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We can never look out thoughtfully at our im- mediate surroundings but a course of reasoning will start up leading us to inquire the causes that produced the development around us, and at the same time we are led to conjecture the results to follow causes now in operation. We are thus linked indissolubly with the past and the future. " Now for my life," says Sir Thomas Browne, " it is a miracle of thirty years, which to relate were not a history, but a piece of poetry, and would sound to common ears like a fable. * '=' Men that look upon my outside, perusing only my condition and fortune, do err in my altitude ; for I am above Atlas his shoulders. I take my circle to be above three hundred and sixty. Though the number of the arc do measure my body, it comprehendeth not my mind." If, then, the past is not simply a stepping-stone to the future, but a part of our very selves, we can not afford to ignore it, or separate it from ourselves, as a member might be lopped off from our bodies ; for though the body thus maimed might perform many and perhaps most of its functions, still it could never again be called complete. We, therefore, present this volume to our patrons in Hennepin county, not as something extrinsic, to which we would attract their notice and secure their favor, but as a part of themselves, and an important part, which it is the province of the historian to re-invigorate and restore to its rightful owner. Moveover, we can not but hope that we shall thus confer much pleasure. The recounting of events which have transpired in our own neighborhood is the most interesting of all history. There is a fascination in the study of the intermingled fact and fiction of the past which is heightened by a familiarity with the localities described. The writer remembers the glow of enthusiasm with which he once stood at the entrance of the old fort at Ticonderoga, and repeated the words of Ethan Allen : " In the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress, etc." " The river which flows through our native village acquires a new interest when, in imagination, we see the Indian canoe on its surface and the skin-covered tepee on its banks, as in days of yore. Log cabins, straw roofs, and the rude " betterments " of the hardy pioneer, are the next changes on the scene, followed soon by mushroom towns, some of which perish as quickly as they spring up, while others astonish us by their rapid growth ; cities are built, and moss and ivy, the evidences of age, soon accumulate. The log cabin and all the incipient steps of first settlement are things of the past ; "The place which knew them shall know them no more forever." iv PBEFACE. Our purpose is to present these pictures in their natural succession, arousing the enthusiasm of the reader, if possible, giving him a more vig- orous enjoyment of the present by linking it with the past. The compass of the work is wide, extending over a long period of time, embracing the accounts of early explorers, also reaching back among the legends of the past, and approaching the events of to-day, almost undesignedly casting a prophetic glance forward at what must be the future after such a beginning. St. Anthony P'alls and the environs present an exceptionally rich field for a work of this character. By situation, it was the highway of travel for Indian and white man, explorer, missionary, voyageur and trader. This was the favorite hunting ground as^well as the battle-field of our savage predeces- sors. Here, too, they calmed their barbarous hearts, and bowed in worship of the Manitou, whose abode was at the great water-fall. Incidents connected with the early settlement derive interest from the military reservation, and are unique in character. While reviewing these events and enterprises inaugurated for the development of the county, we come to regret that we can not claim the prestige belonging to the aristocracy of early settlers. To eive in detail all the various sources from which the facts here g-iven have been obtained, would be tedious if not impracticable. It may be suffi- cient to say that it fairly presents the history of our remarkable development and a faithful picture of our present condition. We must, however, express our obligations to a host of living witnesses, from whom a large portion of the facts have been obtained and doubtful points verified ; they have our hearty thanks. Material has been drawn largely from the columns of newspapers, which have given, from time to time, a record of passing events. The contri- bution of Rev. Edward D. Neill will be of great permanent value in imperish- able print, and will be greatly prized by histographers everywhere. We have also drawn upon the accumulation of facts in the possession of the Minnesota Historical Society, for a valuable paper by its secretary, Mr. J. Fletcher Wil- liams. The value of a reservoir of historical data at the capital of the state, for such purposes, was fully appreciated, and the maintenance of such a centre of information can not be too strongly advocated. In conclusion, we have an obligation to express to our patrons, and are pleased to acknowledge a liberal patronage and more than ordinary courtesy toward our employees ; for all of which we tender our hearty thanks. Hoping that those who have subscribed for and are about to receive this volume, will favor it with a kind reception, and take as much interest in reading as we have in compiling the history of Hennepin county, we are, very respectfully, Yours, GEO. E. WARNER, CHAS. M. FOOTE. CONTENTS Preface, Map, PAGE iii opp. 1 CHAPTER I— XXIir. Explorers and Pioneers of Afinnesota — Rev. Edward Duffield Neil), - - 1-128 CHAPTERS XXIV— XXIX. Outlines of the History of Jlinncsota from 1*58 to 1881— .J. Fletcher Williams, - 1;>9-1G0 CHAPTER XXX. Fort Snelling, - - - 161-166 CHAPTERS XXXI— XXXIV. Hcnne]>in C'onuty History, - - 167-187 firAPTER XXXV. War Record, - - - - 188-211 CHAPTER XXXVI. Richfield, - - - . 212-221 CHAPTER XXXVII. Bloomiiigton, - - - - 222-2:!0 CHAPTKl; XXXVllI. Eden Prairie, - - - - 2:U-2:57 . CHAPTER XXXIX. Minnetonka, - - - - 238-246 CHAPTER XL. Excelsior, . - . . 247-256 CHAPTER XLI. Jlinnetrista, . . - - 2.")7-262 CHAPTER XLII. Independence, - - - - 263-268 CHAPTER XLIII. Medina, . - . . 268-277 CHAPTER XMV. Crystal Lake, - - - - 278-284 lirooklyn. Os.seo, Chaniplin, Davton, Ila.ssan, (ireenwood. Corcoran, CHAPTER XLV. CHAPTER XLVL CHAPTER XLVIL CHAPTER XLVIII. CHAPTER XLIX. CHAPTER L. CHAPTER LI. CHAPTER LII Maple Grove, - - - - CHAPTER LIII. Plymouth, - - . . CHAPTER LIV. Minnea])olis, Town of, CHAPTER LV. Sain* Anthony, Town of, CHAPTERS LVI— LXXV. Minneapolis, City of, - - - CHAPTERS LXXVI— LXXXIV Minneajiolis. City, lliofiraiiliies, CHAPTER LXXXV. Clironolosry, - - « . CHAPTER LXXXVI. Directory, - . . . IXDEX, .... PAGE 2a5-293 294-297 298- .-JOl 3()2-:!06 .307-310 .311-316 317-321 322-328 328-338 339-3.-.3 3r).}-3.->7-499 499-662 662-668 i;(;9 ()i)6 697 :»JAP i>Y HENNEPIN COUNTY, -^ AIDTXE S OTA. J8S1. Ha.s,,n i (^ n^YTOS Uitiiowr rvlLVSSAX k At^t^ «r. -H--— . kGKOyE J V^ ' ^ ")6 I C S St {\ x'iw- iv«^ tepen^ncej i )" MIUUXA r-;^ j ^9--^ ' -L_ A _' C- — / A 1 VP ■'ihiriglcCA \^ ^-^ .^^.^•^'^ 1~ I TcHri'iiSNt I MIXXKVPOI.LS ,k'' •^'^ ' 6 LS/, Himtfiirtii:. --^. .. '^{irilFIELD^ ftSiu. •S'ra/f .; inilcs lo r//i iilcJi --^^ •-., I, North Star Publishing Co aliijui EXPLORERS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. CHAPTER I. FOOTPRrNTS OF CIVILIZATION TOWAKD THE EXTKEMITT OF LAKE SUPERIOR. Minnesotii's Central Position. — D'Avagour's Prediction, — Nicolefs Visit to Green B.iy.— First T\liite Men in Minnesota. — Xotices of Groselliers and Radisson. — Hurons Flee to Minnesota. — Visited l)y Frenchmen. — Father Menard Disap- pears. — Groselliers Visits Hudson's Bay. — Father Allouez Describes the Sioux Mission at La Pointe. — Father Marquette.— Sioux at Sault St. Marie. — .Jesuit Missions Fail.— Groselliers Visits Engl.ind.— Captain Gillam, of Boston, at Hud- son's Bay. — Letter of Mother Superior of Ur^ulines., at Quebec. — Death of Grcselliers. The Dakotahs, called by the Ojibways, Nado- waysioux, or Sioux (Soos), as abbreviatsd by the French, used to claim superiority over other peo- ple, because, their sacred men asserted that the mouth of the Minnesota River was immediately over the centre of the earth, and below the centre of the heavens. While this teaching is very different from tliat of the modern astronomer, it is certainly true, that the region west of Lake Superior, extending through the valley of the Miimesota, to the Mis- souri River, is one of the most healthful and fer- tile regions beneatli the skies, and may prove to be the centre of the republic of the United States f)f America. Baron D'Avagour, a brave officer, who was killed in fighting tlie Turks, while he was Governor of Canada, in a dispatch to the French Government, dated August 14th, 1663, after referring to Lake Huron, vvTote, that beyond " is met another, called Lake Superior, the waters of which, it is believed, flow into Xew Spain, and this, according to general opinion, ought to he tlie centre of the country." As early as 1635, one of Champlain's interpre- ters, Jean Nicolet (Kicolay), who came to Cana- da in 1618, reached the western shores of Lake Michigan. In the summer of 1634 he ascended Entered according to act I'l'l'ii I Hie year 1S81, by Gbo. E. Wabkkr ani the St. Lawrence, with a party of Hurons, and probably during the next winter was trading at Green Bay, in Wisconsm. On the ninth of De- cember, 1635, he had returned to Canada, and on the 7th of October, 1637, was married at Quebec, and the next month, went to Three Rivers, where he lived until 1642, when he died. Of him it is said, in a letter written in 1640, that he had pen- etrated farthest into those distant coimtries, and that if he had proceeded " three days more on a great river which flows from that lake [Green Bay] he would have found the sea." The first white men in Minnesota, of whom we have any record, were, according to Garneau, two persons of Huguenot aflinities, Medard Chouart, known as Sieur Groselliers, and Pierre d'Esprit, called Sieur Radisson. Groselliers (pronounced Gro-zay-yay) was bom near Ferte-sous-Jouarre, eleven miles east of Meaux, in France, and when about sixteen years of age, in the year 1641, came to Canada. The fur trade was the great avenue to prosperity, and in 1646, he was among the Huron Indians, who then dwelt upon tlie eastern shore of Lake Huron, bartering for peltries. On the second of Septem- ber, 1647, at Quebec, he was married to Helen, the widow of Claude Etieime, who was the daugh- ter of a pilot, Abraham Martin, whose baptismal name is still attached to the suburbs of that city, the " Plains of Abraham,'' made famous by the death there, of General Wolfe, of the English army, m 1759, and of General Montgomery, of the Continental army, in December, 1775, at the \ C. M, FooTK, in tlie office of the Librari.^n ofCongress. at Washin^on, D. C. EXPLORERS AXn PIOXEERS OF MIA'XESOTA. commencement of the " War for Independence." His son, !Medard, was bom in 1657, and tlie next jear his motlier died. The second wife of Gro- selliers was ilarguerite Ilayet(IIaTay) Radisson. the sister of liis associate, in tlie exploration of the region west of Lake Superior. Eadisson was born at St. ilalo, and, while a" boy. went to Paris, and from thence to Canada, and in 1656, at Three Rivers, married EUzabeth, the daughter of ^ladeleine Hainault, and, after her death, the daughter of Sir David Kirk or Kerkt, a zealous Huguenot, became his wife. The Iroquois of Xew York, about the year 1650, drove the Hurons from their villages, and forced them to take refuge witli their friends the Tiuon- tates, called by the French. Petuns. because they cultivated tobacco. In time the Ilurons and their allies, the Ottawas (Ottaw- waws}, were again driven by the Iroquois, and after successive wanderings, were found on the west side of Lake Michigan, In time they reached the Mississippi, and ascendmg above the Wisconsin, they found the Iowa River, on the west side, which they fol- lowed, and dwelt for a time with the Ayoes (loways) who were very friendly : but being ac- customed to a country of lakes and forests, they were^ot satisfied with the vast prairies. Return- ing to the Mississippi, they ascended this river, in search of a better land, and were met by some of the Sioux or Dakotahs. and conducted to their villages, where they were well received. The Sioux, delighted with the axes, knives and awls of European manufacture, which had been pre- sented to them, allowed the refugees to settle upon an island in the Mississippi, below the mouth of the St. Croix River, called Bald Island from the absence of trees, about nine miles from the site of the present city of Hastings. Possessed of firearms, the Ilurons and Ottawas asserted their superiority, and determined to conquer the country for themselves, and having incurred the hostihty of the Sioux, were obliged to flee from the isle in the Mississippi. Descending below Lake Pepin, they reached the Black River, and ascending it. found an unoccupied country around its sources and that of the Chippeway. In this region the Hurons established themselves, while their alUes, the Ottawas, moved eastward, till they found the shores of Lake Superior, and set- tled at Chagouamikon (Sha-gah-wah-mik-ong) near what is now Bayfield, In the year 1659, Groselliers and Radisson arrived at Chagouamik- on, and determined to visit the Ilurons and Pe- tuns, -n-ith whom the former had traded when they resided east of Lake Huron. After a six days' journey, in a southwesterly direction, they reached their retreat toward the sources of the Black. Chippewa, and "Wisconsin Rivers. Prom this point they journeyed north, and passed the wmter of 1659-60 among the " Xadouechiouec," or Sioux villages in the Mille Lacs (Mil Lak) re- gion. From the Hurons they learned of a beau- tiful river, wide, large, deep, and comparable with the Saint Lawrence, the great Mississippi, which flows through the city of 2ilinneapoUs, and whose sources are in northern ^ilhuiesota. Xortheast of Mille Lacs, toward the extremity of Lake Superior, they met the •• Poualak," or Assiniboines of the prairie, a separated band of the Sioux, who, as wood was scarce and small, made fire with coal (eharbon de terre) and dwelt in tents of skins : although some of the more in- dustrious built cabins of clay (terre grasse), like the swallows build their nests. The spring and siunmer of 1660, GroseUiers and Radisson passed in trading around Lake Superior. On the 19th of August they returned to Mon- treal, with three hundred Indians and sixty ca- noes loaded with " a wealth of skins." " Fui-s of bison and of beaver. Furs of sable and of ermine." The citizens were deeply stiiTed by the travelers' tales of the vastness and richness of the region they had visited, and their many rom;mtic adven- tures. In a few days, they began their return to the far "West, accompanied by six Frenchmen and two priests, one of whom was the Jesuit. Rene Me- nard. His hair whitened by age. and his mind ripened by long experience, lie feemed the man for the mission. Two hours after midnight, of the day before departure, the venerable missionary penned at '■ Three Rivers," the followmg letter to a friend : ■Reverexd Fathi:r : " The jieace of Christ be with you : I write to you probably the last, which I hope will be the seal of oiu' friendship until eternity. Love whom the Lord Jesus did not disdain to love, though the greatest of sinners; for he loves whom he FATHER MENARD LOST IN WISCONSIN. 3 loads ■with his cross. Let your friendship, my good Father, be useful to me by the desirable fruits of your daily sacritice. " In three or four months you may remember me at the memento for the dead, on accoiuit of my old age, my weak constitution and the hard- ships I lay under amongst these tribes. Never- theless, I am m peace, for 1 have not been led to this mission by any temporal motive, but I think it was by the voice of God. I was to resist the grace of God by not coming. Eternal remorse would have tormented me, had I not come when I had the opportunity. " We have been a little surprized, not being able to provide ourselves with vestments and oth- er things, but he who feeds the little birds, and clothes the lilies of the fields, will take care of his servants ; and though it should happen we should die of want, we would esteem ourselves happy. I am burdened with business. What I can do is to recommend our journey to your daily sacrifice, and to embrace you with the same sen- timents of heart as I hope to do in eternity. " My Reverend Father, Your most humble and atfectionate servant in Jesus Christ. R. MEXARD. "From the Three Rivers, this 26th August, 2 o'clock after midnight, 1660." On the 16th of October, the party with which he journeyed reached a bay on Lake Superior, where he found some of the Ottawas, who had fled from the Iroquois of New York. For more than eight months, surrounded by a few French voyageurs, be lived, to use his words, " in a kind of small hermitage, a cabin built of fir branches piled one on another, not so much to shield us from the rigor of the season as to correct my im- agination, and persuade me I was sheltered." During the summer of 1661, he resolved to visit the Ilurons, who had fled eastward from the Sioux of Minnesota, and encamped amid the marshes of Northern Wisconsin. Some Frenchmen, who had been among the Ilurons, in vain attempted to dis- suade him from the journey. To their entreaties he replied, " I must go, if it cost me my life. I can not suffer souls to perish on tlie ground of saving the bodily life of a miserable old man like myself. Whatl Are we to serve God only when there is nothing to suffer, and no risk of hfe?" Upon T>e Flsle's map of Louisiana, published nearly two centuries ago, there appears the Lake of the Ottawas, and the Lake of the Old or De- serted Settlement, west of Green Bay, and south of Lake Superior. The Lake of the Old Planta- tion is supposed to have been the spot occupied by the Ilurons at the time when Menard attempt- ed to visit them. One way of access to this seclu- ded spot was from Lake Superior to the head- waters of the Ontanagon River, and then by a port- age, to the lake. It could also be reached from the headwaters of the Wisconsin, Black and Chip- pewa Rivers, and some have said that Menard descended the Wisconsin and ascended the Black River. Perrot, who lived at the same time, writes: "Father Menard, who was sent as missionary among the Outaouas [Utaw-wawsJ accompanied by certain Frenchmen who were going to trade with that people, was left by all who were with him, except one, who rendered to him until death, all of the services and help that he could have hoped. The Father followed the Outaouas f Utaw- wawsjto the Lake of the Illinoets [lUino-ay, now Michigan] and m their flight to the Louisiaune, [Mississippi] to above the Black River. There this missionary had but one Frenchman for a companion. This Frenchman carefully followed the route, and made a portage at the same place as the Outaouas. He found himself in a rapid, one day, that was carrying him away in his canoe. The Father, to assist, debarked from his own, but did not find a good path to come to liim. He en- tered one that had been made by beasts, and de- siring to return, became confused in a labyrinth of trees, and was lost. Tlie Frenchman, after having ascended the rapids with great labor, awaited the good Father, and, as he did not come, resolved to search for him. With all his might, for several days, he called his name in the wooils, hoping to find him, but it was useless. He met, however, a Sakis [Sauk] who was carrying the camp-kettle of the missionary, and who gave liim some intelligence. He assured him tliat he had found his foot -prints at some distance, but that he had not seen the Father. He told him, also, that he had found the tracks of .several, who were going towards the Scioux. He declared that he supposed that the Scioux might have killed or captured him. Indeed, several years aftei-wards, EXPLOBERS AND PIOXEERS OF MIXXESOTA. there were found among this tribe, his breviary and cassock, which they exposed at then- festivals, makmg offerings to them of food." In a journal of the Jesuits. Menard, about the seventh or eighth of August, 1661. is said to have been lost. GroselUers (Gro-zay-yay). while Menard was endeavoring to reach the retreat of the Hurons_ which he had made known to the authorities of Canada, was pushuig through the country of the Assuieboines. on the northwest shore of Lake Superior, and at length, probably by Lake Alem- pigon, or Xepigon. reached Hudson's Bay. and early in May. 1662. returned to Montreal, and surprised its citizens ^rtth his tale of new discov- eries toward the Sea of the North. The Hurons tUd not remain long toward the sources of the Black Eiver. after Menard's disap- pearance, and deserting their plantations, jouied their alUes, the Ottawas, at La Pointe, now Bay- field, on Lake Superior, "\\liile here, they deter- mined to send a war party of one hundred against the Sioux of ilille Lacs (Mil Lak) region. At length they met their foes, who drove them into one of the thousand marshes of the water-shed between Lake Superior and the Mississippi, where they hid themselves among the tall grasses. The Sioux, suspectmg that thev might attempt to es- cape in the night, cut up beaver skins into strips, and himg thereon little bells, which they had ob- tained from the French traders. The Hurons. emerging from their watery hiding place, stumbled over the unseen cords, ringing the beUs, and the Sioux instantly attacked, killing aU but one. About the year 1665. four Frenchmen visited the Sioux of ^linnesota. from the west end of Lake Superior, accompanied b> an Ottawa chief, and m the summer of the same year, a flotilla of canoes laden with peltries, came down to Mon- treal. Upon their return, on the eighth of Au- gust, the Jesuit Father, AUouez. accompanied the traders, and, by the first of October, reached Che- goimegon Bay. on or near the site of the modern Xovra of Bayfield, on Lake Superior, where he found the refugee Hurons and Ottawas. "While on an excursion to Lake Alempigon. now Xe- pigon, this missionary saw, near the mouth of Saint Louis Eiver, in ;Minnesota. some of the Sioux. He -mites : " There is a tribe to the west of this, toward the great river called Messipi. They are forty or fifty leagues from liere. in n country of prairies, abounding in all kinds of game. They liave fields, in which they do not sow Indian corn, but only tobacco. Pro%'idence has pro\ided them with a species of marsh rice, whicli, toward the end of summer, they go to col- lect in certain small lakes, that are covered with it. They presented me with some when I was at the extremity of Lake Tracy [Superior], where I saw them. They do not use tlie gun. but only the bow and arrow vith great dexterity. Their cabins are not covered with bark, but with deer- skins well dried, and stitched together so that the cc)ld does not enter. These jieople are above all other savage and warhke. In our presence they seem abashed, and were motionless as statues. Tliey speak a language entirely unknown to us, and the savages about here do not tmderstand them." The mission at La Pointe was not encouraging, and Alliiupz. " weary of their obstinate unbelief." departed, but Marquette succeeded liim for a brief period. The •• Relations" of the Jesuits for 1670-71, allude to the Sioux or Dakt)tahs. and their attack upon the refugees at La Pointe : •• There are certain people caUed Xadoussi, dreaded by their neighbors, and altliough they only use the bow and arrow, they use it with so much skill and dexterity, that in a moment they fill the air. After the Parthian method, they turn their heads in flight, and discliarge their ar- rows so rapidly that they are to be feared no less in their retreat than in their attack. •• They dwell on the shores and around the great river ^lessipi. of which we shall speak. They number no less than fifteen populous towns, and yet they know not how to cidtivate the earth by seeding it, contenting themselves with a sort of marsh rye, which we call wild oats. •• For sixty leagues from the extremity of the upper lakes, towards sunset, and, as it were, in the centre of the western nations, they have all united their force by a general league, which has been made against them, as against a common enemy. ■• They speak a pecuhar language, entirely dis- tinct from that of the Algonquins and Hurons, whom they generally surpass in generosity, since they often content themselves ■with the glory of GBOSELLIEES AND BADISSON IN THE ENGLISH SEIi VICE. having obtained the victory, and release the pris- oners they have taken in battle. " Our Outouacs of the Pomt of the Holy Ghost [La Pointe, now Bayfield] had to the present time kept up a kind of peace with them, but affairs having become embroiled during last winter, and some murders ha\ing been committed on both sides, our savages had reason to apprehend that the storm would soon burst upon them . and j iidged that it was safer for them to leave the place, which in fact they did in the spring." Marquette, on the 13th of September. 1660. writes : " The Nadouessi are the Iroquois of tins country. * * * they lie northwest of the Mission of the Holy Ghost [La Pointe, the modern Bay- field] and we have not yet visited them, having confined ourselves to the conversion of the Otta- was." Soon after this, hostilities began between the Sioux and the Iluroiisaiid Ottawas of La Pointe, and the former compelled their foes to seek an- other resting place, toward the eastern extremity of Lake Superior, and at length they pitched their tents at ^Mackinaw. In 1674, some Sioux warriors came down to Sault Saint Marie, to make a treaty of peace with adjacent tribes. A friend of the Abbe de Galli- nee wrote that a council was had at the fort to which "the Nadouessioux sent twelve deputies. and the others forty. During the conference, one of the latter, knife in hand, drew near the breast of one of the Nadouessioux, who showed surprise at the movement ; when the Indian with the knife reproached him for cowardice. The Nadouessioux said he was not afraid, when the other planted the knife in his heart, and killed him. All the savages then engaged in conflict, and the Nadouessioux bravely defended them- selves, but, overwhelmed by numbers, nine of them were killed. The two who survived rushed into the chapel, and closed the door. Here they found munitions of war, and fired guns at their enemies, who became anxious to burn down the cliapel, but the Jesuits would not permit it, be- cause they had their skins stored between its roof and ceiling. In this extremity, a Jesuit, Louis Le Boeme, advised tliat a cannon should lie point- ed at the door, which was discharged, and the two brave Sioux were killed." Governor Frontenuc of Canada, was indignant at the occurrence, and in a letter to Colbert, one of the Ministers of Louis the Fourteenth, speaks in condemnation of this discharge of a cannon by a Brother attached to the Jesuit Mission. From this period, the missions of the Church of Rome, near Lake Superior, began to wane. Shea. a devout historian of that church, writes: •• In 1680, Father Enjalran was apparently alone at Green Bay, and Pierson at ilackinaw ; the latter mission still comprising the two villages, Hiu-on and Kiskakon. Of the other missions, neither Le Clerq nor Hennepin, the Recollect, writers of the ^Vest at this time, makes any mention, or in any way alludes to their existence, and La lion- tan mentions the Jesuit missions only to ridicule them.'' The Pigeon River, a part of tlie northern boun- dary of Mhmesota, was called on the French maps GroselUer's River, after the first explorer of Min- nesota, whose career, with his associate Radisson, became quite prominent in connection with the Hudson Bay region. A disagreement occurring between Groselliers and his partners in Quebec, he proceeded to Paris, and from thence to London, where he was intro- duced to the nephew of Charles I., who led the cavalry charge against Fairfax and Cromwell at Naseby. afterwards commander of the Englisli fleet. The Prince listened with pleasure to the narrative of travel, and endorsed the plans for prosecuting the fur trade and seeking a north- west passage to Asia. The scientific men of Eng- land were also full of the enterprise, in the hope that it would increase a knowledge of nature. The Secretary of the Royal Society wrote to Rob- ert Boyle, the distinguished philosopher, a too sanguine letter. His words were : •' Surely I need not tell you from hence what is said here, with great joy, of the discovery of a northwest passage; and by two Englishmen and one Frenchman represented to his Majesty at Oxford, and an- swered by the grant of a vessel to sail into Hud- son's Bay and channel into the South Sea." The ship Nonsuch was fitted out, in charge of Captam Zachary GOIam, a son of one of the early settlers of Boston ; and in this vessel Groselliers and Radisson left the Thames, in .June, 166S, and in September reached a tributary of Hudson's Bay. The next year, by way of Boston, they re- turned to England, and in UuO. a trading com- 6 EXPLOREBS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. pany -was chartered, still known among venerable English coi-poratious as " The Hudson's Bay Company."' The Reverend Mother of the Incarnation, Su- perior of the I'isulines of Quebec, iu a letter of the :27th of August. 1G70, writes thus : " It vas about this time that a Frenchman of our Touraine. named des Groselliers. married in this country, and as he had not been successful in making a furtuue. was seized witli a fancy to go to ;N'ew England to better his condition, lie excited a hope among the English that he had found a passage to the Sea of the North. "With this expectation, he was sent as an envoy to Eng- knd. where there was given to liim. a vessel. with crew and every tiling necessary for the voy- age. "With these advantages, he put to sea. and in place of the usual route, which others had ta- ken in vain, he sailed in another direction, and searched so wide, that he found the grand Bay of the Xorth. He foiuid large population, and filled Ms ship or sliips ■\\itli peltries of great value. * * * He has taken possession of this great region for the King of England, and for his personal benefit A publication for the benefit of tliis French ad- venturer, has been made in England. He was a youth when he arrived here, aud his wife and children are yet here." Talon, Intendent of Justice in Canada, in a dis- patch to Colbert, Minister of the Colonial Depart- ment of France, wrote on the 10th of November, lUTO, that he has received intelligence that two English vessels are approaching Hudson's Bay, and adds : " After reflecting on all the nations that might have penetrated as far north as that, I can alight on only the English, who, under the guidance of a man named Des Grozellers. for- merly an inhabitant of Canada, might possibly have attempted tliat navigation.'" After years of service on the shores of Hudson's Bay. either with English or French trading com- panies, the old explorer died in Canada, and it lias been said that his son went to England, where he was living iu 1696, iu receipt of a pension. HA Hh Y MENTIoy OF LAKE SVPEJilOB COPPER. CHAPTER II. EAHLY MENTION OF LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER. Safrard, A D. 1636, on Copper Minep.— BoHcher. A D, 1640, Describes Lake Supc ri,T Coppi-r - losuit Relations, A. D 1661,-07.— Copper on Isle Royals.— Half- Breed Voyageur Goes to France with Talon.— Jolliet and Pcrrot Search for Cupper.— St. Liisson Plants the French Arms at Sault St. Marie.— Copper at Ontanagon and Head of Lake Superior. Before white men luid explored tlie shores of Lake Superior, Iiulians liad broiiglit to the tra- ding posts of the St. Lawrence River, specimens of copper from that region. Sagard, In his History of Canada, publislied in 1636, at Paris, writes: '• Tliere are mines of copper wliicli miglit lie made profitable, if there were iiiliabitants and work- men who would labor faithfully. That would be done if colonies were, establislied. About eighty or one hundred leagues from the Hurons, tliere is a mine of copper, from wliicli Truchemont Brusle showed me an, on his return from a voyage wliieh ho made to the neigliboring nation." Pierre Boucher, grandfatiier of Sieur de la Ve- rendrye, the explorer of the lakes of the northern boundary of jNIinnesota, in a volume puljlislied A. D. 1640, also at Paris, writes : ■' In Lake Su- perior there is a great island, fifty or one hundred leagues in circumference, in which there is a very beautiful mine of copper. There are otlier places in tliose quarters, wliere there are similar mines ; so I learned from four or five Frenchmen, wlio lately returned. Tliey were gone three years, without finding an opportunity to return ; tliey tohl me that they had seen an ingot of copper all refined which was on the coast, and weighed more than eight hundred pounds, according to their es- timate. They said that the savages, on passing it, made a fire on it, after wliich they cut off pie- ces with their axes." In the Jesuit Relations of 1666-67, there is this description of Isle Royale : " Advancing to a place called the Grand Anse, we meet with an island, three leagues from land, which is cele- brated for tlie metal wliich is found there, and for the tliuniler whicli takes place there; for they say it always thunders there. " But farther towards the west on the same nortli shore, is the island most famous for copper, Minong (Isle Royale). This island is twenty-five leagues in length ; it is seven from the mainland, and sixty from the head of the lake. Nearly all around the island, on tlie water's edge, pieces of copper are found mixed with pebbles, but espe- cially on the side which is opposite the south, and principally in a certain bay, which is near the northeast exposure to the great lake. * * * " Advancing to the head of the lake (Fon du Lac) and returning one day"s journey by the south coast, there is seen on the edge of the water, a rock of copper weighing seven or eight hundred pounds, anil is so hard that steel can hardlycut it, but when it is heated it cuts as easily as lead. Near Point Chagouamigong [Sha - gah - wall - mik- ong, near Bayfield] where a mission was establish- ed rocks of copper and plates of the same metal were found. * * * Returning still toward the moutli of the lake, following the coast on the south as twenty leagues from the place last mentioned, we enter the river called Xantaouagan [Ontona- gon] on which is a liill where stones and copper fall into the water or upon the earth. They are readily found. " Three years since we received a piece which was lirought from this place, which weighed a hundred pounds, and we sent it to (Quebec to ilr. Talon. It is not certain exactly where this was broken from. "We think it was from the forks of the river ; others, tliat it was from near the lake, and dug up." Talon, Intendent of Justice in Canada, visited France, taking a half-breed voyageur with him, and while in Paris, wrote on the 26lli of Febru- ary, 1669, to Colbert, the Minister of the Jilarine Department. " that this voyageur had penetrated among the western nations farther than any other Frenchman, and had seen the copper mine on Lake Huron. [Superior?] The man oilers to go 8 EXPLOBEBS AXD PIOXEEBS OF MIXNESOIA. to that mine, aud explore, either by sea, or by lake and river, the communicatiou supposed to exist between Canada and the South Sea, or to tlie regions of Hudson's Bay." As soon as Talon returned to Canada he com- missioned Jolliet and Pere [Perrot] to search for the mines of copper on the iipper Lakes. Jolliet received an outfit of four hundred IhTes, and four canoes, and Perrot one thousand Uvres. Miuis- ister Colbert -wrote from Paris to Talon, in Feb- ruary, 1671. approving of the search for copper, in these words : ■' The resolution you have taken to send Sieur de La Salle toward the south, and Sieur de St. Lusson to the north, to discover the South Sea passage, is very good, but the principal thmg you ought to apply yourself in discoveries of this nature, is to look for the copper mine. " "Were this mine discovered, and its utility evident, it would be an assured means to attract several Frenchmen from old. to Xew France."" On the 14th of June, 1671, Saint Lusson at Saidt St. Marie, planted the arms of France, in the pres- ence of Nicholas Perrot. who acted as interpreter on the occasion ; the Sieur Jolliet ; Pierre Moreau or Sieur de la Taupine ; a soldier of the garrison of Quebec, and several other Frenchmen. Talon, in annoiuicing Saint Lusson"s explora- tions to Colbert, on the" 2d of November, 1671, WTote from Quebec : '• The copper which I send from Lake Superior and the river Xantaouagan [Ontonagon] proves that there is a mine on the border of some stream, which produces this ma- terial as pure as one could wish. More than twenty Frenchmen have seen one lump at the lake, which they estimate weighs more than eight hmidred poimds. The Jesuit Fathers among the Outaouas [Ou-taw-waws] use an anvil of this ma- terial, which weighs about one hundred pounds. There will be no rest imtil the source from whence these detached limips come is discovered. '• The river Xantaouagan fOntouagou] appears between two high hUls. the plain above which feeds the lakes, and receives a great deal of snow, which, in melting, forms torrents which wash the borders of this river, composed of solid gravel, which is rolled down by it. •• The gravel at the bottom of this, hardens it- self, and assumes different shapes, such as those pebbles which I send to Mr. Bellinzany. My ophiion is that these pebbles, rounded and carried off by the rapid waters, then have a tendency to become copper, by the influence of the sun"s rays which they absorb, and to form other nuggets of metal similar to those which I send to Sieur de Bellinzany. found by the Sieur de Saint Lusson, about four hundred leagues, at some distance from the mouth of the river. •• He hoped by the frequent journeys of the savages, and French who are beginning to travel by these routes, to discern the source of croduc- tion."" Governor Denon^^lle, of Canada, sixteen years after the above circumstances, -n-rote : " The cop- per, a sample of which I sent M. Arnou. is fotuid at the head of Lake Superior. The body of the nune has not yet been discovered. I have seen one of our voyageurs who assures me that, some fifteen months ago he saw a lump of two himdred weight, as yellow as gold, in a river which falls into Lake Superior. "When heated, it could be cut with an axe : but the superstitious Indians, regarding this boulder as a good spirit, would never permit him to take any of it away. His opinion is that the frost undermined this piece, ;ind that the mine is in that river. He has prom- ised to search for it on his way back."" In the year 1730. there was some correspond- ence with the authorities in France relative to the discovery of copper at La Pointe. but. practi- cally, little was done by the French, in developing the mineral wealth of Lake Superior. DU LUTH PLANTS THE FRENCH ARMS IX MINNESOTA. ni AFTER ITI. DU LtTTH PLANTS THE FKENCII \inis TN MINNESOTA Da Luth's Relatives. — Randin Visits Extremity of I^ke Superior. — Du Luth Plants King's Arms.—Post at Kaministigoya. — Pierre MoreaF. alias LaTaupine. — La Salle's Visit.— A Pilot Deserts to the Sioux Country.— uaffart, Du Luth's Interpreter.— Descent of the River St. Croix.— Meets Father Hennepin.— Crit- icised hy La Salle— Trades with New England. —Visits France. — In Command at Mackinaw.— Frenchmen Murdered at Keweenaw — Du Lulh Arrests and Shoots Murderers.— Builds Fort ahove Detroit. — With Indian Allies in the Seneca War.-Du Luth's Brother —Cadillac Defends the Brandy Trade,— Du Luth Disapproves of Selling Brandy to the Indians.— In Command at Fort Frontenac. — Death. In the year 1678, several prominent merchants of Quebec ami Montreal, with the support of Governor Frontenac of Canada, formed a com- pany to open trade with the Sioux of ^Minnesota, and a nephew of Patron, one of these merchants, a brother-in-law of Sieur de Lnsigny, an ofHcer of the Governor's Guards, named Daniel Grey- solon Du Luth [Doo-loo]. a native of St. (4ermain en Laye, a few miles from Paris, although Lahon- tan speaks of him as from Lyons, ■was made the leader of the expedition. At the battle of Seneffe against the Prince of Orange, he was a gendarme, and one of the King's guards. Du Luth was also a cousin of Henry Tonty, who had been in the revolution at Naples, to throw off the Spanish dependence. Du Luth"s name is va- riously spelled in the documents of his day. Hen- nepin ■writes, "Du Luth;" others, "Dulhut."" " Du Lhu," " Du Lut," " De Luth," " Du Lud." The temptation to procure valuable furs from the Lake Superior region, contrary to the letter of the Canadian law, was very great ; and more than one Governor winked at the contraband trade. Randin, who visited tlie extremity of Lake Superior, distributed presents to the Sioux and Ottawas in the name of Governor Frontenac, to secure the trade, and after his death, Du Luth was sent to complete w hat he had begun. With a party of twenty, seventeen Frenchmen and three Indians, he left Quebec on the first of September, 1078, and on the lifth of April. 1679, Du Luth writes to Governor Frontenac. that he is in the woods, about nine miles from Sault St. Marie, at the entrance of Lake Superior, and adds that : he '• will not stir from the Xadous- sioux, until further orders, and, peace being con- cluded, he will set up the King's Arms ; lest the Englisli and other Europeans settled towards California, take possession of the country." On the second of July, 1679, he caused his Majesty's Arms to be planted in the great \dllage of the Nadoussioux, called Kathio, wliere no Frenchman had ever been, and at Songaskicons and Houetbatons, one hundred and twenty leagues distant from the former, where he also set up the Kmg's Arms. In a letter to Seignalay, published for the first time by Ilarrisse, he writes that it was in the viUage of Izatys [Issati]. Upon Fran- quelin's map. the Mississippi branches into the Tintonha [Teeton Sioux] country, and not farfrom here, he alleges, was seen a tree upon which was this legend: " Arms of the King cut on this tree in the year 1679." lie established a post at Kamanisiigoya, which wa:i distant fifteen leagues from the Grand Port- age at the western extremity of Lake Superior ; and here, on the fifteenth of September, he held a council with the Assenipoulaks [Assineboines] and other tribes, and urged them to be at peace with the Sioux. During this summer, he dis- patched Pierre Moreau, a celebrated voyageirr, nicknamed LaTaupine, with letters to Governor Frontenac, and valuable furs to the merchants. His arrival at Quebec, created some excitement. It was charged that the Governor corresponded with Du Luth, and that he passed the beaver, sent by him, in the name of merchants in his in- terest. The Intendant of Justice, Du Chesneau, wrote to the Minister of the Colonial Department of France, that " the man named La Taupine, a famous coureur des bois, who set out in the month of September of last year, 1678, to go to the Ou- tawacs, with goods, and who has always been in- terested with the Governor, having returned tliis year, and I, being advised that he had traded ui 10 EXPLOBEBS AND PIONEEBS OF MINNESOTA. two days, one hundred and fifty beaver robes in one village of this tribe, amoimtinu to nearly nine hxmdred heavere. whieli is a matter of public no- toriety : and that he left wth Du Liit two men whom he had with him. considered myself botmd to have him an-ested. and to interrouate lum : but having presented me with a license from the Gov- ernor, permitting him and liis comrades, named Lamonde and Dupuy. to repaii- to the Outawac, to execute his secret orders. I had liim set at liberty : and immediately on his going out. Sieur Prevost. Town Mayor of Quebec, came at the head of some soldiers to force the prison, in case he was still there, pursuant to his orders from the Governor, in these terms : •■ Sieur Prevost, Mayor of Quebec, is ordered, in case the Intendant arrest Pierre Moreau alias La Taupine. whom we have sent to Quebec as bearer of our dispatches, upon pretext of his having been in the bush, to set him forthwith at liberty, and to employ every means for this puniose. at his peril. Done at Montreal, theotli Sppteml)er. 1679. "' La Tauiiine. in due time returned to Lake Su- perior with another consignment of merchandise. The interpreter of Du Lutli. and trader with the Sioux, was FafEart, who had been a soldier under La Salle at Fort Frontenae. and had deserted. La Salle was commissioned in UiTS, by the King of France, to explore the West, and trade in Cibola, or buffalo skins, and on conditit)n that he did not traflSc with the Ottauwaws. who carried their beaver to ^Montreal. On the 21t\\ of August. ItiTV). he arrived at Mackinaw, in the ■■ Griffin." the first sailing ves- sel on the great Lakes of the West, and from thence went to Green IJay. ^^■here. in the face of his commission, he traded for beaver. Loading his vessel with peltries, he sent it back to Niag- ara, while he. in canoes, proceeded with his ex- pedition to the Illinois Eiver. The ship was never heard of. and for a time supposed to be lost, but La Salle afterward learned from a Pawnee boy fourteen or tifteen years of age. who was brougiit prisoner to his fort ou the Illinois by some Indians, that the pilot of the " Griffin "4iad been among the tribes of the Tapper Missouri. lie had ascended the Mississippi with four others in two birch canoes with goods and some hand grenades, taken from the ship, with the intention of join ing Du Luth, who had for months been trading with the Sioux : and if their efforts were imsuc- cessful, they expected to push on to the English, at Hudson's Bay. While ascending the Missis- sippi they were attacked by Indians, and the pilot and one other only sunived. and they were sold to the Indians on the Missouri. In tlie month of June, 1680. Du Luth, accom- panied by Faffart, an interpreter, with four Frenchmen, also a Chippeway and a Sioux, with two canoes, entered a river, the mouth of which is eight leagues from the head of Lake Superior on the South side, named Xemitsakouat. Reach- ing its head waters, by a short portage, of half a league, he reached a lake which was the source of the Saint Croix River, and by this, he and his companions were the first Eiu'opeans to journey in a canoe from Lake Superior to the Mississippi. La Salle writes, that Du Luth. finding that the Sioux were on a hunt in the Mississippi val- ley, below the Saint Croix, and that Accault, Au- gelle and Ilenneiiin. who had come np from the Illinois a few weeks before, were with them, de- scended until he found them. In the same letter he disregards the truth in order to disparage his rival, and writes: '• Thirty-eight or forty leagues above the Chip- peway they found the river by which the Sieur Du Luth did descend to the Mississippi. He had l)een three years, contrary to ordere. with a com- pany of twenty •' coureurs du bois" on Lake Su- perior; he had borne himself bravely, proclaiming everywhere that at the head of his brave fellows he did not fear tlie Grand Prevost, and that he would compel an amnesty. '• AMiile he was at Lake Superior, the Xadoue- sioux. enticed by the presents that the late Sieur Randin had made on the part of Count Fronte- nae. and the Sauteurs [Ojibways]. who are the sav- ages who carry the peltries to Moutreal. and who dwell on Lake Superior, wishing to obey the re- peated ordere of the Count, made a peace to unite the Sauteurs and French, and to trade with the Xadouesioux. situated al)out sixty leagues to the west of Lake Superior. Du Luth. to disgtiise his desertion, seized the opportunity to make some reputation for liimself, seniUng Xwo messen- gers to tlie Count to negotiate a truce, during wiiich period their comrades negotiated stUl bet- ter for beaver. Several conferences were held with the Xa- FAFFABT, BU LUTW8 INTEBPBETEB. 11 doiiessioux, and as he needed an interpreter, he led off one of mine, named Faffart. formerly a sol- dier at Fort Frontenac. During this period there were frequent visits between the Sauteurs [Ojib- ways] and Nadouesioux. and supjiosing tliat it miglit increase the number of beaver skins, he sent Faffart by land, witli the Nadouesioux and Sauteurs [Ojibways]. Tlie young man on his re- turn, liaving given an account of tlie (piantity of beaver in that region, lie wished to proceed thither himself, and, guided by a Sauteur and a Nadoue- sioux, and four Frenchmen, he ascended the river Xemitsakouat, wliere. by a short portage, he de- scended that stream, whereon he passed through forty leagues of rapids [Upper St. Croix River], an- a large number of savages he brought to Niagara, who would have attacked the Senecas, was it not for an express order from M. De la Barre to the contrary." In 1686, while at Mackinaw, he was orderea to establish a post on the Detroit, near Lake Erie. A portion of the order reads as f illows : " After having given all the orders that you may judge necessary for the safety of this post, and having well secured the obedience of the Iiisite of the modern Fort Gra- tiot, above the city of Detroit, the Governor of Canada said: " If you can so arrange your affairs that your brother can be near you in the Spring. I shall be very glad. lie is an intelligent lad. and might be a great assistance to you; he might also be very serviceable to us." This lad. Greysolon de la Tourette, during the ■winter of 16S6-7 was trading among tlie Assina- boines and other tribes at the west end of Lake Superior, but. upon receiving a dispatch, hastened to his brother, journeying in a canoe without any escort from Mackinaw. He did not arrive until after the battle with the Senecas. Governor l)en- onville. on the 2.5th of August, 1687. wrote: •• Du Luth's brother, who has recently arrived from the rivers above the Lake of tlie Allempi- gons [Nipegon], assures me that he saw more than fifteen lunidred persons come to trade with liim, and they were very sorry he had not goods suffi- cient to satisfy them. They are of the tribes ac- customed to resort to the English at Port Xelson and River Bourbon, where, they say. they did not go this year, through Sieur Du Lhu's influence." After the battle in the vicinity of Rochester, New York, Du Lutli. with his celebrated cousin. Henry Tonty, returned together as far as the post above the present city of Detroit, ^Michigan, but this point, after lt>88, was not again occupied. From this period Du Luth becomes less prom- inent. At the time wlien the Jesuits attempted to exclude brandy from the Indian country a bit- ter controversy arose between tliem and the traders. Cadillac, a Gascon b\- birth, command- ing Fort Buade, at Mackuiaw. on August 3, 169-5. WTote to Count Frontenac: " Xow. what reason can we assign that the savages should not drink brandy bought with their ovi-n money as well as weV Is it prohibited to prevent them from be- commg intoxicatedV Or is it because the use of luandy reduces them to extreme .misery, placing it out of their power to make war by depriving them of clothing and arms? If such representa- tions in regard to the Indians have been made to the Coimt, they are very false, as every one knows who is acquainted with the ways of the savages. * * * It is bad faith to represent to the Count that the sale of brandy reduces the savage to a state of nudity, arfd by that means places it out of his power to make war, since he never goes to war in any otlier condition. * * * Perhaps it will be said that the sale of brandy makes the labors of the missionaries ;mf ruitf ul. It is neces- sary to examine this proposition. If the mission- aries care for only the extension of commerce, pursuhig the coui-se they have hitherto, I agree to it; but if it is the use of brandy that hinders the advancement of the cause of God. I deny it, for it is a fact wliieh no one can deny that there are a great number of savages who never tlrink brandy, yet who are not. for that, better Chris- tians. •■ All the Sioux, the most numerous of all the tribes, who inhabit the region along the shore of Lake Superior, do not even like the smell of brandy. Are they more advanced in religion for tliat? They do not wish to have the subject men- tioned, and when the missionaries address them they only laugh at the foolishness of preaclung. Yet these priests boldly fling before the e\es of Europeans, whole volumes filled with glowing descriptions of the conversion of souls by thou- sands in this country, causing tlie poor missiona- ries from Europe, to run to martyrdom as flies to sugar and honey." Du Luth. or Du Lliut. as he wrote his name, during this discussion, was found upon the side of order and good morals. His attestation is as follows : " I certify that at different periods I liave lived about ten years among the Ottawa nation, from the time that 1 made an exploration to the Xadouecioux people until Fort Saint Jo- seph was established by order of the Monsieur Maniuis Denonville, Governor General, at tlie head of the Detroit of Lake Erie, which is in the Iroquois country, and which I had the honor to command. During this period. I liave seen that the trade in eau-de-vie (brandy) produced great disorder, the father killing the son. and the son throwing his mother into the fire: and I maintain that, morally speaking, it is impossible to export brandy to the woods and distant missions, with- out danger of its leading to misery." Governor Frontenac. in an expedition against the Oneidas of New York, arrived at Fort Fron- tenac. on the 19th of July. 1695, and Captain Du Luth was left in command with forty soldiers. DU LUTH AFFLICTED WITH GOUT. 17 and masons and carpenters, with orders to erect new buildings. In about four weelcs lie erected a building one hundred and twenty feet in length, containing ofHcers' quarters, store-rooms, a bakery and a chapel. Early in 1697 he was still in com- mand of the post, and in a report it is mentioned that " everybody was then in good health, except Captain Dulhut the commander, who was unwell of the gout." It was just before this period, that as a member of the Eoman Catholic Church, he was firmly impressed that he had been helped by prayers which he addressed to a deceased Iroquois girl, who had died in the odor of sanctity, and, as a thank offering, signed tlie following certificate : " I, the subscriber, certify to all whom it may concern, that having been tormented by the gout, for the space of twenty-three years, and with such severe pains, that it gave me no rest for the spac of three months at a time, I addressed myself to Catherine Tegahkouita, an Iroquois virgin de- ceased at the Sault Samt Louis, in the reputation of sanctity, and I promised her to visit her tomb, if God should give me health, through her inter- cession. I have been as perfectly cured at the end of one novena, which I made in her honor, that after five months, I have not perceived the slightest touch of ray gout. Given at Fort Fron- tenac, this 18th day of August, 1696." As soon as cold weather returned, his old mal- ady again appeared. He died early in A. I). 1710. Marquis de Vaudreuil, Governor of Canada, un- der date of first of May of that year, wrote to Count Pontchartrain, Colonial Minister at Paris, " Captain Du Lud died this winter. He was a very honest man." 18 EXPLOBEBS AXD PIONEEBS OF MINKESOTA. CHAPTER TV. FIRST WHI TE MEN AT FALLS OF SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA. Falls ofSt, Anthony Visited l>y White Men.— La Salle Givestlie First Description of Tpper Mississippi Valley.— Accault, the Leader, Accompanied hy Augelle and Hennepin, at Falls of Saint Anthony.— Hennepin Declared Unreliable by La Sjille.— His Early Life.— His First Book Criticised by Ahbe Bernon and Tronson. —Deceptive Map. — First Meeting with Sioux.;— Astonishment at Reading His Breviarj-,— Sioux Name tor Guns.- Accault and Hennepin at Liike Pepin.— Leave the River Below Saint Paul.— At Mille L;ics.— A Sweating Cabin.— Sioux Wonder at Mariner's Compass.— Feare of an Iron Pot.— Making a Dictionary.— lufant Baptised.— Route to the Pacific— Hennepin Descends Rum River.— First Visit to Fails of Saint Anthony.— On a Buffalo Hunt.— Meets Du Luth— Returns to Mille Ucs.— With Du Luth at Falls of St. Anthony.— Returns to France. — Sulisequent Life. — His Books Examined.— Denies in First Book His Descent to the Gulf of Me.vjeo.— Dispute with Du Luth at Falls of St, Anthony.— Patronage of Du Luth.— Tribute to Du Luth.— Hennepin's Answer to Criticisms.— Denounced by D'lber^-ille and Father Graner.— Residence in Rome. In the summer of 1680, Michael Aceaiilt (AJ£o), Heiuiepm, the Franciscan missionary. Augelle, Du Luth, and Faffart all \4sited the Falls of Saint Anthony. The first description of the valley of the upper Mississippi was written by La SaUe, at Fort Frontenac, on Lake Ontario, on tlie 22d of Au- gust, 1682, a month before liennepui, in Paris, obtained a Ucense to print, and some time before the Franciscan's first -work, -was issued from the press. La SaUe's knowledge must have been received from ilicliael Accault, the leader of the expedi- tion, AugeUe, his comrade, or the clerical attache, the Franciscan. Hennepin. It differs from Hennepin's narrative in its free- dom from bombast, and if its statements are to be credited, tlie Franciscan must be looked on as one given to exaggeration. The careful student, however, soon learns to be cautious in receiving the statement of any of the early explorers and ecclesiastics of the Northwest. The Franciscan depreciated the Jesuit missionary, and La Salle did not hesitate to misrepresent Du Luth and others for his o^ii exaltation. La Salle makes statements which we deem to be -wide of the truth when his prejudices are aroused. At the very time that tlie Inteiulant of Justice in Canada is complaining tliat Governor Fronte- nac is a friend and correspondent of Du Luth, La SaUe writes to his friends in Paris, thatDu Lutli is looked upon as an outlaw by the governor. While official documents jirove that Du Luth was in ilinnesota a year before Accault and asso- ciates, yet La Salle ■\\Tites: " Moreover, the Xa- donesioux is not a region which he has discov- ered. It is kuowii that it was discovered a long time before, and that the Rev. Father Ileimepin and ilichael Accault were there before him." La Salle in this communication describes Ac- cault as one well acquainted with the language and names of the Lidians of the Illinois region, and also " cool, brave, and prudent," and the head of the party of exploration. "We now proceed with the first description of the country above the "Wisconsin, to which is given, for the first and only time, by any writer, the Sioux name, Meschetz Odeba, perhaps in- tended for ileshdeke "Wakpa. River of the Foxes. He describes the I'pper Mississippi in these words : '• Follo'n'Lng the windings of the Missis- sippi, they found the river Ouiseonsing, "Wiscon- sing, or Meschetz Odeba, which flows between Bay of Puans and the Grand river. * * ■* About twenty-three or twenty-four leagues to the north or northwest of the mouth of the Ouiseonsing. * * * they fomid the Black river, called by tlie Nadouesioux, Chabadeba [Chapa "Wakpa, Beaver river] not very large, the mouth of which is bor- dered on the two shores liy alders. " Ascendhig about tliirty leagues, almost at the same point of the compass, is the Buffalo river [Chippewa], as large at its mouth as that of the lUinois. They follow it ten or twelve leagues, wliere it is deep, small and without rapids, bor- dered by liills which widen out from time to time to form prairies." About three o'clock in the afternoon of the 1 1th of April, 1680, the travelers were met by a war party of one himdred Sioux in thirty-three birch bark canoes, "ilichael Accault, who was the HENNEPIN CBITICISED BY LA SALLE. 19 leader," says La Salle, "presented the Calumet." The Indians were presented by Accault with twenty knives and a fathom and a half of toljacco and some goods. Proceeding with tlie Indians ten days, on the 22d of April the isles in the Mis- sissippi were reached, where the Sioux had killed some Maskoutens, and tliey halted to weep over the deatli of two of their own number ; and to assuage their grief, Accault gave them in trade a box of goods and twenty-four hatchets. When they were eight leagues below the Falls of Saint Anthony, they resolved to go by land to their village, sixty leagues distant. They were well received ; the only strife among the villages was that which resulted from tlie desire to have a Frenchman in their midst. La Salle also states that it was not correct to give the impression that Du Luth had rescued his men from captivity, for they could not be properly called prisoners. He continues: " In going up the Mississippi again, twenty leagues above that river [Saint CroixJ is found the falls, which those I sent, and who passing there first, named Saint Anthony. It is thirty or forty feet high, and the river is nar- rower here than elsewhere. There is a small island in the midst of the chute, and the two banks of the river are not bordered by high hills, which gradually diminish at this point, but the country on each side is covered with thin woods, such as oaks and other hard woods, scattered wide apart. " The canoes were carried three or four hun- dred steps, and eight leagues above was found the west [eastV] bank of the river of the Nadoue- sioux, ending in a lake named Issati, which ex- pands into a great marsh, where the wild rice grows toward the mouth." In the latter part of his letter La Salle uses the following language relative to his old chaplain: " I believed that it was appropriate to make for you the narrative of the adventures of this canoe, because I doubt not that they will speak of it, and if yon wish to confer with the Father Louis Hen- nepin, Kecollect, who has returned to France, you must know him a little, because he will not fail to exaggerate all things; it is his character, and to me he has written as if he were about to be burned wlien he was not even in danger, but he beheves that it is honorable to act in this maimer, and he speaks more conformably to that which he wishes than to that which he knows." Hennepin was born in Ath, an inland tomi of the Netherlands. From boyhood lie longed to visit foreign lands, and it is not to be wondered at that he assumed the priest's garb, for next to the soldier's life, it suited one of wandering pro- pensities. At one time he is on a begging expedition to some of the towns on the sea coast. In a few months he occupies the post of chaplain at an hospital, where he shrives the dying and admin- isters exti'eme unction. From the quiet of the hospital he proceeds to tlie camp, and is present at the battle of Seneffe, which occurred in the year 1674. His whole mind, from the time that he became a priest, appears to have been on " things seen and temporal," rather than on those that are •■ un- seen and eternal." While on duty at some of the ports of the Straits of Dover, he exhibited the characteristic of an ancient Athenian more than that of a professed successor of the Apostles. lie sought out the society of strangers " who spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing." With perfect non- chalance he confesses that notwithstanding the nauseating fumes of tobacco, he used to slip be- hind the doors of sailors' taverns, and spend days, without regard to the loss of his meals, listening to the adventures and hair-breadth escapes of the mariners in lands beyond the sea. In the year 1676, he received a welcome order from his Superior, requiring him to eniljark for Canada. Unaccustomed to the world, and arbi- trary in his disposition, he rendered the cabin of the ship in which he sailed any thing but heav- enly. As in modern days, the passengers in a vessel to the new world were composed of hete- rogeneous materials. There were young women going out in search for brothers or husbands, ec- clesiastics, and those engaged m the then new, but profitable, commerce in furs. One of his fellow passengers was the talented and enterpri- prising, though unfortunate. La Salle, with whom he was afterwards associated. If he is to be credited, his intercourse with La Salle was not very pleasant on ship-board. The young women, tired of being cooped up in the narrow accormno- datious of the ship, when the evening was fair 20 EXPLOEEES AXD PIOXEEES OF MINNES02A. sought the deck, and engaged in the rude dances of the French peasantry of that age. Hennepin, feeling that it was improper, began to assume the air of tlie priest, and forbade the sport. La Salle, feeling that his interference was uncalled for. called liim a pedant, and took the side of the girls, and during the voyage there were stormy discussions. Good humor appears to have been restored when they left the ship, for Hennepin would oth- erwise have not been the companion of La S^ille in his great western journey. Sojourning for a short period at Quebec, the adventure-loving Franciscan is permitted to go to a mission station on or near the site of the present town of Kingston. Canada West. Here there was much to gratify his love of novelty, and he passed considerable time in ram- bling among tlie Iroquois of ;^f ew York. In 1678 he returned to Quebec, and was ordered to join the expedition of Robert La Salle. On the 6th of December Father Hennepin and a portion of the exploring party had entered the 2f iagara river. In the vicinity of the Falls, the winter was passed, and while the artisans were preparing a ship above the Falls, to na\'igate the great lakes, the Recollect wliiled away the hours, in studying the manners and customs of the Sen- eca Indians, and in admiring the sublimest han- diwork of God on the globe. On the 7th of August, 1679, the ship bemg completely rigged, unfurled its sails to the breezes of Lake Erie. Tlie vessel was named the " Grif- fin." in honor of the arms of Frontenac, Governor of Canada, the first ship of European construc- tion that had ever ploughed the waters of the great inland seas of North America. After encountering a \iolent and dangerous storm on one of the lakes, during which they had given up all hope of escaping shipwTeck, on the 27th of the month, they were safely moored in the harbor of " :Missiliniackhiack." From thence the party proceeded to Green Bay, where they left the ship, procured canoes, and continued along the coast of Lake ilichigan. By the mid- dle of January, 1680, La Salle had conducted liis expedition to the Illinois Elver, and, on an emi- nence near Lake Peoria, he commenced, with much heaviness of heart, the erection of a fort, which he called Crevecoeur, on account of the many disappointments he had experienced. On tlie last of February. Accault. Augelle, and Hennepin left to ascend the Mississippi. The first work bearing the name of the Rev- erend Father Louis Hennepin. Franciscan Mis- sionary of the Recollect order, was entitled, " De- scription de la Louisiane," and in 1683 published in Paris. As soon as the book appeared it was criticised. Abbe Bemou, on the 29th of February, 1684, writes from Rome about the '■ paltry book" (mes- hcant livre i of Father Hennepin. About a year before the pious Tronson, under date of March 13, 1683, wrote to a friend: " I have interviewed the P. Recollect, who pretends to have descended the ilississippi river to the Gulf of Mexico. I do not know that one iciU beliere xrhat he speaks any more than that wliich is in the printed relation of P. Louis, which I send you that you may make your own reflections." On the map accompanying his first book, he boldly marks a Recollect Mission many miles north of the point he had visited. In the Utrecht edition of 1697 this deliberate fraud is erased. Throughout the work he assumes, that he was the leader of the e.xpedition. and magnifies trifles into tragedies. For mstance, Mr. La Salle writes that Michael Accault, also written Ako, who was the leader, presented the Sioux ■nith the calu- met ;" but HennepLa makes the occurrence more formidable. He writes : " Our prayers were heard, when on the 11th of April. 16S0. about two o'clock in the afternoon, we suddenly perceived thirty- three bark canoes mamied by a hundred and twenty Indians coming do'R'n with very great speed, on a war party, against the Miamis, Illinois and ^Nlaro- as. These Indians surrounded us. and while at a distance, discharged some arrows at us, but as they approached our canoe, the old men seeing us with the calumet of peace in our liands. jirevent- ed the young men from kilUng us. These sava- ges leaping from their canoes, some on land, others into the water, with frightful cries and yells approached us, and as we madfe no resist- ance, being only three against so great a number, one of them wrenched our caltimet from our hands, while our canoe and theirs were tied to the shore. We first presented to them a piece of HEAJ^EPIN'S DIFFICULTY WITH PBAYER-BOOK. 21 French tobacco, better for smokins than theirs- and the eldest among them uttered the words' " Miamiha, Miamiha." " As we dill not imderstand their language, we took a little stick, and by signs which we made on the sand, showed them that their enemies, the 3Iiamis, whom they sought, had fled across the river Colbert [Mississippi] to jom the Islmois ; when they saw themselves discovered and unable to surprise their enemies, three or four old men laying their hands on my head, wept in a mourn- ful tone. " With a spare handkerchief I had left I wiped away their tears, but tliey would not smoke oiu' Calumet. They made us cross the river with great cries, while all shouted with tears in their eyes ; they made us row before them, and we heard yells capable of striking the most resolute with terror. After landmg our canoe and goods, part of which liad already been taken, we made a fire to boil our kettle, and we gave them two large wild turkeys which we had killed. These Indians having called an assembly to deliberate what they were to do with us, tlie two head chiefs of the party approaching, showed us by signs that the warriors wished to tomahawk us. Tliis com- pelled me to go to the war chiefs with one j'oung man, leaving the other by our property, and throw into their midst six axes, fifteen knives and six fathom of our black tobacco ; and then bringing down my head, I showed them with an axe that they might kill me. if they thought proper. This present appeased many individual members, who gave us some beaver to eat, put- ting the three first morsels into our mouths, accor- dmg to the custom of the country, and blowing on the meat, which was too hot, before puttmg the bark dish before us to let us eat as we hked. We spent the night in anxiety, because, before reti- ring at night, they had returned us our peace calumet. " Our two boatmen were resolved to sell their lives dearly, and to resist if attacked ; their arms and swords were ready. As for my own part, I determhied to allow myself to be killed without any resistance ; as I was going to announce to them a God w^io had been foully accused, un- justly condemned, and cruelly crucified, without showing the least aversion to those who put him to death. We watched m turn, in oiu- anxiety, so as not to be surprised asleep. The next morn- ing, a chief named Narrhetoba asked for the peace calumet, filled it witli willow^ bark, and all smoked. It was then signified that the white men were to return with them to their villages." In his narrative the Franciscan remarks, "I foiuul it difficult to say my oflice before these Inchans. Many seeing me move my lips, said in a fierce tone, ' Ouakanche.' Michael, all out of coimtenance, told me, that if I continued to say my breviary, we should all three be killed, and the Picard begged me at least to pray apart, so as not to provoke them. I followed the latter's advice, but the more I concealed myself the more I had the Indians at my heels ; for when I en- tered the wood, they thought I was gouig to liide some goods luider ground, so that I knew not on what side to turn to pray, for they never let me out of sight. This obliged me to beg pardon of my canoe -men, assuring them I could not dis- pense ynih. saying my office. By the word, ' Ou- akanche,' the Indians meant that the book I was reading was a spirit, but by their gesture they nevertheless showed a kind of aversion, so that to accustom them to it, I chanted the litany of the Blessed A'irgin in the canoe, with my book opened. They thouglit that the breviary was a spirit which taught me to singfor their diversion ; for these people are natiu-ally fond of singing." This is the first mention of a Dahkotah word in a European book. The savages were annoyed rather than enraged, at seemg the white man reading a book, and exclaimed, " AVakan-de I" this is wonderful or supernatural. The war party was composed of several bands of the M'de- •walikantonwau Dahkotahs, and there was a di- versity of opinion in relation to the disposition that should be made of the white meii. The relatives of those who had been killed by the jSIiamis, were in favor of taking their scalps, but others were anxious to retain the favor of the French, and open a trading intercourse. Perceivmg one of the canoe-men shoot a wild turkey, they called the gun, " Manza Ouackange," iron that has miderstanding ; more correctly, " Maza Wakande," this is the supernatural metal. Aquipaguetin. one of the head men, resorted to the following device to obtain merchandise. Says the Father, " This wily savage had the bones of some distinguished relative, which he 22 EXPLOBEES AJS^D PIOXEEBS OF MINNESOTA. preserved with great care in some skins dressed and adorned with several rows of black and red porcupine quills. From time to time he assem- bled his meu to give it a smoke, and made us come several days to cover the bones ■with goods, and by a present wipe away the tears he had shed for him. and for his own sou killed by tlie ^liamis. To appease this captious man, we threw on the bones several fathoms of tobacco, axes, knives, beads, and some black aud white wampiun brace- lets. * * * "We slept at the poiut of the Lake of Tears [Lake Pepin], which we so called from the tears which this chief shed all night long, or by one of his sons whom he caused to weep when he grew tired," The next day. after four or five leagues' sail, a chief came, and telling them to leave their canoes, he pulled up three piles of grass for seats. Then taking a piece of cedar full of Uttle holes, he placed a stick into one, which he revolved between the palms of his hands, until he kindled a fire. and informed the Frenchmen that they would be at ilille Lac ui six days. On the nineteenth day after their captivity, they arrived in the vicinity of Saint Paul, not far, it is probable, from the marshy gi-ound on which the Kaposia band once lived, aud now called Pig"s Eye, The journal remarks, •■ Having arrived on the nineteenth day of our navigation, five leagues below St. Anthony's Falls, these Indians landed us in a bay, broke our canoe to nieces, and se- creted their own in the reeds," They then followed the trail to Jlille Lac, sixty leagues distant. As they approached their villa- ges, tlie various bands began to show their spoils. The tobacco was highly prized, and led to some contention. The chaUce of the Father, which ghstened in the sun, they were afraid to touch, supposing it was '-wakan." After five days" walk they reached the Issati [Dahkotah] settle- ments in the valley of the Eum or Knife river. The different bauds each conducted a Frenchman to their village, the chief Aquipaguetin taking charge of Hennepin, After marcMng through the marshes towards the sources of Kum river, five wives of >.he chief, in three bark canoes, met them and took them a short league to an island where their cabins were. An aged Indian kindly rubbed down the way- v."om Franciscan ; placing him on a bear -skin near the fire, he anointed his legs and the soles of his feet with wildcat oU, The son of the chief took great pleasure ui car- rying upon his bare back the priest's robe with dead men's bones enveloped. It was called Pere Louis Chinnen, In the Dahkotah lauguage Shia- ua or Shinnau signifies a buffalo robe. Hennepin's description of his life on the island is in these words : '• The day after our arrival, Aquipaguetin, who was the head of a large family, covered me with a robe made of ten large dressed beaver skins, trimmed with porcupine quills. This Indian showed me five or sis of his -nives, teUing them, as I afterwards learned, that they shouP in fu- ture regard me as one of their children, '• He set before me a bark dish full of fish, and seeing that I could not rise from the groimd, he had a small sweating-cabin made, in which he made me enter with four Indians. This cabin he covered with buffalo skins, and inside he put stones red-hot. He made me a sign to do as the others before beginning to sweat, but I merely concealed my nakedness with a liandkerchief. As soon as these Indians had several times breathed out quite -violently, he began to sing vo- ciferously, the others putting their hands on me and rubbing me ^xhile they wept bitterly, I be- gan to faint, but I came out and could scarcely take my habit to put on, AVhen he made me sweat thus three times a week, I felt as strong as ever." The mariner's compass was a constant source of wonder and amazement, Aquipaguetin hav- ing assembled the braves, would ask Hennepin to show his compass. Percei\Tng that the needle turned, the chief harangued his men, and told them that the Europeans were spmts, capable of doing any thing. In the Franciscan's possession was an iron pot with feet like lions', which the Indians would not touch imless their hands were vTapped in buffalo skins. The women looked upon it as " wakan," and would not enter the cabin where it was. '■ The chiefs of these savages, seemg that I was desirous to learn, frequently made me write, naming aU the parts of the hiunan body ; and as I would not put on paper certaui iudehcate words, at -which they do not blush, they were heartily amused." HENNEPINS VISIT TO F^LLLS OF SAINT ANTHONY. 23 They often asked the Franciscan questions, to answer which it was necessary to refer to his lex- icon. This appeared very strange, and, as they had no word for paper, tliey said, " That white thing must be a spirit which tells Fere Louis all we say." Hennepin remarks : " These Indians often asked me how many wives and children I had, and how old I was, that is, how many wuiters ; for so these natives always count. Never illu- mined by the light of faith, they were surprised at my answer. Pointing to our two Frenchmen, whom I was then visiting, at a point three leagues from our village, I told them that a man among us could only have one wife ; that as for me, I had promised the Master of life to live as they saw me, and to come and live with them to teach them to be like the French. '■ But that gross people, till then lawless and faithless, turned all I said into ridicule. ' IIow,' said they, ' would you have these two men with thee have wives? Ours would not live with them, for they have hair all over their face, and we have none there or elsewhere.' In fact, they were never better pleased with me than when I was shaved, and from a complaisance, certainly not criminal, I shaved every week. " As often as I went to visit the cabins, I fomid a sick child, whose father's name was Mamenisi. Michael Ako would not accompany me ; the Picard du Gay alone followed me to act as spon- sor, or, rather, to witness the baptism. " I christened the child Antoinette, in honor of St. Anthony of Padua, as well as for the Picard's name, which was Anthony Auguelle. He was a native of Amiens, and nephew of the Procurator- General of the Premonstratensians both now at Paris. IlaAing poured natural water on the head and uttered these words : ' Creature of God, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,' I took half an altar cloth which I had wrested from the hands of an Indian who had stolen it from me, and put it on the body of the baptized child ; for as I could not say mass for want of wine and vest- ments, this piece of linen coidd not be put to bet- ter use than to enshroud the fust Christian child among these tribes. I do not know whether the softness of the linen liad refreshed her. but she was the next day smiUng in her mother's arms. who believed that I had cured the child ; but she died soon after, to my great consolation. " During my stay among them, there arrived four savages, who said they were come alone five hundred leagues from the west, and had been four mouths upon the way. They assured us there was no such place as the Straits of Anian, and that they had traveled without resting, except to sleep, and had not seen or passed over any great lake, by which phrase they always mean the sea. " They further informed us that the nation of the Assenipoulacs [AssiniboLues] who Ue north- east of Issati, was not above six or seven days' journey ; that none of the nations, within their knowledge, who lie to the east or northwest, had any great lake about their countries, wiiich were very large, but only rivers, which came from the north. They further assured us that there were very few forests in the countries through which they passed, insomuch that now and then they were forced to make fires of buffaloes' dung to boil their food. All these circumstances make it appear that there is no such place as the Straits of Anian, as we usually see them set down on the maps. And whatever efforts have been made for many year-J, past by the EngUsh and Dutch, to find out a passage .to the Frozen Sea, they have not yet been able to effect it. But by the help of my discovery aud the assistance of God, I doubt not but a passage may still be found, aud that an easy one too. " For example, we may be transported into the Pacific Sea by rivers which are large and capable of carrying great vessels, and from thence it is very easy to go to China and Japan, without cross- ing the equinoctial line; and, in all probahihty, Japan is on tlie same continent as America." Hennepin in his first book, thus describes his first visit to the Falls of St. Anthony : '■ In the begiiming of July, 1680, we descended the [Rum] Ri\er in a canoe southward, with the great chief Ouasicoude [Wauzeekootay] that is to say Pierced Pine, with about eighty cabins composed of more than a hundred and thirty families and about two hundred and fifty warriors. Scarcely would the Indians give me a place in their little fiotilla, for they had only old canoes. They went foirr leagues lower down, to get birch bark to make some more. Having made a liole in the ground, to liide oiu- sUver chalice and our papers, till our 24 EXPLOBERS AND PIONEEBS OF MINNESOTA. return from the hunt, and keepmg only our bre- viary, so as not to be loaded, I stood on the bank of the lake formed by the river we had called St. Francis [now Kum] and stretched out my hand to the canoes as they rapidly passed m succession. "Our Frenchmen also had one for themselves. which the Intlians had given them. They would not take me in. Michael Ako saying that he had taken me long enough to satisfy him. I was hurt at tliis answer, seemg myself thus abandoned by Christians, to whom I had always done good, as they both often acknowledged; but God never having abandoned me on that painful voyage, in- spired two Indians to take me in their Uttle canoe, where I had no other employment than to bale out with a little bark tray, the water which entered by little holes. This 1 did not do with- out getting all wet. This boat might, Indeed, be called a death box. for its lightness and fragility. These canoes do not generally weigh t)ver fifty pounds, the least motion of the body upsets them, unless you are long accustomed to that kind of navigation. " On disembarking in the evening, the Picard. as an excuse, told me that their canoe was half- rotten, and that had we been three in it, we should have run a great risk of remauiing on the way, * * * Four days after our departure for the buffalo hunt, we halted eight leagues above St, Anthony of Padua's Falls, on an eminence opposite the mouth of the River St, Francis [Rum] * * * The Picard and myself went to look for haws, gooseberries, and little wild fruit, which often did us move harm than good. This obliged us to go alone, as Michael Ako i-efused, in a wretched canoe, to Ouiseonsin river, which was more than a hundred leagues off, to see whether the Sieur de la Salle had sent to that place a re- inforcement of men, with powder, lead, and other munitions, as he had promised us, " The Indians would not have suffered this voyage had not one of the three remained with them. They wished me to stay, but Michael Ako absolutely refused. As we were making the portage of our canoe at St, Anthony of Padua's Falls, we perceived five or six of our Indians who had taken the start ; one of them was up m an oak opposite the great fall, weeping bitterly, with a rich dressed beaver robe, whitened inside, and trimmed with porcupine quills, which he was offering as a sacrifice to the falls; w-hich is, in it- self, admirable and frightful. I heard him while shedding copious tears, say as he spoke to the great cataract, ' Thou who art a spirit, grant that our nation may pass here qtiietly, without acci- dent ; may kill buffalo in abundance ; conquer otir enemies, and bring in slaves, some of whom we will put to death before thee. The Messenecqz (so they call the tribe named by the French Outa- gamis) have killed our kindred ; grant that we may avenge them.' This robe offered in sacrifice, served one of our Frenchmen, who took it as we returned." It is certauily wonderful, that Hennepin, who knew nothing of the Sioux language a few weeks before, should understand the prayer offered at the Falls without the aid of an interpreter. The narrator continues : " A league beyond St. Anthony of Padua's Falls, the Picard was obUged to land and get liis powder horn, which he had left at the Falls. * * * As we descended the river Colbert [Mississippi] we found some of our Indians on the islands loaded with buffalo meat, some of which they gave us. Two hours after landing, fifteen or sixteen warriors whom we had left above St. Anthony of Padua's Falls, en- tered, tomakawk in hand, upset the cabin of those who had invited us, took all the meat and bear oU they found, and greased themselves from head to foot,'' This was done because the others had violated the rules for the buffalo hunt. "With the Indians Hennepin went down the river sixty leagues, and then went up the river agaui, and met buffalo. He contmues : " ■\Vliile seeking the Ouiseonsin River, that savage father. Aciuipaguetin, whom I had left, and who I beUeved more than two hundred leagues off, on the 11th of July, 1680, appeared with the warriors,'' After this, Hennepiu and Picard continued to go up the river almost eighty leagues. There is great confusion here, as the reader will see, When at the mouth of the Rum River, he speaks of the Wisconshi as more than a him- dred leagues off. He floats down the river sixty leagues ; then he ascended, but does not state the distance; then he ascends eighty leagues. He continues : " The Intlians whom he had left with Michael Ako at Buffalo [Chippeway] River, HUNNEPIN MEETS SIEUR DU LVTH. 25 with the flotilla of canoes loaded with meat, came down. * * * All the Indian women had their stock of meat at the mouth of Buffalo Eiver and on the islands, and again we went down the Col- bert [Mississippi] about eighty leagues. * * * We had another alarm in our camp : the old men on duty on the top of the mountains announced that they saw two warriors in the distance ; all the bowmen hastened there with speed, each try- ing to outstrip the others ; but they brought back only two of their enemies, who came to tell them that a party of their people were hunting at the extremity of Lake Conde [Superior] and had found four Spirits (so they call the French) who, by means of a slave, had expressed a wish to come on, knowing us to be among them. * * * On the 25th of July, IbSO, as we were ascending the river Colbert, after the buffalo hunt, to the In- dian villages, ■we met Sieur du Luth. who came to the Kadouessious with live French soldiers. They joined us about two hundred and twenty leagues distant from the country of the Indians who had taken us. As we had some knowledge of the language, they l)egged us to accompany them to the villages of these tribes, to which I readily agreed, knowing that these two French- men had not approached the sacrament for two years." Here again the number of leagues is confusing, and it is impossible to believe that I)u Luth and his interpreter Faflart, who had been trading with the Sioux for more than a year, needed the help of Hennepin, who had been about three months with tliese people. We are not told by what route Hennepin and Du Luth reached Lake Issati or Mille Lacs, but Hennepin says they an-ived there on the lltli of August, 1680, and he adds. " Toward the end of Sei)tember, havmg no implements to begin an establishment, we resolved to tell these people, that for their benefit, we would have to return to the French settlements. The grand Chief of the Issati or Nadouessiouz consented, and traced in pencil on paper I gave him, the route I should take for foiu' hundred leagues. With this chart, we set out, eight Frenchmen, in two canoes, and descended the river St. Francis and Colbert [Eum and Alississippi]. Two of our men took two bea- ver robes at St. Anthony of Padua"s Falls, which the Indians had hung in sacrifice on the trees." The second work of Hennepin, an enlargement of the first, appeared at Utrecht in the year 1697, ten years after La Salle's death. During the in- terval between the publication of the first and second book, he had passed three years as Super- intendent of the Recollects at Eeny in the province of Artois, when Father Hyacinth Lefevre, a friend of La Salle, and Conmiissary Provincial of Recol- lects at Paris, wished him to return to Canada. He refused, and was ordered to go to Rome, and ujwn his coming back was sent to a convent at St. Omer, and there received a dispatch from the Minister of State in France to return to the coun- tries of the King of Spain, of which he was a subject. This order, he asserts, he afterwards learned was forged. In the preface to the English edition of the ]yew Discovery, published in 1098, in London, he writes : " The pretended reason of that violent order was because I refused to return into America, where I had been already eleven years ; though the particular laws of our Order oblige none of us to go beyond sea against his will. I would have, however, returned very willingly had I not known the maUce of M. La Salle, who woidd have ex- posed me to perish, as he did one of the men who accompanied me in my discovery. God knows that I am sorry for liis mifortimate death; but the judgments of the Almighty are always just, for tlie gentleman was lulled by one of his own men, who were at last sensible that he exposed them to visible dangers without any necessity and for his private designs." After this he was for about five years at Gosse- lies, in Brabant, as Confessor in a convent, and from thence removed to his native place, Ath, in Belgium, where, according to his narrative in the preface to the " Nouveau Decouverte," he was again persecuted. Then Father Payez, Grand Commissary of Recollects at Louvain. beuig in- formed that the King of Spain and the Elector of Bavaria recommended the step, consented that he should enter the service of William the Third of Great Britain, who had lieen very kind to the Roman Catholics of Netherlands. By order of Payez he was sent to Antwerii to take the lay habit in the convent there, and subsequently went to Utrecht, where he finished his second book known as the New Discovery. 26 EXPLOEEBS ANB PIOXEEBS OF MINNESOTA. His first volume, printed iii 1683. contains 312 pages, with an appendix of 107 pages, on the Customs of the Savages, while the Utreclit boolc of 169" contains 509 pages without an appendix. On page 249 of the Xew Discovery, he begins an account of a voyage alleged to have been madt' to the mouth of the Mississippi, and occupies over sixty pages in the narrative. The opening sentences give as a reason for concealing to tliis time his discovery, tliat La Salle would have re- ported him to his Superiors for presuming to go down instead of ascenchng the stream toward the north, as had been agreed ; and tliat the two witli him threatened that if lie did not consent to de- scend the river, they would leave liim on shore during the night, and pursue their own course. He asserts that he left tlie tiulf of Mexico, to retimi, on the 1st of April, and on the 24th left the Arkansas ; but a week after this, he declares he landed with the Sioux at the marsh about two miles below the city of Sahit Paul. The account has been and is still a puzzle to the historical student. In our review of his first book we have noticed that as early as 1683, he claimed to have descended the ^lississippi. In the Utrecht publication he declares that while at Quebec, upon his return to France, he gave to Father Valentine Eoux. t'ommissary of Recol- lects, his journal, upon the promise that it would be kept secret, and tliat this Father made a copy of his wliole voyage, including tlie visit to the Gulf of Mexico ; but in his Description of Louis- iana. Henneiiiii wrote. ■" "We had some design of going to the mouth of the river t'olbert. wliich more probably empties into the Gulf of Mexico than into the Red Sea, but the tribes that seized us gave us no time to sail up and down the river." The additions in his Utreclit book to magnify his importance and detract from others, are many. As Sparks and Parkman have pointed out the plagiarisms of this edition, a reference here is unnecessary. Du Luth, who left Quebec m 1678, and had been in northern Minnesota, with an interpreter, for a year, after he met Ako and Hennepin, be- comes of secondary importance, m the eyes of the Franciscan. In the Description of Louisiana, on page 289. Hennepm speaks of passing the Falls of Saint Anthony, upon his return to Canada, hi these few words : •• Two of our men seized two beaver robes at the Falls of St. Anthony of Padua, which the IntUans liad in sacrifice, fastened to trees.'" But in the Utrecht edition, commencing on page 416. there is much added concerning Du Luth. After using the language of the edition of 1683, already quoted it adds: "Hereupon there arose a dispute between Sieur du Luth and myself. I commended what they had done, say- ing. • The savages might judge by it that they disliked the superstition of these people.' The Sieur du Luth, on the contrary, said that they ought to have left the robes where the savages placed them, for they would not fail to avenge the insult we had put upon them by this a(;tion, and that it was feared that they would attack us on this journey. I confessed he had some foun- dation for what he said, and that he spoke accor- ding to tlie rules of prudence. But one of the two men flatly replied, the two robes suited them, and they cared nothing for the savages and their superstitions. The Sieur du Luth at these words was so greatly enraged that he nearly struck the one who uttered them, but I intervened and set- tled the dispute. The Picard and Michael Ako ranged themselves on the side of those who had taken the robes in question, which might have resulted badly. '• I argued ■nith Sieur duLutli that the savages would not attack us, because I was persuaded ihat their great chief Ouasicoude would have our interests at heart, and he had great credit with his nation. The matter terminated pleasantly. " "Wlien we arrived near the river Ouisconsin, we halted to smoke the meat of the buffalo we had Idlled on the journey. During our stay, three savages of the nation we had left, came by the side of our canoe to teU us that their great cliief Ouasicoude. having learned that another chief of these people wished to pursue and kill us, and that he entered the cabin where he was consult- ing, and had struck him on the head with such ^dolence as to scatter his brains upon his associ- ates ; thus preventing the executing of this inju- rious project. '• We regaled the three savages, having a great abundance of food at that time. The Sieur du Luth. after the savages had left, was as enraged as before, and feared that they would pursue and attack us on our voyage. He would have pushed TRIBUTE TO DANIEL GREYSOLON DU LVTH. 27 the matter further, but seeuig that one man would resist, and was not in the humor to be imposed upon, he moderated, and I appeased them in tlie end witli the assiu'ance tluit God would not aban- don us in distress, and. pro\ided we cimflded in Ilim, he would deliver us from our foes, because He is the protector of men and angels." After describing a conference with the Sioux. he adds, " Tims the savages were very kind, without mentioning the beaver robes. The chief Ouasicoude told me to offer a fathom of Marti- nico tobacco to the chief Aquipaguetin. who had adopted me as a son. This had an admirable effect upon the barljarians, who went off shouting sev#al times the word ' Louis,' [Ouis or We] which, as he said, means the sun. Without van- ity, I must say that my name will be for a long time among these people. "The savages having left us, to go to war against the Messorites, the Maroha, the Ilhnois, and other nations which live toward the lower part of the Mississippi, and are irreconcilable foes of the people of the North, the Sieur du Luth, who upon many occasions gave me marks of his friendship, could not forbear to tell our men that I had all the reason in the world to believe that the A'iceroy of Canada would give me a favorable reception, should we arrive before winter, and that he wished with all his heart that he had been among as many natives as myself." The style of Louis Hennepin is unmistakable in this e.xtract, and it is amusing to read his pa- tronage of one of the fearless explorers of the Northwest, a cousin of Tonty, favored by Fron- tenac, and who was in Minnesota a year before his arrival. In 1691, six years before the Utrecht edition of Hennepin, another Recollect Franciscan had pub- lished a book at Paris, called " The First Estab- lishment of the Faith in New France," in which is the following tribute to Du Luth, whom Hen- nepin strives to make a subordinate : "In the last years of M. de Frontenac's administration, Sieur DuLuth,a man of talent and experience, opened a way to the missionary and the Gospel in many different nations, turning toward the north of that lake [Superior] where he even built a fort, he advanced as far as the Lake of the Issati, called Lake Buade, from the family name of M. de Frontenac, planting the arms of his Majesty in several nations on the right and left." In the second volume of his last book, wliich is called " A Contmuance of the New Discovery of a vast Country in America," etc., Hennepin no- ticed some criticisms. To the objection that his work was dedicated to William the Third of Great Britain, he repUes : " My King, his most Catholic Majesty, his Elec- toral Iliglmess of Bavaria, the consent m writing of the Superior of my order, the integrity of my faith, and the regular observance of my vows, which his Britannic Majesty allows me, are the best warrants of the .uprightness of my inten- tions." To the (luery, how he could travel so far upon the Mississippi in so httle time, he answers with a bold face, •' That we may, with a canoe and a pair of oars, go twenty, twenty-five, or thirty leagues every day, and more too, if there be oc- casion. And though we had gone but ten leagues a day, yet in thirty days we might easily have gone three luuidred leagues. If during the time we spent from the river of the Illinois to the mouth of the Meschasipi. in the Gulf of ^Mexico, we had used a little more haste, we might have gone the same twice over." To the objection, that he said, he nad passed eleven years in America, when he had been there but about four, he evasively replies, that " reck- oning from the year 1674, when I first set out, to the year 1688, when I printed the second edition of my ' Louisiana,' it appears that I have spent fifteen years either in travels or printmg my Discoveries." To those who objected to the statement in his first book, in the dedication to Louis the Four- teenth, that the Sioux always call the sun Louis, he writes : " I repeat what I have said before, that being among the Issati and Nadouessans, by whom I was made a slave in America, I never heard them call the sun any other than Louis. It is true these savages call also the moon Louis. but with this distinction, that they give the moon the name of Louis Bastache, which in their lan- guage signifies, the sun that shines in the night." The Utrecht edition called forth much censure, and no one in France doubted that Hemieptn was the author. D'Iberville, Governor of Lou- isiana, while in Paris, wrote on July 3d 1699, to 28 EXPLOEEES AND PIONEEES OF JflNXESOTA. the Minister of Marine and Colonies of France, in these words : " '\'ery much vexed at tlie Rec- ollect, whose false narratives had deceived every one, and caused our suffering and total failure of our enterprise, by the time consumed in the search of things which alone existed in his imag- ination.'" The Eev. Father James Gravier. in a letter from a fort on the (iulf of Mexico, near the ilis- sissippi, dated February luth, 1701. expressed the sentiment of his times when he speaks of Hen- nepin " who presented to King William, the Rela- tion of the ^Mississippi, where he never was. and after a thousand falsehoods and ridiculous boasts, * * * he makes Mr. de la Salle appear in his Relation, woiuided ■with two balls in the head, turn toward the Recollect Father Anastase, to ask him for absolution, having been killed in- stantly, without uttering a word • and other like false stories." Hennepin gradually faded out of sight. Bru- net mentions a letter written by J. B. Dubos, from Rome, dated March 1st. 1701. which men- tions that Hennepin was living on tlie Capitoline Hill, in the celebrated convent of Ara Coeli, and was a favorite of Cardinal Spada. The time and place of his death has not been ascertained. NICHOLAS PEBROT, FOUNDER OF FIRST POST ON LAKE PEPIN. i!9 CHAPTER V. NICHOLAS PEEROT, FOUNDER OF FIRST POST ON LAKE PEPIN. Early Life. — Searches for Copper. — Interpreter at Sault St. Marie, Employed by La Salle. — BirilJs Stockade at L.ike Pepin. — Hosiile Indians Rebuked. — A Silver Ostensorium Given to a Jesuit Cbapel.— Perrot in the Battle against Senecas, in New York. — Second Visit to Sioux Country. — Taking Possession by "Proces Verbal." — Discovery of Lead Mines. — Attends Council at Montreal. — Establishes a Post near Detroit, in Michigan. — Perrot's Death, and his Wife. Nicholas Perrot, sometimes written Pere, was one of the most energetic of the class iu Canada known as " coureurs des bois," or forest rangers. Born in 1644, at an early age he was identified with the fur trade of the great inland lakes. As early as 1665, he was among the Outagamies [Foxes], and in 1667 was at Green Bay. In 1669, he was appointed by Talon to go to the lake re- gion in search of copper mines. At the formal taking possession of that country in the name of the King of France, at Sault St. Marie, on the 14th of May, lb71, he acted as interpreter. In 1677, he seems to have been employed at Fort Frontenac. La Salle was made very sick the next year, from eating a salad, and one Nicholas Perrot, called Joly Coeur (Jolly Soul) was sus- pected of having mingled poison with the food. After this he was associated with Dn Luth in the execution of two Indians, as we have seen. In 1684, he was appointed by De la Barre, the Governor of Canada, as Commandant for the West, and left Montreal with twenty men. Ar- riving at Green Bay in Wisconsin, some Indians told him that they had visited countries toward the setting sun, where they obtained the blue and green stones suspended from their ears and noses, and that they saw horses and men like Frenchmen, probably the Spaniards of New Mex- ico ; and others said that they had obtained hatch- ets from persons who lived in a house that walked on the water, near the moutli of the river of the Assiniboines, alluding to the English established at Hudson's Bay. Proceeding to the portage be- tween the Fox and Wisconsin, thirteen Ilurons were met, who were bitterly opposed to the es- tablishment of a post near the Sioux. After the Mississippi was reached, a party of Winnebagoes was employed to notify the tribes of Northern Iowa that the French had ascended the river, and wished to meet them. It was further agreed that prairie flres would be kindled from time to time, so that the Indians could follow the French. After entering Lake Pepin, near its mouth, on the east side, Perrot found a place suitable for a post, where there was wood. The stockade was built at the foot of a bluff beyond which was a large prairie. La Potherie makes this statement, which is repeated by Penicaut, who writes of Lake Pepin : " To the right and left of its shores there are also prairies. In that on the right on the bank of the lake, there is a fort, which was built by Nicholas Perrot, whose name it yet [1700] bears." Soon after he was established, it was announced that a band of Aiouez [loways] was encamped above, and on the way to visit the post. The French ascended in canoes to meet them, but as they drew nigh, the Indian women ran up the blufEs, and hid in the woods ; but twenty of the braves mustered courage to advance and greet Perrot, and bme him to the chief's lodge. The chief, bending over Perrot, began to weep, and allowed the moisture to fall upon his visitor. After he had exhausted himself, the principal men of the party repeated the slabbering process. Then buffalo tongues were boiled in an earthen pot, and after being ciit into small pieces, the chief took a piece, and, as a mark of respect, placed it in Perrot's mouth. During the winter of 1684-85, the I^rench tra- ded in Minnesota. At the end of the beaver hunt, the Ayoes [loways] came to the post, but Perrot was absent visiting the Nadouaissioux. and they sent a chief to notify him of their arrival. Four Illinois met him on the way, and were anxious for the return of four children held by the French. When the 30 EXPLOREBS AND PIOKEEBS OF 3nXXES0TA. Sioux, who were at war with the Illinois, per- ceived them, they wished to seize their canoes, but the French voyageurs who were guarding them, pushed into tlie middle of the river, and the French at the post coming to theii" assistance, a reconciliation was effected, and four of the Sioux took the Illinois upon their shoulders, and hore them to the shore. An order having been received from Denon- ^■ille, Governor of Canada, to bring the Miamis. and other tribes, to the rendezvous at Xiagara. to go on an expedition against the Senecas, Per- rot entrustmg the post at Lake Pepin to a few Frenchmen, visited the Miamis, who were dwel- ling below on the Mississippi, and with no guide but Indian camp fires, went sixty miles into the country beyond the river. Upon his return, he perceivea a great smoke, and at first thought that it was a war party pro- ceeding to the Sioux country. Fortimately he met a Maskouten chief, who had been at the post to see him. aud he gave the intelUgence. that the Outagamies [Foxes]. Kikapous [Kickapoos], and Mascoutechs [Maskoutens]. and others, from the region of Green Bay. had determined to pillage the post, kill the French, and then go to war against the Sioux. Hurrying on. he reached the fort, and learned that on that very day three spies had been there and seen that there were only six Frenchmen in charge. The next day two more spies appeared, but Perrot had taken the precaution to put loaded guns at the door of each hut. and caused his men frequently to change theii- clothes. To the query. •■ How many French were thereV the reply was given, •• Forty, and that more were daily expected, who had been on a buffalo hunt, and that the guns were well loaded and knives well shai-pened. ' " They were then told to go back to their camp aud bring a chief of each nation represented, and that if Indians, in large numbers, came near, they would be fired at. In accordance with this mes- sage six chiefs presented themselves, After their bows and arrows were taken away they were in- vited to Perrot's cabin, who gave something to eat and tobacco to smoke. Looking at Perrot "s loaded guns they asked. '-If he was afraid of his children?" He rephed, he was not. They con- tuiued, " You are displeased." He answered, ■ • I have good reason to be. The Spirit has warned me of your designs; you will take my things away and put me in the kettle, and proceed against the Xadouaissioux. The Spirit told me to be on my guard, and he would help me." At this they v.-ere astonished, and confessed that an attack was meditated. That night the chiefs slept in the stockade, and early the next morn- ing a part of the hostile force was encamped in the vicLnity. and wished to trade. Perrot had now only a ft)rce of fifteen men. and seizing the chiefs, he told them he would break their heads if they did not disperse the Indians. One of the chiefs then stood up on the gate of the fort and said to the warriors. •• Do not advance, young men. or you are dead. The Spirit has warned Metaminens [Perrotj of your designs. " They fol- lowed the advice, and afterwards Perrot present- ed them with two gims. two kettles, aud some tobacco, to close the door of war against the Xa- douaissioux. and the chiefs were all permitted to make a brief visit to the post. Ketuniuig to Green Bay in 1686, he passed much time in collecting allies for the expedition against the Iroquois in Xew York. During this year he gave to the Jesuit chapel at Depere. five miles above Green Bay. a church utensil of silver, fif- teen mehes high, still in existence. The stand- ard, nme inches in height, supports a radiated circlet closed with glass on both sides and sur- mounted with a cross. This vessel, weighing about twenty oimces, was intended to show the consecrated wafer of the mass, and is called a soleil. monstrance, or ostensorium. Around the oval base of the rim is the follow- ing inscription: J'^ \ X «>„ "*''? V7 jra HaiA^'^ rvo''* In 1802 some workmen in digging at Green Bay, Wiscousm, on the old Langlade estate dis- A cur OF BE ANDY AND WATEK DETECTS A THIEF. 31 covered this relic, which is now kept iii the vault of the Eoman Catliolic bishop of that diocese. During the spring of 1687 Perrot, with De Lu- th and Tonty, was with the Indian alUes and the Frencli in the expedition against the Senecas of the Genessee Valley in New York. The next year Denonville, Governor of Canada, again sent Perrot with forty Frenchmen to the Sioux who, says Potherie, " were very distant, and who would not trade with us as easily as^ the other tribes, tJie Outagamis [Foxes] having boasted of having cut off the passage thereto." "When Perrot arrived at Mackinaw, tlie tribes of that region were much excited at tlie hostility of the Outagamis [Foxes] toward the Sauteurs [Chippeways]. As soon as Perrot and his party reached Green Bay a depiitation of the Foxes sought an interview. He told tliem that he had nothing to do with tliis quarrel with tlie Chippe- ways. In justification, they said that a party of their young men, in going to war against the STadouaissioux, had foiuid a young man and three Chippeway girls. Perrot was silent, and continued liis journey towards the Xadouaissioux. Soon he was met by five chiefs of tlie Foxes in a canoe, who begged liim to go to their village. Perrot consented, and when he went into a chief s lodge tliey placed be- fore him broiled venison, and raw meat for the rest of the French. He refused to eat because, said he, "that meat did not give him any spirit, but he would take some when the Outagamis [Foxes] were moi-e reasonable." He then chided tliem for not having gone, as requested by the Governor of Canada, to the Detroit of Lake Erie, and during the absence of the French fight- ing with the Chippeways. Having ordered them to go on their beaver hunt and only fight against the Iroquois, he left a few Frenchmen to trade and proceeded on his journey to the Sioux coun- try. Arriving at the portage between the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers they were impeded by ice, but . witli the aid of some Pottawattomies they trans- ported their goods to the AVisconsin. wliich they found no longer frozen. The Chippeways were informed tliat their daugliters liad been taken from the Foxes, and a deputation came to take them back, but being attacked by the Foxes, who did not know their errand, tliey fled without se- curing the three girls. Perrot then ascended the Mississippi to the post which in 1684 lie had erected, just above the mouth, and on the east side of Lake Pepin. As soon as the rivers were navigable, the Na- douaissioux came down and escorted Perrot to one of their villages, where he was welcomed with much enthusiasm. He was carried upon a beaver robe, followed by a long line of warriors, each bearing a pipe, and singing. After taking him around the village, he was borne to the chief's lodge, when several came in to weep over his head, with the same tenderness that the Ayoes (loways) did, when Perrot several years before arrived at Lake Pepin. " These weepings," says an old chronicler " do not weaken their souls. They are very good warriors, and reported the bravest in that region. They are at war with all the tribes at present except tlie Saulteurs [Chippeways] and Ayoes [loways], and even with these tliey have quarrels. At the break of day the Nadouaissioux bathe, even to the youngest. They have very fine forms, but the women are not comely, and they look upon tlieni as slaves. They are jealous and suspicious about them, and they are the cause of quarrels and blood-shedding. " The Siou.x are very dextrous with their ca- noes, and they fight unto death if surrounded. Their country is full of swamps, which shelter them in summer from being molested. One must be a Nadouaissioux, to find the way to their vil- lages." While Perrot was absent in New York, fight- ing the Senecas, a Sioux chief knowing that few Frenchmen were left at Lake Pepin, came with one hundred warriors, and endeavored to pillage it. Of this complaint was made, and the guilty leader was near being put to death by his associ- ates. Amicable relations having been formed, preparations were made by Perrot to return to his post. As they were going away, one of the Frenchmen complained that a box of his goods had been stolen. Perrot ordered a vovageur to bring a cup of water, and into it he poured some brandy. He then addressed the Indians ajid told them he would dry up their marshes if the goods were not restored ; and then he set on fire the brandy in the cup, The savages were astonished and terrified, and supposed that he possessed su- pernatural powers ; and in a little while the goods 32 EXPLOBEBS AXD PIOXEEBS OF MINNESOTA. were found and restored to the owner, and the French descended to their stockade. The Foxes, while Perrot was in the Sioux country, clianged their village, and settled on the Mississippi. Coming up to visit Perrot. they asked him to establish friendly relations between them and the Sioux. At the time some SioiLX were at the post trading furs, and at first they supposed the French were plotting willi the Foxes. Perrot. however, eased them by present- ing the cahmiet and saying that the French con- sidered the Outagamis [Foxes] as brothers, and then adding: "Smoke in my pipe; this is the maimer with which Onontio [Governor of Can- ada] feeds his children." Tlie Sioux replied that they wished the Foxes to smoke iii-st. This was reluctantly done, and the Sioux smoked, but ■would not conclude a definite peace until they consulted their chiefs. This was not concluded, because Perrot. before the chiefs came do\\Ti, received orders to return to Canada. About this time, in tlie presence of Father Jo- seph James ilarest. a Jesuit missionary. Boisguil- lot. a trader on the "Wisconsin and Mississippi. Le Sueur, who afterward built a post below the Saint Croix River, about nine miles from Hastings, the following document was prepared: '■ Xicholas Perrot. commandmg for tlie King at the post of the Xadouessioux. commissioned by the Marquis Denonville. Governor and Lieuten- ant Governor of all Xew France, to manage the interests of commerce among all the Indian tribes and people of the Bay des Puants [Green Bay]. Nadouessioux, Mascoutens, and other western na- tions of the Upper ^Mississipjii. and to take pos- session in the King's name of all tlie places where he has heretofore been and whither he will go: " AVe this day. the eighth of ;May. one thousand six hundred and eighty-nine. do. in the presence of the Reverend Father IMarest. of the Society of Jesus, Missionary among the Xadouessioux, of Monsieur de Boisguillot. commanding the French in the neighborhood of the Ouiskonche. on the Mississippi, Augustin Legardeur, Esquire. Sieur de Caumont, and of Messieurs Le Sueiu:, Hebert, Lemire and Blein. •• Declare to all whom it may concern, that, be- ing come from the Bay des Puants, and to the Lake of the Ouiskonches, we did transport our- selves to the country of the Xadouessioux, on the boi'der of the river St. Croix, and at the mouth of the river St. Pierre, on the bank of which were the Mantantans. and further up to the interior, as far as the Menehokatonx [Med-ay-wah-ka^\ii- twawn], with whom dwell the majority of the Songeskitons [Se-see-twawnsJ and other Xadou- essiou.x who are to the northwest of the ilissis- sippi. to take possession, for and in the name of the King, of the countries and rivers inhabited by the said tribes, and of which they are proprietoi's. The present act done in our presence, signed with our hand, and subscribed." The three Chippeway girls of whom mention has been made were still with the Foxes, and Perrot took them with him to Mackinaw, upon his return to Canada. While there, the Ottawas held some prisoners upon an island not far from the mainland. The Jesuit Fathei-s went over and tried to save the captives from har-sh treatment, but were unsuc- cessful. The canoes appeare-iug his tears, he said: ■• All of the nations had a father, who afforded them protection; all of them have ii-on. But he was a bastard in quest of a father; he was come to see him. and hopes that he will take pity on him." He then placed upon the beaver robe twenty- two arrows, at each arrow namuig a Dalikotah village that desired Frontenac"s protection. Ee- sumiug Ms speech, he remarked: " It is not on account of what I bring that I hope him who rules the earth will have pity on me. I learned from the Santeurs that he wanted nothing; that he was the Master of the Iron; that he had a big heart, into wliich he could receive all the nations. This has induced me to abandon my people and come to seek his protection, and to beseech bim to receive me iimong the number of his cliildren. Take courage. Great Captain, and reject me not; despise me not. though I ap- pear poor in your eyes. All the nations here present know that I am rich, and the little they ofier here is taken from my lands."' Coiuit Frontenac ui reply told the chief that he would receive the Dahkotahs as his children, on condition that they would be obedient, and that he would send back Le Sueur with him. Teeoskahtay, taking hold of the governor's knees, wept, and said: " Take pity on us; we are well aware that we are not able to speak, be- ing children; but Le Sueur, who understands our language, and has seen all our ^'illages, will next year inform you what ^vill have been achieved by the Sioux nations represented by those arrows be- fore you." Having finished, a Dahkotah woman, the wife of a great chief whom Le Sueiu- had purchased from capti\-ity at Mackinaw, approached those in authority, and. with downcast eyes, embraced their knees, weeping and sajing: " I thank thee. Father; it is by thy means I have been liberated, and am no longer captive." Then Teeoskahtay resiuned: " I speak like a man penetrated with joy. The Great Captain; he who is the Master of Iron, as- sises me of his protection, and I promise him that if he condescends to restore my children, now prisoners among the Foxes, Ottawas and Hurons, I will return hither, and tiring with me the twen- ty-two villages whom he has just restored to life by promising to send them Iron." On the 14th of August. Uvo weeks after the O jib way chief left for his home on Lake Superior, Xicholas Perrot arrived with a deputation of Saitks. Foxes, Meuomonees, Miamis of Maramek and Pottowatomies. Two days after, they had a cormcil with the governor, who thus spoke to a Fox brave: •' I see that you are a young man: your nation has quite turned away from my wishes; it has pillaged some of my young men, whom it has treated as slaves. I know that your father, who loved the French, had no hand in the indignitj'. You only imitate the example of your father_ who had sense, when you do not co-operate with those of your tribe who are wisliing to go over to my enemies, after they grossly insulted me and defeated the Sioux, whom I now consider my son. I pity the Sioux; I pitj- the dead whose loss I deplore. Perrot goes up there, and he will speak to your nation from me for the release of their prisoners; let them attend to him." Teeoshkahtay never returned to his native land. Wliile in Monti-eal he was taken sick, and in thirty-three days he ceased to breathe; and. fol- lowed by white men, his body was interred in the wiiite man's grave. Le Sueur instead of going back to Minnesota that year, as was expected, went to France and received a license, in 1897. to open certain mines supposed to exist in Mmnesota. The ship in which he was retui-ning was captm-ed by the Eng- Ush, and he was taken to England. After his release he went back to France, and, in 1698, ob- tained a new commission for mining. ■\niile Le Sueur was in Eui-ope, the Dahkotas waged war against the Foxes and Miamis. In retaUation. the latter raised a war party and en- tered the land of the Dahkotahs. Finding their foes intrenched, and assisted by " coirreurs des bois," they were mdignant; and on their return they had a skirmish with some Frenchmen, who were carrying goods to the Dahkotahs. Shortly after, they met Perrot, and were about to burn him to death, when prevented by some LE SVEUB ASCENDS THE MISSISIPPI BIVEB. 39 friendly Foxes. The Miamis, after this, were disposed to be friendly to the Iroquois. In 1696, the year previous, the authorities at Quebec de- cided that it was expedient to abandon all the posts west of Mackinaw, and withdraw the French from Wisconsin and Minnesota. The voyageius were not disposed to leave the country, and the governor wrote to Pontchar- train for instructions, in October, 1698. In his dispatch he remarks: " In this conjuncture, and under all these cir- cumstances, we consider it our duty to postpone, until new instructions from the court, the execu- tion of Sieur Le Sueur's enterprise for the mines, though the promise had already been given him to send two canoes in advance to Missilimackinac, for the purpose of purchasing there some pro- visions and other necessaries for his voyage, and that he would be permitted to go and join them early in the spring with the rest of his hands. What led us to adopt this resolution has been, that the French who remamed to trade off with the Five Nations the remainder of their merch- andise, might, on seeing entirely new comers arriving there, consider themselves entitled to dispense with coming down, and perhaps adopt the resolution to settle there; wliilst, seeing no arrival there, with permission to do what is for- bidden, the reflection they will be able to make during the winter, and the apprehension of being guilty of crime, may oblige them to return in the spring. " This would be very desirable, in consequence of the great diflBculty there will be in constraining them to it, should they be inclined to lift the mask altogether and become buccaneers; or should Sieur Le Sueur, as he easily could do, furnish them with goods for their beaver and smaller peltry, which he might send down by the return of other Frenchmen, whose sole desire is to obey, and who have remained only because of the impossi- biUty of getting their effects down. This would rather induce those who w-ould continue to lead a vagabond life to remain there, as the goods they would receive from Le Sueur's people would afford them the means of doing so." In reply to this communication, Louis XIV. answered that — " His majesty has approved that the late Sieur de Frontenac and De Champigny suspended the execution of the license granted to the man named Le Sueur to proceed, with fifty men, to explore some mines on the banks of the Mississippi. lie has revoked said license, and desires that the said Le Sueur, or any other person, be prevented from leaving the colony on pretence of going in search of mines, without his majesty's express permis- sion." Le Sueur, undaunted by these drawbacks to the prosecution of a favorite project, again visited France. Fortimately for Le Sueur, D'Iberville. who was a friend, and closely connected by marriage, was appointed governor of the new territory of Louis- iana. In the month of December he arrived from France, with thirty workmen, to proceed to the supposed mines in Minnesota. On the thirteenth of July, 1700. with a felucca, two canoes, and nineteen men, having ascended the Mississippi, he had reached the mouth of the Missouri, and six leagues above this he passed the Illinois. He there met three Canadians, who came to join him, with a letter from Father ilar- est, who had once attempted a mission among the Dahkotahs, dated July 13, Mission Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin, in Illinois. " I have the honor to write, in order to inform you that the Saugiestas have been defeated by the Seioux and Ayavois [lowas]. The people have formed an alliance with the Quincapous [Kicka- poos], some of the Mecoutins, Renards [Foxes], and Metesigamias, and gone to revenge them- selves, not on the Seioux, for they are too much afraid of them, but perhaps on the Ayavois, or very likely upon the Paoutees, or more probably upon the Osages, for these suspect nothing, and the others are on their guard. "As you will probably meet these alUed na- tions, you ought to take precaution against their plans, and not allow them to board your vessel, since they are traitors, and utterly failhlcsg. I pray God to accompany you in all your designs." Twenty-t^vo leagues above the Illinois, he passed a small stream which he called the River of Oxen, and nine leagues beyond this he passed a small river on the west side, where he met four Cana- dians descending the Mississippi, on their way to the Illinois. On the 30th of July, nine leagues above the last-named river, he met seventeen Seioux, in seven canoes, who were going to re- 40 EXPLORERS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. venge the death of three Scioux. one of whom had been burned, and the others killed, at Tamarois, a few days before his arrival in that village. As he had promised the chief of the Illinois to ap- pease the Scionx who should go to war against his nation, he made a present to the cliief of the party to engage him to turn back. He told them the Kiiig of France did not -n-ish them to make this river more bloody, and that he was sent to tell them that, if they obeyed the king's word, they would receive in future all things necessary for them. The cliief answered that he accepted the present, that is to say, that he would do as had been told him. From the 30th of July to the 2oth of August, Le Sueur advanced fifty-tlu-ee and one-foiulh leagues to a small river wliieh he called the River of the Mine. At the mouth it nms from the north, but it turns to the northeast. On the right seven leagues, there is a lead mine in a prairie, one and a half leagues. The river is only navigable in high water, that is to say, from early spring till the month of Jime. From the 2oth to the 27th he made ten leagues, passed two small rivers, and made himself ac- quauited ^^ith a mine of lead, from which he took a supply. From the 27th to the 30th he made eleven and a half leagues, and met five Canadians, one of whom had been dangerously wounded in the head. They were naked, and had no ammu- nition except a miserable gim. with five or six loads of powder and balls. They said they were descenduig from the Scioux to go to Tamarois. and, when seventy leagues above, they perceived nine canoes in the Mississippi, in wliich were ninety savages, who robbed and cruelly beat them. Tills party were going to war against the Scioux. and were composed of four different nations, the Outagamies [Foxes]. Poutouwatamis [Pottowatta- mies], and Puans [Winnebagoes], who dwell in a coimtry eighty leagues east of the Mississippi from where Le Suem' then was. The Canadians determined to follow the detach- ment, which was composed of tnenty-eight men. This day they made seven and a half leagues. On the 1st of September he passed tlie Wisconsin river. It runs into the Mississippi from the north- east. It is nearly one and a half miles wide. At- about seventy-five leagues up tliis river, on the right, ascending, there is a portage of more than a league. The half of this portage is shaking ground, and at the end of it is a small river which descends into a bay called "Wirmebago Bay. It is inhabited by a great number of nations who carry their furs to Canada. Monsieur Le Sueur came by the "Wisconsin river to the Mississippi, for the first time, in 1683. on his way to the Scioux coun- try, where he had already passed seven years at different periods. The ilississippi. opposite the mouth of the Wisconsin, is less than half a mile wide. From the 1st of September to the oth, our voyageur advanced fourteen leagues. He passed the river " Aux Canots." which comes from the northeast, and then the Quincapous. named from a nation which once dwelt upon its banks. From the oth to the 9th he made ten and a half leagues, and passed the rivers Cachee and Aux Ailes. The same day he perceived canoes, filled with savages, descending the river, and the five Canadians recognized them as the party who had robbed them. They placed sentinels in the wood, for fear of being sm-prised by land, and when they had approached within hearing, they cried to them that if they approached farther they would fire. They then drew up by an island, at half the distance of a giui shot. Soon, four of the princi- pal men of the band approached in a canoe, and asked if it was forgotten that they were our lirethren, and with what design we had taken arms when we perceived them. Le Sueur replied that he had cause to distnist them, since they had robbed five of his party. Nevertheless, for the surety of his trade, being forced to be at peace with all the tribes, he demanded no redress for the robbery, but added merely that the king, their master and his, wished that his subjects should navigate that river without insult, and that they had better beware how they acted. The Indian who had spoken was silent, but an- other said they had been attacked by the Scioux, and that if they did not have pity on them, and give them a little powder, they should not be able to reach theii- villages. The consideration of a missionary, who was to go up among the Scioux, and wliom these savages might meet, induced them to give two pounds of powder. M. Le Sueur made the sanie day three leagues; passed a stream on the west, and afterward an- other river on the east, wliich is navigaVile at all times, and which the Indians call Red River. BATTLE SNAKES ON SHORES OF LAKE PEPIN. 41 On the 10th, at daybreak, they heard an elk whistle, on the other side of the river. A Cana- dian crossed in a small Scioux canoe, whicli tliey had found, and shortly returned with tlie body of the animal, which was very easily killed, "quand 11 est en rut," that is, from tlie beginning of Sep- tember imtil tlie end of October. The hunters at this tune made a whistle of a piece of wood, or reed, and when they hear an elk whistle they an- swer it. The animal, believing it to be another elk, approaches, and is killed with ease. From the 10th to the 14tli, M. Le Sueur made seventeen and a lialf leagues, passing the rivers Raisin and Paquilenettes (perhaps the "Wazi Ozu and Buffalo.) The same day he left, on the east side of the Mississippi, a beautiful and large river, which descends from the very far north, and called Bon Secours (Chippeway), on account of the great quantity of buffalo, elk, bears and deers which are found there. Three leagues up this river there is a mine of lead, and seven leagues above, on the same side, they found another long river, in the vicinity of which there is a copper mine, from which he had taken a lump of sixty pounds in a former voyage. In order to make these mines of any account, peace must be ob- tained between the Scioux and Ouatagamis (Fox- es), because the latter, who dwell on the east side of the Mississippi, pass this road coutmually when going to war against the Sioux. Penicaut, in his journal, gives a brief descrip- tion of the Mississippi between the Wiseonsm and Lake Pepin. lie writes: "Above the Wis- consin, and ten leagues higher on the same side, begins a great jirairie extending for sixty leagues along the bank; this prairie is called Aux Ailes. Opposite to Aux Ailes, on the left, there is another prairie facing it called Paquilanet which is not so long by a great deal. Twenty leagues above these prairies is found Lake Bon Secours " [Good Help, now Pepin.] In this region, at one and a half leagues on the northwest side, commenced a lake, which is six leagues long and more than one broad, called Lake Pepin. It is bounded on the west by a chain of mountains; on the east is seen a prairie; and on the northwest of the lake there is another prairie two leagues long and one wide. In the neighborhood is a chain of mountains quite two hundred feet high, and more than one and a half miles long. In these are found several caves, to which the bears retire in winter. Most of the caverns are more than seventy feet in extent, and two hundred feet high. There are several of which the entrance is very narrow, and quite closed up with saltpetre. It would be dangerous to enter them in summer, for they are filled with rattlesnakes, the bite of which is very dangerous. Le Sueur saw some of these snakes which were six feet in length, but generally they are about four feet. They have teeth resembling those of the pike, and their gums are full of small vessels, in which their poison is placed. The Scioux say they take it every mornin -, and cast it away at night. They have at the tail a kind of scale which makes a noise, and this is called the rattle. Le Sueur made on this day seven and a half leagues, and passed another river, called Iliam- bouxecate Ouataba, or the River of Flat Rock. [The Sioux call the Cannon river Inyanbosndata.] On the 15th he crossed a small river, and saw in the neighborhood several canoes, filled with Indians, descending the Mississippi. He sup- posed they were Scioux, because he could not dis- tinguish whether the canoes were large or small. The arms were placed in readiness, and soon they heard the cry of the savages, which they are ac- customed to raise when they rush upon their en- emies. He caused them to be answered in the same manner; and after having placed all the men behind the trees, he ordered them not to fire until they were commanded. He remained on shore to see what movement the savages would make, and perceiving that they placed two on shore, on the other side, where from an eminence they could ascertain the strength of his forces, he caused the men to pass and repass from the shore to the wood, in order to make tlieni believe that they were numerous. This ruse succeeded, for as soon as the two descended from the eminence the chief of the party came, bearing the calumet which is a signal of peace among the Indians. They said that having never seen the French navi- gate the riverwith boats like the felucca, they had supposed them to be English, and for that reason they had raised the war cry. and arranged them- selves on the other side of the Mississippi; but having recognized their flag, they had come with- out fear to inform them, that one of their num- ber, who was crazy, had accidentally killed a 42 EXPLOEEES AND PIOKEEES OF MINNESOTA. Frenchman, and tliat they would go and bring his comrade, who would tell how the mischief had happened. The Trenchman they brought was Denis, a Ca- nadian, and he reported that his companion was accidentally killed. His name was Laplace, a de- serting soldier from Canada, who had taken ref- uge in this country. Le Sueur replied, that Ouontio (the name they give to all the governors of Canada), being their father and his, they ought not to seek justification elsewhere than before him: and he advised them to go and see him as soon as possible, and beg him to mpe off the blood of this Frenchman from their faces. The party was composed of forty-seven men of different nations, who dwell far to the east, about the forty-fourth degree of latitude. Le Sueur, discovering who the chiefs were, said the king whom they had spoken of in Canada, had sent him to take possession of the north of the river; and that he -wished the nations who dwell on it. as well as those under his protection, to live in peace. He made this day three and three-fourths leagues: and on the 16th of September, he left a large river on the east side, iKnued at. Croix, he- cause a Frenchman of that name was shi^jicrecked at its mouth. It comes from the north-northwest. Four leagues higher, in going up. is found a small lake, at the mouth of which is a very large mass of copper. It is on the edge of the water, in a small ridge of sandy earth, on the west of this lake. [One of La Salle's men was named St. Croix.] From the 16th to the 19th. he advanced thir- teen and three-fourths leagues. After liavmg made from Tamarois two hundred and nine and a half leagues, he left the navigation of the Missis- sippi, to enter the river St. Pierre, on the west side. By the 1st of October, lie had made in this river forty-four and one-fourth leagues. After he entered Blue river, thus named on account of the mines of blue earth found at its mouth, he found- ed his post, situated in forty-four degrees, thir- teen minutes north latitude. He met at this place nine Scioux, who told him that the river belonged to the Scioux of the west, the Ayavois (lowas) and Otoctatas (Ottoes). who lived a little farther off; that it was not their custom to hunt on groiuid belonging to others, unless invited to do so by the owners, and that when they would come to the fort to obtain pro%'isions. they would , be in danger of being killed in ascending or de- scending the rivers, vrliich were narrow, and that if they woidd show their pity, he must establish himself on the Mississippi, near the mouth of the St. Pierre, where the Ayavois, the Otoctatas, and the other Scioux could go as well as they. Having finished their speech, they leaned over the head of Le Sueur, according to their custom, crying out, "Ouaechissou ouaepanimanabo," that is to say. " Have pity upon us." Le Sueur had foreseen that the establishment of Blue Earth river would not please the Scioux of the East, who were, so to speak, masters of the other Scioux and of the nations which wDl be hereafter men- tioned, because they were the first with ichom trade was commenced, and in consequence of which they had already quite a number of guns. As he had commenced his operations not only with a view to the trade of beaver but also to gain a knowledge of the mines which he had pre- ! viously discovered, he told them that he was sor- I ry that he had not known their intentions sooner, I and that it was just, suice he came expressly for them, that he should establish liimself on their land, but that the season was too far advanced for him to return. He then made them a present I of powder, balls and knives, and an armful of to- I bacco, to entice them to assemble, as soon as pos- sible, near the fort he was about to construct, that when they should be all assembled he might tell them the intention of the king, their and liis sovereign. The Scioux of the West, according to the state- ment of the Eastern Scioux. have more than a thousand lodges. They do not use canoes, nor cultivate the earth, nor gather wild rice. They remain generally on the prairies which are be- tween the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and Uve entirely by the chase. The Scioux gen- erally sa>; they have three souls, and that after death, that which has done weU goes to the warm country, that which has done evil to the cold regions, and the other guards the body. Poly- gamy is common among them. They are very jealous, and sometimes fight in duel for their wives. They manage the bow admirably, and have been seen several times to kill ducks on the BLUE EARTH ASSAYED BY nWLLIER IN I'AMlS. 43 wing. They make their lodges of a number of buffalo skins interlaced and sewed, and carry them wherever tliey go. They are all great smo- kers, but their manner of smoking differs from that of other Indians. There are some Scioux who swallow all the smoke of the tobacco, and others who, after having kept it some time In their mouth, cause it to issue from the nose. In each lodge there are usually two or three men with their families. On the third of October, they received at the fort several Scioux, among whom was Wahkan- tape, chief of the village. Soon two Canadians arrived who had been limiting, and who had been robbed by the Scioux of the East, who had raised their guns against the establishment which M. Le Sueur had made on Blue Earth river. On the fourteenth the fort was iinished and named Fort L'Huillier, and on the twenty-second two Canadians were sent out to invite the Aya- vois and Otoctatas to come and establish a vil- lage near the fort, because these Indians are in- dustrious and accustomed to cultivate the earth, and they hoped to get provisions from them, and to make them work in the mines. On the twenty-fourth, six Scioux Oujalespoi- tons wished to go into the fort, but were told that they did not receive men who had killed Frenchmen. This is the term used when they have insulted them. The next day they came to the lodge of Le Sueur to beg him to have pity on tliem. They wished, according to custom, to weep over his head and make him a present of packs of beavers, which he refused. He told them he was surprised that people who had rol)- bed should come to him ; to wliich they replied that they had lieaid it said tliat two Frenchmen had been robbed, but none from their village had been present at that wicked action. Le Sueur answered, that he knew it was tlie Mendeoucantons and not the Oujalespoitoiis i " but,"' continued he, '■ you are Scioux ; it is the Scioux who have robbed me, and if I were to fol- low your manner of acting I should break your heads ; for is it not true, that when a stranger (it is thus they call the Indians who are not Scioux) has insulted a Scioux, Mendeoucanton. Oujalespoitoiis, or others — all the villages revenge upon the first one they meetV" As they had nothing to answer to what he said to them, they wept and repeated, according to custom, " Ouaechissou ! ouaepauimauabo !" Le Sueur told tliem to cease crying, and added that the French had good hearts, and that they had come into the country to have pity on them. At tlie same time lie made tliem a iiresent. saying to them, •' Carry back your beavers and say to all the Scioux, that they will have from me no more powder or lead, and they will no longer smoke any long pipe until they have made satisfaction for robbing tlie Frencliman. The same day the Canadians, wlm liad been sent off on the 22d. arrived without having found the road which led to the Ayavois and Otoctatas. On the 2oth, Le Sueur went to the river with three canoes, which he filled witli green and blue earth. It is taken from the hills near wliicli are very abundant mines of copper, some of wliicli was worked at Paris in 1696, by L'iluillier. one of the chief collectors of the king. Stones were also found there whicli would be curious, if worked. On the nintli of November, eight MaiUaiilon Scioux arrived, who had been sent by tlieir cliiefs to .say that the Mendeoitcantnus were still "Iber\ille. who had come back from France, that he had been attacked by the Foxes and Maskoutens, who killed ; three Frenchmen who were working near Fort L"HiuUier, and that, being out of jHiwder and lead, he had been obliged to conceal the goods which were left and abandon the post. At the "Wisconsin River he had met Juchereau. formerly criminal judge m Montreal, vrith thirty-five men. on his way to establish a tannery for buffalo skins at the Wabash, and that at the Illinois he met the canoe of suppUes sent 1\\' BienviUe. D"Iber\'ille"s brother. La !Motte Cadillac, in command at Detroit, in a letter ^■ritten on August 31st, 1708. alludes to Le Sueur"s expedition in these words: •• Last year they sent Mr. Boudor, a Montreal merchant, into the countri.- of the Sioux to join Le Su- eur, lie succeeded so well in that journey he transported thither twenty-five or thirty thous- and pounds of merchandize ■with which to trade in all the country of the Outawas. This proved to him an unfortunate investment, as he has lieen robbed of a part of the goods by the Outa- gamies. The occasion of the robbery by one of our own allies was as follows. 1 speak with a full knowledge of the facts as they occurred while I was at ilichillimackianc. From time immemo- rial our allies have been at ^ ar with the Siou.x, and on my arrival there in conformity to the or- der of M. Frontenac, the most able man who has ever come into Canada. I attempted to negotiate a truce between the Sioux and all our allies. Succeeding in this negotiation I took the occa- sion to turn their arms against the Iroquois with whom we were then at war. and soon after I ef- fected a treaty of peace between the Siou.\ and the French and their allies which lasted two years. "At the end of tha time the Sioux came, in great numbers, to the villages of the Miamis. tra- der pretense of ratifying the treaty. They were well received by the Jiliamis, and, after spending several days in their villages, departed, apparent- ly perfectly satisfied with their good reception, as they certainly had every reason to be. " The Miamis, believing them already far dis- tant, slept quietly; but the SioiLX. who had pre- meditated the attack, rettu-ned the same night to the principal Nillage of the Miamis. where most of the tribe were congregated, and, taking them liy surprise, slaughtered nearly three thousand( ?) and put the rest to flight.. •• This perfectly infuriated all tne nations. The.N' came \nth their complaints, begging me to join with them and exterminate the Sioux. But the war we then had on our hands did not permit it. so it became necessary to play the orator in a long harangue. In conclusion I advised them to ' weep their dead, and wrap them up. and leave them to sleep coldly till the day of vengeance should come;" telling them we must sweep the land on this side of the Iroquois, as it was neces- sary to exttngtiish even their memory, after which the allied tribes cotdd more easily avenge the atrocious deed that the Sioux had just committed upon them. In short, I managed them so well that the affair was settled in the manner that I proposed. ■• But the twentN-five permits still existed, and the cupidity of the French induced them to go among the SioiLX to trade for beaver. Our allies complained bitterly of this, sajing it was injust- TRADE FORBIDDEN WITH THE SIOUX. 49 ice to them, as they had taken up arms in our quarrel against the Iroquois, while the French traders were carrying munitions of war to the Sioux to enaljle them to kill the rest of our allies as they had the Miamis. " I immediately informed M. Frontenac, and M. Champigny having read the communication, and commanded that an ordinance be publ ished at Mon- treal forbidding the traders to go into the country of the Sioux for the purpose of tratBc under penalty of a thousand francs tine, the confiscation of the goods, and other arbitrary penalties. The ordi- nance was sent to me and faithfully executed. The same year [1699] I descended to Quebec, having asked to be relieved. Since that time, in spite of this prohibition, the French have con- tinued to trade with the Sioux, but not without being subject to affronts and indignities from our allies themselves which brhig dishonor on the French name. * * * I do not consider it best any longer to allow the traders to carry on com- merce with the Sioux, under any pretext what- ever, especially as M. Boudor has just been robbed by the Fox nation, and M. Jucheraux has given a thousand crowns, in goods, for the right of passage througli the country of the allies tci his habitation. " The alUes say that Le Sueur has gone to the Sioux on the Mississippi; that they are resolved to oppose him, and if he offers any resistance they will not be answerable for the consequences. It would be well, therefore, to give Le Sueur warning by the Governor of Mississippi. " The Sauteurs [Chippeways] being friendly with the Sioux wished to give passage through their country to M. Boudor and others, permit- ting them to carry arms and other munitions of war to this nation; but the other nations being opposed to it, differences have arisen between them which have resulted in the robbery of M. Boudor. Tills has given occasion to the Sau- teurs to make an outbreak upon the Sacs and Foxes, killing thirty or forty of tliem. So there is war among the people." 50 EXPLOBESS AND PIOXEEBS OF JIIXXESOTA. CHAPTER Yin. EVEJTTS "WHICH LED TO BtTILDIKG FORT BEAUHARXOIS OX LAKE PEPIN. Be-Establishment of Mackinaw. — Sienr de Louvipny at Mackinaw.— De Lignery at Mackinaw. — Louvigny Attacks »he Foxes. — Du LutK's Post Reoccupied. — Saint Pierre at La Pointe on Lake Superior. — Pre|urations for a Jesuit Mission am3n5 the Sion.x.— U-* Perriere Boucher's E.\pedition to Lake Pepin.— De Conor and Guiguas. Jesuit Missionaries. — Visit to Foxes and Winnebagoes. — Wisconsin River Described. — Fort Beauharnois Built.— Fireworks Displayed. — High Water at Lake Pepin.— De Conor Visits Mackinaw.— Boucher^ille, Mont- brun and Guiguas Captured by Indians. — Montbrun's Escape. — Boucherville's Presents to Indians —Exaggerated Account of Father Guiguas" Capture. — Iris- patches Concerning Fort Beauharnois. — Sieur de la Jeiueraye. — Saint Pierre at Fort Beauharnois. — Trouble t>et\veen Sioux and Foxes — Sioux Visit Quebec. — De Lusignan Visits the Sioux Oiuntry. — Saint Pierre Noticed in the Travels of Jonathan Can-er and Lieutenant Pike. After the Fox Indians drove away Le Sueur's men, in ITOi, from the ilakahto, or Blue Earth river, the merchants of Montreal and Quebec did not encourage trade with the tribes beyond Mack- inaw. DAigreult, a French oflBcer. sent to inspect that post, in the summer of 1708, reported that he aiTived there, on the 19th of August, and found there but fourteen or fifteen Frenclmieu. He also wrote: '• Since there are now only a few wanderei-s at Michilimackinack, the greater part of the furs of the savages of the north goes to the English trading posts on Hudson's Bay. The Outawas are unable to make this trade by them- selves, because the northern savages are timid, and ^^"ill not come near them, as they have often been plundered. It is, therefore, necessary that the French be allowed to seek these northern tribes at the mouth of their own river, which empties into Lake Superior." Louis de la Porte, the Sieur De Louvigny, in 1690, accompanied by Nicholas Perrot, with a de- tachment of one liundred and seventy Canadians and Indians, came to Mackinaw, aud until 1694 "was in command, when he was recalled. In 1712, Father Joseph J. Marest the Jesuit missionary wrote, ''If this country ever needs M. Louvigny it is now^ ; the savages say it is ab- solutely necessary that he sliould come for the safety of the country, to unite the tribes and to defend those whom the war has caused to return to Michilimacinac. ****** I do not know what course the Potta"watomies will take, nor even what course they will pursue who are here, if ^l. Louvigny does not come, es- pecially if the Foxes were to attack them or us." The next July, il. Lignerj- urged upon the au- thorities the establishment of a garrison of trained soldiers at Mackinaw, and the Intendant of Can- ada ^vrote to the King of France : " MichiUmackinac might be re-established, ■without expense to his Majesty, either by sur- rendering the trade of the post to such individu- als as will obligate themselves to pay all the ex- penses of twenty-two solcaers and two officers; to furnish munitions of war for the defense of the fort, and to make presents to the savages. " Or the expenses of the post might be paid by the sale of permits, if the King should not think proper to grant an exclusive commerce. It is ab- solutely necessary to know the -wishes of the King concerning these two propositions : and as M. Lignery is at Michilimackmac. it will not be any greater injury to the colony to defer the re-estab- ment of this post, than it has been for eight or ten years past."' The war with England ensued, and in April, 1713, the treaty of I'trecht was ratified. France had now more leisiu'e to attend to the Indian tribes of the AA'est. Early in 1714, Mackinaw was re-occupied, and on the fourteenth of March. 1716. an expedition under Lieutenant Louvigny, left Quebec. His arrival at Mackinaw, where he had been long ex- pected, gave confidence to the voyageurs, and friendly Indians, and with a force of eight hun- dred men, he proceeded against the Foxes in ■\Visconsin. He brought with him two pieces of cannon and a grenade mortar, and besieged the fort of the Foxes, which he stated contained five hundred w"arriors, and three thousand men, a declaration which can scarcely be credited. After DESIBE FOB A N0B2HERN BOVTE 10 THE PACIFIC. 51 three days of skirmishing, he prepared to mine the fort, when the Foxes capitulated. The paddles of the birch bark canoes and the gay songs of the voyageurs now began to be heard once more on the waters of Lake Superior and its tributaries. In 1717, the post erected by Du Luth, on Lake Superior near the northern boun- dary of Minnesota, was re-occupied by Lt. Ro- bertel de la Xoue. In view of the trouljles among the tribes of the northwest, in the month of September, 1718, Cap- tain St. Pierre, who had great influence with the Indians of Wisconsin and Minnesota, was sent with Ensign Linctot and some soldiers to re-oc- cupy La Pointe on Lake Superior, now Bayfield, in the northwestern part of Wisconsin. The chiefs of the band there, and at Keweenaw, had threatened war against the Foxes, who had killed some of their number. When the Jesuit Charlevoix returned to France after an examination of the resources of Canada and Louisiana, he urged that an attempt should be made to reach the Pacific Ocean by an inland route, and suggested that an expedition sliould proceed from the mouth of the -Missouri and fol- low that stream, or that a post should be estab- lished among the Sioux which should be the point of departure. The latter was accepted, and in 1722 an allowance was made by the French Gov- ernment, of twelve hundred livres, for two Jes- uit missionaries to accompany those who should establish the new post. D'Avagour, Superin- tendent of Missions, in May, 1723, requested the authorities to grant a separate canoe for the con- veyance of the goods of the proposed mission, and as it was necessary to send a commandant to persuade the Indians to receive the mission- aries, he recommended Sieur Pachot, an officer of experience. A dispatch from Canada to the French govern- ment, dated October 14, 1723, announced that Father de la Chasse, Superior of the Jesuits, ex- pected that, the next spring. Father Guymoneau, and another missionary from Paris, would go to the Sioux, but that they had been hindered by tlie Sioux a few months before killing seven French- men, on their way to Louisiana. The aged Jesuit, Joseph J. Marest, who had been on Lake Pepin in J 689 with Perrot, and was now in ilon- treal, said that it was the wandering Sioux who had killed the French, but he thought the sta- tionary Sioux would receive Christian instruction. The hostility of the Foxes had also prevented the establishment of a fort and mission among the Sioux. On the seventh of June, 172G, peace was con- cluded by De Lignery with the Sauks, Foxes, and Winnebagoes at Green Bay; and Linctot, who had succeeded Saint Pierre in command at La Pointe, was ordered, by presents and the promise of a missionary, to endeavor to detach the Dah- kotahs from their alliance with tlie Foxes. At this time Linctot made arrangements for peace between the Ojibways and Dahkotas, and sent two Frenchmen to dwell in the villages of the latter, with a promise that, if they ceased to fight the Ojibways, they should have regular trade, and a "black robe" reside in their country. Traders and missionaries now began to prepare forvisithig the Sioux, and in the spring of 1727 the Governor of Canada wrote that the fathers, appointed for the Sioux mission, desired a case of mathematical instruments, a universal astro- nomic dial, a spirit level, chain and stakes, and a telescope of six or seven feet tube. On the sixteenth of June, 1727, the expedition for the Sioux country left ^Montreal in charge of the Sieur de la Perriere who was son of the dis- tinguished and respected Canadian, PieiTe Bou- cher, the Governor of Three Rivers. La Perriere had served in Newfoundland and been associated with Ilertel de Rouville in raids into New England, and gained an unenviable no- toriety as the leader of the savages, while Rou- ville led the French in attacks upon towns like Haverhill, Massachusetts, where the Indians ex- ultingly killed the Puritan pastor, scalped his loving wife, and dashed out his infant's brains against a rock. He was accompanied by his brother and other relatives. Two Jesuit fathers, De Goiior and Pierre Michel Guignas, were also of the party. In Shea's " Early French Voyages" there was printed, for the first time, a letter from Father Guignas, from the Brevoort manuscripts, written on May 29, 1728, at Fort Beauharnois, on Lake Pepin, which contains facts of much interest. He writes: '• The Scioux convoy left tlie end of Montreal Island on the 16th of the month of June last year, at 11 a. m., and reached Michili- EXPLOBERS AND PIOXEEBS OF 2riXNE;- be obliged to abandon their villages. They have one already secured among the Sioux of the praii-ies, with whom they are allied; so that, should they be advised beforehand of the design of the French to wage war against them, it would be easy for them to retire to the one or the other before their passage could be intersected or themselves at- tacked in their villages." In the summer of 1743, a deputation of the Sioux came down to Quebec, to ask that trade might be resumed. Three years after this, fom- Sioux chiefs came to (Quebec, and asked that a commandant might Ije sent to Fort Beauharnois ; which was not granted. During the winter of 1745-6, De Lusignan vis- ited the Sioux country, ordered by the govern- ment to hunt up the -'coureurs des hois," and withdraw them from the country. They started to return with him, but learning that they would be arrested at Mackinaw, for violation of law, they ran away. While at the villages of the Sioux of the lakes and plains, the chiefs brought to this officer nineteen of their young men, bound with cords, who had killed three Frenchmen, at the Illinois. While he remained with them, they made peace with the Ojiliways of La Pointe, with whom they had been at war for some time. On his return, four chiefs accompanied him to Montreal, to solicit pardon for their voung braves. The lessees of the trading-post lost many of their peltries that winter in consequence of a fire. Reminiscences of St. Pierre's residence at Lake I'epin were long jireserved. Carver, in 1766, "ob- served the ruins of a French factory, where, it is said. Captain St. Pierre resided, and carried on a great trade with the Nad(messies before the re- duction of Canada." Pike, in 1805. wrote in his journal: " .Just be- low Pt. Le Sable, the French, who had driven the Ilenards [Foxesl from AVisconsin, and chased them up the Mississippi, built a stockade on this lake, as a barrier against the savages. It became a noted factory for the Sioux." 58 EXPLOBBBS AXD PIOXEEBS OF ^^XNESOTA. CHAPTER IX. VEKENDRYE. THE EXPLOKEE OF NOKTHEKX MINNESOTA, AND DISCOVERER OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Conversation of Verendrj-e with Father De Conor.— Parentage and Early Life — Old Indian Map Preserved.— Verendrje's Son ami Nej-licw Exi.Iore Pitreon River and Reach Rainy lake.— Father Messayer a Companion.— Fort St. Pierre Established.- Lake of the Woods Reached and Fort St, Charles Built.— De la Jeiueraye's Map.— Fort nn the Assinahoiiie River.— Verendryes Son. Father Ouiieau and Associates Killed by Sioux, on Massacre Isle, in Lake of the Woois -Fort La Reine.— Verendrye's Eldest Son. with Others, Reaches the Missouri River.— Discovers the Rocky Mountains.— Returns to Lake of the Woods.— Exploration of Saskatchewan River.— Sieur de la Verendrye Jr. — Verendrye the Father. ni.vde Captain of the Order of St. Louis.— His Death.- The Swedish Traveler. Kalm. Sotices Veren-lrye. — Bougainville Describes Verendrj-e's Ex- plorations.- Legardeur de St. Pierre at Fort La Reine.— Fort Jonquiere Estr.h- lished.— De )a Come Succeeds St. Pierre —St. Pierre Meets Washington at French Crwk, in Pennsylvania.— Killed in Battle, near Lake George. Early in the year 1728. two travelers met at the secluded post of JIackinaw, one was named De Gonor, a Jesuit Father, who with Guignas, had gone wththe expedition, that the September before had built Fort Beauharnois on the shores of Lake Pepin, the other was Pierre Gualtier Ya- rennes, the Sieur de la "\'erendrye the commander of tlie post on L;ike Xepigon of the north shore of Lake Superior, and a relative of the Sieur de laPerriere. the commander at Lake Pepin. ■\'erendrye was tlie son of Rene Gualtier Ya- rennes who for twenty-two years was the cliief magistrate at Three Rivers, whose flife was Ma- rie Boucher, the daughter of his predecessor whom he had married when she was twelve years of age. lie became a cadet m lb97, and in 1704 accompanied an expedition to New England. The next year he was in Xe\\-foundland and the year follo%\-ing he went to France, joined a regi- ment of Brittany and was in the conflict at Mal- plaquet when the French troops were defeated b)- the Duke of :Marlborough. "When he returneil to Canada he was obliged to accept the position of ensign notwithstaiuUng the gallant manner in which he had behaved. In time he became iden- tified with the Lake Superior region. ^Vhile at Lake Xepigon the Indians assured him that there was a communication largely by water to the Pacific Ocean. One, named Oclwgachs, drew a rude map of the country, -vihich is still preserved among the French archives. Pigeon River is marked thereon Mantohavagane. and the River St. Louis is marked R. fond du L. Superior, and the Indians apjiear to have passed from its head- waters to Rain)' Lake. Upon the western ex- tremity is marked the River of the West. De Gonor conversed much upon the route to the Pacific with A'erendrye. and promised to use his influence with the Canadian authorities to advance the project of exploration. Charles De Beauharnois. the Governor of Can- ada, gave Verendrye a respectful hearing, and carefully examined the map of the region west of the great lakes, which had been drawn by Ochar gaclis (Otcliaga), the Indian guide. Orders were soon given to tit out an expedition of fifty men. It left Montreal in 1731, under the conduct of his sons and nephew De la Jemera\e, he not joining the party till 1733, in consequence of the deten- tions of business. In the autumn of 1731. the party reached Rainy Lake, by the X'antouagan, or Groselliers river, now called Pigeon. Father Messayer. who had been stationed on Lake Superior, at the Grosel- liers river, was taken as a spiritual giude. At the foot of Rainy Lake a post was erected and called Fort St. Pierre, and the next year, having crossed Minittie, or Lake of the Woods, they es- tablished Fort St. Charles on its southwestern bank. Five leagues from Lake Winnipeg they established a post on the Assinaboine. An un- published map of these discoveries by De la .Jem- eraye still exists at I'aris. The river Winnipeg called by them Maurepas, in honor of the minis- ter of France in 1734, was protected by a fort of the same name. About this time their advance was stopped by the exhaustion of supplies, but on the 12tli of April, 1735, an arrangement was made for a sec- ond equipment, and a fourth son joined the exi)e- dition. In June, 1736, while twenty-one of the expedi- DISCOVERY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. 59 tion were camped upon an isle in the Lake of the Wooils, they were surprised by a band of Sioiix liostile to the Frencli allies, tlie Cristinaux, and all killed. Tlie island, upon this account, is called Massacre Island. A few days after, a party of five Canadian voyageurs discovered their dead bodies and scalped heads. Father Ouneaii, the missionary, was found upon one knee, an ar- row in his head, his breast bare, his left hand touching the gromul, and the right hand raised. Among the slaughtered was also a son of \ev- endrye, who had a tomahawk in his back, and his body adorned with garters and bracelets of porcu- pine. The father was at the foot of the Lake of the Woods when he received the news of his son's murder, and about the same time heard of the death of his enterprising nephew, Dufrost de la Jemeraye, the son of his sister Marie Reine de Varennes, and brother of Madame Youville, the foundress of the Hospitallers at JMontreal. It was under the guidance of the latter that the party had, in 1731, mastered the difficulties of the Nantaouagon, or Groselliers river. On the 3d of October. 