anon.] C$6 Paris, 1788. O. 68 p. 25 pi. 2 pages music. Girardot, A[uguste] T[heodore], baron de. 1815- Description des sculptures du portail de la cathedral de Bourges AC avant leur restauration. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. 803 Memoires. 1878. v. 7, p. 249-272.) Girardot, Auguste Theodore, baron de, 1815- and Lassus, J. B. A., 1807-57. Les anciens autels: Sanctuaire d une cathedrale au 132 siecle. (In AB Annales archeologiques. v. 9, p. 86-98. ill.) An7 Giraud, Byng. Stable building and stable fitting; a handbook for the use of AE2 architects, builders and horse owners. 44 London, 1891. D. 16+103 p. ill. 56 pi. Giraud, J[ean] B[aptiste]. 1844-. Les industries d art a Lyon; meubles, decoration, tentures, den- telles, soieries, etc. Lyon, 1890. Nar. Q. 14 p. 50 pi. See Union centrale des beaux-arts Exposition. 1882. Les arts du metal; recueil descriptif . . . des principaux objets . . . Giraud, Jean Baptiste, 1844-, editor. See Lyons (France) Exposition retrospective. 1877. Recueil AO4 descriptif et raisonne des principaux objets d art. 1878. L99 Giraudet, Eugene. 1827-. Nouveaux documents sur les Courtnoys, peintres emailleurs de AB Limoges. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 44, p. 358-370; v. 46, 687 p. 489-509. facsim.) Girault de Prangey, . Choix d ornements moresques de 1 Alhambra; ouvrage faisant AH46 suite a 1 atlas: Monuments arabes et moresques de Cordoue, 076 Seville et Grenade. Paris [1842]. F. 5 30 pi. Monuments arabes et moresques de Cordoue, Seville et Grenade, AH46 dessines et mesures en 1832 et 1833. A6 [Paris, 1836-39.] F. 6 Unpaged. 44 pi. 25* 390 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Girault de Saint-Fargeau, [Pierre Augustin Eu= sebe]. 1799-1855. Aper$u statistique de la France. 2e ed. augmentee. AH44 Paris, 1836. O. 135 pi. A$6 Guide pittoresque du voyageur en France . . . [Anon.] AH44 Paris, 1838. O. 6 v. 60 por. 697 pi. 84 maps. A$6 Gironi, Robustiano. 1769-1838. See Bisi, Michele. 1788-. Pinacoteca del palazzo reale delle AH45 scienze e delle arti di Milano, col testo di R. Gironi. 1812. ^595 Giry, Jean Marie Arthur Joseph, 1849- editor. See Quicherat, J. E. J. 1814-82. Melanges d archeologie et AP d histoire. 1885. Q4 Gisors, [Henri] Alphonse [Guy] de. 1796-1866. Le palais du Luxembourg . . . origine et description . . . princi- AH44 paux evenements . . . depuis . . . 1615-45 . . . P284 Paris, 1847. Nar. Q- *94 P- 1 9 pi- Giulio Romano. See Pippi, Giulio, called Giulio Romano. 1492-1546. Giusti, P[ietro], Sulle industrie ornamentali in Italia pensieri. Torino, 1867. D. 41 p. Giustiniani, Bernardo, cavaliere. 1408-89. Historic cronologiche dell origine degl ordini militari e di tutte AWi le religioni cavalleresche . . . Venezia, 1692. F. 2 v. ill. I por. G44 Giustiniani, Vincenzo. A08 Galleria Giustiniana. [Roma, 1631.] F. 5 2 v. 5 por. 316 pi. G44 Givelet, Ch[arles]. 1822-. Saint- Andre de Reims; histoire et description. AH44 Reims, 1866. O. u8p. 3 pi. R28 Gladbach, E[rnst G.]. Charakteristische holzbauten der Schvveiz vom 16. bis 19. jahr- AH494 hundert, nebst deren inneren aussfattung nach der natur aufge- A8 nommen. Berlin [1889]. F. 5 22 p. ill. 32 pi. Die holz-architectur der Schweiz. 2. aufl. AH494 Zurich, 1885. Nar. Q. [3] + ii8p. ill. A3 Der schweizer holzstyl in seinen cantonalen und constructiven AH494 verschiedenheiten vergleichend dargestellt mit holzbauten A2 Deutschlands. Zurich, 1882. F. 5 Ser. i. [6]+3O p. ill. 38 pi. Gladbach, Ernst G., continuer. See Moller, Georg. 1784-1852. Denkmaler der deutschen bau- AH43 kunst. v. 3. A9 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 391 Gladstone, William Henry, 1840- editor. See Qlynne, Sir S. R., bart. 1807-74. Notes on the churches of AH42 Kent. 1877. Qlaisher, James. 1809-. On the crystals of snow as applied to the purposes of design. (In AK Art-studies from nature. 1872. p. 133-175.) Ar7 Glaister, Elizabeth. AN Needlework. . . London, 1880. D. 11 + 124 p. ill. 045 Glanville, L[eonce] de. Rapport sur un court voyage en Espagne. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental. ^35,^518-563,738-778.) 687 Glaser, Ernst, 1829- compiler. Biographic nationalc des contemporains, redigee par une Societe AW de gens de lettres. Paris, 1878. Nar. Q. 4+834 p. 046 Glen, W[illiam] Cunningham, and Glen, R. C., editors. Metropolitan building acts, 1855-82, with appendices . . . notes, AI cases and index. London, 1883. D. 23 + 287+ [91] p. 048 Gli ornati del coro della chiesa di S. Pietro dei Monaci AH45 cassinesi di Perugia, intagliati in legno da S. da Bergamo sopra i P45 disegni di Rafifaelle Santi da Urbino . . . Roma, 1845. F. 6 10+7 p. 50 pi. Gliddon, George R[obins]. 1809-57. Otia vEgyptiaca; discourses on Egyptian archaeology and AR62 hieroglyphical discoveries . . . A28 London, 1849. O. 7+ 148+ [2] p. ill. Glossas marginales ad Musei Passerii lucernas collectse a. AJ 1739. P26i See Montani, C. F. -1754. Gloucester and Gloucestershire antiquities; a catalogue of AP the museum formed at Gloucester. Z See Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Glover, Stephen, -1869, and Bateman, Thomas, 1821-61. AR42 Vestiges of the antiquities of Derbyshire. 1848. 044 Gliickselig, [August Maria] Legis. 1809-70. Der Prager dom zu St. Veit, geschichtlich und kunstarchaologisch AH436 dargestellt. Prag, 1855. Q. 8+iO7+[i] p. i por. 13 pi. P88i 392 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gliicq, - . See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1878. L album de AC>4 1 Exposition par Gliicq. [1879.] ?2i Glynne, Sir Stephen R[ichard], bart. 1807-74. Notes on the churches of Kent, [ed. by W. H. Gladstone]. AH42 London, 1877. O. i4+[i] + 35i p. ill. K4i Gmelin, Leopold, architect. Alte handzeichnungen nach dem verlorenen kirchenschatz der AH43 St. Michaels-hotkirche zu Miinchen . . . Mg26 Miinchen, 1888. F. 5 19 p. ill. 30 pi. See Albert, Joseph. 1825-86. Details, wanddekorationen, ANi mobel . . . gesichtet und mit . . . text versehen von L. Gmelin. Ah See Italienisches skizzenbuch. 1879. AB It 9 Gmelin, Leopold, architect, editor. See Bayerische kunstgewerbe~verein, pub. Das Deutsche kunst- AN6 gewerbe. 1893. 6342 Gmiind, Peter Parler von. 1333-98. See Parler, Peter. 1333-98. Gmiind (Ger.) Gewerbe= museum, editor. See Biermann, A. Sammlung vorzuglicher alterer goldschmied- AM4 sarbeiten. B472 Gnauth, Gustav Adolf, 1840- editor. AB See Das kunsthandwerk. 1874-76. K96i Gnoli, Domenico, editor. AB See Archivio storico dell arte. 1889-93. A f 33 Gnuschke, H. Die theorie der gewolbten bogen mit besonderer riicksicht auf A I den versteifenden einfluss der iibermauerung und iiberschuttung. G53 Berlin, 1892. F. 4 17 p. ill. From Zeitschrift ftlr bauwesen. 1892. v. 42. Gobineau, Esprit, sieur de Montluisant. fl. 17^ cent. Notre-Dame de Paris. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 21, AB p. 137-147, 210-221.) An7 Goblet d Alviella, [Eugene], comte. 1846-. La migration des symboles. Paris, 1891. O. 343 + [i] p. ill. AX 5 pl. G53 Godard=Saint=Jean, Leon Nicolas, abbe. 1825-63. Essai sur le symbolisme architectural des eglises. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 13, p. 321-361, 401-422.) 687 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 393 Godeau, [Antoine], bp. 1605-72. Scripture penitents ; or, The great efficacy of repentance . . . tr. AX ... by Samber . . . London, 1720. D. 2 v. in I. 22 pi. 654 Godi, Antonio Piovene Porto. See Piovene Porto Godi, Antonio. God in, Vierset=, . See Vierset-Qodin, . Coding, John, editor. AH42 See Norman s History of Cheltenham. 1863. C4I5 Godon, [Jean Joseph] Julien. 1839-. Painted tapestry and its application to interior decoration ; prac- AM8 tical lessons in tapestry painting with liquid colour, translated by G54 B. Bucknall. London, 1879. Q. 18+89 p. ill- 6 pi. Godwin, George. 1815-88. Prize essay upon the nature and properties of concrete . . . (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1835-36. R8i v. i, pt. i, p. 3-37.) Godwin, George, 1815-88, editor. AB See Builder ; an illustrated weekly magazine. 1844-82. v. 2-43. B86 Godwin, George, 1815-88, and Britton, John, 1771-1857. Churches of London, a history and description of the ecclesias- AH42 tical edifices of the metropolis, with biographical anecdotes . . . L86 London, 1839. O- 2 v - ill- 59 pi- Goeler von Ravensburg, Friedrich, freiherr. 1854-. See Goler von Ravensburg, Friedrich, freiherr. 1854-. Goetghebuer, P[ierre] J[acques]. 1788-1866. Choix des monumens, edifices et maisons les plus remarquables AH49; . . . des Pays-Bas. Gand, 1827. F. 6 [i8]+8i+7 p. 120 pi. Ai5 Goforth, W[illiam] Davenport, and McAuley, W. J. Old colonial architectural details in and around Philadelphia; 50 AH73 plates of scaled and measured drawings. P53 New York, c. 1890. Sq. F. 4 [4] p. 50 pi. Goguet, Antoine Yves, 1716-58, and Fugere, A. C. Arts et metiers. (In Peigne-Delacourt, Achille, comp. Tech- AX nologie archeologiquc. 1873. p. 1-152.) P35 Golbery, [Marie Philippe Aime] de. 1786-1854. Antiquites de 1 Alsace ; ou, Chateaux, eglises et autrcs monumens AH44 des departemens du Haut- et du Bas-Rhin. A 173 Mulhouse, 1828. F. 2 v. in i. 88 pi. Contents : v. i. Haut-Rhin. v. 2. Bas-Rbin par J. G. Schweighauser. 394 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Golden Fleece, Order of the. Ein statuenbuch des ordens vom Goldenen vliesse, vom Theodor AB Frimmel und Joseph Klemme. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthisto- JIQI rischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 5, pt. i, p. 263-338.) Das goldene ehrenbuch der gewerbe und ziinfte . . . mit AN4 62 abbildung nach zeichnungen C. Heideloffs. 056 Nurnberg, 1834. Sq. Tt. Unpaged. 63 pi. Goldicutt, John. 1793-1842. Specimens of ancient decorations from Pompeii. AR45 London, 1825. Q. 2 p. 19 pi. P//; Goldmann, Nicolaus. 1623-65. Abhandlung von den beyzierden der architectur, welche durch AA mahleren und bildhaueren zuwege gebracht werden . . . hrsg. von Stpi L. C. Sturm. Augspurg, 1720. F. 18 p. ill. 5 pi. Vollstandige anweisung zu der civil-bau-kunst . . . vcrmehret AA von L. C. Sturm. Leipzig, 1708. F. 5 [22] + 179 p. 73 pi- 056- Voluta lonica Vitruvii hactenus amissa, restituta. (In Vitruvius AA Pollio, Marcus. Architectura. 1825-30. v. I, pt. I, p. 259-273.) V848 Goldschmidt, S. Catalogue des^ tableaux modernes . . . composant . . . [sa] collec- A06 tion et dont la vente aura lieu ... 17 mai, 1888 . . . 057 [Paris] 1888. F. 57 p. 20 pi. Catalogue des tableaux modernes et des objets d art composant . . . A06 [sa] collection et dont la vente aura lieu . . . 17-19 mai, 1888 . . . G$7 Paris, 1888. F. 47 p. 12 pi. Goler von Ravensburg, Friedrich, freiherr. 1854-. Die geschichte des Kolner domes, zur erinnerung an den 15. Oct. AH43 1880. Heidelberg, 1880. O. 42 p. C7I7 Die Venus von Milo: cine kunstgeschichtliche monographic. A08 Heidelberg, 1879. O. 8+200 p. 4 pi. 058 Golini, Domenico. See Conestabile, Q. C., conte. Pitture murali a fresco e suppellettili AR45 etrusche in bronzo e in terra cotta scoperte in una necropoli Et79 presso Orvieto ncl 1863 da D. Golini. 1865. G611, Hermann. Kulturbilder aus Hellas und Rom. 3 ... aufl. AR495 Leipzig, 1880. O. 2 v. A9 Goller, Adolf. Die entstehung der architektonischen stilformen; eine geschichte AF der baukunst nach dem werden und wandern der formgedanken. G58 Stuttgart, 1888. O. 10+468 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 395 Goller, Adolf. Gesimse. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. 2. bd. AA hft. 2, p. 105-366. ill. i pi. 39 paged pi.) Hi9 Zur asthetik der architektur; vortrage und studien. A A Stuttgart, 1887. O. 5 + [i]+i;8p. Goltzius, Hubert. 1526-83. Graeciae ejusque insularum et Asiae Minoris nomismata, L. Nonni AMi commentario illustrata. G58 Antwerpiae, 1644. F. 4 [25]+326+[i4] p. 19 pi. Gpmart, Charles. 1805-85. Etude sur 1 eglise et la crypte de Notre-Dame cle Ham. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 8, p. 277-300. ill. I pi.) ^324 Notice sur 1 eglise de Saint-Quentin. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 36, p. 201-240. ill.) B87 Notice sur 1 origine du chateau de Ham. (In Bulletin monumen- AB tal. v. 19, p. 103-123. ill. i plan.) B87 La tour du Connetable au chateau de Ham. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 27, p. 317-338. ill.) 687 Qomme, George Laurence, 1853- editor. See Camden library. 1893. See Gentleman s magazine library, being a classified collection of AB the chief contents of the Gentleman s magazine from 1731 to G28 1868. 1886. Goncourt, Edmond [Louis Antoine Huot] de. 1822-. AE2 La maison d un artiste. Paris, 1881. D. 2 v. G$8 Account of Goncourt s house and his collection. Gonnelli, Giuseppe. Monumenti sepolcrali della Toscana, disegnati da Vincenzo AE8 Gozzini e incisi da Giovan Paolo Lasinio ... G58 Firenze, 1819. F. 4 [6] + 1 06 p. 48 pi. Monuments sepulcraux de la Toscane, dessines par V. Gozzini et AE8 graves par J. Scotto. Nouv. ed. augm. . . . [Anon.] G58i Florence, 1821. F. f_4] + i48+[3] p. 73 pi. Gonse, Louis. 1846-. L art gothique; 1 architecture, la peinture, la sculpture, le decor. AO Paris, no date. F. 5 4+476 p. ill. 28 pi. Gs8 L art japonais. Paris, 1883. F. 4 2 v. ill. 64 pi. AO 1400 copies printed; no. 871, printed on vellum paper. 396 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gonse, Louis. 1846-. Catalogue de 1 Exposition retrospective de 1 art japonais. AO Paris, 1883. O. 495 p. ill. 0582 Eugene Fromentin, peintre et ecrevain ; ouvrage augmente d Un AW voyage en Egypte et d autres notes et morceaux inedits de Fro- FQ2 mentin. Paris, 1 88 1. Q. 363 p. ill. I por. 15 pi. 15 paged pi. Gonse, Louis, 1846-, editor. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Les beaux- AO4 arts et les arts decoratifs. P2I3 Gonse, Louis, 1846-, Du Sartel, Octave, 1823-, and Karabacek, Josef, 1845-. Sammlung von abbildungen keramischer objecte aus dem nahen AN2 und fernen Oriente. 1885. Sa7 Gonzati, Bernardo. La basilica di S. Antonio di Padova descritta ed illustrata. Padova, 1852-53. F. 4 2 v. 46 pi. 5 facsim. Good, George. Liberton in ancient and modern times, with introduction by Rev. AH4I W. H. Gray. L6i Edinburgh, 1893. Nar. Q. 20+185 p. ill. 7 pi. 2 facsim. map. Goodwin, Francis. 1784-1835. Cottage architecture ... a supplement to ... [his] . . . Rural AE2 architecture... London, 1835. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 16 pi. 663 Domestic architecture ... a series of designs for mansions, villas AE2 ... in the Grecian, Italian and old English styles of architec- G63 ture . . . 2<3 ed. London, 1843. Sq. F. 4 2 v. ill. 83 pi. Rural architecture; first series of designs for rustic, peasants and AE2 ornamental cottages, lodges and villas. 1835. See, above, G63 Domestic architecture. 1843. v. I. The Rural architecture was reissued in 1843 with the title Domestic architecture, v. i. Gordon, Alexander, i692(?)-i754(?), translator. See Maffei, F. S. marchese di. 1675-1755. Compleat history of AE4 the ancient amphitheatres. 1730. M26 Gordon, James, pastor of Rothiemay. i6i5(?)-86. Aberdoniae utriusque descriptio: a description of both touns of AH4I Aberdeen: with a selection of the charters of the burgh, [edited Ab3i by C. I., i. e. Cosmo Innes]. Edinburgh, 1842. Q. 28+95 P- 4 pi. map. (Spalding club. Publications, v. 4.) Gordon, Thomas. 1788-1841. Description of ancient coins from . . . [his] cabinet. AMi [London, i835(?).] Nar. Q. [16] p. 14 pi. G65 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 397 Gorgier, [James Alexandra], comte de Pourtales=. 1778-1855- See Pourtales-Gorgier, [James Alexandra], comte de. 1778-1855. Gorgolewski, J. Les arts decoratifs chez les Polonais. (In Revue des arts decora- AB tifs. v. i, p. 146-156, 177-184.) R32 Gorham, Rev. George Cornelius. 1787-1857. History and antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot s, in Hunting- AR42 denshire ; and of St. Neot s in the county of Cornwall . . . Ey5 London, 1824. O. 2 v. in I. ill. 10 pi. I facsim. Gori, Antonio Francesco. 1691-1757. AX Dactyliotheca Smithiana. Venetiis, 1767. F. 4 2 v. ill. 101 pi. G6j Contents : v. i. Gemmarum ectypa et enarrationes complectens. v. 2. Historiam glyptographicam exhibens. Monumentum sive columbarium libertorum et servorum Liviae AE8 Augustae et Caesarum Romae detectum in Via Appia . . . 1726 G67 . . . adjectis notis ... A. M. Salvinii. Florentiae, 1727. F. 36+254+^] p. ill. 26 pi. Musei Guarnaccii antiqua monumenta Etrusca eruta e Volaterranis AO hypogaeis, nunc primum in lucem edita et illustrata observation- G67 ibus. Florentiae, 1744. F. 4 [6] + 80 p. 40 pi. Museum Etruscum, exhibens insignia veterum Etruscorum monu- AR45 menta . . . Florentiae, 1737-43. F. 4 3 v. ill. i por. 301 pi. Et75 Museum Florentinum exhibens insigniora vetustatis monumenta AO8 quae Florentiae sunt. Florentiae, 1734. F. 5 v. 3. pi. G67 Vol. 3. GORI, A. F. Statuae antiquae deorum et virorum. 1734. Statuae antiquae deorum et virorum illustrium . . . quae exstant in AO8 thesauro Mediceo, cum observationibus. Florentiae, 1734. F. 5 G67 35 + mp. loopl. (Gori, A. F. Museum Florentinum. 1734. v. 3.) Gori, Antonio Francesco, 1691-1757, compiler. See Cortona (Italy) Accademia Etrusca Museo. Museum Cor- AO2 tonense. 1750. C8i2 Gori, Fabio. 1833-. Le memorie storiche i giuochi e gli scavi dell anfiteatro Flavio AH45 ed i pretesi martiri cristiani del Colosseo. R722 Roma, 1875. D. i45 + [i] p. Gori, Fabio, 1833-, and Parker, J. H., 1806-84. The antient streets of Rome and roads in the suburbs ; a lecture. AR45 [Rome] 1869. O. 30 p. 7 pi. inserted. R6QI Newspaper clippings inserted. The Lupercal of Augustus, the cave of Picus and Faunus, and the AR45 Mamertine prison ; a lecture ... [Oxford] 1869. O. 16 p. R69I 398 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gorz, R. Die abteikirche zu Marienstatt bei Hachenburg, im auftrag des AH43 Vereins fur nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung. Ni8 Wiesbaden, 1866. F. c [3] +6 p. II pi. (Verein fur Nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung, ed. Denkmaler aus Nassau. 1852-66. pt. 4.) Die heiliggrab-kapelle zu Weilburg a. d. Lahn. (In Verein fiir AH43 Nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung, ed. Denk- Ni8 maler aus Nassau. 1852-66. pt. i, p. 37-39.) Das graue haus zu Winkel im Rheingau. (In Verein fiir Nassau- AH43 ische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung, ed. Denkmaler Ni8 aus Nassau. 1852-66. pt. I, p. 39-40.) Gorz, R., and Geier, F. X. AH43 Denkmale romanischer baukunst am Rhein. 1846-47. A2i Gosse, Philip Henry. 1 810-88. Monuments of ancient Egypt, and their relation to the word of AR62 God . . . London, 1847. O. 12+358 p. ill. Ai9 Published by the Society for promoting Christian knowledge. Gosset, Alphonse. 1835-. Les coupoles d Orient et d Occident; etude historique, theorique, AI et pratique. Paris, 1889. F. 4 [7] + 284 p. ill. 25 pi. G6g Essai sommaire sur 1 architecture religieuse. AE Reims, 1884. O. p. 371-424. 4 pi. 069 Read at Reims (France) Academic nationale. 4 th Ap. 1884. Traite de la construction des theatres . . . AE4 Paris, 1886. F. 4 140 p. ill. 62 pi. G6g Gostling, William. 1705-77. Walk in and about the city of Canterbury . . . 2<i ed. AR42 Canterbury, 1777. O. [37] +402+ [i 6] p. ill. I por. 22 pi. map. Ci6 Gostling, William. 1705-77. Walk in and about the city of Canterbury . . . New ed. enlarged. AR42 Canterbury, 1825. O. 24+366+^6] p. ill. i por. 31 pi. map. Ci6o Gotch, J[ohn] Alfred. Complete account ... of the buildings erected in Northampton- AH42 shire by Sir Thomas Tresham . . . 1575-1605 . . . N8i3 Northampton, 1883. F. 4 I 7+44+[ I 3] P- 34 pi- Gotch, J[ohn] Alfred, and Brown, W[alter] Talbot. Architecture of the renaissance in England; illustrated . . . from AH42 buildings erected . . . 1560-1635, with historical and critical text. Ai38 London, 1894. F. 5 2 v. ill. 145 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 399 Gottfried, Johann Ludwig, pseudonym. See Abelin, Johann Philipp. I59o(?)-i646. Gottgetreu, M. Der fontainenbau zu Sanssouci. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. AB v. 3, P- 1 97- 2 10 45 9-466. 12 pi.) Gottgetreu, M., and Strack, J. H. 1806-80. AH43 Schloss Babelsberg. 1857. BII Gottgetreu, Rudolph. 1821-. Ein beitrag zur geschichtlichen entwickelung der gewolbe. (In AB Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. v. 29, p. 91-112. 2 pi.) Z$i Uber die antiken marmorarten, ihr vorkommen und ihrc vervven- AB dung im alterthum. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. v. 33, p. Z3i 103-132.) Gotti, Aurelio. 1834-. Vita di Michelangelo Buonarroti, narrata con 1 ajuto di nuovi doc- AW umenti. Firenze, 1875. O. 2v.ini. i por. 3 pi. 2 facsim. 2 tab. B882 Gottingen (Ger.) universitat Archaologisch=nu= mismatischer institut. Originalwerke in der archaologischen abteilung . . . verfasst von AP G. Hubo. Gottingen, 1887. Q. 7+200 p. Gji Gottschalck, [Caspar] Friedrich. 1772-. Die ritterburgen und bergschlosser Deutschlands. AH43 Halle, 1815-35. D. 9 v. in 5. 9 pi. A25 Vols. 1-4, 2 d edition enlarged. Goubaud, Madame [Adolphe]. Pillow lace patterns, and instructions in Honiton lace making . . . AN6 London [1871]. Sq. O. 52 p. ill. 2 pi. G72 Goudie, Gilbert. On the horizontal water mills of Shetland. (In Society of anti- AC quaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 20, p. 257-297.) Soi2 Gouellain, Gustave, 1836-, editor. See Bachelier, J. J. 1724-1806. Memoire historique sur la AN2 manufacture nationale de porcelaine de France. 1878. Bi2 See Pettier, A. A. 1799-1867. Histoire de la faience de Rouen. AN2 1870. P85 Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Auguste Florent, comte de Choiseul=. 1752-1817. See ChoiseuI-Qouffier, Marie Gabriel Auguste Florent, comte de. 1752-1817. 400 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gough, Richard. 1735-1809. Anecdotes of British topography ; or, An historical account of AR42 what has been done for illustrating the topographical antiquities A 17 of Great Britain and Ireland. [Anon.] London, 1768. Q. 35+74O+[34] P- Description of the Beauchamp chapel adjoining . . . the church AH42 of St. Mary at Warwick, and the monuments of the earls of War- W26i wick . . . New ed. London, 1809. Q. 36 p. 4 pi. Description of the Beauchamp chapel adjoining . . . the church AH42 of St. Mary at Warwick, and the monuments of the carls of War- W262 wick . . . New cd. London, 1809. F. 36 p. 7 pi. History of Crowland abbey . . . including an abstract of the ob- AH42 servations of Mr. Essex respecting the ancient and present state C88 of the abbey and the origin and use of the triangular bridge . . . [with] an appendix concerning the rise and progress of the pointed architecture . . . [ed. by Benjamin Holdich]. Stamford, 1816. O. 16+182 p. 2 pi. Some account of the alien priories and of such lands as they are AH42 known to have possessed in England and Wales. [Anon.] 072 London, 1779. D. 2 v. in I. 9 pi. 2 maps. Gough, Richard. 1735-1809, editor. See Martin, Thomas. History of the town of Thetford. 1779. AR42 T345 Goujon, Jean. i5i5(?)~72. CEuvre . . . accompagne d un texte explicatif . . . A02 Paris, 1 86 1. Nar. Q. 3 p. 91 pi. 072 Goulburn, Edward Meyrick, D. D., 1818-, Symonds, Rev. Henry, and Hailstone, Edward, jr. Ancient sculptures in the roof of Norwich cathedral which exhibit AH42 the course of scripture history from the creation to Solomon and N83I from the birth of Christ to the final judgment . . . [with] a history of the see of Norwich from its foundation to the dissolution of the monasteries. London, 1876. F. 4 33 + 59i + [i] p. 51 pi- Gould, Lucius D. 1814-. American stair-builder. 3d ed. revised. AI Newark, 1887. O. [37] p. 40 pi. 0731 Carpenter s and builder s assistant and wood worker s guide . . . AI 7th ed. revised. New York, 1890 [c. 88]. O. 78 p. 36 pi. 673 Gould, R. D. A paper on the towers of the north and north-west of Devon. AC (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1844. Ex3 v. 2, p. 77-91. ill. pi. 13-18.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 401 Gould, Sabine Baring=. 1834-. Strange survivals ; some chapters in the history of man. AP London, 1892. D. [3] + 28; p. ill. I pi. G/3 Goulianof, I. A. de. -i854(?). See Gul yanov, Ivan Aleksandrovich. -i854(?). Goulon, - - von. Bericht von belagerung und vertheidigung einer vestung . . . AE/ aus dem franzosischen iibersezet. H36 Niirnberg, 1737. Sq. D. 60 p. 4 pi. Goupil & co. Catalogue of an exhibition of water-colour drawings, executed by AO6 members of La societe des aquarellistes fran^ais and others. G74 London, 1881. O. Unpaged. 10 pi. Goupil, Albert. Catalogue des objects d art de 1 Orient et de 1 Occident, tableaux, AO2 dessins, composant . . . [sa] collection. G/4 [Paris, 1888.] F. 101 p. ill. 16 pi. Gourdault, Jules. 1838- AH45 A travers Venise. Paris [1882]. F. 4 62 + [2] p. ill. 13 pi. [Gourdon, Edouard. 1820-69.] Les eglises de Paris . . . precedees d une introduction par 1 Abbe AH44 Pascal. [Anon.] Paris, 1860. Nar. Q. 14+320 p. 20 pi. P32I Gourlier, [Charles Pierre], 1786-1857, and others. Choix d edifices publics, projetes et construits en France depuis le AH44 commencement du 19^ siecle . . . A22 Paris, 1825-50. F. 5 3 v. 385 pi. 3 tab. Goury, G. Recherches historico-monumentales concernant les sciences, les AP arts de 1 antiquite et leur emigration d Orient en Occident . . . G74 Paris, 1833. O. 15+601 p. 2 pi. Gousset, Rene. 1860-85. Le Bon Pasteur et les scenes pastorales dans la sculpture funeraire AB des chretiens. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1885, M48 p. 161-180.) Gout, Paul, editor. AB See Encyclopedic d architecture. 1888-. Em Gowen, E. L., marble co. Book of choice designs for monuments, headstones, tablets, etc. AE8 Chicago, 1871. Obi. T. [5] p. 83 pi. G74 Goy, Pierre de. L industrie du bronze en Berry. La cachette de fondeur du Petit- AC Villalte. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1885. 803 v. 13, p. 1-73. 15 p l.) 26 402 AVKRY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Goze, A. Nouvelle description de la cathedrale d Amiens, suivie des AH44 descriptions du Beffroi et de 1 Hotel-de-ville par H. Dusevel. Am54 Amiens [1847]. Nar - Q- 44+5 2 +[7] P- I2 P 1 - Gozzini, Vincenzo. See Gonnelli, Giuseppe. Monumcnti sepolcrali della Toscana, AE8 disegnati da Vincenzo Gozzini. 1819. 658 See Gonnelli, Giuseppe. Monuments sepulcraux de la Toscane, AE8 dessines par V. Gozzini. 1821. G58i Graat, Barend, 1628-1709, illustrator. See Bossuit, Francis van. 1635-92. Cabinet de 1 art de schulp- AN6 ture execute en yvoire. 1727. B65 Graber, F[riedrich], Dorpfeld, W[ilhelm], 1853- and others. Uber die verwendung von terrakotten am geison und dache AP griechischer bauwerke. 1881. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 41. Graber, Friedrich, Adler, Friedrich, 1827-, and others. Die baudenkmaler von Olympia. 1892. (Curtius, E., and Adler, F. Olympia. 1892. v. I.) Grades, L. Ornements pour le batiment ; travaux artistiques, plomb, zinc, AK cuivre, tole ; album. Paris, 1871. Sq. F. 59 pi. G75 Plates 3-9, ii, 13-26, 41, 42, 44 missing. Grades, L., and Perin, F. Ornements estampes pour marquises, imitation de fonte de fer. AI Paris, no date. Q. 88 pi. 675 Plates numbered 1-32, 37-41, 49-99. Graf, Botho. Die gruppe der tyrannenmorder und stilistisch verwandte werke AR495 in Athen. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; G8i athenische abtheilung. v. 15, p. I-39-) Graf, Botho, Judeich, Walther, and others. Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. (In Deutsches archaologisches Al\495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 81-99, G8i 412-428; v. 15, p. 355-419. ill. 6 pi.) Graf, Hugo. 1844-. Opus Francigenum; studien zur frage nach dem ursprunge der AD6 Gothik. Stuttgart, 1878. O. 6+[i]+i22 p. 9 pi. 675 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 403 Graf, Paul, Adler, Friedrich, 1827- and others. Die baudenkmaler von Olympia. 1892. (Curtius, E., and Adler, AR495 F. Olympia. 1892. v. I.) 0191 Graf, Theodor. Catalogue of the Theodor Graf collection of ... ancient Greek AO portraits 2OOO years old ... on view ... at the World s Colum- Z2 bian exposition, Chicago. [Chicago, i893(?).] O. 49 p. Stimmen der auslandischen presse iiber Theodor Graf s antike AO portrat gallerie. [Leipzig, i889(?).] O. 16 p. Z2 Graff enried, , and Stiirler, [Moritz von]. Architecture suisse; ou, Choix de maisons rustiques des Alpes AH494 du canton de Berne. Berne, 1844. F. 20 p. 32 pi. A6 Title-page and text in French and German. Graffigny, Henri de, pseudonym. See Marquis, Raoul. 1863-. Graham, Alexander. Remains of the Roman occupation of North Africa, with special AC reference to Algeria. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8i Transactions. 1885. n. s. v. I, p. 125-154. 14 pi.) Remains of the Roman occupation of North Africa, with special AC reference to Tunisia. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8i Transactions. 1885. n. s. v. 2, p. 153-184. 18 pi.) Graham, Alex[ander], [and others]. Castings in metal. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- AC actions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 325-348.) R8i Graham, James Gillespie, i777(?)-i855, and Christie, Alexander, 1807-60. Chapel of St. Anthony the Eremite at Murthly, Perthshire, the AH4I seat of Sir William Drummond Stewart . . . M96 Edinburgh, 1850. F. 6 [5] p. 16 pi. Graimberg, Karl, graf von. Antiquites du chateau de Heidelberg, dessinees d apres nature, AH43 mises en perspective par T. A. Leger . . . H367 Heidelberg [pref. 1830]. Obi. F. 5 [4] p. 35 pi. Title-page and text in French and German. Gramm, J[ohann] Christian. Der architekt, fur freunde der schonen baukunst . . . Neue folge. AE2 Frankfurt am Main, 1858. F. 6 [8] p. 29 pi. G/6 Grammar of house planning. 1866. AE2 See Burn, R. S. 693 404 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gran monumento dell altar maggiore nella chiesa parro- AH45 chiale di S. Paolo in Bologna. Z See [Muzzi, Salvatore. 1808-]. II gran teatro di Venezia; ovvero, Raccolta delle principal! AH45 vedute e pitture che in essa si contengono. V"58 [Venetia, 1720.] Obi. F. 5 2 v. 122 pi. Never completed. Plate II nome di Dio wanting. La Grande Chartreuse, par Un Chartreux. 46 edition. AH44 Lyon [1891]. D. 442 + [i] p. 7 pi. 076 Grandidier, Ernest. La ceramique chinoise; porcelaine orientale, data de sa decou- AN2 verte, explication des sujets de decor, les usages divers, classifica- 076 tion; heliogravures par Dujardin. Paris, 1894. F. 2+232 p. ill. 40 pi. Grandidier, [Philippe Andre]. 1752-87. Essais historiques et topographiques sur 1 eglise cathedrale de AH43 Strasbourg . . . Strasbourg, 1782. D. 19+436 p. St8i5 Grandjean de Montigny, A[uguste Henri Victor]. 1776-1850. Recueil des plus beaux tombeaux executes en Italic dans les 150 AE8 et i6e siecles . . . Paris, 1813. F. 5 7 p. 25 pi. 076 Grandjean de Montigny, Auguste Henri Victor, 1776-1850, and Famin, A. Architecture toscane ; ou, Palais, maisons et autres edifices de la AH45 Toscane . . . Paris, 1815. F. 5 7 + 50+4 p. 109 pi. T87I Grandmaison, [Pierre] Ch[arles Armand] L[oiseau] de. 1824-. La grille d argent de Saint-Martin de Tours . . . AH44 Tours, 1863. Nar. Q. 38 p. T642 Tours archeologique ; histoire et monuments. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 39, 40, 41, 42, 44. ill. pi.) 687 Vouneuil-sur-Vienne ; [Les chateaux de Chistre et Du Fou]. AR44 (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. P75 v. 4. 1 6 p. ill. 6 pi.) Grands prix d architecture. 1804-31. AL2 See Paris (France) Institut Academic des beaux arts. 0761 Gran et, Jean Joseph. 1685-1759. Description historique de 1 Hotel royal des Invalides par 1 Abbe AH44 Perau... [Anon.] Paris, 1756. F. 5 12+104 p. 108 pi. ?3*7 Edited and enlarged by Abbe" Perau. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 405 Granet, Jean Joseph. 1685-1759. Histoire de 1 Hotel royal des Invalides . . . enrichie d estampes AH44 representant les plans . . . de ce . . . edifice avec les . . . peintures PS 171 et sculptures de 1 eglise, dessinees et gravees . . . par le Sieur Cochin. Paris, 1736. F. 5 [6] + ii2p. 103 pi. Grangier, J., translator. See Dresden (Ger.) Sachsische gemalde-gallerie. Catalogue de AO6 la galerie royale de Dresde. 1862. D8ii Grant, James. 1822-87. Tartans of the clans of Scotland . . . with historical notes of each AN4 clan . . . Edinburgh, 1886. F. 4 [17] p. 74 pi. I map. 0762 Grassalkowits von Gyavak, Marie Leopoldine, flir- stin. 1776-1864. Catalog ausgewahlter kunstsachen, einrichtungs- und ausstattungs- AO2 gegenstande aus . . . [seiner] sammlung . . . versteigerung ... Z 24 Oct., 1887 . . . Koln, 1887. Sq. F. [5]+48 p. 14 pi. Grasse, J[ohann] G[eorg] Theodor. 1814-85. Guide de 1 amateur de porcelaines et de poteries ; ou, Collection AN2 complete des marques de fabriques de porcelaines et de poteries Z6 de 1 Europe et de 1 Asie. 36 ed . . . augm. Dresde, 1872. O. 8+67 p. ill. See Dresden (Ger.) Grimes gewolbe. Das Griine gewolbe zu AM4 Dresden . . . mit erlauterungen von J. G. Grasse. [1876-77.] D8i Grasset de Saint=Sauveur, Jacques. 1757-1810. L Antique Rome; ou, Description historique et pittoresque de AN4 tout ce qui concerne le peuple remain, dans ses costumes . . . 6761 dans ses moeurs . . . depuis Romulus jusqu a Augustule. Paris, an iv, 1796. O. 4+221 + [2] p. 50 pi. Costumes des representans du peuple, membres des deux conseils, AN4 du directoire executif, des ministres . . . G?6 Paris, an iv, 1795. Nar. Q. 30+ [i] p. 15 pi. Grassi, Ranieri. Ragioni dell artificiale pendenza della Torre Pisana aggiunte a quelle gia esposte nella sua "Descrizione storica e artistica di Pisa ec" . . . Pisa, 1838. D. 36 p. I pi. Gratacap, Paul Antoine, called Cap. 1788-1877. AN2 See Cap, Paul Antoine Gratacap, called. 1788-1877. Pi 7 Gratet=Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine. 1834-. See Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet=. 1834-. Gratioli, Pietro. De praeclaris Mediolani aedificiis . . . dissertatio . . . Mediolani, 1735. Q. [22] + 2O4+ 24 p. 21 pi. 26* 406 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gratz (Austria) Culturhistorische ausstellung. 1883. Kunstgewerbliche arbeiten, auswahl und text von C. Lacher. AO4 Frankfurt a. M., no date. Sq. F. 5 [3] + io+[2] p. 100 pi. G;; Grau, Olaf. Beskrifning ofwer Wastmanland, med sina Stader, Harader och AR489 Socknar. Wasteras, 1754. D. [20] +663 + [36] p. ill. 32 pi. A2 Graul, Richard. 1862-. Beitrage zur geschichte der dekorativen skulptur in den Nieder- AO landen wahrend der ersten halfte des 16. jahrhunderts. Leipzig, B39 1889. O- [3] "I" 5 5 P- (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichtc. New ser. pt. 10.) Gravagni, Romeo, editor. AH45 See Castro, Vincenzo de. L ltalia monumentale. 1870. A2 Gravelle, Michel Philippe Levesque de. -1752. See Levesque de Gravelle, Michel Philippe. -1752. Graves, Henry. Designs for the sculptured compartments of a font for the parish AH42 church of Binstead, in the Isle of Wight. 2<3 ed. 13471 [London (?)] 1844. O. [3] p. 11 pi. Graves, Rev. James, 1815-86, and Prim, J. G. A. History, architecture and antiquities of the cathedral church of St. AH4I5 Canice, Kilkenny. Dublin, 1857. Nar. Q. 12 + 360 p. ill. 9 pi. K55 Graves, Robert. Illustrated catalogue of [his] . . . paintings, sculpture [and] AO2 bronzes ... to be sold at auction . . . February 9th, ioth . . . i ith . . . 078 1 4th and i$th . . . New York, 1887. O. 119 p. 30 pi. Gravina, Domenico Benedetto. II duomo di Monreale, illustrate e riportato in tavole cromo-lito- AH45 grafiche. Palermo, 1859. F. 8 2 v. 90 pi. M75 [Gray, Edward Whitaker. 1748-1807.] History and antiquities of Newbury and its environs . . . also a AR42 catalogue of plants found in the neighbourhood. [Anon.] N42 Spcenhamland, 1839. O. I2 +34O P- ill- 18 pi. map. Gray, Rev. J[ohn] Hamilton. 1801-67. Bolsover castle. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. 5, p. 228-246. I pi.) As7 Grayet, Lambert Blandot=. 1833-. See Blandot-Grayet, Lambert. 1833-. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 407 [Great Britain] National gallery. . . . Catalogue of the pictures in the National gallery. 1851. AO6 London [1851]. D. 45 p. Z Great Britain Parliament Commons. Report from the select committee of the House of Commons on AO8 the Earl of Elgin s collection of sculptured marbles . . . 792 London, 1816. O. 4+154+^9] p. Report of the committee on ventilation, warming and transmission AJ of sound, abbreviated with notes, by W. S. Inman. G/9 London, 1836. O. i4+[2]+;6 p. 3 pi. Great Britain and Ireland associated architectural societies. See Associated architectural societies. Great seals of England. 1837. AWi See Edwards, Edward. 1812-86. Ed9 Greau, J[ulien]. Collection ; catalogue des bronzes antiques et des objets d art du AO2 moyen-age et de la renaissance, dont la vente aura lieu . . . juin 079 1885... Paris, 1885. F. 6+[i] + 28i p. ill. 47 pi. Terres cuites d Asie de . . . [sa] collection, publiees par W. Frohner. AO8 Paris, 1886. F. 4 2 v. 120 pi. 079 The Grecian bend; what it is; a profusely illustrated scrap AN4 book containing numerous caricatures. Obi. Q. 28 p. 079 Green, Burton. New Shoreham. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections. AC v. 27, p. 69-109. 4 pi.) Su8 Green, Valentine. 1739-1813. History and antiquities of the city and suburbs of Worcester. AH42 London, 1796. Sq. F. 2 v. I por. 24 pi. W892 Green vaults (Dresden). AN7 See Dresden (Ger.) Griine gewolbe. D8i Greenwell, Rev. William. 1820- Recent researches in barrows in Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire, AB etc. (In Archaeologia. v. 52, p. 1-72. 2 pi.) Ar2 [Gregoire, Joseph Aimable.] Itineraire de 1 artiste et de 1 etranger dans les eglises de Paris; AH44 ou, Etat des objets d art commandes depuis 1816 jusqu en 1830 P234 par 1 administration de cette ville. [Anon.] Paris, 1833. O. 73 + [2] p. 408 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gregson, Matthew. 1749-1824. Portfolio of fragments relative to the history and antiquities, AH42 topography and genealogies of the county palatine and duchy of L222 Lancaster. 3d ed. enlarged . . . edited by J. Harland. London, 1869. F. 4 12+426 p. ill. 10 por. n pi. map. 3 tab. [Qreig, John, and Storer, J. S. 1781-1853.] AH42 Cowper. 1803. Ai34 Views in North Britain, illustrative of the works of Robert Burns. AA42 1805. Ai34 Bound with their Cowper. 1803. Views in Suffolk, Norfolk and Northamptonshire, illustrative of AA42 the works of Robert Bloomfield. 1806. A 134 Bound with their Cowper. 1803. Qrempler, Dr. - . Der [i.] 2. und 3. fund von Sackrau ; namens des Vereins fiir AR43 das Museum schlesischer altertiimer in Breslau unter subvention Sai der provinzial-verwaltung bearbeitet und hrsg. Berlin, 1887-88. F. 4 2 v. in I. 12 pi. map. Grenser, Alfred. 1838- Zunft-wappen und handwerkcr-insignien ; eine heraldik der AWi kiinste und gewerbe, nach urkundlichem materiale zusammen- G86 gestellt. Frankfurt a. M., 1889. D. 7+ 120 p. ill. 29 pi. Greswell, Rev. Richard. 1 800-81. On education in the principles of art . . . AX Oxford, 1844. O. 4+32 p. Z Grey, Rev. William. Remarks on some church towers in mid-Devon. (In Exeter dio- AC cesan architectural society. Transactions. 1872. v. 8, p. 102-140.) Ex3 Remarks on some towers of churches in the south of Devon. (In AC Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1843. v. I. Ex3 p. 127-135.) Grienberger, Julius von. Architektonische studien aus Trient und Oberitalien ; bericht AA iiber die im auftrage . . . des K. k. ministeriums fiir cultus und Ar22 unterricht in sommer 1888 ausgefiihrte studienreise. Salzburg, 1888. O. 4+76 p. Griffinhoofe, Arthur, pseudonym. Sec Colman, George. 1762-1836. Griffith, S[amuel] Y[oung]. New historical description of Cheltenham and its vicinity . . . 2ded. AH42 Cheltenham, 1826. O. 2 v. 25 pi. map. C4i6 Pages i-io of v. 2 missing. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 409 Griffith, William Pettit. 1815-84. Ancient Gothic churches, their proportions and chromatics . . . AD6 London, 1847. Sq. F. Various paging. 16 pi. G8/ Griffiths, Arthur, and Twyford, A. W. AH42 Records of York castle. 1880. 89 Griffiths, J., translator. See Lenoir, M. A. 1761 1839. Museum of French monuments. 1803. Grifi, Luigi, cavaliere. Intorno ad un sepolcro disotterrato nella vigna del Conte Lozano AC Argoli; dissertazionc letta ... 5 ... aprile, 1839. (In Rome, R66i Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 184.2. v. 10, p. 221-330. 3 pi.) Monumenti di Cere antica spiegati colle osservanze del culto di AO8 Mitra. Roma, 1841. F. 4 :6+i8op. 12 pi. G87 Sopra la iscrizione antica dell auriga Scirto; dissertazione . . . AC (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Disserta- R66i zioni. 1855-60. v. 13, p. 385-497; v. 14, p. 81-113. 3 pl-) Sulle iscrizioni intorno a teatri antichi e a giuochi in essi rappre- AC sentati . . . (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. R66i Dissertazioni. 1852. v. 12, pt. I, p. 35-72.) Griggs, William, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Portfolio of Italian and AN Sicilian art. 1885-90. So8i Grignon, Louis. 1829-. Notre-Dame en Vaux a Chalons-sur-Marne. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 53, p. 439-448.) 687 Grignon, Pierre Clement. 1723-84. Bultin des fouilles . . . d une ville romaine, sur la petite montagne AH44 du Chatelet, entre St. Dizier et Joinville en Champagne, dccou- A46 verte en 1772. Bar-le-Duc, 1774-75. D. 2 v. in i. 244p. i pl. Paged continuously. Grillon, Edme Jean Louis, 1786-1854, Gourlier, C. P., 1786-1857, and others. AH44 Choix d edifices publics. 1825-50. A22 Das Grillparzerdenkmal in Wien ausgeiiihrt von Karl AH43 Kundmann, Rudolf Weyr, Carl freiherrn Hasenauer . . . 68381 Wien, 1889. F. 5 8 pl. 410 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Grimaud, Emile. 1831-. Les Vendeens; poemes. 3^ edition avec 35 eaux-fortes par O. AX de Rochebrune. Nantes, 1876. Q. u+246+[i]p. 36 pi. G88 No. i of 325 copies printed. Contains 35 etchings, architectural and other views in the Vende~e. Grimm, Dominikus. Die bildlichen darstellungen der zwei chorfenster in der pfarr- AHQ3 kirche zu Gonsenheim . . . Mainz, 1881. O. 32 p. Z Grimm, Hermann Friedrich. 1828-. Michelangelo s mutter und seine stiefmutter. (In Jahrbuch der AB Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 6, p. 185-201.) Ji9 2 Die sarkophage der sacristei von S. Lorenzo. (In Jahrbuch der AB Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. I, p. 1729.) Grimouard de Saint- Laurent, Henri Julien, comte. 1814-85. Apercu iconographique sur Saint Pierre et Saint Paul. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 23, p. 26-44, 1 38-149, 264-277; v. 24, p. 93- An7 102, 161-172, 238-247, 265-271; v. 25, p. 24-32, p. 202-221. ill. 10 pi.) Art chretien primitif; le Christ triomphant et la don de Dieu. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. I, 2, 3. ill.) R-3 2 4 Du nimbe. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 12, p. 73-137. 2 pi.) AB R 3 2 4 Du nu dans 1 art chretien. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 3. ill.) AB R324 Du realisme et des symboles dans 1 art chretien. (In Revue de AB 1 art chretien. v. 6, p. 33-44, 63-76.) R324 Du type du Christ dans 1 art chretien. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 13, 14. ill. 2 pi.) R324 Etude sur une croix pectorale de Musee du Vatican. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 10, p. 5-29. I pi.) R3 2 4 Etude sur une serie d anciens sarcophages. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 21, p. 145-161,435-457. 4 pi.) R3 2 4 Iconographie de la croix et du crucifix. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 26, p. 5-25, 137-15 i, 213-231, 357-379; v. 27, p. 5-17, An7 176-187, 209-218, 339-352. 13 pl.) De 1 iconographie de Saint Jean-Baptiste. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 1 1, p. 5-37, 103-124. 2 pl.) R3 2 4 Iconographie des tombeaux. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 9, AB p. 82-101, 151-158, 197-223. ill.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 411 Grimouard de Saint= Laurent, Henri Julien, comte. 1814-85. Les images du Sacre-Cceur au point de vue de 1 histoire et dc AB Tart. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 27-29. 12 pi.) ^324 Manuel de 1 art chretien. AO Poitiers, 1878. Nar. Q. 626+ [i] p. ill. 31 pi. G88 Nouveaux eclaircissements sur 1 orante de 1 antiquite chretienne. AB (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 26, p. 213-223; v. 27, p. 120- R324 170. 5 pi.) Des vetements dans 1 art chretien. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 10, p. 308-325, 353-3/6.) R324 Grimthorpe, Sir Edmund Beckett, i st baron. 1816. Lectures on church-building, with some . . . remarks on bells and AE clocks. 2<3 ed . . . enl. London, 1856. D. 16+309 p. ill. 8 pi. 041 Grindlay, Capt. Robert Melville. Scenery, costumes and architecture chiefly on the western side of AH54 India. London, 1830. Sq. F. 5 7+ 105 p. 36 pi. A8 Grindon, Leo[pold] H[artley]. 1818-. Country rambles and Manchester walks and wild flowers: being AR42 rural wanderings in Cheshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire and York- A26 shire... Manchester, 1882. D. 16+318 p. 6 pi. Grisard, J. J. Notice sur les plans et vues de la ville de Lyon de la fin du 150 au AH44 commencement du i8e siecle. L996 Lyon, 1891. Nar. Q. 216 p. ill. 5 pi. Grisey, , and Loremy, . Du style dans la decoration interieure des habitations, encadre- AK ments, glaces, tentures, consoles. 1864. Z8 Grivaud [de la Vincelle], C[laude] M[adeleine]. 1762-1819. Antiquities gauloises et romaines, recucillies dans les jardins du palais du Senat . . . Paris, 1807. F. 4 [4] p. 26 pi. Volume of text wanting. Arts et metiers des anciens, representes par les monuments; ou, AR44 Recherches archasologiques servant ... a 1 explication d un grand A 19 nombre d antiquitcs recueillies dans les ruincs d une ville gauloise et romaine, decouvertes entre Saint-Dizier et Joinville . . . Paris, 1819. F. c 4+34 p. 136 pi. map. Recueil de monumens antiques, la plupart inedits et decouverts dans 1 ancienne Gaule . . . Paris, 1817. Nar. Q. 3 v. 40 pi. 3 maps. 412 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Orobert, J[acques] F[rancois] L[ouis]. 1757-. Description des travaux executes pour le emplacement . . . et ele- AH44 vation des groupes de Coustou . . . P268 [Paris, 1796.] Obi. F. 15 p. 9 pi. Grohmann, J[ohann] Q[ottfried]. 1763-1805. Recueil de dessins . . . contenans des plans de . . . maisons . . . AL,2 temples . . . monumens . . . portes . . . ponts, etc. 689 Venise, 1805. Sq. F. 36 pi. Grohmann, Johann Gottfried, 1763-1805, editor. Recueil d idees nouvellcs pour la decoration des jardins. AB See Ideenmagazin fiir liebhaber von garten. 17971806. v. 14. Id2 Grolier club. AN6 Publications. New York, 1886. O. pi. H6; HOE, R. 1839-. Lecture on book-binding as a fine art. 1886. Gropius, Martin Karl Philipp. 1824-80. Die Provinzial-irren-anstalt zu Neustadt-Eberswalde. (In Zeit- AB schrift fiir bauwesen. v. 19, p. 147-194. 13 pi.) Z^i Gropius, Martin Karl Philipp, 1824-80, and Schmie= den, - , architect. Das neue universitatsgebaude in Kiel. (In Zeitschrift fiir bau- AB wesen. v. 34, p. 25-30. 5 pi.) Z$i Das stadtische allgemeine krankenhaus im Fricdrichshain zu Ber- AH43 lin; text bearbeitet von V. von Weltzien. ^451 Berlin, 1876. F. 5 45 p. ill. 27 pi. Das zvveite Garnison-Lazareth fiir Berlin bci tempclhof . . . bear- AH43 beitet und hrsg. . . . von V. von Weltzien. 6464 Berlin, 1879. F. 5 19 p. ill. 7 pi. Gropius, Martin Karl Philipp, 1824-80, editor. AB See Archiv fiir ornamental kunst. 1876-79. Ar37 Gropp, Ignaz. 1695-1758. Monumenta sepulchralia ecclesiae Ebracensis . . . figuris aeneis illustrata, acccdunt alia quaedam monumenta historica. AE8 Wirceburgi, 1730. Sq. O. [8] + i 12-f [4] p. 691 Groschel, Julius. Nikolaus Gromann und der ausbau der Vcste Heldburg, 1560-64; AW mit den bau-urkundcn des burgarchivs von 1558-66. Meiningen, 1892. O. 24+39 P- 4 pi- Grose, Francis. 1731-91. Antiquities of England and Wales. New cd. AH42 London [1783]. Q. 8 v. ill. I por. 632 pi. map. A7 Antiquities of Ireland. London, 1791. Nar. O. 2 v. 261 pi. AH4I5 A7 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 413 Grose, Francis. 1731-91. Military antiquities respecting a history of the English army, from AN5 the conquest to the present time. New ed . . . [enlarged]. 091 [London] 1812. Q. 2 v. 79 pi. Treatise on ancient armour and weapons . . . [with supplement]. AN5 (In his Military antiquities. 1812. v. 2, p. 239-367. 62 pi.) 691 Grose, Francis, 1731-91, Warton, Rev. Thomas, 1728-90, and others. AD6 Essays on Gothic architecture. 1800. W26 Essays on Gothic architecture. 3^ edition. 1808. AD6 W26i Grosson, [Jean] B[aptiste] B[ernard]. 1733-1800. Recueil des antiquites et monumens marseillois . . . AR44 Marseille, 1773. Nar. Q. [4] + 296 p. 47 pi. M35 Grosvenor, Edwin A. The hippodrome of Constantinople and its still existing monu- AH45 ments. London, 1889. O. 62 p. I pi. Ri9i Grosvenor gallery. See London (Eng.) Grosvenor gallery. Grotefend, H[ermann]. 1845-. Die bestatigungsurkunde des domstiftes zu Frankfurt am Main AC von 882 und ihre bedeutung fur das stift . . . Frankfurt am Main, F8$ 1884. F. 1 6 p. i facsim. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1884.) Christian Egenolff der erste standige buchdrucker zu Frankfurt AC a. M. und seine vorlaufer; gedenkblatt an die 350. jahrige jubel- F85 feier der einfuhrung der buchdruckerei in Frankfurt. Frankfurt a. M., 1881. F. 6+[i] + 28 p. 2 pi. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs- blatt. 1881.) Grotefend, H[ermann], 1845- an d Ritsert, Fr. Die familie von Eschborn und ihr zusammenhang mit der familie AC von Cronberg. 1884. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein F85 fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1882.) Grove, Sir G[eorge]. 1820-. On the exploration of Jerusalem, and the Holy Land. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1867-68, p. 129-140.) R8i Grove, Sir George, 1820-, translator. AO6 See Guizot, F. P. Q. 1787-1874. Fine arts. 1855. G94 Griiber, Bernhard. 1806-82. Die elemente der kunstthatigkeit erlautert. AO Leipzig, 1875. O. 9+29O+[i] p. ill. 6922 414 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Grueber, Herbert A[ppold]. Use and nature of Roman medallions; paper read before the AMi American numismatic and archaeological society by G. L. F43 Feuardent New York, 1878. Nar. Q. 8 p. Grueber, Herbert Appold, compiler. See British museum. Roman medallions in the British museum. AX 1874. 6771 Grummet, Christoph. 17^ cent. Sol non sine veste; ou, L invincibilite de Tor. (In Neri, Antonio. AN3 1 6th cent. Art de la verrerie. 1752. p. 543-556.) N35 Grund, Johann Jakob [Norbert]. 1755-1815. Die malerey der Griechen; oder, Entstehung, fortschrift, vollen- AO6 dung und verfall der malerey . . . Gc>2 Dresden, 1 810-11. O. 2 v. 18+784+ [4] p. Grundy, John. Stranger s guide to Hampton Court palace and gardens . . . AO6 London, 1851. D. 76 p. 3 por. 9 pi. Z Griineisen, Karl von, 1802-78, and Mauch, F. E., 1800-74. Ulm s kunstleben im mittelalter; ein beitrag zur culturgeschichte AO von Schwaben. Ulm, 1840. O. 4+78+[i] p. 7 pi. G92 Gruner, [Wilhelm Heinrich] Ludwig. 1801-82. Die basreliefs an der vorder seite des doms zu Orvieto; marmor- AH45 bildwerke der schule der Pisaner, mit erlauterndem texte von E. Orp Braun. Leipzig, 1858. Obi. F. 4 16 p. 80 pi. Title-page also in Italian and French; text in French. Decorations of the garden-pavilion in the grounds of Buckingham AH42 palace, with an introduction by Mrs. Jameson. L897 London, 1 846. Sq. F. 5 1 1 pi. 15 pi. Die decorative kunst; beitrage zur ornamentik fiir architektur und AK kunstgewerbe aus den schatzen der Konigl. sammlung fiir hand- Gg2i zeichnungen und kupferstiche . . . Dresden [pref. 1 88 1]. F. 5 [4] p. 100 pi. Fresco decorations and stuccoes of churches and palaces in Italy AM6 during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with descriptions, and G92 a comparison between the ancient arabesques and those of the sixteenth century by A. Hittorff. London, 1844. Sq. F. [7] p. 46 pi. Article by Hittorff wanting. I mosaici della cupola nella Cappella Chigiana di S. Maria del AJ2 Popolo in Roma, inventati da Raffaelle Sanzio d Urbino, illustrati 17 da Antonio Grifi. Roma, 1839. F. 4 [6~| + i8 p. 10 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 415 Gruner, [Wilhelm Heinrich] Ludwig. 1801-82. Mosaics of the cupola in the "Cappella Chigiana" of St a Maria del AH45 Popolo in Rome, designed by Raffaelle Sanzio d Urbino. R68i London, 1850. Sq. F. 5 3 p. ill. n pi. "Lo scaffale"; or, Presses in the sacristy of the church of Sta AH45 Maria delle Grazie at Milan; illustrations of the painted decora- M58/ tions by B. Luini . . . London, 1859-60. F. G [7] p. 31 pi. . . . Specimens of ornamental art, selected from the best models AK of the classical epochs, with descriptive text by E. Braun. Gg2 London, 1850. F. 7 [3] p. 80 pi. and text, Sq. F. 4+36 p. 8 pi. Vorbilder ornamentaler kunst der italienischen schulen cles fiinf- A 1143 zehnten bis anfang des siebenzehnten jahrhunderts . . . Ob2 Leipzig [1876-77]. F. 7 2 pts. in I v. 14 pi. Contents: pt. i. Dieintarsiaturen im sanctuario di San Martino zu Alzano maggiore. pt. 2. Die cantoria der Sixtinischen capelle im Vatican. Text in German and English. Gruner, Wilhelm Heinrich Ludwig, 1801-82, editor. AN7 See Dresden (Ger.) Qriines gewolbe. Green vaults, Dresden. D8i 1862. See Raphael. 1483-1520. Scripture prints from the frescoes of AH45 Raphael in the Vatican. 1866. Gruning, Edward A[ugustus]. Memoir of the late Professor Donaldson. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1885. n. s. v. 2, p. 89-95.) Gruyer, F[ranois] A[natole]. 1825-. Essai sur les fresques de Raphael au Vatican. AM6 Paris, 1859. O. 2 v. in I. I pi. Gg22 Contents : v. i. Chambrcs. v. 2. Loges. Les ceuvres d art de la renaissance italienne au temple de Saint- AH45 Jean, baptistere de Florence. Paris, 1875. O. 12+289 P- 3 pi- Gsell, Stephane. Fouilles dans la necropole de Vulci . . . AR45 Paris, 1891. F. 576 p. ill. 23 pi. map. V97 Published by L ficole francaise d Athenes et de Rome. Gsell-Fels, Th[eodor Johann]. 1819-. Italien in sechzig tagen. 3. aufl. Leipzig, 1885. T. 2 v. ill. AH45 17 pi. 6 maps. (Meyers reisebiicher.) A56 3 maps in pockets at end of volumes. Rom und die Campagna. 3. aufl. . . . Leipzig, 1887. D. 12 p. AH45 + 1288 col. + [644 p.]. ill. 1 8 pi. 3 maps. (Meyers reisebiicher.) R78i 2 maps in pocket at end of book. 416 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gsell=Fels, Th[eodor Johann]. 1819-. Rom und Mittel-Italien. Hildburghausen, 1871. D. v. 2. ill. AH45 1 8 pi. (Meyers reisebiicher.) R-777 Contents : v. 2. Rom. Map in pocket. Romische ausgrabungen im letzten decennium . . . AR45 Hildburghausen, 1870. Nar. Q. 1 1 1 p. ill. 2 pi. R677 Gualandi, Michel Angelo. 1793- Nuova raccolta di lettere sulla pittura, scultura ed architettura, AO scritte da piu celebri personaggi dei secoli 15. a 19. ... con note 0932 ed illustrazioni, in aggiunta a quella data in luce da Mons. Bottari e dal Ticozzi. Bologna, 1844-56. O. 3 v. I facsim. Guarini, [Camillo] Guarino. 1624-83. AA Architettura civile . . . Torino, 1737. F. 4 8 + 307 p. I por. 79 pi. 693 Dissegni d architettura civile et ecclesiastica. AL,2 Torino, 1686. F. [4] p. ill. 46 pi. 693 Guarnacci, Mario. 1701-85. See Gori, A. F. 1691-1757. Musei Guarnaccii antiqua monu- AO menta Etrusca. 1744. 667 Guasco, Francesco Eugenio, marchese. i72o(?)-. Delle ornatrici e de loro uffizj, ed insieme della superstizione de AN4 gentili nella chioma, e della cultura della medesima presso le an- 6932 tiche donne romane . . . Napoli, 1775. Q. io+i79+[2] p. ill. Guasco, Octavien de, comte de Clavieres. 1712-81. Dissertazione . . . intorno al tempo in cui le scienze e le arti in- AC cominciarono ad esser coltivate dai Volsci. (In Cortona, Italy C8i Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. 1783. v. 8, p. 39-I03-) Guasti, Cesare. 1822-. La cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, illustrata con i document! AH45 dell archivio dell opera secolare . . . F664 Firenzc, 1857. O- 6+24i + [i] p. II pergamo di Donatello pel duomo di Prato. [Anon.] AH45 Firenze, 1887. F. 30 p. I pi. P88 Santa Maria del Fiore ; la costruzione della chiesa e del campanile. AH45 Firenze, 1887. O. [i i5] + 32i + [2] p. I pi. F67I [Guattani, Giuseppe Antonio. 1748-1830.] Monumenti antichi inediti ; ovvero, Notizie sulle antichita e belle AR45 arti di Roma . . . [Anon.] Roma, 1784-89. Q. 6 v. I por. pi. R7II Roma antica . . . Bologna, 1795. Q. 2 v. in I. 36 pi. AR45 R698 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 417 Gueffier, C. P., publisher. See Montjoie, - - de, abbe. Description historique des curiosites de 1 eglise de Paris. 1763. Guenebault, L[ouis] J[ean]. 1789-1878. Dictionnaire iconographique des monuments de 1 antiquite chreti- enne et du moyen-age, depuis le bas-empire jusqu a la fin du seizieme siecle . . . Paris, 1843-45. O. 2 v. Guepin, Ange. 1805-73. Histoire de Nantes. 2e edition . . . Nantes, 1839. Nar. Q. 634+ [i] p. I por. 82 pi. 2 maps. Gueranger, Prosper Louis Paschal, abbe. 1805-75. Essai historique sur 1 abbaye de Solesmes, suivi de la description de 1 eglise abbatiale avec 1 explication des monuments qu elle renferme. [Anon.] Le Mans, 1846. O. 7+131 p. Roma sotterranea. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 12, p. 481492, v. 13, p. 60-73, 177-191.) Guerard, Ad[olphe]. Monographic ou description . . . de 1 eglise metropolitaine de St. Rombaut a Malines . . . Malines, 1866. S. 160 p. I pi. Guerard, Francois. 1860-. L hopital de Lariboisiere, 1 enclose Saint-Lazare . . . Paris, 1888. Nar. Q. i39+[i] p. 3 pi. Doctor s dissertation before the Faculte" de me decine de Paris. il. Guercino, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called 1591-1666. See Piranesi, Q. B. 1720-78. Raccolta di alcuni disegni del Barberi da Cento. Guere, Raymond, comte de la, and Roubert, L. Collection de moules antiques de ceramique. (In Societe des an- tiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1889. v. 16, p. 1-65. 20 pi.) Guerin, [Honore] Victor. 1821-. Rapports sur une mission scientifique en Palestine. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1864-72. v. 9, p. 373-422; v. 16, p. 381-430.) Voyage archeologique dans la regence de Tunis execute . . . sous les auspices . . . de H. d Albert, due de Luynes. Paris, 1862. O. 2 v. I pi. map. [Guerin, Louis Frangois. 1814-72.] Des vetements de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ honores dans 1 eglise d Argenteuil, pres Paris et dans la cathedral de Treves . . . [Anon.] Argenteuil, 1844. O. 16 pi. 27 AH44 P342 AO G93 AH44 AH44 8041 AB AH 49 3 M46 AE6 G93 AH 45 AC AB Ar2i AR6ii A2 AH44 418 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Querineau, Abel. AK Ornements japonais. Noplace, 1889. F. 4 [3] p. 50 pi. 693 Guernieri, Giovanni Francesco. Delineatio mentis . . . qui . . . nunc Carolinus audit. See, below, AH43 Plans et desseins des batirnens, cascades et fontaines dont Charles, W64 Landgrave de Hesse, a decore la Montagne d hiver. 1749. Plans et desseins des batimens, cascades et fontaines dont Charles, AH43 Landgrave de Hesse, a decore la Montagne, vulgairement nom- W64 mee la Montagne d hiver . . . Rome, 1749. F. 5 [8] p. 18 pi. Title-page in French and Latin ; text in German and French. Gugitz, Gustav, editor. See Siccard von Siccardsburg, August von. 1813-68. Die thiir- AI und fenster-verschliisse. [Pref. 1876.] Si 12 Guhl, Ernst Karl. 1819-62. Architektonische studien in Spanien. (In Zeitschrift fur ban- AB wesen. v. 8, p. 63-84, 233-256; v. 9, p. 337~354, 495~522. 2 pi.) Z^i Contents: i. Burgos. 2. Toledo. Guhl, Ernst [Karl], 1819-62, and Koner, W. D., 1817-. Das leben der Griechen und Romer nach antiken bildwerken. 4. AN4 verb. . . . aufl. Berlin, 1876. O. 18 + 821 p. ill. 693 Guibert, Louis. 1840-. L ecole monastique d orfevrerie de Grandmont et 1 autel majeur AIVLj. de 1 eglise abbatiale . . . Limoges, 1888. O. 52 pi. G94 See Limoges (France) Exposition. 1886. L orfevrerie et les AM4 emaux d orfevre a 1 Exposition par L. Guibert. 1888. L62 Guicciardini, Lodovico. 1521-89. Description de tovts les Pais-Bas, autrement appelles la Germanic AH492 Inferievre, ov Basse Allemagne . . . reveue et augmentee ... A 17 par le . . . autheur . . . [et traduit d italien . . . par F. de Belle Forest]. Anvers, Plantin, 1582. F. [22]+495 + 2O p. 60 pi. 12 maps. Guichard, Edouard. 1815-. Dessins de decoration des principaux maitres . . . avec une etude AK sur 1 art decoratif . . . par E. Chesneau. Gg4 Paris, 1 88 1. F. 5 23 + [80] +4 p. 40 pi. La grammaire de la couleur . . . planches coloriees reproduisant AO les principales nuances obtenues par le melange des couleurs 694 Tranches entre elles . . . Paris [1882]. Obi. S. 3 v. 765 pi. Text in French, German and English. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 419 Quichard, Edouard. 1815-. Les tapisseries decoratives du garde-meuble, mobilier national, choix des plus beaux motifs; texte par A. Darcel . . . Paris [1881]. F. 5 1 6+ [200] p. 100 pi. Les tissus anciens reconstitutes a 1 aide du costume des miniatures et de documents inedits . . . Paris, 1878. F. 5 [5] p. 50 pi. Quida di Padova e della sua provincia. Padova, 1842. O. i2 + p. 20 pi. map. Guida per osservare con metodo i monumenti antichi e moderni della basilica ambrogiana. Milano, 1837. O. io8 + [i] p. Le guide, ou nouvelle description d Amsterdam . . . avec une description de . . . tout ce qu elle renferme de curieux. Nouv. ed. augmentee. Amsterdam, 1772. O. 8+332+[i9] p. 21 pi. I map. Guide pittoresque du voyageur en France. 1838. See [Girault de Saint- Fargeau, P. A. E. 1791-]. Guide to the architectural antiquities in the neighbourhood of Oxford. 1846. See Parker, J. H. 1806-84. Guides du collectionneur. Paris, 1886-93. D. 2 v. CHAMPEAUX, L. A. de. 1833-. Dictionnaire des fondeurs. 1886. GARNIER, fi. 1840-. Dictionnaire de la ce"ramique. [Pref. 1893.] Guidotti, Dario, editor. See Ricordi di architettura. 1878-. v. I-. Guiffrey, Jules [Marie Joseph]. 1840-. Histoire de la tapisserie en France. Paris, 1878-85. F. G 159 p. ill. 50 pi. (Histoire generale de la tapisserie.) Inventaire generale du mobilier de la couronne sous Louis XIV. (1663-1715) . . . Paris, 1885-86. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. Scelles et inventaires d artistes. Paris, 1883-85. O. 3 v. (Societe de 1 histoire de 1 art francais, pub. Nouvelles archives de 1 art francais. 1872-85. v. 10-12.) Un chapitre inedit de 1 histoire des tombes royales de Saint Denis d apres les documents conserves aux archives nationales. Paris, 1876. O. 121 p. 2 pi. 125 copies printed. Guiffrey, Jules Marie Joseph, 1840-, editor. See Dupont, Pierre. i6th cent. La stromatourgie. 1882. AM8 0941 AN 694 AH 45 Pl32 AH 4 5 M5826 AH492 Am87 AH44 A56 AR42 Ox2 AB R42 AM8 694 AO 6941 AC S022 AH44 Sa2i AN 0921 420 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Guignet de Salins, Jacques Marie. Manuel des ordres d architecture, suivi de 1 introduction d un AA nouvel ordre ... 2 ed. augmentee. 694 Paris, 1845. Nar - Q- 7 + 7 2 P- 7 pi- Guigue, Marie Claude. 1832-89. Notice sur la construction de la cathedrale de Saint-Jean et de ses AH44 chapelles. (In Begule, L. 1848-. Monographic de la cathedrale L99 de Lyon. 1880. p. 1-46.) Guilbert, Aristide [Mathieu]. 1804-63. Histoire des villes de France, avec une introduction generate pour AH44 chaque province. Paris, 1844-48. Nar. Q. 6 v. A55 Guilbert, [Pierre], abbe, 1697-1759. Description historique des chateau, bourg et forest de Fontaine- AH44 bleau . . . Paris, 1731. S. 2 v. 7 pi. F733 Guild, W. H., jr. Central park photographed, with descriptions and a historical AH/3 sketch by F. B. Perkins . . . New York, 1864. Q. 78 p. 50 pi. N484 Guild and school of handicraft. Proofs on hand-made Japanese vellum of the illustrations of the AC Transactions, touched up by the artists. 694 [London, 1890.] Nar. Q. v. i. Transactions. London, 1890. Q. v. I. ill. AC 094 Edited by C. R. Ashbee. No. 151 of 250 copies printed. Guilhermy, Roch Francois Marie Nolasque, baron de. 1808-78. AB Didron. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 25, p. 377-395.) An7 Itineraire archeologique de Paris, illustre de 15 gravures sur AH44 acier . . . d apres les dessins de C. Fichot. P2i6 Paris [1855]. D. [ 4 ]+392 P . ill. pi. Monographic de 1 eglise royale de Saint-Denis, tombeaux et AH44 figures historiques, dessins par Ch. Fichot. . . . Sa25 Paris, 1848. D. 326+[3] p. 33 pi- Restauration de 1 eglise royale de Saint-Denis. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 5, p. 200-215.) An; Guillaume, Edmond [Jean Baptiste]. 1826-. L histoire de Tart et de I ornement. 2e ed. AK Paris, 1888. O. i33-f[i]p. ill- 943 Guillaume, G. Huskisson, editor. AA See Wightwick, George. Hints to young architects. 1880. W63 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 421 Guillaume, [Pierre Etienne], abbe. 1803-. AH44 La cathedrale de Toul. Nancy, 1863. O. 196 p. I pi. T649 Guillaumot, Aug[uste] Alex[andre]. 1815-. Chateau dc Marly-le-Roi, construit en 1676, detruit en 1798 . . . AH44 Paris, 1865. F. G 28 p. ill. Hpl. M34 Fortes de 1 enceinte de Paris sous Charles V., 1380, d apres le plan AH44 public par la ville. Paris, 1879. Sq. F. 4 [10] p. 22 pi. P247 Guillaumot, [Auguste Etienne]. Costumes of the time of the French revolution, 1 790-1 793 . . . with AN4 English costumes during the years 1795-1806, drawn from the 094 collection of Victorien Sardou, with an introduction by C. Cook; 65 etchings, executed by Guillaumot fils, colored by hand. New York, 1889. F. 4 [7] p. 65 pi. Guillebert de Metz. is th cent. Description de la ville de Paris au 15 siecle, publiee pous la AH44 premiere fois d apres le manuscrit unique par M. Le Roux de P348 Lincy. Paris, 1804. D. [3] + 5 4+ 104 p. (Le tresor des pieces rares ou inedites; A. Aubry, ed. v. 2.) Guillemot, A. Adrien Dubouche; la vie et 1 ceuvre. (In Revue des arts decora- AB tifs. v. 2, p. 209-221.) R32 Guillon, Adolpe Irenee, 1829-, illustrator. See Monceaux, Henri. 1831-. Les carrelages histories du AJ2 moyen-age et de la renaissance. 1887. Guillot, Ernest. Fleurs d apres nature et fleurs ornementales; etudes de fleurs et AK feuillages, avec diverses interpretations applicables a 1 enluminure 6945 et a la decoration. Paris, no date. Obi. T. 16 pi. Guilmard, D[esir]. 1810- La connaissance des styles de l ornementation; etudes elemen- AK taires sur 1 histoire, 1 architecture et les arts industriels . . . G94I Paris, 1849. F. r 34+[ 2 ] P- 4 2 pi- Les maitres ornemanistes . . . ecoles francaise, italienne, allemande AK et des Pays-Bas . . . precedee d une introduction par Baron 6942 Davillier. " Paris, 1 880-81. Q. 2 v. 180 pi. Guizzardi, Giuseppe. 1779-1867. Le sculture delle porte della basilica di San Petronio in Bologna AH45 scolpite da ... maestri de secoli 15 e 16 . . . pubblicate ... da G. 6632 Guizzardi e sopra i di lui disegni incise da F. Spagnuoli illustrate con una memoria e document! inediti dal Marchese V. Davia . . . Bologna, 1834. F. 6 38 p. 101 pi. 27* 422 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY (i ul lick, Thomas J[ohn]. Oil painting on glass; including mirrors, windows, etc., with AN6 remarks upon the principles of painting and decorative art gener- 095 ally. London [1892]. D. 6+[i] + 84 p. Gul yanov, Ivan Aleksandrovich. -i854(?). Archeologie egyptienne; ou, Recherches sur 1 expression des AR62 signes hieroglyphiques et sur les elemens de la langue sacree des A22 Egyptiens . . . Leipsic, 1839. O- 3 v - 8 pi. No more published. Gurlitt, Cornelius. 1850- Das barock- und rococo-ornament Deutschlands. Berlin, 1889. AK F. 5 8 p. 80 pi. (Die architektur und das kunstgewerbe des 17. 096 und 1 8. jahrhunderts; hrsg. von R. Dohme und C. Gurlitt.) Geschichte des barockstiles, des rococo und des klassicismus in AF Belgien, Holland, Frankreich, England . . . Stuttgart, 1888. O. 689 11+419 p. ill- (Burckhardt, Jakob, 1818-, and Liibke, Wilhelm, 1826-. Geschichte der neueren baukunst. v. 5 2 , pt. i.) Geschichte des barockstiles in Italien . . . Stuttgart, 1887. O. AF 17+561 p. ill. (Burckhardt, Jakob, 1818-, and Liibke, Wilhelm, 689 1826. Geschichte der neueren baukunst. v. 5 1 .) Geschichte des barockstiles und des rococo in Deutschland . . . AF Stuttgart, 1889. O. 8+499 P- ill- (Burckhardt, Jakob, 1818-, 689 and Liibke, Wilhelm, 1826-. Geschichte der neueren baukunst. v. 5 2 , Pt 2.) Das konigliche schloss zu Dresden und seine erbauer. (In Sach- AC sischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung der vaterlandischen Sal alterthumer. Mittheilungen. v. 28, p. 1-58. 6 pi.) Das schloss zu Meissen; cine kunstgeschichtliche studie. AH43 Dresden, 1881. O. 44 p. ill. 6 pi. M472 See Junghandel, Max. Die baukunst Spaniens in ihren hervor- AH46 ragendsten werken, text von C. Gurlitt. [1891-93.] Ai2 Gurlitt, Cornelius, 1850- editor. Mobel deutscher fiirstensitze. Berlin, 1888. F. 5 [4] p. 40 pi. ANi (Die architektur und das kunstgewerbe des 17. und 18. jahrhun- Gg6 derts; hrsg. von R. Dohme und C. Gurlitt.) See Die architektur und das kunstgewerbe des 17. und 1 8. jahr hunderts. Gurlitt, Cornelius, 1850-, Burckhardt, Jakob, 1818- and Liibke, Wilhelm, 1826-. AF Geschichte der neueren baukunst. 1882-91. v. 3 and 5. B8Q COLUMBIA COLLEGE 423 Gurlitt, Cornelius, 1850- Hanel, C. M., and Adam, J. C. Sachsische herrensitze und schlosser, dargestellt in ansichten, AH43 grundrissen situationsplanen und einem erlauternden text. No SaQ2 date. Gurlitt, Cornelius, 1850- and Schmidt, Hermann. Baukunst des mittelalters. Leipzig, i884-[8;]. O. 2 v. ill. AF (Klassiker bibliothek der bildenden kiinste; klassiker der bau- Gp6 kunst.) Gurlitt, W[ilhelm]. 1844-. Das alter der bildwerke und die bauzeit des sogenannten Theseion AH495 in Athen; eine archaologische untersuchung. Zi Wien, 1875. O. [3] +95 P- Gutensohn, Johann Gottfried, 1792- and Knapp, J. M., 1793-. Denkmale der christlichen religion; oder, Sammlung der altesten christlichen kirchen oder basiliken Roms vom 4. bis zum 13. jahr- hundert Rom, 1822-27. This book appeared later as atlas to Bunsen, C. K. J. freiherr von. Das basiliken des christ lichen Roms. Guthe, Hermann, editor. See Deutscher verein zur erforschung Palastina s. Zeitschrift. AC 1878-. 0481 Guyer, Eduard. Das hotelwesen der gegenwart. 2. ... aufl. AE2 Zurich, 1885. Nar. Q. 36r + [2] p. 64 ill. 9 pi. 6922 Guyot, Laurent, 1756-1806, engraver. See Lavallee=Poussin, Etienne de. 1740-93. Neue sammlung AK von arabesken zur verzierung der zimmer. 1810. L38 Gwilt, Joseph. 1784-1863. Elements of architectural criticism for the use of students . . . AA London, 1837. Nar. Q. 14+121 p. ill. Ggg Examination of the elements of beauty in Grecian architecture. AK (In Chambers, Sir William. 1726-96. Treatise on the decorative C36 part of civil architecture. 1862. p. 11-49.) Sciography; or, Examples of shadows with rules for their projec- AL2 tion ... 3d ed. London, 1833. O. 8 + 55 p. 24 pi. G99 Gwilt, Joseph, 1784-1863, translator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Rudimentary architecture . . . the 841 ten books translated from the Latin. 1880. 424 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Gwinner, Ph[ilipp] Friedrich. 1796-1868. Kunst und kiinstler in Frankfurt am Main vom dreizehnten jahr- AO hundert bis zur eroffnung des Stadel schen kunstinstituts. 699 Frankfurt am Main, 1862. O. 16+577 P- 2 P or - l ta b- Zusatze und berichtigungen zu kunst und kiinstler in Frankfurt AO am Main . . . Frankfurt am Main, 1867. O. 8+142 p. 099 Gwynn, John. -1786. London and Westminster improved, illustrated by plans, to which AJLj.2 is prefixed a discourse on publick magnificence . . . ^-932 London, 1776. Q. 15 + 132 p. 4 maps. Qyavak, Marie Leopoldine Qrassalkowits von, fiirstin. 17761864. See Qrassalkowits von Qyavak, Marie Leopoldine, fiirstin. 1776-1864. Gyfford, E. Designs for elegant cottages and small villas . . . [with an] esti- AE2 mate of the . . . expense . . . Ggg London, 1806. Sq. F. 8 + 20 p. 26 pi. Gyllius, Petrus. 1490-1555. See Gilles, Pierre. 1490-1555. [H.] Remembrance of Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, the burial-place of . . . AW Rev. W. Adams. London [pref. 1849]. S. [4]+ 2 4 P- ill- pi- H * * *, A. E. d . Historische beschreibung der beriihmten hohen erz-dom-kirche zu AH43 Coin am Rhein, nebst ihren denkmalern und merkwiirdigkeiten. 722 Coin, 1821. D. i7+37o+[i] p. 5 pi. H ***, H. See Herluison, Henri. 1835-. H., M. C. AB Decamps. (In Fine arts quarterly review, n. s. v. 2, p. 299318.) F49 Eugene Delacroix. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. 3, p. 80- AB 101, 265-280.) F49 Horace Vernet: his life and works. (In Fine arts quarterly re- AB view. v. 2, p. 126-160.) I 7 49 Paul Delaroche. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. 2, p. 273 AB 304.) F49 Religious painting: Hippolyte Flandrin. (In Fine arts quarterly AB review, n. s. v. I, p. 114-131,284-302. I pi.) F49 Haarmann, F. L., 1798-1864, editor. AB See Zeitschrift fur bauhandwerker. 1857-63. 2314 Haas, Karl. Kunstdenkmale des mittelalters in Steiermark. (In Austria Cen- AC tralcommission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1857. v. 2, Au7i p. 201-232.) Haas, M., and Baum, Ph. Schloss Stern bei Prag. 1876. (In Italienische renaissance. AH45 1875-82. v. 3.) A28 Haberlih, C[arl]. 1865-. Studien zur Aphrodite von Melos; zur orientirung auch fur wei- AO8 tere kreise . . . Gottingen, 1889. O. 49 p. HII 426 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Habermann, F[ranz] X[avier]. Recueil de motifs et compositions rocailles . . . AK Paris, i89-(?). F. 4 68 pi. HII Rococo; auswahl ornamentaler motive des 18. jahrhunderts. AK Leipzig, 1887. F. 6 35 pi. (Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche Or6i sammelmappe. 1887. Ser. i.) Rococo-mobel. Leipzig, 1887. F. 5 35 pi. (Ornamentale und AK kunstgewerbliche sammelmappe. 1887. Ser. 2.) Or6i Habermann, [Franz Xavier], and others. Rococo-ornamente; auswahl mustergiltiger motive des 18. jahr- AK hunderts. Leipzig, 1893. F. 5 35 pi. (Ornamentale und kunst- Or6i gewerbliche sammelmappe. 1893. Ser. 3.) Habershon, M[atthew]. Ancient half-timbered houses of England. AA London, 1836. F. 4 28 + 26 p. ill. 36 pi. HII Habert=Dys, [Jules Auguste]. 1850- AK Fantaisies decoratives, ser. I. Paris, 1886-87. F. 5 v. I. 48 pi. Hi 12 L ornement pratique, documents d apres nature. AK Paris, 1 88-. Sq. F. 48 pi. Hi 13 Habington, Thomas. 1560-1647. Antiquities of the cathedral church of Worcester; to which are AH42 added, The antiquities of the cathedral churches of Chichester and 431 Lichfield . . . London, 1717. D. various paging. Hach, Theodor. Die anfange der renaissance in Liibeck. AH43 Liibeck, 1889. Q. [6]+46+[i] p. 12 pi. L962 Der dom zu Liibeck, hrsg. vom Vereine von kunstfreunden und AH43 vom Vereine fur liibeckische geschichte und alterthumskunde. LQ6 Berlin [1885]. F. 5 [4] +3 5 p. 20 pi. Hackermann, A. Die Laokoonsgruppe; archaologischer vortrag am 9. Dec. 1856 A08 gehalten als einladungsschrift zu einem . . . von demselben zu Z4 haltenden vortrag. Greifswald [1857]. Q. 38 p. Der vaticanische Apollo; archaologischer vortrag am 9. Dec. 1857 A08 gehalten als einladungsschrift zu einem . . . von Prof. Hertz zu Z4 haltenden vortrag . . . Greifswald [1857]. O. 58 p. [Hackett, Maria.] Popular account of St. Paul s cathedral, including a brief history AH42 of the old and new cathedral, with explanations of tne monu- L945 mental designs . . . I4th ed. [Anon.] London, 1825. S. [8]+/2 p. ill. 2 paged pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 427 Hadfield, Charles. 1821-84. On the history of the rebuilding of the choir of Canterbury AC cathedral, A. D. 1175. (In Associated architectural societies. As/ Reports and papers, v. 14, p. 128-149. 2 pi.) Hadfield, James. Ecclesiastical architecture of the county of Essex, from the Nor- AH42 man era to the sixteenth century . . . New ed. 57 London [1856]. F. 4 [4]+42+[i] p. 81 pi. Hadloub, Johannes. i4 th cent. Gedichte hrsg. von L. Ettmuller. Zurich, no date. Q. 6+50 p. I pi. AC (In Antiquarischegesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1841. v. I.) An8 Haemrood, Cornells. Bataviae urbiumque omnium inter Helium et Flevum brevis AH4Q2 descriptio. (In Pontanus, J. I. Rerum et urbis Amstelodamen- Am8i slum historia. 1611. apx., p. 820.) Haestens, Hendrik van. De magnificentie ofte lust-hoff van gantsch Christenrijck . . . A A Leyden, 1619. O. 8 + 354+5 p. ill. Hill Haferkorn, Hfenry] E[rnest], 1859- compiler. Handy list of books on fine arts and architecture, painting, sculp- AY ture, decoration, ornament, carpentry, building, art industries, Hn etc. . . . [and key]. Milwaukee, 1893. O. [7J + 336+I3 p. (Pts. 5-6 of his Handy lists of technical literature. 1893.) Haffner, Franz. 1609-71. Der klein Solothurner allgemeine schaw-platz historischer geist- AH494 auch weltlicher vornembsten geschichten und handlen . . . 804 Solothurn, 1666. Sq. O. 2 v. in I. Haffner, Qotthard, editor. See Frik, Elias. Ausfiihrliche beschreibung von dem anfang, AH43 fortgang, der vollendung und beschaffenheit des herrlichen und Ui54 prachtigen miinster-gebaudes zu Ulm. Hafner, A[lbert]. See Winterthur (Switz.) Historisch=antiquarischer verein. AM7 Chefs-d oeuvre de la peinture suisse sur verre, avec un texte ex- W732 plicatif par A. Hafner. [Pref. 1887.] Haga Comitis illustrata; of, Het verheerlykt en verligt AW2 s Gravenhage . . . honderd-en-zestien . . . afbeeldingen der ... Hi2 decoratien en zinnebeelden, benevens de verdere vreugdebedryven en illuminatien ter geleegenheid der allerheughelykste verkiezinge van . . . Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, prince van Oranje en Nas sau . . . voorgevallen den 3. en 15. May 1747 . . . s Gravenhage, 1751. Sq. F. 6 [_4] + 24 p. ill. 1 16 pi. on 16 p. For supplement see Nette afbeelding en ampele beschryving der eerepoorten, etc. 1766. 428 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hagen, Ernst August. 1797-1880. Beschreibung der domkirche zu Konigsberg . . . Konigsberg, AH43 1833. O. 381 p. (Gebser, A. R., and Hagen, E. A. Der dom K83 zu Konigsberg in Preussen. 183335. v. 2.) Hagen, Ernst August, 1797-1880, and Gebser, A. R., 1801-74. AH43 Der dom zu Konigsberg in Preussen. 1833-35. ^83 Hager, Georg. Die romanische kirchenbaukunst Schwabens. AH43 Miinchen, 1887. O. 76 p. Swi Doctor s dissertation at Munich (Ger.) university. Haghe, Louis. 1806-85. Monuments anciens recueillis in Allemagne . . . accompagnes de AH43 notices historiques par O. Delepierre. Ai8 Bruxelles, 1845. F. 6 4 P- ! 3 P 1 - Hahn, Fr. Fiinf elfenbein-gefasse des friihesten mittelalters. AN6 Hannover, 1862. Q. 5+67 p. ill. 3 pi. Hi2 Hahn, J[ohann] G[eorg] von. Die ausgrabungen auf der homerischen Pergamos, in zvvei send- AR3Q2 schreiben an Georg Finlay. ?4i Leipzig, 1865. O. 36 p. 2 pi. 2 maps. Hahnel, Ernst Julius. 1811-. Sculpturen an dem Konigl. museum und dem alten Konigl. A08 hoftheater zu Dresden, ferner denkmaler, statuen, entwiirfe, Hi2 reliefs. . . Dresden, 1882. F. 5 150 pi. Haillet de Couronne, [Jean Baptiste Guillaume], 1728-1810, compiler. Documents sur les fabriques de faience de Rouen . . . publics par AN2 L. Delisle. Valognes, 1865. O. [5J+9+77 p. Hi2 Hailstone, Edward, jr., Goulburn, E. M., D. D., 1818- and Symonds, Rev. Henry. AH42 Ancient sculptures in the roof of Norwich cathedral. 1876. N83I Haines, Rev. Herbert. 1826-72. Manual of monumental brasses, comprising an introduction to the AE8 study of these memorials and a list of those remaining in the Hi2 British Isles . . . Oxford, 1861. O. 2 v. ill. I pi. 14 paged pi. Haines, Jones & Cadbury co. Catalogue of plumbers , gas and steam-fitters supplies. AJ Philadelphia, 1890. Q. 300 p. ill. Hi2i Illustrated catalogue - A, of sanitary specialties. AJ Philadelphia, 1893. Sq. F. 220 p. ill. Hi2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 429 Haines, W., editor. See Spershott, Rev. James. 1709-89. Memoirs of Chichester. AC (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 29, p. 219-231; Su8 v. 30, p. 147-160.) Hakewill, Edward Charles. 1812-72. The temple; an essay on the forms of the ark, the tabernacle and AH569 the temple of Jerusalem . . . J4&4 London, 1850. Nar. Q. 7+i2O+[3J p. and Atlas, F. 4 13 pi. H[akewill], H[enry]. 1771-1830. Account of the Roman villa discovered at Northleigh, Oxford- AH42 shire, in ... 1813-16. N8ii [London, 1826.] Sq. F. [3] + 7 p. ill. 5 pi. From Joseph Skelton s Engraved illustrations of the antiquities of Oxfordshire. Bound with it are 19 plates from Pugin s works. Halen, H. J. van, translator. See Scheuchzer, J. J. 1672-1733. Geestelyke natuurkunde. AK 1728-38. Sch2 Halfpenny, John. See Halfpenny, William, fl. 1752. New designs for Chinese AN8 temples, triumphal arches, garden seats. 1750-52. Hi3 Vols. 2-4 by William and John Halfpenny. Halfpenny, Joseph. 1 748-1 8 1 1 . Fragmenta vetusta; or, The remains of ancient buildings in York, AH42 drawn and etched by Joseph Halfpenny. 9 York, 1807. Sq. F. 4 [6]+io+[>3] p. 34 pi. Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church of York. AH44 [York] 1795. Sq. F. Unpaged. 107 pi. Y8 Halfpenny, William, fl. 1752. New designs for Chinese temples, triumphal arches, garden AN8 seats . . . London, 1750-52. D. 4 v. in i. 60 pi. Hi3 Vols. 2-4 by William and John Halfpenny. Practical architecture, or a sure guide to the true working ac- AA cording to the rules of that science, representing the five orders Hi 3 with their . . . doors and windows, taken from Inigo Jones and other . . . architects . . . London, 1724. S. [3] +48 f. ill. Hall, Simpson, Miller & co. Illustrated catalogue and price list of fine electro silver plated AlVLj ware. 1878-79. Si5 Hall, Mrs. [Anna Maria (Fielding)]. 1800-81. Pilgrimages to English shrines, with notes and illustrations by AH42 F. W. Fairholt . . . London, 1853. O. 2 v. in i. ill. A56 430 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria (Fielding), 1 800-81, and Hall, S. C., 1800-89. AH4I5 Ireland; its scenery, character, etc. [i843(?).J -^9 Hall, Edwin T[homas]. London building legislation. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 105-184.) R8i [Hall, Rev. George.] History of Chesterfield, with . . . descriptive accounts of Chats- AR42 worth, Hardwick and Bolsover castle . . . [published by T. Ford]. C422 [Anon.] London, 1839. O. 6+[i] + 5O4 p. ill. 21 pi. Hall, Rev. Q[eorge] Rome. Account of researches in ancient circular dwellings near Birtley, AB Northumberland. (In Archaeologia. v. 45, p. 355-374. 2 pi.) Ar2 Hall, Isaac Hollister. 1837-. AR499 Cypriote inscriptions. Nar. Q. 7 p. ill. A5 From Scribner s magazine, June, 1880, p. 205-211. Hall, James, of Nantwich. History of the town and parish of Nantwich, or Wich-Malbank, ArLp in the county palatine of Chester ... Ni5 Nantwich, 1883. Q. 16+531 p. ill. 10 pi. Hall, Sir James. 1761-1832. Essay on the origin and principles of Gothic architecture . . . AD6 Edinburgh, 1797. Q. 27 p. 6 pi. Hi4i From Edinburgh (Scotland) Royal society. Transactions. 1797. v. 4. Essay on the origin, history and principles of Gothic archi- AD6 tecture . . . London, 1813. Sq. F. 4 [4] + i5op. 60 pi. Hi4 Hall, John, architect. New and concise method of hand-railing . . . also a full develop- AI ment of the cylindric sections as applied to niches, groins, domes Hl4 and all ... intricate parts of carpentry. Baltimore, 1840. Q. 23 p. 8 pi. Hall, John George. Notices of Lincolnshire ... an ... account of some villages in the AH42 division of Lindsey ... Hull, 1890. O. [5] + 200 p. 9 pi. L634 Hall, Samuel Carter, 1800-89, editor. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1867. Illustrated A04 catalogue of the Universal exhibition. 1868. P2i Hall, S[amuel] C[arter], 1800-89, and Hall, Mrs. [A. M. (F.)], 1 800-8 1. Ireland; its scenery, character, etc. New ed. ArLj.15 London [i843(?)]. Q- 3 v. ill. 46 pi. 19 maps. A9 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 431 Halle (Ger.) Thuringisch=sachsischer verein fur erforschung des vaterlandischen alterthums und erhaltung seiner denkmaler. See Thuringisch=sachsischer verein fur erforschung u. s. w. Hallett, William T. Specifications for frame houses ranging in cost from two thousand AI to twenty thousand dollars. 4^ ed . . . enlarged. Hi 5 New York, 1883 [c. 81]. Q. [4]+26+[i5] p. Halliday, Mrs. Maria. Biographical notice of Rev. Peter Courtenay. (In Gibbs, Roscoe. AILp Delineation of the Courtenay mantelpiece. 1884. p. 1-14.) Ex33 Hallisches Winckelmannsprogramrn. AP See Winckelmannsprogramm, Halle. 1876-88. VV/24 Halliwell=[Phillipps], James Orchard. 1820-89. Ancient inventories of furniture, pictures, tapestry, plate . . . illus- AN4 trative of the domestic manners of the English in the sixteenth Hi 5 and seventeenth centuries . . . London, 1854. Q. [5] + i6o p. Halliwell=[Phillipps], James Orchard, 1820-89, com piler. Collection of letters illustrative of the progress of science in Eng- AP land . . . Elizabeth to ... Charles the second. London, 1841. Z O. 19+ [10] + 124 p. (Historical society of science. Publications.) Hallmann, Anton. 1812-45. History of Greco-Russian ecclesiastical architecture. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1842. v. I, pt. 2, R8i p. 88-101. 2 pi.) Halm, P. Ornamente und motive des rococo-stiles aus deutschen kunst- AK denkmalen . . . Frankfurt a. M., 1887. F. 4 40 pi. Hi6 [Halsted, Byron David. 1852-.] Barn plans and outbuildings. [Anon.] AE2 New York, 1882. D. 235 p. ill. i pi. Hi6 Hamard, L. J. Etudes archeologiques sur la cathedrale de Laval. AH44 Laval, 1855. O. 78 p. L38 Hamburg (Ger.). Baupolizei-gesetz der stadt Hamburg, der vorstadt St. Pauli und AI der vororte vom 23. Juni 1882 . . . hrsg. von L. Bargum. II 17 Hamburg, 1892. O. 8 -f [2] + 156 p. and sup. Hamburg (Ger.) Architecten= und ingenieur= verein, editor. AH43 Hamburg s privatbauten. Hamburg, 1877. Sq. F. 5 10 p. 72 pi. Hi7 432 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hamburg (Ger.) Museum fur kunstund gewerbe. Bericht iiber die entwickelung der anstalt seit ihrer eroffnung am AO2 25. September 1877 . . . zum 25. September 1882. Hi7 Hamburg [pref. 1882]. Q. [6] + 187 p. ill. 2 pi. Festschrift zur eroffnung des neuen museums-gebaudes am 25. AO2 Sept. 1877. Hamburg [1877]. Q. 3+41 p. ill. 2 pi. Hi7i Hamburgs neubau; sammlung sammtlicher fa^aden der AH43 gebaude an den neubebauten strassen ... Hi 73 Hamburg, 1844-48. Obi. Q. 95 pi. Hamel de Monceau, Henri Louis du. 1700-82. See Duhamel de Monceau, Henri Louis. 1700-82. Hamell, Paschasius. fl. 1536. Perspectiva tribvs libris svccinctis denvo correcta et figvris illus- AL2 trata. Lvtetiae, Gourbinus, 1556. D. [3] +43 f. ill. Hi7 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. 1834- Analysis and synthesis in painting: Reaction from pre-Raphael- AB itism. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. 2, p. 236-262.) F49 Graphic arts; a treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting and AO engraving in comparison with each other and with nature ... Hi 71 London, 1882. F. 4 16+384 p. ill. 49 pi. Gustave Dore. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. 3, p. 1-25, 300- AB 364. 5 pi.) F49 Modern etching in France. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. 2, AB p. 69-1 10. 2 pi.) F49 Painting in France; the salon of 1863. (In Fine arts quarterly AB review, v. I, p. 225-262.) F49 Paris in old and present times, with especial reference to changes AH44 in its architecture and topography. P238 Boston, 1885. Sq. O. 11+238 p. ill. 49 pi. Paris in old and present times, with especial reference to changes AH44 in its architecture and topography. P238i London, 1885. F. 4 8+94 p. ill. 12 pi. The Saone; a summer voyage illustrated by Joseph Pennell . . . AH44 London, 1887. O. 19+368 p. ill. 16 pi. 4 maps. A32 Thoughts about art. New edition . . . AO Boston, 1874. D. 24+383 p. Hi7 Hamilton, Adam. Pax. Buckfast abbey. 3^ edition. London, 1892. O. 34 p. ill. I pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 433 Hamilton, Gavin. 1730-97. AH45 Schola Italica picturae. Romae, 1773. F. 7 40 pi. A45 1 Plates engraved from Hamilton s own drawings of paintings by Michel Angelo, 4; Da Vinci, i ; Bartolommeo, i ; Del Sarto, i ; Raphael, 4 ; G. Romano, i ; Polidoro da Caravag- gio, 2 ; Parmegiano, 2; Correggio, 2 ; Barocchi, i ; Giorgione, i ; Titian, 2 ; P. Veronese, i ; Tintoretto, i ; J. Bassano, i; Palma, i ; L. Carracci, 2 ; An. Carracci, 2 ; Ag. Carracci, i ; Domenichino, 2 ; Guido, 3 ; Guercino, i ; Albani, i ; Lanfranco, i ; Michelangelo da Cara- vaggio, i. Published by Piranesi. Hamilton, Sir William. 1730-1803. Account of the discoveries at Pompeii. (In Archseologia. 1777. AB v. 4, p. 160-175. pi.) Ar2 Antiquites etrusques, grecques, et romaines tirees du cabinet de AN2 M. Hamilton. See, below, Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Hi 82 Roman antiquities. 1766. Collection of engravings from ancient vases ... of Greek work- AN2 manship discovered in sepulchres in the . . . two Sicilies . . . [and] Hi8 Naples . . . 1789-90 . . . with remarks on each vase . . . Naples, 1791-95. F. 5 3 v. 258 pi. Title-page and text in English and French. Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Roman antiquities from . . . AN2 [his] cabinet [by P. F. Hugues, dit d Hancarville]. Hi 82 Naples, 1766. Sq. F. 3 2 v. 106 pi. Title-page and text in English and French. Outlines from the figures and compositions upon the Greek, AN2 Roman and Etruscan vases of . . . Sir William Hamilton, with ... Hi8i borders drawn and engraved by ... [Thomas] Kirk. London, 1804. Q. 17+47 p. 62 pi. Hamilton, William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas=Hamilton, duke. 1845-. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of pictures, works of art and AO2 decorative objects . . . sold by auction . . . June . . . [and July] Hi8 1882 . . . [London, 1882.] O. 234 p. Hamilton palace collection; illustrated priced catalogue. AO2 Paris, 1882. Q. 243 p. ill. 3 pi. Hi8i Hamilton, William Richard, 1777-1859, translator and adapter. See Kugler, F. T. 1808-58. On the polychromy of Greek archi- AC tecture. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. R8i 1835-36. v. i, pt. i, p. 73-99- i pl.) Hammon, Henry J[ohn]. Architectural antiquities and present state of Crosby Place, AH42 London, as lately restored by John Davies . . . L929 London, 1844. F. 16 p. 15 pl. 28 434 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Hammond, Thomas William.] Flowers and plants . . . sketched from nature by Emile Favart. AK Nottingham, 1880. F. 5 60 pi. Hi 8 Hampel, Carl. Gartenbeete und gruppen; 333 entvviirfe fur einfache und reiche AN8 ausfuhrung mit mehrfachen und erprobten bepflanzungen in Hi8 verschiedenen jahreszeiten. Berlin, 1893. F. 6+[i] + 366 p. ill. Hamper, William. 1776-1831. Disquisition on the member in architecture, called an oriel. (In AB Archseologia. v. 23, p. 105-116.) Ar2 Observations on certain ancient pillars of memorial called Hoar- AB stones. (In Archaeologia. v. 25, p. 2460.) Ar2 Hampton & sons. . . . Illustrated designs of cabinet furniture, engraved from photo- ANi graphs of stock at their new premises and manufactory ... Hi8 London . . . [London, 1880.] Q. [6] p. 715 ill. I pi. Hanau, Moritz, prince. Katalog ausgewahlter . . . kunstsachen, einrichtungs-gegenstande A02 und gemalde aus . . . [seinem] allod-nachlasse . . . versteigerung Hip zu Koln den 27-30 Nov. 1889 durch J. M. Heberle . . . Koln, 1889. F. [5] + 82 p. 23 pi. Hancarville, Pierre Francois Hugues, called d . 1719-1805. See David, F. A. 1741-1824. Antiquites, etrusques, grecques et AR45 romaines, avec leurs explications par d Hancarville. 1785-88. Et;i See Hamilton, Sir William. 1730-1803. Collection of Etruscan, AN2 Greek and Roman antiquities. 1766. Hi 82 Handbook for visitors to Oxford. 1847. AH 4 2 See Parker, J. H. 1806-84. Ox26 Handbook of English ecclesiology. 1847. AP See Cambridge Camden society. 14 Handbook to the British portrait gallery in the Art A04 treasures exhibition. 1857. ^3 I See [Cunningham, Peter. 1816-69], Handbook to the cathedral church of Ely, with some AH42 account of the conventual buildings ... 3d edition. 194 Ely [pref. 1855]. D. [7]+8o p. ill. 6 pi. Handbook to the cathedrals of England. 1869-81. AH42 See [King, R. J.]. 1818-79. A$i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 435 Handbook to the cathedrals of England: St. Paul s. 1879. AH42 See [Milman, H. H., dean of St. Paul s]. 1791-1868. L8S7 Handbook to the cathedrals of Wales. 1873. AH429 See [King, R. J.]. 1818-79. Ai Handbuch der architektur; unter mitwirkung von fach- AA genossen ; hrsg. von J. Durm, H. Ende, E. Schmitt und H. Wagner. H 19 Darmstadt, 1880-93. Nar. Q. 24 v. ill. pi. Contents : Div. i. Allgemeine hochbaukunde. v. i, pt. i. ESSENWEIN, A. O. Einleitung. EXNER, W. F., HAUENSCHILD, H., and LAUBOCK, G. Die tech- nik der wichtigeren baustoffe. v. i, pt. 2. LANDSBERG, T. Die statikderhochbau-constructionen. 2. aufl. Div. 2. Die baustile. v. i. DURM, J. W. Die baukunst der Griechen. 2. aufl. v. 2. DURM, J. W. Die baukunst der Etrusker und der Romer. v. 3, pt. i. ESSENWEIN, A. O. Die ausgiinge der classischen baukunst; Die fortsetzung der classischen baukunst im ostromischen reiche. v. 3, pt. 2. FRANZ, J., pasha. Die baukunst des Islam. v. 4, pt. 1-2. ESSENWEIN, A. O. Die roraanische und die gothische baukunst. Div. 3. Hochbau-constructionen. v.i. MARX.E., HEINZERLING, J.G.E.F.,andBARKHAusEN,G. Con- structions-elemente in stein, holz und eisen. 2. aufl. SCHMITT, E. Fundamente. v. 2, pt. i. MARX, E. Wande und wandoffnungen. v. 2, pt. 2. EWERBECK, F., and SCHMITT, E. Einfriedigungen, briistungen und geltinder ; balcons, altane und erker. GOLLER, A. Gesimse. v. 2, pt. 3. BARKHAUSEN, G. Balkendecken. Kc-RNER, . Gewolbte decken. SCHACHT, , and SCHMITT, E. Verglaste decken und decken- lichter. BARKHAUSEN, G. Sonstige decken-constructionen. v. 3, pt. 2. SCHMIDT, O., SCHMITT, E., MAYER, P., and KRAMER, J. An- lagen zur vermittelung des verkehres in den gebauden. v. 4. SCHMITT, E. Versorgung der gebaude mit sonnenlicht und sonnenwarme. 2. aufl. FISCHER, H., and KOHLRAUSCH, W. Kiinstliche beleuchtung der raume. FISCHER, H. Heizung und liiftung der raume. LiJGER, O. Wasserversorgung der gebaude. v. 5. MARX, E., and SCHMITT, E. Koch-, spill-, wasch- und bade- einrichtungen. 2. aufl. KNAUFF, M., and SCHMITT, E. Entwasserung und reinigung der gebaude, etc. v. 6. MARX, E. Sicherungen gegen einbruch. 2. aufl. ORTH, A. Anlagen zur erzielung einer guten akustik. K6PCKE, F. Glockenstiihle. SPILLNER, E. Sicherungen gegen feuer, ^blitzschlag, boden- senkungen und erderschiitterungen. EWERBECK, F. Terrassen, freitreppen und rampen-anlagen. SPILLNER, E. Befestigungderbiirgersteigeundhofflachen. SCHMITT, E. Vordacher. OSTHOFF, G., and SPILLNER, E. Eisbehalter und sonstige kiihl anlagen. Div. 4. Entwerfen, anlage und einrichtung der gebaude. v. i. Die architektonische composition. WAGNER, H. Allgemeine grundziige. THIERSCH, A. Die proportionen in der architektur. WAGNER, H. Die anlage des gebaudes. 436 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Handbuch der architektur. Contents : Div. 4. Entwerfen, anlage und einrichtung der gebiiude. v. i. BUHLMANN, J. Die gestaltung der ausseren und der inneren architektur. BOHNSTEDT, L., and WAGNER, H. Vorniume, treppen-, hof- und saal-anlagen. v. 3. Gebaude fur landwirthschaftliche und approvisionirungszwecke. v. 3, pt. 1-2. OSTHOFF, G., and SCHMITT, E. Schlachthofe und viehmarkte. Markte fur lebensmittel, getreide, pferde und hornvieh. v. 4. Gebaude fur erholungs-, beherbergungs-undvereinszwecke. WAGNER, H. Schank- und speise-locale. SCHMITT, E. Volkskiichen und speiseanstalten fiir arbeiter. DURM, J. W., and WAGNER, H. Offentliche vergniigungs-locale und festhallen. HUDE, P. W. H. VON DER, and SCHMITT, E. Hotels, gasthSfe niederen ranges, schlaf- und herbergshauser. MYLIUS, J., and WAGNER, H. Baulichkeitenfiircur-undbadeorte. SCHMITT, E., and WAGNER, H. Gebaude fur gesellschaften und vereine. DURM, J. W., LIEBLEIN, J., REINHARDT, R., and WAGNER, H. Baulichkeiten fiir den sport. v. 5. Gebaude fiir heil- und sonstige wohlfahrts-anstalten. v. 5, pt. 2. FUNK, A. Irren-anstalten ; Entbindungs-anstalten. BEHNKE, G. Heimstatten fiir genesende. HENRICI, K. Blinden-anstalten; Taubstummen-anstalten. BEHNKE, G. Anstalten fiir schvvachsinnige. v. 6. Gebaude fiir erziehung, wissenschaft und kunst. v. 6, pt. i. BEHNKE, G. Volksschulen und andere niedere schulen. SCHMITT, E. Niedere technische lehranstalten und gewerbliche fachschulen. LANG, H. Gymnasien und real-lehranstalten. SCHMITT, E. Mittlere technische lehranstalten. WAGNER, H. Pensionate und alumnate. LANG, H., and SCHMITT, E. Lehrer- und lehrerinnenseminare. LINDHEIMER, O. Turnanstalten. v. 6, pt. 2. EGGERT, G. P. H. Universitaten. KORNER, C. Technische hochschulen. JUNK, C., and SCHMITT, E. Physikalische und chemische insti tute. Mineralogische und geologische, botanische und zoolo- gische institute. TlEDEMANN, L. VON. Medicinische lehranstalten der univer- sitaten. SCHMITT, E. Elektro-technische institute. SPIEKER, P. Sternwarten und andere observatorien. v. 7. Gebaude fiir verwaltung, rechtspflege und gesetzgebung; Militar- bauten. BLUNTSCHLI, A. F. Stadt- und rathhauser. KORTUM, A. Gebaude fiir ministerien, botschaften und gesandt- schaften. SCHWECHTEN, F., and WAGNER, H. Geschaftshauser fiir staat- liche provinz-, kreis- und ortsbehorden. OSTHOFF, G.,and MEYER, H. Geschaftshauser fiir sonstige offent- lichen und privaten verwaltungen. SCHMITT, E. Leichenschauhauser. LANDAUER, T. VON, SCHMITT, E., and WAGNER, H. Gerichts- hauser, straf- und besserungs-anstalten. WAGNER, H., and WALLOT, P. Parlamentshauser und stiinde- hauser. RICHTER, F. Gebaude fur militarische zwecke. v. 9. STUBBEN, J. Der stadtebau. Handcke, Berthold. 1862-. Hans Fries. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunst- AB sammlungen. v. n,p. 168-182.) Ji92 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 437 Handcke, Berthold, 1862-, and Mtiller, August, architect. Das miinstcr in Bern. AH494 Bern, 1894. Sq. F. 4 10+179 p. ill. 20 pi. 3 paged pi. 6451 Handy hints on the internal arrangement and the sani- AE2 tary contrivances of cottages and villas. 663 I See Burn, R. S. (In Bogue, J. W. Domestic architecture. 1865. P- 5-30.) Hanel, [C. Moritz], Adam, [J. C.], and Qurlitt, Cor= nelius, 1850-. Sachsische herrensitze und schlosser, dargestellt in ansichten, AH43 grundrissen, situationsplanen und einem erlauterndem text. 8392 Dresden, no date. Sq. F. 5 [3] +76 p. ill. 69 pi. Hannah, Rev. J[ohn]. 1818-88. General character of Sussex churches. (In Sussex archaeological AC society. Collections, v. 30, p. 98-1 1 1.) Su8 Hannover (Ger.) Architecten= und ingenieur= verein. Beitrage zur forderung der kunst in den gewerken. AC Hannover, 1858-72. F. ill. v. i. Hi9i No more published. Ubersicht der mittelalterlichen baudenkmaler Niedersachsens. AC Sq. F. 324+88 col. [162+44] p. 139 pi. (In their Zeitschrift. Hig v. i-io, 12-13, 15-18.) Zeitschrift. Hannover, 1855-. Sq. F. ill. v. 1-32 in 16. AC Hi9 Vols. i-io, 12-13, 15-18 contain Ubersicht der mittelalterlichen baudenkmaler Niedersachsens. - Alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss zu bd. 1-27, 1855-81. AC Hannover, 1862-83. Sq. F. 3 v. in I. Hi9 In three parts with titles ; Alphabetisches sachregister zu . . . bd. i. bis 8. ; Drittes-viertes alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss zu bd. 9. bis 27. Hannover (city, Ger.) polytechnische hochschule, publisher. See Hase, K. W. 1818-. Rciseaufnahmen aus Lippoldsberg, AH43 Hoxter . . . und Wimpfen T h . H27 Hansen, Christian, Ross, Ludwig, 1806-59, and Schaubert, Eduard. Die Akropolis von Athen, nach den neuesten ausgrabungen. AH495 1839. Hansen, Heinrich, 1821-90, illustrator. AH489 See Helms, Jacob. Ribe domkirke unders0gt og beskreven. 1870. R35 28* 438 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hansen, Heinrich, 1821-90, Holm, C. F., and others. AH489 Danske mindesmserker. 1869. A4 Hansen, Theophil Edvard von, 1813-91, illustrator. See Helms, Jacob. Ribe domkirke unders0gt og beskreven. AH48Q 1870. R35 Hansjakob, Heinrich. Auf der festung; erinnerungen eines badischen staatsgefangenen . . . AR43 Wiirzburg, 1870. O. 26 p. A7 Hanus, P. A., and Biston, Valentin. Manuel du charpentier; ou, Traite complet et simplifie de cet art. AI 36 ed. augm. Paris, 1834. T. 8+296 p. 13 pi. 2 tab. Hi9 Harbaville, . Memorial historique et archeologique du Departement du Pas-de- AR44 Calais . . . Arras, 1842. O. 2 v. in I. 3 pi. P26 Harbottle, T[homas] B[enfield], translator. See Baye, Joseph, baron de. 1853-. Industrial arts of the Anglo- AN6 Saxons. 1893. 634 Harcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon=, translator. AI See Qaudard, Jules. Foundations. 1891. 023 Harcourt, Rev. Leveson [Venables] Vernon. 1788- 1860. Mural paintings recently discovered in Stedham church. (In AC Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 4, p. 1-18. I pi.) Su8 [Harding, Edward.] Costume of the Russian empire illustrated . . . with descriptions AN4 in English and French. [Anon.] C825 London [1803]. F. 4 Unpaged. 73 pi. Harding, George M., editor. A A See Shaw, Edward. Civil architecture. 1876. Sh22 Harding, Q[eorge] P[erfect]. -1853. Antiquities in Westminster abbey; ancient oil paintings and AH42 sepulchral brasses in the abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster, L885 with ... [a] description by T. Moule. London, 1825. F. 4 [2]+44+[4]p. 12 pi. Harding, J[ames] D[uffield]. 1798-1863. Lessons on art. 2d edition. AO London, no date. Q. 9+155 p. ill. 48 pi. H2H Principles and practice of art. AO London, 1845. F - 4 7+ l S6p- HI- 24 pi. H2I Sketches at home and abroad. London [1836]. F. 6 50 pi. AA H2I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 439 Harding, James Duffield, 1798-1863, illustrator. See Newenham, R. O. Picturesque views of the antiquities of AA4I5 Ireland. 1826. Ai2 Harding, William. 1792-1886. An account of some of the ancient ecclesiastical edifices of Exeter. AC (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1853-67. Ex3 v. 4, p. 109-127, 255-284; v. 7, p. 30-46.) Church of Colebrooke. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. AC Transactions. 1856. v. 5, p. 9-21, pi. 1-3.) Ex3 History of Tiverton in the county of Devon [with appendix]. AR42 Tiverton, 1845-47. O. 2 v. in 4 pts. ill. 9 pi. 2 maps. 3 facsim. T54 On the effigies and high tombs in the county of Devon. (In AC Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1861. v. 6, Ex3 p. 46-58, 158-205, 274-288. pi.) Paper on Tawstock church. (In Exeter diocesan architectural AC society. Transactions. 1856. v. 5, p. 188-202.) Ex3 A paper on the art of painting in distemper and fresco. (In AC Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1853. v. 4, Ex3 P- 35-52.) Hardouin, E., illustrator. AN4 See Ritter, W. L. 1799-1862. Java. 1855. R5i [Hardwicke], Charles [Philip] Yorke, 4th earl of, 1799-1873, and Leake, [W.] M., 1777-1860. Les principaux monumens egyptiens du Musee britannique . . . AR62 expliques d apres le systeme phonetique. Ai6 Londres, 1827. Nar. Q. 29 p. 21 pi. Hargrove, E[ly]. 1741-1818. History of the castle, town and forest of Knaresbrough, with AH42 Harrogate and its medicinal waters . . . 5*h ed. K72 York, 1798. S. 4+382 p. ill. 9 pi. map. Harington, Rev. E[dward] C[harles]. 1804-81. Reconsecration, reconciliation, &c., of churches. (In Exeter AC diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1849. v - 3> Ex3 p. 224-259.) Harland, John, 1806-68, editor. See Gregson, Matthew. 1749-1824. Portfolio of fragments rela- AH42 tive to the county palatine and duchy of Lancaster. 1869. L222 Harless, W. Die grafen von Bonn und die vogtei des Cassiusstifts; der frohn- AH43 hofMiilheim; schoffen und siegel von Bonn. (In Bonn; beitrage 6645 zu seiner geschichte. 1868. 34 p.) 440 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Harney, George E. Stables, outbuildings and fences . . . AE2 New York [c. 1870]. Sq. F. 6 p. 62 pi. H22 Harney, George E., editor. AE2 See Downing, A. J. 1815-52. Cottage residences. 1887. 075 Harral, Thomas, -1853, continuer. AlLp See Fearnside, W. Q. History of London. [1838.] L887 Harrington, John. Abbey and palace of Westminster. AH42 London, 1869. Sq. F. 91 p. 40 pi. L93 Saint George s chapel, Windsor . . . AH42 London, 1872. F. [42] p. 18 pi. W72I Harris, Claudius. Ruins of Mandoo, the ancient Mohammedan capital of Malwah, AH54 in central India . . . London, 1860. F. 6 [4] + 2Op. 6 pi. M3i Harris, Rev. William, of Landaff. Observations on the Julia strata, and on the Roman stations . . . AB in the counties of Monmouth, Brecknock, Caermarthen, and Ar2 Glamorgan. (In Archseologia. 1773. v. 2, p. 1-24. i pi.) Harrison, Mrs. Constance (Cary). 1835- Woman s handiwork in modern homes. AN [New York] 1881. O. 12+242 p. ill. 9 pi. 4 paged pi. H24 Harrison, Frederic. 1831-. Annals of an old manor-house, Sutton Place, Guildford. AH42 London, 1893. Q. 17+231 p. ill. 81 pi. G94 Harrison, [George Henry De Strabolgie Neville] Plantagenet= . 1 8 1 7-90. History of Yorkshire; wapentake of Gilling West. AH42 London, 1885. F. 5 i3 + [i5] + 576 p. ill. Y88 Harrison, James Park. 1817-. Account of the discovery of the remains of three apses at Oxford cathedral. London, 1891. O. 23 p. 2 paged pi. Harrison, Miss J[ane] E[llen], and MacColl, D. S. Greek vase paintings; a selection of examples, with preface, AN2 introduction and descriptions. H24 London, 1894. F. 5 32 p. ill. 45 pi. The descriptions of the plates are unpaged. Harrison, Walter. New and universal history, description and survey of the cities of AH42 London and Westminster, the borough of Southwark and their L882 adjacent parts . . . London, 1776. F. 4 720+ [2] p. ill. 98 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 441 Harrison, W[illiam] Randle. Handbook of alphabets and ornaments. 5th ed. AK London [1860]. D. 10 p. 14 pi. Au23 Harsdorffer, Georg Philipp. 1607-58. Vollstandiges und von neuem vermehrtes trincir-buch . . . AX Niirnberg, 1665. Obi. T. io+395 + [>7] p. 10 pi. H25 Contents: i. Von den tafeldecken. 2. Von zerschneidung und vorlegung der speisen. 3. Von rechter zeitigung aller mundkoste. 4. Von den schaugerichten. 5. 25 gast- oder tischfragen. Harster, Wilhelm. Die bauten der romischen soldaten zum offentlichen nutzen . . . AH495 Speier, 1873. Q. 18 p. Z3 Speier (Ger.) Bayer, lyceum, gymnasium und die lateinische schule. Jahresbericht. Hart, John, mason. Practical treatise on the construction of oblique arches. 3d ed. AI London, 1848. Q. 52 p. npl. H25 Hartel, August. Architektonische details des mittelalters. AH43 Berlin [1889]. F. 5 [3] p. 60 pi. A2Q Architektonische details und ornamente der kirchlichen baukunst AH43 in den stylarten des mittelalters . . . ser. I.-2. I.-2. aufl. A53 Berlin [1891]. F. 5 2v.ini. nopl. Katalog der . . . sammlung von antiken mobeln [und] kunstsachen AO2 . . . aus dem nachlasse des . . . dombaumeister A. Hartel . . . ver- Z steigerung zu Koln . . . 1890, durch J. M. Heberle . . . Koln, 1890. Sq. F. [5] + 57 p. 12 pi. Hartford religious herald. Picturesque Chicago and guide to the World s fair . . . -A-H73 Hartford, 1893. O. 13 + 318 p. ill. I pi. 0431 Harting, F. Photographieen der geschilderde glazen van de St. Janskerk te AH492 Gouda. Gouda [i87o(?)J. Nar. O. 34 pi. G72I Hartmann, R. Geschichte der residenzstadt Hannover von den altesten zeiten AH43 bis auf die gegen wart. Hi9 Hannover, 1880. O. 860 p. ill. 20 pi. 3 maps. Hartmann von Franzenshuld, Ernst, edler. 1840-84. Ein hofisches kartenspiel des 15. jahrhunderts. (In Jahrbuch der AB Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. i, pt. i, p. 101-115; v. 2, pt. I, p. 96-110.) Hartshorne, Rev. Charles Henry. 1802-65. AR42 Hall of Oakham. London, 1848. O. [19] p. ill. 3 pi. i paged pi. Z From Archaeological journal. 1848. v. 5. 442 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Harvard art club. Aj Papers. Cambridge, 1879. O. C$5 No. i. CLARKE, J. T. The hypaethral question. 1879. Harvey, Lawrence. Masonry for architectural students. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 43-50. I pi.) R8i Semper s theory of evolution in architectural ornament. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1884-85. n. s. v. i, R8i p. 29-54. 9 pi.) Harwood, J., and Harwood, F., publishers. Harwood s scenery of Great Britain. Ser. i and 3. AH42 London, no date. Obi. O. 2 v. 82 pi. A 132 Hase, [Konrad Wilheltn]. 1818-. Reise aufnahmen aus Lippoldsberg, Hoxter . . . und Wimpfen ^ AH43 der schuler des vierten baukurses Polytechnikum Hannover . . . H27 1872-75. Hannover, no date. F. 5 6 p. ill. 21 pi. Hasenauer, Karl, freiherr von. 1833-94. Ausschmiickung der interieurs des K. k. kunsthistorischen hof- museums in Wien. Wien, 1892. F. 4 [3] p. 30 pi. Das K. k. hofburgtheater in Wien; photographic und lichtdruck von J. Lowy. Wien, 1890. Obi. F. 7+[i] p. 60 pi. Haskoll, W[illiam] Davis. Atchley s civil engineer s and contractor s estimate and price AI book for home or foreign service . . . H272 London, 1871. O. 2 pts. in i v. 6+202 p. ill. 3 pi. Haslam, Rev. W[illiam]. A paper on the history and character of the churches of Corn- AC wall. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. Ex3 1844. v. 2, p. 92-103.) Haslewood, Rev. Francis. Antiquities of Smarden, Kent. AH42 London, 1866. Nar. Q. 7+ 119 p. 5 pi. Sm2 Autograph letter of the author inserted. Hassell, J[ohn]. -1825. Beauties of antiquity; or, Remnants of feudal splendor and AH42 monastic times . . . A87 London, 1807. O. v. i. 1 2 [5]+iO4+[2i] p. 52 pi. No more published. Camera; or, Art of drawing in water colours, with instructions for A06 sketching from nature . . . London, 1823. O. 32 p. 2 pi. H27 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 443 Hassell, J[ohn]. -1825. Views of noblemen and gentlemen s seats ... in the counties ad- AH42 joining London . . . [Anon.] A75 London, 1804-5. F. Unpaged. 28 pi. Hasselmann, Friedr[ich]. Aus . . . [seinen] kunst-schmiede-eisen-sammlung. AM2 Miinchen, 1881. F. 5 60 pi. H2; Hassler, Konrad Dietrich. 1803-73. Ulms kunstgeschichte im mittelalter, zugleich text zu den drei AH43 ersten Ulm betreffenden supplementheften der kunst mittelalters A2 in Schwaben . . . Stuttgart, 1864. Sq. F. (In Heideloff, K. A. von. 1788-1865. Die kunst des mittelalters in Schwaben. 1855. p. 81-121. ill. 6 pi.) Hassler, [Konrad Dietrich], 1803-73, editor. Urkunden zur baugeschichte des mittelalters. (In Jahrbiicher fur AB kunstwissenschaft. 1869. v. 2, p. 97-127.) Jig Hasted, [Edward]. 1732-1812. History of Kent, corrected, enlarged and continued to the present AH42 time . . . ed. by H. H. Drake. K4I2 London, 1886. F. 5 v. i. ill. 7 por. 21 pi. map. 2 facsim. 4 tab. Contents: v. i. Hundred of Blackheath. Haswell, Charles H[aynes]. 1809-. Mechanics and engineers pocket-book of tables, rules and formu- AI las pertaining to mechanics, mathematics and physics . . . 56th e d. H27 New York, 1891 [c. 84-91]. S. [5]+977 p. ill. Hatfield, R[obert] Griffith]. American house carpenter; a treatise on the art of building . . . AI with a compend of mathematics . . . ed. by O. P. Hatfield. i ith ed. H28 New York, 1889 [c. 80]. O. 685 p. ill. 17 pi. Hauberrisser, Georg [Joseph]. 1841-. Das neue rathhaus in Munchen. AH43 Miinchen, 1883. Sq. F. 6 [ii]p. ill. 23 pi. M928 Hauck, Guido. 1845- Die subjektive perspektive und die horizontalen curvaturen des AL2 dorischen styls . . . Stuttgart, 1879. Q. 12+147 p. 2 pi. H29 Eine festschrift zur 50. jubelfeier der Technischen hochschule zu Stuttgart. Haudebourt, L[ouis] P[ierre]. 1788-1849. Le Laurentin, maison de campagne de Pline le jeune, restituee AE2 d apres la description de Pline. H29 Paris, 1838. Nar. Q. 8+238 p. 4 pi. map. Haudebourt, L[ouis] Pierre, and Suys, T. F. , 1 783-1 86 1 . AH45 Palais Massimi a Rome. 1818. R/I3 444 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hauenschild, Hans. Die technik der wichtigeren baustoffe. (In Handbuch der archi- AA tektur. 1880. i. thl. i. bd. hft. i, p. 53-228.) HIQ Hauff, Hermann. 1800-65. Moden und trachten; fragmente zur geschichte des costiims. AN4 Stuttgart, 1840. O. OJ + 328 p. H2Q Haupt, Albrecht. Die baukunst der renaissance in Portugal, von den zeiten Em manuel s des Glucklichen bis zu dem sclusse der spanischen herr- schaft. Frankfurt a. M., 1890. Q. v. i. ill. 3 pi. Contents: v. i. Lissabon und umgegend. Haupt, Richard. 1846-. Abriss einer baugeschichte der stadt Biidingen. AA Biidingen, 1875. O. 16 p. Z5 Die Vizelinskirchen; baugeschichtliche untersuchungen an denk- AD5 malern Wagriens, als ein beitrag zur anfangsgeschichte des Olden- H2Q burg- Liibecker bistums . . . Ploen, 1888. O. 8+ 190 p. ill. map. Hauptmann, [Karl] A[ugust]. -1878. Moderne ornamentale werke im stile der italienischen renaissance. AK 3. aufl. Dresden, 1876. F. 5 [3] p. 138 pi. H292 [Hauregard, Lambert Francois Joseph de.] Notice sur la cathedrale de Namur par Un membre du clerge . . . [Anon.] Namur, 1851. O. 4+263 + [i4] p. 4 pi. Hauselmann, J. 1822-. . . . Die stilarten des ornaments in den verschiedenen kunst- AK epochen. 2. aufl. Zurich [1884]. F. 36 pi. H"293 Studien und ideen tiber ursprung, wesen und stil des ornaments AK fur zeichenlehrer, kunsthandwerker, kunstfreunde und kiinstler. H294 2. verb . . . aufl. Zurich [pref. 1889]. O. 3 + 123 p. ill. Hauser, Alois. Spalato und die romischen monumente Dalmatiens; Die restauri- AH45 rung des domes zu Spalato; zwei vortrage . . . M58i2 Wien, 1883. O. 52 p. ill. i pi. Styl-lehre der architektonischen und kunstgewerblichen formen. AA Wien, 1883-91. O. 3 pts. in 2 v. ill. H29 Contents : pt. I. Styl-lehre der architektonischen formen des alterthums. pt. 2. Styl-lehre der architektonischen formen des mittelalters. pt. 3. Styl-lehre der architektonischen formen der renaissance. 3. aufl. Hauser, Alois, Conze, A. [C. L.], 1831- and Nie= mann, George. AR495 Archaeologische untersuchungen auf Samothrake. 1875-80. Sa4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 445 Hauser, Friedrich. Die neu-attischen reliefs. AO8 Stuttgart, 1889. Nar. Q. [5] + 202 p. 3 pi. I tab. H2Q Haussmann, [Georges Eugene, baron], 1809-91. AH44 Memoires. Paris, 1890-93. O. 3 v. 5 por. 1*323 Contents : v. i. Avant 1 Hotel de Ville. 2 e ed. v. 2. Prefecture de la Seine, v. 3. Grands travaux de Paris. Haussmann, Georges Eugene, baron, 1809-91, editor. See Histoire generale de Paris, publiee sous les auspices du Conseil municipal. 1866-87. Hauszmann, Alajos. 1847-. Das Elisabeth-spital errichtet durch den Verein vom rothen kreuze AH439 in den landern der heil. krone Ungarns, aus dem ungarischen 685 iibersetzt durch J. Elischer. Budapest, 1884. Q. 27+30 p. 21 pi. Title-page and text in Hungarian and German. Hauteclocque, Gustave de, comte, 1829-, Roger, P. [A.], and others. AR44 Bibliotheque historique de la Picardie et de 1 Artois. 1844. P58 Hautle, Christian. Geschichte der residenz in Miinchen von ihren friihesten zeiten AH43 bis . . . 1777. Leipzig, 1883. F. 10+151 p. ill. (Seidel, G. F. M92 Die konigliche residenz in Miinchen. 1880-83. v - l -) Havard, , abbe, i8 th cent, editor. AH45 See Rogissart, de. Les delices de 1 Italie. 1707. A63 Havard, Henry. 1838-. AH492 Amsterdam et Venise. Paris, 1876. Nar. Q. n + [i]+636p. Am82 L art a travers les mceurs ; illustrations par C. Goutzwiller. AO Paris, 1882. Nar. Q. 2+404 p. ill. 23 pi. H29 L art dans la maison ; grammaire de I ameublement . . . AK Paris, 1884. F. io+472+[i] p. ill. 52 pi. H29 Contains duplicate impressions of the plates before all letters. No. 51 of 125 copies printed. Les Boulle. Paris [1893]. Q. 93 p. ill. i pi. 13 paged pi. AW (Les artistes celebres; P. Leroi, ed.) B66 La decoration. Paris [1891]. O. 8+ 176 p. ill. i pi. (Les arts AK de rameublement.) H29I Dictionnaire de rameublement et de la decoration, depuis le 136 ANi siecle jusqu a nos jours. Paris [1887-90]. F. 4 v. ill. 257 pi. H29 Histoire de la faience de Delft . . . AN2 Paris, 1878. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 54 pi. 3 facsim. H29 446 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Havard, Henry. 1838- La Hollande a vol d oiseau; eaux-fortes et fusains par Maxime AH4Q2 Lalanne. Paris, 1881. F. 3 + [2] +400 p. ill. 25 pi. A4 L horloge et ses transformations. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. AB v. 9, p. 11-43.) K-32 La menuiserie. Paris [1891]. O. 8+i62 + [2]p. ill. i pi. (Les AM"5 arts de 1 ameublement.) H29 L orfevrerie. Paris [1891]. O. 8+170+ [i] p. ill. i pi. (Les AM4 arts de 1 ameublement.) IL?9 Havard, Henry, 1838- compiler. See Amsterdam (Holland) Exposition. 1873. Objets d art et AO4 de curiosite tires des. . . collections hollandaises; orfevrerie, ivo[i]res, Am8 faiences, emaux. 1873. See Loudon, J. F. Catalogue chronologique et raisonne des AN2 faiences de Delft composant . . . [sa] collection. 1877. L92 See Romondt, W. Q. F. van. 1800-63. Catalogue raisonne des A02 objets d art et de curiosite. 1875. R66 Havard, Henry, 1838- editor. La France, artistique et monumentale. Paris, no date. F. v. 1-2. AH44 ill. 50 pi. (Societe de 1 histoire de Tart francais. Publications.) A58 Havard, Henry, 1838- and Vachon, Marius, 1850-. Les manufactures nationales: Les Gobelins, la Savonnerie, Sevres, AM8 Beauvais. Paris, 1889. F. 6+632 p. ill. i pi. 78 paged pi. H29 Havercamp, Sigebert. 1683-1742. Medailles de grand et moyen bronze du cabinet de la Reine AMi Christine. See, below, Nummophylacium ReginaeChristinae. 1742. H2p Nummophylacium Reginae Christinae, quod comprehendit numis- AMi mata aerea imperatorum Romanorum, Latina, Graeca atque in H29 coloniis Cusa, quondam a P. S. Bartolo . . . incisa tabulis aeneis63- Hagae Comitum, 1742. F. 5 10+464 p. 63 pi. Title-page and text in Latin and French. Haweis, Mrs. [Mary Eliza (Jay)]. 1852-. Beautiful houses; being a description of certain well-known AE2 artistic houses . . . London, 1882. D. 10+115 p. i pi. H3i Hawich, Christoph. Abbildung des romischen monuments in I gel, mit . . . text von AH43 J. M. Neurohr. Trier, 1826. F. 7 16 p. 5 pi. Ig2 Hawkins, Edward, 1780-1867, compiler. See British museum. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan vases. 1851-70. v. i. See British museum. Description of the collection of ancient marbles in the museum. 1812-61. v. 5, 7-10. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 447 Hay, D[avid] R[amsay]. 1798-1866. Natural principles and analogy of the harmony of form . . . AO Edinburgh, 1842. F. 50 p. ill. 19 pi. H$2 Orthographic beauty of the Parthenon referred to a law of AH495 nature... Edinburgh, 1853. O. 44 p. ill. 12 pi. At59 Hayden, Gere & co. Illustrated catalogue of plumbers brass work, copper, iron . . . AJ plumbing materials . . . New York, 1865. Nar. Q. 195 p. ill. H32 Hayes brothers. . . . Ventilating skylights . . . illuminated, crimped and corru- AJ gated iron-work . . . New York [c. 1874]. O. 92+16 p. ill. H32I Haym, Niccola [Francesco]. 1679-1730. British treasury . . . Greek and Roman antiquities of all sorts . . . AMi London, 1719-20. Q. 2 v. H33I Del tesoro britannico, parte prima, overo il museo nummario AMi ove si contengono le medaglie greche e latine in ogni metallo e H33I forma. . . Londro, 1719-20. Q. 2 v. ill. 30 pi. Haynes= Williams, J. See Williams, J. Haynes-. Hayter, Charles. 1761-1835. Introduction to perspective, practical geometry, drawing and AL/2 painting; a new . . . explanation of the mixture of colours, with . . . H33 directions for miniature, crayon and oil painting . . . 6th e d. London, 1845. O- 14+1 + 276 p. ill. I por. 7 pi. [Hayter, Rev. John. 1756-1818.] Herculanean and Pompeian manuscripts. [Anon.] AX [London(?)] 1800. D. 22 p. H33 Hayward, C[harles] F[orster]. 1831-. On the architecture of the pre-Gothic age in Germany; or, The AC Romanesque development of the Rhine and central Europe. (In R8i Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1854-55, p. 77-88.) Heaford, A. S. Strains on braced iron arches and arched iron bridges. AI London, 1883. O. 39 p. 7 pi. H34 Heales, Maj. Alfred. Architecture of the churches of Denmark. AH493 London, 1892. O. 8+138 p. ill. 10 pi. A5 Churches of Gottland, other than those of Wisby. AH485 London, 1888. Sq. F. io+[i] + 54 p. ill. 37 pi. G7I Crayford church. (In Kent archaeological society. Archaeologica AC Cantiana. 1889. v. 18, p. 319-332. 2 pi.) K4i 448 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Heales, Maj. Alfred. Easter sepulchres; their object, nature, and history. (In Archae- AB ologia. v. 42, p. 263-308.) Ar2 Heston church. (In London and Middlesex archaeological society. AC Transactions. 1864. v. 2, p. 204-223. 5 pi.) L84 Heaphy, Thomas. 1813-73. Likeness of Christ ... an inquiry into the verisimilitude of the AO received likeness of our . . . Lord; ed. by Wyke Bayliss . . . [pub- H35 lished by] Society for promoting Christian knowledge. London, 1886. Nar. Q. [6] +80 p. ill. 12 pi. Hearne, Thomas. 1678-1735. Ectypa varia ad historiam Britannicam illustrandam . . . AR42 Oxoniensis, 1737. F. i por. 56 pi. A22 History and antiquities of Glastonbury . . . [with] (i) The endow- AR42 ment and orders of Sherington s chantry founded in Saint Paul s 046 church, London ; (2) Dr. Plot s letter to the Earl of Arlington concerning Thetford . . . Oxford, 1722. O. 93 + [ J 7] + 349 P- 4 pi- Hearne, Thomas, 1744-1817, and Byrne, William, 1743-1805. Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in views of monasteries, AH42 castles and churches now existing, with descriptions in English A32 and in French. 1807. Heath, John Benjamin. 1790-1879. Some account of the Worshipful company of grocers of ... AX London.. . London, 1854. Q. i6+58op. ill. i por. 6pl. i facsim. H35 Heaton, John Aldam, editor. Furniture and decoration in England during the eighteenth cen- ANi tury; facsimile reproductions of . . . examples from the works of H35 Chippendale, Adam, Richardson, Heppelwhite, Sheraton, Pergo- lesi and others. London, 1889-92. F. 6 2 v. in 4. 200 pi. Heberdey, R. Reliefs aus Thessalien. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 15, p. 199-216, pi. 4-7.) Hebert, J. Tiffauges, Vendee, et son chateau. (In Robuchon, J. C. Pay- AR44 sages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 12. 13 p. ill. 6 pi. ?75 i plan.) Hedgeland, J. Series of designs for private dwellings. AE2 London, 1821. Q. pt. i. [23] p. 20 pi. H35 No more published. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 449 Hedouin, Pierre. 1789-1868. Memling ou Hemling. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 6, p. 256- AB 278.) Heer, Christoph. Speculum artis muniendi lucidissimum; das ist, Hell-leiichtender AE7 fortifications-Spiegel . . . H36 Leipzig, 1694. Sq. D. [i2] + i62 + [i] p. 32 pi. Hefner, Joseph von. Das romische Bayern in antiquarischer hinsicht 2. ... aufl. AP Miinchen, 1842. O. i2+n6+[2]p. Z4 Hefner=Alteneck, Jakob Heinrich von. 1811-. Eisenwerke oder ornamentik der schmiedekunst des mittelalters AM2 und der renaissance. H36 Frankfurt am Main, 1885-86 [v. i, 86]. F. 4 2 v. in i. 168 pi. Trachten, kunstwerke und gerathschaften vom fruhen mittelalter AN4 bis ende des iSten jahrhunderts ... 2. ... aufl. . . . H36 Frankfurt am Main, 1879-89. F. 10 v. 720 pi. Hefner=Alteneck, Jakob Heinrich von, 1811- editor. See Munich (Ger.) Bayerisches national=museum. Original- AO2 modelle in silber, kupfer, messing und blei einer goldschmied M92 werkstatte in Augsburg aus 1550 bis 1800. See Munich (Ger.) Bayerisches national=museum. Ornamente AM5 der holzsculptur von 1450 bis 1820. 1881. M92 Hefner=Alteneck, Jakob Heinrich von, iSn-, and Becker, C. Kunstwerke und gerathschaften des mittelalters und der renais- AO sance. 1852-63. 638 Heidelberger schlossverein. Mittheilungen zur geschichte des Heidelberger schlosses. AB Heidelberg, 1885-. O. ill. v. 1-2 in I. H36 Heideloff, Karl [Alexander] von. 1788-1865. Die bauhiitte des mittelalters in Deutschland ; eine kurzgefasste AH43 geschichtliche darstellung, mit . . . einer abhandlung iiber den A6 spitzbogen in der architektur der alten . . . Niirnberg, 1844. Q. io + [i] + i3Op. ill. I pi. Der christliche altar archaologisch und artistisch dargestellt . . . AN: mit ... text von G. Neumann. Nurnberg, 1838. F. 4 14 p. 1 1 pi. H36 Die kunst des mittelalters inSchwaben; denkmaler der baukunst, AH43 bildnerei und malerei . . . mit . . . text von F. Miiller. A2 Stuttgart, 1855. Sq. F. (j]+4+i2ip. ill. 24 pi. 29 450 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Heideloff, Karl [Alexander] von. 1788-1865. Niirnberg s baudenkmale der vorzeit; oder, Musterbuch der alt- deutschen baukunst fiir architecten und gewerbschulen. Niirnberg, 1855. F. 8 p. 24 pi. Ornamentik des mittelalters. AK Niirnberg [1838-55]. Q. 4v.ini. 200 pi. [36 See Hensoldt, . Die neue stadt-pfarr-kirche in Sonneberg im herzogthum Sachsen-Meiningen erbaut von K. Heideloff. 1845. See Rothbart, Georg. Das Luther-zimmer, eines der pracht- AH43 zimmer in dem . . . furstenbau auf der veste Coburg . . . ein C633 supplementheft zu C. Heideloffs Ornamentik des mittelalters. 1845. Heideloff, Karl Alexander von, 1788-1865, illustrator. AN4 See Das goldene ehrenbuch der gewerbe und ziinfte. 1834. 056 Heideloff, K[arl Alexander] von, 1788-1865, and Hering, . Sammlung von technischen original-zeichnungen in acht altdeut- AK schem styl . . . Stuttgart, no date. F. pt. 1-4. 24 pi. H36 Heider, Gustav [Adolf], freiherr von. 1819-. Beitrage zur christlichen typologie aus bilderhandschriften des AC mittelalters. (In Austria Centralcommission . . . der baudenk- Au7i male. Jahrbuch. 1861. v. 5, p. 1-128. 8 pi.) Emails aus dem dome zu St. Stephan in Wien, nebst einer iiber- AB sicht der entwickelung des emails in mittelalter. (In Austria Au7 Centralcommission zur erforschung und erhaltung der baudenk male. Mittheilungen. 1858. v. 3, p. 281-287, 309-321.) Die kapelle der heil. drei konige zu Tuln . . . [Anon.] Wien, 1847. Q- 8 p. I pi. Liturgische gewander aus dem stifte St. Blasien im Schwarzwalde AC dermalen aufbewahrt im stifte St. Paul in Karnten. (In Austria Au7i Centralcommission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1860. v. 4, p. 109-174. 10 pi.) Mittelalterliche kunstdenkmale in Salzburg. (In Austria Cen- AC tralcommission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1857. v - 2 > Au7i p. 1-62. 4 pi.) Die romanische kirche zu Schongrabern in Nieder-Osterreich, ein beitrag zur christlichen kunst-archaologie. Wien, 1855. Q. 251 p. ill. 3 pi. See Camesina, Albert von. Der altaraufsatz im regul. chorherrn- stifte zu Klosterneuburg . . . beschrieben und erlautert von G. Heider. 1860. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 451 Heider, Qustav Adolf, freiherr von, 1819-, editor. See Austria Centralcommission zur erforschung und erhaltung AC der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. Au/i Heider, Gustav [Adolf], freiherr von, 1819- Eitel= berger von [Edelberg], Rudolf, 1817-, and Hieser, J[oseph], compilers. Mittelalterliche kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen kaiserstaates. AH436 Stuttgart, 1858-60. F. 2 v. in i. ill. 71 pi. A2 Heierli, J[akob]. Die Pfahlbau Wollishofen. Zurich, 1886. Q. [4] +3 2 p. 4 pi. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1886- An8 1890. v. 22.) Heigelin, K[arl] M. -1833. Lehrbuch der hoheren baukunst fur Deutsche. AA Leipzig [1823-33]. Q. 3 v. 66 pi. 636 Heilbut, Emil, compiler. AO6 See Behrens, E. L. Seine sammlung. 1891. 639 Heilige drei konig capelle in Tuln. 1847. AH43 See [Ernst, Leopold, 1808-62, and Oscher, Leopold]. Ob2 Heiligenthal, J. Jos[eph]. Tarif des ornemens d architecture de . . . [sa] manufacture . . . AK Strasbourg, 1827. Sq. F. 14 p. 98 pi. H363 Heilmann, - , and Littmann, - . Familienhauser-colonie Nymphenburg-Gern; ein praktischer AE2 versuch zur losung der volkswirth-schaftlichen frage des familien- H36 hauses . . . Miinchen, 1892. Q. 8 p. 9 pi. map. Helm, Albert. 1849- Uber einen fund aus der renthierzeit in der Schweiz. Zurich, AC 1874. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. An8 1872-75. v. 18, p. 123-135. I pi.) Heim, L., and Peters, O. Der central-bahnhof zu Magdeburg. AH43 Berlin, 1881. F. 5 18 p. 12 pi. map. M32I Hein, Alois Raimund. 1852-. Die bildenden kunste bei den Dayaks auf Borneo . . . AO Wien, 1890. Q. 14+228 p. ill. 1 1 pi. map. Maander, kreuze, hakenkreuze und urmotivische wirbelornamente AK in Amerika; ein beitrag zur allgemeinen ornamentgeschichte. H362 Wien, 1891. Q. 7+48 p. ill. 452 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Heinecken, Karl Heinrich von. 1706-91.] Dictionnaire des artistes dont nous avons des estampes, avec une AY notice . . . de leurs ouvrages graves. [Anon.] H$6 Leipzig, 1778-90. O. 4 v. I pi. Heineken, [C.] Paul. Lucidum prospective speculum; das ist, Ein heller spiegel der AL,2 perspective . . . Augspurg, 1727. F. 4 [4] + 32 p. 95 pi. H36 Heinemann, J. Q. Die kirche Sanct-Aurelien in Strassburg; ein beitrag zur ge- AH43 schiehte unserer vaterstadt . . . Strassburg, 1865. O. 4+118 p. St89 i pi. Heinrich, herzog von Sachsen=[R6mhild]. 1650-1710. . . . Fiirstliche bau-lust . . . AA Gliicksburg, 1698. F. 70+1 02 + [8] p. 7 por. 205 pi. H362 The Supplement has title " Die zum ersten [~9 ten ]theil der Fiirstl. bau-lust gehorige emble- mata. 1699." Die zum ersten [~9ten] theil der Furstl. bau-lust gehorige em- AA blemata, welche der . . . hertzogin . . . lebens-lauff furstellig H362 machen, und auf dero . . . geburths-tag den n. Martii 1692 prasentiret worden. [Anon.] Gliicksburg, 1699. F. 9 nos. in I v. iO2 + [2] p. 2 por. 56 pi. (In his . . . Fiirstliche bau-lust. 1698. sup.) Heinzerling, Johann Georg Ernst Friedrich. 1824-. Constructions-elemente in holz. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1891. 3. thl. i. bd., p. 94-138. ill. 2 paged pi.) Hi9 Heitz, Friedrich Karl. 1798-1867. Die St. Thomas-kirche in Strassburg; ein beitrag zur geschichte AH43 unserer vaterstadt. Strassburg, 1841. O. [3]+i4Op. St88 Hekekyan, bey. Treatise on the chronology of Siriadic monuments demonstrating AR62 that the Egyptian dynasties of Manetho are records of astrogeo- A29 logical Nile observations . . . London, 1863. O. 37+1 59 p. ill. i pi. i tab. Privately printed. Helbig, Jules. 1821-. Monographic de 1 eglise paroissiale de Saint Christophe a Liege. AD493 Gand, 1877. F. 5 4 p. 16 pi. L62I From Gilde de Saint Thomas et de Saint Luc. Bulletin, v. 4. no. n. La sculpture et les arts plastiques au pays de Liege et sur les AO bords de la Meuse. 2e edition. H36 Bruges, 1890. Q. 5 + 212 p. ill. 27 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 433 Helbig, [Karl Friedrich] Wolfgang. 1839-. Fiihrer durch die offentlichen sammlungen klassischer alterthiimcr AO2 in Rom. Leipzig, 1891. S. 2 v. ill. H$6 Contents: v. i. Die vatikanische skulpturen-sammlung; Die kapitolinischen und das lateranische museum, v. 2. Die villen, das Museo Boncompagni, der Palazzo Spada, die antiken der vatikanischen bibliothek, das Museo delle Terme. Das etruskische museum im Vatikan, das Kircher sche und priihistorische museum im Collegio Romano von E. Reisch. Helburn, W[illiam], publisher. Ancient and modern ornament . . . from the best masters. AK New York, 1887. Sq. F. [4] p. 120 pi. ^64 Hele, Nicholas Fenwick. Notes or jottings about Aldeburgh, Suffolk . . . AH42 London, 1870. D. [6]+2 + i98p. 5 pi. Ai2 Helioscopium videndi sine veste solem chymicum. (In AN$ Neri, Antonio, i6th cent. Art de la verrerie. 1752. p. 531-542.) N35 Heller, Joseph. 1798-1849. Geschichte der holzschneidekunst von den altesten bis auf die AO7 neuesten zeiten, nebst zwei beilagen enthaltend den ursprung der H36 spielkarten und ein verzeichniss der sammtlichen xylographischen werke. Bamberg, 1823. O. i2+457 + [i] p. ill. 10 pi. Hellicar, Rev. A[rthur] Q[reeley]. Notes on the parish church of Bromley, Kent, and on matters AH42 connected therewith. Bromley, 1893. D. 62 p. 678 Hellyer, S[amuel] Stevens. Plumber and sanitary houses: a practical treatise on the principles AJ of internal plumbing work . . . 5th ed. H36 London, 1893. Q. 28+480 p. ill. 16 pi. Helms, Jacob. Description de la cathedrale de Ribe en Jutland. See, below, Ribe AH489 domkirke unders^gt og beskreven. 1870. R35 Ribe domkirke unders0gt og beskreven, med 16 lithograferede AH489 tavler og traesnit i texten efter tegninger af H. Hansen, T. R35 Hansen og V. Dahlerup . . . Kj0benhavn, 1870. F. 5 194+^] col. [97+2 p.] 16 pi. Title-page in Danish and French. Helyot, [Pierre, called Pere Hippolyte]. 1660-1716. Dictionnaire des ordres religieux; ou, Histoire des ordres monas- AN4 tiques, religieux et militaires . . . qui ont ete etablies jusqu a H362 present . . . mis par ordre alphabetique, corrigee et augmentee . . . par M. L. Badiche, pub. par M. 1 abbe Migne. Paris, 1847- 1859. Nar. Q. 4 v. ill. 178 pi. on 90 pages. (Migne, J. P., abbe, ed. Encyclopedic theologique; v. 20-23.) 29* 454 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hemingway, Joseph. History of the city of Chester from its foundation to the present time, with an account of its antiquities . . . and a concise political history. Chester, 1831. O. 2 v. ill. 25 pi. 2 maps. Henard, [Antoine] J[ulien]. 1812-87. L architecture a 1 Ecole des beaux-arts en 1881; reponse a M. AA Ruprich-Robert. Paris, 1882. O. 23 p. Z6 Notice sur la vie et les ceuvres de Jean Baptiste Lesueur, lue a la AW seance du Congres annuel des architectes, le 14 juin, 1884. Z Paris, 1884. Q. 23 p. Henderson, John. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of English, Scotch and Irish AMi coins . . . sold . . . June 24, 1818 . . . London, 1818. O. 29 p. H38 Works of art in pottery, glass and metal in ... [his] collection, AO2 photographed and printed by Messrs. Cundall and Fleming. H38 [London, pref. 1868.] F. 6 Unpaged. 20 pi. Hendley, Thomas Holbein. Damascening on steel or iron, as practised in India . . . AJ2 London, 1892. F. 4 18 p. 32 pi. H38 Hendley, Thomas Holbein, and Jacob, Lt.-col. S. S. AJ2 Jeypore enamels. 1886. Ji5i Hendrie, Robert, translator. See Theophilus, presbyter. Libri 3 de diversis artibus. 1847. Henke, Philipp Jakob Wilhelm. 1834-. Empirische betrachtungen u ber die malereien von Michelangelo AB am rande der decke in der sixtinischen kapelle. (In Jahrbuch der JiQ2 Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 7, p. 3-20, 82-97, 140-153.) Die gruppe des Laokoon; oder, Uber den kritischen stillstand A08 tragischer erschutterung. Leipzig, 1862. O. 79 p. I pi. 24 Henman, Charles, jr., and Perry, J. T. Illustrations of the mediaeval antiquities in the county of Dur ham. 1867. Hennicke, Julius. Mittheilungen iiber markthallen in Deutschland, England, Frank- AE6 reich, Belgien und Italien . . . H39 Berlin, 1 88 1. F. 5 8+15 p. ill. 22 pi. Hennicke, Julius, and Hude, P. W. H. von der, 1830- Das Lessing- theater in Berlin. 1889. Oeffentliches schlachthaus und viehmarkt in Buda-Pest. (In Zeit- AB schrift fur bauwesen. v. 25, p. 311-330. 13 pi.) Z3I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 455 Hennin, M[ichel]. -1865. Les monuments de 1 histoire de France; catalogue des produc- AO tions de la sculpture, de la peinture et de la gravure relatives a H39 1 histoire de la France et des Francais, 481-1610. Paris, 1856-63. O. 10 v. Henrici, Karl. Blinden-anstalten: Taub-stummen-anstalten. (In Handbuch der A A architektur. 1891. 4. thl. 5. bd. hft. 2., p. 78-96. ill. 3 pi.) Hi9 Henry, Charles, 1859- and Cros, [C. I.] H. 1840-. L encaustique et les autres precedes de peinture chez le anciens ; AO6 histoire et technique. 1884. C88 Henry, V. B. Histoire de 1 abbaye de Pontigny, ordre de Citeaux, Departement AH44 de 1 Yonne, suivie de quelques notices historiques sur les com- P/72 munes des environs . . . Auxerre, 1839. O. 4 IO +[ I ] P- 3 P^- Henshall, J., illustrator. See Trotter, W. E. Select illustrated topography of thirty miles AH42 round London. [1839.] A?6 Henshall, W., illustrator. See Trotter, W. E. Select illustrated topography of thirty miles AH42 round London. [1839.] A 7 6 Hensoldt, [Heinrich Christoph]. Die neue stadt-pfarr-kirche in Sonneberg im herzogthum Sach- AH43 sen-Meiningen erbaut von K. Heideloff. So5 Niirnberg, 1845. O. 16 p. 7 pi. Henszlmann Imre. 1813-. Die grabungen des erzbischofs von Kalocsa, Dr. Ludwig Hay- AR436 nald . . . Leipzig, 1873. Sq. F. 5 [4] + 222 p. ill. 2 pi. H89 Henzen, Wilhelm. 1816-. Explicatio musivi in villa Burghesiana asservati ; quo certamina AC amphitheatri repraesentata extant . . . (In Rome, Italy Acca- R66i demia romana di archaeologia. Dissertazioni. 1852. v. 12, pt. I, P- 73-I57- 7P1-) Herb, Fr[anz] Xav[ier]. Der dom von Eichstatt in seiner baugeschichtlichen entwicklung AH43 und restauration. Eichstatt, 1892. Q. [3] + 54+[i] p. ill. 6 pi. Ei2 Festival at the celebration of the 25^ anniversary of Frank Leopold freiherr von Leonrod, bishop of Eichstatt. Herberger, Theodor. 1 8 1 1-70. Die altesten glasgemalde im dome zu Augsburg, mit der ge- AH43 schichte des dombaus in der romanischen kunst-periode, mitge- Au43 theilt durch den Historischen verein von Schwaben und Neuberg. Augsburg, 1860. F. 4+38+ [i] p. 6 pi. 456 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Herbert, Algernon]. 1792-1855. Cyclops Christianus; or, An argument to disprove the supposed antiquity of the Stonehenge and other megalithic erections in England and Britanny. London, 1849. O. 4+ 2 47 P- Herbert, Henry, publisher. London illustrated ; a complete guide to the leading hotels, places of amusement . . . etc., also a directory . . . of . . . reliable houses in the various branches of trade. London, 1873. Q. v. 2. 22 + 206 p. ill. [Herbert, William. 1771-1851.] Illustrations of the site and neighbourhood of the new post office [with] . . . notices of St. Martin s-le-grand . . . [and] an appendix containing an account of the Mourning Bush tavern . . . [Anon.] London, 1830. O. 75 p. ill. 3 pi. [Herbert, William, 1771-1851, and Brayley, E. W., 1773-1854.] History and antiquities of Lambeth palace. [1806.] Herbst, Christian Frederik, Holm, C. F., and others. Danske mindesmaerker. 1869. Herculanean and Pompeian manuscripts. 1800. AX See [Hayter, Rev. John. 1756-1818]. H33 Herdman, William Qawin. 1805-82. Pictorial relics of ancient Liverpool . . . with descriptions of the Arfy; antique buildings . . . ^751 Liverpool, 1856. F. 4 7+[2] + iO9 p. 48 pi. Herdtle, Eduard. 1821-78. Flachen-verzierungen des mittelalters und der renaissance nach AK den originalen gezeichnet. Hannover, 1875. F. 6 [8] p. 106 pi. H4I Contents : pts. 1-2. Fliese, mit dem schliissel zur construction der muster auf 4 blattern. pts. 3-4. Stoffe. Herdtle, H. Mobelformen der franzosischen renaissance, nach den im Ost. ANi museum und in anderen sammlungen befindlichen originalen . . . H4I Wien [1881]. F. 6 12 pi. Published by Vienna (Austria) Museum fiir kunst und industrie. Vorbilder fiir die kleinkunst in bronce, abbildungen verschiedener AM3 objecte . . . Wien, 1884. F. 5 [3] p. 20 pi. H4i Published by Vienna (Austria) Museum fiir kunst und industrie. Vorlagen fur das polychrome flachornament; eine sammlung AJ2 italienischer majolica-fliesen. Wien, 1885. F. 5 [3] p. 26 pi. H4I See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und industrie. Ost- AMj asiatische bronce-gefasse und -gerathe in umrissen; unter lietung V67I von H. Herdtle. 1883. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 457 Hering, - , and Heideloff, K. A. von. 1788-1865. Sammlung von technischen original-zeichnungen in acht altdeut- AK schem styl. H36 Herisson, Maurice, comte d Irrison d . 1840-. See Irrison d Herisson, Maurice, comte d . 1840. H[erluison], H[enri]. 1835-. Artistes orleanais . . . liste sous forme alphabetique des person- AW nages nes pour la plupart dans la province de 1 Orleanais . . . par H42 H. H * * *. Orleans, 1863. O. 129 p. I por. No. 95 of 115 copies printed. Hermann, Heinrich. 1793-1865. Friesach. (In Springer, Franz, and Waldheim, R. von, ed. Oster- AH436 reichs kirchlichc kunstdenkmale der vorzeit. 1856. pt. 3-4, A4 p. 17-26. 7 pi.) Hermann, [Johann] Gottfried [Jakob]. 1772-1848. De veterum Graecorum pictura parietum conjecturae . . . AO Lipsiae, 1834. Sq. O. 32 p. Z$ List of doctors at Leipzig (Ger.) university, p. 21-32. Hermann, Karl Friedrich. 1804-55. Die hypathraltempel des alterthums . . . AH495 Gottingen [1844]. Q. [6] + 34 p. Z2 Winkelmannstag, Gottingen. 1844. Hermant, [Pierre Antoine] Achille. 1823- L architecte moderne devant le code civil. AI Paris [1893]. O. 188 p. H42 Heron de Villefosse, Antoine [Marie Albert]. 1845- Rapport sur une mission archeologique en Algerie. (In Archives AB des missions scientifiques. 1875. v. 17, p. 377-496.) Ar2i Herquet, [Karl]. Die renaissancedecke im schlosse zu Jever; ihre entstehungs-zeit und ihr verfertiger. Emden, 1885. Q. 8+69 p. ill. Herrgott, Marquard. 1694-1762. Genealogia diplomatica augustae gentis Habsburgicae . . . AX Viennae, 1737. F. 5 3 v. 22 pi. map. 2 facsim. 2 tab. H43 Herring, J. H. Thames bridges from London to Hampton court, with topo- AH42 graphical descriptions from best known authorities. T328 London [1884]. F. [5] p. 22 pi. Herrliberger, David. 1697-1777. Neue und vollstandige topographic der Eydgnossschaft . . . AH494 Zurich [v. 2, Basel] 1754-58. Sq. O. 2 v. 278 pi. map. A7 458 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Herrmann, . Die neue strafanstalt am Plotzen-See bei Berlin. (In Zeitschrift AB fur bauwesen. v. 27, p. 339~35 2 ; v - 28, P- HQ-^S, 3S9~S 1 S \ Z 3! v. 30, p. 507-522; v. 31, p. 157-174. 30 pi.) Herrmann, Paul. Das graberfeld von Marion auf Cypern. AP Berlin, 1888. Q. 62+ [2] p. ill. 3 pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 48. [Hertf elder, Bernard.] Basilica, dass ist, herrliche kirchen des freij-reichs klosters St. AH43 Ulrich und Afra in Augspurg . . . aus latein in teutsch iiber- Au4i setzt . . . von R. Kistler. [Anon.] Augspurg, 1712. F. [i4]+98+i22 p. ill. 24 pi. [Hertling, Georg Friedrich, freiherr von. 1843-.] Sicilien; schilderungen aus gegenwart und vergangenheit, von AH45 G. F. von Hoffweiler [pseud.] ... Sii6 Leipzig, 1870. F. [4] + 299 p. ill. 12 pi. Hervey, T[homas] K[ibble]. 1799-1859. Illustrations of modern sculpture, a series of engravings, with de- AO8 scriptive prose and illustrative poetry . . . H44 London, 1832. F. 5 Unpaged. 18 pi. Large paper copy. Hess, Heinrich [Maria] von. 1798-1863. Die fresco-gemalde der . . . allerheiligen hofkapelle zu Miinchen, AH43 lithographirt und hrsg. . . . von J. G. Schreiner. M927 Miinchen, 1837. F. 10 [3] p. 43 pi. Hess, J. Eduard. Die lehre von den saulenordnungen der Griechen abgeleitet von AA den monumenten . . . Magdeburg, 1835. O. 10+253 p. I pi. H46 Hess=Diller, Friedrich, freiherr von. Das Officium beatae Mariae virginis in der. . . Familien-fideicom- AB miss-bibliothek. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen ]igi des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 12, pt I, p. 279-296.) Hessel, Carl. Die altchristlichen baskiliken Roms, insbesondere die basilika San AH45 Clemente. [1873.] Q. 25 p. R7I5 Wetzlar (Ger.) gymnasium. Programm. Hesselbach, S. Vergleichende darstellung der antiken ornamentik mit der des AO mittelalters und der neueren zeit ... Z3 Wtirzburg, 1849. Q. 24 p. 9 pi. Wiirzburg (Ger.) gymnasium. Programm. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 459 Hessemer, F[riedrich] M. Arabische und alt-italienische bau-verzierungen . . . AK Berlin, 1842. F. 5 6+[j] + 5o p. 120 pi. Hettner, Hermann [Julius Theodor]. 1821-82. Italienische studien; zur geschichte der renaissance. AO Braunschweig, 1879. O. 8+312 p. ill. 7 pi. H47 Hettwig, Carl. Journal fur tapezierer und decorateure, original-zeichnungen, ANi moderner zimmer-decorationen, polstermobel . . . H47 Berlin [1870-74]. F. 8 v. in I. 144 pi. Heuzey, Leon [Alexandre]. 1831-. Un palais chaldeen d apres les decouvertes de M. de Sarzec. Paris, AR$6 1888. S. [7] + 1 1 7+ [i] p. ill. i pi- (Petite bibliotheque d art Ap et d archeologie; fondee ...deL.de Ronchaud.) Heuzey, Leon [Alexandre], 1831- and Daumet, [P. J.] H., 1826-. Mission archeologique de Macedoine. AR38 Paris, 1876. F. 4 2 v. ill. 36 pi. 8 maps. Mi 5 Hewett, Rev. J[ohn] W[illiam]. Remarks on the monumental brasses ... in the cathedral church AC of St. Peter, Exeter . . . (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Ex3 Transactions. 1849. v - 3> P- 90-138.) Hewitt, John. Ancient armour and weapons in Europe, from the iron period of AN5 the northern nations to the end of the seventeenth century . . . H49 Oxford, 1860. O. 2 v. and Sup. ill. 2 pi. Contents: v. i. Iron period to the end of the 13 th cent. v. 2. Fourteenth century. Sup. ts th > i6 th and 17* centuries. The tower; its history, armories and antiquities . . . with an essay AH42 on English armour ... a sketch of the history of gun-founding . . . L865 and description of the crown jewels . . . 2d ed. enlarged. London [1845]. S. 14+133 p. ill. i pi. Hewitt, John, editor. See Stothard, C. A. 1787-1821. Monumental effigies of Great AE8 Britain . . . from the Norman conquest to the reign of Henry the St7 eighth. 1876. Heydemann, Heinrich [QustavDieudonne]. 1842-89. Alexander der Grosse und Dareios Kodomannos auf unteritalis- AP chen vasenbildern. Halle, 1883. Q. 26 p. i pi. W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 8. 460 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Heydemann, Heinrich [GustavDieudonne]. 1842-89. Die antiken marmor-bildwerke in der sog. Stoa des Hadrian, dem AO8 Windthurm des Andronikus, dem Warterhauschen auf der Akro- H49I polis und der Ephorie im Cultusministerium zu Athen. Berlin, 1874. O. 6+[s] + 338 p. ill. i pi. 2 facsim. Dionysos geburt und kindheit. Halle, 1885. Q. 58 p. ill. I pi. AP W/24 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 10. Gigantomachie auf einer vase aus Altamura. AP Halle, 1 88 1. Q. 20 p. i pi. W/24 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 6. Humoristische vasenbilder aus Unteritalien. AP Berlin, 1870. Q. 16 p. 2 pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 30. Jason in Kolchis. Halle, 1886. Q. 23 p. i pi. AP W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. II. Die knochelspielerin im Palazzo Colonna zu Rom. AP Halle a/S, 1877. Q. 28 p. ill. 2 pi. W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 2. Marmorkopf Riccardi. Halle, 1888. Q. 18 p. 2 pi. AP W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 13. Mittheilungen aus den antiken-sammlungen in Ober- und Mittel- AP italien. Halle a/S, 1879. Q. 120+ [2] p. 6 pi. W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 3. Pariser antiken. Halle, 1887. Q. 90+ [i] p. 2 pi. AP W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 12. Satyr- und Bakchennamen. Halle, 1880. Q. 47 p. i pi. AP Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 5. VV 7 4 Terracotten aus dem Museo nazionale zu Neapel. AP Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no 7. Halle, 1 882. Q. 28 p. 3 pi. W724 Vase Caputi mit theater-darstellungen. AP Halle, 1884. Q. 22 p. 2 pi. W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 9. Die vasensammlungen des Museo nazionale zu Neapel. AN2 Berlin, 1872. O. 12+923 p. 22 pi. H49 Vasensammlung des museums zu Palermo. (In Archaologische AB zeitung. v. 29, p. 53-65, pi. 45~48.) Ar23 Verhiillte tanzerin ; bronze im museum zu Turin. AP Halle a/S, 1879. Q. 21 p. ill. i pi. W724 Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. 4. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 461 Heydemann, Heinrich [Qustav Dieudonne]. 1842-89. Zeus im gigantenkampf. Halle a/S, 1876. Q. 20 p. I pi. AP Winckelmannsprogramm. Halle, no. i. Heyden, August von. 1827-. Die tracht der kulturvolker Europas vom zeitalter Homers bis AN4 zum beginne des 19. jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1889. O. 16+ H5i 262 p. ill. (Seemann s kunsthandbiicher. v. 4.) Heyden, August von, 1827, editor. AN4 See Blatter fur kostiimkunde. 1876-91. B6i Heyden, Eduard. Der Frankfurter chronist Achilles August v. Lersner. Frankfurt AC am Main, 1860. F. 17 p. I por. (In Frankfort on the Main, F85 Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs- blatt. 1860.) Heydenreich, Eduard Karl Heinrich. 1852-. Bibliographisches repertorium iiber die geschichte der stadt Frei- AC berg und ihres berg- und hiittenwesens. Freiberg in Sachsen, F88 1885. O. 9+[i] + i28 p. (In Freiberger alterthumsverein. Mittheilungen. 1885. v. 21.) Hey l, Ferdinand. 1830-. Rheinlande. 4. aufl. Leipzig, 1879. T. 11+476 p. ill. 13 pi. AH43 9 maps. (Meyers reisebiicher.) A48 Plate in pocket at the end of book. Rheinlande. 6. aufl. Leipzig, 1888. T. 12 + 336 p. ill. 10 pi. AH43 5 maps. (Meyers reisebiicher.) A48i Plate and map in pocket at end of book. Heyne, Christian Gottlob. 1729-1812. Elogio di G. G. Winckelmann. (In Winckelmann, J. J. Opere. AP 1830-34. v. i. 27 p.) W72i Heyse, Johann Ludwig Paul, 1830- translator. AH46 See Caveda, Jose. Geschichte der baukunst in Spanien. 1858. A9 Heywood & Morrill rattan co. Al2 See Hey wood bros. & co. Illustrated catalogue of chairs. 1889. H$ I Heywood bros. & co. Illustrated catalogue of chairs manufactured by Heywood bros. & Al2 co., Gardner, Mass. . . . Heywood & Morrill rattan co., Chicago, H5I 111 ---- [New York(?)] 1889. Obi. F. [7] p. 59 paged pi. Hezenmans, J. C. A. La cathedrale Saint-Jean a Bois-le-Duc (Hollande). (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 39, p. 631-664. 2 pi.) 687 462 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & co. [Illustrated catalogue of hardware.] Al2 Chicago [1891]. Sq. F. 33+i432+[6] p. ill. i pi. H$2 Hibberd, [James] Shirley. 1825-90. Rustic adornments for homes of taste . . . 2d edition. AN8 London, 1857. D. 15 + 508 p. ill. 9 pi. H52 New edition . . . enlarged. AN8 London, 1870. Sq. O. 6+[i]+4O2 p. ill. 9 pi. H52I Hicklin, John. History of Nottingham castle from the Danish invasion to its de- AH42 struction by rioters in 1831 ... N84 London, 1836. D. [228] + [i] + iO3 p. ill. 6 pi. I facsim. Hicklin, John, editor. Excursions in North Wales; a complete guide to the tourist AH429 through that romantic country . . . A9 London, 1848. S. 9+208 p. 4 pi. maps. Hiersemann, Karl W[ilhelm]. 1854-. Architecture, ornament, decoration, furniture . . . including the . . . AF5 library left by ... Heinrich Miiller . . . catalogue no. 108. H53 Leipzig, 1893. O. i92+[i] p. por. New series of catalogues: The fine arts, architecture, archaeology, AF5 books of costume, books and prints, on sale. H53I Leipzig, 1893. O. [4] +744 p. por. ill. Catalogues nos. 108-115. Catalogues nos. 116-141 are also on file, unbound. Hieser, Joseph, Heider, Q. A. freiherr von, 1819-, and Eitelberger von Edelberg, Rudolf, 1817, compilers. Mittelalterliche kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen kaiserstaates. AH436 1858-60. A2 Higgin, L. Art as applied to dress, with special reference to harmonious AN4 colouring. London, 1885. Sq. S. [3] + i32p. H53 Higgins, Alfred. Notes on the church of St. Francis, or Tempio Malatestiano, at AB Rimini; more especially as regards the sculptured decorations. Ar2 (In Archaeologia. v. 53, p. 171-210. 5 pi.) Higgins, Wfilliam] Mullinger. House painter, or decorator s companion; being a ... treatise on AI the origin of colour . . . the manufacture of pigments . . . and the H53 art of house painting, graining and marbling . . . London, 1841. Q. 4+ [2] +233 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 463 Hildebrand, Adolf. Das problem der form in der bildenden kunst. AA Strassburg, 1893. D. i25 + [i] p. H$4 Hildebrandt, Paul, of Munich. Katalog der . . . alterthumer-sammlung des Herrn Paul Hilde- AO2 brandt, welche . . . Apr. 1879 . . . zu Miinchen . . . versteigert H54 wird . . . Miinchen, 1879. O. [8]+42 + [2] p. ill. 12 pi. Der Hildesheimer antike silberfund. 1870. AM4 See Holzer, Heinrich. H74 Der Hildesheimer silberfund. 1868. See Wieseler, F. [J. A.]. 1811-. (Winckelmann s geburtstag, AP Bonn. Fest-programm. 1868.) W723 Hill, Arthur. Ancient Irish architecture. Cork, 1874. Sq. F. 5 pi. Contents: Monograph of Cormac s chapel, Cashel. 1874. Monograph of Cormac s chapel, Cashel. Cork, 1874. Sq. F. 5 AH4I5 [3] +2 f. 13 pi. 2 phot. (Hill, Arthur. Ancient Irish architecture.) C26 Hill, Arthur George. Architectural and historical notices of the churches of Cambridge- AH42 shire . . . London, 1880. O. 7+238 p. Ci5 Ecclesiology and architecture of some towns in Mecklenburg and AB Pomerania. (In Archaeologia. v. 49, p. 301-317. 5 pi.) Ar2 Organ-cases and organs of the middle ages and renaissance ; a AX comprehensive essay on the art archaeology of the organ . . . Ser. H55 1-2. London, 1883-91. F. 5 2 v. 72 pi. Hill, Georgiana. History of English dress from the Saxon period to the present AN4 day. London, 1893. O. 2 v. 14 por. H$5 Hill, John Harwood. 1809-86. History of Market Harborough with ... [a] portion of the hun- AH42 dred of Gartree, Leicestershire . . . ^34 Leicester, 1875. F. 4 [28]+339+[s] p. 27 pi. i tab. Hills, Chester. Builder s guide ; a . . . treatise on Grecian and Roman architec- AA ture . . . with . . . Villa and school-house architecture by H. Austin H55 and Henry Barnard. Hartford, 1846. F. 4 96 p. ill. 51 pi. Hills, Gordon M[acdonald]. Earthenware pots (built into churches) . . . called acoustic vases. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1881-82, R8i p. 65-96. 5 pi.) 464 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hills, Gordon M[acdonald]. The measurements of Ptolemy and of the Antonine "Itinerary," AC applied to the southern counties of England. (In Sussex archseo- Su8 logical society. Collections, v. 31, p. 1-80. I map.) Review of the architecture and history of the round towers of AC Ireland. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1857-58, R8i p. 66-78.) Hinderwell, Thomas. 1744-1825. History and antiquities of Scarborough ; with a brief memoir of the author, [ed. by B. Evans]. 3^ ed. revised. Scarborough, 1837. O. [io]+33+387 p. ill. i por. ropl. map. Mine, T[homas] C[hambers]. Prize model cottage ; detailed working drawings ... of a design AE2 for labourer s cottages . . . London [pref. 1848]. O. 12 p. 8 pi. H58 Hintrager, Carl. Der bau und die innere einrichtung von schulgebauden . . . mit AE6 besonderer beriicksichtigung der verhaltnisse in Osterreich. HSQ Wien, 1887. Q. 8+87 p. ill. Hints on the formation of gardens and pleasure grounds. 1813. AN8 See Loudon, John Claudius. J 159 Hints to some churchwardens with . . . illustrations rela- AE tive to the repair and improvement of parish churches. HSQ London, 1825. O. 30 p. 12 pi. Hipkins, A[lfred] J[ames]. Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique . . . illustrated by AX ... 50 plates . . . drawn by W. Gibb. H6i Edinburgh, 1888. Sq. F. 5 19+107 p. 50 pi. Hippeau, C[elestin]. 1803-83. L abbaye de Saint-Etienne de Caen, 1066-1790. Caen, 1855. Q. 12+538 p. 3 pi. L histoire naturelle legendaire au moyen-age. (In Revue de 1 art AB Chretien, v. 5.) R324 Hirsch, Richard. De animarum apud antiques imaginibus . . . AO Lipsiae, 1889. O. 54+[i] P- Z2 Doctor s dissertation at Jena (Ger.) university. Hirsch, Theodor. 1 806-81. Beitrage zur geschichte westpreussischer kunstbauten. AH43 Danzig, 1850. Sq. O. pt. I. 42 p. I pi. Ol4 Contents: pt. i. Das kloster Oliva. Danzig (Ger.) Gymnasium. Programm. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 465 Hirschfeld, C[hristian] C[ai] L[orenz]. 1742-92. AN8 Theorie der gartenkunst. Leipzig, 1779-85. Q. 5 v. ill. 7 pi. H6i Hirschfeld, G[ustav]. 1847-. AP Athena und Marsyas. Berlin, 1872. Q. 16 p. 2 pi. V/722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 32. Tituli statuariorum sculptorumque Graecorum cum prolegomenis. AO8 Berolini, 1871. O. 8+202 p. i map. 6 facsim. Z6 Hirschfeld, Qustav, 1847- Curtius, Ernst, 1814- and others. AR495 Die ausgrabungen zu Olympia. 187677. v. 12. Ol9 Hirschfeld, Heinrich Otto, 1843-, editor. See Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphischen seminares AP der Universitat Wien. 1880-85. v - l ~S- Ab4 Hirt, A[loys Ludwig]. 1759-1839. Die baukunst nach den grundsatzen der alten . . . AA Berlin, 1809. F. 5 22 + 242 + 52 p. 50 pi. H6i Die geschichte der baukunst bei den alten. AF Berlin, 1821-27. Q. 3 v. in 2, and Atlas, F. 6 2 v. 33 pi. H6i Vol. 3. has also title Die lehre der gebaude bei den Griechen und Romern. Hirth, Friedrich. 1845-. AH5i Chinesische studien. Munchen, 1890. Q. v. I. ill. i pi. A2 Hirth, Georg. 1841-. Aufgaben der kunstphysiologie. AO Munchen, 1891. O. 2 v. 8+6iip. ill. 6 pi. H6i Paged continuously. Das deutsche zimmer der gothik und renaissance, das barock-, ANi rococo- und zopfstils ... 3. aufl. . . . H6n Munchen, 1886. Q. 12+448 p. ill. Das deutsche zimmer der renaissance . . . ANi Munchen, 1882. F. 4 8+ 192 p. ill. H6i Les grands illustrateurs; trois siecles de vie sociale, 1500-1800. AO7 Munich [pref. 1882-89]. F. 4 v. 1-5. ill. pi. H6i Made up of reproductions of early prints in paged plates. Kulturgeschichtliches bilderbuch. See, above, Les grands illustra- AO7 teurs. [Pref. 1882-89.] H6i Hirth, Georg, 1841- editor. AB See Der formenschatz. 1877. F76 His, Eduard. Die Easier archive iiber Hans Holbein . . . seine familie und AB einige zu ihm in beziehung stehende zeitgenossen. (In Jahr- Ji9 bu cher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1870. v. 3, p. 113-152.) 30 466 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hislop, Rev. Alexander. Two Babylons; or, The papal worship proved to be the worship AR56 of Nimrod and his wife ... 3d ed. Ai2 Edinburgh, 1862. O. 28+470+ [i] p. ill. Histoire du Palais royal. AH44 See Fontaine, P. F. L. 1762-1853. A49 Histoire et fabrication de la porcelaine chinoise ; ouvrage AN2 tr. du chinois par . . . Stanislas Julien . . . accompagne de notes H62 et d additions par . . . Alphonse Salvetat . . . et augmente d un Memoire sur la porcelaine du Japon, tr. du japonais par . . . J. Hoffmann . . . Paris, 1856. O. 8+123 + 320 p. ill. 14 pi. I map. First title-page is in Chinese. Histoire et origine de Manneken-pis, suivie de 1 Histo- AH493 rique de la Place des Martyrs et de 1 eglise de Ste.-Gudule. B839 Bruxelles, no date. S. 72 p. I pi. Histoire generale de Paris : Collection de documents fondee . . . par M. le baron Haussmann . . . et publiee sous les auspices du Conseil municipal. Paris, 1866-87. 8 v. F. ill. pi. BERTY, A. 1818-67. Topographic historique du vieux Paris. 1866-87. 6 v. COETLOGON, A., comte DE. i82o(?)-69. Les armoires de la ville de Paris. I874-75- 2V. Histoire generale des Pais-Bas. 1720. See [Christyn, J. B.]. 1622-90. Historic churches of America, their romance and their history . . . illustrated by etchings, photogravures and other re productions from original drawings . . . with . . . text . . . Philadelphia [c. 1890]. F. 3+1 60 p. 60 pi. Historic society of Lancashire and Cheshire. See Lancashire and Cheshire historic society. Historical and archaeological association of Ireland. AR4i Annuary. Dublin, 1888. Q. ill. pi. A2 MARTIN, Lt.-col. W. G. WOOD-. 1847-. Rude stone monuments of Ireland. 1888. Historical and architectural description of Corfe castle, by AR42 A near resident. Poole, 1829. O. 2+75 p. 5 pi. Z Historical and descriptive account of the town of Lan- AR42 caster. 1807. L22 See Clark, C. Historical art furniture: Specimens of English, French, ANi German and Italian workmanship from the middle ages, renais- H62 sance period and epochs of Louis XIII., Louis XIV., Louis XV. and Louis XVI.; drawn from originals in European museums and private collections. New York, no date. F. 4 60 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 467 Historical description of the metropolitan church of AH42 Christ, Canterbury. 1783. Ci66 See [Burnby, John]. Historical description of the monastery and chapel-royal of Holyroodhouse. 1819. See History of the abbey, palace and chapel-royal of Holyrood house. 1825. Historical description of the tower of London and its AH42 curiosities . . . London, 1759. D. 71 p. Historical description of Westminster abbey, its monu- AH42 ments and curiosities . . . London, 1822. D. i94+[s] p. L862 Historical notices of Fonthill abbey, Wiltshire. 1836. AH42 See [Nichols, J. B.]. I78o(?)-i863. F73I Historical society of science. AP [Publications.] London, 1841. O. Z HALI.IWELL-PHILLIPPS, J. O., 1820-89. compiler. Collection of letters. 1841. Historische beschryving der stadt Amsterdam. 1663. AH492 See Dapper, Olfert. -1690. Am83 Historische chronica. 1674-1745. AX See Abelin, J. P. I59o(?)-i646. Ab3 Historischer verein fur das grossherzogthum Hes= sen, editor. See Adamy, Rudolf. 1850-. Die Einhard-basilika zu Steinbach AH43 im Odenwald. 1885. St3 Historischer verein fur den Untermainkreis. See Historischer verein von Unterfranken und Aschaf fen burg. Historischer verein von Schwaben und Neuburg, editor. AH43 See Herberger, Theodor. 1811-70. Die altesten glasgemalde im Au43 dome zu Augsbug. 1860. Historischer verein von Unterfranken und Aschaf= fenburg. Archiv. Wiirzburg, 1833-. O. pi. v. 1-33 in 31. AC Vols. i~4 2 known as Archiv des Historischen vereins fur den Untermainkreis. rio2 - Register, v. 1-16. Wiirzburg, 1864. O. (I n its Archiv. AC 1864. v. 17, pt. i.) H62 468 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Historischer verein von Unterfranken und Aschaf= fenburg. Jahres-bericht. 1830-80. Wiirzburg, 1833-81. O. AC H62 1830-33 known as Rechenschafts-bericht. Bound with its Archiv. 1833-81. History and antiquities of Carlisle. 1838. AR42 See Jefferson, Samuel. 19 History and antiquities of Lambeth palace. [1806.] See [Brayley, E. W., 1773-1854, and Herbert, William, 1771- AH42 1851]. Li7 History and antiquities of Newbury and its environs. 1 839. AR42 See [Gray, E. W. 1748-1807]. N42 History and antiquities of Rochester. 1772. AR42 See [Denne, Rev. Samuel. 1730-99]. R58 History and antiquities of Tewkesbury. 1 798. AR42 See [Dyde, William]. 7311 History and antiquities of the cathedral- church of Sails- AH42 bury. 1719. Sa3i See [Rawlinson, Richard]. -1755. History and antiquities of the town of Cirencester. [1842.] AH42 See Baily, T. P. 49 History and description of the restored parish church of AH42 Saint Mary, Wymeswold, Leicestershire. [1846.] W98 See [Alford, Henry. 1801-71]. History and topography of Ashbourn, the valley of the AH42 Dove and the adjacent villages, with biographical sketches. As3 Ashbourn, 1839. Q- 8+38o+[i] p. 21 pi. History of Carisbrook castle, Isle of Wight, with an ac- AX count of the imprisonment of king Charles I ... with plates by Z W. Westall. London, n. d. O. 32 p. pi. History of Chesterfield. 1839. AR42 See [Hall, Rev. George]. 0422 History of Kirkstall abbey, Yorkshire; antiquarian and AH42 picturesque, with engravings from original drawings by W. Mul- K63 ready. London, 1847. D. 4+ 22 7 P- 5 pi- History of the abbey church of St. Peter s, Westminster. 1812. AH42 See [Combe, William]. 1741-1823. L84I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 469 History of the abbey, palace, and chapel-royal of Holy- AW2 roodhouse . . . Edinburgh, 1819. O. 124 p. 8 pi. T38 History of the abbey, palace, and chapel-royal of Holy- AH4i roodhouse, including a description of the buildings as they now Ed46 exist ... 3 d ed. Edinburgh, 1825. O. 118 p. 7 pi. map. Both editions have also an engraved title-page reading: Historical description of the mon astery and chapel-royal of Holyroodhouse . . . 1819. History of the church, parish, and manor of Howden. 1851. AH42 See [Clarke, Thomas]. H83 History of the city of Chester. 1815. AR42 See P[igott], J. M. B. C42 History of the empire of Japan. 1893. AH52 See Chicago (111.) World s Columbian exposition Japan. A2 History of Thirsk. 1821. AR42 Sec [Jefferson, J. B.]. T34 History of Wimborne minster. 1860. AH42 See [Mayo, Charles. 1837-77]. W7I2 Hitchings & co. [Catalogue of] hot water boilers and heaters and standard heat- Al2 ing pipes and pipe fittings for greenhouses, conservatories and H63 graperies. . . New York [c. 1889]. O. 64 p. ill. Hittorff, Jacques Ignace. 1793-1867. Historische notiz iiber Carl Friedrich Schinkel. (In Zeitschrift AB fur bauwesen. v. 8, p. 97-106.) Z$i Memoire sur Pompei et Petra. AR45 [Paris, 1866.] Q. p. 377-416. 8 pi. P77 From Paris (France) Institut L acade"mie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Memoires. 1866. v. 25, 2 d pt. Restitution du temple d Empedocle a Selinonte; ou, L archi- AH495 tecture polychrome chez les Grecs . . . Se4 Paris, 1851. F. 26+843 p. and Atlas, F. 7 [4] P- 2 4 pi- Hittorff, J[acques] I[gnace], 1793-1867, and Zanth, [C.] U 1796-1857- Architecture moderne de la Sicile; ou, Recueil des monumens AH45 religieux et des edifices . . . de la Sicile ... Si 12 Paris, 1835- F. 6 [8] +64+ [2] p. 76 pi. Hitzig, Qeorg Heinrich Friedrich. 1811-81. Ausgefiihrte bauwerke. AH43 Berlin [1855-62]. F. 6 2 v. and Sup. in i v. 68 pi. A35 30* 470 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hitzig, Georg Heinrich Friedrich. 1811-81. AH43 Die borse in Berlin. Berlin, 1867. F. 7 3 f . 1 1 pi. 6456 Das palais des Herrn v. Kronenberg in Warschau. (In Zeitschrift AB fur bauwesen. v. 24, p. 5-8. 8 pi.) Z$i Palast Revoltella in Triest. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 13, AB p. 1-4. 6 pi.) Z3i Das Reichsbank-gebaude in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 30, p. 355-362. 7 pi.) Zai Hoare, Henry Rosehurst. Historical and architectural notices of Mayfield palace. (In Sussex AC archaeological society. Collections, v. 2, p. 221-246.) Su8 Hochstetter, J. Mittelalterliche bauwerke im siidwestlichen Deutschland und am AH43 Rhein. Carlsruhe [pref. 1857]. F. 6 pt. I. 9 pi. K$4 Contents: pt. i. St. Michaels kapelle zii Kiederich. Continuation of a work with the same title by Jakob Friedrich Eisenlohr. Hocker, Johann Ludwig. 1670-1746. Bibliotheca Heilsbronnensis ; sive, Catalogus librorum omnium . . . AR43 qui in celeberrimi monasterii Heilsbronnensis bibliotheca publica H36 adservantur . . . Noribergae, 1731. F. 20+288+28 p. In his Hailsbronnischer antiquitaten-schatz. 1731. v. 2. Hailsbronnischer antiquitaten schatz . . . AR43 Onolzbach (v. 2, Noribergae) 1731. F. 2 v. I por. 20 pi. H36 Supplementa. Nurnberg, 1739. F. [i6] + 2o8 + [3] p. ill. Vol. 2 has title Bibliotheca Heilsbronnensis. Hodges, Charles Clement. Abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham; a monograph. AH42 [Edinburgh] 1888. F. 6 [6] +62 p. 63 pi. HSI Hodgetts, J[ames] Frederick. The English in the middle ages . . . their mode of life, dress, arms, AR42 occupations and amusements, as illustrated by the mediaeval re- A2/ mains in the British Museum. London, 1885. O. 15 + 210 p. Older England illustrated by the Anglo-Saxon antiquities in the AR42 British Museum . . . Ser. 1-2. London, 1884. O. 2 v. A23 Hodgkin, John Eliot, and Hodgkin, Edith. Examples of early English pottery, named, dated and inscribed. AN2 London, 1891. Sq. F. 19+187 p. ill. I pi. H66 No. 415 of 500 small paper copies printed. Hodgson, Frederick] T. Builder s guide and estimator s price book ... AI New York, 1 890. D. 331 p. H66 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 471 Hodgson, Rev. John. 1779-1845. Northumberland, Westmorland. (In Beauties of England and AH42 Wales. 1801-15. v. I2 1 , I5 1 .) An/ Hoe, Robert. 1839-. Lecture on bookbinding as a fine art delivered before the Grolier AN6 club, Feb. 26, 1885. New York, 1886. Q. 36 p. 63 pi. (Grolier H6/ club. Publications.) No. i of 200 copies printed. Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. 1830-. See Hoey, Mrs. Frances Sarah (Johnston) Stewart. 1830-. Hoey, Mrs. Frances Sarah (Johnston) Stewart, 1830-, translator. AN4 See Robida, Albert. 1848-. "Yester-year." 1891. R55 Hoffbauer, [Joseph Hubert Isidore]. 1839- Paris a travers les ages; aspects successifs des monuments et quar- AH44 tiers historiques de Paris depuis le I3 e siecle jusqu a nos jours, P2I/ fidelement restitues d apres les documents authentiques; texte par A. Bonnardot, J. Cousin, E. Drumont . . . [and others]. 2 e edition. Paris, 1885. F - 5 3 v - ill- 9 2 pi- Hoffmann, Adalbert. 1858-. See Hoffmann, Otto Adalbert. 1858-. Hoffmann, Adolph. AMs Holzsculpturen in rococo. Berlin, 1885. F. v. 2. 30 pi. H6 1 / Hoffmann, C., and Muus, H. AM6 Decorations-malereien. Hamburg, 1892. D. Ser. i. 14 pi. H67 Contents : Ser. i. Decker- und wandmuster, friese, ftillungen. Hoffmann, Quillaume, and Kellerhoven, F. Les arts et 1 industrie. 1853. See, below, Recueil de dessins AK relatifs a 1 art de la decoration. 1858. H6/ The edition of 1853 known also under the above title. Recueil de dessins relatifs a 1 art de la decoration chez tous les AK peuples et aux plus belles epoques de leur civilisation . . . H6/ Paris, 1858. F. 5 Ser. i in 2 v. 78 pi. No more published. Hoffmann, H. . . . Catalogue des objets d art ; antiquites, vases peints, marbres, AO2 bronzes . . . dont la vente aura lieu a 1 Hotel Drouot ... 28 et . . . H6/ 29 mai 1888 . . . [par W. Frohner]. Paris, 1888. F. 6 p.+p. 87-162. ill. 24 pi. 472 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hoffmann, Johann Joseph, 1805-78, translator. See [Kimoura K6=kyo]. Memoire sur les principales fabriques de AN2 porcelaine au Japon. (In Histoire . . . de la porcelaine chinoise. H62 1856. p. [275]-2 9 6.) Hoffmann, Otto Adalbert. 1858-. Agis oder bogen? beitrag zur erklarung des Apollo von Belve- AO8 dere . . . Metz, 1887. Q. 24 p. I pi. Z$ Metz (Ger.) lyceum. Programm. Hoffmann, Paul. Studien zu Leon Battista Albertis zehn biichern: De re aedifica- AA toria. Frankenberg i. S., 1883. O. 53 p. Ali5 Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Hoffstadt, Friedrich. 1802-46. Gothisches A. B. C. buch; das ist, Grundregeln des gothischen AK styls fur kiinstler und werkleute . . . H67I Frankfurt a. M., 1840. F. 5 2 v. 42 pi. Hoffweiler, Q. F. von, pseudonym. See Hertling, Georg Friedrich, freiherr von. 1843-. Hofland, Mrs. [Barbara (Wreaks) Hoole]. 1 770-1844. Descriptive account of the mansion and gardens of White-Knights, AH42 a seat of . . . the Duke of Marlborough, illustrated . . . by T. C. R22I Hofland . . . London [1819]. Sq. F. 5 5 + 151 p. 23 pi. Privately printed. Large paper copy. Plates on India paper with 8 plates duplicated in colors. Hofland, Thomas Christopher, 1777-1843, illustrator. See Hofland, Mrs. [B. (W.) H.]. 1770-1844. Descriptive account AH42 of the mansion and gardens of White-Knights. [1819.] R22I Hohenreuther, Johannes. Kunstgeschichtliche darstellung des domes zu Worms; zugleich AH43 ein fiihrer fur den besucher des domes. Z Worms, 1857. O- [3]+4 P- Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d , 1723-89, editor. See Boulanger, N. A. 1722-59. L antiquite devoilee par ses AP usages. 1768. B66 Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d , 1723-89, translator. AN3 See Neri, Antonio. i6th cent. Art de la verrerie. 1752. N35 Holbein, Hans. 1497-1 543(?). L alphabet de la mort . . . public d apres les mss. par A. de AX Montaiglon. Paris, 1856. O. Unpaged, ill. H6p COLUMBIA COLLEGE 473 Holbein, Hans. 1497-1 543(?)- Designs. (In Wessely, J. E. Das ornament und die kunstindus- AK trie in ihrer geschichtlichen entwickelung. 1877-78. v. i, pi. 69- W5i 78, 80.) Holbein society. Fac-simile reprints. [London] 1873-75. O. and F. 2 v. BURGMAIR, H. 1473-1531(7). Triumph of the Emperor Maximilian I. 1873-75. Holder, Oskar. Die romischen thongefasse der altertumssammlung in Rottweil . . . AN2 Stuttgart, 1889. Q. 26 p. 22 pi. Holdich, Benjamin, editor. See Gough, Richard. 1735-1809. History of Crowland abbey. AH42 1816. C88 Hole, James. Homes of the working classes with suggestions for their improve- AE2 ment. London, 1866. O. [i5] + 2i4+[i] p. 22 pi. H7I Holl, Elias. 1573-1646. Die selbstbiographie des Elias Holl, baumeisters der stadt Augs- AW burg, 1573-1646; hrsg. von Dr. Christian Meyer ... Z Augsburg, 1873. Q. 6+62 p. Holland, Rev. Thomas Agar. 1803-88. Poynings. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 15, AC p. 1-56. 6 pi.) Su8 Hollander, Alfred. 1843-. De anaglyphis sepulcralibus Graecis quae coenam repraesentare AP dicuntur . . . Berolini [1865]. D. 48 p. I pi. Zi Doctor s dissertation at Berlin (Ger.) university. Hollandsche arkadia in zeshonderd en meer afbeel- AH492 dingen. 1807. A 9 See Rademaker, Abraham. 1675-1735. Hollebeke, Leopold van. Lisseweghe, son eglise ct son abbaye. Bruges, 1863. F. [13]+ AH493 28o+[2]p. ill. ii pi. (Bruges, Belgium Societe d emulation. L69 Recueil de chroniques, chartes ct autres documents concernant 1 histoire et les antiquites de la Flandre: Premiere serie, Chroniques des monasteres de Flandre. v. 15.) Holly, Henry Hudson. Holly s country seats, containing lithographic designs for cottages, AE2 villas, mansions . . . New York, 1863. Q. i3+i7i + [i] p. 36 pi. H72I 474 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Holly, Henry Hudson. Modern dwellings in town and country adapted to American AE2 wants and climate, with a treatise on furniture and decoration. HJ2 New York, 1878. O. 219 p. ill. I pi. Holm, C. F., and others. Danske mindesmaerker udgivne af C. F. Holm, H. Hansen, C. F. AH48Q Herbst, N. H0yen, J. Kornerup, C. A. Strunk, og J. J. A. A4 Worsaae. Kj^lbenhavn, 1869. Sq. F. 5 [s] + 82 p. ill. 44 pi. Holmes, Susan Perry, 1856-92, and Carter, Mrs. J. G. (A.), 1838-, compilers. Genealogical record of the Dedham branch of the Avery family AW in America. 1893. Av3i Holt, J[ames] Lovegrove. Modern furniture, original and select. ANi London [1869]. F. 4 8+411 p. ill. H;4 Holtzinger, Heinrich. 1856-. Die altchristliche architektur in systematischer darstellung . . . AE Stuttgart, 1889. Q. 16+288 p. ill. PLtf Kunsthistorische studien. Tubingen, 1886. O. [3J + 75 p. ill- AE 78 Contents: no. i. Uber den ursprung des kirchenbaues. no. 2. Zur erklarung einer stelle des Liber pontificalis Ravennaticus. no. 3. Christliche altertiimer in Griechenland. Uber den ursprung und die bedeutung der doppelchore; eine AO studie aus der baugeschichte des mittelalters. Leipzig, 1882. O. 639 30 p. (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. pt. 5.) Holtzinger, Heinrich, 1856-, editor. See Burckhardt, Jakob. 1818-. Geschichte der renaissance in AF Italien. 1891. 689 Holz, F[erdinand] W[ilhelm], Details griechischer hauptgesimse zusammengestellt fiir die man- AI nigfachsten anwendungen. Berlin, 1854. F. 40 pi. H?4 Sammlung architektonischer entwiirfe von stadtischen gebaudean- AL2 sichten, mit details der architektur . . . H/4 Berlin [pref. 1843]. F. 5 [44] p. 20 pi. Holzer, Heinrich. Der Hildesheimer antike silberfund, seine archaologische und AM4 artistische bedeutung. Hildesheim, 1870. O. [8] + 107 p. 13 pi. H74 Holzermann, Lfudwig], 1830-70. Lokaluntersuchungen die kriege der Romer und Franken, sowie AE7 die befestigungsmanieren der Germanen, Sachsen und des spat- H74 eren mittelalters betreffend; nach dessen tode hrsg. von dem Vereine fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde Westfalens. Miinster, 1878. Q. 8+123 p. 53 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 475 Homolle, Th[eophile]. 1848-. Rapport sur une mission archeologique dans Hie de Delos. (In AB Archives des missions scientifiques. 1887. v. 28, p. 389-435. I pi.) Ar2i Hond, Hendrik. 1573-. Les cinq rangs de 1 architecture a scavoir, tuscane, dorique, ion- AL.2 ique, corinthiaque et composee, avec 1 instruction fondamentale, Vg6 avec encores quelques belles ordonnances d architecture, mises en perspective, inventees par J. Vredeman Prison et son fils et taillees par le dit H. Hondius . . . Amstredam, 1620. Obi. F. [17] p. 29 pi. Grondige onderrichtinge in de optica; of, Te perspective konste. AL2 Amsterdam, no date. F. [28] p. 36 pi. H75 Hond, Hendrik, 1573-, engraver. AL2 See Vries, Jan Vredeman de. 1527-. Perspective. 1604-5. ^96 Honecort, Wilars de. See Villard de Honnecourt. Honnecourt, Villard de. See Villard de Honnecourt. Hooper, Francis. Notes on building control and administration, and on the main- AC tenance of public buildings in France. (In Royal institute of R8i British architects. Transactions. 1889. n. s. v. 5, p. 13-32.) Hope, Alexander James Beresford Beresford=. 1820-87. The English cathedral of the nineteenth century. AH42 London, 1 86 1. O. 10+282 p. ill. 3 pi. Aii5 Hope, Sir Theodore C[racraft]. Architecture at Ahmedabad, the capital of Goozerat, photo- AH54 graphed by Col. Biggs . . . [with] architectural notes by J. Ah5 Fergusson. . . London, 1866. Q. 15 + 100 p. ill. 121 pi. 2 maps. Hope, Thomas. i77o(?)-i83i. 25 plates illustrative of ancient costume. (In Martin, Charles. AN4 Civil costume of England. 1842. 25 pi.) M36 Extracted from his Costume of the ancients. Hope, W[illiam] H[enry] St. John. On the early stall-plates of the Knights of the garter [in St. AB George s chapel at Windsor]. (In Archasologia. v. 51, p. 399-418.) Ar2 On the English medieval drinking bowls called mazers. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 5, p. 129-193. i pi.) Ar2 On the sculptured alabaster tablets called Saint John s heads. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 52, p. 669-708. 6 pi.) Ar2 476 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hope,W[illiam] H[enry] St. John, and Qibb, William. Royal house of Stuart, illustrated by ... plates . . . drawn from AW relics of the Stuarts, with an introduction by J. Skelton and . . . StQ notes by W. H. St. John Hope. 1890. Hope, W[illiam] H[enry] St. John, and Cox, Rev. J. C. 1843-- Chronicles of the collegiate church, or free chapel of All Saints, AH42 Derby. 1881. 0442 Hope, W[illiam] H[enry] St. John, and Fox, Q. E. Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants. AB (In Archaeologia. v. 52, p. 733-758. 8 pi.) Ar2 Hope=Scott, James Robert, 1812-73, editor. See Raphael. 1483-1520. Scripture prints from the frescoes of AH45 Raphael in the Vatican. 1866. R789 Hopkins, J[ohn] D[ouglas]. Ornaments of the sixteenth century, etched by W. A. Hopkins. AK [London, i84o(?).] Q. 24 pi. H77 Hopkins, W. A., illustrator. AK See Hopkins, J. D. Ornaments of the sixteenth century. [i84o(?).j H77 Hopkins, W[illiam] Jeffrey. Wixford church, Warwickshire. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 14, p. 299304. 2 pi.) As7 Hoppe, . Uber die stadtkirche in Meiningen; ein archaologische studie. AH43 Meiningen, 1883. O. 28 p. 22 pi. MLj./! Photographic view of the church inserted. Hoppin, Rev. James M[ason], 1820- Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects. AO Boston, 1892. O. 4+1+306 p. H77 Hoppus, E. Gentleman s and builder s repository; or, Architecture display d, A A containing the most useful and requisite problems in geometry . . . H77 [and] methods for attaining the knowledge of the five orders of architecture,. . . 4th e d. . . enlarged . . . London, 1760. Q. 4+101 p. ill. 92 pi. Horapollo. 5* cent. Hieroglyphics, by A. T. Cory. AR62 London, 1840. D. 12+174 p. ill. 4 pi. A27 Text in Greek and English. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 477 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. 65-8 B. C. Works, illustrated . . . from the remains of ancient art, with a life AX by H. H. Milman. London, 1849. O. [2O5]+49O+i4 p. ill. H;8 Latin text. Horst, Tieleman van der. 18* cent. Neue bau-kunst, worinn auf eine accurate . . . art gezeiget wird, AI wie man vielerley arten der treppen mit ihren grundrissen und H/8i aufsatzen verfertigen und dieselbige auslegen solle . . . aus dem hollandischen iibersetzt. Niirnberg, 1763. F. [4] +40 p. 30 pi. Theatrum machinarum universale; of, Nieuwe algemeene bouw- AI kunde . . . Amsterdam, 1739. F. 5 [4] p. 30 pi. [78 Hortleder, Friedrich, 1579-1640, annotator. See Reyher, Samuel. 1635-1714. Monumenta landgraviorum AR43 Thuringiae et marchionum Misniae. (In Otto, H. F., and Scha- T42 mel, J. M. Thuringia sacra. 1737. p. 921-956.) Horus, Apollo. 5th cent. See Horapollo. 5th cent. Hosaus, Wilh[elm]. Die glasgemalde des gothischen hauses zu Worlitz. (In Jahr- AB bticher fiir kunstwissenschaft. 1869. .2^.219-233.) Hosking, William. 1 800-61. Guide to the proper regulation of buildings in towns, as a means AI of promoting and securing the health, comfort and safety of the H79 inhabitants. London, 1848. O. 295 p. Treatise on architecture, [construction and building]. (In Ash- AA pitel, Arthur, comp. Treatise on architecture. 1867. p. 1-166.) As3 Hoskins, George Gordon. The clerk of works, a vade mecum for all engaged in the super- AI intendence of building operations. 4th ed. London, 1888. S. 53 p. H79I Hotels of Europe, with railway and steamship routes, pub- AA lished annually. 1873, 1880, 1885. London, 1873-85. Q. 3 v. H79 Hottenroth, Friedrich. 1840-. Le costume, les armes, ustensiles, outils des -peuples anciens et AN4 modernes. Paris, 1886-90. F. 2 v. in I. 240 pi. H79 Hottinger, Joh[ann] Heinrich. 1620-67. Archaiologia orientalis, exhibens, I. Compendium theatri orientalis AP ... 2. Topographiam ecclesiasticam orientalem . . . Heidelbergse, 1662. D. [i3] + i48+[i52] p. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hottinger, Joh[ann] Heinrich. 1620-67. Cippi Hebraic!; sive, Hebraeorum, tarn veterum prophetarum, patriarcharum, quam recentiorum Rabbinorum monumenta Hebraice . . . auction Heidelbergae, 1662. D. [26] + 188+ [8] p. 7 pi. Text in Latin and Hebrew. Tannaeorum, Amoraeorum, conscripta . . . ed. 2da AP H 79 Hottinger, J[ohann] J[akob], 1783-1860, and Escher, Q. von. Das alte und das neue Zurich, historisch-topographisch beschrie- ben . . . Zurich, 1859. S. [ioi]+i58 p. ill. I pi. An earlier edition was published with the title, Die stadt Zurich in historisch-topograph- ischer darstellung. 1855. Hotzen, Adelbert. Das kaiserhaus zu Goslar; vortrag gehalten in der 4. hauptver- sammlung des Harz-vereins furgeschichte und alterthumskunde . . . 1871 zu Goslar . . . Halle, 1872. O. 28 p. ill. 2 pi. Houbigant, Armand Qustave. 1790-1863. Description des objets d antiquites locales, celtiques, gallo-ro- maines et merovingiennes conserves dans le cabinet de M. Houbi- gant. (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departcment de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 4, p. 409-533, pi. 27-38.) Notice sur le chateau de Sarcus tel qu il devait etre en 1550. (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 4, p. 158-220, pi. 13-19.) Notice sur le portique dit de Sarcus existant a Nogent-les-Vierges. (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 3, p. 369-398, pi. 13-25.) Houdoy, J[ules]. 1818- Histoire de la ceramique lilloise, precedee de . . . la fabrication de carreaux peints et emailles en Flandre et en Artois au 14^ siecle. Paris, 1869. Q. 11 + 167 p. 4 P^ Houssaye, Arsene, 1815-, Gautier, Theophile, 1811- 1872, and Coligny, Charles. Le palais Pompeien; etudes sur la maison greco-romaine, ancienne residence du Prince Napoleon. [1866.] Houtsma, E. O. Grieksche beeldhouwkunst; eene studie over haren bloei en de oorzaken daarvan. Groningen, 1875. O. 52 p. Groningen (Holland) stedelijk gymnasium. Programma. Hoveler, Johann Joseph. Mitteilungen iiber den in den Pfingstferien 1890 in Bonn und Trier stattgehabten archaolog. kursus . . . Koln, 1891. Q. 24 p. i pi. Cologne (Ger.) Kaiser Wilhelm-gymnasium. Programm. AH494 Y8 AH 43 G69 AC Soi9 AC Soi9 AC Soi9 AN2 H8i AH44 P333 A08 Z3 AR495 Z2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 479 How, Samuel. Indoors. A work on interior decoration. New York, 1894. F. 38 p. ill. 27 pi. How to build, furnish and decorate . . . New York, 1883. Sq. F. Unpaged, ill. Published by the Co-operative building plan association. Howard, Frank. 1805-66. Ten cartoons exhibited in Westminster hall, 1843 . . . London, 1844. F. 6 [9] p. 10 pi. Howard, Hugh. 1675-1737. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of rare engravings and draw ings . . . sold ... 12 Dec., 1873, and seven following days . . . [and 27th of Nov., 1874, and following days]. London [1873-74]. Q. 2 v in I. I por. 9 pi. Howard, John. 1726-90. Account of the principal lazarettos in Europe, with . . . papers relative to the plague . . . [and] observations on some foreign prisons and hospitals . . . Warrington, 1789. Sq. F. 8+259+ [46] p. 22 pi. I tab. Howard, Joseph Jackson, 1827, editor. See Cooke, Robert, Clarencieux king of arms. Visitation of Lon don. (In London and Middlesex archaeological society. Trans actions. 1864. v. 2.) Howard, Theodore. Illustrated alphabet. London, 1883. Sq. F. 4 26 pi. Howitt, William, 1792-1879, and Howitt, Mrs. M. (B.), 1799-1888. Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain . . . London, 1862-64. O. 2 ser. ill. Hoyau, [J. Q.]. Art du serrurier . . . Paris, 1826. F. 5 2 + 36 p. 17 pi. Hoyau, [J. Q.], and Bury, , architects. Modeles de serrurerie. 1826. [H0yen, Niels Lauritz Andreas. 1798-.] Det kongelige theater; grosserer Peschiers gaard . . . udgivet af Selskabet for nordisk konst. [Anon.] Kiobenhavn, 1860. Sq. F. 4 [4] p. 7 pi. H0yen, Niels Lauritz Andreas, 1798- Holm, C. F., and others. Danske mindesmserker. 1869. AK H8 3 i AE2 H8 3 AM6 H8i A07 Pi8 AE6 H8 3 AC L84 AK H8 3 AH42 A62 AM2 B 9 5 AM2 B 95 AH489 C793 AH489 A 4 480 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Huber, Anton. Kleine architekturen zur ausfiihrung in holz, lauben, pavilions . . . AN8 thiirme . . . villen, etc. Berlin [1892]. F. 5 60 pi. H86 Huber, Eduard von, editor. See Augsburg (Ger.) Schwabische kreisausstellung. 1886. AO4 Meistervverke schwabischer kunst aus der kunsthistorischen ab- Au4 theilung der kreisausstellung. 1886. Hublin, Leon. 1846-. L ancien Mans illustre; histoire etymologique de ses rues et re- AH44 cherches sur ses antiquites . . . L542 Le Mans, 1887. O. Various paging, ill. I pi. map. La cathedrale du Mans ... Le Mans, 1888. O. 38 p. i pi. AH44 L542 Notice sur le theatre et sur les ancjennes salles de spectacle du AH44 Mans . . . [Anon.] Le Mans, 1885. O. 64 p. I pi. M3I Hubner, [Ernst Willibald] Emil. 1834-82. Die antiken bildwerke in Madrid beschrieben; nebst einem anhang, A02 enthaltend die iibrigen antiken bildwerke in Spanien und Portugal. H86 Berlin, 1862. D. 10+356 p. 2 pi. Augustus, marmorstatue des Berliner museums. AP Berlin, 1868. Q. 17 p. 2 pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 28. Bildniss einer Romerin, marmorbiiste des Brittischen museums, AP die sogenannte Clytia. Berlin, 1873. Q. 29 p. 6 ill. 3 pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 33. Relief eines romischen kriegers im Museum zu Berlin. AP Berlin, 1866. Q. 19 p. I pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 26. Hubner, Rudolph Julius Benno. 1806-82. Die Sixtinische Madonna. (In Jahrbucher fur kunstwissenschaft. AB 1870. v. 3, p. 249-279.) Ji9 Hubner, Rudolph Julius Benno, 1806-82, compiler. See Dresden (Ger.) Sachsische gemalde-gallerie. Catalogue de A06 la galerie royale de Dresde. 1862. D8n Hubo, Qeorg, compiler. See Gottingen (Ger.) universitat Archaologisch-numismati- AP scher institut. Originalwerke in der archaologischen abtheilung. Gji 1887. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 481 Hiibsch, [Heinrich], 1795-1863. Die altchristlichen kirchen nach den baudenkmalen und alteren beschreibungen und der einfluss des altchristlichen baustyls auf den kirchenbau aller spateren perioden . . . Carlsruhe, 1862-63. F. 6 2 v. in i. 63 pi. Die architectur und ihr verhaltniss zur heutigen malerei und sculptur. Stuttgart, 1847. - 24+i8o+[i] p. Uber griechische architectur. Heidelberg, 1822. Q. 8+85 p. 5 pi. Hucher, Eugene [Frederic Ferdinand]. 1814-. Caiques des vitraux peints de la cathedrale du Mans . . . Paris, 1864. F. 9 [3] + 5 + [i4] f. 100 pi. Considerations sur 1 ouvrage de M. Fillon, L art de terre usite chez les Poitevins. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 30, p. 837-849.) L email de Geoffrey Plantagenet au musee du Mans. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 26, p. 669-694.) Etudes artistiques et archeologiques sur le vitrail de la rose de la cathedrale du Mans. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 14, P- 345-S7 2 -) Etudes sur les poteries gallo-romaines decouvertes au Mans a diverses epoques. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 25, p. 347-357; v. 26, p. 274-287.) Notice sur quelques monuments historiques du Departement de la Sarthe. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 16, p. 321-376.) Vitraux peints de la cathedrale du Mans, ouvrage renfermant les reductions des plus belles verrieres et la description complete de tous les vitraux de cette cathedrale . . . Paris, 1865. F. 7 Unpaged. 20 pi. Hude, Philipp Wilhelm Hermann von der. 1830-. Hotels. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. bd. 4., p. 174-220. ill. 6 pi. 6 paged pi.) Die kunsthalle in Hamburg. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 18, p. 3-8. 7 pi.) Hude, Philipp Wilhelm Hermann von der, 1830- and Hennicke, Julius. Das Lessing-theater in Berlin ... Berlin, 1889. F. 5 4 p. ill. 6 pi. From Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. 