173S, they built an ad- vanced post. Fort La Keine, on the river Assini- boels, now Assinaboine, which they called St Charles, and beyond was a ))ranch ciilled St. Pierre. Tliese two rivers received the baptismal name of Verendrye, which was Pierre, and Gov- ernor I'eauharnois, which was Charles. The post became the centre of trade and point of departure for explorations, either north or south. It was by ascending the Assinaboine, and by the present trail from its tributary, Mouse river, they reached tlie country of the Mantanes, and in 1741, came to the upper Missouri, passed the Yel- low Stone, and at length arrived at the Rocky Mountains. The party was led by the eldest son and his Ijrother, the chevalier. They left the Lake of the Woods on the 29th of April,' 1742, came in sight of the Rocky Mountains on the 1st of January, 1743, and on the 12tli ascended them. On the route they fell in with the Beaux Hom- mes, Pioya, Petits Renards, and Arc tribes, and stopped among the Snake tribe, but could go no farther in a southerly direction, owing to a war between the Arcs and Snakes. On the 19th of May, 1744, they had returned to the upper Missouri, and, in the country of the Petite Cerise tribe, they planted on an eminence a leaden plate of the arms of France, and raised a monument of stones, which they called Beau- harnois. They returned to the Lake of the Woods on the 2d of July. Korth of the Assiniboine they proceeded to Lake Dauphin, Swan's Lake, explored the riv- er "Des Biches," and ascended even to the fork of the Saskatchewan, which they called Pos- koiac. Two forts were subseciuently established, one near Lake Dauphin and the other on the river "des Biches," called Fort Bourbon. The northern route, by the Saskatchewan, was thought to have some advantage over the JNIissouri, be- cause there was no danger of meeting with the Spaniards. Governor Beauharnois having been prejudiced against Verendrye by envious persons, De Xoy- elles was appointed to take command of the posts. During these difficulties, we find Sieur de la \^erendrye, Jr., engaged in other duties. In August, 1747, he arrives from Mackinaw at Mon- treal, and in the autumn of that year he accom- panies St. Pierre to Mackinaw, and brings back the convoy to Montreal. In February, 1748, with five Canadians, five Cristenaux, two Ottawas, and one Sauteur, he attacked the Mohawks near Schenectady, and retui'iied to Montreal with two scalps, one that of a chief. On June 20th. 1748, it is recorded tliat Chevalier de la Verendrye de- parted from Montreal for the head of Lake Supe- rior. Margry states that he perished at sea in November, 1764, by the wreck of the " Auguste." Fortunately, Galissioniere the successor of Beauharnois, although deformed and insignifi- cant in appearance, was fair minded, a lover of science, especially botany, and anxious to push discoveries toward tlie Pacific. Verendrye the father was restored to favor, and made Captain of the Order of St. Louis, and ordered to resume explorations, but he died on December 6th, 1749, while planning a tour up tlie Saskatchewan. The Swedisli Professor, Kalm. met him in Can- ada, not long before his decease, and had inter- esting conversations with him about the furrows on the plains of the Missouri, whicli he errone- ously conjectured indicated the former abode of an agricultural people. These ruts are familiar to modern travelers, and may be only buffalo trails. Father Coquard, wno had been associated with 60 EXFLOBEKlS ASU PIONEERS OF MINXEfiOTA. Verendrye. says that they firet met the Mantanes. and next the Brochets. After these were the Gros ^'entres, the Crows, the Flat Heads, the Black Feet, and l)og Feet, who were estabUshed on the .Missouri, even up to the falls, and that about thirty leagues beyond they found a narrow pass in the mountains. Bougainville gives a more full account: he says: "He who most advanced this discovery was the Sieur de la ^'eranderie. He went from Fort la Reine to the Missouri. He met on tlie banks of this river the Mandans. or White Beards, who had seven villages witli pine stockades, strength- ened by a ditch. Xext to these were the Kinon- gewiniris. or the Brochets, in three villages, and toward the upper part of the river -sxere three villages of the Mahantas. All along the mouth of the Wabeik, or Shell River, were situated twenty-three villages of the Panis. To the south- west of this river, on the banks of the Onanarade- ba. or La Graisse. are the Hectaues or Snake tribe. They extend to the base of a chain of mountains which rinis north northeast. South of tiiis is the river Karoskiou. or Cerise Pelee. which is supposed to flow to California. •• He found in the immense region watered by the Missouri, and in the vicinity of forty leagues. the Mahantas. the OwiUniock. or Beaux Uoni- mes. four villages; opposite tlie Brochets the Black Fei t. three villages of a hundred lodges each: op. posite the Mandans are the Ospekakaei-enousques. or Flat Heals, four villages; opposite tha Panis are the Arcs of Cristiuaiix. and I'tasibaoutchatas of Assiniboel. three ^illages; following these the Makesch. or Little Foxes, two tillages; the: Pi- wassa. or great talkers, three villages; the Ka- kokoschena, or Gens de la Pie. five villages; the Kiskipisounouini., or the Garter tribe, seven vil- lages." Galassoniere was succeeded by Jonquiere in the governorship of Canada, who proved to be a grasping, peevish, and very miserly jwrson. For the sons of 'N'erendrje he had no sympathy, and forming a clique to profit by theii' father's toils. he determmed to send two expeditions toward the Pacific Ocean, one by the ^Missouri and the other by the Saskatchewan. Father Coquard, one of the companions fit Ve- rendrye, was consulted as to the probabilitj' of finding a pass in the Rocky Mountains, through which they might, in canoes, reach the great lake of salt water, perhaps Pugefs Somid. The enterprise was at length confided to t«o experienced oflicers, Lamarque de Marin and Jacques Legardeur de Saint Pierre. The former was assigned the way. by the Missouri, and to the latter was given the more northern route; but Saint Pierre in some way excited the hostil- ity of the Cristinaux. who attempted to kill him. and burned Fort la Reine. His heutenant, Bou- cher de Niver\Tlle, who had been sent to establish a post toward the source of the Saskatchewan, failed on accotmt of sickness. Some of his men. however, pushed on to the Rocky Moimtauis. and in 1753 established Fort Jonquiere. Henx)" says St. Pierre established Fort Bourbon. In 1753, Saint Pierre was succeeded in the command of the posts of the West, by de la Come, and sent to French Creek, in Pennsylva- nia. He had been but a few days there when he received a visit from Washington, just entering upon manhood, bearing a letter from Governor Dinwiddle of Virginia, complaining of the en eroaclmients of the French. Soon the clash of arms between France and England began, and Saint Pierre, at the head of the Indian allies, fell near Lake George, in Sep- tember, 1755. in a battle with the English. After the seven years' war was concluded, by the treaty of Paris, the French relinquished all their posts in the X(irthwest, and the work begun by A'eren- drye. was. in 1805. completed by Lewis and Clarke ; and the Xorthem Pacific Railway is fast approaching the passes of the Rocky ilountains. through the valley of the Yellow Stone, and from thence to the great land-locked bay of the ocean. Pugefs Sound. EFFECT OF THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH WAB. 61 CHAPTER X. EFFECT OF THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH WAR. English Influence Increasing:.— Le, Due Robbed at Lake Superior,— St. Pierre at Mackinaw.— Escape of Indian Prisoners.- La Roude and Verendrye.— Influeuce of Sieur Marin. — St. Pierre Recalled from Winnipeg Region.— Interview with Washington. — Langlade Urges Attack Upon Troops of Braddock.— Saint Pierre Killed in Battle.— Marin's Boldness.— Rogers, a Partisan Ranger, Commands at Mackinaw.— At Ticonderoga.— French Deliver up the Posts in Canada. —Capt, Balfour Takes Possession of Mackinaw and Green Bay.— Lieut. Gorrrll in Com. raand at Green Bay.— Sioux Visit Green Bay. — Pennensha a French Trader Among the Sioux. — Treaty of Paris. English influence produced increasing dissatis- faction among tlie Indians that were heyoiid Maclvinaw. Not only were the voyageurs robbed and maltreated at Sault St. :Marie and otlier points on Lake Superior, but even the commandant at Mackinaw was exposed to insolence, and there was no security anywhere. On the twenty-third of August, 174", Philip Le Due arrived at Mackinaw from Lake Superior, stating tliat he had been robbed of his goods at Kamanistigoya, and that the Ojibways of the lake were favorably disposed toward the English. The Dahkotahs were also becoming unruly in the absence of French officers. In a few weeks after Le Due's robbery, St. Pierre left Montreal to become commandant at Mackinaw, and Vercheres was appointed for the post at Green Bay. In the language of a docu- ment of the day, St. Pierre was •' a very good oflBcer, much esteemed among all the nations of those parts ; none more loved and feared." On his arrival, the savages were so cross, that he ad- vised that no Frenchman should come to trade. By promptness and boldness, he secured the Indians who had murdered some Frenchmen, and obtained the respect of the tribes. While the three murderers were being conveyed in a canoe down the St. Lawrence to Quebec, in charge of a sergeant and seven soldiers, the savages, with characteristic cunning, though manacled, suc- ceeded in killing or drowniing the guard. Cutting their irons with an axe, they sought the woods, and escaped to their own country. " Thus." writes Galassoniere, in 1748, to Count Maurepas, was lost in a great measure the fruit of Sieur St. Pierre's good management, and of all the fatigue I endured to get the nations who siirrendered these rascals to listen to reason." On the twenty-first of June of the next year, La Ronde started to La Pointe, and Verendrye for West Sea, or Fon du Lac, Minnesota. Under the influence of Sieur Marin, who was in command at Green Bay in 17.j3. peaceful re- lations were in a measure restored between the French and Indians. As the war between England and France deep- ened, the officers of the distant French posts were called in and stationed nearer tlie enemy. Legardeur St. Pierre, was brouglit from the Lake Winnipeg region, and, in December, 1753, was in command of a rude post near Erie, Pennsylvania. Langlade, of Green Bay, Wisconsm, arrived early in July, 1755, at Fort Duquesne. Witli Beauyeu and De Lignery. wlio had been engaged in fight- ing the Fox Indians, he left that fort, at nine o'clock of the morning of the 9th of July, and, a little after noon, came neartlie English, who had halted on the south shore of the Monongahela, and were at dinner, with their arms stacked. By the urgent entreaty of Langlade, the western lialf-breed, Beauyeu, tlie officer in command or- dered an attack, and Braddock was overwhelmed, and Washington was obliged to say, " We have been beaten, shamefully beaten, by a handful of Frenchmen." Under Baron Dieskau. St, Pierre commanded the Indians, in September, 1755, during the cam- paign near Lake George, wliere he fell gallantly fighting the English, as did his commander. The Eev, Claude Coquard, alluding to the French defeat, m a letter to Ids brother, remarks: '• We lost, on that occasion, a brave officer, M, de St, Pierre, and had his advice, as well as that of several other Canadian officers, been followed. Jonckson [Johnson] was irretrievably destroyed. EXPLOBERS AXD PIOXEERS OF MINNESOTA. and we should have been spared the trouble we have had this year." Other officers who had been stationed on the borders of Minnesota also distinguished them- selves durmg the French war. The Marquis ilontcalm, in camp at Ticonderoga, on the twen- ty-seventh of July. 1757, writes to Vaudreuil, Governor of Canada: " Lieutenant Marin, of the Colonial troops, who has exhiViited a rare audacity, did not consider himself bound to halt, although his detachment of about four himdred men was reduced to about two hxmdred, the balance having been sent back on accoimt of inability to follow. He carried off a patrol of ten men, and swept away an ordinary guard of fifty like a wafer; went up to the en- emy's camp, under Fort Lydias (Edward), where he was exposed to a severe fire, and retreated like a warrior. He was unwUling to amuse himself making prisoners; he brought in only one, and thirty-two scalps, and must have killed many men of the enemy, in the midst of whose ranks it was neither -wise nor prudent to go in search of scalps. The Indians generally all behaved well. * * * The Outaouais. who arrived with me. and whom I designed to go on a scouting party towards the lake, had conceived a project of administering a corrective to the English barges. * * * On the day before yesterday, your brother formed a detachment to accompany them. I arrived at his camp on the evening of the same day. Lieuten- ant de Corbiere. of the Colonial troops, was re- turning, in consequence of a misimderstanding. and as I knew the zeal and intelligence of that oflBcer, I made him set out with a new instruc- tion to join Messrs de Langlade and Ilertel de Chantly. Tliey remained ui ambush all day and night yesterday; at Ijreak of day the English ap- peared on Lake St. Sacrament, to the number of twenty-two barges, imder the command of Sieur Parker. The whoops of oiu" Indians impressed them with such terror that they made but feeble resistance, and only two barges escaped."' After De Corbiere "s victory on Lake Cham- plain, a large French army was collected at Ti- conderoga. with which there were many Indians from the tribes of the Northwest, and the loways appeared for the first time in the east. It is an interesting fact that tlie English offi- cers who were in frequent engagements with St. Pierre, Lusignan, Marin, Langlade, and others, became the pioneers of the British, a few yeare afterwards, in the occupation of the outposts of the lakes, and in the exploration of Mmnesota. Kogers, the celebrated captain of rangers, sub- sequently commander of ^Mackinaw, and Jona- than Carver, the first British explorer of Minne- sota, were Vioth on duty near Lake Champlam, the latter narrowly escaping at the battle of Fort George. On Christmas eve. 17.57, Rogers approached Fort Ticonderoga. to fire the outhouses, but was prevented by discharge of the cannons of the Fren h. He contented himself with killing fifteen beeves, on the horns of one of whicli he left this laconic and amusmg note, addressed to the commander of the post: ■• I am obliged to you. Sir, for the repose you have allowed me to take; I thank you for the fresh meat you have sent me. I request you to present my compliments to the Marqius du Montcalm." On the thirteenth of March, 1758, Durantaj-e, formerly at Macldnaw. had a skirmish -nith Rog- ers. Both had been trained on the frontier, and they met " as Greek met Greek."' The conflict was fierce, and the French victorious. The Li- dian allies, finding a scalp of a chief imdemeath an offlcer"s jacket, were furious, and took one hundred and fourteen scalps in return. AMien the French returned, they supposed that Captain Rogers was among the killed. At Quebec, when Montcalm and "Wolfe fell, there were Ojibways present assisting the French The Indians, returning from the expeditions against the English, were attacked with small- pox, and many died at 3ilackinaw, On the eighth of September, 1760, the French delivered up all their posts in Canada. A few days after the capitidation at ^lontreal, ^lajor Rogers was sent with English troops, to garrison the posts of the distant Northwest. On the eighth of September. 1761, a year after the surrender, Captam Balfour, of the eightieth regiment of the British army, left Detroit, ^nth a detachment to take possession of the French forts at ^lackinaw and Green Bay. Twenty-five soldiers were left at Mackinaw, in command of Lieutenant Leslie, and the rest sailed to Green 1 Bay, under Lieutenant Gorrell of the Royal PENNENSIIA WHITES A LETTER FOR THE SIOUX. 63 Americans, where they arrived on the twelfth of October. The fort had been abandoned for sev- eral years, and was in a dilapidated condition. In charge of it there was left a lieutenant, a cor- poral, and fifteen soldiers. Two English traders arrived at the same time, JNIt-Kay from Albany, and Goddard from Montreal. Gorrell in his journal alludes to the Mimiesota Sioux. He writes — " On March 1, 1763, twelve warriors of the Sous came here. It is certainly the greatest nation of Indians ever yet found. Not above two thousand of them were ever armed with firearms ; the rest depending entirely on bows and arrows, which they use with more skiU than any other Indian nation in America. They can shoot the wildest and largest beasts in the woods at seventy or one hundred yards distant. They are remarkable for their dancing, and the other nations take the fashions from them. ***** Tliis nation is always at war with the Chippewas, those who destroyed Mishamakinak. They told me with warmth that if ever the Chippewas or any other Indians wished to obstruct the passage of the traders coming up, to send them word, and they would come and cut them off from the face of the earth ; as all Indians were their slaves or dogs. I told them I was glad to see them, and Imped to have a lasting peace with them. They then gave me a letter wrote in French, and two belts of wampum from their king, in which he expressed great joy on hearing of there being English at his post. The letter ■was written by a French trader whom I had allowed to go among them last fall, with a promise of his behaving well ; which he did, better than any Canadian I ever knew. ***** With regard to traders, I would not allow any to go amongst them, as I then understood they lay out of the government of Canada, but made no doubt tliey would liave traders from the Mississippi in the spring. Tliey went away extremely well pleased. June 14th, 1763, the traders came down from the Sack coun- try, and confirmed tlie news of Landsing and liis son being killed by the French. There came with the traders some Puans, and four young men with one chief of the Avoy [loway] nation, to demand traders. ***** " On the nineteenth, a deputation of Wtnneba- goes, Sacs, Foxes and Menominees arrived with a Frenchman named Pennensha. Tliis Pennen- sha is the same man who wrote the letter the Sous brought with them in French, and at the same time held council with that great nation in favour of the Englisli, by which he much promo- ted the interest of the latter, as appeared Ijy the behaviour of the Sous. He brought with him a pipe from the Sous, desiring that as the road is now clear, they would by no means allow the Chippewas to obstruct it, or give tlie English any disturbance, or prevent the traders from coming up to them. If they did so they would send all their warriors and cut them off." In July, 1763, there arrived at Green Bay, Bruce, Fisher; and Roseboom of Albany, to en- gage in the Indian trade. By the treaty of Paris of 1763, France ceded to Great Britain all of the country east of the Mis- sissippi, and to Spain the whole of Louisiana, so that the latter power for a time held tlie ^\•hole region between the Mississippi River and the Pa- cific Ocean, and that portion of the city of Min- neapolis known as the East Division was then governed by the British, while the West Division was subject to the Spanish code. 64 EXPLOREliS A^'IJ PIONEERS OF MINNESOIA. CHAPTER XI. JONATHAN CARVER, THE FIRST BRITISH TRAVELER AT FALLS OF SAINT ANTHONY. Carver's Early Life.— In the Battle near Lake George.— Arrives at Mackinaw.— Old Fort at Green Bay.— Winneliago Village.— Descrijitioii ol" Prairie da Cliien. Earthworks on Banks of Lake Pepin.— Sioux Bands Described.— Cave and Burial Place m Suburbs of St. Paul.— Tbe Falls of Saint Anthony.— Burial Rites of tLe Sioux.— Speech of A Sioux Chief.— Schiller's Poein of the Death Song. — Sir John Herschel's Translation,— Sir E. Buhver Lytton's Version.— Correspondence of Sir William Johnson —Carver's Project for Opening a Route to the Pacific— Supposed Origin of tlic Sioux.— Cari-er's Claim to Lands Ex- amined.— Alleped Deed.— Testimony of Rev. Samuel Peters.— Communication from Gen. Leavenworth.— Report of U. S. Senate Committee. Jonathan Carver was a native of Connecticut His grandt'atlier, "William Carver, was a native of AVigan, Lancashire, England, and a captain in King William's army during the campaign in Ireland, and for meritorious services received an appointment as an ollicer of the colony of Con- necticut. His father was a justice of the peace in the new world, and in 1732, the subject of this sketch was bom. At the early age of fifteen he was called to mourn the death of his father. He then commenced the study of medicine, but his roving disposition could not bear the confines of a doc- tor's office, and feeling, perhaps, that bis genius would be cramped by pestle and mortar, at the age of eighteen he purchased an ensign's commis- sion in one of. the regiments raised during the French war. He was of medium stature, and of strong mind and quick perceptions. In the year 1757, he was captain under Colonel M'illiams in the battle near Lake George, where Saint Pierre was killed, and narrowly escaped with his life. After the peace of 17(53, between France and England was declared. Carver conceived the pro- ject of exploring the Xorthwest. Leaving Boston in the month of June. ITtiii, he arrived at Macki- naw, then the most distant British post, in the month of August. Having obtained a credit on some French and English traders from Major Rogers, the officer in command, he started with them on the third day of September. Pursuing the usual route to Cireeu Bay, they arrived there on the eighteenth. The French fort at that time was standing, though much decayed. It was, some years pre- vious to his arrival, garrisoned for a short time by an officer and thirty English soldiers, but they having been captured by the Menominees, it was abandoned. In comjiany with the traders, he left Green Bay on the twentieth, and ascending Fox river, arrived on the twenty-fifth at an island at the east end of Lake Winnebago, containing about fifty acres. Here he found a A\'iunebago village of fifty houses. He asserts that a woman was in author- ity. In the month of October the party was at the portage of the Wisconsin, and descending that stream, they arrived, on the ninth at a town of the Sauks. While here he visited some lead mines about fifteen miles distant. An abimd.uice of lead was also seen in the village, that had been brought from the mines. On the tenth they arrived at the first village of the " Ottigaumies" [Foxes] about five miles be- fore the Wisconsin joins the Mississippi, he per- ceived the remnants of another village, and learned that it had been deserted about thirty years before, and that the inhiibitants soon after their removal, built a town on the Mississippi, near the mouth of the " Ouisconsin," at a place called by the French La Prairie les Chiens, which signified the Dog Plains. It was a large town, and contained about three himdred families. Tlie houses were built after the Indian manner, and pleasantly situated on a dry rich soil. He saw here many houses of a good size and shape. Tl and for many miles adjacent. As there are still many persons who believe that they have some right through certain deeds purporting to be from the heirs of Carver, it is a matter worthy of an investigation. Carver says nothing in his book of travels in re- lation to a grant from the Dahkotahs. but after he was buried, it was asserted that there was a deed belonging to him in existence, conveying valuable lands, and that said deed was executed at the cave now in the eastern suburbs of Saint Paul. DEED PURPOKTING TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN AT THE CAVE IN THE BLUFF BELOW ST. PAfL. " To Jonathan Can-er. a cliief under the most mighty and potent George the Third. King of the English and other nations, the fame of whose warriors has reached our ears, and has now been fully told us by our good brother Jonathan, afore- said, whom we rejoice to have come among us, and bring us good news from his country. "We, chiefs of the Naudowessies, who have hereunto set our seals, do by these presents, for ourselves and heirs forever, in return for the aid and other good services done by the said Jona- than to ourselves and alUes. give grant and con- vey to him, the said Jonatlian, and to his heirs and assigns forever, the whole of a certain tract or territory of land, boimded as follows, -siz: from the Falls of St. Anthony, running on the east bank of the Mississippi, nearly soutlieast, as far as Lake Pepin, where the Chippewa joins the Mississippi, and from thence eastward five days travel, accoimting twenty English miles per day; and from thence again to the Falls of St. ^Uithony . on a direct straight line. "We do for ourselves, heirs, and assigns, forever give unto the said Jo- nathan, his heirs and assigns, with all the trees, rocks, and rivers therein, ^eser^^ng the sole lib- erty of hunting and fishing on land not planted or improved by the said Jonathan, his heirs and assigns, to which we have affixed our respective seals. " At the Great Cave, May 1st. 1767. "Signed, HAWXOPA'WJATIX. OTOHTGXGOOMLISHEAW. " The original deed was never exhibited by the assignees of the heirs. By his English wife Car- ver had one child, a daughter Martha, who was cared for by Sir Richard and Lady Pearson. In time she eloped and married a sailor. A mercan- tile firm in London, thinking that money could be made, induced the newly married couple, the day after the wedding, to convey the grant to them, with the understanding that they were to have a tenth of the profits. The merchants despatched an agent by the name of Clarke to go to the Dahkotahs, and olj- tain a new deed; but on his way he was murdered in the state of Xew York. In the year 179-t, the heirs of Carver"s Ameri- can wife, in consideration of fifty thousand pounds sterling, conveyed their interest in the Carver grant to Edward Houghton of Vermont. In the year 1806, Samuel Petere, who had been a tory and an Episcopal minister dmiiig the Eevolu- tionary war, alleges, in a petition to Congress, that he had also purchased of the heirs oi Carver then- rights to the grant. Before the Senate committee, the same > ear, he testified as follows: "In the year 1774, I arrived there (London), and met Captain Carver. In 1775. Carver had a hearing before the king, praying his majesty's approval of a deed of land dated May first, 1767, UNITED STATES REJECT CARVERS CLAIM. 71 and sold and granted to him by the Naudowissies. The result was his majesty approved of the exer- tions and bravery of Captain Carver among the Indian nations, near the Falls of St. Anthony, in the Mississippi, gave to said Carver 137n. 13s. 8(7. sterling, and ordered a frigate to be prepared, and a transport ship to carry one hundred and .Pif ty men, under command of Captain Carver, with four others as a committee, to sail the ne.xt .June to Jfew Orleans, and then to ascend the Missis- sippi, to take possession of said territory conveyed to Captain Carver ; but the battle of Bunker Hill prevented." In 18:21, General Leavenworth, having made inquiries of the Dahkotahs, in relation to the alleged claim, addressed the following to the commissioner of the land office : " Sir:^Agreeably to your request, I have the honour to inform you what I have understood from the Inilians of the Sioux Nation, as well as some facts within my own knowledge, as to what is commonly termed Carver's Grant. The grant purports to be made by the cliiefs of the Sioux of the Plains, and one of the chiefs uses the sign of a serpent, and the other of a turtle, purport- ing that their names are derived from those ani- mals. ''The land lies on the east side of the Mississ- ippi. The Inilians do not recognize or acknowl edge the grant to be valid, and they among others assign the following reasons; "1. The Sioux of the Plains never owned a foot of land on tlie east side of the Mississippi. The Sioux Nation is divided into two grand di- visions, viz: The Sioux of tlie Lake; or perhaps more literally Sioux of the Biver, and Sioux of the Plain. The former subsists by hunting and fishing, and usually move from place to place by water, in canoes, during the summer season, and travel on the ice in tlie winter, when not on their hunting excursions. The latter subsist en- tirely by hunting, and have no canoes, nor do they know but little about the use of them. They reside in the large prairies west of the Mississippi, and follow the buffalo, upon which tliey entirely subsist; these are called Sioux of the Plain, and never owned land east of the Mississippi. " 2. The Indians say they have no knowledge of any such chiefs as those who have signed the grant to Carver, either amongst the Sioux of the River or the Sioux of the Plain. They say that if Captain Carver did ever obtain a deed or grant, it was signed by some foolish young men who were not cliiefs and who were not author- ized to make a grant. Among the Sioux of the River there are no such names. " 3. They say the Indians never received any- thing for the land, and they have no intention to part with it without a consideration. From my knowledge of the Indians. I am induced to think they would not makesoconsideralile a grant, and have it to go into full effect without receiving a substantial consideration. '• 4. They have, and ever have had, the pos- session of the land, and intend to keep it. I know that they are very particular in making every person who wishes to cut timber on that tract obtain their permission to do so, and to ob- tain payment for it. In the month of May last, some Frenchmen brougiitalarge raft of red cedar timber out of the Chippewa River, which timber was cut on the tract before mentioned. The In- tlians at one of the villages on the Mississippi, where the principal chief resided, compelled the Frenchmen to land the raft, and would not per- mit them to pass until they had received pay for the timber, and the Frenchmen were compelled to leave their raft with the Indians until they went to Prairie du Chien, and obtained the nec- essary articles, and made the payment required." On the twenty-third of January, 1S23, the Com- mittee of Public Lands made a report on the claim to the Senate, which, to every disinterested person, is entirely satisfactory. After statuig the facts of the petition, the repoi-t contiiiues: " The Rev. Samuel Peters, in his petition, fur- ther states that Lefei, the present Emperor of the Sioux and Xaudowessies, and Red AVing, a sachem, the heirs and successors of the two grand chiefs who signed the said deed to Captain Car- ver, liave given satisfactory anil positive proof that they allowed their ancestors' deed to be gen- uine, good, and valid, and that Captain Carver's heirs and assigns are the owners of said territory, and may occupy it free of all molestation. The committee have examined and considered the claims thus exhibited by the petitionere, and remark that the original deed is not produced, nor any competent legal evidence offered of its execu- tion ; nor is there any proof that the persons, who 72 EXPLORERS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. it is alleged made the deed, were the chiefs of said tribe, nor that (if chiefs) they had authority to grant and give away the land belonging to their tribe. The paper annexed to the petition, as a copy of said deed, has no subscribing witnesses ; and it would seem impossible, at this remote pe- riod, to ascertain the important fact, that the per- sons who signed the ;leed comprehended and imderstood the meaning and effect of their act. " The want of proof as to these facts, would interpose in the waj of the claimants insuperable difficulties. But, in the opinion of the committee, the claim is not such as the United States are imder any obUgation to allow, even if the deed were proved in legal form. " The British government, before the time when the alleged deed bears date, had deemed it pru- dent and necessary for the preservation of peace ■with the Indian tribes under their sovereignty, protection and dominion, to prevent British sub- jects from purchasing lands from the Indians, and this rule of policy was made known and en- forced by the proclamation of the king of Great Britain, of seventh October, 1763, which contains an e.xpress prohibition. " Captain Carver, aware of the law, and know- ing that such a contract could not vest the legal title in him. applied to the British government to ratify and confirm the Indian grant, and, though it was competent for that government then to confirm the grant, and vest the title of said land in him, yet, from some cause, that government did not think proper to do it. " The territory has since become the property of the United States, and an Indian grant not good against the British government, would ap- pear to be not bindhig unon the I'uited States government. '• What benefit the British government derived from the services of Captain Carver, bj' his trav- els and residence among the Indians, that gov- ernment alone could determine, and alone could judge what remuneration those services desers'ed. •' One-fact appears from the declaration of Mr. Peters, in his statement in writing, among the papers exhibited, namely, that the British gov- ernment did give Captam Carver the sum of one thousand three hundred and seventy-five pounds six shillings and eight pence sterling. To the United States, however. Captain Cars'er rendered no services which could be assumed as any equit- able ground for the support of the petitioners' claim. '• The committee being of opinion that the United States are not bound in law and equity to confirm the said alleged Indian grant, recom- mend the adoption of the resolution: " ' Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners ought not to be granted."" " Lord Palmerston stated in 1839, that no trace could be found in the records of the British office of state papers, sho\\ing any ratification of the Carver grant. EXPLORATIONS liY LIEUTENANT Z. M. PIKE. 73 CHAPTER Xri. EXPLOEATION BY THE FIRST UNITED STATES ARilY OFFICER, LIETJTENANT Z. JI. TTKE. Trading Posts at the bejrinuing of Nineteenth Centurj-.— Sandy Lake Fort.— Leech Lake Fort.— William Morrison, before Schoolcraft at Itasca Lake.— Divi- sion of Northwest Territory.— Organization of Indiana, Michigan and Upper Louisiana. — Notices of WmihI, Frazer, Fisher, C.imeron, Faribault — Early Traders.— Pikes Council at Mouth of Minnesota River,— Grant for Military Posts-— Encampment at Falls of St. Anthony.— Block House near Swan River. —Visit to Sanily and Leech Lakes.— British Flag Shot at and Lowered.— Thompson, Topographer of Northwest Company. — Pike at Dickson's Trading Post —Returns to Mendota.— Fails to find Carver's Cave.— Conlerence with Little Crow. —Cameron sells Liquor to Indians. At the beginning of the present century, the region now Itnown as ^linnesota, contained no ■white men, except a few engaged in the fur trade. In the treaty effected by Hon. Jolin Jay, Great Britain agreed to withdraw her troops from all posts and places within certain boundary lines, on or before the first of June, 1796. but all Brit- ish settlers and traders might remain for one year, and enjoy all their former privileges, with- out being obliged to be citizens of the United States of America. In the year 1800, the trading posts of Minnesota were chiefly held l)y the Northwest Company, and their chief traders resided at Sandy Lake, Leech Lake, and Fon du Lac, on St. Louis liiver. In the year 1794, this company built a stockade one hundred feet square, on the southeast end of Sandy Lake. There were bastions pierced for small arms, in the southeast and in the northwest corner. Tlie pickets which surrounded the post were thirteen feet high. On the north side there was a gate ten by nine feet ; on the west side, one ■ six by five feet, and on the east side a third gate six by five feet. Travelers entering the main gate, saw on the left a one story building twenty feet square, the residence of the superintendent, and on the left of the east gate, a building twenty- five by fifteen, the quarters of the voyagenrs. Entering the western gate, on the left was a stone house, twenty by thirty feet, and a house twenty by forty feet, used as a store, and a workshop, and a residence for clerks. On the soutli shcirc of Leech Lake there was another establishment, a little larger. The stockade was one hundred and fifty feet square. The main building was sixty by twenty-five feet, and one and a half story In height, where resided the Director of the fur trade of the Fond du Lac department of the North- west Company. In the centre was a small store, twelve and a half feet square, and near the main gate was flagstaff fifty feet in height, from which used to float the flag of Great Britain. "William jSIorrison was, in 1802. the trader at Leech Lake, and in 1804 he was at Elk Lake, the source of the Mississippi, thirty-two years after- wards named by Schoolcraft, Lake Itasca. The entire force of the Northwest Company, west of Lake Superior, in ISOo, consisted of three accountants, nineteen clerks, two interisreters, eighty-five canoe men, and with them were twenty-nine Indian or half-breed women, and about fifty children. On the seventh of May, 1800, the Northwest Territory, which included all of the western country east of the Mississippi, was divided. The portion not designated as Ohio, was organ- ized as the Territory of Indiana. On the twentieth of December, 1803, the province of Louisiana, of which that portion of Minnesota west of the Mississippi 'v\-as a part, was officially delivered up by the French, wlio had just obtained it from the Spaniards, accoi'd- ing to treaty stipulations. To the transfer of Louisiana by France, after twenty days" possession, Spain at first objected; but in 1804 withdrew all opposition. President Jefferson now deemed it an object of paramount importance for the L'nited States to explore the country so recently acquired, and make the acquaintance of the tribes residing therein ; and steps were taken for an expedition to the upper Mississippi. Early in March, 1804, Captain Stoddard, of the United States army, arrived at St. Louis, the agent of the I'rcnch Republic, to receive from 74 EXl'LOKEKS ASD FIOSEEUH OF MlSyE^sUTA. the Spanish aiitho:ities the possession of the coiuitiy, which he immediately transferred to the United States. As tlie old settlers, on the tenth of March, saw the ancient flag of Spain displacetl by that of the United States, the tears coursed down their cheeks. On the twentieth of the same month, the terri- tory of Upper Lonisiana was constituted, com- prismg the present states of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, and a large portion of Minnesota. On the eleventh of January, 1805, the terri- tory of Michigan was organized. The first ^Vmerican oflScer who \'isited Minne- sota, on business of a public nature, was one who was an ornament to his profession, and in energy and endurance a true representative of the citi- zens of the United States. "\Ve refer to the gallant Zebulon Montgomery Pike, a native of Xew Jersey, who afterwards fell m battle at York, Upper Canada, and whose loss was justly mourned by the whole nation. When a young lieutenant, he was ordered by General Wilkinson to ^'isit the region now known as Minnesota, and exi>el the British traders who were found violating the laws of the United States, and form alliances with the Indians. AVith only a few common soldiers, he was obliged to do the work of several men. At times he would precede his party for miles to recomioitre, and then he would do the duty of hunter. During the day he would perform the part of surveyor, geologist, and astronomer, and at night, though hiniirr)- and fatigued, his lofty enthu- siasm kept him awake until he copied the notes, and plotted the courses of the day. On the 4tli day of September, 1805, Pike ar- rived at Prairie du Chien, from St. Louis, and was poUtely treated by three traders, all born un- der the flag of the United States. One was named Wood, another Frazer, a native of Vermont, who, when a 5 oiuig man became a clerk of one Blakely, of Montreal, and tlius became a fur liader. The third was Henry Fisher, a captain of tlie ^lilitia, and Justice of tlie Peace, wliose wife was a daughter of Goutier de A'erville. Fisiher was said to have been a nephew of Pres- dent ;Monroe, and later in life traded at the . sources of the Minnesota. One of liis daughters was tlie molliev of Josepli Rolette, Jr., a mem- ber of the early Mmnesota Legislative assem- bUes. On tlie eighth of the month Lieutenant Pike left Prairie du Chien, in two batteaux, with Sergeant Henry Kennerman, Corporals William E. Mack and Samuel Bradley, and ten privates. At La Crosse, Frazer, of Prairie du Chien, overtook him, and at Sandy point of Lake Pepin he found a trader, a Scotchman by the name of Murdoch Cameron, with his son, and a yomig man named John Rudsdell. On the twonty- fii-st he breakfasted with the Kaposia baud of Sioux, who then dwelt at the marsh below Day- ton's Bluff, a few miles below St. Paul. The same day he passed three miles from Mendota the encampment of J. B. Faribault, a trader and native of Lower Canada, tlieii about thirty years of age, in which vicinity lie continued for more than fifty years. He married Pelagie the daugh- ter of Francis Kinnie by an Indian woman, and his eldest son. Alexander, bom soon after Pike's visit, was the founder of the to^^■n of Faribault. Arriving at the confluence of the Minnesota and the Mississippi Rivers, Pike and his soldiers encamped on the Northeast pouit of the island which still bears his name. The next day was Sunday, and he visited Cameron, at his trading post on the Minnesota River, a short distance above Mendota. On Jilonday, the 23d of September, at noon, he held a Council with the Sioux, under a cover- ing made by suspending sails, and gave an ad- mirable talk, a portion of which was as follows : , " Brothers, I am happy to meet you here, at this council tire wliicli your father has sent me to kindle, and to take you by the hands, as our chil- dren. We hartng but lately acquired from the Spanish, the extensive territory of Louisiana, our general has thought proper to send out a number of his warriors to visit all his red children ; to tell them his will, and to hear what request they may have to make of tlieir father. I am happy the choice fell on me to come this road, as I find my brothere, the Sioux, ready to listen to my words. " Brothers, it is the wish of our government to establish military posts on the Upper Mississippi, at such places as might be thought expedient. I have, therefore, examined the country, and have pitched on the mouth of the river St. Croix, this GRANT OF LAND FROM THE HIOUX. place, and the Falls of 8t. Anthony ; I therefore wish you to grant to the United States, nine miles square, at St. Croix, and at this place, from a league below the confluence of the St. Peter's and Mississippi, to a league above St. Anthony, extending three leagues ou each side of the river ; and as we are a people who are accustomed to have all our acts \mtten down, m order to have them handed to our children, I have drawn up a form of an agreement, ^\hich we will both sign, in the presence of the traders now present. After we know the terms, we will fill it up, and have it read and interpreted to you. '• Brothers, those posts are intended as a bene- fit to you. The old chiefs now present mnst see that their situation improves by a communication with the whites. It is the intention of the Umted States to establish at those posts factories, in which the Indians may procure all their things at a cheaper and better rate than they do now, or than your traders can afford to sell them to you, as they aie single men, who come from far in small boats; but your fathers are many and strong, and will come with a strong arm, in large boats. There will also be chiefs here, who can attend to the wants of their brothers, without their sending or going all the way to St. Louis, and will see the traders that go up your rivers, and know that they are good men. * * * * " Brothers, I now present you with some of your father's tobacco, and some other trifling things, as a memorandum of my good will, and before my departure I will give you some liquor to clear your throats." The traders, Cameron and Frazer, sat with Pike. His interpr«ter was Pierre liosseau. Among the Chiefs present were Le Petit Cor- beau (Little Crow), and Way-ago Enagee, and L'Orignal Leve or Rising Moose. It was vnth difficulty that the chiefs signed the following agreement; not that they objected to the lan- guage, but because they thought their word should be taken, without any mark ; but Pike overcame their objection, by saying that he wished them to sign it on his account. " Whereas, at a conference held between the L^nited States of America and the Sioux na- tion of Indians, Lieutenant Z. M. Pike, of the army of the I'nited States, and the chiefs and warriors of said tribe, have agreed to the follow- uig articles, which, when ratified and approved of by the proper authority, shall be binding on both parties : Akt. 1. That the Sioux nation grant unto the United States, for the purpose of establishment of military posts, nme miles square, at the mouth of the St. Croix, also from below the confluence of the Mississipi)i and St. Peter's, up the Missis- sippi to include the Falls of St. Anthony, extend- ing nine miles on each side of the river ; that the Sioux Nation grants to the United States the full sovereignty and power over said district forever. Art. 2. That in consideration of the above grants, the United States shall pay [filled up by the Senate with 2,000 dollars]. Art. 3. The United States promise, on their part, to permit the Sioux to pass and repass, hunt, or make other use of the said districts, as they have formerly done, w'ithout any other exception than those specified iu article first. In testimony whereof, we, the undersigned, have hereunto set our hands and seals, at the mouth of the river St. Peter's, ou the 23d day of September, 1805. Z. M. PIKE, [L. S.] 1st Lieutenant and agent at the above conference. his LE PETIT CORBEAU, X [L. S.] mark his WAY-AGO ENAGEE. ^ [L. S.] mark " The following entries from Pike's Journal, des- criptive of the region around the city of Miiuie- apolis. seventy-five years ago, are worthy of pres- ervation: "Sept. 26th, nursday. — Embarked at the usual hour, and after much labor in passing through the rapids, arrived at the foot of the Falls about three or four o'clock ; unloaded my boat, and had the principal part of her cargo carried over the portage. With the other boat, however, fidl loaded, they were not able to get ovei' the last shoot, and encamped about six yards below. I pitched my tent and encamped above the shoot. The rapids mentioned m this day's march, might properly be called a continuation of the Falls of St. Anthony, for they are e(|ually entitled to this appellation, with the Falls of the Delaware and 76 EXPLOBEBS AND PIONEEBS OF MIKXESOTA. Susquehanna. Killed one deer. Distance nine miles Sept. 27th, Friday. Brought over the residue of my loading this morning. Two men arrived from Mr. Frazer. on St. Peters, for my dispatches. Tlus business, closing and sealing, appeared like a last adieu to tlie civilized world. Sent a large packet to the General, and a letter to ilrs. Pike, with a short note to ilr. Frazer. Two young Indians brought my flag across by land, who ar- rived yesterday, just as we came in sight of the Fall. I made them a present for their punctual- ity and expedition, and the danger they were ex- posed to from the journey. Carried our boats out of the river, as far as the bottom of the hiU. Sept. 2Sth, Sat urdciy. — Brought my barge over, and put her in the river above the Falls. "RTiile we were engaged with her three-fourths miles from camp, seven Intlians painted black, appeared on the heights. We had left our guns at the camp and were entirely defenceless. It occurred tome that they were the small party of Sioux who were obstinate, and would go to war. when the other part of the bands came in ; these they proved to be ; they were better armed than any I had ever seen ; having guns, bows, arrows, clubs, spears, and some of them even a case of pistols. I was at that time giving my men a dram ; and givmg the cup of liquor to the first, he drank it off ; but I was more cautious with the remainder. I sent my interpreter to camp with them, to wait my coming ; ■wishing to purchase one of their war clubs, it being made of elk horn, and decorated ■with inlaid work. This and a set of bows and arrows I ■wished to get as a curiosity. But the liquor I had given him began to operate, he came back for me, but refusing to go till I brought my boat, he returned, and (I suppose being offended) borrowed a canoe and crossed the river. In the afternoon got the other boat near the top of the hill, when the props gave way, and she sUd aU the way do^wn to the bottom, but fortunately -without injuring any person. It raining very hard, we left her. Killed one goose and a racoon. Sept. 29th, Sunday.— I killed a remarkably large racoon. Got our large boat over the port- age, and put her in the river, at the upper land- ing ; this night the men gave suflicieut proof of their fatigue, by all thro\\ing themselves down to sleep, preferruig rest to supper. This day I had but fifteen men out of twenty-two ; the others were sick. This voyage could have been per- formed with great convenience, if we had taken our departure in June. But the proper time would be to leave the Illinois as soon as the ice would permit, -when the river would be of a good height. Sept. 30th. Monday. — Loaded my boat, moved over and encamped on the Island. The large boats loading likewise, we went over and put on board. In the mean time, I took a siurvey of the Falls, Portage, etc. If it be possible to pass the Falls in high water, of which I am doubtful, it must be on the East side, about thirty yards from shore ; as there are three layers of rocks, one be- low the other. The pitch off of either, is not more than five feet ; but of this I can say more on my return. On the tenth of October, the expedition reached some arge island below Sauk Eapids, where in 1797. Porlier and Joseph Ken\ille had wintered. Six days after this, he reached the Rapids in Morrison coimty, which still bears his name, and he writes: ''When we art)se in the moniing, fomid that snow had fallen during the night, the ground was covered and it continued to snow. This, indeed, was but poor encourage- ment for attacking the Rapids, in which we were certain to wade to our necks. I was determined, however, if possible to make la ri\iere de Cor- beau, [Crow Wing River], the highest point was made by traders in their bark canoes. We em- barked, and after four liom-s work, became so benumbed with cold that our limbs were perfectly useless. We put to shore on the opposite side of the river, about two-thirds of the way up the rapids. Built a large fire ; and then discovered that our boats ■were nearly half full of water; both having sprung large leaks so as to oblige me to keep three hands bailing. My sergeant (Ken- nerman) one of the stoutest men I ever knew, broke a blood-vessel and vomited nearly two quarts of blood. One of my corporals (Bradley) also evacuated nearly a pint of blood, ■when he attempted to void his urine. These unhappy circumstances, La addition to the inability of four other men wiiom we were obliged to leave on shore, cominced me, that if I had no regard for my own health and constitution. I should have some for those poor fellows, who were kill - PIKE'S BLOCK MOUSE NEAB SWAN BIVER. 77 ing themselves to obey my orders. After we had breakfast and refreshed ourselves, we went do\\n to our boats on the rocks, where I was obliged to leave them. I then informed my men that we would return to the camp and there leave some of the party and our large boats. Tliis informa- tion was pleasing, and the attempt to reach the camp soon accomplished. My reasons for this step have partly been already stated. The nec- essity of unloading and refitting my boats, the beauty and convenience of tlie spot for building huts, the fine pine trees for peroques, and the quantity of game, were additional inducements. We immediately unloaded our boats and secured their cargoes. In the evening I went out upon a small, but beautiful creek, which emptied into the Falls, for the purpose of selecting pine trees to make canoes. Saw five deer, and killed one buck weighing one hundred and thirty-seven pounds. By my leaving men at this place, and from the great quantities of game in its vicinity, I was ensured plenty of provision for my return voyage. In the party left behind was one hunter, to be continually employed, who would keep our stock of salt provisions good. Distance two hinidred and tliirty-three and a half miles above the Falls of St. Anthony. Having left his large boats and some soldiers at this point, he proceeded to the vicinity of Swan Kiver where he erected a block house, and on the thirty-first of October he writes: "En- closed my little work completely with pickets. Hauled up my two boats and turned tliem over on each side of the gateways ; by which means a defence was made to the river, and had it not been for various political reasons, I would have laughed at tlie attack of eight hundred or a thousand savages, if all my party were within. For. except accidents, it would only have afford- ed amusement, the Indians having no idea of taking a place by storm. Found myself power- fully attacked with the fantastics of tlie brain, called ennui, at the mention of wliicli I had hitherto scoffed ; but my books being packed up, I was like a person entranced, and coidd easily conceive why so many persons who have been confined to remote places, acquire the habit of drinking to excess, and many otlier vicious prac- tices, wliicli have been adopted merely to pass time. Dm-ing the next month he hunted the buffalo which were then in that vicinity. On the third of December he received a visit from Eobert Dickson, afterwards noted in the history of the country, who was then trading about sixty mUes belovi', on the Mississippi. On the tenth of December with some sleds he continued his journey northward, and on the last day of the year passed Pine River. On the third of January, 1800, he reached tlie trading post at Eed Cedar, now Cass Lake, and was quite indig- nant at finding the British flag floating from the staff. The night after this his tent caught on fire, and he lost some valuable and necessary clothing. On the evening of the eighth he reach- ed Sandy Lake and was hospitably received by Grant, the trader in charge. lie writes . "Jan. 9th, Tlmrsday. — Marched the corporal early, in order that our men should receive assurance of our safety and success. He carried with him a small keg of spirits, a present from Mr. Grant. The establishment of this place was formed twelve years since, by the Xortli-west Company, and was formerly under the charge of a Mr. Charles Brusky. It has attained at present such regtdarity, as to permit the superintendent to live tolerably comfortable. They have liorses they procured from Red River, of the Indians; raise plenty of Irish potatoes, catch pike, suckers, pickerel, and white fish in abundance. They have also beaver, deer, and moose ; but the pro- vision they chiefly depend upon is wild oats, of which they purchase great quantities from the savages, giving at the rate of about one dollar and a half per biisliel. But fl lur, pork, and salt, are almost interdicted to persons not principals in the trade. Flour sells at half a dollar ; salt a dollar: pork eighty cents; sugar half u dollar; and tea foiu' dollars and fifty cents per pound. The sugar is obtained from the Indians, and is made from the maple tree." He remained at Sandy Lake ten days, and on the last day two men of the Northwest Company arrived with letters from Fon du Lac Superior, one of which was from Athapuscow, and had been since May on the route. On the twentieth of January began his journey to Leech Lake, which he reached on the lirst of February, and was hospitably received by Hugh EXPLORERS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. McGillis, tlie head of the Xorthwest Company at this post. A y\r. ,\iulers(iii, in the employ of Robert ■ Difkson. was residhig at tlie west end of the lake. "AVliile here he hoisted the American flag in the fort. The English yacht still flying at the top of tlie nagstatr. lie directed the Indians and his sol- diers to sluHit at it. They soon Viroke the iron pin to which it was fastened, and it fell to the gronnd. He was informed b\ a venerable old Ojibway chief, called Sweet, that the Sioux dwelt there when he was a youth. On the tenth of February, at ten o'clock, he left Leech Lake with Corporal Bradley, the trader MctJillis and two of liis men. and at sunset arrived at lied Cedar, now Cass Lake. At this place, iu 1798, Thompson, emi)loyed by the Northwest Company for three \ears, in topographical surveys, made some ob- servations, lie believed that a line from the Lake of the Woods would touch the sources of the Mississippi. Pike, at this point, was very kindly treated by a Canadian named Koy, and his Ojibway squaw. On his return home, he reached Clear River on the seventh of April, where he fomid his canoe and men, and at night was at Grand Rapids, Dickson's trading post. He talked until fom- o'clock the next morning with this person and another trader named Porlier, He forbade while there, the traders (ireignor [Grig- non] and La Jennesse, to sell any more liquor to Indians, who had become veiy dnuiken and xni- riily. On the tenth he again reached the Falls of Saint Anthon.y. He writes in his journal as follows : Ai'iuL nth, Frldny. — Although it snowed very hard we brought over both boats, and descended the river to the island at the entrance of the St, Peter's. I sent to the chiefs and informed them I had something to communicate to them. The Fits de Pincho immediately waited on me, and informed me that he would provide a place for the pmpose. About sundown I was sent for and introduced into the coimcil-house, where I found a great many chiefs of tlie Sussitongs, Gens de Feuilles, and the Gens du Lac. The Yanctongs had not yet come down. They were all awaiting for my arri^•al. There were about one hundred lodges, or six hundred people; we were saluted on our crossing the river with ball as usual. The council-house was two large lodges, capable of containing three hundred men. In the upper were forty chiefs, and as many pipes set against the poles, alongside of which I had the Santeur's pipes arranged. I then informed them in short detail, of my transactions with the Santeure; but my interpreters were not capable of making them- selves understood. I was therefore obliged to omit mentioning every particular relative to the rascal who fired on my sentinel, and of the scoun- drel who broke the Fols Avoins' canoes, and threatened my life; the interpreters, however, in- formed them that I wanted some of their princi- pal chiefs to go to St. Louis; and that those who thought proper might descend to the prairie, where we would give them more explicit infor- mation. They all smoked out of the Santeur's pipe, excepting three, who were painted black, and were some of those who lost their relations last winter. I invited the Fils de Pinchow, and the son of the Killeur Rouge, to come over and sup with me; when Mr. Dickson and myself en- deavored to explain what I intended to have said to them, could 1 have made myself imderstood; that at the prairie we \\ould have all things ex- plained; that I \\as desirous of making a liftter report of them than Captain Lewis could do from their treatment of him. The former of those savages was the person who remained around my post all last winter, and treated my men so well; they endeavored to excuse their people. "April 12th, Saturday. — Embarked early. Al- though my interpreter had been frequently up the river, he could not tell me where the cave (spoken of by Carver) could be found ; we carefully sought fen- it, but in vain. At the Indian village, a few miles below St. I'eter's, we were about to pass a few lodges, but on receiving a very partic- ular invitation to come on shore, we landed, and were received in a lodge kindly; they presented us sugar, I gave the proprietor a dram, and was about to depart when he demanded a kettle of liquor; on being refused, and after I had left the shore, he told me he did not like the arrange- ments, and that he would go to war this summer, I directed the interpreter to tell him that if I returned to St, Peter's with the troojis, I woidd settle that affair with him. On our arrival at the St. Croix, I found the Pettit Corbeau with his people, and Messrs. Frazer and 'Wood. We had a conference, when the Pettit Corbeau made CAMEBON SELLS LIQUOR TO INDIANS. 79 many apologies for the misconduct of his people; he represented to us the different maimers in which the young warriors had been inducing liiin to go to war; tliat he had been mucli blamed for dismissing his party last fall; but that he was de- termined to adhere as far as lay in his power to our instructions; that he thought it most prudent to remain here and restrain the warriors. He then presented me with a beaver robe and pipe, and his message to the general. Tliat he was determined to preserve peace, and make tlie road clear; also a remembrance of his promised medal. I made a reply, calculated to confirm him in his good intentions, and assured him that he should not be the less remembered by his father, althougli not present. I was informed that, notwithstand- ing the instruction of his license, and my par- ticular request, Murdoch Cameron liad taken liquor and sold it to the Indians on the river St. Peter's, and that his partner below had been equally imprudent. I pledged myself to prose- cute them according to law; for they have been the occasion of great confusion, and of much injury to the other traders. Tliis day met a canoe of ^Mr. Dickson's loaded with provisions, imder the charge of ilr. Anderson, brother 'of the Mr. ^Vnder.son at Leecli Lake. lie politely offered me any provision he had on board (for which Mr. Dickson had given me an order), but not now being in want, I did not accept of any. This day, for the first time, I observed the trees beginning to bud, and indeed the climate seemed to have changed very materially since we passed the Falls of St. Anthony." Tlie strife of political parties growing out of the French Revolution, and the declaration of war against Great Britahi in tlie year 1812, ])ost- poiied tlie military occupation of the Upjier Mississippi by the United States of America, for several vears. 80 EXPLOBERS AND PIONEEBS OF MINNESOTA. CIL^TEU xin. TKE TAILET OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI DrKtN'G SECOXD WAPv WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Dicteon and other tn-l^rs hoslil.?— Americ-in stockade at Prairie d\i Chien— Fort Shelby siirreod.Ts to U. Col. William McKay -Loyal traders Provencallc and Faribault— Rising Moose or One-eyed Sioux— Capt. Bulger e^■acmltes Fort McKay— IntcUi:;enco of Peace. Notwithstanding the professions of friendship made to Pike, in the second war with Great Brit- ain, Dickson and others were found bearing arms against the Ecpublic. A year after Pike left Prairie du Chien, it was e^^dent, that under some secret influence, the Indian tribes were combining against the United States. In the year 1809, Nicholas Jarrotdeelared that the British traders were furnishing the sav- ages mth guns for hostile purposes. On the first of May, 1812. two Indians were apprehended at Chicago, who were on their way to meet Dickson at Green Bay. They had taken the precaution to liide letters in their moccasins, and bm-y them in the ground, and were allowed to proceed after a brief detentitm. Frazer, of Prairie du Chien. who had been with Pike at the Council at tlie mouth of the Minnesota Elver, was at the port- age of tlie 'Wisconsin when the Indians deUvered these letters, which stated that tlie British flag woidd soon be flying again at ilackiuaw. At Green Bay, the celebrated warrior. Black Hawk, was placed in charge of the Indians who were to aid the British. Tlie American troops at Macki- naw were obliged, on the seventeenth of July. 1812, to capitulate without firing a single gim. One who was made prisoner, writes from Detroit to the Secretary of War : " The persons who commanded the Indians are Kobert Dickson. Indian trader, and John Askin. Jr.. Indian agent, and his son. The latter two were painted and dressed after the manner of the Indians. Those wlio commanded the Canadians are John Johnson. Crawford, Pothier, Armitinger, La Croix, Bolette, Franks, Living- ston, and other traders, some of whom were lately concerned in smuggling British goods into the Indian country, and, in conjunction with others, have been using their utmost efforts, several months before the declaration of war, to excite the Indians to take np arms. The least resist- ance from the fort would have been attended ^\-ith the destruction of all the persons who fell mto the hands of the British, as I have been as- sured by some of the British traders," On the first of May, 1814, Governor Clark, with two hundred men, left St. Louis, to build a fort at the junction of the Wisconsm and Missis- sippi. Twenty days before he arrived at Prairie du Chien, l)ickson had started for Mackinaw with a band of Dahkotahs and Winnebagoes. The place was left m command of Captain Deace and the Mackinaw Fencibles. The Dahkotahs refusing to co-operate, when the Americans made their appearjince they fled. The Americans took possession of the old ^tlackinaw house, in wliieh they found nine or ten trunks of papers belong- ing to Dickson. From one they took the follow- ing extract : '■ • Arrived, from below, a few 'Winnebagoes with scalps. Gave tliem tobacco, six pomids powder and six pounds ball.' " A fort was immediately commenced on the site of the old residence of the late H. L. Dous- man, which was composed of two block-houses m the angles, and another on the bank of the river, with a subterranean communication. In honor of the governor of Kentucky it was named " Shelby." The fort was in charge of Lieutenant Perkins, and sixty rank and file, and two gunboats, each of whidi carried a six-pounder ; and several howitzers were commanded by Captains Yeiser, Sullixaii, and Aid-de-camp Kennerly. Tlie traders at Mackinaw, learning that the j Americans had built a fort at the Prairie, and knowing that as long as they held possession they would be cut oH from the trade with the LOYALTY OF FABIBAULT AND THE ONE-EYED SIOUX. 81 Dabkotabs, immediately raised an expedition to capture tbe garrison. The captain was an old trader by the name of McKay, and nnder bim was a sergeant of ar- tillery, witb a brass six-ponnder, and three or four volunteer companies of Canadian voyageurs, officered by Captains Griguon, Kolette and An- derson, with Lieutenants Brisbois and Duncan Graham, all dressed in red coats, with a number of Indians. The Americans had scarcely completed their rude fortification, before the British force, guid- ed by Joseph Rolette, Sr., descended in canoes to a point on the "Wisconsin, several miles from the Prairie, to which tliey marched in battle array. McKay sent a flag to tbe Fort demanding a surrender. Lieutenant Perkins replied tliat he would defend it to the last. A fierce encounter took place, in which the Americans were worsted. The officer was wounded, several men were killed and one of their boats captured, so that it became necessary to retreat to St. Louis. Fort Shelby after its capture, was called Fort McKay. Among the traders a few remained loyal, es- pecially Provencalle and J. B. Faribault, traders among the Sioux. Faribault was a prisoner among the British at the time Lieut. Col. "VVm. McKay was preparing to attack Fort Shelby, and he refused to perform any service, Faribault's wife, who was at Prairie du Cliien, nfit knowing that her husband was a jsrisoner in the hands of the advancing foe, fled v/ith others to the Sioux village, where is now the city of Winona. Fari- bault was at length released on parole and re- turned to his trading post. Pike writes of his flag, that "being in doubt whether it had been stolen by the Indians, or had fallen overboaid and floated away, I sent for my friend the Orignal Leve."' He also calls the Chief, Rising Moose, and gives his Sioux name Tahamie. He was one of those, who in 1805, signed the agreement, to siu'render land at the junction of the Miimesota and Mississippi Rivers to the United States. He had but one eye, having lost the other when a boy, belonged to the Wapasha band of the Sioux, and proved true to the flag which had waved on the day be sat in council with Pike. In the fall of 1814, with another of the same 6 nation, he ascended the Jlissouri under the pro- tection of the distinguished trader, Manual Lisa, as far as the Au Jacques or James River, and from thence struck across the country, enlisting the Sioux in favour of the United States, and at length arrived at Prairie du Chien. On his arri- val, Dickson accosted him, and inquired from whence he came, and what was his business ; at tbe same time rudely snatching his bundle from his shoulder, and searching for letters. The "one-eyed warrior" told him that he was from St. Louis, and that he liad promised the white chiefs there that he would go to Prairie du Cluen, and that he had kept his promise Dickson then placed him in confinement in Fort McKay, as the garrison was called by the British, and ordered him to divulge what infor- mation he possessed, or he would put him to death. But the faithful fellow said lie would impart nothing, and that he was ready for death if he wished to kill him. Finding that confine- ment had no effect, Dickson at last liberated him. He then left, and visited the bands of Sioux on the Upper Alississippi, with which be passed the winter. When he returned in the spring, Dick- son had gone to Mackinaw, and Capt. A. Bulger, of the Royal Xew Foundland Regiment, was in command of tbe fort. On tbe twenty-third of May, 1815, Capt. Bul- ger, wrote from Fort McKay to Gov. Clark at St. Louis : " Official intelligence of peace reached me yesterday. I propose evacuating the fort, taldng with me the guns captured in the fort. * * * * I have not the smallest hesitation in declaring my decided opinion, that the presence of a detachment of British and United States troops at the same time, would be the means of embroiling one party or the other in a fresh rup- ture with the Indians, which I presume it is the wish of both governments to avoid." The next month the " One-Eyed Sioux," with three other Indians and a squaw, visited St. Louis, and be informed Gov. Clark, that the British commander left the cannons in the fort when he evacuated, but in a day or two came back, took the cannons, and fired the fort with the American flag flying, but that he rushed in and saved it from being burned. From this time, the British flag ceased to float m the Valley of the Missis- sippi. 82 EXPLOBEES AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. CHAPTER XIV. LOXG'S expedition, a. D. i817, in a six-oared skiff, to TETE falls of saint ANTHONY. Carver s Grandsons.— Roque, Sioui Interpreter.— Wapashuw's Village and its Vicinity.— X Siicred Dance.— Indian Village Below Daj-ton's Bluff.— Carver's Cave.— Fountain Cave.— Falls of St. Anthony Described.— Sit« or a Fort. Major Stephen K. Long, of the Engineer Corps of the United States Army, learning that there was little or no danger to be apprehended from the Indians, determined to ascend to the Falls of Saint Anthony, in a six-oared skiff presented to him by Governor Clark, of Saint Louis. His party consisted of a Mr. Hempstead, a native of Kew London, Connecticut, who had been living at Prairie du Chien, seven soldiers, and a half- breed interpreter, named Koque. A bark canoe accompanied them, containing Messrs. Gun and King, grandsons of the celebrated traveler, Jona- than Carver. On the ninth ot ouly, 1817, the expedition left Prairie du Chien, and on the twelfth arrived at '' Trempe a I'eau." He writes : " When we stopped for breakfast, Mr. Hemp- stead and myself ascended a high peak to take a view of the country. It is known by the name of the Kettle Hill, having obtained this appella- tion from the circumstance of its having numer- ous piles of stone on its top, most of them fragments of the rocky stratifications which constitute the principal part of the hill, but some of them small piles made by the Indians. These at a distance have some simiUtude of kettles arranged along upon the ridge and sides of the hill. From this, or almost any other enunence in its neighborhood, the beauty and grandeur of the prospect would baffle the skill of tlie most inge- nious pencil to depict, and that of the most ac- compUshed i)en to describe. Hills marshaled into a variety of agreeable shapes, some of them towering into lofty peaks, while others present broad summits embeUished with contours and slopes in the must pleasing manner ; champaigns and wa\Tng valleys; forests, lawns, and parks alternating with each other; the humble Missis- sippi meandering far below, and occasionally losing itself in numberless islands, give variety and beauty to the picture, while rugged chffs and stupendous precipices here and there present themselves as if to add boldness and majesty to the scene. In the midst of this beautiful scenery is situated a village of the Sioux Indians, on an extensive lawn called the Aux Aisle Prairie ; at which we lay by for a cuort time. On our arrival the Indians hoisted two American flags, and we returned the compliment by discharging our blunderbuss and pistols. Tliey then fired several guns ahead of us by way of a salute, after which we landed and were received with much friend- ship. The name of their chief is Wauppaushaw, or the Leaf, commonly called by a name of the same import in French, La Feuille, or La Fye, as it is pronounced in English. He is considered one of the most honest and honorable of any of the Indians, and endeavors to inculcate into the minds of his people the sentiments and principles adopted by himself. He was not at home at the time I called, and I had no opportunity of seeing him. The Indians, as I suppose, "nith the ex- pectation that I had something to communicate to them, assembled themselves at the place where I landed and seated themselves upon the grass. I inquired if their chief was at home, and was answered in the negative. I then told them I should be very glad to see him, but as he was absent I would call on him again in a few days when I should return. I further told them that our father, the new President, wished to ob- tain some more information relative to his red children, and that I was on a tour to acquire any intelhgence he might stand in need of. With this they appeared weU satisfied, and permitted Mr. Hempstead and myself to go through their vUlage. Wliile I was in tlie wigwam, one of the subordinate chiefs, whose name was Wazzecoota, or Shooter from the Pine Tree, volunteered to INITIATION OF A WABBIOB BY A SACBED DANCE. 83 accompany me up the river. I accepted of his services, and lie was ready to attend me on the tonr in a very short time. When we liove in siglit the Indians were engaged in a ceremony called the Bcdr Dance; a ceremony wliich they are in the habit of performing wlien any young man is desirous of bringing himself into particu- lar notice, and is considered a kind of initiation into the state of manhood. I went on to the ground where they had their performances, which were ended sooner than usual on account of our arrival. Tliere was a kind of flag made of favraiskin dressed with the hair on, suspended on a pole, tpon the flesh side of it were drawn certain rude figures indicative of the dream which it is necessary the young man shoidd have dreamed, before he can be considered a proper candidate for this kind of initiation ; with this a pipe was suspended by way of sacrifice. Two arrows were stuck up at the foot of the pole, and fragments of painted feathers, etc., were strewed about the ground near to it. These per- tained to the religious rites attending tlie cere- mony, which consists in bewailing and self-mor- tiflcation, that the Good Spirit may be induced to pity them and succor their undertaking. " At the distance of two or three hundred yards from the flag, is an excavation which they call the bear's hole, prepared for the occasion. It is about two feet deep, and has two ditches, about one foot deep, leading across it at right an- gles. The young hero of the farce places himself in this hole, to be hunted by the rest of the young men, all of whom on this occasion are dressed in their best attire and painted in their neatest style. The hunters approach the hole in the direction of one of the ditches, and discharge their guns, which were previously loaded for tlie purpose with blank cartridges, at the one who acts the part of the bear ; whereupon he leaps frcun his den, having a hoop in each hand, and a wooden lance ; the hoops serving as forefeet to aid him in characterizing his part, and his lance to defend him from his assailants. Thus accoutred he dances round the place, exhibiting various feats of activity, while the other Indians pursue him and endeavor to trap him as he attempts to re- turn to his den, to effect whicli he is privileged to use any violence he pleases with impunity against his assailants, and even to taking the Ufe of any of them. " This part of the ceremony is performed three times, that the bear may escape from his den and return to it again through three of the ave- nues communicating with i* . On being hunted from the fourth or last avenue, the bear must make his escape through all hi^ pursuers, if pos- sible, and flee to the woods, whei hv. i > t j remain through tlie day. This, however, is seldom or never accomplished, as all the young men exert themselves to the utmost in order to trap him. When caught, he must retire to a lodge erected for his reception in the field, where he is to be .se- cluded from all society through the day, except one of his particular friends whom he is allowed to take with him as an attendant. Here he smokes and performs various other rites which superstition has led the Indians to believe are sa- cred. After this ceremon; is ended, the young Indian is considered qualified to act any part as an eflicient member of their community. The Indian who has the good fortune to catch the bear and overcome him when endeavoring to make his escape to the woods, is considered a candidate for preferment, and is on the first suit- able occasion appointed the leader of a small war party, in order that he may further have an op- portunity to test his prowess and perform more essential service in belialf of his nation. It is accordingly expected that he will kill some of their enemies iuid return with their scalps. I re- gretted very much that I had missed the oppor- tunity of witnessing this ceremony, whicli is never performed except when prompted by the particular dreams of one or other of the young men, who is never complimented twice in the .same manner on account of his dreams." On the sixteenth he approached the vicinity of where is now the capital of Minnesota, and writes : " Set sail at half past four this morning with a favorable breeze. Passed an Indian bury- ing ground on our left, the first that I have seen surrounded by a fence. In the centre a pole is erected, at the foot of which religious rites are performed at the burial of an Indian, by the particular friends and relatives of the deceased. Upon the pole a flag is susi)ended when any per- son of extraordinary merit, or one who is very much beloved, is buried. In the enclosure were 84 EXPLOBEBS AND PIOXEEBS OF MINNESOIA. two scaffolds erected also, about six feet high aiid sLx feet square. Upon one of tliem were two coffins containing dead bodies. Passed a Sioux village on our right containing fourteen cabins. The name of tlie chief is the Petit Corbeau, or Little Eaven. Tlie Indians were all absent on a hunting party up the Biver St. Croix, which is but a little distance across the country from the village. Of this we were very glad, as this baud are said to be the most notorious beggars of all the Sioux on the Mississippi. One of their cabins is furnished with loop holes, and is sit- uated so near tlie water that the opposite side of the river is within musket-shot range from the building. By this means the Petit Corbeau is enabled to exercise a command over the pass- age of the river and has in some instances com- pelled ti-aders to land with their goods, and in- duced them, probably through fear of offendmg him. to bestow presents to a considerable amount, before he would suffer them to pass. The cabins are a kind of stockade buildings, and of a better appearance than any Indian dwellings I have before met with. " Two miles above the tillage, on the same side of the river, is Carver's Cave, at which we stopped to breakfast. However interesting it may have been, it does not possess that character in a very high degree at present. Wc descend- ed it with lighted candles to its lower exti-emity. The entrance is very low and about eight feet broad, so that a man in order to enter it must be completely prostrate. The angle of descent within the cave is about 25 deg. The flooring is an inclined plane of quicksand, formed of the rock in which the cavern is formed. The dist- ance from its entrance to its inner extremity is twenty-four paces, and the widtli in the broadest part about nine, and its greatest heiglit about seven feet. In shape it resembles a bakers's oven. The cavern was once probalily much more ex- tensive, ily interpreter uiformed me that, since his remembrance, the entrance was not less than ten feet high and its length far greater than at present. The rock in which it is formed is a very wliite sandstone, so friable that the frag- ments of it will almost cnunble to sand when taken into the hand. A few yards below the mouth of the cavern is a very copious spring of flue water issuing from the bottom of the cUff. " Five miles above this is the Foimtain Cave, on the same side of the river, formed in the same kind of sandstone but of a more pure and fine quality. It is far more curious and interesting than the former. The entrance of the cave is a large mnding hall about one hundred and fifty feet in length, fifteen feet in width, and from eight to sLxteen feet in height, finely arched overhead, and nearly peiTiendicular. Jsext suc- ceeds a narrow passage and difficult of entrance, which opens into a most beautiful circular room, finely arched above, and about forty feet in di- ameter. The cavern then continues a meander- ing course, expanding occasionally into small rooms of a cu'cular form. We penetrated about one himdred and fifty yards, till our candles began to fail us, when we retiuned. To beauti- fy and embellish the scene, a fine crystal stream flows throiigli the cavern, and cheers the lone- some dark retreat with its enlivening murmurs. The temperatiu-e of the water in the cave was 46 deg., and that of the air 6(1 deg. Entering this cold reti-eat from an atmosphere of 89 deg., I tliought it not prudent to remain in it long enough to take its several dimensions and me- ander its courses ; particularly as we had to wade in water to our knees in many places in order to penetrate as far as we went. The fountain sup- plies an abimdance of water as fine as I ever drank. This cavern I was informed by my interpreter, has been discovered but a few years. That the Indians formerly li-sdng in its neighbor- hood knew nothuig of it till within six years past. Tliat it is not the same as that described by Carver is evident, not only from this circiun- stance, but also from the circumstance that in- stead of a stagnant pool, and only one accessible room of a very different form, this cavern has a brook running through it, and at least four rooms m succession, one after the other. Car- vers Cave is fast filling up with sand, so that no water is now foimd in it, whereas this, from the very nature of the place, must be enlarging, as the fountain will carry along with its current all the sand tliat falls into it from the roof and sides of the cavern." On the night of the sixteenth, he anived at the Falls of Saint Anthony and encamped on the east shore just below tlie cataract. He writes in his journal : DESCRIPTION OF FALLS OF SAINT ANTHONY. 80 "The place where we encamperl last night need- ed no embellishment to render it romantic in the highest degree. The banks on both sides of the river are about one hundred feet high, decorated with trees and shrubbery of various kinds. The post oak, hickory, walnut, linden, sugar tree. white birch, and the American box ; also various evergreens, such as the pine, cedar, juniper, etc., added their embellishments to tlie scene. Amongst the shrubery were the prickly ash, plum, and cherry tree, the gooseberry, the black and red raspberry, the ehokeberry, grape vine, etc. There were also various kinds of herbage and flowers, among which were the wild parsley, rue, spikenard, etc., red and white roses, morning glory and various other handsome flowers. A few yards below us was a beautifid cascade of fine spring water, pouring down from a project- ing precipice about one hundred feet hight. On our left was the Mississippi hurrying through its channel with great velocity, and about three quarters of a mile above us, in plain view, was the majestic cataract of the Falls of St. Anthony. The murmuring of the cascade, the roaring of the river, and the thunder of the cataract, all contrib- uted to render the scene the most interestingand magniticient of any I ever before witnessed.'' '■Tlie perpendicular fall of the water at the cataract, was stated by Pike in his journal, as six- teen and a half feet, which I found to be true by actual measurement. To this height, however, four or five feet may be added fur the rapid des- cent which immediately succeeds to the perpen- dicular fall witliin a few yards Ijelow. Immedi- ately at the cataract the river is divided into two parts by an island which extends considerably above and below the cataract, and is about five hundred yards long. The channel on the right side of the Island is about three times the width of that on the left. The quanity of water pass- ins through them is not, however, in the same proportion, as about one-third part of the whole passes througli the left channel. In tlie broadest channel, just below the cataract, is a small island also, about fifty yards in length and thirty in breadth. Both of these islands contain tlie same kind of rocky formation as the banks of the river, and are nearly as high. Besides tliese, there are immediately at the foot of the cataract, two islands of very inconsiderable size, situated in the right channel also. The rapids commence several hundred yards above the cataract and continue about eight miles below. Tlie fall of the water, beginning at the head of the rapids, and extending two hundred and sixty rods down the river to where the portage road commences, below the cataract is, according to Tike, fifty- eight feet. If this estimate be correct the whole fall from the head to the foot of the i-aiiids. is not probably much less than one lumdred feet. But fls I had no instrument sufficiently accurate to level, where the view must necessarily be pretty extensive, I took no pains to ascertain the extent of the fall. The mode I adopted to ascertain the height of a cataract, was to suspend a line and plummet from the table rock on the south side of the river, which at the same time had very little water passing over it as the river was unusually low. The rocky formations at this place were arranged in the following order, from the surface downward. A coarse kind of lime- stone in thin strata containing considerable silex; a kind of soft friable stone of a greenish color and slaty fracture, probably containing lime, aluminum and silex ; a very beautiful satratiflca- tion of shell limestone, in thin plates, extremely regular in its formation and containing a vast number of sliells, all apparently of the same Itiud. This formation constitutes the Table Rock of the cataract. The next in order is a white or yellowish sandstone, so easily crumbled that it deserves the name of a sandbank rather than that of a rock. It is of various depths, from ten to fifty or seventy-five feet, ami is of the same char- acter with that found at the caves before des- cribed. The next in order is a soft friable sand- stone, of a greenish color, similar to that resting upon the shell limestone. These stratilications (K'cupied the whole space from the low water mark nearly to the top of the bluffs. On the east, or rather north side of the river, at the Falls, are high grounds, at the distance of half a mile from the river, considerably more elevated than the bluffs, and of a hilly aspect. Speaking of the bluff at the confluence o^ Ae Mississippi and Minnesota, he writes: "A military work of considerable magnitude might be con- structed on the point, and might be rendered sufficiently secure by occupying the commanding height in the rear in a suitable manner, as the EXPLORERS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. latter would control not only the point, but all the neighboring heights, to the full extent of a tivelve poimder"s range. The work on the pomt would be necessary to control the na\igation of the two rivers. But without the commanding work in the rear, would be liable to be greatly annoyed from a height situated directly opposite on the other side of tlie Mississippi, which is here no more than about two hundred and fifty yards wide. This latter height, however, would not be eligible for a permanent post, on account of the niunerous ridges and ravines situated im- mediately in its rear." EABLY HISTOBY OF BED BIVEB VALLEY. 87 CHAPTER XV. THOMAS DOUGLAS, EABL OF SELKIRIC, AND THE BED EIVEB VALLEY. Early travelers to Lake Winniiicg — Earliest Map by the Inilicin Otcliaga — Benin's allusion to it — Verendrye's Map — De la Jenicraye's Map — Fort La Reine — Fort on Red River abandoned — Origin of name Red Lake — Earl of Selkirk— Ossini- boia described — Scotch imroiprants at Pembina — Strife of trading companies — Earl of Selkirk visits America — Governor Seniple Killed— Romantic life of John Tanner, and his son James — Letter relative to Selkirk's tour through Minne- sota. The valley of the Red River of the North is not only an important portion of Mimiesota, but has a most interesting history. While there is no evidence that Groselliers, the first ■white man ■who explored Minnesota, ever visited Lake Winnipeg and the Red River, yet he met the Assineboines at the heiid of Lake Supe- rior and at Lake Nepigon, wMle on his 'way by a northeasterly trail to Hudson's Bay, and learned something of this region from them. I The first person, of whom we liave an account, wlio visited the region, was an Englishman, who came in 1692, by way of York River, to AV'inni- peg. Ochagachs, or Otchaga, an intelligent Indian, in 1728, assured Pierre Gualtier de Varenne, known in history as the Sieur Verendrye, while he was stationed at Lake jSTepigon, that there was a communication, largely by water, west of Lake Superior, to the Great Sea or Pacific Ocean. The rude map, drawn by this Indiiin, was sent to France, and is still preserved. Upon it is marked Kamanistigouia, the fort first established by Du Luth. Pigeon River is called Mantohavagane. Lac Sasakanaga is marked, and Rainy Lake is named Tecamemiouen. The river St. Louis, of Minnesota, is R. fond du L. Superior. The French geographer, Bellin, in his " Remarks upon the map of North America," published in 1755, at Paris, alludes to this sketch of Ochagachs, and says it is the earliest drawing of the region west of Lake Superior, in the Depot de la Marine. After this Verendrye, in 1737, drew a map, which remains unpublished, which shows Red Lake in Northern Minnesota, and the point of the Big Woods ui the Red River Valley. There is another sketch in the archives of France, drawn by De la Jemeraye. He was a nephew of Verendrye, and, under his uncle's orders, he was in 1731, tlie first to advance from the Grand Portage of Lake Superior, by way of the Nalao- uagan or Groselliers, now Pigeon River, to Rainy Lake. On this appears Fort Rouge, on the south bank of the Assineboine at its junction with the Red River, and on the Assineboine, a post estab- lished on October 3, 1738, and called Fort La Reine. Bellin describes the fort on Red River, but asserts that it was abandoned because of its vicinity to Fort La Reine, on the imrth side of the Assinneboine, and only about nine miles by a portage, from Swan Lake. Red Lake and Red River were so called by the early French explo- rers, on accoxmt of the reddish tint of the ■waters after a storm. Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, a wealthy, kind-hearted but visionary Scotch nobleman, at the commencement of the present century formed the design of planting a colony of agriculturists west of Lake Superior. In the year 1811 he obtained a grant of land from the Hudson Bay Company called Ossiniboia, which it seems strange has been given up by the people of Man- itoba. In the autumn of 1812 a few Scotchmen with their families arrived at Pembina, in the Red River Valley, by way of Hudson Bay, where- they passed the winter. In the winter of 1813-14 they were again at Fort Daer or Pembiiui. The colonists of Red River were rendered very un- happy by the strife of rival trading companies. In the spring of 1815, McKenzie and ^lorrison, traders of the Northwest company, at Sandy Lake, told the Ojibway chief there, that they would give him and his band all the goods and rum at Leech or Sandy Lakes, if they would an- noy the Red River settlers. The Earl of Selkirk hearing of the distressed condition of his colony, sailed for America, and 8S EXPLOSERS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. in the fall of ISlo, arrived at 2sew York City. Proceeding to Montreal he foimd a messenger who had travelfd on foot in mid-A\iuter from the Bed River by way of Red Lake and Fon du Lac, of Lake Superior. He sent back by this man, kind messages to the dispirited settlers, but one night he 'nas A\ay-laid near Fon dii Lac, and robbed of his cauoe and dispatches. An Ojib- way chief at Sandy Lake, afterwards testified that a trader named Grant offered him mm and tobacco, to send persons to intercept a bearer of dispatches to Red River, and soon the messenger ■was brought in by a negro and some Indians. Failing to obtain military aid from the British authorities in Canada, Selkirk made an engagement with fom- officers and eighty privates, of the discharged Meuron regiment, twenty of the De "WattevUle, and a few of the Glengary Fencibles, which had served in the late war with the United States, to accompany him to Red River. They were to receive monthly wages for navigatLng the boats to Red River, to have lands assigned them, imd a free passage if they wished to return. "When he reached Sault St. Marie, he received the inteUigeuce that the colony had again been destroyed, and that Semple, a mild, amiable, but not altogether judicious man, the chief governor of the factories and territories of the Hudson Bay company, residing at Bed River, had been kiUed. Schoolcraft, in 1832, says he saw at Leech Lake, Majegabom, the man who had killed Gov. Semple, after he fell wonnded from his horse. Before he heard of the death of Semple, the Earl of Selkirk had made arrangements to visit his colony byway of Fon du Lac, on the St. Louis _ River, and Red Lake of Minnesota, but he now changed his mind, and proceede/i appearance, all tend to discompose me; believing as I do, that he is plotting with his friend Dickson our destruction — sharpening the savage scalping knife, and colonizing a tract of country, so'reraote as that of the Red River, for the puiiwse, no doubt, of monopolizing the fur and peltry trade of this river, the Missouri and their waters; a trade of the first importance to our Western States and Territories. A courier who had anived a few days since, confirms the belief that Dickson is endeavouring to undo what 1 have done, and secure to the British govern- ment the affections of the Sionx, and subject the Northwest Company to his lordship. * * * Dickson, as I have before observed, is situated near the head of the St. Pet«r's, to which place he transports his goods from Selkirk's Red River establishment, in carts made for the purpose. The trip is performed in five days, sometimes less. He is directed to build a fort on the high- est land between Lao du Traverse and Red River, which he supposes will be the established Unes This fort will be defended by twenty men, witli two small pieces of artillery." In the year 1820, at Berne, Switzerland, a cir- cular was issued, signed, R. May D'Uzistorf, Captain, in his Britannic Majesty's service, and agent Plenipotentiary to Lord Selkirk. Like many documents to induce emigration, it was so highly colored as to prove a delusion and a snare. The climate was represented as '■ mild and healthy." '• Wood either for building or fuel in the greatest- plenty," and the country supplying "in profusion, whatever can be re- quired for the convenience, pleasure or comfort of life." Remarkable statements considering that every green thing had been devoured the year before by grasshoppers. Under the influence of these statements, a num- ber were induced to embark. In the spring of 1821, about two hundred persons assembled on the banks of the Rhine to proceed to the region west of Lake Superior. Having descended the Rhine to the vicinity of Rotterdam, they went aboard the ship - Lord Wellington, "" and after a voyage across the Atlantic, and amid the ice- floes of Iliidsoirs Bay. they reached York Fort. Here they debarked, and entering batteaux, as- cended Nelson River for twenty days, w hen they came to Lake Winnipeg, and coasting along the west shore they reached tlie Red River of tlie Xortli, to feel that they had been deluded, and to long for a milder clime. If they did not sing the Switzer's Song of Home, they appreciated its sentiments, and gradually these immigrants re- moved to the banks of the ilississippi River. Some settled in Minnesota, and were the first t'; raise cattle, and till the soil. 90 EXPLOBEBS AXD PIOXEEBS OF JfiyXESOTA. CHAPTEE XYI. rOKT SNELLING DtTRING ITS OCCUPAXCT BY COSTPAXTES OF THE FIFTH EEGDrESTT V. S. IXFANTRY, A. D. 1819, TO A. D. 1827. Orders for military oocnpation of Upper Mississippi— Leavenworth and Forsyth at Prairie du Cliien— Birth in Camp — Troops arrive at Mendota — Cantonment Established— Wheat carried to Pembina— Notice of Devotion, Frescott, and Mi^jor Taliaferro— Camp Cold Water Established— Col. Snelling takes command —Impressive Scene — Officers in 1S20 — Condition of the Fort in 18-21— Saint Anthony Jtill— Alexis Bailly takes canle to Pembina— Notice of Beltrami— ArrivaloffirstSteamboat—Xajor Longs Expedition to Northern Boundary— Beltrami visits the northern sources of the Mississippi — First flfur mill — First Sunday School— Great flood in 1S26. African slaves at the Fort — Steamboat Arrivals — Duels — Notice of William Joseph Snelling — Indian fight at the Fort- Attack upon keel boats — General Gaines* report — Removal of Fifth Regiment — Death of Colonel Snelling. The rumor that Lord Selkirk was founding a colony on the borders of the United States, and that the British trading companies -nithin the boundaries of what became tlie territory of Min- nesota, convinced tlie authorities at Wasliington of the importance of a military occupation of the vaUey of the Upper Mississippi. By direction of !Major General Brown, the fol- lowing order, on the tenth of February, 1819, was issued: "Major General ^ilacomb, commander of the Fifth Military department, will without delay, concentrate at Detroit the Fifth Regiment of In- fantry, excepting the recruits otherwise directed by the general order herewith transmitted. As soon as the navigation of the lakes will admit, he will cause the regiment to be transported to Fort Howard; from thence, by the way of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, to Prairie du Chien, and, after detaching a sufficient number of companies to garrison Forts Crawford and Armstrong, the remainder ■«-ill proceed to the mouth of the River St. Peter's, where they will establish a post, at which the headquarters of the regiment will be located. The regiment, previous to its depar- ture, ■vsill receive the necessarj- supplies of cloth- ing, provisions, arms, and ammunition. Imme- diate application will be made to Brigadier Gen- eral Jesup, Quartermaster General, for funds necessary to execute the movements retjuired by this order." On the thirteenth of April, this additional order was issued, at Detroit : — ' "-- "The season having now arrived when the lakes may be navigated vnth. safety, a detach- ment of the Fifth Regiment, to consist of Major Marston's and Captain Fowle"s companies, under the command of Mcijor ^luhleuburg, will proceed to Green Bay. Surgeon's Mate, R. M. Byrne, of the Fifth Regiment, will accompany the detach- ment. The Assistant Deputy Quartermaster General will furnish the necessary transport, and will send by the same opportunity two hundred barrels of p^o^^sions, wliich he will draw from the contractor at this post. The pro^^sions must be examined and inspected, and properly put up for transportation. Colonel Leavenworth will, with- out delay, prepare his regiment to move to the post on the Mississippi, agreeable to the Divi- sion order of the tenth of February. The Assist- ant Deputy Quartermaster General will furnish the necessiiry transportation, to be ready by the first of May next. The Colonel will make reqvii- sition for such stores, ammunition, tools and implements as may be required, and he be able to take with him on the expedition. Particular in- structions will be given to the Colonel, explaining the objects of his expedition." EXTENTS OF THE TEAR 1819. On Wednesday, the last day of June, Col. Leav- enworth and troops arrived from Green Bay, at Prairie du Chien. Scarcely had they reached this point when Charlotte SejTnour. the wife of Lt. Xathan Clark, a native of Hartford, Ct., gave birth to a daughter, whose first baptismal name was Charlotte, after her mother, and the second Ouisconsin. given by the officers in view of the fact that she was bom at the jimction of that stream with the Mississippi. In time Charlotte Ouisconsin married a yomig Lieutenant, a native of Princeton, Xew Jersey, and a graduate of West Point, and still resides ■with her husband. General 11. P. Yan Cleve, in COL. LEAVENWORTH ARRIVES AT MENDOTA 91 the city of Minneapolis, living to do good as she has opportunity. In June, under instnictions from the War Department, Major Thomas Forsyth, connected with the office of Indian affairs, left St. Louis with two thousand dollars worth of goods to be distributed among the Sioux Indians, in accor- dance with the agreement of 1805, already re- ferred to, by the late General Pike. About nine o'clock of the morning of the fifth of July, he joined Leavenworth and his command at Prairie du Chien. Some time was occupied by Leavenworth awaiting the ai:rival of ordnance, provisions and recruits, but on Sunday moniing, the eighth of August, about eight o'clock, the expedition set out for the point now known as Mendota. The flotilla was quite imposing ; there were the Colonel's barge, fourteen batteaux witli ninety-eight soldiers and officers, two large canal or Mackinaw boats, filled with various stores, and Forsyth's keel boat, containing goods and pres- ents for the Indians. On the twenty-third of August, Forsyth reached the mouth of the Min- nesota with his boat, and the next morning Col. Leavenworth arrived, and selecting a place at Mendota, near the present railroad bridge, he ordered the soldiers to cut down trees and make a clearing. On the next Saturday Col. Leaven- worth, Major Vose, Surgeon Purcell, Lieutenant Clark and the wife of Captain Gooding ivited the Falls of Saint Anthony with Forsyth, in his keel boat. Early in September two more boats and a bat- teaux, with officers and one hundred and twenty recruits, arrived. During the winter of 1820, Laidlow and others, in behalf of Lord Selkirk's Scotch settlers at Pembina, whose crops had been destroyed by grasshoppers, passed the Cantonment, on their way to Prairie du Chien, to purchase wheat. Upon the fifteenth of April they began tlieir return with their Mackinaw boats, each loaded with two hundred bushels of wheat, one himdred of oats, and thirty of peas, and reached the mouth of the Minnesota early in May. Ascending this stream to Big Stone Lake, the boats were drawn on rollers a mile and a half to Lake Traverse, and on the third of June arrived at Pembina and cheered the desponding and needy settlers of the Selkirk colony. The first sutler of the post was a Mr. Devotion, lie brought with him a young man named Phi- lander Prescott, who was born in ISOl , at Phelps- town, Ontario county, Xew York. At first they stopped at Mud Hen Island, in the Mississippi below the mouth of the St. Croix River. Coming up late in the year 1819, at the site of the pres- ent town of Hastings they found a keel-boat loaded with supphes for the cantonment, in charge of Lieut. Oliver, detained by the ice. Amid all the changes of tlie troops, Mr. Pres- cott remamed nearly all his life in the vicinity of the post, to which he came when a mere lad, and was at length killed in the Sioux Massacre. EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1820 In the spring of 1820, Jean Baptiste Faribault brought up Leavenwortli's horses from Prairie du Chien. The first Indian Ageiit at the post was a former army officer, Lawrence Taliaferro, pronounced Toliver. As he had the confidence of the Gov- ernment for twenty-one successive years, he is deserving of notice. His family was of Italian origin, and among the early settlers of Virginia. He was born in 1794, in King William county in that State, and when, in 1812, war was declared against Great Britain, with four Ijrothers, lie entered the army, and was commissioned as Lieutenant of tlie Tliirty-fifth Infantry. He behaved gallantly at Fort Erie and Sackett's Harbor, and after peace was declared, he was retained as a First Lieuten- ant of the Third Infantry. In 1816 he was sta- tioned at Fort Dearborn, now the site of Chicago. AVhile on a furlough, he called one day upon President Monroe, who told him tliat a fort ^voidd be built near the Falls of Saint Anthony, and an Indian Agency established, to which he offered to appoint him. His commission was dated March 27th, 1819, and lie proceeded in due time to his post. On the fifth day of May, 1820, Leavenworth left his winter quarters at ^Mendota, crossed the stream and made a summer camp near the present military grave yard, which in consequence of a fine spring has been called " Camp Cold Water." The Indian agency, under Taliaferro, remained for a time at the old cantonment. The commanduig officer estabUshed a fine 92 EXPLOBEBS AND PIOXEEBS OF JUXNESOTA. garden in the bottom lands of the Minnesota, and on the fifteenth of June the earliest garden peas wpip eaten. The first distinguished %'isitors at the new encampment were (iovenior Lewis Cass, of ilichigau, and Henry Schoolcraft, who arrived in July, by way of Lake Superior and Sandy Lake. The relations between Col. Leavenworth and Indian Agent Taliaferro were not entirely har- monious, growmg out of a disagreement of views relative to the treatment of the Indians, and on the day of the arrival of Governor Cass, Tel- iaferro writes to Leavenworth : '• As it is now understood that I am agent for Indian affairs in this countiy, and you are about to leave the upper Mississippi, ui all probability in the coiu^e of a month or two, I beg leave to suggest, for the sake of a general understanding with the Indian tribes in this country, that any medals, you may possess, would by being turned over to me, cease to be a topic of remark among the different Indian tribes under my direction. I will pass to you any voucher that may be re- quired, and I beg leave to obser\"e that any pro- gress in influence is much impeded in conse- quence of this frequent intercourse with the gar- rison." In a few days, the disastrous effect of Indians mi'igling with the soldiers was exhibited. On the third of August, the agent wrote to Leaven- worth: '• His Excellency Governor Cass duiing his visit to this post remarked to me that the Indians jn this quarter were spoiled, and at the same time said they should not be permitted to enter the camp. An unpleasant affair has lately taken place ; I mean the stabbing of the old chief ilahgossau by his comrade. This was caused, doubtless, by an anxiety to obtaui the chiefs whiskey. I beg, therefore, that no whiskey whatever be given to any Indians, imless it be through their proper agent. 'Wlule an overplus of whi.skey thwarts the benilicent and humane policy of the go^■emment, it entaUs misery upon the Indians, and endangers their lives." A few days after this note was v.ritten Josiah Snelling, who had been recently promoted to the Colonelcy of the Fifth Regiment, arrived with his family, relieved Leavenworth, and infused new life and energy. A Utile while before his arrival, the daughter of Captain Gooding was married to Lieutenant Green, the Adjutant of the regiment, the tirst marriage of white pei-sons in Minnesota. Mi-s. Snelling, a few days after her arrival, gave birth to a daughter, the first white child born in ^linnesota, and after a brief existence of thirteen months, she died and was the first interred in the military grave yard, and for years the stone wliich marked its resting place, was visible. The earliest manuscript in Minnesota, written at the Cantonment, is dated October 4. 1820, and is in the handwriting of Colonel Snelling. It reads : •• In justice to Lawrence Taliaferro. Esq., Indian Agent at this post, we. the undersigned, officers of the Fifth Regiment here stationed, have presented him tliis paper, as a token, not only of our individual respect and esteem, but as an entire approval of his conduct and deportment as a public agent in this quarter. Given at St. Peter, this 4th day of October, 1820. J. SXELLIXG, Col. 5th Inf. S. BrEBAXK, Br. Major. David Pehky. Captain. D. Gooding, Brevet Captain. J. Plymptox, Lieutenant. E. A. McCabe, Lieutenant. X. Clark, Lieutenant. Jos. Hake, Lieutenant. Ed. PrECELL, Surgeon, P. R. Gkeen, Lieut, and Adjt. "\V. G. Camp, Lt. and Q. M. H. AVilkixs, Lieutenant." During the summer of 1820, a party of the Sisseton Sioux lulled on the Missouri, Isadore Poupon. a half-breed, and Joseph Andrews, a Canadian engaged in the fur trade. The Indian Agent, through Colin Campbell, as interpreter, notified the Sissetons that trade would cease with them, imtil the murderers were delivered. At a council held at Big Stone Lake, one of the mvu-derers, and the aged father of another, agreed to surrender themselves to the commanding officer. On the twelfth of November, accompanied by their friends, they approached the encampment in solemn procession, and marched to the centre of the parade. First appeared a Sisseton bear- ing a British flag ; then the murderer and the de- voted father of another, their arms pinioned, and ABBIVAL OF THE FIRST STEAMBOAT. 9S large wooden splinters thrust tlirougli the flesh above the elbows indicating their contempt for pain and death ; in the rear followed friends and relatives, with them chanting the death dirge. Having arrived in front of the guard, fire was kindled, and the British flag burned; then the murderer delivered up his medal, and both prison- ers were surrounded. Col. Snelling detained the old chief, while the murderer was sent to .St. Louis for trial. EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1821. Col. SnelUng built the fort in the shape of a lozenge, in view of the projection between the two rivers. The first row of barracks was of hewn logs, obtained from the pine forests of Rum Eiver, but the other buildings were of stone. Mrs. Van Cleve, the daughter of Lieutenant, afterwards Captain Clark, writes : •'In 1S21 the fort, although not complete, was fit for occupancy. My father had assigned to him the quarters next beyond the steps leading to the Commissary's stores, and during the jear my little sister Juliet was born there. At a later period my father and JIajor Garland obtained permission to build more commodious quarters outside the walls, and the result was the two stone houses aftenvards occupied by the Indian Agent and interpreter, lately destroyed." Early in August, a young and intelligent mixed blood, Alexis Pjailly, in after years a member of the legislature of Minnesota, left the cantonment with the first drove of cattle for the Selkirk Set- tlement, and the next winter returned with Col. Robert Dickson and Messrs. Laidlnw and Mac- kenzie. The next month, a party of Sissetons visited the Indian Agent, and told him that they had started with another of the murderers, to which reference has been made, but that on the way he had, through fear of being hung, killed himself. This fall, a mill was constructed for the use of the garrison, on the west side of St. Anthony ralls,under the supervision of Lieutenant ^IcCabe. During the fall, George Gooding, Captain by brevet, resigned, and became Sutler at Prairie du Chien. He was a native of Massachusetts, and entered the army as ensign in 1S08. In 1810 he became a Second Lieutenant, and the next year was wounded at Tippecanoe. In the middle of October, there embarked on the keel-boat " Saucy Jack."" for Prairie du Chien, Col. Snelling. Lieut. Baxley, Major Taliaferro, and Airs. Gooding, EVENTS OF 1822 AND 1823. Early in January, 1822, there came to the Fort from the Red River of the North, Col. Robert Dickson, Laidlow, a Scotch farmer, the superin- tendent of Lord Selkirk's experimental farm, and one ilackenzie, on their way to Prairie du Chien. Dickson returned with a drove of cattle, but owing to the hostility of the Sioux his cattle were scattered, and never reached Pembina. During the winter of 1823, Agent Taliaferro was in 'Wrishington. While returning in ^March, he was at a hotel in Pittsburg, when he received a note signed G. C. Beltrami, who was an Italian exile, asking permission to accompany him to the Indian territory. He was tall and commanding in appearance, and gentlemanly in bearing, and Taliaferro was so forc'ibly impressed as to accede to the request. After reaching St. Louis they embarked on the first steamboat for tlie Upijcr Mississippi. It was named the Virginia, and was built in Pittsburg, twenty-two feet in width, and one himdred and eighteen feet hi length, in charge of a Captain Crawford. It reached the Port on the tenth of May, and was saluted by the discharge of cannon. Among the passengers, besides the Agent and the Italian, were JNIajor Biddle, Lieut. Russell, and others. The arrival of the Virginia is an era in the liistory of the Dahkotah nation, and will prolia- bly be transmitted to their posteritj' as long as they exist as a people. They say their sacred men, the night before, dreamed of seeing some monster of the waters, which frightened them very much. As the boat neared the shore, men, women, and children beheld with silent astonishment, supposing that it was some enormous water-spirit, coughing, puffing out hot breath, and splashing water in every direction. When it touched the landing their fears prevailed, and they retreated some distance ; but when the blowing off of steam commenced they were completely un- nerved : mothers forgetting their children, with streaming hair, sought hiding-places ; chiefs, re- 94 BXPLOBERS AND PIOXEEIiS OF MINNESOTA. nounciiig their stoicism, scampered away like affrighted animals. Tlie peace agreement beteen the Ojibways and Dahkotahs, made througli the Influence of Gov- ernor Cass, was of brief duration, tlie latter be- ing the first to violate the provisions. On the fourth of June. Taliaferro, the Indian agent among the Dahkotahs, took advantage of the presence of a large nimiber of Ojibways to renew the agreement for the cessation of hostili- ties. The councU hall of the agent was a large room of logs, in which waved conspicuously the flag of the United States, surrounded by British colors and medals that had been deUvered up from time to time by Indian chiefs. Among the Dahkotah chiefs present were Wapashaw, Little Crow, and Penneshaw ; of the Ojibways there were Kendouswa. Moshomene. and Pasheskonoepe. After mutual accusations and excuses concerning the infraction of the pre- vious treaty, the Dahkotahs lighted the calumet, they having been the first to infringe upon the agreement of 1820. After smoking and passing the pipe of peace to the Ojibways, who passed through the same formalities, they all shook hands as a pledge of renewed amity. The morning after the comicil, Flat Mouth, the distinguished Ojibway chief, arrived, who had left his lodge vowing that he woidd never be at peace viith the Dahkotahs. As he stepped from his canoe, Penneshaw held out his hand, but was repulsed ■with sconi. The Dahkotah warrior immediately gave the alarm, and hi a moment nmners were on their way to the neighboring villages to raise a war party. On the sixth of June, the Dahkotahs had assem- bled, stripped for a fight, and surrounded the Ojibways. The latter, fearing the worst, con- cealed their women and children behmd the old barracks which had been used by the troops while the fort was being erected. At the solicitation of the agent and commander of the fort, the Dahko- tahs desisted trom an attack and retired. On the seventh, the Ojibways left for their homes ; but, in a few hours, while they were making a portage at Falls of St. Anthony, they were again approached by the Dahkotahs, who wovdd have attacked them, if a detachment of troops had not arrived from the fort. A rumor reaching Penneshaw "s village that he had been killed at the falls, his mother seized an Ojibway maiden, who had been a captive from mfancy. and. with a tomahawk, cut her in two. Upon t"he return of the son in safety he was much gratified at what he considered the prowess of his parent. On the third of July. 1823. Major Long, of the engineers, arrived at the fort in command of an expedition to explore the Minnesota Biver, and the region along the northern boundary Une of the United States. Beltrami, at the request of Col. SneUing. was permitted to be of the party, and Major TaUaferro kindly gave him a horse and eqiiipments. The relations of the Italian to Major Long were not pleasant, and at Pembina Beltrami left the expedition, and with a " bois brule "", and two Ojibways proceeded and discovered the northern sources of the Mississippi, and suggested where the western sources would be found ; which was verified by Schoolcraft nine years later. About the second week in September Beltrami returned to the fort by way of the Mississippi, escorted by forty or fifty Ojibways, and on the 2-5th departed for Xew Orleans, where he published his discov- eries in the French language. The mill which was constructed In 1821, for sawing lumber, at the Falls of St. Anthony, stood upon the site of tlie Holmes and Sidle !Mill, in Minneapolis, and m 1823 was fitted up for grind- ing flour. The following extracts from corres- pondence addressed to Lieut. Clark, Commissarj' at Fort SneUing, -n-iU be read with interest. Under the date of August 5th, 1823, General Gibson writes : " From a letter addressed by Col. SneUing to the Quartermaster General, dated the 2d of April, I learn that a large quan- tity of wheat would be raised this summer. The assistant Commissary of Subsistence at St. Louis has been instructed to forward sickles and a pair of millstones to St. Peters. If any flour is manu- factured from the wheat raised, be pleased to let me know as early as practicable, that I may deduct the quantity manufactured at the post from the quantity advertised to be contracted for." In another letter, General Gibson writes : '• Below you will find the amount charged on the books against the garrison at Ft. St. Anthony, for certain articles, and forwarded for the use of the troops at that post, which you wiU deduct FIRST FLOUR MILL IN MINNESOTA. 95 from the payments to be made for flour raised and turned over to you for issue : One pair bulir millstones $250 11 337 pounds plaster of Paris 20 22 Two dozen sickles. . . 18 00 Total $288 33 Upon the lS)th of January, 1824, the General writes: " Tlie mode suggested by Col. Snelling, of fixing the price to be paid to the troops for tlie flour furnished by them is deemed equitable and just. You will accordingly pay for the flour $3.33 per barrel." Charlotte Ouisconsin Van Cleve, now the oldest person living who was connected with the can- tonment m 1819, in a paper read before the De- partment of American History of the Minnesota Historical Society in January, 1880, wrote : " In 1823, Mrs. Snelling and my mother estab- lished the first Sunday School in the Korthwest. It was held in tlie basement of the commanding offlcer's quarters, and was productive of much good. Many of the soldiers, with their families, attended. Joe. Brown, since so well know in this country, then a drummer boy, was one of the pupils. A Bible class, for the officers and their wives, was formed, and all became so inter- ested in the hi.story of the patriarclis, that it fur- nislied topics of conversation for the week. One day after the Sunday School lesson on tlie death of Moses, a member of the class meeting my mother on the parade, after exchanging the usual greet- ings, said, in saddened tones, ' But don't you feel sorry that Moses is dead V " Early in the spring of 1824, the TuUy boys were rescued from the Sioux and brought to the fort. They were children of one of the settlers of Lord Selkirk's colony, and with their parents and others, were on their way from Red River Valley to settle near Fort Snelling. The party was attacked by Inilians, and the parents of these children murdered, and the boys captured. Through the influence of Col. Snell- ing the children were ransomed and brought to the fort. Col. Snelling took John and my father Andrew, the younger of the two. Everyone became interested in the orjihans, and we loved Andrew as if he had been our own lit- tle brother. John died some two years after his arrival at the fort, and Mrs. Snelling asked me when I last saw her if a tomb stone had been placed at his grave, she as requested, during a visit to the old home some years ago. She said she received a promise that it should be done, and seemed quite disappointed when I told her it had not been attended to." Andrew Tally, after being educated at an Orphan Asylum in New York City, became a carriage maker, and died a few years ago in that vicinity. EVENTS OF THE YE.\I{ A. D. 1824. In the year 1824 the Fort was visited by Gen. Scott, on a tour of inspection, and at his sug- gestion, its name was changed from Fort St. Ajithony to Fort Snelling. The following is an extract from his report to the War Department: " This work, of which the War Department is in possession of a plan, reflects the highest credit on Col. Snelling, liis officers and men. The de- fenses, and for the most part, the public store- houses, shops and quarters being constructed of stone, the whole is likely to endure as long as the post shall remain a frontier one. The cost of erection to the government has been the amount paid for tools and iron, and the per diem paid to soldiers employed as mechanics. I wish to suggest to the General in Chief, and through him to the War Department, the propriety of calling this work Fort Snelling, as a just compliment to the meritorious officer under whom it has been erected. The present name, (Fort St. An- thony), is foreign to all our associations, and is, besides, geographically incorrect, as the work stands at the junction of the Mississippi and St. Peter's [Minnesota] Rivers, eight miles be- low the great falls of the jNIississippi, called after St. Anthony." In 1824, ilajor Taliaferro proceeded to Wash- ington with a delegation of Cliippeways and Dah- kotahs, headed by Little Crow, the grand father of the cliief of the same name, who was engaged in the late horrible massacre of defenceless women and children. The object of the visit, was to secure a convocation of all the tribes of the Upper Mississippi, at Prairie du Chein, to define theirboundary lines and estiiblish friendly rela- tions. When they reached Prairie du Chein, Wahnatah, a Yankton chief, and also Wapashaw, by the whisperings of mean traders, became dis- EXPLOBEBS AND PIONEEBS OF MINNESOTA. affected, and wished to turn back. Little Crow, perceiving tliis, stopped all hesitancy by the fol- lowing speech: "^ly friends, you can do as you please. I am no coward, nor can my ears be pulled about by evil counsels. AVe are here and should go on, and do some good for our nation. I have taken our Father here (Taliaferro) by the coat tail, and will follow him until I take by the hand, our great American Father." "Wliile on board of a steamer on the Ohio Eiver, ilarcpee or the Cloud, in consequence of a bad dream, jumped from the stern of the boat, and was supposed to be drowiied. but he swam ashore and made his way to St. Charles. Mo., there to be murdeieithout number, words which may be thus translated into English : • Come, my brother, I shall see you no more for ever.' The night was extremely cold, the thermometer standmg from ten to twenty below zero. About sunrise, next morning, preparation was made for performing the ceremony of cutting their flesh, in order to give relief to their grief of mind. The snow was removed from the frozen ground over about as large a space as would be required to place a small Indian lodge or wigwam. In the centre a very small fire was kindled up. not to give warmth, apparently, but to cause a smoke. The sister of the deceased, who was the chief mourner, came out of her lodge followed by three other women, who repaired to the place prepared. They were all barefooted, and nearly naked. Here they set up a most bitter lamenta- tion and crying, mingling their wailings with the words before mentioned. The principal mourner commenced gashing or cutting her ankles and legs up to the knees with a sharp stone, until her legs were covered with gore and flowing blood ; then in hke manner her arms, shoulders, and breast. The others cut themselves in the same way. but not so severely. On this poor infatuated woman I presimie there were more than a hun- dred long deep gashes in the flesh. I saw the operation, and the blood instantly followed the instrument, and flowed down upon the flesh. She appeared frantic with grief. Through the pain of her wounds, the loss of blood, exhaustion of strength by fasting, loud and long-continued and bitter groans, or the extreme cold upon her al- most naked anil lacerated body, she soon sunk upon the frozen ground, shaking as with a violent fit of the ague, and writhing in apparent agony. 'Surely,' I exclaimed, as I beheld the bloody A SOMAN CATHOLIC MIShlONABY. 109 scene, 'the tender mercies of the heathen are cruelty I' '' The little church at the fort begins to mani- fest something of ;i missionary spirit Their con- tributions are considerable for so small a numlier. I hope they will not only be willing to contribute liberally of their substance, but will give them- selves, at least some of them, to the missionary work. " The surgeon of the military post, Dr. Jarvis, has been very assiduous in his attentions to us in our sickness, and has very generously made a do- nation to our board of twenty-five dollars, being the amount of his medical services in our family. "On the nineteenth instant we tomuienced a school with six full Indian children, at least so in all their habits, dress, etc.; not one could speak a word of any language but Sioux. Tlie scliool lias since increased to the niimber of twenty-flve. I am now collecting and arranging words for a dic- tionary. Mr. Pond is assiduously employed in preparing a small spelling-book, which we may forward next mail for printing. On the fifteenth of September, 1836, a Presby- terian church was organized at Lac-qui-Parle, a branch of that in and near Fort Snelling, and Joseph Renville, a mixed blood of great influ- ence, became a commiuiicant. He had been trained in Canada by a Eonian Catholic priest, but claimed the right of private judgment. Mr. Renville's wife was the first pure Dahkotah of whom we have any record that ever joined the Church of Christ. This church has never become extinct, although ite members have been neces- sarily nomadic. After the treaty of Traverse des Sioux, it was removed to Hazlewood. Driven from thence by the outbreak of 1862, it has be- came the parent of other churches, in the valley of the upper Missouri, over one of which John Renville, a descendant of the elder at Lac-qui- Parle, is the pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION ATTEMPTED. Father Ravoux, recently from France, a sin- cere and earnest priest of the Church of Rome, came to Mendota in the autumn of 1841, and after a brief sojourn with the Rev. L. Galtier, who had erected Saint Paul's chapel, wliich has given the name of Saint Paul to the capital of Minnesota, he ascended the Mumesota River and visited Lac-qui-Parle. Bishop Loras, of Dubuque, WTote the next year of his visit as follows : " Our young missionary, M. Ravoux, passed the winter on the banks of Lac-qui-Parle, without any other sujiport than Providence, without any other means of conver- sion than a burning zeal, he has WTonght in the space of six months, a happy revolution among the Sioux. From the time of his arrival he has been occupied night and day in the study of their language. ***** AVhen he instructs the savages, he speaks to them with so much fire whilst showing them a large copper crucifix which he carries on his breast, that he makes the strong- est impression upon them.'' The impression, however was evanescent, and he soon retired from the field, and no more efforts were made in this direction by the Church of Rome. This young Mr. Ravoux is now the higldy respected vicar of the Roman Catholic diocese of Alinnesota, and justly esteemed for his simpUcily and unobtrusiveness. CHIPPEWAY JUSSIONS AT POKEGUMA. Pokeguma is one of the " Mille Lacs," or tlnni- sand beautifid lakes for which ilinnesota is re- markable. It is aliout foyror five miles m extent, and a mile or more in width. This lake is situated on Snake River, about twenty miles above the junction of that stream with the St. Croix. In the year 1836, missionaries came to reside among the Ojibways and Pokeguma, to promote their temporal and spiritual vv'elfare. Tlieir mis- sion liouse was built on the east side of the lake ; but the Indian village was on an island not far from the shore. In a letter wTitten in 1837, we find tlie fol- lowing: "The young women and girls now make, mend, wash, and iron after our man- ner. The men have learned to build log houses, drive team, plough, hoe, and handle an American axe with some skill in cutting large trees, the size of which, two years ago, would have afforded them a sufllcient reason why they should not med- dle with them." In May, 1841, Jeremiah Russell, ■who was In- dian farmer, sent two Chip|)eways, accompanied by Elam Greeley, of Stillwater, to the Falls of Saint Croix for supplies. On Saturday, the fifteenth of the month they arrived there, and 110 EXPLORESS AXD PIOXEEBS OF MIXXESOTA. tlie next day a steamboat came up with the goods. The captain said a war party of Sioux, headed by Little Crow, was advancing, and the two Chippeways prepared to go back and were their friends. They had hardly left the Falls, on theh- re- turn, before they saw a party of Dahkotahs. The senthiel of the enemy had not noticed the ap- proach of the young men. In the twinkling of an eye, these two young Ojibways raised their gims. tired, and killed two of Little Crow's sons. The discharge of the guns revealed to a sentinel, that an enemy was near, and as the Ojibways were retreatmg. he fired, and mortally wounded one of the two. According to custom, the corpses of the chief's sons were dressed, and then set up -with their faces towards the country of their ancient ene- mies. The wounded Ojibway was horribly mangled by the infuriated party, and his limbs strewn about in every direction. His scalped head was placed in a kettle, and suspended in front of the two Dahkotah corpses. Little Crow, disheartened by the loss of his two boys, returned with his party to Kaposia. But other parties were in the field. It was not till Friday, the twenty-first of May, that the death of one of the young. Ojibways sent by ilr. Russell, to the Falls ox Saint Croix, was luiown at Pokeguma. Mr. Russell on the next Sunday, accompanied by Captain AVilliam Holeomb and a half-breed, went to the mission station to attend a religious service, and while crossing the lake in returning. the half-breed said that it was rumored that the Sioux were approaching. On ^londay, the twen- ty-fourth, three young men left in a canoe to go to the west shore of the lake, and from thence to ilille Lacs, to give intelligence to the Ojibways there, of the skirmish that had already occurred. They- took with them two Indian girls, about twelve years of age. who were pupils of the mis- sion school, for the purpose of bruiging the canoe back to the island. Just as the three were land- ing, twenty or thirty Dahkotah warriors, with a war Avhoop emerged from their concealment be- hind the trees, and fired into the canoe. The yoimgmen instantly sprang into the water, which ■was shallow, returned the fire, and ran into the woods, escaping \\-ithout material injury. The little girls, in their fright, waded into the lake ; but were pursued. Their parents upon the island, heard the death cries of their children. Some of the Indians around the mission-house jumped into their canoes and gained the island. Others went into some fortified log huts. The attack ujion the canoe, it was afterwards learned, was premature. The party upon that side of the lake were ordered not to fire, until the party stationed in the woods near the mission began. There were in all one hundred and eleven Dahkotah warriors, and all the fight was in the : vicinity of the mission-house, and the Ojibways mostly engaged in it were those who had been under religious instruction. The rest were upon the island. The fathers of the murdered girls, burning for revenge, left the island in a canoe, and drawing it up on the shore, hid behind it. and firel upon the Dahkotahs and killed one. The Dahkotahs advancing upon them, they were obliged to escape. The canoe was now launched. One lay on his back in the bottom ; the other plnngod into the water, and. holding the canoe with one hand, and swimming with the other, he towed his friend out of danger. The Dahkotahs. in- furiated at their escape, fired volley after volley at the swimmer, but he escaped the balls by putting his head luider water whenever he saw them take aim, and waiting till he heard the discharge, he would then look up and breathe. After a fight of two hours, the Dahkotahs re- treated, with a loss of two men. At the request of the parents, Mr. E. F. Ely, from whoso notes the writer has obtained these facts, h:'- ing at that time a teacher at the mission, went across the lake, with two of his friends, to gather the remains of his murdered pupils. Ho found the corpses on the shore. The heads cut off and scalped, with a tomahawk buried in the brains of each, were set up in the sand near the bodies. The bodies were pierced in the breast, and the right arm of one was taken away. Ke- mo\ing the tomahawks, the bodies were brought back to the island, and in the afternoon were buried in accordance with the simple but solemn rites of the Church of Christ, by members of the mission. SIOUX MISSIONARIES BEFOBE THE TREATIES. Ill The sequel to this story is soou told. The In- dians of Pokeguma, after the fight, deserted their village, and went to reside with their countrymen near Lake Superior. In July of the following year, 1842, a war party was formed at Fond du Lac, about forty in num- ber, and proceeded towards the Dahkotah country. Sneaking, as none but Indians can, they arrived imnoticed at the little settlement below Saint Paul, commonly called "Pig's Eye," which is opposite to what was Kaposia, or Little Crow's village. Finding an Indian woman at work in the garden of her husband, a Canadian, by the name of GameUe, they lulled lier ; also another woman, with her infant, whose head was cut off. The Dalikotahs, on the opposite side, were mostly intoxicated ; and, flying across in their canoes Iwt half prepared, they were worsted in the en- covmter. They lost thirteen warriors, and one of their number, known as the Dancer, the Ojib- ways are said to have skinned. Soon after this the Chippeway missions of the St. Croix Valley were abandoned. In a little while Eev. ^Ir. Boutwell removed to the vicinity of Stillwater, and the missionaries, Ayer and Spencer, went to Red Lake and other points in Minnesota. In 1853 the Rev. Sherman Hall left the Indians and became pastor of a Congregational chiu'ch at Sauk Rapids, where he recently died. METHODIST MISSIONS. In 1837 the Rev. A. Bnmson commenced a Methodist mission at Kaposia, about four miles below, and opposite Saint Paul. It was afterwards removed across the river to Red Rock. He was assisted by the Rev. Thomas W. Pope, and the latter was succeeded by the Rev. J. Holton. The Rev. Mr. Spates and others also labored for a brief period among the Ojibways. PRESBTTEKIAN MISSIONS CONTINXTED. At the stations the Dahkotah language was dil- igently studied. Rev. S. W. Pond had prepared a dictionary of three thousand words, and also a small grammar. The Eev. S. R. Riggs, w-ho joined the mission in 1837, in a letter dated February 24, 1841, writes: "Last sumnu-r after returning from Fort SneUuig, I spent li\ f weeks in copying again the Sioux vocabulary which we had collected and arranged at this sta- tion. It contained then about 5500 words, not including the various forms of the verbs. Since that time, the words collected by Dr. "Williamson and myself, have, I presume, increased the num- ber to six thousand. ***** in this con- nection, I may mention that dm-ing the winter of 1839-40, Mrs. Riggs, vrA\\ some assistance, \\Tote an English and Sioux vocabidary contaming about three thousand words. One of Mr. Ren- ville's sons and three of his daughters are en- gaged in copying. In committing the grammati- cal principles of tlie language to WTiting. we have done something at this station, but more has been done by Mr. S. W. Pond." Steadily the numlier of Indian missionaries increased, and in 1851, before the lands of the Dahkotahs west of the ^Mississippi were ceded to the whites, they were disposed as follows by the Dahkotah Presbytery. Lar-rpn-park, Rev. S. E. Riggs, Rev. M. N. Adams, 3Iissionnrks, Jonas Pettijohn, Mrs. Faimy Pettijohn, JMrs. ilary Ann Riggs, Mrs. Mary A. M. Adams* Miss Sarah Rankin. As- sistants. Traverse des Siotix, Rev. Robert Hopkins, J//s- sionan/; Mrs. Agnes Hopkins, Alexander G. Iluggms, Mrs. Lydia P. Iluggins. Assi.''t(ints. Shnl-paii, or Sholpay, Rev. Samuel W. Pond, Missionary ; Mrs. Sarah P. Pond, Assistant. Oak Grove, Rev. Gideon II. Pond and wife. Kaposio, Rev. Thomas Williamson, M. D., Missionary and Physician; Mrs. JSlargaret P. Wilhamson, Miss Jane S. Williamson, Assistants. Red Wing, Rev. John F. Alton. Rev. Joseph W. Hancock, Missionaries; Mrs. Xaney II. Alton, Mrs. Hancock, Assistants. The Rev. Daniel Ga\in, the Swiss Presbyte- rian Missionary, spent the winter of 1839 in Lac- qui-Parle and was afterwards married to a niece of the Eev. J. D. Stevens, of the Lake Harriet Mission. Mr. Stevens became the fanner and teacher of the Wapasliaw band, and the iirs-t white man who Uved where the city of Winona has been built. Another missionary from Switz- erland, the Rev. Mr. Denton, married a Miss Slvinner, formerly of the Jilackinaw mission. During a portion of the year 1839 these Swiss missionaries lived with the American mission- aries at camp Cold Abater near Fort Snelling, but their chief field of labor was at Red Wing. 112 EXPLOBEBS AND PIONEEBS OF MINNESOTA.. CHAPTER XX. TREAD OF PIOUIEERS IN THE SAINT CKOIX VALLEY AND ELSEWHEKE. •>ri(lin of the name Saint Croix— Du Luth, first Explorer— French Post on the St. Cr«ix — Pitt, an eaily pioneer — Early settlers at Saint Croix Falli — First women there — Marine Settlement — Joseph R. Brown's town site — Saint Croix County organized—Proprietors of Stillwater— A dead Negro winnan — Pig's Eye, origin of name — Kise of Saint Paul— Dr. Williamson secures first school teacher for Saint Paul—Description of fir^t school room— Saint Croix County re-organized — Rev. W. T. Boutwell, pioneer clergyman. The Saint Croix river, apcording to Le Sueur, named after a Frenchman wlio was drowned at its mouth, was one of the earliest throughfares ftom Lake Superior to the Mississippi. The first ■white man ■who directed canoes upon its waters was Du Luth, who had in 1679 explored Minne- sota. He thus describes his tour in a letter, first published by IlaiTisse : •• In June, 1680, not be- ing satisfied, with having made my discovery by land, I took two canoes, with an Indian who ■was my interpreter, and four Frenchmen, to seek means to make it by water. With tliis view I entered a river which empties eight leagues from the extremity of Lake Superior, on the south side, where, after having cut some trees and broken about a hundred beaver dams, I reached the upper waters of the said river, and then I made a portage of half a league to reach a lake, the outlet of which fell into a very fine river, which took me down into the Mississippi. There I learned from eight cabins of Nadouecioux that the Rev. Father Louis Hennepin, Recollect, now at the convent of Saint Germain, with two other Frenchmen had been robbed, and carried off as slaves for more than three hundred leagues by the Nadouecioux themselves." He then relates how he left two Frenchmen with his goods, and went with his interpreter and two Frenchmen in a canoe down tlie Mississippi, and after two days and two nights, found Henne- pin, Accault and Augelle. He told Hennepin that he must return with him through the country of the Fox tribe, and ■wTites : " I preferred to re- trace my steps, manifesting to them [the Sioux] the just indignation I felt against them, rather than to remain after the violence they had done to the Rev. Father and the other two Frenchmen ■with him, whom I put in my canoes and brought them to Michilimackinack." After this, the Saint Croix river became a chan- nel for commerce, and Bellin writes, that before 17-55, the French had erected a fort forty leagues from its mouth and twenty from Lake Superior. The pine forests between the Saint Croix and Mimiesota had been for several years a tempta- tion to energetic men. As early as November, 1836, a ISIr. Pitt went with a boat and a party of men to the Falls of Saint Croix to cut pine tim- ber, with the consent of the Chippeways but the dissent of the United Slates authorities. In 1837 while the treaty was being made by Com- missioners Dodge and Smith at Fort Snelling, on one Sunday Franklin Steele, Dr. Fitch, Jeremiah Russell, and a Mr. Maginnis left Fort Snelling for the Falls of Saint Croix in a birch bark canoe paddled by eight men, and reached that point about noon on ^Monday aud commenced a log cabin. Steele and Maginnis remained here, while tlie others, dividing into two parties, one under Fitch, and the other under Russell, search- ed for pine land. The first stopped % Wisconsin, and reorganized for judicial pin-poses, and Stillwater made the county seat. In the month of June the United States District Court held its session in the store-room of Mr. John McKusick ; Judge Charles Dunn presiduig. A large number of lumbermen had been attracted by the pineries in the upper portion of the valley of Saint Croix, and Stillwater was looked upon as the center of the lumbering interest. _ The Kev. Mr. Boutwell. feeUng that he could be more useful, left the Ojibways. and took up liis residence near Stillwater, preaching to tlie lumbermen at the Falls of Saint Croix. Marine Mills. Stillwater, and Cottage Grove. In a letter speaking of Stillwater, he says, " Here is a little tillage sprung up like a gourd, but whether it Is to perish as soon, Godonly knows." NAMES PROPOSED FOR MINNESOTA TERRITORY. 115 CHAPTER XXI. EVENTS PEELIMIKARY TO THE ORC4ANIZATION OF THE MINNESOTA TEBRITOKY. Wisconsin State Boundaries — First Bill for the Organization of Minnesota Terri* tory, A. D. 1846 — Change of Wisconsin Boundary — Memorial of Saint Croix Valley citizens — Various names proposed for the New Territory — Convention at Stillwater — H. H. Sibley elected Delegate to Congress. — Derivation of word Minnesota. Three years elapsed from the time that the territory of Minnesota was proposed in Congress, to the final passage of the organic act. On the sixth of August, 1846, an act was passed by Con- gress authorizing the citizens of Wisconsin Ter- ritory to frame a constitution and form a state government. The act fixed the Saint Louis river to the rapids, from thence south to the Saint Croix, and thence down that river to its junction with the Mississippi, as the western boundary. On the twenty -third of December, 1846, the delegate from Wisconsin, Morgan L. Martin, m- troduced a bill in Congress for the organization of a territory of Minnesota. Tliis bill made its western boundary the Sioux and Red River of the North. On the third of March, 1847, per- mission was granted to Wisconsin to change her boundary, so that the western limit would pro- ceed due south from the first rapids of the Saint Louis river, and fifteen miles east of the most easterly point of Lake Saint Croix, thence to the Mississippi. A number in the constitutional convention of Wisconsin, were anxious that Rum river should be a part of her western boimdary, while citizens of the valley of the Saint Croix were desirous that the Chippeway river should be the limit of Wisconsin. The citizens of Wisconsin Territory, in the valley of the Samt Croix, and about Fort Snelling, wished to be included in the projected new territory, and on the twenty-eighth of March, 1848, a memorial signed by II. II. Sibley, Henry M. Rice, Franklin Steele, William R. Marshall, and others, was presented to Congress, remon- strating against the proposition before the con- vention to make Rum river a part of the bound- ary line of the contemplated state of Wisconsin. On the twenty-ninth of May, 1848, the act to admit Wisconsin changed the boundary Une to the present, and as first defined in the enabling act of 1846. After the bill of Mr. Martin was introduced into the House of Representatives in 1846 it was referred to the Committee on Terri- tories, of which ^Ir. Douglas was chairman. On the twentieth of January, 1847, he reported in favor of the proposed territory with the name of Itasca. On the seventeenth of February, be- fore the bill passed the House, a discussion arose in relation to the proposed name. Mr. Win- throp of jSIassachusetts proposed Chippewa as a substitute, alleging that this tribe was the prin- cipal in the proposed territory, which was not correct. Mr. J. Thompson of Mississippi disliked all Indian names, and hoped the territory would be called Jackson. Mr. Houston of Delaware thought that there ought to be one territory named after the " Father of his country," and proposed Washington. All of the names pro- posed were rejected, and the name in the original bill inserted. On the last day of the session, March third, the bill was called up ui the Senate and laid on the table. When Wisconsin became a state the query arose whether the old territorial government did not contmue in force west of the Saint Croix river. The first meeting on the subject of claim- ing territorial privileges was held hi the building at Samt Paul, known as Jackson's store, near the corner of Bench and Jackson streets, on the bluff. This meeting was held in July, and a convention was proposed to consider their posi- tion. The first public meeting was held at Still- water on August foiutli, and Messrs. Steele and Sibley were the only persons present from the west side of the Mississippi. This meeting is- sued a call for a general convention to take steps to secure an early territorial orgaruzation, to assemble on the twenty-sixth of the month at 116 EXPLORHES AXI) PIOXEERS OF MIXXESOTA. the same place. Sixty-two delegates answered the call, and among those present, were AV. D. Phillips, J. ^y. Bass, A. Larpenteur, J. M. Boal. and others from Saint Paul. To the convention a letter was presented from 'Mr. C'atlin, who claimed to be acting governor, giving his opinion that the AVisconsm territorial organization was still in force. The meeting also appointed Mr. Sibley to \isit AVashington and represent their ■\iews ; but the Hon. John H. Tweedy having resigned Ms office of delegate to Congress on September eighteenth. 1848. Mr. Catlin, who had made Stillwater a temporary residence, on the ninth of October issued a proclamation ordering a special election at Stillwater on the thirtieth, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation. At this election Henry H. Sibley was elected as delegate of the citizens of the remaining portion of AVisconsin Territory. His credentials were presented to the House of Representatives, and the committee to whom the matter was referred presented a majority and minority report ; but the resolution introduced by the majority passed and Mr. Sibley took his seat as a delegate from Wisconsin Territorj' on the fifteenth of January, 1849. Mr. H. M. Rice, and other gentlemen, visited Washington during the winter, and, uniting with Mr. Sibley, used all their energies to obtain the organization of a new territory. Mr. Sibley, in an interesting commimication to the Minnesota Historical Society, -mrites : '• When my credentials as Delegate, ^^■ere presented by Hon. James Wilson, of Xew Hampshire, to the House of Representatives, there was some curi- osity manifested among the members, to see what kind of a person had been elected to represent the distant and wild territory claiming representation in Congress. I was told by a New England mem- ber with whom I became subsequently quite inti- mate, that there was some disappointment when I made my appearance, for it was expected that the delegate from this remote region would make his debut, if not in full Indian costume, at least, with some peculiarities of dress and maimers, characteristic of the nide and semi-civilized peo- ple who had sent him to the Capitol." The territory of ^linnesota was named after the largest tributary of the Mississippi within its limits. The Sioux call the Missouri 2Slinnesho- shay, muddy water, but the stream after which this region is named. Miime-sota. Some say that Sota means clear ; others, turbid ; Schoolcraft, bluish green. Nicollet wrote. "The adjective Sotah is of difficult translation. The Canadians translated it by a pretty equivalent word, brouille, perhaps more properly rendered into English by blear. I have entered upon this explanation be cause the word really means neither clear nor turbid, as some authors have asserted, its true meaning being found in the Sioux expression Ishtah-sotah, blear-eyed." From the fact that the word signifies neither blue nor white, but the peculiar appearance of the sky at certain times, by some, Minnesota has been defined to mean the sky tinted water, which is certainly poetic, and the late Rev. Gideon U. Pond thought quite correct. MINNESOTA IN THE BEGINNING. 117 CHAPTER XXII. MINNESOTA FROM ITS ORGANIZATION AS A TERRITORY, A. D. 18-19, TO A. D. 1854. Appearance of the Country, A. J>. 1S49 — Arrival of first Editor — Governor Bamaey arrives — Guest of H. H. Sibley — Proclamation issued — Governor Ramsey and H. M. Rice move to Saiut Paul — Fourth of July Ci'lebration — First election — ^Eiirly mewspapers — First Courts— First Legislature — Pioneer News Carrier's AdOrebs— Wedding at Fort Snelling— Territorial Seal— Scalp Dance at Stillwater — First Steamboat at Falls of Saint Anthony— Presbyterian Chapel burned — Indian council ut Fort Snelling— First Steamboat above Saint Anthony — First boat at the Blue Earth River— Confrressional election — Visit.of Fredrika Bremer — Indian newspaper — Other newspapers — Second Legislature — University jf Minnesota — Teamster killed by Indians— Sioux Treaties — Third Legislature —Land slide at Stillwater — Death of first Editor— Fourth Legislature Baldwin School, now Itlacalester College — Indian fi^ht in Saint Paul. On the third of March, 1840, the bill was passed by Congress for organizing the territory of Minnesota, whose boundary on the west, extended to the Missouri River. xVt this time, the region was little more than a wilderness. The west banli of the Mississippi, from the Iowa line to Lake Itasca, was unceded by the Indians. At Wapashaw, was a trading post in charge of Alexis Bailly, and here also resided the ancient voyageiir, of fourscore years, A. Rocque. At the foot of Lake Pepin was a store house kept by Mr. F. S. Richards. On the west shore of the lake lived the eccentric WeUs, whose wife was a bois brule, a daughter of the deceased trader, Duncan Graham. The' two unfinished buildings of stone, on the beautiful bank opposite the renowned Maiden's Rock, and the surrounding skin lodges of his wife's relatives and friends, presented a rude but pictiu-esque scene. Above the lake was a cluster of bark wigwams, the Dahkotah village of Raymneecha, now Red Wing, at which was a Presbyterian mission house. The next settlement was Kaposia, also an In- dian village, and the residence of a Presbyterian missionary, the Rev. T. S AVilliamst)n, M. D. On the east side of the Mississippi, the first set- tlement, at the mouth of the St. Croix, was Point Douglas, then as now, a small hamlet. At Red Rock, the site of a former Methodist mission station, there were a few farmers. Samt Paul was just emerging from a collection of In- ^an whisky shops and birch roofed cabins of half-breed voyageurs. Here and there a frame tenement was erected, and, under the auspices of the Hon. II. M. Rice, who had obtained an inter- est in the town, some warehouses were con- structed, and the foundations of the American House, a frame hotel, which stood at Third and Exchange street, were laid. In 1849, the popu- lation had increased to two liundred and fifty or three hundred mhabitants, for rumors had gone abroad that it might be mentioned in the act, creating the territory, as the capital of Minnesota. More than a month after the adjournment of Congress, just at eve, on the ninth of April, amid terrific peals of thunder and torrents of rain, the weekly steam packet, the first to force its way through the icy barrier of Lake Pepin, roimded the rocky point whistling loud and long, as if the bearer of glad tidings. Before siie was safely moored to the landing, the shouts of the excited villagers were heard announcing that there was a territory of Minnesota, and that Samt Paul was the seat of government. Every successive steamboat arrival poured out on the landing men big with hope, and anxious to do something to mould the future of the new state. Nine days after the news of the existence of the territory of Minnesota was received, there arrived James M. Goodhue with press, type, and printing apparatus. A graduate of Amherst college, and a lawyer by profession, he wielded a sharp pen, and wrote editorials, which, more than anythmg else, perhaps, induced immigration. Though a man of some faults, one of the counties properly bears his name. On the twenty-eighth of April, he issued from his press the first number of the Pioneer. On the twenty - seventh of May, Alexander Ramsey, the Governor, and family, arrived at Saint Paul, butowingto the crowded state of pub- 118 EXPLOEEBS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. lie houses, immediately proceeded in the steamer to the establishment of tlie Fur Company, known as Mendota, at tlie junction of tlic Mimiesota and Mississippi, and became the guest of the Hon. H. II. Sibley. Ou the first of June, Governor Kamsey, by pro- clamation, declared the territory duly organized, ^vith the following officers : Alexander Kamsey, of Pennsylvania, Governor ; C. K. Smith, of Ohio, Secretary ; A. Goodrich, of Tennessee. Chief Justice ; D. Cooper, of Pennsylvania, and B. B. Meeker, of Kentucky, Associate Judges ; Joshua L. Taylor, Marshal ; II. L. Moss, attorney of the United States. On the eleventh of June, a second proclama- tion was issued, dividing the territory into three temporary judicial districts. The first comprised the county of St. Croix ; the comity of La Pointe and the region north and west of the Mississippi, and north of the Minnesota and of a line running due west from the headwaters of the Minnesota to the Missouri river, constituted the second ; and the country west of the Mississippi and south of the ^ILnnesota, formed the third district. Judge Goodrich was assigned to the first, ISIeeker to the second, and Cooper to the third. A court was ordered to be held at Stillwater on the second Monday, at the Falls of St. Anthony on the third, and at Mendota on the fourth Monday of August. Until the twenty -sixth of June, Governor Eamsey and family had been guests of Hon. H. II. Sibley, at Mendota. On the afternoon of that day they arrived at St. Paul, in a birch-bark canoe, and became permanent residents at the capital. The house first occupied as a guber- natorial mansion, was a small frame building that stood on Thud, between llobert and Jackson streets, formerly luiown as the New England House. A few days after, the lion. H. M. Rice and family moved from Slendota to St. Paul, and oc- cupied the house he had erected on St. Anthony street, near the corner of ^Market. On the first of July, a land office was estab- hshed at Stillwater, and A. Van Vorhes, after a few weeks, became the register. The anniversary of our National Independence was celebrated in a becoming manner at the cap- ital. The place selected for the address, was a jrove that stood on the sites of the City HaU and the Baldwin School biiilding, and the late Frank- lin Steele was the marshal of the day. Ou the seventh of July, a proclamation was is- sued, dividing the territory into seven council districts, and ordering an election to be held on the first day of August, for one delegate to rep- resent the people in the House of Representatives of the United States, for nine coimcillors and eighteen representatives, to constitute the Legis- lative Assembly of Minnesota. In this month, the lion. II. M. Kice despatch- ed a boat laded with Indian goods from the the Falls of St. Anthony to Crow Wing, which was towed by horses after the manner of a canal boat. The election on the first of August, passed off with little excitement, Hon. H, H. Sibley being elected delegate to Congress without opposition. David Lambert, on what might, perhaps, be termed the old settlers' ricket, was defeated in St. Paul, by James M. Boal. The latter, on the night of the election, was honored with a ride through tovm on the axle and fore-wheels of an old wagon, which was drawn by his ad mi ring but somewhat undisciplined friends. J. L. Taylor ha\ing dechned the office of United States Marshal; A. M. Mitchell, of Ohio, a gi'aduate of West Point, and colonel of a regi- ment of Ohio volunteers in the ilexicau war, was appointed and arrived at the capital early in August. There were three papers published in the ter- ritory soon after its organization. The first w^as the Pioneer, issued on April twenty-eighth. 1S49, under most discouraging circumstances. It was at first the intention of the witty and reckless editor to have called his paper " The Epistle of St. Paul." About the same time there was issued in Cuicmnati, under the auspices of the late Dr. A. Randall, of California, the first number of the Register. The .second number of the paper was printed at St. Piiul. in July, and the oftice was ou St. ^Vuthouy, between "Washington and Market Streets, About the first of Jime, James Hughes, afterward of Hudson. "Wisconsin, arrived with a press and materials, and established the Minnesota Chronicle. After an existence of a few weeks two papers were discontinued ; and, in theii" place, was issued the " Chronicle and DESCBIPTION OF THE TEMPORARY CAPITOL. 119 Kegister," edited by Nathaiel McLean and John P. Owens. The first courts, pursuant to proclamation of the governor, were lield in llie month of August. At Stillwater, the court was organized on the thirteenth of the month. Judge Goodrich pre- siding, and Judge Cooper by courtesy, sitting on the bench. On the twentietli, the second judi- cial district held a court. The room used was the old government mill at Minneapolis. The presiding judge was B. B. Meeker; the foreman of the grand jury, Franklin Steele. On the last Monday of the month, the court for the third judicial district was organized in the large stone warehouse of the fur company at Meudota. The presiding judge was David Cooper. Governor Ramsey sat on the right, and Judge Goodrich on the left. Hon. II. II. Sibley was the foreman of the grand jury. As some of the jurors coidd not speak the English language, W. II. Forbes acted as intei-preter. The charge of Judge Cooper was lucid, scho'arly, and dignified. At the request of the grand jury it was afterwards published. On Monday, the third of September, the first Legislative Assembly convened in the " Central Hou^,"in Saint Paul, a building at the corner of Minnesota and Bench streets, facing the Mississippi river wdiich answered the double purpose of capitol and hotel. On the first floor of the main building was the Secreta- ry's offlce and Representative chamber, and in the second story was the Ubrary and Council chamber. As the flag was run up tlie staff in front of the house, a number of Indians sat on a rocky bluff in the vicinity, and gazed at what to them was a novel and perhaps sadtlening scene ; for if the tide of immigration sweei)S in fiom the Pacific as it has from the Atlantic coast, they must soon dwindle. The legislature having organized, elected the following permanent officers : David Olmsted, President of Council ; Joseph R. Bro-mi, Secre- ary ; H. A. Lambert, Assistant. In the House of Representatives, Joseph W. Furber was elect- ed Speaker ; W. D. Phillips, Clerk : L. B. Wait, Assistant. On Tuesday afternoon, both houses assembled in the dining hall of the hotel, and after prayer was offered by Rev. E. D. Neill, Governor Ram- sey deUvered his message. The message was ably written, and its perusal afforded satisfaction at home and abroad. The first session of the legislature adjourned on the first of November. Among other proceed- ings of interest, was the creation of the following counties: Itasca, Wapashaw, Dahkotah, AVah- nahtah, Mahkahto, Pembina ^Vashington, Ram- sey and Benton. The three latter counties com- prised the country that up to that time had been ceded by the Indians on the east side of the Mis- sissippi, Stillwater was declared the county seat of Washington, Saint Paul, of Ramsey, and '• the seat of justice of the coimty of Benton was to be within one-quarter of a mile of a point ou the east side of the Mississippi, directly opposite the mouth of Sauk river." EVENTS OF A. D 1850. By the active exertions of the secretary of the territory, C. K. Smith, Esq., the Historical Society of Minnesota was incorporated at the first session of the legislature. The opening an- nual address was delivered in the then Methodist (now Swedenborgian) church at Saint Paul, on the first of January, 1850. The following account of the proceedings is from the Chronicle and Register. "The first public exercises of the Mimiesota Historical Society, took place at the Methodist church. Saint Paul, on the first inst., and passed off highly creditable to all concerned. The day was pleasant and the attendance large. At the appointed hour, the President and both Vice-Presidents of the society bemg absent ; on motion of Hon. C. K. Smith, Hon. Chief Justice Goodrich was called to the chair. The same gentleman then moved that a committee, consisting of ^Messrs. Parsons K. Johnson, John A. Wakefield, and B. W. Bnmson, be appomted to wait upon the Orator of the day, Rev. Mr. Neill, and inform him that the audience was waiting to hear his address. " Mr. Neill was shortly conducted to the pulpit; and after an eloquent and approriate prayer by the Rev. Mr. Parsons, and music by the band, he proceeded to deliver his discourse upon the early French missionaries and Yoyageurs into Jlinne- sota. We hope the society will provide for its publication at an early day. •'After some brief remarks bv Rev. Mr. V20 EXFLOUJiiMii AM) riOJyjUJi'liS OF MINNESOTA. Hobart, upon the objects and ends of history, the ceremonies were conchided -nith a prayer by that gentleman. The audience dispersed highly dehghted with all that occun-ed.'' At this early period the Minnesota Pioneer issued a Carrier's New Years Address, wliich was amusing doggerel. The reference to the future greatness and ignoble origin of the capital of ilinnesota was as follows : — The cities on this river must be three, Two that are built and one that is to be. One, is the mart of all the tropics yield, The cane, the orange, and the cotton-field, And sends her ships abroad and boasts Her trade extended to a thousand coasts ; The other, central for the temperate zone. Gamers the stores that on the plaius are grown, A place where steamboats from all quarters. range, To meet and speculate, as 'twere on 'change. The third will be, where rivers confluent flow From the wide spreading north through plains of snow ; The mart of all that boundless forests give To make mankind more comfortably live. The land of manufacturing industry. The workshop of the nation it shall be. Propelled by this wide stream, you'll see A thousand factories at Saiut ^Vnthony : And the Saint Crots a hundred mills shall drive. And all its smilnig tillages shall thrive ; But then my town— remember that high bench ■\Vith cabins scattered over it, of French ? A man named Henry Jackson's living there. Also a man— why every one knows L. Eobair, Below Fort SneUing. seven miles or so, And three above the village of Old Crow? Pig's Eye '? Yes ; Pig's Eye ! That's the spot ! A very funny name ; is't not 'f Pig's Eye's the spot, to plant my city on. To be remembered by, when I am gone. Pig's Eye converted thou shalt be, like Saul : Thy name henceforth shall be Saint Paul. On the evening of New Year's day, at Fort Snelling, there was an assemblage which is only seen on the outposts of ci^'ihzation. In one of the stone edifices, outside of the wall, belonging to the United States, there resided a gentleman who had dwelt in Minnesota since the year 1819, and for many years had been in the employ of the government, as Indian mterpreter. In youth he had been a member of the Columbia Fur Com- pany, and conforming to the habits of traders, had piu'chased a Dahkotah wife who was whoUy ignorant of the English language. As a family of cliildren gathered aroimd him he recognised the relation of husband and father, and consci- entiously discharged his duties as a parent. Ilia daughter at a proper age was sent to a boarding school of some celebrity, and on the night re- ferred to was married to an intelUgent young American farmer. Among the guests present were the officers of the garrison in full uniform, with their \\ives, the United States Agent for the Dahkotahs, and family, the bois brules of the neighborhood, and the Indian relatives of the mother. The mother lUd not make her app^'ar- ance, but, as the minister proceeded with the ceremony, the Dahkotah relatives, wrapped in their blankets, gathered in the hall and looked in through the door. The marriage feast was worthy of the occa- sion. In consequence of the numbers, the ofljcers and those of European extraction partook first ; then the bois brules of Ojibway and Dah- kotah descent ; and, finally, the native Ameri- cans, who tUd ample justice to the plentiful sup- ply spread before them. Governor Ramsey, Hon. H. H. Sibley, and the delegate to Congress devised at AVashington, this winter, the territorial seal. The design was Falls of St. Anthony in the distance. An immigrant ploughing the land on the borders of the Indian cotmtry, full of hope, and looking forward to the possession of the hunting grounds Ijeyond. An Indian, amazed at the sight of the plough, and fleeing on horseback towards the setting sim. The motto of the Earl of Dunraven, "Qusb sursum volo videre" (I wish to see what is above) was most appropriately selected by Mr. Sibley, but by the blunder of an engraver it appeared on the territorial seal, -Quo sursum velo videre," which no scholar could translate. At length was substituted, "L' EtoUe da Xord," "Star of the Xorth," while the device of the settmg sun remained, and this is objectionable, as the State of Maine had already placed the Xorth Star on her escutcheon, with the motto " Dirigo," "I guide.'' Perhaps some futture legislature may SCALF DANCE IN STILLWATER. 121 direct the first motto to be restored and correctly engraved. In tlie montn of April, there was a renewal of hostilities between the Dahkotahs and Ojibways, on lands that had been ceded to the United States. A war prophet at Ked Wing, dreamed that he ought to raise a war party. . Announcing the fact, a number expressed their wilhngness to go on sucli an expedition. Several from the Kaposia village also joined the party, imder the leadership of a worthless Indian, wlio had been confined in the guard-house at Fort Snelling, the year previous, for scalping his wife. Passing up the valley of the St. Croix, a rew miles above Stillwater the party discovered on the snow the marks of a keg and footprints. These told them that a man and woman of the Ojibways had been to some whisky dealer's, and were re- turning. Followuig their trail, they found on Apple river, about twenty miles from Stillwater, a band of O j ibway s encamped in one lodge. Wait- ing till daybreak of Weilnesday, April second, the Dahkotahs commenced firing on the unsuspecting inmates, some of whom were drinking from the contents of the whisky keg. The camp was com- posed of fifteen, and all were murdered and scalp- ed, with the exception of a lad, who was made a captive. On Thursday, the victors came to Stillwater, and danced the scalp dance around the captive boy, in the heat of excitement, striking him in the face with the scarcely cold and bloody scalps of his relatives. The child was then taken to Ka- posia, and adopted by the chief. Governor Eam- sey immediately took measures to send the boy to his friends. At a conference held at the Gov- ernor's mansion, the boy was deUvered up, and, on being led out to the kitchen by a little son of the Governor, since deceased, to receive refresh- ments, he cried bitterly, seemingly more alarmed at being left with the whites than he had been while a captive at Kaposia. From the first of April the waters of the Mis- sissippi began to rise, and on the thirteenth, the lower floor of the warehouse, then occupied by WiUiam Constans, at the foot of Jackson street, St. Paul, was submerged. Taking advantage of the freshet, the steamboat Anthony Wayne, for a purse of two hundred dollars, ventured through the swift current above Fort Snelling, and reached the Falls of St. Anthony. The boat loft the fort after dinner, with Governor Ramsey and other guests, also the band of the Sixth Regiment on board, and reached the falls between three and four o'clock in the afternoon. The whole town, men, women and children, Uned the shore as the boat approached, and welcomed this first arrival, with shouts and wavuig handkerchiefs. On the afternoon of May fifteenth, there miglit have been seen, hurrying through the streets of Saint Paul, a number of naked and pamted braves of the Kaposia band of Dahkotahs, ornamented with all the attire of war, and panting for the scalps of their enemies. A few hours Ijefore, the warhke head chief of the Ojibways, young Ilole- in-the-Day , havuig secreted his canoe in the retired gorge which leads to the cave in the upper sub- urbs, with two or three associates had crossed the river, and, almost in sight of the citizens of the town, had attacked a small party of Dahkotahs, and murdered and scalped one man. On receipt of the news, (lovernor Ramsey granted a parole to the thu'teen Dahkotahs confined in Fort Snell- ing, for participating in the Apple river massacre. On the morning of the sixteenth of May, the first Protestant church edifice completed in the white settlements, a small frame bnildmg, built for the Presbyterian church, at Saint Paul, was destroyed by fire, it l)eing the first conflagi'ation that had occurred since the organization of the territory. One of the most interesting events of the year 1850, was the Indian council, at Fort Snelling. Governor Ramsey had sent runners to the differ- ent bands of the Ojibways and Dahkotahs, to meet him at the fort, for tl;e purpose of en- deavouring to'adjust their ditticulties. On Wednesday, the twelfth of June, after much talking, as is customary at Indian councils, the two tribes agreed as they had frequently done before, to be friendly, and Governor Ramsey presenting to each party an ox. the council was dissolved. On Thursday, the Ojibways Ndsited St. Paul for the first time, young Hole-in-the-Day being dressed in a coat of a captain of United States infantry, which had been presented to him at the fort. On Friday, they left in the steamer Gov- ernor Ramsey, wliich had been built at St. An- thony, and just commenced running between 122 EXPLORERS AND PIONEERS OF MINNESOTA. that point and Sauk Eapids. for their homes in the -svildemess of the Upper Mississippi. The summer of 18-50 was tlie commencement of the navigation of the :Minnesota Eiver by steamboats. With the exception of a steamer that made a pleasure excursion as far as Shokpay, in 1841, no large vessels had ever disturbed the waters of this stream. In June, the '"Anthony Wayne," which a few weeks before had ascended to the Falls of St. Anthony, made a trip. On the eighteenth of July she made a second trip, going almost to Mahkahto. Tlie '• Nominee " also navigated the stream for some distance. On the twenty-second of July the officers of tlie •■ Yankee."' taking advantage of the higli water, determined to navigate the stream as far as possible. The boat ascended to near the Cot- tonwood river. As the time for the general election in Septem- ber approached, considerable ~ excitement was manifested. As there were no political issues before the people, parties were formed based on personal preferences. Among those nominated for delegate to Congress, by various meetings, were H. H. Sibley, the former delegate to Con- gress, David Olmsted, at that time engaged in the Indian trade, and A. M. Mitchell, the United States marshal. Mr. Olmsted Axithdrew his name before election day, and the contest was lietween those interested in Sibley and Mitchell. The friends of each betrayed the greatest zeal, and neither pains nor money were spared to in- sure success. Mr. Sibley was elected by a small majority. For the firet time in the territory, soldiers at the garrisons voted at this election, and there was considerable discussion as to the propriety of such a course. Miss FredrLka Bremer, the well known Swedish novelist, visited Minnesota in the month of October, and was the guest of Governor Ramsey. During Xovember, the Dahkotah Tawaxitku Kin, or the Dahkotah Friend, a monthly paper, was commenced, one-half in the Dahkotah and one-half in the English language. Its editor was the Rev. Gideon H. Pond, a Presbyterian mis- sionary, and its place of publication at Saint Paul. It was published for nearly two yeare, and. though it failed to attract the attention of the Indian mind, it conveyed to the English reader much correct information in relation to the habits, the belief, and superstitions, of the Dahkotahs. On the tenth of December, anew paper, owned and edited by Daniel A. Robertson, late United States marshal, of Ohio, and called the Minne- sota Democrat, made its appearance. During the summer there had been changes in the editorial supervision of the '" Chronicle and Register." For a brief period it was edited by L. A. Babcock, Esq., who was succeeded by W. G. Le Due. About the time of the issuing of the Demo- crat, C. J. llenniss, formerly reporter for the United States Gazette, Philadelphia, became the editor of the Chronicle. The first proclamation for a thanksgiving day was issued in 1850 by the governor, and the twenty-sixth of December was the time appointed and it was generally obsened. EVENTS OF A. D. 1851. On Wednesday, January first, 1851. the second Legislative Assembly assembled in a three-story brick building, since destroyed by fire, that stood on St. Anthony street, between Washington and Franklin. D. B. Loomis was chosen Speaker of the Council, and M. E. Ames Speaker of the House. This assemlily was characterized by more bitterness of feehng than any that has since convened. The preceding delegate election had been based on personal preferences, and cliques and factions manifested themselves at an early period of the session. The locatmg of the penitentiary at Stillwater. and the capitol building at St. Paul gave some dissatisfaction. By the efforts of J. W. Xorth, Esq.. a bill creating the University of Minnesota at or near the Falls of St. Anthony, was passed, and signed by the Governor. This institution, by the State Constitution, is now the State Uni- versity. During the session of this Legislature, the pub- Ucatiou of the " Chronicle and Register" ceased. About the middle of ]Slay. a war party of Dah- kotahs discovered near Swan River, an Ojibway witli a keg of whisky. The latter escaped, with the loss of his keg. The war party, drinking the contents, became intoxicated, and, firing upon some teamrters they met driving their wagons with goods to the Indian Agency, killed one of LANDS WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI CEDED. 123 them, Andrew Swartz, a resident of St. Paul. The news was conveyed to Fort Kipley, and a party of soldiers, with IIole-in-the-Day as a guide, started in pursuit of the murderers, l)ut did not succeed in capturing them. Through the influ- ence of Little Six the Dahkotah chief, whose vil- lage was at (and named after him) Sholc- pay, five of tlie offlenders were arrested and placed in the guard-house at Fort Snelling. On Monday, Jime ninth, they left the fort in a wagon, guarded by twenty-five dragoons, destined for Sauk Kapids for trial. As tliey departed they all Bang their death song, and the coarse soldiers amused themselves by making .signs that they were going to be hung. On the first evening of the journey the five culprits encamped vsdth the iTwenty-five dragoons. Handcuffed, they were placed in the tent, and yet at midnight they all escaped, only one being wounded by the guard. What was more remarkable, the woimded man was the first to bring the news to St. Paul. Pro- ceeding to Kaposia, his wound was examined by the missionary and physician, Dr. WUliamson ; and then, fearing an arrest, be took a canoe and paddled up the Minnesota. The excuse offered by the dragoons was, that all the guard but one fell asleep. The first paper published in Minnesota, beyond the capital, was the St. Antliony Express, which made its appearance during the last week of April or May. The most important event of the year 1851 was the treaty with tlie Dahkotahs, by which the west side of the Mississippi and the valley of the Minnesota River were opened to the hardy immi- grant. The commissioners on the part of the United States were Luke Lea, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and Governor Ramsey. The place of meeting for the upper bands was Trav- erse des Sioux. The commission arrived there on the last of June, but were obliged to wait many days for the assembling of the various bands of Dahkotahs. On the eighteenth of July, all those expected having arrived, the Sissetoans and Wahpaytoan Dahkotahs assembled in grand coimcil with the United States commissioners. After the usual f eastings and speeches, a treaty was concluded on Wednesday, July twenty-third. The pipe having been smoked by the commissioners, Lea and Ramsey, it was passed to the chiefs. The paper containing the treaty was then read in English and translated into the Dahkotah by the Rev. S. R. Riggs, Presbyterian Missionary among this people. This finished, the chiefs came up to the secretary's table and touched the pen; the white men present then witnessed the document, and nothing renained but the ratification of the United States Senate to open that vast country for the residence of the hardy immigrant. During* the first week in Atignst, a treaty was also concluded beneath an oak bower, on Pilot Knob, Mendota, with the M'dewakantonwan and Wahpaykootay bands of Dahkotahs. About sixty of the chiefs and principal men touched tlie pen, and Little Crow, who had been hi the mission- school at Lac qui Parle, signed his own name. Before they separated. Colonel Lea and Governor Ramsey gave them a few words of advice on various subjects connected with their futiu-e well- being, but particularly on the subject of educa- tion and temperance. The treaty was interpret- ed to them by the Rev. G. 11. Pond, a gentleman who was conceded to be a most correct speaker of the Dahkotah tongue. The day after the treaty these lower bands received thirty thousand dollars, which, by the treaty of 1837, was set apart for education ; but, by the misrepresentations of interested half- breeds, the Indians were made to believe that it ought to be given to them to be employed as they pleased. The next week, with their sacks filled with money, they thronged the streets of St. Paul, pm-chasing whatever pleased tlieir fancy. On the seventeenth of September, a new paper was commenced in St. Paul, luider the auspices of the ""VVhigs," and John P. Owens became editor, which relation he sustained until the fall of 18.57. The election for members of the legislature and coimty oflicers occun-ed on the fourteenth of October; and, for the first time, a regular Demo- cratic ticket was placed before the people. The parties called themselves Democratic and Anti- organization, or Coalition. In the montli of Xov<*ml)er -Jerome Fuller ar- rived, and took the place of Judge Goodrich as Chief Justice of Minnesota, who was removed ; and, about the same time, Alexander Wilkin was 124 EXPLOBEBS AXD PIOXHEBS OF MIXXESOTA. appointed secretary of the territory in place of C. K. Smitli. The eighteenth of December, pursuant to proclamation, was observed as a day of Thanks- giving. EVENTS OF A. D. 1852. The third Legislative Assembly commenced its sessions in one of the edifices on Third below Jackson street, which became a portion of the Merchants' Hotel, on the seventh of January, 1852. This session, compared with the previous, formed a contrast as great as that between a boisterous day in March and a calm June morn- ing. The minds of the population were more deeply interested in the ratification of the treaties made ^^^ith the Dahkotahs, than in political dis- cussions. Among other legislation of Interest was the creation of Hennepin county. On Saturday- , the fourteenth of February, a dog-train amved at St. Paul from the north, with the distinguished Arctic explorer, Dr. Kae. He had been in search of the long-missing Sir John Franklin, by way of the ilackenzie river, and was now on his way to Europe. On the fourteenth of ilay, an interesting lusus naturae occurred at Stillwater. On the prairies, beyond the elevated bluffs ■oliicli encircle the business portion of the town, there is a lake which discharges its waters through a ravine, and sup- phed ]\IcKusick"s mill. Owing to heavy rains, the hills became saturated with water, and the lake very full. Before daylight the citizens heard the " voice of many waters," and looking out, saw rushing down through the ra\iue. trees, gi-avel and diluvium. Xothuig impeded its course, and as it issued from the ravine it spread over the town site, covering up bams and small tenements, and, continuing to the lake shore, it materially improved the landing, by a deposit of many tons of earth. One of the editors of the day, alluding to the fact, quaintly remarked, that " it was a very exti-aordinary movement uf real estate." During the summer, EUjah Terry, a young man who had left St. Paul the previous March, and went to Pembma, to act as teacher to the mixed bloods in that \iclnity, was murdered un- der distressmg circumstances. With a bois bnile he had started to the woods on the morning of his death, to hew timber. 'While there he was fired upon by a small party of Dahkotahs ; a ball broke his arm, and he was pierced with arrows. His scalp was wrenched from his head, and was aftenvards seen among Sissetoii Dahkotahs, near Big Stone Lake. About the last of August, the pioneer editor of Miimesota, James M. (joodhue. died. At the November Term of the United States Distiict Court, of Kamsey county, a Dalikotah, named Yu-ha-zee. was tried for the murder of a German woman. 'With others she was travel- ing above Shokpay, when a party of Indians, of whom the prisoner was one, met them; and, gathermg about the wagon, were much excited. The prisoner pimehed the woman first with his gim. and. being threatened by one of the party, loaded and fired, killing the woman and wound- ing one of the men. On the day of his trial he was escorted from Fort SneUing by a company of mounted dragoons hi full dress. It was an impressive scene to witness the poor Indian half hid m his blanket, in a buggy with the civil officer, surrounded with all the pomp and circumstance of war. The jury fotmd him guilty. On being asked if he had anj-thing to say why sentence of death should not be passed, he replied, through the interpreter, that the band to which he belonged would remit their annuities if he could be released. To this Judge Hayner, the successor of Judge Fuller, replied, that he had no authority to release him : and, ordering him to rise, after some appropriate and Impressive remarks, he pro- nounced the first sentence of death ever pro- nounced by a judicial officer in Minnesota. The prisoner trembled while the judge spoke, and was a piteous spectacle. By the statute of Min- nesota, then, one con\icted of murder could not be executed luitil twelve umnths had elapsed, and lie was confined until the governor of the ter- orrity shoiUd by warrant order his execution. EVENTS OF A. D. 1853. The fourth Legislative Assembly convened on the fifth of January. 1853. in the two story brick edifice at the corner of Tliird and Minnesota streets. The CoimcU chose ]Slartin ilcLeod as presiding officer, and the House Dr. Da\id Day, INDIAN FIGHT IN STREEIS OF ST. PAUL. 125 Speaker. Governor Eamsey's message was an interesting document. The Baldwin sctiool, now known as Macalester College, was incorporated at this session of the legislature, and was opened the folkroing .June. On the ninth of April, a party of Ojibways killed a Dahkotah, at the village of Shokpay. A war party, from Kaposia, then proceeded up the valley of the St. Croix, and killed an Ojibway. On the morning of the twenty-seventh, a band of Ojibway warriors, naked, decked, and fiercely gesticulating, might have been seen in the busiest street of the capital, in search of their enemies. Just at that time a small party of women, and one man, who had lost a leg in the battle of Still- water, arrived in a canoe from Kaposia, at the Jackson street landing. Perceiving the Ojib- ways, they retreated to the building then knovs-n as the " Pioneer " office, and the Ojibways dis- charging a volley through the windows, wounded a Dahkotah woman who soon died. For a short time, the infant capital presented a sight similar to that witnessed in ancient days in Hadley or Deerfield, the then frontier towns of Massachusetts. Messengers were despatched to Fort Snelling for the dragoons, and a party of citizens moinited on horseback, were quickly in pursuit of tliose who with so much boldness had sought the streets of St. Paul, as a place to .avenge their wrongs. The dragoons soon fol- lowed, with Indian guides scenting the track of the Ojibways, like bloodliounds. The next day they discovered the transgressors, near the Falls of St. Croix. The Ojibways manifestmg what was supposed to be an insolent spirit, the order was given by the lieutenant in command, to fire, and he whose scalp was afterwards daguerreo typed, and which was engraved for Graham's Magazine, wallowed in gore. During the summer, the passenger, as he stood on the hurricane deck of any of the steamboats, might have seen, on a scaffold on the bluffs in the rear of Kaposia, a square box covered with a coarsely fringed red cloth. Above it was sus- pended a piece of the Ojibway's scalp, whose death had caused the affray in the streets of St. Paul. Within, was the body of the woman who had been shot in the " Pioneer " buildmg, while seeking refuge. A scalp suspended over the corpse is supposed to be a consolation to the soul, and a great protection in the journey to the spirit land. On the accession of Pierce to the presidency of the United States, the officers appointed under the Taylor and Fillmore administrations were removed, and the following gentlemen substitu- ted : Governor, W. A. Gorman, of Indiana ; Sec- retary, J. T. Rosser, of Virginia ; Chief Justice, W. II. Welch, of Minnesota ; Associates, Moses Sherburne, of Maine, and A. G. Chatfield, of Wisconsin. One of the first official acts of the second Governor, was the making of a treaty with the Wiimebago IntUans at Watab, Benton county, for an exchange of country. On the twenty-ninth of .Jiuie, D. A. Robertson, who by his enthusiasm and earnest advocacy of its principles had done much to organize the Democratic party of Minnesota, retired from the editorial chair and was succeeded by David Olm- sted. At the election held in October, Henry M. Rice and Alexander Wilkin were candidates for deligate to Congress. The former was elect- ed by a decisive majority. 126 EXPLOBEBS AND PIONEEBS OF MINNESOTA. CHAPTEK XXIII. EVENTS FE03I A. D. 1854 TO THE ADMISSION OF JUNNESOTA TO THE TTKION. Fifth Legislature— Execution of Yuhazee— Sixth Legislature— Firet bridge over the Mississippi— Arctic F-xpl.Ter— Seventh Legislature — Indian girl killed near Blooniington Ferry — Eighth Legislature — Attempt to Remove the Capital — Special Session of the Legis-lature — Convention to frame a State Constitution- Admission of Minnesota to the Union. The fifth session of the legislature was com- menced ill the building jnst completed as the Capitol, on January fourth, 18o4. The President of the Couufil was S. B. Olmstead, and the Speak- er of the House of Representatives was N. C. D. Taylor. Governor Gorman delivered his first annual message on the tenth, and as his predecessor, urged the importance of railway communications, and dwelt upon the necessity of fostering the in- terests of education, and of the lumbermen. The exciting bUl of the session was the act in- corporating the Mimiesota and Northwestern Railroad Company, introduced by Joseph R. Brown. It was passed after the hour of midnight on the last day of the session. Contrary to the expectation of his fiiends, the Governor signed the bill. On the afternoon of December twenty-seventh, the first public execution m Jilinnesota, in accord- ance with the forms of law. took place. Yu-lia- zee, the Dahkotah who had been convicted in November, 1852, for the murder of a German woman, above Shokpay, was the individual. The scaffold was erected on the open space be- tween an inn called the Franklin House and the rear of the late Mr. J. W. Selby's enclosure in St. Paul. About two o'clock, the prisoner, dressed in a white shroud, left the old log pris- on, near the court house, and entered a caniage with the officers of the law. Being assisted up the steps that led to the scaffold, he made a few remarks in his own language, and was then exe- cuted. Numerous ladies sent in a petition to the governor, asking the pardon of the Indian, to which that oflScer in declining made an appro- priate reply. EVENTS OF A. D. 1S55. The sixth session of the legislature convened on the third of January, 1855. W; P. Murray was elected President of the Council, and James S. Norris Speaker of the House. About the last of January, the two houses ad- journed one day, to attend the exercises occa- sioned by the opening of the first bridge of any kind, over the mighty ^Mississippi, from Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico. It was at Falls of Saint Anthony, and made of wire, and at the time of its opening, the patent for the laud on which the west piers were built, had not been issued fi'om the Land Office, a striking evi- dence of the rapidity with which the city of ilinneapolis, which now siuromids the Falls, has developed. On the twenty-ninth of March, a convention was held at Saint Anthony, which led to the formation of the RepubUcan party of Minnesota. This body took measures for the holding of a territorial convention at St. Paul, which con- vened on the twenty-fifth of July, and WilUam R. Marshall was nominated as delegate to Con- gress. Shortly after tlie friends of Mr. Sibley nominated David Olmsted and Henry ^I. Rice, the former delegate was also a candidate. The contest was animated, and residted iu the elec- tion of Mr. Rice. About noon of December twelfth. 1855. a four- horse vehicle was seen driving rapidly through St. Paul, and deep was the interest when it was announced that one of the Arctic exploring party, Mr. James Stewart, was on his way to Canada with relics of the world - renowned and world- momiied Sir John FrankUn. Gatheiing together the precious fragments foimd on Montreal Island and vicmity. the party had left the region of ice- bergs on the ninth of August, and after a con- tinued land journey from that time, had reached PROPOSED REMO VAL OF THE SEAT OF GO VEliNMEiiT. 127 Saint Paul on that day, en route to the Iludsou Bay Company's quarters in Canada. EVENTS OF A. D. 1856. The seventh session of the Legislative Assem- bly was begun ou the second of January, 1856, and again the exciting question was tlie Minne- sota and Korth western Raih'oad Company. Jolui B. Brisbiu was electeij President of the CouncU, and Charles Gardner, Speaker of the House. Til is year was comparatively devoid of interest. The citizens of the territory were busily engaged in making claims in newly organized coimties, and in enlarging the area of civilization. On the twelfth of June, several Ojibways entered the farm house of Mr. WhaUon, who re- sided in Hennepin coimty, on the banks of the Minnesota, a mile beluw the Bloomingtoii ferry. The wife of the farmer, a friend, and three child- ren, besides a little Dahkotah girl, who had been brought up in the mission-liouse at Kaposia, and so changed in manners that her origin was scarcely perceptible, were sitting in the room when the Indians came in. Instantly seizing the little Indian maiden, they threw her out of the door, killed and scalped her, and fled before the men who were near by, in the field, could reach the house. EVENTS OF A. D. 18.57. The procurement of a, state organization, and a grant of lands for railroad pui'poses, were the topics of political interest durhig the year 1857. The eighth Legislative Assembly convened at the capitol on the seventh of January, and J. B. Brisbin was elected President of the Council, and J. W. Furber, Speaker of the House. A bill changing the seat of government to Sanit Peter, on the Minnesota lliver, caused much discussion. ... — ■-• On Saturday, Febniary twenty -eighth, ilr. Balcombe offered a resolution to report the bill for the removal of the seat of govenmient, and should Mr. Rolette, chairman ed most of the young men of the whites; that only old men and l>oys were left; and if so disimsed they could repossess themselves of the laiul; that they were to be cheated out of their money by the traders, whom they had before accused of de- frauding them; and other wrongs, real or fan- cied, were recited to inllame them. As was usual, a small detachment of troops had been sent to the agency when the Indians first assem- bled, to preserve order. This consisted of hfty men from Fort Ridgely, under t'apt. Jno. S. Marsh, and fifty from Fort Ripley, commanded by Lieut. T. J. Sheehan. Yet, notwithstanduig the presence of these soldiers, guarding the ware- houses, on Aug. 4th, several hundred Indians attacked and broke into one of the buildings, and took about one hundred sacks of flour before they could be stopped. The missionaries, with Major Galbraith, the agent, at length quieted this outbreak. The agent issued some ammuni- tion and goods to them, and persuaded them to disperse, and he ^^•ould send them word when the money was ready for tliem. To this they appeared to agree, and apparently left the agency and went to their hunting-groimds. It was now supposed that the trouble was over, and the troops were allowed, on Aug. 16th, to depart for their posts. But it was only the calm before the storm. All this time bad blood was brewing, and the storm gathering, unnoticed, or at least unheeded by the whites. Only a spark was needed to explode this magazine of savage fury, and that, at length came. There is good evi- dence to believe that during this interval the In- dians were holding councils and " soldier's lodg- es, ■' and had concluded that as the forts were manned by but a handful of soldiers, it would be a good time to rise and sweep away the white race from their old hunting-grounds. On Sunday. Aug. 17. a jiarty of four Indians, be- longing to a band noted for insubordination, were in the neighborhood of Acton, Meeker County, where they had been for several days himting. They were angry and (luarrelsome. They came to the house of a Mr. Howard Baker, where they found him and his wife, and a ^Ir. AVebster and wife. Mr. Robinson Jones and wife and a Miss "Wilson, neighbors, came in soon after. The In- dians had jireviously had a quarrel with Jones, 138 OUTLINES OF THE HISTOBY OF MINNESOTA. which was now renewed. They then proposed shooting at a mark with Baker and Jones, whicli was done. After diseliarging their guns, the Indians at once reloaded, and commenced firing on the whites. Jones and liis wife, and Baker and AVebster were Idlled, and Miss WUson, Mrs. Bal-, they must all unite and exterminate the whites. The other Indians then armed themselves, and at sunrise, Aug. 18, the work of the death commenced, at the Lower Sioux Agency, near Red Wood. It is strongly asserted by other writers, who give good reasons for the beUef , that the Indians collected at the Agency had all ready demanded on the massacre, and commenced it on the 18th. without knowing of the events at Acton. The first victim to this hellisli plot was James W. Lynde, a clerk in the trading house of Xathan Myrick. He was a man of fine attainments, and had written a work on the History and Religion of the Dakotas, which was just ready for publi- cation. Three other persons were killed at the same store. At Forbes' trading liouse. near by, George II. Spencer, the clerk, was badly wounded, when his life was saved by the interposition of a friendly Indian, named Chaska. who protected him mitil he recovered. Other wiiite persons in and near the Imuses at the agency, were either killed or wounded, within a few minutes. At this point the Indians ceased their carnage, in order to plunder the stores and government ware- houses, and this delay enabled Rev. S. D. Hin- man and some other whites, to escape to Fort Ridgely, spreading the alarm as they went. After a brief time spent by the savages in rob- bing the stores, they continued their w.>rk of car- nage ui every direction. They were soon joined by the warriors of the other bands, and, to the number of two or three hundred, spread through the settlements for several miles up and down the river, murdering all the whites whom they coidd find, excepting a few young womem, whom they took captive, and m many instances burnmg the houses of the settlers. Meantime, the wliites at the upper, or Yellow ^letUcine Agency, some thirty miles distant, were in ignorance of these dreadful scenes, and of the danger which threatened them. It was not until nearly night when John Other-Day, a Christian Indian, brought them the dreadful news, and warned them to save their lives. The whites, sixty-two in niunlier, at once took refuge in a warehouse; but llight seemed the only safe course, and before daylight the next morning, the\' were on their way across the prairies to- wards Ilendei-son, the men on foot, and the wo- men and children, with S. B. Garvie, who had escaped from his warehoiise. after being badly wounded, in wagons. The noble Other-Day piloted them tndy and skillfully. This party, after great hardships, arrived safely at the settle- ments on the Miiniesota river, and thence to St. Paul, though Mr. Garvie died on the way. The two missionaries, Messrs. Williamson and Riggs, also escajied, with their families, after suffering much hardship. On Monday morumg, August 18th, about three hours after the first outbreak at Red Wood agency, a messenger from that place arrived at Fort Ridgely, twelve miles disbvnt, with the startling news. Captain Marsh. Company B, Fifth Regiment, then in command, at once dis- patched a courier to Lieutenant Sheehan. Com- pany C. Fifth Regiment, who, with his detach- ment, had left the post the morning previous on his return to Fort Ripley, and also to Major Gal- braith, who had left at the same time for St. Peter, with about fifty recruits, called the "Ren- ville Rangers." en-route for Fort Snelling. urging them to retvirn at once. Captain Marsh at one.' left for the scene of carnage, with fortj'-four men on foot. After a forced march, he arrived about 2 o'clock P. jr. at the ferry opposite the Agency, near which place they found nine dead bodies. They were met here by Rev. Mr. Hinman, on his way to the fort, who cautioned Capt. Marsh against an ambuscade, and warned him to retuni, as tlie Indians greatly outnumbered his force. Captain ^larsli, who was a very brave but very rash man, would not listen to the advice, declaring that he could '-whip all the Indians," or something to that effect. Arriving at the ferry, his men were drawn up on the bank, in plain sight, when three or four huutlred Indians concealed in the thickets THE SIOUX MASSACRE. 139 near by, poiired a volley into them. Nearly half of his men fell dead or mortally wounded at the first fire, some of them pierced with twenty bid- lets, while several others were woimded, but managed ultimately to escape ; some (jf them not reaching the fort for three days. The survivors of tills sudden attack (Captain Marsh being himself uninjured) fell back from tlie ferry towards the fort, keeping up a running fight amidst the thick timber on the river bottom, but against terrible odds. Rushing up to the fallen soldiers, the savages tomahawked those still living, and tore the scalps from most of them, inflicting also nameless bru- talities on their corpses. All the fine Springfield muskets carried by the dead, and their ammuni- tion, fell into the hands of the redskins, and were subsequently used by them, with deadly effect, at the sieges of FortBidgely and New Ulm, and tlie battle of Birch Coolie. The remams of the fallen heroes were ultimately interred at Fort Ridgely, and the legislature, some years subsequently, caused a fine monument to be erected there in honor of their bravery. For some time a hot battle raged in the forest, Capt. Marsh and his men retreating towards the fort, contesting the ground, inch by inch. Find- ing that his men were falling fast, and that the enemy was gathering in force ahead of him, so as to cut him off, he determined to cross the river, so as to gain the open prairie on that side, and reach the fort, if possible. lie had now but thir- teen men left. At their head he attempted to ■yvade the river, but was drowned while so doing. His men got over in safety, and made their way to the fort about dark. Out of the forty-four who had left it that morning, twenty-four were dead. Thus ended the Battle of Redwood Ferry, the first engagement of the war. Tlie Indians, it is thought, lost only one or two warriors. Flushed ^\ith this easy victory in their first encounter with our troops, the Indians now con- sidered that the way was clear for their bloody war of extermination. They scattered iii every direction, carrying death and torture to the homes of all the settlers within reach. For several days the work of carnage was a^^•ful. No pen can describe the horrors of that bloody week. So sudden and unexpected was the outbreak, and so insidious and skulking the mode of warfare of the savages, that the inliabitants were overtaken at their various pursuits and butchered in cold blood, without any chance of flight or resistance. Most of them were European immigrants who had re- cently settled on the frontier, and were quite un- acquainted with savage warfare and treachery. But few of them possessed effective fire-arms, or weapons of any kind, uideed, and even if they had these, so sudden and stealthy was the onset, that resistance would have been unavailing. The savages generally went about on these raids in squads of eight or ten, well armed. In many instances the treacherous devils would advance boldly and with friendly demeanor into houses with whose owners they were acquamted, as if to ask for food, (as was their custom, for the set- tlers had always freely supplied them) ; when all at once they would shoot down or tomahawk the imsuspecthig inmates, perhaps the very per- sons who had many limes fed them when hun- gry. In a few instances children, and sometimes adults, fled unobserved while this work of death was going on, and escaped a like fate by skulking in the grass or bushes, from whence they were often compelled to witness the cruel tortures practiced on the other members of their family, or flee for life with the death shrieks of the suffer- ing victims ringing in their ears. Some of those who escaped thus, w^ere rescued many days sub- sequently, after enduring incredible hardships, skulking by day around deserted houses, endeav- oring to find food, and wandering by night tlirough the trackless waste, towards the settle- ments. Delicate women, carrying or leading ui- fant children, thus traveled scores of miles to some place of safety, sometimes wounded and sick and almost naked. Many perished from hunger, exposure or wounds. Others lived, to suffer for years from their injuries, There were literally hundreds of such incidents as the above, and a full narrative of these adventures and escapes woidd fill volumes. No record can ever be made of them, and the fate of many will never be known until the last day. The cruel barbarities practiced by the savages on their victims, was another sickening feature of the massacre, and its bare recital makes one shudder. All the fiendish cruelties that their savage nature and pent up hatred of the pale faces could suggest, they wreaked on their vie- 140 OUTLINES OF THE HISTOBY OF MINNESOTA. tims, a people who had always been their friends and benefactors. The wounded and dying were scalped or tomakawked out of all semblance of Inimanity. The bowels of many were gashed open, and their hands and feet, or other members, cut off and thrust into them. Children were slashed with knives, eyes gouged out, ears or hands cut olf , or skulls smashed with war clubs. Some of these survived even such awful wounds. Babes were thrust living into stove ovens, and there left, to roast to death. Pregnant women were ripped open, and their nnl)om babes torn away, and thrown into their face, or nailed to a door or tree, for their dying gaze to witness. But few women, comparatively, were killed outright. Instant death would have been a more merciful fate than they were resers'ed for. Frequently delicate young maidens were tied, or held by the fiends, and repeatedly outraged by the band of captors, some actually dying in the hands of their tormentors* or if they survived, led into a cap- tivity of horrors. But let us draw a veil over these atrocities. After the murder of the inmates of a house, pillage was the next step, and the torch was then generally applied to it, oftentimes the wounded victims, unable to escape, being burned to death. Day after day the columns of smoke rising here and there showed where the various bands of de- mons were plying their work of destruction, while night after night the sky along the frontier was lurid with the light of burning homes. Two or three thousand dwellings were thus destroyed, in addition to three entire to^^iis. Cattle were shot from mere wantonness, and others left to starve, with no one to attend them, Horses were saved for the use of the marauders, hundreds of them being stolen, and in many instances the savages were observed riding to and fro in fine buggies and carriages. As the houses of the settlers were generally isolated from each other, the news of the out- break could not reach the more remote and scat- tered, in season to save them. Along the main roads leading to the settlements, the alarm was spread by fugitives, after atlay or two, and this fact enaliled thousands to save their lives who would otherwise have fallen. Abandoning houses, crops, cattle— everything, hastily seizing some food and clothing, and harnessing their teams, they fled towards New Ulm, Fort Ridgely, St. Pet«r, Mankato, Henderson, and other towns along the river. Some even pressed on to St. Paul. Soon the roads were literally crowded with a panic-stricken cavalcade, on foot, on horseback, in all sorts of vehicles, hurrying along with blanched faces and nervous trepidation. Many were pursued and shot at (some killed, even) while flying, and all had horrid stories to relate. Lieut. Gov. Doimelly, on Aug. 26, wrote from St. Peter: " You can hardly conceive the panic existing along the valley. In Belle Plaine I found 600 people crowded in. In this place there are between 3.000 and 4,000 refugees. On the road between Xew Ulm and ilankato were over 2,000. Mankato is also crowded. * * * Their property in the mean time abandoned and going to ruin." The condition of these throngs of fugitives, crowded into the small towns, was pitiable. The handful of men who survived the massa- cre at Eedowod Ferry, and made tlieir way back to Fort Kidgely, found that post already crowded with panic-stricken fugitives from the sirr- rounding country. All night these poor settlers arrived from every direction, many of them wounded, having left portions of their families murdered, and their homes in flames. In every direction, all night long, the sky was reddened with the light of burning houses. It was a night of terror and despondency. About ten o'clock on Tuesday morning, the inmates were gladdened with the return of Lieutenant Sheehan and his command, who, on being overtaken the evening liefore by the messenger sent out to recall them, had made a forced march of sixteen hours. Lieutenant Sheehan at once took command of the post, and in connection with Sergeant John Jones, of the regular army, post ordinance ser- geant, took effective measures to put the fort in a defensible condition. All the civilians who were fit for duty, were armed, or put on guard, and even the women were employed making cart- ridges, running bullets, &c. No attack was made that day, however, although Indians were seen watching the fort. [The warriors were busy at- tacking New T'lm, as will be seen a little farther on.] About noon on Monday, the messengers and guard in charge of the $70,000 in gold, reached THE SIOUX MASSACRE. 141 Fort Eidgely, and remained there during the siege. Let us now follow Mr. J. C. Dickinson, of Lower Agency, the messenger sent from Red- wood to recall Maj. Galbraith from St. Peter. Maj. G., so well satisfied was he with the loyal promises of the Indians, had left the agency with some volunteers for Fort Snelling. His family were at Yellow Jledicme, and escaped from that place. He, with the " Renville Ran- gers,'" Lieut. O'Gorman, had arrived at St. Peter Monday evening, when ^h: Dickinson reached there, with the startling news. It was at first discredited, but he at once made preparations to return, with the Rangers, and a company of vol- imteer citizens. He immediately dispatched "Wm. H. Shelley, of St. Paul, who was with him, with a message to Gov. Ramsey, asking military aid. Shelley rode at full speed all night, and reached St, Paul, nearly one hundred miles distant, at 10 o'clock p. M. Tuesday, spreading the news as he passed dowli the valley. Gov. Ramsey at once took steps to send troops to the scene of blood. But of this anon. Monday night was spent by the soldiers and citizens at St. Peter in organizing companies, searching for arms, making cartridges, etc. Early on Tuesday morning, the bells were rung and the inhabitants called together. Great excitement prevailed, but a company was at once organized. Hon. Chas. E. Eliindrau, associate justice of the Supreme Court, was elected captain, and "\V. B. Dodd, first lieutenant. Teams, wagons, camp equipage, etc., were hastily collected. JSIajor (ialbraith, with the Renville Rangers, and others who accompanied them, armed as well as could be possible, left St. Peter at 6 A- m., and after a hard march, reached Fort Ridgely (Forty-five miles distant) the same eveiung. Just as they arrived at the fort, a furious thunder- gust came up. In the darkness and rain they got into the fort safely, although hundreds of Indians were watching it, and must have seen them but for the storm. There were now 2-50 fencible men in the fort, and the crowd of fu- gitives hourly increasing. These were cared for as well as possible, the hospital being- full of wounded. Meantime a company of sixteen horsemen left St. Peter (Tuesday) for the aid of New Ulm, which was reported by fugitives to he in great danger. At one o'clock the same day, Hon. Chas. E. Flandrau left for the same place with 100 well armed men, on foot. Let us uow give some accoimt of the SIEGE OF NEW ULM. This town was on the south bank of the ilinne- sota River, thirty miles, by land, from St. Peter, and eighteen miles below Fort Ridgely. It con- tained about ]..")00 mhabitants, mostly Germans. On Monday mornhig, Aug. ISth, a party of citizens left New Ulm to recruit for volunteers. When some seven or eight miles west of new Ulm, they found several dead bodies lying in the road. Con- vinced that the Indians had risen, they retraced then- steps, but on their way back were fired on, and several of the party killed. The rest fled to town and gave the alarm. At the same time, fugitives came in from other directions, near the town, all telling horrid tales of butchery. This created a great panic in the town, and many fled to St. Peter. All that day and night, and next day, fugitives contuiued pouring into the place. The leadmg men of the town at once took steps to organize for defence. Arms were collected, barricades erected, sentinels posted, and every- thmg done which could be, to repel an attack. These precautions were taken none too soon. About four o'clock on Tuesday, a party of mount- ed Indians appeared on the prairie above the town, and dismounting, advanced on the place. The few men who had arms, at once attacked them, but most of the people gathered into the houses in the center of the toiMi, panic stricken. Fortunately, soon after the attack commenced, the fifteen horsemen from St. Peter arrived, and at once began a vigorous defence. The savages burned several buildings on the west edge of th town, and kept up a hot fire on the people with- in the barricade. The St. Peter cavalry soon made such a brave advance on the Indians, that they were compelled to retire, about dark, sev- eral having been killed. During the engagement, the whites lost several, killed and wounded, also. About nine o'clock, in the midst of a furious thunder-storm. Judge Flandrau, with over one hundred men, reached the town, and were warmly welcomed. Vigorous efforts to organize for defence were at once made. Judge Flau- Ii2 Ol'TLIXES OF THE IIJsTOEY OF MISXESOTA. drau was r-lioseii commauder-in-cliief . Capt. Dodd. provost niarslial. i^c. Small leiuforcements con- tinued to ani\e from ^lankato and other points, and liy Tlmisday. 325 armed men were gnarding the town. Wednesday passed without any alarms, and scouting parties were sent out in va- rious directions to bury the dead, of which a number were foiuid. Let us now glance at the condition of things AT FOKT KIDGEI,T. About three o'clock on AVednesday, the 20th, the first attack was made on this post, probably by the sjime force who had been at New Ulm the evening previous. It is thought five himdred Indians were engaged ui it. CouceaUug them- selves in the wooded ravines near the post, the savages suddenly advanced on it with horrid yells and a volley of balls. The suddenness of the on- set almost threw the garrison off their guard, and two of the soldiers were killed at the first fire. The men speedily rallied, however, and fought bravely. Sergeant Jones \\as cpiickly at his gims, two (i-poimdere and one 24-pounder, but on at- tempting to fire, they wotdd not go off. On drawing the charges, he found them stuffed with rags! Some treacherous half-breeds had done this dastardly act, and then deserted to the enemy. Assisted by a citizen, J. C. AVhipple, who had served in the Mexican war, and Sergt. McGrew. of Company t". he soon poured several romids of cannister and shell into the thickets, amongst the foe, killing and wounding a number. The savages then succeeded in crawling up be- hmd some old outbialdings and hay-stacks, from which they poured fixrious voUeys into the fort. Sergt. Jones soon set these on fire with shells, and drove the savages off. At dusk the light of this fire, and the noise of the artillery, impressed the people at New Ulm and other places in the vicinity with the belief that the fort had fallen. But when night closed down, the savages with- drew. The garrison remained on arms aU night. One great danger was the dryness of the roofs' V Inch could have been ignited with '• fire-ar- rows."" A close watch was kept, and Providence favored the beleagured force, for late at night a heavy rain-storm commenced falling, and contin- ued imtil next day. entirely averting this danger. The large stables of the fort, about thirty rods tlistant. were perfectly filled with government mules, and horses brought in by the fugitives. These the Indians succeeded in getting out and stampeding. The ne.xt morning (Thui-sday) the attack was renewed aVwut 9 o'clock, and lasted hotly for an hour, when the savages retreated, but again at- tacked the fort about 6 p. ai.. when another en- gagement took place, and lasted about an hour. But their efforts to capture the fort were useless. They found it too well defended. It could have been taken liy charging into it. but this Indians are afraid to do. ileantime the garrLson was be- coniuig worn out with loss of sleep atid continual labor and fightuig. Xearly five hundred refugees were crowded into its small buildings, where they were compelled to he on the floor to avoid the bullets of the foe, which swept Uke a hail- storm through the windows. To add to the trou- ble, many were becoming sick, and the stores both of ammunition and provisions, and even water, were rimnuig low. That night, as subsequent evidence revealed. Little Crow and his forces returned to the Lower Agency, where he found the upper Indians, whom he had sent for. arrived. This increased his force to 4.j0 warriors. Large numbers were also marauding among the settlements, as far east as Forest City and as far south as Lake Shetek. Confident that with this large force he could take both Fort Eidgely and Xew Uhn, he now moved on tlie former post. During the night, however, the garrison had strengthened its weak pomts with great skill and success. Earthworks had l)eeu thro^\Ti up. bar- ricades erected, out of cordwood, sacks of grain, etc.. and other defenses pro^^ded. while the can- non were statitmed so as to conmiand the most exposed points, and the riflemen posted where they could do the greatest execution. About noon the Indians appeared m greater numbers than on either previous attack, and commenced an assault so determined and furious, it seemed as if they were confident that this time the post must fall. But as they advanced, yelling like de- mons, the gumiers sent a storm of grape and can- nister amongst them, while the riflemen poured volley after volley into them, and the savages re- treated from this hot f;re. They .soon rallied and took possession of the stables and otlif r outbuild- THE SIOUX MASSACRE. 143 ings near the fort, and kept up a terrible fire from tliem. A perfect storm of balls poured into the frame buildings in the fort, sometimes passing clear through them. Several soldiers were hit, and some civilians (one being killed), though all the non-combatants kept well concealed. E inally Sergt. Jones was compelled to fire the outbuild- ings with shells, and drive the savages out. Soon the flames and black smoke rolled up, and, with the yells of the Indians, the rattle of small arms, and the thunder of the cannon, made an exciting scene. For five hours the battle raged hotly. Little Crow was heard repeatedly order- ing his warriors to charge into the fort, and sev- eral times they gathered for that purpose and started, but Sergt. -Jones would send a storm of shell or camiister among them, and drive them back. It is thought numbers of them were Mlled in this attack. About dark their lire ceased, and the night was passed in quiet, but there were few slept around the post except the non-combatants. All the men were under arms all night, being five nights of weary vigil and sleeplessness. The garrison were well nigh worn out, and expected another day of iiard fighting. The sun rose, but no signs of In- dians. Work was contmued on the fortifications, which were greatly strengthened. While thus engaged, a large body of mounted Indians (said by Louis Robert, who counted them, to number nearly 1,000) were seen coming down from the Lower Agency on the opposite side of the river. Tliey did not, however, cross to the Fort Ridgely side, but kept on towards New Ulm. It now became evident that the latter place was their objective point, and the garrison breathed freer. Still, they knew not what a day might bring forth, and kept up their working and watching. Let us now return to NEW ULM, and see how that beleagured town fared. After the battle of Tuesday, befoie described, no at^ tack had been made on the town, though small parties of Indians, doubtless scouts, were once or twice seen near the place. This interval of quiet was spent in erecting barricades, and other works of defence, and in taking such steps as seemed necessary, in case of another attack. About ten o'clock A. Ji. on Saturday, the 23d, the Indians (movuited) appeared in great force on the prairie above town, and our forces were at once posted on the open ground in tliat direction. The Indians first approached slowly, but when about a mile from our line, increased their speed, and gradually sprea \\ith the Sioux Nation, a tract of land for a military reservation, which was ' described as follows : "From below the confluence of the Mississippi and St. Peter, up the Mississippi to include the Falls of St. Anthony, extending nine miles on each side of the river." By this treaty, as ratified by the Senate, the United States stip- ulated to pay two thousand dollars |S2. 0(101 for the lands thus ceded. The reserve, thus purchased, by Lieutenant Pike, was not used for military purposes until February 10th. 1819, at which time, to cause the power of the United States government to be fully acknowledged by the Indians and .settlei's of the Xorthwest. to prevent Lord Selkirk, the Hudson Bay Company and others, frcmi establish- ing trading posts ou United States territory, to better the condition of the Indians, and to de- velop the resources of the country, it was thought expedient to establish a military post near the junction of the Mississippi and the St. Peters. Accordingly part of the oth V. S. Infantry, com- manded by Lieutenant Colonel Henry Leaven- worth . was despatched to select a site and erect a post. They arrived at the St. Peters in Sep- tember (1819) and went into cantoimient on the south side of it, near where the town of Mendota now stands. The first monthly report was rendered for Sep- tember. 1819. During the ensuing winter (1819-20) scurvy raged amongst the troops, referring to which. General H. H. Sibley, in his address before the Minnesota Historical Society, says : "So sud- den was the attack, that soldiers apparently in good health when they retired at night, were foinid dead in the mornmg. One man who was relieved from his tour of sentinel duty, and stretched himself upon a bench, when he was called four hours after, to resume his duties, was found lifeless." In May, 1820. the command left their cantonment, crossed the St. Peters, and went into summer camp at a spring, near the old Baker trading house, and aliout two miles above the present site of Fort Snelling. This was called "Camp Cold Water." During the summer the men were busily engaged in procur- ing logs and other necessary materials for the REDUCTION AND SALE. 163 work. All preparations were being made to com- mence building the new post, which was called "Fort St. Anthony;'' the site selected being that of the present military cemetery. But in August, 1820, Colonel Josiah Snelling, 5th U. S. Infantry, having arrived and assumed command, selected the site where Fort Snelling now stands. W'ork steadily progressed, the troops perform- ing the labor, and on September 10th, 1820, the corner stone of Fort St. Anthony was laid with due ceremony. During the following winter (1820-"21), the buildings of the new post not being habitable, the troops were quartered in the cantonment of the preceding winter. The first measured distance between Fort St. Anthony and Fort Crawford (Prairie du Chien), was taken in February, 1822, and was given as two hundred and four miles. Work on the post was pushed forward with all possible speed. The buildings were made of logs, and first occupied in October, 1822. The first steamboat, the Virginia, arrived at the post in 1823. A saw-mill was built, the first in Minnesota, by troops from the post, in 1822, and the first lumber ever sawed on Rum River, was for use in the construction of the fort. Minneapolis now includes the mill-site. The post continued to be called Fort St. An- thony >mtil 1824, when, upon the recommendation of General Scott, U. S. A., who inspected the fort, it was named Fort Snelling, in honor of its founder. In 1830 stone buildings were erected for a four company infantry post, also a stone hospital and a stone \\all nine feet high surrounding the post. These buildings were not actually completed, however, until after the Mexican War. Notwithstanding the treaty made by Lieuten- ant Pike, the Indian title to the Fort Snelling Reservation, did not cease until the treaty of 1837, which was ratified by the Senate in 1838. and by which the Indian claim to all lands east of the Mississippi, including said reservation, ceased. In 1836, before the Indian title ceased, many settlers located on the reservation, on the left bank of the Mississippi. On October 21st, 1839, the President of the United States issued an order, by virtue of the act of March 8d, 1807, " An act to prevent settle- ments being made on lands ceded to the United States, until authorized by law," directing the United States Marshal to remove squatters from the Fort Snelling reserve, and if necessary, to call on the commanding officer at Fort Snelling for troops to assist him in executing his order. Ac- cordingly, on the 6th of May, 1840, a few of these settlers, having received the necessary notice, were forcibly removed by the Marshal, assisted by IT. S. troops from the fort. In 1837, Mr. Faribault presented a claim for Pike Island, part of the reservation purchased by Lieutenant Pike, in 1805. This claim was based on a treaty made by him with the Dakotas in 1820. A military reservation of seven thousand acres, at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, was set aside by the President, on May 25th, 1853, In November fol- lowing, the President amended his act of May 25th, and reduced the reservation to about six thousand acres. The first map of the Fort Snelling reserve was made by 1st Lieutenant James W. Abert, Corps Engineer, in October, 1853. Pursuant to the act of March 3d, 1857, which extended the provisions of the act of March 19th, 1819, authorizing the sale of certain military sites, the Secretary of War sold the Fort Snelling reserve, excepting two small tracts, to Mr. Frank- lin Steele. The articles of agreement between the board appointed for the purpose on the part of the United States, and Mr. Steele, were dated June 6th, 1857, and were approved on the second day of July following. The reservation and build- ings thereon were sold for ninety thousand dol- lars, one-third to be paid on July 10th, 1857, and the balance in two equal yearly installments. The first payment (§30.000) was actually made, July 25th, 1857, on which date Mr. Steele, in pur- suance of military authority, took possession of '. said property. The troops were withdrawn from the post previous to Mr. Steele's occupancy there- of. Mr. Steele having made default in the two remaining payments, the United States entered into possession and occupancy of the reservation and post, on April 23d, 1861. By act of August 26th, 1862, the Fort Snelling reservation was reduced and defined as follows : 164 FOBT SJS^ELLING. ■' Beginning at tlie middle of the channel of the Mississippi ISiver below Pike's Island : theme ascending along the channel of said river in such direction as to include all the islands of the river to the mouth of IJrown's Creek ; thence up said creek to Kice Lake ; thence through the middle of Rice Lake to the outlet of Lake Ame- lia ; thence through said outlet and the middle of Lake Amelia to the outlet of Mother Lake ; thence through said outlet and the middle of Mother Lake to the outlet of Duck Lake ; thence through said outlet and the middle of Duck Lake to the southern extremity of Duck Lake; thence in a line due south to the middle of channel of the St. Peter's River; thence down said river so as to include all the islands to the middle of the channel of the Mississippi River; reservhig fur- ther, for military purposes, a quarter section on the right bank of the St. Peter's River, at the present ferry, and also a quarter section on the left bank of the Mississippi River, at the present ferry across that stream." ^Ir. Steele presented, on February tith. 1868, a claim against the United States government for the possession and occupancy by U. S. troops, of said post and reservation ; which claim exceeded in amount the original jiurchase with interest. By act of May 7th. 1S70. the Secretary of "War was authorized " To select and set apart for a permanent military post, so much of the military reservation of Fort Snelling, not less than one thousand acres, as the piiblic interest may require for that purpose, and to quiet the title to said reservation, and to settle all claims in relation thereto, and for the use and occupation thereof, upon principles " of equity." In pursuance of which act, the Secretary of War set apart for a permanent tuilitary reservation tifteen hundred and thirty-one aiid twenty hundredths acres, de- fined as follows : '■Beginning at a point where the south line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-two, township twenty-eight north, of range twenty-three west of the fourth jirinciiial meridian, intersects the middle of the main chan- iiel of the ^Sliiniesota River ; thence west to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of sec- tion thirty-two. town and range aforesaid ; thence north to the northwest corner of section twenty, town and range aforesaid ; thence east to middle of the main channel of the Mississippi River; thence along the nuiin channel of the Mississippi River and the confluence of the ilississippi and 2*Iinnesota rivers at the head of Pike Island and the middle of the ^linnesota River, to the place of beginning, including the officers" quarters. l)ar- racks, &c." A reserve of ten acres granted by the I'nited States to the Catholic Church at Mendota for a cemetery, was also reserved. Mr. Steele executed full release of all claim whatsoever to this prop- erty, and for the use or ocoqiatiou of all property sold to him per agreement dated June 6th, 1S57; in consideration of which, the United States re- leased Mr. Steele from all indebtedness on the purchase made by him. and granted and con- veyed to him the remainder of the so-called Fort Snelling reservation! excepting one small tract), which is defuied as follows ; '• All of sections nineteen, thirty and thirty- one, and all that part of section eigiiteen lying south of Minnehaha Creek, and all that part of section seventeen lying south of ilinnehaha Creek and west of the ^klississippi l^iver; all that portion of section twenty, lying east of the main chaimel of the Mississippi River, including the islands east of said main channel, and the south- west quarter of the northwest quarter, and all that portion of the southwest quarter and of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of sec- tion twenty-one which lies east or northeast of the main channel of the IMississippi River, and all those portions of sections twenty-one, twenty- two and twenty-eight lying on Pike's Island (so- called) behig the entire island, and all that other portion of section twenty-eight which lies east and south of the Minnesota River, except twenty acres, being the south half of the southeast quar- ter of the ni)rtheast quarter of said section, the same being reserved for a Catholic Church and burial ground, where the church and burial ground now are : all that portion of the south half and of the south half of the north half of section thirt>-two which lies west or north- west of the Minnesota River; all the above described lands being in township twenty-eight north, of range twenty-three west of the fourth principal meridian. Also all that portion of sec- tion thirteen lying south of Minncliaha and Rice Lake and east of the creek running between said KEW BUILDINGS AND DESCRIPTION. 165 Eice Lake and Lake Amelia and east of said Lake Amelia, and all land in section twelve that may be included in said Ijoundaries. All of sec- tion twenty-four lying east of the western bound- ary of said reservation (-'reserve selected") and any portion of section twenty-three that lies east of the creek joining Mother Lake and Lake Ame- lia, and the east half of section twenty-five and the east half of section thirty-six, all in town- ship twenty-eight north, of range twenty-four west of the fourth meridian. Also all that por- tion of section five which lies west or nortliwest of the ^Minnesota River; all of section six; all that portion of section seven which lies north of the Minnesota River, and all those portions of section eiglit and eighteen which lie west and north of the Minnesota River; all in township twenty-seven north, of range twenty-three west. Also the east half of section one, and the east half of section twelve, and all that jiortion of the east half of section thirteen which lies north and east of the Minnesota River; all in' township twenty-seven north, of range twenty-four west. The action of the Secretary of War in selecting said reservation and buildings and conveying the above specified lands to ]\Ir. Steele, was appi-o\ed by the President on January 4th, 1S71. A stone prison was erected during the war of tlie rebellion, which is now used as a commissary storehouse. The old stone hospital is now used for offices and laundress' quarters. The new hospital is just completed. Fort Snelling is situated on a high bluff on the right bank of the Mississippi, in latitude 44 deg. 52 min. 46 sec. nortli. and longitude 93 deg. 4 min. 54 sec. west. It is an irregular shaped bastioned { redoubt. A wagon road rmis entirely around the post, and is eight feet below the parade at the gorge, but gradually arrives on the same level at the shoulder angle. The old post is almost enclosed by five Imild- ings, and in form is nearly a rhombus, with a tower at each angle. A new two-story barracks for six companies of infantry and sixteen sets of officers" quarters, was built durhig 1878. The east tower, stone wall, and old guard house, have been torn down. The commanding officer's quarters have been re- modeled during the current year. The water is obtained from a spring about three-quarters of a mile from the post, by means of water wagons. Water is also obtained from the Minnesota River, being forced through pipes by an engine, into a large tank on the west side of the parade ground, but the water thus obtained is unfit for drinking purposes. During extreme cold weather the water pipes freeze up, rendering it impossible to refill the tank except during the open weather. There is a post-oflSce, a telegraph office and a railroad station at the post. ********** The nearest supply depots are at St. Paul, four miles distant from the post, by wagon road, and six miles by railroad. A bridge is building across the Mississippi River at the post. Forage and fuel are obtained by contract. The post and company garden supply vegetables for the garrison. The armament consists of two three-inch rifled cannon, with carriages, model of 1861. The present strength of the garrison is sixteen com- missioned officers and three luuidred and fourteen enlisted men. It is impossible to obtain from the records of the post, the various expenditures for barracks and quarters, and repairs of same, for any definite period. All that I have been able to obtain is that thirty-five thousand dollars (S35,000) was appropriated for barracks and quarters in 1878. It is presumed, however, tliat the required in- formation can be obtained at the Quartermaster ftenerars office. The work, practically, (with few exceptions), has been performed by the labor of the ti-oops, and the cost to the Government cannot be correctly estimated. A site has been selected on the Fort Snelling reservation nimu which to erect buildings for the Headquarters of the Department. The records of the post are very incomplete. It seems, from all attainable evidence, that the records were removed in 1857, when the troops were withdrawn, and have not been returned. It further appears that these records had not been received by the Adjutant (ieneral of the army prior to July 18th, 1866. The last Board of Officers appointed to investigate claims on the 166 FOBT nyELLIXO. Fort Snelling resen'ation met pursuant to S. O. No. 278 A. G. O. dated October 17tb, 1870. I have been unable to find any general order re- ferring to the reservation of 1853 or 1862. or re- ferring to lands sold in 1857 and 1870. The reservation of 1870 was announced in (ieneral Order No. 66. Adjutant GeneraFs office of that year, and was firet surveyed by Captain D. P. Heap. Corps of Engiueei-s. on April 13th, 1871. A new line for the southern boundary was run by First Lieutenant Edward Maguire, Corps of Engineers, on May 7th, 1877. I respectfully submit the foregoing, believing it will cover a few of the points required. I am. Sir, Very Respectfully Your obedient Servant, S. K. Doi'glas. Second Lieut. 7th Infantrv. H I S "J" O R y HENNEPIN COUNTY. CHAPTEE XXXI. INTRODUCTION — 3I0UNDS — INDIANS— EARLY MISSIONARIES — VOYAGEUHS— EARLY EXPLO- RERS—MISSIONARIES — ONE OF THE INDIAN BATTLES — NEW MISSIONARIES. When Livy wrote the history of Home, lie was compelled to admit that facts and fiction had become so intermingled that it was impossible to distinguish the one from the other. The legends of the past were such a mixture of facts, mytho- logical superstitions and wild fancies that it was a relief to reach the restful word "constat" (it is admitted), and Ihid that there was simie ground ujion which all agreed and could stand witli firm feet. Though tlie settlement of Hennepin county was not determined by the flight of birds, and though there was no barbarous uncle or remark- able infants, Romulus and Remus, still there are always, in the growth and settlement of any country, fancies and superstitions that take the form of traditions and bewilder the wisest heads. The machinery of the shrewdest Yankee can never so completely separate a mixture of wheat, cockle and pigeon grass that it can be said— here we have now collected all the wheat, here all the cockle and here all the pigeon grass. The liistor- ian who delays his separating process until after harvest, must have a like experience and will find many a kernel of cockle among his wheat. By beginning thus early, before the first settlers have passed away, we must have a decided advantage over historians who grope among the rubbish of the past, sifting and screening to get the grains of fact as pure as possible. We can talk to-day with eye witnesses of the scenes we describe and hope thus to collect and preserve in almost unal- loyed purity the treasures of history. It must not be supposed, however, that the compilation necessary to furnish a history, such as is here proposed, is an easy task. Though the files of ''the Pi'ess" afford a valuable thesaurus of hiformation, still many choice items have never found their way to the columns of the newspaper and are accidentally unearthed by the historical explorer as he pokes about, as little noticed by the busy citizen as the ragpicker, who with sack and hook is exploring the ash barrel in the rear of the merchants" store. Out of a vast amount of material gatliered by the persistent efforts of these collectors, we purpose to furnish to the public such part as ought to be kept in mind by the present and future inliabitants of this county, and besides furnish entertainment to those who would simply while away an hour among the interesting things of the past, com- paring the old with the new. MOUNDS. Although we are enabled to furnish facts that cannot be questioned in reference to the settle- ment of Ileimepin county by white men. still there are, even in this new country, many old things and many mysteries that can never be ex- plained—mounds built by a people whom we can never know, whose history can never be com- mitted to paper. There are many mounds in this county and we here give them a passmg notice. Archaeologists have divided mounds into tlie following classes: " Altar or Sacrificial Moiuids,"' "Mounds of Sepulture" (or burial), "Temple Mounds," and '-Mounds of Observation," Be- 1(58 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. sides these the>' have found moiiuds that do not a(hnit of classitication under any of these heads — mounds of curious shapes, having such forms as defy conjecture as to their use. These wise heads have spent much time ui con- jecture, and much in measurement, with mathe- matical instruments, to determine data tliat w ill suit their fanciful theories. It is not our pm'pose in this pajier to discuss the antiquity of these mounds, or to speculate on their character. Little attention has been paid to the ver\ numerous mounds found in the county. It may be safe, however, to class them all. at a venture, mider the head of ilounds of Sepulture. The investigations made have re- vealed little except bones, and the evidence of great antiquity is not very clear. This method of burial was certainly in use in recent times among our Indian triljes. Jonathan Carver, in a letter found in this volume, speaks of visithig a mound near St. Paul, in 1767. and witnessing the Indian burial. The custom of this imaginative people was to place the bodies of their dead upon high stagings, overlooking lakes, rivers or beautiful scfnery. which the\ woidd enjoy if living, and leave them there, until at certain intervals, they collected the remains for burial in the mounds. Mounds in this count\ are found overlooking the water of all the princi- pal lakes and rivers scattered through its various townships. As we can never write the history of the builders, we will leave the subject tofutme explorers and more fertile imaginations. IXDI.\XS. After the Mound Builders come the Indians in the occupation of the county. If, as has been claimed, the Mound Builders were the Indians, they must have been earlier settlers of tribes now extinct or driven further south. The present tribes of Indians, at least, come after the Mound Builders. The fanciful names, wild natures and curious legends of this people, will always be associated with much that is poetic, grand and brave. The early settlers of ilinnesota. however, will hold the Indian in execration, and so. too, their children's children for many generations, in con- sequence of the massacre of 1862. AVe must, liowever, refer the reader to the chapters, " Habits I of the Tribes" and -.Massacre of 1862 I earlier in the volume. found E.\RLY MISSIOX.VRIES. It must be left to the imagination of the reader i to picture many of the hazardous experiences I and narrow escapes of the early missionaries, which can never be written. Their motto. •• Ad ^ majorem dei (jloriani ". often exposed them to the tomahawk and scalping knife of the Indian, or to hardships and exposures under which they could but die. The indefatigable explorer is still find- ing new facts to add to the already rich store. I voY.-^GErus. Agaui fancy may run riot among the stories of the ■■Yoyageurs" who. making the love of adven- ture their highway to happiness, spent weeks and months in dalliance witli Indian maidens. Facts ; in regard to these adventures are coming to the I knowledge of the explorer among the curious things of the past. Fancy need not be very wild that discovers, on the streets of our great cities, I half-breeds, bearing unmistakable marks of noble parentage. The fact that Frenchmen . frequently descendants from noble families, but of liroken fortunes, cohabited with the Dakota squaws, rais- ing up sometimes large families, is freely admitted. These half breeds, while in many instances bearing the impress of nobility in countenances, having the high cheek bones and coarse hair of the natives, were often much more reckless than their sires. For. we are assured, that their adven- turous sires frequently solemnized by a veritable marriage, contracts midertaken at first for the diversion of an hour. Their consciences, how- ever, were rather elastic, for the existence of such marriages in their wanderings, seems not to have interfered with others, contracted at home, or with new ones entered into for convenience or diversion at some new camp. The progeny belonged neither to the one race nor the other, and since they could not be ac- knowledged, cared for and educated by the enlightened partner to the contract without ex- posing him to shame, were left to become breeders of strife and contention among the tribes. This is one of the evils that proves that "The effect of contact of the simple minded savage with the deeper and higher life of the intruder is fraught with danger to both." EXl'LOKEliN AyV MISSIOyAHIES. 169 EARLY EXPLORERS. Fatlier Louis Hennepin, born in Inlanders, in 1640, liefame a missionary to Canada, in 1670. He accompanied La Salle in his exploration of the great lakes, the upper Mississippi and its tribu- taries. His " Description de la Louisane" pub- lislied in 1688. and a similar work published in 1697. are said to do more credit to Ids imagination tlian to his priestly character. In spite of tlie claim tliat tliey contain many falsities, both pub- lications are esteemed by las supjjorters and the traducers of his veracity. In 1680, he dis- covered the Falls of St. Antliony, but robbed them of a beautiful Indian name. " Kakabika Irara," (severed rock, curling water) and sul)sti- tuted the name of his patron saint. Le Sueur and Faribault were also distinguished explorers coming soon after Fatlier Hennepin. Next comes Captain Jolm Dtduth, in 1760, also Nicollet. Schoolcraft, Catlin and Featherstonhaugh. Ac- counts of these explorers will be found in another part of the work. They were valual)le contril)u- tors to the information of their day and also contributed to the growth of the territory and subsequently, of the State by their glowing de- scriptions of its resources and healtlifid climate. Jonatlian Carver, in 1767, exhibited liere, what many a genuine Yankee has done elsewhere, good speculating qualities. He was tlie of tlie numerous land speculators. He roamed about much with a keen eye to the main chance, while he at the same time took in the scenery, tlie fu- ture probabilities, and ventured various prophe- cies for the future of the state, predicting that wliat is now St. Paul would soon liave eastern and western communication. His notes and de- scriptions are valuable. 3IISSI0N.\R1ES. Passing over the experiences of tlie earliest missionaries, French .Jesuits — of whom sufficient notice will lie found in the preceding early liistory of Minnesota, by Rev. E. L). Neill— we shall no- tice briefly the missionaries wlio, though late, compared with Father Hemiepin and the Jesuit missionaries accompanying the traders and voya- genrs, are really early in the progress and settle- ment of the county. In a manuscript found at Fort Ridgely, and only partially preserved, writ- ten by James W. Lynde, one of tlie first victims of the Indian massacre of 1862, are found these words in regard to tlie missionary work; " It has been," says Mr. Lynde. '■ a ceasless and untiring effort to promote their welfare "; also. ■' The in- i fluence of the mission among the Uakotas has ever been of a direct and energetic character. Tlie first efforts of the mission were directed more to the christianizing than to the civilizing of the Sioux ; but of late the missionaries, though their exertions in the former respect are not at all abated, have been more earnest in their en- deavors to teach the Indians to plant and till." Mr. Riggs, however, in commenting on this pas- sage, claims that the fruits of the teaching began to show in later years, but tliat the Bible car- ries with it the plow and the hoe, and tliat the missionaries were continually aiming to introduce industrial and mainly agricultural habits among the Indians. Two brothers, who afterwards were ordained clergymen, S. W. and G. 11. Pond, were the first missionaries to settle in the Territory. They came, in 1834, from Connecticut. They threw great zeal into their work, laboring equally for the good of the white man and tlie red. Their I earnest lives, their Christian example and Instruc- j tion came to exercise an important moulding in- I fluence on the moral and religious, and also on the material fortunes of the State. Setting out as tliey did, witliout the patronage of any mission- ary association, theirs may be called a purely Christian enterprise. S. W. Pond, by corres- pondence from Illinois, where he was located, with his brother, (iideon II., who still lived in the old Connecticut honip, planned this private missionary work. On the east shore of Lake Calliiiuu they liuilt a log house. This was the first house erected by a private citizen within the county. They did the work with their own hands. These men were simply laymen l)ut had been well educated. Tliey were soon at work pursii- iug acquaintance with the Uakotas, their purpose 1)eing to secure a thorough knowledge of their language iiiid modes of life. Mr. (iideon II. Pond was eminently successful in this and ob- tained a very complete knowledge of. and was regarded as an authority on Dakota habits and language. With tills in view, he sometimes 170 HISTORY OF HEXXEPIX COUXTr. attached himself to their hunting parties, making long expeditions with these wild tribes. The Dakotas were an association of the fiercest tribes of Xortli American Indians. The Jesuit missionaries liad long before abandoned all attempts to tame their wild natures. Mr. Pond has given many thrilling accounts of the devilish scenes to which he was a witness in the battles between the Dakotas and Chippewas. Similar scenes, re-enacted in 1862. when white settlers were the victims of the tomahawk and scalping knife, have given the inhabitants of Minnesota a just abhorrence of the Sioux and their savage traits. Men are still living who have taken an oath, as sacred as the ancient oaths of conspir- ators, sealed with blood, to ^•Hunl and tthoot Ind- iana wherever thei/ may he frnind." Though we may call such retaliation im-christiau and even murderous, let each man take home the provoca- tion and imagine similar outrages perpetrated on his ovni family, before lie passes judgment. Here is a scene of August. 1838. which was one of the introductory experiences that taught Mr. Pond the character of this tierce people. We give facts condensed from Xeill's account. Peace and friendly interchanges had taken place between the ("hippewas. or Ojibways. of Canada, and the Dakotas. or Sioux, of Minnesota, only a few months before tlie bloody acts, here reported, were enacted. This fact shows the ti'eacherous character of the tribes and how little dependence could be placed on the smoking of the calumet. Mr. Pond had joined a hunting party, consisting, according to Indian custom, of braves, squaws and papooses. During the ab- sence of Mr. Pond and a large division of the Indian party, several Chippewas came to the lodges, and were hospitably entertained and treat- ed witli Indian marks of respect, in accordance with the spirit oiE the existing treaty. During the night, the guests arose and scalped the Dakotas. even including women and children. Among the few to escape was a mother with her papoose. In the flight, the child perhaps saved the mother's life, for it received the death missle that might have proved fatal to her. She notified the other division of tlie party, and they quickly returned to witness a dreadful scene. Several had been killed, sleeping, while others had evi- dently engaged in the death struggle. Mr. Pond's eyes were liere opened to the fierce character of the people whom he had come to draw by cords of love to embrace the •• Gospel of peace." He assisted in digging a grave into which they gathered the severed limbs, heads and mangled bodies of the Dakotas. As he turned away, sickened, from the sight, it must have required a brave heart to hold liim to his work. This act of bad faitli began a series of similar atrocities, undertaken, on the one side or the other, by Chip- pewa or Dakota, in retaliation. In some of these attacks, the white settlers were also sufferers. Cotdd Mr. Pond have looked forward, about thirty years, and seen the wholesale slaughter of 1862, perpetrated by these same savages, w-ho were then friendly to him — could he have believed that, after the labors of many years, both by him. Mr. Riggs. Dr. "Williamson and a host of others, sent here to preach the Gospel — that these tribes would, at a later day. break out witli greater ferocity than ever, it seems almost certain that he would have abandoned his work as the Jesuit missionaries had done before him. It seems as if our government would never awake to a realization of the fact that this anom- oly of tribes, having governments independent of the central government at Washington, can never be productive of good, either to the central government, or to the wheels within the wheels, the tribes tliemselves. Treaties were made with the Ojibwas and with the Dakotas in 1837. That with the Ojibwas was effected by (tov. Dodge of Wisconsin. Altliough. by the terms of this treaty, the right of the Ind- ians to the land ceased, still they continued to roam over it or occupy it at will, uninterrupted by the government, since they offered no hostility to the whites. Their tribal wars, however, con- tinued, causing at times great uneasiness and alarm to the few settlers. We give here a brief account of ONE OF THE BATTLES of which Mr. Pond speaks, in order to emphasize further the ferocity of the tribes, and because the scene was laid in tliis county. The line of pamted warriors marched over what is now the most populous pail of the county, holding a war council within the territory now covered by the city of Minneapohs. It happened in July, 1839. INDIAN BATTLES AND NEW MISSIONABIES. 171 There was a Sioux village on tlie west shore of Lake Calhoun which, from its lodges, was esti- mated to contain about five hundred souls. Their old enemies, the Chippewas, were encamped in strong force further north, on the Rum River, near where Anoka now stands, and so, just out- side the limits of the county. The distance be- tween the camps was about twenty -five miles. The Chippewas were usually the aggressors in the tribal wars and were, according to our judgment, more tricky and more ready to break the treaties, which the whites had induced them to make with each otlier. In the present instance, a party of Chippewas, skulking in the vicinity of the Sioux village, at Lake Harriet, encountered Ru- pa-co-ka-ma-za, son of the chief and nephew of Redbird. killed and scalped him and made good their retreat. The murderous act was at once reported at the village and the Sioux blood was roused to white heat for retaliation. Summon- ing their allies from neighboring villages, they met for a final council on the east bank of the Mississippi just above Nicollet Island. They there went thrf)ugh their Indian mummery and, before niglitfall. set out. four hundred strong. to make a night march and fall on their enemies at dawn. The expedition was successsful. They sur- prised and defeated a body of Chip))ewas, superior to them in number of warriors. The Sioux, how- ever, lost lieavily and Redbird and his son were among the slain. One squaw is reported to have attended the march of the avengers, to wreak on the enemy vengeance for the death of her hus- band. They returned to the village about night, the day of the battle. Seventy scalps were dis- played on the pole in the centre of the village as soon as they returned. Night after night, they repeated the scalp dance. Mr. I'ond. who lived on the other side of the lake, described their orgies as the most heathenish and demoniacal ceremonies. They made night hideous for the few white settlers. It is humiliating to admit that this was enacted within the territory of the United States and under Ignited States jurisdiction, within the memory of many men now living. How much more humiliating to admit that such scenes are repeated to-day among the many tribes whom it pleases our government to recognize as independ- ent. The solution of the ditficuit Indian question ought to be, what of late has been offered to the Poncas. viz., the homestead right with an added provision, requiring the breaking up of these lawless bands, rendering every Indian amenable, like other citizens to the laws, wliose protection he enjoys and whose bounty he receives. NEW MISSIONAlilES. Rev. Thomas S. Williamson. M. 1).. a native of South Carolina and a graduate of Jefferson Col- lege, Pennsylvania, who had been practicing med- icine in Ohio previous to his ordination as a cler- i gyman. was sent out by the American Board of I Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The Board desired to learn through him if they had any call ' for labor here. His report induced them to send I to his assistance Rev. .1. I). Stevens, a native of New York, and Alexander Iluggins. a farmer, with their wives, also, as teachers. Miss Sarah I Poage and Miss Lucy Stevens. This band of ; recruits arrived at Fort Snelling. in 183.5, and ! during that summer Dr. Williamson organized a Presbyterian church at the fort. Rev. Mr. Stevens located and built his house at Lake Har- riet, near the property of Eli Pettijohn. Tlie rest of the party set out for the post of the trader ! Renville, and located at Lac qui Parle. The Ponds soon joined hands with the new comers and the work went on prosperously, having the support of the American Board of Commission- ers for Foreign Missions. In the summer of 183.5, on the second Sabbath in June, the organization of the church at Fort Snelling took place, the first in Hennepin county. The commiuiion was administered on the same day, for the first time in Minnesota. Twenty- two members recieved the sacred emblems. The missionaries from tlie lake, a few settlers from Mendota and some of the garrison of the fort made up this number. The elders of the church were Col. Gustavus Loomis, Hon. H. H. Sibley, tlien a young man in charge of tlie trading post at Mendota, A. (J. Iluggins and S. W. Pond. The First Presbyterian church in MinneapoUs. of which D. M. Stewart. D. D.. is pastor, is a continuation or perpetuation of the old churcli at the fort. It was reorganized in Minneapolis May 22d, 18-53, but dates its first organization at Fort Snelling, June 14th, 183.5. In 1837, Rev. 172 mSTOBY OF HEXXEPIX COl'XTT. Stephen R. Riggs, a graduate of the same college as Dr. Williamson. Jeffereon College. Pennsylva- nia, came with his wife to strengthen the mission. In the Slimmer of 1835. Rev. J. I). Stevens, witli tlie assistance of tlie ilessi-s. Pond, built a house in the woods on the west shore of Lake Harriet. In this house, in the autumn of tliat year, a daugh- ter was born to Mr. Stevens, the first white cliild born in this vicinity. In the spring of 1836, Gideon H. Pond fetumed to Connecticut, where he remained a year, and returned an ordained clergyman. He remained at the Lake Harriet Mission several years after his return. Rev. ilr. Riggs. who joined the mission, as stated, in 1837. moved to Lac qui Parle in the autumn of the same year. Mr. Stevens remained only to the following fall. 1838. when he moved to "Wabasha Prairie as Indian farmer. The subsequent settlement of Hennepin coun- ty *as principally from the good old Xew Eng- land stock by men who came to establish family altars and build churches. Xew Englanders have been called the •• Salt of theEartli" in whatever state tliey liave located. They have given tone to society and modified the government, the religion and the politics. The men have been men of pluck and spirit, and the women strong minded encnigh to assert their position and maintain tlie right, and the rites they brought from the East. They have been the salt of Miraiesota. In fact, to follow out the figure chemically, salts of all kinds, when dif- fused, or held in solution, tend to crystalize in certain fixed forms. .So it is with the Xew Eng- landers. Their entei-prise carries them to every state. They are found diffused through all societies. Wherever they settle, blood tells, prin- ciple prevails, they crystallize in Xew England forms. We have New England forms of society, education and religion, Xew England wives, mothers and Xew England homes. In tlie city of Minneapolis alone there are tifty-one cliurclies and fifty-eight churcli organizations. The ambitious strife for splendor in church architecture is as infectious, to say the least, as the more homely Good Samaritan doctrines whicli the vaulted roofs were built to disseminate. This infection has reached this new country. It exhibits itself in models of architecture, already completed, and ill vast piles now rising to be- come rival structures. CHAPTER XXXII. EARLY SETTLERS — AGRICULTURE — NEW SET- TLERS — THE RESERVATION — THE EQUAL RIGHT AXD IMPARTIAL PROTECTION CLAIM ASSOCIATION OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. M. T. — GROWTH — N.\MES OF THE OLDER SETTLERS —EXTENDING AND MULTIPLYING SETTLE- MENTS—FINANCIAL PROGRESS. Churehes can not grow faster than population comes to build and support them. We must now see who the settlers were, that came in to build up the churches and establish industries to sustain them. The foundation of all industries is Ayricidtioe. The cultivation of the soil is the • only employment that is directly creative of wealth. The farmer takes a piece of land which yielded nothing without care. His care makes it productive of hundreds of dollare each year. In ' other words, he creates value from what was val- ue-less. while'every otherindustry contributes value to the country by changes which it effects in the material furnished. Minnesota has come to be acknowledged as the wlieat growing state of the Union. It will be interesting to note the growth of agriculture in this county, and see who the early settlers were, that came to develop it. As migratory birds, flying both north and south over the State, stop here on their way from the north, and again, at the proper season, com- ing from the south, give us a call, so it has been witli the settlei-s. They have dropped in on us both from the north and from the south. Curi- ously, the first settlers came, like the fall feath- ered visitors, from the north. They, however, only stopped to oil their plumage, and moved on south. Our subsequent settlers came mainly from the east, or farther south, and came to stay. We sliall see who both classes were as tlie cliapter advances. The early attempts at agriculture in Hennepin county were not characterized by those features that mark the beginnings in countries or states, bearing earlier dates of settlement. We cannot entertain the reader by descriptions of crude implements such as wooden plows, but must admit that our pioneers were blessed with many of the modem improvements of scientific farming. THE SWISS COLONY AND NEW SETTLERS. 173 We can only claim for the tiist, courage to try the experiment of farming in so inclement a climate, during so short a season as the summer was found to continue. Lieut. Camp was called plucky, for testing it, but his first attempt proved successful. lie made the experiment, in 1823, at Fort Snelling. His success was very important to the future of the State, for, though several years passed, before the example was followed l)y others, Philamler Prescott, employed as Indian farmer, undertook farming, near Lake Calhoun. This was in 1830, and the first plowing, outside tlie fort. Soon after, others followed. Tlic scttki-xfivm the- north, came in 1826. A colony, forced from their tirst settlement, near Hudson Bay. by an unusual Hood, settled under the protecting wing of Fort Snelling. This colony embraced only Swiss. Tlie names of a few- of them given are Perry, Garvais and Massey. Perry is (lescril)ed as a great owner of cattle, and was called, in consequence, the •' Abraham '' of this region. The purpose of gov- ernment Military Posts seems to have been inter- preted in one way 1)y these settlers, and in ciuite another by the officers of the government. These settlers accused the officers, of the fort, of exerci- sing arbitrary and tyrannical power, and thus frustrating one purpose of a fort, viz., affording protection and encouragement to settlers. This view was sustained by subsequent settlers, who, like these Swiss, wished to settle as squatters on the reservation. The officers of the fort, how- ever, had definite orders from the United States Marshal, to remove squatters from the Fort Snelling Keserve. In accordance with this order, instead of fostering this colony, they subjected them to persecution, even proceeding so far as to burn their buildings. At last, in 1S36-7, they were compelled to abandon lands where they had made their homes for about ten years. Mr. Perry moved to the present site of St. Paul, taking his cattle with him, and remained there until his death. Some moved to other points in this terri- tory, and others to the territory of Wisconsin. Such treatment of emigrants who settled near the fort, operated to discourage rapid settlement. NEW SETTLERS. The arrival of Col. John II. Stevens, with a party of settlers, in April, 1841), was an important event. Col. Stevens was the first settler in Min- neapolis. The party, consisting of ten. stopped first at St. Paul, but soon set out, on foot, to ex- amine tlie Canaan of their liopes, determined to make this their future home. Br. William Dyer, a young physician, who subsecjuently became dis- tinguished in his profession, Alfred Courtwright, a successfid teacher, and seven f.irmers. with the Colonel, constituted the i)art.\ . When they reached Fort Snelling. they, like all their predecessors, coveted the forbidden fruit — the land in the reservation. They pressed on, however, and were fully satisfied to settle at St. Anthony, wliere the land was open for occupancy. Only two of this famous party remained to wit- ness the sul)se(pient marvellous growth of this county, but from them we learn, the country charmed them, beyond any thing they had ever seen. They forgot their fatigue in admiration of the view before them. The inroads of civilization, at that time, were too few to change materiall) the primeval character of the scenery. On the government reservation, on the west bank, was the old mill, and here and there a log house on the east side. These were tlie only marks of civ- ilization on the scene. The scenery about the falls seems to have attracted and delighted the visitors as much in its original beauty, as it does now, in its practical usefulness. The Colonel could not, however, become satis- fied so long as he saw the fair lands on the other side of the river. He and many others were im- patient at the restriction on locating upon and improving these tempting lands. Hy some means, the restriction was removed in fa\or of a few, among wht)ni was Col. Stevens, who then occupied claims within the reservation. The occupancy of such settlers, however, was like that of the early settlers, the Swiss, from the north, simply tliat of squatters. Col. Stevens built a log house in the winter of 1849, and occupied it. with his family, as soon as it was completed. He was, as stated above, the first settler in ^Minneapolis, A few months later, Calvin A. Tuttle, and soon 'Mv. ;SIiller. leaving the east side, joined Mr. Stevens, and built houses near him. Ill the spring of IWoO, C. C. Garvey took a claim adjoining Col. Stevens on the south. The settle- iiieut soon had added tr) its numliers, Hr, L. Fletcher, John Jackins, Edward Murphy. Judge 174 HISTOBY OF HEXXEPIX COl'yTY. Bassett, Charles Hoag, Joseph H. Canney. and others. Their cabins were scattered over what is now Minneapolis, at internals of half a mile or more. They had no churches. Their spiritual food was furnished by fireside instruction, unless, which often happened. Eev. Gideon II. Pond, or some one of the missionaries, preached at the house of Col. Stevens. Camps of Indians were often made in their vicinity, causing interest and excitement, even though tliey created no alarm. Still, they were always thievish prowlers, even when professing the greatest friendship. A ner- vous woman might often be startled by seeing the nose of an Indian or squaw flattened against the window pane^ THE Rf;SERVAT10X. It must be borne in mind, that, at this time, a resers'ation of land for military piuposes, made by a treaty of the United States government with the Indians, in 1S(I.5. through Gen. Pike, existed, covering all the territory, from the junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers, the site of Fort Snelling. up to and inchidijig the Falls of St. Anthony, extending nine miles each side of the river. This extensive reservation included many thousand acres, much more land than was neces- sary for military purposes. It was seen, by ex- plorers, to be very valuable, and covetous eyes were fixed upon it. Squatters took possession, as they have often done of land \uisurveyed Viy gov- ernment, trusting that when it came into market, their rights, as on lands not military, would be respected. In this, however, they were destined to meet disappointment. The government had thrown every possible obstacle in the way of their obtaining a foothold, from the first, and now i)ro- ceeded with the usual formalities of sale. The plats were to be for^\ arded. on a certain day. from Washington, when the sales, of land therein de- scribed, would take place, at public auction, to the highest bidder. Such sales, however, would have been ruinous to those who had occupied claims, and made im- provements, in full expectation of the final right of pre-emption, and entry at the usual govern- ment price. There existed, too. a tacit agreement between the sq\iatters and the oflicers of the fort, that, on the one side, there should be no interfer- ence wth their occupation, and. on the other. there should be a division of spoils, in case the final decision should be in their favor. Speculators were on the alert. They assembled in considerable numbers at St. Paul, intending to bid on the claims. This led to the following or- ganization among the settlers for mutual protec- tion : THEEQl AL RIGHT AND IMPARTIAL PROTECTION CLAIM ASSOCIATION OF HENNEPIN CO.. M. T, The settlers on the reservation had no inten- tion of sitting idly by and seeing their homes sold to intruders ; neither did they purpose to bid on them, themselves, above the usual pre-emption price, one dollar and twenty -five cents per acre. In this dilemma they caUed a meeting and estali- lished this Land League. This was an associa- tion of claimants on the reservation, organized to protect their interests by force, if need be. In a word, they proposed to do all the bidding, on the lands put up at auction, themselves, and to make it impossible for any venturesome speculatt)r to put in a coimter bid. The association numbered one hundred and twenty-five members. They appointed Thomas W. Peirce as bidder for all membei-s of the league. The remainder were to stand around, to intimidate. If a speculator should not be intimidated, but force himself in as a bidder, the membere were to surround him, and hustle him out of range of the sales. This plan was fully matured, and would doubtless, have been carried out to the letter ; for the speeiUatore found the squat- ters resolute, and sustained by public opinion, and it was more than intimated, that the militia, if called on, would, likewise, side with the set- tlers. The speculators appealed to Governor ^Villis A. Gorman, for support at the coming sale, and asked if the troops could be called out. Tlie Governor promised the troops, but intimated that he should instruct them how to load. " How shall you instruct them to load. Governor?" asked a speculator. ■• Blank, by — '." replied the Gov- ernor. The speculators took the hint and the first opportunity to leave. It is probable, that this plan of bulldozing would have succeeded, had not another escape offered. Fortunately, a better method occurred. The plats did not arrive from AVashington, in time for the advertised sale, and it was. necessarily, post- BUDUCTIOK OF THE BESEBVATION. lio poned. Seizing the opportunity, afforded by this delay, a delegation of citizens was sent to Wash- ington, to protest against the measure. Dr. A. E. Ames, Franklin Steele, Judge Meeker, II. T. Welles, and others, were delegates. They left home on the 9th of October, 1854. The commis- sioner of the general land office informed them, on application at his office, in Washington, that the lands must be sold to the highest bidder, ac- cording to the previous notice, to comply with the law. On appealing, however, to the Secretary of the Interior, a stay of proceedings was ob- tained, until the assembling of Congress. Dr. Ames spent most of the winter in Wash- ingtf)n, and on the 8th of March, IHo-J, started for home. He was successful in his undertaking. A bill passed Congress, in consequence of his en- deavors, reducing the reservation, and allowing settlers the usual privileges of goverimient land entries. Commissioner Wilson made Dr. Ames the messenger, to convey to the land office in Minnesota, the laws and regulations, under which the subsequent entries were made. The general government had learned, by a painful experience, and under similar cir- cumstances, in Xew York State, where the set- tlers on the Holland pmchase combined, and in Wisconsin, where the Fox River settlers com- bined, and in other states, that men united for mutual protection, must be respected. The poor doctor came near paying dearly for his success. An Arctic storm caught him, just on the threshold of his home, in southern Minne- apolis, and he nearly perished witli cold. The news of the reduction of the reservation had reached home before him, and a general rush for locations followed. In April and May, 18.55, the settlers were able to " prove up " and obtain title to their lands. Thus ended, in a quiet and orderly way, what might have proved a danger- ous and even bloody disturljance. Now begins THE GROWTH OF HENNEPIN COI^NTY. The lands on the east side of the river, outside the reservation, had been taken, and tlie previ- ous settlement was on that side. The rapid im- migration, and the prospective value of lands on the west side, led to warm contests among the the conflicting claimants. Litigations followed in great numbers, furnishing to lawyers fat fees. their first golden harvest. The rapid influx of 1855, was the natural consequence of the reduc- tion of the reservation. The attractive lands on the west side, had long tantalized the immigrants as well as the older settlers on the river. Before our dates advance further, let us look back at a few of the NAMES OF THE OLDER SETTLERS. Lieut. J. B. r. Russell, acting Q. M. of the regular army at Fort Snelling, who built the old government mill and the house near by, in 1822. B. F. Baker, long the principal fur trader, in what is now known as Hennepin county. He was a famous man in trade and in the chase. He btiilt the stone part of the St. Louis House, near Fort Snelling, which was burned several years since. Peter Quinn located here in 1 823, and had su- pervision of the Indian farms. He came from the fur company of Labrador to Pembina and finally, to this county. Samuel J. Fiuley, son-in-law of Quinn, came with him. Claims at St. Antlumy, occupied by Peter Quinn, Finley and one Joseph Reachi. a Canadian voyageur, were, subsequently, pur- chased by Franklin Steele. Next comes an important person, whose name has figured in the public affairs of this county, J. R. Brown. He took a claim near the month of Minnehaha Creek, in 1820. His was the first claim within the present limits of the county. He abandoned it, however, four years later, with- out much improvement. Leaping over a few years, to 1837, we find two very important names, Franklin Steele and Mar- tin McLeod. The former made a claim on what is now a part of the East Division of Minneapolis, and butlt a small log house near the corner of Second Avenue South and Main ' street. Two other log cabins were built the same year, one above and one below. Martin McLeod came by the northwest plains, from the Hudson Bay colonies of Selkirk, to Lac- Traverse. In company with him, in this rash expedition, were Capt. J. Pays, formerly of the Polish army, and Richard Hays, an Irishman. The party had, for a guide, Pierre Bottineau, whose name has become familiar, as a resident of St. Anthony. His two companions perished in 176 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY, the snow, near Cheyenne River, but he made his way, with the guide, to the house of J. R. Brown, liaving been five days without food, and twenty- six days without seeing any one except his party. Tlie liospitable reception of ilr. Brown was fully appreciated, we may suppose, after the hardships of the previous twenty-six days on snow-shoes. H. P. Russell arrived at Fort Snelling, in 1839. He made the journey from Lake Pepin, on foot, suffering much frtim want of food. Alexander Graham acted as his guide. Mr. Russell is still living. His present residence is on Hennepin Avenue, near Twenty-eighth street. The development of Minnesota begau in 18.S4. During this year, H. H. Sibley, came out as part- ner of the American Fur Company, to superin- tend their interests, from Lake Pepin to the Can- ada line. H. M. Rice, N. ^\'. Kittson, Edmund Rice, 1). Olmstead, and others, came soon after Mr. Sibley, and became identified with the pro- gress and growth of the material interests of the state. Their names are found on the map of the state, attached to counties and townships, that have thus attempted to honor their memories. The treaty with the Chippewas, which was ef- fected by Governor Dodge, of Wisconsin, in 1837, ceding the pine valley of the St. Croix and its ti'il)utaries, to the United States, greatly accele- rated the development which began three years previous. During the same year, also, a deputa- tion of Dakotas, at Washington, ceded all their lands lying east of the Mississippi. These things opened the way to EXTENDING AND MULTIPLYING SETTLEMENTS. Bloominyton was first settled in lS.")l-:2, by WiUiam Cliambers, Joseph Dean and Reuben B. Gibson. They settled above Nine Mile Creek. Eden Pruirk was first settled in 1852, by Da- vid Livingston. Hiram Abbott, the Mitcliells. and others. Richfield Was settled in 1852, by :\Iark Baldwin, Samuel Stough. and S. S. Ciowell. Excelsior was settled in 1853, by a colony of about forty families, under the guidance of George Bertram, ilr. Bertram selected tlie site. on the south side of Lake Minnetonka, in June of the previous year. After the planting of this large and prosperous colony, the settlement of the country surrounding went on rapidly. Early in 1852. Simon Stevens and Calvin A. Tuttle visited Minnetonka. They are supposed to be its first white visitors since 1822. In that year, J. R. Brown, John .Snelling, Samuel Wat- kins, and Mr, Stewart, discovered the lake while on an exploring tour through this part of the county. Mr. Stevens made a claim at this time, 1852, just below the outlet of the lake, and built the first saw-mill in Hennepin county west. Dining the year, James Shaver settled on Second Lake, and in December following, A. E, Garri- son and a Mr. Robinson located a claim at the present site of Wayzata. These were the first settlers on its north shore. In February, 18-53, Stephen Hull built tlie first house at the Narrows. In April, 1853, William Lithgrow settled near tlie upper Lake. He was drowned in the lake, in February, 1854. Xear the mouth of tlie Crow River, a settlement was begun in the fall of 1853, by E. H. Robinson and Jlr. Baxter. We have thus marked a few of the nuclei of settlement. Most of these settlers were from New England. . Their early training and educa- tion had fitted them for what they were to en- counter. Around these centres gathered the rapidly hicreasing population. Their sterling qualities and patient courage attracted settlers, as iron tilings are attracted to a magnet. Thus the county has continued to fill up. In 1853, an ■ estimate, probably a generous one, put the popu- lation at 2.0(1(1. In 1880, the census shows it (i(j,590. It is admitted that the growth of the State of Minnesota has been more rapid than that of any other state, not only in population, but in wealth, education, and internal iniiiriivements. Hennepin county is so situated that it necessa- rily partook largely of this wonderful growth. Indeed, the enterprising character of the settlers of this county contributed largely to the unex- ampled growth on the part of the state. Much is often said of the power of that genius in certain men. wliicli enables them to foresee future cities on barren lands, immense possibili- ties in things not yet developed. This power, however, must be valueless without the magnetic power to attract men, combine forces, and thus produce, almost create the result sought. The wonderful growth of Jlinneapolis is proof enough of the character of the men who have settled FINANCIAL PROGRESS— MILLS. 177 liere, and tlie progress tlirougliout the rouiity has heen largely clue to tlie )irogress at Minneapolis. The organization of the Hennepin county Ag- ricultural Society took place in 1858. Its pur- pose was to encourage improvements in agricul- ture and stock in the county. The lirst officers, appointed September 7th, 1853, were, J. W. Dow, President ; J. H. Canney. Secretary ; Col. John H. Stevens, Chairman of the Executive Commit- tee. Seconding these efforts for improvement. Col. Stevens imported some Devonshire cattle, at considerable expense, and little ultimate profit to himself. These efforts led to and initiated the improvements since made in methods of agricul- ture and stock-raising in the county. FINANCIAL PROGRESS. The taxable property of Hennepin county, in 1862, according to Goveronor liamsey's message, was $43,529. In 1880, only twenty-nine years later, the official records show- the assessed valu- ation. $38,183,474. From the records of 1879, are taken the following statistics : "Wild Hay, tons, 26,168 ; Timothy Seed, ))usliels, 109 ; Apple Trees, growing, 127,088 ; Apple Trees, bearing. 20,995 ; Apples, bushels, 7,714 ; Cirape-vines, bearing, 6.o85; Grapes, lbs., 15,510; Strawberries, qts., 29,586 ; Tobacco, lbs., 913 ; Maple Sugar, lbs., 19,723; Maple Syrup, gals., 1,306; Sheep, num- ber sheared, 7.326; Wool, lbs., 496.272 ; Cheese, lbs., 4,665 ; Bees, number of hives, 873 ; Honey, lbs., 14,233; Milch Cows, 6,658; other Cattle, 2,155; Hogs, 6,888; Horses, 7,717 ; Mules, 211. CHAPTER XXXIII. MILLS, MANUFACTORIES AND SETTLERS^>LEANS OF TRANSPORTATION — NAVIGATION — KAIL- ROADS— GENERAL DESCRIPTION— RIVERS AND LAKES— GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY —SOIL AND VEGETATION— ZOOLOGY— CLI JI ATE— ED- UCATION. We have thus far named those settlers who came to make claims, and have thus become iden- tified, more or less,with the agricultiu'al progress 12 of the county. Other inducements brought here another class of settlers, to build mills and inau- giu'ate manufactories. The Falls of St. Anthfiny affords the greatest and most available w'ater power in the Ignited States. Besides, there are other minor falls in the county, utilized to some extent. The first improvement, of any kind, in Henne- pin county, consisted in the building of the old government mill and a house near it, in the spring of 1822. Lieut. J. B. F. Russell, built them, acting in his capacity of Q. M. in the reg- ular army. This was the first mill in Miimesota. In July, 1847, Win. A. Cheever bought of Mr. Steele, on the east side, nine-tenths of the water- power. He made the purchase for Eastern capi- talists, among wliom were Rol)ert Rantoul and Caleb Cushing. Ard. Godfrey came from Maine, in the fall of 1847, to build Mr. Steele's mill. John McDonald and Ira Burroughs came at the same time, and were engaged in the same enterprise. Robert W. Cummings, Henry Angell, Capt. John Tap- per, and William Dugas went up the Swan River to cut timber for the new mill. Daniel Stanch- field took another party and opened another lum- liering camp, on Rum River. In the spring of 1848, the mill was ready, and the sawing began. In September, two saws were running. The set- tlers now began building frame houses. The lumber, from the mills, helped on the settlement of the county. An unusual freshet occurred in 1849, which swept about 6,000,000 feet of logs over the falls. Fortunately, Mr. Steele had about 2.000,000 feet on the upper streams, secure. These were brought down, and the mills continued running. In 1852. Simon Stevens built the lirst saw-mill in IIennei)in county, «'P.s7. on the claim wliicli he took at the outlet of Lake Minnetonka. The building of saw-mills was the initial step in the great milling interests of this county. In 1848, the enteriirise of mill building took a start from the building of a dam from Hennepin Island to the east shore, and locating four saw-mills on it. In 1856-7, however, the two great incorporated companies, that now control the power, took hold of its development. " The St. Anthony Water Pouxr Company" took control of the water-power, from the centre of the channel, on the west side 178 HlS'lVliY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. of Hennepin Island, to the east shore. " T)ie Muineapolis Mill Cojiijxniy "" took control of the remainder, viz.. from the centre to the west shore. Tlie lumbering establishments have done more for the growth of Miinieapolis. and Hennepin county, than any other industry. The future development of the county may depend on other manufactories, but the past must give the credit to lumber. In ISOO. four years later, the repc»rt for the whole state gives -562 manufacturing establish- ments, with S2.38S.310. capital invested. In 1874. Minneapolis, alone, pnxluced manufactured goods to the amount of S15.00U,0U0. The last census, 1880, shows that Minneapolis had, in 1879, 406 manufacturing establishments, employ- ing S8,61.j.2o0 capital. 7.723 hands, paying, in wages, S3,651,66S annually, using 13.972 horse- power, water and steam combined. The value of manufactured goods produced in 1879, was §29,473,424. The Falls of St. Anthony furnish a water- power with a fall of 82 feet and a width of 1200 feet. It is capable of driving twenty times the present establishments. The companies in con- trol, are ready to make liberal arrangements with parties bringing capital to develop further the capacity of the falls. Full statistics of the man- ufactures of ^Minneapolis will be found in an- other chapter. 5IEAN.S Ol" TltAXSPDKTATIOS— XAVKiATIUN. For se\eral years after the rapid growth of Minneapolis began, the question of transportation was a vital one. Though St. Paul was as high a point as the large steamers of the Mississippi could reach regularly, through the season, it was found that lioats coidd reach ^Minneapolis or St. AutlKiny. as that part of the city was then called, during a part of the season, in high water, and that boats of light draft might be depended upon for regular transportation, during the boating season. It will not be possible, in this outline history, to enter into the details of the discussion which continued so long over the point, whether St. Paul or Miiuie;ipth. of the same year. It originally formed a yy.nt of Dakota county. OBOANIZATION OF COUNTY— OFFICIAL RECORD. 183 The bill provided tliat " So much of Dakota county as lies north of the Minnesota River, west of the Mississippi, and east of a line commencina; at a place known {is the Little Rapids, on said Minnesota River ; thence in a direct line north by west, to the forks of Crow River ; thence down said river to its junction with the Mississippi." The bill further provided that Hennepin county be attached to Ramsey, for judicial purposes. "Until further provided for." For elective pur- poses it was to remain, as then, in conjunction with Dakota county, so far as related to tlie elec- tion of a councillor and two representatives, un- til the next apportionnient. Section 3 of the bill provided that, " ^Vhen the treaty of Mendota, concluded with the Dakota Indians, should be ratified by the United States Senate, the county of Ileiniepin shall l)e entitled to elect, at the next general election, such county and other officials as the organized counties were entitled to."' Section 4 provided that the county commissioners elected, should be authorized to establish the county seat temporarily, " Until the same is permanently estal)lished by the legisla- ture, or authorized votes of the qualified voters of .said county." The county was f(n'mally organized on the :21st day of October, 18o2. Eleven days previous, an election was held at the house of Col. John H. Ste- vens, at which 73 votes were polled, representing about one-half of the voters residing in tlie coini- ty. Another voting place was fixed at Mendota, for the accommodation of those living along the Minnesota River. Previous to the election, a mass-meeting was held, at which the following ticket was nominated, irrespective of party: Representative, Dr. A. E. Ames ; County Com- missioners, Alex. Moore, John Jackins, Joseph Dean; County Treasurer, John T, Maim ; Reg- ister of Deeds, John H. Stevens ; District Attor- ney, Warren Bristol ; Sheriff, Isaac Brown ; Cor- oner, David Gorham ; Judge of Proliale, Joel B. Bassett; County Surveyor, Charles W. Christ- mas ; Assessors, Edwin lledderly, Eli Pettijohn, S. A. Goodrich : Road Commissioner, George Parks. The entire ticket was elected without opposition, and the parties named became the first officers of Hennepin county. They were nominated and elected without effort on their part, and in many instances, against their ex- pressed wish. The first meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held on the 21st of October, 1852, Alexander Moore being chosen chairman. Dr. H. Fletcher was the first Justice of the Peace before the county organization, and Edwin Hedderly the first Justice after the county organization. Politically, little need be said of Hennepin comity. In its earlier days, and until the organization of the Republican party, the contest for political preferment, was between the old Whig and Democratic parties, the latter usually being in the ascendency. Xow. in con- sequence of the death of some of the giants in the land, the masses could no longer be held to the old lines. The Whig party died with Clay. Political chaos throughout the country followed. Down went Whig and Know-Nothing, and out of the ruins was built the Republican party It is not important to give the position of politicians in this state during the political chaos. Since, the RepubUcan element has, with a few exceptions in local politics, been the ruling factor. In State and Xational politics the county is largely Re- publican. OFFICIAL UECORD of State, Judicial and Legislative officers of Ilen- nepm comity. The first Territorial Legislature convened September ;^d, 1S4S), and adjoiuned the first of the following Xovember. The county was represented in the Council by John Rollins and Martin McLeod, and in the House, by Win. R. Marshall, Win. Dugas, Fifth District ; Ale.xis Bailey and Gideon H, Pond, Seventh District. Second Legislatuir, Jan. \M to March 31.isf.— Alfred E. Ames. AVith the adoption of the state constitution, a new apportionment named as the Fourth District. " So much of Hennepin as lies west of the Missis- sippi River ": that portion east of the river, as the Twenty-third District. The result of the first fall election, imder the new constitution, was. Senate — 4th Dist., Erastus X. Bates. Delano T. Smith : liSd Dist.. Jonathan Chase. Home-- 4th Dist., R. B. Gibson. George H. Keith. Wm. S. Chowen ; 23d Dist., "\Vm. H. Townsend. L. C. Walker. Xo session of the legislature was held during the winter of 1858-9, owing to the extra session just preceding. At tlie October election, liow- ever, the following officers were elected from Hennepin county, though they never took their seats: floi/.sf — W. D. Washburn, A.C.Austin, R. B. McGrath, and A. Gould ; Senate— 23d Dist., David Heaton. Second Legislature. 1859-bO. — Senate. 4th Dist., Jesse Bishop. R. L. Bartholomew : 23d Dist.. D. A. Heaton ; House, 4th Dist.. J. P. Abraham, Henry B. Mann. A. C. Austin. Irwin Shrewsbury : 23d Dist., D. A. Secombe. G. P. Balihvin. In 1860, another apportionment occurred, nam- ing Hennepin East as the Fourth District, and Hennepin West as the Fifth. Tliird Legislature, 1861.— Senate. 4th Di«t.. Da- vid Heaton : oth Dist.. R. J.Baldwin; House, 4tli Dist.. Jared Benson. G. Y. Mayhew : 5th Dist. F. R. E. Cornell. AVentwcntli Hayden. Fourth Ltyislaturt. 1862. — Senate. 4th Dist., David Heaton; oth Dist., R. J. Baldwin; House, 4th Dist.. J. H. Allen, Jared Benson : 5th Dist., F. R. E. Cornell. John C. Past. Fifth Legislature, 1863.— Senate. 4th Dist.. Da- vid Heaton ; oth Dist., R.J.Baldwin; House, 4th Dist., Dwight AVoodbur\ . H. J. Croswell ; 5th Dist., A. C. Austin, R. B. McGrath. Sixth Legislature, 1864.— Senate. 4th Dist.. John S. Pillsbury: oth Dist.. Dorilus Morrison ; House, 4tli Dist.. Jared Benson, Jonathan Firren ; 5th Dist., John A. Coleman, Gilbert Graham. Seventh Legislature, 1865. — Senate. 4th Dist.. John S. Pillsbury, Dorilus Morrison ; House, 4th Dist.. F. M. Stowell, Stephen Hewson ; 5th Dist.. Cyrus Aldrich. F. E. E. Cornell. Eighth Legislature. 1866. — (The apportionment this year did not affect Hennepin, east or west.) —Senate. 4th Dist.. John S. Pillsbury ; 5th Dist., C. H. Pettit ; House. 4th Dist.. E. W. Cutler. A. E. Hayden : 5th Dist.. Aaron Gould. Jonas H. Howe. Xinth Legislature, 1867.— Senate. 4tli Dist.. J. S. Pillsbury; 5th Dist., J. C. "Oliitney ; House. 4th Dist.. H. F. Blodgett : 5th Dist.. A. E. Ames. Aaron GJould. John Seboski. Tenth Legislature, 1868 -Senate, 4th Dist.. Jolui S. Pillsbury ; 5th Dist.. C. H. Peftit; House. 4th Dist.. Samuel Ross; 5th Dist.. C. D. Davison, Chas. H. Clark. John H. Hechtman. Eln-aith Legislature. 1860.— Senate. 4th Dist., William Lochren ; 5th Dist., C. H. Pettit ; House, 4th Dist., A. M. Fridley; 5th Dist.. C. D. Davi- son. A. K. Hall, Chas. H. Clark. Twelfth Legislature, 1870.— Senate. 4tb Dist., AVilliam Lochren: 5th Dist.. C. II. Pettit. OFFICIAL RECORD— JUDICIAL RECORD. 185 House, 4tli Dist., A. M. Fiidley. A. K. Hall. E. A. Rice, J. II. Pond. Thirteenth Leyisk(tun\ 1871.— Senate, 4th Dist., John S. Pillsbury; -jtli Dist., C. H. Pettit ; House, A. M. Fridley; 6th Dist.. W. D. Wasli- buin, A. U. Hall. A. J. rndeiwoud. Ajjportionmcnt of 1871. — Under this apportion- ment, Hennepin East Ijecame a part of tlie :2.3tli Distriot, and Hennepin West formed tlie 26th and 27th Districts. The 2.5th Distrift was given one senator and two representatives, tlie 2t)th a senator and four representatives, and the 27tli a senator and three representatives. Fourteenth Leyislature,lS72—SenA\.e.2'A\\ Dist.. A. C. Morrell; 2Bth Dist., Levi Butler: 27tli Dist., Wm. P. Anlieny ; House, 2.5th Dist., Fraulc- lin Whitney, John H. Strong ; 26th Dist., A. J. Underwood, C. II. Clarlv, C. F. Adams, Loren Fletdier; 27tli Dist., A. R. Hall, Z. Demeules, F. L. Morse. Fifteenth Legislature, 1873.— Senate. 2.5th Dist.. John S. Pillsbury ; iitith Dist., Levi Butler; 27th Dist., R. B. Langdon ; House, 25th Dist., James MeCann, Daniel Anderson; 2()th Dist., 0. B. Tii-rell, Loren Fletcher. Chas. II. Clark, ('. F. Adams; 27th Dist., A. R. Hall, Z. Demeules, M. r. Comerford. Sixteenth Legishilure. 187-1. — Senate. 2.5lh Dist., John S. Pillsbury ; 2tJth Dist., Levi Butler; 27th Dist., R. B. Langdon; House. 2.5th Dist., C. F. Woodbury, Lyman Brown ; 2(ith Dist., C. B. Tir- rell, Loren Fletcher, C. F. Adams, C. II. Pettit ; 27th Dist., A. R. Hall. F. L. Morse. John Ilecht- man. Seventeenth Legislature, 187.5. — Senate, 2.5th Dist., John S. Pillsbury ; 2f>th Dist., Levi Butler; 27th Dist., R. B. Langdon ; House, 2.5th Dist., C. T. Woodbury, Daniel Anderson; 26th Dist., C. H. Pettit, C. H. Drake, Loren Fletcher, A. In- gerson; 27th Dist., Geo. A. Camp, Frank L. Morse, Daniel Bassett. Eighteenth Leyishiture, 1876.— Senate, 2.5th Dist., J. B. Gilfillan; 26th Dist., Levi Butler; 27th Dist., R. B. Langdon; House, 2oth Dist., F. Whitney, Daniel Anderson ; 26th Dist., C. II. Pettit, Leander Gorton, John H. Stevens, C. B. Tirrell; 27th Dist., A. M. Reid, Daniel Bassett, Frank L. Morse. Kineteenth Legislature, 1877.— Senate, 25th Dist., John B. Gilfillan; 26th Dist., Levi Butler; 27tli Dist., R. B. Langdon; House, 25tli Dist., D. Anderson, G. W. Putnam; 26tli Dist.. (ieo. H. Johnson, L. Fletcher, W. II. Rouse, J. II. Clark; 27th Dist., A. R. Hall, Andrew J. Smith, Peter Weinant. Twentieth Legislature, 1878. — Senate, 25th Dist., John B. Gilfillan; 26th Dist., Charles A. Pills- bury; 27th Dist., R. B. Langdon; House, 2oth Dist., Geo. W. Putnam. Baldwin Brown ; 26th Dist., W. H. Johnson, H. G. Hicks, J. H. Clark, Ed. :McDerniott; 27th Dist., Frank L. Mcn'se, Peter Weinant. Harry Ghostly. This I^egisla- lure adopted bi-ennial sessions. Ttrenti^-first Legislature, 1879. — ( Xo session, official Roster as follows: ) Senate, 2.5th Dist., J. B. Gilfillan; 26th Dist., C. A. Pillsbury; 27th Dist., E. M. AVilson; House. 2.5th Dist., Jared Benson, Daniel Anderson ; 26th Dist., H. G. Hicks, W. H. Johnson, A. Tharalson, J. Thomp- son. Jr.; 27lh Dist.. John Baxter, (ieo. Iluhn, A. J. Smith. Twenty- first Legislature, Election of 1880. — Senate, 27th Dist., R. B. Langdon; House, 27th Dist., John Baxter, (ieo. Iluhn, A. Roberts. .irDI(I.\L RECORD. Tlie scales of justice were first poised in the old government mill, on the second Monday in July, 1849, by Hon. Bradley B. Meeker, Circuit Judge by appointment of Ciov. Ramsey ; Taylor Dudley, clerk of the court, Franklin Steele, foreman of the grand jurx . The session lasted one week. The first session after the organization of the county, was lield in a small liouse afterwards oc- cupied by Anson Northup. This was in 1852. Sweet W. Case was clerk of the court. Dr. Alfred E. Ames, foreman of the grand jury. The ses- sion was short, only two or three indictments being found, and these quashed by the judge. Following this, in the order given, were Judges A. G. Chatfield. M. Sherburne. Chas. E. Flan- drau, James Hall, Edward O. Hamlin, Chas. E. Vanderburgh, and A. II. Young. Judge Van- derburgh was elected in 18.59. and has since filled the office. Should he continue until the expira- tion of his present term, it would make for him twenty-eight consecutive years. Judge Young was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Hennepin comity, in May, 1872, by Gov. 186 HISTOBT OF HEXNEPIN COUNTY. Austin. At the fall electidii following, he was elected to the ollice for the term of five years. In 1877, was elected Judge of the Fourth Judicial District, under an act of the legislature allowing two or more juilges in one district. LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS WHOSE TERMS OF SERVICE OCCURRED IN THE ORDER GIVEN. Count!/ Atiditrirti—[Unii\ 18.59, the duties now allotted to this otlice were performed by the Reg- ister of Deeds.] Ilobart O. Hamlin, Harlow A. Gale. Anton (irelhen. Jacob Schaefer. Mahlon Black. Francis S. McDonald. Beyisters of Deeds— John II. Stevens, Geo. E. Huy, Chas. G. Ames, Geo. W. Chowen, Robert K. Bryant. James Bryant, L. P. Plummer. ('has. Robinson. Clerks of f'o!n-(— Sweet W. Case, Henry A. Partridge, Ilobart O. Hamlin, John W. Plum- mer, George W. Chowen, John P. Plummer, I). \V. Albaugh. Altiert M. Jerome, Jacob A. "\Vol- verton, E. J. Davenport. Count!) Attorn('!i.'<— Warren Bristol, D. M. Han- son, Isaac Atwater. (Jeo. A. Xourse, James R. Lawrence, Jr., Ashley C. ilorrill. Wm. W. Mc- Xair. John 15. (Jillillan. George K. Kobiuson. John B. GilliUan. David A. Secombe, John B. Gilflllan, Jas. W. Lawrence, AVm. E. Hale. Sheriffs — Isaac Brown, Benjamin E. ^lesser. Benjamin F. Baker. Edw aid Lipjiincott. Richard Strout, John A. Armstrong. Vi'm. Byrnes. Henry G. Hicks, Geo. II. Johnson, Nathaniel R. Thompson, J. M. Eustis. County Trcttsuirni — John T. Mann. Allen Har- mon, John L. Tenny, David Morgan, Joseph Dean, John S. "Walker, O. B. King, Jesse G. Jones, L. R. Palnicr, ^^'. AV. Huntington. Frank Slocum. County Sun«2/ors— Charles W. Christmas, Lew is Harrington, David Charlton, Franklin Cook, C. W. Christmas, C. B. Chapman. C. "W. Christmas. G. W. Cooley, S. II. Baker, Frank Plummer. Coroners — David Gorham, Henry ^lenninger. J. C. Williams, F. A. Conwell, C, H. Blecken, P. O. Chilstrom, Petrus Nelson. A. C. Fairbairn. Court Commissioners — [Otlice created in 1863.] — N. H. Miner, Lardner Bostwick, X. H. Miner, Samuel R. Thayer, .\lbee Smith. Freeman P. Lane. Connty Supvrintt mhnts of Schools — Until 1864. the examination of teachers was conducted by commissioners. At a meeting of the County Commissioners, September 7th, 1864, a resolution was passed authorizing the employment of a Su- perintendent of Schools for Hennepin county. At an adjourned meeting, held September l!)th, J. T. Pribble was appointed, with a salary of S6()i) per year. In I860 re-appointed; again in 186t), with salary raised to ?900 per year. Septeml)er 8th. ]S6i), Rev. C. B. Sheldon was appointed fnmi JanuaiN to April, 1870. At a subsequent meeting the County Commissioners resolved to authorize Commissioner Bartow to employ an examiner of applicants for School Superintendent. Prof. <). A'. Tousley was selected, and conducted the ex- amuialioii in presence of the commissioners, on the oth of January, 1870. On the following day, January 6th, a ballot was taken by the commis- sioners, resulting in a tie vote between Charles Hoag and Rev. C. B. Sheldon. On the 4th of April another ballot was taken, resulting in the election of Charles Hoag for a term of two years, from April oth, 1870; salary ?8o0. At a meet- ing of the commissioners in 1872, jNIr. Hoag was re-elected, and salary increased to §1,000, At a meeting. January 6th, 1874, four candidates pre- sented themselves— B. B. Barnard, C. Allen. I. S. Rankin, and M. Cochran. Mr. Rankin was elected on the third ballot. On the 8th of Jan- ! nary, 1876, C. W. Smith was unanimously elect- j ed, and has been continued in the office on an increased salary, up to the present time. Judges of Probate — Joel B. Bassett, Dr. A. E. Ames, E. S. Jones, Lardner Bostwick, N. II. Ilemiup, Franklin Beebe, E. A. Gove, P. M. \ Babcock, John P. Rea. County Commissioners, 1852 to 1858.— [First three elected at time of county organization, others at subsequent elections.] — Joseph Dean, Alexander Moore. John Jackins, "\V. Getchell. Henry Townsend, Alexander Gould, G. G. Loo- mis, David A. Secombe, (i. AV. Chowen, Nathan- iel Kellogg. 1858— [ County Board composed of chairmen of the several Town Boards and Wards of St. An- thony.] Some strife arose at this meeting over credentials. S. L. Merriman. of Minnetrista, w;\s refused a seat, for want of evidence either of election or appointment. James Crowe was admitted from the Second Ward of St. Anthony. COUNTY OFFICIALS. 187 The chairman admitted to seats, with the Towns anil Wards represented, are liere given : Brook- lyn, E. T. Ailing; Bloomington, Martin Mc Leod ; Corcoran, Israel Dorman ; Dayton, A. C. Kimball ; Excelsior, R. B. McGrath ; Eden Prai- rie, Aaron Gonld ; Ilambnrg, Val. Chilson ; Hassan, Samuel Finical ; Independence, Irwin Shrewsbury ; Maple Grove, A. C. Austin ; Min- neapolis. B. P. Bussell; Minnetonka, Fred Bas- sett ; Plymouth, Francis Hunt ; Greenwood, X. D. Ferrill ; Richland, Joel Brewster ; St. An- thony, First Ward. D. Knobloch i Second Ward. Jas. Crowe; Tliird Ward. W. .M. Ilerron; Fourth Ward, J. C. Johnson; Town of St. .Vntlidiiy. J. B. Gilbert. lSo9— Brooklyn, I). C. Smith; Bloomington. Martin McLeod ; Champlin, W. Hayden ; Cor- coran, P. B. Corcoran; Dayton, W. W. Cate ; Eden Prairie, Aaron Goidd ; Excelsior, George (ialpin ; CJreeiiwood, Jf . D. Ferrill ; Hassan. John Mitchell; Independence, Irwin Shrewbury; Minnetonka, Fred. Bassett ; Minneapolis, IT. C. Keith, Cyrus Aldrich, J. S. Malbon; Maple Plain, C. W. Blowers; Medina, J. A. Coleman; Plym- outh, J. M. Parker; Richfield, Geo. Odell ; St. Anthony, (i. W. Thurber, R. W. Cummings, J. B. (Jilbert. At a meeting of the Board. June •5th, 1860, the county was divided into Commis- sioners Districts as follows : District No. 1 — Second, Third and Fourtli Wards of St. Anthony. District Xn. 2— Brooklyn, Crystal Lake, St. Anthony town, and First Ward of city. District No. 3— Minneapolis. District No. 4 — Minnetrista, Minnetonka, Ply- mouth, Excelsior, Eden Prairie, Bloomington and Richfield. District No. 5 — Champlin, Dayton, Hassan. Corcoran, ^laple Grove. Independence. Green- wood, Medina. Coinmissioncrs, 1800 — R. W. Cummings. II. Fletcher, D. Schmitz. J. B. Ilinkley, Wm. Finch. 1861— A. B. Blakeman. James Sully, Ezra Hanscomb, J. B. Hinkley, William Finch. 1862-3— A. B. Blakeman, H. S. Plummer, James Sully, Wm. Finch, J. 15. Hinkley. 186-t— James Sulley, Sewell Phelps, E. W. Grindall, J. B. Hinkley. 186.5— James Sully, Sewell Phelps, H. S. Plum- mer, II. II. Hopkins. A. B. Blakeman, J. A. Coleman. J. B. Ilinkley. 1866— James Sully, E. W. Grindall, J. A. Coleman, Sewell Phelps, H. II. Hopkins. 1867-8— Sewell Phelps, J. A. Coleman, J. Sully. J. P. Plummer. 1869— James Sully, A. II. Benson, V\'m. E. Evans, Samuel Bartow, David Edwards. 1870— Wm. E. Evans. David Edwards, Samuel ]5artow. Ezra Hanscomb. W. E. Jt)nes. 1871 — Wm. E. Jones, David Edwards, Ezra Hanscomb, J. G. McFarlane. James A. Ball. 1S72 — Wm. E. Jones, Ezra Hanscomb. Davicr»!"(.<— Joseph Braseh. en. August 29. "64, dis. by order July 23. "65. C. II. McCausland. en. Fel)ruary. 29. "64. dis. with regt. John S. Mrllett, en. Mar. 22, "64. dis. by order June 2(1. "65. Drafted — Henry Dryer, en. Jmie 2-5. "64. dis. with regt. Adam Ilohenstein. en. June 2-5. "64. dis. witli regt. Frederick Sluilte. en. Jmie 2o. "64, dis. witli regt. Anthony Trump, en. June 25. "64, dis. by order June 2(1. "6.5. Josepli Palm, en. June 2o. "64, died at Pine Bluft', Ark., Sep- tember 23. "64. C05IPAXT B. Private — George Selon. en. Xovemher 7, '61, re-en. February 2. "64. dis. by order April 29, "6o. COMPANY F. Privattrf: — James H. Deremer. en. November 8, "SI, re-en. Dec. 20. "63, dis. with regt. Baaron Fowley, en. Novemlier 8. "6], dis. for disab. Feb- ruary 5, "63. Neamiah "Warts, en. November 8. "61. dis. on exp. of term. November 14. "64. COMPANY G. Prii-atea — Stephen Rhodes, en. November 6, "61. pro. Sergt., 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., dismissed from service. James "W. Kelsey. drftd. June 27, "()4. dis. for disab. September 23. "64. Frank Hatcher, drftd. June 26. "(U. dis. with regt. COMPANY H. Private — Peter Meurer. recruit, en. September 1. "64. dis, by order July 28, "li-i, Henry Fane, en. "64. dis. with regt. COMPANY T. Privates — David Blackburn, en. November 6. "(il. died at Snyder's Bluff. Miss.. July 19. '(13. Philander Chamberlain, en. Nov. 6. "61. trans, to Co. A. re-en. December "(iH.dis. witli regt. Chas. A. Hale. en. November 6. "61. dis. for disabl. Fredk. Redlon. en. November 6." 61. dis. for disabl. November 7. '63. Peter Yadner, recruit, en. February U. "64. dis. with regt. Augustin Shoret. drftd. June 25, '64. Tenn,, November 29. '64. died at Memphis, THIRD KK(;mENT MINNESOT.\ IXFANTKY. Organized October, 1861, ordered to Nashville. Tenn.. March, 1862, eaptin-ed and paroled at Murfreeslioro. Tenn., July. 1862. ordered to St. Louis. Mo., thence to Minnesota. Participated in the battle of Wood Lake, September, 18t>2, I ordered to Little Rock, Ark., November, 1863. Veteranized Januarv istit. Engaged in the bat- f ' •- • ' tie of Fitzliugh"s Woods. March 30. 1864: order- ed to Pine Bluff. Ark.. April 1864: thence to Duvairs Bluff October 1864: mustered out at Duvairs Bluff. September 2. 186-5: discharged at Fort Snelling. FOURTH REGIMENT MINNESOTA INFANTRY, ' originally commanded by Col. John B. Sanborn. COMPANY A. ENROLLED OCT.. '61. Privates. — Thomas Craig, womided, re-en. De- cember 30, '63, pro. Corp., dis. July 19, '60. Thom- as Small, pro. Corp.. killed by acdl. dis. of gun. October 12, "62. Riifus P. Wells, pro. Corp., 1st Lt. Capt. Co. C, January 7. 64. dis. with regt. Chas. Barkow, recriut, en. '64, dis, with regt. COMPANY B. ENROLLED OCT.. '61. WUliam Knable. Corp., pro. Sergt.. dis. at ex. of term. Oct. 11, '64. Privates — Martin Luther, died September 23, "63. Edward Ziebarth. dis. at exp. of term, Oc- tober 11. "64. Cliarles Ziebarth. re-en. .January 1, "64, pro. Corp.. dis. July 18. "65- COMP.\NY C, ENROLLED OCT.. "61. Privates — Andrew J. Brown, died Jan. 14, '63. Otis B. Bailey, dis. for disab. Oct. 2, '62. Moody A. Bailey, dis. fen- disab.. March 25, "63. Joseph (ioyette. re-en., dis. June 28. '65. for disab. John N. Morrell. dis. for disab., September 12, '62, Benjamin A. Rice, re-en, Jan. 1, '64, pro, Corp,, dis. with regt. Dow Rosenbuig. dis. for disab.. Decemlier 9. "62. Benjamin Robinson, dis. on exp. of term. October 11, '64, John R. Rich, dis., for disab.. (October 23, '62. Thomas II. Reeves, re-en.. Januai\v 1, "64. pro. Corp. .'^ergt..dis. with regt. Morris Woesner. re-en.. January 1. "64. dis. with regt. O. N. Washburn, died at Farm- ington. Miss.. August 15. "62. Carroll Wilkius. dis. exp. term. October 11. "64. FIFTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 195 COJIPANY D. Privates— John Maltcan, en. Aug. 30, '64, dis. with regt. Walter L. Winter, drafted May 27, "64, pro. Corp. dis. with regiment. COMPANY E. Privates — James BilUngs, en. October 10, "61, re-en. January 1, "64, dis. witli regt. Ezra M. Timson, en, October 10, '61, re-en. January 1, "64, dis. witli regiment Emil Caudeaux, sub. January 6, "6.5, dis. with regt. Micliael Ilizer. drafted December 14, "64, dis. witli regt. Leonard Lenzen, en. "64, dis. April 23, '6.5. COMPANY F. Privates — Richard F. Reeves en. November 16, "61, re-en. January 1. "64. pro. Corp. dis. with regt. R. B. Langdon. en. Septenilier 2. "64, dis. by order .June 12. "6-5. COMPANY ' 13, "64, pro. Corp dis. with regt. Andrew Israel- son, re-en. March 20, 1864, died August 24, "64. at Abbeyville, Miss., by wounds. Alfred Jar- vis, wounded in battle Corinth, dis. for disab. Septeml)er 30, "62. Simon Paul, re-en. February 196 HISTORY OF HEXXEPIN COUXTY. 13. '64, pro. Cori>. dis. ^xith regt. ilis. exp. of term March 23. "6o. Severe Reaoh. COilPANT G. James Beaupre. priv. en. April 24. "lii. re-en. February 26. "64, dis with i-egt. C03IPANY I, EXKOLLED APRIL, 1862. Timothy OXeary, Sergt., dis. for disab. De- cember 8, "62. Henry B. Dike, mus., re-en. February 27, "64. dis. with regt. Thomas Quig- ley, wag., transferred to V. E. (". October 17. 1864. Prirates—'S . J. Burns, pro. hosp. steward, transferred to X. C. S. Geo. AV. Calvert, pro. Coi-p. Sergt. re-en. March 31, "64, dis with regt. John Daly, dis for disab. March 5, "63. Daniel Leo, destd. March 14, "63, at Memphis. — Mc- Xame. pro. Coi-p., died July 11, "63. .Jolui Mc- Laughlin, dested. March 14, "63, at ;Memi>liis. Patrick Xoon, dis. for disab. Hugh Weir. pris. paroled dis. by order Jmie 14, "65. COMPAXT K. Privates — Thomas KeiUy, en. March 4, "62, transferred to Company F. Mar 31. "64. Tlios. AValsh, en. January 7. "62, dis. for disab. October 4, '62. SKETCH OF THE FIFTH REGIMENT. IXFAXTRY. JIIXNESOTA VOU-XTEERS. Organized May "62 ; ordered to Pittsburg Landing. May 9, '62. a detachment of three com- panies remaining in ^Mimiesota guarding frontier posts. Participated in the following marches, battles, sieges, and skirmishes : Siege of Corinth. April and May, "62. The detachment in Minne- sota engaged in battle with Indians at Eedwood, Miim., Aug. IS, "62: siege of Fort Eidgely. Aug. 20, 21, 22, "62 ; Fort Abercrombie, D. T., Angust '62. Regiment assigned to 16th Army Corps. Engaged in the battles of luka. Sept. 18. "62 ; Corinth, Oct. 3 and 4, "62: Jackson. Temi., May 14, "63 ; siege of Yicksburg. assault of "\'icksburg. May 22, "63 ; ilechanicsburg, Julie 3, "63 ; Rich- mond, June 15. "63 ; Fort de Eussy, La., March 14, "64 : Red Eiver Expedition, March. April and May; "64; Lake Chicat, June 6. "64; Tupelo. June, "64; veteranized, July. "64; Abbey\'iUe, August 23, "64 : marched in September, "64, from Brownsville, Ark., to Cape Giiadeau. Mo.; thence b\ boat to Jefferson Citv : thence to Kansas state line ; thence to St. Louis. Mo.; ordered to Xashville, Tenn.. Xov., "64; engaged in battles at Xashville. Dec. lo and 16, "64 ; Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, April. "65. Mustered out at Demopolis, Ala, Sept. 6, "65. Discharged at Fort Snelling. SIXTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. origiiiall> commanded by Col. William Crooks. COMP-VNY .\. Privates — .John Wright, en. October 1. "62. trans, to Third Minnesota Battery, May 1, "63. John Chalmers, en. October 1. "62. jiii). Coi-p.. dis. with regt. COMPANY B, ENROLLED OCTOBER, "62. Orlando C. Meiriman. Capt.. res. June 6. "64. William Grant. 1st Lieut., pro. ('apt.. June 6. "64, dis. with regt. August 19, "65. Henry A. Par- tridge. 2d Lieut., pro. 1st Lieut. June 6. "64, dis on expr. of term, July, "65. T. 11. Wheeler, 1st Sergt., pro. 2d Lieut. Jime 6, "64, died December 30, "64, at St. Louis. William Moore, Sergt.. pro. 2d Lieut., January 1, "65, ilis. with regt. F. X. Fleming. Sergt., pro. 1st Sergt., Februai'y 14, "65, dis with regt. L. P. Plummer, Sergt., trans, to 72d colored regt., as 2d Lieut. P. Benjamin. Sergt., dis. with regt. William P. C. Hawk, Corp., dis. for disabl. August 16, '65 Edward R. Xorris, Cori)-, pro. Sergt., dis. for disabl. September 17, "64. Bela F. Burrill. Coi-p., dis. with regt. Leonard T. Young. Corp., pro. Sergt., dis. July 28, "65. Thomas Hanney, Corp., pro. Sergt., dis. with regt. James Lafans. Corp., dis. with regt. Marcus Brownell, Corji.. dis. for disabl., October 11. "64. A. B. Robinson, Mus., dis. with regt. .James H. Jones, Mus.. dis. with regt. F. S. Mitchell. Wag., dis. Ity order. May 3, "65. Primtex — Miles Allen, died August 6, "64, at Helena, Ark. Simeon Auer. transfd. to Y. E. C, October 1. "63. David Angus, dis. with regt. Eben J. Bragdon, died, January 3, "65, at Jef- ferson Barrack.s, St. Louis, Missouri. Henry Brewer, died. Xovember 1. '63, at Fort Snelling. L. M. Bartlow. transfd to Y. R. C. October 1, "63. WilUam H. Bartlow, pro. Coi-p.. dis. with regt. William W. Birch, died Xovember 1 . "64. at Jefferson Barracks. Merrill A. Bailey, transfd to Y. R. C. October 1. "63. Alonzo Birch, died at SIXTH BEGIMENT INFANTRY. 197 Fort Snelling, December 5, '62. James C. Bran- den, (lied Jidy 5, '65, at Mnntftomery. Alaliama. William Batdorf. died September 8, "(U. at Hele- na, Ark. Benjamin Colburn, sick in liospital at dis. of regt., September 7, '65. Francis A. Clay, dis. with regt. John Chalmers, transfd. to Com- pany A. November 1 , "62. Edwin Cooley, transfd to 3d Minn. Batt. Robert Dike, transfd to V. R. C, October 1 , "63. George H. Day, dis. for disab., May 23, 65. Simeon Farrington. dis. for disab., Febrnary, "65. treorge A. Forbes, transfd. to 3d Minn. Batt. George Forsyth, dis. Jnne 2, '62. J. L. Flemming. dis. per order, July 24, "65. M. A. Getchell. dis. for disab. November 26, '62. John Galbraith, dis. for disab. May 31 . '65. Jona- than L. Grave, dis. with regt. Charles T. Grave, dis. with regt. Eben Howe; dis. for disab., March 2, '63. Samuel Howe, dis. with regt. Joel F. Howe, transfd. to V. R. C, October 1, '63. An- drew Huff, pro. Corp. dis. with regt. Charles H. Hopper, dis. with regt. Peter W. Howe, dis. for disab. March 28, '63. Levi T. Hanson, dis. October 11, '64, at Jefferson Bks. L. C. John- son dis. for disab. March 21, '64. Cliarles E. Jenkinson, transferred to V. R. C. October 1, '63. Levi Longfellow, transfd. to N. C. S. as prin- cipal musician, dis. with regt. ]Maich 1, '65. Chas. H. Ijibby. dis. for disali. February 17, '65. A. S. Lane. dis. with regt. August 19, "65. Wesley Lambert, dis. with regt. August 19. "65. S. C. Miller, transfd. to 7th regt. October 14, 1.S62. Ennis :McGary, pro. Corp., dis. with regt. Sam- uel McLean, dis. for disab. May 9, '63. 1'. Mc- Farland. dis. with regt. Robert ilcLeod. dis. for disab. May 9, '63. E. :M. Jlunch, dis. for disali. March 8, '64. Hiram Millet dis. for disab. March 20, '63. Lewis Miller, dis. with regt. transfd, to N. C. S. as principal musician, f)ctober 10, 64. James McManus. dis. at Muntgomery. Ala. July 10, 65. Augustus Miller, dis. for disab. Jlay 8, '63. Thos. O. Xevens, dis. with regt. David Perkins, died in hospital January 26. '63, at Ft. Snelling. Samuel N. Pavitt. dis. foi- disab. No- vember 9. "64. John Rank, dis. with regt. An- drew Ramsey, dis. for disab. ^Marcli 20, '63. Da- vid Ramsey, dis. with regt. August 19, 1865. Daniel S. Styner, pro. Sergt. dis. with regt. Enos P. Stubbs, died October 21, "64. at Helena, Arkansas. William R. Sbeiiard. discharged by order May 3, '65. John 1). Stafford dis, with regt. Richard F. Smith, des. Feb. 9, 63. at Camp Pope. Silas Somers. died November 9, '64, at Jefferson Barracks. Andrew- Thompson, pro. Cori)., dis. with regt. Stephen Talbert, destd. June 2, "63, at Camp Pope. Samuel D. Thompson, dis. with regt. Darius E. Tidd, destd. January 28. "63. at Fort Snelling. John C. A'ast, dis. with regt. Ephriam Whitney, dis. for disabl. February 1 . "63. Franklin Whitney, destd. January 15, "63, at Fort Snelling. Alexander Wood, trans, to Third Minnesota Battery. Urich H. Wilson, dis. for disabl., :May 3, '65. Herman Wolf, destd. Dec- cember 15. "62, while (ui leave of absence. H. :m. Young, dis. with regt. Jesse B. Young, dis. for disabl., March 19. "65. Smvits — Darius A. Keyes. en. March 2. "64. dis. with regt. Ileiuy A. Kenneston. en. ISIarch 2, "64, dis. with regt. Robert Muini, en. March 2. "64, dis. with regt. Theo. A. Norris, en. March 2, '64, dis. with regt. Jas. H. Shimin, en. March 2, ■'64, dis. with regt. John Smithson, en. March 28, '64, dis. with regt. George Stout, en. March 2, '64, dis. per order, August 3, '65. C. O. Thomas, en. April 2, '64, dis. with regt. C. E. Thomas, en. February 24, '64, dis. with regt. J. L. Wakefield, en. February 24, '64, dis. with regt. William R. Champlin. en. February 27, "64. dis. for disabl., June 12. 'no. James Holloran. en. February 25, "64, trans, to Company F., dis. with regt. Luther Huff, en. February 27, "64. died October 10, '64. at Jeffer.son Barracks, Mo. George D. Ingraham, en. February 6, '64, dis. for disabl.. May 18, "65. Peter Jenson. en. Feb- ruary 29, '64, dis. for disabl., December 8. "64. Selah Label, Jr., en. February 16, '64, trans, to V. R. C, January 10, "65. George E. Longfellow, en. March 30, '64, died June 29, '65, at St. Louis. Isaac Mendeuhall, en. Februai-y 27, "64, dis. for disabl., October 24, '64. John B. Robinson, en. February 29, '64, died August 30, '64, at Helena. Ark. Eben M. Rathlione, en. Feliruary 26. '64. dis. per order, August 2. '65. William B. Pal- mer, en. February 26, '64. dis. for disabl., Febru- ary, '65. William C. Fleunning. en. February 29, '64, died December 23, '64, while on sick leave. D. B. Champlin, en. Febrnary 26, '64. died, August 12, '64, at Helena. Ark. COMPANY C, EM ROLLED OCTDliKl!. '62. Frivates — John Barron, dis. for disab. Decem- 198 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. ber 9, "64. Samuel Clark, pro. corp.. dis. with regt. Thomas Hughes, frausfd. to invalid corps, .Taimary 28, "6.5. John II. Kelley. dis. with regt. John Logan, dis. with regt. Ale.\ Leightoii. dis. for disab. April 22, '63. Samuel ilcClay. pro. Corp., 2d Lieut.. 1st Lieut., dis. with regt. Recruits — Joliii Starrett. en. Feb. 27. "64. pro. Corp., dis. with regt. CLuiton L. Babcock. en. Feb. 29. "64. died August li3. 18(54. at Helena. Ark. COMPAXY D. ESKOLLED SEPT.. 18(52. Joseph C. Wliitney, Capt.. com. Capt. and A. Q. M.. Vols. . Feb. 23. '65. Shepherd H. King, 1st Lt., resigned August o, "64. Daniel W. Albaugh, 2d Lt., pro. 1st Lt., October 7, "64, dis. by order December 27. '64. Wm. F. Atkinson. 1st Sergt.. dis. for disab. October 12, '64. Geo. K. Adams, Sergt., died October 12, "64, at Jefferson Barracks. Mo. Geo. E. Case. Sergt.. pro. 2d Lt.. October 7, '64, 1st Lt. January 21, "65. dis. with regt. Elijah Farringtou, Sergt., dis. for disab. Feb. 2-5, ■65. Henry Snyder. Corp., dis. V)y order, May 24. '65. Isaac D. Carr. Corp.. tninsfd. to Y. R. C. Nov. 20, '63. Reuben Robinson, pro. Sergt., dis. with regt. Washington Pierce, dis. with regt. Henry E. Selder. dis. with regt. Elias G. Brown, pro. Sergt., dis. with. regt. John "Wait. dis. with regt. John S. Day, dis. with regt. Geo. A. Cressey , Mus. , dis. with regt. Hannibal Hodson . absent, sick at Xew Orleans when regiment was discharged. John F. Bell. Wag., absent, sick at Memphis, Temi.. when regt. was discharged. Prirates — James Allen, dis. with regt. George Ames, pro. corp.. dis. with regt., October 15, "64. AVilliam C. Brown, dis. per order, June 27, '65. James TV. Baird. dis. with regt. Charles T. Beedy. dis. with regt. Asa D. Brown, dis. with regt. John O, Beden, dis. with regt. Frank S. Coffin, dis. with regt. F. M. Carman, absent sick on dis. of regt. Edgar B. Comstock. dis. with regt. Robert B. Coffin, dis. with regt. S. W. Costellow, died October 23, 1864, at :Memphis. George E. CoUins, died May 14, '65, at Xew Or- leans. Henry Curtis, dis. with regt. M. W. Cotes, died July 31. "64. at Helena. Ark. Rufus E. Draper, dis. for disab.. April 25. "65. Thomas D. Dudley, dis. with regt. Xelson Dulnunie. dis. with regt. Edwin Edgerlw discharged with regiment. Enos W. Ellmau. died September 13, '64, at Jefferson Barracks. C. P. Fletcher. I dis. with regt. Julius Farriugton, dis. for disab. June 23. "65. William B. Franklin, dis. with regt. James S. Foster. tUs. for disab.. October 24. "64, Austin L. Fenlason. dis. with regt. Allen L. Goodrich, on detached service when regt. was dis. Charles E. Galpin, died Septem- ber 13. "64, at Memphis. Joseph Goyette, dis. per order. May 19. "65. Albeii: F. Grove, dis. with regt. Wm. A. Hawkins, dis. with regt. Franz T. Heiss, dis. ^\-ith regt. E. T. Hamilton, dis. for disab. March 20. "63. Geo. A. Hills, dis. per order February 16. "(io. James H. Harmon, dis. per order May 25. "65. Edwin Jackson, dis. with regt. Chas. W. .Johnson, dis. with regt. Jos. A. James, dis. with regt. Thos. P. James, trans- ferred to 3d Minn. Battery, May 1. '63. Henry Jackson, dis. June, 5, "63. Silas Livingston, dis. j with regt. pro. Corp. Charles Lansing, dis. with regt. Levi L. Leathers, dis. with regt. Alfred Loftus. absent sick on dis. of regt. Andrew Lav- j man. dis. with regt. James McComieU, dis. with regt. Wm. W. Mills, dis. with regt. John Mc- Kimball. dis. with regt. Chas. H. Moore, dis. with regt. Wesley XeiU, dis. with regt. Levi Xeill died November 11, '62, at Mankato. James Pratt, dis. per order. May 16. "65. Ezra Paine. dis. per order. May 17. "65. Eddie Powers, dis. with regt. Dean R. Richardson, dis. with regt. Theodore Ray. dis. with regt. John R. Richard- son, dis. per order. May 3. '65. Russell AT'. Rock dis. for disab. January 14. 65. Wm. H. Suther- land, transferred to V. R. C. November 20, 1863, Aretas .Smith, dis. with regt. Albion Stimsou, dis. with regt. George Storrs. transfd to Y. R. C. November 20. '63. AVilliam R. Stimson, sick at Prairie du Chien at dis. of regt. Oscar H. Shepley. dis. per order, June 22, "65. Christo- pher Swagert. dis. for disab. from wds. reed, at 1 Birch Coolie, date unknown. John S. Stoops. ' dis. for disab.. October 17. "64. Darius D. Suth- erland, transfd. to Invalid Corps. Nov. 20, "63. John C. Shrewsberry. died December 9, "62, at Forest City, Miim. Sylvanus Stinson. sick at Prairie du Chien on dis. of regt. Isaiah Thomp- son, died November 17. "64, at Jefferson Barracks. Mo. Willard S. Whitmore. dis. per order. May 16, ■6.i. William H. H. WilUams. transfd. to 3d Minn. Batt.. May 1. '153. i?ccri^. "64. Jerusalem Plank Boads. Ya.. June 22 and 23. "64. Deep Bottom. \i\.. August 14, "64. Hatcher"s Bun. Ya.. Octolier. 27. "64. Hatcher"s Run. Feb- ruary 5, "65. Company C. joined March 27. "65. Took active part in campaign commencing March 28. "65. and resultmg in the capture of Petei-s- bin-g, "S'a.. April 2. "65. and the surrender of Lee"s Army. April 9, "65. Four new companies joined at Berks\ille, \a.. April "65: marched from Berksville. Vn.. to Washington, D. C, May "65. Two new companies joined at A\'asli- ington. Ordered to Louisville. K\.. June "65. Mustered out at Jeffersonville, Ind., July 14, '65. Discharged at Fort Suelliug July 25, "65. HEAVY ARTILLEBY— SHARP SHOOTERS— MOUNTED RANGERS. 205 FIRST REGIMENT HEAVY ARTILLERY, originally commanded by Col. AVm. Colville. Christ. B. Ileffelfiuger. Major, com. April 25, '65, dis. with regt. COMPANY A. Prii-ates.—Vfm. II. Bartlett, en. September 19, '64, dis. with company. John Gotwold, en. Sep- temlier 19, "1)4, dis. June 2, '65, at St. Paul. Richard Hooper, en. Septemljer 19, '64, dis. with company. Peter Iloppe. en. September 19, '64, dis. with com- pany. Gordon Jackins, en. September 23, '64, dis. with company, ilicliael Smith, en. September 29, '64, dis. with company. John S. Wales, en. September 21, "64, dis. '65, absent. COMPANY B. Privates.— James M. Gillaspie, en. September 19, '64, dis. with company. Henry Miller, en. September 19, '64, dis. with company. Henry C. Miller, September 22, '64, transfd to Co. E July 7, '65. dis. per order August 28, '65, Geo. R. Schaffer, en. September 14, '64, dis. with company. Wm. B. Shaffel, en. September 22, '64, dis. with company. Norman Ward, en. September 14, pro. Corp. Sergt., dis. with company. COMPANY C. Irving A. Dnnsmoor. en. Oct. 15, '64, Sergt., dis. with company. R. II. Ogburn. en. Septem- ber 2, '64, Sergt., dis. witli coini)any. COMPANY II. John Hiissey, Jr., 2d Lieut, en. February 17, '65, resigned June 26, '65. L. F. Sampson, 1st Sergt., en. March, '65, dis. with regt. Romain Pouliot, priv., dis. w'ith regt. The First Regiment Heavy Artillery, organized April '65. Ordered to Chattanooga, Tenn., and stationed at post until muster out of regiment, September "65. FIRST COMPANY SHARP SHOOTERS, ENROLLED MARCH, 1862, originally commanded by ('apt. Francis Peteler. Benedict Hipler, First Lieutenant, pro. ('apt. February 10, '62, resigned July 2.s. "62. Dudley P. Chase, Second Lieutenant, pro. First Lieu- tenant February 10, '62, Capt. July 18, '62, died of wounds reed, in battle at Chancellorville Va. Jackson Steward, Sergt. died June 28, '62, at Alexandria, Ya. Uriah R. Penny, Corp. dis. for disab. April 1. "US. Wm. P. Collius, Corp. no record. Privates — Lucius Bell, died January 12, 1862. Jno. W. Babcock, died May 12, '62, at Washing- ton. Preston Cooper, deserted April 17, '63. Daniel W. Jones, dis. per order May 1862. Jas. Kerr, re-en ; transferred to 1st Bat. January 1, '65. Wm. T. Kerr, dis. on exp. of term, Seiitem- ber 22, '64. Henry McGaffery, re-en. transfd. to 1st Bat. January 30, '65. Eugene M(>riai«ty, dis. for disab. February 4, "63. Abraham Maricle, dropped from rolls Aug. 1, "63. Wm. E. Mason, re-en. transfd. to 1st Bat. January 30, 65. Jas. M. Powers, dis. for disab. Jan. 14, '63. Dyer Pettijohn, re-en, transfd. to 1st Bat. January 30, '65. Lawrence T. Prescott, no record. Silas S. Parmeter, no record. Henry W. Sampson, dis. for disab. March 5, '63. Dudley A. Boan, recruit, transfd. to 1st Bat. Eugene Swartout, transfd. to 1st Bat. January 30, "65. SECOND COMPANY SHARP SHOOTERS, ENROLLED MARCH, 1862. originally commanded by Capt. Wm. F. Russell. A. J. Underwood, Sergt., dis. for disabl., Nov- ember 1, '62. J. B. Chaney, Corp., dis. for disabl. October 18, '62. Privates — Samuel B. Beach, veteran. Charles H. Spear, C. F. Widstrand, S. R. Churchill. The company left St. Paul. Minn.. April 21. '62, reported by order of Maj. Gen. :McClellan to the first regiment U. S. S. S., at Yorktown. Ya.. May 6, "62. May 22, "62, by special order Xo. 153, issued by Maj. (ieu. ^McClellan, the company was assigned for duty with the First Minnesota Yolunteers, and on duty with that regiment from June 1, '62, and particii)ating iu all the engage- ments and battles of said regiment, until its muster out of the V. S. Service. All the enlisted men of the company whose terms had not ex- pired, were transferred to Companies A and B, of the First Miimesota Infantry, in pursuance of special order No. 102, Headquarters Army of the Potomac, dated April 22, '65. FIRST REGIMENT MOUNTED RANGERS, originally commanded by Col. Samuel McPhaill. George E. DuToit, Hospital Steward, en. De- cember 1, '62, dis. with regt. 206 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. COMPANY A. Eugene ^I. AVilson. I'apt.. en. Octuher 9. "62. dis. with fomp.. October 20. "63. James M. Paine. 2tl Lieut., en. October 9. "62, tlis. with comp. Elisha Cowan, Sergt., en. October 9. "62.. dis. with comp. .James B. AVilson. Sergt.. en. October 9. "62. dis. witli comp. Steplien Pratt, Corp.. en. October 9, "62, dis. with comp. Ed- ward Morse. Corp.. en. October 9. "62. reduced Xovember 10. "62, dis. with comp. Arcliibald Mc(Jill, Corp., en. Oct. 9, "62, dis. with comp. James Sweeny. Wag. en. October 9. "62. dis. with comp. PrivdteK — Jolni B. Boseman. en. Octol)er 1. "62. dis. with comp. David Christlieb, en. September 20, "62, dis. witli comp. Charles Duprey, en. September 20. "62. dis. with comp. Livingston Estes. en. Sept. 23. "62. dis. witli comp. Wilson Gray, en. September 20. "62. dis. witli comp. Ed- ward Hughes, en. September 20. "62. dis. with comp. Joshua Harris, en. September 27. "62. died at Fort Snelluig, Xovember 12, '62. Robert II. Jefferson, en. September 22. "62, dis. with comp. Jasper X. Johnson, en. September 27, "62 desrtd. March. "63. Emanuel Lavelly. en. September 20. "62 dis. with comp. Thomas Otterman. en. Sep- tember 24. "62, dis. with comp. Charles Pope, en. September 27. died at Fort Ripley. Minn., Sep- tember 30. "63. Isaac X^. Russell. Jr.. en. Sep- tember 27. "62, dis. with comj). Frederick Ray- mond, en. September 2ti. "62.dis. with comp. Wil- liam E. Roth, en. September 29, "62, dis. with comp. Matliew Sullivan, en. September 23, '62, dis. with comp. Albert Simon, en. September 27, "62. dis. with comp. Charles S. Plummer. en. Septemlier 25, "62, dis. with comp. Robert W. Sanborn, en. September 26, "62, pro. Corp. Sergt., dis. with comp. Andrew L. Tennison. en. September 27. "1)2. dis. with comp. George II. AViaiits. en. Sep- tember 20, "62, dis. with comp. Michael Wolf, en. September 20, "62, dis. with comp. Becfuits — Alpheus Angell. en. June 19, "63, dis. with comp. -James Parker, en. October 17, "63, dis. with comp. lO.MPAXY c. James Patten, Corp.. en. October 17. "62. dis. with company. John McCormick. teamster, en. October 17. "62, dis. with company. Clark Ellsworth, blacksmith, en. October 17. "62. dis. with company. Privates. — Ezra B. Ames. en. September, 23, "62, dis. with company, ^\'m. P. Burnett, en. September 19. "62. dis. with company. Ed. C. Coun- tryman, en. September 26. "62.dis. withcompanv. John Droddy. en. October 15. "62. dis. with com- pany. Iliram W. Dorman. en. September 23, "62. dis. with company. Thomas E. Ellsworth, en. September 23, "62, (Ued October 21. "62. at Fort Snelling. P. P. Farrington. en. September 26. "62. dis. with company. Henry Kelly, en. September 27, "62. dis. with company. E. Leiiiieman. en. Sep- tember 23. "62. dis. with company. Sanford Red- ding, en. October 15, "62, dis. with company. Adol- phusSchenck. en. October 14. "62. dis. with com- pany. Wni. II. Tilton.en. September 25. "62. dis. with company. John Wyman. en. September 23, '62. dis. with company. Samuel Wilson, en. Sej)- tember23, "62. dis. with company. liecndts. — Harvey Bowen. eii. March 14. "63. dis. with company. Andrew J. Cates, en. Feb- ruary 14. '63. dis. with company. Samuel Mm- phy. en. January 30. "63. dis. with company. C'OJIPAXV F. Recruits — Horace M. Avery, en. December 23, "62, dis. with company. Job Brown, en. May 22. "63, dis. with K'ompauy. Levi Ilavilauit. eu. March 22, "63, dis. with company. COJfPANY G. Privates — Alex. Burnell. en. X'oveniber 21. "62. dis. for disabl.. March 1. "63. Samuel Layman, en. Xovember 22. "62, dis. with Co. William II. Lampman. en. October 28, "62. dis. with Co. George Lampman. en. X'oveniber 22. "62. dis. with Co. (ieorge Palmer, en. Xovember 22. "62, dis. with Co. Charles ^I. Stinson. en. Xovem- ber 22. "62. (lis. with Co. • OJirANY K. Private — James F. Hyland. en. December 10. "62. dis. with Co. COMPANY M. Privates — John Bruth, en. December 5, "62. dis. with Co. Peter Langle. en. Xovember 25, '62. dis. with Co. Peter Leonard, en. Xovember 20. "62. dis. with Co. FIRST MOUNTED KANfiKliS. organized March. "63. Stationed at frontier posts until May. "63. when ordered upon Indian expedi- BRACKETT'S BATTALION CAVALRY. 207 tion. Engaged with Indians, July 24, 26. and 28, '63. On return of expedition, stationed at frontier posts until mustered out. Mustered out Viy companies, between October 1, "6;-! and December 30. "63. brackett's battalion cavalry, originally commanded by Major A. B. Brackett. r. O. Johnson, Surgeon, en. February 1. '02. res. lHti4. COMPANY A. Nicholas Bode, mus. en. October", "(U. P)-u-a(e.s— Henry Moore, en. October 19, '61, dis. August 27, '62. for wds. reed, in battle May 5, '62. Martin Y. Pratt, en. October 11. '61, dis. on exp. of term, October 28, '64. Simon Uiesgraf, en. September 25, '61, dis. on exp. of term, Sep- tember2o, "64. Recndtn — Ohas. A. Ilutchings. en. March 5, '6.5, Vet. Pro. Corp. dis. with company. Isaac N. Hoblitt, en. February 13, '65, dis. on exp. of term, February 13, "66. Wm. Kissinger, en. February 11, "65, dis. on exp. of term, February, 11, '66. ('has. F. Longfellow, en. February 14, '65, dis. on exp. of term February 14, '66. John F.Smith, en. February 11, '65, dis. on exp .of term, February 11, '66. COMPANY B. Privates — Geo. S. Brown, en. March 64, dis. with company. Henry S. Chase, en. March 22, '64, dis. with company. William Finley, en. March 24, '64, dis. with company. Amos B. Hurley, en. March 23, '64, pro. wagoner, dis. with company. John II. Ilaughley, March 26, '64, dis. with com- pany. "Walter Keough, en. March 30, "64, dis. with company. Columbus Myers, en. March 30, '64, dis. with company, James H. Pottle, en. March 30, '64, dis. with company. Samuel J. Peel, en. March 26, "64. dis. with company. Chas. H. AVaters, en. March 25, "64. dis. with company, Samuel A. "Wilson, en. April 5, "64, vet. dis. with company. Dominick Grutch, en. February 13, 65 dis. with company. Peter Miller en. February 13, '65, dis. on exp. of term. Felmiary 28, '66. John Rust, en. Felnuary 13,'65, dis. February 28, '66. Nicholas Thilleau, en. February 11, "65, dis. February 11, 66. Archibald E. Howe, en. February 14, '65, dis. February 27, '66. Peter ('. Howe, en February 14, '65, dis. per order June 2, 1865. COMPANY C. Henry S. Lindsay, Mus.. en. November28, '61. died January 26. "62. in hospital at Camp Benton, Mo. John Finnegan, Wag., en. November 20, '61, re-en. Dec. 31, '63, dis. per order. Privates. — Francis W. Carlton, en. November 1. '61, dis. on exp. of term Decemljer 19. '64. Wallace 11. Lashell, en. November 14, '61, re-en. Dec. 31, '63, dis. with company. Oren J. Swan, en. Nov. 1, '61, dis. on exp. of term, December 19, '64. John B. Thompson, en. November 18. '61, re-en. December 31, '63, pro. Corp., dis. with company. Recruits.