1889. Oeffentliches schlachthaus und viehmarkt in Buda-Pest. (In Zeit- schrift fiir bauwesen. v. 25, p. 31 1-330. 13 pi.) 31 AE H86 AA H86 AH495 Ai8 AH44 1.541 AB 687 AB 687 AB 687 AB 687 AB 687 AH44 AA AB Z 3 i AH73 P532 AB 482 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Huet, Dan[iel] Theod[or]. Inhuldiging van Willem Karel Hendrik Friso, prins van Oranje AW2 en Nassau . . . als erf-heer van Vlissingen, op den 5den Junij, An2 1751 . . . Amsterdam, 1753. F. 5 20+73 p. I por. 8 pi. Hugall, John W[est], and Poole, Q. A., i8o9(?)-i883. Historical and descriptive guide to York cathedral and its an- AH42 tiquities. 1850. Y8l Muggins, Samuel. 1811-85. Course and current of architecture; being an ... account of the A A origin . . . and . . . developments ... of its various known styles . . . H87 London, 1863. O. 12+195 P- Hughes, John Arthur. Garden architecture and landscape gardening . . . with remarks on AN8 landscape gardening in its relation to architecture. H87 London, 1866. O. 13 + 179 p. ill. 5 pi. Hughes, Rev. J[ohn] B[ickley]. Restoration of Huntsham church. (In Exeter diocesan architectural AC society. Transactions. 1861. v. 6, p. 220-232. pi.) Ex3 Hughes, Thomas. Stranger s handbook to Chester and its environs, containing . . . AH42 a visit to the cathedral, castle and Eaton Hall. 423 Chester [1856]. D. 7+160 p. ill. I pi. map. See Batenham, George, Batenham, William, and Musgrove, John. AH42 Ancient Chester, a series of illustrations of the streets of this old C425 city, with descriptions by T. Hughes. 1880. Hugo, Abel. 1798-1855. See Hugo, Jules Abel. 1798-1855. Hugo, Hermann. 1588-1629. De militia equestri antiqua et nova ad regem Philippum IV. libri AE7 quinque. Antverpiae, 1630. F. [8] + 344+[io] p. ill. 6 pi. H87I Siege of Breda . . . translated into English by C. H. G. AE7 No place, 1627. F. 152 p. 15 pi. H8; Hugo, [Jules] A[bel]. 1798-1855. France pittoresque; ou, Description . . . des departements et AH44 colonies de la France . . . Paris, 1885. Q. 3 v. 369 pi. 95 maps. A7i Hugo, Rev. Thomas. 1820-76. History of Moor Hall, a camera of the Knights Hospitallers of S. ArLj.2 John of Jerusalem in the parish of Harefield and county of Middle- H77 sex. London, 1866. Q. 30 p. 3 pi. History of Taunton priory in the county of Somerset. ArLj.2 London, 1860. Q. 20+127 p. 7 pi. Ti9i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 483 Hugo, Rev. Thomas. 1820-76. Memoir of Muchelney abbey in the county of Somerset. AH42 Taunton, 1859. Q. 57+[i] p. 4 P 1 - M 9 From Somersetshire archaeological and natural history society. Proceedings, v. 8. Hugues, Pierre Francois, called d* Hancarville. 1719-1805. See Hancarville, Pierre Francois Hugues, called d . 1719-1805. Huhn, Eugen. See Poppel, J. J. Q. F., 1807-82, and others. Das grossherzog- AH43 thum Baden . . . begleitet von einem . . . text von E. Huhn. 1850. Huillard=Breholles, [Jean Louis] A[lphonse], 1817-71. Recherches sur les monuments et 1 histoire des Normands et de la AH45 maison de Souabe dans 1 Italie meridionale, publiees par les soins Ai5 de M. le Due de Luynes. Dessins par Victor Baltard. Paris, 1844. F. 6 i72+[i] p. 35 pi. Huish, Marcus B[ourne], Japan and its art. 2d ed. . . enlarged. AO London [pref. 1892]. O. i4+[i]+288 p. ill. i pi. H87 Hull, Rev. R[obert] B[evan]. 1844-. On All Saints church, Northampton. (In Associated architec- AC tural societies. Reports and papers, v. 16, p. 72-87. 2 pi.) As7 Hullmandcl, C[harles Joseph]. 1789-1850. Art of drawing on stone . . . AX London [1824]. Q. 16+7+92 p. 17 pi. I map. I facsim. H87I Art of drawing on stone . . . New edition . . . AX London, 1835. O. 79 p. 9 pi. H87 Hulme, F. Edward. Adaptability of our native plants to the purposes of ornamental AK art. (In Art-studies from nature. 1872. p. 1-89.) Ar7 Birth and development of ornament . . . AK London, 1893. O. 12+340 p. ill. H87I Suggestions in floral designs. AK London, no date. F. 4 52 p. 52 pi. H87 Hulsemann, Hein[rich] Christoph Fried[rich]. 1771-1835. Spicilegium annotationis in picturas vasorum Graecorum quas AN2 Boettigerus v. c. explicatas dedit in libro : "Griechische vasenge- Z3 malde," cet. Weimar 1797 . . . Lunaeburgi, 1799. Sq. O. 29 p. Inaugural address at Liineberg (Ger.) Johanneum. 484 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Hiilsen, Christian. Das Septizonium des Septimius Severus. AP Berlin, 1886. Q. 36+ [2] p. ill. 4 pi. W/22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 46. Hulsius, Friedrich, editor. AH^s See [Abelin, J. P. I59o(?)-i646]. Inventarium Sueciae, das ist, Ai griindliche . . . beschreibung dess konigreichs Schweden. 1632. Hulthem, [Charles Joseph Emmanuel] van. 1764- 1832. Discours prononce dans une reunion d artistes beiges . . . de Paris, AO le 8 sept. 1806 ... [Paris, i8o6(?).] O. 29 p. Z$ Discours prononce dans une reunion d artistes beiges . . . de Paris, AO le 8 oct. 1807 ... [Paris, :8o7(?).] O. 46 p. Z$ Hultsch, Friedrich [Otto]. 1833-. Heraion und Artemision; zwei tempelbauten loniens . . . AH495 Berlin, 1881. O. 52 pi. AS Humann, Georg. Der westbau des miinsters zu Essen . . . AH43 Essen, 1890. Q. 44 p. ill. 3 pi. Es7 Humann, Karl. 1839- Die Tantalosburg im Sipylos. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 22-41, G8i pi. i.) Humann, Karl, 1839-, and Puchstein, Otto. Reisen in Kleinasien und Nordsyrien, ausgefiihrt im auftrage der AR56 Kgl. preussischen akademie der wissenschaften. A7 Berlin, 1890. Q. [7] +424 p. ill. and Atlas, Sq. F. 5 [6] p. 53 pi. 3 maps. Hume, Rev. A[braham]. 1814-84. Ancient Meols; or, Some account of the antiquities found near AR42 Dove Point on the sea-coast of Cheshire, including a comparison . . . 0423 with relics of the same kinds . . . procured elsewhere . . . London, 1863. O. 16+411 p. ill. i por. 31 pi. 2 maps. Hummel, J[ohann] E[rdmann]. 1769-1852. Die saulenordnungen nach Vitruv, mit einigen saulenordnungen AA von den vorzuglichsten alten monumenten zusammengestellt . . . H88 Berlin, 1840. Q. Unpaged. 30 pi. Hummelstein, Michael Friedrich Lochner von. 1662-1720. See Lochner von Hummelstein, Michael Friedrich. 1662-1720. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 485 Humphreys, H[enry] Noel. 1810-79. Rome and its surrounding scenery, illustrated with engravings by AH45 W. B. Cooke, from drawings by eminent artists. R6/ London, 1840. Q. [8] + 2i6 p. 30 pi. Ten centuries of art; its progress in Europe from the 9*h to the AO 1 9th century ... London, 1852. Q. ii8p. ill. 12 pi. H88 Hundeshagen, Bernhard. Kaiser Friedrichs I. Barbarossa palast in der burg zu Geln- AH43 hausen . . . 2. aufl. [Mainz] 1819. F. 5 81 p. 13 pi. G28i Hunnewell, James F[rothingham]. England s chronicle in stone, derived from personal observation AH42 of cathedrals, churches, abbeys, monasteries, castles and palaces . . . A$3 London, 1886. O. 445 p. 52 pi. 2 maps. Hunt, Frederick] Knight. 1814-54. Exhibition book of art . . . cartoons, frescoes, sculpture and AM6 decorative art ... London, 1852. F. 8+189 p. ill. I pi. H9i Hunt, Gaillard, compiler. See United States State department. The seal of the United AWi States. 1892. Un3 Hunt, Robert. 1807-87. Symmetrical and ornamental arms of organic remains. (In Art- AK studies from nature. 1782. p. 177-212.) Ar7 Hunt, T[homas] Frederick] (?). 1791-1831. Designs for parsonage houses, alms houses, etc . . . with examples AE2 of gables and other curious remains of old English architecture . . . H9i London, 1827. Sq. F. 6+ [2] + 34 p. 21 pi. Exemplars of Tudor architecture, adapted to modern habitations, AH42 with . . . observations on the furniture of the Tudor period ... Am London, 1841. Sq. F. 8+200 p. 37 pi. Hunt, Rev. Joseph. 1783-1861. Hallamshire; the history and topography of the parish of Sheffield AR42 in the county of York . . . New ed. [enlarged] by ... Rev. A. Sh3 Gatty... London [1869]. F. 5 [22] + 5 10+47 P- ill- I por. iipl. Huquier, [Jacques] Q[abriel], 1695-1772. Entwiirfe fur schmiede-eisen und andere metall-arbeiten im stile AM2 des rococo, nach [seinen] "Nouveau livre de serrurerie"; 30 [92 lichtdrucke nach den originalstichen in der ornamentstich-samm- lung des Konigl. kunstgewerbe-museums zu Berlin. Berlin, 1889. F. 4 30 pi. Hurst, John Thomas, editor. See Tredgold, Thomas. 1788-1829. Elementary principles of AI carpentry. 1892. 486 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Husenbeth, Rev. Frederick Charles, 1796-1872, editor. See Milner, Rev. John, bp. 1752-1826. History and survey of AH42 the antiquities of Winchester. 1839. W725 Hussey, Rev. Arthur. Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex and Surrey AH42 . . . [with] some account of the sepulchral memorials and other A46 antiquities. London, 1852. O. 6+18+388 p. ill. 21 pi. Hussey, E[lisha] C. Home building; a reliable book of facts relative to building, AE2 living, materials, costs at about 400 places from New York to H96 San Francisco . . . New York [c. 1875]. Q. 8+416 p. ill. 42 pi. Husson, Francois. 1828-. L architecture ferronniere, recueil de planches gravees a 1 usage AM2 de tous ceux qu interessent la construction en fer et la serrurerie H96 d art . . . Paris, 1873. Sq. F. 4 [4]+!! p. 88 pi. Husson, [Jean Christophe] Armand. 1809-74. Etude sur les hopitaux considered sous le rapport de leur construe- AE6 tion . . . et du service des salles de malades. Hg6 Paris, 1862. F. 607 + [i] p. ill. Published by Paris (France) Administration ge"ne"rale de 1 Assistance publique. Huszka, Jozsef. AK Magyar diszito styl. Budapest, 1885. F. 5 pt. i. 27 p. ill. 45 pi. H96 Hutchinson, Rev. /Eneas Barkly. Memorials of the abbey of Dundrennan in Galloway . . . (In AC Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1861. v. 6, Ex3 p. 59-103. pi.) On the restoration of the parish church of S. Mary, Callington . . . AC (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1861. Ex3 v. 6, p. 312-334.) Hutton, W[illiam]. 1723-1815. History of Derby from the remote ages ... to 1791 . . . 2d ed. AH42 enlarged. London, 1817. O. 12+267 P- T 9 P^ ^443 History of the Roman wall, which crosses the island of Britain, AR42 from the German ocean to the Irish sea ... its antient state and A2 its appearance in ... 1801. London, 1802. O. 13+350 p. 7 pi. map. Hyatt, Thaddeus. Account of some experiments with Portland-cement-concrete AI combined with iron as a building material, with reference to H99I economy of metal . . . and for security against fire . . . London, 1877. Q- 2 ^ p. ill- 17 pi- 2 tab. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 487 Hyde, E[dward] W[yllys]. 1843-. Skew arches; advantages and disadvantages of different methods AI of construction. New York, 1875. T. 104 p. ill. 3 pi. (Van [99 Nostrand s science series, v. 15.) Reprinted from Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. Hymans, Henri Simon, 1836- continuer. See Hymans, S. L. 1829-84. Bruxelles a travers les ages. AH493 1885-89. v. 3. 6835 Hymans, Paul, continuer. See Hymans, S. L. 1829-84. Bruxelles a travers les ages. AH493 1885-89. v. 3. B835 Hymans, [Salomon] Louis. 1829-84. Bruxelles a travers les ages . . . AH493 Bruxelles [1885-89]. F. 4 3 v. 3 por. 43 pi. 4 facsim. 6835 Vol. 3 written by Henri and Paul Hymans. I Anson, Edward. 1812-88. Mediaeval and other buildings in the island of Cyprus. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1882-83, p. 13-32. R8i 20 pi.) On the architecture of Norway. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1877-78, p. 131-137.) R8i On the Kremlin of Moscow. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Papers. 1867-68^.97-115.) R8i On the ruin of Heidelberg. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Papers. 1856-57, p. 58-66.) R8i lasitheus, pseudonym. See Fabretti, Raffaello. 1618-1700. Ibbetson, J[ohn] H[olt]. Specimens in eccentric circular turning with practical instructions AI for producing corresponding pieces in that art. Ib2 London, 1818. O. 86 p. ill. 6 pi. Ideas for rustic furniture. 1835. AA See [Wrighte, William], architect. Wp3i Ideenmagazin fur liebhaber von garten, englischen AB anlagen und fiir besitzer von landgiitern . . . Id2 Leipzig, 1797-1806. Sq. F. ill. 60 pts. in 5 v. Edited by J. G. Grohmann and A. F. G. Baumgartner. Vol. i, 2<* edition. Vol. 5 has title Neues ideen-magazin. Title-page and text in German and French. Ideville, Henry [Amedee Le Lorgne], comte d . 1830-87. Les chateaux de mon enfance (Auvergne et Bourbonnais) . . . AH44 Paris, 1877. Nar. Q. 2;8+[i] p. 1 1 pi. Ai9 Contains a second copy of the plates without letters. Ikonographie der heiligen. 1834. A06 See [Radowitz, J. M. E. C. W. von. 1797-1853]. Rn COLUMBIA COLLEGE 489 Ilg, Albert. 1847-. Adrian de Fries. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen AB des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. I, pt. I, p. 118-148.) ] 1 9 1 Eine biiste des Girolamo Fracastoro. (In Jahrbuch der Kunst- AB historischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 5, JiQi pt. i, p. 58-64.) Francesco Terzio der hofmaler Erzherzogs Ferdinand von Tirol. AB (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Ji9i kaiserhauses. v. 9, p. 235-374.) Giovanni da Bologna und seine beziehungen zum kaiserlichen AB hofe. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des aller- JiQi hochsten kaiserhauses. v. 4, pt. I, p. 38-51.) Die Limousiner grisaillen in den kaiserlichen haus-sammlungen. AB (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten JiQi kaiserhauses. v. 2, pt. I, p. 111-128.) Das spielbrett von Hans Kels. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen AB sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 3, pt. I, p. 53-78.) JiQi Studien auf dem gebiete des kunstgewerblichen unterrichtes in AN6 Italien. Wien, 1875. O. 4+69 p. ILj. Die werke Leone Leoni s in den kaiserlichen kunstsammlungen. AB (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Ji9i kaiserhauses. v. 5, pt I, p. 65-89.) Zwickelbilder im stiegenhause des K. k. kunsthistorischen hof- AH436 museums zu Wien von Ernst und Gustav Klimt und Franz 691 Matsch; erlauternder text. Wien, 1893. F. 6 [6] p. 17 pi. See Qerlach, Martin, editor. Allegorien und embleme; erlau- AK ternder text von A. Ilg. 1882. G3ii See Quellenschriften fur kunstgeschichte und kunsttechnik des mittelalters und der neuzeit. 1875-90. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und Industrie. Or- AK namente fur architektur und kunst-industrie nach den gypsab- V67 giissen des museums ausgewhalt von A. Ilg. [1876.] See Weyr, Rudolf. 1847-. Haus Habsburgund sein kunstleben ; AH436 mit erlauterndem text von A. Ilg. 1892. V688 Ilg, Albert, 1847- an d Kabdebo, Heinrich, 1850-81. Wiener schmiedewerk des 17. und 18. jahrhunderts; sammlung AM2 auserlesener eisenarbeiten des barok- und rococco-stils . . . 114 Dresden, 1883. Sq. F. 4 7+8 p. 60 pi. Illustrated biographies of the great artists. AW London, 1880. Q. pi. 643 QUILTER, H. 1851-. Giotto. 1880. 490 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Illustrated exhibitor and magazine of art . . . AB London, 1852. O. 2 v. ill. I16i No more published. Illustrated hand-books of art history edited by E. J. Poynter and R. Smith. London, 1882-88. D. 3 v. ill. pi. REDFORD, G. Manual of sculpture. 1882. SMITH, T. R. Architecture, Gothic and renaissance. 1888. SMITH, T. R., and SLATER, J. Architecture, classic and early Christian. 1882. Illustrated itinerary of the county of Cornwall. 1842. AH42 See [Redding, Cyrus. 1785-1870]. C8i3 Illustrated itinerary of the county of Lancaster. 1842. AR42 See [Redding, Cyrus. 1785-1870]. L22I Illustrations of armorial china. AN2 [London] 1887. F. 4 52 p. 24 pi. 116 Illustrations of baptismal fonts. 1844. AK See [Combe, Thomas]. 1797-1872. C73 Illustrations of the site and neighbourhood of the new AH42 post office. 1830. L873 See [Herbert, William]. 1771-1851. Illustrative views of the metropolitan cathedral church of Canterbury. 1836. C162 See [Woolnoth, William]. Illustrazione del prato della valle, ossia della piazza, delle AO statue di Padova. Padova, 1807. O. 2 v. in I. 16+441 p. 116 Paged continuously. Illustrierte katechismen. Im verlage von J. J. Weber. AK Leipzig, 1891. S. ill. Ki3 No. 66, KANITZ, P. F., 1829-. Katechismus der ornamentik. 4. aufl. 1891. Illustrierte schreiner-zeitung; mobel- und bauarbeiten in AB praktischen beispielen fur einfache und reichere ausfuhrung ... 116 Berlin, 1880-87. m - F - 5 5 v - in 2 - Edited by F. Luthmer. No more published. Imbard, E. F. Tombeaux de Louis XII. et de Francois ier. Nouv. ed. AE8 Paris, no date. F. 5 [8] p. 30 pi. Imi Imhoof=Blumer, Friedrich, 1838- and Keller, Otto, 1838-. Tier- und pflanzenbilder auf miinzen und gemmen des klas- AMi sischen altertums. Leipzig, 1889. F. 9+168 p. 26 pi. Im3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 491 Imperatorskoe Russkoe arkheologitcheskoe ob= shtchestvo. See Saint Petersburg (Russia) Imperial Russian archaeological society. Imperiale reale accademia di belle arti di Venezia. See Venice (Italy) Reale accademia di belle arti. Importante collection d antiquites. 1868. AO2 See [Frohner, C. E. L. W. 1834-]. F 9 2 Ince, [W.] and Mayhew, [J.]. Universal system of household furniture, consisting of above 300 ANi designs in the most elegant taste . . . In2 London [i;8o(?)]. F. 5 [33+4+11 p. 95 pi. Incorporated church building society, publisher. AB See Church builder. 1863-64. C47 Indau, Johann. Wienerisches architectur-, kunst- und saulen-buch, worinnen die AA griindliche unterrichtung deren funff . . . saulcn . . . dessen In2 manier und leichte invention noch biss dato proportionirlicher nicht gefunden worden ... an das tage-liecht gebracht worden. Augspurg [1728]. F. 5 [5] p. 22 pi. India Archaeological survey. Illustrations of ancient buildings in Kashmir . . . by H. H. Cole. AH54 London, 1869. F. 31 p. 57 pi. map. C26 Illustrations of buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the AH54 mixed Hindu-Mahomedan style of Upper India, by H. H. Cole. Ag8 London, 1873. F. u6+[i]p. ill. 13 pi. Reports. AR54 Simla, 1871-. Q. and Sq. F. 4 v. i-ii, 13-23; n. s., v. I. ill. pi. Ai Compiled by A. Cunningham. Indian architecture and ornament. 1887. AH54 See [De Forest, Lockwood]. Ai2 Indicateur de 1 archeologue ; bulletin mensuel illustre. AB Paris, 1873-74. O. 2 v. ill. In2 Edited by G. de Mortillet. Indicateur d histoire et d antiquites suisses. AB See Anzeiger fur schweizerische geschichte und alterthumskunde. An9 1860-68. Title-page in German and French. Industrial art; a monthly review of technical and scien- AB tific education at home and abroad. In2i London, 1877. Q. v. I. ill. pi. Edited by J. H. Lamprey. 492 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Industrial arts. 1876. AO See [Maskell, William], 1814-, compiler. Mj; Industrial works (Bay City, Michigan). [Catalogue] . . . Sections 1-2. Al2 Bay City [1893]. Obi. D. 2 v. ill. 13 pi. In2 Contents: v. i. Cranes and special railway appliances, v. 2. Cranes for mercantile uses. L industrie et 1 art decoratif aux deux derniers siecles. AK Paris, 1887. Nar. Q. 3O5 + [i] p. ill. I pi. (L ancienne France ; In2 etudes illustrees d apres les ouvrages de Paul Lacroix.) Inghirami, Curzio. 1614-55. Ethruscarum antiquitatum fragmenta, quibus urbis Romae, AR45 aliarumque gentium primordia, mores et res gestae indicantur, Et8 reperta Scornelli prope Vulterram . . . Francofurti, 1637. F- [ 22 ] + 3 2 4 P- ill- 4 pi- Inghirami, F[rancesco]. 1772-1846. Etrusco museo Chiusino . . . con aggiunta di alcuni ragionamente AR45 del Prof. Domenico Valeriani. Et/7 Poligrafia fiesolana [Firenze] 1832-33. F. 2 v. 8 + 252 + [2] p. 217 pi. Paged continuously. Vol. i dated 1833. Monumenti etruschi, o, di etrusco nome. AR45 Badia fiesolana [v. 2-7, Poligrafia fiesolana, Firenze] 1821-26. Q. Et72 7 v. 466 pi. Pitture di vasi fittili . . . per servire di studio alia mitologia ed all AN2 storia degli antichi popoli d Europa. Poligrafia fiesolana [Firenze] In4 1833-37 [v- i, 35]. F - 4v. 400 pi. Ingle, Rev. John. Restoration of Exeter cathedral. (In Exeter diocesan architec- AC tural society. Transactions. 1878. v. 10, p. 269-296.) Ex3 Ingold, Augustin Marie Pierre. 1852-. Lucon et Saint-Michel en 1 Herm, Vendee. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 11. 32 p. ill. 14 pi.) P75 Saint- Gilles sur Vie, Vendee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et AR44 monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 13. 20 p. ill. 8 pi.) P75 Ingram , James. 1 7 74- 1850. Memorials of Oxford, the engravings by J. Le Keux . . . AH42 Oxford, 1837. O. 3v. ill. 99 pi. 0x29 [Inkersley, Thomas.] Inquiry into the chronological succession of the styles of Roman- AH44 esque and pointed architecture in France, with notices of some of A3 the . . . buildings on which it is founded. [Anon.] London, 1850. O. |>]+35o+[i] p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 493 Inland architect and news record. AB Chicago, 1892-94. F. v. 19-24 in 3. ill.pl. In5 Inman, W. S., editor. See Great Britain House of commons. Report of the commit- AJ tee on ventilation. 1836. 079 Inman, W. S., translator. See Portal, P. P. F. de, baron. 1804-76. Essay on symbolic AK colours. 1845. P83 See Portal, P. P. F. de, baron. 1804-76. Symbolic colours. (In A A Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - 2 3 2 P- an d v. 3, Q2 p. 2 pi.) Innen=architectur und decorationen der neuzeit. 1885. AK See Riickwardt, Hermann. R82 Innes, Cosmo, 1798-1874, editor. See Gordon, James, pastor of Rothiemay. i6i5(?)-86. Aber- AH4I doniae utriusque descriptio. 1842. Ab3i Inquiry into the chronological succession of the styles, of AH44 Romanesque and pointed architecture in France. 1850. A3 See [Inkersley, Thomas]. Inquiry into the difference of style in ancient glass paint- AM7 ings. 1847. W73i See [Winston, Charles]. 1814-64. Inscriptions funeraires et monumentales de la province AWi d Anvers. V62 See Verzameling der graf- en gedenkschriften van de provincie Antwerpen. 1856-87. Inselin, C., engraver. See Tarade, Jacques. Desseins de toutes les parties de 1 eglise de AH45 Saint Pierre de Rome . . . Leve exactement ... en 1 annee 1659. R693 Two pages of text and one pi. engraved by Inselin. Institut royal grand=ducal de Luxembourg. See Luxemburg (grand duchy) Institut royal grand-ducal. Institute di corrispondenza archeologica (Rome). AC Annali. Roma, 1829-85. O. v. 1-57. ill. pi. In/ Vols. 26-28 published with the Monument!, annali e bullettini. Title-page in Italian and French. Place of publication varies. Bullettino, 1829-85. Roma, 1829-85. O. 55 v. in 28. ill. pi. AC In/i Vols. for 1854-55 published with the Monumenti, annali e bullettini. Title-page in Italian and French. 494 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Institute di corrispondenza archeologica (Rome). Centum semestria feliciter peracta gratulantur juvenes Capi- AR495 tolini . . . Romae, 1879. Q. 32 p. ill. Zi Half-title is Miscellanea Capitolina. Monumenti, annali e bullettini. 1854-55. AC Roma, 1854-55. F. 5 2 v. in I. pi. In/2 Vol. for 1855 published at Gotha. No more published under this title. Monumenti ed annali. 1856. Lipsia, 1856. F. 5 pi. AC In/3 No more published under this title. Monumenti inediti. Roma, 1829-85. F. G v. 1-12 in n. pi. AC In/4 Vols. for 1854-56 published with Monumenti, annali e bullettini. Title-page and text in Italian and French. Repertorio universale delle opere dell Institute. 1829-73. AC Roma, 1833-75. O. 5 v. in 3. In75 Index for 1829-33 originally published with v. 5 of the Annali. Vols. for 1854-56 published with Monumenti, annali e bullettini. Instrumenta ecclesiastica. 1844-47. ANi See Cambridge Camden society. Ci4 Intelligenz=blatt zum Archiv fiir die zeichnenden kiinste. AB Leipzig, 1855-62. O. 8 v. Ar3 International congress of prehistoric archaeology. Transactions of the third session, which opened at Norwich on AC the 20th Aug. and closed in London on the 28th Aug., 1868, con- In8 taining the papers read at the congress . . . and an abstract of the discussions. London, 1869. O. 29+419 p. ill. 46 pi. 4 paged pi. International scientific series. AP London, 1883. D. ill. J68 JOLY, N. 1812-. Man before metals. 1883. See also Bibliotheque scientifique Internationale. French edition of International scientific series. I ntime club, publisher. AB See Croquis d architecture. 1866-87. ^88 Inventaire general des ceuvres d art decorant les edifices du Departement de la Seine, dresse par le service des beaux-arts. AO Paris, 1879-83. Q. 3 v. 3 pi. In8i Contents: v. i. Arrondissement de Saint-Denis. v. 2. Arrondissement de Sceaux. v. 3. Edifices de"partementaux dans Paris et hors du De"partement de la Seine. Published by Prefecture de la Departement de la Seine. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 495 Inventaire general des richesses d art de la France. Paris, 1876-89. Q. Ser. 1-2. 4v. Contents: ser. i. Paris, monuments religieux. 2 v. ser. 2. Paris, monuments civils. 2 v. Published by Ministere de 1 Instruction publique. Inventarium der baudenkmaler im konigreiche Preussen . . . hrsg. im auftrage des Koniglichen ministeriums fiir geistliche unterrichts- und medicinal-angelegenheiten: Provinz Hessen- Nassau. Cassel, 1870. O. DEHN-ROTFELSER, H. VON, 1825-85, and LOTZ, W., 1829-79. Die baudenk maler, im regierungsbezirk Cassel. 1870. Inventarium Suecise. 1632. See [Abelin, J. P.]. 1590 (?) -1646. AO In8 AH 43 C26 AH485 Ai Inwood, Henry William. 1794-1843. Erechtheion at Athens, fragments of Athenian architecture and AH495 a few remains in Attica, Megara and Epirus. London, 1831. F. 6 49 p. 39 pi- Ipolyi, Arnold. Geschichte und restauration der kirchlichen kunstdenkmale in Neusohl, aus dem ungarischen iibersetzt von A. Dux, entworfen . . . und ausgefiihrt von F. Storno. Budapest, 1878. F. 4 [3] + 177 p. ill. 7 pi. Ireland, Samuel. -1800. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth from pictures ... in the posses- sion of S. Ireland. London, 1794. O. 2 v. ill. 8 por. 96 pi. Picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant and part of France, made in ... 1789 . . . 2d ed. enlarged. London, 1796. O. 2 v. ill. 48 pi. Picturesque views on the river Medway, from the Nore to the vicinity of its source in Sussex . . . London, 1793. O. 12 + 206 p. ill. 28 pi. map. Picturesque views on the river Thames from its source ... to the AH42 Nore . . . London, 1792. O. 2 v. ill. 51 pi. map. A36 Picturesque views on the river Wye, from its source at Plinlimmon AH42 Hill to its junction with the Severn below Chepstow . . . -^364 London, 1797. O. 12+ 159 p. ill. I por. 30 pi. map. Picturesque views on the upper, or Warwickshire Avon, from its AH42 source at Naseby to its junction with the Severn at Tewkes- A363 bury. . . London, 1795. O. 18+284 p. ill. 31 pi. map. Picturesque views, with an historical account of the inns of court AH42 in London and Westminster. A366 London, 1800. O. i6+254+[i] p. ill. 21 pi. AH43 N39 AH42 A365 AH42 A362 AH42 496 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ireland Historical and archaeological association. See Historical and archaeological association of Ireland. Ireland Royal institute of the architects. See Royal institute of the architects of Ireland. Ironmongers Hall (London). See London (Eng.) Ironmongers Hall. Irrison d Herisson, Maurice, comte d . 1840-. Relation d une mission archeologique en Tunisie. AR6ii Paris, 1 88 1. Q. [5] + 288+|>] p. ill. 10 pi. Ai Isaac de Bourges. i8 th cent. Description des monuments de Paris. Paris, 1878. O. 7+156+ AH44 [i] p. (In Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1873- A52 1883. v. i.) No. 292 of 330 copies printed. Isabelle, [Charles] Edouard. 1800- Les edifices circulaires et les domes, classes pas ordre chronolo- AI gique . . . leur disposition . . . leur construction et . . . leur deco- Isii ration... Paris, 1855. F - 6 3+ J 52 p. ill. 78 pi. Parallele des salles rondes de 1 Italie. 2e ed. AI Paris, 1863. F. 6 34 p. 3 pi. Isi Isabey, Leon, and Leblan, [E.]. yillas, maisons de ville et de campagne composees sur les motifs AH44 des habitations de Paris moderne dans les styles des i6 e -i9 e A25 siecles . . . Paris, 1864. F. 5 4 p. 55 pi. Isac, A. See Leon i, Michele. I principali monumenti innalzati dal 1814-23 AH44 da la Principessa Maria Luigia, duchessa di Parma, ora pubblicati P42I da A. Isac. 1824. Isella, Pietro. Decorative malerei, sgraffitos und intarsien . . . AK Wien, 1882. F. 5 30 pi. Is7 Ising, Arnold. Het binnenhof te s Gravenhage. AH492 s Gravenhage, 1879. F. 6 Various paging. I pi. and Atlas, F. 11 Hi 2 21 pi. Isra e l, Karl, 1881, compiler. Frankfurter concert-chronik von 1713-80. Frankfurt am Main, AC 1876. F. 74 p. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur F85 geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrsblatt 1876.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 497 Issel, Hans. Wandtafelungen und holzdecken . . . nebst einem anhang iiber AM5 ursprung . . . und farbige behandlung der "intarsia" . . . Is/ Leipzig, no date. Q. 47 p. ill. and Atlas, F. 4 [4] p. 40 pi. Istituzione antiquario-numismatica. 1772. AMi See [Monaldini, Q. A.]. M/4 Italienische renaissance; original-aufnahmen von archi- AH45 tektonischen details . . . und kunstgewerblichen erzeugnissen . . . A28 Leipzig, 1875-82. F. 4 4 v. in I. 158 pi. Contents: v. i. Das chorgestiihl der kirche San Severino in Neapel, hrsg. von A. W. Cordes und E. Geisenberg. 1875. v. 2. Skizzenbuch eines architekten des 16. jahrhunderts hrsg. von H. E. v. Ber- lepsch. 1875. v. 3. Schloss Stern bei Prag, hrsg. von P. Baum und M. Haas. 1876. v. 4. Das chorgestiihl der kirche Sant Eusebio in Rom, hrsg. von M. Bischof und P. Knochenhauer. 1882. Italienisches skizzenbuch; organ fur das studium archi- AB tektonischer und kunstgewerblicher denkmaler der italienischen Itp renaissance. Leipzig, 1879. ill. F. 5 pt. 1-3. Edited by L. Gmelin. Italy Ministero della pubblica istruzione. See Italy Pubblica istruzione, Ministero della. Italy Museo nazionale. See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Italy Pubblica istruzione, Ministero della. AO2 Indici e cataloghi. Roma, 1885. O. F66 No. 3. FLORENCE (Italy) UFFIZI GALLERY. Indice . . . dei disegni di architet- tura. 1885. Italy Pubblica istruzione, Ministero della, editor. Documenti inediti per servire alia storia dei musei d ltalia. AO2 Firenze, 1878-80. Q. 4 v. Iti Itineraire de 1 artiste et de 1 etranger dans les eglises de AH44 Paris. 1833. P234 See [Qregoire, J. A.]. Ivanov, Sergi Andreevich. 1822-77. Architektonische studien; mit erlauterungen von Richard Bohn; A A hrsg. vom Deutschen archaologischen institut. Ivi Berlin, 1892. F. v. I. I por. and Atlas, F. 7 v. I in 2. 44 pi. Contents: v. i. Aus Griechenland. Life of Ivanov by Conze. v. i, p. 4-6. Russian and German text and title-pages. Trans lated by David Lande". Ivara, Filippo. 1685-1735. See Juvara, Filippo. 1685-1735. 32 498 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ivry, L., baron de. Catalogue des objets d art et d ameublement et des tableaux AO2 anciens . . . dont la vente aura lieu a Paris . . . 7-9 mai, 1884 . . . Iv/ [Paris, 1884.] F. 4+i25 + [i] p. 12 pi. Iwanoff, Sergius Andrejewitsch. 1822-77. See Ivanov, Sergi Andreevich. 1822-77. Izzo, Johann Baptist. 1721-93. Elementa architecture civilis in usum nobilium Collegii regii AA Theresiani conscripta. Izg Vindobonse, 1764. O. [i6] + 296+[i5] p. 30 pi. Elementa architectures militaris. AE7 Vindobonae, 1765. O. v. I. 20 pi. Izg Contents: v. i. De arte muniendi. No more published. Jackson, C. J. The spoon and its history ; its forms, material, and development, AB more particularly in England. (In Archaeologia. v. 53, pt. I, p. Ar2 107-146. ill. i pi.) Jackson, Charles Philip Kains=. Our ancient monuments and the land around them, with a preface AR42 by Sir John Lubbock. London, 1880. Q. 8+ 115 p. ill. A6 Jackson, John, jr., compiler. History and antiquities of the cathedral church of Lichfield . . . AH42 Lichfield [1795]. O. 4+123 p. L6i Jackson, T[homas] G[raham]. 1835-. Architecture of Dalmatia. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. v. 3, p. 161-178. 2 pi.) R8i Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria, with Cettigne in Montenegro AH436 and the island of Grado. Oxford, 1887. O. 3 v. ill. 66 pi. map. Ai Wadham college, Oxford, its foundation, architecture and history, AH42 with an account of the family of Wadham . . . Ox3 Oxford, 1893. Q. 19+228 p. ill. 2 por. 15 pi. I facsim. Jackson, Thomas Graham, 1835- and Shaw, R. N., 1831-, compilers. AA Architecture a profession or an art. 1892. Sh2i Jackson architectural iron works. AM2 [Designs.] New York, no date. Obi. D. 87 pi. Ji2 Jacob, Arthur. Practical designing of retaining walls, [edited] by W. Cain. New AI York, 1888. T. 5 + [i] + i69p. ill. I pi. (Van Nostrand s Science Ji5 ser. v. 3.) Jacob, Paul L., bibliophile, pseudonym. See Lacroix, Paul. 1806-84. 500 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Jacob, Lt.-col. S[amuel] S[winton]. Jeypore portfolio of architectural details. AH54 London, 1890. F. 6 v. in 3. 374 pi. A2 Contents: . i. Copings and plinths. . 2. Pillars, caps and bases. . 3. Carved doors. . 4. Brackets. . 5. Arches. . 6. Balustrades. Jacob, Lt.-col. Samuel Swinton, and Hendley, T. H. A] 2 Jeypore enamels. . . London, 1886. F. 4 16 p. 28 pi. Ji5i Jacob! , Franz. Grundziige einer museographie der stadt Rom zur zeit des AP Kaisers Augustus . . . Speier, 1884. O. pt. I. Z2 Speier (Ger.) Kgl. studienanstalt. Jahresbericht. Jacob!, L., and Duhn, F. K. von, 1851-. AH45 Der griechische tempel in Pompeji. 1890. P77 2 Jacobs, Joseph, compiler. AP See Anglo-Jewish historical exhibition. 1887. Catalogue. 1888. An4 Jacobsthal, J[ohann] E[duard]. 1839-. Siid-italienische fliesen-ornamente ; nach originalaufnahmen. AJ2 Berlin, 1886. F. 5 20 p. ill. 30 pi. Ji5 Jacottet, [Louis] J[ulien]. 1806- Souvenirs des Pyrenees ; ou, Choix des sites les plus pittoresques AH44 des etablissemens thermeaux et des environs. ?995 Paris, 1840 (?). F. 6 2 v. 104 pi. Jacottet, [Louis] J[ulien], 1806- and Benoist, Ph., 1813-. AH44 Nouvelles vues de Paris. P256 Jacquand, Claudius. 1805-78. Histoire de la vierge, peintures murales, eglise St. Philippe du AH44 Roule a Paris . . . Paris [1860]. F. 5 [3] p. 21 pi. P32 Jacquemart, Albert. 1808-75. Histoire de la ceramique; etude descriptive et raisonnee des AN2 poteries de tous les temps et de tous les peuples . . . contenant Ji6 ... 12 planches gravees a 1 eauforte par Jules Jacquemart. Paris, 1873. Nar. Q. 75O+[i] p. ill. 12 pi. Histoire du mobilier . . . avec une notice sur 1 auteur par H. Bar- ANi bet de Jouy; ouvrage contenant . . . eaux-fortes . . . par Jules Ji6 Jacquemart. Paris, 1876. Nar. Q. 4+665 + [i] p. ill- COLUMBIA COLLEGE 501 Jacquemart, Albert. 1808-75. Les merveilles de la ceramique ; ou, L art de faconner et decorer AN2 les vases en terre cuite, faience, gres et porcelaine, depuis les temps J 162 antiques jusqu a nos jours. Paris, 1866-89. D. 3 v. ill. (Biblio- theque des merveilles; publiee de E. T. Charton.) Contents : v. i. Orient. v. 2. Occident, antiquite", moyen-age et renaissance. 4 e dd. v. 3. Occident, temps modernes. 3 e e"d. Notice sur les majoliques de 1 ancienne collection Campana. AN2 Paris, 1862. Q. 28 p. ill. i pi. Ji63 Jacquemart, Albert, 1808-75, an d Le Blant, E. [F.], 1818-. Histoire artistique, industrielle et commerciale de la porcelaine . . . AN2 Paris, 1862. F. I v. in 2. 6+690+^2] p. 28 pi. Ji6i Paged continuously. Jacquemart, Jules Ferdinand, 1837-80, illustrator. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Les gemmes et joyaux de la cour- AM4 onne au musee. 1886. L-93I Jacquemin, Louis. 1797-1868. Monographic du theatre antique d Arles. AH44 Aries, 1862-63. O. 2 v. Ar5 Orfevres et orfevrerie du moyen-age a Aries. (In Annales archeo- AB logiques. v. 22, p. 142-155.) An/ Jacquemin, Raphael. 1821-81. . . . Iconographie generale et methodique du costume du 4 e au AN4 I9 e siecle, 315-1815; collection gravee a 1 eau forte ... Ji6 Paris [1868]. F. 5 [3] p. 200 pi. Supplement. Paris, no date. F. 5 [3] p. 80 pi. AN4 Ji6 Jacquemont, Victor. 1801-32. Voyage dans 1 Indie pendant . . . 1828-32 . . . AH62 Paris, 1841-44. F. 4 6 v. in 3. 290 pi. 4 maps. A/ Contents : v. 1-3. Journal. v. 4. Description des collections, v. 5-6. Planches. Jacquemoud, Joseph, baron. Description historique de 1 abbaye royale d Hautecombe . . . AH44 Chambery, 1843. O- H5 P- ill- I pi. H29 Jacquinet, . Plusieurs models des plus nouvelles manieres qui sont en usage AK en 1 art d arquibuzerie . . . grave Paris, 1660. London, 1888. Q2 Obi. O. [3] p. 16 pi. (Quaritch s reprints of rare books, v. 10.) 32* 502 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Jadart, Charles Henri. 1847- Le bourdon de Notre-Dame de Reims. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 50, p. 215-236, 318-345. ill.) B8; L eglise d Asfeld (Ardennes). (In Bulletin monumental. 1889. AB v- 55, P- 43-58. 4pl-) B87 Jaennicke, Friedrich. 1831-. See Jannicke, Johann Friedrich. 1831-. Jahn, [Heinrich] Albert. 1811-. Die sammlung der handzeichnungen italienischer architekten in AB der Galerie der Uffizien in Florenz. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunst- ]ig wissenschaft. 1869. v. 2, p. 143-154.) Die ausgrabungen zu Grachwyl im kanton Bern. (In Antiquarische AC gesellschaftin Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853. v. 7,p. 107-121. 4pl.) An8 Jahn, Otto. 1813-69. Archaologische aufsatze. Greifswald, 1845. O. 8+195 p. 3 pi. Archaologische beitrage. Berlin, 1847. O- 20+463 p. 14 pi. AX Ji9 Die entfiihrung der Europa auf antiken kunstwerken . . . A08 Wien, 1870. Sq. F. 54 p. 10 pi. JiQ From Vienna (Austria) Akad. der wiss. Phil. -hist, classe. Denkschriften. v. 19. Die hellenische kunst; eine rede . . . zur feier des 9. Dec. 1845, AO in der akademischen aula zu Greifswald. Z2 Greifswald, 1846. O. 32 p. Die Lauersforter phalerae erlautert ... AP Bonn, 1860. Q. 27 p. ill. 3 pi. W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1860. Romische alterthiimer aus Vindonissa . . . Zurich, 1862. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1861-63. An8 v. 14, p. 91-110. 5 pi.) Der tod der Sophoniba auf einem wandgemalde. AO [Bonn, 1859.] s q- - l6 P- l P 1 - Z 3 Bonn (Ger.) universitat. F. G. Welcker s professor-jubilaum. Uber bemalte vasen mit goldschmuck ; festgruss an Eduard Ger- AN2 hard. Leipzig, 1865. Q. 28 p. 2 pi. ]ig Vasenbilder: i, Orestes in Delphi; 2, Theseus und der Minotau- AN2 ros; 3, Dionysos und sein Thiasos; 4, Diomedes und Helena; 5, Z3 Poseidon und Amymone ; hrsg. und erklart. Hamburg, 1839. Q. 40 p. 4 pi. Jahn, Otto, 1813-69, editor. See Pausanias, 2<i cent. Descriptio arcis Athenarum. 1880. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 503 Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlimgen. AB Berlin, 1880-92. F. v. 1-13 in 12. ill. pi. JiQ2 Edited by R. Dohme. Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen der aller- AB hochsten kaiserhauses. Prag, 1883-94. F. 4 v. 1-15. ill. pi. Ji9i Edited by F. Folliot de Crenneville. v. 1-2. Triumph des Kaisers Maximilian I. Wien, 1883-84. AB Obi. F. 5 137 pi. (Sup. to v. i.) Ji9i Ehrenpforte des Kaisers Maximilian I. Wien, 1885-86. AB Obi. F. 6 36 pi. (Sup. to v. 4.) Ji9i Das heroon von Gjdllaschi-Trysa. Wien, 1889. Obi. F. 4 AB [3] p. 34 pi. (Sup. to v. 9 and n.) Ji9i Jahrbuch liber die leistungen und fortschritte auf dem AB gebiete der practischen baugevverbe. 0482 See Deutsches Jahrbuch iiber die leistungen und fortschritte auf den gebieten der theorie und praxis der baugewerbe. 1870-76. Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. AB Leipzig, 1868-73. O. 6 v. ill. pi. Ji9 Edited by A. von Zahn. Jahres=bericht des historischen vereines von Unter- AC franken und Aschaffenburg. H62 See Historischer verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. James, John, of Greenwich, -1746, translator. See Perrault, Claude. 1613-88. Treatise of the five orders of A A columns in architecture. [1708.] ?42 See Pozzo, Andrea. 1642-1709. Rules and examples of per- AL2 spective . . . done into English ... by J. James of Greenwich. P87 1707. James, Rev. J[ohn] Burleigh. 1811- Catalogue of the fine collection of engravings formed by the Rev. AO7 J. Burleigh James . . . late of Knowbury, Salop . . . sold by auc- J23 tion by ... Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge . . . 1877 . . . [London, 1877.] O- [3]+358 p. 13 pi- James, Rev. Samuel B[enjamin]. Worfield on the Worfe, in and near Severn valley, being a brief AH42 history of Worfield . . . W895 London [pref. 1888]. O. 15+62 + 3 p. 8 pi. map. James, Thomas. On round churches. (In Associated architectural societies. Re- AC ports and papers, v. 5, p. 268-279.) As7 504 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy), 1794-1860, editor. See Gruner, [W. H.] L. 1801-82. Decorations of the garden- AH42 pavilion in the grounds of Buckingham palace. 1846. L8Q7 Jamieson, Rev. John. 1759-1838. Select views of the royal palaces of Scotland from drawings by AH4I William Brown . . . Edinburgh, 1830. Q. [5] + 275 p. 24 pi. Aj Jamieson, Rev. John, 1759-1838, editor. See Slezer, Capt. John. -I7I4(?). Theatrum Scotiae. 1814. Jamine, H., and Corswarem, Q. J. de. Monographic de 1 eglise de Saint-Quentin a Hasselt. (In Bulletin AB des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1869. v. 8, 6872 p. 404-466.) Jamitzer, Wenzel. 1508-85. Entwiirfe zu prachtgefassen in silber und gold, photolithograph- AM4 ische nachbildungen von Kantenseter u. Haas in Niirnberg; hrsg. J24 von R. Bergau. Berlin [pref. 1879]. F. [4] + 7 + [i] p. ill. 72 pi. Jan, [Qeorg Christoph] Karl von. 1836-. Die griechischen saiteninstrumente . . . Leipzig, 1882. Q. 36 p. 6 ill. Saargemiind (Ger.) gymnasium. Programm. Janillon, Richard. Peregrinations a travers les ruines du chateau de Heidelberg et AH43 ses environs. Heidelberg, no date. O. [5]+i6o p. 8 pi. H37 Janin, Jules [Gabriel]. 1804-74. La Normandie illustree . . . AH44 Paris [1843]. Nar. Q. 652 p. ill. I por. 20 pi. 2 maps. N784 A summer and winter in Paris; drawings by E. Lami. London AH44 [1847]. Q- 228 p. 35 pi. (Wright, Rev. G. N. France illus- A33 trated. 1847. v - 4-) Janinet, [J. Francois], 1752-1813, and Chapuis, J. B., 1760-1802. Vues des plus beaux edifices publics et particuliers de la ville de AH44 Paris. Paris, 1792. Obi Q. 88 pi. P26i Janner, Ferdinand. 1836-. Die bauhiitten des deutschen mittelalters. AX Leipzig, 1876. O. 8 + 310 p. J26 Janney, Semple & co. [Illustrated catalogue of hardware.] Al2 Minneapolis, no date. Sq. F. 4+38+1105 p. ill. J26 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 505 Jannicke, [Johann] Friedrich. 1831-. Grundriss der keramik in bezug auf das kunstgewerbe . . . Stuttgart, 1878-79 [v. i, 79]. Nar. Q. I v. in 2. 28+1021 p. ill. 45 pi. Paged continuously. Handbuch der glas-malerei, zugleich anleitung fur kunstfreunde zur beurteilung von glasmalereien. Stuttgart, 1890. D. 7 + 299 p. ill. Marken und monogramme auf fayence, porzellan, steinzeug und sonstigen keramischen erzeugnissen. Stuttgart, 1878. Nar. Q. 15+96 p. ill. Jannicke, Johann Friedrich, 1831- compiler. See Mettlach (Ger.) museum. Mettlacher museum. 1884. Jannoni, Giovanni. Graffiti e chiaroscuri esistenti nell esterno delle case. [Roma] no date. F. 6 [3] p. 37 pi. (Vol. 3 of his Secolo i5--i6. ; saggi di architettura e decorazione italiana.) Jannoni, Giovanni, editor. Secolo 15. 1 6.; saggi di architettura e decorazione italiana. Roma, no date. F. G 3 v. in I. 1 1 1 pi. Contents: v. i. MACCARI, E. v. 2. MACCARI, E. v. 3. JANNONI, G. Vol. 3 edited by E. Maccari. II palazzo di Capraroli. Le targhe della carte geografiche nel Vaticano. Graffiti e chiaroscuri esistenti nell esterno del case. [Jansen, Henri. 1741-1812.] Essai sur 1 origine de la gravure en bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des 156 et i6e siecles . . . [Anon.] Paris, 1808. O. 2 v. 19 pi. Janssen, H[endrik] Qfuirinus], and Dale, J. H.van. Bijdragen tot de oudheidkunde en geschiedenis, inzonderheid van Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen. Middelburg, 1856-63. O. 6 v. in 3. i pi. Janssen, L[eonhardt] J[ohannes] F[riedrich]. De etrurische grafreliefs uit het museum van oudheden te Ley- den. Leyden, 1854. F. 5 7 + 26 p. 20 pi. De muurschilderijen der St. Janskerk te Gorinchem; eene bij- drage tot de geschiedenis der middeleeuwsche kunst in Neder- land, uitgeven door de Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen. Amsterdam, 1858. Q. 62+[2] p. 21 pi. Over de Vaticaansche groep van Laocoon; eene archaeologische voorlezing. Leyden, 1840. O. 6+[2]+75 p. 2 pi. AN2 J26 AM7 J26 AN2 J26 AN2 M562 AK J26 AK J26 A07 J26 AR493 Ai AE8 J26 AH492 G65 AO8 Z 4 506 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Japan society. London. AC See London (Eng.) Japan society. L84I Jarrin, Charles. 1813-. Brou, sa construction, ses architectes, sa valeur comme ceuvre AH44 d art, suivi d une biographic d Auguste Perrodin. 8793 Bourg, 1888. O. 220+20 p. i pi. Jasitheus, pseudonym. See Fabretti, Raf faello. 1 6 1 8 - 1 700. Jaubert de Passa, Franois Jacques, baron. 1785- 1856. Eglise de Planes. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 14, p. 188-200, AB 294-303.) An7 Jaumann, [Ignaz] von. 1778-1862. Neuere zu Rottenburg am Neckar aufgefundene romische alter- AR43 thiimer ; ein nachtrag zu Colonia Sumlocenne, hrsg. vom . . . A8 Wurttembergischen verein fur vaterlandskunde. Stuttgart, 1855. O. 3 1 P- J 3 pi- map. Jean du Prier. fl. 15^ cent. Le songe du pastourel ; bilderhandschriften in der K. k. hofbi- AB bliothek von Eduard Chmelarz. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistori- ]igi schen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 13, pt. I, p. 226-266.) Jeaurat, Edme Sebastien. 1724-1803. Traite de perspective a 1 usage des artistes . . . AL.2 Paris, 1750. Q. 6+[2]+232 p. ill. 10 pi. 112 paged pi. J34 Jeboult, Edward. General account of West Somerset, description of the valley of AH42 the Tone and the history of the town of Taunton. So5 Taunton, 1873. Nar. Q. [4] + i32 + [2i7] p. 15 pi. map. [Jefferson, J. B.] History of Thirsk, including an account of its once celebrated cas- AR42 tie Topcliffe, Byland and Rievalx abbeys . . . with biographical T34 notices . . . [Anon.] Thirsk, 1821. O. 180 p. 3 pi. Jefferson, Samuel. History and antiquities of Carlisle . . . [with] biographical AR42 memoirs... Carlisle, 1838. O. 15+459 p. ill. I por. 14 pi. Cip History and antiquities of Cumberland, with biographical notices AR42 and memoirs. Carlisle, 1840-42. O. 2 v. ill. 2 por. 18 pi. Cpi Contents: v. i. Leath ward. v. 2. Allerdale ward above Derwent. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 507 Jeidels, Julius, and Jeidels, Karl. Erzeugnisse der silber-schmiede-kunst aus dem sechzehnten bis AM4 achtzehnten jahrhundert . . . [hrsg. von F. Luthmer]. J38 Frankfurt a. M., 1883. F. 5 2 v. in I. 50 pi. Title-page and text in German and French. Jele, Albert. Die Tiroler glasmalerei 1882-86; bericht zum fiinfundzwanzig- AM/ jahrigen jubilaum des hauses. Innsbruck, 1886. O. 54 p. Z Jena (Ger.) Verein fur thiiringische geschichte und alterthumskunde. See Verein fur thiiringische geschichte und alterthumskunde. Jenkins, Edward. 1838-. See Jenkins, John Edward. 1838-. Jenkins, Rev. Henry. 1787-1874. AR42 Colchester castle ... London, 1853. O. 38+[i] p. 8 pi. Z Title-page wanting. Substance of a lecture read before the Colchester archaeological society, Oct. 31, 1850. Jenkins, [John] Edward, 1838-, and Raymond, John. On building contracts; a legal handbook for architects, builders AI and building-owners . . . London, 1873. D. 18 + 248 p. J4I Jennings, Arthur Seymour. Practical paper-hanging: a handbook on decoration in paper and AK other materials, with practical instructions on hanging them. J44 New York, 1892. Nar. Q. n6p. 77 ill. Jennings, C[harles] E., & co. Illustrated catalogue of mechanics tools and hardware specialties. Al2 New York, 1892. Q. 184 p. ill. J44 Jens, Jan, 1671-1755, editor. AP See Giraldi, G. Q. 1479-1552. Opera omnia. 1696. 644 Jesse, Edward. 1780-1868. A summer s day at Windsor and a visit to Eton. AH42 London, 1841. D. 7+151 p. ill. 13 pi. W722 Jesse, Edward, 1780-1868, editor. AH42 See Ritchie, Leitch. 1800-65. Windsor castle. 1848. W724 Jessel, Louis. Glasmalerei und kunst-verglasung . . . AM7 Berlin [pref. 1884]. Sq. F. 4 [8] p. 83 pi. J49 Jessen, P., editor. See Bretschneider, Andreas. i578(?)-i64o(?). Neues modelbuch, AN 1619. 1892. 675 See Marot, Daniel. i66o(?)-. Das ornamentwerk. 1892. AK M 3 4 508 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Jewers, Arthur J[ohn]. 1848-. Wells cathedral, its monumental inscriptions and heraldry . . . AH42 London, 1892. Nar. Q. 16+313 p. ill. 11 pi. W462 Jewitt, Edwin. Manual of illuminated and missal painting, with an historical in- AK troduction by L. Jewitt. London [1859]. D. 47 p. 8 pi. J55 Jewitt, Llewellynn [Frederick William]. 1 816-86. Ceramic art of Great Britain. New edition revised. AN2 London [pref. 1877]. Q. 12+642 p. ill. J52 Historical introduction [on the art of illuminating]. (In Jewitt, AK Edwin. Manual of illuminated and missal painting. 1859. p. 1-42.) J55 A paper on encaustic tiles. (In Exeter diocesan architectural AC society. Transactions. 1853. v. 4, p. 79-85.) Ex3 Jewitt, Llewellynn Frederick William, 1816-86, editor. See Reliquary; quarterly archaeological journal and review. AB 1860-86. v. 1-26. R27 Jeypore enamels. 1886. AJ2 See Jacob, Lt.-col. S. S., and Hendley, T. H. Ji5i Jeypore portfolio of architectural details. 1890. AH54 See Jacob, Lt.-col. S. S. A2 Jobbins, J[ohn] R[ichard], and Dollman, F. T. Analysis of ancient domestic architecture, exhibiting . . . examples AE2 in Great Britain from drawings . . . taken on the spot. 1861-63. D69 Jobst, F., Jobst, C., and Leimer, J. Sammlung mittelalterlicher kunstwerke aus Osterreich. 2. aufl. AH436 Wien, 1889. Sq. F. 7 4 f . 48 pi. A3 Johns, J. W. Anglican cathedral church of Saint James, Mount Zion, Jeru- AH56Q salem . . . London, 1842. F. 5 [4]+ 15 + [2] p. 5 pi. J48$ Johnson, J., continuer. See Sharpe, Edmund. 1809-77. Churches of the Nene valley, AtLj.2 Northamptonshire. 1880. N8i Johnson, John, architect. Reliques of ancient English architecture, lithographed by Alfred AH42 Newman. [London, 1857.] F. 4 86 pi. A23 Johnson, Robert J. Specimens of early French architecture, selected chiefly from the AH44 churches of the He de France . . . A69 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1864. F. 6 [5] p. 100 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 509 Johnson, Thomas. Designs for picture frames, candelabra, ceilings, chimney-pieces, ANi brackets ... etc. Westminster, 1758. F. 4 [10] p. 52 pi. J63 Johnstone, James. Some account of the medicinal water near Tewkesbury; with AR42 thoughts on the use and diseases of the lymphatic glands . . . 2d T3 1 1 ed. enlarged. Tewkesbury, 1790. D. 3O+[i]+i9p. Jolimont, Francois Gabriel Theodore Busset de. 1787-1854. Description des ceremonies du sacre du Roi Charles X. (In AH44 Chapuy, N. M. J. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Reims. Or5 I 1826. apx., p. 1-16.) Monumens les plus remarquables de la ville de Rouen . . . AH44 Paris, 1822. F. 6 5 + 55 p. 30 pi. R75i Les principaux edifices de la ville de Rouen en 1525, dessines a AH44 cette epoque sur les plans d un livre ms. . . . appele, Le livre des R75 fontaines . . . Rouen, 1845. Sq. F. 56+96 p. 49 pi. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la AH44 cathedrale d Amiens. 1826. Or5 I See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la AH44 cathedrale d Auxerre et details . . . de ce monument, avec un Or5i texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. 1828. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la AH44 cathedrale d Orleans et details . . . de ce monument, avec un texte Or5i . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. 1825. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la AH44 cathedrale de Chartres et details . . . de ce monument, avec un Or5 I texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. 1828. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la AH44 cathedrale de Paris . . . avec un texte . . . par F. T. de Jolimont. Or5 I 1826. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la AH44 cathedrale de Reims et details de ce monument, avec un texte . . . Or5 I par F. T. de Jolimont. 1826. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la AH44 cathedrale de Sens et details . . . de ce monument, avec un texte Or5i par F. T. de Jolimont. 1828. Jolimont, [Franfois Gabriel] T[heodore Busset] de, 1787-1854, and Gagniet, J. Recueil d objets d art et de curiosites dessines d apres nature, AO2 grave a 1 eau forte et public par C. Naudet. J68 Paris, 1837. F - G 3 pi- 510 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Jollois, [Jean Baptiste Prosper], 1776-1842. Antiquites du grand cimetiere d Orleans. AR44 Paris, 1831. F. 4 [3] + 46p. 17 pi. Or$i Memoire sur quelques antiquites remarquables du Departement AR44 des Vosges. Paris, 1843. F. 4 37 + 200 p. 39 pi. 3 maps. Vc)2 Jolly, William. On cup-marked stones in the neighbourhood of Inverness . . . AC (In Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 16, So 12 p. 300-401.) Joly, Jules [Jean Baptiste] de. 1788-1865. Plans, coupes, elevations et details de la restauration de la Chambre AH44 des deputes, de sa nouvelle salle des seances, de sa bibliotheque P327 et de toutes ses dependances, suivis de la salle provisoire. Paris, 1840. F. 8 [17] +24+ [2] p. 35 pi. Joly, N[icolas]. 1812-. Man before metals. London, 1883. D. 7 + 365 p. 148 ill. AP (International scientific series.) J68 Joly, V[ictor] Ch[arles]. 1818-. Traite pratique du chauffage, de la ventilation et de la distribution AJ des eaux dans les habitations particulieres, a 1 usage des archi- J68 tectes . . . Paris, 1869. O. 12+208 p. ill. Jones & co. Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, AH42 Scotland and Ireland . . . A42 London, 1829-30. Nar. Q. v. 1-3, 5-6. 277 pi. Contents: v. 1-3. England, v. 5. North Wales, v. 6. South Wales. Jones, Rev. Harry Longueville, 1806-70, and Wright, Thomas, 1810-77. Le Keux s memorials of Cambridge; a series of views of the AH42 colleges, halls and public buildings . . . 1841-42. 148 Jones, Horace. On the new metropolitan markets. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1877-78^.113-124. 6 pi.) R8i Jones, Inigo. 1573-1652. Designs, consisting of plans ... for publick and private buildings, AL pub. by W. Kent with some additional designs. J7 1 [London] 1727. F. 5 2 v. in I. 136 pi. Jones, John. i8oo(?)-82. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Handbook of the Jones A02 collection. 1883. So85 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 511 Jones, Owen. 1809-74. Alhambra court in the Crystal Palace . . . London, 1854. D. AH42 1 19 p. ill. i pi. (London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. L8/5 1854. ser. i, no. 5.) Apology for the colouring of the Greek court in the Crystal AH42 Palace [with arguments by G. H. Lewes and W. Watkiss Lloyd L8/5 and a fragment On the origin of polychromy by Prof. Semper]. London, 1854. D. 56 p. ill. (London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. 1854. ser. i, no. 3.) Description of the Egyptian court erected in the Crystal Palace . . . AH42 with an historical notice of the monuments of Egypt by S. Sharpe. L8/5 London, 1854. D. 71 p. ill- I pi. (London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. 1854. ser. i, no i.) Designs for mosaic and tessellated pavements, with an essay on AJ2 their materials and structure by F. O. Ward. J7I London, 1842. F. 4 [4] +6 p. 10 pi. Examples of Chinese ornament, selected from objects in the South AK Kensington museum and other collections. ]ji London, 1867. F. 15 p. ill. 100 pi. Lectures on architecture and the decorative arts. AA [London] 1863. O. Various paging, ill. ]yi Jones, T. E. Descriptive account of the literary works of John Britton . . . AW 1800-49. London, 1849. Q- 22 + [i] + 2i6 p. ill. i por. i pi. 677 (In Britton, John. Auto-biography. 1849-50. v. 2.) Jones, Rev. William Basil Tickell. 1822-. On uniformity considered as a principle in Gothic architecture. AR42 Oxford, 1845. O. [10] p. Z From Oxford (Eng.) society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture. Proceedings. 1845. p. 44-53. Jonquet, A. Original sketches for art furniture in the Jacobean, Queen Anne, ANi Adams and other styles. 2d ed. [enlarged] . . . J73 London, 1880. F. 4 [3] p. 65 pi. Jordan, Edouard. Monuments byzantins de Calabre. (In Melanges d archeologie et AB d histoire. 1889. p. 321-335.) M48 Jordan, H[einrich], 1833-86. Capitol, Forum and Sacra Via in Rome. AH45 Berlin, 1881. O. 62 p. i pi. R725 Der tempel der Vesta und das haus der Vestalinnen . . . AH45 Berlin, 1886. Nar. Q. 9+[i]+85 p. ill. 13 pi. R72 512 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Jordan, H[einrich]. 1833-86. Topographic der stadt Rom im alterthum. AR45 Berlin, 1871-85 [v. I, 78]. O. 2 v. in 3. 7 pi. map. R676 Uber romische aushangeschilder. (In Archaologische zeitung. AB v. 29, p. 65-79.) AR23 Vesta und die Laren, auf einem pompejanischen wandgemalde. AP Berlin, 1865. Q. 20 p. I pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 25. Jordan, Rev. John. Parochial history of Enstone, in the county of Oxford . . . AH42 London, 1857. D. 16+465 p. En7 Jordan, Max. 1837-. Untersuchungen iiber das malerbuch des Lionardo da Vinci. (In AB Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1873. v. 5, p. 273-370.) ]ig Jordan, Max, 1837- editor. See Schnorr von Carolsfeld, J. [V. H.]. 1794-1872. Landschafts- AH45 bilder aus Italien. A64 Jorio, Andrea de. Guida per le catacombe di S. Gennaro de Poveri. AR45 Napoli, 1839. O. 95 p. 6 pi. Ni63 Notizie su gli scavi di Ercolano. AR45 Napoli, 1827. O. 1 22 + [4] p. 5 pi. H4i6 Plan de Pompei et remarques sur ses edifices. AR45 Naples, 1828. O. 25 + 244+^] p. 4 pi. H4i6 Josse, . Les bijoux et la mode. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 8, AB p. 289-304. ill.) R32 L exposition d orfevrerie de Nuremberg. (In Revue des arts AB decoratifs. v. 6, p. 33-50. ill.) R32 Jouannet, F[ranfois Vatar] de. 1765-1845. Statistique du Departement de la Gironde . . . AR44 Paris, 1837-39. Nar. Q. v. I-2 1 in I v. 4 facsim. 644 Contains a ms. letter by the author. Jouin, Henry. 1841-. David d Angers, decorateur. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. AB v. 2, p. 316-326. ill.) R32 Jourdain, Frantz. 1847-. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Construe- AE2 tions elevees au Champ de Mars par Ch. Gamier, pour servir a P2i 1 histoire de 1 habitation humaine; texte . . . par F. Jourdain. [1889-] COLUMBIA COLLEGE 513 Jourdain, [Louis], abbe, and Duval, [T.], canon of Amiens. Cathedrale d Amiens; les stalles et les clotures du chceur. AH44 Amiens, 1867. O. [5] + ii2p. 17 pi. Am5i Le grand portail de la cathedrale d Amiens. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. n, p. 145-176, 279-307, 430-469; v. 12, p. 96-105, 687 269-292.) Les sibylles, peintures murales de la cathedrale d Amiens . . . AH44 Amiens, 1846. O. 31 p. 6 pi. Am53 From Socie"te des antiquaires de Picardie. Mdmoires. 1846. v. 8. Journal de menuiserie . . . AB Paris, 1863-76. Sq. F. v. i-n, 13. ill. pi. J824 Edited by A. Mangeant, v. 1-7. Journal=manuel de peintures appliquees a la decoration AB des monuments, appartements, magasins . . . J825 Paris, 1850-. F. 5 v. 1-17 in 4. ill. pi. Edited by Petit and Bisiaux, v. 1-14 ; afterwards by P. Chabat. Journal of a party of pleasure to Paris, in the month of AH44 August, 1802 . . . with . . . views from nature, illustrative of P336 French scenery ... 3d edition. London, 1814. O. 8+112 p. 13 pi. Journal of design and manufactures. AB London, 1849-52. O. 6 v. ill. pi. samples. J82 Journal of Indian art. AB London, 1886-90. Sq. F. 4 v. 1-3 in 4. ill. pi. J82I Journal zur kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen litteratur. AB Nurnberg, 1775-79. S. 17 v. in 9. pi. J823 Edited by C. G. von Murr. Jousse, Mathurin. 1607-. L art de charpenterie, corrige et augmente . . . par [P.] de La AI Hire. Paris, 1702. F. [4] + 208 p. ill. 7 pi. J82 La fidelle, ouverture de 1 art du serrurier, accompagnee d une AM2 notice historique par H-. Destailleurs. J82 Paris, 1874. F. 4 3 + [2] p. 28 pi. Reproduction of the edition of 1627. Reproduction of illustrations of ornamental metal-work forming AM2 [his] L art du serrurier. London, 1889. Sq. O. [3] p. 26 pi. J82I Reproduction of the edition of 1627. Le secret d architecture decouvrant fidelement les traits geo- AI metriques, couppes et derobemens necessaires dans les basti- J822 ments ... La Fleche, 1642. F. 8+227 p. 12 pi. 100 paged pi. Le theatre de 1 art de charpentier . . . AI La Fleche, 1650. Nar. Q. [4] + i72+i3 p. ill. J82I 33 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Jouve, Esprit Qustave, abbe, 1805-72. Notice historique et description sur la cathedrale de Valence. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 14, p. 535-5/2.) B8/ Statistique monumentale de la Drome; ou, Notices archeologiques et historiques sur les principaux edifices de ce departement. Valence, 1867. Nar. Q. 12 + 331 p. 8 pi. Jouy, Joseph Henri Barbet de. 1812-. See Barbet de Jouy, Joseph Henri. 1812-. Jovanovits, Constantin A. Forschungen uber den bau der Peterskirche zu Rom. AH45 Wien, 1877. Nar. Q. io+i24+[i] p. ill. R/i6 Zu den streitfragen in der baugeschichte der Peterskirche zu Rom; AH45 eine erwiderung an Rudolf Redtenbacher. Wien, 1878. O. 17 p. R8i5 Jovius, Paulus, bp. 1483-1552. See Giovio, Paolo, bp. 1483-1552. Joyce, Rev. James Gerald. 1819-78. Fairford windows; a monograph. London, 1872. F. 6 12+132 p. ill. 42 pi. (Arundel society. [Publications.]) On the excavations at Silchester. (In Archaeologia. v. 40, AB p. 403-416; v. 46, p. 429-443. 7 pi.) Ar2 Remarks upon the Fairford windows. Bristol, no date. O. 40 p. AH 4: Fi6i Read in Fairford church, 3o th Aug., 1877, before the Bristol and Gloucestershire archaeo logical society and reprinted from its Transactions. Jubinal, [Michel Louis] Achille. 1810-75. Les anciennes tapisseries historiees; ou, Collection des monumens AM8 les plus remarquables de ce genre . . . du I i e siecle au i6 e d apres J87 les dessins de V. Sansonetti. Paris, 1839. Obi. F. 5 2 v. 123 pi. La armeria real; ou, Collection des principales pieces de la ga- AN5 lerie d armes anciennes de Madrid, dessins de Gaspardi Sensi . . . J87 446 ed. Sup., 2e ed. Paris [1837]. F- 6 2 v - an d sup. 123 pi. Recherches sur 1 usage et 1 origine des tapisseries a personnages AM8 dites historiees, depuis 1 antiquite jusqu au i6e siecle inclusive- J87I ment. Paris, 1840. O. 92 p. 4 pi. Judeich, Walther, and others. Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 81-99, 412-428; v. 15, p. 355-4I9- 6 pi.) Das Judenbad zu Andernach. AP See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63]. W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1853. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 515 Jugler, August. Aus Hannovers vorzeit; ein beitrag zur deutschen cultur- AR43 geschichte. Hannover, 1876. O. 10+380 p. ill. 22 pi. Hip Juillac=Vignoles, Gustave, vicomte de. Recherches sur 1 origine des armoiries. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 10, p. 568-603.) R324 J u lien, Aignan Stanislas. 1797-1873. See Julien, Stanislas. 1797-1873. J ii lien, Alexis A[nastay]. 1840-. Notes of research on the New York obelisk. AE8 [New York, 1893.] O. p. 65-137 and 93-166. ill. i pi. J94 Contents: i. Misfortunes of an obelisk. 2. Study of the New York obelisk as a decayed boulder. First article a reprint from the American geographical society. Bulletin, March, 1893. Second article a reprint from the New York academy of science. Annals, June, 1893. Julien, Noel. 1797-1873. See Julien, Stanislas. 1797-1873. Born 13 April, 1797, and baptized Noel, but used the forename Stanislas in his published works. Julien, Stanislas, 1797-1873, translator. AN2 See Histoire et fabrication de la porcelaine chinoise. 1856. H62 Julius, Leopold. AH495 Uber das Erechtheion. Miinchen, 1878. O. 33 p. i pi. At53 Uber den siidflugel der Propylaeen und den tempel der Athena AR495 Nike zu Athen. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mit- G8i theilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. I, p. 216-228, pi. 12.) Jullian, Camille. 1859-. Le diptyque de Stilicon au tresor de Monza. (In Melanges d arche- AB ologie et d histoire. 1882, p. 5-35.) M48 Jullien, [Jean Lucien] Adolphe. 1845- Histoire du costume au theatre, depuis les origines du theatre en AN4 France jusqu a nos jours. Paris, 1880. Nar. Q. 12+356 p. 27 pi. J94 Monographies parisiennes: Un vieil hotel du Marais. AH44 Paris, 1891. Nar. Q. 37+[2] p. ill. i por. ?337 Jungermann, Gottfried, 15 ;;(?)- 1 6 10, annotator. See Maggi, Girolamo. -1572. De equuleo. (In his De tintin- AX nabulis. 1699. p. 179-395.) M27 Junghandel, Max. Die baukunst Spaniens in ihren hervorragendsten werken ; text AH46 von C. Gurlitt. Dresden [1891-93]. F. 6 2 v. ill. 197 pi. Ai2 516 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Junius, Franciscus. 1589-1677. See Du Jon, Franfois. 1589-1677. Junk, Carl, and Schmitt, Eduard. Physikalische und chemische institute. Mineralogische und AA geologische, botanische und zoologische institute. (In Handbuch Hi9 der architektur. 1888. 4. thl. 6. bd. hft. 2, p. 99-329. ill. 17 paged pi.) Junquera y Sanchez, Inocencio. Elementos de fortificacion moderna . . . AE7 Madrid, 1866. O. 237+[i] p. 9 pi. J96 Jupiter Dolichenus ; erklarung einer zu Remagen gefun- AP denen steinschrift. W723 See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63]. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1852. Jupp, Edward Basil. 1812-77. Historical account of the Worshipful company of carpenters of the AI city of London ... 2d ed. . . by W. W. Pocock. J97 London, 1887. O. 19+676 p. ill. 7 pi. Justi, Karl. 1832-. Jan van Scorel. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunst- AB sammlungen. v. 2, p. 193-210.) Ji92 Juan de Flandes, niederlandischer hofmaler. (In Jahrbuch der AB Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 8, p. 157169.) J J 9 2 Peter de Kempeneer gen. Maese Pedro Campana. (In Jahrbuch AB der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 5, p. 154-179.) Ji92 Die portugiesische malerei des 16. jahrhunderts. (In Jahrbuch der AB Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 9, p. 137159, ] 1 9 2 227-238.) Die werke des Hieronymus Bosch in Spanien. (In Jahrbuch der AB Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 10, p. 121-144.) 1 1 9 2 Justinus, J., pseudonym. See Taylor, Isidore Justin Severin, baron. 1789-1879. Jiittner, C., editor. See Architekten= und ingenieur=verein fur Niederrhein und AC Westfalen. Notizblatt. 1876-77. Ar25 Juvara, Filippo. 1685-1735. Raccolta di varie targhe di Roma, fatte da professori primari . . . AWi Roma, 1711. Q. [8] p. 50 pi. J9& Kabdebo, Heinrich, 1850-81, and Ilg, Albert, 1847-. Wiener schmiedewerk des 17. und 18. jahrhunderts. 1883. Kachel, Qustav. -1882. Kunstgewerbliche vorbilder aus dem alterthum . . Karlsruhe, 1881. F. 5 . 2. aufl. [4] p. 100 pi. AM2 AK KII Kachel, Qustav, -1882, and Wagner, Ernst. Die grundformen der antiken classischen baukunst; fur hohere AH495 lehranstalten und zum selbststudium. 1869. Z3 Kaemmerer, Ludwig. See Kammerer, Ludwig. Kahl, Robert. 1858- Das venezianische skizzenbuch und seine beziehungen zur um- AO brischen malerschule. Leipzig, 1882. O. [$]+i27 p. ill. (Bei- 639 trage zur kunstgeschichte. pt. 6.) Kains= Jackson, Charles Philip. See Jackson, Charles Philip Kains-. Kaiserer, Jakob, continues See Spallart, Robert von. Versuch iiber das kostum der vorziig- AN4 lichsten volker des alterthums. 1796-1811. v. 2 3 ~5. Spi Das Kaiserlich=konigliche osterreichische museum und die Kunstgewerbeschule. 1873. AH436 See [Bucher, A. B. 1826-]. V68$ Kaiserliche deutsches archaologisches institut. See Deutsches archaologisches institut. Kaisin, J. and Van Bastelaer, D. A., 1823- Les gres-cerames ornes de 1 ancienne belgique. (In Bulletin des AB commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1880. v. 19, p. 98- 6872 1 80. 2 pi.) 33* 517 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kalkmann, A[ugustus]. Uber darstellungen der Hippolytos-sage. (In Archaologische zei- AB tung. v. 41, p. 37-8o, 105-154, pi. 6-9.) Ar23 Kail en bach, Georg Gottfried. Chronologic der deutschmittelalterlichen baukunst. 2. aufl. AH43 Miinchen [1855]. F. 4 [s]+24 p. 86 pi. Ai2 Dogmatisch-liturgisch-symbolische auffassung der kirchlichen AE baukunst im allgemeinen und insbesondere der rund-bogen-style. Ki2 Halle, 1857. O. [4] +48 p. 4 pi. Der Kolner-dom en seinen alten theilen, nebst vollstandigem mit- AH43 telalterlichen entwurf fiir den thurmbau . . . 719 Miinchen, 1847. Sq. F. 7 5 pi. Kammerer, Ludwig. Die landschaft in der deutschen kunst bis zum tode Albrecht AO Diirers. Leipzig, 1886. O. 8+107 p. (Beitrage zur kunstge- 639 schichte. New ser. pt. 4.) Kammerling, H[ermann]. Die anlage und architektonische ausschmiickung der treppen und AI treppenhauser ... 2. aufl. Berlin, 1867. F. 5 [8] p. 21 pi. Ki2 Kampen, N[ikolaas] G[odfried] van. 1776-1839. History and topography of Holland and Belgium, translated by AH492 W. G. Fearnside, illustrated . . . by W. H. Bartlett. All London [1837]. O- 4+204 p. 61 pi. map. Kanitz, Philipp Felix. 1829-. Katechismus der ornamentik; leitfaden iiber die geschichte, ent- AK wickelung und die charakteristischen formen der verzierungsstile Ki3 aller zeiten. 4. aufl. Leipzig, 1891. S. 16+167 p. ill. (Illus- trierte katechismen; verlag von J. J. Weber, v. 66.) Kanngiesser, Peter Friedrich. 1774-1833. Die alte komische biihne in Athen. AE4 Breslau, 1817. O. 12+518+7 p. 2 pi. Ki3 Die kapelle der heil. drei konige zu Tuln. 1847. AFLtf See [Heider, Q. A., freiherr von]. 1819- T82 Die Kapitole. 1849. AP See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63]. W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1849. Karabacek, Josef. 1845-. Die persische nadelmalerei Susandschird; ein beitrag zur ent- AN wicklungs-geschichte der tapisserie de haute lisse . . . Kl4 Leipzig, 1 88 1. Nar. Q. 8+208 p. 26 ill. 2 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 519 Karabacek, Josef, 1845- Du Sartel, Octave, 1823-, and Gonse, Louis, 1846-. Sammlung von abbildungen keramischer objecte aus dem nahen AN2 und fernen Oriente. 1885. Karasz Qeza. Sammlung: catalog der kunstgegenstande und antiquitaten von AM4 J. Diner. Budapest, 1890. Q. 45 p. ill. 25 pi. Ki4 Karlsruhe (Ger.). See Carlsruhe (Ger.). Karlsruhe im . . . 1870, baugeschichtliche und ingenieur- AH43 wissenschaftliche mittheilungen den mitgliedern der 16. versamm- Cip lung deutscher architecten und ingenieure dargebracht vom Ba- dischen techniker-verein. Karlsruhe [pref. 1872]. O. 6+[2] + i9Op. ill. I pi. Karsten, Hfermann], 1817-. Studie der urgeschichte des menschen in einer hohle des Schaff- AC hauser Jura. Zurich, 1874. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in An8 Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1872-75. v. 18, p. 137-162. 4 pi.) Katalog der Ostermess-ausstellung. 1884. See Borsen-verein der deutschen buchhandler Ostermess-aus- AN6 stellung. 1884. B64 Kaufmann, Jacques Auguste, Duval, C. J. A., 1800- 1870, and Renaud, Edouard, 1819-. AH44 Architecture rurale et communale. 1857. P229 [Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 1805-74, and others.] Fresco gemalde aus der geschichte der Bayern, auf den ruf . . . AH43 des . . . Konigs Ludwig I. von Bayern . . . vollendet ... in den M932 arcaden des Hofgartens zu Miinchen . . . 1829. [Anon.] [Miinchen(?), 1 829(7).] Obi. F. 34 pi. Engraved title-page. Kaupert, J. A., and Curtius, Ernst, 1814- Atlas vom Athen, im auftrage des Kaiserlich deutschen archa- AR495 ologischen instituts. 1878. At42 Kavvadias, P. AR495 Fouilles d Epidaure. Athenes, 1891. F. 5 v. i. 1 1 pi. Ep4 . Keane, Marcus. Towers and temples of ancient Ireland . . . AH4I5 Dublin, 1867. Nar. Q. [28]+492 p. ill. A6 520 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kekule, [Friedrich Heinrich] Reinhard. 1839- Die antiken bildwerke im Theseion zu Athen. Leipzig, 1869. O. io+[2] + i8op. Die antiken terracotten, im auftrag des Archaologischen instituts des deutschen reichs. Stuttgart, 1880-84. F. 5 2 v. ill. in pi. Contents: v. i. ROHDEN, H. VON. Die terracotten von Pompeji. 1880. v. 2. KEKULE, F. H. R. Die terracotten von Sicilien. 1884. Die balustrade des tempels der Athena-Nike in Athen. Leipzig, 1869. O- 8+46 p. 4 pi. Die reliefs an der balustrade der Athena Nike, nach neuen zeich- nungen . . . von Ludwig Otto, mit beitragen von G. Loschcke und R. Bohn. Stuttgart, 1 88 1. F. 5 6+[i] + sop. ill. 8 pi. Die terracotten von Sicilien. . . Berlin, 1884. F. 5 11+87 P- ill. 6 1 pi. (In Kekule, F. H. R. Die antiken terracotten. 1880- 1884. v. 2.) Uber den kopf des praxitelischen Hermes. Stuttgart, 1 88 1. O. 3 2 p. ill. 2 pi. Uber die bronzestatue des sogenannten Idolino. Berlin, 1889. Q. 21 + [2] p. 4 pi. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 49. Uber ein griechisches vasengemalde im Akademischen kunst- museum zu Bonn. [Bonn, 1879.] Q. 26 p. ill. I pi. Festschrift zur feier des fiinfzigjahrigen bestehens des . . . Deutschen instituts fur archaolo- gische correspondenz zu Rom am 21. April, 1879, hrsg. von der . . . Universitat zu Bonn. Uber einige mit den sculpturen von Olympia verwandte werke. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 41, p. 229-248, pi. 14. ill.) Zur deutung und zeitbestimmung des Laokoon. Berlin, 1883. Q. 47 ill. 4 pi. Kekule, Friedrich Heinrich Reinhard, 1839- com piler. See Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Beschreibung der antiken skulp- turen. 1891. Kellen, [J.] D[avid] van der, jr. Muurschilderingen in de groote of St. Bavo s-kerk te Haarlem . . . Gravenhage, 1861. F. 6 16 p. 10 pi. Title-page and text in Dutch and French. Nederlands-oudheden; verzameling van afbeeldingen der voor wetenschap, kunst en nijverheid, meest belangrijke voorwerpen uit vroegere tijden ... s Gravenhage, 1861. F. 4 10+48 p. 99 pi. Title-page and text in Dutch and French. A0 4 T34 AO8 K26i A08 K26i A08 K26 AP W722 AN2 Z5 AB Ar23 A08 Z2 A08 B 4 S Kellen, Jan Philippus van der, 1831-, compiler. See Ridder, de. Catalogue raisonne des estampes . mant . . . [sa] collection. 1874. for- AR492 Ai A07 R43 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 521 Keller, Alfred. Elements de botanique ornementale. Paris, 1890. S. 92 p. ill. AK 14 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Pre- K2 miere serie : Enseignement technique.) Keller, Ferdinand. 1 800-81. Beschreibung der burgen Alt- und Neu-Rapperswil. (In Anti- AC quarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1849. v - 6, p. An8 189-237.) Beschreibung der helvetischen heidengraber und todtenhiigel . . . AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1846-47. An8 v- 3, P- 9-52+0]. 5 pl-) Der einfall der Sarazenen in die Schweiz um die mitte des 10. AC jahrhunderts. Zurich, 1856. Q. 30 p. I pl. (In Antiquarische An8 gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1856-57. v. II.) Geschichte der inseln Ufenau und Liitzelau im Ziirichsee. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1844. v. 2, An8 p. 9-31. 3 pl.) Helvetische denkmaler. Zurich, 1869-70. Q. 2 pt. 13 pl. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 186770. An8 v. 1 6 and 17.) Keltische vesten an den ufern des Rheins unterhalb Schaffhausen. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853. An8 v- 7, P- I73-I95- 3 pl.) Die keltischen pfahlbauten in den Schweizerseen. Zurich [pt. 9. AC Leipzig], 1853-88. Q. 9 pts. ill. U9pl. (In Antiquarische gesell- An8 schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853-88. v. 9, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22.) Die romischen ansiedelungen in der Ostschweiz. Zurich, 1860. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858- An8 1860. v. 12, p. 269-341. 7 pl.) Die romischen gebaude bei Kloten. Q. [j] + 39p. ill. 6 pl. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1841. v. I.) An8 Die tapete von sitten; ein beitrag zur geschichte der xylographie. AC Zurich, 1857. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1856-57. v. 1 1, p. 137-148. 6 pl.) Keller, Ferdinand, 1 800-81, editor. Bilder und schriftziige in den irischen manuscripten der schweizer- AC ischen bibliotheken gesammelt . . . (In Antiquarische gesellschaft An8 in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853. v. 7, p. 59-97. 12 pl.) See Reichenau (Switzerland) abbey. Das alte necrologium von AC Reichenau. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mit- An8 theilungen. 1849. v. 6.) 522 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Keller, Ferdinand, 1 800-81, and Meyer, Heinrich, 1802-71, editors. Nachtrag zu den Inscriptiones confoederationis Helveticae Latinae AC von Theodor Mommsen. Zurich, 1865. (In Antiquarische gesell- An8 schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1863-66. v. 15, p. 203-219. ill.) Keller, Hermann, 1851- and Wolff, Fritz. AH43 Die neue packhof-anlage in Berlin. 1888. B457 Keller, O[tto]. 1838-. Vicus Aurelii; oder, Ohringen zur zeit der Romer, hrsg. vom AP vorstande des Vereins vom alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. W/23 Bonn, 1871. Q. [3] +65 p. ill. 6 pi. map. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1871. Keller, Otto, 1838- and Imhoof=Blumer, Friedrich, 1838-. Tier- und pflanzenbilder auf miinzen und gemmen des klassischen AMi altertums. 1889. Im3 Kellerhoven, [F.], and Hoffmann, Quillaume. Recueil de dessins relatifs a 1 art de la decoration chez tous les AK peuples et aux plus belles epoques de leur civilisation. 1858. H67 Kellermann, Francois Christophe Edouard de. 1802-68. See Valmy, Francois Christophe Edouard de Kellermann, due de. 1802-68. Kelly, William, of Leicester. Ancient records of Leicester; a paper read before the Leicester AP literary and philosophical society, on the 24th Feb., 1851. Z Leicester, 1855. O. 79 p. ill. I pi. From Leicester (Eng.) Literary and philosophical society. Transactions. Kemp, Edward. How to lay out a garden; intended as a general guide in choosing, AN8 forming or improving an estate ... 2d [American] from the 2d K32 London ed. enlarged . . . New York, 1860. D. 31+403 p. ill. Kemp, John. 1665-1717. Monumenta vetustatis Kempiana, ex vetustis scriptoribus illus- AP trata, eosque vicissim illustrantia, in duas partes divisa . . . [cura K32 R. Ainsworth et J. Ward]. Londini, 1719-20 [v. i, 20]. D. 2 v. in I. ill. I pi. 2 paged pi. Vol. 2 has title Johannis Kempii Cimelli pars altera. Kempe, Alfred John. i785(?)-i846. Historical notices of the collegiate church ... of St. Martin-le- AH42 grand, London . . . London, 1825. O. 11+212 p. ill. 2 pi. L8/3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 523 Kempe, Alfred John. i;85(?)-i846. Some account of the Jerusalem chamber in the abbey of West- AB minster, and of the painted glass remaining therein. (In Archaeo- Ar2 logia. v. 26, p. 432-440.) Kempe, Alfred John, i785(?)-i846, editor. See Stothard, C. A. 1787-1821. Monumental effigies of Great AE8 Britain . . . from the Norman conquest to the reign of Henry the St7 eighth. 1876. Kendall, John. 1766-1829. Elucidation of the principles of English architecture usually de- AD6 nominated Gothic. London, 1818. Nar. Q. 50+ [i] p. 23 pi. K33 Kenilworth illustrated; or, The history of the castle, AH42 priory, and church of Kenilworth ... K35I Chiswick, 1821. F. [4] +63 + 108 p. I ill. I por. 18 pi. Large-paper copy. Kennedy, Alexfander] B[lackie] Wfilliam]. 1847- "Mild steel" and its applications to building purposes. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1879-80^.162-192.) R8i Kenner, Friedrich. 1834- Bildnissmedaillen der spatrenaissance. (In Jahrbuch der Kunst- AB historischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 12, Ji9i pt. i, p. 84-164. ill. 6 pi.) Cameen und modelle des 16. jahrhunderts. (In Jahrbuch der AB Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 4, pt i, p. 1-37. ill. 4 pi.) Leone Leoni s medaillen fur den kaiserlichen hof. (In Jahrbuch AB der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 13, pt. i, p. 55-93. ill. 5 pi.) Die portratsammlung des Erzherzogs Ferdinand von Tirol. (In AB Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Ji9l kaiserhauses. v. 14, pt. i, p. 37-186; v. 15, pt. i, p. 147-259. ill. 12 gr. of por.) Romische medaillons. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen samm- AB lungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. I, pt. I, p. 61-100; v. 2, Ji9l pt. i, p. 54-95; v. 3, pt. i, p. 11-52; v. 5, pt. i, p. 12-57; v - 9, p. 139-206; v. 11, pt. i, p. 53-99. ill. 22 pi.) Kennett, White, bp. 1660-1728. Parochial antiquities attempted in the history of Ambrosden, AR42 Burcester and other adjacent parts in the counties of Oxford and Ox2i Bucks . . . New ed. . . enlarged . . . Oxford, 1818. Q. 2 v. I por. 8 pi. 524 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kent, William, 1685-1748, editor. See Jones, Inigo. 1573-1652. Designs, consisting of plans . . . AL for publick and private buildings. 1727. }ji Kent, William. Strength of materials. 2d ed. New York, 1890. T. 142 p. ill. AI (Van Nostrand s science series, v. 41.) K4i Reprinted from Van Nostrand s engineering magazine, v. 20. Kent, William Winthrop. Architectural wrought-iron, ancient and modern . . . AM2 New York, 1888. Q. 34 p. ill. 36 pi. K4i Kent archaeological society. Archaeologia Cantiana, being transactions of the Kent archaeo- AC logical society. London, 1858-89. O. ill. v. 1-18. K4i Kermode, P. M. C. Catalogue of the Manks crosses with the runic inscriptions and AR42 various readings and renderings compared. 2d edition. M3i Ramsey, Isle of Man [pref. 1892]. O. 8+60 p. I pi. 3 paged pi. Kern, Q. M. Practical landscape gardening, with reference to the improvement AN8 of rural residences . . . 2d edition. K45 Cincinnati, 1855. D. 328 p. ill. 6 pi. Kerr, Robert. 1823-. Consulting architect: Practical notes on administrative difficulties AI and disputes. London, 1886. O. 15 + 313 p. K46 English architecture thirty years hence. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1883-84^.218-233.) R8l Observations on the architect s functions in relation to building AC contracts. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. R8i 1887. n. s. v. 3, p. 128-140.) On artificial stone. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Papers. 1862-63, P- I 4 I ~ I S9-) R8i On the problem of providing dwellings for the poor in towns. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1866-67, p. 37- R8i 80. 3 pi.) Kerrich, Thomas. 1748-1828. Observations on the use of the mysterious figure, called vesica AB piscis, in the architecture of the middle ages, and in Gothic archi- Ar2 tecture. (In Archaeologia. v. 19, p. 353-368. 15 pi.) Observations upon some sepulchral monuments in Italy and AB France. (In Archaeologia. v. 1 8, p. 186-196. 8 pi.) Ar2 Some observations on the Gothic buildings abroad . . . (In Archae- AB ologia. v. 10, p. 292-325. 1 8 pi.) Ar2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 525 Kerry, Rev. Charles. History and antiquities of All Saints church, North-street, York. AC (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 9, As/ p. 57-69- I pl-) History of the municipal church at St. Lawrence, Reading. AH42 Reading, 1883. O. 8+256 p. 16 pl. R22 Kersers, Alphonse Buhot de. 1835-. See Buhot de Kersers, Alphonse. 1835-. Kersey, A. H., continuer. See Sharpe, Edmund. 1809-77. Churches of the Nene valley, AH42 Northamptonshire. 1880. N8i Keuller, H. F. Belgium Exposition nationale. 1880. Les tapisseries historiees AM8 a 1 Exposition ... par H. F. Keuller. 1881. 641 Keyser, Charles Edward. On the sculptured tympanum of a former doorway in the church AB of South Ferriby, Lincolnshire. (In Archasologia. v. 47, Ar2 p. 161-178.) Keyser, Charles Edward, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. List of buildings in Great AM6 Britain and Ireland. 1883. So8 Keyssler, Joh[ann] Georg. 1693-1743. Antiquitates selectae septentrionales et Celticae . . . AP Hannoverae, 1720. S. 28+^ + 590 p. ill. 15 pl. 3 facsim. K52 Kick, Wilhelm, editor. See Munich (Ger.) Deutsch=nationale kunstgewerbe=ausstel= ANi lung. 1888. Dekorationen und mobel von der ausstellung. 1889. M922 See Wurttembergischer kunstgewerbe=verein Konkurrenz=aus AM5 stellung. Preisgekronte und andere decorative holzarbeiten. W96 [1889.] Kick, Wilhelm, illustrator. See Rosch, Wilhelm. Mustergiltige plastische motive fur das AK studium und die kunstgewerbliche praxis des bildhauers. [1891.] R7i Kickelhayn, Hermann, and Walluf, Daniel. Stadt-, land- und gartenhauser ausgefiihrt zu Frankfurt am Main, AH43 mit grundrissen, facaden und details. 1858. F86i Kidson, Joseph R., and Kidson, Frank. Historical notices of the Leeds old pottery with a description of AN2 its wares . . . Leeds, 1892. O. 32+i6i + [i] p. I por. 21 pl. K54 526 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kiel, Friedrich. 1854-. Die Venus von Milo, ein neuer versuch ihrer erganzung, erklarung AO8 und wiirdigung. Hannover, 1882. O. [7] +62 p. I pi. Z6 Kiepert, Heinrich. 1818-. Zur topographic des alten Alexandria, nach Mahmud Beg s ent- AH62 deckungen bearbeitet. Berlin [1872]. O. 15 p. map. Ah From Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur erdkunde zu Berlin. 1872. v. 7. Kieseritzky, Gangolf. Athena Parthenos der Ermitage. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 8, p. 291-315, G8i pi. 15.) Nike in der vasenmalerei ... Dorpat, 1876. O. pt. I. AN2 Z 4 Dissertation at Dorpat (Russia) university. Kilbon, George B. Manual training; elementary woodwork, a series of sixteen lessons AI taught in the senior grammar grade at Springfield, Mass . . . K55 Boston, 1893. O. [3]+99 p. ill. Kimbel, Martin. Der decorative ausbau ... 2. aufl. AK Dresden [i 88 1], F. 5 [3] p. 75 pi. Ks6 [Kimoura K6=kyo.] Memoire sur les principales fabriques et porcelaine au Japon ; tra- AN2 duite du Japonais par . . . J. Hoffmann . . . [Anon.] (In Histoire H62 . . . de la porcelaine chinoise. 1856. p. [275]-296.) Kincaid, Alexander. History of Edinburgh from the earliest accounts to the present AH4I time, by way of guide to the city and suburbs . . . Ed47 Edinburgh, 1787. D. [8J+336+59 p. 2 maps. Kinch, K. F. 1853- L Arc de Triomphe de Salonique . . . AH496 Paris, 1890. F. 4 48 +[4] p. 10 pi. Sa3 King, A[lfred] C[harles], editor. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Examples of art work- AN2 manship of various ages and countries. 1868. So8i King, Edward. 1735-1807. Munimenta antiqua; or, Observations on antient castles, including ArLj.2 remarks on the . . . progress of architecture ... in Great Britain A59 and . . . the . . . changes in ... laws and customs . . . London, 1799-1805. F. 5 4 v. 166 pi. Observations on antient castles. (In Archaeologia. 1777-82. v. 4, AB p. 364-413; v. 6, p. 231-375.) Ar2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 527 King, J[ose] B[erre]. 1854- Needed improvement in plaster for walls and ceilings. AI New York, 1893. O. 38+[i] p. I ill. i pi. Ks8 King, Moses. Handbook of New York city; an outline history and description AH73 of the American metropolis. Boston [c. 1892]. O. 928 p. ill. N483 King, Richard John. 1818-79. Church of St. Mary and of the Holy Cross, at Crediton. (In AC Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1878. v. 10, Ex3 p. 81-113. pi.) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. [Anon.] AH42 London, 1869-81. D. 6 v. ill. 308 pi. A3i Contents: v. 1-2. Northern division; pt. i, York, Ripon, Carlisle; pt. 2, Durham, Chester, Manchester, v. 3-4. Southern division ; pt. i, Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells ; pt. 2, Canterbury, Rochester, Chichester, St. Albans. v. 5. Eastern division ; Oxford, Peterborough, Norwich, Ely, Lincoln ; edited by E. Venables. New edition. v. 6. Western division; Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Bristol, Lichfield. New edition. Handbook to the cathedrals of Wales. [Anon.] AH429 London, 1873. D. 19+334 p. ill. 41 pi. Ai Contents : Llandaft, St. David s, St. Asaph, Bangor. Three choirs; a handbook to the cathedrals of Gloucester, Here ford and Worcester. Another edition, with changed title, of his Handbook to the cathedrals of England, v. 6. King, T[homas]. Designs for carving and gilding used as interior decoration and ANi furniture, with original patterns for dressing glasses . . . New . . . K$8 edition. London, no date. Sq. F. 43 pi. Modern style of cabinet work exemplified . . . [Anon.] AM5 London, 1829. Q. [5] p. 72 pi. K58 King, T[homas] H. Choix de modeles; extraits de 1 ouvrage intitule, " Orfevrerie et AM4 ouvrages en metal du moyen age" . . . K58i Bruxelles, 1857. F. 5 [3]+3 p. 48 pi. Orfevrerie et ouvrages en metal du moyen-age, mesures et dessines AM4 d apres les anciens modeles. [Anon.] K58 Bruges, 1852. F. 5 4+[i] p. 100 pi. Study-book of mediaeval architecture and art; being a series of AL2 working drawings of the principal monuments of the middle K58 ages . . . London, 1868. F. 4 4 v. 400 pi. King, Thomas H., editor. See Pugin, A. N. W. 1811-52. Les vrais principes de 1 archi- AD6 tecture ogivale ou chretienne. 1850. 961 528 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY King s handbook of notable Episcopal churches in the U. S. 1889. AH;3 See Shinn, G. W., D. D. 1839-. Ai Kinkel, Gottfried. 1844-. Kunst und cultur im alten Italian vor der herrschaft der Romer; AO vortrag gehalten im Casino zu Winterthur am 3. Dec. 1872. K62 Basel, 1878. O. 34 p. Kinkel, Johann Gottfried. 1815-82. Hans Holbein. (In Fine arts quarterly review. New ser. v. 2, AB p. 223-250.) F49 Mosaik zur kunstgeschichte. Berlin, 1876. O. 12+467 p. AO K62i Vierundzwanzig tafeln architektonischer zeichnungen zu vortragen AA iiber die geschichte der bildenden kiinste bei den christliche K62 volkern . . . Bonn, 1844. O. 20 p. 24 pi. See Zurich (Switzerland) polytechnikum. Die gypsabgiisse der AP archaologischen sammlung im gebaude des Polytechnikums in Y8 Zurich, erklart von Gottfried Kinkel. 1871. Kinkel, Johann Gottfried, 1815-82, editor. See Stark, K. B. 182479. Vortrage und aufsatze aus dem gebiete AO der archaologie und kunstgeschichte. 1880. St2 Kinkel, Johann Gottfried, 1815-82, and Pfau, Matthaus. Beschreibung der burg Kyburg. 1870. (In Antiquarische gesell- AC schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1867-70. v. 16.) An8 Kinnard, William. -1839. Antiquities at Athens and Delos illustrated. [London, 1830.] AH495 F. 6 30 p. ill. 6 pi. (In Cockerell, C. R. and others. Antiquities At472 of Athens. 1830.) Kinsey, E. A., & co. Illustrated catalogue of supplies and machinery for railways, Al2 mines . . . mills . . . etc. Cincinnati, no date. Q. 21 + 1168 p. ill. K62 [Kip, Johannes. 1653-1722.] Brittannia illustrata; or, Views of all the kings palaces, several AH42 seats of the nobility and gentry ; all the cathedrals of England and A27 Wales . . . [Anon.] London, 1727. Obi. O. 107 pi. Horace Walpole s copy with a list of plates in his handwriting. Plates 74, 75 and 81-107 en graved by John Harris. Title in English and French. Kipping, Heinrich. 1623-78. Antiquitatum Romanarum libri quatuor . . . AR4S Franequerae, 1695. S. [6]+662 + [i] p. R678 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 529 Kiprianov, Valerian. Histoire pittoresque de 1 architecture en Russie; suivie d un aper$u AH4/ sur le climat, les mceurs et le developpement de la civilisation dans A/ ce pays. St. Petersbourg, 1864. O. 4+ 127 p. 55 pi. map. Kirby, Henry P. AA Architectural compositions . . . Boston [1892]. Sq. F. 6 50 pi. K63 Kirchenschmuck; ein archiv ftir kirchliche kunstschopf- AB ungen und christliche alterthumskunde. K63 Stuttgart, 1857-68. Q. v. 1-24 in 6. ill. and Atlas, F. 5 v. i- 24 in i. Edited by F. Riess, F. Laib und F. J. Schwarz. Vols. 1-4 have title Kirchenschmuck ; ein archiv fur weibliche handarbeit. Kircher, Athanasius. 1602-80. La Chine illustree de plusieurs monuments tant sacres que pro- AR5I fanes . . . avec un dictionaire chinois et franfois . . . tr. par F. S. Ai Dalquie. Amsterdam, 1670. F. 4 [i4] + 367+[i i] p. ill. I por. i6pl. 7 fac- sim. 2 maps. Latium, id est, nova et parallela Latii turn veteris, turn novi de- AH45 scriptio . . . R.6g6 Amstelodami, 1671. F. 4 [2o]+263 + [7] p. i por. ill. 25 pi. Obeliscus Pamphilius; hoc est, interpretatio nova et hucusque in- AE8 tentata obelisci hieroglyphici, quern non ita pridem ex veteri hippo- K632 dromo Antonini Caracallae Caesaris, in Agonale Forum trans- tulit . . . Innocentius X. Romae, 1650. F. [64] + 5 60+ [29] p. ill. i por. i pi. 7 paged pi. Kirchhoff, Fr[iedrich] Christian. 1822-. . . . Neue messungen der iiberreste vom theater des Dionysos in AH495 Athen, nebst einigen bemerkungen ... Z2 Altona, 1883. Q. 7 p. i pi. Altona (Ger.) Christianeum. Programm. Der rhombus in der orchestra des Dionysustheaters zu Athen. AH495 Altona, 1885. Q. [i] p. i pi. Z2 Altona (Ger.) Christianeum. Programm. Vergleichung der iiberreste vom theater des Dionysus zu Athen AH495 aus dem 5. jahrhundert vor Christi geburt, mit den regeln des A4 Vitruv fur die erbauung griechischer theater . . . Altona, 1882. Q. 8 p. i pi. Kirchhoff, [Johann Wilhelm] A[dolf]. 1826-. Uber ein altattisches grabdenkmal, mit einem nachtrage von E. AE8 Curtius. Berlin, 1874. Q. p. 153-162. ill. 2 pi. K63 From Berlin (Ger.) Akad. der wiss. Abhandlungen. 1873. 34 530 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kirchner, Anton. 1779-1834. Ansichten von Frankfurt am Main, der umliegenden gegend und AH43 den benachbarten heilquellen. F859 Frankfurt am Main, 1818. O. 2 v. in I. 25 pi. Kirk, Thomas, engraver. See Hamilton, Sir William. 1730-1803. Outlines from the AN2 figures and compositions upon the Greek, Roman and Etruscan Hi8i vases of Sir William Hamilton. 1804. Kist, N[icolaas] C[hristiaan]. De kerkelijke architectuur en de doodendansen . . . AX Leiden, 1844. O- II2 P- 5 pi- ^64 Kistler, Romano, translator. See [Hertfelder, Bernard]. Basilica, dass ist, herrliche kirchen AH43 des freij-reichs klosters St. Ulrich und Afra in Augspurg. 1712. Au4i Kitchin, G[eorge] W[illiam]. 1827-. Great screen of Winchester cathedral. 2^ edition. Winchester, 1891. Nar. Q. 4O+[i] p. 17 pi. I tab. Life of Pope Pius II., as illustrated by Pinturicchio s frescoes in AW the Piccolimini library at Siena . . . [London] 1881. Nar. Q. P68 6+72 p. (Arundel society. [Publications.]) Kittredge, A[nson] Ofliver]. 1848-. Metal worker pattern book; a practical treatise on the art and AM2 science of pattern-cutting as applied to sheet metal work. 6th ed. K65 New York, 1888. F. [3]+242 p. ill. Kittredge, A[nson] O[liver], 1848- compiler. Metal worker essays on house heating by steam, hot water and AJ hot air, with introduction and tabular comparisons. K65 New York, 1891. O. 289 p. ill. Klasen, Ludwig. Grundriss-vorbilder von gebauden aller art. AE6 Leipzig, 1884. Nar. Q. pt. 4. ill. 16 pi. K66 Contents: pt. 4. Grundriss-vorbilder von gebauden fur gesundheitspflege und heilanstalten. Klassiker=bibliothek derbildendenkiinste; klassiker der baukunst. Leipzig, 1884-87. O. 3 v. ill. Edited by J. E. Wessely and A. Rosenberg. Contents: GURLITT, C., 1850-, and SCHMIDT, H. Baukunst des mittelalters. 1884-87. GALLAND, G., and ROSENKRANZ, G. Italienische renaissance. 1887. MOSI.ER, H. Sansovino u. s. w. Klassiker=bibliothek der bildenden kiinste; klassiker der plastik. Leipzig, 1884. O. ill. Edited by J. E. Wessely and A. Rosenberg. Contents: SEEMANN, T. 1837-. Moderne plastiker. 1884. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 531 Klee, Wilhelm. Neue berliner bauten 1890-91; villen, wohn- und geschafts- AH43 hauser... Berlin, 1891. Nar. Q. [3] p. 46 pi. 6455 Klein, Johann Valentin. 1787-1861. Die kirche zu Grossen- Linden bei Giessen in Oberhessen . . . AH43 Giessen, 1857. Q. [6J+33I p. 6 pi. G9i Klein, Josef. Zusammenstellung der auf dem castrum gemachten romischen AP funde. (In Veith, Gen. maj. Carl von. Das romische lager in W723 Bonn. 1888. p. 29-43.) Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1888. Klein paul, Rudolf. 1845-. Die Peterskirche in wort und bild ; papstliche zeremonien in Sanct AH45 Peter; hauskapellen der papste im Vatican; die Sixtinische kapelle. R674 Leipzig, no date. Q. [4] + 136 p. ill. Kleinwachter, F[riedrich]. Das museum fiir naturkunde der Universitat Berlin. (In Zeit- AB schrift fur bauwesen. v. 41, p. 1-12. 6 pi.) Z3I Klemm, A[Ifred]. Die stadtkirche zu Geislingen ; geschichte und beschreibung der- AH43 selben ; vortrag im Geislinger gewerbeverein am 13. und 27. Z Jan. 1879 gehalten. Geislingen [1879]. D. 55 + 5 p. Klemme, Joseph, editor. See Golden Fleece, Order of the. Ein statutenbuch. (In Jahrbuch AB der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 5, pt. i, p. 263-338. 5 por. i pi.) Klenze, L[eo] von. 1784-1864. Sammlung architektonischer entwurfe fiir die ausfiihrung bestimmt AH43 oder wirklich ausgefuhrt. M923 Miinchen, 1830. Sq. F. 7 [3] + ii+2p. 36 pi. [Klepper, Wilhelm.] Die St. Peter s-kirche in Mainz. [Anon.] AH43 Mainz, 1874. S. 48 p. i pi. Z2 Klette, R[einhold]. Architektonische formen- und verhaltnisslehre. 2. aufl. AA Leipzig, 1 88 1. O. 47 p. ill. 8 pi. K67 Die entwicklungsgeschichte der architektur. AF Leipzig, 1 88 1. O. [4] + 269p. ill. K67 Kletten, Andraas. Neues trenchir-biichlein; wie man . . . speisen . . . auff die taffel AX setzen . . . zerschneiden und vorlegen auch . . . wiederumb abheben K67 soil . . . Jehna, 1657. Obi. Tt. [io] + io6 p. 23 pi. 532 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Klimsch, [F.] Karl. Monogramme entworfen und ausgefuhrt. Frankfurt a./M., no date. F. 4 144 pi. Ornaments. London, no date. Sq. F. 102 pi. Klimt, Ernst. See Ilg, Albert. 1847. Zwickelbilder im stiegenhause des K. k. kunsthistorischen hof-museums zu Wien von Ernst und Gustav Klimt und Franz Matsch. 1893. Klimt, Ernst, Matsch, Franz, and Klimt, Qustav. Die malerische ausschmuckung des neuen stadttheaters in Carls bad. 1887. Klimt, Qustav. See Ilg, Albert. 1847-. Zwickelbilder im stiegenhause des K. k. kunsthistorischen hof-museums zu Wien von Ernst und Gustav Klimt und Franz Matsch. 1893. Klotz, Q[ustave], 1810-80. . . . Cathedrale de Strasbourg, [1870] ; reparation generale des degats causes par le bombardement; rapport presente a M. E. Lauth, mair de la ville. Strasbourg, 1872. O. 58 p. 5 phot. Recherches sur un bas-relief en bronze attribue aux anciennes portes de la cathedrale faites a 1 occasion de 1 etablissement des nouveaux vantaux. Strasbourg, 1876. Nar. Q. 35 p. 2 pi. Kloucek, Celda. Ornamente fur architectur und kunstgewerbe nach plastischen originalen. Frankfurt a. M., 1888. F. 6 25 pi. Knapp, J[ohann] F[riedrich]. 1776-1848. Romische denkmale des Odenwaldes, insbesondere der grafschaft Erbach und herrschaft Breuberg ... 2. verbesserte mit zusatzen von . . . H. E. Scriba vermehrte auflage. Darmstadt, 1854. D. i6+i88p. 6 pi. I map. i facsim. Knapp, Johann Michael. 1793-. Monumenti dell antico culto cristiano; o, Sia raccolta di tavole rappresentanti le sacre basiliche e chiese di Roma dal quarto sino al decimoterzo secolo. Roma, 1840. This book is merely the plates, published later as the atlas to C. K. J. freiherr von Bunsen s Die basiliken des christlichen Roms, 1842, with an Italian title-page and under the name of Knapp, the engraver. Knapp, Johann Michael, 1 793- and Gutensohn, J. Q., 1792-. Denkmale der christlichen religion. 182227. An earlier issue of the Monumenti dell antico culto cristiano. 1840. AK K68i AK K68 AH 93 AH 43 St8i8 AK K69 AR43 Ai 3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 533 Knauff, F. Das neue academische krankenhaus in Heidelberg . . . AH43 Munchen, 1879. Q. 13+669. and Atlas, Obi. F. 4 29 pi. H363 Knauff, Max, 1851- and Schmitt, Eduard. Entwafferung und reinigung der gebaude. (In Handbuch der ar- AA chitektur. 1892. 3. thl. 5. bd., p. 173-423. ill. I pi. 4 paged pi.) Hi9 [Knaus, L.] Kolner thorburgen und befestigungen 1180-1882, hrsg. von dem AFLy Architecten- und ingenieur-verein fur Niederrhein und Westfalen. C73 [Anon.] Coin [pref. 1884]. Obi. Q. 6+25 p. 59 pi. Knight, Charles. 1791-1873. Old England; a pictorial museum of regal, ecclesiastical . . . AH42 baronial and popular antiquities. K74 London [1845]. F - 4 2 v - HI- 40 pi. Pictorial half-hours of London topography. AH42 London, 1851. Sq. O. 233 p. I pi. 36 paged pi. L947 Tourist s companion through the land we live in. AH42 London, 1853. O. Various paging, ill. I pi. A77 Knight, [Frederick]. AX Gems; or, Device book. 2<i ed. London [1836]. O. 83 pi. K74 Heraldic illustrations designed for the use of herald painters and AWi engravers. London, no date. Q. 20 pi. K74 Another copy bound with his Crests of the nobility and gentry. Scroll ornaments designed for the use of silversmiths, chasers, AK die-sinkers, modellers . . . London [1829]. Sq. F. 50 pi. K74 Knight, [Frederick], and Rumley, [J.]. Crests of the nobility and gentry of the United Kingdom of Great AWi Britain and Ireland, designed principally for the use of artists. ^741 London [1827], Sq. F. 7 +[2 2] p. 29 pi. Knight, Henry Gaily. 1786-1846. Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy from the time of Constantine AH45 to the fifteenth century . . . London, 1843. F- 6 2 v - 81 pi. A29 Relation d une excursion monumentale en Sicile et en Calabre. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 5, p. 1-222.) B87 Saracenic and Norman remains, to illustrate the Normans in Sicily. AH45 London [pref. 1840]. F. 6 6+[i] p. 29 pi. Sii Voyage archeologique en Normandie. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 4, p. 41-88, 93-150, 165-21 1.) 687 34* 534 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Knight, Rev. Henry H[ey]. 1796-. Specimens of inlaid tiles, heraldic and geometrical, from Neath abbey, Glamorganshire; the plates ... by Egbert Moxham . . . Edinburgh, no date. Obi. F. 4 [5] + 27 p. 8 pi. Knight, R[ichard] P[ayne], 1750-1824. Inquiry into the symbolical language of ancient art and mythology, AO8 1818; reprinted by the Society of Dilettanti. Sol London, 1835. F. 6 83 p. See Society of Dilettanti. Specimens of antient sculpture, AO8 ^Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman, selected from different Sol collections in Great Britain . . . [text by R. P. Knight]. 1809-35. Knights, Mark. Peeps at the past; or, Rambles among Norfolk antiquities. AH42 London, 1892. Q. io+[i] + i84 p. 16 pi. N;6i No. no of 200 copies printed. Knight s annotated model byelaws. 3<3 ed. 1890. AI See London (Eng.) Local government board. L84 Knoblauch, [Carl Heinrich] Eduard. 1801-65. Die neue synagoge in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 6, AB p. 3-6, 481-486. 6 pi.) Z3I Knochenhauer, Paul, and Bischof, Max. Das chorgestiihl der kirche Sant Eusebio in Rom. (In Italienische AH45 renaissance. 1875-82. v. 4.) A28 Knonau, Qerold Meyer von. 1843-. See Meyer von Knonau, Qerold. 1843-. Knowles, Rev. E[dward] H[adarezer]. 1820-. Castle of Kenilworth, a handbook for visitors . . . AH42 Warwick, 1872. Sq. F. 10+240+32 p. ill. 26 pi. 2 maps. K.35 K0bke, P. De danske kirkebygninger . . . Kj0benhavn, 1883. D. 120 p. ill. Koch, Alexander, editor. See Academy architecture and annual architectural review. AB 1889-93. Ac i [Koch, H.] Die technische hochschuie zu Berlin. [Anon.] AH43 Berlin, no date. F. 5 6 p. ill. 7 pi. 6458 From Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1886. v. 36. Koch, Julius, and Seitz, Fritz. Das Heidelberger schloss . . . AH43 Darmstadt, 1891. F. 5 5 + 134 p. ill. and Atlas, F. 8 [3] p. 60 pi. H364 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 535 Kochly, H[ermann August Theodor], 1815-76, and Rustow, [F.] W., 1821-78. Geschichte des griechischen kriegswesens, von der altesten zeit AE/ bis auf Pyrrhos. 1852. R92 Koehler, Sylvester Rosa, 1837-, compiler. AB See United States art directory and year-book. 1884. Un3 Koelitz, Karl. See Kolitz, Karl. Kohl, Johann Georg. 1808-78. Episoden aus der cultur- und kunstgeschichte Bremens. (Bremen, AH43 Ger. Kiinstler-verein Abtheilung fur geschichte und alter- 6751 thiimer. Denkmale der geschichte und kunst der freien hansestadt Bremen, v. 2 1 .) [Kohler, Heinrich Karl Ernst von. 1765-1838.] Dissertation sur le monument de la Reine Comosarye. [Anon.] AR47 St. Petersbourg, 1805. O. [io]+86+[i] p. 10 facsim. Ai Kohler, Karl. Die entwickelung der tracht in Deutschland wahrend des mittel- AN4 alters und der neuzeit . . . K82 Niirnberg, 1877. O. [4] +22 5 p. 100 pi. Lehrbuch zum studium der geschichte der baukunst und der ver- AA schiedenen baustyle . . . Stuttgart, 1866. Q. 8+138 p. ill. K82 Kohler, Ulrich Leopold. 1838-. Die attischen grabsteine des funften jahrhunderts. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. G8i v. 10, p. 359~379.pl- I3-H-) Beitrage zur periegese der Akropolis von Athen. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. G8i v. 5, p. 89-101.) Der siidabhang der Akropolis zu Athen nach den ausgrabungen AR495 der archaologischen gesellschaft. (In Deutsches archaologisches G8i institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 2, p. 171-186, 229-260, pi. 13, 1 8.) Kohlrausch, Wilhelm, 1855- and Fischer, Hermann, prof, at Hannover. Kiinstliche beleuchtung der raume. (In Handbuch der archi- AA tektur. 1890. 3. thl. 4. bd., p. 28-90. ill.) Hig Kohte, Julius. Die kirche San Lorenzo in Mailand. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 40, p. 195-219, 293-326. 7 pi.) Z3i 536 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Koldewey, Robert. Die antiken baureste der insel Lesbos, im auftrage des Kaiserlich deutschen archaeologischen instituts untersucht und aufgenommen. Berlin, 1890. F. 5 [3] + 90 p. ill. 31 pi. Neandria. Berlin, 1891. Q. 49+ [3] p. 68 ill. I map. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 51. Kolitz, Karl. Hans Suess v. Kulmbach und seine werke; ein beitrag zur ge- AO schichte der schule Diirers. Leipzig, 1891. O. 6 + 80+ [2] p. 639 (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 12.) Kolner thorburgen und befestigungen. 1 180-1882. See [Knaus, L.j. Komste van zyne Majesteit Willem III. koning van Groot Britanje, enz. in Holland. 1691. AW2 See [Bidloo, Govard. 1649-1713]. 647 Kondakov, N[ikodim Pavlovich]. 1844-. Histoire de 1 art byzantin, considere principalement dans les AO miniatures. Edition fran9aise originate, publiee par 1 auteur, sur K83 la traduction de [F.] Trawinski, et precedee d une preface de A. Springer. Paris, 1886-91. F. 2 v. in I. ill. 3 pi. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art; publiee d E. Miintz.) Koner, Wilhelm David, 1817- and Guhl, E. K., 1819-62. Das leben der Griechen und Romer nach antiken bildwerken. AN4 1876. 093 Kongegravene i Ringsted kirke . . . Kjobenhavn, 1858. Sq. F. 4 [3]+75 p. ill. 17 pi. Del kongelige theater. 1860. See [Hoyen, N. L. A.]. Konig, [Karl Wilhelm] Otto. 1838-. Figurale details der ausschmiickung des saales xxviii der Kais. gemalde-galerie in Wien und diverse andere plastische arbeiten. Wien, 1892. Sq. F. 4 [4] p. 25 pi. Koniger, Otto, editor. See Breymann, Q. A. Allgemeine bau-constructionslehre. 1881- AI 1890. v. 3. 675 Die konigliche geologische landesanstalt und berg- AB akademie in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 32, p. 7-12, Z$i 153-162. 8 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 537 Das Konigliche-hof theater zu Dresden. AH43 F. 5 5 pi. D8i Die Konigliche kunstakademie und kunstgewerbeschule AH43 in Leipzig . . . nebst einem . . . vortrage tiber die stellung des L53I modernen kiinstlers zu den stilmustern von A. Springer. Leipzig, 1 88 1. F. 66 p. 4 por. 25 pi. Das konigliche schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam. 1883. AH43 See Riickwardt, Hermann. P84I K6niglich=sachsischer verein fiir erforschung und erhaltung der vaterlandischen alterthiimer. See Sachsischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung der vater landischen alterthumer. Kopcke, . Glockenstiihle. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. AA 6. bd., p. 53-77. ill. i paged pi.) Hi9 Kopke, Georg Qustav Samuel. 1773-1837. tiber das kriegswesen der Griechen im heroischen zeitalter . . . AE7 [und] die vornehmsten taktischen erfindungen der nachhomer- K83 ischen zeiten . . . Berlin, 1807. O. 15+311 p. 3 pi. Kopp, [Ferdinand Karl Ernst] Friedrich. 1860- De gigantomachiae in poeseos artisque monumentis usu . . . AO8 Bonnae, 1883. O. 66+ [4] p. K83 Doctor s dissertation at Bonn (Ger.) university. Kopp, Ulrich Friedrich. 1762-1834. Bilder und schriften der vorzeit. AR43 Mannheim, 1819-21. O. 2v.ini. ill. 46 pi. A3 Koppel, Richard, translator. See Paravicini, T. V. Die renaissance-architektur der Lombardei. AH45 1877-78. L83i Koppmann, Karl, Qadechens, C. F., and Qensler, Martin. AH43 Das St. Johannis kloster in Hamburg. 1884. Hi7i Korner, Carl. Gewolbte decken. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1893. 3. thl. A A 2. bd. hft. 3. p. 141-336. ill. 2 pi. 12 paged pi.) Hi9 Technische hochschulen. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1888. A A 4. thl. 6. bd. hft. 2. p. 53-98. ill. 8 paged pi.) Hi9 Korner, , and Uhde, . Neubau der herzoglichen technischen hochschule in Braun- AH43 schweig. [1877.] 683 538 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kraft, Paul. Ausgefuhrte grabdenkmaler alter und neuer zeit . . Frankfurt am Main, i! Krakau, A., Benois, N., and Rezanov, A. I. Monographic de la cathedrale d Orvieto. 1877. F. 6 30 pi. Kramer, Gustav. 1806- Uber den styl und die herkunft der bemahlten griechischen thongefasse . . . Berlin, 1837. O. i4+2i3 + [i] p. AR49S G8i AA Kornerup, J., Holm, C. F., and others. Danske mindesmaerker. 1869. Korsak, Albert de. Les grands architectes francais. AA Dourdan, no date. Sq. F. [5] p. 216 pi. K84 Plates 1-138 from J. F. Blondel s De la distribution des maisons; pi. 144-196 from J. F. de Neufforge s Recueil d architecture ; pi. 197-207 from J. C. de Lafosse s Nouvelle iconologie historique. Korte, Christian Ernst Gustav. 1852-. Die antiken sculpturen aus Boeotien. (In Deutsches archaolo- gisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 3, p. 301-422; v. 4, p. 268-276. 4 pi.) Kortiim, Albert. Gebaude fur ministerien, botschaften und gesandtschaften. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7. bd., p. 84-110. ill. 7 paged pi.) Kraemer, J. von. See Kramer, J. von. Krafft, Johann Karl. 1764-1833. Plans, coupes et elevations de diverses productions de 1 art de la charpente . . . Paris, An xiii, 1805. F. 6 [4] +27+ [54] p. 202 pi. Plans des plus beaux jardins pittoresques de France, d Angleterre et d Allemagne . . . Paris, 1809. Obi. Q. 56 p. 96 pi. Title-page and text in French, English, and German. Portes cocheres [et] portes d entree . . . les plus remarquables de Paris . . . Paris, 1810. Obi. Q. 36 p. 50 pi. Title-page and text in French, English, and German. Krafft, J[ohann] Karl, 1764-1833, and Thiollet, [Francois], 1782-1864. Choix des plus jolies maisons de Paris et des environs, suivi de Portes cocheres et portes d entree de maisons particulieres et edi fices publics. Paris [1849]. F. 6 3 p. 218 pi. AI K85 AN8 K85 AH44 P258 AH44 AE8 K85 AH 4 S 095 AN2 K86 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 539 Kramer, J. von. Kaiser Wilhelms universitat Strassburg, mit text von A. Schricker. AH43 Strassburg, no date. Obi. D. [27] p. 15 pi. St8/ Kramer, Josef. 1849-. Sprachrohre; haus- und zimmer-telegraphen. (In Handbuch der A A architektur. 1892. 3. thl. 3. bd. hft. 2., p. 200-241. ill. 2 paged pi.) Hip Kramer, Peter, 1823-, illustrator. AH43 See Mennell, Arthur. 1859-. Die Konigsphantasien. 1888. A56 [Kramer, Theodor von.] Denkschrift iiber das projekt eines neubaues des Bayerischen AH43 gewerbemuseums zu Niirnberg. [Anon.] ^94 Niirnberg, 1889. F. 9 p. 9 pi. Kramer, [Theodor] von, and Behrens, [Wilhelm]. Ornamentale fragmente fur das kunstgewerbe. AK Cassel [1885-91]. F. 5 ser. 1-2 in I v. 98 pi. K86 Kramm, Christiaan. De levens en werken der hollandsche en vlaamsche kunstschilders, AW beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters, van den vroegsten tot K86 op onzen tijd . . . Amsterdam, 1857-64. O. 6 v. and sup. in 3 v. Kratschell, Johannes. Karl Friedrich Schinkel in seinem verhaltniss zur gothischen AW baukunst. Berlin, 1892. Q. 79 p. Sch3 From Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. 1892. Kraus, Franz Xaver. 1840- Die christliche kunst in ihren fruhesten anfangen, mit besonderer AO beriicksichtigung der . . . resultate der katakomben-forschung . . . K86 Leipzig, 1872. O. 7+2i8+[i]p. ill. 9 pi. Die kunstdenkmaler des grossherzogthums Baden . . . AH43 Freiburg i. B., 1887-90. Nar. Q. v. 1-2. 35 pi. 6141 Contents: v. i. Kreis Konstanz. v. 2. Kreis Villingen. Roma sotterranea; die romischen katakomben; eine darstellung AH45 der alteren und neueren forschungen, besonders derjenigen de R726 Rossis, mit zugrundelegung des werkes von I. Spencer Northcote und W. R. Brownlow. 2. aufl. . . . Freiburg im Breisgau, 1879. O. 30+636 p. ill. 14 pi. map. Uber begriff, umfang, geschichte der christlichen archaologie und AP die bedeutung der monumentalen studien fiir die historische K86 theologie. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1879. O. 55 p. Address at Freiburg (Ger.) university. 540 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kraus, Franz Xaver, 1840- editor. See Bar, Franz. Die wandgemalde in der S. Georgskirche zu AH43 Oberzell. 1884. Ob2 Kraus, Franz Xaver, 1840- and Ochelhauser, A[dolf] von, editors. Die mittelalterlichen wandgemalde im grossherzogthum Baden. Darmstadt, 1893. F. 4 v. I. Vol. i. LEUTZ, L. Die wandgemalde in der burgkapelle zu Zwingenberg. Kraus, Johann Ulrich. 1645-1719. AH44 Der irr-garten zu Versailles. Augsburg, i/oo(?). O. 41 pi. V62 Krause, Q. C. Kleine fantasie- und luxusmobel; eine sammlung von mobelzeich- ANi nungen im modernen geschmack . . . K86 Berlin, no date. F. [4] p. 48 pi. Die praxis des mobeltischlers. Berlin [1890]. F. 4 48 pi. ANi K86i Krauss, Ferdinand. Die lehrjahre eines bildners aus der Steiermark; biographische AW skizze iiber Hans Brandstetter. Graz, 1885. O- [5] + 5 2 P- 9 pi- ^73 Krauth, Theodor. Die gesamte bauschreinerei, einschliesslich der holztreppen, der AM5 glaserarbeiten und der beschlage. 2. aufl. . . . Leipzig, 1891. K86 Q. 2 v. ill. 75 pi. (Krauth, T., and Meyer, F. S. Das schreiner- buch. 1891. v. i.) Krauth, Theodor, and Meyer, F. S., 1849-. Die gesamte mobelschreinerei. Leipzig, 1890. Q. 2 v. ill. AM5 121 pi. (Krauth, T., and Meyer, F. S. Das schreinerbuch. K86 1890-91. v. 2.) Die kunst- und bauschlosserei in ihrem gewohnlichen umfange AM2 mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der kunstgewerblichen form. K86 Leipzig, 1891. Sq. F. 2 v. in i. ill. 100 pi. Das schreinerbuch. Leipzig, 1890-91 [v. i, 91]. Q. 2 v. AM5 K86 Contents: v. i. KRAUTH, T. Die gesamte bauschreinerei. v. 2. KRAUTH, T., and MEYER, F. S., 1849-. Die gesamte mobelschreinerei. Krell, P[aul] F[riedrich]. 1843-. Die gefasse der keramik; schilderung des entwicklungsganges AN2 der gefasstopferei. Stuttgart, 1885. F. 4 4+[i]+73 p. ill. pi. K87 Geschichte des dorischen styls . . . AA Stuttgart, 1870. O. ii + io6+[2] p. i tab. and Atlas, Obi. Q. K87 24 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 541 Krell, Paul Friedrich, 1843- and Brunn, Heinrich, 1822-. Eine historische einleitung und erlauterndem texte. (In Lau, AN2 G. T., and others, comp. Die griechische vasen. 1877. P- I- 38-) L36 Kretschmer, Albert. Die trachten der volker vom beginn der geschichte bis zum neun- AN4 zehnten jahrhundert . . . mit text von C. Rohrbach. K88 Leipzig [1860-64]. Sq. F. i2 + 342 + [i] p. 101 pi. Kreuser, J[ohann Peter Balthasar]. 1795-1870. Der christliche kirchenbau, seine geschichte symbolik, bildnerei, AE nebst andeutungen fur neubauten. Bonn, 1851. O. 2 v. K88 Kolner dombriefe; oder, Beitrage zur altchristlichen kirchenbau- AH43 kunst. Berlin, 1844. O. [3] +384+ [2] p. C72I Kreutz, Johann. Das ideal des Christlichen kirchenbaues . . . AE Munchen, 1857. Nar - Q- 4+ [4] + 39 p. 2 pi. K882 Krieg von Hochfelden, G[eorg] H[einrich]. 1798- 1860. Denkmaler des hauses Habsburg in der Schweiz. Zurich, 1857. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1856-57. An8 v. n, p. 101-136. ill. 3 pi.) Geschichte der militar-architektur in Deutschland . . . von der AE7 romerherrschaft bis zu den kreuzziigen . . . K8g Stuttgart, 1859. O. 12+380 p. ill. i pi. Krishna Rau. . . . Indian trades and customs; with illustrations by the author. AR54 Roorke, 1858. Obi. T. [no] p. I por. 41 pi. A2 Kristeller, Paul. Die Strassburger biicher-illustration im 15. und im anfange des AO 16. jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1888. O. [5] + 172 p. ill. (Beitrage 639 zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 7.) Kroker, Ernst. 1859-. Gleichnamige griechische kiinstler; ein beitrag zur antiken AO kiinstlergeschichte . . . Leipzig, 1883. O. 49 p. Z3 Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Kubitschek, J[oseph] Wilhelm. 1858- De Romanarum tribuum origine ac propagatione. Wien, 1882. AP O. 7+214 p. 2 maps. (In Abhandlungen des Archaologisch- Ab4 epigraphischen seminares der Universitat Wien. 1882. pt. 3.) 542 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kuenemann, Harry. Decorative American wild flowers . . . AK New York, 1890. F. 6 20 pi. K955 Kugler, Franz Theodor. 1808-58. Das denkmal zu Igel. (In Schmidt, C. W. Baudenkmale der ro- AH43 mischen periode in Trier. 1836-45. pt. 5, p. 95-134.) T/2 Geschichte der baukunst. Stuttgart, 1856-59. O. 3 v. ill. 4 pi. AF K 95 Karl Friedrich Schinkel; eine charakteristik seiner kiinstlerischen AO wirksamkeit. (In his Kleine schriften und studien zur kunstge- K 9 5 schichte. 1853-54. v. 3, p. 305-362.) Kleine schriften iiber neuere kunst und deren angelegenheiten. AO Stuttgart, 1854. O. 816 p. i pi. (In his Kleine schriften und KQ$ studien zur kunstgeschichte. 1853-54. v. 3.) Kleine schriften und studien zur kunstgeschichte. AO Stuttgart, 1853-54. O. 3 v. ill. 13 pi. K95 On the polychromy of Greek architecture; tr. by W. R. Hamilton. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1835-36. R8i v. I, pt. i, p. 73-91- I pl-) Uber die anstalten und einrichtungen zur forderung der bildenden AO kiinste und der conservation der kunstdenkmaler in Frankreich K95 und Belgien. (In his Kleine schriften und studien zur kunst geschichte. 1853-54. v. 3, p. 429-476.) Uber die polychromie der griechischen architektur und sculptur AK und ihre grenzen. Berlin, 1835. Sq. O. [5] + 75 P- i pl- ^95 Vorlesung iiber die systeme des kirchenbaues gehalten am 4. Marz AE 1843 im Wissenschaftlichen verein zu Berlin. 2. aufl. Z8 Berlin, 1852. O. 23 p. I pl. Kugler, Franz Theodor, 1808-58, editor. AH46 See Caveda, Jose. Geschichte der baukunst in Spanien. 1858. A9 Kuhnert, Ernst. 1862-. De cura statuarum apud Graecos . . . AO8 Berolini, 1883. O. [3]+34+I>] P- %3 Doctor s dissertation at Konigsberg (Ger.) university. Kumsch, Emil, editor. See Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Japan-album. AK 1885. D8i See Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Leinen-damast- A02 muster des 17. und 18. jahrhunderts. 1891. D8i2 See Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Muster oriental- AO2 ischer gewebe und druckstoffe. 1893. D8i4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 543 Kumsch, Emil, editor. See Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Posamente des AO2 I6.-I9. jahrhunderts. 1892. D8i3 See Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Spitzen und AO2 weiss-stickereien des i6.-i8. jahrhunderts. 1889. D8ii See Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Stoffmuster des AO2 i6.-i8. jahrhunderts. 1888-91. D8i Kunckel [von Lowenstern], Johann, baron. 1620- 1703. Vollstandige glassmacherkunst, worinnen . . . dessen erlauterungen AN3 tiber Anton Neri sieben biicher Von dem glassmachen und Dr. Kc>6 Merrets hieriiber gemachte Anmerkungen . . . enthalten sind. Neue aufl. . . . Niirnberg, 1785. Sq. O. 2 v. in I. [i6]+472 + [2o] p. ill. I por. 17 pi. Paged continuously. Kunckel von Lowenstern, Johann, baron, 1620-1703, translator. See Merret, Christopher. 1614-95. Anmerkungen iiber die AN3 biicher Antonii Neri Von der glassmacherkunst. (In Kunckel Kx)6 von Lowenstern, Johann. Vollstandige glassmacherkunst. 1785. v. i, p. 183-302.) See Neri, Antonio. i6th cent. Von der glasmacherkunst. (In AN3 Kunckel von Lowenstern, Johann. Vollstandige glassmacherkunst. K96 1785. v. i, p. 1-172.) Kundmann, Karl, 1838-, Benk, Johannes, 1844-, and Weyr, Rudolf, 1847-. Figuraler schmuck im kuppelraume und dem stiegenhause des K. AH436 k. kunsthistorischen hof-museums in Wien. 1892. V687 Kunkel, Johann. 1620-1703. See Kunckel von Lowenstern, Johann, baron. 1620-1703. Die kunst fur alle. AB Miinchen, 1886-93. F. ill. v. 1-8. ^63 Edited by Friedrich Pecht. Kunst und gewerbe; zeitschrift zur forderung deutscher AB kunstindustrie. Leipzig, 1869-87. O. and Q. ill. pi. v. 3-21 K962 in 20 v. Vols. 3-6 edited by K. M. von Stegmann. Plates for v. 11-13 bound separately in one vol. Vols. 8-21 published at Niirnberg by Nuremberg (Ger.) Bayerisches gewerbe museum. Vols. 1-14 have title Kunst und gewerbe; wochenschrift zur forderung deutscher kunst industrie. For Beiblatt see Nuremberg (Ger.) Bayerisches gewerbe museum. 544 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Kunstarchaologische betrachtungen iiber das portal zu Remagen. 1859. AP See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63]. W;23 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1859. Kunstdenkmaler im grossherzogthum Hessen; inven- AH43 tarisirung und beschreibende darstellung der werke der archi- H463 tektur, plastik, malerei und des kunstgewerbes bis zum schluss des 18. jahrhunderts. Darmstadt, 1885-91. Q. 4 v. ill. pi. Contents: v. i. SCHAFER, GEORG. Provinz Starkenburg: Kreis Offenbach, v. 2. WORNER, ERNST. Provinz Rheinhessen : Kreis Worms, v. 3. WAGNER, HEINRICH. Provinz Oberhessen : Kreis Biidingen. v. 4. SCHAFER, GEORG. Provinz Starkenburg: Kreis Erbach. Der kunstfreund. AB Bozen, 1885-91. Q. New. ser. v. 1-7 in 2. ill. pi. K96 Edited by K. Atz and H. Madein. Kunstgewerbeblatt; monatsschrift fur geschichte und AB litteratur der kleinkunst ... 3121 Leipzig, 1885-89. Q. v. 1-5. ill. pi. Edited by A. Pabst. Supplement to Zeitschrift fur bildende kunst. Das kunsthandwerk ; sammlung mustergiiltiger kunst- AB gewerblicher gegenstande aller zeiten. K96i Stuttgart, 1874-76. F. 5 3 v. ill. pi. Edited by A. B. Bucher and G. A. Gnauth. Kunstplaet over de overwinningen van den Aertshertog AO Leopold, vooral in West-Vlaenderen. Z5 See [Duyse, Prudens van. 1804-59]. Kunz, George Frederick. 1856-. Gems and precious stones of North America . . . 2d ed. with AX appendix. New York, 1892 [c. 90]. Nar. Q. 367 p. ill. 24 pi. K96 Kunz, Hermann. 1846-. Das schloss der Piasten zum Briege; ein vergessenes denkmal AH43 alter bauherrlichkeit in Schlesien . . . 676 Brieg, 1885. Nar. Q. 7+61 p. 7 pi. Kypseler de Munster, Gottlieb, pseudonym. See [Ruchat, Abraham. 1680-1750]. Les delices de la Suisse. 1714. L., G. Science of taste; being a treatise on its principles . . . AO London, 1879. O. 8+250 p. ill. I por. 2 pi. LII L., P. D. See La Faye de 1 Hopital, Pierre de. Laar, Q. van. Magazijn van tuin-sieraaden; of, Verzameling van modellen van AN8 aanleg en sieraad, voor groote en kleine lust-hoven, voornamelijk Li 1 1 van dezulke die, met weinig kosten te maaken zijn . . . Amsterdam [1802]. Sq. F. [8] -hi 20+ 8 p. 190 pi. Labacco, Antonio. -i58o(?). Libro appartenente a 1 architettvra, nel qval si figvrano alcvne AA notabili antiqvita di Roma. [Roma, 1558.] F. 4 [6] p. 26 pi. V682 Libro appartenente a 1 architettvra, nel qval si figvrano alcvne AH45 notabili antiqvita di Roma. [Roma, 1558.] F. 4 [3] p. 29 pi. R?I4 Laban, Ferdinand. 1856-. Der gemiithsausdruck des Antinous; ein jahrhundert angewandter AO8 psychologic auf dem gebiete der antiken plastik. Z3 Berlin, 1891. O. 92 p. tab. Labarte, Charles Jules. 1797-1880. L eglise cathedrale de Sienne et son tresor. (In Annales archeo- AB logiques. v. 25, p. 261-287. i pi.) An7 L email de Geoffrey ou de Henry Plantagenet au musee du Mans. AB (In Bulletin monumental. v.3i, p. 789-802.) 687 Handbook of the arts of the middle ages and renaissance, as ap- AN6 plied to the decoration of furniture, arms, jewels . . . translated LII from the French, with notes . . . London, 1855. O. 36+443 p. ill. I pi. Histoire des arts industriels au moyen age et a 1 epoque de la AN6 renaissance. Li 1 1 Paris, 1864-66. O. 4 v. and Album, Sq. F. 2 v. 148 pi. 35 545 546 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Labarte, Charles Jules. 1797-1880. Le palais imperial de Constantinople et ses abords, Sainte-Sophie, le Forum Augusteon et 1 Hippodrome, tels qu ils existaient au dixieme siecle. Paris, 1861. F. 240 p. 3 pi. Recherches sur la peinture en email dans 1 antiquite et au moyen AN6 age. Paris, 1856. Q. i2+239+[i5] p. 9 pi. Lii2 La Bastie, Joseph Bimard, baron de, 1703-42, trans lator. AM i See Berti, A. P. 1686-1752. La scienza delle medaglie. 1756. 646 Labitte, Alphonse. AWi Traite elementaire du blason. Paris, 1892. O. [6] +279 p. ill. Ln La Blanchere, Rene de. 1853-. Villes disparues. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1881, AB p. 161-180; 1885, p. 81-95.) M48 Contents: La Civita. Conca. Voyage d etude dans une partie de la Mauretanie cesarienne. (In AB Archives des missions scientifiques. 1883. v. 25, p. 1-129. lopl.) Ar2i La Boissiere, P. B. de, translator. See Nash, Frederick. Picturesque views of the city of Paris and its AH44 environs. 1820. P243 Laborde, Alexandre [Louis Joseph], comte de. 1774- 1842. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France et de ses anciens AN8 chateaux ... Paris, 1808. F. 6 223 p. 93 pi. map. LII Title-page and text in French, German, and English. Descripcion de un pavimento en mosayco descubierto en la AJ2 antigua Italica, hoy Santiponce, en las cercanias de Sevilla ... Lin Madrid, 1806. F. 7 [3] + 103 p. 21 pi. Les monumens de la France, classes chronologiquement et con- sideres sous le rapport des faits historiques et de 1 etude des arts . . . Paris, 1816-36. F. 6 2 v. 258 pi. Projets d embellissemens de Paris et de travaux d utilite publique concernant les ponts et chaussees . . . Paris, 1 8 16. F. 6 4+38 p. 13 pi. 2 tab. Versailles, ancien et moderne . . . Paris, 1841. Q. 516 p. ill. I map. Laborde, Alexandre Louis Joseph, comte de, 1774- 1842, editor. See Lamberg, A. F. de P., graf von. 1740-1823. Collection . . . AN2 [de ses] vases grecs. 1813-24. L*7 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 547 La Borde, Jean Benjamin de, 1734-94, editor. See | Zurlauben, B. F. A. J. D., baron de La Tour-Chatillon de. 1720-95]. Tableaux de la Suisse. 1784-86. Laborde, Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, marquis de. 1807-69. Les archives de la France pendant la revolution; introduction a 1 inventaire du fonds d archives dit les monuments historiques. [Anon.] Paris, 1866. F. 114 p. Athenes aux 156,162 et 17^ siecles. Paris, 1854. O. 2 v. ill. 22 p. 2 facsim. Documents inedits ou peu connus sur 1 histoire et les antiquites d Athenes . . . Paris, 1854. O. 8+324 p. 3 pi. I facsim. Reprinted from his Athenes aux i5 e , i6 e et I7 e siecles. 1854. Gisors: artistes anciens en Normandie. (In Annales archeolo- giques. v. 9, p. 144-161, 206-214, 319-328.) La renaissance des arts a la cour de France; etudes sur le i6e Paris, 1850-55. O. v. I in 2. [49] + io88+8 p. siecle. Contents : v. i. Peinture. No more published. 134 copies printed. La renaissance des arts a la cour de France; etudes sur le i6e siecle. Paris, 1850. O. 48 p. and p. 1-152. Contains chiefly the biography of the Clouets, extracted with slightly changed title-page from the larger work of the same title. Voyage en Orient. Paris, 1837-38. F. 7 2 v. 166 pi. Contents: v. i. Voyage de la Syrie. v. 2. Voyage de 1 Asie Mineure. Laborde, Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, marquis de, 1807-69, compiler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Notice des emaux, bijoux et objets divers, exposes dans les galeries du musee. 1853. Laborde, Leon [Emmanuel Simon Joseph], marquis de, 1807-69, editor. Lescomptesdesbatiments du roi, 1 528-7 i,suivis de documents . . . sur les chateaux royaux et les beaux-arts au i6e siecle. Paris, 1877-80. O. 2 v. (Societe de 1 histoire de 1 art frangais. Pub lications.) Laborde, Leon [Emmanuel Simon Joseph], marquis de, 1807-69, and Linant [de Belief onds, M. A.], 1800-83. Voyage de 1 Arabie Petree . . . Paris, 1830. F. 6 [6]+87+[i] p. ill. 64 pi. 5 maps. AH494 A 9 AR44 A 3 AR495 At4 AR495 At 4 3 AB AO6 Ln AW C62 AR393 Ai AJ2 L93 AI Lii5 AR53 Ai 548 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY La Bouraliere, A. de. L eglise de Saint- Hilaire le Grand; histoire; monument. (In AR44 Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou : Poitiers. P/5 1890. v. i, p. 80-91. ill. pi.) Labriola, Antonio, and Langl, Giuseppe. AF I principali monumenti architettonici. 1886. L26 Labrouste, [Pierre Francois Henri]. 1801-75. Les temples de Paestum; restauration executee en 1829. Paris, 1877. F. 7 i6+[i] p. 21 pi. (Restaurations des monuments antiques, v. 3.) La Caille, Jean de. -1720. Description de la ville et des fauxbourgs de Paris . . . Paris, 1714. F. 6 Unpaged, ill. map. La Chausse, Michel Ange de. i66o(?)-i746. Raccolta di gemme antiche figurate, incise da P. S. Bartoli. 2 ed. AX Roma, 1805. O. 2 v. 200 pi. LII Romanum museum, sive thesaurus eruditae antiquitatis . . . 3* AR45 editio . . . Roma, 1746. F. 4 2 v. 218 pi. R66p La Chavignerie, Emile Bellier de. 1821-71. See Bellier de la Chavignerie, mile. 1821-71. Lacher, Carl. Wohnraume aus Steiermark; drei vollstandige holztafelungen AM5 aus . . . 1568, 1596 und 1607. Graz, 1886. F. 5 [4] p. 7 pi. LII See Gra tz (Austria) Culturhistorische ausstellung. 1883. AO4 Kunstgewerbliche arbeiten, auswahl und text von C. Lacher. 077 Lachner, Karl. 1851-. Geschichte der holzbaukunst in Deutschland . . . Leipzig, 1887. Nar. Q. 8+[i]+i32 p. ill. 5 pi. Die holzarchitectur Hildesheims. AH43 Hildesheim [1887]. Nar. Q. 142 p. ill. 30 pi. H54 Lacombe, P[aul]. 1834-. Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages, also a ... AN5 notice of modern weapons, tr. from the French ... by C. Boutell. LII London, 1874. O. 16+296 p. ill. I pi. Lacoudre, A. Noget=. 1806-68. See Noget- Lacoudre, A. 1806-68. Lacour, [Pierre], 1745-1814, and Lacour, [Pierre], 1778-1859. Tombeaux antiques trouves a Saint-Medard d Eyran, pres de Bor- AR44 deaux, graves et publics. Bordeaux, 1806. F. 5 [8] +7 2 p. 7 pi. B64I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 549 Lacour, Pierre, 1778-1859, and Vauthier, J. A., 1774- 1832. AO8 Monumens de sculpture anciens et modernes. 1812. 46 Lacour=Qayet, Georges. 1856-. Graffiti figures du temple d Antonin et Faustine au Forum remain. AB (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1881. p. 226-248.) M48 La Croix, Cnmille de. Sanxay, Vienne; decouvertes gallo-romaines d Herbord, pres AR44 Sanxay. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. P/5 1884-. v. 2. 12 p. 6 pi.) Lacroix, Charles Ouin=, abbe. 1817- See Ouin-Lacroix, Charles, abbe. 1817-. Lacroix, Paul. 1806-84. Les arts au moyen age et a 1 epoque de la renaissance . . . 2e AO edition . . . Paris, 1869. Nar. Q. 4+548 p. ill. 19 pi. LIII La Bastille, 1 ancien Hotel Royal de Saint-Paul et le Quartier de AH44 1 arsenal. (In Hoffbauer, J. H. I. 1839-. Paris a travers les P2i/ ages. 1885. v. 2, 59 p.) Costumes historiques de la France . . . avec un texte descriptif, AN4 precede de 1 Histoire de la vie privee des Francais . . . et suivi Lii2 d un Recueil curieux de pieces originales ... en prose et en vers, sur le costume et les revolutions de la mode en France, par le Bibliophile Jacob. Paris [1852]. O. 10 v. I por. 646 pi. i8e siecle, institutions, usages et costumes; France 1700-1789. AN4 2e edition. Paris, 1875. Nar. Q. 8+520 p. ill. 52 pi. LII Histoire de 1 Hotel de Ville. (In Hoffbauer, J. H. I. 1839-. AH44 Paris a travers les ages. 1885. v. I, 75 p.) Histoire de la vie privee des Francais, depuis les temps les plus AN4 recules jusqu a nos jours . . . par le Bibliophile Jacob . . . Paris, Lil2 [1852]. O. 44i + [i] p. i por. 6 pi. (In his Costumes histo riques de la France. 1852. v. 9.) Mceurs, usages et costumes au moyen age et a 1 epoque de la AN4 renaissance . . . 2e ed. Paris, 1872. Nar. Q. 603 p. ill. 15 pi. LIII Recueil curieux de pieces ... en prose et en vers sur le costume AN4 et les revolutions de la mode en France . . . par le Bibliophile Lii2 Jacob. Paris [1852]. O. 517 p. (In his Costumes historiques de la France. 1852. v. 10.) Un mobilier historique des I7eet iSesiecles; par P. L. Jacob, ANi bibliophile; [collection de L. Double]. LII Paris, 1865. Nar. Q. 24 p. n pi. 35* 550 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lacroix, Paul, 1806-84, editor. AB See Revue universelle des arts. 1855-66. R-325 Lacroix, Paul, 1806-84, Begin, A. E. N. J., 1802-88, and Sere, Ferdinand, 1818-55. Le livre d or des metiers; histoire de la charpenterie et des an- AI ciennes communautes et confreries de charpentiers de la France LIT et de la Belgique. Paris, 1858. Nar. Q. 31 p. 12 pi. Lacroix, Paul, 1806-84, and Sere, Ferdinand, 1818-55. Le livre d or des metiers; histoire de rorfevrerie-joaillerie et des AM4 anciennes communautes et confreries d orfevres-joailliers de la LII France et de la Belgique . . . Paris, 1850. Nar. Q. [4] +21 6+ [4] p. ill. 3 por. 15 pi. Le moyen age et la renaissance; histoire et description des moeurs AO et usages . . . des sciences . . . et des beaux-arts en Europe ... Lii2 Paris, 1848-51. Q. 5 v. ill. 467 pi. 24 facsim. Lacroix de Vimeux, Achille, marquis de Rochambeau. 1836-. See Rochambeau, Achille Lacroix de Vimeux, marquis de. 1836-. Lacroux, J. Constructions en briques; la brique ordinaire au point de vue AJ2 decoratif; texte par C. Detain. Paris, 1878. F. 5 2 v. ill. 155 pi. LII Ladies cabinet of fashion, music and romance. 1832-52. London, 1832-52. T., S. and O. 14 v.; 2d ser. 10 v.; new ser. AB 17 v. in 15. ill. pi. Li2 Edited by Margaret de Courcy and Beatrice de Courcy. Ladies pocket magazine. 1824-33. AB London, 1824-33. T. 1 1 v. ill. pi. Li2i Each vol. has 2 pts. with separate title-pages. A Lady of rank, pseudonym. See [Wilton, M. M. (S.) Egerton, countess of. -1858]. Book of AN4 costume. 1847. ^71 Laet, Jan van, 1582-1649, translator. See Wotton, Sir Henry. 1568-1639. Elementa architecturae. AA (In Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architectura. 1825-30. v. I, pt I, V848 p. 203-236.) La Fargue, P[aul] C[onstantin]. -1782. Convoi-funebre de Anne, princesse royale de la Grande Bretagne, AW2 execute le 23 fevrier, 1759 . . . grave . . . par S. Fokke. Sw2 La Haye, 1761. F. 27 p. i6pl. Title-page and text in French and Dutch. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 551 La Fargue, P[aul] C[onstantin]. -1782. Lyk-staetsie van Anna, kroon princesse van Groot-Brittannien. AW2 See, above, Convoi-funebre de Anne, princesse royale de la Grande Sw2 Bretagne. 1761. Lafaulotte, de. Catalogue des objets d art, de curiosite et d ameublement . . . com- AO2 posant . . . [sa] collection, et dont la vente aura lieu . . . 5-13 Ll3 avril, 1886 . . . [Paris] 1886. F. 11 + 208 p. 16 pi. Lafaye, Georges Louis. 1854-. Inscription de Tauromenion. (In Melanges d archeologie et d his- AB toire. 1881, p. 1-17.) M48 Un monument romain de 1 etoile d Isis. (In Melanges d archeologie AB et d histoire. 1881, p. 192-214.) M48 La Faye de 1 Hdpital, Pierre de. Description archeologique et historique de la cathedrale de Cler- AR44 mont. Clermont-Ferrand, 1865. D. 120 p. ill. I pi. Z Lafenestre, Georges. 1837-.* Les origines de la peinture decorative en Italic. (In Revue des AB arts decoratifs. v. 6, p. 9-19.) R32 La Feuille, Daniel de. Devises et emblemes anciennes et modernes, tirees des plus cele- AX bres auteurs . . . et mises en Latin, en Francois, en Espagnol, en Li3 Italien, en Anglois, en Flamand et en Allemand ... Amsterdam, 1691. O. 5 I f . ill. [Livre de chififres, 2 e partie; augmente de palmes, feuillages, car- AX touches, suports et couronnes . . . avec trois alphabets, un a trois Li3 lettres par reprise et simple traits, un a quatre, et 1 autre a cinq a double traits fleuronnez.] [Amsterdam, 1691.] O. n. t.-p. 28 pi. on 16 f. Title taken from Advertissement in his Devises et emblemes. The first plate is lettered Cyffer daar al de Letteren van het Alphabeth in zyn, with the same in French at the bottom. Plates 1-16 are numbered, balance unnumbered. Livre nouveau et utile pour toutes sortes d artistes . . . contenant AX quatre alphabets de chiffres fleuronnez au premier trait ... Li3 Amsterdam, 1691. O. 29+ [4] p. ill. Lafever, Minard. Beauties of modern architecture. AL2 New York, 1835. Nar. Q. 3 p. +p. 65-139+100 p. 48 pi. Li3 Pages 65-128 consist of extracts from James Elmes General and bibliographical dictionary of the fine arts. Young builder s general instructor, containing the five orders of AI architecture . . . and a variety of mouldings . . . doors . . . roofs, Li3 domes . . . stairs . . . Newark, 1829. Q. 175 p. 67 pi. 552 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Laffillee, H. L., and Gelis-Didot, P. AM6 La peinture decorative en France du n e au i6 e siecle. G28 Lafitte, [Louis]. Description de 1 Arc de Triomphe de 1 Etoile et de bas-reliefs AH44 dont ce monument est decore . . . Paris, 1810. Obi. O. 12 p. pi. P22I Lafollye, Auguste Joseph. 1828-. Le chateau de Pau, histoire et description. (In Encyclopedic AB d architecture. v. 2, 9-11.) Eni Lafon, A. J., and Marcel, A. L hotel du Bourgtheroulde a Rouen, releve et essai de restaura- AH44 tion. Paris, 1888. F. 5 41 + [2] p. ill. 1 1 pi. R/59 Lafond, Paul. Abbaye de Saint-Savin de Lavedan. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 52, p. 580-593; v. 53, p. 5-18.) 687 Lafons, [Franfois Joseph Alexandre] de, baron de Melicocq. 1802-67. Le chateau de Guise. Vervins, 1856. Q. [3]+35 p. (In La AR44 Thierache. 1849-72. v. I, ser. 2.) Ai8 Lafosse, Jean Charles de. 1734-89. See Delafosse, Jean Charles. 1734-89. Lagardette, C. M., abbe de. Lecons elementaires des ombres dans 1 architecture. Paris, 1786. AA Sq. O. [4]+29+[i] p. 25 pi. (In Vignola, G. B. da. 1507-73. V684 Regies des cinq ordres d architecture. 1786.) Les ruines de Paestum ou Posidonia, ancienne ville de la grande AH45 Grece . . . Paris, an 7 [1799]. F. 6 8+76 p. 14 pi. Pi3i Nouvelles regies pour la pratique du dessin et du lavis de 1 archi- AL tecture civile et militaire. Paris, 1803. O. 12+186 p. 20 pi. Li3 Lagardette, C. M., abbe de, editor. AI See Simonin, . Traite elementaire de la coupe des pierres. Si5 1847- Lagrange, Leon [Marius]. 1828-68. Pierre Puget, peintre, sculpteur, architecte . . . AW Paris, 1868. O. 11+420 p. 961 Lagreze, Q[ustave] Bascle de. 1811-. Le chateau de Pau (souvenirs historiques), son histoire et sa descrip- AH44 tion . . . Paris, 1855. O. 471 p. Pi9 Pompei, les catacombes, 1 Alhambra; etude a 1 aide des monu- AR45 ments . . . Paris, 1872. O. 492 p. ill. 16 pi. P794 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 553 Laguerre, Marie Josephine. 1755-83. Une vente d actrice sous Louis XVI.; son inventaire, meubles AO2 precieux, porcelaines de Sevres . . . avec une introduction . . . par Li32 le Baron C. Davillier. Paris, 1870. O. 51 p. I por. Lahaire, Modeste. Beaumont, Vienne: Les chateaux de Baudiment et Rouhet. (In AR44 Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. P/5 v. 4. 19 p. ill. 6 pi.) La Hire, Philippe de, 1640-1718, editor. Al See Jousse, Mathurin. 1607-. L art de charpenterie. 1702. J82 Laib, Fr., editor. AB See Kirchenschmuck. 1857-. v. I-. K63 Laincel, Louis [Elzear], marquis de. 1818-82. Avignon, le comtat et la principaute d Orange . . . AH44 Paris, 1872. D. 423 +4+ [4] p. I pi. Av$ I Laing, David. 1774-1856. Plans ... of buildings . . . executed in various parts of Eng- AH42 land . . . including the new custom-house, London . . . A64 London, 1 8 18. F. 6 [22] + [i]+44 p. 56 pi. Laing, Henry. 1800-83. Supplemental descriptive catalogue of ancient Scottish seals . . . AWi from ... 1150 to the eighteenth century . . . Li4 Edinburgh, 1866. Nar. Q. 27+237 p. ill. 15 pi. Laird, F[rancis] C. Nottinghamshire ; Rutlandshire ; Worcestershire. (Beauties of AH42 England and Wales. 1801-15. v. I2^ 2 , 15 1 .) Any Lalaisse, Hippolyte, illustrator. See Pitre-Chevalier, P. M. F. Chevalier, called, 1812-64, and AH44 Souvestre, Emile, 1806-54. Nantes et la Loire- Inferieure. 1850. Ni55 Lalanne, Marie Ludovic Chretien, 1815- editor. See Cousin, Jean. I5oi(?)-9o(?). Le livre de fortune, recueil AK de . . . dessins. 1883. C83 Lalonde, [Francois] Richard de. 1685-1765. Recueil des ceuvres, contenant ses ouvrages d orfevrerie, de bijou- AK terie et de serrurerie . . . Paris, no date. F. 4 113 pi. Li5 Reproduced by photographic process. Laloux, Victor. 1850-. L architecture grecque. Paris [1888]. O. 304 p. ill. (Biblio- AH495 theque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) Al Restauration du temple de Venus et Rome. (In Melanges d arche- AB ologie et d histoire. 1882, p. 362-378.) M48 554 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Laloux, Victor, 1850-, and Monceaux, Paul. Restauration d Olympie; 1 histoire, les monuments, le culte et les fetes... Paris, 1889. F. 5 228 p. ill. 10 pi. No. 133 of 500 copies printed. Lama, Giuseppe de, translator. See Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. I494(?)-I534. Pitture di AM6 Antonio Allegri, detto il Correggio, esistenti in Parma nel moni- C8i stero di San Paolo. 1 800. Lama, Pietro de. Memoria intorno ad alcuni preziosi ornamenti antichi d oro sco- AC perti in Parma nell anno 1821 . . . letta ... 24 aprile 1823. (In R66i Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1825. v. 2, p. 1-39. 4 pi.) La Marche, Albert Lecoy de. 1839-. See Lecoy de la Marche, Albert. 1839-. La Marsonniere, J. L. de. Liguge et Saint-Benoit de Quincay, Vienne. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 2. 30 p. ill. 7 pi.) P?5 Poitiers, Vienne; indications preliminaires; [ou, Description geo- AR44 graphique et statistique de la ville]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages P/5 et monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 1-14. ill. pi.) La Martiniere, Jean Baptiste Joseph Breton de. See Breton de la Martiniere, Jean Baptiste Joseph. Lamb, Edward Buckton. Studies of ancient domestic architecture . . . with . . . observations AH42 on the application of ancient architecture to the pictorial composi- A39 tion of modern edifices . . . London, 1846. F. 4 8+3O+[i] p. 20 pi. Lambeck, Hermann. De Mercurii statua vulgo Jasonis habita; commentatio archaeo- AO8 logica. Thoruni, 1861. Q. [s]+29 p. I pi. Z$ Lamberg, [Anton Franz de Paula], graf von. 1740-1823. Collection . . . [de ses] vases grecs . . . expliquee . . . par A. de AN2 Laborde . . . Paris, 1813-24. F. 7 2 v. I54pl. Li/ Lambert, Andre. Madonna di San Biagio pres Montepulciano, batie par Antonio AH45 di San Gallo de 1518 a 1528. Stuttgart [1884]. F. 6 4 P- 7 pi- M 7 6 Lambert, Andre, editor. AH43 See Privat- und gemeindebauten. [1876-88.] v. 2. Ai4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 555 Lambert, A[ndre], and Stahl, E[duard]. Das mobel; ein musterbuch stilvoller mobel aus alien landern in ANi historischer folge. Stuttgart [1887-88]. F. 4 [41] p. 100 pi. Li; Motive der deutschen architektur des i6.-i8. jahrhunderts in his- AK torischer anordnung, mit text von H. E. von Berlepsch ... Li7 Stuttgart, 1890. F. 5 v. I. 100 pi. Contents: v. i. Friih- und hochrenaissance. 1500-1650. Lambert, Andre, and Rychner, Alfred. L architecture en Suisse aux differentes epoques . . . AH494 [Basel, 1883.] F. 5 [3] p. 57 pi. Ai Lambert, Theodore, and Gelis=Didot, P. AH44 La construction privee a la fin du 196 siecle. 1893. P328 La Menardiere, Camille de. Le Palais des comtes: Palais de Justice de Poitiers. (In Robuchon, AR44 J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, P75 p. 140-146. ill. pi.) La Menue, C. Emile Perret de. See Perret de la Menue, C. fimile. Lami, Giovanni. 1697-1770. Dissertazione . . . sopra i serpenti sacri. (In Cortona, Italy AC Accademia etrusca, Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. 1743. C8i v- 4, P- 33-92- i pi.) Lami, Louis Eugene, 1800- illustrator. See Janin, J. Q. 1804-74. A summer and winter in Paris. [1847.] AH44 (Wright, Rev. G. N. France illustrated. 1847. v - 4-) ^33 Lamour, Jean. 1698-1771. Recueil des ouvrages en serrurerie que Stanislas le bienfaisant, AM2 roi de Pologne, a fait poser sur la Place royale de Nancy . . . avec Li9 un discours sur 1 art de la serrurerie . . . Nancy [1805 (?)]. F. 7 [10] p. 22 pi. Lamprecht, Karl Gothard. 1856-. AH43 Der dom zu Koln und seine geschichte. Bonn, 1881. D. 45 p. C7i8 Lamprey, J. On Chinese architecture. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Papers. 1866-67, p. 157-178. 2 pi.) R8i Lamprey, J. H., editor. AB See Industrial art. 1877. In2i Lam pros, Spyridon P. Ober das korinthische amphitheater. (In Deutsches archaolo- AR495 gisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 2, p. G8i 282-288, pi. 19.) 556 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lampue, Peter. Reise-studien aus Frankreich, nach handzeichnungen photo- AH44 graphirt. Berlin, no date. F. 5 [3] p. 42 phot. A66 Reise-studien aus Italien, nach handzeichnungen photographirt. AK Berlin, no date. F. 5 [3] p. 42 phot. Li9 Lamy, Bernard. 1640-1715. Treatise of perspective . . . containing the elements of designing AL.2 and painting . . . translated into English ... L,2i London, 1702. D. 18+174 p. ill. 31 pi. Lancashire and Cheshire antiquarian society. Transactions. 1883-90. AC Manchester, 1884-91. O. v. 1-8. ill. pi. L22I Lancashire and Cheshire historic society. Transactions. 1848-84. AC Liverpool, 1849-87. O. v. 1-36. ill. pi. maps. L22 Index, v. 1-24. Liverpool, 1874. O. v. 1-6 known as Proceedings and papers. Lance, Adolphe [Etienne]. 1813-74. Dictionnaire des architectes franais. AH44 Paris, 1872. Nar. Q. 2 v. in i. 10 pi. 17 facsim. An Excursion en Italic ... 15 eaux-fortes par Leon Gaucherel. AH45 Paris, 1873. Nar. Q. 8+3i7+[i] p. 15 pi. A5 One of 500 copies printed on Holland paper. Lance, Adolphe Etienne, 1813-74, editor. AB See Encyclopedic d architecture; journal mensuel. 1851. Eni5 Lanciani, Rodolfo [Amedeo]. L aula e gli uffici del senato romano . . . Roma, 1883. F. 32 p. AR45 4 pi. (In his Dissertazioni archeologiche. v. I.) A5 From Rome (Italy) Accademia dei Lincei. Atti, ser. 3, v. u. Di alcune opere di risanamento dell agro romano, eseguite dagli AR45 antichi . . . Roma, 1879. F. 20 p. (In his Dissertazioni archeo- A5 logiche. v. i.) From Rome (Italy) Accademia dei Lincei. Atti, ser. 3, v. 4. Dissertazioni archeologiche. Roma, no date. F. v. i. AR45 AS Intorno alia grande pianta di Roma antica . . . Roma, 1876. F. AR4S 12 p. (In his Dissertazioni archeologiche. v. i.) A5 From Rome (Italy) Accademia dei Lincei. Atti, ser. 2, v. 3. Pagan and Christian Rome. AR45 Boston, 1893. O. 9+374 p. ill- 25 pi. map. i facsim. R672 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 557 Lanciani, Rodolfo [Amedeo]. II Pantheon e le terme di Agrippa . . . Roma, 1882. F. 2 pts. AR45 2 pi. (In his Dissertazioni archeologiche. v. I.) A 5 From Notizie degli scavi, ottobre, 1881, and agosto, 1882. Quatre dessins inedits de la collection Destailleur relatifs aux AB ruines de Rome. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1891, M48 p. 159-178.) Scavi di Ostia. Roma, 1881. F. 2 pts. 2 pi. (In his Disser- AR45 tazioni archeologiche. v. I.) A 5 From Notizie degli scavi, decembre, 1880, and aprile, 1881. Topografia di Roma antica, i comentarii di Frontino intorno le AJi acque e gli aquedotti; silloge epigrafica aquaria . . . L22 Roma, 1880. F. 404 p. 10 pi. From Rome (Italy) Accademia dei Lincei. Atti, ser. 3, v. 4. Lanck, Leopold. 1833-. Traite pratique de la construction moderne et description du AI materiel employe par les constructeurs. L22 Paris, 1877. F. 2 v. ill. 38 pi. Lanckoronski, Karl, graf, editor. Stadte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens . . . AR56 Prag, 1890-92. Sq. F. 4 2 v. ill. 66 pi. 5 maps. A2 Contents: v. i. Pamphylien. v. 2. Pisidien. Landauer,Theodor von, Schmitt, Eduard, and Wag= ner, Heinrich. Gerichtshauser, straf- und besserungs-anstalten. (In Handbuch AA der architektur. 1887. 4. thl. 5. bd., p. 170-402. ill. 4 pi. 40 Hi9 paged pi.) Lande, David, translator. A A See Ivanov, S. A. 1822-77. Architektonische studien ; mit er- Ivi lauterungen von R. Bohn. 1892. Landesgewerbehalle in Karlsruhe. See Karlsruhe (Ger.) Landesgewerbehalle. Das landes=zeughaus in Qratz. See [Pichler, Fritz. 1834-]. Landi, Costanzo, conte. 1521-64. Selectiorum numismatum, praecipue Romanorum, expositiones . . . AMi Lugduni Batavorum, 1695. Sq. O. [i4]+i64+[8] p. 45 pi. 1/232 Landon, C[harles] P[aul], 1760-1826. Collection of etchings, from the most celebrated ancient and AH44 modern productions in painting, sculpture and architecture of the P273 Italian and French schools; from originals preserved in the Louvre, Paris . . . London, 1821. O. [3] + 150 p. 72 pi. 558 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Landon, C[harles] P[aul]. 1760-1826. Numismatique du voyage du jeune Anacharsis; ou, Medailles des AMi beaux temps de la Grece, accompagne de descriptions et d un essai L23 sur la science des medailles par T. M. Dumersan. Paris, 1846. T. 16+140 p. 30 pi. Landon, Charles Paul, 1760-1826, and Legrand, J. Q., 1743-1807. Description de Paris et de ses edifices. 1806-09. Landriani, Qaetano. La basilica ambrosiana fino alia sua trasformazione in chiese lom- barde a volte; I resti della basilica di Fausta . . . Milano, 1889. F. 5 8+48+ [i] p. ill. 7 pi. No. 54 of 200 copies printed. Landriani, Paolo. -1839. Osservazioni sui difetti prodotti nei teatri dalla cattiva costruzione AE4 del palco scenico e su alcune inavvertenze nel dipingere le deco- L23 razioni . . . Milano, 1815-24. O. 2 v. in I. 17 pi. Vol. 2. Appendice. Osservazioni su 1 imp. r. teatro alia Scala in Milano e sopra alcuni AE4 articoli del Saggio di Mr. Patte. (In Ferrario, Giulio. Storia e de- F4i scrizione de principali teatri. 1830. p. 257-369.) Landscape annual. 1830-32. AA London, 1830-32. F. 5 105 pi. L23 Contains the plates for these years without the text. Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry. 1802-73. Catalogue of an exhibition of . . . [his] engraved works . . . Rev. ed. London, no date. O. 23 p. Landseer, John. 1761-1852. Sabaean researches . . . essays addressed to distinguished anti- AR56 quaries . . . [with] the substance of a course of lectures ... on An the engraved hieroglyphics of Chaldea, Egypt and Canaan . . . London, 1823. Q. 11+402 p. ill. 2 pi. Laneham, Robert, fl. 1575. Letter: Whearin, part of the entertainment untoo the Queenz AH42 maiesty, at Killingwoorth castl ... in this soomerz progress 1575, K35I iz signified ... (In Kenilworth illustrated. 1821. apx. p. 5-43.) Letter whearin part of the entertainment untoo the Queenz AH42 Majesty at Killingwoorth castle . . . iz signified. (In Knowles, K.35 Rev. E. H. Castle of Kenilworth. 1872. p. 67-116.) Lane=Poole, Stanley. 1854- See Poole, Stanley Lane-. 1854-. Lang, Andrew. 1844-. Oxford: brief historical and descriptive notes, with etchings . . . AFLj.2 London, 1880. F. [7] +65 p. ill. 10 pi. 0x33 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 559 Lang, Heinrich. Gymnasien und reallehranstalten. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1889. 4. thl. 6. bd. hft. i. p. 136-169. ill. 4 paged pi.) Hi9 Lang, H[einrich], editor. See Breymann, G. A. Allgemeine bau-constructions-lehre. AI 1881-90. v. 1-2. 675 Lang, Heinrich, and Schmitt, Eduard. Lehrer- und lehrerinnen-seminare. (In Handbuch der archi- AA tektur. 1889. 4. thl. 6. bd. hft. i. p. 258-289. ill. 2 pi. Hi9 4 paged pi.) Lange, Konrad. Die Athena Parthenos. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, p. 370-379; v. 6, G8i p. 56-94- 2 pi.) Haus und halle; studien zur geschichte des antiken wohnhauses AE2 und der basilika. Leipzig, 1885. O. 12+377 p. ill. 9 pi. L26 Die konigshalle in Athen. Leipzig, 1884. O. 56 p. AH495 At6 Inaugural dissertation at Jena (Ger.) university. Das motiv des aufgestiitzten fusses in der antiken kunst und AO dessen statuarische verwendung durch Lysippos. Leipzig, 1879. 639 O. [3] +64 p. i pi. (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. pt. 3.) Zwei kopfe von der Akropolis in Athen. (In Deutsches archao- AR495 logisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 7, G8i p. 193-210, pi. 9.) Lange, Ludwig. 1808-68. Werke der hoheren baukunst fur die ausfiihrung entworfen und AA dargestellt. L26i Darmstadt, 1856-60 [v. i, 58]. Obi. F. 6 n pts. in i v. 86 pi. Lange, Walther. Das antike griechisch-romische wohnhaus; ein handbuch fur AE2 kunstfreunde . . . Leipzig, 1878. O. 148 p. ill. 45 pi. L28 Langford, John Alfred, 1823-, Mackintosh, C. S., and Tildesley, J. C. Staffordshire and Warwickshire, past and present. AH42 London [1884], Sq. F. 2 v. in 4. 5 por. 23 pi. 2 maps. Stu Contents: v. i. Staffordshire. v. 2. Warwickshire. Langhans, K[arl] F[erdinand]. 1781-1869. Das stadt-theater in Leipzig, mit text vom Briickwald. AH73 Berlin, 1870. F. 5 4 p. 9 pi. 560 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Langhans, K[arl] F[erdinand]. 1781-1869. Uber theater; oder, Bemerkungen iiber katakustik in beziehung AB auf theater. Berlin, 1 8 10. Q. 64 p. 4 pi. Sa4 Das Victoria theater in Berlin . . . Berlin, 1860. F. B 15 p. 5 pi. From Zeitschrift ftir bauwesen. v. 10. Langl, Giuseppe, and Labriola, Antonio. I principali monumenti architettonici di tutte le civilta antiche e AF moderne . . . Torino, 1886. O. Unpaged. 61 pi. L.26 Langl, Josef. . . . Die anatomic in den bildwerken der alten . . . AO Wien, 1872. O. Sop. 5 pi. Z2 Vienna (Austria) Staats-realschule in der Leopoldstadt. Jahresbericht. Langles, L[ouis Matthieu], 1763-1824. Monuments anciens et modernes de 1 Hindoustan . . . Paris, 1821. F. 5 2 v. 143 pi. 3 maps. I tab. Langley, Batty. 1696-1751. Builder s director, or benchmate ... a pocket-treasury of the AA Grecian, Roman and Gothic orders of architecture . . . from the L26 best authors, ancient and modern . . . London, 1751. S. 24 p. 184 pi. City and country builder s and workman s treasury of designs; or, AK The art of drawing and working the ornamental parts of archi- L26 tecture . . . London, 1740. Q. 4+24 p. 186 pi. London prices of bricklayers materials and works . . . justly ascer- AI tained . . . 2d ed. London, 1750. O. 17+389 p. 32 pi. L26 Langley, B[atty], 1696-1751, and Langley, T[homas]. Gothic architecture improved by rules and propositions . . . AD6 designs of columns, doors . . . temples . . . L26 London, 1747. F. 64 pi. Langlois, Mile. Esperance, illustrator. See Langlois, E. H. 1777-1837. Essai historique et descriptif sur 1 abbaye de Fontenelle ou de Saint-Wandrille. 1827. Langlois, E[ustache] H[yacinthe]. 1777-1837. Description historique des maisons de Rouen . . . Paris, 1821. O. 2 v. 36 pi. Essai historique et descriptif sur 1 abbaye de Fontenelle ou de Saint-Wandrille et sur . . . autres monumens des environs . . . [ill.] par 1 auteur et par Mile. Esperance Langlois . . . Paris, 1827. Nar. Q. 23 + 194 p. ill. 16 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 561 Langlois, E[ustache] H[yacinthe]. 1777-1837. Essai historique et descriptif sur la peinture sur verre ancienne et AM7 moderne . . . suivi de la biographie des plus celebres peintres- L26 verriers . . . Rouen, 1822. O. 16+300+ [3] p. 8 pi. Essai sur les enerves de Jumieges et sur quelques decorations AH44 singulieres des eglises de cette abbaye; suivi du Miracle de Sainte J95 Bautheuch . . . Rouen, 1838. O. n+239+[2]p. 4 pi. I facsim. One of 504 copies printed. Notice surl incendie de la cathedrale de Rouen ... 15 septembre, AH44 1822, et sur 1 histoire monumentale de cette eglise . . . R-75 2 Rouen, 1823. O. 8+i8op. 6 pi. Lanham, Robert, fl. 1575. See Laneham, Robert, fl. 1575. Lanigan, Stephen M. Theory of the fine arts considered in relation to mental and AO physical conditions of human existence . . . L.27 London, 1873. D. i3 + [i] + i94p. La Normandie illustree ; monuments, sites et costumes AH44 de la Seine-Inferieure, de 1 Eure, du Calvados, de 1 Orne et de la N783 Manche, dessines d apres nature par F. Benoist . . . texte par R. Bordeaux et A. Bosquet . . . sous la direction de A. Pettier, pour la Haute-Normandie et par [A.] Charma, [E.] Le Hericher, [L.] de La Sicotiere et [J. G.] Travers, sous la direction de G. Man- cel, pour la Basse-Normandie. Nantes, 1852. F. 5 2 v. 149 pi. I map. Lanzi, Luigi [Antonio], abate. 1732-1810. De vasi antichi dipinti volgarmente chiamati etruschi; disser- AN2 tazioni tre. [Anon.] [Firenze, 1806.] O. 233 p. 3 pi. L29 Notizie della scultura degli antichi e dei vari suoi stili. 2da ed. AO8 italiana dall editore corredata di note e rami e di alcuni cenni L29 storici della vita e delle opere del medesimo. Poligrafia fiesolana, 1824. O. 31+83 p. I por. 19 pi. Laplane, Henri [Pierre Felix] de. 1806-73. L abbaye de Clairmarais, d apres ses archives. AH44 Saint-Omer, 1863. O. 56+413 p. 15 pi. 83331 Published by the Societe" des antiquaires de la Morinie. Les abbes de Clairmarais. AH44 Saint-Omer, 1868. O. 8+890 p. 2 por. 8 pi. 83332 Published by the Socie te" des antiquaires de la Morinie. Les abbes de Saint-Bertin d apres les anciens monuments de ce AH44 monastere. Saint-Omer, 1854. O. 2 v. 41 pi. 8333 Published by the Socie te des antiquaires de la Morinie. 36 562 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Laporte, John, 1761-1839, illustrator. See Malkin, Sir B. H. 1769-1842. Scenery, antiquities and bio graphy of South Wales. 1804. La Queriere, E[ustache] de. 1783-. Essai sur les girouettes, epis, cretes et autres decorations des AI anciens combles et pignons, pour faire suite a 1 histoire des habi- L3I tations au moyen-age. Paris, 1846. O. [5] + 20+86 p. 8 pi. Laran, Theodore, abbe. Le monastere espagnol de Las Huelgas. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 9, p. 274-288.) An7 Larking, Rev. Lambert Blackwell. 1797-1868. On the heart-shrine in Leybourne church. (In Kent archaeological AC society. Archseologica Cantiana. 1863. v. 5, p. 133193. 4 pi-) ^41 Laroche, Ernest. A travers le vieux Bordeaux, recits . . . legendes, etudes de AR44 mceurs . . . monuments . . . preface de Ch. Marionneau . . . lettre- B64 preface d Aurelien Scholl; ill. de Leo Drouyn . . . Bordeaux, 1890. Q. 18+21 i + [i] p. ill. I pi. La Roche La Carelle, Ferdinand de, baron. Histoire du Beaujolais et des sires de Beaujeu, suivie de l armorial AR42 de la province. Lyon, 1853. Q. 2 v. ill. 6 pi. 638 La Rochemaillet, Gabriel Michel de. 1562-1642. See Michel de la Rochemaillet, Gabriel. 1562-1642. Larrainzar, Manuel. Estudios sobre la historia de America, sus ruinas y antig- iiedades . . . Mexico, 1875. O. v. I. 44+172 p. 4 pi. La Rue, [Qervais] de, abbe. 1751-1835. . . . Memoir on the celebrated tapestry of Bayeux . . . [tr. by] AB Francis Douce. (In Archaeologia. v. 17, p. 85-109.) Ar2 [La Salle, Achille Etienne Qigault de. 1772-1855.] Voyage pittoresque en Sicile . . . [J. F. d Osterwald, editeur. Anon.] Paris, 1822-26. F. 7 2 v. in I. 92 pi. map. La Saussaye, [Jean Franois de Paule] Louis de. 1801-78. Histoire du chateau de Blois. 5 e edition . . . augmentee. Blois, 1862. D. 8+377+[i] p. 7 pi. Histoire du chateau de Blois. 7^ edition . . . augmentee. Blois, 1875. O. 8+405 p. 6 pi. map. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 563 Laschitzer, Simon. Die genealogie des Kaisers Maximilian I. (In Jahrbuch der AB Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. JIQI v. 7, pt. i, p. 1-200.) Die heiligen aus der "sippmag- und schwagerschaft" des Kaisers AB Maximilian I. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen Jipi des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 4, pt. I, p. 70-288; v. 5, pt. I, p. 117-262.) Laschitzer, Simon, editor. See Theuerdank. Der Theuerdank. (In Jahrbuch der Kunst- AB historischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 8.) La Serre, Jean Puget de. 1600-65. Histoire de 1 entree de la reine mere dans la Grande Bretagne. AH42 London, 1775. Nar. Q. 12+58 p. I pi. Ai8 Reprinted, with English introduction and notes, from the Paris edition of 1639. La Sicotiere, Pierre Francois Leon Duchesne de. 1812-. Alencon, Argentan et Mortagne. (In La Normandie illustree. AFL|4 1852. v. 2, pt. 5, p-5-24, 37-46. 17 Pl-) La Sicotiere, [Pierre Francois] Leon [Duchesne] de, 1812-, and Poulet=Malassis, Auguste, 1825-78. Le Departement de 1 Orne archeologique et pittoresque . . . AH44 Laigle, 1845. F. 5 22+304 p. 107 pl. map. Or6 Lasinio, Giovanni Paolo. 1796-1855. Pitture a fresco del Campo-Santo di Pisa disegnate da G. Rossi. AH45 Firenze, 1832. F. 5 [3]+4i + [2] p. 46 pl. P673 Raccolta di sarcofagi, urne e altri monumenti di scultura del AH45 Campo Santo di Pisa. Pisa, 1814. F. 3 + 55 p. 158 pl. P674 Le tre porte del battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze. [Anon.] AH45 Firenze, 1821. F. 6 8+[i4] + [io] p. 46 pl. F677 Text in Italian and French. Lasinio, Giovanni Paolo, 1796-1855, engraver. See Masselli, Giovanni. II tabernacolo della Madonna d Orsan- AH45 michele. 1873. F674 See Pieraccini, Francesco. La Piazza, del Granduca di Firenze. AH45 1880. F68; Lasor a Varea, Alphonsus, pseudonym. See [Savonarola, Rafaello. 1646-1730]. Universus terrarum AX orbis scriptorum calamo delineatus. 1713. Sa9i 564 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Laspeyres, Paul. Architektonische mittheilungen iiber Todi. (In Zeitschrift fur AB bauwesen. v. 19^.25-48. 4 pi.) Z^i Die baudenkmale Umbriens. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 22, AB 23, 25, 26, 31,32- 17 pl-) 231 Die bauwerke der renaissance in Umbrien . . . mit erlauterndem text... Berlin, 1883. F. 5 2v.ini. ill. 17 pl. Die kirchen der renaissance in mittel-Italien . . . nach alteren publicationen und neuen aufnahmen von W. Bubeck . . . Berlin, 1882. F. 4 4+49 p. 74 pl. Die St. Catharinen-kirche zu Liibeck. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 21, p. 357-3^4- 5 pi-) 31 S. Maria della consolazione zu Todi, nebst mittheilungen iiber die mittelalterlichen baudenkmale dieser stadt. Berlin, 1869. F. 6 12 p. ill. 4 pl. Lassaulx, Johann Claudius von. 1781-1848. Bausteine; der versammlung deutscher architecten in Mainz, von AI 26. bis 29. Aug. 1847 zum Willkomm am Rhein iiberreicht . . . L33 Coblenz, 1847. Sq. F. 18 p. 3 pl. Lassus, Jean Baptiste Antoine. 1807-57. See Monographic de Notre-Dame de Paris et de la nouvelle sacristie, de Mm. Lassus et Viollet-le-Duc. See Vilard de Honnecourt. fl. 1242. Facsimile of ... [his] sketch-book, with commentaries and descriptions by J. B. A. Lassus and by J. Quicherat. 1859. Lassus, Jean Baptiste Antoine, 1807-57, annotator. See Vilard de Honnecourt. fl. 1242. Album. 1858. Lassus, Jean Baptiste Antoine, 1807-57, and Girardot, A. T., baron de, 1815-. Sanctuaire d une cathedrale au I3esiecle. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 9, p. 87-98.) An7 Lasteyrie, Ferdinand [Charles Leon] comte de. 1810-79. Histoire de 1 orfevrerie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu a AM4 nos jours. Paris, 1875. D. 322 p. ill. (Bibliotheque des mer- 38 veilles; publiee de E. Charton.) Lasteyrie, Robert de. 1849-. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de J. Quicherat. (In Quicherat, AP J. E. J. Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1885. p. [i]~35-) Q4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 565 [Lastri, Marco. 1731-.] L osservatore fiorentino sugli edifizi della sua patria. Terza edi- AH45 zione . . . coll aggiunta di varie annotazioni del Prof. G. del Rosso. F6/2 [Anon.] Firenze, 1821. O. 8 v. in 4. 16 pi. L osservatore fiorentino sugli edifizi della sua patria. 4^ ed. AH45 eseguita sopra quella del 1821, con aumenti e correzioni del Prof. F672I G. del Rosso. [Anon.] Firenze, 1831. S. 16 v. in 4. 15 pi. Lasvignes, Laurent, and Dion, N. H. de. AH44 Cathe drale de Bayeux. 1861. 634 Laterriere, Jean de. Manuel de la literie. Paris [1864]. D. 180 p. 14 pi. (Biblio- ANi theque des professions industrielles et agricoles. ser. G. no. 4.) L34 La Tour=Keyrie", A. M. de, pseudonym. AH44 See Makaire, Achille. 1819-. AiQ La Tremblaye, Fr. M. Coutel de. Solesmes; les sculptures de 1 eglise abbatiale, 1496-1553 . . . AH44 Solesmes, 1892. F. 5 I86+J2] p. ill. 38 pi. 804 Latteux, L. Essai sur 1 histoire du verre et des vitraux peints. (In Revue de AB 1 art chretien. v. 17, p. 38-44, 71-82, 169-185.) R324 Latyschev, Vasili Vfasil evich], editor and translator. Scythica et Caucasica e veteribus scriptoribus graecis et latinis AC collegit et cum versione rossica edidit . . . Sa22 Sanktpeterburg, 1893. Nar. Q. v. I. Contents : v. i. Scriptores graeci. Greek and Russian in parallel columns. Lau, [Qustav] Theodor, and others, compilers. Die griechischen vasen, ihr formen- und decorationssystem, mit AN2 einer historischen einleitung und erlauterndem texte von H. L/36 Brunn und P. F. Krell. Leipzig, 1877. F. 4 38 p. 44 pi. Laubock, Georg, and Exner, W. F., 1840-. Holz. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1880. I. thl. I. bd. hft I., p. 159-1/8.) Laugier, [Marc Antoine], abbe. 1713-69. Essai sur 1 architecture. Nouvelle edition . . . augmentee avec AA un dictionnaire des termes . . . L36 Paris, 1755. D. [48] + 31 6+ [4] p. 8 pi. Observations sur 1 architecture. La Haye, 1765. S. 16+326 p. AA 36* 566 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Launay, Jules. Cours pratique de coupe des pierres; precede de notions de AI geometric . . . et d une etude sur les materiaux pierreux les plus 1,37 employes en Belgique . . . Lourain, 1885. O. 170 p. and Atlas, F. 23 pi. Launay, Marie de. L architecture ottomane . . . Constantinople, 1873. F. 6 7+86+[33] p. iSopl. Title-page and text in French and German. Launey, Alfred de. Paris pittoresque, dessine d apres nature et grave a 1 eau-forte. Paris, 1870. F. 5 2 ser. in I v. 72 pi. Launitz, [Nikolaus Karl] Ed [uard Schmidt] von der. 1797-1869. Zur begrtindung meiner restauration der Pasquino-gruppe. (In Urlichs, K. L. von. Uber die gruppe des Pasquino. 1867. p. [2i]-33.) Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1867. Laurent=Daragon, Charles. 1833-. Le bronze d art; etude historique et pratique de la fonte an- AM3 tique . . . suivie de recherches metallurgiques . . . sur la nature 1,37 du bronze. . . Paris [1881]. O. 68 p. (Bibliotheque artistique.) Laurent de Lara, D[avid]. Elementary instruction in the art of illuminating and missal AK painting on vellum . . . 7th edition . . . enlarged. L37 London [1863]. D. 87 p. 8 pi. Laurent=Richard, . Catalogue des tableaux anciens et modernes, objets d art, bronzes AO2 de Barye, sculptures en marbre, riches tapisseries des Gobelins . . . L37 formant [sa] collection . . . vente . . . 2829 mai, 1886 . . . [Paris, 1886.] F. [4] + 87p. 25 pi. Preface by Philippe Burty. Laureys, F. Kursus des klassischen baukunst die fiinf ordnungen; eine . .. AA zerlegung derselben auf grundlage des decimalsystems ... 2. aufl. L-37 Berlin [1889]. F - 5 I2 P- 7 P 1 - Lauri, Jacob. Antiquae urbis splendor hoc est, praecipua ejusdem templa, amphi- theatra . . . arcus triumphales . . . aedificia . . . descriptio . . . Romas, 1612. Obi. O. 90 pi. Lauriere, J[ules] de. La colonne dite de Henri IV. a Rome. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 49, p. 29-54.) B87 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 567 Lauriere, J[ules] de. Mosai que chretienne des lies Baleares. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 57, p. 141-155- 2 pi.) B87 La mosai que romaine de Girone (Espagne). (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 53, p. 235-251.) B8; Lauriere, Jules de, translator. See Rossi, Q. B. de. 1822-. La capsella d argent africaine. (In AB Bulletin monumental, v. 55, p. 315-397. 5 pi.) ^87 Lau ten bach, Konrad. 1534-95. See Amman, Jost. I539(?) 91. Im frauwenzimmer wirt ver- AN4 meldt von allerley schonen kleidungen . . . 1586. [1880.] Ami Illustrations by Amman, text by Lautenbach. Lauth, Franz Joseph, 1822-, and Christ, Wilhelm von, 1831-. Fiihrer durch das K. antiquarium in Munchen. 1883. Lautrec, R., comte de Toulouse. 1820-88. See Toulouse-Lautrec, R. de, comte. 1820-88. Lauzun, Philippe, 1847- and Benouville, P. L. A., 1852-. AH44 L abbaye de Flaran en Armagnac. 1890. Ar55 Laval, [Jean Baptiste Gabriel] Eugene, 1818-69, Durant, J. S., 1776- and Durand, Henri. Album archeologique et description des monuments historiques AH44 du Gard. 1853. Gi6 La Valette, Charles Jean Marie Felix, marquis de. 1 806-81. Les etablissements generaux de bienfaisance places sous le patro- AH44 nage de 1 Imperatrice; monographies . . . ?345 Paris, 1866. F. 6 24+394 p. 38 pi. I facsim. Lavallee, Joseph [Adrien Felix]. 1801-78. Voyage pittoresque et historique de 1 Istrie et de la Dalmatic, AH436 redige d apres 1 itineraire de L. F Cassas . . . A9 Paris an X, 1802. F. 6 9+i9O+[i] p. 68 pi. Lavallee=Poussin, [Etienne de]. 1740-93. Neue sammlung von arabesken zur verzierung der zimmer, ge- AK zeichnet zu Rom von Lavalee Poussin und anderen . . . kiinstlern, L38 gestochen von Guyot, nebst einem historischen versuche iiber die arabesken-malerei, und einer erklarenden iibersicht der kupfer von A. Le Noir. Paris, 1810. F. 4 10 p. 40 pi. Nouvelle collection d arabesques propres a la decoration des ap- AK partemens. See, above, Neue sammlung von arabesken. L38 568 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lavalleye, Edouard. See Vierset-Godin, -- Eglise Notre-Dame a Huy, accompagnee AH49; d une texte par E. Lavalleye. 1854. HgS Lavana, Juan Bautista. i58o(?)-i625. Viage . . . del Rei Filipe III. al Reino de Portugal, i relacion del AW2 solene recebimiento que en le se le hizo. L38 Madrid, 1622. F. 4 [3]+/6 f. 3 pi. 10 paged pi. Layer, C., and Dunnage, H. Plans . . . and views of the great hall of the royal palace of Eltham AH42 in Kent, with an essay, historical and descriptive. 1828. E18 Laverrenz, C. Die medaillen und gedachtniszeichen der deutschen hochschulen; AMi ein beitrag zur geschichte der universitaten Deutschlands. 2. aufl. L38 Berlin, 1887. O. 2 v. in I. 90 pi. Lavigne, Leopold Alfred Gabriel Qermond de. 1812-. See Qermond de Lavigne, Leopold Alfred Gabriel. 1812-. Law, David. The Thames, Oxford to London . . . AH42 London, 1882. Q. [s]+39 p. 20 pi. T326 Text by Owen J. Dullea. Law, Ernest [Philip Alphonso]. 1855-. History of Hampton Court palace. AH42 London, 1885-88. O. 2 v. ill. I9por. 40 pi. 2 maps. I facsim. Hi8 Contents: v. i. Tudor times. v. 2. Stuart times. Lawford, Henry. Cabinet of practical, useful and decorative furniture designs. ANi London [1855]. F. 4 9 p. 125 pi. L42 Lawrence, Richard. Elgin marbles from the Parthenon of Athens . . . with . . . remarks AO8 on ... [their] style, composition and . . . excellence . . . L43 London, 1818. Obi. F. 8+67 p. 50 pi. Laxenberg bei Wien, in bildlicher darstellung. Noplace, i82o(?). Sq. F. 6 56 pi. Laxton, William. Builders price book for 1892, containing above 72000 prices. AI 75th ed. London [1892]. D. [87] + 562+[ii7] p. ill. L45 Lay, Felix. Ornamente siidslavischer nationaler haus-und kunst-industrie. AN Wien [1875]. Sq. F. I v. in 2. 200 pi. L45 Title-page in Hungarian, German and French. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 569 Layard, Sir Austen Henry. 1817-94. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with travels in AR352 Armenia, Kurdistan and the desert ... N$ i London, 1853. O. 2 v. ill. pi. maps. Domenico Ghirlandaio and his fresco of the death of S. Francis. AO6 [London] 1860. Nar. Q. 46 p. 2 ill. (Arundel society. Publica- Zi tions. 1860.) Frescoes by Bern: Pinturicchio; in the collegiate church S. Maria AO6 Maggiore at Spello. [London, 1858.] Nar. Q. 16 p. I ill. Zi (Arundel society. Publications. 1858.) Giovanni Sanzio and his fresco at Cagli. [London] 1859. Nar. Q. AO6 24 p. i ill. (Arundel society. Publications. 1859.) Zi Madonna and saints, painted in fresco by Ottaviano Nelli, in the AO6 church of S. Maria Nuova at Gubbio. [London, 1857.] Nar. Q. Zi 13 p. i ill. (Arundel society. Publications. 1857.) Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, painted in fresco by Pietro Peru- AO6 gino, in the chapel of the saint, at Panicale. [London, 1856.] Zi Nar. Q. 7 p. (Arundel society. Publications. 1856.) Monuments of Nineveh, from drawings made on the spot. AR352 London, 1849. F- 7 6+ 22 +[2] p. 100 pi. N5ii Nineveh court in the Crystal Palace. London, 1854. D. 80 p. AH42 ill. I pi. (In London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. L875 1854. ser. i, no. 6.) Paper on mosaic decoration, read at a meeting of the Royal insti- AJ2 tute of British architects. London [pref. 1869], O. 6+40 p. L45 From Royal institute of British architects. Proceedings, 23 Nov., 1868. Second series of the monuments of Nineveh, including bas-reliefs AR352 from the palace of Sennacherib and bronzes from the ruins of N$I2 Nimroud . . . London, 1853. F. 7 [8] +7 p. 71 pi. Layard, Mary Enid Evelyn (Quest), lady, translator. See Urbani de Qheltof, Q. M. Technical history of the manu- AN6 facture of Venetian laces. 1882. Uri Lazari, Vincenzo, 1823-64, compiler. See Correr, Teodoro. 1750-1830. Notizia delle opere d arte e AO2 d antichita della raccolta Correr di Venezia. 1859. C8i Lazari, Vincenzo, 1823-64, and Selvatico, P. E., marchese. 1803-80. AH45 Guida di Venezia e delle isole circonvicine. 1852. V562 Lazzarini, Giovanni Andrea, canonico. 1710-1801. AO Opere. Pesaro, 1806. O. 2 v. i por. 2 pi. L45 57 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lea, William. Church plate in the archdeaconry of Worcester . . . ANi Worcester, 1884. Nar. Q. 80 p. 5 pi. 1.46 Leake, William Martin, 1777-1860, and Hardwicke, C. P. Yorke, 4th e arl of, 1799-1873. Les principaux monumens egyptiens du Musee britannique . . . AR62 expliques d apres le systeme phonetique. 1827. Ai6 Leanti, Arcangiolo. Lo stato presente della Sicilia; o sia, Breve . . . descrizione di AFLj.5 essa . . . con notizie delle isole aggiacenti. Si 13 Palermo, 1761. D. 2 v. I por. 35 pi. 4 maps. Lear, Edward. 1812-88. Illustrated excursions in Italy. AH45 London, 1846. F. 4 9+45 p. 25 pi. A$i Views in the seven Ionian islands . . . drawn from nature and on AH499 stone. London, 1863. F. 6 [47] p. 21 pi. Io6 [Lear, Mrs. Henrietta Louisa (Farrer).] A Christian painter of the nineteenth century, being the life of AW Hippolyte Flandrin. [Anon.] London, 1875. D. 11 + 244 p. F6i Le Bas, Philippe, 1794-1860. Asie Mineure, depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu a la bataille AR56 d Ancyre en 1402, terminee par M. Cheron. Paris, 1878. O. Ai3 530 p. 32 pi. 4 maps. (L univers : Histoire et description de tous les peuples: Asie. v. n.) Leberthais, Casimir, illustrator. See Paris, A. L. 1802-. Toiles peintes et tapisseries de la ville de AM8 Reims. 1843. P 21 Leblan, [Henri] Eugene. 1819-. Portail de la cathedrale de Reims; surelevation des fleches . . . AH44 Reims, 1878. O. 14 p. i pi. R273 Leblan, [Henri] Eugene, 1819- Adams, Q. L.,-i864, and Leveil, J. A., 1806-66. Recueil des maisons modernes executees a Paris par Mm. Dela- AH44 lande [and others]. 1858. P246 Leblan, [Henri] Eugene, 1819-, and Isabey, Leon [Marie], 1821- Villas, maisons de ville et de campagne composees sur les motifs AH44 des habitations de Paris moderne. 1864. A25 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 571 Le Blanc, Charles. 1817-65. Catalogue de 1 ceuvre de Jean Georges Wille. Leipsic, 1847. O- AY i6+i48-f[2] p. (In his Le graveur en taille douce. 1847. v - I -) W66 Le graveur en taille douce; ou, Catalogues raisonnes des AY estampes dues aux graveurs les plus celebres. W66 Leipsic, 1847. O. v. I. Contents: v. i. Catalogue de 1 ceuvre de Jean George Wille. Le Blant, Ed mond Frederic. 1818-. See France Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques. AX Instructions; 1 epigraphie chretienne en Gaule et dans 1 Afrique F84 romaine par E. Le Blant. 1890. Le Blant, Edmond Frederic, 1818- and Jacquemart, Albert, 1808-75. Histoire artistique, industrielle et commerciale de la porcelaine. AN2 1862. Ji6i Le Bon, Qustave. 1841-. La civilisation des Arabes. AO Paris, 1884. Nar. Q. 705 p. ill. 13 pi. i map. L4Q2 Les civilisations de 1 Inde. AH54 Paris, 1887. Nar. Q. [3J+7+743 p. ill. 7 pi. An Les monuments de 1 Inde. Paris, 1893. F. 254 p. ill. 141 pi. AH54 A7 . . . Les premieres civilisations. AP Paris, 1889. Nar. Q. 820 p. ill. 10 pi. L49 Le Breton, Qaston. La ceramique polychrome a glafures metalliques dans 1 antiquite. AN2 Rouen, 1881. O. 44 p. Z6 Discours de reception & 1 Acaddmie des sciences, belles-lettres etarts de Rouen. 1881. Essai iconographique sur Saint Louis. AW Paris, 1880. Nar. Q. 33 + [i] p. ill. L92 Le Musee ceramique de Rouen. AN2 Rouen, 1883. Q. 6i + [i] p. ill. i pi. 8 paged pi. L492 No. 214 of 350 copies printed. Le Bris, Guy. Les constructions metalliques. Paris [1894]. O. 380 p. ill. AI (Bibliotheque des sciences et de 1 industrie; publiee de J. Pichot L49 et P. Lefevre.) Lebrocquy, P[ierre], translator. See Pugin, A. N. W. 1811-52. Les vrais principes de 1 archi- AD6 tecture ogivale ou chretienne. 1850. 572 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Le Brun, Armand. L eglise St.-Julien-le-Pauvre . . . avec une notice sur la vie et les AH44 ceuvres de M. de Montyon. Paris, 1889. O. 105 p. ill. P2Q9 Lebrun, Charles. 1619-90. Grand escalier du chateau de Versailles dit escalier des ambassa- AH44 deurs . . . Paris, no date. F. 6 9 p. 24 pi. V6i4 Lebrun, Louis. 1770-1840. Theorie de 1 architecture grecque et romaine, deduite de 1 analise AA des monumens antiques . . . Paris, 1807. F. 5 56 p. 26 pi. L492 Le Brun=Dalbanne, . Les bas-reliefs de Saint-Jean-au-Marche de Troyes. AH44 Troyes, 1864. O. 79 p. 775 Lebruzzi, Carlo. Via Appia illustrata, ab urbe Roma ad Capuam. AH45 London, no date. Obi. F. 5 24 pi. R676 Lechalas, [Marc] Clement, 1820- editor. See Encyclopedic des travaux publics. 1893-. Lechaude d Anisy, Amedee Louis, 1772-1857, trans lator. AH44 See Ducarel, A. C. 1713-85. Antiquites anglo-normandes. 1823. A$3 See Lethieullier, Smart. 1701-60. Description de la tapisserie AH44 conservee a la cathedrale de Bayeux. (In Ducarel, A. C. Anti- A53 quites anglo-normandes. 1823.) Lechevallier=Chevignard, Edmond, 1825-. Les styles francais. Paris [1892]. O. 375 + [3] p. ill. (Biblio- AO theque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) L49 Lechevallier=Chevignard, Edmond, 1825-, editor. See Duplessis, G. V. A. G. 1834-. Costumes historiques des 16 , AN4 172 et i8e siecles. 1867. 092 Le Clerc, Sfebastien]. 1637-1714. Practical geometry; or, A new and easy method of treating that AL2 art ... 4th ed. London, 1742. S. 185 + [6] p. ill. L49 Traite d architecture, avec des remarques et des observations tres- AA utiles pour les jeunes gens qui veulent s appliquer a ce bel art. L49 Paris, 1714. O. 2 v. in I. 181 pi. Leclercqz, M[aximilien] E[mmanuel] J[oseph]. 172294. . . . Memoires sur 1 histoire de la ville de Mons . . . 1739-72 . . . AR493 [pour faire suite a de Boussu]. M75 Bruxelles, 1870. Q. i6+ii6+[i]p. map. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 573 Lecocq, Jules, and Lecocq, Georges, 1849-. Histoire des fabriques de faience et de poterie de la haute AN2 Picardie. Paris, 1877. F. m + [3]p. ill. 20 pi. 1,49 Lecomte, Florent. -1712. Cabinet des singularitez d architecture, peinture, sculpture et AO graveure; ou, Introduction a la connoissance des plus beaux arts, L49I figures sous les tableaux, les statues et les estampes . . . Paris, 1699-1702. S. 3 v. 3 pi. Het konst-cabinet der bouwschilder-, beeldhouw- en graveer- AW kunde; of, Inleiding tot de kennis dier fraaije weetenschappen L49I vervat in de schilderyen, standbeelden en prenten . . . na het Fransch gevolgt. Utrecht, 1744-45 [v. 1/45]. O. 2 v. 6 pi. Leconte, Emile. Album de 1 ornemaniste; recueil compose de fragmens d ornemens AK dans tous les genres et dans tous styles . . . fait suite au Nouveau L49 recueil de decorations interieures . . . Paris, 1836. F. 5 6 p. 72 pi. Ornemens gothiques de toutes les epoques et choix d ornemens AK de la renaissance et des differens siecles . . . L49I Paris, 1839. F. 5 9 pi. 72 pi. Le Cordier, Leon. Note sur 1 architecture de la Normandie au 13^ siecle. (In Bulle- AB tin monumental, v. 29, p. 513-531.) B87 Lecoy de la Marche, [Richard Albert]. 1839-. Les sceaux. Paris [1889]. O. 320 p. ill. (Bibliotheque de Ten- AWi seignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) L-49 Lecuyer, Camilla. 1830-. Collection: Terres cuites antiques trouvees en Grece et en Asie- AO8 Mineure; notices de F. Lenormant, J. de Witte, A. Cartault, G. C243 Schlumberger, E. Babelon, C. Lecuyer. Paris, 1882-85. F. 5 2v. ill. 117 pi. Ledain, Belisaire. Argenton. Chateau, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 8. 19 p. ill. 3 pi.) P75 Bressuire, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 8. 25 p. n pi. i plan.) P75 Les chateaux de la Meilleraye, Herisson et Tennesue. See, below, Parthenay, Deux-Sevres. La Gatine, historique et monumentale . . . AH44 Paris, 1876. F. 4 4o8+[i] p. ill. 28 pi. G22 Histoire [de Poitiers]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. i, p. 15-70. ill. pi.) P75 574 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ledain, Belisaire. Lusignan, Vienne. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments AR44 du Poitou. 1884-. v. 2. 27 p. ill. 8 pi.) P/5 Mazieres-en-Gatine, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages AR44 et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 6. 6 p. ill. 3 pi.) P/5 Parthenay, Deux-Sevres; [les chateaux de la Meilleraye, Herisson AR44 et Tennesue]. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du P/5 Poitou. 1884-. v. 7. 32 p. i6pl.) St.-Jouin-les-Marnes, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Pay- AR44 sages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 7. 7 p. 4 pi.) ?75 Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 7. 12 p. 6 pi.) ?75 Thenezay, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 7, 8 p. ill. 2 pi.) ?75 Ledicte=Duflos, Marie Charles Edouard. 1 786-1854. Notice sur le mont de Catenoy, dit le camp de Cesar. (In Societe AC academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. So 19 Memoires. v. I, p. 369-394, pi. 15-18.) Ledieu, Aldus. 1850-. Excursions historico-archeologiques dans le Bas-Santerre. AR44 Paris, 1893. O. [S]+3IS + W P- 22 P 1 - Sa 5 No. 35 of 50 copies printed. Ledoux, C[laude] N[icolas]. 1756-1806. L architecture consideree sous le rapport de 1 art, des mceurs et AH44 de la legislation. Paris, 1847. F. 7 2 v. 300 pi. A36 Edited by Daniel Rame e. Ledrain, Eugene. 1844-. Une page de mythologie semitique, sur un petit bijou de Louvre. AX Paris, 1882. O. 8 p. L49 From La philosophic positive, mars-avril, 1882. Ledwich, Rev. Edward. 1738-1823. Antiquitates Sarisburienses; containing, I. Dissertation on the AR42 antient coins, found at Old Sarum; 2. The Salisbury ballad [by Sa3 Dr. Walter Pope]; 3. History of Old Sarum . . .; 4. Historical memoirs relative to New Sarum; 5. Lives of the bishops of Old and New Sarum ... 6. Lives of eminent men, natives of Salis bury. [Anon.] Salisbury, 1771. O. [43] +247 +[4] p. 2 pi. Antiquities of Ireland. 2<i edition enlarged . . . AH4IS Dublin, 1804. Q. 18+526+14?. 40 pi. map. Ai23 Observations on our antient churches. (In Archaeologia. 1787. AB v. 8, p. 165-194. 2 pi.) Ar2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 575 Lee, Rev. Frederick George. 1832-. History, description and antiquities of the prebendal church of AH42 the . . . Virgin Mary of Thame in the county ... of Oxford . . . T$2 London, 1883. F. 4 11 9.4-694 col. [347 p]. + [20] p. ill. 10 pi. No. 3 of 210 copies printed. Lee, John Edward. 1808-87. Description of a Roman building and other remains lately dis- AR42 covered at Caerleon. Cn London, 1850. Nar. Q. 29 p. ill. 19 pi. i map. Lee, John Edward, 1808-87, compiler. See Monmouthshire and Caerleon antiquarian association AR429 Museum. Isca silurum. 1862. A2 Leeds, Lewis W. Treatise on ventilation . . . seven lectures delivered before the AJ Franklin institute, Philadelphia, 1866-68 ... 2d ed. L5I New York, 1876 [c. 71]. O. 226 p. ill. Leeds, William Henry. Essay on modern English architecture. (In Barry, Sir Charles. AH42 Travellers club house. 1839. P- 1-28.) L92I Outlines and characteristics of different architectural styles. (In AA Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v. 2. 49 p.) Q2 Rudimentary architecture . . . the orders and their aesthetic AA principles . . . loth ed. enl. London, 1874. D. 8+144 p- ill. LSI (Weale s rudimentary series.) See Pugin, Augustus. 1762-1832. Series of views illustrative of AH42 his Examples of Gothic architecture, drawn by Joseph Nash, A74 with descriptions by W. H. Leeds. 1830. Leeds, William Henry, editor. See Chambers, Sir William. 1726-96. Treatise on the decora- AK tive part of civil architecture. 1862. 036 Leeds (Eng.) National exhibition of works of art. 1868. Baines s handbook to the picture galleries. AO4 Leeds, 1868. D. 106 p. L$i Interleaved copy. Reprinted from Leeds Mercury. Official catalogue . . . Leeds, 1868. D. 343 p. i pi. AO4 L$i i Leemans, Koenraad. 1809-. Oude muurschilderingen van de kerk te Bathmen in Overijsel . . . AH492 Amsterdam, 1872. Sq. F. 4 55 + [i] p. n pi. 632 Text in quarto. From Amsterdam (Holland) Koninklijke akademie van Wetenschappen. Verhandelung; afdeeling letterkunde. v. 7. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Leeuwarden (Holland) Provinciaal friesch genoot= schap ter beoefening der friesche geschied=, oud= heid= en taalkunde. Friesche oudheden; afbeeldingen van merkwaardige voorwerpen van wetenschap en kunst gevonden in de archieven, kerken, kas- teelen, terpen . . . van Friesland . . . Leeuwarden, 1875. F. 4 6o+[i] p. 32 pi. Lefebure, Ernest. Broderie et dentelles. Paris [1887]. O. 320 p. ill. (Bibliotheque AN de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) L$2 Lefebure, Eugene. Les hypogees royaux de Thebes. Paris, 1886-89. F- 4 3 pts. AC 252 pi. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique franfaise. Ci2 Memoires. 1886-89. v. 2 and 3, pts. 1-2.) Contents: pt. i. Le tombeau de Seti I., public" avec la collaboration de U. BouriantetV. Loret. pt. 2. Notices des hypogdes, publie"es avec la collaboration de E. Naville et E. Schiaparelli. pt. 3. Tombeau de Ramse s IV. Lefeuve, [Charles]. 1818-73. Les anciennes maisons de Paris sous Napoleon III. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1870-73. D. 5 ser. Contains 85 portraits and 12 plates inserted. Lefevre=Pontalis, Eugene. 1862-. Etude historique et archeologique sur la nef de la cathedrale du AC Mans. (In Revue historique et archeologique du Maine. 1889. 8015 v. 25, p. 25-61. 3 pi.) Monographic de 1 eglise Saint-Maclou de Pontoise. Pontoise, 1888. F. i88+[3] p. ill. iipl. Lefort, Louis. 1824-. Chronologic des peintures des catacombes de Naples. (In Me- AB langes d archeologie et d histoire. 1883, p. 67-79, 183-201.) M48 Lefroy, Wfilliam] Chambers. Ruined abbeys of Yorkshire . . . New edition. AH42 London, 1891. D. 16+296 p. ill. i pi. Y86 Lefuel, [Hector Martin]. 1810-80. See Rouyer, J. E. 1827-. Les appartements prives de S. M. AH44 1 Imperatrice au palais des Tuileries decores par M. Lefuel. 1867. P3I2 Legends of Leicester. 1838. AR42 See Featherstone, Thomas. L53I Leger, Thomas Alfred. See Graimberg, Karl von. Antiquites du chateau de Heidelberg, AH43 dessinees d apres nature, mises en perspective par T. A. Leger. H367 [Pref. 1830.] COLUMBIA COLLEGE 577 Legg, J[ohn] Wickham. On an inventory of the vestry in Westminster abbey, taken in AB 1388. (In Archasologia. v. 52, p. 195-286.) Ar2 Le Glay, A[ndre Joseph Ghislain]. 1785-1863. Recherches sur 1 eglise metropolitaine de Cambrai . . . AH44 Paris, 1825. Q. 10+235 p. 12 pi. Ai4 Legrand, August! n. Feuilles de dessin lineaire base sur la geometric pratique . . . AL2 Paris [1831]. F. 5 54 pi. L52 Legrand, H., continues See Berty, Adolphe. 1818-67. Topographic historique du vieux AH44 Paris. 1866-87. v. 1-2. P288 Legrand, J[acques] Q[uillaume], 1743-1807, and Landon, C. P., 1760-1826. Description de Paris et de ses edifices. AH44 Paris, 1806-09. O. 2 v. in I. 97 pi. map. P28 Le Qros, W. B. Fables and tales suggested by the frescos of Pompeii and Her- AX culaneum . . . London, 1835. Sq. O. 6+[i] + 2i5 p. 24 pi. L52 Le Hericher, Edouard. 1812-. Mont-Saint-Michel, Avranches et Mortain. (In La Normandie AH44 illustree. 