~yVm. Xau Eman, en. February 29, '64, dis. with company. Ephriam AVhitney, en. February 29, '64, dis. with company. Geo. B. Allen, en. February 13, '65, one year, dis. on exp. Bernard Cloutier, one year, dis. on exp. COMPANY T>. Recruits.^ J a,s. 11. Brownell, en. February 10, '64, dis. with company. John Connor, en. De- cember 15, '63, dis. with company. brackett's BATTALION CAVALRY, originally 1st, 2d and 3d Companies of this cavalry organized October and November '61. Ordered to Benton Barracks, Mo., December "61. Assigned to a regiment called Curtis' Horse. Ordered to Fort Henry, Tenn., February '62. Name of regiment changed to Fifth Iowa Cavalry, April '62, as Companies G, I) and K. Engaged in siege of Corinth April '62. Ordered to Fort Herman, Tenn., August '62. "\'eteranized February '64. Ordered to Department of Northwest, "64. Or- dered upon Indian expedition. Engaged with Indians July 28, and August "64. Mustered out l)y companies between May "66, and June '66. SECOND REGIJIENT CAVALRY, originally commanded by Col. K. N. McLaren. COMPANY A, ENROLLED FEBRUARY. '63. Privates— Trimk Brabic, dis. on expr. of term. Feb. 13, '65. Charles Stien, dis. on expr. of term. '65. Louis Stein, dis. per order, July 11, '65. COMPANY D. James M. Payne, Capl.. en. October 23, '63. dis. with Co., December 2, "65. Robert Wood, 2d Lieut,, en. October 24, '63, died November 25. '64. at Fort Wadsworth. Archibald McGill, 1st 208 HISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Sergt., en. 2^ovember 20, pro. 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut. Co. H., June 6, 'Go. liis. with Cn.. April 28, "66. Roljert MeGratli. g. M. Sergt. en. November 7, "tiS. (lis. witli Cn. lioljert W. San- born, Sergt.. en. October 23, '63, pro. 2d Lieut., dis. with Co. Andrew J. Cates, Sergt., en. Nov- eml)er 2, "t}3, dis. witli Co. Geo. C. Ticlaior, Corp.. en. December 3. "63, dis. witli Co. David X. Jenkins. Corp.. en. Octol)er 2S, '()3, reduced, dis. with Co. Levi W. Merritt, Corp.. en Decem- l)er 12, "(13, dis. for disabl., .June, '6o. Ancel Ticknor, Wag., en. December 3. "63, reduced, dis. with Co. Geo. C. Mar.sliall, Blk smth.. en. December 7, "(iS, reduced, dis. witli Co. Privateif — "William Armstrong, en. >'ovemlier 7, "63, dis. witli conip. Charles S. Bardwell, en. November 13, "63, pro. Corp.. dis. with comj). Joshua S. Bryant, en. December 7. ■()3. dis. with comp. A. V. Ueeman, en. Nov., "()3, dis. with comp. Richard Clayton, en. Decemlier 22, "fiS. dis. with comp. Thomas Cardman, en. Novem- l)er 2. "153. dis. for disab.. September 1, "65. Car- los Douglas, en. December 1, "ii3, dis. with comp. John M. Eddy, en. November 7. "(53, appointed blacksmith, dis. with comp. Llewellyn Goodale, en. December 2(5, "03, dis. with regt. John Larington, en. December 2, "63. destd. .Nhi> 4. "tU. at Fort Snelling. Patrick ilcKiuuey, en. Novem- ber 10, "(K^.dis. for disab.. July 2o, "(i.j. Roderick McLennan, en. November 28, ■03, dis. with comp. Moses F. Olliver, en. November 21, "tiS, appointed trumpeter, dis. with regt. Samuel S. Paine, en. Noveml)er 6, "63, pro. Chaplain, dis. with regt. Edmond Phinney, en. December 4, "(iS, dis. with comp. Joseph Sliarr, en. November 24, "63, dis. with comp. Charles II. Sumner, en. December 13, "63, dis. witli comp. .James P. Ticknor. en. December 3, "63. pro. Corp., dis. with regt. Ben- jamin Wallace, en. October 28. 'i>3. dis, with comp. (xeorge H. Wymants, en. December 1-5. ■t)3. dis. with comp. Henry C. Williams, en. December 16, "63, dis. with comp. Matthias Weidenbach, en. November 24, "63, died March 17. "6.5, at Fort Wadsworth. Chester C. Ward. en. November 16, "63, dis. witli comp. Becruits — I Enrolled February 14, "6-5.1 — Horatio Beeman, dis., no record. Mark M. Bridges, dis., no record. Samuel M. Haws. dis.. no record. Joseph Naramore, dis., no record. Edward Stoddard, dis.. no record. COMPANY F. Becruits. — Leander \'. Allen, en. February 14. ■6.5. dis. with company. Oscar R. Champlin, en. March 30. "64. dis. with company. Geo. B. Whid- din. en. February 1.5. "6-5. dis. with company. COMPANY 1. Price B. Ourcus. recruit, en. ilarcli 29. '64, dis. with company. COMPANY L. Romain A. Streeter, private, en. February 16, "64, dis. with company. Second Minnesota Cavalry, organized December "63, and January "64. Ordered upon Indian ex- pedition May "64. Engaged with Indians July 28 and August "(U. Stationed at frontier posts until muster out of regiment by companies be- tween November "6-5 and June "66. INDEPENDENT BATTALION, C.WALKY, originally commanded by Major E. A. C. Hatch. COMPANY A. Will. W. Wilson, Sergt., en. July 6, "63, dis, for disab. James N. Dudley, Sergt., June 30, "63, reduced, dis. with company. Edward (x. Libby, Sergt.. en. July 1.5, "63, reded, dis. with company. St. Don Palmer, Corp,, en. June 30. "63, pro. Sergt., dis. with comp. John M. Burgan. Corp., en. July 1-5. "63, reduced, dis. with comp. Nich- olas Am, Trumpeter, June 27, "63, dis, with comp. Prirutes. — Miles J. Haver, en. July 17, "63, dis. for disab. Edwin Brewster, en. July 1.5, '63, dis. with comp. Nathaniel Chantler, en. July 1.5, "63, dis. with comp. And. Cruickshanks. en. June 30, "63, dis, witli comp. Ronald Cruickshanks. en. June 30, "63, dis. with comp. John A. Coleman, en. June 30, "63, no record given. Chas. H. Cook, en. July 1.5, "63. dis. with comp. Sam'l P. Hall. en. June 30, "63, died Oct. 1-5. "63, at ^Minnetonka, Minn. Joseph Ilankerson, en. July 6, "63, died September 10. "63, at Minneapolis. Charles Ogl)uriL. en. July 6, '63, dis. with comp. Thos. C. Wakelield, en. June 30, '63, dis. with company. Christian Wolter, en. July. "63, dis. with comp. J?fc/-!(("f.s— Alfred Gervais. en. July 28, '63, dis. for disab. March 14, "6.5. Edwin M. Snow, en. February 22, "64, dis. per order, April 6, '66. Chas. H. Parrish, en. Feb. 22, '64, dis. for disabl. Frederic Bowers, en. February 23, "64, dis. with INDEPENDENT BATTALION CAVALBT. 209 company. Abe Zimmerman, en. February 23, "64, dis. per order :SIarch 29, "66. COMPANY B. Geo. C. Whitcomb, capt., en. July 7, '(iS, dis. witli comp. Tliomas II. Briggs, Q. M. Sergt., en. July 4, "63, pro. 1st Sergt. dis. with comp. James W. Hankinson, Corp. en. August 7, '63, reduced Deceml>er 1, "63, disclid. for promotion February 25, "6o. Toluey R. Walters, Corp. en. July 16, '63, reduced December 1, 63, re-appoint- ed Corp. July 17, "64, dis. for disab. February 14, '65. Moses II. Ripley, blksmth. en. August 4, '63, dis. per order January 27, "66. Prii-atcs — Robert Archibald, en. August 10, '63 dis. with comp. Josepli Bonldice, en. July 14, '63. dis. with comp. Octave Boucher, en. July 31, '63, dis with comp. Chas. Bohanon, en. Aug- ust 7, '63, dis. with comp. Joseph Burnell, en. August 3, '63, dis. with comp. Beleana Burnell, en. August 3, "63, dis. with comp. Justin A. Dayton, en. July 2, "63, dis. with comp. Joseph Desjardins, en. July, 29, '63, dis. with company. Samuel Ilelthy, en. August H, '(i3, deserted Sep- tember 15, "65. Wm. McKenzie, en. July 1, '63, dis. for disab. September 15, "65. Charles Mid- wood, en. Jidy 8, "63, deserted August 63. Lud- wig Netzbone, en. July 16, "63, dis. with comp. Leroy B. Newton, en. August 7, '63, pro. Sergt. dis. with comp. Luman Putnam, en. July 1, '63 died Octol)er 3, "63, at Minneapolis. Michael Patnode, en. August 3, '63 dis. with comp. Moses Fatnode, en. August 3, '63, dis. with company. Thomas Peisen, en. July 16, '63, dis. with comp. Lewis Riley, en. July 11, '63, dis. with company. Albert Roth, en. July 15, "63, dis. with with comp. Adoli)h Roberts, en. August 3, '63, dis. per order May 7, "66. Leon Richards, en. .Vugust 7, '63, dig. with comp. John C. Saddler, en. July 1, '63. dis. for disab. July 8. "65. Joseph Scott, en. August 3, "63, dis. with comp. Oliver Van- Bunker, en. July 1, '63, dis. with comp. Edgar Nott, en. July 13, 63, dis. with comp. Recndtx—John Donlon.en. August 15, "63, dis. with comp. James Scully, en. Septem))er22, '63, dis. with comp. Albert C. Fletcher, en. March 30, '64, dis. with comp. William E. Roth, en. March 26, '64, dis. with comp. La Salle Roth, en. March 26, '64, dis. with comp. Isaiah Dougherty, en. March 28, "64, dis. per order, March 11. "66. 14 Joseph Brunell, Jr., en. September 21, '63, dis. with comp. COMPANY c. Daniel W. Getchell, Sergt., en. August 22, '63, dis. with comp. Privates — Frederick II. Chilson, en. August 31, '63, dis. with comp. John Flam, en. August 24, '63, dis. with comp. Jos. Gagne, Jr., en. Se])- tember 9, '63. dis. with comp. John Hollander, en. September 8, '63, dis. with comp. Peter Roshen, en. September 9, "63. dis. with comp. Ernest Smith, en. September 11, '63, dis. with comp. Eecruits—Fhilo S. Thayer, en. March 25, '64, dis. with comp. William Bushnel. en. ^March 28, "64, dis. per order, March 22, '65. Amos Hoyt, en. March 28, '64, dis. per order, March 10, '66. Fred"k. Miller, en. April 1, "64, died November 5, '65. Edward Morse, en. April 1, '64, dis. with coiup. Charles Eggert, en. April 1, "64, dis. with comp. George Slater, en. April 1 , '64, dis. for disabl. July 3, '65. COMPANY D. Privates— Byron E. Bushnell,en. November 19, '63, dis. for disab., March 29, '64. George God- frey, en. February 27, "64, dis. with comp. Chris- tian Keller, en. March 28, "64. dis. with comp. Frederick Biers, en. April 1, "64, dis. with comp. Mahlon Cooper, en. April 18, "64, dis. with comp. COMPANY E. George Boyd, Jr., Capt., en. August 31, "64, dis. with comp. , May 1 , '66. JIark T. Berry, 1 st Lieut. , en. August 31, '64, dis. with comp. Alden M. Kimball, 2d Lieut., en. August 31, "64, dis. per order. John M. McKeen, Q. M. Sergt., en. Au- gust 8, "64, dis. with com]). Nelson II. Miner, Com. Sergt., en. August 29, "04, dis. with comp. George H. Stetson, Sergt.. en. August 4, "64. re- duced, dis. with comp. Leonard II. Dodge, Corp., en. August 18. "64, pro. Sergt., dis. with comp. Francis Day, Corp., en. August 8, "64. pro. Sergt. dis. with comp. And. McCausland, Corp., en. August 29, '64, dis. with comp. Israel S. Parker, Corp., en. August 8, "64, dis. with comp. George A. Hall, Corp., en. August 4, "64, dis with comp. Asa Goidd, Corp., en. August 29, '64, dis. with comp. Gideon B. Stetson, Mus., en. August 4, "64, dis. with comp. Israel (i. Stetson. Mus., en. ■210 HISTORY OF HENyEPIX COUNTY August 4, "64, dis. for disab, March 13, "66. Da- vid P. Palmer. Fanier. en. August 29, "64, dis. witli comp. Privates — Tliomas Armstrong, en. August 4, "64, dis. with comp. Cyrus J. Braman. en. Aug. 10. "64. dis. per order. Octol)er 26. "6.5. Francis Bren. en. August 22. "64. dis. witli comp. John Chastek, en. August 22. "64. dis. witli comji. John H. Crate, en. August 12. "64. dis. witli comp. John Droddy. en. August 22. "64. dis. with comp. John Gleeson, en. August 3. "64, dis. with comp. Harrison Goodale. en. August 9. "64, dis. with comp. Patrick B. Larkiu. en. August 9, "64. dis. with comp. Isaac Lloyd, en. August 9. "64, dis. with comp. Cassius II. Lobdel. en. August 4, "64, dis. with comp. Xathaniel G. Leighton, en. August 8. "64. dis. with comp. Peter ililler. en. August 10. "64. dis. with comii. Benjamin Max- on, en. August 24. "64. dis. with comp. Peter Raymond, en. August 27. "64. dis. with comp. Ijawreuce Riley, en. August 4, "64. dis. with comp. Peter Rusch, en. August 4. "64, dis. with comp. John Smitana. en. August 22. "64. sent to Insane Asylum. Jamiary 23, "66. AVilliam Sturman, en. Aug. 23, "64. dis. for disabl. Xov. 8, "65. Geo. D. Tuttle. en. August 4. "64, dis with comp. Daniel T. Thompson, en. August 25, "64, dis. with comp. Charles Wolsfleld. en. August 9. "64, i)ro. Corp., dis. with comp. George Young, en. August 29, "64, dis. with comp. Recruit!! — [Enrolled February 17, "65 : dis. on exp. of term. February 17, "66.]— Samuel H. Bo- hanon, Charles K. Carlton, Charles S. Plummer, Wilham Stanchfleld. Justus II. AVyhe. Daniel L. Carlton. S. L. Bohanon. co3ip.\xy F. Private — Antouie Pantel. en. August 8. "64, dis. with comp. Independent Battalion ilinnesota Cavalry, or- ganized July, "63. Ordered to Pemliina, D. T.. October. "63; ordered to Fort Abererombie. D. T.. ilay, "64; stationed at Fort Abererombie- imtil mustered out. Mustered out by companies from April to June. "66. FIRST BATTERY LIGHT ARTILLERY. originally commanded by Capt. Emil Munch. C. C. Cogswell. 1st Sergt., en. October 28. "61. dis. for disabl. July 10, "62. Anthony Gretheu, Q. M. Sergt.. en. Xovember 11. "61. dis. for ilisabl. AugiLSt 5, "62. F. L. Ilaywood, Sergt., eu. October 28, "61, re-en. pro. 2d Lieut., dis. with battery. X. K. Hanks. Corp.. en. October 28. "61. died June 19. "62. at Corinth. Miss. C. S. Da\-is. Corp.. en. Xovember 11. "61. died by wds. rec'd. in battle. April 27. "63. Henry Rippe. Bugler, en. October 9. "61, destd. January 11. "62. at St. Louis. Peter Germain. Artificer, en. October 21, "61. dis. March 1, 62, ^mustered WTong). John BofEerding. Artificer, en. October 25, "61. dis. March 1. "62, (mustered wrong). C. I). Brown. Artificer, en, October 28, '61. dis, for disabl. July 7, 62. Prirritcs — Adolph Blitz, en. October 10, "61, re,en. December 1, "63, dis. with battery. Jos. Coleman, en. Xovember 15, "61, re-en, Decem- ber 1, "63, discharged with Ijattery. .James Fall, en. October 28, "61, pro, 2d Lieut,, dis. with battery. Darwin Gates, en. October 28. "61 . dis. for disabl. May 1. "62. Charles Hasselmann. en. October 29. "61, died Julv 8, "62, at St, Louis, I Renselaer Xevers, en. October 28, "61, re-en. January 1, "64, dis, with battery, Charles Pierce, i en. October 11, "61, dis. for disabl. July 21. "62. ! Royal Pliunmer. en. October 30, "61, re-en. Janii- I ary 1, "64, dis. with battery. Russell Pease, en. October 8, '61, destd. Jidy 3, "62. apprehended April 21, "64, dis. June 30. "65. Howard Robin- son, en. October 26, "61, dis. for disabl. July 19, "62. Joseph Sparks, en. October 28, '61, dis, for I disabl. "62. Tracy Wilson, en. August 16. '63. dis. with battery. FIRST BATTERY LIGHT ARTILLERY, organized October "61, Ordered to St, Louis, December "61, thence to Pittsburg Landing Feb- ruary '62, Engaged in the following battles, marches, sieges and skirmishes : Shiloh, April 5 and 6, "62, siege of Cormth, April "62, Corinth October 3 and 4, "62. Marched from Corhith to Oxford, Miss., and thence to Memphis, Tenn. Assigned to 17th Army Coi-ps, Xovemlier "62. Veteranized January "64. Ordered to Cairo. 111., thence to Iluntsville. Ala., thence to Aekworth, Ga. Battle of Kenesaw ilountain. Atlanta. July 22 and 28. Sherman's campaign tteough Georgia and the CaroUnas. Discharged at Fort Snelling June 30, "65, SECOND BATTERY LIGHT ARTILLERY. Wm. A. Ilotchkiss, Capt.. en. as private, com. SECOND AND THIRD BATTERIES, LIGHT ARTILLERY. 211 Capt. pro. Brevet Major at Stone river, Veteran- ized and discliarged with battery, September, "65. Henry W. Harder, 1st Sergt. en. December 7, "61, pro. 2d Lieut. July "62, 1st Lieut. January, '64, dis. witli battery. John ^SlcCausland. Com. Sergt. en. December 4, "61, died January 22 "6o at Cliat- tanooga, Tenn. Hemy "W. Towle, Corp. en. December 21, "61, re-en. March 21, '64, dis. witli battery. Wilber Nickols, Corp. en. October 30, '61, dis. for disab. Felnuary lo, '63. Edward Rogers, Artificer,, en. February 14, "62, dis. for disab. April 2, "63. John T. Arnell, Artiflcer, en. March 6, "62, re-en. March 24, "64. dis. for disab. Fel)ruary 16, "6.). Privates. — Xicliolas Arn. en. January 6, "62, dis. for disab. October 31 . "62. Melchor Blesi, en. January 17, "62, died December 6, "62, at Nash- ville, Tenn. Christopher Blake, en. February 12, '62, dis. for disab. Octol)er 3, "62. Gustav Darcachy, en. January 20, "62, died January 31, '63 in the field. John (iibson, en. January 28, '62 dis. on exp. of term Marcli 28, "6o. Martin Ilosli, en. January 11, '62, re-en. March 22, "64. dis. with battery. John Kenueily. en. January 4, "62 dis. for disali. April 21, "63. Jolm L. Kimball, en. Jannary 25, '62, dis. for disab. May 22, '63. Alden C. Meed, en. December 9, '61. dis. for disab. No- vember 15, "62. Geo. F. Murpliy, en. January 16, '62, died June 27, "62 at Camp Clear Creek, Miss. John Soper. en. December 12, "61, re-en. March 21, "64, dis. with battery. John C. Stock- ton, en. January 25, "62, died '62 at Tidva, Miss. Peter Streicher, en. Jannary 28, "62. died Aug- ust 21, '64 in the field. Hilarious Schmidt, en. February 5, '62, dis. for disab. January 3, '63. John B. Talcott, en. December 12. "61, re-en. March 21, "64, pro. Corp. discharged witli battery. Mathew Taisey, en. January 4, "62, dis. for disab. October 29, "63. Betluiel Then, en. Febnuiry 12, '62, died July 30, "62, at Keokuk. la. David Vanderen, en. October 28, "62, dis. on exp. of term, ^March 28, '65. Chas. S. Waldron, en. Jan- nary ID. "62. re-en. March 22,64. dis, witli battery. SECOND BATTERY, LIGHT ARTILLERY, organized December "61, and commanded by Captain Hotehkiss. April '62, reported at Saint Louis, Mo., for equipment. Ordered to Corinth May "62, arriving there at close of Shiloh battle. Participated in siege of Corinth. Marched with division commanded by Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, as re-enforcement to BuelFs army in Tennessee. Battles of BuelFs campaign against Bragg. Per- i-yville, October 8 and 9, '62, Lancaster, October 12, '62. Knob Gap, December 20, '62. Stone Eiver, five day's battle, commencing December 31, '62. During this battle the horses of the bat- tery were not unhitched excepting for water at night. Capt. Hotehkiss was promoted Brevet Major by general field order, and assigned to duty as Chief of Artillery of General Davis' Division, with a command of three batteries. Battle of Tullahoma. Marched in pursuit of enemy towards Kome, Ga., via Stephen- son, Ala., crossed Tennessee river at Caperton's Ferry, marched across Sand and Racoon Moun- tains and reached Lookout Mountain at "N'alley Head. Crossed Lookout Mountain in the direc- tion of Rome, in pursuit of the enemy ; returned and descended into McLamore's Cove. En- gaged in battle of Chickamauga Septem- ber 19 and 20, '63, Mission Ridge, subsequent marches and skirmishes to Ringgold. Marched with Sherman to relief of Knoxville September "63. Spring of "64, battles of Ringgold, Tunnel Hill and Buzzard "s Roost. Battery veteranized March '64. Battle of Xashville December 15 and 16, '64. Stationed at Chattanooga and Philadel- phia, East Tennessee. Discliarged at Fort Snel- ling September '65. THIRD BATTERY LIGHT ARTILLERY. Recruits — John E. Brawley, en. February 24, '64, dis. with battery. David X. Carr, en. March 30, '64, dis. with battery. Samuel H. Clark, en. March 31, "64, pro. Corp., dis. with battery. AVil- liani H. Garvey, en. February 29. '64, dis. with battery. Charles Pratt, en. March 31, "64, dis. with battery. George ^1. Wright, en. March 31, "64, dis. with liattery. Third Battery MinneSbta Light Artillery, or- ganized February, 1863; ordered upon Indian Expedition of 1863 ; participated in engagements with Indians, July 24, 26 and 28, 1863; stationed at frontier posts until ]\Iay. 1864, when entered upon Indian Expedition of 1864 ; engaged with Indians, July 28 and August, 1864 ; upon return of expedition, stationed at frontier posts until muster out of battery, February 27, 1866. 212 HISTORY OF HEyXEPIX COUKTT. PvTClIFIELD. CHAPTEE XXXVI. GENERAL DESCRIPTION— EARLY SETTLEMENT — CIVIL HISTORY — SCHOOLS— CHURCHES — MILL- ING — SHOPS — STORES,— HOTELS BIOGRAPHI- CAL. This township is situated in tlie .soutli-eastern part of the county, and borders on the east on lioth the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. The nortlieni and central portions of the town are rolling, and the southwestern undulating. The central portion of the town is traversed by the sandy belt, which produces copses of small oaks and aspens. The remainder of the rolling land is well tiuil)ered with elm, bass, maple, etc., trees of a larger growth. The south-eastern part, bordering on the Fort Suelling Reservation, and extending west as far as Wood Lake, is a beauti- ful prairie. The town contains nearly thirty lakes, many of them t)f great beauty. Most prominent among them, for size and scenery, are Amelia and Wood Lakes. Aside from the Mis- sissippi and Minnesota Rivers on the east, there are two beautiful streams. Miiuiehaha and Xiiie Mile creeks which flow through the town. ^Nliune- haha Creek, taking its rise in Lake Minnetoiika, flows easterly througli the towns of Minnetonka. Minneapolis, and RichheUl receiving the triliutary waters of lakes Jilother, Amelia and Rice, thence south-easterly, tumbling all its laughing waters over a precipice, forming ilinnehalia Falls, and flows into the Mississippi River, above Fort Suelling. These waters, but especially Minne- haha Creek, are very beautiful, and a great attraction to tourists. Xine Mile Creek flows across the south-western part of the town into the Minnesota. The Nortliern Boundary of the township was originally two miles north of the present line, running in a straight line from Minnetonka to the Mississippi. This line was altered by act of legislature in 1867-8. A narrow strip was taken from its entire northern l)oundary and attached to the township of Minneapolis. It was two miles wide at the west and so continued until it inter- sected Minnehaha Creek at the outlet of Rice Lake, and followed the course of that stream to its junction with the Mississippi. On the east, the Military Reservation, by its original boundaries, included more than half of this township. The dividing line ex- tended west of Lake Harriet. By the lirst re- duction, Xovember, 1853, the lines were so con- tracted that the western line passed through lakes ^lother and Amelia. It includes liy its present boundaries only about one thousand acres, and allows tlie town several miles on the great rivers. EARLY SETTLEMENT. In consequence of its intimate relations to the fort and its once forinmg part of the reservation, the history of Richfield must begin from the ear- liest records of explorers, before the settlement of the state. We refer to previous chapters in the work for this part of the history, simply remind- ing the reader here, that a few of the Swiss set- tlers, from the Hudson 15ay territory of Lord Selkirk, under the leadership of Louis Massey. settled here in June, 1827, but were forcibly re- moved Ijy orders from the government. Xo relic now indicates their occupancy. The leader of the party, Louis Massey, is still living at Hudson, AVisconsin, at an advanced age. The first claim in the towii was that made on Minnehaha Creek by Hon. J. R. Brown. Louis Godfrey was the first settler after the territorial organization. He was a Frenchman and his wife a Chippewa. He lived on section five, where widow Darcy now resides. During the Sioux massacre he fled to Mendota, and died there in 1878. The date of his settlement is uncertain, but it is known to have been jirior to 1S.")2. Samuel Stough made a BICHFIELD-CIVIL HISTORY. 213 claim in 1852, and resided here until his death, iu 1875. William Finch settled here in 1853, and in 1878 removed to California. lie lived where Mr. Place now resides. James A. Dunsmoor settled in 1853, removed to California, and died in 187t. Philander Prescott. who has been men- tioned as arriving at Fort 8nelling in 1819, and as Indian farmer in 1830. settled in Ilichlield, near where the Richtield Mills now are, about 1852. He was interested in the buildintr of the mills, and prominent in pul)lic affairs until his death, lie was killed, in the massacre of 1862, by Little Six and Medicine Bottle. He was running his horse for life, hoping to reach Fort Ridgely. The murderers were afterwards hung. Many other settlers arrived in 1853. C. W. Harris, who died m 1868 at Minneapolis ; Henry Townsend and his two sons, Henry and Kobert ; ^Mr. Draper, John McCabe, ^Ir. IJuggan, and others. From this date on, settlers arrived very rapidly, imtil now it is one of the most populous and prosperous towns in the county. The pres- ent population is 1505. The town has 22,988 acres of land. The assessed valuation of the same for the year 1869, was $15().10-1; 1875, $532,530; 1880, 8702,670. Personal property, 1869, S49,336; 187o, §98,329 ; 1880, §119,614. Total taxes in 1869, 53,988,- 1875,88,497; 1880, 87,818, Horses over two years old, 1869, 333 ; 1875, 491 ; 1880, 493. Cattle over two years old, 1869, 655 ; 1875, 856 ; 1880, 790. Sheep, 1869. 493; 1875, 851; 1880, 1816. Hogs, 1869, 184; 1875, 255; 1880. 646. Bushels of wheat, 1869. 49.124; 1875, 43,425 ; 1880, Acreage. 5.698. CIVIL HISTORY. The annual Town meetings were held at the school house, near Kichlield Mills, until 1874. A. Keith was moderator at the first meeting iield May 11th, "58. with Alonzo Sawtelle. Clerk. In the first call for a meeting tlie name of ■•Richland" did not seem to please the people, and the first vote taken was for the new name of Richfield. The Post Office had been called Harmony until Rich- field was adopted. The Supervisors elected were Joel Brewster Chairman, Richard Strout. and Jesse Richardson ; Town Clerk. Alonzo Sawtelle ; Assessor, George Odell : f)verseer of the Poor. James A. Dunsmoor; Justices, R. L. Rar- tholomew. Geo. W. Irwin ; Constables, Geo. "W. Townsend and Wm. R. Moffatt ; Collector, Geo. W. Townsend ; Overseer of Roads. A. Keith. The first Supervisors meeting was held June 3, 1858, and the town divided into road districts. June 14th, 1858, 8400 was voted for town expenses. September 30th, 1858, Wm. Finch elected county Supervisor. April 5th, 1859. voted 8100 for town expenses. Supervisors elected, Geo. Odell, C. I. W. Maynard, W. W. Woodward. April 3, 1860, voted $400 for town expenses and author- ized the building of Pounds. Supervisors, Geo . Odell, G. W. Irwin. J. N. Richardson. April 2, 1861, voted §150 for town expenses and 8600 for schools. Supervisors, Geo. Odell, R. R. Bryant, T. AV. Peirce. W. W. Woodward appointed Superintendent of Scliools. April 1, 1862, levied l", mills perdollarfor town expenses. Supervisors, Geo. Odell. VC . W. ^Vood- ward, R. Robinson. April 7, 1863, levied 2i mills per dollar for town expenses. Supervisors, W. W. Woodward, A. H. Baston, G. AV. Brown. January 30th, 1864, call for a special meeting, which was held February loth, and by a vote of 64 to 59 raised $8000 to pay soldiers' bounties and that each one should receive 8150, but at a special meeting Jilarch 23, the amount was reduced to 8125. April 5th. 1864. levied Umills for town expenses, and 16 mills to pay interest on bounty bonds, and raised the per diem of town officers from 81,00 to 81,50. Supervisors, A. II. Baston. G. W. Townsend, W. G. Moffatt. August 9th, measures were taken to respond to the President's call for 500,000 men. January 2Sth, 1865, it was voted to take no action in response to the Presidents' call for 300- 000 men. February 8th. voted to raise, not to exceed 88,000. for soldier's binuities. and authorized the Supervisors to issue town bonds for that purpose. April 4, 1865. levied one mill per dollar for town expenses and three cents per dollar to apply on town bonds. Supervisors. A. II. Baston, G. W. Townsend, E. Groesbeck. April 3, 1866, levied one mill per dollar for town expenses, and three cents for Bounty bonds, and to remit county tax of all soldiers who did not receive a local bounty. Supervisors, G. W. Townsend, E. J. Woodward, E. Groesbeck. 214 HISTOBY OF HEXNEPiy COVyTY. April 2, 1867, raised the salary of town officers 50 per cent above the sum fixed Viy statute, for as- certaining the names of all the soldiei-s credited to the town who had not received bounties and to pay them SlOO each, and to pay a like sum to Wm. tiarvey. W. Wilson, E. F. Hall. Kieliard Xeill and John Dague, they having enlisted prior to any provision for bounties. One mill per dollar levied for town and road ex|)enses. Supervisors D. "\V. Albaugh. J. A. Bull. J. X. Richardson. July 11. S2.00() town bonds were issued to jiay for damages on bridges, and make other repairs occasioned by a lieavy freshet. April 7. 1868. IJ per cent was levied for town and road expenses. Supervisore. J. N. Richard- son. J. A. Bull. R. Townsend. April 6. 1869. levied 3 mills per dollar for town expenses : voted that Frank M. Thornton, an ex- soldier, be paid SIOO. he having received no local bounty. Supervisoi-s. J. A. Bull. Aaron Hoover, Horace Wilson. April 5, 1870. three mills per dollar was levied for town expenses. Supervisoi-s. C. H. Clark. Aaron Hoover, E. F. Irwin. March U. 1871. elected C. H. Clark. E. F. Irwiu and Aaron Hoover. Supervisors. Xo tax for town expenses. ilarch 12. 1872, le\ied 3 mills per dollar for town e.xpenses. A majority vote against grant- ing a liquor license. Supervisors. C. II. Clark. E. F. Irwiu. B. P. Schuler. March 11. 1873. voted o mills per dollar for town and road expenses. Supervisors. E. F. Irwin. J. H. Bull. Michael Gleeson. March 10. 1874. This, and all other meetings were held in Richardson's Hall, luitil 1880. Supervisors. C. H. Clark. Michael Gleeson. James L. Garvey. Levied four mills for town and road expenses. It not being enough, a special meeting was called September 1st. and S72o raised for town and road fund. March H. 187-5. Supervisoi-s. C. II. Clark. Jas. L. (iarvey. Voted to grant license. 63 to o2. Raised S2.000 for all town expenses. The statute of limitation being two mills on the assessed valuation, the amount raised ilid not reach that sum. March 14. 1876. raised the per diem of town officei-s to two dollai-s. Sixty votes cast against liq\ior lii-ense with none for it. Supervisoi-s. B. F. Hanscom. Stephen L. "Witbeck, John Craik. At a special meeting 59 votes were cast for, and 18 against paying the State R. R. Bonds by selling the internal improvement lands. March 12. 1878. levied one mill per dollar for the erection of a Town Hall. Supervisors, Wm. Finch, Thos. Richardson, Chas. Hohag. March 11. 1879, levied 2.} mills for building Town Hall, care of poor and town expenses. Supervisors. E. F. Irwin. James Garvey, Chas. A. Hohag. The Town Hall was completed this year. March 9, 1880. levied 2| mills for all town ex- penses. Supervisors, E. F. Irwin. Jas. L. Gar- vey, Chas. A. Hohag. SCHOOLS. The first school in the town was taught, during the winter of 1854-5, by Miss Mary Townsend. in a log school house. It was built near Wood Lake, by five men. R. L. Bartholomew. C. Gregory. George Gilmore. C. Couillard and William Finch. Miss Townsend afterwards mar- ried Mr. Getchell. and resides in Los Angeles. California. Miss Craik. now Mrs. Frank Hans- comb, of Minneapolis, taught, in the summer of 1855. in a school house near Richfield Mills. This school house became a residence, and is now oc- cupied by Mr. Schafner. There are now six full and one joint districts in town, with seven school houses. District Xo. 11. house built in 1859. on section 28: District X'o. 17. house moved on section 18. 1871 : District Xo. 16, house built on section 8 in 1872 ; District X'o. 6. house built in 1875 : District Xo. 8. house built on section 14 in 1872: District Xo. 109, house built in section 25, in 1875. District Xo. 88 is a joint district, lying in Richfield and Bloom- ington townships : house built on section 35. in 1860. CHURCHES. The town has four church organizations : ileth- odist Episcopal. Baptist. Episcopal and Catholic. The Methodist denomination began its existence under the guidance of Rev. Mills, who held the first services in a granary, owned by Henry Townsend. Services were next held in the school house near Wood Lake, about a quarter of a mile south of where the Baptist church now stands. It was called •• Harmony Mission" until 1864, BIGHFIELD—CHimCHES-MIhLING. 215 when it was included in the " ^Minneapolis Cir- cuit." In the fall of LS60, a change was made, and a new circuit formed, consisting of appoint- ments at Excelsior, Eden Prairie, Chanhassen, and Harmony, or Wood Lake, as it was some- times called. In 1869. the neat W'ooden church was built on section 22. A parsonage and ceme- tery were also located on tlie church grounds. The cemetery is neatl\' kept and beautifully or- namented with evergreen and forest trees. The followuig clergymen have succeeded each other in the charge : Revs. Mills. .lohn Hooper, Elliott, George Galpin. Levi Gleason, .J. D. Rich. U. W. Berlin, John Stafford, C. T. Garvin. ^V. D. Ben- nett. J. H. Macomber, Farber, F. II. Tubbs. Henry Brooks, and J. M. Marsh. THE FIRST BAPTIST cnL'UCH of Riclitield was organized by Rev. Amory Gale, and began its existence by meetings in tlie school- house near Richfield Mills, where Mr. Schafner now lives. The ehurcli, cajiable of seating two hundred people, was built in 1869. Rev. J. R. Mauton has been pastor since. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island, September 2sth, 1821, graduated at Brown University, in his native city, in 18-18. and tirst engaged in the ministry at Glou- cester, Mass. Three years after he removed to Tennessee, and labored there until 1857. He then returned north and had charge of a church at Quincy, Illinois, until 1860, when he came to Minneapolis and was pastor of the " First Baptist Church" of that city until 1864. He then went to St. Joseph, Missouri, ami remained until 1868, when he retin'iied to Minnesota on account of ill health, and has since been pastor of the church in Richtield. He owns a small farm and has a very pleasant home on tlie banks of Wood Lake. EPISCOPAL— TRINITY CHAPEL. In March, 1869, Rev. Knickerbacker began holding services, assisted by S. B. Cowdrey as lay reader, in the school-house of district 17. As a result of those services, a churdi building was commenced May 20th. 1872. on an acre lot donated by James A. Bull. The opening ser- vices were held August 11th. 1872, by Rev. McMasters and Rev. Knickerbacker. The church was dedicated as Trinity Chapel by Bishop Whipple, September 12th, same year. The congregation numbered about twenty-five families — the Sabbath-school forty-two chil- dren. The latter has been held regularly from 1869. The Brotherhood of Gethsemane had charge of the church until 1877, since which time Rev. Cliarles Rollit has been in charge. Services are now held once eacli moutli. CATHOLIC— ST. valentine's CHURCH. This is a Catholic Mission Cliurcli and is located on the soutli line of the town on section 34. It is imder the auspices of St. Joseph's Church, O. S. B. of Minneapolis and is visited twice a month by Father Salzeder or Ids assistant. The church was built in 1874. and is about 28x70 feet. MINNEHAHA CiRANGE. NO. 398. This society was organized in 1874, by Deputy Chowen of Minnetonka. There were twenty-four charter members. The tirst Master was J. A. Bull and the first Secretary. Joseph Hamilton who is now master. The regular meetings are held once a month during summer and once in two weeks in the winter. A fine hall was erected in the win- ter of 1879 and '80, near the Waterville :Mills. It is 26x50 feet, with fourteen feet ceiling, and is used for meetings of tlie Grange, lyceums, festivals, parties and for instructive and enter- taining occasions. MILLING. The only manufacturing establislmients are the Flouring Mills. Tliese are the '■Richfield Mills" and the "Edina Mills." The former w'as built in 1854, by Pliilander Prescott, Judge Mofifatt and Eli Pettijohn. The whole property soon came into the possession of Mr. Prescott. and he remained sole owner until his tragic death in 1862. It is situated on Minnehaha Creek, at the crossing of tlie Bloom iiigton road. The property has passed through the hands of various owners to the present proprietors, Pratt & Baird. The mill is now operated by "W. J. Baird & Co. It is a turbine wheel mill with four runs of stone and a capacity of twenty barrels in ten hours. EDIN.V MILLS. This is commonly called the "Waterville Mill," and is situated on section eighteen. It was built in 1857. The present owners, Andrew and John Craik took the property about 1869, and added two runs of stone and other 216 HISTORY OF HEXNEPiy COUXTY. improvements. The company manufacture oat meal and pearl barley. They are at pres- ent the only manufacturers of these articles in the county. These Mills are both located on Minnehaha Creek and derive their power from that stream. The Creek at the Edma Mills has a fall of tifteen feet, affording a valuable power. This mill has three turbine wheels, two of thirty inches in diameter, and one of thirty-six inches furnishing- a fifty horse power. SHOPS. Thomas Page has a blacksmitli shop on section twenty-two. William Ewing has a carriage and blacksmith shop combined, near the Edina Mills. STOKES. John S. Mann opened the tirst store in the town. This was a small concern located near Prescotfs Mill, opened at the first settlement of the town. Mr. Maun, however, failed in business. and Mr. Prescott kept a store for several years. Only one store remains to be named, that on the hill near the mill, kept by J. N'. l^ichardson. Irv'in Dimsmoor opened it in 1859. He was suc- ceeded by Dimsmoor Bros., and they, by Mr. Eichardson. in 1S72. This is a well-stocked eomitry store. HOTKLS. Miunehalia Hotel is a popular summer resort at Minnehaha Falls, kept by J. £. Booth. The house is quite large and the rooms well furnished. It accommodates fifty guests comfortably. The bams, sheds and out-buildings are ample. It is at present under good management. It is a part of the estate of the late Franklin Steele, obtained by him under his purchase of the Military Reser- vation, in 1S57. The house was begiui in 1873. by Mr. Shaw. '\\Tien he abandoned it. Mr. Steele carried out the plan and completed the work. The pretty new Minnehaha depot on the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad is located just opposite the hotel, to accommodate its guests and visitors to the falls. Minnehaha Spring Hotel. This house is about eighty rods lielow the dei)ot. Its noticeable fea- tures are a fine dancing hall and large stables. Isidore Henry is the proprietor. The Town Hall was l)uilt in 1879. It is about eighty rods north of the Baptist Church. The building cost SloOO. It is 32x4-5 feet on the groimd. In frout of the audience room is an entrance hall and cloak room, -with a large and convenient gallery. In the rear are two rooms sixteen feet square, used for public busmess. Pleasure Garden and Green House. J. E. Booth, who has lieen previously mentioned as proprietor of the Minnehaha House, has established a green- house near the hotel. He bought and inclosed three acres of land here in 1877. He has since laid it out tastefully with walks, arbors, etc.. etc. Flowers and plants fringe the walks on every side. It is called the best landscape garden in the State. .V drive-way. starting from the main en- trance, follows around near the sides in a circu- lar form. The plat inclosed by the road-way is cultivated with beautiful flowers and foUage plants in beds, with serpentine walks. In this inclosure is a hu'ge arbor with seats and a booth, where refreshments maybe obtained. The space outside the drive is also laid out with handsome plants. Opposite the entrance and outside the inclosure are the private residence and green- house. Xursery. In the north middle of the town, on section sixteen. Mr. A. Stewart has a nursery, principally devoted to tree-culture. nioOHAPHICAL. George W. Baird. is a native of Pennsylvania, born April 16th. 1835. In 1857 lie removed to Minnesota and purchased the farm of 120 acres which he now occupies, located on section 18. lu the spring of 1860 he imported the first Spanish Merino sheep brought into the State. He sold the first fleece of tine wool in Mimieapolis receiv- ing 95 cents per pound for the same. He is at present giving his whole attention to tine Cots- wold and Lincoln grades, and received first prizes at the Minneapolis Exposition of 1880. He was married October 11th. 1865, to Miss Sarah (i. Gates, a native of Vermont. John E. Booth was born in Huddersfield. York- shire, England. May 12th. 1832. He reniamed in England, engaged in the manufacture of fancy woolen goods, until 18-54. when he came to the United States and located in Xew .Jersey. He remained in that State about six months and removed io Albany. X. Y. Thence, in March, 1855. to Brooklvn. and from there to Toronto. BICHFIELD— BIOGRAPHICAL. 21'i Canada. lu 1856 he removed to Bonton, thence to Pliiladelphia where he was married to Mary Beaumont, who died in the fall of the same year. In 1858, his health failing, he returned to England, where he was engaged as tlorist for eleven years. In 1859 he was married to Mary Morrell, and in 1870 he returned to America, and came directly to Minneapolis, engaging as Uorist and gardener for Wyman Elliott. After remain- ing with him eighteen months, he leased the grounds and hot houses for live years and carried on the business for himself. In 1877 he pur- chased three acres of groLuid at Minnehaha, which he laid out and impnned as a landscape garden. This garden is valued at $10,000. In 1880 he leased the Minnehaha hotel and grounds, and is now conducting the same. The children are, Herbert M.. Annie J.. Frederic E.. and Arthur C. James A. Bull, was born in -Jellersnu county. New York. February. 1834. He remained there with his parents, until 1859 when he came to Min- nesota, and settled on the farm he now occupies. He owns 158 acres of fertile land and has im- proved it, until it now ranks among the best farms in this towii. Mr. Bull was married in 1856, to Mary E. Comstock. who bore him one child, Mary L. Mrs. Bull died in the winter of 1865. He was married again in '67, to Miss Amy L. Cooper ; has four children. James H. Alvah M. Coates P. and Anna B. Frederick Bush, was born in Stockliausen, Prussia, December 12th. 18-19. He remained in his native country until 18(39 when he emigrated to America. He came to Minnesota, and settled in Bichfleld. Hennepin county, December, 1869, owns 15 acres on section 15, Townslnp2S, Kange 24, where he has a jileasant home. John Carey, is the owner of 93!| acres of land on sections 8 and 9, Richfield Township. 45 acres being under cultivation. He was born in Tipperary, Ireland, June 14, 1826, and remained there until nearly 20 years of age, when he came to America. Ilesided in Xew Jersey one \ear. thence removing to Maryland, where he remained until 1855,when he came to Minnesota and pur- chased the farm he has since occui)ied. Was married to Ann Regan, a native of Ireland, in 1854. Tliey have had twelve children, ten now living. Lizzie. .James, Mary, Maggie, John, Xora, Jeremiah, William, Patrick, Agnes. C. C. Chase was born iji Ilaverlull, Mass., May 16tli, 1844. Resided in his native State until 1874, when he came to Hennepin county, pur- ceased twenty acres of land on section 15, town of Richfield, where he conducts a market garden. Mr. Chase is a practical gardener, and has been quite successful in the business. George Code owns 200 acres of land, of which fifty acres are cultivated, the balance meadow and woodland. He was born in Carlow county, Ireland, October 29th, 1824. Was engaged in farming in his native country until 1849, when he emigrated to Canada, locating at Ottawa, where he engaged in farming and lumbering for seven years. In 1856 he came to the United States, coming directly to Minneapolis, where he resided until 1863. when he purchased the land he now owns in Richfield, and has since been en- gaged in farming. Was married October 27th, 1859, to Grace Watt, a native of Ontario, Canada. She was born May 15th, 1836. They are the par- ents of six children: Robert F.. George A.. Mary. AV'iliiam. Elizaljeth, and Joseph W. Mary Copley is the owner of eighty-t\\ o acres of land, forty acres under cultivation. AVas born in Ireland, March 21st. 1837. Remained in her native country until 1860, when she came to Xew York City, and thence to Boston, where she re- mained three years. In 1H63, removed to St. Paul, where she resided uidil 1868, when she married Mr. Copley, and has since resided on the farm she now occupies. Cornelius Couillard. one of the old settlers of Richfield, was born at Frankfort. Maine, October 31st, 1813. At the age of seventeen, learned the trade of tamier and currier, following it eight years ; then worked in a ship yard. In April. 1854. came to St. Anthony, and engaged in carpenter work, and on the old suspension bridge. In August, 1854. he made a claim of 160 acres, in Richfield ; 1855, removed with his family, and has since resided there. The whole quarter sec- tion has been brought under cultivation. He was Married. Sept. 11th. 1834. to Xancy J. Couillard, of Maine, who died October 6th, 1875. They had nine children : Ellen M., EUery A.. Amanda M. died August, 1839 ; ^Vimie A., died August 17th, 218 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. 1877 ; Malonah. died Maicli. 1S49 : Adelhert H.. Emma I).. Charles A.. Fred. L. George AV. Cummiugs. a native of Maine, was born April Mtli. 18-53. Engaged in farming nntil 18(;7. when he came with his jiarents to Bloom- ington. Hennepin eonnty. At the age of twenty- one, he embarked in dairy bnsiness. In 1878 he bought the land he now occupies. His dairy business has been (juite successful. Was married to Miss Alice tiilchrist. Dec. 2.5th. 187-5. They have three children: Arthur A.. George H.. and Ruth W. William J. Duggan is tiie owner of -io acres of land. 1311 is plow laud, the balance woodland and pasture. He was born in Tipperary , Ireland. hi 1838; came to America, with his parents, in 1847. residing in Illinois until 1853. wlien he came to nennejiin county, and has since resided on the farm he now occupies. This farm was pre-empt- ed by his father in 1853. In ]8tji; he was one of Capt. Xorthup's company who went to the relief of Fort Ridgely. Was married January 21st. 1871. to Cordelia Kyte. by whom he has four chil- dren; Mary. Katie. Maggie. John. William M. E wing was born in Canada in hsUi. Learned the trade of wagon maker, and served the government during the rebellion in Canada. In 1848. removed to Xew York : remained one year ; thence to Michigan. In 18-51 he came to Minnesota, assisted in tlie survey of Maple (irove township, and in naming it. In 1.S57 he removed to Osseo. and was tlie first secretary of the corporation. In 1M)2 he removed to a farm in the town of IJrooklyn. and resided there eight years. He enlisted in Company C of the Mounted Rangers, serving as clerk in the Quar- termaster's department, until the <'onipany was disbanded. Was married in 1840. to Myra Rogers ; by her he had five children, two of whom are now living. He has been married three times : lias four children living. Cliarles Arkland. .Vlice Myra, Francis Cordelia and Mary Adelma. Patrick Fogarty was born in Ireland in ls40; came to this country in ls.57. and settled in Rich- field township. He was four years in the employ of the government, driving team. In 18t)2 was with General Sibh-y on his Indian E.xpedition. Purchased the farm on which he" has 'since re- sided, in 1865. He now has thirty acres under cultivation. Was married in Januarv. 18(39. to Bridget Carrol, liy whom he has had seven chil- dren. Mary. Maggie. Ellen. Bridget. Willie. An- nie and Denis. George. Fortwingler. a native of Germany, was horn November 23d. 1823. He came to- this coun- try in 1854. resided in Ohio one year, and in 18-55 removed to St. Paul where he remained till 186(i, when he removed to Bloomington, Hennepin coiuity. Kept a hotel at Xine-Mile Creek for two years, then purchased the farm he now resides on. '\\'as married in 1855. to Miss A. Reisslei a native of Germany, by her he had four children, (ieorge and Caroline, twins. Julius and Julien. twins. His wife died and he again married; his second wife was Miss A. Ren/., by whom he has three children. Amelia. Mary. Oiillia. John F. Gilmore was born in Ohio. Decem- ber 2nd. isiii. AVhile young he accompanied his parents to Illinois and resided in that state, occupied in teaching school until 1839, when he went to Mississippi and engaged in the same vocation. In 1845 he removed to Xewport. Kentucky, where he was engaged in the nursery Inisiness for six years. In 1871 he came to Min- nesota, residing at Faribault two years, engaged in the nursery business. He came to Hennepin ctuinty in 1873 and has since resided in Richfield. Was married Dec. 3.1. 1,S72. to Miss Belle Mc- Clure. Their children are .Molly and William. Herman J. Gjertseu is a native of Norway, born Octolier 29th. I.s2ii. He followed farming and lishing in his nati\e country until 18B8 when he emigrated to America, settling in Isanti coun- ty. Minnesota. Came to Richfield in 1S70 and in 1878 he bought 81 acres where he now resides. Married Alberlina Olson of Norway in 1851. Family record is— Xels P.. John C. Die J., Henry J.. Louis C. Assoria M.. Eunice T., So- phia J., George II. Three children have died. Michael Gleeson was born in Ireland in 1810. and came to this country in 184t). Landed in Xew York and went to Massachusetts where he resiiled until l.s-55. when he came west and set- tled in Hennei)iii county. He made a claim of Hid acres, which he has since increased by pur- chase to 273 acres. He was married in ls52 to Mary Bolden. of Ireland. They have had nine children. Michael. James and John, twins, Thomas, Mary Ann. Daniel. Bridget. Cornelius, William. RICHFIELD— BIOGBAPHICAL. 219 Charles Haeg was born in Germany, July 13, 1819. lie learned the trade of ealiinet maker, served three years in the German army, and in 1844, emigrated to the United States. Enlisted at Milwaukee, Wis., in September. 1845. Mr. Ilaeg enjoys the distinction of being a veteran of the Mexican war, serving under General Scott during the continuance of the war. In 1848 he was stationed at Fort Snelling, and, after a stay of six montlis was removed to Fort Uidgely. In 1851 he received his discharge, and in September of that year made a claim al)out live miles north of St. Anthony, living there until 18.53. when he came to Richfield. In ISH.") ln^ purchased the farm on which he has since resided. Was mar- ried in 18.50. to Mary Walter, who died in 1800. leaving five children. Married lor his second wife Albertina L. Adleman, by whom he has seven children all living. Andrew N. Hall was licun in Maine November 1st, 1835. Remained with his jiarents until 1S55 when he come west and located at Minneapolis, residing there until 1802. when he retvu-ned to Maine and enlisted in Comjiany 15, of the 28th regiment Maine Infantry, serving one year. In 1866 he returned to Minneapolis, and jiurchased a farm of 72 acres in the town of Hichlield. Re- sided in the city until 1872. since which time he has lived on his farm. ^Vas married in 1875, to Eliza Caley. Their children are Alliion and Wil- liam. James Hawkes (deceased) \\as lioru in Vork- shire, England, May 0th. 182(t. In ls44 lie came to America. In 1854 he came to Minnesota and pre-empted a farm of 120 acres in Uiclilield, where he resided until his deatli. Mr. Ilawkes formed one of the Coniiiany who in "02 marched to the re- lief of Fort Ridgely under ('apt. Northup. In 1803 he enlisted in the First Minnesota Infantry, and served in the First Battalion until discharged in 1805. He was with his company in several of most severe engagements of the war, and was wounded June 1804. for which he received a pen- sion. He was married in 183!) to Mary Ann Iloldsworths. The family record is Harriet, Henry Thomas, David II., John W.. Emma J. Alfred, Charles Lincoln. Five cliildren have died. Mr. Hawkes came to his death in Minne- apolis Sept. 29th, 1880, liy a fall from his wagon. He was one of the pioneers of Richfield, and was respected by all who knew him. Jesse Haywood is a native of England, born May 10th. 1840. Remained in England, engaged in the Manufacture of woolen Goods until 1872, when he came to America, landed at Quebec, thence by lake to Diduth, going from there to Clay county, Minnesota, where he purchased a half section of land. In 1874 he came to Henne- pin county, and has since been engaged as florist with Mr. Booth, at Minnehaha. Franz J. Ileiss was born in (Germany. October 19th, 1885, and there learned the trade of carpen- ter. Emigrated to this country in 1855, and to Minnesota in 1859, locating on a farm in Brown county. In 1801 he enlisted in the Sixth Minne- sota, and served until the discharge of the regi- ment, in 1805. He purchased eighty acres of land in Richlield. in 1875. and has since resided there, in the pursuit of farming. In 1871 he was married to Salomey Souder, a native of Germany. Their children are Frank D,, Amelia, Charlie. Katie, and Willheim. Frank 1). died in 1875. - Charles Iloag, one of RichfieUrs representative men, and a pioneer of Hennepin county, was born June 29, 1808. in New Hampshire. After re- ceiving such education as the common schools of his native to\\ii afforded, he attended the Wolf- boro Academy and Friends" Boarding School, at Providence. R. I. At the age of sixteen he be- gan teaching, and followed tliat profession for twenty-seven years, thirteen of which lie was en- gaged as Principal of a (irammar School in Phil- adelphia. In 1852 he came to Minnesota ; taught school in St. Anthony two terms. In May, 1852, he made a claim of 100 acres of land, in what is now the city of Minneaiiolis ; was a member of the first town council, and to him is due the honor of giving to the city its beautiful and ap- propriate name. Miinieapolis. He was the second treasui-er of Hennepin coimly, and lias held many positions of public trust. Is an ardent Odd Fel- low, and served one term as Grand ilaster of the jSIinnesota Grand Lodge. He claims to be the oldest Odd Fellow in the state. Has also occu- pied the position of President of the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies. In 1857 he pur- cliased the farm he now occupies, which is known as the •' Diamond Lake Farm," and removed to it in 1865. Mr. lloag was County Superintend- 220 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIX COUXTY. ent of Schools from 1870 to 1874. Has one daugh- ter by his first wife, married to Charles H. Clark, who is in the revenue service. Mr. Hoag's tii-st wife died in 1871. and in March. 1873. he w:as married to Susan F. Jewett. of Solon. Maine. Laura Holman was born in the State of ^'er- mont in 1817. In 18oo she came to Minnesota. In 184S she was married to X. Buttertield who was drowned in Lake ^linnetonka in 1^-59. She settled witli her husband in Minnetonka in 18.5-5 and remained there until ISKl when she removed to the farm in Kichtield where slie lias since re- sided. In IHbO. was married to L. Hohnan. He was killed in 1871. being run over by a heavy load of wood. Mrs. Ilolman has one son by her first husband. Frank J. Buttertield. Orrin Hulibard was born in the Stale of Xew York. April 5th. 1835. In 18.54. moved to Janes- ville. "Wisconsin, where he remained for eleven years, eight of wliicli he passed in the employ of the American Express Company. Enlisted in lS()2in the 12th Wisconsin Battery and served until his discharge in 1M)5: participating in many of the hardest fought battles of the Rebellion. In 1865 he accepted a position as conductor for the C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co.. and has since been en- gaged in that vocation. In 1877 he bought a farm in the town of Richfield and has improved it until it is now one of tlie finest farms in this part of tlie county. He was married in January. 186G. to Harriet E. Beaumont. Tliey liave liad four children. Mary (".. Nellie B.. Sarah 1?.. de- ceased, llattie. died February. I.s77. He resides in Minneapolis at SHK Sixtli Avenue South. E. F. Irwin is a native of Xew York. l)oni in Erie county February 2d. 1.S40. In ls.55he came witli liis parents to Minnesota, settling in the town of Richfield. Was occupied in various pur- suits until 18t)2 when he joined the company commanded by Captain Xortliup for the relief of Fort Ridgely. In 18H5 he bought the farm be lias since occupied, and has improved it until it ranks among tlie finest farms of the town. A\'as married October 1st. 18H7. at Iowa City. Iowa. to Martha J. Bortland. They have one son. John Bortland. born February 16th. 1874. Leopold Kiesel was born in Baden. (Termany. December 12th. I(s25. He came to the United States in 18-52. and to Minnesota in 1856. Enter- ed a claim near Chaska. and after living there ! three years removed to Bloommgton. In 1864 he bought a part of the farm he now occupies in Richfield. Xow owns 220 acres, 1-50 acres being cultivated. Was married in 1856 to Madeline Leppet. who has borne him five children. Edward E. King was born at Peabody. Mass.. ; August. 1st. 1836. Came to Minnesota in 1857 and purchased the farm be now occupies. At the time he came to Richfield there was but little improvement and few settlers. He has since built a substantial barn and fine dwelling bouse at a cost of S5.()0U. Married in Nov. 1863.. Annie N. Couillard. who died August 17tli. 1877. His second wife was Miss Katie R. Woodman who was Itorn Decemlier 22d. 1857. .John Kyte is the owner of 316 acres of land. 75 acres under cultivation. He was bom in Ireland in 1817 and came to this country in 1845. After residing in various places in the Eastern States, he came to Minneapolis in 1855. Pre-empted a quarter section of land, bought as much more, and has since been engaged in farming. Has five children, all of wlK>m are married. Jlichael Maloney was born in the County of I Galway, Ireland. November 20th. 1845; came to , New York in 1852. and two years later removed to Wisconsin, where he resided for fifteen years. August. 1862. enlisted in a Wisconsin regiment, and served three years under Generals Sherman and McPherson. He was discliarged August. 1865. and four years later removed to Minnesota, and has since resided in Richfield, where he owns 160 acres of land. He was married November, 1877. to Albertina Erickson. They have one daughter, burn December 31st. 1^7^. Merrimau McCabe was born in the slate of New York. December 12th. Is43: came with his . parents to Minnesota in 1853. and has since resided '. in the town of Richfield. In 1862 be was with Captain Norlhup on the Fort Ridgely expedition. John McCabe. his father, was born in Ireland in 1808 : came to America, and resideil in the state of New York until 18.53. when lie came west and ))re-enipted a farm in Kiclifielil. where he re- mained initil his dealli. which occurred in May. 1878 ; he was married to Harriet Toles. who bore him six children. Mercy. Merriinan. Emily. Mary. Amelia and Elnoria. George Millam was born in Scotland August, 1849. He came to this countrv in 18-59 and ten RICHFIELD— BIOGRAPHICAL. 221 years later to Hennepin county. He has, since coming to Riclitield been engaged as miller in the Edina Mills. In 1872 was married to Miss Margaret Jibb, a native of Scotland. Following is the family record: Charles A., born August, 1873; Lily F., born April, 1875, died at the age of three years; Annabella. born May, 1877: and. Rosella, born April, 1879. Howard C. Odell was born at Monticello, Indi- ana, October 17th, 1853, and came with his par- ents to Minnesota in the fall of 18o(i and located in the town of Riclitield. He is tlieson of George Odell who has a farm on section 'Si. Howard is employed during the winter in Minneapolis and in the summer season Inrns his attention to farming. Was married October 14th, 188(i, to Miss Fannie Stanchlield, of Tama City, Iowa. Thomas Peters was born in England. October 7th, 1848. His father being a shoemaker, Thomas engaged in the same business while in England. In 1873 he emigrated to this country, coming di- rectly to St. Paul. Engaged in farming in Pam- sey and Dakota counties imtil 1876, when he came to Minnehaha, and was employed at the hotel two years ; thence to Hudson, Wisconsin, where he was engaged in a hotel for one year ; then returned to Minnelialia, and has since been employed at the hotel. In Oct.. 1871. was married to Kate Weaver. Their residence is near tlie junc- tion of Minnehaha Creek witli llie Mississippi. D. N. Place was born in New York city, .lan- uary IStli, 1844. At the age of foin-teen he ship- ped as seaman, and followed tliat vocation for eighteen years : came to Minnesota in 1869, and for three years was engaged in tlie real estate business ; then returned to the pursuit of sailing, and served as mate on a voyage to Japan ; then served four years as Purser and one year as Cap- tain of the schooner Leadei', trading on the Pacific coast ; was married April 15, 1874, to Frances M. Benjamin. They have h'ad two children, one now living, Charles E. L. Patrick A. Ryan, a native of Ireland, was born in 18;il, and came to this country in 1847. Re- sided in Pennsylvania and Ohio until 1854 when he came to Minnesota, first settling on a home- stead in the town of Hassan, Hennepin county. In 1868 he sold his farm and removed to Saint Antliony where lie resided until 1874 when he purchased the farm he has since occupied in the town of Richfield. Married .luliaQuinn in 1867. Edward A. Scales was born in Townsend, Massachusetts, April 13th. 1853. and remained in his native town engaged in coopering until 1874 when lie came to Minnesota and engaged in farm- ing at Minnehaha. In 1876 he jmrchased five acres of land and has since given his attention to market gardening. Gilbert Sly was born in the State of New York November 4th, 1798, and remained in his native state engaged in farming imtil 1866 when he came west and jmrcliased of .lames Davis the farm he now occupies in the town of Richfield. Was married in 1822, to Sarah Crane a native of Massachusetts. They have had twelve children, five of whom are now living, Mary E.. Fidelia. Elisha, Paulina and W. II. J. L. Smilit was liorn in Ilolstein, Denmark, July 28th, 1850. In 1873 he emigrated to this country and came directly to Minnesota, locating on section 14, Richfield, where he lias since been engaged in farming. Freeman B. Smith was liorn in ^'ernlont, July 15th, 1822. He removed to Champlain, N. Y .. where he resided until 1852. For four years he held the office of postmaster. In 1852 he went to California and was engaged in gold mining for one year. From 1860 till 1867, he was in the revenue service at Virginia City, Nevada. In April, 1878. he came to Minnesota and has since been engaged in conducting the farm of his brother-in-law, Orrin Hubliard, in tlie town of Richfield. In 1846 married to Sarah E. Beau- mont. She was born in New York. Sept. 24, 1824, James Stansfield was born in the State of New York, September 3d, 1828. At the age of fifteen he went to sea and follovveil that occupation until 1849, when he passed one year as steward on the Hudson River steamboats. In 1850 went to Cal- ifornia, and remained five ye;us. Came to St. Anthony in 1855 and engaged in furnishing supplies to steamboats until 1862. when he en- gaged in the restaurant business, wliicli lie con- tinued in Miiincapiilis until 18.')9. when he engaged in real estate business, and has followed ; the same extensively. In 1872 he purchased the farm in Richfield wliich he has since occupied. In 1856 he married Susan Wagner. They have three children living: Frank H.. Charles L., and Ella B. 222 RISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. BLOOMINGTUX CHAPTER XXXVII. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — FIRST SETTLEMENT- CIVIL HISTORY— CHURCHES— SCHOOLS — MILLS. SHOPS, ETC. — THE FIRST SETTLERS — BIO- GRAPICAL. The town of Bloomington occupies the south- eastern part of the county, lying on tlie Minne- sota River, whicli forms its entire eastern and southern boundary. A strip of meadow, varying from twenty rods to a mile in width, skirts the river the whole length of the town. The bluffs are, therefore, back from the river, but here and there stretch out bare, sandy points to the meadow below. Beautiful rolling prairies extend back from the bluffs over the whole township. The bluffs are not usually bare, but are covered with turf and timber, while the bottom lands, at the foot, have in some parts large areas of water. The sand belt passes through the middle of the town, exhibiting its usual characteristics, viz.. less productive soil, and timber of smaller or lighter growth. Heavier timber is found in the northwest. Nine Mile Creek lias high, sandy bluffs covered with brush or timljer. The small lakes on the prairie east of Nine Mile Creek are now very shallow, without outlet, and appear to diminish year by year. They will doubtless wholly disappear. Lakes Eyland and Bush bet- ter deserve to be classed among the beautiful lakes of the town. The only stream of any size within the limits of the town is Nine Mile Creek, which enters the town near the northwest corner, takes a southeasterly direction, and flows into the Minnesota Eiver. FIRST SETTLEMENT. Peter Quinn was the first white man to settle and cultivate the soil of this town. He was ap- pointed Indian farmer, in accordance with a treaty with the Indians, and began his work, in 1843. on land now owned and ocruiued by James Davis, on section 14. He remained here until 1854. Rev. Gideon H. Pond, the missionary among the Dakotas. moved here in 1843, and he and his Indian liands pitched their tents on the banks of the Minnesota River, where Mrs. Pond now lives. He lived here luitil his death, which occurred in 1878. Martin McLeod settled here in 1849, where his son. "Walter S. McLeod, now re- sides, at the mouth of Nine Mile Creek. Joseph Dean came next. He arrived in the winter of 1851-2. He had obtained "a charter for a ferry which he proceeded to establish in company with AVilliam Chambers. He built the log house winch still stands near the ferrv. ■William Chambers also came in 1851-2 ; made a claim, now the farm of William Chadwick. and joined Mr. Dean in the ferry enterprise. He died here in 1S6S. In 1852, the following party came from Illinois and made claims near the river, on the western prairie. S. A. Goodrich. A. L. Goodrich. Orville Ames, Henry and Martin S. Whalon, and Edwin .Vmes Sr. Not one of those men is now living in Bloomington. We are indebted to Mrs. Rebecca tioodrich for the following information in regard to these worthy pioneers : S. A. (ioodrich died in Bloom- ington, in 1865. A. L. (Goodrich sold his farm in 1879. and now resides in Minneapolis. Orville Ames and M. Whalon died in the service of their eoimtry, the former in hospital and the latter, it is supposed, in rebel prison. Henry AAlialon moved to Princeton. Minnesota, soon after his settlement, lint returned a few years later and died at Fort Snelling. Edwin Ames died on his claim soon after his arrival, and his widow per- fected the title. Quite a number settled on the prairie east of the creek in 1S53. From this time on the town was rapidly settled. The following statistics will show the popula- BLOOMINGTON— CIVIL HISTORY. 223 tion of the town and the nipiility with whifli it has advanced in wealth. The population, by census of l.ssu. was 820. The town has 28.l!0o acres of land : the assessed valuation of the same for the year isiifl, was !?103.- 693; for the year 187.5, $298,163; and for the year 1880, S460,o38. The assessed valuation of personal property for the year 18(i!i was S41,0t)8; 1875, $47,775 ; 1880, $52,320. The total amount of taxes raised in 1869 was ?3,574 ; in 1875, $4,- 245; in 1880, $3,718. Numbei- of liorses over two years old, in 1869, 287 ; in ls7.">. 353 ; in 1880, 403. Cattle over two years old, in 1869, 581 ; in 1875, 752 ; in 1880, 592. Sheep in 1869, 309; in 1875.300; in 1880,363. Hogs in 1869.150; in 1875, 159; in 1880. 401. Bushels of wheat in 1869, 47,884; in 1875, 48.0.55; in 1880. acreage 5,109. CIVIL HISTOHY. The first town meeting was held at the house of 11. B. Gibson, on section 19, May 11th. 18.58, at which E. B. Stanley was Secretary and Elijah Kich, Clerk. Whole number of votes cast was twenty-five, and tlie following officers were elect- ed: Supervisors, Martin McLeod. A. P. Tliomp- son, H. B. (Jil)son. The latter refused toc|ualify. and Allen G. Goodricli was appointf'(l. Town Clerk, Elijah Kich; Assesscn-, Elisha Smith; <'ol- lector and Constable. Orville Ames; Overseer of the Poor, Joseph Kunison; Justices of the Peace. George Cook, E. B. Stanley; Road Overseers, Martin S. Whalon, Thomas T. Ba/.ley, Wm. Cliadwick. Voted $100 for town expenses for the current year. Resolutions were passed regu- lating, the licensing of dogs, hogs running at large, lieight and strength of fences, iVc. The first Supervisors' meeting was held at the house of Elijah Rich, May 23d, 18-58. Chairman absent, and adjourned to the 28th when tlie full board met and transacted its first regular business. April, 18.59.' Town meeting at the house of R. B. Gibson, 34 votes cast. Voted $150 for town expenses. Supervisors: Martin McLend. A. P. Thompson, I). ^SlcCullum. April 3d, 1860. Town meeting at R. B. Gib- son's. Mrs. Gibson objecting to the racket, adjourned to the school house. Thirty-nine votes cast. Levied $50 for town expenses and $75 to build a bridge across the slough near Bradbury's, and the Supervisors authorized to purchase a road-scraper. Supervisors: Samuel Goodrich, A. P. Thompson, W. M. Cliadwick. At tlie gen- eral election, November 6th. 94 votes registered, only 68 cast. April 2d, 1861. Annual meeting at school house Xo. 13. Thirty-two votes cast. $100 voted for town expenses. Voted to build a pound and to let horses, cattle, etc., run at large during the summer months. Supervisors: Sam- uel Goodrich, W. M. Cliadwick, John Miller. April 1, 1862, annual meeting at school house No. 13, levied $100 for town exjienses. Super- visors, John Miller, W. M. Clia.lwick, D. McCul- lum. April 7. 1863, voted $.50 for a Pound, and $.50 for town expenses, ^'oted to change the height of fences from fo>ir feet six inches to four feet three inches. Supervisors .John Miller. \V. M. Cliadwick, .James Dean. April 5, 1864, voted $100 for town expenses. Voted to pay a reasonable sum fiu' the use of the school house in District 13, for electi(m purposes. Voted to change the day for annual meetings, from the first Tuesday in April to the second Tuesday in March ; which could not be done till the passage of a legislative act in later years. Special meeting, June 5, 1864. voted to obtain a plat, and record a piece of ground for a ceme- tery, to be the property of the town : also to raise money to pay the wife of each soldier who had not received a Imal Imuuty, $2.oo. and each cliild of the same $1..>0 per month, from July 1st. and continuing during term of service. Special meeting, August 1, 1864. A resolution was lost by 23 to 9, pi'oviding for the raising of money by town bonds to pay soldiers' bounties to fill the Bloomington ipiota under the President's call for 500,000 men. Owing to the action of the electors, the town otticers were powerless to act, and a number of citizens, among whom were Wm. Chadwick, John Layman and T. Peteler. gave their individual notes to tlie First National Bank of Minneapolis, as security for money ad- vanced to pay the bounties of sohliers to fill the quota. Special nieeting. January 3, 1865, at the house of A. G. Gillet, voted to issue town bonds to pay bounties to soldiers to fill the quota under the President's call for 300,000 men, the tax for the payment not to be levied on the property of those 224 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. wlio were or liail lieeii in llie service witbdut re- eeiving local bounty. Annual meeting. April 1. al llie school house, voted $150 for town expenses, ^'otecl to i>rocure a bier and pall for the use of the town, and raise the per diem of some of tlie town officers. Su- pervisors Sam"l. (ioodrich. Wm. Kell. James E. Smith. April 3. "(jij. levied one mill ikt dollar for town expenses, and voted tliat the cemetery be legal- ized by tiling the plat, recording, &c. Supervisors: Wm. Chad wick, Joseph Harrison, Abram Palmer. .Vpril 2, 1867, levied one mill i)er dollar for town expenses, seventeen mills for the payment of interest on the bounty bonds, one-half mill to improve the town cemetery and providing that it be free for the inhabitants of the town and So per lot for non-residents. Supervisors: Samuel Goodrich, John Layman, Wm. Kell. April 7, 186S, levied one mill per dollar for town expenses. Supervisors: Wm. Kell, E. Parker, Wm. Chadwick. March 30, 1869. Supervisors' meeting. The Treasurers' report showed that the amount of money realized from the sale of bounty bonds amounted to $1,364.96, and that bonds had been canceled whicli, including interest, amounted to $1,394.17. And, as the seventeen-mills tax amounted to considerable, there was still some l)ounty money- in the treasury. An attempt was made in 1870 to use this surplus money to build a town house ; this was foimd to be illegal, and the money was distributed among the soldiers of the town who had not received a full bounty. The date of the annual meeting for 1869 does not ap- pear, but it was held at •' Cate's School House." Levied one mill per dollar for town expenses. The building of a town liall was agitated. Su- pervisors: Wm. Kell, E. A. Parker, Wm. Chad- wick. A special meeting was held during the summer for the purpose of purchasing a lot for the town hall and to entertain X. G. Nortlirup's proposi- tion, to donate land for a town lioiise. April 5, 1870. Meeting held at Cate's School House. Voted to use the surplus bounty money for the purpose of building a town hall, but as the bounty money could not be used legally ex- cept for the payment ofboimties, the matter was dropped. Voted a tax of one mill per dollar for town cxiifiises. Supervisors elected were Henry Harmon, John M. Cuumiings, A. P. Thompson. An election was held May 31st of this year to decide for or against the payment of slate R. R. bonds by the sale of internal improvement lands, and 7o votes were cast, all in faviir of such method of payment. March 14, 1S71, meeting held at district school- house No. 13. Voted S75 to build a pound, and one mill per dollar for town expenses. Super- visors, Henry Harmon, A. P. Thompson. J. D. Scofleld. March 12. 1872, meeting held at school-house No. 13. Levied one mill per dollar for town ex- penses. Supervisors — Henry Harmon, J. D. Sec- field. Abram Palmer. ^larch 11, 1873, town meeting held at Cates" school-house. Forty-eight votes cast. Supervis- • ors — Henry Harmon, Abram Palmer, Phillip Ilynes. Voted a tax of one-half mill per dollar for town expenses. March 10, 1874, meeting at school-house district No. 13. Levied two mills per dollar for town ex- penses. Supervisors — Henry Harmon. Abram Palmer. J. D. Scofield. March 9, 1875, town meeting held at Oak Grove Hall. $150 voted for town expenses. Supervis- ors—Henry Harmon, J. I). Scofield. Abram Palmer. March 14, 1876, meeting at Oak (Jrove Hall. $150 was voted for town expenses. Supervisors- Henry Harmon. Abram Palmer. II. 1). Cunning- ham. March 13, 1877, levied $20(i for town expenses. Supervisors — Henry Harmon. Abram Palmer. II. D. Cunningham. March 12, 1878. meeting held at (Jak (irove Hall. A'oled $200 for town expenses. 107 votes cast. Supervisors — Henry Harmon, Walter S. McLeod, II. I). Cunningham. March 11. 1879. meeting at Oak Grove Hall. $200 voted for town expenses. 105 votes cast. Supervisors — Henry Harmon. W. S. .McLeod, J. Mahoney. March 9, 1880, meeting held at Oak Grove Hall. Ninety-nine votes cast. Changed the cemetery name from "Presbyterian" to "Bloomington." Voted $25 for a pound, and $200 for town ex- penses; also special tax to improve the cemetery. Supervisors— Walters. McLeod, Samuel McClay, BLOOMINOTON—ORUBCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC. 225 Wm. Chadwick. The subject of building a town house and pound has from time to time been agitated, but neither of them has been built. CHURCHES. The Bloomington Presbyterian Cluireh is at present the only organization in existence in the town. Rev. Mr. Pond took measures for its es- tablishment immediately after the removal of the Indians and the consequent termination of his missionary work. In 1855, the organization was completed with thirteen members, and services were held in the new church. The church was first located at the Bloomington Cemetery, on section 21, but in the spring of 1804, it was removed to its present location near the post office, and en- larged. Three members of the original thirteen still survive, Mrs. G. II. Pond, Mary F. Fond and Mrs. Chadwick. Mr. Fond continued the charge until 1873, when he resigned on account of ill health, and was succeeded in turn by Rev. M. Howell, Rev. Van Emmon, and the present in- cumbent. Rev. J. de Rruyn Kops. The latter took charge in 1877. The First Baptist Church was organized Janu- ary 22d, 1861, with nine members. The church flourislied for a time, but, in 1872, only half a dozen remained,and those voted to disband. The pastors during its continuance were Revs. S. S. Utter, A. J. Davis, and Cressy. SCHOOLS. The first school held in the township w^as at the Dakota mission, by Rev. Mr. Pond and his assist- ants. Though organized for the Indians, some white children of early settlers attended. The first public scliool was taught in a private house by Miss Harrison, in 1855, since which time pub- lic schools have been regularly kept. The town is divided in four school districts, and has two joint districts with Richfield ; the school house of the latter located in Richfield. That of Dis- trict No. 13, known as the Gibson school house, on Section 20, finished in 1859, was the first school house built. That of district Xo. Id, long known as the Cates school house, was first located on section 15, but in 1874 the location was clianged to section 16, and the present house built. That of district No. 11 is in section 10, and was built in 1869. That of district No. 14 is on section 32, and was biult in 1866. 15 GRANGE NO. 482. This Grange was organized March, 1874, by Deputy W. S. Chowen, of Minnetonka, in the school-house, district No. 10, with twenty charter members. The first master was J. D. Layman, and the first secretary V. Bailey. The first meetings were held at tlie house of James Davis and at Pease"s Hall. During the first winter a stock company, under the title of the "Oak Grove Hall Association," was organ- ized, composed only of memers of the Grange, for the purpose of building a hall. Shares were issued at $10 each, the money was raised, and the hall completed during the summer. It stands near the postoftice. A Library Association was formed March 19th, 1874, called the " Blooming- ton Grange Library Association," to consist only of members of the Grange in good standing. Thirty dollars was invested in books at the out- set, and new books have since been added. The membership of the Grange is now forty-eight. HOTELS, ETC. The first hotel in the town was built in 1854, at the crossing of Nine Mile Creek, by a Mr. Baillif , who kept it a number of years. Next, Albee .Smith l)uilt the hotel and store at the ferry. In 1858 ^Ir. Wliitney built a hotel near the creek, whicli was the stopping place for the stage and passengers for a long time. It was subsecpiently purchased by N. G. Northrup, who opened a store in connection with the hotel. After two years he sold to Mr. Moir, the present owner. Owen R. Dunbar opened a store in 1876, where the Bloom- ington postoffice now is. He was also postmas- ter. In 1878 he sold to Mr. Cumming, who keeps a small general store and is postmaster. BLOOMINGTON FERRY. The ferry was established in 1852 by Joseph Dean and William Chambers. They continued it in company until 1855, when Mr. Dean sold his interest to A. C. and S. A. Goodrich. In 1868 Mr. Chambers sold his interest to James Brown, who, in 1.S72, sold to John Cameron. Mr. Cam- eron was accidentally killed at the ferry a few years later. His widow and Mrs. Rebecca Good- rich are now the owners. In 1855 Mr. Dean sold to Albee Smith and others, from St. Paul, his in- terest in lands at the ferry, but not including the ferry itself, for a town site. The purchasers sur- ^6 HISTORY OF HENKEPIN COUNTY veyed. platted it aud built a hotel, but the town refused to grow. MILL,. SHOPS. ETC. ■The Bloomington Flouring Mill "is located on Xiue Mile Creek, section 21. M. J. ifcAfee. the present owner, built the dam and mill in 1876-7. It is a wooden building 80.\4U feet, three stories high. It has three runs of stone and one set of roUei-s. and is operated by a twenty-inch turbine wheel of the Leffel pattern, with thirty or forty horse power. It has a capacity of twenty barrels per day. The water power is good. Nu- merous springs feed the pond, and keep up the supply of water, enabling the mill to run steadily during the summer months. Three blacksmith shops are located and owned as follows : one near Bloomington Ferry, by Hec- tor Chadwick ; one on section twenty, by Joseph Pepin, and one at Bloomington post office, by A. Cumming. Mrs. Cameron keeps a hotel and store near the ferry, in a building built by parties from St. Paul. THE FIKST SETTLERS. Mrs. Mary Louisa Quinn is the oldest Uving .set- tler ui Bloomington. and also probably the old- est settler in the State. She now lives with her daughter. Mrs. Margaret Brosseau. Mrs. Quinn was born in the Rocky Mountains, in the tall of 18U0,and is the daughter of a Scotchman, named Findley and a Kocky Mountain Indian woman. who died gi^"ing her birth. On the death of the mother, ilr. Findley was left with a family of four children. He. therefore, left the Mountains and came to Fort Garry, where he left the infant in the charge of a family until his return from Lachine. Canada. He took the other children with him. but never returned. At Fort Garry the baby grew to womanhood. Peter Quinn. who subsequently became her husband, was one of the earliest settlers in this county, with a career even more eventftd than that of his wife. He was born in Dublin. Ireland, about 1789, was carried off by a party of English sailors when a school boy. iind taken to York Factory, an Esqui- maux trading post, on the of Labrador. Making his escape, he lived three years with the Esquimau.x, without seemg a white man during the time. He was ransomed by a party of Hud- son Bay trappers in charge of ^Ir. Graham, Graham was the father of Mrs. Alexander Fari- bault of tliis State. He brought yomig Quiim to Fort Garry where he married as stated above. He remained in the employ of the Hudson Bay Company a number of years l)Ut was in constant dread of being caught and returned to his origi- nal captors. In 1824, he was sent to the trading post of the American Fur Company, at Lac qui Parle to rescue a white woman, that liad been cap- tured by the Sioux, and there made arrangements to join the American ct)mpany. He left his wife and family for the time at Fort Garry and accept- ed the appointment as their agent at Fort Snell- ing. He arrived at his new post in 1824. Du- rmg his absence his wife suffered many hard- ships. AVhile her protectors were on a hunting excursion, her eldest child died, and, though obliged to carry an infant two months old, she determined to set out alone to find them. A heavy snow stoi-m overtook her on the way, and the baby perished, while she with difficulty made her way to her friends, who kindly received her. She now persuaded her friends to go with her to join her husband in Minnesota, and settle there. Several set out with her for Fort Snel- Ung, in the whiter of ]S2o. They traveled on snow shoes aU the way. Mr. Quinn hearing of their coming, met the party at Crow Wing, and conducted his wife safely to Fort Snelling. He was soon appointed to a trading post at Leech Lake, Miunesota, whither he went with his fami- ly and remained till the spring of 1827. Mrs. Quinn at that time returned with her husband to Fort Snelling. near where she has siuce lived, and is now over eighty. From 1827, ^Ir. Quinn was constantly in the employ of the government, until his death. He carried the mail, for a time, from Fort Snelling to Prairie du Cliien. He was often employed as interpreter and in making treaties on account of his familiarity with the Sioux and Chippewa languages. In 1837 he went to Washington in charge of a delegation of Indian chiefs. In 1843, he was appointed Indian farmer, and opened the farm for instructing the Indians near where his widow, daughter and grand-daughter now Uve. In 1854 he was sent to Fort Ridgely as interpreter for the soldiers. At the opening of the Sioux war, in 1862. he was sent by Capt. Marsh to Redwood Ferry to recon- noitre, and pacify the Indians. He was there BLOOMINGTON—THE FIRST SETTLERS. 227 maliciously shot by an Indian named White Dog, who imagined himself injured by Quinn and fommitted the act in retaliation. Mrs. Quinn who was at the time visiting her daughter in Bloomington, did not return to Fort Ridgely. Mrs. Quinn is familiar with Indian dialects and the French language but cannot talk English. She receives a pension from tlie Government. Rev. Gideon H. Pond came to Bloomington, in 1843. Mr. Pond was born in Washington, Litch- field county, Connecticut, June 3()th 1810. He lived on the home farm until 1834, when he re- ceived a letter from his brother, Samuel W. Pond, a school teacher at Galena, Illinois, pro- posing a missionary enterprise to the Dakota In- dians. The proposition was accepted and, in 1884, provided with neither brass, scrip nor purse, he joined his l)rother at Galena, where they em- barked on a steamer and arrived at Fort Snell- ing in May. They began their labors among the small bands of Dalikf)tas around lakes Clalhoun and Harriet. They built a rude cabin on the east sliore of Lake Calhoun, and labored together three years, when Gideon II., the subject of this sketch, leaving his brotlier in charge of the mis- sion school, went to Lac qui Parle, where a Pres- byterian church had been organized, and offered his services as Indian farmer and teacher. He remained there a few years and returned to Lake Harriet. As previously stated, the Ponds under- took this missionary labor unaided, but, soon after, on the arrival of missionaries sustained by the A. 15. C. F. M., tliey joined with them and labored under the patronage of tliat society. They began as laymen but, in 1836, Gideon H. Pond returned to Connecticut, and, during a short absence was ordained, when he returned to his labors. In 1843, owing to the repeated disturbances between the Chippewas and Dah- kotas, the latter changed their location to the banks of the Minnesota river. Mr Pond fol- lowed their fortunes and located in Blooming- ton, where his family now lives. He erected a residence for his own family and a school- house for the Indians. Services were held every Sabbath, and schools were sustained during the week, for the red children, by Mr. Pond and liis assistants. Several of these assistants were wo- men. In 1852, in accordance with a treaty, the Indians were removed from the vicinitv but Mr. Pond had now become attached to this place as a home and remained here until his death. Mr. Pond was married Jfovember 2d, 1837, at Lac qui Parle, to Miss Sarah Poage, who was his faitliful assistant until her deatli, which occurred in 1853. In 1854 he married Mrs. Sarah Hopkins, widow of a missionary, who was drowned in the Minnesota river at Saint Peter, July 4th, 1851. As the settlers arrived in Bloomington very rapidly after the departure of the Indians. Mr. Pond devoted himself to religious, social and po- litical progress among the new settlers. He or- ganized a church and was its pastor for many years ; he represented the 7tli district in the first territorial legislature, and otherwise took an active part in progressive, political affairs. He died, January 20th, 1878. Hon. Martin McLeod was born in Montreal, Canada, August 1812. During early years he was engaged as a clerk in a wholesale house in his native city. He had a liberal education, but was imbued witli a strong desire to explore the West. In 1836, at Buffalo, he met General Dickinson, a Britisli officer, who was organizing a party of young men to explore tlie western country. McLeod joined tlie expedition and went to the Hudson Bay Company territory of Lord Selkirk. The company was disbanded, and McLeod found himself, in the winter of 1836-7, cast on his own resources. He, with Capt. J. Pays, a Polish exile, and Richard Hays, an Irish- man, hired Pierre Bottineau, as guide to conduct them to Fort Snelling. Hays was lost in a snow storm, and perished. Pays was so badly frozen that they were compelled to build a shanty for him and leave him behind. On returning for him a few days later, they found him frozen to death. Mr. McLeod arrived with his guide at Lake Traverse, and during the same spring, (1837), proceeded to Fort Snelling. There he became clerk and book-keeper for 11. II. Sibley. He afterward became a partner with a Mr. Baker. in a trading post at the fort. After the death of Mr. Baker, he went up the St. Croix River and traded with the Chipjiewas, during the winter of 18311-40, and afterward up the Minnesota River to Traverse de Sioux, and opened a trading post there, another in 1843, at Big Stone Lake, and still another at Lac qui Parle, in 1846. He took his family with him to the two places last 22b HISTOUT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. mentioned. In 1849 he removed them to where his son now resides. He continued the trading posts already mentioned, and estaVilished others at Redwood and Yellow ^ledieine. after the Indians were removed to these points. In 1858 lie sold out his trading posts and engaged in real estate business until his death. He was a mem- ber of the territorial legislature and council, and took a great interest in the affairs of the coinitry. His death occurred in 1860. His son Walter S. McLeod, who lives on the old homestead, was born near Fort Snelling, April IBth. 1841, and has always been a resident of the county. He has I tilled a number of town offices, and is a public spirited and enterprising citizen. Mrs. Margaret Brosseau was born at Leech Lake, Minnesota. October loth. 1826. and is the daughter of Peter and Louisa Quinn. Her whole life has been passed in the vicinity of Fort Snelling. Her early life was spent among the Indians and traders who frequented the fort. She, by this association, became familiar with the Sioux, Chippewa and French languages in addition to I English. She attended school at the fort and at \ Mr. Pond"s missionary school. InlS46 she was married to S. J. Findley, of Prairie du Chien, a clerk in the sutler's store at Fort Snelling. Mr. Findley kept the ferry and lived in a house, infill standing, on the east l^ank of the Mississippi River, near the new bridge at the fort. There he died November 8th, 18o5, leaving his wife and three children. Two of these children are now dead, and the third, the only survivor, is ilrs. A. E. Scofield of this town. 2ilrs. Fuidley remained at Fort Snelling until 1857 when she married F. X. Brosseau and -settled on her farm in Blooming- ton where she no\\- resides. From 18G2-"72 they lived in St. Paul, but returned at the latter date and have since lived in their old home. There were two children by the last marriage. James L. and Francis X. i both are dead. Samuel Augustin Goodrich was born in Ben- son, Vermont. September lUih, 1827. In 18:-!2 his parents moved to Du Page comity, Illinois. He there attended school, and in due time entered Knox College, (ialesburg. His health would not permit him to complete his couree and he left college. In 1852, m company with others, he came to this town and made a claim where his familv now resides. In 1854. and asiain in 18.56. he visited Illinois. During the last visit he married, at Chicago, His wfe was a Miss Adams, a na- tive of Enosbnrgh, Vermont, born March 18th, 1880. She came to Chicago, in 1854. Mr. Good- rich was the firet assessor for Hemiepin county, and held the office of Justice of the Peace. He died X'ov. 21st. 1865. There were six children. ^Irs. (xoodrich still resides on the old homestead. William Chadwick was born in England. Xov. 11th, 1824. He came to America with his parents in 182Vt. and settled in Quebec, where they re- mained until 1832. They then removed to Kings- ton, where William attended school until fifteen. He was employed afterwards on the steamboats of the St. Lawrence, and canal boats on the Ri- deau canal, until twenty-two. when he married, bought a farm, and lived on it seven years. He then lived one year in Kingston before coming to Minnesota. He came here in 1854. and settled on his present farm in 1869. He married Miss Eliza- beth Morris in 1845. She was Ijorn in England. January 15th, 1827, and ten children, of whom eight are living, followed the marriage. Robert, Mary A., Hector, Emma J., Clara J., George F., William A., and Eddie. BIOGRAPHICAL. J. L. Aneel was born in France, January 22d, 1822 ; served as a soldier seven years in France ; married to Miss Zelie Genevry in 1850 ; emigrated to America in "52 ; remained a short time in New York ; removed to Connecticut, and staid four years ; returned to Xew York, where they re- mained until 1857, when they removed to Minne- sota, and located in Bloomington. In 1874, pur- chased a farm on section 17 : sold. 1878 ; rented the farm on which he now lives the same year ; has pm-chased 160 acres in section 19. They have five children. T. T. Bazley was born in England, X'ovember 28th, 1828; settled in Canada, 1842; moved to Minnesota, 18.52: on his present farm in 1853; married, Septemiier 8. 1857. to Miss Catherine Miller, from Ireland, who died, X'ovember 10th, 1859 ; married again, September, 1862, to Miss Xancy Stinson, He tried to enlist as a soldier, but was rejected. Children are. Phebe, Kate. Jennette, Tom, Josephhie, Lillie J. John Brown was born in England, September 21.1838: came to America in 1847. His father BLOOMINGTON—BIOGBAPKICAL. 229 enlisted in the 3d Inft. of U. S. Regs., and went to Mexico, his family accompanying him. In 1849, the regiment was ordered to Fort Snelling, where Mr. Brown remained until 1853, when they settled on a farm in this Xavm. John, in 1861 , enlisted in Company D, 1st Minnesota reg- iment ; was in the first Bull Run liattle ; mus- tered out in 1864. The same summer he was sent as a scout to Dakota. Part of 1865 in the Quartermaster's department in Virginia. In the fall of 1865, married Anna M. Ames, of Bloom- ington, and settled on his present farm. They have three children, John A., Cora N., and Wal- ter J. ^Ir. Brown has a good farm valued at S5,000. II. D. Cmniingham, one of the early settlers of the state, was born in Augusta county, ^'irginia, December 13th, 1822. Came to Miiniesota in 1856. Settled in Nicollet county and followed farming. JSIarried Miss Mary Ellison in 1857. In 18.58 went to Yellow jSIedicine and took cliarge of the schools of the Dakota Mission, where he remained until the spring of 1865, when he moved to Minneapolis and engaged in the Hour and feed business. Located on his present farm in 1874. Held the office of town supervisor three years, school director and treasurer for two years, and is now in the employ of tlie American Tract Society as colporteur. Joseph Harrison was born in Ireland, 1815. Emigrated to Canada in 1818. Settled in Kings- ton. Married in 1840 to Miss H. Cook, of Kings- ton. Had tliirteen cliildren, nine of whom are living: Cecilia, Amelia, Elizabeth A., Martha J., Frances May, Charlotte, AVilliam A., Harriet M., Clement D., Ilulda C, Abbie, Eva, Edith Hope. Came to Minnesota in 1854, and moved to his present home in 1874. Has held tlie office of town supervisor and school director for several years. Has land valued at S7,000. J. W. Kelley was born in Williamsburg, N. Y., June 4th, 1836. Removed to Oneida county in 1856. Married in 1859 to Miss C. Joice. Enlisted in 1862 in Co. A, 117 N. Y. Regt, 2d division, and was engaged in many hard-fought battles under Generals Butler, Gilmore, and Teiry. Mustered out in 1865. Returned to Oneida same year. Moved to Iowa in 1869, and to Minnesota and his present farm in 1874. They have four children. Mr. Kellev is mail carrier from Minne- apolis to Richfield, Bloomington, and Blooming- ton Ferry. J. H. Kirk was born in Maryland, September 28th, 1827. Went to Ohio in 1834. Moved to Sargents Bluff, Iowa, 1849; to Anoka county, Minnesota, May, 1851. Married in 18.59 to Miss Mary G. Smith, who was born in "V^ermont, May 28th, 1834. They settled on their present farm in 1866. Have no children, but have given homes to three friendless girls and one boy. His land is valued at S3,2uu. John Le Borius was born in Germany in 1844. Came to America and settled in St. Paid in 18-54. Spent most of his time until 1861 traveling as cook and waiter with parties looking for and lo- cating claims. Employed by the government as wagon-master and blacksmith. Was with Gen. Sibley's expedition against the Indians in 1863. On his return was employed at Fort Snelluig. In 1868 made another trip with Gen. Mercy into Da- kota and the British possessions, inspecting the forts. In 1869 made a trip witli Gen. Hancock, inspecting forts and Jocating new ones. 1870 took the Fort Snelling ferry and run it four sea- sons. 1877 took cliarge of a large farm in Mower county. Married, Dec. 1879, Miss L. M. Frank. Jeremiah Mahoney, born in Ireland in 1818. Came to America in ls;«i. Enlisted in 1840 in the U. S. army, as (.Quartermaster Sergeant, and was ordered to Florida under (Tenl. W. S. Harney, to gather the Seminole Indians and take them to the reservation in Arkansas. Stationed at Fort Gibson lour years. Ordered to JMexico in 1846. Was through all the battles of the Mexican war under Gen. Scott. Ordered to Fort Snelling, and appointed Ordnance Sergeant, wlieie lie remained until the post was sold to Franklin Steele. Mar- ried in 1853 to Anna Nevin. iSIoved to his pres- ent farm in 1858. In 1861 enlisted in the First Minnesota Regiment as Commissary Sergeant. Received the appointment of Head Clerk and Cashier in Quartermaster's Dejjartment, Alexan- dria, Va. In 1864 returned to liis liome. They have one child living, Martha \. Town Super- visor one year, and Justice of the Peace two years. AV. J. McAfee, proprietor of Bloomington Flour Mills, was born in Ireland May 8.1S4U. Came to St. Johns, X. B., 1843. Learned of liis father the millwright and machinist trades. Engaged in tlie manufacture of lumber, leu years. In 1868 230 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. moved to St. Paul and opened the City Iron Works; 1869, took a partner, in 1871. dissolved and took in his brother, Hugh J.; 1877, bought present properly, erected his mill, which, with the improvements made from time to time, makes it a first class country mill. Married in 1.S6.5 to Miss M. E. Spencer, of St. Johns, X. B. They have had six children. Thomas O.xborough was born in England, April 20, 1814. His mother died in 1823. From that time he was obliged to earn his own living. Married in lSo2 to Miss Sarah Parish. Came to America in 18.52 and settled m St. Clair, Mich. In 1853 moved to Minnesota, and located on his present farm. Put up a small shantj' on his claim, without doors or windows. Indians were numerous, sometimes two huntli-ed would gather around, but did no harm. Has two children, Mathew and Anna. He has land valued at .•?i3,0U0, also a large livery stable on First street. Minneapolis, valued at S8,000. Abram Palmer, born in Eutland. Vermont. October 9th. 182.5. At an early age he moved to Saratoga county, Xew York. In 18-17, mar- ried to Miss A. Snow. Moved to Illinois in 18.50. and to DeKalb county in 18.53. Spring of 18.37 moved to Minnesota, and settled on their present farm : had seven children. Wilber. James. Mary E., Emily. Henry, Laura and Abram F. Has been Town Supervisor six yeai^s, Assessor five years. J. T. Palmer was born in Saratoga County. X. v.. August 11th. 1834. Learned cabinet maker.-; trade at Ballston Spa. In isol moved to De- kalb county. Illinois. Married in 18-5t) to ^liss Mary E. Patterson, of Peinisylvania. For six years he was master carpenter on the St. P. & P. R. R. Settled on his farm in 1870. Have five children living. Charles E.. Robert P. AVillie P.. Mary C. and Josie L. Land valued at 85,000. "Wilber Palmer was born in Saratoga county. X. Y., 1822. Gloved to DeKalb county, Illinois, in 18-50. Came to Minnesota in 1859, and on his present farm in 1860. Married in 1844 to Miss Margaret Gray, of Saratoga. He enlisted in the Mexican war, Company E, Third Regiment In- fantry, and served through the war. Mustered oat in 1848. ilarried again in 1853 to Miss Phebe Hedges, of Canada. Has eight children living. Land valued at S3,000. P. M. Petterson was bom in Sweden, March 6th. 1818. Came to ^Vmerica in 18.54. Moved from Xew York to Minnesota in 18.5.5, and set- tled in Dakota cotmty. Moved to his present farm in 1866. >ilarried in 184-5 to Miss Gustava Johnson. Divorced in 1873. Married again in same year to Miss II. Johnson. Have four children. Albert. Charles T.. Amia M.. and Ida. J. D. Scofleld was born in Cortland county, X. Y., August 29th. 1828. Moved to Seneca county, in 1847. Engaged in the lumber trade until 1849 when he came to Saint Paul. Moved to Washington county in 18.51, and remained un- tU 18.53. when he was married to Miss Sophia Cook. Settled on his present farm same year. Had four children. Charles E.. Lester II.. Alice M.. and Florence. Wife died September 22, "61. Married again April 14th, 1865, to Miss C. S. Damon. They have had three children, Cora E.. Mabel Y.. and Carl S. Supervisor for five years. One of the charter members of the Farmers" Grange, organized in 1874. F. (4. Staudish. born in Benson. Vermont. July 10, 1834. Moved to Xew York in 1836. To Illinois in 1848. To Minnesota in 1856. Made a claim seven miles west of Rockford. Wright Coun- ty, in 1858. Drafted in 1862, and furnished a sub- stitute. Sold his farm same year and moved to tins town. Married in 1863 to Miss C. Harrison, and settled on his present farm in 1868. Have four diildi-en. He was one of the volimteer com- pany that went to Fort Ridgely in 1862. Garritt A'an Xess. Jr.. l)orn in Canada. Feb- ruary 23, 1836. Came to Miiniesota and settled in Bloomuigton in 1865, and on Ills present farm in 1875. Married hi 1862 to Miss Mary ilorris. He is a carpenter and boat builder by trade. Keeps a sportsmaus station, acting as guide, and furnishing boats for duck hunting. June 29, 1877. a cyclone passed over his place and destroy- ed every building he had. Land valued 82,-500. Wm. West. Jr., born in England. February 28.1847. Came to America and settled in Xew York m 18.52. Went to Will county, Illinois, in 1855. To Anoka county Minnesota in 1856, where his father pre-empted a farm which he still owns. Married in 1872 to Miss Mary Kell of this township. Moved to his present farm, in 1863. They have three children, Leona, Fannie, G.. Ewing AV. Land valued at 82000. EDEN PRAIRIE— GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 231 EDEN PRAIRIE. CHAPTER XXXYIII. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — EARLY SETTLERS — TOWN ORGANIZATION— INDIAN BATTLE — SCHOOLS— CHURCHES RAILROADS STATIS- TICS-BIOGRAPHICAL. Edeii Prairie is situated on the Minnesota Riv- er, wliicli forms its entire southern boundary. The face of tlie country is mainly rolling and hilly. This is the character of tlie nortliern and middle portions. The name, however, arose from the southern portion, which consists of a prairie. The town was named, in 18.53, by a Mrs. Elliot, who gave it the name Eden, in expressing her admi- ration of this beautiful prairie. It has many lakes and some marshes. Tlie lakes are charac- terized by the usual gravelly shores and high banks that render the lakes of the county so beautiful. It is watered by several small streams. Mill Creek, the largest, rises in Minnetonka. Hows across tlie town from north to soutli, through Staring Lake and empties into the Minnesota River. The whole township is fertile and well adapted to grain. At (me time it iiroduced more wheat than any other town in Hen- nepin county. Ill the nortliern. or lirush-laiid portion of the town, the soil is a dark loam with clay subsoil. The prairie has a deeper and riclier soil. Heavy timber is found in the extreme north-west and south-west and lighter on the hilly land. Eden Prairie is a farming town and contains no village. EARLY SETTLERS. The town was first settled in 1(S.52, by John McKenzie, David Livingston, Alexander Gould, Hiram Abbott. Samuel Mitchell, Sr., and sons, R. Neill, Aaron Gould, and others. Mr. Abbott made the first claim on the nortli part of the prairie, immediately after the treaty, with pur- chase of land, was made with tlie Dahkotas, in 1851. Mr. McKenzie's claim was in the southern part of the town near the river, on sections 34 and 35. In company with Hon, Alexander "Wil- kin, then secretary of the territory, and others, he platted a village, and called it Hennepin. This was on the Minnesota river, at his claim. A hotel, store and a few residences were built. It was at one time the chief shipping point for grain, which was taken in the small steamers that plied up and down the Minnesota river. Like many a projected city of the West, it failed to flourish, and was abandoned. TOWN ORGANIZATION. Previous to tlie state organization, Hiram Ab- bott was appointed Justice of the Peace, and William O. Collins, Constable, in 1854, under the territorial government. These were the only officers previous to the town organization. The township was organized in 18.58, and the first town meeting lield on the eleventh of May, in the old school house. The following officers were elected : Supervisors, Aaron (iould. chairman ; Robert Anderson and William O. Collins. Clerk, Will- iam H. Rouse. Collector, A. K. lililler. Asses- sor, William J. Jarrett. Overseer of Poor, John Keeley. Justices, William O. Collins and James Gamble. Constables, A. K. Miller and Arch. Anderson. The total expense of the town for the first year was .S55.04. The town officers for 1880, were : Super\'isors, William Hurlbut. chairman ; William Andrews and Aaron S. Xeill. Clerk, William O. Collins. Assessor, George N. (iibbs. Treasurer, Sheldon Smith. EARLY EVENTS. The first child of white parentage born in the town, was to Mr. and Mrs. Pauley Butterfield, and died in infancy. Tlie first marriage was William Chambers and Martha Mitchell, in the 232 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. winter of 1852-3. Neither are living. The first woman to live in thisto^\ii was Miss Jane Mitch- ell, now Mrs. Frank Warner, of Carver. She came in 1852, to keep house for her father and brothers, before the arrival of the other members of the family. The farm wliere they located, on section 17, is now owned by the heirs of Fred. Miller. INDI.\N B.\TTLE. On the 27th of May, 1858, only a few days subsequent to the organization of the town, a fearful Indian battle was fought, ■\\hich was \yitnessed by several of the settlers. It took place between the old enemies, the Sioux and Chippwas. near Murphy"s ferry in the southern part of the town. The Chippewas wished to avenge a murder, committed the fall previous near Crow Wing by the Sioux. In furtherance of their plan, the Chippewas formed an ambush among the hills on the north side of the ferry. The Sioux were encamped on the south side. The Chippe- was numbered about two hundred warriors, the Sioux, only sixty or seventy. The Chippewas therefore counted on an easy victory. The contest began at early daA\ii by a detachment of Chippe- was firhigupon a fishing party of Sioux, who had unsuspectmgly crossed to the north side. This roused the Sioux camp and they took possession of the ferry so promptly, as to cross and come on the Chippewas at the banks of Big Creek and get into cover in their near vicinity before they could be repelled. The Chippewas finding theirambush a failure, made several attempts to dislodge their foes by strong detachments, but without success. The Sioux, though inferior in numbers, fought with characteristic vigor and desperation, and about 10 o'clock in the morning completely routed the Chippewas. The number killed is not known but Noonday, a youngchief of the Chippewas, fell and his body was horribly mutilated by Wau-ma- nung, chief of the Sioux. Phillip Collins, who was an eye witness, states that the Sioux chief cut the heart from his fallen foe and drank of its blood, then, after taking the scalp, cut off the head and carried it on a pole to the Sioux camp near Shakopee. Then the victory was celebrated by a scalp dance, lasting several days, character- ized by their usual barbarities. The body of the young chief was burned. After the fight, Mr. Collins found in a pouch containing the pipe. '-Kiunickinnick." etc., of a fallen Chippewa, a rude map on birch bark, which bore, besides the localities of hills, lakes and rivers of that vicinity, several mysterious char- acters, among them figures representing cows, others foxes, etc. It is unfortunate that this relic was lost. SCHOOLS. The first school house was built in 1854. It was built of tamarac logs and finished ^\-ith bass- wood lumber. In size it was 18x24 feet. This was the second school house built in Hennepin county. Miss Sarali Clark taught during the summer of 1854, which was the opening term of the school. This old house, which long served as school house, church and town hall, wastorn down in 1873, and in its stead was built the pres- ent structure. It is a neat frame building, 20x30 feet, on the east line of section 20. district number 56. The town sustains schools in four entire districts and forms part of two joint districts with Minnetonka, all furnished with substantial school houses. CHUKCHES. The earliest report of religious instruction is of the preaching of Rev. Gideon H. Pond, in the spring of 1854, at the house of Hiram Abbott. Meetings were afterward held at the house of J. Staring, and. later, in the old log school house. The Eev. Edward Eggleston preached in the school house several times during the early part of his ministry. Three churches are now sustained in the town. The Methodist Episcopal. I'nited Presbyterian and Episcopal. The first effort toward the establishment of a Methodist society was the forming of a class by Rev. J. E. Bell. He was soon succeeded by Rev. Mr. Stephenson. For several years the society was small, but gained numerical strength with the development of the town. In 1871. a church was built in section 21. near the site of the old school house. The society now numbers about sixty members and has a floiu-- ishing Sunday School. The United Presbyterian Church was organized m 1858, by Rev. Alex. McHatton. a missionary, who remained about two years. Several changes occurred during the next few years. Rev. A. B. Coleman was stationed herein 1868. He was the EDEN PRAIRIE-MILL, STORES, ETC. 233 first stated pastor and remained until 1871, when he was succeeded by Rev. J. L. Whitley, wlio remained three years. Eev. James Rogers was stationed here in 1874 and remained mitil 1878, when lie was succeeded by Rev. S. T. Ilerron, the present pastor. Tlie elders of the church are Samuel Anderson, James Claris and James Gam- ble. The church edifice is a comfortable frame building 28x40 feet, located in tlie nortlnvest part of section 26. It was built in part, in 1869, and finished in 1879. The society numbers fifty-three and Sunday School sixty-five. The average at- tendance at tlie Sunday School is forty. Episcopal, St. John's Church. The first organ- ization of this society was in 1864. It was, how- ever, re-organized in 1873, in consequence of the failure to record the first organization. The church is a very neat wooden structure, 22x34 feet. It was originally built in Clianhassen, Carver county, about the year 1860, and in 1868, was moved to its present location on section 27. The first pastor was Rev. John Fitch. The pres- ent pastor. Rev. William Powell, has officiated since 1873. The officers of the society are Will- iam J. Jarrett, senior warden, and George V. Hawkins, junior warden. The present member- ship is about twenty, and a Sunday School is maintained. MILL. A grist-mill, on section 26, on ilill Creek, is the only establishment of the kind in the town. It was built by Dr. Nathan Stanton in 1861, and be- gan to run in 1862. Isaac Crow bought the mill the next year, and operated it until his death, which occurred in 1872. James Till bought it of the heirs, and sold it in 1878 to its present owner, J. Balme. It has two runs of stone, and has used water power wholly initil within three years. Low water has since compelled the par- tial use of steam. STORES, HOTELS, ETC. The first store in town was built by Howe & Dunn, at the proposed village of Hennepin, in 1854. In the same year a building was erected near the mill, for the double purpose of store and hotel, by Mr. Dudley. The property soon passed into the hands of A. I. Apgar. He kept open the hotel but closed the store, and it continued thus until destroyed by fire in 1867. A small store was also opened in the fall of 1880 at the station, by Jacob Rankins. A postoftice was es- tablished in 1854, with J. Staring as first post^ master. Mr. Staring held the office fourteen years. His son, M. S. Staring, carried the mail to and from Bloomington. This was six miles distant, and the nearest point on the old stage line. He made weekly trips for eighteen months, and received for his services for the entire time, twelve dollars. This office is kept at present by H. Goodrich, who also has a store, established nine years ago. IIAILKOADS. The Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad enters the town on the north, near the northwest corner of section 3, and passes out at the southwest, through section 30. The dep(rt is situated near the middle of the town, on section 17. A second postoftice is located near the deimt, called AVash- burn. The track of this road was laiil and the station built in November, 1871. The first agent was R. O. Reed, who continued until June 16th. 1872, when the present agent took the position. Another railroad, the Hastings & Dakota Cut Off, passes through the northwestern part of the town, built in 1880. STATISTICS. Total number of acres in the township, 19,783. Assessed valuation of land in 1869, 887,373; in 1875, S174,766; in 1880, $266,303. Personal prop- erty in 1869, 826,737: in 1875, 830.116: in 1880, 838,293. Total taxes in 1869, 82,314; in 1875, $2,486; in 1880, $2,412. Horses over two years old in 1869, 156; inl875.2.30: in 1880, 284. Cattle over two years old in ISOO, 448; in 1875, 564; in 1880,498. Sheep in 1869, 500; in 1875, 112; in 1880, 391. Hogs in 1869, 125; in 1875, 112; in 1880, 313. Wheat in 1869, 22,593 bushels; in 1875, 28,107 bushels; in 1880, acreage, 3,509. The population by the census of 1880 is 749. BIOGRAPHICAL. Prominent among the early settlers here are the Andersons, three generations of whom are now living in the town, and niunber upwards of one hundred. Robert Anderson was born in Knocknabossett, county Cavan, Ireland, in 1824. Remained with his father until the age of twenty-six, being employed in milling and 234 HISTORY OF HESNEPiy COUNTY. farming. In 1850 came to America, arriving at (Galena, Illinois, November 5th, where he spent four yeare farming. Came to Minnesota. April. 1854. first stopping inBloominglon. then to Eden Prairie where he has since resided. February. 1850. married Miss Mary J. Hill, daughter of John and Elizabeth Hill, of Ireland. From this union nine children \\ ere born ; Tliose now liv- ing: John H.. Samuel G.. Robert J.. Mary J.. Anna E.. Joseph M.. Margaret E. and Agnes E. When he came to this region there was but one store in ^linneapolis on the west side, and no settler between Fort Snelling and Bloominglon except Rev. Gideon H. Pond and one Frencli family. Into this wilderness he brought his family by way of the Minnesota River on the rickety little steamer lola. This little craft be- came partially disabled on the way up. obliging the passengers to carry wood and \^ater to keep her in motion. This pastime was indulged in several times during the journey from St. Paul. to the general annoyance of the passengers. !Mr. Anderson has been prominent in matters of ed- ucation, temperance and Christianity: now has a son in the University fitting for the ministry. William Anderson was born January 1st, 18:^7, in North Ireland. When sixteen yeare old, his father, a prosperous cottager and mill owner, died, and in 1854 William came with the family to America, settling in Jo Davies county. Illinois, where he attended school one year, then went to Galena to work in a stt)re. where lie remained until tlie fall of 185-5. when he came to Minnesota crcssing the Mississiy)pi at Fort Snelling. and went to Eden Prairie. His niniher made a home- stead claim of the farm he now occupies, on sec- tion l;^ and 14. where she lived to see the third generation of her family : 103 grandchildren and I .'^ great grandchildren. She died in March. 1878. William Anderson married Miss Rachel ^litchell. April listh. 18.58. They have eleven children; Harvey. Martha A.. Lizzie R.. Ida E.. Fannie, Loretta II.. Jennie L.. Julia M.. Alfred W.. Ar- thur H. IL. and Alice P. He has been active in educational and religious matters and largely in- terested in the erection of the three churches in Uie township. Was one of a few who hewed and hauled the logs for the first school-house in his district, in 1856. Two of his children are now attending the High School in Minneapolis. James Anderson was bom in the same town in Ireland, as his brothers Robert and William. His early life, like that of his brothers, was de- voted to milling and farming. In 1852 he came to America. Lived one year in Hanover. Illinois. In 1853 came to Minnesota and located where he has since lived, on section 14. In common with other pioneer settlers, he staked out his ■■claim."" which he siibse(|uently secured by pre-emption and entry. In the spring of 1854 brought his family from Illinois, coming from St. Paul on the steamer lola. Was married February irtth. 1852. to Miss Sarah Hicks, of Cavau county, Ireland. Have had nine children. Robert IL, Eliza J.. John W.. Tliomas. Matilda. James. David H., Robert, and a son who died in infancy. John II. .Vuderson was born at Camp Creek, near Galena. Illinois. November 7th, 18.50. When four yeais of age he came with his parents to Eden Prairie and remained witli his father until the age of twenty-three, receiving a common school education, with one term at the graded school in Excelsior. Married January 2d. 1874. to Miss Ida E., daughter of Aaron and Matilda Gould. Has two children. Edward W.. and Jen- nie G. Owns a good farm one mile east of Eden Prairie station. AVilliam V. Bryant, for manv veare a resident of Eden Prairie, was born in Saco, York county. Maine. March 21s1.1n21. Is a lineal descendant of Stephen Br>ant. of the old Plymouth colonies, and of the same family line with AVilliam CuUen Bryant. His father. John Bryant, was a seafar- ing man. and died in 1820. At the age of thir- teen. William went to Salem and learned the sad- dlers" trade, remaining until 1836. then sought adventure upon the ocean, his first service being with Commodore M. C. Perry, of the steamer Fulton, the first steamer built by the U. S. gov- ernment. Also sailed on the ships Admiral and Henry Clay : was three yeai-s on the whaler America, in Pulaski Bay, Prussian possessions. During eighteen years of ocean life, visited many places of historic interest, sailing around the world, and encountering many thrilling adven- tures and remarkable preservations. In 1852, abandoned ocean life, and in May. was married to Miss Hannah Shepherd, of Boston. Mass. Six chil- dren have been born to them: Sarah L., Blanche M.. Martha A.. WiUiam M.. Rose A., and John EBEN PBAIRIE—BIOGBAPHICAL. 235 M., only four of whom are living. Came to St. Paul in July, 1852; remained one year, then removed to St. Anthony, remainin;^ there for eight months, then removed to his iireseut loea- tion. Nathaniel Brown has lieen a resident of Min- nesota since 1855, and of Hennepin county since 1874. Was bom in Tranklin county, N. Y., Nov. iith, 1825, and in early childhood accompanied liis parents to Indiana, from which place the family removed to Fulton county, Illinois, in 18-10. Soon after this, his father died and he went with the family to Des Moines county, Iowa, where he remained on a farm iox aliout nine years. !Marcli 10th, 1853, married Miss Harriet N. Van Nice. Have had eight children, seven of whom are liv- ing: Rosa Belle, Stephen E., Frank A., Clara L.. Sadie, Oscar II.. and Cliarles L. He entered the army in 186-t, enlisting in Co. A., 4th Minn. Inf. Veterans. Was with the regiment through Sher- man's march to the sea. Received his discharge at Louisville, Ky.; in 1865. Returned to his family in Scott county, where lie liad removed from Iowa in 1855, remained tliere until 1874, when he sold his farm and located at his present place. James A, Brown, is a native of Cavan county, Ireland, where he was born, July 8, 1849. His father, who was a farmer, kept him at scliool until sixteen years of age. In the fall of 1866 the family came to America, locating near (ialena, Illinois, and the following year, removed to Eden Prairie. In 1875, bought the farm lie now lives on, five miles east of Shakopee, on the nortli bank of the Minnesota river. Married Jliss Mary X. Dean. March 21, 1877; have two child- ren, Edward J. and William R. Mr. and ]Mrs. Brown are members of the Presbyterian church and take a lively interest in educational matters. AVilliam O. Collins, who tigures conspicuously in the early history of Eden Prairie, is a native of Canada. Was born December 6,1812. Until eighteen years of age remained with his parents, on the farm, and when twenty years of age went to Vermont, remaining there one year, then to New York, learning the canienter"s trade, fol- lowing it for two years. Returned to Canada and married Miss Isabella Latta, December 27, 1836. Of eight children the result of this union, three are now living. Entered the British army in 1837, during the Rebellion in Canada, and remained in her Majesty's service two years. Removed to Massachusetts in 1842. remained two years, went back to Canada where he remained until 1854, when he sought a home in the West, locating in Hennepin county in 1855, on the farm where he now lives. In 1866 his liuildings, valued at S3.U00, were destroyeil l>y fire. Mr. ('i)llins is a member of the M. E. Chuicli and still active in all public affairs. James Clark was born Marcli 17, 1836, in Don- egal county, Ireland, and came with his parents to America in 1843. The journey here was one of extreme peril, and well-nigh proved fatal. The steamer they emltarked on. encountered a severe storm and was beached on the Isle of Man ; sailed to Liverpool, and from there to America, landing at New York. August 1843, located in Brooklyn, where, after leaving school, James was engaged in carpenter work until 1855, when the family came to Minnesota, settling in Eden Prairie. James remained in St. Paul, at his trade for about two years, after which he went to New York and in 1861 married Miss Prudence Sterritt, who bore him ten children, all living except one. Returned to Minnesota in 1862. and. leaving his family here, went South and was employed at his trade in the Quartermaster's Department of Maj. General Thomas' command. In 1864. went to Illinois in tlie employment of the Chicago and Alton R. R. Co. April 1865, went to St. Louis, and Sedalia. Missouri, returning to his family in October. In 1868 went to Tennessee, remained there sixteen months. After the death of his father, in 1878, he settled on tlie old homestead, where he has since remained. John Cavanaugh was born in King's county, Ireland, June, 1831, and lived with his father un- til twenty-two years of age ; came to America ; spent one year on Long Island, tlien tried the fortunes of the sea, sailing on the •' James Ad- gers " and the " Nashville," plying between South Carolina and New York. After this, spent two years at Cooperstown, and in 1857 i-ame to St. Paul ; from there to Shakopee, where he remamed eighteen months. 1858, married Miss Ellen Mo- riarty. Twelve children have l)een born to them. The living are George S., John R., Henry, Mary L., James O., Charles A., Eugene F., and Ellen A. In 1858, purchased the farm where he now 236 HISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. lives, which is pleasantly situated north of Lake Riley. "William ¥. IIull)eit was born in Pittsfield. Michigan, in 1837 ; removed with his parents to Ann Arbor in 1854 ; attended school one year, then engaged in farming until 1861, when lie came to Eden Prairie, and bought a tract of land. In the fall returned to Michigan, and in Decem- ber, 1863, married Miss Rachel Booth, of Lodi, Michigan, who has borne him two children. Has been active in educational matters, and several times a menil)er of the town board. His pleas- ant farm residence, is about one mile from the station of Eden Prairie. "William J. Jarrett was born September 14Ui. 1823, in Lehigh county. Pennsylvania ; attended the Moravian school until tifteen years of age. In 1838. removed to x^llentown. and engaged in farming until 1840 ; went to Philadelphia as cur- rier, for a short time ; thence to Mauch Cliunk, following the same trade until the spring of 1857, when lie came to St. Anthony, and engaged witli his brother in the Jarrett House, for a short time ; thence to Eden Prairie. "Wliile in Pennsylvania, married Miss Susan Detwiler. of Maneh Chunk : has had six cliildren. live of wliom are living. Has been a been a menil)er of the town lioard several times. II. E. Lowell, is a native nf New Hampshire. Born in Sullivan county, February 6th. "25. Re- ceived an academic education, attending school at "West Boylston, and completed Ids studies at "Wil- braliam. Mash. Was principal of the Academy at Colebrook. Ot.. for two years. In 1853 came to Hudson,\V is., thence to St. Paul,where he engaged in dairy liusiuess with L. t\ < 'ollins. In the spring of 1854 he made a lumiestead claim in t'arver coun- ty, in the town of Chanhassen. and engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1863 ; sold, and moved to Excelsior, spending six years in the em- ploy of tlie Xortliwestern Life Insurance Co. Then went to fruit-growing. After a few years of experimental culture, enlarged his business by purchasing the farm on which he now lives, one and a half miles southwest from Eden Praire Station. Planted ten acres to trees, and has been very successful in developing some choice varie- ties of apples and small fruits. Married, in 18.5:2, Miss Maria Holmau. of Wilbraham, Mass. Had five children, four now living. Andrew "W. Mitchell was born in Bally Bay, I Monaghan county. Ireland, February 14th, 1831. Came with liis father's family to- America in 18.52, I arriving at New Orleans May 1 st. Came from there i to St. Anthony by steamer. In July his father 1 made claims in Eden Prairie, upon whicli they I settled in the fall. His father died January 10, 1866. The subject of this sketch was married September 10, 1857, to Miss Francis Anderson. I They have live children. Elizabeth A., Andrew "W. Jr.. Martha J.. Fanny and Henry H. Their pleasant rural home is in the central part of the I town, and north of Staring Lake. Thomas Ohm. was born in (iermany. February 10th. 1829. lived with his parents until the age of fifteen, and came to America in '48, stopped in Mil- waukee a short time ; tlience to Galena, Illinois, where he remained for two years. Came to Min- nesota in 1851 : located in Carver county, after- wards removed to Eden Prairie. Was married 1 June. 1856. to Miss Mary Easier of Illinois. They have had eleven children ; six are now hving: Chas. T.. Mary A.. Alfred IL, JohnH., I Mary M.. and Anna L. He enlisted August, 1864. in Company F. 11th Miiniesota "\'olunteers, was in General Thomas' cumniand eleven months : returned in 1865. when he sold his farm in Carver county and bought land adjoining his Eden Prairie home on section 6. William B. Paine, was born in Somerset county, Maine. September loth, 1814. He lived witli his father, and attended school until he reached the age of twenty-one. In 1855. he came to ^linne- sota, and pre-empted the farm on which his son I Ezra now lives. He has owned several tracts of land in Eden Prairie. In .March. 1840. he was married to Miss Rci.sanna Kempton. of Maine; she died in 1868. They had six children, three of whom are now living. Peter Ritchie, was born in Canada. October 19. 1828. At the age of twenty-two, went toCoUin- wood and engaged in mercantile business, then removed to Pickering, and established a whole- sale cigar house. Married Miss JIargaret Kidd in 1854. Have had eight cliildren. seven of whom are liraig. Came to St. Paul in the fall of 18.56, remained there during the winter, then settled in what is now Acton. Meeker county, which town he named. This town has since become noted as the place where the first blood was shed in the EDEN PRAIRIE -BIOGRAPHICAL. 237 Indian massacre of 1862. Went to Canada this year on account of the Indian outrages, and re- turned in 1864. Lived in Scott countj' six years. Rented the farm he has since bouglit, situated on Minnesota river, where Ire does quite a freighting business, using his own barge. Matthew O. Kiley was l)orn in Ireland in 1830. Attended scliool until fifteen years of age. Came to America in the spring of 1845. Worlced in a cotton factory in Lowell, Massachusetts; also on the Meredith Bridge pidjlic works. Then to farming in Massachusetts until 1852, when lie came to Minnesota. Went from St. Paul to Sauk Rapids on the steamer Governor Ramsey. Re- turned to St. Anthony, spending some time in the St. Charles Hotel, then rimning a ferry-boat at Fort Snelling. In 1853 located where lie now lives. JIarried Miss Elizabeth Austin, July 22d, 1858. Had live children, three now living: James F., Elizabeth, and Margaret. ^Ir. Riley is one of the oldest settlers of the county. Jonas Staring, born in Herkimer county, New York, May 6th, 1809. His father died when he was eight years old, and the family located in Lewis county, Xew York, where he followed farming for ten years. Carried on a grocery for two years at Little Falls, Xew York. Went to boating on the Erie canal, captain of the Erin, a freight and passenger boat. Bought and run the packet boat Ann Allen, four seasons. Sold out, went to In- diana, and run a boat on the Wabash & Erie canal. His health failing he returned to New York. At Utica he established a large clothing house, employing 380 persons. Came to Minne- sota in 1854, bought his present location, built a house, the first frame in the town, and soon moved his family here. Married Miss Hannah De Voe in 1833. Had five children, two now living: Myron S. and ^lary A. John H. Staring was born in Marthisburgh, N. Y., August 26th, 1830. At nine years of age, removed to Jefferson county, where he remained until twenty-one years of age. Went as sailor on the brigs " Manchester,'" " Northern Light "" and '• New York." Came to Eden Prairie in 1856, remaining there for five years, and in Jlin- ueapolis one year. ^larried Miss ]Margaretta Brewster, April 28th, 1861, by whom he had nine children, six now living: Matilda M., Net- tie F., Cora A., Ada M., Sarah J. and John H. Barnard C. Stewart was born in St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 8. 'bQ. Hisfather came to Minnesota when Barnard was one year old and bought the farm on which he now lives on section twenty-seven. Attended school until eighteen. November 12th, 1879, married Miss Addie Cooper, of Blooming- ton. They have one child, Mary .1. C. B. Tirrell, was born September 25th, 1836, in Androscoggin county, Maine. He received his education at the Lewiston Fall Academy. At the age of eighteen he came to Minnesota, and in the summer of 1855, taught one term of scliool in St. Anthony. After this, he came to Eden Prairie, and taught the first winter school in the town, during the winter of 1855-6. In the fall of 1855, his father came to Eden Prairie, and ])re-enipted the farm now owned by Chesley. In 18.iS, he went to Shakopee, began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar, March, 1860. He practiced with L. L. Baxter, in Chfiska, and in 1861 enlisted in Company C, First Minnesota Infantry, and served until discharged for disability, in 1864. E. A. Tucke) was born in Chenango county, N. Y.. August 17th, 1826. At twenty-one started for the North-west, visiting Detroit, Chicago. Galena and Mackinaw. Returned to New York and worked at the carpenter trade until he came West in 1855 and settled in Scott county. Re- niauied there fourteen years; then went to Lake Crystal and was engaged in business about two years. In the meantime, bought his present place on section twenty-seven, Eden Prairie. Served three years in Company A. Fourth ^Minnesota Vol- unteer Infantry, participating in the battles of Corinth and luka, in the siege of Yicksburg, and in Sherman's march to the .sea. Returned home in the fall of 1864. Alarried Miss Marcina Baxter, of Steuben county, N. Y., in 18-50. Ten children have been born to them, eight of whom are now living: Selah P., ZellaM., Ann M.. Emma M., Abbie A.. Ida R., Edson N. and Harry H. Jacob Wolf was bom in Prussia in 1828, and came to this country in 1S47. After various bus- iness ventures in the East he visited the North- west and in 1854 came to Minnesota and located on his present farm in 1S55. Has been twice married, his union with his present wife occurring in 1875. Has three children by his present wife and three by his first. Ilis residence is on sec- tion twenty-six. 238 mSTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNETONKA. CHAPTER XXXIX. GENERAL DESCRIPTION— FIRST SEITLERS— OR- GANIZATION— POST OFFICES— OFFICIAL ROS- TER—TILLAGES CHURCHES SOCIETIES SCHOOLS— HOTELS— MILLS— RAILROADS— BIO- GRAPHICAL. Jliiinetonka. is located in the southern part of Hennepin county, and was covered with a lieavy growth of timber in the %Yestern portion of the town, and with a light growth of underbrush in the eastern part. The surface is rolling, with occasional mounds of considerable height. The soil is principally a sandy loam, while in some portions of the eastern part, a clay loam appears. A number of Lakes are scattered over the town, the principle one being Shady Oak Lake, which is a beautiful body of water, located in the south- east part. Gray's Lake, a large body of water, is located on Section 8, in the north-western part. Glenn Lake, in the southern part on section 34, Crane Lake, in the north-eastern part on section 2 and Shell Lake on Section 14. Wayzata bay, the eastern arm of Lake Minnetonka, is in tlie north- western part of the town, and many fine cottages now adorn its banks. FIRST SETTLEMENT. The first settlers in the town were Simon Ste- vens and James Shaver, Jr., who came in the spring of 18-52, Mr. Stevens locating on section 15. This was before land could be entered, obliging ilr. Shaver and Mr. Stevens to build a shanty and occupy it to hold possession, until such a time as they could legally enter and secure it. On ac- count of a valualile mill site, Mr. Shaver located his claim on sections 17 and 18, on the south shore of Wayzata Bay. Mrs. James Shaver was the first white woman in the town. Later in the year, came James Mountain, Mrs. Mary Gordon and five sons. John McGalpin, George Andrews, and John Bourgeois. Mrs. Gordon settled on what is now the county poor farm. James iloun- tain. after remaining a short time, sold his claim and left. George Andrews sold his claim early the following spring to Mr. J. P. Miller. Jlr. Bourgeois and Mr. McGalpin built a shanty on the east shore of Wayzata bay. on a spot now known as "Bourgeois" Mound." There they remained imtil the sprmg of 18-53, when they moved into what afterwards became the village of ^linnetonka. Here Mr. Bourgeois built the first blacksmith shop west of St. Anthony. That same spring Simon Stevens, Calvin Tuttle. Horace Webster and others began the erection of a saw mill, which they completed and had in operation that fall, on the site now occupied by the Jlinuetonka Mills. Mrs. James Shaver, the pioneer woman of the town, did the cooking for the men who worked on the mill. From the 8th of November, 18-52, until the 24th of Jan.. 18-53. she never saw a white woman. At that time ilr. O. E. Garrison and A. B. Robinson came with tlieir families and settled on the present site of Wayzata. Mr. Rob- inson building his shanty on the spot where the Arlington House now stands. Later in 1853, came Mr. J. P. Miller, Pascal Spafford, "W. S. Chowen, W. B. Harrington, A. X. Gray, Samuel Bartow. Horace Webster. R. E. McKinney, and D. E. Dow. Pascal Spafford built the second building in the village of Minnetonka, and occu- pied it as a store, which was the first store in the town. Some of the early settlei-s have left the town, among ^\hom are O. E. Garrison, now in St. Cloud, Simon Stevens at Clearwater, Horace "W^ebster near the same place, Calvin Tut- tle at Two Rivers, and W. B. Harrington who died at Hutchinson. McLeod county several years ago. Most of the others are still living in the town, ilany incidents connected with the early history MINNETONKA— ORGANIZATION. 239 of the towii might be mentioned would the limits of this work permit. One, however, is deserving of special notice. The Indian chief, Little Six, and his band of braves, camped on Wayzata Bay, near the present site of Wayzata village, during the winter of 1852 and 1853, returning every winter following until the outbreak of the Sioux in 1862. Although they were not considered particularly dangerous, they were a constant source of annoyance on account of their begging and pilfering propensities. Lit- tle Six was considered an exemplary Indian, who was cleanly, manly and brave, but his son, Little Six, as frequently happens with the sons of white sires, was of a different type. He was a drunken, worthless vagabond. Let him see a bottle, and a demand for it was immediately in order, no mat- ter what was in it, especially if it was in the possession of a woman. This was the fatal snare he fell into, after the massacre. Knowing this habit, a bottle was drugged and given to a woman who lived where he was supposed to be sure of visiting. He came, saw the bottle, demanded it, and eagerly drank of its contents and was soon under the influence of the drug, when he was secured and afterwards hung witli '-Medicine Bottle " at Fort Snelling. In the sprmg of 1854, settlement became more rapid, and the town began to take on the apiiear- ance of civilization. As each new settler came, he added strength to the number, as well as in- creasing its material prosperity. One remarkable as well as pleasing feature in connection with the history of this town, is the fact that the people have very little use for a Justice of the Peace, or a Constable. Their office has been almost entirely nominal. The tirst white children born in the town were Bayard T. and Bernard G. Shaver, twin sons of James and Sarah C. Shaver, in August, 1853. Bayard teaches school in the winter and works on the farmer in the siunmer. Bernard is a carpen- ter and joiner. Xo more births occurred until February 1855, when S. M. Bartow was born. The first death occurred in June, 1855; that of Mr. Waters, who had just arrived \^ith his family from Pennsylvania, having contracted the cholera on board the boat upon which he took passage. It occurred about a week after his arrival. Like all new communities, the people heartilv sympa- thized with his bereaved family, doing all they could to ameliorate their sad condition. Nearly the entire population attended the funeral. The coffin was made by Mr. A. X. C4ray, and the body buried in Groveland Cemetery. His wife, now living in Excelsior, has since been twice married. A few days later a Mr. Jordan died of the same disease, and soon after a young man at Wayzata, followed in a few days by the mother of Mr. O. E. Garrison. The latter death was caused by fright, she being an old lady and quite feeble. The first marriage in the town, was Newton Sperry to Mrs. Waters, in the spring of 1857, at the house of W. S. Chowen. The ceremony was jjerformed liy James Shaver, .lustice of the Peace, he being the first one to hold that office in the town previous to its organization. The first citizen of the town elected to the state legislature was W. S. Chowen, who was elected in the fall of 1857. and served until March. 1858. ORCiANIZ.M'ION. The first meeting for the organization of the township occurred on the eleventh of May, 18.58, at what was then the Minnetonka Hotel, part of which is now the residence of ('. H. Burwelhand Samuel Bartow was chosen chairman, pro tern., B. M. Vanalstine, clerk, pro tem., with L. W. Eastman for moderator. On motion, it was voted unanimously, tliat Minnetonka lie the name of the town. The electors then proceeded to ballot for town officers, and elected for Supervisors. Fred- erick Bassett. chairman, B. ^I. A'analsline and J. P. Miller ; Clerk, George McKinley ; Assessor, L. W. Eastman ; Collector, H. R. Eddy ; Over- seer of the Poor, John McGann ; Constables, M. B. Stone, A. E. Richards ; Justices of the Peace, A. B. Robinson, J. C. Clay ; Road Overseer, John McKenzie. The first meeting of the board was held at the office of the Town Clerk, in the vil- lage of Mmnetonka, May 28th, 1858. No busi- ness of importance was transacted, and they ad- journed to meet June 21, 1858. At this meeting the road districts of the town were divided, and numbered, one, two, three, and four, respectively. The second town meeting was held in the village of Minnetonka, April 5th, 1859, at the ^linne- tonka Hotel. The first wagon road laid out by the town, was called the Harrington road. It was surveyed by B. F. Christleib, and reported 240 HISTOEY OF SENNEPJN COUNTY. by him to the town board. January 21st, 1860. It began at J. S. Harrington's house, near the lake sliore, and ran in a northeasterly direction, until it intersected the Watertown road, about a mile west of the village of Wayzata. POST OFFICES. The first post office in the to-mi was estabUshed at Mmnetoiika early In the year of 18o5, and Pas- cal Spafi'ord appointed the first postmaster. He was succeeded by George McKinley, who held it until 1861, when A. B. Robinson was ap- pointed, and held it until he enlisted in the army. Then Calvin A. Tuttle was appointed. Late in 186-1, Thomas Morse was appointed, and the office was moved to his residence, on the east side of section IT. In 1867, M. A. Page was appointed and the office moved back to ]SIinnetonka, where it has since remained. E. E. Perkins was ap- pointed in April 1868. followed by II. M. Yroman in 1870, George Browning in 1874. II. M. Yroman again in 1875 and C. H. Burwell in 1876: he is the present postmaster. The second post office in the town was estab- lished at AVayzata in 18oo, and a Mr. Chapman appointed postmaster, with A. W. Day. deputy, who subsequently was appointed postmaster, his wife attending to the duties of the office. Of her, many amusuig stories are told. One of them was. that when parties called for their mail, the old lady would reach do\^^l mto the capacious depths of her pocket and draw out the package of letters, carefully look them over and give out the letters, if any, and return the rest to her '• petticoated " post office. She also had a very inquisitive mind. Well, what woman has not ? Particularly, when an unopened letter is passuig through her hands. Wm. Dudley was appomted to the office in 18-58, and continued until 1862, when it was discontin- ued. In the spring of 186-5. the office was re- established and named Freeport, and A. O. Mat- son appointed postmaster. The people doing business through the office, particularly the old settlers, were not pleased with the new name, and it was finally changed to Wayzata again, late in 1866. In 1867 Mr. C. E. Stimpson was appointed, and remamed until .July. 1869. He was succeeded by J. S. Harrington ijil870. J.T.Dudley in 1872. G. W. Hedderiy in 1874: November 16, 1874,' A. K. Richards; May 8th, 1879, G. W. Hedderiy was again appointed, and now holds the office. South Plymouth post office was estabUshed soon after the office at Wayzata was vacated, and located about a mile and a half east. F. A. Clay was appointed postmaster, and held the office until the re-establishment of the office at Wayzata. when the Soutli Plymouth office was discontinued. OFFICIAL ROSTER. The present officers for the town are: Super- visors. W. S. Choweu. B. F. Keesling. J. B. Jack- son; Town Clerk, D. M. Burwell: Treasurer, G. M. Bumes; Assessor, E. W. Bartow; Justices of the Peace. D. M. Burwell. J. 11. Empenger; Con- stable, F. L. Perkins. Population of the township of Minnetonka, in- cluding villages. 1.974. It contains 21.712 acres of land, which was assessed m 1880 at $282,2-54. Town lots, SI 2.291. The assessed valuation of personal property for the same year was $41,683. Total amount of taxes for 1880, 83,817. VILLAGES. The \'illage of Wayzata is located in the north- western part of the town, on the Breckenridge di\ision of the St. P., M. & M. E. E.. and was laid out by O. E. Garrison in 18-54. who erected a steam saw-mill and run it about a year, then sold it to parties who took it down and moved it. Af- ter making a few other improvements, he sold his interest to L. C. Walker, a non-resident, who took little interest in the viUage, and its progress was slow. After his death in 1862. the property was in such a condition that it could not be sold until a few years ago. Since then a little in- crease in the population has been made. Has one general store and one grocery and confection- ery store. ArUngton. Gleason, and iliunetonka Hotels, open only for summer visitors. A tem- perance society was organized in 1877 with about fifty members. Tliere is a tine school-house, which was erected in 1S70. with sixty scholars attending. The tliird school in the town was taught here. The village of Minnetonka was laid out by Messrs. Stevens, Tuttle and Webster, in 1854 on section five. The platted portion of it comprises about thirty-five acres. Only a few buildings oc- cupy the platted part, most of them being built on land owned by the iliimetonka MOl Company. MINNETONKA— CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC. 241 One store is all tliere is at present. It is located on the line of tlie St. Panl, Minneapolis &. Man- itoba Railroad. The Minnetonlva brancli of tlie Minneapolis & St. Louis, runs through tlie south part of the village. In January, 1881. Mr. C. M. Loring, of Minneapolis, President of tlie Miiine- tonkaMill Company, donated a number of books and magazines to the people of the village for the purpose of estalilishing a free library, with J. C. Emmet for librarian. It is named " Tlie Lor- ing Library," and is located in the office of the Minnetouka Mill Company. CHURCHES. St. John's Church. P'piscopal, is located in the west of Minnetouka village, and was Iniilt by the Rev. J. S. Chamberlain, a pioneer missionary, in 18.58, and consecrated by Bishop Kemper at that time. In 18o7-'8 the village declined and with it the church. In November, 1872, Rev. Dr. Kiiickerbacker took hold of it, had it enlarged, re-modeled and painted. It was consecrated by Bishop Whipple, Dec. 2d, 1872. Since that time services have been maintained twice a month. About fifteen families are connected with it, and it has a Sunday-school of about thirty members. D. M. Burwell, superintendent. Bohemian Catholic Church. This structure was begun in the fall of 1879. and located on section 36. Have no regular preaching, but have readings by some member every Sunday. Presbyterian. The protestant element of the Bohemian settlement, have regular weekly meet- ings at the houses of the members. J. H. Empen- ger and Frank Bren act as readers. The>^are now preparing to build a church. SOCIETIES. Miimetonka Lodge of Good Templars was organized in 1867 with a large membership, and was one of the prominent lodges of the county. It has been in a flourishing condition. Minnetonka Grange of the Patrons of Hus- bandry, No. 327, was organized July 28th, 1873, with yv. S. Chowen, M.; Winslow Baker, O.; E. R. Perkins, Lect., C. D. Miller, Steward ; II. M. Vroman, Assistant Steward; S. R. Churchill, Chaplain; E. Eidam, Treasurer; A. E. Shaver, Secretary ; L. S. Iledderly, Gate Keeper ; Ceres, Mrs. J. B. Perkins; Flora, Mrs. M. M. Chowen ; Pomona, Mrs. S. C. Shaver ; Lady Assistant 16 Steward, Mrs. M. E. Vroman. The membership is now forty-three. Present place of meeting, (iroveland school house. SCHOOLS. The first school house in the town was built in the present district of -53, in the fall of 18.54, and was a neat log structure, 20x24 feet. First school taught in the summer of 1855, by Miss Mary Car- man — had about ten scholars, now have sixty- five. The log school house was used until 1871, when the present one was built across the road from the old site. It is 24x30 ft., with aseat- ing capacity for sixty. Costing SI, 100. The second school was taught in Minnetonka village by Jiliss Elizabeth Ilainer. They built the present house in the fall of 1875. HOTELS. Arlington House, Wayzata, was built in the spring of 1880 by Hyser & Brown, at a cost of §25,000, including furniture and fixtures. The main building is 42x150 feet, with a wing 40x75. It has 104 rooms besides parlors, dining rooms, etc. with a capacity for 150 guests ; occupies a beau- tiful site on the north shore of Wayzata bay, just east of the village, commanding a fine view of tlie main lake. Minnetonka House, located in the central part of the village of Wayzata, was built in 1870, b) Ileni-y Maurer and William Rockwell, at a cost of $3,500. An addition was put on in 1876, cost- ing SI. 100. It now has a capacity for the accom- modation of fifty guests, and is exclusively a summer hotel. (41eason House, located in the central part of the village of Wayzata. was originally built for a simimer boarding house, by A. O. Madison. The present proprietor, Mr. H. L. Gleason, bought it in 1871, built an addition and fitted it up for a summer resort, and now has all the conveniences for the accommodation of thirty guests. MII.LS. The Minnetonka Mill property, consisting of 640 acres of land, with the houses and water power, was bought by T. N. Perkins in 1868, who built a grist mill 44x32, 3J stories high, and put in three runs of stone and other necessary ma(!hinery. In 1870, Edwin Iledderly and H. li-2 HISTORY OF HEyyEPIN COUKTY. M. Vroman bought the property, and continued the business four years. In 1S74 Loren Fletcher and C. M. LorinR. housht Hedderly's one-half interest. Messrs. Fletcher. Loriiig & A'roman. in the summer of 1874. organized a stock company to be known as the Minnetonka Mill Company, dating from October 20th, 1874. They immediately re- fitted the mill, adding to it a wing 26.\44 feet, and to the machinery four run of burrs, six puritiers, and considerable other machinery. They built an elevator 30x40. and thirty feet higli, holding about 30,000 bushels, and a warehouse 30x30, three stories high. In 187(5 "\'roman sold his in- terest to Fletcher and Loring. In 1878 the com- pany added to the mill, so that it now stands on the ground 72x58 feet, and four stories high, also adding to the machinery two run of burrs, four setts of rolls, two purifiers, and other machinery. The same year they built an addition to their ware- house, making it 30x74; built an engine-house 30x38 feet, and put in a Eeynolds-Corliss engine of one hundred horse-power. Also placed in their wheel-pit a OG-inch American turbine wheel, and are now using both steam and water. The pres- ent equipment of the mill is five runs of stone, eleven double setts of rolls, eleven purifiers, and is now manufacturing 300 barrels of llour per day; has storage for 50,000 bushels of wheat, 4,000 barrels of flour and 150 tons of bran. A cooper-shop, 24x80, two stories, with room for thii-ty-two men, supplies tlie mill with barrels. The market for their flour is mainly in New York. Boston and Europe. The mill gives con- stant employment to eighteen men. who are paid as wages, about S10,000per annum. "With the mill are twelve houses, owned by the company, in which the employes reside. This property is on the St. Paul, Minneapolis & ^Manitoba Rail- way, ten miles from Minneapolis, and also on the Minnetonka branch of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway. St. Albans Mill. Located on Minnehaha Creek. It is 35x45 feet, three stories high, and built in 1874, by John Alt & Co.,fora"newprocessmill."" Alt & Co. sold it to Schafer and Fuller, in 1876, who finding the water insufficient, put in a thirty horse power engine. They sold in 1878 to R. W. Hanson, who is the present proprietor. RAILROADS. The St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Ry. iBreckenridge division! crosses the town north of the center. Tliis road has also a surveyed line, leaving the main line about a mile west of Way- zata, and extending southwest to Lake Minne- tonka. The Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway have a surveyed line partly ironed, leaving their main line at Hopkins Station, and running north- west to the village of ^linnetonka, thence west- erly and crossing the west line of section IS. a short distance south of the quarter post, and ter- minating at present, near the Hotel St. Louis, on the east shore of Lake Minnetonka. The main line of this road, passes through the southeast part of the town. The Benton Cut OflE of the II. & D. division of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, crosses the town nearly parallel to the main line of the M. & St. Louis R. R. BIOGRAPHICAL. Samuel Bartow, born in Ohio, April 18th, 1818. When nineteen, bought a farm in Monroe county. Lived there until the fall of 1849, when he lo- cated in Bartholomew county, Indiana. Lived there three years, teaching school part of the time, then went to Council Bluffs. Iowa, and St. Louis. iSIo.i from there by steamer to St. Paul and to Minnetonka. Made a claim to the farm on which he now lives, located on the south shore of Lake Miinietonka. Married in 1839 to Mary McKenney. They have five children. He has held the office of county commissioner and has been prominent in the affairs of the town. Robert W. Bartow, born in Monroe county, Oliio, May 10th, 1845. In 1849 moved to Indi- ana, then to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Min- nesota in 1852. and worked with his father on the farm: then bought the one on which he now lives. Married Miss E. M. Page, July, 1869. who died March 17th. 1879. Has two children: Horace B. and Robert W. Joseph Bren, born in Bohemia, October 19th, 1828. Married September 28th. 1850. to Miss xVnna Phillipi. of Buliemia. In 1854, came to America. Lived in Gallatin, Racine county, Wisconsin, one year. Came to Minnetonka and located where he now lives. Has a fine farm. They have eight children: Joseph. Frank. John, William, Josephine, Edward, Benjamin. George. MINNETONKA-BIOGBAPEICAL. 243 Frank Bren was born in Bohemia, March 26th, 1838. Came to America in 18.54. and settled in Minnetonlia; in 1858, bouglit tlie farm on which he now lives, situated two miles from Ilopliins Station. Enlisted Augnst 22d, 1864, in company E, Independent Battallion Cavalry. Discliarged May 1st, 1866. Married September 26t!i, 1870, to Josephine Miller. Have eight cliildren. Anna, Frank. Alice, Joseph. Samuel. Daniel, llosa, and Elizabetli. Thomas C. Bryant was born in Maine, Decem- ber 10th, 1843. In 1856 he came to Saint Paul, spent one year, then went to Oliio. Enlisted in company B, Third Oliio \'eteran Volunteer Cav- alry. Mustered out at Kasliville, Tenn. Re- turned to Ohio and turned liis attention to cooper- ing. April 19th, 1868, married Amelia Ilanford. Came to Minneapolis in 1872, and worked at cooperage till 1873, wlien he came to Minnetonka and worked at his trade one year longer. Then he bought the farm on which he now lives. Alanson G. Butler was born in Hallowell, Maine, December 30th, 1816. When 23 years old went to New York, and remained there three years. Worked five years in the lumber regions of Pennsylvania. In 1856, came to Minneapolis, stayed one year, then went to Wright county and opened a farm. Lived on it till 1875, wlien he came to Minnetonka where he has since lived, and for the last two seasons, carried on tlie dairy business. Septemljer 22d, 1853, married Louis- anna Marsh, of Pennsylvania. They have one child, Minnie May. John 'SI. Chastek, born in Boliemia, February 24, 1837. In 1854 came to America. Lived in Kacine county, Wisconsin, till 1855, when lie came to Minnetonka, and in 1864 bought the farm on whicli he now lives. Enlisted in Company F), Hatch's Battallion, Minnesota Volunteers. Was mustered out at Fort SnelUng in 1866. Married Annie Pribyl, of Wisconsin, Marcli 17, 1868. They have seven children, Apolona, Anna, John, Frank, Emil, Petrolina and George. Joseph H. Chowen was born May 1, 1831, in Monroe, Wyoming county, Penn. Lived there twenty-three years, then came to Mijinesota and located tlie farm he now lives on in Minnetonka. He established a nursery in the spring of 1880. Married Jane Fuller, March, 18.59, wlio died Sep- tember 1872. In 1873, was married to Caroline E. Gunn. He has seven children, four by his first wife. William S. Chowen, born in Green county, N. Y., June 22d, 1826. Moved to Wyoming county, Pennsylvania. At twenty years of age. he went to Wliite Haven, and engaged in lumbering ; fol- lowed it for eight years, and one year lumbering in Virginia. Came to Minnesota in 1853, and located the farm u\ Minnetonka on which he now lives. Helped build the first school house in the town. In 1857, was elected to the first Legisla- ture of the state, and introduced the Agricultural School bill and a memorial to Congress for an agricultural land grant, for college purposes. Both bills were passed while he was in the House. Enlisted, August. 1864, in Co. F. Eleventh Minn. Inf., with the rank of Sergeant. Stationed at Nashville and Gallatin, Tennessee. Mustered out, 26th of June, 1865, at Fort Snelling. Has been several times chairman of town board. ^larried. May 25, 1865, to Mary M. Frear ; have six chil- dren. Salmon R. Churchill, born in Trumbull county, Ohio, February 23d, 1823. Lived there twenty- one years, and learned the shoemaker's trade. Came to Minnesota in 1856, and located where he now lives. Enlisted in 1861 in the Second Compa- ny Miimesota Sharpshooters, and was mustered out in 1862, on account of disability, at Washing- ton, D. C. Health improved, and he enlisted again in Co. F, Eleventh Minn. Inf. On September 4th, 1850, he married Sarah Hoagland. They have had four children. Two are now living. T. Connolly, born in Ireland in 1842. Came to Minnesota in 1 860, stopped in St. Paul short time, and went to Georgetown in the employ of the Hud- ] son Bay Company for two years, when the Indians compelled the company to leave. In 1863 went to Lake Winnipeg, as trader for the Hudson Bay Company; returned to St. Paul 1864, and to ^linneapolis in 1867 and w(irked five years lumbering. Then as patrolman on the police force for three years, court officer one year, and captain one year. In 1878 he was appointed Superintendent of Hennepin county Poor farm Married Anna Kelley in 1867. They have three children, two boys and one girl. William Dobson, born in England, February 14, 1837, came to America in 1857 and to Min- nesota, stopping in St. Paul until 1861. when he 244 HISTORY OF HENXEPIX COUXTY. enlisted in company D. Second Minnesota Infant- ry: was at the battles of Sliiloli and Corintli. served four years, mustered out at Louisville. Kentucky. July lS(io. Returned to St. Paul, and lived there until )S71. when he located on the farm where he now lives. Married. August 1 «6fi, lo Anna Vernon. They have four children. Daniel E. Dow. born in Maine. January 25. 1831. lived there twenty-one y^irs, then came to St. Anthony. 2iIinnesota. and worked at black- smithing fen- two years : iire-emi)tpd land on Lake Calhoun, sold it. and located the farm on wliich he now lives. In 1S80 visited the old home in Maine. Married Mrs. Belinda Hamilton. Septem- ber 6, IKoo. Thev have three children now living. Edward H. Eidam, born in Germany 1839. Came to America when young, and moved from place to place. In 1853 came to Fillmore county, Minnesota. Lived there five years, then moved to Decorah, Iowa, and went to school. Married Susan Bender. December31, 18H(I. In 1867 came to Minneapolis. Lived there a year, then moved to Minnetonka, and worked at coopering till 1877. when he opened the store now owned by him. He has three children now living. Fernando Ellingwood. was born in Maine. Octo- ber 27, 1846. Lived there twenty years, then came to St. Anthony. From there to Anoka- where he lived ten years. 1865 went to Lake George and built a planing, lath and shingle mill. Run it for three years, and in 1868 sold out ; moved to Spencer Brook. Isanti county. Bought a saw mill, and in "70, built a grist mill. Is now sole proprietor. It was the first mill built in that comity. Was postmaster five years, and county commissioner three. Married, November 30. 1850. Ellen Carson. Have three children living. Joseph H. Empenger was born in Bohemia. January 19th. 1847. and came with his parents to America, in 1858. settling in Minnetonka town- ship, where he has followed farming. He held the office of assessor for six successive years, end- ing in 1878. Was elected justice in 1879. and held through the following term, on account of his successor failing to qualify. He married Anna Miller. November 22. 1871. She was born in Bohemia in 1849. They have four children. Emily E., Edward. Anna and Joseph. A. N. Gray was born in Duchess county. Xew York. August 29th. 1824. In 1830. moved with parents to Pennsylvania, and engaged in farming luitil eighteen years of age. when he engaged in lumbering, also learning the trade of millwright. He came to Minnesota in 1853. and settled in Minnetonka township. In August, 186-1, he en- listed in Company B. Eleventh Inf., serving in the Commissary Department. He was the first Overseer of Highways in the township after its organization, and member of the town board in 1861-2-3. Married Susan A. Chowen, in Luzerne county. Pennsylvania. May 30th. 1847. They have had eleven children. Tliose living are AlcesterE.. Phoebe C. Sybilla 11.. Ernest W.. Willie K. and Jessie W. Capt. X. II. Harrison, born in Petersburgh, Virginia, in 1822. Moved to Hennepin county in 1855. and settled on what is now known as '■ Harrison Bay," Upper Lake Mnnetonka. and remained there eleven years. "Went to Excelsior for about two years, and then returned to the Upper Lake, where he has since Uved. Is a ship carpenter by trade, having built the steamers "Mary." --^May Queen." and ••City of Minneapo- lis." and the sail boat " Coquette." Was one of the first white settlers on Upper Lake Minnetonka. John S. Harrington, born in Canada East. August nth. 1815. Moved to Western Reserve, Ohio, where he attended school. Then traveled through a part of Illinois. Wisconsin and Iowa. In 1854, came to Minnetonka, and made a claim to the farm on which he now lives, known as ••Lake Side Home." Has been a member of the town board several times. Married Minerva Hoagland. December 23d. 1842. Has sLx chil- dren now living. William Hoagland. born in Trumbull county. Ohio. December 16. 1824. Learned the tailor's trade, then turned his attention to farming. In the spring of 1862 came to Minnetonka. Min- nesota, where he has since lived for most of the time ; now furnishes hotels with supplies. Mar- ried Joanna Wakefield. February 27. 1845. They have seven living children. J. R. Jack.son. born in Ulster county, Xew York. March, 1846. and came with his father to St. Paul. Mr. Jackson wasone of the first business men in the place. He made one of the first claims where Minneapolis now stands. John R. enlisted in 1863, in Company F, First Minnesota Cavalry, served fourteen months, was mustered out at Fort MINNETONKA- BIOGRAPHICAL. 245 Snellingm 186-5. Married Liicretia II. Miller of Hennepin count}' ; they have five cliiUlren living. Gustavus V. Johnson, born in Clayton county, New York, Mareh 2ml, 184o; learned the trade of shii) tjuilding. In 1863 enlisted in Company M, 14th New York heavy artillery, and was mus- tered out Septemher lS6o, at Rochester. The same fall came to Chicago, worked at shi]) building, then to Fox Lake, Wisconsin, and did carriage making a number of years. Sold out and went to Winona, then to La Crosse, where he was engaged in boat building four years, thence to White Bear Lake, following same business three years, then to Lake Minnetonka and established a large boat building business. Married Elizal)etli Buffett, Sept. 23. IStiO. Have two cluldren living. John Kokesh, born in Bohemia January 5, 1830. When twentj-three years old married Josei)liiHe Kostlan. Cameto America in l.stl.s. and settled in Minnetonka. and in istji). bought the farm on which he now lives. Has ten children. George Ley, born in Wisconsin October 17, 1843. Came to Minnesota in 1857. Settled in Scott county; remained there until 18(i4. when he went to Montana and engaged in mining five years. Iteturned and married Lena Spungmaun, July 13. 1872. Have three children. In 1873 worked for the Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. Co.. and in 1880, bought the farm where he now lives. Charles Lyons, born in Applelon, Maine, June 11, 1852. In 1871 went to Rockland. Spent two years, then to South Adams, Mass. Was there three years, then went to Charleston, S. C, and to Georgia. Alabama. Tennessee and Kentucky. Came to Minneapolis in 187(i and worked at cooperhig. In 1879 came to Minnetinika, and has since done cooper work for the Minnetonka Mill Company. David Locke (deceased) tiornin Virginia. April 13, 1808. Moved to Ohio, and in 1833 married Harriet A. Stafford, who has borne him ten chil- dren. In 1837 went to Indiana, and run the Rockford flouring mill several years. From that to railroad building. Came to ilinnetonka in 1855, and made a claim. Returned to Indiana. In 1865 came to Hastings, and in 18t)() settled his family in Minnetonka. where lie resided until his death, April 16th, 1877. John McGenty (deceased), l)orn in Ireland. 1805. Came to America in 1847. Lived in Ver- mont three years. Then went to Illinois and worked three years. In 1855, came to St. Paul then to Minnetonka. and located the farm on which his sons, Dennis and James, with their mother, now live. Died. Sept.. 1 877, aged 72 years. Ernst Meyer, born in Prussia, October 22, 1858, and moved with his parents to Germany, where he learned the machinist and miller's trade. In 1876, came to America, and worked in the mills at Ilazleton, Iowa; also at Elgin, and Clajton county, Iowa. In 1878. came to Minnetonka, and worked for the Minnetonka ^lill Company. Par- ents now live in Ilolsteiu. Germany. John P. Miller, born in Pennsylvania, May 11, 1809. In 1831, married Rachael Parks, who died in 1837. Lived in Lancaster. Ohio, three years; then went to Crawford county, and engaged in the hotel business. In 1848. went to Rockford, Illinois, and entered grocery business. In 1849, came to ilinnesota. Kept a boarding house in St. Paul, and helped to fit up the hall for the first legislative session. Went to ^linnetonka in 1853 and made a claim. He aftervs'ards bought the farm on which he now lives. August, 1844, mar- ried Catherine Didie. of Pennsylvania. They have three children. Charles D. Miller, born in Oliio. May 14tU. 1846. When four years old, came with his parents t tember 27th, 1849. In 1851 Mr. Shaver came to Minnesota. In 1852 his family came, when he made a claim and settled on the south shore of Lake Minnetonka. Their two sons were the first white children bom in the township, and the first native bom voters, and their mother the first white woman to settle in the town. Mrs. Shaver and son Bayard attended the Centennial Expo- sition, and remained m the east three years. George M. Stankard. was liorn m Ohio. June 27th. 1857. Learned the miller's trade. Went to Toledo and worked in the South Toledo Mills. In 1877 he moved to Xiles; Michigan. Worked in River .Side mills till October. 1877. when he came to MumeapoUs. Worked in the Pillsbury mill until 1878. then for Croswell and Syme at Long Lake as head stone dresser. In 1880 took the same position with the Minnetonka Mill com- pany. His father and family Uve in Oliio. Knight H. Wliipple. born in Foster, Providence county. R. I.. July 29. 1836. Went to Providence, worked at the mason's trade for several years. July 1855. came to Minneapolis, lived there three years, helped build the first brick house in the town, built the residence of Rev, Gideon Pond atBloomington. In 1859 made a trip to Red River, 1864 bought the place on whidi he lives. During the Indian massacre, was Quarter Master under Col. Stevens, at Gleiicoe. October 1862. married Sarah Fuller. He is the father of one child. EXCELSIOR— GENERAL BE SCRIP TION.. 247 EXCELSIOR. CHAPTER XL. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — SETTLEMENT — FIRST SETTLERS— EARLT EVENTS — ST. AXBANS — CI\nL HISTORY— CHURCHES — SCHOOLS — MILL — NURSERIES — STATE FRUIT FARM — RAIL- ROADS — SUMMER HOTELS— SOCIETIES — BOATS — BIOGRAPHICAL. Excelsior is situated in the southwesteni part of the comity, the south line of the township sep- arating Hennepin and Carver counties. Nearly one-half of the area of the township is covered by the waters of Lake Minnetonka, leaving but •5,221 acres of land. The surface of the laud is rolling and heavily timbered, with here and there small marshes, a few of which are utilized for the production of wild hay. The soil is a close clay, and ver> pro- ductive. The lake was named soon after the hrst settle- ments were made on its shores. Governor Ram- sey, in his official capacity, as Governor of the territory, visited the lake in company w-ith a large party, and during this visit, it was given its appro- priate name. Minnetonka, tlie word Ijeing derived from the Dahkota, minne meaning water, and tonka meaning large. Lake Minnetonka is noted for the beauty of the scenery of its surrounding shores. Numer- ous pouits of land project into the lake, some of which are a mile or more in length. They are named from settlers and owners of land on them. Ferguson's and Gibson's on the east shore, Way- zata and Sunrise points on the west shore of the lower lake. In the upper lake, Locke's, Howard and Carman's points derive tlieir names from owners of land thereon. Between these points are bays, some deep, others shallow, the waters of which are plentifully stocked with flsh. These bays are known as Robinson, near Wayzata : Car- son, on the east shore ; St. Alban's. Excelsior and Gideon's on the south, and Holmes Bay on the north. The only one of note in the upper lake, within the limits of Excelsior, is Carman's. There are several islands within the boundary lines of the town. The largest of tliese is Big, or Morse's Island, in the lower lake. Brightwood, a small round island, is owned and occupied as a summer residence by 11. A. Gale, of Minneapolis. In the upper lake are situated Enchanted Island. Shady Isle, Spray and Wild Goose Islands. The upper and lower lakes are connected by what is known as Hull's Narrows, originally a small creek, but since widened and deepened to allow the passage of the large steamers plying on the lake. The lakes in the lownship of Excelsior, aside from Minnetonka, are Lakes Christmas and Gal- pin, both named in honor of early settlers ; the former for Charles "\V . Cliristmas. the first county surveyor, and the latter for Rev. Charles Galpin. the first minister in Excelsior. Lake Christmas is located on sections 3o and 36, and is about one mile in length, (ialpin Lake is a small liody of water just south of the village. SETTLEMENT. Excelsior was among tlie lirst townships in the county, to attract the attention of the prospector in search of a home. The first visit of whites to Lake Minnetonka. was in 1822, when a party from Fort Snelling explored its sliores. The first set- tler in Excelsior was Stephen Hull, who located his claim in February, 18.53. selecting for his home the site now known as the Lake Park Grounds. He was followed by "William Lithgrow. in the spring of '53, who made a claim of the land now occupied by the "State Fruit Farm." Lith- grow was drowned in the lake in 1854. R. B. McGrath came in May 1853, and still resides in Excelsior. He is the oldest living settler in the 248 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. town. The town of Excelsior owes its name and settlement to a colony, under the title of the ••Excelsior Pioneer Association."" Tliey were headed by George M. Bertram and arrived in the summer of 1853. The followuig ••Preamble" to the constitution adopted Xovember 12th, 1852, ser%'es to show that Lake ^Minnetonka and its surrounding territory, had acquired at that early period, a portion of the notoriety which to-day makes it famous. -Pnumbk. Whereas we. the undersigned, hav- ing associated ourselves into a body to remove to Minnesota Territory next summer, and occupy some of the government lands now vacated by the late treaty with the Sioux Inilians, and hav- ing been on a tour through the Western states last summer, have selected a site for a village and farming country, that for healthfullness of cli- mate, fertiUty of soil, beauty of scenery and nearness to markets, cannot be surpassed by any other locality in the country : being withm twelve or fifteen miles of two of the most important towns in the territory (St. Paul and St. Anthony Falls) and having a front on a lake, navigable for steam and other boats over forty miles, its waters as clear as crystal and abound with fish. The land aroimd the lake is also supplied with natural meadow, the country is gently roUing and interspersed with the most beautiful growth of timber that the eye could wish to look upon, consisting of sugar maple, black walnut, butternut, white and red oak, and a variety of others ; also with wild fruit, grapes and berries of almost every kind. The whole country in fact, possessuig almost everything that the heart of man could wish for. Therefore, in order to avail ourselves of all the advantages of an old settled country, and secure ourselves such increase of value as must result from a concentration of numbei-s upon the land, together with our own efforts in its improvement, erection of a village and settling the farms there- upon, and all the bles.sings of hfe : We. each and all of us, who subscribe in the following con- stitution, do combine ourselves, our means and our energies, in this enterprise and agree to sup- port and carry into effect its laws. Oflicers : President, Geo. M. Bertram ; Vice President, John L. AVillis ; Secretary, Samuel F. Blodgett ; Treasurer. Edward Bund. Any person at a dis- tance wishing to l)ecome a member of this asso- ciation, or wishing information, can have al the information he requires by addressing the President at 2(58 Grand street. Xew York."" I The constitution and by-laws, provided that each person becoming a member, should pay a fee of eight dollars, and one dollar per week as dues, from Xovember 12th, 1852. to Jidy 17th. 18.53. That each member should be entitled to a farm, and one village lot of not less than one acre, the farms and lots to lie drawn by numbers. Mr. (Jeorge M. Bertram, the originator of the scheme, visited Lake Mimie tonka in the summer of 18-52. selected the site of the present village of Excel- sior, returned to New York and organized the Association, ^^^^ile at St. Paul, en route for the East, he met R. B. McGrath. then a resident of Dubuciue. Iowa, who became a member of the colony, soon after its organization. About May 1st, 1853. Mr. McGrath started for Mimietonka in advance of Bertram and the remainder of the company. In St. Anthony he met John H. Ste- ' vens. then acting as agent for the new colony, and received from him uistructions to proceed to the site selected, and erect a house for the use of Bertram upon his arrival. A few days later he and K. C. Wiley, set out in company with a sur- veying part> which was to locate a government road from St. Anthony to Fort Eidgely. They went as far as Lake Christmas, and there the sur- veying party turned back, leaving McGrath and Wiley to find their way alone. A snow-storm arose and they suffered much from exposure. After searching two days they found Stephen Hull, who pointed out to them the site selected by Bertram. They at once commenced the erec- tion of a log house, and put up a shanty for their own use while buililing the house. The house was ready for occupancy the first week in June. It was two stories in height, built of basswood logs and roofed with shmgles procured in St. An- thony. A number of prospeetoi-s had visited McGrath and Wiley while building the house, and they often suffered for want of provisions, their generosity leading them to share their sup- plies with the land seekers. The first of' the col- onists to arrive was Rev. Charles Galpin. who founded the first church ui Excelsior. He was soon followed by Bertram, who arrived with a number of families. The association ^mmedi- ateh took a claim embracmg l(3(t acres, on the EXCELSIOR— EARLY EVENTS— CIVIL HISTORY. 249 south shore of the lake. This claim was at onee platted into village lots, ami was the foundation of the present flourishing village of Excelsior. Mr. McGrath l)uilt a frame house and soon after, a carpenter shop, the latter used for puhlic meet- ings. The house slill stands. During the win- ter of 1853-4, a meeting was called by President Bertram, at which the name of Excelsior was adopted unanimously. FIRST SETTLERS. Peter M. Gideon and A. P. Beenian were among the settlers of 1853. William Harvey, Silas A. Seamans, Z. D. Spaulding, William Fer- guson and others settled in 1854. Among those who arrived in 18o5-'6 and took claims were Eli- jah Carson, Rev. C. B. Sheldon, Enos Day, W. B. Jones and Silas Howard. From this time on the settlement was rapid and the growth of Ex- celsior was an assured fact. Of these early set- tlers, William Ferguson was drov^ned in 1857. Enos Day died here in 1874. Bertram, after re- maining two or three years with his colony, re- moved to Minneapolis and from there U> Mouticel- lo, Wright county, where he died. Nearly all the others, of those mentioned, have remained in the homes they have created out of the wilderness. The substantial farm-houses and residences, pleas- antly located on the shores of the lake, bear evi- dence of the prosperity which has attended those who ventured here in early days. EARLY EVENTS.— 1855 TO 185S. The first store was established by M. II. Pease, in 1855. The first mill was erected the same year, by a stock company composed of citizens of the town. It was a steam saw-mill, and occupied the site on which May's grist-mill now stands. This mill was destroyed by fire in 1858. Ajiril 26th, 1858, a newspaper was started by Fred W. i Crosby and Henry O. Hammond, called the " Ex- | celsior Enterprise." It was short lived as they succeeded in publishing but one number. SAINT ALBANS. In 185(3, Morris and Ilargin platted a village on the south-east shore of Saint Alban's bay, which they called Saint Albans. A hotel was built by John McKenzie, and a saw-mill erected by Mor- ris and Ilargin. The saw-mill burned in 1859. For a short time this village flourished, hut the financial crisis of 1857, proved too much for its proprietors, and the village succumbed, and now no trace of it exists. The following is related by an actor in the scene : The proprietors of the village, in order to record their plat were re- quired to produce evidence by a creditable wit- ness, that certain improvements had Ijeen made. The gentleman referred to, was taken out from Minneapolis to view the " city " and testify that the improvements required by law had been made. He arrived at the ••city" was showai house number one, then taken ovit into the woods a short distance, turneil round a few times and shown house numljer two. This was repeated nntil sU houses had been visited. There was but one house in the place and he had been taken to it six times from different directions. One of his visits was to the school C:*). Half a dozen urchins had been hastily collected. These were placed in the house during his absence in the woods, and on his return were busily por- ing over their books. The saw-mill was a pile of machinery thrown together. Incidents of this kind were of frequent occurrence in those days. CIVIL HISTORY. April lUth. 1858. the Board of County Commis- sioners designated township Xo. 117 north, range 23 west, as the town of Excelsior. Tlie first elec- tion was held at the house of John Green, ^Ia> 11th. 1858. Dr. E. Snell was chosen Moderator, and M. II. Pease, Clerk for the day. The officers elected were: Supervisors, R. B. McGrath, chair- man. Lewis Thompson and E. Bennett; Town Clerk, Chas.B. Sheldon; Assessor, Wm. B. Jones; Collector, M. H. Pease; Constables, II. L. Bee- man and P. M. Gideon; Justices, Stephen Hull and Orville Wilcox; Road Commissioner, Morris Powers. List of Chairmen of Supervisors: 1859. Geo. Galpin; 1800, S. Norramon; lS61-'62, Lewis Thompson; 1863, Charles Galpin; 1864, II. L. Beeman; 1865-"66-"67, A. H. Jenkins: 1868- '69, C. F. Adams; 1870, J. II. Clark; 1871 -"72; F. G. Gould; 1873-'74. L. F. Sampson; 1875, O, C. Meaker; 1876-'77, Charles May; 1878, R, B. Mc- (Irath; 1879, F. G. Gould. The officers elected in 1880 were: Supervisors, L. F. Sampson, chairman, F. (J. (iould and A. E. Apgar. Clerk, A. W. Latham: Treasurer, J. H. Letson: Assess- or, G. A. Slater; Justice. W. II. Levan; Consta- ble, H. II. Beers. 2d0 HISTOBY OF SEXA^EPIN COUXTY. Tlie boundary lines of Excelsior remained as originally designated by the county commission- ers, until March 2d, 1868, at which time the Board detached the territory north of tlie lake and added the same to the town of Medina. This was done in accordance with the petition of a majorit\- of the voters. The north line of Ex- celsior was made to follow, as nearly as possible. the middle of the northern part of Lake Minne- tonka. At a special town meetuig. held Xovember 6th. 1S77. the question of giving a subsidy of six thousand dollars to a certain railroad, was de- feated. February loth, 1878, the town voted aid, to the amount of four thousand dollars, to the Minneapolis tV: Northwestern railroad. The as- sessed valuation of real estate in the town, ex- clusive of village lots, was in ISSO. Sloo.191. Personal property. 858.716. Total amount of taxes in 1880, S4,064. The population of the township, including the village, is 930. CHl'KCHES. The first Congregational church, was organized July 17. lSo3. with the following members : Rev. Charles Galpin, pastor. George M. and Julia Ber- tram, Samnel Staples, Joshua and Hannah Moore . Clarrisa Cleveland, tieorge 'SI. Powers. David Griffiths and James Phillips. The first services were held in the parlor of the hotel ; after that, they occupied a school house, then the hall over Pease's store, until 1857. From that time luitil 1871, the upper room of the school building was used. In the latter year the society erected a church at a cost of S-1,500. The membership now numbers 105. Kev. Charles Galpin had charge until November, 1855, when he was suc- ceeded by Kev. Chas. B. Sheldon, ■who has since contiiuied in the pastorate without interruption. Episcopal. The first building erected express- Iv for a church, was put up by the Episcopal society, in 1862. It was a neat log structure. Services were held by the Kev. J. S. Chamber- lain previous to the erection of the church. Xo regular services are maintained. The Methodist society have held occasional services, but have no church edifice and no regu- lar organization. SCHOOLS. The first schiiol was held in a small log build- ing erected for the purpose, and taught by Miss Jane AVolcott durmg the summer of 185-1. This building was used until 1857. when the two story frame building now in use was erected. The second story was used for church sers'ices on Sunday, and during the week by Rev. Chas. Gal- pin, who kept a private school known as the ••Excelsior Institute," The Institute ceased in 1867, and the Congregational church society used the room until 1871, Smce then the entire build- ing has been used for school purposes, and a graded school maintained. Outside of the village, the township has two entire districts, and one joint district with Min- netonka. District Xo, 116 has a house lo- cated on section 17. in the north part of the to\ra. School district Xo, 59 has a house located near the county Une, on section 32. Good schools are sustained in all the districts. THE EXCELSIOR GKIST MILL. AVas built by C. May, in 1876. at a cost of S8,000. It has three runs of stone, with a capacity of fifty barrels per day. In connection with this mill is a stave mill, producing annually one million barrel staves, with heads to match. The prod- uct was formerly two million staves a year, but owing to scarcity of lumljer it has been reduced. The expense of operating these mills is about one hundred dollars per day. A six horse-power engine drives the machinery. Both mills are owned and managed by Charles May. XUKSERIES. The township has three nurseries. One es- tablished by F. G. Gould, in 1867, has about ten acres under cultivation. Sales extend through ■Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Dakota Terri- tory. A. W. Latham estaVilished one in 1870. with one acre, and now has eight acres. In 1873. began planting a vineyard, and now has five acres of grapes under cultivation. A, Bonjour has a nursery east of the village, containing ten acres, mainly grapes. He has about two-thirds of an acre planted with straw- berries, inoduciug several varieties of excellent fruit. STATE FKL"IT FARM. In 18.53 Peter M. Gideon made his claim, and the following year began experimenting in fruit EXCELSIOR— RAILROADS— HOTELS. 251 culture. He continued perseveringly, though meeting with reverses and often entire faihire. In 1878, the state purchased 160 acres of land ad- joining Gideon's farm on the north, and estab- lished an experimental fruit farm, placing Mr. Gideon in charge. He is, under the patronage of the state, meeting with flattering success in rais- ing fruit of all kinds, making a specialty of ap- ples of hardy stock, adapted to this climate. RAILROADS. The Minneapolis & Northwestern surveyed a line in 1878, which passess througli the township from east to west, south of the lake. No work has been done on this line. The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway have a line, projected in 1880 completed from Hopkins Station, on the main line, to a point in Excelsior near the St. Louis Hotel. On the north side of the township, the St. P., M. & M. R. R. have a line, surveyed in 1880. called the North Shore Branch, leaving the main line near AVayzata. and passing through the northern part of Excelsior to a point on sec- tion 17, where tlie company purpose erecting a mammoth hotel in 1881. SUMMER HOTELS. The St. Louis hotel was erected in 1879, on tlie eastern shore of Lake Minnetonka. It is fur- nished with all modern conveniences, and accom- modates four hundred guests. The Lake Park Hotel is located on the south shore of the lake, on tlie ground laid out by the Northwestern Sunday-school Association, known as the Lake Park Grounds. It was built by this association in 1879. Now owned by Seeley & Griswold. The grounds around the hotel are tastefully laid out in lots, with drives and walks. These lots are occupied by cottages of summer visitors. The hotel occupies an eminence commanding a line view of the lake. The Hotel Harrow is located on Rockwell Island, in the upper lake, and was built in 1880. This building is finely situated, and has rooms for one hundred and fifty guests. THE VILLAGE OF EXCELSIOR. Excelsior was the first point of settlement in the township. Here was located the post-office, the first stores, shops, etc., forming the iixc/exM around which the early settlers located their claims and made their homes. The village was platted in 1853. but remained under the town- ship government until 1877, when it was incor- porated by act of legislature. The first election was held April 16th, 1877, at which the following officers vi-ere elected : Presi- dent, C. May; Trustees, L. F. Sampson, Eh Small, Jr., and James Letson ; Recorder, A. Mill- ner; Treasurer, E. H. Page. Tlie village now contains three stores, which carry stocks of dry goods and general merchandise, one grocery store, two meat markets, three blacksmith shops, one harness shop, one hardware store, and one shoe store. Excelsior has become one of the principal points of interest to the tourists, who flock to Lake Minnetonka in summer, and the people find themselves sometimes taxed to accommodate their visitors. HOTELS. The " Excelsior House " was built by George Galpin in 18o4, and was at that time of small proportions. The original building is now used as a kitchen for the present hotel. John Green purchased the house and made some additions. The ownership then reverted to Galpin. who sold it to a Mr. Beckford. He managed it about four years, since which time it has been owned by the Wait family. The building has been eidarged from time to time, until it now contains room for loO guests. It is kept open summer and win- ter. The " Long View," located on ^\ hat is known as the "Water Cure " lot, was built in 1863, and accommodates fifty guests. It is owned and managed by Daniel Connor. The " White House " is a t^\'o-story frame building erected, in 1872. It has a capacity for thirty people, and is conducted by William Simp- son. The •' Slater House " is also a frame building of two stories, erected in 1880. It has room for lifty guests. The •' Appledore ■■ House is run by II. II. Beers. It is pleasantly located, and accommo- dates thirty guests comfortably. It was built in 1878. "May's House," a three-story frame, was biult in 1877. It occupies a fine site overlooking the lake. 252 HISTOBY OF HENKEPIX COUNTY. There are a number of boarding houses, among them the " DeGroodt " house, and •• Pleasant tirove "house. SOCIETIE.S. Masonic Lodge number 11.'?. A. F. and A. M.. of Excelsior, was organized in Jidy. 1874. and a charter granted by the txrand Lodge of the state in the year 1.S7.5. The first officere were: O. C. Meaker. W. M.: 1). C. Hunt. S. W.: AVm. Mihier. .J. W.: H. S. Eldridge. Secretary; M. JIa>nard. Treasurer. This society has been in a flourishing condition since its organization. Until the fall of 1880. they met in the hall over the post-office. They now occupy a room in a building erected for the lodge by Wm. Simpson. A Good Templars society was organized in March, lS6ti, with a charter granted by the Grand Lodge of the state. This society disbanded in 1867. Another society was organized in 1877. by John Dunham, which remained in existence but one year. BOATS. The first steamboat to ply on Lake ilinnetouka was built by Eev. Chas. Galpin. in 185.5. and called the "Governor Eamsey". She remained in service until 18152. when becoming loosened from her moorings during a storm, she floated out on the lake and sank. She was afterwanls raised, and her machinery is now doing service in the Rambler. The hull was rebuilt and is used as a barge. The Sue Gardner was the next lioat. She was brought to the lake by Charles Gardner in the year lSfi8. and reuiaiued about three years. The May Queen was launched in 1873 and was in service until June 29th, 1879, wlien she was destroyed by the explosion of her boiler at Rock- well's Island. This explosion was attended with loss of life. The Hattie Ma\ is a siern-wheel boat, UiO feel long and eighteen feet wide. She is owned by C May. and was launclied in ls7s. The City of Minneapolis, is a propeller built in ]88(i. also owned by C. May. The steamer Mary was launched in 187f>. and was in active use imtil July 1st. 1881). when her boiler exploded as she was lying at the St. Louis Hotel landing. This explosion was also attended with loss of life. The Mary was rebuilt by Major Ilalsted. in the winter of 1SS0-"S1. The Saucy Kate, formerly the Katie May, was launched in 1878. and exploded her boiler soon after. She was rebuilt, and is now owned by Capt. Shepard. The steamer Rambler is used as a freight-boat. There are several sail- boats owned in Excelsior : the largest of these is the Coquette, built by A. AVestlake in 1879. Several fleets of small boats, for the use of visitors, are owned in Excelsior, and at each of the summer hotels. moGKAPlilCAL. L. A. Austin, born in Xorway in 1851. emi- grated to America in 18ti9 and settled at Morris. Minnesota : he remained there until 1870. then moved to Minneapolis and lived six years, then settled on Lake Minnetonka. He was married in 1873. to Bessie Lai-son of Litchfield. They have one child, Ida. E. A. Babcock, boni in Washington county. Vermont, in 1832. Moved with parents to Wor- cester. Massachusetts, remained there three years; settled finally in Xewport. New Hampshire, until 1839. when they removed to Enfield, remaining there until 18H-t ; he then moved to Excelsior. Minnesota. Married in October. 1864. to Emily L. Erskine. of Wayne comity, ilichigan. They have two children living. His father, Augustus Babcock. came to Hennepin county in 1854. II. H. B^ers. born in Addison county. Ver- mont. 1834, moved to Mower county. Minnesota, in 1872. and remained there until 1877. when he moved to Deadwood and remained until he set- tled in Excelsior in 1878, and started the'-Apple- dore House." He has been married twice. His first wife tiled in Mower comity. Married for second wife, iliss M. Eddy of A'ermont. A. P. Beeman, Ijorn in Maine. 1828, lived at Lewiston.-and Lowell. Mass.. seven years. Visited many parts of the world, spending some time m AustraUa. Gloved to Excelsior in 1853, where he has since resided. Enlisted in 1863 in Com- pany D. Second Cavalry. Served two years, was honorably discliarged at Fort Siielliug in 1865. Married in 1851 to Louisa M. Midgley. of Mont- pelier. Is proprietor of a Sorghum machine of Madison Manufacturing Company's patent crush- er and Stubbs pans, with capacity for 150 gallons per day. A. Bonjour. bt>rn in Switzerland, 1835, emi- EXCELSIOR— BIOGRAPHICAL. 253 grated to America in 1872. Settled in Clian- liassen, Carver county, Minnesota, wliere lie remained for two years, when lie moved to Ex- celsior, where lie has since resided. A. D. Burch, born in St. Lawrence county. New York, September, 1843. Moved to Michi- gan in 1870, remained there until 1873. Came to Excelsior, Minnesota, in 1878. Attended the Wesleyan Seminary in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., graduated in the law department at Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1869. He followed teaching several years ; the present term is his third one at Excelsior as principal of the graded schools. Married in 1870 to Lotta Johnson, of Xew York. Two children have been born to them. J. II. Clark, born in Bennington, Vermont, 1830. Moved to Wyoming county, X. Y., thence to DeKalb county, Illinois. ^larried Susan Dud- ley in 1848 ; went to California in 1840 ; returned in 1850 ; went again, and returned to Illinois in 1851, where he remained four years, removed to St. Anthony, Minn. ; thence to Wayzata, lieing one of the first settlers ; in 185H pre-empted the land on which Long Lake village now stands ; in the year ]8o8, moved to Excelsior, and in IsiiO re- turned to Illinois and located in Henry county ; in 1862 enlisted in 112th Illinois regiment, serving as Sergeant, promoted to Lieutenant by Governor Yates, had entire command of the company for two years ; was wounded at Atlanta, absent from command only about four months ; joined the company at battle of Franklin. On dispersion of Hood's army joined Sheniian"s command at Goldsboro, North Carolina, and was mustered out at Greensboro, and honorably discharged at Chicago, July 3, 1865, returning to his family in Henry county, where he remained until the spring of 1867, when lie returned to Excelsior. Has been honored with all its otlices. lie repre- sented his district, in 1877-8, in the House. He is the father of eight children, seven now living. Elijah Carson, born in Somerset county, Maine, 1806; lived there thirty years : moved to Cliica- go and remained one year. All his family died there excepting one daughter ; moved to Bloom- ington, Illinois, and remained four years ; settled in Excelsior, Minnesota, in 1855, and has lived here ever since excepting four years in California. Married in 1866 to Maria Wilson of Excelsior. Daniel Connor, born in Ireland, 1823, moved to America in 1849, and settled in New York where he remained two years : moved to Elgin, Illinois, and worked at shoeniaking five years ; moved to Delavan, Wis., and lived five years, then removed to Excelsior, Minnesota, and settled on the banks of Lake Minnetonka. He began keeping summer boarders in 1863, at Long \'iew House, once known as the Water Cure site. Enlisted in Independent Kangers, as 2nd Lieutenant, serving as Captain Co. II, state Militia. Married in 1872 to ilary Ann Nifort. Fritz Dittfach, born in Germany, 1843. Emi- grated to America in 1869, and settled at Winona, where he remained about one year, then to Rush- ford, and worked two years as second miller, and two years as first miller. Worked in the Anchor mill at Minneapolis a short time; then took cliarge of May's mill at Excelsior. Has been married twice. His present wife was Janett Miller, of Rushford. He has had four children; three are now living. Enos Day, born in SI. Albans, Vermont, in 1800. Lived there twenty-one years, then moved to Franklin county. New York. Married to his third wife, Lucinda Simonds, in 1833. Moved to St. Anthony, Minnesota, in 1856, and to Excel- sior the same year. Died in 1874. His wife died in 1872. George E. Day, born in Franklin county. New York, in 1845. Lived with his parents until their death, excepting the time spent in the army. Enlisted August 14, 1S62. in Company B. 9tli ^Minnesota Volunteers. Served tlu'ee years, and was discharged at Fort Snelling. JNIarried in 1877 to Mrs. Stoddard, daughter of C. J. West- lake. They have one child. Alcibiades Day (deceased), born in Franklin county. New York, 1839. Enlisted in Comiiany E, 113th Illinois and died in the hospital at Memphis, Tennessee, in the spring of 1862. William H. Ferguson, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1816. Emigrated to .Vmerica in 1825. and settled in Maryland. Married in 18t5 to Lydia Dale Esty. Taught school in Rockland county, New York, live years, and was railroad agent in Chemung comity five years. Moved to Minnesota in 1854, and settled on what is now known as Ferguson's Point. His house was the resort for the Indians. He was drowned Novem- ber 22d. 1857. Thev had two children. Mrs. 254 HISTOSY OF HENXEPIN COUNTY. Ferguson was married in 1862 to Frederick Holtz, of Prussia, who enlisted in Company G. 4tli Min- nesota Volunteers, in November, 18(U. and was wounded at Corinth, Mississippi, in July, 1862. Died at Minneapolis. January ItUh, 1869. P. M. Gideon was born in Champaign county, Ohio, in 1820. Lived there twenty-one years, then moved to Clinton. Illinois; from there to Excelsior. Minnesota, in 18o3. where he found plenty of Indians, and but half a dozen families of whites around the lake. lie is superintendent of the state experimental fruit farm, founded in 1878. He began fruit growing in 1854. His efforts have been experimental, and have been to his entire satisfaction ; he is now one of the most successful fruit growers in Minnesota. Married Wealthy Hall. January 2d, 1849. They have seven children. Silas Howard was born in Providence county, Rhode Island, in 1804. "VVas engaged in the coal and wood trade in the East until he came to Minnesota in 1858, and took, under the home- stead law, what is now known as Howard's Point, located on upper Lake Minnetonka. Mar- ried in 1845 to Lydia Reed. One child was born to them— Simeon, born in 1846. Came to Min- nesota with his parents, and lives on an adjoining farm. He was married in 1870 to Adeline Kib- bey. They have had three children, two now living. A. H. Hopkins, born in Providence. Rhode Island, in 1837. Moved to Hennepin county in 1 854, and located near Hopkins Station. Married in 1859 to Susan C. "Wood, of Providence. Re- turned in the same year to the old home. In 1861 came to Excelsior, and has since made it his home. Enlisted in 1862 in Company B,9th Min- nesota Volunteers, serving one year under Gen. Sibley among the Indians ; then under Generals Smith and Sturgis, in the war of the Rebellion, two years. "Was honorably discharged at Fort Snelling in 1865. Is a member of the Old Set- tlers' Association. They have four children now living. Andrew Hoiby, born in Norway, in 1846. Came to America in 1868, and settled in Minne- apolis, working at his trade luitil he moved to Excelsior, in 1878, and established his present business, blacksmith and wagon-maker. Has been married twice. First wife died in Norway. His second wife was Bertha Delle, of Excelsior, whom he married in 1878. L. C. Hilton, born in North New Castle, Maine, where he lived for twenty-two years, when he came to Minnesota, and settled at Princeton. EnUsted at Red Wing, in Company F, 6th Min- nesota A'olnnteers, Served in the company about one year; then was transferred to the invalid corps, and was honorably discharged at Fort Snelling, Returned to Princeton, remained there until 1877, then bought his present farm on Lake Minnetonka. Married Lucretia tiarlinghouse, in 1S71, Is the father of four children, all living, William Harvey, born in Scotland, 1813. Mov- ed to America in 1850. Settled in Broome coun- ty, N, Y., then moved to McLean county, Illi- nois, Came to Hennepin county in 1854, and took a claim in Excelsior, on which he has since lived. Married 1835, in Scotland, to Isabel Mil- ler, Had one child, that died in Scotland. J. J, Harrison, bom in Erie, Pennsylvania, 1848, Moved to Juneau county, Wisconsin, where he lived until he came to Minnesota in 1874, settling in Excelsior in 1877. In 1878 he bought the blacksmith shop which he is now- operating. Jilarried in Juneau county, Wiscon- sin, to Abbie Button. They have three children living. August Hay. born in New York city, 1850. Moved to ^linneapolis in 1867, and embarked in the meat business, which lie followed until 1880, when he located at Excelsior in the same busi- ness. Married in 1877 to Caroline Thaler, of New York City. Is the father of one child. Jesse L. Jellison, born in Ellsworth. Maine, 1845. Moved to Springfield, Illinois ; moved to Minneaiiolis when thirteen years old, which has been his home since. Enlisted in company E, Eighth Minnesota, in 1862, Served a few months, when he enlisted again in Hatch's Battallion, in 1863, and served against the Indians. Was hon- orably discharged at Fort Snelling in 1866. Mar- ried in 1871 to Elldora Fuller. They have four children. W. B. Jones, born in Madison county, New York. 1828. iloved and located in Saint An- thony in 1855, then to Excelsior in l.SoG. Took a claim, and in 1860 started a store. Was Post- master for eighteen years. Has been twice mar- EXCELSIOR— BIOGRAPHICAL. 255 ried, the first time in 1850 ; the second in 1876 to I Mary H. Moore. A. W. Latham, born on Massachusetts Bay, 1845. Came to Minneapolis in 1865, and tanght school two years. Served a short term in the war of the rebellion. Married in 1867, to Miss D. W. White. They have five children. He started a nursery in 1870, and now has five acres appropri- ated to grape culture. The stock of this nursery is pecularly adapted to the climate of this state and Manitoba. W. H. LeVan, born in Columbia county, Ohio, 1844, where he lived until eighteen years of age, when he moved to Washington county, Illinois. There he remained, except a short time spent in Ohio, until 1874, when he came to Excelsior. Married in 1866, to Miss A. A. AVay, of Jefferson county, Illinois. Tliey have five children. E. K. Luce was born in Oneida county, Xew York, 1839. He Lived there until twenty-six years of age, then moved to Saint Joseph, Michi- gan, and was engaged in the fruit business until 1878, when he moved to Minneai>olis. July loth, 1880, came to Excelsior and engaged with Aug- ustin Thompson. Married in 1865, to Elizabeth Dixon, of Oneida county. New York. Tliey have one child. T. McArty. liorn in Washington county, Indi- ana, 1820. Lived in different parts of the state until 1854, then moved to Carver county, Minne- sota. He was married to Harriet A. Thompson, of Elkhart county. Indiana, in 1848. He en- listed in the Xew York Rifies in 1864. was taken prisoner at Cold Harbor and taken to Auderson- ville Prison, where lie died from ill treatment in 1865. They have five children. :\Irs. JIcArty was born in Wayne county, Indiana, and now lives at Excelsior. R. B. McGrath, born in Oxford comity, Maine, 1831. Moved to Lewiston Falls in 1850, and worked at carpentering. In 1851 he went to Chica- go, then to Dubuque, Iowa, where he remained until 1853. He then came to Excelsior. Was the first white settler at this point, and built the first log-cabiii. Enlisted in Company D, Second Cavalry, in 1863, and was honorably discliarged at Fort Snelling in 1865. Married to liis first wife in 1856. She died in 1858. Married again in 1866, to Nellie Midegly. They have two child- ren. O. C. Meaker, born in Monkton, Harrison county, Vermont, 1835. When nine years of age he went to Barre, Washington county, where he lived eleven years, learning the moulder's trade and working at the same. Moved to Jlinnesota and settled in Excelsior in 1871, and has since re- sided here, acting as Chairman of town board one year and J ustice of the Peace two years. Married Mary Hale, of Stowe, March 4th, 1856. E. D. Newell, born in Essex county. New York, 1848. Moved with parents to Prescott, Wisconsin, and remained until 1877. Came to Minneapolis in May. 1879, and in June of same year moved to Excelsior and established his pres- ent millinery and ladies' furnishing store, the first one of the kind in the town. Married in 1871 to Edla D. Cook, of River Falls, Wisconsin. Their two children liave passed to the better land. E. H. Page, Ijorn in Penn Van, Yates county. New York, 1842. Moved with his parents to Litchfield county, Connecticut, and lived there until 1.SB7. when he moved to Excelsior, JNIinne- sota. In 1875 he married Ellen II. Pease, a wid- ow whose husband established the Pleasant Grove House, which they have enlarged to double its former capacity. They have four children. E. R. Perkins. M. D., born in Orleans county. New York, 1843. Received his medical educa- tion at the Halinemann Homoeopathic Medical College of Philadelpliia. First commenced the practice of medicine at Excelsior. May. 1878. Came to the state in 1854. JSIarried in 1864 Julia A. Chase. Enlisted in 1861 in Company D, Sec- ond Regiment Infantry. Discharged honorably at Nashville. Tennessee. They have four child- ren: Louis, Willie, Grade and Edna. C. E. Prince, born at Windsor, Berkshire coun- ty, Mass., in 1856, and resided there until 1862, when he moved to South Adams, and remained until 1874, then moved to Green Lake county, Wisconsin. In 1875 came to Excelsior, Minne- sota, where he has since lived. Has been in the employ of L. F. Sampson and C. May, as book- keeper, and is now engaged with A. Thompson. L. F. Sampson was born in Franklin county, Maine. 1843. and lived there until he came to Saint Anthony in 1853, where he resided until 1864. He then settled in Excelsior. In 1876 es- tabUshed himself in mercantile business. Ap- 256 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. pointed Postmaster in 1878. which office he now holds. He enlisted in comyiany D. First Minne- sota Infantry. :XIay. 1801. AVas wounded at the battle of Antietam, and honorably discharged at I'plin. Chester county. Pennsylvania, in the hos- pital in 1863. Enlisted a.sain in Battery II. First Minnesota Heavy Artillery, as First Sergeant, in 1865. and served until close of the war. Mar- ried July. 1865. to Eliza Spaulduig. Have six children. Harvey E. Scott, born iu Orleans county. Ver- mont. 1824. Came to Minnesota in 1865. En- listed in company E. First Mimiesota Infantry, and served under General ^IcClellan for three years. Honorably discharged at Washington, D. C. in 1864. Wounded and tiiken prisoner at Savage's Station. Spent 23 days at " Libby prison." Exchanged at City Pouit and transferred to the A'eteran Reserve Conis. Came to Excel- sior, and located where he now lives. Married in 1869. to Mary E. Murray. They have three children. Silas A. Seamans. born iu Providence county, R. I., in 1823. Moved and lived in Windham county, Conn. When eighteen yeai-s old, returned to Rhode Island, and came to excelsior in 1854. When he first came here, there were but two houses in the town. He took a claim, and has been engaged in farming until the last few years, which have been spent at his trade as painter. He enUsted in company B. iXhith Minnesota A'olunteers, and ser\ed among the Indians. He has married tAvice. the second time to Elizabeth Cole of Excelsior. Rev. C. B. Sheldon, born in Williamstown. Berkshire county, Mass.. in 1821. tiraduated at William's College in 1847, then entered the AVes- tern Reserve Theological Institute, where he re- mained three years. First pastoral charge was at Republic, Seneca county, Ohio. Remained there until 1855. when he started for River Falls. AA'is., with his own private conveyance, traveling a dis- tance of over one thousand miles toPrescott, AA'is., where he learned another minister had been ap- pointed for River Falls, and thai the conference had recommended him to Excelsior, Mimi. He at once started for that place, and reached it No- vember 16, 1855, where he found six houses, and a church membership of thirty-seven. Preached his first sermon in the sitting room of the hotel. After that held meetings in Pease's Hall for three years. Jilarried in 1847. to :Mary K. Pren- tice, of South Canaan. Conn. They have eight children living. . William Simpson, born in New Brunswick, in 1837. where he remained until 1865. when he set- tled at Excelsior, opened the Excelsior House, which he conducted for two years ; then took the AVhite House, which he has eidarged to accom- modate about ninety guests. Married, in 1869, to a daughter of Pardon Sherman, of Indiana. G. A. Slater, born in Champaign county, Illin- ois, in 1843. Came to Minnesota in 1865. Set- tled in Carver county. Uved there until he moved to Excelsior, where he has since resided. In 1880. opened the Slater House, which he has enlarged to accommodate fifty guests. ^Married, in 1867. to Miss R. C. Thompson. They have three children. Z. D. Spaulding. bt)rn at Pomfort, A'ermont, in 1821. Moved to Sullivan county. Xew Hamp- shire : lived there twenty-two years, and moved to Burrellville, R. I., where he learned the machinists' trade. Came to Minnesota in 1854. Settled near Excelsior, experiencing many hard- ships, having to grind corn in a coffee mill. Married bis third wife, Nancy J., daughter of Amasa and Anna Seamans. in 1875. ^Ir. Spauld- ing rememl^ers the Indian raid of 1862, very distinctly. At that time many of his neighlioi-s removed to Minneapolis. P. H. Turner, born in Kennebec county. Maine, in 1838. Came to Minnesota in 1856. and settled in St. Anthony, where he conducted the harness business. Also opened a shop in :Minneap(Jis. managing both at the same time. He then spent four years in Anoka county, farming. In 1876, located in Excelsior, and opened the only harness shop in town. Married, in 1876. to Beulah Phil- brook. Have two children. Augustin Thompson was born in Somerset county, Maine, in 1847. and came to :Minnesota in 1863. Located in Minneapolis. In 1874 he engaged in the drug and fancy goods business, which in 1879 he removed to Excelsior, and has since conducted a general merchandise business. Married. January loth, 1871, to Miss E. Xettie Parker, of Minneapolis. She was the fifth white child born in Hennepin county. MINNETBISTA—SETTLEMEN T. 257 MINNETRTSTA. CHAPTER XLI. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — FIRST SETTLEMENT — EARLY SETTLERS — ORGANIZATION — SCHOOLS — CHURCHES- POST OFFICES STORES— lilO- GRAPHICAL. Minnetrista is located in the extreme south- western corner of Hennepin county. It is bound- ed on the north by Independence, west and south by Carver county, east by Excelsicu' and Medina. The surface is gently undulating, with an occa- sional abruption, which tends to enhance its gen- eral appearance and take from it all evidence of monotony. Originally, it was covered with a heavy growtli of hard and soft maple, white and red oak, bassvvood and elm. But these somewhat formidable barriers have yielded to the advancing stroke of settlement and civilization, and at the present time, but a small portion of the original timber remains, tlie settlers ha\'ing cleared it for farming purposes. The town is dotted here and there, with lakes, the largest one being Whale Tail Lake, so called on account of its sliape. No fish, like the one that gave Jonah hispre-his- toric notoriety, swim its pure waters ; but the modern sizes are found in abundance, which grow, perhaps, with reference to the size of the modern frying pan. Ox Yoke lake, which derived its name from being in the form of an ox yoke ; Long Lake, so named because of its length, which is more tlian one mile ; Dutch lake, so named in an early day on account of there being a settlement of Germans on its borders. Here they settled, bringing with them the manners and customs of the Father-land, only to be crystal- lized into the American manners and customs. Langdon Lake, in honor of B. V. Langdon, the first clerk of this town ; "Woodward lake. in honor of D. Woodward who located on its banks. Sanders Lake, named for N. H. Sanders, 17 who settled on land lying between Ilalsted's Bay and the lake bearing his name. He was one of the pioneer settlers of the south-east- ern part of the town, which is almost entire- ly covered by Lake Minnetonka and small bays, prominent among which are ••Ilalsted's" bay, in honor of Frank W. Halsted, an old settler, and "Cook's" bay, named in honor of M.S. Cook who is one of the pioneers. FIRST SETTLEMENT. The different parts of the town of Minnetrista, seem to have been settled, at or near the same time. In the south- western part two brothers, Joseph and John Merz, made a claim of 320 acres, on section thirty-two, some time during the fall of 1S.58. Init did not locate here until the spring of 1854. During the same year a claim of 141 acres was made by John Carman (then living in Excelsior) for M. S. Cook. This claim was made on section thirteen, on what is now known as Cook's Bay. In the spring of 18o4, X. 11. Sanders and J. F. Buck, arrived and made claims in this part of the township. They at once erected a log-house on Sander's claim, in which they lived the first summer. In the fall of this year M. S. Cook arrived and built a house on his claim. The first settlement made in the north-western part of the town, was by Samuel L. Merriman, who made a claim of 120 acres on section six in the spring of 18.57. EARLY SETTLERS. Among the very earliest settlers on Upper Lake Minnetonka was Frank William Halsted, who, in the summer of 18oo built his first home, •• Rough and Ready " cabin, on the west shore of that beautiful bay, designated on the map of Lake Minnetonka in honor of him, as •• Ilalsted's Bay." The clearing, about an acre, and the cellar of that cabin, yet mark the spot; around, the grand old woods yet remain, as when he for many years 258 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. viewed and enjoyed them. Likewise the beautiful water views in front of his cabin home. Capt. Ilalsted was born in Xewark. New Jersey, in 1833, and was the youngest sou of the late Chancellor, Oliver Spencer Ilalsted. of Xew Jersey. AVhen sixteen years old. having a taste for the sea. he adopted Greeley's advice, " Go west, youug man." and went to that lltima Tluik. California, by way of Cape Horn, three brothers accompa- nying him. Keturning in 1850. he next sought the West, overland, coming to Mmnesota in 18.5.5. He remained until the l)reaking out of the Re- bellion, in ISiil, when, feeling competent to serve his country in the naval service, he obtained a commission in June or July of that year, as mas- ter's mate, and served under Flag Officers String- ham and (ioldsborough. most of the time in com- mand of a vessel comprising part of that fleet. At the capture of llatteras Inlet. August 28th and 29th. 18(51 . he with his brother. Major G. B. Halsted (the latter then secretary to Flag Ofticer Stringham). were on lx)ard the flagship Minne- sota. (One of the pictures in the Hermitage is a very flue view of that famous ship and tights Dissatisfied with Flag Officer Goldsborough, whose loyalty and courage they doubted, both the brothers resigned, the elder, the secretary, now the major, November Vith, 18t>l, joining the army November 11th, 1861, as lieutenant and aid- de-camp to ■• fighting Phil Kearney," was in the war to the end, being at Appomattox Court- House when Lee surrendered. Frank resigned later, at Hampton Roads, refusing to serve longer under GoldsV)orougli. wliom he told on the deck of the Minnesota. " By your vulgar aud foul- mouthed profanity you violate, every day, m the presence of this ship's crew, the articles of war you have read to them on Sunday." His resignation then and there, was not done with the intention of remaining inactive while war was going on against the government beloved. Soon after, lie enlisted as an aide seaman, in Chicago, and was sent the same day, in charge of a squad of men, to the receiving ship, of the Mississippi squadron, at Cairo. Xot long after joinmg. he went before a l)oard of officers, appomted for the purpose of ex- amining and selecting any then in the service who might prove competent for promotion. He was appointed acting master in the U. S. Xavy. which look him in one step, from the forecastle. past the steerage, into the ward-room, thus soon finding in this squadron, higher ranktlianhe had held in the Xorth Atlantic squadron. He has related an mcident, occurring soon after his pro- motion, when, on being detailed to sit as member of a court martial, lie found beside him at the table the officer to whom, but a short time before, he had enlisted as an able seaman, who. with a look of great surprise, inquired how he came there: to which came tlie prompt reply. ■• By the same orders which brought you here." Most of tlie time in the Mississippi squadron he was in command of the steamer General Pillow, sta- tioned at Mound City, surrounded by and in the care and charge of a great numlier of vessels, loaded with all kinds of ammunition, for the destniction of which the ■■Johnny Rebs" were constantly de\'ising schemes : m which, however, owing to the care and vigilance of Capt. Halsted, they were foiled. A\'hile here, his own steamer. General Pillow, took tire, and an eye witness, on the vessel at the time, heard from officers and men warm praise of the gallantry and daring of their commander, who, taking the hose in his own hands, gomg be- low^ where the fire was located, not far from the magazine, remained until the fire was extin- guished. After the close of the war, beuig hon- orably discharged, he returned to his loved Min- nesota home, and. in 18G6. built his larger cabin, on the main lake, well known as ■■ The Hermit- age." Here he resided tuitil the time of his sad death m 1876. Though often solicited by his admiring neighbors to accept pidilic positions in civil life, he declined, with the excei>tion of Justice of the Peace, and on another occasion serving as one of a commission for the improvement of navigation on Lake Minnetonka. "We think it would be found on investigation that the fii^st marriage in the town of Minuetris- ta. was solenmized liy Justice Halsted. We have heard him laugh over his experience in joining together his two German neighboi-s. making the two, one. Dwelling alone for many years, nay. all the time on Lake Minnetonka. except occa- sional visits of relatives from the East, he acquired the name of "Hermit of Lake Miinie- tonka" and his cabin. --Tlie Hermitage." Yet those who knew him then, and recall him now, MINNMTBISTA—EABLY SETTLEBS. 2o9 easily remember, there was not mudi of tlie j accepted attributes of tlie old time Hermit, in Captain Frank (as lie was often called) whose companionable qualities of heart and head, were well known to all having the pleasure of his aciiuaintance. His cabin had more charms for its owner than the city could offer, and he here passed much of his time in company, as he said, of the best of men and women, his favorite authors ; his shelves being well supplied with copies of the American and English classic authors, both in poetry and prose. He was an excellent sailor and kept a small sloop yacht, which was always ready for his friends, who could with safety trust them- selves to his skillful pilotage. No one on Lake Minnetonka was more popular with summer visi- tors, or more respected by inhabitants of its shores, old and young, than Frank Halsted. In the winter of 1875-6, he built, near "The Hermitage," the beautiful steamer "Mary,"' called by this name in honor of the kindest of mothers, then deceased. Before she was fully completed, in June 1876, the subject of this sketch, disap- peared from his home, and after several days his body was found in the Lake, near Crane Island, under such circumstances as induced the Jury of Inquest to conclude it was a case of suicide. In compliance with an oft expressed wish, that when he died, lie wanted to be buried on the bank of the lake he loved so well, he was buried at " The Hermitage." The true cause of this much lamented and melancholy occurrence, must ever remain a mystery. The Captain died, and made no sign. Those who knew him be^t, and his highly refined and sensitive nature, and especially his repugnance to indebtedness, believe that he became despondent over an midertaking less for pecuniary gain, or the hope thereof, than for pro- viding increased facilities and boat accommoda- tions for the rapidly increasing intlux of summer visitors to Lake Minnetonka. Owe no man any- thing, was his motto. He felt the truth of the text, "the debtor is slave to the creditor." In building the "Mary" he incurred debts, whidi, to ordinary business men, would have been a trifle ; to him it was a load more than he could bear. He died lamented by all who knew him, and is yet held in most pleasing remembrance. John Carman, one of the early settlers of this county, was born in New Jersey, in 1801, where he remained for twelve years, when he moved to Pennsylvania, and worked on a farm until twenty years of age. He was married to Miss Susan Cope, of Pennsylvania, and afterward moved his family to Mahoning county, Ohio, where be re- mained until 1853, when he moved to Minnesota, stopping a few months in Ramsey county; thence to Minnetonka, in September, of the same year, and pre-empted what isiiow known as " Carman's Pomt," on Upper Lake Minnetonka, where the beautiful resort, " Spring Park," is located. He lived there until 1860, wlien he sold and moved to the place now known as " Maple Shade.'' In 1868 he returned to New Jersey, where he died, December 13, 1877. His family consisted of seven children : Ann, William, Carry, Benton, Mary, Frank, Emma and Lizzie. His son Frank was born in Ohio, and now lives at Mound City. Is one of the navigators of the Lake, and runs a steam freight boat from Mound City to Wayzata. Mathias S. Cook, one of the early pioneers of the town, was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, May 19th, 1830 ; lived with his parents, Job and Mary A. Cook, mitil twenty years of age. He was married in 1850, to Miss Anna W., daughter of John and Susan Carman, of Ohio. In 1854, he moved to Miimesota, and settled on the claim where he now lives. His first dwelling was a log cabin, 14x20, one and one-half stories high, it being the third house built on the upper lake, and was the stopping place for tlie weary traveller in those early days. His buildings are now 56x42 feet, and three stories high. Situated on the north margin of " Cook's Bay," known through all this region as " Cook's Landing." Air. Cook has, M'ith many others, had his full share of the hardships known only to those ^^ho lived here in those early days ; is now an honored and respect- ed citizen of his town, and has filled many offi- ces of public trust. Frederick A. Jennings, one of the early settlers of the town, was born in London, England, May 19th. 1807. His father, an officer in the British army, died in 1819. In 1822, the subject of this sketcli, emigrated to America, and in 1828 mar- Miss Mary Moult, who died in 1830. Mr. Jen- nings embarked in commission business, dealing largely in iron. In connection with this, he op- erated the first and only rolling mill near Phila- 260 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. delpbia. lie also introduced the fii'st process of puddling iron by stone coal heat, which was a great economy in its manufacture; which busi= ness he continued up to 1842, when he moved to Centre county, Pennsylvania, establishing a large mercantile trade, conducting a furnace, and run- ning several freight boats to Philadelphia. Tliis business he conducted for ten years, then made a visit to England, being appointed by Secretary Webster to bear messages to England ; remained there one year. Returned, and lived in Pitts- burgh, engaging wlUi llarvy Chikls & Co. for sev- eral years. In the fall of 1855, his family moved to Minnesota and settled on the farm he now owns. In 1857. he joined his family in their new- wild home, on what is now known as " Jennings Bay," Lake Minnetouka, oneof the attractive views of this famous resort, lie remained with his family until 1 861 , when he was appointed to a fourth class clerkship in the United States Treasury Depart- ment at Washington, where he remained until 1877, when he returned to his pleasant home in Minnetrista. to live free from the strain of com- mercial and political life. His second marriage, to Mary A. Parrish, occurred July, 1832. He has five children living ; Frederick A., Elizabeth :P., Annie P., Susan J., and James G. His son Fred, served in the First Minnesota, also in the Second, and ranked as 1st Lieutenant; was in N"ew Mexico, on garrison duty ; at the end of tlie rebellion mustered out at St. Louis, ilissouri ; now lives in ilinneapolis. Samuel L. Merrinian, one of the earliest settlers of Minnetrista, was born in Alleghany county, New York, 1825. When twenty years old learned the shoemakers trade, which he followed for five years, then bought half interest in a lumbering mill and operated inuler the name of Jiler- riman and I»Ioorehouse for two years, when he sold his interest and moved to Cumberland county, Illinois, and engaged in farming and other pursuits till tlie spring of 1856, when he came to what is now Jilumetrista and pre- empted the farm on which he now lives. Like many other pioneers of the northern wilds he suffered many hardships during the early years of his life here. May, 1851, was married to Miss Marian, daughter of Lovet H. and Xancy Obert, of Alleghany county, New York, who died February, 1877. ORGANIZATION. April 10. 1858, Town 117. Range 24, was set apart by the county commissioners as ''German Home." This name was retained until the organ- ization of the town, which occurred in the spring of 1859, when the legal voters met at the house of M. S. Cook and took steps for the organiza- tion of the same. Several names were proposed and rejected. The name of Minnetrista wiis finally proposed and accepted. Minne (meaning waters) and trista (meaning crooked), and from the fact that the town contained so many crook- ed lakes, this name was considered as the most appropriate, and was accepted. Tlie first election was held at this time, when the following oflieers were elected : Supervisors, Peter Mitchels, chair- man, M. S. Cook. Ephraim Dudley ; Town clerk, R. Y. Langdon. At a special meeting held December 31, 1864, it W'as voted to raise fifteen dollars for each family wherein were drafted men. Tlie following re- ceived that amount : Warren Merrimaii, A. Black, Cyrus Beaman, Martin Ort, John Keiser, Henry Trunes, John Adelberger, Joseph Ebert, A. Ebert, Joseph Ball, A. Schneider, F. Merz, John Ilirsch- berger, Wm. Schuler, Joseph Schmidt, James Bailey and Epliraim Dudley. The town levied a tax for the extermination of sijuirrels. March 14, 1876, resolved, that two cents each be paid, for rat, goplier and chipmunk tails. The tcnvii con- tains 18,576 acres. Assessed valuation of real estate in 1880, $219,359. Personal property, ?33.806. Total amount of taxes. 1880, $2,540, with a population of 844. CHUUCHES. The German Baptist Church, located on Section 32, was organized November 22, 1858, and the present church, a log structure, was built iu 1865, at a cost of about floO. It has services every Sunday, also a Sunday School, which is well maintained. St. Bonifaciiis Catholic Church, built in 1859, is a log structure, and was organized by Father Shearer, now of Hastings. In connection with the above churcli is a parish school, which was started, and the building erected, in 1864. SCUOOLS. This town was divided by the Town Supervisors in 1861, into three districts. It now has five. MINNETBISTA—HOTJELS—STOBES— BIOGRAPHICAL. 261 Schools had been held, however, previous to this time ; one at the house of a Mr. Gribble, near where Mound City now stands, in the summer of 1860, and taught by Miss Celia iSturman. Another was held in the house of Peter Mitchels, and taught by Miss Emma Carman. School No. 86, located on section 13, was the first school house built in the town, is a log structure, and still stands. School No. 96 is located on Section 32. School No. 84. is located on Section ■'). School No. 83, (Joint Miinietrista and Independence) lo- cated on Section 2, in the north part of the town. HOTEL.S. Mr. M. S. Cook has " kept liotel "' ever since his first settlement, and may be truly called the pio- neer hotel man of the Upper Lake. Is now owner of the " Lake View " house, so called from its fine view of the Upper Lake. Many of the sum- mer tourists find their way to this l)eautifnl retreat, beguiling the time in fishing on the lake, or hunting in the woodlands that surround '"Cook's." Chapman House was built by S. Chapman, in 1875; a structure 32x44 feet, three stories high. In 1876 an addition, 26 x 32 feet, three stories high, was made, and in 1878 a dining-hall, 22 x 64, with an L, 17x34 feet, capable of seating three hundred people, was added, making it large, airy and commodious. STEAM MILI>. Mr. Cook built a flour and feed mill in 1.S80, 14x20 feet, engine room 12x24 feet, one run of stone, which is found to be a great convenience. S. L. Merriman, also runs a small feed-mill during the winter time, for the accommodation of the neighborhood. POST-OFFICES. The first post-offlce in the town was established in 1856, and named St. Bonifacius, John Merz appointed postmaster. It was moved one mile north of the village in 1873. Minnetrista post- office was established in 1861, on section 6, and Norman Shook appointed postmaster. A post- offlce was established in 1876 at Mound City, and a Mr. Pearl appointed postmaster. STORES. The first store in the town was started at St. Bonifacius, by .John Merz and Anthony Cramer, in 18.59, Mr. Merz succeeding to the entire control one year later. At Mound City there are two stores carrying a general stock. The first was established in the fall of 1876, by Hill. Acker \- Armstrong, of St. Paul, who sold to Griggs, Fos- ter & Co., who are its present proprietors. The second store was started by E. Weeks, in the fall of 1880. SHOPS. The first blacksmith shop was established on section 10, by A. W. (Jlark, in the fall of 1866. In 1868 he built where he now is, on section 9. Another blacksmith shop was started at Jtlound City, in 1876, which was operated for a short time. nrOGHAPUICAL. Richard Ball was born in England, August 2'J. 1819. He lived with his father, who was a mem- ber of Parliament. 12 years. At the age of nine- teen he Vi'ent to New Zeahuul. spent five years there merchandizing. Returned to England and went to Australia, spent ten \ears there, doing a very successful mercantile Ijusiness. Retm'ued to England and established a large mercantile and farming business until 1876, when he emi- grated to America, and settled on the farm where three of his sons now live. In the spring of 1880 he bought 'the Delano Flouring and Saw mill, which he is now improving to make it the best mill in Wright county. He now lives at Delano village. AVas married in England to Miss Eliza- beth Masters. They have eight children. Frank Carman was born in Ohio, and came to Minnesota with his parents in 1823. lie enlisted in Company D, Sixth Minnesota Infantry in 1862, and served until mustei-ed out at Fort Snelling in 1865. He was married to Miss Adelia Moore of Hennepin county, Marcli 22. 1S6S, and the year following, located at the pleasent home in Movmd city where he has since resided. They have four children ; Herbert, James, Mabel and Delia. Mr. Carman is engaged in running a steam freight boat, betv*een Mound City and Wayzata on Lake Minnetonka. Allen W. Clark \\as born in ( 'alaraugus county. New York, March 22, 1830. His father died July 4, 1852, leaving Allen to care for the family, which he did faithfully. He was engaged in blacksmithing until 1866, wlien he came to Mhnie- Irista, where he has since divided his time in farming and blacksmithing. In 1870, his shop 262 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIX COUNTY. was destro}-ed by fire, and in 1877 his liouse was burned ; after each disaster he rebuUt. He was married Xoveniber 2, 1854. to Miss Abigal K. Merriman of X Y. They have two children. Ashbel lugerson was bom in Jefferson county. Xew York, Sei)tember 19. 1827. At the age of eighteen he went to Georgia and remained three years teaching school. He spent four years as civil engineer in Xew York state, and came west in 1855. Remained in Indiana one year, and then came to Steele county. Minnesota. In 1858 was elected county surveyor. In 1862 he enlisted in the Fifth Minnesota, and served ten months, participating in several battles ; he was then transfered to the signal service and dis- charged in 1865. He was clerk in the United States Treasury department for two years, and in 1867 settled in Hennepin county. He was engaged four seasons on government sur\eys in northern Minnesota. He represented his district in the house in 1875, and has taken an active part in public affaii^s. In 1880 he removed to his present home. ■'Aralia." on the west bank of Minnetonka. He married Sarah A. Chase in 1857, and they have had six children. Aaron ^lerriman [deceased] was born in Una- dilla. Otsego county. Xew York. July 12th. 1801. When twelve years of age he moved with the fam- ily to Alleghany county, Xew York. Married, March 8th. 1821 . to Miss Charlotte Taylor. They have seven children living. He spent most of his time in milling and farming, up to 1866, when he came to Mhnietrista. Mr. Merriman died. Sep- tember loth. 1875. Warren Men-iman was born in Alleghany coim- ty, Xew York. February 16th. 1823. He lived with his parents until eighteen yeare of age, when for one year he worked on the Erie canal, then worked at the carpenter and joiner trade for about twenty-two years. In 1862 he settled in Minnetrista. May 28th. 1864. enlisted in Co. I. Sixth Mum. Inf. Served one year and was mus- tered out at Montgomery. Alabama. Married Miss Rhoda Clark. December 31st. 1864: Had four children. The living ones are Anor A. and Joseph A, Eugene Merriman was born in Alleghany county. Xew York, March 17th. 1N50. He worked on the farm with his father, tUl 1866, wlien with his parents he came to Minnetrista. and settled. Married June 21st. 1871. to Miss Lorena Cook. They have four children Francis McCuUough was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, March 22d, 1843, He lived in ChautaiKiua county. Xew York, six years, and in Alleghany two years. In 1852. went to McKean county, Pennsylvania. In December, 1861, en- listed in Co. F. 1st Pennsylvania Rifles: ser\-ed luitil 1864. when he was appointed by General Meade. 2d Lieut, of Co. I. 190th Penn. Inft. He was taken prisoner at "Weldon R. R.. August 19th. 1864. and kept in Libby Prison two montlis, also at SaulsVnuy Prison, one month: then to Danville, and back to Libby Prison again: in one month was paroled, and taken to Annapolis hospital, Maryland. Returned home on a furlough, joined his regiment again, and after Lee's surrender, was mustered out at Washington, June, 1865. In the fall, he came to St. Anthony. Minnesota. April 30th. 1868. was married to Miss Susan J. Jemiings, They have six children : Mary P.. Francis E., Frederick J.. WilUam E.. Ellanora J., Lucy A. The family moved to their present home on Jeunuigs Bay. Lake Minnetonka. in 1868. Eliza J. Roemer, the sidjject of this sketch, was bom in Lincoln. Maine, March 26th, 1831, and came with her parents. W. S. and Matilda 1849. to St. Anthony. Miiuiesota. Jan- uary 27th, 1850. she married W. M. DwineUs, of Ramsey county, who was one of the fii"st brick makers in St. Paul, where he died. June 19th. 1875. In 1876. the widow and family came to Min- netrista. She has three children living. Charles C. Clara B.. and Emma J. July 9th, 1877, Mre. Dwinells married AV. H. Roemer, who was bom, April 21st. 1850. in Pike county. Pennsylvania, and commenced photographing at thirteen yeai-s of age. then learned the harness trade, and fol- lowed other pureuits until isGS. when he came to Minnetrista. They have a tine home, three miles south of Maple Plain. William T. Wliitehouse was born in Brooklyn. Xew York. January 12th. 1852. Married in 1872, to Miss Mary Major. He did a large busuiess in boots and shoes at Troy, till 1876, then moved to St. Paul, and engaged in the same business. In 1877. he bouglit the place where he now Uves. 1878. nioNcd his family to what is now called •• Maple Shade." He organized the ^Miiuietonka Xavigation Company in 1880. He intends to have the largest fleet of steamei-s on Lake Minnetonka. INDEPENDENCE— EARL Y SETTLERS. 263 INDEPENDENCE. CHAPTER XLII. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — EARLY SETTLERS — TOWN ORGANIZATION, ETC. — STATISTICS — VILL.\GES—R.\ILROADS— SCHOOLS— CHURCHES — BIOGR.\PHIC.\L. Independence is situated in the western iiaitof tlie county, and derives its name from Lake In- dependence, a large lake lying partly in this town and partly in Medina. The surface is mainly rolling and timbered. A belt of nearly level land , however, extends around Maple Plain, and to the southwest. The town is well supplied with wild meadow land, and has many small marshes. Nearly a dozen lakes dot the surface, and two streams flow through it. Lake Independence is the largest of the lakes, and is situated a mile from the little village of Maple Plain. It is a beautiful sheet of water, about two miles in length, anIaple Plain, .\mong the old settlers of Independence was ^Mlliam Cox, who made and improved a claim, now ow-ned by Joshua Styner, on section 22. He came here from Indiana, in 1850, and had never seen a rail- road until the present line was built through his farm; although over sixty years old. About two years after the road was built he moved to low'a, and died soon after. One mile west of JIaple Plaui, and lying partly on the original claim of Mr. Cox, is Armstrong, a flag station, now little used, and having no agent. In 1S57, John and Xeedham Perkins, laid out a village plat on the soulli liank of Lake Indepen- dence, a part of whicli is now in ^ledina. They each built a frame dwelling-house. These were the flrst frame buildings in this region, and are still standing. Needliam Perkins also built a saw-mill, and opened a small store, both of which 264 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. were abandoned after about two years. A school- house was also erected in the present limits of Medina. Aside from the inconveniences incident to west- ern emigration, the early settlers of Indepen- dence suffered from two causes not usual — In- dians and grasshoppers. These two pests caused inconvenience and — the latter especially — hard- ship. Hordes of 8ioux. not at this time posi- tively hostile, hovered around the settlements, rendering themselves obnoxious as beggars and pilferers. In the winter of 18.56-7. about 300 of them were encamped on Pioneer Lake, and the following winter about douVile the number wintered on the same camping ground. Shako- pee, a sub-chief, was their leader, w ho fell at the battle of Wood Lake, near the Yellowstone, in an engagement with General Sibley's expedition, in 1862. Their circle hunts swept the game in the near vicinity out of the reach of the settlers, and deprived them of even a fair share. During the first winter of their unwelcome visit, they killed 209 deer, in the near vicinity of their camp. The grasshopper scourge was. however, the greatest hardship. Late in July, 1856. invading swarms came from the nortliwest, and began overspreading the country. In the fall, vast swarms invaded this town, and remained until the following June. Xo green leaf or herb escaped the voracious insects, either in the fall or spring, and starvation seemed imminent. For- timately, relief came to the afflicted settlers from a novel source. There arose a demand for an un- usual article, the ginseng root, with whidi the woods aboinided. Agents were stationed at \arious points, to purcliase it for shipment to China. The settlers seem to have been provided for by a dis- pensation almost as miraculous as the feeding of the children of Israel with manna. They collect- ed large amounts of the root, and by money re- ceived from its sale, tided over the hardship. TOWN ORGANIZATION, ETC. The town was organized in 18-58. and the tirst town meeting held on Tuesday, May 11th. at the house of .1. Wilson. The meeting was called to order by Ricliard McGary. Robert P. Stinson was chosen Moderator and William C. Hazleton, Clerk. The whole number of votes cast was 18, and the following officers chosen. Supervisors: Irvin Shrewsbury, Chairman. Daniel Styner and Ebeuezer Brandon: Clerk. Norman Shook; Assessor, William C. Hazleton: Collector, X. E. McGary; Justices of the Peace. Eobert P. Stin- son and Henry Swingler; Constables. Wesley Hall and Earl Iloisington; Overseer of High- ways. John C. Williams. The first regular meet- ing of the new Board was held May lilth, at which meeting, it was ordered that each 160 acres of land in the town be assessed at SoOO.and that a tax of tliirty cents per SlOO be levied upon such lands for roads and highways: also ordered, "that each and every inhabitant over the age of twenty- one and under the age of tifty years, shall per- form two days work as directed li\ the Over- seer of Roads and Highways." At a meeting of the Board to audit accounts. March 2!>th. 18.59, the orders delivered and audited amounted to $98.59, which amount represented the town ex- penses for its tirst year. We also give a com- parison of the amotuit of mail matter, ten years ago and now as a significant item. Ten years ago. when George W. Smith first became post- master at Maple Plain, one pigeon-liole, 3Jx4 niches, furnished ample storage for all mail mat- ter. X'ow, two hundred weekly papers and seven dailes are received, with a proportional increase in other mail matter. The town officers at pres- ent are: Supervisors, — AVilliam ^V. Budd. Chair- man. Jolni Batdorf. John R. Stinson: Clerk. R. M.Mills: Assessor and Treasurer. John H. Mc- Gary. STATISTICS. The population of Independence by the census of 1880, is 844. Xumber of acres, exclusive of town lots, 21,344. Assessed valuation of the same in 1869. S8o,936: in 1875, 3138,127 : In 1880. ?228,- 671. Personal pi'operty at assessed valuation, in 1869, §16,8-55 ; in 1875, 624,211 ; in 1880. $35,999. Taxes in 1869, §2,763 ; in 1875, §2,942 ; in 1880, §4,022. Horses in 1860. 86 ; in 1875. 121 ; in 1880, 218. Cattle over two years old. in 1869.443; in 1875, 588 ; in 1880, 512. Sheep, in 1869, 324 ; in 1875,230; in 1880,593. Hogs, in 1869, 245; in 1875, 232; in 1880, 195.. Wheat in 1869, 7,.523 busliels ; in 1875, 10,836 bushels ; in 1880, acreage, 1,260. XILLACiES. After the railroad was fairly in progress in 18H8, a small village plat was laid out during the INDEPENDENCE— SCHOOLS—GBURCHES— BIOGRAPHICAL. 265 summer, by H. C. and W. Budd, and later, another adjoining the first on the west, by William 11. Marsh. This second plat is now the village of Maple Plain, and the business part of the town. It lies in section 24, while tlie original plat was in section 25. Here are the hotels, stores, blacksmith sliops, mills, etc. MANUFACTURING. The town has two steam saw-mills, also a synip manufactory, run Ijy a stationary engine. The ca- pacity of the syrup factory is 22o gallf)ns per day. During the season of 18.S0, it manufactured 3,0o.3 gallons. Mr. E. D. Burnett owns a small steam saw-mill on Pioneer Creek, a little north of Arm- strong station. A Ijlacksmith shop and a wagon shop complete the record of mills and shops. There are two hotels, two stores antl an eleva- tor. The elevator is owned by the Elevator Company. It is little used except as a store- house. A church, school house and Good Tem- plar's hall comprise the public buildings. POST OFFICE. Mr. Irvin Shrewsbury, who in 18t)0, repre- sented the district in the Legislature, was the first postmaster. The oflice was establislied in 1856 and located at his residence, near the cen- tre of section 26. The mail was Ijrought weekly from Miimeapolis. This was the terminus of the route until an otfice was established at "Watertown. liAILKOAI). In 1868 a railroad, now known as the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Hallway, was built through the town, and in September the station. Maple Plain, was established. SCHOOLS. The first school house in Independence, was near the present site of school No. 81, and was built in the springof 1858. A log building 14x18 feet was first l)uilt, but after a few years it was replaced by a larger building of liewn logs, whicli in 1878, gave place to the present structure, a neat frame building. 26x44 feet, well finished and furnished witli patent desks, seats, etc.. etc. The first school was taught in the winter of 1857- 8, by Norman Shook, in a dwelling left vacant by the death of William Lewis and the removal of his family. Schools are also sustained in four other districts. No. 80 in section 2, No. 79 in section 17, No. 82 in section 30. No. 102 in section 3, a joint district, part of whicli is in the town of Greenwood. There are also three other joint districts. No. 61, with Medina ; No. 83, with Minnetrista and No. 112 with Greenwood. CHUKCHES. Methodist. Tlie first religious meeting was held, in 1855, by Rev. J. J. Camp, a Methodist clergyman, under whose guidance a class was formed, of which 'Sir. Irvin Shrewsbury was leader. This society still preserves its organiza- tion and, though not large, holds regular meet- ings in the school house of district No. 81. Presbyterian. The only cliurcli edifice in the town is the Presbyterian church, at Maple Plain This is a substantial frame l)uilding,well finished inside. It is 26x40 feet in size, built in 1872-3. The society was organized in 1871 by Rev. Charles Thayer. G. W. Smith and C. W. Inger- son were chosen elders, which office they still hold. The membership was twelve, at the time of organization. Mr. Tliayer resigned his pastor- ate September 20, 1875. Rev. Benson followed Mr. Thayer, remaining about one year. Revs. Hall, Iliggins. Wood and McCahan have in turn succeeded to the charge, remaining but short terms. The chiu'ch is without stated preaching at the writing of this sketch. The Good Templars Lodge was organized in April, 1874. Its present membership is about forty and steadily gaining. Meetings are held every Saturday evening. BIOGRAPHU AL. Henry Astrope was born in Canada, in 1839, and came with his parents to Minnesota in 1855. He returned to Canada tlu'ee years later, and re- mained one sunnner. then came again to ^linne- sota. In September, 1861 , he enlisted in Company F. of the Second Regiment, and re-enlisted in 1863, serving until discharged for disability, in .January, 1865. He has since drawn a pension. He was married in 1873, and has two children. W. W. Budd, a native of Ohio, was born in Preble county, in 1833. In early life lie removed with his parents to Indiana, and in 1m55. lie en- gaged in tlie lumber trade, whicli he foUowedfor two years. In 1863 he enlisted in the Ninth In- diana Light Artillery, served two years, partici" 266 EISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. pating in ten engagements. In 1865 he came to Independence, bought and cleared the farm he now occupies. He married Emeline Cunning- ham, of Polk county. Indiana, in ISoo. They have live children : Ella F.. Anna C. Lilly M.. AVilliam S..and Charles J. Samuel Briley was born in Canada, in 1835, and came to Minnesota in 1865, locating in Dodge county, wliere lie remained until 1871, then re- moved to Minneapolis. In 1876 he removed to tliis town where he has since resided. He was married, in 1858, to Jane Delahunt. by whom he has had six children, all living, with the exception of one. who died in Minneapolis. J. D. Brandon was born in Jefferson county. Indiana, August. ISol. and in KSoii came with his parents to Hennepin county, locating at Maple Plain, where he now resides, on the farm secured by his father. He is engaged in farming, and dealing in lumber and railroad ties. He was married, May 14. 1876. to Belle C. McDonald. Ida M. and Charlie F.. are their children. His father. Moses Brandon, died May 14th. 1880. His mother is still living, and a member of his family. John eleven has been a resident of Independ- ence since 1872. He wasboru inXorway in 1842, and came to America, locating in Minneapolis, hi 1870, remaining there until he removed to his present home. He married Miss Inger Kegene, in 1871. Clara K.. James and Emma, are the chil- dren, aged respectively, six. four, and one and a half years. H. C. Dickey, is a native of Xova Scotia, and came to St. Anthony, in 1865. where for ten years he worked at carriage makuig. In 1875 he re- moved to Maple Plain, where he contuiiied car- riage and wagon making, and now does a thriv- ing business. Johau llisted was born in Sweden, in 1821. and ui 1861 came to America, locating at Long Lake, Hennepin county, where he remained two years. He tlien removed to the town of Independence and leased a farm, which he held until 1873, wlien he purchased the farm on which he now lives. He was married, in l.s44. to Anna Ilemmingsoii. of Sweden. Their children are: Hannah, aged 34: Peter, 32: Charles J.. 30: Matilda, 24: and Josephine, 20. Charles J. Histed married ilary Moline in 1878. They have one child, Aimer. ' John Hillstrom was born in Sweden, in 1849, and emigrated to America in 1870. After a short residence in Xew York and eight months in ^lichigan, he came to !Mhineapolis and worked in a lumber mill until 1876, when he removed to Maple Plain. In 1877 he bought the farm he now lives on. He married Miss Clara M. John- son, who was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1855. The children are: Jennie, aged four years, and Hannah, aged U\o. Henry Jackson, is a native of England, liorn in Chatham, in 1821. He came to Xew York while young, and engaged in the manufacture of cut- lery and surgical instruments, until he reached the age of twenty-one. He then removed to Pittsburg, Peimsylvania, and was engaged in the boot and shoe trade until 1856, when poor health forced him. to retire. He then came west and lo- cated near Lake Minnetouka. He was one of the voters to elect the first Town Board of Minne- touka, and put on the first shingle roof in town. using shingles of his own make. In 1862, he purchased his present home in Independence, where he has smee resided. In 1862. he married Mrs. Stimson. They have one child. Edwin W.. aged seventeen. !Mr. Jackson enlisted in the 6th Minnesota Infantry, August. 1862: was dis- charged June. iwlo. He was drafted in 1SH4. and served about four months. William Mannuig. a native of Ireland, was born ill 1826. anil came to America at the age of thirteen. He resided in Xew York and Albany, engaged as laborer, until 1861. when he enlisted in the 31st Indiana Volunteers. He was wound- ed at Fort Donaldson, and discharged after an active service of two and one-half years. After his return from the army, he went to Pennsylva- nia, and in 1868 came to Minneapolis, where he remained one year : then came to Independence, and cleared the farm he has shice lived on. He married Miss Dugan, soon after leaving the army. Their children are : AVilliam. Jr.. Katy. Thom- as, and Charlotte. Samuel Moore was burn in Park county. Indi- ana, in 1K32. He learned the trade of carpenter, at which he worked until 185s, with the excep- tion of two years in mercantile business. He then came to Mimiesota and located in the town of Independence, where he has smce been en- gaged in the pursuit of farming and carpenter work. He married, in 1855, Miss Xancy Wassou, INDEPENDENCE- BIOGBAPHICAL. 267 of Park county, Indiana. They have six child- ren: Jerome C, Florence A., Rospoe, Sophronia, John L. and Effle V. John II. McGary was Ijorii in Montgomery county, Kentucliy, May 2d, 1(S4:2, and went with his parents to Indiana the same year. In 185.5 they came to Minnesota and located in Independ- ence. He remained with his parents until 1H64, when he enlisted in the Eleventh Regiment and served one year. He was married .September .3d, 1866, to Mrs. Eliza Brandon, l)y wliom he has three children: Ruth A., Katy W. and Omar Ray. Mr. McGary has held the offices of Assess- or and Town Treasurer for nine years. His father, who died August 13th, 1879, was promi- nent among the early settlers of Hennepin county. X. Moline was born in Chisago county, Min- nesota, in 1855. In 1870 he removed to Minne- apolis and remained there for six years, then came to Independence, and with his father pur- chased a farm of 16H acres in section thirty-six. His post-office address is Maple Plain. E. M. Mills, is a native of Henry county, Indi- ana, where he was born in 1845. In 1854 he re- moved to Kentucky and remahied three years, then returned to Indiana. In tlie fall of 1863 he enlisted in the Ninth Indiana Cavalry, and served until the fall of 1865. He tlien came to Minnesota and purchased a farm in the town of Independence. This farm, located on section twenty-two, was entered by Job Moffat, and was the first claim taken witliiu the present limits of the town. He married Miss Maria Batdorf in Jmie, 1866. They have one cliild, "William D.. born January 8d, ISHS. C. W. O'Leary, a life-long resident of Henne- pin county, was born in Minneapolis in 1859. He attended the schools of that city, and in 1871 removed with his parents to this town. His father died in 1876, and since tliat time he has lived with his mother at the old home on section eighteen, and carried on tlie farm. His ])ost- ofiRce address is Delano, Wright county. John Pagenkopf, is a native of the State of Illinois, and was born December 23d, 1857. In July, 1861, he came with his parents to Indepen- dence, and has since resided in this town. On the 19th of March, 1878, he was married to Miss Carrie Ilorsch. who has borne him one child. Freddie, born January 23d, 1879. Daniel S. Styner, was born in Pennsylvania, July 8th, 1815. He married Margaret Rheene, in 1843. In 1856 he came to Minnesota, and pre- empted 160 acres of land on section 26, in wdiat is now the town of Independence, where he has since resided. He is one of the pioneers of this town, and was a member of the first Town Board. He has since held many offices of trust. The house he built, on his arrival here in 1856, was the first to have a shingle roof. Tlie Indians, who passed back and forth at that time, gave him the title of the ■■ Dutch Squire." Of his children, Mary L.. Julia E,, and Charles, came here with tlieir parents ; Cora was born while Minnesota was a Territory, and Frank after its admission as a state, Frank Shrewsbury was born in 1855, in In- diana, and came with his parents to Minnesota the same year. They located at what is now Maple Plain, w'here he grew to manhood, and in 1875 married Allie Inger.son. Tliey have two children, Maud and Mabel. Jlr. Shrewsbury is a farmer, and lives on the farm pre-empted by his father. His mother is still livhig. G. W. Smitli, is a native of Jeffer.son county, Xew York, born November 14th, 1816. In 1864 he came to Minnesota, locating at Saint Cloud, where he remained one year: then engaged in mercantile business in Minneapolis, until 1870. wlien he bought the store of J. I). Perkins, at Maple Plain, and has since resided tliere. con- ducting a general merchandise store. Mr. Smith received his appointment as postmaster at Maple Plain, in 1870, and has since held that office. He is also a Justice of tlie Peace, which office he has filled since his first election, in 1875. He is the oldest postmaster on tliis line of railroad. ITis children, who were born in .lefferson county, Xew York, are Mary Jane, wife of .1. E. Bell, cashier of the Hennepin County Savings Bank. Minneapolis: Charles H.. book keeper in the same bank, and William .V., who died in Minne- apolis, in 1869. He has a son who was bom in Hennepin county ; Lyndon B., six years of age. Adam Tautges was born in Prussia, in 1847, and came to America in 1868. He came directly to Minnesota, and located in Medina township, where he remained with his i)arents until 1876, when he bought the farm he now occupies in this town. He married Mary Wagner, in 268 mSTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. 1877. They have one chikl. Anna, atred two years. Peter Tautj,'es was born in Prussia, in 1856, and came to tliis country witli liis jiarents. in 1868. He located on liis present farm in 1S79. lie was married to Sophia L. Ilottiin. in 1877. Their children are Mary A., aged two years, and William A., aged one year. A. Weidenbach, also a native of Prussia, was born in 1833, and emigrated to this coinitry in 185S. lie came at once to Hennepin county anil has cleared a good farm on section three. lie is a teacher, and justice of the peace, lu 180.5, he married Miss Cacilia Bukorwsky. Adolph, Cacilia, Harmon, John, Amelia, Mary, Lucy, and Edward, are their children. His post- office address isKockford. Wright county. .John Williams, a native of Xew York, was born in 1818. From that state he went to Indiana, where he remained until ls.>5. when he came to Independence. a]id pre-empted a claim of 160 acres. He was the second man who moved into this town, and has since resided here. In 1848, he enlisted, and served one year in the Mexican war. James. AUie, Harvey, Moses, George, and Imogene are children by his first marriage. His present wife was a Miss Alright, to whom he was married in 1873. George Washington was born in ^'irginia, in 1843, and remauied there until 1849, when he re- moved with his parents to Tennessee, and in 1863 came to Minnesota, lie was married in 1879, to Phoebe Yancey, by whom he has one child, Willie, born. ^Slarcli 21st. 1880. Mr. Washington is en- gaged in farming, and is the owner of eighty acres of land on section fifteen. MEDINA. CHAPTEK XLIII. SITU.\TION—T0POGKAPHT— EARLY SETTLERS — EVENTS OF 1855-8— TOWN ORGANIZ.^TION— L.^TEK EVENTS — MLSCELLANEOT'S ITEMS, 1859 -69 — BUSINESS ENTERTRISES— THE r.\ST DE- CADE — BIOGRAPHICAL. Towns, though tracing their settlement and origin to the same general causes, perhaps the same dates, are, nevertheless, foiuid to possess historic data differing from their immediate neighbors, as widely as do the lives of indi- viduals. Some furnish little, save the prosaic record of settlement and growth, the current flowing smoothly on, its surface scarcely rippled by an incident or legend. In others the tide is swollen with such plenteous accumulations of fact and fancy, that the chief difficulty encoun- tered by the historian, is the selection of such items as will be of the greatest general interest. since the limits of space in this volume, consigns many noteworthy facts to the uncertain custody of future tradition. The latter is the ease with Medina, and it is a matter of no little regret that so few of the interesting events pertaining to its early histor.\ can here be given. SITI'ATION AND TOPOGRAPHY. Medina is an interior town, embracing, in ad- dition to the original township, that portion of Excelsior lying north of Lake Minnetonka, and has an area of 26,023 acres. Its surface is uneven, and in the northwestern portion somewhat hilly. Several clear lakes dot the surface. On the west, and lying partly in the town bearing its name, is Lake Independence, This and the larger lake mentioned as forming the southern boundary, are the principal bodies of water. Long Lake, from which the only village of the town is named, is of pecuUar beauty. .V few snudl streams fur- nish outlets for nearlv all the interior lakes. The MEDINA— EARLY EVENTS. 269 town is heavily timbered, excepting a small belt skirting the north-western portion. EARLY SETTLERS. The first pennanent settlers came here in lSo4. A marked character among them was Stephen Bean, who came from Maine, and settled about a mile west of Long Lake. He was a kind neighbor, hospitable, .open-hearted, generous, and liad a wonderfully fertile imagination. Karl and William Charles Kassube came in 1854. A. T. French came from Ohio and settled on the north side of Crystal Bay, a point commanding one of the finest views of the lake; he has seen all the lights and shadows of fortunes changes. Mr. French, Vincent Cox and the Foglemans brought the first horses into this region. Xew- ton French, William Carman, Evan Templin and Richard Danforth came from Ohio; Theo- dore A. Xorris, Wallace Hatter and Judson Beach from Michigan; James UumVnack, David Lydiard, Eleazer Dickey and Daniel Thompson from Nova Scotia, and John Mattison from Illi- nois, all taking claims near Long Lake. In the same year came William Bussell from Xew York and Fred A. Jennings from Ohio. The location selected by Mr. Russell was in section seventeen. on the west shore of one of the nimierous bays now partly In Medina and Excelsior. Here he laid the foundation for a city which never came, and "Island City"" waited in vain for the state cap- ital. Fred A. Jennings was a man whose daring nearly cost him his life by drowning in Lake Minnetonka, and once, lost him in the wilderness between the lake and his home. EVENTS OF 1855. Prominent among the arrivals this year, were Isaac A. Christlieb, R. H. and J. L. Knettle, B. C. Haines and John Schaffer, from Pennsylvania; Vincent Cox, William and Henry Fogleman and Edward Turnham, from Indiana; Asa Kelleyand Kelsey Hinman from Ohio ; E. F. Walsh, Jas. Dillman, Samuel Lydiard and Miles Bayers, from Nova Scotia; Shepherd Barnes from Maine; Hon. A. J. Underwood (now editor of the Fergus Falls Journal) from Ohio; Henry Stu1)l)s, Allen Grave, George, James and F. R. Maxwell from Illinois. Mr. Grave's and Mr. Stubb's daughters were the first young ladies in the settlement, and their advent produced quite a ripple in the bachelor element. The Maxwell brothers brought their father with them ; one of Napoleon's trained veterans, who followed the fortunes of the great Captain through many of his campaigns. John Schmidt, built and owns the "Medina House," which he now rents to X. J. Rosander. This year about fifty German families, settled in the north part of the town ; prominent among them were Matthias Miller, John Wolsfeld, Philhp Klein, and C. W. Burchfleld. Mr. Miller was the "Peacemaker" anil one of the founders of Medina, whose death in 1880, was mourned by the entire community. Mr. Wolsfeld, while returning from Minneapolis seven years ago, was attacked by a man named Wirth, and so severely beaten that he lost his eyesight. Wirth was arrested, tried, and sentenced to seven years imprisonment. The enraged citizens wanted to save the state the expense of the trial. Miss Emma Maxwell was the first child born in ;Medi- na. She is now Mrs. Melvina Smith. Elkand Cox, who died at the residence of his brother, on the farm now owned by I. A. Christlieb, was the first death. The ^Vayzata road, from Minne- apolis to a point near the western margin of the county, where it intersects another established road, was located by O. E. Garrison. A few ad- ditional names are given of those who settled here from 1855 to ISijO. Isaac Sharth, Bradford M'akefleld, Perry Parrish, from Ohio;Gibson Teas, J. B. & O. B. Brown, from Indiana; E. M. Snow and B. F. Christlieli from Pennsylvania; James Johnson, W. A. Spafl'ord, A. Kruikshanks, ^'al- erous Chilson and B. Gasper. In 1862 they were followed by William and Joseph Lydiard, Andrew Brown, C. Dittman, and others, all set- tling in or near the present village of Long Lake. Alonzo Coleman was an early settler and jiromi- nent in town affairs. EVENTS OF IS.'jfi. Claim jumping was one of the initial events; one Kohler, thus attempted to gain posses- sion of C. E. Dickey's claim, on section 26. He Ijuilt his cabin, and took possession when the neighliors, led by Samuel Lydiard, drove the intruder away and demolished his castle ; he, however, compromised, and pur- chased the claim he would have jumped. It was again attempted on a mulatto, named Alfred, but 270 HISTOET OF HEXNEPIX COUyTT. his ••backers" were too many, and the invader wisely retreated. No written contract existed between the settlers of }tledina, but there was a distinct understanding that each actual settler should be protected in his rights ; this fact being known, jiut an end to claim jumping. The first marriage was that of Sebastian Kohler to Miss Baumeister. The first school, was taught by Charles Christlieb, hi an old claim shantj- on sec- tion 34. owned by George Knettle. liis wages being paid by subscription. A school house was built on section 4, but never used. In 1858 ano- ther was built on section 34, known as the Hursh school house, in which a scliool. supported by tax. was opened by Miss Jane C'owden of Ashta- bula. Oliio. EVEXT.* OF 1857. Durmg this year, the old Territorial Road, known as the Minneapolis and Fort Ridgely road, was laid through the town. The route was sug- gested by I. A. Cln'istlieb, who, with the assist- ance of Samuel Lydiard. secured the survey by R. J. MendeuhaU. George Knettle built a small steam saw mill a short distance west of the pres- ent village, and also built a house and a hotel. This was the foundation for his •■ City of Cum- berland."" D. A. Keyes and Frank Fleming built houses within the limits of the city, and there its growth ended. A lyceimi was organized in one of the buildings, where the Solons met and discussed the questions of those times. Another city was located on the town line between Medina and Independence, by John and Xeedham Per- kms, and called Perkinsville. A store, hotel and a few dwellings marked its greatest growth. It struggled for metropolitan honors, but finally went down, and now exists only in memory. This year was one of want, occasioned by the ravages of the grasshopjiers. The prices of what was left of the crop were so low that the settlers were driven to the verge of despair. They were relieved by the sudden demand for the ginseng root, which grew abundantly in the woods. All went to gathering it. and were temporarily re- lieved. EVENTS OF 1858. In this year was established the first post-ofiiee, the first school house was built, and the town organized. Henry Stubbs secured the establish- ment of a post office on section 23, called Tama- rac. which was continued there until 1861, when it was removed to Long Lake, and John A. Cole- man appointed postmaster. The name was changed from Tamarae to Long Lake, in 1867. The mail came from Minneapolis once a week, until the building of the railroad in 1868; since then they have had a daily mail. TOWN ORGAXIZ.\TION. April loth. 1858, township lis, range 23, was des- ignated by the County Commissioners as Ham- burg, and the first town records appear under that name. On the nth of May, 1858, the first town meet- ing was held at the house of Valerous Chilson, at which thirty-seven voters were present, ilr. Chilson was called to the chair. Andrew Seherer elected Moderator, and W. F. Ilillman Clerk. The follo^^ing officers were then elected : Supervisors, Valerous Chilson, Cliairman. C. AV. Burehfield. George Reiser; Town Clerk. AV. F. Ilillman : Assessor, L. Lenzen ; Collector. An- drew Seherer : Overseer of Poor. Jos. Lenzen ; Justices, Wm. Archibald and James Crowe ; Con- stables, Leo Stumpf and Adolph Buttz ; Overseer of Roads. B. Gasper. Resolutions were oflfered to organize school districts, defining legal fences, and regulating the i-unning at large of stock. George Reiser offered a resolution to change the name of the town to Medina, which was unani- mously adopted. The town then emljraced but one regular township, and remained so until 1868, when that part of Excelsior lying north of Lake Minnetonka was added, by act of Co\uity Com- missioners, ilarch 2d. This was proposed in 1863. but rejected by a vote of sixty to fifteen. LATER EVENTS. lu December. 1859, Shakopee (Little Six) and his band, including the notorious Cut Xose, camped on the south shore of Long Lake, on the grounds now in use as the \illage cemetery, where they remained about a month, and would have remained much longer. Init for a ruse adopted by Selden Coleman and John B. AVakefield. They started a rumor that the Chippewas were massing in the vicinity. The ruse had the desired effect, and the camp was quickly deserted. The same Coleman afterward recognized both Shakopee and MEDINA— MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 271 Cut Nose in the band captuiefl by Gfn. Sibley in his raid across the plains. The massacre of 1862 tilled the I'oniminiity with excitement and alarm. A stockade was built where now stands the residence of John McCormick, in the village of Long Lake, and at several other points, where the peojile gathered nights for mutual protection. ^Nlany from farther west floclved here for safety. The dwellings i)f I. A. Christleib, George Knettle, and James Johnson (old Cumberland House) were converted into semi-fortresses for defence. In 1863 came another scare, from the fact that Little Crow, with a few braves, was seen skulking in the vic- inity. Wliatever might have been his intentions, they were not accomplished, and on his way back to the plains he was met by a Mr. Lampson, near Hutchinson, who shot him at sight, and ended the life of this cunning leader. During all these exciting times, Mrs. Matthias Miller was the only woman wlio did not leave her liome, but with Spartan courage remained at her post, exhibiting a coolness that woulil dd iKHmr Ui the sterner sex. MISCKLL.\NEOU.S ITEMS- -18.59-1 Sfi!1. The tirst regular preaching was in the school liouse at Cumberland, about 18.58, by Rev. Geo. Galpin, a Aiethodist. Free Thinkers" Club. This name was adopted by a small society formed in 1860; numbering at one time about thirty; at present it has about half that membership. They own a hall 28x4(t feet, with basement for culinary use on social occa- sions. It was built in 1874. In 1860 a post-office was established in the north-east part of the town tlnxmgh the efforts of L. Lenzen, wlio was the first postmaster. The office was named in lionor of its founder — " Lenz." J. O. Hamel is the present postmaster. Presbyterian Church. In ISfi.S Rev. James Hunter commenced preaching at Long Lake, iind in 1869 a church was built. It is open to all denominations. Rev. Charles Thayer has l)een the principal pastor since it was opened. St. Peter's and St. Paul's Catholic Church was organized about 1862, and a small structure built, which was replaced by the present edifice in 1867. The society is now large and sustains weekly service. German Catholic Church. In 1863 a society was formed and a small building erected on sec- tion twenty-four, which, in 1876 gave place to the present structure, the old building being remod- eled as a residence for tlie priest. The society is now large, and sustains weekly services, Rev. P. Magnus M. Mayr officiating. Good Templars. A lodge of Good Templars was organized several years ago, which is now steadily mcreasing in numbers, holding their meetuigsin "Free Thinkers' Hall" on Friday evening of each week. Union Cemetery. In 1861 a cemetery associa- tion was formed, and a site selected on the south liauk of Long Lake, affording a fine view of the lake and surrounding countr\'. A portion of it is platted and laid out into walks and carriage drives, a charming spnt. The tirst burial was an infant child of Bradford Wakefield, in 1862. BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. In 1866, ^lills. Cutler & Co., built a stave fac- tory at Long Lake, and sold it in 1868 to Chas. May & Co., who operated it for ten years. Since that time it has only run at intervals. In 1867 Jlills, Condit & Co., opened a general store near the west end of Long Lake ; it was the only store at that time. They sold to Low, May & Co., who sold to other parties. Its building was due to the prospect of the speedy completion of the St. P. & P. R. R.. which was surveyed in 186.5. Grading was commenced in 1866, and in 1868, the cars were miming, a dejiot Inult, and the village of Long Lake began to grow. In 185.5, the Hon. Lewis Harrington stood at a land cor- ner on section 33, and with prophetic accuracy said : "Gentlemen, when a road is built through this region, it can not go far from where we now stand.'' The right of way now includes that iden- tical spot. THE LAST DEC.\DE— 1870-80. Saint Anna Church, French Catholic. This structure was commenced in 1874, and completed in 1879. The first regular service was held in May, same year. Rev. Z. (J. Chandonnet was its first pastor, and remained until January 1st, 1880. He was succeeded by Rev. Peter Boucher, the present incumbent. The society numbers about five hundred. HISTOSY OF RENNEPJN COUNTY. MEDIXA 3IILL COMPANY. Ill January. 1875. a stock company was formed for the purpose of building a firet-elass flouring mill. The incorporators were: Samuel, Da^"id and Joseph Lydiard. E. and B. Dickey. I. A. Christlieb. Rol)ert Logan. Wm. Braden. C. W. Weeks, John Burns and E. M. Snow. It was rented for a term of yeare to B. il. Smith, who operated it only t^vo years. After passing through various changes of ownership, it came into the hands of its present ownei-s. Syme & DeMott. It is about sixty feet square, five stories high, and run by a Corliss condensing engine, of 150 horse power. The mill lias a capacity for 350 barrels per da> . and furnishes employment to twenty-five workmen. Tliey own and operate a cooper shop where they manufacture their barrels, and have a side track, for receiving and discharging freight. The quality of the flour made at this mill, with its new and imi)ioved machinery, is not excelled liy any in the Xortli- west. I,EXZ GRIST MliL, was built in isTti, by Fi-ancis Huot, It is two stories high, and has two runs of stone, driven by a twenty-five horse-power engine, and is doing a tliriving business. TOAVX HOUSE. In 1878, a Town House was built on tlie south- west corner of Section 22. a location selected with especial reference to the accommodation of the majority of voters. Medina now has a population of 1 .462 inhabitants, with a real estate valuation of S319.633. with .?2 1.285 in the village of Long Lake, and an assessed valuation of 847,6(3-1 in per- sonal property. Its taxes for 1880 -were S4,70o. Its stock reports for 1S80, show 370 horses, 565 cattle over two yeai-s old, 783 sheep, 495 hogs. The reports also show 2,960 acres sown to wheat the same year. The village of Long Lake con- tains a good school building, erected in 1878, where a graded school is supported, nine months in the year. It has a seatiiig capacity for about one hundred. The other schools of the town have houses located as follows : Joint District Xo. 90, (JJedma and Corcoran.) section 5: Dis- trict Xo. 63, section 11 ; District No. 7. section 23; District Xo. 62. sections; District Xo. 91. sec- tion 32; all in town 118; and District Xo. 94, ection 4, Township 117, the portion formerly be- longing to Excelsior. OFFICIAL ROSTER. The following are the names of the Chairmen of Board of Supervisors, since the town organi- zation : 1858. Valerous Chilson ; 18-59 to 1863. John A. Coleman: 1864, Saml. Lydiard; 1865, I. A. Christleib: 1866. A. Biittz : 1867, Samuel Lydiard; 1868, J. P. Meurer; 1869 to 1871, D. A. Keyes ; 1872, C. W. Gordon ; 1873. A. P. Bills ; 1874^5. X'. J. Stubbs : 1876 to 1878. Peter Miller ; 1879, Peter Maurer; 1880. Peter MiDer. The other ofBcers for 1880. were, Supervisore, Benj. Maxon and Xelson Banies ; Clerk, R. B. Dickey ; Treasurer, B. F. Christlieb; Assessor. J. P. Meiirer : Justices. A. C. Bailey and J. P. Meurer : Constables, J. A. Coleman and Geo. Reiser, In 1865-6, by a misapprehension of the law, the time of holding town meetings was changed from April to March. The error was discovered in the latter year, and another election held April 14th. This is called a special meeting in tlie old town records, but was in fact tlie regular meeting. BIOGRAPHICAL. Da\'id Archibald was born in Xova Scotia, in 1845, and moved with his parents to Hennepin county. He enlisted in 1861. in Second I'nited States Sharpshooters, afterwards attached to First ilinnesota Regt.. and served three years; was wounded at Cold Harbor, and remained for six months in the hospital at Alexandria. He was honorably discharged at St. Paul, in 1865. "William Archibald was born in Xova Scotia, in the year 1811. He moved to Hennepin county in 1855. and made a claim where he has since resided. He is one of the founders of the Liber- al League Society, is its President and most active member. In 1834 he married Diana C. Hutchin- son. They liad ten children. Mrs. Arcliibald died in 1863. A. C. Bailey was bom in Ohio, in 1840. He was educated at Westminster College. In 1862 he enlisted in the First Ohio Independent ; served over three yeare. and was honorably discharged, in 1865. at Gallipolis. The same year he moved to Muinesota, and settled in Metlina. where he has since resided. He married Hattie M. Parrish in 1867. Three children have been born to them. S. Barnes was born in Maine, in 1826. He MEDINA BIOGRAPHICAL. 273 settled in Medina in ISoo, and lived there nntil ISKO, when he removed to Oregon and settled near Portland. When he came to Hennepin county he had but fifty cents. The first year he cleared three acres and planted it to corn, but was scourged with the grasshoppers, and was obliged to support his family by making ox yokes and axe handles. E. S. Barnes, a native of Maine, was born in 1845. He settled in Hennepin county, in 1S55. In 1861 he enlisted in the Second Minnesota Sharpshooters, afterwards ("ompany L, First Minnesota Volunteers, served three years, was wounded at Vicksburg and was in thirteen engagements, under Generals ]\Ii('lellan and Burnside. He is part owner of a saw mill, also proprietor of a Sorghum mill, capacity one hund- red gallons per day. He has a farm of 184 acres and half interest in 300 more. In 18G7 he mar- ried Martha K. Reynolds. They have two child- ren. Charles Barkow was Ijorn in Germany, in 1826, and emigrated to America in l«o2. He worked at harness making in Cleveland, Ohio, two years, and two years m Oberlin. In 1861 he settled in Heiniepin county. Enlisted in company A, Fourth Minnesota ^\)lunteers in 1864, and was honorably discharged in 1865 ; the same year he married Caroline Sekoggv. They have eight children livuig. J. D. Bayer was born in Nova Scotia, in 1832. He lived there until 1877, then moved to Boston, Massachusetts, for two years, thence to New York ; he then came to Hennepin county and settled in 1880. Worked on farm thirty years, then learned the carpenters trade. He was sup- erintendent of the Orphan's Home, in Halifax, his wife acting as matron, having charge of it for seven years. His marriage with Elizabeth A. Brown, occurred in the year 1860. Peter Berens, a native of Germany, was Ijorn in 1829. He removed to Hennepin county in 1855, having lived one year in Illinois, and settled near Long Lake, being at that time farther west than any other settler in lliis jiart of the county. He has since lived here. Alden P. Bills was born in Oneida county , New York, in 1818. In the year 1865 he moved to Hennepin county, settling at Lake Independence. He moved here in a lumber wagon, building 18 bridges as he went. Arriving at his farm, they put up a stove, and ale tlieir first meal on a dry goods box. Game was plenty at that time, and they did not suffer for food. Mrs. Bills was chased by a panther, that came so near she could dis- tinctly hear its steps. Mr. Bills married Jeanette Purcell, of Ohio. They have two cliildren now- living. C. W. Burchfiehl was born in Peimsylvania, in 1815. He moved to Wi.sconsinin 1855, and came to Hennepin county in 1856. He worked in St. Anthony as carpenter, carrying provisions on his back to his family in " Lenz ;" went six miles for twelve bushels of potatoes, and gave half to have them hauled home ; built his first log house in 1856. He is one of the fathers of Medina ; mar- ried in 1842, to Christina Frantz. They have five children living. A. BurchUeld was l)orn in 1847, and came to Hennepin county with his parents. He is the inventor of the U. S. Military Portable Forge, a very ingenious and useful contrivance; when ready for moving, it is mounted on wheels, with fireplace, forge, tool box and fan bellows, a model of completeness. Mr. Burchfield has commenced manufacturing, and selling state rights. Peter Boucher, pastor of St. Anna French Catholic Church at Lenz, was born in the Prov- ince of Quebec,. July 5tb, 1821. He waseducated for the priesthood at the College of Quebec. In 1817 took charge of Sherbrook Church, remaining two years. Then eleven years at Matane. five years at St. xVlphonse, and one year at St. Raph- ael. Thence to Jefferson, D. T., where he re- mained until 1880, when he took charge of the St. Anna Church. L. K. Campliell, a native of Maine, was born in Washington comity in 18.52. When quite young he moved to Winnebago county, Wisconsin; was educated at Omro, and has followed teaching for the past eight years. He came tt) Miimeapolis in 1878 and taught school in Crystal Lake. Rich- field and Medina. I. A. Christlieb was born in Pennsylvania, in 1834. Moved to Medina in 18.j5. pre-empted 160 acres and bought for cash as nnich more. He experienced many hardships, paying exorbitant prices for everything, and was compelled at times to live on sour corn meal. The grasshoppers came and destroyed everything; many of his neighbors 274 HI8T0EY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. left, and he wuiilil have been olilijied to do Uie same, but for the means he brouirbt with him. During the Indian outbreali he sent liis family to Minneapolis to keep them from the mtu'derous Sioux. Has been Town Clerk and Supervis(u-for seventeen years, and member of School Board sixteen years. lie married Susie Baird, of Spring- field, Ohio, in 18.59. They have two children. . B. F. ( "hristlieb was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. October Idth, ISSii. He came to Medina in 18o9, and until 1864 was engaged as local surveyor and engineer. He was then in the employ of the St. P. & P. R. P. for several years. In 187(1, under Chief Engineer Spaulding, he as- sisted in locating the first five miles from N. P. Junction. Has been connected with other roads, among them the Lake Superior i*c Miss., the St. Paul & Duluth and the ISIinneapolis & St. Louis. In 1873 he was compelled to abandon his pro- fession on account of poor health. In 1877 he formed a partnership w ith A. Lydiard in mer- cantile business at Long Lake. He has been prominent in local politics. Has been a candi- date for the Legislature on the Democratic ticket several times; has also been Town Clerk, and was elected Treasurer in 1880. Alex. Dickey was born in Xova Scotia, in 1850. Moved to Bristol county, Massachusetts, where he lived until 1861, when he came to Hennepin comity, and settled at Parker's Lake, He spent two years in the Black Hills. In 1880 associated himself with Bobert Logan in the meat business, at Long Lake. R. B. Dickey was born in Xova Scotia, in 1842. He was engaged in milling in his native coinitry. In 1868 came to Hennepin county, and finally settled at Long Lake. He is now Deputy Sheriff; was clerk of Medina four years, and was also census enumerator. In 1865 he married Barbara Stephen. They have four children now living. Henry Fane, a native of Germany, was born in 1826. Emigrated to America in 1S51 ; he lived on Long Island three years, then moved to Hennepin county in 1854. and located where he now resides. Enlisted in Company II. Third Minnesota, in istu. Served one year, and was honorably discharged at St. Paul. Married in (Jermany to Louisa Gust, in 1849; have eight children, Louis, John, Lizzie, Henry. Annie, Mena. Jennie, and William. Allen T. French was born in Ohio, in 1818. Came to Ileimepin county in 1854. and made a claim on Crystal Ijay, Lake Miunetoidva. In 1862 h'e moved to Minneapolis, and engaged in busi- ness until 1875. when he again returned to his home on Crystal bay. and has since resided there. In 1857 he suffered much from the Indians and grasshoppers, the latter eating everytliing outside, and the former begging everything inside. Mar- ried Martha Gibson, in 1852. They have two adopted children. Allen Grave was born in Kent comity, Dela- ware, in 1811, He came to Hennejiin county in 1855. and settled near Long Lake : at that time the country was thinly settled. In 1857 he suf- fered much from the ravages of the grasshoppers. He married in 1833. Mary Teas, of Wayne county, Indiana. They have six children now living. B. C. Haines was born in Kew Jersey, in 1820. Moved to Ohio and Pennsylvania ; then came to Hennepin county in 1855, and made a claim in Medina. In 1863 he retiu'iied to I'ennsylvania, and remained there until 1868. when he removed to his farm in Medina, and has lived there since. Married Lucy Ann Counselman, of Pennsylvii- nia, in 1850. Six children have been bom to them. J. O. Ilamel was lioru in Quebec, in 1839. He was educated at the Seminary of Quebec, the oldest College in the town. In 1857 lie moved to Minnesota and settled in Hennepin county, near what is known as Lenz. AVlien he came it was a wilderness. In 1863. he went to Montana; re- turned in 1868, and established his store at Long Lake ; the first one in this part of the county; the post office of Lenz was transferred to him at that time. Charles W. Iloagland came West with his par- ents, in 1862. and after remaining in the vicinity of Long Lfike, a short time, decided to make further explorations ; after several changes he returned to Minnesota in 1872, and settled near Long Lake, \\1iere he has since resided. He remained with his parents until August, 1880, when he entered the store of Christlieb & Lydiard. He is Lodge Deputy of Long Lake Lodge No. 65. I. O. of G. T. Louis K. Hoagland. a native of Ohio, was born in Trumbull county, in 1852. He moved to Hen- nepin county, and settled at Wayzata. In 1876, MEDINA- BIOGBAPRICAL. 275 he came to Long Lake, and in 1877 began milling, with the North Star Mill B. Married to Annie Johnson, in 1876. They have two children. Jacob Ilnntsherger was born in Peinisylvania, in 1844. lie enlisted in 1861, in Company II, 87th Pennsylvania. Served nearly four years ; partici- pating in fifteen engagements ; was taken pris- oner at Winchester. Exchanged and transferred to the Army of the Potomac, and was honorably discharged in 1865, when he came and settled in Medina. Married, in 1866, to Charlotte Arthur. Six children have been born to them. M. Iluntsberger was born in Pennsylvania, in 1834. He moved to Hennepin county, in 1865, and settled in Medina. In 1877, started wagon making at Long Lake, having learned the trade at Council Bluffs, Cumberland county, Penn. He worked on the first building in Long Lake. Charles Johnson was born in Maine, 1816. He moved to St. Anthony in 18-52, remained there until 1855, when he went tl)s was born in (Jhio, in lN(Mi. He moved to Minnesota in 18.56, and made a claim in Medina, where he now resides. .Vt that time Minneapolis had but one or two stores; Medina people had to go tliere to mill for some years. The first school in this town was held in an old log blacksmith shop on Mr. Stubljs" place. He was the first postmaster at Tamarac. afterwards changed to Long Lake. J. I). Stafford was born in Indiana, iu 1.S42. Came to Minnesota and settled in Aledina. in 1861. He enlisted iu 1862, serving part of the time among the Indians, the balance of the time South. He was at the siege of Fort Blakely on Mobile Baj- for fourteen days. Was honorably discharged at Fort Snelling in 186.5. Married Ella Styner in 1869. They have three children. C. li. Stubbs was born in Ohio, in 184.5. He came with his parents to Hennepin county, and has since resided here. Mr. Stubl)s married, in 1869, Esther "White. Tlie> have four children. He owns a Sorghum Mill. Stubbs" Patent Pans, and Excelsior Machine, capacitx loO gallons per day. two horse power. Gibson Teas was born in Delaware, in 18(i9. He moved to Wayne county. Indiana, in 1818 ; thence to Hennepin county, Minnesota, in 18o6. and settled near Starvation Point, Lake Minne- tonka. In 18.58, he sold all his effects but land, for a twenty dollar gold piece, and moved to Indiana. Married Miss D. Stafford in 1859. and returned to Hennepin county in 1S61. experi- encing many hardships. In 1 S62. expecting hourly to be attacked by Indians, they loaded their goods into a spring wagon, and left, but afterwards returned to the farm, wliere they have since re- mained. J. Turnliam was born in Illhiois, in 18.50; moved to Minnesota and settled in Medina. He is the owner of Turnliam's Sorghum Mill, built in 1877. and located on his farm three miles from Long Lake: capacity one hundred gallons per day. He raises five to ten acres of cane per year, ma- king aliout 1,000 gallons, besides manufacturing for other parties. Mr. Turnham married Ellen McKeneff in 187.5. She has borne him two chil- dren. J. D. Twist, a unlive of Xew York, was born in Madison county. He moved to West "N'irginia. thence to Ohio, thence to Indiana, and in 1867 came to Medina, where he has since resided. He has one of the largest and most complete sorghum mills in the'county. producing aliout 1.50 gallons of syrup per day. eiiuipped with Stubbs & Sons patent pans. auard is located on section twelve and is owned and operated by Mr. William Weithotf. It employs two machmes foi- grinding clay, and about eight men. Its liroduct is tioO.OUO brick aniuially. Shops. E. L. Iliggins" l)lacksmilh shop is the only one in town. It was liuilt long ago, but has been occupie7 ; No. 25 on section 10, bouse built 1872 ; No. 20 ;it Shingle creek, house built about 1868: No. lis on section 2, house built in 1S77. The buildings with the exception of that on section 18 are good, and are all furnished with patent desks. KATLROAD. The Minneapolis and North-western branch of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway is now in ])rocess of construction. It enters from the south, near the east corner of section 7, and passes diagonally across the township, and out on the north line of section o, west of the center. The location of the road is extremely unfavor- able, and a source of great annoyance to the farmers along a portion of the line. mOCJUAPIIICAL. John Berg was born in Sweden. -IuIn Kith. 1846. He worked on a farm until fifteen, in a flouring mill ten years, and at carpenter work two years. He came to America, arriving at lied Wing, Minnesota, in May, 1S6S. when he went to brick-making. In 1871. he was employed by the Minneapolis Brick Company. In 1872, be was in Bismarck, brick-making. In 1874-5-6, worked for Union Brick Comi)an> . in Minneapo- lis. In the fall of 1876, worked for K. ('. Todd, in "79-80, was a partner with Johnson Brothers. He married Miss Clara C. .Vnder.son, of Minne- apolis, January. 1 875. They have three children: Charles E.. F. Alida and Oscar T. John C. Bolianon was born August L':-til, 1.SI7, in Alexander, Maine, where he followed the lum- bering business until 1851. when he came to vSt. Anthony. March 26th, 1852. he moved to the land he now occupies, section 4, and was the sec- ond man who settled here. He has been engaged hi farming and lumbering since he came to Min- nesota. Married, in 1840, Miss Lncretia ^fcKen- zie, of Calais, Maine. January 11th, 18.58, his wife died, and was the first white adidt buried in this town. November lltth, 1,s56, he married Sophia H. Longfellow. Nine children are living: S. L., Charles, find H. Willard. by his first wife; John L., Annie T.. Frederick X., James M., Sarah E.. and Ira E.. by second marriage. H. H. Boughton was born August 25th. 1.S46. in Lorain county, Ohio, and moved with his par- ents to Nauvoo, Illinois ; from there to Galena, and learned the milling trade ; thence to Prescott. Wisconsin, where he remained until 1873, when he went to Minneapolis. He remained there un- til 1878. engaged in milling. He was then em- ployed at the Crystal Flour Mill, at Shingle Creek, where he has since remained. August 14th, 1872. he married JSIiss Farnsworth, of River Falls. Wisconsin. They have two children : Etta and Ella. ti. W. Brookins, a native of Vermont, was born December 12th, 1827. He remained there until 1856, farming summers and teaching win- ters. He came to Minnesota in 1856 and settled in Wright county, engaging in farming and en- gineering. Enlisted in the Third Minnesota In- fantry, mustered out in 1864. and served in the commissary department one year. In 1865 he came to Crystal Lake, remaining here until 1.S72. when he went'to Minneapolis in the lumber luisi- ness, and from that to the well and pump busi- ness. In 1880 he again moved to Crystal Lake on his own land in section two. Married in 1867, Miss Zilpha A. Atwood, of A'ermont, They have three children: Anna. Clara and Freddie. D. C. Crandall was born at Lake (ieorge. War- ren county. New Vork, November 22d, 1820. where he lived till manhood, and was occupied in lumberhig. He moved to Minnesota in 1855, and located where be now lives, and jire-empted the same in 1861. Married, in 1844, Miss Julia My- ers, of Lake George, New York. They have three children living: .lames. Eugene and Ver- non. Major J. II. Donaldson w as born September 5, 1835, in jSIuskingum county, Ohio, his parents being natives of \'irginia, who came to Ohio at an early day. In 1856 he married Miss Cochran of the same county and State, came immediately to Minnesota and located a claim, near where is now the village of Farmington, then a wilderness. He remained there until the breaking out of the war. when he entered the Fourth Minnesotii Infantry, as private: soon after received a com- mission as Lieutenant, and was sent at once to Fort Ripley, where he held cdnunand during the winter of '61-2. In the siuiug of isiii! he went south, and joined the aiiuy hnmediately after the battle of Shiloh. and helped drive Beauregard's army into Corinth. Was on the staff of General Sanborn, during, and prior to, the siege of Vicks- 282 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. burg, and was present at nearly all the battles in that vicinity. He received the commissions of thirst Lientenant, Captain and Major during his liis service. On leaving the service, he returned to his home, and with (iovernor Wni. R. Mar- shall opened in !Mower comity one of the largest farms in the state, where he remained for three yeare. lie then removed to St. Paid, and opened a Real Estate office, at the same time conducting liis farm. In lsT7. removed to Minneapolis where he dealt in real estate. In 1880. pureliased his present residence at Shingle Creek. Has been county commissioner of Dakota c'ounty. and Rep- resentative of the same. Is still in llie Real Estate business. Ottiee in Pence Opera House block. Minneapolis. Josiah Dutton was born at Cliarlestown. Xe\\ Hampshire. September, 1822, and three years after removed with his parents to Essex county, and then to A\'arreii couiit> . Xew York. There he lived until 1853, when he came to Mmnesota, and three months after, pre-empted the land on which he now lives, containing 12(> acres, all under cultivation. Married Miss D. C. Clark, of Ver- mont, March 12. 1848. They have had four chil- dren, two now living: A. C. and Jesse X. David Ellsworth was born in Chenango county. Xew York. .July 28. 1820. In 1830 he moved to Syracuse, where he learned the tanner's trade, following it for some time. He then emliarked in the mercantile business, until I8ij7. when he came to Minnesota, and settled on the land he now occupies. October 7. 1845. he married Miss Caroline "Wales, who died May 22. 1840. leaving two children. Mary and Caroline. The latter died in hifancy. His second wife was Miss Eu- phemia Stevens. Martha A.. Margaret D.. Ame- lia E., Frederick J.. George "W.. David F. and Edward H., are children by second marriage. Rufus Famham was born in A\'ashington coun- ty, Xew York. Febrnarx 2. 1822. and remained there, following the lumbering l)usiiiess. until he came to St. Anthony, ;Minnesota. October 23, 1849. He followed lumbering until 1853. when he located on his present farm. In February. 1849, he married Miss Eliza J. Gillesine, of Bar- ing, Washington county, Maine. They have had twelve children, eight of whom are living. George Giebenhain was born in Germany, March 29, 1827. He came to America in 1850 ; lived in Xew York state two years ; went to Illi- nois, and remained about three years. In 1855 he came to Crystal Lake. Minnesota, and located where he now lives. He has 270 acres, 130 un- der cultivation. In 1864 he enlisted in Co. F. 5th Minn. Vol. Inf., and served till the war closed. He was in the two days battle at X'asli- ville : went into it with 300 men. and lost 135. In 1855. he married Miss Margaret Schotield, of Crystal Lake. They have had twelve children, ten of whom are living : Louisa. Albert, Xicholas, William. Charles. Katlierine. Peter. Edward, Frank and Eldiiia. R. II. Hasty was born in York county, Maine, December 12th. 1823. Came to Minnesota hi 1849. and settled in Stillwater, where he followed the lumbering business till June 14tli. 1862, when be enlisted in the Sixth Mmnesota ^'olunteer In- fantry, and was appointed Lieutenant by Gov. ilarshall. He crossed the plains witli General Sibley in his campaigns against the Indians. On returning, charge was given him of the conva- lescent department at Fort (ioodhue. He w^as appointed Drill Sargent to the drafted men at Fort Snelling ; was relieved July, 18B4, and joined his regiment at Helena. Arkansas. Be- fore leaving, tiov. Marshall appointed him Lieu- tenant. At Helena he found half of the officei"S sick, which obUged him to ilo double duty. He was taken with fever, obtained sick leave, and came to Minnesota. He was honorably dis- charged in 1865, and again engaged in the liun- bering liusiness. until 1880. He is now manufac- turing lirick in Crystal Lake. F. L. Ilohvay was born Xovember 11th, 1836, at Machias. Washington county, Maine. He fol- lowed farming and lumbering till 21 years of age. In 1857 he went to Saint Paul, for a short time, then went to Afton, ^^linnesota, and en- gaged in farming. In 1859 he weat to Saint An- thony, and worked on a contract for railroad ties, a few months : then came to I'rystal Lake to work on a farm : after wjiich he was employed in various ways in Minneapolis until 18(58. when he came to his present farm in Crystal Lake, built a house, and moved into it in 1871. Mr. Holway inaiTied Ellen Shepard, of Plymouth, Minnesota. Two children have been born to them. Howard and ^larcia. In 1864 he enlisted in Company F. of the Eleventh Minnesota Vol- CBYSTAL LAKE—BIOGRAPHICAL. 283 unteer Infantry, under Captain Plummer. and served till the close of the war. He lias held several town offices. Jacob Kesler was born July 4th. 1S2(I. in Mer- cer county, Pennsylvania. In 1842 lie went to Keokuk, Iowa, and on Lis arrival had but half a dollar in money. Took a tri]! to New Orleans in the winter of 184.5. Settled for a time in Kentucky, opposite Cincinnati ; then leiited the Mansion House at Newport. Kentucky, and boanled the Kith regiment until it left for Mexico. For three years he managed hotels in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1851, went to Fort Recovery. Ohio, and engaged in farming for three years. During this time he cleared, with his own hands, sixty-flve acres. Moved to Union City, Indiana, in 1854, and went into the grocery business ; also dealt largely in grain. In 1863 he came to ^Minnesota, and set- tled in Brooklyn, and opened a farm of 7U0 acres, where he remained nine years ; then removed to Minneapolis, and engaged in the real estate busi- ness. In 187t3 he built his present elegant home, and removed to it. He ^^■as m.irried to Miss Orinda Nichols, of Campbell county, Kentucky. Octolier 27th, 184(i. They have had two children, only one is living. In the winter of 18(58-9, he opened the first regular pork-packing house in Minneapolis. Philip Kuch, a native of (jermany. \\ as born in 1831. Came to America in 1850, and located in Erie county, Pennsylvania. Followed the butcher business until 1855. when he went to St. .Vntliony. and remained four years; then moved to a farm near Medicine Lake. In I.SHI he returned to the city, and in 1864 started for Idaho with a number of men, uiuler Capt. Fisk, of St. Paul. AVhen near the foot of the Black Hills they were at- tacked by Indians, and were surronnded by them for twenty days, when help came from General Sully, at Fort Rice. Tliirteen were killed ; the rest returned to the Fort. He returned home and bought his present homestead in 1865. lie married Miss Elizabeth Schafer, in IHoii. They have seven children : Lizzie, Henry. Katlierine. Leopold, Susan, Marie, and (iracie. W. G. McKnight was liorn in Nashville. Teiin.. January 27, 1853. Moved to Christian county, Missouri, where he lived until l.s73. when he went to Indiana. In 1875 he went to Yankton, Dakota, and opened a boarding house ; then went to the Black Hills and remained until 1879. when he came to Crystal Lake, and has since been a stock dealer here. W. R. ^ledcalf. born in Licking county, Ohio, in 1842. In 1852 he moved to Crawford county, Illinois, and remained till 1866, when he came to Crystal Lake where he now lives, and is exten- sively engaged in fancy gardening and the culti- vation of choice fruits. On the 25th, of January 1866, he was married to Miss A. II. Carr. Their children are Ulysses Grant, Cora A. and Eflie A. Francis Morrison was born in Windsor. Ver- mont, in 1813. At thirteen years of age he re- moved to Stowe. where he continued for some time. In 1847 he conmienced w ork on the A'ermont Central Railroad and worked four years. In 1 851 he went to Indiana and took a contract on New Ogden and ^Michigan City Railroad. In 1852 came to St. Anthony, and at once located 153 acres in what is now Demmon & Morrison's addition, and paid the first ^money into the Government Land Office at Minneapolis. He has been extensively engaged in lumbering, in the mean lime Imilding a mill at Clearwater. In 1854 he was President and Su- perintendent of the Mississippi Bridge Company. and had charge of building the first suspension bridge across the river: he and Mr. (ririfflths the engineer, were the first to cross it in a carriage. Mr. Morrison was also superintendent of the ma- sonry for the new bridge. Since coming here he has been largely identified with the building up of the city. S. I). Morrison was burn Decciiiberyoth. Is32. in \Vashington county, Maine. He lived there till 185- shores. Palmer Lake, in section 26, through which Shingle Creek flows, is the largest. A va- riation from the uniform level occurs in the south- west, where a small corner reaches on the rolling clay beyond the sandy belt, in which tlie rest of the township lies. The extensive marslics yield abundance of good wild hay, most of whicli can lie cut by machines. The prairie land is divided in four distinct praires, known as Ijottineau, Long, Jenkins and Getchell prairies. The first, named from Pierre Bottineau, an early settler, is about a mile in width and three in lengtli. Long, took its name from its shape and is four miles in length by one and a half in widtli. The two last, bear the names of early settlers. Jenkins is one and a half and Getchell, one mile in width. Tlie timber is small, though a little of larger growth is found in the north-east near the river, and in the south-west on the clay. The bluffs along the river are low and sandy. The Mississippi is navi- gable here and small steamers ply up and down. Shingle Creek Hows across the township from west to east. EARLY SETTLEMENT. In the spring of 1852, Washington Getchell, his son Winslow, Amos Berry, and Jacob Long- fellow, made claims at the same time on \^'hat is now called Getchell Prairie, in the southern part of the township. Winslow Getchell remained but a few months, and returned to St. Anthony. On the Hrst day of July, Joseph Potvin, P. Bot- tineau, Peter Raiche, and Peter Garvais made claims on Bottineau Prairie, and camped on their claims the first night. Ezra Ilanscom, who came to St. Anthony, from Maine, in ISoO, took a claim near the Getcliells, July 2d, 18.52; began his house in April, and completed it in July. 185.3. With Ezra Ilanscom came his two Ijrothers-in-law, N. S. Grover and John W. Brown, who took claims, but abandoned them. These were, with- out doubt, the first actual settlers in the township. In the spring of 1853, no improvements had been made, and all was wild. Indian trails supplied the place of roads, and the red men were found in great numbers. The Chippewas were the more numerous, and the tribes were continually at war with each other. They were not, lio\\ever, hos- tile to the whites, and only caused annoyance by pilfering, and frightening women and children. In the fall of 1858. Allen B. Chaffee and a colo- ny of fourteen families came from Adrian, Mieh- gan, and that vicinity. In the spring following, some returned and brought out additional set- tlers to tlie colony. The following were of the ^Vdrian colony: H. H. Smith, Thomas Keeley, D. B. Thayer. 286 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Otis H. Brown, Seneca 15., Jeremiah. John and Job Brown, Homer. Howell and Stephen Roberts and another brother, Stephen Caner, and John Clark, who all settled within a radins of three or four miles of Osseo. .Vt the tune of settlement the land was not surveyed, and when afterward, in 18-5o, the survey was made, part found them- selves in ]5rooklyn and part in Maple (irove. Most of tlie members of this eolony are still liv- ing: iu town. John Fogerson, fathei- of Allen Fogei'son. Job Brown and otheis, drove a team and stock through for Chaffee and Smith. They were six or seven weeks on the road, while those who came without delay, consumed about two weeks in the journey. Their route was by rail- road to Eock Island, and thence by boat to St. Paul. At ^Minneapolis they crossed the river by ferry, and found the first store on the west side just building, on the corner of First Street and Bridge Square, but could not buy a jiound of nails or sugar on the west side of the river. On reaching their claims. Smith. Keeleyaud Thayer built, at first, a shaul> in company, tlie roof of which was so poor that tin-iians were used to catch the water as it came through from the rain. Soon, however, each had his own liouse, more thoroughly built. Mr. Thayer died three years since. Mr.Smith now lives in Minneapolis, where he practices as a magnetic physician. Daniel Chase and Alonzo Bragdon reached Long Prairie about a week sooner than the Adrian settlers. A. H. Benson bought and improved a claim in 1854, and moved on it in 1855. Jonathan Estes, J. M. Diirnam, X. Crocker, L. R. Palmer and J. P. Plummer. settled here in l.s53-"->4. The first settlers on Long Prairie were Ilirain Smith. Job Kenneston. Charles Miles, James II. W. Brown, St<>phen Howe, William Cate and J. I). Ilervey. Of the first settlers on (letchell Prairie. Wash- ington Getehell and his son, "Winslow, are now m California. Jacob Longfellow has always re- niamed in the town, and Amos Berry lives in California. Ezra Ilauscom still lives on his orig- inal claim. Of the early settlers on Long Prairie. Mr. sill- ier is now in Anoka county. Jol) Kenneston. in Todd county, and Charles Miles in Minneapolis. Brown enlisted in the First Minnesota Infantry, and was several times wounded. lie had both legs and one arm broken in different engage- ments. He was taken prisoner at the battle in front of Petersbiu'g. and exchanged after three months. He then went to England to obtain property, to whicli he had become an heir, but found on arrival that it had reverted to the crown, in default of a claimant within the prescribed time. He returned to America, took a claim at Holmes City, and died there twelve years since. Stephen Howe lives in Anoka city. William Cate lives in Iowa, and Ilervey went hack to Massachusetts six years ago. The grasshopper scourge, from which many of the towns suffered, was felt in a slight degree Ijy this town. In 1857 a narrow strip of comitry from the Northwest i^art of the town, extending as far as Ezra Ilanscom's. near the center, was devas- tated by grasshoppers. At this point their de- struction ceased abruptly, and their sudden Hight would be regarded remarkable, had similar ca- prices never been reported elsewhere. POLITICAL EECURD. The first town meeting was helil at the liouse of Ezra Ilauscom. May 11th. 1858. At this meet- ing, one hundred and twenty-eight votes were cast, resultins^ in the election of Supervisors, E. T. Ailing, chairman. William Stinchfield and J. P. Plummer: Clerk. L. T. B. Andrews; Asses- sor. Ezra Ilauscom : Collector, James McRay ; Overseer of Poor. James Xorris ; Justices of the Peace, H. II. Smith, and A. H. Benson ; Consta- bles. J. M. Durnam and W. T). Getehell. The offi- cers of the town for 1S80, were, Supervisors, Levi L. Get<'hell. chairman, Ole Ilalverson and T. R. Doten: Clerk. E. R. Xorris; Assessor. Ezra Hanscom ; Treasurer, William Stinchfield ; Jus- tice of the Peace, E. R. Xorris : Constables, William A. Howe and Warren Fletchei-. The settlement of this town went on rapidly from 1853. Within two years the town was well settled. Ill 1S54. nearly all the land had been taken. •■ Claim jumping " was common, and led to stirring times and some excitement. The following statistics will show the present status and growtli of the town. The number of acres of land, according to the report of 1880, is 20.114. The assessed valuation of real estate, exclusive of town lots, for 1869, was 8112,346 ; for 1875. S258.M26 ; for 1880. S34G,715 ; of personal property for 1869, $41,566; for 1875, 852,497; BROOKLYN—CHURCHES— SOCIETIES— SCHOOLS. 287 for 1880, §53,738. Total amount of taxes for 1869, $4,111: for 1875, §4,592; for 1880, §3,764. Horses over two years old, in 1869, 343 ; In 1875, 446 ; in 1880, 463. Cattle over two years old, in 1869, 559 ; in 1875, 703 ; in 1880, 459. Sheep, in 1869,351; in 1875,279; in 1880, 326. IIo^s. in 1869, 127; in 1875, 160; in 1880, 198. Wheat, in 1869, 14.714 bushels; in 1875. 24,640 bushels; in 1880, 3,4()6 aiTps. The population, from the census of isso, is 1,060. CHURCHES. Two organizations, '"The Methodist Episoo- pal" and "Baptist" are sustained. "The Metho- dist" church, began Ijy the formation of a class, in the Spring of 1855. Rev. J. B. Mills was tlie first pastor. Rev. David Brown was the Presiding Elder. The class consisted of eight members, and the leader was Kev. J. W. Dow, who was soon followed by A. II. Benson. Thetirst iireadi- ing in town was at the residences of members, sometimes at Mr. Dow's and sometimes at J. P. Phunmer"s. Mr. Dow lived in a log shanty and Mr. Plummer in a cabin, 12x16 feet. The class gradually increased, and from it tliree other class- es were formed. The church at the corners was built, and dedicated September 26tli, 1866. while Rev. J. D. Kicli was pastor. Tlie churcli is of wood, 23x40 feet. The dedicatory services were conducted by Presiding Elder J. F. Chaffee. A parsonage was built the following year. The present membership is fifty-four. The pastor for 1880-1, is Rev. J. G. Teter. He also has charge of the church at Sliingle Creek, preaching Sun- day morning at Brooklyn and in the evening at Shingle Creek. Sabbath school is held every Sunday, with an attendance of about sixty schol- ars. The Broiiklyn Centre Baptist church was built in 1868, and dedicated in Septemberof that year. It cost S2,200 and the parsonage, since built, aijout §700. Tlie size of the church is 25x38 feet, with a vestibule six feet square. Rev. L. C. Hall is now pastor and the churcli nuinliers twenty-five members. Mound Cemetery was established, about 1860, by an association duly organized as the " Mound Cemetery Association." Lots are sold to all applicants, irrespective of denomination. It was named from an Indian mound in the vicinity. An examination of the mound revealed bones, pottery ,arrow-heads,tomahawks. etc. The mound is about two rods in diameter at the base, ten feet high, and is circular in form. SOCIETIES. I. O. of G. T. The lirst attempt to organize a Good Templars Lodge was sixteen or seventeen years ago, but it continued only three or four years. A new organization took place December 19th, 1874,with about thirty cliarter memliers, and officers as follow : II. G. Abbott, W. C. T.; Miss Lillie Williams, W. Y. T.; Robert W. Xorris, L. D. Meetings were first held in tlie Grange Hall, and continued to Ije held until about a yeai- ago, since which time meetings have been held over the post-office. The lodge at present, num- bers about ninety members, with officers : Fred A. Hanscoi , A\^ C. T.; Miss Maggie Monser, W. Y. T.; Fred Libby, L. D. Patrons of Husbandry. Bohanon Grange No. 445. This society has a hall located at Brooklyn Centre. It has received some additions since it was first built, and is at present 22x42 feet, one story. The society was organized February 25, 1875, with about twenty charter memliers, which number increased to seventy-five in two or three weeks. The membership at present, is about twenty-five, with N. G. Abbott, W. :M. SCHOOLS. The first school was held in 1854, and, therefore, before the town organization, which took jilace four years later. It was kept on Long prairie in a board shanty, with a board roof and two half- windows. Ten pupils attended. The teacher was Miss Augusta McLaughlin, w ho came from Port- land, Maine, on account of consumptive tenden- cies, hoping here to recover her health. She died, however, in the spring following. The next teacher was Jliss Amelia Griggs, in 1855. The settlement in the mean time grew, the shanty was discarded and a sulistantial scliool-house built. The shanty was built by contribution and the ef- fort for the new house was begun in the same manner, but the organization of a. school district, the bounds of which are uncertain, enabled the movers to complete it by direct tax. During the fall of 1854, a school was held on Getchell Prairie, taught by Miss Mary Huff, afterward Mis. .loel F. Howe, now residing in 288 HISTORY OF BEXyEPIN COVNTY. Minneapolis. This school was taught in a tem- porary building on section 28. In 1859 a school- house was built on the present site, section 27; sold in 1S72 and a more commodious building erected. The first school-house in tlie township was built on section IS. near Osseo. in what was known as the Smitli district, in the summer of 1855. Miss Svlvia Rowe was teacher. She was succeeded by H. H. Smith, who taught several suc- cessive terms, of tliree months in winter and three in summer. This house was burned in 1864. In the summer of 1855, a school was opened in the south-west part of the township, by the wife e)f Rev. Partridge. She was unable to finish it. on account of sickness, and the term was com- pleted by ilary Smith. The building where the school was held, was a shed, covered with straw, with ground floor and stalls for horses. Mr. Par- tridge removed the stalls, and laid a rough board floor, but the straw roof remained. All the early schools were held in biuldings of nearly as rude a character as that above described. The first school in the south-east part of the town, was held in the winter of 1855(5, at the house of ^Ir. J. Reidliead. This was also taught by Miss Mary Huff. Schools were held at various private liouses in the district until 1859, when the first school house was built. The present building is a fine structiu-e, and a model country school- house. It is situated on section 25, and belongs to district 29. Seven school houses are located in the township : Xo. 27, a joint district, located on section 32 ; Xo. 28, entire ilistrict, house built in 1872, on section 28: District Xo. 29, house built in 1872. on section 25 : District Xo. 30. Imilt in 1873, on section 11 ; Xo. 31. located on section 9, built in 1858. since remodeled, Xo. 32. located on section 17, built in 1878. Xo. 33, a joint district, house on section 6, buUt m 1880, There are, in addition to those named, three joint districts, with school-liouses located in other towns. MILLS, .STOKES, HOTELS, ETC. In 1859 or 'OO. a saw mill was l]uilt at the Mis- sissippi river, on section 3(i, by a company called •'The Industrial ilill t'ompany." of which J, C. Post was manager, and a town platted, called Industriana. The mill did not prove profitable, and the whole enterprise met a tragic end by tlie explosion of tlie mill, about two years after it was built, crippUng the engineer for life and throwing the boiler about eighty rods. Thus ended the "Industrial !Mill Company" and ■'In- dustriana." A similar experience was had on sections 11 and 12. where a mill was built in 185(5-7, and one hundred and sixty acres platted in town lots and called " Ilarrisliurg." A hotel, several dwellings and one or two stores were built. The whole was short lived. The mill was torn down, a few years after, one house Vmrned, and the remainder removed, so th;>t no trace of the village now remains. A portion, however, has not been vacated, and is still assessed in blocks and lots. The plow runs over a portion and tlie rest is grown up to brush. At Brooklyn Centre, a sniull store and post- oftice is united, under C. R. Howe, who has been postmaster since the office was established, in 1873. It is on the Minneapolis and Monticello route and has a tri-weekly mail. Tlie firet post- office was on the river road, established about fifteen years ago, but was discontinued about the time of the establishment of the post-office at the centre. Cyrus Hillman was postmaster and the route was special, with a weekly mail. The town hall, completed, in 1874, is situated nearly in the center of the town ; its size is 2(5x3(5 feet. RAILROAD. Tlie Minneapolis & X'orth-western branch of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba railway, passes through a portion of the town. It enters on the south line of section 32. thence in a direct line to tlie village of Osseo, on section 18, where it leaves the townslup. BIOGRAPHICAL. James Archer, born ui Washington county, Xew York, in 1822. He Uved there fourteen years ; then moved to Lake county. Illiaois, and engaged in farming until 1854 : then he went to Dakota count\. ^linnesota. and remained until 1865, when he went to Minneapolis, and started in the livery busmess. which he followed for seven years. He then moved to Xorthfield. and biult the Archer House. In 1878 he returned to Min- neapolis, and in 1880 bought, and moved to his present location. Married to second wife, Sarah D. Monser. in 1873. They have three children. Levi Brigham, born in Canada East. January BROOKL YN—BIOGRAFHICAL. 289 18th, 1820. At nine years of age he moved to Burlington, Vermont. Remained thereabout six years ; then went to Worcester, Massachusetts, and lived until ]8o-3, -when he came to Miiniesota, and took a claim in Hennepin county. This he sold, and bought 140 acres two miles nortli of Osseo. jSIarried, in 1843, to Miss ^lary Cadora, of Massachusetts. They are the parents of four children. Otis 11. Brown was born in Hampshire county, Massachusetts, in 181 1. He lived there nine years; then moved to Niagara county, New York. At the age of seventeen, he went to Pennsylvania, and engaged on the Pennsylvania Canal for six- teen years, when for a time he ran steaml)oats on the Ohio River. In lSo4 he came to Hennepin county, took a claim near Osseo, sold it, and now owns a small place near the village. He settled here before the government survey, and was chairman of the Board that named Maple Grove. Thaddeus C. Capron was born in Bristol coun- ty, Massachusetts, in 1821. He lived there until 1850 ; moved to Waterbury, Connecticut. In the spring of 18.54 he came to Hennepin county, and settled in Minneapolis. In 1874, bought the farm on which he now lives. Married, in 1847, to Adelia Prince, of ilaine. They have had seven children, five of whom are now living. E. H. Chandler was born in O.xi'ord county, Maine, in 1S39. He moved to .Miiuiesota in 1854, and settled in Minneapolis, where he remained for eight years ; then he removed to Osseo. En- listed in 1861 in Co. D, 1st Minn. He was crippled for a short time at the first battle of Bull Run ; he served three year.s, and was discharged at Fort Snelling. He was married in 1865, to Sarah Curtis. They have five children living. S. P. Chipman, a native of Maine, was born in Oxford county, in 1823. He lived there thirty years, his occupation being farming. He moved to La Fayette county. Wisconsin, for three and one-half years ; then to Ripley county, Indiana, where he remained eleven years. In the spring of 1868 he came to Heimepin cmuity : in the fall he was appointed superintendent of the county poor farm, and had charge of it tor aljout four years. He finally settled in Litchfield, Meeker comity, and was engaged in wheat buy- ing for eight years. In 1880 he bought his pres- ent farm, and located in Bruoklvn. He enlisted 19 in Co. A, 83d Ind. Inf. as Captain, in August. 1862 : was twice wounded at Vieksburg, May 19, 1863. The first wound was from a spent ball, which struck him in the forehead ; was soon after struck in the foot, and taken to the hospital, where he remained until he could be taken home. He was granted a furlough until able to take his place, when he was promoted to Lieutenant Col. of the 83d. He was honorably discharged at Iluntsville, Alaltama, April 26, 1864. In 1854. he was marrieil to Achsa Cutler, of Franklin county, Maine. They have had three children. One is now living. Andrew .J. Coulter was born in, Washington county. Maine, in 1830. He spent three years on a coasting ve.ssel, and one year hi California. Came to Jlinnesota in 1855 and took a claim on Rum River which he sold in 1856. He lived three years at Jlinneapolis; took a claim at Fort Snelling and held it until l.S(iii. when he came to Brooklyn and bought 305 acres. He now has 146 acres. Married in 1854 to Lois M. John- son. They have six children. N. Crooker, born in Limerick, York county, Maine, in 1826. At eleven years of age he moved with his parents to Oxford county, Maine. He spent some time in Massachusetts, and May 10th, 1854, came to St. Anthony. He bought a claim in Brooklyn on which he has since lived. He was married in 18.53 to Esther A. Reidhead. Their cliildren are John and Charles. Mr. Crook- er was one of the first settlers in the eastern part of the town. Henry Curtis was born in Cook county, Illi- nois, October, 1844. He came with his father in 1855 to Brooklyn, where he has since made his home. Enlisted in 1.S62 in Company D., Sixth Minnesota. Served three years and was honor- orably discharged in 1865 at Fort Snelling. Mar- ried in 1869 to Susie E. Thayer. They have two children. John M. DuruMin was Imru in New Brunswick, April 11th, l.s2(i. In l,s44 he moved to Bangor, and engaged as contractor and builder for about four years. From there he went to Lewiston, in the same business. In 18.>2, he came to ^Minne- sota, and settled in St. Anthony. In the fall of 1852. in company with Mr. (ieorge T. Yail. he started the first sash anil door factory in St. An- thony. Followed this business for two years. In 290 HISTORY OF EUNNEPIN COUNTY. the fall of 1854 he moved to his claim, seven miles above Minneapolis: rented it in 1867. and veturned to Minneapolis. He built a residence there, and lived in it for four years ; then went to his farm for a short time, and again returned to Minneapolis, where lie Iniilt another house, and lived there five years. Tlien. in 1876, he went l>acli to the farm to live. He has been Jus- tice of the Peace and Supervisor. In 1853, he was married to Louisa M. Eeidhead. She has borne him five cliildren : Maurice M., George A., Jessie. A. B., and De Witt ('. Jessie and De Witt C. died in infancy. W. II. Gaslin was born in Maine, December 8th, 1813. He lived there until 1853, when he moved to Ohio, and engaged in railroad contract- ing. In 1854. moved to Kentucky, where he was largely engaged in building railroads. In 1862 lie bought horses for the government. He came to Minneapolis in 1866, engaged in business, and continued until 1875; then went in the book trade, tirm of Gaslin. Wales & Co., and remained until January. 1878, when he moved to his pres- ent residence, on the :Mississippi. twelve miles north of Minneapolis. Married, in June. 1835, to Harriet Monk, of :Maine. Tliey have adopted two children ; only one is now living. W. II. Goodrich was born in Carroll county, Kew Hampshire. November 21st, 1844. When ten years of age he came to Hennepin county with his father, who took a_ claim in Brooklyn, and was afterward killed by a falling tree. W. II. bought eighty acres in Brooklyn, in 1865. He was married in July, 1864, to Mary A. Gibbs. They have five children : J. Albert. William A., Eugene II., Eva L. and Milo E. AV. H. Goodwin was born in New Brunswick, June 4th, 1812. He moved with his parents to Calais. J*Iaine, where he lived until he came to Hennepin county, in 1851, and took a claim in wliat is now the center of the city of Minneapo- lis. He lived there sixteen years. In 1867 he moved to his present location at Brooklyn Centre. Married to Susan II. Fletcher. .Vugust 16th, 1845, They have three children living : .V. J.. Harriet A. and Bertha F. John AV. Goodale, born in Liverpool, July 24th, 1803. Came to America when seven years of age. Lived in New Brunswick a short time; then went to Maine. Finally settled in Brooklra. in 1853. and has since made it his home, with the exception of tliree years spent in Crystal Lake. Married in Penobscot county, Maine, in 1831, to Nancy E. Willis. Nine children have been born to them, four of whom are now living. M. A. Green, a native of Pennsylvania, was born July 22d, 1818. When twenty-one years of age, he moved to Belleville, Illinois, where lie worked at saddlery and farming. He enlisted in 1846, for the Mexican war, in Company G. second Illinois, served one year, and was wounded at the battle of Buena Vista. In 1862 he settled in Brooklyn, Minnesota, where he has since lived. Married in November, 1847, to Margaret Jared- Tliey have eight children living. Alexander N.^ Duff I)., Benjaman E., Mary E., Sarah C, Mar- garet O., William II. and Frederick A. C. W. Harrison, born in Essex county. New- York, in 1825. He remained there engaged in farming until 1871, when he came to Minnesota, and settled in Minneapolis, being part of the time in the lumber trade, and finally moved to his farm in Brooklyn. Married, in 1852, Rutli A Stiekney. They have two children. Abbie A. and Clifton D. Abbie was married January 1877, to William Sloan : Clifton married Elva Moscript in 1879. Asa Howe, born in Washington county. Maine, in 1819. He lived there until 1853, when he came to Hennepin county, and bouglit a claim of one hundred and sixty acres, near what is now known as Brooklyn Centre. :Mr. Howe was married in 1834. C. E. Ilow-e was born in Washington county, Jilaine, in 1848 ; moved with his parents to Hen- nepin county, in 1853, where he has since resided ; was appointed postmaster of Brooklyn Centre in 1873, and opened a stock of general at that place in 1875; married in 1871, to Clara M. Butts. Two children have been born to them. Sylvanus Jenkins was born in A'ermont, ^larch 6th, 1818, and lived there twenty years. He then moved to Washington county, Maine, and lived thirteen years. He was married in 1840, to Eu- nice R. Noyes. Came to Hennepin county in 1851. and his family followed in 1852. He took a claim on Jenkins I'rairie ; sold it in 1865, and moved to Dakota county, and bought 1,000 acres ; sold this also, and now lives near Farmington, Minnesota. Thev have seven children. BROOKL YN— BIOGRAPHICAL. 291 N. II. Jenkins was born in Caledonia county, Vermont, in 1820. He lived there twenty-three years ; lived in Washington county, Maine, eight years ; engaged in teaching part of the time. In 1851 he came to St. Anthony, Minnesota, and lived about two years, wlien he took a claim on Jenkins Prairie ; he lived there fourteen years, then sold it, and moved to Minneapolis, where he lived two years. In 1869 lie moved to IJrooklyn. He was married in 1850, to Emily R. Hanson. They have five children living. Oscar A. Kelly, born in Adrian, Michigan, in 1853. Moved with his parents to Hennepin county in 1854. His father who took a claim near Osseo, was born in Ireland, moved to Cana- da in 1847 and finally settled in this county in 1854. Oscar was married to Jessie M. Meddey ill March, 1879. They have one child. Jacol) Longfellow, one of the oldest settlers of Brooklyn, was born in Washington county, Maine, October fith, 1811. He resided in his native state engaged in lumbering until 1850, when he came to St. Anthony, and in 1853 moved to what is now Brooklyn, and entered his claim. Mr. Long- fellow states that in early days, at a Fourth of July picnic at St. Anthony, the whole communi- ty was present and the total number was less than one liundred. He was married in 1838, at Machias, Maine, to Jane Getchell. Their cliild- ren are four boys and four girls, all living in the west. Mrs. Longfellow died in the spring of 1880. Mr. L. is a hale old man, and in the enjoyment of good healtli. S. W. Merrill, born in Carroll county, Xew Hampsliire, August 17tli, 1843. When eighteen years old he came with his parents to Brooklyn, Minnesota. His father died here in 1802, and his mother in June, 1871. He enlisted August, 1862, in Company A, Ninth Minnesota Infantry Volunteers. Served among the Indians one year, then went South, being gone one year and seven months. He was taken sick at Rolla, Missouri, and was honorably discharged at Jefferson Bar- racks, March 31st, 1865, when he returned to his farm where he has since resided. Married in 1865 to Emma Pomeroy. They have three children living: Georgie A., Albert J. and Fred. Jacob Myers, born in Pennsylvania, 1808, where he lived until he moved to Hennepin county, Minnesota, May, 1866. and settled in Brooklyn. Married June 8th, 1836, to Susan M'Cammon; had seven cliildren. two of whom died in service during the rebellion. Peter was taken prisoner at Drury's Bluff, sent to Andersonville and died in prison June 23d. 1864. John was killed at the battle of Hatcher's Hun, February 6th, 1865. Five children are now living. .J. W. Norris, born in Lincoln county, Maine, April 20th, 1840. Made that his home until 1855, then followed the sea until 1861, and came with the family tlie same \ear to Hennepin county. August, 1864, enlisted in Company F, Eleventh Minnesota Infantry, and served until honorably discharged at Fort Snelling in 1865, when he settled on the farm he now owns. Mar- ried in November, 1869, to Seleda Longfellow. They liave four cliildren: James A., Alice R., Jacob L. and JSIary F. Robert W. Norris, born in Ijincohi county, Maine, May 23, 1848. He lived there until seven years of age. His father, Captain Joseph Norris, being a sea captain, he went on the ocean with him for six years. The family came to Henne- pin county in 1861. Robert, married Lizzie Long- fellow. February 8th, 1855. They have three children, William F., Daniel W. and Robert W. George W. Pomeroj-, born in Penobscot coun- ty, Maine, in 1838. He lived there eighteen years, and moved with his parents to Anoka county, Minnesota, stayed there four years, and located in Brooklyn in 1862. He was married the same year to ^lary !M. Talcot. They have one child. Mr. Pomeroy enlisted in Company A. Ninth Minnesota Infantry, in 1862 ; was taken prisoner at Guntovi^n, Mississippi, June 11th, 1864, and was confined at Andersonville three montlis, Savannah and CampLawtoii three months and at Florence three months; was sent to Parole Camp, Saint Louis, received a furlough for thirty days, and was honorably discharged in 1865 ; since which time he has made Brooklyn his home. Seth P. Prilible, born in Kennebec county, Maine, June 13, 1832. He lived there fifteen years, then in Essex county a few years, and then returned to his parents' home for two years. In 185H lie located in Brooklyn, Minnesota. In 1864 he enlisted in Company F, Eleventh Minne- sota Infantry, and served until lionorably dis- charged at Fort Snelling. in 1865. Married Mary 292 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. A. Smith, in l.SOl. They have four pliildiPii. Charles A., Mary E.. Evaline E. and Eilith E. George AV. Savage, bcini in Lenawee county, Micliigaii. in ls4t. He Hved there until ISfil. when he enlisted in ('(iniiianv F.. Eleventh ;Mich- igan Infantry, and served three years. He lost two fnigers at the battle of ^Mission Bidge. and was wounded in the left thigh by a mimiie l)all at Atlanta. He was honorably discharged ■ at Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 24th. 1864. In the year ISlio he came to ilinnesota, and located near Osseo. lie has married twice, and has had four children. Ills present wife was Sarah AVhitney, whom he married in ISTfi. Christian Schreiber. born in Prussia. ^larch 17, 1834. Came to America in 18oi;, and settled in Cook county, 111., and engaged in the lime trade. In IS.iS he located in ^Meeker coinity, ilinnesota. took a claim, but abandoned it in l.siid, and came to Brooklyn, where he now has 24o acres. He has been Town Supervisor and school officer. Married in 18fi2 to Dora Lent. They have live children living: .Matilda. Minnie. Mary. Emma and Otto C. George Setzler. a native of (iermany. was born in 1832. He came to America in 1847, and settled in Huron county, Ohio, and worked there eleven years at the cooper's ti'ade. In 1859 he came to Minnesota and settled in !Maple Grove, where he lived ten years ; then sold, and located in IJrook- IjTi near Osseo, where he now lives. Married in ISOr,, Mary Cahm. They have eight children. Robert .1. Smart, born in Penobscot county. Maine, in 1840. Enlisted August 16, 1861, in company B, Eighth ilaine. He was wounded by a rainnie ball, in the right side. May 2(», 1864. which kept him in the hospital until October, when he joined his company at Harrison, "\'ir- ginia. Was honorably discharged June 27, 1865. Came to jMinnesota in 1867, and located .in Min- neapolis, for three years, then bought a farm in Brooklyn where he has since resided. :Married in 1867, to Ilattie Carr. A. J. Smitli. born in Lenawee county. Michi- gan, in 1844. He came to Hennepin county in 1854. and now lives on the claim taken l)y his father. He was clerk in the Paymaster's Depart- ment in the summer of 1864 ; was on the boat wlien it was attacked by Guerrillas, and D. C. Smith was killed at Fort Randolph. He was elected to represent liis district in the House in 1876, and re-elected in 1S78. He married in 1864 ; in 1867, Mrs. Smith died, leaving two children. In 1860 he married Georgia I. Russel. They have had live children, four are now living, George II. Smith was born in Albany, New York, in 1843, and moved with his parents to Lenawee county, Michigan, where he lived until eleven years of age ; he then came to Hennepin county, his father taking a claim in Brooklyn. He enlisted in 1861, in Co. D, 1st Minn., and served until honorably discharged at Falmouth, A'irginia, in 1S63, Married the .same year, to Frances I. Tliomas. who died in 1876. They have three children living. Harris X. Smith was born in Piscataquis coun- ty, Maine, in 1830. Here he lived for four veal's, then moved with hisjiarentsto Penobscot county, and remained there until he went to St. Anthony, in 1850. In 1855 he came to Brooklyn, and took a claim, upon which he has since resided, ilar- ried in 1857, to Mary J. Flanders. Tliey have two children living. Edward Spafford was born in Orleans county, \'ermont, in 1852, and lived there twentv-one years. He was educated at the Normal School of Randolph. In 1874 he moved to Rock Island, Illinois, where he taught school two years. Then came to Brooklyn. Minnesota, in 1876. and taught school three years. In 1879 was married to Belle Ryan, of this town. "William Stevens was born in Xova Scotia, in 1820. and lived there until twenty years of age; then resided in Aroostook county. Maine, four years, engaged in lumbering. Came to Minne- sota in 1850, and went into lumbering on Rum River, At the expiration of one year he entered a store in St, Anthony, where he remained for three years. In 1854 he began trading at ^lille Lacs Post, where he remained for eleven years, and in 1865 settled on his present location in Brooklyn. Married, ilay 20lh, 1865, to Ellen Smith. They have had five children. Those now living are: AVilliam W.. Robert, Elthea, Clifton and Laura G. A. A. Thayer was born in Lenawee county. Michigan, December 28th, 1848. He lived there initil he came to Minnesota with his parents, in 1854. Enlisted in Company C, 7th Minnesota. February 11th. 1865. and served until the close BROOKL YN— BIOGRAPHICAL. 