1852. v. 2, pt. 6, p. 31-48. 4 pi.) N783 Lehfeldt, Paul. 1848-. Die bau- und kunstdenkmaler des regierungsbezirks Coblenz . . . AH43 Dusseldorf, 1886. O. [8] + 788+[8] p. ill. (Die bau- und kunst- C63 denkmaler der Rheinprovinz. v. I.) Die bau- und kunstdenkmaler Thiiringens . . . AH43 Jena, 1888-91. Q. 12 v. in 5. ill. pi. 742 Contents : v. i. Grossherzogthum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach ; amtsgerichtsbezirk Jena. v. 2-4. Herzogthum Sachsen-Altenburg; Westkreis ; amtsgerichtsbezirke Roda, Kahla, Eisenberg. v. 5. Furstenthum Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt ; Unterherrschaft ; amtsgerichts bezirke Frankenhausen und Schlotheim. v. 6. Herzogthum Sachsen-Meiningen ; amtsgerichtsbezirk Saalfeld. v. 7. Herzogthum Sachsen-Meiningen ; amtsgerichtsbezirke Kranichfeld und Camburg. v. 8. Herzogthum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha ; amtsgerichtsbezirk Gotha. v. 9. Furstenthum Reuss altere linie ; amtsgerichtsbezirke Greiz, Burgk und Zeulenroda. v. 10. Herzogthum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha; amtsgerichtsbezirk Tonna. v. ii. Herzogthum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha ; landrathsamt Waltershausen ; amtsgerichtsbezirke Tenneberg, Thai und Wangenheim. v. 12. Furstenthum Reuss jiingere linie; amtsgerichtsbezirke Schleiz, Loben- stein und Hirschberg. v. 13. Grossherzogthum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach; amtsgerichtsbezirk Allstedt. v. 14. Grossherzogthum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach; amtsgerichtsbezirke Apolda und Buttstadt. 37 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lehfeldt, Paul. 1848-. Die bau- und kunstdenkmaler Thiiringens . . . Contents : v. 15. Herzogthum Sachsen-Meiningen ; amtsgerichtsbezirke Grafenthal und Possneck. v. 16. Grossherzogthum Sachsen- Weimar-Eisenach; amtsgerichtsbezirke Gross- rudestedt und Vieselbach. v. 17. Grossherzogthum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach ; amtsgerichtsbezirke Blan- kenhain und Ilmenau. Die holzbaukunst; vortrage an der Berliner Bauakademie gehalten. A A Berlin, 1880. O. 7+274 p. 96 ill. L52 Lehmann, [Carl Ernst Rudolph] Heinrich [Salem]. 1814-82. Galerie des fetes de 1 Hotel de ville de Paris; peintures murales executees par L. en 1853, detruites par 1 incendie de 1871; 28 planches graves . . . par MM. Levasseur, Danguin, Morse et Du- bouchet. Paris, no date. F. 9 [3] p. 28 pi. Lehmann, Henri. See Lehmann, [Carl Ernst Rudolph] Heinrich [Salem]. 1814-82. Leibig, Carl. Rokokomotive aus schloss Hirschberg fur das kunsthandwerk AK aufgenommen. 2. aufl. Miinchen [1890]. F. 4 [4] p. 20 pi. L53 Rokokomotive nach alten vorbildern fur das kunsthandwerk AK aufgenommen. Neue ser. Miinchen [1890]. F. 4 [4] p. 20 pi. L53 Leibnitz, Heinrich. Die Cisterzienser-abtei Bebenhausen in Schonbuch. (In Heideloff, K. A. von. 1788-1865. Die kunst des mittelalters in Schwaben. 1855. p. 63-80.) Die organisation der gewolbe im christlichen kirchenbau; eine AI kunstgeschichtliche studie. Leipzig, 1855. O. 3+65 p. ill. L53 Leicester, Thomas Coke, earl of, -1759, editor. See Dempster, Thomas. 1579-1625. De Etruria regali libri vii. AR45 1723-24. Et78 Leighton, John M. History of the county of Fife, from the earliest period to the present time, with . . . engravings ... on steel by J. Swan, from original drawings ... by J. Stewart. Glasgow, 1840. Q. 3 v. in i. 38 pi. Select views on the river Clyde, engraved by J. Swan, from drawings by J. Fleming, with historical and descriptive illustra tions by J. M. Leighton . . . Glasgow, 1830. Q. [8] + 168+ [4] p. Leimer, J., Jobst, F., and Jobst, C. Sammlung mittelalterlicher kunstwerke aus Osterreich. 1889. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 579 Leins, C[hristian] F[riedrich] von. 1814- Architekturbild der universitatsstadt Tubingen und ihrer um- gebung. Stuttgart, 1877. F. 55 p. ill. I pi. Festschrift zur feier des 400. jahrigen bestandes der Eberhard-Karls-universitat, Tubingen, am 8-10 August, 1877. Beitrag zur kenntniss der vaterlandischen kirchenbauten . . . [Stuttgart, 1864.] F. 28 p. ill. 7 pi- Read at the dedication of the Stuttgart (Ger.) Polytechnische schule on 3o th Sept. and I st Oct. 1864. Die hoflager und landsitze des wurttembergischen regentenhauses. Stuttgart [1889]. F- 4+107 p. 115 ill. incl. 3 pi. and 10 paged pi. Festschrift zur feier der 25. jahrigen regierung . . . des Konigs Karl von Wlirttemberg. Leipzig und seine bauten; zur 10. wanderversammlung des Verbandes deutscher architekten- und ingenieur-vereine in Leipzig von 28 bis 31 Aug. 1892 . . . Leipzig, 1892. Q. 16+856 p. ill. 21 pi. 2 maps. Karten mappe. Leipzig, 1892. Q. 2 maps. Leipzig (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Spitzen des 16. bis 19. jahrhunderts, ausgewahlt von Prof. M. zur Strassen. Leipzig, 1894. F. 5 2 v. 50 pi. (Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche sammelmappe. 1894. Ser. 4-5.) See Dresden (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Posamente des I6.-I9. jahrhunderts. 1892. Leipzig (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum, editor. See Quentell, Peter. i6 th cent. Musterbuch fur ornamente und stickmuster. [1882.] Leipzig (Ger.) Museum fur volkerkunde. See Uhle, Max. 1856-. Kultur und Industrie sudamerikanischer volker, nach den im besitze des Museums fur volkerkunde zu Leipzig befmdlichen sammlungen von A. Stiibel, W. Reiss und B. Koppel. 1889-90. Leisching, Julius. Der fassadenschmuck . Wien, 1893. O. 5+229 p. ill. Leitner, Quirin, ritter von. Die hervorragendsten kunstwerke der schatzkammer des oster- reichischen kaiserhauses. Wien, 1870-73. Sq. F. 7 6+58 p. 100 pi. Monographic des kaiserlichen lustschlosses Laxenburg . . . unter leitung des . . . oberstkammerers F. grafen Folliot de Crenne- ville . . . Wien, 1878. F. 7 25 + 13 p. ill. 18 pi. AH 4 3 T 79 i AE L53 AH 4 3 W965 AH 43 L53 AH 4 3 L53 AK Or6i AO2 D8i3 AN Q3 AN6 Uh6 AA L53 AM4 L53 AH 43 6 L45 580 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Leitner, Quirin, ritter von. Monographic des kaiserlichen lustschlosses Schonbrunn . . . unter AH436 leitung des . . . oberstkammerers F. grafen Folliot de Crenne- Sch6 ville . . . Wien, 1875. F. 6 [3] +38 p. ill. 4 por. 18 pi. Leitschuh, Franz Friedrich. 1863-. Die familie Preisler und Markus Tuscher; ein beitrag zur ge- AO schichte der kunst im 17. und 18. jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1886. B39 O. 8+85 p. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 3.) Leixner, Otto von. 1847-. Die bildenden kiinste in ihrer geschichtlichen entwicklung bis auf AO die neuzeit. Stuttgart, 1880. O. [5] + 343p. (Frauen-bibliothek; L53 ein cyclus von werken iiber kunst und wissenschaft fur frauen und jungfrauen; ser. I. v. I.) Lejeal, Alfred. 1830-. Recherches historiques sur les manufactures de faience et de AN2 porcelaine de 1 arrondissement de Valenciennes. L53 Valenciennes, 1868. F. [7] + 12+ 142 p. ill. 7 pi. Lejeal, G[ustave], annotator. AH45 See Martini, [Giuseppe]. Les grands edifices de Pise. 1878. P67 Lejeune, Theophile. Retable gothique de 1 eglise paroissiale de Buvrinnes. (In Revue AB de Tart chretien. v. 5, p. 337-351.) R-3 2 4 [Le Jeune de Boullencourt, .] Description generale de 1 Hostel Royal des Invalides etabli par AH44 Louis le Grand dans la plaine de Crenelle pres Paris . . . [Anon.] P227 Paris, 1683. F. 5 [8] + 5ip. 18 pi. Le Keux, Henry, 1788-1868, Pugin, A. N. W., 1811- 1852, and Le Keux, John, i783(?)-i846. AH44 Specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy. 1827. N7i Le Keux, John. 1 783^) -1846. AH42 Collection of 1 06 views of Oxford. F. 5 55 p. 0x27 Mounted in a scrap book. Portfolio, or drawing book of Gothic church architecture of ... AE the 1 4th, 1 5th and i6th centuries ... L53I London, 1858-59. Q. 28 p. 49 pi. Le Keux, John, i783(?)-i846, illustrator. AH42 See Ingram, James. 1774-1850. Memorials of Oxford. 1837. 0x29 See Wright, Thomas, 1810-77, and Jones, Rev. H. L., 1806-70. AH42 Le Keux s memorials of Cambridge. 1841-42. 148 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 581 Le Keux, John, i783(?)-i846, and Neale, J. P. AH42 Views of . . . churches in Great Britain. 1824-25. A83 Le Keux, John, i783(?)-i846, Pugin, A. N. W., 1811- 1852, and Le Keux, Henry, 1788-1868. AH44 Specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy. 1827. Lelewel, Joachim. 1786-1861. Drzwi koscielne P-fockie i Gnieznieriskie z lat 1133, 1155 . . AH438 Poznan, 1857. O. 65 p. 3 pi. P72 Le Long, Izaak, 1683- continuer. See Brouerius van Nidek, Mattheus. 1667-1735. Kabinet van AtLj.92 Nederlandsche en Kleefsche outheden. 1727-33. v. 2-6. A8 Lemaistre, Alexis. 1853-. L ecole des beaux-arts, dessinee et racontee par un eleve. AO Paris, 1889. Nar. Q. 6+407 p. 60 ill. 1.54 Le Maistre d Anstaing, J. -1867. Recherches sur 1 histoire et 1 architecture de 1 eglise cathedrale de AH493 Notre-Dame de Tournai. Tournai, 1842-43. O. 2 v. 4 pi. T64 Le Maistre d Anstaing, J., -1867, and Descamps, H. P. V. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Tournai, dessines par J. B. AH493 Capronnier et mis sur pierre par J. de Keghel. 1848. T64I Lemaitre, A[mand]. 1816-. Le Louvre; monument et musee depuis leurs origines jusqu a nos AH44 jours. Paris, 1877. Q. 5 + [i]+474 p. P244 From Socie"te" fransaise de numismatique et d archdologie. Mdmoires ; section de 1 histoire de 1 art. Lemaitre, Philippe. -1863. Histoire du chateau et de 1 eglise de Montfort-sur-Rille. (In AB Bulletin monumental, v. 21, p. 537-594.) 887 Le Mans (France) Societe historique et archeo= logique du Maine. See Societe historique et archeologique du Maine. Le Menestrier, Claude. -1639. See Menestrier, Claude le. -1639. Le Metayer=Masselin, [Leon]. 1828-. Collection de dalles tumulaires de la Normandie . . . AE8 Paris, 1 86 1. Sq. F. 8+66+1 p. ill. 7 pi. L54 37* 582 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRAR Le Moine, Jean, 1638-1713, Berain, Jean, 1674- 1726, and Chauveau, Francois, 1613-76. AK Ornemens de peinture et de sculpture. 1710. 645 2 Lempertz, Heinrich. Bilder-hefte zur geschichte des biicherhandels und der mit AX demselben verwandten kiinste und gewerbe. L/54 Coin, 1853-65. F. 5 114 p. 65 pi. Le Muet, Pierre. 1591-1669. Maniere de bastirpour touttes sortes de personnes. 2e edition . . . AL2 Paris [1663]. F. 5 75 + [i] p. ill. 31 pi. 1,54 Le Muet, Pierre, 1591-1669, translator. AA See Palladio, Andrea. 1518-80. First book of architecture. 1663. Pi72 Lenail, E[rnest]. 1842-. Architecture de la renaissance; le chateau de Blois, exterieur AH44 et interieur . . . Paris, 1875. F. 5 16 p. 60 pi. 6623 Lencker, Hans. -1585. Perspectiva; in welcher ein leichter weg, allerley ding, es seyen AL2 corpora, gebew, und was miiglich in grund zulegen ist, verzuckt L542 oder unverzuckt, durch gar geringe instrument in die perspectiv zubzingen, gezeiget wirdt . . . Ulm, 1617. Nar. Q. [2o]+45 P- l paged por. I pi. 10 paged pi. Lenihan, Maurice. Limerick; its history and antiquities, ecclesiastical, civil and mill- AR4I5 tary, from the earliest ages . . . L62 Dublin, 1866. O. i5+776+[3] p. 4 pi. I map. Lenoir, Alexandre. 1761-1839. See Lenoir, Marie Alexandre. 1761-1839. Lenoir, [Alexandre] Albert. 1801-. Architecture monastique. Paris, 1852-56. Q. 2 v. ill. 4 pi. AE (Collection de documents inedits sur 1 histoire de France.) L54 Influence de 1 architecture byzantine dans toute la chretiente. AB (In Annales archeologiques. v. 12, p. 177-185,209-218.) An7 Statistique monumentale de Paris . . . Paris, 1867. Q. 10+286 p. AH44 and Atlas, F. 7 2 v. 268 pi. (Collection de documents inedits sur P2i8 1 histoire de France.) See France Comite historique des arts et monuments. Instruc- AE7 tions; architecture militaire au moyen-age, par P. Merimee et F85 A. Lenoir. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 583 Lenoir, Marie Alexandra. 1761-1839. Histoire de la peinture sur verre et description des vitraux anciens AR44 et modernes, ornee de gravures, notament de celles de la fable de A4 Cupidon et Psyche d apres les dessins de Raphael. Paris, 1803. O. 130 p. 54 pi. (In his Musee des monumens fran9ais. 1800- 1806. v. 4, pt. i.) Musee des monumens franfais; ou, Description historique et AR44 chronologique des statues en marbre et en bronze . . . des homines A4 et des femmes celebres, pour servir a 1 histoire de France et a celle de Tart . . . augmentee d une dissertation sur les costumes de chaque siecle . . . Paris, 1800-06. O. 5 v. in 6. 270 pi. No more published. Museum of French monuments; or, An historical . . . description AR44 of the monuments in marble, bronze and bas-relief collected in the Ai4 museum at Paris . . . tr. from the French by J. Griffiths . . . Paris, 1803. Q. v. I. 247 p. 43 pi. No more published. Parallele des anciens monuments mexicains avec ceux de 1 Egypte, AR72 de 1 Inde et de reste de 1 ancien monde. Paris, 1844. F. 6 82 p. Ai (In Dupaix, G. Antiquites mexicaines. 1834-44.) Traite historique de la peinture sur verre. (In Musee des monu- AE8 mens fran9ais. Description historique. [i797-] P- [2 19]- 240.) See Lavallee=Poussin, Etienne de. 174093. Neue sammlung AK von arabesken zur verzierung der zimmer, nebst einem historischen L38 versuche iiber die arabesken-malerei, und einer erklarenden iiber- sicht der kupfer von A. Le Noir. 1810. Lenormant, Ch[arles], 1802-59, and Witte, J. J. A. M., baron de, 1808-89. Elite des monuments ceramographiques, materiaux pour 1 histoire AN2 des religions et des mceurs de 1 antiquite. L54 Paris, 1844-61. F. 4 4 v. ill. 469 pi. Lenormant, Francois. 1837-83. De 1 authenticite des monuments decouverts a la chapelle Saint- AR44 Eloi . . . Paris, 1855. O. 32 p. i pi. A8 From Le Correspondant. Sept. 1855. La monnaie dans 1 antiquite; lecons professees dans la chaire AMi d archeologie pres la Bibliotheque nationale en 1875-77. L54i Paris, 1878-79. O. 3 v. Monographic de la voie sacree eleusinienne de ses monuments et AR495 de ses souvenirs. Paris, 1864. O. v. i. 564 p. map. El2i No. 230 of 300 copies printed. No more published. Monuments de la peinture et de la sculpture. Paris, 1867-68. Q. AO 4 v. (Chefs d ceuvre de 1 art antique. 1867-68. Ser. 2.) C4I 584 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lenormant, Francois. 1837-83. Recherches archeologiques a Eleusis, executees dans le cours de . . . 1860 sous les auspices des ministeres de 1 instruction publique et d etat; recueil des inscriptions. Paris, 1862. O. [5] +420 p. ill. See Lecuyer, Camille. 1830-. Collection: Terra cuites antiques AO8 trouvees en Grece et en Asie-Mineure; notices de F. Lenormant. 243 1882-85. Lenormant, Franfois, 1837-83, editor. AB See Gazette archeologique. v. 1-8. 025 Lens, Andreas [Cornells]. 1739-1822. Das kostum der meisten volker des alterthums . . . aus dem AN4 franzosischen iibersezt . . . von G. H. Martini. L54 Dresden, 1784. Q. 72+482 p. 57 pi. Lentheric, Charles [Pierre Marie]. 1837-. La Grece et 1 Orient en Provence, Aries, le Bas Rhone, Marseille. AR44 Paris, 1878. D. 493 p. i pi. 6 maps. P94I La Provence maritime, ancienne et moderne . . . AR44 Paris, 1880. D. 540 p. I pi. 8 maps. P94 La region du Bas-Rhone. Paris, 1881. D. 304 p. AR44 L9QI La Venus de Nimes . . . Avignon, 1880. D. 24+ [i] p. A08 L54 Les villes mortes du golfe de Lyon; Illiberris, Ruscino, Narbon, AR44 Agde, Maguelone, Aiguesmortes, Aries, les Saintes- Maries . . . L99 Paris, 1876. D. 524 p. 9 pi. 6 maps. Leonce, , and Mallet, . Plantes et oiseaux, etudes d apres nature. AK Paris, no date. F. 5 16 pi. L555 Leoni, Michele. I principali monumenti innalzati dal 1814 . . . 1823 da la Prin- AH44 cipessa Maria Luigia, duchessa di Parma, ora pubblicati da P. P42I Toschi, A. Isac e N. Bettoli. Parma, 1824. F. 6 [u]+4 p. 2 pi. Leostello, Joampiero. Effemeridi delle cose fatte per il Duca di Calabria. (1484-91.) AO Q. 79+419 p. i pi. I facsim. (In Filangieri, Gaetano, ed. Doc- F47 umenti. 1883-91. v. i.) Lepage, P. Le leggi sugli edifizi, giusta le teorie del codice Napoleone e di AI procedura. Prima versione italiana. Milano [1810]. D. 3 v. in 4. L55 1 Lois des batimens; ou, Le nouveau Desgodets ... AI Paris, 1821. O. 2 v. in i. L55 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 585 Le Pautre, Jean. 1617-82. Collection . . . [de ses] plus belles compositions, gravee par De- AK cloux et Doury. Paris [1854]. F. 5 [4] p. 100 pi. L55 CEuvres d architecture . . . Paris, 1751. F. 3 v. 787 pi. AA L55 [Le Pautre, Pierre. 1659-1744.] Les plans, profils et elevations des ville et chateau de Versailles, AH44 avec les bosquets et fontaines tels qu ils sont a present . . . [Anon.] V6i5 Paris [1716]. F. 6 [3] p. Lepic, Ludpvic [Napoleon], comte. 1839- AH62 La derniere Egypte . . . Paris, 1884. Nar. Q. 8+315 p. ill. I por. A8 Le Preux, E. F. AL 2 Un album d architecte . . . Paris, 1874. Nar. Q. 48 p. ill. 70 pi. L$5 Le Preux, E. F., editor. AB See Paris architecte; revue mensuelle. 186569. P2i Le Prince, J[ean] B[aptiste]. 1733-81. Divers ajustements et usages de Russie . . . dessines en Russie AN4 d apres nature et graves a 1 eau forte par J. B. Le Prince. L55 [Paris(?), 1761-75.] F. 70 pi. Engraved title-page. Lepsius, [Carl] Richard. 1810-84. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia and the peninsula of Sinai in ... AR62 1842-1845 . . . ed. with notes by K. R. H. Mackenzie. A3 3 London, 1852. O. 16+455 P- iH- 2 pi- ma P- Lepsius, [Carl] Richard, 1810-84, editor. Denkmaeler aus Agypten und Athiopien . . . [Vorlaufige nach- AR62 richt] Berlin, 1849. Sq. F. 36 p. A36i Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, nach den zeich- AR62 nungen . . . der ... in 1842-45 ausgefiihrten wissenschaftlichen A36 expedition. . . Berlin [1849-59]. F. 8 12 v. 894 pi. maps. Contents: 1-2. Topographic und architectur. 145 pi. 3-4. Denkmaeler des alten reichs. 153 pi. 5-8. Denkmaeler des neuen reichs. 304 pi. 9. Denkmaeler aus der zeit der griechischen und roemischen herrschaft. 90 pi. 10. Aethiopische denkmaeler. 75 pi. 11-12. Inschriften, mit Ausschluss der hieroglyphischen. 127 pi. Leris, Q. de. -1889. L habitation americaine. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 3, AB p. 206-; v. 4, p. 33-38, 116-123. ill.) R32 Leroux de Lincy, [Adrien Jean Victor]. 1806-69. Histoire de 1 eglise et de la paroisse Saint-Eustache. (In Calliat, AH44 Victor. 1801-81. Eglise Saint-Eustache a Paris. 1850. p. 1-32.) P226 Histoire de l H6tel-de-Ville de Paris. (In Calliat, Victor. Hotel- AH44 de-Ville de Paris. 1846. p. 1-196.) P2I9 586 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Leroux de Lincy, Adrien Jean Victor, 1806-69, editor. See Guillebert de Metz, 15^1 cent. Description de la ville de AH44 Paris au 156 siecle. 1804. P348 Leroux de Lincy, [Adrien Jean Victor], 1806-69, and Tisserand, L. M., 1822-, compilers. Paris et ses historiens aux 146 et 15^ siecles; documents et ecrits AR44 originaux . . . Paris, 1867. F. 36+662 + [3] p. ill. 13 pi. 25 P2i facsim. (Histoire generale de Paris.) Leroy, C[harles] F[rancois] A[ntoine] . i ;8o(?) -i 854. Traite de stereotomie, comprenant les applications de la geometric AL2 descriptive a la theorie des ombres, la perspective lineaire, la gno- L-56 monique, la coupe des pierres et la charpente . . . Deuxieme edition . . . par E. Martelet Paris, 1857. Q- 16+424 p. and Atlas, F. 5 74 pi. Le Roy, Jacques, baron. 1633-1719. Brabantia illustrata, continens accuratissimam omnium castellorum AH493 et praetoriorum nobilium Brabantiae . . . descriptionem . . . 672 Ley den, 1705. F. 5 [6] + 142 f. ill. 3 maps. Title-page and text in Latin, French, and Dutch. L erection de toutes les terres, seigneuries et families titrees du AH493 Brabant. [6] + io8 p. ill. 2 maps. (In his Brabantia ill. 1705.) 672 Le Roy, [Julien David]. 1728-1803. Les ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece ... 2e ed. . . AR495 augmentee. Paris, 1770. F. 6 2 v. in I. 58 pi. 3 maps. Ail Lersch, [Johann Heinrich] Laurenz. 1811-49. Apollon, der heilspender; iibersilberte erzstatuette des museums AP der Gesellschaft fur niitzliche forschungen zu Trier. W723 Bonn, 1848. Q. 22+1 p. i pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1847. Das Coiner mosaik . . . [Anon.] Bonn, 1846. O. 24 p. i pi. AP W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1845. Das sogenannte schwert des Tiberius, ein romischer ehrendegen AP aus der zeit dieses kaisers, im besitze des . . . kunsthandlers Josef W723 Gold in Maynz . . . [Anon.] Bonn, 1849. Q. 28 p. i pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1848. Lescure, [Mathurin Franfois Adolphe] de. 1833-. Le Chateau de la Malmaison, histoire, description, catalogue des AH44 objets exposes sous les auspices de . . . ITmperatrice. M29 Paris [1867]. D. 6+287+[i] p. 4 pi- Les Palais de Trianon; histoire, description, catalogue des objets AH44 exposes sous les auspices de . . . I lmperatrice. V6n Paris [1867]. D. 7+246+[i] p. 6 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 587 Lesecq, - . Fragments d architecture et sculpture de la cathedrale de Char- AH44 tres. Bruxelles, no date. F. 5 26 pi. Leslie, George D[unlop]. 1835-. . . . Our river; personal reminiscences of an artist s life on the AH42 river Thames ... 2d ed. London, 1888. O. i7 + 26op. ill. i6pl. T325 Lessing, Julius. 1843-. Philipp Hainhofer und der Pommersche kunstschrank. (In Jahr- AB buch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 4, p. 318; Ji92 v. S, P- 42-56, I45-I47-) Das speisezimmer und andere festgaben dargebracht dem Kron- AK prinzen und der Kronprinzessin des deutschen reiches . . . bei L56 der feier der silberhochzeit am 25 Jan. 1883, angefertigt unter mitwirkung des Konigl. kunstgewerbe-museums zu Berlin. Berlin, 1886. F. 6 [j]+6 p. 30 pi. See Berlin (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Vorbilder-hefte, AO2 hrsg. und mit text von J. Lessing. 1888-91. 645 2 See Brenci, Q. Majolika-fliesen aus Siena 1500-1550, text von AJ2 J. Lessing. 1884. 675 Lessing, Julius, 1843- compiler. See Berlin (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Holzschnitzereien AM5 des 15. und 16. jahrhunderts im Kunstgewerbe-museum zu 645 Berlin. 1882. Lessing, Julius, 1843- an d Mau, August. Wand- und deckenschmuck eines romischen hauses aus der zeit AM6 des Augustus, hrsg. vom Kaiserlich deutschen archaologischen L562 institut, mit erlauterungen. Berlin, 1891. F. 7 14 p. 16 pi. Lessing, Otto. 1846-. Ausgefiihrte bauornamente Berlins; sammlung hervorragender AH43 ornamentausfuhrungen der bedeutendsten architekten, bildhauer 645 und maler Berlins. Berlin, 1880. F. 5 100 pi. Ausgefiihrte bauornamente der neuzeit ; sammlung hervorragen- AH43 der ornamentausfuhrungen der . . . architekten und bildhauer in A6i Deutschland und Osterreich. Berlin, 1884-90. F. 5 2 v. 200 pi. Lessing, Otto, 1846-, editor. Schloss Ansbach; barock- und roccoco-dekorationen aus dem 18. AH43 jahrhundert, mit erlauterndem vorwort. An8 Berlin [1892]. F. 6 [7] p. 100 pi. - Supplement. Berlin [1893]. F. 6 [3] p. 20 pi. 588 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lesueur, [Jean Baptiste Ciceron]. 1794-1883. La basilique Ulpienne, Rome; restauration executee en 1823. AH45 Paris, 1877. F. 7 7 p. 6 pi. (In Restaurations des monuments R686 antiques, v. 2.) Histoire et theorie de 1 architecture. AF Paris, 1879. Nar. Q. 527 p. ill. 2 pi. L$6 Letarouilly, Paul [Marie]. 1795-1855. Edifices de Rome moderne; ou, Recueil des palais . . . eglises . . . AH45 et autres monuments . . . les plus remarquables de la ville de R682 Rome . . . Paris, 1868-74. Q. 27+770 p. ill. and Atlas, F. 6 3 v. por. 354 pi. map. Continued by Heinrich Strack s Baudenkmaler Roms des 15. -19. jahrhunderts. Le Vatican et la basilique de Saint- Pierre de Rome, monographic AH45 mise en ordre et completee par A. Simil. R683 Paris, 1882. F. 7 3 v. 264 pi. Leth, Hendrik de. i8* h cent. Het zegenpralent Kennemerlant, vertoont in veele heerelyke ge- AH4Q2 zichten van deszelfs voornaemste lustplaetzen, adelyke huizen, Ai6 dorp- en stedegebouwen ... en kortelyk beschreven door M. Brouerius van Nidek. Amsterdam, 1735. F. 4 2 v. in 1.50 pi. map. Lethaby, W[illiam] R[ichard]. Architecture, mysticism and myth . . . AF New York, 1892. D. 10+272 p. ill. i pi. L$6i Leadwork, old and ornamental, and for the most part English. AM2 London, 1893. D. 8+148 p. ill. L56 Lethieullier, Smart. 1701-60. Description de la tapisserie conservee a la cathedrale de Bayeux AH44 . . . tr. . . par A. L. Lechaude-d Anisy. Caen, 1824. O. p. 325- A53 404. 8 pi. (In Ducarel, A. C. Antiquites anglo-normandes. 1823.) Letronne, Jean Antoine. 1787-1848. Lettres d un antiquaire a un artiste sur 1 emploi de la peinture AM6 historique murale dans la decoration des temples et des autres L56 edifices . . . chez les Grecs et les Remains . . . Paris, 1835. O. 16+524 p. Appendice. Paris, 1837. O- 16+136 p. Lettre adressee a madame la Comtesse de * * *. 1 845. AN6 See [Courtois, ]. 42 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 589 Leutz, Ludwig. Die gothischen wandgemalde in der burgkapelle zu Zwingenberg AH43 am Neckar; ein beitrag zur vaterlandischen kunstgeschichte. Zc)i Karlsruhe, 1886. Nar. Q. [3] +40 p. 7 pi. Die wandgemalde in der burgkapelle zu Zwingenberg a/N, hrsg. von A. von Ochelhauser. Darmstadt, 1893. F. 4 32 p. 36 pi. (Kraus, F. X., and Ochelhauser, Adolf von, ed. Die mittelalter- lichen wandgemalde im grossherzogthum Baden. 1893. v. I.) Leval, Andre. Catalogue explicatif des principales mosai ques, peintures et sculp- AH496 tures existant a Kahrie-Djami a Constantinople et photographiees C/6/ par P. Sebah. Constantinople, 1886. Sq. F. 4 14 p. 54 phot. The text, in octavo, mentions only 41 plates. Levati, Carlo Ambrogio, 1790-1841, translator. See [Artaud de Montor, A. F. 1772-1849]. Viaggio nelle cata- AR45 combe di Roma. 1835. R688i Leveil, J[ean] Afrnoud]. 1806-66. Vignole; traite elementaire pratique d architecture; ou, Etude des A A cinq ordres d apres Jacques Barozzio de Vignole . . . planches . . . V68i gravees sur acier par Hibon. Nouv. ed. Paris, no date. Q. 72 p. Leveil, Jean Arnoud, 1806-66, Adams, Q. L., -1864, and Leblan, H. E., 1819-. Recueil des maisons modernes executees a Paris par Delalande, AH44 Dauvin . . . 1858. P246 L Eveille, C[harles] Stanislas. Considerations sur les frontons, avec une methode generale pour AA determiner les proportions de cette partie des edifices ... L$7 Paris, 1824. Nar. Q. 19 p. 2 pi. Etudes d ombres a 1 usage des ecoles d architecture . . . AL2 Paris, 1812. Q. 46 p. ill. 15 pi. L$7 [Levesque de Qravelle, Michel Philippe. -1752.] Recueil de pierres gravees antiques. [Anon.] AX Paris, 1732-37. Nar. Q. 2 v. in I. 205 pi. L57 Levezow, Jakob Andreas Konrad, 1770-1835, compiler. See Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Verzeichniss der antiken denkmaler AN2 im antiquarium des museums . . . von Konrad Levezow . . . 1834. 6454 Levi, Cesare Augusto. 1856-. L antico palazzo dell archivio ridotto ora a museo dell Estuario AP in Torcello; i, La piazza die Torcello; 2, II vecchio archivio; 3, II Z4 nuovo museo. Venezia, 1839. O. 41 p. 2 pi. 590 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Levshin, Aleksei [Iraklievich], Progulki Ruskavo v Pompei: [Rambles of a Russian in Pompeii]. AR45 Sanktpeterburg, 1843. O. [6J + 5 + 232 p. ill. 14 pi. P;88 Levy, Edmond. Histoire de la peinture sur verre en Europe et particulierement en AM/ Belgique, avec planches par J. B. Capronnier ... L57 Bruxelles, 1860. Sq. F. [6]+272+[2io] p. 37 pi. Lewes, Vivian B. Illuminants and ventilation. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 77-88.) R8i [Lewin, Stephen.] Lincolnshire churches; an account of the churches in the division of Holland in the county of Lincoln. [Anon.] Boston [Eng.], 1843. O. various paging, ill. 67 pi. Lewin, Thomas. 1805-77. AB The mosque of Omar. (In Archaeologia. v. 41, p. 135150. i pi.) Ar2 Observations on the probable sites of the Jewish temple and An- AB tonia, and the Acra . . . (In Archaeologia. v. 44, p. 17-62. I pi.) Ar2 On the position of the Portus Lemanis of the Romans. (In Archae- AB ologia. v. 40, p. 361-374. I pi.) Ar2 Sketch of British and Roman London. (In Archaeologia. v. 40, AB p. 59-70.) Ar2 Lewis, George R[obert]. 1782-1871. Ancient church of Shobdon, Herefordshire, illustrated and de scribed . . . London, 1852. F. 4 [3] +8 p. 20 pi. Illustrations of Kilpeck church, Herefordshire . . . with an essay On ecclesiastical design . . . London, 1842. F. 8+ 18+40 p. 28 pi. Lewis, James, architect. Original designs in architecture . . . AL2 London, 1797. F. 6 2 v. in I. 63 pi. L58 Vol. i. z d edition. Lewis, John Frederick]. 1805-76. Illustrations of Constantinople made ... in ... 1835-6 . . . from the original sketches by Coke Smyth. London [1838]. F. 6 [4] p. 28 pi. Lewis, T[homas] Hayter. 1818-. Fire-proof materials and construction. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1864-65. p. 109-126.) R8i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 591 Lewis, T[homas] Hayter. 1818-. Notes made during tours in Greece, 1881 and 1884. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. v. 3, R8i p. 81-102. 2 pi.) On the construction of domes. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1858-59. p. in-n8.) R8i Some remarks on color and colored decorations. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Papers. 1862-63. p. 15-31.) R8i Some remarks on domes. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Papers. 1856-57. p. 139-149.) R8i Lewis, T[homas] Hayter, 1818- and Clarke, C. P. Persian architecture and construction. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1 880-81. p. 161-174.) R8l Lewthwaite, Rev. George. 1818-. Adel: its Norman church . . . and other earlier antiquities. (In AC Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 9, As7 p. 203-221. 4 pi.) Lexer, Matthias von, 1830-, editor. See Tucher, Endres. 1423-1507. Baumeisterbuch der stadt AH43 Niirnberg, 1464-1475. 1862. N93 Leybold, Ludwig. Das rathhaus der stadt Augsburg, erbaut 1615 bis 1620 von Elias AH43 Roll, mit kurzem historischen text von A. Buff. Au4 Berlin [1886-88]. F. 5 [9] p. 93 pi. Leybold, Ludwig, editor. See Augsburg (Ger.) Schwabische kreisausstellung. 1886. AO4 Meisterwerke schwabischer kunst aus der Kunsthistorischen ab- Au4 theilung der Kreisausstellung. 1886. Leyden (Holland) museum. Choix de vases peints du musee, pub. et commentes par J. Roulez. AN2 Gand, 1854. F. 5 8+92 p. 20 pi. L59 See Janssen, L. J. F. De etrurische grafreliefs uit het museum AE8 van oudheden te Leyden. 1854. J26 See Janssen, L. J. F. Grieksche en romeinsche beelden en beeld- AO8 werken uit het museum van oudheden te Leyden. 1849. J 2 ^ See Janssen, L. J. F. Terra-cotta s uit het museum van oudheden AO8 te Leiden. 1862. J26 Lhuillier, Leon. Notice historique. (In Palustre, Leon. 1838-. Monographic de AH44 1 eglise Saint-Clement de Tours. 1887. p. 1-83.) T64I 592 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lhuillier, Th. L ancien chateau royal de Montceaux en Brie. AR44 Paris, 1885. O. 40 p. 2 pi. Z La tapisserie dans la Brie et le Gatinais. AM8 Paris, 1885. O. [3]+3i P- Z Lhuyd, Edward. 1660-1709. De fluviorum, montium, urbium, etc., in Britannia nominibus AR42 adversaria posthuma. (In Baxter, William. Glossarium antiqui- A28 tatum Britannicarum. 1733. p. 259-277.) Libieratos, Eustathios. Alterthumer von der Insel Kephalenia . . . AP Erlangen, 1880. O. [3] +38 p. Z4 Doctor s dissertation at Erlangen (Ger.) university. Liceti, Fortunio. 1577-1657. De lucernis antiquorum reconditis libb. sex . . . AJ Utini, 1652. F. 30+1280+56 col. [15+640+28 p.] ill. 13 L6i paged pi. Licht, Hugo. 1845-. Die architectur Berlins; sammlung hervorragender bauten der letzten zehn jahre. Berlin [1877]. F. 5 8+16 p. 100 pi. Architektur Deutschlands; {ibersicht der hervorragendsten bau- ausfiihrungen der neuzeit, mit text von A. Rosenberg. Berlin, 1882. F. 5 2 v. 200 pi. Lichtenberg, Reinhold, freiherr von. 1865-. Zur entwickelungsgeschichte der landschaftsmalerei bei den Nie- AO derlandern und Deutschen im 16. jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1892. 639 O. [6] + i32p. 8 pi. (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 1 8.) Lichtwark, Alfred. Das ornament der kleinmeister. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich AB preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 5, p. 78 99.) J J 9 2 Liebenau, Hermann von. 1807-74. Die Winkelriede von Stans bis auf Arnold Winkelried . . . (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853-56. An8 p. 29-63.) Liebenau, Theodor von. 1840-. See Aarau (Switz.) Aargauische museum fur kunst und ge- AB werbe. Die glasgemalde der ehemaligen Benediktiner abtei Muri, V88 mit text von T. von Liebenau. (In Volkerschau. 1888-. v. 1-3. 30 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 593 Liebhaber=bibliothek alter illustratoren in facsimile- reproduction. Miinchen, 1 880-81. O. 3 v. Vol.i. AMMAN, J. iS39(?)-9i. Im frauwenzimmer wirt vermeldt von kleidun- gen. [1880.] 2. AMMAN, J. i^g(7)-gi. Kiinstliche figuren in ein new kartenpiel. [1880.] 3. AMMAN, J. i^gC?)-gi. Wapen und stammbuch. 1881. Lieblein, Jacob, Durm, Josef, Reinhardt, Robert, and Wagner, Heinrich. Baulichkeiten fur den sport. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1885. 4. thl. 4. bd., p. 351-444. ill. 12 paged pi.) Lieblein, J[ens Daniel Carolus], 1827-. Die agyptischen denkmaler in St. Petersburg, Helsingfors, Upsala AR62 und Copenhagen. A24 Christiania, 1873. Q. [3] + 82 p. ill. 35 facsim. Christiania (Norway) university. Programm. Liebold, B. Die mittelalterliche holzarchitektur im ehemaligen Niedersach- AH43 sen . . . SaQ4 Halle a. d. S., 1874. O. 36 p. ill. and Atlas, Obi. F. 4 14 pi. Ziegelrohbau . . . 3. aufl. Holzminden, 1891. D. [9]-fi62p. ill. AJ2 (Taschenbuch fur bauhandwerker. v. I.) L62 Liebold, H. Die mittelalterliche holzarchitektur. See Liebold, B. Die mittel- AH43 alterliche holzarchitektur. 1874. Sa94 Liederwald, Adolf, editor. See Antwerp (Belgium) Exposition. 1885. Antwerpen und AO4 die weltausstellung, 1885, von R- Corneli. 1887. An8 Liege (Belgium) Exposition de Tart ancien au pays de Liege. L art ancien au pays de Liege. ANi Liege, no date. F. 5 [11] p. 20 pi. L62I Meisterstiicke der kunst-tischlerei zumeist aus dem 17. und 18. ANi jahrhundert. Serie I.-2. Berlin [1886-90]. F. 5 2v.ini. 60 pi. L62 Liege (Belgium) Societe d art et d histoire du dio= cese de Liege. AC See Societe d art et d histoire du diocese de Liege. 8032 Lienard, - . Portefeuille, motifs inedits applicables aux arts industriels et AK somptuaires . . . mis en order par P. Lienard et A. Doussamy . . . L622 Paris, Liege [printed, 1879]. F. 5 125 pi. 38 594 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lienard, Felix. 1812-. Archeologie de la Meuse; description des voies anciennes et des AR44 monuments aux epoques celtique et gallo-romaine. ^-57 Verdun, 1881-85. F. 4 3 v. 122 pi. 2 maps. Contents: v. i. Partie sud. v. 2. Partie centrale. v. 3. Partie nord. Published by Verdun (France) Socie te philomathique. Lienard, [Michel]. AK Livre d ornements. Liege, 1872. F. 5 [6] +4 p. 125 pi. L62 Published also with German title Specimen der decoration und ornamentik im 19. jahr- hundert. Specimens de la decoration et d ornementation au 19 siecle. See, AK above, Livre d ornements. 1872. L62 Lienard, P., editor. See Lienard, . Portefeuille, motifs inedits applicables aux AK arts industriels et somptuaires. [1879.] L622 Lievre, A[uguste] F[rancois], 1828-. Monuments: La Pierre-Levee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 71-72. ill.) Lievre, Edouard. 1829-. Les collections celebres d ceuvres d art, dessinees et gravees d apres les originaux; textes historiques et descriptifs par F. de Saulcy . . . Paris, 1866. F. 5 [100] p. 50 pi. Musee graphique pour 1 etude de 1 art dans toutes ses applications. Paris [1880-83]. F- 7 2 v. 100 pi. Works of art in the collections of England . . . London, Paris [printed, 1873]. F. 6 Unpaged. 50 pi. f Lievre, Edouard, 1829-, editor. See Bibliotheque des beaux-arts. Liger, F[ranois Joseph], 1819-. La ferronnerie, ancienne et moderne; ou, Monographic du fer et AM2 de la serrurerie. Paris, 1873-75. O. 2 v. ill. 72 pi. L62 Lightbody, Francis, Eyland, E. S., and Burn, R. S. Working drawings and designs in architecture and building, with AA essays on various subjects. [1863.] Ey4 Lightly, William. On the principles to be observed, and the processes employed, in AC the decoration of churches. (In Royal institute of British archi- R8l tects. Papers. 1862-63, p. 243-260.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE Ligorio, Pirro, i53o(?)-8o(?). See Bouchet, J. F. 1799-1860. La Villa Pia des jardins du AH45 Vatican, architecture de Pirro Ligorio. 1837. R-73 2 Lilienfeld, C. J. Die antike kunst . . . mit besonderen abhandlungen versehen iiber AO die architektur und polychromie der alten . . . L62 Magdeburg, 1875. O. io+[i] + i84p. ill. Die limburger chronik des Johannes. See Fasti Limburgenses. (In Verein fur Nassauische alterthums- AC kunde und geschichtsforschung. Annalen. 1860. v. 6. pt. 3.) V58 Limoges (France) Exposition. 1886. L orfevrerie et les emaux d orfevre a 1 Exposition par L. Guibert. AM4 Limoges, 1888. O. 62 p. 2 pi. L62 Limoges (France) Musee national Adrien Du= bouche. . . . Catalogue de la collection Gasnault, avec une introduction AO2 [et] des notes . . . par E. Gamier. L932 Paris, 1881. Nar. Q. 29+321 + 0] p. Limoges (France) Societe archeologique et histo= rique du Limousin. AC See Societe archeologique et historique du Limousin. So33 Linant de Bellefonds, Maurice Adolphe, 1800-83, and Laborde, L. E. S. J., marquis de, 1807-69. AR53 Voyage de 1 Arabic Petree. 1830. Ai Linas, Charles de. 1812-. Anciens vetements sacerdotaux et anciens tissus conserves en AB France. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 3.) R-324 Aumonieres tirees de la collection de M. Oudet, architecte a Bar- AB le-Duc. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 4.) A324 Le calice de Saint Eloi a 1 abbaye de Chelles. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 8.) R324 Les casques de Falaise et d Amfreville (Normandie). (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. 12, p. 445-480, 525-575.) R324 Les expositions retrospectives de Bruxelles, de Dusseldorf et de AB 1 Union centrale des beaux-arts a Paris. (In Revue de 1 art chre- R324 tien. v. 30, p. 257-322; v. 31, p. 39-140, 276-319. 5 pi.) L histoire du travail a 1 Exposition universelle de 1867. (In Revue AB de 1 art chretien. v. n.) K_3 2 4 596 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Linas, Charles de. 1812-. CEuvres de Limoges conservees a 1 etranger et documents relatifs AO a I emaillerie limousine; lettre a Ernest Rupin. L63 Paris, 1885. O. 84+ [3] p. ill. Orfevrerie merovingienne; les ceuvres de Saint Eloi et la verroterie AM4 cloisonnee. Paris, 1864. Nar. Q. 131 + [3] p. 9 pi. L63 Les origines de 1 orfevrerie cloisonnee. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 19-25. 20 pi.) R-324 Les origines de 1 orfevrerie cloisonnee; recherches sur les divers AM4 genres d incrustation, la joaillerie et Fart des metaux precieux. L63I Arras, 1877-87. Nar. Q. 3 v. ill. 118 pi. No. in of 500 copies printed. Pontificalia de St. Louis d Anjou, eveque de Toulouse, conserves AB a Brignoles. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 4, 5.) R3 2 4 Les sandales et les has. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 6-7.) AB R-324 Lincolnshire architectural society, publisher. Architectural description of Saint Leonard s church, Kirkstead . . . Oxford, 1846. F. 4 i9+[i] p- ill. 8 pi. Lincolnshire churches. 1843. See [Lewin, Stephen]. Lincy, Adrien Jean Victor Leroux de. 1806-69. See Leroux de Lincy, Adrien Jean Victor. 1806-69. Linde, Peter Adolf. Die Porta Nigra und das Capitolium der Treviris. AP Trier, 1852. O. 63 p. i pi. Z4 Lindemann=Frommel, Karl August, 1819- illustrator. See Frommel, Karl. 1789-1863. Vues de la ville et du chateau AH43 de Heidelberg. [1843.] H369 Lindenschmit, Heinrich. Schliemann s ausgrabungen in Troja und Mykenae; vortrag ge- AP halten im Vereine zur erforschung rheinischer geschichte und Z2 alterthumer. Mainz, 1878. O. 38 p. Lindenschmit, L[udwig]. 1809-. Handbuch der deutschen alterthumskunde; iibersicht der denk- AR43 male und graberfunde fruhgeschichtlicher und vorgeschichtlicher A2 zeit. Braunschweig, 1880. O. v. I. ill. 37 pi. Vol. i. Die alterthumer der merovingischen zeit. Lindenschmit, Ludwig, 1809-, editor. See Mentz (Ger.) Romisch-germanisches central museum. Die AR43 alterthumer unserer heidnischen vorzeit. 1858-81. A6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 597 Lindheimer, Otto. Turnanstalten. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1889. 4. thl. A A 6. bd. hft. i., p. 289-311. ill. 4 paged pi.) Hi9 Lindley, Percy, editor. Holidays in England by the cathedral cities, the Tennyson and AH42 Dickens country, and the homes of the pilgrim fathers. A 128 New York, London [printed, 189-]. Obi. Tt. 97 p. ill. 4 pi. map. Lindsay, John. View of the history and coinage of the Parthians, with . . . cata- AMi logues and tables ... of coins . . . L64 Cork, 1852. Q. 7+250+[i] p. 12 pi. Linfoot, Benjamin. Architectural picture making with pen and ink. Philadelphia, AL2 1884. Obi. F. 24 p. 32 pi. ("Old Ebor" folios. v. I.) L64 Linn, W[illiam] A., Sturgis, R., 1848-, and others. AE2 Homes in city and country. 1893. St9 Linnig, J[oseph]. Album historique de la ville d Anvers; collection de vues et de AH493 monuments des temps passes, dessins d apres nature et graves sur cuivre, avec notices historiques par F. H. Mertens. Anvers, 1868. F. [3] +6+ 126 p. 60 pi. Linperch, Pieter. Architectura mechanica; of, Moole-boek van eenige opstallen van moolens, nevens hare gronden. Amsterdam, 1727. F. 5 [10] p. 32 pi. Lippmann, F[riedrich]. Der italienische holzschnitt im 15. jahrhundert. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 3, p. 3-13, 167-189; v. 5, p. 3-26, 179-207, 305-327-) Lippmann, Maurice. L art dans 1 armure et dans les armes. (In Revue des arts decora- tifs. v. 8, p. 10-13, 48-54. 140-148, 330-344-) Lips, Joest. 1547-1606. Polioreticon; sive, De machinis, tormentis, telis libri quinqve. Antverpiae, Moretus, 1596. O. [i5]+267+[6] p. Lipsius, Justus. 1547-1606. See Lips, Joest. 1547-1606. Litchfield, Frederick. Illustrated history of furniture from the earliest to the present time. 2d ed. London, 1892. Nar. Q. 18+282 p. ill. 78 pi. Littmann, - , and Heilmann, - -. Familienhauser-colonie. Nymphenburg-Gern. 1892. 38* AE3 L64 AB Ji92 AB AE7 L66 ANi Lyi AE2 H36 598 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Liverpool art club. Catalogue of loan collection of fans. 1877. See [Audsley, Q. A. 1838-]. Summer exhibition. 1875. See [Audsley, Q. A. 1838-]. Descriptive catalogue of art works in Japanese lacquer. 1875. Liverpool (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of mediaeval and later antiquities contained in the Mayer museum, including the Mather collection of miniatures and medals relating to the Bonaparte family, by C. T. Gatty. Liverpool, 1883. Q. 8+io8+[3] p. 20 pi. I tab. Livett, Rev. Qreville M[airis]. Foundations of the Saxon cathedral church at Rochester. (In Kent archaeological society. Archasologica Cantiana. 1889. v. 18, p. 261-278. 2 pi.) Llaguno y Amirola, Eugenio. fl. 1774. Noticias de los arquitectos y arquitectura de Espana desde su res- tauracion, ilustradas . . . con notas . . . por J. A. Cean Bermudez. Madrid, 1829. O. 4 v. Llorente, Marianno, translator. See Ponz, Antonio. 1725-92. Viaggio fuori di Spagna. 1794. Lloyd, Eleanor, editor. See Gatty, Mrs. M. (S.). 1809-73. Book of sun-dials. 1889. Lloyd, William Watkiss. Memoir on the systems of proportion employed in the design of the Doric temples at Phigaleia and ALglna.. (In Cockerell, C. R. 1788-1863. Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at ^gina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae. 1860. p. 6194.) On the general theory of proportion in architectural design and its exemplification ... in the Parthenon. London, 1863. Q. 20 p. 10 pi. Read at the Royal institute of British architects, June 13, 1859. Raphael s " School of Athens." (In Fine arts quarterly review. v. 2, p. 42-68.) The Sistine chapel and the cartoons of Raphael. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. 3, p. 243-264; v. 4, p. 80-98, 333~343J v. 5, p. 100-118. 7 pi.) Xanthian marbles; the Nereid monument, an historical and mytho logical essay. London, 1845. O. [5] + iO9p. ill. 2 pi. See Society of Dilettanti, publisher. Antiquities of Ionia. 1769- 1881. Text by W. W. Lloyd. AO Au2i AO Au2I AO2 L75 AC AH46 Ai AO P 77 2 AX G22 AA L77 AB F 4 9 AB F 49 AO8 1.77 AH49S A7 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 599 Lobet, J. Quelques preuves sur Jean Cousin, peintre, sculpteur, geometre AW et graveur . . . Paris, 1 88 1. Q. [4] +48 p. ill. por. pi. facsim. C83 Lobineau, Qui Alexis, 1666-1727, editor. See Felibien, Michel. 1666-1719. Histoire de la ville de Paris. AH44 1725. P287 Local notes and gleanings, Oldham and neighbourhood AB in bygone times. Oldham, 1887-. ill. O. v. 1-3 in I. 1.78 Edited by Giles Shaw. From the Oldham express. Lochner, Georg Wolfgang Karl. 1798-1882. See Nuremberg (Ger.) Qermanisches national museum. Bild- AO2 werke aus dem mittelalter, mit text von G. W. K. Lochner. 1856. N936 [Lochner von Hummelstein, Michael Friedrich. 1662-1720.] M^xtovoTraiYVtov ; sive, Papaver, ex omni antiquitate erutum, AX gemmis, nummis, statuis et marmoribus aeri incisis illustratum. L78 [Anon.] Noribergae, 1713. Sq. O. [8] + i82+[2] p. ill. 30 pi. Dedication is signed "Periander." Lockwood, M. S[mith]. AN2 Hand-book of ceramic art. New York, 1878. S. 137 p. I pi. L8i Lodge, Giles Henry, 1805-88, translator. See Winckelmann, J. J. 1717-68. History of ancient art among AO the Greeks. 1850. W"72 L0ffler, J. B. Gravmonumenterne i Ringsted kirke . . . AH489 Kj0benhavn, 1891. F. 5 [3] +10+45 P- ! 5 P^ ^47 Title-page in Danish and French. Gravmonumenterne i Sor0 kirke . . . AH489 Kj0benhavn, 1888. F. 5 [3]+n+79p. ill. 17 pi. So6 Title-page in Danish and French. Monuments funeVaires de 1 eglise de Ringsted. AH489 See, above, Gravmonumenterne i Ringsted kirke. 1891. R47 Monuments funeraires de 1 eglise de Soroe. AH489 See, above, Gravmonumenterne i Sor0 kirke. 1888. So6 Udsigt over Danmarks kirkebygninger fra den tidligere middel- AH489 alder; den romanske periode ... A I Kj^benhavn, 1883. O. [3] +4+308 p. Loftie, Rev. W[illiam] J[ohn]. 1839-. Cathedral churches of England and Wales, their history, archi- AH42 tecture and monuments. London, 1892. S. 8 + 263 p. 29 pi. A84 6oo AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Loftie, Rev. W[illiam] J[ohn]. 1839-. History of London. 2<i edition . . . enlarged. AFLj.2 London, 1884. O. 2 v. 25 pi. 17 maps. L933 Inigo Jones and Wren; or, The rise and decline of modern archi- AH42 tecture in England. New York, 1893. Q. 16 + 284 p. ill. I pi. A 126 Inns of court and chancery . . . AfLp New York, 1893. F. 4 8+88+[i] p. ill. 12 pi. L9i; Kensington, picturesque and historical . . . AH42 London, 1888. Nar. Q. 19+287+64 p. ill. 8 pi. 3 maps. K4I5 Memorials of the Savoy; the palace, the hospital, the chapel, with AH42 an appendix of original documents . . . and a preface by ... Henry L877 White. London, 1878. D. 9+267 p. ill. 5 pi. Westminster abbey . . . AH42 London, 1890. F. 4 8+iO4+[i] p. ill. 12 pi. L867 Windsor castle, with a description of the park, town and neighbour- AH42 hood. 3d edition ... London, 1891. D. 11+297 p. M- ^7242 Loga, V. von. Die stadteansichten in Hartman Schedels Weltchronik. (In Jahr- AB buch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 9, p. 93- Ji92 107, 184-196.) Logan, James. 1794(7) -1872. Scottish gael ; or, Celtic manners as preserved among the High- AR4I landers ... an ... account of the inhabitants [and] antiquities . . . A2 of Scotland . . . London, 1831. O. 2 v. ill. 8 pi. 8 p. music. [Loggan, David. i635~93(?).] Cantabrigia illustrata; of, Het verherrlykt Cambridge vervattende AH42 de gezichten der zelve stad . . . [Anon.] 144 Amsterdam [i69o(?)]. Obi. O. [3] p. 42 pi. 2 maps. Lohde, Ludwig. Abtei-kirche in Werden an der Ruhr. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 7, p. 163-176. 7 pi.) Z3i Die dom von Parenzo in Istrien. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 9, p. 47-74. 6 pi.) Zsi Die skene der alten. Berlin, 1860. Q. 24 pi. I pi. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 20. See Archiv fur ornamental kunst . . . mit text von L. Lohde. AB 1876-79. Ar37 Lohde, Ludwig, and Mertens, Franz. Die grundung des Coiner domes und der erste dombaumeister. AB (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 12, p. 163-198, 339-368. I pi.) Z3i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 601 Lohde, Max. 1845-68. Die sgraffittobilder im treppenhause des Sophien-gymnasiums zu AH43 Berlin. Berlin, 1868. F. 7 [6] p. 4 pi. Ob2 Lohse, A. Das Konig-Wilhelm-gymnasium in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fiir AB bauwesen. v. 17, p. 111-116, 341-350. 9 pi.) 31 Loizeau de Grandmaison, Pierre Charles Armand. 1824-. See Grandmaison, [Pierre] Ch[arles Armand] L[oizeau] de. 1 824-. Lokeren, Afuguste] van. 1799-1872. Histoire de 1 abbaye de Saint-Bavon et de la crypte de Saint-Jean AH493 a Gand. Gand, 1855. Q. 2 pts. in i v. 39 pi. G34 Lolling, H. Q. Ausgrabungen am Palamidi. (In Deutsches archaologisches in- AR495 stitut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, p. 143-163.) G8l Topographische studien. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. I, p. 67-94, 127-138, G8i pi. 4, 6.) Contents: i. Zur topographic von Marathon. Der tempel der Athene Skiras und das vorgebirge Skiradion auf Salamis. Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo. 1538-1 600 (?). Trattato dell arte de la pittura diuiso in sette libri . . . AO6 Milano, Pontio, 1584. O. [39]+7oo+[2] p. L83 Lombard=Dumas, A. Memoire sur la ceramique antique dans la vallee du Rhone d apres AN2 les notes et la collection d E. Dumas, lu a . . . Nimes ... 28 de- L83 cembre, 1878. Nimes, 1879. O. 98 p. ill. 26 pi. Londesborough, Albert Denison Denison, i st baron, 1805-60. Illustrated descriptive catalogue of ... [his] collection of antique AM4 silver plate, now the property of Lady Londesborough, by F. W. L84I Fairholt. [London] 1860. Q. [3] + i6+27 p. ill. 20 pi. Londesborough, Lady Ursula Lucy Grace (Bridge= man). -1883. Catalogue of ... [her] collection of ancient and mediaeval rings AM4 and personal ornaments . . . [comp. by T. C. Croker]. L84 Noplace, 1853. Q. 8+2+88 p. ill. i pi. Londina illustrata. 1819-25. AH42 See [Wilkinson, Robert]. L868 602 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY London (Eng.) Anglo- Jewish historical exhibition. 1887. See Anglo-Jewish historical exhibition. 1887. London (Eng.) architectural [publication] society. AC Essays. London, 1808-10. O. 2 v. in i. 8 pi. L842 London (Eng.) Arts and crafts exhibition society. See Arts and crafts exhibition society (London). London (Eng.) Associated arts institute. See Associated arts institute (London). London (Eng.) Burlington fine arts club. See Burlington fine arts club (London). London (Eng.) Cambrian archaeological associa= tion. See Cambrian archaeological association. London (Eng.) Corporation. Catalogue of sculpture, paintings, engravings and other works of AO2 art ... with books not included in the catalogue of the Guildhall L84 library. London, 1867-68. O. 2 v. London (Eng.) Crystal Palace. AH42 Fine arts courts. London, 1854. D. Ser. i. ill. 5 pi. L8/5 Contents: ser. i. Northwest side. Alhambra court by O. Jones. Apology for colouring the Greek court by O. Jones. Egyptian court by O. Jones. Greek court by G. Scharf. Nineveh court by A. H. Layard. Roman court by G. Scharf. London (Eng.) Qrosvenor gallery. Catalogue of the pictures at Grosvenor house, London, with etch- AO2 ings from the whole collection . . . and . . . historical notices of the L843 principal works, by John Young. London, 1821. Q. [6] +46 +[2] p. 46 pi. Exhibition of the works of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with notes by AY F.G.Stephens. London, 1887. Sq. D. 128 p. V28i Illustrated catalogue, winter exhibition, 187778, of drawings by A02 the old masters and water-colour drawings by deceased artists of L842 the British school, with . . . [an] introduction by J. Comyns Carr. London [1877]. Sq. F. 36+157 p. 14 pi. Winter exhibition of drawings by the old masters and water- AO2 colour drawings by artists of the British school, 1878-79 . . . L84I London [1878]. O. 2 v. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 603 London (Eng.) Historical society of science. See Historical society of science. London interiors; a grand national exhibition of the reli gious, regal and civic solemnities, public amusements, scientific AH42 meetings and commercial scenes of the British capital, with de- LQ35 scriptions written by official authorities. London [1841]. Sq. O. 2 v. in I. ill. 26 pi. London interiors with their costumes and ceremonies. See London interiors; a grand national exhibition of the religious, AH42 regal and civic solemnities, public amusements ... of the British Lp35 capital. [1841.] London (Eng.) International exhibition. 1851. Industrial arts of the nineteenth century . . . illustrations of the AO4 choicest specimens produced by every nation ... by M. D. Wyatt. L842 London, 1851. F. 5 2 v. 158 pi. See Art journal ; illustrated catalogue. [1851.] AO Ar/ London (Eng.) International exhibition. 1862. Masterpieces of industrial art and sculpture at the . . . Exhibition AO4 . . . selected and described by J. B. Waring . . . L84 London, 1863. F. 6 3 v. 301 pi. Descriptive text in English and French. London (Eng.) Ironmongers Hall. Catalogue of the antiquities and works of art exhibited in ... AO4 May, 1861, compiled by ... [G. R. French]. L84I London, 1869. F. 4 2 v. ill. 10 pi. 14 facsim. Large-paper copy. London (Eng.) Japan society. Transactions and proceedings. AC London, 1893. Nar. Q. v. I. ill. pi. L84I London (Eng.) Local government board. Knight s annotated model byelaws . . . 3^ edition . . . AI London, 1890. Q. 12+242 p. ill. 7 pi. L84 London (Eng.) Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. See Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. London (Eng.) Society of antiquaries. See Society of antiquaries of London. London (Eng.) Society of arts. See Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. 604 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY London and Middlesex archaeological society. AC Transactions. London, 1860-71. O. v. 1-4. ill. pi. L84 Long, Robert Gary. 1819 (?)-4g. Ancient architecture of America, its historical value and parallel- AH/3 ism of development with the architecture of the old world. Ai2 New York, 1849. O. 37 p. 9 pi. Longhi, Giorgio, fl. 1615. De annulis signatoriis antiquorum; sive, De vario obsignandi ritu AM4 tractatus nunc primum in hisce terris recusus, curante . . . Sch2 Christiano Friderico Ruheo . . . Francofurti, 1709. S. [i4] + i2i + [23] p. ill. Longman, William. 1813-77. History of the three cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in London AH42 with reference chiefly to their structure and architecture . . . L845 London, 1873. O. 12+226 p. ill. pi. Longperier, [Henri] A[drien Prevost] de. 1816-82. QEuvres, reunies et mises en ordre par G. Schlumberger. AP Paris, 1883-86. O. 7 v. in 6. ill. 64 pi. 35 paged pi. L86 Contents : . I. Arche"ologie orientale. Monuments arabes. 2-3. Antiques grecques, romaines et gauloises. 1838-83. 4-6. Moyen-age et renaissance. 1837-83. 6. Antiquite s americaines. Supplement. Bibliographic ge"nerale. 7. Nouveau supplement et Table ge"ne"rale. See Paris (France) Musee Napoleon III. Choix de monuments AO4 antiques pour servir a 1 histoire de 1 art en Orient et en Occident; P2I4 texte explicatif par A. de Longperier. 1880. Longperier, Henri Adrien Prevost de, 1816-82, com piler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Notice des antiquites assyriennes, AO2 babyloniennes, perses, hebrai ques, exposes dans les galeries du L93I2 musee. 1854. Longus, Georgius. fl. 1615. See Longhi, Giorgio, fl. 1615. Lonsdale, Henry, M, D. 1816-76. Life and works of Musgrave Lewthwaite Watson, sculptor. AW London, 1866. O. 11+244 p. 12 pi. W33 Lopez, Michele. II battistero di Parma descritto. AH45 Parma [1864]. F. 3i3 + [4] p. and Atlas, F. 5 [3] p. 17 pi. P24 Preliminari : Memorie intorno le arti del disegno in Parma ne secoli di mezzo. Lorbac, Charles de, pseudonym. See Cabrol, Charles. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 605 L[ord], W[illiam] B[arry](?). The corset and the crinoline; a book of modes and costumes from AN4 remote periods to the present time . . . L88 London [1865]. Sq. O. 227 p. ill. Many of the illustrations are full-page plates. Loremy, , and Grisey, . Du style dans la decoration interieure des habitations, encadre- AK ments, glaces, tentures, consoles, etc. Z8 Paris, 1864. S. 71 p. 5 paged pi. Lorenz, Christian Qottlob. 1804-73. Die stadt Grimma im konigreiche Sachsen, historisch beschrieben. AH43 Leipzig, 1856. O. I v. in 2. 1644 p. 24 pi. G88 Loret, Victor. 1859-. Quelques documents relatifs a la litterature et a la musique popu- AC laires de la Haute-Egypte. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeo- Ci2 logique fran9aise. Memoires. 1885. v. I, pt. 2, p. 305-366. 9 pi.) La tombe de Kha-m-ha. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeolo- AC gique francaise. Memoires. 1884. v. I, pt. i,p. 1 13-132. 4 pi.) Ci2 See Lefebure, Eugene. Les hypogees royaux de Thebes. 1886- AC 1889. (I n Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique fran9aise. Me- Ci2 moires. 1886-89. v - 3> pt- !) Lorini, Buonaiuto. i6th cent. Le fortificationi . . . corrette e ampliate . . . con 1 aggiunta del AE7 sesto libro . . . Venetia, 1609. F. 4 10+303 p. ill. 23 paged pi. L89 Loriquet, Ch[arles]. 1818- La mosai que des promenades et autres trouvees a Reims . . . AJ2 Reims, 1862. O. 15+427 p. 18 pi. L89 Tapisseries de la cathedrale de Reims: Histoire du Roy Clovis, AH44 156 siecle; Histoire de la Vierge, i6e siecle . . . R27 Paris, 1882. F. 5 2+i64+[i] p. 20 pi. No. 75 of 500 copies printed. Les tapisseries de Notre-Dame de Reims: Description precedee AH44 de 1 histoire de la tapisserie dans cette ville . . . R272 Reims, 1876. D. [73]+222+[2] p. Le tombeau de Jovin a Reims. 3^ edition. AR44 Reims, 1880. D. [4] +72 p. ill. i pi. R27 Lorme, Philibert de. i5oi(?)-7o. See Delorme, Philibert. i5Oi(?)~7o. Lorraine (Ger.) Societe d archeologie. See Societe d archeologie Lorraine. 6o6 Lort, Rev. Michael. 1725-90. Account of an antient inscription in North America. (In Archseo- AB logia. 1787. v. 8, p. 290-301. 2 pi.) Ar2 Losch, J[ohann] Chr[istoph] E[rnst]. Geschichte und beschreibung der kirche zu St. Jakob in Niirn- AH43 berg, nach ihrer erneuerung im . . . 1824-25. N936 Niirnberg, 1825. O. 48 p. I por. 3 pi. Loschcke, Georg. Altattische grabstelen. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 4, p. 36-41, 289-306, G8i pi. 1-4.) . . . De basi quadam prope Spartam reperta observationes archaeo- AN2 logicae. Dorpati Livonorum, 1879. Q. 16 p. i pi. Z5 Dorpat (Russia) university. Program. In German. Title on p. 3 is Uber die reliefs der altspartanischen basis. . . . Die ostliche giebelgruppe am Zeustempel zu Olympia. AH495 Dorpati Livonorum [1885]. Q. 15 p. Z2 Dorpat (Russia) university. Program. . . . Die westliche giebelgruppe am Zeustempel zu Olympia. AH495 Dorpati Livonorum [1887]. Q. 8 p. Z2 Dorpat (Russia) university. Program. Losi, Carlo. Ornamenti d architettura, ritrovati fra le ruine delle antiche fab- AK riche di Roma. Roma, 1773. Q. 33 pi. L89 Lostalot, Alfred de, editor. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Les beaux- AO4 arts et les arts decoratifs. [1889.] P2I3 Loth, Julien , abbe. 1837-. La cathedrale de Rouen, son histoire, sa description . . . AH44 Rouen, 1879. O. 8+622 p. ill. 8 pi. R756 Lottermoser, Ernst, and Weissbach, Karl. Architektonische motive fur den ausbau und die dekoration von AK gebauden. 1871. W43 Lotz, W[ilhelm Friedrich Qeorg Julius]. 1829-79. Die baudenkmaler im regierungsbezirk Wiesbaden, im auftrage AH43 des Koniglichen ministeriums fiir geistliche unterrichts- und W63 medizinal-angelegenheiten bearbeitet von W. Lotz, hrsg. von F. Schneider. Berlin, 1880. O. 17+567 p. (Inventarium der bau denkmaler im konigreiche Preussen.) Lotz, Wilhelm [Friedrich Georg Julius], 1829-79, and Dehn=Rotfelser, Heinrich von, 1825-85. AH43 Die baudenkmaler im regierungsbezirk Cassel. 1870. C26 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 607 Louandre, Charles Leopold. 1812-. Les arts somptuaires; histoire du costume et de 1 ameublement et AN4 des arts et industries qui s y rattachent sous la direction de Han- LQ2 gard-Mauge; dessins de C. Ciappori. Paris, 1857-58. Q. 4v. 324 pi. Loudon, Mrs. Jane (Webb), 1808-58, editor. See Loudon, J. C. 1783-1843. Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm AE2 and villa architecture and furniture. 1857. -^92 See Loudon, J. C. 1783-1843. Villa gardener. 1850. AN8 Lp2 Loudon, John Cflaudius]. 1783-1843. Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm and villa architecture and furni- AE2 ture . . . New edition, edited by Mrs. Loudon. LQ2 London [1857]. O. 24+1317 p. ill. Hints on the formation of gardens and pleasure grounds . . . com- AN8 prising plans for laying out flower, fruit, and kitchen gardens ... H59 London, 1813. Q. 11+70 p. 2O pi. Treatise on forming, improving and managing country residences AN8 . . . with an appendix . . . LQ2I London, 1806. Q. 2 v. [53]+723 + [8] p. 33 pi. Paged continuously. Villa gardener, comprising . . . the laying out, planting, and cul- AN8 ture of the garden and grounds; and the management of the villa Lp2 farm . . . 2d edition, edited by Mrs. Loudon. London, 1850. O. 12 + 516 p. ill. Loudon, John Claudius, 1783-1843, editor. See Architectural magazine and journal of improvement in archi- AB tecture, building and furnishing. 1834-38. Ar22 See Repton, Humphry. 1752-1818. Landscape gardening and AN8 landscape architecture. 1840. R29 Loudon, John F. Catalogue chronologique et raisonne des faiences de Delft com- AN2 posant . . . [sa] collection, dresse par H. Havard . . . L92 LaHaye, 1877. Nar. Q. 82 p. ill. 2 pi. Louvre (Paris) musee. Collection Sauvageot, dessinee et gravee a 1 eau-forte par Edouard AO4 Lievre, accompagnee d un texte . . . par A. Sauzay. L93 Paris, 1863. F. 5 2 v. I por. 120 pi. Description des sculptures modernes par H. Barbet de Jouy. AO2 Paris, 1855. D. [3] + i70+[i] p. L93I Description des sculptures . . . par H. Barbet de Jouy. AO8 Paris, 1876. D. 1-2 pt, L93 Contents: pt. i. Sculptures du moyen age et de la renaissance. 2. Sculptures des temps modernes. 608 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Louvre (Paris) musee. Description du Musee royale des antiques du Louvre, par M. Comte AO2 de Clarac. Paris, 1830. O. [8J+3O+35O p. Lp3 Deux eventails du musee [par] G. Bapst. AN6 Paris, 1882. O. i4+[i] p. 2 pi. Lp3 From Paris (France) Socie"td des amis des livres. Annuaire. 1881. Don de M. et M me Philippe Lenoir [notice par J. H. Barbet de AO2 Jouy]. Paris, 1878. D. 124+ [5] p. 1.931 Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, architecture, AO2 graveur et lithographic des artistes vivans exposes au Musee royal L93 1 1 le i er Mars, 1838. Paris, 1838. S. 228 p. Galerie d Apollon. Notice des gemmes et joyaux, par H. Barbet AX de Jouy. Serie E. Paris, 1867. O. 20+ 117 p. L93 Les gemmes et joyaux de la couronne au musee, expliques par AM4 [J. H.] Barbet de Jouy, dessines et graves a 1 eau-forte . . . par J. L93I Jacquemart, introduction par Alfred Darcel. Paris, 1886. F. 6 Unpaged. 60 pi. Modeles d art decoratif d apres les dessins originaux des maitres AK anciens; notices par V. Champier. Paris, 1882. F. 5 23 p. 50 pi. L93 Musee de la renaissance, ser. B. : Notice des bois sculptes, terres AO2 cuites, marbres, albatres, gres, miniatures peintes, miniatures en cire L93 1 et objets divers, par A. Sauzay. Paris, 1864. D. 180 p. Musee de la renaissance, ser. G: Notice des fayences peintes itali- AN2 ennes, hispano-moresques et franfaises et des terres cuites 1.93 emaillees, par A. Darcel. Paris, 1864. D. 408 p. ill. Musee du moyen-age et de la renaissance, ser. D : Notice des emaux AJ2 et de 1 orfevrerie, par A. Darcel. Paris, 1867. D. 22 + 551 p. ill. 1.931 Notice de la sculpture antique du musee, par W. Frohner. AO8 3 e edition. Paris, 1876. D. v. I. 1.932 Notice des antiquites assyriennes, babyloniennes, perses, hebra- AO2 i ques, exposes dans les galeries du musee, par Adrien de Long- L93I2 perier. 3 e edition. Paris, 1854. O. i46+[i] p. Notice des emaux, bijoux et objets divers, exposes dans les galeries AJ2 du musee, par M. de Laborde. Paris, 1853. O. 2 v. L93 Notice des emaux exposes dans les galeries du musee du Louvre, AJ2 par M. de Laborde. Paris, 1852-53. D. 2 v. in I. L932 Vol. I. Histoire et descriptions. 2. Documents et glossaire. Notice des monuments exposes dans la galerie d antiquites egyp- A02 tiennes . . . au musee, par le Vicomte E. de Rouge. 6 e edition. L93I Paris, 1877. D. 211 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 609 Louvre (Paris) musee. Notice des monuments provenant de la Palestine et conserves au AO2 musee, Salle judai que, par Ant. Heron de Villefosse. L-93I Paris, 1876. D. 8+54+[i] p. i pi. Notice des tableaux exposes dans les galeries du musee, par AO6 Frederic Villot. 9 e edition. Paris, 1873. D. v. 3. 1,93 Vol. 3. ficole francaise. Notice des tableaux legues au musee par Louis La Caze. AO2 Paris, 1878. D. 84 p. L^i Compiled by M. F. de Reiset. Notice supplementaire des tableaux exposes dans les galeries du AO6 musee et non decrits dans les trois catalogues des diverses ecoles LQ3 de peinture [par L. de Tauzia]. Paris, 1878. D. 60 p. Le tresor artistique de la France, premiere serie publiee . . . [par] AM4 P. Dalloz ... les planches sont executees sous la direction . . . de LQ3 Leon Vidal . . . Paris [1883]. F. 6 I v. in 2. 39 pi. No more published. See Arosa, G. & co. Grand autel des douze dieux, Musee du AO8 Louvre. 1870. Ar6 Lowe, Rev. Frederick] Pyndar. 1813-72. On the abbey of S. Marie, at Thornton on the Humber. (In AC Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 2, p. As7 149-163. 4 pi.) Lowell, Percival. 1855-. Choson, the land of the morning calm; a sketch of Korea. AR5 19 Boston, 1886. Nar. Q. 10+412 p. ill. 25 pi. 2 maps. C8i Lower, Mark Antony. 1813-76. Historical and archaeological notices of the iron works of the AC county of Sussex. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections. Su8 v. 2, p. 169-220. 6 pi.) Memorials of ... Seaford. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, y. 7, p. 73-150.) Su8 On Pevensey castle, and the recent excavations there. (In Sussex AC archaeological society. Collections, v. 6, p. 265-281. 2 pi.) Su8 Parochial history of Chiddingly. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 14, p. 207-258. 3 pi.) Su8 Lower, Mark Antony, 1813-76, and Cooper, W. D., 1812-75. Further memorials of Seaford. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 17, p. 141-163.) Su8 39 6io AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lowis of Menar, C. von. See Gesellschaft fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde des russi= schen Ostseeprovinzen, ed. Die stadtische profanarchitektur der gothik, der renaissance und des barocco in Riga, Reval und Narva; dreiunddreissig tafeln in lichtdruck von J. Nohring, mit . . . text von C. von Lowis of Menar. 1892. Lowy, Emanuel. 1857-. Grabrelief aus Korinth. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. II, p. 150-161.) Untersuchungen zur griechischen kiinstlergeschichte. Wien, 1883. AP O. [3] + 1 17 p. (Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphi- Ab4 schen seminares der Universitat Wien. 1883. pt. 4.) Lowy, Emanuel, 1857-, Conze, A. C. L., 1831- and others. AE8 Die attischen grabreliefs. 1893. 762 Luard, John. 1790-1875. History of the dress of the British soldier, from the earliest period AN4 to the present time. London, 1852. Q. 24+171 p. 50 pi. L96 Lubbock, Sir John, bart, 1834- editor. See Nilsson, Sven. 1787-1883. Primitive inhabitants of Scandi navia. 1868. Lubbock, Sir John, bart, 1834- and Pigorini, Luigi, 1842-. Notes on the hut-urns . . . discovered in an ancient cemetery . . . AB [at] Marino. (In Archaeologia. v. 42, p. 99-123. 2 pi.) Ar2 Liibeck (Ger.) Verein fiir liibeckische geschichte und alterthumskunde, editor. See Hach, Theodor. Der dom zu Liibeck. 1885. Lubersac [de Livron, Charles Franfois] de, abbe. 1730-1804. Discours sur les monuments publics de tous les ages et de tous les AE8 peuples connus, suivi d une description de monument projete a la Lg6 gloire de Louis XIV. et de la France . . . Paris, 1775. F. 4 [i8]+228+74 p. 3 pi. Liibke, Wilhelm von. 1826-. Geschichte der architektur von den altesten zeiten bis zur gegen- AF wart. 6. aufl. . . Leipzig, 1884-86. Nar. Q. 2 v. 1001 ill. L96 Vol. 2 written in part by Karl von Liitzow. Geschichte der renaissance in Deutschland. 2. aufl. . . Stuttgart, AF 1882. O. 2v. ill. I pi. (Burckhardt, Jakob, 1 81 8-, and Liibke, 689 Wilhelm von, 1826-. Geschichte der neueren baukunst. v. 2.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 61 i Liibke, Wilhelm von. 1826-. Geschichte der renaissance in Frankreich. 2. aufl. . . Stuttgart, AF 1885. O. 19+448 p. ill. (Burckhardt, Jakob, 1818- and Liibke, B89 Wilhelm von, 1826-. Geschichte der neueren baukunst. v. 3.) Die glasgemalde im kreuzgange zu kloster Wettingen. 2. aufl. AC Zurich, 1863. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1861-63. v. 14. p. 111-128. 3 pi.) Kunsthistorische studien. Stuttgart, 1869. O. 8 + $26+[i] p. AO L96 Lebenserinnerungen. Berlin, 1891. O. 6+[i]+379 p. I por. AW L96 Die mittelalterliche kunst in Westfalen . . . AH43 Leipzig, 1853. O. io+[i]+442 p. and Atlas, Obi. F. 5 29 pi. map. W52 Der todtentanz in der Marien-kirche zu Berlin; bild und text. AX Berlin, 1 86 1. F. 4 47 p. 4 pi. L96 Uber alte ofen in der Schweiz, namentlich im kanton Zurich. 2. AC aufl. Zurich, 1865. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. An8 Mittheilungen. 1863-66. v. 15, p. 159-202. 2 pi.) Vorschule zum studium der kirchlichen kunst des deutschen AH43 mittelalters. 6. aufl. . . Leipzig, 1873. O. 8 + 271 p. ill. 16 pi. Ai3 Vorschule zur geschichte der kirchenbaukunst des mittelalters. AE 4. aufl. . . Leipzig, 1858. O. 6+82 p. ill. L96 See Nohl, M. [A.], 1830-63, and Bogler. R. Die chorstiihle im AH43 kapitelsaale des domes zu Mainz, mit einer kunstgeschichtlichen M523 einleitung von W. Liibke. 1863. See Vischer, Peter. I455(?)-I529. Werke, mit text von W. AO8 Lubke. 1875. V82 Liibke, Wilhelm von, 1826-, continues See Schnaase, K. [J. F.]. 1798-1875. Geschichte der bildenden AO kiinste. 1866-79. Sch5 Liibke, Wilhelm von, 1826-, editor. See Nohl, M. [A.]. 1830-63. Tagebuch einer italienischen reise. AH45 1866. A7 Liibke, Wilhelm von, 1826- and Burckhardt, Jakob, 1818-. AF Geschichte der neueren baukunst. 1882-91. B89 Liibke, Wilhelm von, 1826- and Liitzow, K. F. A. von, 1832-. Denkmaler der kunst. AO Stuttgart, 1879. Nar. Q. 4+84 p. and Atlas, Obi. F. 37 pi. 6i2 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lucae, Richard, 1829-77, Becker, J. A., and Giesen= berg, E. Das opernhaus zu Frankfurt a/M. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 33, p. 1-12, 133-154. 13 pl-) Z 3i Lucanus, Friedrich [Gottfried Hermann]. 1793-. La cathedrale d Halberstadt, consideree . . . sous les rapports de AH43 son histoire, son architecture, de ses objets d art et d antiquite ... Hi2 Halberstadt, 1837. Nar. Q. 4 p. 7 pl. Lucas, Charles, architect Les grands architectes. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. 1868. v. 12, AB p. 601-630.) R324 Les temples et eglises circulaires d Angleterre. (In Revue de AB 1 art chretien. 1870-71. v. 14, p. 412-429, 464-478.) K-324 Luchs, [Karl Friedrich] Hermann. 1826-. Romanische und gothische stilproben aus Breslau und Trebnitz; AH43 eine kurze anleitung zur kenntniss der bildenden kiinste des Si3 mittelalters, zunachst Schlesiens. Breslau, 1859. Q. [5]+42+[z] p. 3 pi- Luciolli, Girolamo, illustrator. See Sanmicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. Le fabbriche civili, ecclesi- AL2 astiche e militari. 1832. Sa57 Liicke, Herman. Bemerkungen zu Waagens aufsatzen: "Uber in Spanien vorhan- AB dene gemalde, hand-zeichnungen und miniaturen." (In Jahr- Ji9 bucher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1873. v. 5, p. 221-251.) Luckenbach, H. Das verhaltniss der griechischen vasenbilder zu den gedichten des AN2 epischen kyklos. Leipzig, 1880. O. [148] p. Z4 From Neue jahrbiicher fur philologie und padagogik. Sup. v. n. Lucuy, Manuel Miquel y. See Miquel y Lucuy, Manuel. Liidecke, Karl Johann. 1826-. Das rathhaus zu Breslau; text von Alvin Schultz. (In Zeitschrift AB fur bauwesen. v. 14, p. 15-34. 8 pl.) Z3I Ludgate hill, past and present. 2d ed. 1892. AH42 See [Treloar, W. P.]. L9I5 Ludlow=Saylor wire co. [Catalogue of designs.] Al2 St. Louis, no date. Obi. Q. [i] p. 53 pl. Lp6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 613 Luffman, John. Plans of the principal fortresses in the Netherlands and on the AE/ French frontier ... London [i 8 16(?)]. F. 5 38 pi. 2 maps. Lugar, Robert. Country gentleman s architect, containing . . . designs for farm AE2 houses and farm yards . . . LQ62 London, 1807. Sq. F. 5+26 p. 22 pi. Plans and views of ornamental domestic buildings, executed in the AE2 castellated and other styles. 2d ed. LQ6 London, 1836. F. 4 32 p. 32 pi. Villa architecture; a collection of views ... of buildings executed AE2 in England, Scotland . . . London, 1828. F. 5 10+34 p. 42 pi. Lugari, Gio[vanni] Battista. La catacombe; ossia, II sepolcro apostolico dell Appia. AR45 Roma, 1888. F. 4 86 p. 9 pi. R68 Liiger, Otto. Wasserversorgung der gebaude. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1890. 3. thl. 4. bd., p. 374-458. ill. 2 pi.) Hi9 Luidius, Edwardus. 1660-1709. See Lhuyd, Edward. 1660-1709. Luini, Bernardino. 16^ cent. AH45 See Gruner, W. H. L. 1801-82. "Lo scaffale." 1859-60. M587 Lukis, Rev. William Collings. 1817-. Prehistoric stone monuments of the British Isles; Cornwall. AR42 London, 1885. F. 4 8 + 31 p. 40 pi. map. C8il Published by the Society of antiquaries of London. Lumisden, Andrew. 1720-1801. Remarks on the antiquities of Rome and its environs; being a AR45 classical and topographical survey of ... [its] ruins . . . R694 London, 1797. Q. 4+478+[i2] p. i por. 10 pi. 2 maps. Large-paper copy. Lundy, John P[atterson]. 1823-. Monumental Christianity; or, The art and symbolism of the primi- AO tive church, as witnesses and teachers of the one catholic faith and L97 practice. 2d ed. enlarged. New York, 1882. Sq. O. 26+459+ [i] p. ill- 21 pi. Lunghi, Giorgio, fl. 1615. See Longhi, Giorgio, fl. 1615. 39* 614 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Lunn, Rev. John R[obert]. Arrangement of parish churches . . . with reference to the primi- AC tive liturgies, and the wants of the English church. (In Associated As/ architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 17^.251-269. 6pl.) Marton-cum-Grafton church, Yorkshire. (In Associated archi- AC tectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 15, p. 226-241. 2 pi.) As/ Lurine, Louis, 1816-60, and Nodier, [J.] C. E., 1783- 1844. Les environs de Paris, paysage, histoire, monuments, mceurs . . . et traditions. [1844.] Luschan, Felix von, 1854-, and Petersen, E. A. H., 1836-. AR Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis. 1889. A4 Lusson, A[drien] L[ouis]. 1790-1864. Plan . . . et details de 1 eglise Rue de Montyon a Paris . . . sous 1 invocation de Saint Eugene . . . Paris, 1855. F. 5 4+4 P- 5 pi- Specimen d architecture gothique; ou, Plans . . . de la chapelle du Chateau de Neuville . . . Paris, 1839. F. 5 4+25 p. 17 pi. Lutgers, P. J. Gezigten aan de rivier de Vecht, naar de natuur geteekend en op steen overgebragt. Amsterdam [1836]. F. 4 85 pi. Lutherie, . AX Engravings of organs and other instruments. F. 5 [7] p. 38 pi. L97 Extract from the Encyclopedic. Luthmer, Ferdinand. 1842-. Das email; handbuch der schmelzarbeit Leipzig, 1892. O. AJ2 16+204 p. ill. (Seemann s kunsthandbucher. v. 9.) L97 Gold und silber; handbuch der edelschmiedekunst. Leipzig, 1888. AM4 O. 8+272 p. ill. (Seemann s kunsthandbucher. v. 3.) L97 Malerische innenraume aus gegenwart und vergangenheit, in auf- AK nahmen nach der natur. L97 Frankfurt am Main [i888]-92. F. 6 2 ser. in I v. Continuation of and bound with his Malerische innenraume moderner wohnungen. [1884]- 88. Malerische innenraume moderner wohnungen, in aufnahmen nach AK der natur. L97 Frankfurt am Main [i884]-88. F. 6 2 ser. in i v. 50 pi. Ornamental jewellery of the renaissance in relation to costume, AM4 designed from . . . gems and . . . paintings of the fifteenth . . . L97I [to] seventeenth centuries ... London, 1882. Sq. F. 4 4 p. 30 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 615 Luthmer, Ferdinand. 1842-. Plastische decorationen aus dem palais Thurn und Taxis zu AH43 Frankfurt am Main ... F858 Frankfurt a. M., 1890. F. 5 [4] p. 20 pi. Luthmer, Ferdinand, 1842-, editor. AB See Illustrierte schreiner-zeitung. 1880-87. 116 See Jeidels, Julius, and Jeidels, Karl. Erzeugnisse der silber- AM4 schmiede-kunst aus dem sechzehnten bis achtzehnten jahrhundert. J38 1883. Lutsch, Hans. 1854-. Die kunstdenkmaler der landkreise des reg.-bezirks Breslau; in AH43 amtlichem auftrage bearbeitet Breslau, 1889. O. 20+670 p. Si3i (In his Verzeichnis der kunstdenkmaler der provinz Schlesien. 1889. v. 2.) Die kunstdenkmaler der stadt Breslau; in amtlichem auftrage AH43 bearbeitet. Breslau, 1886. O. 14+260 p. (In his Verzeichnis Si3i der kunstdenkmaler der provinz Schlesien. 1886. v. I.) Die kunstdenkmaler des reg.-bezirks Liegnitz; in amtlichem AH43 auftrage bearbeitet. Breslau, 1891. O. 18+791 p. (In his Ver- Si3i zeichnis der kunstdenkmaler der provinz Schlesien. 1891. v. 3.) Verzeichnis der kunstdenkmaler der provinz Schlesien. AH43 Breslau, 1886-91. O. v. 1-3. Si3i Contents : v. i. Die kunstdenkmaler der stadt Breslau. v. 2. Die kunstdenkmaler der landkreise des reg.-bezirks Breslau. v. 3. Die kunstdenkmaler des reg.-bezirks Liegnitz. Liitzow, Karl [Friedrich Arnold] von. 1832-. Geschichte der K. k. akademie der bildenden kiinste; festschrift AH436 zur eroffnung des neuen akademie-gebaudes . . . V683 Wien, 1877. F. 10+194 p. ill. 9 por. 5 pi. Die kunstschatze italiens in geographisch-historischer iibersicht AO geschildert. . . Stuttgart [1882-85]. F. 4 17+520 p. ill. 51 pi. 1.971 Die meisterwerke der kirchenbaukunst; eine darstellung der ge- AE schichte des christlichen kirchenbaues durch ihre hauptsachlichsten L97 denkmaler. Leipzig [pref. 1862]. O. [8]+42i + [2] p. ill. 26 pi. Munchener antiken. AH43 Miinchen, 1869. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 10+76 p. 42 pi. M924 Zur geschichte des ornamentes an den bemalten griechischen AN2 thongefassen ; habilitations-schrift Z4 Miinchen, 1858. O. [3] + 56 p. 3 pi. See Liibke, Wilhelm von. 1826-. Geschichte der architektur AF von den altesten zeiten bis zur gegenwart. 1884-86. 1.96 Vol. 2 written in part by Karl von Liitzow. 6i6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Liitzow, Karl Friedrich Arnold von, 1832-, editor. See Vienna (Austria) Weltaussteliung. 1873. Kunst und AO4 kunstgewerbe auf der Weltausstellung. 1875. V67 See Zeitschrift fur bildende kunst. 1866- AB Liitzow, Karl Friedrich Arnold von, 1832-, and Liibke, Wilhelm von, 1826-. AO Denkmaler der kunst. 1879. Lg6i Liitzow, K[arl Friedrich Arnold] von, 1832- and Tischler, Ludwig, editors. Wiener neubauten . . . Wien [pref. 1876-80]. F. 5 2 v. ill. 192 pi. Luxemburg (grand duchy) Institut royal grand= ducal. Publications de la section historique. AC Luxembourg, 1868-76. Q. v. 1-8 in 3. ill. Soli Continuation of Luxemburg (grand duchy) Socie te pour la recherche et la conservation des monuments historiques. Publications. Luxemburg (grand duchy) Societe pour la recherche et la conservation des monuments historiques. AC Publications. Luxembourg, 1846-67. Q. 22 v. in 7. ill. Sou From v. 23 on appears under title Luxemburg (grand duchy) Institut royal grand-ducal. Publications de la section historique. Luynes, [Honore Theodoric Paul Joseph d Albert], due de. 1802-67. Notice sur des fouilles executees a la Butte-Ronde, pres Dampierre, AR44 Seine-et-Oise. Paris, 1867. Sq. F. 2i + [i] p. 19 pi. 698 See Querin, H. V. 1821. Voyage archeologique dans la regence AR6n de Tunis execute sous les auspices de H. d Albert, due de Luynes. A2 1862. See Huillard-Breholles, J. L. A. 1817-71. Recherches sur les AH45 monuments et 1 histoire des Normands . . . dans 1 Italie meridionale. Al5 1844. Luyrard, Antoine, translator. See Frizzi, Antonio. 1736-1800. Album Estense . . . tradotto AH45 in francese da A. Luyrard. 1850. F4I2 Luzi, Lodovico. II duomo di Orvieto, descritto ed illustrate. AH45 Firenze, 1866. D. 17+542 p. Or92 Lyon, Irving Whitall. Colonial furniture of New England; a study of the domestic furni- ANi ture in use in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. L99 Boston, 1891. Nar. Q. 12+285 p. 113 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 617 L[yons], J. T. Creative and imitative art; decoration and ornamentation. AK Brussels, 1873. F. i38+[i] p. ill. LQQ Lyons (France) Exposition retrospective. 1877. Recueil descriptif et raisonne des principaux objets d art ayant AO4 figure a 1 Exposition, par J. B. Giraud. L99 Lyon, 1878. F. 5 Unpaged. 83 pi. Lyons (France) Societe academique d architec= ture. AC Annales. Lyon, 1869-87. Q. v. 1-8 in 4. ill. pi. 1.99 Lysons, Samuel. 1763-1819. Account of Roman antiquities discovered at Woodchester in the AR42 county of Gloucester. W85 London, 1797. F. 6 [6] +20+ [2 5] p. 40 pi. Has also title-page and text in French. Account of the remains of a Roman villa discovered at Bignor in AR42 the county of Sussex in . . . 1811 and four following years. 648 [Anon.] London, 1820. D. 37 p. 7 pi. Account of the remains of several Roman buildings and other AB Roman antiquities discovered in the county of Gloucester. (In Ar2 Archaeologia. v. 18, p. 1 12-125. 4 pi.) Collection of Gloucestershire antiquities. AFLj.2 London, 1803. F. 5 [8] + 38+[j] p. iiopl. GSI Observations on some of the tombs in the abbey church at Tewkes- AB bury. (In Archaeologia. v. 14, p. 143-153. I pi.) Ar2 Lyte, H[enry] C[hurchill] Maxwell. 1848-. History of Eton college, 1440-1884 . . . New ed. enlarged. APLj.2 London, 1889. O. 23 + 543 P- ill. l P or - 22 P 1 - Et6 [M., A. von.] Die attribute der heiligen, alphabetisch geordnet . . . [Anon.] AO6 Hannover, 1843. O. 12+244 p. Rli M. . . , L. de. See Montgermont, Lebeuf de. Catalogue des objets d art AO2 composant la ... collection de L. de M. . . 1891. M/6 Maatschappij tot bevordering der bouwkunst te Amsterdam. See Amsterdam (Holland) Maatschappij tot bevordering der bouwkunst. Macadam, W[illiam] Ivison. Notes on the ancient iron industry of Scotland. (In Society of AC antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 21, p. 89-131.) Soi2 McAuley, William J[ohn], 1867- and Goforth, W. D., 1866-. Old colonial architectural details in and around Philadelphia; 50 AH/3 plates of scaled and measured drawings. 1890. ?53 Maccari, Enrico. II palazzo di Caprarola . . . Roma [1876], F. 6 5 + [i] p. 60 pi AK (In Jannoni, G., ed. Secolo I5.-I6. ; saggi di architettura e deco- J26 razione italiana. v. I.) Le targhe della carte geografiche nel Vaticano. Roma [1876]. AK F- 6 [3] P- H pi- (In Jannoni, G., ed. Secolo i5.-i6. ; saggi J26 di architettura e decorazione italiana. v. 2.) Maccari, Enrico, editor. See Jannoni, Giovanni, ed. Secolo 15. 16.; saggi di architettura AK e decorazione italiana. v. 3. J26 Maccari, Orazio. Dissertazione . . . soprai genii degli antichi. (In Cortona, Italy AC Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. 1751. C8i v. 6, p. 94-134, 157-172.) 619 620 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY MacColl, D[ugald] Sutherland], and Harrison, Miss J. E. AN2 Greek vase paintings. 1894. H24 M Dowall, William. Chronicles of Lincluden as an abbey and as a college. AH4I Edinburgh, 1886. Q. 216 p. L63 Macfarlane, Walter & co. Illustrated catalogue of castings . . . 6th edition. AM2 Glasgow [1882-83]. F. 4 2 v. ill. Mi6 Macgibbon, David. Architecture of Provence and the Riviera. AH44 Edinburgh, 1888. O. 20+467 p. 285 ill. map. Macgibbon, David, and Ross, Thomas. The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the AH4i twelfth to the eighteenth century. A6 Edinburgh, 1887-89. Nar. Q. 3 v. ill. Mackay, Charles, 1814-89, editor. See Smith, J. T. 1766-1833. Antiquarian ramble in the streets AR42 of London. 1846. A29 Mackenzie, Frederick. Architectural antiquities of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, AH42 Westminster . . . accompanied by observations on the original and L846 perfect state of the building . . . London, 1844. F. 7 10+30 p. ill. 19 pi. Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert Henderson, editor. See Lepsius, C. R. 1810-84. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia AR62 and the peninsula of Sinai in 1842-45. 1852. A33 Mackie, Samuel Joseph. Sea-weeds as objects of design. (In Art-studies from nature. AK 1872. p. 91-132.) Ar7 Mackintosh, C. S., Langford, J. A., and Tildesley, J. C. AH42 Staffordshire and Warwickshire. [1884.] Stii Mackison, William. Notes on the recent excavations made at Cambuskenneth abbey, AC and on the subsequent restoration of the abbey tower. (In Royal R8i institute of British architects. Papers. 1866-67, p. 101-120. 5 pi.) Macklin, Rev. Herbert W. AE8 Monumental brasses. 2d e d. London, 1891. D. 147 p. ill. M2i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 621 Macmillan, Rev. Hugh. 1833- AH44 The Riviera. London, 1885. O. 20+316 p. ill. 24 pi. map. R$2 Mackmurdo, Afrthur] H[eygate]. 1852-. AH42 Wren s city churches. Sunnyside, 1883. O. 8+133 p. I pi. L8/2 Maclagan, Christian. Hill forts, stone circles, and other structural remains of ancient AR4I Scotland... Edinburgh, 1875. F. 4 8+148 p. 40 pi. A8 McLauchlan, Henry. Notes on the duchy manors in Cornwall and the castles and earth- AP works on them; manors of Tybesta and Truro; published by the Z Royal institution of Cornwall. Truro [i847(?)J. O. 1 9 P- 4 P^ Maclean, Sir John. 1811-. Parochial and family history of the deanery of Trigg Minor, in the AH42 county of Cornwall . . . T/3 London, 1873-79. Q. 3 v. ill. 66 pi. map. McLellan, Archibald. 1797-1854. Essay on the cathedral church of Glasgow and a history of the AH4I see . . . with a survey of its present condition . . . G46i Glasgow, 1833. Q. 8+[i] + i79p. 2 pi. McNab & Harlin manufacturing co. . . . [Catalogue] of brass cocks, for steam, water and gas; wrought Al2 iron pipe and fittings . . . plumbers brass goods . . . etc. . . . M23I New York, 1893. D. 134 p. Illustrated catalogue of boiler tubes, iron pipe and fittings, brass Al2 and iron valves, cocks, etc., for steam, water and gas . . . 7th ed. M23 New York, 1890. Sq. F. [6]+38i p. ill. I pi. MacPacke, Jose, a bricklayer s labourer, pseudonym. See Peacock, James. i738(?)-i8i4. OaiSia; or, Nutshells, being AE2 ichnographic distributions for small villas. 1785. McPherson, Duncan, M. D. -1867. Antiquities of Kertch, and researches in the Cimmerian Bos- AR47 phorus . . . K47 London, 1857. F. 4 i4+i3O+[i] p. ill. 13 pi. 2 maps. Large-paper copy. Macquoid, Mrs. Katharine S. Through Brittany, illustrated by Thomas R. Macquoid: South AEL}4 Brittany. London, 1877. D. 20+325 p. ill. i pi. map. 6771 Through Normandy, illustrated by Thomas R. Macquoid. AH44 London, 1874. D. 23+556 p. ill. i pi. map. N78 622 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Madders, S[usan] S[wain]. Rambles in an old city [Norwich], comprising antiquarian, his- AH42 torical, biographical and political associations. N832 London, 1853. O. 6+ [2] +3 56 p. Madein, Hans, editor. AB See Der kunstfreund. 1885-91. Kx)6 Madrazo, Pedro de. 1816-. Orfebreria de la epoca visigoda: Coronas y cruces del tesoro de AH46 Guarrazar. Madrid, 1879. F. 8 [ij+io/ p. 3 pi. (In Monu- Ai3 mentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. La Universidad Complutense en Alcala de Henares. Madrid, 1 878. AH46 F. 8 [3] + 25 p. ill. 7 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Ai3 Espafia.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. [Madrid (Spain)] Real armeria. Catalogo de la Real armeria, mandado formar por . . . Jose Maria AN5 Marchesi . . . Madrid, 1849. O- 20+198+119 p. 10 pi. M26i Written by Martinez del Romero. Catalogo de los objetos de la Real armeria. AN5 Madrid, 1861. D. 193 p. M26 Maestricht (Holland) Societe historique et archeo= logique dans le duche de Limbourg. See Societe historique et archeologique dans le duche de Limbourg. Maffei, [Francesco] Scipione, marchese di. 1675-1 755. Compleat history of the ancient amphitheatres, more peculiarly AE4 regarding the architecture of those buildings, and in particular, M26 that of Verona ; made English from the Italian original by A. Gordon. London, 1730. O. i6+4i2+[ii] p. ill. 14 pi. Museum Veronense; hoc est, Antiquarum inscriptionum atque AP anaglyphorum collectio, cui Taurinensis adjungitur et Vindobo- M26 nensis; accedunt monumenta id genus plurima nondum vulgata et ubicumque collecta. [Anon.] Veronae, 1749. F. 4 [i5]+i2+5i9 p. ill. 2 pi. 35 paged pi. Magasin des arts et de 1 industrie ; album. AK Paris, no date. F. [3] +92 p. ill. M27 Magasin des arts et de l industrie; organe special des arts AB industriels. Paris, 1868-77. F. ill. paged pi. v. 1-8 in 7. M27 Edited by W. Baumer, v. 1-2, and J. Schnoor, v. 1-8. No more published. Magdeburg (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe=verein. AC Pallas; zeitschrift. Magdeburg, 1883-. Sq. F. ill. pi. v. 1-9 in 2. M27 Edited by L. Clericus. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 623 Maggi, Girolamo. -1572. De cquuleo liber posthumus, cum notis G. Jungermanni. (In his AX De tintinnabulis. 1699. p. 179-395.) M2/ DC tintinnabulis liber posthumus, F. Sweertius notis illustravit ; AX accedit De equuleo liber, cum notis G. Jungermanni . . . M27 Amstelaedami, 1699. T. [22] + 396+[i4] p. 7 pi. Maggi, Girolamo, -1572, and Castriotto, Capt. I. [F.] Delia fortificatione delle citta libri 3 ... AE7 Venetia, appresso Rutilio Borgominiero, 1564. F. 4 [4] +139+ M2/ [i] f. ill. 62 paged pi. Maggiora=Vergano, Ernesto. L antico coro della cattedrale de Asti. (In Societa di archeologia AC e belle arti per la provincia di Torino. Atti. v. I, p. 213-228. I pi.) 8017 Maginnis, Owen B. Practical centring; treating of the practice of centring arches in AI building construction, as carried on in the U. S. at the present M27 time. . . New York, 1891 [ c> 87]. O. 80 p. ill. Magistretti, B. Lezioni elementari di architettura civile . . . AA Milano, 1842-43. O. 2 v. in i. 8 pi. i tab. M2/ Magius, Hieronymus. -1572. See Maggi, Girolamo. -1572. Magnan, Dominique. 1731-96. Calcografia della colonna Antonina . . . AR45 Roma, 1779. F. 5 [4] p. 74 pi. R66; La ville de Rome; ou, Description abregee de cette superbe AH45 ville . . . [Anon.] Rome, 1778. F. 4 4 v. in 2. 409 pi. 1 6 maps. R8n Magne, , abbe. Notice sur 1 ancienne abbaye royale de Saint -Vincent de Senlis. AC (In Societe academique d archeologique . . . du Departement de 8019 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 4, p. 253-374, pi. 23-25.) Magne, A[uguste Joseph]. 1816-85. Monographic du nouveau theatre du Vaudeville erige par la ville AH44 de Paris. Paris, 1873. F. 6 14 p. 30 pi. P29 Magne, Lucien. 1849- AH44 L architecture francaise du siecle. Paris, 1890. Nar. Q. 42 p. ill. A44 Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Conferences. L art dans 1 habitation moderne. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. AB v. 8, p. 70-83, 97-115.) R32 624 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Magne, Lucien. 1849-. L ceuvre des peintres verriers frangais; verrieres des monuments AM/ eleves par les Montmorency : Montmorency, Ecouen, Chantilly. M2/ Paris, 1885. F. 5 34+i7i + [i] P- ill- I pi. and Atlas, 8 pi. Magniac, Hollingworth. Catalogue of [his] renowned collection of works of art . . . sold . . . AO2 July 2 ... 1892 . . . M27 [London] 1892. Nar. Q. 250 p. 6 por. 47 pi. M[agnoncour], de. Description des vases peints et des bronzes antiques qui com- AN2 posent . . . [sa] collection par J. de Witte. M2/ Paris, 1839. O- 6+94 P- J pi- Magnus, Eduard. 1799-1872. Die polychromie vom kunstlerischen standpunkte; ein vortrag . . . AK Bonn, 1872. D. 90 p. M2/2 Magnus, Hugo. 1842-. Die darstellung des auges in der antiken plastik. Leipzig, 1892. AO O. 8+96 p. 5 pi. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. Newser. pt 17.) 639 Magrini, Antonio. 1805-72. Memorie intorno la vita e le opere di Andrea Palladio . . . AW Padova, 1845. F. [io]+348+i56p. i por. 2 pi. i facsim. I tab. Pi7 Mahabodhi; or, The great Buddhist temple . . . 1892. AH54 See Cunningham, Sir Alexander. 1814. 6851 Mahrisches gewerbemuseum. See Briinn (Austria) Mahrisches gewerbemuseum. Mai, , abbe. See Avril, , abbe. Maier, Michael. 1568-1622. See Mayer, Michael. 1568-1622. Maillard, A., editor. See Dresden (Ger.) Sachsische gemalde-gallerie. Catalogue de AO6 la galerie royale de Dresde. 1862. D8ii Maillot du Boullay, Ch[arles]. . . . L architecture de la renaissance; discours de reception pro- AD7 nonce [a 1 Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Rouen] M28 dans la seance du 5 mars 1880 . . . Paris, 1880. Q. 36 p. Maillou, P. Rioux de. See Rioux de Maillou, P. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 625 Maindron, G[eorges] R[ene] Maurice. 1857- Les armes . . . Paris [1890]. O. 343 p. ill. (Bibliotheque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) Der Mainzer domschatz. 1848. See Merkel, Joseph. Maisey, Gen. Frederick] C[harles]. Sanchi and its remains; a ... description of the ancient buildings, sculptures and inscriptions at Sanchi, near Bhilsa, in Central India . . . and an introductory note by Sir Alex. Cunningham. London, 1892. Sq. F. 15 + 142 p. ill. 40 pi. Maisonneuye, Dubois=. See Dubois=Maisonneuve, . Maisons les plus remarquables de Paris. [1863.] See [Vacquer, Theodore]. 1824-. Maisons particulieres et hotels construits en Belgique. Bruxelles, no date. F. 5 [4] p. 50 pi. Major, Tfhomas]. 1720-90. Les ruines de Psestum, ou de Posidonie, dans la grande Grece, traduit de 1 anglais. Londres, 1768. F. 6 52 p. 25 pi. AN5 M28 AM 4 M54 AR54 AH44 P28 3 AH 493 B8 3 3 AH 4 5 Pi 3 AN2 [Makaire, Achille. 1819-.] Curiosites particulieres de la ville d Aix, objets d art, chapelles, AH44 maisons historiques . . . pub. par A. M. de La Tour-Keyrie. Aix, 1890. D. v. 2. Malagola, Carlo. 1855- La fabbrica delle maioliche della famiglia Corona in Faenza; lettera al Cav. Giuseppe Corona, con un introd. del medesimo. Milano, 1882. F. 44 p. I facsim. Memorie storiche sulle maioliche di Faenza; studi e ricerche. Bologna, 1880. D. 11 + 544 p. ill. Malaspina di Sannazaro, [Luigi], marchese. 1754- 1834. Catalogo di una raccolta di stampe antiche. Milano, 1824. O. 5 v. 19 pi. AN2 M29 Contents: . i. Scuola tedesca. . 2. Scuola italiana. . 3. Scuola fiamminga. . 4. Scuola francese. . 5. Elenco cronologico comparative. Descrizione della certosa di Pavia. [Anon.] Milano, 1818. D. 7+47 p. Malassis, Auguste Poulet=. 1825-78. See Poulet=MaIassis, Auguste. 1825-78. 40 A07 M29 AH 4 5 Z 026 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Malcolm, James Peller. 1767-1815. Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London during the AR42 eighteenth century . . . with ... a sketch of the domestic . . . L84I architecture . . . London, 1808-11. Q. 2 v. 68 pi. Excursions in the counties of Kent, Gloucester, Hereford, Mon- mouth and Somerset, in ... 1802, 1803 and 1805 . . . [with] sketches of the . . . cathedrals of Canterbury, Gloucester, Hereford and Bristol ... 2d edition. London, 1814. Nar. Q. [4] + 245 p. 22 pi. Lives of topographers and antiquaries who have written concern ing the antiquities of England, with ... a ... list of their works . . . London, 1815. Q. Various paging. 26 por. Londinium redivivum; or, An antient history and modern descrip tion of London . . . London, 1802-07. Q. 4 v. in 2. ill. 44 pi. map. One hundred and nineteen views in London and in the vicinity of the metropolis, with a memoir of the author written by himself and a descriptive index . . . London, 1836. Sq. F. 12 p. 112 pi. Malcolm, John, of Poltalloch. Descriptive catalogue of the drawings by the old masters forming A06i [his] collection, by J. C. Robinson. M29 London, 1869. Nar. Q. 11+280 p. Malet, Rev. John A[dam], compiler. See Dublin (Ireland) university. Catalogue of Roman silver AMi coins in the library. 1839. D85 Maliphant, Qeo[rge]. Designs for sepulchral monuments, mural tablets, etc. AE8 London [1852]. Sq. F. 31 pi. M2p Malkin, Benjamin Heath, D. C. L. 1769-1842. Scenery, antiquities and biography of South Wales, from materials AH429 collected ... in the year 1803 . . . with views drawn and engraved A8 by [J.] Laporte. London, 1804. Q. 7+634+ [2] p. 12 pi. map. Mallay, [A.]. Essai sur les eglises romanes et romano-bysantines du Departe- AH44 mentduPuy-de-D6me. Moulins, i838-[4i]. F. 5 24+60 p. 52 pi. ?99 Mallet, - , and Leonce, - . AK Plantes et oiseaux. L555 Mallet, Alain Manesson=. 1630-1706. See Manesson-Mallet, Alain. 1630-1706. COLUMBIA COLLEGh 627 Mallory, R. P. See Smillie, James. 1807-85. Panoramic view from Bunker Hill monument, engraved by James Smillie, from a drawing by R. P. Mallory. 1848. Malten, H. Mr. Schloss Stolzenfels am Rheine. Frankfurt am Main, 1844. Nar. Q. 16+192 p. 6 pi. map. Maltzan, Heinrich [Karl Eckard Helmuth], reichs- freiherr von. 1826-74. Reise auf der Insel Sardinien; nebst einem anhang iiber die phonicischen inschriften Sardiniens. Leipzig, 1869. Sq. S. 5 + 586 p. ill. I por. I map. I facsim. Malvasia, Carlo Cesare, marchese de. 1616-93. See Carracci, Lodovico. 1555-1619. II claustro di S. Michele in Bosco di Bologna . . . descritto dal C. C. C. Malvasia. 1694. Malvezzi, Luigi. Le glorie dell arte Lombarda; ossia, Illustrazione storica delle piu belle opere che produssero i Lombardi in pittura, scultura ed architettura dal 590 al 1850. Milano, 1882. O. ii+3O2 + [i]p. Manara, Gio[vanni Qirolamo] Orti, conte di. 1 803-58. "L antica cappella" incavata a scalpello nel monte detto di scag- Hone o costiglione presso la chiesa de SS. Nazaro e Celso in Verona. Verona, 1841. F. 5 II pi. 4 plans. Gli antichi monumenti greci e romani che si conservano nel Giar- dino de Conti Giusti in Verona, illustrati. Verona, 1835. Q- [5]+63 P- 9 pi- L antico battistero della santa chiesa Veronese. Verona, 1856. F. 5 [7] + 2o p Dell antica basilica di S. Zenone-Maggiore in Verona. Verona, 1839. F. [5]+68+[3] p. Intorno all antico battistero della santa chiesa Veronese . . . Verona, 1843. F. 5 21 p. 5 pi. Manceau, - , abbe, and Bourasse, J.J.,abbe, 1813-72. Verrieres du chceur de 1 Eglise Metropolitaine de Tours, dessinees et publiees par J. Marchand. 1849. Mancel, Jean Baptiste Georges. 1811-62. Caen et Pont-1 Eveque. (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. v. 2, pt. 4, p. 5-58. 15 pi.) Domfront. (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. v. 2, pt. 5, p. 25- 36". 2 pi.) Manche. (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. v. 2, pt. 6, p. 1-13. 2 pi.) 5 pi. 13 pi. AE8 Sm4 AH43 St6 AH459 A2 AH45 665 AO M29 AE AR495 Zi -AH45 V592 APLj.5 V59 AH45 AH44 T64 AH44 N783 AH44 N783 AH44 N783 628 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Mancel, Jean Baptiste Georges, 1811-62, editor. See La Normandie illustree. 1852. v. 2. Manchester (Eng.) Art treasures exhibition. Catalogue of the art treasures of the United Kingdom collected at AO4 Manchester in 1857. [Manchester, 1857.] D . 2 3 J P- HI- M 3 J Supplemental catalogue. [Pref. 1857.] D. 77 p. AO4 M 3 i Manchester (Eng.) Royal jubilee exhibition. 1887. Pictorial record of the Exhibition by W. Tomlinson . . . edited by AO4 J. H. Nodal. . . Manchester, 1888. F. [8] + i48+[i] p. ill. I pi. MSII Manchot, W. Kloster Limburg an der Haardt; eine bauwissenschaftliche und geschichtliche abhandlung, hrsg. vom Mannheimer altertums- verein. Mannheim, 1892. F. 9+90 p. ill. 7 pi. 7 paged pi. Mancini, Girolamo. AW Vita di Leon Battista Alberti. Firenze, 1882. D. 6+572+[i]p. Alis Mancini, Girolamo, editor. See Alberti, L. B. 1404-84. Opera inedita et pauca separatim AA impressa. 1890. Ali4 Mancinius, Hieronymus. See Mancini, Girolamo. Mandar, Cfharles] F[rancois], 1757-1830. De 1 architecture des forteresses; ou, De 1 art de fortifier les AE/ places . . . qui ont rapport a la guerre. . . M3I Paris, an xi, 1801. D. v. I, ii+698 + [2] p. 8 pi. Contents : v. i. Essai sur la fortification. No more published. Etudes d architecture civile; ou, Plans, elevations . . . et details AE2 necessaires pour clever . . . et decorer une maison. . . Nouv. M3i edition. . . Paris, 1826. F. 6 113 p. 122 pi. Proprietaire architecte . . . extrait des Etudes d architecture civile. AE2 (Vitry, Urbain. Le proprietaire architecte. 1827-42. v. 3.) V83 Mandelgren, Nils Mansson. 1813- Monuments scandinaves du moyen age, avec les peintures et autres AM6 ornements qui les decorent. . . Mji Paris, 1862. Sq. F. 7 [6]+4+[s] p. 40 pi. Manega, Rudolf. Die anlage von arbeiterwohnungen vom wirtschaftlichen, sanitaren AE2 und technischen standpunkte; mit einer sammlung von planen M3I2 der besten arbeiterhauser Englands, Frankreichs und Deutsch- lands. 2. aufl. Weimar, 1883. O. 16+170 p. and Atlas, Q. 2 p. 16 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 629 Manesson=Mallet, Alain. 1630-1706. AE; Den arbeid van Mars. . . Amsterdam, 1672. Q. MSI 2 217 plates from this book mounted in a scrap-book, without text. Description de 1 univers, contenant les differents systemes du AP monde ... les plans . . . des principales villes . . . et les moeurs, M3i religions, gouvernemens . . . de chaque nation. . . Paris, 1683. O. 5 v. ill. 2 por. 8 pi. Manetti, Q. Alessandro. Studio degli ordini di architettura. . . AA Firenze, 1808. F. 5 [4]+36+[>6] p. 25 pi. Mangeant, Adolphe, editor. AB See Journal de menuiserie. 1863-69. v. 1-7. J824 Manger, [Heinrich Qustav] J[ulius]. 1802-80. Hiilfsbuch zur anfertigung von bau-anschlagen und feststellung AI von bau-rechnungen. . . 2. aufl. M3i Berlin, 1858-60. O. 2 v. in I. ill. 5 pi. Mangin, Arthur. 1824-87. Les jardins, histoire et description; dessins par Anastasi, Daubigny, AN8 V. Foulquier, Francais, W. Freeman, H. Giacomelli, Lancelot. MSI Tours, 1867. F. 4 7+444 p. ill. 78 pi. Manitius, Karl. 1848-. De antiquissima Neptuni figura. . . AO Lipsiae, 1872. O. 4+48+[i] p. Z2 Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Mannheim, Jules, compiler. AO2 See Seilliere, Achilla, baron. Catalogue des objets d art. 1890. Se4 Mannheimer altertums=verein, editor. AH43 See Manchot, W. Kloster Limburg an der Haardt. 1892. 093 Manning, Maxwell & Moore. Illustrated catalogue of railway and machinists tools and sup- Al2 plies... New York, 1894. Sq. F. [9] + io7i p. ill. 3 pi. M3i Le Mans (France) Societe historique et archeolo= gique du Maine. See Societe historique et archeologique du Maine. Mansberg, Richard, freiherr von. Daz hohe liet von der maget; symbolik der mittelalterlichen AH43 sculpturen der goldenen pforte an der Marienkirche zu Frei- F88 berg i. S. Dresden, 1888. Sq. F. 4 9+[i] + 8o p. 7 pi. 40* 630 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Mantell, Gideon Algernon. 1790-1852. See Brayley, E. W. 1773-1854. Topographical history of AH42 Surrey . . . the geological section by G. Mantell. 1850. 81171 Mantell, Sir Thomas. 1751-1831. Cinque Ports brotherhoods and guestlings, an account of the AR42 antiquity thereof, with the proceedings at the Brotherhood and Z guestlingin 1771. A new edition. .. Dover, 1828. O. [3]+36p. Mantellier, [Jean] P[hilippe]. 1810-84. Memoire sur les bronzes antiques de Neuvy-en-Sullias, lu a AC 1 Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres le 8 juillet 1864. 8024 Paris, 1865. Nar. Q. 47+[i]p. i6pl. map. (In Societe archeo- logique et historique de 1 Orleanais. Memoires. v. 9.) Mantovani, Qaetano. 1845-. AR45 Museo Opitergino. Bergamo, 1874. O. 276+ [i] p. Od2 Mantz, Paul [A.]. 1821-. Les meubles du i8 e siecle. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 4, AB P. 313-325, 356-367, 377-389. ill- pl-) K-32 Manual complete de carpinteria. 1853-55. Al See A. A. y P., F. de. Aai Manual! Hoepli. Milano, 1885-92. S. 8 v. in 6. ill. pl. GENTILE, I. 1843-. Storia dell arte romana. 1892. MELANI, A. 1859-. Architettura italiana. 1887. MELANI, A. 1859-. Decorazione . . . artistiche. 1888-89. MELANI, A. 1859-. Scoltura italiana. 1885. Manuel, Niklaus. 1484-1530. Todtentanz gemalt zu Bern um 1515-1520, lithographiert nach AX den getreuen copien des beriihmten kunstmalers Wilhelm Stettler. M3i La danse des Morts. . . Berne [1829-31], F. 4 4 p. i por. 24 pl. Edited by J. Schlotthauer. Description of plates signed J. R. W. Manuels=Roret. Paris, 1843. T. 2 v. pl. AMs N84 NOSBAN, . Nouveau manuel complet du menuisier. 1843. 2 v. Manuzio, Paolo. 1511-74. Antiquitatum Romanarum libri duo, de legibus et de Senatu. (In AR45 Rosinus, Johannes. Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutis- R6p2 simum. 1663. p. 813-900.) Manzi, Lodovico. Osservationi in ordine al progetto di una piazza, intorno al duomo AH45 di Milano. . . Milano, 1863. O. 12 p. i pl. Ms824 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 631 Maquet, Auguste [Jules]. 1813-88. Paris sous Louis XIV.; monuments et vues. . . AH44 Paris, 1883. Sq. F. 3 + 3469. ill. 7 por. P3I9 Marana, Giovanni Paolo. 1642-93. Lettre d un Sicilien a un de ses amis. Paris, 1883. O. 23 + 144 p. AH44 i pi. (In Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878- AS 2 1883. v. 9.) No. 234 of 330 copies printed. Marangoni, Giovanni. 1673-1753. Delle memorie sacre e profane dell anfiteatro Flavio di Roma AH45 volgarmente detto il Colosseo, dissertazione. . . R786 Roma, 1746. Sq. O. 16+88 p. ill. Marangoni, Giovanni Battista, editor. See Calderari, Ottone, conte. 1730-1803. Disegni e scritti A A d architettura. 1808-15. Ci2 Marbot, Alfred de. Tableaux synoptiques de 1 infanterie et de la cavalerie francaise et AN4 des regiments etrangers au service de France de 1720 a 1789 . . . M32 pour faire suite a la 2 e partie de 1 ouvrage sur "Les costumes mili- taires francais de 1439 a 1789." Paris, 1854. F. 5 12 pi. Marbot, E., abbe. . Notre maitrise metropolitaine; son histoire. Aix, 1883. D. AR44 31 + 132 p. (La sainte eglise d Aix et Aries, v. 2.) Ai9 Marcal, S. Etudes sur I ameublement ancien et moderne; encyclopedic pitto- ANi resque du mobilier; tableau historique et chronologique des styles M33 en France depuis 1 ere celtique jusqu a nos jours. Paris, no date. F. 6 2 v. 275 pi. Marcel, A., and Lafon, A. J. AH44 L hotel du Bourgtheroulde a Rouen. 1888. R759 Marchand, J. Verrieres du chceur de 1 Eglise Metropolitaine de Tours . . . texte AH44 par MM. Bourasse et Manceau. Paris, 1849. F. 5 75 p. 18 pi. T64 (Vitraux peints du 132 siecle.) Marchant, Louis. 1828-. Recherches sur les fai enceries de Dijon. AN2 Dijon, 1885. Q. 67+[3] p. ill. 6 pi. M332 Marchese, [Vincenzo Fortunato]. 1808-. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects of the AW order of S. Dominic, translated from the Italian ... by Rev. C. P. M33I Meehan. Dublin, 1852. D. 2 v. 2 por. 632 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Marchesi, Augusto. II tempietto di Vicovaro; descrizione ed illustrazione, preceduta AH45 da brevi cenni storici sul paese. Roma, 1783. F. 8 p. 4 pi. V6/ Marchesi, Jose Maria, director. See Madrid (Spain) Real armeria. Catalogo de la Real armeria, AN5 mandado formar por . . . Jose Maria Marchesi. 1849. M26i M[archi], Q[iuseppe]. Monumenti delle arti cristiane primitive nella metropoli del cris- AR45 tianesimo, disegnati ed illustrati: Architettura. R683 Roma, 1844. F. 2 7 2 P- 68 pi. Plates numbered 57-60, 64-68 and 71 are said to have never been issued. Marechal, Pierre Sylvain. 1750-1803. See David, F. A. 1741-1824. Antiquites d Herculanum. 1780- AR45 1803. H4ii Mareschal, A[uguste] A[lexandre]. 1822-. La faience populaire au i8 e siecle; sa forme, son emploi, sa deco- AN2 ration, ses couleurs et ses marques. . . M33I Paris, 1872. Nar. Q. i6+nip. ill. 8 pi. Les faiences, anciennes et modernes, leur marques et decors; AN2 faiences frangaises. 2 e edition revue. . . M33 Paris, 1874. Q. [4] + 13+91 p. ill. Imagerie de la faience frangaise : Assiettes a emblemes patriotiques AN2 comprenant la periode revolutionnaire. M33II Beauvais, 1869. Nar. Q. unpaged. 121 pi. Margaritis, Domenico. Proposizioni teorico-pratiche d architettura civile. . . AA Milano, 1766. O. 27 p. 2 pi. M33 Marggraff, Rudolf, 1805-80, editor. AB See Miinchner jahrbiicher fur bildende kunst. 1838-40. M92 Marggraff, Rudolf, 1805- editor. See Munich (Ger.) Pinakothek. Catalogue des tableaux de A02 1 ancienne Pinacotheque royale a Munich. 1866. M92I Marguerye, R. de. Le grand incendie de la cathedrale de Bourges. Moeurs admin- AC istratives au i6e siecle. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. 803 Memoires. 1890. v. 17, p. 177-228. I pi.) Mariani, Carlo. 1823-. Dell architettura del bisogno, d una riforma negli studi di quest AH495 arte e cenni storici intorno all architettura italiana volgarmente Z4 chiamata greco-romana. Geneva, 1852. S. ii4+[i]p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 633 Marie, E. de Sainte=. 1843-. See Sainte=Marie, E. de. 1843-. Marie, Paul. AK Les decorations egyptiennes. Paris, 1880. F. 5 40 pi. M33 Mariette, Auguste [Edouard], pasha. 1821-81. Catalogue general des monuments d Abydos decouverts pendant AR56 les fouilles de cette ville. Paris, 1880. F. 7 + 596 p. ill. I pi. Deir-el-Bahari; documents . . . recueillis dans ce temple pendant AH62 les fouilles. .. Leipzig, 1877. F. 5 4+40 p. 16 pi. T34 Quarto text in pocket. Denderah; description generale du grand temple de cette ville. AH62 Paris, 1870-75. F. 4 [5] + 35 1+6 p. and Atlas, F. 5 4 v. 340 pi. 0411 and Sup., 9 pi. Karnak; etude topographique et archeologique, avec un appendice AR62 comprenant les principaux textes hieroglyphiques decouverts ... Ki4 a Karnak. . . Leipzig, 1875. F. 88 p. ill. and Atlas, F. 5 [3] p. 56 pi. Monuments divers recueillis en Egypte et en Nubie; texte par G. AR62 Maspero. Paris, 1889. F. 6 [5]+3O+|j] p. 107 pi. Ail Traite pratique et raisonne de la construction en Egypte; des AI materiaux de construction, des constructions civiles. M33 Alexandrie, 1875. O. v. I. See Boulak (Egypt) museum. Notice des principaux monu- AO2 ments exposes dans les galeries provisoires du Musee d antiquites B66 egyptiennes a Boulaq, par Auguste Mariette-bey. 1874. Mariette, Edouard, bey. 1821-81. See Mariette, Auguste [Edouard], pasha. 1821-81. Mariette, P[ierre] J[ean]. 1694-1774. Abecedario et autres notes inedites de cet amateur sur les arts et AW les artistes . . . ouvrage public . . . par Ph. de Chennevieres et A. M34I de Montaiglon. Paris, 1851-60. O. 6 v. in 3. (Archives de 1 art francais. v. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.) Catalogue raisonne des differens objets de curiosites dans les AO2 sciences et arts qui composoient . . . [son] cabinet, par F. Basan. M33 Paris, 1775. O. 16+418 p. 5 pi. Vues, plans, elevations et details de plusieurs monuments, hotels AH44 et maisons de Paris. Obi. Q. 114 pi. P23 Mariette, Pierre Jean, 1694-1774, publisher. AH44 See Architecture frangoise. 1738. A28 634 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Marigny, [Abel Francois Poisson], marquis de. 1725-81. . . . [Sa] collection de statues; catalogue descriptif . . . par E. AO8 Plantet. Paris, 1885. Nar. Q. 3 + i;6+[i] p. I por. 26 pi. M33 Marillier, - , vicaire general de Nevers. AH44 Corbigny. Paris, 1887. O. 29+ [i] +478 p. 3 pi. I map. C8i Marini, Luigi, marchese del Vacone. 1768-1828. Discorso sul ritrovamento da lui fatto del metodo di descrivere la AC voluta lonica Vitruviana; pronunciato ... 6 decembre 1821. (In R66i Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1825. v. 2, p. 105-126. i pi.) Excursus prolusorius in Vitruvium habitus 9 ... Augusti . . . AC 1824 . . . (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. R66i Dissertazioni. 1831. v. 4, p. 335-345.) Marini, Luigi, marchese del Vacone, 1768-1828, editor. See Berengo, Giovanni, editor and translator. Antico compendio AA di architettura. 1855. 6452 See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. De architectura libri decem. . . AA 1836. 842 Marionneau, [Claude] Charles. 1823-. Brascassat, sa vie et son ceuvre. AW Paris, 1872. Nar. Q. 14+419. i por. i pi. 6733 Autograph letter of the author inserted. Une visite aux ruines du chateau de Montaigne. AR44 Bordeaux, 1885. O. 23 p. 3 pi. Z Victor Louis . . . sa vie, ses travaux et sa correspondance. 1731- AW 1800. L922 Bordeaux, 1881. Nar. Q. 10+1+608 p. i por. 8 pi. i facsim. Markland, J[ames] H[eywood]. 1788-1864. On the ecclesiastical architecture of England, as it has been AC affected by the taste and feeling of past and present times. (In As7 Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 3, p. 120-145.) Remarks on English churches and on the expediency of rendering AH42 sepulchral memorials subservient to pious and Christian uses. . . A82 3d ed. enlarged. Oxford, 1843. D. i7+[i] + 247 p. ill. 14 pi. Some remarks on the early use of carriages in England, and on AB the modes of travelling adopted by our ancestors. (In Archaeo- Ar2 logia. v. 20, p. 443-478. 2 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 635 Markt & co. Illustrated catalogue of American manufactures. New York, 1892. F. v. A-G in I. ill. Text in German, English, and Spanish. Markwart, Otto. Die baugeschichte des klosters Muri. Aarau, 1890. O. 7+97+[i] p. i pi. Marlborough, George Spencer, 4 th duke of. 1 739-181 7. Gemmarum antiquarum delectus ex praestantioribus desumptus, quae in dactyliothecis Ducis Marlburiensis conservantur. Londini, 1845. F - 5 2 v - no pi. Title-page and text in Latin and French. Marliani, Giovanni Bartolommeo. -i56o(?). Vrbis Romae topographia . . . figuris illustrata . . . cui accessere Hieronyme Ferrutij . . . additiones. . . Venetiis, Francinus, 1588. S. [8] + 176+ [8] f. ill. Marmon, Joseph. Unserer lieben frauen miinster zu Freiburg im Breisgau. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1878. T. 7+2io+[i] p. 2 pi. Marmor Sandvicense, cum commentario et notis. 1743. See Taylor, John. 1704-66. Marmora Taurinensia. 1748. See [Rivautella, Antonio, 1708-53, and Ricolvi, G. P., 1723-48]. Marmorbiiste eines romischen feldherrn in der Kaiser- lichen Eremitage zu St. Petersburg. [1875.] See [Schulze, Ernst]. Die marmor=gruppen auf der schloss-brticke in Berlin. Berlin, 1857. s q- F - 5 [ 6 ] P- 1 7 P 1 - Marmottan, Paul. 1856-. Les statues de Paris. Paris [1886]. O. 256 p. ill. (Bibliotheque d histoire et d art.) Marocco, Giuseppe. Monumenti dello Stato Pontificio e relazione topografica di ogni paese. Roma, 1833-37. O. 14 v. in 7. Contents: v. 1-3. Sabina e sue memorie. v. 4-12. Lazio e sue memorie. v. 13. Religione, antichita, costumi e prodotti. v. 14. Patrimonio e sue memorie. Marolles, Michel de, abbe. 1 600-81. Paris, ou description de cette ville. Paris, 1879. O. 14+379 + [3] p. i por. (Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. v. 3.) No. 117 of 330 copies printed. Al2 M34 AH494 M94 AX AH45 R826 AH43 F882 AX Zi AO8 AO8 Z6 AH43 B 459 AH44 ?335 AR45 Ai5 AH44 636 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Marolois, Samuel. i; th cent. Perspective, contenant la theorie practique et instruction fonda- AL2 mentale d icelle. Amsterdam, 1628. F. 86 p. 81 pi. M34 Marolois, Samuel, i; th cent., editor. See Vries, J. Vredeman de. 1527-. La tres-noble perspective. ML2 1619. A34 Marot, Daniel. 1 661-171 8 (?). . . . Das ornamentwerk . . . [hrsg. von P. Jessen]. AK Berlin, 1892. F. 4 8 v. in I. 264 pi. M34 Contents: 1. Architektur. 2. Skulpturen. 3. Fiillungen und ornamente. 4. Dekorationen. 5. Zimmerausstattung. 6. Mobel, gerathe und vasen. 7. Gewebe und stickereien. 8. Gartenkunst und gitterwerk. [Marot, Jean, 1619-79, and Marot, Daniel, 1661- L architecture frangoise; ou, Recueil des plans, elevations, coupes et profils des eglises, palais, hotels et maisons . . . de Paris et . . . de France. . . [Anon.] Paris, 1727. F. 5 37 pi. L architecture frangoise; ou, Recueil des plans, elevations, coupes et profils des eglises, palais, hotels et maisons . . . de Paris et . . . de France. . . Paris, 1727. F. 5 2 v. 294 pi. Marot, Jean, 1619-79, engraver. See Tarade, Jacques. Desseins de toutes les parties de 1 Eglise AH45 de Saint Pierre de Rome ... en 1659. ^-693 Marquessac, H. de, baron. Hospitaliers de St. Jean de Jerusalem en Guyenne depuis le I2 e AH44 siecle jusqu en 1793. . . G94 Bordeaux, 1866. F. [3^9+292 p. ill. 47 pi. Marquet de Vasselot, Jean Joseph Marie Anatole. 1840-. See Vasselot, Jean Joseph Marie Anatole Marquet de. 1840-. Marquez, Pietro [Giuseppe], abate. Dell ordine dorico, ricerche . . . con appendice sopra un antica AA tav. di Pozzuolo. Roma, 1803. O. 12+196 p. 10 pi. M34 Delia ville di Plinio il giovane; opera, con un appendice su gli atri AE della S. Scrittura e gli scamilli impari di Vitruvio. M34 Roma, 1796. O. [8] + 232 p. ill. 2 pi. map. Marquis, Leon. 1843-. Les rues d Etampes et ses monuments . . . avec preface par V. A. AH44 Malte-Brun. Etampes, 1881. O. 7+434+[2] p. 35 pi. 4 maps. Eti COLUMBIA COLLEGE 637 [Marquis, Raoul. 1863-.] Les armes et 1 armurerie a travers les siecles, par H. de Graffigny. AN5 Limoges [1889]. O. 97 p. 24 pi. M34 Marriott, Rev. Wharton B[ooth]. 1823-71. Testimony of the catacombs and of other monuments of Christian AR45 art, from the second to the eighteenth century, concerning ques- R665 tions of doctrine now disputed in the church. London, 1870. O. 6+[i] + 223 p. ill. 10 pi. Marry at, Joseph. Collections towards a history of pottery and porcelain in the 15^, AN2 1 6th, i^th and i8th centuries, with a description of the manufac- M34 ture, a glossary and a list of monograms. London, 1850. O. 23 + 381 p. ill. 12 pi. Marshall, Arthur. Specimens of antique carved furniture and woodwork. . . ANi London, 1888. Sq. F. 5 7+[ 3 ] p. ill. 50 pi. M35 Marshall, Julian. Handbook of engravers of ornament. . . AW London, 1869. O. 8+39 p. M35 Marshall, William. 1745-1818. On planting and rural ornament, a practical treatise. 3d edition. AN8 London, 1803. O. 2 v. M35 The first edition has the title, Planting and ornamental gardening. Marsy, [Alexandre Charles Arthur], comte de. 1843- Le Congres historique et archeologique d Anvers et le cinquan- AB tenaire de I Academie d archeologie de Belgique (10 16 aoiit 687 1892.) (In Bulletin monumental. 1891-92. v. 57, p. 413-431. 12 pi.) Les musees archeologiques de Belgique. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental. 1891-92. v. 57, p. 437-461. I pi.) B87 Martelet, E., editor. AL2 See Leroy, C. F. A. I78o(?)-i854. Traite de stereotomie. 1857. Martens, H. Skizze zu einer praktischen asthetik der baukunst und der ihr A A dienenden schwesterkiinste. . . Berlin, 1885. O. 63 p. M36 Marti, Juan Pablo Canals y. See Canals y Marti, Juan Pablo. Martial, A[dolphe Martial Potemont], called. 1828- 1883. AH44 . . . Ancien Paris. . . [Paris] 1866. F. 5 3 v. 300 pi. P245 638 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Martin, Albert. 1844-. Les cavaliers et les processions dans les fetes atheniennes. (In AB Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1886. p. 38-63.) M48 Remarques paleographiques et critiques sur 1 inscription de Tauro- AB menion. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1881. p. 1834.) M48 Martin, Arthur, 1801-56, abbe, and Cahier, Charles, 1807- AP Melanges d archeologie, d histoire et de litterature. 1847-56. Cu Monographic de la cathedrale de Bourges; vitraux du I3 e siecle. AH44 Paris, 1841-44. F. 8 2 v. in I. 11+303 p. 75 pi. B66 Paged continuously. Also appeared under title, Vitraux peints de Saint-fitienne de Bourges. Nouveaux melanges d archeologie, d histoire et litterature sur le AP moyen age. 1874-77. Cm Suite aux Melanges d archeologie. 1868. AP ClI2 Vitraux peints de Saint-Etienne de Bourges. See, above, Mono- AH44 graphic de la cathedrale de Bourges. 1841-44. B66 Martin, Benjamin Ellis. Old Chelsea; a summer-day s stroll, illustrated by Joseph Pennell. AH42 London, 1889. D. 192 p. ill. i pi. C4i Martin, Charles. Civil costume of England from the conquest to the present time AN4 . . . etched by L. Martin . . . [with] Hope s Costumes of the M36 ancients. 25 plates. London, 1842. Nar. Q. 6+ [5] p. 85 pi. Martin, Charles Wykeham. -1870. History and description of Leeds castle, Kent. AH42 Westminster, 1869. F. 4 io+2io+[38] p. ill. 9 phot, i facsim. L5I2 Martin, F. R. L age du bronze au Musee de Minnoussinsk; photographies et AP texte. Stockholm, 1893. F. 4 74 p. 33 pi. map. M36 Published by the Socie te suedoise d anthropologie et de geographic. Martin, Jean, -1553, translator. See Alberti, L. B. 1404-84. L architectvre et art de bien bastir AA diuisee en dix liures. 1553. Ali2 See Serlio, Sebastiano. 1475-1552. Le premier [et second] liure AA d architecture. 1545. Se6 See Serlio, Sebastiano. 1475-1552. Quinto libro d architettvra, AA nel quale se tratta de diuerse forme de tempii sacri secondo il Se6 costume christiano & al modo antico. 1547. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Martin, Leopold, illustrator. See Martin, Charles. Civil costume of England. 1842. Martin, P[ierre]. Recherches sur 1 architecture, la sculpture, la peinture . . . dans les maisons du moyen-age et de la renaissance a Lyon. Paris [Lyon, printed, 1853]. Sq. F. 8 + 72 p. 80 pi. La serrurerie; recueil des ouvrages en fer et en bronze du io e au i8 e siecle. Paris, 1865. F. 7 p. ill. 20 pi. Martin, Thomas. 1697-1771. History of the town of Thetford in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, from the earliest accounts to the present time [ed. by R. Gough]. London, 1779. Q. [i9]+32O+i35 p. I por. 9 pi. Martin, Lt.-col. W[illiam] G[regory] Wood=. 1847-. Rude stone monuments of Ireland, co. Sligo and the island of Achill. . . Dublin, 1888. Nar. Q. 17+274 p. ill. 5 pi. (His torical and archaeological association of Ireland. Annuary.) Martinelli, Fioravante. 1 7 th cent. Roma di nuovo esattamente ricercata nel suo sito. . . Roma, 1702. S. [i2] + 2i6+[i2] p. 38 pi. Martinet, - . Suite de dix planches d ornements. 6 plates, chiefly architectural, inserted. No place, no date. F. 5 10 pi. [Martinetti, Antonio, and Sidone, Raffaele.] Delia sacrosanta basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano. [Anon.] 1750. Martini, Francesco di Giorgio. i423(?)-7o(?). Trattato di architettura civile e militare . . . pubblicato per cura del Cav. C. Saluzzo, con . . . note. Torino, 1841. F. 2v. ill. I por. and Atlas, F. 6 38 pi. Martini, Georg Heinrich, 1722-94, translator. See Lens, A. C. 17391822. Das kostum der meisten volker des alterthums. 1784. Martini, [Giuseppe]. Les grands edifices de Pise; dome, baptistere, Campo-Santo, tour penchee . . . notes par G. Lejeal. Paris, 1878. F. 6 21 p. 38 pi. Reproduced from his Theatrum basilicae Pisanae. Theatrum basilicae Pisanae. . . Romae, 1705. F. 5 [8] + is6+[io] p. ill. 6 pi. I tab. Martini, Matthias. -1868. Das hospital Eues. (In Schmidt, C. W. Baudenkmale der romischen periode in Trier. 1836-45. pt. 3, p. 35-66.) AN4 M 3 6 AH44 L993 AM2 M 3 6 AR42 T345 AR4I5 A2 AH 45 AK M 3 6 AH 4S R792 AE7 M 3 6 AN 4 L54 AH 45 P67 AH 45 P672 AH 4 3 T 7 2 640 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Martinov, Jean. 1821-. See Martynov, Ivan. 1821-. [Martyn, Rev. Thomas. 1735-1825.] Chronological series of engravers, from the invention of the art to AW the beginning of the present century. [Anon.] M36 Cambridge, 1770. D. i2+i28 + [i6] p. 3 pi. Martynov, Alexei. Anciens monuments des environs de Moscou; dessins de Nikolas AH47 Martinow. Moscou, 1889. Sq. F. 5 13 p. 25 pi. M852 Martynov, Ivan. 1821-. L art russe. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 26, p. 122-168, 293- AB 312. i pi.) R324 Un tetraptyque russe. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 24, p. 257- AB 281. 3 pi.) R324 Le tresor de Gran. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 31, p. 157- AB 172; v. 32, p. 192-210, 340-359- i pi.) R 3 2 4 Martyrologiuttl Panormitanum sanctorum civium et AH45 patronorum urbis Panormi. . . 2 a editio. . . Pi 71 Panormi, 1742. O. 38 p. Marucchi, Orazio. Descrizione de Foro romano e guida per la visita dei suoi monu- AH45 menti. Roma, 1883. O. 8+i35 + [i] p. 2 pi. R669 From Gli studi in Italia. Marulli, Trojano, conte. Lettera al Sig r . Duca di Ventignano, Cesare della Valle, sopra un AH45 antica cappella cristiana scoperta di fresco in Roma nelle Terme R8i9 di Tito. Napoli, 1813. D. 52 p. 2 pi. Marx, Erwin. Constructions-elemente in stein. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1891. 3. thl. i. bd., p. 9-93. ill. i paged pi.) Hi9 Sicherungen gegen einbruch. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1891. 3. thl. 6. bd., p. 1-37. ill. i paged pi.) Hi9 Wande und wand-offnungen. Darmstadt, 1891. Q. 7+517 p. AA ill. I9pagedpl. (Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. 2. bd. Hi9 hft. I.) Marx, Erwin, and Schmitt, Eduard. Koch-, spiil-, wasch- und bade-einrichtungen. (In Handbuch AA der architektur. 1892. 3. thl. 5. bd., p. 1-173. ill. 4 paged pi.) Hi9 Marx, E[rwin], editor. See Darmstadt (Ger.) Technische hochschule. Die burgkapelle AH43 zu Iben in Rheinhessen. 1882. Ib3i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 641 Marx, Roger, 1859-, compiler. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. La decora- AO4 tion et 1 art industriel a 1 Exposition. 1890. P2I9 Marzo, Gioacchino di. 1839-. Delle belle arti in Sicilia. AO Palermo, 1858-64. O. 4 v. in 3. ill. 29 pi. M36 Contents: v. 1-2. Dal Normanni sino alia fine del secolo 14. v. 3-4. Dal sorgere del secolo 15 alia fine del 16. I Gagini e la scultura in Sicilia nei secoli 15 e 16. . . AO8 Palermo, 1880-83. F. 2 v - 39 pi- M 3 6 Contents: v. i. Testo. v. 2. Documenti. Masfen, John. Views of the church of St. Mary at Stafford, with an account of its AH42 restoration, and materials for its history. Sti5 London, 1852. F. 4 42 p. 16 pi. Maskell, William, 1814- compiler. Industrial arts; historical sketches. [Anon.] [London, pref. AO 1876.] O. l4.+[l]+276p. ill. i pi. (South Kensington, Eng., M37 museum Art hand-books, ed. by W. Maskell.) See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Description of the AN6 ivories, ancient and mediaeval, in the . . . museum. 1872. So8 Maskell, William, 1814-, editor. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Art hand-books. Mas Latrie, [Jacques Marie Joseph] L[ouis] de. 1815-. Notice sur les archives de Malte a Cite-la-Valette. (In Archives AB des missions scientifiques. 1857. v - 6, p. 1240.) Ar2i Mason, George C[hamplin]. 1820-. Application of art to manufactures. . . AN6 New York, 1858. D. 11+344 p. ill. 79 pi. M38 Mason, George Henry. Costume of China, illustrated . . . with explanations in English AN T 4 and French. London [1799]. F. 4 Unpaged. 60 pi. C822 Punishments of China illustrated . . . with explanations in English AN4 and French. [Anon.] London [1801]. F. 4 Unpaged. 22 pi. C826 Mason, William Hayley. Goodwood; its house, park and grounds, with a catalogue raisonne AH42 of the pictures . . . [and] an account of the antient encampment, 663 tumuli and British village on the adjacent downs. London, 1839. O. 215 p. 6 pi. 642 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Mason, William Monck. 1775-1859. History and antiquities of the collegiate and cathedral church of St. Patrick near Dublin, from its foundation in 1 190 to ... 1819. .. Dublin, 1820. O. [9] +478+ [99] p. 7 pi. Maspero, Qaston Camille Charles. 1846-. Les momies royales de Deir el-Bahan. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission AC archeologique francaise. Memoires. 1889. v. I, pt. 4, p. 511- Ci2 787. 27 pi.) Trois annees de fouilles dans les tombeaux de Thebes et de AC Memphis. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique fran9aise. Ci2 Memoires. 1885. v. I, pt. 2, p. 133-242. 19 pi.) See Mariette, A. 6. 1821-81. Monuments divers recueillis en AR62 Egypte et en Nubie, texte par G. Maspero. 1889. All Maspero, Qaston Camille Charles, 1846-, compiler. See Boulak (Egypt) museum. Guide du visiteur au Musee. 1883. Maspero, Qaston Camille Charles, 1846-, editor. See Cairo (Egypt) Mission archeologique francaise. Memoires. AC 1884-88. v. 1-4. Ci2 See Champollion, J. F. 1790-1832. Monuments de 1 Egypte et de la Nubie. 1844-89. v. 2. Massachusetts institute of technology Architec tural society, publisher. AB See Technology architectural review. T22 Massai, Pietro. AH44 Vedute della Grecia moderna. Firenze, 1825. F. 4 10 pi. A4/ Massazza, Paolo Antonio. AE8 L arco antico di Susa. . . Torino, 1750. F. 4 [4] +47 p. 2 pi. M38 Masse, J. Armoiries et sceaux de la republique et canton de Geneve. Zurich, AC 1858. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. An8 1858-61. v. 13, p. 59-73- 3 pl-) Masselin, Leon Le Metayer=. 1828-. See Le Metayer-Masselin, Leon. 1828-. Masselin, O[nesime]. 1838-. Nouvelle jurisprudence et traite pratique sur la responsabilite des AI architectes, ingenieurs, experts, arbitres et entrepreneurs. . . 2 e ed. M38 . . . augmentee. . . Paris, 1880. O. 383 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 643 Masselli, Giovanni. II tabernacolo della Madonna d Orsanmichele lavoro insigne di A. AH45 Orcagna . . . tavole . . . disegnate da F. Pieraccini e incise dal F674 Prof. G. P. Lasinio. Firenze, 1873. F. 6 [;] + i4p. ill. 13 pi. Massler, Th. Gips-abdrucke der steinmetz-arbeiten aus der Marienkirche in AK Gelnhausen, [mit preis-courant]. M38 Hannover, no date. Obi. Q. 2 pi. Masson, C[harles]. Memoir on the topes and sepulchral monuments of Afghanistan. AMi (In Wilson, H. H. Ariana antiqua. 1841. p. 55-118. 9 pi.) W6g Mater, Daniel. fLtudes sur la numismatique du Berry: Les monnaies de Bourges AC aux io e et ii e siecles. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. 803 Memoires. 1890. v. 17, p. 229-292. 3 pi.) Etudes sur la numismatique du Berry: Sancerre. (In Societe des AC antiquaires du centre. Memoires. 1888. v. 15, p. 225-292.) 803 Histdire de la medaille due par la ville de Bourges aux Marquis de AC Chateauneuf-sur-Cher. (In Societe des antiquaires du centre. 803 Memoires. 1884. v. 1 1, p. 245-276. 4 pi.) Materiaux et documents d architecture et de sculpture AB classes par ordre alphabetique. M4i Paris [1872-]. F. v. 1-21 in 7. ill. pi. Edited by A. Raguenet. Mathews, Charles Thompson. 1863-. Renaissance under the Valois; a sketch in French architectural AII44 history. New York, 1893. F. 5 23 p. ill. 41 pi. A63 Mathews, J[oseph] Douglass. Model bye-laws as a basis of a general building act. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1877-78^.277-285.) R8i Mathon, . Notice historique sur la ville de Creil et sur son ancien chateau. AC (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 8019 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 4, p. 590-644, pi. 42-44.) Mathon, , compiler. See Beauvais (France) Musee archeologique. Catalogue. (In AC Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. 8019 Memoires. v. 5, p. 103-156, 595-613. 3 pi.) Mathon, , and Deladreue, L. E., 1831-88. Histoire de 1 abbaye royale de Saint-Lucien. (In Societe acade- AC mique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. 8019 v. 8, p. 257-385, 541-704. 6 pi.) 644 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Matranga, Pietro. i;9o(?)-i855. Lapidi antiche possedute dal Sig. Demetrio Diamilla, illustrate. Roma, 1849. O. X 3 P- 2 ill- Matsch, Franz. See Ilg, Albert. 1847-. Zwickelbilder im stiegenhause des K. k. kunsthistorischen hofmuseums zu Wien von Ernst und Gustav Klimt und Franz Matsch. 1893. Matsch, Franz, Klimt, Ernst and Klimt, Gustav. Die malerische ausschmiickung des neuen stadttheaters in Carls bad. Wien, 1887. F. 5 6 pi. Matthay, Karl [Ludwig]. 1778-1848. Ideenmagazin fur gold-, silber-, und bronzearbeiter, enthaltend elemente zu antiken und symbolischen blatterverzierungen . . . ornamente . . . und randmustern. Weimar, 1840. F. 4 4+11 p. 33 pi. Matthias, J. Ch. Kunstgewerbliches modell- und musterbuch; eine sammlung charakteristischer beispiele der decorativen . . . kunst . . . zurrachst im anschluss an das Museum Minutoli zusammengestellt . . . und erlautert. Leipzig, 1867. O. 38 p. 24 pi. Matz, Friedrich. 1843-74. Antike bildwerke in Rom; nach des verfassers tode weitergefuhrt und hrsg. von F. von Duhn. Leipzig, 1881-82. O. 3 v. 2 maps. Contents: v. i. Statuten, hermen, biisten, kopfe. v. 2. Sarkophagreliefs. v. 3. Reliefs und sonstiges. Mau, August, and Lessing, Julius, 1843-. Wand- und deckenschmuck eines romischen hauses aus der zeit des Augustus. 1891. Mauch, Eduard. 1800-74. See Mauch, [Karl Friedrich] Eduard. 1800-74. Mauch, J[ohann] M[atthaus] von. 1792-1856. Abhandlung iiber die mittelalterlichen baudenkmale in Wiirttem- berg. Stuttgart, 1849. Sq. O. 20 p. 4 pi. Academic dissertation at Stuttgart (Ger.) Polytechnische schule. Vergleichende darstellung der architectonischen ordnungen der Griechen und Romer und der neueren baumeister von Carl Nor- mand fortgesetzt. Potsdam, 1832. F. 5 6+21 p. 16 pi. Mauch, [Karl Friedrich] Eduard. 1800-74. Die baugeschichte der stadt Ulm und ihres ministers, bis zur mitte des 16. jahrhunderts. Ulm, 1864. O. 4+32 p. I pi. I map. AW Zi AM 4 M 43 AK M 43 A08 M43 AM6 L562 AA N;8i AH 4 3 Z COLUMBIA COLLEGE 645 Mauch, Karl Friedrich Eduard, 1800-74, and Griin- eisen, Karl von, 1802-78. Ulm s kunstleben im mittelalter; ein beitrag zur culturgeschichte AO von Schwaben. 1840. 092 Maul, Johannes. Deutsche bucheinbande der neuzeit; eine sammlung ausgefiihrter AN6 arbeiten aus deutschen werkstatten . . . unter mitwirkung von M44 Hans Friedel. Leipzig, 1888. F. 4 [12] p. 42 pi. Maul, Johannes, continues See Stockbauer, J. La dorure sur cuir, reliure, ciselure et gaufrure AN6 en Allemagne. v. 2. St6 Maurer, Fritz. Romanische bauten in Anhalt. AH43 Berlin, 1888-91. F. 5 3 pts. in I v. ill. 10 pi. An4 Contents : pt. I. Die stiftskirche St. Cyriaci zu Gernrode. pt. 2. Die schlosskirche St. Pancratii in Ballenstedt. pt. 3. Die klosterkirche St. Stephani und St. Sebastiani in Frose. From Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1888-91. Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred, 1817- continuer. See Clarac, C. O. F. J. B., comte de. 1777-1847. Musee de AH44 sculpture. 1826-53. v. 3-6. P2II Maximilian I., emperor of Germany. 1459-1519. Der weisskunig, nach den dictaten und eigenhandigen aufzeich- AB nungen Kaiser Maximilian I, zusammengestellt von Marx Treitz- Ji9i sauerwein von Ehrentreitz, hrsg. von Alwin Schultz. (In Jahr- buch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiser- hauses. v. 6.) May, George. History of Evesham; its Benedictine monastery, conventual church, AH42 existing edifices, municipal institutions . . . civil and military Ev2 events. . . Evesham, 1834. O. 353 p. 2 pi. Mayence (Ger.). See Mentz (Ger.). Mayer, Friedrich. Die interessantesten chorlein an Niirnberg s mittelalterlichen ge- AH43 bauden. Niirnberg, no date. Sq. O. 22 p. 24 pi. N933 Mayer, Joseph. 1803-86. History of the art of pottery in Liverpool. AN2 Liverpool, 1855. O- 37 P- ill- : pi- From Lancashire and Cheshire historic society. Memoirs, v. 7, 41* 646 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Mayer, Ludwig, iSs i (^)-9 2 > editor. See Fohr, Julius von. -1888. Hiigelgraber auf der schwabi- AR43 schen Alb. 1892. Wg6 Mayer, Luigi. Views in Egypt from the original drawings in the possession of AH62 Sir Robert Ainslie . . . with historical observations. . . A$ London, 1801. F. 5 3 + iO2+[2] p. 48 pi. Views in the Ottoman empire, chiefly in Caramania . . . from the AH62 . . . drawings in the possession of Sir R. Ainslie. . . A5 London, 1803. F. 5 40 p. 24 pi. Title-page and text in English and French. Mayer, Manfred. 1855-. Geschichte der wandteppichfabriken (hautelisse-manufacturen) AM8 des Wittelsbachischen fiirstenhauses in Bayern, mit einer ge- M45 schichte der wandteppichverfertigung als einleitung. Miinchen, 1892. F. 10+139 p. 21 pi. Mayer, Maximilian. Die giganten und titanen in der antiken sage und kunst. AO Berlin, 1887. O. 6+[i]+4i3 p. ill. 2 pi. M44 Mayer, Michael. 1568-1622. Arcana arcanissima; hoc est hieroglyphica ^Egyptio-Grseca, vulgo AR62 necdum cognita. . . Londini, 1614. D. [i2]+285 + [i4] p. A34 Mayer, Philipp. Aufziige. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1892. 3. thl. 3. bd. AA hft. 2, p. 163-199. ill. 3 paged pi.) Hip Mayer museum (Liverpool). See Liverpool (Eng.) museum. Mayerhofer, Anton. 1850-. Die briicken im alten Rom, vor und nach Konstantin, nebst einem AE5 anhang iiber den triimmer- und inschriftenfund bei Ponte Sisto M45 v. j. 1878. 2. vermehrte aufl. Erlangen, 1884. O. 2O+ii6+[i] p. I pi. Die Florentiner Niobe-gruppe; eine archaologische studie. A08 Bamberg, 1881. O. [3] + iO9p. i pi. Z4 Bamberg (Ger.) Bayerische studienanstalt. Programm. Mayerhofer, Johann. 1851- Geschichte des koniglichen lustschlosses Schleissheim, nebst er- AH43 lauterungen zu dem kupferwerke von G. F. Seidel. Sch3 Leipzig, 1885. F. i3+[i] + 59P- ill- 3 pi- and Atlas, F. 7 [3] p. 12 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 647 Mayerhofer, Johann. 1851-. See Aufleger, Otto. Innen-decorationen des koniglichen lust- AH43 schlosses Schleissheim, mit . . . einleitung von J. Mayerhofer. A4i 1891. (In Siiddeutsche architektur und ornamentik im 18. jahr- hundert 1891. v. 5.) Mayeux, Henri. La composition decorative, texte et dessins. Nouv. ed. Paris AK [1885]. O. 318 p. ill. (Bibliotheque de 1 enseignement des M45 beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) Mayhew, J., and Ince, W. ANi Universal system of household furniture. [i78o(?).J In2 Maynard, Edward, 1654-1740, editor. See Dugdale, Sir William. 1605-86. History of St. Paul s AH42 cathedral in London from its foundation. 1716. L844 [Mayo, Charles. 1837-77.] History of Wimborne minster, the Collegiate church of Saint AH42 Cuthberga and Kings free chapel at Wimborne. [Anon.] W?i2 London, 1860. O. 6+[i]+i36 p. ill. 5 pi. Mayor, William. Brief chronological description of ... [his] collection of original AO6 drawings and sketches by the most celebrated masters. . . M44 London, 1871. O. 16+103 p. Brief chronological description of [his] collection of original draw- AO6 ings and sketches by the old masters of the different schools of M44I Europe, from the . . . I3th to the 19 th century. . . London, 1875. O. 8+202 p. Maze=Sencier, Alphonse. 1831-. Le Livre des collectionneurs. . . AO Paris, 1885. Nar. Q. 10+878 p. ill. M45 Notes d un collectionneur; recherches sur la ceramique. . . AN2 Paris, 1870. F. 278 p. ill. 29 pi. M45 Mazocchi, Alessio Simmacho, canonico, called. 1684- 1771. See Mazzochi, Alessio Simmacho Mazzoccolo, canonico, called. 1684-1771. Mazochius, Alexius Symmachus, canonicus, called. 1684-1771. See Mazzochi, Alessio Simmacho Mazzoccolo, canonico, called. 1684-1771. Mazochius, Jacobus. 1 7 th cent. See Mazzochi, Jacopo. i7th cent. 648 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Mazois, Charles Francois. 1783-1826. Le palais de Scaurus; ou, Description d une maison romaine; AH45 fragment d un voyage fait a Rome . . . par Merovir, prince des R/7 Sueves. 2 e edition. [Anon.] Paris, 1822. O. 308 p. 12 pi. Les ruines de Pompei [continue par Gau]. AR45 Paris, 1824-38. F. 6 4 v. ill. 201 pi. P//I Vol. 4 contains Dissertation sur la mosaique dite d Alexandre k Arbelles, par Quatremere de Quincy. Mazon, [Charles] A[lbin], 1828-. Quelques notes sur 1 origine des eglises du Vivarais, d apres les AH44 anciens cartulaires et d autres documents. 83 Privas, 1891-93. D. 2 v. Mazzanti, Riccardo, editor. AB See Ricordi di architettura. 1878-92. R42 Mazzochi, Alessio Simmacho Mazzoccolo, canonico, called. 1684-1771. Commentariorum in regii Herculanensis musei aeneas tabulas AR45 Heracleenses pars 12. . . H42 Neapoli, 1754-55. F. 4 2 pts. in i v. 14+600 p. 2 pi. i map. 8 facsim. Paged continuously. Dissertazione . . . sopra 1 origine de Tirreni. (In Cortona, Italy AC Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. 1741. C8i v. 3, p. 1-66. 2 pi.) [Mazzochi, Jacopo, 17* cent., collector.] Epigrammata antiqvae vrbis. [Anon.] AR45 Romae, Mazochius, 1521. F. [io]+i88 f. ill. R695 M[eason], G[ilbert] L[aing]. On the landscape architecture of the great painters of Italy. A06 [London] 1828. F. [7] + 147 p. 55 pi. M46 Mecchi, Pietro Tombi. "Glossae marginales ad Musei Passerii lucernas collectae a. 1739" AJ [auctore C. Francisco Montani] colle riflessioni di P. T. Mecchi. P26i Pesaro, 1740. O. 113 + [4] p. Mechin, . Dictionnaire d art ornemental de tous les styles; fragments et AK ensembles d architecture, de sculpture, de decoration et d orne- M46 mentation. Paris, 1888-91. F. 4 v. in 2. 480 pi. Medailles sur les principaux evenements du regne de Louis le Grand. 1702. AMi See [Tallemant, Paul], 1642-1712, editor. Ti4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 649 Medland, Thomas, fl. 1777-1822, illustrator. See Collection of select views in London and Westminster. AH42 [1800.] L886 Medland, Rev. Thomas. 1803-82. Notices of the early history of Steyning and its church. (In AC Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 5, p. 111-126.) Su8 Meehan, Rev. Charles Patrick, 1813-90, translator. See Marchese, Vincenzo. 1808-. Lives of the most eminent paint- AW ers, sculptors and architects of the order of S. Dominic. 1852. M33I Meerten, Mevrouw Anna Barbara (Schilperoort) van, 1777-1853, editor. AB See Penelope. 1821-35. ?37 Meester de Ravestein, Emile de. 1812-. Musee de Ravestein, catalogue descriptif. AO2 Liege [v. 3, Bruxelles] 1871-82. Nar. Q. 3 v. 3 pi. M47 Mege, Alexandre Louis Charles Andre du. 1790-1862. See Du Mege, Alexandre Louis Charles Andre. 1790-1862. Meidinger, [Johann] H[einrich], editor. AB See Badische gewerbezeitung fur haus und familie. 1867-91. 614 Meier, F. J. Marmorkirken fra 1749 til 1772, et bidrag til den danske kunst- AH489 historic. . . Kj^benhavn, 1883. O- [4J+/8 p. I pi- C79I Meier, H. Der St. Marien-dom in Colberg; ein beitrag zu seiner geschichte AH43 und eine festgabe zum tag seiner wiedereroffnung. Z Colberg, 1890. O. 16 p. 7 pi. i tab. Meier, P. J. Uberdas archaische giebelrelief von der Akropolis. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. G8i v. 10, p. 237-254, 322-333.) Meissonnier, J[u; t] A[urele]. 1693-1750. L art decoratif applique a 1 art industriel: Recueil . . . [de ses] AK ceuvres. . . Paris, 1888. F. 4 I por. 99 pi. M47 Meisterstiicke der kunst-tischlerei zumeist aus dem 17. ANi und 18. jahrhundert. Ser. 1-2. Berlin [1886-90]. F. 5 2 v. in I. L62 60 pi. (Liege, Belgium Exposition de 1 art ancien au pays de Liege: Ser. 3, Ameublement civil.) Contents: v. i. Barock-und rococo-mobel. v. 2. Barock- und rococo-mobel : Louis XVI.- mobel. 650 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Meisterwerke schweizerischer glasmalerei. See Winterthur (Switz.) Historisch-antiquarischer verein. AM7 Chefs-d oeuvre de la peinture suisse sur verre. [Pref. 1887.] W/32 M^xcovoTucdyviov; sive, Papaver. 1713. AX See [Lochner von Hummelstein, M. F. 1662-1720]. 1.78 Mel, Konrad. 1666-1733. Salems tempel; oder, Beschreibung des herrlichen tempels AH569 Salomons. . . Franckfurt, 1724. Sq. O. [i2+i92 + [i6] p. 15 pi. J499 Der tabernackel; oder, Griindliche beschreibung der stirfts-hiitte, AH56Q sampt allem ihren theilen und heiligem gerathe. . . J499 Franckfurt, 1710. Sq. O. [28] + 394+[i8] p. II pi. Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1881-92. AB Paris, 1881-92. Nar. Q. 12 v. pi. M48 Edited by L ficole francaise d Athenes et de Rome. Melani, Alfredo. 1859-. Architettura italiana. 2da edizione. Milano, 1887. S. 2v.ini. AH45 ill. 46 pi. (Manuali Hoepli.) A44 Contents: v. i. Architettura pelasgica, etrusca, italo-greca e romana. v. 2. Architettura medievale, del rinascimento, de cinquecento, del seicento, del settecento e moderna. Arte italiana; raccolta di 150 tavole di modelli architettonici, figu- AK rativi e ornamentali di diverse stile che si debbono a artisti emi- M48 nenti. . . Milano, 1888. F. 4+4 p. 150 pi. Decorazione e industrie artistiche. . . Milano, 1888-89. S. 2 v. AK 118 ill. and pi. (Manuali Hoepli.) M48i Contents: v. i. Antichita e medio evo. v. 2. Evo moderno. Scoltura italiana; statuaria e scoltura ornamentale con note sulle AO8 arti minori. . . Milano, 1885. S. i8+i96p. ill. 56pl. (Manuali M48 Hoepli.) Melchiorri, Giuseppe, marchese. Notizie intorno alia vita, ed alle opere, in Roma, di Melozzo da AC Forli, pittore del secolo 15; lette ... 2 ... gennajo 1834. (In R66i Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1835. v. 6, p. 119-149.) Meldahl, F[erdinand]. 1827-. Denkmaler der renaissance in Danemark, ausgewahlt von Fred. AH489 Skjold Neckelmann. . . A3 Berlin [pref. 1888]. F. 5 8+19 p. ill. 47 pi. Melicocq, Francois Joseph Alexandre de Lafons, baron de. 1802-67. Sec Lafons, Francois Joseph Alexandre de, baron de Melicocq. 1802-67. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 651 MelleviUe, [Maximilien]. 1807-72. Guide de 1 etranger, du voyageur et du touriste a Laon, Aisne. AH44 Laon, 1866. D. 88 p. ill. Mellin, Friedrich Albert Immanuel, 1796-1859, Clemens, J. F., and Rosenthal, C. A. AH43 Der dom zu Magdeburg. 1852. M2/ Melly, Charles Du Bois=. 1821-. See Du Bois-Melly, Charles. 1821-. Melly, Eduard. 1814-54. Das westportal des domes zu Wien in seinen bildwerken und ihrer AH436 bemalung. Wien, 1850. Q. 93 p. ill. i pi. V682 Meloizes, Albert des. See Des Meloizes, Albert. Mely, F[ernand] de. La ceramique italienne; marques et monogrammes. AN2 Paris [1884]. O. 248 p. ill. i por. M49 Jehan Soulas au Louvre et a la cathedrale de Chartres. AW Paris, 1889. Nar. Q. 13 p . 3 p l. So8 Lu a la reunion des societe s des beaux-arts des de partements ... 12 juin, 1889. La cathedrale de Chartres, le tour du Choeur. AH44 Paris, 1890. O. 19 p. 3 pl. C385 Lecture delivered before the Paris (France) ficole des beaux-arts. 28 May, 1890. Le tresor de Chartres; 1310-1793. AH44 Paris, 1886. Nar. Q. 49+[i]+i36p. 9 ill. 15 pl. C386 200 copies printed. Memoire sur les principales fabriques cle porcelaine au AN2 Japon. H62 See Kimoura K6-kyo. (In Histoire . . . de la porcelaine chinoise. I8 5 6.) Memoires de 1 Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres AC de Dijon. D$6 See Dijon (France) Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres. Memoires de la Societe des antiquaires de 1 Ouest. AC See Societe des antiquaires de 1 Ouest. So36 Memoires de la Societe historique et archeologique de AC 1 Arrondissement de Pontoise et du Vexin. $035 See Societe historique et archeologique de 1 Arrondissement de Pontoise et du Vexin. 652 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Memoranda of Springhead. 1848. AR42 See [Dunkin, A. J.]. 1812-79. Sp8 Memorie intorno alia chiesa de SS. Biagio e Carlo a Catinari in Roma. 1861. AH45 See [Barnabita, L. M. C.]. R;55 Memorie sui monument! di antichita. 1812. AR45 See [Paolini, Roberto]. Ai Memorie trevigiane sulle opere di disegno dal mille e AO cento al mille ottocento, per servire alia storia delle belle arti M5i d ltalia. . . Venezia, 1803. Q. 2 v. ill. 2 pi. Menant, Joachim. 1820-. Les fausses antiquites de 1 Assyrie et de la Chaldee. Paris, 1888. AP S. 3+107 p. ill. (Petite bibliotheque d art et d archeologie; M52 fondee . . . de L. de Ronchaud.) Ninive et Babylone. Paris, 1888. D. 316 p. ill. (Bibliotheque AR352 des merveilles; publiee . . . de E. T. Charton.) N5I3 Rapport sur les cylindres assyro-chaldeens du Musee Britann- AB ique. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1880. v. 21, Ar2i p. 79-132.) Rapport sur les empreintes des pierres gravees assyro-chalde- AB ennes du Musee Britannique. (In Archives des missions scien- Ar2i tifiques. 1882. v. 24, p. 369-415.) Rapport sur une mission scientifique en Hollande pour etudier les AB cylindres orientaux du cabinet royal des medailles a la Haye. (In Ar2i Archives des missions scientifiques. 1879. v - 2O > P- 349~4 21 -) Menant, Joachim, 1820- and Clercq, L. [C. H. F. X.] de, i8 4 5(?)-. AR 5 6 Collection de Clercq: Catalogue methodique et raisonne. 1888. As7 Menard, Leon. 1706-67. Histoire des antiquites de la ville de Nismes et de ses environs. AR44 Nismes, 1803. D. 79 p. 8 pi. N6i Menard, Rene [Joseph]. 1827-87. AO L art en Alsace-Lorraine. Paris, 1876. F. 558 p. ill. 51 pi. M52 Les cites grecques. Paris, 1888. S. 95 p. ill. I paged pi. (Bib- AR495 liotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Troisieme serie: En- A27 sdgnement general.) La decoration au i6 e siecle; le style Henri II. Paris, no date. AK S. 80 p. ill. 27 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de M52 dessin. Troisieme serie: Enseignement general.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 653 Menard, Rene [Joseph]. 1827-87. La decoration au I7 e siecle; le style Louis XIV. Paris, 1884. S. AK 7i + [2] p. ill. 22 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles M$2i de dessin. Troisieme serie : Enseignement general.) La decoration au i8 e siecle; le style Louis XV. Paris, no date. AK S. 74+ [2] p. ill. 26 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des M522 ecoles de dessin. Troisieme serie: Enseignement general.) La decoration au i8 e siecle; le style Louis XVI. Paris, 1884. S. AK 74 p. ill. 25 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de M523 dessin. Troisieme serie: Enseignement general.) La decoration des plafonds. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 4, AB p. 48-51, 157-163, 224-230, 397-405.) R32 La decoration en Egypte. Paris, 1884. S. 76+[i] p. 26 paged pi. AK (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Troisieme serie: M524 Enseignement general.) La decoration en Grece. Paris, 1884. S. 2 v. ill. 37 paged pi. AK (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Troisieme serie: En- M525 seignement general.) Contents: v. i. Architecture et sculpture, v. 2. Meubles et vetements. Les emblemes et attributs des Grecs et des Remains. Paris, 1884. AX S. 85 p. ill. 22 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de M.$2 dessin. Troisieme serie: Enseignement general.) L orfevrerie. Paris, 1884. S. 72 p. ill. 27 paged pi. (Biblio- AM4 theque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Deuxieme serie: Enseigne- M52 ment professionel.) La vie privee des anciens; dessins d apres les monuments antiques AP par C. Sauvageot. Paris, 1880-84. O. 4 v. ill. M52I Contents : v. i. Les peuples dans 1 antiquitd. v. 2. Le travail dans 1 antiquite". v. 3. Les institutions de I antiquite". v. 4. La familie dans 1 antiquite". Les villes du Vesuve; excursion dans une cite antique. Paris, AR45 1885. S. 86 p. ill. 20 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des P8i ecoles de dessin. Troisieme serie: Enseignement general.) Menault, E[rnest]. 1830-. Essais historiques sur les villages royaux, seigneuriaux et mona- AR44 caux de la Beauce; Angerville la Gate, village royal. . . An4 Paris, 1859. O. i2+452+[i] p. 3 pi. Souvenirs de Beauce; biographies des hommes remarquables AR44 d Angerville la Gate: Cassegrain, Blanchet, Tessier. An4 Paris, 1859. O. [4]+H2p. 654 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Menestrier, Claude Fratifois. 1631-1705. Histoire du regne de Louis le grand, par les medailles, emblemes, AMi devises, jettons . . . et autres monumens publics. . . Nouv. M$2 edition... Paris, 1700. F. 4 [3]-f8o+[8] p. ill. I por. 94 pi. Menestrier, Claude le. -1639. Symbolica Dianae Ephesiae statua exposita. AO8 Romae, 1657. O- [4J+64 p. ill. 4 paged pi. M52 Edited by Federico Ubaldini. Menetreius, Claudius. -1639. See Menestrier, Claude le. 1639. Mengs, Anton Rafael. 1728-79. Opere, pubblicate dal Cav. G. N. d Azara e . . . rivedute ed aumen- AO6 tate in questa edizione. Bassano, 1783. O. 2 v. M52 Opere, pubblicate dal Cavaliere Niccola d Azara e in questa edi- AO6 zione corrette ed aumentate dall Avvocato Carlo Fea. MS 21 Roma, 1787. O. 2 v. 2 por. Menin, Lodovico. 1784-1868. II costume di tutte le nazioni e di tutti i tempi descritto ed illus- AN4 trato. Padova, 1833-43. F. 5 3 v - 4 por. and Atlas, 3 v. 292 pi. M$2 Contents: v. i. Costume antico. v. 2. Costume del medio evo. v. 3. Costume moderno. Mennell, Arthur. 1859- Die konigsphantasien; eine wanderung zu den schlossern Konig AH43 Ludwigs II. von Bayern; mit der . . . abbildung der innern A56 schlossraume in buchform ... in arrangements von P. Kramer. 3. aufl. Leipzig, 1888. Sq. F. 255 p. ill. Contents : pt. i. Schloss Herrenchiemsee. pt. 2. Die burgen Hohenschwangen und Neuschwanstein. pt. 3. Schloss Linderhof und umgebungen. Mentz (Ger.) Ausstellung. 1879. Darstellungen der stadt Mainz und ihrer denkmaler. [3. aufl.] A04 [Mainz] 1879. O. 12+ 154 p. M52 Compiled by Friedrich Karl W. Schneider. Mentz (Ger.) R6misch=germanisches centraU museum. Die alterthumer unserer heidnischen vorzeit, nach den in offent- AR43 lichen und privatsammlungen befmdlichen originalien zusam- A6 mengestellt und hrsg. von L. Lindenschmit. Mainz, 1858-91. Q. v. 1-4. ill. pi. Mentz (Ger.) Verein zur erforschung der rhein= ischen geschichte u. alterthumer. AC Zeitschrift. Mainz, 1845-87. O. v. 1-3. pi. maps. M52 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 655 Mentz (Ger.) Verein zur erforschung der rhein= ischen geschichte und alterthikmer, editor. See Verzeichniss der romischen germanisch-frankischen, mittel- AO2 alterlichen und neuern denkmaler des Museums der stadt Mainz. M.$2 1875. Menu von Minutoli, Johann Heinrich, freiherr. 1772-1846. See Minutoli, Johann Heinrich, freiherr Menu von. 1772-1846. Menzel, K[arl] A[ugust]. 1794-. Das dach in seiner construction, seinem verband in holz und eisen AI und seiner eindeckung. Halle, 1872. O. 4+2689. ill. M57 Meran, Franz, graf von. 1839-. Die waffen des landes-zeughauses zu Graz. Leipzig, 1880. F. AN5 [3]+i49+[i] p. ill. 44 pi. (In Pichler, Fritz. Das landes- 677 zeughaus in Graz. 1880. pt. 2.) Mercklin, [Heinrich Eugen] Ludwig. 1816-63. Aphrodite Nemesis mit der sandale, griechisches erzbild des AO8 Dorpater kunstmuseums erlautert. Z2 Dorpat, 1854. Q. [3]+! 6 p. i pi. . . . De vase vitreo Populoniensi brevis disputatio. AN2 Dorpati, 1851. Q. 14 p. i pi. Z3 Dorpat (Russia) University. Program. Mercoli, Giacomo, engraver. See Albertolli, Giocondo. 17421839. Alcune decorazioni di AK nobili sale ed altri ornamenti. 1787. All See Albertolli, Giocondo. 1742-1839. Ornamenti diversi. 1843. Ah2 Mercuri, Filippo, compiler. Nouvelle description de Rome et des environs d apres les ouvrages AH45 de Nibby, Vasi et d autres auteurs, augmentee d une description R776 des fouilles les plus recentes. . . Rome, 1854. D. 2 v. in i. 25 pi. Mercuri, Paolo, 1804-84, illustrator. See Bonnard, Camille. Costumes des I3 e , 146 et 156 siecles. AN4 1829-30. B64 Mercuriale, Girolamo. 1530-1606. De arte gymnastica libri sex; in quibus exercitationum omnium AP vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates et quidquid deniq. ad ... M53 exercitationes pertinet . . . explicatur. 2<la editio. . . Venetiis, 1573. Q. [i2] + 3o8+j>7] p. ill. 23 paged pi. 656 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Merewether, Rev. John. 1797-1850. Diary of a dean ... an account of the examination of Silbury Hill AR42 and of various barrows and other earthworks on the downs of W/I5 North Wilts . . . investigated in ... 1849. . . London, 1851. O. 48 p. 36 pi. Reprinted from the Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings at Salisbury. 1849. Statement of the condition and circumstances of the cathedral AH42 church of Hereford. London [1842]. O. 89 p. ill. 1 1 pi. H42 Merian, Matthew. 1593-1650. See Statz, Vincenz. 1819-. Mittelalterliche bauwerke nach AH43 Merian. A28 Merian, Matthew, 1593-1650, illustrator. See Abelin, J. P. I59o(?)-i646. Joh. Ludov. Gottfridi historische AX chronica. 1674-1745. Ab3 See [Zeiller, Martin. 1588-1661]. Topographia. 1643-88. AA Z3i Merigot, [J.]. Promenades ou itineraire des jardins de Chantilly. . . AH44 Paris, 1791. O. [4] +60 p. 21 pi. 036 Select collection of views and ruins in Rome and its vicinity; AR45 recently executed from drawings made upon the spot. [Anon.] R6Q7 London [1796-99]. Sq. F. Unpaged. 62 pi. English and French text. See [Girardin, L. S. C. X. comte de. 1762-1827]. Promenade ou AH44 itineraire des jardins d Ermenonville . . . [avec] vues dessinees 36 par Merigot. 1788. Merimee, Prosper. 1803-70. Notice sur les peintures de 1 eglise de Saint-Savin. Paris, 1845. AH44 F. 7 ii9+[i] p. ill. 43 pi. (Collection de documents inedits sur Sa2 1 histoire de France, v. 19.) Observations sur les peintures de Saint-Savin. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 12, p. 193-227.) 687 See France Comite historique des arts et monuments. Instruc- AE7 tions: Architecture militaire au moyen age, par P. Merimee et F85 A. Lenoir. See France Commission des monuments historiques. Rapport AR44 au Ministre de 1 Interieur [by P. Merimee]. 1840. AQ Merivale, Rev. Charles. 1808-93. St. Etheldreda festival; summary of proceedings ... at the bis- AH42 sexcentenary festival of St. Etheldreda at Ely, Oct. 1873. E193 Ely [1873]. O. [3]+ 4 +io5 p. 19 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 657 Merk, A[ndreas] K[arl]. Uber die geschichte des studiums der kunstarchaologie in neuerer AR495 zeit. [Amberg, 1841.] Sq. O. 10 p. Zi Amberg (Ger.) Studien-anstalt. Programm. Merk, Konrad. Der hohlenfund im Kesslerloch bei Thayngen, kanton Schaff- AC hausen. . . Zurich, 1875. Q. 44 p. 8 pi. (In Antiquarische AN8 gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1875-77. v. 19.) Merkel, Joseph. Der Mainzer domschatz; in treuen abbildungen nach einem in der AM4 Koniglich bayerischen hofbibliothek zu Aschaffenburg befind- M54 lichen miniaturwerke aus dem sechszehnten jahrhundert. Aschaffenburg, 1848. F. 5 [6] p. 16 pi. Die merkwiirdigkeiten der dom-kirche in Liibeck. AH43 Neue aufi. . . Liibeck, 1835. D. 37 p. i pi. Z2 Merlet, Luc[ien Victor Claude]. 1827-. Histoire des relations des Hurons et des Abnaquis du Canada AH44 avec Notre-Dame de Chartres, suivie de documents inedits sur la C38i sainte chemise. Chartres, 1858. D. 23 + 78 + [i] p. 2 pi. Merlini, Giovanni. Sulla costruzione dei tetti degli edificj . . . memoria, sul Program- AI ma del I. r. istituto Lombardo di scienze, lettere ed arti, pub. il M54 5 aprile, 1840. Milano, 1842. O. 6+98 + [i] p. 4 pi. Merret, Christopher. 1614-95. Anmerkungen iiber die biicher Antonii Neri Von der glass- AN3 macherkunst . . . [iibersetzt] von J. Kunkel. (In Kunckel von Kx)6 Lowenstern, Johann. Vollstandige glassmacherkunst. 1785. v. i, p. 183-302.) Merrifield, Mrs. [Mary Philadelphia]. Art of fresco painting as practised by the old Italian and Spanish AM6 masters, with . . . [an] inquiry into the nature of the colours used M55 in fresco-painting. . . London, 1846. O. [60] + 134 p. Dress as a fine art, with suggestions on children s dress, with an AN4 introduction on head dress by Prof. Fairholt. M55 Boston, 1854. Sq. O. 10+143 p. 12 pi. Merrill, George P. Stones for building and decoration. AI New York, 1891. O. 9+453 p. ill. 1 1 pi. MS 5 Mertens, F[rans] H[endrik]. 1796-1867. See Linnig, Joseph. Album historique de la ville d Anvers; avec notices historiques par F. H. Mertens. 1868. 641 42 658 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Mertens, Franz. AF Die baukunst des mittelalters. Berlin, 1850. O. 7+1519. M"55 Mertens, Franz, and Lohde, Ludwig. Die griindung des Coiner domes und der erste dombaumeister. AB (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 12, p. 163-198, 339-368. I pi.) Z$i Mertens=Schaaffhausen, Mme. . Catalogue . . . [de ses] collections . . . vente 12 juillet, 1859. . . Cologne, 1859. O. pt. 2. 8 pi. Les merveilles de la ville de Rome, ou est traite des AR45 eglises, stations et reliques des corps saints qui y sont . . . avec ... R/I5 les sept merveilles du monde. . . Rome, 1690. S. 198 p. ill. Merz, Johannes. Das asthetische formgesetz der plastik. AO8 Leipzig, 1892. O. 6-f[2]-f3Oi p. ill. M55 Die bildwerke an der erzthiire des Augsburger doms. ArLy Stuttgart, 1885. O. 52 p. 2 pi. Au45 Mesnard, Jules. i84o(?)-. Les merveilles de 1 art et de 1 industrie; antiquite, moyen age, re- AN6 naissance, temps modernes. M56 Paris [1869]. Sq. F. 4 386+ [2] p. ill. 25 pi. Messager des sciences historiques; ou, Archives des arts AB et de la bibliographic de Belgique. 1823-86. M56 Gand [i823]-86. O. 60 v. ill. pi. Title has varied slightly from time to time. Messelreuter, Johann. Neu-eroffneter masquen-saal; oder, Der verkleideten heydnischen AX gotter, gottinnen und vergotterter helden theatralischer tempel M56 darinnen. . . Bayreuth, 1723. F. [io]+87+8 p. 204 pi. Messicano, Pietro Giuseppe Marquez, abate. See Marquez, Pietro [Giuseppe], abate. Messmer, Joseph Anton. Uber den ursprung, die entwickelung und bedeutung der basilika AA in der christlichen baukunst; eine philosophisch-kunstgeschicht- M56 liche abhandlung. Leipzig, 1854. O. 86 p. Mestorf, Johanna, 1829-, editor. AK See Muller, Sophus. Die thier-ornamentik im Norden. 1881. Mpi Mestorf, Johanna, 1829-, translator. See Muller, Sophus. Die nordische bronzezeit und deren perio- AR48 dentheilung. . . 1878. Ai See Undset, Ingvald. Das erste auftreten des eisens in Nord- AP Europa. 1882. Un2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 639 [Metcalf, I. N.] . . . Illustrated business guide of the city of Worcester, Mass., AH/3 arranged by streets . . . with a brief description of all points of W8g interest and views of public and private buildings. [Anon.] Worcester, 1880. Sq. F. 171 p. ill. Meteyard, Eliza. 1822-79. Choice examples of Wedgwood art; a selection of plaques, cameos, AN2 medallions, vases . . . from the designs of Flaxman and others. . . M$6 London, 1879. F. 4 Unpaged. 28 pi. Hallowed spots of ancient London; historical, biographical and AH42 antiquarian sketches. . . New edition. L879 London, 1870. O. 12 + 291 p. La methode royale, facile et historique du blason, avec AWi 1 origine des armes des plus illustres etats et families de 1 Europe. M$6 Paris, 1671. S. [22]+254+[ji] p. ill. 5 paged plates. Metivier, [Jean], 1781- [Collection of drawings and designs.] Recueil commence en AL2 i8i2-[i848]. F. 2v. 340 pi. Ms6 Architectural and ornamental designs, chiefly on tracing-paper, mounted in two scrap-books. Metropolitan museum of art (New York). See New York (city) Metropolitan museum of art. La metropolitana fiorentina illustrata. 1820. AH45 See [Molini, Giuseppe. 1772-1856]. F665 Mettlach (Ger.) museum. Mettlacher museum, von F. Jannicke. AN2 Mainz, 1884. O. v. I. n pi. M562 Contents: v. i. Deutsches steinzeug. Metz (Ger.) Societe d archeologie et d histoire de la Moselle. AR44 See Societe d archeologie et d histoire de la Moselle. M85 Metzger, Johann. Historical description of the castle of Heidelberg and its gardens. . . AH43 Heidelberg, 1830. Obi. O. 86+ [2] p. 24 pi. H$62 Meubles et objets d art des I5 e -i7 e siecles. 1871. AO2 See [Moreau, A.]. M8i Meulen, M[arinus] E[rnestus] van der. Bolsward s kunst en kunstgeschiedenis. AH4Q2 Sneek, 1888. Q. [6] + 124 p. ill. 2 por. 29 pi. 663 Meurer, Julius. 1838-. See Schmidt, Otto. Burgen und schlosser in Osterreich ; text von A 11436 J. Meurer. 1894. A6 66o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Meurer, M. Italienische flachornamente aus der zeit der renaissance. AK Karlsruhe, 1879. F. 6 [i] p. 120 pi. M$7 Italienische majolica-fliesen aus dem ende des funfzehnten und AJ2 anfang des sechszehnten jahrhunderts. . . M57 Berlin, 1881. F. 5 5 p. 24 pi. Meurer, Moritz. Der kirchenbau vom standpunkte und nach dem brauche der AE lutherischen kirche. . . Leipzig, 1877. O. 8+302 p. ill. M57 Meusel, Johann Qeorg. 1743-1820. Teutsches kiinstlerlexikon; oder, Verzeichniss der jetztlebenden AW teutschen ktinstler. . . 2. . . aufl. Lemgo, 1808-09. D. 2 v. M57 [Meusnier, Georges. 1848-.] La ceramique; traite pratique des peintures vitrifiables, porcelaine, AN2 faience, barbotine, 1 email, les vitraux, [par] Karl Robert [pseud.]. M57 Paris, 1892. O. 176 p. ill. I pi. Mexico Museo nacional. AC Anales. Mexico, 1877-86. F. v. 1-3. pi. M57 Meye, Heinrich. Stone sculptures of Copan and Quirigua; historical and descrip- AH728i tive text by J. Schmidt, translated from the German by A. D. Ai Savage. New York, 1883. F. 6 Unpaged, ill. 21 pi. Meyer, Alfred Gotthold. 1864-. Lombardische denkmaler des vierzehnten jahrhunderts; Giovanni AA45 di Balduccio da Pisa und die Campionesen, ein beitrag zur ge- L833 schichte der oberitalienischen plastik. Stuttgart, 1893. Nar. Q. 14+ 139 p. ill. 13 pi. Das venezianische grabdenkmal der friihrenaissance. AE8 Berlin, 1889. F. 48 p. ill. MS; Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Meyer, Christian, 1842-, editor. See Holl, Elias. 1573-1646. Die selbstbiographie des Elias AW Holl, baumeisters der stadt Augsburg, 1573-1646. 1873. Z Meyer, Franz Sales. 1849- Handbook of ornament; a grammar of art, industrial and archi- AK tectural designing in all its branches. . . M573 New York, 1894. O. 12+580 p. ill. Handbuch der schmiedekunst . . Leipzig, 1888. O. [4] + 2O4p. AM2 ill. (Seemanns kunsthandbiicher. v. 2.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 66 1 Meyer, Franz Sales. 1849-. Ornamentale formenlehre; eine systematische zusammenstellung AK des wichtigsten aus dem gebiete der ornamentik zum gebrauch M5/2 fur schulen . . . architekten und gewerbetreibende. Leipzig, 1886. F. 5 Unpaged. 300 pi. Published by Karlsruhe (Ger.) Badische kunstgewerbeschule. Systematisch geordnetes handbuch der ornamentik. . . 3. aufl. AK Leipzig, 1890. O. 8+6i5p. ill. (Seemanns kunsthandbucher. v. I.) M57I Meyer, Franz Sales, 1849- and Krauth, Theodor. Die gesamte mobelschreinerei. 1890. (Krauth, T., and Meyer, AM5 F. S. Das schreinerbuch. 1890-91. v. 2.) K86 Die kunst- und bauschlosserei. 1891. AM2 K86 Das schreinerbuch. 1890-91. AM$ K86 Meyer, H., and Osthoff, Qeorg. Geschaftshauser fiir sonstige offentlichen u. privaten verwaltungen. AA (In Handbuch der architektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7. hlbd. p. 138-163. Hi9 ill. 2 paged pi.) Meyer, H[ans Heinrich], 1760-1832, and Bottiger, K. A., 1760-1835. Uber den raub der Cassandra auf einem alten gefasse von ge- AN2 brannter erde; zwey abhandlungen. Z5 Weimar, 1794. Q. 90 p. 3 pi. Meyer, H[einrich]. 1802-71. Die altesten miinzen von Zurich; oder, Ziirichs miinzgeschichte AC im mittelalter. Zurich, 1840. Q. 5 + 22 p. I pi. (In Antiquarische An8 gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1841. v. I.) Beschreibung der in der Schweiz aufgefundenen gallischen miin- AC zen. Zurich, 1863. Q. 8 + 37 p. ill. 3 pi. (In Antiquarische An8 gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1863-66. v. 15.) Die bracteaten der Schweiz, nebst beitragen zur kenntniss der AC schweizerischen munzrechte wahrend des mittelalters. Zurich, An8 J 845- Q- 9 2 P- 3 pi- (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1846-47. v. 3.) Die denare und bracteaten der Schweiz. Zurich, 1858. Q. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858-60. An8 v. 12, p. 29-109. 3 pi.) Die ortsnamen des kantons Zurich. . . (In Antiquarische gesell- AC schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1849. v. 6, p. 69-179. 6 pi.) An8 Die romischen alpenstrassen in der Schweiz. Zurich, 1861. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858-61. An8 v. 13, p. 117-139. 2 pi.) 42* 662 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Meyer, Heinrich, 1802-71, and Keller, Ferdinand, 1 800-8 1, editors. Nachtrag zu den Inscriptiones confoederationis Helveticae Latinae AC von Theodor Mommsen. 1865. (I n Antiquarische gesellschaft in An8 Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1863-66. v. 15.) Meyer, Hermann J[ulius], 1826- editor. See Meyers reisebiicher. Meyer, J[ohann] L[udwig(?)]. Die erker der stadt St. Gallen, hrsg. von Ingenieur-architekten- verein, Kunstverein und Historischen verein. . . St. Gallen [1886]. F. 7 10 pi. Meyer, Julius. 1830-. Das frauenbildnis des Sebastiano del Piombo aus Schloss Blenheim. AB (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 7, JiQ2 P- 58-72.) Zur geschichte der florentinischen malerei des 15. jahrhunderts. AB (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. n, JiQ2 P- 3-35-) "Neptun und Amphitrite" von Rubens. (In Jahrbuch der Konig- AB lich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 2, p. 113-130.)- JiQ2 Meyer von Knonau, Q[erold]. 1843-. Alamannische denkmaler in der Schweiz. Zurich, 1873-76. Q. AC 2 pts. 7 pi. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1872-77. v. 18 and 19.) Lebensbild des heiligen Notker von St. Gallen. Zurich, 1877. Q. AC 17 p. ill. 2 pi. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mit- An8 theilungen. 1875-77. v. 19.) Meyer -Schwartau, Wilhelm. Der dom zu Speier und verwandte bauten. . . AH43 Berlin, 1893. F. 4 8+[2] + i7Op. ill. 32 pi. Sp3 Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule. Louis Boissonnet-stiftung. 1823. Meyers reisebticher [H. J. Meyer, herausgeber]. Leipzig, 1871-88. D. 6 v. pi. maps. GSELL-FELS, T. J. 1819-. Italien in sechzig tagen. 1885. GSELL-FELS, T. J. 1819-. Rom und die Campagna. 1887. GSELL-FELS, T. J. 1819-. Rom und Mittel-Italien. 1871. HEY L, F. 1830-. Rheinlande. 1879. HEY L, F. 1830-. Rheinlande. 1888. DER ORIENT. 1881-82. Meymi=Lanaugarie, Joseph Theophile de Mourcin de. 1784-. See Mourcin de Meymi-Lanaugarie, Joseph Theophile de. 1784-. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 663 Meynier, Honorat de. i57o(?)-i638. Fortification-baw; oder, Kurtze und griindtliche beschreibung AE? der kunst einen orth gegen alien gewaltsamen angrieff der feinde MS/ . . . zu verwahren. . . Franckfurt a. M., 1642. Sq. D. 24 p. 22 pi. Meyrick, Sir Samuel Rush. 1783-1848. Critical inquiry into antient armour as it existed in Europe, par- AN5 ticularly in Great Britain, from the Norman conquest to the reign M57 of . . . Charles II. . . 2<3 ed. . . enlarged. London, 1842. F. 4 3 v. 81 pi. Engraved illustrations of antient arms and armour from the col- AN 5 lection at Goodrich court, Herefordshire; after . . . [his] drawings M5/I and . . . descriptions by J. Skelton. . . London, 1854. F. 4 2 v. I por. 154 pi. Observations on the antient military garments formerly worn in AB England. (In Archaeologia. v. 19, p. 209-240.) Ar2 Observations on the body-armour anciently worn in England. AB (In Archaeologia. v. 19, p. 120-145.) Ar2 Observations upon the history of hand fire-arms, and their appur- AB tenances. (In Archaeologia. v. 22, p. 59-105.) Ar2 Remarks on the ancient mode of putting on armour. (In Archae- AB ologia. v. 20, p. 496-514. i pi.) Ar2 See Shaw, Henry. 1800-73. Specimens of ancient furniture, ANi drawn from existing authorities, with descriptions by S. R. Mey- Sh2i rick. 1836. Meyrick, Sir Samuel Rush, 1783-1848, editor. See Cotman, J. S. 1780-1843. Engravings of sepulchral brasses AE8 in Norfolk and Suffolk. 1838. C82 Micali, Giuseppe. i78o(?)-i844. Storia degli antichi popoli italiani. AR45 Firenze, 1832-33. O. 3 v. and Atlas, F. 6 120 pi. map. Ai2 Atlas has title Monumenti per servire alia Storia degli antichi popoli italiani. 2 da ed. Michalis, Adolf [Theodor Friedrich]. 1835- Altattische kunst; rede zur feier des geburtstages . . . des Kaisers, AO am 27. Jan. 1893. in der aula der . . . Universitat Strassburg. Z$ Strassburg, 1893. O. 39 p. Bemerkungen zur periegese der Akropolis von Athen. (In AR495 Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische GSi abtheilung. v. i, p. 275-307; v. 2, p. 1-37, 85-106. I pi.) Das corsinische silbergefass. Leipzig, 1859. Q. [3J + 2O p. 2 pi. AM4 M58 664 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Michalis, Adolf [Theodor Friedrich]. 1835-. Geschichte des Deutschen archaologischen instituts, 1829-79; AC festschrift zum 21. Apr. 1879, hrsg. von der Central-direction 0481 des . . . instituts. Berlin, 1879. Sq. O. 6+187 P- J. G. Transfeldts Examen reliquarum antiquitatum Atheniensium. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. I, p. 102-126.) Die liicken im Parthenonfries. (In Archaologische zeitung. AB v. 43, P- 53-70-) Ar23 Der Parthenon. AH495 Leipzig, 1870-71 [v. I, 71]. Nar. Q. 16+370 p. I pi. and At45 Atlas, F. 5 [5] p. 15 pi. Die privatsammlungen antiker bildwerke in England. (In Archao- AB logische zeitung. v. 32, p. 1-70, pi. 1-6.) Ar23 Rede iiber die entwickelung der archaologie in unserem jahr- AP hundert. [Strassburg, 1881.] O. [30] p. Z2 Strasburg (Ger.) university. Der rectoratswechsel. Thamyris und Sappho auf einem vasenbilde. AO6 Leipzig, 1865. Q. [3]+i8p. i pi. Ms8 Die zeit des neubaus des Poliastempels in Athen. (In Deutsches AR495 archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenisches abtheilung. G8i v. 14, p. 349-366.) Michalis, Adolf Theodor Friedrich, 1835-, editor. AH495 See Pausanias. 2d cent. Descriptio arcis Athenarum. 1880. At5i Michalis, Adolf Theodor Friedrich, 1835- Conze, A. C. L., 1831-, and others. AE8 Die attischen grabreliefs. 1893. C762 Michel, Ad[olphe], 1801- L ancienne Auvergne et le Velay, histoire, archeologie, mceurs, AR44 topographic. Moulins, 1843-47. F. 5 3 v. in 4. 9 por. 135 pi. Au8 Michel, Edmond. 1831-86. Monuments religieux, civils et militaires du Gatinais . . . depuis AH44 le lie jusqu au 176 siecle. Lyon, 1879. Q. 2 v. 107 pi. G22I Michel, Francisque [Xavier], 1809-87, and Fourrier, Edouard, 1819-80. Le Livre d or des metiers; histoire des hotelleries, cabarets, cour- AX tilles. . . Paris, 1851-59 [v. I, 59]. Nar. Q. 2 v. in I. 31 pi. M58 Michel, Josef. Anleitung zur kostenberechnung fur hochbauten, sammt voll- AI standiger preisanalyse im neuen meter masse. . . 2. . . aufl. M582 Wien, 1877. O. 2+[i]+228 p. 4 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 665 Michel, Marius, & son. L ornementation des reliures modernes. AN6 Paris, 1889. O. ;8+[2] p. ill. 15 pi. M$8 No. 98 of 300 copies printed. Michel de La Rochemaillet, Gabriel. 1562-1642. Theatre de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1880. O. 23+64+[i] p. i pi. AH44 (Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. v. 4.) A$2 No. 52 of 330 copies printed. Michela, Ignazio. Descrizione e disegni del palazzo dei magistrati supremi di Torino, AH45 preceduta da alcuni cenni storici. T845 Torino, 1841. F. 6 34+[ii]p. 18 pi. Michell, Matthew. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of antique bronzes . . . [and] AO2 medals . . . sold . . . April 14, 1819. . . London, 1819. O. 18 p. Michiels, J[oseph] Alfred [Xavier]. 1813-92. L architecture et la peinture en Europe depuis le 46 siecle jusqu a AF Iafindui6 e ... 3 e ed. augm. Paris, 1873. O. 11+455 p. M58 Michon, J[ean] H[ippolyte], abbe. 1 806-81. Statistique monumentale de la Charente. AH44 Paris, 1844. F. 334+ [2] p. ill. 34 pi. I map. C37 Mickleham, R. S., illustrator. See Theory and practice of warming and ventilating buildings. AJ 1825. T 34 Micklethwaite, John Thomas. Notes on the imagery of Henry the seventh s chapel, Westminster. AB (In Archseologia. v. 47, p. 361-380. 3 pi.) Ar2 Micone, Filippo. 1620-86. See Bonaventura, Antero Maria, saint. 1620-86. Middiman, S[amuel]. 1746-1818. Select views in Great Britain. . . AH42 London [1812]. Obi. O. Unpaged. 44 pi. A78 Middlemore, S[amuel] G[eorge] C[hetwynd], 1849- translator. See Burckhardt, Jakob. 1818- Civilisation of the period of the AD7 renaissance in Italy. 1878. 689 Middleton, C[harles]. fl. 1818. Designs for gates and rails suitable to parks, pleasure grounds, AI balconys . . . also . . . designs for trellis work. M58 London [1800 (?)]. Nar. Q. 26 pi. 666 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Middleton, Conyers. 1683-1750. Germana quaedam antiquitatis eruditae monumenta, quibus Roma- AR45 norum veterum ritus varii tarn sacri quam profani, turn Graecorum R/I2 atque ^gyptiorum nonnulli illustrantur. . . Londini, 1745. Q. i2 + 266+[8] p. 23 pi. Half title-page reads Antiquitates Middletonianae. Middleton, G[eorge] Alexander] T[homas]. House drainage; a handbook for architects and building inspectors. AJ London, 1892. D. 8+63 p. ill. 3 pi. Ms8 Strains in structures: a text-book for students. . . AI London, 1889. D. 8+103 p. 84 ill. 5 pi. Ms8i Middleton, J. J. Grecian remains in Italy; a description of Cyclopian walls and of AR45 Roman antiquities, with . . . views of ancient Latium. . . A6 London, 1812. F. 5 50 p. 24 pi. Middleton, J[ohn] Henry. 1846-. Ancient Rome; ms. notes by Pirro Ligorio, made between c. 1550 AB and 1570 A. D. (In Archseologia. v. 51, p. 489-508.) Ar2 On a Roman villa in Spoonley Wood, Gloucestershire, and on AB Romano-British houses generally. (In Archaeologia. v. 52, Ar2 p. 651-668. 4 pi.) On consecration crosses; with some English examples. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 48, p. 456-464. 5 pi.) Ar2 On the chief methods of construction used in ancient Rome. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 51, p. 41-60. 3 pi.) Ar2 On the Coptic churches of Old Cairo. (In Archaeologia. v. 48, AB p. 397-422. 3 pi.) Ar2 The Rostra and the Graecostasis, with the Umbilicus Romae and AB the Milliarium aureum. (In Archaeologia. v. 49, p. 424433. 3 pi.) Ar2 Midoux, Etienne, and Florival, A. de. AH44 Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Laon. 1882-90. Mieris, Frans van. 1689-1763. Beschryving der stad Leyden. . . AH492 Leyden, 1762-84. F. 5 3 v. 23 pi. L59I Vols. 2-3 by D. van Alphen. Migne, Jacques Paul, abbe, 1800-75, editor. Troisieme et derniere Encyclopedic theologique. . . Paris, 1847-59. Nar. Q. 5 v. ill. pi. Vols. 20-23. H&LYOT, P. 1660-1716. Dictionnaire des ordres religieux. 1847-1859. 4 v. 27. TEXIER, J. R. A., abbe". 1813-59. Dictionnaire d orfe vrerie. 1857. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 667 Milan (Italy) Esposizione industriale italiana. 1881. AN 2 Relazioni dei giurati; sez. 12, classi 27* e 28a. Milano, 1885. pi. C8i CORONA, G. La ceramica. 1885. Milan (Italy) Imperiale regia accademia delle belle arti. See, below, Reale accademia delle belle arti. Milan (Italy) Reale accademia delle belle arti. Opere dei grandi concorsi premiate dall I. r. accademia delle AL2 belle arti in Milano, disegnate ed incise per cura [di] ... A. M$8 Comerio . . . F. Pizzagalli e G. Aluisetti. Milano, 1825. F. 6 [69] p. 192 pi. Milani, Carl Anton. 1820-82. Catalog . . . [seiner] kunst- und antiquitaten-sammlung . . . AO2 welche in Frankfurt a. M. . . den 4. Juni, 1883 . . . versteigert MS 8 wird. Nar. Q. 6+[i] + i48 p. 16 pi. Title-page and text in German and French. Milano e il suo territorio. AH45 [Milano] 1844. Nar. Q. 2 v. 15 pi. I map. M585 Milchhofer, A[rthur]. 1852-. Die anfange der kunst in Griechenland. . . AO Leipzig, 1883. O. 6+[i] + 247 p. ill. M59 Antikenbericht aus Attika. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 12, p. 81-104, G8i 277-330; v. 13, p. 337-362. 4 pi.) Antikenbericht aus dem Peloponnes. (In Deutsches archaolo- AR495 gisches institut Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 4, G8i p. 123-176, pi. 7-10.) Die ausgrabungen in Mykene. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. i,p. 308-327.) G8i Die befreiung des Prometheus, ein fund aus Pergamon. AP Berlin, 1882. Q. [3]+43 p. 3 ill. I pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 42. Gemalte grabstelen. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, p. 164-194, pi. 6.) G8i Die museen Athens. Athen, 1881. D. 4+[i] + io8 p. ill. AO2 At4i Nymphenrelief aus Athen. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, p. 206-223, pi. 7.) G8i Untersuchungsausgrabungen in Tegea. (In Deutsches archaolo- AR495 gisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, G8i p. 52-69, pi. 2-4.) 668 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Miler, Francois. Description nouvelle de la cathedrale de Strasbourg et de sa AH43 fameuse tour. . . 52 edition . . . augmentee. St8i3 Strasbourg, 1788. S. 144+ [7] p. ill. I por. 7 pi. Miles, John W[ard]. 1847-. See New York (city) Metropolitan museum of art. Russian AM4 reproductions at the Metropolitan museum of art; a review of the M56 most important replicas from . . . collections in Russia, by J. W. Miles. 1884. Miles, L. Roger=. See Roger=Miles, L. Miles, Richard. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of coins . . . sold . . . I4th . . . AMi of March [and 5th of May], 1820. . . M$<) London, 1820. O. 2 pts. in i v. 119 p. Paged continuously. Miles, William. General remarks on stables and examples of stable fittings. AE2 London, 1860. Nar. Q. 7+82 p. 12 pi. M59 Milich, Jakob, 1501-59, commentator. See Pliny, the elder. 23-79. Liber secvndvs de mvndi historia. AA 1538. V8 3 9 Military costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of AN4 engravings from drawings made on the spot. . . C823 London [1818]. F. 4 Unpaged. 30 pi. Milizia, Francesco. 1725-98. Lives of celebrated architects, ancient and modern . . . tr. from AW the Italian by Mrs. Edward Cresy, with notes and additional lives. M59 London, 1826. O. 2 v. Principi di architettura civile; [figure . . . disegnate ed incise . . . AA da G. B. Cipriani. Anon.] M59 Finale [v. 4, Roma] 1781-1800. O. 4 v. 35 pi. I tab. Vol. 4 has title Indice delle figure relative ai Principi di architettura civile. See Antolini, Q. A. 1754-1841. Osservazioni ed aggiunte ai A A Principii di architettura civile di Francesco Milizia. 1817. An8i Trattato complete, formale e materiale del teatro. [Nuova ed.] AB4 Venezia, 1794. O. 104 p. 6 pi. M$9 Millar, Alexander] H. Historical castles and mansions of Scotland, Perthshire and For- AH4I farshire. London, 1890. O. 448 p. ill. I pi. AS COLUMBIA COLLEGE 669 Millard, Rev. James Elwin. 1824- On the style of architecture to be adopted in colonial churches AR42 Oxford, 1845. O. [12] p. Z From Oxford (Eng.) Society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture. Proceedings. 1845. p. 7-18. Miller, Charles Crosby, and Cummings, M. F. AE2 Architecture. 1865. Cgi Modern American architecture. 1868. -AH/3 Miller, J. M. Die beleuchtung im altertum; beitrage. . . AP Wurzburg, 1886. O. 75 p. Z4 Aschaffenburg (Ger.) Studien-anstalt. Programm. Miller, Konrad. 1844-. Die romischen begrabnisstatten in Wiirttemberg. AX Stuttgart, 1884. Q. 50 p. ill. M6i Miller, L[eslie] W[illiam]. Essentials of perspective. AL2 New York, 1887. Obi. D. 6+[i] + io; p. ill. M6i Millers, George. Description of the cathedral church of Ely, with some account of AH42 the conventual buildings. . . 2d edition. 191 London, 1808. O. 11 + 174 p. 10 pi. Millet, Eugene [Louis]. 1819-79. . . . Monographic de la restauration du chateau de Saint-Germain- AFLj.4 en-Laye, d apres les projets et les details d execution traces Sa35 par ... Millet. Paris [1892]. F. 5 17 p. ill. 100 pi. Edited by P. Selmersheim. Milliet, Et[ienne]. Notice sur les faiences artistiques de Meillonas (Ain). AN2 Bourg, 1876. Nar. Q. 16 p. M62I Milliet, P. Etudes sur les premieres periodes de la ceramique grecque. AN2 Paris, 1891. O. 15 + 169 p. M622 Millin, Aubin Louis. 1759-1818. Antiquites nationales; ou, Recueil de monumens pour servir a AR44 1 histoire . . . de 1 empire francois, tels que tombeaux, inscriptions, Ai7 statues . . . tires des abbayes, monasteres, chateaux. . . Paris, 1790-98. F. 4 5 v. 250 pi. No more published. Description des tombeaux qui ont ete decouverts a Pompei AP\45 dans . . . 1812. . . Naples, 1813. O. [6]+ioop. 7 pi. P785 Monumens inedits, ou nouvellement expliques; collection de AO statues, bas-reliefs, bustes, peintures mosa iques. . . M62 Paris, 1802-06. Q. 2 v. 92 pi. 670 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Millin, Aubin Louis. 1759-1818. Voyage dans les departemens du midi de la France. AR44 Paris, 1807-11. O. 4 v. ill. I pi. and Atlas, F. 28 p. 82 pi. A24 2 pages music. See Dubois=Maisonneuve, . Peintures de vases antiques, AN2 vulgairement appeles etrusques . . . accompagnees d explications D85 par A. L. Millin. 1 808-10. Millin de Grandmaison, Aubin Louis. 1759-1818. See Millin, Aubin Louis. 1759-1818. Millingen, James. 1774-1845. Ancient unedited monuments. AN2 London, 1822-26. F. 6 2 v. 60 pi. M62 Contents: v. i. Painted Greek vases from collections in various countries, principally in Great Britain, v. 2. Statues, busts, bas-reliefs and other remains of Grecian art. Mills, F. W. Photography for architects. AN6 London, 1890. O. 64+ [4] p. ill. 3 pi. M$9 [Milman, Henry Hart, dean of St. Paul s.] 1791-1868. Handbook to the cathedrals of England: Saint Paul s. [Anon.] AH42 London, 1879. D. 8+228 p. 21 pi. L857 Published by John Murray. Milman, Henry Hart, dean of St. Paul s, 1791-1868, editor. AX See Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. 65-8 B. c. Works. 1849. H 7 8 Miln, James. 1818-81. Excavations at Carnac, Brittany; a record of archaeological re- AR44 searches in the Bossenno and the Mont Saint Michel. C2ii Edinburgh, 1877. Nar. Q. 18+162 p. ill. 57 pi. I map. Fouilles faites a Carnac (Morbihan), les Bossenno et le Mont Saint AR44 Michel. Paris, 1877. Nar. Q. 253 p. ill. 12 pi. 21 Milner, Rev. John, bishop. 1752-1826. Dissertation on the modern style of altering ancient cathedrals, AH42 as exemplified in the cathedral church of Salisbury. . . 2d edition. Sa34 Winchester, 181 1. Q. [3]+39p. 2 pi. History and survey of the antiquities of Winchester, with . . . AH42 notes ... by ... Rev. F. C. Husenbeth. . . $d edition. W725 Winchester, 1839. Nar. Q. 2 v. in i. ill. 21 pi. History, civil and ecclesiastical, and survey of the antiquities of AH42 Winchester. . . 2d ed. . . Winchester, 1809. Q. 2 v. 12 pi. W725I Treatise on the ecclesiastical architecture of England during the AH42 middle ages. 3d ed. . . London, 1835. O. [3]+25 + i34p. lopl. Ai39 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 671 Milner, Rev. John, bishop, 1752-1826, Warton, Rev. Thomas, 1728-90, and others. AD6 Essays on Gothic architecture. 1800-08. W26 Milochau, Anselme, abbe. La vierge de Saint-Luc a Sainte-Marie Majeure. AH45 Paris, 1862. O. 95 p. i pi. 1*723 Mina, Giuseppe. Le costruzioni enotecniche; ossia, Guida practica per 1 impianto di AE2 enopolii e cantine sociali, per la costruzione delle cantine, dei M66 vasi vinari. . . Milano, 1892. O. 16+201 p. 75 ill. 25 pi. (Biblioteca tecnica.) Minard van Hoorebeke, Lodewijk. 1801-82. . . . Catalogue des objets d art et antiquites composant . . . [sa] AO2 collection, vente ... a Gand ... 7 mai, 1883 . . . [par Hermann M65 i Van Duyse]. Gand, 1883. O. i6+242 + [i] p. 8 pi. Recueil descriptif des antiquites et curiosites du treizieme au AO2 dix-neuvieme siecle formant . . . [sa] collection. M65 Gand, 1866. F. 4 5+4+372 p. ill. i por. 54 pi. Minicis, Qaetano de. 1792-1871. Sulle antiche ghiande missili e sulle loro iscrizioni; dissertazione AC letta ... 30 novembre 1839. (In Rome, Italy Accademia ro- R66i mana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1842. v. n,p. 187-356. 2 pi.) Minoussinsk (Siberia) museum. See Martin, F. R. L age du bronze au musee de Minoussinsk. AP 1893. M36 Minutoli, Alexander, freiherr von. 1806-87. Der dom zu Drontheim und die mittelalterliche christliche bau- AH48i kunst der scandinavischen Normannen. T75 Berlin, 1853. F. 6 [8J+7O p. 12 pi. Minutoli, Johann Heinrich, freiherr Menu von, 1772-1846, translator. See Rio, Antonio del. 1745-89. Beschreibung einer alten stadt. AH725 1832. Pi7 Miquel y Lucuy, Manuel. Lecciones de corte de piedras; o sean, Modificaciones de algunas AI de las lecciones de la obra de Mr. Adhemar. . . M66 Madrid, 1864. O. [$] + 58 p. 3 pi. Mirabilia Romae. (In Jordan, Heinrich. Topographic AR45 der stadt Rom im alterthum. 1871-85. v. 2, p. 605-643.) R67<5 Mirabilia urbis Romae; the marvels of Rome, or a picture AH45 of the golden city, an English version . . . with . . . notes by F. R738 M. Nichols. London, 1889. O. 33+205 p. 2 pi. 672 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Miracle de nostre dame et de Sainte Bautheuch. (In AH44 Langlois, E. H. Essai sur les enerves de Jumieges. 1838. J95 p. 97-239.) Mireur, F. L hotel de Raimondis-Canaux a Draguignan. . . AH44 Draguignan, 1873. Nar. Q. 128 p. i pi. 078 Miscellanea Capitolina. See Institute di corrispondenza archeologica (Rome). Centum semestria feliciter peracta gratulantur juvenes Capitolini. 1879. Mission archeologique franaise au Caire. See Cairo (Egypt) Mission archeologique francaise. Missirini, Melchior. Del tempio eretto in Possagno da Antonio Canova. AH45 Venezia, 1833. F. 7 [5]+79 p. 14 pi. P84 Dell atto dell Apollo di Belvedere; commento recitato ... 25 AC luglio 1822. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. R66i Dissertazioni. 1825. v. 2, p. 201-235.) Delia cappella de sepolcri Medicei in S. Lorenzo di Firenze e della AH45 grande cupola ivi dipinta dal Commendatore Pietro Benvenuti; F683 esposizione. Firenze, 1836. Sq. O. 95 p. See Pieraccini, Francesco. La Piazza del Granduca di Firenze. AH45 1830. F687 Mitchell, Donald Q[rant], 1822-, Sturgis, Russell, and others. AE2 Homes in city and country. 1893. Stg Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria, 1634-1718, illustrator. AM6 See Carrache, Annibale. 1560-1609. L Enea vagante. 1663. C23 Mithoff, H. Wilh[elm] H. , Archiv fur niedersachsens kunstgeschichte. . . AH43 Hannover [1853-56]. F. 6 3v.ini. 76 pi. A22 Contents: v. I. Mittelalterliche kunstwerke in Hannover, v. 2. Das kloster Wienhausen bei Celle. v. 3. Mittelalterliche kunstwerke in Goslar. Kunstdenkmale und alterthiimer im Hannoverschen. AH43 Hannover, 1871-80. F. 7 v. in 2. ill. 72 pi. map. Higi Contents: v. i. Calenberg. v. 2. Gottingen und Grubenhagen. v. 3. Hildesheim. v. 4. Liineburg. v. 5. Bremen und Verden mit dem lande Hadeln. v. 6. Osnabriick, Lingen, Bentheim und Arenberg-Meppen. v. 7. Ostfriesland und Harlingerland. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 673 Mitra, Rajendralala. Buddha Gaya, the hermitage of Sakya Muni. . . AH54 Calcutta, 1878. Sq. F. i3 + [i] + 257 P- 5 i P 1 - %$$ Mitscher, Georg. Zur baugeschichte des Strassburger miinsters. AH43 Strassburg, 1876. O. [s]+6o p. I pi. St8i9 Mitterer, Hermann [Joseph]. 1764-1829. Die deutsche zimmervverkskunst, als fortsetzung der burgerlichen AI baukunst und bauzeichnung. 5. aufl. M69 Miinchen, 1840. Q. 99+ [3] p. and Atlas, Sq. F. 5 35 pi. Mittheilungen des Bayrischen gewerbemuseums zu Niirnberg. AB See Nuremburg (Ger.) Bayerisches gewerbe museum. Mit- K.^62 theilungen. 1874-. Mobilier d eglises; specimens des divers styles depuis ANi le ii e siecle jusqu a nos jours. M7i Paris, 1 88 1. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 130 pi. Contents: v. i. Ouvrages en bois. v. 2. Ouvrages en pierre, en marbre et en fer. [Le mobilier ecclesiastique.] ANi Obi. Q. 60 pi. M;n No title-page. Un mobilier historique des I7 e et i8 e siecles. ANi See [Lacroix, Paul. 1806-84]. Ln Mockel, G[otthilf] L[udwig]. 1838-. Die Johannes-kirche zu Dresden; separat-ausgabe aus dem werke AH43 Ausgeftihrte und projectirte kirchen, villen und wohnhauser. . . D8i3 Dresden, no date. F. 5 [4] p. 20 pi. Modern, Heinrich. Paulus van Vianen. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen samm- AB lungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 15, pt. I, p. 60102. Ji9i ill. i por. 5 pi.) Modern architectural designs and details. 1886. AE2 See Comstock, W. T. C73 Modern Romanesque; a collection of executed examples AK of carving and sculpture as applied to architecture and the M72 accessory arts. New York, no date. F. 4 20 pi. Modern style of cabinet work exemplified. 1829. See [King, Thomas]. Moderne Wiener barock fagaden; eine sammlung der AH436 schonsten ... in Wien ausgefiihrten bauten dieser stilrichtung. V673 Wien, 1890-92. F. 5 2 ser. 60 pi. 43 674 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Modertie Wiener grabdenkmaler; die kiinstlerische aus- AE8 schmiickung der Wiener friedhofe durch werke der bildhauer M/2 Job. Benk, Job. Kalmsteiner, Karl Kundmann . . . etc., mit einem vorwort von Albert Ilg. Wien, 1891. F. 5 Ser. i. 30 pi. Les modes parisiennes et Journal du beau monde. AB Paris, no date. Q. 10 v. pi. M?2 Plates only, extracted from this periodical, about 1850 to 1860. Moet de la Forte=Maispn, C. A. -1875. Antiquites de Noyon; ou, Etude historique et geographique . . . AR44 des documents que fournit cette ville a 1 histoire des cites gallo- N87 romaines . . . de France. . . Rennes, 1845. O. 4+486+ [i] p. 5 pi. Moffatt, Rev. J[ohn] M[arks]. -1802. History of the town of Malmesbury and of its ancient abbey . . . AR42 with memoirs . . . [and] an appendix. . . M2Q Tetbury, 1805. O. 249 p. 5 pi. i tab. Moglia, Domenico. Collezione di soggetti ornamentali ed architettonici inventati e AK disegnati da ... Moglia. Milano, 1837. F. 5 [ IO ] P- 5^ pi. M722 Bound with this are 7 plates from Cesare Ferreri s L arca di Sant Agostino and from other sources. Mohrmann, K., editor. See Ungewitter, Q. Q. 1820-64. Lehrbuch der gotischen kon- AI struktionen. 1890-92. Un3 Moindron, Sigismond Zaborowski-. 1851. See Zaborowski-Moindron, Sigismond. 1851-. Moisy, Alexandra, i763-i832(?), illustrator. APL^ See Duval, C. A. A. P. 1760-1838. Les fontaines de Paris. 1813. P264 See [Duval, C. A. A. P. 1760-1838]. Les fontaines de Paris, AH44 anciennes et nouvelles. . . 1828. ^2641 [Molini, Giuseppe. 1772-1856.] La metropolitana fiorentina illustrata. [Anon.] AH45 Firenze, 1820. Q. 7+76+[2] p. 38 pi. F665 Molinier, Auguste. 1851- Les obituaires franfais au moyen age. . . AX Paris, 1890. O. 4+3 54 P- ^73 Molinier, [Charles Louis Marie] Emile. 1857-. Les bronzes de la renaissance; les plaquettes; catalogue raisonne AMj . . . Paris, 1886. O. 2 v. in i. ill. i pi. (Bibliotheque inter- M73 nationale de Tart; publiee . . . E. Miintz.) Dessins etmodeles; les arts du metal, orfevrerie, bijouterie, fer- AM4 ronnerie, bronze. Paris, no date. Q. 144 p. 200 ill. M^3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 675 Molinier, [Charles Louis Marie] Emile. 1837-. . . . Dictionnaire des emailleurs depuis le moyen age jusqu a la AJ2 fin du i8 e siecle. Paris, 1885. D. U3 + [i]p. ill. M/3 Venise; ses arts decoratifs, ses musees et ses collections. Paris, AO 1889. F. [s]+299p. ill. 10 pi. (Bibliotheque internationale de M/3 1 art; publiee . . . E. Miintz.) Molinier, Charles Louis Marie Emile, 1857-, editor. See Budapest (Hungary) Exposition. 1888. Chefs-d oeuvre AM4 d orfevrerie. 685 Molinier, Charles Louis Marie Emile, 1857- and Cavallucci, C. J., 1827-. AW Les della Robbia. 1884. C3i Molinier, Emile. 1857-. See Molinier, [Charles Louis Marie] Emile. 1857-. Moller, Anton. 1560-1620. Danziger frauentrachtenbuch aus . . . 1601, in . . . faksimile-re- AN4 produktionen . . . hrsg. . . . mit . . . text von A. Bertling. M73 Danzig, 1886. Sq. O. [5] + i4+|>] p. 20 pi. Moller, Georg. 1784-1852. Bemerkungen iiber die aufgefundene originalzeichnung des domes AH43 zu Koln. Darmstadt, 1818. F. 7 26 p. 9 pi. C7I4 Text in quarto. Denkmaler der deutschen baukunst AH43 Leipzig [v. 3 Darmstadt, 1851]. F. 5 3 v. in I. ill. I por. 187 pi. A9 Continued after the author s death by E. G. Gladbach. Vols. 1-2, 2 d edition. Essay on the origin and progress of Gothic architecture . . . from AD6 the eighth to the sixteenth centuries, translated from the German. M73 London, 1824. O. 16+141 p. Molleville, Antoine Francois, marquis de Bertrand de. 1744-1818. See Bertrand de Molleville, Antoine Francois, marquis de. 1744- 1818. Mollinger, Carl. Die deutsch-romanische architektur in ihrer organischen ent- AH43 wickelung bis zum ausgang des 12. jahrhunderts. An Leipzig, 1891. Q. v. I. ill. 52 pi. Elemente des rundbogenstiles. AD5 Miinchen, 1845. Sq. F. pt. 1-2. 24 pi. M73 Elemente des spitzbogenstiles systematisch entwickelt nach AD6 den . . . bau- und kunstdenkmalern aus der glanzperiode des M73I mittelalters. . . Miinchen, 1856. Q. 2 v. in I. 85 pi. 676 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Molmenti, P[ompeo] G[herardo]. 1851- Tiepolo; la villa Valmarana. AH45 Venezia, 1880. F. 6 [j] + i6p. i por. 59 pi. V663 No. 69 of loo copies printed. Molteno, Anthony. . . . Catalogue of the seventh portion of ... [his] collection of AO? prints . . . sold . . . the 2Qth of Jan. 1823, and . . . following R39 days. . . [London] 1823. O. 117 p. Mommeja, Jules. Les fresques du chateau de Bioule, Tarn-et- Garonne. AH44 Paris, 1888. O 15 p. 652 L hotel de ville de Saint-Antonin, Tarn-et- Garonne. . . AH44 Paris, 1889. O. 32 p. Sa28 Les plates-tombes du moyen age; essai d esthetique archeologique. AE8 Montauban, 1890. Q. 19 p. M/3 From Socie te archdologique de Tarn-et-Garonne. Bulletin. Mom msen, August. 1821-. AR495 Athenae Christianae. Lipsiae, 1868. O. 8+167 p. 2 maps. At44 Mommsen, [Christian Matthias] Th[eodor]. 1817-. Die nordetruskischen alphabete auf inschriften und miinzen. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853. v. 7, An8 p. I97-259- 3 Die Schweiz in romischer zeit. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in AC Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853-56. v. 9, 27 p. I pl.) An8 Mommsen, [Christian Matthias] Theodor, 1817- editor. Inscriptiones confoederationis Helveticae Latinae. Q. 20+ 134 p. AC ill. 2 pl. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1854. v. 10.) - Nachtrag hrsg. von F. Keller und H. Meyer. Zurich, AC 1865. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. An8 1863-66. v. 15, p. 203-219. ill.) Inscriptiones urbis Brixiae et agri Brixiani Latinae ... ex Cor- A02 poris inscriptionum Latinarum v. 5, seorsum edidit. Berolini, 6752 1874. F. 5 19+119+21 p. 15 pl. (In Brescia, Italy, Museo Bresciano illustrate. 1838. v. 2.) Monaco, Domenico. See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Specimens from the A02 museum. 1889. Ni6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 677 [Monaldini, Giuseppe Antonio.] Istituzione antiquario-numismatica; osia, Introduzione allo studio AMi delle antiche medaglie in due libri proposta. [Anon.] M/4 Roma, 1772. D. 32+487 P- 3 P 1 - Monatsblatt fur bauwesen und landesverschonerung. AB Miinchen, 1821-30. Q. 10 v. in 2. ill. pi. M74I Edited by J. M. C. G. Vorherr. Monceaux, Henri. 1831-. Les carrelages histories du moyen-age et de la renaissance: dessins AJ2 par A. Guillon, texte par H. Monceaux. Paris, 1887. S. 2 v. ill. M74 28 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Troi- sieme serie: Enseignement general.) Contents: v. i. Origines et fabrication. v. 2. Classification par dpoques. Monceaux, Paul, and Laloux, Victor, 1850-. AH495 Restauration d Olympie. 1889. Ok) Monckton, James H. National carpenter and joiner; a complete work on constructive AI carpentry, showing the simplest methods of finding . . . joints and M74I geometrical forms. . . New York [c. 1873]. Sq. F. 6+8 + [92] p. 48 pi. Stair-building in its various forms and the new one-plane method AI of hand-railing. . . 3rd. edition. ^74 New York, 1891 [c 88]. Sq. F. 19+120 p. ill. 79 pi. Moncoq, P., abbe. Une visite a 1 eglise S.-Pierre de Rome en 1846. AH45 Caen, 1847. - io6+[s] p. 7 pi. R724 Moncornet, Balthazar. i6i5(?)-;o(?). Livre nouveau dc toutes sortes d ouvrages d orfevreries, Paris . . . AK vers 1670. London, 1888. F. [3] p. 12 pi. (Quaritch s reprints Q2 of rare books, v. II.) Mongeri, Giuseppe. 1812-. L arte in Milano; note per servire di guida nella citta. AH45 Milano, 1872. D. 547 p. ill. M5822 Gli stili architettonici dimostrati in ordine storico. . . AA Milano, 1887. Sq. F. 4 12 p. 40 pi. M74 Mongeri, Giuseppe, 1812-, editor. See Bramantino, Bartolommeo Suardi, called il. I455(?)- AH45 I 536(?)- Le rovine di Roma al principio del secolo 16. 1880. A43 Monicke, C. H., translator. See Statz, Vincenz, 1819-, and Ungewitter, Q. Q., 1820-64. AK Gothic model-book. [1862.] St2i 43* 678 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Monico, Jacopo, cardinal. 1778-1851. Sulla pala d oro gia ristaurata e riposta a suo luogo, discorso. (In AH45 Bellomo, Giovanni. La pala d oro dell I. R. patriarcale basilica V"582 de S. Marco. 1847. P- 7 I ~7 8 -) Le moniteur des architectes; revue mensuelle de 1 art AB architectural ancien et moderne. ^74 Paris, 1866-93. F. New ser., v. 1-16; 2<i ser., v. 6-7. ill. pi. Monkhouse, W[illiam] Cosmo. Pictures by William Etty, with descriptions and a biographical AW sketch of the painter. London [1874]. Sq. F. [6]+45 p. 13 pi. Et7 Monmouthshire and Caerleon antiquarian asso= ciation, publisher. See Morgan, [C.] O. [S.], 1803-88, and Wakeman, Thomas. AH42 Notes on the ancient domestic residences of Tre-owen, Killwch M75 and the Waen. 1861. See Morgan, [C.] O. [S.], 1803-88, and Wakeman, Thomas. AH42 Notes on the architecture and history of Caldicot castle, Mon- M75 mouthshire. [1854.] Monmouthshire and Caerleon antiquarian asso= ciation Museum . Isca silurum; or, An illustrated catalogue of the Museum, by AR42p J. E. Lee. London, 1862. Nar. Q. 12+148 p. 52 pi. A2 Monnier, Marc. 1829-85. Pompei e i Pompeiani. 2<ia e d. Milano, 1875. O. 152 p. ill. AR45 (Biblioteca di viaggi. v. 9.) P793 Monogram and alphabet album [published by] J. Sabin s AK Son. New York, no date. Sq. O. 78 pi. M75 Monographic de Notre- Dame de Paris et de la nouvelle AH44 sacristie de MM. Lassus et Viollet-le-Duc . . . precedee d une P27 notice historique . . . par Celtibere. Paris, no date. F. 6 14 p. 80 pi. Monographs of American architecture. AH/3 Boston, 1886-88. Sq. F. 5 v. 2-5. por. 81 pi. An Contents : v. 2. State capitol, Hartford, Conn. v. 3. Ames memorial buildings, North Easton, Mass. H. H. Richardson, architect. v. 4. Memorial hall, Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. v. 5. Trinity church, Boston, Mass. Published by American architect and building news. Monster for konstindustri och slojd. [Stockholm] 1873-90. F. 5 v. 1-17 in 2 v. ill. pi. M/5 Edited by Svenska slojdforeningen. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 679 Mont Royal, Antoine du. 1622-. See Antoine du Mont Royal. 1622. [Mont St. Michel; album de 24 belles photographies de AH44 ce monument d architecture du moyen age.] Obi. F. 24 pi. M/6I Montagu, J[ames] A[ugustus]. Guide to the study of heraldry. London, 1840. Q. 75 p. ill. AWi i pi. M;6 Montaiglon, Anatole de Gourde de. 1824-. AO8 Les bas-reliefs de I hotel Colbert. [Paris, 1860.] Q. p. 33-41. M/6 Extract from Les beaux-arts. i er aout, 1860. L hotel de Scipion Sardini et ses medaillons en terre cuite. AO8 [Paris, 1860.] Q. p. 161-166 and 197-202. M76 From Les beaux-arts. i er aout, 1860. Notice historique et bibl. sur Jean Pelerin . . . et sur son livre AL,2 "De artificiali perspectiva," lue a la Soc. . . des antiquaires de P36 France. . . 1861. Paris, 1861. F. 4 20 p. I pi. i facsim. Montaiglon, Anatole de Gourde de, 1824-, continues See Chennevieres-Pointel, C. P., marquis de, 1820-, compiler. AW Archives de 1 art francais. 1851-60. v. 4-6. M44 Montaiglon, Anatole de Gourde de, 1824-, editor. Correspondance des directeurs de 1 Academie de France a Rome AI [1666-1793], avec les surintendants des batiments. Paris, M76 1887-88. O. v. 1-2. (Societe de 1 histoire de 1 art francais. Publications.) See Felibien, Andre. 1619-95. Memoires. 1874. AH44 A43 See Holbein, Hans. 1497-1 543(?). L alphabet de la mort. 1856. AX H69 See Mariette, P. J. 1694-1774. Abecedario. 1851-60. AW M34I See Renouvier, Jules. 1804-60. Histoire de 1 art pendant la AO revolution. 1863. R29 Montamy, [Didier Francois] d Arclais de. 1702-65. Traite des couleurs pour la peinture en email et sur la porcelaine, AJ2 precede de 1 art de peindre sur lemail . . . [pub. par D. Diderot]. M76 Paris, 1765. S. 52 + 287 p. Montano, Qio[vanni] Battista. 1545-1621. Architettura con diversi ornamenti cavati dall antico, dati in luce AK da C. Ferrante. Roma, 1636. F. 4 40 f. 2 pi. M76 680 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Montano, Gio[vanni] Battista. 1545-1621. Li cinque libri di architettura. AA Roma, 1691. F. 5 5 books in I v. por. pi. M/62 Contents: i. Architettura con diversi ornamenti cavati dall antico, data in luce da Calisto Ferrante. 1684. i por. 41 pi. 2. Scielta di varii tempietti antichi, date in luce per G. B. Soria. i por. 48 pi. 3. Raccolta de tempii e sepolcri disegnati dall antico, data in luce da Calisto Ferrante. 49 pi. 4. Diversi ornamenti capricciosi per depositi o altari, dati in luce da G. B. Soria. 1684. 40 pi. 5. Tabernacoli diversi, dati in luce da G. B. Soria. 1684. 25 pi. Scielta d. varii tempietti antichi con le piante e alzatte disegnati AE in prospettiva; date in luce per G. B. Soria. M/6 Roma, 1624. F. 4 [3] p. 2 por. 66 pi. Montauban (France) Societe archeologique de Tarn=et=Garonne. See Societe archeologique de Tarn-et=Garonne. Montault, Xavier Barbier de, abbe. 1830-. See Barbier de Montault, Xavier, abbe. 1830-. Montecchini, Pietro Luigi. Sulla possibilita e la convenienza di un nuovo stile nazionale d ar- AH45 chitettura, in ordine alia condizione politica sociale del regno A55 d ltalia, studi e proposta. Torino, 1865. O. 62 p. [Montelatici, Domenico.] Villa Borghese, fuori di Porta Pinciana con I ornamenti, che si AH45 osseruano nel di lei palazzo e con le figure delle statue piu singo- R7i/ lari. . . [Anon.] Roma, 1700. S. i3+32i + [6] p. 28 pi. [Montelius, Qustaf Oscar Augustin. 1843-.] Bibliographic de 1 archeologie prehistorique de la Suede pendant AY le I9 e siecle, suivie d un Expose succint des societes archeolo- M76 giques suedoises . . . [pub.] par la Societe des antiquaires de Suede. [Anon.] Stockholm, 1875. O. 3+106 p. Montenari, Giovanni, conte. Del Teatro Olimpico di Andrea Palladio in Vicenza, discorso. AH45 2da ed. con lettere due critiche, 1 una del . . . Marchese Giovanni V665 Poleni . . . 1 altra dell autore. Padova, 1749. O. 12 + [4] + 153 p. i ill. Montfaucon, Bernard de. 1655-1741. L antiquite expliquee et representee en figures. AR495 Paris, 1719. F. 5 5 v. in 10. ill. i por. 972 pi. A2i Contents : v. i. Les dieux des Grecs et des Romains. v. 2. Le culte des Grecs et des Romains. La religion des Egyptiens. . . v. 3. Les usages de la vie. v. 4. La guerre, les voitures, les grands chemins, les ponts, les aqueducs, la navi gation, v. 5. Les funerailles, les lampes, les supplices. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 68 1 Montfaucon, Bernard de. 1655-1741. Les monumens de la monarchic fran^oise, qui comprennent This- AR44 toire de France avec les figures de chaque regne que 1 injure des A 5 terns a epargnees. Paris, 1729-33. F. 5 5 v. 306 pi. Contents : . i. L origine des Francois et la suite des rois jusqu a Philippe I. . 2. La conquete de 1 Angleterre par Guillaume, Due de Normandie et la suite des rois depuis Louis VI. jusqu a Jean II. . 3. Charles V. jusqu a Louis XI. . 4. Charles VIII. jusqu a Francois I. . 5. Henri II. jusqu a Henri IV. Supplement au livre de L antiquite expliquee et representee en AR495 figures. Paris, 1724. F. 4 5 v. ill. 414 pi. A3 Contents: v. i. Les dieux des Grecs et des Remains. v. 2. Le cult des Grecs, des Romains, des Egyptiens et des Gaulois. v. 3. Qui comprend les habits et les usages de la vie. v. 4. Qui comprend la guerre, les ponts, les aqueducs, la navigation, les phares et les tours octogones. v. 5. Les funerailles. Montferrand, Auguste Ricard, called de. 1786-1858. Description de la grande cloche de Moscow. . . AH47 Paris, 1840. F. 6 [pj + np. 9 pi. >M855 Description of the great bell of Moscow. [Anon.] AH47 Q. 22 p. 5 pi. M85 Eglise cathedrale de Saint-Isaac; description architectural . . . et AH47 historique de ce monument. . . Sa2 Saint- Petersbourg, 1845. F - 7 [4]+88 + |>] p. ill. 61 pi. M L ontgermont], L[ebeuf] de. Catalogue des objets d art composant la ... collection de L. de AO2 M. . . . vente . . . 25-30 mai 1891. . . M76 [Paris] 1891. F. 126 p. 44 pi. Montigny, Auguste Henri Victor Grandjean de. 1776-1850. AH45 See Grandjean de Montigny, Auguste Henri Victor. 1776-1850. T87I [Montjoie, de, abbe.] Description historique des curiosites de 1 eglise de Paris . . . par AH44 M. C. P. G[ueffier]. [Anon.] Paris, 1763. S. 462+[6] p. 6 pi. P342 Montjosieu, Louis de. 16* cent. Commentarii de scvlptvra et pictvra antiqvorvm. (In his Callus AH45 Romae hospes. 1585. 27 p. ill.) A57 Commentarius de sculptura [et de pictura]. (In Vitruvius Pollio, AA Marcus. Architectura. 1825-30. v. 4, pt. 2, p. 121-154.) V848 Gallus Romae hospes; ubi multa antiquorum monimenta expli- AH45 cantur, pars pristinae formae restituuntur; opus in quinque partes A57 tributum. Romae, Osmarinus, 1585. Q. Various paging, ill. 682 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Montpalau, Antonio de Capmany y de. 1742-1813. See Capmany y de Montpalau, Antonio de. 1742-1813. Monumens de Rhodes. AH4996 Bruxelles, 1828. Obi. F. [3] p. 74 pi. map. Ai Monument destine a honorer les victimes de Quiberon. AE8 [Dessins de Auguste Caristie. Paris, 1824.] F. 5 [6] p. 6 pi. M76 Monumenta Hungariae archseologica : Magyarorszagi AC regeszeti emlekek, kiadja a Magyar tudomanyos akademianak 6851 archaeologiai bizottsaga. Budapest, 1869-80. Sq. F. 4 ill. pi. v. 1-4. Monumenta regum Poloniae Cracoviensia ... [1270-1783]. AE8 Petropoli [Paris printed] 1853. F. 7 2 p. 24 pi. M76i Drawn by Michael Stachowicz; engraved by F. Dietrich. Title-page in Latin and French. Monument! antichi inediti. 1784-89. AR45 See [Quattani, Q. A. 1748-1830]. R7ii Monument! dell antico culto cristiano. 1840. See Knapp, J. M. 1793-. Monument! dell architettura antica; lettere al Conte Giuseppe Franchi di Pont. 1820. AA See [Napione di Cocconato, Q. F. Qaleani, conte. 1748-1830]. M76 Monument! delle arti cristiane primitive. 1844. AR45 See M[archi], Q. R683 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana, publicados a AH46 expensas del Estado, bajo la direccion de una Comision especial, A 13 creada por el Ministerio de Fomento; [editor: Don Jose Gil Dorregaray]. Madrid, 1859-81. F. 8 Nos. 1-89. ill. pi. Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Contents : ALHAMBRA (Granada). Palacio arabe de la Alhambra. 21 pi. AssAS, M. DE. El Alcazar de Toledo. 1878. 2 pi. Antigua sinagoga, hoy Iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca. 1878. 2 pi. Capilla de Santiago en Santa Maria (Alcala de Henares). 1878. 2 pi. Iglesia arcedianal de Santiago en Villena. 1878. I pi. Monasterio de Fres del Val. 1878. i pi. Monumentos del estilo ojival. 1880. 2 pi. Salon de la Casa de Mesa. 1878. 3 pi. BtrRGOS (Spain). Monasterio de Santa Maria la Reale de las Huelgas. 5 pi. FERNANDEZ-GUERRA Y ORBE, A. Tres sarcofagos cristianos. i pi. GUADALAJARA (Spain). Palacio ducal del Infantado en Guadalajara. 5 pi. MADRAZO, P. DE. 1816-. Orfebreria de la e"poca visigoda. 1879. 3 pi. La Universidad Complutense en Alcala de Henares. 1878. 7 pi. Rios, J. AMADOR DE LOS. 1818-78. La camara santa de la catedral de Oviedo. 1877. 8 pi. Monumentos de decadencia del arte pagano. 1877. 2 pi. Monumentos de estilo mudejar. 1877. 6 pi. Monumentos del estilo ojival. 1876. 3 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 683 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana. Contents: Monumentos latino-bizantinos de la monarquia asturiana. 1877. i pi. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de la monarquia asturoleonesa : Iglesia de San Miguel de Linio. 1877. 6 pi. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de la monarquia asturoleonesa: Iglesias de San Salvador de Val-de-Dios. 1877. 3 pi. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de Mdrida. 1877. 9 pi. Monumentos mahometanos. 1877. i pi. Primeros monumentos religiosos del arte mahometano en Toledo. 1877. 9 pi. Rios, J. AMADOR DE LOS, 1818-78, and ASSAS Y ERENO, M. DE. Monumentos del estilo ojival. 1877. n pi. Rios, J. AMADOR DEI.OS, 1818-78, and Rios v VILLALTA, R. AMADOR DE LOS. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de Cordoba. 1879. 7 pi. Rios Y VILLALTA, R. AMADOR DE LOS. Monumentos del estilo mudejar. 1879. i pi. SEGOVIA (Spain). Iglesias parroquiales de Segovia. 6 pi. TUBINO, F. M. Area sepulcral de San Isidro Labrador. 1880. i pi. Palacio arzobispal de Alcala de Henares. 1881. 3 pi. Puerta y escalera del Hospital de la Latina. 1880. i pi. Plates only of the following: AviLA (Spain, province). Basilica de S. Vicente, Sabina y Cristela, etc. 7 pi. BADAJOZ (Spain, province). Catedral, etc. 7 pi. BARCELONA (Spain, province). Iglesia de S. Pedro y S. Pablo. 2 pi. BtfRGOS (Spain, province). Abadfa de S. Quirce, etc. 17 pi. CACERES (Spain, province). Casas solariegas de los condes de Adanero y de Mayorazgo. i pi. C6RDOBA (Spain, province). Catedral y Mezquita. 17 pi. GERONA (Spain, province). Iglesia de S. Pedro, Camprodon. i pi. GRANADA Y JAEN (Spain, provinces). Miembros y fragmentos anteriores. i pi. LEON (Spain, province). Catedral, etc. 17 pi. OVIEDO (Spain, province). S. Adrian de Tunon, etc. 17 pi. PALENCIA (Spain, province). Iglesia de S. Juan, Bafios. i pi. SALAMANCA (Spain, province). Catedral Vieja, etc. n pi. SEGOVIA (Spain, province). Catedral, etc. 8 pi. SEVILLA (Spain, province). Antiguas iglesias, etc. 14 pi. TOLEDO (Spain, province). Catedral, etc. 22 pi. VALENCIA (Spain, province). Catedral. i pi. VALLADOLID (Spain, province). Patio de S. Gregorio, etc. 2 pi. ZAMOVA (Spain, province). Antiguo monasterio visigodo, San Roman de Hornija. 5 pi. Monuments funeraires des rois et reines de Pologne eleves dans les eglises de Krakovie. AE8 See Monumenta regum Poloniae Cracoviensia. 1853. M/6I Monuments sepulcraux de la Toscane. 1821. AE8 See Qonnelli, Giuseppe. 0581 Moore, Rev. Edward. Croyland abbey. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. 6, p. 20-27. 4 pi.) As/ On Croyland abbey. (In Associated architectural societies. Re- AC ports and papers, v. 3, p. 272-283. 2 pi.) As7 Moore, Rev. Giles. -1679. Extracts from [his] journal and account book; with remarks by AC Robert W. Blencowe. (In Sussex archaeological society. Col- Su8 lections, v. I, p. 65-127.) 684 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Moore, H[arry] W[ilkinson]. 1851-. AH42 Sketches of the old domestic architecture of Oxford. F. 6 12 pi. 0x25 Moore, Morris. Raphael s "Apollo and Marsyas," a European scandal. . . AO6 Edinburgh, 1884. O. 7 + 231 p. M;8 Morance, Charles [Louis], abbe. Notice sur les verrieres de 1 eglise de la Ferte-Bernard, Sarthe. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 5, p. 497-512.) 687 Morandi, Genesio. L arte della decorazione italiana, studiata sugli archi e i graffiti di AK Roma sul palazzo di Caprarola e sulle targhe delle carte geografi- M79 che del Vaticano. . . Milano, 1874. F. 6 Various paging. 140 pi. [Moreau, A.] Meubles et objets d art des I5 e 17 siecles; [collection de A. AO2 Moreau. Anon.]. Paris, 1871. F. 7 57 phot. M8i Moreau, [Jean] Charles [Alexandre]. Fragmens et ornemens d architecture, dessines a Rome d apres AK 1 antique, formant supplement a 1 oeuvre d architecture de Desgo- M8i dets. . . Paris [1800]. F. 6 [4] p. 35 pi. Plate 13 wanting. Morel, - -. Memoire sur des decouvertes d antiquites romaines faites a Valen- AB tine, Haute-Garonne. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 32, p. 441459.) 687 Morelli, Cosimo, cavaliere. 1732-1812. Pianta e spaccato del nuovo teatro d Imola. . . AH45 Roma, 1780. F. 4 [9] p. 16 pi. Im6 Moret, , avocat. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Moyen-age pittoresque. A A Monumens d architecture, meubles et decors du io e au 17 036 siecle . . . avec un texte . . . par Moret. 1837-40. Morey, [Mathieu Prosper]. 1805-86. Charpente de la cathedrale de Messine, gravee et lithographiee APLj.5 par H. Roux, aine. Paris, 1841. F. 7 7+[2] p. 8 pi. Ms6 Morgan, Aaron, and Concanen, Matthew, jr. History and antiquities of the parish of St. Saviour s, South- AH42 wark. 1795. L854 Morgan, [Charles] Octavius [Swinnerton]. 1803-88. Observations on the history and progress of the art of watch- AB making. . . (In Archaeologia. v. 33, p. 84-100, 293-307; v. 34, Ar2 p. 259-264.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 685 Morgan, [Charles] Octavius [Swinnerton], 1803-88, and Wakeman, Thomas. Notes on the ancient domestic residences of Tre-owen, Killwch AH42 and the Waen. Newport, 1 86 1. Nar. Q. 19 p. 8 pi. M/5 Published by the Monmouthshire and Caerleon antiquarian association. Notes on the architecture and history of Caldicot castle, Mon- AH42 mouthshire. Newport [pref. 1854]. Nar. Q. 45 p. 13 pi. M;5 Published by the Monmouthshire and Caerleon antiquarian association. Morgan, George. On public competitions for architectural designs. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1857-58, p. 155-166.) R8i Morgan, George Blacker, editor. See Fisher, Maj. Payne. 1616-93. Tombs, monuments, etc., AH42 visible in S. Paul s cathedral. 1885. L858 Morgan, Octavius. 1803-88. See Morgan, Charles Octavius Swinnerton. 1803-88. Morgenthau, Julius C[asar]. 1858-. Uber den zusammenhang der bilder auf griechischen vasen. . . AN2 Leipzig, 1886. O. pt. i. Z4 Contents: pt. i. Die schwarz-figurigen vasen. Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Morghen, Filippo. Le antichita di Pozzuoli, Baja e Cuma. . . AR45 Napoli, 1769. F. 5 3 p. 40 pi. P8/ Mori, Ferdinando, illustrator. See Re, Lorenzo. Riflessioni antiquarie sulle sculture capitoline. R663 1806-07. AO2 Morillot, L., abbe. Etude sur 1 emploi des clochettes chez les anciens et depuis le AX triomphe du Christianisme. M82 Dijon, 1888. Q. 8 + 2io+[5] p. 12 ill. 1 1 pi. i facsim. From Bulletin d histoire et d arche"ologie religieuses du diocese de Dijon. [Morigia, Paolo. 1525-1604.] Distinto ragguaglio dell ottava maraviglia del mondo; o sia, AH45 Delia . . . metropolitana dell insubria volgarmente detta il duomo M5825 di Milano. . . [Anon.] Milano, 1739. D. [12] +2 14+ [14] p. ill. i tab. Morin, Edmond. Etudes sur 1 architecture: Dessin, forme, composition. A A Paris, 1883. F. [5] + 200+ [9] p. ill. 46 pi. M82 686 Morison, Douglas. Views of Haddon Hall. London, 1842. F. 6 [5] p. 25 pi. Morisot, J[oseph] M[adeleine] R[ose]. 1767-1821. Tableaux detailles des prix de tous les ouvrages de batiment, AI suivant leurs genres differens et chacune de leurs especes. . . M82 Paris, 1804-14. O. 7 v. 105 pi. Vols. 5-7 have title Vocabulaires des arts et metiers ; vols. 6-7 contain the plates. Moritz, Karl Philipp. 1757-93. Vorbegriffe zu einer theorie der ornamente. AK Berlin, 1793. S. 142 p. 3 pi. M82 Morize, L. Etude archeologique sur 1 abbaye de Notre-Dame des Vaux de AH44 Cernay de 1 ordre de Citeaux et de 1 etroite observance au diocese P2Q3 de Paris . . . precedes d une introduction par Comte A. de Dion. Tours, 1889. Q. 10+127 p. 57 pi. map. (Rambouillet, France Societe archeologique. Documents pour servir a 1 his- toire du Departement de Seine-et-Oise. v. 18.) Morley, Henry. 1822-94. Palissy the potter; the life of Bernard Palissy of Saintes. . . 2d ed. AW London, 1855. O. 13+494 p. ill. Pi75 Morlok, Georg. Sammlung ausgefuhrter landlicher bauten. 2. . . aufl. AH43 Esslingen [1856]. Sq. F. 5 [2] p. 16 pi. A62 Mormile, Giuseppe. 1 7 th cent. Descrittione della citta di Napoli, e del suo amenissimo distretto AR45 et dell antichita della citta di Pozzuolo. . . Ni6 Napoli, 1625. S. [io]+245 + [2] p. ill. Moro, Marco, designer. AH45 See [Fontana, Q. J.]. Venezia monumentale pittoresca. [1837.] V576 Morris, Rev. F[rancis] O[rpen]. 1810- Series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentle- AH42 men of Great Britain and Ireland. . . A49 Leeds [v. 2-4, London] no date. Q. 4 v. 156 pi. Title of v. i omits the words " and Ireland." Morris, J. H., and Crunden, J[ohn]. Carpenters companion for Chinese railing and gates. . . New edi- AI tion. London [1770]. O. 16 p. M83 Morris, Richard, F. L. S. Essays on landscape gardening, and on uniting picturesque effect AN8 with rural scenery. . . London, 1825. Sq. F. 8+[i]+9i p. 6 pi. M83 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 687 Morris, Robert. Lectures on architecture, consisting of rules founded upon bar- AE2 monick and arithmetrical proportions in building. . . M83 London, 1734-36. D. 2 v. in. I. [2o] + 226+[8] P- 16 pi. Paged continuously. Morris, Thomas, architect. Brief chapters on British carpentry, history and principles of AI Gothic roofs. .. London, 1871. O. [s] + ii8p. ill. 6 pi. M83I Morris, William. 1834-. AD6 Gothic architecture. [London, 1893.] T. 68 p. M83 Lecture for the Arts and crafts exhibition society. 1889. Morrona, Alessandro da. Pisa illustrata nelle arti del disegno. 2da ed. AO Livorno, 1812. D. 3 v. 3 por. 29 pi. M83 Morse, Edward S[ylvester]. 1838-. Japanese homes and their surroundings. AH 5 2 Boston, 1886. Nar. Q. 33+372 p. ill. Ai On the older forms of terra-cotta roofing tiles. [Salem, 1892.] O. 72 p. ill. From Essex institute. Bulletin. 1892. v. 24. Morselli, Andrea. Cenno storico filosofico sull architettura. AA Milano, 1834. O. I4O+[3J p. Z$ Mortet, [Francois Joseph] V[ictor]. 1855-. Etude historique et archeologique sur la cathedrale et le palais ArLj4 episcopal de Paris du 6 e au I2 e siecle. P298 Paris, 1888. Nar. Q. n + [i]+9Op. 3 pi. Mortillet, Louis Laurent Gabriel de. 1821-. Catalogue sommaire de . . . [sa] collection prehistorique. AP [Paris, 1869.] O. 15 p. ill. M84 From Mate"riaux pour 1 histoire primitive et naturelle de 1 homme, mars. 1869. Essai d une classification des cavernes et des stations sous abri AP fondee sur les produits de 1 industrie humaine. M84 [Paris, 1869.] O. 8 p. ill. From MateYiaux pour 1 histoire primitive et naturelle de 1 homme, mars. 1869. Le signe de la croix avant le christianisme. AX Paris, 1866. O. i82 + [i] p. ill. M84 Mortillet, Louis Laurent Gabriel de, 1821, editor. See Indicateur de 1 archeologue; bulletin mensuel illustre. AB 1873-74. In2 688 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Morton, Rev. James. History and description of Jedburgh abbey, the town and abbey AH4I of Kelso, the abbey of Melrose and Dryburgh abbey. Ail [Edinburgh, 1832.] F. [8J + 8+4 p. 20 pi. From his Monastic annals of Teviotdale. Moscow (Russia) Musee d art et d industrie. Histoire de 1 ornement russe du io e au i6 e siecle d apres les AK manuscrits. Paris, 1870. F. 5 2 v. 200 pi. M85 Edited by V. I. Butovski. Moser, Ferdinand. Handbuch der pflanzenornamentik. . . Leipzig, 1893. O. AK 7+68 p. 1 20 pi. (Seemann s kunsthandbucher. v. 10.) M8$i Der kunstschlosser; entwiirfe zu kunstschlosserarbeiten vorzugs- AM2 weise im style des 16., 17. und 18. jahrhunderts. . . M85 Berlin [1890-91]. F. 5 [8] p. 24 pi. Text in German and French. Moses, Henry, i782(?)-i87o, engraver. Collection of antique vases, altars, paterae, tripods, candelabra, AN2 sarcophagi . . . from various museums and collections, with his- M8$ torical essays. London [pref. 1814]. Sq. O. 12+61 p. ill. 150 pi. Select Greek and Roman antiquities from vases, gems and other subjects. London [1817]. Sq. O. 36 pi. See Englefield, Sir H. C., bart. 1752-1822. Ancient vases from AN2 his collection. 1848. En3 Mosler, H. Sansovino u. s. w. Leipzig, no date. O. [s] + 295 p. ill. (Klas- AW siker-bibliothek der bildenden kunst; klassiker der baukunst.) Sa5 Mosley, Sir Oswald, baronet. 1785-1871. History of the castle, priory and town of Tutbury, in the county AR42 of Stafford. London, 1832. O. 8+[2]+386 p. ill. 5 pi. T88 Mospignotti, Aristide Nardini=Despotti=. 1826-. AH45 See Nardini=Despotti=Mospignotti, Aristide. 1826-. 0594 Moss, W[illiam]. Liverpool guide, including a sketch of the environs, with . . . AH42 directions for sea bathing. 4th ed. enlarged. L754 Liverpool, 1801. D. [4] + i92 p. ill. I map. Moss, W[illiam] Q[eorge]. History and antiquities of the town and port of Hastings. AH42 London, 1824. O. 14+206+ [2] p. 18 pi. map. I facsim. H273 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 689 Mothes, Oscar. 1828-. Die basilikenform bei den Christen der ersten jahrhunderte, ihre AE vorbilder und ihre entwicklung. . . 2. aufl. M85 Leipzig, 1869. O. 1 1 + 104 p. I tab- Die baukunst des mittelalters in Italien. . . AH45 Jena, 1884. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 6 pi. A2/ Geschichte der baukunst und bildhauerei des mittelalters in AH45 Venedig. Leipzig, 1859. O. 9+304 p. ill. 6 pi. V565 Mothes, Oscar, 1828- compiler. Illustrirtes bau-lexikon; praktisches hiilfs- und nachschlagebuch AI im gebiete des hoch- und flachbaues, land- und wasserbaues, M85 muhlen- und bergbaues, der schiffs- und kriegsbaukunst. . . Leipzig, 1881-84. Q. 4 v. ill. 4 pi. Mothes, Oscar, 1828- and Miiller, H. A., 1814-, compilers. AA Illustrirtes archaologisches worterbuch. 1877-78. Motifs de decoration exterieure et interieure. AK See Claesen, Charles. 1829-. C5i Mott, J. L., iron works. Illustrated catalogue; artistic grates, fenders, andirons . . . and AM2 other goods for the fitting and decoration of the fire place. M852 New York, 1882. Sq. F. 4 [5] p. 64 pi. Illustrated catalogue of statuary, fountains, vases, settees, etc., for Al2 parks, gardens and conservatories. M853 New York, 1875. F. 6 [2] p. 147 full-page ill. - Lamp pillars; supplement to Illustrated catalogue of Al2 ornamental department. New York, 1877. F. 6 7 full-page ill. M853 Illustrated catalogue of the plumbing and sanitary department AJ of the J. L. Mott iron works. . . M85 New York, 1878. O. [i] + i76p. ill. - Supplement. New York, 1893. F. 4 Various paging, ill. AJ M85I . . . [Illustrated catalogue of tiles.] AJ2 New York, c. 1891. Obi. Q. [7] p. 35 pi. M85 Illustrated catalogue "P" and price list [of] cast and wrought Al2 iron, brass, bronze and nickel-plated stable fittings. . . M85I New York [1881-92]. Q. 232+[i] p. ill. Illustrated catalogue "Q" and price list: Vanes, bannerets, finials, Al2 etc... New York [c. 1892]. Q. 128 p. ill. M852 44 690 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Mott, J. L., iron works. Illustrated catalogues and price lists, H. J. and L. Al2 New York, c. 1891-93. F. 6 3 v. in I. ill. M8$ Contents : H. Fountains. J. Lamps and candelabra. L. Cast iron vases. "M" illustrated catalogue and price list of statuary and animals. . . Al2 New York [c. 1890]. Q. 64 p. ill. M8$2 Motta, Fabricio Carini. Trattato sopra la struttura de theatri, e scene, che a nostri giorni AE4 si costumano . . . Guastalla, 1676. F. [4] + 24+[i] p. 14 pi. M85 Mottet, S. La mosai culture; histoire et . . . description . . . des especes AN8 employees a cet usage. . . Paris, 1891. D. 9+94 p. ill. M85 Moucheron, I [zaak de]. 1670-1744. Plusiers . . . veiies et la cour de Heemstede, dans . . . Utrecht, AN8 designees et gravees par I. Moucheron, et donne en lumiere par M86 la veuve de Nicolaus Visscher. [Amsterdam] no date. F. [4] p. 24 pi. Title and description in French and Dutch. Moule, Thomas. 1784-1851. Essay on the Roman villas of the Augustan age . . . and on the AH45 remains of Roman domestic edifices discovered in Great Britain . . . R745 London, 1833. O. 8+179 p. 2 pi. See Harding, Q. P. -1853. Antiquities in Westminster abbey, AH42 with a description by T. Moule. 1825. L885 See Westall, William. 1781-1850. Great Britain illustrated. AH42 [1830.] Agi See Winkles, R. B. Architectural and picturesque illustrations of AH42 the cathedral churches of England and Wales. 1836. v. I. A6$ Mourcin de Meymi=Lanaugarie, Joseph Theophile de. i 784- See Taillefer, H. F. A. A., comte Wlgrin de. 1761-1833. Anti- AR44 quites de Vesone. 1821-26. Moureau, Adrien. Les Moreau. Paris [1893]. Nar. Q. 146+ [i] p. ill. I por. AW 2 pi. 30 paged pi. (Les artistes celebres; publics de . . . P. Leroi.) M8l Mourier, J. L art religieux au Caucase. Paris, 1887. S. i49+[i] p. (Petite AO bibliotheque d art et d archeologie.) M$6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 691 Moutie, Auguste. Cartulaire de 1 abbaye de Notre-Dame de la Roche de 1 ordre de AR44 Saint-Augustin au diocese de Paris. .. Paris, 1862. Q. 32+476 p. N82 and Atlas, F. 5 40 pi. (Rambouillet, France Societe archeo- logique. Documents pour servir a 1 histoire du Departement de Seine-et-Oise.) Chemin de fer de 1 ouest; notice sur la station de Chartres; AH44 resume historique, la ville et ses monuments. C38/ Chartres, 1851. O. 63 p. 4 pi. Le moyen=age, monumental et archeologique. . . AA Paris, 1843. F - 5 3 v - 39 6 P 1 - M8 7 Moyen=age pittoresque. 1837-40. AA See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. C36 Muff el, Nikolaus. 1410-69. Beschreibung der stadt Rom, hrsg. von W. Vogt. Tubingen, 1876. AH45 O. 64 p. (Bibliothek des literarischen vereins in Stuttgart, v. 128.) R82 [Muir, Thomas S.] Characteristics of old church architecture, etc., in the mainland AH4I and western islands of Scotland. [Anon.] Ai6 Edinburgh, 1861. Q. 11+240 p. ill. 3 maps. Muir, W. J. Cockburn. Pagan, or Christian? or, Notes for the general public on our AF national architecture. . . London, 1860. O. 12 + 280 p. Miiller, August, architect, and Handcke, Berthold, 1862-. AH494 Das miinster in Bern. 1894. 6451 Miiller, Christian. Das Forum Romanum und die Via Sacra, nebst den umliegen- AH45 den monumenten nach . . . archaologischen untersuchungen, R747 nach dem italianischen. Stuttgart, 1824. Nar. Q. 8+231 p. Miiller, C[hristian] Q[ottlieb] Daniel, 1814- trans lator. See Duhamel de Monceau, H. L. 1700-82. Anfangsgriinde der Al5 schiffbaukunst. 1791. D88 Miiller, Eduard. 1804-75. Geschichte der theorie der kunst bei den alten. AO Breslau, 1834-37. O- 2 v. M9I2 Miiller, Emil. Drei griechische vasenbilder; festgruss der archaologischen samm- AN2 lung der Ziiricher hochschule an die 39. Versammlung deutscher Z5 philologen und schulmanner. Zurich, 1887. Q. 20 p. 2 pi. 692 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Muller, Emile, 1823- and Denfer, J[ules], 1839- Al Album de serrurerie. 1872. 0411 Miiller, Franz Hubert. Die St. Catharinenkirche zu Oppenheim; ein denkmal teutscher AH43 kirchenbaukunst aus dem 13. jahrhundert. . . 3. aufl. Op5 Frankfurt am Main, 1853. Q. [3] +96 p. and Atlas, F. 9 40 pi. Miiller, Friedrich. 1801-89. Die kirchliche baukunst des romanischen styles in Siebenbiirgen. AH43( Wien, 1858. Sq. F. 48 p. ill. 3 pi. T68 Die Kiinstler aller zeiten und volker. AW See Seubert, Col. A. F. 1819-90. Allgemeines kiinstler-lexi- Se8 con. 1882. 2 d edition of Miiller s work. Miiller, Friedrich, 1801-89, editor. See Heideloff, K. A. von. 1788-1865. Die kunst des mittel- AH43 alters in Schwaben. 1855. A2 Miiller, Q. Das chemische laboratorium der universitat Greifswald. (In AB Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 14^.329-340. 6 pi.) Z3i Miiller, Heinrich. Elementares handbuch der festigkeitslehre, mit besonderer anwen- AI dung auf die statische berechnung der eisen-constructionen des M9i hochbaues. . . Berlin, 1875. O. [4] + 356+82 p. ill. 4 pi. Miiller, Herm[ann] Alex[ander]. 1814-. Der dom zu Bremen und seine kunstdenkmale. . . AH43 Bremen, 1861. Q. 4+48 p. ill. 4 pi. 6754 Die mittelalterlichen kirchengebaude Deutschlands, nach der AH43 alphabetischen reihenfolge ihrer orter. A55 Leipzig, 1856. O. 4+43 p. Die ruinen des Klosters Hude im grossherzogthum Oldenburg. AH43 Bremen, 1867. S. 30 p. 2 pi. 2,2 Miiller, Hermann Alex[ander], 1814- and Mothes, Oscar, 1828-, compilers. Illustrirtes archaologisches worterbuch der kunst des germani- AA schen alterthums, des mittelalters und der renaissance. . . MQI Leipzig, 1877-78. Q. 2 v. ill. I pi. Miiller, Johann Qeorg. 1822-49. Aus . . . [seinem] kiinstlerischen nachlasse, enthaltend entwiirfe AL2 zu architektonischen abhandlungen, gedichte und 43 facsimilirte Myi tafeln in tondruck, mit einer lebensskizze Miiller s und notizen hrsg. von J. M. Ziegler. Winterthur, 1860. F. 6 [5] + i9p. 43 facsim. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 693 Miiller, Johann Georg. 1822-49. Die bildvverke an der Liebfrauen-kirche zu Trier. (In Schmidt, AH43 C. W. Baudenkmale der romischen periode in Trier. 1836-45. T/2 pt. i, p. 36-53-) Versuch einer erklarung der bildwerke an dem gewolbe der kirche AH43 zum h. Matthias bei Trier. (In Schmidt, C. W. Baudenkmale T/2 der romischen periode in Trier. 1836-45. pt. 2, p. 109-125.) Miiller, J[ohann] Jfakob]. 1847-78. Nyon zur romerzeit. . . Zurich, 1875. (I n Antiquarische gesell- AC schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1872-75. v. 18, p. 171-220. 4pl.) An8 Muller, John. Treatise containing the elementary part of fortification. . . 3d AE7 edition. London, 1774. O. 16+240 p. 33 pi. Miiller, Karl Otfried. 1797-1840. De antiquitatibus Antiochenis. (In his Kunstarchaologisches AO werke. 1873. v. 5, p. 1-133.) ^91 Archaologische mittheilungen aus Griechenland . . . hrsg. von AR45 A. Scholl. At4 Frankfurt a/M., 1843. Q- v. i, 6+131 p. and Atlas, Obi. F. 7 pi. Contents : v. i. Athens antiken-sammlung. No more published. De munimentis Athenarum quaestiones historicae. (In his Kunst- AO archaologische werke. 1873. v. 4, p. 89-160.) Mgi De origine pictorum vasorum quae per hos annos in Etruriae AO agris quos olim Volcientes tenuere, effosa sunt. (In his Kunst- M9I archaologische werke. 1873. v. 3, p. 46-86.) De Phidiae vita et operibus. (In his Kunstarchaologische werke. AO 1873. v. 2, p. 1-58.) M9I De tripode Delphico. (In his Kunstarchaologische werke. 1873. AO v. i, p. 46-59.) Mgi Die erhobenen arbeiten am friese des pronaos vom Theseustempel AP zu Athen. (In Gerhard, F. W. E., compiler. Hyperboreisch- G3I romische studien fur archaologie. 1833-52. v. i, p. 276-296.) Handbuch der archaologie der kunst. Dritte . . . vermehrte auf- lage von F. G. Welcker. Stuttgart, 1878. O. 20+777 P- Kunstarchaologische werke. . . Berlin, 1873. D. 5 v. Minervae Poliadis sacra et aedes in arce Athenarum. (In his Kunstarchaologische werke. 1873. v. I, p. 86-147.) Myrinae Amazonis quod in Museo Vaticano servatur signum Phidiacum explicatur. (In his Kunstarchaologische werke. 1873. v. 3, p. 22-38.) 44* 694 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Muller, S. La maison hollandaise au temps de Louis XIV. AK Utrecht, 1891. Sq. F. [7] p. 10 pi. MQII Muller, Sophus. Die nordische bronzezeit und deren periodentheilung . . . aus AR48 dem danischen von J. Mestorf. Jena, 1878. O. i38 + [i] p. ill. Ai Die thier-ornamentik im Norden; ursprung, entwicklung und AK verhaltniss derselben zu gleichzeitigen stilarten . . . aus dem MQI danischen iibersetzt von J. Mestorf. Hamburg, 1 88 1. O. 8+191 p. ill. 2 pi. Muller, [William]. Sketches of the age of Francis ist. AH44 London, 1841. F. 6 [4] p. 26 pi. A35 Mulvany, Thomas J., editor. AW See Qandon, James, jr. Life of James Gandon. 1846. Gi5 Munch, P[eter] A[ndreas]. 1811-63. Throndhjems domkirke . . . tegninger af H. E. Schirmer. Christiania, 1859. F. 6 48 + [i] p. 31 pi. Title-page and text in Norwegian and English. Miinchener alterthums=verein. AC Sitzungsberichte. Miinchen, 1868-72. Q. 3 v. in I. pi. MQ2I Continued as Die Wartburg. 1873-87. Miinchener alterthums=verein, publisher. AC See Die Wartburg. 1873-87. 922 Miinchener renaissance und barockplastik und architectur. AH4 Miinchen, no date. F. [3] p. 60 pi. M925 Miinchner jahrbiicher fur bildende kunst. . . AB Leipzig, 1838-40. Nar. Q. pt. 1-3 in I v. pi. M92 Edited by R. Marggraff. No more published. Munich (Ger.) Akademischer architektenverein, editor. Salzburger album, eine sammlung architektonischer skizzen. [Miinchen, no date.] F. 6 [3] p. 60 pi. Munich (Ger.) Bayerisches national museum. Original-modelle in silber, kupfer, messing und blei einer gold- AO2 schmiedwerkstatte in Augsburg aus . . . 1550 bis 1800 . . . M92 zusammengestellt von J. H. v. Hefner- Alteneck, hrsg. von J. B. Obernetter. Munich, no date. F. 14 pi. Ornamente der holzsculptur von 1450 bis 1820, geordnet und be- AM5 schrieben von J. H. von Hefner-Alteneck aufgenommen und M92 in ... lichtdruck ausgefiihrt von J. B. Obernetter. Frankfurt am Main, 1 88 1. F. 5 [8] p. 40 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 695 Munich (Ger.) Deutsch=nationale kunstgewerbe ausstellung. 1888. Chronik der Ausstellung . . . hrsg. von P. v. Salvisberg. AO4 Miinchen [1888]. F. 4 5 + 344 p. ill. I pi. MQ2 Dekorationen und mobel von der Ausstellung, hrsg. von W. Kick. ANi Stuttgart, 1889. F. 5 20 pi. Mg22 Mobel und zimmer, photographische . . . aufnahmen . . . von ANi P. Naumann. Dresden, 1889. F. 5 60 pi. M92 Die ofen der Ausstellung, nach auswahl von P. Naumann. ANi Dresden, 1889. F. 5 25 pi. M92I Munich (Ger.) Kunst=gewerbe=verein. AC Zeitschrift. Munchen, 1851-89. F. 4 10 v. ill. pi. M92 Munich (Ger.) Pinakothek. Catalogue ^des tableaux de 1 ancienne Pinacotheque royale a AO2 Munich. Edition nouvelle . . . enrichie d annotations . . . par M92I Rodolphe Marggraff. Munich, 1866. S. 4+266 p. Catalogue des tableaux de la nouvelle Pinacotheque royale a AO2 Munich. Munich, 1869. S. loop. M92I Catalogue of the new Pinakothek at Munich. AO2 Munich [1889]. T. 16+46 p. M92I . . . Catalogue of the paintings in the old Pinakothek, with a his torical introduction by F. v. Reber, tr. by J. T. Clarke. New ed. Munich, 1890. D. 28+291 p. Munich (Ger.) Verein zur ausbildung der gewerke. See Munich (Ger.) Kunst=gewerbeverein. Munro, Alexander M. See Burr, G. Q. Old landmarks of Aberdeen; a series of twenty- AH4I eight sketches of old buildings, with . . . notes by A. M. Munro. Ab3 1886. Munro, Robert, M. D. Megalithic monuments of Holland, and their relation with anal- AC ogous remains in Northern Europe. (In Society of antiquaries So 12 of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 18, p. 19-35.) Munro, Robert, M. D. [and others]. Notice of the excavation of a crannog at Lochlee, Tarbolton, AC Ayrshire. (In Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. So 12 v - 13, P- i75- 2 52. i pi.) Munster, Sebastian. 1489-1552. Munstre, Du Pinet et Braun : Plant et pourtrait de la ville, cite et AH44 universite de Paris. Paris, 1883. O. 83 + 53 + [2] p. 3 pi. (Col- A52 lection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. v. 8.) 696 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Miinsterberg, Rudolf. 1864-. Zu den spartanischen Dioskurenreliefs. . . AO8 Zurich, 1890. O. 39 p. Z6 Doctor s dissertation at Zurich (Switzerland) university. Munthe, H[enrik], and Dietrichson, L. H. S., 1834-. Die holzbaukunst Norwegens in vergangenheit und gegenwart. AH48r 1893. A2 Miintz, Eugene. 1845-. Les arts a la cour des papes. (In Melanges d archeologie et AB d histoire. 1884, p. 274-303; 1885, p. 321-337; 1889, p. 134-173.) M 4& Les collections des Medicis au 156 siecle : Le musee, la biblio- AO theque, le mobilier; appendice aux Precurseurs de la renaissance. M92O Paris, 1888. F. 1 1 1 p. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art; publiee de E. Mu ntz.) Donatello. . . Paris [1885]. Q. 120 p. ill. (Les artistes cele- AW bres; publics . . . de P. Leroi.) 071 Etudes sur 1 histoire des arts a Rome pendant le moyen-age. AB (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1881, p. 111-137.) M48 Guillaume de Marcillat et la peinture sur verre en Italic. (In AB Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 11, p. 330-347, 359-374. ill.) R32 Histoire de Tart pendant la renaissance. AO Paris, 1889. Q. v. I. 31 pi. map. M92I Contents ; v. i. Italie ; les primitifs. Histoire de la tapisserie en Italie, en Allemagne, en Angleterre, AM8 en Espagne, en Danemark, en Hongrie, en Pologne, en Russie et MQ2 en Turquie. Paris, 1878-84. F. 6 ioo+3O+[i] p. ill. 29 pi. (Histoire generale de la tapisserie.) Lost mosaics of Rome of the 4th to the 9th century. AJ2 Baltimore, 1890. O. 29 p. i pi. M92 From American journal of archaeology, v. 2, no. 3, and v. 6, nos. 1-2. Les mosaiques byzantines portatives. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 52, p. 223-240. i pi.) 687 Notes sur les mosaiques chretiennes de 1 Italie: Sainte Constance AH45 de Rome. Paris [1878]. O. 15 p. i pi. R67I From Revue archdologique. Juin, 1878. De 1 ornementation dans les mosaiques de 1 antiquite et du moyen AB age. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 6, p. 294-300; v. 7, R3 2 p. 75-82; v. 9, p. 50-56, 82-88. ill. I pi.) Les precurseurs de la renaissance. Paris, 1882. F. 7+254+[i] p. AO ill. 13 pi. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art; publiee de E. M92 Miintz.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 697 Miintz, Eugene. 1845-. La renaissance en Italic et en France a 1 epoque de Charles VIII. . . Paris, 1885. Nar. Q. 11 + 560 p. ill. 38 pi. Short history of tapestry from the earliest times to the end of the I 8th century, tr. by L. J. Davis. London, 1885. D. 16+399 p. ill. (Fine-art library; J. C. L. Sparkes, ed.) Les sources de 1 archeologie chretienne dans les bibliotheques de Rome, de Florence et de Milan. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1888. p. 81-146.) La tapisserie. Nouv. ed. Paris [1882]. O. 390 p. ill. (Biblio- theque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . de J. Comte.) Tapisseries, broderies et dentelles; recueil de modeles anciens et modernes, precede d une introduction. Paris, 1890. F. 43 p. ill. 96 pi. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art; publiee . . . de E. Miintz.) Miintz, Eugene, 1845-, editor. See Bibliotheque internationale de 1 art. Miintz, [Eugene], 1845-, and Frothingham, A. L., jr. II tesoro della basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano dal 13 al 15 secolo, con una scelta d inventarii inediti. Roma, 1883. O. i37+[i] p. Muratori, Ludovico Antonio. 1672-1750. De corona ferrea, qua Romanorum imperatores in insubribus coronari solent, commentarius. Mediolani, 1719. S. 180+9 P- Delle antichita estensi ed italiane. Modena, 1717-40. F. 4 2 v. ill. I pi. 13 tab. Murphy, James Cavanah. 1 760 (?) -i 8 1 6. Arabian antiquities of Spain. London, 1813. F. 7 [4] +21 p. 97 pi. Plans, elevations, sections and views of the church of Batalha . . . in Portugal, with the history and description by L. de Sousa ... to which is prefixed ... [a] discourse on ... Gothic architecture. London [pref. 1836]. F. 6 [j]+2+6i p. 24 pi. Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von. 1733-1811. Beschreibung der samtlichen reichskleinodien und heiligthiimer welche in ... Niirnberg aufbewahret werden. Niirnberg, 1790. O. [4] +92 p. 5 pi. Bibliotheque de peinture, de sculpture et de gravure. Francfort, 1770. D. 2 v. in I. [i6]+778+[28] p. AO MQ22 AM8 M92I AB M48 AM8 M922 AM8 M923 AH45 R668 AX AR45 Ai7 AD4 M95 AH469 631 AR43 N93 AO 698 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von, 1733-1811, editor. See Journal zur kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen litteratur. AB 1775-79. J823 Murray, Alexander Stuart, 1841-, editor. AX See British museum. Catalogue of engraved gems. 1888. 677 Murray, John, 1778-1843, publisher. Handbook for travellers in central Italy, including the papal AH45 states, Rome and the cities of Etruria. A68i London, 1843. D. 38+568 p. Map wanting. Hand-book for travellers in central Italy. . . 6th edition. . . AH45 London, 1864. D. 11+480 p. ill. 3 pi. 4 paged pi. A68 Map in pocket at end of book. Hand-book for travellers in France. . . 3rd edition. . . AH44 London, 1847. D. 42+610 p. 5 maps. A76 Hand-book for travellers in northern Italy. . . 3rd edition. . . AH45 London, 1847. D . 32+608 p. ill. 3 pi. A66 Map in pocket at end of book. roth edition. . . AH45 London, 1866. D. 36 + 596 p. ill. 5 pi. 8 paged pi. A67 Map in pocket at end of book. Handbook for travellers in southern Germany. . . 3rd ed. . . en- AH43 larged. London, 1844. D. 14+486 p. ill. map. A57 loth edition. . . AH43 London, 1867. D. 12+633 P- ill- 9 paged pi. map. A58 Handbook for travellers in southern Italy. . . 5th edition. AH45 London, 1865. D. 44+447 p. ill. 2 pi. i paged pi. A69 Map in pocket at end of book. Hand-book for travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy AH494 and Piedmont. 3rd ed. . . enlarged. Ai2 London, 1846. D. 72+420 p. 2 pi. map. Handbook for travellers on the continent ... a guide to Holland, AH40 Belgium, Prussia, Northern Germany and the Rhine ; from Holland Ai to Switzerland. . . i6th edition. . . London, 1867. D. 40+604 p. ill. 8 pi. 5 paged pi. map. Handbook of Rome and its environs. 7th e d. . . enlarged. AH45 London, 1864. D. 6+54+480 p. ill. i pi. 2 paged pi. R823 Map in pocket at end of book. See [King, R. J. 1818-79]. Handbook to the cathedrals of Eng- AH42 land. 1869-81. AST COLUMBIA COLLEGE 699 Murray, John, 1778-1843, publisher. See [King, R. J. 1818-79]. Handbook to the cathedrals of AH429 Wales. 1873. A i See [Milman, H. H., dean of St. Paul s. 1791-1868]. Handbook AH42 to the cathedrals of England: Saint Paul s. 1879. L857 Museal=blatt; zeitschrift fur geschichte, kunst, natur und AB technologic Osterreich s ob der Enns und Salzburg s. 1839-44. M97 Linz, 1839-44. Q. 5 v. in i. pi. Edited by J. Gaisberger and others. From 1842-44 known as Zeitschrift des Museum Francisco-Carolinum. Musee Blacas. 1829. AN2 See Panofka, T. S. 1800-58. Pi9i Musee des monumens fran^ais. Description historique et chronologique des monumens de sculp- AE8 ture reunis au Musee des monumens fran9ais, par Alexandre M97I Lenoir. . . 3 e ed. . . augm. Paris, 1797. O. 240 p. Souvenirs . . . representant les . . . aspects sous lesquels on a pu AE8 considerer tout les monumens . . . dans ce Musee, dessines par J. M97 E. Biet . . . avec un texte . . . par J. P. Bres. Paris, 1821. F. 5 12+40 p. 41 pi. Musee des Thermes et de 1 Hotel de Cluny (Paris). Catalogue et description des objets d art de 1 antiquite, du moyen- AO4 age et de la renaissance, exposes au Musee par E. Du Sommerard. M97 Paris, 1872. O. [5]+426 p. Collection de meubles anciens releves . . . par Ch. Ruprich et des- ANi sines par E. Bajot. Paris, 1890. F. 5 8 p. 50 pi. M97 Les musees et palais nationaux. ANi See Gamier, Victor. Gi8 Musei Etrusci quod Gregorius XVI., Pon. Max. in aedi- AH45 bus Vaticanis constituit, monimenta linearis picturae exemplis ex- R779 pressa et in utilitatem studiosorum antiquitatum et bonarum artium publici juris facta. [Rome] 1842. F. 6 2 v. 2 14 pi. Musei Guarnaccii antiqua monumenta Etrusca. 1744. AO See Qori, A. F. 1691-1757. 667 Museo Borbonico. See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Museo Bresciano illustrate. 1838. AO2 See Brescia (Italy) Museo. 675 2 700 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Museo Campana. See Escamps, Henry d . Description des marbres antiques du AO8 Musee Campana a Rome. 1862. 151 Museo espanol de antigiiedades, bajo la direccion de Juan AR46 de Dios de la Rada y Delgado con la colaboracion de los prime- Ai ros escritores y artistas de Espana. Madrid, 1872-. F. 5 v. i-ii. ill. Edited by Josd Gil Dorregaray. Museo reale Borbonico. See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Museum Cortonense. 1750. AO2 See Cortona (Italy) Accademia Etrusca Museo. C8i2 Museum Etruscum Gregorianum. See Musei Etrusci quod Gregorius XVI., Pon. Max. in aedibus AH45 Vaticanis constituit. 1842. K-779 Museum Oxoniense. See Oxford (Eng.) university Ashmolean museum. Catalogue AN2 of the Greek vases. 1893. Ox2 Museum Veronense. 1 749. AP See [Maffei, F. S., marchese di. 1675-1755]. M26 Museum Worsleyanum. 1785-87. AO8 See Worsley, Sir Richard, bart. 1751-1805. W89 Musgrave, William. 1657-1721. Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicae, praecipue Romanae, figuris illus- AR42 tratae. . . Iscae Dunmoniorum, 1719. D. v. I. 13 pi. map. A2i Contents: v. i. De Belgio Britannico. Belgium Britannicum, in quo illius limites, fluvii, urbes, viae mili- AR42 tares, populus . . . exponuntur. . . Iscae Dunmoniorum, 1719. A2i D. [3 2] + 2 23 + [20] p. 13 pi. map. (In his Antiquitates Bri tanno-Belgicae. 1719. v. i.) Musgrove, John, Batenham, George, and Batenham, William. AH 4 2 Ancient Chester. 1800. C 4 25 Musset, [Paul Louis Eutrope] Georges. 1844-. Aulnay, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 9. 16 p. ill. 7 pi.) P75 Dampierre-sur-Boutonne, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 9. 9 p. ill. 3 pi.) ?75 Les faienceries rochelaises. . . AN2 La Rochelle, 1888. Nar. Q. 204 p. 20 pi. M97 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 701 Musumeci, Mario. Opere archeologiche ed artistiche. AA Catania, 1845-51. O. 2v.ini. 8 pi. map. MQ/ Muther, Richard. 1860-. Anton Graff; ein beitrag zur kunstgeschichte des 18. jahrhunderts. AO Leipzig, 1 88 1. O. [5] + 128 p. I por. (Beitrage zur kunstge- 639 schichte. pt. 4.) Mutinelli, Fabio. Del costume veneziano sino al secolo decimosettimo, saggio. AN4 Venezia, 1831. O. 157 p. 18 pi. map. MgS Muus, H., and Hoffmann, C. AM6 Decorations-malereien. 1892. H6/ [Muzzi, Salvatore.] 1808-. Gran monumento dell altar maggiore nella chiesa parrocchiale di AH45 S. Paolo in Bologna. [Anon.] [Bologna, no date.] O. 16 p. Z Mylius, . Catalogue d objets d art et de curiosite formant . . . [sa] galerie AO2 . . . dont la vente . . . aura lieu a Genes ... 5 novembre, 1879 et M99 jours suivants. . . Rome, 1879. Q. [6] + 184 p. 12 pi. Mylius, C. F. Die wahl- und kronungskirche der deutschen kaiser zu St. Bar- AH43 tholomai in Frankfurt a. M. F853 Frankfurt a/M., 1866. F. 5 8 p. 12 pi. Mylius, C. J. Treppen-, vestibul- und hof-anlagen aus Italien. . . AI Leipzig, 1867. F. 4 [6] p. 50 pi. M99 Mylius, Jonas, and Wagner, Heinrich. Baulichkeiten fur cur- und badeorte. (In Handbuch der archi- AA tektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 240-350. ill. 4 pi. 16 paged pi.) Hi9 Mylne, Rev. Robert Scott. Master masons to the crown of Scotland and their works. AW Edinburgh, 1893. F. 4 i8+[i]+3O7p. ill. 6 por. 45 pi. 2 fac- M99 sim. 5 tab. Myskovszky Viktor. Bartfa kozepkori mtfemlekei. Budapest, 1879-80. Sq. F. 4 2 pts. AC ill. 15 pi. (In Monumenta Hungariae archaeologica. 1879-80. 6851 v. 4. pt. 1-2. Contents: pt. i. A szent egyed templomanak mflre ge szeti leirdsa. pt. 2. A varoshaz s a vdros erfiditme nyeinek mure ge szeti leirdsa. Kunst denkmale des mittelalters und der renaissance in Ungarn. AH436 Wien, 1885. F- 5 [3] P- 100 pi. H89 TTT V K> N., G. B. II nuovo teatro di Parma, rappresentato con tavole intagliate nello AH44 studio di P. Toschi. .. Parma, 1829. F. 6 [i6]+34+[i] p. 19 pi. P42I Nadaillac, [Jean Francois Albert du Pouget], marquis de. 1818- Pre-historic America, translated by N. D Anvers, edited by AR73 W. H. Dall. New York, 1884. O. [9] + 5 66 p. ill. Ai Naher, Julius. 1824-. Die burg Zwingenberg im Neckarthal. . . AH43 Karlsruhe, 1885. O. 19 p. I pi. Z9 Die burgen der rheinischen Pfalz; ein beitrag zur landeskunde AH43 und mittelalterlichen kriegsbaukunst. . . Pi7i Strassburg [pref. 1887]. Nar. Q. 47 p. 14 pi. Die burgen in Elsass-Lothringen; ein beitrag zur kenntniss der AH43 militar-architectur des mittelalters. 2. aufl. . . A 171 Strassburg, 1886. Q. 2 v. in i. 17 pi. Contents: v. i. Die burgen im Unter-Elsass. v. 2. Die burgen im Ober-Elsass und in Lothringen. Die burgen, schlosser und stadte des oberen Kraichgaues; ein AH494 beitrag zur landeskunde. Karlsruhe, 1885. Nar. Q. 16 p. 7 pi. Die burgen und schlosser in der umgebung der stadt Baden- AH43 Baden. . . Baden-Baden [1884]. Nar. Q. Various paging. 6 pi. 6142 Le chateau de La Sarra, histoire de son architecture des sa fonda- AH494 tion, avec un supplement. . . L33 Lausanne, 1886. Nar. Q. 32 p. 5 pi. Le chateau et la ville de Gruyeres, 1 ancienne Chartreuse la Part- AH494 Dieu et la Tour-de-Treme; etude sur 1 architecture militaire du 092 moyen-age. Lausanne, 1886. O. 35 p. i pi. Die deutsche burg, ihre entstehung und ihr wesen insbesondere AH43 in Suddeutschland. Berlin, 1885. O. 3+43 p. ill. A3 702 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 703 Naher, Julius. 1824-. Die Ortenau, insbesondere deren burgen, schlosser, kloster, fest- AH43 ungen und bedeutendste baudenkmaler; ein beitrag zur kenntniss Or8 des badischen landes. . . Lahr, 1888. Q. [s] + S6 p. 13 pi. I map. Die romischen militarstrassen und handelswege in der Schweiz AH43 und in Siidwestdeutschland, insbesondere in Elsass-Lothringen. Or8 2. aufl. . . Strassburg, 1888. Q. [4] + 33 p. 2 maps. Die umgebung der residenzstadt Karlsruhe; ein beitrag zur AH43 vaterlandskunde. Karlsruhe, 1884. Q. 15 + 124 p. 9 pi. I map. PI/I Nancy (France) Societe d archeologie lorraine. See Societe d archeologie lorraine. Nanni, Giovanni. 1494-1564. See Raphael. 1483-1520. Parerga atque ornamenta ex Raphaelis AH45 Sanctii prototypis a Joanne Nannio Utinensi in Vaticani palatii R689I xystis . . . expressa. Napier, Robert. Catalogue of the works of art forming . . . [his] collection . . . AO2 [at] West Shandon, Dumbartonshire . . . compiled by J. C. Ni6i Robinson. London, 1865. Nar. Q. 10+326 p. ill. [Napione di Cocconato, Giovanni Francesco Galeani, conte, 1748-1830.] Monumenti dell architettura antica, lettere al Conte Giuseppe AA Franchi di Pont. [Anon.] Pisa, 1820. O. 3 v. M/6 Naples (Italy) Museo borbonico. See below, Museo nazionale. Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Peintures, bronzes et statues erotiques, formant la collection du AH45 cabinet secret, avec leur explication par C. Famin. P/7 Paris, 1832. F. n6p. 41 pi. Raccolta de piu belli . . . dipinti, musaici ed altri monumenti AR45 rinvenuti negli scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei e di Stabia. ^774 Napoli, 1876. F. [6] p. 165 pi. Real museo borbonico. Napoli, 1824-57. Nar. Q. 16 v. 986 pi. AO2 Ni62 Specimens from the Museum by D. Monaco, with descriptive AO2 letter-press . . . revised and amplified . . . by E. N. Rolfe. Ni6 Naples, 1889. Nar. Q. [5]+3i p. 168 pi. See Heydemann, H. Q. D. 1842-89. Terracotten aus dem Museo AP nazionale zu Neapel. 1882. W724 Winckelmannsprogramm, Halle, no. 7. 704 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Naples (Italy) Reale accademia di archeologia, lettere, e belle arti. AC Atti. Napoli, 1865-94. Sq. F. v. 1-16. pi. Ni62 Rendiconto. 1862-64. Napoli, 1863-64. Sq. F. 3 v. in i. AC Ni6i Naples (Italy) Reale accademia ercolanese di archeologia. AC Memorie. Napoli, 1822-62. Sq. F. and Q. 9 v. in 10. pi. Ni6 [Nardi, Luigi.] Descrizione antiquario-architettonica, con rami dell Arco di AH45 Augusto, Ponte di Tiberio e Tempio malatestiano di Rimino. R46 [Anon.] Rimino, 1813. F. 4 81 p. 17 pi. Nardini, Famiano. -i664(?). Roma antica. Edizione quarta . . . accresciuta . . . di A. Nibby e AR45 con disegni . . . di Antonio de Romanis. ^675 Roma, 1818-20. O. 4 v. I por. 32 pi. 12 maps. Nardini=Despotti=Mospignotti, Aristide. 1826-. Del duomo di Milano e della sua nuova facciata. AH45 Milano, 1889. Q. 188 p. 5 pi. M594 From II politecnico ; giornale dell ingegnere-archititto civile ed industriale. 1889. II sistema tricuspidale e la facciata del duomo di Firenze; studi. AR45 Livorno, 1871. O. 165 p. F6Q3 Narjoux, Felix. 1835-. Architecture communale. . . AH44 Paris, 1870-80. Sq. F. 4 3 v. 222 pi. A2Q Contents: v. 1-2. Hotels de ville, halles, fontaines. v. 3. Architecture scolaire. Les ecoles publiques, construction et installation en Belgique et AE6 en Holland. . . Paris, 1878. O. 12+253 p. ill. Ni6 Les ecoles publiques, construction et installation en Suisse. . . AE6 Paris, 1879. O. 7+265 p. ill. Ni6i Les ecoles publiques en France et en Angleterre, construction et AE6 installation. . . Paris, 1877. O. 8+339 P- ill- Nl62 Histoire d une ferme. . . 3 e edition. Paris [1882]. O. 308 p. ill. AE2 Ni6 Notes and sketches of an architect, taken during a journey in the AH492 northwest of Europe; translated from the French by J. Peto. A3 London, 1876. O. 18+403 p. ill. 8 pi. Notes de voyage d un architecte dans le nord-ouest de 1 Europe; AH492 croquis et descriptions. Paris, 1876. O. 467 p. ill. 12 pi. A5 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 705 Narjoux, Felix. 1835-. Paris; monuments eleves par la ville, 1850-1880. . . AH44 Paris, 1880-83. F. 5 9 v. in 5. ill. 303 pi. P22 Contents: . i. fidifices judiciaires. . 2. fidifices administratifs. . 3. fidifices consacrds aux beaux-arts. . 4. fidifices religieux. . 5. fidifices ddcoratifs. . 6. fidifices sanitaires. . 7. fidifices de la force publique. v. 8. fidifices consacre s a 1 instruction publique. v. 9. fidifices d utilite" ge"ne"rale. Reglement pour la construction et I ameublement des maisons AE6 d ecole. Paris, 1 88 1. O. 62+[i] p. ill. 6 pi. Ni63 See VioIlet-le-Duc, E. E. 1814-79. Habitations modernes . . . AE2 avec la collaboration de F. Narjoux. 1875-77. V8i Nash, Frederick. 1782-1856. Picturesque views of the city of Paris and its environs . . . with . . . AH44 descriptions; . . . the literary department by J. Scott, translated P243 into French by P. B. de la Boissiere. London, 1820. F. 4 Unpaged. 57 pi. Text in English and French. Nash, John, 1752-1835, illustrator. See Brayley, E. W. 1773-1854. Illustrations of Her Majesty s AH42 palace at Brighton. 1838. 6761 Nash, Joseph. 1812-78. Architecture of the middle ages drawn from nature and on stone. A A London, 1838. F. 6 [5] p. 25 pi. Ni; Views of the interior and exterior of Windsor Castle. AH42 London, 1848. F. 8 [58] p. 25 pi. W723 Nash, Joseph, 1812-78, illustrator. See Pugin, Augustus. 1762-1832. Series of views illustrative of AH42 his Examples of Gothic architecture. 1830. -^.74 National academy of design (New York). Catalogue of the annual exhibition. AC>4 New York, 1833-94. O. No. 8-69 in 6 v. N2i National memorial to ... the Prince consort. . . AW London, 1873. F. 6 8+ioop. ill. 25 pi. Ali2 National types and costumes, with explanatory text. AN4 London, no date. Nar. Q. 32 p. 15 pi. N2i Naudet, Caroline. 1775- See Jolimont, F. Q. T. B. de, 1787-1854, and Qagniet, J. Recueil AO2 d objets d art et de curiosites dessines d apres nature. 1837. J68 45 706 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Naumann, Emil Wilhelm Robert, 1809-80, editor. AB See Archiv fiir die zeichnenden kiinste. 1855-70. Ar3 Naumann, Paul. See Munich (Ger.) Deutsch-nationale kunstgewerbe-ausstel- ANi lung. 1888. Mobel und zimmer, photographische . . . aufnahmen MQ2 . . . von P. Naumann. 1889. See Munich (Ger.) Deutsch-nationale kunstgewerbe=ausstel= ANi lung. 1888. Die ofen der Ausstelltmg, nach auswahl von P. M$2i Naumann. 1889. Naumann, Robert. 1809-80. See Naumann, Emil Wilhelm Robert. 1809-80. Nava, Ambrogio, conte. Memorie e document! storici intorno all origine . . . del duomo di AH45 Milano. Milano, 1854. Nar. Q. 233 p. i por. I pi. M588 Relazione dei ristauri intrapresi alia gran guglia del duomo di AH45 Milano nell . . . 1844. . . Milano, 1845. Q- 8o P- 9 P 1 - M58i6 Naville, Edouard Henri. 1844-. See Lefebure, Eugene. Les hypogees royaux de Thebes. AC 188689. (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique fran9aise. Ci2 Memoires. 1886-89. v. 3, pt. I.) Neale, James. Abbey church of Saint Alban, Hertfordshire. AH42 London, [pref. 1877]. F. 6 12 + 36 p. 60 pi. Sa3 Architectural notes on St. Alban s abbey. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions. 1877-78, p. 66-80. 2 pi.) R8i Four periods of Gothic architecture in Saint Alban s abbey. (In AC Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 14, As7 p. 115-127.) Notes on the abbey church of St. Alban. (In Associated archi- AC tectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 13, p. 255-264. 3 pi.) As7 Neale, Rev. John Mason, 1818-66, translator. See Durand, Guillaume, bp. of Mende. 1237-96. Symbolism of AX churches and church ornaments. 1893. D93 Neale, Rev. J[ohn] Mason, 1 818-66, and Webb, Rev. Benj[amin]. Du symbolisme dans les eglises du moyen age tr. de 1 anglais AE par M. V. O. avec . . . des notes par 1 Abbe J. J. Bourasse. N25 Tours, 1847. O. 404 p. ill. i pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 707 Neale, John Preston. 1780-1847. Historical and architectural account of King Henry the Seventh s AH42 chapel at Westminster. [London, 1856.] Sq. F. 72 p. 10 pi. L8S9 From his History and antiquities of Westminster abbey. History and antiquities of Westminster abbey and Henry the AH42 Seventh s chapel; their tombs, ancient monuments and inscrip- L847 tions. . . London, 1856. Sq. F. [8] + 18+112 p. 61 pi. Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, AH42 Scotland and Ireland. London, 1818-23. O. 6 v. 426 pi. A73 Neale, John Preston, 1780-1847, illustrator. See Brayley, E. W. 1773-1854. History and antiquities of the AH42 abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster. 1818-23. L859 Neale, John Preston, 1780-1847, and Le Keux, John, 1783(0-1846. Views of . . . churches in Great Britain, including screens, fonts, AH42 monuments. . . London, 1824-25. Q. 2 v. 96 pi. A83 Neckelmann, Frederik Skjold. See Meldahl, Ferdinand. 1827-. Denkmaler der renaissance in AH48c Danemark, ausgewahlt von Fred. Skjold Neckelmann. 1888. A3 Nederlandsche kunstbode, beeldende kunst, oudheid- AB kunde, kunstnijverheid. Haarlem, 1879-81. Q. v. 1-3 in I. pi. N28 Edited by J. ten Brink. Nederlandsche kunstbode, tot opwekking, aankweeking AB en veredeling van den nederlandschen kunstmaak en schoon- N28i heidszin. Haarlem, 1874-76. Q. v. 1-3 in i. Edited by J. van Vloten. Neeffs, Emmanuel. Chronique artistique de 1 eglise de Saint-Jean a Malines. (In AB Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1874. B872 v. 13, p. 261-307.) Negrone, Giulio. 1553-1625. See Nigroni, Giulio. 1553-1625. Neide, E. Ausgefiihrte gartenanlagen, hrsg. von H. Geitner. AN8 Berlin, 1884. F. 4 8 p. 16 pi. N3i Nelli, Giovanni Battista Clemente de . 1725-93. Vita del Senatore Gio. Batista Nelli, patrizio fiorentino, descritta AA da suo figlio. (In Nelli, G. B. de . Discorsi di architettura. N32 1753- P- 7-24-) 708 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Nelli, Giovanni Battista de . 1661-1725. Discorsi di architettura del Senatore G. B. Nelli, con la vita del AA medesimo . . . e Due ragionamenti sopra le cupole di Alessandro N32 Cecchini. . . Firenze, 1753. Q. 103 p. I por. 3 pi. Nelson, John. History and antiquities of the parish of Islington in the county of AR42 Middlesex, including biographical sketches. . . 3d edition. Is4 London, 1829. O. 2+357+[i7] p. ill. 21 pi. map. Neri, Achille, 1842-, editor. AC See Giornale ligustico di archeologia. 1874-91. 643 Neri, Antonio. i6 th cent. Art de la verrerie . . . ajoute Le Sol sine veste d Orschall; AN3 L Helioscopium videndi sine veste solem chymicum; Le Sol non N35 sine veste; Le chapitre XI. du Flora Saturnizans de Henckel, Sur la vitrification des vegetaux. . . Ouvrages . . . traduits de 1 alle- mand par M. D * * * [i. e., P. H. T. Holbach]. Paris, 1752. Q. [59]+629+|>] p. 16 pi. Von der glasmacherkunst. (In Kunckel von Lowenstern, Johann. AN3 Vollstandige glassmacherkunst. 1785. v. I, p. 1-172.) K96 Translated by J. Kunckel von Lowenstern. Nerini, Felice [Maria], abate. 1705-87. De templo et coenobio sanctorum Bonifacii et Alexii historica mon- AH45 umenta. Romae, 1752. Nar. Q. 3i+6oo+[i2] p. i por. 13 pi. R787 Nesbitt, Alexander. Notes on the history of glass- making. (In Slade, F. Catalogue AN3 of . . . [his] collection of glass. 1871. pref., p. 1-50.) Sli On the brick architecture of the north of Germany. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 39, p. 93-1 1 1. 6 pi.) Ar2 On the churches at Rome earlier than the year 1 1 50. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 40, p. 157-224. 7 pi.) Ar2 On wall decorations in sectile work as used by the Romans, with AB special reference to the decorations of the palace of the Bassi at Ar2 Rome. (In Archaeologia. v. 45, p. 267-296. 5 pi.) Nesfield, W[illiam] Eden. 1835-88. Specimens of mediaeval architecture chiefly selected from examples AH44 of the 1 2th and I3*h centuries in France and Italy. A38 London, 1862. F. 5 [13] p. 100 pi. Nette afbeelding en ampele beschryving der eere-poorten AW2 opgerecht by de blyde te rugkomst van wyle . . . Willem Karel Hi2i Hendrik Friso, prince van Orange en Nassau ... en deszelfs in- treede in s Gravenhage op den 6 Juny, 1747, dienende tot een vervolg op het werk getyteld, Haga Comitis illustrata. . . s Gravenhage, 1766. F. 6 8 p. 10 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 709 Neue mittheilungen aus dem gebiete historisch-antiqua- rischer forschungen. 1834-85. AC See Thuringisch-sachsischer verein fur erforschung des vater= T42 landischen alterthums und erhaltung seiner denkmaler. Neuer schauplatz der kiinste und handwerke. Weimar, 1868-69. O. v. 75, 146. pi. Vol. 75. STRELE, K. Theorie und praxis in der fabrikation des weissen felds- path-porzellans. 1868. 146. BRONGNIART, A. 1770-1847. Die technik des kolorirens und dekorirens von . . . porzellan. 1869. Neues ideen-magazin fiir liebhaber von garten. See Ideenmagazin fur liebhaber von garten, englischen anlagen AB und fur besitzer von landgiitern. 1797-1806. v. 5. Id2 Neufforge, Jean Francois de. 1714-91. Recueil elementaire d architecture. . . AA Paris, 1765. F. 5 v. 6. 126 pi. N39 Contents: v. 6. Cheminees, plafonds, tables, balustres et vases. Recueil elementaire d architecture, 175676. (In Korsak, A. Les A A grands architectes franfais ; plates 144-196.) K84 Reproduction of a selection of 53 plates from this work. Neujahrs=blatt. 1859-86. See Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte und AC alterthumskunde. F85 Neumaier, Johann. Geschichte der christlichen kunst, der poesie, tonkunst, malerei, AO architektur und sculptur, von der altesten bis auf die neueste zeit. N39 Schaffhausen, 1856. O. 2 v. in I. Neumann, [Adolf] Wilhelm. 1822-84. Die stittshiitte in bild und wort gezeichnet. AH569 Gotha, 1861. Nar. Q. 6+173 + 0] p. ill. 5 pi. ]$i Neumann, Georg. See Heideloff, K. A. von. 1788-1865. Der christliche altar ANi archaologisch und artistisch dargestellt, mit texte von G. H36 Neumann. 1838. Neumann, R. Uber den backstein. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. v. 26, p. 439- AB 450; v. 27, p. 97-112, 233-246, 399-412, 531-544.) Neumann, Robert. Schinkel s bedeutung fiir die architektonischen bestrebungen der AW gegenwart; festrede gehalten bei der Schinkelfeier am 13. Marz, Sch32 1870. Berlin, 1870. O. 27 p. Berlin (Ger.) Architekten-verein. 45* yio AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Neumann, W[ilhelm]. Grundriss einer geschichte der bildenden kiinste und des kunst- AO gewerbes in Liv-, Est-und Kurland, vom ende des 12. bis zum N392 ausgang des 18. jahrhunderts. Reval, 1887. O. 10+184 p. ill- 4 pi- 3 paged pi. Das mittelalterliche Riga; ein beitrag zur geschichte der nord- AH47 deutschen baukunst, hrsg. von der Gesellschaft fur geschichte und R44 alterthumskunde der Ostsee provinzen Russlands. Berlin, 1892. F. 4 [6J + 56+2 p. ill. 27 pi. Neumeister, Albert, and Ewerbeck, Franz, 1839-89. AH493 Die renaissance in Belgian und Holland. 1891. A8 Neurohr, Johann Mathias. See Hawich, Christoph. Abbildung des romischen monuments AH43 in Igel, mit text von J. M. Neurohr. 1826. Ig2 Neuwirth, Josef. 1855- Der bau der stadtkirche in Briix von 1517 bis 1532. Prag, 1892. AH43 O. 80 p. 2 pi. (In his Studien zur geschichte der Gothik in Z Bohmen. 1892-93. v. I.) From Verein fur die geschichte der Deutschen in Bohmen. Mittheilungen. v. 30. Der baubeginn der Frohnleichnams- und Barbarakirche in Kutten- AH43 berg. Prag, 1893. O. 38 p. (In his Studien zur geschichte der Z Gothik in Bohmen. 1892-93. v. 2.) From Verein fur die geschichte der Deutschen in Bohmen. Mittheilungen. v. 31. Geschichte der christlichen kunst in Bohmen, bis zum aussterben AH436 derPremysliden. Prag, 1888. Nar. Q. 5+493 p. ill. 3 paged pi. 663 Die satzungen des Regensburger steinmetzentages im jahre 1459, AX auf grund der Klagenfurter steinmetzen- und maurerordnung von N39 1628. Wien, 1888. Nar. Q. 6+55 p. Studien zur geschichte der Gothik in Bohmen. AH43 Prag, 1892-93. O. 2 v. in I, 2 pi. Z Contents: v. i. Der bau der stadtkirche in Briix. 1892, v. 2. Der baubeginn der Frohnleichnams- und Barbarakirche in Kutten- berg. 1893. From Verein fur die geschichte der Deutschen in Bohmen. Mittheilungen. v. 30-31. Die wochenrechnungen und der betrieb des Prager dombaues AH436 in ... 137278, mit unterstiitzung der Kaiserlichen akademie der P882 wissenschaften. Prag, 1890. Nar. Q. 4+509 p. 5 pi. Peter Parler von Gmund, dombaumeister in Prag, und seine AW familie; ein beitrag zur deutsch-osterreichischen kiinstler- P23 geschichte. Prag, 1891. Nar. Q. [33 + 146 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 711 Nevill, Ralph. F. S. A. Old cottage and domestic architecture in south-west Surrey and AH42 notes on the early history of the division. 2d edition. Su/ Guilford, 1891. Nar. Q. io+[i] + i42 p. ill. 58 pi. map. Roof coverings. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- AC actions. 1884-85. n. s. v. I, p. 93-100.) R8i Neville, Richard Cornwallis. 1820-61. See Braybrooke, Richard Cornwallis Neville, lord. 1820-61. New, Thomas, manufacturing co. [Catalogue of roofing materials.] Al2 New York, no date. O. 31 p. 9 paged pi. N42 New book of vases. [London] 1773. Q. 38 pi. AN2 N42 New England manufacturers and mechanics in= stitute. Catalogue of the art department . . . [comp. by A. B. Turnure]. AO6 Boston, 1883. F. Unpaged. 55 pi. N42 New guide to the city of Edinburgh, containing a de- AH4i scription of all the public buildings. . . New edition. Ed4 Edinburgh, 1792. D. 118 p. 12 pi. New Hampshire State prison. Specification of materials to be provided and labor performed AE6 in ... [its] erection ... at Concord . . . during . . . 1878-79. . . N42 Concord, 1878. O. 79 p. 5 pi. New hints on the art of miniature painting. AO6 London, 1837. O- 3 2 P- 2 pi- N42I New monthly Belle assemblee, a magazine of literature AB and fashion. London, 1834-46. O. v. 1-25 in 13. pi. N42 Edited by Mrs. M. H. Baron- Wilson. New pocket companion for Oxford; or, Guide through the AH42 university, containing ... [a] description of the . . . buildings. . . 0X23 Oxford, 1796. S. 4+152 p. 7 pi. New Winchester handbook. AH42 Winchester, 1868. D. 120 p. ill. 13 pi. map. W728 New York (city) Architectural league. AO4 Annual exhibition. New York, 1886-91. O. v. 1-7 in 2 v. pi. N48 Proceedings. 1881-89. [New York] 1889. O. AO4 New York (city) Metropolitan fair. 1864. Catalogue of the art exhibition at the Metropolitan fair, in aid of AO6 the U. S. Sanitary commission. N48 New York, 1864. Q. i8+[i] p. ill. 712 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY New York (city) Metropolitan museum of art. Russian reproductions at the Metropolitan museum of art; a AM4 review of the most important replicas from . . . collections in M56 Russia, by J. W. Miles. New York, 1884. Q- 96 p. ill. I pi. Tentative lists of objects desirable for a collection of casts, sculp- AO8 tural and architectural, intended to illustrate the history of plastic N42 art... New York, 1891. Q. io+[i]+242 p. New York (city) Salmagundi club and American black and white society. AO4 Annual exhibition. New York, 1886-88. O. v. 8-9. pi. N48 New York architectural terra=cotta co. Al2 [Catalogue. 4* ed.] New York [c. 1888]. Sq. O. 84 p. ill. N48 New York coach-maker s magazine, devoted to the liter ary, social and mechanical interests of the craft. AB New York, 1859-61. Q. v. 1-3. ill. pi. N48 Edited by E. M. Stratton. Newbery, Robert. Gleanings from ornamental art of every style. . . AK London, 1863. Q. [4] +3 3 p. 100 pi. N42 Newenham, Robert O Callaghan. Picturesque views of the antiquities of Ireland, illustrative of the AH4I5 progress of architecture in that island . . . drawn on stone by A 12 J. D. Harding from sketches by ... Newenham. Dublin, 1826. F. [6] p. 99 pi. Newlands, James. Carpenter and joiner s assistant ... a ... treatise on ... materials AI and . . . framing. . . Glasgow, 1860. F. 4 13+291 p. ill. 115 pi. N46 Newman, Frederick. Curiosities and beauties of England displayed . . . [with] descrip- ArLj.2 tions . . . of . . . curiosities in Scotland and Ireland. An6 London, no date. F. 4 Unpaged. 119 pi. Newmarch, Charles Henry, and Buckman, James, 1816-84. AR42 Illustrations of the remains of Roman art in Cirencester. 1850. C49 Newton, Sir Charles Thomas. 1816-. Essays on art and archaeology. AR49S London, 1880. O. [5] +472 p. ill. 4 facsim. A6 Travels and discoveries in the Levant. AR56 London, 1865. Q. 2 v. ill. 39 pi. 2 maps. A6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 713 Newton, Sir Charles Thomas. 1816-. See Society of Dilettanti, publisher. Antiquities of Ionia. 1769- AH495 1881. A; Text by C. T. Newton. Newton, Sir Charles Thomas, 1816-, compiler. See British museum. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan AN2 vases. 1851-70. v. 2. 677 Newton, Sir C[harles] T[homas], 1816- and Pullan, R. P., -1888. History of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae. AR$6 London, 1862-63. Q. 2 v. [is]+835 + i4 p. ill. 14 pi. map, A3 and Atlas, F. 6 [8] p. 97 pi. Newton, Ernest. Sketches for country residences, designed to be constructed in the AE2 patent cement slab system of W. H. Lascelles. . . N48 London [1883]. F. 4 [3] p. 16 pi. Newton, Joseph, translator. AN8 See Siebeck, Rudolph. 1808-78. Picturesque garden plans. 1864. Sii Newton, William, architect, 1735-90, editor. See Stuart, James, 1713-88, and Revett, Nicholas, 1722-1804. AH495 Antiquities of Athens. 1762-1816. v. 2. At472 Newton, William, 1735-90, architect, translator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architecture. 1791. V832 Neyen, Auguste, 1809- editor. AR43 See Wiltheim, Alexander. i6o4~74(?). Luciliburgensia. 1841-42. L97 Nibby, Antonio. 1792-1839. Del circo volgarmente detto di Caracalla. AH45 Roma, 1825. F. 46+[i] p. I pi. R665 Del Foro romano ; della via Sacra; dell anfiteatro Flavio e AH45 de luoghi adjacenti. Roma, 1819. O. 259+ [2] p. 5 pi. R729 Del monumento sepolcrale detto volgarmente degli Orazii e Curiazii, discorso. Roma, 1834. Q. [4] + 12 p. 4 pi. Delia forma e delle parti degli antichi templi cristiani; dissertazione AC letta ... 22 gennajo 1824. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana R66i di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1825. v. 2, p. 401434. I pi.) Descrizione della Villa adriana. AH495 Roma, 1827. O. 7+62+[i] p. I pi. 4 7M AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Nibby, Antonio. 1792-1839. Sopra un sarcofago scoperto 1 anno 1830 sulla via Appia entro la AC vigna Ammendola; dissertazione letta ... 7 ... giugno 1838. R66i (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Disserta- zioni. 1840. v. 9, p. 409-436. 2 pi.) Viaggio antiquario ad Ostia. . . (In Rome, Italy Accademia AC romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1829. v. 3, p. 267- R66i 347- 2 pi.) Nibby, Antonio, 1792-1839, editor. AR45 See Nardini, Famiano. -i664(?). Roma antica. 1818-20. ^675 See Vasi, Mariano. Itinerario di Roma e delle sue vicinanze. AH45 1838. R78 3 Niccolini, Antonio, cavaliere. 1790(7)-. Quadro in musaico scoperto in Pompei a di 24 ottobre 1831, AR45 descritto ed esposto in alcune tavole dimostrative. ?799 Napoli, 1832. Q. 91 + 24 p. ill. 1 1 pi. Read at the Reale accademia di belle arti. Nichol, W., editor. AK See Watteau, J. A. 1684-1721. Ornamental designs. 1841. W34I Nicholl, S[amuel] J[oseph]. Prize model cottages; detailed working drawings ... of a pair of AE2 labourer s cottages. . . London [pref. 1848]. O. 8 p. 10 pi. H58 Nichols, Francis Morgan. 1826-. Notizie dei rostri dei Foro romano e dei monumenti contigui. AH45 Roma, 1885. Nar. Q. 4+71 p. 8 pi. R8i2 Revised history of the column of Phocas in the Roman forum. AB (In Archaeologia. v. 52, p. 183-194.) Ar2 Some remarks upon the Regia, the Atrium Vestae, and the original AB locality of the Fasti Capitolini. (In Archaeologia. v. 50, p. 227- Ar2 250. I pi.) Nichols, Francis Morgan, 1826- editor and translator. AH45 See Mirabilia urbis Romae. 1889. R73 8 Nichols, John. 1744-1826. History and antiquities of the county of Leicester. . . AR42 London, 1795-1811. F. 5 4 v. in 8. 4 por. 524 pi. I facsim. L53 Nichols, J[ohn] B[owyer]. i78o(?)-i863. Account of the royal hospital and collegiate church of Saint AH42 Katharine near the tower of London. L8p6 London, 1824. Q. 4+61 p. 6 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 715 Nichols, J[ohn] B[owyer]. i78o(?)-i86 3 . Brief account of the Guild-hall of the city of London. [Anon.] AH42 London, 1819. O. [4] +64 p. 2 pi. Historical notices of Fonthill abbey, Wiltshire. AH42 London, 1836. Q. 52 p. 1 1 pi. F/3I Nichols, John Gough. 1806-73. Description of the church of St. Mary, Warwick, and of the Beau- AH42 champ chapel, and the monuments of the Beauchamps and W263 Dudleys... London [1838 (?)]. Q. [3] +40 p. 7 pi. Historical notices of the . . . Company of stationers of London, AX with descriptions of their hall, pictures and plate. . . N5I [London] 1861. Nar. Q. 25 p. ill. 4 pi. From London and Middlesex archaeological society. Transactions, v. 2. See Fisher, Thomas. I78i(?)-i836. Ancient allegorical, historical AH42 and legendary paintings in fresco, described by J. G. Nichols. St83 1838. Nichols, John Gough, 1806-73, editor. See Cooke, Robert, Clarencieux king of arms. Visitation of AC London. (In London and Middlesex archaeological society. L84 Transactions. 1864. v. 2.) Nichols, John Gough, 1806-73, and Bowles, Rev. W. L., 1762-1850. Annals and antiquities of Lacock abbey in the county of Wilts; AH42 with memorials of the foundress, Ela, countess of Salisbury, and of Li I the earls of Salisbury. 1835. Nicholson, Cornelius. 1802-89. Annals of Kendal ... a historical and descriptive account of AR42 Kendal and its environs, with biographical sketches. . . K33 Kendal, 1832. O. 9+27o+[i] p. ill. 2 pi. Descriptive account of the Roman villa near Brading, Isle of AH42 Wight... London, 1880. Q. 15 p. 2 pi. W632 Reprint from the Antiquary. Nicholson, Michael Angelo, -1842, and Nicholson, Peter, 1765-1844. AM5 Practical cabinet-maker. [1826.] N$2 Nicholson, Peter. 1765-1844. Builder and workman s new director, comprehending definitions AI and descriptions of the component parts of buildings. . . [Anon.] N522 London, 1824. Q. Various paging, ill. I por. 141 pi. 716 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Nicholson, Peter. 1765-1844. Carpenter s new guide; a complete book of lines for carpentry AI and joinery . . . revised by N. K. Davis . . . [with] original N$2 designs ... by S. Sloan. i6th e d. Philadelphia, 1854. Q. 107 p. 81 pi. New and improved practical builder and workman s companion AI . . . revised and arranged by T. Tredgold. . . N52I London [1848]. Nar. Q. 3 v. ill. I por. 263 pi. Contents: v. i. Geometry, carpentry, joinery and cabinet-making, v. 2. Masonry, bricklaying and plastering, v. 3. Five orders of architecture. Principles of architecture. London, 1795-98. O. 3 v. 197 pi. A A N$2 Contents: v. i. Practical geometry, arithmetic and mensuration. v. 2. Methods for describing arches and mouldings, drawing spiral lines, finding the projection of shadows, v. 3. Methods for drawing ornament, with the five orders of architecture. Student s instructor in drawing and working the five orders of AL2 architecture. . . 5*h ed. enlarged. . . N52 London, 1823. O. 8+39 P- 4 1 pi- Nicholson, Peter, 1765-1844, and Nicholson, M. A., -1842. Practical cabinet-maker, upholsterer and complete decorator. AM5 London [pref. 1826]. Q. 152+12 p. 100 pi. N52 Nicolai, Hermann Georg. iSn-. Das ornament der italienischen kunst des 15. jahrhunderts. . . AK Dresden, 1882. F. 5 [3] p. 100 pi. N54 Nicolai, Johann, 1665-1708, editor. See Scheffer, Johann. 1621-79. De antiquorum torquibus syn- AM4 tagma. 1707. Sch2 Nicolai, Niccola Maria. 1756-1833. Delia basilica di S. Paola. . . AH45 Roma, 1815. F. 5 [i4] + 3ii+8p. 18 pi. R736 . . . Storia de luoghi una volta abitati nell agro romano. . . (In AC Rome, Italy, Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. R66i 1821-36. v. i, pt. i, v. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.) Continued by Antonio Coppi. Nicolas, Felice, editor. AR45 See [Paolini, Roberto]. Memorie sui monumenti di antichita. 1812. AI Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. 1799-1848. History of the orders of knighthood of the British empire, of the AWi order of the Guelphs of Hanover and of the medals . . . conferred N54 for naval and military services. London, 1842. F. 4 4 v. ill. 27 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 717 Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris, 1799-1848, editor. See Cotman, J. S. 1780-1843. Engravings of sepulchral brasses AE8 in Norfolk and Suffolk. 1838. C82 Nicole, D. Architecture pratique; de 1 emploi des briques ordinaires dans la AJ2 construction et la decoration des edifices publics et prives. N54 Paris, 1877. F. 4 24+[i] p. 30 pi. Nicolino de Conti di Calepio, conte. See Conti di Calepio, Nicolino de , conte. Niedermayer, Andreas. 1835-72. Kunstgeschichte der stadt Wirzburg. AO Wirzburg, 1860. O. 6+423 p. NSS Kunstler und kunstwerke der stadt Regensburg; ein beitrag zur AO kunstgeschichte Altbayerns. Landshut, 1857. S. i2+3OOp. N55I Niederosterreichischer gewerbe=verein, editor. See Vienna (Austria) Jubilaums-gewerbe-ausstellung. 1888. AO4 Interieurs von der Ausstellung. 1892. V673 See Vienna (Austria) Jubilaums=gewerbe=ausstellung. 1888. ANi Mobel von der Ausstellung. 1890. V67 Niemann, George and Benndorf, [F. A.] O. 1838-. Reisen in Lykien und Karien . . . mit einer karte von Heinrich AR56 Kiepert. 1884. Al Niemann, George, Conze, A. [C. L.], 1831-, and Hauser, Alois. AR495 Archaeologische untersuchungen auf Samothrake. 1875-80. Sa4 Niemann, G[eorg Heinrich Leonard]. 1841-. Palast-bauten des barock-stils in Wien. . . AH436 Wien, 1882-87. F. 7 pt. 1-5. io+|>] p. ill. 23 pi. 677 No more published. Niepce, Leopold. 1813-. La peinture sur verre a Lyon, a propos d un nouveau vitrail dans AM7 la chapelle de Fourviere; etude. Lyon, 1882. Q. 25 p. ill. I pi. Z Nieper, Ludw[ig]. Die Konigliche kunstakademie und kunstgewerbeschule in Leip- AO zig, festschrift und amtlicher bericht, mit . . . einer . . . abhand- N553 lung iiber Die aufgaben der graphischen kiinste von A. Springer. Leipzig, 1890. F. 4 [3] + $8+[2]p. ill. i6por. 12 pi. 4pagedpl. 7 i8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Niessen, Johann Joseph, 1821- compiler. See Cologne (Ger.) Museum Wallraf-Richartz. Katalog. 1869. v. i. See Cologne (Ger.) Museum Wallraf-Richartz. Verzeichniss der gemalde sammlung des Museums. . . 1888. Nieuwe atlas van de voornaamste gebouwen en gezigten der stad Amsterdam. .. Amsterdam, 1783. F. 4 2v.ini. 104 pi. Nieuwenhuys, C. J. Review of the lives and works of some of the most eminent painters, with remarks on the opinions and statements of former writers. London, 1834. O. [3] + 323 p. Nieuwerkerke, [Alfred Emilien], comte de. 181 1-92. Rapport sur la situation des muse es imperiaux pendant le regne de . . . Napoleon III. (1853-1868). Paris, 1868. O. 183 p. Rapport sur les travaux de remaniement et d accroissement realises depuis 1849 dans les musees imperiaux, suivi d un . . . sommaire des objets d art entres dans les collections de 1849 a 1863. Paris, 1863. O. 124 p. Nightingale, J[ames] E[dward]. Contributions towards the history of early English porcelain from contemporary sources . . . [with] reprints from Messrs. Christie s sale catalogues of the Chelsea, Derby, Worcester and Bristol manufactories, from 1769-85. . . Salisbury, 1881. O. 95 + H2p. Nightingale, Rev. Joseph. 1775-1824. Middlesex, Shropshire, Somersetshire, Staffordshire. (In Beauties of England and Wales. 1801-15. v. io 3 , v. I3 1 " 2 .) Lugduni Nigroni, Giulio. 1553-1625. De caliga veterum dissertatio subseciva. Editio ultima. Batavorum 1711. S. i56+[i2] p. 5 pi. (In Baudouin, Benoit. Calceus antiquus. 1711.) Nigronus, Jul. 1553-1625. See Nigroni, Giulio. 1553-1625. Nilant, Johannes Fredericus, editor. See Baudouin, Benoit. -1632. Calceus antiquus etmysticus. 1711. Nilsson, Sven. 1787-1883. Primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia . . . containing a description of the implements, dwellings, tombs and mode of living of the savages in the North of Europe during the stone age. 3^ edi tion . . . edited ... by Sir John Lubbock. London, 1868. O. 79+272 p. ill. 16 pi. AO2 C 7 i AH492 Am84 AW N 55 AO2 P2I 3 AO2 P2I2 AN2 N56 AH42 Aii7 AN4 632 AN4 632 AR48i Ai COLUMBIA COLLEGE 719 Nirschl, Joseph. 1823-. Die universitatskirche in Wiirzburg. . . AH43 Wiirzburg [pref. 1891]. Q. 60 p. ill. I pi. W96i Nissen, Heinrich. 1839-. Das templum; antiquarische untersuchungen. Berlin, 1869. O. 7 + 249 p. 4 pi. N63 Niven, W[illiam]. Illustrations of old Staffordshire houses, with descriptive notes. AH42 London, 1882. Sq. F. [6] + 32 p. 21 pi. Sti Illustrations of old Warwickshire houses. . . AH42 London, 1878. Sq. F. 10+37 P- 3 1 P^ W26 London city churches destroyed since A. D. 1800, or now AH42 threatened, illustrated and described. . . L848 London, 1887. F. 5 10+46 p. 25 pi. Monograph of Aston Hall, Warwickshire, geometrical drawings AH42 and views, with a brief historical sketch and description. As8 London, no date. F. 4 [4] +4 p. 15 pi. Nixon, John, A. M. Essay on a sleeping Cupid, being one of the Arundelian marbles AX in the collection of the earl of Pomfret. Zi London, 1775. Sq. O. 37 p. Marmor Estonianum; seu, Dissertatio de sella marmorea votiva AX Estoniae in agro Northamptoniensi conservata. Zi Londini, 1744. Sq. O. 36 p. i pi. Nizier du Puitspelu, pseudonym. See Tisseur, Clair. 1827-. Noack, Alfred. AH45 Die Certosa bei Pavia. Leipzig, no date. F. 4 20 pi. P283 Pilasterfiillungen der fa?ade der Certosa bei Pavia nach 20 AH45 original-aufnahmen. Leipzig, no date. F. 4 20 pi. P283I Noake, John. On the history of the Guild hall, Worcester. (In Associated AC architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 15, p. 319-339.) As7 Rambler in Worcestershire; or, Stray notes on churches and con- AH42 gregations. London, 1854. D. i2+[2]+388 p. ill. i pi. WSgi Nobile, Gaetano. Un mese a Napoli; descrizione della citta di Napoli e delle sue AH45 vicinanze, divisa in XXX giornate. . . Ni64 Napoli, 1863. D. 3 v. ill. 25 pi. 66 paged pi. Noble, James, architect. Professional practice of architects and that of measuring sur- AI veyors. . . London, 1836. O. 8 + 216 p. I pi. N66 720 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Noble, Thomas. Practical perspective exemplified on landscapes. . . [2d edition.] AL2 [London, 1809.] Sq. F. 4 57 p. 13 pi. N66 Noble, T[homas], and Rose, T[homas]. Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln and Rutland; AH42 illustrated ... by Thomas Allom with historical . . . and topo- A 136 graphical descriptions. . . London, 1836. Q. 76 p. 73 ill. on 36 pi. Engraved title-page. Nodal, John Howard, 1831- editor. See Manchester (Eng.) Royal jubilee exhibition. 1887. Pic- AO4 torial record of the exhibition. 1888. M3ii Nodet, Henri. Le chateau de Najac en Rouergue; etude d architecture militaire AB au I3 e siecle. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 52, p. 352-362; v. 53, 687 p. 141-161.) Sur quelques eglises romanes de la Charente-Inferieure. (In AB Bulletin monumental. 1890. v. 56, p. 363-384. 5 pi.) 687 Nodier, [Jean Charles Emmanuel], 1783-1844, and Lurine, Louis, 1 816-60, compiler. Les environs de Paris; paysage, histoire, monuments, mceurs . . . AH44 et traditions. . . ^347 Paris [1844]. Nar. Q. 6+490+ [3] p. ill. 28 pi. Nodier, [Jean] Charles [Emmanuel], 1783-1844, Taylor, [I.] J. [S.], baron, 1789-1879, and Cailleux, [A. A.] A. de. 1788-1876. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans 1 ancienne France. AH44 Paris, 1820-78. F. 6 20 v. 2967 pi. A23 Contents : Auvergne. 2 v. Bourgogne. 2 v. in I. Bretagne. 2 v. Champagne. 3 v. Dauphine. Tranche-Comic". Languedoc. 4 v. Normandie. 3 v. Picardie. 3 v. Nodot, [Franois]. fl. 1690. Nouveaux memoires ; ou, Observations qu il a faites pendant son AH45 voyage d ltalie, sur les monumens de . . . Rome. . . R794 Amsterdam, 1706. S. 2 v. 17 pi. 10 maps. Noellat, J[ean] B[aptiste]. 1775-. Guide du voyageur ... a Dijon; ou, Statistique monumentale de AH44 la capitale de 1 ancienne Bourgogne . . . une description . . . de 0563 1 ancien et du nouveau Dijon. . . Dijon [i822(?)]. T. 16+383 p. 2 pi. 2 maps. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 721 Noget=Lacoudre, A. 1806-68. Compte-rendu du concours ouvert . . . pour le meilleur prqjet AB de couronnement de la tour centrale de la cathedralc de Bayeux. B8/ (In Bulletin monumental, v. 25, p. 477-505.) Nohl, Max[imilian August]. 1830-63. Tagebuch einer italienischen reise, hrsg. von W. Liibke. AH45 Stuttgart, 1866. D. 8+360 p. ill. A7 Nohl, Mfaximilian August], 1830-63, and Bogler, R. Die chorstiihle im kapitelsaale des domes zu Mainz, mit einer AH43 kunstgeschichtlichen einleitung von W. Liibke. M523 Glogau, 1863. F. 5 [6] p. 22 pi. Nohring, . See Darmstadt (Ger.) museum. Kunstschiitze, hrsg. in licht- AO2 druck von Nohring und Frisch. 025 Nolau, [Joseph Francois]. i8o8(?)-. Les antiquites d Athenes et autres monumens grecs, d apres les AFLJ95 mesures de Stuart et Revett . . At55 Paris, 1835. Sq. S. 62 + [i] p. 70 pi. Nolhac, Pierre de, 1859- editor. See Orsini, Fulvio. 1529-1600. Les collections d antiquites de AB Fulvio Orsini. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1884, M48 p. 139-231-) Nonnius, Ludovicus. i56o(?)-i645(?). See Nunez, Luis. I56o(?)-i645(?). Noorthouck, John. New history of London including Westminster and Southwark. AH42 London, 1773. Q. [i 6] +902 +[40] p. 40 pi. map. L928 Norden, John. 1548-1626(7). Surveyor s dialogue. (In Architectural publication society, pub. AA Dictionary of architecture. 1853. 30 p.) Ar2ii Nordisk oldskrift=selskab. See Copenhagen (Denmark) Kongelige nordiske oldskrift selskab. Norman, B[enjamin] M[oore]. 1809-1860. Rambles in Yucatan . . . including a visit to the remarkable ruins AH72 of Chi- Chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal. 2d ed. 9 New York, 1843. O. 304 p. ill. 24 pi. i map. Norman, [George], Norman s History of Cheltenham [edited] by J. Coding. . . AH42 London, 1863. D. 7+670 p. ill. 26 pi. C4I5 46 722 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Norman, Philip. London signs and inscriptions, with an introduction by Henry B. AH42 Wheatley. London, 1893. O. 20+237 p. ill. (Camden library; LQiS G. L. Gomme and T. F. Ordish, ed.) Normand, Alfred Nicolas. 1822-. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1867. L architecture AA des nations etrangeres; etude sur les principales constructions du P2i pare a 1 Exposition, par A. Normand. 1870. Normand, Charles [Nicolas]. 1858-. A 1144 L Hotel de Cluny. . . Paris, 1888. F. 4 155 p. ill. 22 pi. P222 Nouvel itineraire-guide artistique et archeologique de Paris. . . AH44 Paris, 1889-90. D. v. I. ill. paged pi. P295 Normand, Charles Nicolas, 1858- editor. AB See L ami des monuments et des arts. 1887-93. Am5 Normand, Charles [Pierre Joseph]. 1765-1840. Le guide de 1 ornemaniste; ou, De I ornement pour la decoration AK des batimens . . . dessine et grave par . . . Normand. N78 Paris, 1826. F. 5 14 p. 36 pi. Nouveau parallele des ordres d architecture des Grecs, des AA Remains et des auteurs modernes. N78 Paris, 1819. F. 5 6+39 p. 64 pi. See Mauch, J. M. von. 1792-1856. Vergleichende darstellung AA der architectonischen ordnungen der Griechen und Romer und N78i der neueren baumeister von Carl Normand fortgesetzt. 1832. Recueil varie de plans et de fa9ades, motifs pour des maisons de AL2 ville, et de campagne, des monumens et des etablissemens publics N78 et particuliers. . . Paris, 1831. F. 5 [3] +4 p. 62 pi. Le Vignole des ouvriers. . . AA Paris, 1835-39. Sq. F. 3 pts. in I v. 157 pi. N782 Contents : pt. I. Methode facile pour tracer les cinq ordres d architecture. pt. 2. Un precis du releve" des terrains et de celui des plans de maisons. pt. 3. Les plans, les e le vations et les coupes de 24 projets de maisons. Parts 1-2, 6 th edition enlarged ; pt. 3, 2 d edition. Normand, [Louis Marie]. 1789-1874. Chapelle expiatoire elevee a Louis XVI et a Marie-Antoinette a AE8 Paris . . . sur les dessins . . . de M. Fontaine, dessine . . . par M/6 Normand. [Paris] 1832. F. 5 [5] p. 6 pi. From his Monumens fundraires choisis dans les cimetieres de Paris, pt. i. Monumens funeraires choisis dans les cimetieres de Paris et des AE8 principales villes de France, contenant 27 planches et leur descrip- 076 tion par [J. P.] Bres. Paris, 1832. F. 5 pt. I. 72 pi. No more published. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 723 Normand, Louis Marie. 1789-1874. Paris moderne; ou, Choix de maisons construites dans les nouveaux quartiers de la capitale. . . Liege [1840]. F. 3 v. 480 pi. Normand, Louis Marie, 1789-1874, publisher. See Percier, Charles, 1764-1838, and Fontaine, P. F. L., 1762- 1853. Arc de Triomphe des Tuileries. Norris, Charles. Etchings of Tenby ... to illustrate the . . . peculiarities in early Flemish architecture, with a short account of that town. . . London, 1812. O. 5+84 p. 35 pi. 4 facsim. Norris, Thomas George. Observations on church dilapidation. (In Exeter diocesan archi- tectural society. Transactions. 1844. v - 2 > P- 1 S~4> pi- l an ^ 2 -) Remarks on the brass memorials of chrisom children. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1849. v - 3> P- 35~ 46, pi. I and 2.) North, C. N. Mclntyre. Leabhar comunn nam fior Ghael: Book of the club of true High- landers; a record of the dress, arms, customs, arts and science of the Highlanders. . . London [pref. 1892]. Sq. F. 6 2 v. 2 por. 60 pi. 8 pages music. Norton, Charles Eliot. 1827-. Historical studies of church-building in the middle ages; Venice, Siena, Florence. New York, 1880. O. 6+331 p. Urkunden zur geschichte des doms von Siena. (In Jahrbucher fur kunst-wissenschaft. 1873. v. 5, p. 66-90.) Nosban, - . Manual del carpintero de muebles y edificios seguido del arte del ebanista . . . tr. del frances por I. G. Vicente. [Madrid, 1854.] S. 2 v. 4 pi. Nouveau manuel complet du menuisier, de 1 ebeniste et du layetier. Paris, 1843. T. 2 v. 14 pi. (Manuels-Roret.) Note rectificative sur les vitraux d Arcis-sur-Aube, [par E.]. Arcis-sur-Aube, 1882. Q. 18 p. From Revue de Champagne et de Brie, avril 1881 et Jan. 1882. Notes d un compilateur sur les sculpteurs et les sculptures en ivoire. See [Chennevieres-Pointel, C. P., marquis de. 1820-]. AH44 P277 AH44 P272 AR429 T25 AC Ex3 AC AR4I A9 AH45 A22 AB Ji9 AI N84I N84 AH44 Ar2 AN6 C42 724 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Notes historical and architectural on the church of St. John AH42 the Evangelist, Slymbridge, Gloucestershire, with . . . remarks on 819 decorative colouring. . . Bristol, 1845. Q. 67 p. ill. 9 pi. Notes instructives pour MM. les architectes. 1814. AI See [Bellanger, , architect]. 641 Notes on building construction, arranged to meet the re- AI quirements of the syllabus of the Science and art department of N84 the Committee of Council on education, South Kensington. London, 1875-92. O. 4 v. ill. Contents: v. i. First stage or elementary course. v. 2. Commencement of second stage or advanced course. v. 3. Materials; advanced course. v. 4. Calculations for building structures ; course for honours. Vol. 4, 2 d edition. Notes on sketching tours. 1880. AA See Taylor, Henry, architect. T2ii Notes pour servir a 1 histoire des emaux de Nevers AN2 recueillies par un Nivernais, dessins par Emile Renard. Z6 Paris, 1887. D. 48 p. ill. 125 copies printed. Nothling, Ernst. Formenlehre der baukunst; leitfaden zum gebrauche fur tech- AI nische lehranstalten. . . 2. aufl. N842 Zurich [pref. 1881]. O. 54 p. 32 pi. Notice historique sur la cathedrale de La Rochelle. 1862. AH44 See [Cholet, P. F. . 1814-67]. L323 Notice historique sur la tapisserie brodee par la Reine AM8 Mathilde, epouse de Guillaume le conquerant. N84 Paris an XII [1804]. Q. 20 p. 7 pi. Notice historique sur 1 hotel Carnavalet. 1544-1871. AH44 Paris, 1874. D. 16 p. i pi. P237 Notice of the Roman remains lately discovered in lower Thames street. A02 See Tucker, C. Sol Notice sur 1 etat actuel de Tare d Orange. 1839. AR44 See [Caristie, A. N.]. 1783-1862. On Notice sur la cathedrale de Namur. 1851. AH493 See [Hauregard, L. F. J. de]. Ni$ Notice sur le mobilier de 1 eglise cathedrale de Reims. AH44 Reims, 1856. S. 18+72 p. R275 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 725 Notice sur le theatre et sur les anciennes salles de spec tacle du Mans. 1885. AH44 See [Hublin, Leon. 1846-]. MSI Notices of ancient church architecture in the fifteenth century, particularly in Bristol. 1823. AH42 See [Dallaway, Rev. James. 1763-1834]. William Wyrcestre A 129 redivivus. Notitia dignitatum utriusque imperii. See Description of the city of Constantinople . . . pub. from the AH496 Notitia utriusque imperii. (In Gilles, Pierre. Antiquities of Con- C/64 stantinople. 1729.) Notizie degli scavi di antichita. 1876-93. AB Roma, 1876-93. Q. 17 v. in 15. ill. pi. N84 Published by the Accademia dei Lincei, Rome (Italy), and extracted from its Atti. Notizie storiche della chiesa arcipretale collegiata di Schio. 1879. AH45 See [Bologna, Qiacomo]. Sch3 Notre-Dame de Bonsecours-les-Nancy, autrefois Notre- Dame de la Victoire et des Rois. AH44 Nancy, 1843. Nar. Q. 36+8 p. 8 pi. Ni53 Nottingham (Eng.) castle Museum and art gallery. Illustrated catalogue of classical antiquities from the site of the AR45 temple of Diana, Nemi, Italy, discovered during excavations . . . N34 by Lord Savile . . . with an account by Lord Savile of the dis covery of the temple . . . classified and described by G. H. Wallis. Nottingham [pref. 1893]. F. i5 + [5]+69 p. 21 pi. Nousveaux, Edouard Auguste, 1811-67, illustrator. AH44 See Pernot, F. A. 1793-1865. Le vieux Paris. 1838-39. ?34 Nouvelle bibliotheque illustree de vulgarisation. AN2 Paris, 1891. Nar. Q. ill. pi. Gi6 GARBAN, E. La porcelaine. 1891. Nouvelles archives de 1 art frangais. 1872-85. AC See Societe de 1 histoire de 1 art francais, publisher. So22 Nowak, Adolf. Kirchliche kunst-denkmale aus Olmiitz, hrsg. vom Kaiser Franz AH436 Josef-gewerbe-museum in Olmiitz. Oi5 Olmiitz, 1890. F. 4 [4J+35 p. ill. 25 pi. Null, [Eduard] van der, 1812-68, and [Siccard] von Siccardsburg [August von], 1813-68. Das k. k. hof-opernhaus in Wien . . . text von H. Auer. AH436 Wien, 1885. F. 6 [37] P- 79 pi- (Wiener monumental-bauten. V679 1885. v. i.) 46* 726 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Nunez, Luis, I56o(?)-i645(?), commentator. See Goltzius, Hubert. 1526-83. Graeciae ejusque insularum et AMi Asiae Minoris nomismata. 1644. 058 Nuova biblioteca dell ingegnere-architetto civile. AF Milano, 1855. Q. Til Vol. 4. TACCANI, F. Storia dell architettura in Europa. 1855. Nuova guida di Milano. AH45 See Pirovano, Francesco. Milano nuovamente descritta. 1826. MS 827 Nuremberg (Ger.) Bayerisches gewerbe museum. Mittheilungen; beiblatt zur Kunst und gewerbe. AB Niirnberg, 1874-87. Q. v. 1-14. Kx)62 Nuremberg (Ger.) Bayerisches gewerbe museum, editor. See Stockbauer, Jacob, and Otto, Heinrich. Die antiken thonge- AN2 fasse in ihrer bedeutung fur die moderne gefassindustrie. 1876. St6 Nuremberg (Ger.) Bayerisches gewerbe museum, publisher. AB See Kunst und gewerbe. 1874-87. v. 8-21. Kp62 Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national = mu = seum. Bild-werke aus dem mittelalter; eine sammlung auserwahlter AO2 sculpturen im byzantinischen und deutschen styl, nach original- Np36 gypsabgiissen im Museum von Fleischmann und Rotermundt, gezeichnet . . . von J. P. Walther mit text von G. W. K. Lochner. Niirnberg, 1856. Sq. F. 5 36 p. 24 pi. Denkschriften. Niirnberg, 1856. O. v. i. 1 2 ill. i pi. I tab. AC N93 Contents: v. i. 1 Organismus und literarische sammlungen. v. i.2 Kunst und alterthums-sammlungen. Has also the title Organismus und sammlungen. No more published. Katalog der . . . bautheile und baumaterialien aus alterer zeit AI [von A. O. Essenwein]. Niirnberg, 1868. Nar. Q. 38 p. 20 pi. N93 Katalog der . . . glasgemalde aus alterer zeit. AO2 Niirnberg, 1884. Nar. Q. 54 p. ill. 14 pi. Np34 Katalog der gewebe und stickereien, nadelarbeiten und spitzen A02 aus alterer zeit [von A. O. Essenwein]. Np32 Niirnberg, 1869. Nar. Q. 38 p. 20 pi. Katalog der interessanten bucheinbande und teile von solchen A02 [von A. O. Essenwein]. N933 Niirnberg, 1889. Nar. Q. 102 p. ill. 5 pi. Katalog der vorgeschichtlichen denkmaler, Rosenberg sche samm- AO2 lung [von A. O. Essenwein]. Niirnberg, 1887. Q. 147 p. ill. N93I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 727 Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national=mu= seum. Kunst- und kulturgeschichtliche denkmale des Museums . . . AO2 zusammengestellt . . . von A. Essenwein. N93 Leipzig [pref. 1887], F. 4 [5] p. 120 pi. Organismus und sammlungen, see above. Denkschriften. 1856. AC N93 Quellen zur geschichte der feuerwaffen; facsimilierte nachbil- AO2 dungen alter originalzeichnungen . . . und kupferstiche . . . [von NQ35 A. O. Essenwein]. Leipzig, 1877. F- 178 p. 212 pi. Niischeler, Arnold. Die lazariterhauser im Gfenn bei Diibendorf und Schlatt, kanton AC Zurich. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. An8 l8 53-56. v. 9, p. 101-122. 2 pi.) Die letzinen in der Schweiz. Zurich, 1872. Q. 61 p. 2 pi. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1872- An8 1875. v. 18.) Nyrop, C[amillus], editor. See Copenhagen (Denmark) Nordiske industri-landbrugs og AO4 kunstudstilling. 1888. Bygningerne ved den kunstudstilling. C79 1891. See Tidsskrift for kunstindustri. 1885-88. AB T43 O.***, , and B.***, , vicomte de. Catalogue de beaux meubles et bronzes d ameublement du i8 e AO2 siecle . . . dont la vente aura lieu . . . 21-22 mai, 1891. . . Oai [Paris, 1891.] Sq. F. 5 1 p. 19 pi. Oakeshott, George J[ohn]. Detail and ornament of the Italian renaissance. AK London, 1888. F. 5 5 p. 40 pi. Oa4 Oakey, Alexander] F. Building a home. New York, 1 88 1. D. 115 p. ill. (Appletons AE2 home books.) Oa4 Obernetter, J. B., illustrator. See Munich, Ger. Bayerisches national-museum. Original- AO2 modelle in silber, kupfer, messing und blei einer goldschmied- Mg2 werkstatte in Augsburg aus 1550 bis 1800. See Munich, Ger. Bayerisches national-museum. Ornamente AM5 der holzsculptur von 1450 bis 1820. 1881. M92 Observations on the construction of meeting houses. 1 820. AE See [Alexander, William]. Ate Observations on the designs submitted for proposed AH4; opera house at Odessa, Russia, by "Solo Deo salus." Od2 Q. [31] p. 14 pi. Observations on the original architecture of Saint Mary AH42 Magdalen college, Oxford. 1823. 0x24 See Buckler, John Chessell. Ochelhauser, Adolf von, editor. See Leutz, Ludwig. Die wandgemalde in der burgkapelle zu Zwingenberg a/N. 1893. (Kraus, F. X., and Ochelhauser, Adolf von, editors. Die mittelalterlichen wandgemalde im gross- herzogthum Baden. 1893. v. I.) Ochelhauser, Adolf von, and Kraus, F. X., 1840- editors. Die mittelalterlichen wandgemalde im grossherzogthum Baden. 1893. 7*8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 729 Odiot, Ernest. Catalogue des objets d art . . . composant . . . [sa] collection et dont la vente aura lieu . . . 26-27 avril, 1889. . . [Paris, 1889.] F. 63 p. 20 pi. Compiled by A. Darcel. Oesterreich, Matthieu. 1716-78. See Osterreich, Matthias. 1716-78. Oetti ngen , Wolfgang von . 1859-. See Ottingen, Wolfgang von. 1859-. L oeuvre de Moreau le jeune. 1874. See [Beraldi, Henri. 1849-]. Ogden, William Sharp. Christian grave stones; illustrated by 150 examples in which suitability of purpose and expression have been especially con- sidered. London, 1877. Sq. O. [3] p. 50 pi. with 150 ill. Mercantile architecture, a series of ... studies for shops, offices and warehouses. . . London, 1885. F. 4 [4] p. 55 pi. Sketches of antique furniture taken from 80 examples ... of chiefly I7th century English carved oak. London, 1888. Q. 6 p. 60 pi. Studies in mercantile architecture, comprising fifty suggestive designs for warehouse, shop and office buildings . . . reproduced by James Akerman from the original drawings by the photo lithographic process. London, 1876. F. 4 [3] p. 50 pi. Ogilby, John. 1600-76. The entertainment of ... Charles II, in his passage through the city of London to his coronation, containing an exact accompt of the whole solemnity. . . London, 1662. F. 5 [3] + 192 p. ill. 13 pi. Ohlrich, Hans. Die florentiner Niobegruppe, ein beitrag zur geschichte der antiken gruppe. . . Berlin, 1888. O. 61 p. Doctor s dissertation at Jena (Ger.) university. Ohmichen, Qustav. Griechischer theaterbau nach Vitruv und den uberresten. Berlin, 1886. O. 7+220 p. ill. Ohnefalsch=Richter, Max [Hermann]. 1850- Ancient places of worship in Kypros catalogued and described. Berlin, 1891. F. 10+51 p. 17 pi. map. Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Die antiken cultusstatten auf Kypros zusammengestellt. Berlin, 1891. Sq. F. 11 + 57 p. T 7 P L map. Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger. ) university. AO2 Od3 AY MSl AE8 Og2 Al4 Og2 ANi Og2 Al4 Og2i AW2 Og4 AO8 Z4 AE4 Ohi4 AR499 A3 AR499 730 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ohnefalsch=Richter, Max [Hermann]. 1850-. Kypros, the bible and Homer; oriental civilization, art and AR499 religion in ancient times . . . with a letter . . . from W. E. A4 Gladstone. London, 1893. F. 2 v. ill. 216 pi. 3 maps. I facsim. Mittheilungen aus Cypern. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 8, p. 133-140; v. 9, G8i p. 127-139. 3 pi.) Ohnesorge, Karl. Wendel Dietterlin, maler von Strassburg; ein beitrag zur ge- AO schichte der deutschen kunst in der zweiten halfte des sechzehnten 639 jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1893. O. 8+68 p. I pi. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 21.) or, Nutshells. 1785. AE2 See [Peacock, James. i738(?)-i8i4]. ?3i Old England. 1845. AH42 See Knight, Charles. 1791-1873. K74 Old furniture, being examples selected from the works of ANi the best known designers, from the I2th to the i8th century. Oh London, 1883. F. [6] p. 49 pi. Issued as supplements to the Furniture gazette. Old Touraine. 1892. AH44 See Cook, Theodore Andrea. 1 867-. A26 Oldfield, Edmund. Catalogue of select examples of ancient ivory-carvings in various AN6 collections. (In Wyatt, Sir M. D. Notices of sculpture in ivory. W97 1856. p. 25-54.) Topographical and historical account of Wainfleet and the wapen- AR42 take of Candleshoe, in the county of Lincoln. . . Wi3 London, 1829, O. [7]+3/o+38 p. ill. 7 pi. Oliphant, Mrs. [Margaret Oliphant (Wilson)]. 1828- Royal Edinburgh, her saints, kings, prophets and poets . . . with AH4I illustrations by George Reid. Ed44 London, 1893. D. 13 + 520 p. 30 ill. i pi. 29 paged pi. Oliver, Rev. George. 1781-1861. Ecclesiastical antiquities in Devon; being observations on several AR42 churches in Devonshire, with some memoranda for the history of D49 Cornwall. Exeter, 1840-42. O. 3 v. in i. 8 pi. Lives of the bishops of Exeter and a history of the cathedral. . . AFLj.2 Exeter, 1861. O. 13 + 503 p. 5 pi. Ex3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Oilier, Charles. -1859. See Delamotte, W. A. 1775-1863. Original views of Oxford, AH42 with notices by C. Oilier. 1843. Ox28 Olmiitz (Austria) Kaiser Franz Joseph=gewerbe= museum, editor. See Nowak, Adolf. Kirchliche kunst-denkmale aus Olmiitz. AH436 1890. Ol5 Olsner, L[udwig], 1831-, and Oven, [A. H. E.] von. Die entwicklung der Gesellschaft zur beforderung niitzlicher AC kiinste und deren kulfswissenschaften (Polytechnische gesellschaft) F85 in Frankfurt am Main; zwei vortrage . . . zur einweihungsfeier des . . . gesellschaftshauses . . . am 15. Juni 1879: I, Einweihungs- worte des Prasidenten . . . von Oven; 2, Historischer iiberblick iiber die . . . Gesellschaft von . . . L. Olsner. 1879. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt 1879.) On the landscape architecture of the great painters of AO6 Italy. 1828. M46 See Meason, G. L. O Neil, Henry [Nelson], 1817-80. Lectures on painting, delivered at the Royal academy, with . . . AO6 notes and appendix. London, 1866. O. io+[i] + i4Op. On2 O Neill, Henry. Fine arts and civilization of ancient Ireland, illustrated with chromo AO and other lithographs. . . On 2 London, 1863. Q. 6+n8p. ill. 7 pi. 4 paged pi. [Onofri, Pietro d .] Succinte notizie intorno alia facciata della Chiesa cattedrale AH45 napoletana, nelle, quali si da contezza dell antica speciosa sua Ni63 porta e del ripulimento si dell una, che dell altra fattosi in ... 1788... [Anon. Napoli, 1788.] Sq. O. 4+50 p. ill. 6 pi. Opderbecke, Adolph. Die bauformen des mittelalters in Sandstein. 2. aufl. . . AI Weimar, 1885. Sq. F. 4 8 p. 36 pi. Opi Opinion de la province sur la question des arenes gallo- AH44 romaines de Paris. [Paris] no date. O. 24 p. P232 Opinion de M. Prudhomme sur les arenes de Paris. . . AH44 [Paris] 1870. O. 8 p. P232 Oppenheim, Albert, freiherr von. Keramische sammlung, [hrsg. von A. Pabst]. AN2 [Koln, 1889.] F. s 2 + [7] p. 52 pi. Op5 732 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Oppenord, Gilles Marie. 1672-1742. Recueil des oeuvres, contenant . . . cartels . . . portes . . . sculptures AK sur pierre, sur marbre ou sur bois . . . fragments d architecture. . . Op5 Paris [1888]. F. 4 100 pi. (L art decoratif applique a 1 art industriel.) Reproduction by photographic process of selected plates from his works. Oppermann, Andreas. 1830-. Ernst Rietschel, the sculptor, and the lessons of his life . . . trans- AW lated from the German ... by Mrs. G. Sturge. R44 London, 1875. D. i4+[i]-f2i3 p. ill. Oppert, F[ranz], M. D. Hospitals, infirmaries, and dispensaries: their construction, interior AE6 arrangement, and management. . . Op5 London, 1867. Nar. Q. 16+218 p. ill. 3 pi. Orcagna, Andrea di Cione. i329(?)-89(?). See Masselli, Giovanni. II tabernacolo della Madonna d Orsan- AH45 michele, lavoro insigne di A. Orcagna. 1873. ^674 Orcurti, Pietro Camillo, compiler. See Turin (Italy) Reale museo. Catalogo illustrate dei monu- AR62 menti egizii. 1852-55. Ai5 Ordish, T. Fairman, editor. See Camden library. Orelli, Johann Kaspar von, 1787-1849, editor. Inscriptiones Helvetiae. . . Turici, 1844. (In Antiquarische ge- AC sellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1844. v. 2. p. 115-214.) An8 Orfevrerie et ouvrages en metal du moyen-age. 1852. AM4 See [King, T. H.]. K$S Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th e arl of, 1717-97, editor. AW See Vertue, George. 1684-1756. Catalogue of engravers. 1782. V6i Organ fur christliche kunst; organ des christlichen kunst- AB vereins fur Deutschland. Koln, 1851-73. Q. v. 1-23 in 14. Or3 Edited by F. Baudri. v. 1-14. Plates bound together in one volume at end of set. No more published. Der Orient; hauptrouten durch Agypten, Palastina, AH62 Syrien, Turkei, Griechenland. Leipzig, 1881-82. T. 2 v. ill. Ai3 12 pi. 10 maps. (Meyers reisebucher.) Contents: v. i. Agypten. v. 2. Syrian, Palastina, Griechenland und Turkei. 3 maps in pockets at end of volumes. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 733 Oriental translation fund of Great Britain and Ireland. [Publications.] London, 1834. F. ill. pi. RAM RAz. I79o(?)-i833(?). Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. 1834. Orientalisches museum. See Vienna (Austria) Orientalisches museum. Original design book for cornices and draperies. See [Booth, Lorenzo]. Origine della greca architettura della Signora Petralba N. N. [pseud.]. 1818. See [Carcano, Giuseppina]. Orioli, Francesco. Dei sepolcrali edifizi dell Etruria media e in generale dell archi- tettura tuscanica discorso. Fiesole, 1826. F. 76 p. 12 pi. Orlandi, Orazio. Ragionatnento sopra una ara antica posseduta da ... Antonio Casali. . . Roma [1772]. Q. 8+96 p. ill. 2 pi. Orlandi, Pellegrino Antonio. 1660-1727. Abcedario pittorico, nel quale . . . sono descritte le patrie, i maestri, ed i tempi, ne quali siorirono circa quattro mila pro- fessori di pittura, cli scultura e d architettura. . Bologna, 1704. O. 436 p. 5 paged pi. Orleans (France) Societe archeologique et histo= rique de 1 Orleanais. See Societe archeologique et historique de 1 Orleanais. AH54 Ai Orlers, J[an] J[anszoon]. i58o(?) Beschrijvinge der stadt Leyden. . . Leyden, 1641. O. [3o]+738+[i3] P- ill- 3 pi- AI 6641 AH495 Zi AE8 Or4 ANi Or5 AW Or5 AH4Q2 L59 * Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche sammelmappe. AK Leipzig, 1887-94. F. 5 Ser. 1-5 in 2 v. 155 pi. Or6i Contents: Ser. i. HABERMANN, F. X. Rococo. 1887. Ser. 2. HABERMANN, F. X. Rococo-mobel. 1887. Ser. 3. HABERMANN, F. X., and others. Rococo-ornamente. 1893. Ser. 4-5. LEIPZIG (Ger.) KUNSTGEWERBE MUSEUM. Spitzen. 1894. Ornemens de peinture et de sculpture qui sont dans la Galerie d Apollon au chasteau du Louvre. 1710. AK See Berain, Jean, 1674-1726, Chauveau, Francois, 1613-76, and 3452 Le Moine, Jean, 1638-1713. (In Plans, elevations et vues des chateaux du Louvre et des Tuileries. 1669-1710.) 734 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ornemens tires des quatre ecoles. AK Paris [185 5](?). F. 4 v. in 2. 410 pi. Or6 Contents: Ser. i. 200 planches par M. Riester. Ser. 2. 100 planches par E. C. Clerget. Ser. 3. Ornemens des I7 e , i8 e and ig e siecles par Coulo, D "haute], de Wailly et Wagner. Ser. 4. Recueil d ornemens et de meubles dans le style du i6 e siecle par L. Feuchere et J. H. Regnier. Orozco y Berra, Manuel. 1 8 1 6-8 1 . Memoria para el piano de la ciudad de Mexico. . . AH/2 Mexico, 1867. S. 8+231 p. i pi. MS; Orrinsmith, Mrs. [Lucy]. The drawing-room, its decorations and furniture. . . AK London, 1877. D. 12+145 P- M- O r 7 Orsato, Sertorio. 1617-78. Monumenta Patavina. . . AH45 Patavii, 1652. F. [i9]+35 2 +[3o] p. ill. Pi36 Orschall, Johann Christian, 1 7th cent. Sol sine veste ; ou, Trente experiences pour tirer la couleur pour- AN3 pre de Tor . . . traduit de 1 allemand [par P. H. T. Holbach]. (In N35 Neri, Antonio. i6th cent. Art de la verrerie. 1752. p. 471525.) Orsini, Baldassare. 1732-1810. Dissertazione . . . sull arco etrusco della Via Vecchia di Perugia. AC (In Cortona, Italy, Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni C8i accademiche. 1791. v. 9, p. 83-110. 6 pi.) Dizionario universale d architettura e dizionario vitruviano. . . AA Perugia, 1801. O. 2 v. in I. 2 pi. Or8 Orsini, Baldassare, 1732-1810, translator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Dell architettura. 1802. V847 Orsini, Fulvio. 1529-1600. Les collections d antiquites de Fulvio Orsini, par P. de Nolhac. AB (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1884. p. 139-231.) M48 Ortel, Qeorg [Ernst Julius]. 1856-. Beitrage zur alteren geschichte der statuarischen genrebildnerei AO8 bei den Hellenen. . . Leipzig, 1879. O. 48 p. Z3 Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Orth, August. 1828-. Die akustik grosser raume mit speciellem bezug auf kirchen. AJ Berlin, 1872. F. 4 20 p. ill. 5 pi. Or8 From Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1872. Entwurf zu einem bebauungsplan fur Strassburg. . . AH43 Leipzig, 1878. Nar. Q. 84 p. ill. 3 pi. St8i6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 735 Orth, August. 1828-. Der neue Berliner viehmarkt nebst schlachthaus-anlage. (In Zeit- AB schrift fur bauwesen. v. 22, p. 21-38, 157-190. 11 pi.) Z$i Orti, Giovanni Girolamo, conte di Manara. 1803-58. See Manara, Giovanni Girolamo Orti, conte di. 1803-58. Ortwein, August, editor. Deutsche renaissance; eine sammlung von gegenstanden der ar- AD7 chitektur, decoration und kunstgewerbe in original-aufnahmen. . . Or8 Leipzig, 1871-88. F. 4 9 v. Edited after v. 3 by A. Scheffers. Vol. 9 has the title, Deutsche renaissance in Osterreich, v. i ; the original work being complete in 8 v. Orville, Jacques Philippe d . 1696-1751. Sicula, quibus Siciliae veteris rudera, additis antiquitatum tabulis, AR45 illustrantur; edidit et commentarium ad numismata Sicula, xx Siii tabulis aeneis incisa . . . et praefationem adjecit Petrus Burmannus secundus. Amstelaedami, 1764. F. 5 2v.ini. 4+[8i]+675 p. I por. 54pl. Paged continuously. Osborne, C[harles] Francis. Notes on the art of house-planning. AE2 New York, 1888. D. 106 p. ill. Osi Osborne, W. Das beil und seine typischen formen in vorhistorischer zeit; ein AP beitrag zur geschichte des beiles. Dresden, 1887. F. 67 p. 19 pi. Osi [Oscher, Leopold, and Ernst, Leopold. 1808-62.] AH43 Hei[lige] drei konig capelle in Tuln. [Pref. 1847.] Ob2 O Shea, Henry. La tombe basque; etude des monuments et usages funeraires des AE8 Euskariens. . . Pau, 1889. Nar. Q. [3]+78+[i] p. 12 pi. Os2 Osio, Carlo Cesare. Architettura civile demostrativamente proportionata et accresciuta AA di nuove regole . . . e col ritrovamento d un nuovo strumento Os4 angolare. . . Milano, 1661. Nar. Q. [6]+4o6+[6] p. ill. I por. i pi. I4pagedpl. L osservatore fiorentino. 1831. AH45 See [Lastri, Marco]. 1731-. F672 Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi di vetro ornati di figure. 1716. AN3 See [Buonarroti, Filippo. 1661-1733]. B88 Osservazioni sopra Andrea Palladio. 1811. AW See [RigatoTAndrea]. Pi 73 736 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Osservazioni sopra tre dittici antichi d avorio. See [Buonarroti, Filippo. 1661-1733]. (In his Osservazioni sopra AN3 alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi. 1716. p. 229-283.) B88 Osservazioni sopra un frammento antico di bronzo di greco lavoro rappresentante Venere. 1819. AO8 See Cattaneo, Gaetano. I77i(?)-. 29 Ossowski, Godfryd. Prusse royale, traduit du polonais par S. Zaborovvski-Moindron. AR4j Cracovie, 1879. Sq. F. [i5] + i68+6o p. ill. 44 pi. map. (In Ai Cracow, Poland Akademija umieje,tnosci. Monuments pre- historiques de 1 ancienne Pologne. 1879. ser. I.) Osten, Friedrich. -1850. Die bauwerke in der Lombardei vom 7. bis zum 14. jahrhundert. . . AH45 Frankfurt a. Main [1847]. F. 6 [17] p. 48 pi. L83 Text in German and French. Osterreich, Matthias. 1716-78. Description de tout 1 interieur des deux palais de Sans-souci, de AH43 ceux de Potsdam et de Charlottenbourg. . . P84 Potsdam, 1773. Sq. O. [3]+i32 + [i i] p. Osterreichischer Lloyd in Triest. See Triest (Austria) 6sterreichisch=Ungarischer Lloyd. Ostervald, J. F. d , editor. See [La Salle, A. 6. Gigault de]. 1772-1855. Voyage pittoresque AH45 en Sicile. 1822-26. Si 15 Osthoff, Qeorg. Die bader und bade-anstalten der neuzeit, unter besonderer be- AE6 riicksichtigung der schwimm-, wannen-, douche-, dampf- und Os7 heisseluft-bader. . . Leipzig, 1887. O. 8+302 p. 156 ill. incl. 31 paged pi. Otis Brothers and co. [Catalogue of] standard hydraulic . . . steam passenger and freight Al2 elevators . . . also, steam hoisting engines. . . Ot4 [New York] no date. Obi. Q. 46 f. ill. Otis, Calvin N. Sacred and constructive art; its origin and progress; a series of AO essays. New York, 1869. D. 305 p. Ot4 Otte, Heinrich. 1808-. Archaologisches worterbuch zur erklarung der in den schriften AP iiber mittelalterliche kunst vorkommenden kunstausdriicke. Ot8 Leipzig, 1857. D - [4] + 267 p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 737 Otte, Heinrich. 1808-. Geschichte der romanischen baukunst in Deutschland. AD5 Leipzig, 1874. Nar. Q. 8+752 p. 309 ill. 4 pi. Ot8 Grundziige der kirchlichen kunst-archaologie des deutschen AR43 mittelalters ; ein auszug aus dem grosseren werke des verfassers. AlO Leipzig, 1855. O. i2+2io+[2] p. ill. Handbuch der kirchlichen kunst-archaologie des deutschen mittel- AR43 alters. Fiinfte auflage . . . bearbeitet von E. Wernicke. A I Leipzig, 1883-85. O. 2 v. ill. I por. 17 pi. Histoire des arts industriels au moyen-age et a 1 epoque de la AB renaissance par Jules Labarte. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissen- Jip schaft. 1870. v. 3, p. 287-369.) Kurzer abriss einer kirchlichen kunst-archaologie des mittelalters, AP mit besonderer beziehung auf die konigl. preuss. provinz Sachsen. Ot8i Nordhauser, 1842. O. 4+39 p. 3 pi. Zur staurologie und ikonographie des crucifixus. (In Jahrbuch AB der koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 6, p. 164-170.) Otte, Heinrich, 1808-, editor. AB See Zeitschrift fur christliche archaologie und kunst. 1856-58. Z3 Ottin, L[eon Auguste]. AM7 L art defaire un vitrail. Paris, no date. O. 108 p. ill. I pi. Ot8 Ottingen, Wolfgang von. 1859-. liber das leben und die werke des Antonio Averlino, genannt AO Filarete. Leipzig, 1888. O. 7+68 p. (Beitrage zur kunst- 639 geschichte. New ser. pt. 6.) Ottingen, Wolfgang von, 1859-, editor and translator. See Filarete, A. Averlino, called. I4io(?)~7o(?). Tractat iiber die A A baukunst. 1890. F47 Ottley, William Young. 1771-1836. . . . Catalogue of ... [his] collection of engravings . . . sold . . . AO7 1 7th of May, 1837 and thirteen following days . . . [and ioth of Ot8 July, 1837 an d five following days . . .] London [1837]. O. 2 v. in I. Notices of engravers and their works . . . the commencement of a AW new dictionary which it is not intended to continue. . . Ot8 London, 1831. Nar. Q. Unpaged. Otto, Heinrich, and Stockbauer, Jacob. Die antiken thongefasse in ihrer bedeutung fur die moderne AN2 gefassindustrie. 1876. St6 47 738 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Otto, Heinrich Friedrich, 1692-1730, and Schamel, J. M. 1668-1742.] Thuringia sacra; sive, Historia monasteriorum quae olim in AR43 Thuringia floruerunt . . . accedunt S. Reyheri Monumenta land- T42 graviorum Thuringiae et marchionum Misniae, aucta et emendata. . . [Anon.] Francofurti, 1737. F. 4 [io]+956+[i8] p. ill. 103 pi. I tab. Half-title page reads Novum volumen scriptorum rerum Germanicarum. Otzen, Johannes. Die St. Johanniskirche in Altona. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 27, p. 7-1 8. 7 pi.) Z3i Otzen, Johannes, editor. AB See Baukunst des mittelalters. 1880-83. 632 Oudin, J., cure de Bourron. Archeologie chretienne, religieuse, civile et militaire. 3 e edition. AP Bruxelles, 1847. D. 381 p. and Atlas. O. 12 pi. Ou2 Ouin=Lacroix, Ch[arles], abbe, 1817-. Histoire des anciennes corporations d arts et metiers et des con- AX freries religieuses de la capitale de la Normandie. Ou4 Rouen, 1850. O. 12+763 p. 29 pi. Oulton, W[alley] C[hamberlain]. Traveller s guide; or, English itinerary ... a complete topography AH42 of England and Wales. .. [London] 1805. D. 2 v. 22 pi. map. A4i Our national cathedrals . . . their history and architecture AH42 from their foundation to modern times, with special accounts of A$4 modern restorations. . . London, 1887-89. O. 3 v. ill. 187 pi. Ouradou, Maurice. See Viollet-Ie-Duc, E. E. 1814-79. Peintures murales des cha- AH44 pelles de Notre-Dame de Paris executees sur . . . [ses] cartons, P3i6 relevees par M. Ouradou. 1870. Outline engravings and descriptions of the Woburn abbey marbles. 1822. AH42 See [Bedford, John Russell, 6th duke ofj. 1766-1839. W8i Ouvaroff, Alexis. See Uvarov, Aleksei Sergeivich, count. Oven, A. H. E. von. Das erste stadtische theater zu Frankfurt a. M., ein beitrag zur AC ausseren geschichte des Frankfurter theaters, 1751-1872, nach F85 den acten bearbeitet. Frankfurt am Main, 1872. F. [8] + i2O+[i] p. 2 pi. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur ge schichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1872.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 739 Oven, [A. H. E.] von, and Becker, [Jakob]. 1820- Die kapelle der H. Katharina auf der Mainbriicke zu Frankfurt AC mit gleichartigen stiftungen des christlichen mittelalters. Frank- F85 furt am Main, 1880. F. [4] + 26 p. 3 pi. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neu- jahrs-blatt. 1 880.) Oven, [A. H. E.] von, and Olsner, L[udwig]. 1831-. Die entwicklung der Gesellschaft zur beforderung niitzlicher AC kiinste und deren hiilfswissenschaften (Polytechnische gesellschaft) F85 in Frankfurt am Main; zwei vortrage . . . zur einweihungsfeier des . . . gesellschaftshauses . . . am 15. Juni 1879: I, Einweihungs- worte des Prasidenten . . . von Oven; 2, Historischer iiberlick iiber die Gesellschaft von . . . L Olsner. Frankfurt am Main, 1879. F. 21 p. 2 pi. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1879.) Over, Charles. Ornamental architecture in the Gothic, Chinese and modern AN8 taste . . . designs for gardens, parks, forests, woods, canals. . . Ov2 London [1758]. D. 8 p. 54 pi. Overall, William Henry. 1829-. Some account of the ward of Vintry and of the Vintners com- AC pany. (In London and Middlesex archaeological society. Trans- L84 actions. 1870. v. 3^.404-431.) Overbeck, [Johann] Friedrich. 1789-1869. Darstellungen aus den Evangelien, nach vierzig originalzeich- AM6 nungen. . . Diisseldorf [1850-55]. Obi. F. 4 Unpaged, 40 pi. Ov2 Text in Latin and German. Overbeck, J[ohannes Adolf]. 1826-. Geschichte der griechischen plastik. 3. aufl. . . AO8 Leipzig, 1881-82. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. pi. Ov2 Geschichte der griechischen plastik. 4. aufl. AO8 Leipzig, 1893. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 37 pi. 10 paged pi. Ov2i Kunstarchaologische vorlesungen im anschluss an das Akade- AO8 mische kunstmuseum in Bonn. Braunschweig, 1853. O. 8+220 p. Z3 . . . Miscellanea archaeologica patrio sermone scripta. AO8 Lipsiae [i88;(?)]. Q. 35 P- ill. ^5 Leipzig (Ger.) university. Programm. Pompeji in seinen gebauden, alterthiimern und kunstwerken fur AR45 kunst- und alterthumsfreunde. 3. aufl. . . P/75 Leipzig, 1875. Nar. Q. 16+580 p. ill. 26 pi. map. Die romische villa bei Weingarten. . . [Anon.] AP Bonn, 1851. Q. 18 p. I pi. W723 Winckelmanns geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1851. 740 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Oyerbeck, J[ohannes Adolf], 1826-. Uber die lade des Kypselos. AX Leipzig, 1865. Q. p. 591-674. ill. I pi. Ov2 From Leipsic (Ger.) Siichsische gesellschaft der wiss. Abhandlungen der phil.-hist. classe. v. 4. Overbeek, Bonaventuur van. 1660-1706. Reliquiae antiquae urbis Romae . . . opus postumum, M. ab AKLj.5 Overbeke suis sumptibus edi curavit. R678i Amstelaedami, 1708. F. 6 3 v. in I. I por. 148 pi. map. Les restes de 1 ancienne Rome . . . imprime aux depens de M. AH45 d Overbeke. Amsterdam, 1709. F. 6 3 v. por. 148 pi. map. R678 Stampe degli avanzi dell antica Roma . . . rinovate . . . e accre- AH45 sciute da Giacomo Amiconi. R6782 London, 1739. Sq. F. 6 [5] p. I por. 140 pi. Overbeek, Michael van, editor. See Overbeek, Bonaventuur van. 1660-1706. Reliquiae anti- AH45 quae urbis Romae. 1708. R678i See Overbeek, Bonaventuur van. 1660-1706. Les restes de AH45 1 ancienne Rome. 1709. R678 Overbeke, Bonaventure d . 1660-1706. See Overbeek, Bonaventuur van. 1660-1706. Overbeke, Michel d . See Overbeek, Michael van. Overstraeten, Henri Desire Louis van. 1818-49. Architectonographie des temples chretiens; ou, Etude . . . des AE differents systemes d architecture applicables a la construction des Ov2 eglises, specialement en Belgique, precedee d une introduction sur 1 architecture religieuse de 1 antiquite. Malines, 1850. Nar. Q. 12+96+369 p. ill. I por. Owen, Rev. Elias. Old stone crosses of the vale of Clwyd and neighbouring parishes AR429 . . . with some account of the ancient manners and customs and Wi4 legendary lore. . . London [pref. 1886]. Q. 2o8+33 + [6] p. ill. 8 pi. Owen, Walter Tallant. AH42 Bits of Canterbury cathedral. New York, 1891. O. 24 pi. Ci63 Oxford (Eng.) university Ashmolean museum. Catalogue of the Greek vases in the Ashmolean museum, by AN2 P. Gardner. Oxford, 1893. F. 4 9+[i]+43 P- ill- 27 pi. (Mu- 0x2 seum Oxoniense.) No. 85 of 350 copies printed. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 741 Oxford delineated; or, A sketch of the history and anti- AH42 quities ... of that celebrated university and city, illustrated by ... 0x34 views drawn and engraved by J. Whessell. Oxford, 1831. Q. 88 p. ill. 24 pi. 2 maps. Oxford society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture, publisher. See [Addington, Henry]. Some account of the abbey church of AH42 St. Peter and St. Paul at Dorchester, Oxfordshire. 1845. See Butterfield, William. Elevations, sections and details of Saint AH42 John Baptist church at Shottesbroke, Berkshire. 1844. Sh8 See Parker, J. H. 1806-84. Guide to the architectural anti- AR42 quities in the neighbourhood of Oxford. 1846. Ox2 See Prichard, John. Views of Minster Lovell church, Oxford- AH42 shire. 1850. M66 See [Weare, T. W.]. Some remarks upon the church of Great AH42 Haseley, Oxfordshire; read at a meeting of the Oxford society. H2/ 1848. Oxonia depicta. 1732-33. AH42 See Williams, William. 0x32 47* p. Rome, histoire de ses monuments, anciens et modernes. . . AH45 Citeaux, 1890. O. [3] + 3i6 p. 2 pi. maps. R;7i8 P., I. M. B. AR 4 2 See Pigott, I. M. B. History of the city of Chester. 1815. 42 Pabst, Arthur, 1852-, editor. Kirchen-mobel des mittelalters und der neuzeit. . . ANi Frankfurt am Main, 1893. F. 5 [4] p. 30 pi. PII See Kunstgewerbeblatt. 1885-89. AB Z3I21 See Oppenheim, Albert, freiherr von. Keramische sammlung. AN2 [1889.] Ops Paciaudi, Paolo Maria. 1710-85. Delle antichita di Ripatransona; dissertazione. AR 4 5 [Geneva (?) 1836 (?)] S. 144 p. ill. 14 pi. R48 Monumenta Peloponnesia commentariis explicata. AR495 Romae, 1761. Q. 2 v. in i. ill. 2 pi. A23 Packe, Jose Mac. See Mac Packe, Jose, a bricklayer s labourer, pseudonym of James Peacock. i738(?)-i8i4. Paesti quod Posidoniam etiam dixere rudera. 1784. AH45 See [Paoli, P. A. I72o~9o(?)]. Pi3i2 Paganis, Marco Pagan de . Cornici di terracotta in Bologna. . . AI Torino, 1880. F. 4 [4] p. 16 pi. Pi4 Pagano, Niccola. Guida di Pompei estratta da tutte le opere piu insigni finora pub- AR45 blicate sulle rovine della distrutta citta. 5 a ed. P8n Napoli, 1873. D. 136 p. Page, J[ames]. Guide for drawing the acanthus and every description of orna- AK mental foliage. London, 1840. D. 11+264 p. ill. 59 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 743 [Paget, Rev. Francis Edward. 1806-82.] Tract upon tomb-stones; or, Suggestions for the consideration of AH42 persons intending to set up that kind of monument to the memory A$2 of deceased friends. . . [Anon.] Rugeley, 1843. O. 25 p. 7 pi. Pagliarini, Giuseppe. Intorno i ristauri praticati nella facciata della chiesa metropolitana AH45 di Ferrara; memoria in risposta ad una nota del Signore . . . Conte M58I2 Cammillo Laderchi. Firenze, 1844. O. 10 p. i Paillet, J. M., and Silvestre, J. B., 1791-1869. Lettres, chififres et armes, tires des principales bibliotheques de AK 1 Europe. 1863. 8131 Pailloux, Xavier. Monographic du temple de Salomon. . . AH569 Paris, 1885. F. 5 i2+4io+[>] p. ill. 26 pi. J497 Descriptions of the plates unpaged. No. 229 of 650 copies printed. Pain, William. Builder s companion and workman s general assistant; demon- AA strating . . . the principal rules of architecture. . . Pi6 London, 1758. F. 4 [6]+8i p. 77 pi. Practical builder; or, Workman s general assistant . . . rules of AA carpentry . . . with plans ... of gentlemen s and farm-houses, Pi6i barns, etc. $th e d. . . London, 1793. Q. unpaged. 83 pi. Pain, William, and Pain, James. British Palladio; or, Builder s general assistant, demonstrating in AI the most easy. . . method all the principal rules of architecture. . . Pi 6 London, 1788. F. 5 4+ 14 p. 42 pi. Paine, James. 1725-89. Plans, elevations . . . and other ornaments of the mansion-house AH42 belonging to the corporation of Doncaster. 071 London, 1751. F. 5 5+3 p. 21 pi. Plans, elevations and sections of noblemen and gentlemen s houses AH42 and . . . of stabling, bridges . . . temples. . . Ai5 London, 1767. F. 6 [i3] + i6-f[3] p. Pairault, A. Architecture religieuse: Autels moyen-age [chaires a precher, ANi fonts baptismaux, saintes tables]. Pi6 Dourdan (Seine et Oise) no date. Sq. F. 4 75 pi. Le palais de Scaurus. 1822. AH45 See [Mazois, C. F. 1783-1826]. R77 744 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Le palais du Trocadero. . . Paris, 1878. D. 3+205 p. AH44 ill. 1 1 pi. (Paris, France Exposition universelle. 1878.) P25 Le palais Pompeien ; etudes sur la maison greco-romaine, ancienne residence du Prince Napoleon. 1866. AH44 See Gautier, Theophile, 1811-72, Houssaye, Arsene, 1815-, and P333 Coligny, Charles. Palast=architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana vom AH45 15. bis 17. jahrhundert. Berlin, 1886-88. F. 6 v. 1-2. 200 pi. A8 Contents: v. i. Genua, hrsg. von R. Reinhardt. v. 2. Toscana, hrsg. von J. C. Raschdorft. Palazzi di Geneva. 1622. AH45 See Rubens, Sir P. P. 0284 Palazzo di giustizia in Torino. 1841. See Michela, Ignazio. Descrizione e disegni del palazzo dei AH45 magistrati supremi di Torino. 1841. T845 II palazzo municipale di Brescia illustrate. 1862. AH45 See [Castellini, T.]. 675 Paley, Frederick] Afpthorp]. 1816-88. Church restorers; a tale, treating of ancient and modern architec- AH42 ture and church decorations. London, 1844. D. io+[2]+i96p. Ai43 Manual of Gothic architecture. London, 1846. S. 12+304 p. ill. AD6 Pi 7 Manual of Gothic mouldings; a practical treatise on their forma- AI tions . . . development, combinations and varieties. . . Pi 7 London, 1845. O- 8+[i]+72 p. 16 pi. Palgrave, F[rancis] T[urner], 1824. On the theory of design in architecture. (In Fine arts quarterly AB review, v. I, p. 114-124.) F49 Sir Charles Lock Eastlake. (In Fine arts quarterly review. New AB ser. v. i, p. 52-79.) F49 Palissy, Bernard. i5io(?)-9o. QEuvres completes . . . avec des notes et une notice historique par AN2 P. A. Cap. Paris, 1844. D. 39+437 P- Pl 7 Les ceuvres de . . . Palissy. Nouvelle edition revue sur les textes AN2 originaux par B. Fillon, avec une notice historique, bibliogra- Pi/i phique et iconologique par L. Audiat. Niort, 1888. O. 2 v. ill. I paged pi. Contents: v. i. Recepte veritable par laquelle tous les hommes de la France pourront apprendre a multiplier et augmenter leurs thre sors. v. 2. Discours admirables de la nature des eaux et fontaines. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 745 Palladio, Andrea. 1518-80. L antichita di Roma, raccolta breuemente da gli autori antichi AR45 e moderni. (In Le cose meravigliose. 1574. .65-96.) ^693 Due scritture: la prima sopra il duomo di Brescia, la seconda AW circa un ponte . . . di Belluno. . . (In Temanza, Tommaso. Vita Pi/2 di Andrea Palladio. 1762. p. [9i]-ioo.) Le fabbriche e i disegni, raccolti ed illustrati da O. B. Scamozzi, AL2 con la traduzione francese. Pi7 Vicenza, 1776-83. F. 6 4 v. i por. 210 pi. Le fabbriche e i disegni, raccolti ed illustrati da O. B. Scamozzi. AL2 2da ed. Vicenza, 1786. F. 5 4 v. I por. 210 pi. Pi 71 First book of architecture, translated out of Italian, with an ap- AA pendix touching doors and windows by P. Le Muet, translated Pi72 out of French by G. Richards. London, 1663. Sq. D. [8] + 228 p. I quattro libri dell architettura, ne quali dopo un breve trattato AA de cinque ordini ... si tratta delle case private, delle vie, dei ponti, Pi 7 delle piazze, dei xisti e de tempii. Venetia, 1616. F. 4 v. in I. ill. Les quatre livres de 1 architecture, mis en francois [par Roland AA Freard de Chantelou, sieur de Chambray]. . . Pi 73 Paris, 1650. F. [4]+329+[5] p. ill. 164 paged pi. Studio elementare degli ordini di architettura, pubblicato da AA G. B. Berti. Milano, 1818. Q. 55 p. 28 pi. Pi7i Le terme dei Romani . . . ripubblicate con la giunta di alcune AE6 osservazioni da O. B. Scamozzi. . . Pi 7 Vicenza, 1785. F. 5 32 p. i por. 25 pi. Pallas. 1883-. AC See Magdeburg (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe-verein. M27 Palliser, Palliser and co. Common sense school architecture, illustrating the . . . warming AE6 and ventilation, and the . . . planning, arrangement and sanitary Pi 72 construction of school buildings for American cities, towns and villages. . . New York, 1889. F. iio+[2] p. ill. 87 paged pi. Palliser, Mrs. [Fanny] Bury [(Marryat)]. -1878. Brittany and its byways; some account of its inhabitants and its AH44 antiquities during a residence in that country. ^772 London, 1869. O. 10+3 14 p. ill. Palliser, Mrs. Fanny Bury (Marryat), -1878, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Descriptive catalogue AN6 of the lace in the . . . Museum by Mrs. Bury Palliser. 1873. So8i 746 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Palliser, Mrs. Fanny [Bury (Marryat)], -1878, and Palliser, M. A. Mottoes for monuments; or, Epitaphs selected for study or appli- AX cation. London, 1872. D. [8] + i56p. ill. 8 pi. Pi7 Pallu, Henri. Dissertation sur 1 antiquite d une des verrieres de la cathedrale du AB Mans representant la legende de St.-Protais et St.-Gervais. (In B87 Bulletin monumental, v. 7, p. 359-375.) Palm, Q. Von welchen principien soil die wahl des baustyls, insbesondere AE des kirchenbaustyls geleitet werden? Z8 Hamburg, 1845. O. [3]+92 p. Palmer, Alfred Neobard. History of the parish church of Wrexham, being the second part AH42Q of "A history of the town and parish of Wrexham." Wg2 Wrexham [1886]. O. [i3]+232+[4o] p. 4 pi. Palmer, C[harles] J. -1868. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of etchings and engravings, con- AO7 taining . . . specimens of the works of the most renowned ancient Pi8 and modern artists . . . sold . . . 1 8th of May 1868 and four follow ing days. London, 1868. Q. [3] +68 p. Palmer, Charles John. 1805-82. Illustrations of domestic architecture in England during the reign AH42 of Queen Elizabeth, as exemplified in the interior of the residence Y2 of John Danby Palmer, situated in ... Great Yarmouth . . . Nor folk. . . London, 1838. F. 4 25 + [io] p. i por. 43 pi. Palmer, Samuel. St. Pancras: being antiquarian, topographical, and biographical AH42 memoranda relating to the . . . parish of St. Pancras, Middlesex. . . Sa25 London, 1870. O. 322 p. ill. Palustre, Leon. 1838-94. L ancienne cathedrale de Rennes. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 43, AB 44, 46, 48, 49.) B87 L ancienne cathedrale de Rennes, son etat au milieu du i8 e AH44 siecle. . . Paris, 1844. O. 212 p. ill. 6 pi. R29 Etude sur 1 eglise Saint-Symphorien de Tours. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 39, p. 48-74.) B87 Maisons de la Renaissance. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et AR44 monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. i, p. 147-155. ill. pi.) P75 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 747 Palustre, Leon, 1838-94. Melanges d art et d archeologie. AO Paris, 1886-87. F. v. 1-2. 60 pi. Pi8 Contents: v. i. PALUSTRE, LEON, and BARBIER DE MONTAULT, XAVIER. Le trdsor de Treves. v. 2. PALUSTRE, LEON, and BARBIER DE MONTAULT, XAVIER. Orfevrerie et e maillerie limousines. Monographic de 1 eglise Saint-Clement de Tours, precedee d une AH44 notice historique par Leon Lhuillier; dessins par Henry Nodet. T64I Tours, 1887. Q. 4+ 1 38+ [i] p. ill. 16 pi. Les monuments de 1 Indre. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 39, AB p. I75-I94-) B8; La renaissance en France, dessins et gravures sous la direction de AH44 Eugene Sadoux. Paris, 1879-85. F. 5 3 v. ill. 65 pi. Thouars, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 8. 24 p. ill. 12 pi.) P75 Palustre, L[eon], 1838-94, and Barbier de Montault, X[avier], 1830- Orfevrerie et emaillerie limousines. Paris [1887]. F. v. i. ill. AO 30 pi. (Palustre, Leon. Melanges d art et d archeologie. Pi 8 1887. v. 2.) Contents: v. i. Pieces expose"es a Limoges en 1886. Le tre sor de Treves. Paris [1886]. F. 8+60+ [3] p. 30 pi. AO (Palustre, Leon. Melanges d art et d archeologie. 1886. v. i.) Pi 8 [Pancaldi, Carlo.] La statua ed altri monumenti antichi scavati a Macretolo tra Fer- AP rara e Bologna. [Anon.] Bologna, 1839. O. 44+ [2] p. 4 pi. Zi Pangkofer, Jos[eph] Ansfelm]. 1804-54. AH43 Walhalla. . . Regensburg, 1842. Sq. F. 4 14+ [4] p. 2 pi. R26 Panofka, Theodor [Sigismund]. 1800-58. AP Antikenkranz. Berlin, 1845. Q- HP- l pi- W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 5. Atalante und Atlas; antikenkranz. Berlin, 1851. Q. i8p. i pi. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. n. Delphi und Melaine; antikenkranz. AP Berlin, 1849. Q. 16 p. I ill. I pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 9. Griechinnen und Griechen nach antiken. AN4 Berlin, 1844. F. 28 p. 3 pi. Pi9 748 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Panofka, Theodor [Sigismund]. 1800-58. Musee Blacas: monumens grecs, etrusques et remains. AN2 Paris, 1829. F. 6 v. I. [4]+p6 p. 32 pi. PIQI Contents: v. i. Vases peints. No more published. Perseus und die Graa, Malachisch auf etruskischen spiegeln, Der AO bartige kopf auf nymphenreliefs, erlautert. Z3 Berlin, 1847. Q- 2 5 P- 5 pi- From Berlin (Ger.) Akademie der wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. 1846. Phocus und Antiope; antikenkranz. Berlin, 1855. Q. 13 p. i pi. AP W/22 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 15. Poseidon Basileus und Athene Sthenias; nebst einem vorwort zu AP einem vasenbild der Kerkopen. Berlin, 1857. Q- I2 pi- l P^- W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 17. Recherches sur les veritables noms des vases grecs et sur leurs AN2 differens usages. . . Paris, 1829. F. 6 64 p. 9 pi. Pi9 Zeus Basileus und Herakles Kallinikos. . . AP Berlin, 1847. Q- I2 P- l pi- ^722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 7. Zur erklarung des Plinius; antikenkranz. AP Berlin, 1853. Q. 22 p. i pi. W"722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 13. Panofka, Theodor Sigismund, 1800-58, compiler. See Pourtales-Qorgier, J. A., comte de. Antiques . . . [de son] AO2 cabinet. 1834. P86 Panofka, Theodor [Sigismund], 1800-58, and Ger hard, F. W. E., 1795-1867. Ausgrabungs-berichte. (In Gerhard, F. W. E., comp. Hyper- AP boreisch-romische studien fur archaologie. 1833-52. v. I, G^l p. 85-242.) Panoramic view from Bunker Hill Monument. 1848. AE8 See Smillie, James. 1807-85. Sm4 Pantheon nationale. See La Belgique monumentale. 1844. Pantheum mythicum ; seu, Fabulosadeorumhistoria. 1717. AX See Pomey, F. A. 1619-73. ?77 Paoletti, Pietro. L architettura e la scultura del rinascimento in Venezia; ricerche AH45 storico-artistiche. Venezia, 1893. F. 6 2 v. ill. 186 pi. (Storia V583 dell arte a Venezia.) No. 34 of 500 copies printed. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 749 [Paoli, Paolo Antonio. i72o~9o(?).] Antichita di Pozzuoli, [Cuma e Baja. Anon.] AR45 [Napoli, 1798.]. F. 6 Unpaged. 68 pi. P8;i Has also title Avanzi delle antichitii esistenti a Pozzuoli, Cuma e Baja. Title-page and text in Italian and Latin. Delia citta di Pesto dissertazioni. See, below, Paesti, quod Posi- AH45 doniam etiam dixere, rudera. 1784. Pi 3 12 Paestanae dissertationes. See, below, Paesti, quod Posidoniam AH45 etiam dixere, rudera. 1784. Pi 3 12 Paesti, quod Posidoniam etiam dixere, rudera. AH45 Romae, 1784. F. 6 181 p. 45 pi. map. Pi3i2 Puteolanae antiquitates. AR45 See, above, Antichita di Pozzuoli, Cuma e Baja. 1798. P87I Title-page in Italian and Latin. Rovine della citta di Pesto, detta Ancora Posidonia. AH45 See, above, Paesti, quod Posidoniam etiam dixere, rudera. 1784. Pi3i2 [Paolini, Roberto.] Memorie sui monumenti di antichita e di belle arti ch esistono in AR45 Miseno, in Baoli, in Baja ... in Napoli ... in Pompei, ed in Ai Pesto. [Anon.] Napoli, 1812. Q. 10+346 p. Edited by F. Nicolas. Papaver. 1713. See [Lochner von Hummelstein, M. F. 1662-1720]. MYjXtovoTrai- AX sive, Papaver. 1713. L78 Pape, Jean. 1849- ANi Der mobeltischler der renaissance. Dresden, no date. F. 7 60 pi. Pi9 Details of decoration for furniture. Pape, Jean, 1849- editor. See Praktisches skizzen-buch fur fassaden- und innen-decora- AB tionen. [1892.] P88 Papworth, Edgar George. Original sculptural designs. . . AO8 [London, i84o(?)] F. 6 [3] p. 25 pi. Pi9 Papworth, John Buonarotti, collector, 1775-1847. AK [Tracings.] F. 5 66 p. Pi9 Numerous tracings chiefly of ornament, mounted on 66 pages in scrap-book; probably collected by Papworth. Papworth, John W[oody]. 1820-70. On an aesthetic principle in decoration. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1861-62, p. 179-192.) R8i 750 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Papworth, John W[oody]. 1820-70. On artistic ecclesiastic decoration as exhibited in a collection of AA designs made about the middle of the last century. (In Quarterly Q2 papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - l - 3 2 P-) Papworth, Wyatt. Attempt to determine the periods, in England, when fir, deal, AC and house painting were first introduced . . . (In Royal institute R8i of British architects. Papers. 1857-58, p. 1-13.) John B. Papworth; a brief record of his life and works. . . AW London, 1879. O. 140 p. I por. Pig Notes on the superintendents of English buildings in the middle AC ages. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. R8i 1887. n.s. v. 3, p. 185-234.) On the superintendents of English buildings in the middle ages; AC collections for an historical account of masons, their customs, R8i institutions, etc. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1861-62, p. 37-64.) Professor Donaldson. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1885. n.s. v. 2, p. 96-108. 4 pi.) R8i Renaissance and Italian styles of architecture in Great Britain, their introduction and development shown by a series of dated examples. . . London, 1883. O. 8+43 P- Paquot, Oscar Edmond Ris=. 1835-. See Ris-Paquot, Oscar Edmond. 1835-. Parallele de 1 architecture antique et de la moderne. 1 702. See [Chambray, Roland Freard de Chantelou, sieur de, -1676, A A and Errard, Charles, 1606-89]. 351 Parasole, Signora Elisabetta Catanea. fl. 1597. Musterbuch fiir stickereien und spitzen. Berlin, 1891. See, below, AN6 Teatro delle nobili et virtuose donne, dove si rappresentano varij P2I disegni di lauori. 1616. Studio delle virtuose dame. Roma, Antonio Facchetti, 1597. AK London, 1884. Obi. D. [5] f. 33 pi. (Quaritch s reprints of rare Q2 books; B. Quaritch, ed. v. 2.) Teatro delle nobili et virtuose donne, dove si rappresentano varij AN6 disegni di lauori nouamente inuentati et disegnati da Elisabetta P2I Catanea Parasole. Roma, 1616. Obi. O. [2] +2 f. 44 pi. Facsimile reproduction, Berlin, 1891. Parasole, Signora Isabella, fl. 1597. See Parasole, Signora Elisabetta Catanea. fl. 1597. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 751 Paravicini, Tito Vespasiano. II Palazzo Marino, ora sede del municipio di Milano ; opera di AH45 Galeazzo Alessi di Perugia. Dresden, no date. F. 5 [4] p. 14 pi. M586 Die renaissance-architektur der Lombardei. AH45 Dresden [1877-78]. F. 5 12 p. ill. 50 pi. L83I Translated into German by R. Koppel. Title-page also in Italian and French. Sull arte degli antichi Egizi conferenze, tenute nel salone dei AR62 giardini pubblici . . . 1875. Milano, 1875. D. 39 p. 4 pi. Z Paravicini, Tito Vespasiano, continuer. See Selvatico, P. [E.]. 1803-80. Le arti del disegno in Italia; AO storia e critica. 1879. v. 3. Se4 Pardiac, Jean Baptiste, abbe, 1818- Histoire de Saint-Jacques le Majeur et du pelerinage de Compo- AB stelle. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 6, 7.) K-324 Notice sur les cloches de Bordeaux et en particulier sur celle AB de 1 eglise Notre-Dame. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 24, 687 p. 227-273.) Pardoe, [Julia S. H.]. i8o6(?)-62. Beauties of the Bosphorous . . . illustrated . . . from original draw- AH496 ings by W. H. Bartlett. . . C766 London [1839]. Q. 164 p. I por. 78 pi. I map. Parentalia. 1 750. AW See Wren, Christopher. 1675-1747. W92I Paris, [Antoine] Louis. 1802-87. Toiles peintres et tapisseries de la ville de Reims, ou la mise en AM8 scene du theatre des Confreres de la passion; planches dessinees ... P2i par C. Leberthais. . . Paris, 1843. Q. 2 v. ill. and Atlas, F. 6 32 pi. Paris, Pierre. 1859-. La sculpture antique. Nouv. ed. Paris [pref. 1888]. O. 352 p. AO8 ill. (Bibliotheque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts: publiee ... P2I9 J. Comte.) Paris architecte; revue mensuelle. AB Paris, 1865-69. Q. v. 1-3. pi. P2i Edited by E. F. Le Preux. Paris dans sa splendeur; monuments, vues, scenes histo- AH44 riques, descriptions et histoire; dessins et lithographies par Philippe P223 Benoist . . . tcxte par MM. Audiganne. . . Paris, 1 86 1. F. 5 3 v. ill. 99 pi. 752 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Paris (France) Assistance publique, Administra tion generate de P. Rapport sur les hopitaux civils de la ville de Londres au point de AH42 vue de la comparaison de ces etablissements avec les hopitaux de 1^927 la ville de Paris, par [C. F.] Blondel et L. Ser. Paris, 1862. F. 238 p. ill. Paris (France) Assistance publique, Administra= tion generate de P, publisher. AE6 See Husson, J. C. A. 1809-74. Etude sur les hopitaux. 1862. Paris (France) Bibliotheque nationale. See Babelon, Ernest [Charles Francois]. 1854-. Le cabinet des AO4 antiques a la Bibliotheque nationale ; choix des principaux monu- Bi I ments de 1 antiquite, du moyen-age et de la renaissance. 1887. Paris (France) Cercle de la librairie. Catalogue de 1 Exposition de gravures anciennes et modernes, 4 AO7 juillet 1 88 1 [redige par Georges Duplessis]. P2i Paris, 1 88 1. F. 32+20+40 p. ill. 30 pi. DUPLESSIS, G. V. A. G. 1834-. Coup d oeil sur 1 histoire de la gravure. DAVANNE, A. 1824-. La photographic et les arts graphiques. CATALOGUE de 1 Exposition retrospective. Many illustrated advertising pages. Paris (France) Conseil municipal, publisher. See Histoire generale de Paris. 1866-87. r Paris (France) Ecole des beaux=arts. AI Cours d architecture. 1871-72. No title-page. F. 403 p. ill. Ec7 Lithographed facsimile of the ms. See Boussard, Jean. 1844-. Concours de 1 Ecole des beaux-arts. AO 1874-75. B662 s Paris (France) Ecole des beaux=arts Bibliotheque. Catalogue methodique par E. Vinet, public sous les auspices du AO Ministre de 1 instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux-arts. P2i Paris, 1873. Nar. Q. i3 + [i]+256p. Paris (France) Ecole des beaux=arts Exposition. 1881. Tentures artistiques; catalogue illustre. AN Paris, 1 88 1. Nar. Q. i24+[i] p. 26 pi. Ec7 Paris (France) Exposition retrospective de Part japonais. See Qonse, Louis. 1846-. Catalogue de 1 Exposition retrospective AO de 1 art japonais. 1883. ^582 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 753 Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1855. Exhibition of art-industry in Paris. AO [London, 1855.] F. 20+46 p. ill. Ar/i Contents: Exhibition of art and art-industry. 1853. Exhibition of art-industry in Dublin. 1853. Published in connection with the Art journal. Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1867. L architecture des nations etrangeres; etude sur les principales A A constructions du pare a 1 Exposition, par A. Normand. P2I Paris, 1870. F. 5 27 + [2] p. ill. 73 pi. Illustrated catalogue of the Universal exhibition, published with AO4 the "Art journal" [by S. C. Hall]. P2i London, [pref. 1868]. F. 12 + 331 p. ill. 12 pi. Illustrirter katalog der Pariser industrie-ausstellung von 1867. AO4 Leipzig, 1868. F. 7+35O+[2] p. ill. P2io Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1878. L album de 1 Exposition par Gliicq. . . AO4 Paris [1879]. F. 5 238 p. 104 pi. P2i6 Les chefs-d oeuvre d art a 1 Exposition, sous la direction de E. AO4 Bergerat. Paris, 1878. F. 5 2v.ini. ill. 40 pi. P2H Le palais du Trocadero. 1878. AH44 P2 5 Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. L art decorative a 1 Exposition: Ameublement, tapisserie, bronzes, AO4 orfevrerie. . . Paris, 1 890. F. 5 60 pi. P2 1 8 Les beaux-arts et les arts decoratifs; 1 art frangais retrospectif au AO4 Trocadero . . . public sous la direction de L .Gonse et A. de P2I3 Lostalot Paris, no date. F. 592 p. ill. 33 pi. Constructions elevees au Champ de Mars par Ch. Gamier, pour AE2 servir a 1 histoire de 1 habitation humaine; texte . . . par F. P2i Jourdain. Paris, no date. F. 5 20+ [3] p. ill. 23 pi. Les constructions francaises et etrangeres reunies par L. Farge; AO4 pavilions, edicules, portes monumentales, etc. P22I Paris, 1889. F. 4 28 p. 80 pi. La decoration et 1 art industriel a 1 Exposition [par] R. Marx. AO4 Paris, 1890. F. 60 p. ill. P2I9 Read at a meeting of the Socie te centrale des architectes, 17 th June, 1890. L Exposition de Paris, 1889, publiee avec la collaboration d ecri- AO4 vains speciaux. . . Paris, 1889. F. 4 4 v. in 2, ill. pi. P2I2 Frise interieure du dome central du Palais des expositions AO4 diverses; reproduction phototypique de Berthaud freres. P22 Paris, 1889. F. 5 24 pi. 48 754 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Palais, jardins, constructions diverses, installations generates; AO4 monographic par A. Alphand, en collaboration avec ses chefs de P222 service, MM. Bechmann, Bouvard . . . et avec le concours de G. Berger et de MM. Sedille et Vigreux; publication . . . sous la direction de A. Picard. Paris, 1892. F. 7 164 pi. Published by Ministere du Commerce et de 1 industrie. Paris (France) Institut Academic des beaux=arts. Grands prix d architecture [1804-31]; projets couronnes par AL2 1 Academie royale des beaux-arts de France, graves et publics par Gj6l A. L. T. Vaudoyer et L. P. Baltard. Paris, 1818-34. F 6 2 v. 242 pi. Grands prix d architecture; projets couronnes par 1 Academie AL2 royale des beaux-arts de France. Liege, 1842. F. 6 [3] p. 141 pi. G/6 Reponse [au] Ministre de la maison de 1 empereur et des beaux- AO arts. [Paris, 1864.] O. 8 p. F46 Memoire pour 1 Academie. [Paris, 1863.] O. 42 p. AO F46 Paris (France) Intime club. See Intime club. Paris (France) Musee des Thermes et de 1 Hotel de Cluny. See Musee des Thermes et de 1 Hotel de Cluny (Paris). Paris (France) Musee Napoleon III. Choix de monuments antiques pour servir a 1 histoire de 1 art en A04 Orient et en Occident; texte explicatif par A. de Longperier. P2I4 Paris [1880]. F. 4 Unpaged, 39 pi. Les monumens antiques, dessines et graves par T. Piroli, avec AO8 une explication par J. G. Schweighauser [et L. Petit- Radel], pub. P2I par F. et P. Piranesi. Paris, 1804-6. Nar. Q. 4 v. 308 pi. Paris (France) Palace of Luxembourg Musee. Notice des peintures, sculptures et dessins de 1 ecole moderne de A02 France, exposes dans Ics galeries du Musee imperial du Luxem- P2I4 bourg, par Frederic Villot. 3 e edition. Paris, 1858. D. 21+49 p. [par Ph. de Chennevieres]. Paris, 1871. D. i8+[i]+6op. [par P. Dubois]. Paris, 1878. D. 123 p. Paris (France) Palace of Trocadero. Tresor des eglises et objets d art francais appartenant aux musees AO4 exposes en 1889 au Palais du Trocadero . . . introduction par P2I5 A. Darcel. Paris, no date. F. 4 3 v. 120 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 755 Paris (France) Salon. Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, architecture, AO4 gravure et lithographic des artistes vivants . . . exposes au Palais P224 des Champs-Elysees. i e ~4 e edition. 1866-67, 69, 76-78. Paris, 1866-78. S. 6 v. Paris (France) Societe d encouragement pour la propagation des livres d art. Musees et collections. Paris, no date. F. 5 2 v. 71 pi. (Biblio- AO2 theque des beaux-arts, par E. Lievre.) P2H Paris (France) Societe de 1 Orient latin. See Societe pour la publication de textes relatifs a 1 histoire et a la geographic de 1 Orient latin. Paris (France) Societe des etudes juives. See Societe des etudes juives. Paris (France) Societe nationale des Antiquaires de France. See Societe nationale des Antiquaires de France. Paris (France) Societe pour la publication de textes relatifs a 1 histoire et a la geographic de 1 Orient latin. See Societe pour la publication de textes relatifs a 1 histoire et a la geographic de 1 Orient latin. Paris (France) Union centrale des arts decoratifs. See Union centrale des arts decoratifs. Paris (France) Union centrale des beaux=arts. See Union centrale des beaux-arts. Parker, Charles. Villa rustica, selected from buildings and scenes in the vicinity of AE2 Rome and Florence. . . 2d edition . . . with corrections and ad- P22 ditions. London, 1848. Sq. F. 4+ [53] p. 72 pi. Parker, John Henry. 1806-84. The archaeology of Rome. AR45 London, 1876-83. O. 12 pts. in 1 1 v. ill. pi. R664 Contents : pt. i. The primitive fortifications of the city of Rome, and other buildings of the time of the kings. 2 d ed. 1878. pt. 4. The twelve Egyptian obelisks in Rome. 2 d ed. 1879. pt. 5. The Forum Romanum et magnum. 2 d ed. 1879. pt. 6. The Via Sacra in Rome. 2 d ed. Excavations in Rome, from 1438 to 1882. 1883. pt. 7. The Flavian amphitheatre, commonly called the Colosseum. 1876. pt. 9-10. Tombs in and near Rome. Sculpture among the Greeks and Romans ; Mythology in funereal sculpture, and Early Christian sculpture. 1877. pt. ii. Mediaeval church and altar decorations in Rome, and mosaic pictures. 1876. pt. 12. The catacombs of Rome. 1877. 756 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Parker, John Henry. 1806-84. Architectural features of the city of Ardea. (In Archaeologia. AB v. 49, p. 169-179. 3 pi.) Ar2 Architectural history of St. Hugh s choir in Lincoln cathedral. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 47, p. 41-48. 2 pi.) Ar2 Architectural notices of the churches of the archdeaconry of AH42 Northampton, deaneries of Higham Ferrers and Haddon. N8i2 London, 1849. Nar. Q- i2+283 + [4] P- ill- 47 pi- The catacombs of Rome. Oxford, 1877. O. 2 1+200+ [76] p. AR45 37 pi. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. 12.) R664 Concise glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and AA Gothic architecture. New edition. P22 Oxford, 1869. S. [4] + 223 p. ill. i pi. 6 paged pi. De variis structurarum generibus penes Romanes veteres et de AH45 tempore quo singula in usum sunt recepta, C. L. Visconti vertit. R733 Romae, 1868. O. 35 p. 4 pi. Lecture delivered in Rome before the British archaeological association, Jan. 8, 1867. Excavations in Rome from 1438-1882. Oxford, 1883. O. AR45 1 6+ 1 79 p. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. 6.) R664 The Flavian amphitheatre, commonly called the Colosseum, at AR45 Rome ; its history and substructures compared with other amphi- R664 theatres. Oxford, 1876. O. 16+68+ [72] p. I por. 36 pi. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. 7.) Forum Romanum et magnum. 2d ed. enlarged. Oxford, 1879. AR45 O. 27+i28 + [io6] p. 41 pi. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of R664 Rome. pt. 5.) Guide to the architectural antiquities in the neighbourhood of AR42 Oxford, published by the Oxford society for promoting the study Ox2 of Gothic architecture. Oxford, 1846. O. [i$]+398+[2] p. ill. 1 1 pi. Hand-book for visitors to Oxford. AH42 Oxford, 1847. - 20+ 1 87 p. ill. 21 pi. Ox26 Historical photographs . . . catalogue of 1500 photographs illus- AR45 trative of the archaeology of Rome; pt 3 : Taken in the winter of R6pi 1868-69. Oxford, 1869. O. 7+46 p. Historical photographs . . . catalogue of upwards of eighteen AR45 hundred photographs of the antiquities of Rome, with the dates. . . R6gi [Oxford(?)j 1870. O. 8+ 1 20 p. Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture. 4th edition . . . AD6 enlarged. Oxford, 1874. S. 20+329 p. ill. 6 pi. 2 paged pi. P22 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 757 Parker, John Henry. 1806-84. Medieval architecture in Aquitaine. (In Archaeologia. v. 36, AB p. 1-13, 311-325- 5 pl-) Ar2 Mediaeval church and altar decorations in Rome, and mosaic pictures AR45 in chronological order. Oxford, 1876. O. [21] +180+ [40] p. ill. R664 20 pl. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. II.) Mosaic pictures in Rome and Ravenna. AJ2 Oxford, 1866. O. [3]+50p. ill. 7 pl. P22 Notes made during a tour in the west of France. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 34, p. 273-295; v. 35, p. 34~47- 7 pl.) Ar2 Notices of recent excavations in Rome. (In Archaeologia. v. 42, AB p. 11-26. 5 pl.) Ar2 Observations on the ancient domestic architecture of Ireland. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 38, p. 149-176. I pl.) Ar2 On the abbey churches at Caen. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1862-63, p. 90-126. 2 pl.) R8i On the English origin of Gothic architecture. (In Archaeologia. AB v. 43, p. 73-96- 8 pl.) Ar2 Primitive fortifications of the city of Rome, and other buildings AR45 of the time of the kings. 2d ed. revised and enlarged. Oxford, R664 1878. O. 28+232+[ii8] p. 59 pl. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. i.) Roman exploration fund; excavations in Rome in the season of AR45 1870-71; a lecture . . . July 7, 1871. . . R69I [London, 1871.] O. 34 p. Sculpture among the Greeks and Romans ; Mythology in funereal AR45 sculpture and Early Christian sculpture. O. [9] +91 + [73] P- R664 ill. 19 pl. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. 10.) Tombs in and near Rome. .. Oxford, 1877. O. [i 6] +48 +[42] p. AR45 20 pl. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. 9.) R664 Twelve Egyptian obelisks in Rome; their history explained by AR45 translations of the inscriptions upon them. 2d ed. revised and R664 enlarged. London, 1879. O. [5]+64+[:6] p. II pl. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. pt. 4.) Via Sacra in Rome. 2d ed. revised and enlarged. Oxford, 1883. AR45 O. 20+68+ [7 2] p. 35 pl. (Parker, J. H. Archaeology of R664 Rome. pt. 6.) Parker, John Henry, 1806-84, continues See Turner, T. H. 1815-52. Some account of domestic archi- AE2 tecture in England. 1853-77. v - 2 ~4- T84 48* 758 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Parker, John Henry, 1806-84, editor. Monumentorum urbis Romae arte photographica relatorum series AH45 amplissima. . . Romae, 1868. O. pt. I, 6+[i] p. R/33 Contents : pt. i. Murorum structurae ratione temporis digestae. Parker, John Henry, 1806-84, and Qori, Fabio. 1833-. AR45 The antient streets of Rome. 1869. R6pi The Lupercal of Augustus. . . 1869. AR45 R69I Parkin, Rev. Charles, continues See Blomefield, Francis. 1705-52. Essay towards a topographi- AR42 cal history of the county of Norfolk. 1805-10. N;6 Parkins, [William Trevor]. 1822-. Some account of Gresford church, Denbighshire, a specimen of the AR42 late perpendicular style. Oxford, 1845. O. [12] p. Z From Oxford (Eng.) society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture. Proceedings. 1845. p. 26-37. Parma (Italy) Museo Farnese. I Cesari in oro, [in argento, in medaglioni, in metallo grande, in AMi metallo mezzano e picolo], raccolti nel Museo e pubblicati . . . [di] P24 P. Pedrusi. . . Parma, 1694-1727. F. 10 v. 275 pi. Vols. 9-10 compiled by P. Piovene. Parnell, Col. Arthur. Action of lightning strokes in regard to the metals and chimneys AC of buildings. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- R8l actions. 1883-84. p. 57-92.) Paroletti, [Vittore] Modesto, cavaliere. 1765-1834. Description historique de la basilique de Superga, situee sur la AH45 colline pres Turin . . . avec des notes sur 1 histoire naturelle de la T844 dite colline. Turin, 1808. F. 5 28 p. 10 pi. Parpart, Albert de. Catalogue des objets d art . . . composant [sa] . . . collection . . . AO2 vente ... a Cologne . . . le 20 octobre 1884 et les jours suivants. . . P24 Cologne, 1884. Nar. Q. [6] + 75 + [2] p. 30 pi. Parry, John D[ocwra]. Historical and descriptive account of the coasts of Sussex, AR42 Brighton, Eastbourn, Hastings, St. Leonard s . . . and Tonbridge Su8 Wells. . . London, 1833. O. 1 1+435 P- 6 pi. map. History and description of Woburn and its abbey. . . AR42 London [pref. 1831]. O. 3 pts. in i v. i2+[3]+32O p. ill. 6 pi. W8i Paged continuously. Select illustrations, historical and topographical, of Bedfordshire . . . AH42 London, 1827. Q. 2+i2o+[i] p. 6 pi. 6391 No more published. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 759 Pars, William, Chandler, Richard, 1738-1810, and Revett, Nicholas, 1722-1804. Ionian antiquities. 1769. (Society of Dilettanti. Antiquities of AH495 Ionia. 1769-1881. v. i.) A7 Parsey, Arthur. Perspective rectified, or the principles and application demon- AL2 strated . . . with a new method for producing correct perspective P25 drawings without the use of vanishing points. London, 1836. Q. 12+84 p. 16 pi. Parsons, Samuel, jr. Landscape gardening. . . AN8 New York, 1891. Q. 22 + 329 p. ill. i pi. P25 Parsons, Samuel, jr., Sturgis, Russell, and others. AN8 Homes in city and country. 1893. St9 Partington, C[harles] Frederick]. National history and views of London and its environs. . . AH42 London, 1835. O. 2 v. 113 pi. L924 Parvillee, Leon. 1830-. Architecture et decoration turques au I5 e siecle, avec une preface AH496 de E. Viollet-le-Duc. Paris, 1874. F. 5 4+i6+[2] p. ill. 50 pi. A2 Pascoe, Charles Eyre, compiler. Illustrated handbook to the supplementary art galleries of London ; AO6 spring exhibitions, 1877. London, 1877. D. 6+98 p. ill. P26 Pascoli, Lione. 1674-1744. Vite de pittori, scultori ed architetti moderni. . . AW Roma, 1730-36. O. 2 v. P26 Vite de pittori, scultori ed architetti perugini. . . AW Roma, 1732. O. [8]+259+[8] p. P26i Paspatis, [Alexandros] G[eorgios]. Boavuvat [xsXstat toTroYpa f txai xai laTOpixai : [Byzantine studies, AH496 topographical and historical]. 765 Ev KcovoTavTivooTroXet, 1877. Nar. Q. 12+415 p. ill. 37 pi. Passa, Francois Jacques Jaubert de, baron, 1 785-1 856. See Jaubert de Passa, Francois Jacques, baron. 1785-1856. [Passavant, Johann David. 1787-1861.] Ansichten iiber die bildenden kiinste und darstellung des ganges AO derselben in Toscana . . . von einem Deutschen kiinstler in Rom. P26 [Anon.] Heidelberg, 1820. S. 10+214 p. Kunstreise durch England und Belgien, nebst einem bericht iiber AO den bau des domthurms zu Frankfurt am Main. P262 Frankfurt am Main, 1833. O. 9+463 p. 10 pi. 760 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Passepont, Jules. Etude des ornaments ; les dauphins. (In Revue des arts decora- AB tifs. v. n, p. 129-160.) R.32 Passed, Giovanni Battista. 1610-79. Vite de pittori, scultori ed architetti che anno lavorato in Roma, AW morti dal 1641 sino al 1673. . . Roma, 1772. Q. 16+492 p. P262 Passeri, Giovanni Battista, antiquary, 1694-1780. Delia ragione dell architettura discorso. (In Lazzarini, G. A., AO canonico. Opere. 1806. v. I, p. 225-312.) L45 Histoire des peintures sur majoliques faites a Pesaro et dans les AN2 lieux circonvoisins . . . traduite de 1 italien . . . par H. Delange. P26 Paris, 1853. O. 8+ii9+[4]p. ill. Lucernae fictiles musei Passerii. AJ Pisauri, 1739-43. F. 4 2 v. ill. I por. 211 pi. P26 Picturae Etruscorum in vasculis, nunc primum in unum collectae, AN2 explicationibus et dissertationibus inlustratae. P26i Romae, 1767-75. F. 5 3 v. 300 pi. Storia delle pitture in majolica. (In Vanzolini, Giuliano. Istorie AN2 delle fabbriche di majoliche metaurensi. 1879. v. I, p. i-ioi.) 39 Patin, Charles. 1633-93. Introduction a la connaissance des medailles. 2 e edition . . . AMi augmentee. Paris, 1667. S. 22 + 261 p. P27 [Patmore, Peter George.] 1786-1855. British galleries of art. [Anon.] AO London, 1824. O. 8+[i]+295 p. P27 Patte, [Pierre]. 1723-1814. Memoire sur la construction de la coupole projettee pour couronner AH44 la nouvelle eglise de Sainte Genevieve a Paris. . . P43 Amsterdam, 1770. Q. 38 p. 2 pi. Memoires sur les objets les plus importans de 1 architecture. AA Paris, 1769. Q. [6]+375 p. 27 pi. P27 Monumens eriges en France a la gloire de Louis XV, precedes AH44 d un tableau du progres des arts et des sciences sous ce regne . . . A77 et suivis d un choix des principaux projets . . . pour placer la statue du Roi dans les differens quartiers de Paris. . . Paris, 1765. F. 6 [4^236 p. 57 pi. Saggio sull architettura teatrale; ossia, Delia struttura . . . per AE4 una sala da spettacoli relativamente ai principi dell ottica e delle scienza della musica. (In Ferrario, Giulio. Storia e descrizione de principali teatri. 1830. p. 87-256.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 761 Pattern book for art-metal-workers. AM2 London [1882-83]. F. 4 [4] p. 122 pi. P2/ Pattern book for jewellers, gold- and silversmiths. AM4 London [1883-]. F. 4 [4] p. 202 pi. P2; Patterson, Gottfried & Hunter, limited. [Catalogue of] machinery, metals, hardware, tools, and supplies. Al2 New York, no date. Sq. F. [3] + 2 1 + 511 p. ill. P2/ Pattison, Mrs. Emilia Frances (Strong). 1842-. See Dilke, Lady Emilia Frances (Strong) Pattison. 1842-. Pattisson, William. Plans and elevations of cottage villas and country residences, with AE2 parsonage houses, lodges and other domestic buildings. . . P2/ London, 1852. F. 4 [6] p. 33 pi. Paty, Emmanuel. Histoire monumentale de Dreux. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 16, p. 178-237.) B87 Paukert, Franz. Die zimmergotik in Deutsch -Tirol. AM5 Leipzig, 1891-92. [v. I, 92]. F. 5 4 v. in I. ill. 128 pi. P28 Vols. 1-2, 2 d edition. Paul, Johannes. Catalogue des objets d art et de haute curiosite composant . . . AO2 [sa] magnifique collection, vente publique a Cologne . . . le P28 1 6 octobre 1882 et les jours suivants. . . Cologne, 1882. F. [6] +220 p. ill. 31 pi. List of prices obtained bound with this. Paul, Richard. See Fischer, J. A. 1814-59. Kartons zu den fenstern der Maria- AH43 hilf-kirche in der Au zu Miinchen . . . mit . . . text . . . von R. M929 Paul. 1891. Paul, Roland W. Vanishing London : a series of drawings, illustrating some of the AH42 old houses, etc., in London and Westminster. L95 London, 1894. Q. 24 p. ill. 40 pi. Pauli, Qustav. Die renaissancebauten Bremens im zusammenhange mit der re- AO naissance in Nordwestdeutschland. Leipzig, 1890. O. [5] + 120 p. 639 ill. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. n.) Paulick, Friedrich, editor. See Siccard von Siccardsburg, August von. 1813-68. Die AI thiir- und fenster-verschliisse. [Pref. 1876.] Si 12 762 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Paulin, A. Traite d architecture, theorique et pratique . . . avec des planches AA tirees de Vignole, de Palladio, Scamozzi, Michel-Ange, Serlio, et P28 autres maitres, precede d elemens de geometric. . . Paris, 1824. F. 5 24 p. 59 pi. Paulin, Edmond. Les thermes de Diocletien, Rome; restauration executee en 1879. AH45 Paris, 1890. F. 7 [3] + i9+[i] P- 25 pi. (Restaurations des R686 monuments antiques, v. 7.) Paulus, Eduard. 1837-. Die Cisterzienser-abtei, Maulbronn . . . hrsg. vom Wiirttembergi- AH43 schen alterthums-verein. 3. aufl. M44 Stuttgart, 1889. F. [3] + H4p. ill. 12 pi. Die kunst- und altertums-denkmale im konigreich Wiirttemberg; AH43 im auftrag des K. ministeriums des kirchen- und schulwesens be- W966 arbeitet. Stuttgart, 1889-93. O. v.i. ill. 10 pi. 56 paged pi. and Atlas, F. 6 2v. in i. 195 pi. Contents: v. i. Neckarkreis: Inventar; [Atlas] 94 pi. v. 2. Schwarzwald-, Jagst- und Donaukreis : [Atlas] 101 pi. Der romische grenzwall (limes transrhenanus) vom Hohenstaufen AC bis an den Main. (In Wiirttembergischer alterthumsverein. W96 Schriften. 1863. v. I, pt. 6. 52 p. ill. map.) Pausanias. 2 d cent. Descriptio arcis Athenarum . . . edidit O. Jahn. Editio altera re- AFLj.95 cognita ab A. Michaelis, aucta cum . . . tabulis. . . At5 1 Bonnae, 1880. Q. 4+ [2] +69 p. 8 pi. Pautre, Jean le. 1617-82. See Le Pautre, Jean. 1617-82. Pay, J. de. Die renaissance in der kirchenbaukunst; entwiirfe zu kirchen. AL2 Berlin, 1884. F. 5 [6] p. 30 pi. P29 Payn, James. 1830-. Description of Furness abbey and its neighbourhood. AH42 London [1865]. Q. 60+ [3] p. 12 pi. map. F98 Payne, Alexander. Concrete as a building material. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1875-76, p. 179-192, 225-254. 2 pi.) R8i Paysages et monuments du Poitou photographies. . . avec notices. 1884-95. AR44 See Robuchon, Jules Cesar. P/5 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 763 Peacock, David. Perth; its annals and its archives. AR42 Perth, 1849. O. 4+642 p. ill. 9 pi. map. Peacock, Edward, 1831- editor. English church furniture, ornaments and decorations at the period ANi of the Reformation. . . London, 1866. O. 271 p. I pi. [Peacock, James. i738(?)-i8i4.] ObuSta; or, Nutshells, being ichnographic distributions for small AE2 villas ... by Jose MacPacke, a bricklayer s labourer. P3i London, 1785. O. [3J+89 p. ill. 27 pi. Pecchio, Francisco Maria. i7 th cent. AX Tractatus de aquasductu. . . Ticinii Regii, 1707-13. F. 4 v. ill. P33 Pecht, [August] Friedrich. 1814- Deutsche kiinstler des neunzehnten jahrhunderts; studien und AW erinnerungen, ser. 1-3. Nordlingen, 1877-81. D. 3 v. P33 Venedigs kunstschatze, gallerie der meisterwerke venetianischer AO6 malerei in Stahlstich . . . hrsg. vom Osterreichischen Lloyd in ?33 Triest. Triest, 1860. F. [8] + 175 p. 36 pi. Pecht, August Friedrich, 1814- editor. AB See Die kunst fur alle. 1886-93. K963 Peck Bros. & co. Catalogue of plumbing and sanitary work. [Architects ed.] AJ New Haven, 1893. Sq. F. 16+328 p. ill. 8 pi. P33 Peck, Stow & Wilcox co. Illustrated catalogue and price list of tinsmiths tools and machines Al2 " and hardware. New York, 1885-90. Sq. Q. 2 v. ill. Peck, Francis. 1692-1743. Academia tertia Anglicana; or, The antiquarian annals of Stan- AH42 ford in Lincoln, Rutland and Northampton shires. . . St2 London, 1727. F. Various paging, ill. 32 pi. [Peckham], John, abp. i24o(?)~92. I tre libri della perspettiva commvne . . . tradotti nella lingua AL2 italiana ed accresciuti di figure ed annotation! da G. P. Gallvcci. . . ?33 Venetia, Varisco, 1593. O. [8]+48 f. ill. Pedrusi, Paolo, 1644-1720, compiler. AMi See Parma (Italy) Museo Farnese. I Cesari in oro. 1694-1727. P24 Peiffhoven, C. Die borse in Antwerpen. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 38, AB p. 161-180. 4 pi.) Z3i 764 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Peigne, C. Monuments historiques de France; collection de phototypies, avec un texte explicatif et des notices par H. Du Cleuziou. Paris [1886-87.] F. 5 [52] p. 24 pi. Peigne=Delacourt, Achille. 1797-1881. La chasse a la haie. Peronne, 1872. Q. 10+48+ [92] p. ill. 8 pi. 2 maps, I facsim. (In his Technologic archeologique. 1873). Les chemins des Gaulois compares aux chaussees des Remains. Noyon, 1873. Q. pt. i. ill. i pi. map. (In his Technologic archeologique. 1873.) Histoire de 1 abbaye de Notre-Dame d Ourscamp. Amiens, 1876. Q. 296+ [22] p. ill. 73 pi. map. Le theatre de Champlieu. (In Societe academique d archeologie. . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 3, p. 558-589, pi. 37-45; v. 4, P- 375-402, pi. 26.) Peigne=Delacourt, [Achille], 1797-1881, compiler. Technologic archeologique. Peronne, 1873. Q. Various paging, ill. 9 pi. 3 maps, i facsim. Peign6=Delacourt, Achille, 1797-1881, editor. See Germain, Michel. 1645-94. Le monasticon gallicanum. 1882. Peine, Selmar. 1861-. De ornamentis triumphalibus. . . Berolini, 1885. O. Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. [Pelerin, Jean, chanoine. 1440-1524.] De artificiali pspectiva. . . [Paris, 1860.] F. 4 3 + [6i] p. ill. Facsimile reprint of 1509 edition. No. 9 of 118 copies printed. Notice hist, et bibl. sur . . . Pelerin, p. 1-3. Pelet, Auguste. 1785-1865. Description des monuments grecs et remains executes en Liege. . . Nimes, 1876. O. 9+388 p. Essai sur le Nymphee de Nimes. Nimes, 1852. O. 72+34 p. Monumens remains de la France. No place, no date. O. 40 p. Pellassy de POusle, J[ean Joseph Francois]. 1793-- Histoire du palais de Compiegne; chroniques du sejour des sou- verains dans ce palais. . . Paris, 1862. F. 4 41+371 p. ill. 26 pi. map. AH44 A5 AX P35 AX AH44 N87 AC 8019 AX AH44 Ai6 AP Z2 AL2 AH493 L62 AR44 N6i2 AH493 L62 AH44 C73I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 765 Pellatt, Apsley. 1791-1863. Curiosities of glass making; with details of the processes and pro- AN3 ductions of ancient and modern ornamental glass manufacture. P36 London, 1849. Sq. O. 8+146 p. ill. 6 pi. Penelope; of, Maandwerk aan het vrouwelijk geslacht toegewijd; bevattende de beschrijving en afbeelding van aller- AB hande soorten van vrouwelijke handwerken, benevens eenige P37 lektuur . . . door A. B. van Meerten. Amsterdam, 1821-35. O. v. 1-8. ill. pi. No more published. Penjon, A[uguste]. 1843-. Avignon, la ville et le palais des papes. AH44 Avignon, 1878. D. 134 p. ill. I plan. Av5 Cluny; notice sur la ville et 1 abbaye. AH42 [Cluny, no date.] O. 20 p. ill. I pi. C62 Penn hardware co. Price list and illustrated catalogue of hardware. . . Al2 Reading, 1892. Q. 11+711 p. ill. i pi. P38 Penn iron roofing and corrugating co., limited. [Circular]. Philadelphia, 1890. Obi. O. ser. 12. 99 p. ill. 33 paged pi. Pennacchi, Francesco. AH45 Cenni storici e guida di Orvieto. Orvieto, 1873. O. no p. Or93 Pennant, Thomas. 1726-98. Journey from Chester to London. . . AH42 London, 1811. Q. 8+622 p. 5 por. I pi. A94 London; or, An abridgment of . . . [his] description of the British AH42 capital ... by ... John Wallis. London, 1790. S. 228 p. 3 pi. L849I Some account of London, Westminster and Southwark . . . with . . . AH42 views of houses . . . and . . . curious remains of antiquities . . . L87I with an appendix. . . London [1795]. F. 5 2 v. 75 por. 166 pi. Large-paper copy, extra illustrated with many additional plates, making in all 166. Some account of London. 4th e d. [Anon.] AH42 London, 1805. Sq. F. 4i5 + [io]p. 16 pi. L849 Contains 100 additional plates, mounted and inserted. Tours in Wales. . . London, 1810. O. 3 v. I por. 41 pi. AH429 AS Pennell, Joseph. Pen drawing and pen draughtsmen, their work and their methods: AL2 A study of the art to-day, with technical suggestions. P382 London, 1889. F. 4 23+318 p. ill. I por. 15 pi. 766 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Pennethorne, John, and Robinson, John, architect. Geometry and optics of ancient architecture, illustrated by ex- AA amples from Thebes, Athens and Rome. P$8 London, 1878. F. 6 16+249 p. ill. 54 pi. Penrose, Francis Cranmer. 1817-. Investigation of the principles of Athenian architecture; or, The AH495 results of a . . . survey conducted . . . with reference to the optical At44 refinements exhibited in the construction of the ancient buildings at Athens . . . pub. by the Society of Dilettanti. London, 1851. F. 6 10+101 p. ill. 42 pi. (Society of Dilettanti.) On the optical refinements of Greek architecture. (In Royal in- AC stitute of British architects. Papers. 1876-77, p. 101-116. I pi.) R8i The temple of Jupiter Olympius. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 89-102. I pi.) R8i Various matters connected with St. Paul s cathedral. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1858-59^.61-70.) R8i See Society of Dilettanti, pub. Antiquities of Ionia. 