293 of the war. Was honorably discharged at Foi't Snelhng, August 16th, I860. Married his second wdfe, Carrie Hill, in 1877. They have one child, Elsie May. Mr. Thayer's first wife bore him two children : AVilliani and David L. J. J. Tschudy, a native of Switzerland, \\as born in 1832. Came to America in 1S61, and lo- cated in Peoria county. Illinois. Remained there only four months ; then came to Minnesota, and settled in ]Maple Grove. In 1869 he removed to Brooklyn. lie is now treasurer of school district No. 33. Married Mary Hanser for his sei'ond wife. He has three children : Jacob, John and Mary ; the two former by his lirst marriage. W. W. Wales Jr., was born in North Carolina, in 1828. He moved with his parents to Wayne county, Indiana, and when nine years of age, re- moved to Hancock county, thence to Henry county, where they remained seven years ; then returned to Hancock county and remained five years. In 1853 he came to Hennepin county, and took a claim in Brooklyn township and has since resided here. In 1861 he was married to Miss Sarah E. Gant. Tliey Iiave two children. Flora Helen and Laura Elviiia. C. H.Ward was born in Merrimae county, 'Sew Hampshire, in 1833. He moved to Hennepin county in 1854, and took a claim in Brooklyn; he now has two hundred acres. In 1875, he was elected county Commissioner, took his seat in 1876, and has held Hie office for five years; was also Assessor for three years. Married in 1855. to Mrs. M. A. Ward. They have two children. Thomas Warwick, a native of Edinburgh, Scot- land, was born December 26th, 1826. Moved with liis parents to Nova Scotia, where he lived until seventeen years of age; was lumbering in New Brunswick two years, and in l^enobseot three years. Went to St. Anthony. ^ 1850. coming to St. Paul l>y steamer from DmIhkiuc. Iowa. On arriving at St. Paid, chartered a lum- ber wagon to bring himself and faniil>' to St. An- thony. He then went to exploring pine lands, and engaged in the lumber trade for seven years : was one season on Rum river, and two on the St. CroLx and Cliippewa; he now lives on a claim eight miles nortli of Minneapolis. Married Mary E. Smith. George Wethern was born in Somerset ciuiuty, Maine, in 1841, and Uved there seventeen years ; came to Minnesota in 1858, and enlisted August 14, 1862, in Company A, Ninth Minnesota Infant- ry ; served until October, 1863, under General Sililey against the Indians, then went south ; came liack and was honorably discharged in St. Paul, July 1S65. He went to Pierce coimty, Wisconsin, for one year, then returned to Hen- nepin county. In March, 1867, he married Amanda Wilson, and located in Pierce county, Wisconsin, in 1868 ; but returned to Minnesota in 1875 and settled in Brooklyn, where he has since resided. They have had six chiklren, four are now living. Dr. A. D. ^^'iUiams was Itorii in Bennington county, "S^ermont, in 1826. He moved with his mother to Eaton county, Michigan, and lived there twelve years. Received his collegiate and theological education at Rochester University. and Theological seminary at Rochester, New York, graduating from the University in 1855, and the Seminary in 1857. He then took charge of Smyrna, Michigan, Baptist church, and was next Pastor of Almont Baptist church for six years. In 18ii() he came to Faribaidt, Minnesota, engag- ing in home missionary work witli different chuches until 1876 ; then came to Brooklyn and was pastor of the Baptist church here and in Maple (irove tor two years. He studied medi- cine and liegan to practice IIoma>opathy at Almont, Michigan. He has practiced medicine at lirooklyn Centre for the past seven years. Dr. Williams was married in 1857. to Helen M. Gas- kin, of New York. They have two children living. John Williams was born in Brooklyn, New- York, in 1851. and lived there until 1862. He came to Ilemiepin county in 1868. and settled in Brooklyn, wliere he has since resided. In 1875 he married Ida M. Thomas of tliis county ; they have three children. Clii'istian AVolter, a native of Germany, was born Septeml>er 22, 1836. He came to America, in 1863, and enlisted the same year in company A, Hatches' Independent Batallion ^linnesota Volunteers, and served against the Indians near- ly three years ; was honorably discharged at Fort Snelling. In 1866 he came to Osseo, where he now resides ; has 200 acres of land. ]\Iarried in 1867 to Francis Zimmerman ; they have five children: Leopold. Rosa. Dora. William and Lillie. 294 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. OSSEO. CHAPTER XLA'I GENERAL DESCIUPTION— EARLY SETTLEMENT- CHURCHES — SOCIETIES —SCHOOLS— HOTELS— BUSINESS ENTERPRISES— BIOGRAPHICAL. Osseo is situated in the iioitli-easteiii part of the county, its territory being taken from the townships of Brooklyn and Maple Grove. It oc- cupies a part of the level prairie known as " Bot- tineau I'rarie." so called from Pierre Bottineau, who, in July, 1852, made his claim here. With him came Joseph Potvin, Peter Kaiche and Peter (iarvais. all making claims near Bottineau. The village of Osseo was platted in 1856, by AVarren Sampson and Isaac Labosiniere. Soon after, another village was laid out by A. B. Chaffee, adjoining Osseo on the south-east, called •' City of Attraction." This is now included in the limits of Osseo. EARLY SETTLEMENT. Osseo was settled in 1S54. by 'Warren Sampson, Isaac Labosiniere.Clark Ellsworth, Seneca Brown, James McRay and D. B. Thayer. Sampson built, and opened a store, and was post master of the office, tiien called Palestine. During 18.55-6, the surrounding country was occupied by settlers, among whom were A. B. Chaffee, D. C. Smith and others. After the village was laid out, in 1856, the settlement was rapid. A wood market was established by Sampson in 1855, which has been kept up since. The merchants buy green wood, and sell to parties in the city of Minne- apolis, after holding it one season. There are now a number engaged in the wood business, handling an aggregate of one hundred cords per day during the wood season. The lirst blacksmith shop was established in 1855, by Clark Ellsworth ; Eli Hav- iland became his partner two years later. The latter still conducts the business. Rudolph hig- gler kept the first hotel in the village. Previous to this, Chaffee and McBay -'kept travelers."' McBay established the second store in the place. ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC CHURCH. This society was organized in 1853, in charge of Father Hirth, who remained seven or eight years. He was succeeded by Father Genis, who officiated here and at Dayton for about Ave years. Father Nicholas next had charge, remaining three years. He was followed by Father Maurer who had charge four years, then Father Lechiier officiated one year. Father ilaesfranx, one and one-half years. He was succeeded by Father Ladriere, the present incumbent. In 1865, the society built a frame church, 35x54 feet, situated in the northern part of the village on the main street. The piiesfs residence, adjoining the church, was built in 1869. In 1880, additions were made to the church, giving a sanctuary 16x20 feet, and in the rear of that, a sacristy 16x28. The society now numbers one hundred families. They have a cemetery of one acre lo- cated in the township of Brooklyn and adjoining Osseo. LUTHERAN CHCRCII. This society was organized in 1S65, the first minister being the Rev. Mr. Jahn, who remained two years. He \\as follo\\ed by Rev. Mr. Rehkopf, who remained in charge until his dfath, which occurred in 1871. A young man from Germany next took the pas- torate, but remained only one year. Since then the society has been without a regular pastor, but has preaching every third Sunday, the pul- pit being supplied from Minneapolis. The soci- ety numbers about twelve families. They have a cemetery of one acre in the southern part of the village. SOCIETIES. In early days a small society of spiritualists existed. They built a hall, and for a time held regular meetings. They were superceded by the OSSJEO— SCHOOLS—HOTELS 295 " Osseo. Society of Liberalists," who now own the hall known as Liberty Hall. Osseo Liedeikranz, a musical and religious so- ciety, was organized in 1867, and continued until 1879, when they were succeeded by the Osseo Turnverein Society. The ' tirst society built a hall, which is now used by their successors. They number about twelve members, and meet one evening in each week ; also keep up a Sunday- school for their children. Osseo Dramatic Club. Tliis society has been in existence about three years. They have a good library in connection, purchased with proceeds of dramatic entertainments. The Good Templars also contributed to tlie piachase of books. The officers of the club are : President, Eugene Smith ; Treasurer, Miss Susie E. Curtis ; Secretary, Delia M. Johnson. Good Templars. An organization was formed about 1867, under the title, Rose of Sharon Lodge, and at one time numbered 15<( members. During the first winter the attendance averaged one hmidred. Tliis lodge continued four or five ■years, and was re-organized, after a lapse of eighteen months, as the Osseo Union Lodge. This society continued until isso, when they dis- banded. Society of Free Thinkers was organized about 1866, and numbers about a dozen members. They meet tour times a year. Winslow Lodge No. 125, A. F. and A. M., was organized in 187.3, with Stiles Gray, W. M.; G. W. Savage, S. W. and Clark Ellsworth, J. W. The lodge has a membership of forty-three, and holds meetings in Liberty Hall, over Eli llavi- land's blacksmith shop. The charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of the state, January loth. 1877. The present officers are : A. D. Fogerson, W. M.; John Williams and William Krueger, Wardens, and 11. C. Black, Secretary. The so- ciety is in a sound financial condition, having a surplus of over S4U0 in the treasury. SCHOOLS. The first school was held in the summer of 18-56, in the hall erected by the Society of Spirit- ualists, and taught by Miss Sylvia Kowe. About two years later, the Spiritualists disbanded, and sold the hall to the school district, whicli then embraced a large section each side of the village. The hall was used for school purposes about six years, moved twice, then destroyed by Are. Af- ter this, another hall, Sampson's, was used for six years, and then the present building was erected. It is thirty feet square, with posts eighteen feet high. A graded school has been maintained for the past two years, though two teachers had been employed for twelve years previous. The school numbers about one hundred pupils. HOTELS. In 1867, Rudolph Jv'iggler. who had previously kept a small house for boarders and transient guests, erected a hotel at a cost of nearly $4,000. It was not a good investment, as there was not business enough to sustain it. This house was burned in 1870. The International Hotel was built by Fritz Schmidt in 1874. It is two-stories in height and has rooms for thirty guests. It has been con- ducted by Mr. Schmidt since its opening. The Temperance House is kept by Z. Labrasch. BUSINESS ENTEUPKISES. Merchants. John Hechtman keeps a large stock of General Merchandise, and deals largely in wood. Business established in 1865. Emil Lefebvre, Drugs and General Merchandise, established in 1873. Mr. Lefebvre is also postmaster. Z. La- Ijrasch, Groceries and Notions. Wagon Maker's, Black and Brown, Nelson llougier. Black-smiths, O. Leferrier, Eli Haviland, Leferrier and Charest. Boots and Shoes, William Krueger. Joseph AVoodly. Carpenters, William Uodeck, Thomas Flitsch. Harness Maker, Samuel Pavitt. Phy- sician, N. J. Pinault. Dress Makers, Maggie Rougier, Frances Tliayer. Osseo remained under tlie township govern- ments of Brooklyn and Maple Grove, rmtil the spring of 187-3, when it was incorporated by act of Legislature. A President, three Councilmen, a Recorder and a Treasurer, constitute its officers. The act of incorporation specified the following boundaries : beginning at the north-west corner of section 18, township 119, range 21, and run- ning east on north line of said section 120 rods, thence south 200 rods, thence west 4o rods, thence south 80 rods, thence west 120 rods, thence'north 280 rods, thence east to the place of beginning. The iiilial)itants within said limits to constitute a body corporate under the name of " The Com- 20(1 HISTOEY OF HENNEPiy COVSTY. mon Council of Osseo." and to constitute one election district for the purpose of general and special elections under the general election laws of the State. The election of village officers was set for the third Tuesday in March each year. The first election was held at the office of John Ileeht- man. March 8d, ISTO. the following otticers were elected : President. John Ilechtman ; Coiuicil, D. II. Shepherd. AVilliam Krueger. Louis Berth- aunie ; Treasurer, E. Lefebvre : Recorder, AVil- liani Ewing; Marehall. H. Blaine : Justice. Louis Berthaume : Assessor. A. G. Ray. The election in 1S80 resulted as follows : President. J. Sau- cier: Council. J. T. Pribble. Chris. Shappach, Isaac Lobosiniere ; Treasurer. John Ilechtman : Recorder. William Krueger; Assessor. "\V. S. Johnson : Justice. II. C. Blake : Marshall. E. H. Chandler. E. 11. Ilaviland was appointed Marshall November 6th, 1S80. to fill vacancy caused by removal from town, of Chandler. There are 14.5 acres of land within the corporate limits, not platted. The assessed valuation of all lands and village lots with structures thereon for 1880, was $23,563. Assessed valuation of personal property, S7.S13. Amount of taxes. S323. Pop- ulation. 20ti. BIOGRAPUICAL. II. C. Black, born in Xew Hanover county. Xorth Carolina, in 1845. He learned the trade of wagon making. In 1S75 he came to Hen- nepin county, settled in Osseo, and estab- lished a wagon shop, taking E. II. Chandler as partner: this partnership was dissolved in 1879, and Mr. Black prosecuted the business alone until 1880, when he took two partners. In 1868 he was married to Julia Hancock. They liave live children now living. Seneca Brown. l)oru in Kiitlaud county. Ver- mont, in 1826. Moved to Niagara county, and lived eighteen, years, then to Lenawee, Michi- gan, where he learned the wagon and carpenter's trade. He came to Hennepin county, and set- tled in Maple Grove. Established his wagon sliop in Osseo. in 1876. In iSo-l he married Eliz- abeth "Willetts. They have four living children. Eli Haviland was born in Lenawee county, Michigan in 1836. He came to Hennepin county in 1857, settled near Osseo and started black- smithing bere in 1859. He enlisted in 1862 in Company F, Minnesota Mounted Rangers; served nine months and was honorably discharged at Fort Snelling. He sold his interest in the shop and began farming, followed it a short time, and then was engaged in mercantile business for one year in Osseo; he afterward went back to his old trade in ChampUn for three years, and finally located at Osseo in 1879. He was married in 1855 to Lavina Lee. They luive two children living. Chancy Haviland was born in Lenawee county, Michigan in ls4o. When the war broke out he enlisted in Company A. Fourth Michigan Cavalry. Was under Grant and Sherman, and was with the latter in his march to the sea. He was honora- bly discharged at Nashville. Tennessee, in 1864, and re-enlist€d in the Third Michigan Light Ar- tillery, Battery C, and served till the close of the war. He was in Washington at the Grand Re- view, and was honorably discharged at Detroit. Michigan. He went to Indianapolis, Indiana, learned the profession of railroad engineer and fol- lowed it for eight years. Came to Minnesota and settled in Cliamplin, where he worked as en- gineer; also in Anoka in the same business, and finally settled in Osseo. In 1861 he married Martha Powers. They have one child living: Etta. John Ilechtman. a native of Germany, was born in 1828. and came to America in 1832. He settled in Erie. Pennsylvania, and lived there until 1849. when be went to California for two years ; returned to Erie, and in 1857 came to Minneapolis. When the war broke out he was in Pemisylvania looking after his oil interests ; he enlisted with tlie three months" men. after- wards with the three yeare men in the Eighty- third Pennsylvania regiment ; \\"as wounded at the battle of the Wilderness in 1864. and honorably discharged at Ilarrisburgh. September 1864. He established the present general store at Osseo in 1865. ilarried his second Avife. Augusta Schmidt in 1869. by whom he has had five children. Two sons were born to him by his fli-st wife : both are now in Colorado. Rev. A. Ladriere was born at Levis, near Que- bec, in 1826. and was educated at Quebec Semi- nary. He was assistant at St. Thomas Parish one year, also at Levis one year, then three years at St. Roch. and was pastor at St. Fabian fifteen 088EO—BIOGBAPHICAL. 297 years ; then at Isle Yerte five years ; He came to Osseo in 1876, and took charge of the St. Louis church at tliis place. E. Lefebvre, born in tlie province of Quebec, in 1845, and lived tliere twelve years ; then moved to Clinton county, New York, and learned the slioe trade, which business engaged most of his time until he came to Osseo, in I860. In 1873, he established his present stock of general mer- chandise, having clerked here for eight years, previous to that time. lie was married in 1869 to Celina Normandin. They have three children. S. N. Pavitt was born in London, England, in 1830, and came with his parents to America in 1832. He went to the province of Quebec, and remained there nntil 1846, when he moved to New York city, and learned tlie harness trade. He came to Minnesota in 1855; located in the harness trade at Minneapolis. In 1862 he enlist- ed in Co. B, 6th Minn, ^'ols., and served nearly three years, lieing Iionorably discharged at Fort Snellingin 1865. October. 1867, lie came to Osseo, and started his harness sliop. lie lias since re- sided here. Married in 1857. to Adeline Buck. They liave three cliildren now living. N. J. Pinault, M. D., was born in tlie province of Quebec, in 1848, where lie lived until 1877. Received his collegiate education at Himouski and St. Anne ; graduated an M. D. at the Uni- versity Laval, Cjuebec, receiving the first prizes from the faculty, jirize Seivell and prize Morrin, of 1874. His diploma from the University Laval is also from the Iloyal College of Surgeons, of London. After his studies, he made an extensive tour in Europe, and while there liad great opiwr- tunities to perfect liis education. lie first prac- ticed medicine at Rimouski. In 1^77 lie came to Osseo, and has since followed his profession liere. J. T. Fribble, a native of Maine, was born in 1830 ; moved to Hennepin county, in 1855, and set- tled in Brooklyn. He was educated at Bowdoin College. Brunswick, Maine. In 1861 he was elected County Superintendent of Schools, and held the offlce six years. He has been principal of Osseo graded school for eight years. In 1854 he married Elmira E. Xorris, of Maine. Five children have been born to them. Nelson Rougier was born in Munueal. in islo. At the age of three years he removed with his parents to Kankakee, Illinois ; thence to Belle Prairie, Minnesota, in 1856. Ten years later he came to Osseo, and started a wagon shop. He was married, in 1833, to Rosa Begnoche, of Can- ada. They have five children living. Fritz Schmidt was boni in Germany, in 1851. Came to America in 1867, and settled at Osseo, Hennepin county, ^linnesota. He built the In- ternational Hotel, in 1874. It is two stories high, with a capacity for thirty guests. He owns and conducts it. He married, in 1875, Sophia Oswald. De Witt Clinton Smith (deceased), born in Or- leans county, New York, in 1825. He hved there about twenty years ; then went to Adrian, Mich- igan. He was married, at Addison, ^Michigan, to Melissa R. Shepard, in 1874. In 1857 he came to Hennepin county, and bouglit a farm near Osseo. He enlisted, in 1861, in Company D, 1st. Minnesota, and was appoiijed second Lieutenant. After the first Bull Run battle he was promoted Captain of the company. He was severely wounded at the liatlle of Antietam. ^Irs. Smith, after many lieroic efforts, f(_mnd him at Hagerstown, Maryland, and succeeded in bring- ing liim to Ilarrisburg. Pennsylvania. After resting a few weeks they came home, and he was honorably discharged shortly after. He was ap- pointed State Librarian Ijy Governor ililler. and while Librarian was appointed Major of the Pay Department. He was finally killed at Fort Ran- dolph, the boat being decoyed into that point by a party of guerillas, who shot and killed him. One child was liorii. Eugene A., living near ]3enson. David B. Thayer (deceased 1 was born in Seneca county, New York, in 1822. In 1847 he moved to Lenawee county, Michigan, and married Cath- erine Warren. He came to Ileiniepiu county in 1854, and settled near Osseo. on a claim of 160 acres, which is still owned by Mrs. Thayer. Mr. Thayer died at Osseo, August 31, 1873. Four cliildren were l)orn to them. A. A. Tha\er. tlieir son. enlisted in 1863, in 7th Minn., as drum- mer boy, when 16 years old; being taken sick at Montgomery. Alabama, he returned home, and was honorably discharged. E. Wellman was born in Dayton, Ileiiiiepin county, Minnesota, in 1855. lie learned the lilacksmith trade with Eli IlaN'ilaiid at Osseo. On November 3d, 1878, be was married to Delora Ilaviland, who was born in Maple (irove. Min- nesota. Tliev have one child: Lorissa. 298 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. CHA.NEPLIN. CHAPTER XLVII. GENKRALDESCKIFTION— SETTLEMENT— INDIAN MOUNDS— EARLY INCIDENTS— ORGANIZATION — SCHOOLS— CHURCnES— SOCIETIES — MILL — BIOGRAPHICAL. This township is located in the iioitli-eastern part of tlie couiitv, on the Mississippi river, whieli forms its nortliern and eastern boundary. Its surface is varied. Along the ri\er are heavily- timbered bottom-lands, back of wliich are high bluffs. The western portion of the town is cov- ered with a growth of light timber. The central and southern portions are level praii-ies. The soil is in all parts good and productive. This town- ship. \ndike many others in the county, has no large lakes. There are two small bodies of water known as Leman"s Lake and Bond Lake, the for- mer on section 25 and the latter on section 36. IIayden"s Lake, which is located mainly in the town of Dayton, projects a short distance iiito Champlin on the west. Elm Creek flows from nayden"s Lake across the northern part of the town, and empties into the Mississipiti. just below the village. This creek furnishes an excellent water-power, whicli is utilized. FIRST SETTLEMENT. The history of Champlin dates from 1852, when Cliarles Miles located near the junction of Elm Creek and the river, and opened a trading post for Indians. lie was the first white settler in the township. The following spring. Joseph and Augustus Holt arrived, and made claims where the village is now located. During the summer of 1853, Augustus Holt erected a frame house, the first in the village. In the summer of 1853, John Pike, Benjamin E. Messer, and a Mr. Ste- vens, built houses near the river aliove the village. In June of that year, Rev. Lewis Atkinson loca- ted on section 33. He came with teams from Illinois. The same year, R. H. Miller, F. Thorn- dyke and John Shumway, made claims west of the village ; Colby Emery settled on section 30. William Milhollin made a claim on section 33. March 2d. 1854. He came with his family from Ohio to St. Anthony, in July, 1853, and after re- maining in St. Anthony until the following March, located in Champlin. In 1854. iiuite a number settled in the town, among them Rev. W. Hay den and Samuel Colburn, both of whom still reside on their original claims. In 1855, Joseph McCann built just above Miles, and during the succeeding two years, several others located near. From this time the settlement went on rapidly. Prominent among the early settlers here, was John G. Howell, who came in 1854. IIis_ claim was in Brooklyn, but his home in Champlin. He was a young man, a general favorite, and a leader in social gatherings and church 'meetings. He left in 1856. and after considerable travel, located in California, where lie has held several promi- nent positions. The "Winnebago Indians roamed over Cliamp- lin. at the time of its first settlement. Their village was located near Dayton. They were peaceable, and did not molest the settlers, except to beg. On one occasion, during a •• big dnuik."" they stole a canoe from William Milhollin. but it was promptly' returned by the women. The first settlers in Champlin had to buy their supplies in St. Anthony, and in order to reach that place, would often fasten two or three Jogs together, forming a raft, on which they would float down the river. This did very well, going down, but the return trip was more difficult, as it had to be made on foot, following Indian trails. This township was surveyed in 1855. INDIAN MOUND AND GRAVE. >'ear the mouth of Elm Creek was at one time a mound, called the " Indian Mound." on which CHAMPLIN-INCIDENTS—OBQANIZATION. 299 was planted a red staff, from which lloated a red flag of small size. The mound lias nearly disap- peared, owing to excavations made in search of relics. In the village near the hotel was a grave, surrounded by a rude fence of logs. This was supposed to be tlie grave of a chief, as it was or- namented by a red staff, on the top of which was a red flag, or rag. EARLY INCIDENTS. A ferry across the Mississippi, v\as put in op- eration by Joseph Holt, in 1855. MeCann's lo- cating near the mouth of Elm Creek, led to a dispute between him and Miles, in regard to the ownership of the water-power. The contest was carried to the Land Oftice at Washington, for final decision, and resulted in Miles holding the claim. Both men were nearly ruined by the contest, and soon after, ^McCann moved to Anoka, where he still resides, and Miles to Minneapolis, where he died in 1878. The first birth in the townsliip was in 1854, a child of Mr. and JMrs. Stevens; the second birth was a daughter to J. B. Holt and wife, November, 1854. The first death was that of a young man— a new-comer named Charles Teag, in 1856. lie was buried in a field on Mr. Miller's land. The first marriage was in 1857, the contracting parties being Cyrus Rollin and Miss Clark. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. In 1858, the County Commissioners set apart the territory embraced in township 12U, range :22, and the fractional township 120, range 21 , as Mar- shall. A meeting was held at Champlin village; May 11th, 1858, and ofiicers chosen for the town. At this meeting the question of a division of Marshall, into Dayton and Champlin arose, and finally resulted in designating tlie following boundaries ; CluuupUn, all of fractional townsliip 120, range 21. ami the eastern tier of sections of ttiwnship 120. range 22. Dayton, all of township 120, range 22, excepting the eastern tier of sec- tions. The first Town Meeting for Champlin was held April 5tli, 1859. At this meeting, "Weutworth Ilayden presided as Moderator, and J. B. Hunt acted as Clerk, pro tern. The follow- ing ofiicers were elected. Supervisors. "Weut- worth Hayden, Chairman, Samuel Briggs and S. D. Leman; Town Clerk, J. B. Holt; Assessor, J. ' A. Linscott; Collector, Job Kenneston; Overseer of Poor, J. D. Hank; Justices, S. Colburn, Alvah Hills; Constables, Joseph Downs, George Hills. Ofiicers in 1880; Supemsors, Harry Ghostly, Chairman, J. B. Hinkley and John Stewart; Town Clerk, S. Colburn; Assessor, J. B. Hinkley; Treasurer, O. S. Miller; Justices, Samuel Colburn and J. B. Hinkley; Constables, Geo. A. Hills and William Dowlin. The Township contains 5,310 acres of land, the assessed valuation of which, was in 1880, S77,59(j. The valuation of personal property was §14,348. Total amount of taxes for 1880, §1,252. Tlie population of the town is 456. SCHOOLS. The first school in the town of Champlin, was held in an old shanty above tlie village, in 1855. Miss Emily Thorndyke (now Mrs. Lum of Min- neapolis) was teacher. A school house was built in 1860, the first teacher being Chandler B. Adams. There are now three schools sustained in the town. A graded school in the village, school district number 35, house located on'section 30, and district number 99, joint district with Brooklyn, school house located on section 34, Champlin. All the school houses are good build- ings. rnrRciiEs. The Free-Will Baptist church was organized in 1854, as a brancli of tlie Miiiiieapolis church, by Rev. C. G. Ames. It was supplied by Eev. W. Ilayden and others, until the following year. The first members of the brancli organization were, Betsy Shumway, W. W. Cate, Sarah C. Cate, W. W. Woodman and wife. The first meetings were lield in a school-house, and on an unfinished steamboat, which lay on the river bank at this point. In 1855 the church was organized iiidepeiidently, and named Elm Creek cliurch. under wliich name it continued until 1858, when it was changed to Anoka and Champlin churcli. its present name. They have a frame building, erected in 1871 at a cost of .'51.650. It is located in the village of Champlin, on an eminence over- looking the river. Tlie first regular pastor was W. Hayden, who officiated until 1863, when owing to ill-health lie was compelled to resign, and the church was without a pastor for two years, though occasional services were held. In 30(1 HISTOBY OF HUXNEPiy COUNTY. 18fio Rev. S. S. Paine took the charge, and remained until 1870. when he was succeeded by Kev. C. L. Russell, the present pastor. There has been a Sabbath-school in connection with the cliurch since its organization, and it is now in a tlourishing condition. The Methodist Episcopal Church. A class was formed in 1872. by Rev. John Stafford. The year following they erected a church, about 30 x 50 feet in size. They have no resident minister, the church bemg included in the circuit with Anoka. A Sabbalh-school is maintained in connection with the church. SOCIETIES. A Literary Society and Lyceum, urganized in the fall of 1880, meets every Friday evening in the school-house of district Xo. 99. Tliis society is well attended. In 1879 a circulating library was established in the village, containing three hundred volumes. It is kept at the post-office, and is patronized by tlie citizens of the township generally. CH.^JIPLIN MILL. Tliis mill is located on Elm Creek, near its junction with the river, below the village. The first mill at this point was built by A. P. Lane & Co., in 1867. The township records for that year show that two town bonds, of SiioO each, were is- sued in favor of this firm, to assist in buildmg a dam and bridge, in connection with the mill. All were built, but were swept away and de- stroyed l)y high water. The iiresent mill was built in 1874, by Clark and Smith, and after sev- eral changes came into the possession of R. M. Pratt iV Co., the present proprietors. It is in size, 30.\-10 feet, and two stories high above the basement, with an addition for offices and ware- rooms, 2.5 .\ 18 feet. Its machinery consists of five runs of stone, five middlings puritiei-s, be- sides the necessary minor machinery. It is driv- en by an American turbine wheel, forty-two inches in diameter, of seventy-live horse-power. Its capacity is forty barrels per day. VILLAfiE OK CHAMPLIN. Joseph Holt laid out a village on the west bank of the river, and had it surveyed and plat- ted by Hugh Spence. This was in 18-53. A hotel was erected m 1855, by George Rollins, and opened by Hugh Spence. Several changes in ownership have since taken place. It is now conducted by F. Thorndyke. The first st(u-e was opened by J. B. Holt, in 18oti. The post-oflice was estabUshed in 1858, with J. B. Holt as post- master. George Hills now occupies that office. There are three stores, with stocks of general merchandise, three blacksmith shops, two wagon shops, one goldsmith, one millinery, and one fiouruig mill. The assessed valuation in 1880, of town lots and structures thereon, was S7.302, The nearest railway point for citizens of Cham- plin township, is Anoka, directly opposite the village of Champlin, and connected with it by ferry across the Mississippi [river. At one time, steamboats plied on the river, landing at Cham- plin : the river is not navigated regularly at the present time. niOGRAPIIICAL. Colby Emery, one of the oldest settlers in Champlin. was born in 1822. in Oxford county. Maine, where he resided, with the e.xception of some time passed in the hotel business in Boston and Xew York, luitil 1853, when he came to Min- nesota. He at once pre-empted a claim of 160 acres, and has since resided in this town engaged in farming. He now owns 120 acres of fine land. He was married, July 2, 1855, to Enth Blaisdell, of Tamworth Iron Works, Carroll county. Xew Hampshire. She died, January, 1875. The fam- ily record is, James R., born in 185G; Charles E.. 1857: Zenus B..1S63. died 1870; Anna G.,born 1S69. William Fullerton was born at Hopewell, Maryland, in 1819. His parents removed to Penn- sylvania when he was two years of age. and he remained there until 1833. when he removed to Ohio, residing in Lower Sandusky four years, and in Lucas county, initil 1866. employing him- self in carpenter work and farming. In the spring of 1864. he enlisted in Company G, First Ohio Sharp-shooters, and was afterwards attached to the 60th Ohio. He was wounded in the hand, losing a finger at Petersburgh, Virginia, in 1864. and was honorably discharged at Washington. D. ('., in 1865. In 1866 he came to Champhn. where he has since resided. He was married in 1848, to Martha Crosby, of Ohio. They have four children. J. B. Hinkley was born in Geauga county, Ohio, in 1818. He received his education at the Gen- CHAMTLIN— BIOGRAPHICAL. 301 esee Western Seminary, near Rochester, New York, gradiiatins in 1839. He then began teach- ing winters, passing liis snmmers on a farm. In 1854 he came to Hennepin county, and resided in Minneapolis one year, then removed to Dayton township where he took a claim of 160 acres near Diamond Lake, remaining there nine years. In 1857 and 1858 Mr. Ilinkley was a member of the legislature, during which time, Minnesota was ad- mitted as a state. He held the office of County Commissioner a number of years, and had charge of the county poor farm for three years, dating from 18fi4. He then returned to Minneapolis where he remained until 1873, when he came to Champlin and has since resided here, engaged in farming. Mr. Ilinkley has held the office of justice of the peace, excepting a short time, since he came to this county, and was census enum- erator of Dayton township in 1880. He was married in 1844 to Miss S. S. Moore. They have two children. Robert H. Miller, is a native of Oxford county, Maine, where he remained until twenty-three years of age ; then removed to New Hampshire. He was married in Conway, New Hampsliire, January, 1848, to Sarah R. Hill, and removed to Waterford, Maine, where their only living son. Orange 8., was born September 6th, 184it. In 1852, Mr. Miller came to St. Anthony, Minnesota, where he remained one year, thence to Anoka and after a few months residence there, made a claim on the west side of the river in what is now Dayton. In 1856 he came to Champlin and bought a number of town lots, also the hotel now owned by Mr. Tliorndyke, which he conducted for seven years. When he first came to Minne- sota he made a squatters claim, on the west side of tiie river, the present site of Minneapolis. Mr. Miller learned the trade of carriage maker, in Maine, which business he engaged in for many years in Champlin. He held the office of post- master from 1860 to 1867. The son. Orange S., resides with his parents. He was married to Miss Mary E. Wiley. They have one son. G. D. Miars is a native of Nova Scotia where he was born in 1816. At the age of eleven years he went to sea and followed that occupation four- teen years. He then resided in Canada three years, and in Maine, where he was engaged in farming. He came to Hennepin county hi 1856 and purchased a claim of eighty acres in the town of Crystal Lake. In 1866 he removed to Anoka county, and three years later came to Champlin, where he has since resided, engaged in the pur- suit of farming. He was married in 1852, to Sy- rene Pratt, a native of Penobscot county, Maine. They have had nine children, eight of whom are living. Turner Pribble was born in Kennebec county, Maine, -July 4th, 1836. At the age of twenty, he came to Henneiiin county, locating in the town of Brooklyn. In 1860 he purchased a farm of fifty-five acres, which he disposed of in 1865, and the next year bought forty acres in the same town. He resided in Brooklyn until 1877, ex- cepting the time he was absent in the army. In April, 1861 he enlisted for three months, and re- enlisted November, 1861 in the First Minnesota Infantry. At Petersburg, Virginia, he was ta- ken prisoner and held ten months. He was hon- oral)ly discharged July 20th, 1865. He came to Champlain in 1877 and has resided here since, en- gaged in farming. He was married in 1870. to Leila A. Coy, who was born in ]SIaine in 1851. They have one child, Martha Irene l)orn in 1875. J. W. Reeves was born in Butler county, Ohio, in 1842, and remained in his native state until 1865, when he came to Minnesota, and located in Ramsey county, near St. Paul. In 1877 he came to Champlin, purchased a farm of forty acres, and has since resided in this town. In 1863, Mr. Reeves enlisted in Company D, 2d Ohio Heavy Artillery, and served until honorably discharged, in 1865, coming west the same year. J. 11. Trussel is a native of New Hampshire, born in New London, ISIerrimac comity, Septem- ber 26th, 1 828. He resided in his native town ten years, then to Wilmot, N. IL, and remained there until twenty-one years of age, when he went to Concord, and remained five years. In the fall of 1855, he came to Hennepin county, and made a claim of 160 acres in Brooklyn. Remained on it one year ; then removed to Champlin, where he has since resided. In 1871, he sold his farm in Brooklyn. He has held the office of Supervisor several times, also Assessor and Treasurer. Mar- ried, in 1857, Mary E. Hill, who was born m Car- roll county, New Hampshire, in 1831, and came with her parents to this county in 1853. They have had five children, three of whom are living. 302 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. DAYTON. CHAPTER XLVIII. GESTERAL DESCRIPTION — FIRST SETTLEJLEXT — TOWN ORGANIZATION — VI LLAGES— SCHOOLS- MILLS — OFFICERS— BIOGRAPHICAL. Dayton is situated in the extreme northern part of Hennepin county. It is bouiuled on the nortli by tlie Mississippi River, east by Champlin, soutli by Maple Grove, and west liy Hassan and Wright county. Its surface is rolling ; in some portions of the town there is a succession of rounded elevations, amounting to liills in some instances. It is well timbered.with a heavy gro'wth of maple, oak. basswood. and elm, excepting in the northeast, where it includes a part of Long Prairie, extending west from Champlin. The soil is a deep, lilaek loam, lying upon a mag- nesium limestone, which underlies the whole town excepting in the north-eastern part, where the St. Peter sandstone is found in a narrow belt along the river. The north-eastern boundary is formed by the Mississippi River, whose high bluffs tower a hundred feet above the majestic river that washes their base. The northern part of the western boundary is washed by the Crow Elver, which empties into the Mississippi at Day- ton village. Diamond Lake, on sections 17 and 18, is the largest body of water in the town. It was named Diamond on account of the purity of its water. French Lake,the next in size, located on sections 19 and 3(». took its name from a French settlement near it, in an early day. The smaller lakes are Lura, on section 2, and Powere, on section 34. A small creek rises in Diamond Lake and flows east- erly across the town, and empties into Hayden's Lake, which is located on section 26. FIRST SETTLEMENT Paul Godine is supposed to be the oldest living settler in the town. He is a Frenchman by birth, and settled here in 18.51. He was a man of some notoriety among the Indians in those early days, wielding a magical kind of influence over them, which at times was so potent that he could chastise them with his fist or club or any other article which came first to hand, as occasion required, and they would qiuetly submit to it. and continue to trade with him. They look- ed upon him through the dim light of their im- tutored minds, as an avenging spirit, sent upon them by the "Great Spirit," hence their submis- sion. John Yeine made a claim wliere the village of Dayton now stands, and built a small cabin on it in 18-53, which he sold to E. H. Robinson in 1854, who used it for a trading post, trading almost entirely with the Indians who were principally Chippewas. ]SIarcelles Boulee. Benj Leveilher. and others, settled along the river in 18.53. Soon after, a few French families settled on or near the Lake named French Lake, Whose names were Daniel Lavallee, Anthony Gelinas. Louis Bibeault. Moses Desjarlais. Joel Desjarlais, Fabien Desjarlais and Edward Greenwood. Other portions of the town were settled soon after, by the French. A hotel was built at Dayton in 1854, by James Haselton and George Mosier, situated on the bank of the main river. It was moved at a later period, to its present site on higher ground, and is now owned and occupied as a hotel by George Slater, who settled here in 1856. Xeil ilcXeil was one of the early settlers, who came to Dayton and took at once, a front rank in shaping the business of the infant settlement. For three years, he had the entire control of Ly- man Dayton"s business, his intelligent brain, directed by a master hand, was felt in every thing he touched. Xot only was his genius felt in civil life, but he made it felt in military tactics also ; showing himself not an unworthv descend- DAYTON— EARLY EVENTS— CHURCHES. 303 ent of that race whose prowess, like Bruce's, has adorned and embellished the pages of Scottish history. When tlie Indian outbreak, in 1862, burst upon the frightened settlers, carrying rapine and butchery in its gory track, he left the peaceful pursuits of life, and aided by that determined look which the earnest man car- ries, raised a squad of men and hastened to join Captain Stroufs command. They marched to the seat of war through Forest City to Acton, where they met the " Bloody Devils," and gave them fight. lie there received a wound through his right arm, but with his spartan band of sixty- four, fighting for their firesides, and the little prattlers around them, thought not of the eight hundred fiends they were fighting, all the way from Acton to Hutchinson. Before reaching Hutchinson, they were reinforced, adding more strength, but no more courage; when they made a Waterloo, scattering the Indians in every di- rection. Returning from the Indian war, and with a country still imperiled, he joined Gen. Thomas' command in 1863, and remained until honorably discharged, when he returned again to Dayton and engaged in the more congenial and peaceful pursuits of Ufe, enjoying the confidence of his fellow-citizens, filling the office of super- visor ft)r ten years, and constable seven years. He was the first constable elected in tlie town. In 1855, A. C. Kimball settled near French Lake, on the north shore, and was the first American settler back from the river. He re- lates the fact, that the Chippev^-a Indians passed near his home on their way to the fight near Shakopee, in May, 1858, with their old enemies the Sioux. They came down the Mississippi River and went about a mile up the Crow River, took their canoes ashore, sold two or three to the settlers, and destroyed the rest. EARLY EVENTS. In 18-56, E. II. Robinson built a blacksmith shop for his own business, doing some custom work for his few neighliors. Tlie same year, he and his partner, John Baxter, built a steam saw- mill on the banks of the Mississippi River be- low the mouth of the Crow River, which was the first saw-mill built in the town. The first religious services in town, were held at the house of J. B. Hinklev. in the summer of Sti^m^p^e^ _ 1855, by the Rev. Winthrop Ilayden. The next services were held at the house of J. B. Ilinkley in 1855; sermon by David Brooks. The first white child born, was George Dayton Slater, September, 1856, who died at the age of four years. The first death was a Mr. Twombly, who was killed by the falling limb of a tree. The second death was Job Green, an old man, who died in 1857, and was buried by the roadside, and subse- quently removed to the cemetery, in the east part of the village plat, upon its establishment in 1858. ^ ^ The first marriage was that of E. II. Robinson (/ £2>»_ «"^»-'-*-^ /y^- to Mrs. Sarah L. Gardner, June 29th,^56. ^ ^. J. B. Ilinkley was the first justice of the peace. He was appointed by the territorial government. He was also the first representative from his dis- trict to the legislature elected in 1857, and took an active part in forming the state government. The " Five Milhon Loan Bill '" was voted on by the town, in the spring of 1858, and carried by a decided majority. The first post office was established in 1855, and J. Baxter appointed post master. He was succeeded by Mr. Hinkley, in 1856, wlio made R. R. Ilurlbut deputy for two years. Hurl- but was then appointed post master, and remained in office several years. The first school was taught in the summer of 1857, by Miss Cynthia Slater, on the west side of Crow River. The water, washing the bridge away, the scholars could not cross, and she moved to Mr. Hinkley 's, and later, to Mr. Baxter's house, where the term was finislied. CHURCHES. The French Catholic Cliurch was organized in 1857, and a church built the same year, on the farm of Paul Godine, section 5. Father Jennis officiated at the organization. In 1862, Father Nicholas supplied the cluirch for a time. In 1865, the society commenced the erection of a larger churcli, in tlie village of Dayton, and com- pleted it in 1866. It is -50x75 feet. The society con- tains one hundred and twenty families. Father Morrell has officiated since 1866, and closed his labors in the fall of 1880. The society has a cemetery of about two acres, located on the north- west corner of section 8. 304 HISTOBY OF HENNEPiy COUNTY. TOWN ORGAXIZATIOX. Dayton and Cliamplin, were formerly organized as a voting precinct, and called Marshall. It was divided in I808. and the name of Dayton adopted. in honor of Mr. Lyman Dayton. The meeting for the organization of the town, was held at Champlin, May llth. 1858. Elected for Super- visors, A. C. Kimball, chairman, W. H. Ed- wards, J. D. H. Hervey; Toa\ti Clerk, John Bax- ter; Assessor, J. M. Thompson: Collector, W. P. Ives; Overseer of Poor. Daniel Fife: Justices of the Peace, D. L. Herrick and Alvali Hills: Con- stables, J. Downs and A. M. Kunball. After the election of officers and other business inci- dent to the new organizati-master. SCHOOLS. The tirst male teacher was Thomas McLeod, who taught after the organization of the town, in the winter of 1859-60. The fli-st school was taught in a vacant store-room built liy E.B.Ames, of Minneapolis, who failed in trade, and the room was used till 1868, when the present village school building was erected, in the \illageof Day- ton. Besides this, there are four school build- ings, all in good condition, located as follows : , School Xo. 37, on section 14; Xo. 41, on section I 29 ; No. 40, on section 7 ; and No. 36, on section , 28. Two joint districts are included in the above. 3IILLS. The Dayton Hour-mill was first built by Frank ' "\reitzel in 1860, for a three run custom mill. In 1874 he built a new merchant mill with five runs. 3-5x65 feet, three-stories and basement. He sold a half interest to W. F. Hurlbut, and in 1878 sold his remaining interest to K. K. Hurlbut. In 1879 the lirm of Hurlbut and son built an addi- tion 20x50 feet, with two 11ms of stone for a cus- tom mill. They have added all the late im- provements, making it a first-class Merchant and Custom mill, with a reputation second to none. The mill gives employment to twenty-six men. "W. D. Brimmer, has a Saw-mill and Stave Factory, located on the Crow river, and is now using the steam machinery, put iu by Robinson in 1860: supposed to be the first in the north-west. DA YTON— BIOGRAPHICAL. 305 OFFICIAL ROSTER. The present town officers are, Supervisors, A. ('. Kimball, chairman, 0. E. Evans, and M. F. Taylor ; Town Clerk, C. F. Dugas ; Assessor, il. F. Taylor ; Treasurer, Henry Duhlheimer ; Jus- tices of the Peace, C. E. Evans and Nicholas Engel; Constables, Albert Lewis and A. A. Laflin. A Town House was built in 1873 at the cross- roads in south part of section 17, size 20x30 feet. Tlie Cemetery is located in the soutli-west corner of secton 8. The town lias 14,811 acres with a land valua- ation of §170,220. Valuation of personal prop- erty, $42,090. Town lots, §7,384. Taxes for 1880, from the above valuations, S2.5S.5. The population of the township, including tlie village w 698. lUOGRAPHICAL. William Dugas, one of the pioneers of Hen- nepin county, was liorn at Tliree Rivers, Canada, May 17th, 1809. He learned the trade of mill- wright, and at the age of twenty-two went to Xew York city, tlien started for Africa, engag- ing as ship-carpenter. At Xew Orleans he aban- doned the trip, as his ship did not sail. He then came up the Mississippi river to Saint Lonis, thence to Chicago, and after a stay there of four years, went to Council Bluffs, Iowa, via. the Missouri river, with Bourbonais, who )iad charge of the Pottawattamie Indians. Tlieu returned to Chicago, and had charge of a crew of men on , the canal then being ojiened there. Three years later, he removed to (Jalena, Illinois, and then went to Prarie (In Cliien, Wisconsin, where he married Sophia Stronnn, who died twenty-one months later, leaving one rliild, Charles, who is now town clerk of Uayton. In the spring of 1844 he removed to Saint Paul, where he re- mained over two years, and married, in January, 1846, Miss Susanna llaiche. The same year he made a claim at Saint Anthony, near Cheever's claim, which he afterwards sold to Franklin Steele. He returned to Saint Paul in May, 1849. and was elected to the Territorial Legislature the following fall. After remaining in Saint Paul two years, engaged in tlie hotel business, he sold out. returned to .Saint Anthony, and es- tablished a ferrv about lialf a mile above the 20 . ' present upper bridge. He, and others, procured a charter for a bridge, but it was not built. In 1 8.57 he sold the ferry and moved to Bottineau Prairie, and engaged in farming until 1866, when he removed to Dayton, where he has since re- sided. His second wife bore him three children, two of wliom are living: Jolni, aged twenty-three and Louis, aged twenty-one. Nicholas Engel was liorn in Prussia, in 1820. Learned the trade of shoemaking. He was drafted into the army at twenty, and served two years. He emigrated to America in 1852, and settled at Port Washington, Wisconsin, working at his trade. Moved to Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in 1858, and followed his trade. In 1875, went to Frankfort, Wright county, and in 1876 came to Dayton. Has held the office of Justice of the Peace for two years. Married, in 1863, to Cath- arine Schluentz. They have had five children, four are now living. F. Gamaclie, Ijorn in Canada, in 1830. Moved to Michigan in 1850, and engaged in mining, three years. He located on his present farm in 1854. Married, in 1852, Jilargaret Gandrow, who died in 1864. He was married again, in 1867, to Julia Lambert. They have had eight children. He lias Ijeen Town Supervisor and School Director. He is one of the pioneers of this town. His, was the first team brought to Dayton. R. R. Ilurlbut, born in Vermont, in 1830. Fol- lowed railroading wlien young. He was married in 1852, to JSlary Stebbins, and moved to Muineso- ta in 1855. Located in Hassan for one year; thence to Dayton, where he engaged in mercan- tile business for two years. Located where he now lives in 1870 — a fine location in Wright county, opposite Dayton. Purchased, in 1878, one-half interest in the Dayton Flour Mills, wliich, with his farm, occupies his entire attention. He has two children : William F. and Rodman R. William F. Ilurlbut, son of R. R. Ilurlbut, was born in Vermont, in 1853. He remained with his parents until 1870, when he entered the State University at Minneapolis, at the same time tak- ing a commercial course. Returned to Dayton in 1874 and purchased ahalf interest in the Day- ton Flour Mills, and also carried on a general merchandizing business in connection with his milling. In 1880 he married Jennie E. Nixon, of Pennsylvania. 306 HlSrOBT OF HEXA'EPiy COUNTY. X. :McXeil was bom iu Scotland, in 1830. In 1831 he emigrated with his parents to America. He moved to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1852, and worked three years in the Xa\-y Yard. Moved to Mimiesota in 18.56, and lived in St. Paul one year, when he moved to Dayton and worked seven years for Lyman Dayton. In 1863, joined Gen. Thomas" command, was mustered out in 1865, and returned to Dayton and engaged in the stock business. He married, in 1857, Sarah Sweeney. They have had nine cliildren. Mr. McNeil held the office of Supen-isor ten years, and was Constable for seven yeare. Charles Mayer was bom in Germany, in 1818, where he taught school for twenty years. He emigrated to America in 1856. and settled in St. Bernard, Ohio, and taught school two years ; then taught eight years in Johnstown, Pennsylva- nia, four years at Utica. and three yeare in Jeffer- son City, Missouri. He is the organist at the Cath- olic church in Dayton, and also teaches music. Married the first time, in 1842, to Veronica Sei- berlich, who died in 1856. Married again to, Kate Oberle. He has sis children living. George Slater, bom in England, ui 1821. Em- igrated to America, and settled in GloversAlUe, Fulton county, Xew York, iu 1824. "Worked at glove-making for twenty years. Moved to Min- nesota, and settled in Dayton, in 1856, and com- menced the manufacture of gloves and mittens. Enlisted in Company C, Independent Battalion, under General Hatch, in 1864, and was ordered to the frontier. AVas mustered out in 1865. Ee- tm'ued to Dayton, and opened his farm. His health failing, he piu'chased the hotel wliich he now keeps. Married, in 1845, to Catharine Kelly. They have fom- children now livuig. Mr. Slater found many relics near the jimction of the Crow and Mississippi rivers, whieh indicated that there had been, at some time, a Prench or Span- ish settlement at that point. Abraham Twombley was born in Canada, in 1808. Moved to Champlain, Xew York. Lived there several years. Married, at twenty-two, to Bosabel Rose. He moved to Bottineau Prairie in 1857, and lived with his wife in a tent three months. Sold his first claim on the Prairie, and bought one in the woods, where he has since lived. Mr. and Mi's. T. Celebrated their golden wedding. Xovember 8th. 1880. They have 108 children and gi-audchildren. E. H. Eobinson, a native of Gardiner, Maine, was born in 1829. He remained with his par- ents on the farm, untU seventeen years of age : then learned the mason"s trade. In 1849, he, with his brother, moved to "Wisconsin, and worked at his trade during the summer, and in the pine- ries through the winter. In the faU of 1850, he returned to Maine, and the following year, his father and family moved to "Wisconsin, locating m Portage comity. In the spring of 1853. E. H. came to Minneapolis, and purchased twenty-five doUai-s- worth of goods, which he hired a French- man to take up to the mouth of Crow Ri\-er. in a canoe. They reached their destination in two days, and found but one white man. John "\'eine. of whom he secured the use of a log cabin for his store. He opened a- trade with the Indians, whose reservation was on the west side of Crow River. In the spring of 1854. he succeeded m purchasing Veine's claim, which included the site of the present village of Dayton. Mr. Veine left, and Mr. Robinson was for ten months ^alone with the Indians, at whose hands he came near losing his life, on several occasions. He sold John Baxter one-half interest in his store, and in 1855, they sold Lyman Dayton, of St. Paul, an luidivided interest in a portion of their land. In 1S56, they sold Mr. Dayton an interest in tlie water-power and land adjoining. In the fall of 1856, they erected a steam saw-mill near the mouth of Crow River. Soon after. Mr. Robinson bought his partner's interest in tlie store, and in 1857, bought his interest in the mill. He then sold to Mr. Dayton liis entire interest in the water-power, and the following spring, sold his stock of goods. In the fall of 1858, he purchased another stock of goods, and in 1861, took as part- ner in the milling business. Frank Crocker, and continued thus two yeare, when he bought Crock- er's interest, and in 1866, sold the entire estab- lishment to a firm who failed, and the mill was taken away. In 1870. he built a new steam saw- mill near the site of the old one. In 1877. he sold the mill to H. A. Bennett, and it was burned the following year. ^Ir. Robinson's wife was Mrs. Sarah Gilson of Xew York, whom he mar- ried in 1856. "They have had three cliildren : George H., Horace R. and Frank L. Si^ i tt/ynn^ 0^' HASSAN- OENEBAL DESGBIPTION. 307 HAS SAN. CHAPTER XLIX. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — SETTLEMENT — FIRST BIRTH AND DEATH — A PAPER TOWN — EVENTS OF 1856-7-8 — CHURCHES — ORGANIZATION — INDIAN SCARE — OUTLOOK — SAW-MILL — BIO- GRAPHICAL. This is one of the extreme northern towns of Hennepin county, and embraces all of township 120 north, ranges 23 and 24 west, lying east of Crow River, covering an area of 17,184 acres. It is washed by the Crow River on the west and north, the stream making the boundary Ijetween it and Wright coimty. It was sm'veyed in lHo.5, the first year of its settlement. Its siuface is rolling and heavily timbered, except Bigelow's Prairie, a small tract of about fifty acres, in section 16, on Crow river. Several ti-acts of marsh, or wild meadow, occur at intervals throughout the town, but are little used, being too soft for pasturage, and affording but an indif- ferent quality of hay. Peat bog is found in most of the marshy gromid, which may yet give it value. In the uplands, the soil is a dark loam, with clay subsoil and well adapted to general agricultural piu'poses. The only streams in the mterior are Rush Creek, which flows through the south-east comer, and a small, unnametl rivulet which rises in section 22, flows north-west, and empties into Crow River hi section 16. A stream shown upon the early maps, in the south-west part of the town, is only a ravine through which surface water finds its way to tlie Crow River in times of fi'eshet. Several small lakes dot tlie siu-face of the town, mainly in the western half, the most noticeable of which are here described. Sylvan Lake lies in section 20, and is the largest body of water in the town. It covers an area of about two hundred acres, is of more than ordinary depth, with sandy or gravelly margin on the north, but soft along the southern half. It is well stocked with fish, principally pickerel and bass. North-east of this is Cowley, better known as Parslow's Lake, m sections 16 and 21. It has sandy margins and liard bottom, but is quite shallow, and contauis a rank growth of water plants, which, though not reach mg the surface, are too near to admit of trolling for fish, with which its waters abound. Lake Harry lies mainly ui the south-east corner of section 29, but extends its waters to the three sections joining at this corner. It is of irregular shape, shallow, witli low, marshy shores on the north, but hard on the south. It is destitute of fish, and is gi'adually diying up. In 1855, Jasper Hawkins, one of the early settlers here, found a fine, large canoe floating upon the waters of this lake, which incident has occasioned no Utile spec- idation regarding its early ownership. It was of jiine, nearly new, and neatly hewn from a sound log or tree, and not over an inch thick except at the points. No owner ever appeared to claim this mysterious craft, and pioneer settlers disagree as to its origin ; whether it was of Indian manufac- ture, or the handiwork of white men. In any event, it must have been prepared in the forests of the upper Mississippi, brouglit down that stream and up the Crow river several miles, and dragged across the country for not less than one and one-half miles, before launclnng upon tlie shallow waters of this lake, which, as it afforded no flshmg, leaves the subject as much in the dark as ever. The old canoe is now in a useless, half- decayed condition, and partly Iniried in the mud and water of a smaller lake, appropriately named Mud Lake, near the residence of Mr. Hawkins ui section 21. SETTLEMENT. The first settler in the northern part of the town was Alexander Bortliwick, who came in 1854, and made Ids claim on section 12. and later, another :W8 HISTOBT OF HENKEPIN COUNTY. on section 1, the tuvm now ownied by Frank Weitzel. He remained until 1S67. when lie re- nioved to Otsego, AVright county, and has since re- sided there. He came from St. Paul to Dayton, crossed tlie river there, made his claim, and hoarded witli Kohinson and Baxter, through the winter. Harvey Hicks came about one month later than Borthwick. and bought the latter's clami on section 12. He luought the tirst team and wagon into this town, coming up on the west side of the river and cutting his road through the timl)er. Dennis Ford, Alpheus Jlaseny. and Joseph Green came the same fall. !Maser\y is now in ilaine Prairie, Stearns county. In I800, Mortimer and Patrick Hynes, Tliomas Rog- ers and William Demery. located claims in the nortliern part of the town. John Mitchell and Samuel Gowell settled north of the centre. John Keegan. wlio came the same year, still resides in the town. Others who came about this time were, Patrick Burke and Owen McCalie. Among tliose who located in the centi'al and southern l)(irtiuu of the town in 18o.5 were. George and Ariel Bigelow, ^V. Woodman and Harvey S. Norton, who came from Ohio, and settled on or near section IH, on the Crow river. Their claims embraced the small prairie tract pre\iously re- ferred to. which gave it the name it has since borne. There were no roads leaiUng into this woi id-land region then, and they were forced to cut their way as they advanced, making but slow progi'ess, though onl,\- stopping to remove such obstructions as could neither be overcome or avoided. They remained here but a few years, then removed to other parts. ^Viiel Bigelow, after about six )ears residence here, removed to Maple Grove, thence to Minneapolis, and later, to his former place in Ohio. He subsequently re- turned to this State, and is now at Princeton, Mille Lacs county. Geo. Bigelow left his claim liere about the same time, but afterwards re- turned and located a little east of the old loca- tion, from whicli he soon after removed to San- tiago, Sherburne couutv, where he was drowned several years since. Early in the year, Jasper and Horatio Hawk- ins settled near the central part of tlie town, hav- ing first engaged in fanning in what is now Crys- tal Lake. They were from England, and through their influence others were led to seek homes in this locality. Among them were Septimus, Charles and John Parslow, the tirst two, lirothers, the latter their nephew. Henry Ghostl> also arrived about this time, and all took claims in one neigh- borhood, where most of them still reside. About this tune the names of Charles Tucker and James and John Xoon were added to tlie brief roll of pioneers; tliey came from Ohio, the former from Cincinnati. Ijate in the fall. Freeman D. James arrived from Xew York and located on sectitiii fifteen, where he now resides. When he reached Winona, na\'igation suddenly closed, and he was forced to pursue his journey on foot, which he did. coining liy way of St. Paul and Dayton. EARLY EVENTS. Fii-st Birth and Death. The tirst white child born within the limits of the town was a daugh- ter, :Mary, born to Mr. and ^Irs. Geo. Bigelow soon after their arrival here. Her brief life ter- minated near Christinas of that vear; the first gia\ e succeeduig the first cradle. A Paper Town. Early in the summer of 1855. the excellent water-power upon the Crow River, on section thirteen, attracted the notice of Harvey S. Xorton, and suggested the founding of a vil- lage there. He accordingly employed a surveyor, and laid out a town plat of fair proportions, and decided to name it Hassan, if it was ever liorii. But it never was: and the uanie remained un- used until the following year, when the estab- lishment of a post-offlce, furnished an object to which it has since attached. In the fall of this year occuned the first religious services, by Rev. J. S. Chamberlain, rector of the Episcopal church in Minneayiolis. EVENTS OF 1856-8. The first year of pioneer work wrought noticea- ble changes in this forest region. Cabins sprang up as if liy magic, and happ\ homes and firesides were seen t)n every hand, where before was ob- -sen'ed naught save the camplire of the red man, or the ever-shifting wigwam, wliicli marked his temporary home. With an energy cliaracteristic of the sturdy liioneer element of winch this commmiity was composed, a post-othce was secured in the sum- mer of 18-56, and Septimus Parslow received the appointment of Postmaster, the office being at liis residence on section twentv-one. HASSAN— ORG ANIZATION^INDIAN SCARE. 309 The name designed for Norton's proposed city was liere called into requisition, and Hassan was recorded in the list of frontier post-offices. The lirst mail was received July 4th, 1856, and came in good old primitive style — the carrier making tlie trip on horseback. About this time the Territorial road from Min- neapolis to ilonticello was opened, and the sad- dle soon gave place to a wlieeled vehicle, for the accommodation of passengers. Not long after, tri-weekly mail service was secured, which has since been maintained. The post ortice is still retained by Mr. Parslow. The territorial road referred to was the lirst legitimate outlet for this section, only -'trespass roads" existing before, and they, neither numer- ous or in good condition. In the year ]8.5(i, occurretl the hrst marriage in the town — that of Charles Tucker and Miss Eliza- beth Hawkins. The ceremony was jierformed by Kev. J. S. Chamberlain. They are yet living on their original claim, in section 22. The tirst school was taught by Miss Sarah Ward, in a small log building, in the west part of town, not far from the present school-house in district No. 72, in the year 18.57. She was followed by ]SIiss Helen Tilton, the next season. In 18o7~'8, this yoiuig conimunitx . in conmion with otliers, suffered severely from the ravages of grasshoppers, but have since been spared from such amioyance. In 1858, with the admission of the state, the territory now embraced in this town was designated by the County Commissioners, and given its iiresent name — I^ass^ul. The town or- ganization occuired two years later. ST. .JOHN'S CHURCH— Kl'ISCOl'AL. This neat little edifice was begun in 18.58, Init not completed until a later period. It is loi'ated in section 21, near Septimus Parslow's residence, and upon ground donated b>- him for that pur- IKise. The tract included five acres, a portion of which was set apart for a cemetery, in which liave been twenty-one interments. The history of the society dates Ijack to the fall of 1855, when monthly services were begim at the residence of Septimus Parslow. by Kev. J. S. Chamberlain, and continued in this place until the building of the clnu'ch, in 1858. Tlie real organ- ization of the society occurretl on Kaster Monday, in the spring of 1857, under the rectorship of Rev. iSIr. Chamberlain, who faithfidly administered to the chm-cli during the first five years of its organ- ization. His successors were Kevs. U. B. Knick- erbacker. William I'olk, George Case, John Scott. S. T. G. Cnnnp; and since June, 1878, Rev. Dr. Kidckerbacker has had charge; assisted by Curate W. T. Pise to date of June. 1880. shice then by Curate J. Q. Bevington. Bishop Whipple has held service at irregular intervals since 1860. In May, 1858, Bishop Kemper, of Wisconsin, visited the society, and laid the corner-stone of the chm-ch edilice. Seven memljers were added to the chinch )i.\ confirmation during his visit here. There was then no Bishop in Minnesota. The original mem- bership was only four, wliicli has since increased to fifty. Monthly services are mauitained, and a nourishing Sabbath-school is connected with the chiu'ch. TOWN ORCi.VNIZATION. The meeting at which the township organiza- tion was effected, was held April 8, 1860. No special measiu'es were adopted at this meeting, beyond the usual transactions incident to a new organization, anil the election of the following of- ficers : Supervisors, Gideon Reeves, chairman, Ilawley Ilicks, Richanl Quinn ; Town Clerk, C. .1. Parslow; Treasurer, Septimus Parslow; Asses- sor, A. Borthwick : Justice of the Peace, Henry (ihostly ; Constables, Patrick Ilynes, John Pars- low ; Superuitendent of Schools, B. Wright. The latter resigned in July, and was succeeded by H. C. Parslow. INDIAN SCAKK. In August, l.s()2, the panic which spread over this entire region, at news of the recent massacre, so terrified the settlers of Hassan that numbers of them fled to JSIinneapolis, others to Fort Suell- ing, and some e^•en left the state. About three weeks after the Hrst scare, another rumor of l)utchery and bloodshed was wafted to the ears of the partiall> tpiieted citizens, and another panic ensued. It was of short duration, however, and the "troubled waters" soon resumed their wonted tran(iuilit\'. I'ATUdNS OF HUSliANDItY. In the winter of 1873-4, a Grange was organ- ized, whose membership soon reached forty, but though^well attended for a time, soon lost its 310 EISTOBY OF HENKEPIN COUNTY. original interest, and in 1878 was wholly aban- doned. PRESENT Ol'TLOOK. By slow but steady piogiess, Hassan has reached a degree of development in sti-iking contrast with earlier conditions noted m this chapter, as the following statistics, gleaned fi'om the official re- ports of 1880 will show. The assessed value of lands is given at $191,610 ; of pereonal property, 822,333, on which taxes were levied to the amount of $1,918. The population of the township is 735. Five school houses are located at convenient tlistances, affording the ordinaiy facilities for a common school education. District Xo. 72, has a frame building on section 19, near the site of the first school in the town. The building is of moderate dimensions, and m good condition. The other school buildings are: District Xo. 73, house in section 21, log building; Xo. 69, on section 24, frame house in good condition; Xo. 70, frame house on section 11, above the average size of country school houses, and in line condition ; and Xo. 68, on section 35 — joint district witli Cor- coran — frame house, small, but in fair condition. A Town Ilall is conveniently situated in sec- tion 21 , opposite the residence of Charles Pars- low. A saw-mUl is about being put in operation in section eighteen, on Crow Eiver, by A. Berning. whose residence is on the opposite shore, in Wright county, an enterprise that can not fail to gieatly benefit the farmers of the adjacent ter- ritoi-y, upon whose farms may be found an ex- cellent quality of hard wood for lumber, square timber, etc. Thus is briefly given a sketch of the settlement and rapid growth of the town, which closes with the following list of to-«ii oflicers for 1880: Su- pen-isors, John Russell, chairman, Charles J. Ghostly, Thomas Flynn; Clerk, C. J. Parslow; Treasurer, Charles Tucker: Assessor, G. Jackins; Justice of the Peace. Jasper S. Hawkins; Con- stable, Edward Tucker. BIOGRAPHICAI,. Aaron Hoag, a native of New Hampshue, was bom in 1806. In 1835 he moved to Bangor, Maine, and followed teammg for twelve years ; then he bought a farm at South Gardner, which he occupied for six years. In 1858 he came with his youngest daughter to ^Minnesota, prospecting — and in 1859 bought part of the land he now lives on. The same year his family sold out and joined him. He maiTied in 1830, Annie Wig- gins. They have four children. His son Charles lives with him and was manied December 1877, to Mary A. Inveen. Their children are George and Ida. . Horatio Hawkins, a native of England, was bom in 1827. He learned the ti-ade of shoemak- ing. In 1853 he emigi'ated to America, moved to Mimiesota and settled in Crjstal Lake. In 1856 he came to Hassan, and in 1858 made a claim, where he has suice lived. In 1864 he en- listed in Eleventh ^Mimiesota, Company G, went south and was discharged ni Jime, 1865. He was married in England to ^Martha Powell, in the year 1850. They have five children Living. Jasper Hawkins was bom in England, in 1829. He emigi'ated to America in 1853, and moved directly to St. Anthony, where he worked as clerk eighteen months, for John G. Lennon. In 1854 he bought a claim in Crystal Lake, and held it fifteen mouths. Made a claim in Hassan in 1855, and has since lived here. In 1862 he en- listed in Xinth ^Minnesota, Company B, was clerk in Quartermastei-s department a few months, and was then ordered to General Com- mandery Central District of ^lissouri ; joined his regiment as clerk for Col. Marsh, until discharged at Davenport, Iowa, in 1865. He was maiTiedin 1869, to Alice M. ^Slattey. Four children have been born to tliem. Freeman D. James was lioru in Chautauqua county, Xew York, in 1822, where he lived twen- tv-seven years, much of the time engaged in lum- bering. He w-ent to California in 1853, met with considerable success, and returned to Xew York. In 1855 he came to ^limiesota and settled hi the town of Hassan, where he now lives. He has served the town as supenisor and constable. In September, 1864, he enlisted in Second Battery, ^Mimiesota volunteers, was mustered out in July, 1865, at St, Paul, and returned to his farm. He manied, in 1843, Mary B, Strong, who died Feb- ruary, 1876, leaving three children. Mr. James I has done much for the cause of education. GBEEN WOOD— E ABLY HISTORY. 311 GREENWOOD. CHAPTEK L. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — EAULY HISTORY — OLD SETTLERS — ORGANIZATION — CHURCHES AND BUILDINGS— SCHOOLS— STATISTICAL— ROSTER —BIOGRAPHICAL. This town embraces that portion of township 119 north, range 24 west, lying east of Crow river. It was set apart by the connty com- missioners April 10th, 1858, and named from the village then located in the south-western part. The origin of the name was the charming appearance of the wood-lands, as seen by the first settlers, ui the early days of summer. The surface is broken and hilly, and covered with a heavy growth of hard wood timber, inter- spersed by a few small tracts of marsh-land. The soil, as in other timbered portions, is a dark loam with clay subsoil, the lightest portion being found near the old site of the village. A few small lakes are found in the central portion of the town, and in the southern part, and lying partly in Independence, are lakes Sarah and Re- becca, of larger proportions. The former is about three miles long, and finds an outlet to the Crow river through Edgar creek. The latter is about one mile in length, and connected with the Crow river by a small stream naming through the north-western part of Independence, and the extreme south-western part of Greenwood, where it unites with the main stream. EARLY HISTORY. Although separated from the Mississippi, the only course of travel at that date, by miles of dense woodland and morass, this town was among the tirst in the county to attract the attention of pioneer settlers. The flrst claims were made in the northern part of the town ui 18.54. Among these early claimants was Mathias Ilarff, who lo- cated on section 1 , and opened a farm upon which he lived till 1866, then sold, and purchased a farm on section 10, where he still resides. Mr. Hai-ff is without doubt the oldest living settler in Greenwood. His coming was illustrative of the rugged pathway, by which so many have reached their present easy, though perhaps not happier, condition, and of that determined energy- and courage, to which the county owes its present growth and prosperity. He gave one of the two sacks of Hour which constituted his principal commissary stock, to a teamster in exchange for transportation from St. Paul to Dayton, then took his wife and aged mother in a " dug out."' and '-paddled his owTi canoe" up the Crow river to the nearest accessible point to his claim, from where the remainder of the journey was per- formed on foot. Here, in a small, rude cabin, subsisting chiefly upon wild game, and with no implements but an a.\ and conunou giaib hoe, he liegan the difficult task of opening a farm in this almost unknown forest. His success in over- coming the manifold difficulties which beset his patlnva>-. and the degree of prosperity to which he has attamed, furnish a noteworthy example of the unfailing reward of persistent energy and perseverence. Mr. Harff has been identified with the growth and developement of the town, and was one of its supervisors for several years. The first settlers in the south part of the town were E. O. Newton, Thomas Holmes, J. M. Burt, Robert Kemiedy, Samuel Allen, Matthew anil Albert Taisey-aiul Messrs. IJucklin and Chase, all of whom settled in or near the south-west part of the town, earlj in 1855. Mr. Newton came fiom Massachusetts, sl()i)piMg a short time at Chaska, from which point he came to Greenwood tlie last of March, with an ox team and an old-fashioned wood-shod sled. In Febrnan- previous, he had visited the locality and selected his claim, as had also the others named. He wearied of fi'ontier life after about a year's experience, and returned 81: HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. to liis former home iii the old Bay State. Those from Shakopee arrived in Ma\ . 18.55, and tlienext montli the town was suhdivided uito sections, by govenmient suney. Othere who came hi May were James D. Yoiuiil. "WiUiam C. Gould and John B. Edgar, the former bringing the tirst wag- on to this part of the eounti-y. In September of tliis year, John F. Powers and A. AV. Dorman settled in the south-west part of the town, near the Crow river. Other settlers of I800 were Robert Gustine. A. S. Lindsay, Hemy Greeling and Au- gust Kiihnn. Among those who came soon after, were George F. Ames. Thomas R. Briggs. An- drew Thompson and his widowed sister. ^SIi-s. Ann Cunningham, Chi-istian Sipe, Carl Hafften, Benja- min La\M"ence, Martin Conzet, "W. ^y. Hall, Adam Hohensteui, Albert Roberts. ^\. P. C. Hawk, L. Allai-s, Nathaniel Moore and John O'Mera, some of whom figure conspicuously in the histori- of the town and deserve even more than the further men- tion yet in reseiTe ui these pages. Before entering into fiuther personal detail, however, it isnecessai'y to devote some space to the rise and fall of the ephemeral " city,"" which now exists only in tradi- tion. In the early winter of 1856-7, the few \\ho came from Shakopee surveyed and platted about 2(tO acres on the south bank of Crow river, wliicli was duly recorded as tlie •■ City of Greenwood."" and in token of tlie sincerity of their intentions, those residing within the corporate limits, proceed- ed to tlie election of the following officers : flavor. Matthew Taisey; Councilmen, Samuel Allen. Robert Gustme, John F. Powers; Recorder. A. S. Lindsay; Marshal, James D. Yomig. The tirst habitable house on the town site was built by Matthew and Albert Taisey m 1855. The next year J. il. Burt opened a general store, in which a thriving business was carried on for some time. After about a year he sold to Albert Taisey, and he to Thos. R. Briggs, who closed out the stock in the fall of 1858. In the winter of 1856-7 large quantities of logs were hauled to the site of a contemplated saw- mill, on the bank of the Crow river. The mill was never built, however, and the logs were re- moved and used for other purposes, or perished from age and exposure. In 1857, a mill was built on the north side of the Crow river, opposite Greenwood, to which fact was due the failure of the project just noted. A town site was also platted, l)ut never recorded, and the subsequent k)cation of the village of Rockford, effectually strangled this projected bor- ough. Of couree Greenwood needed a hotel, and so a commodious edifice was erected by Matthew and Albert Taisey, and given the euphonious title. "Beaver House."" In 1862, when the Indian "scare" was at its height, the settlers converted this into a fortress, and for their lietter protection in case of an attack, tamarac poles were brought, and a stockade built, inclosing outbuildings and stable, and allowing space for teams and stock. Several families from AVright cotuity nestled under the protecting wings of this fort, in addi- tion to those of Greenwood, and occasional de- tachments of cavalry from Fort Snelling halted here while scorning the coimtiy for traces or tid- ings of the enemy, ilany of the first historic events of the town occurred within tlie limits of the city. In the spruig of IS06, the first school was taught in a small building erected by a :Mr. Peas- ley, as a residence, and jestingly called ■■Peasley"s Hall."" The estimable lady to whom is due the credit of first dkecting the youthful muids of this infant community, was ^liss Ruth A. Powers, daughter of Jt)hn F. Powers, and now Mrs. Jas. D. Yoimg, of Delano. AVright county. The next to preside over this earh band of students, was Miss ilary Ball, daughter of Mrs. A. ^y. Dorman, by a former husband. In the fall of 1856, occurred the first death, and the first grave made by white men was opened to receive the remains of an infant daughter of Mr. and !Mrs. Samuel Allen. The little one's name was Jennie. The firet preaching m town was in the whiter of 1856-7, by Rev. Charles Galpm, of Excelsior, at the residence of Jolm F. Powers. The same win- ter. Rev. Mr. Camp, an invalid spending the win- ter at Excelsior, held religious senices at the home of ^Ir. Powers, on se\eral occasions. Ill 1857, the census showed the population of the city as seventy-six. In this year occurred the first marriage. James D. Young and Miss Ruth A. Powers, the marriage dating September 17th, 1857. They are now liv- ing in Delano, and their eldest daughter. ;Miss Katie, is remembered as the first white child born in Greenwood, herbirth occurring June 15th. 1860. QBEENWOOD—THE OLD SETTLERS. 313 About 1857, lifter considerable effort on the part of the citizens, a post-office was established at Greenwood, and Albert Taisey appointed post- master. Soon after, it passed into the hands of ^Ir. Powers, who retained it until his removal from Greenwot)d. in 1868, when he left it with his deputy, Mrs. Taisey. She had charge initil 18(59, when it was discontinued. In 1857 a society known as the Independent Order Jfobilium Fratrum, was organized in Greenwood, and reached a large membership in a short time. It was a select organization, its prin- cipal tenets being fraternal fellowship, and the promotion of literature and music. A lyeeum was started abotit tlie same time. and was well sustained for a season. In 18oH both it and the I. O. X. F. withered and died from lack of vital force. The village of Kockford was founded about 1857, and proved a fatal drain upon the young city, whose auspicious opening bore iimmise of a better fortune. Thus, one by one its roses faded, until the lo- cation of the Saint Paul and Pacific Eailroad, at some distance south of the town, gave the last fatal blow, aud the " City of Greenwood" was nund)ered with the things that were. Some recompense for this loss, however, is found in the establishment of Rockford, a thriv- ing village situated on the oi)posite side of the river, about a mile below the old site of (ireeu- Wdod. whicli not only affords a trading point, liut lias good llotn- and lumber mills, and on llie (ireenwood side, a hue woolen factory, which is yearly gaining in pulilic favoi'. TIIK OLD SETTLEKS. Some further recognition is due the pioneer set- tlers of Greenwood, and a brief record of their fortiuies can not fail to interest the general reader. Thomas Holmes was a man of unusual energy aud activity. He was one of the founders of Janesville, Wisconsin, and later of Shakopee. this state. He also ligured (|uite iimmiueutly iu the early develoiunent of the cities of Milwaukee and Cliicago. lie made several trips to Montana, as guide to emigrant companies. He is now liv- ing in northern (-ieorgia. John M. Burt is now a resident of Chemung county. New York. He visited this section about three years ago, and could but marvel at the changes time had wnniglit during his absence. Samuel Allen is now a resident of Howard Lake. Wright county. Kennedy, Buckliii and Chase never became residents here, although largely interested iu tlie town site. Mathew Tai- sey is now in Missouri, whither he removed sev- eral years suice. Alljert Taisey removed to Lake City, and has distuignished himself as a promi- nent organizer of societies of the Labor League throughout the state, notably so during the year 1 880. A brother of Albert (Milton Nobles Taisey) is well remembered Ijy the old settlers of Green- wood, as an active yomig man, with more appar- ent relish for the city than the forest. His dra- matic talent led him to seek a place behind tlie footliglits. and for that puiiiose he left the rural Ixime. and for a lime was lost to his former friends aud associates: but a few years ago lie appeared as tlie manager of a theatrical troupe, under the name of Milton Nobles, having dropped the family name, Taisey. John B. Edgar dieil on his farm east of the old town site about eight years ago. Greo. F. Ames made a claim opposite the pres- ent \illage of Kockford in the fall of 1855, and moved his family here early the following year. The first year ov two lie lived on tlie Rockford side, but afterward liuilt a house on the Green- wood side, where he lived, leading an active life until his death in the fall of 1878. It was his cajiital and energy that built and put iu operation the Kockford Mills, to which the place is largely indebted for its present growth and prosperity. He also built the first carding-mill, which has since developed into tlie present Rock- ford Woolen Mills. He first built a small shop for general work, and put iu machinery for turn- ing broom-handles and other light articles. To this he soon addeda carding-machine, from which small beginning the factory has grown. Mrs. Ames still occupies the old homestead, from which pleasant location can be seen the monu- ments of her deceased partner's industry and en- terprise. John F. Powers remained at Greenwood iiiifil ISHS, when he removed to Delano. Wright county, at the time the railroad reached that place, and opened the first hotel at that station. The build- ing was moved from Greenwood, and did ser\ice 314 mSTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. at its new location until supplanted by one of more generous proiwrtions. Mr. Powers is still a resilient of Delano, tliough not actively engaged in business. Jas. D. Yoimg. removed to :Minneapolis in ]8o7, remaining something more than a year-, during which time he was largely engaged in suneyiug and platting in tlie city, west of the river. In 1858 he retmned to Greenwood, and in 1862. purcha.sed a farm south of the town site, upon wliich he resided until 1871, when he re- moved to Delano, and rented the hotel of John F. Powers. lie afterward purchased the building, and in 1879. built in its stead the tine hotel he now occupies. Wm. C. Gould has remained hi the town since his tiret coming, except a short residence in Kock- ford. during the war. He is now located on a farm on section 28. west of Rockford. L. Allais re- moved to Rockford some years since, and in 1876 built and opened the Centennial Hotel, which he still occupies. Thos. R. Briggs removed to "Wright coimty, and is now a prominent lawyer at Howard Lake. Andrew Thompson, still owns a fine, well cultivated farm on section 28, east of Rockford, but has removed with his family to the west part of the State, where he and his sons have seemed quite a large tract of land, which they are fast developing mto a fine gi-ain and stock farm. Christian Sipe is stiU a resident of the town, and in the enjoyment of the comforts secm-ed by his early effort and enteiiirise. AV. ^y. Hall is pleasantly located on the north shore of Lake Sarah, section 34. He has been an active member of the community, and always in- terested in matters pertaining to the welfare of the town. Martin Conzet has also been one of the active citizens of the to\vn, and is now pleasantly located near the south line of section 33. W. P. C. Hawk removed several years ago to AVright count>". and is now a farmer near "Wil- mar. Kandiyohi county. Adam Hohenstein located on section 11, where he now resides upon his original claim, which his industry has developed into one of the best farms in the town. Nathaniel Moore first located near the present \-illage of Cokato, hi Wright county, and the ti-act since known as Moore's Prairie, stiU senses to per- petuate the remembrance of this sturdy pioneer, and lionored citizen. Two of liis sons, A. P. and Henry, are still residents of "Wright coimty, and among its most prominent citizens. Their father removed to Greenwood at an early date, and set- tled on section 27, where he died several years since. His widow still occupies the old home- stead. Mi-s. Anil Cuimingham stiU occupies the old place on section 28. and her declining years are rendered pleasant by the faithful care and solici- tude of her son, John Cunningham, who also ranks among the early settlere, and has, for seve- ral yeai's past, held the office of town clerk. Henn- Greeluig, on section 10, is among the earliest settlers, and has always been active in ad- vancmg the general interests of the community, and holds a prominent place in the Gennan ele- ment of the town. Carl Haflten settled on section 23, near the lake which bears liis name. Adjoining his farm is that of Clulstian Scheudel, whose land also borders upon a lake bearing his name, and connected with Haff- ten Lake by small stream of about eighty rods lengtli. Benjamin Lawrence settled ou section 34. and has since opened up ttoee other fanns. finally set- tUng upon his present place, on section 28. Few, if any, of the early settlers can recall more bard- ships or privations endured than his record shows, among which was the total loss of his household goods, provisions, etc.. by fire, which destroyed his bouse whUe the family were absent from home. John O'Mera came here early in 1858. first rent- ing a farm for one year, then purchasing his pres- ent farm, on section 28. He has held the office of Supervisor for two years. Town clerk fifteen years, and Clerk of his school district for eighteen yeai's. His farm is one of the best in the comity. and he is fast gaining prominence as a successfiU stock grower, to wliich his principal attention is now given. A. B. Dorniau is comfortably located on section 31, the only remainmg one of the original settlers on the old towii site of the defiuict city of Green- wood, and the ground once designed for a busy mait is tiuiied by his plow-share, in the cultiva- tion of his farm, of which it foims a part. About one-half the original plat is included in his farm; the balance is owned by other parties. Mr. Dor- GREENWOOD— ORGANIZATION— CHUBCHE8, ETC. 315 man has been almost constantly in the service of the town in some official capacity, serving as super- visor for several years, and Jnstice of the Peace for the past twenty years, besides his official con- nection with tlie public schools. In lS40,he mar- ried Mrs. Susan C. Northup, who lias borne him three children : Homer "W., Harriet E., and Willie N. Of these, Harriet E. married O. C. Willcutt, and, in 1870, died. Homer is now on the farm with his father, as is also Willie, who is mamed. Mr. Dorman is now seventy years old, but in the full possession of his faculties, and as genial a companion as in the earlier days of his man- hood. A. J. Robeils settled his family liere as early as 1857, but did not settle down to farming, himself, until about 1864, being engaged in trapping and tradbig previous to that date. Albert Roberts, his son, settled here in 1866, and soon became one of the prominent public men of the town. He has twice been elected chairman of the town board, eight times elected assessor, and was the census enumerator for his town in the years 187.5 and 1880. In the fall of 1880. he was elected as representative of liis district to the state legisla- ture, on the Kepublican ticket. TOAVN ORGANIZATION. Like most of tlie towns throughout tlie count) . Greenwood hastened to embrace the privilege af- forded by the admission of the state, and a legal organization was effected at a meeting held on the nth of May, 1858, at whicli the following officers were elected: SupeiTisors. J. R. Ames, chahinan, H. G. Fen-ell, William C. Hawk ; Clerk, Thomas R. Briggs; Assessor, Benjamin Lawrence; Col- lector, R. W. Currier ; Justices, D. R. Farnham and Clinton Howe ; Constables, John O'Mera and Volney S. Britt ; Overseer of Poor, Andrew Thompson. Tlie town expenses for the first year were $115. Several of the above list of officers are now residents of Wright county, a few only remaining in Greenwood. CHTJRCHE.S. Tlie American element of (iieeiiwood mainly find church affiUiation at Rockford. Tlie Ger- man element is aliout equally divided between the Lutheran, and Methodist churches, and both have erected houses of worship. CHURCH BUILDINGS. The German Methodist society have a comfort- able building on section 12, erected about eight years since. The society is quite numerous, and weekly service is maintained in their church. The Lutheran church, on section 11, was built four jears ago. It is a commodious wood struct- ure, and furnishes ample room for tlie congi-ega- tion wliich assembles for seiTice each Sabbath. A parsonage has been erected near the church, on the opposite side of tlie road, and on the north is the cemetery, estaijlished about tlie time the society was organized. SCHOOLS. From the little baud of juveniles who formed the first school, in 1856. the mcreased population now supports four entire school districts, and sliares jointly with two others located mainly in lnde|)endence. District No. 76 has a good school building on section 28; District No. 77, on section 25; District No. 75, on section 14; and District No. 74, on section 12. STATISTICAL. Greenwood has an area of 13,460 acres, the assessed valuation of which is ?157,947. Its per- sonal propeity is assessed at $20,088, and its taxes for ISSO were SI .9-56, all showing a healthy de- velopment since its first settlement in the not distant past. OFKICI.iL ROSTEIi. The oflicers elected for 1880 were: Supervisors. George W. SlieUey, chairman, John Jacobs and Matliias Ilaiff; Clerk, John Cunningham; Asses- sor, A. Roberts; Justices, A. ^V. Dorman and Ephriam Sipe; Constables, George Shelley and Geo. Ilohenstein. BIOGRAPHICAL. JSlartin Conzet, a native of Switzerland, was l)orn in the year 1829, and emigiated to America in 1847. He worked at the carpenter's trade in Dubuque, Iowa, six years, removed to St. An- tliony in 1S.53, and worked at carpentery and cab- inet-making until 1856, when he kept a boarding house. Tlie same year he made a claim, where he now lives. He was elected constable at St. An- thony in 18.55, and lield the office two years; has lield the office of town assessor ten years. At tlie ^Vright comity fair, the family made fort\- 31$ HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. tteee enti-ies and received eleven premiums. He was married in 1852, to Elizabeth Beaiu-hlein. Tliey liave seven ehiUlren. \V. W. Hall was born in Quebec Canada, in ISoii : moved to Minnesota in ISoo. and settled on a farm in Independence : sold it in 1866, iuid bought the one he now occupies. During the Indian troubles he moved to Rockford and worked on the stockade, which was built for pro- tection of tlie settlei-s. He assisted in organizing the town of Independence, and held the oliice of supervisor for two yeare, and one year in (Jreen- wood. He is now manufacturing amber cane s\Tup. Married in 18o4. to Harriet Bisho]>. Tliey liave nine children. Adam Hohenstein was l)orn in (.Jerniaux . in 1 832. and emigrated to America m 1850. He was en- gaged three yeai's in the baker's trade, in Xew York; worked at farming in McIIemy county, Illinois, three years : then nio\ed to Miimesota in 1856, and located on his i)resent farm. He has been town supervisor eleven yeai's, town clerk seven yeai's. and treasurer two > eai's. He was drafted in 1864. and ordered to l'ompaii> A. Third ilinnesota : was mustered out in IStio. lie was married in 1858, to Caroline Glaser. They have seven children living. tJeorge Hohenstein was born in (■ierniau). in 1848, and came with his parents to this counti'y four years hiter. The> remained in Xew York until 1854. w ben tliey removed to Illinois, and in 1861 came to Minnesota, and located on their present farm. He was married in 1M78. to Miss Louisa Bechtle. of Germany. They have foiu' children : Ida.' Martha. Lotiisa and Christian. Mr. Hohenstein has held the olHce of constable for eight yeai's. Carl Ilafften was born in tTermany in 1.S28. His father died in 1849. and in 1852. Carl went with his mother to Canada. In 1857. they moved to Minnesota, and settled in Green-nood. where he has since lived. He has a fine farm located near lakes Ilafften and Scheudel. He has l)een engaged, for tlie past ti\e seasons, in the manufacture t)f Amlier Cane Syrap, turning out from eight him- dred to one thousand gallons per year. In 1852. he married Maria Holt/, of Germany. They have had sixteen chiklien. Those li\-ing are : Charles. August, John. William. Louis. Albert. Rol)ert. Emma. Frederick, ilatilda. Ilenrv and Mary. John Jacobs, one of the earlv settlers of this county, is a native of Wales, born in 1835. He emigrated to the Ignited States, -with his parents. in 1843. and located in Oneida county. Xew York, where his father died. He removed to Wisconsin in 1851, and engaged in lumbering until 1858, when he removed to Minnea]K>lis. Minnesota. He enUsted in Coinp. B. 6th Begt. Inf.. and served against the Indians until 1864, when he went South, where he was taken sick, and mustered out. He was married in 1864. to iliss Matilda iMcKinley of Wright county. They have had four children, three of whom are living: William, Xettie and Belle. Lizzie B. died. Mr. Jacobs has held the office of town supervisor, two years. John 0"^lera was born in Vermont, in 1828. He moved to Mimiesota in 1857, stopped in Minne- apolis one \ ear. and locating on his jiresent farm in 185!1, turned his attention to stock raising, to some extent. He has been town supervisor two years; Clerk fifteen > eai's. and school clerk eigh- teen years. In 18-55 he married Miss F. M. Emory. They have seven children. Albert Boberts, a native of Maine, was born in 1844. lie enlisted in 1862. hi Company C. twen- tieth Elaine Regmieiit, was in the battles of White Mountain. Antietam. Frederickslnirg, Get- tysburg and Cold Harbor. At the latter place he received a gun shot wimnd in the face, carrying the ball for nearly two months before it could be exti'acted. He gi'aduated at Eastman's Commercial College, Poughkeepsie. Xew York, in 1866. Mo\ed to Miimesota and settled on his present lo- cation. He has been chairman of tne Board of Supervisors two years, assessor eight > eare. and was enumerator in 1875 and 1880. He maiTied in 1868, Isabella M. McKimllx . Tliey have four chilth-en living. Ephriaui Sipe was born in Pennsylvania, in 1848. He moved to Minnesota in 1857, and re- mained with his parents until 1880, when he lo- cated on his present farm. He has held the of- fices of towii supervisor one year, school direc- tor live > eai's, and is Justice of the Peace at the present time. His school advantages were limited to a period of fifteen months, but by close application he has gained knowledge sufficient to fiU the different offices with credit. In 1880 he married ^Margaret Husted. of Corcoran, who was born April 2;ith, 1863. COBCOBAN- FIRST SETTLEMENT. 317 CORCORAN. CHAPTEIl LI. OENEEAL DESCRIPTION — FIKST SETTLKJIEN'J — EARLY EVENTS— ORGANIZATION— CHURCHES SCHOOL POST-OFFICES STORES OFFI- CIAL ROSTER — STATISTICS— BIOGRAPHICAL. Tlie township of Corcoran is located in tlie nortli-western part of Hennepin county, and is )«iiui(leresided over it himself, cultivating the young minds commit- ted to his care, more carefully, tluin he did the soil on his chosen and loved homestead. He con- tinued it for three months. This was the tirst school taught in the town. His organizing genius has made itself felt throughout all the multifa- rious affairs of the town. His acknowledged abilities have been recognized bv tlic citizens, who have expressed it. by electing him supervisor for twelve years, and so evenly does he hold the scales of Justice, that he has been called to hold them for fourteen years, making decisions that would honor the Ermine of the higher courts, for all law is based on common sense, which desira- ble (|uality he possesses in an eminent degree. His next enterprise was a store, which he started in a log house with thatched roof, and located on the west side of his farm. The busmess in- creased so rapidly that he was obliged to build a larger one \\\t\\ a sliiuged roof. He located it on the east side of his farm, and in a few years was oVdiged to build a still larger one. It is 30x40 feet, two-stories, making a hall of the upjier story which is used for town meetings, pnlilic enter- tamments, etc. He was the first postmaster in the town, which office he still holds. Tlie settlers with Patrick B. Corcoran were 318 HISTOHY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. William Corcoran, who setttled on section twen- ty-three. Joseph Dejardins. who settled on section nint«en, which he afterwards sokl, and now lives on section twenty-six. Two brothers named Pounder, and a Mr. Isaac Bartlett, John McDoimell. Francis iMorin. Frederick Kein- king and Fred Sclmette, all taking claims in 1855. They were followed in 1856, by Joseph Dupont, who settled on section 19, Hugh Keran, who settled on section 26. and Joseph Moriu, who settled on section 27. Peter Wemand came m the spring of 1856, and settled on section 17. Mr. Weinaud is one of the prominent men of the town, whose wise coimsels have contributed largely to its growth and prosperity. His ripe expe- rience and liberal muid. has entitled him to the confidence, not only of Ms fellow countiTmen, but of all the citizens of the town where he has resided since its earliest settlement. In short, he s one of the "Solons" of the town and represent- ative district, in which he Uves; having tilled every office of honor and trust. He was twee elected to the state legislatiu-e from liis dis- trict. Mr. John Kleresy came in 1855, and settled on section 7, now living on section 2. He is the peer of Mr. Weinand. having filled the various offices in the town, and for several yeare was chairman of the board of supei-visors. He is full of puVilic spiiit. and a leader in everytliing tending to the growth of the town. He. as one of the supervisoi's, with P. B. Corcoran, as chau-- man of the board, laid out the first road in the town — the ilinneapolis and Monticello state road. in 1858. Others came about this time, among them Matthew AVeinand, Martin Dellis, Michael Weir and Joseph May, all relatives excepting Weir, and all settled in tlie north-west part of the towrn. Old ^Ir. and Mrs. Weinand are still living, also old ilr. and Mrs. ilay. parents of Joseph Ma\. Martin Dellis is still living on his original claim. William Corcoran and Patrick Bm-ke came in July. ISoo. and both are no\\' living on the claims first made. Several others came that year, but went away mid subsequently retiuTied. The first French .settlers in 1855 were Michael Patnode and his son Peter, Stephen and George Aicham- beau, Michael and Peter Raymond, Joseph Du- pont, Joseph Scott, and other's ; all settling in the south part of the town. Mr. Patnode died in 1861. and his wife, four or five years later. Peter is now living on section 22. Stephen and George Archambeau moved to Faribault two yeai-s after making their claim. Michael and Peter Raymond live on their origmal claim, on section 20. Joseph Dupont li^■es ou his first claim, on section 19 ; has been postmaster smce July 4th, 1875. The post- office, called •■ Dupont," taking its name fi-om the present official, who is a highly esteemed citizen of the toviii. Joseph Scott died on his claim, in section 29, and the farm is now owned by Ids son, D. Scott. The same year. Frank Gagne settled on section 27. He was one of tha earliest settlers on the resenation near Mimie- apolis, a little southeast of the present site. He had some trouble over a contested claim there, finally sold it and came here with his brother, Joseph, who settled on section 27. and is still living here. EARLY EVENTS. Benjamin Pomider built he first house m the town, in 1855, on section 25, near the towii line, and occupied it about two years, when Robert Ad- cock occupied it imtil he could build on his own claim ; then Thomas Adcock's widow occupied it until 1370. The old hotise is still standing, as a landmark, though in a dilapidated condition. Its builder died October IStb, 1875. Resolutions of respect and regret at his loss were adopted at a meetuig held at the district school-house, De- cember 11th, 1875, which were published in the AVeekly Tribmie and Farmere" Union. He had been clerk of the district from its firet org-aniza- tion, m 1858. Was univer.s;illy respected by the commiuiity in which he lived. His w idow. Eliz- abeth Poimder. still lives on the old homestead. The first blacksmith shop was bxult by Louis Berthaume, ou section 21, about nmeteen years ago. He operated it eight years, and then moved to Osseo. The second one was built by P. B. Cor- conm, on section 23, a little west of his present resideuce,and operated mitil he built a new one just east of his house, employing workmen up to the time he le^ised it to Xelson Deroche, who is now operating it, and doing good work. The fii-st birth was James J. Corcoran, son of AVilliam Corcoran, born Febniary 22d, 1856. He now livuig in Austin, Mimiesota. The first maniage was that of John McDonald to Sarah Crawford, in 1857. COBCORAN— CHURCHES— SCHOOLS. 319 The first deatli was Nicholas O'Brien, ui 1858, who died at the lioiise of his daughter, Mrs. Fox, in tlie north part of tlie town, aged eiglity-tive years. The first seliool in tlie town was taught by P. B. Corcoran, in a log house erected on his own land, in 1857. ORGANIZATION. The town was organized at a meeting held at the house of P. B. Corcoran, May llth, 1858, when Israel Dorman was made temjiorary Chair- man, John Molan, Moderator, and Pat Braw temporary Clerk. Officers elected were: Super- visors, Israel Dorman, Chairman, P. B. Corcoran, John P. Kleresy; Town Clerk, Pat Braw; Assess- or, Thomas Riley; Collector, Michael Patnode; Overseer of the Poor, Francis Garnieeii; Justices of the Peace, Israel Dorman and Peter Patnode; Constables, J. Burret and John Coon. At this meeting, the town was named Corcoran, in honor of P. B. Corcoran, its founder. CHURCHES. Catholic church, located on section two. on the north Une, was organized in 1856, and is the old- est church in the town. Services are occasionally held m it. Also have a cemetery in counection with the church. Saint Thomas Catholic Church is located on section 15, and was organized in ISotj. It was started by the Irish memliers from the first men- tioned church, and assisted by the Germans. F.irst officiating priest, Father Jennis, who started with about thirty famiUes. It has continued to grow in numbers, until it now has about fort\- ttve families with Father Hays as priest. Saint John's French Catholic Church was es- tablished in 1873, by the French element from Samt Thomas Church. The first priest was Father Ladriere; present priest, Father Boucher. Tliis church has about forty families, who attend its meetings. German Evangelical Association. This church is located on the north-east corner of section 12, and eml)raees twents' or thii-ty families from Cor- coran and Maple (irove. The Lutheran Church is located on section 13, and was erected about fifteen years ago, now has a large congi-egation. There is a school held in the church for the study of the German language, about six months hi the year, attended by pupils from Corcoran and Maple Grove. SCHOOLS. The first school in the town was taught by P. B. Corcoran, in a log house 12x16, in the winter of 1857, with about sixteen scholars. This build- ing was used for about four years, when the pres- ent building was erected in district No. 65. School disti-ict No. 64, house located on section 29. School district No. 107, house located on section 7. Jomt school district No. 67, house located on section 4. School district No. 66, house located on section 10. There are besides, four joint districts with other towiis. POST-OFFICES. The first post-nfiice was established on section 23, P. B. Corcoran postmaster. He has held the office since it was first established, with weekly mail route from Osseo to Rockford, on Saturda>-. Dupont post-office, on section 19, was established in 1875. Joseph Dupont, postmaster, has held the office since its estaljlishment. STORES. P. B. Corcoran established a store on the south- east part of section 23, m 1863, and now has the largest stock of general merchandise in the town. Mr. E. Iluot established one on section 21, four years ago, with a fair stock of goods. OFFICIAL ROSTER. At a town meetuig held in April, 1880, the fol- lowing officers were elected : Supen'isors, Thomas Corcoran, chairman. Octave Dupere, Joseph Pot- vin ; Town Clerk, Peter Patnode ; Assessor, •lohn Molan ; Treasurer, John McDonald ; Jus- tices, Peter 'Weinand and James Corcoran ; Con- stables, John Gaurs and Octave Dupere. STATISTICS. Whole number of acres, 22,948 ; valuation of land, S271,722; valuation of personal iiropert\. S4S,SH3. Taxes for 1880, §2,614. The population of the township is, by the last census, 1,078. There were, according to report for 1880, horses over two yearsold, 404 ; cattle over two years old, 658 ; number of sheep, 625 ; number of hogs, 571 ; acres sown to wheat, 3,300. BIOGRAPHICAL. Robert Adcock, a native of Norfolk, England, was born in 1827. He emigrated to America in 1849, and li\ed in Boston, Massachusetts, six 320 HISTORY OF HEN SEP ly COUNTY. yeai-s: lie moved to Minnesota in 185o. made one of tlie lii'st claims in Corroian. and is now the oldest living settler in the town. In IHoo lie was mar- ried to Maif;aiet Bulk. They have six childi-en: Thomas F.. Mary E.. {Jeoiire W..John. Ruth M. and James. Octave Boucher was born hi Quebec, Canada, m 1.s4l'. He lived there until twelve year's of age. In 18.5li he came to Muinesota with his parents, who took a claim ui Plymouth. He enlisted in 1863, in Hatch s Battallion. Company B". :Minne- sota Volnnteei>!. and went north during the In- dian outbreak. sta\ ed three years, and was dis- charged at Fort Snellmg in 1866. He bought the farm, in 1867. wliere he now lives. The same year he married Delaiiia Greenwood, by whom he has had five children. , Patrick B. Corcoran, is a native of Ireland, where he was bom ui 1825. During the Irish fam- ine he occupied the position of Government re- lief officer. In 1847 he emigrated to America ; went to Maine and stayed about two years. In 184i) he went to New York, where, for live years he was engaged as sawyer in a lumber mill; while there, he lost his right hand. In 1855 he came to Minnesota. and after prospecting for a time, located where he now lives. He was one of the tli-st settlers in this town, which was named for him. In 1863 he started a store, and has been IKist master suice that time. He built a new store in 1867, to accommodate his increasuig bnsiness. :Mr. Corcoran has tilled the offices of Justice of the Peace for fourteen years, and Town Supervisor t\\ ehe years : he also organized and taught the first school in the town. Married in 1851, Anna Freehan. They have eight chil- dren. AVilliam Corcoran, a native of Cork count\. Ireland, was bom in 1821. In 1847 he came to America, landed ui Boston, Massachnsetts, and lived there two \ears ; moved to Bntl'alo. Xew York, and stayed one year, then moved to Min- nesota in 1855, and located in Corcoran, where he now lives. He has lilled all offices of trust ui the town. In 1854 he was married to Catherine Craw- ford, by whom he has had live diildieu, four are now living. In 1863 Mi's. Corcoran died, and in 1 866 he married Mary Burke. Dennis Daniel was born in Montreal, Can- ada, in 1825. In 1842 he moved t« Vermont where he worked ten yeare at farming. In 1852 he went to Canada again and stayed one year. Came to Mimiesota in 1853, and worked on the river at Stillwater three yeaK, then went to Ar- kansas, and was engaged in lumbering three yeai's. He moved to Bt. Paul and stayed from 1859 to 1866, when he came to Corcoran and Iwught the farm on which he now lives. He was mamed in 1854. to Mrs. Mar\ Hennesee. wlio had three children. Joseph Degardins was born in Quebec in 1835. where he lived for se\ enteen years, when he went to Bangor. Maine, and worked at liuuberhig two year's. In 1854 he moved to Minnesota and worked in the woods until the spring of 18-55, when he came to Corcoran and made a claim in section 19 ; sold part of it and made another ou section 26. where he now lives. He enlisted in a Minnesota regiment in 1862, and served three yeai's against the Indians, was ilischarged at Fort Snelling. July 1861, he was mamed to Miss T. Scott. They are the parents of si.x ehUilren. Moses Dufour was l)oiii in Quebec. Canada, in 1832, and lived there eighteen yeai's. In 1851 he went to Mauie and worked at lumbering live > ear's, to St. Anthony in 1856. went ni> the river and worked in the pineries live years, after which he spent seven yeai's among the Chippewa Indi- ans as intei'iM'eter for traders. In 1870 he bought tlie farm where he now lives, ilanied Rosette Lasart, by whom he has had five children. Joseph Diipont, a native of Montreal, Canada.' was bom in 1831. He lived there seventeen yeai's, when he moved to 'N'ermont and stayed eight years. In 1856 he came to Minnesota, and made a claim in Corcoran, where he has since resided. He was married in 1859. to Angelina Fortin. They have six children now living. In 1863. Mr. and Mi's. Dnix)nt visited their nati\e home, remaining aliout ten months. Hugh Keran, born in Irelaml in 1818, came to America in 1849, landed in New York and stayed there luitil 1850, when he went to Buffalo. In 1856 he moved to Minnesota, and bought the farm he now lives on. He nianied. in 1 862. Mar- garet Branagau, by whom he has had two chil- dren. John McDonnell is a native of M'aterford comity, Ireland, where he was born in 1835. He emigi'ated to America in 1852. and settled in COBCORAN— BIOGRAPHICAL. 321 Orange comity, New York ; remained there two years, then went to Wisconsin and lived one >ear; from there lie eanie to Minnesota and made a claim in Corcoran, in 185.5. He lived in Minneapolis in 1856. and in 1857 went to his claim, where he has since resided. He held the office of town supervisor one year, and town treasurer seven years. He married, in 1856, Sarah Crawford, by whom he has had ten children. Francis Morin w'as born in Quebec, in 1826, and lived there twenty years. He moved to Lake Superior in 1846, worked in the copper and iron mines for three years, and then returned to Que- bec. In 1851 he moved to St. Anthony and stayed four years, when he came to Corcoran and has since resided here. He was married in 1863 to Alice O'Hearn. He is the father of seven chil- dren. Joseph Morin was bom in Montreal, in 1810. He lived there thirty years ; went to Michigan in 1840, stayed about one year, then worked four years at Lake Superior as ship-wright. Married, in 1844, Lissette Landeau. In 1845 he started for Minnesota with a birch bark canoe ; and accompanied by his wife, followed the Black river fifteen days, then they packed their few things and he carried tlie canoe, on foot, to the St. Croix river, whicli they reached in one day ; they followed it to the Mississippi, thence to St. Paul, where they remained eleven years. Moved to Corcoran in 1856, and have since resided here. They have nine children. David Noonan, a native of Ireland, was born in 1820. He lived there thirty years, and came to America in 1850. He went to Philadelphia, where he remained six years, then removed to Iowa for one year, and in 1857 came to Corcoran, where he has since resided. Manied, in 1863, Margaret Hayes. They have one daughter. Jacob Oswald was born in Pennsylvania, Octo- ber 18-50. He lived there six years, and in 1856, moved to Minnesota with his parents, with whom he lived until seventeen years of age, when his father bought a farm for him and his brother. In 1873 he bought the farm he now lives on. He married in 1873, Caroline Kothrada, by whom he has four children. Christian Ranking was born in Prussia, in 1835. He lived there twenty-four years ; moved to Ame- rica in 1859, and settled in Corcoran, where he 21 now resides. He was drafted in 1865, into the Second Minnesota Regiment, and was discharged at Washington, at the close of the war. In 1860 he married Katrine Heagleman. They have ten children living. Frederich Reinking, a native of Prussia, was born in 1827. He emigrated to America in 1847: stopped in Baltimore five months, then went to Pittsburg and remained seven years, working on a steamboat. In 1855 he moved to St. Paul, thence to Corcoran where he has since lived. His wife was Charlotte Schafer; by her, he has had eleven children, eight of whom are now living. Fred. Schuette was born in Hanover, in 1826. where he lived twenty-one years. He came to America in 1854, resided in Pittsburg eleven months and moved to ilimiesota in 1855; stoi)ped a short time in St. Paul, then came to Corcoran, which has since been his home. In 1863 he joined the Third Minnesota Regiment, went south with it and was gone sixteen months. He married Minnie Schomaker in 1852,by whom he has one son. F. W. Webb was born in England, in 184S). and lived there twenty-one years. He emigrated to America in 1870, and settled in Corcoran where he has since resided. He has built a substantial farm-house valued at $1,000. In the fall of 1872 he returned to England, and married Elizabeth Barrows; he returned the following spring with his wife to his home in Corcoran. They are the parents of two children. Peter Weinand, a native of Germany, was born ui 1838. He emigrated to America in 1852, and settled in Wisconsin; removed to Minnesota in 1856, and in 1858 bought the farm in Corcoran on which he has since lived. In 1877, he was elected representative from the twenty-seventh district, and has held every position of trust in his town. He married, in 1864, Mary Swagert, by whom he has six children. August Westphal was born in Prussia, in 1831. He was educated in his native land; graduated from the College of Bromberg, and followed school-teaching for twelve years. Enlisted in the German army in 1851, and served three years in Berlin. He emigrated to America in 1864, settled in Milwaukee and tiinght school. In 1866 he came to Minnesota, and finally settled in Corcoran. Married, in 1866, Emily Long, by whom he has had fourteen children. 322 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY MAPLE GR(3VE. CHAPTEK LII. GEXERAL DESCltlPTIOK — FIRST SETTLEJIENT — ORGANIZATION' CHrRCHES LYCEUM SCHOOLS — StAXfFACTURES — TOWN HOUSE — CE3IETERIES — ROSTER FOR 1880 — BIOGRAPHI- CAL. The town uf Maple Grove is situated in the northern central part of Hennepin county, and is bounded on the nortli hy Dayton and Champlin. east by Brooklyn and Osseo. south by Plymoutli. and west by Corcoran . Ttie surface of the town is rolling, excepting on sections 22 and 23. w here it is bluffy. When first settled, it was heavily tim- bered with a large growth of elm, oak, basswood and maple, the latter grovNlng in large quantities, scattered in such beautiful groves over the town, that it was named ^Maple Grove. The south- eastern portion of the town is covered with a low imderbrush. Bottineau Prairie, west of Osseo, includes half of section 1. all of section 12, one- quarter of section 1 1 , and half of section 13. It is bordered by a narrow belt of brush land. The remaining portion is timber and wild meadow land, with fine rich meadows borderuig on liush Creek. The soil is a black loam -with clay sub-soil, excepting on the east part of the prairie, where it is gravel. Tliere are several lakes in the town, aU well stocked with fish, except Mud Lake; among them are Eagle Lake, in the south-east comer of the town, occupying the gi-eater portion of section Sti: this is the largest lake in the town. Fish Lake is a long and somewhat irregular- shaped body, watermg portions of sections 21, 22, 27 and 28. Weaver Lake, on sections 17. is. 19 and 20, in the west part, and Rice Lake near the centre, mostly on section 16. Cedai- Island Lake on sections 26 and 27, takes its name from the three islands that it surrounds, which are cov- ered with a small gi-owth of cedar. It is also watered by Elm Creek, which rises in the north- eastern part of Plymouth, and flows north-easterly through Rice Lake : thence on in the same direc- tion, emptying into Hayden's Lake, in the towii of Dayton. Rush Creek also flows through the northern portion of the town in an easterlv direc- tion, and forms a junction with Elm Creek on section 34. in Dayton, near the northern bound- ary line of the town. FIRST .SETTLEMENT. The stillness of the forests which covered much of the territory now embraced within the limits of the towii of Maple Grove, had never been dis- turbed, except by the stealthy tread of the Indian, until Louis P. GaiTais, in 1851 , broke the silence which for ages had per%aded the wilderness. He settled on the southeast quarter of section 12, and sounded the first notes of civilization from that pomt. AVitli his family he labored, battling with the forest and wild beasts, and with the more for- midable AViimebagos, who, two years after his settlement, were removed to their reservation. About the same tune came William M. Ewiug, who helped siu-vey the town and name it. Ewing moved to Osseo, in 1857. With the retuemeut of the Indians, the prospects of the settlers bright- ened, and the face of the country was soon dotted with the betterments of a hardy class of pioneers. In ilay, 1854, came Han-ey Abel, who, followmg the course of empire, westward, marked liis claim where the Town House now stands, the first west of Bottineau Prairie. He sold his claim and made another, and. full of Yankee enterprise, sold that and made the tliird and last claim, the one on which he now lives, built his log cabin, covered it with bark, and used the same material for floor and tables, cooked for liimself, and lived alone for three years. The same year came A. O, Angell, and settled on section 10, built his cabin of rough logs and covered it w ith liark, split and laid bass- wood slabs for liis floor, and commenced house- keeping. The same year came W. E, Evans, from Chittenden countv. Vermont, and located MAPLE GBOVE— FIRST SETTLEMENT— CHUBCHES. 323 on section 4, where he now lives. He built the first log cabin on the road between Min- neapolis and Crow River. Patrick Devery also ciime in 1854, and located on section 28, where he still lives. lie built him a home, and gathered about him a small stock of cattle. He had one cow stolen and killed by the Indians, who roasted one-half of it, and took the rest away with them, on their way to the battle between the Chippewas and Sioux, at Shakopee, in 1858. Late in 1854, O. R. Champlin came and set- tled on section 16. He built his house in the woods, and in the place of bark, which was tlien much in use for covering, used wooden troughs for shingles. In 185.5, came J. H. Briggs, who settled on sec- tion 4, in the north part of the town, and built his log house; brought his provisions on his back, from Saint Antliony, a distance of sixteen miles, marked trees being his only guide. The same year came John Cook, and located on section 30. In June of the same year, Luther Iloff came and settled on section 8; he died in October 18fi4. His widow, Mrs. Minerva Hoff, is still living on the place. About the same time came Patrick Darmody and settled on section 31. in tlie soutli- west corner of the town. In the fall of the same year, came William Trott, and settled on sec- tion 10. He lived in a little shanty covered with bark, the first winter, and with the true pioneer pluck, he worked on alone, opening up his farm, until now he has all the evidences of thrift around him. In 185(5, John M. Eddy came from Addi- son county, Vermont, and settled in the north part on section 4, of tlie town, and is now an honored and respected citizen. He has filled the office of town clerk for many years, with credit to liimself and satisfaction to the town. George A. Laflin came from Chittenden county, Ver- mont, in 1856, and settled on section 10, in tlie north part of the town, and is now one of the prominent citizens of Maple Grove. From this date (1856) settlements were quite rapid, and tlie next care was the church and school, the only real foundations upon whicli a community can securely build. The first preaching in the town was at the house of P. B. Xewtou, on section 4, in 1855, by Rev. L. Atkinson, a Baptist. Later, in 1856-7, came the Rev. C. G. Ames and held servi(*s in the iioith part of the town, preaching to the Free Will Baptists for about a year. About the same time, came the Rev. Mr. White. Methodist, preaching at the house of P. B. Newton, on section 4. The first school was taught in the summer of 1858, in an old vacant dwelling house on section 4, by Delos Hawkins. The first marriage was that of J. M. Eddy to Mary E. Evans, February 24th, 1857. liy Rev. Lewis Atkinson. First birth, Persis, daughter of ^Ir. and Mrs. J. II. Briggs, in the winter of 1855-6. First deaths, Alouzo and Melissa Corey, chil- dren of James M. Corey, in the winter of 1855-6. ORGANIZATION. The first meeting for the purpose of organizing a board of town officers, was held April 11, 1858, at tlie house of Hiram Blowers. Meeting called to order and Hiram Blowers elected Moderator, and J. M. Eddy Clerk. Supervisors, A. C. Aus- tin, Jeremiah Brown, Robert ^\'oodard ; Town Clerk, J. M. Eddy; Assessor, William R. Champ- lin ; Collector, Chauncey Blowers ; Overseer of Poor, P. B. Newton ; Constables, Charles Savage and J. M. Corey ; Justices, William E. Evans and Moses Blowers. Previous to this organization a vote was taken on the "Five Million Loan," and every vote in the precinct was against it. ini'KcnKS. There are two Methodist Episcopal churches in the town, one located on section 17, and built in 1868. A class was formed aliont twenty years ago, and from it has grown the present church. Re\-. ilr. White was the first minister. The sec- ond Methodist Episcopal church is located on section 4, in the north part of the town, and is not yet completed, but in a condition to permit public worship. Both the Methodist churches are now supplied semi-monthly by the pastor from the town of Champlin. JNIaiile Grove Catholic Cliurcli is located on section 29, in the south-western part of the town near school No. 45, has been in charge of the Rev. Father, A. Ladriere for the past five years, and has a membership of over a hundred families. The Congregationalists had preaching for a few years in the school-house on section 4, by the Rev. A. K. Packard, from Anoka, but for the past seven years have had no regular preaching. 324 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. The Universalists have preaching occasionally in the scliodl-lioiise on section 1. by Revs, (iood- riclianil Ilanington. Tlieie is also an Episcopal seivice conducted semi-monthly at the same place hy the Kev. yir. Pise, of Minneapolis. .SOCIETIE.'i. T. O. (4. T. This Lodfje was organized in 186-5. They bnilt for their accounnodation .a hall over the school-house in Distiict No. 42, where regnlar meetings were held for several years, and the town rejoiced over the good work it was doing, bnt like all hnman eftVn-ts, it had the germ of decay in it, which fed npon its vitality nntil it finally became entirely extinct. MAPLE GKOVK LYCEX^M. Was organized in the winter of 1858-9, in the school-house in District 42. In connection with it, was started a paper called the '-^Slaple Grove Watchman," read each week dnruig tlie winter months. It was here the '• Conscript Fathers'' of the town, met to discuss the leading questions of the day — to measure swords in an earnest de- bate, and it is to be hoped, always rishig al)ove the debasing uifineuces of an angi-y discnssion. It grew, and flourished for a time, calling to its aid such men as W. A. Crawford. Assistant Edi- tor of the " New York Graphic,"" who gave them a lecture the first winter of its existence. The " Watchman "" chronicled the events of the town and many were the sharp "home thnists" that bristled from its columns. But its glory is past, and it, like some of its founders has gone to rest. SfHOOLS. The school system in this town is equal to any in Ileimepin county, wliich is called the banner county of the state. The first school in the town was established on section 4, ui school district No. 42, and is now a joint district. The other joint ones are No. lOl, located on section 6, and No. 46, lo- cated on section 27. The entire districts are No. 45, located on section 29, No. 44, located on sec- tion 17, and No. UIO, located on section 9. Be- sides these are joint districts Nos. 33, 43 and 45, houses located in other townships. All the school buildings in the town are nearly new and in good repair; 42 and 4ti are ftnnished with patent desks and seats. MANrFACTT'RES. A small saw-mill was built on Elm Creek, sec- tion 10, in I860, by Franklin Cook and changed to a grist mill in 1868. It now has two nm of stone, one for flour and one for feed, which is a great convenience for the immediate neiglihor- hood. There are in the town, four amber cane mills, owned and located as follows: S. S. Hawk- ins, on section 3; E. P. Woodworth, on section 3; Henry Abel on section 17. and one on section 18, owned by William and James Chapman. Each one of them has a capacity of from eight to sixteen hundred gallons aninially. TOWN HOUSE. The first building used for a town house, was purchased of Hiram Blowers and fitted up for the use of the town in 1863. It is located on sec- tion 9. It was used until the present building was erected on the site of the old one in 1877. Size. 22x32, one story high, well built and in good condition. CE3IETERIES. There are three cemeteries in the town, located as follows : One on section 4, established sixteen years ago by an association, as a general burial groi\nd ; and one on the extreme west line of sec tiou 7 ; also one on the north Ime of the same section. OFFICIAL ROSTER FOR 1880. Supervisors — William E. Evans, chairman, Fred I'auleyand James McConnell ; Town Clerk, J. M. Eddy ; Treasm-er, George A. Laflin ; As- sessor, John A. Conover; Justices, Charles Leon- ard and William E. Evans ; Constables, William Joslin and John Odenbreicht. Whole number of acres, 21 ,318. Valuation of real estate, 8293,162; of personal property, $47,607. Taxes for 1880, 53,808. Population in 1880, 1,156. BIOGRAPHICAL. Henry Abel was born in Essex county. New York, May 8th, 1824. He lived there twenty- three >ears, and in Hillsdale, ^lichigan, four years. ^Married Ann E. Lobdell, in 1850; she died in 1852. He came to Minnesota in April, 1854, and took a claim in Maple Grove, where the town house now stands. He did the first mason work this side of St. Anthony. He made a claim and sold it ; then made another ; sold MAPLE OBOVE—BIOOBAPHICAL. 325 that, and took tlie one lie now lives on ; built a log house ten feet square and coN-ered it with bark, using the same material for floor and tallies. In 1858, he was married to Sarah M. Brown, who died in 1861. lie married his third wife, 8arah Weaver, in 1862. Mr. Abel built a new house, which, with contents, was destroyed by fire in 1870. He is the father of four children. His third wife died in October, 1880. A. O. Angell was born in Bridgewater, Ver- mont, in 1834. He moved with his parents to Michigan, then to Ohio, and in 1854, came to Minnesota, and made a claim in Maple (4rove. Jime 8th, I860, he married Mary Atkinson. They have two children living. He lived in his cabin covered with bark and with floor of bass- wood slabs, until I808. Mr. Angell helped to cut the first road leading from Osseo to Kice Lake. J. H. Briggs was born in Smyrna, Chenango county. New York, April 19th, 1828. He came to Mimiesota, and located ui Maple Grove in 1855. Married Jane A. Faulkner in 1852. They have six children. The first year he came, he had to carry provisions on his back from St. Anthony to his home, a distance of sixteen miles. At that time, Mimieapolis had but two houses. Mr. Briggs is one of the oldest settlers in this town. William Brooks was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, December 6th, 1826. He remained with his parents twenty years. Lived in Wisconsin eight years, and came to Minnesota in 1857, locat- ing ill Maple Grove, where he now lives. In 1852 he married Mary A. Carter, who died in Decem- ber, 1861. His second wife was Sarah L. Jenne- son. The first eight years that he was here, he lived in a log house that was covered with red- oak shakes, and had a floor of split basswood. Octave Caron, a native of Canada, was born in 1836. He lived there seventeen years ; then came to Minnesota, and worked on a farm ; also at the Sioiix Agency. In 1855 he went to Shakopee. He ran a ferry for two seasons, at Mendota. En- listed in 4th Minnesota, Company E. Was in Sherman's march to the sea. and was honorably discharged in I860. He has lived in ^laple Grove since 1878. In 1859 he married Philoinene Le Due. They have nine children living. He owns land ui Brooklyn, and Wheatland, Kice county. O. K. Champlin, born in Chenango county, New York, January Sth, 1832. and came to Maple Grove in 1854. He married Miss H. :M. Bosworth, in 1857. The first wintei- he passed in this county, the Winnebagoes gave him some trouble. He built his house in the woods, using wooden troughs for shingles. Mr. Champlin was in Stearns county during the Indian outbreak. Nearly all the people left the country, excepting his family and a young man named Warner. John Cook was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1820. When fifteen years of age, he had learned the bakers' trade; came to America in 1849, stopping a short time in New York and Buffalo. In 1850 he went to DuPage county, Illinois, and remained five years. He married Mrs. Mary Ami Hardy. Came to Minnesota in 1855 and settled in Maple Grove. They have ten children Living. Mrs. Cook died June 1st, 1876. Patrick Darmody (deceased) was born in Tip- perary, Ireland, in 1825. Came to .Vmerica, stop- ping a short time in New Orleans and Cincin- nati, landed in Minnesota May 24th, 1855, and settled in Maple Grove. He married Ellen Pe- ters, July 19th, 1855. There are six children livhig. Mr. Darmody died December 5th, 1879. Patrick Devery, a native of Ireland, was born in 1818, and lived with his parents twenty-one years. He then came to America; stayed in Ohio a few months, and in New York ten years. Came to Minnesota and settled in ilaple Grove, October 1854 ; he made a shanty of rough boards a liedstead of hickory poles, and used aih-y-goods box for a table. Mr. Devery is the father of eleven children. Fredrick Ebert was born in (Germany, 1816, came to Illinois in 1817. Married October 10th, 1K4S, to Julia Ostrath, of Macon county, Illinois, and lived there eighteen years. Came to Hennepui county, in 1864. Have eleven children : John, Frederick, Margaret. George, Julia, Adam. Henry, Susan, Charles, Conrad and Willie. Louis Pierre Garvais was born at AVolf River, near Montieal Canada, in 1810. Lived there sixteen years, and moved to Lake Champlain, New York, where he resided for twenty-two years ; then came to Saint Paul, remained there two years, and one year in Saint Anthony, after which he came to what is now Maple (irove. He made his claim on what is known as Bottineau Prauie, and was the first settler in this town. For nearlv two vears their onlv neighbors were 326 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. the Winnebago Indians. After he had been here nearly two years, tlie whites began to settle around liim. He married Man- Twombley, in New York, October lotli, 1830. They have liad ten children, four boys and six gills, all living, with tlie exception of the tirst-bom, who died at the age of eleven, in York State. On tlie loth of October, 1880, Garvais and wife, celebrated their golden wedding, at Osseo, impressive ceremonies being held at the church. Eight children, and seventy-five grand children were present. John M. Eddy is a native of New Haven, \'er- mont. When twenty-two years old, he went to California, and stayed about five years. In 1856 he came to Miiniesota, and settled in Maple Grove. He was maiTied in 1857, to Mary E. Evans, of Chittenden county, Vermont. Tliey have five children. Mr. Eddy was the first town clerk, and held the office nine years. He enlisted in the Second Minnesota Cavalry, December 22d, 1863, was discharged December 2d. 1865, and has been farming since that time. W. E. Evans was born in Chittenden county, Vermont, December 28th, 1824. He remained there, working as mill-wright, until he came to Minnesota ; was one of the first settlers of Maple Grove, and built the first house on this road, a log cabin, now used as a granary. Before liis block house was finislied, he covered it with blankets to protect his family. In 1847 he was married to Miss Lucia C. Austin, of ^'ermont ; she died in 1880. Mr. Evans has held various town offices since he came here. Leonard L. Hawkins (deceased) was a native of New Hampshire. In 1829 he married Olivia P. Wright, at Keene, New Hampshire. He lived in ^'ermont until he came to Minneapolis in 1856. For two years he had charge of the tollgate near the University. Mr. Hawkins died in 1863, and Mrs. H. resides hi Minneapolis with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Chowen. S. S. Hawkins was born September 12th, 1S42, at East Highgate, A'ermoiit, and lived there twenty-two years. He went to Minneapolis in 1856, remained there until 1859, then located in Maple Grove. He was married August 29tli, 1864, to Mary Woodworth. lie is traveling for O. S. Rixford, of East Highgate, Vermont ; has been in tlie for twelve years, traveling winters, and spending summers at home. They have four children living. Minerva Hoff was bom in Ohio, April 17th, 1824, and lived with her parents imtil twenty-two years of age. She was married, in Ohio, to Lu- ther E. Hoff, October 19tli, 18.50. They came to Maple Grove, June 2d, 1855, being among the first settlers of the town. They have five chil- dren living, ilr. Luther E. Hoff, her husband, died October 10th, 1864. Sarah Kiefer, a native of New York, was born April 30th, 1831. She lived there for ten years, and then moved, with her parents, to ^lilwaukee, Wisconsin. She married, April 10th, 1849 ; came to Minnesota and settled in Maple Grove, in 1864, and has since made this place her home, Mr. Kiefer was liorn in Germany, September 5th, 1820, and died April 5th, 1874, Mrs. K. has nine children livmg. She now owns one hundred and sixty acres of land. Michael Knopf was born near Buffalo, New York, in 1835. Lived there ten years, then moved to Cook county, Illinois: remained there until twenty-five years of age. He was educa- ted at the North-west College of the Evangelical Association at Napierville. In 1860 he came to Kice county, Minnesota, and engaged in farming. He enlisted July 24th, 1864, in Company E, Sixth ISIinnesota Infantry, and served until he was honorably discharged in 1865, at Fort Snelling. He was pastor of the Evangelical Church at Wa- seca for three years, at Frontenac three years, one year near Henderson, and is now pastor of the Evangelical Church in Maple Grove. Mar- ried in 1861, to Miss S. F. Fritch. George A. Laflin, a native of Chittenden coun- ty, Vermont, was Ijorn February lOtli, 1837; he lived there nineteen years, and came to Maple Grove, Minnesota, in 1856. On June 10th, 1867, he was married to Miss Annie L. Eddy, of Maple Grove. In October, 1872, she died, and he mar- ried for his second wife, Elizabeth N. Kerr, Jan- uary 7tli, 1874. Mr. Laflin"s first wife bore him three children, and he has two by liis second wife. Q. A. Laflin was bom in Milton, Vermont, August 20th, 1850. He came with his parents to Minnesota in 1856, and lived in the town of Day- ton until 1876. He was married December 7th, 1876, to Miss Nellie Knibbe, who was born in Holland December 18th, 1858, and came to Amer- ica in 1873. They have two children. David Marchand, a native of Canada, was MAPLE OBOVE—BIOGEAPHICAL. 327 born October 14tli, 1834. He lived there fifteen years, then removed to Massachusetts, and stayed until 1851, wlien lie came to Minnesota, and set- tled in Maple Grove ; worked at carpenteiing till 1870, and has since that time followed farm- ing. In 1863 he joined General Sibley's expedi- tion as a scout, was drafted while on his way from Fort Snelling to Ft. Eidgely and was ordered to return to St. Paul. He paid three huntU-ed dol- lars for a sid)stitute. He was detailed for duty at Fort \Vads\\drth,transferred to Fort Abercronihie, and again transferred to Fort Wadswortli ; he left there in Ivovember 1864, and returned to Maple Grove, lie married Laura Gasiier, Sep- tember 20th, 1858. They have six children living. Albert A. Opitz, a native of Ohio, was born in Toledo, August 4tli, 1855. He came to Minne- apolis May 1st, 1868, and worked at the tinners trade mitil 1879, when he removed to Maple Grove. He manied Mrs. Nancy Brownrigg, Feb- ruary 15th, 1880, who was born in Washington county, Ohio, in 1856. Her first husband died September 28th, 1879, and Mrs. Brownrigg maiTied Mr. Opitz. They live on the farm purchased by Mr. Brownrigg. Otto Ohrmundt was born in Germany, Novem- ber 16th, 1848. He resided in his native connti-y with his parents initil he came to America. He came to this comitry in 1870, and after a residence of eigliteen months in Wisconsin, came to Maple Grove, where he has since resided. He was mar- ried in Germany, in 1865. Has tw(j children, a boy aged eight, and a girl four years. William H. Pavitt came to Minnesota in the autumn of 1855. Remained aliout two years in MimieapoUs, and then moved to Ookato, Wright county ; staid there two years ; then returned to Minneapolis, and remahied until 1867, when he nu)ved to Osseo, and has since lived on his farm, section 16, town of Maple Grove. He married Mary L. Hoff, in November, 1873. She is a na- tive of Ilemiepin count) . Catharine Peters was born in Ireland, in 1832. She lived with her parents ten years ; then went to England, and lived there three years; then emigrated to America. Came to Minnesota in 1855, and settled in Maple Grove. Married, April 4th, 1855, to Jolm Peters, who died October 30th, 1866. She has two children living. James was born January 27th, 1856, and Edward, March 4tli, 1858. The family is living upon the " Peters Es- tate," of 160 acres, on section 31. Both sons are able and active young men, conducting the farm with ability. Sherman Phelps, born in Smitliville, New York, August 11th, 1820. He lived there twenty-three years ; then moved to Cook county, Illinois, and remained imtil 1865, when he came to Minnesota, and located in Maple Grove, where he has since resided. Married Anna E. Limlierger, May 18th. 1848, who died February 14th, 1860. Mr. Phelps has seven children living. A. Robert was born in Belgivnn. May 12th, 1813. For forty-tlu-ee years he lived in his native land, then came to Minnesota, and settled in Corcoran. He removed to Ma]ile (^rove, and has since resided here. In 1863, he enlisted in Hatches Battalion Mum. Cavalry, and was discharged in May, 1866. Mr. Robert has never manied. Henry Robert, a native of Belgium, was born May 15tli, 1819. AVhen thirty-four years of age, he came to America, and located at Lake Superior ; then removed to Mimiesota in 1856 ; Uved at Greenwood five years, and in Corcoran two years ; then came to Maple Grove. He removed to Corct>ran again, but returned to Maple Grove, and has since resided here. He maraed Miss Matilda Twombley, October 3d. 18.59. They have four cliildren living. William Trott was lioni in England, in 1828. He came to America in 1846, and worked on a farm in Orleans county, New York, a few years ; then went to Indiana, as foreman on a raih'oad. Poor health compelled him to resign. He came to Minnesota, in 1853, and bought a claim in Eden Prairie ; sold it for $500 ; then explored different parts of the then territory, making several claims and selling them. In 1854, he came to Maple Grove ; iiought a claim, built a shanty, which he covered with bark, and lived in it the first whiter. July, 1866, he married Lilly Sutherland, of Canada. Josiah Weaver, born in Miramichi, New Bruns- wick, November 26th, 1845. Went with his pa- rents to Frederickton, lived there nine years and came to Minnesota in 1856, with his father, his mother having died when he was eighteen months old. Shice coming to this state he has lived with Mrs. Hoff. He enlisted .lanuary, 1865. in com- pany B, Second Minnesota Infantry Volunteers ; 328 HISTOET OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. served until .Tiily 10, 1865, when he was dis- eliarged. J. M. Williamson, a native of Washington, Ohio, was born February 24tli. 18o7. He came io Mimu'sota in 1865, and settled hi Maple Grove, September 4th. 1880, he married Miss Sophia Zeorb. His father enlisted October 23d, 1861, in Company ]5, Seventy-fifth Ohio Infantry, but was discharged for physical disability, and was not able do a day's work after he came out of the army. Mr. WiUiamson, Sr., died in 1880. L. B. Wilmot was born in LaPorte. Indiana, August 18th, 1839, and lived there lifteeu years; then went to Minneapolis, and from there to the Black Hills, where he remained two years. Mar- ried Miss K. Foster, August 12th, 1875, and now lives iji Maple Grove. They have one child. George. E. P. Woodwortli. born in Ashtabula county, Ohio, July 13th, 1844. Lived there seventeen years, and in Pennsylvania tlu-ee years. He en- listed in the naval service, August 13th, 1864; served ten months, and was discharged. lie was married July 24th, 1866, to Selina C, Clarke, of Pennsylvania, and came to Maple Grove where he has since lived. They have three children living. PLYMOUTH. CHAPTER LIII. GENERAL DESCRIPTION — FIRST SETTLEMENT- ORGANIZATION VILLAGES— CHURCHES— SO- CIETIES— SCHOOLS — POST-OFFICES — HOTELS — ROSTER— BIOGRAPHICAL. Plymouth is situated near the center of Henne- pin county and comprises the congressional town- ship of 118 north, range 22 west, fifth princi- pal meridian. The surface is undulating, that l)ortion of the town around the north end of Medicine Lake, being the most hilly. When first settled, the west and north-west part was covered with a heavy growth of timber, covering nearly half of the town; the remaining portion being co\ered by brush, v*ith a few marshes that sup- port a growth of tamarac. The pruieipal woods are maple, oak and elm, with a little ironwood, ash and poplar. The soil generally is a clay loam. Around Parker's Lake it is sandy, and in some places giavelly. Sandy spots occur occa- sionally in the north-east part. The town is in- terspersed with numerous lakes. Among them is Medicine Lake, the largest, situated in the south-east part of the town. It is a beautiful body of water, about two miles long from north- west to south-east, and nearly three-quarters of a mile wide in the widest part. Tlie south-east sliore is sandy, which with a sandy bottom makes it an excellent bathing-place, and is much resorted to for that purpose. At different places on the east and west shores, the banks are quite high and precipitous. The north and south ends are marshy. Its outlet is Bassett's Creek, which flows out of the south end and passes out of the town at the south-east corner and empties into the Mississippi at Minneapolis. The lake derives its name from an Indian legend, which says that an Indian in his canoe was capsized b>- a sudden storm, and the Indians not being able to find his body, gave it the name of Medicine Lake. Bass Lake is in section 2, and covers about one hund- red and fifty acres, with an island of several acres in the center. Its shores are marshy, and its out- let is Bass Lake Creek, which leaves the lake from its north-east corner, flows eastwardly out of the town and empties into Shingle Creek in the south-west part of Brooklyn. It received its name from the large number of bass, they being PLYMOUTff—FIBST SETTLEMENT.' 329 almost the only tisli tliat swim in its waters. It was named by Antoine Le Count. Parlver's Lake situated in tlie siiutlieni pait of section 28, and nortliern part of section 33, covering about one liundred acres, is a clear and beautiful sheet of water, with sandy shores and a hard Ijottom. The other lakes in the tov\n are more or less marshy, and small. FriiST SETTLEMENT. Antoine Le Count was the first settler in the town, comuig in October, 1853, and locating on the east shore of jSIedicine Lake, on section 24, where he now lives. Antoine Le Count is one of those men whose adventurous life deserves a record that should be preserved for the benefit of the on- coming generations — a record, conunenciug with the primitive history of the Xorthwest, and ex- tending over the eventful scenes that have been en- acted during a half century. The writer of this ar- ticle feels it to be a pleasing duty to give in brief the facts in his possession coimected with this ad- venturous traveler, guide, and daring explorer, oidy regretting that the limits allotted to this work will not allow a more detailed account of the man whose history is so closely interwoven with that of the Northwest. And, as the object most sin- cerely sought for in this work, is to give a succinct and truthful statement of all the facts witli which it has to deal, the reader will not do the writer the violence to think tliat he is reading aught but liistoric truths, as he follows the history of An- toine Le Comit and his father. The latter was a guide in the early days ( )f the Territory, carrying the mail from tlie Red River country to points south; also carrying with him fancy trinkets and wam- pum, made by the Indians, taking them to St. Louis, and trading or sellhig them for horses, or whatever his shrewd mind suggested would pay him to bring back to the Red River country. By this means he accumulated (piite a fortune. Among the early French settlers, he was known by the name of Le Gros. He took I'ierre Bottin- eau, when he was about twelve years ohl. into his family, and trahied him to be the guide that afterward made him famous. Antoine was born on the Minnesota side of the Red River, near the International boundary line, November 6th, 1822. In the summer of 1837, he came with his father to Fort Suelling, remaining until September fol- lowing, wlien he returned to his home on Red River. His father, in connection with Franklin Steele, made a claim on the east side of the Mis- sissippi River, at the falls, including Nicollet Is- land. The followmg June he started for liis claim, from Red River, with his fannly. 'With them was a gentleman by the name of Tiiomas Simpson, who was in great haste to get through, and did not wish to take the time necessary to go around by Lac qui Parle, and offered Le Count a tempting price to pilot him across the country in as nearly a direct line as possible. Le Count accepted the proposition, and gave Pierre Bottmeau charge of the party containLug his family, Pierre Bottineau's, and others, taking besides himself and Mr. Simpson, his son An- toine, who was nearly seventeen years old, and two others, five in all. and started across. \Vlien about a day and a half on their journey, Mr. Simpson showed signs of insanity, but did not appear to be dangerous. About sundown the fourth day out, while the) were preparing to go into camp, Mr. Simpson seized a doulile-barrelled shotgun, and, without a moments warning, shot Mr. Le Count and one of the men. The shots followed each other so rapidly that the survivors thought but one shot had l)een fired. Le Count did not die immediately, but, knowhig his end was near at hand, called his son Ajitoine to him and told him he was going to die. giving him instructions how, and what direction to take, to reach the train his mother was with, and to run for his life before Mr. Simpson had time to reload. The hii-ed man had already disappeared, and young Antoine, with trembling anxiety, watched his opportunity, and made his escape. He had not gone far when he heard Mr. Simpson calling: "Jim! Jim! I "■(the hired mani; he wanted him to take him back. In the meantime. Antoine had found Jim, and they proceeded together. When about a mile from their recent cami>.they heard a gun and concluded the unfortunate man had killed himself. (They subseciueiitly found that he had shot at and wounded one of the horses, i Urging their horses to their >itmost speed, and following the track advised by his father, the.\ struck the train trail of Pierre Bottineau aljout daylight, having come about fifty miles. In a short time they were in camp, and told their story. Pierre Bottineau took a party and went 3S0 mSTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. back to the scene. When lie reached it he found the unfortunate Simpson had added his own life to those of his two victims, by blowing his head entirely to pieces. The bodies of Le Count and the other man, were brought back and taken to Red River, and there buried. Mr. Simpson's body was left on tlie spot. The traui then moved forward on its road, and reached Fort Snelling about the middle of July 1.S3.S. Antoine and mother remained there until the following spring, when they moved to Pigs Eye, where he remained aliout a year. From that time he was a rover, moving from place to place as fancy or work di<'tated, until he settled in Plymouth, in October 1S53. With Antoine Le Count came Peter Daniels, who made his claim adjoining Le Count, on the north, but did not set- tle until the year following. Almost simultaneously with Antiiine I^e Count. came Thomas Hughes and family into this wil- derness, the lurking place of Shakoi)ee and his Sioux band. No roads were known utlier than the wild Indians trail. Hut with a tixed purpose be- fore him. this hardy and intelligent pioneer has conquered every obstacle, and now in his riper years, is enjoying all the comforts of a good home and the confidence of his fellow citizens, with his enterprising sons, .James, llenr\ , Charles and Ed- ward around him, all possessing the indomitaljle will of the father. They have built for themselves nice homes and rank with Plymouth's respected citizens. Francis Iluot antl (i. 1). Hrawic) <-aiae during tlie winter. Mr. Iluot making a claim on the north end of Medicuie Lake. Mr.Brawley adjouiing him on the west. Neither settled at tliat time. Init made some improvements and returned to Saint Anthony. ^Ir. I5rawle> sold his claim to Mr. E. Boucher, and Mr. Iluot returned with his family, November l-5tli, 18.54. Following these two was Charles Mouseau, who made a claim join- ing Le Count on the soutli, did not move on it, but made a tew improvements. At the same time with Mr. Huot. came David Gorham, Joseph Jamme, George Burbeir and Edward Burke. Corham settling on section 17. the lirst of Marcli bS.54. and moved his family in September 18.5.5. Mr. Jamme selected the west half of section 17. as his claim, put up a slianty and moved his family in Oc- tober that > ear. Mr. Burbeir took his claim on the north- east cpiarter of section 8, put- up a shanty the follow ing fall, and moved his family in the spring of 18.5o; lived on it about a year then moved back to Saint .\jithony. and now lives in Anoka. ^Ir. B-, made some improvements, but be- ing a single man. had no regular habitation, but teamed back and forth from Saint ^Vnthony. He married in 185.5, and moved to his place, lived there about a year, sold out and moved to Saint Anthony. Israel Michaud made a claim about the same time : lived on it a few years ; sold, and moved to Medina, but subsecjuently moved back to Ply- mouth, where he was killed while hauling lumber in the summer of 1877. In May. 18-54, Jonas H. Howe came and made a claim on section 22. Henry L. Closes came in July following, and made his clami on the west side of section 22. living on it a few years ; he now lives in Dakota coimty. Early in 18.54. C. W. Farrington made his claim on section 1.5, and moved his family on to it in March. 18.5.5 ; subsequently kept a hotel for a num- ber of > ears. Sanniel Merdiant made his claim in September. 1854. and moved his family to it, the followmg May. In the fore part of October, 1854, came three Parker brothers. I. S.. C. D. iuid Alfred, and settletl around Parker's Lake. Alfred is now living in Crystal Lake, I. S. in Anoka comity, and C. D. is still a resident of Plymouth. Ilemy Col- lins and John Carne came a little later. James Berube made his claim in December. 1854. Init tUd not move on to ' it with his family until No- vember. 18oo. During the simimer of 1854. came James Hughes and family, and settled where the> iKiw live. The settlement was quite rapid in 18.55. Among those coming were Herman Sandhoff. Francis Day. Charles Tolmaii. Amos Hoyt and wife. D. C. Parker, wife and his father, the Rev. James Parker. The wife of the latter died in St. Anthony, of cholera, while en route, and was buried on the site of the present city of Min- neapolis. In .June. 1858. the Chippewa Indians made a raid on their deadh enemies, the Sioux, met tliem at Shakopee. had a tight, and were badly defeated. I'poii their return, they passed through the town, douig bodily injury to no one. but stole and killed what they wanted to eat. They shot a pair of steers for I. S. Parker, and Amos Hoyt, PLYMOUTH— OBGANIZATION. 331 and emptied D. C. Parker's corn crib, wounded a cow, and stole a few more things from otliers. As they were on the verge of starvation, the whites concluded that it was no more than they would do themselves under like circumstances, and did not molest tbem. Besides, it may be that a wholesome regard for their own safety arose to the surface quietly, but not to that ex- tent whicli under the circumstances made it neces- sary to boast loudly of, so, Lo. and his phuuler departed in peace, but not without leaving many hearts fluttering with twinges of fear and doubt for their safety. A military comiiauy of twenty was formed, with Charles Tolmaii for captain, wlio received their gims fi-om Saint Paul, and for two weeks the women and children were collected together in one house at night, while the men stood guard outside. Hearing there was a body of Sioux massing in the north part of the town. Captain Tolman, with liis men, went in search, but t\)und no traces of them. It was sup- posed to have been a scare gotten up by one James Moody, who lived m that part of the town, and it came near costing him his life. Other parties subsequenth found traces that showed the Indians had passed thmugh. near where he had indicated lie had seen them. This quieted their anger, and ended the disturbance. The first birth in town, was a chilii to I). C. Parker and wife, April 25th, 1855, two days after their arrival in the town. It lived but tvvo or three days. A boy, Frank, was Ixiiii to Amos Iloyt and wife, July 25th, following, and December 25th. same year, twins were born to F. A. Clay and wife, tlien living on section 38. The first death that occm'red was that of a child belonging to Antoine Le Count, which was caused by overturning a kettle of hot water, in December, 1853. The Rev. James Parker was the first justice of the peace, appointed January 1st, 1856. His son, D. C. Parker, was appointed in 1857. Mr. Fran- cis Huot was appointed the same year. l)ut never qualified. The first marriage was Jean Bourgeoise to Miss- Rose Rouilliar. The first school in the town was established in the siunmer of 1856, in a little shanty belonging to Oliver Huart, on section 14. in what is now District No. 51, and taught by Miss Lormda Shaw, who also taught the school estabUshed the following year in what is now District No. 48. ORGANIZATION. The first meeting for the purpose of forming a town organization, was called at the house of Francis Day, on the 11th day of May, 1858. The meeting was organized by electing G. W. Mes- senger for Moderator, and J. H. Howe, Clerk. The room being too small to accommodate them, the meeting was adjourned to the hotel kept by Mr. C. W. Farrington. on section 15. The fol- lowing officers were elected : Supervisors, Fran- cis Huot. chairman, I). C. Parker and Francis Gorham ; Town Clerk, J. II. Howe; Assessor, Francis Day ; Collector, Charles Tolman ; Over- seer of the Poor, Eustaehe Boucher ; Constables, Phillip Otto and Alfred Jordan ; Justices of the Peace, F. A. Clay and William Karson. At a meeting of the county board AprilKHh, 1858. for tlie i)urpose of establishing the bounda- ries of the townshii)s in the county, the congres- sional town of 118-22 was named Plymouth, and the first meeting was called under that name, which produced a great deal of dissatisfaction on the part of some of the voters, and another meet- ing was called for June 21st. 1858, which met at the hotel kept by C. AV. Farrington. After con- siderable discussion a vote v\as taken, which resulted in favor of Medicine Lake, for the name of the town. The next meeting was lield at the school house in district No. 51. April 5th. 1859, and the call was issued under the name of Medi- cine Lake, and the Inisiness transacted under that name. The following year. Aiiril 3d. 1860, the meeting was held under the name of Plym- outh, no records showing when or how the change was effected. The county officials never recognized the name of Medicine Lake, and the name reverted back to that given it by the county board. The name was taken from a vil- lage called Plymouth, laid out on the north and west shores of Parker's Lake, in 1856. The following is a copy of the minutes of two meetings held in the town in 1862: "Agreeable to a call of the citizens of the town, met at the house of Francis Day on Monday, the 18th day of August, 1862, to devise means to raise its quota of soldiers for the army. The meeting was organ- ized by choosing Francis Huot Chau'man, and Jo 332 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. lias 11. Howe Secretary. Chose a eommittee of live to report resolutions, viz.: .Jonas II. Howe. James M. Parker, Francis Berulie. Xicholas IJofferiiing. M. D. L. Stevens. Tlie t'ollowiiig res- olution was reiwrted adopted unanimously: Re- solved. That we. the citizens of Plymouth, be" lieve it to be the duty of every man to sustain the government iu her present emergency, either in men or money, and we pledge ourselves as a town to furnish our quota, if it can be done, by appeal- ing to the patriotism of her citizens, believing we aie second to none in the love of our country aiid purity of pahiotism. Resolved, That uiasmuch as our interests are equal iu the cause, those who may see it in theii- duty to enlist vohmtarily, should be paid a bounty by the town, and we hereby pledge, twenty-five dollars to every volim- teer who shall enlist from the citizens of this town. Voted that the Town Clerk be hereby in- sti-ucted to call a meeting of the voters of said town, to meet at the house of Fi-aiicis Day, on Satiu-day, the 3(ith day of August, 1862. Ad- journed." "Agreeable to a call on the opposite page, the citizens met at the house of Francis Day, the 3Uth' day of August, at 1 o'clock p. m. 1st, chose Jonas H. Howe. Moderator. 2d. voted to pay those who have volunteered to fill the call for the last 60,000, a bounty of twenty-five dollars, the same to include all whose names are registered and counted from the town. 3d. voted that the to«ni cause the daguerreotypes of all the volunteers from the said town to be taken, at the expense of the town, and that the Town Clerk is author- ized to see that they are taken. Voted that the Town Treasurer be authorized to borrow money for the town, to pay the bounty of volunteers. Voted that the Supervisors Ije appointed a com- mittee to act with the Treasurer, and to correct the list of volunteei-8, if foimd necessary. A'^oted that such of the vohniteei's as do not want their bount\ down, shall be entitled to legal interest from the town until paid. Voted that the Super- visors are hereby authorized to act for the town without calling a special meeting. Adjourned. • Jonas H. IIowk. Town Clerk." VILLAGE. The site for the village of Plymouth was lo- cated on the north and west shores of Parker's ' Lake, in the fall of 18-56. It was laid out by Jared and Daniel Demon and Messi-s. Sherburne. Davie. Davidson and Spicer. They bought the Wayzata Mill and moved it to the north-west corner of Parkers Lake. Xo other improvements were made excepting the erecting of small shan- ties for the mill hands: the mill was operated that winter. In the spring the water in the lake rose and flooded the mill. The next summer the machinery was taken out. and later to Min- neapolis, and thus ended the village of Plym- outh. CHCBCHES. The Plymouth Methodist Church. This so- ciety was organized in 18t>s, and a church built on the north side of Parker's Lake. The fii-st services were conducted by Rev. Charles Haskell, who continued as pastor about two years. It was dedicated by the Rev. D. Cobb, at that time Presiding Elder of the District. The sabbath school had a membership of forty or lifty scholai-s. Miles Dickey. Superintendent. The structure was burned in the fall of 1877. Since then no ser- vices have been held by the society. Medicine Lake Catholic Clmrch. '^^lien first built ui l.so8. it was a log structure 24x32. The first services were conducted by Father Le Dow; at that time the membership uiduded about forty families. When the church hi Crystal Lake was built a few years later, it took part of the membership. In tlie spring of 1877, the present church was built. The main ImikUngis 36x50 feet, with an addition 16x18. and another 12x14 feet. In its present unfinished coniUtion, it will seat two hmidred; when completed it wiU accom- modate four hundred. "When completed will cost about $2,60(1. It is located on the east side of sec- tion lo. Present Pastor, Father Boucher. German Evangelical Lutheran Church. The first meeting of this society was held at the house of Herman Saudhoft". February 27th. 1863. Services were conducted liy Rev. George Fachtman. Services were held m the school- house and at Mr. Sandhoff's for several years. The present church was bmlt iu 1880. and lo- cated on the west side of section 14. The pres- ent pastor is the Rev. Herman Fleer. SOCIETIES. Plymouth Grange Xo. 351. was organized in PLYMOUTH— SCHOOLS— HOTELS— BIOGRAPHICAL. 333 Septemliei-. 1874. The officers were: ^Master, J. M. Parker; Overseer. H. L. Bradeii; Secretary. R. L. Logan; Financial Secretary, Dennis Selimitz; Lecturer, I. S. Parker; Cliaplain, A. IL Freiicli; Steward, R. B. Dickey; Ceres, Mrs. A. P. Parker; Pomona, Mrs. Barbara Dickey; Flora, Miss ^la- lietta Parker: L. A. S., Miss Jane Parker. The Grange had twenty-one charter members and reached a membersliip of forty-two. It was well attended and in a flourishing condition until many of the members moved away, with no new ones coming in, until it finally suspended in 1878. SCHOOLS. Miss Lorinda Shaw taught in District No. .51 in 1S56, also in District No. 48 in 1857. In 1859 they built a log house on the west side of sec- tion 14, which was used until 1868, when the present house was built on the same site. The second school was established in what is now District 48, in the summer of 1857. The build- ing used, was a log structure 12x11) feet, and lo- cated on section 28. The number of scholars was about fifteen, the present number of scholars is aliout eighty-five The third school was established in the sum- mer of 18(i2, and taughtin a granary, on the farm of Francis Bernbe. Any building that could be obtaine to America, and lo- cated at Burlington, Iowa, until the fall of 1853, when he removed to Minnesota. He settled on the claim in what is now Plymouth, where he has since resided. At tlie time he came, there were no roads, exceptuig the Indian trails used by Sha- kopee and his band of Sioux. Mr, Hughes has given his attention to farming, since his first .set- tlement, and has built up a line home. He was married to Hannah Buckell, in England, Febru- ary 6th, 1825, They have had nine children, six of whom are living in Hennepin county, Xames of chikh-en : James, Mary Ann, John (deceased) Thomas, Henry, Charles, Ellen (deceased) Ed- ward and Ellen second, (deceased.) His son, Thomas, who is now' living with him, enlisted in the Sixth Minnesota Infantry in 1861, served one year and was transferred to Company K, Twenty-third Kegiment A^eteran Reserve Corps, and served until mustered out at St. Paul in 1865. He was engaged in the battle of Birch Coolie and Wood Lake, during the Indian outbreak, James Hughes was born in England, .January 2d, 1825, He remained with his parents until the age of twenty-one, in the meantime serving an apprenticeship of seven years at the black- smith trade. He then went to Wales, and was engaged in Lee's iron works for nine months ; returned to England, and established a smithing business. In 1852 he came to Burlington, Iowa, and engaged in business there until March, 1854, when he started for ilinnesota, with six yokes of oxen, two cows and one wagon. The journey was pleasant until they aiTived in Minnesota Territory, where they found large bodies of snow and no roads. He was obliged to leave his fam- ily alone in the wagon one night, while he went in search of food and assistance, during a terrific storm. When he arrived at Red Wing he liad only five oxen and one cow, the others having perished on the route. Shipped from there to St, Paul, sold his cattle, went to St. Anthony, and in May, 1854, made his claim in Plymouth, where he has since lived. He engaged in farming and smithing until the war of the rebellion. July, 1864, he enlisted in the Eighth ^Minnesota, and was detailed as post-blacksmith at Fort Snelling, where he served until mustered out, May, 1865. He has been active in all public affairs of the township, and has held all its offices. He was married to Elizabeth Hatcher in England, April, 1848. They have had nine children, of whom six are living: Edward, Ellen. John, Julia, Thomas and Carrie, Henry Hughes, son of Thomas Hughes, was born in England, January 2Sth, 1835, He came to the United States with his parents, and was engaged in l)lacksmitliing, at Burlington. Iowa ; came with his parents to ^limiesota in 1853, vrith two yokes of oxen, two cows, three horses and two wagons, being twenty-seven days on the road. He worked at blacksmithing in Minne- apolis, one year, then joined his father on the homestead in Plymouth. He was married De- cember 4th, 1862, to Mary A. Case, of Ohio, who has borne him eight children, seven of whom are living. In July, 1864, he enlisted in the Eighth Minnesota Infantry, and was mustered out May, 1865. Mr. Hughes has a fine farm, and in con- nection with it, carries on the lilacksmithing business. Charles W. Hughes was l)orn in England, May 2d, 1838. He came with his parents, Thomas and Hannah Hughes, to America in 1849, and to Minnesota in 1853. Charles AV. remained in St. Anthony, working with Daniel Bassett, one of the first carriage-makers in the pl^ce, one and one-half years. He and his brother Henry made claims in Benton county, remained one year, but were obliged to abandon their claims on account of scarcity of provisions. In the fall of 1859, he built a carriage shop near the suspension bridge, in Minneapols, and remained there until 1861, when he enUsted in Company 1), First Mmnesota Infantry, and served until mustered out in May, 1864, He participated in twenty-one engage- ments, some of them the hardest-fought battles of the war. In 1864 he joined Gen. Sully's expe- dition up the Yellowstone ; returned in the fall and worked for the government at Fort Snelling, till the spring of 1865, when he came to Plymouth, bought forty acres of land, to which he has since added forty more, and has binlt up a good home. Married to Martha Hatcher, of Ileinieiiin county. May 14th, 1865, They have eight children. 336 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Edward Hughes was bom in England. October IStli, 1849. At tlie age of three yeai-s. his father and family came to the United States, and resided at Burlington. Iowa, until 18-54. when they came to Minnesota. Here Edward grew to manhood, and farmed with his father until Xovember 28th, 1871. when he was married to Sarah Day. of this county. They settled on the present farm in March, 1873. They are the parents of four children: George, Edward, Ada and Edna, Joseiih .lamme, one of the early settlers of Hennepin county, was born east of Quebec, Can- ada, May 16th, 1814, He lived vrith his parents on the farm until he reached the age of twenty- foiu', and in 1S3S. removed to the I'niteil States, residing in ilaine, engaged in lumber business near Bangor. In 1853 he came to Minnesota, and spent two years lumbering at St. Anthony and on the river. In lS-5-5 he made a claim of 160 acres, in what is now Plymouth, where he now lives. After residing on his claim one year, he returned to Minneapolis and engaged in lum- bering until 1866, since which time he has resid- ed in this town where he has a pleasant home twelve miles west of the city. lie was married in Oldtown. Maine, to Miss Celeste Barber, of that place. Tliey have had nine children, of whom six are living. Those living are: Addie P., Clara. Phwbe, Joseph B.. Henry C and Ber- nard (J. Alexander G. Jardine, a native of Scotland, was bom in Ayreshire. on the sth of October. 1 847. At the age of tifteen he commenced to learn the blacksmith s trade, also worked for a time with Randolph, Elder & Co.. ship builders of Govan. Scotland. In 1869, he went to Canada ; stayed one year, and then removed to Massachusetts, but afterward returned to Canada, and in 1879. he came to Plymouth, Minnesota, and established a blacksmith shop, where he is doing a thiivliig linsiness. October 19th, 1880, he mamed, in Minneapolis, Miss Sarah, daughter of William and Ellen Allen, of Scotland. John II. Jordan, a native of Prussia, was born January 16th. lS4o. Wlien seven yeai-s of age, he came with his parents to America. They landed in Xew York in the fall of 1852, and went to Newark, Xew Jersey, for a short time, and in 1853, moved to Illinois. In the spring of 1855, tliey came to Minnesota, and made a claim on section 18 of what is now PhTiiouth township, where they experienced, of course, their share of the hardships of pioneer Ufe. In July. 1864, John H. enlisted in the Sth Minn. Regt. Vol.. ■ served nine months, and was mustered out at I Port SnelUng. ilay Ifith. 1865. He returned to ' the homestea, we can leani of no settlements on the west side of ' the river. In the spring of that year, Philander i Prescott made a claim on the east side of what is now Minne-ha-ha avenue. This claim being on the military resenation, he was not allowed to remain, and it was occupied by Fi-anklin Steele, I who had permission from the secretary of war for such occupation, Prescott then located a claim adjoining Steele on the west, but did not take ])ossession of it until after the re.seiTation came into market. His home was in the towni of Richfield imtil liis death. He was born in On- tario county. New York, in 1801, In 1819 he visited a brother at Detroit. Michigan, and while there, engaged as clerk with Mr. Devotion, a snt- tler. for a trip up the ilLssissippi, In the latter part of the year 1819, he arrived at the canton- ment of Fort St, Anthony, now Fort Snelling, then in command of Col. Leavenworth. In the winter of 1824-5, he was ti-ading near the fort. The Indians stole some of his goods, part of which were restored: in settlement of his claim for those not restored, the chief gave him his daughter in marriage. For three yeai-s he was with the Columliia Fur Company, and in 1830. w'as appointed Indian farmer at Lake Calhoun. He was temporarily engaged as interpreter at the Redwood agency when the outbreak occurred, and was killed by the Indians in August. 1862. His wife and a daughter were taken prisoners, but effected their escape through the aid of friendly Indians, and retimied to their home at ^linne-ha-ha. These two. an adopted daughter and one son are dead. The eldest daughter, Mi-s. Pettijohn, is living at Shakopee, and an- other daughter, Mi-s, Hamilton, is living in Eden Prairie, There is also a son surviving. In the winter of 1849, Charles Monsseaux. by permission of the militaiy authorities at Fort Snelling, made a claim on the eastern shore of Lake Calhovm, and built his shanty on the site of the old mission where the Ponds resided, now oc- cupied by the Pavillion, He remained on this chiim until the fall of 1857, when he moved to the cit>' of Minneapolis, where he resided imtil the fall of 1880, He then removed to his present place, south of the city limits, on section 34. He was Iwm in Montreal, Canada, in 1806. He was employed by the American Fur Compan\ as voy- agenr. and in that capacity arrived at Fort Snell- ing in 1829. After about a week he went to Lac qui Parle, where he remained about a year. He then retimied to Fort Snelling. and thence to Piairie du Chien. He was a carpenter and house painter, and engaged in those trades for several years. In 1830 he assisted in the improvements then being made at the Fort. He also liuilt the house of Col Stevens, the tii-st iii Mimieapolis. Shortly after Jlonsseaux, came Rev. E. G. Gear, chaplain at Fort Snelling. and made a claim east of Lake Calhoun, by permission of the niili- MINNEAPOLIS— E ABLY SETTLEMENT. ail tary authorities. He never lived on the claim, l)ut employed Edniond Brissett to hold it until sucli time as lie could enter it. When that time arrived, a contest arose between them as to the ownership of the claim. Mr. Gear, with the aid of Judge Black and Hon. 11. M. Kice, got a bill through Congress, allowing him to enter the land at government price. He paid Mrs. Brissett two hundred dollars to leave the claim. Brissett and family then moved to Plymouth, where the family now reside. He now lives In St. Paul. Mr. Gear remamed at Fort SneUiug until 1860, when he moved to Fort Ripley, where he remained until 1868, then returned to Minneapolis. In 1870 he sold his claim, and it is now part of the " Lyndale Farm." He died in October, 1873, and was buried hi Lakewood Cemetery. His wife and part of the family still reside in Minneapolis. One of his sons is the present governor of the state of Iowa. The next claimant was IJavid Gorham, who lo- cated on the eastern side of Lake of the Isles. It embraced the southwest quarter of section 33. He sold his claim to R. P. Russell, who bought it for his brother, L. K. Russell. The latter, hi 1852, placed a tenant on it for a time, and it finally be- came the property of R. P. Russell, who now owns it. Gorham is living in Plymouth. In April, 18.51, John Berry made a claim on the west side of Cedar Lake on section 31, and raised the first crop on the west side. He lived on his claim until 1867, then sold, and has since resided in the city of Minneapolis. During the winter of 1851-'2 rumors of the proposed reduc- tion of the ^lilitary Reservation caused consider- able excitement among the residents of Sauit Anthony and the new arrivals from the East in search of locations. Early in the spring of 18.52, claim-staking Ijegan, and in a short time nearly every deskable location snutli of the city, and within the present boundaries of the town, was claimed. Claim-shanties were erected on nearly all of them, and some had a small piece of land plowed. But the land not behig subject to entry, they were trespassers, and sokliers were sent out from the fort to drive them away. It was a common occmrence for a squatter to leave his place with everything all right, and returning, after an absence of one day, to find his sliant>' a wreck, and any other improvements he might have made destroyed. "Clami jumpmg" was also greatly in vogue for a time, but the older settlers, who held the prior right to the claims, organized themselves hito a society, known as the " Equal Right and Impar- tial Protection Claim Association of Hennepin county, M. T." The object of this association was to protect each actual settler in his right to a claim, and the " jiunper'" fared badly who fell in- to the hands of this league. A coimuittee, con- sisting of members of the organization, was ap- pointed, whose duty it was to decide questions in regard to the ownership of clahns, arising between members of the association. A decision once made, it was not well for the defeated party to try and gain his end by force or strategy. A few, having permission from the officers of the Fort to remain, held their claims easil\- : but the nian\- were obliged to wait until the restriction to settle- ment was removed by the government. In fact, all who had claims, and were living on them, pre- vious to the release, did so by the permission of the authorities at the Fort, or of the War Depail- ment. When the reduction of the reservation took place, in the spring of 1853, the rush for claims was so great that it is Impossible to name the settlers of that year ui the order of their ar- rival, ('lainis were made simultaneously, west and southwest of Minneapolis, but it was not mi- til a later i)eriod that the more remore remote por- tions of the township were settled. Among those who settled in 1852, were, T. W. Peirce, who bought his claim of a Mr. Lowell in October of that year, and has since resided in this town on the original claim. He effected a settlement with the government by which lie was allowed to remain. His house, on section 5, west of Lake Calhoun, was the only one to be seen, at that time, between Berry's, west of him, and that of J. H. Stevens, then located near the pres- ent suspension bridge. F. X. Cripeau, made his claim at a very early date, and entered it as soon as the land came into market. This was on section 16, just west of the present limits of the city, where he has since lived. Robert Blaisdell and son Robert, made claims in 18.52, where they now live. J. T. Blaisdell located on the north-east (piarter of section 34. Otliers who located in that year were, George Parks. Gordon Jackins, Edgar Folsom, Nathan Roberts, Simon Odell, and Titus Pettijohn. Eli Pettijohn had a 3-12 HJSTOBY OF HENNEPiy COUNTY. claim near the Fort Snelliiig road, but never lived on it. Charles Brown took a claim thiough the aid of Captain John Rollins, in section 1. and Frank Rollins had a claim near by. Benjamin Parker located where the Gilmore Furniture Factor.- now stands, and William Richardson, on sections 10 and 11. He afterward removed to [Meeker countj', where, several years ago. he shot his wife, but not fatally, and then shot him- self with fatal effect. Sweet TT. Case located a claim in 18-52. and a widow lady. Mre. Saver, made a claim shortly after. Deacon John S. Mann, located the north-east quarter of section SI. and in 18-57 sold it to John Potts BrowTi. It is now a part of the Lyndale Farm. Deacon Mann removed to southern Miunesotti, and to Iowa, shortly after selling his claim, and is now tlie owner of a large stock ranche near Mandan, Dakota Temtorj-. Chandler Hutchins made a claim on section 3, on what is now the west side of Chicago avenue. C. C. Garvey. located his claim on section 10, and has since resided there. In 1852. Charles Gilpati-ick. who is still livmg on a part of the origmal claim, made a selection of eighty acres in what is now section 35. Dur- ing the summer of 1853. he broke one himdred and forty acres of land, for himself and others ; this was the first large amount of breaking by one mdividual. In 1853, Martin Layman bought the claim taken by Hanscom, and it is stated that he and Mr. GUpatrick. raised, in 18-54. the largest crops in the township. Ard Gotlfrey. who had resided in Saint ..Vnthony since 18-19, made his claim in 1853. on Minne-ha-ha creek. Dur- ing the year he built a saw-mill, the first in the to^^■nship. which he operated for a nimiber of years. It was destroyed by fire in 1863. Rev. J. Cressy made, late in the fall of 1852, a claim of the north-west quarter of section 10, south-east of Lake Calhoun, and after holding it two years sold to one Perkins, and went to Hastings, near where he made another claim. He returned to Minneapolis, and resides in the city. The original claim is now the farm of H. Van Xest. VT. G. Moffett came to Fort Snellmg in 1849, and in 18-52, made a claim on section 7 near Min- ne-ha-ha Falls; this is now owned by Joseph Dean. His oldest son. VT. R. Moffett came in 1852, and located his claim on section 7, where he still re- sides. Judge Moffett, died about four years ago, at the house of his son-in-law. A. S. Adams, with whom the ^\idow still lives. He was buried in Lakewood cemetery. The western and northern portions of the township were not permanently settled until a later period. Although not included m the mili- tary reservation, land in that part of the town was not considered so desirable, and the rush for locations was not so great. Among the first were the Hallaron brothers. William Byrnes. Thomas Gaffney, Peter Curley, John Green. Frank and John Doyle, and John and Daniel Braekins. the latter with their parents. The Hallarons were from Cortland comity. Xew York, and settled in the western part of the to^xii. The first of these, was Patrick, who came in the fall of 18-52. He died from injuries received by the kick of a horse, in 1877. His widow still occupies the homestead on section 29. John J., Dennis, Michael, Eugene, Thomas and -Jeremiah HaUoran anived in 1854. They are all Uviug in that portion of the town where they first settled, with the exception of Thomas, who has been in business in the citj- for the past five years. Of the Doyle brothers, John died about ten years ago. and Fnrnk still resides on the farm on section 33. The south- west part of the town was settled in 18-54 by H. H. Hopkins. George M. Bums and F. H. AVar- neke. Hopkins and Wameke still reside here. Bums died about three years ago; his family still live on the farm. John Hannan and sous, settled in the west part of the township in 1855. From the time the reserv-ation was thrown open to settlers, the growth of the townsliip was rapid; more substantial farm houses and their necessary adjuncts, bams and granaries, took the place of the hastily consti-ucted "claim shanties" which had served their piu-pose. and were no longer needed. The proximity to Saint Authony and later, to Minneapolis, the only markets, made locatipns in this township, and Richfield on the south, eagerly sought for. and speculation in claims was rife, fabulous sums being asked for the more desirable. OBGAMIZATIOX. The tiret meeting for the organization of the to\Miship and the election of officers was held May 11th, 18-58. The first officers elected were: Super- MINNEAPOLIS— ORGANIZATION— SCHOOLS. 343 visors, E. P. Russell, chairman, G. D. Richard- son, Daniel Bassett, Edward Murphy, 1. 1. Lewis ; Clerk, George H. Hamilton ; Assessor, L. F. Cook; Collector, L. W. Rhine ; Overseer of Poor, Wash- ington Getchell; Justices, George E. Huy and Henry Hill ; Constables, C. C. Beekman and A. P. Hoover; Overseer of Roads, A. B. Kingsbury. At a special election October 2d, 1858, Daniel Bassett, G. D. Ricliardson, Cyrus Aldrich. and M. S. Hoblitt were elected to seats on the Board of County Commissioners. Following is given a list of the chairman of the Board of Town Super- visors, in the order in which they served : For 1859, Cyrus Aldiidi ; 186(i. Daniel Bassett ; 1861, Collins Hamer ; 1862 to 1866, inclusive, S. H. Mat- tison ; 1866 to 1873, inclusive, Benjamin Parker; 1874 to 1876, inchisive, E. Groesbeck; 1877 to 1880, inclusive, R. P. Russell. The other otlicers for 1880 were : SupeiTisors, U. P. Wilson and C. L. Larpenteiu: ; Clerk, A. D. Libby ; Treasurer, J. T. Grimes ; Justices, A. S. Adams and E. Yost; Constable, William Somers. The bounda- ries of the township, as established by the Board of County Commissioners, April 10th, 1858, were as follows : " Beginning at a pouit on the Missis- sippi River, at the south line of section 12, town- ship 118 north, of range 21 west of the Hfth prin- cipal meridian ; thence west to the southwest cor- ner of section 7 ; thence south, to the southwest corner of section 7, township 117 north, of range 21 west of the fifth principal meridian ; thence east to the Mississippi River; thence up said river to the place of beguiuing." July 8th, 1858, one tier of sections, on the north, was taken to form part of the town of Farmersville. This town, however, was never organized, and the boundaries of Minneapolis remained as originally established until 1860, when two tiers of sections on the north were made a part of Crystal Lake township. No more clianges in boundaries occurred until 1867, when the two northern tiers of sections of the town of Richfield, and that portion lying north of Minne-ha-ha creek, below Rice Lake (then called Eagle Lake) were added to Minne- apolis. The legislative bill providing for this change of boundary, was approved March 7th, 1867. An effort was made in the spring of 1868 to restore this territory to Richfield ; but at the annual town meeting m Minneapolis, only one vote was cast in favor of the measure. A bill approved February 6th, 1867, in which was de- fined the boundaries of the city of MinneapoUs, gave to the territory embraced in the township outside the city, the name of Brighton. Tliis name did not suit the people at all, and the bill above mentioned as annexing the ]iortion of Richfield, restored tlie name, Miimeapolis. The following statistics from the reports of the As- sessor of the township for the years given, serve to show the rapid increase in values and in pop- ulation. In 1869, the assessed valuation of real estate was 8266,285; hi 1875, 81,166,376 ; in 1880, 82,550,744. In addition to tliis valuation, there was in 1880, a valuation of $954,582, for town lots, outside of the city Umits. The number of acres of land in 1880, was given at 24,602. The valuation of personal property in 1869, was, 861,- 262; in 1875,8167,828; in 1880,8262,419. Num- ber of horses, over two years old, in 1869, 319; in 1875, 531 ; in 1880, 700. Number of cattle over two years old, in 1869, 719; in 1875, 1,134; in 1880, 1,292. Number of sheep, in 1869, 387 ; in 1875, 576 ; in 1880, 460. Number of hogs, in 1869, 154; in 1875, 211; in 1880, 549. Bushels of wheat, in 1869, 44,399; in 1875, 23,703; num- ber of acres sown in 1880, 2,763. The amount of taxes for the township, was hi 1869, 88,935 ; in 1875, 821,990; in 1880, 827,995. AccortUng to the census of 1880, the township has a popula- tion of 2,757. .SCHOOLS. The first school in the township, was opened ui the summer of 1853, and Miss Jennie Learning taught a three month's term. The building used, was located on section 7, near Minne-ha-ha Falls, and was erected by W. G. Moffett and son and the Blaisdells, assisted by a few (if their neigh- bors. Tlie material for the ))uilding and the ground on which it stood, were provided by Phi- lander Prescott. Although liuilt by private par- ties, and with their own funds, it was made a public school, and all who wished, could avail themselves of its privileges. Mr. Prescott also furnished a large part of the money to pay the teacher. This building was used for a number of years, and was twice moved for the better ac- comodation of the scholars. In 1875, the pres- ent frame building, was erected near the site of the old school-house, on the north-west quarter 344 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNIT. of section 7. on the west side of Minne-ha-ha Avenue. This is now district Xo. 113. Another of the eai-ly school-liouses, was located on what is now Chicago Avenue, just outside the city lim- its. It was built of brick, and used for some time, but on accomit of a tlivision of the districts, it was abandoned and subsequently, toni down. The township now has eight^entire and five joint districts, ^\■ith twelve school-houses. The ■• t'entennial School " located near the Harvester ■\Vorks, is a very fine building, of brick and two- stories high. Distiict number 9, about one mile north-west of the Centemiial. has a one-story stone building. The remaining districts have good substantial ft-ame houses, and are all sup- plied with the necessaiy apparatus used in the modern district school. TOWX HALL. Since the organization of the township, the an- nual and special town meetings have been held in school-houses: but m 1880, the increase in pop- ulation, demanding a fixed place, ui a central location, the town erected a •• Town Hall," on the north-east quarter of section 4, the lot oc- cupied, being one of the Lyndale Park. This is a ven neat frame Iniililing. and a credit to the town. CLAKK fUAPKL. The onl\ church edifice hi the township, is lo- cated hi the southern part on section 7. It was erected in 1878, as a branch of Plymouth church. MinneapoUs, at a total expense for building and furnishing, of about SI .400. means being sup- plied by subscription among the people of the >icinity. It is ui size, 30x48 feet and is nicely furnished. The name was given in honor of E. C. Clark, who established and mamtained a Sabbath-school in the school-house opposite the chiurch. Mr. Clark died ui 1874. and the Sabbath school has since been kept up. and now lias an average attendance of about sixty. Mr. G. B. Shepard of Minneapolis is the supermtendent. There is no church organization, but senices were held regularly once a month during the time Plymouth chmch was supplied with a pastor, and since then occasionally. The people of the neighborhood meet eveiy Sunday evening for Bible readings. HOPKIXS STATION. This is a station on the ^Ihuieapolis and St. Louis EaUway, and was established in 1871. It takes its name from H. H. Hopkins, one of the promment farmers. The post-office, located at the depot is called Hopkins, and was established hi 1873. H. H. Hopkins has been postmaster suice. Tliis is the only post-office in the town- ship outside of the city. The ^Minnetonka branch of the M. & St. L. Kailway leaves the main line here, and the Benton cut-off of the C. M. & St. P. Railway passes near. There are no stores or public buildhigs. South Miiineai)ohs, is a station on the C. M. & St. P. Railway located one mile south of the city limits. This is merely a way station and has no post-office. SIMMER KE.SOKTS. The gi'eat lieaut\ of the lakes of this township, and the facility with which they may be reached from the city, make them peculiarly attractive to the tourist, and to the business man, who ^\^th his family seeks recreation and freedom from the per- plexities of commercial or professional life, by wliilLug away a few horn's, or days, at some of the charming s])ots to be found within an hour's ride of the city. Lake Calhoun, the largest of the lakes, is connected with the city' by means of the ^Minneapolis. L.\ iidale and Lake Calhoun Railway, which was buUt in the spring of 1879. and during the following year extended to Lake llaiTiet. On the east of Lake Calhoim is Lyndale Park, and the PavilUon. a large pubUc builduig. erected by Col. W. S. Kmg, and opened in 1877. The di- mensions of the building are 60x100 feet, and two stories lugh above basement. Two wide ver- andahs extend entirely around the structure, and furnish excellent promenades, with a fine view of the lake and the sun'ounding covmtry. On the west side of this lake is Lakeside Park and hotel. The latter is 40 x 70 feet, and tno stories in height. On an eminence m the grounds of Lakeside Park is located a tower, which rises to the height of sixty feet, and the.\ who toU to its summit are amply repaid by a ^•iew of the beautiful panor- ama of nature around and below them. On the west side are also located several mineral springs, one of which has been curbed, and its surround- Lngs improved, and has become quite popular with MINNEAPOLIS— L YNBALE FABM— CEMETERIES. 345 the public. A sulphur spring is located a short distance southwest of tlie lake, Ijut has not yet been developed or improved. Tlie Lake Calhoun House was built on the north shore of the lake in 1876, and was intended for a summer hotel. It was one of the linest structures on the lake, but had never been used to any extent up to the time it was destroyed by th-e. in .January. 1880. The Lake View House is located on the northeast shore of the lake, and was built in 187.5. A large and elegant steamer was placed on Lake Calhoun in the summer of 1880. and is run diu-ing the sea- son in comieotion with tlie ^lotor railway, making a tour of the lake. The present terminus of the railway is at Lake Haniet, but the intention is to extend it to Excelsior. On the southwest shore of Cedar Lake is located the Oak Grove House' erected in 1877, by the Rev. Mr. Scott. The building is about seventy-live feet scpuire and four stories in height, surmovnited by a cupola, from which an extended view, including part of the city of Mimieapolis, may be oljtained. Tlie hotels and parks above mentioned are open to the public through the summer season, and during that time are well patronized, as may be seen from the fact that, in the summer of 1880. the Lyndale liaihvay carried over one hundred tluiusand passengers. Oswald's summer garden, situated on the Cedar Lake road and west of the city limits, was located and improvements begun in 187o. "With its at- tractive drives, walks, and rustic decorations, it makes a pleasant place of resort. Connected with it is a green-house, 12x82 feet, containing four thousand plants. THE LYNDALE 1 ARM. This model farm, wliicli now eml)races al)out one thousand two hiuidred acres, was opened by Col. ^X. S. King, who began operations by pur- chasing the farm of John Potts Brown. He ad- ded by purchase, one farm after another, until in 1870, he had acquired a title to one tliousand two hundred acres of land. About seven hun- dred acres of this has been broken, and some of it seeded to tame grasses. Tlie farm was originally half timber and half jirairie land. The location is excellent, bordering on the shores of Lakes Calhoun and ILirriet, and distant from the city about three miles. The farm-house, built ui 1870, is a double house, having a front of ninety- six feet, and a depth of forty feet, and is two- stories high. It contains twentv-six rooms, and is well finished through-out. The great barn is built on the most modern plan. Its main part is 52x76 feet, and thirty-six feet from the founda- tion to tlie eaves. Tlie roof adds twenty feet to the height, and above all, is the cupola, the top of which is eighty feet from the ground. The two wings of the barn are 36x180 feet, with six- teen foot posts, and high roof, which affords im- mense storing room, the total capacity being about two hvuuhed and fifty tons of hay. Tlie stables furnish accommodations for two hundred horses and cattle. The farm was stocked with a large number of blooded cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, among them, some of the most noted animals of Great Britain, which had taken pre- mimus at the national faks held there; among the horses was the celebrated stallion "Duke of .Saratoga '" a descendant of " Bashaw '' and de- scribed by horse-men as a very fine animal. Since 1876, .James Smith, of long experience in the management of large farms, has been in charge. CEMKTEIUKS. The township has four cemeteries: the Lake- wood. Cemetery of the Immaculate Conception, the Montefiore and the Minneapolis Cemetery. Lakewood cemetery is situated on the south-east shore of Lake Calhoun, and contains about 140 acres of land. Tlie gnuuids were purchased in 1871, by an association, formed for the purpose, and the improvements were begun the following year, and have been continued until this ceme- tery ranks with the more beautiful homes of the dead in the country. The cemetery of the Iniiiiaculate Conception, is located on the south line of tlie township, one mile west of Rice Lake. It contains about thirty acres, and was established in 1867. This is the only cemetery of the Catholic faith in the township, and is under the ininiediate supervis- ion of Owen Finley. The Montefiore cemetery located on section 10. about two and one-half miles south of the city limits, contains two acres, and was purchased by the Montefiore Cemetery Association, in 1876. The improvement of the grounds was com- menced but recently. The Minneapolis cemetery is located south of 346 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. and near the city limits. It embraces twenty acres of liie:li. ilry land, and was laid out in 1860, by :Martin Layman, by whom it is still ownied. The first mterment. was that of a Mr.s. AVard- well, smce which there have been five thousand interments in this -silent city." This cemetery has received extra attention and shows care and taste hi the arrangement of its t)rnamentations. This was the first cemetery established on the west side of the river. IXDVSTKIES AXD MAJJUFACTUKES. The prmcipal hidustiy of the people of this town is agriculture. The excellent quality of the soil making it a fa\ored locality, and the many fine farms, with their commodious outl)uiklings> are evidence of a high degree of thrift and pros- perity. An important adjunct of the usiud farm products is milk, for the population of the city looks to the farmer m the vicinity for its daOy supply of that necessary article. There ai-e a uiun- ber of large dairies, employmg a small ai-my of men and teams in the transportation and delivery. The Globe Mill, on ilinne-ha-ha Creek, in sec- tion 20, was built in 1874, by AV. P. Day and Co This is the only merchant mill in the township- It is a frame structure, with four runs of stone' and a capacity of 12-5 barrels per day. When first put in operation, water power was used; this proving inadequate, a steam engine was added, which now furnishes the power. The mill is the property of the First National Bank, of Min- neapolis. A side-track extends to it from the Mumeapolis and 8t. Louis Railroad, affording facilities for receiving and shipping. On the north side of Mimie-ha-ha Creek, in the south-eastern part of the township, is located a grist-mill, which was erected in l.s.57. liy Ard. (iod. frey, near the saw-mill which burned in 1863. This mill was operated by ^h\ Gotlfrey until 1870. and then sold to other parties. There are two brick-yards m the town ; one owned and operate I by W. W. "Woe dward. abou one mile north of Hopkins Station, and one sit uated north-west of Lake Calhoun, owned by G. U. Erhardt. These yards employ a large force of men during the summer season and manufacture a superior (juality of brick. The Mimieapolis Knitting Mills. This concern was established on Bassett's creek, in the north part of the town, in 1875. For one year previous they had been located in the city. The factory was destroyed by fire in 1878, and they immediately rebuilt on the present site. The business con- sists of knitting stockings and half-hose, in both wool and cotton : large and small scarfs, cardigan jackets, ladies vests, hoods, and all kinds of knit goods. This is the only establishment of the kind in the north-west, and their goods find a ready market. The proprietors are Girling and Company, and twenty-five persons are employed. W. H. Fiiien. machinist, manufacturer of the Mumeapolis water-wheel governor, special tools for machmists, lathes, etc. This establishment is located on Bassetfs creek at the second cross- ing of Ayesteru Avenue, hi the builduig erected by the Xorth-Western ilauufacturmg Company in 1874. This company cimtiiiued business four yeare, engaged in the manufacture of screws, their capacity being a hundred gross per day. Since then Mr. Fruen has occupied the building, whicli is 30x40 feet, and two and one-lialf stories high. The machuiery is kept in motion by a thirty-five inch turbine wheel, of sixteen lioree- power. The Minneapolis Harvester Works, south of the city limits, are located in the township, but as the coiporation was organized hi the city and business otiices are located there, a description of the Works, will be found in the chapter on man- ufactures. mOGKAPHICAL. A. S. Adams was born July 9th. 1848, at Town- send, ]\Iiddlesex county. Massachusetts. He was raised as a farmer, and lived in his native town until 1867. when he came to Minnesota with his father, and located in Miimeapolis townsliip, where he has since resided, ownhig a farm of tliirty-three acres. He was elected justice of the peace in March. 1880. Mr. Adams married Carrie Moffett, April. 1871. William Adams, a native of Scotland, was born in 183-5. He came to America in 1869. and lo- cated in Jlinneapolis ; he lived on Washington avenue south until his present residence was built in 1875. Mr. Adams has been engaged in the carpenter's trade since a boy. His wife was Miss Ellen Walker ; they were married in 1864. Six children have been born to them. MINNEAPOLIS— BIOGBAPHICAL. 347 R. M. Aitken was born in 1845, at Dunham, Canada East. He lived in his native town until eighteen years of age, when he went to Vermont and worked eight years in the car shops at Saint Albans, then removed to JMississippi and worked for a railroad company. In 1873 he went to Wisconsin, and in 1877, eame to Minneapolis; in November of that year he married Lillian M. Shorey. Mr. Aitkin is proprietor of the Cedar Avenue Dairy, which he started in 1877 with only four cows, but has gradually increased the number to supply a growing trade, until now he has tliirty-ttve. A. B. Allison, a native of Delaware county, New York, was born in 1840. He was engaged in farming imtil 1866, when he came to Henne- pin county, and for four years worked in the woods; he then started in the dairy business; was in partnership with Mr. Collins for a time, but since 187o Mr. Allison has conducted the business alone at his place on section 2(1, and has twenty-five cows. He was married May 6th, 1880, to Mrs. Broderick, of Maine. W. Bernstein, a native of Germany, was born in 1826. He emigrated to America in 1848, and for three years worked in Baltimore, as machinist in the railroad shops ; then he removed to Wash- ington and worked seven years in the navy yard; thence to Illinois, and was employed in the ear shops at Aurora, until 1869, when he came to this state. In 18.56 he married Catharine Faul who has borne him six children. Mr. Bernstein pur- chased his present farm in 1869, and is engaged in gardening and fruit raising. Robert Blaisdell was born in 1803, at Peacliam, Vermont. He was raised as a farmer, (;ame to Saint ^Vuthony in 1852, and took, by pre- emption, tlie farm where he now resides. Mr. Blaisdell attended the meeting at which Minnea- polis was made a township, and helped to elect the first Town Board. He has never missed a meeting since that time He also assisted in building the first school-house in the township. He married Miss Mary Chandler, in Maine. They are the parents of seven children. Robert Blaisdell, Jr., a native of Aroostook county, Maine, was' born May 4th, 1832. In 1846 he went to Wisconsin, and engaged in the lumber business at the head of (Ireen Bay. In 1852 he removed to this state, and made a claim of 160 acres, which is a part of his present farm. He also owns, with Ins father, 360 acres in JiIcLeod county. He too, attended tlie first election, and helped to build the first school-house in the town- ship. His wife w^as Elniira Taunt, who has borne him six children. William Blaisdell was born at Belfast, Maine, in 1834. In 1851 he moved to Mmnesota, and five years later pre-empted the farm he now owns. From 1863 until the fall of 1864, he was mining in California. Idaho, and Montana : then returned, and for one year was in charge of a lumber inter- est in Michigan. He now owns 20,000 acres of timber land in Wisconsin. Mv. Blaisdell acted as clerk at the first annual election held on this side of the river. There were only fourteen votes cast, four of them by the Blaisdell family. In 1861 he enlisted at the first call, and sei-ved until the regiment disbanded. He was married, in 1865, to Miss Jennie Fletcher. M. D. Brown was born in 1849, at Elmira, New- York. In 1856 he came to ^Minneapolis, and has since resided here, with the exception of one year, passed at school in the East. ]Mr. Brown is en- gaged in farming on section 12, where he owns eighty acres of laud, and lioards horses summer and winter. J. R. Bowman was born April 27th, 1830. in New Branswick. He learned the eai-penter"s trade, and worked three years in New York city. In 1857 he came here, and for twenty years fol- lowed his trade. He worked on the Nicollet House, H. G. Harrison's residence, and others. It was he who cut the brush so a team could pass on First avenue north, from Fourth to Sixth street. Mr. Bowman has only been absent from the town one day since coming here in 1857. He was married, in 1869, to Amanda Christmas. They have three children. William Byrnes (deceased) was a native of Ire- land. He emigrated to America in 1849, and lived in Homer, New York, until 1852, when he came here, and the following year made a claim of one hundred and fifty acres. In 1862 he enlist- ed in the Tenth Minnesota, and served mitil must- ered out in 1865. He died December 1st. 1867. At the time of his death, he was sheriff of Hen- nepin county. Catherine, his wife, was born m Ireland, March 1827, She came to Amer- ica in 1848, stayed the first year in New York 348 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. city, ami then removed to Homer. In 1850. she was married to William Byrnes, and two years later they came to Minneapolis. She has had nine children, seven of whom are livinf^: Ellen. Anna, ilary, Teressa, William, Hngh and Lucelia. Lewis Carlson, a native of Denmark, was horn in 1H48. He came to America in 18(;9. and set- tled m Winona, Minnesota, where for three years he was engaged m the manufacture of l)arrels, then he removed to Cliicago and worked at the trade there, three years. In 1875, he came to Minneapolis and was in the cooper business until 1879. when he started his daii-y; he now has twenty-seven cows. In 1873, he married Ahhne Hanson. They have two children. F. X. t'ripeau was born in 1828, in Canada. At the age of nineteen, he went to Rhode Island, remained only one year and returned to Canada; in 1848, he moved to Illinois, and the followuig spiing came to Sauit Anthony, where he was en- gaged as clerk a few years for Mr. Bottineau, and then made a claim of one hundred and sixt.y acres, w hicli is a part of his present place. In 1864, he enlisted in the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery and ser\ed luitil the close of the ^\■ar, when he started in the gardenuig business ; he raises vegetables exclusively, usuig about twenty acres of land for this purpose. Mr. Cripeau was married in 1854, to Rosalie (iiard : ten i-liildreu have been born to them. Peter Curly, a native of Ireland, was born in 1825. He came to America in 184t>, and worked in the cotton factories of Lowell, Massachusetts, mitil 1849, when he came to Sauit Anthony, and helped build the first Catholic church here, lie pre-empted the farm where he still lives, one mUe from the city limits, and built his present res- idence m 1856. He w-as married in 1849, to Catherine Cain. They have had two sons, only one is living ; John J. C. T. Earenfight, born in 1841, at Cuicinnati, Ohio. He lived in Illinois live years, then a short time in Indiana, and in 1S63, removed to Minnesota ; he has lived in Minneapolis, or near there most of the time since. He has eighteen acres of land on section 6, and is engaged in gardening; is also a wholesale dealer in cattle, on foot and ckessed. Martin Ekes, a native of (ieimany. was born ui 1834. He received his education in the schools of that country, and was by occupation a farmer. In 1853, he came to America and lived fom' years in New York city, bemg engaged as coaclmian ; while in that city, he married Miss Catherine Gerard. They are the parents of two childi'eu. Mr. Ekes came to Miimeapolis in 1858, and has since resided here: he has a vegetable garden of fifteen acres on Hennepin Avenue, where he also raises all varieties of strawberries ; he was the lirst man to sell vegetables ui this market. Owen Finley was born in New York city, m 1 845. In early life he went with his parents to Watertown, Wisconsin, and worked at the carp- enter's trade ; in 1873. he removed to Minneapolis and continued working at his trade imtil he was given charge of the Cemetery of the Immaculate Conception, which is now under his immediate care. Mr. Finley enlisted in 1862, in the Twenty-eighth Wisconsm, Company G, and sei-ved over three years. He married Maiia Magerty in 1870. They have live living children. I). M. Foss, born in 1820, in Strafford county, New Hampshire. ^Vt the age of eighteen, he went to Lowell, ISIassachusetts, and learned car- pentering. In 1855, he came here and worked at his trade until 1879 ; assisting in building some of the first dwellings in the city, tlie St. James Hotel, and some of the principal places of busi- ness. Mr. Foss is now engaged in gardening ; he makes a specialty of vegetables and small fixdts. In 1845, he was marrried, at Lowell, to Eliza Mnrch, wlio has borne him three children. AV. II. Fruen, a native of England, was born July 15th, 1846. At the age of seventeen, he commenced learnhig the machinist's trade. In June 1865, he came to America and wcnked at his business in Boston, until removing to Minne- apolis in 1870 ; he worked in a shop on Second and Cataract streets till the present factory was built m 1874. Mr. Fruen has been twice married, his present wife, to whom he was married in 1871, was JSIiss Henrietta Binpiest, oi lUhiois. They have three sons and one daughter. Thomas tiaffney, a native of Ireland, was born in 1826. When two years old he came with his parents to America, and lived on a farm in Ar- oostook comity, Maine, mitU eighteen years of age, when he commenced hmibering on the Pen- obscot river. In 1854. he removed to Saint An- thony, and for eight winters worked in the pme- MINNEAPOLIS— BIOGRAPHICAL. 349 ries ; in 1857, he secured the claim where he now lives and built his present residence in 1880. August 15th, 1862, he enlisted and went to Fort Ridgely ; the folkiwins summer he went with the expedition against the Indians, across the plains, and in the fall of 1863 went to St. Louis, where lie was engaged in guard duty during the winter and in the spring went into active service, partic- ipating in all the battles of his regiment. He was honorably discharged in August, 1865. In April, 1857, he married Ellen Buckley. They have six children. C. C. Ganey was l)orn in New Bnmswick, March 29th, 1828. At the age of four years he went with his parents to Maine. When he was but eighteen his father died, and it became his duty to care for and support tlie family. In 1850 he came to Mimiesota, made one of the first claims on the west side of the river, and received the second patent from Washington. Mr. Garvey attended the first election on this side of the river and cast the first liallot. lie was manied, in 1859, to Miss L. A. Xason. Nine cliildrcn liave been born to them. W. M. Girling, a native of England, was Imrn in 1830. He came to America, and following the business of his father and grandfather, went to manufacturing knitted goods. He started facto- ries in Boston, and in New Ilamiislnre, and Ger- mantown, Pennsylvania. In 1874 he came here, and is now one of the proprietore of the Minnea- polis Knitting Mills. Mr. Girling lias a family of eight children, five sons and three daughters. E. A. Goodspeed was born in 1854, at Vassal- borough, Maine. He came to Minneapolis in April, 1871, and was engaged in the lumber trade until 1877, when he became a member of tlie firm of (ioodspeed and Sons, wholesale dealers in sheep. This business is exclusively wholesale, and they sell either on foot or dresse came to ]Minneai)olis, and he engaged in the dray and express business for fourteen years. In 1878 he moved to his farm, and erected all the buildings. They have six children : John, Mary. Nellie. James, Katie, and Agnes. Christopher Hanke, a native of Germany, was born in 1826. He emigrated to America in 1854; anil lived in Ohio until 1857, when he came here, for two years he rented a farm, and in 1864 pur- chased 205 acres on section 5, 6 and 7, and has since resided there. He was married in (Ger- many, November 9th, 1851, to Miss Stammen. They are the parents of five children. Mr. Hanke makes a sjiecialty of raising full blood Jersey cattle, Chester AVIiite and Poland China swine. He has one of the finest farms in Hennepin county; his bam, built in 1876, is 88x36 feet, and four stories liigh; it is considered the second best in tlie county; he also has a granary 73x24 feet, three stories high; tlie whole place is a model of neatness. Mrs. Hanke annually man- ufactures 2,000 pounds of fine liutter for private customers. J. W. Hayes w-as liorn in 1853, at Watertown, Jefferson county, Wisconsin. In 1 866 he moved to Stearns county, Minnesota, and engaged in farm- ing; he came to Minneapolis in May, 1875, and worked for fj. McPeters until he bought him out in 1877, since which time he has conducted the Lyndale Dairj in partnership with Mr. ^Matlii- son; they own fifty-three cows, and are doing a successful business. Mr. Hayes was married in May, 1879, to Miss Glenen of Wisconsin. 350 HISTOBY OF KENNEPIN COUNTY. J. F. Held, a native of Prussia, was bora in 1844. lie moved to Indiana in 1861; enlisted August, 1862. in tlie Fiftli Indiana Cavalry, and sen-ed until the close of the war. He came to Minneapolis m 1865 and worked three yeai-s in a saw mill: afterwards was engaged as a laborer until 1871. when he bought 145 acres of land on section 30, and the spring following started an extensive garden; he makes a specialty of fine celery, also raises a large variety of vegetables, and has a vineyard of one-half acre. His wife was Austine Crousey, whom he married in 1878. They have one child: Margretta. C. Jenson was bom in Denmark, in 1847. He emigrated to America, and in 1867 went to Fond du Lac, "Wisconsin. In the fall of 1868 he re- moved to ilimieapolis. and was engaged as laborer imtil 1872, when he embarked ni the dairy busi- ness. The firm of Smith and Jensou stalled with foi-ty cows, but at the exph-atiou of fom- months they sold out. and in the fall of 1873. commenced with only twenty cows, which they sold again in the sprmg. The following autumn, the firm of Jenson Brothere located on the east side, engaged in the dairy business with twenty-four cows, and in 1875, bought their place of fifteen acres, on section 29. In tlie sprmg of 1878 tliis partnei-ship was disolved, and C. Jenson is now sole i)ro]>rie- tor of the •• AVesteni Avenue Dairy." Hans Johanson, a native of Denmark, was bom in 1844. He came to Minneapolis in 1872, and in 1876 commenced the dairy business. He now has fifteen cows. Mr. Joluuison was married, in 1875, to Miss Aima Madsen. They are the parents of one child. Martui Layman was bom in (ireene county. New York, January 18th. 1811. For a time he resided in Tompkuis county-, and then removed to Illinois, wliere he worked at farmhig until 1853, when he came to Mimieapolis. and bought the place where he has since lived. He bought the original claim of Hanscom, and paid him SI, 000 for it. He biiOt his present commodious residence in 1876. Mr. Layman manied, in 1832, Miss Eliz- abeth Brown, who has borne him tlmteen childi-en. All are living but one son and one daughter. A. D. Libby, a native of ^Maine, was born in Waldo county, in 1833. After finishing his education he was engaged in a store for a time, and in 1857 moved to Miimesota. He fii-st located a farm in Wright comity, but soon moved here, and helped break the land where South Minnea- polis now stands. For eight consecutive years he taught in tlie schools of Hennepin count\". and was one of the volunteers at the time of the out- break m 1862. Mr. Libby is now Clerk of Miii- neapoUs township. He was manied in 1866. to Miss Hannah Ganey. They have five cliildren : B>Ton, Louis, Viola, Stella, and an infant. P. S. ililler. a native of Sweden, was born in 1854. In the autumn of 1879. he married Miss Bozetta Jordan, of Jilimieapolis. He came here in 1872, and worked for daiiymen until 1877. when the firm of Miller Brothei-s started with twenty cows. They own two acres of land on section 17, and now have sixU^ fine cows. They run one wagon twice a day m summer, and are doing a prosperous business. I". Oswald, born iu Switzerland, in 1829. He was a civil engineer, and worked ten years on the first railroad in his native country. He emigi'ated to America, ;uid in 1875 was married to Frances Kmiser, of Wisconsin. He came to MimieapoUs in 1867. and worked at farming the first year; after that as landscape gardener : in the soring of 1875 started his park, on the Cedar Lake road. It is fm-nished with a good green-house, and its fine drives, walks, etc.. make it a favorite resort. Mr. Oswald also furnishes his guests with ice cream, lemonade, and all kinds of refieshmeuts. E. L. Pratt was bom at Lincoln, Maine, Sep- tember 16th. 1830. He lived on a farm until nineteen years of age, then worked at the lumber business; he came to Saint Anthony in Jmie, 1850. and continued lumbering until 1859. when he removed to California. Init returneIilton, Massachusetts. He bought a farm in Randolpli, Itut only lived there four years, when he removed to Miiuiesota for the health of an only son, who died Febniary 22d, 1877. Mr. Patten is proprietor of the •' City Dairy,"' and owns fifty cows. Thomas W. Peirce, a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, was i)orn August 23d, 1823. He was one of six sons all of whom learned the carpenter's trade ; he commenced working when fifteen years of age, and contuiued the trade for about fifteen years; moved to Ohio in 1846; he went to Indiana for a short time, liut returned to Ohio and formed a partner- sliip with a Mr. Ilillnian, in contracting and building. In the fall of 1852 Mr. Peirce removed to Saint ^Vnthony; he built a house for Mr. Eich- ards, and in October, 1852, he purcliased a claim of 40 acres from Mr. Lowell, paid thu-ty-three dollars for it, and made a settlement with the government. The following spring he cleared a small piece of land and planted one-half acre to potatoes; this was the beguuiing of his farm. In the summer of 1853 he built a residence for | Mr. Hanson. Mr. Peirce was appointed a bidder for the first land sale in the county; the sale never occurred however. In 1855-6 he was a member of the Ten-itorial legislature, and was president of the Protective Association, formed by settlers to defend claims from land jumpers. It was he who shaiiiened and drove the first stake, for the survey of Minneapolis, at the junction of Nicollet and Hennepin avenues; Charles Christmas was surveyor, Mr. Peirce is one of the oldest living settlers of Hennepin county, and relates many thrilling incidents of pioneer life. He was married in l.slu to Miss Margaretta Moss. Thev have two children: Fred- erick W. and Laura Jeiniie. Fred. Peterson was born in 1850, in Denmark. He came here in 1872, and was employed by dif- ferent dairymen for five years. April 9th, 1879, he manied Laura Oleson. They have one child. The firm of Peterson Brothers, established a dairy in 1877, with forty-five cows, afterward in- creased their stock to sixty-five ; the paiinership was discontinued in April 1880, and Mr. Fred. Peterson is now proprietor of the Accommoda- tion dairy. Christian Peterson came to JNIinneapolis in 1877, and worked for dairymen luitil the fall of 1879, when lie established himself in the business ; he now has twenty cows. Michael Key was born in Alsace, in 1S26. He came to America in 1849, and was employed in a wholesale store at Saint Louis, until 1859, when he removed to Bunker Hill, Illinois, and engag- ed in farming. In September 1869, he came here and bought the place he now owns. He married at Saint Louis, in 1852. Seven children have been born to them. Mr. Hey has a fine garden, with eighty square feet of hot beds ; he raises strawberries, raspberries and all kinds of vegeta- bles. C. B. Sanborn, a native of Carroll county, Nevv' Hampshire, was born in 1827. He learned the tailor's trade and was in the clothing business at Great Falls, New Hampshire, for two years, after that he went to Meredith and carried a general stock of merchandise until 1857, when he came here, and for a time engaged in the grocery busi- ness. He ^\■as married to Miss Sarah Hubbard. They had one daughter who died May 3d, 1880, at the age of twenty-one. Mr. Sanborn has thirty-three acres on section 34, and raises all kinds of evergreens adapted to this climate. 352 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. X. Shepherd was bom at Bedford. Vermont, in 1823. At the age of twenty-one, he went to Lo- well, Massachusetts, and remained four years: he passed two years in Newbury, ^'ermont, then removed to Ripon, Wisconsin, and carried on a buikliuR business for four years, employing about twenty men. He married Lydia Xewcomb. who bore hiiu one son and three daughters. Mr. Shepherd came here in fall of 1877. and the following spring started the -'North Star Fniit and A'egetable Garden ;" he makes a specialty of the Wilson and Albany strawberries, the Phila- delphia and Turner laspberries and the Brittania blackberries : he also raises a great variety of vegetables, and keeps the different kinds of ever- greens that are adapted to this climate. I.. Small was born in 1844. at Pembrook. Maine. When but sixteen years of age, he went to sea, and at twenty-three became captain of the ship "\'ulcaiii after six yeai-s. he left the water, and lived in Boston six years, tlien for two years he engaged in the tishing business. In 1862. he married Miss Bolnna Ostrom. ^Mr. Small enil)arked in tlie dairy business in ^March, 1879, and now owns forty cows. Tlie firm of Small and Darling, stock dealers, was established in August 1880. located at Sixth avenue south and Thirty-fourth street. They have a desiraVile farm of forty acres, and do a general stock busi- ness. C. A. Smith, a native of Wilmington. Xer- mont, was born in 1829. He lived there until thirty-three years of age ; then went to Waltham, Massachusetts, and for seven years was engaged in a bakery. He came to ^lumesota. and worked at the carpenter's trade, three years in Northfleld, and the same length of time in ^linneapolis. He was maiTied in 18.50. to Elizabeth A. Jefts, who has liorue him five children. In 1875, Mr. Smitli started his garden of ten acres on section 2, and is doing a tlnlving business ; he has ex- tensive hot beds, and tlie green liouse is a build- ing 75x24 feet. James Smith was Imrn in Scotland, in 1834. For a time he held the position of overseer of the Colzium estate in Sterlingshire, for the late Sir Archibald Edmondstone. In 1871, he came to America, and for five years had charge of a stock farm on Long Island, then of the Thorndall farm in Dutchess county, New York, two years, and in the spring of 1876, took possession of the Lyn- dale farm, where he now resides ; this place has the finest barn in Minnesota, ilr. Smith raises the celebrated Jersey cattle, Berkshire swine, Norman horses and Cotswold and Lincoln sheep, all from imported stock : at the late fair, he re- ceived seven first-class premiums amounting to over SoOO. Mr. Smith's wife was JSIargaret Mc- Yicar, of Scotland, they were married in 1860 Five children have been bom to them. Nils Smitli, a native of Denmark, was born August 17tli, 1847. He came to America in 1864; located at Minneapolis, and for three years worked on a farm; he then engaged in tlie dairy business for himself : in 1875, having thirty-five cows, he sold a half interest and in 1877, sold the remainder. In the spring of 1880, he started again witli thirty-two cows and now has thirty- eight. He owns ten acres of land on section 1, and forty acres on section 29. In October, 1875, he married llanne Hansen, who has borne him two children : Soren and Hanne. f'aptain John Tapper, a native of England, was born in Dorsetshire, on the 25th of March, 1820. He emigrated to America in 1840. and spent the first summer in St. Louis. In the fall he went to Fort Atkinson, Iowa, remained one and one-half years, then went to Fort Crawford. Wisconsin, and lived imtil the autumn of 1844, when he re- moved to Fort Snelliug. At the beginning of the Mexican war he went to Mexico, with Dr. George Turner, of the I'nited States Army, and re- mained with him until the close of the war, when they retinned together to Fort Snelling, and Mr. Tapper engaged with FrankUn Steele. He was at the Fort something over a year ; then came to St. Anthony, and managed Steele's boarding-house one season ; then took charge of the ferry, and afterward of the first suspension liridge. In 1862 he removed to lo^va, and engaged in farming. He returned in the ^^•inter of 1880-81, and located on a farm belonging to the Steele estate, near ilmne- haha Falls. On the Sth of August, 1853, he mai- ried Matilda Stinson. of Minneapolis. This was the first marriage which occurred on the west side. Five children lune been born to them : llosie E., Frank H., Willie D., Mary M., and Jesse B. The first four were born on Nicollet Island, the last one in Iowa. L. Tillenv was born in Plvmouth. England, in SAINT ANTHONY— GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 353 1831. When a babe he came witli his parents to America, and Uved in Vermont until March, 1854, when lie went to California, where he was en- gaged in mining and the dairy business until 1860. He then removed to Wisconsin, and in the fall of 1863 came to ^linneapolis, and purchased the farm he still owns, on sections 6 and 7. He is a breeder of the celebrated Norman and Clyde horses, from imported stock. Mr. Tilleny was married, in 1858, to Lydia Stanton. Hiram Van Nest was born m 1831, near San- dusky, Ohio. In early life he moved to lUmois with his parents, and when twenty years of age came to Minneapolis. He attended the first elec- tion held on the west side of the river, and, No- vember 27th, 1854, he had placed on record the first warranty deed in Hennepin county. It was Mr. Van Nest who cleared the road from the point where it leaves Lake Calhoim to Mlnne-ha-haCreek near the Goodrich farm. In 1861 he married Rachel Blaisdell. They have two children living. His farm of 120 acres is on section 10. He raises short-horn cattle, Lincoln and Southdown sheep, and Berkshire swine, from imported stock. SAINT ANTHONY. CHAPTER LV. GENEKAL DESCRIPTION— EARLY SETTLEMENT — SCHOOLS ORGANIZATION STATISTICAL CEMETERIES — MANUFACTURES — NURSERY — BIOGRAPHICAL. The township of St. Anthony, formerly em- braced a much larger portion of territory than at present, and with somewhat indefinite boun- daries. Until the year of 1848, it was included in the Territorial limits of Wisconsin, from which it was separated by the boundary lines established with the admission of Wisconsin as a State. The whole territory then known as St. Croix county, was, by the newly established bounds, practically without a local government until tlie territorial organization of Minnesota, in 1849, when the county of St. Croix was divided into Washington and Ramsey counties. St. An- thony remained a part of Ramsey county until 1856, when by a special act of the Territorial legislature, the boundaries of Hennepin county were extended across the Mississippi river. The original bill included a strip about two miles wide, east of the present limits, which was mod- ified by a joint resolution, fixing the eastern boundary one mile east of its present location. and running south to the line between townships 23 28 and 29, thence due west to the river. This arrangement was never wholly satisfactory, and during the session of 1861, a legislative act ap- proved iSIarch 9th, fixed the boundaries of the township as follows : " Commencing on the north line of township 29, range 24, on the Mississippi river, thence due east to a point be- tween sections 5 and 6, township 29, range 23, thence due south on the section line to the Mis- sissippi river, thence up said river to the place of beginning." From the territory included in this description a portion embracing several sections was, March 3d, 1855, carved out for the corpo- rate limits of the city of St. Anthony, leaving the town an ell-shaped tract of about ten sec- tions lying principally north and east of the city. North of the city limits and along the river is wild meadow land, merging into a narrow belt of prairie which is skirted by light timber, per- haps better known as brush-land. The latter is hilly, particularly in the north-west. The soil in the timbered portion is black loam, with clay sub-soil, while the prairie is light sandy loam. There are no large bodies of water in this town- ship. Sandy Lake, in the north-west is a small marshy lake. Bridal- Veil Falls, on the bank of the Mississippi just below the city, are very beau- tiful. A small creek which rises in Ramsey county, here leaps into the river over a precipice, 354 HISTOBT OF nEy^KEPIN COUNTY. with a sheer descent of about sixt.v feet. The name originated from the supposed resemblance to the veil of a bride. EAKLT SETTLE3IENT. In the faU of 1850, X. O. Phillips and L. C. Timpson made claims on the north-west quarter ■of section 6. and moved to them the following spring. A little latter. Lewis Stone, and his sons Jacob and Leonard, located on sections 6 and 7, and were followed by Mr. Finch, who took a claim on the south-east quarter of section 6. Pre- %ious to these actual settlei-s. several parties living in St. Anthony made claims in the north- west part of the town. William Dugas. lived on his a number of years and ran a ferry across the Mississippi. He now resides in the town of Day- ton. Washington (ictchell had a claim on the south-west quarter of section 3, which he sold to Edward Patch. Mr. Phillips still lives on his claim. He was appointed town clerk. October 20th. 1862, and has held the oflBce without inter- ruption until th^ present time. Mr. Timpson lived on his claim until 18(52, when he entered the army. He was a prisoner at AndersonviUe, and died of ill-treatment received there. He was exchanged, but his death occurred before he could reach the union lines. His widow died in Minneapolis, in August, 1878. Mr. Stone Sr., resided on his claim about fifteen yeare. then went up to the Platte river where he erected a flouring mill. He subsequently went to Pike's Peak and there died. His son Jacob also moved with his family to Pike's Peak and died there. The son Leonard is now in California. Mr. Finch lived on his claim a few years, then moved to the city, where he died some years ago. Chas. Estes settled on section 2, in 1853, and Elijah Grindall located on section 1, the following year. Estes still resides in the township and Grindall died in 1872. His son Olin conducts the farm. M. F. Kletzin settled on section 12, in 1856, and still resides here. Louis KampfE came in 1857, and has since been engaged in the manufacture of pottery. The early historj- of this town is closely alUed to that of the city of St. Anthony, and in the chapter on the city will be foimd the incidents coimected with its history. SCHOOLS. The first school-house erected in the township, outside the city, was located on the north-west quarter of section 2. and was built in 1858. It was a frame structm'e. about 24 x 30 feet, and one story high. The district then included all of the township west of the Sandy Lake road, and is now known as district number one. The house was subsequently moved to its present location on the river road, in the north-west quarter of section 10. The second school-house was built in 1859, on the south-east quarter of section 7. in district number two. The house was a frame. 20x30 feet, and located on section 6. In 1861. this dis- trict was divided, giving the township three dis- tricts, the present number. The buildings belong- ing to districts two and three are good frame structures, and furnished with patent seats and desks. In district number one the old house is still in use. ORGAXIZATION. The township of Saint Anthony was organized May 11th. 1858. and id the meeting held for that purpose, David Heaton was chosen chairman, D. A. Secombe moderator, and Thomas T. XeweU clerk. The election for town officers was held the same day, and after the polls were closed, Mr. Secombe resigned as moderator, and D. S. B. Johnston was chosen in his place. The votes were then canvassed, with the following result : Supenisors, J. B. Gilbert, chairman, J. C. Tufts, and Richard Fewer ; Clerk. D. M. Demmon ; As- sessor. J. A. Lennon : Collector, J. W. Ellis ; Overseer of Poor, James Holmes ; Justices of the Peace. Solon Armstrong and Anthony Grethen ; Constables. L. C. Johnson and Albert Gowen ; Overseer of Eoads. Closes Whittier. The first meeting held separate from the city of St. Anthony was on April 3d, 1860, at the Mississippi House, north of the city on the river road. The officers elected were : Supervisors. L. C. Timpson, chairman. Edward Patch, and G. W. Buck- more ; Clerk, and Superintendent of Schools, G. F. Cross ; Treasurer. D. D. Moore : Assessor, E. "W. Grindall ; Justices. Stephen Cobb and Jo- seph Hawes, Jr.; Constables'. J. E. Philbrook and John Rank. Following is a list of chairmen of the Town Board, and the years for which they were elected : In 1861-2, G. F. Cross; 1863. Ste- phen Cobb ; 1864 to 1872, inclusive. AV. H. Cole : 1873. Joseph Ingerhutt; 1874, A. H. Weeks; 1875 to 1879, inclusive, Edwin Cooley ; 18S0, J. B. SAINT ANTHONY— BIOGEAPHICAL. 355 Eustis. The present officers are : Supervisors, J. B. Eustis, elKiirman, J. G. Swahn, aud M. F. Kletzin; Clerk, X. O. Phillips; Treasurer, L. Kampff ; Assessor, C. Lennehan ; Justices, Ed- win Cooley and S. M. JSIoore : Constable, Cornel- ius Lennehan. STATISTICAL. The township has an area of 5,497 acres, the assessed valuation of which, was in 1869, 53,- 885; in 1875, §219,335; in 1880, .?400,449. There are also town lots, not included in the city limits, valued at $89,690. The valuation of personal property, was in 1869, $12,240; in 1875, $18,942; in 1880, $33,786. Number of horses over two years old, in 1869, 82; in 1875, 98; in 1880, 132. Number of cattle over two years old, in 1869, 211; in 1875, 227; in 1880, 239. Number of sheep in 1869, 36; in 1875; 38; in 1880, 28. Number of hogs in 1869, 34; in 1875, 146; in 1880, 405. Total amount of taxes for 1869, $1,699; for 1875, $2,- 291; for 1880, $5,962. In 1869, the production of wheat amounted to 6,553 bushels; in 1875, to 3,638 bushels; in 1880, 610 acres were sown to that cereal. The population of the township is 485, according to the last census. CEMETERIES. Maple Hill Cemetery is located in the south- west corner of section 6, one mile north of the city limits, aud has been in use since 1852, in which year it was established by R. W. Cum- mings. The Catholic Cemetery was established about 1857. It contains sixteen acres, and is located on tlie north-east quarter of section 11, one mile north of the city limits. MANUFACTURES. In August 1857, Louis Kampff located on sec- tion 10, on the river road, and at on.ce began the manufacture of pottery. His first building, was a log shanty about 16x20 feet. In 1860, he erected a new building, of stone, 20x30 feet, two- stories high. Additions have been made from time to time, as increasing business demanded, and he now has a large establishment with an annual business of from four to live thousand dollars. The Minnesota Rendering and Fertilizing Com- pany, began business in the spring of 1877, under the firm name of F. M. Upliam and Com- pany. January 1880, William Wyman became a partner, and the present name was adopted. Their rendering works were first located on Bridal Veil creek, a few rods above the falls, but in 1880, new Ijuildings were erected in the south-east part of the township, near Meeker's Island, and the machinery moved there. The main building is 50x100 feet, three stories high, with an engine room on the east, 28x40, and an addition on the west, 25x30 ; also a black- smith shop, 25x30, and a barn 60x80. This company have an abattoir located on the flats near Saint Paul, with a capacity for killing two hundred cattle and five hundred hogs per day. At the rendering establishment twenty-one persons are employed. The business offices are at number 11, First street north, Minneapolis, and 64, East Seventh street. Saint Paul. NURSERY. The Summit Nursery was established on sec- tion 12, about 1862, by Thomas Moulton, and contains nearly thirty acres. This nursery is well stocked with fruit trees and shrubbery adapted to this climate. BIOGRAPHICAL. Adam Burg, a native of Germany, was born in 1826, at the village of Moetsch. He attended school until twelve years of age, and afterward worked on a farm. In 1852 he emigrated with his father to the United States. He resided in Chicago three years. In 1855 he came to Minne- sota, settled at St. Anthony, and has since been a permanent resident of Hennepin county. His wife was Therese Kohler. Their marriage occurred in 1866. Of the nuie children born to them, six are living. Charles Estes was born in the town of Cornish, York county, Maine, April, 1835. He engaged in railroad business in Massachusetts for a time, and in 1853 moved with his parents to Minnesota. He located at Anoka, and helped build the first mill-dam at that place. He eventually came to St. Anthony, which is still his home. His father is living with him — a vigonuis old gentleman, eighty-seven years of age. Charles Estes enlisted in the Ninth Minnesota Infantry, and served three years. He is one of the old settlers, and has a fine place. The firet brick made in this county were manufactured on his farm. His wife 856 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. ■was Mrs. Julia Estes, whom he married in 1872. They have three children li^-ing. Elijah AV. Grindall (deceased) was bom Septem- ber 20th. 1S04. at Penobscot, Hancock count>-, Maine. He received his education in the public schools, and then worked at farming. In Janu- ary, 1826, he married Caroline Higgins, who bore him nine children. Mr. Grindall came to St. An- thony in 1854. after a few months residence in Iowa. He was an energetic farmer, and served as County Commissioner several terms. His death occurred in 1872. Jlrs. Grindall and her youngest son, Olin, live at the farm. Ernest Hilgedick, a native of Germaiy, ^i as born in 1823. He attended school until sixteen years of age. and was emploved in fanning from that time imtil 1844, when he emigrated with his parents to America. He resided in "Warren county, Missouri, imtil 18-50; then spent three j'ears in California, where he met with considera- ble success in mining. He came to Minnesota, and purchased a farm in Eamsey county. Lived there until he settled in tliis county, in 1872. His marriage with Lisetta Dothage occurred in 1853. They have ten children. Two of the sons are proprietors of the Edgewood Dairy. Louis Kampif was born in Hanover, North Germany, in 1828. He learned the trade of pot- ter, and came to the United States in 1854, lived three years at Galena, Illinois, then came to St. Anthony, where he has since been engaged in the manufacture of pottery, with success. He was married in 1857, at Galena, Illinois, to Minnie Koehlberg, of that place — seven children were bom to them, six of whom are living. M. F. Kletzin was born in North Prussia, in 1830. In 1852, he came to America and lo- cated at Lockport, New York, where he was en- gaged m gardening until 1856, when he came to St. Anthony, and resided in the city till 1865, then located on the place where he now lives. He has made gardening a successful business. Manied in 1861, Johanna Sandhoff, ^\ho has borne himtwochildren.but oneof whom is living. John Oberlies. a native of Germany, was born in 1834. At the age of fourteen, he began an apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade, and in 1853, came to America. He lived in Pennsylva- nia five years, then came to this county, and has since resided in the town of St. Anthony. He was among the first carpenters who worked in Minneapolis. His wife was Miss Katherine Kess- ler, whom he married in 18.54. They have had eight children, of whom five are living. Nathan O. Phillips, one of the oldest settlers of St. Anthony township, was born in Windham county, Vermont, in 1822. He attended the pub- lic schools, until the age of eighteen, and was also engaged in the occupations of farmer and carriage builder. In 1844, he went to Boston, Massachusetts, and found employment in a wholesale paper establishment, where he re- mained about six years, and in 18-50. came to St. Anthony. lie lived there one year then made the claim where he has since re- sided. He has been clerk of the town for the last eighteen years. He was married in 1849, to ilary A. Pliilbrook. Four children have been bom to them, two now living : Euguia F. and Proctor H. C. J. Swanson was born in Smoland, South Sweden. He emigrated to the United States in . 1869. and settled in McLeod county. Minnesota; one year later he came to ^ilinneapolis. He began themanufacture of brick in 1876. The business has since been prosperous. The yards are located on the east side of the river, three miles north of the city and furnish employment to forty-five men and ten teams. He was married in 1876, to Christine Johnson, who has borne him one child. Frank Thiry. a native of France, was born February 25th, 1835. He engaged in farming till 1853 when he came to America. After a residence of two years in New York, where he learned the tinners' trade, he removed to Utica, thence to Illinois, and worked at his trade at Napierville. In 1857 he came to Saint Anthony and worked as tinner for Spence and Pomeroy. In 1860 he established a hardware and tin store, and carried on the business five years, then took as partner, Charles Ilemy. and the firm of Frank Thiry and Company did a successful busi- ness for about ten years. Mr. Thiry was obliged to leave the city on account of ill-health, and has since lived on his farm. He still owns the business house, number 9, Main street, E. D. He was married in 1860, to Caroline Stolzman; they have had eight children, seven of whom are living. INTBODUCTOEY. 357 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. CHAPTEK LVI. INTRODUCTORY— CLAIMS— FRANKLIN STEELE— BOUNDARIES FIRST DEED — AFFIDAVIT OF SPENCE — NAAaOATION — SETTLERS AND LU3I- BERMEN — STORES — JIILL ERECTED — MISFOR- TUNES. Waterfalls have alwaj's borne magic with tliem. It sparkles in their spray and shines in their rain- bows. Fairy stories are based on legends of mount- ain cascades, and good or bad spirits were in an- cient times supposed to hover around them to influ- ence the lives of visitors. Waverly has peopled the crags and glens of old Scotland with spirits wher- ever a well or waterfall was to be found. The poor Indian whose imagination could not extend so far, looked at the ■' Ka-ka-bi-ka Irara "' as the abode of his Manitou. Jonathan Carver writes that, on his first visit to the falls, which liappened about 1767, he was accompanied by a chief of the Winnebagoes. He says: " The Prince had no sooner gained the point that overlooked this wonderful cascade than he began with an audible voice to address the Great Spuit, one of whose places of residence he imagined this to be. He told Him that he had traveled a long way to pay his adorations to Him, and now would make Him the best offering in his power. He, accordingly, first threw his pipe into the stream, then the roll that contained his tobacco; after these the bracelets he wore upon his arms and wrists; next an ornament that encircled his neck and the ear- rings from his ears. In short, he presented to his God every part of his dress that was valualile. During this time he frequently smote his breast with gi-eat violence, threw his arms about, and appeared to be much afflicted. All this while he continued his adorations, and at length concluded them with fervent petitions that the Great Spirit would constantly afford us protection on our travels, giving us a bright smi, a blue sky and clear untroubled waters. Nor would he leave until we had smoked together, with my pipe, iu honor of the Great Spirit." The white man, who has usurped both hunting-ground and water-fall, worshiped money more than the God of Nature, and looked to the precious yellow metal to cure every disease and afford him both comfort and protection. He did not, like the Indian, fall down and worship the spirit of the falls; still, after admiring the beauty, he proceeded with lead and line to take its measurement, estimate its capacity to drive machinery, take its geographical situation with reference to commercial centres, and witli mathematical estimates specidate on its future value. The Indian and his romantic vis- ions have passed away, and his Manitou has been forever dethroned. The falls themselves have covered their natural charms in answer to the be- hest of knowledge and progress. The new di- vinity, that has taken the abode of the Indian's Manitou, in obedience to the custom established when knowledge first crept into the Garden of Eden, is in one sense a god. The element of power, at least, remains; that element which to most men is the important attribute of Deity, to which in their view, knowledge, justice and good- ness are subordinate. This, with almost absolute sway, has determined the site of a great city, has compelled capital to come from afar to develop the resom-ces of the great North-west, has gath- ered a population of fifty thousand i)eople as devotees in its immediate vicinity, and more than twenty thousand more of farmers and smaller merchants to feed the central industry. No wand of fairy queen or '' nod " of Indian Manitou was ever known to produce such a result. It is the purpose of this history to trace the development from the first. In the year 1836, a territory existed in the North-west,called Wisconsin, organized that year, and including wilhiu its bounds, in addition to 358 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. what is now Wisconsin, part of the upper peninsula of Michigan, the \vhole of :Minnesota Snd Iowa, and that part of Dakota lying east of the Missouri and White Earth rivers. At the intersection of the Mississippi river and the forty-flfth degree of north latitude, the watere of the might\' river poured over precipitous rocks, forming a beautiful water-fall, which had been de- scribed by many explorers as picturesque, and possibly of gieat value in the future. Such reports had prevailed for one himdred and fifty years, without eUeiting general attention. Major Plympton, of the oth United States In- fantry, successor of ilajor Bliss in command at Fort Snelling, and othere, made a claim at St. Anthony Falls, in 1836. and built a log house. In 1837. Sergeant Caipenter. of Company A of the same regiment, stationed at the Fort, made a claim adjoining that of ilajor Plympton, et al., on the north. In the summer of 1838, Franklm Steele appears as an interested partner in the claim of Major Plympton. Mr. Steele first arrived at Fort Snelling in 1837, as will appear in his biography, but though it would appear that from the first he purposed to secure the claim at the falls, still he waited the proper time to arrive, and in the meantime became interested in busi- ness at the Falls of St. Croix. The circumstances attending his pre-emption are as follows: The steamer Burlington. Captain Throckmor- ton, aiTived at Fort Snelling June 13th. 1838, having on board Franklin Steele, who had been spending the winter at Washington, P. F. Baker, a trader located near Fort Snelling, Captain Ma- riatt of the British navy, and General Atkinson, U. S. A, The next day the whole party rode out to the Falls of St. Anthony. Five days after this, the steamboat Ariel arrived from St. Louis, and a ^Ir. Beebe, one of the passengers, an- nounced the rmnor that the United States Senate had ratified the treaty %\-ith the Indians, by \-ii-tue of which the lands between the St. Croix and the Mississippi were ceded to the United States. It was not, however, till the loth of July, that the ofiicial notice was brought by the steamer Pal- myra. The first report created much interest among the aspirants for claims in the newly acquired territory, but the confirmation led to decided action. It is said that in June, 1838, and, if this be a correct date, before the official notice was re- ceived, Franklin Steele and Captain L. Scott, of the Fifth U. S. Infantry, set out post haste for the Falls of St. Anthony, each anxious to sec\u-e the best claim, including the falls. Captain Scott came up on the west side of the river, but was unable to cross, while iMr. Steele, who took the east bank, in company with assistants, was able to make a shanty ready to entertain his friends fi'om the Fort when they made the detour neces- sary to join him on the opposite bank. In reply to the allegation of Scott that the claim had been previously occupied by him in company with others, Mr. Steele answered, that their claim was void, for t«-o reasons; first, be- cause made before the ratification of the treaty, and, secondly, because of the incapacity of the claimants to pre-empt land while holding military ofllces under the goverimient. This claim continued to be known for some time as the claim of Major Plympton and others. An old voyageur, named La Grue, was placed in charge, occupying a log house opposite the falls, and until 1839 took care of the claim. His stewardship ended in a tragical manner. Owing to the distance of supplies and the semi-barbarous method of subsistence, of which hunting and fishing formed an important part, La Grue was frequently absent from home on a visit to the Fort or the government farm, to secure supplies, or on some hunting or fishing excursion. On re- turning from one of these, as he approached his hut, he saw from the high ground the smoking nuns of his cabin. Hurrying to the spot, he not only found everything bm-ned, but the charred remains of his wife were also among the debris. The fire was supposed to be accidental, but no explanation could be obtained where none lived to explain. After grieving over his loss, he set out to go around by the island to cross the river and seek shelter at the government farm by the mill on the west side, but met a party of Chip- pewas, who had come down from the north to secure a few Dakota scalps. They received him at their camp, as night was coming on. and af- forded him such comfort as they coidd give. La Grue after this left the country. One Charles Landry, also a French voyageur, was next placed in charge of the claim by Mr. Steele. His irregularities were more blamable CLAIMS AND IBANSFERS. 359 than those of La Grue, for, returning from a somewhat extended absence, he found his cabin occupied, guarded and barred against him by some intruder. An adventurer, named James Mink, knowing the irregularities of the steward , had "jumped" the claim in his absence, and as the intruder seemed prepared and disposed to maintain his position, Landry left him in possess- sion and reported the outrage to Mr. Steele at the Fort. Mr. Steele recovered his claim by purchase of ^link, paying him several hundred dollars, and Joseph Reaehi was put in charge. He was a Canadian voyageur and came from the Fort bringing his wife, five sons and two daughters. In 1838, two houses, one each side of the river, were the only dwellings in what is now Minne- apolis. These were the old government house buUt in 1822, and the log house of Franklin Steele. The Plympton claim was boimded on tlie north by a line beginning at a large cedar tree, situated on the east bank of the river, opposite where the "coffer dam"" now is, thence at right angles to the river indefinitely. It will appear frt)m this and following descriptions,that the boundaries of these first claims were usually undefined, except where claims adjoined, and it was long before their east- ern boundaries were fixed at all, as claims were not made except on the river. The Mississippi formed the western boundary. The southern boundary was a line beginning at a point opposite the lower end of Spirit Island, thence easterly at right angles to the river indefinitely, as stated of the northern boundary. The Carpenter claim, made as stated above, in 1837, was bounded on the south by the Plympton claim, west by the river ; the northern and eastern bounds were left indefinite, the whole to contain about three hundred and twenty acres. These two claims embraced all the lands near the falls on the east side, esteemed valualde by claim- ants. November 8th, 1838. Sergeant Nathaniel Car- penter transferred to Private Thomas Brown, also of Company A, oth United States Infantry, an un- divided half of his claim, for twenty-five dollars, and a log house was built on the claim by the joint owners, situated near the river, at a place between what are now Tliird and Fourth Avenues north-east. The instrument by which this first transfer of real estate now included in the city of Minneapolis was made, describes the lands as in the county of Crawford and Territory of Wisconsin, and is dated at Fort Snelling, Iowa Territory, signed and sealed by Nathaniel Carpenter, in the presence of Geo. W. P. Leonard. Thomas Brown conveyed his interest, May 6th, 1840, to Peter Quinn, of St. I'eter, Iowa Territory, by an in- strument attached to the former deed, signed by his mark and witnessed by Norinan W. Kittson. Peter Quinn sold the same. May 1st, 1845, to S. J. Findley and R. P. Russell. The last two transfers were very loosely made, without seal and without naming a consideration. Moreover, Quinn. who by deed had become entitled to an undinded half, after naming his interest adds in a parenthesis, " Half claim say north portion."' Findley and Rus- sell deeded. May 9th. 1846, to Pierre Bottineau. This deed describes the property as a certain tract of United States land in the Territory of Wiscon- sin, St. Croix county, on the Mississippi river, above the Falls of St. Anthony, etc., containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, and names the consideration, one hundred and fifty doOars. This instrument is in the handwriting of Joseph R. Brown, and is witnessed by Mr. Bi-own and P. Prescott. It is signed and sealed by Find- ley and Russell. Notes of the transfers of the property and private history of the family have been preserved by J. B. Bottineau, to whom we are indebted. It appears from notes of J. B. Bottineau that a transfer of the undivided half interest remain- ing in Sergeant Carpenter, after his deed to pri- vate Brown, was made to other i)arties, and be- came the property of ilr. Bottineau in 1S44. In 1842 or '43, Petit John made a claim south of Mr. Steele's claim. After this date ;Major Plympton ceased to be known in connection witli the claim originally made by liim. In 1845 Bottineau pur- chased of Petit John his claim which extended from Mr. Steele's claim south indefinitely on the river, but was recognized as including the lamls now known as University lands. Joseph Rondo made a claim in 1843, north of the Carpenter claim. The other boundaries were quite indefinite. He was aggressive and trouble- some, and wanted to encroach on the Carpenter claim, especially on Boom Island. Witnesses who estabUshed the line in 1838,were 360 mSTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. brought to prove the original bounds of the Car- penter claim on the north. A copy of his certifi- cate is given: '• This is to certify that I helped James Mink to run certain lines on claims belonging to Mr. Mink (now said claim belonguig to Mr. F. Steele) and one 'belonging to Mr. Quinn. lying on the east side of the ^lississippi river, near the Falls of Satut Anthony. I do hereby certify that the northern line of the claim now belonging to S. J. Findley and E. P. Russell was run by me, in the year 1S38, then belonging to Mr. P. Quinn. The said line was marked to commence on a large elm tree, near the shore, above the small island in the Jlississippi river opposite said claiming. The said northern line was marked according to law, the trees all in a Une, runnmg due north- east from the river, or from above said elm tree, were blazed on four sides, as well as could be done then. This is to certify that according to the way the above said northern line of said claim was ch-awn, that Joseph Eondo has no claim whatever to it ; that said Eondo drew his line inside of the above said Une, some two or three years after, September 9th, 1845, Babtist Spence. AVitness, Peteu Hayden." While Eondo, who lived at Samt Paul, was absent from his claim. Mr. Bottineau with others, dragged his little claim cabin by a yoke of cattle, out a mile or more north, at such distance that they thought themselves safe from his encroach- ments. In the fall of 1845, Eondo, finding his claim too far north, and his shanty having been re- moved to a distance, abandoned his claim alto- gether. Now, the whole east side belonged to two men, Franklin Steele and Pierre Bottineau. After this. Bottineau gave part of his claim to Louis Desjarlais, his brother-in-law. In the spring of 1845, ilr. Bottineau and Desjarlais moved on their claims from St. Paul. Mr. Bot- tineau had a family, consisting of a wife and three children. His two brothers, Severre and Charles, lived with liim. In 1845, the old Petit John house, south of the Steele claim, was occupied by Baptiste Tui-pLu, a voyageur and half-breed, though the claim was still the property of Pierre Bottineau. Pascal and Sauverre St. Martin. Canadian Frenchmen, made a claim below the Petit John claim, which included a small portion of the southern part of the university' land, extending indefinitely. The total population of what is now Minneap- olis consisted at this time of less than fifty souls, and these were scattered along the east side of the river guarding their own claims or those of then- employers. One man, whom they called Old Maloney. lived at the government mill on the other side of the river, where he had been em- ployed four or five years. St. Anthony Falls, at this time, boasted only one shingled house, that belonging to Frank- lin Steele and occupied by Eeaehi. The othei-s were covered with elm bark or sod. Navigation w-as undertaken in 1842. in a primitive way on the Upper Mississippi, above the Falls. The crafts used were a style called Mackinaw boats. These were keel-boats rigged for both rowing and sailing, mamied by eight voyageursand carried four tons burden, or eighty to one hmidied packages. These packages were calculated in weight and form for convenient handling. In case a portage was reached, the voyageui'S were required each to carry two of these at a load on their backs any distance re- quired. The first package was swung on his own back by means of the strap used in carrying, by the voyageur himself; the second package was placed on top of this by his companions. The whole load was equal in weight to a barrel of flour. These boats were operated by Pierre Bot- tineau, in the employ of the American Fur Com- pany, can-ying supplies from St. Anthony Falls to Sauk Eapids and Little Eock. After experi- ence it was found that the,se boats, on account of their keel, drew too much water to pass bars and shallows in the river durmg low water, and flat- boats of larger size were substituted, manned with twenty-two men and propelled by poles. These boats were employed in transporting goods to various points from St. Anthony Falls to Fort Eipley, for the American Fm- Company and for the United States government; both military stores and Indi.m goods for the upper country. XicoUet Island at this time was covered with magnificent maples, and three or four sugar camps were opened for successive years by the various families living near. The implements SETTLERS FROM THE EAST. 361 used were the veiy rudest. Birch-bark pans were used to catch the sap which flowed from a gash made by the Frenclunan's ax. Kettles, swung from crotched sticl?s, boiled down the precious liquid. These spring days were the sweetest of the year to the uncultivated inhabitants. These early days remind ns of the Darwinian theory, and may be considered as an illustration of that philosopher's doctrine. In the first place, there is the hodge-podge or chaotic condition of the country under Indian brutality, a mixture of Ojibwas, Sioux, Wiiinebagoes and numerous tribes and combination of tribes, which we may denominate the "Xebular condition."' Then came in French voyageurs, a higher, or more en- lightened race, with beads and gew-gaws to en- tice the Indian maidens, illustrating the theory of " Xatural Selection.'' "The struggle for ex- istence," and the " Survival of the fittest," each find a most vigorous illustration. Tlie lineaments and habits of the vi'hites appear in these men as imitations or caricatures of the race. The ine- vitable " Struggle for existence " began in earn- est when actual settlers moved in and took claims, for we can hardly regard Mr. Steele as a settler in St. Anthony at this time, since he never lived on his claim, but only attempted to hold it by a color of title, employing a tenant to live in the cabin. Peter Quinn obtained a claim here, but it was subsequenty absorbed by Franklin Steele as well as one taken by his son-in-law Findley. Mr. Steele now owned the most valuable portion of St. Anthony, including the Falls, and, from his social and financial position as well by his natural abilities, became not only the most inter- ested, but the most powerful friend of the new settlement. His claim at St. Anthony Falls was a little in advance of the wheels of progress, but he kept his foot firmly on it until the rest of the world came up with him. lie lived near the Fort where he held out a hospitable hand to all new- comers, and encouraged the settlement. Mr. Steele opened a farm of seven acres and em- ployed a man to fence and cultivate it until he entered it and perfected his title in 1848, by pay- ing the usual price, one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. The changes to 1847, were, in addition to the facts already given, exclianges among the owners of claims, of little more import to our history than the swapping of jack-knives among a party of school boys, for settlers came in 1847 who added tone to business, and soon obliterated all traces of these petty trades. In an address of Judge Atwater's we find that Charles Wilson was the first American settler at St. Anthony. He arrived in the spring of 1847. In June of this year, William A. Cheever ob- tained a claim near the present site of the Uni- versity. Through him a negotiation was opened with parties from the East for a purchase of the water-power, which culminated July 10th, in the sale by Mr. Steele of nine-tenths of the water- power of St. Anthony Falls to lion. Robert Ran- toul, Caleb Gushing and others for twelve thousand dollars, and measures were at once taken for the erection of mills. Mr. Ard Godfrey was secured from Maine to superintend the con- struction of a mill, and arrived in the fall of 1847. Mr. Jacob Fisher, of St. Croix, directed the first work in the construction of the dam previous to the arrival of Ard Godfrey. During this year John Rollins, Calvin A. Tuttle, Luther Pateli and his son Edward, Sumner W. Farnliam, Caleb D. Dorr, Robert W. Cummings, Charles W. Stimpson, R. P. Russell, John McDonald, Samuel Ferrald. Joseph and William R. Marshall, Daniel Stanchfield and others arrived. Luther Patch brought his wife and two daughters, who were the first resident white women at St. Anthony. Calvin Tuttle also brought his family. R. P. Russell brought a stock of goods from the Fort, where he had been since 1839, and, in connection with Mr. Tuttle, opened a small store, the first in St. x\n- thony, in a room of the log house on Mr. Steele's claim, occupied at the same time as a residence by Luther Patch and family. ITnder these favor- able circumstances for acquaintance, it is not surprising that this history records the marriage of Mr. Russell and Miss Patch October 3d, 1848, the first wedding in St. Antlumy. In the spring of 1849, William R. Marshall, afterward Governor of the state, established a small store in company with his brother Jo- seph M., in a building on Main street, next above the former residence of John Rollins. Disregarding the small stock of goods kept as stated in a private house by Mr. Russell, this is called by Gov. Marshall 362 HISTOET OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. the first store in St. Anthony. In the fall of the same year Mr. R. P. Kussell and his partner, Mr. Cruttenden. opened a store on Main street above the end of the present bridge; counting Marshall's firet, this was the second store. John G. Lennon opened the next in connection witli the American Fur Company, P. Choteau & Co., whose main office was in New Yoj-k, with a branch at St. Louis, also located on Main street. In 1851, John H. Stevens opened a store in connection with Mr. Steele, under the name of John H. Stevens and Company. In the fall of 1849 the first steps in lumbering were taken and a gang of men sent up the Mississippi river to Swan river, by Mr. Steele, to secure timber for the proposed mill. They paid tlie Sioux chief, Hole-in-the-Day, two huntlred dollars for fifty sticks of heweil timber. This timber was caught at Pike Rapids, nine miles above Sauk Rapids, and frozen in. but was mostly secured as it came down in the spring. A gang sent up Rum River to obtain timber for the dam were even more un- fortunate, for their logs were frozen in at the mouth of Rum River, and wholly lost in the spring freshet, involving a loss of S3 .000. The work must, however, go on during the winter, and the beautiful maple and elm groves on Nicollet and Hennepin Islands were ruthlessly sacrificed to furnish the lumber reipiisite. A block-house was built that fall, near the end of the present stone-arch bridge leadmg to Nicollet Island, which was called the '• Old Mess-house,'" for the men employed on the dam during the winter, and Da- \id Gorham acted in the capacity of cook. Ard Godfrey, who also brought his family, lived in a comfortable house near the mill, situated on what is now ^lain Street, just below the falls. His daughter llattie was the first white child born at St. Anthony. The winter of 1847-8 was ft-aught with misfor- tunes to the settlers. The boat in wiiich their supplies from the East were conveyed was sunk in the Erie Canal. The hardware, of which they were greatly in need, was wholly lost. This caused great scarcity of tools with which to carry forward their building. The winter was severe, and provisions were scarce and high. ^Vomen were too few to do the cooking, and men were forced to act as cooks and housekeepers. The old government saw-mill was a poor affair- and worked slowly ; its utmost capacity was but three or four hundred feet per day, and the settlers were forced to bring lumber fi-om the St. Croix. Worst of all, Rantoul and Cushing failed to meet their pay- ments.and when their paper came back protested, it was a source of great embarrassment to Mr. Steele, and, as all depended on him, to the whole settlement, its effects continued to be felt for some time. In spite of all difficulties, Mr. Steele's mill began to run in the spring of 1848, and many of the inconveniences disappeared. Many new set- tlers came in. and new houses were rapidly built. The first built from the new lumber were one for Mrs. Huse, and part of that occupied by Richard Rogers, built by Washington GetcheU ; also one built by liim for his own residence. CHAPTER LVII. DESCRIPTION OF SCENERY IX 1847 — GOVERN- MENT LAND SALES SURVEYS ORGANIZA- TION OF TERRITORY — LITERARY AND SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS — EVENTS OF 1849-50. The early explorers, visitors and pioneer settlers have vied with each other in extolling the beau- ties of this region in its original glory. We have Father Hennepin's and Jonathan Carver's de- scriptions at an early day, and in later times novelists and poets have immortalized its scenery. It will be appropriate to this history to give brietiy the impressions produced upon the pioneer settlers who arrived in the fall of 1847. just at the time the work on the dam commenced, and before the beauties as God made them had been marred by the hand of man, and at the same time give a picture of the settlement at this date which properly belongs to this chapter. "N'isitors arriving on foot, the usual mode of travel in those, days, obtained their first view of the Falls of St. Anthony from the high ground where the University now stands. At this point they would halt spell bound, and reclining on the green grass take in the magnificent \ie\\. The SCENEBY IN 1847. 363 fall was the central figure, where the mighty Father of Waters leaps over the limestone rocks twenty-five or thirty feet to the foot of the preci- pice, extending in nearly a straight line from Hennepin Island to the east bank, forming a gentle curve from the island to the west bank. The roaring of the fall seemed to threaten the solid land, but the rainbow of promise beckoned on the traveler, inviting his approach and holding out rich rewards. Just below^ the falls, but in the midst of their spray, was a little green island called " Spirit Island." An old Indian legend makes it the abode of an Indian mother who threw herself with her child into the river and went down into the seething water in anguisli of heart because her lord and master brought a new wife into the wigwam. The banks and the islands were covered with beautiful evergreens. At the right, the banks slope gently from the high land above to the bank of the stream, while still farther to the right, above the rising ground, was a level expanse varied by clusters of oaks of low growth which gave the appearance of an old orchard. Still further as a back-ground, extend- ing as far as the eye could reach, a line of low bluffs. On the left was spread out a beautiful rolling prairie covered with a wild luxuriance of grass and flowers, while on the bank near the falls appeared a low pile of limestone, which proved on approach to be the old government mill that grinds a little corn and saws a little lumber in a rude and primitive manner. At this time the falls were nearly perpendicular, and that of the main channel numy hundred feet lower down than the present fall. Spirit Island, now almost washed away, was then of considerable size and covered with wood, and only a little way below the main fall. Cataract, Hennepin and Nicollet Islands were densely wooded. Opposite the falls, but a little removed from the bank on the east side, stood the log cabin of Mr. Steele, with a few' acres of corn growing near it, at what is now the corner of Second Avenue South and Main Street, East Division. The block house then building, Pierrie Botti- neau's house on the bank of the river above the head of Nicollet Island, Calvin A. Tuttle's claim shanty near the ravine north of the University, and two or three French squatter's cabins were all that marked tiie presence of man. Mr. Luther Patch, with two interesting daughters, ilarion and Cora, were living in the old log house of ilr. Steele. The former soon became JMrs. R. P. Russell, and the latter Mrs. Joseph M. Marshall. At this date Saint Paul, which soon after assumed the position of the commercial centre for the North-west, was little in advance of this poor showing for Saint Anthony, and shrewd men whose wit often comes afterward, now assert that, as the Mississippi is easily navigable to a point three miles below the Falls of Saint An- thony, if the claim held in 1847 by Denoyer, three miles down the river, had became the pro]ierty of such men as built up Saint Paul and Minne- apolis, the commercial center might have been made there, and thus brought in close proximity to what God ordained should be the manufactur- ing centre. Had this happened, doubtless this dual city would long since have become by the imion of three, a city of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants, with vastly greater wealth than the present aggregate of all. It must be borne in mind that up to this time these lands still belonged to tlie I'nited States government. No siu-vey had been made and no title to the land had been or could be conveyed imtil such survey was made and recorded. Set- tlements, therefore, previous to this were simply squatters' claims, and transfers of claims hereto- fore, had been in anticipation of the survey and government land sale. The sale took place in 1848 and the lands were entered by the several claimants at the government price, one dollar and a quarter per acre. The rights of each were strictly regarded although it was now certain that the claims were quite valuable. It woidd further appear that some of the claims adjoining, or near Mr. Steele's were held by the claimants inider a contract with ^Ir. Steele, or were bought by him immediately after the survey and entry, for, he is represented as having obtained at the government price, a tract extending from where the bridge now is "to the northern limits of the village, and another at the upper end of the town and the island called Boom Island." From the fact that titles and transfers about this time appear a little mixed, it is inferred that measures w-ere taken by Mr. Steele to cover such lands as he thought most valuable, by employing others to hold them until mider the color of purchase 364 HISTORY OF HENNEPIX COUNTY. the claims were, according to previous contract, transfeiTed to him. In the spring of 184S, as stated above, Mr. Steele's mill was complete and nmning two single sash saws. Dining this year Mr. Cheever platted and laid out a town where he first located, near the present site of the I'niversity. This seems to have been a year of preparation for the incom- ers of 1849, who came in considerable numbers; but the character of the men was of gi-eater sig- nificance tliau their numbers; such men as Col. John H. Stevens, Judge Bradley B. Meeker, Dr. John II. Murphy, the Getchells. Farnhams. etc., etc. In tlie spring of this year "Wm. K. Mar- shall, afterward Governor of the state, came to reside at St. Anthony. He had %isited here in the fall of 1847. at which time he made a claim in the rear of what is ninv the upper town, and cut logs for a cabin, but could find no team to draw them together, and al)andoned the claim for more promising employment on the St. Croix Kiver. On his return, in the spring of 1849, he secured his old claim and erected his house. This subsequently formed Marshall's addition to St. Anthony. Mr. Steele, in further preparation for new- comers, employed Wm. E. Marshall to survey into blocks and lots the town site of St. Anthony. Mr. S. P. Folsom had begun a survey previously, but it was not completed and was superseded by the new survey. Gov. Marshall states that he tried to secure generous-sized lots and wide streets. The lots were made sixty-six feet front by one hundred and sixty-five feet in depth, and the streets all eighty feet wide except Main street, whicli was made one hundred feet. Mr. Botti- neau, who had never seen a city, and had a very imperfect conception of one, or the use of all this measurement, for, since he had never learned to read, he had never read of a city, after listening to the conversation of the land speculators, di- rected Mr. :Marshall to take his land and fix it like the othere, or do as he pleased with it. From this year, dates the real growth of St. Anthony. In addition to those mentioned above, we find Hon. J. W. Xortli. John G. Lennon. J. P. Wilson, and twenty more of names that have be- come of great interest in connection with the de- velopment of the city. This year was a time of general stir and prosperity. Mr. Steele started two more saws. Anson Northrup began the St. Charles hotel. About this time Mr. Steele sold to Arnold W. Taylor, of Boston, an undi- vided half interest in his property at the Falls, for §20,000. This proved subsequently a damage to the settlement, for Mr. Taylor, an eccentric old man, could not agree with any one, and two years after, Mr. Steele thought himself fortunate in buying back the property for 825,000, Litiga- tions growing out of this transaction were pro- ductive of e^dl, and retarded the growth of the city. The population did not exceed three hun- dred. Xear the river were most of the newly built houses, unpainted, but ft-esh and bright from the recently sawn lumber, while back from the river were log houses already stained by the hand of time. During the year the territory was organized in June, m accordance with an act of congress passed March 3d, 1849, The area emliraced in the territory was nearly double that of the present state. Pursuant to a proclamation of the governor, courts were organized for the territory of Min- nesota in August. The President appointed Aaron Goodrich, Daniel Cooper, and Bradley B. Meeker, judges in the several districts. Judge Meeker removed at this time from Kentucky to St. Anthony, and held his first court in the old government mill, August 20th, 1849. with Frank- lin Steele, foreman of the grand jury. John Koll- ins was elected to the Territorial Council, and William R. Marshall, to the House of Represen- tatives from St. Anthony, and William Dugas from Little Canada, which was united with St. Anthony, in the same representative district. At the meeting of the Legislature, at St. Paul, which had been made temporary capital by the act organizing the territory, a bill was introduced to make it the permanent capital. This biO was opposed by Mr. ^Marshall and othere. and a vig- orous, though ineifectual attempt was made to locate it at St. Anthony. The struggle was aided by a fore-runner of "Xast" who caricatured it by a pictiu-e of a building, representing a Capitol on wheels with ropes attached by means of which Mr. :SIarshall was tugging away, endeavoring to di-ag the building off, while Bronson, Jackson and others of St. Paul were pulling back and blocking the wheels, with humorous and laconic speeches is- POSI-OFFICE AND SCHOOL-HOUSE. 365 suing from their mouths. The struggle, however, led ultimately to the establishment of the Uni- versity at St. Anthony as a partial equivalent. During this year, the first post-office was estab- lished in a small office building belonging to Mr. Steele, with Ard Godfrey as postmaster. Cap- tain John Rollins ran a passenger wagon occa- sionally to St. Paul, but Mr. Godfrey had no reg- ular mail-carrier until the next year, 1850, when Powers and Willoughliy established a line of daily stages between St. Paul and St. Anthony. In 1849, Mr. Godfrey obtained the mail at m-eg- ular intervals as he could from St. Paul. It had previously been a matter of serious mo- ment, and attended, too, with much apprehension to perceive the approach of a long cold winter, in a country where few of the necessaries of life were produced, where the settlers were depen- dent on supplies brought from a distance by means of very uncertain and iriegular communi- cation, where few were able to secure large stores in advance, and were lialile to be cut off for weeks together from communicating witli the outside world. In the winter of 1849, social en- joyments began, as the direct result of increased population, and the arrival of educated and agreea- ble people as well as better houses and more of the luxuries of life. Mr. and Mrs. North lived in a house near the center of Nicollet Island. Their approach was by a floating bridge, formed by the accumulation of logs for the mills, except when the ice of winter, bridged the entire river. Mrs. North had a piano, the tjrst at the falls, and weekly meetings were held at the house for read- ing, conversation and music. Mr. jNIarshall pro- cured tlie passage of a bill incorporating a liltrary association, and nearly two hundred volumes were obtained, and thus the first public library in Min- nesota, was founded. A course of public lectures was instituted during the winter; the lecturers w^ere Hon. M. S. Wilkinson, Gen. R. W. John- ston, then Lieutenant at Fort Snelling, Rev. Father Gear, Rev. E. D. Neill, Elder Chauncey Hobart, Putnam P. Bishop and others. In the summer of 1849, the first public school was op- ened, in a small log shanty by Miss Electa Rachus. In the fall a small school-house was built, the first within the present limits of Hennepin county. During the winter following, Rev. E. D. Neill, of St. Paul, preached every other Sunday afternoon, in this school-house. He stated that his congre- gation was larger at St. Anthony than at St. Paul, where he also preached in the morning. Rev. E. D. Neill delivered the first lecture in the course, in the winter of 1849. The lectures were given in the school-house. Referring to this course of lectures in an address before the Old Settlers Association, Mr. Neill said : " Allusion has been made to the first course of lectures given at the Falls, the introductory to which was delivered under difficulties. It was announced that the course would open on the night of December 26th, 1849. The lecturer had dined at the residence of one of the best educated and most energetic men of the Upper Mississippi Valley, the late Charles W. Borup, then residing at Mendota. After a late dinner. Doctor Borup, with his sleigh and a pair of spirited horses, started with the lecturer for the Falls. " It took but a few minutes to reach the Fort, but after its walls were passed it was dark, and fresh snow had obscured the path, which was sel- dom traveled. Soon the horses carried the sleigh into the cellar of a house that had been destroyed, but they quickly clambered out. At last the old government mill was reached, and the horses cau- tiously descended the bluff, to the frozen river. The cakes of ice were jammed perpendicularly, and there were long hollows between, and as the sleigh would pass over, the ice-hillocks would break down with a loud crash, and more than once the thought arose upon the part of the occu- pants, whether the sleigh would halt before it touched bottom. Af t«r slow and cautious driving, the east side of Hennepin Island was reached, only to find a large air-hole. Escaping tliis by a long detour, firm land was touched once more, and as the sleigh approached the school-bouse John Rollins met it, and in a very kind voice, but at the time it seemed a cool way, told the lecturer he was about ten minutes too late, and that the audience had gone home. Sadder, if not wiser and "warmer" men, the horses were turned around, and driver and lecturer reached Mendota at bed time. The people of the Falls were still determined to have the lecture, and soon after, AVm. R. Jlarshall, the late governor of the State, who had organized the Library Association, came in a sleigh after the lecturer. In the midst of a heavy snow-storm they drove to St. Antliony from 366 HISTORY OF HEXKI:PIN^ COUNTY. St. Paul, and the lecture was delivered, and an abstract of it published as an appendix to the first ad(h-ess before the Minnesota Historical Society." This year, 1849, was a prosperous one in all de- partments: preparations were made for the build- ins of churches. The Baptist Church was or- ganized in July, 1850. through the instrumental- ity of J. P. Parsons and W. P. Brown, and in August, the iletliodist by Pev. J. G. Putnam and Mr. Xewcomb. The Congregational Church, in which the First Presbyterian Church, organized in September, 1850, was merged, was organized Xovember. 1851. with Rev. C. Secconibe in charge. In 1852, the Episcopal Church was organized by Rev. Dr. E. G. Gear and T. "Wilcoxson, and the Universalist, by Rev. S. Barnes. In 1850 some events of interest occurred. During this year several successful attempts were made to navigate the ilississippi to St. An- thony, already mentioned under Hennepin county. Tlie failure to establish regular com- munication induced some to transfer their resi- dence to St. Paul. A purse of two hundred dol- lars was made up for the ''Anthony Wayne," because she established St. Anthony as the head of navigation. The only difficulty was that it would not stay established. In IsoO occurred the exciting election for Dele- gate to Congress, in which Mr., now Gov., Sil)ley and Col. Alexander JSI. Mitchell were opposing candidates. ^Messrs. Sibley and Rice had been partners in tlie Indian trading interests in con- nection with the great house of Pierre Choteau, Jr., & Co. A quarrel arose in the fall of 1849, in consequence of which :Mr. Rice left the firm. General Sibley was at this time delegate to con- gress, and had done good service in securing the passage of the ten-itorial bill, but every effort was made by Gov. Rice and his supporters to defeat him by putting forward and supporting Col. Mitchell. The fears and jealousies of the people were arouse cliffs. The name Minneapolis is compoimded of the Sioux word, "Minne." meaning water, and the Greek •'Polls," a city, which blends easilx and, though contrarj' to the usual rule in forming compounds, it is a much more agreeable name than though both had been taken from the Greek, in wliich case the name would have been, perhaps, Hudor- apolis. In the spring of 1854, Minneapolis contained only twelve houses, and these were scattered at long intervals apart, as if their purpose was that of farms ; moreover, their architecture was some- what xmiform, and, though picturesque, could hardly be called elegant, for at this time it was quite imcertain what action the government would take in reference to the resenation. In a chap- ter of the county history will be found an account of the measures taken to secure the claims by the settlers. In the spring of 18.5o. all apprehension was removed by the favorable decision of Con- gi-ess. and in April the claimants were able to prove up and obtain undisputed title. Previously the settlers had been subjected to trouble and ex- pense. Money had to be contributed to protect their rights ; clubs and claim associations were organized for the same purpose. These associa- tions had committees before whom conflicting claimants presented their causes for arbitration, and from their decision there was no appeal, for the very weakness of the settlers led them to in- stitute strong measures, and where an\ sliowed signs of making trouble, it is said a rope attached to the limb of a tree was shown the mischief- maker. The result was submission to the rules BUILDING HOUSES— MILLS. 377 of the association. To claim-jumpers no quarter was given. To lion. Heiuy M. Rice, delegate to congress from the territory, and to citizens who went to Wasliington to aid in the matter, was due the passage of the bill which secured the rights of pre-emption to tlie settlers. After all was settled and claimants had secured their homes, prosjierity began. Claims changed hands, and new men came in, bringing money. This was the time to judge of the character of men. All were pros- perous, and many a poor dog who had never had money before, strutted about with liis coat pock- ets full of gold, presenting a twenty-dollar piece to pay for a cigar. Thus the fool and his money soon parted, while wiser men used the prosperous days to prepare for the hard times to follow. Hard times came soon, finding few thoroughly enough hedged to tide over. The first survey was made by William R. Marshall in 18.54, l)ut the tirst record of survey was filed August 2d, l.s.5.5, Wilham R. Marshall, surveyor, changed by Heman C. Smith. This was on sections 25 and 26. Next, May 13th, 1856, Atwater's addition was recorded. Next, June 19th, 1856, Mon-ison, Smith and Hancock's addi- tion. These additions were surveyed by H. Clay- ton Smith. Murphy's addition was sinveyed July 7th, 1857, by Smith and Carleton. In the fall of 18.55 more than one hundred houses had been built, and to quote from the pa- pers of the day, "Some would do credit, both in structure and durability, to the city of New York.'' The boom of progress was checked and brought to a stand Ijy the financial crisis of 1857. Fabulous rates of interest were paid by even the best men, and disaster followed. The fortunes which seemed already in tlie grasp of many, treacherouslv slipped away and passed into the hands of others, and in this way some of the first claimants, who were entitled to, and were worthy of, the highest rewards came out poor. It was long thought Ijy the leading citizens of St. Anthony that their neighbor, Minneapolis, would become only a valuable suburb of their city, as the natural conformation of the land and the di- vision of the river by islands favored the St. Anthony side. At first all the business except farming was on the east side, but October 8th, 1853, Mr. Chambers opened the "Pioneer Store" in a building on Bridge Square belonging to Mr. J. II. Stevens, and the following year several more were built. In 1854, the township of Minneapolis was sup- posed to contain nearly one thousand inhabitants and had one newspaper, the Northwestern Dem- ocrat; one physician. Dr. A. E. Ames; two firms of lawyers, Cornell and Hanson, and Atwater and Jones; religious services were instituteji by the Presliyterians, Baptists and Methodists. During this year a land office was established with M. L. Olds register, and R. P. Russell re- ceiver. JSIessrs. Olds and Russell held their offices until 1857, w'hen the land office was removed to Forest City. At one time there was a great rush of business at this office, and from §50(1 to 820,000 was paid over in a single day. It may be recorded here that at the time of the Sioux outbreak in 1862, the land office was again located at Minneapolis, with Dana E. King register, and Mr. Jordan receiver. In 1863 Dr. H. Fletcher, was appointed receiver, and in the winter of 1864, B. F. Baker register. In 1866, the office was again removed to Forest City. In 1854, one saw mill, and the first in Minne- apolis, aside from the old government mill, was located just below the falls, with a capacity of l,.500,0(io feet per annum, besides a large amount of shingles. The mill was running under the direction of C. King. A contract was entered into in 1855, by Messrs. Bassett and Canney with Messrs. Pomeroy and Bates mill Viuilders, for the erection of a steam saw-mill at the mouth of Bassett's creek, which empties into the Missis- sippi about half a mile al)ove the suspension Ijridge, beginning the following spring. This mill was completed tlie following year, and its capacity was estimated at from five to ten mil- lion feet per annum. Another mill was erected the following year, 1857, half a mile above the last, by A. Wolcott & Co., with an estimated ca- pacity of 30,000 feet per day. The estimated capacity of all the mills at the falls built and building in 1857, was from 60,000,- 000 to 75,000,000 feet per anniuu. Thus began the great lumber business of Minneapolis. In another part of this history we shall see to what an extent it has since developed. In 1853, Thos. Chambers's store on Bridge Square was tlie only store in Minneapolis, and this was burned in 378 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. April of the following year, but was rebuilt on •■Hennepin street." In 18.54 nine stores are re- ported, Ciiambers", Messrs. I. I. Lewis & Co.'s, \V. D. Babbitt's. Samuel Hidden "s, Jackins & Wright's. Dr. II. Fletelier and James B. ilills". Wan-en Sampson's, Tufts, Reynolds & Wliite- raore's. Dane & Calif's, hardware. In ISoo, this number had increased to seventeen, seven gen- eral^one dry goods and clothing, one fancy and staple dry goods, one clothing, two hardware, two drug, one book and two jeweby and watch stores. Besides these were painters, carriage and sleigh makers, blacksmiths, boot and shoe makers, gunsmitb, tailor, bakery and harness maker. We lind three land agents, one news- paper, one hotel, two livery stables, two brick yards, one saw-mill. Four ehiu-cbes bad been organized. First Presbyterian. Baptist, Free Bap- tist and Methodist Episcopal. Two of these had houses of worehip, Presl)yterian and Free Bap- tist. Societies were represented by the Free- masons and Odd Fellows, and schools by a Cen- tral University and one district school. Following the year ISoo, and the reduction of the reservation, whicb enabled settlers to obtain perfect titles to their lands, tlie growth of the west side was as remarkable as that of the east. In 1857, the population was estimated at two tho\isand. an increase in the village of eighteen hundred in t\\o years. The coin-t-liouse was then building; the United States Land Ottice was located here ; a twelve thousand dollar school-house was in procress of erection; the Presbyterian, Free Will Baptist and Episcojwl societies had church eiUtices. ilany elegant private residences were also to be seen on both the east and west sides, and both cities wei-e enjoying great prosperity. A board of trade had been organized, composed of the leading business men of both cities, and the union of St. Anthony and jNIinneaiiolis was already looked forward to as a probai.le and desi- rable event. In Minneapolis at this time were forty-two business places, a number of real-estate dealere, several hotels and boarding houses, one printing oflBee, three surveyors, four physicians and ten lawyers, a furniture factory opened in 1854, by B. E. Messer, Francis Sampson and Major Craft, to which was added the manufacture of wagons, sleighs, etc. In 1858 Minneapolis, in accordance with an act of legislature approved ilarcli 1st. 1856. organ- ized a town government witli a coimcil. Hon. II. T. Welles was elected president. The l)Oundariesof the town of Minneapolis, as described in the act of incorporation, were: lie- guining at a point on the Mississippi Kiver where the line between sections 10 and 15 intersects the river, thence west on said line between sections 10 and 15 to the north-west corner of section 15. thence south on section line to the south-west corner of section 27. thence east on the south line of sections 27, 26 and 25 to the ^Mississippi Kiver, tlience up said river to the place .of beginning. The flret session of the coimcil was held Jidy 20th, 1858. Mr. Welles presiding. Councillors elected in the several wards were: Isaac I. Lewis, first ward; Charles Hoag. second ward; William Garland, third ward; Edwm Iledderly. fourth ward; Mr. Todd, clerk, (i. Ilemy Hamilton aft- envard became clerk and Mr. Morrison l)ecame councillor in place of Mr. Lewis. In 1859 a new coimcil was elected. Cyrus Breeaer, President; Councillors, J. O. Weld, R. H. Petti t N. S Walker and H. E. Maim; Mr. Hamilton. Clerk to November 2Sth. when, in consecjuence of his resignation. O. L. Savory was elected. This board continued until ISBl . wlien a new board was elected. At the session of the legislature of 1862 the charter of incorporation was repealed in compli- ance with the demand of the citizens, who found the expense of the experiment too great for them to bear, ^nd ilinneajiolis was placed back under the to\\'nship organization. In 1864, the legislature passed an act giving town lioards new powers. Under this act S. II. Mattison, Judge E. B. Ames and Miles Hills composed the board, with Thomas W. Hale, Clerk. Colonel C. Aldrich, George A. Brackett and O. M. Laraway followed, succeeded by Judge E. S. Jones, J. M. Eustis and U. P. Russell. In February. 1867, the City of Minneapolis was mcorporated by act of legislature. Minneapohs and St. Anthony were imited bj' an act of legislature, approved Febuary 28th, 1872, and on the 9th of April, the union was completed by the organization of the new city" council. For some time after the consolidation of the two cities, harmony did not exist m the TEMPERANCE AGITATION. 379 council. Many of the citizens of St. Antliony re- gretted tlie change wliicli gave their city a new name and destroyed its individuahty. Each di- vision assumed its f)\vn linancial management so far as pertained to contracts existing previous to consolidation, and each maintained its own schools, levying, collecting and dislinrsing its school funds as before. Two or three years before the iniion, an un- successful attempt was made to olitain a vote to purchase xs icollet Island for a i)ark, and grounds for the public buildings of the county. It has since been a matter of general regret to the citi- zens of ^linneapolis, that this project, which would have added so much to the attraction of the citv, was not successfullv carried out. CHAPTER LXI. POLITICAL HISTORY OF ST. ANTHONY — FIRST COUNCIL— TEMPERANCE MEETING — SALARIES — LIST OF OFFICERS — CONSOLIDATION. On the 13th day of .Vpril, 18o.5, the first coun- cil of the city of St. Anthony was convened with the following officers present: II. T. Welles, Mayor; Orth, Spencer. Stanchfield, Lippincott, Dorr and Cummhigs, Aldermen. Edward L. Hall was chosen clerk pro tem. and the official oath was administered to the Mayor and Alder- men. St. Anthony was thus enrolled among the cities of the West. W. F. Brawley was elected city clerk for the term of one year, after which the Aldermen drew by lot for the one and two year terms with the following result. First ward, Benjamin N. Spencer, one year, John Orth, two years. Second ward, Daniel Stanchfield, one year, Edwin Lippincott, two years. Third ward, Caleb D. Dorr, one year, Robert W. Cummings, two years. The usual committees were then ap- pointed by the Ma\or. and the first session of the council of St. Anthony closed. At the next session, April 14th, the followuig day, the comi- cil proceeded to elect the following officers: Ira Kiugsley, Treasurer; S. W. Farnham, Assessor; Benjamin Brown, Marshal; E. L. Hall, Citj- At- torney; E. B. Nash, Collector of taxes; Isaac Gilpatrick, Supervisor of streets. Mr. Farnham declined the office of assessor, and May 7th, Mr. Brott was elected in his stead. At a subsequent meeting April 23d, C. B. Chapman was elected City- Surveyor, and at a meeting still later, Lard- ner Bostwick was elected City Justice. Alder- man Cummings was authorized to lease a room for the use of the council. Proposals for printing were received fiom C. G. Ames of the St. Anthony Express, and G. D. Bowman of the Northwestern Democrat. In consequence of a tie vote on the proposals, the Mayor gave the casting vote in favor of the Dem- ocrat, which paper by this means obtained the city printing. The first petition brought before the city council was from G. E. II. Day and others for the suppression of the sale of intoxi- cating liquors on the Sabbath, and was referred to Aldermen Stanchfield and Cummings, com- mittee on licenses. On their recommendation a meeting of citizens was called at the school-house in the third ward, April 19th, in order to give the friends of temperance a. fair hearing upon the subject of the petition. At this gather- ing a petition was presented by Mrs. King, signed by a large number of ladies, praying the council to proliibit the sale of intoxicating liquors within the city limits. The meeting was ad- dressed by Messrs. Nourse, North, and Rev. Mr. Creighton, and considerable feeling was mani- fested. The petition was referred to the commit- tee on licenses. The result of the agitation was an ordinance fixing licenses at fifty dollars per year, no license to l)e issued for a period less than one year, attaching moderate penalties to the selling of licjuors without license. Gambling was for- bidden, drunkenness and fighting prohibited, and dealers strictly forl)idden keeping their saloons open on the Sabbath, or later than ten o'clock in the evening during the week. Ortlinances for the government of the city were adopted April 23d. Salaries were fixed for Mayor, $200 per year; Aldermen, SlOO ; Marshal, $300; City At- torney. $2.50; Clerk, S32o, and three per cent, on all taxes collected, as eom])ensation for services ! of collector. The bonds required were, of j Treasurer, $5,000 ; ^Vssessor, $.500 ; Collector, i $5,000; Supervisor of Streets, $500; Clerk, $500; 380 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Cit)' Attorney. SoOO ; Surveyor. S300; Mai-sbal, $5,000. A watch-house Wfis authorized and built Sep- tember 1st. wliere now is tlie fonier of Seventh street and Central Avenue. About four years since, the old watch-house was sold to private individuals. Several changes took place in the officers the first year. Ira Kingsley resigned and was succeeded by Z. E. B. Nash; Isaac Gilpat- rick resigned and was succeeded by W. H. To%\ti- send; G. F. Brott in like manner was succeeded by J. B. Gilbert; H. Hechtman was appointed supervisor of streets in place of W. fl. Town- send, who resigned, and Xovember 12th, Mr. Hechtman was succeeded by J. M. Brewer. Oc- tober 29th, Benjamin Brown tendered his res- ignation as marshal and collector, and Novem- ber 12th Setli Turner was appointed in his stead. The offices of marshal and collector were so far combined as to be vested in the same officer, who received a stated salar>- as marshal and a percentage as collector. At the first regular meeting of the council fol- lowing the election of April 7th. 1856, a resolu- tion was offered and passed, dispensnig with sala- ries of ilayor and Aldermen, and combining the offices of Clerk and Comptroller and fixing the salarj' at §225 per anmmi. At the same meeting an effort was made to elect the several officers to be chosen by the council, Vmt without success. A struggle ensued and bitter feeling was engen- dered. The meeting adjourned, but the wrath was nm-sed and kept warm to break out in a new war at the next meeting, April 19th, when it was carried so far as to declare the :Mayor out of order and elect one of the dissenting ^Vldermen chair- man. Again they adjourned without acct)mplish- ing any business, but at a meeting held JSIay oth. oil was poured on the ti-oubled waters and the election of otficere proceeded. It was also voted to occupy the office of Lardner Bostivick as coun- cil room. In August following, the ordinance, comliming the offices of Marshal and Collector was repealed. In March. 1857. the city was divided into four wards. Following the election of April, 1857. the offices of Assessor and Super- visor of Streets were sep:irated. May 31st. 1858, the first police force was organized, to consist of the City Marshal and such policemen as may from time to time be appointed by the Council. The orduiance provided that the Mayor should be at the head of the police department, and that the Aldermen should co-operate with the Mayor in enforcing the laws, and should have power to make arrests either with or without process. CITY OFFICERS OF ST. AXTHONY. The fii'st Council organized April 13th. 1855 — H. T. Welles, Mayor; Aldermen : first ward, Benjamin N. Spencer, one year. John Orth. two yeare; second ward. Daniel Stanchfield. one year. Edward Lippincott. two yeare: third ward. Ca- leb D. Dorr, one year, Eobert W. Cummings. two years. Oflicers appomted by the Council were, W. F. Brawle\ . City Clerk: Ira Kingsley. Treas- xner: S. V,'. Farnham. Assessor; Benjamin Brown, Marshal; E. L. Hall. City Attorney; Isaac Gil- patrick. Supervisor of Streets: E. B. Nash, Col- lector of Taxes; C. B. Chapman. City Suneyor: L. Bostwiek, City Justice. Appointments, mostly to fill vacancies, occun-ing durbig the year were. G. F. lirott. Assessor; lienjamin Brown. Collect- or: E. B. Nash, Weigh Master; Z. E. B. Nash , Treasurer; W. H. Townsend, Supervisor of Streets; J. B. Gilbert, Assessor; H. Hechtman, Supervisor of Streets, soon succeeded by J. M. Brewer; Seth Turner, Marshal and Collector. First regular election April 7th, 1856, Alvaren Allen, Mayor: Aldermen. William Fewer, fii-st ward; A. D. Foster, second wiud; David A. Se- combe, tliird ward. Appointed officers, W. F. Brawley, Clerk and Comptroller: Richard Fewer, Treasurer: Seth Turner, Assessor and Supervisor of Streets; J. Chapman, Marshal and Collector; J. S. Demmon. City Attorney: J. M. Brewer. Su- penisor: Lardner Bostwiek. City Justice. Sub- sequent appomtments — Seth Turner resigned, succeeded by J. M. Brewer, and he by Henry Whipple; Seth Turner, Marehal and Collector: D. B. Dorman. Treasurer. August 12th the oriU- nance combining the offices of ilarshal and Col- lector was repealed, and L. W. Strattou was appointed Collector. Mayor Allen resigned and D. A. Secombe, ilayor prn tern., served out the term. AVilliam Lochren, City Attorney, in place of Demmon, resigned. Second election, April 6th. 1857. Ke-division of city in four wards. Wm. W. Wales, Mayor; Al- dermen — Daniel Knoblauch, first ward; L. W. Johnson, second; William McIIerron, third; John OFFICIAL EOSTER OF S2\ ANTHONY. 381 C. Johnson, fourth. Appointed officers — W. F. Brawley, Clerk and Comptroller; N. Kellogg, Assessor; L. AV. Stratton, Collector; J. M. Brewer, Supervisor, soon succeeded by W. A. Rowell; G. A. Nourse, Attorney; H. S. Temple, Marshal. May 22d, 18.57, A. D. Foster, Alderman, re- signed. March 22d, 1858, Moses Whittier ap pointed Supervisor in place of Rowell resigned. Special election April 2oth, 1857. William Du- gas. Alderman, flrst ward. He resigned March 22d, 1858. Third election, April 5th, 1858. Onin Curtis, Mayor; Aldermen, Daniel Knoblauch, first ward; James Crowe, second, for one year; George W. Thurber, second, for two years; James McMullen, tliird; R. W. Cimimings. fourth. Appointed offi- cers — W. F. Brawley, Clerk: Moses AVhittier, Su- pervisor; H. S. Temple, Marshal; L. W. Stratton, Collecton O. Curtis, Treasurer; D. M. Dem- mon. Attorney; C. H. Snow, Surveyor; E. W. Cutler, Assessor; July 6th, John Armstrong, Marshal. Fire Department— D. B. Dorman, Chief Engineer; B. W. Cummings, First Assist- ant; S. W. Farnham, Second Assistant. Fourth election, April 16th, 1859. O. Curtis, Mayor; Aldermen — Henry Hechtman, first ward; William Lochren, second; John Pomero>-. third; Benjamin Parker, fourth. Appointed officers — W. W. Wales, Clerk; C. D. Dorr, Assessor; D. B. Dorman, Assistant Assessor; Moses Whit- tier, Supervisor of Streets; James White. Assist- ant; Franklin Cook, Surveyor; 2^. H. Hemiup, Attorney; John Armstrong, Marshal. June 29th, John Orth, Alderman, first ward, in place of Knoblauch, resigned. December 21st, Lardner Bostwick, City Justice, resigned. Fifth election, April 2d, 1860. R. B. Graves, Mayor; Aldermen— E. W. Cutler, fhst ward, one year; Henry Hechtman, two years; Richard Few- er, second, one year; William Lochren, two years; O. T. Leavitt. third, one year; Charles Crawford, two years; J. S. Pillsbury, fourth, one year; J. H. Murphy, two years. Appointed officers— W. W. Wales, Clerk; John Babcock, Treasurer; David Edwards, Assessor; J. 11. Noble, Marshal; J. B. Gilfillan, Attorney; W. A. Townsend, Supervisor; J. A. Armstrong, Collector; Charles Henry and Solon Armstrong, Justices of the Peace; D. Schofield and W. :Mo1- itor. Constables; E. S. Brown, Chief of Fire De- partment. December 8th, 1860, A. Rowell, Col- lector, vice, J. A. Armstrong. Sixth election, April .3d, 1861. O. C. Merri- man. Mayor; Aldermen — Peter Weingart, first ward; Richard Fewer, second ward: O. T. Swett, third ward; J. S. Pillsbury, fourth ward. Ap- pointed officers, W. W. Wales, Clerk; D. B. Dor- . man. Treasurer, succeeded by John Babcock; David Edwards, Assessor; J H. Noble, Marshal; J. B. Gilfillan, Attorney; Charles T. Stinson, Su- pervisor; William Lashells. Constable. June 17tli, N. H. Hemiup, Collector, vice Rowell, resigned; Dan M. Demmon, Alderman, second ward, vice AV'illiam Lochren, resigned; John Dunham, Chief of Fire Department; July 2nd, R. P. (iraves, Treasurer, vice Babcock re- signed; September 16tli, W. H. Chamberlain, Chief of Fire Department, vice Dunham; Decem- ber 4th, 1861, David Edwards, Collector, vice Hemiup resigned. Seventh election April, 1862.- Records from April 1865, to June, are missing, and it is •probable there are omissions in consequence. O. C. Merriman. Mayor; Aldermen, includ- ing those liolding over, J. S. Pillsbury, Dan M. Demmon, Richard Fewer, Peter Weingart, Andrews, Blakeman, Beruhard. T. M. Bohan; Charles F. Simms to fill vacancy. Appointed officers, W. W. Wales, City Clerk; D. Edwards. Assessor; William Lashells, Super- visor; E. Lippincott, Marshal, vice Noble, re- signed. Eighth election April 7th, 1863. E. S. Brown, Mayor; Aldermen, W. JI. Lasliells, first ward, two years; J. L. Newman, second ward, two years, Charles F. Simms, third ward, two years; S. W. Farnham, fourth ward, two years. Ap- pointed officers. W. W. ^Vales. City Clerk; E. Ortman, Treasurer; D. Edwards, Assessor; N. U. Miner, Attorney; William Fewer. City Justice, vice Charles Henry; M. B. Rollins, Marshal; John McxVuliff, Constable, vice D. Schofield; D. Ed- wards, Supervisor. June 11th, E. Lippincott, Chief engineer, vice W. H. Chamberlain, resign- ed; May 6th, E. Lippincott, City ^larshal, vice Rollins, not having qualified. August loth, Dan 2iL Demmon, City Clerk, vice AV. W. Wales, re- signed; Baldwin Brow-n, Alderman, second ward, vice Dan M. Demmon. resigned; October 8th, Jo- seph Van Emau, Collector. 382 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Ninth election April 5th. 1864. O. C. Merri- man. Mayor: Aldermen, T. M. Bohau. first ward; L. B. Schrum. sepoiul; T. J. Tuttle. third: W. F. Cahill. fourth. Appointed officers. Dan M. Dem- mon, Cit> Clerk; James A. Lovejo\ . Treasurer; David Edwards, Assessor: Edw. Lippmcott, Mai-shal: Dan M. Demnion and William Spooner. Justices of the Peace; W. M. Lashells and Edw. Lippuicott, Constables. May 14th. George Rich- ards. Siiper\isor: June 7th. E. ^y. Cutler.F Alder- man, tliiid ward, to lill vacancy; Jinie 14th. Isaac Crovre, Alderman, third ward, viceL. B. Schrum, resigned: November 19th. John il. Cushing. Su- pervisor, vice Richards, deceased: January 6th. 1865, J. M. Sheplierd. previously appomted Mar- shal, to fill vacancy, resigned. Tenth election April. 1865. AVilliam \\'. A\"ales. Mayor: Aldermen, Louis "V'orwerk. first ward: John M. Cushing. second: Elijah Moulton. thml; WilUam Gleason, fourth. Appointed officers, Dan M. Demmon. City Clerk: James A. Lovejoy, Treasurer: G. G. Loomis, Assessor; J. F. Butter- field, Justice, to fill vacancy; M. AV. Getchell, Marshal. May 16th. J. S. Lane. Chief Engineer Fire Department: W. A. Rowel!, first assistant: Peter Thielen. second: :May 19th, D. P. Spafford. Supervisor, succeeded by L. D. AVhite; M. W. Getchell, Assessor, ^•ice Loomis, deceased: Octo- ber 7th. L. D. White. Super\-isor resigned, suc- ceeded by David Van Deren. Eleventh election, April 3d, 1866— O. C. Mem- man. Mayor; Aldermen: Hubert Weber, first ward; L. B. Schrum, second ward; Thomas J. Tuttle, third ward; John A. Armstrong, fourth ward. Appointed officei-s — Dan M. Demmon, City Clerk: Samuel H. Chute. Treasurer: Da^id Edwards, Assessor; Dan il. Demmon and Charles Henry. Justices for two years: John iL Cushing and William Spooner. Constables for two years; May 22d. William Lochren. Citj- Attorney; JiUy 13th, M. W. Getchell, Marshal, holding over, re- signed; Joseph Van Eman. Supervisor, resigned July 19th. Twelfth election, April 2d, 1867—0. C. Merri- man. Mayor; Aldermen: T. M. Bohan, first ward; Gilbert B. Dake, second ward: James S. Lane, tliiid ward: George D. Perkins, fourth ward. Appomted officers— Dan M. Demmon, City Clerk; Edw. S. Brown, Treasurer; Peter Thielen, Assessor; William Lochieu, Attorney; Anson Xorthrup. Supervisor; Michael Hoy. Mar- shal; Chaiies Lamby, City Justice for one year; William M. Lashells and John Abel, Constables for one year. Thirteenth election, ApiH 7tb,186S— Wintlnop Young, Mayor; Aldermen: Nicholas Riseh, first ward: L. B. Scrum, second ward: J. B. Gilfillan. thud ward, full term; D. M. Demmon, third ward, to fill vacancy; James A. Lovejoy, fourth ward. Appointed officers — WilUam Lochren. City Clerk: E. S. Brown. Treasurer: Peter Thielen, Assessor: Michael Hoy. Marshal; W. W. Wood- bury and Charles Lamby. Justices; Hem\v Wei- malt and John Abel. Constables; Jmie 2d, ilichael Hoy. Supervisor; B. M. Van Alstine, Chief Engineer File Department. James McMul- len and BaklTvin Bro\sii, Assistants; March 16th, Peter Thielen. City Clerk, vice William Lochren. Fomteenth election, April 6th. ]869-"\V. W. :Mc- Nair, Mayor; Aldermen: T. M. Bohan, first ward; Patrick Kennedy, second ward: !M. W. Getchell, third ward: J. M. Pomeroy. fourth ward. Ap- pointed officers— Peter Thielen, Cit)' Clerk; E. S. Bro\vn. Treasurer; C. F. Smith, Assessor; Will- iam Lochren, Attorney; Michael Hoy, Marshal; May 4th, D. M. Demmon. Chief Engmeer Fire Department. Robert Hasty and Leonard C. Smith, Assistants: ^lay 6th. Michael Hoy. Supervisor of Stieets. with authority to appoint an assistant. Fifteenth election, April oth, 1870- W. AV, Mc- Nau-, Mayor; Aldermen: Phillip Pick, first ward; G. B. Dake. second ward: S. H. Chute, third ward: Thomas Moulton, fourth ward. Appouit- ed officers— Peter Thielen, City Clerk; E. Ort- man. Treasurer; L. C. Smith. Assistant Treas- urer: J. B. Gilfillan, Attomev; Michael Hoy, Marshal; AVilliam M. Lashells and P. J. Thielen, Justices; John Merchant and Michael Ryan, Con- stables: May 3d, F. H. Warueke. Supervisor. Sixteenth and last election. April 7tli. 1871 — E. S. Brown; Mayor, Aldermen: T. M. Bohau, first ward; Patrick Kennedy, second ward; M, W. Getchell. third ward: Charles F. Smith, fourth ward. Appointed officers — Solon Armstrong, City Clerk; Ernest Ortman, Treasurer; M. C. White, Assessor; Matthias AVeir and Anton Grethen, Constables; Theodore Hess, Supervisor, First ward; Charles Mills, Supenisor. Second ward; May 2d, Solon Armstrong. Justice, vice Thielen. deceased; James S. Lane, Chief Engi- neer File Depiutment. OFFICIAL BOSIEB OF MINNEAPOLIS. 383 OFFICIAL ROSTER OF THE CITY OF MINNEAP- OLIS. In 1867, the city of Minneapolis was organized. The first officers were elected February 19th, 186", and took the official oath at the office of the Town Clerk Feliruary 26th, following. The elected officers who formed the first city council were: I). Morrison, Mayor; Aldermen — William H. Gaslin, Henry Oswald and F. L. Morse, first ward; Hugh G. Harrison, S. II. Mattison andl^. B. Hill, second ward; George A. Hrackett, R. Price and O. B. King, third ward: Isaac Atwater, F. K. E. Cornell and G. S<'heitlin, fourth ward. F. R. E. Cornell was elected President and F. L. Morse Vice-President. Upon drawing by lot for the term of office as aldermen, the result was as follows: for the one year term, Morse, Harrison, Brackettand Atwater; two years term; Gaslin, Mattison, Price and Cornell: three years term, Oswald, Hill, King and Scheitlin. Appointed officers — Thomas Hale Williams, City Clerk; I). R. Barber, Assessor; ilarch 9th. H. H. Brackett, Chief of Police; S. 11. King, City Surveyor; Charles E. Flandrau, City Attorney: A. J. Mc- Dougall, Street Commissioner, ilarch 16th, the coinicil designated the boiuids constituting the fire limits, fixed upon the amount of bond re- quired of the several officers and awarded the city printing to -T. S. King of the Atlas Printing Company. At the same meeting it was decided to employ four policemen at sixty dollars per month. Several new offices were created during the remainder of the year, and a number of or- dinances added for the better government of the city. A board of health was estal>lished, and Dr. Lindley appointed health ofiicer. The amount required in the City Treasurer's bond was three hundred dollars. First regular election, April Ttli, 18(is. II. G. Harrison, Mayor; Aldermen — first ward, Frank L. Morse; second, John H. Thompson; third, George A. Brackett; fourth, Isaac Atwater. Ap- pointed officers— Thomas Hale Williams, City Clerk; O. M. Laraway, Treasurer; .lolin Vander Horck, Comptroller; W. I). Webb, Attorney; S. II. King, Street Commissioner; Daniel L. Day, Chief of Police; D. R. Barber, Assessor, vice King, resigned. Second election, April 6th, 1869. D. Morrison, Mayor; Aldermen— F. Beede, first ward; C. B. Heffelfinger, second; G. M. Stickney, third; Charles Clark, fourth. Appointed officers- Thomas Hale Williams, City Clerk: O. M. Lara- way, Treasurer; J. '\'ander Horck, Comptroller; J. M. Shaw, Attorney: D. Morgan and II. A. Partridge, City Justices; O. L. Dudley, Consta- ble; J. B. Clough, Street Commissioner: H. H. Brackett, Chief of Police. Third election, April 5th. 1870. E. B. Ames, Mayor; Aldermen— Henry Oswald, first ward; S. II. Mattison. second; C. ^I. Loring, third; G. E. Huy, fourtli. Appointed oflicers — Thomas Hale Williams. Clerk; O. M. Liiraway, Treasurer: J. Vander Horck, Comptroller; R. D. Rich, Con- stable; J. M. Shaw, Attorney; J. B. Clough, Smveyor and Street Commissioner, succeeded by M. Van Duzee, May 6th. February 27th, 1871, D. R. Barber was appointed Assessor to fill va- cancy. Fourth election, April 4tli. 1871. E. B. Ames, Mayor; Aldermen. F. L. Jlorse, first ward; A. ]M. Reid, second; O. A. Pray, third; F. R. E. Cornell, foirrth. Appointed officers, Thomas Hale Wil- liams, City Clerk ; Charles Harrow, Treasui'er ; John Vander Horck, Comptroller; D. R. Barber, Assessor ; J. M. Shaw, Attorney ; J. L. Himes and II. G. Hicks, Justices: J. D. Rich, ('onstal)le: Cortez L. Peck, Chief of Police. July otli, A. II. Young, Attorney, vice Shaw resigned, William F. Cahill Alderman first ward to fill \acancy ; Septemlier 6th, O. M. Laraway. Treasurer, vice Harrow. Previous to the next annual election the cities of ilinneapolis and St. Anthony were imited by an act of the State Legislature approved Feb- ruary 28th, 1872. April 9th, 1872, the new coun- cil was organized. The officers present were Aldermen Ricliard Fewer, il. W. Glenn, Bald- win Brown, G. T. Townsend, T. J. Tuttle, John Vander Horck, W. P. Ankeuy. Peter Rauen, A. M. Reid, C. M. IIardenl)ergli. S. C. Gale. O. A. Pray, Leonard Day, N. B. Hill, Edward Murphy, Isaac Atwater, Joel B. Bassett and John Orth. The oath of office was taken. Alderman Atwater elected temporary chairman and the council pro- ceeded to the permanent organization of the city government of Miimeapolis. A. JSI. Reid was chosen President, E. W. Cutler, Vice Presi- dent and Thomas Hale Wdliams, Clerk. The standing rules of the former city government. 384 HISTOBY OF HENXEPIN COUNTY. of Minneapolis were adopted, a few subordinate officei-s were appointed and the tirst session of the consolidated cit>- government closed. Ajiril 12th the council convened for the tran- saction of necessary business. The newly elected Mayor, E. M. Wilson, delivered his inaugural address, after which the usual counnittees were appointed. H. H. Corson was appointed Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and D. R. Barber, Assessor of the "West Division. April 17th, the police force was reorganized, with a Chief, Captain, Sergeant and ten patrolmen. May 8th, Dr. Charles Simpson was appointed Health Officer: June 5th. A. ^l. Merrick, City Attorney. First election. April 1st. 1873. George A. Brackett, Mayor; Aldermen, John Orth, tirst ward: Charles Thielen, second; Solon Armstrong, third; Simeon D. Rollins, fourth; Joel B. Bas- sett, fifth; R. E. Grimshaw, sixth; C. M. Harden- bergh, seventh; E. S. Jones, eighth; Leonard Day, ninth: WilUam II. Johnson, tenth. Charles W. Johnson, City Clerk; O. M. Laraway, Treas- urer; Ernest Ortman, Comptroller; A. M. Mer- rick, Attorney; H. H. Coreon, City Engineer; Dr. Charles Simpson, Health Officer. Second election April 7th. 1874. E. M. Wil- son, Mayor; Aldermen. Gottfried Boehme, first ward; G. B. Dake. second; O. C. Merriman. third; G. M. Townsend. fourth: John Vauder Horck, fifth; II. A. C. Thompson, sixth; A. M. Reid. seventh: X. R. Thompson, eighth: Wm. E. Jones, ninth; A. II. Edsteu, tenth: Frank J. Meade, City Clerk; O. M. Laraway. Treasurer; Ernest Ortman. Comptroller. ^\.. M. Merrick, Attorney; Grove B. Cooley, Municipal Judge; Ed. J. Davenport. Clerk Municipal Court; J. B. Clongh. City Engineer; Dr. Cliarles Simpson, Health Officer. Third election April 5th, 1875. O. C. Merri- man. Mayor; Aldermen, T. M. Bohan, tirst ward; M. W. (ilenn, second; Solon Armsti'ong, thii-d, resigned, succeeded by Baldwin Brown; T, F. Anderson, fourth; F. L. Morse, fifth; O. J. Evans, sixth; :M. L. Iliggins. seventh; C. L. Snyder, eighth; A. A. Ames, ninth; W. H. Johnson, tenth. Frank J. Meade, City Clerk; O. M. Lar- away, Treasurer, Ernest Ortman, Comptroller; Eugene M. Wilson, Attorney; J. B. Clough. En- gineer; Dr. Qharles Simpson, Health Officer; Grove B. Cooley. Municipal Judge: Ed. J. Dav- enport, Clerk Municipal Court; John H. Noble, Chief of Police; W. il. Brackett, Chief of Fire Department, west division; ^I. B. Rollms, Chief of Fire Department, east division; Sweet W. Case, Assessor, west divison; C. F. Smith. As- sessor, east division. Fourth election. April 4th. 1876. A. A. Ames, Mayor; Aldermen, Gottfried Boehme, first ward; J*Iichael Lyon, second; Baldwin Brown, thu-d; A. R. Camp, fourth; Daniel Waitt, fifth; Wil- liam Duncan, fifth, to fill vacancy; H. A. C. Thompson, sixth: N. F. Griswold, seventh; John H. Stevens, eighth: J. H. Conkey, ninth; H. Kruckelierg, tenth. April 10th, J. O. Pattee, ninth, vice Ames, elected Mayor; E. S. Corser, seventh, vice M. L. Higgins, resigned. Frank J. Meade, City Clerk: O. U. Laraway. Treas- urer; Ernest Ortman. Comptroller; Eugene ^l. Wilson, Attorney; Thomas L. Rosser, Engi- neer; Dr. G. F. Townsend. Health Officer; Grove B. Cooley. ^Municipal Judge; Ed. J. Dav- enport, Clerk Municipal Coiut: Albert S. Plun- ger, Chief of Police; W. M. Brackett, Chief of Tire Department, west division: M. B. Rollins, Chief of Fire Department, east division. Fifth election, April .Sd. 1877. John De Laittre, Mayor; Aldermen. T. M. Bohan, first ward; M. W. (ilenn. second: Solon Armstrongr third. P. D. McMillan, fourth; J. B. Bassett, fifth; J. G, Mc- Farlane, sixth; E. S. Corser, seventh; C. L. Sny- der, eighth; J. O. Pattee, ninth; A. F. Jackson, tenth. Frank J. Meade. City Clerk; T. J. Bu.\- tou. Treasurer; William Lochren, Attorney; Andrew R inker. Engineer; S. W. Case, Assessor, west di\isit)n; G. B. Dake. .Assessor, east divi- sion; Dr. A. A. Ames. Health Officer; G. B. Cooley, Municipal Judge; Reuben Reynolds, Special Municipal Judge; L. A. Dunn. Clerk Municipal Court. June 20th. W. B. Hall. Com- ptroller, vice Ortman. resigned; November 7th. Mathias Kees, Alderman, sixth ward, vice Thompson, resigned. Sixth election. April 2d, 1878. A. C. Rand, Mayor. The number of wards was reduced to six and three members elected from each for terms of one, two and three years. Aldermen, first ward, P. J. Thielen one year, M. Lyons two years, B. F. Nelson three years; second ward, T. F. Andrews one year, W. M. Banows two MINNEAPOLIS AFTER THIRTY YEARS. 38.5 years, A. R. Camp three years; third ward, J. W. Anderson one year, H. C. Morse two years, D. Waitt three years; fourth ward, E. S. Corser one year, F. S. Gilson two years, W. W. Woodward three years; fifth ward, A. Franlv Gale one year, Fred L. Smith two years, C. L. Snyder three years; sixth ward, Karl Bendeke one year, Mat- hew "Walsh two years, A. C. Ilaugan three years. Selah Mathews, City Clerk; Assessors, A. C. Austin, G. B. Dake, William A. Barnes; W. B. Hill, Comptroller ; William Loch- ren. Attorney; A. Rinker, Engineer; Dr. O. J. Evans, Health Officer; Thomas C. Wilson, Clerk of Munidi)al Court; A. S. Mnnger, Chief of Po- lice, A. C. Berry, Captain, John West, Sergeant, Michael Hoy, Detective; W. U. Brackett, Chief of Fire Department, W. C. Stetson and C. Fred- erichs. Assistants. ' Seventh election, April 1st, 1879. A. C. Rand, Mayor; Aldermen: M.W.Glenn, first ward; J. H. Gilmore, second ward; .J. W. Anderson, third ward; Frank Beebe, fourth ward; J. M. Parker, fifth ward; Joseph Holseher, sixth ward. R. C. Benton, Attorney; William B. Hill, Comptroller; T. J. Buxton, Treasurer; Dr. A. H. Salisbury, Health Officer; Andrew Rinker, Engineer; Ed. McDermott, Sealer of Weights and 2ileasures; A. S. Hunger, Chief of Police; W. M. Brackett, Chief of Fire Department. Eighth election, April, 1880. As this year closes the official record, the entire list is given, embracing both those officers elected in 1880 and those holding over from previous elections: A. C. Rand, Mayor. City Council, A. R. Camp, President; C. L. Snyder, Vice-President; Alder- men, first ward, B. F. Nelson, M. Lyons, M. W. Glenn; second ward, A. R. Camp, '\\. M. Bar- rows, J. H. Gilmore; third ward, D. Waitt, H. C. Morse, J. W. Anderson; fourth ward, W. W. Woodward, F. S. (iilson, F. Beebe; fifth ward, F. L. Smith, C. L. Snyder, J. M. Parker; sixth ward, M. Walsh, A. C. Haugan, Joseph Holseher. Selah Mathews, City Clerk; T. J. Buxton, Treas- urer; W. B. Hill, Comptroller; R. C. Benton, City Attorney; W. M. Brackett, Chief Engineer Fire Department: W. H. Johnson, Superintendent of Water-works; Andrew Rinker, Citj- Engineer; Grove B. Cooley, Judge of Municipal Court; A. S. Munger Chief of Police; Dr. A. H. Salisbury, Health officer. 25 CHAPTER LXII. AFTER THIRTY YEARS — STREETS AND A^TENUES — BUILDINGS — STATISTICS — POPULATION — DEVELOPMENT OF THE WATER POWER. After following the settlement and growth of Minneapolis until its population became so numerous that it was possible to mention only the few who had become conspicuous, from large fortunes made by the rapid advance in prices and skillful business management, or from re- ceiving the honors of the people in consequence of enterprise, public spirit and high talent, it will be more interesting to leap over the inter- vening years and take a view of the city as it appears in 1881, with its population of fifty thousand, covering an area of nine square miles with houses, the largest city north-west of Chic? go and Milwaukee, and except St. Louis and Kan- sas City, the largest between the Mississippi river and the Rocky mountains. The surface of the country, from its almost level character, admits of extension in every di- rection, and at the same time obviates the neces- sity of heavy and expensive grading. The same feature was favorable for regularity in the streets, and the beauty of the city would have been en- hanced, had the irregular course of the river been disregarded, and the streets laid out north and south, instead of following its torturous course. At a distance from the river the north and south course is adopted and the streets are regidarly laid out, but at the intersection of streets run- ning by the first plan and the new one, many tri- angular pieces are formed which are a blemish to the appearance of the city. It must in justice be stated, however, that the regularity both in the course of the streets and avenues, and the numbering of houses is better than in most cities east or west. The streets and avenues are named numerically, except the four principal avenues, Washington, Hennepin, and Nicollet on the West and Central on the East Side, and a few formed by the irregularity of the city before mentioned. The streets run north and south, and the avenues east and west, except where varied by the original plats, which were made to con- form to the river. The streets and avenues are 386 HISTOET OF EEKNEPIN COUNTY. wide, averaging aV)Out one Inindred feet. In the central portii)u of tlie city the old wooden build- ings have Iwen largely replaced by substantial and elegant brick and stone structures, and the reconstruction is going rapidly fonvard, which gives the busmess portion of the city somewhat the appearance of solidity characteristic of the older cities in the east. Beyond the business centre are seen many beautiful private residences, giving evidence of wealth and refinement, diffeiing. however, from the wealthy cities of the east by having larger lots and more extensive grounds laid out with taste. Indeed the resident portion of the city unites the comfort and freedom of large villages ^\ith the advantages of a city of considerable wealth. The most valuable building material is the na- tive limestone, which underlies large areas in and near the city, iii strata of uniform thickness, convenient for the erection of substantial aud el- egant structures. This stone is largely utilized for both public and private building. Extensive deposits of brick clay also exist, from which build- ers are fm-nished with bricks in color and texture like those of Milwaukee. It must be added, though it may seem superfluous in a great lum- ber city like ilinneapolis, that soft and hard timber, at low prices, furnishes material for the construction of the greatest number of buildings. In addition to the materials mentioned, many building stones of greater beauty are brought from a distance, for ornamental finish or for the entire construction of buildings. Prominent among these foreign materials are the Ohio sand- stone, from which we have many buildings, and the Diduth brown-stone, used for the new 'West- minster Presbyterian church and other edifices. The streets are well lighted with gas. except in parts remote from the centre where the mains have not yet been extended; here gasoline is used. The system of sewerage is extending rapidly, and already forms a network draining a large portion of the city; this is an herculean task in a climate where pipes are laid nine feet below the surface to avoid the action of the frost. A. general tax is levied for that portion of the sew- erage which benefits the city at large, and spe- cial taxes are assessed on the abuttmg property to proNide for this expensive improvement. At the session of the legislature of 1881, a bUl was passed authorizmg the city to issue bonds to the amount of S50,000 to carry out extensive plans for sewerage. The amoimt invested in buildings in 1879, as shown by the annual report of the Board of Trade, to whom we are indebted for these and other facts in regard to the present status of ilin- neapolis. was S2.713.600. an of SI .605.- 750 over the year 1876. An acciuate measure- ment of the frontage of all buildings erected during the year 1879, gives a distance amounting to two and a half miles solid, with no allowance made for streets Dming the year 1880, the report shows a front- age of business blocks greater by 329 feet than the pre\'ious year, and a gain of 177 in the num- ber of residences built, over the previous year. The total amoimt of building in 1880 was: twen- ty-six business blocks for forty-three stores, with a frontage of 1.187 feet, costing 5257,000; eleven frame six)res, 224 feet, $16,900; two elevators, $70,- 000; expended on three flouring mills, S375.000; other improvements on mills. $60,000; manufactur- ing buildings, SI 36,500; f oiu- school biuldings, S38,- 000: expended on fom' churches, S62.O00; county jail, S60.000; four railroad buildings. S26.000; stieet-carand other public stables, S27,000: fom- hundred and seventy-three residences, costing over S1,000 each, total, S888.200; estimated eight>- other residences at S800 each, S64,(»00. making a grand total of 52,080,600. Total sales of real estate during the year, $5,103,017; the largest in- cluded was the sale to J. J. Hill by Water Power Company, 5465,000. The increase in business blocks and private residences though large was not equal to the demand, and at present a scarcity exists in both. The increase in mercantile aud manufacturing interests was greater durmg 1880. than any pre- ceding year, but the demands of the new countn.