1769-1881. AH495 A 7 Text by F. C. Penrose. Penther, Johann Friedrich. 1693-1749. Ausfuhrliche anweisung zur btirgerlichen bau-kunst. . . AA Augspugg, 1746. F. 4 v. 3. 52 pi. Ps8l Bau-anschlag, oder richtige anweisung . . . wie alle bau-materialien, AI deren kosten, ingleichen alle tibrige baukosten ausfiindig zu P38 machen. . . Augspurg, 1743. F. [io]+2O4 p. 17 pi. Praxis geometriae. . . 5. edition. AL2 Augsburg, 1755. F. [io]+97+[4] p. 40 pi. P3& Zugabe. Augspurg, 1794. F. 55 p. Bound with his Praxis geometriae. 1755. Pepe, Ludovico. Memorie storiche dell antica Valle di Pompei. AR45 Valle di Pompei. 1887. O. i49+[i] p. 2 pi. I tab. P784 Notizie storiche ed archeologiche dell antica Gnathia. . . AR45 Ostuni, 1882. O. 9+ 1 69+ [3] p. 5 pi. Eg6 Gli scavi di Pompei, notizie tratte dai documenti originali. AR45 Valle di Pompei, 1887. D. 40 p. Eg6 Pequegnot, [Auguste]. 1819-78. Meubles de tout style, d apres les maitres. ANi No place [i87-(?). F. 125 pi. P39 Mobilier du i6 e au i8 e siecle, d apres les originaux grave. ANi Paris, 1878. Sq. F. [4] p. 100 pi. P39* COLUMBIA COLLEGE 767 Pequegnot, [Auguste]. 1819-78. Ornements, vases et decorations d apres les maitres; supplement. AK [Paris] 1862-70. F. 5 2 v. in i. 100 pi. ?39 Vieilles decorations depuis 1 epoque de la renaissance jusqu a AK Louis XVI : Plafonds, lambris, tapisseries, panneaux, trumeaux, P39 frises. Paris, 1875. F. 6 [4] p. 140 pi. Perate, Andre. L archeologie chretienne. Paris [1892]. O. 368 p. ill. (Biblio- AP theque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts, publiee . . . J. Comte.) Perathon, Cyprien. Histoire d Aubusson; la vicomte, la ville, les tapisseries, la maison AH44 d Aubusson. Limoges, 1886. O. 4+482+ [i] p. 5 por. 5 pi. Aui Perau, Gabriel Louis Calabre, abbe, 1700-67, editor. See [Granet, J. J. 1685-1759]. Description historique de 1 Hotel AH44 royal des Invalides. 1756. P3 r 7 Percier, Charles. 1764-1838. La colonne Trajane, Rome; restauration executee en 1788. Paris, AH45 1877. F. 7 n + iip. 13 pi. (Restaurations des monuments an- R686 tiques. v. I.) Percier, Charles, 1764-1838, illustrator. See Gatteaux, J. 6. 1788-1881, and Baltard, Victor. 1805-74. AH44 Galerie de la reine dite de Diane a Fontainebleau. 1858. F732 Percier, Charles, 1764-1838, and Fontaine, P. F. L. 1762-1853. Arc de Triomphe des Tuileries erige en 1806 . . . pub. par Nor- AH44 mand, avec un texte . . . par M. Bres. . . P272 Paris, no date. F. 6 [10] p. 27 pi. Description des ceremonies et des fetes, qui ont eu lieu pour le AW2 couronnement de leurs majestes Napoleon, empereur des Fran^ais . . . et Josephine . . . recueil de decorations executees dans 1 eglise de Notre-Dame de Paris et au Champs de Mars, d apres les dessins . . . de C. Percier et P. F. L. Fontaine. Paris, 1807. F. 7 24+ [4] p. 12 pi. Palais, maisons et autres edifices modernes dessines a Rome. AH45 Paris, 1798. F. 5 7+3+40 p. 100 pi. R666i Recueil de decorations interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a AK rapport a rameublement. . . Paris, an 9; 1801. Sq. F. 72 pi. Photo-lithographic reproduction, New York 188-, with title Style empire, interior decora tions, furniture. . . y68 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Peregrinations a travers les ruines du chateau de Heidel- AH43 berg et ses environs. H37 See Janillon, Richard. Peregrinus, Joannes. 1440-1524. See Pelerin, Jean, chanoine. 1440-1524. Peretmere, H. Carrelage-mosai que en pierre et marbre . . . systeme et concours AJ2 de A. Martin, marbrier. . . P^i Paris, 1865. Obi. O. 13 p. 30 pi. I tab. Perez, Jose Gestoso y. See Gestoso y Perez, Jose. II pergamo di Donatello pel duomo di Prato. 1887. AH45 See [Quasti, Cesare. 1822-]. P88 Perger, A[nton], ritter von. 1809-76. Der dom zu Sanct Stephan in Wien. AH436 Triest, 1854. Q. 19+118 p. ill. 14 pi. 676 Periander, pseudonym. See Lochner von Hummelstein, Michael Friedrich. 1662-1720. Perilli, Scipione Canonico. Relazione storica sul risorgimento della basilica degli Angeli AH45 presso Asisi. 2<3a edizione. . . Roma, 1842. F. 4 [3] + 55 p. 7 pi. As7 Perin, F., and Qrados, L. AI Ornements estampes pour marquises. 675 Peringskiold, Johan [Fredrik]. 1654-1720. Attartal for Swea och Gotha konunga-hus. . . AR485 Stockholm, 1725. F. [4] + 1 40 + [74] p. ill. 17 pi. A2 Monumentorum Sueo-Gothicorum liber primus [et secundus]. AR485 Stockholmiae, 1710-19. F. 4 2 v. in I. 39 pi. map. Ai Contents : v. i. Uplandiae partem primariam Thiundiam continens. v. 2. Monumenta Ullerakerensia cum Upsalia nova illustrata. Title-page and text in Swedish and Latin. Perkins, Charles C[allahan]. 1823-86. Art education in America; read before the American social science AO association at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Feb. 22, 1870. P4i Cambridge, Mass., 1870. O. 21 p. Published by the American social science association. Ghiberti et son ecole. 2 e edition. Paris, no date. F. i47+[2] p. AW ill. i pi. (Bibliotheque internationale de l art,publiee. . . E. Miintz.) G34 Historical handbook of Italian sculpture. A08 New York, 1883. O. 64+432 p. 44 ill. I pi. P4H COLUMBIA COLLEGE 769 Perkins, Charles Cfallahan]. 1823-86. Sepulchral monuments of Italy, introductory notice. (In Thomp- AE8 son, Stephen. Sepulchral monuments of Italy. 1883. p. 1-3-) Tuscan sculptors, their lives, works and times. . . AO8 London, 1864. Q. 2 v. ill. 45 pi. Perkins, Frederic Beecher. 1828-. See Guild, W. H., jr. Central park photographed, with descrip- tions and a historical sketch by F. B. Perkins. 1 864. N484 Perlin, Estienne. i6 th cent. Description des royaulmes d Angleterre et d Escosse. AH42 London, 1775. Q. 23+42 p. 2 pi. Ai8 Reprinted, with English introduction and notes, from the Paris edition of 1558. Permanent photographs of Madras and Burmese art- AO ware. London, 1886. Obi. Q. [n]p. 50 pi. Pernot, F[rancois] A[lexandre]. 1793-1865. Le vieux Paris; reproduction des monumens qui n existent plus AH44 dans la capitale d apres . . . [ses] dessins . . . lithographies par P34 Nouveaux et Asselineau; texte explicatif. Paris, 1838-39. F. 5 unpaged. 80 pi. map. Perrault, Charles. 1628-1703. Festiva ad capita annulumque decursio, a Rege Lodovico XIV., AW2 principibus, summisque aulae proceribus edita anno 1662; scripsit 42 Gallice Carolus Perrault, Latine reddidit et versibus heroicis ex- pressit Spiritus Flechier. Parish s, 1670. F. 6 [s]+io5 p.+p. 65-104. 7 pi. 40 paged pi. (Cabinet du roi. v. 10) The 97 plates called for in the bibliographies are on 47. Perrault, Claude. 1613-88. Treatise of the five orders of columns in architecture . . . annex d, A A a discourse concerning pilasters . . . made English by J. James. P42 London [1722]. F. 4 [2o]+2i + i3i p. ill. 6 pi. Engraved by J. Sturt. London, 1708. F. 4 [33] + I 3i + [ I ] P- 7 P 1 - AA P42I Perrault, Claude, 1613-88, translator. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Les dix livres d architecture, cor- AA rigez et traduits. 1673. V83 Perret, Jacques. Architectura et perspectiva: Des fortifications et artifices, mis en AE7 lumiere par la vefue et les deux fils de Theodore de Bry. Francfort sur le Mein, 1602. F. unpaged. 26 pi. 49 770 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ferret, Louis. AR45 Catacombes de Rome. . . Paris, 1851-55. F. 7 6 v. 323 pi. R6;9 Contents : v. 1-3. Architecture, peintures murales. v. 4. Lamps, vases, pierres prdcieuses gravies, instruments, objets divers, v. 5. Inscriptions, figures et symboles grave s sur pierre. v. 6. Description des planches par L. Ferret et L. Renier. Ferret de la Menue, C. Emile. Tony Desjardins. (In Lyons, France Societe academique d ar- AC chitecture. Annales. 1883. v. 7, p. 17-58. i por.) LQQ Perrier, Francois. i59o(?)-i65o. Cent statues dessinees et gravees a Rome en 1638. AO8 Paris, no date. Sq. F. 100 pi. 422 Reproduction of his Icones et segmenta nobilium signorum et statuarum quas Romae extant. Romae. 1638. Perronet, [Jean Rodolphe]. 1708-94. Description des projets et de la construction des ponts de Neuilly, AE5 de Mantes, d Orleans et autres; du projet du canal de Bourgogne P42 . . . et de celui de la conduite des eaux de 1 Yvette et de Bievre a Paris. . . Paris, 1782-83. F. 6 2 v. I por. 67 pi. Supplement. Paris, 1789. F. 6 59 p. 14 pi. AE5 P42 Perrot, G[eorges]. 1832- Memoire sur 1 ile de Thasos. (In Archives des missions scienti- AB fiques. 1864. v. 9, p. 1-103. 3 pi- l map.) Ar2i Perrot, J. F. A. Lettres sur Nismes et le Midi, histoire et description des monu- AR44 mens antiques du Midi de la France. . . N6i2 Nismes, 1840. O. 2 v. 90 pi. Une visite a Nismes; description de ses monumens antiques. AR44 2 e edition . . . augmentee du Rapport du Congres de Lyon, sur Z la Dissertation de 1 inscription de la Maison-Carree. . . Nismes, 1842. O. 82+ [i] p. 10 pi. i map. Perry, Rev. George G[resley]. 1820-. Croyland abbey; an historical sketch, pub. . . by the Society for AtLj.2 promoting Christian knowledge. London [1867]. S. 142 p. 4 pi. C88i Perry, Giu Ferrante. Carnevale di Roma, 1828; Giu Ferrante Perry invento ed incise. AW2 Roma(?) i828(?). Obi. S. 8 pi. P422 Perry, J. R. Art of stair building, with original improvements. . . AI New York, 1855. O. 6s + [i] p. 28 pi. P42 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 771 Perry, J[ohn] Tavenor. Chronology of mediaeval and renaissance architecture; a date book AF of architectural art, from the building of the ancient basilica of ?42 S. Peter s, Rome, to the consecration of the present church. London, 1893. O. 25 + [2]+29O p. I pi. Mediaeval architecture in Sweden. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. v. 7, p. 321-350. I pi.) R8i On the mediaeval brickwork of Pomerania. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1873-74, p. 15-32. 2 pi.) R8i Some remarks on the mediaeval antiquities of the county of Dur- AC ham. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1865-66, R8i p. 193-204. 3 pi.) Perry, John Tavenor, and Henman, Charles, jr. Illustrations of the mediaeval antiquities in the county of Durham. AH42 Oxford, 1867. F. 6 9 p. 5 1 pi. 0932 Perry, Walter Copland. Greek and Roman sculpture; a popular introduction to the history AO8 of Greek and Roman sculpture. P42 London, 1882. O. 30+700 p. 268 ill. Pervanoglu, P[eter]. Das familienmahl auf altgriechischen grabsteinen; eine archaolo- AE8 gische untersuchung. Leipzig, 1872. O. 73 p. I pi. P43 Peters, F. AP Die burg-kapelle zu Iben. Bonn, 1869. Q. 10 p. ill. 3 pi. W723 Winckelmann s geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1869. Peters, O., and Heim, L. AH43 Der central-bahnhof zu Magdeburg. 1881. M32I Petersen, Christian]. 1802-72. Die feste der Pallas Athene in Athen und der fries des Parthenon; AO8 ein vortrag . . . am geburtstage Winckelmann s . . . 1854, der Z5 ijten Versammlung deutscher philologen, schulmanner und orientalisten, iiberreicht von den professoren des Akademischen und real-gymnasiums in Hamburg. Hamburg, 1855. Q- 3 2 P- Das gymnasium der Griechen nach seiner baulichen einrichtung. AH495 Hamburg, 1858. Q. 56 p. I pi. (Hamburg, Ger., Gymnasium. Z3 Verzeichniss der vorlesungen.) Uber die bedeutung mythologischer darstellungen an geschenken AR495 bei den Griechen; offentlicher vortrag zur feier von Winckel- Z2 mann s geburtstag, gehalten am 9. Dec. 1853. Hamburg, 1854. Q. 28 p. Hamburg (Ger.) akademisches und real-gymnasium. Programm. 772 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Petersen, Eugen Adolf Hermann. 1836-. Archaische Nikebilder. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. n, p. 39 2 ~397-) G8i Athenastatuen von Epidauros. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 1 1, p. 309-321.) G8i Die kunst des Pheidias am Parthenon und zu Olympia. AO8 Berlin, 1873. O. 8+418 p. ?44 Die neueste erklarung der westgippelgruppe des Parthenon. (In AB Archaologische zeitung. v. 33, p. 115-128.) Ar23 Vasenstudien. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 37, p. 1-19.) AB Ar23 Zum Erechtheion. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mit- AR495 theilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 10, p. i-io.) G8i Petersen, Eugen [Adolf Hermann], 1836- and Lu= schan, Felix von, 1854-. Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis. . . Wien, 1889. F. 5 ARs6 [4] + 248p. ill. 40 pi. (Reisen in siidwestlichen Kleinasien. v. 2.) A4 Petit, - , editor. AB See Journal-manuel de peintures. 1850-63. v. 1-14. J825 Petit, Jacob. AK Collection de dessins d ornement. Obi. F. 50 pi. ?44 No title-page. Ornements, decorations interieures, meubles et objets de gout. . . AK Paris [1840]. F. 5 [4] p. 74 pi. P44I Petit, Rev. John Louis. 1 801-68. Architectural history of Boxgrove priory . . . with some historical AH42 remarks and conjectures on the priory and church of Boxgrove by 43 the Rev. W. Turner. Chichester, 1861. Sq. F. [4] +49 p. ill. 2 pi. Read before the Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland ... at Chichester. . . 1853- On the abbeys of Ireland. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Papers. 1862-63^.190-208. 14 pi.) ., R8i Remarks on architectural character, read before the Lichfield AA architectural society at their . . . meeting in 1845. ^44 Oxford, 1846. F. 5 15 p. 45 pi- Remarks on Byzantine churches. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1857-58, p. 123-136.) R8i Remarks on church architecture. London, 1841. O. 2 v. ill. 191 pi. ?44 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 773 Petit, Victor. i82o(?)-;4. Chateaux de France des I5 e et i6 e siecles. Paris [1855]. SqF. 4 [6] p. 100 pi. Chateaux de la vallee de la Loire des I5 e , i6 e et 17 siecles, des- sines d apres nature et lithographies. Paris, 1 86 1. F. 6 2 v. 100 pi. Esquisses des monuments remains de Frejus. (In Bulletin monu- mental, v. 30, p. 569-612, 681-704, 761-794; v. 31, p. 209-248.) Habitations champetres; recueil de maisons, villas, chalets, pavil- Ions . . . pares et jardins. Paris, no date. Sq. F. 100 pi. Notes pour servir a la description de plusieurs monuments du De- partement de 1 Yonne. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 13, p. 253- 273; v. 15, p. 145-164.) Petites constructions pittoresques pour la decoration des pares, jardins, fermes et basses-cours. . . Paris, no date. F. [6] p. 50 pi. Petit=Radel, L[ouis] C[harles] Ffratifois]. 1 756-1836. Recherches sur les monuments cyclopeens et description de la collection des modeles en relief composant la galerie pelasgique de la Bibliotheque Mazarine. .. Paris, 1841. O. [39] + 352 + [i] p. See Paris (France) Musee Napoleon III. Les monumens anti- ques, dessines et graves par T. Piroli, avec une explication par J. G. Schweighauser et L. Petit-Radel. 1804-6. v. 2-4. Petit courrier des dames ; modes de Paris, litterature, beaux-arts, theatres, 1844-68. Paris, 1844-68. Q. v. 46-89 in 25. pi. In December, 1868, this periodical was united with the Journal des demoiselles under the title Journal des demoiselles et Petit courrier des dames rdunis. Petite bibliotheque cl art et d archeologie; fondee . . . de L. de Ronchaud. Paris, 1886-88. S. 6 v. ill. pi. HEUZEY, L. A. 1831-. Un palais chalde"en. 1888. MENANT, J. 1820-. Les fausses antiquites de 1 Assyrie et de la Chalde"e. MOURIER, J. L art religieux au Caucase. 1887. REINACH, S. 1858-. La colonne Trajane au rnuse e de Saint-Germain. 1886. *REINACH, S. 1858-. Voyageurs arche"ologues en Grece. 1886. RONCHAUD, L. de. 1816-87. Au Parthdnon. 1886. Petits edifices historiques recueillis par A. Raguenet, archte, avec notices descriptives facilitant 1 etude des styles ; [publication mensuelle]. Paris, 1891- [94]. F. v. 1-3. ill. AH44 A$g AH44 Ai2 AB 687 AN8 AB 687 AN8 AP P44 AO8 P2i AB AB Peto, John, translator. See Narjoux, Felix. 1835-. 1876. 49* Notes and sketches of an architect. AH492 774 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Petra, Giulio de., and Comparetti. D. [P. A.], 1835-. La Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni i suoi monument! e la sua bibli- AR45 oteca. 1883. A2 Petralba, N. N., pseudonym. AH495 See [Carcano, Qiuseppina.] Origine della greca architettura. 1818. Zi Petrarca, Francesco. 1304-74. I trionfi. (In Steinbiichel, von. Die reliquienschreine der kathe- AH43 drale zu Gratz. 1858. 34 p.) G// Translated into German by K. Forster. Petrie, George. 1789-1866. Ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland anterior to the Anglo-Norman AH4I5 invasion . . . [with] an essay on the origin and uses of the round A4 towers of Ireland. . . Dublin, 1845. Sq. F. v. I. 21 + 519 p. ill. No more published. Petrie, George, 1789-1866, illustrator. See Wright, Rev. Q. N. i8i2(?)-. Ireland illustrated. 1831. Ai3 Petrie, W[illiam] M[atthew] Flinders. 1853-. Historical scarabs; a series of drawings from the principal collec- AX tions, arranged chronologically. London, 1889. D. 14 p. 15 pi. ?44 Illahun, Kahun and Gurob, 1889-90, with chapters by Prof. AR62 Sayce, Canon Hicks, Prof. Mahaffy, F. LI. Griffith and F. C. J. A25 Spurrell. London, 1891. Sq. F. 8+59 p. ill. 33 pi. Medum, with chapters by F. LI. Griffith, Dr. A. Wiedemann, AR62 Dr. W. J. Russell and W. E. Crum. M46 London, 1892. Sq. F. [3] + 52+[i] p. 36 pi. A season in Egypt, 1887. AR62 London, 1888. Sq. F. [3]+42 p. 32 pi. A23 Stonehenge, plans, description and theories. AR42 London, 1880. Q. 34+ [i] p. 2 pi. St/i Tell el Hesy (Lachish). London, 1891. Q. 62 p. ill. upl. ARtf T23 Ten years digging in Egypt. 1881-91. AR62 [London] 1892. D. 201 p. ill. i pi. Ai2 Published by the Religious tract society. Petroni, Giulio. 1804-. Del gran palazzo di Giustizia a castel Capuano in Napoli. AR45 Napoli, 1861. F. 4 40 p. 12 p. Ni6i Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph, 1790-1865, editor. See British archaeological association. Collectanea archaeologica. AC 1862-71. 677 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 775 Pettingal, John, D. D. Latin inscription on the copper table discovered in ... 1/32, near AP Heraclea, in the bay of Tarentum in Magna Graecia . . . more W38 particularly considered and illustrated. London, 1760. Q. 9 p. Read at a meeting of the Society of antiquaries of London, I st May, 1760. Peyer im Hof, [J.] F[r], Die basilica des h. Marcus zu Venedig. . . AH45 Schaffhausen, 1874. O. 76+ [i] p. I pi. 568 Die renaissance-architektur Italiens; aufrisse, durchschnitte und AH45 details. . . Leipzig, 1870. O. v. I. 135 pi. Ap Peyre, A[ntoine] M[arie]. 1770-1843. Palais de justice; rapport . . . stir les constructions . . . faites dans AH44 ce monument. . . Paris, 1828. F. 15 p. 2 pi. P285 Projets d architecture. Paris, 1812. F. 6 6 p. 13 pi. AH44 P253 Projets de reconstruction de la salle de 1 Odeon, avec les plans AH44 originaires de la salle du Theatre-Francais par MM. Peyre, 1 aine, P253 et de Wailly. Paris, 1819. F. 6 8 p. I por. 14 pi. Peyre, Antoine Marie, 1770-1843, editor. AA See Peyre, M. J. 1730-85. CEuvres d architecture. 1795. Peyre, J. F. A. Manuel d architecture religieuse au moyen-age . . . 2 e edition . . . AE par T. Desjardins. Paris, 1848. D. 261 p. 24 pi. P46 Peyre, Jules. Orfevrerie, bijouterie, nielle, armoiries et objets d arts divers . . . AM4 dessines et lithographies. Paris [1845]. F. 5 54 pi. P46 Peyre, Marie Joseph. 1730-85. CEuvres d architecture. Nouv. edition. AA Paris, 1795. F. 6 24+ [8] p. 21 pi. ?46 Edited by A. M. Peyre. Pfaff, Karl, of Heidelberg. Heidelberg. Zurich [1885]. D. 79 p. ill. 7 pi. 4 paged pi. AH43 (Illustrated Europe, nos. 60-6 1.) Pfalzische kreisgesellschaft des bayerischen archi- tecten- und ingenieur=vereins, editor. AH43 See Die baudenkmale in der Pfalz. 1884-89. Pi 7 Pfau, Karl Friedrich, 1857- editor. See Antwerp (Belgium) Exposition. 1885. Antwerpen und die AO4 weltausstellung, 1885. 1887. An8 776 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Pfau, [Karl] Ludwig. 1821-. AO Kunst und gewerbe; studien. Stuttgart, 1877. D. v. I. ?47 Pfau, M[atthaus] and Kinkel, [J.] G., 1815-82. Beschreibung der burg Kyburg. Zurich, 1870. (In Antiquarische AC gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1867-70. v. 1 6, p. 93-1 13. An8 ill. 5 pi.) Pfeiffer, Carl. 1834- AE2 American mansions and cottages. Boston, c. 1889. F. 5 102 pi. ?47 Pfleiderer, Rudolf, 1841-. AH43 Das munster [in Ulm], Ulm, 1890. D. 105 p. ill. U153 Pfnor, Rodolphe. 1824-. Architecture et decoration des epoques Louis XIV., Louis XV. AH44 et Louis XVI. au palais de Fontainebleau. . . ^731 Paris, 1885. F. 6 20+ [4] p. 80 pi. Forms v. 3 of his Monographic du palais de Fontainebleau. Art industriel: Le mobilier de la couronne. See, below, Le ANi mobilier de la couronne et des grandes collections publiques et ?48 particulieres du I3 e au ig e siecle. [1874-76]. Le chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte accompagne d un texte . . . par AH42 A.France. Paris, 1888. F. 6 72 p. ill. 30 pi. V46 Histoire et guide artistique au palais de Fontainebleau; preface AH44 par Anatole France. Paris, 1889. F. 7+149?. ill. 25 pi. F734 Le mobilier de la couronne et des grandes collections publiques ANi et particulieres du I3 e . . . au ig e siecle. . . P48 Paris [1874-76]. F. 4 v. I, 3. 100 pi. Vol. 3 has also the title Art industriel. Monographic du chateau d Anet, construit par Philibert de 1 Orme ArLj4 en 1548. . . Paris, 1867. F. 6 44+11 p. ill. 58 pi. (Chateaux An3i de la renaissance; renaissance fran9aise, i6 e siecle.) Monographic du chateau de Heidelberg . . . accompagnee d un AFLj.3 texte historique et descriptif par Daniel Ramee. Paris, 1859. F. 6 H36i 1 6+6 p. 24 pi. (Chateaux de la renaissance; renaissance alle- mande. 1545-1607.) Ornementation usuelle de toutes les epoques dans les arts indus- AK triels et en architecture. ?48 Paris, 1866-68. F. 4 2v.ini. ill. 120 pi. Pfnor, Rodolphe, 1824-, editor. AK See Renucci, . Motifs d ornements. 1876. R292 Pfnor, Rodolphe, 1824- Delbrel, E., and Verchere, Jules, editors. Vorlagen fur bautischlerarbeiten 1891. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 777 Phelps, [Humphrey]. Hundred cities and large towns of America. . . AH/3 New York, 1852. O. Sop. ill. Ai6 Philadelphia (Perm.) Academy of the fine arts Exposition. 1893. Catalogue of fac-similes of memorial brasses, with an introduction and descriptions by H. K. Day. . . Philadelphia, 1893. D. IO+37 P- Philadelphia (Perm.) Art club. Catalogue of the inaugural exhibition of architecture and the allied AO4 arts . . . March 27 to ... April 17. P53 [Philadelphia] 1890. O. 38 p. 25 pi. Philadelphia (Perm.) Public buildings, Commis= sioners of. The new public buildings on Penn square; address of Benjamin AH73 Harris Brewster at the laying of the corner stone, July 4, 1874, PS 31 with a description of the buildings. . . Philadelphia, 1880. Nar. Q. 38 p. 10 pi. Philadelphia (Penn.) Trades league. City of Philadelphia as it appears in the year 1893. . . ist edition. AH73 [Philadelphia, c. 1893.] Sq. F. [5] + 2i8 p. ill. I por. 2 pi. P533 Philander, Wilhelm. See Philandrier, Guillaume. 1505-65. Philandrier, Quillaume. 1505-65. In decem libros M. Vitruvii Pollionis de architectura annotationes AA . . . cum indicibus Graeco et Latino. . . 838 Parisiis, Keruer, 1545. S. [i6] + 357+[33] P- Philandrier, Guillaume. 505-65, annotator. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architectvra libri decem. 1552. 1586. Philbrick, P[hiletus] H. Beams and girders; practical formulas for their resistance. New AI York, 1886. T. 159 p. ill. (Van Nostrand s science series. P53I v. 88.) From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. Philecclesius Ignotus, pseudonym. Architectura canonica; or, Canons for church architecture. AE London, 1843. D. [9] +64 p. 14 pi. ?53 Philippe, G. De 1 humidite dans les constructions et des moyens de s en garan- AI tir. . . 2 e edition. Paris, 1882. O. 144 p. ill. P53 778 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Philips Jacobsz., Casper, 1732-89, editor. See Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. De vyf colom-orden, met AA derzelver deuren en poorten. 1774. Sca55 Phillipps, James Orchard Halliwell=. 1820-89. See Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. 1820-89. Phillips, Q. W. History and antiquities of the parish of Bermondsey. AR42 London, 1841. O. 12+115 p. 5 pi- ^45 Phillips, John. The drainage of the palace and city of Westminster. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. v. 3, R8i p. 149-160. I pi.) Philpott, Edward, publisher. Crinoline from 1730 to 1864. AN4 London, 1864. Obi. Q. unpaged. 10 pi. Piacenza, Pietro Giovanni. Discussione ragionata di due quistioni architettoniche tratte dal AA libro terzo di Marco Vitruvio Pollione. . . V845 Milano, 1795. Sq. O. 6+38 + [2] p. 5 pi. Piale, L[llige], publisher. Hand-book to Naples and its environs, Pompeii, Vesuvius . . . etc. . . AH45 Rome, 1891. D. 196 p. Ni65 Piale, Stefano. De tempj di Giano delle Porta Januale . . . dissertazione letta . . . AR45 29 Aprile, 1819. Roma, 1833. Q. 22+[2] p. i pi. R7H Degli antichi ponti di Roma al tempo del secolo 5 ... dissertazione AR45 letta ... 4 Decembre, 1828. Roma, 1834. Q. 22+[i] p. I pi. Degli antichi templi di Vespasiano e della Concordia ; disserta- AR45 zione letta ... 5 Febraro, 1818. Roma, 1834. Q. 2Q+[i] p. R7I4 Del corpo rotondo del Pantheon di Agrippa, sua fondazione e AR45 destine . . . dissertazione letta ... 17 Febraro, 1831. R7 J 4 Roma, 1834. Q. 22+ [2] p. i pi. Del Foro romano, sua posizione e grandezza . . . dissertazione AR45 letta . . . 16 Aprile, 1818. Roma, 1832. Q. 22+|>] p. i pi. R/I4 Del secondo recinto di Roma fatto da Numa e delle aggiunte AR45 degli altri re fino a Servio Tullio . . . dissertazione letta . . . II R/ r 4 Luglio, 1822. Roma, 1833. Q. 22+0] p. i pi. Del tempio di Marte Ultore e de tre fori antichi di Cesare, di AC Augusto, e di Nerva. . . (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana R66i di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1823. v. i, pt. 2, p. 69-94. i pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 779 Piale, Stefano. Del tempio di Marte Ultore e de tre fori antichi di Cesare, di AR45 Augusto e di Nerva; dissertazione letta ... 14 Febraro, 1820. R/H Roma, 1834. Q. 23 p. i pi. Delia basilica Giulia male situata da moderni nel Foro romano, AR45 suo vero sito, e posizione del colosso equestre in bronzo di R/I4 Domiziano e del tempio di Augusto . . . dissertazione letta . . . 13 Maggio, 1824. Roma, 1833. Q. 19 p. I pi. Delia fondazione di Roma, del pomerio, mura e porte fattevi da AR45 Romolo, loro siti e nomi . . . dissertazione letta ... 30 Maggio, R/H 1822. Roma, 1833. Q. 26+[2] p. i pi. Delia grandezza di Roma al tempo di Plinio . . . dissertazione AR45 letta ... 20 Decembre, 1827. Roma, 1833. Q. 27 p. R7H Delia Subura antica . . . e della chiesa di S. Agata de Goti . . . AR45 dissertazione letta ... 6 Marzo, 1823. R7H Roma, 1833. Q. 25 + [i] p. i pi. Delle cariatidi di Diogene Ateniese, indicate da Plinio nel Pan- AR45 theon . . . letta ... 19 Luglio, 1832. Roma, 1834. Q. 15 p. i pi. R7H Delle mura Aureliane di Roma ; dissertazione letta ... 2 Maggio, AR45 1822. Roma, 1833. Q. 23 p. i pi. R7H Delle mura e porte del Vaticano; dissertazione letta. . . 9 Decem- AC bre, 1829. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. R66i Dissertazioni. 1831. v. 4, p. 223-254.) Delle mura e porte del Vaticano, fatte da S. Leone IV. nel secolo AR45 9 ... dissertazione letta ... 4 Decembre, 1828. R/I4 Roma, 1834. Q. 26+[i] p. Delle porte del Monte Aventino e delle altre occidentali di AR45 Roma . . . dissertazione letta ... 6 Maggio, 1824. R/I4 Roma, 1834. Q. 31 p. Della porte del recinto di Servio Tullio nella parte orientale di AR45 Roma . . . dissertazione letta ... 9 Marzo, 1820. R/I4 Roma, 1833. Q. 23 p. Delle porte meridional}, del vero sito del Celiolo e delle molte AR45 sviste fattevi da moderni; dissertazione letta ... 26 Giugno, 1825. R7H Roma, 1834. Q. 15 p. Delle porte settentrionali del recinto di Servio, del tempio di AR45 Quirino e suo sito, della porta Quirinale prossima . . . disserta- R7H zione letta ... 28 Aprile, 1825. Roma, 1854. Q. i8+[2] p. i pi. Delle terme Traiane dette dal volgo erroneamente di Tito . . . AR45 dissertazione letta ... 15 Marzo, 1827. R/I4 Roma, 1832. Q. 22+[2] p. i pi. 780 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Piale, Stefano. Di un monumento interessantissimo della basilica di S. Paolo . . . AR45 dissertazione letta ... 26 Giugno, 1828. R-7H Roma, 1833. Q. 15 p. i pi. Esame di un qualche aneddoto sulla venerabile basilica di S. Paolo, AR45 letto ... 30 Giugno, 1825. Roma, 1833. Q- *6 p. i pi. Gli scamilli impares di Vitruvio ; dissertazione letta ... 3 Luglio, AR45 1817. . . Roma, 1834. Q. 23 p. 2 pi. R/I4 Lo scoprimento di Achille nella regia di Licomede, bassorilievo AR45 del prospetto dell urna detta di Alessandro Severe del Museo Capitolino . . . dissertazione letta ... 25 Luglio, 1827. Roma, 1833. Q. I3 + |>] p. i pi. La separazione di Achille da Deidamia nella regia Licomede, AR45 bassorilievo nel lato destro dell urna detta di Alessandro Severe R7H del Museo Capitolino; dissertazione letta ... 13 Gennaro, 1820. Roma, 1833. Q. 1 1 p. 2 pi. Sopra alcuni monumenti di Roma antica; dissertazioni. AR45 Roma, 1832-34. Q. 2 v. in i. 19 pi. R7H The 24 dissertations of Piale, read in the Pontificia accademia di archeologia, which are entered above, were issued together in two volumes apparently with this title. Picard, Alfred, 1844- editor. See Paris (France) Exposition universelle. 1889. Palais, jardins, A04 constructions diverses, installations generates. 1892. P222 Picardy (France) Societe des Antiquaires. See Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie. Picart, Bernard. 1673-1733. Le temple des muses, orne de 70 tableaux ou sont representes AK les evenemens . . . de 1 antiquite fabuleuse. . . P58 Amsterdam, 1749. F. 5 [6]+ 152 + [4] p. 60 pi. Picart, Bernard, 1673-1733, engraver. See Saurin, Jacques. 1677-1730. Discours historiques . . . sur AX les evenemens . . . du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. 172039. Sa8 Piccolpassi, Cipriano, cavaliere. I tre libri dell arte del vasajo, nei quali si tratta non solo la AN2 practica, ma brevemente tutti i secreti di essa cosa. . . P58i Roma, 1857. Q- 53 + [3]P- 4O pi. Les troys libvres de 1 art du potier . . . translates de 1 italien en AN2 langue francoyse par C. Popelyn. Paris, 1861. F. 4 i2+86+[i] p. 41 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 781 [Pichler, Fritz. 1834-.] Das landes-zeughaus in Graz, hrsg. von der vorstehung des AN5 Miinzen- und antiken-cabinetes am St. L. Joanneum. 677 Leipzig, 1880. F. 2 pts. in I v. ill. 44 pi. Contents : pt. i. Steierisches waffenwesen von der urzeit bis in s 16. jahrhundert. pt. 2. Die waffen des landes-zeughauses zu Graz, von Franz, graf von Meran. Picton, Sir James Allanson. 1805-89. Iron as a material for architectural construction. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Transactions. 1879-80. p. 149-161.) R8i Pictorial gallery of arts. AO London, 1847. F - 4 2v.ini. ill. 3 pi. ?58 Contents : v. i. Useful arts. v. 2. Fine arts. Pictorial half-hours of London topography. 1851. AH42 See Knight, Charles. 1791-1873. L947 Pictorial history of the county of Lancaster. 1844. AR42 See [Redding, Cyrus. 1785-1870.] L222 Picturesque Chicago and guide to the World s fair. 1893. AH73 See Hartford religious herald. C43 1 Picturesque promenade round Dorking in Surrey. 1822. AH42 See [Timbs, John]. 1801-75. 073 Picturesque sketches, comprising architectural sculpture, statues, monuments, tombs, fountains, capitals . . . etc. AA Boston, 1885. Obi. O. [3] p. 26 pi. ?58 Pidgeon, H[enry] C[larke]. Historic society of Lancashire and Cheshire; hints on the best AH42 means of carrying out the objects of the society, with . . . queries A52 for the systematic collection of information on the history, anti quities . . . of the district. . . Liverpool, 1849. O. 23 p. Pieraccini, Francesco. La Piazza, del Granduca di Firenze co suoi monumenti, disegnati AH45 da ... Pieraccini, incisi da G. P. Lasinio e dichiarati da Melchior F687 Missirini. Firenze, 1830. F. 5 28+ [i] p. 21 pi. Pieraccini, Francesco, illustrator. See Masselli, Giovanni. II tabernacolo della Madonna d Orsan- AH45 michele. 1873. F674 Pieralisi, Sante. Osservazioni sul musaico di Palestrina. AJ2 Roma, 1858. F. 6 [4] +72 +[2] p. 6 pi. P6i 782 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Pierce, Butler & Pierce mfg. co. Illustrated catalogue of . . . lead pipe, solder and sheet lead; gas, Al2 water and steam supplies. . . P6i [Springfield] 1893. Nar. Q. 465 p. ill. [Pierce, Thomas, D. D. -1691.] Vindication of the king s sovereign rights . . . more particularly AH42 applyed to the king s free chapel and church of Sarum, upon occa- Sa3 1 sion of the Dean of Sarum s narrative and collections. . . [Anon.] [London, 1719.] O. [6]+98+[32] p. Pieroni, Alessandro, Allori, Alessandro, 1535-1607, and others. Decken-malereien des ersten korridors der Kgl. gallerie zu Flo- AH45 renz. 1880. F6"75 Pierotti, Ermete. 1821-. On Jewish and Roman architecture in Palestine from the earliest AC period to the time of the crusades. (In Royal institute of British R8l architects. Papers. 1861-62, p. 149-164.) Pierrot=Deseilligny, J. L amphitheatre de Lyon. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 53, AB p. 415-438.) B8 7 Piesse, Louis. 1815-. Le routier archeologique de 1 Algerie. (In Revue de 1 art chre- AB tien. v. 21, p. 324-344; v. 28, p. 5-46, 286-307.) R324 Pifferi, P., abate. Viaggio antiquario per la Via Aurelia da Livorno a Roma, con AR45 disegni analoghi di C. H. Wilson. . . Ai8 Roma, 1832. Q. [3] +83 p. 12 pi. i facsim. Piganiol de la Force, [Jean Aymar]. 1673-1753. Nouvelle description des chateaux et pares de Versailles et de AH44 Marly... 7 e edition. Paris, 1738. S. 2 v. 12 pi. V6i6 Pigeon, E. A., abbe. Le diocese d Avranches; sa topographic, ses origines, ses eveques, AH44 sa cathedrale, ses eglises, ses comtes et ses chateaux. Av8 Coutances, 1888. O. 2 v. I pi. map. Pigeory, Felix. 1806-73. Les monuments de Paris; histoire de 1 architecture civile, politique AH44 et religieuse sous la regne du roi Louis-Philippe. P.289 Paris, 1847. Nar. Q. 692 p. 17 pi. map. Piggott, F[rancis] T[aylor]. Music and musical instruments of Japan, with notes by T. L. AX Southgate. London, 1893. Q. i8+[i]+23O p. ill. 16 pi. P62 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 783 Pignoria, Lorenzo. 1571-1631. Vetustissimae tabulae aeneae sacris ^Egyptiorum simulachris cce- AR62 latae accurata explicatio, in qua . . . superstitionum origines . . . A3 1 ritus ad barbaram, Graecam, Romanamque historiam illustrandam enarrantur. . . Venetiis, 1605. O. [i2]+43 p. ill. 5 pi. P[igott], I. M. B. History of the city of Chester, from its foundation to the present AR42 time . . . with an account of parochial and other charities . . . and C^2 a chronological register; illustrated with five etchings by G. Cuitt. . . Chester, 1815. O. 3+334+2 p. 4 pi. Pilbrow, James. Discoveries made during excavations at Canterbury in 1868. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 43, p. 151-164. 2 pi.) Ar2 Pilkington, James. View of the present state of Derbyshire, with an account of its ... AR42 antiquities. Derby, 1789. O. 2 v. 3 pi. map. 0442 Pillement, Jean. 1727-1808. AK . . . Fleurs ideales. Paris, no date. F. 4 35 pi. P64 Pillement, Jean, 1727-1808, and Boucher, Francois, 1 703-70. AK . . . Panneaux [de chinoiseries style]. Paris [1880]. F. 4 55 pi. P64I Pillet, Jules. Traite de stereotomie (charpente et coupe des pierres); texte et AI dessins par Jules Pillet. . . Paris, 1887. Sq. F. [4] + 2+ 167 p. P64 9 pi. (Cours de sciences appliquees aux arts.) Pinchart, Alexandre. 1823-84. De la peinture historique en Belgique. [Anon.] AO [Gand(?) 1845]. O. ii p. Z5 No title-page. Les fabriques de verres de Venise, d Anvers et de Bruxelles au AB l6 e et au 176 siecle. (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art 6872 et d archeologie. 1882-1883. v. 21, p. 343-394; v. 22, p. 383-401.) Histoire de la dinanterie et de la sculpture de metal en Belgique. AB (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1874- 6872 75- v. 13, p. 308-365, 482-534; v. 14, p. 97-H4-) Histoire de la tapisserie dans les Flandres. Paris, 1878-85. F. 6 AM8 130+ [i] p. 26 pi. (Histoire generale de tapisserie.) P65 Tendances actuelles de la peinture en Belgique. . . AO [Gand, i846(?)] O. up. Zs Voyage artistique en France et en Suisse en 1865. (In Bulletin AB des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1868. v. 7, 6872 p. 186-313.) 784 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Pinches, Frederick. Abbey church of Melrose, Scotland. AH/j-i London [1879]. F. 6 [;] + 22 p. 9 pi. M49 Les Pineau. 1892. AW See Societe des bibliophiles fran$ois, publisher. P65 Pinelli, Bartolommeo. 1781-1835. Twenty-seven etchings illustrative of Italian manners and cos- AN4 tume . . . comprising . . . costumes of Rome . . . the carnival . . . P65 adventures of Massaroni, the brigand. . . Rome, 1844. F. 4 [5] p. 27 pi. Pineau, Nicolas. Recueil des ceuvres . . . contenant . . . dessins de plaques . . . AK medaillers . . . pieds de tables, de vases et . . . de sculpture en P65 bois. . . Paris [1889]. F. 4 24 pi. Reproduced by photographic process. Pinelli, Bartolommeo. 1781-1835. Raccolta di . . . 100 soggetti li piu rimarchevoli dell istoria greca, AX inventati ed incisi da ... Pinelli, illustrata da F. Bertocchi. P65 Roma, 1821. Obi. O. 83 p. 100 pi. Text in Italian and French. Pini, Ermenegildo. 1739-1825. Dell architettura, dialogi. AE Milano, 1770. O. [6] +92 p. I por. 5 pi. Ri8 Pinks, William J[ohn]. 1829-60. History of Clerkenwell, with additions by the editor, E. J. Wood. AH42 2<i edition. London, 1881. Q. 20+800 p. ill. I por. 28 pi. 59 Pinzger, L. Dimensions of tall chimneys. (In Armstrong, Robert. Chimneys AI for furnaces. 1883. p. 81-104. I pi.) Ar$ Piolin, Paul. 1817-. Recherches sur les artistes qui ont execute les sculptures de AB Teglise abbatiale de Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. (In Revue de 1 art R324 chretien. v. 24, p. 406-438.) Recherches sur les origines de la medaille de S. Benoit. (In AB Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 30, p. 5-58. I pi.) R3?4 Piot, Eugene. 1812-89. Catalogue des objets d art de la renaissance, tableaux, composant AO . . . [sa] collection . . . dont la vente aura lieu . . . 21-24 ma ^65 1890. . . [Paris, 1890]. F. 183 p. I por. 14 pi. Piovene, Pietro, compiler. See Parma (Italy) Museo Farnese. I Cesari in oro. 1694-1727. AMi v. 9-10.) P24 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 785 Piovene Porto Godi, Antonio. Vicende dell architettura in Italia; discorso letto nell Accademia A A Olimpica di Vicenza il giorno 27 Giugno, 1847. Z$ Vicenza, 1855. O. 23 p. Piper, [Karl Wilhelm] F[erdinand], 1811-90. Maria als thron Salomos und ihre tugenden bei der verkiindigung AB . . . (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1873. v. 5, p. 97-I37-) 1*9 Mythologie und symbolik der christlichen kunst von der altesten AX zeit bis in s sechzehnte jahrhundert. P66 Weimar, 1847-51. O. v. I 1 2 . Contents ; v. i. Mythologie der christlichen kunst. No more published. Piper, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, 1811-90, editor. AB See Evangelisches jahrbuch. 1851-70. Evi Pippi, Qiulio, called Qiulio Romano. 1492-1546. Peintures de la Ville Lante a Rome, de 1 invention de Jules AH45 Romain, recueillies par les Piranesi et dessinees par T. Piroli. A45 1 Paris, an 11-1803. F. 6 [3] p. 16 pi. on 8. v. 24 Piranesi, Francesco, 1748-1810, editor. See Paris (France) Musee Napoleon III. Les monumens AO8 antiques. 1804-6. P2i Piranesi, Francesco, 1748-1810, publisher. AH45 See Pippi, Qiulio, called Qiulio Romano. 1492-1546. Peintures A45i de la Villa Lante. 1803. v. 24 See Raphael. 1483-1520. Peintures de la Sala Borgia, au AH45 Vatican. 1803. A45i v. 24 See Raphael. 1483-1520. Peintures du Cabinet de Jules II, au AH45 Vatican. 1804. A45I v. 24 Piranesi, Francesco, 1748-1810, and Piranesi, Q. B., 1720-78. AH45 [Opere.] 1761-1804. Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-78, and Piranesi, Francesco. 1748-1810. A 1145 [Opere.] Roma, 1761-1804. F. 6 and F. 9 24 v. ill. pi. A45i Vols. 18-24 published at Paris. This set having no general title the title of each of the works comprised in it is given below, and the volume number is added to the book number. An * preceding a title indicates that the work is by Francesco Piranesi. The other works are by G. B. Piranesi. Alcune vedute di archi trionfali, ed altri monumenti inalzati da AH45 Romani, parte de quali si veggono in Roma, e parte per 1 Italia. A45I [Roma, 1748.] Obi. F. 32 pi. Four pages of engraved text. 50 786 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-78, and Piranesi, Francesco. 1748-1810. Antichita d Albano e di Castel Gandolfo; [colle Descrizione e AH45 disegno dell emissario del Lago Albano, e Di due spelonche . . . A45 1 alia riva del Lago Albano]. Roma, 1764. F. 6 56 p. ill. 51 pl. v. 1 1 Half-title. Engraved title-pages and dedication included in the plates. Antichita di Cora. [Roma, 1762.] F. 6 15 p. ill. upl. AH45 Half-title. Engraved title-page included in the plates. Bound with Lapides Capitolini. y g Le antichita romane. Roma, 1756. F. 6 4 v. ill. i por. 218 pl. AH45 R734 Text 67 p. Portrait of G. B. Piranesi by Polanzani, 1750. Le antichita romane. Roma, 1784. F. 6 4 v. ill. I por. 220 pl. AFLj-5 A 4 5i Contents: v. i. Gli avanzi degli antichi edifizj. y t IA v. 2-3. Avanzi de monumenti sepolcrali. v. 4. Ponti antichi ... gli avanzi de teatri, de portici, e di altri monumenti. Text 67 p. Portrait of G. B. Piranesi drawn by Giuseppe Cades, engraved by Francesco Piranesi, 1779. This edition is dedicated to Gustav III., king of Sweden. Antiquites de la grande Grece, aujourd hui royaume de Naples; AH45 gravees par F. Piranesi . . . d apres les dessins du chev. J. B. A45I Piranesi. Paris, 1837. F. 6 3 v. pl. Contents: v. 1-2. Antiquites de Pompei a. v. 3. Les usages civils, militaires et religieux. Plan du museum de Portici. Objets trouves dans les fouilles de Pompei a. Apologetical essay in defence of the Egyptian and Tuscan archi- AH45 tecture. (In his Diverse maniere d adornare i cammini. 1769. A45I P- 1-35- 3 pl-) v. 20 In Italian, English and French. Architetture e prospettive. 28 pl. See, below, Opere varie di AH45 architettura. I799(?). A45I v. 8 Avanzi de monumenti sepolcrali. See, above, Le antichita AH4S romane. 1784. v. 2-3. A45I v. 2-3. Gli avanzi degli antichi edifizj. See, above, Le antichita romane. AH45 1784. v. i. A45I v. i. Campus Martius antiquae urbis. AH45 Romae, 1762. F. 6 31 + up. 51 pl. A45i Engraved title-pages in Latin and Italian included in the plates. Plates 5-10 pasted together V. 1 as one. Carceri. 16 double pl. See, below, Opere varie di architettura. AH45 I799(?)- A 45 v. 8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 787 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-78, and Piranesi, Francesco. 1748-1810. *Choix des meilleurs statues antiques. [Roma, i8oo(?)] F. 7 41 pi. AH45 The plates are dated from 1781-92. -"-45 * v. 1 8 Colonna Antonina. See, below, Trofeo, o sia, Magnifica colonna. AH45 v. 14 Colonna dell apoteosi di Antonino Pio e Faustina sua moglie. AH45 See, below, Trofeo, o sia, Magnifica colonna. I77o(?). A45I v. 14 De Romanorum magnificentia et architectura. See, below, Delia AH45 magnificenza ed architettura de Romani. 1761. A45I v. 7 Delia magnificenza ed architettura de Romani. AH45 [Roma, 1761.] F. 6 90 p. ill. 40 pi. i por. A45 1 Two engraved title-pages ; portrait of Pope Clement XIII. V. J Descrizione e disegno dell emissario del Lago Albano. See, AH45 above, Antichita d Albano. 1764. A45i v. II Di due spelonche ornate degli antichi alia riva del Lago Albano. AH45 See, above, Antichita d Albano. 1764. A45i v. ii Differentes vues de quelques restes de trois grands edifices . . . de AH45 Pesto . . . dans la Lucanie. [Roma(?)J no date. F. 6 21 pi. A^i Title-page and plates 19 and 20 engraved by Francesco Piranesi. V. 15 Diverse maniere d adornare i cammini ed ogni altra parte degli AH45 edifizj. Roma, 1769. F. 6 [2]+35 + [2] p. ill. 67 pi. A45I Title-page and text in Italian, English and French. V. 2O Lapides Capitolini; sive, Fasti consulares, triumphalesque Roma- AH45 norum. [Romae, 1762.] F. 6 [2]+6i p. ill. 3 pi. A45I Half-title. Engraved title-page and dedication included in the plates. V. 9 *Monumenti degli Scipioni. [Roma] 1785. F. 6 23+3 p. ill. 6 pi. AH45 Half-title only. A45 I v. 5- Opere varie di architettura, prospettive, grotteschi, antichita, sul AH45 gusto degli antichi Romani. A45 1 Roma, anno vii repubblicano [i799(?)J. F. 6 89 pi. v. 8 Contents : pt. i. Architetture e prospettive. 28 pi. Plates 4 and 15 dated 1743. Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto. 13 pi. Plate 4 dated 1778. Career!. 16 double pi. Alcune vedute di archi trionfali, ed altri monumenti. 1748. 32 pi. Title-page and 3 p. of text engraved and numbered as plates. Osservazioni sopra la Lettre de M. Mariette . . . e Parere sur AH45 1 architettura. Roma, 1765. F. 6 16 p. 9 pi. A45I Engraved title-page. Bound with Delia magnificenza. 1761. V. 7- 788 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-78, and Piranesi, Francesco. 1748-1810. Parere sur 1 architettura. (In his Osservazioni sopra la Lettre de AH45 M. Mariette. 1765. p. 9-16.) A45I v. 7 Peintures de la Farnesine, par Raphael, et des Bacchantes d Her- AH45 culanum, recueillies par les Piranesi et dessinees par T. Piroli. A45 1 Paris, 1837. F. 6 pi. Peintures de la Sala Borgia, au Vatican, de 1 invention de Raphael, AH45 recueillies par les Piranesi, et dessinees par T. Piroli. A45 1 Paris, an 11-1803. F. 6 12 pi. on 6. v. 24 Peintures de la Villa Altoviti, a Rome, inventees par Michelange, AH45 peintes par G. Vasari, et gravees par T. Piroli, faisant partie de la A45 1 chalcographie Piranesi. Paris, 1807. F. 6 pi. Peintures de la Villa Lante, a Rome, de 1 invention de Jules AH45 Remain, recueillies par les Piranesi, et dessinees parT. Piroli. A45I Paris,an 11-1803. F. 6 [3] p. 16 pi. on 8. v. 24 Peintures du Cabinet de Jules II, au Vatican, de 1 invention de AH45 Raphael, recueillies par les Piranesi, et dessinees par T. Piroli. A45 1 Paris, an 12-1804. F. 6 14 pi. on 7. v. 24 Ponti antichi . . . gli avanzi de teatri, de portici, e di altri monu- AH45 menti. See, above, Le antichita romane. 1784. v. 4. A45I v. 4 Raccolta di alcuni disegni del Barberi da Cento detto il Guercino. AH45 [Roma] no date. F. 6 29 pi. A4$i Engraved title by G. B. Piranesi ; other plates engraved by F. Bartolozzi, G. Nevay and V. 2 1 others. Guercino, 22; P. L. Ghezzi, i; G. Nevay, i; Caravaggio, i; Seb. Ricci, i; A. Balestra, i ; A. Milani, i. First plate is numbered 3. *Raccolta di tempj antichi . . . prima parte . . . di Vesta, e della AH45 Sibillia, in Tivoli; dell Onore, e della Virtu. A45I Roma [1780] F. 6 38 p. ill. 22 pi. v. 6 Engraved title-page dated 1780. * Seconda parte . . . il celebre Panteon. AH45 Roma, 1790. F. 6 [4] p. ill. 29 pi. A45i v. 6. Raccolta di vasi antichi, candelabri, tripodi, sarcofagi, lucerne, AH45 altari, cippi, etc. Nuova edizione . . . disegnati ed incisi da Donato A45I Vaselli. . . Milano, 1825. F. 3 + 38 p. 112 pi. Rovine del Castello dell Acqua Giulia. AH45 [Roma, 1761.] F. 6 26 p. 19 pi. A45I Half-title. Engraved title-page included in the plates. Bound with Lapides Capitolini. v - 9 Schola Italica picturae; sive, Selectae quaedam summorum e AH45 schola Italica pictorum tabulae acre incisae cura et impensis A45I Gavini Hamilton. Romae, 1773. F. 7 40 pi. v. 22 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 789 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-78, and Piranesi, Francesco. 1748-1810. *[Stampe diverse. Roma, no date.] F. 7 25 pi. mounted as 16. AH45 Contents: Raphael (Transfiguration); Volaterra (Descent from the cross) drawn and en- v. 23 graved by N. Dorigny ; Vatican interiors, 2 ; Castel S. Angelo, i ; Grotta di Posilipo, I ; Pompeii, plan i, architecture 3, wall pictures 2; Lago Fucino 2 in i ; Villa Adriana, plan, 6 in i ; Nuova piazza in Padova, 3 in i ; Circo di Caracalla, 2 in i. The first 10 plates are double. *Teatro d Ercolano. [Roma, 1783.] F. 6 [8] p. 10 pi. AH45 Half-title. Engraved title-page included in the plates. v JQ Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto. 13 pi. See, above, Opere varie di AH45 architettura. I799(?). A45I v. 8 Trofeo; o sia, Magnifica colonna coclide di . . . Trajano; [colle AH45 Colonna del apoteosi di Antonino Pio e Colonna Antonina]. A4$i [Roma, I77o(?).] F. 9 34 pi. v. 14 Two extended plates showing full elevations of the Colonna Trajana and the Colonna Antonina. Les usages civils, militaires et religieux. See, above, Antiquites AH45 de la grande Grece. 1837. v - 3- Vasi, candelabri, cippi, sarcofagi, tripodi, lucerne ed ornamenti AH45 antichi. [Roma] 1778-91. F. 9 2 v. 112 pi. A45I v. 12-13 Vedute di Roma. [Roma, i779(?).] F. 6 2 v. 137 pi. AH45 A45i Plates 5 and 10 engraved by Francesco Piranesi. v> j g_ j 7 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-78, editor. See Paris (France) Musee Napoleon III. Les monumens an- AO8 tiques. 1804-6. P2I Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-78, publisher. AH45 See Hamilton, Gavin. 1730-97. Schola Italica picturae. 1773. A45I V. 22 Piranesi, Pietro, publisher. See Piroli, Tommaso. 1750-1824. Li bassirilievi antichi di Roma. AO8 1808. P66 Piroli, Tommaso. 1750-1824. AR45 Le antichita di Ercolano. Roma, 1789-1807. Q. 6 v. pi. H4I4 Contents : v. 1-3. Pitture. v. 4-5. Bronzi. v. 6. Lucerne e candelabri. Li bassirilievi antichi di Roma, incisi da ... Piroli, colle illustra- AO8 zioni di Giorgio Zoega, pub. in Roma da Pietro Piranesi. P66 Roma, 1808. F. 2 v. 2 por. 114 pi. 50* 790 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Piroli, Tommaso, 1750-1824, illustrator. See Paris (France) Musee Napoleon HI. Les monumens an- AO8 tiques. 1804-6. P2I See Pippi, Qiulio, called Qiulio Romano. 1492-1546. Peintures AH45 de la Villa Lante. 1803. A45I v. 24 See Raphael. 1483-1520. Peintures de la Sala Borgia, au Vatican. AH45 1803. A45i v. 24 See Raphael. 1483-1520. Peintures du Cabinet de Jules II, au AH45 Vatican. 1 804. A45 1 v. 24 Pirovano, Francesco. AH45 Milano nuovamente descritta. . . Milano, 1826. S. 8+519 p. MS 827 Piton, Fred [eric]. 1800-. La cathedrale de Strasbourg; illustree de 3 photographies, par . . . AH43 Ch. Winter, et de 7 lithographies. St8i9 Strasbourg. 1863. O. 119 p. 3 phot. 7 pi. From Strasbourg illustrd. Pitre=Chevalier, Pierre Michel Francois Chevalier, called, 1812-64, and Souvestre, 6mile. 1806-54. Nantes et la Loire-Inferieure; monuments anciens et modernes, AH44 sites et costumes pittoresques, dessines . . . par F. Benoist et . . . Ni55 H. Lalaisse. . . Nantes, 1850. F. 5 2 v. in i. 74 pi. map. Pitrou, [Robert]. 1684-1750. Recueil de differents projets d architecture, de charpente, et autres AE5 concernant la construction des ponts, rediges . . . par Sr. Tardif. . . P68 Paris, 1756. F. 6 10 p. 34 pi. Pitt=Rivers, Gen. Augustus Henry Lane Fox. See Rivers, Gen. Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt-. Pitture di Antonio Allegri, detto il Correggio, esistenti in AM6 Parma nel monistero di San Paolo. 1800. C8i See Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. 1494(7) -15 34. Pizzagalli, Felice. See Milan (Italy) Reale accademia delle belle arti. Opere dei AL2 grandi concorsi . . . disegnate ed incise per cura [di] . . . F. Piz- M58 zagalli. 1825. Place, Victor. 1822-75. Ninive et 1 Assyrie, avec des essais de restauration par Felix AR56 Thomas... Paris, 1867-70. F. 7 3 v. 82 pi. N62 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 791 Planat, Paul. 1839-. Construction et amenagement des salles d asile et des maisons AH44 d ecole. Paris, 1882-83. Sq. F. 4 3 v. ill. 244 pi. (In his Cours A6; de construction civile. 1882-83. Ser. 2, pt. I.) Cours de construction civile. AH44 Paris, 1882-83. Sq. F. 4 Ser. 2, pt. i. 3 v. ill. 244 pi. A6; Ser. 2. Construction et amenagement des salles d asiie et des maisons d e"cole. Habitations particulieres. Paris, no date. Sq. F. 5 Ser. I. 80 pi. AE2 (Bibliotheque de la construction moderne; publiee . . . de P. P69 Planat.) Planat, P[aul], 1839- compiler. Encyclopedic de 1 architecture et de la construction. Paris, no AA date. Q. 6 v. in 12. ill. 640 pi. (Bibliotheque de la construe- P69 tion moderne; publiee . . . de P. Planat.) Planat, Paul, 1839- editor. See La construction moderne. 1891-93. Planche, J[ames] R[obinson]. 1796-1880. Corner of Kent; or, Some account of the parish of Ash-next- AH42 Sandwich. . . London, 1864. O. 23+413 p. 12 pi. map. As32 Pursuivant of arms; or, Heraldry founded upon facts . . . [jd ed.] AWi London [pref. 1873]. D. 299 p. ill. 6 pi. P69 Planche, James Robinson, 1796-1880, editor. See Strutt, Joseph. Complete view of the dress and habits of the AN4 people of England, from the establishment of the Saxons in St8 Britain to the present time. 1842. Plans and elevations of cottages for agricultural labourers, AE2 designed for ... the duke of Bedford s Bedfordshire estate. . . P692 2d edition. London, 1860. Q. 5 p. 7 pi. Plans, elevations and sections, chimney-pieces and cielings AH42 of Houghton. 1735. H8i See [Ripley, Thomas]. Plans, elevations et vues des chateaux du Louvre et des AK Tuileries. Paris, 1669-1710. F. 6 40 pi. (Cabinet du roi. v. 4.) 6452 Consists of Ornemens de peinture et de sculpture qui sont dans la Galerie d Apollon au chasteau du Louvre et dans le . . . palais des Tuilleries, by J. Berain, F. Chauveau and J. Le Moine. 29 pi., and n pi. of facades and plans of these palaces. Les plans, profils et elevations des ville et chateau de AH44 Versailles. 1716. N6i5 See [Le Pautre, Pierre]. 1659-1744. AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Plan tagenet= Harrison, Marshal-Gen. George Henry De Strabolgie Neville. 1 8 1 7-90. See Harrison, George Henry De Strabolgie Neville Plantagenet-. 1817-90. Platt, Charles A [dams]. 1861-. ANS Italian gardens. New York, 1894. Q. 13 + 153 p. ill. 2 pi. P69 Flaw, John. Rural architecture; or, Designs from the simple cottage to the AE2 decorated villa. .. London, 1794. Q. 8+8+4 p. 62 pi. ~P6gi Plemper, P. Beschryving van de heerlykheid en het dorp Alphen aan den AH492 Ryn. . . Leyden, 1714. S. [24]+26i + [io] p. 5 pi. Ai3 Pleyte, W[illem]. 1836-. La construction de 1 eglise paroissiale de St. Jacques a Utrecht . . . AH492 [pub.] sous les auspices de la societe "Het Provinciaal Utrechts Ut7 genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen." Leide, 1876. F. G 5 p. 5 pi. Nederlandsche oudheden van de vroegste tijden tot op Karel den AR492 groote. . . A3 Leiden, 1877-83. Sq. F. 4 v. 1-2 in i v. 135 pi. 9 maps. Pliny, the elder. 23-79. Liber secvndvs de mvndi historia cum commentariis J. Milichii. AA Hale, Brubachius, 1538. O. 210 f. V839 Naturalis historiae liber 34, 35 et 36. (Falconet, E. M. Oeuvres. AO8 1781. v. 3-4.) Fi8 Plon, Eugene. 1836-. Benvenuto Cellini, orfevre, medailleur, sculpteur; recherches sur AW sa vie, sur son ceuvre et sur les pieces qui lui sont attributes. . . 33 Paris, 1883. F. 4 [s]+4i4+[i] p. ill. 82 pi. Nouvel appendice. Paris, 1884. F. 4 34+ [2] p. ill. 2 pi. AW C33 Plumb, Fayette R. Illustrated catalogue and price list ... of hammers, edge tools, Al2 sledges, blacksmith s, miner s and railroad track tools. . . ?73 Philadelphia [c. 1892]. F. 467 p. ill. 2 pi. Plumbing problems; or, Questions, answers and descrip- AJ tions relating to house-drainage and plumbing ; from the Sanitary P73 engineer. 5th ed. New York, 1892. O. 244 p. ill. Plumptre, Rev. Frederick] C[harles]. 1796-1870. Some account of the remains of the priory of St. Martin s, and the AC church of St. Martin-le-Grand, at Dover. (In Kent archaeological K4I society. Archaeologica Cantiana. 1861. v. 4, p. 1-26, pi. 1-4.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 793 Pocock, William Willmer, editor. See Jupp, E. B. 1812-77. Historical account of the Worshipful company of carpenters of the city of London. 1887. Podiebrad, David J. Alterthiimer der Prager Josefstadt, israelitischer friedhof, alt-neu- schule und andere synagogen, verfasst und . . . bearbeitet von B. Foges. Prag[i855]. S. [s]+7i + CO P- I2 P 1 - Pohl, Otto. 1852-. Die altchristliche fresko- und mosaik-malerei. Leipzig, 1888, O. [3] +203 p. Pointel, Charles Philippe Chennevieres=, marquis de. 1820-. See Chennevieres-Pointel, Charles Philippe, marquis de. 1820-. Pointel, Henry de Chennevieres-, comte. 1859-. See Chennevieres=[Pointel], Henry de, comte. 1859-. Poitiers (France) Societe des Antiquaires de 1 Ouest. See Societe des Antiquaires de 1 Ouest. Pole, W[illiam], 1814- translator. See Qessert, M. A. Art of painting on glass; or, Glass staining. (In Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v. I. 34 p.) Poleni, Giovanni, marchese. 1683-1761. Dissertazione . . . sopra al Tempio di Diana d Efeso. (In Cortona, Italy Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. 1742. v. i, pt. 2, p. 1-64, pi. 1-2.) Exercitationes Vitruvianae. Patavii, 1739-41. F. 3 v. in i. [4] + 36o p. ill. Contents: v. i. Commentarius criticus de M. Vitruvii Pollionis architecti 10 librorum editionibus. v. 2. MORGAGNI, G. B. Epistola in qua agitur de quodam Vitruvii loco ad rem medicam attinente. BALDI, B. Vitruvii Pollionis vita. Anonymi scriptoris compendium architecturae Vitruvii. v. 3. BALDI, B. Scamilli impares Vitruviani. Other treatises by various authors. Paged continuously. Exercitationes Vitruvianae. (InVitruvius. Architectura. 1825-30. v. i, pt. i, and v. 4, pt. 2, p. 1-50.) Lettera al . . . Marchese Luigi Sale; Padova, 28 marzo, 1734. (In Montenari, Giovanni, conte. Del Teatro Olimpico di Andrea Palladio. 1749. p. 122-133.) Poleni, Giovanni, marchese, 1683-1761, commentator. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architectura. 1825-30. AI J97 AH436 P883 AM6 P75 A A Q2 AC C8l AA 849 AA 848 AH45 V665 AA 848 794 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Poletti, Luigi. Delle genti e delle arti primitive d ltalia; dissertazione detta . . . AC 9 ... dicembre 1836. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di R66i archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1838. v. 8, p. 145209; v. 15, p. 4/^9 545- 10 pi.) Poliphilus. See [Colonna, Francesco]. I449(?)-I527. Dream of Poliphilus. AX 1889. Politi, Vincenzo. Repertorio di antichi monumenti siracusani, da servire di memoria AP ai viaggiatori. Siracusa, 1856. O. [3] +40 p. ill. 3 pi. I map. Z2 Polizeiverordnung betreffend die bauliche anlage und AI die innere einrichtung von theatern, circusgebauden und offent- P/5 lichen versammlungsraumen. . . 2. aufl. Berlin, 1891. O. 44 p. Pollen, John Hungerford. 1820-. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. London [1875]. ANi Q. 7+ 143 p. ill. 1 1 pi. (South Kensington, Eng., museum Art P76 handbooks; W. Maskell, ed. v. 3.) Pollen, John Hungerford, 1820- compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Ancient and modern ANi furniture and woodwork in the Museum. 1874. So8 See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Ancient and modern AM4 gold and silversmiths work. 1878. So8 See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of the special AN6 loan exhibition of enamels on metal, held at the Museum in 1874. 8083 1875. Pollen, John Hungerford, 1820- editor. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Description of the Trajan AH45 column. 1874. R-7 2 7 Pollet, Francois]. -i553( ? ) Historia fori Romani; restituta, illustrata et aucta . . . per Philip AH45 Broidaevm . . . accesserunt eiusdem Broidaei argvmenta . . . cum R797 indice. . . Lvgdvni,apudFranciscumFeuraeum, 1587. D. [32] + 57i + [S3] p. Pollet, J. See Roux, N. H., aine. Monumens d architecture tires des porte- AH44 feuilles de Pollet. 1841. L995 Pollio, Marcus Vitruvius, fl. ist cent. B. C. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 795 Polygraphia curiosa; the book of initial letters and ancient AK alphabets for ornamental purposes. London [1840]. Q. 29 pi. Polymetis. 1755-. AO8 See Spence, Rev. Joseph. 1699-1768. Sp3 Pomey, Francois [Antoine]. 1619-73. Pantheum mythicum ; seu, Fabulosa deorum historia, hoc epitomes AX eruditionis volumine breviter dilucideque comprehensa. Editio ?77 septima. . . Ultrajecti, 1717. S. [i4]+298+[i4] p. 27 pi. Pompei, Alessandro conte, editor. See Sanmicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. Li cinque ordini d archi- A A tettura civile. 1735. Sa5 I Pompei, Antonio. 1799-. Sopra un ragionato ristauro dell anfiteatro di Verona; memoria AH45 presentata alia Commissione consultiva conservatrice di antichita V595 e belle arti. Verona, 1872. F. 59 p. 2 pi. Studi intorno all anfiteatro di Verona, preceduti da un saggio AH45 sugli spettacoli degli antichi. V595 Verona, 1877. F. i5i + [2] p. 4 pi. Pompei e la regione sotterrata dal Vesuvio nell anno 79; AR45 memorie e notizie. . . Napoli, 1779. F. [5] + 29i + [24/] p. 17 pi. ?779 Preface by M. Ruggiero. Pompeia. 1833-. AR45 See Fumagalli, Paolo. P/96 Pompeii illustrated. AR45 New York [1885]. D. 46 p. 10 pi. ?786 Pomtow, H. Ein arkadisches weihgeschenk zu Delphi. (In Deutsches archao- AR495 logisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 14, G8i p. 15-40.) Ponce, N[icolas]. 1746-1831. Arabesques antiques des bains de Livie et de la Ville Adrienne, AK avec les plafonds de la Ville-Madame, peints d apres les dessins ?77 de Raphael. Paris [1789]. F. 5 [4] p. 15 pi. Collection des tableaux et arabesques antiques trouves a Rome. . . AK Paris [1838]. F. 5 8 p. 60 pi. P77 Description des bains de Titus; ou, Collection des peintures AH45 trouvees dans les ruines des thermes de cet empereur. . . R749 Paris, 1786. F. 5 101 p. 59 pi. 796 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Poniatowski, [Stanislaw], prince. 1757-1833. Catalogue of [his] collection of Italian and German medals, Greek AO2 coins . . . and articles of vertu . . . sold . . . June the I7th 1840. . . Zi [London, 1840]. Sq. O. 22 p. Ponicke, Q. A. Album der rittergiiter und schlosser des konigreichs Sachsen nach AH43 der natur neu aufgenommen von F. Heise. . . Sa9 Leipzig [1854-60]. Obi. Q. 5 v. 564 pi. Contents : . i. Leipziger kreis. 2. Meissner kreis. 3. Markgrafenthum Oberlausitz. 4. Erzgebirgischer kreis. 5. Voigtlandischer kreis. Pont, Giuseppe Franchi di, conte. 1730-1806. See Franchid i Pont, Giuseppe, conte. 1730-1806. Pontalis, Eugene Lefevre-. 1862-. See Lefevre=Pontalis, Eugene. 1862-. Pontanus, Johan Isaac. 1571-1639. Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium historia . . . accedunt . . . AH4Q2 [Hollandiae . . . descriptio et . . . Cornelii Haemrodii Bataviae . . . Am8i descriptio]. Amsterodami, 1611. Q. [8] +292 +[46] p. ill. 3 pi. 4 maps. Pontault, Sebastien de, sieur de Beaulieu. -1674. See Beaulieu, Sebastien de Pontault, sieur de. -1674. Pontoise (France) Societe historique et archeolo- gique de 1 Arrondissement de Pontoise et du Vexin. See Societe historique et archeologique de 1 Arrondissement de Pontoise et du Vexin. Ponz, Antonio. 1725-92. Viaggio fuori di Spagna, in cui si da notizia . . . intorno alle belle AO arti di Francia, d Inghilterra e d Olanda, tradotta dall originale P772 spagnuolo neh" idioma italiano [per M. Llorente]. Ferrara, 1794. O. 2 v. in i. Ponza di San Martino, Luigi, conte. Istituzioni di architettura civile. . . AA Torino, 1836-37. F. 3 v. in 2. 120 pi. P77 Pool, Matthijs, 1670-, engraver. See Bossuit, Francis van. 1635-92. Cabinet de 1 art de schulp- AN6 ture execute en yvoire. 1727. 665 Poole, Benjamin. Coventry, its history and antiquities, illustrated by W. F. Taunton. AH42 London, 1870. Q. 16+424 p. 50 pi. 4 fac-sim. C83 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 797 Poole, Rev. George Ayliffe. i8o9(?)-83. Architectural history of Lincoln minster. (In Associated archi- AC tectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 4, p. 8-48. 5 pi.) As/ Churches, their structure, arrangement and decoration. New AE edition. London, 1845. D - 4+ J 5 2 P- HI- ?7 8 History of ecclesiastical architecture in England. AH42 London, 1848. O. 14+415 p. A66 On colour in building materials. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 4, p. 119-129.) As/ On the progressive development of geometrical tracery; and on AC the claims of the geometrical to be treated as a distinct style. As/ (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. I, p. 65-76. 2 pi.) Painted glass in connection with architecture. (In Associated AC architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 8, p. 134144.) As/ Remarks on some of the peculiarities of the Norfolk churches, AC especially those that result from the use of flint. (In Associated As/ architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. i,p. 85-99. 9 pi.) The stained glass in Lowick church, with remarks on glass paint- AC ing, old and new. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports As/ and papers, v. 6, p. 53-64.) Poole, Rev. George Ayliffe, i8o9(?)-i883, and Hugall, J. W. Historical and descriptive guide to York cathedral and its anti- AH42 quities, with a history and description of the minster organ. Y8i York [1850]. Nar. Q. 13+213 p. 40 pi. Poole, Stanley Lane-. 1854- Art of the Saracens in Egypt. AO [London] 1886. O. 18+264 p. ill. 48 pi. P/8 Pooley, Charles. Historical and descriptive account of the old stone crosses of AR42 Somerset. London, i8//. Nar. Q. 16+188 p. ill. 20 pi. map. 8051 Notes on the cross of Amney Hold-Rood, Gloucestershire; read AR42 before a meeting of the Cotteswold club, Jan. 31, 1854. Z London [1854]. O. |j] + i8 p. ill. 2 pi. Notes on the old crosses of Gloucestershire. AR42 London, 1868. Nar. Q. i2+[i]+/6 p. ill. 13 pi. G5I2 Pope, Walter, M. D. i63o(?)-i82 3 . The Salisbury ballad; with curious, learned and critical notes. AR42 Salisbury, i//o. O. 28 p. (In Ledwich, Rev. Edward. Anti- Sa3 quitates Sarisburienses. i//i.) Reprint of London ed. of 1713. 798 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Popelin, Claudius Marcel, 1825-92, translator. See Piccolpassi, Cipriano, cavaliere. Les troys libvres de 1 art du AN2 potier. 1 86 1. ?58 Popp, Justus, and Btilau, Theodor. Die architectur des mittelalters in Regensburg dargestellt durch AA den Dom, die Jakobskirche und einige andere iiberreste altdeut- P8ii scher baukunst. Regensburg, 1839. F. 10 pts. 43 pi. Les trois ages de 1 architecture gothique, son origine, sa theorie, AD6 demontres et representes par des exemples choisis a Ratisbonne P8l . . . tr. de 1 allemand. . . Paris, 1841. F. 6 17 p. 49 pi. Poppel, Joh[ann Joseph Gabriel Friedrich], 1807-82, and others. Das grossherzogthum Baden in malerischen original-ansichten; AH43 seiner . . . gegenden . . . stadte . . . kirchen ... in stahl gestochen 6144 von J. Poppel [und andern] . . . begleitet von einem . . . text von E. Huhn. Darmstadt, 1850. O. 76+456+16 p. 156 pi. Popular account of St. Paul s cathedral. 1825. AH42 See [Hackett, Maria.] L945 Porcher, E[dwin] A., and Smith, Major R. M. History of the recent discoveries at Cyrene, made during an ex- AR62 pedition to the Cyrenaica in 1 860-61. 1864. AI Porcher, Jacques, andFournereau, M. L. L. 1846-. AR593 Les ruines d Angkor. 1890. Ai Porta, Giuseppe, called Salviati. i52o(?)-75(?) Ratio accurate deformandi turn volutam turn capitulum lonicum AA secundum Vitruvii praecepta; de Italica in Latinam linguam con- V848 versa interprete A. A. F. S. T. D. (In Vitruvius. Architectura. 1825-30. v. i,pt. I, p. 267-273.) Forms one of Marchese Giovanni Poleni s Exercitationes Vitruvianae. Portafoglio delle arti decorative in Italia; raccolta di ripro- AB duzioni in eliotipia di opere d arte decorativa esistenti nei musei P83 pubblici e privati d ltalia. [Venezia] 1890-. F. 5 ill. v. I. Portal, [Pierre Paul] Frederic de, baron. 1804-76. Essay on symbolic colours in antiquity, the middle ages, and AK modern times ; from the French, with notes by W. S. Inman. . . P83 London, 1845. Q. [4o]+27+36 p. 2 pi. Symbolic colours in antiquity, the middle ages and modern times, AA translated from the French with notes by W. S. Inman. (In Q2 Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - 2 > 3 2 P- an d v - 3> 27+36 p. 2 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 799 Das portal zu Remagen; programm zu F. G. Welcker s AP jubelfeste. . . 1859. See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Portefeuille des arts decoratifs. 1888-93. AK See Champeaux, L. A. de. 1833-. 351 Porter, Thomas. Architectural competitions. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1879-80. p. 65-108. i tab.) R8i Portfolio club (Boston), editor. AB See Architectural sketch book. 1874-76. Ar32 Portheim, Friedrich. Mantegna als kupferstecher. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussi- AB schen kunstsammlungen. v. 7, p. 214-226.) J*9 2 Uber den dekorativen stil in der altchristlichen kunst. AK Stuttgart, 1886. O. 43 p. P833 Posnansky, Hermann. AO De Nemeseos monumentis. . . Vratislaviae [1888]. O. 30+ [2] p. Z3 Doctor s dissertation at Breslau (Ger.) university. Post, Pieter. Les ouvrages d architecture . . . dans lesquels on voit les repre- AH492 sentations de plusieurs edifices considerables en plans et eleva- A2 tions avec leurs descriptions. Leide, 1715. F. 5 Various paging. 74 pi. Contents: La maison du Prince J. Maurice. La salle d Orange. La maison Swanenburg. La maison Ryxdorp. La maison de villa de Maestricht. La maison du poids de la ville de Gouda. La maison de Vredenburg. Les chemine es. Postbauten des deutschen reichs, mit hoher genehmigung AE6 und wohlwollender unterstiitzung des reichspostamts, in licht- P84 druckbildern nach photographischen original-aufnahmen mit be- gleitendem text Leipzig, 1887. F. 5 [63] p. 30 pi. Postolakas, Achilles. See Conze, A. C. L., 1831-, and others. Die attischen grabreliefs. AE8 1893. 762 Potain, [Nicolas Marie]. -1791. Details des ouvrages de menuiserie pour les batimens . . . 2 e edi- AI tion. . . Paris, 1778. O. 8+244+280 p. 14 pi. P84 8oo AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Potel, [Jean Jacques], La Bretagne et ses monuments; cinquante vues des monuments, AH44 eglises, chateaux, ruines celebres . . . de cette province . . . accom- 677 pagnees d un texte. . . Nantes, 1840. F. 5 2 v. 50 pi. Potemont, Adolphe Martial. 1828-83. See Martial, Adolphe Martial Potemont, called. 1828-83. Poterlet, Henri. Petites compositions d ornements et de fleurs. AK Paris, 1884. Obi. Q. 24 pi. P84 Potter, Edward Tuckertnan. 1831-. World pictures in capitals, with a descriptive legend by H. Coppee. AK Philadelphia, 1869. Q. 21 p. 8 pi. P85 Potter, Frederick] Scarlett, editor. AC See Associated arts institute (London). Papers. 1869-70. As7i Potter, Joseph. Remains of ancient monastic architecture in England. . . AH42 London [1844-47]. F. Various paging. io6pl. A2i Contents : Buildwas abbey. Tintern abbey. Wenlock priory. Specimens of antient English architecture, selected from . . . ec- AH42 clesiastical, domestic and other edifices. . . A85 London, 1857. F. 8 p. 28 pi. Pettier, Andre [Ariodant]. 1799-1867. Histoire de la faience de Rouen . . . publiee par les soins de 1 Abbe AN2 Colas, G. Gouellain et R. Bordeaux . . . dessins de Emile Pettier. P8$ Rouen, 1870. Sq. F. 2 v. I por. 58 pi. See Willemin, N. X. 1763-1833. Monuments francais inedits . . . AN6 accompagnes d un texte par A. Pettier. 1839. W66 Pottier, Andre Ariodant, 1799-1867, editor. AH44 See La Normandie illustree. 1852. v. I. N/83 Pottier, Edmond, 1855-, and Reinach, Salomon. 1858-. La necropole de Myrina; recherches archeologiques executees . . . AR56 par E. Pottier, S. Reinach, A. Veyries. M99 Paris, 1887. F. 2 v. [3]+63i p. ill. 52 pi. Paged continuously. Published by ficole fran9aise d Athenes et de Rome. Poulbriere, J. B., abbe. Castelnau de Bretenoux. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 15, AB p. 74-95, 177-195, 284-289.) R324 Le portail de Beaulieu au diocese de Tulle. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 14, p. 272-289, 358-372.) R3 2 4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 801 Poulet=Malassis, Auguste, 1825-78, and La Sicotiere, P. F. L. D. de. 1812-. AH 44 Le Departement de 1 Orne archeologique et pittoresque. 1845. Poulson, George. History and antiquities of the seigniory of Holderness in the East- AH42 Riding of the county of York, including the abbies of Meaux and H/i Swine. . . Hull, 1840-41. Sq. F. 2 v. ill. 31 pi. 6 maps. 4 facsim. Pourtales=Gorgier, [James Alexandre], comte de. 1778-1855- Antiques . . . [de son] cabinet, decrites par T. Panofka. AO2 Paris, 1834. F. 5 4+i22+[i]p. 41 pi. P86 Catalogue des objets d art et . . . antiques . . . qui composent . . . AO2 [ses] collections . . . vente . . . 6fevrier, 1865, et jours suivants. . . P86i [Paris, 1865]. O. 1 1+292 p. 5 pi. f Poussin, Etienne de Lavallee=. 1740-93. See Lavallee-Poussin, Etienne de. 1740-93. Poussin, [J. Clovis], abbe, 1819-. Monographic de 1 abbaye et de 1 eglise de St.-Remi de Reims, AH44 precedee d une notice sur le saint apotre de Francs d apres Flo- R279 doard . . . illustre de huit dessins par E. Leblan. Reims, 1857. O- 2 79 P- 6 pi. Powell, George T. Foundations and foundation walls for all classes of buildings . . . AI [with] a treatise on foundations ... by F. Bauman[n]. 4th ed. P87 enlarged. New York, 1889. O. 166 p. ill. Pownall, Thomas. 1722-1805. Description of the sepulchral monument at New Grange ... in AB the county of Meath in Ireland ... (In Archaeologia. 1773. v. 2, Ar2 p. 236-275. pi.) Notices and descriptions of antiquities of the Provincia Romana AR44 of Gaul, now Provence, Languedoc and Dauphine. . . A2i London, 1788. Q. 12+197 P- 7 pi- Observations on the origin and progress of Gothic architecture . . . AB (In Archaeologia. 1789. v. 9, p. 1 10-126.) Ar2 Treatise on the study of antiquities as the commentary to histor- AP ical learning, sketching out a general line of research . . . with an P87 appendix. . . London, 1782. O. 28+278 p. 5 pi. Powys=land club, publisher. Collections historical and archaeological, relating to Montgomery- AC shire. London, 1868-86. ill. O. v. 1-16, 20. P87 51 802 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Poynter, Ambrose. On the contemporary styles of Gothic architecture in England AC and France. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transac- R8i tions. 1842. v. i, pt. 2, p. 70-80. 2 pi.) Poynter, Edward J[ohn], 1836-. AO Ten lectures on art. London, 1879. O. 12+283 P ^87 Poynter, Edward J[ohn], 1836- editor. Painting: Classic, early Christian, Italian and Teutonic. . . AO6 London, 1882. D. 2 v. in i. ill. 2 pi. 135 paged pi. P87 This work is compiled from Painting: Classic and Italian, by E. J. Poynter and P. R. Head; and Painting: German, Flemish and Dutch, by E. J. Poynter and J. H. Wilmot-Buxton. See Illustrated hand-books of art education. 1882-88. Pozzo, Andrea. 1642-1709. Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum. . . AL2 Romae, 1693-1700. F. 5 2 v. 4 pi. 219 paged pi. P87I Title-page and text in Latin and Italian. Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum Andreae Putei. AL2 Romae, 1758-64 [v. i, 64]. F. 5 2 v. i por. 5 pi. 215 paged pi. P872 Title-page and text in Latin and Italian. Rules and examples of perspective proper for painters and archi- AL2 tects . . . engraven ... by John Sturt, done into English ... by P87 J. James of Greenwich. London [1707]. F. 5 Unpaged. 105 pi. Text in Latin and English. Pozzo, Bartolomeo, conte dal. Le vite de pittori, degli scultori et architetti veronesi, raccolte da AW varj autori . . . con la narrativa delle pitture e sculture . . . P87 Verona, 1718. O. [8] + 3i3 + [2] p. with Aggiunta. 42 + [2] p. Praktisches skizzen-buch fur fassaden- und innen-decora- AB tionen . . . 1891-92. Dresden [1892]. ill. Sq. F. 5 P88 Edited by J. Pape. Die pramiirten entwurfe der concurrenz zum bau von APLj3 kleinen hausern in Hamburg. . . 2. aufl. Hi7 Hamburg, 1878. Sq. F. 8 pi. Die pramiirten entwurfe der Hamburger rathhaus-con- AH43 currenz, 1876. . . Hi 74 Hamburg, 1877. Sq. F. 5 i 4 +[i] + [i5] p. 57 pi. Text in quarto. Prangey, Qirault de. See Qirault de Prangey, - . COLUMBIA COLLEGE 803 Prastorfer, Alois. [Projecte zu einer sternwarte zum rathhausbau in Wien.] Wien, 1872. F. 18 pi. Preece, W[illiam] H[enry], 1834-. Internal illumination of buildings. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 299-324.) Preisgekronte entwiirfe zur Kaiser Wilhelms-universitat zu Strassburg im Elsass. . . Berlin, 1880. F. 5 25 pi. Preisler, Johann Daniel. 1666-1737. Die durch theorie erfundene practic; oder, Griindlich-verfasste reguln derer man sich als einer anleitung zu beruhmter kiinstlere zeichen-wercken . . . bedienen kan. Niirnberg, 1781-89 [v. I, 89]. F. 4 4 v. in I. 72 pi. Griindliche anleitung welcher man sich im nachzeichnen schoner landschafften, oder prospecten bedienen kan ... 7. aufl. Niirnberg, 1774. F. 4 [4] p. 16 pi. Preller, L[udwig]. 1809-61. Die regionen der stadt Rom; nach den besten handschriften berichtigt und mit einleitenden abhandlungen und einem com- mentare begleitet. Jena, 1846. O. 8+256 p. Premier, Anton Joseph von, 1683-1743, and Stam= part, Frans. 1675-1750. Prodromus zum theatrum artis pictoriae. (In Jarhbuch der Kunst- historischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 7, pt. 2, p. 7-14.) Prentice, Andrew N[oble]. Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain; a series of examples selected from . . . works executed between . . . 1500- 1560. . . London [pref. 1893]. F. 5 io+i6p. ill. 60 pi. Preobrazhenski, M. T. Pamyatniki drevne-russkavo sodchestva v pvredyelakh Kaluzhskoi guberni: [Memorial of the old Russian architecture in the govern- ment of Kaluga]. . . S. Peterburg, 1891. F. [8] + H9p. 15 pi. Prescott, Harriet Elizabeth. 1835-. See Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott). 1835-. Pressac, [Jean Francois]. Biographic de Jacques du Fouilloux. (In Fouilloux, Jacques du. Lavenerie. 1864. p. 5-59.) Pressel, Fried rich. Ulm und sein miinster; festschrift zur erinnerung an den 30. Juni, 1377- Ulm, 1877. Nar. Q. 136+8 p. ill. AH436 V686 AC R8i AH43 St85 AO6i AO6i AH45 R793 AB Ji9i AK AH47 Ki2 AX F82 AH43 804 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Prestel, J[ohann Erdmann Gottlieb]. 1804-85. Der tempel der Athena Nike kunstkritisch beleuchtet. AH495 Mainz, 1873. O. 6+65 + [i] p. 3 pi. Zi Prestel, Jakob. Der hellenische kunstgedanke in seiner entwicklung; oder, Der AH495 griechische tempel bis zur zeit Alexanders des grossen. Z4 Mainz, 1869. O. 86+ [2] p. Preston, John. Picture of Yarmouth ... a history and description of all the pub- AR42 lie establishments within that borough . . . with a ... topograph- 21 ical account of ancient and modern Yarmouth. . . Yarmouth, 1819. O. [io] + i9+258 p. 20 pi. Presuhn, Emil. 1844-81. Die pompejanischen wanddecorationen fur kiinstler und kunst- AR45 gewerbtreibende sowie freunde des alterthums. Neue . . . ausgabe. P/S/ Leipzig, 1882. F. [5]+4O+0] p. 25 pi. Pompeji; dieneuesten ausgrabungen von 1874 bis 1881 fiir kunst- AR45 und alterthums-freunde ... 2. . . auflage. P/7 2 Leipzig, 1882. F. Various paging. 80 pi. See Steeger, Vittorio. Le piu belle pareti di Pompei; riproduzioni AM6 cromolitografiche, con brevi dichiarazioni di E. Presuhn. 1878. St3 Premier, [Christian Ludwig] August. 1832-. Uber die Venus von Milo; eine archaologische untersuchung auf AO8 grund der fundberichte. Greifswald, 1874. O. [3] +47 p. Z6 Consists of his " Uber die restauration der Venus von Milo auf grund der fundberichte, pro- grammzur Winckelmannsfeieramg. Dec. 1873," with "Beilage, Anhang,"und "Nachtrage." Prevost, Qustave A. Le chateau de Canteleu pres Rouen et ses proprietaires depuis le AB 176 siecle. (In Bulletin monumental. 1889, v. 55, p. 5-37. I pi.) 687 Price, Bruce. 1845-. Modern architectural practice. AE2 New York [c. 1887]. Sq. F. 4 v. I. ill. 24 pi. ?93 Contents: v. i. Large country house. Price, Bruce, 1845-, Sturgis, Russell, and others. AE2 Homes in city and country. 1893. St9 Price, Francis. British carpenter; or, A treatise on carpentry ... 3 d ed. enlarged. AI London, 1753. Q. [8] + 52 p. 44 pi. P93 Supplement bound with this. Series of ... observations . . . upon that admirable structure, the ArLj.2 cathedral-church of Salisbury. . . Sa33 London, 1753. Sq. F. [143 + 5+78 p. 12 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 805 Price, Francis. Supplement to the British carpenter, containing Palladio s orders AI of architecture, with the ornaments of doors and windows. . . ?93 London, 1753. Q. p. 53~66. 13 pi. Bound with his British carpenter. Price, Francis, Robison, John, 1739-1805, and Tred= gold, Thomas. 1788-1829. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of construction in the car- AI pentry and joinery of roofs. 1859. K-55 Price, Frederick] G[eorge] Hilton. Further notes upon excavations at Silchester. (In Archaeologia. AB v. 50, p. 263-280. 5 pi.) Ar2 Signs of old Lombard street, illustrated by James West. AH42 London [1887]. Q- [>] + i4+ii2f. 61 pi. L892 Price, John. Historical account of the city of Hereford, with some remarks on AR42 the river Wye. .. Hereford, 1796. O. 262 p. 7 pi. H42 Historical and topographical account of Leominster and its vicin- AR42 ity, with an appendix. . . Ludlow, 1795. O. [i2] + 272 p. 7 pi. Price, John Edward. Description of the Roman tessellated pavement found in Bucklers- AJ2 bury. . . Westminster, 1870. Q. 78 p. ill. 5 pi. ?93 Remains of Roman buildings at Morton, Isle of Wight. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1880-81. p. 125-155.) R8l Price, Lake. AH45 Interiors and exteriors in Venice. [London] 1843. F. 6 25 pi. V"57 Price, William. History of Oswestry, from the earliest period. . . AR42 Oswestry, 1815. Nar. D. 12+168 p. ill. I pi. Os9 Prichard, John. Views ... of Minster Lovell church, Oxfordshire. AH42 Oxford, 1850. F. 5 6 p. 10 pi. M66 Published by the Oxford society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture. Prickett, Frederick. History and antiquities of Highgate, Middlesex. . . AR42 London, 1842. O. 8+i74 + [i] p. n pi. H53 Prickett, Rev. Marmaduke. 1805-39. Historical and architectural description of the priory church of AH42 Bridlington. . . Cambridge, 1831. O. 26+ [2] + 130 p. 17 pi. 676 Prier, Jean du. fl. 1 5th cent. See Jean du Prier. fl. i$th cent. 51* 8o6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Prignot, Eugene. L architecture, la decoration, I ameublement . . AK Liege, no date. F. 5 60 pi. ?93 Prim, John Q. Augustus, and Graves, Rev. James. 1815-86. History, architecture and antiquities of the cathedral church of St. AH4I5 Canice, Kilkenny. 1857. K55 Prime, Samuel Irenseus. 1812-85. Alhambra and the Kremlin; the south and the north of Europe. New York [c. 1873]. O. 24+482 p. ill. Primisser, Gottfried. 1785-1812. Denkmahler der kunst und des alterthums in der kirche zum Heiligen Kreuz zu Innsbruck. [Anon.] Innsbruck, 1812. S. 12 + 108 p. 29 pi. Principi di architettura civile. 1781-1800. See [Milizia, Francesco]. 1725-98. Prior, C[harles] E[dward]. M. D. Archaic stone monuments. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. u, p. 343-360. 4 pi.) Prioux, Stanislas. i8i7(?)-66. Monographic de 1 ancienne abbaye royale Saint- Yved de Braine, AH44 avec la description des tombes royales et seigneuriales renfermees dans cette eglise. . . Paris, 1859. F. 5 104 p. 27 pi. Pritchett, , and Watson, . Plans . . . and description of the pauper lunatic asylum Wakefield. 1819. at Privat= und gemeindebauten. AH46 An AH 43 6 In6 AA M59 AC AH42 Wi 3 i AH 43 Stuttgart [1876-88]. F. 5 3 v. Vol. i edited by F. SCHITTENHELM ; vol. 2 edited by A. LAMBERT and E. STAHL ; vol. 3 edited by H. BETHKE. Probasco, Henry. Catalogue of ... [his] paintings ... to be sold by auction ... on Monday evening, April eighteenth, at Chickering hall. . . [New York] 1887. Sq. F. 55 p. 55 pi. No. 3 of 250 copies printed. Procter, Richard Wright. 1816-81. Memorials of bygone Manchester with glimpses of the environs. Manchester, 1880. Q. 22+ 16+396 p. 3 por. i8pl. map. I facsim. Map in pocket at end of book. Memorials of Manchester streets. AH42 Manchester, 1874. O. 22+388 p. 27 pi. M3I3 AO6 P 94 AH42 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 807 Projets d architecture. 1806. See [Allais, Louis Jean, Detournelle, Athanase, 1776-, and Vau- AL2 doyer, A. L. T.] 1756-1846. Al5 Prokhorov, Vasili Aleksandrovich. Materiali po istori russkikh odezhd i obstanovki zhisni narodnoi: AN4 [Materials for a history of Russian costume and circumstances of ?942 the life of the people]. . . Sanktpeterburg, 1881-85. F. 4 4 v. in I. 121 pi. Promenade ou itineraire des jardins d Ermenonville. 1 788. AH44 See [Qirardin, L. S. C. X. comte de. 1762-1827.] 36 Promis, Carlo. Catalogo analitico de codici scritti e figurati di Francesco di AE7 Giorgio Martini. (In Martini, F. di G. i423(?)-7o(?). Trattato di M36 architettura. 1841. v. I, p. 87-122.) Dell arte, dell ingegnere e dell artigliere in Italia . . . memorie AE7 storiche cinque in appendice e schiarimento al Trattato di archi- M36 tettura di Francesco di Giorgio Martini. (In Martini, F. di G. i423(?)-7o(?). Trattato di architettura. 1841. v. 2.) Vita di Francesco di Giorgio Martini. (In Martini, F. di G. AE7 i423(?)-7o(?). Trattato di architettura civile e militare. 1841. M36 p. 1-86.) Promis, Vincenzo, 1844- editor. See Bartoli, Giuseppe. I7I7~88(?). Libro di memorie antiquarie AC del Piemonte. (In Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la pro- So 17 vincia di Torino. Atti. v. 2, p. 281-328.) Promptvaire des medalles des plvs renommees personnes AMi qui ont este depuis le commencement du monde. . . P94 Lyon, Roville, 1553. O. 2 v. in I. ill. Promptuarium iconum insigniorum. See Promptvaire des medalles. Latin and French title. Pronk, C[ornelis], 1691-1759, and Beijer, J[an] de. 1705-- Een en twintig gezichten in de provintie Utrecht, bevattende AH492 afbeeldingen van de voornaamste gebouwen, steden, markten, Ut7i sloten, etc. No place, 1779. F. 5 21 pi. Pronti, Domenico. Nuova raccolta rappresentante i costumi religiosi, civili e militari AN4 degli antichi Egiziani, Etruschi, Greci e Romani. . . Roma [i8oo(?)]. Obi. O. 49 pi. 8o8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Proper!, John Lumsden. Introduction. (In Burlington fine arts club, London. Exhibition AN2 of portrait miniatures. 1889. pref., p. 5-67.) 6923 Proprietaire architecte, contenant plans . . . pour con- AE2 struire . . . une maison d habitation en Belgique . . . extrait des V83 Etudes d architecture civile de M. Mandar, pour faire suite a 1 ouvrage de U. Vitry. Liege, 1842. Q. 42 p. 32 pi. (In Vitry, Urbain. Le proprietaire architecte. 1827-42. v. 3.) Prosch, E., Stiller, F. A., 1800-65, and Willebrand, H. AH43 Das schloss zu Schwerin. 1869. Sch9 Prospect der pallaste und lust-schlosser seiner koniglichen AH43 Mayestatt in Preussen. Ai9 See Brobes, J. B. Vues des palais et maisons de plaisance de le Roy de Prusse. 1733. Prospetto, spaccato e dettagli della confessione nella basi- AH45 lica di S. Paolo. Roma, 1838. F. 6 10 pi. R662 Prost, [Pierre Henri] Bernard. 1849-. Notice sur les anciens vitraux de 1 eglise de Saint-Julien, Jura, et AH44 incidemment sur ceux de Notre-Dame de Brou, Ain. . . Lons- 6791 le-Saunier, 1885. Sq. F- 2 4 P- 6 pi. (Societe d emulation du Jura. Publications archeologiques. no. I.) Prou, [Jean] Maurice. 1861- Inscriptions carolingiennes des cryptes de Saint-Germain d Aux- AB erre. (In Gazette archeologique. v. 13, 1888, p. 299-303.) G25 Prou, [Jean] Maurice, 1861-, compiler. See Geoffrey of Alatri, card. -1287. Inventaire des meubles du AB cardinal Geoffroi d Alatri. (In Melanges d archeologie et d his- M48 toire. 1885. p. 382-411.) Prouhet, Dr. A. La Mothe-St-Heray [et Pamproux], Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, AR44 J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 9. 34 p. ill. ?75 8 pi.) Lezay, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 9. 16 p. ill. 4 pi.) P75 Proust, Henri. Le chateau de Saint-Mesmin-la-Ville a Saint-Andre-sur-Sevre, AR44 Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 8. 8 p. 4 pi. i plan.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 809 Prout, Samuel. 1783-1852. Fac-similes of sketches made in Flanders and Germany and drawn AH493 on stone. No place [1833]. F. 6 50 pi. Ai Sketches in France, Switzerland, and Italy. AH/|4 London, 1839. F - 6 [4] P- 26 pi. A6 Provinciaal Utrechts genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen, publisher. See Pleyte, Willem. 1836-. La construction de 1 eglise parois- AH492 siale de St. Jacques a Utrecht. 1876. Ut7 Prtifer, . Mittheilungen iiber den bau der St. Nicolai-kirche in Potsdam. AB (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 3, p. 3-18, 543. 6 pi.) Z^i Priifer, Theodor. Der todtentanz in der Marien-kirche zu Berlin, und geschichte AX und idee der todtentanzbilder iiberhaupt. . . ?95 Berlin, 1876. F. 4 [3]+26 p. i pi. Prussia Qeistlichen, unterrichts= und medicinal= angelegenheiten, Ministerium der, editor. See Inventarium der baudenkmaler im konigreiche Preussen. 1870. Przezdziecki, Alexandra, 1814-71, and Rastawiecki, Edwarda. 1804-74. Monuments du moyen-age et de la renaissance dans 1 ancienne AO Pologne. . . Varsovie, 1853-62. Q. 3 v. 2 por. 135 pi. ?95 Title-page and text in Polish and French. Wzory sztuki sredniowiecznej w dawnej Polsce. See, above, AO Monuments du moyen-age et de la renaissance dans 1 ancienne P95 Pologne. 1853-62. Title-page in Polish and French. Public edifices of the British metropolis, with . . . accounts AH42 of the different buildings. . . London, 1825. F. Unpaged. 21 pi. L88i Public statues and monuments of New York. AH73 New York, c. 1891. Obi. S. 15 p. N482 Public works of the United States of America. 1841. AH73 See Strickland, William, 1787-1854, Gill, E. H., and Campbell, A 17 H. R. editors. Puchstein, Otto. AP Das lonische capitell. Berlin, 1887. Q. 67 p. ill. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 47. Kyrenaeische vasen. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 39, p. 215- AB 250, pi. 10-13. Ar23 8io AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Puchstein, Otto, and Humann, Karl. 1839-. Reisen in Kleinasien und Nordsyrien. 1890. A 7 Puckle, Rev. John, canon. i8i3(?)-. Church and fortress of Dover castle. AH42 Oxford, 1864. O. [8] + i32p. 1 1 pi. D/SI Pugin, Augustus [Charles]. 1762-1832. Select views in Islington, Pentonville, Highbury, Canonbury, etc., AH42 from original drawings. . . London, 1810. F. [4] p. 31 pi. Is4i Series of views illustrative of [his] Examples of Gothic archi- AH 4.2 tecture . . . drawn ... by Joseph Nash, with . . . descriptions by A/4 W. H. Leeds. London, 1830. F. 4+20 p. 23 pi. Pugin, Augustus [Charles], 1762-1832, and Britton, John. 1771-1857. Illustrations of the public buildings of London, with historical and AIL}.2 descriptive accounts of each. 1825-28. L874 Pugin, [Augustus Charles], 1762-1832, Le Keux, [John], i783(?)-i846, and Le Keux, [Henry], 1788- 1868. Specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy. AH44 London, 1827. Q. 4 p. 73 pi. N78i Pugin, A[ugustus Northmore] Welby. 1811-52. Apology for the revival of Christian architecture in England. AH42 London, 1843. Q. [6] + 5i p. 10 pi. Ai2 Designs for gold and silver smiths. . . AM4 London, 1836. Sq. F. 27 pi. Pg6 Dessins pour fer et bronze dans le style du I5 me et i6 m e siecle. AM2 Paris, 1844. Sq. F. 27 pi. 96 Details of antient timber houses of the I5*h and i6th cent[uries], AI selected from those ... at Rouen, Caen, Beauvais . . . [and other places]. [London] 1836. Sq. F. 21 pi. Floriated ornament. . . London, 1849. Sq. F. [8] p. 31 pi. AK Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume . . . illustrated by AN4 extracts from . . . Durandus, Georgius, Bona, [and others] en- P96 larged and revised by ... Rev. B. Smith. 3^ edition. London, 1868. Sq. F. 16+245 p. ill. 73 pi. Gothic furniture. London, no date. Q. [3] p. 26 pi. ANi P96 From the Repository of arts. Meubles dans le style gothique [du] i5 me siecle. AM2 Paris [1850?] Sq. F. 25 pi. P96 Bound with his Dessins pour fer et bronze. 1844. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 811 AE P 9 6 3 AA P96 AE P962 AD6 AD6 Pugin, A[ugustus Northmore] Welby. 181 1-52. Present state of ecclesiastical architecture in England. London, 1843. - 4+ I 53P- ill- 3 2 pi- Series of ornamental timber gables, from existing examples in England and France, of the sixteenth century, drawn on stone by B. Ferrey . . . with descriptive letter-press by E. J. Willson. 2d ed. London, 1839. F. 15 p. 30 pi. Treatise on chancel screens and rood lofts, their antiquity, use and symbolic signification. London, 1851. Q. 8+124 p. 14 pi. True principles of pointed or Christian architecture; set forth in two lectures delivered at St. Marie s, Oscott. London, 1841. Q. [3] +67 p. ill. 10 pi. Les vrais principes de 1 architecture ogivale ou chretienne, avec des remarques sur leur renaissance au temps actuel ; remanie et developpe d apres le texte anglais par T. H. King et traduit en francais par P. Lebrocquy. . . Bruges, 1850. F. 48+243 p. ill. 71 pi. Puiraseau, Felix de Verneilh-. 1819-64. See Verneilh-Puiraseau, Felix de. 1819-64. Pulgher, D. Les anciennes eglises byzantines de Constantinople. . . Vienne, 1878-80. Nar. Q. 4+43 p. and Atlas, F. 6 [3] p. 30 pi. Pullan, Mrs. Matilda Marian (Chesney). 1821-. Lady s manual of fancy work; a complete instructor in every variety of ornamental needle-work. . . New York, 1859. O. 208 p. ill. 8 pi. Pullan, R[ichard] Popplewell. -1888. Decoration of the dome of St. Paul s cathedral. (In Royal insti tute of British architects. Transactions. 1882-83. p. 33-44.) Eastern cities and Italian towns, with notes on their architecture. London, 1879. D. [5]+238 p. Elementary lectures on Christian architecture. London, 1879. D. 8+86 p. 6 pi. On the decoration of basilicas and Byzantine churches. (In Royal institute of British architects. 1875-76. p. 15-44. 2 pi.) Remarks on church decoration. London, 1878. O. 47 p. 2 pi. Studies in architectural style. London, 1883. F. [4] p. 96 pi. Studies in cathedral design. London, 1888. F. 4 20 p. 45 pi. Works of the late William Burges. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1881-82. p. 183-195.) R8i AH496 C76 AN P96 AC R8i AH 4S AE P96 AC R8i AK P96 AA P96 AE 812 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Pullan, Richard Popplewell, -1888, editor. AA See Burges, William. 1827-81. Architectural designs. 1887. Pullan, Richard Popplewell. -1888. See Society of Dilettanti, publisher. Antiquities of Ionia. 1769- AH495 1881. A7 Text by R. P. Pullan. Pullan, Richard Popplewell, -1888, and Newton, Sir C. T. 1816-. History of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae. AR56 1862-63. A3 Pulman, George P. R. Book of the Axe; containing a piscatorial description of that AR42 stream, and a history of all the parishes and remarkable spots Ax2 upon its banks. . . London, 1854. D. 6+[i]+495 p. ill. 1 1 pi. map. tab. Puls, Eduard, and Pertzel, Anton. Ornamentik fur schlosser und architekten; darstellung von kunst- AM2 und schmiede-arbeiten alter und neuer zeit. 4. aufl. 962 Gera, 1881. F. 7 p. 139 pi. Pulszky Karoly. 1853-. See Budapest (Hungary) Exposition. 1888. Chefs-d oeuvre AM4 d orfevrerie. No date. B85 See Budapest (Hungary) Museum nationale hungaricum, AN editor. Ornamente der hausindustrie Ungarn s; text von C. v. 685 Pulszky. 1878. Punishments of China. 1801. AN4 See [Mason, Q. H.]. C826 Pupikofer, J[ohann] A[dam]. 1797-1882. Geschichte der burgfeste Kyburg. Zurich, 1869. (In Antiqua- AC rische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1867-70. v. 16. An8 p. 9-52. I pi.) Purcell, Edmund Sheridan. An appendix in which the writings and character of A. W. N. AW Pugin are considered in their catholic aspect. (In Ferrey, B. P96 1810-80. Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin. 1861. p. 305-465.) Purdie, Thomas. A comparative estimate of mural decoration, as practised in our AC own country and on the continent. . . (In Architectural Institute Ar24 of Scotland. Transactions, v. 2, p. 213-251.) Read 8th Jan., 1852. For plates see next title. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 813 Purdie, Thomas. Illustrations of an essay on mural decoration read before the Architectural institute of Scotland. [Edinburgh, 1852.] Sq. F. 5 8 pi. For text of essay see preceding title. Stereochromic and other technical processes of painting considered with reference to their employment in mural decoration. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1862-63, p. 261- 282. i pi.) Purey=Cust, Rev. Arthur Perceval. 1828-. See Cust, Rev. Arthur Perceval Purey-. 1828-. Puteanus, Erycius. 1574-1646. Bruxella, incomparabili exemplo Septenaria, Gripho Palladio descripta; luminibus historicis, politicis, miscellaneis distincta et explicata. . . Bruxellae, 1646. Q. 24+i46+[u] p. ill. 3 pi. Puteus, Andreas. 1642-1709. See Pozzo, Andrea. 16421709. Putnam, J[ohn] Pickering. The open fireplace in all ages. New edition . . . enlarged. Boston, 1886. Sq. O. 14+207 p. ill. 55 pi. Putte, Hendrik van der. 1574-1646. See Puteanus, Erycius. 1574-1646. Puttrich, L[udwig]. Denkmale der baukunst des mittelalters in Sachsen, unter rmt- wirkung von G. W. Geyser dem jiingern. Leipzig, 1836-50. F. 4 2 v. in 4, ill. 368 pi. Contents : ii Baukunst in den furstlich schwarzburg schen landen. 1 1 Baukunst in den herzoglich anhalt schen landen. 1 2 Bauwerke in Altenburg. i 2 Bauwerke in den fiirstenthiimern Reuss. 2 2 Bauwerke in den graflich Stolberg schen besitzungen am Harz. 2 2 Bauwerke in der koniglich preussischen Lausitz. i 2 Bauwerke in Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. i 2 Bauwerke in Sachsen-Meiningen-Hildburghausen. i 2 Bauwerke in Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. Bauwerke zu Eisleben. 2 2 Bauwerke zu Halle. 2 2 Bauwerke zu Jiiterbog. 2 2 Bauwerke zu Miihlhausen, Nordhausen, Heiligenstadt. 2 2 Bauwerke zu Wittenberg, Muhlberg, Zeitz, etc. 2 2 Entwicklung der baukunst in den obersachsischen landern. 2 2 Erfurt ; sein dom. 1 1 Die goldene pforte der domkirche zu Freiberg. 2 1 Die kirchen zu kloster Memleben, Schraplau und Treben. 2 1 Merseburg; sein dom. 2 1 Naumburg an der Saale ; sein dom. 1 2 Das schloss und der dom zu Meissen. i 1 Die schlosskirche zu Wechselburg. 2 1 Schul-Pforte ; seine kirche. a 1 Die stadtkirche und die schlosskapelle zu Freiburg an der Unstrut. AM6 P 9 7 AC R8i AH493 6841 AJ P98 AH 4 3 814 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Pybus, William. Manual of useful knowledge ; a collection of ... miscellaneous AH42 receipts and . . . experiments, selected. . . L/54 Hull, 1810. D. 14+252 p. Pye, John. 1782-1874. Patronage of British art, an historical sketch . . . with a history of AO the Society for the management ... of the artists fund . . . Pgg 1810-27. . . London, 1845. O- 8+422 p. ill. I por. I tab. Pyl, K[arl] Th[eodor]. 1826-. Die griechischen rundbauten im zusammenhange mit dem gotter- AH495 und heroencultus erlautert. A2$ Greifswald, 1861. O. [j] + i22+[2] p. Pyl, [Karl] Theodor, 1826-, editor. Geschichte der Greifswalder kirchen und kloster, sowie ihrer denk- AH43 maler, nebst einer einleitung vom ursprunge der stadt Greifswald. G86 Greifswald, 1885-87. O. 3 v. in 2. 20 pi. Contents: v. i. Vom ursprung der stadt Greifswald; geschichte der Nikolai-Marien- und Jacobi-kirche. v. 2. Geschichte der Greifswalder geistlichkeit und schule bis zur reformation, v. 3. Geschichte des Franziskaner- und Dominikaner-klosters. Pyne, W[illiam] H[enry]. 1770-1843. History of the royal residences of Windsor castle, St. James s AH42 palace, Carlton House, Kensington palace, Hampton Court, A 112 Buckingham House and Frogmore. London, 1819. Sq. F. 4 3 v. 101 pi. Pyne, W[illiam] H[enry], 1770-1843, and Wylie, D. Lancashire illustrated, in a series of views . . . with historical and AH42 topographical descriptions. London, 1829. Q. 60 p. 30 pi. L22 Quandt, Johann Gottlob von. 1787-1859. Streifereien im gebiete der kunst auf einer reise von Leipzig nach AO Italian im . . . 1813. Leipzig, 1819. S. 3 v. in I. Q22 Quantities; a text-book for surveyors. 1880. AI See Fletcher, Banister. F63 Quarenghi, Giacomo. 1744-1817. Fabbriche e disegni. . . AL2 Milano, 1821. F. 5 46+[2] p. i por. 59 pi. Q2 Quaritch, Bernard, 1819- editor. See Quaritch s reprints of rare books. Quaritch s reprints of rare books; B. Quaritch, editor. AK London, 1884-88. Obi. O. and F. nos. 2, 6-n. 7 v. pi. Q2 Contents: v. 2. PARASOLE, Signora E. C. fl. 1597. Studio delle virtuose dame. 1884. v. 6. VAUQUER, J. ij th cent. Livre de flours propres pour orfevres. 1888. v. 7. Du CERCEAU, J. Ornemens d orfevrerie propres pour flanquer et e"mailler. 1888. v. 8. BERAIN, J. 1638-1711. Ornemens peints dans les appartemens des Tuilleries. 1888. v. 9. BRISEVILLE, H. 17 th cent. Diverses pieces de serruriers. 1888. v. 10. JACQUINET, . Plusieurs models des plus nouvelles manieres qui sont en usage en 1 art d arquibuzerie. 1888. v. ii. MONCORNET, B. i6i5(?)~7o(?). Livre nouveau de toutes sortes d ou- vrages d orfevries. 1888. Quarles, Rev. Thomas. 1799-1845. History and antiquities of Foulsham, in Norfolk. . . AR42 London, 1842. D. 4+ [4] + 164 p. 4 pi. F82 Quarterly papers on architecture. AA London, 1844-45. Sq. F. 4 v. pi. Q2 Edited by J. Weale. Quast, [Alexander] F[erdinand] von. 1807-77. Die basilika der alten; mit besonderer riicksicht auf diejenige AE form derselben, welche der Christlichen kirche zum vorbilde Q2I diente. Berlin, 1845. O. 22 P- 815 816 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Quast, [Alexander] Fferdinand] von. 1807-77. Die entwicklung der kirchlichen baukunst des mittelalters; zwei AE vorlesungen im Evangelischen verein zu Berlin. Berlin, 1858. Z8 O. 55 p. i pi. (In his Die entwicklung des christlichen kirchen- baues. pt 2-3.) Die entwicklung des christlichen kirchenbaues. . . AE Berlin, 1858. O. pt. 2-3. Z8 Contents : pt. 2-3. QUAST, A. F. VON. Die entwicklung der kirchlichen baukunst des mittelalters. 1858. Das Erechtheion zu Athen . . . nach dem werke des H. W. In- AH495 wood . . . hrsg. ; durch eine genaue beschreibung dieses tempels . . . At56 vermehrt. Berlin, 1843. O. 4+i93 + [i]p. 4 pi. and Atlas, new ed. F. 6 42 pi. Atlas published at Potsdam. Die romanischen dome des mittelrheins zu Mainz, Speier, AH43 Worms... Berlin, 1853. O. [3J + 56 p. 6 pi. A32 Uber form, einrichtung und ausschmiickung der altesten christ- AE lichen kirchen ; ein vortrag auf veranstaltung des Evangelischen Z8 vereins fur kirchliche zwecke gehalten. Berlin, 1853. O. 40 p. I pi. Quast, Alexander Ferdinand von, 1807-77, continues See Schulz, H. W. Denkmaler der kunst des mittelalters in AH45 Unteritalien. 1860. Ai3 Quast, Alexander Ferdinand von, 1807-77, editor. AB Zeitschrift fur christliche archaologie und kunst. 1856-58. Z3 Quast, Alexander Ferdinand von, 1807-77, an d Ver- neilh=Puiraseau, Felix de, 1819-64. Les emaux d Allemagne et les emaux Limousins. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 26, p. 109-130, 205-231.) 687 Quatremere de Quincy, [Antoine Chrysostome]. 1755-1850. Canova et ses ouvrages; ou, Memoires historiques sur la vie et les AW travaux de ce celebre artiste. Ci6 Paris, 1834. Nar. Q. 12+420 p. I por. I facsim. De 1 architecture egyptienne, considered dans son origine . . . et AH62 son gout, et comparee ... a 1 architecture grecque. . . A6 Paris, 1803. Q. 12+268 p. 20 pi. Dictionnaire historique d architecture. . . Paris, 1832. Q. 2 v. AA Q2I Essai sur la nature, le but et les moyens de 1 imitation dans les AO beaux-arts. Paris, 1823. O. 12+435 p. Q2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 817 Quatremere de Quincy, [Antoine Chrysostome]. 1755-1850. Lettres sur 1 enlevement des ouvrages de 1 art antique a Athenes et a Rome; ecrites les unes au celebre Canova, les autres au Gen. Miranda. Nouv. edition. Paris, 1836. O. 16+283 p. Monuments et ouvrages d art antiques restitues d apres les descrip- tions des ecrivains grecs et latins. . . Paris, 1829. F. 4 2 v. in I. 13 pi. Restitution conjecturale du Demos de Parrhasius. (In his Monu- ments et ouvrages d art antiques. 1829. v. 2, p. 69-103. I pi.) Restitution de la Minerve en or et ivoire, de Phidias, au Parthenon. (In his Monuments et ouvrages d art antiques. 1829. v. I, p. 61 123- 3 Restitution des deux frontons du temple de Minerve a Athenes. (In his Monuments et ouvrages d art antiques. 1829. v. I, 8 p.+ p. 1-59. 3 pl.) t Restitution du bucher d Hephestion. (In his Monuments et ouvrages d art antiques. 1829. v. 2, p. 105-158. 2 pl.) Restitution du char funeraire qui transporta de Babylone en Egypte le corps d Alexandre. (In his Monuments et ouvrages d art antiques. 1829. v. 2, p. 167. 3 pl.) Restitution du tombeau de Porsenna. (In his Monuments et ouvrages d art antiques. 1829. v. I, p. 115-160. I pl.) Quednow, Carl Friedrich. Beschreibung der alterthumer in Trier und dessen umgebungen aus der gallisch-belgischen und romischen periode. . . Trier, 1820. O. 2 v. in I. ill. 26 pl. map. Quellenschriften fur kunstgeschichte und kunsttechnik des mittelalters und der renaissance; hrsg. von R. Eitelberger von Edelberg. Neue folge. Wien, 1875-90. v. 3, 9, 12. ill. Contents: v. 3. FILARETE, A. AVERLINO, called 1410-70(7). Tractat iiber die baukunst. 1890. v. 9. SEMPER, H. G. 1845-. Donatello. 1875. v. 12. UNGER, F. W. 1810-76. Quellen der byzantinischen kunstgeschichte. 1878. Quellyn, Artus. 1630-1715. Sculpturen im koniglichen palais zu Amsterdam, nach den radi- rungen von Hubert Quellinus. Berlin, 1892. F. 5 3 p. ill. 37 pl. Quentell, Peter. i6th cent. Musterbuch fiir ornamente und stickmuster . . . hrsg. vom Leip- ziger kunstgewerbe-museum. Leipzig [1882]. Sq. O. 3 p. 80 pl. 52 AO8 Q2 AH495 Ail AH495 An AH495 Ail AH495 An AH495 Ail AH495 Ail AH495 All AR43 T/2 AH492 Am86 AN Q3 8i8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Queverdo, F[ranois] M[arie Isidore]. 1740-97. [Decorations interieurs, frises, panneaux et vases; collection de . . . AK planches.] Paris, no date. Q. 36 pieces on 26 pi. Q3 No title-page. Queyroy, [Mathurin Louis] A[mand]. 1830-. AH44 Les vieux Moulins; eaux-fortes. [Paris, 1866.] F. 5 20 pi. B62 Les vieux Vendome; eaux-fortes. [Paris, 1867.] F. 5 7 p. 17 pi. AH44 B62 Rues et maisons du vieux Blois; eaux-fortes. AH44 [Paris, 1864.] F. 5 4 p. 20 pi. B62 Quicherat, J[ules Etienne Joseph]. 1814-82. Histoire du costume en France depuis les temps les plus recules AN4 jusqu a la fin du i8 e siecle. Paris, 1875. Nar. Q. 3+680 p. ill. Q4 Melanges d archeologie et d histoire; antiquites celtiques, romaines AP et gallo-romaines; memoires et fragments reunis et mis en ordre Q4 par Arthur Giry et Auguste Castan, precedes d une notice sur la vie et les travaux de J. Quicherat par Robert de Lasteyrie, et d une bibliographic de ses ceuvres. Paris, 1885. O. 8+58o+[i] p. ill. I por. 8 pi. I map. See Villard de Honnecourt. fl. 1242. Facsimile of ... [his] AA sketch-book with commentaries and descriptions by J. B. A. W64 Lassus and by J. Quicherat. 1859. Quilter, Harry. 1851- Giotto. London, 1880. Q. 5 + [2] + 146 p. 13 pi. (Illustrated AW biographies of the great artists.) G43 Quin, Edwin Richard Windham. 1812-71. See Dunraven, Edwin Richard Windham Quin, 3d earl. 1812-71. Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome Quatremere de. 1755-1850. See Quatremere de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome. 1755-1850. Quiquerez, A. Notice sur les forges primitives dans le Jura Bernois. Zurich, AC 1871. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. An8 1870-72. v. 17, p. 69-88. 4 pi.) Quix, Christian. 1773-1844. Historische beschreibung der munsterkirche und der heiligthums- AH43 fahrt in Aachen, nebst der geschichte der Johannisherren. Ai93 Aachen, 1825. O. [4] +227 p. 3 pi. Raccolta degli antichi monumenti esistenti fra Girgenti, AH45 Segeste, e Selinunte. . . Roma, no date. Obi. O. 8 pi. Raccolta degli antichi monumenti esistenti fra Pozzuolo, AH45 Cuma, e Baja. . . Roma, no date. Obi. O. 1 1 pi. Raccolta degli antichi monumenti esistenti nella citta di AH45 Pesto. . . Roma, no date. Obi. O. 8 pi. P43 Raccolta dei classici italiani di architettura civile da Leon AA Battista Alberti, fino al secolo 19. [Milano, 1833.] O. v. I. All/ Vol. i. ALBERTI, L. B. 1404-84. Delia architettura libri dieci. 1833. Raccolta delle vere da pozzo, marmi pluteali, in Venezia. AH45 [Venezia] 1889. F. 2 v. 260 pi. V"552 loo copies printed. Raccolta di . . . cento tavole rappresentanti i costume AN4 religiosi, civili, e militari degli antichi Egizziani, Etruschi, Greci e R58 Romani. 1804. See Roccheggiani, Lorenzo. Raccolta di opere antiche sui disegni dei merletti di AN Venezia. Vineggia [1546]. F. v. 6. pi. V47 Vol. 6. VAVASSORE, G. Andrea, called Guadagnino. i6 th cent. Opera noua uniuersal. [1546.] Raccolta di opere inedite o rare di ogni secolo della littera- A A tura italiana. Firenze, 1890. O. All 4 ALBERTI, L. B. 1404-84. Opera inedita et pauca separatim impressa. 1890. Raccolta di piu belli dipinti, musaici ed altri monumenti, AR45 rinvenuti negli scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei, e di Stabia. 1876. P/74 See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Racinet, A[lbert Charles Auguste]. 1825-. Le costume historique . . . types . . . du vetement et de la parure, AN4 rapproches de ceux de 1 interieur de 1 habitation, dans tous les RII temps et chez tous les peuples, avec de . . . details sur le mobilier, les armes, les objets usuels. . . Paris, 1888. F. 5 6 v. 500 pi. 819 820 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Racinet, A[lbert Charles Auguste]. 1825-. L ornement polychrome ... art ancien et asiatique ; moyen age, AK renaissance, i/e et i8e siecle. . . [ie] + 2e serie. Rn Paris, 1869-87. F. 5 2 v. ill. 220 pi. Raczynski Atanazy, count. 1788-1874. Histoire de 1 art moderne en Allemagne. AO Paris, 1836-41. Sq. F. 3 v. ill. 17 pi. Rn Contents : v. i. Dusseldorf et les pays du Rhin. v. 2. Munich, Stuttgard, Nuremberg, Augsbourg, Ratisbonne, Carlsruhe, Prague, Vienne. v. 3. Berlin, Dresde, Hambourg, Mecklembourg, Weimar, Halberstadt, Got- tingue. Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la, 1827-, and Rios, Jose Amador de los. 1818-78. AH46 Historia de la . . . villa y corte de Madrid. 1860-62. M262 Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la, 1827-, editor. AR46 See Museo espanol de antigiiedades. 1872-. Ai Radclyffe, Charles W. Memorials of Charterhouse. . . AH42 London, 1844. F. 5 4+io+[27] p. ill. 13 pi. 1.931 Memorials of Winchester college. AH42 Winchester [1847]. F - 6 [5 2 ] P- 2 5 pi- W729 Radel, Louis Charles Franois Petit=. 1756-1836. See Petit-Radel, Louis Charles Franfois. 1756-1836. Rademaker, A[braham]. 1675-1735. Hollandsche arkadia in zeshonderd en meer afbeeldingen. . . AH492 Amsterdam, 1807. F. 4 [6] p. 315 pi. map. A9 Title-page and text in Dutch and French. Rademaker, Abraham, 1675-1735, illustrator. See Brouerius van Nidek, Mattheus. 1667-1735. Kabinet van AH492 Nederlandsche en Kleefsche outheden. 1727-33. A8 Raderschatt, Constantin, and others. Catalog ausgewahlter kunstsachen und antiquitaten aus dem AO2 nachlasse der Herren Constantin Raderschatt in Koln . . . Moritz RII Falck . . . [u. a.] versteigerung zu Koln . . . 1885, durch J. M. Heberle. . . Koln, 1885. Nar. Q. [6] + 112 p. 10 pi. Radford, Rev. W[illiam] T[ucker] A[rundel]. 1818-. On the arrangement of chancels . . . (In Exeter diocesan archi- AC tectural society. Transactions. 1853. v. 4, p. 1-18.) Ex3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 821 / Radford, Rev. W[illiam] T[ucker] A[rundel]. 1818-. On the treatment of the inner face of a church wall. (In Exeter AC diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1878. v. 9, p. 37- Ex3 64, pi. 92.) On two important elements of truthfulness in art. (In Exeter AC diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1892. v. II, p. 38-52.) Ex3 Radisics Jeno, editor. See Budapest (Hungary) Exposition. 1888. Chefs-d ceuvre AM4 d orfevrerie. B85 [Radowitz, Joseph Maria Ernst Christian Wilhelm von. i797- l8 53-] Ikonographie der heiligen; ein beitrag zur kunstgeschichte. AO6 [Anon.] Berlin, 1834. O. 10+102 p. RII Rae, [William] F[raser]. History of painting in England. (In Fine arts quarterly review. AB New ser. v. i, p. 241-271; v. 2, p. 64-99.) ^49 Raffaelli, Giuseppe. Memorie istoriche delle maioliche lavorate in Castel Durante, o AN2 sia Urbania. (In Vanzolini, Giuliano. Istorie delle fabbriche di V39 majoliche metaurensi. 1879. v. I, p. 113238.) Raffaello Santi, da Urbino. See Raphael. 1483-1520. Raffalovich, Arthur. 1853-. See Ravalovich, Artur . 1853-. Raffei, Stefano. 1712-88. Dissertazioni da servire di supplemento all opera dei Monumenti AH45 antichi inediti di Giovanni Winckelmann. R-739 Roma, 1821. F. 5 164 p. 17 pi. Contents : Sopra un Apolline della Villa Albani. Sopra un bassorilievo della Villa Albani. Sopra un singolar combatimento espresso in bassorilievo esistente nella Villa Albani. Filottete addolorato altro bassorilievo nella Villa Albani. Sopra un altro bassorilievo esistente nella Villa Albani. II nido, canzone didascalica sopra un antico nido di marmo esistente nella Villa Albani. Sopra alcuni antichi monumenti esistenti nella Villa Albani. Raff ray, Achille. 1844- Les eglises monolithes de la ville de Lalibela, Abyssinie. AH63 Paris, 1882. F. 4 14 p. 20 pi. Li5 Rafter, George W. Mechanics of ventilation. New York, 1878. T. 96 p. (Van Nost- AJ rand s Science ser. v. 33.) Ri2 From Van Nostrand s engineering magazine. 5 2* 822 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Raggi, Oreste. 1812-. Delia vita e delle opere di Luigi Canina, architetto ed archeologo AW da Casal-Monferrato, discorso. . . Zi Casal-Monferrato, 1857. O- 5 8 P- l P or - TAFKABHS, AXeav8poc TiCoc. 1810-. See Rangabe, Alexandre Rizos. 1810-. Raguenet, A., editor. See Materiaux et documents d architecture et de sculpture. AB 1872-. M4i See Petits edifices historiques. 1891-92. AB P442 Rahn, J[ohann] Rudolf. 1841-. Die biblischen deckengemalde in der kirche von Zillis im kanton AC Graubiindten. Zurich, 1872. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in An8 Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1870-72. v. 17, p. 101-121. 4 pi. I tab. Ein besuch in Ravenna. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. AB 1868. v. i, p. 163-182, 273-321. i pi.) Ji9 Geschichte der bildenden kiinste in der Schweiz, von den altesten AH494 zeiten bis zum schlusse des mittelalters. A4 Zurich, 1876. O. i v. in 2. 27+841 p. ill. 2 pi. Paged continuously. Geschichte [und beschreibung] des schlosses Chillon. Zurich, AC 1887-89. 3 pts. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mit- An8 theilungen. 1886-90. v. 22, p. 101-178. 13 pi.) Die glasgemalde in der rosette der kathedrale von Lausanne. . . AC Zurich, 1879. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mit- An8 theilungen. 1878-79. v. 20, p. 29-58. 9 pi.) Grandson und zwei Cluniacenserbauten in der Westschweiz. AC Zurich, 1870. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1870-72. v. 17, p. 17-49. ill. 6 pi.) Die kirche von Oberwinterthur und ihre wandgemalde. Zurich, AC 1883. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. An8 1881-85. v. 21, p. 85-110. 2 pi. Die mittelalterlichen kirchen des Cistercienserordens in der AC Schweiz. Zurich, 1872. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. An8 Mittheilungen. 1872-75. v. 18, p. 63-88. i pi. i tab.) Die mittelalterlichen wandgemalde in der italienischen Schweiz. AC Zurich, 1881. Q. 2 pts. 58 p. 6 pi. (In Antiquarische gesell- An8 schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen 1881-85. v. 21.) Die schweizerischen glasgemalde in der Vincent schen sammlung AC in Constanz. Leipzig, 1890. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in An8 Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1886-90. v. 22, p. 177-263.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 823 Raibolini, Francesco, called Francia. 1450-1518. See Francia, Francesco Raibolini. 1450-1518. Railton, William. -1877. Newly discovered temple at Cadachio, in the island of Corfu. AH495 [London, 1830.] F. 6 6 p. 5 pi. (In Cockerell, C. R., and others. At472 Antiquities of Athens. 1830.) Raimondi, Marc Antonio. 1488-1546. See Reid, Q.W., 1819-87, ed. Selections from the engravings of AO7 Francesco Francia and of Marc Antonio Raimondi. 1871. R27 Raine, Rev. James. 1791-1858. History and antiquities of North Durham, as subdivided into the AR42 shires of Norham, Island and Bedlington. . . 093 London, 1852. F. 5 [6o]+388+i64 p. ill. I por. 9 pi. map. facsim. 2 tab. On Easby abbey. (In Associated architectural societies. Re- AC ports and papers, v. 2, p. 316-330+2 p.) As7 Raiser, [Johann Nepomuck Franz Anton] von. 1768-1853. Das romische antiquarium zu Augsburg. AH43 Augsburg, 1823. Q. 26+ [2] p. 5 pi. Au46 Die romischen alterthiimer zu Augsburg und andere denkwiirdig- AH43 keiten des Ober-Donau-kreises. Au47 Augsburg, 1820. Sq. O. [6]+ 102 + [12] p. 23 pi. [Ralph, James. i695(?)-i762.] Critical review of the publick buildings, statues and ornaments in AH42 and about London and Westminster. . . [Anon.] L898 London, 1734. O. [6] + 8+ii9p. i tab. Contains a ms. appendix of 14 pages and an index. Ram Raj. i79o(?)-i 833(7). Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. London, 1834. F. AH54 14+64 p. ill. 48 pi. (Oriental translation fund of Great Britain Ai and Ireland.) Rambosson, J[ean Pierre]. 1827-86. Les pierres precieuses et les principaux ornements; ouvrage ill. AX de 43 planches dessinees par Yan Dargent et d une planche Ri42 chromolithographique. Paris, 1870. O. 2 + 298 p. 44 ill. and pi. Rambouillet (France) Societe archeologique. Documents pour servir a 1 histoire du Departement de Seine-et- Oise. 1862-89. 2 v. Q. pi. MOUTI&, A. Cartulaire de Notre-Dame de la Roche. 1862. MORIZE, L. Etude sur 1 abbaye de Notre-Dame. 1889. 824 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ramdohr, Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius von. 1757- 1822. Charis; oder, Uber das schone und die schonheit in den nach- AO bildenden kiinsten. . . Leipzig, 1793. D. 2 v. Ri4 Rame, Francois Alfred. 1826-86. Dissertation sur quelques edifices d Orleans, presumes carloving- AB iens. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 26, p. 37-100, 232-261.) 687 Etudes sur les carrelages emailles. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 12, p. 281-293.) Any Note sur quelques chateaux de 1 Alsace. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 21, p. 185-250.) B87 Notes d un voyage en Suisse. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 16, AB p. 49-64-) An; Ramee, Daniel. 1806-87. L architecture et la construction pratiques, mises a la portee des AA gens du monde, des eleves et de tous ceux qui veulent faire batir. Ri4 3 e edition. . . Paris, 1875. D. 12+647 p. ill. Histoire generale de 1 architecture. . . AF Paris, 1860-62. O. 2 v. ill. 2 pi. map. Ri4 Meubles religieux et civils . . . ou, Choix de reproductions des ANi plus remarquables specimens . . . dessins par Asselineau.. Ri4 Paris, 1864. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 148 pi. Monographic de 1 eglise Notre-Dame de Noyon, par L. Vitet. AtLj.2 Paris, 1845. Q- [3]+ 2 56 p. ill. and Atlas, F. 7 23 pi. N87 Sculptures decoratives; motifs d ornementation recueillis en AK France, Allemagne, Italic et Espagne, dans les plus beaux monu- Ri4 ments du douzieme au seizieme siecle ; dessins par Asselineau. Paris, 1864. F - 5 2 v. 165 pi. Ramee, Daniel, 1806-87, editor. See Ledoux, C. N. 1756-1806. L architecture considered sous le AH44 rapport de 1 art. 1847. A 3 6 Ramee, Daniel. 1806-87. See Pfnor, Rodolphe. 1824-. Monographic du chateau de Hei- AH43 delberg . . . accompagnee d un texte historique et descriptif par H36i Daniel Ramee. 1859. Ramelli, Agostino. i53i(?)-9o. Schatzkammer mechanischer kiinste . . . ins deutsche versetzet. . . AX Leipzig, 1620. F. [i8]+462 + [i] p. ill. I por. 14 pi. Ri4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 825 Ramsay, William Mitchell. 1851- Prymnessos und Metropolis. (In Deutsches archaologisches insti- tut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 7, p. 126-145.) Syro-Cappadocian monuments in Asia Minor. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 14, p. 170-191, pi. 6.) Ranchin, Franois. i56o(?)-i64i. Paris et 1 Isle de France. (In Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. 1878-83. v. 10, p. 43-95.) Randoni, Carlo. Degli ornamenti d architettura e delle loro simmetrie colle, regole teorico-pratiche per ben profilare ogni genere di cornici. Parma, 1813. Q. 8+i59+[i] p. 16 pi. Rangabe, Alexandra Rizos. 1810-. Das Erechtheion. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheil ungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 7, p. 258-273, 321-334, pi. 10.) Ranghiasci= Brancaleoni, Francesco. Di Mastro Giorgio da Gubbio e di alcuni suoi lavori in maiolica. (In Vanzolini, Giuliano. Istorie delle fabbriche di majoliche metaurensi. 1879. v. 2, p. 48-89.) Ranke, Johannes. 1836-. Anfange derkunst; anthropologische beitrage zur geschichte des ornaments: Vortrag gehalten im Kunstgewerbeverein in Miinchen, den 28. Januar, 1879. Berlin, 1879. O. 32 p. From Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher vortrage. Ser. 14, pt. 318. Ranlett, William H. The architect; a series of original designs for . . . cottages and villas . . . adapted to the U. S. New York, 1849-51 [v. i, 5i]. F. 4 2 v. ill. I por. 120 pi. Rao Krishna Rao. See Krishna Rau. Raoul=Rochette, Desire. 1789-1854. Choix de peintures de Pompei . . . avec 1 explication . . . de chaque peinture, et une introduction sur 1 histoire de la peinture chez les Grecs et chez les Romains. . . Paris, 1846. F. 7 321 p. 28 pi. Cours d archeologie. Paris, 1828. O. 3 74 p. Lettres archeologiques sur la peinture des Grecs. . . Supplement aux Peintures antiques. . . Paris, 1840. O. 12 + 207 p. 2 pi. Monumens inedits d antiquite figuree, grecque, etrusque et ro- maine. . . Paris, 1833. F. 6 v. I. 8+430 p. 80 pi. Contents: v. i. Cycle he"ro ique. AR495 G8i AR495 G8i AH44 A52 AK Ri 5 AR 49 5 G8i AN2 V 3 9 AK Ri6 AE2 Ri6 AM6 Ri8 AP Ri82 AO6 R58i A 4 826 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Raoul=Rochette, Desire. 1789-1854. Peintures antiques inedites; precedees de recherches sur 1 emploi AO6 de la peinture dans la decoration des edifices . . . chez les Grecs R58 et chez les Romains, faisant suite aux Monumens inedits. . . Paris, 1836. Q. 15 +470 p. 15 pi. See Bouchet, J. F. 1799-1860. La Villa Pia des jardins du AH45 Vatican; . . . texte par Raoul-Rochette. 1837. R-73 2 Raphael. 1483-1520. Imagines Veteris ac Novi testamenti in Vaticani palatii xystis, AH45 mira picturae elegantia expressae J. J. de Rubeis cura. . . R689 Roma [1675]. Obi. F. 4 [3] p. 51 pi. Parerga atque ornamenta ex Raphaelis Sanctii prototypis a AH45 Joanne Nannio Utinensi in Vaticani palatii xystis, partim opere R689I plastico, partim coloribus expressa . . . [edidit] J. J. de Rubeis, delineavit P. S. Bartolus. [Romae, no date. Obi. Q. 39 pi. Peintures de la Sala Borgia, au Vatican; recueillies par les Piranesi, AH45 et dessinees par T. Piroli. Paris, an xi, 1803. F. 6 [3] p. 6 pi. A45I v. 24 Peintures du Cabinet de Jules II, au Vatican; recueillies par les AH45 Piranesi, et dessinees par T. Piroli. A45 1 Paris, an xii [1804]. F. 6 [3] p. 7 pi. v. 24 Rafael s loggien im Vatican zu Rom; 43 blatt lichtdruck nach AH45 den stichen von Volpato. . . Dresden [1878]. F. 6 43 pi. R775 Scripture prints from the frescoes of Raphael in the Vatican, AH45 edited by L. Gruner [and J. R. Hope-Scott]; with an introductory R789 preface by Charles H. H. Wright. London, 1866. Obi. F. 5 [5] p. 52 pi. Tableaux de la Sainte Bible; ou, Loges de Raphael; collection AH45 des . . . fresques du Vatican, representant les principaux sujets de R789I 1 Ancien et du Nouveau testament, peintes par Raphael, dessinees et lithographiees . . . sous la direction de Hippolyte de Courval, avec les textes extraits des livres sacres. . . Paris, 1825. Obi. F. 4 [105] p. 52 pi. See Gruner, W. H. L. 1801-82. Mosaics of the cupola in the AH45 "Cappella Chigiana" of S ta Maria del Popolo in Rome, designed R68i by RafTaelle Sanzio d Urbino. 1850. See Gli ornati del coro della chiesa di S. Pietro dei monaci cas- AtLj.5 sinesi di Perugia, intagliati in legno da S. da Bergamo sopra i P45 disegni di Raffaelle Santi da Urbino. 1845. See Ponce, Nicolas. 1746-1831. Arabesques antiques des bains AK de Livie et de la Ville Adrienne, avec les plafonds de la Ville- P77 Madame, peints d apres les dessins de Raphael. [1789.] COLUMBIA COLLEGE 827 Raschdorff, J. C. Baukunst der renaissance; entwiirfe von studirenden. Berlin, AH43 1880-90. F. 5 4v. 259 pi. (Berlin, Ger. Technische hoch- Ai6 schule.) Toscana. Berlin, 1888. F. 6 i6+j>] p. 100 pi. (In Palast- AH45 architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana. v. 2.) A8 Raschdorff, Julius. 1823-. Details vom innern ausbau des kaufhauses Giirzenich in Coin. (In AB Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 13, p. 149, 329, 555. 10 pi.) Z$i Das kaufhaus Giirzenich in Coin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 12, p. 3-20. 8 pi.) Z3i Rasponi, Rinaldo, conte. Ravenna liberata dai Goti; o sia, Opuscolo sulla Rotonda di Ra- AH45 venna provata edifizio romano, ne mai sepolcro di Teodorico re Ri93 de Goti. . . Ravenna, 1766. Q. 59+ [i] p. 8 pi. Rassam, Hortnuzd. 1826-. Babylonian cities, with comments by Prof. Delitzsch and an AR354 appendix by W. St. Chad Boscawen. London [1883]. O. 33 p. Bn Read before the Victoria institute, or Philosophical society of Great Britain. Rastawiecki, Edwarda, 1804-74, and Przezdziecki, Alexandra. 1814-71. Monuments du moyen-age et de la renaissance dans 1 ancienne AO Pologne. 1853-62. P95 Ratel, Stanislas. Les basiliques de Saint Martin a Tours; fouilles executees a 1 oc- AH44 casion de la decouverte de son tombeau. T644 Bruxelles, 1886. O. 70+ [2] p. ill. 9 pi. Supplement; quelques observations sur les dernieres fou- AH44 illes executees en 1887. . . T644 Tours, 1890. O. [3]+6o+[io5] p. ill. 9 pi. Rathgeber, [Johann] Georg [Christian]. 1800-. AP Archaologische schriften. Gotha, 1857. F. 5 32 + 523 p. Ri8 Contents: Nike in hellenischen vasen-bildern. Zusammengesetzte und gefliigelte gestalten in den denkmalern der kunst der Babylonier, Assyrier, Phoiniker. Einfiihrung des volksstammes der Aioler. Ober den aiolisch-samothrakischen inhalt einer anzahlvon mystischen spiegeln. Uber den Aiolismos der kunst zu Rom. Rathier, L[ouis] and Beaunier, F. AN4 Recueil des costumes francais. 1810-15. 638 828 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rational dress association Exhibition. 1883. Catalogue of exhibits and list of exhibitors. AN4 [London, 1883]. O. 36 p. 15 pi. I paged pi. Ri8 Ratti, Annibale. Trattato teorico-pratico per 1 erezione de sacri tempj con brevi AE cenni storici. Milano, 1846. O. u8+[i]p. 2 pi. Ri8 Ratti, Carlo Giuseppe, 1735-95, editor and continuer. See Soprani, Raffaello. 1612-72. Vite de pittori, scultori ed AW architetti genovesi. 1768-69. So6 Ratti, Niccolo. 1759-1833. Sopra un antico sarcofago cristiano; dissertazione letta . . . 10 AC maggio, 1827. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeo- R66i logia. Dissertazioni. 1831. v. 4, p. 49-77. i pi.) Rattonitz, Rudolf Maria Bernhard, graf von Alcan= tara, graf von Stillfried=. 1804-82. See Stillfried-Rattonitz, Rudolf Maria Bernhard, graf von Alcantara, graf von. 1804-82. Rau, Albert. Die baupolizei; eine griindliche abhandlung iiber das ganze gebiet AI der baupolizei, nebst einem anhang iiber statik und festigkeits- Rig2 lehre im hochbau. . . [Pforzheim] 1892. O. 8+121 p. 7 pi. Rau, L. von. Ein romischer pfliiger; vortrag iiber eine unbeachtete antike AO8 romische marmorgruppe im Berlinerkoniglichen museum, gehalten Ri92 im Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde zu Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurt a. M. 1888. Q. 16 p. I pi. Rauscher, Friedrich. Der bau steinerner wendeltreppen erlautert an beispielen aus der AI deutschen gothik und renaissance. RIQK Berlin, 1889. Q- 6+87 p. ill. and Atlas, F. 6 46 pi. Rauthmel, Rev. Richard. Antiquitates Bremetonacenses; or, The Roman antiquities of AR42 Overborough. . . Kirkby Lonsdale, 1824. O. 6+ 138 p. 6 pi. Ov2 Reprinted from the edition of 1746. Ravaisse, Paul. Sur 1 histoire et sur la topographic du Caire d apres Makrizi. (In AC Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique franfaise. Memoires. 1887- Ci2 90. v. i, pt 3, p. 409-480, and v. 3, pt. 4, p. 33-H4- 5 maps.) Ravaisson= [Mollien, Jean Gaspard] Felix [Lacher]. 1813-. AO8 La Venus de Milo. Paris, 1871. O. 68 p. 3 pi. Ri9 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 829 Ravalovich, Artur . 1853-. Le musee des arts decoratifs a Berlin. (In Revue des arts deco- AB ratifs. v. 6, p. 304-311; v. 7, p. 118-123, 148-152, 309-313.) R32 Ravestein, Emile de Meester de. 1812-. See Meester de Ravestein, fimile de. 1812-. Ravoisie, Amable. Exploration scientifique de 1 Algerie pendant . . . 184042 . . . AH6$ beaux-arts, architecture et sculpture. Ai Paris, 1846-53. F. 7 3 v. in 2. 102 pi. [Rawlinson, Richard. i69o(?)-i;55.] English topographer; or, An historical account ... of all the AR42 pieces that have been written relating to the antiquities, natural A25 history, or topographical description of ... England. . . By an impartial hand. [Anon.] London, 1720. D. [5 2] + 275 + [12] p. History and antiquities of the cathedral-church of Salisbury and AH42 the abbey-church of Bath. [Anon.] London, 1719. O. 16+351 p. Sa3i Rawlinson, Sir Robert. 1810-. Designs for factory, furnace, and other tall chimney shafts. AI [London, 1858]. F. 6 8+[i] p. 24 pi. RIQ Rayet, Olivier. i847(?)-87. Etudes d archeologie et d art . . . publiees, avec une notice bio- AR495 graphique sur 1 auteur par S. Reinach. Paris, 1888. O. 16+462 p. A5 ill. i por. 4 pi. (Bibliotheque archeologique.) Memoire sur 1 ile de Kos. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. AB 1876. v. 18, p. 37-116. 2 maps.) Ar2i Monuments de Tart antique. Paris, 1884. F. 5 2 v. ill. 90 pi. AO8 Ri9i Rayet, Olivier, 1847(7) -8 7, and Collignon, [L.] M., 1849-. Histoire de la ceramique grecque. An2 Paris, 1888. Q. 17+420 p. ill. 16 pi. Ri9 Raymond, George Lansing. 1839-. Genesis of art-form; an essay in comparative aesthetics, showing AO the identity of . . . composition in music, poetry, painting, sculp- Ri9 ture, and architecture. New York, 1893. O. 22 + 3 lip. ill. Raymond, John, and Jenkins, J. E. 1838-. AI On building contracts. 1873. J4I [Re, Lorenzo]. Riflessioni antiquarie sulle sculture capitoline . . . [disegnate ed AO2 incise da F. Mori. Anon.] Roma, 1806-7. Q- 2 v - IO 9 P^ 830 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Re, Lorenzo. See Bianchi, Pietro. Osservazioni sull arena, e sul podio dell AC anfiteatro Flavio, illustrate e difese da Lorenzo Re. (In Rome, R66i Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1823. v. i, pt. 2, p. 125-156. 2 pi.) Read, Samuel. Leaves from a sketch-book: Pencillings of travel at home and A A abroad. London, 1875. Sq. F. 12 + 228 p. ill. 2 pi. R22I Reade, T[homas] Mellard. Suggestions for the formation of a new style of architecture spe- AA cially adapted to civic purposes. R22 London [1862]. F. 6 6+[i] p. 6 pi. Reading hardware co. Illustrated catalogue of hardware. Al2 Reading, 1891. Sq. F. 12+460 p. ill. R22 Supplements no. 2-3. Reading, 1891-93. Sq. F. 2 v. Real armeria. See Madrid (Spain) Real armeria. Real museo Borbonico. AO2 See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Ni62 Reale accademia delle belle arti in Milano. See Milan (Italy) Reale accademia delle belle arti. Reale accademia di archeologia, lettere e belle arti. See Naples (laly) Reale accademia di archeologia, lettere e belle arti. Reale accademia di belle arti in Venezia. See Venice (Italy) Reale accademia di belle arti. Reale accademia Ercolanese di archeologia. See Naples (Italy) Reale accademia Ercolanese di archeologia. II reale giardino di Boboli. 1740. AH45 See Vascellini, Qaetano. 1745(7)-. F686 Reber, Franz von. 1834-. Geschichte der baukunst im alterthum. . . AF Leipzig, 1866. O. 16+473 p. ill. R24 Kunstgeschichte des alterthums. AO Leipzig, 1871. O. 32+460 p. ill. R24 Reber, Franz von, 1834-, compiler. See Munich (Ger.) Pinakothek. . . . Catalogue of the paintings in the old Pinakothek. 1890. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 831 Rechenschaftsbericht des Historischen vereines von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. AC See Historischer verein von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. H62 Jahresbericht. 1833-81. Recherches sur 1 art statuaire considere chez le"S anciens AO8 et chez les modernes. 1805. Em3 See [Emeric-David, T. B. 1755-1839]. Reclamations des eleves de 1 Ecole des beaux-arts au AO sujet de la reorganisation de leur ecole. Paris, 1 864. O. 44 p. F46 Recueil concernant les desordres qui se sont passes dans AR44 le comte de Marie, pendant la guerre de 1635-1655. Vervins, Ai8 1851. Q. [5]+45 p. (In La Thierache. 1849-72. v. i, ser. 2.) Recueil d antiquites egyptiennes, etrusques, grecques et AR62 romaines. 1752-67. A2 See [Caylus, A. C. P. deT.=G. de P. de L.], comte de. 1692-1765. Recueil d antiquites romaines ; ou, Voyage d ltalie . . . AR45 [public par P. F. Basan]. Paris [i;69(?)]. F. 66 pi. A9 Recueil d architecture ; choix de documents pratiques. AB Paris, 1874-94. F. 5 v. 1-20 in 10. pi. R24 Edited by Wulliam and Farge. Recueil d idees nouvelles pour la decoration des jardins et des pares. See Ideenmagazin fur liebhaber von garten, englischen anlagen AB und fur besitzer von landgiitern. 17971806. Id2 Title-page in German and French. Recueil de broderies anciennes des epoques Louis XVI AN et premier empire, reproduites d apres les originaux. R24 Paris, no date. F. 5 50 pi. Recueil de pierres gravees antiques. 1732-37. AX See [Levesque de Gravelle, M. P. -1752]. L57 Recueil de fragments de sculpture antique en terre AO8 cuite. 1814. Ag4 See [Agincourt, J. B. L. Q. Seroux d . 1730-1814.] Recueil de planches du Dictionnaire des beaux-arts. AO See Encyclopedic methodique par ordre des matieres. 1805. Eni Recueil de planches du Dictionnaire encyclopedique de 1 art aratoire. See Encyclopedic methodique par ordre de matieres. Dictionnaire A 8 encyclopedique de 1 art aratoire. 1802. Eni 832 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rectieil de planches sur les sciences, les arts liberaux, et AE4 les arts mechaniques, avec leur explication. R24 Paris, 1772. F. 4 v. n. 4+8 p. 89 pi. On theater architecture. Recueil de serrurerie pratique. AB Dourdan, 1876-91. Sq. F. v. 1-15 in 3. pi. R24I Edited by N. Gateuil and C. Daviet. [Redding, Cyrus. 1785-1870.] Illustrated itinerary of the county of Cornwall. . . [Anon.] AH42 London, 1842. Nar. Q. 8 + 264 p. ill. 5 pi. I map. 813 Illustrated itinerary of the county of Lancaster. [Anon.] AR42 London, 1842. Nar. Q. [6]+338+48 p. ill. 8 pi. map. L22I Pictorial history of the county of Lancaster. [Anon.] AR42 London, 1844. Q. [6] +338+48 p. ill. map. L222 Another edition with changed title-page of his Illustrated itinerary of the county of Lan caster. 1842. Redfarn, W. B. Ancient wood and iron work in Cambridge, the letterpress by AH42 J.W.Clark. Cambridge [pref. 1886]. Sq. F. 5 Unpaged. 28 pi. Ci46 Redford, George. Manual of sculpture, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman. . . AO8 London, 1882. D. [i7] + 274+[_2] p. ill. I pi. (Illustrated R24 hand-books of art history, ed. by E. J. Poynter and R. Smith.) Redford, George, and Riches, T. H. History of the ancient town and borough of Uxbridge. . . AR42 Uxbridge, 1818. O. i6+328+[8] p. 1 1 pi. I facsim. Uxi Redgrave, Samuel, 1802-76, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Descriptive catalogue AO6 of the historical collection of water-colour paintings. 1877. So8 Redtenbacher, Rudolf. Die architektonik der modernen baukunst. . . AI Berlin, 1883. Nar. Q. 26+299 p. ill. R24 Die architektur der italianischen renaissance; entwicklungsge- AH45 schichte und formenlehre derselben; ein lehr- und handbuch fur An architekten und kunstfreunde. Frankfurt a. M., 1886. O. 16+568 p. Leitfaden zum studium der mittelalterlichen baukunst; formen- A A lehre der deutschen und franzosischen baukunst des romanischen R24 und gothischen stiles. . . 2. auflage. Leipzig, 1888. O. 20+274 p. ill. 4 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 833 Redtenbacher, Rudolf. Mittheilungen aus der sammlung architektonischer handzeich- AW nungen in der Gallerie der Uffizien zu Florenz. ?43 Karlsruhe, 1875. F. 5 v. I. 20 pi. Contents : v. i. Baldassare Peruzzi und seine werke. No more published. Vorbilder fur bautischler-arbeiten; sammlung ausgewahlter bau- AM5 tischler-arbeiten der renaissance in Italien. . . R24 Carlsruhe, 1875. F. 5 v. I. 37 pi. Ree, Paul Johannes. 1858-. Peter Candid, sein leben und seine werke. Leipzig, 1885. O. AO 266+ [i] p. (Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 2.) 639 Wanderungen durch das alte Niirnberg. . . 2. aufl. AH43 Niirnberg, 1890. D. [7] + 5 8 p. ill. N932 Reed, S[amuel] B[urrage]. Cottage houses for village and country homes. . . AE2 New York, 1884. D. 136 p. ill. Dwellings for village and country, with general descriptions and AE2 detailed estimates. New York, 1885. Q. 121 p. ill. R25 House-plans for everybody; for village and country residences, AE2 costing from $250 to $8000. . . R252 New York, 1889 [c. 86]. D. 243 p. 175 ill. Reeks, Trenham, and De la Beche, Sir H. T., 1796- 1855. AN2 Catalogue of specimens in the Museum of practical geology. 1876. 0371 Museum of practical geology; catalogue of specimens illustrative AN2 of the composition and manufacture of British pottery and porce- 0372 lain. 1855. Reeland, Adrian. 1676-1718. De spoliis templi Hierosolymitani in arcu Titiano Romae con- AH569 spicuis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1716. S. [4] +138 + [26] p. 5 pi. J49 Rees, Thomas, F. S. A. Brecknockshire, Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, Glamorgan- AH42 shire, Pembrokeshire, Radnorshire. (In Beauties of England and Aii7 Wales. 1801-15. v. 1 8.) La reforme de FEcole des beaux-arts. 1863. AO See [Figueiredo de Mello, P. A. de]. 1843-. Regio manicomio di Torino. 1883. AH45 See [Ferrante, G. B.]. 1843 53 834 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Regnault=Delalande, Francois Leandre, 1762-1824, editor. See Silvestre, J. A. de. 17191809. Catalogue raisonne d objets AO2 d arts. 1810. Si3 Regnet, Karl Albert. 1822-. Miinchener kiinstlerbilder; ein beitrag zur geschichte der Miin- AW chener kunstschule in biographien und charakteristiken. R26 Leipzig, 1871. O. 2 v. Regnier, J. H., and Feuchere, Lucien. Recueil d ornemens et de meubles dans le style du i6 e siecle. AK i855(?). (In Ornemens tires des quatre ecoles. Ser. 4.) Or6 Regnier, Louis. Reilly. (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departe- AC ment de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 14, p. 706-725. 5 pi.) 8019 Reiber, Emile, 1826-, editor. AB See L art pour tous. 1861-93. Ar7 Reibisch, Friedrich Martin. 1782-. Eine auswahl merkwiirdiger gegenstande aus der Konigl. sachsi- AN5 schen riistkammer gezeichnet und beschrieben. Neue aufl. R27 Dresden [1825-27]. Obi. O. 9 pts. in I v. 35 pi. Perspektivischer plan von Alt-Dresden vom . . . 1634, nebst seinen AN5 merkwiirdigkeiten . . . gebauden, vom . . . 1221 bis auf die gegen- R27 wartige zeit; als nachtrag der Rustkammer. . . Dresden [i827(?)]. Obi. O. 12 p. I pi. Reichenau (Switzerland) abbey. Das alte necrologium von Reichenau im facsimile hrsg. . . . von AC F. Keller. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1849. v - 6, p. 33-68. 13 facsim.) Reichensperger, August. 1808-. Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, der neubegriinder der christ- AW lichen kunst in England, zugleich zur frage von der wiederbelebung P962 der kunst ... in Deutschland. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1877. D. 96 p. Die Christlich-germanische baukunst und ihr verhaltniss zur AH43 gegenwart. 3. . . aufl. Trier, 1860. O. 18+143 p. A49 Fingerzeige auf dem gebiete der kirchlichen kunst. AE Leipzig, 1855. O. i2 + [i] + i48p. 3 pi. R27 Georg Gottlob Ungewitter und sein wirken als baumeister, zu- AW meist aus briefen desselben dargestellt. Un3 Leipzig, 1866. D. 10 + 230 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 835 Reichensperger, August. 1808-. Zur neuern geschichte des dombaues in Koln. . . AH43 Koln, 1881. O. [4J+65 p. i pi. C/2; Zur profan-architektur, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der AH43 erweiterung der stadt Koln. Koln, 1886. O. 86 p. C/26 See Statz, Vincenz. 1819-. Mittelalterliche bauwerke nach AH43 Merian, mit einer einleitung von A. Reichensperger. [1856]. A28 See Statz, Vincenz, 1819-, and Ungewitter, Q. Q., 1820-64. AK Gothic model-book . . . descriptive text by A. Reichensperger. St2i [1862]. Reid, George, illustrator. See Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (Wilson). 1828- Royal Edinburgh, her AH4I saints, kings, prophets, and poets. 1890. Ed44 Reid, George William, 1819-87, editor. Selections from the engravings of Francesco Francia and of Marc AO/ Antonio Raimondi, his scholars and followers. . . R2/ London, 1871. F. 6 57 pi. Autotype reproductions. Reina, J., publisher. Description of the arch of Peace in Milan. 2<3a edizione. AH45 Milan, 1844. Q. 12 p. 2 pi. M58i4 Reinach, Salomon. 1858- La colonne Trajane au musee de Saint-Germain. . . Paris, 1886. AR45 S. 59 p. ill. i pi. (Petite bibliotheque d art et d archeologie; R662 fondee . . . de L. de Ronchaud.) Conseils aux voyageurs archeologues en Grece et dans 1 Orient AR495 hellenique. Paris, 1886. S. Ii6+[i]p. ill. (Petite bibliotheque Ai4 d art et d archeologie; fondee ...deL.de Ronchaud.) Epoque des alluvions et des cavernes. Paris, 1889. O. AR44 [4] + 1 5 + 322 p. ill. i pi. (In Saint Germain, France Musee A22 des antiquites nationales. Description raisonnee du Musee. 1889. v. i.) Esquisses archeologiques. . AP Paris, 1888. Nar. Q. 8 + 3 19 p. ill. 8 pi. R27 Reinach, Salomon, 1858- editor. See Rayet, Olivier. i847(?)-87- Etudes d archeologie et d art. AR495 1888. A5 Reinach, Salomon, 1858- and Pettier, Edmond, 1855- La necropole de Myrina; recherches archeologiques executees . . . AR56 par E. Pettier, S. Reinach, A. Veyries. 1887. M99 836 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Reinecke, Joh[ann] Christ. Matth[ew]. Erklarung des thierkreises in dem portikus des Isistempels zu AR62 Tentyra in Oberagypten. . . Coburg [1804]. O. 35 p. A6 Academic paper of the Coburg (Ger.) Casimir gymnasium. Reinhardt, Robert. 1843-. Genua. Berlin, 1886. F. 6 23 p. ill. 100 pi. (In Palast-archi- AH45 tektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana. v. I.) A8 Reinhardt, Robert, 1843-, Lieblein, Jacob, and Wagner, Heinrich. Baulichkeiten fur den sport; panoramen, orchester-pavillons. (In A A Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 351-431. Hi9 ill. 9 paged pi.) Reinhardt, Robert, 1843- and Seubert, T. Architektonische reise-studien aus Wiirzburg. . . AH43 Berlin, 1 88 1. F. 5 [3] p. 60 pi. W$6 Reisch, Emil. Das etruskische museum im Vatikan. (In Helbig, K. F. W. AO2 Fiihrer durch die offentlichen sammlungen klassischer alterthiimer H36 in Rom. 1891. v. 2, p. 208-365.) Griechische weihgeschenke. Prag, 1890. O. 7+153 p. 14 ill. AP (In Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphischen seminares Ab4 der Universitat Wien. 1890. pt. 8.) Das Kircher sche und pra-historische museum im Collegio AO2 Romano. (In Helbig, K. F. W. Fiihrer durch die offentlichen [36 sammlungen klassischer alterthiimer in Rom. 1891. v. 2, p. 366-412.) Reise=skizzen der niedersachsischen bauhiitte; Scho- AH43 ningen, Helmstedt, Konigslutter. A24 Hannover, 1884. Sq. F. 5 6 p. 31 pi. Reisen im siidwestlichen Kleinasien. Wien, 1884-89. F. 5 2 v. ill. pi. Vol. i. BENNDORF, F. A. O., 1838-, and NIEMANN, G. Reisen in Lykien und Karien. 1884. v. 2. PETERSEN, E. A. H., 1836-, and LUSCHAN, F. VON, 1854-. Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis. 1889. Reiset, [Qustave Armand Henri], comte de. 1821-. Modes et usages au temps de Marie- Antoinette; livre-journal de AN4 Madame filoffe. R2/ Paris, 1885. Q. 2 v. ill. 13 por. 88 pi. 7 pages music. Reiset, [Marie] Fred [eric de]. 1815-91. Catalogue de tableaux de premier ordre formant la collection de . . . AO2 Fred. Reiset, ancien directeur des Musees nationaux, vente ... Z 1879... [Paris] 1879. Sq. F. 39 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 837 Reiset, [Marie] Fred [eric de]. 1815-91. Un bronze de Michel- Ange. Paris, 1853. Nar. D. 60 p. AO8 R27 Relates to a bronze " David" by Michel Angelo. From L athenagum francais. v. 2. Reiset, Marie Frederic de, 1815-91, compiler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Notice des tableaux legues au Musee AO2 par Louis La Caze. 1878. L93I Reiske, Johannes. 1641-1701. Exercitationes historicae de imaginibus . . . Christi . . . auctae, qui- AO bus Exercitatio philologica de lingua vernacula . . . Christi . . . R27 locupletata . . . adjungitur. Jenas, 1685. Sq. O. [i6] + 239+[i7] p. i pi. Reissenberger, Ludwig. Die bischofliche klosterkirche bei Kurtea d Argyisch in der Wa- AC lachei. (In Austria Centralcommission . . . der baudenkmale. Au7i Jahrbuch. 1860. v. 4, p. 175-224. 4 pi.) L eglise du monastere episcopal de Kurtea d Argis en Valachie; AH498 traduit de I allemand. Vienne, 1867. Sq. F. [3] +48 p. ill. 4 pi. Wi$ Die reliefs an der balustrade der Athena Nike. 1881. AH495 See Kekule, F. H. R. 1839-. At43 Religious herald, Hartford. See Hartford religious herald. Religious tract society, publisher. See Lovett, Rev. Richard. 1851-. London pictures drawn with AH42 pen and pencil. 1890. L956 See Petrie, W. M. F. 1853-. Ten years digging in Egypt. 1892. AR62 Al2 Reliquary; quarterly archaeological journal and review. AB London, 1860-86. O. v. 1-26. ill. pi. R27 Edited by L. Jewitt. Vol. i. appeared under the title: Reliquary; a depository of precious relics; vols. 2-3, Reliquary; quarterly journal and review. Die reliquienschreine der Kathedrale zu Gratz. 1858. AH43 See [Steinbiichel, von.] 077 Rellstab, [Heinrich Friedrich] Ludwig. 1799-1860. Berlin und seine nachsten umgebungen in malerischen originalan- AH43 sichten historisch-topographisch beschrieben. 647 Darmstadt, no date. O. 401 + [2] p. 54 pi. First edition was published in 1852. Remarks on the form and construction of prisons. 1826. AE6 See Society for the improvement of prison discipline, publisher. Sol 53* 838 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Remembrance of Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. [1849]. AW See [H.]. Ad 1 5 La renaissance; chronique des arts et de la litterature. AB Bruxelles, 1839-55. F. 4 ill. v. 1-16, no. i, in 15 v. R29 Published by the Association Rationale pour favoriser les arts en Belgique. No more pub lished. La renaissance italienne; recueil d ornements et details AK de sculpture. Paris, 1891. Sq. F. 4 32 pi. R29I Renaissance of art in Italy. 1888. AO See [Baxter, Mrs. L. E. (B.)]. 633 Renan, Ary. 1858-. Le costume en France. Paris, 1890. O. 274+ [i] p. ill. (Biblio- AN4 theque de 1 enseignement des beaux-arts; publiee . . . J. Comte.) R29 Renan, [Joseph] Ernest. 1823-92. Mission de Phenicie. AH569 Paris, 1864. F. 4 884+ [3] p. ill. and Atlas, Sq. F. 6 [4] p. 70 pi. P52 Renard, 6mile, illustrator. AN2 See Notes pour servir a 1 histoire des emaux de Nevers. 1887. Z6 Renard, [Jean] B[aptiste Christian Bruno]. 1781- 1861. Monographic de Notre Dame de Tournai; plan, coupes, elevations AH493 et details. . . Tournai, 1852. F. 6 13 p. 21 pi. T642 Notice explicative des antiquites gauloises et romaines, trouvees AO dans les fouilles de 1 aqueduc de la Grande Place de Tournay ... Z5 1821. [Tournay] no date. O. 8 p. Renard, Leon, 1831- and Chevalier, H. E., 1828-79. AH44 Le Champ-de-Mars. 1879. P24 Renatus, Flavius Vegetius, 4* cent. See Vegetius Renatus, Flavius. 4th cent. Renaud, Edmond, abbe. Rouen, eglise Saint- Vincent; monographic archeologique et de- AH44 scriptive. . . Rouen, 1885. Q. 3+176+^] p. ill. 6 pi. R757 Renaud, Edouard, 1819- Duval, C. J. A., 1800-70, and Kaufmann, J. A. AH44 Architecture rurale et communale. 1857. P229 Renaudin, Edmond. Paris-Exposition; ou, Guide a Paris en 1867; histoire, monuments, AH44 musees, theatres. .. Paris [1867]. D. 8+460 p. ill. P25I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 839 Rendle, William. Old Southwark and its people. AH42 Southwark, 1878. Q. 23 + 333 P- ill- l P or - 2 pi- $082 Rendu, Zacharie. Notice . . . sur le palais, 1 abbaye et les deux eglises de Choisy- AH44 au-Bac pres Compiegne (Oise). C45 Compiegne, 1856. Q. 33 + [i] p. 3 pi- Renet, Pierre Cesar, abbe. 1826-. Les fouilles de Hermes, 1878-1879. (In Societe academique AC d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. n, 8019 p. 5-155. 6 pi.) Milly. (In Societe academique d archeologie . . . du Departe- AC ment de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 13, 14.) 8019 Prieure de Villers-Saint-Sepulcre. (In Societe academique d ar- AC cheologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 10, 8019 p. 485-566. I pi.) Renier, Charles Alphonse Leon. 1809-85. Explication des inscriptions, cinquieme volume. (In Ferret, L. AR45 Catacombes de Rome. 1851-55. v. 6, p. 133-190.) ^679 Renoir, H. AK Chiffres Louis XIV. Paris, no date. Sq. F. 68 pi. R294 Collection complete de chiffres et monogrammes. AK Paris, no date. Sq. F. 72 pi. R293 Monograms and ciphers. . . Edinburgh [1870]. F. 66 pi. AK R.29 Renouvier, Jules. 1804-60. Histoire de 1 art pendant la revolution . . . ouvrage suivi d une AO etude sur J. B. Greuze, avec une notice biographique et une table R29 par Anatole de Montaiglon. Paris, 1863. O. 3 1+590+ [2] p. Notes sur les monuments gothiques de quelques villes d ltalie. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 7, p. 201-282, 305-336.) 687 Renucci, - . Motifs d ornements pour roses, rosaces, medaillons, fonds et pan- AK neaux circulaires des i6 e -i8 e siecles . . . choisis et dessines dans R292 [sa] collection par R. Pfnor. Paris, 1876. F. 50 pi. Renumbrance au the cathedral of Cologne; a collection AH43 of his most semar kable monumens, so as of the most artful orna- 0723 mens and precioies hilts of his renaconed tresory. See Emans, Gerhard. Erinnerung an den dom in Coin. i846(?). 840 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Reproductions d anciennes gravures d orfevrerie hollan- AM4 daise. La Haye, 1892. F. 5 pi. V65 Vol. i. VIANEN, A. VAN. i595~. Modelles artificiels de divers vaisseaux d ar- gent. 1892. Repton, Humphry. 1752-1818. Landscape gardening and landscape architecture, being his entire AN8 works on these subjects. New edition with an ... introduction . . . R29 a biographical notice . . . and a copious . . . index, by J. C. Loudon. . . London, 1840. O. 31+619 p. ill. I por. Repton, John Adey. -1860. Observations on female head-dress in England. . . (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 27, p. 29-76. 8 pi.) Ar2 Observations on some ancient buildings in Prussia. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 21, p. 158-159. 6 pi.) Ar2 Observations on the various fashions of hats, bonnets or coverings AB for the head . . . from the reign of Henry VIII. to the i8th cen- Ar2 tury. (In Archaeologia. v. 24, p. 168-189. 8 pi.) Requin, H., abbe. 1851-. Documents inedits sur les peintres, peintres-verriers et enlumineurs AO6 d Avignon au quinzieme siecle. Paris, 1889. O. 99 p. R29 Resanoff, A. See Rezanov, Aleksandr Ivanovich. Restaurations des monuments antiques, par les archi- AH45 tectes pensionnaires de 1 Academic de France a Rome, depuis 1788 R686 jusqu a nos jours. . . Paris, 1877-90. F. 7 v. 1-7. pi. Contents: . i. PERCIER, C. 1764-1838. La colonne Trajane, Rome. 1877. . 2. LESUEUR, J. B. C. 1794-1883. La basilique Ulpienne, Rome. 1877. . 3. LABROUSTE, P. F. H. 1801-75. Les temples de Psestum. 1877. . 4. DUBUT, L. A. 1769-1846. Le temple de La pudicite", Rome. 1879. . 5. GARNIER, J. L. C. 1825-. Le temple de Jupiter Panhelle"nien. 1884. . 6. VILLAIN, A. Le temple de Marc-Aurele. 1881. . 7. PAULIN, E. Les thermes de Diocle"tien. 1890. Rettberg, R. von. Niirnberg s kunstleben in seinen denkmalen dargestellt; ein fiihrer AO fur einheimische und fremde. Stuttgart, 1854. O. 12+232 p. ill. R3I Reunion des societes des beaux-arts des departements. AC Paris, 1881-90. O. v. 5-14. pi. RSI Published by Ministere de 1 Instruction publique. Reusens, [Edmond]. 1831-. AP Manuel d archeologie chretienne. . . Paris, 1890. O. 545 p. ill. R3 1 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 841 Reusner, Nikolaus von. 1545-1602. Symbolorum imperatoriorum classis prima [-tertia]; qua symbola AX continentur impp. . . [usque ad Rudolphum II]. RSI Francofurti, 1614-15 [v. I, 1615]. S. 3 v. in I. ill. Reuss, Christian Qottlob. Anweisungzur zimmermannskunst, den anfangern und liebhabern AI der baukunst, besonders den zimmerleuten. . . 2. . . auflage. RSI Leipzig, 1767. F. 4 [8] + 58+[2] p. 36 pi. Reuter, Karl. i8o3(?)-89. Das romer-castell bei Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden, 1871. O. 80 p. AC 3 pi. map. (Vol. 2 of Rossel, J. H. K. L. Zur geschichte des 58 romischen Wiesbadens. In Verein fur Nassauische alterthums- kunde und geschichtsforschung. Annalen. 1858. v. 5, pt. 2.) Romische ansiedlungen in der umgebung von Wiesbaden. Wies- AC baden, 1876. O. [5]+75 + [i] p. 4 pi- map. (Vol. 3 of Rossel, V58 J. H. K. L. Zur geschichte des romischen Wiesbadens. In Verein fur Nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung. Anna len. 1858. v. 5, pt 3.) Romische wasserleitungen in Wiesbaden und seiner umgebung. AC Wiesbaden, 1877. O. 6+6Q+[i] p. 7 pi. (Vol. 4 of Rossel, V$8 J. H. K. L. Zur geschichte des romischen Wiesbadens. In Verein fur Nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung. Anna len. 1858. v. 5, pt. 4.) Reveley, Willey, -1799, editor. See Stuart, James, 1713-88, and Revett, Nicholas. 1722-1804. AH495 Antiquities of Athens. 1762-1816. v. 3. At472 Rever, [Marie] F[ranois Qilles]. 1753-1828. Memoire sur les ruines de Lillebonne . . . avec un appendice con- AR44 tenant la description de quelques cachets inedits d anciens oculistes. L62 Evreux, iS*2i. O. 142+56 p. 5 pi. Revett, Nicholas, 1722-1804, Chandler, Richard, 1738-1810, and Pars, William. Ionian antiquities. 1769. (Society of Dilettanti, publisher. Anti- AH495 quities of Ionia. 1769-1881. v. I.) A7 Revett, Nicholas], 1722-1804, and Stuart, J[ames], 1713-88. Les antiquites d Athenes . . . ouvrage traduit de 1 anglais par L. AH495 F. Feuillet. 1808-22. At47 Antiquities of Athens. 1762-1816. AH495 At472 Antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece. 1837. AH495 842 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Revoil, Henri [Antoine]. 1822-. Architecture romane du midi de la France. . . AD5 Paris, 1873. F. 5 3 v. ill. 212 pi. R32 Revue d histoire et d archeologie. AB Bruxelles, 1859-64. Q. 4 v. in 2. pi. maps. R323 Revue de 1 architecture en Belgique. AB Liege, 1882-83. F. 6 2 v. ill. pi. R322 Revue de 1 art chretien; recueil mensuel d archeologie AB religieuse. Paris, 1857-94. O. and Q. v. 1-43. ill. pi. R324 Edited by Abbe" J. Corblet. v. 1-32. Revue des arts decoratifs. AB Paris, 1880-93. F. v. 1-13. ill. pi. R32 Revue des societes savantes de la France et de 1 etranger. AC Paris, 1856-58. O. 5 v. ill. map. P235 Published by Ministere de 1 instruction publique. Continuation of Bulletin des socie te s savantes. Continued by Revue des socie te s savantes des ddpartements. Table general des Bulletins du Comite des travaux histo- AC riques et de la Revue des societes savantes. 1837-69. P235 Paris, 1873. O. I v. Revue des societes savantes des departements. AC Paris, 1859-77. O- 2d ser -> 8 v. 3d sen, 4 v. 4th S er., 10 v. in 9. P236 5th S er., 8 v. 6th se r., v. 1-6. ill. pi. maps. Continuation of Revue des societes savantes de la France et de 1 dtranger. After the 2 d ser. the scientific part was published separately under the title Revue des socie te s savantes ; sciences mathe matiques, physiques et naturelles. Published by Ministere de 1 instruction publique. Revue generale de 1 architecture et des travaux publics; AB journal des architectes, des ingenieurs, des archeologues, des in- R32I dustriels et des proprietaires. Paris, 1840-90. Sq. F. 4 v. 1-45, nos. 1-8. ill. pi. Edited by C. Daly. No more published. Table generale. v. 1-30. Paris, no date. Sq. F. 4 I v. AB R32I Revue historique et archeologique du Maine. See Societe historique et archeologique du Maine. Revue Internationale de 1 art et de la curiosite. AB Paris, 1869-70. Q. v. 1-3, v. 4, nos. 1-2. R327 Edited by E. A. Feydeau. No more published. Revue poly technique; schweizerische bauzeitung. See Schweizerische bauzeitung. 1892-. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 843 Revue universelle des arts. Paris, 1855-66. O. 22 v. AB R 3 2 5 Edited by P. Lacroix. Rey, [A.] E. Guillaume. 1837-. Etude sur les monuments de 1 architecture militaire des croises en AE/ Syrie et dans 1 ile de Chypre. Paris, 1871. Q. 288 p. ill. 23 pi. R26 map. (In Collection de documents inedits sur 1 histoire de France, v. 26.) Rapport sur une mission scientifique accomplie en 1864-1865 AB dans le nord de la Syrie. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. Ar2i 1866. v. 11, p. 329-373-) Voyage dans le Haouran et aux bords de la Mer Morte, execute AR56 pendant . . . 1857 et *858. A5 Paris, 1 86 1. O. 20+306 p. 3 pi. and Atlas, Sq. F. 7 [3] p. 26 pi. Rey, Etienne. Monuments remains et gothiques de Vienne en France . . . suivis AH44 d un texte historique et analytique par E. Vietty. V67I Paris, 1820-31 [pt. i, 31]. F. 6 3 pts. in I v. ill. 72 pi. Reyher, Samuel. 1635-1714. Monumenta landgraviorum Thuringiae et marchionum Misniae AR43 quae adhuc in Thuringia, Misnia, Saxonia Superiore, Franconia T42 et Hassia extant . . . cum F. Hortlederi et W. E. Tenzelii notis et additionibus . . . accessere passim monumenta ducum Saxoniae . . . Andr. Sennerti . . . et Dav. Schirmeri. . . (In Otto, H. F., and Schamel, J. M. Thuringia sacra. 1737. p. 921-956.) Reymond, William. 1823-. Histoire de 1 art, depuis les origines jusqu a nos jours; architec- AO ture, statuaire, peinture. . . 2 e edition. R33 Paris, 1890. O. 297 p. ill. Reynaud, Frar^ois Leonce. 1803-80. Traite d architecture. AA Paris, 1863-67 [v. i, 67]. Sq. F. 2 v. and Atlas, F. 5 2 v. 173 pi. R33 Contents: v. i. Art de b&tir. v. 2. Composition des edifices. Rezanov, Aleksandr Ivanovich, Benois, N., and Krakau, A. AH45 Monographic de la cathedrale d Orvieto. 1877. Rheinwald, [Georg] F[riedrich] H[einrich]. 1802-49. AP Die kirchliche archaologie. Berlin, 1830. O. 14+571 p. R34 Rhodes, E[dward]. Peak scenery; or, the Derbyshire tourist. . . AtLp London, 1824. O. 27+379 p. ill. i map. 0444 844 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Riano, Juan F[acundo]. Industrial arts in Spain; published for the Committee of Council on AN6 education. London, 1879. O. 8+276 p. ill. I pi. (South Ken- R35 sington, Eng., museum Art hand-books; William Maskell, ed.) Ribart de Chamoust, . L ordre fran9ois trouve dans la nature, presente au roi le 21 sept. A A 1776. Paris, 1783. F. 4 [6] + 56p. 21 pi. R35 Ribeiro da Cunha, Francisco. Catalogue de [sa] collection . . . de ceramique . . . vente . . . AN2 17-19 avril, 1884. Paris, 1884. Q. 142 p. 19 pi. R3S Ricard, Antoine. 1834-. Resume de symbolisme architectural. (In Revue de 1 art chre- AB tien. v. 2, 3.) R324 Ricard, Auguste, called de Montferrand. 1786-1858. See Montferrand, Auguste Ricard, called de. 1786-1858. Ricci, Amico, marchese. Storia dell architettura in Italia dal secolo 4. al 18. AH45 Modena, 1857-59. O. 3 v. A38 Ricci, Corrado. Ravenna e i suoi dintorni. . . AH45 Ravenna, 1878. D. 13 + [2] + 264 p. ill. Ri9 Riccio, Camillo. Le costruzioni fatte per 1 Esposizione generale italiana in Torino, AO4 1884; cenni. Torino, 1886. Q. 83 p. 24 pi. T84 Riccobaldi del Bava, Giuseppe Maria, cavaliere. Dissertazione istorico-etrusca sopra 1 origine, antico stato, lingua AR45 e caratteri della etrusca nazione e sopra . . . Volterra, col rapporto Et8i a suoi antichi monumenti. . . Firenze, 1758. Sq. O. 7+i8[4] p. Rice, Robert Qarraway. Some account of Richard Eldridge, of Horsham, bellfounder, and AC notes upon the bells of St. Mary s church. (In Sussex archaeo- Su8 logical society. Collections, v. 31, p. 81-94.) Rich, Anthony, jr. Dictionnaire des antiquites romaines et grecques . . . traduit de AP 1 anglais sous la direction de M. Cheruel. . . R37 Paris, 1873. O. 12 + 740 p. ill. Richard, [Guy] Alfred. 1839-. Prefecture; Hotel de ville. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et AR44 monuments du Poitou: Poitiers. 1890. v. I, p. 172-176. pi.) ?75 Saint-Maixent et les chateaux de La Villedieu de Comble et Cher- AR44 veux, Deux-Sevres. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- P75 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 6. 42 p. ill. 13 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 845 Richard, Jacques Hyacinthe Georges. 1822-88. See Soultrait, Jacques Hyacinthe Georges Richard, comte de. 1822-88. Richard, Laurent=, . See Laurent-Richard, Richard, O[livier] J[ules]. 1836- L lle-d Yeu, Vendee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monu- AR44 ments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 13. 16 p. ill. 6 pi.) P/5 Richards, Godfrey, translator. AA See Palladio, Andrea. 1518-80. First book of architecture. 1663. Pi 72 Richardson, Charles James. 1806-71. Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. AH42 [London] 1840. F. 6 v. I. 35 pi. A72 No more published. Popular treatise on the warming and ventilation of buidings, show- AJ ing the . . . system of heated water circulation. . . R39 London, 1837. O. 11 + 115 p. 18 p. Studies from old English mansions, their furniture, gold and silver AH42 plate. . . London, 1841-48. F. 5 4 ser. 140 pi. Aii8 Studies of ornamental design. AK London, 1851. F. 6 Unpaged, ill. 16 pi. R39 Richardson, Edward. 1812-69. Monumental effigies and tombs in Elford church, Staffordshire, AH42 with a memoir . . . of the lords of Elford. Ei2 London, 1852. F. 5 [4J+32 p. 13 pi. i tab. Richardson, George, architect. Collection of ceilings, decorated in the style of the antique gro- AM6 tesque, containing designs ... for adorning halls, parlours . . . R39 libraries . . . and other . . . apartments. 2<i edition. London, 1793. F. 6 i2+[i] p. 48 pi. Title-page and text in English and French. Iconology; or, A collection of emblematical figures. . . AX London, 1779. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 109 pi. R39 Richardson, Geo[rge], architect, & son. New designs of vases and tripods decorated in the antique taste. AM2 London, 1793. Sq. F. 25 pi. R39 New drawing book of ornaments in the antique style. . . AK London, 1796. F. 36 pi. R39I Richardson, Henry Hobson, 1838-86, architect. See Monographs of American architecture, v. 3. Ames memorial AH73 buildings, North Easton, Mass. An 846 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Richardson, [Jonathan]. i665(?)-i;45. Discourse on the dignity, certainty, pleasure and advantage of the AO6 science of a connoisseur. . . London, 1719. D. 234 p. R39 Essay on the theory of painting. 2<i edition enlarged. AO6 London, 1725. D. 2 v. R39 Richardson, [Jonathan], i665(?)-i;45, and Richard= son, [Jonathan], 1694-1771. Account of the statues, bas-reliefs, drawings, and pictures in Italy, AO France, etc. . . 2d edition. London, 1754. O. 46+357+[i] p. R39 [Richardson, Moses Aaron]. Collection of armorial bearings, inscriptions, etc., in the church of AH42 St. Nicholas, Newcastle on Tyne, and chapelries of Gosforth and N43 Cramlington, Northumberland . . . [with an] historical account of the church of St. Nicholas. [Anon.] Newcastle, 1820. O. 2 v. ill. 106 pi. Collection of armorial bearings, inscriptions, etc., in the parochial AH42 chapel of Saint Andrew, Newcastle upon Tyne. [Anon.] N43 Newcastle, 1818. O. 32 p. 23 pi. Richardson, Wigham. On the construction of sun-dials. (In Gatty, Mrs. M. S. 1809- AX 73. Book of sun-dials. 1889. p. 485-502.) G22 Richardson, William. Catalogue of ... [his] genuine collection of prints and books of AO7 prints . . . sold . . . the 9th ... of May, 1821, and . . . following R39 days. . . [London] 1821. O. 49 p. Monastic ruins of Yorkshire with historical descriptions by the AH42 Rev. Edward Churton. . . A 14 York, 1843. F. 6 2 v. in I. 88 p. ill. 55 pi. map. Paged continuously. Richer, Paul, 1849- and Charcot, J. M. 1825-. Le mascaron grotesque de 1 eglise Santa Maria Formosa a Venise, AH45 et 1 hemispasme glosso-labie hysterique. [1878]. V556 Riches, Thomas Hurry, and Redford, George. AR42 History of the ancient town and borough of Uxbridge. 1818. Uxi Richter, Franz. 1861- De thesauris Olympiae effossis. . . AP Berolini, 1885. O. 29+[3] p. Z2 Doctor s dissertation at Berlin (Ger.) university. Richter, Fried rich. Gebaude fur militarische zwecke. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1887. 4. thl. 7. hlbd., p. 464-588. ill. 6 paged pi.) Hi9 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 847 Richter, J[ean] Paul, Ph. D. Christliche architectur und plastik in Rom vor Constantin dem AE groszen. . . Jena, 1872. O. 28 p. ill. Z8 Die mosaiken von Ravenna; beitrag zu einerkritischen geschichte AJ2 der altchristlichen malerei. Wien, 1878. O. 6+[i] + i36 p. 4 pi. R4i Der ursprung der abendlandischen kirchengebaude. . . AE Wien, 1878. O. [3]+48 p. ill. R4i Richter, Max Ohnefalsch=. 1850-. See Ohnefalsch= Richter, Max Hermann. 1850-. Richter, Otto. 1843-. Das Forum romanum, nach den neuesten ausgrabungen. AH45 Berlin, 1893. map. R827 Folded and mounted on cloth. Uber antike steinmetz-zeichen. AP Berlin, 1885. Q. 5i + |>] p. ill. 3 pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 45. Richter, Otto Donner=von, and Riese, [F.] A. 1840-. Heddernheimer ausgrabungen . . . die Heddernheimer brunnen- AC funde: I, Das Juppiter-heiligthum; 2, Sol und deus Lunus; 3, Die F8$ Gigantensaule. Frankfurt am Main, 1885. F. 20 p. 5 pi. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alter- thumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1885-86.) Rickman, John. 1771-1841. On the antiquity of Abury and Stonehenge. (In Archaeologia. AB v. 28, p. 399-419. 2 pi.) Ar2 Rickman, Thomas. 1776-1841. Attempt to discriminate the styles of English architecture . . . AR4I preceded by a sketch of the Grecian and Roman orders. 2d ed. 0891 enlarged. London, 1819. O. 4+[3]+i84p. 14 pi. Four letters on the ecclesiastical architecture of France. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 25, p. 159-187; v. 26, p. 26-46. 11 pi.) Ar2 Rickman, Thomas M[iller]. Specification-writing. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1889. n. s. v. 5, p. 77-88.) R8i Rickman, Fr. W. T. Die domkirche zu Ratzeburg in geschichtlicher, architectonischer AH43 und monumentaler beziehung. . . Ri8 Ratzeburg, 1881. O. 5+72 p. 3 pi. Rickman, Thomas, 1776-1841, editor. AH42 See Cotman, J. S. 1780-1843. Etchings. 1838. N76 848 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Ricolvi, Giovanni Paolo, 1723-1748, and Rivautella, Antonio, 1708-53. AO8 Marmora Taurinensia. [Anon.] 1748. R52 Ricordi di architettura; [pubblicazione mensile; Societa AB editrice]. Firenze, 1878-93. F. 6 v. i-io in 5; ser. 2, v. 1-3. R42 Enrico Bartoli, Giacomo Roster, Riccardo Mazzanti, and Corinto Corinti editors. Riddell, John. Architectural designs for model country residences. . . AE2 Philadelphia [c. 1867]. Obi. F. 4 40 p. 26 pi. R43 Riddell, Robert. The artisan, illustrated by 40 plates of geometric drawings, show- AL2 ing the most practical methods ... of building. . . R43 Philadelphia, 1879. Q. [44] p. 40 pi. Ridder, de. Catalogue raisonne des estampes de 1 ecole hollandaise et flamande, AO7 formant . . . [sa] collection, redige par P. van der Kellen. . . R43 Rotterdam, 1874. Q. 16+243 p. I por. 12 pi. No. 70 of 100 copies printed. Riedin, [Yegor Kus mich], and Ainalov, D[mitri Vlas evich.] AH47 Kievo-Sofiski sobor. 1889. K54 Riegel, Herman. 1834-. Cornelius, der meister der deutschen malerei. AW Hannover, 1866. O. 12+436 p. I por. C8i Geschichte der wandmalerei in Belgien seit 1856, nebst briefen AM6 von Cornelius . . . und anderen. . . R44 Berlin, 1882. D. 19+250 p. I por. Kunstgeschichtliche vortrage und aufsatze. AO Braunschweig, 1877. O. 4+396 p. ill. R44 Das neue museumsgebaude zu Braunschweig in bezug auf seinen AB benutzungszweck gewiirdigt. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussi- Ji9 2 schen kunstsammlungen. v. 10, p. 109-120.) Riegl, Alois. Aeltere orientalische teppiche aus dem besitze des allerhochsten AB kaiserhauses. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen JiQi des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 13. pt. I, p. 267331.) Stilfragen; grundlegungen zu einer geschichte der ornamentik. AK Berlin, 1893. O. 19+346 p. ill. R44 1 Riegl, Alois, compiler. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und Industrie. Die AN agyptischen textilfunde im Museum. 1889. V6/ COLUMBIA COLLEGE 849 Riem, A[ndreas]. tiber die malerei der alten; ein beitrag zur geschichte der kunst, AO6 veranlasst von B. Rode. R44 Berlin, 1787. Q. [io] + i63 + [i] p. I por. 20 pi. Riese, [Friedrich] A[lexander], 1840- and Richter, Otto Donner=von. Heddernheimer ausgrabungen . . . die Heddernheimer brunnen- AC funde: i, Das Juppiter-heiligthum; 2, Sol und deus Lunus; 3, Die F85 Gigantensaule. 1885. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrsblatt. 1885-86.) Riess, Joseph Florian, 1823-82, editor. AB See Kirchenschmuck. 1857. v - l ~ 2 - ^63 Riester, Martin. Ornemens tires des quatre ecoles. Paris [i855](?). F. 200 pi. AK (In Ornemens tires des quatre ecoles. Ser. i.) Or6 Rieth, Otto. AL2 Architektur-skizzen. Berlin, 1891. F. [6] p. 120 pi. R44 Skizzen; eine neue folge architektonischer und decorativer studien AL-2 und entwiirfe. Berlin, 1892. F. 5 [6] p. 20 pi. R44I Riga (Russia) Qesellschaft f iir geschichte und alter thumskunde der Russischen Ostseeprovinzen. See Qesellschaft fur geschichte und alterthumskunde der Russi= schen Ostseeprovinzen. [Rigato, Andrea.] Osservazioni sopra Andrea Palladio. [Anon.] AW Padova, 1811. O. 73 p. Pi 73 Rigato, Andrea, editor. See Calderari, Ottone, conte. 1730-1803. Disegni e scritti AA d architettura. 1808-15. Ci2 Riggenbach, Christoph, 1810-63, and Burckhardt, C. AH494 Die klosterkirche Klingenthal in Basel. 1860. 629 Riggenbach, Christoph, 1810-63, and Burckhardt, L. A., 1808-63. AH494 Die Dominikaner klosterkirche in Basel. 1855. 6291 Rigollot, [Marcel Jerome]. 1786-1854. Histoire des arts du dessin depuis 1 epoque romaine jusqu a la fin AL du i6 e siecle. Paris, 1863-64. O. 2 v. and Atlas, 58 pi. R44 Rimmel, Eugene. 1821- Recollections of the Paris exhibition of 1867. 4th edition. AO4 London, no date. O. 340 p. ill. i pi. R46 54 850 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rimtner, Alfred. Ancient stone crosses of England. AR42 London, 1875. O. 12+1599. ill. A4 Ancient streets and homesteads of England, and an introduction AH42 by ... Rev. J. S. Howson. . . Ai2i London, 1877. O. 22 + 3409. ill. 15 pi. Pleasant spots around Oxford. AH42 London [1878]. O. 8+292 p. ill. i pi. 20 paged pi. Ai52 Rambles round Eton and Harrow. AH42 London, 1882. Nar. Q. 11+290 p. ill. 16 pi. Et6i Rincklake, August. Neue normal-bahnhofs-anlagen, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung AE6 der vereinigung der bahninteressen in der hand des staates. . . R47 Berlin, 1883. F. 13 p. 9 pi. Rinmon, de. Les proportions du corps humain, mesurees sur les plus belles AO statues de 1 antiquite. .. Paris, no date. F. 5 12 p. 26 pi. R473 Rio, A[lexis] F[ranois], 1797-1874. AO De 1 art chretien. . . Nouvelle edition. . . Paris, 1861. O. 3 v. R47 Rio, Antonio del. 1745-89. Beschreibung einer alten stadt, die in Guatimala, Neuspanien, un- AH72J fern Palenque, entdeckt worden ist; nach der englischen iibersetz- Pi 7 ung der spanischen originalhandschrift . . . und P. F. Cabrera s Teatro critico americano . . . von J. H. von Minutoli. Berlin, 1832. D. [24]+i23+8; p. Riocreux, Denis Desire, and Brongniart, Alexandre, 1770-1847. Description methodique du musee ceramique de la Manufacture AN2 royale de porcelaine de Sevres. 1845. 6781 Riolo, Gaetano. Notizie dei restauratori delle pitture a musaico della r. cappella AP palatina spigolate ed esposte. Palermo, 1870. O. 45 + [2] p. Z2 Rios, Jose Amador de los. 1818-78. La camara santa de la Catedral de Oviedo y sus mas antiguos AH46 monumentos artistico-industriales. Madrid, 1877. F. 8 [4] +63 p. Ai3 ill. 8 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Monumentos de decadencia del arte pagano: Mosaicos gentilicos; AH46 Mosaico de Galatea, en Elche. Madrid, 1877. F. 8 [3] +8 p. ill. Ai3 2 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 851 Rios, Jose Amador de los. 1818-78. Monumentos de estilo mudejar: Triptico-relicario del Monasterio AH46 Cisterciense de Piedra, en Aragon. Madrid, 1877. F. 8 34 p. ill. Ai3 6 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and English, in parallel columns. Monumentos del estilo ojival: La Casa-Lonja de Valencia del Cid. AH46 Madrid, 1876. F. 8 [3] +6 p. ill. 3 pi. (In Monumentos arqui- Ai3 tectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de la monarquia asturiana: Ermita AH46 de Santa Cristina, en el concejo de Pola de Lena, Asturias. Ai3 Madrid, 1877. F. 8 [3] + 19 p. ill. I pi. (In Monumentos arqui tectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de la monarquia Asturo-Leonesa: AH46 Iglesia de San Miguel de Linio, y palacio de Ramiro I, actual- Ai3 mente destinado a iglesia parroquial, bajo el nombre de Santa Maria de Naranco, Asturias, concejo de Oviedo. Madrid, 1877. F. 8 [3] +36 p. ill. 6 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de la monarquia Asturo-Leonesa: AH46 Iglesias de San Salvador de Val-de-Dios y Parroquial de San Ai3 Salvador de Priesca, en el concejo de Villaviciosa, Asturias. Madrid, 1877. F 8 [3] +31 p. ill. 3 pi. (In Monumentos arqui tectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de Merida. Madrid, 1877. F. 8 AH46 1 1 +80 p. ill. 9 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Ai3 Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Monumentos mahometanos; estilo mauritano: Puerta antigua de AH46 Bisagra, en Toledo. Madrid, 1877. F. 8 [3] +3 p. I pi. (In Ai3 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Primeros monumentos religiosos del arte mahometano en Toledo: AH46 Mezquitas llamadas del Santo Cristo de la Luz y de las Tornerias. A 13 Madrid, 1877. F. 8 [5] +44 p. ill. 9 pi. (In Monumentos arqui tectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Rios, Jose Amador de los, 1818-78, and Assas y Ereiio, Manuel de. Monumentos del estilo ojival: El Monasterio de San Juan de los AH46 Reyes, en Toledo. Madrid, 1877. F. 8 [3] + 20 p. ill. 11 pi. (In Ai3 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. 852 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rios, Jose Amador de los, 1818-78, and Rada y Del= gado, Juan de Dios de la, 1827-. Historia de la . . . villa y corte de Madrid. AH46 Madrid, 1860-62. F. 4 2 v. in 4. 30 por. 88 pi. map. 3 facsim. M262 Title-page^of vol. i, pt. i, reads Historia de la . . . villa de Madrid por Antonio de Cap- many y de Montpalan. Rios, Jose Amador de los, 1818-78, and Rios y Vill= alta, Rodrigo Amador de los. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de Cordoba. Madrid, 1879. F. 8 AH46 [3] +7+75 P- ill- 7 pi- (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Ai3 Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Rios y Villalta, Rodrigo Amador de los. Monumentos del estilo mudejar: Iglesia parroquial de Santiago AH46 del Arrabal, en Toledo. Madrid, 1879. F. 8 [3] + 22 p. i pi. (In A 13 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Rios y Villalta, Rodrigo Amador de los, and Rios, Jose Amador de los, 1818-78. Monumentos latino-bizantinos de Cordoba. 1879. (In Monu- AH46 mentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Ai3 Rioux de Maillou, P. Causerie sur le mobilier. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 6, AB p. 138-142, 225-234.) R32 La decoration murale a Pompei. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. AB v. i, p. 494-504.) R32 Pierre Puget, decorateur. (In Revue des arts decoratifs. v. 2, AB p. 133-143.) R32 Ripamonti, Alessandro, editor. AH45 See Castro, Vincenzo de. L ltalia monumentale. 1870. A2 Ripault, [Louis Madeleine]. 1775-1823. Report of the commission of arts to the First Consul Bonaparte, AR62 on the antiquities of Upper Egypt . . . translated from the French A38 of Citizen Ripaud. London, 1800. O. [4] +98 p. Ripley, M[artha] M. World s worship in stone; temple, cathedral and mosque, with AE descriptive text. . . Boston, 1880. Sq. F. 176 p. ill. i pi. R48 [Ripley, Thomas]. Plans, elevations and sections, chimney-pieces and cielings of AH42 Houghton in Norfolk, the seat of . . . S r Robert Walpole. [Anon.] H8i [London] 1735. F. 6 [3] p. 35 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Rippingille, E[dward] V[illiers], 1798-1859, editor. AO Artist and amateur s magazine. . . London, 1843. Q. 363 p. R48 Ris=Paquot, [Oscar Edmond]. 1835-. La ceramique enseignee par la reproduction et la vue de ses AN2 differents produits, terres cuites antiques, poteries, gres, faiences R493 et porcelaines. . . Paris, 1888. O. 8 + 358 p. 353 ill. 46 pi. with 106 ill. Documents inedits sur les faiences charentaises, d Angouleme, AN2 1 Houmeau, Garde-Epee, Saint-Eutrope-de-Montmoreau et Cog- R492 nac. . . Paris, 1878. D. 3+92 p. 8 pi. Etude sur les emaux anciens. Paris, 1 88 1. T. 77+[3] p. 6 pi. AJ2 R 49 No. 105 of 200 copies printed. Histoire de faiences de Rouen. Amiens, 1870. F. 4 45 p. 60 pi. AN2 R 49 No. 350 of 500 copies printed. Origine et privileges de la manufacture royale de porcelaine de AN2 Vincennes et de Sevres, re edites d apres les arrets du Conseil d etat R49I du 19 aout, 1753, et du 16 mai, 1784. . . Amiens, 1878. D. 15+80 p. 111. Ritchie, Leitch. 1800-65. Windsor castle and its environs. AH42 London, 1840. G. 7+274 p. 14 pi. W7239 Windsor castle and its environs, including Eton college. 2d ed. AH42 with additions by E. Jesse. W724 London, 1848. O. 6 + 312 p. ill. 14 pi. map. Ritgen, Josef Maria Hugo von. 181 1-. . . . Geschichte der . . . hessischen stadt Staufenberg und ihrer AH43 beiden burgen. . . Giessen, 1883. Sq. Q. 67 p. 8 pi. St2 Giessen (Ger.) universitat. Festschrift. Ritschl, Friedrich [Wilhelm]. 1806-76. Ino Leukothea, antike bronze von Neuwied, erklart. AO Bonn, 1864. Q. 34 p. 2 pi. Z3 From Verein von alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Jahrbiicher. v. 37. Ritsert, Fr., and Qrotefend, H[ermann], 1845-. Die familie von Eschborn und ihr zusammenhang mit der familie AC von Cronberg. Frankfurt am Main, 1884. F. [3]+ 13 p. I pi. F85 (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alter- thumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt 1822.) Ritter, Franz. 1803-75. Bonn in den ersten zwei jahrhunderten seines bestehens. (In AH43 Bonn; beitrage zu seiner geschichte. 1868. 20 p. ill.) 6645 54* 854 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ritter, Karl. 1779-1859. Die Stupa s (Topes), oder die architectonischen denkmale an der AH54 indobaktrischen konigsstrasse und die Colosse vom Bamiyan . . . A6 vorgetragen in der Konigl. akad. der wiss. am 6 Feb. 1837. Berlin, 1838. O. 8 + 272 p. 8 pi. map. Ritter, W[ilhelm] L[eonard]. 1799-1862. Java; tooneelen uit het leven, karakterschetsen en kleederdragten AN4 van Java s bewoners, in afbeeldingen . . . door E. Hardouin, met RSI tekst van W. L. Ritter en een voorwoord van H. M. Lange. Leyden, 1855. Q. i4+[i] + 242 p. 26 pi. map. Rittere vom Elephanten= und Dannebrogischen= orden. 1699. AA See Schacken, Gen.- It. - von. H362 [Rivautella, Antonio, 1708-53, and Ricolvi, Q. P., 1723-48.] Marmora Taurinensia dissertationibus et notis illustrata. AO8 Francofurti ad Moenum, 1748. Q. 2 v. in i. ill. 59 pi. R52 Rivers, Gen. [Augustus Henry Lane Fox] Pitt=. On the development and distribution of primitive locks and AM2 keys. . . London, 1883. F. 3i + [i9] p. 10 pi. R52 Rivius, Walter Hermann. 16* cent. Der furnembsten, notwendigsten, der gantzen architectur ange- AL2 horigen mathematischen und mechanischen kiinst, eygentlicher R52 bericht, und vast klare, verstendliche unterrichtung, zu rechtem verstandt der lehr Vitruuii, in drey furneme biicher abgetheilet. . . Niirnberg, Petreius, 1547. F. Various paging, ill. 58 paged pi. Contents: pt. i. Die newe perspectiua. pt. 2. Die geometrische buxenmeisterey. pt. 3. Die geometrische messung. Von rechtem verstandt wag und gewicht, etliche biichlein zu son- AL2 derlichem verstandt kiinstlicher mechanischer inuention der geo- R52 metrischen messung angehenckt. . . [Nurnberg, Petreius, 1547]. F. [3]+ 19+1 2 f. ill. I paged pi. Rivius, Walter Hermann, i6th cent., translator. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Des aller namhafftigisten . . . romi- AA schen architecti vnnd kunstreichen werck . . . oder bawmeysters V846 Marci Vitruuii Pollionis zehen biicher von der architectur. [i 575-] Rivoire, [Jacques Nicolas] Hector. 1809-. Statistique du Departement du Gard. . . AH44 Nimes, 1842. F. 2 v. map. Gi6i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 855 Rivoyre, Denis de. 1835-. Les vrais Arabes et leur pays; Bagdad et les villes ignorees de 1 Euphrate. . . Paris, 1884. D. 3 20+ [3] p. u pi. map. Rizzoni, Jacopo, continues See Zagata, Pietro. isth cent. Cronica della citta di Verona. AH45 1745-47. v. 2. V593 Robert, Karl. 1850- Die antiken sarkophag-reliefs, im auftrage des Kaiserlich deu- AO8 tschen archaeologischen instituts, mit benutzung der vorarbeiten R54 von Friedrich Matz. Berlin, 1890. F. 5 v 2. ill. 65 pi. Contents: v. 2. Mythologische cyklen. Die ausgrabungen in Tanagra. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 33, AB p. 148-160.) Ar23 Homerische becher. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 50, p. 1-96. Iphigeneia in Tauris. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 33, p. 133- AB 148, pi. 13.) Ar23 Die ostmetopen des Parthenon. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 42, AB p. 47-58.) Ar23 Thanatos. Berlin, 1879. Q. 44+ [i] p. 4 ill. 3 pi. AP W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 39. Robert, Karl, pseudonym. See Meusnier, Georges. 1848-. Robert, Pierre Charles. 1812-87. Formes et caracteres des medaillons antiques de bronze relatifs AB aux jeux. (In Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1887. M48 P- 39-52.) Robert, Victor Marie Charles Ruprich=. 1820-87. See Ruprich-Robert, Victor Marie Charles. 1820-87. Roberts, David. 1796-1864. Picturesque sketches in Spain taken during ye years 1832 and AH46 1833. London, 1837. F - 6 M P- 26 pi. Ai9 Roberts, E. A. Guide du palais de Hampton Court, avec une notice des tableaux AO6 et ouvrages d art exposes dans les appartements publics. Z Windsor, 1851. S. 31 p. 856 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Roberts, Henry. -1876. Dwellings of the labouring classes, their arrangement and con- AE2 struction . . . [with] a reference to the model houses of the Society R$4 for improving the condition of the labouring classes. . . 3d ed. London [pref. 1853]. Q. [6] +65 p. ill. 12 pi. Des habitations des classes ouvrieres; traduit et public par ordre AE2 du President de la Republique. Paris, 1850. Q. 58 p. ill. 16 pi. R542 Model houses for families, built in connexion with the great Exhi- AE2 bition of 1851, by command of Prince Albert. R-54 1 London [i85i(?)J. Nar. Q. 32 p. 13 pi. Published by the Society for improving the condition of the labouring classes. Robertson, Joseph. 1 810-66. Scottish abbeys and cathedrals, with biographical memoir of the AH4I author. Aberdeen, 1891. D. 39+110 p. i pi. A3 Robertson, Rev. [William Archibald] Scott. Bexley: The church; Hall place; and Blendon. (In Kent archae- AC ological society. Archaeologica Cantiana. 1889. v - l %> P- 3^9- 41 382. 3 pi.) Cheriton church. (In Kent archaeological society. Archaeologica AC Cantiana. 1889. v - J 8, p. 353~368. 5 pi.) K4i Dartford church (Holy Trinity). (In Kent archaeological society. AC Archaeologica Cantiana. 1889. v. 18, p. 383-398. 3 pi. I facsim.) K4i St. Leonard s church, Hythe. (In Kent archaeological society. AC Archaeologica Cantiana. 1889. v. 18, p. 403-420. 3 pi.) K4i Sheldwich church. (In Kent archaeological society. Archaeologica AC Cantiana. 1889. v. 18, p. 288-303. 4 pi.) K4i Robida, A[lbert]. 1848-. AH44 La vieille France. . . Paris, no date. F. 4 v. ill. 160 pi. A45 Contents: v. i. Normandie. v. 2. Bretagne. v. 3. La Touraine. v. 4. Provence. "Yester-year;" ten centuries of toilette, from the French by Mrs. AN4 Cashel Hoey. New York, 1891. D. 12+264 P- ill- 3 P 1 - R S5 Robins, Edward C[ookworthy]. 1830-. Buildings for applied science and art instruction. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Transactions. 1882-83. p. 81-100. R8i 1 1 pi.) Fittings for applied science instruction buildings. (In Royal in- AC stitute of British architects. Transactions. 1883-84. p. 5-24. R8i 1 8 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 857 Robins, Edward C[ookworthy]. 1830-. Heating and ventilation necessary for applied science instruction AC buildings. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. R8i 1883-84. p. 25-37.) Sanitary science in its relation to civil architecture. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1880-81. p. 41-124. R8i 2 pi. i tab.) Technical school and college building ... a treatise on the design AE6 and construction of applied science and art buildings . . . with a R$5 chapter on technical education. London, 1887. Q. 12 + 244 P- ill- 65 pi. Temple of Solomon; a review of the various theories respecting AH$6() its form and style of architecture; The ethics of art; two lectures. J$2 London, 1887. O. 42+ 19 p. 6 pi. Robinson, Rev. C[harles] J[ohn]. Stopham; from materials contributed by Sir Walter B. Barttelot, AC bart. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 27, Su8 p. 37-68. 5 pi.) Robinson, Rev. Charles John, and Elwes, D. Q. C. History of the castles, mansions and manors of western Sussex. AH42 1876. Su8 Robinson, E. Julia, illustrator. AN See Robinson, V. J. Eastern carpets. 1882. R56 Robinson, E[lijah]. Robinson s atlas of the city of New York. . . AX New York, 1885. F. 8 43 pi. R$6 Robinson, John, architect, and Pennethorne, John. Geometry and optics of ancient architecture, illustrated by AA examples from Thebes, Athens and Rome. 1878. Robinson, Sir J[ohn] C[harles], 1824- compiler. Catalogue of the Soulages collection . . . inventory of a collection AO2 of works of decorative art, formerly in the possession of Jules R56 Soulages of Toulouse; now . . . exhibited . . at the Museum of ornamental art, Marlborough House. London, 1856. Q. i3 + [i]+2OO p. ill. 10 phot. Robinson, Sir J[ohn] C[harles]. 1824-. The early Portuguese school of painting . . . (In Fine arts quar- AB terly review. New ser. v. I, p. 375-400.) F49 Treasury of ornamental art; illustrations of objects of art and AK vertu, photographed from the originals and drawn on stone by F. R56 Bedford, with descriptive notices. London [1857]. Q- Unpaged. 71 pi. 858 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Robinson, Sir John Charles, 1824-, compiler. See Malcolm, John of Poltalloch. Descriptive catalogue of the AL.2 drawings by the old masters. 1869. M29 See Napier, Robert. Catalogue of the works of art forming his AO2 collection. 1865. Ni6i See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of the special AO4 exhibition of works of art of the mediaeval, renaissance and more So8 recent periods. 1863. See Uzielli, Matthew. Catalogue of the various works of art AO2 forming his collection. 1860. Uz5 Robinson, Sir John Charles, 1824-, editor. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Italian sculpture of the AO8 middle ages. 1862. So8 Robinson, Joseph Barlow. Architectural foliage adapted from nature . . . original designs for AK capitals, bosses, crockets . . . corbels, etc. . . R$62 New York, no date. Sq. F. 36 pi. Gothic ornament, adapted from nature. . . AK London [1857]. Q- [ 6 ] P- 20 pi. Rs6i Robinson, P[eter] Frederick]. Designs for gate cottages, lodges and park entrances. . . 3^ edition. AE2 London, 1837. Q- 4+[ 21 ] P- 4 8 pi- R 5 61 Domestic architecture in the Tudor style. . . AE2 London, 1837. F - 2 +4 P- 1 7 pi- R 5^ Robinson, P[eter] Frederick], and Britton, J[ohn], 1771-1857. Vitruvius Britannicus; history of Woburn abbey, Hatfield house, APL|.2 Hardwicke Hall and Cassiobury park, illustrated by plans . . . and W8ii internal views. .. London, 1847. F. 6 [16] p. 40 pi. Robinson, Vincent J. Eastern carpets, twelve early examples with descriptive notices AN by ... Robinson ... a preface by Sir George Birdwood; printed R56 in colours by William Griggs, after water-colour drawings by E. J. Robinson. London, 1882. F. 6 I7+|>5] p. 12 pi. Indische teppiche. (In Vienna, Austria Handels-museum, AN comp. Teppich-erzeugung im Orient. 1895. p. 147-167. ill.) V672 Robinson, W[illiam], F. L. S. Garden design and architects gardens; two reviews ... to show AN8 . . . that clipping . . . trees to make them harmonise with archi- R56 tecture is ... needless and inartistic. London, 1892. O. 18+73 P- 2 P 1 - COLUMBIA COLLEGE 859 Robinson, W[illiam], F. L. S. Gleanings from French gardens; comprising an account of such AN8 features of French horticulture as are most worthy of adoption in R562 British gardens. 2d edition. London, 1869. D. 15 + 291 p. ill. Parks, promenades and gardens of Paris, described ... in relation AN8 to the wants of our own cities. . . R56i London, 1869. O. 32+644 p. ill. 49 pi. 3 maps. Robinson, W[illiam]. 1777-1848. History and antiquities of Enfield, in the county of Middlesex; AR42 with appendices. . . En2 London, 1823. O. 2 v. in i. ill. 16 pi. map. 4 tab. History and antiquities of the parish of Hackney, in the county AR42 of Middlesex. . . HII London, 1842-43. O. 2v.ini. ill. 2 por. 37 pi. 3 maps. 2 tab. Robiou de la Trehonnais, Felix Marie Louis Jean. 1818-. Monuments de la vie des anciens. Paris, 1867. Q. 3 v. (In AO Chefs-d oeuvre de 1 art antique. 1867-68. Ser. I.) C4I Robison, John. 1739-1805. Arch, [roof, and strength of materials]. (In Ashpitel, Arthur, A A comp. Treatise on architecture. 1867. p. 193-210, 232-259, As3 272-306.) Robison, J[ohn], 1739-1805, Price, [Francis], and Tredgold, [Thomas], 1788-1829. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of construction in the car- AI pentry and joinery of roofs. London, 1859. Nar. D. [3] + ioi+ R55 [i] p. ill. 2 pi. and Atlas, Q. 17 pi. (Weale s rudimentary series.) Robuchon, Jules [Cesar]. Paysages et monuments du Poitou photographies . . . avec notices AR44 publiees sous les auspices de la Societe des Antiquairesdel Ouest. . . Paris, 1884-95. F- 5 P*- i~ 2 4O- ill. pi. Contents: AVIAU DE PIOLANT, , comte D . Ternay et son chateau [Arrondissement de Loudun, Vienne], v. 4. 7 p. ill. 2 pi. BABINET, LEON. Poitiers place fort; Les anciens remparts, portes et ponts; Chateau, v. i, p. 122-139. ill. pi. BALLEYGUIER, G. Le Loudunais [Arrondissement de Loudun, Vienne ; la partie arche"ologique]. v. 4. 99 p. ill. 24 pi. i plan. See BRIN, P. M., and BALLEYGUIER, G., below. BARBIER, ALFRED. Les promenades [de Poitiers], v. i, p. 179-194. ill. i pi. BARBIER DE MONTAULT, XAVIER. 1830-. La cathedrale [Saint Pierre, de Poitiers], v. i, p. 113-121. ill. 3 pi. Le chateau de Dissais, Vienne. v. 4. 12 p. ill. 6 pi. Lelycde: Ancien college Sainte-Marthe. v. i, p. 163-168. ill. 2 pi. Menigoute et les Chatelliers, Deux-Sevres. v. 6. i6p. ill. 6 pi. Le missel pontifical de Nouaille". v. 2. 2 p. i pi. Le prieure" d Availles. v. 2. 2 p. i pi. Sainte-Radegonde. v. i, p. 102-112. ill. 2 pi. 860 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Robuchon, Jules [Cesar], AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou photographies. 188495. BEAUCHAMP, , comte DE. Chateau-Guillaume en Poitou. v. 3. 24 p. ill. 6 pi. facsim. BERTHELE, F. M.J. 1858-. Airvault[et Louin], Deux-Sevres. v.y. 14 p. ill. 6pl. Eglise Notre-Dame la Grande; Eglise Saint-Nicholas; Eglise Saint- Porchaire; figlise Saint-Hilaire de la Celle. v. i, p. 92-97. ill. 3 pi. Nieuil-sur-1 Autise et Oulmes. v. 10. 14 p. 8 pi. Niort, Deux-Sevres. v. 6. 26 p. ill. 8 pi. Villiers-sur-Chizd ; Beauvoir-sur-Niort, Deux-Sevres. v. 9. 13 p. See BOUNEAULT, ARTHUR, and BERTHELE, F. M. J., 1858-, below. BLEAU, ALPHONSE, abbe". L ancienne e"glise des Augustins, a Poitiers; Le grand Se"minaire de Poitiers et sa chapelle. v. i, p. 161-2, 169-172. ill. i pi. BONVALLET, A. Montierneuf. v. i, p. 98-102. ill. i pi. BOUNEAULT, ARTHUR, and BERTHELE, F. M. J., 1858-. Saint-Ge"neroux, Deux-Sevres. v. 7. 6 p. ill. 2 pi. BOURLOTON, EDGAR. Maillezais et Maille, Vende e. v. 10. 16 p. ill. 8 pi. BOUTIN, HIPPOLYTE, abbe". Palluau, Vende e. v. 13. 31 p. ill. 4 pi. i plan. BRIN, P. M., abbe, 1843-, and BALLEYGUIER, G. Monuments [de Tiffauges, Vendee], v. 12. 8 p. ill. 5 pi. BROUILLET, AMEDEE. Musees de Poitiers, v. i, p. 177-8. 2 pi. CHARTRON, C. Apergu ge"ologique et pre"historique des environs de Luyon, Vende e. (In Ingold, A. M. P. Lugon. v. n). DAVIAU, N. Oyron. v. 8. 22 p. 10 pi. DESAIVRE, LEO. Champdeniers, Deux-Sevres. v. 6. 28 p. ill. 8 pi. DROCHON, A. B., abbe". Bouille -Courdault, Vende e. v. 10. 6 p. ill. 2 pi. Nouaille" et Ste.-Marie-d Availles, Vienne. v. 2. 17 p. 8 pi. DROCHON, J. E. B. Morthemer, Vienne. v. 3. 16 p. 8 pi. DROUAULT, ROGER. Le Loudunais [Arrondissement de Loudun, Vienne; la partie historique]. v. 4. 99 p. ill. 24 pi. i plan. ESPERANDIEU, EMILE. 1857-. Baptistere Saint-Jean, v. i, p. 73-79. ill. 2 pi. Le chateau du Coudray-Sabbart, Niort. v. 6. 12 p. ill. 3 pi. FAUCHERAU, , abbe". Saint-Julien-l Ars, Vienne. v. 2. 10 p. ill. 4 pi. FAVRAUD, A. Celles, Chef-Boutonne et Sauzd-Vaussais, Deux-Sevres. v. 9. 28 p. ill. 8 pi. Melle et Brioux, Deux-Sevres. v. 9. 32 p. ill. 5 pi. GABARD, TH., abbe". Chatillon-sur-Sevre, Deux-Sevres. v. 8. 15 p. ill. 3 pi. GENESTEIX, . L Ordre de Malte et l H6tel du Grand-Prieur d Aquitaine. v. i, p. 155-161. ill. GRANDMAISON.P. C. A.LOIZEAUDE. 1824-. Vouneuil-sur-Vienne; [Leschateaux de Chistr et Du Fou]. v. 4. 16 p. ill. 6 pi. HEBERT, J. Tiffauges, Vende e, et son chateau, v. 12. 13 p. ill. 6 pi. i plan. INGOLD, A. M. P. 1852-. Lugon et Saint-Michel en 1 Herm, Vende e. v. n. 32 p. ill. 14 pi. Saint-Gilles sur Vie, Vendee, v. 13. 20 p. ill. 8 pi. LA BOURALIERE, A. DE, L e"glise de Saint-Hilaire le Grand; histoire; monu ment, v. i, p. 80-91. ill. 4 pi. LA CROIX, CAMILLE DE. Sanxay, Vienne; De"couvertes gallo-romaines d Her- bord, pres Sanxay. v. 2. 12 p. 6 pi. LAHAIRE, MODESTE. Beaumont, Vienne: Les chateaux de Baudiment et Rouhet. v. 4. 19 p. ill. 6 pi. LA MARSONNIERE, J. L. DE. Liguge"et Saint Benoit de Quincay, Vienne. v. 2. 30 p. ill. 7 pi. Poitiers, Vienne; indications preliminaires [ou, Description geographique et statistique de la ville], v. i, p. 1-14. ill. pi. LA MENARDIERE, CAMILLE DE. Le Palais descomtes: Palais de Justice de Poitiers, v. i, p. 140-146. ill. 2 pi. LEDAIN, BELISAIRE. Argenton. Chateau, Deux-Sevres. v. 8. 19 p. ill. 3 pi. Bressuire, Deux-Sevres. v. 8. 25 p. n pi. i plan. Histoire [de Poitiers], v. i, p. 15-70. ill. pi. Lusignan, Vienne. v. 2. 27 p. ill. 8 pi. Mazieres-en-Gatine, Deux-Sevres. v. 6. 6 p. ill. 3 pi. Parthenay, Deux-Sevres; [les chateaux de la Meilleraye, He"risson et Tennesue]. v. 7. 32 p. 16 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 86 1 Robuchon, Jules [Cesar]. AR44 Paysages et monuments du Poitou photographies. 1884-95. P/5 LEDAIN, BELISAIRE. St.-Jouin-les-Marnes, Deux-Sevres. v. 7. 7 p. 4 pi. Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet, Deux-Sevres. v. 7. 12 p. 6 pi. - Thdnezay, Deux-Sevres. v. 7. 8 p. ill. 2 pi. LIEVRE, A. F. 1828-. Monuments: La Pierre-Leve"e. v. i, p. 71-72. ill. MUSSET, P. L. E. G. 1844-. Aulnay, Deux-Sevres. v. 9. 16 p. ill. 7 pi. Dampierre-sur-Boutonne, Deux-Sevres. v. 9. 9 p. ill. 3 pi. PALUSTRE, LEON. 1838-94. Maisonsde la Renaissance, v.i, p. 147-155. ill. 2pl. Thouars, Deux-Sevres. v. 8. 24 p. ill. 12 pi. PROUHET, Dr. A. La Mothe-St.-He"ray [et Pamproux], Deux-Sevres. v. 9. 34 p. ill. 8 pi. Lezay, Deux-Sevres. v. 9. 16 p. ill. 4 pi. PROUST, HENRI. Le chateau de Saint-Mesmin-la-Ville a Saint-Andre"-sur- Sevre, Deux-Sevres. v. 8. 8 p. 4 pi. i plan. RICHARD, G. A. 1839-. Prefecture; Hotel de Ville, Poitiers, v. i, p. 172-176. ill. 4 pi. Saint-Maixent et les chateaux de La Villedieu de Combld et Cherveux, Deux-Sevres. v. 6. 42 p. ill. 13 pi. RICHARD, O. J. 1836-. L lle d Yeu, Vendde. v. 13. 16 p. ill. 6 pi. ROCHEBRUNE, O. G. DE. 1824-. Coulonges-les-Royaux ; Terre-Neuve, Vendde- v. 10. 12 p. ill. 8 pi. See VALLETTE, RENE, and ROCHEBRUNE, O. G. DE, 1824-, below. TORNEZY, A. Richelieu; le chateau, la ville [Canton de Monts-sur-Guesnes, 1 Arrondissement de Loudun, Vienne]. v. 4. 8 p. ill. I pi. TRANCHANT, L. C. M. 1826-. Bonnes-sur- Vienne. v. 2. 16 p. 6 pi. Chauvigny de Poitou. v. 3. 15 p. 6 pi. VALLETTE, RENE. La Chataigneraie et Saint-Hilaire-des-Loges, Vende"e. v. 10. 29 p. ill. 5 pi. Fontenay-le-Comte, Vende"e. v. 10. 28 p. 12 pi. 3 plans. Livre d orde Fontenay-le-Comte. v. 10. 4 p. Pouzauges : [Le Boupereet la Flocelliere] , Vendee, v. n. 27 p. ill. 12 pi. Sainte-Hermine etl Hermenauld, Vendee, v. n. 37 p. ill. n pi. Vouvent, Vendee, et la foret. 16 p. 6 pi. and ROCHEBRUNE, O. G. DE. 1824-. Benet, Vendde. v. 10. 6 p. ill. 2 pi. VIAUD-GRAND-MARAIS, . Noirmoutier, Vendee, v. 13. 24 p. ill. 8 pi. Roby, J[ohn]. 1793-1850. Traditions of Lancashire. . . AlHLj.2 London, 1829-31. O. 2 ser. in 4 v. 22 pi. L22I Roccheggiani, Lorenzo. Invenzioni diverse di mobili ed utensili sacri e profani per usi ANi comuni della vita. . . Milano [1811]. Obi. Q. 99 pi. Rs8 Raccolta di . . . cento tavole rappresentanti i costumi religiosi, AN4 civili e militari degli antichi Egizziani, Etruschi, Greci e Romani; R58 tratti da antichi bassirilievi . . . disegnate ed incise in rame da ... Roccheggiani. Roma, 1804. Obi. Q. v. 2. 100 pi. Rochambeau, Achille Lacroix de Vimeux, marquis de. 1836-. AB L eglise de Lavardin. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 46, p. 342-367.) 687 Rochat, L. Recherches sur les antiquites d Yverdon. Zurich, 1862. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1861-63. An8 v. 14, p. 63-90. 4 pi.) 862 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rocheblave, Sfamuel]. 1854-. Les Cochin. Paris [1893]. Q. 224 p. ill. 13 pi. 72 paged pi. AW (Les artistes celebres; P. Leroi, ed.) C64 Rochebrune, Octave [Quillaume] de. 1824-. Cartouches et caissons de plafonds provenant du chateau de Cou- AH44 longes-les-Royaux. . . Paris, 1876. F. 5 24 pi. (Architecture de C83 la renaissance.) Collections de Terre-Neuve appartenant a Rochebrune: Les armes AP depuis 1 age celtique jusqu au i8 e siecle. R58 Niort [1880-81]. Q. 52 p. 8 pi. Contents: pt. i. fipoques de la pierre etdu bronze. pt. 2. Ustensils de cuisine gallo-romains. pt. 3. Pe"riode mdrovingienne. Coulonges-les-Royaux; Terre-Neuve, Vendee. (In Robuchon, AR44 J. C. Paysages et monuments du Poitou. 1884-. v. 10. 12 p. P75 ill. 8 pi.) Rochebrune, Octave Quillaume de, 1824- and Fillon, Benjamin, 1819-81. AR44 Poitou et Vendee. 1862-65. P75 Rochebrune, Octave [Quillaume] de, 1824- and Val= lette, Rene. Benet, Vendee. (In Robuchon, J. C. Paysages et monuments AR44 du Poitou. 1884-. v. 10. 6 p. ill. 2 pi.) Rocher, [J. N. M.], abbe. Histoire de 1 abbaye royale de Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire. . . AH44 Orleans, 1869. O. 18+581 p. 21 pi. Sa29 Rochette, Desire Raoul=. 1789-1854. See Raoul-Rochette, Desire. 1789-1854. Rock, Rev. Daniel, 1799-1871, compiler. AN See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Textile fabrics. 1870. So8 Rocoles, Jean Baptiste de. 1620-96. L isle de France. (In Collection des anciennes descriptions de AH44 Paris. 1878-83. v. 10, p. 97-146.) A52 Roddaz, Camille de, editor. See Belgium Exposition nationale. L art ancien a 1 Exposition AO4 nationale beige. 1882. Rode, Christian Bernhard. 1725-97. See Riem, Andreas. Uber die malerei der alten; ein beitrag zur A06 geschichte der kunst, veranlasst von B. Rode. 1787. R44 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 863 Roesling, F. Guide to the construction of Gothic details. AD6 New York, 1888. F. [5] p. 25 pi. R62 Roger, Octave. L ancien jube de la cathedrale de Bourges. (In Societe des anti- AC quaires du Centre. Memoires. 1892. v. 18, p. 77-105. 12 pi.) 803 Roger, Octave, editor. See Didron, A. N. 1806-67. Rapport sur les travaux executes a AC la cathedrale de Bourges avant 1848. (In Societe des antiquaires So3 du Centre. Memoires. 1889. v. 16, p. 171-208.) Roger, Paul Andre, and others. Bibliotheque historique monumentale, ecclesiastique et litteraire AR44 de la Picardie et de 1 Artois. Amiens, 1844. Q. 368 p. 14 pi. P$8 Roger =Miles, L. Beaux-arts; 1 antiquite, architecture, peinture, sculpture. AO8 Paris, no date. Q. 144 p. ill. R63 Rogers, Smith & co. Appendix to price list of July ist, 1871, of heavily plated goods. . . Al2 New Haven, 1873. F. 5 ;8 + [i]p. ill. R63 Rogers, Frederick. Architect s guide; being a text book of useful information for AI architects, engineers . . . contractors . . . etc. . . 2<i edition enlarged. R63 London, 1884. D. 8+351 p. Rogers, Frederick, editor. See Bartholomew, Alfred. 1801-45. Specifications for practical A A architecture. 1893. 6281 Rogers, W. Q. Remarks upon Grinlin Gibbons. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1866-67, P- 179-186.) R8i Rogers, W. Harry. Spiritual conceits, extracted from the writings of the fathers, the AX old English poets, etc. London, 1862. O. [14] + 224 p. ill. I pi. R635 Rogers, W[illiam] H[enry] Hamilton. 1828-. Antient sepulchral effigies and monumental and memorial sculp- AE8 ture of Devon. Exeter, 1877. Q- [ l6 ]+39 2 +[ 2 ] P- ill- 86 pi. R63 Sepulchral effigies in the parish churches of north Devon. . . . AC (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1878. Ex3 v- 9, P- 193-520. pi.) Sepulchral effigies in the parish churches of south Devon. (In AC Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1872. v. 8, Ex3 P- 35-75, pl- i-38.) 864 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY [Rogissart, , sieur de.] Les delices de 1 Italie, contenant une description exacte du pai s, AH45 des principales villes, de toutes les antiquitez, et de toutes les A63 raretez qui s y trouvent, [revue et augmentee par 1 abbe Havard. Anon.] Paris, 1707. S. 4 v. 155 pi. 2 maps. Les delices de 1 Italie, contenant une description . . . du pai s, des AH45 principales villes, de toutes les antiquitez et de toutes les raretez A63 1 qui s y trouvent, [revue et augmentee par 1 abbe Havard. Anon.] Amsterdam, 1743. S. 4 v. I por. 149 pi. 2 maps. Rohault de Fleury, Ch[arles]. 1801-75. L Evangile; etudes iconographiques et archeologiques. AO Tours, 1874. F. 2v. ill. 100 pi. R63 La Messe; etudes archeologiques sur ses monuments, continuees AX par son fils [G. Rohault de Fleury]. 631 Paris, 1883-89. F. v. 1-8. ill. 68 1 pi. Memoire sur les instruments de la passion de N.-S. J.-C. AX Paris, 1870. Sq. F. [4]+4H+[2] p. 23 pi. R63 La sainte Vierge; etudes archeologiques et iconographiques. AO Paris, 1878. F. 2 v. ill. 157 pi. R63I Rohault de Fleury, G[eorges], 1835-. Le Latran au moyen age. . . AH45 Paris, 1877. O. 14+553 P- ill- and Atlas, 27 p. 64 pi. R667 Les monuments de Pise au moyen age . . . AH45 Paris, 1866. Q. 192 p. ill. i pi. 5 paged pi. and Atlas, F. 5 P675 [3+2] p. 66 pi. La Toscane au moyen age; architecture civile et militaire. AH45 Paris, 1870-73. F. 5 2 v. ill. 141 pi. A3 La Toscane au moyen age; lettres sur 1 architecture civile et mili- AH45 taire en 1400. Paris, 1874. O. 2 v. ill. i pi. A24 Rohault de Fleury, Georges, 1835- continuer. AX See Rohault de Fleury, Charles. 1801-75. La Messe. 1883-89. R63I Rohden, Hermann von. Die terracotten von Pompeji. . . Stuttgart, 1880. F. 5 14+79 p. AO8 ill. 50 pi. (In Kekule, F. H. R. 1839-. Die antiken terra- K26i cotten. 1880-84. v. i.) Rohrbach, C[arl]. See Kretschmar, Albert. Die trachten der volker vom beginn AN4 der geschichte bis zum neunzehnten jahrhundert . . . mit text von K88 C. Rohrbach. [1860-64.] COLUMBIA COLLEGE 865 Roisin, Ferdinand, baron de. Cathedrale de Treves. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 12, p. 32- AB 43, 154-163; v. 13, p. 24-32, 73-84, 140-149.) An; Les cathedrales de Cologne et d Amiens. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 7, p. 178-187.) An7 Les missionaires de 1 art gothique en Allemagne au I2 e siecle. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 25, p. 708-730.) 687 Rojas, Fernando de. Manual de arquitectura y consideraciones generales sobre los AA caminos de hierro. Paris, 1862. S. 288 p. ill. (Enciclopedia R63 popular.) Roland le Virloys, C[harles] F[rancois]. 1716-72. Dictionnaire d architecture, civile, militaire et navale . . . dont AA tous les termes sont exprimes en francois, latin, italien, espagnol, R64 anglois et allemand . . . [avec] une notice des architectes . . . et autres artistes. . . Paris, 1770-71. Q. 3 v. 100 pi. Rolas du Rosey, Carl. Die numismatischen sammlungen an medaillen und munzen nebst AMi numismatischer bibliothek . . . I. Sept. 1863 . . . versteigert. . . R64 Leipzig, 1863. O. 24+10+594 p. (In his Sammlungen fur kunst und wissenschaft pt. 2.) Rolfe, Eustace Neville. Pompeii, popular and practical. . . AR45 Naples, 1888. D. 6+[i] + 277 p. map. ?783 Rolfe, Eustace Neville, reviser. See Naples (Italy) Museo nazionale. Specimens from the AO2 Museum. 1889. Ni6 Roll of arms of the princes, barons and knights who at- AWi tended King Edward I. to the siege of Caerlaverock in 1 300. 1 864. W93 See Wright, Thomas, 1810-77, editor and translator. Roma antica e moderna; o sia, Nuova descrizione di tutti AH45 gl edifizi antichi e moderni, sagri e profani della citta di Roma . . . R8i6 il tutto cavato dal Baronio, Bosio, Nardini, Grevio ed altri classic! autori. Roma, 1765. S. 3 v. ill. 34 pi. Romagnesi, Charles Francois Vergnaud=. 1785- 1871. See Vergnaud-Romagnesi, Charles Franfois. 1785-1871. Romagnesi, L[ouis] A[lexandre]. 1776-1852. Recueil des dessins representant les sculptures qui se trouvent AK dans . . . [son] etablissement. [Paris, 1820]. F. 4 90 pi. R66 55 866 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Romaides, K. Museums of Athens; excavations on the Acropolis. AH495 [Athens, 1886.] F. i8+[i] p. 16 pi. At49 Text in modern Greek, German, French and English. Remain, Jules. 1492-1546. AH45 See Pippi, Giulio, called Giulio Romano. 1492-1546. A45I Romanische und gothische baukunst. AH43 Berlin, 1892. F. 6 pi. A43 SCH&FER, CARL. Die mustergiltigen kirchenbauten des mittelalters in Deutsch- land. 1892. Romano, Baldassare. Antichita termitane esposte. AH45 Palermo, 1838. O. i75 + [2] p. 2 pi. l2j Romano, Giulio. 1492-1546. See Pippi, Giulio, called Giulio Romano. 1492-1546. Romberg, Johannes Andreas, 1806-68, editor. AB See Zeitschrift fur praktische baukunst. 1841-52. v. 1-12. 2315 Romberg, J[ohannes] Andreas, 1806-68, and Steger, Friedrich. Geschichte der baukunst bei den Assyrern, Medern, Babyloniern, AF Persern, Phoniciern, Israeliten und Indern. R66 Leipzig, 1844. Sq. F. 85 + [i] p. n pi. Rome (Italy) Academic de France pour les beaux arts. See Montaiglon, A. de C. de., 1824-, editor. Correspondance des AI directeurs de 1 Academie de France a Rome. 1666-1793. 1887-88. M76 Rome (Italy) Academic de France pour les beaux arts, publisher. AH45 See Restaurations des monuments antiques. 1877-. R686 Rome (Italy) Accademia dei Lincei, publisher. AB See Notizie degli scavi di antichita. 1890. N84 Rome (Italy) Accademia romana di archeologia. AC Dissertazioni. Roma, 1821-64. Q. 15 v. in 16. R66i Vols. 1-4 have sub-title Atti. Rome (Italy) Commissione archeologica comunale. AC Bullettino. Roma, 1872-84. Nar. Q. v. 1-12. ill. pi. R66 Vols. 1-4 issued by Commissione archeologica municipale. Rome (Italy) Commissionearcheologica municipale. AC S. P. Q. R. Bullettino. Roma, 1872-76. Nar. Q. v. 1-4. ill. pi. R66 With v. 5 the name of the Commission was changed to Commissione archeologica comunale. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 867 Rome (Italy) Institute di correspondenza archeo= logica. See Institute di correspondenza archeologica (Rome). Rome (Italy) Museo Lateranense. Die altchristlichen bildwerke im Museum, untersucht und be- AO4 schrieben von J. Ficker, gedruckt mit unterstiitzung des Kaiserlich R66 deutschen archaologischen institutes. Leipzig, 1890. O. [3] +211 p. ill. 2 pi. Die antiken bildwerke des Museums beschrieben von O. Benndorf AO8 und R. Schone. Leipzig, 1867. O. 9+421 p. 24 pi. R66 Monumenti del Museo descritti ed illustrati da R. Garrucci. . . AO2 Roma, 1 86 1. F. 7 2 v. 51 pi. R662 Rome (Italy) Pontificia accademia romana di archeologia. See Rome (Italy) Accademia romana di archeologia. Rome, histoire de ses monuments, anciens et modernes. AH45 1890. R;i8 See P. Romer, Eduard. Irren-anstalt zu Schwetz. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 4, AB p. 119-124, 211-230. 9 pi.) Romer Ferencz Floris. 1815- Regi falkepek magyarorszagon. Budapest, 1874. Sq. F. 4 AC [6] + 170 p. ill. 14 pi. I paged pi. (In Monumenta Hungariae 6851 archaeologica. 1874. v. 3, pt. I.) Romero, Martinez del. See Madrid (Spain) Real armeria. Catalogo de la Real armeria, AN5 mandado formar por . . . Jose Maria Marchesi. 1849. M26i Written by Martinez del Romero. Das romische lager in Bonn. 1888. AP See [Veith, Gen.-maj. Carl von.] W723 Die romische villa bei Weingarten. 1851. AP See [Overbeck, J. A. 1826-]. W723 Romondt, W[illem] G[ijsbert] F[ranciscus] van. 1800-63. Catalogue raisonne des objets d art et de curiosite composant . . . AO2 [sa] collection, dresse par H. Havard. . . R66 La Haye, 1875. F. i7O+[j] p. ill. 4 pi. 868 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Romussi, Carlo. 1847-. AH45 Milano nei suoi monumenti. . . Milano, 1875. D. 8+408 p. ill. M$84 Ronchaud, L[ouis] de. 1816-87. Au Parthenon. Paris, 1886. S. 91 p. ill. (Petite bibliotheque AH495 d art et d archeologie; fondee de L. de Ronchaud.) At62 Contents : Les prdtendues parques du fronton oriental. La decoration int^rieure de la cella. Phidias; sa vie et ses ouvrages. . . AW Paris, 1861. O. i5+4io+[i] p. P53 La tapisserie dans Pantiquite; Le peplos d Athene; La decoration AM8 interieure du Parthenon. . . Paris, 1884. O. 15 7+ [2] p. ill. R66 (Bibliotheque Internationale de 1 art; publiee . . . E. Miintz.) Ronchaud, Louis de., 1816-87, editor. See Petite bibliotheque d art et d archeologie. 1886-88. Rondelet, Antoine [Jean Baptiste]. 1785-. Essai historique sur le pont de Rialto. . . AH45 Paris, 1837. F- [io]+68+[i] p. 12 pi. 553 Rondelet, Jean. 1734-1829. Memoire historique sur le dome du Pantheon francais; ou, Nouvelle AH44 eglise de Sainte-Genevieve . . . avec une addition sur la construe- P43 tion de cette eglise. . . Paris, 1814. Q. 32 + [i] + u8 p. 20 pi. Reissue, with additions, of this work originally published in 1797. Traite theorique et pratique de 1 art de batir. 8 e edition. AA Paris, 1838-55. Q. 5 v. and Atlas, loth ed. F. 6 207 pi. R66 Supplement par G. A. Blouet. AA Paris, 1855-68 [v. I, 68]. F. 2 v. in i, and Atlas, F. 6 105 pi. R66i Rondolino, F., and Brayda, R. AH45 Studii medioevali. 1886. 71 Rondot, Natalis. 1821-. Les potiers de terre italiens a Lyon au seizieme siecle. AN2 Lyon, 1892. Nar. Q. 160 p. 18 ill. 12 pi. R66 Ronneke, Karl. Rom s christliche katakomben nach den ergebnissen der heutigen AR45 forschung. Leipzig, 1876. O. [3] +78 p. R;i6 Ronzani, Francesco, illustrator. See Sanmicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. Le fabbriche civili, ecclesi- AL2 astiche e militari. Sa55 Rooses, Max[imilien]. 1839-. Christophe Plantin, imprimeur anversois. . . AW Anvers, 1882. F. 5 2 v. [6] +445 p. ill. 25 por. 71 pi. 5 facsim. P69 Paged continuously. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 869 Root, John Wellborn, 1850-91, editor. See American institute of architects. Proceedings of the annual AC convention. 1890. Am3 Root, John W[ellborn], 1850-91, Sturgis, Russell, and others. AE2 Homes in city and country. 1893. St9 Roques, Pierre, 1685-1748, continues See Saurin, Jacques. 1677-1730. Discours historiques . . . sur AX les evenemens . . . du Vieux et du Nouveau testament. 1720-39. Sa8 v- 3-4- Roret, Nicolas Edme, 1797-1860, editor. See ManueIs=Roret. Roriczer, Mathes. Das biichlein von der fialen gerechtigkeit, nach einem alten drucke AA aus . . . 1486 . . . mit einem vorworte von A. Reichensperger. L57 Trier, 1845. Q- 28 P- nl - On the construction of pinnacles. (In Architectural publication AA society, pub. Detached essays and illustrations. 1853. 9 p. ill.) Ar2ii Rosch, Wilhelm. Mustergiltige plastische motive fur das studium und die kunstge- AK werbliche praxis des bildhauers, nach ausgefiihrten originalen; R7I photographisch aufgenommen und in ... lichtdruck-reproduc- tionen hrsg. von W. Kick. Stuttgart [1891]. F. 5 40 pi. Rose, Rev. H[enry] J[ohn]. 1801-73. Introductory memoir on some seals of Bedfordshire. (In Asso- AR42 ciated architectural societies. Proceedings. 1848. p. 32-43.) Z Rose, Tfhomas], Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland illus- AH42 trated from original drawings by T. Allom. . . A69 London, 1832. Q. 220 p. 108 pi. Rose, Tfhomas], and Noble, Tfhomas]. Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln and Rutland; AH42 illustrated ... by Thomas Allom. 1836. A 136 Rosellini, Ippolito. 1800-43. I monumenti dell Egitto e della Nubia. . . AR62 Pisa, 1832-44. O. 3 pts in 9 v. ill. 72 pi. and Atlas, F. 7 3 v. Ap 395 pl- Contents: pt. i. Monumenti storici. 5 v. pt. 2. Monumenti civili. 3 v. pt. 3. Monumenti del culto. i v. 55* 870 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rosen, Karl von. 1827-. Danemarks einfluss auf die friihste Christliche architektur des AH43 furstenthums Riigen. . . Stralsund, 1872. O. 36 p. (Beitrage R84 zur riigisch-pommerschen kunstgeschichte. v. I.) Rosenberg, Adolf. 1850-. AO Geschichte der modernen kunst. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1894. Q. 3 v. R72 Contents : v. i. Die franzosische kunst von 1789 bis zur gegenwart. v. 2. Die deutsche kunst. 1795-1848. v. 3. Die deutsche kunst, 1849-93. See Licht, Hugo. 1845-. Architektur Deutschlands, mit text AH43 von A. Rosenberg. 1882. Ai7 Rosenberg, Adolf, 1850- editor. See Klassiker-bibliothek der bildenden kiinste; klassiker der baukunst. See Klassiker-bibliothek der bildenden kiinste; klassiker der plastik. Rosenberg, Marc. 1852-. Der goldschmiede merkzeichen; 2000 stempel auf alteren gold- AM4 schmiedearbeiten in facsimile hrsg. und erklart. R72 Frankfurt am Main, 1890. Q. 9+582 p. ill. Der hochaltar im miinster zu Alt-Breisach, nebst einer einleitung AFLj/j iiber die baugeschichte des munsters. . . Ai7 Heidelberg, 1877. O. 9+99 p. 5 pi. Quellen zur geschichte des Heidelberger schlosses, mit einer ein- AH43 leitung: Das Heidelberger schloss in seiner kunst- und culturge- H36 schichtlichen bedeutung von K. B. Stark. Heidelberg, 1882. Sq. F. 4 8 + 264 p. ill. 8 pi. See Sauerwein, Friedrich, ed. Das schloss zu Heidelberg mit AH43 text von M. Rosenberg. 1883. H366 Rosenberg, Marc, 1852-, compiler. See Carlsruhe (Ger.) Badische kunst= und kunstgewerbe-aus~ AO4 stellung. 1881. Alte kunstgewerbliche arbeiten. 1882. Ki4 R[osenberg =Orsini], G[iustiniana (Wynne)], grafin. 1730-91. Alticchiero, [ed. par le Conte B. Benincasa.] AH45 Padoue, 1787. Q. [io] + 8o p. 30 pi. Al7 Rosengarten, A[lbert]. 1809- Handbook of architectural styles, translated from the German AA by W. Collett-Sandars. London, 1876. O. 22 + 509 p. 639 ill. R72 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 871 Rosengarten, A[lbert]. 1809- Die architektonischen stylarten; eine . . . darstellung der charak- A A teristischen verschiedenheiten der architektonischen stylarten . . . R/2I 3. aufl. Braunschweig, 1874. O. 2i+456+[i] p. ill. Braunschweig, 1857. O- 22 +355 P- M- l % P^ AA R722 Rosengarten, A[Ibert], 1809- and Runge, L. AH45 Architektonische mittheilungen iiber Italien. 1847. A2i Rosenkranz, Q[eorg], and Galland, Q[eorg]. AH45 Italienische renaissance. 1887. Ai7 Rosenthal, C. A., Clemens, J. F., and Mellin, F. A. I., 1796-1859. AH43 Der dom zu Magdeburg. 1852. M27 Rosenthal, Ludwig. Catalogue [no. 69] illustre d une . . . collection d ornements AK dessines et graves. .. Miinchen, no date. Nar. Q. 186 p. ill. I pi. R72 Rosinus, Johannes. 1551-1626. Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum cum notis . . . AR45 T. Dempsteri, huic postremae editioni . . . accesserunt P. Manutii R692 Lib. n. de legibus et de Senatu, cum A. Schotti Electis . . . accurante C. Shrevelio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1663. O. [6]+956+[32] p. 7 pi. Romanarvm antiqvitatvm libri decem, ex variis scriptoribus sum- AR45 ma fide singularique diligentia collecti, cum indicibvs locuple- R7I3 tissimis. Basileae, Perna, 1583. F. [24] +491 + [63] p. ill. I paged pi. Rosner, Karl. 1804-69. Uber die grundziige des romanischen und gothischen kirchen- AE baustyles, bei gelegenheit der general-versammlung des Romisch- R73 katholischen vereines von Deutschland in Wien. Sept 1853. Wien, 1853. O. 26 p. i pi. Ross, Alexander. Notice of St. Clement s church at Rowdill, Harris. (In Society of AC antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 19, p. 118-132.) Soi2 Ross, Frederick. AH42 Bygone London. London, 1892. O. [5] +292 p. i pi. L94I Ruined abbeys of Britain. . . AH42 London, no date. F. 4 8 + 288 p. ill. 12 pi. Al9 Ross, Ludwig. 1806-59. Die Pnyx und das Pelasgikon in Athen; zur wahrung der topo- AH495 graphic von Athen gegen einige neuere zweifel. Zi Braunschweig, 1853. O. 8 + 36 p. ill. I pi. i paged pi. 872 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ross, Ludwig, 1806-59, Schaubert, Eduard, and Hansen, Christian. Die Akropolis von Athen, nach den neuesten ausgrabungen. AH495 Berlin, 1839. Sq. F. 6 v. I. [6]+i8 p. 13 pi. At46 Contents : v. i. Der tempel der Nike apteros. No more published. Ross, Thomas, and Cooper, W. D. 1812-75. Notices of Hastings. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collec- AC tions. v. 14, p. 65-118. 2 pi.) Su8 Ross, Thomas, and Macgibbon, David. AH4i Castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland. 1887-89. A6 Rossbach, [Qeorg] August [Wilhelm]. 1823- Romische hochzeits- und ehedenkmaler erlautert. AO8 Leipzig, 1871. O. io+[i] + i8op. 2 pi. R73 Rossbach, Otto. 1858-. Griechische antiken des Archaologischen museums in Breslau. AO8 Breslau, 1889. Q. 43 p. ill. 2 pi. Z2 Festival-greeting in the name of the Museum to the 40 th meeting of German philologists and schoolmen in Gorlitz. Rossel, J. H. Karl L. 1815-72. Die abtei Eberbach im Rheingau. Wiesbaden, 1857-62. Sq. F. 4 AH43 2 pts. in I v. ill. 13 pi. (In Verein fur Nassauische alterthums- Ni8 kunde und geschichtsforschung, ed. Denkmaler aus Nassau. 1852-66. pts. 2-3.) Die kirchlichen alterthiimer von Wiesbaden. (In Verein fur AH43 Nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung, ed. Denk- Ni8 maler aus Nassau. 1852-66. pt. I, p. 1-35. 4 pi.) Ein militar-diplom Kaiser Traians aus dem romerkastell in Wies- AC baden. Wiesbaden, 1858. O. 14+72 p. 4 pi. 58 Vol. i of his Zur geschichte des romischen Wiesbadens. Die pfarrkirche S. Severus in Bopard; ein beitrag zur bauge- AH43 schichte. Wiesbaden, 1861. D. rop. i pi. 664 Die romische grenzwehr im Taunus. AR43 Wiesbaden, 1876. Q. 6+129 p. 54 ill- 2 pi- 8 maps. An Zur geschichte des romischen Wiesbadens. Wiesbaden, 1858-77. AC O. 4 v. in i. 1 8 pi. 2 maps. (In Verein fur Nassauische alter- V58 thumskunde und geschichtsforschung. Annalen. 1858. v. 5.) Contents: vol. i. ROSSEL, J. H. K. L. 1815-72. Ein militar-diplom Kaiser Traians aus dem romerkastell in Wiesbaden. vol. 2. REUTER, K. i8o3(?)-89. Das romercastell bei Wiesbaden, vol. 3. REUTER, K. i8o3(?)-89. Romische ansiedlungen in der umgebung von Wiesbaden, vol. 4. REUTER, K. i8o3(?)-89. Romische wasserleitungen in Wiesbaden und seiner umgebung. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 873 Rossel, J. H. Karl L., 1815-72, editor. See Fasti Limburgenses. Die limburger chronik des Johannes. AC 1860. (Verein fur Nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichts- V$S forschung. Annalen. 1860. v. 6. pt. 3.) Rossetti, Giovanni Battista. 1696-1780. Descrizione della pitture, sculture ed architetture di Padova. . . AO Padova, 1765. Nar. S. 2 v. in i. [24] +370+ [i] p. R73 Paged continuously. Rossetti, W[illiam] M[ichael]. 1829-. Art-exhibitions in London. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. 3, AB p. 26-55.) F 49 Rossf eld, Johannes. 1551-1626. See Rosinus, Johannes. 1551-1626. Rossi, Adamo. Di Galeazzo Alessi, architetto perugino, memorie attinte dai AW patrii scrittori ed archivi. Perugia, 1873. Q. 37 p. i por. I pi. Z Rossi, Domenico de. Studio d architettura civile . . . opera de piu celebri architetti de AK nostri tempi. . . Roma, 1702-11. F. 5 2 v. in i. 201 pi. R73 Contents: v. i. Ornamenti di porte e finestre. v. 2. Ornamenti di cappelle. [Rossi, Filippo, compiler.] Descrizione di Roma antica formata nuovamente con le autorita AH45 di Bartolomeo Marliani, Onofrio Panvinio . . . ed altri . . . scrit- R795 tori . . . accresciuta. . . [Anon.] Roma, 1697. S. [io]+483 + [48] p. ill. 2 pi. Rossi, Q[iovanni] B[attista] de. 1822-94. L ara massima ed il Tempio d Ercole nel foro boario. AW Roma, 1854. O. 44 p. i pi. Zi From Institute di corrispondenza archeologica (Rome). Opere. 1854. La capsella d argent africaine offerte au souverain-pontife Leon AB XIII. par le Cardinal Lavigerie; memoire traduit de 1 Italien par 687 Jules de Lauriere. (In Bulletin monumental. 1889. v. 5 5, p. 315- 397- 5 pl.) Memoire sur un vase de plomb trouve dans la regence de Tunis. AB (In Bulletin monumental, v. 34, p. 767-801.) 687 La Roma sotterranea Christiana. . . AR45 Roma, 1864-77. Sq. F. 4 3 v. ill 158 pl. R66i Rossi, Giovanni Battista de, 1822-94, editor. AB See Bullettino di archeologia cristiana. 1863-. B87I 874 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rossi, Giovanni Camillo, bishop. AH45 L arco Trajano di Benevento. Napoli, 1816. Q. 3 v. 34 pi. B43 Rossi, Giovanni Gherardo de . 1754-1827. Congetture sull origine degli ornamenti nell architettura; lettera AC . . . letta ... 23 gennajo, 1823. (In Rome, Italy Accademia R66i romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1823. v. i, pt. 2, p. 189-200.) * See Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. i494(?)-i534. Pitture di AM6 Antonio Allegri, detto il Correggio, esistenti in Parma nel moni- C8i stero di San Paolo. 1800. Text written by G. G. Rossi. Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de. See Rossi, Giovanni Jacopo de. Rossi, Giovanni Jacopo de. Insignium Romae templorum prospectus exteriores interioresque AH45 a celebrioribus architectis inventi, nunc tandem suis cum plantis R82I ac mensuris a J. J. de Rubeis suis typis in lucem editi. . . Romae, 1864. F. 5 71 pi. Nova racolta degl obelischi et colonne antiche dell alma citta di AH45 Roma. Roma, no date. Obi. Q. 12 pi. R68 Nuova racolta di fontane che si vedano nel alma citta di Roma, AH45 Tivoli e Frascati. [Roma, 1618.] Obi. Q. 23 pi. R68 Rossi, Giovanni Jacopo de, editor. See Falda, Q. B. i64o(?)-i7Oo(?). Le chiese di Roma . . . AH45 [1680]. R74 See Raphael. 1483-1520. Imagines Veteris ac Novi testamenti AH45 in Vaticani palatii xystis. [1675.] R689 See Raphael. 1483-1520. Parerga atque ornamenta ex Rapha- AH45 elis Sanctii prototypis a Joanne Nannio Utinensi in Vaticani R689I palatii xystis . . . expressa. Rossi, Giovanni Jacopo de, publisher. AH45 See Ferrerio, Pietro. Palazzi di Roma. i655(?). R68 See Villa Pamphilia, ejusque palatium. R74 2 Rossi, Giuseppe. See Lasinio, Q. P. 1796-1855. Pitture a fresco del Campo-Santo AH45 di Pisa disegnate da G. Rossi. 1832. P673 Rossignol, Elie A. Des antiquites et principalement de la poterie romaine trouvees a AB Montans. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 25, p. 692-707; v. 27, 687 p. 392-411.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 875 Rossignol, J[ean] P[ierre]. 1804-. Les metaux dans 1 antiquite; origines religieuses de la metallurgie, AM3 ou les dieux de la Samothrace representes comme metallurges. . . R/3 De 1 orichalque, histoire du cuivre. . . Paris, 1863. O. 392 p. Rossini, Luigi. Le antichita romane divise in cento tavole. AH45 Roma, 1819-23. Sq. F. 6 101 pi. R/35 No title-page or text. Grand views in the style of Piranesi. Rossini, Pietro. II Mercuric errante delle grandezze di Roma, tanto antiche che AH45 moderne. / a edizione. . . Roma, 1750. S. 2 v. in I. 19 pi. R7ii Rossiter, E[hrick] K., and Wright, F[rank] A. Modern house painting, containing . . . colored lithographic plates AI exhibiting the use of color in exterior and interior house paint- R/3 ing. . . 2d edition revised. New York, 1883. Obi. O. i6+[4O] p. 20 pi. Rosso, Giuseppe del. 1760-1831. Ricerche storico-architettoniche sopra il singolarissimo tempio AH45 di San Giovanni annesso alia metropolitana di Firenze. Z Firenze, 1820. O. 88 p. I pi. Ricerche sull architettura egiziana e su cio che i Greci pare ab- AH62 biano preso da quella nazione; in rapporto al quesito della R. Ai5 accad. d iscriz. e belle lettere di Parigi proposto . . . 1785. . . edizione . . . Siena, 1800. D. 7+204 p. Rosso, Giuseppe del, 1760-1831, annotator. AH45 See [Lastri, Marco]. 1731-. L osservatore fiorentino. 1821. F672 Rossteuscher, A., and Schafer, C. Ornamentale glasmalereien des mittelalters und der renaissance, AM7 nach originalaufnahmen in farbendruck. 1888. Schi Rostan, L[ouis]. 1815-91. Notice sur la chape de Saint Louis, eveque de Toulouse, conser- AN4 vee dans 1 eglise de Saint-Maximin, Var; dessins par P. Rostan. R73 Chalon-sur-Saone, 1855. F. 4 [4]+iip. 16 pi. Rostan, Ph., illustrator. AN4 See Rostan, Louis. 1815-91. Notice sur la chape de Saint Louis. R73 Roster, Giacomo, editor. AB See Ricordi di architettura. 1878-93. R42 Rotellini, S., and Brenci, G. Raccolta di ornamenti; tratti da terre cotte dipinte in Siena nei AK secoli 15. e 16. Siena, 1873. Obi. Q. 51 pi. R74 876 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rotermund, Heinrich Wilhelm. 1761-1848. Geschichte der domkirche St. Petri zu Bremen . . . und der ehe- AH43 maligen domschule ... bis zum . . . 1828. 675 Bremen, 1829. O. 28 + 308 + 30 p. 2 pi. Rotermundt, L. See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Bild- AO2 werke aus dem mittelalter; eine sammlung auserwahlter sculp- NQ36 turen nach original-gypsabgiissen im Museum von Fleischmann und Rotermundt. 1856. Rotfelser, Heinrich von Dehn=. 1825-85. See Dehn-Rotfelser, Heinrich von. 1825-85. Roth, Christian] Melch[ior]. Dreyssig sowohl innere als aussere abbildungen aller kirchen, AH43 kloster und kapellen in Niirnberg. . . Np38 Nurnberg [1786]. O. 8 p. 31 pi. Rothbart, Georg. Das Luther-zimmer, eines der prachtzimmer in dem . . . fursten- AH43 bau auf der veste Coburg . . . ein supplementheft zu C. Heideloffs C633 Ornamentik des mittelalters Nurnberg, 1845. Obi. F. [5] + 5 p. 5 pi. Title-page and text in German and French. Rothmann, . Fouilles de Poitiers: Decouverte d un cimetiere du 2 e au 3 e siecle; AR44 rapport. Paris, 1879. Nar. Q. 43 p. 4 pi. P75I Rothmann, J[ohann] G[ottlob]. 1810-. Das theatergebaude zu Athen nebst drei lithographischen abbil- AH495 dungen ; ein beitrag zum studium der griechischen tragodie. At65 Torgau, 1852. Q. 20 p. 3 pi. Rothschild, [Charles] Alfred de. 1842-. Description of the works of art forming . . . [his] collection . . . AO2 [compiled by C. Davis]. London, 1884. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 197 pi. R74 Rotondo, Antonio. Descripcion de la gran basilica de Escorial. AH46 Madrid, 1861. O. 273 + [_2] p. i por. 7 pi. Esi2 Rottinger, Josef. Al Die baufiihrung. . . Wien, 1890. Q. v. i. 9 pi. R74 Contents: v. i. Anfertigung von generellen projecten. Rouaix, Paul. 1850-. Dictionnaire des arts decoratifs a 1 usage des artisans, des artistes, AK des amateurs et des ecoles. . . R75 Paris [1885]. Nar. Q. iO42+[i] p. ill. i pi. Les styles. . . Paris [1885]. F. 4 335 p. ill. AK R75I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 877 Rouargue, A[dolphe]. 1810-. Choix de 26 vues et monuments : Paris actuel. AH44 Paris [185-]. Obi. O. [3] p. 26 pi. P2/6 Roubert, L. and Guere, Raymond, comte de la. Collection de moules antiques de ceramique. (In Societe des AC antiquaires du Centre. Memoires. 1889. v. 16, p. 1-65. 20 pi.) 803 Roubo, [Andre Jacob]. 1739-91. L art de la menuiserie. Nouvelle edition. AI Paris, 1876. O. 8+398 p. and Atlas, F. 4 [3] p. in pi. R75 For supplement see Delbrel, E. Traite" et modeles d escaliers d art. See Delbrel, E., Pfnor, Rodolphe, 1824-, and Verchere, Jules, edi- AM5 tors. Vorlagenfiirbautischlerarbeiten . . . nach A. J. Roubo. 1891. D37 Rouen illustre. See Bouquet, Franfois. 1815-. Rouen aux principales epoques AH44 de son histoire. 1886. Rouge, Jacques, vicomte de, editor. See Rouge, O. C. C. E., vicomte de. 1811-72. Inscriptions hie- AR62 roglyphiques copiees en Egypte pendant . . . [sa] mission scienti- A37 fique. 1877-79. Rouge, [Olivier Charles Camille] Emmanuel, vicomte de. 1811-72. Inscriptions hieroglyphiques copiees en gypte pendant . . . [sa] AR62 mission scientifique ; publiees par le Vicomte Jacques de Rouge. A37 Paris, 1877-79. Q. 4 v. in I. 304 facsim. (Etudes egyptolo- giques. no. 9-12.) Note sur les noms egyptiens des planetes. AR62 Paris, 1856. O. 23 p. ill. Zi Reprinted from Bulletin archdologique de 1 Athenseum fran9ais. Notice de quelques textes hieroglyphiques recemment publics par AR62 M. Greene. Paris, 1855. O- 5 8 P- J P 1 - l ta b- Zi Reprinted from L athenaeum frangais. Rouge, Olivier Charles Camille Emmanuel, vicomte de, 1811-72, compiler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Notice des monuments exposes dans AO2 la galerie d antiquites egyptiennes. 1877. L93I Rouge, Olivier Charles Camille Emmanuel, vicomte de, 181 1-72, editor. See Champollion, J. F. 1790-1832. Monuments de 1 Egypte et AR62 de la Nubie. 1844-89. v. I. A$ 878 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Roulez, Joseph Emmanuel Qhislain, 1806-78, editor. See Leyden (Holland) museum. Choix de vases peints du AN2 Musee. 1854. L59 Rousseau, Jean. 1829-. L Espagne monumentale et quelques architectes flamands; notes AB de voyage. (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d arche- 6872 ologie. 1870. v. 9, p. 526-622.) Monuments et peintures de Pise: Le Campo Santo. (In Bulletin AB des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1869. v. 8, 6872 p. 205-245.) La sculpture flamande du n e au I9 e siecle. (In Bulletin des AB commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 187377. v. 12, 13, 6872 14, 15, and 16. pi.) Roussel, Pierre Desire. Histoire et description du chateau d Anet, depuis le dixieme AH44 siecle jusqu a nos jours, precedee d une notice sur la ville d Anet AN3 . . . et contenant une etude sur Diane de Poitiers. Paris, 1875. F. [6J+3+2I5 p. ill. 49 pi. Routledge, Rev. Charles Francis. History of St. Martin s church, Canterbury. . . AH42 London, 1891. D. i4+i89+[i] p. 2 pi. Ci64 Rouveyre, Edouard, editor. See Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles aux amis des livres. 1891. Roux, [Nicolas Hubert], aine. Fermes modeles; recueil de constructions rurales et communales. AE2 Paris, no date. F. 5 19 p. 60 pi. R76 Monumens d architecture, gothique, romane, de la renaissance . . . AH44 tires des portefeuilles de Pollet . . . et de ceux de plusieurs artistes L995 de la capitale. . . Paris, 1841. F. 5 15 p. 60 pi. Roux, Nicolas Hubert, aine, illustrator. See Morey, [M. P.]. 1805-86. Charpente de la cathedrale de AH45 Messine. 1841. M56 Roux, Nicolas Hubert, aine, and Thiollet, Francois. 1782-1864. Nouveau recueil de menuiserie et de decorations interieures et AM5 exterieures. 1848. T34 Rouyer, [Jean] Eugene. 1827- Les appartements prives de I lmperatrice au palais des Tuileries, AH44 decorespar [F.] Lefuel. . . Paris, 1867. F. 6 10 p. 20 pi. P3I2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 879 Rouyer, [Jean] Eugene. 1827-. L art architectural en France depuis Francois ier jusqu a Louis XIV. ; motifs de decoration interieure et exterieure . . . texte par A. Darcel. Paris, 1863-66. Sq. F. 4 2 v. 200 pi. La renaissance de Francois ier a Louis XIII.; decorations inte- rieures,lambris, panneaux, portes, cheminees, meubles, plafonds. . . Paris, no date. F. 5 [3J+2+I9 p. 100 pi. Rovinski, Dmitri [Aleksandrovich]. 1820- Russkie gravery i ikh proisvedeniya s 1564 goda do osnovaniya Akademi Khudozhestv: [Russian engravers and their works from 1564]. Moskva, 1870. Q. 10+403 p. Rowe, Rev. G[eorge]. On horizontal memorial stone slabs. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 14, p. 231-243. 5 pi.) Ornamental glazing quarries . . . especially those ... in York. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 11, P- 93-107. 3 Rowe, R[ichard] Reynolds. The octagon and lantern of Ely cathedral. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1875-76, p. 69-85. 2 pl.) Rowe, Rev. Samuel. 1793-1853. Perambulation of the antient and royal forest of Dartmoor and the Venville precincts. . . 2d edition. Plymouth, 1856. D. [8]+4+362 p. 9 pl. map. Rowlands, Henry. -1722. Mona antiqua restaurata; an archaeological discourse on the anti quities ... of the Isle of Anglesey. . . 2d edition. . . London, 1766. Q. i6+357+[2] p. ill. 12 pl. map. Royal academy of arts (London). [Catalogue of] the exhibition. . . London, 1867-76. O. No. 99-108 in i v. Royal institute of British architects. Catalogue of the printed books and manuscripts in the library. . . London, 1865. Q. 4+160 p. Journal of proceedings . . . 1884-94. London, 1885-94. Q- ill- new ser -> v - I- 95 3^ ser., v. i. Kalendar, 1886-87, 88-95. London, 1886-95. O. 7 v. AK R76 AA R76 AO7 R76 AC As7 AC AC R8i AR42 0251 AH429 Library catalogue: Printed books and manuscripts, 1834-88. London, 1889. Q. 7+318 p. AO4 R8i AF5 R8i AC R8ii AC R8i2 AF5 R8n 88o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Royal institute of British architects. Papers read at the Royal institute of British architects. 1850-78. AC London, 1850-78. Q. ill. pi. R8i Forms a section of its Transactions. Transactions, 1835-36, 1842, 1850-92. AC London, 1835-92. ill. Sq. F. and Q. 28 v. and new ser. v. 1-8. R8i Index, v. 1-34. London, 1891. Sq. F. I v. From 1853-75, the title-page reads, Papers read at the Royal institute of British architects ; and from 1875-78, Sessional papers. Royal institute of the architects of Ireland. AC Sessional papers, 1863-70. Dublin, 1863-70. ill. Q. R8i5 Royal Irish academy Museum. Descriptive catalogue of the antiquities in the museum of the AR4I5 Royal Irish academy, by W. R. Wilde. A3 Dublin, 1863. O. v. i. ill. Contents: v. i. Articles of stone, earthen, vegetable and animal materials, and of copper and bronze. Royal picturesque hand-book of Liverpool. 1852. APLj.2 See [Addey, H. M.]. L752 Royal society of northern antiquaries. See Copenhagen (Denmark) Kongeligt nordisk oldskrift- selskab. Royce, Rev. David. Icomb; its history, topography, and architectural antiquities. (In AC Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 10, As7 p. 93-108. i pi.) Royen, Jacob van, publisher. Antiquitates Belgicae; of, Nederlandsche oudtheden. . . AH492 Amsterdam, 1701. S. [i4]+224+[i6] p. ill. 17 pi. map. Ai3 Royer de Dour, Hippolyte, baron de, 1850-. Essai d etude d economie sociale; les habitations ouvrieres en AE2 Belgique. . . Bruxelles, 1890. Nar. Q. 3 14 p. 17 pi. R8i Rubbi, Giovanni Rinaldo Carli=, conte. 1720-95. See Carli= Rubbi, Giovanni Rinaldo, conte. 1720-95. Rubeis, Giovanni Jacopo de. See Rossi, Giovanni Jacopo de. Rubens, Albert. 1614-57. De re vestiaria veterum, praecipue de lato clavo libri duo, et alia AN4 ejusdem opuscula posthuma. . . R82 Antverpiae, 1665. Sq. O. 28 + 328 p. ill. 3 pi. I paged pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 88 1 Rubens, Albert. 1614-57. De urbibus Neocoris diatribe. (In his De re vestiaria veterum. AN4 1665. p. 221-225.) R82 Dissertatio de gemma Tiberiana et Augustaea. (In his De re AN4 vestiaria veterum. 1665. p. 189-219. ill. 2 pi.) R82 Dissertatio de natali die Caesaris Augusti. (In his De re vestiaria AN4 veterum. 1665. p. 279-300.) R82 Dissertatio de nummo Augusti cuius epigraphie: Asia recepta. AN4 (In his De re vestiaria veterum. 1665. p. 257-277. ill.) R82 Epistolae tres ad Gothifredum Wendelinum. (In his De re vestiaria AN4 veterum. 1665. p. 301-312.) R82 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul. 1577-1640. Palazzi di Geneva, con le loro piante ed alzati. AH45 Anversa, 1622. F. 5 6 p. 72 pi. 6284 A later edition in two vols. appeared in the same year, of which this work formed vol. 2. Al<45 Rucca, Giacomo. Capua vetere; o sia, Descrizione di tutti i monumenti di Capua antica. . . Napoli, 1828. D. 1 1+335 P- [Ruchat, Abraham. 1680-1750.] Les delices de la Suisse . . . avec un memoire . . . sur les causes AH494 de la guerre arrivee en Suisse 1 an 1712, par Gottlieb Kypseler. Ail [Anon.] Leide, 1714. S. 4 v. in 2. 34+1072 p. 22 pi. 5 maps. Paged continuously. Riickwardt, Hermann. Architektonische studienblatter aus Budapest; eine sammlung AH439 der . . . facaden und architektonischen details der . . . bauten. . . Ai Berlin [1889]. F. 5 60 pi. Das konigliche schloss Sans-Souci in Potsdam, photographische AH43 aumahmen nach der natur. . . Berlin, 1883. F. 6 [8] p. 7 pi. P84I Fagaden und details moderner bauten, photographische original- AH43 aufnahmen nach der natur in lichtdruck. A42 Berlin [1892]. F. 5 [8] p. 150 pi. Innen-architectur und decorationen der neuzeit; photographische AK original-aufnahmen nach der natur. R82 Berlin, 1885. F. 6 [10] p. 40 pi. See Ende, Hermann. 1830-. Architektonische studienblatter, AH43 photographische original-aufnahmen nach der natur . . . von H. A44 Riickwardt. [ 1 884-93]. 56 882 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Riickwardt, Hermann, editor. Coiner neubauten; eine sammlung der schonsten facaden der in AH43 der neuzeit in Coin a. Rh. ausgefiihrten bauten. . . C/2 Berlin [1886-88]. F. 5 3 ser. in I v. 90 pi. Details aus dem koniglichen schlosse zu Berlin . . . photograph- AH43 ische aufnahmen in lichtdruck. Berlin, 1893. F. 5 [10] p. 48 pi. 6468 (Die architektur der deutschen schlosser. v. I.) Modern cottage architecture; villas, cottages, dwellings, pavilions, AE2 bay windows . . . etc. New York [1893]. F. 5 24 pi. R82 Edition with American title-page of his Moderne holzbauten. Rudge, Thomas. History and antiquities of Gloucester, from the earliest period to AR42 the present time. . . Gloucester, no date. O. 8+438 p. ill. G$n Rudiments of ancient architecture containing an historical A A account of the five orders . . . also extracts from Vitruvius, Pliny R83 . . . with a dictionary of terms. . . 2d edition enlarged. London, 1794. O. 16+117 p. 11 pi. Rudler, Frederick William, editor. See De la Beche, Sir H. T., 1796-1855, and Reeks, Trenham. AN2 Catalogue of specimens in the Museum of practical geology. 1876. 0371 Ruelens, Ch[arles]. 1820-90. La legende de Saint-Servais; document inedit pour 1 histoire de AO7 la gravure en bois. Bruxelles, 1873. O. 21 p. 2 pi. R83 From L art universe!. Rugerus. See Theophilus, presbyter, called also Rugerus. Ruggieri, Ferdinando. 1 8th cent. Studio d architettura civile sopra gli ornamenti di porte e finestre, AH45 colle misure, piante . . . e profili, tratte da alcune fabbriche insigni F684 di Firenze. . . Firenze, 1722-28. Sq. F. 5 3 v. in I. 237 pi. Engraved title-page for each volume. Ruggiero, Ettore de. 1840-. Conferenze archeologiche tenute nel Museo nazionale di Napoli. AP Roma, 1873. D. ser. I. 3 pi. R84 Contents; v. i. i. Dell" arte presso i Greci; 2. Diana arcaica di Pompei; 3. Torso della Psiche; 4. Venere di Capua. Sommario delle lezioni d archeologia dette nella R. universita di AP Napoli . . . 1870-71. Napoli, 1872. O. 427 P- R8 4 2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 883 Ruggiero, Michele. Degli scavi di antichita nelle province di Terraferma dell antico AR45 regno di Napoli dal 1743 al 1876, document! raccolti e pubblicati. Ni6$ Napoli, 1888. F. 698 p. ill. 8 pi. 15 maps. 2 facsim. Half title-page reads Degli scavi napolitani di antichita. Degli scavi di Stabia dal 1749-82. . . AR45 Napoli, 1 88 1. F. 26+[i]+366 p. ill. 19 pi. map. Sti Discorso pronunziato in Pompei addi 25 di settembre, 1879, nella AR45 solennita del diciottesimo centenario dopo la sua distruzione. P779 [Anon.] Napoli, 1879. F. 12 p. Storia degli scavi di Ercolano. . . AR45 Napoli, 1885. F. [5 3] +696+ [4] p. 12 pi. H4I3 Ruggiero, Michele, compiler. See Pompei e la regione sotterrata dal Vesuvio nell anno LXXIX. AR45 1779. P779 Ruhe, Christian Friedrich, 1674-1733, editor. See Longhi, Giorgio, fl. 1615. De annulis signatoriis antiquorum. AM4 1709. Sch2 Ruhl, J[ulius] E[ugen]. 1796-. Denkmaler der baukunst in Italien, nach den monumenten ge- AH45 zeichnet und hrsg. Hanau [1830]. F. 5 30 pi. Gebaude des mittelalters zu Gelnhausen in 24 malerischen an- AH43 sichten. Frankfurt am Main, 1831. F. 5 33 p. 24 pi. G28 Ruins of Palmyra. 1753. AH56 See [Wood, Robert. 1716-71.] Pi8i Ruland, C. Jehan Fouquet; and his 40 miniatures in the possession of L. AB Brentano, at Frankfort-on-Maine. (In Fine arts quarterly re- F49 view. New ser. v. i, p. 27-51, 311-333.) Rule, Rev. William Harris, 1802- and Anderson, J. C. Biblical monuments. . . AP Croydon, 1871-3. Q. 13 + 263+4 p. ill. 21 pi. 2 maps, 35 facsim. R86 Rumley, [J.], & co. AK Collection of ornaments. London, 1838. Sq. F. 20 pi. R86 Rumley, J., and Knight, Frederick. Crests of the nobility and gentry of the United Kingdom of Great AWi Britain and Ireland. [1827.] 741 884 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Runge, G. Das neue Opernhaus : Academy of music, in Philadelphia. 2d ed. AH/3 Berlin, 1882. F. 5 6 p. ill. 8 pi. ?532 Runge, Heinrich. 1817-. Eine kalendertafel aus dem fiinfzehnten jahrhundert. Zurich, AC 1857. Q. 28 p. i pi. *(In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. AN8 Mittheilungen. 1858-60. v. 12.) Pilatus und St. Dominik . . . Zurich, 1859. (In Antiquarische AC gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858-60. v. 12, p. 157- An8 176. 2 pi.) Runge, Heinrich, 1817- editor. Adjurationen, exorcismen und benedictionen vorziiglich zum AC gebrauch bei gottesgerichten. . . Zurich, 1859. (In Antiqua- An8 rische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858-60. v. 12, p. 177-203. i facsim.) Runge, L. Beitrage zur kenntniss der backstein-architektur italiens. . . AJ2 Berlin, 1885. F. 5 lip. 48 pi. R87 Der glockenthurm des doms zu Florenz, nebst entwurf zur west- AH45 facade des doms. 2. aufl. Berlin [pref. 1853]. F. 6 [5] p. 4 pi. F66i Runge, L., and Rosengarten, A[lbert], 1809-. Architektonische mittheilungen iiber Italien. . . AH45 Berlin [pref. 1847]. F. 5 2 P ts - in i v. 12 pi. A2I Runkle, J. C. Catalogue of [his] collection of foreign cabinet paintings . . . sold AO6 . . . March 8th 1883. . . R87 [New York] 1883. Q. 31 p. i por. 14 pi. Rupin, Ernest [Jean Baptiste]. 1845-. L ceuvre de Limoges. AJ2 Paris, 1890. F. i v. in 2. 7+6i7+[2] p. ill. 49 pi. R87i L oeuvre de Limoges. (In Bulletin monumental. 1891-92. v. 57, AB P- 305-320. 5 pi.) B87 Ruprich= Robert, V[ictor Marie Charles]. 1820-87. L architecture normande aux n e et I2 e siecles en Normandie ADS et en Angleterre. Paris [1885-87]. F. 4 2 v. ill. 175 pi. R87 L eglise et le monastere du Val-de-Grace, 1645-65. AH44 Paris, 1875. F. 2+i24+[2]p. ill. 15 pi. P294 Reflexions sur 1 enseignement de 1 architecture en 1881. A A Paris, 1882. O. 48 p. Z6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 885 Rural church architecture, comprising a series of designs AE for churches ... by Upjohn, Renwick, Wheeler, Wells, Austin, R88 Stone, Cleaveland, Backus, Reeve and Eveleth. New . . . ed. New York, c. 1876. F. [39] p. 48 pi. Rusca, Luigi. Raccolta dei disegni di diverse fabbriche costrutte in Pietroburgo AH47 e nell interne dell impero russo. . . A3 Pietroburgo, 1 8 10. F. 7 2 v. [9] +69 p. 180 pi. Paged continuously. Title-page and text in Italian and French. Recueil de dessins de differens batimens construits a Saint- Peters- AH47 bourg. See above, Raccolta dei disegni di diverse fabbriche cos- A3 trutte in Pietroburgo. 1810. Rusconi, Giovanni Antonio, i6th cent, translator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Delia architettvra. 1590. V835 See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. I dieci libri d architettura. 1660. A A V8 3 6 Ruse, Hendrik. 1624-79. Versterckte vesting, uytgevonden in velerley voorvallen, en geob- AE7 serveert in dese laeste oorloogen, 500 in de Vereenigde Neder- R89 landen, als in Vranckryck, Duyts-Lant, Italien, Dalmatien, Albanien en die daer aengelegen landen. Amsterdam, 1654. F. [8] + 53 p. 20 pi. Ruskin, John. 1819-. Elements of drawing, in three letters to beginners. . . AL2 London, 1857. D - 22+[i]+35O p. ill. R89 Examples of the architecture of Venice, selected and drawn to AH45 measurement from the edifices. ^558 Sunnyside, 1887. F. 7 [9] + [3 2] p. 16 pi. Frondes agrestes; readings in Modern painters, chosen ... by AO6 the author s friend, the Younger lady of the Thwaite, Coniston. R89 Sunnyside, 1875. S. 7+184 p. Giotto and his works in Padua; being an explanatory notice of AM6 the series of woodcuts executed . . . after the frescoes in the Arena R89 chapel. [London] 1854-60. Q. 124 p. ill. and Atlas, Obi. F. 5 [3] P- 38 pi. (Arundel society. Publications.) An inquiry into some of the conditions at present affecting the AC study of architecture in our schools. (In Royal institute of British R8i architects. Papers. 1864-65, p. 139-156.) Lectures on architecture and painting, delivered at Edinburg in A A Nov. 1853. London, 1854. D. 6+[2]+239 p. 15 pi. R89 56* 886 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ruskin, John. 1819-. On the nature of Gothic architecture; and herein of the true func- AD6 tions of the workman in art. London, 1854. S. 50 p. ill. R89 Reprinted from his Stones of Venice, v. 2, chapter 6. Poetry of architecture; or The architecture of the nations of A A Europe considered in its association with natural scenery and R8Q2 national character. Sunnyside, 1893. Nar. Q. 12 + 261 p. ill. 15 pi. Seven lamps of architecture. New edition. A A Sunnyside, 1880. Nar. Q. i2 + [j] + 222 p. 14 pi. R89I Ruskin, John, 1819-, and Acland, Sir H. W., 1815-. AO4 Oxford museum. 1859. Ox2 Russell & Erwin manufacturing co. Descriptive catalogue and price list of hardware. Al2 New York, 1894. Sq. F. v. 8. 24+926 p. ill. R9I Russell, J., & co. Catalogue and price-list; wholesale hardware, mill, manufacturing Al2 and railway supplies and mechanics tools. R9I2 Holyoke, 1893. Q. 256 p. ill. Russell, John. 1766-1839. See Bedford, John Russell, 6th duke of. 1766-1839. Russell, J[ohn] Scott. 1808-82. On the central dome of the Vienna exhibition building. (In Royal AC instituteof British architects. Papers. 1873-74^.103-140. I pi.) R8i Russell, W[illiam] H[oward]. 1821-. Memorial of the marriage of Albert Edward, prince of Wales, AW2 and Alexandra, princess of Denmark . . . illustrated by Robert R9 1 Dudley. London [1867]. F. 5 [8] + i22+2Op. ill. 2 por. 39 pi. Rustow, [Friedrich] W[ilhelm], 1821-78, andKochly, H. [A. T.], 1815-76. Geschichte des griechischen kriegswesens, von der altesten zeit AE7 bis auf Pyrrhos; nach den quellen bearbeitet. R92 Aarau, 1852. O. 18+435 p. 134 ill- 6 maps. Riitimeyer, L[udwig]. 1825-. Untersuchung der thierreste aus den pfahlbauten der Schweiz. AC Zurich, 1860. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mitthei- An8 lungen. 1858-61. v. 13, p. 25-72.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 887 Rutter, John. Delineations of Fonthill and its abbey. London, 1823. Sq. F. 4 26+127 p. ill. 13 pi. Delineations of the northwestern division of the county of Somer- set and of its antediluvian bone caverns, with a geological sketch of the district. London, 1829. O. 24+349 p. M- P or - I! P^- ma P- [Riixner, Georg, i6th cent.] Anfang, vrsprug vnd herkomen des thurniers inn teutscher nation. . . [Anon.] Siemern, Rodler, 1532. F. 2i3 + [4] f. ill. 5 pi. 2 paged pi. Ryde, Henry T. History of the palace of Westminster. (In Barry, Sir Charles. Illustrations of the new palace of Westminster. 1849. P- l ~63-) Rychner, Alfred, and Lambert, Andre. L architecture en Suisse aux differentes epoques. AH42 F/3 AR42 805 AW2 R94 AH42 1883. AH494 Ai S., Q. Chronological history of Canterbury cathedral. AH42 Canterbury, 1883. D. 10+388 p. 28 pi. Ci6 Sabine, Henri. Table analytique et synthetique. Paris, 1889. O. 2O+387+[i] p. AA (In Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne de 1 architecture. V8i 1854-68. v. n.) Sabin s, J., son, publisher. AK See Monogram and alphabet album. M/5 Saburov, . La collection Sabouroff; monuments de 1 art grec, publics par A. AO2 Furtwangler. Berlin, 1883-87. F. 4 2 v. ill. 149 pi. Sal Sacchi, Archimede. Architettura pratica; le abitazioni, alberghi, case operaie, fab- AE2 briche rurali, case civili, palazzi e ville. . . 3 a edizione. . . Sal Milano, 1886. O. 2 v. ill. Architettura pratica; 1 economia del fabbricare, stime di pre- AI visione e di confronto, analisi di prezzi di produzione, appalti, Sal condotta e direzione dei lavori. . . Milano, 1878-79. O. 2 v. ill. Sacchi, Federico. Notizie pittoriche Cremonesi. AW Cremona, 1872. F. [i5]+364+[i] p. Sal Sach, August. 1837-. . . . Hans Briiggemann; ein beitrag zur kunstgeschichte der her- AW zogthiimer. . . Schleswig, 1865. Q. 31 p. I phot. Z Sachsischer alterthums= verein. See Sachsischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung der vater= landischen alterthiimer. Sachsischer ingenieur= und architekten- verein, editor. See Die bauten technischen und industriellen anlagen von AH43 Dresden. 1878. D8i9 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Sachsischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung der vaterlandischen alterthiimer. Mittheilungen. Dresden, 1842-80. ill. O. v. 1-30 in 4. Bd. i, 2. aufl. Sachsischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung vaterlandischer geschichts= und kunst=denkmale. See Sachsischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung der vater= landischen alterthiimer. Sacken, Eduard, freiherr von. 1825-83. Archaologischer wegvveiser durch Nieder-Osterreich, hrsg. vom Alterthums-vereine zu Wien. Wien, 1866-78. Sq. F. 2 v. in I. ill. 34 pi. 2 maps. Contents: v. i. Das viertel unter dem Wiener- Walde. v. 2. Das viertel oberdem Wiener-Walde. Bericht iiber die grabhiigel bei Lovo in Ungarn und die daselbst vorgenommenen nachgrabungen. (In Austria Centralcommis- sion . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1856. v. i,p. 73-82. i pi.) Erlauterungen zur karte der mittelalterlichen kunstdenkmale im kreise unter Wiener-Wald, hrsg. vom Alterthums-vereine zu Wien. Wien, no date. Sq. F. 38 p. ill. map. Die kirche Maria Stiegen in Wien. (In Springer, Franz, and Waldheim, R. von, editors. Osterreichs kirchliche kunstdenkmale der vorzeit. 1856. pt. 1-2, p. 5-15. 9 pi.) Kunstdenkmale des mittelalters im kreise ob dem Wiener-Walde des erzherzogthums Niederosterreich. (In Austria Centralcom- mission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1857. v. 2, p. 101-166. AC Sal Zur gemmenkunde. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen samm- lungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 2. pt. i, p. 21-40.) See Ambras castle (Austria). Die K. k. Ambraser-sammlung beschrieben von . . . Eduard freih. von Sacken. 1855. See Vienna (Austria) Miinz- und antiken-cabinet. Die antiken bronzen, beschrieben und erklart von E. freih. von Sacken. 1871. Sacken, Eduard, freiherr von, 1825-83, compiler. See Vienna (Austria) Miinz= und antiken-cabinet. Die samm- lungen des K. k. miinz- und antiken-cabinetes. 1866. Sacken, Eduard, freiherr von, 1825-83, editor. See Ambras castle (Austria). Kunstwerke und gerathe des mit- telalters und der renaissance in der Ambraser-sammlung. AH436 A 5 AC Au/i AH436 A5 AH436 A4 AC Au7i AB AO2 Amil AM3 V67 AP V67 AO2 Ami 890 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sackville, S[ackville] G[eorge] Stopford. 1840-. Notes on Lowick church, with especial reference to its monu- AC ments and heraldic glass. (In Associated architectural societies. As/ Reports and papers, v. 17, p. 55-76. I pi.) Le sacre de Louis XV., roy de France et de Navarre, AW2 dans 1 eglise de Reims ... 25 octobre, 1722. Di9 See [Danchet, Antoinej. 1671-1748. The sacristy ; a quarterly review of sacred archaeology, AB ecclesiastical art, literature and antiquities. Sal London, 1871-81. Q. v. 1-3. pi. Edited by E. Walford. Sadeler, Marco. Vestigi delle antichita di Roma, Tivoli, Pozzuolo et altri luochi. AH45 Roma, 1660. Obi. Q. 48 pi. R68 Viaggio da Venetia a Costantinopoli per marre e per terra et in- AR4Q6 sieme quello di Terra Santa, cioe citta, castelli, porti, golfi, isole, Ai monti, fiumi e mari. . . Venetia, Scolari, no date. Obi. D. 74 pi. 3 maps. Saeltzer, Alexander. Treatise on acoustics in connection with ventilation. . . AJ New York, 1872. D. 103 p. Sal Sagette, Jean, abbe. 1823-. A propos d une iconographie de 1 opera. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 25, p. 173-189.) An7 Saglio, Edmond. 1828-. L enseignement de 1 art industriel en Autriche. (In Revue des AB arts decoratifs. v. 11, p. 227-239, 286-294.) R32 Sagredo, Agostino, and Berchet, Federico. II Fondaco dei Turchi in Venezia. . . AH45 Milano, 1860. F. [5] +97+ [2] p. 8 pi. V575 Sagredo, Diego de. De 1 architecture antique . . . traduit d espagnol en francois. . . AA Paris, 1608. O. nip. ill. Sal Saint=Andeol, Fernand, vicomte de. Etude sur les baptisteres, les piscines et les cuves. (In Revue de AB 1 art chretien. v. 9, p. 561-593; v. 10, p. 30-45, 78-94.) R324 St. Croix, Rev. W. de. See De St. Croix, Rev. W[illiam]. Saint= Denis, Fleur, and Vuigner, Emile, 1798-1865. AH43 Pont sur le Rhin a Kehl. 1861. K26 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 891 Saint=Felix, A. J. M. de, marquis de Mauremont. Traite historique et descriptif, critique et raisonne des ordrcs d ar- AA chitecture . . . ouvrage servant d introduction developpee a 1 Ar- Sa2 chitecture rurale. . . Paris, 1845. Sq. F. [15] + ! i6+[l2i] p. 31 pi. St. Gall monastery (Switzerland). St. Gallische denkmale aus der karolingischen zeit, hrsg. von E. AC Diimmler. Zurich, 1859. Q- 8 P-+ P- 2O5-265 + [i]. (In Anti- An8 quarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858-60. v. 12.) Saint Germain (France) Musee des antiquites nationales. AR44 Description raisonnee du Musee. Paris, 1889. O. v. I. ill. I pi. A22 Contents: v. i. REINACH, S. Epoque des alluvions et des cavernes. Saint Helier s (Jersey) Societe Jersiaise. See Societe Jersiaise. Saint=Hilaire, Isidore Geoffroy. 1805-61. See Geoff roy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1805-61. Saint=Laurent, Henri Julien Grimouard de, comte. 1814-85. SeeQrimouard de Saint-Laurent, Henri Julien, comte. 1814-85. S[aint] Laurent, Jannon de. Dissertazione . . . sopra le pietre preziose degli antichi. (In Cor- AC tona, Italy Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni acca- C8i demiche. 1751. v. 5, p. 1-75; v. 6, p. 41-74. 2 pi.) Sainte=Marie, E. de. 1843- AR3973 Mission a Carthage. . . Paris, 1884. Q. 234 p. ill. I pi. map. C243 Saint-Omer (France) Societe des antiquaires de la Morinie. See Societe des antiquaires de la Morinie. Saint=Paul, Anthyme. 1843-. Le cas de la cathedrale d Evereux. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v. 42, p. 545-586.) B87 De la position et de la forme des clochers. (In Revue de 1 art AB Chretien, v. 26, p. 49~7*, 4O9~437; v. 27, p. 435-451. i pi.) R324 Histoire monumentale de la France. 3 e edition. Paris, 1888. AH44 Nar. Q. 302 + [2] p. ill. i pi. (Bibliotheque des ecoles et des A62 families.) 892 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Saint- Paul, Anthyme. 1843-. Notices et observations comparatives sur les eglises des environs AB de Paris. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 34, p. 861-879; v. 35, B8/ P- 709-737-) Perigueux et Angers. (In Bulletin monumental. 1891-92. v. 57, AB p. 32I-349-) B87 Le present et 1 avenir de 1 architecture chretienne. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 41, p. 293-334, 493-515, 685-721.) 687 La renaissance en France a propos du recent ouvrage public sous AB ce titre. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 50, p. 237-269, 529-561.) 687 Simple memoire sur 1 origine du style ogival. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 41, p. 5-23.) 687 Une excursion archeologique dans le Bigorre. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 32, p. 705-752.) 687 Viollet-le-Duc et son systeme archeologique. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 46, 409-463, 716-778; v. 47, p. 5-54, 187-234, 361- 687 417, 445-502.) Viollet-le-Duc; ses travaux d art et son systeme archeologique. AW 2e edition. Paris, 1 88 1. O. 36i + [i] p. V8i Die St. Peters=kirche in Mainz. 1874. AH43 See, [Klepper, Wilhelm.] Z2 Saint Petersburg (Russia) Commission imperiale archeologique. AC See, below, Imperial archaeological commission. Sa2 Saint Petersburg (Russia) Hermitage. Die vasen-sammlung der ermitage, [par L. Stephani]. AN2 St. Petersburg, 1869. O. 2 v. in I. 16 pi. Sa2 Saint Petersburg (Russia) Imperatorskaya arkhe= ologitcheskaya kommissiya. AC See, below, Imperial archaeological commission. Sa2 Saint Petersburg (Russia) Imperatorskoe Russkoe arkheologitcheskoe obshtchestvo. See, below, Imperial Russian archaeological society. Saint Petersburg (Russia) Imperial archaeological commission. Compte-rendu. 1859-81. AC St. Petersbourg," 1 860-83. F. 4 10 v. ill. pi. Atlas F. 7 2 v. Sa2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 893 Saint Petersburg (Russia) Imperial Russian archae= ological society. Zapiski: [Memoirs]. AC Sanktpeterburg, 1886-93. Q. new ser., v. 1-6 in 5. ill. pi. Sa2i Saint Petersburg (Russia) Societe d encouragement aux beaux=arts, publisher. AK See Simakov, N. L art de 1 Asie centrale. 1883. 814 See Simakov, N. L ornement russe. 1882. AK Saint Petersburg (Russia) Society of architects. Vtoroi konkurs proekta khrama prednasnachennavo k sooru- AH47 zheniyu v S. Peterburg na miestye, gdie smerle 1 noranen Imper- A4 ator Aleksandr II: [Second competition of plans for a church to be erected on the spot of the attempted assassination of the Emperor Alexander II.] [S. Peterburg, 1884]. F. [2] p. 60 pi. No title-page. Saint=Remi de Reims. 1847. AH44 See [Tarbe, L. H. P. 1809-71.] R276 Saint=Rene, L. Cartier de. See Cartier de Saint-Rene, L. Saint=Sauveur, Jacques Qrasset de. 1757-1810. See Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, Jacques. 1757-1810. [Saint= Victor, Jacques Maximilien Benjamin Bins de. 1772-1858]. Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris, depuis les Gaulois AH44 jusqu a nos jours, par M ****... [Anon.] A$i Paris, 1 808 -I I. F. 3 v. 181 pi. See Bouillon, P[ierre.j I776(?)- i83i(?). Musee des antiques, AO8 avec des notices explicatives par J. B. de Saint- Victor. 1821-27. B66 La sainte eglise d Aix et Aries. Aix, 1883. D. AR44 Ai9 Vol. 2. MARBOT, E., abbd. Xotre maitrise me"tropolitaine. 1883. Sainte=Suzanne, Charles Victor Emile, baron de Boyer de. 1825-84. See Boyer de Sainte=Suzanne, Charles Victor mile, baron de. 1825-84. Saladin, Henri. Rapport sur la mission faite en Tunisie de novembre 1882 a avril AB 1883. (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1887. v. 28, p. Ar2i 1-225. S pl.) 894 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Salazaro, Demetrio. 1822-. L arte romana al medio evo. See, below, Studi sui monumenti AR45 dellaltalia meridionale dal 4 al 13 secolo. 1871-81. Appendix. A3 Conclusion! sulla architettura classica e quella del medio-evo. AH45 Napoli, 1875. O. 46 p. Zi Considerazioni sulla scultura ai tempi di Pericle in confronto dell AO8 arte moderna. Napoli, 1875. O. 34 p. Z3 Studi sui monumenti della Italia meridionale dal 4 al 13 secolo. AR45 Napoli, 1871-81. F. 7 2v. and apx. in i v. 64 pi. A3 Appendix has title L arte romana al medio evo. Salemi, Enrico. AE4 Studj sui teatri lirici. Palermo, 1866. F. 4 i4+[i] p. I pi. Sa3 Sail m beni, Leonardo. Degli archi e delle volte libri sei. AI Verona, 1787. Nar. Q. 5+302 p. 6 pi. Sa3 Salin, Patrice. Notice sur Chilly-Mazarin, le chateau, 1 eglise, le village, le Mare- AH44 chal d Effiat . . C43 Paris, 1867. Nar. Q. 7+263 + [3] p. I por. 15 pi. Salinas, Antonino. 1841-. I monumenti sepolcrali scoperti . . . 1863 presso la chiesa della AR495 Santa Trinita in Atene . . . disegnati da Ambrogio Seveso. . . At45 Torino, 1863. F. 4 40 p. 2 ill. 4 pi. i map. Salins, Jacques Marie Quignet de. See Guignet de Salins, Jacques Marie. Salmagundi club and American black and white society (New York city). See New York (city) Salmagundi club and American black and white society. Salmon, F. R., abbe. Histoire de Tart chretien aux dix premiers siecles. AO Lille, 1891. Nar. Q. 609 p. ill. 9 pi. Sa3 Salmon, J. Historical description of ancient and modern Rome, also of the AH45 works of art ... [with] a tour through the cities and towns in the R677 environs. . . London, 1800. O. 2 v. 25 pi. map. Saluzzo, Cesare, editor. See Martini, F. di Q. I423(?)~7o(?). Trattato di architettura AE7 civile e militare. 1841. M36 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 895 Salveraglio, Filippo. Bibliografia. (In Boito, Camillo. II duomo di Milano. 1889. AH45 Apx., p. 1-36.) M593 Salverte, [Q.] de. Catalogue des tableaux . . . objets d art et de riche ameublement AO2 . . . collection de feu M. de Salverte . . . vente . . . 1887. . . Sa3 [Paris] 1887. F. 56 p. 16 pi. Salvetat, Louis Alphonse, 1820-, editor. See Brongniart, Alexandre. 1770-1847. Traite des arts cera- AN2 miques ou des poteries. 1854. 678 See Histoire et fabrication de la porcelaine chinoise. 1856. AN2 H62 Salviati, Giuseppe. i52o(?)-(75(?). See Porta, Giuseppe, called Salviati. I52o(?)-i575 (?). Salvini, Antonio Maria, abate, 1653-1729, annotator. See Qori, A. F. 1691-1757. Monumentum sive columbarium AE8 libertorum et servorum Liviae Augustae et Caesarum Romae de- G67 tectum. 1727. Salvisberg, Paul von, 1855-, editor. See Munich (Ger.) Deutsch-nationale kunstgewerbe ausstel- AO4 lung. 1888. Chronik der Ausstellung. [1888]. Mg2 Salvolini, Francesco. 1809-38. Des principales expressions qui servent a la notation des dates sur AR62 les monumens de 1 ancienne Egypte d apres 1 inscription de A6 Rosette . . . [seconde lettre] a 1 Abbe Costanzo Gazzera . . . Paris, 1833. O. 66+[i] p. Salzenberg, W. Alt-christliche baudenkmale von Constantinopel vom 5. bis 12. AH496 jahrhundert. . . Berlin, 1854. F. 7 [4]+4O+[i8] p. ill. 41 pi. A3 Salzmann, Auguste. -1872. Necropole de Camiros; journal des fouilles executees dans cette AH4996 necropole, 1858-65. Paris, 1875. F. 7 pt. 1-12. [5] p. 60 pi. Ci4 Samber, Robert, translator. AX See Godeau, Antoine, bp. 1605-72. Scripture penitents. 1720. G54 [Sambon, Jules.] Description des ivoires de la ville de Volterra . . . vente ... a AN6 Florence ... 29 Nov. 1880. . . [Anon.] Sa4 Florence, 1880. Q. 32 p. 8 pi. 896 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sammel=mappe hervorragender concurrenz-entwiirfe. AH43 Berlin, 1880-92. F. 5 pts. 1-24. ASQ Contents: pt. i. Concerthaus zu Leipzig. 25 pi. pt. 2. Empfangs-gebaude fur den Central-bahnhof zu Frankfurt a. M. 38 pi. pt. 3. Wilhadi-brunnen fiir Bremen. 12 pi. pt. 4. Parlaments-gebaude fiir den deutschen Reichstag. 27 pi. pt. 5. Kauf- und wohnhaus des Freiherrn von Faber zu Berlin. 30 pi. pt. 6. Auswahl aus den entwiirfen zum deutschen Reich stagsgebaude, hrsg. von K. E. O. Fritsch. 100 pi. pt. 7. Rathhaus zu Wiesbaden. 32 pi. pt. 8. Hasselbach-brunnen fiir Magdeburg. 10 pi. pt. 9. Stadt-theater fiir Halle a. d. S. 40 pi. pt. 10. Kaiser-Wilhelm-strasse zu Berlin. 23 pi. pt. ii. Christus-kirche fiir Barmen. 27 pi. pt. 12. Volks-schule fiir Frankfurt a. M. 24 pi. pt. 13. Stadtisches museum, Kestner-museum fiir Hannover. 16 pi. pt. 14. Brauerei-restauration mit garten und colonnaden fiir Heinrich Timmler in Liegnitz. 15 pi. pt. 15. Deutsches haus fiir Bruenn. 17 pi. pt. 16. Preisgekronte entwiirfe zum Reichstagsgebaude, 1882. 64 pi. pt. 17. Standehaus fiir Rostock i. M. 20 pi. pt. 18. Synagoge fiir Berlin. 19 pi. pt. 19. Katholische pfarrkirche fiir Mainz. 32 pi. pt. 20. Fassaden-malereien fiir das geschaftshaus der Actiengesellschaft fiir mo- belfabrikation zu Berlin. 22 pi. pt. 21. Gerichtsgebaude nebst untersuchungsgelangniss fur Bremen. 29 pi. pt. 22. Kaiser Wilhelm gedachtnisskirche fiir Berlin. 22 pi. pt. 23. Kaiser-Wilhelm-museum zu Crefeld. 28 pi. pt. 24. Landhaus fiir Bremen. 14 pi. Sammicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. See Sanmicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. Samrnlung ausgefuhrter biirgerlicher wohnhauser in fas- AE2 saden, grundrissen, durchschnitten und details. 4. aufl. Sa4 Leipzig, no date. F. 4 [3] p. 48 pi. Sammlung niitzlicher aufsatze und nachrichten die bau- AB kunst betreffend. . . Sa4 Berlin, 1797-1811 [v. I, 18 1 1.] ill. Q. 6 v in 3. Vol. i, 2 d edition. Sancet, L. Stalles du chceur de la cathedrale d Auch. . . AH44 Paris, 1862. F. 4 4+ [2] p. 60 pi. Au2i Sanchez, Giuseppe. La Campania sotterranea e brevi notizie degli edificii scavati entro AR45 Roccia nelle due Sicilie. . . Napoli, 1833. O. 2 v. 655 p. Sii Paged continuously. II gran musaico pompeiano spiegato; critiche osservazioni su AR45 quanto intorno a quello si e finora scritto; descrizione di altri P8i2 capo-lavori d arte. Napoli, 1835. O. [4]+i22 + [2] p. i pi. Gran musaico pompeiano: Tombe di Ruvo; Alcuni vasi fittili del AR45 Museo reale Borbonico. [Anon.] Napoli, 1856. O. 16+32 p. P8i2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 897 Sanchez, Inocencio Junquera y. See Junquera y Sanchez, Inocencio. Sandars, William Collett=, translator, 1840-. See Rosengarten, Albert. 1809-. Handbook of architectural AA styles. 1876. R/2 Sandberg, Christer P., translator. Al See Styffe, Knut. 1824-. Iron and steel. 1869. St9 Sandby, P[aul]. 1725-1809. Virtuosi s museum, containing select views in England, Scotland AH42 and Ireland. London, 1778. Q. 39 pi. Ag2 Sanders, Antoine. 1586-1664. Verheerlykt Vlaandre; behelzende eene beschryving van dat AH493 graafschap. . . A9 Leyden, 1735. F. 5 3 v. in 2. ill. 50 por. 119 pi. 12 maps. Sanders, William Bliss. Examples of carved oak wood-work in the houses and furniture AM5 of the 1 6th and I7th centuries. Sa5i London, 1883. Ft 5 Unpaged. 25 pi. Sandham, H., compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of the collec- AO2 tion illustrating construction and building materials. 1876. So86 Sandhurst, P. T. Table book of art; a history of art in all countries and ages. . . AO6 New York [c. 1878]. Q. 6+^+248 p. 63 pi. Sa5 San Donate, Palace of (Florence). Catalogue des objets d art et d ameublement, tableaux, dont la AO2 vente . . . aura lieu ... 15 mars 1880 et les jours suivants. . . Sa5 Bruxelles, 1880. F. 5 [io]+422+[i] p. ill. 63 pi. Collections; objets d art. .. [Paris, 1870.] Q. 4+327 p. 16 pi. AO2 Sa5i Sold at auction, March and April, 1870. Sandrart, Joachim von. 1606-88. Romae antiquae et novae theatrum; sive, Genuina ac vera urbis, AH45 juxta varios ejusdem status, delineatio topographica. . . R822 Norimbergas, 1684. F. 4 15 p. 72 pi. Sculpturae veteris admiranda; sive, Delineatio vera perfectissi- AO8 marum eminentissimarumque statuarum, una cum artis hujus . . . Sa5 theoria. . . Norimbergae, 1680. F. 4 7+74 f. I por. 70 pi. 57 898 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sandrart, Joachim von. 1606-88. Teutsche academic derbau-, bildhauer- und maler-kunst . . . ver- AA andert . . . und verbessert von J. J. Volkmann. Sa5 Niirnberg, 1768-75. F. 5 8 v. ill. 37 por. 760 pi. I tab. Contents: ii. Von den materialien und saulenordnungen. 12. Von den romischen kirchen. 2 . Die baukunst durch exempel alter und neuer gebaude erlautert. 2- . Historische architektur. 2 3 . Die schonsten altare von Rom. 3 1 . Die romischen pallaste. 3 2 . Die romischen springbrunnen. Von den regeln der bildhauerkunst. Die verhaltnisse des menschen aus dem franzosischen des Audran. Die romischen antiquitiiten des Bartoli. Die romischen garten [von Falda]. Die verwandlungen des Ovids. 6 1 . Testelins zeichenkunst. 6 2 . Salvator Rosa zeichenkunst. 6 3 . Verschiedene von Sandrart. 6 4 . Die kuppel des Lan franco zu Rom. 7. Lebensbeschreibungen der maler. 8. Die iconologie der gotten Sandwith, Thomas B. On the different styles of pottery found in ancient tombs in the AB island of Cyprus. (In Archaeologia. v. 45, p. 127-142. 5 pi.) Ar2 Sandys, Charles. Critical dissertation on Prof. Willis s Architectural history of Can- AH42 terbury cathedral. . . London, 1846. O. 4+62 p. Ci6i Vindication ... a romance of real life. . . AH42 London, 1847. O- 63 p. Ci6i San Gallo, Antonio Giamberti, called da. 1450-1534. See Lambert, Andre. Madonna di San Biagio pres Montepul- AH45 ciano, batie par Antonio di San Gallo de 1518 a 1528. [1884.] M76 Sanguineti, Antoni. 1830-. ANi Album des sieges. Paris, 1860. Obi. S. 40 pi. Sa52 Croquis de petite charpente et menuiserie pittoresque moderne. AI Paris, no date. Obi. O. 50 pi. Sa5 La decoration en bois decoupe; i e partie, la decoupure moderne. AM5 Paris [1864]. Obi. O. 32 pi. Sa5 La decoration en treillage. . . Paris, no date. Obi. O. 44 pi. AL2 Nouveaux croquis de menuiserie moderne pour batiments. AM5 Paris, no date. Obi. Q. 4 p. 50 pi. Sa49 Sanmicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. Li cinque ordini d architettura civile . . . pubblicata dal Conte AA A. Pompei. Verona, 1735. F. 112 p. ill. Sa5i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 899 Sanmicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. Le fabbriche civili, ecclesiastiche e militari, disegnate ed incise da AL2 F. Ronzani e G. Luciolli, con testo ... da F. Zanotto. Sa55 Geneva, no date. F. 6 88 p. 150 pi. Le fabbriche civili, ecclesiastiche e militari, disegnate ed incise da AL2 Francesco Ronzani e Girolamo Luciolli. Sa$7 Venezia, 1832. F. 5 34+14+16 p. i por. Porte di citta e fortezze, depositi sepolcrali ed altre principali fab- AL2 briche pubbliche e private di Sammicheli, misurate, disegnate, Sa56 incise e . . . illustrate da F. Albertolli. Milano, 1815. Obi. F. 5 io+[i] p. 30 pi. Sannazaro, Luigi Malaspina di, marchese. 1754-1834. See Malaspina di Sannazaro, Luigi, marchese. 1754-1834. Sanpietro, Giovanni Battista. II tempio della B[eata] V[ergine] de miracoli presso il borgo di AH45 Sarono, descritto. . . Sa7 Milano [imprimatur 1752]. D. [14] + 132 p. I pi. Sansi, Achilla. Degli edifici e dei frammenti storici delle antiche eta di Spoleto. . . AR45 Foligno, 1869. O. 3 1 6+ [3] p. 12 pi. Sp6 Sansonetti, Victor, illustrator. See Jubinal, M. L. A. 1810-75. Les anciennes tapisseries his- AM8 toriees. 1839. J87 Sante Bartoli, Pietro, 1635-1700. See Bartoli, Pietro Sante. 1635-1700. Santen, Joan de. A I Porta . . . [de sa] inventione. F. 4 12 pi. Sa5 1 Santi, . Modeles de meubles et de decorations interieures pour 1 ameuble- ANi ment, graves par Mme. Soyer. Sa5 Paris, 1828. F. 5 [3] p. 74 pi. Santos, Francisco. -1700. Description of the royal palace and monastery of St. Laurence, AH46 called the Escurial, and of the chapel royal of the Pantheon; ESI translated from the Spanish ... by G. Thompson of York. London, 1760. Sq. F. 2 v. in I. 12 pi. Sanvitali, Federico. 1704-61. Elementi di architettura civile; opera postuma. A A Brescia, 1765. Nar. Q. 8+io6p. i por. 4 pi. Sa52 900 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY TheSaone; a summer voyage. 1887. AH44 See Hamerton, P. Q. 1834-94. A32 Sarayna, Torello. i6th cent. De origine et amplitudine ciuitatis Veronae. . . AR45 Veronae, ex officina Putelleti, 1540. F. 66+4 f. ill. 59 Sardou, Victorien. 1831-. See Guillaumot, A. E. Costumes of the time of the French revolu- AN4 tion, 1/90-1793 . . . with English costumes during the years 094 1795-1806, drawn from the collection of Victorien Sardou. 1889. Sarfatti, Attilio. San Marco, conferenza tenuta il 27 luglio 1882 all ateneo Veneto. AH45 Venezia, 1883. D. [3] + 53 P- V$6?> Sargent & co. [Catalogue of] hardware. AI2 New York, 1894. F. 35 + 1089 p. ill. i pi. Sa7 Sarre, Fritz. AH43 Beitrage zur mecklenburgischen kunstgeschichte. W76 Another title for his Der fiirstenhof zu Wismar. Der fiirstenhof zu Wismar und die norddeutsche terrakotta-archi- AH43 tektur im zeitalter der renaissance. . . W76 Berlin, 1890. F. 4 52+[i] p. 17 pi. Sartel, Octave du. 1823-. See Du Sartel, Octave. 1823-. Sass, Henry. Journey to Rome and Naples ... in 1817; giving an account of AH45 the present state of society in Italy, and containing observations A58 on the fine arts. London, 1818. O. 55 + 345 p. Sassella, Angelo, cavaliere. AW Sulle opere Palladiane: cenni critici. Venezia, 1870. O. 19 p. Pi 73 Sasso, Camillo Napoleone. Storia de monumenti di Napoli. . . AH45 Napoli, 1856-58. Sq. F. 3 v. in 2. 32 pi. I tab. Ni6 Satchell, Herbert Arnold. The development of church planning. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Transactions, n. s. v. 4, p. 149-170.) R8i Sauer, Bruno. 1861- AO8 Altnaxische marmorkunst. . . Athen, 1892. O. 43 p. ill. I pi. Z6 Inaugural essay at Giessen (Ger.) university. From Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen ; Athenische abtheilung. 1892. v. 17. Die anfange der statuarischen gruppe; ein beitrag zur geschichte AO8 der griechischen plastik. Leipzig, 1887. O. [3] + 82 p. Z6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 901 Sauerwein, Friedrich, editor. Neubauten zu Frankfurt am Main. AH43 Frankfurt am Main, 1891. F. 6 3 ser. in i v. 132 pi. F854 Das schloss zu Heidelberg, mit text von M. Rosenberg. AH43 Frankfurt am Main, 1883. F. 6 [4]+4 p. 100 pi. Saulcy, [Louis] F[elicien Joseph Caignart] de. 1807-80. Histoire de 1 art judai que tiree des textes sacres et profanes. AO Paris, 1858. O. 5+425 p. I pi. Sa8 Sault, C. de. Essais de critique d art: Salon de 1863; Peintures murales de AO Saint-Germain des Pres; Concours des prix de Rome envois de Sa82 Rome, 1861-63; Musee Campana. Paris, 1864. D. 3 +426+ [2] p. Reprinted from Le Temps. Saunders, George. 1762-1839. Observations on the origin of Gothic architecture. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 17, p. 1-29. 4 pi.) Ar2 Saurel [Auguste Marie], Alfred. 1827-. Constructions romaines; anciennes eglises des Bouches-du-Rhone; AR44 grottes prehistoriques des Bouches-du-Rhone. Z Tours, no date. O. 68 p. ill. 3 paged pi. From Socie te frangaise d archdologie. Comptes rendus du congres. 1882. Saurin, J[acques]. 1677-1730. Discours historiques, critiques, theologiques et moraux sur les AX evenemens les plus memorables du Vieux et du Nouveau Testa- Sa8 ment . . . gravees sur les desseins de Mrs. Hoet, Houbraken et B. Picart. . . Amsterdam (v. 2-6 La Haye), 1720-39. F. 5 6 v. ill. 213 pi. Continued by Pierre Roques, v. 3-4, and by C. L. de Beausobre, v. 5-6. Sauvageot, Alexandre Charles. 1781-1860. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Collection Sauvageot, dessinee et AO4 gravee a 1 eau-forte par Edouard Lievre, accompagnee d un texte L93 . . . par A. Sauzay. 1863. Sauvageot, Claude. 1832-. Etude sur les cloches. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 22, AB p. 213-244.) An7 Monographic de Chevreuse; etude archeologique. AH44 Paris, 1874. F. 5 42+ [i] p. ill. 26 pi. C42i Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du I5 e au 18 siecle. AH44 Paris, 1867. F. 4 4 v. ill. 294 pi. A 17 57* 902 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sauvageot, Claude. 1832-. La porte des martyrs a Notre-Dame de Paris. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 22, p. 309321.) Any Viollet-le-Duc et son ceuvre dessine. AW Paris, 1880. Sq. F. 4 iio+[i]p. ill. 12 pi. V8n From L encyclope die d architecture, aout et sept., 1880. See Menard, R. J. 1827-87. La vie privee des anciens ; dessins AP d apres les monuments antiques par C. Sauvageot. 1880-84. M$2i Sauvageot, Cl[aude], 1832-, and Sauvageot, L[ouis], 1842-. Monographic de la chapelle de Notre-Dame de la Roche, texte, AH44 dessins et gravure. Paris, 1863. Sq. F. 4 18 p. 27 pi. N84 Sauvageot, Louis. Chapelle abbatiale de Saint-Jean-aux-Bois. (In Annales arche- AB ologiques. v. 23, p. 150-158; v. 24, p. 85-92, 173-176.) An7 Sauvageot, Louis, 1842- and Sauvageot, Claude, 1832-. Monographic de la chapelle de Notre-Dame de la Roche, texte, AH44 dessins et gravure. 1863. N84 Sauvan, [Jean] B[aptiste Balthazard]. 1780- Histoire et description pittoresque du Palais de justice, de la Con- AH44 ciergerie et de la Sainte Chapelle de Paris ; [pi. par] J. P. Schmit. P292 Paris, 1825. F. 5 73 p. Sauzay, Alexandre, 1804-70, compiler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Musee de la renaissance, ser. B: AO2 Notice des bois sculptes. 1864. L93I Sauzay, Alexandre, 1804-70, editor. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Collection Sauvageot, dessinee et AO4 gravee a 1 eau-forte par Edouard Lievre. 1863. L93 Sauzay, [Alexandre], 1804-70, and Delange, Henri, 1 804-. Monographic de 1 ceuvre de Bernard Palissy, suivie d un choix de AN2 ses continuateurs ou imitateurs, dessinee par C. Delange et C. Sa8 Borneman. Paris, 1862-65. F. 6 38 p. 100 pi. (Recueil de faiences francaises du i6 e siecle.) No. 292 of 300 copies printed. Sava, Karl von. -1864. Die mittelalterlichen siegel der abteien und regularstifte im erz- AC herzogthume Osterreich ob und unter der Enns. (In Austria Au7i Centralcommission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1859. v. 3, p. 195-248.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 903 Savage, A. D., translator. See Meye, Heinrich. Stone sculptures of Copan and Quirigua; AH728i historical and descriptive text by J. Schmidt. 1883. Ai Savage, James. 1767-1845. Essay on bridge building; read Feb. 22, 1808, and March 3, 1809. AC (In London, Eng., architectural publication society. Essays, v. 2, L842 p. [ii9]-i67.) History of Dorchester during the British, Roman, Saxon and AH42 Norman periods, with an account of its present state. . . 072 1 Dorchester [pref. 1833]. D. 4+[4]+2i6 p. 6 pi. Savage, William. 1770-1843. Practical hints on decorative printing with illustrations engraved AX on wood. . . London, 1822. F. 4 [i6] + i i8+[io] p. ill. 49 pi. Sa9 Savigne, E. J. Guide a Vienne (Isere); histoire, biographic, musee. AH44 Vienne, 1879. D. 15 + 168 p. 2 pi. V67 Savile, John Savile Lumley, lord. 1819-. Antiquarian researches at Civita Lavinia. (In Archaeologia. v. 49, AB p. 367-381; v. 53, p. I47-I54- 6 pi.) A22 Discovery of the temple of Diana at Nemi. (In Nottingham, Eng., AR45 castle Museum and art gallery. Illustrated catalogue of classical N34 antiquities. 1893. p. 1-12.) [Savonarola, Rafaello. 1646-1730.] Universus terrarum orbis scriptorum calamo delineatus, hoc est AX auctorum fere omnium qui de Europae, Asiae, Africae et Americas Sa9i regnis . . . scripserunt . . . elenchus . . . studio . . . Alphonsi Lasor a Varea. Patavii, 1713. F. 2 v. ill. 47 pi. map. Sawyer, Frederick Ernest. Ecclesiastical history of Brighton. (In Sussex archaeological AC society. Collections, v. 29, p. 181-210.) Su8 Saxony Alterthumsverein, editor. Beschreibende darstellung deralterenbau- u. kunstdenkmaler des AH43 konigreichs Sachsen . . . bearbeitet von R. Steche. Sa9i Dresden, 1882-89. Q. v. 1-12 in 3. ill. pi. Contents : i. Amtshauptmannschaft Pirna. Dippoldiswalde. Freiberg. Annaberg. Marienberg. Floha. Chemnitz. Schwarzenberg. Auerbach. Oelsnitz. Plauen. Zwickau. 9- 10. ii. 12. 904 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Scamozzi, Giovanni Domenico, editor. See Serlio, Sebastiano. 1475-1552. Tutte 1 opere d architet- AA tura. 1584. Se6i See Serlio, Sebastiano. 1475-1552. Tutte 1 opere d architettura AA et prospetiva di . . . Serlio. 1619. Se62 Scamozzi, Ottavio Bertotti. i726-i8oo(?). II forestiere istruito delle cose piti rare di architettura e di alcune AH45 pitture della citta di Vicenza. . . V66i Vicenza, 1761. O. 119 p. 2 por. 36 pi. L origine dell Accademia Olimpica di Vicenza, con una breve AH45 descrizione del suo teatro. Vicenza, 1790. D. 30 p. 4 pi. V664 Scamozzi, Ottavio Bertotti, i726-i8oo(?), editor. See Palladio, Andrea. 1518-80. Le fabbriche e i disegni. AL2 1776-83. 1786. Pi; See Palladio, Andrea. 1518-80. Le terme dei Romani. 1785. AE6 Pi; Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. Brief and plain description of the five orders of columns of archi- AA tecture . . . by S. Bosboom according to ... Scamozzi and re- Sca54 duced into minutes with a diagonal scale. . . London, i6;6. F. 8 p. 39 pi. Dell idea della architettura universale. AA Venezia, 1714. F. 2 v. in I. ill. Sca5i L idea della architettura universale, divisa in 10 libri. . . AA Venetiis, 1615. F. 4 2 v. in I. 86 paged pi. I paged tab. Sca56 Contents: v. i. Libri 1-3 dell eccellenza di questa facolta degl architetti prestanti e pre- cetti, invention!, disegni . . . e opere meravigliose. v. 2. Libri 6-8 dell esquisitezza de" cinque ordini. Books 4-5, 9-10 were never published. L idea dell architettura universale, pub. per cura di Stefano AA Ticozzi e . . . Luigi Masieri, con trentotto tavolc in rame diseg- Sca57 nate ed incise da Costantino Gianni. Milano, 1838. O. 2 v. 2O+773 + [i] p. i por. and Atlas, Obi. O. 38 pi. (Raccolta dei classici italiani di architettura civile da Leon Battista Alberti fino al secolo 19. v. 2-3.) Paged continuously. Grund-regeln der bau-kunst. 1678. See, below, Klarliche be- AA schreibung der fiinff saulen-ordnungen. 1697. Sca53 Same work under different titles. Klarliche beschreibung der fiinff saulen-ordnungen und der AA gantzen bau-kunst aus . . . [seinem] sechsten und dritten buche Sca53 . . . aus dem italianischen . . . genommen. . . Niirnberg, 1697. F - [14] + 102+ [2] p. 86 pi. . COLUMBIA COLLEGE 905 Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. Mirror of architecture; or, The ground-rules of the art of building A A . . . reviewed and inlarged ... by J. Schuym, translated out of Sca52 Dutch by W. F. . . . [with] the Description and use of an ordinary joynt-rule ... by J. Brown. $d ed. enlarged. . . London, 1676. Sq. D. [8J + 23 + 2Q p. 43 pi. CEuvres d architecture . . . dont les regies des cinq ordres, que le AA sixieme livre contient, ont etc traduites en fran9ois par A. C. Sca5 d Aviler et le reste . . . par S. Dury. Leide, 1713. F. 4 [i4]+276 p. ill. 23 pi. De vyf colom-orden, met derzelver deuren en poorten, weleer AA door Sijmon Bosboom in minuten overgebracht en nu . . . opge- Sca55 helderd . . . door C. Philips Jacobsz. . . Amsterdam, 1774. F. no p. ill. Scaramuccia, Luigi, il Perugino. 1 616-80. Le finezze de pennelli italiani ammirate e studiate da Girupeno AO sotto la scorta e disciplina del genio di Raffaello d Urbino. . . Sca7 Pavia [pref. 1674]. Q. 24+216+12 p. Scarborough album of history and poetry. 1825. AILp See [Cole, John. 1792-1848]. Sca7 Scarth, Rev. H[arry] M[engden]. Aquas solis; or, Notices of Roman Bath. . . AR42 London, 1864. Q. i3+i37+[i] p. 53 pi. map. 632 Scatcherd, Norrison. History of Morley in the parish of Batley and west-riding of AR42 Yorkshire... Leeds, 1830. O. i4+[i]+345 p. 6 pi. M82 Schaaff hausen, Mme. Mertens=. See Mertens-Schaaff hausen, Mme. . Schacken, Gen. -It. , von. Rittere vom Elephanten- und Dannebrogischen-orden . . . AA Romhild, 1699. F. [6] p. 2 por. H362 Schad, Qeorg Friedrich Casimir, translator. See Fourmont, C. L. 1703-80. Historische und geographische AR62 beschreibung der gegend um Heliopolis. 1782. M5i Schadasus, Oseas. 1586-1628. Summum argentoratensium templum; das ist, Aussfiihrliche un AH43 eigendtliche beschreibung dess . . . miinsters zu Strassburg. . . St8i4 Strassburg, 1617. Sq. D. [12] + 112+ [4] p. ill. 5 pi. Schaden, [Johann Nepomuk] Adolf von. 1791-1840. Neuester wegweiser durch die haupt- und residenzstadt Miinchen AH43 und deren umgebungen. M93 Munchen, 1835. D. 4+92 p. 10 pi. map. 906 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schadow, Johann Gottfried. 1764-1850. Kunst-werke und kunst-ansichten. AO Berlin, 1849. O. 26+376+ [i] p. Schi2 Wittenbergs denkmaler der bildnerei, baukunst und malerei, mit AH43 historischen und artistischen erlauterungen. W78 Wittenberg, 1825. Q. 8+141 p. 3 por. 32 pi. Schadow, Richard. Daniel Specklin, sein leben und seine tatigkeit als baumeister. . . AW Strassburg, 1885. O. 60 p. Sp3 Doctor s dissertation at Strassburg (Ger.) university. Schaeufelein, Hans Leonhard. i48o(?)-i54o(?). See Schaufelein, Hans Leonhard. I48o(?)-i54o(?). Schafer, Carl. Die holzarchitektur Deutschlands vom 14.-: 8. jahrhundert, hrsg. A A vom Verbande deutscher architekten- und ingenieur-vereine und Schi dem Gesammtvereine der deutschen geschichts- und alterthums- vereine. Berlin, 1886-88. F. 5 60 pi. Die mustergiltigen kirchenbauten des mittelalters in Deutschland, AH43 geometrische und photographische aufnahmen. . . Berlin, 1892. A43 F. 6 pt. 1-2, 23 pi. (Romanische und gothische baukunst.) Schafer, Carl, and Rossteuscher, A. Ornamentale glasmalereien des mittelalters und der renaissance, AM7 nach originalaufnahmen in farbendruck. Schi Berlin, 1888. F. 6 [6] p. 45 pi. Schafer, Carl, editor. See Berlin (Ger.) Technische hochschule. Die bauhiitte ent- AL2 wiirfe im stile des mittelalters. 1883-86. 645 Schafer, Georg. 1823- Provinz Starkenburg: Kreis Erbach. Darmstadt, 1891. Q. 284 p. AH43 ill. 24 pi. 12 paged pi. map. (In Kunstdenkmaler im gross- H463 herzogthum Hessen. 1891. v. 4.) Provinz Starkenburg: Kreis Offenbach. Darmstadt, 1885. Q. AH43 6+256 p. ill. 13 pi. 7 paged pi. (In Kunstdenkmaler im gross- H463 herzogthum Hessen. 1885. v. I.) Schafer, Wilhelm, compiler. See Dresden (Ger.) Sachsische gemalde-gallerie. Die Konig- AO6 liche gemalde-gallerie im neuen museum zu Dresden. 1860. D8i Schaffer, August. 1833-. Die landschaften der gemalde-gallerie des allerhochsten kaiser- AB hauses. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 12, pt. i, p. 228-278.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 907 Schamel, Johann Martin, 1668-1742, and Otto, H. F., 1692-1730. Thuringia sacra. 1737. Schapkens, Alexandre. Monuments de Maestricht. Maestricht, no date. F. 2 v. in i. 20 p. Rolduc et ses environs. Maestricht, 1852. F. 7 pi. Scharf, George. 1820-95. Description of the Wilton house diptych, containing a contempo- rary portrait of King Richard the second. [London] 1882. Nar. Q. 99 p. ill. I pi. (Arundel society. [Publications.]) Greek court erected in the Crystal Palace by Owen Jones. London, 1854. D. 6+113 + 2 p. ill. i pi. (In London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. 1854. ser. i, no. 2.) Notes upon the sculptures of a temple discovered at Bath. (In Archaeologia. v. 36, p. 187-199.) Observations on a picture in Gloucester cathedral and some other representations of the last judgment. (In Archaeologia. v. 36, p. 370-39L 5 On a votive painting of St. George and the dragon, with kneeling figures of Henry VII, his queen and children, formerly at Straw- berry Hill, and now in the possession of Her Majesty, the Queen. (In Archaeologia. v. 49, p. 243-300. i pl.) Roman court, including the antique sculptures in the nave, erected in the Crystal Palace by Owen Jones. London, 1854. D. 86+[i] p. ill. i pl. (In London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. 1854. ser. i, no. 4.) Scharf, George, 1820-95, compiler. See Society of antiquaries of London. Catalogue of [its] pictures. 1865. Scharff, Friedrich. i8i2(?)-8i. Die deutsche schrift im mittelalter . . . mit besonderer riicksicht auf Frankfurt und seine umgegend. Frankfurt am Main, 1866. F - [3] + J 7 P- 8 facsim. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1866.) Die furt am unteren Neckar; nach dem tode des verfassers hrsg. . . . Frankfurt am Main, 1886. F. [>]+8+[i] p. 2 maps. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alter thumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1883.) AR43 T42 AH4Q2 M26 AH493 R64 AH42 AH42 L875 AB Ar2 AB Ar2 AB Ar2 AH42 L875 AO2 Son AC F85 AC F85 908 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schasler, Max [Alexander Fried rich]. 1819-. Les musees royaux de Berlin; guide pour visiter les galeries et AO2 les collections de ces musees, traduit de rallemand. . . 645 3 Berlin, 1868. S. 14+246 p. 6 pi. Das system der kiinste aus einem neuen, im wesen der kunst be- AO griindeten gliederungsprincip. 2. aufl. Schi Leipzig, 1885. O. 15+264 p. Villa oder miethskaserne? eine studie iiber die architektonische AH43 erweiterung der gross-stadte, mit besonderer beziehung auf die 646 neuen projekte von villen-anlagen in Berlin. Berlin, 1868. O. [>] + io6p. 3 pi. Schaubert, Eduard, Ross, Ludwig, 1806-59, and Hansen, Christian. Die Akropolis von Athen, nach den neuesten ausgrabungen. AH495 1839- Schauenburg, P[ierre] R[ielle], baron de. 1793-1878. La peinture sur verre, lecture faite le 20 Janvier, 1865 ... [a la AM7 Societe litteraire de Strasbourg.] Strasbourg, 1865. O. 29 p. Z Schauermann, Francois Louis. Theory and analysis of ornament applied to the work of element- AK ary and technical schools. London, 1892. O. 7+208 p. ill 28 pi. Schi Schaum, J[acob] C. Die fiirstliche alterthiimer-sammlung zu Braunfels. AH43 [Braunfels] 1819. Sq. O. [7] +94 p. 13 pi. B73 Schaumburg, Ernst von. 1807-82. Die belagerung von Bonn durch Kurfurst Friedrich III. von AH43 Brandenburg. (In Bonn; beitrage zu seiner geschichte. 1868. 6645 44 p. map.) Schaupert, Karl. Zimmer-einrichtungen; entwiirfe in biirgerlicher ausstattung zu ANi den hauptsachlichsten mobeln fur das wohn-, schlaf- und speise- Schi zimmer, den salon und das arbeitszimmer. . . Stuttgart, 1 88 1. F. 5 [4] p. 25 pi. Schauplatz der natur und der kiinste in vier sprachen : AB deutsch, lateinisch, franzosisch und italienisch. Schi Wien, 1774-83. Nar. Q. ill. v. i-io in 3. No more published. Title-page in German and French. Schayes, Antoine Guillaume Bernard. 1808-59. Coup-d oeil sur les travaux de construction ou de restauration en AB style du moyen-age executes en Belgique depuis 1830. (In R324 Revue de 1 art chretien. v. I.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 909 Schayes, Antoine Guillaume Bernard. 1808-59. Histoire de 1 architecture en Belgique. AH493 Bruxelles [1850]. D. 2 v. ill. 6 pi. A2 Treatise on the pointed style of architecture in Belgium, trans- AA lated by Henry Austin. (In Quarterly papers on architecture. Q2 1844-45. v. i, 74 p. 3 pi.; v. 2, 48 p. and v. 3, 29 p.) Scheffer, Jo[hann]. 1621-79. De antiquorum torquibus syntagma; cum notis Jo. Nicolai, cujus AM4 fama in praefatione contra Jo. Braunium, theologum Batavum, de- Sch2 fenditur. Hamburgi, 1707. S. [io] + i47+[3] p. ill. Scheffers, A[ugust Karl Friedrich]. 1832-88. Architektonische formenschule; eine praktische asthetik der bau- A A kunst. i.-2. aufl. Leipzig, 1862-68 [v. I 66]. O. 3 v. ill. 73 pi. Sch2i Contents: v. i. SCHEFFERS, A. K. F. 1832-88. Die saulenordnungen. 2. aufl. 1866. v. 2. SCHEFFERS, A. K. F. 1832-88. Dar stellungder gebrauchlichsten bau- formen welche beim privatbau anwendung finden. 1862. v. 3. SCHEFFERS, A. K. F. 1832-88. Darstellung der . . . bauformen. 1868. Architektonische formenschule; eine praktische asthetik der bau- A A kunst. 3. aufl. Leipzig, 1873. O. v. i. ill. Sch2 Contents: v. i. SCHEFFERS, A. K. F. 1832-88. Die saulenordnungen. 1873. Darstellung der beim privatbau gebrauchlichsten bauformen zur AA ornamentalen und dekorativen ausbildung des inneren. . . Leipzig, Sch2i 1868. O. [4] + 2io p. ill. 37 pi. (In his Architektonische for menschule. 1862-68. v. 3.) Darstellung der gebrauchlichsten bauformen welche beim privat- AA bau anwendung finden. . . Leipzig, 1862. O. 10+86 p. ill. Scli2i 36 pi. (In his Architektonische formenschule. 1862-68. v. 2.) Die saulenordnungen nebst einer iibersicht iiber die wichtigsten AA baustile Christlicher zeit. . . 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1866. O. 10+ Sch2i 139 p. 1 80 ill. (In his Architektonische formenschule. 1862- 1868. v. i.) Die saulenordnungen und iibersicht der wichtigsten baustile AA Christlicher zeit. . . 3. aufl. Leipzig, 1873. O. 10+175 P- Sch2 222 ill. (In his Architektonische formenschule. 1873. v. i.) Scheffers, August Karl Friedrich, 1832-88, continuer. See Ortwein, August, editor. Deutsche renaissance. 1879-88. AD7 v. 4-9. Or8 Scheffler, [August Christian William] Hermann. 1820-. Theorie der gewolbe futtermauern und eisernen briicken. . . AE5 Braunschweig, 1857. O. 18+454 p. HI. 12 pi. Sch2 910 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Scheffler, [Johann] Ludwig von. 1852-. Uber die epochen der etruskischen kunst; kunsthistorische ab- AO handlung. Altenburg, 1882. O. 94 p. Z4 Inaugural dissertation at Jena (Ger.) university. Scheidel, Sebastian Alexander. Geschichte der Dr. Senckenberg schen stiftshauser. Frankfurt am AC Main, 1867. F. [6] + 119 p. 5 pi. (In Frankfort on the Main, F85 Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs- blatt. 1867.) Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 1775-1854, editor. See Wagner, J. M. von. 1777-1858. Bericht iiber die Agine- AH495 tischen bildwerke. 1817. Ae2i Schenk, Pieter. 1645-1715. Roma aeterna; sive, Ipsius aedificiorum Romanorum integrorum AH45 collapsorumque conspectus duplex. R79 [Amstelodami(?)] no date. Obi. O. [3] p. 100 pi. Schenk zu Schweinsberg, Gustav, freiherr. Beitrage zur kenntniss der in Frankfurt begiitert gewesenen adels- AC familien. Frankfurt am Main, 1878. F. [4] + ! 8 p. 2 pi. (In F85 Frankfurt on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alter thumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1878.) Scherer, Christian [Heinrich], 1859-. De Olympionicarum statuis. . . AO8 Gottingae, 1885. O. 56+ [3] p. i paged pi. Z$ Doctor s dissertation at Gottingen (Ger.) university. Schervier, C. Q. Die miinsterkirche zu Aachen und deren reliquien; bearbeitet AH43 auf veranlassung des Karls-vereins. . . Zi Aachen, 1853. O. 12+83 p. 6 pi. Scherzer, Robert. Die sternwarte zu Gotha. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 15, AB p. 11-16. 3 pi.) Z3i Schestag, Franz. -1884. Kaiser Maximilian I. triumph. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistor- AB ischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. I, pt. i, Ji9i p. 154-181.) Schestag, Franz, compiler. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und Industrie. Illus- AO2 trirter katalog der ornamentstich-sammlung. 1871. V6/I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 911 Schestag, Franz, editor. See Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und Industrie, pub- AM4 lisher. Gefasse der deutschen renaissance. 1876. V6/ Scheuchzer, Johann Jacob. 1672-1733. Geestelyke natuurkunde . . . print-bladen door J. A. Pfeffel, int AK Nederduitsch vertaalt door H. J. van Halen. Sch2 Amsterdam, 1728-38. F. 5 15 pts. in 7 v. I por. 758 pi. Scheult, F[rancois] L[eonard]. 1771-1840. Recueil d architecture, dessine et mesure en Italic dans . . . AH45 I 79 I ~93- Paris, 1821. F. 6 8+[i] p. 72 pi. Ai2 Schiaparelli, Ernesto. 1856-. See Lefebure, Eugene. Leshypogees royauxde Thebes, 1886-89. AC (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique fran9aise. Memoires. Ci2 1886-89. v. 3, pt. i.) Schildbach, Moritz, and Schmidt, Karl. AH43 Der konigliche Zwinger in Dresden. 1892. D8i8 Schill, Adolph. Architektonische reise-skizzen aus Belgien. AH493 Stuttgart [1868]. F. 5 12 pi. An Schillbach, R[ichard], Beitrag zur griechischen gewichtskunde. AP Berlin, 1877. Q. i7+[i] p. 2 pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 37. Schiller, Karl Qeo[rg] Wilhelm. 1807-74. Die mittelalterliche architectur Braunschweigs und seiner nach- AH43 sten umgebung. Braunschweig, 1852. D. 7+176 p. 9 pi. B83I Schimmel, Cornelius. Die cistercienser-abtei Altenberg bei Coin, mit historischer er- AH43 lauterung. . . Miinster, 1832. F. 6 [3] +7 p. 15 pi. A 175 Schimmer, Gustav Adolf. 1828- Das alte Wien; darstellung der alten platze und merkwiirdigsten AH436 jetzt grosstentheils verschwundenen gebaude Wien s, nach den V672 seltensten gleichzeitigen originalen. . . Wien, 1854-56. Q. 2 v. in i. 44 pi. Schinkel, Karl Friedrich. 1781-1841. Aus [seinem] nachlass; reise-tagebiicher, briefe und aphorismen, AA mitgetheilt . . . von A. freiherrn von Wolzogen. Sch3 Berlin, 1862-64. O. 4 v. ill. 4 por. Sammlung architektonischer entwiirfe. AL2 [Berlin, 1 840(?).] F. 6 Unpaged. 134 pi. Sch3 Title-page wanting. 912 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schippke, Albert] Emil [Hugo]. 1856- De speculis Etruscis quaestionum particula I. . . AO Vratislaviae, 1881. O. 45 + [2] p. Z4 Doctor s dissertation at Breslau (Ger.) university. Schirmer, H. E. 1814-. See Munch, P. A. 1811-63. Throndhjems domkirke . . . teg- AH48i ninger af H. E. Schirmer. 1859. T/5I Schirmer, Herrmann M. Femti daterede norske bygninger fra middelalderen, opf0rte i AH48i tiden 996-1531. Kristiania, 1887. O- 3 2 P- l P^ Ai Der studienbezirk zur aufklarung der norwegischen mittelalter- AB lichen baucultur. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. v. 39, p. 37-74. 231 i pi.) Schittenhelm, Fr., editor. AH43 See Privat= und gemeindebauten. [1876-88.] v. i. Ai4 Schleunig, Wilhelm. Die Michaels basilika auf dem heiligen berg bei Heidelberg; eine AH43 baugeschichtliche studie. . . H368 Heidelberg, 1887. Nar. Q. [5] +49 p. ill. 9 pi. Schlichtegroll, Adolf Heinrich Friedrich, 1765-1822, editor. See Stosch, Philipp, baron von. 1691-1757. Choix des princi- AX pales pierres gravees de . . . [sa] collection. 1798-1805. St7 Schlieder, Sophie Louise. Die majolika-malerei; anleitung fiir den selbst-unterricht. AN2 Berlin, 1886. O. 31 p. ill. 6 pi. Z6 Schliemann, H[einrich], 1822-90. The architecture of Troy. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Papers. 1876-77, p. 190-210.) R8i Ithaka, der Peloponnes und Troja; archaologische forschungen. . . AR495 Leipzig, 1869. O. 20+213 p. 3 pi. 2 maps. A2 On the site of the Homeric Troy. (In Archaeologia. v. 45, AB p. 29-52. 3 pi.) Ar2 Orchomenos; bericht iiber meine ausgrabungen im bootischen AR495 Orchomenos. Leipzig, 1 88 1. O. 7+58 p. 9 ill. 3 pi. i map. Z2 Reise in der Troas im Mai, 1881. AR392 Leipzig, 1 88 1. O. [3] +77 p. map. T75i Tiryns; the prehistoric palace of the kings of Tiryns, the results AH495 of the latest excavavations . . . preface by F. Adler and contribu- T5 1 tions by W. Dorpfeld. New York, 1885. Nar. Q. 64+385 p. 187 ill. 29 pi. map. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 913 Schlodhauer, Charles. Elements de bijouterie et de joaillerie modernes et anciens. . . AM4 Paris, no date. Sq. F. 49 pi. Sch3 Schloss soubise. AH44 Berlin [1891]. F. 5 2 pts. in i v. 28 pi. ?329 Contents : pt. i. Die ornamentalen wand- und plafonds-decorationcn im style des rococo, pt. 2. Decorative malereien von Francois Boucher. [Das schloss zu Bruchsal in Baden]. F 5 . 21 pi. AH43 68381 Collection of photographs of this palace. Schlosser, Julius von. 1866-. Die abendlandische klosteranlage des friiheren mittelalters. AE Wien, 1889. O. [6]+83+3 p. 3 pi- Sch3 Die bilderhandschriften Konigs Wenzel I. (In Jahrbuch der AB Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 14, pt i, p. 214-317.) Eine Fulder miniaturhandschrift der K. k. hofbibliothek. (In Jahr- AB buch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiser- Ji9i hauses. v. 13, pt. i, p. 1-36.) Elfenbeinsattel des ausgehenden mittelalters. (In Jahrbuch der AB Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. Ji9i v. 15, pt. I, p. 260-294. ill. 2 pi.) Typare und bullen in der miinz-, medaillen- und antikensammlung AB des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthisto- Ji9i rischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 13, pt. i, P- 37-54-) Schlumberger, Gustave [Lon]. 1844-. Sceaux et bulles des empereurs latins de Constantinople. (In AB Bulletin monumental. 1890. v. 56, p. 5-29, 10 pi.) B8/ See Lecuyer, Camille. 1830-. Collection: Terres cuites antiques AO8 trouvees en Grece et en Asie-Mineure; notices de . . . G. Schlum- C243 berger. 1882-85. Schlumberger, Gustave Leon, 1844, editor. AP See Longperier, H. A. P. de. 1816-82. CEuvres. 1883-86. L86 Schmarsow, August. 1853-. Donatello; eine studie tiber den entwicklungsgang des kiinstlers AW und die reihenfolge seiner werke. . . Breslau, 1886. Nar. Q. D/I2 4+56 p. 3 pi. (Breslau, Ger. Verein fur geschichte der bil- denden kiinste. Publications.) Written in honor of the 5oo th anniversary of Donatello s birth. Ein entwurf Michelangelo s zum grabmal Julius II. (In Jahrbuch AB der koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 5, p. 63-77.) J ! 9 2 58 914 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schmarsow, August. 1853-. Italienische forschungen zur kunstgeschichte. Breslau, 1890-91. O. v. 1-2. ill. 10 pi. Contents: v. i. SCHMARSOW, A. 1853-. S. Martin von Lucca. 1890. v. 2. SEMRAU, M. Donatellos kanzeln in S. Lorenzo. Meister Andrea. (In Jahrbuch der koniglich preussischen kunst- sammlungen. v. 4, p. 1831.) S. Martin von Lucca und die anfange der toskanischen skulptur im mittelalter. Breslau, 1890. O. [6] + 253 p. ill. 7 pi. (In his Italienische forschungen zur kunstgeschichte. 1890. v. I.) Schmid, [Georges Louis]. 1720-1805. Recueil d antiquites trouvees a Avenches, a Culm et en d autres lieux de la Suisse. Berne, 1760. Sq. O. n8+[8] p. 35 pi. Schmidt, Albert. 1841-. Die neue synagoge in Miinchen, erlautert von K. E. O. Fritsch. Miinchen, 1889. F. 5 9 p. 15 ill. 10 phot. Schmidt, Christian Wilhelm. Baudenkmale der romischen periode und des mittelalters in Trier und seiner umgebung. Trier, 1836-45. Nar. Q. 5 pts. in I v. I pi. and Atlas. F. 6 43 pi. Contents: pt. i. Die Liebfrauen-kirche zu Trier, nebst erlauterungen von J. H. Wytten- bach und erklarung der bildwerke von J. G. Muller. pt. 2. Der dom zu Trier, die St. Willibrodskirche zu Echternach, die St. Matthiaskirche, nebst erklarung der bildwerke der kirche zum h. Matthias von J. G. Muller. pt. 3. Die kirche zu Merzig, die kirche zu Offenbach am Glan, nebst einer zugabe iiber das hospital Eues von M. Martini, pt. 4. Die jagdvilla zu Fliessem. pt. 5. Der grundplan von Trief , der romische kaiserpalast zu Trier, nebst einer abhandlung iiber das monument zu I gel von F. Kugler. Part i has title Romische, byzantinische und germanische baudenkmale in Trier und seiner umgebung. Schmidt, Friedrich. 1825- Das neue wiener Rathhaus entworfen und ausgefuhrt. Wien, 1884. F. 5 16 p. i por. 60 pi. Uber die entwickelung der architektur in Osterreich; vortrag. Wien, 1879. O. 22 p. Schmidt, Friedrich Christian. 1755-1830. Der burgerliche baumeister; oder, Versuch eines unterrichts fur baulustige. Gotha, 1790-99. F. 8 v. 398 pi. Schmidt, Friedrich Samuel, freiherr von. 1737-96. Dissertation litteraire sur une colonie Egiptienne etablie a Athenes. (In Archaeologia. 1776. v. I, p. 238-259.) Schmidt, Georges Louis. 1720-1805. See Schmid, Georges Louis. 1720-1805. AO AB JI92 AO AH 4 3 AH 43 T 7 2 AH 43 6 678 AA Ar22 AA Sch5 AB Ar2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Schmidt, Hermann, and Qurlitt, Cornelius, 1850-. Baukunst des mittelalters. 1884-87. Schmidt, Johannes. Titulos Carsulanos. (In Institute di corrispondenza archeologica, Rome. Centum semestria feliciter peracta gratulantur juvenes Capitolini. 1879. p. 25-32.) Schmidt, Julius. Geschichte der serpentin-industrie zu Zoblitz im sachsischen erz- gebirge. (In Sachsischer verein fur erforschung und erhaltung der vaterlandischen alterthiimer. Mittheilungen. v. 19. no. 7.) See Meye, Heinrich. Stone sculptures of Copan and Quirigua; historical and descriptive text by J. Schmidt. 1883. Schmidt, Karl, and Schildbach, Moritz. Der konigliche Zwinger in Dresden. Hamburg [1892]. F. B [4] p. ill. 36 pi. Schmidt, Otto. Burgen und schlosser in Osterreich ; heliogravuren nach naturauf- nahmen, text von J. Meurer. Wien, 1894. F. 5 Unpaged. 50 pi. Kunstschatze aus Tirol, mit . . . texte von J. W. Deininger. Wien, 1891. F. 5 v. I. 30 pi. Contents: v. i. Malerische innenraume. Schmidt, Otto, 1848-, and Schmitt, Eduard. Treppen und rampen. (In Handbuch der architektur. 3. thl. 3. bd. hft. 2, p. 2-162. ill. 28 paged pi.) Schmidt, Reinhold. Zur charakteristik der baustile. 1892. Chemnitz (Ger.) Technische staatslehranstalten. Chemnitz, 1892. Q. 15 p. Jahresbericht. Schmidt, Robert. Die ehemalige stiftskirche der regulirten chorherrn Augustiner- ordens zu Bordesholm. Darmstadt, 1881. F. 6 16 p. ill. 5 pi. Marmor-grabmal Konig Friedrich I. im oberen chor des domes zu Schleswig. Leipzig [1887]. F. 4 [2] p. I pi. Schloss Gottorp, ein nordischer fiirstensitz; ein beitrag zur kunst- geschichte Schleswig-Holsteins. Leipzig, 1887. F. 4 7+84 p. 20 pi. Schmidt, Wilhelm. Das reiterstandbild des ostgothischen konigs Theoderich in Ra venna und Aachen. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1873. v. 6, p. 1-51.) Die schmiedekunst nach originalen des 15. bis 18. jahr- hunderts. Berlin, 1887. F. 5 [6] p. 100 pi. AF G96 AR495 Zi AC Sal Ai AH 4 3 D8i8 AH 43 6 A6 AK Schs i AA Hi9 AA AH 43 6641 AE8 Schs AH 43 AB Ji9 AM2 Schs 916 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schmieden, , architect. Das neue gewandhaus in Leipzig. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. AB v. 36, p. 1-14, 325-332. 6 pi.) Z3i Schmieden, , architect, and Gropius, M. K. P., 1824-80. Das neue universitatsgebaude in Kiel. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 34, p. 25-30. 5 pi.) Z3i Das stadtische allgemeine krankenhaus im Friedrichshain zu AH43 Berlin; text bearbeitet von V. von Weltzien. 1876. ^451 Das zweite Garnison-Lazareth fiir Berlin bei Tempelhof. 1879. AH43 B464 Schmit, J[ean] P[hilippe], 1790-, illustrator. See Sauvan, J. B. B. 1780-. Histoire et description pittoresque AH44 du Palais de justice. 1825. P292 Schmitt, Eduard. Elektro-technische institute; Mechanisch-technische laboratorien. A A (In Handbuch der architektur. 1888. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. 2., Hi9 p. 452-473- ill- 2 paged pi.) Fundamente. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. i. bd., AA p. 261-375. ill. i pi. 4 paged pi.) Hi9 Gasthofe niederen ranges, schlaf- und herbergshauser. (In Hand- AA buch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 221-239. ill-) ^19 Leichenschauhauser. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1887. 4. thl. AA 7. hlbd., p. 163-169. ill.) Hi9 Mittlere technische lehranstalten; Hohere madchenschulen; Son- A A stige hohere lehranstalten. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1889. Hi9 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. I., p. 169-216. ill. 9 paged pi.) Niedere technische lehranstalten und gewerbliche fachschulen, AA (In Handbuch der architektur. 1889. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. I., Hi9 p. 124-135. ill. 3 paged pi.) Versorgung der gebaude mit sonnenlicht und sonnenwarme. (In AA Handbuch der architectur. 1890. 3. thl. 4. bd., p. 5-27. ill.) Hi9 Volkskiichen und speiseanstalten fiir arbeiter; Volkskaffeehauser. A A (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 94-106. Hi9 ill. i paged pi.) Vordacher. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. 6. bd., AA p. 192-206. ill. 6 paged pi.) Hi9 Schmitt, Eduard, editor. AA See Handbuch der architektur. 1880-93 Hi9 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 917 Schmitt, Eduard, and Ewerbeck, Franz, 1839-89. Einfriedigungen, briistungen und gelander; balcons, altane und AA erker. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. 2. bd. hft. 2., Hi9 p. 1-104. ill- 2O paged pi.) Schmitt, Eduard, and Junk, Carl. Physikalische und chemische institute. Mineralogische und geo- AA logische, botanische und zoologische institute. (In Handbuch der Hi9 architektur. 1888. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. 2., p. 99-329. ill. 17 paged pi.) Schmitt, Eduard, and Knauff, Max. 1851-. Entwasserung und reinigung der gebaude. (In Handbuch der AA architektur. 1892. 3. thl. 5 bd., p. 173-423. ill. i pi. 4pagedpl.) Hi9 Schmitt, Eduard, Landauer, Theodor von, and Wagner, Heinrich. Gerichtshauser, straf- und besserungs-anstalten. (In Handbuch der AA architektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7. hlbd., p. 170-402. ill. 4 pi. Hig 40 paged pi.) Schmitt, Eduard, and Lang, Heinrich. Lehrer- und lehrerinnenseminare. (In Handbuch der architektur. AA 1889. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. i.,p. 258-289. ill. 2 pi. 4 paged pi.) Hi9 Schmitt, Eduard, and Marx, Erwin. Koch-, spiil-, wasch- und bade-einrichtungen. (In Handbuch der AA architektur. 1892. 3. thl. 5. bd., p. 1-173. ill- 4 paged pi.) Hi9 Schmitt, Eduard, and Osthoff, Georg. Schlachthofe und viehmarkte. Markte fur lebensmittel, getreide, AA pferde und hornvieh. Darmstadt, 1891. Nar. Q. 7+273 p. ill. Hi9 15 pi. 32 paged pi. (Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 4. thl. 3. hlbd. heft 2.) Schmitt, Eduard, and Schmidt, Otto, 1848- Treppen und rampen. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1892. A A 3. thl. 3. bd. hft. 2., p. 2-162. ill. 28 paged pi.) Schmitt, Eduard, and Wagner, Heinrich. Gebaude fur gesellschaften und vereine. (In Handbuch der archi- AA tektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 274-350. ill. 7 paged pi.) Hi9 Schmitt, Georges. AB Histoire de 1 orgue. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 13-15.) R-3 2 4 Schmitt, Jacob, and Kallenbach, G. G. Die christliche kirchen-baukunst des abendlandes, von ihren AE anfangen bis zur vollendeten durchbildung des spitzbogen-styls. Ki2i 1850. 58* 918 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY SchmitZ, , vicaire. Ores limbourgeois de Raeren. (In Bulletin des commissions AB royales d art et d archeologie. 1879-82. v. 18, 19, 20, 21.) B8/2 Schmitz, Anselm. See Wiethase, Heinrich. Der dom zu Coin . . . nach den photo- AH43 graphischen aufnahmen von Anselm Schmitz. 1889. 71 Schmitz, Heinrich, translator. See Bockler, Q. A. I7th cent. Theatrum machinarum novum. AI 1686. B63 Schmolzer, Hans. 1846-. Die wandmalereien in St. Johann im Dorfe, St. Martin in Campill AM6 und Terlan; eine kunstgeschichtliche studie. Sch5 Innsbruck, 1888. D. 84 p. 6 pi. Schmuzer, Egon. AK Gothische ornamente. Berlin [1892], F. 4 36 pi. Sch5 Schnaase, Karl [Julius Ferdinand]. 1798-1875. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste. 2. aufl. AO Diisseldorf, 1866-79. O. 8 v. in 7. ill. I por. Sch5 Continued after the death of Schnaase by W. Liibke. v. 8 pub. at Stuttgart. Schnatter, Julius. Synchronistische geschichte der bildenden kiinste [bis zur renais- AO sance] in tabellarischer iibersicht, zum gebrauch furhohere lehran- Sch52 stalten. . . Berlin, 1870-71. Q. 2 v. in I. Schneegans, Ludwig. 1812-58. L eglise de Saint-Thomas a Strasbourg et ses monuments. . . AH43 Strasbourg, 1842. O. 16+318 p. 5 pi. St8n Les architectes de Strasbourg. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 8, AB p. 147-154, 185-193.) An7 Schneemann, Q. Das romische Trier und die umgegend nach den ergebnissen der AR43 bisherigen funde. Trier, 1852. Sq. S. 8+87 p. T72I Schneider, A. Die privatrechtlichen bestimmungen des Ziircherischen baurechtes AI im vergleich mit dem gemeinen rechte. Sch5i Zurich, 1865. O. io+[2] + iO5 p. Half title-page reads Die privatrechtlichen bestimmungen des baurechtes im kanton Zurich. Schneider, [August] Arthur. 1861-. Prolegomena zu einer neuen gallerie heroischer bildwerke. . . AO8 Leipzig, 1890. O. [5]+7i p. 17 ill- 3 Inaugural essay at Leipzig (Ger.) university COLUMBIA COLLEGE 919 Schneider, Friedrich [Karl W.] 1836-. Die baugeschichte des Mainzer domes vom . . . 1159-1200. . . AH43 Koln, 1870. Q. 1 8 p. MS 2 1 Der dom zu Mainz, geschichte und beschreibung des baues und AH43 seiner wiederherstellung. M522 Berlin, 1886. F. 6 [3] p. +160 col. [80] p. 10 pi. Mittelalterliche ordensbauten in Mainz; die kirchen der Domini- AO4 kaner und Karmeliten. Mainz, 1879. Sq. F. 4 [3]+28 p. 5 pi. 6451 Die St. Paulus-kirche zu Worms, ihr bau und ihre geschichte. AH43 Worms, 1881. Q. [6]+42+[3] P- H pi- ^89 Festival at the opening of the Paulus-museum at Worms. 9 Oct. 1881. Schneider, Friedrich Karl W., 1836-, compiler. See Mentz (Ger.) Ausstellung. 1879. Darstellungen der stadt AO4 Mainz und ihrer denkmaler. 1879. M52 Schneider, Friedrich Karl W., 1836- editor. See Lotz, W. F. Q. J. 1829-79. Die baudenkmaler im regier- AH43 ungsbezirk Wiesbaden. 1880. W63 See Wagner, Q. W. J. -1874. Die vormaligen geistlichen stifte AH43 im grossherzogthum Hessen. 1873-78. Schneider, [Fritz] Julius. 1863-. Die zwolf kampfe des Herakles in der alteren griechischen kunst. . . AO Meissen [1888]. O. 73 + [2] p. Z2 Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Schneider, Johann Gottlob, 1750-1822, editor. See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. De architectura libri decem. 1854. A A (In his Dell architettura libri dieci. 1854.) V853 Schneider, Julius. 1863-. See Schneider, Fritz Julius. 1863-. Schneider, L[udwig]. 1805-78. Geschichte der oper und des . . . opernhauses in Berlin. . . AH43 Berlin, 1852. F. 6 13+76+^7] p. ill. upl. 6462 Schneider, Oskar. 1841-. Naturwissenschaftliche beitrage zur geographic und kulturge- AI schichte. Dresden, 1883. O. [7] + 276 p. ill. 9 pi. 5 maps. Sch$ Schneider, Robert, ritter von. Antike bronzen. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen AB des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 12, pt. i, p. 69-83.) 920 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schneider, Robert, ritter von. Die erzstatue vom Helenenberge. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistori- AB schen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 15, pt. I, JiQi p. 103-123. ill. 4 pi.) Die geburt der Athena. Wien, 1880. O. 45 p. 7 pi. (In Ab- AP handlungen des Archaologisch-epigraphischen seminares der Uni- Ab4 versitat Wien. 1880. pt. I.) Statuette der Artemis. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen AB sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 5, pt. I, p. i-ii.) Jipi Uber eine bronze-statuette des Heracles. (In Jahrbuch der Kunst- AB historischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 9, Ji9i P- 135-138.) Schneider, Robert, ritter von, Conze, A. C. L., 1831- and others. AE8 Die attischen grabreliefs. 1893. 762 Schnippel, E[mil]. 1847-. Die ausgrabungen zu Olympia und der Hermes des Praxiteles . . . AP vortrag . . . 1880, in der aula des Gymnasiums zu Oldenburg; Zi separat-abdruck aus der Oldenburger zeitung . . . Oldenburg, 1880. S. [3] + 3i p. ill. Schnorr, Julius, editor. AB See Gewerbehalle. 1863-76. v. 1-14. 033 See Magasin des arts et de 1 industrie. 1868-77. v. 1-8. AB M27 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius [Veit Hans]. 1794-1872. _ Landschaftsbilder aus Italien, mit einleitendem vorwort versehen AH45 und hrsg. von M. Jordan. Berlin [1878]. Sq. F. 5 [8] p. 25 pi. A64 Schniitgen, Alexander, 1843- editor. AB See Zeitschrift fur christliche kunst. 2316 Schoepflin, Johann Daniel. 1694-1771. See Schopflin, Johann Daniel. 1694-1771. Scholer, [Johann Georg Jakob]. 1793-1865. Uber die griechische baukunst, eine vorlesung als grundlage fur den unterricht in diesem theile der alten kunstgeschichte. Z$ Erfurt, 1848. Sq. O. 21 p. Uber die malerei der Griechen. Lissa, 1842. Sq. O. 32 p. AO Z3 Lissa (Ger.) gymnasium. Einladungsschrift. [Zusammenstellung der griechischen und christlichen kunst]. AO Lissa, 1835. Sq. O. 28 p. Z3 Lissa (Ger.) gymnasium. Programm. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 921 Scholl, Gustav Adolf , 1805-82, editor. See Muller, K. O. 1797-1840. Archaologische mittheilungen aus AR45 Griechenland. 1843. At4 ScholtZ, A., editor. See Breymann, Q. A. Allgemeine bau-constructions-lehre. AI 1881-90. v. 4. B75 Scholtze, Carl. Facaden-entwiirfe neuer gebaude aller art. (Monatshefte fur das AB deutsche hochbauwesen). Leipzig, 1874-. O. and F. ill. v. 1-5. Sch6 Schon, [Julian]. Geschichte der handfeuerwaffen ; eine darstellung des entwicke- AN 5 lungsganges der handfeuerwaffen von ihrem entstehen bis auf die Sch6 neuzeit. Dresden, 1858. Q. 10+182 p. 32 pi. Schone, [Karl Theophilus] Richard. 1840-. Le antichita del Museo Bocchi di Adria, per incarico della R. AO2 accademia delle scienze di Padova e dell Imp. institute archeo- Ad8 logico germanico descritte. Roma, 1878. F. 4 16+176 p. 22 pi. Schone, Karl Theophilus Richard, 1840- compiler. See Rome (Italy) Museo Lateranense. Die antiken bildwerke AO8 des Museums. 1867. R66 Schoner, R. Pompeii; beschreibung der stadt und fiihrer durch die ausgra- AR45 bungen. Stuttgart, 1876. D. 8+ 194 p. 6 pi. map. P778 Schonermark, Gustav, editor. AB See Die architektur der Hannoverschen schule. 1889. Schonfeld, Paul. 1851-. Andrea Sansovino und seine schule. . . AW Stuttgart, 1 88 1. F. [3] + $8+[i] p. 17 pi. Sa5i Schoonebeek, Adriaan. Historic van alle ridderlyke en krygs-orders. AX Amsterdam, 1697. S. 2 v. ill. Sch6 Schopflin, J[ohann] Daniel. 1694-1771. Alsatia illustrata. AH43 Colmariae, 1751-61. F. 5 2 v. ill. 48 pi. 3 maps. utab. Ai73 Contents: v. i. Celtica, Romana, Francica. v. 2. Germanica, Gallica. Schorn, [Johann Karl] Ludwig von. 1793-1842. Uber die studien der griechischen kiinstler. . . AO Heidelberg, 1818. D. 7+343 p. Sch6 922 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schorn, P. J. Die kirche zum heiligen Apollinaris auf dem Apollinarisberge AH43 bei Remagen; eine . . . beschreibung ihrer kunstschatze und merk- Z2 wiirdigkeiten. . . 2. aufl. Bonn, 1853. D. 26 p. I pi. Schottus, Andreas. 1552-1629. Electa; I, De priscis Rom. gentil. ac familiis; 2, De tribubus Rom. AR45 xxxv. rusticis atque urbanis; 3, De ludis festisque Rom. ex Kalen- R6p2 dario vetere. (In Rosinus, Johannes. Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. 1663. p. 901-956.) Itinerarium Italiae. Vesaliae [1625]. Nar. T. 606+ [5] p. 20 pi. AH45 A34 This is the 4 th edition of Itinerarii Italise rerumque Romanarum libri tres, published by his brother, Franciscus Schottus, in 1600. [Schoubin, J.] Traite de la composition et de 1 ornement des jardins . . . ouvrage AN8 faisant suite a L Almanach du bon jardinier. . . 4 e edition. . . Sch6 [Anon.] Paris, 1834. Obi. D. 8+159 p. 101 pi. Traite de la composition et de I ornement des jardins . . . ouvrage AN8 faisant suite a L Almanach du bon jardinier. 5 e edition. . . Sch6i [Anon.] Paris, 1839. Obi. D. 1 1+225 p. and Atlas, 8 p. 161 pi. Schoy, Auguste. 1838-. Histoire de 1 influence italienne sur 1 architecture dans les Pays- AH493 Bas. . . Bruxelles, 1879. Q. 2+507 p. A6 From Brussels (Belgium) Acade"mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux arts de Belgique. Memoires couronne"s et autres me moires. v. 39. Schramm, Karl Christian. Historischer schauplatz in welchem die merkwurdigsten briicken AE5 . . . insonderheit aber die . . . dressdner Elb-Briicke in saubern Sch6 prospecten . . . vorgestellet und beschrieben werden. . . Leipzig, 1735. F. 4 Various paging. 80 pi. Schreiber, Aloys Wilhelm. 1763-1841. See Frommel, Karl. 1789-1863. Baden und seine umgebungen AH43 in malerischen ansichten, mit einer historish-topographischen be- 6143 schreibung von A. W. Schreiber. 1827. Schreiber, Lady Charlotte Elizabeth [(Bertie) Quest]. 1812-. AN6 Fans and fan leaves, English. London, 1888. F. 6 38+[2] p. i6ipl. Sch7 Schreiber, Gustav Theodor. 1848-. Der altattische Krobylos. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 8, p. 246-273; v. 9, G8i p. 232-254. 4 pi.) Die antiken bildwerke der Villa Ludovisi in Rom, hrsg. mit unter- AH45 stiitzung . . . des Deutschen archaologischen instituts. R744 Leipzig, 1880. O. 6+[i]+275 p. I pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 923 Schrieber, Qustav Theodor. 1 848-. Apollon Pythoktonos; ein beitrag zur griechischen religions- und AO8 kunstgeschichte. Leipzig, 1879. O. 105 p. 2 pi. Sch/i Inaugural dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Die Athena Parthenos des Phidias und ihre nachbildungen; ein AO8 beitrag zur kunstgeschichte. Sch/ Leipzig, 1883. Q. p. 543-642. 4 pi. From Saxony Gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Phil. -hist, classe. Abhandlungen. v. 8. Atlas of classical antiquities, edited for English use by Prof. W. AR495 C. F. Anderson, with a preface by Prof. Percy Gardner. A28 London, 1895. Obi. Q. 7+2O2+[i] p. ill. 101 pi. Die hellenistischen reliefbilder, mit unterstiitzung des Koniglich AO8 sachsischen ministeriums des cultus und offentlichen unterrichts Sch72 und der Philologisch-historischen classe der Koniglich sachsischen gesellschaft der wissenschaften hrsg. und erlautert. Leipzig, 1874. F. 6 [4] p. 112 pi. Museo Torlonia in Trastevere. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 37, AB p. 63-78.) Ar23 Neue Parthenosstudien. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 41, AB p. 193-214, 277-306.) Ar23 Schreiner, J. Q. See Hess, H. M. von. 1798-1863. Die fresco- gemalde der aller- AH43 heiligen hotkapelle zu Miinchen. 1837. M927 Schrevel, Kornelis, 1615-64, editor. See Rosinus, Johannes. 1551-1626. Antiquitatum Romanarum AR45 corpus absolutissimum. 1663. R6^2 Schrevel, Theodorus. 1572-1654. Harlemias; of, Eerste stichting der stad Haarlem. . . 2. uitgave. AH492 Haarlem, 1754. O. 2v.ini. 20+755 p. 48 pi. HIII Paged continuously. Schricker, August. 1838-. See Kramer, J. von. Kaiser Wilhelms universitat Strassburg, mit AH43 text von A. Schricker. St87 Schfiften des Wurttembergischen alterthumsvereins. AC See Wiirttembergischer alterthumsverein. W96 [Schryver, Pieter. 1576-1660(7).] Beschryvinghe van out Batavien met de antiquiteyten van dien . . . AR492 [Anon.] Arnhem, 1612. S. [i6]+6o8 p. ill. A2 Schubert von Soldern, Zdenko, ritter. 1844-. Das stilisieren der pflanzen. AK Zurich [pref. 1887]. O. 5 + [i]+i69p. Sch7 924 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schubert, A. Alte kunstschmiedearbeiten aus dem 16., 17. und 18. jahrhun- AM2 dert. . . Berlin, no date. F. 5 20 pi. Sch/ Schiibler, Johann Jacob. 1689-1742. Erste [bis zwantzigste] ausgabe seines vorhabenden wercks. AA Augspurg [1765]. F. 4 20 pts. in 2 v. pi. Sch72i Contents : pt. i. Frantzosischen betten. 12 pi. pt. 2. Cabinets und alcoves. 6 pi. pt. 3. Castra doloris, capellen-mausolea. 6 pi. pt. 4. Schreib-tische. 6 pi. pt. 5. Verkleidungen zu geograph. und astronom. perpendicul-uhren. 6 pi. pt. 6. Commod- und schlaff-sessel. 6 pi. pt. 7. Sommer-hauser. 6 pi. pt. 8. Tauffsteine. 6 pi. pt. 9. Cantzeln. 6 pi. pt. 10. Haus- und kirchen-orglen. 6 pi. pt. ii. Kirchen-altaren. 6 pi. pt. 12. Confessionaux, oder beicht-stiihle. 6 pi. pt. 13. Garten-portale. 6 pi. pt. 14. Gamine und stuben-ofen. 6 pi. pt. 15. Wasser-plurnpen. 6 pi. pt. 16. Vases. 6 pi. pt. 17. Schopff-brunnen. 6 pi. pt. 18. Credences und moderne caffe"-tische. 6 pi. pt. 19. Garten-ornemens. 6 pi. pt. 20. Buffets, oder schenck-tische. 6 pi. Griindlicher und deutlicher unterricht zur verfertigung der voll- AA standigen seulen-ordnung wie man sie in der heutigen civil-bau- Sch72 kunst zu gebrauchen pfleget. . . Niirnberg [1786]. F. 2 v. in I. 40 pi. Nutzliche anweisung zur unentbehrlichen zimmermanns-kunst AA worinnen von den antiquen und modernen proportionirten Sch7 dachern die nothige projection in einem deutlichen zusammen- hang geometrisch vorgestellet. . . Niirnberg, 1731. F. 15 2 + [4] p. 44 pi. Nutzliche vorstellung . . . von zierlichen . . . und holtz ersparen- AA den stiiben-cefen. . . Niirnberg, 1728. F. 42 p. 25 pi. Sch7i Nutzliche vorstellung wie man . . . bequeme repositoria, compen- AA diose contoirs und neu-faonirte medaillen-schrancke in den stu- Sch7i dier- und kauffmanns-stuben . . . ordiniren . . . kan. . . Niirnberg, 1730. F. 52 p. 20 pi. Opera d architectura. See, above, Erste bis zwantzigste ausgabe AA seines vorhabenden wercks. 1765. Sch72i Perspectiva; pes picturae, das ist, kurtze und leichte verfassung AL2 der practicabelsten regul zur perspectivischen zeichnungs-kunst. . . Sch7 Niirnberg, 1749-53. F. 5 2 v. 50 pi. Recreations perspectives et essais des nouveaus cabinets des ber- AA ceaus, cages, ou volieres artificieles, et attiques des jardinages. . . Sch7i Niirnberg, 1732. F. 18 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Schiibler, Johann Jacob. 1689-1742. Synopsis architecture civilis eclecticae; oder, Kurtzer entwurffvon AA denen . . . partial-begriffen, welche . . . den . . . umfang der civil- Sch/22 bau-kunst vorstellig machen . . . verfasset, inventirt und gezeichnet. Nurnberg, 1732. F. 55 p. 12 pi. Weitere fortsetzung des griindlichen unterrichts in der vollstandi- AA gen civil-bau-kunst, von . . . lucarnen oder grossen kap-fenstern. . . Sch722 Nurnberg, 1728. F. 24 p. 12 pi. Vorhabendes werck. See, above, Erste bis zwantzigste ausgabe AA seines vorhabenden wercks. 1765. Sch72i Schuchhardt, Karl. Kolophon, Notion und Klaros. (In Deutsches archaologisches in- AR495 stitut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 11, p. 398-434.) G8i Schuck, A. Die fiinf antiken saulenordnungen, nebst der construktion der AA architektonischen glieder, auf neun lithographirten tafeln darge- Sch74 stellt, mit einem erklarenden texte. . . Aschaffenburg, 1832. Q. 8 p. 9 pi. Schuermans, H[enri]. Anciens chemins et monuments dans les Hautes-Fagnes. (In AB Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1871. 6872 v. 10, 24. ill.) La colonne de Culembourg a Bruxelles. (In Bulletin des commis- AB sions royales d art et d archeologie. 1870. v. 9, p. 17-107. I pi.) 6872 Epigraphie romaine de la Belgique. (In Bulletin des commissions AB royales d art et d archeologie. 1867-84. v. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 15, 6872 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23.) Exploration de quelques tumulus de la Hesbaye. (In Bulletin des AB commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1865-66. v. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6872 24 pi.) Explorations de villas belgo-romaines outre Meuse. (In Bulletin AB des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1867. v. 6, 6872 p. 111-168, 229-303. 12 pi.) Complement to his Explorations de quelques tumulus de la Hesbaye. Notice sur les monuments du Limbourg anterieurs au moyen age. AB (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1862. 6872 v. i, p. 83-129. i pi.) Objets etrusques decouverts en Belgique. (In Bulletin des com- AB missions royales d art et d archeologie. 1872. v. n,p. 239-328. 6872 ill. spl.) Objets etrusques d Eygenbilsen. (In Bulletin des commissions AB royales d art et d archeologie. 1872-84. v. 1 1, 12, 13, 17 and 23.) 6872 926 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schuermans, H[enri]. Remparts d Arlon et de Tongres. (In Bulletin des commissions AB royales d art et d archeologie. 1877. v. 16, p. 451-502.) 6872 Verres a la venitienne fabriques aux Pays-Bas. (In Bulletin des AB commissions royales d art et d archeologie. 1883-85. v. 22, 23 6872 and 24.) Schuffenhauer, W. Facadenbuch; sammlung von facaden neu ausgefuhrter wohn- A A hauser und original-entwiirfe, nebst grundrissen und details. Scli73 2. aufl. Leipzig [1870]. Sq. O. 4 v. 120 pi. Schulcz Ferencz. 1833-70. Denkmaler der baukunst . . . erstes heft : Gerona. AH46 Leipzig, 1869. F. 5 4+29 p. ill. 3 pi. 631 No more published. Title-page and text in German and French. Die schule der baukunst. . . AA Leipzig, 1878. O. v. i. ill. Sch85 Contents : v. i. BUSCH, CARL. Die baustile. Schulthess, E. Die stadte- und landes-siegel der Schweiz. . . Zurich, 1853. Q. AC 2 pts. ill. 22 pi. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. An8 Mittheilungen. 1853-61. v. 9 and 13.) Schultz, Alfred. Die vorschriften iiber die ausbildung und priifung fur den staats- AA dienst im baufache vom 6. Juli, 1886. . . SchSi Berlin, 1888. Q. 9+231 p. Schultz, Alwin. 1838- Die legende vom leben der jungfrau Maria, und ihre darstellung AO in der bildenden kunst des mittelalters. Leipzig, 1878. O. 80 p. 639 ill. (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. pt. I.) Das rathhaus zu Breslau. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. v. 19, AB p. 49-66, 229-248.) Z3i Schlesiens kunstleben im dreizehnten und vierzehnten jahrhun- AO dert; verfasst im namen des Vereins fiir geschichte der bildenden SchSi kiinste zu Breslau, als festgeschenk fiir dessen mitglieder. Breslau, 1870. Q. 12 p. 6 pi. Uber bau und einrichtung der hofburgen des 12. und 13. AE2 jahrhunderts. . . Berlin, 1862. Q. 9+52+2 p. Sch8 See Liidecke, Karl J. 1826-. Das rathhaus zu Breslau; text AB von Alvin Schultz. (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. v. 14, p. 15-34- 8 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 927 Schultz, Alwin, 1838- editor. See Butzbach, Johann. 1477-1551. Libellus de preclaris picture AB professoribus. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1869. v. 2, JIQ p. 60-72.) See Maximilian I., emperor of Germany. 1459-1519. Der wciss- AB kunig. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des Ji9i allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 6.) Schultz, [Ernst Wilhelm] Otto. 1861-. Dii locorum quales fuerint in arte Graecorum et Romanorum. . . AP Regimonti Borussorum, 1888. O. [3] +40 p. Zi Doctor s dissertation at Kb nigsberg (Ger.) university. Schultz, Johann Karl. 1801-73. Danzig und seine bauwerke. 2. aufl. AH43 Berlin, 1872. F. 5 (j] + 37 p. and Atlas, F. 6 54 pi. 023 Schultz, W. Die harmonic in der baukunst; nachweisung der proportionality AA in den bauwerken des griechischen alterthums. Sch8 Hannover-Linden, 1891. Q. v. I. ill. Contents: v. i. Mathematische grundlagen des angewendeten proportionierungs-systems. Schultze, Victor. Archaologische studien iiber altchristliche monumente. AO Wien, 1880. O. 4+[i]+287 p. ill. 2 pi. Sch8 Schulz, Heinrich Wilhelm. Denkmaler der kunst des mittelalters in Unteritalien; nach dem AH45 tode des verfassers hrsg. von F. von Quast. . . Ai3 Dresden, 1860. Sq. F. 4 4 v. ill. map. 3 tab. and Atlas, F. 7 [5] p. i por. 100 pi. Schulze, Ernst. 1842-. Alte handzeichnung eines reliefs mit der darstellung eines salier- AO8 umzuges. St. Petersburg, 1873. O. 15 p. i pi. Z3 St. Petersburg, Russia, Reformed church school. Jahresbericht. Beschreibung der vasensammlung des Freiherrn Ferdinand von AN2 Leesen. Leipzig, 1871. Q. 16 p. 3 pi. Z5 . . . De vasculo picto et Amazonis pugnam et inferiarum ritus AN2 repraesentante. Gotha, 1870. Q. 12 p. i pi. Z3 Gotha (Ger.) herzogliches gymnasium Ernestinum. Programm. Marmorbiiste eines romischen feldherrn in der Kaiserlichen Ere- AO8 mitage zu St. Petersburg. [Anon.] Z6 [St. Petersburg, 1875.] O. 18 p. i pi. St. Petersburg, Russia, Reformed church school. Jahresbericht. 928 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schulze, F. O., Semper, Hans Q., 1845- and Barth, Wilhelm. AH45 Carpi; ein furstensitz der renaissance. 1882. C22 Schultze, Victor. Die katakomben; die altchristlichen grabstatten, ihre geschichte AP und ihre monumente. Leipzig, 1882. O. 10+342 p. ill. I pi. Sch8 Schumacher, Friedrich Wilhelm. . . . Fortificatoria curiosa universalis; oder, Griindliche erklarung AE/ aller terminorum bellicorum. . . H36 Jena, no date. Sq. D. [19] p. I pi. Schumacher, Karl. 1860-. Eine pranestinische ciste im museum zu Karlsruhe; beitrage zur AM3 italischen kultur- und kunstgeschichte. Sch8 Heidelberg, 1891. Q. 84 p. ill. 3 pi. Schumacher, Karl, 1860-, compiler. See Carlsruhe (Ger.) Vereinigte sammlungen. Beschreibung AM3 der sammlung antiker bronzen. 1890. Ci9 Schumann, Paul [Theodor]. 1855-. Barock und rococo; studien zur baugeschichte des 18. jahrhun- AO derts mit besonderem bezug auf Dresden. Leipzig, 1885. O. 639 [5] + i33p. ill. (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. i.) Schiitz, Alexander. 1847-. Die renaissance in Italien; eine sammlung der werthvollsten er- AH45 haltenen monumente in chronologischer folge geordnet. A26 Hainburg, 1886. Sq. F. 5 3 v. 339 pi. Schumann, Robert, architect. Das zimmer der gegenwart; eine sammlung neuer, meist einfach ANi ausgefuhrter, mobel stylvoller zimmereinrichtungen. Sch8 Berlin, 1885-87. F. 5 50 pi. Schuyler, Montgomery. 1843-. AH 73 American architecture. .. New York, 1892. O. [9] + 2 up. ill. A9 Schuym, Joachim, editor. See Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. Mirror of architecture. AA 1676. Sca52 Schuz, Ludwig. Neue allgemeine bauordnung fur das konigreich Wiirttemberg AI nebst den vollziehungsvorschriften und den weiteren auf die Sch8 baupolizei sich beziehenden gesetzen, verordnungen. . . 2. aufl. Stuttgart, 1873. D. 16+387 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 929 Schwabe, Ludwig. 1835-. Geschichte derarchaologischen sammlung der universitatTubingen. AH43 Tubingen, 1891. Q. 45 P- T 79 List of doctors at Tiibingen university. 1891. Observationum archaeologicarum particula 1-2. AO8 Dorpati Livonorum, 1869-70. Q. 2 pts. in I v. Z2 Dissertations at Dorpat (Russia) university. Contents: no. 4. De Apolline im omphalo. no. 6. De Aristeae et Papiae centauris. no. i. De Cupidinis arcum tendentis statua. no. 2. De Hermodii et Aristogitonis statuis. no. 3. De Niobidis. no. 7. De Parthenone. no. 5. De Polycliti doryphoro. Pergamon und seine kunst; rede zum geburtsfest . . . des Konigs, AO am 6. Marz, 1882, im namen der Eberhard-Karls-universitat Z3 gehalten. Tubingen, 1882. O. 28 p. Schwartau, Wilhelm Meyer=. See Meyer=Schwartau, Wilhelm. Schwartz, Julius Heinrich. 1707-75. Raccolta di vari ornati antichi e moderni, intagliati in rame . . . AK da L. Zucchi. Lipsia, 1743. F. 4 [3] p. 28 pi. Sch9 Engraved title-page and text. Schwartz, Karl. 1809-85. Lebensnachrichten iiber den regierungsprasidenten Karl von AC Ibell. . . Wiesbaden, 1875. Q. 4+107 p. (In Verein fur nassau- 58 ische alterthumskunde und geschichtsforschung. Annalen. 1877. v. 14.) Schwarz, Franz Joseph, 1821-85, editor. AB See Kirchenschmuck. 1857-68. v. 1-24. K63 Schwatlo, Kaiserliches general-post-amt in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 25, p. 143-156, 295-312, 439-452. 4 pi.) Z3i Schwechten, Franz, and Wagner, Heinrich. Geschaftshauser fur staatliche provinz-, kreis- und ortsbehorden. AA (In Handbuch der architektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7. hlbd., p. 110-137. Hi9 ill. 2 paged pi.) Schweighauser, Johann Gottfried. 1776-1844. See Chapuy, N. M. J. 1790-1858. Vues pittoresques de la cathe- AH44 drale de Strasbourg et details . . . de ce monument, avec un texte Or5 I . . . par J. G. Schweighauser. 1827. See Paris (France) Musee Napoleon III. Les monumens anti- AO8 ques, dessines et graves par T. Piroli, avec une explication par P2i J. G. Schweighauser and L. Petit-Radel. 1804-6. 59 930 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Schweighauser, Johann Gottfried, 1776-1844, and Golbery, M. P. A. de., 1786-1854. AH44 Antiquites de 1 Alsace. 1828. Ai/3 Schweighauser, Joseph. Description nouvelle de la cathedrale de Strasbourg et de sa AH43 fameuse tour. . . 3 e edition. . . St83 Strasbourg, 1770. S. 15 7+ [6] p. ill. I por. 8 pi. Schweinfurth, Julius A. Sketches abroad made during a nine months tour through a part AA of Spain, Italy, France and the South Kensington museum. 1886. Schp Boston, 1888. F. 6 30 pi. Autograph letter of the author inserted. Schweinsberg, Gustav, freiherr Schenk zu. See Schenk zu Schweinsberg, Gustav, freiherr. . . . Schweizerische bauzeitung; wochenschrift fur bau- AB verkehrs- und maschinentechnik; organ des Schweiz. ingenieur- Schp und architekten-vereins und der Gesellschaft ehemaliger studi- render des eidg. polytechnikums in Zurich. Zurich, 1892-94. F. ill. pi. v. 20-23 in 2. Edited by A. Waldner. Schwenke, F., editor. Ausgefiihrte mobel und zimmer-einrichtungen der gegenwart. ANi Berlin, 1881-84. F. 5 2 v. 144 pi. Schp Schwind, Moritz von. 1804-71. Die wandgemalde des landgrafensaales auf der Wartburg . . . text AH43 von B. von Arnswald. 2. aufl. W26 Leipzig, 1885. Obi. Q. [17] p. 8 pi. Wandgemalde im schloss Hohenschwangau . . . mit erlauterndem AFLj.3 text Leipzig [1885]. Obi. F. [3]+8 p. 29 pi. H68 Schwiter, - , baron de. Catalogue de dessins anciens principalement de 1 ecole francaise AO6i du i8 e siecle dependant de . . . [sa] collection . . . vente . . . Sch9 20-21 avril, 1883. . . P[aris], 1883. Q. 94 p. 9 pi. Science of taste. 1879. AO See L., Q. Ln Science series, D. Van Nostrand, editor. See Van Nostrand s science series. Scientific American, architects and builders edition. AB New York, 1885-86. F. 5 v. 1-2. ill. Sci2 Scotland Society of antiquaries. See Society of antiquaries of Scotland. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 931 Scott, Frank J[esup]. Art of beautifying surburban home grounds of small extent. AN8 New York, 1 870. O. 618 p. ill. 30 pi. Sco8 Scott, Sir G[eorge] Gilbert. 181 1-78. Church on the Castle hill, Dover. (In Kent archaeological society. AC Archaeologia Cantiana. 1863. v. 5, p. 1-18. 5 pi.) KZJ.I Essay on the history of English church architecture prior to the AH42 separation of England from the Roman obedience. A34 London, 1881. Sq. F. [3] + 5 + i95 P- 37 P 1 - Gleanings from Westminster abbey, with appendices . . . com- AH42 pleting the history of the abbey buildings, by W. Burges, J. Burtt, LQ43 G. Corner . . . [and others]. Oxford, 1861. O. 14+92+49 p. ill. 6 pi. On the conservation of ancient architectural monuments and re- AC mains. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1861-62, R8i p. 65-94.) On the conservation of ancient architectural monuments and re mains. Oxford, 1864. D. 39 p. Read before the Royal institute of British architects. Jan. 6 th , 1862. On the present positions and future prospects of the revival of AC Gothic architecture. (In Associated architectural societies. Re- As7 ports and papers, v. 4, p. 69-83.) Personal and professional recollections, edited by his son G. G. AW Scott, with an introduction by . . . Rev. John William Burgon. Sco8 London, 1879. O. 20+436 p. I por. Plea for the faithful restoration of our ancient churches; a paper AH42 read before the Architectural and archaeological society for the An county of Bucks at their . . . meeting in 1848 . . . [with] remarks on subjects connected with the restoration of churches and the revival of pointed architecture. London, 1850. O. [4] + 155 p. Remarks on secular and domestic architecture, present and future. AA 2d edition. London, 1858. O. 12 + 290 p. Sco8 Scott, G[eorge] Gilbert], jr. Modern village churches. (In Associated architectural societies. AC Reports and papers, v. 12, p. 65-86.) As7 Scott, George Gilbert, jr., editor. See Scott, Sir G. G. 1811-78. Personal and professional recol- AW lections. 1879. Sco8 Scott, James Robert Hope=. 1812-73. See Hope-Scott, James Robert. 1812-73. 932 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Scott, John. -1821. See Nash, Frederick. 1782-1856. Picturesque views of the city AH44 of Paris and its environs . . . with . . . descriptions, the literary P243 department by J. Scott. 1820. Scott, Leader, pseudonym. See [Baxter, Mrs. Lucy E. (Barnes)]. Scott, Sir Walter, baronet. 1771-1832. Border antiquities of England and Scotland, comprising specimens AH42 of the architecture, sculpture and other vestiges of former ages. . . A25 London, 1889. F. 6 2 v. 132 + 204+1 1 1 p. 94 pi. Paged continuously. Scott, William. Stourbridge and its vicinity . . . [with] memoirs geological, min- AR42 eralogical, botanical. . . St/ Stourbridge, 1832. O. 609+ [i] p. 6 pi. Scott, William B[ell]. 181 1-90. Antiquarian gleanings in the north of England, being examples ANi of antique furniture, plate, church decorations, objects of historical Sco8 interest. . . London, no date. Sq. F. 18 p. ill. 38 pi. British school of sculpture, with a preliminary essay and notices AO8 of the artists. Sco5 London [pref. 1871]. Sq. F. 6+|>] + i38 p. ill. 20 pi. Descriptive catalogue of engravings, brought together ... to AO7 illustrate the art of engraving on copper and wood from the . . . Sco8 1 5th century to ... William Blake. Sq. O. 68 p. Half-hour lectures on the history and practice of the fine and AO ornamental arts. 2d edition. . . Sco8 London, 1867. D. 12+369 p. ill. i pi. Mural decorations at the mansion of Sir Walter Trevelyan, at AC Wallington. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. R8i 1867-68, p. 31-46. ill.) Mural paintings: Chevy Chase, at Sir W. C. Trevelyan, bart. s, AM6 Wallington, Northumberland: The King s Quair, at Penkill castle, Sco8 Ayrshire. [London, 1868]. Q. 29 p. ill. 6 pi. 6 paged pi. Reprinted from Royal institute of British architects. Papers. Dec. 2, 1867, and Jan. 6, 1868. Scott, W[illiam] B[ell]. 181 1-90. Ornamentist; or, Artisan s manual in the various branches of AK ornamental art ... a series of designs selected from the works of Sco8 Dietterlin, Berain . . . and the best French and German ornamen- talists, with an ... essay on ornamental art. London, 1845. F. 4 21 p. ill. 84 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 933 Scriba, Hfeinrich Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm] E[duard]. 1802-57. Zusatze. (In Knapp, J. F. Romischc denkmale des Odenwaldes. AR43 1854- P- [i55]-i88.) Scritture concernenti i danni della cupola di San Pietro AH45 di Roma e i loro rimedi. Venezia [i742(?)J. Sq. O. 184 p. R/85 Scriverius, Petrus. 1576-1660. See Schryver, Pieter. 1576-1660. Sculture del Museo Capitolino. See Re, Lorenzo. Riflessioni antiquarie sulle sculture capitoline. AO2 1806-7. R663 Scythica et Caucasica e veteribus scriptoribus graecis et AC latinis. 1893. Sa22 See Latyschev, V. V., editor and translator. Seaward, John. Observations on the rebuilding of London bridge. . . AE5 London, 1824. O. i4+[2]+i43 p. ill. 7 pi. Sei Sebah, Pascal, illustrator. See Leval, Andre. Catalogue explicatif des principales mosai ques, AH496 peintures, et sculptures existants a Kahrie-Djami ik Constantinople. 0767 1886. Sebald, F. . . . Uber griechische vasen und deren darstellungen. . . AN2 Clausthal, 1867. Q. 15 p. Z3 Clausthal (Ger.) gymnasium. Programm. Sebastian!, Leopoldo. Descrizzione e relazione istorica del . . . palazzo di Caprarola; suo AH45 principio, situazione, architettura, e pitture. . . Ci7 Roma, 1741. S. [8] + 127 p. Secchi, Giovanni Pietro. 1806-56. Monumenti inediti d un antico sepolcro di famiglia greca, scoperto AE8 in Roma su la Via latina. . . Roma, 1843. F. 6 4+39 P- 2 pi- Se2 Sedding, John D[ando]. -1891. Art and handicraft. London, 1893. O. [3] +179 p. i por. AO Contents: On the study of English architecture. Religion and art. Handicrafts in old Se2 days. Our arts and industries. Expression in architecture. Art and nature in old Cornwall. On :6th century English Gothic. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1875-76, p. 193-208. 2 pi.) R8i 59* 934 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Seddon, H[enry] C[ooper]. Builder s work and the building trades. 2d edition. AI London, 1889. O. 12 + 358 p. ill. Se2 Seddon, John P[ollard]. 1827-. Ancient examples of domestic architecture in the Isle of Thanet. AE2 London, 1872. Q. 22 p. ill. 5 paged pi. Z The polychromatic decoration of various buildings. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1879-80^.129-148. RSi 2 pi.) Progress in art and architecture, with precedents for ornament. AK London, 1852. Q. 6+[i]+6o p. ill. 12 pi. Se2 Rambles in the Rhine provinces. AH43 London, 1868. Q. !4+[i] + i56 p. ill. 20 pi. R34 Seddon, John Pollard, 1827- editor. AW See Seddon, Thomas. 1821-55. Memoir and letters. 1858. Se2 Seddon, Thomas. 1821-55. Memoir and letters, by his brother [J. P. Seddon]. AW London, 1858. D. 6+[i] + 2o8 p. ill. i por. Se2 Sedille, Paul, 1836-. L architecture moderne en Angleterre. AH42 Paris, 1890. Q. [6]+i3i+[i] p. ill. A89 Etude sur la renaissance de la polychromie monumentale en AC France. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. R8i 1887. n. s. v. 3, p. 5-16. 3 pi.) Seeley, J., publisher. See Stowe; a description of the house and gardens of . . . Prince AH42 George Grenville Nugent Temple, marquis of Buckingham. St/ 1750. . . 1827. Seemann, Theodor. 1837-. Architektonische und ornamentale formenlehre. . . AA Leipzig [pref. 1890]. Q. [6] + 16+199 p. ill. Se3 Geschichte der bildenden kunst von der altesten zeit bis auf die AO gegenwart. . . Jena, 1879. O. 14+445 p. ill. Se3 Moderne plastiker. Leipzig, 1884. O. [6] + 327 p. (Klassiker- AW bibliothek der bildenden kiinste; klassiker der plastik.) Se3 See Stockhardt, H. Die katholische hofkirche zu Dresden, mit AH43 text by T. Seemann. 1883. D8ii COLUMBIA COLLEGE 935 Seemann s kunsthandbiicher. Leipzig, 1889-93. O. 9 v. ill. Contents: v. i. MEYER, F. S. 1849-. Systematisch geordnetes handbuch der ornamentik. 1890. v. 2. MEYER, F. S. 1849-. Handbuch der schmiedekunst. 1888. v. 3. LUTHMER, F. 1842-. Gold und silber. 1888. v. 4. HEYDEN, A. VON. 1827-. Die tracht der kulturvolker Europas. 1889. v. 6. ADAM, PAUL. Der bucheinband. 1890. v. 7. BOHEIM, W. 1832-. Handbuch der waffenkunde. 1890. v. 8. ELIS, C. -1889. Handbuch der mosaik- und glasmalerei. 1891. v. 9. LUTHMER, F. 1842-. Das email. 1892. v. 10. MOSER, F. Handbuch der pflanzenornamentik. 1893. Seener, Paul, editor. AK See Aldegrever, Heinrich. 1502-62. Ornamente. 1891. Ai2 Segange, Georges Francois Louis du Broc de. 1 808- See Du Broc de Segange, Georges Francois Louis. 1808-. Segar, Sir William. -1633. Original institutions of the princely orders of collars. AWi Edinburgh, 1823. Q. 8+15 p. 7 pi. Se3 Segato, Girolamo, 1792-1836, compiler. See Valeriani, Domenico. Atlante monumentale del basso e dell AR62 alto Egitto. 1839. A3 5 Seghers, Louis. Tresor calligraphique; recueil de lettrines, initiales, etc., du moyen AK age et de 1 epoque de la renaissance, mis en chromo par Jul. Se3 Seghers. Anvers, no date. Obi. F. 46 f. 42 paged pi. Seguin, Joseph. 1814-. La dentelle; histoire, description, fabrication, bibliographic, ornee AN6 de 50 planches phototypographiques, fac-simile de dentelles de Se3 toutes les epoques. . . Paris, 1875. F. 4 i9+2i4+[i] p. ill. I por. 50 phot. Seguin, Lisbeth Gooch. See Strahan, Mrs. Lisbeth Gooch (Seguin). Seidel, G[eorg] F[riedrich]. Die konigliche residenz in Miinchen. . . AH43 Leipzig, 1880-83 [ v - r 83]. F. and F. 9 2 v. ill. 35 pi. M92 See Mayerhofer, Johann. 1851-. Geschichte des koniglichen AH43 lustschlosses Schleissheim, nebst erlauterungen zu dem kupfer- Scli3 werke von G. F. Seidel. 1885. Seidel, Karl Ludwig. 1788-1844. Berlins architektur. (In his Miscellaneen. 1828. v. I, pt. I, AH43 P- I-H3-) 6471 936 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Seidel, Karl Ludwig. 1788-1844. Bliicher s denkmal zu Berlin. (In his Miscellaneen. 1828. v. I, AH43 pt. 2, p. 1-45.) 6471 Charinomos; beitrage zur allgemeinen theorie und geschichte der AO schonen kiinste. Magdeburg, 1825-28. O. 2 v. ill. Se45 Miscellaneen zur vaterlandischen kunstgeschichte unserer zeit. AH43 Berlin, 1828. O. v. i in 2 pts. 6471 Contents : v. i. Die schonen kunste zu Berlin. 1826 und 1828. Die schonen kiinste zu Berlin, 1826 und 1828. See, above, Mis- AH43 cellaneen zur vaterlandischen kunstgeschichte unserer zeit. 1828. 6471 v. i. These last two works are identical. Seidel, Paul. 1858-. Die ausstellung von werken der niederlandischen kunst. (In AB Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 11, Ji92 p. 119-149, I99-24I-) Friedrich der Grosse als kronprinz in Rheinsberg und die bilden- AB den kiinste. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunst- Ji92 sammlungen. v. 9, p. 108-127.) Ludwig von Siegen, der erfinder des schabkunstverfahrens. (In AB Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 10, Ji92 P- 34-49-) Seidlitz, W. von. Bramante in Mailand. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen AB kunstsammlungen. v. 8, p. 183-205.) Seidlitz, Woldemar von. Das kupferstich- und holzschnittvverk des Hans Sebald Beham. AB (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. Ji92 v. 3, p. 149-159, 225-235.) Seigneux de Correvon, [Gabriel], -1776. Lettres sur la decouverte de 1 ancienne ville d Herculane et de ses AR45 principales antiquites. Yverdon, 1770. D. 2 v. H4I5 Seilliere, Achille, baron. Catalogue des objets d art de haute curiosite et de riche ameuble- AO2 ment provenant de . . . [sa] collection, et dont la vente aura lieu Se4 . . . 5-10 mai, 1890. . . [Paris, 1890.] F. 108 p. 40 pi. Compiled by J. Mannheim. Seine (department, France) Prefecture, publisher. See Inventaire general des ceuvres d art decorant les edifices du AO Departement de la Seine. 1879-83. In8i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 937 Seitz, Fritz, and Koch, Julius. AH43 Das Heidelberger schloss. 1891. H364 Select collection of views and ruins in Rome and its vicin- AR45 ity. [1796-99.] R697 See [Merigot, J.]. Select views in Italy. 1 796. AH45 See Smith, John. A62 Select views in the south of France. 1 794. AH44 See [Beaumont, J. F. A.] i755(?)-i8i2. A47 Selection of sixty subjects from the works of the best AO8 ancient and modern sculptors. London, no date. Q. 58 pi. Se4 Seler, [Eduard]. Peruanische alterthumer, insbesondere altperuanische gefasse, AR85 gefasse der Chibcha und der Tolima- und Cauca-stamme, gold- AI schmuck, etc., hrsg. von der verwaltung des Koniglichen museums fiir volkerkunde zu Berlin. Berlin [pref. 1893]. F. 5 [14] p. 64 pi. Sellius, Gottfried, -1767, translator. See Christ, J. Q. 170056. Dictionnaire des monogrammes, AW chiffres, lettres initiales . . . rebus, etc. 1762. C46 Selmersheim, P., editor. See Millet, E. L. 1819-79. . . . Monographic de la restauration AH44 du chateau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. [1892.] Sa35 Selskabet for nordisk konst (Copenhagen). See Copenhagen (Denmark) Selskabet for nordisk konst. Selva, Giovanni Antonio, Cicognara, Leopoldo, conte da, 1767-1834, and Diedo, Antonio. AE8 Monumenti sepolcrali cospicui. 1858. 048 Selvatico, P[ietro Estense], marchese. 1803-80. Gli ammaestramenti delle arti del disegno nelle accademie e nelle AO officine. . . Venezia, 1859. O. 70 p. Se42 L arte nella vita degli artisti. . . AW Firenze, 1870. D. u + 526+[i] p. Se4 Le arti del disegno in Italia ; storia e critica. AO Milano, 1879. Q. 3 v. in 2. ill. 81 pi. Se4 Vol. 3 is by T. V. Paravicini. Contents : v. i. L arte antica. v. 2. II medio evo. v. 3. L evo moderno. 938 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Selvatico, Pfietro Estense], marchese. 1803-80. II disegno elementare e superiore, ad uso delle scuole pubbliche AL2 e private d ltalia. . . Padova, 1872. D. i3 + [i] + 3O3 p. 12 pi. Se4 Guida di Padova e dei principali suoi contorni. AH45 Padova, 1869. D. [35]+438+[i] P- ill- 5 pi- P 33 Scritti d arte. Firenze, 1859. D. 8+408 p. AO Storia estetico-critica delle arti del disegno ; ovvero, L architet- AO tura, la pittura e la statuaria considerate nelle correlazione fra loro Se43 e negli svolgimenti storici, estetici e tecnici. Venezia, 1852-56. O. 2 v. I por. Lecture delivered at the Venice (Italy) Accademia di belle arti. Sull educazione del pittore storico odierno italiano pensieri. AO Padova, 1842. O. 6+[i]-f 543 p. 2 pi. Se4 Sulla architettura civile e religiosa pensieri. AA Padova, 1840. T. 162 p. Se4 Sulla architettura e sulla scultura in Venezia dal medio evo sino AH45 ai nostri giorni. . . Venezia, 1847. O- 2 3 + 5 2 9+[ I ] P- M- IO pi- ^554 Sulla cappellina degli Scrovegni nell Arena di Padova e sui freschi AH45 di Giotto in essa dipinti. . . Padova, 1836. O. 144 p. 20 pi. Pi 34 Sulla condizione attuale del palazzo pubblico di Piacenza e sui modi AH45 di ristaurarto, relazione. Piacenza, 1862. Q. 50 p. 5 pi. PS 7 Selvatico, P[ietro Estense], marchese, 1803-80, and Lazari, V[incenzo], 1823-64. Guida di Venezia e delle isole circonvicine. AH45 Venezia [1852]. O. 8 + 321 p. ill. V582 La semaine des constructeurs ; journal hebdomadaire AB illustre des travaux publics et prives. Se5 Paris, 1877-94. F. v. 1-18. ill. Edited by C. Daly. Semler, Christian. 1828-. Die tempelsculpturen aus der schule des Phidias im Britischen AO8 museum. Hamburg, 1858. D. 6+131 p. Se5 Semper, Gottfried. 1803-79. Die k. k. hofmuseen in Wien und Gottfried Semper ; drei denk- AH436 schriften hrsg. von . . . [H. G. und M. Semper]. . . V675 Innsbruck, 1892. O. ii+68p. Contents : Bericht die priifung und vergleichung zwcier projecte fur die neuen museen in Wien betreffend. Programm-entwurf fur die bildnerische ausschmlickung des neuen natur-histo- rischen museums. Entwurf eines programmes filr die bildnerische decoration der facaden des museums ftir kunst und alterthum. COLUMBIA COLLHGH 939 Semper, Gottfried. 1803-79. Kleine schriften, hrsg. von M. und H. Semper. Berlin, 1884. O. 14+516 p. ill. Das konigliche hoftheater zu Dresden. Braunschweig, 1849. F. 6 20 p. ill. 12 pi. On the origin of polychromy in architecture. (In London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. 1854. ser. i, no. 3, p. 45-56.) Der stil in den technischen und tektonischen kiinsten; oder, Prak- tische aesthetik. . . 2. aufl. Miinchen, 1878-79. O. 2 v. ill. 22 pi. Contents : v. i. Die textile kunst. v. 2. Keramik, tektonik, stereotomie, metallotechnik. Vorlaufige bemerkungen iiber bemaltc architektur und plastik bei den alten. (In his Kleine schriften. 1884. p, 215-258.) Semper, Hans [Q.] 1845-. Donatello, seine zeit und schule . . . im anhange : Das leben des Donatello von Vasari . . . der tractat des F. Bocchi iiber den S. Georg des Donatello ubersetzt von C. Cerri. . . Wien, 1875. O. 3 + 338 p. (Quellenschriften fur kunstgeschichte und kunsttechnik des mittelalters und der renaissance; R. Eitelberger von Edelberg, ed. v. 9.) Hervorragende bildhauer-architekten der renaissance, Mino da Fiesole, Andrea Sansovino, Benedetto da Rovezzano ; aufnahmen von. W. Barth. Dresden [pref. 1880]. F. 5 [3] + 24+[i] p. 27 pi. Semper, HansQ., 1845- editor. See Semper, Gottfried. 1803-79. Die k. k. hofmuseen in Wien. 1892. See Semper, Gottfried. 1803-79. Kleine schriften. 1884. Semper, Hans Q., 1845- translator. See Vasari, Giorgio. 1512-74. Das leben des Donatello. (In Semper,H.G. Donatello, seine zeit und schule. 1875. p. 155-174.) Semper, H[ans Q.], 1845-, Schulze, F. O., and Barth, W[ilhelm]. Carpi; ein fiirstensitz der renaissance. Dresden, 1882. F. 5 [>]+67+[i] p. ill. 27 pi. Semper, Manfred, 1837-, editor. See Semper, Gottfried. 1803-79. Die k. k. hofmuseen in Wien. 1892. See Semper, Gottfried. 1803-79. Kleine schriften. 1884. AA Se 5 AH 43 D8i6 AH42 L875 AK Se 5 AA Se 5 AW 0711 AH 43 6 675 AA Se 5 AW 0711 AH 45 C22 AH 43 6 V6 75 AA Se 5 940 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Semrau, Max. Donatellos kanzeln in S. Lorenzo, ein beitrag zur geschichte der italienischen plastik im 15. jahrhundert. Breslau, 1891. O. [6] +23 2 p. ill. 3 pi. (In Schmarsow. A. 1853-. Italienische forschungen zur kunstgeschichte. 1891. v. 2.) Sender, Alphonse Maze=. 1831-. See Maze=Sencier, Alphonse. 1831. Senckler, . AO Catalogue de . . . [sa] collection de medailles romaines. Cologne, 1847. O. [6] + 368 I- [3] p. Seney, George I[ngraham]. 1826-93. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of modern paintings to be sold by auction . . . February nth, i2th and I3th ... in the assembly room of the Madison Square Garden building. . . New York, 1891. D. 293 p. Senlis (France) Comite archeologique. See Comite archeologique de Senlis. Sennegon, H. Catalogue des objets d art et d ameublement . . . orfevrerie ancienne, porcelaines . . . tableaux . . . composant . . . [sa] col lection . . . et dont la vente aura lieu . . . 9-11 mai, 1887. . . [Paris] 1887. Q. 69 p. 9 pi. Sepibus, Qeorgius de. See Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-80. Romani collegii Societatus Jesu musseum celeberrimum . . . publicae luci . . . exponit Georgius de Sepibus. 1678. Sepp, Bernhard, 1853- and Sepp, J. N., 1816-. Die felsenkuppel, eine justinianische Sophienkirche, und die iibri- gen tempel Jerusalems. 1882. Sepp, [Johann Nepomuk]. 1816-. Jerusalem und das heilige land; pilgerbuch nach Palaestina, Syrien und Aegypten. 2 aufl. . . Regensburg, 187376. O. 2 v. ill. i por. i pi. I map. Schaffhausen, v. 2. Meerfahrt nach Tyrus zur ausgrabung der kathedrale mit Bar- barossa s grab. . . Leipzig, 1879. O. 24+382 p. ill. 4 pi. map. Neue architektonische studien und historisch-topographische for schungen in Palastina. Wiirzburg, 1867. O. 32 + 256 p. 69 ill. i pi. Sepp, J[ohann] N[epomuk], 1816-, and Sepp, Bern= hjard], 1853-. Die felsenkuppel, eine justinianische Sophienkirche, und die iibri- gen tempel Jerusalems. Munchen, 1882. O. 24+ 176 p. ill. i pi. AM i Se 5 AO6 Se S AO2 Se 5 AP K6 3 AH569 i486 AH569 J498 AR3944 T98 AH569 i486 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 941 Sepulchral monuments of Italy, mediaeval and renais- AE8 sance. 1883. T37 See Thompson, Stephen. Ser, L[ouis]. Paris (France) Assistance publique, Administration generate AH42 de P. Rapport sur les hopitaux civils de la ville de Londres. 1862. Sere, Ferdinand, 1818-55, an d Lacroix, Paul, 1806-84. AM4 Le livre d or des metiers; histoire de I orfevrerie-joaillerie. 1850. Ln Le moyen age et la renaissance. 1848-51. AO LlI2 Sere, Ferdinand, 1818-55, Lacroix, Paul, 1806-84, and Begin, A. E. N. J., 1802-88. AI Le livre d or des metiers; histoire de la charpenterie. 1858. Ln Serie degli uomini i piu illustri nella pittura, scultura, e AW architettura con i loro elogi e ritratti. . . Se6 Firenze, 1769-75. Q. 12 v. 300 pi. Plates designed by I. E. Hugford, taken from Vasari and others, and engraved under Hugford s direction mainly by G. B. Cecchi. Text abridged from Vasari, Malvasia and others by Rau and Rastrelli. Series of executed examples of ecclesiastical and domestic AH42 structures, from the designs of modern architects. AQ London, 1858. F. 4 20 p. 26 pi. Serlio, Sebastiano. 1475-1552. Architettura in sei libri divisa. . . AA Venetia, 1663. F. 4 433 p. ill. 105 paged pi. Se63 Title-page and text in Italian and Latin. Extraordinario libro di architettvra. . . AA Lione, Giovan di Tovrnes, 1551. F. 4 [12] p. 50 pi. V682 Title-page and text in Italian and French. Le premier [et second] liure d architecture, mis en langue fran- AA coyse par I. Martin. Paris [Barbe] 1545. F. 4 4+74 f ill. I pi. Se6 Title-page and text in Italian and French. Le troisiesme liure d architecture, auquel sont figurez et descriptz AA les antiquitez de Rome . . . translate de 1 ytalien en franchois. Se6 [Anvers, 1550]. F. 4 73+[5] f ill. Reiglcs generates de 1 architecture, sur les cincq manieres d edi- AA fices, ascauoir, Thuscane, Doricq, lonicq, Corinthe, et coposite, Se6 auec les exemples danticquitez, selon la doctrine de Vitruue. [Anvers] 1545. F. 7i + [i] f. ill. Forms 4 th book of his Libri d architettura. 942 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Serlio, Sebastiano, 1475-1552. Quintolibro d architettvra, nel quale se tratta de diuerse forme de AA tempii sacri secondo il costume christiano et al modo antico . . . Se6 traduict en francois par I. Martin. Paris, Vascosan, 1547. F. 4 33 f. ill. Text in Italian and French. Extraordinario libro di architettvra, nel qvale si dimostrano, AA trenta porte di opera rvstica mista con diversi ordini, et venti di Se6 opera dilicata di diverse specie con la scrittvra davanti, che narra il tvtto. Venetia, Sessa, 1557. F. 5 [12] p. 50 pi. Forms 6 th book of his Libri d architettura. Bound with this are 23 plates chiefly represent ing doorways. II settimo libro d architettvra, nel qval si tratta di molti accidenti, AA che possono occorrer al architetto, in diuersi luoghi, et istrane Se6 forme de siti, e nelle restauramenti, o restitution} di case, e come habiamo a far, per seruicij de gli altri edifici e simil cose, come nella sequente pagina si lege. . . Francofvrti ad Moenvm, Wecheli, 1575. F. 4 [i2] + 243 p. ill. Title-page and text in Italian and Latin. Tutte 1 opere d architettura et prospetiva di . . . Serlio . . . diviso AA in sette libri, con un indice . . . et un . . . discorso sopra questa Se62 materia, raccolto da G. D. Scamozzi. Venetia, 1619. O. 23+246 f. + 243 p. ill. 285 paged pi. Tutte 1 opere d architettura . . . et vn indice . . . raccolto per via AA di considerationi da G. D. Scamozzi. Se6i Venetia, Franceschi, 1584. O. 24+219+125 f. ill. Seroux d Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis George. 1730-1814. See Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis George Seroux d . 1730-1814. Serradifalco, Domenico lo Faso Pietrasanta, duca di. 1780-1863. Le antichita della Sicilia esposte ed illustrate. AH45 Palermo, 1834-42. F. 5 5 v. I por. 180 pi. map. Sii4 Del duomo di Monreale e di altre chiese siculo normanne ragiona- AH45 menti tre. Palermo, 1838. F. 6 87+[2] p. 28 pi. M75I Serre de Latour, de. Londres et ses environs ; ou, Guide des voyageurs, curieux et AH42 amateurs dans cette partie de 1 Angleterre . . . par M. d[e] S[erre] L957 d[e] L[atour]. Paris, 1788. S. 2 v. 9 pi. map. Serrure, Edmond. Monographic de 1 Hopital la Biloque de Gand. . . AH493 Bruges, 1881. F. 4 [j]+45 P- 24 pi. G34I Text in French and Dutch. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 943 Serrure, L. Notice historique sur la tourde 1 eglise de Notre-Dame d Anvers. . . AH493 Anvers, 1840. Sq. F. 7 7 p. 4 pi. An8 Seton, George. 1822-. St. Kilda, past and present. AR4I Edinburgh, 1878. O. 15 + 346 p. 9 pi. 2 maps. Sa2 Settele, Giuseppe. Memoria sull importanza dei monumenti che si trovano nei AC cemeterj degli antichi Cristiani del contorno di Roma; letta 3 R66i giugno, 1824. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeo- logia. Dissertazioni. 1825. v. 2, p. 41-104.) Osservazioni sopra le lapide pagane che si trovano nelle cata- AC combe; dissertazione letta ... 26 gennaio, 1832. (In Rome, R66i Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1835. v. 5, p. 179-200. i pi.) Seubert, Col. A[dolf Friedrich]. 1819-90. Allgemeines kiinstler-lexicon ; oder, Leben und werke der be- AW ruhmtesten bildenden kiinstler. 2 aufl. . . Se8 Frankfurt a/M, 1882. O. 3 v. 2 d edition of Friedrich Miiller s Die kiinstler aller zeiten und volker. Seubert, T., and Reinhardt, Robert, 1843-. AH43 Architektonische reise-studien aus Wurzburg. 1881. Wc)6 Seulen=buch; oder, Griindliche bericht. . . 1688. AA See [Erasmus, Q. C.j En Seveso, Ambrogio, illustrator. See Salinas, Antonino. 1841-. I monumenti sepolcrali scoperti ... AR495 1863 . . . in Atene. 1863. At45 Seyssel d Aix, Vittorio, conte. Armeria antica e moderna di S. M. Carlo Alberto. AN5 Torino, 1840. O. 47+452 p. 3 pi. i paged pi. 6 tab. T84 Half-title reads Descrizione della Reale armeria di Torino. Sgrilli, Bernardo Sansone. Descrizione della regia villa, fontane e fabbriche di Pratolino. AH45 [Anon.] [Firenze, 1742.] F. 4 27 p. 7 pi. P883 Descrizione e studi dell insigne fabbrica di S. Maria del Fiore, AH45 metropolitana fiorentina, in varie carte intagliati. . . F669 Firenze, 1733. F. 5 [8]+38+|>] p. 18 pi. Shadwell, Arthur. Architectural history of the city of Rome, based on J. H. Parker s AH45 "Archaeology of Rome". .. 2d edition. R/5I Oxford, 1883. D. 16+273 p. ill. map 944 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Shapleigh, A. F., hardware co. [Illustrated catalogue of hardware]. Al2 Saint Louis [1892]. F. [4] + 13 + 1 133 p. ill. Sh2 Sharp, Sir Cuthbert. 1781-1849. History of Hartlepool. AR42 Durham, 1 8 16. O. [i i] + i8o+[27] p. ill. 19 pi. 2 tab. H25 Sharp, William. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of prints and drawings . . . sold AO? ... ist of March, 1878, and eleven following days. Sli2 London [1878]. O. [s] + 225 + 8 p. Sharpe, Edmund. 1809-77. Account of the churches visited during the Lincoln excursion of AH42 the Architectural association, August 22nd. . . and 27^ 1870. L63 London, 1871. Nar. Q. 152 p. ill. 65 pi. Architectural history of S. Mary s church, New Shoreham. . . AH42 Chichester, 1861. Sq. F. [4] +47 p. ill. 9 pi. C43 Read before the Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland ... at Chichcster, 1853. Architectural parallels; or, The progress of ecclesiastical archi- AH42 tecture in England through the I2th and I3th centuries, exhibited Ai3 in a series of parallel examples. . . London, 1848. F. c [7] p. 121 pi. and sup. [3] p. 60 pi. Architecture of the Cistercians. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1870-71^.189-210. I pi.) R8i Churches of the Nene valley, Northamptonshire . . . [continued AIHLj.2 by] J. Johnson and A. H. Kersey. N8i London, 1880. F. 4 19+43 p. 112 pi. On Lincoln cathedral. (In Associated architectural societies. Re- AC ports and papers, v. 9, p. 179-190.) As7 Ornamentation of the transitional period of British architecture. AK 1144-1190. London [pref. 1871]. F. 32 p. ill. 84 pi. Sh2ii No more published. Seven periods of English architecture defined and illustrated. 2d AH42 edition. London, 1871. Nar. Q. [i5] + 37 + [i] P- 22 pi. A24 Supplemental sketch of the collective architectural history of Chi- AH42 Chester cathedral, Boxgrove priory and S. Mary s church, New C43 Shoreham, as indicated by their mouldings. Chichester, 1861. Sq. F. [4] + 32 p. ill. Treatise on the rise and progress of decorated window tracery in AK England. London, 1849. O. 2 v. in I. ill. 66 pi. Sh2i Vol. 2 has title Decorated windows ; a series of illustrations of the window tracery of the decorated style of ecclesiastical architecture. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 945 Sharpe, Samuel. 1799-1881. Historical sketch of the Egyptian buildings and sculpture. (In AH42 London, Eng. Crystal Palace. Fine arts courts. 1854. ser - ! > ^875 no. i, p. 35-71.) See Bonomi, Joseph. 1796-1878. Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia. .. AH62 with . . . notes by S. Sharpe. 1862. A9 Sharpe, Samuel, 1799-1881, compiler. AR62 See British museum. Egyptian antiquities in the Museum. 1862. A8 Shaw, Edward. Civil architecture; being a complete . . . system of building, con- A A taining the fundamental principles of the art . . . [with] a treatise Sh22 on Gothic architecture, etc., by T. W. Silloway and G. M. Har ding, i ith edition. Philadelphia, 1876 [c. 1852-69]. Sq. F. 191 p. 102 pi. Shaw, Eyre M[assey]. 1830- AE4 Fires in theatres. 2d edition. London, 1889. D. 20+86 p. Sli2 Shaw, Giles, editor. AB See Local notes and gleanings. 1887-. L78 Shaw, Henry. 1800-73. Alphabets, numerals and devices of the middle ages. AK London, 1845. F. 4 [7] p. 48 pi. Sh2 Decorative arts, ecclesiastical and civil, of the middle ages. AN6 London, 1851. Nar. Q. Unpaged, ill. 41 pi. Sh2 Details of Elizabethan architecture. AD7 London, 1839. Nar. Q. 56 p. 60 pi. Sh2 Dresses and decorations of the middle ages. AN4 London, 1843. Nar. Q. 2 v. in i. ill. 94 pi. Sh2 Encyclopedia of ornament. London, 1842. F. 4 6 p. 50 pi. AK Sll22 Hand book of mediaeval alphabets and devices. AK London, 1853. Nar. Q. [10] p. 37 pi. Sli23 History and antiquities of the chapel at Luton Park. . . AH42 London, 1829. F. 6 [3]+2+i5 p. ill. 20 pi. L97 Specimens of ancient furniture, drawn from existing authorities, ANi with descriptions by Sir S. R. Meyrick. Sh2i London, 1836. Q. 6+57 p. 74 pi. Specimens of tile pavements drawn from existing authorities. AJ2 London, 1858. Sq. F. [20] p. ill. 47 pi. Sh2 60 946 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Shaw, Henry, 1800-73, editor. Sec Bridgens, Richard. Designs and specimens of furniture, ANi candelabra, and interior decoration. 1838. B/6 See [Qidde, Walter]. 17111 cent. Booke of sundry draughtes. AN3 1848. 038 Shaw, John, architect. -1870. Letter on ecclesiastical architecture as applicable to modern AE churches. . . London, 1839. Nar. Q. 32 p. 4 pi. Sli2 Shaw, Richard Norman. 1831-. Architectural sketches from the continent. AA London [pref. 1858]. F. f) [13] p. 100 pi. Sh2 Shaw, R[ichard] Norman, 1831- and Jackson, T. Q., 1835-, compilers. Architecture a profession or an art; thirteen short essays on the A A qualifications and training of architects. Sli2i London, 1892. O. 35 + 244 p. Shaw, Rev. Stebbing. 1762-1802. History and antiquities of Staffordshire. . . AR42 London, 1798-1801. F. 5 2 v. ill. 79 pi. map. 2 tab. Sti Shaw, Rev. William Francis. Liber Estriae; or, Memorials of the royal ville and parish of AH42 Eastry in the county of Kent. Ea7 London, 1870. Q. [j]+6+244 p. ill. 7 pi. Sheahan, James Joseph. History of the town and port of Kingston-upon-Hull. 2<3 edition. AH42 Beverly, 1866. Nar. Q. [7] + 795 p. 12 pi. i tab. H88 Shedd, Mrs. Julia A[nn (Clark)]. 1834-. Ghiberti gates; an account of Lorenzo Ghiberti and the bronze AH45 doors of the baptistery at Florence. F668 Boston, 1879. Sq. F. 4 89 p. I por. 32 pi. Shepherd, Thomas H[enry]. London and its environs in the nineteenth century, illustrated by AH42 a series of views. . . London, 1829. Nar. Q. 3+160 p. 80 pi. L863 Shepherd, Thomas Henry, illustrator. AH42 See Britton, John. 1771-1857. Bath and Bristol. 1829. B32 See Elmes, James. 1782-1862. Metropolitan improvements. AH42 1827. L94 Sheraton, Thomas. Accompaniment to the Cabinet-maker and upholsterer s drawing- ANi book, containing . . . ornaments useful for learners to copy. . . Sh5 London, no date. Nar. Q. 27 + [23] p. 14 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 947 Sheraton, Thomas. Appendix to the Cabinet-maker and upholsterer s drawing-book, ANi containing . . . original designs for household furniture. . . Shs London, 1793. Nar. O. 54 p. 34 pi. Cabinet-maker and upholsterer s drawing-book. . . 2tl ed. with ANi additional plates. London, 1794. Nar. Q. i9+446+[i] p. 72 pi. Sh$ [Shinn, Earl. 1837-86.] Mr. Vanderbilt s house and collection, described by Edward AH73 Strahan [pseud.]. Boston [c. 1883-84], F. 7 4 v. ill. 162 pi. A6 Shinn, George Wolfe, D. D. 1839-. King s handbook of notable Episcopal churches in the U. S. AH73 Boston, 1889. O. 286 p. roo ill. Ai Shoberl, Frederic. 1775-1853. Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex. (In Beauties of England and Wales. AH42 1801-15. v. 14.) Ai 17 [Sholl, Charles]. Working designs for ten Catholic churches, containing all dimen- AE sions, details and specifications necessary for the . . . execution Sh7 of each work ... by an ecclesiastical architect. . . [Anon.] New York, 1869. F. 5 72 + [i] p. ill. 35 pi. Shoppell, R[obert] W. Building designs. New York, no date. F. 4 7 pts. in 2 v. 183 pi. AE2 $2000 houses. 23 pi. 0117 $250x3 houses. 28 pi. $3000 houses. 30 pi. $3500 houses. 36 pi. $4000 houses. 26 pi. $5000 houses. 26 pi. Stables and carriage houses. 14 pi. Shortt, W[illiam] T[aylor] P[eter]. 1801-. Sylva antiqua Iscana, numismatica, quin etiam figulina; or, Roman AR42 and other antiquities of Exeter ... a description ... of the . . . Ex3 ancient coins, Samian ware and other relics lately discovered in that . . . city. . . Exeter [1841]. O. T45 + [4] p. 12 pi. Shropshire, Walter. Catalogue of prints for ... 1772-76. AO7 London, 1772-76. D. 4 nos. in i v. ShS Sibmacher, Johann. i55o(?)-i6n. Neues stick- und spitzen-musterbuch . . . nach der ausgabe vom AN jahre 1604 hrsg. von J. D. Georgens. Sir Berlin, 1881. Obi. D. 7 p. 58 pi. Stick- u. spitzen-musterbuch; 35 tafeln der ausgabe vom jahre AN6 1597- Berlin, 1887. Obi. S. [i] p. 35 pi. Sii 948 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Siccard von Siccardsburg, August von. 1813-68. Die thiir- und fenster-verschliisse nach ihrer technischen ent- wickelung in den verschiedenen landern bis auf die neueste zeit . . . hrsg. von J. Storck, G. Gugitz, unter mitwirkung des . . . hof- tischlermeisters F. Paulick. Neue aufl. Wien [pref. 1876]. F. 5 i6p. 52 pi. Siccard von Siccardsburg, August von, 1813-68, and Null, Eduard van der, 1812-68. Das k. k. hof-opernhaus in Wien. 1885. (In Wiener monumental- bauten. 1885. v. I.) Sicilien; schilderungen aus gegenwart. . . 1870. See [Hertling, G. F., freiherr von. 1843-.] [Sidone, Raffaele, and Martinetti, Antonio.] Delia sacrosanta basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano. . . [Anon.] Roma, 1750. S. 2 v. in i. Contents: v. i. Delle prerogative della basilica. v. 2. Della nuova struttura della basilica. Siebeck, R[udolph]. 1808-78. Picturesque garden plans; a practical guide to the laying-out, ornamentation and arrangement of villa gardens, town squares and open spaces, from a quarter of an acre to four acres . . . adapted to English gardens ... by J. Newton. London, 1864. Nar. F. 3 + [27] p. 24 pi. Siebold, K., Dorpfeld, W[ilhelm], 1853- and others. Uber die verwendung von terrakotten am geison und dache griechischer bauwerke. 1881. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 41. Siena (Italy) Piccolomini library. Engravings from the frescoes in the library. London [1881]. F. 6 10 pi. (Arundel society. Publications.) Sighart, J[oachim]. 1824-67. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im konigreich Bayern, von den anfangen bis zur gegenwart. . . Munchen, 1862. O. i2 + [i] + 798 p. ill. 2 pi. 32 paged pi. AI Si 1 2 Die mittelalterliche kunst in der erzdiocese Miinchen-Freising dargestellt in ihrcn denkmalern. Freising, 1855. D. 7+[_2] + 256 p. 6 pi. map. Sikes, [William] Wirt. 1836-83. Rambles and studies in old South Wales. London, 1881. O. 16+304 p. 25 pi. Silesius, Henricus, pseudonym. See Luchs, Karl Friedrich Hermann. 1826-. AH 43 6 679 AH 4 5 Sii6 AH45 R7Q2 AN8 Sii AP AM6 Sii AO Si2 AE Si2 AH42Q A4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 949 Sil la, Antonio. 1737-. La fondazione di Partenope; dove si ricerca la vera origine, la Al<45 religione, e la polizia dell antica citta di Napoli. Ni64 Napoli, 1769. O. 8+2 1 2 + [20] p. 3 pi. Sillig, Karl Julius, 1801-55, editor. See Bottiger, K. A. 1760-1835. Ideen zur kunst-mythologie. AX 1826-36. v. 2. B652 See Bottiger, K. A. 1760-1835. Kleine schriften. 1837-38. AR495 Al2 Silloway, Rev. Thomas W[illiam]. 1828-. Text-book of modern carpentry; comprising a treatise on build- AI ing-timber with rules and tables . . . and a glossary explaining . . . Si3 technical terms. .. Boston, 1858. D. 8+i8op. 20 pi. Silloway, Rev. Thomas William, 1828- editor. A A See Shaw, Edward. Civil architecture. 1876. Sh22 [Silva, Ercole, conte.] Dell arte dei giardini inglesi. . . [Anon.] AN8 Milano anno ix [1801]. Q. 6+373 + [i] p. ill. 6 pi. Si3i Silva, Joaquim Possidonio Narciso da. 1806-. Nocoes elementares de archeologia . . . introducgao do I. de AP Vilhena Barbosa. . . Lisboa, 1878. O. [25] + 3i4+[4] p. ill. Si3 Silvestre, Israel. 1621-91. Alcune vedute di giardini e fontane di Roma e di Tivoli. AH45 Paris, 1646. F. 12 pi. A73 This volume contains also 3 series by Silvestre, of 30 engravings of buildings and views in Italy and Rome, together with 12 engravings after pictures by Richard Wilson, and a series of 12 engravings representing churches in Rome. Silvestre, [Jacques Augustin] de. 1719-1809. Catalogue raisonne d objets d arts . . . [de son] cabinet, par F. L. AO2 Regnault-Delalande. Paris, 1810. O. 16+555+16 p. Si3 Silvestre, [Joseph Balthazar]. 1791-1869. Alphabet-album: Collection de soixante feuilles d alphabets, AK histories et fleuronnes, tires des principales bibliotheques de Si3 1 Europe . . . graves par Girault. Paris, 1843. F. 5 58 pi. Silvestre, J[oseph] B[althazar], 1791-1869, and Paillet, J. N. Lettres, chiffres et armes, tires des principales bibliotheques de AK 1 Europe. Paris, 1863. F. 5 4 p. 60 pi. Si3i [Silvestre, Louis Catherine. 1792-1867]. Marques typographiques; ou, Recueil des monogrammes, chiffres, AX enseignes, emblemes . . . des libraires et imprimeurs, qui ont Si3 exerce en France depuis . . . 1470 jusqu a la fin du seizieme siecle. . . [Anon.] Paris, 1853-67. O. 8 + 745+48 p. 376 paged pi. 60* 950 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sim, George. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of Greek and Roman coins. AM I [Edinburgh] 1879. Nar. Q. 182 + 2 p. Si4 Simakov, N. L art de 1 Asie centrale ; recueil de 1 art decoratif de 1 Asie centrale AK . . . publication de la Societe imperiale d encouragement aux Si4 beaux arts de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersbourg, 1883. F. 6 [12] p. 50 pi. Title-page and text in Russian and French. L ornement russe dans les anciens produits de 1 art industriel AK national; publication de la Societe imperiale d encouragement aux Si4i beaux arts de St. Petersbourg. . . St. Petersbourg, 1882. F. 5 [8] p. 24 pi. Title-page and text in Russian and French. Simil, Alphonse Paul, 1844- continues AIi4S See Letarouilly, P. M. 1795-1855. Le Vatican. 1882. R683 Simmonds, Thomas C. Art of modelling in clay and wax, arranged as a course of instruc- AN6 tion. London [pref. 1892]. D. 4+[i]+62 p. ill. 6 paged pi. 695 Simmons hardware co. Ai2 [Catalogue]. Saint Louis, no date. F. 3O+[2] + 2O2i p. ill. 814 Simon=Durant, Joseph. 1776-. See Durant, Joseph Simon. 1776-. Simonds, George. Some aspects of sculpture considered in relation to architecture. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1890-91. R8i n. s. v. 7, p. 195-224.) Simone, Sante. L architettura bisantina, cenno storico. AH45 Conversano, 1880. O. 50 p. Ri9i La cattedrale di Conversano. Bari, 1878. O. 36 p. 2 pi. AH45 Z Simonetti, Attilio, cavaliere. Catalogue des objets d art et de haute curiosite composant . . , AO2 [sa] collection . . . vente . . . le 16 Avril, 1883 et jours suivants. . . Si5 Rome, 1883. Nar. Q. 16+240 p. ill. i pi. 8 paged pi. Simonin, . Traite elementaire de la coupe des pierres ; ou, Art du trait . . . AI mis au jour par M. de Lagardette. Paris, 1847. Q- 35 P- 49 P^ $15 Simpson, Hall, Miller & co. Illustrated catalogue and price-list of fine electro silver plated AM4 ware, heavily plated on white metal and nickel silver. . . Si5 Wallingford [pref. 1878-79]. Sq. F 5 2 v. in I. ill. 2 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 951 Simpson, Francis, jr. -1861. Series of ancient baptismal fonts chronologically arranged. . . ANi London, 1828. Q. 83 p. 120 pi. Si5 Series of ancient baptismal fonts, chronologically arranged. . . ANi London, 1828. Q. 83 p. 41 pi. Si$i Contains, instead of the plates, the original drawings in India ink, mounted on cardboard. Simpson, Rev. Henry Trail. Archaeologia Adelensis ; or, A history of the parish of Adel, in AR42 the West Riding of Yorkshire. . . Ad3 London, 1879. Nar. Q. 12 + 297 p. ill. 5 pi. Simpson, Sir James Y[oung], baronet, M. D. 181 1-70. Archaeological essays, edited by John Stuart. AP Edinburgh, 1872. Sq. O. 2 v. ill. 5 pi. Si$ Simpson, William. 1823-. Architecture in the Himalayas. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1882-83^.65-80. 10 pi.) R8i Architecture of China. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Papers. 1873-74, p. 33-50. 2 pi.) R8i Buddhist architecture in the Jellalabad valley. (In Royal institute AC of British architects. Transactions. 1879-1880, p. 37-64. 7 pi.) R8i Mud architecture ; notes made in Persia and other countries. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1887. n. s. R8i v. 3, p. 57-80. i pi.) On the architecture of India. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Papers. 1861-62, p. 165-178.) R8i Origin and mutation in Indian and eastern architecture. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. RSi v. 7, p. 225-276. I pi.) Simpson, W[illiam] Sparrow. Chapters in the history of old S. Paul s. AH42 London, 1881. O. 8 + [3J + 3O4 p. ill. I pi. I facsim. L864 Simrock, Karl Joseph. 1802-76. Bonna Verona. (In Bonn ; beitrage zu seiner geschichte. 1868. AH43 20 pi.) 6645 Sinaud, Henry. Coupe des pierres, limitee aux epures usuelles. Paris, 1890. S. AI 8i + [i] p. ill. 3 paged pi. (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de Si6 dessin. Premiere serie : Enseignement technique.) 952 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sinner, P. Sammlung schwabischer baudenkmale und kunstarbeiten. . . AH43 Tubingen, no date. F. 5 8 pts. in i v. 45 pi. A33 Siracusa, Leopoldo, conte di. Notizia dei vasi dipinti rinvenuti a Cuma nel 1856, [da G. AN2 Fiorelli]. Napoli, 1856. F. 5 29 p. 18 pi. Si7 Sirigatti, Lorenzo, cavaliere. La pratica di prospettiva. AL2 Venetia, Franceschi, 1596. F. 5 81 p. 7 pi. 58 paged pi. Si/ Sisson, Rev. J[oseph] Lawson. Historic sketch of the parish church, Wakefield. AH42 Wakefield, 1824. Sq. O. [5] + ! 14+0] p. ill. 3 pi. Wi3 Sistema generale dell architettura de lazzeretti, 1826. AE6 See Diversi, Carlo. D64 Plates by Diversi, text by Giuliano de Fazio. Sitzungsberichte des Vereins zur beforderung des AC gewerbfleisses. 1877-92. V$83 See Verein zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses. Bound with its Verhandlungen. 1877-92. v. 56-71. Skelton, John. 1831-. Royal house of Stuart and its adherents. (In Gibb, William. AW Royal house of Stuart. 1890. p. 1-40.) St9 Skelton, Joseph, engraver. See Meyrick, Sir S. R. 1783-1848. Engraved illustrations of AN5 antient arms and armour from the collection at Goodrich court, M57I Herefordshire. 1854. Sketches illustrative of the topography and history of New AR42 and Old Sleaford. 1825. Si 2 See Creasy, James. Skinner, Richard. New and complete history and description of ... London, West- AH42 minster, the borough of Southwark and parts adjacent. . . L883 London, 1795. F. 4 4+S38+[8] p. 52 pi. 2 maps. Skurray, Wickes, translator. See Venuti, N. M., marchese de. 1700-55. Description of the AR45 first discoveries of the antient city of Hcraclca, found near Portici. H423 1750. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 953 Slade, Felix. 1790-1868. Catalogue of ... [his] collection of glass, with notes on the history AN 3 of glass-making by A. Nesbitt. . . Sli [London] 1871. F. 4 [9] + 5O+i83p. ill. 40 pi. Slater, John. Electric lighting. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- AC actions. 1880-81, p. 193-216). R8i Recent progress in the electric lighting of buildings. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1881-82, p. 201- R8i 237. 2 pi.) Slater, John, and Smith, T. R. AE Architecture, classic and early Christian. 1882. Sm6 Slater, William. 1818-72. Echingham church. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections. AC v. 9, P- 343-360. i pi.) Su8 Sleigh, John. 1826-. History of the ancient parish of Leek in Staffordshire, including AH42 Horton, Cheddleton and Ipstoncs. . . 2d edition. L5 i London [1883]. Sq. F. [s] + 237 p. ill. 8 por. 21 pi. i facsim. 9 tab. Slezer, Capt. John. -i7i4(?). Theatrum Scotiae, containing the prospects of their majesties cas- AH4I5 ties and palaces . . . with . . . the ruins of many ancient abbeys, A 1 1 churches . . . and convents. . . New ed. containing all the works of Slezer . . . with [his] life ... by J. Jamieson. Edinburgh, 1814. F. 5 [5]+i3+69p. 69 pi. Sloan, Samuel. 1815-84. Constructive architecture ; a guide to the practical builder and AI mechanic . . . [containing] a series of designs for domes, roofs and Si 5 spires, with . . . examples of the five orders of architecture . . . [and] a number of useful geometrical problems. . . Philadelphia, 1859. Sq. F. 147 p. 66 pi. Model architect ; a series of ... designs for cottages, villas . . . AE2 [with] explanations. . . Philadelphia [c. 1852]. F. 4 2 v. 185 pi. Si5 Sloan s homestead architecture, containing forty designs for AE2 villas, cottages and farm houses, with essays on style, construc tion . . . etc. Philadelphia, 1861. O. 354 p. ill. 52 paged pi. Sloan, Samuel, 1815-84, editor. See Nicholson, Peter. 1765-1844. Carpenter s new guide. 1854. [Slosson, Annie Trumbull.] China hunters club, by the Youngest member. New York, 1878. Sq. D. 274 p. i pi. 17 paged pi. AI N52 AN2 Sis 954 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Smart, T. William Wake. Notice of Rev. John Allin, vicar of Rye, 1653-62; an ejected AC minister. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 31, Su8 p. 123-156.) Smeaton, John. 1724-92. Narrative of the building and . . . description of the construction AH42 of the Edystone lighthouse with stone . . . [with] an appendix. . . Ed9 2d edition. London, 1813. F. c 14+198 p. 20 pi. 3 maps. Smillie, James. 1807-85. Panoramic view from Bunker Hill monument, engraved by James AE8 Smillie, from a painting by R. P. Mallory. Sm4 Boston, 1848. O. 1 6 p. ill. 2 pi. Smirke, Sir Edward. 1796-1875. Memoir of the late Sir Robert Smirke. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1866-67, P- 1 97~ 2O 7-) Smirke, Sydney. 1799-1877. Account of the Temple church. (In Essex W. R. H. Illustrations AH42 of the architectural ornaments . . . and painted glass of the Tern- L869 pie church. 1845. p. 1-8.) Account of the Temple church, [with] descriptive catalogue of the A A plates illustrating [its] . . . restoration [by R. H. Essex]. (In Q2 Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - l > 8+7 p. 30 pi.) Observations on the origin of the pointed arch in architecture. AB (In Archaeologia. v. 21, p. 521-533. 2 pi.) Ar2 Remarks on the architectural history of Westminster hall. (In AB Archaeologia. v. 26, p. 406-421. 4 pi.) Ar2 Some account of the professional life and character of C. R. AB Cockerell. . . (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. R8i 1863-64, p. 17-28. i pi.) Suggestions for the architectural improvement of the western AH42 part of London. London, 1834. Nar. Q. 117 p. 3 pi. L888 Smith, Arthur H., compiler. AX See British museum. Catalogue of engraved gems. 1888. 677 See British museum. Catalogue of sculpture in the department AO8 of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1892. Smith, Bernard. Sketches in Germany and Switzerland. [London, pref. 1880.] F. 5 AH43 [8] p. 32 pi. (Smith, B. Sketches abroad.) A 5 Sketches in Spain. London, 1883. F. 5 3 + [4] + 28 p. 30 pi. APLj.6 (Smith, B. Sketches abroad.) A2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 955 Smith, Rev. Bernard, editor. See Pugin, A. [N.] W. 1811-52. Glossary of ecclesiastical orna- AN4 ment and costume. 1868. Smith, Charles. M. D. Antient and present state of the county and city of Cork. AH4I5 Dublin, 1850. O. 2 v. 12 pi. map. C8i Smith, Charles H. J. Parks and pleasure grounds; or, Practical notes on country resi- AN8 dences, villas, public parks and gardens. Sm5 London, 1852. O. 11+290 p. Smith, Charles H[arriott]. 1 792-1 864(?). Lithology; or, Observations on stone used for building . . . (In A A Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v. 4, 36 p. I pi. Q2 I map.) On the various methods, now before the public, of indurating and AC preserving architectural stonework. (In Royal institute of archi- R8i tects. Papers. 1856-57, p. 27-39.) Remarks on the forms, methods of casting, and ringing of large AC bells. . . (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. R8i 1855-56, p. 59-88. 2 pi.) Smith, Charles John. 1803-38. Historical and literary curiosities, consisting of fac-similes of orig- AX inal documents, scenes of remarkable events . . . and the birth- Sm5 places, residences, portraits ... of eminent literary characters. . . London, 1852. Q. Unpaged. 27 pi. 65 facsim. Continued after the author s death by H. G. Bohn. Smith, Charles Roach. 1804-90. Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver and Lymne, in Kent, illus- AR42 trated by F. W. Fairholt. K4II London, 1850. O. 15+272+7 p. ill. 19 pi. Catalogue of the Museum of London antiquities. . . AR42 London, 1854. O. 7+i93 + [i2] p. ill. 20 pi. L855 Five autograph letters of the author inserted. Discovery of altars, coins, etc., near the site of Procolitia, on the AR42 line of the Roman wall. London, 1879. O. 7 p. A32 Reprinted from Numismatic chronicle, n. s. v. 19, p. 85-91. Notes on some of the antiquities of France, made during a fort- AR44 night s excursion in the summer of 1854. A27 London, 1855. O. [5]+4O p. ill. 13 pi. Reprinted from his Collectanea antiqua. v. 4. 956 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Smith, Charles Roach. 1804-90. Report on excavations made on the site of the Roman castrum at AR42 Lymne in Kent in 1850, with Notes on the original plan of the 1.98 castrum and on the ancient state of Romney marshes, by James Elliott, jun. London, 1852. O. 8+45 + [5] P- ill- 1 1 pi- i paged pi. Retrospections, social and archaeological. AR42 London, 1883-91. O. 3 v. ill. 7 por. 15 pi. An Vol. 3 edited by J. G. Waller. Roman wall (Procolitia). AR42 London, 1878. O. p. 115-135. ill. i pi. A32 From his Collectanea antiqua. v. 7, pt. 2. Smith, Charles Roach, 1804-90, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of Anglo- AO2 Saxon and other antiquities discovered at Faversham in Kent. 8087 1871. Smith, Ed. W. See Fiihrer, A. Sharqi architecture of Jaunpur . . . with . . . AR54 descriptions by E. W. Smith. 1889. (In India Archaeological Ai survey. Reports. 1889. new ser. v. i.) [Smith, Franklin W.] Design and prospectus for a national gallery of history and art at AH73 Washington. [Anon. Washington, c. 1891]. Q. 104 p. ill. i pi. W27I 6 paged pi. (Propaganda for the national gallery. Bulletin, no. i.) Smith, George, upholsterer. Cabinet-maker and upholsterer s guide; being a complete draw- AM 5 ing book . . . treatises . . . designs. . . Sm5 London, 1826. O. 8 + 219 p. ill. 153 pi. Collection of designs for household furniture and interior decora- ANi tion. . . London, 1808. Q. 14+33 P- 1 S7 ?! S m 5 Collection of ornamental designs after the manner of the antique, AK compos d for the use of architects, ornamental painters . . . and Sm54 every trade dependant on the fine arts. . . London [1812]. Sq. F. 18 p. 43 p. Engraved title-page. Smith, Henry Ecroyd. Reliquiae Isurianae: The remains of the Roman Isurium (now AR42 Aldborough near Boroughbridge, Yorkshire). . . Al2 London, 1852. F. 4 [7] +62+4 p. ill. 36 pi. i paged pi. Smith, J. Gordon. Monograms in three and four letters suitable for engraving, paint- AK ing . . embroidering. . . New series. Sm5 London, no date. F. [5] p. 70 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 957 Smith, J. Moyr. AK Album of decorative figures. London, 1882. F. 4 8 p. 50 pi. 811152 Legendary studies and other sketches for decorative figure panels. AK London, no date. F. 4 [3] p. 27 pi. Sm5i Ornamental interiors, ancient and modern. AK London, 1887. Q. 16+236 p. ill. 33 pi. Sm53 Smith, James. 1820-. Wilton and its associations. . . AR42 Salisbury, 1851. D. 14+222 p. ill. W7i Smith, Sir James Edward, M. D. 1759-1828. Fifteen views illustrative of a tour to Hafod in Cardiganshire, the AH42 seat of Thomas Johnes. . . London, 1810. Sq. F. 6 15 pi. Hi 13 Smith, John. Select views in Italy, with topographical and historical descrip- AH45 tions in English and French. A62 London, 1796. Obi. Q. 2 v. 72 pi. map. Smith, John Alexander, M. D. Notice of a massive bronze "late Celtic" armlet, . . . found with a AC Roman bronze patella, at Stanhope ... in 1876. . . (In Society So 12 of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 15, p. 316-363.) Smith, J[ohn] J[ames], compiler. Cambridge portfolio. . . AH42 London, 1840. F. 2 v. in I. [8] + 540 p. ill. 6 por. 7ipl.facsim. Ci4 Paged continuously. Smith, John Jay, 1798-1881, and Walter, T. U., 1804-87. AM2 Guide to workers in metals and stone. 1846. Wi7 Two hundred designs for cottages and villas. 1847. AE2 Smith, John Thomas. 1766-1833. Ancient topography of London . . . [with] some account of places AH42 and customs either unknown or overlooked by the London historians. London, 1892. Sq. F. 4 82 p. 33 pi. Reprint of the edition of 1815. Antiquarian ramble in the streets of London, with anecdotes of AR42 their more celebrated residents, edited by C. Mackay. A2p London, 1846. O. 2 v. Antiquities of London and its environs . . . containing views of AR42 houses, monuments, statues, and other curious remains of anti- L842 quity. . . London, 1791. F. 4 96 pi. 958 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Smith, John Thomas. 1766-1833. Antiquities of Westminster, the old palace, St. Stephen s chapel. . . AH42 London, 1807. Sq. F. [i9] + 276+[i] p. ill. 40 pi. W522 Remarks on rural scenery, with twenty etchings of cottages from AE2 nature. . . London, 1797. Nar. Q. 20 p. 20 pi. Sm5 Smith, Joseph, British consul at Venice. AX See Qori, A. F. 1691-1757. Dactyliotheca Smithiana. 1767. 667 Smith, Robert Henry Soden, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of the loan AM4 exhibition of ancient and modern jewelry. 1873. So8i Smith, Major R[obert] Murdoch and Porcher, E. A. History of the recent discoveries at Cyrene, made during an AR62 expedition to the Cyrenaica in 1 860-61. . . Ai London, 1864. F. 4 16+117 p. ill. 51 pi. map. 10 facsim. Smith, Seth. Description of the patent metallic lining and damper for the AI chimneys of dwellings and other houses and buildings. Sm5 London [1854]. Nar. Q. 16 p. 3 pi. Smith, Thomas. Topographical and historical account of the parish of St. Mary- AH42 le-bone. . . London, 1833. O. [io]+3i9 p. 6 pi. map. L856 Smith, T[homas] Roger. 1830-. Architecture, Gothic and renaissance. London, 1888. D. AD6 39+236 p. ill. pi. (Illustrated hand-books of art history, ed. by Sm6 E. J. Poynter and R. Smith.) On acoustics. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. AC 1860-61, p. 73-96.) R8i On new materials and recent inventions connected with building. AC (Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1874-75^.199-216.) R8i See Illustrated hand-books of art history. Smith, Thomas Roger, 1830-, and Slater, John. Architecture, classic and early Christian. London, 1882. D. AE 24+272 p. ill. I pi. (Illustrated hand-books of art history, ed. Sm6 by E. J. Poynter and R. Smith.) Smith, Walter. Art education, scholastic and industrial. AO Boston, 1872. O. io+[i]+398 p. ill. 40 pi. Sm5 Examples of household taste. ANi New York [1884]. Q. 10+521 p. ill. I pi. Sm5 1 Another edition of his Industrial art, in Masterpieces of the Centennial international exhibi tion. i876(?). v. 2. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 959 Smith, William. I55o(?)-i6i8. Particular description of England, 1588, with views of some of the AH42 chief towns and armorial bearings of nobles and bishops, edited. . . A 99 with an introduction by H. B. Wheatley and E. W. Ashbee. London, 1879. Q. 19+75 p. 29 pi. map. Smith, William. F. S. A. Catalogue of the works of Cornelius Visscher. (In Fine arts quar- AB terly review, v. I, p. 135-152, 401-415; v. 2, p. 384-404; v. 3, 1^49 p. 126-147.) Catalogue of the works of Cornelius Visscher. AY Bungay, 1864. Q. [3]+73 + [i]P- v ^2 From Fine arts quarterly review, nos. 1-2. History and antiquities of Morley, in the West Riding of the AII42 county of York. . . M82 London, 1876. O. 12 + 272 p. ill. 4 por. 17 pi. 8 phot. Smith, William, F. S. A., compiler. Old Yorkshire, with an introduction by Will Carleton. . . New AR42 series. London, 1889. O. v. I. ill. 2 por. I pi. Y8 Smyth, C[harles] Piazzi. 1819- AH47 Three cities in Russia. London, 1862. O. 2 v. 8 pi. 2 maps. A 2 Smyth, Coke. See Lewis, J. F. 180576. Illustrations of Constantinople made AH496 ... in ... 1835-6 . . . from the original sketches by Coke Smyth. C762 [1838.] Smyth, George Lewis. Monuments and genii of St. Paul s Cathedral and of Westminster AH42 Abbey. . . London, 1826. O. 2 v. 33 pi. L8442 Smyth, Rev. Philip, translator. See Aldrich, Henry. 1647-1710. Elements of civil architecture. AA 1789. AL2 See Aldrich, Henry. 1647-1710. Elements of civil architecture. AA 1824. Ai2i Smyth, Admiral William Henry. 1788-1865. Description of an astrological clock, belonging to the Society of AB antiquaries, of London. (In Archaeologia. v. 33, p. 8-35; v. 34, Ar2 p. i -20. 2 pi.) Descriptive catalogue of a cabinet of Roman imperial large-brass AMi medals. Bedford, 1834. Q. 22+[i] + 352 p. Sm9 Snell, H[enry] Saxon. Charitable and parochial establishments. AE6 London, 1881. F. 4 8+70 p. ill. 46 pi. Sn2 960 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Soane, Sir John. 1753-1837. Description of [his] . . . house and museum on the north side of AO4 Lincoln s-Inn-Fields. . . London, 1830. Sq. F. [4] + 56 p. 17 pi. Soi2 Societa di archeologia e belle art! per la provincia di Torino. AC Atti. Torino, 1875. Q. v. 1-4. ill. pi. 8017 Societas regia antiquariorum septentrionalium. See Copenhagen (Denmark) Kongeligt nordisk oldskrift- selskab. Societe academique d archeologie, sciences et arts du Departement de 1 Oise. AC. Memoires. 1847-89. Beauvais, 1847-89. O. v. 1-14. ill. pi. 8019 Societe academique d architecture de Lyon. See Lyons (France) Societe academique d architecture. Societe archeologique d Eure=et=Loir, publisher. See Bulteau, M. T., abbe. -1882. Monographic de la cathedrale AH44 de Chartres. 1887-88. Cs82 Society archeologique de 1 Orleanais. See Societe archeologique et historique de 1 Orleanais. Societe archeologique de Rambouillet. See Rambouillet (France) Societe archeologique. Societe archeologique de Tarn=et=Qaronne. Les noces d argent. 1866-91. AC Montauban, 1891. Nar. Q. 206 p. 6 pi. 8029 Societe archeologique de Vervins. La Thierache; bulletin. AC Vervins, 1873-80. Q. v. 1-7 in 3. ill. pi. 8026 Societe archeologique et historique de 1 Orleanais. Memoires. AC Orleans, 1851-89. O. and Q. v. 1-22, ill. pi. and Atlas to v. n, 8024 15, 17, 1 8, 20. F. 4 iv. pi. Societe archeologique et historique du Limousin. Bulletin. 1845-93. AC Limoges, 1846-93. O. v. 1-40 in 21. ill. pi. 8033 - Tables generates, v. 1-22. Limoges, 1876. O. Societe centrale d architecture de Belgique, publisher. AC See L emulation. 1891-93. 8028 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 961 Societe centrale des architectes. See L architecture; journal hebdomadaire. 1888-. Societe centrale des architectes, editor. Manuel des lois du bailment. 2 e edition augmentee. AI Paris, 1879. O. 2 v. in 5. Sol Societe d archeologie dans le duche de Limbourg. See Societe historique et archeologique dans le duche de Lim= bourg. Societe d archeologie du Departement de la Somme. See Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. Societe d archeologie et d histoire de la Moselle, publisher. See Bouteiller, Ernest de. 1826-83. Dictionnaire topographique AR44 de la Moselle. 1874. M85 Societe d archeologie Lorraine. AC Bulletins. See, below, Memoires. So2i Memoires. Nancy, 1851-91. O. v. 1-41. ill. pi. AC So2i Vol. i, 2 d edition. Vols. 9-22 form 2 d ser., v. 1-14 ; v. 23-41 form 3 d ser., v. 1-19. Vols. 1-8 known as Bulletins. Tables, v. 1-22. Nancy, 1874. O. AC So2i Societe d art et histoire du diocese de Liege. AC Bulletin. Liege, 1881-92. Nar. Q. v. 1-7 in 4. ill. pi. 8032 Societe d emulation du Jura. AH44 Publications archeologiques. Lons-le-Saunier, 1885. Sq. F. 6791 Vol. i. PROST, [P. H.] B. 1849-. Notice sur les anciens vitraux de 1 eglise de Saint-Julien. 1885. Societe d encouragement pour 1 industrie nationale. AC Annuaire. See, below, Bulletin. 8023 Bulletin. Paris, 1803-91. Q. v. 1-90. ill. pi. AC So23 Vols. 53-72 form 2 d ser., v. i-io; v. 73-84 form 3 d ser., v. 1-12; and v. 85-90 form 4 th ser., v. 1-6. Vol. for 1852 has secondary title-page, Annuaire. Table generale. v. 1-82. Paris, 1838-89. Q. 6 v. in 3. AC 5023 Societe d encouragement pour la propagation des livres d art. See Paris(France) Societe d encouragement pour la propagation des livres d art. 61 962 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Societe d histoire et d antiquite de Winterthur. See Winterthur (Switz.) Historisch=antiquarischer verein. Societe de 1 histoire de Tart francais. Publications. Paris, 1874-88. O. 8 v. DUPONT, P. 1577 (?) -1650(7) La stromatourgie. 1882. FELIBIEN, A. 1619-95. Me moires pour servir a 1 histoire des maisons royalles, 1874. HAVARD, H. 1838-, ed. La France, artistique et monumentale. No date. 2 v. LABORDE.L. E. S. J., marquis DE, 1807-69, ed. Les comptesdes bailments duroi. 1877-80. 2 v. MONTAIGLON, A. DE C. DE. 1824-. Correspondance des directeurs de l Acade"mie de France a Rome, 1666-1793. 1887-88. 2 v. Societe de 1 histoire de Tart franais, publisher. Nouvelles archives de 1 art fran9ais. AC Paris, 1872-85. O. 12 v. pi. 8022 Vols. 7-12 form ad ser., v. 1-6. Societe de 1 Orient latin. See Societe pour la publication de textes relatifs a 1 histoire et a la geographic de 1 Orient latin. Societe des amis des monuments parisiens. AC Bulletin. Paris [1885] -93. O. v. 1-7. ill. pi. 8038 Edited by Charles Normand. v. 1-7. Societe des antiquaires de 1 Ouest. AC Memoires; tome 35. 1870-71. Poitiers, 1872. O. v. 35. pi. 8036 Societe des antiquaires de la Morinie, publisher. See Laplane, H. P. F. de. 1806-73. L abbaye de Clairmarais. AH44 1863. 53331 See Laplane, H. P. F. de. 1806-73. Les abbes de Clairmarais. AH44 1868. Sa332 See Laplane, H. P. F. de. 1806-73. Les abbes de Saint-Bertin. AH44 1854- Sa33 Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. AC Memoires. Amiens, 1838-89. O. v. 1-30. pi. maps. 8025 Vols. 11-20 form z& ser., v. i-io; v. 21-30 form 3<i ser., v. i-io. Societe des antiquaires de Suede. See Svenska fornminnes-forening. Societe des antiquaires du Centre. AC Memoires. Bourges, 1868-93. O. v. 1-19. ill. pi. 803 Table, v. i-io. Bourges, 1883. O. I v. Societe des bibliophiles francois, publisher. Les Pineau . . . (1652-1886). AW Paris, 1892. Sq. F. 3 + 188 p. ill. 3 por. 19 pi. P65 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 963 Societe des etudes juives, publisher. See Chipiez, Charles, 1835-, an d Perrot, Georges, 1832-. Le AH569 temple de Jerusalem. 1889. J5 11 Societe Eduenne, publisher. See Buliot, J. Q. Essai historique sur 1 abbaye de Saint-Martin AH44 d Autun. 1849. Au82 Societe francaise pour la conservation et la descrip- AB tion des monuments historiques, publisher. B8; See Bulletin monumental. 1834-93. See Congres archeologique de France. Seances generales. 1843-83. AC C;6 Societe historique, archeologique et litteraire de la ville d Ypres et de Pancienne West=Flandre. AC Annales. Ypres, 1861-78. O. v. 1-8 in 4. pi. maps. Soi8 Societe historique et archeologique dans le duche de Limbourg. AC Catalogus der bibliotheek. Maestricht, 1877. O. 64 p. Soi6 Title-page in Dutch and French. Bound with its Publications. 1889. v. 26. Publications. Maestricht, 1864-89. O. v. 1-26. ill. pi. maps. AC So 1 6 Repertoire alphabetique des memoires, notices et articles . . . dans AC les vingt premiers volumes . . . [de ses] Publications. . . 1863-83. Soi6 Maestricht, 1884. O. 56 p. Bound with its Publications. 1889. v. 26. Societe historique et archeologique de Chateau= Thierry. See Chateau-Thierry (France) Societe historique et archeolo gique. Societe historique et archeologique de l Arrondisse= ment de Pontoise et du Vexin. AC Memoires. Pontoise, 1879-83. O. v. 1-4 in i. ill. pi. 8035 Societe historique et archeologique du Gatinais. AC Annales; tome 10. Fontainebleau, 1892. O. v. 10. ill. 8031 Societe historique et archeologique du Maine. AH44 Memoires. Mamers, 1877. O. ill. pi. Li3 CHARLES, L. 1822-74. Histoire de La Ferte"-Bernard. 1877. Revue historique et archeologique du Maine. 1876-91. AC Mamers, 1876-91. O. v. 1-30 in 28. ill. pi. 8015 Societe imperiale des antiquaires de France. See Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. 964 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Societe Jersiaise. . . AC Bulletin annuel. [Saint- Helier] 1875-87. Q. v. 1-12 in 2. pi. 8037 Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. AC Annuaire. 1848-55. Paris, 1848-55. S. 2 folded pi. 8014 Bulletin. 1858-67, 69-70, 72-88. Paris, 1858-88. O. ill. pi. AC 8013 Bound with its Mdmoires. v. 25-49. Bulletin. 1857, 68, 71, 89-91. Paris, 1857-91. O. 4 v. ill. pi. AC 80131 Memoires. AC Paris, 1817-89. O. v. 1-50. ill. pi. and Atlas to v. 9. F. 4 17 pi. 8013 Vols. 1-20 have title Memoires et dissertations sur les antiquite"s nationales et etrangeres. This society first organized as the Academic celtique. Societe nivernaise des sciences, lettres et arts, publisher. AH44 See Crosnier, Augustin, abbe. 1804-80. Monographic de la N4i cathedrale de Nevers. 1854. Societe philomathique de Verdun. See Verdun (France) Societe philomathique. Societe pour la conservation des monuments histo= riques d Alsace. AC Bulletin. Paris, 1857-61. O. v. 1-4. pi. maps. 8027 Societe pour la publication de textes relatifs a 1 his- toire et a la geographic de 1 Orient latin, publisher. AP See Thomas, Q. M., 1817, ed. De passagiis in Terrain Sanctam. T36 1879. Societe pour la recherche et la conservation des monuments historiques dans le grand=duche de Luxembourg. See Luxemburg (grand duchy) Societe pour la recherche et la conservation des monuments historiques. Societe royale d emulation d Abbeville. See Abbeville (France) Societe royale d emulation. Societe royale des antiquaires du nord. See Copenhagen (Denmark) Kongeligt nordisk oldskrif t selskab. Societes des beaux=arts des departements. See Reunion des societes des beaux-arts des departements. 1881-90. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 965 Society for improving the condition of the labouring classes, publisher. A1C2 See Roberts, Henry. -1876. Model houses for families. 1851. R541 Society for promoting Christian knowledge, pub lisher. AE See Bishop, Rev. H. H. Architecture especially in relation to our 654 parish churches. 1886. See Qosse, P. H. 1810-88. Monuments of ancient Egypt. 1847. AR62 A 19 See Heaphy, Thomas. 1813-73. Likeness of Christ. 1886. AO H35 See Perry, Rev. Q. G. 1820-. Croyland abbey. [1867.] AE8 L54 Society for the encouragement of arts, manufac= tures and commerce. AO4 Artisan reports on the Paris universal exhibition of 1878. . . P223 London, 1879. O. 9+664 p. Catalogue of a collection of articles invented, patented, or reg- AC istered. 1849-53. London, 1850-53. Sq. O. 7 pts. 8034 Nos. 5-9, 13 and 14 in bound volume of catalogues. 1850-53. Catalogue of an exhibition of recent specimens of photography AC [with notes]. London, 1852. Sq. O. 3 pts. 8034 Nos. 10, ii and 12 in bound volume of catalogues. 1850-53. Catalogue of specimens of British manufactures and decorative art, AC [1847], 1848, 1849, 1850. London [1847-50]. Sq. O. 4 v. 8034 Nos. 2, 4 and 7 in bound volume of catalogues, 1847-49, and No. 2 in 1850-53. Catalogue of works of antient and mediaeval art, exhibited 1850. AC London, 1850. Sq. O. 2 v. 8034 Nos. i and 3 in bound volume of catalogues. 1850-53. Choice examples of art workmanship selected from the Exhibition AO4 of ancient and mediaeval art; drawn . . . [by] P. de La Motte. Sou London, 1851. Q. 8+14 p. 59 pi. [Royal charter of incorporation, constitution and bye laws.] AC [Chiswick, 1847.] Sq. O. [8] + 2O p. 8034 No. i in bound volume of catalogues. 1847-49. Society for the improvement of prison discipline, publisher. Remarks on the form and construction of prisons. AE6 London, 1826. Q. 7+72 + [i] p. ill. 6 pi. Soi 61* 966 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Society of antiquaries of London. Catalogue of a collection of works on pageantry, bequeathed by ... AW2 Frederick William Fairholt. London, 1869. O. 40 p. Sol Catalogue of antiquities, coins, pictures and . . . curiosities . . . AO2 compiled ... by A. Way. London [1847]. O- 56 p. Soi Catalogue of ... [its] pictures . . . Somerset house, London, AO2 [compiled] by George Scharf. Bungay, 1865. Q. [8] + 5 9 p. Sou Reprinted from the Fine arts quarterly review. Catalogue of manuscripts in the library. AY London, 1816. Q. [3J+92 p. Sol Bound with Catalogue of the printed books in the library. 1816. Catalogue of the printed books in the library. AY London, 1816. Q. [3]+ 260 p. Soi Compiled by N. Carlisle. Copy of the royal charter and statutes, and of orders and regula- AY tions established by the council of the society. . . Soi London, 1800. Q. 4+52 p. Bound with Catalogue of the printed books in the library. 1816. Printed books in the library on March 10, 1887. AY London, 1887. O. 2+799 p. Soil Proceedings. AC London, 1849-93. O. 4 v. in 2; new ser. v. 1-14. -ill. pi. Soi Society of antiquaries of London, publisher. Some account of the cathedral church of Durham, illustrative of AH42 the plans . . . of that building. London, 1801. F. 7 14 p. u pi. 0933 Some account of the cathedral church of Gloucester, illustrative of AH42 the plans . . . of that building. London, 1809. F. 7 12 p. 16 pi. 0933 Vetusta monumenta; quae ad rerum Britannicarum memoriam AH42 conservandam Societas antiquariorum Londini sumptu suo A45 edenda curavit. Londini, i747-[i842], F. 6 v. i-6 3 . ill. 2 por. 293 pi. Index by Nicholas Carlisle, v. 1-3. London, 1810. F. 8 AH42 19 p. (In its Vetusta monumenta. 1747-1842. v. 3.) A45 Title-page and plates 61-69 f v - 5 wanting, v. 6 contains only Rokewode s Memoir on the painted chamber at Westminster and plates 26-39. See Archaeologia. 1770-1894. AB Ar2 See Carter, John. 1748-1817. Plan, elevations and specimens of AH42 the architecture and ornaments of the cathedral church at Exeter. Ex3i 1797. See Carter, John. 1748-1817. Plan, elevations and specimens of AH42 the architecture of the abbey church of Bath. 1798. Ex3l COLUMBIA COLLEGE 967 Society of antiquaries of London, publisher. See Lukis, Rev. W. C. 1817-. Prehistoric stone monuments of the AR42 British Isles. 1885. C8ir Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica; or, Transactions. AC Edinburgh, 1792-1890. Q. v. 1-5. ill. pi. So2 The original title-page of vol. i is dated MDCCCXII. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855-93. Sq. O. v. 1-27. ill. pi. AC So 1 2 Transactions, see, above, Archaeologia Scotica. Society of antiquaries of Scotland, publisher. AR4i See Drummond, James. Archaeologia Scotica. 1881. A3 Society of arts. See Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. Society of Dilettanti, publisher. Antiquities of Ionia. London, 1769-1881. F. 6 v. 1,4. ill. 58 pi. Contents: v. i. CHANDLER, R., 1738-1810, REVETT, N., 1722-1804, and PARS, W. Ionian antiquities. 1769. 28 pi. v. 4. FERGUSSON, J., 1808-86, and others. Priene, Teos, Sminthium. 1881. 30 pi. Specimens of antient sculpture, ^Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman, selected from different collections in Great Britain . . . [text by R. P. Knight]. London, 1809-35. F. 6 2 v. 133 pi. Unedited antiquities of Attica, comprising the architectural re mains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium and Thoricus. 2d edition. London, 1833. F. 5 5 + 59 p. 77 pi. See Brondsted, P. O. 1780-1842. Bronzes of Siris. 1836. See Penrose, F. C. Investigation of the principles of Athenian architecture. 1851. Society of northern antiquaries. See Copenhagen (Denmark) Kongeligt nordisk oldskrift-selskab. Soderholtz, E. E., and Corner, J. M. Examples of domestic colonial architecture in Maryland and AH73 Virginia. 1892. A$ Examples of domestic colonial architecture in New England. AH73 1891. A4 Das sogenannte schwert des Tiberius. 1 849. AP See [Lersch, J. H. L. 1811-49]. W723 Winckelmanns geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1848. AH 49 5 A 7 AO8 Soi AH 49 5 A2 AM3 678 AH 49 5 At 44 968 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Soil, Eugene. 1853-. Recherches sur les anciennes porcelaines de Tournay, histoire, AN2 fabrication, produits. Paris, 1883. O. 376 p. 20 pi. 803 Les tapisseries de Tournai, les tapissiers et les hautelisseurs de AM8 cette ville. . . Tournai, 1892. O. 460 p. ill. 8 pi. 803 Tapisseries du quinzieme siecle conservees a la cathedrale de AM8 Tournay ; leur fabrication a Arras en 1402, histoire, description. . . 803 1 [Anon.] Tournay, 1883. F. 39+[i] p. ill. 14 pi. Soldern, Zdenko Schubert von, ritter. 1844-. See Schubert von Soldern, Zdenko, ritter. 1844-. Soldi, Emile Arthur. 1846-. L art et ses precedes depuis 1 antiquite. AO8 Paris, 1876-81. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 804 See next two titles. La sculpture egyptienne. Edition illustree de gravures dans le AO8 texte. Paris, 1876. Nar. Q. 128 p. 31 ill. (L art et ses precedes 804 depuis 1 antiquite.) Les arts meconnus ; les nouveaux musees du Trocadero. 3 e ed. AO Paris, 1 88 1. Q. [3]+i5 + 53ip. 400 ill. and pi. (L art et ses pro- 8042 cedes depuis 1 antiquite.) Soleil, Felix. 1839-. La danse macabre de Kermaria-an-Isquit. . . AX Saint-Brieuc, 1882. Nar. Q. 28 p. 4 pi. 804 Solis, Virgil. 1514-62. Designs. (In Wessely, J. E. Das ornament und die kunstindustrie AK in ihrer geschichtlichen entwickelung. 1877-78. v. 2, pi. 1 12-130.) W5I Drinking-cups, vases, ewers and ornaments ... for the use of gold AN2 and silversmiths. London, 1862. Nar. Q. [4] p. 21 pi. 804 Solon, Jules. Du vandalisme a Auch, a propos des nouvelles restaurations de la AB cathedrale. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 28, p. 730-747.) 687 Solon, L. M. Ancient art stoneware of the Low Countries and Germany, or AN2 "gres de Flandres" and "steinzug," its principal varieties and the 8041 places where it was manufactured during the ijtti and i8th cen turies. London, 1892. F. 4 2 v. in i. ill. 25 pi. No. 75 of 270 copies printed on Dutch hand-made paper. Art of the old English potter. 2d edition . . . with an appendix on AN2 foreign imitations of English earthenware. 8042 London, 1885. O. 24+269 p. ill. 3 pi. Inventions decoratives; choix de compositions et de motifs AK d ornementation. Paris, 1866. F. 5 50 pi. 804 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 969 Soltykov, Petr, prince. Collection archeologique : Horlogerie ; description et iconographie AM4 des instruments horaires du i6 c siecle . . . par P. Dubois. 804 Paris, 1858. Q. 214 p. 20 pi. Solvay, Lucien. 1851-. L art espagnol, precede d une introduction sur 1 Espagne et les AO Espagnols. Paris, 1887. F. 6+[i] + 284 p. ill. I por. (Biblio- 804 theque internationale del art; publiee . . . d E. Muntz.) Solvyns, Edm[ond]. Theorie de 1 architecture ogivale, a 1 usage des archeologues, des AA architectes et des ingenieurs. B63 5 Paris, 1846. O. 36 p. u pi. folded. Solvyns, [Francois] Balfthasar]. 1760-1824. Costume of Indostan, elucidated by ... engravings, with descrip- AN4 tions in English and French, taken in ... 1798 and 1799. C82 London, 1804. F. 4 Unpaged. 60 pi. Some account of London. 1795. AH42 See Pennant, Thomas. 1726-98. L849 Some account of the abbey church of St. Peter and St. Paul at Dorchester. 1845. AH42 See Addington, Rev. Henry. 1820-. 072 Some account of the alien priories. 1779. AH42 See Qough, Richard. 1735-1809. 072 Some account of the antiquities of Hawkstone in the AH42 county of Salop. Shrewsbury [i835(?)]. O. 92 p. ill. 4 pi. Some account of the cathedral church of Durham. 1801. AH42 See Society of antiquaries of London, publisher. ^933 Some account of the cathedral church of Gloucester. 1809. AH42 See Society of antiquaries of London, publisher. 093 3 Some account of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton. 1845. AH42 See Cottle, Rev. James, compiler. Ti9 Some minor arts as practised in England, by A. H. Church, W. Y. Fletcher, J. Starkie Gardner, Albert Hartshorne and C. H. AN6 Read. New York, 1894. F. 4 8+82 p. ill. 16 pi. 805 Some remarks upon the church of Great Haseley, Oxford shire. 1848. AH42 See [Weare, T. W.] H27 970 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sommer, Oscar. Gottfried Semper. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 36, p. 305-324, AB 399-416.) Z3i Sommerard, Alexandra du. 1779-1842. See Du Sommerard, Alexandre. 1779-1842. Sommerbrodt, Julius [Wilhelm Ewald]. 1813-. AE4 Das altgriechische theater. Stuttgart, 1865. S. 80 p. ill. So5 Sommerville, Maxwell. Catalogue of a cabinet of gems, cameos in relief and other en- AX graved stones . . . collected in Europe, Asia and Africa. So5 Philadelphia, 1877. O. 67 p. ill. I pi. Engraved gems, their place in the history of art. AX Philadelphia, 1877. O. 71 p. ill. 805 Somner, William. 1598-1669. Antiquities of Canterbury. 2d edition . . . enlarged by N. Batteley. AH42 London, 1703. F. 2 v. in I. 18 pi. Ci65 Contents : v. i. Survey of the city with the suburbs and cathedral, v. 2. Cantuaria sacra, by N. Batteley. Soprani, Raffaello. 1612-72. Vite de pittori, scultori ed architetti genovesi. 2 edizione . . . AW accresciute ed arricchite di note da C. G. Ratti. So6 Geneva, 1768-69. O. 2 v. Soria, Giovanni Battista, 1581-1651, editor. See Montano, Q. B. 1545-1621. Diversi ornamenti capricciosi AA per depositi o altari. 1684. (In his Li cinque libri di architettura. M~762 1691.) See Montano, Q. B. 1545-1621. Scielta d. varii tempietti an- AE tichi. 1624. M76 See Montano, Q. B. 1545-1621. Scielta di varii tempietti antichi. AA (In his Li cinque libri di architettura. 1691.) M762 See Montano, Q. B. 1545-1621. Tabernacoli diversi. 1684. (I* 1 AA his Li cinque libri di architettura. 1691.) M762 Soulages, Jules. See Robinson, Sir J. C., 1824-, compiler. Catalogue of the Sou- AO2 lages collection. 1856. R56 Soultrait, [Jacques Hyacinthe] Q[eorges Richard], comte de. 1822-88. Le chateau de La Bastie d Urfe et ses seigneurs . . . planches AH44 gravees sous la direction de Felix Thiollier. . . Li I Saint-Etienne, 1886. F. 5 8+57 p. M- J P or - 74 P^ COLUMBIA COLLEGE 971 Sousa, Luis de. 1555-1632. History and description of the royal monastery of Batalha written ... in the Portuguese language and translated into English . . . by J. Murphy. (In Murphy, J. C. I76o(?)-i8i6. Plans, eleva tions, sections and views of the church of Batalha ... in Portugal. 1836. p. 27-56.) South Kensington (Eng.) International health ex= hibition. 1884. Notes on civil costume in England from the conquest to the AN4 regency, as exemplified in the exhibition, by L. Wingfield. So8 London, 1884. Q. 34+38 p. 24 pi. South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork in the . . . Museum, ANi described with an introduction by J. H. Pollen. So8 London, 1874. Nar. Q. [4J + 25 1+415 p. ill- 18 pi. Ancient and modern gold and silver smiths work in the Museum, AM4 described . . . by J. H. Pollen. So8 London, 1878. Nar. Q. 199+415 p. ill. 15 pi. Art directory, containing regulations for promoting instruction in AO2 art, with appendix; revised to Sept. 1876. . . So86 London [1876]. O. 143 p. 3 paged pi. Art handbooks; W. Maskell, editor. London, 1875-93. O. 7 v. ill. pi. BIRDWOOD, Sir G. C. M., M. D. 1839-. Industrial arts of India. 1880. FORTNUM, C. D. E. Maiolica. [1875.] FRANKS, A. W., 1826-, editor. Japanese pottery. 1880. GARDNER, J. S. Ironwork. 1893. MASKELL, W., 1814-, compiler. Industrial arts. 1876. POLLEN, J. H. 1820-. Ancient and modern furniture. [1875.] RIANO, J. F. Industrial arts in Spain. 1879. Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon and other antiquities discovered at AO2 Faversham, in Kent, and bequeathed by William Gibbs ... to 8087 the . . . Museum, compiled by C. R. Smith. London, 1871. O. 23 + 25 p. ill. Catalogue of the collection illustrating construction and building AO2 materials in the Museum, [compiled by H. Sandham]. New edi- So86 tion. London, 1876. O. 16+255 p. ill. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of ancient and modern jewellery AM4 and personal ornaments, 1872. So8i London, 1873. Nar. Q. 1 1 1 p. 14 pi. Compiled by R. H. S. Smith. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of fans, 1870. AN6 London, 1870. Sq. O. 8+66+ [2] p. ill. I pi. 8084 Catalogue of the objects of Indian art exhibited in the . . . Museum, AO by H. H. Cole. London, 1874. O. 10+352 p. 16 pi. map. So8i 972 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Catalogue of the special exhibition of works of art of the mediaeval, AO4 renaissance and more recent periods, on loan at the . . . Museum SoS June, 1862, edited by J. C. Robinson. Revised edition enlarged. London, 1863. O. 16+766 p. Catalogue of the special loan exhibition of enamels on metal, held AN6 at the Museum in 1874, [compiled by J. H. Pollen]. 8083 London, 1875. Q- 20+149 p. 15 pi- Choice treasures of art of the South Kensington museum; eight AO2 illustrations printed by Leighton brothers chromatic process, 8087 described by C. C. Black. London, 1869. Nar. Q. [18] p. 8 pi. Description of the ivories, ancient and mediaeval, in the . . . AN6 Museum, with a preface by W. Maskell. SoS London, 1872. Nar. Q. [6J + IO7 + 2I I p. ill. 24 pi. Description of the Trajan column by J. H. Pollen. AII45 London, 1874. O. 3+181 p. ill. i pi. R727 Descriptive catalogue of the bronzes of European origin in the . . . AM3 Museum, with an introductory notice by C. D. E. Fortnum. SoS London, 1876. Q. [22o]+248+[2] p. 34 pi. Descriptive catalogue of the fictile ivories in the . . . Museum, AN6 with an account of the continental collections of classical and So82 mediaeval ivories, by J. O. Westwood. London, 1876. Q. 15 + 547 p. 33 pi. Descriptive catalogue of the historical collection of water-colour AO6 paintings in the Museum . . . by S. Redgrave. SoS London, 1877. Nar. Q. 8+[i] + 242 p. 21 pi. Descriptive catalogue of the lace in the . . . Museum, by Mrs. AN6 Bury Palliser. 2d edition. So8i London, 1873. Nar. Q. 73 p. ill. 14 pi. Descriptive catalogue of the maiolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, AN2 Damascus and Rhodian wares in the . . . Museum, with notices . . . SoS by C. D. E. Fortnum. London, 1873. Nar. Q. 109+699 p. ill. 51 pi. Descriptive catalogue of the musical instruments in the Museum AX . . . [with] an Essay on the history of musical instruments, by SoS C. Engel. 2d ed. London, 1874. Nar. Q. 7+402 p. ill. 7 pi. Examples of art workmanship of various ages and countries; AN2 Henri Deux ware . . . [edited by A. C. King]. London, 1868. So8i F. 4 8 p. 20 pi. (Arundel society. Publications.) Examples of the works of art in the Museum and of the decora- AO2 tions of the building, with brief descriptions. 8084 London, 1881-82. F. 2 v. 176 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 973 South Kensington (Eng.) museum. First proofs of the universal catalogue of books on art. . . AY London, 1870. O. 2 v. So8 Supplement London, 1877. O. 654+ [2] p. AY So8 Guide to the collections of the . . . Museum. AO2 London, no date. O. 8+65 p. ill. 2 pi. 7 paged pi. So86 Handbook of the Jones collection. AO2 [London] 1883. D. 8-f-i6op. ill. i por. 8085 Hand-made laces, edited by A. S. Cole. London [pref. 1890]. AN6 F. 5 [4] p. 30 pi. (Studies from the museums.) 8085 Illustrated catalogue of electrotype reproductions of works of art AO2 from originals in the Museum. London, 1873. Q. 6+39 p. ill. So8 Italian sculpture of the middle ages and period of the revival of AO8 art ; a series of ... photographs of works in ... the Museum So8 selected . . . by J. C. Robinson. . . London, 1862. F. 6 [8] p. 50 pi. List of books and photographs in the National art library illus- AO2 trating armour and weapons. . . London, 1883. O. 68 p. So8i List of books ... in the National art library . . . containing biog- AO2 raphies of artists. . . London, 1887. O. [5] + 261 p. So8i List of books ... in the National art library . . . illustrating archi- AO2 tecture of the renaissance. . . London, 1888. O. 65 p. So8i List of books in the National art library . . . illustrating furniture. AO2 ... 2d edition. London, 1885. O. 6+64 p. 8083 List of books ... in the National art library . . . illustrating gems. . . AO2 London, 1886. O. [4] + 27 p. 8083 List of books ... in the National art library . . . illustrating glass. . . AO2 London, 1887. O. 6+47 P- So83 List of books ... in the National art library . . . illustrating gold AO2 and silversmiths work and jewellery. . . 2<i edition. 8083 London, 1887. O. 91 p. List of books ... in the National art library . . . illustrating seals . . . AO2 London, 1886. O. 46 p. So82 List of books ... in the National art library; pt. I, illustrating AO2 textile fabrics; pt. 2, lace and needlework. So82 London, 1888. O. 85 p. List of books in the National art library ... on anatomy, human AO2 and comparative. . . London, 1886. O. 24 p. So8i 974 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY South Kensington (Eng.) museum. List of books ... in the National art library ... on coins and AO2 medals. . . London, 1889. O. 6+88 p. So8i List of books ... in the National art library ... on construction, AO2 engineering, and machinery. . . London, 1889. O. 68 p. So8i List of books ... in the National art library ... on drawing, AO2 geometry, and perspective. . . London, 1888. O. 92 p. 8083 List of books ... in the National art library on pottery and AO2 porcelain. . . 2d edition. London, 1885. O. 9+ 147 p. 8082 List of books, photographs, &c., in the National art library, illus- AO2 trating metal work. . . London, 1883. O. 7+141 p. 8083 List of buildings in Great Britain and Ireland having mural and AM6 other painted decorations, of dates prior to the latter part of the 808 sixteenth century . . . by C. E. Keyser. 3^ edition enlarged. London, 1883. O. 93+402 p. List of works illustrating sculpture in the National art library. . . AO2 2d edition. London, 1886. O. 8+ 154 p. 8082 List of works on heraldry, or containing heraldic illustrations, in AO2 the National art library. . . 2<i edition. London, 1884. O. 75 p. 8083 List of works on painting in the National art library. . . 2<i ed. AO2 London, 1883. O. 7+157 p. 8082 Pictures at South Kensington; the Raphael cartoons, the Sheep- AO6 shanks collection, &c., by H. Blackburn. So8i London, 1877. O. 64 p. ill. Portfolio of Italian and Sicilian art ... by W. Griggs. AN London, 1885-90. F. 4 [4] p. 56 pi. 8081 Science and art handbooks. See, above, Art handbooks; W. Maskell, editor. Textile fabrics, a ... catalogue of the . . . church-vestments, AN dresses, silk stuffs . . . and tapestries . . . [in] the Museum, by 808 Rev. D. Rock. London, 1870. Nar. Q. 168+356 p. 20 pi. Universal art inventory, consisting of ... notes of works of ... AO art executed before A. D. 1800 . . . compiled by H. L. Cole and 808 edited by Sir H. Cole. London, 1870-79. O. 4 pts. in i v. Contents: pt. i. Mosaics and stained glass. pt. 2. Goldsmith s work, enamels and ivories. pt. 3. Metal work. pt. 4. Wood carving, sculpture in marble, alabaster, stone. See Notes on building construction, arranged to meet the require- AI ments of the syllabus of the Science and art department of the N84 Committee of Council on education, South Kensington. 1875-92. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 975 South Kensington (Eng.) museum Bethnal Green branch museum. Catalogue of a collection of oriental porcelain and pottery lent for AN2 exhibition, by A. W. Franks. 8083 London, 1876. O. 16+124 p. 14 pi. Catalogue of a collection of oriental porcelain and pottery lent for AN2 exhibition, by A. W. Franks. 2d edition. 8082 London, 1878. O. 18 + 246 p. 25 pi. Southesk, [James Carnegie], earl of. 1827-. Ogham inscriptions of Scotland. (In Society of antiquaries of AC Scotland. Proceedings, v. 18, p. 180-206.) So 12 Oghams on the Brodie and Aquhollie stones, with notes on the AC inscriptions of the Golspie and Newton stones, and a list of the So 12 oghams in Scotland. (In Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Pro ceedings. v. 20, p. 1440.) Southgate, T. L. Notes [on Japanese music]. (In Piggott, F. T. Music and musical AX instruments of Japan. 1893. p. 215-222.) P62 Souvenir of the abbey and palace of Holyrood. AH4i Edinburgh [1855 (?)]. Q. 2 por. 12 pi. Ed43 Plates dated 1845-55. Souvenirs de la vie et des ouvrages de F. J. Delannoy. AW Paris, 1839. F. 4 24 p. 26 pi. 037 Souvestre, Emile, 1806-54, and Pitre-Chevalier, P. M. F. Chevalier, called, 1812-64. AH44 Nantes et la Loire-Inferieure. 1850. Spagnuoli, Francesco, illustrator. See Guizzardi, Giuseppe. 1779-1867. La sculture delle porte AH45 della basilica di San Petronio in Bologna. 1834. 6632 Spallart, Robert von. Tableau historique des costumes, des mceurs et des usages des AN4 principaux peuples de 1 antiquite. See, below, Versuch iiber das Spi kostum der vorziiglichsten volker des alterthums. 1796-1811. Versuch iiber das kostum der vorzuglichsten volker des alter- AN4 thums . . . hrsg. von I. Albrecht. Spi Wien, 1796-1811. O. 5 v. in 8. 357 pi. Continued by J. Kaiserer. Spampani, Giovanni Battista, editor. AA See Vignola, G. B. da. 1507-73. II Vignola illustrate. 1770. 685 976 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sparkes, John C. L., editor. See Fine=art library. Specimens of ancient church plate, sepulchral crosses, &c. ANi Oxford, 1845. Sq. F. 10 p. 50 pi. Sp3 Specimens of Gothic ornaments selected from the parish AH43 church of Lavenham in Suffolk. London, 1796. Q. [3] p. 39 pi- L57 Specimens of the drawings often masters, from the royal AO6i collection at Windsor castle. 1870. W87 See Woodward, B. B. 1816-69. Spectacle de la nature et des arts. AB See Schauplatz der natur und der kiinste. 1774-83. Schi Das speisezimmer und andere festgaben dargebracht dem Kronprinzen und der Kronprinzessin des deutschen reiches. AK 1886. L56 See Lessing, Julius. 1843-. Spence, Charles. Essay descriptive of the abbey church of Romsey, in Hampshire, AH42 founded by King Edward the elder; compiled from . . . works R66 and ancient manuscripts in the British museum. . . [Anon.] Romsey [1841]. O. [3J+3+I28 p. 2 pi. A paper on the sepulchral brasses of the middle ages. (In Exeter AC diocesan architectural society. Transactions. 1849. v - 3> P- 2 4-3S- Ex3 6 pi.) Spence, James. Ruined castles, monuments of former men in vicinity of Banff. . . AH4I Edinburgh, 1873. D. 109 p. 7 pi. B22 Spence, Rev. Joseph. 1699-1768. Polymetis; or An enquiry concerning the agreement between the AO8 works of the Roman poets and the remains of the antient artists. . . Sp3 2<3 ed. revised. London, 1755. F. 5 6+361 p. ill. por. 41 pi. Spencer, George. 1739-1817. See Maryborough, George Spencer, 4th duke of. 1739-1817. Spencer, Nathaniel. Complete English traveler; or, A new survey and description of AR42 England and Wales. . . [with] a ... description of . . . Scotland. . . A5 London, 1771. F. 4 [8]+696+[i2] p. 58 pi. 3 maps. Sperling, Rev. John Hanson. i828-(?). Parochial history of Westbourne. (In Sussex archaeological soci- AC ety. Collections, v. 22, p. 77-1 15, pi. i.) Su8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 977 Spershott, Rev. J[ames]. 1709-89. Memoirs of Chichestcr (i8th century), with notes by W. Raines AC and Rev. F. H. Arnold. (In Sussex archaeological society. Col- Su8 lections, v. 29, p. 219-231; v. 30, p. 147-160.) Speth, B[althasar]. 1774-1846. AO Die kunst in Italien. Miinchen, 1819-23. S. 3 v. 2 pi. Sp3 Spieker, Christian Wilhelm. 1780-1858. Beschreibung und geschichte der Marien- oder Oberkirche zu Frankfurt an dcr Oder; ein beitrag zur kirchen- u. reformations- F8$6 geschichte der mark Brandenburg. Frankfurt a. d. Oder, 1835. D. 23+490 p. 3 pi. 2 facsim. Spieker, Paul. Sternwarten und andere observatorien. (In Handbuch der archi- AA tektur. 1888. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. lift. 2, p. 474-567. ill. 17 paged pi.) Hi9 Spielberg, H. Die obere capelle der Maria im palazzo publico zu Siena. (In AB Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. n,p. 3-16. 6 pi.) Z$i Spiers, R[ichard] Phene. The French Diplome d architecte and the German system of archi- AC tectural education. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8 1 Transactions. 1883-84, p. 121-132.) Notes respecting some of the condemned city churches. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1876-77^.155-173.) R8i On the chateau of Pierrefonds, and its restoration by Viollet-le- AC Due. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1873-74, R8i p. 54-65. I pi.) Sassanian architecture. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1890-91. n. s. v. 7, p. 37-68. 2 pi. i map.) R8i Spillner, E. Befestigung der biirgersteige und hofflachen. (In Handbuch der AA architektur. 1891. 3. thl. 6. bd., p. 182-192. ill.) Hi9 Sicherungen gegen feuer, blitzschlag, bodensenkungen und erder- AA schiitterungen. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1891. 3. thl. Hi9 6. bd., p. 81-157. ill. 5 paged pi.) Spillner, E., and Osthoff, Georg. Eisbehalter und sonstige kiihlanlagen. (In Handbuch der archi- AA tektur. 1891. 3. thl. 6. bd., p. 206-233. ill. 3 paged pi.) Hi9 62 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Spilsbury, William Holden. Lincoln s inn; its ancient and modern buildings, with an account of the library. .. London, 1850. D. 16+324 p. ill. I pi. Spitzer, [Frederic]. 1815-90. Catalogue des objets d art et de . . . curiosite, antiques . . . com- posant . . . [sa] collection . . . vente ... 17 avril au . . . 16 juin, 1893. . . Paris, 1893. F. 5 2 v. in I, and Atlas, F. 7 68 pi. La collection Spitzer; antiquite, moyen-age, renaissance. Paris, 1890-92. F. v. 1-5. ill. 285 pi. No. 566 of 600 copies printed. Spofford, Mrs. Harriet [Elizabeth] (Prescott). 1835-. Art decoration applied to furniture. New York [c. 1877]. O. 237 p. 105 ill. Spon, Jacob. 1647-85. Miscellanea eruditas antiquitatis ; in quibus marmora, statuae . . . gemmae . . . Grutero . . . aliisque antiquorum monumentorum col- lectoribus ignota, et hucusque inedita referuntur ac illustrantur. Lugduni, 1685. F. 4 [8]+376+[4] p. ill. 5 paged pi. Sponsel, Jean Louis. Gillis van Coninxloo und seine schule. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 10, p. 5771.) Spoor, Hendrik. Deorum et heroum, virorum et mulierum illustrium imagines an- tiquae illustratae, versibus prosa. Amstelodami, 1715. Sq. D. 4+199 p. 98 full-page ill. Sporschil, Johann Chrysostomus, 1800-63, editor. See [Witzleben, K. A. F. von. 1773-1839.] Wanderungen durch die Sachsische Schweiz. [1840.] Springer, Anton Heinrich. 1825-91. Die aufgaben der graphischen kiinste. (In Nieper, Ludwig. Die Konigliche kunstakademie und kunstgewerbeschule in Leipzig. 1890. p. 3-12.) Introduction. (In Kondakov, N. P. Histoire de Tart byzantin. 1886-91. p. 1-26. ill.) Kunsthistorische briefe ; die bildenden kiinste in ihrer welt- geschichtlichen entwicklung. Prag, 1857. O- [5]+^5 2 + [4] P- AH42 LS5 AO2 Sp4i AO2 Sp4 ANi Sp6 AP Sp6 AB J J 9 2 AO8 Sp6 AH43 AO N553 Springer, Fr[anz], and Waldheim, R. von, editors. Osterreichs kirchliche kunstdenkmale der vorzeit Wien, 1856. F. 5 pt. 1-4. ill. 16 pi. Contents: pt. 1-2. St. Maria Stiegenkirche in Wien von E. freiherr von Sacken. pt. 3-4. Petersschloss und St. Barthelmazu Friesach von H. Hermann. AH436 A4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 979 Springer, Jaro. Diirer und der umrissstich "Die kreuzigung." (In Jahrbuch der AB Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 8, p. 5666). J J 9 2 Springer, Robert. 1816-. Berlin, die deutsche kaiserstadt, nebst Potsdam und Charlotten- AH43 burg, mit ihren schonsten bauwerken und hervorragendsten B46/ monumenten. . . Darmstadt, 1878. Nar. Q. 5 + 247 p. 48 pi. Spurrell, Rev. Frederick]. Architectural relics of Lewes priory. (In Sussex archaeological AC society. Collections, v. 6, p. 253-264. 3 pi.) Su8 Sputh, Ernst. Die kdnigliche porzellan-manufactur in Berlin; innere aus- AH43 schmuckung der verkaufsraume. 6469 Berlin [pref. 1883]. F. 6 [5] p. 34 pi. Stackelberg, O[tto] M[agnus] , freiherr von. 1 787-183 7. Der Apollotempel zu Bassae in Arcadien und die daselbst ausge- AH495 grabenen bildwerke. Rom, 1826. F. 6 148 p. 30 pi. ?53 La Grece, vues pittoresques et topographiques. AH495 Paris, 1834. F. G 4+28+ [20] p. 152 pi. Ai6 Stacye, Rev. John. Roche abbey. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. 17, p. 39-54. 4 pi.) As7 Stade (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte und alter= thikmer der herzogthiimer Bremen und Verden und des landes Hadeln, publisher. See Allmers, Hermann. Der altarschrein der kirche zu Alten- AH43 bruch im lande Hadeln. 1873. A 176 Stahl, Eduard, editor. AH43 See Privat= und gemeindebauten. [1876-88.] v. 2. A 14 Stahl, Eduard, and Lambert, Andre. ANi Das mobel. [1887-88.] Li7 Motive der deutschen architektur des i6.-i8. jahrhunderts. AK 1890. Stahr, Adolf [Wilhelm Theodor]. 1805-76. Die kolosse der Dioskuren von Monte Cavallo im neuen museum AO8 zu Berlin. . . Berlin, 1853. O. 24 p. Z6 Torso; kunst, kiinstler und kunstwerke des griechischen und ro- AO mischen alterthums. 2. aufl. . . Braunschweig, 1878. O. 2 v. Sti 980 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Stai, V[alerius]. 1857-. De variis Gigantum formis in fabula et arte Graecorum. . . AO Halis Saxonum, 1884. O. 25 p. Z2 Doctor s dissertation at Halle (Ger.) university. Stammler, Jakob. 1840- Die St. Vinzenz-teppiche des Berner miinsters. AH494 Luzern, 1890. O. 66 p. ill. 645 From Archiv des Historischen vereins des kantons Bern. Stampart, Frans, 1675-1750, and Prenner, A. J. von, 1683-1743. Prodromus zum theatrum artis pictoriae von den orignalplatten in AB der . . . Hofbibliothek zu Wien abgedruckt und . . . neu hrsg. Ji9i von Heinrich Zimerman. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 7, pt. 2, p. 7-14.) Standard manufacturing co. Illustrated catalogue of sanitary plumbing goods. AJ Pittsburgh (?) [c. 1893]. Sq. F. 284 p. ill. St2 Stanhope, John Spencer. Olympia; or, Topography illustrative of the actual state of the AR495 plain of Olympia and of the ruins of the city of Elis. 0192 London, 1824. F. 6 [5]+63 p. 12 pi. 2 maps. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, dean. 1815-81. Historical memorials of Westminster abbey. 6th edition revised. AH42 London, 1886. O. 36+540 p. ill. 2 pi. L855 On an examination of the tombs of Richard II and Henry III, in AB Westminster abbey. (In Archasologia. v. 45, p. 309-327. I pi.) Ar2 Stanley rule and level co. Price list of U. S. standard boxwood and ivory rules, plumbs and Al2 levels, try squares . . . etc. New York, 1892. O. 65 p. ill. St2i Stanley works (New Britain, Conn.) Descriptive catalogue and list ... of builders and cabinet hard- Al2 ware, blind trimmings, tacks, brads, nails, etc. . . St2 New Britain, 1887. Nar. Q. 17 + 301 p. ill. Stannus, Hugh. Artistic treatment of constructional ironwork. (In Royal institute AC of British architects. Transactions. 1881-82, p. 1 13-132. 3 pi.) R8i The internal treatment of cupolas in general and that of St. Paul s AC cathedral in particular. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8i Transactions. 1884-85. n. s. v. I, p. 13-28. 8 pi.) Stappaerts, F. See Stroobant, F. Monuments d architecture et de sculpture AH493 accompagnes de notices par F. Stappaerts. [1854.] Ai5 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 981 Starforth, John. Architecture of the farm; a series of designs for farm-houses and AE2 farm steadings, factor s houses and labourers cottages, with de- St2 scriptions. Edinburgh, 1853. Sq. F. Unpaged. 62 pi. Stark, Karl Bernhard. 1824-79. De Tellure dea deque ejus imagine a Manuele Phile descripta. . . AP Jenae [1848]. O. 4+48 p. I pi. Zi Doctor s dissertation at Jena (Ger.) university. Gigantomachie auf antiken reliefs und der tempel des Jupiter AO8 Tonans in Rom; festschrift . . . Dr. J. C. F. Bahr . . . zur feier Z2 seines fimfzigjahrigen doctor jubilaums . . . 1869 . . . dargebracht. Heidelberg, 1869. Q. 27 p. i pi. Niobe und die Niobiden in ihrer literarischen, kiinstlerischen und AO8 mythologischen bedeutung. St2 Leipzig, 1863. Nar. Q. 16+464 p. 19 pi- Vortrage und aufsatze aus dem gebiete der archaologie und AO kunstgeschichte, nach dem tode des verfassers hrsg. von G. St2 Kinkel. Leipzig, 1880. O. 6+509 p. Zwei Mithraeen der grossherzoglichen alterthumersammlung in AR495 Karlsruhe. [Heidelberg, 1865.] Q. 44 p. 2 pi. Zi See Rosenberg, Marc. 1852-. Quellen zur geschichte des Heidel- AH43 berger schlosses, mit einer einleitung: Das Heidelberger schloss H36 in seiner kunst- und culturgeschichtlichen bedeutung von K. B. Stark. 1882. Stasov, Vladimir. L ornement national russe, broderies, tissus dentelles; edition de AN la Societe d encouragement des artistes. St2 S. Peterburg, 1872. F. 4 pt. i. 20+25 p. ill. 82 pi. Title-page and text in Russian and French. L ornement slave et oriental, d apres les manuscrits anciens et AK modernes. . . St22 St. Petersbourg, 1887. F. 5 [i2]+78 p. 156 pi. Title-page and text in Russian and French. Statistique monumentale du Departement du Pas-de- AH44 Calais. 1850. Ci2 See France Commission des antiquites departementales, pub lisher. La statua ed altri monumenti antichi scavati a Macaretolo AP tra Ferrara e Bologna. 1839. Zi See Pancaldi, Carlo. 62* 982 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Statz, Vincenz. 1819-. AK Details gothiques. Liege, 1874. F. 4 8 v. 163 pi. St2 Contents: . 2. Autels en pierre. . i. Autels, table en pierre, la partie supe"rieure en bois. . 7. Modeles pour vitraux. . 3. Monuments en pierre. . 6. OrfeVrerie, dinanderie, serrurerie. . 8. Peinture murale. . 5. Sculpture en bois. . 4. Travaux de menuiserie. Title-page and text in French and German. Gothische einzelheiten. See, above, Details gothiques. 1874. AK St2 Title-page in French and German. Statz, V[incenz], 1819-, and Ungewitter, Q. [Q.] 1820-64. AK Gothic model-book; the architecture of the middle ages with its St2i associated arts . . . descriptive text by A. Reichensperger, trans lated by Monicke. London [1862]. F. 1 22 p. 216 pi. Staude, Qustav. Das stadt-theater zu Halle a. S.; ein beitrag zum eroffnungstage. AH43 Halle a. S., 1886. Nar. Q. 8 + [i] + 5o p. 15 pi. His Staveley, Thomas. -1683. History of churches in England, wherein is shewn the founding, AE building and endowing of churches both cathedral and rural, with St2 their furniture. . . 2d edition. . . London, 1773. D. [i2] + 323 p. ill. por. pi. Stead, Richard, editor. AH42 Bygone Kent. Canterbury, 1892. O. [5] + 273 p. ill. i pi. K4I3 No. 359 of 750 copies printed. Stebbins, James H. Catalogue of . . . [his] private collection of paintings and sculpture. AO6 New York, 1889. F - 4 112 p. 66 pi. St3 No. 188 of 500 copies printed. Steche, Richard. 1837- See Saxony Alterthumsverein, editor. Beschreibende darstel- AH43 lung der alteren bau- u. kunstdenkmaler des konigreichs Sachsen. Sagi 1882-89. Vols. 1-12 bearbeitet von R. Steche. Steeger, Vittorio. Le piu belle pareti di Pompei, riproduzioni cromolitografiche, con AM6 brevi dichiarazioni di E. Presuhn. 2da edizione. St3 Torino, 1878. F. 8 p. 8 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 983 Steger, Fried rich, and Romberg, J. A. 1806-68. Geschichte der baukunst bei den Assyrern, Medern, Babyloniern, AF Persern, Phoniciern, Israeliten und Indern. 1844. R66 Stegmann, Hans. Die Rochus-kapelle zu Niirnberg und ihr kiinstlerischer schmuck. . . AH43 Miinchen, 1885. F. 58 p. ill. 8 pi. Stegmann, Karl [Martin] von. 1832-. Ornament der renaissance aus Italien . . . nach der natur gezeich- AK net. Weimar, 1 86 1. F. 5 [6] p. 24 pi. St3 Stegmann, Karl Martin von, 1832- editor. AB See Kunst und gewerbe. 1869-72. v. 3-6. Stein, Charles. Catalogue des objets d art . . . et d ameublement composant . . . AO2 [sa] . . . collection et dont la vente aura lieu . . . 1014 mai, St3 1886... [Paris] 1886. F. i9+io2 + [i]p. ill. 33 pi. Stein, Theodor. 1802-76. Das krankenhaus der Diakonissen-Anstalt Bethanien zu Berlin. AH43 Berlin, 1850. F. 4 [5]+28+[i] p. 16 pi. 6465 Steinbrecht, C. Die baukunst des deutschen ritterordens in Preussen. AH43 Berlin, 1885-88. F. 4 2 v. ill. 52 pi. 2 maps. A23 Contents: v. i. Thorn im mittelalter. v. 2. Preussen zur zeit der landmeister. [Steinbiichel, - - von]. Due arche che si conservano nella cattedrale di Gratz, con intagli AH43 di Niccola e Giovanni Pisano, dai quali Petrarca tolse 1 idea de G77 suoi Trionfi. [Anon.] Vienna, 1858. F. 21 p. Die reliquienschreine der kathedrale zu Gratz, arbeiten von AH43 Niccola und Giovanni Pisano, die merkwiirdigen vorbilder zu G77 Petrarca s Trionfi. [Anon]. Wien, 1858. F. 5 [3] + i8+34p. 1 1 pi. Steiner, Maximilian. Uber den Amazonen-mythus in der antiken plastik. AO8 Leipzig, 1857. O. 134 P- 5 pl- St3 Steinman, Qeo[rge] Steinman. AR42 History of Croydon. London, 1833. O. 25 + 397 p. ill- i pi- C88 Steinmann, E. Die tituli und die kirchliche wandmalerei im Abendlande vom 5. AO bis zum II. jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1892. O. [3] + 142 p. (In 639 Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. New ser. pt. 19.) 9 8 4 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Steitz, Georg Eduard. 1810-79. Die Melanchthons- und Luthers-herbergen zu Frankfurt am Main AC . . . Frankfurt am Main, 1861. F. 7+65 p. I pi. (In Frankfort F85 on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1861.) Der staatsrath Georg Steitz und der Fiirst Primas Karl von AC Dalberg, ein blatt aus Frankfurt s geschichte. . . Frankfurt am F85 Main, 1869. F. 60 p. i por. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1869.) Steitz, Georg Eduard, 1810-79, editor. See Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) Das aufruhrbuch der ehemali- AC gen reichsstadt Frankfurt am Main vom jahre 1525. (In Frankfort F85 on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1875.) Stephani, Ludolf von, 1816-87, editor. See Saint Petersburg (Russia) Hermitage. Die vasen-sammlung AN2 der ermitage. 1869. Sa2 Stephen, Carr. 1835-. Archaeology and monumental remains of Delhi. AH54 Ludhiana [1876]. O. |j]+6+284 p. I pi. 2 maps. 0371 Stephens, Frederic Q[eorge]. Flemish relics, architectural, legendary and pictorial, as connected AH493 with public buildings in Belgium. . . A 14 London, 1866. Nar. Q. [7] + 178 + [2] p. 15 pi. Illustrated with photographs by Cundall and Fleming. Stephens, Frederic George, compiler. See London (Eng.) Qrosvenor gallery. Exhibition of the works AY of Sir Anthony Van Dyck. 1887. V28i Stephens, Henry, 1795-, and Burn, R. S. Book of farm-buildings; their arrangement and construction. . . AE2 Edinburgh, 1861. O. 31 + 562 p. ill. St42 Stephens, Mrs. Lyne. Catalogue of ... her . . . collection of pictures, porcelain, objects of art and decorative furniture . . . sold . . . May, 1895. [London, 1895.] Q. 1 1 1 p. 38 pi. Stephens, Rev. W[illiam] R[ichard] W[ood]. 1840-. Memorials of the South Saxon see and cathedral church of Chi- AH42 Chester. London, 1876. O. i5 + [i] + 357 p. 8 pi. C432 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 985 Stephenson, George. Repairs, how to measure and value them; a handbook for the use AI of builders, decorators. . . London, 1890. D. [3] +99 p. St4 Steuerwaldt, Wilhelm, and Virgin, Carl. Die mittelalterlichen kunst-schiitze im zittergewolbe der schloss- AH43 kirche zu Quedlinburg, nebst . . . ansichten des vormaligen kaiserl. Q3 freien weltl. stifts. Quedlinburg [1855]. Q. [7] p. 49 pi- Stevens, John Calvin, and Cobb, A. W. Examples of American domestic architecture. AE2 New York, 1889. Obi. Q. 40+ [24] p. ill. 61 pi. St4i [Stevenson, - of Norwich.] Catalogue of ... [his] cabinet of Roman coins . . . sold . . . Feb. AMi 21, 1837. [London] 1837. O- 2 4 P- Stevenson, Henri. Note sur les tuiles de plomb de la basilique de S. Marc ornees des AB armoiries de Paul II et de medaillons de la renaissance. (In M48 Melanges d archeologie et d histoire. 1888, p. 439-477.) Stevenson, John James. Architects and master workmen. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1874-75, p. 79-108.) R8i Architectural restoration, its principles and practice; a paper read A A at the Royal institute of British architects . . . 28th of May, 1877. Z$ London, 1877. O. 35 p. Architectural restoration, its principles and practice. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1876-77, p. 219-235, R8i 242-268.) Historical documents. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1880-81, p. 175-192.) R8i Historical documents; a paper read at the Royal institute of British A A architects . . . Mar. the 28th, 1881. Westminster, 1881. O. 30 p. Z5 From Building news, April I st , 1881. House architecture. London, 1880. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. pi. AE2 St4 Contents: v. i. Architecture. v. 2. House-planning. On laying out streets for convenience of traffic and architectural AC effect. (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1889. R8i n. s. v. 5, p. 89-104.) Stevenson, Robert Louis. 1850-94. Edinburgh, picturesque notes. New edition. AH4i London, 1890. D. [5] + 182 p. ill. Ed42 986 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Stevenson, William. 1750-1821. Supplement to the second edition of Mr. Bentham s History and AH42 antiquities of the cathedral & conventual church of Ely . . . with E1Q22 . . . notes, architectural, biographical . . . and explanatory. . . Norwich, 1817. F. 4 [i6]+92+[2i i] p. 16 pi. Stevenson, William, 1750-1821, editor. See Bentham, Rev. James. 1708-94. History and antiquities of AH42 the conventual & cathedral church of Ely. 1812. ElQ2i Stewart, James, 1791-1863, illustrator. AH4i See Leighton, J. M. History of the county of Fife. 1840. F46 Steyr (Austria) Culturhistorische ausstellung. 1884. Kunstgewerbliche gegenstande der Ausstellung . . . hrsg. von S. A 64 Weber... Steyr, 1885. F. 5 [9] p. 80 pi. St4 Stickel, Johann Qustav. 1805-. De Dianae Persicae monumento Graechwyliano commentatio. AO8 Jenae, 1856. Q. 16 p. i pi. Z2 Dissertation at Jena (Ger.) university. Stieglitz, C[hristian] L[udwig]. 1756-1836. Archaologie der baukunst der Griechen und Romer. AH495 Weimar, 1801. O. 2 v. in 3. 46 pi. A 14 Beitrage zur geschichte der ausbildung der baukunst. . . AF Leipzig, 1834. O. 2 v. in i. 25 pi. St5 Geschichte der baukunst vom friihesten alterthume bis in die AF neueren zeiten. Niirnberg, 1857. O- 10+654 p. ill- St5 1 Plans et dessins tires de la belle architecture. See, below, Zeich- AL,2 nungen aus der schonen baukunst. 1805. St5 Uber die kirche der heiligen Kunigunde zu Rochlitz und die Stein- AH43 metz-hiitte daselbst; in der Deutschen gesellschaft zu Leipzig Zi vorgetragen. Leipzig, 1829. O. 4+80 p. 3 pi. Von altdeutscher baukunst. . . AH43 Leipzig, 1820. F. 8+247 p. and Atlas. F. 5 34 pi. A59 Zeichnungen aus der schonen baukunst; oder, Darstellung ideal- AL2 ischer und ausgefiihrter gebaude. . . 2. aufl. . . St5 Leipzig, 1805. F. 5 [3] +46 p. 115 pi. Stier, Hubert. Aus meinem skizzenbuch; architektonische reisestudien aus AH44 Frankreich. Stuttgart [1885-89]. F. 5 60 pi. A68 Stillfried=[Alcantara], R[udolf Maria Bernhard], grafvon. 1804-82. Kloster Heilsbronn; ein beitrag zu den hohenzollerischen for- AH43 schungen. Berlin, 1877. Nar. Q. 20+398 p. ill. 92 pi. i tab. H365 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 987 Stock, Cecil Haden. Treatise on shoring and underpinning and generally dealing with AI ruinous and dangerous structures. St6 London, 1882. O. 8+[>] + 56 p. 10 pi. Stockbauer, J[acob]. Der christliche kirchenbau in den ersten sechs jahrhunderten. AE Regensburg, 1874. O. 4+115 p. 5 pi. St6 La dorure sur cuir, reliure, ciselure et gaufrure en Allemagne. AN6 Paris [1891 (?)]. F. 4 2v.ini. 94 pi. St6 Contents: v. i. Epoquc ancienne. v. 2. Epoque moderne. Vol. 2. by Johannes Maul and Hans Friedel. No. 9 of 500 copies printed. Stockbauer, J[acob], editor. AB See Bayerische gewerbe-zeitung. 1888-. Stockbauer, Jacob, and Otto, Heinrich. Die antiken thongefasse in ihrer bedeutung fiir die moderne ge- AN2 fassindustrie . . . hrsg. vom Bayrischen gewerbemuseum in Niirn- St6 berg. Niirnberg, 1876. F. 5 Unpaged, ill. 30 pi. Stockel, J. M. Moderne Smyrna-teppiche. (In Vienna, Austria Handels- AN museum, comp. Teppich-erzeugung im Orient. 1895. p. 168- V672 188. ill.) Stockhardt, H. Die katholische hofkirche zu Dresden . . . mit . . . text [von T. AH43 Seemann]. Dresden [pref. 1883]. F. 6 7 p. 12 pi. D8u Stockholm (Sweden) Svenska sallskapet for antro= pologi och geografi. See Svenska sallskapet for antropologi och geografi. Stokes, Miss Margaret [MacNair]. 1832-. Early Christian architecture in Ireland. AH4I5 London, 1878. Nar. Q. 8+i6op. ill. 53 pi. map. 3 tab. A2 Six months in the Apennines; or, A pilgrimage in search of ves- AR45 tiges of the Irish saints in Italy. Ai6 London, 1892. O. 14+313 p. ill. 2 pi. 21 paged pi. Stokes, Miss Margaret [MacNair], editor. See Dunraven, E. R. W. Quin, $<-\ earl. 1812-71. Notes on Irish AH4I5 architecture. 1875-77. A3 Stokes, William, M. D. 1804-78. Life and labours in art and archaeology of George Petrie. AW London, 1868. O. 16+445 P- ^44 9 88 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Stoll, J. B. Kurzgefasste geschichte der stadt Kelheim, mit notizen iiber die ... baudenkmale . . . zur erinnerung an die feierliche inauguration des befreiungsdenkmales auf dem Michaelsberg am 18. Okt. 1863. Landshut, 1863. O. 6+i74+[i] p. 2 pi. map. From Historischer verein fur Niederbayern. Verhandlung. v. 9. Stolze, F[ranz]. 1836-. Persepolis; die achamenidischen und sasanidischen denkmaler AR55 und inschriften von Persepolis, Istakhr, Pasargadae, Shahpur . . . 1^43 im anschlusse an die epigraphisch-archaologische expedition in Persien von F. C. Andreas . . . mit einer besprechung der in schriften von Th. Noldeke. Berlin, 1882. F. 6 2 v. 150 pi. Stone, Percy Goddard. Architectural antiquities of the Isle of Wight from the I ith to the AH42 I7th centuries inclusive. W63 i London, 1891. F. 4 2 v. in i. ill. 150 pi. Storck, Josef, editor. See Siccard von Siccardsburg, August von. 1813-68. Die thiir- AI und fenster-verschlusse. [Pref. 1876.] Si 12 Storck, [Philipp] A[dam]. 1780-1822. Ansichten der freien hansestadt Bremen und ihrer umgebungen. AH43 Frankfurt am Main, 1822. O. 24+648 p. 16 pi. B75ii Storelli, A[ndre]. Notice historique et chronologique sur le chateau de Blois. Paris, AH44 1882. F. 4 15 p. ill. 8 pi. (In his Notice historique et chrono- 66211 logique sur les chateaux du Blaisois. 1884.) Notice historique et chronologique sur le chateau de Chambord. AH44 Paris, 1 88 1. F. 4 10 p. ill. 4 pi. (In his Notice historique et 66211 chronologique sur le chateaux du Blaisois. 1884.) Notice historique et chronologique sur le chateau de Chaumont- AH44 sur- Loire. Paris, 1882. F. 4 15 p. ill. 4 pi. (In his Notice his- B62H torique et chronologique sur les chateaux du Blaisois. 1884.) Notice historique et chronologique sur les chateaux du Blaisois. AH44 Paris, 1884. F. 4 Various paging, ill. 32 pi. map. 6621 Notice historique et chronologique sur les chateaux du Blaisois. AH44 Paris, 1884. F. 4 Various paging, ill. 32 pi. map. B62H Printed on Japan paper; plates are signed proofs. [Storer, James Sargant. 1 781-1853.] Antiquarian itinerary, comprising specimens of architecture, AH42 monastic, castellated and domestic; with other vestiges of anti- A48 quity in Great Britain. . . [Anon.] London, 1815-18. S. 7 v. ill. 328 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 989 [Storer, James Sargant, 1781-1853, andGreig, John.] Cowper, illustrated by a series of views in, or near the park of AH42 Weston- Underwood, Bucks . . . with a brief sketch of the poet s A 134 life. [Anon.] London, 1803. Q. 5 1 p. 13 pi. Views in North Britain, illustrative of the works of Robert Burns AH42 . . . with ... a sketch of the poet s life. . . A 134 London, 1805. Q. 61 p. 20 pi. Bound with their Cowper. 1803. Views in Suffolk, Norfolk and Northamptonshire, illustrative of AH42 the works of Robert Bloomfield . . . with ... a memoir of the A 134 poet s life, by E. W. Brayley. [Anon.] London, 1806. Q. 59 p. I por. 14 pi. Bound with their Cowper. 1803. [Storer, James Sargant], 1781-1853, and Storer, H. S., -1837.] Graphic and historical description of the cathedrals of Great AH42 Britain. [Anon.] London, 1814-19. O. 4 v. 256 pi. v. i. History and antiquities of the cathedral church ot Peterborough, Oxford, Lincoln, Winchester, V. Canterbury, 2. Salisbury, Chichester. Gloucester, Hereford, Chester, Worcester, Rochester. Ely, V. 3. Carlisle, Landaff, by J. N. Brewer. St. David, Bath, Bristol, St. Paul, Lichfield. V. 4. St. Asaph s, Bangor, by J. N. Brewer, Exeter, " Norwich, by J. N. Brewer, York, Durham, " Each cathedral has separate title-page, and each vol. an engraved title-page. Graphic and historical description of the city of Edinburgh, AH4I London, 1818. See, below, Views in Edinburgh and its vicinity. Ed48 1820. Views in Edinburgh and its vicinity, exhibiting remains of anti- AH4I quity, public buildings and picturesque scenery. Ed48 Edinburgh, 1820. O. 2 v. 99 pi. Storia del duomo di Orvieto, 1791. AH45 See [Valle, Guglielmo Delia. I74o(?)~94.] Or9i Storia dell arte a Venezia. AH45 Venezia, 1893. F- 2 v - ill- pi- V583 PAOLETTI, P. L architettura e la scultura del rinascimento in Venezia. 1893. 2 v. 186 pi. Storia della cattedrale di Como. 1821. AH45 See [Ceresola, Domenico. 1683-1746.] C73 990 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Stosch, Philipp, baron von. 1691-1757. Choix des principales pierres gravees de . . . [sa] collection, AX accompagne de notes et explications . . . par F. Schlichtegroll [et St/ J. Winckelmann]. Nuremberg, 1798-1805. F. 5 2 v. 60 pi. VOL. 2 has title Dactyliotheca Stoschiana ; ou, Collection de toutes les pierres grave"es qui appartenaient autrefois au Baron de Stosch, and a similar title was printed for v. i. Only i pt, p. 1-28, pi. 1-12, of v. 2. was issued. Dactyliotheca Stoschiana; ou, Collection de toutes les pierres AX gravees. See, above, Choix des principales pierres gravees de [sa] St7 collection. 1798-1805. Descrizione delle pietre incise [del suo] gabinetto [per G. G. AP Winckelmann]. Prato, 1831. O. 616 p. (In Winckelmann, J. J. W72I Opere. 1830-34. v. 8). Stoter, F[erdinand]. 1811- Die ehemalige St. Marien kirche; oder, Der dom zu Hamburg in AH43 bildern . . . hrsg. von der Biirgermeister Kellinghusen stiftung. Hi 72 Hamburg, 1879. Nar. Q. 9+[i]+i58 p. 32 pi. Stothard, C[harles] A[lfred]. 1787-1821. Monumental effigies of Great Britain . . . from the Norman con- AE8 quest to the reign of Henry the eighth, with . . . descriptions and St7 notes by A. J. Kempe. New edition enlarged by J. Hewitt. London, 1876. F. 6 28+199 p. i por. 148 pi. Stow, John. 1525-1605. Survey of London, written in ... 1598. New edition edited by AH42 W. J. Thorns. . . London, 1842. O. 12+ [4] +222 p. L922 Stow ; the gardens of Lord Viscount Cobham, containing AH42 ... a description of all the buildings ... a dialogue upon the . . . St72 gardens. London [1750]. O. [3] p. 1 1 pi. Published by J. Seeley. Stowe ; a description of the house and gardens of ... AH42 Prince George Grenville Nugent Temple, marquis of Buckingham. . . St7i New edition. . . Buckingham, 1788. O. 54 p. 21 pi. Published by J. Seeley. Stowe ; a description of the house and gardens of ... AH42 Prince George Grenville Nugent Temple, marquis of Buckingham. St7 London, 1797. O. 67 p. 32 pi. Published by J. Seeley. Stowe ; a description of the house and gardens of ... AH42 Richard Grenville Nugent Chandos Temple, duke of Buckingham St7 and Chandos. . . Buckingham, 1827. F. 4 6+92 p. i por. ill. 33 pi. i facsim. Published by J. Seely. Large paper copy. 25 copies printed. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 991 Stowe : a description of the . . . house and gardens of ... AH42 Richard Grenville Temple, earl Temple, viscount and baron St/3 Cobham. . . New ed. . . [enlarged]. . . London, 1773. O. 44 p. 21 pi. Published by J. Seeley. Stowe catalogue. 1848. AO2 See Forster, H. R. F77 Strack, Heinrich. Baudenkmaler Roms des 15. -19. jahrhunderts . . . als erganzung AH45 zu Letarouilly, Edifices de Rome moderne. R682I Berlin, 1891. F. 5 [6] + 28 p. 100 pi. Ziegelbauwerke des mittelalters und der renaissance in Italien; AJ2 nach original-aufnahmen. St8 Berlin, 1889. F. 7 3 p. + 2O col. [10 p.] ill. 50 pi. Strack, J[ohann] H[einrich]. 1806-80. Das altgriechische theater-gebaude. . . AH495 Potsdam, 1843. F. 5 [s] + 8 p. 9 pi. Ai2 Centralkirchenbauten des 15. und 16. jahrhunderts in Ober-Italien. AB (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 27, p. 219-234; v. 28, p. 15-22, Z3i 157-162, 519; v. 29, p. 47; v. 30, p. 21-28; v. 31, p. 15. 23 pi.) Central- und kuppelkirchen der renaissance in Ober- und Mittel- AB Italien. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 31, p. 481-496. 4 pi.) Strack, [Johann] H[einrich], 1806-80, and Gott= getreu, M. AH43 Schloss Babelsberg. Berlin, 1857. Obi. F. 5 [6] p. 1 1 pi. Bn Strahan, Edward, pseudonym. See Shinn, Earl. 1837-86. [Strahan], Mrs. L[isbeth] G[ooch] (Seguin). Picturesque tour in picturesque lands. . . AH44 New York, 1882. F. 8+241 p. ill. i pi. A34 Strasburg (Ger.) Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d Alsace. See Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d Alsace. Strassen, Melchior zur, compiler. See Leipzig (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Spitzen des 16. bis AK 19. jahrhunderts. 1894. (In Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche Or6i sammelmappe. 1894. Ser. 4-5.) Stratico, Simone, conte, 1733-1824. Exercitationes Vitruvianae. (In Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Archi- AA tectura. 1825-30. v. I, pt. 2, p. i-ioi, and v. 3, pt. I.) 848 992 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Stratico, Simone, conte, 1733-1824, commentator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architectura. 1825-30. V484 Stratton, Ezra, M., editor. AB See New York coach-maker s magazine. 1859-61. N48 [Straub, A.] Geschichtskalender des hochstiftes und des ministers von Strass- AH43 burg. [Anon.] Rixheim, 1891. Nar. Q. 286 p. St8i2 Streber, Frantz. 1806-64. Uber die Gorgonen-fabel; oder, Erklarung eines etrurischen AO8 bronce-reliefs in der Glyptothek zu Munchen; gelesen in ... der Z5 Bayer, akad. d. wiss. . . 1834. Munchen, 1834. Q. 34 p. i pi. Street, Arthur Edmund. Memoir of George Edmund Street. . . AW London, 1888. O. (j]+44i p. 2 por. St8 Street, George Edmund. 1824-81. Brick and marble in the middle ages; notes of tours in the North AJ2 of Italy. 2d edition. . . London, 1874. O. 26+415 p. ill. 63 pi. St8i Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church AH4I5 cathedral, Dublin; an account of the restoration of the fabric, D85 with ... [a] sketch of the cathedral by E. Seymour. London, 1882. F. 5 12+173 P- ill- 3 P or - 2I pi- Church of St. Augustine, Hedon, Yorkshire. (In Archaeologia. AB v. 48, p. 185-200. 3 pi.) Ar2 Contributions to the institute. (In Royal institute of British archi- AC tects. Transactions. 1889. n - s - v - 5. P- 189-278. 10 pi.) R8i Contents : i. Some churches of Le-Puy-en-Velay. 2. The church of St. Michael-Penkevel, Cornwall. 3. English woodwork in the 13 th and 14111 centuries. 4. Some of the differences of style in old buildings. On colour as applied to architecture. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 3, p. 348-369.) As7 On English woodwork in the I3th and I4th centuries. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1864-65^.85-102. 2 pi.) R8i On the distinctive features of the middle pointed churches of AC Cornwall. (In Exeter diocesan architectural society. Transactions. Ex3 1853. v. 4, p. 86-102, pi. 3-15.) Restoration of the church of St. Michael Penkevel, Cornwall. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1862-63^.33-53. R8i 4 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 993 Street, George Edmund. 1824-81. Some account of the church of St. Mary, Stone, near Dartford. AC (In Kent archaeological society. Archseologia Cantiana. 1860. K4i v. 3, p. 97-134. i pi.) See Thompson, Stephen. Sepulchral monuments of Italy, medi- AE8 aeval and renaissance, containing full extracts from the ms. notes T3/ of . . . G. E. Street. 1883. Streitenfeld, A., and Streitenfeld, L. AK Ausstattung vornehmer wohnraume. Berlin [1888]. F. 6 18 pi. St8 Strele, Karl. Theorie und praxis in der fabrikation des weissen feldspath- AN2 porzellans und dessen dekorirung mit starkfeuer-farben. . . St8 Weimar, 1868. O. 16+239 p., and Atlas, Sq. O. 4 p. 18 pi. (Neuer schauplatz der kiinste und handwerke. v. 75.) Strele, Karl, editor. See Brongniart, Alexandre. 1770-1847. Die technik des kolori- AJ2 rens und dekorirens von . . . porzellan, steingut, fayence, glas. 678 1869. Strieker, Wilhelm [Friedrich Karl]. 1815-91. Die baugeschichte der Paulskirche (Barfiisserkirche) zu Frankfurt AH43 am Main, 1782-1813. . . F85 Frankfurt am Main, 1870. Q. [5J + 35 p. ill. i pi. Die baugeschichte der Paulskirche (Barfiisserkirche) zu Frankfurt AC am Main, 1782-1813, nach den acten bearbeitet. Frankfurt am F85 Main, 1870. F. [7] + 3 5 p. 10 ill. i pi. (In Frankfort on the Main., Ger. Vcrein fur geschichte und alterthtimskunde. Neu- jahrs-blatt. 1870.) Samuel Thomas von Sommerring, der heilkunde doctor . . . nach AC seinem leben. . . geschildert. Frankfurt am Main, 1862. F. 6+24 p. F85 ill. i por. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. Verein fur geschichte und altherthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1862.) Strickland, William, 1787-1854, Gill, E. H., and Campbell, H. R., editors. Public works of the United States of America . . . plates . . . AH73 engraved . . . by the Le Keuxs. . . Ai7 London, 1841. F. 6 pt. 1-2, 40 pi. Strobel, A[dam] W[alther]. 1792-1850. Das miinster in Strasburg geschichtlich und nach seinen theilen AH43 geschildert. Strassburg, 1844. S. 32 p. 4 pi. Z2 Das miinster in Strassburg geschichtlich und nach seinen theilen AH43 geschildert. 7. aufl. . . Strassburg, 1866. S. 36 p. 2 pi. St82 63 994 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Strocchi, Andrea. Memorie istoriche del duomo di Faenza e de personaggi illustri di quel capitolo. Faenza, 1838. F. [7] + i86+[i] p. 14 pi. Stroobant, [Francois]. Monuments d architecture et de sculpture . . . accompagnes de notices . . . par F. Stappaerts. Bruxelles [1854]. F. 5 2 v. 60 pi. Contents: v. i. Le Brabant et les Flandres. v. 2. Anvers, Lidge, Namur et le Hainaut. Strube, [Julius Theodor] Carl. Studien iiber den bilderkreis von Eleusis; inaugural-abhandlung. Leipzig, 1869. O. 25 p. i pi. Strunk, C. A. F., Holm, C. F., and others. Danske mindesmasrker. 1869. Strutt, Joseph. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England, from the establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time. . . New edition with . . . notes by J. R. Planche. London, 1842. Sq. F. 2 v. 153 pi. Strzygowski, Josef. 1862-. Die Akropolis in altbyzantinischer zeit. (In Deutsches archaolo- gisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 14, p. 271-296.) Cimabue und Rom; funde und forschungen zur kunstgeschichte und zur topographic der stadt Rom, mit unterstiitzung der . . . Akademie der wissenschaften in Wien. Wien, 1888. O. [8] + 242 p. ill. 7 pi. Stuart, Dudley Coutts, 1803-54, translator. See Bonaparte, Lucien, prince de Canino. 1775-1840. Catalogue and account of certain vases and other Etruscan antiquities dis- covered in 1828-29, by the Prince of Canino. (In Archaeologia. v. 23, p. 130-276.) Stuart, [Henry Windsor] Villiers. 1827-. Funeral tent of an Egyptian queen . . . with the latest information regarding other monuments and discoveries. London, 1882. Nar. Q. 12+163 p. M- 3 pi- Plate in pocket at end of book. Stuart, J[ames], 1713-88, and Revett, Nicholas], 1722-1804. Les antiquites d Athenes . . . ouvrage traduit de 1 anglais par AH45 Fi2 AH493 Ai5 AP Z2 AN4 St8 AR495 G8i AW St82 AB Ar2 AR62 A4 L. F. F[euillet]. . . Paris, 1808-22. F. 5 4 v. 191 pi. AH495 At47 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 99% Stuart, J[ames], 1713-88, and Revett, Nicholas], 1722-1804. Antiquities of Athens, measured and delineated. London, 1762-1816. F. 6 4 v. 2 por. 312 pi. 5 maps. Life of Stuart and Revett, v. 4, pref., p. 21-31. Vol. 2 ed. by W. Newton; v. 3, by W. Reveley, and v. 4 by J. Woods. Antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece. London, 1837. Sq. S. i5 + [6] + iO3p. 70 pi. Antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily, etc., supplementary to the Antiquities of Athens by ... Stuart and Revett, delineated and illustrated by C. R. Cockerell . . . [and others]. London, 1830. F. 6 Various paging, ill. 2 por. 53 pi. Stuart, John. 1813-77. Memoir of ... Alexander Henry Rhind of Sibster. Edinburgh, 1864. Sq. O. 3 + 57 p. I por. Issued separately as supplement to v. 5 of the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Stuart, John, 1813-77, editor. See Simpson, Sir J. Y., baronet, M. D. 1811-70. Archaeological essays. 1872. Stuart=Wortley, John. 1801-1855. See Wharncliffe, John Stuart-Wortley, 2<i baron. 1801-55. Stiibben, J. Der stadtebau. Darmstadt, 1890. Nar. Q. 9+561 p. ill. 104 paged pi. I tab. (In Handbuch der architektur. 4. thl. 9. hlbd.) 12 pi. 1890. Stiibel, Alphons. See Uhle, Max. 1856-. Kultur und Industrie Sud-amerikanischer volker, nach den im besitze des Museums fur volkerkunde zu Leipzig befindlichen sammlungen von A. Stiibel, W. Reiss und B. Koppel. 1889-90. Stiibel, A[lphons], and Uhle, M[ax], 1856-. Die ruinenstatte von Tiahuanaco im hochlande des alten Peru; eine kulturgeschichtlichestudie auf grund selbstandigeraufnahmen. Breslau, 1892. F. 5 Unpaged, ill. 51 pi. i map. Studies and examples of the modern school of English architecture; J. Weale, editor. London, 1839. F. 5 10 pi. BARRY, Sir C. 1795-1860. Travellers club house. 1839. Studniczka, Franz. 1860-. Attische porosgiebel. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mit- theilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. n, p. 61-80.) AH 49 5 AH 49 5 At47i AH495 AW R34 AP Si S AA AN6 Uh6 AR84 T 4 3 AH42 AR 495 G8i 996 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Studniczka, Franz. 1860- Aus Chios. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 160-201, pi. 3-4.) Beitrage zur geschichte der altgriechischen tracht. Wien, 1886. O. 8+143 p. ill. (In Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epi- graphischen seminares der Universitat Wien. 1886. pt. 6.) Zu dem archaischen Athenakopf im Akropolismuseum. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. n, p. 185-199.) Stuhr, P[eter] F[eddersen]. 1787-1851. Abhandlungen iiber nordische alterthiimer. Berlin, 1817. O. 8 + 260 p. Stiller, Friedrich August. 1800-65. Die burg Hohenzollern. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 15, p. 1-12. 10 pi.) Das neue universitats-gebaude zu Konigsberg. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 14, p. 1-14. 7 pi.) Stiiler, [Friedrich] A[ugust], 1800-65, Prosch, E., and Willebrand, H. Das schloss zu Schwerin. . . Berlin, 1869. F. 7 i7+[i]f. 40 pi. Sturge, Mrs. George. See Sturge, Mrs. Jane. Sturge, Mrs. Jane, translator. See Oppermann, Andreas. 1830-. Ernst Rietschel. 1875. Sturgis, Russell, and others. Homes in city and country. New York, 1893. O. 10+214 p. 100 ill. Stiirler, [Moritz von] and Qraffenried, - . Architecture suisse. 1844. Sturm, Johann Christoph, 1635-1703, translator. See Bockler, Q. A. I /tii cent. Architectura curiosa nova . . . translata a J. C. Sturmio. [1664.] Sturm, Joseph. 1855-. Das kaiserliche stadium auf dem Palatin. . . Wurzburg, 1888. O. 62 p. I pi. Wiirzburg (Ger.) neues gymnasium. Programm. AR495 G8i AP Ab4 AR495 G8i AR48 A2 AB Z3i AB AH43 Sch9 AW R.44 AE2 St9 AH494 A6 AE8 663 AH495 Z4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 997 Sturm, Leonhard Christoph. 1669-1719. Der auserlessneste und . . . verneuerte Goldmann, als der recht- AA schaffenste baumeister, oder die gantze civil-bau-kunst . . . alles StQi auf das auffrichtigste mitgetheilet von S. Augspurg, 1721. F. 21 pts. in 5 v. ill. pi. Many of these works are based on Nicolaus Goldmann s Vollstiindige anweisung zu der civil-baukunst ; some are the work of Sturm exclusively. The dates of the several parts range from 1715 to 1721 ; their titles are given below. Architecturacivili-militaris ; oder, Vollstandige anweisung, stadt- AA thore, brucken, zeug-hauser . . . behorig anzugeben. St94 Augspurg, 1719. F. 42 p. ill. 19 pi. Auffrichtige entdeckung des zu auffnahm der lander und com- AA mercien hochst-nutzlichen nivellirens oder wasserwagens. . . 8192 Augspurg, 1715. F. [18] p. ill. 4 pi. Durch einen grossen theil von Teutschland und den Niederlanden AA biss nach Parissgemachete architectonische reise-anmerckungen. . . St95 Augspurg, 1719. F. 144 p. 50 pi. Ein sehr nothiges haupt-stuck der vollstandigen anweisung zu der A A civil-bau-kunst, nach Nicolai Goldmanns griinden, von land-woh- St94 nungen und meyereyen. . . Augspurg, 1715. F. 20 p. ill. 9 pi. Erste ausiibung der vortrefflichen und vollstandigen anweisung AA zu der civil-bau-kunst Nicolai Goldmanns. . . G$6 Leipzig, 1708. F. 5 [io]+i35 p. ill. 20 pi. Freundlicher wett-streit der franzosischen, hollandischen und teu- AA tschen krieges-bau-kunst. . . St92 Augspurg, 1718. F. [ i o] -1-66 p. 19 pi. Griindliche und practische unterweisung, wie man fang-schlaussen AA und roll-briicken . . . bauen solle. . . St92 Augspurg, 1715. F. [28] p. ill. 8 pi. Kurtze vorstellung der gantzen civil-bau-kunst. . . AA Augspurg, 1718. F. 32 p. ii pi. St9i Nicolai Goldmanns Abhandlung von den bey-zierden der archi- AA tectur, welche durch mahlerey und bildhauerey zuwege gebracht St9i werden . . . hrsg. von S. Augspurg, 1720. F. 18 p. ill. 5 pi. Prodromus architecture Goldmannianas; oder, Getreue und A A griindliche anweisung. . . Augspurg, 1714. F. 5 20 p. 25 pi. St9 Die unentbahrliche regel der symmetrie; oder, Des ebenmaasses, A A wie sie zuforderst an dem herrlichsten exempel des gottlichen St93 tempels von Salomone erbauet, wahrzunehmen. . . Augspurg, 1720. F. 16 p. 12 pi. Vollstandige anleitung schifif-hauser oder arsenale und anfuhrten AA . . . gehorig anzugeben. . . Augspurg, 1721. F. 10 p. 4 pi. St94 63* 998 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sturm, Leonhard Christoph. 1669-1719. Vollstandige anweisung alle arten von biirgerlichen wohn hausern AA wohl anzugeben. . . Augspurg, 1721. F. 16 p. 15 pi. 8193 Vollstandige anweisung alle arten von kirchen wohl anzugeben. . . AA Augspurg, 1718. F. 39 p. 22 pi. St93 Vollstandige anweisung, alle arten von regularen pracht-gebauden AA nach gewissen reguln zu erfinden, auszutheilen und auszuzieren. . . Stgi Augspurg, 1717. F. [67] p. ill. 72 pi. Vollstandige anweisung, allerhand offentliche zucht- und liebes- AA gebaude . . . wohl anzugeben. . . St93 Augspurg, 1720. F. 26 p. 15 pi. Vollstandige anweisung die bogen-stellungen nach der civil bau- AA kunst in alien fallen recht einzutheilen. . . St9i Augspurg, 1718. F. 1 8 p. 19 pi. Vollstandige anweisung, grabmahle zu ehren der verstorbenen . . . AA behorig anzugeben. .. Augspurg, 1720. F. 8 p. 5 pi. St94 Vollstandige anweisung, grosser herren pallaste starck, bequem, AA nach den reguln der antiquen architectur untadelich . . . anzu- Sch722 geben. . . Augspurg, 1718. F. 84 p. ill. 35 pi. Vollstandige anweisung, grosser herren pallaste starck, bequem, AA nach den reguln der antiquen architectur untadelich . . . anzu- St94 geben. Augspurg, 1718. F. 84 p. ill. 35 pi. With an Anhang: Goldmanns Beschreibung eines italianischen lust-hauses. 4 p. 3 pi. Vollstandige anweisung innerer austheilung der gebaude. . . AA Augspurg, 1720. F. 12 p. 7 pi. St93 Vollstandige anweisung regierungs-, land- und rath-hauser . . . AA anzugeben. Augspurg, 1718. F. 24 p. 13 pi. St93 Vollstandige anweisung wasser-kiinste, wasserleitungen, brunnen AA und cisternen wohl anzugeben. . . St94 Augspurg, 1720. F. 1 8 p. ill. 9 pi. Vollstandige muhlen bau-kunst. . . AA Augspurg, 1718. F. [6] + 35 P- 5 1 pi- $192 Title-page engraved. Sturm, Leonhard Christoph, 1669-1719, editor. See Goldmann, Nicolaus. 1623-65. Abhandlung von den bey- A A zierden der architectur. 1720. St9i See Goldmann, Nicolaus. 1623-65. Vollstandige anweisung zu A A der civil-bau-kunst. 1708. 056 Sturmhofel, A. Scene der alten und biihne der neuzeit; ein beitrag zur losung AE4 der volkstheaterfrage. . . Berlin, 1889. Nar. Q. 114 p. ill. St9 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 999 Sturt, John, 1658-1730, engraver. See Perrault, Claude. 1613-88. Treatise of the five orders of A A columns in architecture. [1722.] ?4 2 Stuttgart (Ger.) Literarischer verein. Bibliothek. See Bibliothek des Literarischen vereins in Stuttgart. Stuttgart (Ger.) Wurttembergischer alterthums= verein. See Wurttembergischer alterthums-verein. Stuttgart (Ger.) Wurttembergischer kunstge= werbe=verein. See Wurttembergischer kunstgewerbe-verein. Stuttgart (Ger.) Wurttembergischer verein fikr vaterlandskunde. See Wurttembergischer verein fur vaterlandskunde. Styffe, Knut. 1824-. Iron and steel; the elasticity, extensibility and tensile strength of AI iron and steel; translated from the Swedish, with an ... appendix StQ by Christer P. Sandberg . . . with a preface by John Percy, M. D. . . London, 1869. O. i4+[i]+i7i p. 9 pi. Style empire, interior decorations, furniture, executed after AK designs by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. P 4 i See Percier, Charles, 1764-1838, and Fontaine, P. F. L., 1762- 1853. Recueil de decorations interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a 1 ameublement. 1801. Suardi, Bartolommeo, called il Bramantino. i455(?)- i53o(?). AH 45 See Bramantino, Bartolommeo Suardi, called il. i 4 55(?)-i53o(?) A 4 3 Suares, Joseph Marie, bishop. 1599-1677. Praenestes antiquae libri duo. AR 4 5 Romae, 1655. O. [io~| + 292+[ 4 ] p. ill. 8 pi. Pi7 Succinte notizie intorno alia facciata della Chiesa catte- AA 4 5 drale napoletana. 1788. Ni63 See [Onofri, Pietro d .] Suckling papers, county of Essex. AA See Quarterly papers on architecture. i8 44 - 4 5. v. 3. Q2 Suckow, Lorenz Johann Daniel. 1722-1801. Erste griinde der burgerlichen baukunst in einem zusammen- AA hange entworfen. 2. aufl. Sui Jena, 1763. Sq. O. [i2] + 2o8+[i i] p. 32 pi. IOOO AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Suddeutsche architektur und ornamentik im 18. jahrhun- AH43 dert. Miinchen, 1891-93 [v. i, 92.] F. 5 v. 1-8 in 2. 225 pi. A4i Contents: . 1-2. AUFLEGER, O. Die klosterkirche in Ottobeuren. 3-4. AUFLEGER, O. Miinchener architektur des 18. jahrhunderts. 5. AUFLEGER, O. Innen-decorationen des koniglichen lustschlosses Schleiss- heim. 6. AUFLEGER, O. Altare und skulpturen des mtinsters zu Salem. 7-8. AUFLEGER, O. Die reichen zimmer der konigl. residenz in Miinchen. 9. AUFLEGER, O. Die kgl. hofkirche zu Furstenfeld; Die klosterkirche zu Diessen. Sudre, Jean Pierre. 1783-1867. La chapelle de Saint Ferdinand. . . AH44 Paris, 1846. F. 7 [5] p. 21 pi. P26; Suecia antiqua et hodierna. 1693-1714. AH485 Sec [Dahlberg, E. J., grefve. 1625-1703.] A2 La Suisse historique et pittoresque; description de ses AH494 vingt-deux cantons par MM. le Mis Lullin de Chateauvieux, le Ai3 Pres. Monnard, H. Zschokke . . . Strohmeier, etc. Paris, 1853. Nar. Q. 2 v. 80 pi. 2 maps. Summerly, Felix, pseudonym. See Cole, Sir Henry. 1808-82. Sumner, Heywood. The Avon from Naseby to Tevvkesbury. AH42 London, 1882. F. 4 [56] p. 21 pi. Av7 Suphan, Ludwig Bernhard. 1845- De Capitolio Romano commentarii specimen. . . AH495 Halis Saxonum [1866]. O. 40+ [3] p. Z4 Doctor s dissertation at Halle (Ger.) university. Supplee hardware co. [Catalogue of] shelf and heavy hardware, lawn mowers, house Al2 furnishing goods, sporting goods. . . Su7 Philadelphia, 1893. F. 22+1452 p. ill. Surigny, Alfred de. Huit jours a Aix-la-Chapelle. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 35, AB p. 779-Sio.) B8 7 Le tabernacle de la Vierge dans 1 eglise d Or-san-Michele a Flo- AB rencc. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 26, p. 2646, 7795, An7 152-172.) Surtees, Robert. 1779-1834. History and antiquities of the county palatine of Durham. . . AR42 London, 1816-40. F. 5 4 v. ill. 5 por. 76 pi. 0931 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1001 Suslov, V[ladimir] V[asilovich]. Ocherki po istori drevne-russkavo sodchestva: [Sketches for the AH47 history of early Russian architecture]. A5 S. Peterburg, 1889. Q. 124 p. ill. 16 pi. Puteviya samyetki o sieverye Rossi i Norvegi: [Travel notes on AH47 Northern Russia and Norway]. A6 S. Peterburg, 1888. F. 75 pi. ill. 14 pi. Sussex archaeological society. Sussex archaeological collections, illustrating the history and anti- AC quities of the county. London, 1848-94. O. v. 1-39. ill. pi. Su8 - General index ; v. 1-25. Sussex, 1874. O. i v. AC Su8 Sutler, Conrad. Thurmbuch; thurmformen aller stile und lander, mit einem vor- AI wort von Fr. Schneider. Su8 Berlin, 1888. F. 5 [8] + i6+[s] p. 80 pi. Sutter , David . 1 8 1 1 - 80. Nouvelle theorie simplifiee de la perspective. . . AL2 Paris [1859.] F. 4 [s] + 52 p. 60 pi. Su8 Suttner, Georg. Baugeschichte des domes in Eichstatt; eine skizze. AH43 Eichstatt, 1882. D. 10 p. Ei2i [Suur, Hemmo]. Die alte kirche zu Marienhafe in Ostfriesland, abhandlung hrsg. AH43 von der Gesellschaft fur bildende kunst und vaterlandische alter- M337 thiimer in Emden. [Anon.] Emden, 1845. Q- [3]+29+[2] p. 17 pi. Suys, T[ilman] F[rans]. 1783-1861. Le Pantheon de Rome; details architectoniques du peristyle de ce AH45 temple ancien. Bruxelles, 1838. F. 8 4 p. 25 pi. R673 Suys, T[ilman] F[rans], 1783-1861, and Haudebourt, L. P. AH45 Palais Massimi a Rome. Paris, 1818. F. [3] +6+6 p. 43 pi. R7I3 Svenska fornminnes=forening, publisher. See Montelius, Q. O. A. 1843- Bibliographic de 1 archeologie AY prehistorique de la Suede pendant le 196 siecle. 1875. M76 Svenska sallskapet for antropologi och geografi, publisher. AP See Martin, F. R. L age du bronze au Muse e de Minoussinsk. M36 1893- 1002 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Svenska slojdforeningen, editor. Interiorer och ornamentsmotiv fran kungl. teatern i Stockholm. AB [Stockholm, 1890.] F. 6 [2] p. 6 pi. (Monster for konstindustrie M/5 och slqjd. 1890. v. 17.) See Monster for konstindustri och slojd. 1873-90. AB M75 Sventure del duomo di Modena. 1859. AH45 See [Cavedoni, Pietro.] M.J21 Swan, Abraham. British architect ; or, The builder s treasury of staircases. . . AI London, no date. F. 5 8+16 p. 60 pi. Sw2 Swan, Joseph, engraver. AH4i See Leighton, J. M. History of the county of Fife. 1840. F46 See Leighton, J. M. Select views on the river Clyde. 1830. Swarbreck, Sfamuel] D[ukinfield]. Sketches in Scotland, drawn from nature and on stone. AH4I London, 1845. F. 6 [4] p. 25 pi. Ai4 Swart, de. Afbeelding van de kaamer en t parade-bed waar op het lyk van AW2 Anna, kroon princesse van Groot-Brittagne, ten toon is gesteld Sw2 geweest. See, below, Description de la chambre et lit de parade sur lequel le corps de Anne, princesse royale de la Grande- Bretagne ... a ete exposee. 1759. Description de la chambre et lit de parade sur lequel le corps de AW2 Anne, princesse royale de la Grande-Bretagne ... a ete exposee Sw2 ... en fevrier, 1759 . . . graves . . . par S. Fokke. La Haye, 1759. F. 5 4 p. 4 pi. Title-page and text in French and Dutch. Sweerts, Pierre Francois, 1567-1629, annotator. AX See Maggi, Qirolamo. -1572. De tintinnabulis. 1699. M27 Swiecianowski, Julius. Essai sur 1 echelle musicale comme loi de l harmonie dans 1 uni- AA vers et dans Tart, suivi d un appendice sur 1 architecture classique Sw5 I et de la facade d un monument projete pour la ville de Rome. . . Varsovie, 1881. F. 18+11 p. 7 pi. La loi de l harmonie dans 1 art grec et son application a 1 archi- AA tecture moderne. . . Paris, 1888. F. 5 [3]+4+36 p. 17 pi. Sw5 Sybel, Ludwig von. 1846-. Athena-relief und torso zu Athen. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 5, p. 102-114. G8i pi. 5 .) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1003 Sybel, Ludwig von. 1846-. Das bild des Zeus; vortrag gehalten am 15. Dez. 1875. AO8 Marburg, 1876. O. 24 p. 2 pi. Z6 Kritik des agyptischen ornaments ; archaologische studie. AK Marburg, 1883. O. 41 p. 2 pi. Syi Uber Schliemann s "Troja"; vortrag. Marburg, 1875. O. 28 p. AP Z2 Weltgeschichte der kunst bis zur erbauung der Sophien-kirche. . . AO Marburg, 1888. Q. 12+479 p. ill. I pi. Syi Sybel, Ludwig von, 1846-, compiler. Katalog der sculpturen zu Athen: Kentrikon mouseion, Barba- AO8 keion lykeion, Hagia trias, Theseion, Stoa des Hadrian, Ephoria, Syi siidabhang der Akropolis, Akropolis; mit . . . iibersicht und . . . index. Marburg, 1881. D. [3] + 24+459 p. Symeoni, Gabriello. 1509-75. Le imprese. (In Giovio, P., bp. Le sententiose imprese. 1562. AX p. 9-44-) G43 Symonds, Rev. Henry, Goulburn, E. M., D. D., 1818- and Hailstone, Edward, jr. AH42 Ancient sculptures in the roof of Norwich cathedral. 1876. N83I Szanto, Emil, Judeich, Walther, and others. Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 81-99, G8i 412-428; v. 15, p. 355-4I9- 6 pi.) Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris. 1808-11. AH/|4 See [Sal nt= Victor, J. M. B. Bins de. 1772-1858]. A$i Tableaux de la Suisse. 1 784-86. See [Zurlauben, B. F. A. J. D., baron de La Tour.Chatillon de. AH494 1720-95.] AQ Tables des logarithmes des nombres entiers de i a 100000. AX O. 188 p. TII No title-page. Taccani, Francesco. Progetto di rettificazione della storia architettonica dal suo prin- AF cipio fino al secolo 17. .. Till Milano, 1849. Nar. Q. i2+2O2+[i]p. Storia dell* architettura in Europa cominciando dalla sua origine AF fino al secolo 17. .. Milano, 1855. Q. 276 p. (Nuova biblioteca Til dell ingegnere-architetto civile, v. 4.) Sulla storia dell architettura . . . esame logico . . . con note. AF Milano, 1844. O. 8+297+^] p. i pi. Tii2 Taillandier, A[lphonse] H[onore]. 1797-1867. Histoire du chateau et du bourg de Blandy en Brie. AH44 Paris, 1854. O. 7+208 p. ill. 2 pi. B6i Taillebois, Emile. -1892. Bibliographic landaise. (In Bulletin monumental. 1888. v. 54, AB P- 75-89.) B8 7 Taillefer, [Henri Franois Alphonse Athanase] comte Wilgrinde. 1761-1833. Antiquites de Vesone, cite gauloise . . . ou, Description des monu- AR44 mens . . . de cette antique cite . . . precedee d un Essai sur les P4i Gaulois. Perigueux, 1821-26. F. 2 v. 25 pi. Assisted by Mourcin de Meymi-Lanaugarie, J. T. de. 1784-. Tailliar, Eugene Francois Joseph. 1803-78. Notes pour 1 histoire de 1 art chretien dans le nord de la France. AB (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 2, 3.) R324 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1005 Taine, H[ippolyte] A[dolphe]. 1828-93. Philosophy of art; art in Greece, translated by J. Durand. AO New York, 1871. D. 6+i88p. Ti3 Voyage en Italie. Paris, 1866-81. O. 2 v. 24 pi. AH45 A23 Contents: v. i. Naples et Rome. v. 2. Florence et Venise. Vol. 2, D. 4 th edition. Tainturier, A. -i Les terres emaillees de Bernard Palissy, inventeur des rustiques AN2 figulines. . . Paris, 1863. O. i36+[i] p. ill. i por. 3 pi. Ti3 Talbert, B[ruce] J. Gothic forms applied to furniture, metal work and decoration for AK domestic purposes. Boston, 1873. F. 5 [3]+6+[2] p. 30 pi. Ti4 [Tallemant, Paul. 1642-1712, editor.] Medailles sur les principaux evenements du regne de Louis le AMi Grand avec des explications historiques. . . [Anon.] Ti4 Paris, 1702. Nar. Q. [2] + [289] f. ill. I pi. Tambroni, Giuseppe. 1773-1824. Intorno alcuni edificii ora riconosciuti dell antica citta di Boville; AC lettera . . . letta ... 31 luglio, 1823. (In Rome, Italy Acca- R66i demia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1829. v. 3, p. 119-182. 3 pi.) Tapin, L., abbe. De 1 origine de la chasuble. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. II, AB p. 149-188.) R324 Etude sur la chasuble de Saint Regnobert (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 9, p. 178-196, 233-259, 295-314.) R324 Forme de la chasuble. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 12, p. AB 24-69.) R324 La tapisserie de la reine Mathilde. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v- 9, P- 5 -34-) R324 Les tapisseries de la cathedrale d Angers, dites tapisseries AH44 du Roi Rene, representations de 1 Apocalypse. An42 Leipzig [1892]. F. 5 72 phot. Title-page in French and German. Tapisseries du quinzieme siecle conservees k la cathedrale AM8 de Tournay. 1883. 8031 See Soil, Eugene. 1853-. ioo6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Tarade, Jacques. Desseins de toutes les parties de 1 Eglise de Saint Pierre de Rome . . . leve exactement ... en 1 annee 1659 . . . [graves] tous les desseins par le Sr. Marot. . . [Paris(?)J no date. F. 5 [2] p. 12 pi. Two pages of text and i pi. engraved by C. Inselin. Tarbe, [Louis Hardouin] Prosper. 1809-71. Notre-Dame de Reims. 2 e edition. . . Reims, 1852. Nar. Q. [3] + 159 p. ill. 9 pi. Reims ; essais historiques sur ses rues et ses monuments . . . orne de planches dessinees et lithographiees par J. J. Maquart. . . Reims, 1844. F. [3] + 5 +460 p. 31 pi. map. Saint- Remi de Reims; dalles du I3 e siecle. [Anon.] Reims, 1847. F - 6 8 p. 6 pi. Tresors des eglises de Reims. . . Reims, 1843. F. 2+338 p. 32 pi. La vie et les ceuvres de Jean Baptiste Pigalle. . . Paris, 1859. O. 268 p. Tardieu, , Qourlier, C. P., 1786-1857, and others. Choix d edifices publics. 1825 50- Tardieu, Ambroise. 1788-1841. La colonne de la grande armee d Austerlitz . . . monument tri- omphal erige en bronze sur la Place Vendome de Paris. . . Paris, 1822. F. 75 p. 38 pi. La colonne de la grande armee d Austerlitz ou de la victoire; monument triomphal, eleve a la gloire de la grande armee par Napoleon. Paris, no date. F. 4 p. 38 pi. Tardieu, Ambroise. 1840-. Histoire de la ville de Montferrand et du bourg de Chamalieres en Auvergne ; ouvrage faisant suite a 1 Histoire de la ville de Cler mont-Ferrand. Moulins, 1875. F. 4 [4] + 2+i32p. ill. 9 pi. AH 45 R6 93 AH 44 R274 AH44 R282 AH44 R276 AH44 AW P62 AH44 A22 AH44 P346 AH44 P 34 6i AH44 C 5 9 Tardif, , editor. See Pitrou, Robert. 1684-1750. Recueil de differents projets d architecture, de charpente, et autres, concernant la construction des ponts. 1756. Tardif-Desvaux, . Angers pittoresque, texte par E. L. Angers, 1843. F. 4 Various paging. 45 pi. Target, Felix. On the main drainage of Paris and the utilisation of its sewage. AJi London, 1878. O. 25 p. 3 pi. Ti7 From Institution of civil engineers. Minutes of proceedings, v. 53, pt. 3. AE5 P68 AH44 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1007 Tarn, E[dward] Wyndham. Mechanics of architecture; a treatise on applied mechanics espe- AI daily adapted to the use of architects. Ti? London, 1892. D. 11+367 p. ill. Science of building: an elementary treatise on the principles of AI construction. . . 3d edition . . . enlarged. London, 1890. D. TI/I 12 + 216 p. ill. (Weale s rudimentary series, v. 267.) Tarsot, Louis, 1857- and Chariot, Maurice. Les palais nationaux: Fontainebleau, Chantilly, Compiegne, Saint- AH44 Germain, Rambouillet, Pau, etc. . . Paris [1889]. D. Various A72 paging, ill. I 5 paged pi. (Bibliotheque d histoire etd art.) Tarver, Edward J. Guide to the study of the history of architecture. AF London, 1888. D. |j]+2+47 p. 2 pi. Ti7 Taschenbuch fiir bauhandwerker. AJ2 Holzminden, 1891. D. L62 Vol. i. LIKBOLD, B. Ziegelrohbau. 1891. Tassin, [Nicolas]. Les plans et profils de toutes les principales villes et lieux con- AH44 siderables de France. . . -^79 Paris, 1634. Obi. S. 2 v. 225 pi. 184 maps. Tassini, Giuseppe. 1827-. Alcuni palazzi ed antichi edificii di Venezia ; storicamente illus- AH45 trati con annotazioni. Venezia, 1879. O. 296 p. Curiosita veneziane ; ovvero, Origini delle denominazioni stradali AH45 di Venezia. 3& edizione. Venezia, 1882. D. 690 p. V56i Edifici di Venezia distrutti o volti ad uso diverso da quello a cui AH45 furono in origine destinati. Venezia, 1885. O. 134 p. Tate, James S. Surcharged and different forms of retaining walls. New York, AI 1873. T. 59 p. ill. (Van Nostrand s science series, v. 7.) Ti8 Tatham, C[harles] H[eathcote]. 1771-1842. Etchings, representing fragments of antique Grecian and Roman AK architectural ornament, chiefly collected in Italy before the late Ti8 revolutions . . . and drawn from the originals. . . London, 1806. F. 5 [3] + 3 p. 24 pi. Etchings, representing the best examples of ancient ornamental AK architecture drawn from the originals in Rome and other parts of Ti8 Italy . . . 1794-96. . . 3d edition. London, 1810. F. 5 8 p. 102 pi. ioo8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Tatham, C[harles] H[eathcote]. 1771-1842. Etchings, representing the best examples of Grecian and Roman AK architectural ornament, drawn from the originals. . . Ti8i London, 1843. F- 5 IO P- 126 pi. Representations of a Greek vase in ... [his] possession. . . AA [London] 1811. Nar. Q. 10 p. 3 pi. L57 Tattersall, George. Sporting architecture. AE2 London [1850]. Nar. Q. 6+97 p. ill. 19 pi. Ti8 Taunton, William Frederick, illustrator. AH42 See Poole, Benjamin. Coventry, its history and antiquities. 1870. C83 Tauzia, L. Both de, vicomte, compiler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Notice supplementaire des tableaux AO6 exposes dans les galeries du musee. 1878. L93 Taylor, Andrew T[homas]. Towers and steeples designed by Sir Christopher Wren ; a de- AT scriptive, historical and critical essay. T2ii London, 1881. O. 8+47 P- I 3 pi- Taylor, Arthur. On the original site of Roman London. (In Archaeologia. v. 33, AB p. 101-124. i pi.) Ar2 Remarks on the Gothic ornaments of the Duomo, Battistero, and AB Campo Santo, of Pisa. (In Archaeologia. v. 20, p. 537-552.) Ar2 Taylor, George. -1851. Memoir of Robert Surtees. (In Surtees, Robert. 1779-1834. AR42 History and antiquities of the county palatine of Durham. 1816-40. 0931 v. 4, p. 1-98.) Taylor, George Ledwell. 1780-1873. Auto-biography of an octogenarian architect; being a record of A A his studies at home and abroad during 65 years. . . T2i London, 1870-72. Sq. F. 2 v. 153 pi. 8 facsim. Taylor, George Ledwell, 1780-1873, and Cresy, Edward, 1792-1858. Architectural antiquities of Rome. AH45 London, 1821-22. F. 6 2 v. 130 pi. R782 Plate 105 was perhaps never issued. Architecture of the middle ages in Italy. 1829. AH45 P67I Taylor, Henry, architect. Notes on sketching tours, by An architect. [Anon.] AA London [pref. 1880]. O. 65 p. 7 pi. T2II COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1009 Taylor, Henry, architect. Old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire, including notes on the AH42 ancient domestic architecture of the counties Palatine. . . A37 Manchester, 1884. Sq. F. 32+164 p. ill. 33 pi. Taylor, I., and Taylor, J. Designs for shop-fronts and door-cases. Al4 London, no date. Q. 27 pi. T2i Taylor, I[sidore Justin Severin], baron. 1789-1879. Reims, la ville des sacres. . . AH44 Paris, 1860. Nar. Q. 204 p. 4 pi. i map. R28i Voyage pittoresque en Espagne, en Portugal et sur la cote AH46 d Afrique de Tanger a Tetouan. A3 Paris, 1832. Nar. Q. 3 v. 123 pi. Taylor, Isidore Justin Severin, baron, 1789-1879, Nodier, J. C. E., 1783-1844, and Cailleux, A. A. A. de, 1788-1876. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans 1 ancienne France. AH44 1820-78. A23 Taylor, [J.] Original and novel designs for decorative household furniture, ANi more particularly for ... upholstery. . . T2i London, 1824. Nar. Q. 30 pi. Taylor, John. 1704-66. Marmor Sandvicense, cum commentario et notis. AX Cantabrigias, 1743. Sq. O. [20] + 88 + [4] p. pi. Zi Taylor, John, jr. Sundry sanitary building appliances. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1862-63, p. 77-98.) R8i Taylor, Tom. 1817-80. English painting in 1862. (In Fine arts quarterly review, v. I, AB p. 1-26.) F49 Leicester Square, its associations and its worthies, with a sketch AH 42 of Hunter s scientific character and works by Richard Owen. ^-919 London, 1874. D. 6+2+495 p. 4 por. 12 pi. Taylor, Warington. On the construction of theatres. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1864-65, p. 37-49.) R8i Taylor, W[illiam]. Annals of St. Mary Overy; an . . . account of St. Saviour s church AH42 and parish. London, 1833. Nar. Q. [4]+ 143 p. 20 pi. L884 64 ioio AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Taylor, W[illiam] B[enjamin] Sarsfield. 1781-1850. Manual of fresco and encaustic painting. . . AM6 London, 1843. O. 19+214 p. T2i Teatro delle fabbriche piu cospicue in prospettiva della AH45 citta di Venezia. 1740. V573 See [Zucchi, Francesco.] Die technische hochschule zu Berlin. [i886(?)]. AH43 See [Koch, H.] 3458 Technology architectural review. AB Boston, 1887-90. Sq. F. 4 3 v. pi. ill. T22 Published by Massachusetts institute of technology Architectural society. Teirich, Valentin. 1844-77. Bronzen aus der zeit der italienischen renaissance. . . AM3 Wien, 1877. F- 7 [3] + 29+[i] p. ill- 29 pi. T23 Eingelegte marmor-ornamente des mittelalters und der renais- AK sance. Wien, 1875. F. 7 8 p. 25 pi. T23 Ornamente aus der bliithezeit italienischer renaissance, intarsien. . . Wien, 1873. F. 7 [3] + np. ill. 25 pi. 723 Published by Vienna (Austria) Museum fur kunst und Industrie. Teirich, Valentin, 1844-77, editor. AB See Blatter fur kunstgewerbe. 1872-91. B6i Temanza, Tommaso. 1705-89. Vita di Andrea Palladio Vicentino, egregio architetto . . . aggi- AW untevi in fine Due scritture dello stesso Palladio finora inedite. Pi 72 Venezia, 1762. Q. [4] +100+ 17 p. I ill. Vita di Jacopo Sansovino . . . AW Venezia, 1752. Nar. Q. [io] + 59 p. i por. Sa$2 Vita di Vincenzio Scamozzi. . . AW Venezia, 1770. Nar. Q. [4] +45 + [6] p. i por. Sca5 Tempio di Giove Statore. AK Roma, 1796. Nar. Q. [3] p. 7 pi. L89 Temple, Sir Richard. 1826-. Picturesqueness in reference to architecture. (In Royal institute AC of British architects. Transactions. 1889. n - s - v -5P-53-76- 5 pi.) R8i Temples anciens et modernes. 1774. AE See [Avril, abbe.] Av8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE ion Tenby (Wales) Cambrian institute. See Cambrian institute. Tendances actuelles de la peinture en Belgique. i846(?). AO See Pinchart, Alexandra. 1823-84. 5 Tenement house building co. Tenement houses of New York city, a contribution to the study. AA New York, 1891. O. 33 p. I ill. I pi. 2 paged pi. Ar22 Tenison, Lady Louisa [Mary Anne (Anson)]. 1819-82. Sketches in the East, drawn on stone by Dickinson & son. AA [London] 1846. F. 6 [3] p. 30 pi. T25 Tennant, Robert. 1828-. Sardinia and its resources. AH459 Roma, 1885. Nar. Q. [3] + 3i/+[i] p. 12 pi. map. A3 Tensini da Crema, Francesco, cavaliere. La fortificatione, guardia, difesa et espugnatione delle fortezze AE7 esperimentata in diverse guerre. . . T25 Venetia, 1630. F. 4 [i4] + [i66]-fi28 p. i por. 48 pi. Tentzel, Wilhelm Ernst, 1659-1707, annotator. See Reyher, Samuel. 1635-1714. Monumenta landgraviorum AR43 Thuringiae et marchionum Misniae. (In Otto, H. F., and Schamel, T42 J. M. Thuringia sacra. 1737. p. 921-956.) Teppich=erzeugung im Orient. 1895. AN See Vienna (Austria) Handels=museum, compiler. V672 Terninck, A[uguste]. 1811-. Arras; histoire de 1 architecture et des beaux-arts dans cette AH44 ville. . . Arras, 1879. Q. [3]+3iip. 79 pi. map. Ar63 Promenades archeologiques et historiques sur les chaussees AR44 romaines des environs d Arras, route de Therouanne. Ar6 Arras, 1874. O. 195 p. i pi. Terninck, Auguste, 1 8 1 1- and Cardevacque, Adolphe, AH44 1828-. L abbaye de Saint- Vaast. 1865-68. Sa32 Terrier, - . Memoire sur les ruines de Sunium et de la cote de 1 Attique. . . AB (In Archives des missions scientifiques. 1866. v. 11, p. 55-129. Ar2i i pi.) Terris, Paul, abbe. Sainte Anne d Apt, ses traditions, son histoire, d apres les docu- AX ments authentiques. . . Avignon, 1876. D. [3] + i85 + [i] p. T27 1OI2 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Terry, Thomas, editor. See Batteley, Rev. John. 1647-1708. Antiquitates Rutupinae. AR42 1711. R39 Testelin, Henri. 1616-95. Sechs tabellen von der malerey nebst den vorlesungen welche in AA der . . . franzosischen maleracademie nach der ordnung dieser Sa5 tabellen gehalten worden. (In Sandrart, Joachim von. Teutsche academic der bau-, bildhauer-, und maler-kunst. 1768-75. v. 6 1 , p. 109-180. 10 pi.) Tetius, Hieronymus. Aedes Barberinae ad Quirinalem. AH45 Romae, 1642. F. 195 + [14] p. ill. 31 pi. R824 AR56 AH AH44 P338 AB An7 AM4 Texier, Charles [Felix Marie]. 1802-71. Asie Mineure; description geographique, historique et archeo- logique des provinces et des villes de la Chersonnese d Asie. Paris, 1882. O. 757 p. 32 pi. 6 maps. (L univers : histoire et description de tous les peuples : Asie, v. 12.) Texier, Edmond [Auguste]. 1816-87. Tableau de Paris. . . Paris, 1852-53. F. 4 2 v. in I. ill. map. Texier, Jacques Remy Antoine, abbe. 1813-59. L abbaye de Solignac. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 20, p. 125-141.) Dictionnaire d orfevrerie, de gravure et de ciselure chreticnnes ; ou, De la mise en ceuvre artistique des metaux, des emaux et des pierreries. Paris, 1857. Nar. Q. 1496 col. [748 p.] ill. (Migne, J. P. ed. Encyclopedic theologique ; 3^ ser. v. 27.) Histoire de la peinture sur verre en Limousin. . . Paris, 1847. O. [3] + n5P- 6 P 1 - Origine de la peinture sur verre, systeme inconnu de vitraux Ro mans. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 10, p. 81-89.) Text books of ornamental design ; L. F. Day, editor. London, 1890-91. D. 3 v. pi. Vol. i. DAY, L. F. Ornamental design. 1890. v. 2. DAY, L. F. Planning of ornament. 1890. v. 3. DAY, L. F. Application of ornament. 1891. Thausing, Moritz. 1838-84. Die Votivkirche in Wien ; denkschrift des baucomites veroffent- licht zur feier der einweihung am 24. Apr. 1879. [Anon.] Wien, 1879. F. 4 [6] + 89+ [3 2] p. ill. I por. 4 pi. Wiener kunstbriefe. Leipzig, 1884. O. 5+397 p. i por. I pi. AM7 T3i AB AH 4 36 V674 AO T 3 3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 10 1 3 Le theatre libre. AH44 [Paris] 1890. D. 4+1 86+ [6] p. ill. 4 pi. ?322 Theophilus, presbyter. Libri 3 de diversis artibus ; seu, Diversarum artium schedula, AN6 opera et studio R. Hendrie. T34 Londini, 1847. O. 5 ! +447 P- : facsim. Title-page and text in Latin and English. Theory and practice of warming and ventilating public AJ buildings, dwelling-houses and conservatories ... by An engineer; T34 illustrated . . . from designs by R. S. Mickleham. . . London, 1825. O. 12+340 p. 20 pi. Theoxenos, M. K. Les fouilles recentes de 1 Acropole d Athenes. (In Gazette archeo- AB logique. v. 13, 1888, p. 28-48,82-102; pi. 7-11 and 16.) G25 Theuerdank. Der Theuerdank . . . facsimile-reproduction nach der ersten auf- AB lage vom jahre 1517, neu hrsg. von Simon Laschitzer. (In Jahr- Jipi buch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiser- hauses. v. 8.) Theuriet, Andre. 1833-. Jules Bastien-Lepage and his art, a memoir; Jules Bastien- Lepage AW as artist, by George Clausen; Modern realism in painting by B2Q2 Walter Sickert and a Study of Marie Bashkirtseff by Mathilde Blind. . . London, 1892. Nar. Q. 190 p. I por. 14 pi. Thevet, Andre. 1504-90. La grande et excellente cite de Paris. Paris, 1 88 1. O. 24+53 + [i] AH44 p. i por. (In Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris. A$2 1878-83. v. 5.) No. 318 of 330 copies printed. Thibaud, Bmile. La cathedrale de Clermont. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 8, AB p. 5-23.) R324 Thiemann, Joseph. 1864-. Die Nikolaikirche zu Ankum unter steter beriicksichtigung der AH43 geschichte der mittelalterlichen architektur Westfalens kunsthis- An6 torisch dargestellt. Rheine, 1891. O. 36+ [3] p. I pi. Doctor s dissertation at Munster (Ger.) Academy. Thieme, Ulrich. Hans Leonhard Schaeufeleins malerische thatigkeit. Leipzig, AO 1892. O. [3]+i90+[2] p. ill. 10 pi. (In Beitrage zur kunst- 639 geschichte. n. s. pt. 16.) 64* ioi4 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY La Thierache; bulletin. 1873-80. AC See Societe archeologique de Vervins. 8026 La Thierache; recueil de documents concernant 1 histoire, AR44 les beaux-arts, les sciences naturelles et 1 industrie de cette . . . Ai8 subdivision de la Picardie. Vervins, 1849-72. Q. 2 v. ill. I por. 26 pi. Thierry, Jfules] D. AH44 Arc de Triomphe de 1 Etoile. . . Paris, 1845. F- 7 2 8 p. 26 pi. P265 Thiers, [Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe]. 1797-1878. Collection d objets d art. AO2 Paris, 1884, Sq. F. 4 [is] + 286+[i] p. ill. i por. 33 pi. 734 Compiled by A. A. P. C. Blanc. Thiersch, August. Optische tauschungen auf dem gebiete der architektur. (In Zeit- AB schrift fur bauwesen. v. 23, p. 9-38. 5 pi.) Z$i Die proportionen in der architektur. (In Handbuch der architek- AA tur. 1883. 4- thl. i. hlbd., p. 28-77. HI- 3 paged pi.) Thiersch, Friedrich [Wilhelm]. 1784-1860. Uber die epochen der bildenden kunst unter den Griechen . . . AO vorgelesen in ... der . . . Akademie der wissenschaften zu Mun- T34I chen . . . 1816, 1819, 1825. Miinchen [1816-25]. Sq. O. 3 v. in i. Uber die epochen der bildenden kunst unter den Griechen. 2. AO aufl. . . Munchen, 1829. O. 14+459+ [2] P- 3 pi- ^34 Thijm, Joseph Albert Alberdingk. 1820- L art et archeologie en Hollande. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 14, p. 40-57. I05-U3; v. 1 6, p. 90-97-) An7 De heilige linie; proeve over de oostwaardsche richting van kerk AE en autaar, als hoofdbeginsel der kerkelijke bouwkunst. . . T34 Amsterdam, 1858. O. io+22O+[i] p. ill. Lettre sur la ligne sacree a Auguste Reichensperger. AE Amsterdam, 1858. O. 25 p. 734 From De dietsche warande. 1857. Thijm, Joseph Albert Alberdingk, editor. AB See De dietsche warande. 1855-. 056 Thiollet, Francois. 1782-1864. Serrurerie et fonte de fer recemment executees. . . AI Paris, no date. F. 5 [4] + 32 p. 72 pi. 734 Published about 1830. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1015 Thiollet, Francois, 1782-1864, and Krafft, J. K., 1764-1833. AH44 Choix des plus jolies maisons de Paris et des environs. [1849]. P257 Thiollet, [Francois], 1 782-1864, and Roux, [N.] H., aine. Nouveau recueil de menuiserie et de decorations interieures et AM 5 exterieures. Liege, 1848. F. 4 i8+[i] p. 60 pi. T34 Thiollier, Felix. See Soultrait, J. H. Q. Richard, comte de. 1822-88. Le chateau AH44 de La Bastie d Urfe et ses seigneurs . . . planches gravees sous la Li I direction de Felix Thiollier. 1886. Thirion, H. Les Adam et Clodion. AW Paris, 1885. F. 415 p. ill. 2 por. 14 pi. Adi Thiry jeune (maison). Galvanisation du fer, serrurerie artistique, grilles, chenils, clotures. AM 2 Paris [1881]. Sq. F. i8+[i] p. 53 pi. T^ G. Sohier & co., successors. Thiry, Paul Henri, baron d Holbach. 1723-89. See Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d . 1723-89. Thode, Henry. 1857-. Albrecht Diirers Madonna mit der nelke. (In Jahrbuch der Konig- AB lich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 10, p. 3-12.) Diirers "Antikische art." (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussi- AB schen kunstsammlungn. v. 3, p. 106-119.) Ji9 2 Tholin, [Eustache] Georges. 1843-. Etudes sur 1 architecture religieuse de 1 Agenais du dixieme au AH44 seizieme siecle. . . Agen, 1874. O. 16+364 p. 32 pi. Ag33 Notice sur 1 eglise de Saint Caprais, ancienne colligale aujour- AB d hui cathedrale d Agen. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 39, p. 687 367-380.) Thomas, F. W. L. Account of some of the Celtic antiquities of Orkney. . . (In AB Archaeologia. v. 34, p. 88-136. 6 pi.) Ar2 Thomas, Francis Inigo, 1826-, and Blomfield, R. AN8 Formal garden in England. 1892. B62 Thomas, Qeorg Martin, 1817- editor. De passagiis in Terram Sanctam ; excerpta ex Chronologia magna AP codicis Latini CCCXCIX bibliothecae ad d. Marci Venetiarum, T36 auspice Societate illustrandis Orientis Latini monumentis. Venetiis, 1879. F. 7 [5] + [i] p. 15 facsim. No. 132 of 160 copies printed. ioi6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Thomas, Rev. William. 1670-1738. Survey of the cathedral-church of Worcester, with an account of AH42 the bishops . . . also an appendix of ... papers and records. . . W89I London, 1736. Nar. Q. 6+ 124+ [440] p. ill. 8 pi. Thomassin, Philippe. i556(?)-i65o(?) AH45 Antiquar. statuar. urbis Romae liber primus. R68 Romae, no date. Obi. Q. 39 pi. Thomassin, Simon. i652(?)-i732. Recueil des statues, groupes, fontaines, termes, vases et autres . . . AH44 ornemens . . . de Versailles. . . V6i9 La Haye, 1723. O. 4 v. in i. 216 pi. Title page in French and Dutch; text in French, Latin, Italian and Dutch. Thompson, Edward Q., and Woodward, Q. E. AE2 Woodward s national architect, [c. 1869.] W87I Thompson, George, of York, translator. See Santos, Francisco. 1700. Description of the royal palace AH46 and monastery of St. Laurence, called the Escurial, and of the ESI chapel royal of the Pantheon. 1 760. Thompson, Sir Henry. 1820- Catalogue of blue and white nankin porcelain forming . . . [his] AN2 collection. . . London, 1878. Nar. Q. 7+67 p. 26 pi. -T37 Thompson, Peter. Designs for the proposed new houses of Parliament. . . AH42 London, 1836. Sq. F. 4+ [6] p. 13 pi. L938 Thompson, Pishey. i;84(?)-i862. History and antiquities of Boston. . . AR42 Boston [Eng.] 1856. F. 4 22 + 824 p. ill. I por. 9 pi. i tab. B6$ On the early commerce of Boston. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 2, p. 362-381.) As7 Thompson, Stephen. Old English homes ; a summer s sketch-book. AH42 London, 1876. Nar. Q. 8+215 p. 23 pi. A 141 Sepulchral monuments of Italy, mediaeval and renaissance, pho- AE8 tographed and described, with a preface and introduction by C. T37 C. Perkins, containing full extracts from the ms. notes of ... G. E. Street. London, 1883. F. G [2] + 3O+[ioo] p. 49 pi. (Arun- del society. Publications.) See Velazquez, D. R. de Silva y. 1 594-1660. Works of Velasquez, AO6 being a reproduction of seventeen scarce and fine prints in the V"54 British museum . . . photographed by Stephen Thompson. 1872. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1017 Thorns, P[eter] P[erring]. Dissertation on the ancient Chinese vases of the Shang dynasty AN2 from 1743 to 1496 B. C. London, 1851. O. 63 p. 42 ill. 738 Thorns, William John, 1803-85, editor. AH42 See Stow, John. 1525-1605. Survey of London. 1842. LQ22 Thoms, William John, 1803-85, editor and translator. See Worsaae, J. J. A. 1821-85. Primeval antiquities of Den- AR489 mark. 1849. A 3 Thomson, James, architect. AE6 School houses. London, 1842. Sq. F. 5 [3] p. 8 pi. T38 Thomson, Richard, 1794-1865, editor. Faithful account of the processions and ceremonies observed in AW2 the coronation of the kings and queens of England. . . T38 London, 1820. O. 6+[i]+98 p. 4 pi. Thore, Etienne Joseph Theophile. 1807-69. Tresors d art exposes a Manchester en 1857. . . par W. Burger. AO4 Paris, 1857. D - 8+460 p. M3I2 Thorlacius, B0rge. 1775-1829. . . . Vas pictum Italico-Graecum, Orestem ad Delphicum tripo- AN2 dem supplicem exhibens, ex musaeo. . . Christiani Frederici, Z$ principis. Havniae, 1826. Sq. O. 24 p. I pi. Academic dissertation at Copenhagen (Denmark) university. Thornbury, [George] Walter. 1828-76. Old and new London; a narrative of its history, its people and its AH42 places. L948 London [1873-78]. Nar. Q. 6 v. ill. 6 pi. 243 paged pi. and Atlas, 3 maps. Continued by Edward Walford. v. 3-6. Thorne, James. 1816-81. AH42 Handbook to the environs of London. London, 1876. O. 2 v. L925 Thornely, James L. Monumental brasses of Lancashire and Cheshire, with some ac- AE8 count of the persons represented. . . T39 Hull, 1893. O. [5] + 322 p. ill. No. 51 of 500 copies printed. Thorp, William H[enry]. Architect s sketch book at home and abroad. AH42 Leeds [pref. 1884]. Sq. F. io+[i49] p. 75 pi. A95 Thresor des antiquitez de la couronne de France represen- tees en figures d apres leurs originaux. [Paris, 1729-33.] F 5 . A collection of the plates extracted from Bernard de Montfaucon s Les monumens de la monarchic frangoise. ioi8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Throsby, John. 1740-1803. Select views in Leicestershire . . . containing seats of the nobility AH42 and gentry, town views and ruins . . . with descriptive and his- L-53 torical relations. London, 1789-90. Q. 2 v. ill. I por. 72 pi. map. 5 facsim. i tab. Thuringia sacra. 1737. AR43 See [Otto, H. F., 1692-1730, and Schamel, J. M., 1668-1742]. T42 Thuringisch=sachsischer verein fur erforschung des vaterlandischen alterthums und erhaltung seiner denkmaler. Neue mittheilungen aus dem gebiete historisch-antiquarischer for- AC schungen. Halle, 1834-85. D. v. 1-17 in 12. ill. pi. T42 Vols. 1-8 ed. by K. E. Forstemann. Thiirlemann, B. 270 originelle decorations-motive aus alien kunstepochen, in feder- AK zeichnung ausgefiihrt. Zurich, 1889. F. [3] p. 120 pi. T42 Thurnam, John. On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the AB adjoining counties. (In Archaeologia. v. 42, p. 161-243; v. 43, Ar2 p. 285-552. ii pi.) Thurnam, John, and Davis, J. B., M. D., 1801-81. AR42 Crania Britannica. 1865. Ai5 Thys, Ch[arles] M[arie] T[heophile]. 1838-. Monographic de 1 eglise de Notre-Dame a Tongres. AH493 Bruxelles, 1866. O. 207 p. 30 ill. pi. facsim. T6i 100 copies printed. From Academic d arche"ologie de Belgique. Annales. v. 22. Ticozzi, Stefano, 1762-1836, editor. See Scamozzi, Vincenzo. 1552-1616. L idea dell architettura A A universale. 1838. Sca57 Tidsskrift for kunstindustri. AB Kj0benhavn, 1885- 88. F. v. 1-4 in 2 v. ill. pi. T43 Edited by C. Nyrop. Tiedemann, Ludwig von. Medicinische lehranstalten der universitaten. (In Handbuch der AA architektur. 1888. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. 2, p. 330-451. ill. 4 pi. Hi9 14 paged pi.) Die Universitats-bibliothek in Halle a/S. (In Zeitschrift fur bau- AB wesen. v. 35, p. 331-354. 3 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1019 Tiele, B. Astronomische hiilfstafeln. (In Nissen, Heinrich. Das templum. AE 1869. p. 233-246. 4 pi.) N63 Tierney, M[ark] A[loysius], canon. i796(?)-i862. History and antiquities of the castle and town of Arundel, includ- AH42 ing the biography of its earls from the conquest to the present Ar8 time. London, 1834. Nar. Q. 2 v. 12+772 p. ill. 8 pi. 5 tab. Paged continuously. Tildesley, James Carpenter, Langford, J. A, 1823-, and Mackintosh, C. S. AH42 Staffordshire and Warwickshire. [1884]. Stii Tilgner, Victor, Benk, Johann, and Weyr, Rudolf, 1847-. AH436 Figuraler schmuck im kuppelraume und den salen des K. k. V684 natur-historischen hof-museums in Wien 1890. Timbs, John. 1801-75. Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of England and Wales, their AH42 legendary lore and popular history. Ai 19 London [1870]. D. v. 2. i pi. Picturesque promenade round Dorking, in Surrey. . . [Anon.] AH42 London, 1822. D. 4+248 p. 7 pi. D73 Timler, Carl. Die renaissance in Italien ; architektonisches skizzenbuch nebst AH45 erlauterndem text. Leipzig, 1863. F. 4 4+32 p. 37 pi. A 14 Timmins, H. Thornhill. Nooks and corners of Herefordshire, with ... an introduction by AH42 Rev. Canon Phillott. H42I London, 1892. Nar. Q. 15 + 160+3 p. ill. 22 pi. map. Tischler, Ludwig, and Liitzow, K. F. A. von, 1832-, editors. AH436 Wiener neubauten. . . [Pref. 1876-80.] V68 Tisserand, Lazare Maurice. 1822-. Le Palais des Tuileries. (In Hoffbauer, J. H. I. 1839-. Paris a AH44 travers les ages. 1885. v. 2. 75 p.) P2I7 Tisserand, Lazare Maurice. 1822- continues See Berty, Adolphe. 1818-67. Topographic historique du vieux AH44 Paris. 1866-87. v. 3-5. P288 See Coetlogon, Anatole, comte de. i82o(?)-69. Les armoiries de AWI la ville de Paris. 1874-75. C6$ I02O AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Tisserand, Lazare Maurice, 1822-, and Leroux de Lincy, A. J. V, 1806-69, compilers. Paris et ses historians aux I4 e et I5 e siecles; documents et ecrits originaux. 1867. Tisseur, Clair. 1827-. Benoit Poncet et sa part dans les grands travaux publics de Lyons. (In Lyons, France Societe academique d architecture. Annales. 1883. v. 7, p. 105-188.) Tissus anciens, velours, lampas, brocarts, brocatelles des i6 e , I7 e et i8 e siecles. Paris, no date. F. 5 30 pi. Tite, Sir William. 1802-73. Address delivered at the first meeting of the Royal institute of British architects ... on ... Nov. 7th 1859. London, 1859. D. 37+[2] p. Descriptive catalogue of the antiquities found in the excavations at the New royal exchange, preserved in the museum of the Cor poration of London . . . with some particulars . . . relating to Roman London. London, 1848. O. 45 + [i]+96 p. Observations on the recent discoveries of the remains of the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. (In Royal institute of British archi tects. Papers. 1858-59, p. 1-12.) On the Paris street improvements and their cost. (In Royal insti tute of British architects. Papers. 1863-64, p. 48-62.) Titz, Ed[uard]. Architektonische ausfiihrungen; eine sammlung von facaden, de tails und inneren decorationen fur maurer, zimmerleute und bau- handwerker. Berlin [1849-56]. F. 5 [24] p. 36 pi. Tobler, Titus. 1806-77. Planography of Jerusalem; memoir to accompany the new ground- plan of the city of Jerusalem and the environs constructed . . . by C. W. M. van de Velde. Gotha, 1858. Nar. Q. 26 p. 3 fac- sim. (In Velde, C. W. M. van de. Plan of the town and environs of Jerusalem. 1858.) Tochou, abbe, editor. See Helyot, [Pierre, called Pere HippolyteJ. 1660-1716. Diction- naire des ordres religieux. 1847-59. v. 4. Tocilescu, Qr[igore] G[eorge]. Dacia inainte de Romani. . . Bucuresci, 1880. Nar. Q. 10 p.+p. 367+956. ill. 40 pi. 2 maps. From Societatea academica romana. Annalele. 1877. v. 10, sec. 2, pt. i. Contents: pt. i. Geographia antica a Dacia. pt. 2. Ethnographic a Daciel. AR44 P2I AC L99 AN T 5 2 AC R8i3 AR42 L8 4 3 AC R8i AC R8i AL2 T54 AH569 J5I5 AN4 H 3 62 AR498 DII COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1021 Toelken, Ernst Heinrich. 1785-1864. See Tolken, Ernst Heinrich. 1785-1864. Tofanelli, Agostino. -1834. Descrizione delle sculture e pitture che si trovano al Campi- AO2 doglio. Roma, 1819. S. 140+ [i] p. R66i Toifel, Wilhelm F., editor. Keramik; eine sammlung originalentwiirfe zur ausfiihrung in glas, AN2 fayence, porzellan . . . metall. . . Dresden, 1879-86. F. 5 50 pi. T57 Tolken, Ernst Heinrich, 1785-1864, editor. See Berliner kunst-blatt, hrsg. unter mitwirkung der Koniglichen AB akademie der kiinste und des Wissenschaftlichen kunstvereins. 645 1828-29. Tolomei, A[ntonio]. 1839-. La cappella degli Scrovigni e 1 Arena di Padova, nuovi appunti e AH45 ricordi ; 20 settembre, 1881. Pi4 Padova, 1881. O. 70+ [i] p. I pi. 5 phot. Tolzer, Joseph. Oberbayerische architektur fur landliche zwecke ; facaden, grund- AH43 risse und details. Munchen [1867-69]. F. 4 72 pi. 632 Toman, Hugo. Studien iiber Jan van Scorel, den meister vom tode Maria. Leip- AO zig, 1889. O. [3] + 52 p. ill. 6 pi. (In Beitrage zur kunstge- 639 schichte. New ser. pt. 8.) Tomlinson, Walter. See Manchester (Eng.) Royal jubilee exhibition, 1887. Pic- AO4 torial record of the exhibition by W. Tomlinson. 1888. M3i i Tonini, Luigi. -1874. Dell anfiteatro di Rimini ; ossia, Relazione degli scavi fatti nel AP 1843-44 a ll a scoperta di questo monumento con alcune . . . osser- Zi vazioni storiche. . . Rimini [1844]. O. 31 p. 3 pi. Tooneel der heerschappyen van Hartog van Savoye. . . AH45 s Gravenhage, 1697. F. 6 2 v. 3 por. 133 pi. 3 maps, i tab. P59 Contents : v. i. Piemont. v. 2. Savoye. Photograph of L arc Marius at Aix-les-Bains inserted in v. 2. Topfer, August. Mobel fur die biirgerliche wohnung; eine sammlung von ausge- ANi fiihrten entwiirfen nebst detailzeichnungen in naturgrosse aus der T62 Technischen anstalt fur gewerbtreibende zu Bremen. Leipzig, 1883. F. 4 [19] p. 80 pi. 1022 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Topham, John. Account of the collegiate chapel of Saint Stephen at Westmin- AH42 ster . . . compiled from the original records in the public archives 1^952 in the Exchequer. London, 1834. O- 8+108 p. Topographise . . . beschreibung und abbildung der fur- AA nembsten statte und platze. 1643-88. Z$i See Zeiller, Martin. 1588-1661. Toppen, Max. 1822-. Geschichte der stadt Marienwerder und ihrer kunstbauten. . . AH43 Marienwerder, 1875. O. 7+428 p. 5 pi. M335 Torino (Italy). See Turin (Italy). [Tornow, Paul]. Denkschriften-serie betreffend die kathedrale zu Metz und deren AH43 restauration. [Anon.] M56 Metz, 1882-91. Ob. F. 4 and Sq. F. 5 2 v. 29 pi. Contents : v. i. Das neue dach der kathedrale zu Metz. v. 2. Ausbau der hauptfront des domes zu Metz. Torr, Cecil. Rhodes in ancient times. AR39I Cambridge, 1885. O. 11 + 156 p. 5 pi. map. R34 [Torre e Valvasine, Michele della, and Fumagalli, Angelo, 1728-1804.] AR45 Delle antichita longobardico-milanesi. 1792-93. M582 Toschi, Paolo. 1788-1854. See Leoni, Michele. I principal! monumenti innalzati dal 1814. . . AH44 1823 da la Principessa Maria Luigia, duchessa di Parma ; ora pub- P42I blicati da P. Toschi. 1824. See N., Q. B. II nuovo teatro di Parma, rappresentato con tavole AH44 intagliate nello studio di P. Toschi. 1829. P42I Toselli, Ottavio Mazzoni. 1778-1847. Memorie risguardanti 1 antica chiesa di S. Giovanni in Monte tratte AH45 dai documenti rimasti all archivio de soppressi canonici ora con- Z centrato nell archivio del Commissariato generale dei residui. Bologna, 1844. O. 29 p. Tosi, Francesco Maria. -1859. Raccolta di monumenti sacri e sepolcrali scolpiti in Roma nei AE8 secoli 15. e 16. . . intagliati in rame da ... [A. Becchio]. . . T63 Roma, 1853-56. F. 6 5 v. in 3. I por. 150 pi. Toulmouche, A[dolphe]. 1798-. Histoire archeologique de 1 epoque gallo-romaine de la ville de AR44 Rennes. . . Rennes, 1847. Q- 3 2 5 P- 22 pi- ma P- COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1023 Toulouse=Lautrec, Raymond de, comte. 1820-88. Les cloches dans le Haut-Comminges. (In Bulletin monumental. AB v- 29, p. 337-370.) B8; Peintures murales du I4 e siecle dans 1 eglise de Notre-Dame-du- AB Bourg a Rabastens d Albigeois. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 26, 687 p. 422-453.) Tourist s guide. 1838. AH42 See [Walbran, J. R. 1817-69]. R48 Tournal, Paul. Notes sur la ceramique, faiences et porcelaines. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 29, p. 376-401.) 687 Tourneur, Victor, abbe. 1818-. La cathedrale de Reims. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 29, p. 449- AB 475-) B8 7 Histoire et description des vitraux et des statues de 1 interieur de AH44 la cathedrale de Reims. .. Reims, 1857. O. 77 p. 2 pi. R278 Tours (France) Exposition retrospective. 1873. AO4 Album. Tours, 1873. F. 5 i8+[i22] p. 61 pi. T64 Townsend, Horace. American theatres. (In Royal institute of British architects. AC Transactions. 1891-92. n. s. v. 8, p. 65-104.) R8i Tract upon tomb-stones. 1843. AH42 See [Paget, Rev. F. E. 1806-82]. AS 2 Trades league of Philadelphia. See Philadelphia (Penn.) Trades league. Traitede la composition etdel ornement des jardins. 1834. AN8 See [Schoubin, J.] Sch6 Tramontani, Luigi. Dissertazione . . . sopra 1 antico monumento del re Porsena. AC [Sup. 1-2]. (In Cortona, Italy Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dis- C8i sertazioni accademiche. 1791. v. 9, p. 54-81. 6 pi.) 2 d supplement is by Baldassare Orsini. Trans, Louis Francois Villeneuve, marquis de. 1784- 1850. See Villeneuve-Trans, Louis Franjois, marquis de. 1784-1850. Tratado 14. de la architectura civil. Tratado 15. de la A A montea y cortes de canteria. S. 252 p. 18 pi. No title-page. Is vol. 5 of an unknown work. 1024 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Trautmann, Franz. 1813-87. Kunst und kunstgewerbe vom friihesten mittelalter bis ende des AN6 achtzehnten jahrhunderts. . . T6g Nordlingen, 1869. O. 14+420+ [i] p. Trautmann, Karl. 1857-. See Aufleger, Otto. Die kgl. hofkirche zu Fiirstenfeld: Die klos- AH43 terkirche zu Diessen, mit geschichtlicher einleitung von K. Traut- A4i mann. 1894. (In Siiddeutsche architektur und ornamentik im 1 8. jahrhundert. 1894. v. 9.) See Aufleger, Otto. Munchener architektur des 1 8. jahrhunderts, AH43 mit . . . einleitung von K. Trautmann. 1892. (In Siid-deutsChe A4i architektur und ornamentik im 1 8. jahrhundert. 1892. v. 3-4.) See Aufleger, Otto. Die reichen zimmer der konigl. residenz in AH43 Miinchen, mit . . . einleitung von K. Trautmann. 1893. (In Siid- A4i deutsche architektur und ornamentik im 1 8. jahrhundert. 1893. v. 7-8. Trautzschen, Rudolf von. Die baugesetze und baupolizeilichen bestimmungen des konig- AI reichs Sachsen. . . Leipzig, 1859. O. 18+440 p. T69 Traveller s guide through Scotland and its islands. AH4i 6th edition. Edinburgh, 1814. Nar. D. 2 v. in i. 7 pi. 21 maps. A8 Travers, Julien Qilles. 1802-88. Falaise. (In La Normandie illustree. 1852. v. 2, pt. 4, p. 73-84. AH44 2 pi.) N 7 8 3 Saint-Lo, Coutances et Valognes. (In La Normandie illustree. AH44 1852. v. 2, pt. 6, p. 25-30, 49-64- 10 pl.) N ?83 Trawinski, Florentin, 1850- translator. AO See Kondakov, N. P. 1844-. Histoire de 1 art byzantin. 1886-91. K83 Le tre porte del battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze. 1821. AH45 See [Lasinio, G. P.] F677 Treadwell, John H. Manual of pottery and porcelain for American collectors. AN2 New York, 1872. O. 161 p. ill. T7i Tread well, Prentice. Textile fabrics, fictile ware, metal work, furniture, printing and AN6 painting, with glossary; hand-book published for use in the Loan T7i exhibition, Albany, March, 1879. [Albany, 1879]. O. 85 p. 9 pl. [Treatise on painting from various authors consisting of AO6 five books.] Sq. D. various paging. T7i Selections in ms. from works by Thos. Bardwell and Ge"rard de Lairesse. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1025 Tredgold, Thomas. 1788-1829. Elementary principles of carpentry, revised . . . and partly re- AI written by J. T. Hurst. 8th edition. T;i London, 1892. D. 4+ [3] + 5 27 p. ill. 48 pi. Stone-masonry [and joinery]. (In Ashpitel, Arthur, comp. AA Treatise on architecture. 1867. p. 167-193, 260-272.) As3 Tredgold, Thomas, 1788-1829, editor. See Nicholson, Peter. 1765-1844. New and improved practical AI builder. [1848.] N52I Tredgold, Thomas, 1788-1829, Robinson, John, 1739-1805, and Price, Francis. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of construction in the car- AI pentry and joinery of roofs. 1859. Treitzsauerwein von Erentreitz, Marx, -1527, com piler. See Maximilian I., emperor of Germany. 1459-1519. Der weiss AB kunig. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des aller- Ji9i hochsten kaiserhauses. v. 6.) [Treloar, William Purdie.] Ludgate hill, past and present ; a narrative concerning the people, AH42 places, legends and changes of the great London highway. 2d L9I5 edition. [Anon.] London, 1892. D. 144 p. ill. I por. i pi. Tremblay, Victor [Francois]. 1780- Notice historique sur la Ville de Beauvais et ses environs. Beau- AH44 vais, no date. O. [4] + 159 p. 3 pi. 6382 From his Dictionnaire . . . du De"partement de 1 Oise. 1846. Trendall, E[dward] W. Examples for exterior and interior finishings, consisting of en- AI trance, single and folding-doors, windows and shutters, chimney- T72 pieces . . . and sections of rooms. . . London, 1852. F. 4 20 pi. Trendelenburg, Adolf. 1844-. Die gegenstiicke in der campanischen wandmalerei. (In Archao- AB logische zeitung. v. 34, p. 1-8, 79-93.) Ar23 Die Laokoongruppe und der Gigantenfries des Pergamenischen AO8 altars; ein vortrag. Berlin, 1884. D. 39 p. 2 pi. Z4 Der musenchor ; relief einer marmorbasis aus Halikarnass. AP Berlin, 1876. Q. 2i + [3] p. i pi. W722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 36. 65 IO26 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique; ou, Recueil general de medailles, monnaies, pierres gravees, bas-reliefs, etc. . . graves par les precedes de Achille Collas, sous la direction de Paul Delaroche, de Henriquel Dupont et de Charles Lenormant. Paris, 1834-48 [v. i, 58.] F. 5 20 v. ill. 1011 pi. Contents: i. Numismatique des rois grecs. 1858. 93 pi. 2. Nouvelle galerie mythologique. 1834. 52 pi. 3. Bas-reliefs du Parthenon et du temple de Phigalie. 1834. 16 pi. 4. Iconographie des empereurs remains et de leurs families. 1843. 62 pi. 5. Histoire par les monuments de 1 art mone taire chez les modernes. 1858. 56 pi. 6. Choix historique des me"dailles des papes. 1858. 48 pi. 7-8. Mddailles coulees et ciseldes en Italic aux i5 e et i6 e siecles. 1834-1858. 2 v. 84 pi. 9. Choix de me"dailles execute es en Allemagne aux i6 e et iye siecles. 1841. 48 pi. 10. Sceaux des rois et reines d Angleterre. 1835. 38 pi. 11. Sceaux des rois et reines de France. 1858. 29 pi. 12. Sceaux des grands feudataires de la couronne de France. 1836. 32 pi. 13. Sceaux des communes, communaute s, eveques, barons et abbe s. 1858. 24 pi. 14-16. Mddailles francaises depuisle regnede Charles VII. jusqu a celui de Louis XVI. 1834-58. 3 v. 161 pi. 17. Me"dailles de la Revolution francaise. 1858. 96 pi. 18. Collection des mddailles de 1 empire francais et de 1 empereur Napoldon. 1840. 72 pi. 19-20. Recueil ge ne ral de bas-reliefs et d ornements. 1858. 2 v. 100 pi. Tresor des eglises et objets d art frangais appartenant aux musees, exposes en 1889. See Paris (France) Palace of Trocadero. Le Tresor des pieces rares ou inedites; A. Aubry, ed. Paris, 1804. D. Vol. 2, GUILLEBERT DE METZ, 15 h cent. Description de la ville de Paris au i5 e siecle. 1804. Tresors d art exposes a Manchester en 1857. See [There, !. J. T. 1807-69]. Treu, Georg Daniel Karl. 1843-. De ossium humanorum larvarumque apud antiques imaginibus capita duo. . . Berolini, 1874. O. 7+60 p. Doctor s dissertation at Gtittingen (Ger.) university. Fragmente aus den tegeatischen giebelgruppen des Skopas. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 6, p. 393~423, pi- I4-I5-) Griechische thongefasse in statuetten- und bustenform. Berlin, 1875. Q. 21 + [3] p. 2 pi. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 35. AMi 772 Sollen wir unsere statuen bemalen ? Berlin, 1884. O. 40 p. AO4 P2I5 AH44 P348 AO4 M3I2 AO Z2 AR 49 5 G8i AP Zu den funden von Olympia. (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 34, p. 174-188, pi. 13; v. 40, p. 215-248, pi. 12.) AK T72 AB Ar23 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1027 Treu, Georg Daniel Karl, 1843-, Curtius, Ernst, 1814-, and others. Die ausgrabungen zu Olympia. 1879-81. v. 3-5. Trever, Gottlieb Samuel. 1683-1743. Anastasis veteris Germant Germanaeque feminae cum integro AN4 vestitu comparentis, quorum effigies rarissima in urna prope Bos- T72 tampium . . . inventa nunc . . . explicatur. Helmstadii, 1729. Sq. O. [4] + 36 p. 2 pi. Treves, Vittorio. L architettura d oggi, gli architetti e le scuole d architettura in AH45 Italia. Torino, 1890. O. 50 p. A 191 Conference held before the Turin (Italy) Societal filo tecnica, 14 marzo, 1890. Triest, August Ferdinand. Grundsatze zur anfertigung richtiger anschlage, welche die land- AI bau-kunst in sich begreift. T73 Berlin, 1809-15. O. 3 v. 53 pi. 18 tab. Triest (Austria) 6sterreichisch=Ungarischer Lloyd, editor. See Pecht, A. F. 1814-. Venedigs kunstschatze. 1860. Trimen, Andrew. Church and chapel architecture from the earliest period to the AE present time, with an account of the Hebrew church . . . [and] T73 One thousand authenticated mouldings. . . 2d edition. London, 1856. O. [9]+29O+[28] p. 57 pi. Upwards of one thousand authenticated mouldings of medieval AE architecture. . . 2d edition. London, 1857. O. 18 p. 53 pi. (In T73 his Church and chapel architecture. 1856.) Sometimes attributed to J. D. Wyatt. Triqueti, Henri, baron de. 1802-74. Italian sculpture at the South Kensington museum. (In Fine arts AB quarterly review, v. I, p. 97-113. 2 pi.) F49 Marmor Homericum . . . with text, consisting chiefly of passages AO8 from Homer translated, by P. S. Worsley. T73 London [1874]. F. 5 Unpaged. 12 pi. Triziano, Lipario. Le porte della citta di Palermo al presente esistenti. (In Giardina, AH45 G. Le antiche porte della citta di Palermo. 1732. p. 61-168.) Pi7i Troili, Giulio, called Paradosso. Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva senza saperla. . . AL2 Bologna, 1672. Nar. Q. [s] + 58 f. 59 paged pi. T74 1028 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Die Trojaner am Rheine. 1856. AP See Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1856. Trollope, Rev. Andrew. Inventory of the church plate of Leicestershire, with some account ANi of the donors. . . Leicester, 1890. Sq. F. 2 v. 52+628+[7] p. ill. T/4 Paged continuously. No. 216 of 312 copies printed. Trollope, Edward, bishop. 1817-. Boston and other churches. . . (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 10, p. 175-218. 4 pi.) As7 The Ermine-street; or, Old Roman road. (In Associated archi- AC tectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 9, p. 153-178.) As7 Illustrations of ancient art, selected from objects discovered at AR45 Pompeii and Herculaneum. London, 1854. Q. 10+96 p. 45 pi. P773 King Henry VIII s jewel book. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 17, p. 155-229.) As7 Manual of sepulchral memorials. AE8 London, 1858. Sq. O. 7+ [7] +44 p. 22 pi. 774 Mazes and labyrinths. (In Associated architectural societies. AC Reports and papers, v. 4, p. 25 1-268. 6 pi. ill.) As7 Norman sculpture of Lincoln cathedral. (In Associated archi- AC tectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 8, p. 279-293. 4 pi.) As7 Notes on Gainsborough and other places in its vicinity. . . (In AC Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 8, As7 p. 213-254.) Painted glass. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. 9, p. 41-56.) As7 The Roman house at Apethorpe. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 5, p. 97-107. 3 pi.) As7 St. James s church, Spilsby. (In Associated architectural societies. AC Reports and papers, v. 8, p. 1-37. I pi.) As7 Use and abuse of red bricks. (In Associated architectural societies. AC Reports and papers, v. 4, p. 216-229. i pi. 3 tab.) As7 Worksop priory. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. 5, p. 208-228. i pi.) As7 Troltsch, [Qustav Adolf] E[ugen], freiherrvon. 1828- Fund-statistik der vorromischen metallzeit im Rheingebiete. AP Stuttgart, 1884. Nar. Q. 4+ [3] +119 p. 4 pi. 6 maps. T74 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1029 Tromlitz, August von, pseud. See Witzleben, Karl August Friedrich von. 1773-1839. [Tronchin du Breuil, Jean]. Relation du voyage de Sa Majeste Britannique en Hollande et cle AW2 la reception qui luy a ete faite . . . avec . . . 1 heureux succes de T75 1 expedition d Irlande. [Anon.] La Haye, 1692. F. 5 [io]+io8 p. I por. 15 pi. Trotter, William Edward. Select illustrated topography of thirty miles round London . . . AH42 engraved by ... W. and J. Henshall. . . A76 London [1839]. O. 4+[4]+i58p. 34 pi. map. Known also as Henshall s illustrated topography. Trower, Charles Francis. 1817- Findon. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 26, AC p. 219-264. i pi.) Su8 On the archaeology of Sussex cricket. (In Sussex archaeological AC society. Collections, v. 28, p. 59-82. 2 pi. Su8 Troyes (France) musee. Carrelages, vernisses, incrustes, histories et faiences; catalogue. . . AJ2 Paris, 1892. O. 102 p. ill. 17 pi. T75 Troyon, Frederic. Description des tombeaux de Bel-Air pres Cheseaux sur Lau- AC sanne. Q. 18 p. 7 pi. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. AN8 Mittheilungen. 1841. v. I.) Truefitt, George. AE Designs for country churches. London, 1850. F. 4 12 p. 20 pi. 1^6 Trutat, Eugene. 1840-. Vallee inferieure de 1 Aveyron ; etude historique et archeologique. AR44 Montauban, 1881. O. 68 p. 1 1 pi. Av3 Tryon, Thomas, and Brunner, A. W., 1857-. AK Interior decoration. 1891. 683 Tscharner, B. von. Die bildenden kiinste und das kunstgewerbe in der Schweiz im AO jahr 1890. . . Bern, 1891. O. 99 p. I pi. T?8 Tschischka, Franz. 1786-1855. Geschichte der stadt Wien. . . 2. aufl. AH436 Stuttgart, 1853. Nar. Q. 12 + 556 p. ill. I pi. 22 paged pi. V695 Der St. Stephans dom in Wien und seine alten kunstdenkmale. AH436 Wien, 1832. F. 4 [7] + 2i + [2]p. 44 p i. V693 65* 1030 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Tschudi, Hugo von. Giovanni Dalmata. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen AB kunstsammlungen. v. 4, p. 169-190.) JiQ 2 Das konfessions-tabernakel Sixtus IV. in St. Peter zu Rom. (In AB Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 8, p. Ji92 11-24.) Die Madonna mit dem karthauser von Jan van Eyck. (In Jahr- AB buch der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 10, p. 154- Ji92 165.) Tschudi, Hugo von, editor. See Berlin (Ger.) Museen. Beschreibung der bildwerke der AO4 christlichen epoche. 1888. 645 Tubino, Francisco Maria. Area sepulcral de San Isidro Labrador, que se conserva en la AH46 iglesia parroquial de San Andres de Madrid. Madrid, 1880. F. 8 Ai3 [3] + 8 p. i pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Palacio arzobispal de Alcala de Henares. Madrid, 1881. F. 8 AH46 p. 1-6. 3 pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Ai3 Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Puerta y escalera del Hospital de la Latina, y sepulcros de Fran- AH46 cisco Ramirez y Beatriz Galindo, en el Monasterio de la Concep- Ai3 cion Jeronimade Madrid. Madrid, 1880. F. 8 [3] + ! 2 p. ill. I pi. (In Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana.) Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Tucher, Endres. 1423-1507. Baumeisterbuch der stadt Niirnberg, 1464-1475, mit einer ein- AH43 leitung . . . von Friedrich von Weech, hrsg. durch M. Lexer. N93 Stuttgart, 1862. O. 14+387 p. (Bibliothek des Literarischen vereins in Stuttgart, v. 64.) Tucker, C. Notice of the Roman remains lately discovered in Lower Thames AO2 Street. O. 9 p. ill. Sol Tuckerman, Arthur Lyman. 1861-92. Selection of works of architecture and sculpture belonging chiefly AH45 to the period of the renaissance in Italy. A25 New York, 1891. F. 5 36 pi. Short history of architecture. AF New York, 1887. O. 8+[i]+i68 p. 24 pi. T79 Tuckerman, Arthur Lyman, 1861-92, translator. See Vignola, Q. Barozzio da. 1507-73. Five orders of archi- AA tecture. 1891. V683 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1031 Tuckermann, W. P. Die gartenkunst der italienischen renaissance-zeit. AN8 Berlin, 1884. Nar. Q. 15 + 187 p. 52 ill. 21 pi. T;9 Das Odeum des Herodes Atticus und der Regilla in Athen AH495 restaurirt. Bonn, 1868. Sq. F. 6 7 p. 4 pi. At64 Schinkel s literarische thatigkeit; vortrag gehalten am Schinkel- AW fest, den 13. Marz, 1879. . . Berlin, 1879. O. 30 p. (Berlin, Sch32 Ger. Architekten-verein.) Tudot, [Louis] Edmond. 1805-61. Carte des voies romaines du Departement de 1 Allier, avec texte. AR44 Paris, 1859. Sq. F. 17 p. ill. 2 pi. map. A25 Collection de figurines en argile; oeuvres premieres de 1 art gau- AO8 lois avec les noms des ceramistes qui les ont executees. T8i Paris, i860. F. 88+ [15] p. 75 pi. Marques et signatures de ceramistes trouvees dans le Bourbon- AB nais. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 23, p. 337-371.) 687 Tuer, Andrew Wpiite]. 1838-. Bartolozzi and his works; a biographical and descriptive account AW of the life and career of Francesco Bartolozzi. . . 628 London [pref. 1881]. Q. 2 v. 3 por. 8 pi. Book of delightful and strange designs, being . . . facsimile illus- AK trations of the art of the Japanese stencil-cutter. . . T8i London, no date. Obi. D. 24+27+26 p. ill. 104 pi. I facsim. Text in English, German and French. Follies and fashions of our grandfathers, 1807. . . AN4 London, 1886-87. O. [9]+6+366 p. 37 p. T8i Tufari, Raffaele. La Certosa di S. Martino in Napoli, descrizione storica cd AH45 artistica. Napoli, 1854. D. n+3o6+[2]p. 2 pi. Ni62 Tuke, Samuel. 1857-. Practical hints on the construction and economy of pauper lunatic AH42 asylums. (In Watson, , and Prichett, . Plans and de- Wi3i scription of the pauper lunatic asylum at Wakefield. 1819. P- 3-23.) Turconi, F[rancesco]. Fabbriche antiche di Roma, disegnate e restaurate. AH45 Milano, 1857. F. 6 [54] p. 157 pi. R79I Turin (Italy) Esposizione italiana d architettura. 1890. Ricordo; documenti pratici di architettura e decorazione raccolti AH45 e illustrati da A. Charvet. A48 Torino, no date. F. 6 2 v. in I. 130 pi. 1032 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Turin (Italy) Reale museo. Catalogo illustrate dei monument! egizii, compilato da P. C. AR62 Orcurti. Torino, 1852-55. O. 2 v. in I. 2 pi. Ai5 Turin (Italy) Societa di archeologia e belle arti. See Societa di archeologia e belle arti per la provincia di Torino. [Turner, Dawson. 1775-1858.] Account of a tour in Normandy, undertaken ... for the purpose AH44 of investigating . . . [its] architectural antiquities. . . [Anon.] N782 London, 1820. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 2 por. 48 pi. Turner, Rev. Edward. Battel abbey. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections. AC v. 17, p. 1-56.) Su8 Brasses in Sussex churches. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 23, p. 129-191.) Su8 Priory of Boxgrove. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collec- AC tions. v. 15, p. 83-122. i pi.) Su8 Turner, F[rancis] P[algrave]. 1824-. The pretty and the beautiful. (In Fine arts quarterly review. AB v. i, p. 308-333.) F49 Turner, Roger. Petworth. (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 14, AC p. 1-24. 2 pi.) SuS Turner, T[homas] Hudson. 1815-52. Some account of domestic architecture in England. . . AE2 Oxford 1853-77 [v. i, 77]. O. 4 v. ill. pi. T84 Continued after Turner s death by J. H. Parker. Vol. i, 2 d ed. Contents: v. i. From the conquest to the end of the 13 th cent. v. 2. From Edward I. to Richard II. v. 3-4. From Richard II. to Henry VIII. Turnure, Arthur B., compiler. See New England manufacturers and mechanics institute. AO6 Catalogue of the art department. 1883. N42 Turpin de Crisse, [Lancelot] T[heodore], comte. 1782-1859. Souvenirs du vieux Paris, exemples d architecture de temps et de styles divers . . . avec des notices historiques. . . Paris, 1835. F. 5 Various paging. 32 pi. Tuscan studies and sketches, by Leader Scott. See [Baxter, Mrs. L. E. (B.).] COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1O33 Tuthill, Mrs. L[ouisa] C[aroline (Muggins)]. 1798- 1879. History of architecture from the earliest times, its present condi- AF tion in Europe and the United States, with a biography of eminent T88 architects. . . Philadelphia, 1848. O. 426 p. ill. 35 pi. Tuthill, William B. The city residence, its design and construction. AE2 New York, 1890. O. 183 p. ill. T88 Practical lessons in architectural drawing; or, How to make the AL,2 working drawings and write . . . specifications for buildings. 8th T88 edition. New York, 1892 [c. 81.] Obi. D. 41 p. ill. 33 p l. The suburban cottage, its design and construction. 2d ed. AE2 New York, 1891 [c. 85]. O. 101 p. ill. T88i Twelve churches; or, Tracings along the Watling street, AH42 by the authoress of "The red rose." AMI London, 1860. Nar. Q. 56 p. 7 pl. Twining, Louisa. Symbols and emblems of early and mediaeval Christian art. AX London, 1852. Q. 10+190 p. 93 pl. T92 Twopeny, William. Specimens of ancient wood-work etched from drawings. AM5 London, 1859. F. G Unpaged. 13 pl. T93 Twyford, A. W., and Griffiths, Arthur. Records of York castle, fortress, court house, and prison. AH42 London, 1880. D. [6] +273 p. ill. Y89 Tyberchamps, - - Charle de. Notice . . . des principaux chateaux, grottes et mausolees de la AH493 Belgique et des batailles qui y ont eu lieu. . . A 12 Bruxelles, 1821. O. [4]+i66p. 2 pl. map. i tab. Tylor, Alfred. New points in the history of Roman Britain, as illustrated by dis- AB coveries at Warwick square, in ... London. (In Archaeologia. Ar2 v. 48, p. 221-248. 3 pl.) Tymms, William Robert, illustrator. See Westwood, J. O. 1805-. Facsimiles of the miniatures and AK ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish manuscripts. 1868. W52 Typot, Jacob. -i6oi(?). Symbola divina et humana pontificum, imperatorum, regum ; ex AX musaeo Octavii de Strada, civis Romani. T98 Arnhemiae, 1666. Nar. T. [3] +471 p. ill. 1034 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Tyrwhitt, Rev. R[ichard] St. John. 1827-. Our sketching club; letters and studies on landscape art; with an AO6i authorised reproduction of the lessons and woodcuts in Prof. Rus- kin s Elements of drawing. 2d edition. London, 1875. D. io+[i] + 374 p. ill. i pi. Tyssen, Amherst Daniel. 1844-. Church bells of Sussex. (In Sussex archaeological society. Col- AC lections, v. 16, p. 138-232. 4 pi.) Su8 Tyssen, John Robert Daniel, jr. Parliamentary survey of the county of Sussex, A. D. 1649-1653. AC (In Sussex archaeological society. Collections, v. 23, p. 217-313; Su8 v. 24, p. 189-287; v. 25, p. 23-61.) Ubaldini, Federico, editor. See Menestrier, Claude le. -1639. Symbolica Dianac Ephesiae AO8 statua exposita. 1657. Mip Uber die bedachung der vierungskuppel am munster zu AH43 Strassburg. Strassburg, 1875. O. 7 p. 6 pi. Zi Uchtritz, Friedrich von. 1800-75. Blicke in das Dusseldorfer kunst und kiinstlerleben. AO Diisseldorf, 1839-40. S. 2 v. Uc4 Uffizi gallery (Florence). See Florence (Italy) Uffizi gallery. Uggeri, Angelo, abate. 1754-1837. Dissertazione sulla sopraposizione degli ordini nella civile archi- AC tettura; letta 2 luglio, 1818. (In Rome, Italy Accadcmia R66i romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1823. v. I, pt. 2, p. 287- 299. i pi.) Uhde, - , and Korner, - . Neubau der Herzoglichen technischen hochschule in Braunschweig AH43 . . . veroffentlicht im auftrage des Herzoglichen staatsministeriums. 883 Berlin [1877]. F. 6 i7+[i] p. 18 pi. Uhle, Max. 1856- Kultur und Industrie Sudamerikanischer volker, nach den im be- AN6 sitze des Museums fur volkerkunde zu Leipzig befindlichen Uh6 sammlungen von A. Stiibel, W. Reiss und B. Koppel. Berlin, 1889-90. F. 6 2 v. 55 pi. Uhle, Max, 1856- and Stiibel, Alphons. Die ruinenstatte von Tiahuanaco im hochlande des alten Peru. AR84 1892. 743 Ujfalvy Karoly Jeno. See Ujfalvy-Bourdon, Charles Eugene de. 1842-. Ujfalvy von Mezo=K6vesd, Karl Eugen von. 1842- See Ujfalvy-Bourdon, Charles Eugene de. 1842-. 1035 1036 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ujfalvy= Bourdon, Charles Eugene de. 1842-. L art des cuivres anciens dans 1 Himalaya occidental. (In Revue AB des arts decoratifs. v. 4, p. 281-292,) R32 Les biscuits de porcelaine. Paris, 1893. F. [8] + 94+[2] p. ill. AN2 (Bibliotheque des arts decoratifs; publiee . . . de V. Champier.) UJ3 Ume, Qodefroid. L art decoratif ; modeles de decoration et d ornementation de tous AK les styles et de toutes les epoques. . . Um2 Liege, no date. F. 5 [5] p. 120 pi. Underwood, M., and Williams, R. L. AH429 Village churches of Denbighshire. 1872. 041 Undset, Ingvald. Das erste auftreten des eisens in Nord-Europa; eine studie in der AP vergleichenden vorhistorischen archaologie. Deutsche ausgabe Un2 von J. Mestorf. Hamburg, 1882. Nar. Q. 16+524 p. 209 ill. 32 pi. with 500 ill. Unger, Friedrich Wilhelm. 1810-76. Die bildende kunst; asthetische betrachtungen iiber architektur, AO sculptur und malerei fur kiinstler. . . Un3 1 Gottingen, 1858. O. 8 + 253 p. ill. 5 pi. Quellen der byzantinischen kunstgeschichte, ausgezogen und AO iibersetzt. Wien, 1878. O. v. i. (Quellenschriften fiir kunst- Un3 geschichte und kunsttechnik des mittelalters und der renaissance; hrsg. von R. Eitelberger von Edelberg. v. 12.) Ungewitter, G[eorg] Q[ottlob]. 1820-64. Entwiirfe zu gothischen mobeln. 2. aufl. ANi Leipzig, no date. F. 5 11 + 19 p. 88 pi. Un3i Gothische holz-architektur . . . ein vorlagewerk fur architekten, AM 5 bautischler, zimmermeister und schulen. 3. aufl. Un3 Berlin [1889-90]. F. 5 [5] + 2i p. 48 pi. Gothische stadt- und landhauser; perspectivische ansichten, auf- AE2 risse, durchschnitte, grundrisse und details zu villen und stadti- Un3 schen wohn- und geschaftshausern; entwtirfe. 3. aufl. Berlin [1889-90]. F. 5 2 v. in i. 108 pi. Grabdenkmaler und steinornamente im gothischen style; per- AE8 spectivische ansichten . . . grundrisse und details von grabsteinen Un3 . . . und griiften in meist reicher ausfiihrung. . . 3. aufl. Berlin [1889-90]. F. 5 [8] p. 48 pi. Land- und stadt-kirchen ; eine sammlung von entwiirfen zu kirch- AE lichen gebauden. .. 2. aufl. Berlin [1889]. F. 5 5 p. 47 pi. Un3 COLUMBIA COLLEGE IO37 Ungewitter, G[eorg] G[ottlob]. 1820-64. Lehrbuch der gotischen konstruktionen. 3. auflage . . . bearbei- AI tet von K. Mohrmann. Leipzig, 1890-92. Q. 2 v. ill. 147 pi. Un3 Meubles du moyen-age, plans, elevations, coupes et details. ANi Paris [1856]. F. 5 8 p. 48 pi. Uns Vorlegeblatter fur holzarbeiten. AA Leipzig [1849-51]. F. 5 6 p. +48 col. [24] p. 48 pi. Uns Vorlegeblatter fur ziegel- und steinarbeiten. 2. aufl. AJ2 Leipzig [1846]. F. 5 6 p. +44 col. [22] p. 48 pi. Un3 Ungewitter, Qeorg Qottlob, 1820-64, and Statz, Vincenz, 1819-. AK Gothic model-book. [1862]. St2i Union centrale des arts decoratifs, publisher. AK See Champeaux, L. A. de. 1833-. Portefeuille des arts decora- C35i tifs. 1888-93. Union centrale des arts decoratifs -Exposition. 1882. Les arts du bois, des tissus et du papier, mobilier . . . tapisseries, AO4 tissus . . . reproduction des principaux objets d art exposes ... a Un3 la ... Exposition. Paris, 1883. F. 4+409+ [i] p. ill. Deuxieme exposition technologique des industries d art, le bois, AO4 les tissus, le papier. . . [Paris, 1883.] F. 227 p. Un3i Supplement to Revue des arts de"coratifs, 2ofe"v., 1883. Exposition retrospective de 1882. Paris, 1882. O. 2 v. in I. AO4 Un32 Contents: v. i. WILLIAMSON, E., et CHAMPEAUX, A. de. Catalogue des objets apparte- nants au service du mobilier national, v. 2. Le bois et les tissus. Union centrale des arts decoratifs- Exposition. 1884. AB Bulletin officiel. Paris, 1883-84. Q. 76 p. R3I9 Supplement to Revue des arts decoratifs. 1883-84. Huitieme exposition del Union centrale. (In Revue des arts deco- AB ratifs. v. 5, p. 65-496.) R32 Union centrale des beaux=arts- Exposition. 1880. Le musee retrospectif du metal a 1 Exposition ; par G. Bapst. AM2 Paris, 1 88 1. F. 40 p. Un3i Extract from Revue des arts ddcoratifs. No. 7 of 10 copies on Holland paper. Union centrale des beaux=arts- Exposition. 1882. Les arts du metal ; recueil descriptif . . . des principaux objets . . . AM2 a 1 Exposition par J. B. Giraud. Unj Paris, 1 88 1. F. 5 59+ [107] p. 50 pi. 1038 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY United States Fortifications or other defenses, Board on. AE; Report. Washington, 1886. Sq. F. 293 p. 55p. Un3 United States State Department. The seal of the United States; how it was developed and adopted AWi [by Gaillard Hunt]. Washington, 1892. O. 32p. 7 pi. Un3 No. 142 of 1000 copies. United States Treasury department. AH/3 Annual report of the supervising architect to the secretary of the Un3 treasury for . . . 1869, 81. Washington, 1869-81. O. 2 v. 13 pi. United states art directory and year-book. . . Vol. 2. AB New York, 1884. Nar. O. pi. Un3 Compiled by S. R. Koehler. L univers : Histoire et description de tous les peuples; ARs6 Asie. Paris, 1878-82. O. 2 v. pi. Ai4 Contents : v. n. LE BAS, P. 1794-1860. Asie Mineure. 1878. v. 12. TEXIER, C. F. M. 1802-71. Asie Mineure. 1882. L univers pittoresque. See L univers : Histoire et description de tous les peuples. Universus terrarum orbis scriptorum calamo delineatus. AX 1713- See [Savonarola, Rafaello]. 1646-1730. Unruh, Qustav. Das alte Jerusalem und seine bauwerke ; ein beitrag zur bibli- schen alterthumskunde. J53 Langensalza, 1861. O. 14+333 p. 13 pi. 3 maps. Upham, J[abez] Bfaxter], M. D. Acoustic architecture ; or, The construction of buildings with refer- AJ ence to sound and the best musical effect. . . Up3 New Haven, 1853. O. 43 p. From American journal of science and arts. 1853. 2 d ser. v. 15-16. Urbani, Lorenzo, editor. AK See Zanetti, Giuseppe. Studii architettonico-ornamentali. 1870. Zi Urbani de Gheltof, Q[iuseppe] M[arino]. Les arts industriels a Venise au moyen age et a la renaissance . . . AN6 traduction de A. Cruvellie. . . Venise, 1885. Nar. Q. [4]+296+[6] p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1039 AN6 Un AI Un AB B874 AP Urbani de Gheltof, G[iuseppe] M[arino]. Monografie per una storia generale della ceramica negli stati ddla AN2 repubblica di Venezia. Venezia, 1876. O. v. 3. Un" Contents ; v. 3. Intorno alcune fabbriche di majolica e di porcellana in Bassano c in Angarano. II palazzo di Camillo Trevisan a Murano. AH45 Venezia, 1890. F. 4 77 p. ill. No. 88 of 150 copies printed. Technical history of the manufacture of Venetian laces ; Venice- Burano ; translated by Lady Layard. Venice, 1882. O. [4] + 57 p. ill. 8 pi. Venezia dall alto; i camini (fumajuoli), con prefazione di Emma Perodi. . . Venezia, 1892. Nar. Q. 69+[6] p. ill. i pi. Urbani de Gheltof, Giuseppe Marino, editor. See Bullettino di arti, industrie e curiosita veneziane. 1877-80. Urlichs, [Karl] Ludwig von. 1813-. Dreizehn gemmen aus der sammlung der Frau Sibylla Mertens Schaaffhausen. . . [Anon.] Bonn, 1846. Q. 15 p. i pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-progiamm, 1846. Skopas, leben und werke. AW Greifswald, 1863. O. 5+262 p. i pi. Sco6 Uber die gruppe des Pasquino, nebst einem anhange iiber den AP Achilles Borghese ; hierzu eine restauration der gruppe . . . von W/23 Ed. von der Launitz. . . Bonn, 1867. Q. 41 p. 2 ill. 4 pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1867. Ursatus, Sertorius. See Orsato, Sertorio. 1617-18. Usher, Rev. Henry. Glass painting. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports AC and papers, v. II, p. 57-67.) As7 Ussing, J[ohan] Lfudvig]. 1820-. Griechische reisen und studien. AR495 Kopenhagen, 1857. O. 8 + 200 p. 2 pi. i map. A2i Om graekernes og romernes huse, med saerligt hensyn til benaev- AH495 nelsen for de enkelte rum. Kj0benhavn, 1876. O. [3] + 83 p. Z3 Copenhagen (Denmark) universitet. Indbydelsesskrift. Usteri, Johann Martin, 1763-1827, editor. See Edlibach, Qerold. 1454-1530. Chronik. (In Antiquarische AC gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1846. v. 4.) An8 1040 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Utrecht (Holland) St. Bernulphus=gilde, editor. AB See Met gildeboek. 1873-81. 638 Uvarov, Aleksyei [Sergyeevich] , count. Recherches sur les antiquites de la Russie meridionale et des AR46 cotes de la Mer Noire. A2 Saint-Petersbourg, 1855. F. 5 168 p. and Atlas, F. 7 41 pi. Uzanne, [Louis] Octave. 1852-. La reliure moderne, artistique et fantaisiste; illustrations repro- AN6 duites d apres les originaux par P. Albert-Dujardin. . . Urg Paris, 1887. Nar. Q. 263 + [3] + 8 p. 73 pi. No. 1094 of 1500 copies printed. Uzielli, Matthew. Catalogue of the various works of art forming. . . [his] collection, AO2 by J. C. Robinson. London, 1860. O. 6+3O2 + [2] p. 14 pi. Uz5 Vaccani, Qaetano. AK Ornamenti di teatri. F. 5 [i] p. 36 pi. Vi3 I Vaccellini, Qaetano. i;45(?)-. See Vascellini, Qaetano. i745(?)-. Vacher, Sydney. Fifteenth century Italian ornament, chiefly taken from brocades AN and stuffs found in pictures in the National gallery, London. Vi3 London, 1886. F. 6 [8] + 5 + [2] p. 30 pi. Vachez, A[ntoine]. 1832-. Le chateau de Chatillon d Azergues, sa chapelle et ses seigneurs. AH44 2e edition. . . Lyon, 1883. O. 100 p. 3 pi. C39 Vachon, Marius. 1850-. L ancien Hotel de Ville de Paris. 1533-1871. AH44 Paris, 1882. F.~ 4 [4] + 2 24 p. ill. 23 pi. P228 La vie et 1 ceuvre de Pierre Vaneau, sculpteur francais du 17 AW siecle, et le monument de Jean Sobieski. . . V28 Paris, 1882. Sq. F. 66+[i] p. 24 ill. and pi. 280 copies printed. Vachon, Marius, 1850-, and Havard, Henry, 1838- Les manufactures nationales; les Gobelins, la Savonnerie, Sevres, AM8 Beauvais. 1889. H2Q Vacone, Luigi Marini, marchese del. 1768-1828. See Marini, Luigi, marchese del Vacone. 1768-1828. [Vacquer, Theodore.] 1824-. Maisons les plus remarquables de Paris construites pendant les AH44 trois dernieres annees. . . [Anon.] P283 Paris [1863]. F. 4 27+[2] p. 80 pi. From Moniteur des architectes. Vacquer, Theodore, 1824-, continuer. See Berty, Adolphe. 1818-67. Topographie historique du vieux AH44 Paris. 1866-87. v - 3- ?288 66 1042 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Valabregue, Antony. 1844-. Les maitres decorateurs du i/ 6 siecle; Jean Berain. (In Revue AB des arts decoratifs. v. 6, p. 1-8, 71-80, 130-137, 161-169.) R-3 2 Valadier, Giuseppe. 1757-1839. Narrazione artistica dell operate finora nel ristauro dell arco di AC Tito; letta ... 20 decembre, 1821. (In Rome, Italy Accadcmia R66i romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1823. v. I, pt. 2, p. 273- 286. 3 pi.) Vale, Henry H. Archaeology of the Peak of Derbyshire. AR42 Liverpool, 1867. O. 48 p. 0441 Read before the Historic society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Jan. 3 d , 1867. Valentin, Veit. 1842-. Die hohe Frau von Milo; eine asthetische untersuchung. AO8 Berlin, 1872. F. 4+66 p. 4 pi. V23I Neues iiber die Venus von Milo. Leipzig, 1883. O. [5] + 5o p. AO (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. pt. 7.) 639 Neues iiber die Venus von Milo. Leipzig, 1883. O. [5] + 50 p. AO8 V2 3 Valentini, Agostino. La patriarcale basilica Liberiana. Roma, 1839. F. 5 [8] + n8p. AH45 103 pi. (In his Li quattro principali basiliche di Roma. 1839. ^-7 I 9 v. 3-) La patriarcale basilica Lateranense. Roma, 1834. F. 5 2 v. in i. AH45 136 pi. (In his Li quattro principali basiliche di Roma. R7I9 1834. v. 1-2.) La patriarcale basilica Vaticana. Roma, 1845-55. F. 5 2 v. 238pl. AH45 (In his Li quattro principali basiliche di Roma. 1845-55. v - 4~5-) ^7 I 9 Li quattro principali basiliche di Roma. AH4 Roma, 1834-55. F. 5 5 v - m 4- 477 pi- R7 J 9 Contents : v. 1-2. La patriarcale basilica Lateranense. v. 3. La patriarcale basilica Liberiana. v. 4-5. La patriarcale basilica Vaticana. Valeriani, Domenico. Atlante monumentale del basso e dell alto Egitto, illustrate dal AR62 Prof. D. Valeriani e compilato dal fu Girolamo Segato, coi disegni A3 5 tratti dalle opere di Denon . . . di Gau, di Caillaud e di Rosellini. . . Firenze, 1839. F. 5 2 v. in I. 155 pi. 4 maps. Forms the Atlas of his Nuova illustrazione istorico- monumentale del basso e dell alto Egitto. 1836-39. Nuova illustrazione istorico-monumentale del basso e dell alto AR62 Egitto. Firenze, 1836-39. O. 2 v. I por. and Atlas, F. 5 2 v. A3 5 in i. 155 pi. 4 maps. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1043 Valeriano, [Bolzani] Giovanni Pierio. 1477-1558. Hieroglyphica ; sev, De sacris yEgyptiorvm aliarvmqve gentivm Ax literis commentarii ... in libros quinquaginta octo redacti, quibus 23 etiam duo alii a quodam eruditissimo viro [C. A. Curio] sunt an- nexi. . . Lvgduni Sovbron, 1595. F. 4 [15] + 588 + [44] p. ill. Valeric, Theodore. 1819-79. Costumes de la Hongrie et des provinces danubiennes, Dalmatic, AN4 Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonic, frontieres militaires. . . avec une 23 notice par Henri Vuagneux. Paris, no date. F. 5 [5] p. 78 pi. Valesio, Francesco, compiler. AO2 See Cortona (Italy) Accademia etrusca Museo. Museum Cor- C8i2 tonense. 1750. Vallardi, Giuseppe. Cenni storici dell ornato decorative italiano. (In Borsato, Giuseppe. AK Opera ornamentale. 1831. p. 1-24.) 664 Trionfo e danza della morte ; o, Danza macabra a Clusone, dogma AX della morte a Pisogne, con osservazioni. . . 24 Milano, 1859. F. [8]+42+[i] p. ill. 9 pi. Vallardi, Pietro, and Vallardi, Giuseppe. Le dome de Milan . . . avec description analogue, precedee d une AH45 notice historique. .. Milan, 1 88 1. F. 6 [s]+34+[i] p. 70 pi. II duomo di Milano. . . 2 edizione. AH45 Milano [pref. 1871]. F. 5 33 + [i] p. 64 pi. Valle, Guglielmo della. 1740(7) -94. Storia del duomo di Orvieto. . . [Anon.] AH45 Roma, 1791. F. 14+393 P- Or9i Valle, Manuel Remon, Zarco del. See Zarco del Valle, Manuel Remon. Vallois, G[eorges]. 1827-1892. Le camp de Haute-Brune et la voie romaine de Bourges a Orleans. AC (In Societe des antiquaires du Centre. Memoires. 1877. v. 6, p. 803 1-89. 4 pi.) Le fer dans 1 antiquite d apres les scories de la foret d Allogny. AC (In Societe des antiquaires du Centre. Memoires. 1884. v. n, 803 p. 49-124-) Valmy, Edouard de Kellermann, due de. 1802-68. See Valmy, Francois Christophe Edouard de Kellermann, due de. 1802-68. 1044 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Valmy, [Francis Christophe Edouard de Keller= mann] due de. 1802-68. Le passe et 1 avenir de 1 architecture. . . AA Paris, 1864. O. i89+[i] p. V24 Valton, Edmond Eugene. 1836-. Histoire du meuble. Paris, no date. S. 2 v. ill. 75 paged pi. ANi (Bibliotheque populaire des ecoles de dessin. Premiere serie : V24 Enseignement technique.) Valvassore, Giovanni Andrea, called Guadagnino. 1 6th century. See Vavassore, Giovanni Andrea, called Quadagnino. i6th cent. Van Bastelaer, D[esire] A[lexandre]. 1823-. Les gres wallons, gres-cerame ornes de 1 ancienne Belgique, ou AN2 des Pays-Bas, improprement nommes gres flamands. . . V35 Mons, 1885. O- 479+ [3 6] p. 19 pi. Van Bastelaer, Dfesire] A[lexandre], 1823-, and Kai= sin, J. Les gres-cerames ornes de 1 ancienne Belgique, ou des Pays-Bas, AB improprement nommes gres flamands. (In Bulletin des commis- BS72 sions royales d art et d archeologie, 1880. v. 19, p. 98-180. 2 pi.) Vance, J. G. Description of an ancient temple near Crendi, Malta. (In Archseo- AB logia. v. 29, p. 227-240. 6 pi.) Ar2 Van den Berghe, Oswald. See Berghe, Oswald van den. Van Drival, E., abbe. L art et la philosophic de 1 Egypte. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 11-13.) R 3 2 4 La croix d Oisy et autres croix anciennes. (In Revue de 1 art AB chretien. v. 2, 3.) K-324 Etude sur les fonts baptismaux. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. AB v. 2.) R324 Etudes sur le grand monument funeraire egyptien du Musee de AR62 Boulogne. Boulogne, 1850. O. 155 p. 9 pi. A32 From Annales boulonnaises. L exposition de Lille. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 18-19. AB 29 pi.) R324 L iconographie des anges. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. 10, AB p. 281-294, 337-352, 425-436.) R324 Des tapisseries d Arras. (In Revue de 1 art chretien. v. n, p. AB 89-91, 125-139.) R324 COLUMBIA COLLEGE ,045 Vannini, Giuseppe. Element! di architettura civile. 2a edizione. . . AA Firenze, 1850. O. 36+48o+[i] p. and Atlas, F. 4 68 pi. 33 Van Nostrand s science series. New York, 1873-91. T. 20 v. ill. pi. Contents: v. 19. ALLAN, W., civil engineer. Strength of beams under transverse loads 1875- v. ii. ALLAN, W., civil engineer. Theory of arches. 1890. v. i. ARMSTRONG, R., civil engineer. Chimneys for furnaces. 1883. v. 56. BAKER, B., civil engineer. Actual lateral pressure of earthwork. 1881. v. 82. BOULTON, S. B. Preservation of timber. 1885. v. 68. BRIGGS, R. Steam heating. 1888. v. 80. BROWN, G. Healthy foundations for houses. 1885. v. 12. CAIN, W. Practical theory of voussoir arches. 1874. v. 42. CAIN, W. Voussoir arches. 1879. v. 50. CORFIELD, W. H., M. D. 1843-. Dwelling houses. 1880. v. 18. CORFIELD, W. H., M. D. 1843-. Sewerage and sewage utilization. 1875- v. 34. GAUDARD, J. Foundations. 1891. v. 63. GERHARD, W. P. 1854-. House-drainage. 1890. v. 93. GERHARD, W. P. 1854-. Sanitary drainage of buildings. 1887. v. 15. HYDE, E. W. 1843-. Skew arches. 1875. v. 3. JACOB, A. Practical designing of retaining walls. 1888. v. 41. KENT, W. Strength of materials. 1890. v. 88. PHILBRICK, P. H. Beams and girders. 1886. v. 33. RAFTER, G. W. Mechanics of ventilation. 1878. v. 7. TATE, J. S. Surcharged and different forms of retaining walls. 1873. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. [Mariana (Griswold)], 1851- American etchers, to which is added an account of Meryon and his AO5 work by Frederick Keppel. New York, 1886. Nar. Q. 31 p. ill. 35 Reprinted from Century magazine, Feb. 1883, with a brief additional chapter reprinted in part from the New York star. English cathedrals : Canterbury, Peterborough, Durham, Salis- AH42 bury, Lichfield, Lincoln, Ely, Wells, Winchester, Gloucester, A68 York, London, illustrated ... by Joseph Pennell. New York, 1892 [c. S/-^]. Nar. Q. 29+395 p. ill. i pi. Henry Hobson Richardson and his works. . . AW Boston, 1888. F. 4 9+152 p. ill. i por. 36 pi. R39 No. 485 of 500 copies printed. Six portraits; Delia Robbia, Correggio, Blake, Corot, George AW Fuller, Winslow Homer. .. Boston, 1889. D. [7] + 277 p. 35 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. 1851-. See Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Mariana (Griswold). 1851-. Vanzolini, Giuliano. Istorie delle fabbriche di majoliche metaurensi e delle attinenti AN2 ad esse. Pesaro, 1879. O. 2 v. in i. ill. 3 pi. i tab. 39 Contents: v. i. Passeri per le Pesaresi. Pungileoni per le Urbinati. Raffaelli per le Urbaniesi. v. 2. Ranghiasci-BrancaleoniperGubbio. MarcoaldiperFabriano. Comporiper Ferrara, Torino, etc. 66* 1046 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Varrentrapp, Konrad. 1844-. Beitrage zur geschichte der Kurkolmschen Univcrsitat, Bonn. (In A 1143 Bonn; beitrage zu seiner geschichte. 1868. 21 p.) 6645 Vasari, Giorgio. 1512-74. Das leben des Donatello, translated by H. G. Semper. (In Sem- AW per, H. G. Donatello, seine zeit und schule. 1875. P- 1 SS~ 1 74-) 0711 Life of Giovanni Angelico da Fiesole, translated from the Italian AW ... by G. A. Bezzi. . . [London] 1850. Nar. Q. 32 p. 21 pi. An42 (Arundel society. [Publications.] 1850.) Vita d Andrea del Sarto. (In Andrea del Sarto. Pitture a fresco. AH45 1830. p. 1-32.) F68i Vita di Jacopo Sansovino. . . 2 edizione. AW Venezia, 1789. Nar. O. 36 p. Sca5 Vascellini, Qaetano. 1745(7)-. II reale giardino di Boboli, nella sua pianta e nelle sue statue. AH45 [Florence, 1740.] O. 46 pi. F686 Vasconi, Filippo. Studio d architettura civile. . . AI Roma, no date. F. 4 [3] p. 19 pi. V44 Vaselli, Donato, illustrator. AI-Us See Piranesi, Q. B. 1720-78. Raccolta di vasi antichi. 1825. &4$2 Vasi, Giuseppe [Agostino]. 1710-82. Delle magnificenze di Roma antica e moderna . . . disegnate ed AH45 incise in rame . . . con una spiegazione istorico di tutte le cose R778 notabili, composta dal G. Bianchini. Roma, 1747-61. Obi. Q. 10 v. in 5. ill. 219 pi. Contents, v. i. Le porte e mura. v. 2. Le piazze principali. v. 3. Le basiliche e chiesa antiche. v. 4. I palazzi e le vie piu celebri. v. 5. I ponti e gli edifizi sul Tevere. v. 6. Le chiese parrocchiali. v. 7. I convent! e case dei chierici regolari. v. 8. I monasteri e conservator! di Donne. v. 9. I collegi, spedali e luoghi pii. v. 10. Le ville e giardini piu rimarchevoli. Raccolta delle piu belle vedute di Roma. 1803. See, above, Delle AH45 magnificenze di Roma antica e moderna. 1747-61. R-778 Reprinted under the above title. Vasi, M[ariano]. Itinerario di Roma e delle sue vicinanze, compilato secondo il AH45 metodo di Vasi da A. Nibby. Roma, 1838. Nar. D. 2 v. 42 pi. R783 Vassalli, Luigi. I monumenti istorici egizi, il museo e gli scavi d antichita, eseguiti AR62 per ordine di S. A. . . Ismail Fascia; notizia sommaria. Z Milano, 1867. O. [69] + 2o8+[i] p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1047 Vasselot, [Jean Joseph Marie Anatole] Marquet de. 1840-. Histoire des sculpteurs frar^ais de Charles VIII. a Henri III. . . AW preface de Jules Claretie. V44 Paris, 1888. O. [5]+4+396p. i pi. Vasseur, Charles. De Normandie en Nivernais. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 33, AB p. 445-489; v. 34, p. 5-45, 190-231, 317-346, 601-647.) 687 Notice historique et archeologique sur la Maison-Dieu et les Ma- AB thurins de Lisieux. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 30, p. 113-157, 687 276-308.) Vatar de Jouannet, Francois. 1765-1845. See Jouannet, Francois Vatar de. 1765-1845. Vatout, J[ean]. 1792-1848. Le chateau de Compiegne, son histoire et sa description. Paris, AH44 1852. O. 612 p. (His Souvenirs historiques des residences roy- C73 ales de France, v. 7.) Histoire lithographiee du Palais-Royal. . . Paris [1845]. F- 6 AH44 Unpaged. 12 por. 28 pi. (His Souvenirs historiques des resi- P3I5 dences royales de France, v. 2.) Souvenirs historiques des residences royales de France. Paris, AH44 1845-52. O. 2v. por. pi. C75 Vol. 7. Le chateau de Compiegne. Vol. 2. Histoire lithographie"e du Palais-Royal. Vaudoyer, Antoine Laurent Thomas, 1756-1846, publisher. AL2 See Paris (France) Institut Academic des beaux arts. Grands 6761 prix d architecture [1804-31]. 1818-34. [Vaudoyer, Antoine Laurent Thomas, 1756-1846, Allais, L. J., and Detournelle, Athanase, 1776-.] AL2 Projets d architecture. 1806. Ai5 Vaudremer, [Joseph Auguste] Emile. 1829-. Monographic de la maison d arret et de correction pour hommes AE6 construite a Paris. . . Paris, 1871. F. [7] p. 9 pi. 46 Vaugelas, Lagier de. Soixante vues des plus beaux palais, monuments et eglises de AH44 Paris, cathedrales et chateaux de la France . . . gravees par A48 Couche fils. Paris [i 8 1 8.] D. Unpaged. 60 pi. Vauquer, Jean [Robert]. i7 th cent. Livre de fleurs propres pour orfevres et graveurs ; Blois, vers 1 680. AK London, 1888. F. [3] p. 12 pi. (Quaritch s reprints of rare Q2 books, v. 6.) 1048 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Vauthier, [Jules Antoine], 1774-1832, and Lacour, [Pierre], 1778-1859. AO8 Monumens de sculpture anciens et modernes. V46 Paris, 1812. F. 6 14 p. 72 pi. Vavassore, Giovanni Andrea, called Guadagnino. 1 6 th cent. Opera noua uniuersal, intitulata Corona di racammi, doue le . . . AN donne et fanciulle trouarano di varie opere p[er] fare colari di 47 camisiola et orniaenti di letti e temelle. . . Vineggia [1546]. F. 40 pi. (Raccolta di opere antiche sui disegni dei merletti di Venezia. v. 6.) Photographic facsimile. Venezia. 1878. Vayra, Pietro. 1838-. Avanzi di antichi castelli e di antichi monasteri raccolti nel Museo AC civico di Torino. (In Societa di archeologia di belle arti per la 8017 provincia di Torino. Atti. v. I, p. 327-369. I pi.) Veckenstedt, Edm[und]. 1840-. Geschichte der griechischen farbenlehre; das farbenunterschei- AO dungsvermogen, die farbenbezeichnungen der griechischen epiker V49 von Homer bis Quintus Smyrnaus. Paderborn, 1888. O. 15+203 p. Vedriani, Lodovico. 1601-70. Raccolta de pittori, scultori et architetti modonesi piu celebri. . . AW Modona, 1662. O. 152 p. 51 [Veenhuysen, Jan. 1 7 th cent.] Amsterdam met der zelver voornaamste gebouwen, etc. [Anon.] AH492 [Amsterdam, 1656.] Obi. S. 71 pi. Am88 Title-page and plate inscriptions in Dutch and French. Vegetius Renatus, Flavius. 4 th cent. Flavius Vegetius Renatus auss dem Latein in unser muttersprach AE7 auffs newe ubergesetzt und translatiert, alien ankommenden Wi5 jungen cavalierern, tyronen und kriegsschiilern zum besten, von Johann Jacobi von Wallhausen. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1616. F. 185 p. II pi. (In Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi von. Romanische kriegskunst. 1616. v. 2.) Veith, Gen.-maj. Carl von. Das romische Koln, nebst einem plane der romischen stadt mit AP einzeichnung der bemerkenswerthesten funde. . . W723 Bonn, 1885. Q. 4+63 p. I map. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1885. Das romische lager in Bonn. . . [Anon.] AP Bonn, 1888. Q. 17+43 p. ill. 2 maps. W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1888. Vorwort von . . . H. Schaaff- hausen, pref. p. [5]-i7. Zusammenstellung der . . . romischen funde von . . . Josef Klein, P [291-43 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1049 Velazquez, [Diego Rodriguez de Silva y]. 1594-1660. Works of Velasquez, being a reproduction of seventeen scarce AO6 and fine prints in the British museum, selected and described by 54 G. W. Reid, photographed by Stephen Thompson. London, 1872. F. 6 [s] + iop. 15 por. 2 pi. Each plate is accompanied by descriptive letterpress. Velde, C[arel] W[illem] M[eredith] van de. 1818-. Plan of the town and environs of Jerusalem, constructed from the AH569 English ordnance-survey and measurements of Dr. T. Tobler, with J5 1 5 memoir by Dr. Titus Tobler. Gotha, 1858. Nar. Q. 26 p. map. 3 facsim. Velser, Marcus. 1558-1614. See Welser, Markus. 1558-1614. Veltheim, Heinrich, pseud. See Veckenstedt, Edmund. 1840-. Velt man, A[leksandr Thedorovich]. 1800-71. Description du nouveau palais imperial du Kreml de Moscou, A 1147 traduit du Russe par le Baron L. de Bode. M85I Moscou, 1851. F. 3 [4] + 5+38 p. 14 pi. Venables, Rev. Edmund, canon. 1819-. The castle of Herstmonceux and its lords. (In Sussex archaeo- AC logical society. Collections, v. 4, p. 125-202. 1 1 pi.) Su8 Recent discoveries of the foundations of the apse of St. Hugh s AC cathedral, at Lincoln. (In Associated architectural societies. As7 Reports and papers, v. 18, p. 87-95. I pi.) Venables, Rev. Edmund, canon, 1819- editor. See [King, R. J.] 1818-79. Handbook to the cathedrals of Eng- AH42 land. 1 88 1. v. 5. ASI See Venables, Q. H. History of the Isle of Wight. AH42 W6 33 Venables, George Henry. History of the Isle of Wight, illustrated with . . . photographic AH42 views . . . edited by the Rev. Canon Venables. W T 633 London, no date. Q. 75 p. 20 phot. Vendrasco, Giovanni Antonio. Storia cronologica della costruzione del palazzo ducale di Venezia. AH45 Venezia, 1882. O. pt. i. ill. 564 Contents: pt. i. Piano terreno. Venezia e le sue lagune. AH45 Venezia, 1847. F. 2 v. in 4. 24 pi. V555 Venezia monumentale pittoresca. 1837. AH45 See Pontana, Q. J. V576 1050 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Venice (Italy) Reale accademia di belle arti. AC Atti. 1839-85. Venezia, 1839-85. O. pi. 551 Continuation of its Discorsi. 1808-38. The volumns for 1848-49 appear never to have been published. Catalogo delle rr. gallerie di Venezia. Venezia, 1887. S. 318 p. AO2 V55 Discorsi. 1808-38. Venezia, 1808-38. O. pi. AC Continued as its Atti. 1839-85. \^c r Venice (Italy) Reale accademia di belle arti, pub lisher. AK See Borsato, Giuseppe. 1771-1849. Opera ornamentale. 1831. 664 Venturi, Adolf o. Beitrage zur geschichte der ferraresischen kunst. (In Jahrbuch AB der Koniglich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 8, p. 71-88.). Ji92 Cosma Tura genannt Cosme, 1432-95. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich AB preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. 9, p. 3-33.) Ji9 2 Venturini, Giovanni Francesco, designer. See Falda, Q. B. i64o(?)-i7Oo(?). Le fontane di Roma nelle AH45 piazze e luoghi publici della citta. 1691. v. 3 and 4. R672 Venuti, Curzio, marchese. Dissertazione . . . sopra un antica pittura trovata nel territorio AC cortonese. (In Cortona, Italy Accademia etrusca. Saggi di C8i dissertazioni accademiche. 1791. v. 9, p. 221-267. I pi.) Venuti, Domenico, cavaliere. Interpretation des peintures hetrusques, dessinees sur un service AO de table, travaille d apres la bosse dans la royale fabrique de V56 porcelaine par ordre de Sa Majeste le roi des Deux Siciles. [Anon.] Naples, 1787. Nar. Q. 3 p. 176 pi. I tempj di Pesto Deser, eseguito d ordine di Sua Maesta la regina AH45 delle Due Sicilie. Roma, 1805. Sq. F. 31 p. 3 ill. 9 pi. Pi3i3 Venuti, Filippo, abate. 1709-69. Dissertazione . . . sopra il tempio di Giano. (In Cortona, Italy AC Accademia etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. 1743. C8i v. 4, p. 93-I3I-) Venuti, [Niccolo] Marcello, marchese de . 1700-55. Description of the first discoveries of the antient city of Heraclea, AR45 found near Portici . . . done into English from the . . . Italian by H423 Wickes Skurray . . . [with] some letters . . . concerning these discoveries. London, 1750. O. 16+143 p. Descrizione delle prime scoperte dell antica citta d Ercolano AR45 ritrovata vicino a Portici . . . distesa. . . H422 Roma, 1748. Sq. O. 23 + 146 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Venuti, Ridolfino. 1705-63. Accurata e succinta descrizionc topografica delle antichita di AH45 Roma. 2a edizione. . . Roma, 1803. F. 2 v. 63 pi. map. R69Q La favola di Circe rapprcsentata in un antico greco bassorilievo AO8 di marmo comentata. . . Roma, 1758. O. [n] + 55 p. 2 pi. V$6i Spiegazione de bassirilievi che si osservano nell urna sepolcrale AE8 detta volgarmente d Alcssandro Severe, che si conserva nel Museo V56 di Campidoglio. Roma, 1756. Nar. Q. [6]+47 p. 4 pi. Venuti, Ridolfino, 1705-63, compiler. See Cortona (Italy) Accademia etrusca Museo. Museum Cor- AO2 tonense. 1750. C8i2 Venuti, Ridolfino, 1705-63, and Amaduzzi, G. C., 1740-92. Vetera monumenta, quae in hortis Caelimontanis et in aedibus AO8 Matthaeiorum adservantur. . . V56 Romae, 1776-79 [v. I, 79]. F. 5 3 v. 270 pi. v. i. Statuae. v. 2. Protomae, hermae, clypei et anaglypha. v. 3. Anaglypha, sarcophagi et inscriptiones. Verband deutscher architekten= und ingenieur- vereine. See Leipzig und seine bauten; zur 10. wanderversammlung des AH43 Verbandes deutscher architekten- und ingenieur-vereine. 1892. Verband deutscher architekten= und ingenieur= vereine, editor. AB See Deutsche bauzeitung. 1872-. v. 8. 0481 Verbeet, - , and Wilke, - . AK Verzameling van arabesken ornamenten und versiersclen. 1846. W65 Verchere, Jules. Le mobilier ancien et moderne: Tapisserie, ebenisterie, clessins ANi nouveaux de meubles, sieges, tentures et reproduction de mobiliers V582 anciens, avec texte . . . pour servir ... a 1 etude des styles. Paris, no date. F. 5 24 f. This work was issued in 24 numbers with the title Journal du mobilier. Recueil d ameublements. . . Paris, 1875. F. 5 64 pi. ANi Recueil de sieges anciens et modernes. ANi Dourdan, 1876. Sq. F. 5 p. 95 pi. V58 Verchere, Jules, Deljjrel, E., and Pfnor, Rodolphe, editors. AM 5 Vorlagen fur bautischlerarbeiten. 1891. 037 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Verdellet, Jules. L art pratique du tapissier. . . Ser. 1,46 edition. ANi Paris 1882-83 [ser. 1/83]. O. 5 ser. in I v. and Atlas, F. 5 57 pi. 583 Atlas has also the title Nouvelle publication de dessins d ameublements et tentures. Nouvelle publication de dessins d ameublements et tentures. See, ANi above, L art pratique du tapissier. 1882-83. V583 Atlas has also the above title. Verdier, Aymar, 1819-80, and Cattois, F. [P.] Architecture civile et domestique au moyen age et a la renais- AA sance. Paris, 1855-57. F. 2 v - H- II 5pl- Verdun (France) Societe philomath ique, publisher. AR44 See Lienard, Felix. 1812-. Archeologie de la Meuse. 1881-1885. M57 Verein fur geschichte der bildenden kunste zu Breslau. See Breslau (Ger.) Verein filr geschichte der bildenden kunste. Verein fiir geschichte und alterthiimer der her= zogthiimer Bremen und Verden und des landes Hadeln zu Stade. See Stade (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte und alterthiimer der herzogthiimer Bremen und Verden und des landes Hadeln. Verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde West= falens. See Holzermann, Ludwig. 1830-70. Lokaluntersuchungen die AE7 kriege der Romer und Franken betreffend. 1878. H74 Verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde zu Frankfurt am Main. See Frankfurt on the Main (Ger.) Verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde. Verein fiir hessische geschichte und landeskunde. See Cassel (Ger.) Verein fiir hessische geschichte und landes kunde. Verein fiir kunst und alterthum in Ulm und Ober= schwaben, publisher. Zur architektur und ornamentik des deutschen mittelalters aus AH43 dem miinster zu Ulm. F. 6 10 p. 7 pi. Ui52 From its Kunstblatter. pt. i. Aus dem chor-gestiihle im Ulmer miinster. Verein fiir liibeckische geschichte und alterthums= kunde. See Liibeck (Ger.) Verein fiir liibeckische geschichte und alter- AH43 thumskunde. \^6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Verein fur nassauische alterthumskunde und ge schichtsforschung. Annalen. Wiesbaden, 1827-90. O. and Q. v. 1-22 in 15. ill. pi. maps. 58 Verein fur nassauische alterthumskunde und ge= schichtsforschung, editor. Denkmaler aus Nassau. AH43 Wiesbaden, 1852-66. Sq. F. 4 andF. 6 4 pts. in 2 v. ill. 30 pi. Ni8 Contents: pt. 4. G5RZ, R. Die abteikirche zu Marienstatt bei Hachenburg. pt. i. GORZ, R. Das graue haus zu Winkel im Rheingau. pt. i. GORZ, R. Die heiliggrab-kapelle zu Weilburg a. d. Lahn. pt. 2-3. ROSSEL, J. H. K. L. Die abtei Eberbach im Rheingau. pt. i. ROSSEL, J. H. K. L. Die kirchlichen alterthiimer von Wiesbaden. See Deissmann, Adolf. Geschichte des Benedictiner klosters AH43 Walsdorf. 1863. Wi6 Verein fur thiiringische geschichte und alter= thumskunde. Zeitschrift. AC Jena, 1852-91. O. v. 1-8 in 4. n. s. v. 1-7 in 4. pi. 582 Verein von alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Jahrbucher. AC Bonn, 1842-92. O. and Q. v. 1-93 in 34. ill. pi. maps. 581 Register, v. 1-90. Bonn, 1879. Q. 2 v. (In its Jahr- AC biicher. v. 65.) 581 Verein von alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande, editor. AP See Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1846-88. W723 See Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, 1841-91. AP W722 Verein zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses. Beschliisse des technischen ausschusses [zu der patentgesetz- AC novelle]. . . Berlin, 1890. Q. [4] +40 p. (In its Verhandlungen. 583 1890. v. 69.) Jahresbericht. 1876-91. (In its Sitzungsberichte. 1877-92.) AC V58 3 Edited by Hermann Wedding. 1876-81. Bound with its Verhandlungen. 1877-92. Die kalibrirung der eisenwalzen; drei gekronte preisschriften [von AC R. Dalen, A. Hollenberg und Diekmann]. . . V584 Berlin, 1869. Q. 7+ 140 p. ill. 33 pi. Sitzungsberichte. 1877-92. Berlin, 1877-92. Sq. Q. ill. pi. AC V 5 8 3 Edited by Hermann Wedding. 1877-82. Bound with its Verhandlungen. 1877-92. v. 56-71. 1054 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Verein zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1822-92. Q. v. 1-71. ill. pi. AC 583 Edited by E. L. Schubarth. v. 1-37. Inhalts-verzeichniss von H. Kempert. v. 1-60. Berlin, AC 1883. Q. (In its Verhandlungen. v. 60.) V583 From v. 1-53 the society was known as Verein zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses in Preussen. Verein zur erforschung der rheinischen geschichte und alterthumer in Mainz. See Mentz (Ger.) Verein zur erforschung der rheinischen ge schichte und alterthumer. Vergano, Ernesto Maggiora=. See Maggiora= Vergano, Ernesto. Vergnaud=Romagnesi, C[harles] F[ranois]. 1758- 1871. Memoire sur des sculptures antiques trouvees a Orleans . . . pres AR44 la rue des Bouchers . . . 1833. Or5 Paris, 1834. D. 26 p. i pi. with 5 ill. From Orleans (France) Socie"te" royale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. Annales. v. 13. Verhagen, Art[hur]. Monographic de 1 eglise cathedrale de Saint Sauveur a Bruges. . . AH493 Bruges [1886]. F. 8 5 + |j] p. 61 pi. 6834 Verhandlungen des Vereins zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses. AC See Verein zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses. V583 Het vermakelyck landt-leven. AN8 Brussel, 1672. Sq. D. 3 pts. in i v. ill. 66 paged pi. 59 Contents : pt. i. Den nederlandtschen hovenier door J. van der Groen. pt. 2. Den verstandighen hovenier door P. Nyland. pt. 3. Den ervaren huys-houder door P. Nyland. Vermehren, [Bernhard Moritz]. 1829-. . . . Der capitolinische Jupiter-tempel in Rom. AH495 Jena, 1879. Sq. Q. 19 p. Z3 Jena, (Ger.). Grossherzogliches gymnasium. Programm. Vermiglioli, Giovanni Battista. 1769-1840. De monumenti di Perugia etrusca e romana; della letteratura AR45 e bibliografia Perugina, nuova pubblicazioni per cura del Conte P43I Giancarlo Conestabile. Perugia, 1855-70. Q. 4 pts. in 3 v. i por. i pi. and Atlas, F. 5 2v. 109 pi. Contents : pt. i. Delia vita di Vermiglioli. pt. 2. II sepolcro dei Volunni. pt. 3. Monumenti della Necropli del Palazzone. pt. 4. Monumenti etruschi scritti e figurati. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1055 Vermiglioli, Giovanni Battista. 1769-1840. Lezioni elementari di archeologia esposte nella Pontificia universita AP di Perugia. Prima edizione milanese. . . V5Q Milano, 1824. O. 2 v. in i. i facsim. Opuscoli ora insieme raccolti con quattro decadi di lettere inedite AO di alcuni celebri letterati italiani defonto nel secolo 19. Perugia, 1825-26. O. 4 v. in 2. ill. 7 pi. 2 facsim. II sepolcro dei Volunni scoperto in Perugia nel feb. del 1840, ed AR45 altri monumenti inediti etruschi e romani. . . Perugia [1840]. Q. [4] +60 p. 9 pi. Verneilh, Jules de, baron, and Qaucherel, Leon, 1816-86. Le vieux Perigueux ; album de vingt gravures a 1 eau-forte, avec AH44 un texte par Jules de Verneilh. Paris, 1867. Sq. F. 6 3 + [37] P- 20 pi. Verneilh=Puiraseau, Felix de. 1819-64. AB L abbe Texier. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 19, p. 314-327.) An7 L architecture byzantine en France. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 11, p. 87-107.) An7 L architecture byzantine en France: Saint- Front de Perigueux et AD3 les eglises a coupoles de 1 Aquitaine. V59I Paris, 1851. Q. 316 p. 20 pi. Architecture civile au moyen age. (In Annales archeologiques. AB v. 6, p. 71-88; v. 10, p. 270-281; v. 16, p. 292-299.) An7 La cathedrale de Cologne ; etude archeologique. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 7, p. 57-69, 225-240; v. 8, p. 117-135; v. 9, An7 p. 10-26.) Dictionnaire raisonne de 1 architecture francaise du ii e au i6 e AB siecle par E. Viollet-le-Duc. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 35, 687 p. 469-498, 589-605.) Eglise latine de Saint-Front de Perigueux. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. n, p. 218-228.) An7 Eglises de la Terre-sainte de M. de Vogue. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 20, p. 21-39.) Les emaux francais et les emaux etrangers. (In Bulletin monu- AB mental, v. 29, p. 113-138, 225-255.) 687 Fontaines publiques. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 20, p. 142- AB 149, 185-195.) An7 Influences byzantines. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 14, p. 95- AB 104, 174-187, 225-248.) An7 1056 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Verneilh=Puiraseau, Felix de. 1819-64. Des influences byzantines; lettre a M. Vitet. AD3 Paris, 1855. Q- 47 P- ill- 4 pi- V$9 Lettre a M. de Caumont sur 1 architecture de la Dordogne com- AB paree a celle du Calvados. (In Bulletin monumental, v. 16, 687 p. 413-424.) Le premier des monuments gothiques. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 23, p. 5-18, 115-132.) An/ Restauration de Saint-Front de Perigueux. (In Annales archeo- AB logiques. v. 12, p. 6583.) Le style ogival en Angleterre et en Normandie. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. 24, p. 226-237; v. 25, p. 33-44, 85-102.) Le style ogival en Italic. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 21, AB p. 67-79; v. 26, p. 388-401.) An/ Sur les origines de 1 art ogival et de 1 art roman. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 21, p. 105-125.) 687 Verneilh=Puiraseau, Felix de, 1819-64, and Quast, A. F. von, 1807-77. Les emaux d Allemagne et les emaux Limousins. (In Bulletin AB monumental, v. 26, p. 109-130, 205-231.) 687 Vernier, A[rthur], abbe. 1846-. Histoire du canton de Coucy-le-Chateau . . . 1 histoire . . . des AH44 bourgs, villages et hameaux . . . ouvrage couronne par la Societe 833 academique de Saint-Quentin. Paris, 1876. O. [j]+9+4i4 p. ill. 7 pi. Vernon=Harcourt, Leveson Francis. See Harcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon-. Verrien, Sieur [Aubert]. Recueil d emblemes, devises, medailles et figures hieroglyphiques. . . AX Paris, 1696. D. 3 pts, in I v. ill. 233 paged pi. I por. V6i Verschelde, Charles. Les anciennes maisons de Bruges, dessinees d apres les monu- AH493 ments originaux. Bruges, 1875. Q. 33 p. 40 pi. B832 From Socie te d dmulation de Bruges. Annales. Ser. 3, v. 6. Vertue, George. 1684-1756, Catalogue of engravers ... in England, digested by H. Walpole, AW from . . . [his] mss. . . [with] an account of . . . his life and V6i works. . . London, 1782. D. 304+ [6] p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Vertunni, . Catalogue de . . . [sa] collection; objets d art et dc curiosite . . . AO2 dont la vente . . . aura lieu ... a Rome ... 7 mars 1881. V6i Rome, 1 88 1. O. [s]+96 p. ill. Vervins (France) Societe archeologique. See Societe archeologique de Vervins. Verzameling der graf- en gedenkschriften van de provincie AW i Antwerpen; arrondissement Antwerpen. V62 Antwerpen, 1856-87. Sq. F. v. 1-6. ill. 20 pi. Contents: v. i. Antwerpen Cathedrale kerk. v. 2-3. " Parochiekerken. v. 4. " Abdyenenkloosters. v. 5. " Couvents. v. 6. " Couvents de 1 ordre de St. Frangois. Title-page and text in Dutch and French. Verzameling der overblijfsels onzer nationale kunst. A 1^493 1873-83- A3 See Colinet, E. C. E. 1844-. Verzeichnis der kunstdenkmaler der provinz Schlesien. 1886-91. AH43 See Lutsch, Hans. 1854-. Si3i Verzeichniss der romischen, germanisch-frankischen, mit- AO2 telalterlichen und neueren denkmaler des Museums derstadt Mainz, M52 hrsg. von dem Vereine zur erforschung der rheinischen geschichte und alterthiimer in Mainz. Mainz, 1875. O. v. i. Contents: v. i. BECKER, J. Inschriften und steinsculpturen aus romischer zeit. Verzeichniss einer brandenburg-preussischen mlinzsamm- AM i lung ... am 27 April . . . versteigert. . . V59 Berlin, 1868. Q. [4] +76+ [4] p. ill. 2 pi. Vesly, Leon de. 1844-. Memoire sur le symbolisme dans l ornementation egypto-asiatique. AK Rouen, 1875. O. 18 p. 63 Vetault, Alphonse [Anatole]. 1843- Charlemagne; introduction par Leon Gautier. AW Tours, 1877. Nar. Q. 25 + 556 p. C37 Des vetements de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ. 1844. AH44 See [Querin, L. F. 1814-72]. Am53 [Vettori, Francesco. 1693-1770]. Dissertatio glyptographica; sive, Gemmae duae vetustissimae em- AX blematibus et Graeco artificis nomine insignitae, quae exstant V64 Romae in Museo Victorio, explicatae et illustratae. . . [Anon.] Romae, 1739. Q. 26+ 129 p. ill. i pi. 67 1038 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY VetllS anonymi scriptoris de architectura compendium. See Berengo, Giovanni, editor and translator. Antico compendio AA di architettura. 1855. 1^452 Vetusta monumenta. 1747-1842. AH42 See Society of antiquaries of London, publisher. A45 Veyrat, Georges. Les statues de 1 Hotel de Ville ; preface de Jules Claretie. . . Paris, 1892. O. 4+352 p. ill. 2 pi. Via Appia illustrata. See Lebruzzi, Carlo. Viaggiana ; or, Detached remarks. 1 790. AH45 See Weston, Rev. Stephen. 1747-1830. R825 Viaggioda Venetiaa Costantinopoli per marre e per terra. AR496 See Sadeler, Marco. A I Viaggio nelle catacombe di Roma. 1835. AR45 See [Artaud de Montor, A. F. 1772-1849]. R688i Viaggio pittorico della Toscana. 1801-3. AH45 See [Fontani, Francesco]. T87 Vianen, Adam van. 1595-. Modelles artificiels de divers vaisseaux d argent et autres oeuvres AM4 capricieuzes, mis en lumiere par Christien de Viane a Uytrecht et 65 gravez en cuivre par Theodore de Quessel (1650). La Haye. 1892. F. 5 [6] p. i por. 47 pi. (Reproductions d anciennes gravures d orfevrerie hollandaise. v. I.) Vianen, Christiaan van, editor. See Vianen, Adam van. 1595-. Modelles artificiels de divers AM4 vaisseaux d argent. 1892. V65 Viardot, Louis. 1800-83. Les musees d Allemagne et de Russie; guide et memento de AO2 1 artiste et du voyageur, faisant suite aux Musees d ltalie, d Es- V652 pagne, d Angleterre et de Belgique. Paris, 1844. D. 8+496 p. Les musees d Angleterre, de Belgique, de Hollande et de Russie; AO2 guide et memento de 1 artiste et du voyageur. 36 edition. . . V65 3 Paris, 1860. D. 408 p. Les musees d Espagne; guide et memento de 1 artiste et du AO2 voyageur, suivis de notices biographiques surles principaux pein- V65 i tres de 1 Espagne. 36 edition. . . Paris, 1860. D. 3 + 367 p. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1059 Viardot, Louis. 1800-83. Les musees d ltalie; guide et memento de 1 artiste et du voyageur, AO2 precedes d une dissertation sur les origines traditionnelles de la V6$ peinture moderne. 36 edition. . . Paris, 1859. D. 394+ [i] p. Les musees de France: Paris; guide et memento de 1 artiste et du AO2 voyageur. . . 2 e edition. . . Paris, 1860. D. n + S 20 p. V6$4 Viator, Joannes. 1440-1524. See Pelerin, Jean, chanoine. 1440-1524. Vicente, Isidoro Garcia, translator. AI See Nosban, . Manual del carpintero. 1854. N84I Vicentino, Giovanni Marangoni, canonico. 1673-1 753. See Marangoni, Giovanni, canonico. 1673-1753. Vico, Enea. i52o(?)-63. Ex gemmis et cameis antiqvorvm aliqvot monumenta incisa. . . AX Romae, Rubeis [i65o(?)]. Q. 33 pi. V66 Vidal, Antoine. 1820-. La chapelle St. Julien-des-Menestriers et les menestrels a Paris. . . AH44 Paris, 1878. Q. 114 p. 6 pi. (Les vieilles corporations de Paris.) P2I2 Viel=Castel, Horace, comte de. i8o2(?)-64. Collection des costumes, armes et meubles pour servir a 1 histoire AN4 de France depuis le . . . 56 siecle jusqu a nos jours. . . 67 Paris, 1827-45. Sq. F. 4 4 v. 420 pi. Vienna (Austria) Akademie der wissenschaften. See Conze, A. C. L., 1831-, and others. Die attischen grabreliefs, AE8 hrsg. im auftrage der Kaiserlichen akademie der wissenschaften C762 zu Wien. 1893. Vienna (Austria) Akademie der wissenchaften, publisher. See, below, Miinz- und antiken-cabinet. Die antiken bronzen. AM3 1871. 67 Vienna (Austria) Allgemeine land- und forstwirth= schaftliche ausstellung. 1890. Die interieurs des herrenhauses auf der ausstellung. AO4 Wien, 1891. F. 5 20 pi. 672 Mobel aus dem herrenhause der ausstellung. AO4 Wien, 1891. F. 5 14 pi. V67I Vienna (Austria) Alterthums-verein. Berichte und mittheilungen. AC Wien, 1856-81. Sq. F. v. 1-26 in 10. ill. pi. V67I 1060 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Vienna (Austria) Alterthums-verein, editor. See Sacken, Eduard, freiherr von. 1825-83. Archaologischer AH4j wegweiser durch Nieder-Osterreich. 1866-78. A 5 Vienna (Austria) Belvedere. Catalogue de la galerie de tableaux imperiale-royale au Belvedere AO2 a Vienne, public par E. Engert. V6/2 Vienne, 1865. D. 8+3+232 p. 2 pi. At present the Belvedere museum forms a part of the Kunsthistorisches hof-museum. Vienna (Austria) Gesellschaft fur vervielfaltigende kunst. Mittheilungen; beitrage zur Zeitschrift fur bildende kunst. AB Wien, 1873-78. Q. v. 1-6. Z3I2 Vienna (Austria) Handels= museum, compiler. Teppich-erzeugung im Orient; monographien von Sir George AN Birdwood, Wilhelm Bode, C. P. Clarke, M. Gerspach, S. J. A. 672 Churchill, V. J. Robinson, J. M. Stockel. Wien, 1895. Nar. Q. [3] + 2O4+[i] p. ill. 4 pi. 2 paged pi. Vienna (Austria) Handels= museum Ausstellung orientalischer teppiche. 1891. AN Katalog. Wien, 1891. Nar. Q. 285+2+[>] p. ill. i pi. 671 Vienna (Austria) Industrieller club, editor. See, below, Mobel-industrie-ausstellung. 1889. Achte ausstel- AO4 lung. 1889. 674 Vienna (Austria) Jubilaums=gewerbe=ausstellung. 1888. Interieurs von der ausstellung veranstaltet vom Nieder-osterreich- AO4 ischen gewerbe-vereine. . . 3. aufl. V673 Wien, 1892. F. 5 [4] p. 60 pi. Mobel von der ausstellung veranstaltet vom Nieder-osterreich- ANi ischen gewerbe vereine. . . Wien, 1890. F. 5 60 pi. V67 Vienna (Austria) K. k. osterreichisches handels- museum. See, above, Handels-museum. Vienna (Austria) Kaiserliche akademiederwissen- schaften. See, above, Akademie der wissenschaften. Vienna (Austria) Kaiserlich-konigliches miinz- und antiken-cabinet. See, below, Munz- und antiken-cabinet. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1061 Vienna (Austria) Kaiserlich=konigliches museum fur kunst und Industrie. See, below, Museum fur kunst und Industrie. Vienna (Austria) Mobel - Industrie = ausstellunjr. 1889. Achte ausstellung, veranstaltet vom Club der industriellen fur AO4 wohnungs-einrichtung in Wien. Wien, 1889. F. 5 2 5 pi- V6/4 Vienna (Austria) Miinz- und antiken=cabinet. Die antiken bronzen, beschrieben und erklart von E. freih. v. AMj Sacken, veroffentlicht mit unterstiitzung der Kaiserlichen aka- V6/ demie der wissenschaften. Wien, 1871. F. 6 v. i. 54 pi. Contents: v. i. Die figuralischen bildwerke classischer kunst. Die sammlungen des K. k. miinz- und antiken-cabinetes, beschrie- AP ben von Eduard freiherr von Sacken und Friedrich Kenner. V6/ Wien, 1866. O. 7+495 p. i pi. Vienna (Austria) Museum fiir kunst und industrie. Die agyptischen textilfunde im Museum, allgemeine charakteristik AN und katalog von A. Riegl. Wien, 1889. Sq. F. 25+68 p. 13 pi. 67 Die glassammlung des Museums, geschichtliche iibersicht und AN3 katalog von B. Bucher. Wien, 1888. F. [4] + 134 p. 13 pi. V67 Illustrirter katalog der ornament-stich-sammlung . . . [von F. AO2 Schestag]. Wien, 1871. Nar. Q. 20+240 p. ill. V6?i Ornamente fiir architektur und kunst-industrie nach den gyps- AK abgiissen des Museums ausgewahlt von A. Ilg, aufgenommen von V67 J. Lowy. Wien [1876]. F. 6 8 p. 50 pi. Ostasiatische bronce-gefasse und gerathe in umrissen; ein beitrag AM3 zur gefasslehre . . . unter leitung von H. Herdtle aufgenommen 671 und autographirt von schiilern der kunstgewerbeschule des . . . Museums. Wien, 1883. F. 6 [5] p. 28 pi. Rahmen; eine auswahl aus der sammlung des Museums, hrsg. . . ANi von J. von Falke. Wien, 1892. Sq. F. 9 p. 50 pi. Au7 Die . . . Wiener porzellanfabrik, ihre geschichte und die samm- AN2 lung ihrer arbeiten im . . . Museum, von J. von Falke. V67 Wien, 1887. F. 5 [5]+9O p. 17 pi- Vienna (Austria) Museum fiir kunst und industrie, editor. Prachtmobel und gerathe vom ende des 18. und beginn des 19. AM3 jahrhunderts ... in lichtdruck von V. Angerer. . . 672 Nurnberg, 1884. FT [6] p. 15 pi. 67* 1062 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Vienna (Austria) Museum fiir kunst und Industrie, publisher. Gefasse der deutschen renaissance, punzenarbeiten, [hrsg. von F. AM4 Schestag]. Wien, 1876. F. 5 5 p. 16 pi. V6; See Falke, Jakob von. 1825-. Mittelalterliches holzmobiliar. ANi 1894. Fi8 See Ferstel, Heinrich, freiherr von. 1828-83. Festschrift bei AW gelegenheit der feierlichen enthiillung seines denkmals. 1884. See Herdtle, H. Mobelformen der franzosischen renaissance. ANi [1881.] See Herdtle, H. Vorbilder fiir die kleinkunst in bronce. 1884. AM3 See Teirich, Valentin. 1844-77. Ornamente aus der bliithezeit italienischer renaissance, intarsien. 1873. T23 Vienna (Austria) Orientalisches museum, editor. See Du Sartel, Octave, 1823-, Qonse, Louis, 1846-, and Kara- AN2 bacek, Josef, 1845- Sammlung von abbildungen keramischer Sa7 objecte aus dem nahen und fernen Oriente. 1885. Vienna (Austria) Weltausstellung. 1873. Kunst und kunstgewerbe auf der Weltausstellung . . . hrsg. von C. AO4 von Liitzow. Leipzig, 1875. Nar. Q. 12 + 524 p. ill. 5 pi. V67 Vjerset=Godin, - . Eglise Notre-Dame a Huy . . . accompagnee d un texte . . . par AH493 E. Lavalleye. Liege, 1854. F. 7 [3]+ 12 p. 15 pi. Vietty, 6. See Rey, Etienne. Monuments remains et gothiques de Vienne AH44 en France . . . suivies d un texte historique et analytique par E. V6yi Vietty. 1820-31. Views in Suffolk, Norfolk and Northamptonshire, illustra- AH42 tive of the works of Robert Bloomfield. 1806. A 134 See [Storer, James, 1781-1823, and Greig, John]. Views of monastic ruins in Teviotdale. See Morton, Rev. James. History and description of Jeclburgh AH4I abbey. 1832. An Views of noblemen and gentlemen s seats in the counties AH42 adjoining London. 1804-5. A75 See [Hassell, John]. -1825. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1063 Vigne, Felix de. 1806-62. Album du cortege des comtes de Flandre, personnages et cos- AW2 tumes . . . texte . . . par E. de Busscher. V68 Gand, 1852. Q. [;] + 2os p. 79 pi. Geschiedenis der middeleeuwsche bouwkunde. AF Gent, 1845. F. 4+9o+[i] p. 13 pi. V68 Recherches historiques sur les costumes civils et militaires des AN4 glides et des corporations de metiers . . . avec une introduction V68 . . . par J. Stecher. Gand [1847]. Nar. Q. 82 p. 35 pi. Vignola, Qiacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. L architettura ridotta a facile metodo per mezzo di osscrvazioni a AA profitto de studenti, aggiuntovi un Trattato di meccanica. 692 Venezia, 1748. O. 2 v. in i. 55 pi. I cinque ordini d architettura. AA Firenze, 1806. F. 4+ 17 p. 2 ill. 30 pi. 691 Li cinque ordini di architettura, intagliati da Costantino Gianni. . . AA Milano, 1838. Q. 14+ [39] P- i por. 31 pi. V689 Li cinque ordini di architettura, intagliati da Costantino Gianni .- . . AA 3a edizione. Milano, 1849. O. io+36+[2] p. i por. 31 pi. 6891 Five orders of architecture . . . [with] the Greek orders, edited AA and translated by A. L. Tuckerman. . . V683 New York, 1891. Sq. F. 12 p. ill. 84 pi. Le dve regole della prospettiva pratica, con i comentarij del R. AA P. M. Egnatio Danti. V693 Roma, Zannetti, 1583. F. 4 [i2] + i45 + [4] p. ill. 9 paged pi. Engraved title-page. Life of Vignola by Danti. 4 p. Le due regole della prospettiva prattica, con i commentari del AL2 Padre E. Danti. . . Bologna, 1682. F. 4 [io] + i4S + [6] p. ill. V68 Nouveau livre des cinq ordres d architecture. . . AA Paris, no date. F. 4 44 pi. V68 Nouveau livre des cinq ordres d architecture, enrichi de differents AA morceaux de menuiserie . . . serrurerie . . . ornemens . . . corriges V686 . . . par M. B. Paris, 1776. O. 80 p. 6 pi. Le nouveau Vignole; ou, Regies des cinq ordres d architecture. . . AA Paris, 1792. O. 63 pi. V688 Gli ordini d architettura civile, preceduti dagli elementi di geo- AA metria pratica . . . incisi nuovamente ... da G. Zanetti. . . 2 a ed. V69 Venezia, 1864. F. 1 1 1 p. 61 pi. Regies des cinq ordres d architecture, avec ... les Lecons elemen- AA taires des ombres dans 1 architecture . . . par C. M. de Lagardette. 684 Paris, 1786. Q. 40+[4] + [35] P- 9 2 pi- io64 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. Regies des cinq ordres d architecture, avec plusieurs augmenta- AA tions de M. A. Buonaroti, nouvellement revues . . . et augmentees 687 par M. Dury de Champdore. Leide, 1712. S. 20+136 p. ill. Regola delli cinqve ordini d architettvra. AA No place [i563(?)]. F. 4 32 pi. V682 II Vignola illustrate proposto da G. B. Spampani e C. Antonini. . . AA Roma, 1770. Nar. Q. [io] + 58+28 p. ill. I por. 55 pi. 685 See Aviler, A. C. d . 1653-1700. Cours d architecture, qui com- AA prend les ordres de Vignole. 1693-94. Av52 Vignole, Jacques Barozzio de. 1507-73. See Vignola, Qiacomo Barozzio da. 1507-73. Vignoles, Gustave, vicomte de Juillac=. See Juillac=Vignoles, Gustave, vicomte de. Vigo, Pietro. 1856-. L architetto Giovanni di Lapo e il duomo di Firenze, studio. AH45 Livorno, 1887. Nar. Q. 20+ [4] p. 2 ill. F689 Vilhena Barbosa, Ignacio de. 1811-. Monumentos de Portugal, historicos, artisticos e archeologicos. AH46< Lisboa, 1886. O. [26] + 5OO+[i] p. ill. 2 por. 2 pi. A2 Villa=amil, Genaro Perez de. 1807-54, Espana artistica y monumental; vistas y descripcion de los sitios AH46 y monumentos mas notables de Espana . . . texto . . . por P. de A4 la Escosura. . . Paris, 1842-50. F. 6 3 v. 144 pi. Text in Spanish and French. Villa and cottage architecture; select examples of country AE2 and suburban residences recently erected, with a full descriptive V7i notice of each building. . . London, 1868. F. 4 12+1 12 + [i] p. 80 pi. Villa Borghese. 1700. AH45 See [Montelatici, Domenico]. R7*7 Villa Pamphilia, ejusque palatium cum suis prospectibus, AH45 statuae, fontes, vivaria, theatra, areolae, plantarum, viarumque R742 ordines cum ejusdem villae absoluta delineatione; formis J. J. de Rubeis. Romas, no date. Sq. F. 5 [4] p. I por. 83 pi. Villafafie, Juan de Arphe y. 1535-. See Arphe y Villafafie, Juan de. 1535. Villain, A[lexandre]. Le temple de Marc-Aurele, Rome; restauration executee en 1824. AH45 Paris, 1 88 1. F. 7 5 + [i] p. 7 pi. (Restaurations des monuments R686 antiques, v. 6.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1065 Villamartin, Francisco. San Lorenzo del Escorial. Madrid, 1866. O. I5o+[i] p. ill. AH46 8 pi. (Manual de viajeros.) ESII Villard de Honnecourt. fl. 1242. Album, manuscrit public en facsimile, annote . . . par J. B. A. AA Lassus . . . mis au jour . . . par A. Darcel. W64I Paris, 1858. Q. i8 + 232 + [i] p. ill. 64 pi. Facsimile of ... [his] sketch-book, with commentaries and AA descriptions by J. B. A. Lassus and by J. Quicherat, translated W64 and edited, with . . . additional articles and notes by R. Willis. London, 1859. F. 4 12 + 243 p. ill. i por. 65 pi. Villars, Paul. 1849-. England, Scotland and Ireland; a picturesque survey of the AH42 United Kingdom and its institutions, translated by H. Frith. A 135 London, 1887. F. 3 pts. in I v. ill. I pi. La ville de Rome. 1778. AH45 See Magnan, Dominique. 1731-96. R8ii Villefosse, Antoine Marie Albert Heron de. 1845-. See Heron de Villefosse, Antoine Marie Albert. 1845-. Villeneuve, P. P. A. Bardet de. See Bardet de Villeneuve, P. P. A. Villeneuve=Bargemont, Louis Francois, marquis de. 1784-1850. See Villeneuve-Trans, Louis Francois, marquis de. 1784-1850. Villeneuve= [Trans], L[ouis] F[rancois] marquis de. 1784-1850. Monumens des grands-maitres de 1 ordre de Saint-Jean de AE8 Jerusalem... Paris, 1829. O. 2 v. 82 pi. 71 Villerabel, Arthur Du Bois de la, vicomte. 1839-91. See Du Bois de la Villerabel, Arthur, vicomte. 1839-91. Villeroy, , and Boch, . A J 2 Muster-blatter der mosaik-fabrik. Mettlach, 1881. D. 69 pi. V?i Villot, Marie Joseph Frederic, 1809-75, compiler. See Louvre (Paris) musee. Notice des tableaux exposes dans les AO6 galeries du Musee national du Louvre. 1873. ^93 See Paris (France) Palace of Luxembourg Musee. Notice des AO2 peintures, sculptures et dessins de 1 ecole moderne de France. P2I4 1858. 1066 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Vifiaza, - de la, conde. Adiciones al Diccionario historico de los mas ilustres profesores AW de las bellas artes en Espana de Juan Agustin Cean Bermiidez. C$21 Madrid, 1889-94. D. 4 v. in 2. Contents : v. i. Edad media. v. 2-4. Siglos 16, 17, y 18. Vincelle, Claude Madeleine Qrivaudde la. 1762-1819. AR44 See Qrivaud de la Vincelle, Claude Madeleine. 1762-1819. Ai8 Vincent, C., and Vincent, P. N. Katalog der reichhaltigen kunst-sammlung. . . Versteigerung zu AO2 Konstanz am Bodensee den 10. Sept. 1891. V74 Koln, 1891. Q. 23 + [i] + i33 p. 30 pi. Vincent, John, architect. Country cottages: A series of designs for an improved class of AE2 dwellings for agricultural labourers. . . ^74 London, 1860. F. 4 [5]+ 19 p. 21 pi. Vincent, P. N., and Vincent, C. AO2 Katalog der reichhaltigen kunst-sammlung. 1891. Vinci, Gaspare. Descrizione delle ruine di Pompei. 3a edizione . . . accresciuta de AR45 nuovi scavi fin a tutto il 1831. P8i6 Napoli, no date. O. [4] + 223 p. 18 pi. Vindication of the king s sovereign rights. 1719. AH42 See [Pierce, Thomas, D. D. -1691.] Sa3i Vinet, Ernest. 1804-78. Bibliographic methodique et raisonnee des beaux-arts . . . archeo- AY logic, architecture . . . arts industriels . . . publiee sous les auspices V75 du Ministere de 1 instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux- arts. Paris, 1874-77. O. 2 pts. in i v. 12 + 288 p. No more published. Vinet, Ernest, 1804-78, compiler. See Paris (France) ficole des beaux-arts Bibliotheque. Cata- AO logue methodique. 1873. P2I Viola Zanina, Qioseffe. fl. 1629. Delia architettura libri due, ne quali con nuova simmetria e facolta AA si mostrano le giuste regole de i cinque ordini di detta architet- V8i3 tura. . . Padova, 1677. O- 2 v. in I. ill. Vol. 2 has title Delia nuova simmetria degli cinque ordini d architettura. Viollet-le-Duc, E[ugene Emmanuel]. 1814-79. L art Russe; ses origines, ses elements constitutifs, son apogee, AH47 son avenir. Paris, 1877. Nar. Q. 8 + 26i + [i] p. ill. 3 1 pi. Al COLUMBIA COLLEGE ,067 Viollet-le=Duc, E[ugene Emmanuel]. 1814-79. Comment on construit une maison; histoire d une maison. 40 edi- AE2 tion. Paris [1883]. D. 323 p. ill. (Bibliotheque des professions V8ll industrielles, commerciales et agricoles; Ser. C: Art de 1 inge- nieur, ponts et chaussees, constructions civiles. no. 5.) Compositions et dessins, publics sous le patronage du Comite de AL 1 oeuvre du maitre. Paris, 1884. F. 6 3 p. i por. 100 pi. V8i Edition de luxe, no. 868. Construction des voutes du I3 e siecle. (In Annales archeolo- AB giques. v. 6, p. 194-205, 247-255.) An7 De la construction des edifices religieux en France. (In Annales AB archeologiques. v. I, p. 179-186; v. 2, p. 78-85, 143-150, 336- An7 349; v. 3, p. 321-336; v. 4, p. 266-283.) De la decoration appliquee aux edifices. 3 e edition. Paris, no AK date. F. 63 p. ill. (Bibliotheque Internationale de 1 art; publiee V8i . . . de E. Miintz.) Description et histoire du chateau de Pierrefonds. 8 e edition. AH4, Paris, 1876. O. 48 p. ill. 3 pi. P6i Dictionnaire raisonne de 1 architecture francaise du ii e au i6 e AA siecle. Paris, 1854-68. O. 10 v. ill. por. V8i Table analytique et synthetique . . . par. H. Sabine. AA Paris, 1889. O. 20+387*+ [i] p. V8i Du style gothique au 19 siecle. (In Annales archeologiques. v. 4, p. 325-353-) Entretiens sur 1 architecture. Paris, 1863-72. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 15 pi. and Atlas, Obi. Q. 36 pi. Essai sur 1 architecture militaire au moyen-age. AE7 Paris, 1854. Nar. Q. [j] + 236 p. ill. V8i From his Dictionnaire raisonne de 1 architecture. 1854-68. v. i. Habitations modernes, avec le concours des membres du Comite AE2 de redaction de L encyclopedie d architecture et la collaboration V8i de Felix Narjoux. Paris, 1875-77. F. 5 2 v. 200 pi. Histoire d un Hotel de ville et d une cathedrale. . . AH44 Paris [1878]. O. 284 p. ill. 28 pi. A7 Study of a fictitious Cathedral of Clusy to illustrate the history of French cathedrals. Histoire d une forteresse. . . AE7 Paris [1874]. Nar. Q. 368 p. ill. 32 pi. V8n Learning to draw; or, The story of a young designer, translated AO6i from the French by V. Champlin. V8i New York, 1891. D. 5 + [i]+324 p. ill. 24 paged pi. io68 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Viollet=le=Duc, E[ugene Emmanuel]. 1814-79. Peintures murales des chapelles de Notre-Dame de Paris exe- AH44 cutees sur . . . [ses] cartons, relevees par M. Ouradou. P3i6 Paris, 1870. F. 5 25 p. 62 pi. Reponse a M. Vitet a propos de 1 enseignement des arts du dessin. AO Paris, 1864. O. 48 p. F46 See Monographic de Notre-Dame de Paris et de la nouvelle AH44 sacristie de MM. Lassus et Viollet-le-Duc. P27 Viollet=le=Duc, Eugene Emmanuel, 1814-79, editor. AB See Gazette des architectes et du batiment. 1863-86. 0251 Virey, Jean. L architecture romane dans 1 ancien diocese de Macon. AH44 Paris, 1892. Nar. Q. 344+ [i] p. 30 pi. map. M23 From Socidte Eduenne. Memoires. New ser. Virey, Philippe. Etude sur un parchemin rapporte de Thebes. (In Cairo, Egypt AC Mission archeologique francaise. Memoires. 1887. v. I, pt. 3, Ci2 p. 481-510. 4 facsim.) Sept tombeaux thebains de la i8 e dynastic. (In Cairo, Egypt AC Mission archeologique francaise. Memoires. 1891. v. 5, pt. 2, p. Ci2 197-379- ill- 5 pl-) Le tombeau de Rekhmara, prefet de Thebes sous la i8 e dynastic. AC (In Cairo, Egypt Mission archeologique francaise. Memoires. Ci2 1889. v. 5, pt. i, p. 1-194. 44 pl-) Virgin, Carl, and Steuerwaldt, Wilhelm. Die mittelalterlichen kunst-schatze im zittergewolbe der schloss- AH43 kirche zu Quedlinburg. [1855.] Q3 Vischer, Peter. 1455(7)- 15 29. Werke, mit text von W. Liibke. AO8 Niirnberg, 1875. F. 5 [27] p. 48 p. V82 Vischer, Robert. 1847- Neues iiber Bernhard Strigel. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preus- AB sischen kunstsammlungen. v. 6, p. 3857, 8197.) ] 1 9 2 Visconti, Alessandro. 1757-1835. Lettera intorno alcuni vasi sepolcrali rinvenuti nelle vicinanze AC della antica Alba-Longa . . . letta ... 24 aprile 1817. (In Rome, R66i Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1823. v. i, pt. 2, p. 317-347. 3 pl.) Visconti, Carlo Lodovico. Dell uso ed utilita dei monumenti cristiani cronologici anteriori AC all uso dell era volgare, per la storia e cronologia della chiesa. . . R66i Roma, 1856. Nar. Q. 77 p. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1860. v. 14.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1069 Visconti, Carlo Lodovico, translator. See Parker, J. H. 1806-84. De variis structurarum generibus AH45 penes Romanes veteres. 1868. R?^ Visconti, Ennio Quirino. 1751-1818. See WorsJey, Sir Richard, bart. 1751-1805. Museum Worsley- AO8 anum. 1824. \yg 9 Written with the aid of E. Q. Visconti. Visconti, Louis [Tullius Joachim]. 1791-1853. Fontaines monumentales construites a Paris et projetees pour AH44 Bordeaux. Paris, 1860. F. 7 43 p. i por. 15 pl. P266 Visconti, Pietro Ercole. 1 800-81. Del culto prestato dagli antichi alia Speranza e di alcuni editi ed AC inediti monumenti che vi hanno rapporto; dissertazione letta . . . R66i 21 gennaro . . . 1830. (In Rome, Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1831. v. 4, p. 301-321. 6 pl.) Di un nuovo tratto delle catacombe de Santi Marcellino e Pietro AC scoperto nella vigna Delgrande sulla via Labicana. . . (In Rome, R66i Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1842. v. 10, p. 43-124- 3 pi-) Intorno gli antichi monumenti sepolcrali scoperti nel ducato di AC Ceri; dichiarazione letta ... 4 giugno 1835. (I n Rome, Italy R66i Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1836. v. 7, p. 263-301. 13 pl.) Relazione delli ritrovamenti di antiche cose seguiti in Roma e AC ne suoi dintorni dal principio dell anno 1823. . . (In Rome, R66i Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1825. v. 2, p. 637-680. 2 pl.) Visentini, Antonio, continuer. S Gallaccini, Teofilo. 1564-1641. Trattato sopra gli errori AA degli architetti. 1767-71. v. 2. Gi3 [Visibelli, Benedetto,] compiler. Eletta dei monumenti piu illustri e classici sepolcrali ed onorarii AE8 di Bologna e suoi dintorni. . . [Anon.] V82 Bologna, 1838-44. F. 5 4 v. in 2. 4 por. 152 pl. Visite de Thomas Platter a Nimes et au Pont du Card, fevrier, 1596. . . Nimes, 1880. O. 16 p. L62 From Nimes (France) academic. Me"moires. 1879. Visitor s guide to Salem. AH73 Salem, 1892. S. 8+177 p. 21 pl. loyo AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Visscher, Nicolaas. Labyrinthe de Versailles. Amsteldam, no date. O. [22] + 8i + [92] p. ill. Title-page and text in English, French, German, and Dutch. La triomphante riviere de Vecht. See, below, De zegepraalende Vecht. 1719. Title-page in Dutch and French. De zegepraalende Vecht, vertoonende verscheidene gesichten van lustplaatsen, heeren huysen en dorpen. . . Amsteldam, 1719. F. 5 16+37 p. 49 pi- map. Title-page in Dutch and French. Visscher, Nicolaas Jan, 1580- editor. See Vries, Paul Vredemam de. 1554-. Plusieurs menuiseries. Vitet, Lfudovic]. 1802-73. Le Louvre. Paris, 1853. O. n8+[i] p. i pi. Le Louvre et le nouveau Louvre. Nouvelle edition. . . Paris, 1882. D. 37o+[i] p. i pi. See Ramee, Daniel. 1806-87. Monographic de 1 eglise Notre - Dame de Noyen, par L. Vitet. 1845. Vitruvius Britannicus. 1717-25. See Campbell, Colin. -1729. Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. M. Vitrvvivs per Jocvndvm solito castigatior factvs, cvm figvris et tabvla vt jam legi et intelligi possit. Venetiis, Tridino, 1511. F. [41 + 110+9 f. ill. De architectvra libri decem . . . nunc primvm in Germania qva potuit diligentia excusi . . . adiecimvs etiam propter argument! conformitatem S. J. Frontini De aqvaedvctibvs vrbis Romae libel- lum, item ex libro Nicolai Cvsani De staticis experimentis frag- mentum. . . Argentorati, Machaeropiceus, 1543. O. [j2] + 262+[5o] p. ill. De architectvra libri decem, cvm commentariis Danielis Barbari . . . mvltis aedificiorvm, horologiorvm et machinarvm descriptio- nibvs, et figuris . . . auctis et illustratis. Venetiis, 1567. Nar. Q. [i9]+375 p. ill. Architectura libri decem. . . Lvgdvni, Tornaesivm, 1552. Q. [i 6] +447 +[5 4] p. ill. i facsim. Architectvra libri decem . . . accesserunt G. Philandri annota- tiones . . . adiecta est Epitome in omnes Georgii Agricola de mensuris et ponderibus libros eodem auctore. . . Lvgd., Tornaesivm, 1586. Q. 16+460+35 p. ill. AH44 V6i2 AH4Q2 A 14 AH492 A 14 AH44 P242 AH44 P239 AH42 ^87 AH42 A 17 AA V85 i AA V839 AA V84 AA V837I AA V837 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1071 Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Architectura, textu ex recensione codicum cmendato cum exer- AA citationibus notisque novissimis J. Poleni, et commentariis variorum 848 additis nunc primum studiis S. Stratico. Utini, 1825-30. F. 4 v. in 8. 149 pi. i facsim. i tab. De architectura libri decem . . . declarati ab A. Marinio. . . AA Romae, 1836. F. 5 4 v. 140 pi. 842 Vol. I. Continens apparatum et priores quinque libros. v. 2. Continens posteriores quinque libros. v. 3. Continens thesaurum, compendium et indices, v. 4. Continens tabulas. De architectura libri decem, ex recensione J. G. Schneider. AA Venetiis, 1854. (In his Dell architettura libri dieci. 1854.) V853 Architecture, translated from the . . . Latin by W. Newton. AA London, 1791. F. 5 2 v. I por. 46 pi. 832 Civil architecture, comprising those books . . . which relate to the AA public and private edifices of the ancients, translated by W. 831 Wilkins . . . with ... an historical view of the rise and progress of architecture amongst the Greeks. London, 1812. Sq. F. 8 + 76+282 p. 41 pi. Rudimentary architecture . . . the ten books of Vitruvius translated A A from the Latin by Joseph Gwilt . . . [with] an "Inquiry into the 841 principles of beauty in Grecian architecture" by George, Earl of Aberdeen. . . London, 1880. D. 110+35 + 312 p. 23 pi. Les dix livres d architecture, corrigez et traduits ... en francois, AA avec des notes et des figures [par C. Perrault]. V83 Paris, 1673. F. 5 [i8]+325 + [i6] p. ill. Des aller namhafftigsten vnnd hocherfarnesten romischen archi- AA tecti vnnd kunstreichen werck, oder bawmeysters Marci Vitruuii 846 Pollionis zehen bucher von der architectur vnd kiinstlichem . . . bawen . . . erstmals verteutscht . . . durch G. H. Riuium . . . Basel, Henricpetri [1575]. F. [3o]+68i p. ill. 38 paged pi. De architectura, traducto di Latino in vulgare dal vero exemplare AA ... [by F. L. Durantino]. 834 Venetia, Sabio, 1524. Q. 22+iiof. ill. Architettvra con il svo comento et figvre, in volgar lingva rapor- AA tato per G. B. Caporali. 843 [Perugia, Bigazzini, 1536.] Q. [3]+ 131 f. Di architettura dal vero esemplare latino nella volgar lingua tra- AA dotto . . . [di F. L. Durantino]. 833 Vinegia, Zoppino, 1535. F. [i2]+iiof. ill. I dieci libri dell architettvra di Vitrvvio, tradvtti et commentati AA da Monsignor Barbaro. . . 852 Vinegia, Marcolini, 1556. F. 5 274+[i8] p. ill. 50 paged pi. 1072 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Delia architettvra [tradotti] di G. A. Rvsconi . . . libri dieci. . . AA Venetia, Gioliti, 1590. Q. [12]+ 143 p. ill. V835 I dieci libri d architettura [tradotti] di G. A. Rusconi . . . accre- AA sciuti della prattica degl horologi solari. V836 Venetia, 1660. Q. [12] + 148 p. ill. L architettura, tradotta e comentata dal Marchese B. Galiani. AA 2* edizione. Napoli, 1790. F. 4 20+272 p. 25 pi. 85 Dell architettura libri diece, restituti nell italiana lingua da AA Baldassarre Orsini. . . Perugia, 1802. O. 2 v. 23 pi. 847 Dell architettura libri dieci, tradotti e commentati dal Marchese AA Berardo Galiani. Venezia, 1854. Nar. Q. 2 v. in I. 28 pi. V853 (Biblioteca degli scrittori latini.) Title-page and text in Latin and Italian. See Philandrier, Guillaume. 1505-65. In decem libros M. AA Vitruuii Pollionis de architectura annotationes. 1545. 838 Vitry, Urbain. -1864. Le proprietaire architecte, contenant des modeles de maisons de AE2 ville et de campagne, de fermes, orangeries, portes . . . etc . . . V83 avec gravures par Hibon. . . Liege, 1827-42 [v. i, 38]. Q. 3 v. in I. 132 pi. Contents: v. i. Modeles de construction. v. 2. Traite" d architecture et de construction. v. 3. Le propridtaire architecte . . . extrait des fitudes d architecture civile de M. Mandar, pour faire suite a 1 ouvrage de Urbain Vitry. [Vivenzio, Pietro]. Gemme antiche par la piu parte inedite. [Anon.] AX Roma, 1809. Q. i34+[i] P- 32 pi. V83 Vivorio, Agostino, 1744-1822, editor. See Calderari, Ottone, conte. 1730-1803. Disegni e scritti AA d architettura. 1808-15. Ci2 Vloten, Johannes van, 1818-83, editor. AB See Nederlandsche kunstbode. 1874-76. N28i Voge, Wilhelm. Eine deutsche malerschule um die wende des ersten jahrtausends; AO6 kritische studien zur geschichte der malerei in Deutschland. . . V86 [Pref. Lockstedter Lager, 1892.] O. [7] + 389+[i] p. 46 ill. and paged pi. Vogel, Johann. Al Die moderne bau-kunst . . Hamburg, 1708. F. 4 [10] p. 53 pi. V86 COLUMBIA COLLEGE IO73 Vpgel, Karl Julius. 1862- Uber scenen Euripideischer tragodien in griechischen vasenge- AN2 maiden. . Leipzig, 1885. O. pt. i. ill. Z4 Doctor s dissertation at Leipzig (Ger.) university. Vogelin, F. Salomon. Das kloster Riiti. . . Zurich, 1862. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft AC in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1861-63. v. 14, p. 37-62. 3 pi. i tab.) An8 Die wandgemalde im bischoflichen palast zu Chur mit den dar- AC stellungen der Holbeinischen todesbilder. . . Zurich, 1878. Q. An8 83 p. ill. 4 pi. i tab. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1880. v. 20.) Vogelin, Sfalomon]. 1776-1849. Der grossmiinster in Zurich: Geschichte. Q. 34 p. ill. 20 pi. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1841. v. i.) An8 Voghera, Giovanni. Illustrazione dell arco della pace in Milano. . . AH45 Milano, 1838. F. 7 [8] p. 28 pi. M58i3 Vogt, Georges. La porcelaine. Paris [1893]. O. 304 p. ill. (Bibliotheque de AN2 1 enseignement des beaux-arts, publiee . . . de J. Comte.) V86 Vogt, Wilhelm, 1844-, editor. See Muffel, Nikolaus. 1410-69. Beschreibung der stadt Rom. AH45 1876. R82 Vogiie, [Charles Jean] Melchior, comte de. 1829-. Syrie centrale; architecture civile et religieuse du ier au 7 e siecle. AH56 Paris, 1865-77. F. 5 2v. ill. 151 pi. 3 maps. Sy8 Le temple de Jerusalem; monographic du Haram-Ech-Cherif, AH569 suivie d un essai sur la topographic de la Ville-Sainte. . . J48i Paris, 1864. F. 5 8+i42 + [4]p. ill. 37 pi. Voigtel, Karl Eduard Richard. 1829-. Construction des dachreiters auf der kreuzvierung des domes zu AB Coin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 12, p. 313-318. 4 pi.) Z3i Voillemier, Dr. - . Essai sur les monnaies de Beauvais. (In Societe academique AC d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. Memoires. v. 3, 8019 p. 399-542, pi. 26-35.) Voisin, C. J. Notice sur les anciennes peintures muralcs de la cathedrale de AB Tournay. (In Bulletin des commissions royales d art et d archeo- B872 logic. 1865. v. 4, p. 256-284. 14 pi.) 1074 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Voit, . Uber baumaterialien und arbeitslohn zur berechnung richtiger AI bauanschlage . . . als leitfaden zum architektonischen unterricht V8/ bei der hohern kunstschule in Augsburg. . . Augsburg [1821]. S. 2o6+[i] p. Volt, Richard Jakob August von. 1801-70. Die neubauten im Konigl. botanischen garten in Miinchen. (In AB Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 17, p. 315-324. 6 pi.) Z$i Volkerschau : eine sammlung von erzeugnissen des kunst- AB und gewerbefleisses aller zonen und zeiten. V88 Aarau, 1888-94. Sq. F. 4 ill. pi. v. 1-3. Edited by Aarau (Switzerland) Mittelschweizerische geographisch-kommerzielle gesellschaft. Volkmann, Johann Jacob, editor. See Sandrart, Joachim von. 1606-88. Teutsche academic der A A bau-, bildhauer- und maler-kunst. 1768-75. Sa5 Vollstandige anweisung alle arten von biirgerlichen wohn- A A hausern wohl anzugeben. 1721. 8193 See [Sturm, L. C.] 1669-1719. Vollstandiges diarium von allem, was sich vor, in und AW2 nach der . . . cronung . . . Maria Amalia ... in ... Franckfurt am V88 Mayn zugetragen. . . Franckfurt am Mayn, 1743. F. 4 Various paging. 3 por. 3 pi. Vollstandiges diarium von den merckwiirdigsten begeben- AW2 heiten die sich vor, in und nach der hochstbegliickten wahl und V88 cronung Carls des VII . . . sonderlich . . . Franckfurt am Mayn zugetragen. . . Franckfurt am Mayn, 1742-43. F. 4 2 v. in I. 16 por, 18 pi. Volpato, Giovanni. 1733-1803. See Raphael. 1483-1520. Rafael s loggien im Vatican zu Rom; AH45 43 blatt lichtdruck nach den stichen von Volpato. [1878.] R/75 Volpato, Giovanni, 1733-1803, and Morghen, Raf= faello, 1761-1833. Principi del disegno tratti dalle piu eccellenti statue antiche. . . AO8 Roma, 1786. F. 7 [4] + 5 p. 36 pi. V88 Text in Italian and French. Volpi, Giuseppe Rocco. 1692-1746. Dissertazione . . . intorno alia Villa Tiburtina di Manlio Vopisco; AC suo sito e magnificenza. . . (In Cortona, Italy Accademia C8i etrusca. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. 17^2. v. 2, p. 163- 192. i pi.) See Corradini, P. M. 1658-1743. Vetus Latium profanum et AR45 sacrum. 1704-45. v. 3-10.) R6;i COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1073 Votive gold crowns recently found near Toledo. See [Way, Albert. 1805-74]. Die Votivkirche in Wien. 1879. See [Thausing, Moritz. 1838-84]. Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. 1782-1822. See [Choiseul-Gouffier, M. Q. A. F., comte de. 1752-1817]. Voyage pittoresque en Sicile. 1822-26. See [La Salle, A. E. Qigault de. 1772-1855]. Vredetnan de Fries, Jan. 1527-. See Vries, Jan Vredeman de. 1527-. Vredeman de Vries, Paul. 1554-- See Vries, Paul Vredeman de. 1554-. Vries, Jan Vredeman de. 1527- Das ander theyl der hochberhiimbten khunst der perspectiven. See, below, Perspective; das ist, Die weitberumbste khunst, eines scheinenden in oder durchsehenden augengesichts puncten. 1604-5. Perspective; c est a dire, Le tresrenomme art du poinct oculaire. See, below, Perspective; das ist, Die weitberumbste khunst, eines scheinenden in oder durchsehenden augengesichts puncten. 1604-5. AO2 B 45 2 AB AK Vorbilder=hefte aus dem Kgl. kunstgewerbe-museum. See Berlin (Ger.) Kunstgewerbe museum. Vorherr, Johann Michael Christian Gustav, 1778- 1847, editor. See Monatsblatt fur bauwesen und landesverschonerung. 1 82 130. Vorlegeblatter zum gothischen A. B. C. buche. See Hoffstadt, Friedrich. 1802-46. Gothisches A. B. C. buch. 1840. Title of v. 2. Vos, Jacob de. 1803-. Collection; dessins anciens . . . vente ... a Amsterdam . . . 22-24 mai, 1883. . . Amsterdam, 1883. Q. 4+119?. I por. Voss, A., and Bastian, [P. W.] A., 1826-. Die bronzeschwerter des Koniglichen museums zu Berlin. 1878. 629 Voss, Georg. 1855-. Dasjiingste gericht in der bildendenkunst des friihen mittelalters. Leipzig, 1884. O. [6] +90 p. ill. 2 pi. (In Beitrage zur kunst- geschichte. pt. 8.) AO2 92 AO B39 AP Z AH436 V674 AR495 A8 AH 4 5 Si 1 5 AL2 V96 AL2 V96 1076 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Vries, Jan Vredeman de. 1527-. Perspective; das ist, Die weitbertjmbste khunst, eines scheinenden AL2 in oder durchsehenden augengesichts puncten, auff und an eben- Vg6 stehender wandt und mauren. . . H. Hondius sculps, et excud. . . Lugduni Batavorum [1604-5]. Obi. F. 2 pts. in I v. ill. 74 pi. Title-page and text in German and French. Les tres-noble perspective, a scavoir la theorie, practique et instruc- AL2 tion fondamentale d icelle . . . nouveau augmentee et corrigee M34 par S. Marolois. Amstredam, 1619. F. [4]+42 + [2] p. 73 pi. Vries, Paul Vredeman de. 1554-. See Hond, Hendrik. 1573-. Les cinq rangs de 1 architecture . . . AL2 avec encores quelques belles ordonnances d architecture, mises en Vp6 perspective, inventees par J. Vredeman Prison et son fils. 1620. Plusieurs menuiseries, comme portaulx, garderobbes . . . tables ANi . . . et beaucoup d autres sortes d ouvrages . . . mis en lumiere par Vg6 N. J. Visscher . . . 1630. Bruxelles, no date. F. 4 pt. I. 40 pi. Title-page in Dutch and French. Facsimile reproduction. Vug, Oscar. Schlesische heidenschanzen, ihre erbauer und die handelsstrassen AR43 der alten; ein beitrag zur deutschen vorgeschichte. Si3 Grottkau [1890]. O. 2 v. in I. 6+[i] + 5O4 p. 118 ill. on 14 pages. 2 maps. Paged continuously. Vuigner, Emile, 1798-1865, and Saint- Denis, Fleur. Pontsur le Rhin a Kehl. . . AH43 Paris, 1861. Q. 23 + 156 p. and Atlas, F. 4 [5] p. 22 pi. K26 Vulliamy, Lewis. Examples of ornamental sculpture in architecture, drawn from AK the originals ... in Greece, Asia Minor and Italy. . . 97 London [1824]. F. G 40 pi. Vulpes, Benedetto. Illustrazione di tutti gli strumenti chirurgici scavati in Ercolano e in Pompei e che ora conservansi nel R. museo Borbonico di Napoli. (In Naples, Italy Reale accademia ercolanese di archeologia. Memorie. 1851. v. 7, p. 87-167.) Vulpius, Josephus Roccus. 1692-1746. See Volpi, Giuseppe Rocco. 1692-1746. Waagen, Qustav Friedrich. 1794-1868. Kleine schriften, mit einer biographischen skizze [von Alfred Woltmann]. Stuttgart, 1875. O. 5 + [i] + 38i p. i por. Uber die stellung, welche der baukunst, der bildhauerei und malerei unter den mitteln menschlicher bildung zukommt; vor- trag . . . 1843 im Wissenschaftlichen verein zu Berlin. Leipzig, 1843. D. 48 p. Uber in Spanien vorhandene bilder, miniaturen und handzeich- nungen. (In Jahrbiicher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1868-69. v. I, P- 33-55, 89-122, 322-334; v. 2, p. 1-42.) Wachsmuth, Curt. 1837-. Die stadt Athen im alterthum. . . Leipzig, 1874-90. O. v. 1-2 1 . 2 maps. Wachsmuth, [Ernst] Wilhelm [Gottlieb]. 1784-1866. Hellenische alterthumskunde aus dem gesichtspunkte des staats. 2. aufl. Halle, 1846. O. 2 v. Wackernagel, [Karl Heinrich] Wilhelm. 1806-69. Die deutsche glasmalerei. . . Leipzig, 1855. D. 180 p. Wackernagel, Rudolf, 1855- and Burckhardt, Albert. Geschichte und beschreibung des rathauses zu Basel. 1886. Waddell, Rev. P[eter] Hately. An old kirk chronicle; being a history of Auldhame, Tuninghame and Whitekirk in East Lothian from session records, 1615-1850. Edinburgh, 1893. Nar. Q. 12+166 p. 15 pi. 7 facsim. Wade, W. M. Walks in Oxford; an ... account of the colleges, halls and public buildings of the university . . . [and] a ... history and description of the city. . . Oxford, 1817. O. 2v. [i3]+70+536 p. 13 pi- map. Paged continuously. Wagener, Samuel Christoph. Handbuch der vorziiglichsten, in Deutschland entdeckten alter- thiimer aus heidnischer zeit. Weimar, 1842. O. i v. in 2. IO+77 8 P- J 45 P 1 - 68* 1077 AO Wu AA Z5 AB Ji9 AR495 At 3 AR495 A24 AM7 Wu AH494 6292 AH22 Ox22 AR 4 3 Al2 1078 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wagner, Ernst, and Kachel, Gustav, -1882. Die grundformen der antiken classischen baukunst; fur honere AH495 lehranstalten und zum selbststudium. Z3 Heidelberg, 1869. Q. 7+26+[2] p. 4 pi. Wagner, Georg. Die asthetik der baukunst; ein leitfaden zum selbstunterricht und A A handgebrauche fur architekten . . . und freunde der baukunst. Wi2 Dresden, 1838. O. 30+359 p. 13 pi. Wagner, Qeorg Wilhelm Justin. -1874. Die vormaligen geistlichen stifte im grossherzogthum Hessen. AH43 Darmstadt, 1873-78. 2 v. and Atlas, F. 4 15 pi. H46i Contents: v. i. Starkenburg und Oberhessen. v. 2. Rheinhessen. Vol. 2. edited by F. Schneider. Wagner, Heinrich. Allgemeine grundziige. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1883. A A 4. thl. i. hlbd., p. 11-37.) Die anlage des gebaudes. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1883. A A 4. thl. i. hlbd., p. 78-120. ill. 7 pi.) Hi9 Pensionate und alumnate. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1889. A A 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. i, p. 217-285. ill. i pi. 7 paged pi.) HK; Provinz Oberhessen: Kreis Biidingen. Darmstadt, 1890. Q. AH43 287 p. ill. 12 pi. ii paged pi. (Kunstdenkmaler im grossher- H463 zogthum Hessen. 1890. v. 3.) Schank- und speise-lokale, kaffeehauser und restaurants. (In AA Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 3-94. ill. Hi9 9 paged pi.) Wagner, Heinrich, editor. AA See Handbuch der architektur. 1880-95. Hi9 Wagner, Heinrich, and Bohnstedt, Ludwig, 1822-85. Vorraume, treppen-, hof- und saal-anlagen. (In Handbuch der AA architektur. 1883. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 191-255. ill. 6 pi.) Hi9 Wagner, Heinrich, and Durm, J. W., 1837-. Offentliche vergnugungs-locale und festhallen. (In Handbuch AA der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 107-173. ill. I pi. Hi9 13 paged pi.) Stibadien und exedren, pergolen und veranden, gartenhauser . . . AA und pavilions. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. Hi9 4. hlbd., p. 431-444. ill.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1079 Wagner, Heinrich, Landauer, Theodor von, and Schmitt, Eduard. Gerichtshauser, straf- und besserungs-anstalten. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7 hlbd., p. 170-402. ill. 4 pi. 40 paged pi.) Wagner, Heinrich, Lieblein, Jacob, and Reinhardt, Robert, 1843-. Baulichkeiten fur den sport; panoramen, orchester-pavillons. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 351-431. ill. 9 paged pi.) Wagner, Heinrich, and Mylius, Jonas. Baulichkeiten fur cur- und bade-orte. (In Handbuch der archi tektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 240-350. ill. 4 pi. 16 paged pi.) Wagner, Heinrich, and Schmitt, Eduard. Gebaude fur gesellschaften und vereine. (In Handbuch der archi tektur. 1885. 4. thl. 4. hlbd., p. 274-350. ill. 7 paged pi.) Wagner, Heinrich, and Schwechten, Franz. Geschaftshauser fur staatliche provinz-, kreis- und ortsbehorden. (In Handbuch der architektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7. hlbd., p. 110-137. ill. 2 paged pi.) Wagner, Heinrich, and Wallot, Paul, 1842- Parlamentshauser und standehauser. (In Handbuch der archi tektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7. hlbd., p. 403-463. ill. 5 pi. 14 paged pi.) Wagner, Johann Christoph. Delineatio provinciarum Pannonise et imperii Turcici in Oriente; eine grundrichtige beschreibung dess ganzen aufgangs, sonder- lich aber dess . . . konigreichs Ungarn und der ganzen Tiirckey. . . Augspurg, 1685-86. F. 3 v. in I. ill. I por. in pi. 4 paged pi. 10 maps. Interiora Orientis detecta; oder, Grundrichtige und eigentliche beschreibung aller heut zu tag befandten grossen . . . reiche des Orients... Augspurg, 1685-86. F. [6] + 228+[2o] p. ill. i por. 26 pi. i paged pi. 6 maps. (In his Delineatio provinciarum Pannoniae. 1685-86. v. 3.) Wagner, Johann Martin von. 1777-1858. Bericht iiber die aginetischen bildwerke, im besitz . . . des Kron- prinzen von Baiern; mit kunstgeschichtlichen anmerkungen von Fr. W. J. Schelling. Stuttgart, 1817. S. 1 2+246+ [i] p. i facsim. Wagner, Otto. 1841- Einige skizzen, projecte und ausgefuhrte bauwerke. Wien, 1892. F. 5 [6] p. 63 pi. AA AA AA AA Hi 9 AA AA AH496 A 4 AH496 A 4 AH495 Ae2i AL2 Wl2 io8o AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wagner, Wilhelm. 1843-80. Hellas, das land und volk der alten Griechen, bearbeitet . . . ins- AR495 besondere fur die deutsche jugend. 3. . . verm. aufl. . . Leipzig, A2$ 1873. O. 2v. 270 ill. 9 pi. I map. (Neue jugend- und haus- bibliothek. ser. 3. v. I 2.) Illustrations by H. Leutemann and others. Wagnon, Adrien. 1854-. Traite d archeologie comparee ; la sculpture antique, origines, AO8 description, classification des monuments de 1 Egypte et de la Wi2 Grece. Paris, 1885. Nar. Q. 171 p. 16 pi. Wainwright, J[onathan] M[ayhew], bishop. 1792- 1854. Land of bondage; its ancient monuments and present condition . . . AH62 the journal of a tour in Egypt. Wi3 New York, 1852. Nar. Q. 19+190 p. ill. 26 pi. 2 maps. Wakeman, Thomas, and Morgan, C. O. S., 1803-88. Notes on the ancient domestic residences of Tre-owen, Killwch AH42 and the Waen. 1861. M75 Notes on the architecture and history of Caldicot castle, Mon- AH42 mouthshire. [1854]. M75 Walbran, John Richard. 1817-69. Observations on the history and structure of the abbey of the AC blessed Mary of Byland. (In Associated architectural societies. As7 Reports and papers, v. 7, p. 221234. i pi.) On St. Wilfrid, and the Saxon church of Ripon. (In Associated AC architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 5, p. 6396+8 p.) As7 On the excavations now in progress at Fountains abbey, with AC some remarks on the early history of the monastery. (In Asso- As7 ciated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. I, p. 263- 292. 4 pi.) On the recent excavations at Sawley abbey, in Yorkshire. (In AC Associated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 2, As7 p. 72-89.) Tourist s guide ... a concise history and description of Ripon, AH42 Studley Royal, Fountains abbey . . . Harrogate. . . 2d ed. enl. R48 Ripon, 1838. S. [5] + 164+ [2] p. ill. 4 pi. Walckenaer, Charles Athanase, baron. 1771-1852. Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Emeric-David. AO8 (In Emeric-David, T. B. Histoire de la sculpture antique. 1862. Em33 p. 1-17.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1081 Walcott, Rev. Mackenzie E[dward] C[harles]. 1822-80. Early statutes of the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity, Chi- AB Chester, with observations on its constitution and history. (In Ar2 Archaeologia. v. 45, p. 143-234. 2 pi.) Guide to the coast of Kent. . . AH42 London, 1869. S. 8+128 p. map. K4i i Inventories of Westminster abbey at the dissolution. (In London AC and Middlesex archaeologial society. Transactions. 1871. v. 4, L84 p. 313-364-) Inventory of Worcester cathedral. Inventories of church goods AC and certificates of chantries ... in Worcestershire. (In Associated As/ architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 11,9.303-342.) Memorials of Christchurch, Twynham, Hants. . . 2d edition . . . AH42 enlarged. Christchurch, 1868. S. 7+110 p. I pi. Memorials of Westminster, the city, royal palaces ... St. Peter s AH42 college . . . modern buildings and ancient institutions. . . W52I New ed. . . London, 1851. O. 12+359+43 p. ill. 7 pi. Old Cleeve abbey: The Cistercian abbey of St. Mary in the Vale AC of Flowers, Clive. (In Royal institute of British architects. R8i Papers. 1875-76, p. 103-138. 2 pi.) On the conventual arrangement of Canterbury. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Papers. 1862-63, p. 58-76. 2 pi. R8i Precinct of a Gothic minster. London, 1865. O. 22 p. Delivered before the Cambridge architectural society, 1864, and at the Architectural museum, South Kensington, 1865. Sacred archaeology; a popular dictionary of ecclesiastical art and AP institutions, from primitive to modern times. . . Wi4 London, 1868. O. 16+640 p. Scoti-monasticon: The ancient church of Scotland; a history of the AH4I cathedrals, conventual foundations, collegiate churches and hos- A4 pitals of Scotland. .. Edinburgh, 1874. Q. 27+428 p. 24 pi. Traditions and customs of cathedrals. . . 2d edition . . . enlarged. AE London, 1872. D. i2+[i]+248 p. Wi4 Westminster; memorials of the city, Saint Peter s college, the AR42 parish churches, palaces, streets and worthies. W52 Westminster, 1849. O. 12+359 p. ill. 6 pi. Waldheim, R. von, and Springer, Franz, editors. AH436 Osterreichs kirchliche kunstdenkmale der vorzeit. 1856. A4 Waldner, A, 1844-, editor. AB See Schweizerische bauzeitung. 1892-94. Sch9 io82 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Walford, Edward, 1823-, continues See Thornbury, G. W. 1828-76. Old and new London. AH42 1873-78. v. 3-6. LQ48 Walford, Edward, 1823-, editor. AB See The Sacristy. 1871-81. Sal Walford, W[eston] S[tyleman]. On the church at Worth. (In Sussex archaeological society. Col- AC lections, v. 8, p. 235-249. i pi.) Su8 Walker, Sir Edward. -1677. Circumstantial account of the preparations for the coronation of . . . AW2 King Charles the second, and a ... detail of that . . . ceremony. . . Wi$ London, 1820. O. 131 p. 10 pi. Walker, J[ohn] Russell. Notes on some continental churches. (In Society of antiquaries AC of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 18^.49-75.) S6i2 Scottish baptismal fonts. (In Society of antiquaries. Proceedings. AC v. 21, p. 346-448. 28 pi.) So 1 2 Walker, John Severn. The churches of Worcester; their architectural history, antiquities AC and arrangement. (In Associated architectural societies. Reports As7 and papers, v. 4, p. 323-349. 5 pi.) Detached church belfries, with special reference to those in the AC county of Hereford. (In Associated architectural societies. Re- As7 ports and papers, v. 10, p. 295-306. i pi.) Wallace-Dunlop, Madeline Anne. See Dunlop, Madeline Anne Wallace-. Wallen, William. History and antiquities of the round church at Little Maplestead, AH42 Essex . . . preceded by an historical sketch of the crusades. L73 London, 1836. O. 19+207 p. ill. 8 pi. Waller, J[ohn] Q[reen]. Critical examination of the armorial bearings and decorations on AB the ceiling of the monks choir in the abbey church of St. Alban. Ar2 (In Archaeologia. v. 51, p. 427-446.) On the series of wall paintings in the church of St. Mary, Guild- AB ford. (In Archaeologia. v. 49, p. 199-212. 2 pi.) Ar2 Waller, John Green, editor. See Smith, C. R. 1804-90. Retrospections, social and archaeo- AR42 logical. 1883-91. v. 3. Ail COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1083 Wallhausen, Johann Jacob! von. fl. 1615. Kriegskunst zu pferd. A 7 Frankfurt am Mayn, 1616. F. 141 p. 33 pi. Wi5i Romanische kriegskunst: I. Darinnen . . . gewiesen wirdt wasser- AE7 ley gestallt vor etlich tausende jahren die edle kriegkiinste in Wi5 kriegsschulen seynd publice gelehrt worden. . . II. Darneben der treffliche kriegskunst lehrer Flavius Vegetius auss dem Latein in unser muttersprach iibergesetzt. . . Frankfurt, 1616. F. 2 v. 33 pi. Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi von, fl. 1615, translator. See Vegetius Renatus, Flavius. 4th cent. Flavius Vegetius AE/ Renatus auss dem Latein in unser muttersprach auffs newe iiber- Wi5 gesetzt und translatiert, alien ankommenden jungen cavallierern, tyronen und kriegsschulern zum besten. 1616. (In Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi von. Romanische kriegskunst. 1616. v. 2.) Wallis, Alfred. Examples of the book-binders art of the 1 6th and 17111 centuries, AN6 selected chiefly from the royal continental libraries. . . Wi5 Exeter [Eng.] 1890. Sq. F. 5 unpaged. 40 pi. No. 47 of 100 copies printed. Wallis, Q. Harry, compiler. See Nottingham (Eng.) castle Museum and art gallery. Illus- AR45 trated catalogue of classical antiquities from the site of the temple N34 of Diana, Nemi, Italy. [Pref. 1893.] Wallis, George, F. S. A. Artistic, industrial and commercial results of the Universal exposi- AO tion of 1855. (In Paris, France Exposition universelle. 1855. Ar7i Exhibition of art-industry in Paris. 1855. Pref. p. 1-20.) Wallis, Henry. 1830-. Notes on some early Persian lustre vases. AN2 London, 1885. F. 4 8 p. ill. i pi. Wi5 Notes on some examples of early Persian lustre ware. AN2 London, 1889. F. 4 17 p. ill. 8 pi. Wi5 Notes on some examples of early Persian pottery. AN2 London, 1887. F. 4 1 1 p. ill. 5 pi. Wi5 Typical examples of Persian and oriental ceramic art. AN2 London, 1893-. Sq. F. 4 pt. 1-2 in I. ill. 4 pi- Wallis, John, abridger. AH42 See Pennant, Thomas. 1726-98. London. 1790. L849I Wallot, Paul, 1842- and Wagner, Heinrich. Parlamentshauser und standehauser. (In Handbuch der archi- tektur. 1887. 4. thl. 7. hlbd., p. 403-463- ill- 5 P 1 - 14 paged pi.) Hi9 1084 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Walluf, Daniel, and Kickelhayn, Hermann. Stadt-, land- und gartenhauser ausgefuhrt zu Frankfurt am Main, AH43 mit grundrissen, facaden und details. . . F86i Frankfurt am Main, 1858. F. 5 36 pi. Walpole, Horace. 1717-97. See Orford, Horace Walpole, 4* earl of. 1717-97. Walpoole, George Augustus. New British traveller; or, A complete modern universal display AH42 of Great Britain and Ireland. . . A 145 London, 1784. F. 4 5 20+ [4] p. 85 pi. 23 maps. Walsh, Rev. Robert. Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia AH496 Minor, illustrated ... by T. Allom. . . 763 London [i84o(?)]. Q. 2 ser. in I v. 93 pi. 2 maps. Walter, D. Alleyne. Ancient memorial cross slabs from the churches of the city of AE8 York and surrounding district. . . Wi7 York, 1874. Q. [3]+io+iop. 26 pi. Walter, Kaspar. 1701-68. Briicken-bau; oder, Anweisung wie allerley arten von brucken . . . AE5 sowohl von holz als steinen . . . dauerhaft anzulegen sind. . . Wi7 Augsburg, 1766. F. 52 p. 33 pi. Zimmerkunst; oder, Anweisung wie allerley arten von deutschen AI und welschen thurnhauben, auch kugelhelme nach der neuesten Wi7i manier . . . zu entwerfen . . . sind. . . Augsburg, 1769. Nar. F. [4] +67 p. 35 pi. Walter, Thomas Ustick, 1804-87, and Smith, J. J., 1798-1881. Guide to workers in metals and stone. . . AM2 Philadelphia, 1846. Sq. F. 4 I v. in 4. 100 pi. Wi7 Two hundred designs for cottages and villas. . . 2d edition. . . AE2 Philadelphia, 1847. Sq. F. I v. in 4. 120 pi. Wi7 Walther, Conradin. Die kunstschlosserei des 16., 17. und 18. jahrhunderts; eine samm- AM2 lung vorziiglicher schmiedeeiserner gegenstande aller art. . . Wi72 Stuttgart [1884-85]. F. 5 [nip. 50 pi. Walther, J. Les decouvertes de Ninive et de Babylone au point de vue bibli- AR352 que; conferences. Lausanne [pref. 1889]. D. 170+ [2] p. 22 pi. N5I4 Walther, J. P., illustrator. See Nuremberg (Ger.) Germanisches national museum. Bild- AO2 werke aus dem mittelalter. 1856. N936 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1085 Walther, W. Ad. Sachsens furstenhaus; sgraffitofries am koniglichen schlosse zu AH43 Dresden; einleitung von Ad. Stern. . . D8i/ Dresden [1876]. Obi. F. [6] p. 8 pi. Walton, [George]. New treatise and practical guide to staircasing and handrailing. . . AI Manchester, no date. F. 4 Unpaged. 40 pi. Wi; WalZ, Prof. - -. . . . Uber die erklarung der eckfiguren am ostgiebel des olympi- AH495 schen Zeustempels und am westgiebel des Parthenon. . . Z2 Tubingen, 1887. Q. 39 p. Maulbronn (Ger.) Evangelisch-theologisches seminar. Programm. Walz, Christian. 1802-57. De Nemesi Graecorum. . . AR495 Tubingae, 1852. Q. 24 p. i ill. 2 pi. Z2 . . . Uber die polychromie der antiken sculptur. AO8 Tubingen [1853]. Q. 23 p. 3 pi. Z$ Tiibingen (Ger.) universitat. Einladung zu der feier des . . . doctor-jubilaums des . . . D. E. von Schrader. Wanderer, Fr. Adam Krafft und seine schule, 1490-1507; eine sammlung vor- AW handener steinbildwerke in Niirnberg und umgebung. . . K85 Niirnberg [pref. 1869]. F. 5 [6J + 8 + 3O p. ill. 32 pi. Title-page and text in German, French and English. Wanderley, Q[ermano], and Georg, W. AI Der metallbau. 1873. G29 Wanderungen durch die Sachsische Schweiz. 1840. AH43 See [Witzleben, K. A. F. von. 1773-1839.] Die wandstickereien des Konigs Rene in der cathedrale AH44 zu Angers. An42 See Les tapisseries de la cathedrale d Angers, dites tapisseries du Roi Rene. 1892. Title-page in French and German. Warcupp, Edmund. Italy in its original glory, ruine and revival, being an exact survey AH45 of the whole geography and history of that . . . country. . . A72 London, 1660. Q. [8] + 327+[8] p. 3 pi. Ward, Frederick] [O[ldfield]. Tessellated pavements, ancient and modern. (In Jones, Owen. AJ2 Designs for mosaic and tessellated pavements. 1842. p. 1-6.) J7i io86 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Ward, John. 1679-1758. See Kemp, John. 1665-1717. Monumenta vetustatis Kempiana AP . . . cura R. Ainsworth etj. Ward. 1719-1720. K32 Ward, John. AK Delineator of modern ornament. Birmingham, 1883. F- 5 40 pi. W2i Motifs for panel and other decoration. AK Birmingham, 1881. F. 4 [3] p. 20 pi. W2ii Ward, John. Dale and its abbey, Derbyshire. 2d edition. AH42 Derby, 1891. Nar. Q. 126 p. ill. i pi. 015 No. 48 of 250 copies printed. Ward, Marcus. Practical treatise on the art of illuminating. . . AK London [1873]. Sq. O. 26+[i] p. ill. 24 pi. W2I2 Warden, [David Baillie]. 1778-1845. Recherches sur les antiquites de 1 Amerique du Nord et de 1 Ame- AR72 rique du Sud. . . Paris, 1844. F. 6 224 p. (In Dupaix, G. Anti- Ai quites mexicaines. 1834-44. Ware, Isaac. Complete body of architecture, adorned with plans and elevations AA from original designs . . . with some designs of Inigo Jones. . . W2i London, 1756. F. 5 [i7]+748+[4] p. 122 pi. in 115. Ware, Isaac, publisher. AL See Jones, Inigo. 1573-1652. Designs of Inigo Jones. [i757(?).] J7ii Ware, Samuel, architect. AB Observations on vaults. (In Archaeologia. v. 17^.40-84. 4 pi.) Ar2 Treatise of the properties of arches and their abutment piers. . . AI London, 1809. O. 9+[i]+62 p. 19 pi. W22 Ware, W[illia]m R[obert]. 1832-. On the condition of architecture and of architectural education in AC the U. S. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. R8i 1866-67, p. 81-90.) Waring, Edward John. 1819- Hiitten-hospitaler; ihre zwecke, ihre vorziige, ihre einrichtung, AE6 mit einem nachtrag von W. Mencke. W23 Berlin, 1872. O. 5 + 57 p. i pi. Waring, J[ohn] B[urley]. 1823-75. Architectural, sculptural and picturesque studies in Burgos and its AH436 neighbourhood. London, 1852. F. 6 42 pi. 691 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1087 Waring, J[ohn] B[urley]. 1823-75. Examples of ornamental art in glass and enamel, selected from the collections of the Duke of Buccleuch, etc. . . with an essay by A. W. Franks. London, no date. F. 4 [6] + 32 + [i] p. ill. 17 pi. Illustrations of architecture and ornament . . . from . . . sketches in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Holland and Belgium, with descriptive notices. London, 1871. F. 4 8+48 p. 70 pi. Record of my artistic life. . . London, 1873. O. 311 p. ill. i por. 13 pi. Stone monuments, tumuli and ornament of remote ages, with re- o marks on the early architecture of Ireland and Scotland. London, 1870. F. 4 10+96 p. 108 pi. Waring, John Burley, 1823-75, compiler. See London (Eng.) International exhibition. 1862. Master pieces of industrial art and sculpture at the . . . Exhibition. 1863. Die Wartburg: zeitschrift fur alte kunst und kunsthand- werk mit beriicksichtigung der neuzeit. Miinchen, 1875-87. Q. v. 1-14 in 5. pi. Edited by K. F. FSrster. Published by Miinchener alterthums-verein. Continuation of Miinchener alterthums-verein. Sitzungsberichte. Warth, Otto. Das kollegien-gebaude der Kaiser Wilhelms-universitat zu Strass- burg. Kehl [1885]. F. 6 18 pi. Warton, Rev. T[homas], 1728-90, and others. Essays on Gothic architecture. . . London, 1800. Nar. O. [27] + i54+[i6] p. 12 pi. Essays on Gothic architecture. 3^ edition. London, 1808. Q. 6+24+176 p. 12 pl. Wasemann, Hermann Friedrich. -1879. Das neue rathhaus in Berlin. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 23, P- 3-8. 3 pl.) Wastler, Josef . 1831-. Das landhaus in Graz. Wien, 1890. F. 7+68 p. ill. 6 pl. Contents: pt. i. Entstehung, baugeschichteund klinstlerische bedeutung, von J. Wastler. pt. 2. Politische geschichte, von J. von Zahn. Steirisches kiinstler -lexicon. Graz, 1883. O. 9+ ! 97 P- Waterhouse & co. Ornamental Irish antiquities. 2d edition. Dublin, 1853. O. 20 p. 6 pl. 2 paged pl. AJ2 W2 3 AK W2 3 AW W 23 AP W2 3 AO4 L84 AC M922 AH 43 St86 AD6 W26 AD6 W26i AB AH 4 36 G 7 7 AW W28 AO On2 io88 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Waterhouse, A[lfred]. 1830-. Description of the new town hall at Manchester. (In Royal insti- AC tute of British architects. Papers. 1876-1877, p. 117-136. I pi.) R8i Watkin, W. Thompson. 1837-88. Roman Cheshire; or, A description of Roman remains in the AR42 county of Chester. C424 Liverpool, 1886. Q. 7 + 327+8 p. ill. 10 pi. 3 maps. Watson, , and Pritchett, . Plans . . . and description of the pauper lunatic asylum ... at AH42 Wakefield . . . [with] S. Tuke s Practical hints on the construe- Wi3i tion ... of pauper lunatic asylums. York, 1819. Sq. F. 7 [8] + 34 p. 9 pi. Watson, J [oh n] Forbes. 1827- Textile manufactures and the costumes of the people of India. AN T 4 London, 1866. F. 4 21 + 173 p. 12 pi. W33 Watteau, [Jean] Antoine. 1684-1721. AK Decorationen und malereien. Berlin, 1889. F. 5 [3] p. 60 pi. W34 Ornamental designs, collected . . . and lithographed by W. Nichol. AK Edinburgh, 1841. F. 5 [3] p. I por. 84 pi. V/34I Watts, W[illiam]. Seats of the nobility and gentry in England and Scotland, being AH42 a collection of . . . interesting and picturesque views. . . A47 London [1781]. Q. Unpaged. 84 pi. Watts, William, illustrator. AH42 See Collection of select views in London and Westminster. [1800.] L886 Wauters, Alphonse [Quillaume Ghislain]. 1817-. Les delices de la Belgique; ou, Description historique, pittoresque AH493 et monumentale de ce royaume. . . Ai8 Bruxelles, 1844. O. 3+412 p. 103 pi. I map. Essai historique sur les tapisseries et les tapissiers de haute et de AB basse-lice de Bruxelles. (In Bulletin des Commissions royales 6872 d art et d archeologie. 1876-78. v. 15, v. 16, and v. 17.) Les tapisseries Bruxelloises; essai historique sur les tapisseries et AM8 les tapissiers de haute etde basse-lice de Bruxelles. W35 Bruxelles, 1878. O. 477 p. See Belgium Exposition nationale. 1880. Les tapisseries histo- riees a 1 Exposition . . . texte par A. Wauters. 1881. Way, Albert. 1 805-74. Effigy of King Richard, Coeur de Lion, in the cathedral at Rouen. AB (In Archaeologia. v. 29, p. 202-216. 3 pi.) Ar2 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1089 Way, Albert. 1805-74. Votive gold crowns recently found near Toledo, and now pre- AP served at the Hotel de Cluny, at Paris. [Anon.] O. up. i pi. Z See Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Glou- AP cester and Gloucestershire antiquities; a catalogue of the museum Z formed at Gloucester. No date. Way, Albert, 1805-74, compiler. See Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Cata- AR4I logue of antiquities, works of art and historical Scottish relics ex- Ai hibited in the museum. 1859, See Society of antiquaries of London. Catalogue of antiquities. AO2 [1847-] Soi Way, Albert, 1805-74, editor. See Cotman, J. S. 1780-1843. Engravings of sepulchral brasses AE8 in Norfolk and Suffolk. 1838. C82 Weale, John. i792(?)-i862. Archaeology; portfolio, or selection of curious and quaint designs AM7 of art and of interesting ornamental subjects. ^37 London, 1858-59. Sq. F. 26 p. ill. 25 pi. Divers works of early masters in Christian decoration ; . . . the AM7 biography ... of Albert Durer . . . with examples of ancient W37I painted and stained glass. . . London^ 1846. F. 6 2 v. ill. 50 pi. Monograms, old architectural ornament, sacred illustrations, bor- AK ders and alphabets, collected on the continent and in England. W37 London [1852]. F. 4 17 pi. Weale, John, i792(?)-i862, compiler. Designs and examples of cottages, villas and country houses, AE2 being the studies of ... eminent architects and builders. . . ^37 London, 1857. Q- 8 P- 6 7 P 1 - Weale John, i792(?)-i862, editor. AA See Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. Q2 See Studies and examples of the modern school of English archi- AH42 tecture. Lg2i Weale, Rev. Wfilliam] H[enry] James. Hans Memlinc, a notice of his life and works. [London] 1865. AW Nar. Q. 21 p. (Arundel society. Publications.) M5i Weale, Rev. William Henry James, editor. See Le beff roi ; arts, heraldique, archeologie. 1863-73. B39 69 logo AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Weale s rudimentary series. London, 1859-93. D. 15 v. ill. BEATON, A. C. Quantities and measurements. 1878. BROOKS, S. H. Rudimentary treatise on the erection of dwelling houses. 1860. BUCHAN, W. P. Plumbing. 1892. BUCHAN, W. P. Ventilation. 1891. CAMPIN, F. Materials and construction. 1891. COLLINGS, G. Circular work in carpentry and joinery. 1890. Coi. LINGS, G. Practical treatise on handrailing. 1890. COLLINGS, G. Roof carpentry. 1893. DOBSON, E. Rudiments of the art of building. 1881. FACEY, J. W. Elementary decoration. 1882. GAKBETT, E. L. Rudimentary treatise on design. 1867. LEEDS, W. H. Rudimentary architecture. 1874. ROBISON, J. 1739-1805, PRICE, F., and TREDGOLD, T., 1788-1829. Carpentry and joinery of roofs. 1859. TARN, E. W. Science of building. 1890. WIGHTWICK, G. Hints to architects. 1880. [Weare, Thomas William]. Some remarks upon the church of Great Haseley, Oxfordshire; AH42 read at a meeting of the Oxford society for promoting the study H2/ of Gothic architecture, Nov. 19, 1839 with extracts from Delafield s ms. in the Bodleian library, entitled Notitia Hasleiana. 2d edition. [Anon.] Oxford, 1848. O. u + [4] + i59p. ill. i9pl- Weatherley, William Samuel, and Brindley, William. AE8 Ancient sepulchral monuments. 1887. B/7 Weaver, Henry. Hints on cottage architecture ... a selection of designs for la- AE2 bourers cottages. .. 3 d ed. Bath, 1854. Q. i3 + [i8] p. 9 pi. Weaver, R[obert]. Monumenta antiqua; or, The stone monuments of antiquity yet AR42 remaining in the British Isles. . . A24 London, 1840. O. 16+199 p. 4 pi. Webb, Rev. Benjamin, translator. See Durand, Guillaume, bishop. 1237-96. Symbolism of AX churches and church ornaments. 1893. 093 Webb, Rev. Benjamin, and Neale, Rev. J. M., 1818-66. AE Du symbolisme dans les eglises du moyen age. 1847. Webb, Philip Carteret. 1700-70. Account of a copper table, containing two inscriptions in the AP Greek and Latin tongues, discovered in ... 1732, near Heraclea W38 in the bay of Tarentum in Magna Graecia. London, 1760. Q. 10 p. 3 pi. Read at a meeting of the Society of antiquaries of London, 13 th " Dec., 1759. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1091 Weber, Johann Jakob. 1803-1880. See Illustrirte katechismen. 1891. Weber, S., editor. See Steyer (Austria) Culturhistorische ausstellung. 1884. AO4 Kunstgewerbliche gegenstande der ausstellung. 1885. St4 Webster, A[lphonso] W[illiam]. On the principles of sound; their application in the construction AJ of public buildings, particularly to the new houses of Parliament. . . W39 London, 1840. O. 8+iu p. i pi. Weckerling, August. Die romische abteilung des Paulus-museums der stadt Worms. . . AP Worms, 1885-87. O. 2 pts. in i v. 21 pi. and facsim. Zi Worms (Ger.) grossh. gymnasium und realschule. Programm. Weckherlin, W. van. Vases en gres des 16. et 17. siecles, composant . . . [sa] collection. AN2 La Haye [pref. 1860]. F. 4 [2] p. 41 pi. W4i Only 50 copies published. Wedding, Hermann, 1834-, editor. See Verein zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses. Jahresbericht. AC 1876-81. (In its Sitzungsberichte. 1877-82.) V583 See Verein zur beforderung des gewerbfleisses. Sitzungsberichte. AC 1877-82. 583 Wedmore, Frederick. 1844-. Masters of genre painting; being an introductory handbook to AO6 the study of genre painting. W4i London, 1880. O. 7+[3] + 238 p. 16 pi. See Williams, J. Haynes. Fontainebleau, with an introduction AH44 by Frederick Wedmore. 1890. ^73 5 Weerth, E[rnst] aus m. 1829-. Das bad der romischen villa bei Allenz, hrsg. vom vorstande des AP Vereins von alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. W723 Bonn, 1861. Q. 20 p. i pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1861. Der grabfund von Wald-Algesheim erlautert . . Bonn, 1870. Q. 35 P- 4 ill- 6 pi. W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1870. Kunstdenkmaler des christlichen mittelalters in den Rheinlanden. AH43 Leipzig, 1857-80. F. 5 v. in 2. ill. 55 pi. and Atlas to v. 1-3, A4 F. 8 63 pi. 1092 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Weerth, E[rnst] aus m. 1829-. Der mosaikboden in St. Gereon zu Coin restaurirt und gezeichnet AH43 von T. Avenarius, nebst den damit verwandten mosaikboden C/I5 Italiens, [hrsg. vom] Vereine von alterthumsfreunden im Rhein- lande. Bonn, 1873. F. 6 22 p. ill. 12 pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1872-73. Die munsterkirche zu Bonn. (In Bonn; beitrage zu seiner ge- AH43 schichte. 1 868. 20 p. ill. 2 pi.) 6645 Das siegeskreuz der byzantinischen kaiser Constantinus VII., AH43 Porphyrogenitus und Romanus II., und derhirten-stab des apostels L62 1 Petrus; zwei kunstdenkmaler byzantinischer und deutscher arbeit des 10. jahrhunderts in der domkirche zu Limburgan der Lahn. . . Bonn, 1866. F. 6 23 p. ill. 4 pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1866. Weever, John. 1576-1632. Antient funeral monuments of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the AE8 islands adjacent, with the dissolved monasteries therein con- W4i tained. . . London, 1767. Q. [io] + i77+6o8 p. ill. I por. 5 pi. I tab. Wegele, H. Die hauptbahnhofs-anlagen in Frankfurt a. M. und das Empfangs AH43 gebaude des hauptbahnhofs von H. Eggert. F85I Berlin, 1892. F. 5 74 p. ill. 12 pi. 3 maps. From Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1891. v. 41. Wegelin, [Adolf], 1810-81, Dielmann, [J. F.], 1809- 85, and Bamberger, [Fritz], 1814-73. AH43 Der rheinische tourist. [1850.] R34 2 Weichardt, Carl. Das stadthaus und die villa; entwiirfe enthaltend typen von mieth- AE2 hausern verschiedener stadte und lander, stadtische wohngebaude W42 . . . und . . . hauser mit ladeneinrichtungen. 2. aufl. Weimar, 1884. Sq. F. 8 p. 50 pi. Weichert, [Jonathan] August. 1788-1844. . . . De Medea oestro percita ad illustrandam imaginem vasculi AN2 prope Cannas in Italia reperti. Grimae, 1824. Sq. O. 25 p. ZT, Grimma (Ger.) fursten- und landes-schule. Programm. Weidenmann, J[acob]. Beautifying country homes; a handbook of landscape garden- AN8 ing... New York [c. 1870]. F. 4 40+ [26] p. ill. 24 pi. W42 Weigel, [Johann] A[ugust] Gjottlob]. 1773-1846. . . . Catalog der . . . sammlung von original-handzeichnungen aller AO6i schulen aus . . . [seinem] besitz ... 15 Mai, 1883 und folgende W42 tage . . . versteigert. . . " Stuttgart, 1883. Q. 3+177 p. 13 pi- COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1093 Weigel, [Theodor Oswald]. 1812-81. Die spielkarten der Weigel schen sammlung. AX Leipzig, 1865. F. 5 45 p. ill. 8 pi. W42 1 Weigel, T[heodor] O[swald], 1812-81, and Zester- mann, [A. C.] A., 1807-69. Die anfange der druckerkunst in bild und schrift; an deren friih- AX esten erzeugnissen in der Weigel schen sammlung erlautert. \\ r 42 Leipzig, 1866. F. 4 2 v. ill. i por. 98 pi. 5 facsim. Weigert, S. tiber die berechnung der zur darstellung eines gewebes erforder- AC lichen garnmenge, nebst tabellen zur ermittelung der kett- und V583 schlussgarne in geweben. Berlin, 1845. Q- 43 P- 2 paged tab. Weigle, Carl, editor. AB See Architektonische rundschau. 1885-93. Ar28 Weil, Baruch. Description des cryptes du Departemcnt de 1 Oise. (In Societe AC academique d archeologie . . . du Departement de 1 Oise. So 19 Memoires. v. I, p. 182-190, pi. 8-11.) Weil, Rudolf. Die kiinstlerinschriften der sicilischen miinzen. AP Berlin, 1884. Q. 32 + [4] P- ill- 3 pi- ^722 Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, no. 44. Uber die ausgrabungen in Olympia. (In Deutsches archaologi- AR495 sches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 2, p. G8i 155-170; v. 3, p. 208-228.) Weinbrenner, Friedrich. 1766-1826. Architektonisches lehrbuch. AA Tubingen, 1810-19. F. 5 3 v. in i, and Atlas. 103 pi. W43 Contents: v. i. Geometrische zeichnungslehre, licht- und schattenlehre. v. 2. Perspectivische zeichnungslehre. v. 3. t)ber die hohere baukunst. Uber theater in architektonischer hinsicht, mit beziehung auf plan AH43 und ausfuhrung des neuen hoftheaters zu Carlsruhe. KH Tubingen, 1809. Sq. O. [4] + 34+[3] P- 3 pi- Weingartner, Wilhelm. Ursprung und entwicklung des christlichen kirchengebaudes. . . AE Leipzig, 1858. O. !2+i42+[i]p. W43 Weiss, J[ohann] M[artin]. Representation des fetes donnees par la ville de Strasbourg pour AW2 la convalascence du roi. . . Paris [1745]- F - 7 2O P- 1 1 P 1 W 43 69 * 1094 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Weiss, Edmund. 1837-. Albrecht Diirer s geographische, astronomische und astrologische tafeln. (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des aller- hochsten kaiserhauses. v. 7, pt. I, p. 207-220.) Weiss, Karl. 1826-. Geschichte der Rathhaus-kapelle zu St. Salvator in Wien, hrsg. aus anlass der am 14. Nov. 1861 stattfindenden feier ihrer fiinf- hundert-jahrigen einweihung. [Anon.] Wien, 1 86 1. Q. 51 p. 14 ill. Der romanische speisekelch des stiftes Wilten in Tirol nebst einer iibersicht der entwickelung des kelches im mittelalter. (In Austria Central-commission . . . der baudenkmale. Jahrbuch. 1860. v. 4, p. 1-38. 6 pi.) Weiss, Karl, 1826-, editor. See Austria Centralcom mission zur erforschung und erhaltung der baudenkmale. Mittheilungen. 1856-63. v. 1-8. Weissbach, Karl, and Lottermoser, E[rnst]. Architektonische motive fur den ausbau und die dekoration von gebauden aller art nach beendigtem rohbau . . . unter mitwir- kung von W. Liibke. Leipzig, 1871. F. 4 10 p. 30 pi. Weisse, Richard, editor. Dresdner alte schmiedearbeiten des barock und rococo. . . Dresden [1892]. F. 5 30 pi. Weisshaupl, R. Attische grablekythos. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 15, p. 40-63. i pi.) Weisshaupl, Rudolf. Die grabgedichte der griechischen anthologie. Wien, 1889. O. [4] + 106+ [6] p. (In Abhandlungen des Archaologisch-epigra- phischen seminares der Universitat Wien. 1889. pt. 7.) Der weisskunig. See Maximilian I., emperor of Germany. 1459-1519. (In Jahr- buch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiser- hauses. v. 6.) Weizsacker, H. Das pferd in der kunst des quattrocento. (In Jahrbuch der Konig- lich preussischen kunstsammlungen. v. I, p. 4057, 157-172.) Welcker, F[riedrich] Q[ottlieb]. 1784-1868. Die composition der polygnotischen gemalde in der Lesche zu Delphi; eine in der Koniglichen akademie der wissenschaften zu Berlin gelesene abhandlung. Berlin, 1848. Q. 71 p. 2 pi. AB JIQI AH436 692 AC Au7i AC Au7 AK W43 AM2 W43 AR495 G8i AP Ab4 AB Ji9i AB J 1 9 2 AR495 038 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1095 Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1784-1868, editor. See Muller, K. O. 1797-1840. Handbuch der archaologie der AO kunst. 1878. MQII See Zeitschrift fiir geschichte und auslegung der alten kunst. AB 1818. v. i. Z3I7 Wellbeloved, Rev. Charles. 1769-1858. Hand-book to the antiquities in the grounds and museum of the AO2 Yorkshire philosophical society. . . 7th edition [enlarged]. Y8 York, 1 88 1. Nar. D. 171 p. ill. i pi. Some account of the ancient and present state of the abbey of St. AH42 Mary, York. London, 1825. F. 6 17 p. 9 pi. (In Society of A45 antiquaries of London, pub. Vetusta monumenta. v. 5.) Read before the Society of antiquaries, 5 th March, 1825. Wellhausen, Ed[uard]. Vornehmes heim; decoration und moblirung von herrenzimmern, AK wohnzimmern, speisezimmern . . . etc. ^45 Berlin, no date. F. 5 [4] p. 30 pi. Wells, Nathaniel Armstrong. Picturesque antiquities of Spain described in a series of letters, AH46 with illustrations representing . . . palaces, cathedrals and other A 5 monuments of art ... in ... Burgos, Valladolid, Toledo and Seville. London, 1846. Q. 9+437 p. ill. 10 pi. Welser, Markus. 1558-1614. Rervm Avgvstanarum Vindelicarum libri octo. AR43 Venetiis, Aldus, 1594. F. [6] + 377 p. ill. Au4 Welshpool (Wales) Powysland club. See Powys-land club. Weltmann, A. F. See Velt man, Aleksandr Thedorovich. 1800-71. Weltzien, V. von. See Qropius, M. K. P., 1824-80, and Schmieden, , architect. AH43 Das stadtische allgemeine krankenhaus im Friedrichshain zu 6451 Berlin; text bearbeitet von V. von Weltzien. 1876. Weltzien, V. von, editor. See Qropius, M. K. P., 1824-80, and Schmieden, , architect. AH43 Das zweite Garnison-Lazareth fur Berlin bei Tempelhof. 1879. 6464 Wenckeback, Willem. -1847. Disputatio mathematica inauguralis de pontium lapideorum forma AE$ et mensuris ex aequilibrii doctrina determinandis. Amstelodami, 1830. O. [5] + i i6+0] p. 2 pi. Doctor s dissertation at Amsterdam (Holland) university. 1096 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wernicke, Ernst, editor. See Otte, Heinrich. 1808-. Handbuch der kirchlichen kunst- AR43 archaologie des deutschen mittelalters. 188385. Ai Wernicke, Konrad. Die griechischen vasen mit lieblingsnamen. . . AN2 Halle a. S., 1889. O. pt. i. Z4 Inaugural essay at Halle (Ger.) university. Wertmiiller, H. Zeller=. See ZelIer=WertmiiHer, H. Wessely, J[oseph] E[duard]. 1826-. Abraham Blooteling; verzeichniss seiner kupferstiche und schab- AY kunstblatter. Leipzig, 1867. O. 92 p. B62 From Archiv fur die zeichnenden kiinste. v. 13. Jan de Visscher und Lambert Visscher, verzeichniss ihrer kupfer- AY stiche. Leipzig, 1866. O. 93 p. V822 Das ornament und die kunst-industrie in ihrer geschichtlichen AK entwickelung auf dem gebiete des kunstdruckes. W5 I Berlin, 1877-78. F. 4 3 v. 300 pi. Wessely, Joseph Eduard, 1826- editor. See Klassiker-bibliothek derbildenden kiinste; klassikerder bau- kunst. See Klassiker-bibliothek der bildenden kiinste; klassiker der plastik. West, Q[eorge] Herbert. On the history and development of Gothic vaulting. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers, 1874-75. p. 31-52.) R8i Westall, William. 1781-1850. Great Britain illustrated, a series of original views . . . with de- AH42 scriptions by T. Moule. . . A9i London [1830]. Q. 6+n8p. 59 pi. Westall, William, 1781-1850, illustrator. AX See History of Carisbrook castle, Isle of Wight. Z Westcott, Thompson. 1820-88. Historic mansions and buildings of Philadelphia with some notice AH73 of their owners and occupants. . . A7 Philadelphia [c. 1877]. O. 528 p. ill. I pi. Western association of architects. AC See American institute of architects. Am3 The two societies were consolidated at a meeting held in Cincinnati, 1889. COLUMIBA COLLEGE 1097 Westlake, N. H. J. History of design in painted glass. . . AM? London, 1881-86. F. 5 3 v. in I. ill. W$2 On some ancient paintings in churches of Athens. (In Archaeo- AB logia. v. 51, p. 173-188. 6 pi.) Ar2 Westminster abbey, its history, antiquities and tombs; a hand-book guide for visitors. London [1864]. D. Unpaged, ill. 2 paged pi. [Weston, Rev. Stephen. 1747-1830.] Viaggiana; or, Detached remarks on the buildings, pictures, AH45 statues, inscriptions, etc. of ancient and modern Rome. . . [Anon.] R825 London, 1790. D. [6] + 2O2 + [i] p. Westropp, Hodder M. -1884. Early and imperial Rome; or, Promenade lectures on the archae- AR45 ologyofRome. London, 1884. O. 5 + 246 p. ill. R663 Epochs of painted vases; an introduction to their study. AN2 London, 1856. Q. [3]+24 p. 9 pi. W52 Handbook of archaeology, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman. AP London, 1867. O. 16+458 p. ill. 9 pi. W52 Eight photographs and plates inserted. Pre-historic phases; or, Introductory essays on pre-historic AP archaeology. London, 1872. O. 23 + 202 p. ill. 6 pi. W52I Westwood, J[ohn] O[badiah]. 1805-93. Fac-similes of the miniatures and ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and AK Irish manuscripts, drawn on stone by W. R. Tymms. . . W52 London, 1868. F. 6 15 + 155 p. 53 facsim. Lapidarium Walliae; the early inscribed and sculptured stones of AR429 Wales delineated and described. Ai Oxford, 1876-79. Q. 8 + 246+0] P- ill- 101 pi. Westwood, John Obadiah, 1805-93, compiler. See South Kensington (Eng.) museum. Descriptive catalogue AN6 of the fictile ivories in the . . . Museum, with an account of the So82 continental collections of classical and mediaeval ivories by J. O. Westwood. 1876. Wethered, Charles. Viollet-le-Duc: a further sketch of his life and works. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, R8i p. 62-76.) Wettbewerb=entwiirfe fur den neubau des grossherzog- AH43 lichen museums in Darmstadt. 025 Darmstadt, 1892. Obi. F. [4] p. 25 pi. 1098 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wey, Francis [Alphonse]. 1812-82. Rome, with an introduction by W. W. Story. AH45 New York, 1872. F. 23 + 5529. ill. 72 pi. i map. R8i3 Weyerman, Jacob Campo. 1679-1747. De levens-beschryvingen der nederlandsche konst-schilders en AW konst-schilderessen. W54 s Gravenhage, v. 4 Dordregt, 1729-69. Q. 4 v. 41 por. I pi. Weyr, Rudolf. 1847-. Haus Habsburg und sein kunstleben; acht reliefs im kuppeltam- AH436 bour des Kunsthistorischen hof-museums zu Wien, mit erlautern- V688 dem text von A. Ilg. Wien, 1892. Obi. F. [5] p. 8 pi. Zwickel-figuren an dem . . . Kunsthistorischen hof-museum in AH436 Wien. 3. aufl. Wien, no date. Obi. O. 22 pi. V68i Weyr, Rudolf, 1847-, Benk, Johannes, 1844-, and Tilgner, Victor. Figuraler schmuck im kuppelraume und den salen des K. k. natur- AH436 historischen hof-museums in Wien. 1890. 684 Weyr, Rudolf, 1847- Benk, Johannes, 1844- and Kundmann, Karl, 1838-. Figuraler schmuck im kuppelraume und dem stiegenhause des K. AH436 k. kunsthistorischen hof-museums in Wien. 1892. V687 Wharncliffe, [John Stuart= Wort ley], 2^ baron. 1801-55. Sketches in Egypt and in the Holy Land, taken during . . . 1855. AH62 London, 1855. F. 6 [3] p. 17 pi. Ai8 Privately printed. Wheater, W[illiam]. Some historic mansions of Yorkshire and their associations. AH42 Leeds, 1888-89. Q- 2 v. 50 pi. 83 No. 168 (v. i) and 169 (v. 2.) of 300 copies printed. Wheatley, Henry B[enjamin]. 1838- AH42 The Adelphi and its site. London, 1885. Q. 17 p. 6 ill. L878 Handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. AN2 London, 1886. O. 8+124 p. ill. 4 pi. W$6 Handbook of decorative art in gold, silver, enamel on metal, AN2 porcelain and earthenware. W56i London, 1884. O. [i4]+i24+[i59J p. ill. 4 pi. Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall; or, A ramble from the AH42 Haymarket to Hyde Park. . . L89I London, 1870. O. 11+405 p. ill. 4 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1099 Wheatley, Henry Benjamin, 1838-, editor. AH 4 2 See Cunningham, Peter. 1816-69. London, 1891. 1.944 See Smith, William. I55o(?)-i6i8. Particular description of AH42 England, 1588. 1879. Wheatley, Richard. Cathedrals and abbeys in Great Britain and Ireland. . . AH42 New York, 1890. F. 5 17 + 272 p. ill. A22 Wheeler, Gervase. Choice of a dwelling; a ... handbook of . . . information on all AE2 points connected with hiring, buying or building a house. . . W56i London, 1871. D. 12 + 299 p. ill- 4 pl- Homes for the people in suburb and country . . . with examples AE2 showing how to alter and remodel old buildings. . . W56 New York, 1858. O. 10+443 p. ill- 1 1 pi. Peculiarities of domestic architecture in America. (In Royal in- AC stitute of British architects. Papers. 1867-68^.117-128,167- R8i 189. 6 pi.) Wheeler, William Arthur, and Fuller, A. W. AE2 Artistic homes in city and in country, c. 1882-91. F95 Whewell, Rev. W[illiam]. 1794-1866. Architectural notes on German churches. New edition, to which AH43 is ... added, Notes written during an architectural tour in Picardy A54 and Normandy. Cambridge, 1835. O- 36+235 p. ill. 4 pi. On certain analogies between architecture and the other fine arts. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1862-63, p. R8i 175-189.) Whichcord, John. History and antiquities of the collegiate church of All Saints, AA Maidstone. (In Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. Q2 2 5 P- 13 pl.) Observations on the polychromatic decoration of the middle ages. AA (In Quarterly papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - 4- 1 S P-) Q 2 Whichcord, John, and Ashpitel, Arthur, 1807-69. Town dwellings. 1855. Whitaker, Rev. John. 1735-1808. Ancient cathedral of Cornwall historically surveyed. AH42 London, 1804. Q. 2 v. 2 pl. C8i2 White, Frederick] Meadows. Recent legal decisions affecting architects. (In Royal institute of AC architects. Transactions. 1887-88. n. s. v. 4, p. 103-121.) R8i i ioo AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY White, John. Catalogue of . . . [his] collection of . . . coins and medals . . . sold AMi . . . 27-28th Feb. |jd-4th and 12-1 4th March] 1788. . . Ws8 [London] 1788. O. 3 pts. in i v. White, John, architect. Rural architecture, illustrated in a new series of designs for orna- AE2 mental cottages and villas. . . W58 Glasgow, 1845. F. 5 [3] +6 1 p. 90 pi. White, John Theodore Dupont-. 1801-51. See Dupont- White, John Theodore. 1801-51. White, Capt. T[homas Pilkington]. Archaeological sketches in Scotland. . . AR4I Edinburgh, 1873. F. 4 v. i. 53 pi. map. A6 Contents: vol. i. District of Kintyre. White, William, architect. Notes on Newland church, Gloucestershire, with remarks on church AC restoration and arrangements. (In Royal institute of British ar- R8i chitects. Papers. 1863-64, p. 29-42. 2 pi.) On the measurement of the obstruction of ancient lights. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Papers. 1866-67, P- 1 7~ R8i 36. 2 pi.) Wisby in the island of Gotland. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1885. n - s - v - 2 > P- 66-79. 1 7 pi-) R8i White, William. Symbolism, its practical benefits and uses. (In Exeter diocesan AC architectural society. Transactions. 1853. v. 4, p. 304322.) Ex3 White, William H[enry]. 1845-. Architecture and public buildings; their relation to school, acad- A A emy and state in Paris and London. W58 Paris, 1884. O. 8 + 216 p. 2 pi. Brief review of the education and position of architects in France AC since. .. 1671. (In Royal institute of British architects. Trans- R8i actions. 1883-84, p. 93-120. 4 pi.) On government architecture in Bengal. (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1873-74, p. 141-156.) R8i On middle-class houses in Paris and central London. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1877-78, p. 21-54.) R8i On "The hope of English architecture." (In Royal institute of AC British architects. Papers. 1874-75, p. 53-77.) R8i Whittington, Rev. G[eorge] D[owning]. Historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France ... to AD6 illustrate the rise and progress of Gothic architecture in Europe. W6i London, 1809. Sq. F. i5 + [2]+i88p. i pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE noi Whittock, Nathaniel. Decorative painters and glaziers guide; containing . . . methods of imitating . . . fancy woods . . . marbles . . . designs for decorat- W6i mg apartments . . . [and] information on the art of staining and painting on glass. . . 3d e d. enlarged. London, 1832. O. 364 p. 102 pi. Wibiral, Fr[iedrich]. L iconographie d Antoine Van Dyck, d apres les recherches de H. AY Weber. Leipzig, 1877. Nar. Q. [3]+i88 + [ 3 ] p. I por. 6 pi. 28 Wickenden, Rev. - - prebendary. The choir stalls of Lincoln cathedral. (In Associated architectural AC societies. Reports and papers, v. 15, p. 179-197.) As7 Wickes, C[harles]. Handy book of villa architecture ... a series of designs for villa AE2 residences... London, 1862. Sq. F. 8 + [i] + 8 p. 60 pi. W63 Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of AI England . . . [with] some observations on the architecture of the W63 middle ages and its spire-growth. . . London, 1853-59. F. 6 2 v. 52 pi. and Sup. [5] p. 20 pi. Wickhoff, Franz. Die ornamente eines altchristlichen Codex der Hofbibliothek. (In AB Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten Ji9i kaiserhauses. v. 14, pt. I, p. 196-213.) Wie soil sich der bautechniker eine zweckentsprechende AA ausbildung erwerben? . . . Halle a. d. S., 1892. O. 4+49 p. W634 (Deutscher techniker-verband. Preisschriften. v. i.) Wiebeking, [Karl Friedrich] von. 1762-1842. Analyse descriptive . . . des monumens de 1 antiquite, des edifices AA . . . des plus grandes rivieres . . . et des ports en Europe. . . W633 Munich, 1838-40. F. 5 v. 3 por. 85 pi. 6 maps and Atlas, Obi. F. 6 2v. 121 pi. 45 maps. Contents : v. 1-2. L ltalie. v. 3. La France. v. 4. La Hollande et la Grande-Bretagne. v. 5. La Belgique, la Suede, la Danemark, la Russie et la Pologne. Architecture civile, theorique et pratique, enrichie de 1 histoire AA descriptive des edifices anciens et modernes les plus remarquables W636 et de leurs dessins exacts. . . Munich, 1827-31. F. 7 v. I por. 98 pi. I tab. and Atlas, Obi. F. 6 [2] p. 173 pi. 4 tab. ^ Text of the atlas in German and French. Memoria sullo stato dell architettura civile nel medio-evo, estratta AA dalle notizie lette all Institute reale di Francia, traduzione . . . W635 del C. Amati. Milano, 1825. O. 37 p. I IO2 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wiegmann, R[udolf]. 1804-65. Die malerei der alten in ihrer anwendung und technik, insbe- AO6 sondere als decorationsmalerei ; nebst einer vorrede vom Hofrathe W63 K. O. Miiller. . . Hannover, 1836. D. i8+[i]+24; p. Wielemans, Alexander] von. 1843-. Der k. k. justiz-palast in Wien . . . text von H. Auer. Wien, 1885. AH436 F. 6 [13] p. 39 pi- (In Wiener monumental-bauten. 1885. v. 2.) 679 Wien vor 150 jahren; nach gleichzeitigen aufnahmen A A von Kleiner, etc., lichtdruck von J. Lovvy. Wien, 1890. F. 5 6322 [10] p. 134 pi. (In Bauschatz. 1890. ser. 3.) Wiener bauindustrie-zeitung ; organ des allgemeinen AB Wiener bautechniker-verein. W63I Wien, 1891-94. Sq. F. v. 9-11. pi. Wiener bautechniker-verein. See Wiener bauindustrie-zeitung; organ des allgemeinen Wiener AB bautechniker-verein. W63 1 Wiener mobel-album. ANi Wien, no date. F. 5 [3] p. 60 pi. W63 Wiener monumental-bauten. AH436 Wien, 1885. F. 2 v. u8pl. 679 Contents: v. i. NULL, E. VAN DER, and SICCARD VON SICCARDSBURG, A. VON. Das k. k. hof-opernhaus in Wien. v. 2. WIELEMANS, A. VON. Der k. k. justiz-palast in Wien. Wiener vorlegeblatter fur archaologische iibungen. AB 1888-91. Wien, 1889-91. F. 5 ill. W63 Edited by O. Benndorf. Wieseler, Friedrich [Julius August]. 1811-. Archaologischer bericht iiber seine reise nach Griechenland. AR495 Gottingen, 1874. Q. 72 pi. A7 From Gottingen (Ger.) Gesellschaft der wiss. Abhandlungen. v. 19. Der Hildesheimer silberfund. . . Bonn, 1868. Q. pt. I. 3 pi. AP W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1868. Das satyrspiel, nach maassgabe eines vasenbildes dargestellt. AO Gottingen, 1848. O. 208 p. W63 Reprinted from Gottinger studien. 1847. Theatergebaude und denkmaler des biihnenwesens bei den AE4 Griechen und Romern. Gottingen, 1851. Sq. F. 4+118 p. 14 pi. W63 Uber die thymele des griechischen theaters, eine archaologische AH495 abhandlung. Gottingen, 1847. O- 66 p. Zi COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1IO3 Wiethase, Heinrich. Der dom zu Coin . . . nach den photographischen aufnahmen von AH43 Anselm Schmitz. . . Frankfurt am Main, 1889. F- 6 22 p. 40 pi. C;i Wicke, Wilhelm, editor. AB See Architektonische bilderbogen. 1886-92. Ani Wiebeking, Karl Friedrich von. 1762-1842. Von dem einfluss, den die untersuchung und beurtheilende be- AF schreibung der baudenkmale des alterthums, des mittelalters und W63 der neuern zeit auf die erforschungen im gebiet der geschichte haben. . . Miinchen, 1834. Sq. F. 70 p. 20 pi. Read at a meeting of antiquaries held in Nuremberg, 25 Sept., 1833. Wigginton, W. Sanitary reform; model town dwellings for the industrious classes AE2 . . . [with] an essay on the sanitary movement. . . W63I London, 1850. F. 47 p. 8 pi. Wight, P[eter] B[onnett]. 1838-. National academy of design; photographs of the new building, AH73 with an introductory essay and description. N48i New York, 1866. Sq. F. 5 io+[i] p. 8 pi. Wightwick, George. Ancient and modern English Gothic architecture. (In Quarterly AA papers on architecture. 1844-45. v. 3, 12+18 p. 7 pi. and Q2 v. 4, 7 p.) Hints to young architects . . . with a model specification involving AA a great variety of instructive and suggestive matter. New ed. W63 enlarged by G. H. Guillaume. London, 1880. D. 10+330 p. ill. (Weale s rudimentary series.) On the architecture and genius of Sir Christopher Wren. (In Roy- AC al institute of British architects. Papers. 1858-59, p. 119-128.) R8i Wigley, George J. Archaeological studies in Jerusalem. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Papers. 1855-56^.93-110.) R8i Wignier, Ch[arles]. 1834- Monographie de la manufacture de faiences de Vron, arrondisse- AN2 ment d Abbeville . . . ornee de vingt-cinq sujets mis en couleur W63 et retouches a la main par Ris-Paquot. Abbeville, 1876. Q. 29+ [i] p. 8 pi. From Abbeville (France) Societe d e mulation. Me moires. 1876. Wilars de Honecort. fl. 1242. See Villard de Honnecourt. fl. 1242. 1 104 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wild, Charles. History and antiquities of the cathedral church of Lincoln. . . 2<1 AH42 ed. enlarged ... by J. Britton. L633 London, 1837. Q- 8+48 p. 16 pi. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany AA and France; a series of 24 sketches drawn on the spot. . . W65 London, 1843. F. 4 16 p. 24 pi. Twelve etched outlines selected from the architectural sketches AA made in Belgium, Germany and France. W642 London, 1833. F. 4 [s]+8 p. 12 pi. Wilde, Sir William Robert Wills, M. D., 1796-1869, compiler. See Royal Irish academy Museum. Descriptive catalogue of the AR4I5 antiquities in the museum of the Royal Irish academy. 1863. A3 Wilhelm, Johann. Architectura civilis; oder, Beschreibung und vorreissung vieler AI vornehmer dachwerck, als hoher helmen, kreutzdacher, wieder- W64 kehrungen, welscher hauben, auch kelter fallbriicken. . . Nurnberg [1668]. F. 2 v. in I. 71 pi. Wilhelmi, [Johann David] Karl. 1786-1857. Beschreibung der vierzehn alten deutschen todtenhugel welche AR43 in ... 182728, bey Sinsheim . . . geoffnet wurden. . . Si6 Heidelberg, 1830. O. 10+182 p. 4 pi. Wilisch, Erich. 1843-. Die altkorinthische thonindustrie. Leipzig, 1892. O. 8+176 p. AO 8 pi. (In Beitrage zur kunstgeschichte. n. s. pt. 15.) 639 Wilke, , and Verbeet, . Verzameling van arabesken, ornamenten and versierselcn van AK vroeger en later tijd. s Hertogenbosch, 1846. F. 72 pi. W6$ Wilkins, William. 1 788-1 839. Antiquities of Magna Graecia. AH495 Cambridge, 1807. F. 6 [28] +74+ [2] p. ill. 73 pi. A6 Atheniensia; or, Remarks on the topography and buildings of AH495 Athens. London, 1816. O. 8 + [2] + 2i8 p. I pi. map. At6i Essay toward a history of the Venta Icenorum of the Romans, AB and of Norwich castle; with remarks on the architecture of the Ar2 Anglo-Saxons and Normans. (In Archaeologia. v. 12, p. 132- 180. 23 pi.) Wilkins, William, 1778-1839, translator. AA See Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. Civil architecture. 1812. V83I COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1105 Wilkinson, Sir Gardner. 1798-1875. See Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. 1798-1875. Wikinson, George, architect. Practical geology and ancient architecture of Ireland. AH4I5 London, 1845. Nar. Q. 8+348+44 p. ill. 16 pi. AS Wilkinson, Sir [John] Gardner. 1798-1875. AP Etruscan tomb at Cervetri, the ancient Caere. O. 35 p. 6 pi. W6$ Long and short work; a paper read at Sleaford, June 3d, 1863. AP O. i2 + [i] p. 2 pi. Z No title-page. From Lincoln diocesan architectural society. On some of the vestiges of the Britons near Hathersage. O. p. 159-166. ill. 2 pi. On the decrease of the level of the Nile and on Egyptian fortifica tion. O. 16 p. ill. From Royal society of literature. Transactions, n. s. v. 4. [Wilkinson, Robert]. Londina illustrata; graphic and historic memorials of monasteries, AH42 churches, chapels, schools, charitable foundations, palaces ... in L868 the cities and suburbs of London and Westminster. [Anon.] London [1819-25]. F. 4 2 v. 202 pi. 3 facsim. Willard, S[olomon]. 1783-1862. Plans and sections of the obelisk on Bunker s hill. . . AE8 Boston, 1843. F. 31 p. 14 pi. W66 Willebrand, H., Stiller, F. A., 1800-65, and Prosch, E. AH43 Das schloss zu Schwerin. 1869. Sch9 Willement, Thomas. Concise account of the principal works in stained glass that have AM7 been executed by Thomas Willement of London. . . W66 [London] 1840. Sq. O. 75 p. I pi. Privately printed. Willemin, Nficolas] Xfavier]. 1763-1833. Monuments francais inedits pour servir a 1 histoire des arts depuis AN6 le 6 e siecle jusqu au commencement du I7 e ; choix de costumes . . . W66 d armes, armures, instruments de musique, meubles . . . et de decoration . . . des maisons . . . accompagnes d un texte par A. Pottier. Paris, 1839. F. 4 2 v. 300 pi. Willemsen, A. H. Le tresor sacre de S. Servais a Maestricht. . . AH492 Maestricht [1874]. O. 3$ + [2] p. ill- M26i Willett, Ernest H. Ancient British coins of Sussex. (In Sussex archaeological society. AC Collections, v. 29, p. 72-113; v. 30, p. 1-30. 6 pi.) Su8 70 no6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Willett, Ralph. 1721-95. Description of the library at Merly in the county of Dorset. AK London, 1785. F. 6 [4J+i4p. 25 pi. W66 Title-page and text in English and French. William Wyrcestre, pseudonym. See Dallaway, Rev. James. 1763-1834. Williams, Rev. George. 1814-78. The holy city; historical, topographical and antiquarian notices AH$6() of Jerusalem. 2d e d. enlarged including An architectural history 5496 of the church of the Holy Sepulchre by Rev. R. Willis. London, 1849. O. 2 v. ill. 23 pi. Williams, Rev. H. J. On the Druidical remains of the ancient Britons. (In Associated AC architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 2, p. 406-422. As7 Williams, H[ugh] W[illiam]. Select views in Greece, with classical illustrations. London, 1892. Q. 2 v. in i. 64 pi. Reprint of the edition of 1829. Travels in Italy, Greece and the Ionian islands, in a series of letters descriptive of manners, scenery and the fine arts. Edinburgh, 1820. O. 2 v. 19 pi. One page of music. Williams, [J.] Frederick Lake. Historical and topographical description of the municipium of ancient Verulam; the martyrdom of St. Alban . . . [with] informa- tion on the early ecclesiastical history of the kingdom. . . St. Albans, 1822. D. 2 v. in I. ill. 4 pi. Williams, J. Haynes=. Fontainebleau ; fifteen photogravures, with an introduction by Frederick Wedmore. London, 1890. Sq. F. 21 p. 15 pi. No. 75 of 150 copies printed. Williams, John. Ancient and modern Denbigh, a descriptive history of the castle, borough and liberties. . . Denbigh, 1856. O. [3] + 362 p. 3 pi. Williams, John, of School House, Spitalfields. Essay on the hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians. London, 1836. O. [4] +94+ [2] p. 3 pi. Williams, Richard Lloyd, and Underwood, M. Village churches of Denbighshire; illustrated by perspective, geometrical and detail drawings. Denbigh [1872]. Obi. F. [3] p. 60 pi. AH495 A23 AH45 A54 AR42 Sa2 AH44 F735 AH429 0411 AR62 Zi AH429 041 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1107 Williams, Stephen W. Cistercian abbey of Strata Florida, its history and an account of the recent excavations made on its site. London, 1889. O. [io]+229+i32 p. ill. 23 pi. Williams, William. Oxonia depicta; sive, Collegiorum et aularum in inclyta academia Oxoniensi . . . delineatio, cui accedit unius cujusque collegii au- lasque notitia. [London, 1732-33.] F. 6 [i] p. 65 pi. Williamson, Edouard. 1839-. Les meubles d art du mobilier national. . . Paris, 1883-85. F. 5 2 v. 100 pi. Williamson, E[douard], 1839- and Champeaux, [L.] A. de., 1833-. Catalogue des objets appartenants au service du mobilier national. Paris, 1882. O. 63 p. (In Union centrale des arts decoratifs. Exposition. 1882. Exposition retrospective de 1882. v. I.) Willis, Browne. 1682-1760. History of the mitred parliamentary abbies and conventual cathe- dral churches . . . with . . . descriptions of their monuments and dimensions of their buildings. . . London, 1718-19. D. 2 v. Survey of the cathedral church of Bangor. . . London, 1721. O. [8]-f 372 p. 3 pi. Survey of the cathedral-church of Landaff. . . London [1718]. O. [4]+228+iop. 3 pi. Survey of the cathedral-church of St. Asaph. . . London, 1720. O. [8J + 3O7 p. Survey of the cathedral church of St. David s . . . with an account of the . . . bishops . . . of the see of St. David s. . . London, 1717. O. i8+2O2 + [6] p. 3 pi. Willis, Rev. Robert. 1800-75. Architectural history of Canterbury cathedral. London, 1845. O- 16+141 p. 9 pi- Architectural history of Chichester cathedral . . . with an intro- ductory essay on the fall of the tower and spire. Chichester, 1861. Sq. F. 7+24+39 p. ill. 10 pi. Read before the Archasological institute of Great Britain and Ireland ... at Chichester . . . 1853- Architectural history of Glastonbury abbey. Cambridge, 1866. O. 7+91 p. 7 pi. Read at the annual meeting of the Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, at Dorchester, Aug. 4, 1865. AH429 St8 AH42 ANi W6; AO4 Un32 AH42 A63 AH429 B22 AH429 L77 AH429 Sa2 AH429 Sa25 Ci6i AH42 C43 AH42 046 no8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Willis, Rev. Robert. 1800-75. Architectural history of the Holy Sepulchre. (In Williams, Rev. AH 569 George. Holy city. 1849. v - 2 , p. 129-294. ill. 5 pi.) J496 Architectural history of the university of Cambridge and of the AH42 colleges of Cambridge and Eton, ed. with . . . additions and Ci42 brought up to the present time by J. W. Clark. Cambridge, 1886. Q. 4 v. ill. 85 pi. Architectural history of Winchester cathedral. (In Archaeological AC institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings at the annual Ar2 meeting at Winchester. 1846. 79 p. ill. I pi.) Architectural history of Winchester cathedral. AH42 London, 1846. O. [s]+79 p. ill. i pi. A52 Read before the Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland ... at Winchester, Sept., 1845. Architectural history of York cathedral. AH42 London, 1848. O. 6+[2] + 59 p. ill. i pi. A$2 Read before the Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland ... at York, July, 1846. Architectural nomenclature of the middle ages. AF Cambridge [Eng.] 1844. Q. [4] + 86 p. 2 pi. i facsim. W67 Published by Cambridge (Eng.) antiquarian society. The crypt and chapter house of Worcester cathedral. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1862-63, p. 213-230+2. R8i On the characteristic interpenetrations of the flamboyant style. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1842. v. i, R8i pt. 2, p. 81-85. i pi.) On the construction of the vaults of the middle ages. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1842. v. i, pt. 2, R8i p. 1-69. 4 pi.) Remarks on the architecture of the middle ages, especially of AA Italy. Cambridge, 1835. O. 7 + [i] + 200 p. 15 pi. W67 Willis, Rev. Robert, 1800-75, editor and translator. See Villard de Honnecourt. fl. 1242. Facsimile of ... [his] AA sketch-book, with commentaries and descriptions by J. B. A. W64 Lassus and by J. Quicherat. 1859. Wiltshire, William. Stranger s guide to Hampton Court palace and gardens. . . AH42 London, 1870. D. 83 + [4] p. 2 por. 4 pi. Hi8i Wiltshire, William Hughes, M. D., compiler. See British museum. Descriptive catalogue of playing and AK other cards. 1876-77. 677 COLUMBIA COLLEGE IIO9 Willson, Edward James. See Pugin, A. N. W. 1811-52. Series of ornamental timber AA gables . . . with descriptive letter-press by E. J. Willson. 1839. ?96 Wilmowsky, J. N. von. Der dom zu Trier in seinen drei hauptperioden, der romischen, AH43 der frankischen, der romanischen. T/2I Trier, 1874. Sq. F. 7 [6] + 58 p. 26 pi. Text in quarto. Die romische villa zu Nennig und ihr mosaik, hrsg. von Verein AH43 der alterthumsfreunde im Rheinlande. N34 Bonn, 1864-65. F. 5 2 v. in I. 7 pi. Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1864-65. Wilpert, Joseph. 1857- Principienfragen der christlichen archaologie, mit besonderer be- AP rucksichtigung der "Forschungen" von Schultze, Hasenclever W68 und Achelis. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1889. Nar. Q. 8+103 p. 2 pi. Wilson, Arthur Needham. Extracts from the notes of a tour in Provence and Languedoc. AC (In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1887-88. R8i n. s. v. 4, p. 133-140. 4 pi.) Wilson, Charles Heath. -1882. See Pifferi, P., abate. Viaggio antiquario per la Via Aurelia da AR45 Livorno a Roma, con disegni analoghi di C. H. Wilson. 1832. Ai8 Wilson, Sir Charles W[illiam]. 1836-. Jerusalem, the holy city; with a new introduction. . . AH569 London, 1889. F. 4 22+ 120 p. ill. 5 pi. 1483 Wilson, Mrs. Corn well Baron=. 1797-1846. See Wilson, Mrs. Margaret Harries Baron-. 1797-1846. Wilson, Sir Daniel. 1816-92. Archaeology and prehistoric annals of Scotland. . . AR4I Edinburgh, 1851. Nar. Q. 26+[i]+7i4 p. ill. 6 pi. A7 Notice of St. Margaret s chapel, Edinburgh castle. (In Society of AC antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 21, p. 291316.) So2i St. Ninian s suburb, and the collegiate church of the Holy Trinity, AC founded at Edinburgh ... in 1462. (In Society of antiquaries of Soi2 Scotland. Proceedings, v. 18, p. 128-170.) Wilson, [Effingham]. Description of the New royal exchange, including a. . . notice of AH42 the former edifices; and a ... memoir of Sir Thomas Gresham. . . 1,937 London, 1844. D. 6+[i] + i32 p. ill. por. pi. 70* 1 1 io AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wilson, Erasmus, M. D. 1809-84. See Wilson, Sir William James Erasmus, M. D. 1809-84. Wilson, Frederick Richard. Architectural survey of the churches in the archdeaconry of Lin- AH44 disfarne in the county of Northumberland. . . L64 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1870. Sq. F. 7+200 p. 130 pi. Wilson, Harry. Fugitive sketches in Rome, Venice, etc. A A London, 1838. F. 6 [i] p. 13 pi. W69 Wilson, H[orace] H[ayman]. 1786-1860. Ariana antiqua; a descriptive account of the antiquities and coins AMi of Afghanistan, with a memoir on the buildings called topes by W69 C. Masson. London, 1841. Q. 16+452 p. 26 pi. map. Wilson, J. Mechanic s and builder s price book. . . AI New York, 1859 [c. 56]. D. 175 p. ill. W69 Wilson, Mrs. Margaret Harries Baron=, 1797-1846, editor. AB See New monthly Belle assemblee. 1834-46. N42 Wilson, Margaret Oliphant. 1828-. See Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). 1828-. Wilson, Sir [William James] Erasmus, M. D. 1809-84. Cleopatra s needle, with . . . notes on Egypt and Egyptian obe- AE8 lisks. London, 1877. O. 15+214 p. ill. i pi. W6g Egypt of the past. London, 1 88 1. O. 23+475 p. ill. 6 pi. AR62 A 3 8 Wilson, William Rae. 1773-1849. Records of a route through France and Italy; with sketches of AH45 Catholicism. London, 1835. O. i2 + [2]+472 p. 4 pi. A76 Wiltheim, Alexander. i6o4~74(?). Luciliburgensia; sive, Luxemburgum Romanum . . . opus post- AR43 humum a A. Neyen nunc primum in lucem editum. L97 Luxemburgi, 184142 [v. i, 42]. Q. 2 v. in i. 98 pi. map. [Wilton, Mary Margaret (Stanley) Egerton, countess of. -1858.] Book of costume; or, Annals of fashion from the earliest period AN4 to the present time, by a Lady of rank. New edition. London, 1847. O- 12+482 p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE mi Wiltshire topographical society, publisher. See Britton, John. 1771-1857. Essay on topographical litera- AR42 ture. [1843]. Ai 4 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim. 1717-68. Opere. . . Prima edizione italiana completa. AP Prato, 1830-34. O. 12 v. and Atlas, F. 5 i por. 199 pi. VV72I Contents : . 1-3. Storia dell arte presso gli antichi. 4-5. Monumenti antichi inediti. 6. Osservazioni sull architettura degli antichi. 7. Scritti relativi alle scoperte di Ercolano. Saggio sull allegoria. 8. Descrizione delle pietre incise del gabinetto del Barone di Stosch. 9-10. Lettere familiari. 11. Aggiunti alia Storia dell arte tratte da diversi autori. 12. Spiegazione delle tavole. Indici generali. Abbildungen zu J. Ws. Samtlichen werken. AP Donauoschingen, 1835. F. 5 I por. 28 pi. W72 Critical account of the situation and destruction by the first erup- AR45 tions of Mount Vesuvius, of Herculaneum, Pompeii and Stabia . . . in a letter (originally in German) to Count Bruhl, illustrated with notes, taken from the French translation [of M. Huberj. London, 1771. D. 6+125 p. Denkmale der kunst des altertums zu J. Ws. Samtlichen werken. AP Donauoschingen, 1835. F. 6 39 pi- W72 History of ancient art among the Greeks, translated from the AO German by G. H. Lodge. London, 1850. O. 20+254 p. 17 pi. W72 Lettre a le Comte de Briihl sur les decouvertes d Herculanum, AR45 traduit de 1 allemand. Dresde, 1764. Q. [4] + 107 p. ill. Monument! antichi inediti. See Raffei, Stefano. 1712-88. Dissertazioni da servire di sup- AH45 plemento all opera dei Monumenti antichi inediti di Giovanni R739 Winckelmann. 1821. Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 1717-68, editor. See Stosch, Philipp, baron von. 1691-1757. Choix des princi- AX pales pierres gravees de . . . [sa] collection. 1798-1805. St7 See Stosch, Philipp, baron von. 1691-1757. Descrizione delle AP pietre incise [di suo] gabinetto. 1831. (In Winckelmann, J. J. W72I Opere. 1830-34. v. 8.) Winckelmanns geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm; hrsg. vom vorstande des Vereines von alter- thumsfreunden im Rheinlande. 1845-88. Bonn, 1846-88. O., Q. and F. [31 nos.] ill. pi. 1875. ALDENKIRCHEN, J. 1844. Die kunst in Soest. 1875. Q. 9 pi. 1850. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Erklarung eines antiken sarkophags zu Trier. 1850. Q. I pi. i ii2 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Winckelmanns geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm. 1858. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Die Externsteine. 1858. Q. i pi. 1853. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Da s Judenbad zu Andernach. 1853. Q. i pi. 1852. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Jupiter Dolichenus. 1852. Q. i pi. 1849. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Die Kapitole. 1849. Q. 1859. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Kunstarchaologische betrachtungen iiber das portal zu Remagen. 1859. Q- 2 P^ 1859. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Das portal zu Remagen. 1859. Q. 2 pi. 1856. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Die Trojaner am Rheine. 1856. Q. 1857. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Der Wustenroder leopard. 1857. Q- I P 1 - 1855. [BRAUN, J. W. J. 1801-63.] Zur geschichte der thebaischen legion. 1855- Q- 1863. FIEDLER, F. A. M. 1790-1876. Die Gripswalder matronen- und Mercuriussteine. 1863. Q. i pi. 1862. FREUDENBERG, J. 1808-. Das denkmal des Hercules Saxanus. 1862. Q. i pi. 1874. GADECHENS, R. 1834-. Das Medusenhaupt von Blariacum. 1874. Q. i pi. 1860. JAHN, O. 1813-69. Die Lauersforter phalerae. 1860. Q. 3 pi. 1871. KELLER, O. 1838-. Vicus Aurelii. 1871. Q. 6 pi. map. 1847. LERSCH, J. H. L. 1811-49. Apollon, derheilspender. 1848. Q. I pi. 1845. [LERSCH. J. H. L. 1811-49.] Das Coiner mosaik. 1846. O. i pi. 1848. [LERSCH, J. H. L. 1811-49.] Das schwert des Tiberius. 1849. Q. i pi. 1851. [OvERBECK, J. A. 1826-.] Die romische villa bei Weingarten. 1851. Q. i pi. 1869. PETERS, F. Die burg-kapelle zu Iben. 1869. Q. 3 pi. 1846. [URLICHS, K. L. VON. 1813-.] Dreizehn gemmen. 1846. Q. i pi. 1867. URLICHS, K. L. VON. 1813-. liber die gruppe des Pasquino. 1867. Q. 4 pi. 1885. VEITH, Gen. maj. C. VON. Das romische Koln. 1885. Q. i map. 1888. [VEITH, Gen. maj. C. VON.] Das romische lager in Bonn. 1888. Q. 2 maps. 1861. WEERTH, E. AUS M. 1829-. Das bad der romischen villa bei Allenz. 1861. Q. i pi. 1870. WEERTH, E. AUS M. 1829-. Der grabfund von Wald-Algesheim. 1870. Q. 6 pi. 1872-73. WEERTH, E. AUS M. 1829-. Der mosaikboden in St. Gereon zu Coin. 1873. F. 6 12 pi. 1866. WEERTH, E. AUS M. 1829-. Das siegeskreuz. 1866. F.s 4 pi. 1868. WIESELER, F. J. A. 1811-. Der Hildesheimer silberfund. 1868. Q. pt. i, 3 pi. 1864-65. WILMOWSKY, J. N. VON. Die romische villa zu Nennig- 1864-65. FJ> 7 pi. Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. Programm, hrsg. vom vorstande des Vereines von alterthums- AP freunden im Rheinlande. W/22 Berlin, 1841-91. Q. no. 1-51 in 4 v. ill. pi. Contents: no. i. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867, Festgedanken an Winckelmann. 1841. 2 pi. no. 2. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Phrixos der Herold. 1842. i pi. no. 3. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Die heilungdes Telephos. 1843. i pi. no. 4. GERHARD, F.W. E. 1795-1867. Die schmiickung der Helena. 1844. i pi. no. 5. PANOFKA, T. S. 1800-58. Antikenkranz. 1845. i pi. no. 6. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Das orakel der Themis. 1846. i pi. no. 7. PANOFKA, T. S. 1800-58. Zeus Basileus und Herakles Kallinikos. 1847. i pi. no. 8. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Zwei Minerven. 1848. i pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE m^ Winckelmannsfest, Berlin. AP Programm. W;22 Contents : no. 9. PANOFKA. T. S. 1800-58. Delphi und Melaine. 1849. i pi. no. 10. GERHARD, F.W. E. i 795 -i86 7 . Mykenische alterthiimer. 1850 i pi no. ii. PANOFKA, T. S. 1800-58. Atalante und Atlas. 1851. i pi. no. 12. CURTIUS, E. 1814-. Herakles der satyr, i pi. no. 13. PANOFKA, T. S. 1800-58. Zur erklarung des Plinius. 1853. i pi. no. 14. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Danae. 1854. i pi. no. 15. PANOFKA, T. S. 1800-58. Phocus und Antiope. 1855. i pi. no. 16. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Winckelmann und die gegenwart 1856. i pi. no. 17. PANOFKA, T. S. 1800-58. Poseidon Basileus. 1857. i pi. no. 18. BOTTICHER, K. G. W. 1806-89. Das grab des Dionysos. 1858. i pi. no. 19. BOTTICHER, K. G. W. 1806-89. Der omphalos des Zeus zu Delphi. 1859. i pi. no. 20. LOHDE, L. Die skene der alten. 1860. i pi. no. 21. FRIEDERICHS, K. H. F. W. 1831-71. Apollon mit dem lamm. 1861 i pi. no. 22. GERHARD, F. W. E. 1795-1867. Thetis und Priumne. 1862. i pi. no. 23. FRIEDERICHS, K. H. F. W. 1831-71. Der Doryphoros des Polyklet. 1863. i pi. no. 24. BOTTICHER, K. G. W. 1806-89. Dirke als quelle und heroine. 1864. ipl. no. 25. JORDAN, H. 1833-86. Vesta und die Laren. 1865. i pi. no. 26. HUBNER, E. W. E. 1834-82. Relief eines romischen kriegers. 1866. i pi. no. 27. FRIEDERICHS, K. H. F.W. 1831-71. Amor mit dem bogen des Herkules. 1867. i pi. no. 28. HUBNER, E. W. E. 1834-82. Augustus. 1868. 2 pi. no. 29. CURTIUS, E. 1814-. Die knieenden figuren. 1869. i pi. no. 30. HEYDEMANN, H. G. D. 1842-. Humoristische vasenbilder. 1870. 2 pi. no. 31. ADLER, F. 1827-. Das Pantheon zu Rom. 1871. 3 pi. no. 32. HIRSCHFELD, G. 1847-. Athena und Marsyas. 1872. 2 pi. no. 33. HUBNER, E. W. E. 1834-82. Bildniss einer Romerin. 1873. 3 pi. no. 34. ADLER, F. 1827-. Die stoa des Konigs Attalos zu Athen. 1874. 4 pi. no. 35. TREU, G. D. K. 1843-. Griechische thongefasse. 1875. 2 pi. no. 36. TRENDELENBURG, A. 1844-. Der musenchor. 1876. i pi. no. 37. SCHILLBACH, R. Beitrag zur griechischen gewichtskunde. 1877. 2 pi. no. 38. CONZE, A. C. L. 1831-. Theseus und Minotauros. 1878. i pi. no. 39. ROBERT, K., 1850-. Thanatos. 1879. 3 pi. no. 40. FURTWANGLER, A. 1853-. Der satyr aus Pergamon. 1880. 3 pi. no. 41. DORPFELD, W., 1853, and others. (Jber die verwendung von terra- kotten. 1881. 4 pi. no. 42. MILCHHOFER, A. 1852-. Die befreiung des Prometheus. 1882. i pi. no. 43. FURTWANGLER, A. 1853-. Der goldfund von Vettersfelde. 1883. 3 pi. no. 44. WEIL, R. Die kiinstlerinschriften der sicilischen miinzen. 1884. 3 pi. no. 45. RICHTER, O. 1843-. Uber antike steinmetzzeichen. 1885. 3 pi. no. 46. HULSEN, C. Das Septizonium des Septimius Severus. 1886. 4 pi. no. 47. PUCHSTEIN, O. Das ionische capitell. 1887. no. 48. HERRMANN, F. Das graberfeld von Marion auf Cypern. 1888. 3 pi. no. 49. KEKULE, F. H. R. 1839-. Uber die bronzestatue des . . . Idolino. 1889. 4 pi. no. 50. ROBERT, K. 1850-. Homerische becher. WINTER, F. Ober ein vorbild neu-attischer reliefs. FURTWANGLER, A. 1853-. Eine argivische bronze. FURTWANGLER, A. 1853-. Orpheus. Attische vase aus Gela. no. 51. KOLDEWEY, R. Neandria. 1891. map. no. 52. KOPP, F. K. E. F. 1860-. Uber das bildnis Alexanders des Grossen. 1892. Winckelmannsprogramm, Halle. AP Halle, 1876-88. Q. 13 nos. ill. pi. W/24 Contents: no. i. HEYDEMANN, H. G. D. Zeus im gigantenkampf. 1876. i pi. no. 2. Die knochelspielerinim Palazzo Colonna zu Rom. 1877. ill. 2 pi. 1 1 14 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Winckelmannsprogramm, Halle. AP Halle, 1876-88. Q. 13 nos. ill. pi. W/24 Contents: no. 3. HEYDEMANN, H. G. D. Mittheilungen aus den antikensammlungen in Ober- und Mittelitalien. 1879. 6 pi. no 4. Verhiillte tanzerin. 1879. iN- * pi- no no no no no 5- Satyr- und Bakchennamen. 1880. i pi. 6. Gigantomachie auf einer vase aus Altamura. 1881. i pi. Terracotten aus dem Museo nazionale zu Neapel. 1882. 3 pi. Alexander der Grosse und Dareios Kodomannos auf unteritali- schen vasenbildern. 1883. i pi. 9. - Vase Caputi. 1884. 2 pi. 10. Dionysos geburt und kindheit. 1885. ill. i pi. ii. Jason in Kolchis. 1886. i pi. 12. Pariser antiken. 1887. 2 pi. 13. Marmorkopf Riccardi. 1888. 2 pi. Winckler, Arthur. Die wohnhauser der Hellenen; nach den quellen und den neuesten AE forschungen dargestellt. Berlin, 1868. O. 192 + [3] p. i pi. Wind, Ludwig. Miinchener muster-samlung fur kiinstler, gewerbtreibende und AK laien. Munchen, no date. Q. [3] p. 80 pi. W;2 Windus, Thomas. New elucidation of the subjects on the celebrated Portland vase AN2 formerly called the Barberini, and the sarcophagus in which it was W/2 discovered. . . London, 1845. F - 4 [3] p- + io6 col. [53] p. ill. 13 pi. Winfield, R. W., & co. Medieval metal work for ecclesiastical and domestic use. AM2 Birmingham, no date. F. 4 [3] p. 23 pi. W/2 Wing, Vincent. Enquiry concerning the founders and ancient monuments of AC Melton Mowbray church. (In Associated architectural societies. As7 Reports and papers, v. 8, p. 171-185.) Wingfield, Lewis Strange. 1842-1891. See South Kensington (Eng.) International health exhibition. AN4 1884. Notes on civil costume in England from the conquest to the So8 regency, as exemplified in the exhibition, by L. Wingfield. 1884. Winkles, B[enjamin], engraver. French cathedrals, from drawings taken on the spot by R. Gar- AH44 land, with an historical . . . account. A3 7 London, 1837. Q- [22]+i69+[i] p. 49 pi. Historical and descriptive account of the cathedral church of AH42 Gloucester. . . Gloucester, no date. Nar. Q. p. 17-31. 6 pi. G$n From H. and B. Winkles s Architectural illustrations of the cathedral churches of England. v. 3- COLUMBIA COLLEGE Winkles, H[enry], and B[enjamin], engravers. Winkles s Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathe- AH42 dral churches of England and Wales; drawings made ... by R. A65 Garland . . . with descriptions by T. Moule. London, 1836-38. Nar. Q. v. 1-2 in I. 119 pi. Vol. i has engraved title: Cathedral churches of Great Britain, vol. i; vol. 2: Cathedral churches of England and Wales, vol. ii. Winnefeld, Hermann. Hypnos; ein archaologischer versuch. AO8 Berlin, 1886. Nar. Q. [6] + 3 7 p. ill. 3 pi. W;3 Winnefeld, Hermann, compiler. See Carlsruhe (Ger.) Vereinigte sammlungen. Beschreibung AN2 der vasensammlung. 1887. Ki4 Winnefeld, Hermann, Judeich, Walther, and others. Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 81-99, G8i 412-428; v. 15, P- 355-4I9. 6 pi.) Winslow bros. co. Collection of photographs of "ornamental iron" executed by the Al2 Winslow bros. co. Photogravure edition. ^73 Chicago, 1893. Obi. O. 7 p. 141 pi. [Winston, Charles. 1814-64.] Inquiry into the difference of style ... in ancient glass paintings, AM7 especially in England, with hints on glass painting. [Anon.] W73I Oxford, 1847. O. 2 v. ill. 75 pi. Memoirs illustrative of the art of glass-painting. AM7 London, 1865. O. 14+^ + 362 p. ill. por. 14 pi. W73 On the application of painted glass to buildings in various styles AC of architecture. (In Royal institute of British architects. Papers. R8i 1853-54, P- u-30.) Winter, Franz. Grabmal von Lamptrae. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. AR495 Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 12, p. 105-118, pi. 2.) G8i Der kalbtrager und seine kunstgeschichtliche stellung. (In AR495 Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische G8i abtheilung. v. 13, p. 113-136.) Uber ein vorbild neu-attischer reliefs. (In Winckelmannsfest, AP Berlin. Programm, no. 50, p. [97]-! 24.) W722 Vasen aus Karien. (In Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mit- AR495 theilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 12, p. 223-244, pi. 6.) G8i iu6 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Winter, L. Die burg Dankwarderode zu Braunschweig. . . AH43 Braunschweig, 1883. F. 5 [6] + 80 p. ill. 20 pi. 6836 Winter, M. Die dachconstructionen nach den verschiedenartigsten formen und AI bedingungen. 2. aufl. W/3 Berlin [1862]. O. 80 p. and Atlas, F. 4 33 pi. Winterberg, Constantin. Lionardo da Vinci s malerbuch und seine wissenschaftliche und AB praktische bedeutung. (In Jahrbuch der Koniglich preussischen Ji92 kunstsammlungen. v. 7, p. 172-202.) Winterthur (Switzerl.) Historisch-antiquarischer verein. Chefs-d oeuvre de la peinture suisse sur verre, avec un texte ex- AM7 plicatif pas A. Hafner. W732 Berlin [pref. 1887]. F. 7 H+[i] p. 60 pi. Wiseman, [Nicholas Patrick Stephen], cardinal. 1802-65. Judging from the past and present, what are the prospects for AH42 good architecture in London? London, 1864. O. 41 p. L89 Lecture delivered in the South Kensington museum, 12 th of April, 1864. Pastoral letter enjoining the collection for the building of churches AH42 and schools in the archdiocese, on Trinity Sunday, 1864. L8p London, 1864. O. 20 p. Wismes, [Heracle Olivier Jean Baptiste], baron de. 1814-87. Le Maine et 1 Anjou, historiques, archeologiques et pittoresques; AH44 recueil des sites et des monuments . . . des departements de la A8 Sarthe, de la Mayenne et de Maine-et-Loire . . . accompagnes d un texte . . . par Wismes . . . [and others]. Nantes [1854-62]. F. 5 2 v. 108 pi. La Vendee. [Nantes, 1845-48.] F. 6 5 +38+ [86] p. 40 pi. AH44 V55 Wist, Johann. Studien iiber ausgefuhrte wiener bau-constructionen, aufgenom- AH436 men und autographirt. V694 Wien, 1872. F. 5 v. I, [4] +47 p. ill. 40 pi. Text in F. 4 No more published. Withers, Frederick Clarke. 1828- Church architecture; plans, elevations and views of twenty-one AH73 churches and two school-houses. . . A2 New York, 1873. F. 5 21 + [46] p. ill. 52 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE m 7 Withers, R. J. Church of the Holy Cross, Binstead, Isle of Wight. (In Quarterly AA papers on architecture. 1844-45. v - 4- 3 P- 6 pi.) Q2 Withrow, Rev. W[illiam] H[enry]. 1839- Catacombs of Rome and their testimony relative to primitive AR45 Christianity. . . New York, 1887 [c. 74]. D. 560 p. ill. R668 Witt, Simeon de. 1756-1834. See De Witt, Simeon. 1756-1834. Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, baron de. 1808-89. See Lecuyer, Camille. 1830-. Collection: Terres cuites antiques AO8 trouvees en Grece et en Asie-Mineure; notices de J. de Witte. C243 1882-85. Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, baron de, 1808- 1889, compiler. See Durand, E[dme Antoine], chevalier. Description des anti- AO2 quites et objets d art qui composent . . . [son] cabinet. 1836. D93 See Magnoncour, de. Description des vases peints et des AN2 bronzes antiques. 1839. M27 Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, baron de, 1808- 1889, editor. AB See Gazette archeologique. v. 1-13. 1875-88. 625 Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, baron de, 1808- 1889, and Lenormant, Charles, 1802-59. AN2 Elite des monuments ceramographiques. 1844-61. I>54 Wittmann, W. Zur theorie der gewolbe. (In Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. v. 29, AB p. 61-74. 4 pi.) Z3i Wittmann, W., editor. AB See Zeitschrift fur baukunde. 2318 [Witzleben, Karl August Friedrich von. 1773-1839.] Wanderungen durch die Sachsische Schweiz und durch die rei- AH43 zendsten gegenden Sachsens [ganz neu bearbeitet von J. Spor- schil]. [Anon.] 2. aufl. Leipzig [1840]. D. 168 p. 30 pi. (Das malerische und romantische Deutschland. sec. i.) Wlgrin de Taillefer, Henri Francois Alphonse Athanase, comte. See Taillefer, Henri Franfois Alphonse Athanase, comte Wilgrin de. 1761-1833. in8 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wocel, Jan Erazim. 1803-71. Die kirche des ehemaligen Cistercienser nonnenklosters Porta AC coeli zu Tis nowic. (In Austria Centralcommission . . . der Au/i baudenkmale. Jahrbuch, 1859. v. 3, p. 249-276. 4 pi.) Wochenblatt des architekten-vereins zu Berlin. AB See Deutsche bauzeitung. 1867. v. i. 0481 Wodderspoon, John. 1806-62. Memorials of the ancient town of Ipswich, in the county of Suf- AR42 folk. . . Ip6 Ipswich, 1850. Nar. Q. i6+[i]+4O3 p. 16 pi. map. I tab. Woillez, Eug[ene Joseph] . 1 8 1 1 -. Archeologie des monuments religieux de 1 ancien Beauvoisis AH44 pendant la metamorphose romane. . . A9 Paris, 1839-49. F- 5 Various paging, ill. 129 pi. map. Wolf, Lucien, compiler. AP See Anglo-Jewish historical exhibition. 1887. Catalogue. 1888. An4 Wolff, Alfred R. Addendum, containing a few empirical data on steam heating. (In AJ Briggs, Robert. Steam heating. 1888. p. 107-121.) 676 Wolff, Carl. Der kaiserdom in Frankfurt am Main ; eine baugeschichtliche dar- AH43 stellung, hrsg. . . mit unterstiitzung der administratoren des Dr. F86 J. F. Bohmerschen nachlasses. Frankfurt a. M., 1892. Q. 15 + 150 p. 41 ill. 39 pi. Wolff, Fritz, and Keller, Herm[ann], 1851-. Die neue packhof-anlage in Berlin. AH43 Berlin, 1888. F. 6 36 p. ill. 9 pi. 6457 From Zeitschrift fur bauwesen. 1887. v. 37. Wolff , Jeremias. -1730(7). Das prachtige rathhaus der stadt Augspurg. . . AH43 Augspurg, 1732. Obi. F. [3] p. 16 pi. Au42 Title-page and text in German and French. Wolff, P. Odilo. 1849-. Der tempel von Jerusalem und seine maasse. . . AH569 Graz, 1887. Sq. F. 6+104 p. 10 pi. map. J492 Wolff lin, Heinrich. 1864-. Renaissance und barock; eine untersuchung iiber wesen und ent- AH45 stehung des barockstils in Italien. A36 Miinchen, 1888. Nar. Q. 9+135 p. ill. COLUMBIA COLLEGE ,,, 9 Wolfler, Bernhard. Das alte und neue wiener Israeliten-Spital nach authentischen AH436 quellen dargestellt. Wien, 1873. O. 114 p. 6 pi. V6;i Wollseiffen, M[atthias]. 1838-. . . . Achilles und Hektor auf einer pranestinischen ciste. . . AN2 Bonn, 1882. Q. [s]+i6p. i pi. Z$ MOTS (Ger.) gymnasium Adolfinum. Festschrift. Wolters, Paul. Mykenische vasen aus dem nordlichen Griechenland. (In AR495 Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische G8i abtheilung. v. 14, p. 262-270, pi. 8-11.) Tarentiner terrakotten im akademischen kunstmuseum zu Bonn. AB (In Archaologische zeitung. v. 40, p. 285-322, pi. 13-14.) Ar23 Wolters, Paul, Judeich, Walther, and others. Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. (In Deutsches archaologisches AR495 institut. Mittheilungen; athenische abtheilung. v. 13, p. 81-99, G8i 412-428; v. 15, p. 355-4I9- 6 pi.) Woltmann, Alfred [Friedrich Gottfried Albert] von. 1841-80. Aus vier jahrhunderten niederlandisch-deutscher kunstgeschichte ; AO studien. Berlin, 1878. O. 7+344 p. (Allgemeiner verein fur W83 deutsche literatur. ser. 4. v. I.) Die baugeschichte Berlins bis auf die gegenwart. AH43 Berlin, 1872. O. 6+[2] + 3i2p. 26 pi. 6453 Geschichte der deutschen kunst im Elsass. AO Leipzig, 1876. Nar. Q. 16+330 p. ill. 8 pi. 1 1 paged pi. W83I Woltmann, Alfred Friedrich Gottfried Albert von, 1841-80, editor. AO See Waagen, G. F. 1794-1868. Kleine schriften. 1875. Wii Wolzogen, [Karl August] Alfred, freiherr von. 1823-83. Schinkel als architekt, maler und kunstphilosoph. . . AW Berlin, 1864. O. 109 p. i por. Sch3i Read before Breslau (Ger.) Verein fur geschichte der bildenden kiinste. Schinkel als architekt, maler und kunstphilosoph. (In Zeitschrift AB fur bauwesen. v. 14, p. 61-94, 219-256.) 231 Wolzogen, Karl August Alfred, freiherr von, 1822-83, editor. See Schinkel, K. F. 1781-1841. Aus seinem nachlass. 1862-64. Sch3 I 120 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wood, Henry. Series of designs of furniture and decoration in the styles of Louis ANi XlVth, Francis 1st, Elizabeth and Gothic. W85 London [1845]. Sq. F. 5 [3] p. 24 pi. Wood, John. -1754. Origin of building; or, The plagiarism of the heathens detected. . . AA Bath, 1741. F. 4 [6] + 235 + [i] p. 24 pi. W85 Series of plans for cottages or habitations of the labourer. . . AE2 London, 1806. Sq. F. 4 31 p. 30 pi. W85 Wood, J[ohn] T[urtle]. -1890. Reply to Mr. Fergusson s paper on the temple at Ephesus. (In AC Royal institute of British architects. Transactions. 1883-84. R8i p. 165-170. 3 pi.) Wood, Robert. 1716-71. Ruins of Palmyra and Balbec. AH56 London, 1827. F. 6 [6] + 80 p. 103 pi. Pi8 Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor, in the desart. [Anon.] AH56 London, 1753. F. 6 [6] + 50 p. 59 pi. Pi8i Wood=Martin, Lt.-col. William Gregory. 1847- See Martin, Lt.-col. William Gregory Wood-. 1847-. Woods, John, illustrator. AH42 See Fearnside, W. G. History of London. [1838.] L887 Woods, Joseph. 1776-1864. Essay on dilapidations; read Jan. 9, 1807. (In London, Eng., AC architectural publication society. Essays, [v. I.] p. [125]-! 39.) L842 Essay on modern theories of taste; read 1808. (In London, Eng., AC architectural publication society. Essays, v. 2, p. [ij-ii/.) L842 Essay on the situations and accompaniments of villas ; read Feb. AC 20, 1807. (In London, Eng., architectural publication society. L842 Essays, [v. ij p. [97]-! 24.) Letters of an architect from France, Italy and Greece. AH44 London, 1828. Nar. Q. 2 v. ill. 20 pi. Ai8 Woods, Joseph, 1776-1864, editor. See Stuart, James, 1713-88, and Revett, Nicholas, 1722-1804. AH495 Antiquities of Athens. 1762-1816. v. 4. At472 Woodward, B[ernard] B[olingbroke]. 1816-69. Specimens of the drawings of ten masters, from the royal collec- AO6i tion at Windsor castle. Michel Angelo, Perugino, Raphael, Julio W87 Romano ... da Vinci, Giorgione . . . Veronese, Poussin . . . Diirer, Holbein . . . text by B. B. Woodward. . . London, 1870. Q. 82-f[i] p. 20 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE n 2 i Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke, 1816-69, editor. AB See Fine arts quarterly review. 1863-67. F49 Woodward, Geo[rge] Efvertson], and Thompson, E. G. Woodward s national architect; containing . . . designs . . . for the AE2 practical construction of dwelling houses for the country, suburb W8;i and village. .. New York [c. 1869]. Sq. F. 10+15+489. loopl. Woodward, Geo[rge] E[vertson], and Woodward, F. W. AE2 Woodward s country homes. New York, 1866. D. 166 p. ill. W8; Woodward, John. Treatise on ecclesiastical heraldry. AWi New York, 1894. O. i2+[i] + 58o p. 36 pi. W8; Woodward, W[illiam]. London as it is and as it might be. (In Royal institute of British AC architects. Transactions. 1885. n. s. v. 2, p. 13-65. 6 pi.) R8i [Woolnoth, William.] Illustrative views of the metropolitan cathedral church of Canter- AH42 bury . . . with historical descriptions. . . [Anon.] Ci62 Canterbury, 1836. Sq. F. 58 p. ill. 18 pi. Wordsworth, Christopher, bishop, 1807-85, compiler. Inventories of plate, vestments, etc., belonging to the cathedral AB church of the Blessed Mary of Lincoln. (In Archaeologia. v. 53, Ar2 p. 1-82.) Working designs for ten Catholic churches. 1869. AE See [Sholl, Charles]. Sh7 Worner, Ernst. 1841-. Provinz Rheinhessen: Kreis Worms. Darmstadt, 1887. Q. 304 p. AH43 ill. 22 pi. 22 paged pi. (In Kunstdenkmaler im grossherzogthum H463 Hessen. 1887. v. 2.) Wornum, Ralph Nicholson. 1812-77. Analysis of ornament; the characteristics of styles, an introduc- AK tion to the study of the history of ornamental art. 4th edition. W89 London, 1873. Q. 6+138 p. ill. 27 pi. Board of trade Department of science and art; catalogue of orna- AK mental casts in the possession of the department; third division, W89I the renaissance styles. . . London, 1854. O. 54+[i] p. 26 pi. Hans Holbein and the Meier Madonna. [London] 1871. Nar. Q. AO6 38 p. 2 pi. (Arundel society. [Publications.] 1871.) Zi History of painting. (In Pictorial gallery of arts. 1847. v - 2 > AO p. 322-399. ill.) 71 I 122 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wornum, Ralph Nicholson, 1812-77, compiler. See London (Eng.) National gallery. Descriptive and historical AO6 catalogue of the pictures in the National gallery. 1859-66. L84I Worsaae, J[ens] J[acob] A[smussen]. 1821-85. Primeval antiquities of Denmark, translated and applied to the AR48Q illustration of similar remains in England, by W. J. Thorns. A3 London, 1849, O. [ 2 7]+ I 58 + [i] p. ill. 3 pi. Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen, 1821-85, Holm, C. F., and others. AH489 Danske mindesmserker. 1869. A4 Worsley, Philip Stanhope, i83o(?)-66, translator. See Triqueti, Henri, baron de. 1802-74. Marmor Homericum. AO8 [1874-] T 73 Worsley, Sir [Richard], bart. 1751-1805. Museum Worsleyanum; or, A collection of antique basso-relievos, AO8 bustos . . . and gems, with views of places in the Levant taken . . . W8g in 1785-87. . . London, 1824. F. 4 2 v. I por. 147 pi. Written with the aid of E. Q. Visconti. Text in English and Italian. Worth ington, Percy Scott. Five famous domes; their history and construction. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Transactions. 1889. n. s. v. 5, R8i p. 165-188. 3 pi.) Wortley, John Stuart- . 1801-55. See Wharncliffe, John Stuart- Wortley, 2d baron. 1801-55. Wotton, Sir Henry. 1568-1639. Elementa architecturae, Anglico idiomate edita Londini . . . 1624 AA in Latinum versa a J. de Laet. (In Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. V848 Architectura. 1825-30. v. I, pt. i,p. 203-236.) Forms one of Giovanni Poleni s Exercitationes Vitruvianae. Elements of architecture. (In Chambray, Roland Freard de AA Chantelou, sieur de, -1676, and [Errard, Charles], 1606-89. 35 Parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. 1723. Pref. p. 1-38.) Ground-rules of architecture, collected from the best authors . . . AA in his Elements of architecture. . . Sca52 London, 1670. Sq. D. 22 p. 9 pi. Wren, Christopher. 1675-1747. Parentalia; or, Memoirs of the family of . . . Wrens . . . published by AW . . . S. Wren with the care of J. Ames. W92I London, 1750. F. 4 [2o] + 368 + [4] p. ill. 4 por. 7 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1 123 Wriggles worth, Edmund. Browns illustrated guide to Hull, with a glance at its history. . . AH42 Hull, no date. D. 224 p. ill. 4 pi. map. H8?i Wright, C[harles]. History and description of Arundel castle, Sussex . . . with an AH42 abstract of the lives of the earls of Arundel from the conquest to Ar8i the present time. . . 2<3 edition. London, 1818. D. u + i68p. 2 pi. Wright, F[rank] A[yres]. 1854- Architectural perspective for beginners. . . AL.2 New York, 1892 [c. 85]. Sq. F. Unpaged, u pi. WQS Wright, Frank A[yres], 1854- and Rossiter, E. K. Al Modern house painting. 1883. R73 Wright, Rev. G[eorge] N[ewnham]. i8i2(?)-. France illustrated, exhibiting its landscape scenery, antiquities, AH44 military and ecclesiastical architecture . . . drawings by T. Allom. A33 London [1847], Nar. Q. 4 v. 128 pi. Vol. 4 is a translation of G. Janin s Un hiver h Paris. Historical guide to ancient and modern Dublin. . . AH4i London, 1821. S. 7+442 p. 17 pi. map. D8$i Ireland illustrated, from original drawings by G. Petrie, W. H. AH4i Bartlett and T. M. Baynes, with descriptions. Ai3 London, 1831. Q. [4] + 80 p. 40 pi. Engraved title-page has date 1829. Landscape-historical illustrations of Scotland and the Waverly AH42 novels, from drawings by J. M. W. Turner, Balmer, Bentley, etc., comic illustrations by G. Cruikshank, descriptions by . . . Wright. London, 1836-38. Q. 72+12 p. i por. 45 pi. Scenes in Ireland, with historical illustrations, legends and bio- graphical notices. London, 1834. Nar. D. 8 + 235 p. ill. 12 pi. Shores and islands of the Mediterranean, drawn from nature. . . London [1840]. Q. 156 p. 63 pi. map. Wright, John Henry, translator. AR495 See Collignon, L. M. 1849-. Manual of Greek archaeology. 1886. AIQ Wright, Mrs. Marie (Robinson). 1853-. Salvador (illustrated). AH7284 New York [c. 1893]. Q. 40 p. ill. I por. I pi. 6 paged pi. Ai Wright, Thomas, of Durham. Louthiana; or, An introduction to the antiquities of Ireland. . . AR4I5 2d edition enlarged. London, 1758. 3 v. in i. 67 pi. L93 Contents: v. i. Bodes, forts and mounts in the county of Louth. v. 2. Castles, keeps and towers in the county of Louth. v. 3. Remains of the works of the Danes and Druids in the county of Louth. AR4I5 Ir2 AA i 124 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wright, Thomas. 1810-77. Archaeological album; or, Museum of national antiquities. . . AR.42 London [1845]. Q- 7 + 231 p. ill. 27 pi. Ai Essays on archaeological subjects and on various questions con- AR42 nected with the history of art, science and literature in the middle A7 ages. London, 1861. O. 2 v. ill. 2 pi. map. History of Ludlow and its neighbourhood, forming a popular AR42 sketch of the history of the Welsh border. Lp6 Ludlow, 1852. O. 2 + 541 p. ill. 6 pi. On the early history of Leeds, in Yorkshire, and on some ques- AP tions of praehistoric archaeology ... a lecture. . . before the Philos. Z and literary society of Leeds . . . 1864. Leeds, 1864. O. 30 p. On the influence of mediaeval upon Welsh literature, exemplified AP in the Story of the cort mantel. London, 1863. O. 34 p. Z From the " Archseologia Cambrensis." 1863. Wanderings of an antiquary, chiefly upon the traces of the Romans AR42 in Britain. London, 1854. D. 11+331 p. ill. 33 pi. Ai8 Wright, Thomas, 1810-77, editor and translator. Roll of arms of the princes, barons and knights who attended King AWi Edward I. to the siege of Caerlaverock in 1300, edited from the W93 ms. in the British museum. London, 1864. F. 8+39 p. 5 pi. Wright, Thomas, 1810-77, and Jones, Rev. H. L., 1806-70. Le Keux s memorials of Cambridge; a series of views of the col- AH42 leges, halls and public buildings. . . London, 1841-42. O. 2 v. 148 ill. 73 pi. map. (The universities.) Wrighte, William, architect. Grotesque architecture; or, Rural amusement, consisting of plans A A ... for huts . . . rustic seats, green houses. . . W93 London, 1790. O. 14 p. 29 pi. Ideas for rustic furniture, proper for garden seats, summer houses, AA hermitages, cottages. . . [Anon.] London, 1835. O. 25 pi. W93I Writ, John Michael. Ragguaglio della solenne comparsa faita in Roma . . . 1687 dall AW2 . . . Conte di Castelmaine, ambasciadore straordinario . . . di W93 Giacomo secondo, re d Inghilterra . . . alia santa sede apostolica, in andare . . . all udienza della santita di . . . Papa Innocenzo undecimo. . . Roma, 1687. F. 9O+[i] p. 20 pi. Wuerst, E. A. Die miinzen und medaillen Bonn s. (In Bonn; beitrage zu seiner AH43 geschichte. 1868. 53 p. 2 pi.) 6645 COLUMBIA COLLEGE ,125 Wiilcker, Ernst, 1843- editor. See Frankfort on the Main (Ger.). Mittheilungen aus dem Frank- AC furter stadt-archive. 1873. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. F8$ Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt I873-) See Frankfort on the Main (Ger.). Mittheilungen aus dem Frank- AC furter stadt-archive. 1877. (In Frankfort on the Main, Ger. F8s Verein fur geschichte und alterthumskunde. Neujahrs-blatt. 1877.) Wulliam, , editor. See Le recueil d architecture, choix de documents pratiques. AB I874-- R2 4 Wiirthle, Friedrich, 1820- illustrator. See Frommel, Karl. 1789-1863. Vues de la ville et du chateau AH43 de Heidelberg. [1843.] ^69 Wiirttemberg, (Ger.) Staats=archiv. See Stuttgart (Ger.) Staats archiv. Wiirttembergischer alterthums- verein. Schriften. 1850-75. AC Stuttgart, 1850-75. O. v. 1-2, pt. 2 in i v. ill. pi. Wg6 Wiirttembergischer alterthums=verein, editor. See Paulus, Eduard. 1837-. Die Cisterzienser-abtei, Maulbronn. AH43 1889. M44 Wiirttembergischer kunstgewerbe-verein Kon- kurrenz-ausstellung. Preisgekronte und andere decorative holzarbeiten ... in ... AM5 lichtdruck-reproductionen hrsg. von W. Kick. W96 Stuttgart [1889]. F. 5 60 pi. Wiirttembergischer verein fiir vaterlandskunde, editor. See Jaumann, Ignaz von. 1778-1862. Neuere zu Rottenburg AR43 am Neckar aufgefundene romische alterthumer. 1855. A8 Wussin, Johann. Cornel Visscher, verzeichniss seiner kupferstiche. AY Leipzig, 1865. O. 306 p. i por. 2 pi. W96 Jonas Suyderhoef; verzeichniss seiner kupferstiche. AY Leipzig, 1 86 1. O. 85 p. Su9 Der Wiistenroder leopard. 1857. AP See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63.] W723 Winckelmanns geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1857. 71* 1 126 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wustmann, Gustav [Moritz]. 1844-. Beitrage zur geschichte der malerei in Leipzig vom 15. bis zum AO 17. jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1879. O. 70 p. i por. (In Beitrage 639 zur kunstgeschichte. pt. 2.) Der Leipziger baumeister Hieronymus Letter. 1497-1580. AW Leipzig, 1875. Nar. Q. 4+92 p. ill. Lgi Wyatt, Benjamin [Dean]. 1 775-1 852(?). Observations on the design for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, AH42 as executed in ... 1812 ... [with] plans, elevation and sections L958 of the same. London, 1813. F. 12+77 p. 18 pi. Wyatt, James. Bedford after the Saxon period. (In Associated architectural so- AC cities. Reports and papers, v. 9, p. 255-282. 4 pi.) As7 Flint implements in the drift, found in Bedfordshire. (In Asso- AC ciated architectural societies. Reports and papers, v. 6, p. 71-93. As7 SPL) Flint implements in the drift; was man amongst the mammoths? AP [Anon.] [Bedford] no date. O. 16 p. Z No title-page. From "the Bedford times." 1860. Wyatt, Sir Jeffrey. 1766-1840. See Wyatville, Sir Jeffrey. 1766-1840. Wyatt, John Dray ton. Upwards of one thousand authenticated mouldings of medieval AE architecture. See Trimen, Andrew. Upwards of one thousand 773 authenticated mouldings of medieval architecture. (In his Church and chapel architecture. 1856.) Sometimes attributed to J. D. Wyatt. Wyatt, Sir M[atthew] Digby. 1820-77. Architect s note-book in Spain, principally illustrating the domes- AH46 tic architecture of that country. . . A8 London [1872]. Nar. Q. 20+236 p. 100 pi. Fine art, a sketch of its history, theory, practice and application AO to industry ... a course of lectures delivered at Cambridge in W97 1870. London, 1870. O. 8+375 p. On pictorial mosaic as an architectural embellishment. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1861-62, p. 122-139.) R8i On the foreign artists employed in England during the i6th cen- AC tury, and their influence on British art. (In Royal institute of R8i British architects. Papers. 1867-68, p. 209-238, 241-258. 7 pi.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1127 Wyatt, Sir M[atthew] Digby. 1820-77. Remarks on the mosaics and other decorations of the church of AC Sta. Sophia, Constantinople. (In Royal institute of British archi- R8i tects. Papers. 1854-55, p. 43-55.) Notices of sculpture in ivory ... a lecture on the history, methods AN6 and chief productions of the art and a Catalogue of specimens of V/97 ancient ivory-carvings in various collections ... by E. Oldfield. London, 1856. Q. [4] + 54 P- 8 pi. (Arundel society. Pub lications.) Delivered at the first annual general meeting of the Arundel society, 29^ June, 1855. Specimens of ornamental art workmanship in gold, silver, iron, AM4 brass and bronze from the twelfth to the nineteenth centuries, with W97 a history of the art in Italy, England, France, Germany and Spain... London, 1852. F. 6 [56] + [i] + 8i p. 50 pi. Specimens of the geometrical mosaic of the middle ages, with a AJ2 brief historical notice of the art, founded on papers read before WQ/ the Royal institute of British architects, the Royal society of arts and the Archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London [1848]. F. 5 |j] + 26 p. 20 pi. Wyatt, Sir Matthew Digby, 1820-77, compiler. See London (Eng.) International exhibition. 1851. Industrial AO4 arts of the nineteenth century. 1851. L842 Wyatt, T[homas] H. On the old hall and new assize courts at Winchester. (In Royal AC institute of British architects. Papers. 1873-74^.157-169. 2 pi.) R8i Wyatville, Sir Jeffrey. 1766-1840. Illustrations of Windsor castle, edited by H. Ashton. AH42 London, 1841. F. 8 2v.ini. ill. 40 pi. W724I Wylie, D., and Pyne, W. H., 1770-1843. AH42 Lancashire illustrated. 1829. L22 Wylie, William Michael. On lake dwellings of the early periods. (In Archaeologia. v. 38, AB p. 177-187.) Ar2 Wyman, Morrill, M. D. 1812-. Practical treatise on ventilation. . . AJ Boston, 1846. O. 16+419 p. ill. W98 Wyon, Alfred Benjamin. -1884. Great seals of England, from the earliest period to the present AWi time . . . with descriptive and historical notes . . . completed . . . W99 by A. Wyon. London, 1887. F. 4 18+217 p. 55 pi. No. 232 of 300 copies printed. H28 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wyon, Allan, continues See Wyon, A. B. -1884. Great seals of England, from the AWi earliest period to the present time. 1887. W99 Wyrcestre, William, pseudonym. See Dallaway, Rev. James. 1763-1834. Wyss, Friedrich von. Uber ursprung und bedeutung der wappen. . . Q. 36 p. 3 pi. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1849. An8 v. 6.) Wyss, Friedrich von, editor. Alamannische formeln und briefe aus dem neunten jahrhundert. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1853. An8 v. 7, p. 17-57. i facsim.) Wyss, Georg von. 1816-94. Geschichte der abtei Zurich. Zurich, 1851-58. Q. 2 v. 11 pi. AC i facsim. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. An8 1851-58. v. 8.) Sceaux historiques du canton de Neuchatel. Zurich, 1862. (In AC Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1858-61. An8 v. 13, p. 101-120. 4 pi. i tab. Wyttenbach, Johann Hugo. See Schmidt, C. W. Die Liebfrauen-kirche zu Trier, nebst er- AH43 lauterungen von J. H. Wyttenbach. (In Schmidt, C. W. Bau- T/2 denkmale der romischen periode in Trier. 1836-45. pt. i.) Wyzewa, T. de. Dessins et modeles ; les arts du feu, ceramique, verrerie, emaillerie. AN2 Paris, no date. Nar. Q. 143 p. 223 ill. W99 Xanthian marbles. 1843. AO8 See [Fellows, Sir Charles. 1799-1860.] F33 Yapp, Q[eorge] [Wagstaf f e] . Art industry; furniture, upholstery and house-decoration. . . ANi London [1879]. F. 5 6+76 p. ill. 320 pi. Yi Yates, Richard, D. D. 1769-1834. History and antiquities of the abbey of St. Edmund s Bury, with AH42 views of the . . . monasterial remains by the Rev. William Yates. 695 2d edition . . . enlarged. . . London, 1843. F. 2 pts. in I v. i por. 28 pi. Yates, Rev. William, illustrator. See Yates, Richard, D. D. 1769-1834. History and antiquities AH42 of the abbey of St. Edmund s Bury. 1843. 695 The year s art: a concise epitome of all matters relating AB to the arts of painting, sculpture and architecture . . . during . . . Ye3 1879-95. London, 1880-95. D. v. 1-16. pi. Compiled by M. B. Huish. [Yeates, Thomas. 1772-1839.] Dissertation on the antiquity, origin and design of the principal AE8 pyramids of Egypt, particularly of the great pyramid of Ghizeeh. . . Y3 [Anon.] London, 1833. Q. 8+29+[io] p. 7 pi. "Yester=year." 1891. AN4 See Robida, Albert. 1848-. R55 A yewud chap s trip to Manchester to see Prince Halbert, AO4 th Queen an th Art treasures eggshibishun, by "Oud John." M3i Heywood, 1857. D - 3 2 P- ill- Yorke, Charles Philip. 1799-1873. See Hardwicke, Charles Philip Yorke, 4th earl of. 1799-1873. Young, John, 1755-1825, compiler. See London (Eng.) Qrosvenor gallery. Catalogue of the pictures AO2 at Grosvenor house, London. 1821. L843 Young, Thomas, M. D. 1733-1829. Carpentry. (In Ashpitel, Arthur, compiler. Treatise on archi- AA tecture. 1867. p. 211-231.) As3 1130 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Young, Wfilliam], architect. Picturesque architectural studies and practical designs for gate AA lodges, cottages . . . schools, village churches. . . Y8 London, 1872. Q. 8+37 p. ill. 50 pi. Youngest member, pseudonym. AN2 See Slosson, A. T. China hunters club. 1878. SI 5 Ypres (Belgium) Societe historique, archeologique et litteraire de la ville d Ypres et de 1 ancienne West- Flandre. See Societe historique, archeologique et litteraire de la ville d Ypres et de Pancienne West-Flandre. Yriarte, Charles [Emile]. 1832-. Sculpture italienne, I5 e siecle; Matteo Civitali, sa vie et son ceuvre. AW Paris, 1886. Sq. F. 8+140 p. ill. 17 pi. 49 No. 129 of 200 copies printed. Ysendyck, J[ules] J[acques] van. Documents classes de 1 art dans les Pays-has du io e au i8 e siecle, AO recueillis et reproduits. Y8 [Antwerp] 1880-89. F. 5 3 ser - in 5 v - 720 pi. Yvert, L. Notice sur les ponts avec poutres tubulaires en tole, avec une in- AE5 troduction par E. Flachat. Y9 Paris, 1851. O. 24+ [2] + 197 p. and Atlas, Sq. F. 5 [5] p. 20 pi. 4 tab. Yvon, Mme. d . Catalogue . . . de [ses] objets d art et d ameublement des i6 e , iy e , AO2 et i8 e siecles ... la vente ... 30 mai au . . . 4 juin, 1892. . . Yg [Paris] 1892. F. 5 122 p. 27 pi. Zaborowski=Moindron, Sigismond, 1851-, translator. See Ossowski, Qodfryd. Prusse royale. 1879. (In Cracow, AR438 Poland Akademija umiejetnosci. Monuments prehistoriques Ai de 1 ancienne Pologne. 1879. ser. i.) Zagata, Pietro. is th cent. Cronica della citta di Verona, descritta, [colla continuazione di AH45 J. Rizzoni] ampliata e supplita da G. B. Biancolini. . . V593 Verona, 1745-47. O. v. 1-2 in i. 3 pi. Zahn, Albert von. 1836-73. Die ergebnisse der Holbein-ausstellung zu Dresden. (In Jahr- AB biicher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1873. v. 5, p. 147-169, 193-220.) Zahn, Albert von, 1836-73, editor. See Burckhardt, Jakob. 1818- Cicerone. 1873. Die handzeichnungen des Fra Bartolommeo im besitz der Frau AB Grossherzogin Sophie von Sachsen-Weimar. (In Jahrbiicher fur Ji9 kunstwissenschaft. 1870. v. 3, p. 174-206.) AO6 689 See Diirer, Albrecht. 1471-1528. Die Diirer-handschriften des AB Britischen museums. (In Jahrbucher fur kunstwissenschaft. 1868. ]ig v. i, p. 1-22.) See Jahrbucher fiir kunstwissenschaft. 1868-73. AB Ji9 Zahn, C[leophea]. Ornamente enthaltend eine reiche auswahl von capitalen, consolen, AH43 arabesken, friesen . . . decken- und wand-dessins. . . Hi 73 Hamburg [i848(?)]. Obi. Q. 6 pi. Zahn, [Johann Karl] W[ilhelm]. 1800-71. Neu entdeckte wandgemalde in Pompeji. AR45 Munchen [1828]. Sq. F. 5 40 pi. P795 Zahn, Josef von. 1831-. Das landhaus und seine politische geschichte. (In Wastler, Josef. AH436 Das landhaus in Graz. 1890. p. 39-54-) G 77 113* 1132 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Zais, Ernst. Die kurmainzische porzellan-manufaktur zu Hochst. . . AN2 Mainz, 1887. Nar. Q. 9+ 186 p. ill. 3 por. 4 tab. Zi Zamboni, Baldassare. i73o(?)-9;. Memorie intorno alle pubbliche fabbriche piu insigni della citta di AH45 Brescia. Brescia, 1778. F. 4 8-fi63 + [4]p. 12 pi. 6751 7am pi, Paolo. Notizie sui lavori di restauro eseguiti par la copertura del duomo AH45 di Orvieto. Torino, 1889. O. 29 p. 3 pi. i tab. 096 From L ingegneria civile e le arti industrial}, v. 15. Zanella, Giacomo. 1820-. Vita di Andrea Palladio. AW Milano, 1880. O. |j]+i io+[i] p. I por. 4 pi. Pi7i A spese del municipio di Vicenza e dell Accademia Olimpica. [Zanetti, Antonio Maria Erasmus, conte, 1680-1767, Zanetti, Q. F., 1713-1782, and Zanetti, Alessandro. Delle antiche statue greche e romane che nell antisala della AO8 libreria di San Marco, e in altri luoghi pubblici di Venezia si Zi trovano. [Anon.] Venezia, 174043. F. 6 2 v. I por. 101 pi. Zanetti, Giuseppe. Studii architettonico-ornamentali. . . Terza edizione con aggiunte AK de L. Urbani. . . Venezia, 1870. Obi. F. 4 [io]+83+i2p. 215 pi. Zi Zanetti, Giuseppe, editor. See Vignola, Q. Barozzio da. 1507-73. Gli ordini d architettura AA civile. 1864. V69 Zani, Pietro. Enciclopedia metodica critico-ragionata delle belle arti. AO Parma, 1817-24 [v. i, 1819]. O. pt. i, 19 v. pt. 2, 9 v. Zi Zanini, Gioseffe Viola, fl. 1629. See Viola Zanini, Gioseffe. fl. 1629. Zannoni, Antonio. Gli scavi della Certosa di Bologna descritti ed illustrati. AH45 Bologna, 1876. F. 5 479 p. and Atlas, F. 6 150 pi. 663 Zannoni, Giovanni Battista, abate. 1774-1832. Illustrazione di due urne etrusche e di alcuni vasi Hamiltoniani. AN2 Firenze, 1812. D. 6+ii6p. 2 pi. Zii Zanotti, Eustachio. 1709-82. Trattato teorico-pratico di prospettiva. AL,2 Bologna, 1766. Q. [6] + 207 p. 1 1 pi. Yi COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1133 Zanotto, Francesco. II palazzo ducale di Venezia. AH45 Venezia, 1841-61 [v. i, 42]. F. 4 4 v. in 5. 203 pi. V$$7 Pinacoteca veneta; ossia, I migliori dipinti delle chiese di Venezia. AH45 Venezia, 1867. Nar. Q. 2 v. 96 pi. Vs8i Half title-page reads, Raccolta dei migliori dipinti delle chiese di Venezia. Raccolta dei migliori dipinti delle chiese di Venezia. See, above, AH45 Pinacoteca veneta. 1867. See Sanmicheli, Michele. 1484-1559. Le fabbriche civili, ecclesi- AL2 astiche e militari, con testo da F. Zanotto. Zanth, Charles Louis, 1796-1857, and Hittorff, J. I., 1793-1867. Architecture moderne de la Sicile; ou, Recueil des . . . monu- AH45 mens religieux et des edifices . . . de la Sicile. 1835. Si 12 Zarco del Valle, Manuel Remon. Unveroffentlichte beitrage zur geschichte der kunstbestrebungen AB Karl V. und Philipp II., mit besonderer berticksichtigung Tizians. Ji9i (In Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 7, pt. I, p. 221-238.) Zecchi, Giovanni. Collezione dei monumenti sepolcrali del cimitero di Bologna. AE8 Bologna, 1825. O. v. 1-2. 80 pi. Zi Title-page and text in Italian and French. Zech, P[aul Heinrich]. 1828-. Urkundliche geschichte der Koniglichen technischen hochschule AH43 in Stuttgart. Stuttgart [1879]. Sq. F. 42 + [i] p. 2 pi. St9i Written for the so th anniversary of the school. De zegepraalende Vecht. 1719. AH492 See Visscher, Nicolaas. A 14 Ziegler, H[enry] B[ryan]. 1798-1874. . . . Six views of Ludlow. . . AH42 Ludlow, 1846; repub. 1883. Sq. F. n p. 6 pi. Zeiller, Martin. 1588-1661. Topographia circuli Burgundici; das ist, Beschreibung dess Bur- A A gundisch- und Niederlandischen kraises. 1654. See, Topographia Germanise inferioris. 1659. (In his Topographiae. 1643-88. pt. 1 6.) This part was published under both of the above titles. 1 134 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Zeiller, Martin. 1588-1661. Topographiae . . . beschreibung und abbildung der furnembsten AA statte und platze ... an tag ins kupffer gegeben durch M. Merian. [Anon.] Franckfurt am Mayn, 1643-88. F. 31 parts in 17 v. pi. maps. Engraved title pages. Contents: pt. I. Topographia provinciarum austriacaru Austrias, Styriae, Carinthiae, Carmiolas, Tyrolis, etc. [Pref. 1677]. [6]-}-92+ [n] p. 88 pi. 6 maps. Anhang. 1736. S2-f[8] p. 14 pi. - Absonderliche beschreibung der statte und schlosser Windhaag, Reichenau Horn . . . dem Anhang . . . beygehorig. 1656. i4-j-[i] p. 8 pi. pt. 2. Topographia Bohemias, Moravias et Silesiae. 1650. i92-j-[i5] p. 33 pi. 3 maps. pt. 3. Topographia Bavariae. 1644. i38+[7] p. 58 pi. 3 maps. pt. 4. Topographia Svevias. 1643. [8]+232-{-[i2] p. 59 pi. 3 maps. pt. 5. Topographia Alsatiae, etc. completa. 1663. [i4]-j-7o p. 39 pi. 2 maps. pt. 6. Topographia Palatinatus Rheni et vicinarum regionum. 1645. 67-j-[s]+ i7+[i] P- 55 pl- 3 maps. Anhang, 1654. 45-f[7] p. 5 pl. pt. 7. Topographia archiepiscopatuum Moguntinensis, Treuirensis et Coloni- ensis. 1646. 95+8 p. 40 pl. 3 maps. Part 10 is bound with pt. 7. pt. 8. Topographia Franconiae. [Pref. 1648.] [4]+n8-j-[9]-f-[i] P- 43 pi- i map. pt. 9. Topographia Hassiae et regionum vicinarum. [1646]. [4]+9i+[5] p. 59 pl. 3 maps. Anhang. 1655. 64+[6] p. i pl. pt. 10. Topographia Westphaliae. No date. 94+[5] p. 50 pl. i map. Bound with pt. 7. pt. n. Topographia Saxoniae Inferioris. 1653. 242-|-[5] p. 37 pl. 4 maps. pt. 12. Topographia . . . Braunschweig und Liineburg. 1654. [2]-|-22o-j-[7] p. 131 pl. 3 maps. pt. 13. Topographia Superioris Saxoniae, Thuringiae, Misniae, Lusatiae, etc. 1650. [4]+2io-f-[i3] p. 57 pl. 5 maps. pt. 14. Topographia Electoratus Brandenburgici et Ducatus Pomeraniae, etc. [i652(?)]. i29-)-[7] p. 62 pl. 2 maps. Topographia Prussiae et Pomerellias. 53+ [3] p. 6 pl. imap. Topographia Livonise. 36-f-fjj] p. 2 pl. i map. pt. 15. Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaatias et Valesiae. 2 da ed. 1654. go-j-t?] P- 77 pl. 2 maps. pt. 16. Topographia Germanias Inferioris. [1659]. [4]+283+[2o] p. 108 pl. 12 maps. pt. 17-29. Topographia Galliae. I.-I3. theil. 1655-61. 13 pts. in 2 v. 304 pl. 18 maps. pt. 30. Topographia Italiae. 1688. [6]-|-i6o-j-[ii] p. 42 pl. 8 maps. Anhang . . . Morea. ag-j-ts] p. 3 pl. pt. 31. BOISSARD, J. J. 1528-1602. Topographia urbis Romas. 1681. [4] +74 p. 99 pl. Haupt-register fiber weyland M. Zeilleri samptliche . . . Topo- graphias. . . Franckfurt am Mayn. 1726. F. 200 p. Zeitschrift des architecten- und ingenieur-vereins fur das konigreich Hannover. AC See Hannover (Ger.) -Architecten- und ingenieur-verein. Hip Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-vereins. AC See Deutscher verein zur erforschung Palastina s. 0481 Zeitschrift des Kunst-gewerbe-vereins zu Miinchen. AC See Munich (Ger.) Kunst-gewerbe-verein. Zeitschrift. 1851-89. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1135 Zeitschrift des Museum Francisco-Carolinum. 1842-44. AB Linz, 1842-44. Q. pi. Mg/ From 1839-41 known as Musealblatt. Zeitschrift des vereins fur thiiringische geschichte und alterthumskunde. AC See Verein fur thiiringische geschichte und alterthumskunde. V"582 Zeitschrift fiir bauhandwerker. 1857-66. AB Braunschweig, 1857-66. Q. 10 v. in 9. ill. pi. 2*314 Edited by F. L. Haarmann. 1857-63. From 1864 known as F. L. Haarmann s Zeitschrift fur bauhandwerker. Zeitschrift fiir baukunde; organ der architekten- und in- AB genieur-vereine von Bayern, Wiirttemberg, Baden, Strassburg, Z3i8 Frankfurt a. M., Mittelrhein, Niederrhein, Westphalen und Oldenburg. . . Miinchen, 1878-84. F. 4 v. 1-7. ill. pi. Edited by W. Wittmann. Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. AB Berlin, 1851-94. Sq. F. 4 and F. 5 v. 1-44 in 87. ill. pi. Z$i After vol. i, the plates are bound separately with the title, Atlas zur Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. Edited by Berlin (Ger.) Technische Baudeputation and Berlin (Ger.) Architekten- verein. Supplement. Berlin, 1862. F. 5 2 v. in I. ill. 100 pi. AB Z33I Supplement has title Mittelalterliche backstein-bauwerke des preussischen staates. Zeitschrift fiir bildende kunst, mit dem beiblatt Kunst- AB chronik. Leipzig, 1866-93. Q. 24 v.; n. s. v. 1-4. ill. pi. Z3I2 Edited by Karl von Liitzow. Register, v. 1-24. Leipzig, 1870-82. Q. 3 v. in i. AB Z3I2 Supplement has title Kunst-gewerbeblatt. Zeitschrift fiir christliche archaologie und kunst. AB Leipzig, 1856-58. Sq. F. 2 v. ill. pi. Z3 Edited by F. von Quast and H. Otte. Zeitschrift fiir christliche kunst. AB Dusseldorf, 1892-93. Nar. Q. v. 5-6. ill. pi. Z3i6 Edited by A. Schniitgen. Zeitschrift fiir die alterthums-wissenschaft. AB Marburg, 1843-57. Q. n. s. v. 1-15 in 14. pi. Z3I3 Edited by T. Bergk and K. J. Casar. No more published. Zeitschrift fiir geschichte und auslegung der alten kunst. AB Gottingen, 1818. O. v. i. pi. Z3I7 Edited by F. G. Welcker. No more published. 1136 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Zeitschrift fur praktische baukunst. AB Leipzig, 1841-80. F. and F. 4 v. 1-37, 39-40. pi. Z3I5 From v. 13 published at Berlin, v. 1-12 edited by J. A. Romberg. Zeller-Wertmuller, H. Denkmaler aus der feudal-zeit im lande Uri. . . Zurich, 1884. AC (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1881-85. An8 v. 2i, p. 1 11-142. ill. 3 pi.) Die heraldische ausschmiickung einer zurcherischen rittervvoh- AC nung. Zurich, 1874. (In Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. An8 Mittheilungen. 1872-75. v. 18, p. 105-122. 4 pi.) Das ritterhaus Bubikon. Zurich, 1885. (In Antiquarische gesell- AC schaft in Zurich. Mittheilungen. 1881-85. v. 21, p. 143-174. An8 ill. 4 pi.) Zenetti, Arnold. 1824-. Das neue gebarhaus in Miinchen. Berlin, 1858. F. 5 7 p. 8 pi. Zenetti, B. Die bildende kunst des classischen alterthums. . . AO Augsburg, 1869. Q. 47 p. Z3 Augsburg (Ger.) Kathol. studien-anstalt zu St. Stephan. Programm. Zeppelin, Eberhard von, graf. Uber das dominikanerkloster in Konstanz. AH43 Lindau, 1875. Nar. Q. 15 p. C76 Discourse before the Vereinfiir geschichte des Bodensees on Sept. 21, 1874. Zestermann, Aug[ust] Christian] Adolf. 1807-69. Die antiken und die christlichen basiliken nach ihrer entstehung AE . . . und beziehung zu einander dargestellt . . . bearbeitung der. . . Z5 preisschrift De basilicis libri tres. Leipzig, 1847. Q- 12+175 P- 7 P 1 - Zestermann, August Christian Adolf, 1807-69, and Weigel, T. O., 1812-81. AX Die anfange der druckerkunst in bild und schrift. 1866. W42 Zeyer, J[ohann], and Drechsler, . Moderne ornamentik; ausgefuhrte plastische arbeiten zur decori- AK rung von plafonds, facaden, kunstgegenstanden. . . Z6 Berlin [1891.] F. 5 ser. I. 20 pi. Ziegler, H[enry] B[ryan]. 1798-1874. Royal lodges in Windsor Great Park from drawings by ... AH42 Ziegler, executed by L. Haghe in lithography. . . W7243 London, 1839. F. 6 [3] p. 16 pi. . . . Six views of Ludlow. . . AH42 Ludlow, 1846, repub. 1883. Obi. F. up. 6 pi. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1137 Ziegler, Jakob Melchior, 1801-83, editor. See Miiller, J. Q. 1822-49. Aus . . . [seinem] kiinstlerischen AL2 nachlasse. 1860. Ziegler, J[ules Claude]. 1804-56. Etudes ceramiques; recherche des principes du beau dans 1 archi- AO tecture, 1 art ceramique et la forme en general. . . Z6 Paris, 1850. O. 348 p. ill. Zietz, Heinrich Christian. 1769-1834. Ansichten der freien hansestadt Liibeck und ihrer umgebungen. AH43 Frankfurt am Main, 1822. O. [i i] + 536+[j] p. and Atlas, Q. 1.961 16 pi. Ziller, Ernst. Uber die urspriingliche existenz der curvaturen des Parthenon. AB (In Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. v. 15, p. 35-54. 2 pi.) Untersuchungen iiber die antiken wasserleitungen Athens. (In AR495 Deutsches archaologisches institut. Mittheilungen; athenische G8i abtheilung. v. 2, p. 107-131. pi. 6-9.) Zimerman, Heinrich, editor. See Stampart, Frans, 1675-1750, and Premier, A. J. von., 1683- AB 1743. Prodromus zum theatrum artis pictoriae. (In Jahrbuch der Ji9i Kunsthistorischen sammlungen des allerhochsten kaiserhauses. v. 7, pt. 2, p. 7-14.) Zimmermann, Ernst. Die landschaft in der venezianischen malerei bis zum tode Tizians. AO Leipzig, 1893. O. 8+209+ [i] p. (In Beitrage zur kunstge- 639 schichte. n. s. pt. 20.) Zirardini, Antonio. 1725-84. Degli antichi edifizj profani di Ravenna libri due. AH45 Faenza, 1762. O. 18 + 312 p. ill. Ri92 Zocchi, Giuseppe. Scelta di 24 vedute delle principali contrade, piazze, chiese e AH45 palazzi della citta di Firenze. Firenze, 1744. F. 7 24 pi. F667 Zoega, Georg, 1755-1809, illustrator. See Piroli, Tommaso. 1750-1824. Li bassirilievi antichi di Roma. AO8 1808. P66 Zolffel, Bernhard. Das neue physiologische institut in Marburg. AH43 Berlin, 1892. F. 5 up. ill. 8 pi. M32 From Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. 1892. v. 42. 72 1138 AVERY MEMORIAL LIBRARY Zorzi, Alvise Pietro, conte. 1846-. Osservazioni intorno ai ristauri interni ed esterni della basilica di AH45 San Marco. . . Venezia, 1877. O- l %3 P- 6 facsim. V$6 Zuccani, Ernest. Newest designs in chimney decoration, mirrors, consoles, giran- ANi doles, jardinieres, chevals, etc. London, no date. F. 5 59 pi. Z8 [Zucchi, Francesco.] Teatro delle fabbriche piu cospicue in prospettiva della citta di AH45 Venezia. [Anon.] Venezia [1740.] Obi. D. 2 v. in I. 94 pi. V$73 Contents: v. i. Le chiese e fabbriche pubbliche. v. 2. Le fabbriche private. Zucchi, Lorenzo, 1704-79, engraver. See Schwartz, J. H. 1707-75. Raccolta di vari ornati antichi e AK moderni. 1743. Schg Die zum ersten [~9 ten ] theil der Ftirstl. bau-lust gehorige emblemata. 1699. A A See [Heinrich, herzog von Sachsen-Romhild. 1650-1710.] (In H362 his Fiirstliche bau-lust. 1698. sup.) Zumpt, [Karl] Q[ottlob]. 1792-1849. Uber die bauliche einrichtung des romischcn wohnhauses; [eine AH495 vorlesung gehalten im Verein fur wissenschaftliche vortrage am 4. Z4 Feb. 1843]. Berlin, 1844. O. 32 p. i pi. Uber die bauliche einrichtung des romischen wohnhauses. 2. aufl. AH495 Berlin, 1852. O. 29 p. i pi. Z4 Zur geschichte der Koniglichen museen in Berlin. AH43 Berlin, 1880. F. [5]+i76p. 6463 Festival at the 15 th anniversary. Zur geschichte der thebaischen legion. 1855. AP See [Braun, J. W. J. 1801-63.] W723 Winckelmann s Geburtstag, Bonn. Fest-programm, 1855. Zurich (Switzerland) Antiquarische gesellschaft. See Antiquarische gesellschaft in Zurich. Zurich (Switzerland) Polytechnikum. Die gypsabgiisse der archaologischen sammlung im gebaude des AP Polytechnikums in Zurich, erklart von Gottfried Kinkel. . . Y8 Zurich, 1871. O. 23 + 194?. Zurla, Placido, cardinale. 1769-1834. Sulla unita del soggetto nel quadro della Trasfigurazione di AC Raffaele; ragionamento recitato ... 12 agosto 1830. (In Rome, R66l Italy Accademia romana di archeologia. Dissertazioni. 1831. v. 4, p. 1-20.) COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1139 Zurlauben, Beat Fidele Antoine Jean Dominique, baron de La Tour-Chatillon de. 1720-95. Tableaux de la Suisse; ou, Voyage pittoresque fait dans les 13 AH494 cantons du corps helvetique. . . 2 e edition . . . [publie par J. B. AQ de Laborde. Anon.] Paris, 1784-86. O. 12 v. 70 por. 337 pi. 5 maps. Zuylichem, F. N. M. Eyck van. Le style ogival des eglises du royaume des Pays-Bas depuis 1 an AH492 1200 jusqu a 1 an 1550. . . Utrecht, 1863. Nar. Q. 27 p. 6 pi. Ai2 Zwez, W. Das schulhaus und dessen innere einrichtung. . . 2. verm. aufl. AE6 Weimar, 1870. O. [4] + i67+[55] p. 5 pi. Zg Zwick, Hermann, editor. See Deutsches jahrbuch iiber die leistungen und fortschritte auf AB den gebieten der theorie und praxis der baugewerbe. 1870-76. 0482 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED ARCHIT7 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 71 \AI ai-iooi (B9311slO)47Q General Library University of California Berkeley * % \ i\ \ . Mr *^ *** -W. v. *** teJH -- vy WR/* ^fQL^- % !>*