- developing and looking to Minneapolis for sup- plies, have been in excess of the f aciUties furnished here. In short, the demands in all departments of enterprise in the city are greater than the supiily, calUng in imjierative tones for more cap- ital in the various departments of the city trade to keep pace with the enlarged and giowing de- mands of the smTounding country. More than 1.600 miles of railroad have been built during INCREASE IK POPULATION. 387 the year, extending into country tributary to this city, and still greater plans are on foot for the ensuing year. A summary of business for live successive years is as follows: 1876, $21,017,819; 1877, $30,912,152; 1878, S-17,149,87o; 1879, $62,- 801, .513; 1880, $88,298,820. The total bonded in- debtedness of the city in 1880, was $1,101,000, and $395,162.42 was levied in taxes during the year. The fact that the tendency of capital, in util- izing the water-power, is directed to the construc- tion of great flouring mills with such improved facilities as to manufacture large quantities of flour without the employment of many hands, is not conducive to the most rapid growth of the city, but it is also true that the mills now build- ing are of such mammoth projiortions and em- ploy so large a capital in construction and opera- tion, that small concerns will eventually be unable to compete, and capital will be directed into other channels. The Ijuilding of flouring mills has been stimulated by high prices, and doubtless the business will be enlarged to keep pace with the increasing acreage in the north- west. The undevelojied power of the falls, ad- mits of the introduction of all kinds of mechanical industries under most favorable conditions for success. In the chapter on mills and manufac- tories, will be seen the extent to wliich the power is already utilized and the amount still unused. In view of the fact that the growth of Minneap- olis, hitherto has been due to the development of the power of the falls, we may safely predict a very large city wlien this power is utilized to its full extent, especially if manufactories of furni- ture, woolen and cotton goods, and other indus- tries employing many laborers are multiplied. It may be interesting and profitable to compare the growth of tliis city with that of others, partly by way of indication of what its future may be, and partly to satisfy the desire of every western citizen to know how his favorite city has held her own in the strife for supremacy. New York city in 1656 had a population of one thousand; in 1756, at the end of the first century of its exist- ence, a little over ten thousand ; in 1800, over sixty thousand; in 1820, nearly one hundred and twenty-four thousand; in 1830, over two hundred thousand; in 1880, 1,206,690. Chicago came into existence in 1831, with about the same number of houses which Minneapolis had in the spring of 1854. In 1837 its population was 4,170; in 1840, 4,853; in 1850, 29,963; in 1860, twenty-nme years from its first life, 112,172; in 1870, 298,977; in 1880, 503,304. Miimeapolis in 1870, fifteen years from the time when the land was opened for set- tlement, had a population of 18,079, and in 1876 was estimated at 32,000; in 1880, after twenty- five years, 48,053. These figures are gratifying to the vanity of north-western enthusiasts and encouraging to property owners m the infant city, as they show a growth with which the older cities of the coun- try can afford no comparison, and a parallel to Chicago, the greatest prodigy on the continent. Chicago, at the sixth year of its existence, had 4,170; Mimieapolis, at fifth, 5,809. Chicago at the ninth year, 4,8.53; Minneapolis at the fifteenth, 18,079. The percentage of growth from 1870 to 1880, 269 per cent., was not equaled by any city of e(iual size on the continent. The population of Minneapolis by the census of 1880 was 48,053, but at the present tune doubt- less exceeds 50,000. Tlie projected plans for machine-shops con- nected with the great trunk lines extendmg west promise to add immediately, thousands to the per- manent population of the city, besides the num- ber temorarily employed in the construction of new buildings and new roads. Minneapolis is emphatically a busy city, and visitors from the east are disi>osed to find fault with a town whose citizens cannot find time to waste in idle talk. The recent purchase of the east-side water-power by .James J. Hill, manager of the St. Paul, Min- neapolis and Manitol)a railway, has given a new impetus to the manufacturing interests. The purchase was made March 1st, 1880, for a private company, consisting of James .1. Hill and others interested in operating the railway, though a disthict company, and the price paid was to the St. Anthony Water Power Company. $425,000. and to Mr. Eastman for a few privileges not con- trolled by that company, an additional sum of $42,500, making a total investment of $467,500. The city has no marked characteristic except the great river with its wonderful water- fall, and the industries which it supports. Of all the in- dustries, that of the flouring mills is the fore- most, and of such extent as not only to charac- terize Miimeapolis as a milling city, but also to 388 HISTOBT OF HUNNEPIN COUNTY. entitle it to the position of tlie first in tlie world. The three great mills are the Wash- Imni A, with capacity, when complete, es- timated at 4,200 barrels, the Pillsbnry A, in process of bnikling. estimated at 4.800, and tlie Crown Keller at 3,000, besides twenty-three more making a total daih capacity of 2o.22o according to the estimate of the IJoard of Trade. In giving a liistory of the milling interests of Mmneapolis. it will be necessary to give a sketch of the changes the falls themselves have nnder- gone since their first discovery, but we shall not attempt to usurp the ground covered by the "Pioneers and Explorers." That the falls received theii' name " St. Anthony " from Father Hen- nepin has been already recorded, and the ever- lasting rocks, bear testimony to their '• change of venue " by a gorge cut fi'om the mouth of the Minnesota river to St. Anthony. The strata of rock forming the bed of the river was superim- posed upon white sandstone of a very friable nature. From this cause the recession proceeded rapidly by the combined action of frost and water; for the erosion destroyed the sandstone substratum, and the action of the frost and water combuied !)roke down the rock bed of the river. Still another destructive force was added, namely the hand of man in attempting to make the power more available. The value of a water- fall consists as much in its availability as in volume and height, and in these respects the Falls of St. Anthony excel, owmg to the high bluffs on each side of the river above the falls, through which sluices can be cut. conducting the water to flumes or canals parallel with the mam cliaimel. Besides, the water-power companies, by dams built for the advantage of mills situated on each bank, forced the flood of the river to about one-third the natiural width of the stream and thus hastened the disintegration. The work of destruction by these various causes continued silently but nevertheless with alanmng rapidity. The attention of citizens was occasionally called to the danger when the undermining process caused an unusual recession, as in 1851, when several rods, ninety feet by actual measurement, of the superstratum fell in one huge mass in the foaming water. It will be hiteresting to many U) Und here a record of the exact location of the crest of Uie fall in 1850. We, therefore, give points from which any one may ascertain it. and note the recession. A line nmning south 50 deg. west from tlie north-west comer of the ■• Pillsbury A" mill, would strike the bend in the crest of the falls, as it was in 1850, about 250 feet west of its eastern end at the old frame saw-mill, and would follow its crest to a point on the west side, nine feet above the lower comer of the Minneapolis Mill, of Crocker, Fisk and Company. The data are obtained fi-om records made and preserved by C. W. Christmas. Persons interested, by standing at the comer of the Pillsbury A mill, can easily follow this line and mark the recession of the falls during the thirty years which have elapsed since the record was made. Dr. S. II. Chute, in 1864, excavated a tunnel eight feet m diameter, beginning just below the Chalybeate springs, through the soft sand rock about tvvo hundred feet in a straight line, thence parallel with the river to the fall, for a tail-race, in order to secure greater head in utilizing the power. Into this subterranean channel, it was supposed, after encasing it with masomy or sheet iron, the waste water from many mills could be conducted. The work was never com- pleted, but the eroding tooth was by this means, admitted to cut more rapidly at the very vitals of the power. This excavation was called Chute's cave, and visitors at the falls were invited to ex- plore its dark regions in a boat kept there for the purpose by persons interested in a place of resort near the spring. The attractions here were the mineral water, which still continues to flow' in great abundance from fissures in the rock, a fish pond and a few curiosities of the animal king- dom. The view of the falls with these extraor- dinary inducements, rewarded the tourist for the fatigue of descending the long stairway to the bed of the river, and the patronage of swing, boat and restaurant compensated the enterpris- ing owner. The springs continue to furnish medicinal water, but the remainder gave place during the whiter of 1880 — 1, to the progressive enterprise of mill builduig. During the winter of 1880—1. occurred the breaking down of the limestone ledge above the timnel. Into the hole, tumbled a part of Main street. A tree was swallowed up to the limbs, and the comer of a mill standing near, settled to an alarmmg extent. HENNEPIN ISLAND TUNNEL. 3K9 The danger was near the large and expensive Pillsbury A, but fortunately its foundations are secure. Still another and the most dangerous tunnel, was the excavation on Hennepin Island, begun in 1868 by W. W. Eastman and others, at the foot of Hennepin Island, and intended to extend under the island and under the river to Nicollet Island, where the manufacturing establishments were to be located. Before the work approached completion, and while it was progressing under the river above the island, dangerous percolation began whicli continued through new and enlarged apertures, but the alarm did not discontinue the work until the laborers were driven out by the rapidly increasing torrent, by which one of their number was swept away into the current Ijelow and narrowly escaped drowning, wliile the re- mainder hm-ried out by a perpendicular shaft that had been sunk at the head of Ileimepin Island. The power of the falls was thus turned to their own destniction; the sides of the tunnel dropped in and down went the rocks forming the river's bed, with logs and debris in a tangled mass. The alarm was given "The falls are gomg out!" and citizens as well as proprietors joined in the effort to stay the destruction. The alarm was well grounded, for the rock bed of the river only extended tw'elve hundred feet above the falls, having at the time of the settlement of St. Anthony cut its way nearly through the limestone layer. Tiie temporary expedients resorted to were continued, renewed and changed, until by an appropriation from the national government, mmiicipal aid and private contribution, elaborate plans were carried out for permanent preservation of the falls. The companies controlling the water- power made, in 1866, an attempt to protectthe crest of the falls by a timber apron, but this was car- ried off in the spring followmg. A survey, made in 1860, by Major G. K. War- ren, called the attention of the general govern- ment to the necessity of aiTesting their destruc- tion. James B. Francis, of Massachusetts, was summoned to examine the falls and report as to the best means of averting the catastrophe. lie recommended as a protection against the recess- ion of the crest, a substantial apron of timber with heavy crib- work at the bottom; for the dangerous timnel, that it be filled for four hundred feet with a puddle of clay and gravel; against the third danger, the action of frost, that the limestone be kept flooded by low dams. No tune was lost in carrying out energetic measures. A '-Board of Construction," appoint- ed by citizens, set about building the apron, and private enteiprise and government aid, imited in the work. Government apjiropriations amount- ing to S.55.5,000 were made, beginning in 1870 and ending with that of March 3d, 1879. A concrete wall was laid in the bed of sandstone, beneath the limestone ledge, six feet in thickness at the base and four feet at the top, and forty feet in height, extending entirely across the river, thus effectually preventuig any fiu'ther leakage. Tlie amount contrilnited by the citizens of ilinneapo- lis toward the preservation of the falls was S334,- 500. The whole cost of the improvement thus buried out of sight, was nearly a million of dol- lars, liut from it came tiie preservation of the falls with its one hundred and twenty thousand horse-power and the future hope of Minneapolis. CHAPTER LXm. MILL BriLDINC! — A LAKGE GKIST — FIRST SHir- 3IENT OF FLOUR — WEST SIDE 3IILLS— THE EX-' PLOSION — NEW PROCESS— MILLS AT PRESENT. Mill building began with the old government mill biult in 1822. To the saw-mill was attached a single run of stone for grinding corn, for the use of the large number of cattle and horses employed at Fort Snelling. A penstock was constructed from the crest of the falls to the wooden "flutter- wheel" of the old-fashioned mill. The mill occu- pied the site of the present mUl of Sidle, Fletcher, Holmes & Martin. Twenty-five years jiassed away before furtlier progress was made, when FrankUn Steele built the dam, saw-mill and other improvements already mentioned in this history. Steele's mill was above the location of the pres- ent structures on the east side, and run under a head of six feet. In 1856, the "St. Anthony 390 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN' COUNTY. Water-Power Company" was chartered, with Thomas E. Da%is. Fred C. Gebhardt and J. F. A. Sandford of Xew York. Richard Chute and Franklin Steele of St. Anthony, and John S. Prince, of St. Paul, as incorporators. To this company Mr. Steele and ilr. Ard Godfrey, who had purchased one-twentieth of the power, trans- ferred their entire east side water-power. Feb- ruary 27th of the same year, the "Minneapolis Mill Company" was formed, with R. P. Russell. M. L. Olds. George E. Huy. Jacob Elliott. Rob- ert H. Smitli and D. Morrison as incorporators. In the fall of 1851, R. C. Rogers started a small feed and grist-mill in a rude way at the end of the row of saw-mills, built by ilr. Steele on the east side. On tlie same site, the following year, Mr. Steele built a one-story mill and Mr. Rogere put in two run of stone, one thirty-six and the other thirty inches in diameter. The bolting reel was twelve feet long and thirty-two inches in diameter, and the cleaning machiner>- was zinc and sheet iron, perforated with a hand punch. What a consti-ast is here afforded to the immense structures now lining the banks of the river. In 1853, Mr. Larpenteur, a farmer, brought m a thirty-two bushel giist which was recorded as a marvel, and the largest grist ever ground at the falls. The Island mill was completed in 1854, by Captam John Rollins, Jolm Eastman and R. P. Upton, 40x60 in size, three stories high above the basement, and began running with three run of stone, which was soon increased to five. The wheat for so large an enterprise could not be furnished by tlie simounding counh'y. and was therefore transported ft-om Iowa by boats to St. Paul, and thence to St. Anthony by teams. The flour found ready sale among the thousands of new settlers in the territorj-, at S9 to S12 per barrel hi sacks : but the bran and middlings were chfficult to dispose of. The fonner Avas frequently spouted into the river, while the middlings were giound over and sold as " red dog." a low grade of Hour, to the Indians. In 1858, a little flour was shipped to the east, the beginning of the great business now carried on so extensively with Xew England, as well as with all parts of this, and other comitries. The circumstances attend- ing the fii-st shipment of floiu: were said to be as follows : Mr. Getchell, of Champhn, sent a con- signment of flour to Xew Hampshire, this being in his estimation a safe, though an awkward method of sending money, resorted to for the want of bills of exchange, and. as it proved sat- isfactoiy, an order for one hundred barrels soon followed, the first ever received at Minneapolis. The next difficulty was to olrtain barrels in which to ship the flour, since there was no barrel maker short of Anoka: this man, a " wet cooper," split out the staves by hand, and manufactured very imcouth packages, comjiared A\ith modern coop- erage. The packing of flour, too, was by old fashioned prod or mangle, and the barrels brand- ed "Minnesota Mills" were sent on at an ex- pense of S2.2o per barrel. In 1863. improvements were added, incluilhig cooper-shops, additional runs of stone, and the modern style of packers. In 1869. the mill was rebuilt, and in 1870. the first flour, made from middlings, purified as well as could be done then, was shipped to New York. To the surprise of the shippers, it sold for fiftj" cents per barrel more than their best brands. In 1871, Brown and Martin became proprietors of the mill, and under their management the mill was remodeled and improvements made in the machuiery. Eight middlings purifiers were ad- ded, and the mill was just ready to start, with a full supply of wheat m store, when, ilarch 5th, 1872, the ven.- night before they expected to start, the mill was burned to the ground without in- surance. Thus ended the first effort to man- ufacture flour according to the modern pro- cess, just on tlie eve of its success. Three other nulls were erected on the East Side, viz: the '■ River Mills." afterward called the '-Farmei-s' Mill," built in 1856 by B. C. Mor- rison and X. M. Prescott, a grist mill with first two. then three and afterward four run of stone, which was burned after a few years ; the ''St. Anthony Mill." built in 1864 by Messrs. Stam- witz and Schober, burned about three years after its completion, while the property of Peter Schussler and Company: the "Summit ilill," built on the island in 1865, by Messrs. Erb and Kassube, with four run of stone. This mill did not burn Init came to an untimely end b\ reason of its foimdations beuig undermined by the tun- nel before mentioned. "We quote here from a valuable series of articles in the "North-western MUler," written bv F. E. THE MILL EXPLOSION, 391 Hesler, to whose researches there published, we are indebted for many facts relative to the his- tory of the mills at Minneapolis. He wTites : " So perished the mills of the East Side or St. Anthony, the pioneer structures that fathered the industry wliich has since grown to such vast proportions. What a marked change from the paltry shipment of ten baiTels of inibranded flour sent to tlie seaboard by way of team and river, to the thousands of baiTels, under brands whose names are legion, packed to-day and landed in three short weeks in the European markets. One run of stone then made one hundred barrels in twenty-four hours; now twenty-two to twenty- five barrels per run is considered an abundant yield. Then the dark, uncomely straight flour was difiicult of sale ; now the briglit, snowy, patent process, world-wide in fame, is eagerly sought in every land, commanding the highest price in the markets of the world, and bringing millions of dollars annually to our coffers." Milling on the west side began as soon as the "Minneapolis Mill Company'' made preparations by a dam, sluices and other appliances, for utiUz- ing the power. This company was organized, as we have seen, in 1856, and innnediately began their improvements. A cotfer dam was buUt to hold the water in check, and the solid limestone rock, which forms the bed of the river, . varying from eighteen to forty feet in thickness, was blasted out, and the canal thus formed was extended to "Cataract" street, now Sixth Avenue south, a distance of over three hupdi'ed feet, sev- enty feet wide and fourteen feet deep. The first mill on the west side was built by Messrs. Eastman and Gibson, commenced in 1859, and called the "Cataract Mill." It was first built three stories in height, from the stone of the canal, with fom- run of stone, but has since out- grown the first modest pretensions. It has been operated since the first owners, liy AVelles, Gardi- ner, by Gardiner & Barber and now by 1). R. Bar- ber & Son. The "City Mill" was built by Messrs. Perkins & Stini in 1860, a two-run, frame mill, two stories in height above the canal, and near the site of the original government mill. This mill did a large custom business, and passed through several hands, but in 1879, it was destroyed by fire. The "Union Mill" was built in 1863, by Hem-y Gibson. It was a limestone structure, with four run of stone, but has been several times en- larged until it bears little resemblance to its first appearance. In 1865 the canal, made in 1857, was extended six hinidred feet further down the stream, giving room for many new mills, and increasing the fall at the lower end of the canal to forty-five feet. In 1866, the "Arctic Mill," with three run of stone, was built by Perkins & Crocker; the "Min- neapolis," by Frazee & Murphy, with six run; the "Taylor" mill, by Taylor Brothers, with six run, and the mill now called "Washburn B," with eleven. The "Dakota" was built in 1867, by Messrs. Russell & Huy, a frame structure still standing, and operated by H. F. Brown and Company, the only wooden flouring mill in Minneapolis. The following mills were soon built: The Zenith, Pal- isade, Holly, Galaxy, Hennepin, Humboldt, Washbmn A, Anchor, Pettit-Robinson, Excel- sior, Washburn B addition, Morrison, and Model. The North Star was built ui 187(1, the Empire in 1872. The building of the Standard, Crown Roller, Northwestern, Trades, and the rebuilding of the Wasliburn A and Washburn C took place in 1879. The Galaxy, first built in 1871, was rebuilt in 1875, and again four years later. THE EXPLOSIOK. The event which is most famous in the history of the mills of Minneapolis, and which called the attention of the whole civilized world to the milling enterprise of this city, was the terrible explosion of May 2d, 1878, attended with great loss of life and property. At seven o'clock in the evening, soon after the day-hands had given place to those employed at night, a terrific explosion took place m the Wash- bum A Mill, which shook the solid land like an earthquake, breaking thousands of dollars worth of glass m tlie city, and felt distinctly at St. Paul, ten miles away. The first shock was followed almost immediately by a second, and in a trice the whole vicinity of the mills seemed in a blaze. The rapidity of the flames was so great that the few inmates, even if not covered with the debris, could not escape, and, in the ^^'asllburn A, every man perished, to the number of fourteen. When investigation could be made, it appeared that the 392 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. entire walls were thrown dowii outwardly by the concussion, which was said to be due to the ex- plosive cliaracter of tlie dust of the mill mingled with common air, when brought in contact witli flame. Explanation from the occupants of the mill could not be obtained, since only theii" man- gled and charred bodies remained a silent testi- mony to the horrors of the catastrophe, and their faitlifulness to duty was proven by the positions in which the bodies were found. Tlie testimony of witnesses outside, or in neighboring mills, was to the bursting out of tire on the lower floor just before the explosion, and appearances indicated that tlie victims of tlie disaster were lighting the fire at the time the fatal explosion took place. The disaster was not confined to the "Washburn A, but communicated to the other mills in prox- imity, with loss of life and great damage. Five of these were destroyed in addition to the Wash- burn A, and five more were damaged. Eighteen persons perished, fourteen ui tlie Washburn Mill, one each mthe Zenith, Diamond and Humboldt, and one outside the mills. The mills destroyed were the Washburn A, called the "Big ilill," 100 by 138 feet on the ground and seven and a half stories high, filled with the most approved machinery and having forty-one run of stone; tlie Humboldt, eight nm; Diamond, six run; Pettit, Robinson & Company, fifteen run; Ze- nith, six run; (ialaxy, twelve run. The dam- aged mills were the Washburn B, badly shaken up; City, a wooden mill, considerably shattered; Morrison, slightly disarranged; Dakota, consid- erably disturbed; Palisade, much damaged. The scene of the disaster was a tangled mass of debris, not one stone left on another. The total loss was estimated at nearly a million dol- lars. The sympathies of the citizens were aroused, and liberal contributions were made to a relief fund for the widows and oi-phans, caused by the disaster. Many thousand dollars were paid over til tlie families of tlie victims, and tlie charity and lilierality of tlie citizens was demonstrated. Mill owners were here taught a lesson in regard to the management of their mills, and the risk to which they had unconsciously been exposed. In the new and larger mills which have since covered the scene of disaster, appliances have been uitro- duced to remove the dust from the mill, and thus prevent the recurrence of a similar catastrophe. As the present process of milling differs so materially from the old method of gi-inding by mill-stones, it will be attempted here to give a description of the new process as it appears to a tyro, avoiding the use of teclmical terms and without minute descriptions of the machines or processes. ^Vt the same time, taking one of the many miUs as a sample, we shall attempt to ex- hibit the amount of business in the different branches connected therewith, to which milling gives rise. The basis and cause of the reforma- tion in milling was economy. It was found that by the old method of crushing the wheat between mill-stones, the rough treatment of the grain broke up the bran and mixed a portion of it with the flour, which with the dirt adhermg to the kernel and in the crease and the germ, not only colored tlie whole product but compelled a large portion of it to be sacrificed at hm prices. The milling reform began in Hungai\- under the name of the Hungarian process. Their plans were im- proved on in this city and improvements are stiU making in methods and machinery. Millmg, as at present carried on, can only be said to be three years old; indeed, some improvements are now for the first time making in the new mills in process of construction. The method, in brief, is as follows: The wheat at :Muineapolis is purchased by the MUlers Association, an organization formed by the various millers for mutual profit and protec- tion, when it is taken in and weighed at the elevators of the different companies. The cleans- ing process is the first step, consisting flret of large separators by which stiaw and foreign matter is removed; second, it is passed tbi'ough two oat and weed exti-actors. and through a cockle ma- chine; it is next scoured and then passed through two sets of brushes, after which it is brouglit to tlie crushing machinery, wliich consists first of comigated rollers. The first reduction or Ineak. aims to craclv open the berry \\itliout breaking it in fine pieces. It may be stated here that the outside coating or bran is tougher than the ben-y itself, and by careful breaking of the kernel it remains nearly entne and can be removed, which coidd not be accomplished if the kernel was crushed at once. It is now passed through what is called scalping reels by which any remain- BOLLEB PBOCESS. 393 ing dirt and the beard is removed. A little flour comes out at this stage, of a very low grade, called red-dog, the market for which is wholly m foreign coimtries, and among the Indians. It next passes to the second reduction, by corru- gated rollers set closer, when it is broken again. At this stage three separations are made; some of the middlings, the liner portion, go to the purifiers, and the coarser to the third reduction, while some flour is saved, about five per cent, of ■ a quality similar to the old process flour. At tlie third reduction, still by corrugated rollers, four grades of middlings are separated called accord- ing to their coarseness, Xo. 1 coarsest, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and some flour is obtained of a better quality than the flour from either of the fore-going reductions, and called baker's. The fourth break is a repetition of the process of the thu'd with a similar result. At the fifth reduction only three grades of middlings are separated, No.'s 2, 3, and 4, as the successive eductions and separations have removed the coarser No. 1. The flour obtained at this point is baker's, but of a poorer quality than at the last stage. At the sixth and last reduction the middluigs are all removed and are of the grades 3 and 4; the flour obtained here is of a lower grade than the last, but higher than the red-dog which was obtained after the first reductiou. What remains is the bran. Thus far the process has been mainly one of cleaning and preparing the middlings for the manufacture of flour. The middlings are the best part of the wheat, and from them is now made the choice flour of market. The flour hitherto obtained has been only that part which was too much pulverized and therefore siftedout in preparing the middlings for the miUing yet to come. Each of the four grades of middlings is purified separately by different macMnes, adapted to each grade, pass- ing through four sets of machines. They are next sent to smooth rollers, of chilled steel, and highly polished, in order to remove small par- ticles of the germ and liran that may remain, and to pulverize them finally. Tlie flour now goes to the bolting chests and the product is the best patent floiu-. Any residue that has not been thoroughly reduced is sent to the old-fashioned miU-stones and the product, if from the No.'s 1 ;ind 2 middUngs, is a good patent flour, if from No.'s 3 and 4, second grade patent. This gives in plain language the plan of the new milling process. We will now attempt to give an idea of the business by describing the plan of operations laid out by C. A. Pillsbury and Company in con- nection with the Pillsbury A mill, now nearly completed. From the daily product of the mill, forty cars of flour and ten of bran are anticipat- ed, which will form three full trains of cars with sixteen or seventeen in each train. In running to New York, five days at least is required by a freight train, and fifteen trains will therefore be required constantly to convey the product of the mill to New York, besides the returning, of cars after then- freight is discharged. In addition to this, a greater number of cars with wheat must arrive daily from the country to supply the huge monster with his daily food. The company will own and operate their own engine and train for removing grain from their elevator and transfer- ring cars to different roads. The cars will lie constructed according to a new plan, shaped like a hopper for unloading tlie grain by a spout. Two hundred coopers, with modern machinery, will be required to manufactiue barrels for the mill. As an instance of rajiid transit and prompt business management, we report the following in reference to the Waslibimi A mill, the largest flouring mill in the wtirld. A contract for flour to be delivered in Liverpool was to be filled at a certain day, but unforeseen ditticulty prevented its manufacture until it seemed nearly impossi- ble to fulfil it. In the emergency, arrangements were made with a through line to run a special train to New York without interruption, and the managers of the Inman line of steamers for Liv- erpool were ready to receive the freight on its ar- rival. By this means it reached New York in four and one-half days from the time of its man- ufacture, the steamer made the passge in eight days, and the seventeenth day from Minneapolis, the flour was sold as bread in Liverpool and Lou- don. Twenty-nine mills are now in operation m Mimieapolis, or building, with a daily capacity of 25,225 barrels. The foreign demand is large and flour is shipped to all parts of Europe and even to Alexandria, Egypt, and South America. The first exporting of flour was attempted in 1878, 394 HISTOSY OF HENXEPIN COUNTY. and its superiority procured a sale of 109,183 barrels during the first year; in 1879. the export was increased to 442.598 barrels, and in 1880, to 769.442 liarrels. The Pillsbury "A" Mill. C. A. Tillsbury and Company, who already operate several large mills at the falls, are just pressing to completion their '•A" mill, which, it is anticipated, will have greater capacity than any other flouruig mill m the world. It is located in the East Division, comer of ilain Street and Third Avenue south. and is built of stone, with seven stories and an attic. The dimensions are 115 by 175 feet, and the height from the bottom of the wheel pit to the roof is 187 feet. Work began on the mill in March, 1879, and about June 1st, 1881, one half of the mill will begin operation. The entire mill it is expected, will be completed January 1st. 1882, It is buildLug under the management of William ¥. Gumi, engineer, James Pye, assistant engi- neer. A canal was built at great expense by the new Water-Power Compauj . to supply the power for the mill , for which C. A. Pillsbury and Com- pany pay an annual rent of S5,000. The motive power consists of two victor tiu'bine wheels, of twelve hiuidred horse power each, and are so placed as to secme fifty-two feet head; the wheels are so adjusted as to be operated either combined, or by the separate power of one. The building is heated by two large steel boilers, and is the most complete in all its appomtments, of the miUs at Minneaixilis. Much taste is exhibited in the elegance of its architecture and internal finish. The entii'e cost of the mill, when completed, will be about half a million dollars, and its capacity is estimated liy Engineer James Pye. at aliout four thousand barrels per day, though reported by the Board of Trade at four thousand eight hmidred. It will have four hundred pairs of rollers, two hundred middlings purifiers of the Smith pattern, twenty run of stone, two hundred bolting reels, and all other macliinery in propor- tion, and is pro\-ided with every convenience that modern improvement can suggest. It connects by a branch with the St. Paul, Miimeapolis and Manitoba Railway, two tracks running in front and tluee in the rear of the mill. About one luuuhed and fifty men will be employed in the legitimate business of the mill, besides the out- side uidustries to which it contributes employment C. A. Pillsbury & Company operate four mills on the west side, besides the A mill located on the east side. The "Pillsbuiy," built in 1865, is 60x80 feet, and six stories in height, including the basement. It is furnished with thhteen run of stone and fom- water-wheels, one twenty-five and one thirty-inch eclipse, and two turbines of ^wenty-five and thirty-six inches diameter, pro- ducing two hundred and fifty horse-power. The capacity- of the mOlis 500 barrels daily, requiring a working force of twenty-six men. The "Empire" mill, erected in 1872. is in size seventy feet square, and four stories high above the basement. It has twelve run of stone, and two turbine wheels, which furnish three hundred horse-power. Twenty-five men are required in its operation. The capacity is 500 barrels per day. The "Anchor" mill was built in 1874. destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in 1879. It has a capacity of 500 barrels per day. and is fiu-nished with twenty sets of smooth and fifteen pairs of corrugated rolls, three run of stone, and twenty-six purifiers. The machinery is driven by a tm-bine wheel of foit\-four inches diameter. This mill fiu'uishes employment to twenty-six men. The "Excelsior" mUl, buUt in 1877, is a stone structure with brick front, 45x106 feet, with a height of four stories in front and six in the rear. It has about fif t\- sets of smooth and corrugated rolls, and a capacitj- of 500 barrels per day. The number of men employed is thirty. An eclipse wheel, of thirty-six inches diameter, fimiishes 360 horse-power. This mill was originally equip- ped with thirteen run of stone, and during the winter of 1878-"9 was changed to the roller sys- tem. The Washburn Mills. The massive "A" mill has been described by the press as " the largest mill in America, and the most complete mill of its size m the world." It is operated by Wash- birrn, Crosby and Company. It is twice the size of the old A mill, and covers a ground space of 100x240 feet. Its height is eight stories above the canal, wliieh the east end of the building fronts. From the platform over the canal, to the top of the cupola, is 158 feet. The waUs are of stone, five feet thick at the base, tapermg to three feet, which thickness is maintained to the third story. From this they taper to twenty inches at the top. FLOURING MILLS. 395 The walls and wheel-pits contain 371 ,250 cubic feet of masonry, and the timberused, exceeds 2,750,000 feet. One-half the mill is on the ground occu- pied by the old Waslibuni A. The building was begun immediately after the destruction of the old mill, rising phcenix-like from the ashes of its predecessor, but to greater dimensions and grander achievements. During the completion of the C mill, work on the A mill was suspended until the spring of 1S70, and al)()ut the last of Jmie, 1880, it was fhiished, and one-half of it in operation. It is built nu tlie dual plan, and it required five months, with a large working force, to adjust the machinery in the part first put in operation. Some idea of its magnitude may be gained from the fact that nearly one thousand bushels of wheat were recpiired to fill it up be- fore the flour reached the packers. The completed part started with a capacity of 1,500 barrels jser day, employing seventy-five men, at a weekly expense of $1,000. The full capacity of the mill is 3,000 barrels. It is fm'- nished with all the modern improvements in the milling art, and its product is eagerly sought by foreign purchasers. The lessons taught by the terrible disaster of May 2d, 1878, have not been lost in the construction and management of this mUl. The scrupulous cleanliness of the rooms, and the ingenious appliances for straining the air from the purifiers, thus preventing the haz- ardous accumulations of dust, effectually ban- ishes the fear of such a catasthrophe as visited the mills in 1878. Adjoinmg the mill on the north-cast corner, is a two-story addition 24x45 feet, on the upper floor of which are the business offices of the mill, and on the ground floor, the elegant rooms used by C. C. "\7ashburn, as his private oflice. The whole structiu'e, as well as its furnishing, shows the most accomplished workmanship, and a lavish expenditure of wealth. " The North- western Miller" of .Inly 2d, 1880, says of it: "The mill as it stands, is a monument of Mr. Washburn's indomitable energy and perseverance, and a great credit to the city, for which its citi- zens should feel very thankful to the public spir- ited builder." The "B" mill, built in 1866, is of stone, 60x90 feet on the ground, three stories liigh in front and five in the rear. It is operated by a sixty- inch turbine wheel of 700 horse-power. Above the original mill is a story of wood, the front end of which is used for a dust-room, and the back end for machinery. It has thirty run of stone, and its daily capacity is 500 baiTCls. Twenty-five men are employed in this mill. In size and capacity the "C" mill ranks next to the "A," covering ground room of 95x145 feet, besides a storehouse adjoining. 40x83 feet, and five stories high, with a capacity of 80,000 bush- els, exclusive of a large reserve space for storing bran, and the necessary room for cleaning and handling grain. It was first built in 1878. and suffered considerable damage from the mill dis- aster. In January, 1879, it was materially im- proved and enlarged. Tlie first building had eleven run of stone, to which thirty run were added with tlie addition referred to. The mill is six stories high, only four of which are visible in front. It is operated by a sixty-inch American turbine wheel, and uses 000 liorse-power. Sev- enty-five men are employed in and about the mill. Its capacity is 1 ,250 barrels per day. Adjoinhig the A mill, on the site of the old Dia- mond mill, is an elevator 35x94 feet, with a ca- pacity of 80,000 bushels, besides necessary room for cleaning, and storing bnui. The "Cataract" mill was built by Eastman and C4ibson, in 1859, and was the first stone mill built at the falls. It has since been owned by Judd and Brackett, from whose hands it went to Commodore Davidson, and from him was pur- chased, in 1872, by D. R. Barber and Son, by whom it is owned and operated at present. The building then occupied ground room 45x60 feet, and was three stories liigh above the basement. In 1875 another story was added, and in the fall of 1879, an addition on the river side, of 20x45 feet, besides dust rooms, 16 feet high, built of wood, and iron clad. The basement story is 18 feet high and the others from 15 to 18 feet. It has six run of stone, ten sets of corrugated and sixteen sets of smooth rollers. Its capacity is 500 barrels per day, using from 90 to 100 horse-power with a reserve of 125 horse-power, furnished by a 48 inch turbine wheel. Tlie mill is run night and day, furnishing employment to twenty-five workmen at an average weekly expense of §300. The mill is valued at $80,(J00, and hke all the 396 EISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. large mills at tliis point, semis its piddiict to eastern cities and to Europe. The "Arctic" mill, Ilobart and Sliuler proprie- tors, located on the eastside of First street, is of stoue, and was built by Perkins and Crocker in 1861. It is quadrilateral in form, fifty-five feet front, lifty-five feet on the east and thirty feet on the west end. It is six stories in height, includ- ing the basement. It has eight run of stone and six sets of rolls. A forty-eight inch turbine wheel of two hundred and fifty horse-power drives the machinery. This mill has a capacity of two hun- dred and fifty barrels per day, and requires a working force of ten men. The '-I'rown Roller" mill. Christian, Brother and Company, was built in 1879-80, and is one of the largest mills at the falls. It is 124x145 feet in size and seven stories in height. The stnic- ture is of brick, with heavy stone foundation. The machinery of this mill consists of one hun- ch-ed and twenty-four sets of rolls, fifty-fom- of which are corrugated, one hundred and eighty piu'ifiers and eleven run of stone. Its wheel is a turbine of forty-eight inches diameter. Tlie total daily capacity of the mill is 2,40' men is employed, at a weekly expense of one thousand dollars. This mill has also storage capacity for lll.OOd bushels grain, and is valued at $300,000. The "Dakota" mill was built in ISGT. and is a frame stracture, 46x100 feet, four stories high above basement. It is owned and operated by H. F. Brown and Company. The equipment con- sists of six run of stone, four sets of smooth and one pair of corrugated rollers; the motive power is furnished by a turbine wheel of two hundred horse-power, one-half of which is used. Its daily capacity is two hundred and fifty barrels, and ten men are required in its operation. The "Galaxy" mill, Cahill, Fletcher and Com- pany, proprietors, was built in 1871 by W. V. ^Vnkeuy, burned in 1874 and rebuilt the following year. In 1877 it was purchased by Mr. Cahill, and was destroyed in the mill "disaster" of May, 1878. In 1879, it was rebuilt by Cahill. Fletcher and Company, the present owners and operators. It is of stone and covers a space 65x100 feet; six storifes high in front, and eight in the rear. The mill has six run of stone, thirty sets of Stevens rollers, sixteen sets of smooth rollers, iind twenty- two Kirk jiurifiers. A 36-inch victor wheel of two hinidred horse-power drives the machinery. The capacity of the Galaxy mill is two hundred barrels per day. Twenty-five men are employed, whose wages amount in the aggregate to ?350 per week. The "Holly" mill was built of stone, in 1872, and in 1878 was bought by Hinkle Bros., who are the present owners. Its size is 50x65 feet, five stories high above basement. It has six run of stone and twelve sets of rollers, which are pro- pelled by a forty-eight inch four hundred horse- power turbine wheel. At present one hundred and twenty-five horse-power is all that is required to produce daily two lumdred barrels of flour. The working force is fifteen men, who receive $175 per week. The "Humboldt" mill was erected on the east side of Second street, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues south, by Bull and Newton. It is constructed of brick, 65x95 feet and four stories high above the basement. The average height of the stories is fourteen feet. The power is fur- nished by a ^'ictor turbine wheel of one hundred and fifty horse-power. Originally it was f lu'nished with fourteen run of buhrs, but in the fall of 1880 it was refitted by Ilinkle, Greenleaf and Co., its present operators, with forty sets of rollers and ten run of stone, making its capacity seven hmid- red barrels per day. The mill is valued at $85,000. The "ilumeapolis" mUl, owned by Crocker, Fisk and Co., was built in 1865, by Frazee, Mur- phy and McIIerron. At the time it was furnished with five run of stone and produced three huniUed barrels per day. Destroyed by fire in was immediately rebuilt by its present owners, who increased its capacity to four hund- red barrels per day. It is 55x60 feet, four stories high, and requires the labor of sixteen men. In 1880 the roller system was adopted, using twenty sets of smooth and corrugated rollers. The "Model" mill, owned by Russell, Ilineline and Company, is of stone, and was built in 1877, by Russell, Roots and Crosen. It is five stories high including basement, is 42x62 feet, and is valued at $60,000. A 25-inch victor turbine wheel of 100 horse-power propels seven ran of stone, five sets of smooth and five of corrugated rollers, which daily produce 250 barrels of fiour requir- mg eight men at a weekly expense of $120. FLOUBINO MILLS. 397 The "North Star" mill, valued at §40,000, built m 1870, by McMiillen and McIIerron, was purchased of them Lu 1S71, by II. J. G. Croswell, its present owTier. It is 45x100 feet, three stories above basement, and has six run of stone and three sets of rollers, for which power is furnished by a 42-inch Dayton wheel. The establishment daily produces 250 barrels of flour, requiring a working force of ten men whose wages aggregate 1150 per week. "Northwestern Roller" mill is owned by Sidle, Fletcher, Holmes and Company. It was com- pleted in January, IHSd, and is 50x107 feet, eight stories high including basement and sub-base- ment, and is callable of producing 1,000 barrels per day, using a 44-inch turbine wheel of 600 horse-power. The mill is thoroughly equipped with latest improvements in machinery, and re- quires a working force of fifty-six men whose aggregate wages average 1 ,200 per week. The "Palisade" mill was built in 1872-3, at a cost of about $100,000, by L. Day and Company. It is 60x80 feet, four stories high in front and six in the rear. The stories average twelve feet in height. The macliinery consists of twelve run of stone, sixteen sets of smooth and four sets of corrugated rollers. It manufactures 500 barrels per day. The motive power is furnished by two turbine wheels, one 36-inch of 295 horse- power, and one 30-inch, of 194 horse-power. This Arm pays fourteen men about |20u per week. The "Pettit" mill was lirst built in 1875 by Pettit, Eobinson & Company, and after the great disaster of May 2d, 1878, was rebuilt. It is 60x 100 feet, six full stories including basement. Twenty nm of stone, twenty-three sets of smooth and four sets of corrugated rollers, propelled by a forty-eight-inch, 450 horse-power turbine wheel, produce 800 barrels of flour per diem. The mill, which is valued at $100,000, gives employment to forty-five men whose salaries aggregate S500 per week. The "Phoenix" mill, a stone structure, .50x66 feet, four stories high with basement, is located at the corner of Main Street and Sixth Avenue. S. E., and is valued- at $60,000. It is owned by Stamwitz & Schober. Athirty-flve-mch tirrbine wheel of fifty horse-power drives three run of stone, five sets of smooth and six sets of corru- gated rollers, which are capable of producing 200 barrels per day. In 1879 the "Standard" mill was built by E. V. White & Company, the present owners. It is of brick with a heavy stone foimdation, is 50x155 feet, and sLx stories high, valued at $2(1(1,000. A forty-four-inch victor turbine furnishes 600 horse-power to produce 1,200 barrels of flour daily. It requires the labor of thirty-five men. The "Trades" mill, a brick structure 40x59 feet, two-stories above basement, is owned by Hawthorne Bros. It has three run of stone and one pair of corrugated rollers foi' flour, and one nui of stone for feed. Its capacity is 100 barrels of flour per day. A 50-horse power engine op- erates the machinery. The " Union " mill built by Henry Gibson, in 1861, was the second stone mill on the west side. It stands on the river side of the canal, foot of First street, is 47Jx60 feet, and four full stories high above the basement storj-. Its wheel is a 48-inch turbine, its capacity 200 barrels per day, using 75 to 100 horse-power, with a reserve of 200. It has six run of stone, and employs ten workmen, running night and day, at an average yearly expense for wages, of $7,800. It is owned and operated by G. W. Goodrich and T. 11. Per kins — firm name G. W. Goodrich and Company. Their principal sales are in Philadelphia, New York, Boston and European cities, making heavy shipments on orders from Liverpool, London and Glasgow, about one-third of their business being with the last named points. The " Zenith" mill owned by Day and Rollins, valued at $70,000, is a stone structure 40x102 feet, five stories high. It was first built in 1870 — 1, but was destroyed by the explosion of May 2d, 1878, and was rebuilt in November of the same year. It has ten run of stone, eleven sets of smooth, and four sets of corrugated rollers. A 48-inch turbine wheel of 200 horse power propels the machinery. The capacity of the mill is 500 barrels per day. The "North Star" feed mill, owned and operat- ed by F. C. Rideout & Co., is located on Second street and Fourteenth Avenue north. It is 30x40 feet, one and one-half stories Irigh; has two run of stone and a seven-foot reel for bolting produce, and is driven by a twenty-five horse-power engine. This mill manufactures fifteen tons of feed daily. 898 HISTOBY OF HEA^'NEPIN COUNTY. This firm lias another feed mill in connection with their store, at 401. Sixth Avenue south. It has one run of stone, driven by a ten horse-power engine. The capacity is five tons of feed per day. J. E. Osborne's feed mill is located in the East- man manufacturing building, on XicoUet Island. It has one run of stone, which has a capacity of one ton per hour. Upton's grist mill, also located in the Eastman manuufactiu'ing building, has two nni of stone. and produces feed at the rate of one and one-half tons per hour. The power is furnished by the East Side Water Power Company, from a shaft running throughout the entire building. In con- nection with this mill, Mr. Upton has a fm-nace and two revolving cylindei-s, each holding two barrels, for roasting coffee, peanuts, etc. The " Tower " mill, operated by Richards & Cooley, owiied by Phillip Ilerzog, is situated on Main street comer Third Avenue south-east. It is nm as a gi'ist and feed mill, and contains one nm of stone and a bolter for graham Hour, etc. jiiller's association. The Minneapolis Millers' Association was or- ganized in 1867, with the following members: Judd and Bracket!, Eastman and Cahill. Taylor Brothfrs, Frazee and Muqjhy. Darrow Brothers and Tomlinson, Perkins and Company. Officei-s: president, George Brackett ; vice-president. W. F. Cahill; secretary and agent, Dwight Putnam; purchasing agent. O. Mays. In 1869 this asso- ciation, to which the present organization owes its existence, was dissolved. In 1875 the associa- tion was revived, though agam as an experi- mental institution, with representatives of seven- teen large milhng estjiblishments as members. The officers of the experimental association were: president, D. E. Barber; secretary, F. B. :Mills; general agent. W. 11. Dunwoody; The object of the organization was to provide against dangerous competition among purchaser, and the purchase of wheat was put into the hands of one general agent, with sole charge of local buyers at all in- terior points as well as proper distribution upon its arrival at Minneapolis, pro rata among the members of the association, according to the ca- pacity of their respective mills. Money was fm- nished by the members for purchases when called for by the general agent The temporary organization took a permanent form m 1876. as a corix>rate body m accordance with the laws of the state, with the following incorporators: John A. Christian, C. 11. Pettit, Vr. p. Ankeny. Leonard Day, J. S. Pillsbury, C. G. Hazard. D. K. Barber, George "W. Crocker, Carroll T. Ilobart. M. AV. (ietchell, II. J. G. Croswell. M. B. Rollins, William F. CahiU, F. B. Mills, G. Schober, Henry Darrow, and B. S. Bull. The firet president of the reorganized association was W. P. Ankeny ; secretary, C. G. Hazard, and general agent, C, S. Bunker. The stock of the company was increased from 835,000 to S75,- 000, distributed in shares of S50 each. The mem- bership is open to any co-partnership, corporation or individual operating a tlouring-mill in Henne- pin county, on subscribing and paying for at least twelve shares of the stock. Of the total 359 run of stone in Minneapolis in 1880, 340 are represented. The total amount of wheat purchased by the association, of the crop of 1879-80, up to Decem- ber 30th, was 12.826,899 bushels. The grand total of the purchases of the association from June 1st, 1875, to December 30th, 1880, was 29,044,118 bushels. The prices maintained by the associa- tion during its existence prove it far from antag- onistic to the interest of producere, for prices have ruled higher relatively, for wheat of equal quality in MimieapoUs than in Chicago or Mil- waukee. By their position as consumers, one profit is saved, which enables the association to pay higher prices than middle men can aff^ord. The present officers of the association are : president, "W. H. Dunwoody ; vice president, AV. F. Cahill; secretary, F. II. Greenleaf ; treas- urer, D. R. Barber; general agent, E. B. An- (b-ews: board of directors, C. C. Washbuni. John Crosliy. \V. II. Dunwoody, C. J. ilartin. L. Christian. C. M. llardeubergh, J. A. Christian, E. V. White. D. Morrison, H. E. Fletcher, J. K. Sidle. C. A. Pillsbury, W. F. CahUl, L. Day, Geo. W. Crocker, M. B. Rollins. D. R. Barber, F. L. Greenleaf. F. S. llinkle. W. H. Hiidile, and G. Schober. ELEVATORS. The ^linneapolis Elevator Company was or- ganized as a stock company under the general laws of the state, in 1879, with a capital stock of §500,000. Elevator A, located on Chestnut ELEV ATOMS. 399 Avenue, near the city limits, was built in 1879 and the first wheat taken in January 20th, 1880. The building occupies a space of 86x182 feet on the ground and rises to a height of 147 feet from tlie fomidations. Tlie latter are twelve feet in depth and the superstructure is of the heaviest timber, covered with corrugated sheet iron, which makes it practically fh-e-proof. This elevator, wliicli was built at a cost of $150,000, is the largest and most complete in its appointments of any in the west, the total capacity lieing 780,000 bushels. The an-angemeut of bins, and the ma- chinery for unloading and elevating grain are of the latest improved patterns, the ludoading ap- paratus being especially ingenious. Two men, with the aid of shovels operated by steam power, being enabled to unload a car containing four hinidred bushels of wheat, in four minutes. An engine room of brick, 30x40 feet, in which a Corliss engine of two hundred and twenty-five horse power is placed, is located west of the ele- vator. This engine is the only one of the kind in use west of Milwaukee and is a fine piece of workmanship. Its fly-wheel is seventeen feet in in diameter, and the main shaft fly-wheel of six- teen feet diameter. The tracks of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba, and the Minneapolis and St. Louis railways, pass the elevator, the greater part of the grain handled coming over these roads from the great wheat fields of the Northwest and from Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa. The oflicers of the company are, L. Fletcher, president; C. II. Petitt, treasiu-er; F. S. Hinkle, secretary; and C. W. Tracy, superin- tendent. The Union Elevator was erected in 1867 by a stock company, the members of whicli were W. W. Eastman, A. H. Wilder, Col. Merriam and D. C. Shepherd, known as the Union Elevator Company. It is located on Washington Avemie, comer of Ninth Avenue south, and is now known as Union Elevator Station, on the Chicago, Mil- wauke and St. Paul Railway. For ten years it was operated by tlie elevator company, the rail- way company paying one and one-half cents per bushel for handling grain. In 1877, the railway company, purchased the elevator and has since continued its management, using it exclusively for gi-ain carried over that line. The capacity of the elevator is 130,000 bushels. Mr. E. E. Holt, the present agent, has been in charge for the past twelve years. The Pacific Elevator is located on Washing- ton, corner of Fourth Avenue north, at the cross- ing of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and ^Manitoba Railway. It was erected in 1868, Ijy W . F. David- son, and has since been under his control. The building is 50x80 feet, and 120 feet hi height, the capacity being 85,000 bushels. The number of bushels handled amounting annually to from five to seven hundred thousand. The receipts are from the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba, and the Minneaiiolis and St. Louis railways. The elevator is furnished with a thirty horse jiower engine of the Ames pattern. Six men find em- ployment at this elevator, under the supervision of Mr. J. F. Low, who has been in charge since September, 1870. In 1874, Mr. Low, by working a force day and night passed one million bushels of grain through this elevator. The Pillsbury Elevator is located on Como Avenue, on tlie east side, on the St. Paul, ^linne- apolis and Manitoba and Northern Pacific rail- ways. It was built in 1880-81 , for the piu'pose of storing gram for the use of the A mill, and has a capacity of 250,000 bushels. The cost of the building, including the seventy-five horse-power engine, was $25,000. The Central Elevator was built in 1881. by a company known as the Central Elevator Company, composed of Huntington, Potter and Ermen- trout. This elevator has a capacity for 150,- 000 bushels. In its construction 700,000 feet of lumber w'ere used. Cost of the structure was about $25,000. A sixty-five horse-power engine supplies motive power for the machinery. It is located on the line of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway, at the crossing of IIol- den Street, and is intended for the storage of coarse grains only. The necessity for large store-houses for wheat was one long felt in this city, and led to the erec- tion of the elevators just described. At times, some of the mills have been obliged to close, on accoiuit of short supplies of wheat, but the con- struction of these elevators, w^ith a total capacity for storing 1,500,000 bushels of grain, affiu-d the millers reservoirs from which they can draw^ at all times, and have no fear of creating a shortage. 400 HISTORY OF HENNHPIN COUNTY. CHAPTER LXIV. WATEIt roWKK COJIl'ANIES— IMtODlCT OF H'M- HKK— liOOJI lOMrANIKS— LVMBEIt 5III-LS. Saint Anthony i'alls Water Power Company. ]5y an act aiiproved February 26th, 1856, the Sahit Anthony Falls Water Power Comiiany was incorporated for the pui-pose of improving the water power on the east side. The following gentlemen apiiear as incorporators: Franklin Steele. John F. A. Sanford. Frederick C. Geb- hardt. Richard Chute and John S. Prince. The capital stock was placed at $16n.ono. divided into shares of ^100 each. The act authorized Frank- lin Steele to call the tirst meeting and act as pres- ident pro tem., imtil a president should be elected regularly. The act also provided that the officers of the company shoidd be a president, secretary, treasurer and three directors, with power to in- crease the number of directors by a majority vote of the stock. The first meeting was held in 18.5(i. in Xew York city, pureuantto a call issued by :Mr. Steele, which was attended by all the cor- porators. The otticers elected were: Franklin Steele, president; Richard Chute, secretary and treasurer; and Franklin Steele, Thomas E.Davis, Fred. C. (iebhardt, John S. Prince. Richard Cliute and John F. A. Sanford. directors. A (piestion arose as to the legality and validity of the organization, on accoiuit of the tirst meet- ing being held outside the territory of Minnesota, and in 1857 an act was passed, legalizing the ac- tion of the New York meeting; also allowing meetings to l)e held in the territory only. In 1866 an act was passed, which gave the corpora- tion the privilege of holding meetings at any place its officers might deem most convenient. In 1871 an act was i)assed authorizing the company to change its corporate name and changing the offi- cial list to that of iiresident aiul twelve directors, but made no provision for secretary and treasurer, consequently was not accepted by the company, as it was not ])assed at its request. In 1S75 an amendatory act was passed, providing that the officers of the company should be, president, sec- retary, treasurer and six dircctois. permitting the stock-holders to increase or diminish the number of directors by a majority vote, also allowing them to issue one or more classes of preferred stock and to cany on any kind of mechanical or manufacturing business. The capital stock was hicreased to S640.n00. and April 16th, 1880, the whole was purchased by James J. Hill, acting for a syndicate. The officers of the company are R. B. Angus, president; JIdward Sawyer, seerefairy iind treasurer; R. 15. Angus, James J. Hill and Edward Sawyer, board of directors. The Minneapolis Mill Company was incorpor- ated Februarj- 27th, 1856, for the purpose of im- proving the water power at St. Anthony Falls, from the center of the main channel to the west side. The incoi-porators were, Roswell P. Rus- sell. M. L. Olds, (ieorge E. Huy, Jacob Elliot, Robert H. Smith, U. Morrison, lieorge K. Swift, C. C. Washburn, Leonard Day, J. JiT. Newton, B. F. Brown and B. F. Friday. The first officere of the company were, Robert Smith, president; D. Morrison, treasurer, and George E. liny, secre- tary. The board of directors R. P. Russell, 1). Jilorrison and Jacob Elliot. This company own a number of mill sites located upon the canal con- structed by them, and also operate the lumber mills, known as the Platform ^lills. The present officers of the company are, C. C. Washburn, president; W. D. Hale, secretary, and H. H. Douglass, engineer and agent. The business office of the company is on the canal, at the foot of Sixth Avenue south. The business to which Mimieapolis owed its growth entirely for many years was that of lum- ber. This industry has been extended and is now one of vast dimensions. Situated near the southern boundary of the extensive pineries, the falls w^ere firet utilized in reducing its logs to lum- ber. Providentially, in these extensive forests lumber for building, and wood for fuel was stored centiu'ies ago, a fortunate provision against the inclemency of the vigorous climate. Every ray of sunshine ever shed here has been acciunuhding in various forms of pent up heat, waiting for the progress of civilization with its subtle alchemy to utilize it for comfort and for the development of the resources of the countrv. livery log that comes down the river bears testi- mony l)y the rings of its successive year's growth, to the preparation of centuries for the habitation of enlightened men. Important and necessary as this material is to the welfare and progress of B003I COMPANIES. 401 the country, it is nevertlieless true tiiat tlie de- struction of the forest wliieh it entails, may at some future day he a source of regret, for forests exercise a modifying influence on climate and rain fall, and Ijesides add greath' to the beauty of a coimtry, easy to destroy but diflicidt to re- place. Still lumber for building and wood to bum must be had, and Minneapolis is well sup- plied with botli. Twelve lumber mills located at Minneapolis furnished, in 1879, 149,754,547 feet of lumber; in 1880, 195,4;)2,182 feet, 67,058,500 shingles and 31,432,500 lath. The waste from these mills furnishes summer fuel to the citizens and pro- vides a large portion of the wood supply of the city. Employment is funushed by them to a vast number of men, who are seen in the fall in pic- turesque costume, conspicuous by flaming red frocks and buskins, preparing for their winter camps in the pineries. Again they appear on tlie streets in March, with the earnings of the whiter in their pockets, but out of employment until the ice goes out of the river, which usually hap- pens aljout the middle of April. During the few weeks of interim between the breaking up of the lumber camps and the opening of the river and starting of saw-mills, thousands of idle men spend too freely the hard earned wages of the winter, and often make the streets noisy by dis- orderly carousals. Some are, however, employed in the necessary work of breaking up the ice, a work done amuially in the spring, from the falls up two miles on the river, by the use of saws and dynamite t(j avoid the dangers attending an ice blockade which would be inevitable, where ice forms during the winter to a thickness of three or four feet. After the season opens, sparks fly from the high chimneys, and the hum of the busy saws continues night and day. The logs, resulting from the winter's work ui the upper streams come down in great numbers guided to their respective destinations by the booms of the boom company. The Mississippi Boom Company, F. Steele, J. R. Brown, Daniel Stanchlield, and their assistant construction company, was chartered February 3d, 1851, for a term of fifteen years, subject to alteration and amendment after five years. Cap- ital stock was placed at §25,000, and shares at $100. Stock-holders liable between St. Paul and 26 St. Anthony. They were permitted to charge for all logs sorted, rafted and delivered at foot of boom, fifty cents per thousand, besides scalage, or cost of measurement. The St. Anthony Boom Company, W. Getohell, F. Steele, J. G. Lennon, S. W. Farnham, Ard Godfrey, Joseph Libbey and assistant construc- tion company, was organized, their charges being forty cents per thousand. These companies were subsequently merged into the Mississippi and Rum River Boom Company. On November 29th, 1856, a meeting was held by the projectors of this company, and articles of incorporation drawn up, in expectation of recognition at the ensuing ses- sion of the territorial legislature, and stock to the amount of 59,200 subscribed. March 21st, 1857, the act of incorporation was passed, with capital stock at $15,000. The first board of directors was composed of C. F. Stimson, R. Chute, J. B. Bas- sett, John R. Lovejoy and D. M. Hall. The first regular meeting was held November 29th, 1856 and the following officers elected: John S. Prince, president; G. W. Buckmore, vice-presi- dent and James A. Lovejoy, secretary. At that time the limits of the company extended from the limits of the St. Anthony Boom Company four miles above the falls, to a point five miles up Rum river. In 1862, by il legislative act, the limits were extended up the Mississippi to Crow- river and down to Nicollet Island. This act took from them all jurisdiction on Rum river. In 1867, another amending act, enabled them to in- crease their capital stock to $100,000, as fast as imjirovements in the river were made, and also to condemn lands needed for imiu'ovement. and reg- ulate the admission and discharge of logs. In 1868, the limits were extended up Rum river to Cedar creek, and in 1877 extended up the Missis- sippi to Monticello, the present boundary. The officers of the company are: S. H. Chute, presi- dent; O. C. Merriman, vice-president; James A. Lovejoy, secretary and S. B. Lovejoy. treasurer. Board of Directors. S. II. Chute, O. C. Merriman, James A. Lovejoy, J. Dean and L. Day. The business office of the company is at Xo. 36, Cen- tral avenue. In 1850, S. W. Farnham commenced the man- ufacture of lumber in the first saw-mill at Saint Anthony, the one erected by Franklin Steele in 1847-8. The equipment of the mill was but one 402 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIX COUNTY. sasb-saw and one sash-niacliine. Mi*. Fambam seem'' to bave got the mills in fail- working order, as be states that from 18-52 to ISoo. the annual protluction was 1.200,000 feet of lumber. In 1855 Mr. Farnbam retired from the lumber lousi- ness, but in 1859 be again engaged in it at the present location of the Farnham & Lovejoy mill on Hennepin Island. The establishment then contained one muley saw, two rotaries, one sliingle and one lath machine, and furnished employment to fifty men. producing amiually from three to four million feet. In 1861 J. A. Lovejoy became a partner, and the mill was im- proved and new machinery added. From that time until 1873, when the mill was destiwed by fire, the production amounted to from nine to twelve millions amuiaUy. The mill was rebuilt and began sawing Hay 1st, 1874, with two double circulars, one forty-saw gang, two doulile edgers. and other necessary machinery. The mill is in size 65x140 feet, and produces yearly twenty-live million feet of lumber. One himdred and fifty men find employment with this company. In connection with the hmiber mill the firm bave a planing-miU and dry-house located on the corner of Sixth Street and First Avenue north-east, the building and yard occupying one acre of groimd. Foiur planers and other minor ma- chines are operated, driven by an engine of one hundred and forty horse-power. There is also one dry kiln containmg four stalls. The Butler Mill, built in 1877, by L. Uutler, was in the fall of 1879 purchased by Eastman, Bovey. and Co. This mill is oO.xloO feet, located on the East Side [ilatform. The machinery, con- sisting of one gang of saws, one double circular, one double block shingle machine, edgers, trim- mers, etc., is propelled by a tmbuie water wheel of one hundred and eight\- horse-power. The capacity is 80,000 feet of liunber, 50,000 shingles and 20,000 lath per diem, and the entire cut for 1880. amounts to about 13.000,000. The company employs upwards of eighty men and the pay roll is about $5,000 per montli. The valuation of the structure is $30,000. In 18B9 Eastman and Bovey bought of the ^lia- neapolis MiU Company, the Pioneer ilill, located on the West Side platform next to the river. In 1871 the firm was increased by the addition of H. D. Eastman. In 1879 Mr. W. W. Eastman re- tired from the company. The J. B. Bassett and Co. saw mill, located at the foot of Fifth Avenue south, was buUt in 1870, by its present owners. The building. 80x100 feet, is equipped with one double circular, one forty- saw gang, one sliingle and one lath machine, five planers, one re-s;»wing machine, edgei-s. trim- mers, and all the fixtures belonging to a first class saw-miU. The motive power is furnished by a sixty inch turbine wheel of two hundred horse power, one liundied and twenty-five of which is used to produce daily 90,000 feet of lumber, 30,000 shingles and 30.000 lath. The valuation of the mill is $60,000, and it requires sixty men to operate it, «ith a pay roll of S3,o00 per month. In con- nection with this miU is a thoroughly equipped planing mill. Capt. John Rolhns built the " Rollins " saw- mill ill 1871, and operated it untU 1873. At that time it produced from 40,000 to 50,000 feet of lumber daily, using one twenty-four-saw gang, one double circular and one lath machine, run by an 150 horse-power engine. With an mcreased capacity of 75,000 feet per day, it produced in 1880, about 7,500.000 feet. F. P. Clark, who now owns the mill, purchased it in 1873, and put in a patent trimmer. lie employs about one hundi-ed men in null and yards. ^lill Xo. 2, on the east side platform was buUt by Todd, Conner and Gaines, in 1870 — 1. About 1876 or 1877, Frederick Butterfleld became the owner and allowed it to lie itUe until April 1st, 1880, when Cole and Hammond leased, and still operate it. Shortly after the date of this lease, W. W. Eastman purchased and now owns the mill. A fifty-four inch, 200 horse-power turbine wheel propels one double fleet gang, two double rotaries, a shingle and lath machine, which man- ufacture daily 100,000 feet of lumber, 45,000 shingles and 30,000 lath, requiring eighty men to operate. The Platform miUs are owned and operated by the Jlinneapolis Mill Company, of which C. C. Washburn is president. V>'. D. Hale, secretary, and H. H. Douglass, engineer and agent. The company control seven of the mills on the plat- form, viz: Pioneer mill producing 15,000,000 feet, of lumber annually, with one gang and one circular ; the Day mill havuig one gang and one LUMBER MILLS. 403 circular, makes 10,000,000 feet per annum ; Jones, one gang and one circular, 17,000,000; Crocker mill, one gang and one circular, 8,000,000 ; Lin- coln, two gangs and one circular, 18,000,000 ; Pettit, one gang and one circular. lO.dOO.OOO. The Morrison mill is at present dismantled and idle. The Goodnow and Ilawley mill was built in 1S71, on the site of the mill known as the "Mof- fat Mill," corner of First street and Fourth Avenue north, a small structure with a few circu- lar saws and devoted principally to the manufac- ture of doors, sash and blinds. In 1873 Mr. Mof- fat sold to Mr. Bedford who took as partners Messrs. Boyce and Baker. The mill was by this firm enlarged and new machinery added. In 1875, it passed into the hands of W. C. Baker who operated it until 1878, when he leased it for a term of years to Goodnow and Ilawley, the present pro- prietors. Tlie capacity of the mill during a ten hours run is 75,000 feet of lumber, 35,000 sliingles, and 15,000 lath. The machinery consists of one twenty-six-saw gang, one rotary saw, one shingle' and one lath machine, operated by an engine of 150 horse-power. The firm employs 1-10 men, and its pay roll amounts to |6,000 per month. In 1879, Messrs. Goodnow and Ilawley rebuilt and improved the mill throughout. Its size is 40x80 feet. Mill No. 1, on the East Side platform, owned by Merriman, Barrows and Company, built by L. Butler, in 1870-71, is run by a 200 horse-power wheel, and gives employment to 150 men, whose pay amounts to .f7,o(lO per month. It was op- erated three years by L. Butler and Company, then passed into the hands of O. C. Merriman and Company, who run it four years, when the present firm of ilerriman. Barrows and Com- pany was organized, and took possession. This firm consists of O. C. Merriman, J. S. Lane, L. M. Lane and F. C. Barrows. The daily product of this concern is 120,1100 feet, the machinery used being a thirty-eight-saw gang, two circulars, two shingle machines, making 46,000 shingles, and two lath machines making 20,000 lath per day. In 1872, McMullen & Company built a mill on the site of their present structure, known as "Saw-mill No. 5," located on the East Side plat- form. Its capacity was 25,000 feet of lumber and 250,000 shingles every ten hours. In the winter of 1878- '9 this mill was found inadequate, and rebuilt and fitted with entirely new machinery. This in- creased its capacity to from 80,000 to 90,000 feet of lumber, 100.000 shingles and 30,000 lath every ten hours. The power is furnished by a flfty- four-inch, 250 horse-power turbine wheel. The company employs from 150 to 200 men, and theh' pay-roll amounts to |;8,000 per month. The product of 1880 amounted to 20,000,000 feet of lumber, 15,000,000 shingles and 4,000,000 lath. The firm is composed of Jas. McMullen and two sons, Albert E. and Wilbur II. Mill No. 3, on the East Side platform, built by Todd, Haven, Leavitt & Company, in 1873, is now owned by Todd, Martin & Companj-. The machinery, gang saw, one double rotary saw, one single and one double shingle machine and one lath machine, produces daily over 90,000 feet of lumber etc. The motive power is a 200 horse- power wheel. The company employs sixty men, paying them !|^4,500 per month. The " Pacific Mill, " owned by Camp and Walker. Tliis mill is located on the west side, just above the suspension bridge, and is called the largest and most thoroughly equipped lumber mill in the country. The original mill was built in isiio, by J. Dean and Company, who conducted it until 1876, when the present firm became its proprietors. The old mill was destroyed by fire, October Gth, 1880, and the firm began at once to rebuild. The mill is in size 66x132 feet, its construction and machinery costing about $85,- 000. Steam is generated by nine two-flue boilers, 22 feet in length, the engine being of 600 horse- power when using steam pressure of eighty pounds. The immense smoke-stack, the founda- tions of wiiich extend fifteen feet in depth, is 150 feet in height, and in its construction, more brick were used, than are in the Nicollet House. The foundations for the main shaft, gangs and circu- lar mills, are of solid masonry, built up from the ledge below. There are two large circular mills, with steam feed and canters, one Wick's gang of thirty saws, and one twenty-six-saw gang, besides the necessary minor machinery, all of modern improved make. The estimated product of the mill, is 150,000 feet in ten hours and 25,- (100,000 feet annually. In 1880, the product of the old mill was 14,036,000 feet of lumber, 15,- 404 HISTOBY OF RENJSTEPIN COUNTY. 000,000 shingles aiid «.000,000 lath. This tirm fimiishes employment to 200 men. in the mill and in their extensive logging operations. Tlie sash, door and blind factory of Bard well, Robinson & Co.. located at the foot of Thirteenth Avenue south, was estaltlished by Bisbee.Bardwell & Huntington in the spring of 1875. In the faU of that year Mr. Huntington retired, and in the spring of 1876 P. P. Eddy entered the firm. The following fall Mr. Bisbee sold to S. C. Eobinson, and in January, 1877, Mr. Eddy was succeeded by C. N. Robinson, and the firm has since been Bardwell, Robinson & Co. They cut their own logs and have them manufactured into lumber, of which they annually use 2,500,000 feet, besides 1,000,000 feet which they purchase. Their trade, which amounts to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per year, extends in all directions, and is steadily increasing. They employ one hundred men, paying them three thousand dollare per month. Camp and Walker's planing mill is on the cor- ner of Fifth street and Fourth Avenue north. Its size is 50x100 feet, contains three planing ma- chines, one siding machine and one rip saw, pro- pelled by a sixty horse-power engine. The engine room and office is a two stoiy brick 18x40 feet. The work done by this mill is exclusively on lum- ber manufactured liy the Pacific Mills, belonging to the same timi. It furnishes employment to ten men. Johnson and IIurd"s planing mill on Third street and Third Avenue south,was erected in 1866 by Jesse Copeland and Co. Between this date and 1870, several changes were made in tlie firm. At this time Mr. Johnson pm-chased of L. Lingen" feller three-fifths interest in the business and his partners were Jesse and Frank Copeland. who omied the remaining two-fifths interest. The mill was then 50x100 feet, and two Etories high, containing three planing machines, a quantity of sash and door machinery, and a thirty horse-power engine. In 1871. Mr. Johnson purchased Jesse Copeland's interest and enlarged the mill. In the spring of 1876 he purchased Frank Copeland"s in- terest and conducteil the business alone for a year. In March, 1877, Mr. Johnson formed a stock company, known as S. L. Johnson and Co. In April, 1880, B. C. Ilurd having purchased all of the stock except Johnson's, the name became Johnson and Hurd. They employ forty men, pay S2.()00 per month and enjoy an annual business of about S7o,000. Henry T. Welles built the Xorth Star planing mill, on River street, comer of Third Avenue north-east, in the fall of 1877. and two years later Joy and Erb leased it for a period of five years. Mr. Joy manages the North Star, while Mr, Erb superintends Goodnow and Hawley's mill. The mill contains three planing machines, one siding saw, one re-sawing machine and one rip saw. A forty-five horse-power engine furnishes power to plane 35.000 feet of lumber per day. The planing mill of R. B. Langdon and Co. was erected on Third street, near Tenth Avenue south, in 1872, by the firm, and has been in con- tinuous operation since, planing, and manufactur- ing mouldings. The building is 80x100 feet, has five planers, siding and rip saws, driven by a one hundred horse-power engine. The annual pro- duct is from 10.000.000 to 15,000,000 feet, which requii-es sixteen men to handle. E. Moulton and Son's planing mill, comer of Di\ision and Taylor streets. East Divisou, is 36x56 feet and was built in 1878. It contains two planers and other machinery necessary to a first- class mill. Employing twelve men. it has a ca- pacity of 70.000 feet every ten bom's. Mr. Moul- ton, who was in the business for sixteen years, first built a mill on the island, which was de- stroyed by the tunnel wash-out of 1868. The St. Louis planing mill, Ninth street and Central Avenue, was built in 1878, by W. C. Stetson and B. F. Nelson. In March, 1879, the firm of Stetson and Nelson dissolved, and Mr. Nelson continued alone mitU November 1, 1880, when it was leased for a year by the firm of Nelson, Tenney and Co. The structure is 22x80 feet, all stone and iron. A low pressure one hundred horse-power engine drives four planers, one moulding machine, one siding saw, and one rip saw. The company pays SI ,000 per month to twenty-five men. who handle 80,000 feet of lumber daily. The firm of Nelson, Ten- ney and Co. are heavy dealers in lumber, sash and doore. occupying a yard containing three squares. Mr. Nelson also owns the large sash factory leased by Smith Parker and Co., who employ one hundred men. This mill is operated by a low pres- sure, one hundred and fifty horee-power engme. PLANING MILLS. 40.5 The East Side planing mill, on Fifth street near the depot, was erected by Kiissell, Tennant and Company, and staited up on September 20th, 1878. After this firm had conducted it eighteen months, Mr. Tennant bonglit out the other two gentlemen, and now owns and con- trols the establishment alone. The building is 16x60 feet, and is fully equipped as a first-class mill, tnrnhig out about 1,00(1,(100 feet per month, requiring ten men, whose pay roll is about S40() per month. The sash, door and blind factory, and planing mill of Wheaton, Reynolds and Company, Cen- tral Avenue, corner of Sixth street, was built in 1870, by W. C. and H. A. Stetson. The origi- nal building was 30x60 feet, but additions have been made from year to year until the establishment now consists of the sash factory, 40x110 feet, two-stories higli, planing mill 20x60 feet, one story, steam department 20x40 feet, dry kiln 18x50 feet, and shed room covering space of one acre ; one fifty and one thirty horse-power engine furnish the power. The company em- ploys sixty men, paying them $600 per week. The business for 1880, was $100,000. Their planing mill turns out 80,000 feet per diem. Jenson, Gilbrathson and Company's planing- mill and sash, door and blind factory was estab- lished in 1880, on Kineteenth Avenue south. The main building is two stories in height, .50 x 100 feet. The engine-room, containing a sixty-five horse-power engine, is two stories in height, built of stone. The second story of this building is used as a drying-room. This mill is fitted up in the most approved style ; has elevators, tele- phones, etc. The members of the firm are : James Jenson, business manager, J. N. Gilbrath- son, supermtendent of factory, and W. II. Stringer. John Briggs built his shingle-mill on Water Street, corner Tenth Avenue north-east, in the spring of 1880, and commenced operations in Jime. The structure is 22 x 75 feet, is operated by a forty horse-power engine, and employs seven men to run it. The machinery consists of one shingle-machine, and another will be added. P. G. Lamoreaux's shingle-mill occupies the site of the Miinieapolis Lumber Mill, which was burned in ]Ma\', 1880. It is located at the east end of the upper bridge. The machinery con- sists of one single and one double shingle-machine. Mr. Lamoreaux has commenced to rebuild his saw-mill, which will be 36x126 feet, containing one gang and one circular saw. Ilobart and Chatterton's mill, located at the east end of the upper bridge, was buUt in 187(5. The firm marmfactures cedar posts, telegraph poles, piles, and shingles. A twenty-five horse- power engine operates one shingle-machine, one circular saw, and a trimmer, producing 25,000 shingles and from 2,000 to 3,000 posts per day. The firm employs twenty-five men, whose pay roll amounts to $900 per month. The door, sash and blind factory of Frazer and Shepherd, corner of Fifth street and Fourth Avenue north, was built in January, 1879. The factory consists of main buildmg, 30x64, two stories high, dry-house, 18x24, and an addition 1 8 X 24. It is thoroughly equipped witli improved machinery, and employs sixty men. The power is furnished by the engine of the Camp and Walker planing-miU, on the oi)posite side of the street, and is transmitted by cable. CHAPTER LXV. IRON MANUFACTORIES MILL FURNISHEKS- HARVESTBR WORKS— PLOW FACTORIES— MIS- CELLANEOUS MANUFACTURERS. The extensive milling interests, previously de- scribed, necessarily make room for large manu- factories of iron work. This is especially true of the flouring mills in consequence of the pro- gressive character of the business. No sooner is a mill in running order than improved machines are invented and introduced, furnishing employ- ment to numerous shops. The heavy iron work and the ornamental iron, brass and copper works are represented by several firms, whose estab- lishments, though from time to time extended, are still overtaxed. The principal firms are the North Star Iron Works Company; Minneapolis Iron Works, O. A. Pray & Co.; the Union Iron Works, J. E. Lockwood & Co.; Gregor Menzel & Company; and the Northwestern Stove \\'orks, 406 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Spear & Bushnell. Other extensive manufacto- ries of wood, iron. etc.. find abundant patronage from the demands of the city and surrounding country, a demand increasing beyond the ability of tlie present estaiilishnients to supply. Of the eiglit>' different concerns, half have been es- tablished during the last five years. The total value of goods manufactured during the year 1879. inclusive of Hour and lumber, was ^8, loo,- 100, giving employment to o.47o men. In 1880 the amount was increased to 110,333,000, with 7,250 men employed. The Minneapolis Iron Works of which O. A. Pray and Company are proprietors, were origi- nated by Otis A. Pray, who, in 1866, formed a partnerehip with Jolm Webster. This firm was organized for the manufacture of mill furn- ishing and mill-wright goods. They opened an office in Harrison's block, and during the whi- ter began the erection of a brick building on Washington Avenue, between First and Second Avenues south. After conducting business here for several years, the firm purchased a one-third interest in the Minnesota Iron Works, which were then owned by Lee and Ilardenbergh, and occupied the site of the Cro^Ti EoUer Mill. After remaining with this firm eleven months. Mr. Pray sold his interest to Lee and Ilarden- bergh, and purchased the machine shops of Plum- mer and Moore, comer of Sixth Avenue south and Second sti'eet. After conducting this business for a few yeare. Mr. Pray sold to the North Star Iron AVorks, arranging ^\ith them for the man- ufacture of his goods, though he controlled their sale. In 1873. he leased all of the Minnesota Iron Works, excepting the foundry, which was conducted by C. M. Hardenbergh, who continued until 1876. when Mr. Pra,\' obtained control of the entire works. The present firm of O. A. Pi-ay and Company, was formed June 1st, 1878, by the association with A. L. Miner, who had been Mr. Pray's su- perintendent since 1873, and C. E. Holt, his head book-keeper since 1875. Adopting the name of " MmneapoUs Iron Works," the new- firm leased for ninety-nine years, the ground they now occupy and immediately began the erection of a new foundry and machine-shop. All the tools and iiatterns of the old Miiniesota Iron Works were piuchased, but as the tools were worn, they were sold, the patterns valued at SID.Ono, being retained. Purchasing new tools and machinery, the firm rapidly completed the es- tablishment which consists of a stone building 35x95 feet, two stories high, fronting on Fifth Avenue south, corner of First street, the firet floor being used for offices and the second for ware-rooms ; a large fire proof vault adjoining the office used to store bolting cloth ; a three- story brick warehouse 32x330 ; two brick one story machine-shops, one 50x100 feet, and the other, used for wood work, 50x65 feet, and a stone building 60x80, used as foundry and black- smith shop. These buikUngs and materials of the firm are worth not less than §100,000. They employ from eighty to ninety men. and the sales for 1880, amounted to about S300,000. In addition to the large local sales, the com- pany ships goods to all parts of the north-west. Prominent among their splendid facilities for manufacturing heavy iron goods, is a large bor- ing machme for iron, one of the best in the country, and the only machine in the west for re-grinding crusher rolls. To facilitate shipping, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul have laid to the shops, three side tracks which enables the firm to fill large orders from abroad with prompt- ness and dispatch, otherwise impossible. The machinery is driven by a 50 horse-power Buckeye engine and boiler, which is soon to be replaced by more powerful machinery. The shops are heated throughout by steam, and in every department is manifest that complete arrangement and precision which insures that perfection upon which rests the popularity of this prosperous manufactory. Xorth Star Iron Works, which stand high in the rank of American iron works, occupy two and one-half acres of ground on River street and Second Avenue north. Formerly this manufac- tory was on the East Side, but when Mr. J. W. Johnson came into the firm in 1870. it was re- moved to its present location, and its capacity increased by the introduction of the most prac- tical and improved machinerv. So great was the demand for its work that though operated fourteen hours per day for months at a time, the orders could not all be filled. In August, 1880, Mr. Johnson disposed of the entire property to the present proprietors, the North Star Iron IRON MANUFACTORIES. 407 Works Companj'. Priiieipal among the products of this concern are mill machinery and mill fur- nishings, wrought iron pipes, engine trimmings, steam and water gauges, water wheels, smut machinery, French buhr mill stones, separators, flour packers, smooth and corrugated rollers, middlings feeders, improved Corliss and other stationary engines, steel and iron boilers. A 50 horse-power engine keeps the vast array of machinery in motion, and 125 men are re- quired to perform the labor necessary to meet the demands of trade. AVith the manifest enter- prise of the new firm it is safe to say that the splendid reputation of the North Star Iron Works will not diminish, but will retain its place in the rank of first-class iron- working es- tablishments of the country. North-western Foundry, corner of Third street and Tenth Avenue south, was established in 1874, by G. Menzel, his son, Charles G. Menzel, and D. C. Howard, under the firm name of G. Men- zel and Company: In the fall of that year, L. _ V. N. IJlakeman purchased the interests of Charles G. Menzel and D. C. Howard, but the firm name was unchanged. The building and grounds occupy about one and one-half acres. Fronting on Tenth Avenue south is a building 20x60 feet, one and one-half stories high, in the south-west corner of which is the office. The remainder of the building is used for a pattern room. Back of this is the foundry, a two and one-half story building, 60x120 feet; attached to tills is the engine room 20x30 feet, and above this is the pattern shop. This firm furnishes all the car wheels for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, west of the Mississippi river, and most of those used by the Northern Pacific, Minneapolis and St. Louis, St. Paul and Duluth, and St. Paul and Sioux City, besides all the wheels used by the Sti-eet Railway Company of this city. Besides the manufacture of car wheels, this firm does a large business in all kinds of architectural, ma- chinery and ornamental castings, employing ;d)iiut sixtv men. The Union Iron Works, owned by ,). E. Lock- wood & Company, is the outgrowth of a machine shop opened by Mr. Lockwood in 1872, on the present site of the Humboldt mill. After re- maining three years ui that locality he removed to the vicinity of J. B. Bassetfs mill where he remamed four years. In June, 1879, the present firm was founded, Mr. Lockwood taking into partnership C. H. Tipton and Nils Nyberg. They at once commenced to fit up their present quarters on Main street and Second Avenue, S. E. Having increased their facilities by purchasing the stock and machinery of the SI. xVnthony Iron Works, which had been destroyed by fire the pre- vious April. A stone building fronting on Mam stTeet is three stories high, including basement. Its size, 45x60 feet, w ith a leased basement l-5x 60 feet, gives them a machine shop of 60x60 feet. ' On the first floor is the office and another ma- chine shop, and the .second floor is devoted to mill-wright and pattern shops. In the rear of the basement is the foundry, 45x60 feet, one story high. The firm also have at Mr. Lockwood's old stand, on the west side, a blacksmith shop and bolting-cloth manufactory. They employ ft-om fifty to sixty men, and manufacture about |63- 000 worth of goods ainuially, embracing all kinds of flour and saw-mill machinery. The motive power is furnished by an American turbine wheel of 100 horse-power, part of which is used by other manufacturers. Variety Iron Works of Hashow, Maisli & Davis were started by Hashow & Maish on the 1st day of ]May. 1878, in the basement of Brack- etfs block, with capital invested to the amount of ten dollars. After remaining three months in the basement they took a room on the ground floor. On the 1st of October, 1879, Wm. H. Davis w^as' admitted to the firm, and the name changed to' Hashow, Maish & Davis. Business continued to increase, and in 1880, the firm sought more com- modious quarters, and leased lots on Second street' and Fifth xVvenue south for fifty years. On this they have erected a three-stoiy building, 50x60 feet, w ith an ell 20x24 feet. The lower story, or half basement, is used for the coarser work of dressuig rollers, the second floor for the machme shop and the upper floor for mill-furnishing and general mill-wright -work. The principal manufactures' are flouring and saw-mill machinery, brewere' machinery, shaftmg, pulleys, etc. Twenty or more men are employed, producing m 1880 |50,- 000 worth of goods. The Minneapolis Boiler Works of M.^\■. Glenn were established in 1867, by Emmerman and" 408 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Har(lenV)ergh. who operated them until Februarj-, 1878, when they were purchased by the present proprietor. These works are on Fifth Avenue south between Firet and Second streets, and are devoted to the nianufactiu-e of boilers and all kinds of sheet and boiler iron goods. Its pro- ducts may be seen in almost every town in the north-west, and its present business amounts to about $80,000 per year, requu-ing the labor of thuty-seven men. Mr. Glenn, the proprietor, is a practical machinist having spent much of his time from childhood m various departments of iron manufactories. Xorth-western Stove Works, owned by Bush- nell and Spear, though comparatively new is the only ijistitution of the kind in the state, and has already acquired a good reputation with the trade. The buildings and yards occupy two and one-half acres of gromid ui South Minneapolis near the Harvester Works, besides extensive ware-rooms at 204 Hemiepin Avenue. The entei-prise was es- tablished in 1878, by Edward Spear, Jr., whose twenty years experience enabled him to lay a strong foimdation for a large business. In Jan- uary, 1880, he formed a partnership with Charles R. Bushnell, practical machinist, and the firm is now known as Bushnell and Spear. The factory is devoted exchisively to the manufacture of stoves, making a specialty of hay stoves for the use of the settlere on the praii-ies. The full working force is seventy-five men. In 1867, Frank Grygla and Company began the manufacture of galvanized iron cornice, shutters, sky-lights, pitch and gravel roofing. Since then a a number of changes have occurred in the firm prior to March, 1880, when H. E. Selden became the sole partner of Jlr. Giygla, luider the firm name of Grygla and Selden. They retain the original site, 114 North Third street, occupying a frame building, 22x100 feet, three stories high, the first story of which is used for manufacturing, and the wareroom is on Eleventh street. Their product.s, amounting to $60,ooo per annum, are shipped to all parts of the state, and to Wiscon- sin, Iowa, ilontana and Manitoba. M. II. Crittenden, senior partner of the Ann of Crittenden and Scribner, came to St. Paid in 1866, and engaged in pitch and gravel roofing. This he soon after extended to Minneapolis, and in 1871, took into partnership, Edward E. Scribner. In 1868 they commenced the manufactme of their own tar paper and other roofing material, and in 187-5 they added the production of galvan- ized cornice, tin and slate roofing. In April, 1880, the firm procured its present quarters, 203 and 205 First Avenue north, occupying a build- ing 45x62 feet, all of which is used for shop and storage room. Besides this they conduct an ex- tensive business in coal tar, concrete and asphal- tum sidewalks and roofing, requiring the labor of ten workmen. Strotlmian Brothers, proprietors of the North- western Iron Works, began operations June 1st. 1880. on the corner of Third street and Ninth Avenue south, where they leased ground and erected a building 30x60 feet. They make mill machinery, shafting, pulleys, boxes, and gearing. Both members of the firm are practical machin- ists. J. II. Strothman is at present supermtendent of O. A. Pray and Company's works, and his brother, E. E. Strothman. manages their own es- tablishment, which is operated by a ten horse- power engine. The firm expects soon to enlarge to meet the demands of their rapidly increasing trade. II. C. Butler, manufacturer of mill picks and iron work, established business in 1857, in a small shop on Ninth Avenue south, with but one forge, and a capital of about ten dollars. He, with one assistant, set to work, and in 1858, just as he was commencing to reaUze some reward for his in- dustry, his shop was destroyed by fire. He then built on SLxth Avenue, where he did a prosper- ous business until 1860, when his shop was again desti-oyed by fire. He again biult. and was again a sufferer by fire. He then built on the present site of the Humboldt mill, and there enjoyed a season of unobstructed prosperity, until the explo- sion of the mills in 1878, when his shop was totally destroyed. He then purchased his present location, 255 Sixth Avenue south, where he oc- cupies a buildrng 27x100 feet, in which are six forges, furnishing employment to fourteen work- men. Manufactures mill picks and other iron and steel work. Edward Kennedy, mill-pick maker, first began business in 1873. at No. 514 Second street south, where he occupied a building 22x68, used three forges, and employed five workmen. He began manufacturing for the home trade only, but has MACHINISTS. 409 received orders frnm abroad until now lie ships goods to all the north-western states, Manitoba, Washington Territory and California. The shop was burned November 10th, 1880, and was a total loss, but Mr. Kennedy immediately rebuilt on First street between Fourth and Fifth Ave- nues south. The Minneapolis Fence Works, owned l)y Me- lony & Kyle, was established in 1871. by Day & Rollins, whose shop was located on Second street and Fifth Avenue soutli. Its manufactures consist of wood and iron fencing and roof crest- ing. After conducthig the business four years, Mr. Day died. Mr. Rollins ran it alone until December, 1878, when he took E. F. Melony in- to partnership under the firm name of ('harles G. Rollins & Co. In July, 1879, Mr. Rollins sold his interest to J. X. Kyle, and the lirm of Me- lony & Kyle was establisbed. In the spring of 1880. they moved to their present site, corner of Third street and Fourth Avenue south. The North-western Fence and Architectural Iron Works of Philip Ilerzog, dates its existence from 1869, when Mr. Ilerzog opened a small shop in the upper part of the old Morrison planing- mill, where he employed but one assistant the first year. In 1872 this mill burned, and Mr. Herzog purchased ground on Third Avenue south and Second street, E. D., and built a shop 40x80 feet, which now constitutes his main building. His business, constantly increasing, has com- pelled him to enlarge, from time to time, until he now occupies 115x132 feet and employs twenty- six workmen. The machinery is driven by a 150 horse-power turbine wheel, though it requires but fifty horse-power to operate the mill. The business amounts annually to $90,000, the products being iron and wood fences, iron lawn-chairs, set- tees, roof-railings, etc. Bachner Bros, m 1867, opened a gun store on Hennepin Avenue, between Washinton Avenue and Second street. In January, 1878, they re- moved to their present quarters, at 36 Washing- ton Avenue south. For a number of years they manufactured muzzle-loading ritles, but lately have added machinery by which they are engaged in making breech-loading shot-gims. They do an extensive repairing business, and carry a large stock of fire-arms, hunting, trapiiing, fishing, camping, skating and police equipments. In the fall of 1879, Henry Krueger came to Minneapolis and opened a gun-shop at his present location, No. 10, Second street south. His busi- ness has increased, and he now enjoys an annual trade of about |7,000, carrying a complete stn-iug wood and iron machniery and bolts, and general blacksmithing and repairing, requires eight men, and amoimts to about $8,000 yearly. It has increased imtil the fiiTO was compelled to purchase the entire building whidi is 40x74 feet, two-stories high above the basement. The power is furnished by the East Side Water Power Company. The mill fmniishing estaVilishment of A. II. Ku'k was founded. May 1st. 187S, with a capital of 1250, as a mill-wright and rei)aii'ing shop. One man was employed in one- half of the lower floor of the building on the corner of Second street and Sixth Avenue south. He now occupies the entire building, which is 36x60 feet, two- stories high with a full basement, in which he employs twenty-five men in the manufacture of middUngs purifiers of his own invention, and all kinds of mill furnishings. He requires 25 horse- power to propel his machuiery; this is obtained from the North Star Woolen mills which adjoin. A. R. Guilder, manufacturer of middlings puri- fiers and mill machinery. In 1872, Mr. Guilder secured his first i>atent on a middlings piu-ifier, and has been engaged in their manufacture since. His place of business is on Sixth Avenue south, where he occupies a building 30x44 feet, and em- ploys sLx men, sales amounting annually to SIO,- 000. Mr. Guilder is the inventor of several im- provements in mill macliinery, which he manu- factures. Fender and Cuthbertson, 425 Fourth street south, manufacturers of Standard purifiers and dealers in mill furnishing, established their busi- ness in 1S74. Mr. Fender is the inventor of the Standard middlings purifier, which was patented in 1874, since when several improvements have been made and patented. C. C. Washburn uses them exclusively, havang fifty-five in the "A" mill alone. The firm are at present manufacturing aspirators, a machine called into use by the roller system of making flour. Fifty of these machnes are now in use in this city. The business of the firm for 1879, amounted to $60,000, furnishing emiiloyment to thirty men. whose weekly wages amounts to S300. The shingle, lath and saw-mill machine manu- factory of N. II. Bolton was established by him in 1872, where the express office now stands, on Hen- nepm Avenue. He received his power from the Nicollet House engine, and at first employed one assistant ; but his business soon increased to such an extent that he was compelled to enlarge, and he leased ground upon which he erected a building, at No. 120 Main street S. E„ which he occupied until May, 1879, when he purchased his present location, at 125 Main street. S. E. This building is of stone, 29.^x60 feet, four stories high includ- ing basement. In connection with his manufac- tures he deals extensively in engines and boiler's, doing an fjnnual business of $10,000. In May, 1867. John Hinton came to Minneapo- lis and began the business of making saws with A. M. Richardson, now deceased, iinder the firm name of Richardson & Hinton, on First Avenue south, between First and Second streets. In 1869 Mr. Richardson retired from the firm. Mr. Hinton continued alone, and soon removed to Second street, between Fifth and Sixth streets south, where he remained until the spring of PLOW WOBKS. 411 1878, when he removed to his present stand, 252 Second street sonth. The MinneapoUs Plow Works was founded in 1868, by C. K. Perrine & Company, on First Ave- enue north, corner River street. In 1870, Mr. King entered the lirm, wliich was clianged to Lar- away. King & Perrine, whicli continued until 1877, when Mr. Perrine disposed of his interest, since when the firm has been Laraway & Kinir. The building is of stone, 44x157 feet, turning out annually about 5,000 plows, harrows, hay-rakes and other articles in proportion. In 1860, S. T. Ferguson started the Monitor Plow Works, which he conducted till 1872, when an incorporated stock company, entitled the "Monitor Plow Works," with a capital of |30,000, was formed. In 1874, the capital was increased to $75,000, and in 1876 the business was again increased by adding the manufacture of sulky- rakes. The company now turns out 7,000 plows and sulky-plows, 800 rakes and a large number of scrapers and corn-planters annually. They em- ploy seventy-five men, and have established dis- tributing points in various parts of the north- west. The shops are situated on a twenty-acre tract in the town of Minneapolis just outside the city limits. The present officers of the company are S. T. Ferguson, president and superintend- ent, and W. B. Jackson, secretary and treasurer. The plow factory of C. K. Perrine, is a brick building two stories high, 25x72 feet, on First street and Second Avenue north, and was built in 1877. Mr. Penine is the pioneer plow manu- facturer of Minneapolis, having started a factory on First street north as early as 1861, continuing till 1868, when he entered the Arm of Lara- way, Perrine and Co. In 1877, Mr. Per- rine withdrew from this firm and began doing busmess alone, making jilows, wagons and road scrapers, which he disposes of at retail, lie an- nually makes five hundred plows. The Minneapolis Harvester Works, located in South Minneapolis. In 1873, a stock company, with a capital of $150,000 was organized under the above title for the purpose of manufactiuing reaping machinery. Nelson Williams was secre- taiy and treasurer, and ]M. G. Hubbard, superin- tendent. In 1874 the works were leased to J. L. Spink and Company, who continued the manage- ment untU 1876. September 1st, of that year, the present company was organized, and has since enjoyed a prosperous business. October 9th, 1876, the buildings used as factories, were de- stroyed by flre. The company immediately re- built, the new buildings erected being made fire- proof as far as practicable. In the fall of 1878. the increase of business demanding it, the capaci- ty of the works was doubled. In 1880, the num- ber of machines of all patterns produced, was 2,600. The machines mainifactured, are the Dewey Harvester, the Minneapolis Harvester and Twine Binder, and the Minneapolis Harvester Xo. One, in the making of wiiich two hundred men are employed. The officers of the company are D. Morrison, president ; C. jSIorrison, vice- president; and R. II. Jones, secretary and treas- urer. E. Broad, mantifacturer of and dealer in patent cant hooks and all kinds of tools for river driving, is one of the pioneer manufacturers of this city. He located in St. Anthony in 1855, and, in a small shop on Front street, commenced making edged tools. After three weeks this was destroyed by flre and he built a temporary shop on Henne- pm Island, the site of the building he now occu- pies. In 1856 he built a stone Ituikluig 30x40 feet, and commenced on a larger scale. He con- tinued in the edged tool business until 1870. when he abandoned that branch and gave his entire at- tention to the manufacture of a cant hook known as "Broad's Patent Cant Hook," which supplied a want long felt Ijy lumbermen and has saved thousands of dollars in the expense of log-driving. It is used throughout the I'nited States. Mr. Broad owns and occupies, as a wood working department, the upper lloor of Herzog's fence works, on Third Avenue south-east. This room is 40x80 feet and is supplied with twenty horse power by cable from the Tower mill on Main street. The business now f urn ishes employ- ment to seventeen men in the two buildings, pro- ducing 7,000 cant hooks annually, besides other implements used in mills and river driving. The stone buildmg on the island is the first building erected in that locality. The ^Minneapolis l^rass Works, owned by Peet and ;McWaters, were founded in a room 10x20 feet, in 1877, by Richard Peet, whose capital amounted to ten dollars. The small room soon became inadequate, and Mr. Peet secured more 412 EISTOEY OF HENXEPIN COUNIY. commoilioiis quarters, wliich. in their "tuni prov- ing too small, he abandoned for the spacious* basement of the Brackett block. Here he enlarg- ed from time to time, until the burnuig of tlie block left him witliout a shop. A short time be- fore the Are, 2ilr. Feet had taken, as paituer, David McAVaters. a practical moulder. They now occupy rooms 30x100 feet, at 212 First Avenue south, in Brackett "s new block. Employing ten men, their principal manufactures are plumbei-s and distiller's brass goods, brass castings, etc. In October, 1S80, ilr. Feet purchased Mr. Mc- AVater's interest, and associated with himself, Mr. S. Hatfield, under the firm name of Feet and Hatfield. ilinneapolis Copper. Brass and Sheet Iron AA'orks of Louis E. Fritsche. was founded in April. 1878, at 516 Second street south, imder the firm name of Yau Horn and Fritsche. In April, ISTSt, ilr. Van Horn withdrew, and Mr. Fritsche has since conducted the business alone. From a very small begimiing the business has been stead- ily increasing. In the building now occupied 33x50 feet, one and one-half stories high, are manufactured and repau'ed brewery, distillery and mill work, and also soda fountains. Tlie Mimieapolis File Works, was established at 204 First street noiih. in 1870, by Herman Boettcher, who has since conducted the business. It is the only manufactory of the kind in the state, making a specialty of tiles and rasps. Three men are emploved. The Hall and Dann Barrel Company was incor- porated June 12th. 1880. and at once began the erection of the mammoth building used as a manufactory, located comer of First street and Tliird Avenue south. The struetine is of brick, four stories high and covers ground space 60x172 feet; it was completed in the fall of 1880. This is the largest barrel manufacturing establishment in the country, having a capacity for turning out 6,000 banels daily. One hundred and seventy- five men are employed. The building is fur- nished throughout with the latest improved machinerv. heating and drying apparatus. A forty-live horse-power engine supplies the motive power. The product of this concern is used for the packing of flour manufactured in MinneapoUs. The Co-operative Barrel Manufacturing Com- pany, was incorporated under the general laws of the state, and commenced business Xovember 23d, 1S74. the limit of the coi-poration being fifteen years. The two buildings occupied as factories are located on Sixth street, at Eleventh Avenue south. The shares were placed at one hundred doUai's. there being sixteen share-holders when the organization was completed. There are now six- ty members of the association, each holding two shares. The capital stock amounts to §20.000. This company turn out 7,000 barrels per week, employing eighty men In the factor}-. The ofli- cei's of the company are, J. A. Smith, president ; J. W. Overacker, secretary and treasurer. J. A. Smith, Thomas Tyler, H. J. Hughes, John Thompson and J. W. Doran, constitute the board of directors. The Hennepin County Barrel Company, was organized and incorporated In January, 1880. It Is based on the protective stj'le each member re- ceiving a share of the profits. The capital stock was placed at $10,000. with shares at fifty dollars each. The factory is located on Fifth street, corner Fifteenth Avenue south. This company manufactures 2.500 barrels a week, and employs thirty men. The officers are, W. B. Champion, president and secretary : Joseph Coombs, treasurer; board of directoi-s, E. J. Car- lin. Charles Tenant, William Priest and T. J. Bemiett. Tlie Xorth Star Barrel Company, was organ- ized for a term of not less than fifteen years, on October 30th, 1877. There are fifty share-hold- ers, shares issued at one hundred dollars each. An article of the by-laws limits the capital stock at $15,000. The originators of this enterprise. and its first board of directors, were P. J. Kenny ^ Daniel G. Wentworth. F. L. Bachelder, -John O'Donnell and H. W. Burroughs. The company occupy as factories, two buildings on Sixth street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Avenues south, where they furnish employment to seventy men. The product amounts to 6,000 barrels per week, which are disposed of at wholesale only. The busi- ness reaches annually $130,000. The present offi- cers of the company are. -J. W. Kline, president; F. L. Bachelder, secretary and treasurer; J. W. Kline, F. L. Bachelder, H. W. Burroughs, George Jaquin and P. J. Kenny, board of direc- tors. The Minneapolis Barrel Works, O. Eames pro- FURNITUBE MANUFACIUBERS. 413 prietor. This establishment was founded in 1873, by A. M. Anson, who continued the management until 1878, when it was purcliased by the present owner. In 1877, the works were fitted with bar- rel machinery, operated by steam, which a twelve horse-power engine furnishes. Seventy-flve men are emplojed in this concern, which produces 6,000 barrels weekly, under the management of A. J. Palmes. The factory is located on Four- teenth Avenue, corner of Sixth street south. Tlie barrel manufactory of A. Bumb & Com- pany, on Sixth street, corner of Fifteenth Ave- nue south, was established in 1874. This concern manufactures about 2.000 barrels weekly, and employs sixty-seven men and tw'entj'-one boys, the pay-roll amounting to $800 per week. Two large factories and a store-house are in use; the machinery is driven by a twelve horse-power en- gine. The East Side Co-operative Barrel Company was organized September 10th, 1879, with six members, shares being at fifty dollars each. The factory is on Marshall street, N. E., and occupies a space 24x65 feet. Ten men are employed, pro- ducing 1 ,500 barrels per week. Nicholas ^Ian- gen, business manager of the company, has su- pervision of the factory. Isaiah Tidd is treasur- er, and Casper Erpelding secretary. Charles Seheif, manufacturer of beer kegs, casks, pork and wliiskey banels, 326 First street north, commenced business in 1867, working alone. Tlie second year he employed one man, and gradually increased the force as the business grew, until now, seven men are employed. The factory is 24x60 feet, two floors. W. Droll, barrel manufacturer, 621 Marshall street, N. E., began business in 1878, and manu- factures pork and beer barrels, liquor kegs, tubs, hogsheads, etc. Six men are employed who are paid as wages sixtj'-five dollars per week. The business is prosperous and steadily increasing. P. Daly, manufacturer of flour barrels, estab- lished in 1872, and has since conducted a pros- perous business. He employs a force of six men in the factory, transacting an annual business of 5,500. The factory is located on Main street, corner of Fourteenth Avenue, N. E. The fimiiture manufactory of Barnard and Cope, is located on Fourth street, at corner of Second Avenue X. E. This busmess, the first of the kind in the county, was established by F. L. Johnson and Company, and in 1858 purchased by Barnard, Noyce and Waldron, who retained it one year, after which it was conducted one year by a Mr. Pengi-ee, who sold to T. G. and J. F. Barnard. The firm of Barnard Brothers conducted the business until 1865; the firm then became Barnard Brothers and Shuey, and re- mained such until 1872. In 1871, the factory M'as destroyed by fire, but immediately rebuilt. In 1874, the firm of Barnard and Cope was or- ganized, and lias since continued the manage- ment. For the jiast six jears, attention lias lieen given to the manufacture of furniture exclusively, which is disposed of at wholesale only; trade extending throughout ilinnesota. Wisconsin. Iowa, Dakota and Montana, and amounting an- nually to i|75.00o. The buildings occupied are a factory, warehouse and engine-room ; the lat- ter contains a 75 horse-power engine, which also supplies motive power for the planing mill of Clark and McClure. The establishment is under the direct management of Thomas G. Barnard and his son F. II. Barnard. Mr. Cope is the oldest son of T. B. Cope, of the firm of Cope Brothers, Philadelphia, and resides in that city. Gilmore and JlcCulloch, furniture manufac- turers. This concern was established by M. C. Burr, who was succeeded by Morris and Com- pany. This firm built, in 1873, the factory lo- cated in South Minneapolis, in use by the present firm, who purchased it in 1874. The main build- ing is 40x126 feet, with a wing 30x60, both two stories in height. An engine of 65 horse-power, drives the niacliiiiery. Sixty men ai'e employed, the annual business amounting to ^75,000. The business of tliis establishment is wholesale ex- clusively; trade extending tlirough Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Dakota, Montana and Mani- toba. The business office of the company is lo- cated at 222 Washington Avenue, north. Robertson and Hiscock, manufacturers of hard- wood and enameled furniture, have their office and salesroom at No. 326 Second Avenue south. The business was established in 1879, by J. II. Hiscock and Company, witli tlie limited capital of S900. During that year the sales amounted to but $700, and the next year about $1,000. Tlie factory was located at the corner of Second Ave- nue south and Third street, and employed a 414 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. working force of twelve men, mamifacturiiig chamber sets and all kinds of common furnitnre, excepting chairs, their sales extending through Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. At the begui- ning of the year 1881, the firm was changed to Eol)ertson and Iliscock, and they removed to their new factor\-, built by James T. Ehvell, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Nintli street, E. T> This building is two stories high, 40x145 feet, furnished with power by a 100 horse-power en- gine in an adjoining building, 35x35 feet. This spring they have erected, in the rear of the fac- tory, a dry-house i;0x40 feet. The entire estab- lishment is heated by steam, and the machinery is of the latest and most improved kind. They have increased the capital to ?] 5.000, and will employ sixty men. The new member of the firm. Dr. E. D. Robertson, comes from Cleveland, Ohio, to join Mr. Hiscock in this enterprise. The Knickerbocker Furniture Company, suc- ceeded George Knickerbocker. March 6, 1880. Mr. Knickerbocker commenced the business in 1878, and conducted it until the formation of the present company, which is composed of S. E. Knickerbocker, Jerome G. Layman and George Knickerbocker, who is general manager. In 1880, the company had the building 412 and 414 Xicol- let Avenue, known as the Eastman block, erected. This is 45x100 feet, four stories high and base- ment. It is huilt of brick, with front of Illinois limestone, rubbed smooth, and trimmings of polished marble. The floors are so arranged that eighty sets of furniture may be shown. An hy- draulic elevator is used for conveying furniture from floor to floor. The lirm manufacture fine furniture and draperies to order, and also car- ries a full line of heavy and common furni- ture. They employ twelve workmen, and their sales amount to 575,000 annually. The furniture mantifactory and repairing shops of Liljengren and Dean, 111 Third street south, was started in 1877 by U. B. Liljengren, who conducted it successfully until May 1, 1880, when E. Dean took an interest, and they have con- ducted it together since, employing twenty men. Most of their goods are made to order. The ma- chinery is operated by a thiity-five horse-power engine. Sonnen and 'Werthman, furniture manufactur- ers, organized in 1878, on Third Avenue and Third street south, and continued there until May 1st, 1880, at which time they removed to 113 Washington Avenue noilh, where they have a salesroom 25x125 feet. Their factory is on Nicol- let Island, occupying space 35x50 feet, two stories above basement, where they employ fifteen men, with a pay roll of S200 per week. Situated on the soutliern end of Nicollet Is- land, is a building known as the '■ Island Water Power Company's manufacturing building," which was erected by the company in 1879. The power is transmitted by a steel wire cable from a wheel located at the platform on Hennepin Is- land, to the building, a distance of 1,000 feet. This operates a shaft which runs the entire length of the structure, thus enabling tenants of each room to get power sufficient to operate machin- ery. It is occupied by J. B, Clark, box factoi-y ; C. E. Eastman, flight factory ; R. P. Upton, grist mill ; J. E. Osborne, grist and feed mill ; Skinner and Sly, paint manufacturers ; Sonnen and Werthman, furniture makers ; John Grime and Company, machinists. Tlie Minneapolis Paper Mill, Brown, Warner and Latimer, was built m 1866, by R. D. Warner, Edward Brewster and E. N. Brown. The mill originally had one 62-inch cylinder machine, and when C. N. Warner took an interest, a 64-inch cylinder, together with sufficient machinery to double the capacity of the mill, was added. The building is 68x10.") feet, including basement; locat- ed at the foot of Seventh Avenue south, on the ca- nal. The number of persons employed is eighty, of whom one-half are women. The company manufactme from eight to ten hundred tons of print paper annually. The Island Paper ]Mill, was built at the upper end of Hennepin Island, in 1859, by Johnathau Chase and C. C. Secombe. It was originally 40x60 feet, three-stories high. In 1860, Mr. Chase sold his interest to W. W. Eastman, who in company with Mr. Secombe, ran it about two months and sold to E. W. Cutter. Secombe and Cutter conducted it until the spring of 1861, when H. M. Carpenter entered the firm. In 1866, J. T. Averill entered the company, and the mill was removed to its present location, 405 Main street south-east. The building is three- stories in height, 75x90 feet. In 1869, W. A. Eussell entered, and Mr. Secombe retired, and MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTOBIES. 415 Mr. Cutter retiring in 1872, tlie present firm was organized. Tliey produce 4,000 pounds of wood pulp, and 7,000 pounds of paper daily. The ma- chinery consists of one G2-inch cylinder, five rag engines, four tub bleachers, and four wood pulp stones, operated by two turbine wheels, one 75- inch and one 3.5-inch, with combined power of four-hundred horse. The liusiness for 1880, amounted to sflOO.OOO, furnishing work to fifty people, who are paid |1,500 per month. The Minneapolis cotton mill is located at the foot of Sixth Avenue south, and is owned by Dorillus Morrison. In January, 1877, Messrs. Ilonkomp & Cummings rented it, and by July had it in nmning order. In February, 1880, Mr. Cummings retired. The products are seamless bags, carpet warps, and cotton bats. A dye- house m connection does all the coloring. This is the only mill of the kind in the state. It is 40x80 feet, three stories high, and manufactures from raw cotton |50,000 worth of goods annually. The picking, carding, spimung and weaving rooms are each furnished with improved machin- ery. They use a thirty horse-power boiler in the dye-house and for heating purposes. Carding mill of S. Bonfoy, is the only estab- lishment of the kind in the comity. It does solely custom work, and wool is sent from all parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin, in lots of from five to forty poimds, for which ten cents per pound is charged for carding. F. W. Bullard, bag factory, in Brackett's block, was established in 1871, doing a business of $5,000 the first year, since when it has increased to 125,000 aninially. lie manufactures cloth and prints paper sacks, also prints for dealers, sacks in which they export flour. In 1879, Mr. Bullard printed 300,000 of these sacks. When he commenced business he used but one hand- press, but now uses two Iloe power-presses. April 6th, 1880, he was burned out, but resumed again on the 29th of the same month. The North Star Boot and Shoe Company was duly incorporated as a stock company in 1873, with H. G. Harrison as president, C. B. Ileffel- finger business manager, and A. M. Reid, secre- tary and treasurer. On opening, they occupied 228 Washington Avenue north, which was 24x80 feet, three stories and basement. They employed twenty-five men in the factory, five salesmen, and two traveling salesmen, attempting a home trade only. In 1875 they were compelled to seek more commodious cpuirters, and removed to their present stand, 200, 202 and 204 Washington Avenue north, occupying the entire building, which is sixty-eight feet front and eighty-five deep, three stories high and basement. The base- ment is used for storing stock of rubber goods, sole leather, and boot and shoe pacs. The office, packing and sample room are on the first floor. The first and second floor are used as stock rooms, custom work and a full line of mens' and boys' eastern made boots. The third floor is devoted entirely to the manufacture of goods, and is di- vided into foreman's room, cutting room, ma- chine room, bottoming room, sole leather room, treeing room and finishing room. They employ, at present, one luuidred and twenty-five work- men, four oflice men, five men in the salesroom and packing room, and seven traveling salesmen. The trade extends throughout Iowa, Minnesota. Wisconsin, Neljraska, Colorado and Dakota, in- cluding the Black Hills. The officers are, A. M. Eeid, president; C. B. Ileffelfinger, business man- ager and treasurer, and F. M. Held, secretary. The capital is S15O,0oo. and the pay roll is §1,0.50 per week. James T. Elwell, spring bed and mattress man- ufacturer, began business October I3th, 1874, with his brother, under the name of Elwell Bros., at the comer of AVashington Avenue and Second Avenue north. During the first year he patented and manufactured but one bed, the "Minneapo- lis," Ms business amounting to but $500. In July, 1876, James T. Elwell purchased his brother's interest, and has since conducted the business alone. In 1879, he found his quarters insufficient, and piu-chased the factory corner Third Avenue south and Third street, manufacturing over twen- ty different styles of spring beds, most of which are his own invention. Mr. Elwell recently pur- chased six and one-half acres near Fifth Avenue south-east and Ninth street where he erected a two-story building, 32x134 feet, and a warehouse 50x100 feet, capable of holding about 4,000 beds. The machinery is run by an one hundred horse- power engine. The annual business amounts to about 130,000, and gives employment to fifteen men. The mattress factory of Salisbury, Ilolph and 416 HISIOBY OF BENNEPIN COUNTY. Comiiany. 110 ilain street south-east was estab- lished in January, 1878. by T. G. Sahsbury. At first, wool was the only material used. In Sep- tember. 1878, ^y. P. Washburn took an interest, and the manufact\ue of husk, hair, excelsior, moss, and all styles of mattresses known to the market added. The business the first year amounted to i 5,000, and in 1880 had increased to |22.00n. On the 1st of October. 1880, W. T. Rolph entered the firm, which immediately erected a buildmg 36x50 feet, three stories in height. They have a store at No. 20 Bridge Square, and, dining the year 1881, expect to do a business of $75,000. The firm is sole agent of J. M. Gaye's hair house, of Xew York. Sullivan and Farnham's ^linnesota Marble, Mantle, and Tile Works, was founded by J. M, Sullivan and Company, at 311. Nicollet Avenue, in 1879, and continued until August, 1880, when the firm was changed to Sullivan and Farnham, who removed to 38 Third street south. They occupy a two-story brick building, 22x104 feet, where they do an annual business, of I4O.00O, employing fifteen men. The North-western ilarble Works of E. I)on- lin, makes marble and granite monmnents. etc., and was started in 1872, in Fast Minneapolis. In 1877, it was removed to the west side, and located at 325 Third Avenue south, where six men are employed. The annual business is 115,000. C. H. Pauly and Company, marble dealers, or- ganized in March, 1880, occupying a two-story frame building. 24x36 feet at 411 Hennepin Av- enue. They employ four men, and do a business of |6,000 per annum. D. Manogue, marlile dealer, 335 north Fifth street, E. 1)., began business in 1872, with E. Don- lin, under the firm name of Donlin & Manogue. In 1877, the firm dissolved, and Mr. Manogue removed to his present stand, where he has en- joyed a lucrative business. The marble works of John Keudelstarz was es- tablished in 1876, at 208 Third street north, in a brick sti-ucture, 20x28 feet, where he employs three men, and does an annual business of t4,000. Asbestine Stone Company, orgaiiized in 1873, for the manufacture of stone for trimmmgs, ve- neering, sidewalks, steps, etc., is located outside of the city limits, west of Hennepin Avenue. It occupies a building 40x48 feet, on the second floor of which is the pattern-room, occupying a room 24x48. The stone made by this company is in general use throughout the city. The mem- bers are E. II. and T. E. Barrett and Daniel El- liott. Nudd & Knight, manufacturers of wooden eave-troughs and mouldings, employ eight men, and do an annual business t)f |30,ooo, selluig goods in ^linnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, ^Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Nebraska and Dakota. This business was established in 1868, by Todd & Squires. In 1870, Mr. Todd disposed of his interest to W. II. Nudd, and in 1872 E. K. Smith took ilr. Squires' interest, and the firm became W. H. Nudd & Company. In 1877, J. II. Knight purchased Mr. Smith's interest, and the firm be- came Nudd & Knight. The factory is at 110 Main street. S. E. Simonson Bros., stah-building establishment was organized in 1872, and is the only concern of the kind in the city, devoting themselves solely to stair-building, making stair-railings, balusters, newel-posts, etc. The factor.N' is located at 1006 Washington Avenue south, and is 20x61 feet, two stories high, where they employ ten men, doing an anniial business of $10,000. The mem- bers of the firm are C. and II. Simonson. J. M. Griffith, broom manufacturer, and whole- sale dealer in broom corn and broom-makers supplies, corner of Fifth street and Eleventh Av- enue north, started in business in 1873, This is the only establishment of the kind west of Chi- cago and north of St. Louis. The business has grown from >; 4,000 per year to $30,000, and reach- ing throughout the entire north-west. The ware- house on Washington Aveiuie, corner of Fifth Avenue north, is two-stories high, 30x50, feet. Tlie show-case manufactory of L. Paulle was established in 1876, at 311 Nicollet Avenue, In 1879, he removed to 123 Washmgton Avenue south, where he occupies the second and third floors, employs ten men. and manufactures an- nually a large number of show-cases of superior quality, which are sold in this state, as weU as Wisconsin, Dakota and Montana. This is the only factory in the state which makes all the de- tails of show-cases. • The North Star Desk Works was established CABBIAGE MANUFACTOBIES. 417 in 1875, at the corner of First Avenue north and Washington, by Foster and Paul, who commenc- ed with a capital of 11,000 and a worliing force of six men. In 1877, Mr. Paul purchased ground and erected his present building, at 10-1 Second street south. This building, 20.x 120 feet, two stories high, accommodates a worlviiig force of thirty men, who malie ehurcli, school and office furniture exclusively. Wales Bros., organ manufacturers, began build- ing organs at 220 Xicollet Avenue. In 1878, they removed to 223 Soutli Third street, and in June, 1879, removed to their present location, No. 211 Nicollet Avenue. They make a specialty of manufacturing pipe organs, which have given satisfaction as far as used. The Minnehaha Carriage Works, owned by J. M. Pottle and Son, are located at 117 Second street south. They were started in 1862, by J. M. Pottle, who conducted them until 1870, when his son, J. II. Pottle, took an interest, and the firm has since been J. M. Pottle and Son. At the start nothing but common work was done, and they employed but one man. They now do the finest work, mostly to order, employing twenty-five men, whom they pay $300 per week. Their business amoimts to ••? 75.000 annually. The factory occupies space of 125x1(30 feet. In 1872, M. Eoeller began manufacturing car- riages at 246 Second Avenue south, occupying a building 22x104 feet, two stories high. In 1877, he erected a brick building adjoining this, also two stories high, and 22x65 feet. The first floor is used for wood work and blacksmith shop and as carriage repository, and the second floor for trimming-room, painting, and finishing. The shop gives work to fifteen men. Martin Brothers' carriage manufactory, at 117 and 119 First Avenue north, commenced opera- tions in 1878, on Third street south. In the spring of 1880. they removed to their present quarters, occupying the whole building, which is 40x100 feet, three stories above basement. The first floor is used as a carriage repository and black- smith shop, the latter occupying space 30x40 feet in the rear. The second floor is used as trimming room, wood shop and store-room. The painting is done on the tliird floor, and the material is stored in the basement. They employ about thirty men. turnmg out light carriages, cutters, etc. 27 The firm is composed of C. H, and B. J. Martin, who came to Minneapolis from Chicago in 1878. Driscoll and Forsyth, manufacturers of haul- off wagons and logging sleds, also do horse-shoe- ing and general iilacksmithing, at Nos. 24 and 26 Main street northeast. The members of the firm are D. Driscoll and W. Forsyth. The business was established by 'Sir. Driscoll in 1875, and con- ducted by hun until 1879, when the co-partner- ship was formed. In October, 1879, they lost their building by fire, but they immediately re- built on an enlarged scale, and resumed two weeks after, in a building 50x70 feet, two stories high, where they now employ twelve men. A. S. Converse began making wagons and car- riages in 1855, in a one and one-half story build- ing on First street, near Seventh Avenue north, where the bridge crosses Bassetfs creek. After staying there three years, he opened opposite what is now the Wilbur House, and remained there four years, was then out of business for two years. Then associating with A. J. Wilson, oc- cupied various locations, and finally opened on Washington Avenue and Fourth Avenue north. He there built two more shops and remained up to the present time. The shop on Washington Avenue was bimied in 1876, and a portion of the one on First Avenue north in 1878, leaving three small buildings, which he now occupies, doing chiefly a repairing lousiness. Mr. Converse has been awarded five premiums for fine carriage and sleigh work, four at state fairs at St. Paul, and one at Minneapolis. James Iverson, wagon, canlage and sleigh maker, began at First street and Second Avenue north, in 1871, on a small scale. He now occu- pies a building 22x90 feet, two stories high, twen- ty-eight feet of whicli is of brick, communicating with the work room in the rear by iron doors. The upper floor is used as a trimming room. The business amounts to 815,000 per year. The Minneapolis Carriage Works, N. P. Swan- berg, proprietor, was built in 1873, at 605 south Third street. The busmess, amounting to |12,000 per annum, is carried on in a building 24x60 feet two stories liigh, in which are employed twelve men, whose pay roll is 100 per week. Cook Brothers, H. T. and C. II., manufactm-ers of wagons, carriages and express wagons, do all kinds of repairing in wood and iron, requiring 418 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. two men. Their factory. 18x5-1 feet, is at 121 Thirteenth Avenue south. Hennepin Carriage Works. 1502 Hennepin Avenue, were commenced at the comer of Third street and Thiid Avenue south, in the spring of 1870, by John Clark. After various changes in firm name, it was sold, and Mr. Clark worked for other parties until the spring of 1880, when he purchased his present place, which is a two- storj- frame, 22x10, where he employs two men besides himself. Charles Buekendorf established busmess in 1870, manufacturing carriages, express wagons, buggies, sleighs and the work usually tiu-ned out by a general wagon-maker; also does repair- ing, employing three men in the shop: located at 358 Fourth Avenue south. Peterson & llunun, manufacturers of heavy and light wagons, buggies, cutters, etc. This firm was organized in 1877. and has smce enjoyed a prosperous business, on First street, comer of Fifth Avenue north. They do all kinds of re- pairing in wood and iron. There are a number of shops where wagon- making and repairing is carried on. in connec- tion with general blacksmithing and horse-shoe- ing. Among them, Charles D. Brown, Bummert & Thelen, J. Carey, M. W. Connor, Hem&Olin, J. B. Hunt, McGregor & Mayn, G. Seibel and Weier & Mangen. J. K. Clark, proprietor of the box factory, in the Island AVater Power Company's building, be- gan business in 1878, in what is now the base- ment of the Union Iron Works. He soon re- moved to a place near the old Moulton planing mUl, where he remained one year, and then re- moved to his present stand, where he has two stories, 40x50 feet. He employs eight men, and does an annual business of from eight to ten thousand dollars, dealing in boot and shoe, soap, and many other kinds of boxes used for packing articles of export. The flight manufactorj- of C. E. Eastman was commenced in 1879, on the second floor of the Island Water Power Company's manufacturing building, on Xicollet Island, where he has a room 20x10. The product, " flight," is a wooden pin, used in the construction of conveyers for flouring mills. The business, amounting to from $6,000 to |;7.000 per annum, is the only one of its kind in the city. In 1874, the " ilinneapoUs Stencil Works "' was established by Elwood Levy, who, in the spring of 1878. purchased the business of H. C. Hamlin, and removed his stock to the stand of the latter, on Second street and Xicollet Avenue, where the concern remains. In August, 1880, George Walls purchased it of ilr. 'Levy and associated with himself, his son C. H. Walls, and A. M. Forres- ter, under the firm name of George Walls and Company. They make stencil plates, steel and rubber stamps, and do seal engraving. George L. Dickinson, paper box maker, 203 Hennepin Avenue, began business in 1878, on the thii-d floor, m a room 22x70 feet, where he employs four men, making goods which are principally disposed of in the citj' and surround- ing territory. John Guth, paper box manufacturer, 121 iNic- oUet Avenue, began business in 1875. He em- ploys two men, in a basement room, 22x100 feet. In connection with his paper box factorj' he con- ducts a book and stationery store. The pottery of J. C. Malchow, 804 north-east Marshall sti-eet, was founded in 1870, manufac- turing flower pots, terra cotta vases, rustic ware, etc., employing three men, who produce 100,000 flower pots per year. The Minneapolis Liquid Paint Company, was organized July 1st, 1880, by T. J. Skiimer and Company. The factory occupies room 40x50 feet in the Island Water Power Company's build- ing, where they employ four men, producing annually about 40.000 gallons of paint, which they sell in Mimiesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Dakota and Manitoba. The power used is about twenty horse. In connection with this business they do house and sign painting and decorating. Their oflSce is at 14 and 16 Third street south; they employ from seventy-five to one hundred men. The trunk factory of Barnum and Goodrich was founded in 1872, by D. D. Whitney, and is the pioneer trunk factorj- of Mimieapolis. Sep- tember 1st, 1880. Mr. Whitney was succeeded by Barnum and Goodrich. Their stand is 25 AVash- ington Avenue north, where they make all kinds of trunks, valises and sample cases. They keep the finest stock of auv establishment of the kind MANUFACTURERS. 419 in the state. The building is 25x85 .feet, four stories in height, and is operated by steam. They employ fifteen men, and do an annual business of $30,000. The salesroom is in charge of Mr. Frank Dunnigan, who is a practical trunk maker of large experience, and who came to Jlinneapolis from St. Louis, in 1876. Messrs. Barnum and Good- rich are natives of Rochester, N. Y., whence they came and purchased they business of Mr. Whit- ney, who was compelled to retire on account of ill health. J. L. Grandy, maker of the "New Comet Wash- ing Machhie," and repairer of clothes wringers, commenced in 1879, at 253 Plymouth Avenue, where he occupies a one story frame building, 22x30 feet, doing a rapidly increasing business. Burnham Brothers, corner Tenth Avenue north, and Second street, commenced business in June 1878, in a frame building 40x75, one story high, where they manufacture well and sewer pipe, well curbing and well curb stone. The business is rapidly increasing and they are adding to their facilities. The carpet-lieating works, of F. C. Walker, was established in the sprmg of 1879, for the purpose of beating and cleaning carpets by anew process, invented by the proprietor. During the winter season he manufactures extension lad- ders. The business employs six men, and is on Nicollet Avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. N. E. Colstrom, maker of brick machines, moulds, trucks, wheelbarrows and turning machines, first located in 1870, on the corner of Second Avenue north and Sixth street. In 1880, he removed to 1226 Seconcr Avenue north, where he occupies a one and one-half story building, 18x32 feet, with a one-story addition, 18x20 feet, Mr. Colstrom is the inventor of a turning ma- chine, by which twelve bricks may be turned at once, thus saving labor and greatly facilitating the manufacture. Slocum and Woodruff, manufacturers of buck- skin gloves, mittens, etc., opened at 28 Second street north, where they employ from eight to twelve men. This business is rapidly increasing, being 100 per cent greater in 1880, than in the preceeding year. J. H. Putnam, manufacturer of gloves and mittens, 312 First Avenue south, began business at 239 Nicollet Avenue, in 1878. He removed in August, 1880, to his present location, where he does a wholesale and retail business, occupying the first floor and basement, and employing eight men and twenty women. He tans his o\\'n ma- terial on the East Side, near the University. The Mmneapolis Dye Works of John D. Meyer, No. 2 Hennepin Avenue, was established in 1866, for the purpose of dyeing and scouring all kinds of woolen goods, dresses, shawls, coats, pants, carpet rags, etc. Mr. Meyer is a practical dyer of long experience. The Minnesota Soap Company was established in 1862, by Ilechtman and Grethen, who em- ployed six men. In 1872, the Minnesota Soap Company was organized and incorporated, with a capital of 175,000, and located on the corner of Marshall street and Thirteenth Avenue northeast. The members are H. Ilechtman, II. Grethen, T. M. Pleins, and James Beach. The factory consists of a building of stone and brick, 66x115 feet, two stories above basement, and a ware- house 22x60 feet. The company employs twenty persons in the factory, and three salesmen. The trade extends throughout Minnesota. Iowa, Wis- consin, Montana, Dakota, and Manitoba. The jSIinueapolis Soap 'Works, owned by Pom- eroy and Benner, was established in 1880, at Nos. 207, 209, and 211 north Fifth street. They em- ploy ten men, and are at a weekly expense of about8l,000. The goods are sold in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Dakota. The Minnesota Linseed Oil Company, the pio- neer maiuifactory of oil from flaxseed grown in the state, was organized in 1869, as a firm, by G. Scheithn, D. C. Bell, J. K. and II. G. Sidle. In 1870, after the works had begun to be successful, they were totally destroyed by fire, but were im- mediately rebuilt on an enlarged scale, and the present company incorporated. Since 1870 they have fostered among the farmers of JMinnesota and Iowa the new industry of raising flaxseed, of which they use 100,000 bushels annually. The factory produces 200,000 gallons of linseed oil, 2,000 tons of oil-cake, whicli is largely exported to England and Scotland, and from 150 to 200 tons of putty. The company has, within the past year, added to their other products the prepara- tion of liquid paint, thus consuming the surplus linseed oil hitherto shipped abroad, and adding 420 HISTOEY OF HUNNEPIN COUNTY. 150,000 to the annual income. The works are operated, day and night, by a seventy-five liorse- power engine, and furnish employment to about thirty men. The Star Oil Company, A. M. Dole and Com- pany, was fonned in October, 1878, and manufac- tures and deals in lubricating and burning oils. They occupy a building 24x60 feet, at 216 Third Avenue south, and as they are alone in the state, their business is rapidly increasing. This concern also handles a gasoline stove, which is meeting with general satisfaction as the most practical in use, and which is being extensively sold. It is designed for summer use. The cracker manufactory iiwned by II. F. Lil- libridge, was started in 1870, by J. C. Gardner, at No. 20 "Washington Avenue south. In 1873 Mr. Lillibridge purchased and has since conducted the same. In 1875 he removed to Nos. 13, and 17 Third street south, occupying a building 45x65 feet, and three stories high. In 1880 he erected a four story brick building, 22x90, and now oc- cupies both buildings. This establishment is the largest of the kind in the north-west, employing fifty persons, working day and night, making from ion to 125 barrels of crackers, besides the bread cake, etc., which is disposed of in the re- tail department and using fiftj- barrels of flour per day. He does a jobbing business m confection- ery, nuts, etc., employing three travelmg sales- men. The confectionery manufactory of Bagley & Fay, was started in 1878, by Bagley Bros, at the present location, Xo. 244 First Avenue south. The business changed hands a number of times before August, 1880, when the present finn of Bagley & Fay became the owners, manufacturing and importing confectioneries. Their salesroom is 20x30 feet, adjoining which is a work-room 20x40 feet. They do an annual business of 150,000, selling extensively in Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin. The candy factory of J. B. Tinklepaugh was commenced with a very limited capital, in 1877, and the first year his business was correspondmg- ly light, but has been steadily increasing, and during the past year his busmess amounted to about $7,000. During the winter of 1879^"80, he used five tons of sugar, and during the summer of 1880, manufactured between 1,700 and 1,800 gallons qf ice cream. His stand is at N"o. 219 Central Avenue. In 1871, Joseph Miller began the manufacture of candies and ice cream, at Xo. 127 Nicollet Avenue, and in 1875, removed to his present lo- cation, No. 253 Hennepin Avenue. His ma- chinery is run by a twenty-four-inch hydraulic motor of one horse-power, furnished by the city water works. On the 1st day of October, 1874, E. M. May established his candy manufactory at No. 307 Nicollet Avenue, where his first year's business amoimted to about ^3.000. This has gradually increased to an annual receipt of -^8,000, He employs six persons, and makes all kinds of plain and fancy dishes for suppers, parties, etc. Mr. May makes a specialty of ice creams, producing the past year over 2,000 gallons, a portion of which he shipped to various pomts in Minneso- ta and Wisconsin. In 1878, G. Bagley commenced to make candy, with his brother, on First Avenue south, where they remained mitil the spring of 1880, when he formed a co-partnership with S. C. Weeks, under the name of Bagley & Weeks, who began opera- tions in the rear of Jones & Abbott's fruit store. In December, 1880. they removed to No. 316 Nicollet Avenue, the present quarters, soon after which "Mr. Weeks retired, and Mr. Bagley has since conducted the business alone. In 1850 John Orth built a wooden structure, 18x30 feet, on the site of his present brewery. No. 1215 Marshall street northeast. Here he brewed the first beer made in Hennepm county, using a kettle holding but two and one-half barrels. He now uses a vat holding one himdred and twenty barrels. The concern has a fermenting cellar, holding 1,600 barrels, storage for 3.500 barrels, two malt houses, one with a capacity for about 75,000 bushels, one holding 20.000 bushels, and cooling rooms. Formerly cellars dug in sand rock were used, but have been replaced by ice- cellars, for which ice is stored in a house holding 5,000 tons. An artesian well on the premises supplies the water. Gluek's brewery was started in a little wooden building, in 1857, by Rank and Gluek, on Mar- shall street, near Twenty-second Avenue north- east, where it nov*' stands. In 1863, Mr. Gluek pm'chased Mr. Rank's interest, and run it alone: WHOLESALE HOUSES. 421 iintil his death, which occurred October 16th, 1880. March 20, 1880, the wooden portion was destroyed by fire, but Mr. GUiek immediately be- gan to rebuild, and had nearly completed it wlien his death occurred. The present building is of lirick, two stories high, and 20x60 feet. The first floor is used as a brewing room, 22x60 feet, and the balance for a malt cellar. In connection are two ice houses, one 24x50 feet, and another 24x52 feet. The capacity of the new brewery is forty-five barrels per day. The Minneapolis Brewery, Mueller & Hein- rich proprietors, was built in 1860, by Kranzlein & Mueller. It is located on the lower levee, on the Mississippi river; is 40x60 feet, with storage capacity of 2,800 barrels. Kranzlein & Mueller conducted the concern until 1869, when Mr. Kranzlein became the sole owner, and conducted it four years, and then conveyed it to Mueller & Heini'ich, who have enlarged it from time to time, erecting in 1875 a stone building 30x40 feet, two and one-half stories high, used for brewing, in 1876, a three-story brick, 30x40 feet, used for boiler-house and other purposes, besides a malt- kiln and malt-house and three ice-houses. The aggregate storage capacity is now 6,000 barrels. In 1880, they put in a sixty horse-power boiler, in addition to one of thirty horse-power, and they now have a brewery equipped in a thoroughly first-class maimer throughout. The City Brewery, located on Twentieth Ave- nue south, corner of Bluff street, was founded by Mr. Zahler, who took in as partner Mr. Noer- enberg. Mv. Zahler dying, F. D. Noerenberg has had possession since May, 1880. The estab- lishment is thoroughly equipped, and employs eight men, to whom eighty-live dollars per week are paid. CHAPTER LXVI. "WHOLESALE TRADE — DKY GOODS — GEOCERIES — OTHER BUSINESS HOUSES. Minneapolis enjoys such facilities, from the many lines of railroads centering here, as makes it naturally a gi'eat distributing point for the north-west. Many wholesale establishments have been located here, and the trade is increasing. The failure of N. B. Harwood and Company, a large dry goods house, dirring the last year, was a blow to the trade, though attributable to the personal management, and not to lack of advan- tages in the location. The tributary territory is constantly increasuig by the extension and mul- tiplication of railroads, in fertile agi'icultural districts. The wholesale trade in 1880, amounted to $24,299,000, with an increase of 110,000,000 over that of the preceding year, divided as fol- lows : groceries, 56,285,000 ; dry goods, clotliing, hats and caps, |3,691,000; wines, liquors and cigars, |1 ,150,000; queensware, drugs and oils, $850,700 ; hardware and stoves, §1,825,300 : boots, shoes, leather and hides, •11,675,200 ; crackers and confectionery, §260,000; paper and stationery, 1350,000; agricultural implements, $3,750,000; furniture, and carpets, etc.; •1637,000; produce com- mission, 13,625,000. The retail trade of the city is represented by more than four hundred firms, whose business aggregates about $18,000,000, according to trust- worthy estimates. The wholesale dry goods and notion house of Wyman, MuUin and VanDyke, 214 and 216 Hen- nepin Avenue, was established in April, 1875, by Wyman and Mullin, and is the first wholesale dry goods and notion house founded in Minne- apolis. At first the firm t)ccupied but one floor, but the trade soon increased, and they were com- pelled to rent the entire building, including three floors and a basement. In the spring of 1880, they had a building erected expressly for their business. This is a brick structure, foiu-- stories high, cut stone front, 30x125 feet. In July, 1880, W. J. Yan Dyke entered the firm, the capital was mcreased, and trade extended. The firm employs thirty men in and about the build- ing, and keeps seven traveling salesmen constantly on the road. The trade extends throughout Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota and Montana, and is a fair indication of the splendid facilities presented by JSlinneapolis as a wholesale business centi'e. Coykendall Brothers and Company, wholesale dealers in dry goods, notions, hosiery, white goods, etc., No's 118 and 120, Washington Avenue north, commenced business in 1873, in a retail 422 HISTOST OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. dry goods house, wliicli they continued until 1877, wlien tbey retired from this, and confined their attention exclusively to wholesale trade. Their building is 50x100 feet four stories high, where tliey employ twelve men as salesmen, book- keepers, etc. They also have four traveling salesmen, who carry the trade throughout ilinue- sota, Iowa, Dakota, and a portion of Wisconsin, The sales for 18S0 amounted to -fodO.OOO, The wholesale and retail dr)- goods and no- tion house of Goodfellow and Eastman, was started in the Herrick block, in 1878. These quarters soon proved inadequate for their busi- ness, and they moved into the block built expressly for them by Mr. Casey. This build- ing has a front of Lemont, Illinois, hme- Btone, and is four stories high. It is one of the finest buildings in the state, and is wholly occupied by this firm. The basement is used for storing and receiving goods, the first floor as general retail sales-room, second floor as cloak and show room, the third floor for storing heavy goods, and the fourth floor is devoted en- tirely to fancy goods and notions. They employ about sixty persons in and about their house. Tlieir retail business extends over the whole of Minnesota, and the jobbing business over the Northern and AVestern states and territories to the Pacific. George W. Hale and Company, retail dealers in dvx goods and notions, began business in 1868, on Washington Avenue south, with but two salesmen. In 1872, they removed to their present quarters, 301 and 303 NicoUet Avenue. The buUding has a frontage of 44 feet, a depth of 120 feet, and was built expressly for this firm, by J. G. Gluck. The first year the business amounted to but ^25,000; In 18S(» it was $300,000. The members of the firm are George W., and Jefferson M. Hale. . Eichelzer and Company, hatters and fiu-riers, No. 212 XicoUet Avenue, do principally a retail business, and mamifactiire fur goods, cloth hats and caps, and ^lackinaw hats. The house was established in 1871, by D. and W. Ilandly, at the present stand, and pmx-hased in August, 1872, by P. F. Eichelzer and J. S. Snoddy. Mr. Snoddy died' in July, 1874. and August following, Mr. Eichelzer became the sole proprietor. At the time of the Central block fire, Mi-. Eichelzer suf- fered with his neighbors, but saved most of his stock. In March, 1879, R. A. Lanpher, of St. Paid, was admitted to the firm, which became Eichelzer and Company. E. B. Preston and Company, wholesale and re- tail dealers in leather and rubber belting, rubber boots, clothing, and all kinds of rubber goods, be- gan business at Xo. 240 Hennepin Avenue, in January. 1880. As their ti-ade increased, they removed, in May following, to Xo. 203 Xicollet Avenue, where they occupy one floor and the basement. 2-5x100 feet. The firm employs six men, t\vo of whom are traveling salesmen, who do business throughout Minnesota, AVisconsin, Iowa, and Dakota. The members of the firm are E. B. Preston, who has a large house m Chicago, and W. S. Xott, who has charge of the Minnea- polis department. They represent the Xew York Belting and Packing Company in the West, and are the only firm who handle this line of goods exclusively. H. G. Harrison and Co., wholesale grocers, or- ganized in May, 1880, and located Lii the Wol- ford block, on Hennepin Avenue, but the building was insufficiently strong to hold the heavy goods which were stored on the upper floors, and soon fell. In June they occupied three floors, one hundred feet square, in Bracketfs block, doing an exclusively wholesale business, and carrying an extensive stock, doing business in northern Iowa. Wisconsin. Minnesota, Dakota and Mon- tana. The firm employs twentj- men, six of whom are constantly traveling. During the first year the sales amounted to SI .500.000. The mem- bers of the firm are II. G. Harrison and Frank B. Felt, both of extensive experience. Anthony Kelly and Co.. wholesale grocers, X'os. 125, 127 and 129 Washington Avenue north, located there in 1877. In 1858, Messrs. P. H. and Anthony Kelly established a grocery business on AVashington Avenue and Second Avenue south, domg a retail trade. In 1860, their business had increased to such a degree that they were com- pelled to seek more room, and they removed into the building now used as the Xational hotel, and after a year into Dayton block; removed next to Bridge square and First street. The firm was known as Kelly and Brother imtil 1864. when P. H. Kelly retired, and commenced business in St. Paid. Anthony Kelley continued the business WHOLESALE GBOCEBIES. 423 alone, and in March, 1866, was bmned out, and then took possession of the building known as the Kelly block. The firm was then known as A. Kelly and Co., and remained in Kelly's block until 1877. The building now occupied is 66x100 feet, and three stories in height, above basement, and has an extension of 57x66 feet, one story and basement, in rear. The business is exclusively wholesale, and employs thirty-two men, six of whom are tiaveling salesmen. In 1880, it amounted to SI, •500,000, and extended tln'ough- out the northwest. Hart, Monroe & Tliomas, proprietors of the Minneapolis Spice Mills and wholesale fancy gro- cers, are located at 108 Washington Avenue south. The business was established in 1870, by Squires, Hart & Company, who continued it until 1876, at which time the firm of Hart, ]Monroe & Thomas was organized, and has since conducted the busi- ness. It is the only establishment of the kind in the state tluit makes a specialy of its own brands, and grinding spices of all kinds. Their building is 22x130 feet, three stories high above the base- ment. In the rear is a brick building used as an engine, roasting and griuding-room. An engine of fifteen horse-power turns the machinery. This consists of three large roasting cylinders of recent invention, two griniling machines, one of which is a small set of buhrs, and two machines for roasting coffee, the capacity being one ton per day. The firm employs ten men, four sales- men traveling constantly, the trade being extend- ed throughout northern Iowa, Wisconsin, Minne- sota, Dakota and Montana. The wholesale grocery of George K. Newell & Company, Nos. 9, 11 and 1-3 Washington Avenue north, was founded in 1870, by Stevens, Morse & Newell. In 187.^^, Messrs. Stevens and Morse re- tired, and the firm of Newell & Harrison was or- ganized, and continued until May, 1879, since when Mr. Newell has had entire control of the business. The first year's business amounted to to 125,000, and in 1880 to 12,000,000. S. G. Palmer and Company, wholesale fancy grocers, occupy a building which was erected ex- pressly for their use, at Nos. 12 and 14 Washing- ton Avenue north. The Inisiness was established in March, 1878, and S. G. Palmer and Company took charge of it in April, 1880. The building is 44x85 feet, of which they occupy the first flogr and basement. The carrj- a full line of fruits and fancy groceries, employing three traveling sales- men. They do business in all parts of Minneso- ta and Dakota. The house of Dunham and .lohnson, wholesale grocers, was founded in 1870, and does business at 212 Hennepin Avenue, where they occupy a build- ing 28x125 feet, four stories high and basement. They employ twelve men, four as traveling sales- men, and do an annual business of about §700,000, extending throughout Minnesota and portions of the adjoining states and territories. The wholesale grocery house of W. W. Ham- son and Company occupies the Oswald building. No. 19 Washington Avemie north. Their build- ing is 25x125 feet, four stories and basement. In 1877, W. W. Harrison commenced business at 222 Heimepin Avenue, dealing wholly in fancy groceries by wholesale. In September, 1880, the firm of W. W. Harrison and Company was or- ganized, and they caiTy a full line of staple and fancy gi-oceries, employing thirteen men, and do- ing busmess in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Da- kota. Harrison and Knight, wholesale dealers in sad- dlery hardware, wagon and carriage material and iron, commenced, at No. 207 Nicollet Avenue, in 1877, and continued until September 1st, 1880, when they removed to their newbuildmg on First Avenue south, between Washington Avenue and Third street. This is 45x135 feet, and has five floors, and is so arranged that light is received on all sides. Two hydraulic elevators, one for pass- engers and one for freight, giving access from floor to floor. The firm employs twelve men, four of whom are traveling salesmen, supplying cus- tomers throughout the north-west. The annual business amounts to $300,000. J. II. Thompson's clothing house is at No. 118 Hennepin Avenue, in a three-story brick build- ing, 45x100 feet, built by himself, in 1871. Mr. Thompson started in business in Minneapolis in 1857, on Second Avenue south, opposite the St. James Hotel. He remained here until 1858, and moved to Pirst street, near where the hay market now is; thence to a builduig near the suspension bridge, where he remained until the completion of a building erected by him at No. 109 Nicollet Avenue. Here he opened, in connection with his tailoring department, a stock of clothing, June 424 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIA' COUNTY. 11th. 1860. This building and stock were de- stroyed by fire, and Mr. Thompson went into the Nicollet House, where he remained until 1871, when he purchased his present site and erected a building on it. The New York Clothmg House, owned by K. Kees and Bro., is at the corner Hennepin Ave- nue and Second street, in Kees' block. Mr. Rees commenced the business alone, in 1869, un- der Pence opera house, where he remained imtil 1878, when he purchased ground at his present location, and erected a brick building, three stories high above basement, 22x85 feet. In 1878, Gns. Eees took an interest in the business, and the firm has large branch houses in Stillwater and Mankato, and do an annual business of §loO,- 000, employing sixteen men. G. S. Butler, proprietor of the U. T. K. cloth- ing house, began in 1876, at Xo. Ill "Washington Avenue south, the firm known as Griffith, Roberts and Butler. In 1878, they removed to 210, Nicollet and 211 Hennepin Avenue, the store extending from avenue to avenue. Pre\-i- ous to 1879, Mr. Butler had been business manager of the firm, and in September of that year, purchased the interests of the other two, since when he has conducted it alone. Fuller and Simpson's hat and shirt store, was founded in 1870, by C. A. Fuller and E. F. GU- 1am, in the Nicollet House block, a few doors from their present location, comer of Washing- ton and Nicollet Avenues, and they carried a complete stock of gents" furnishing goods, hats, caps, etc. In 1874, Mr. Gillam sold his interest to G. H. Simpson, and the firm then added a sliirt manufactory, and in 1878, a laun- dry, for which they rented a room 22x100 feet, at No. 210 Firet Avenue south, and were soon compelled to occupy the entire building; they employ five men and thirty guls. Laundry work from all parts of the state is sent to them by express. Their gents" furnishing department and factory is in the Nicollet House block, occu- pying first floor and basement, 22x90 feet, where they employ five men and twenty-five girls. Boston One Price Clothing Store, E. H. Steele proprietor, was established August 1st, 1874, in a room 22x85 f eet , in the Academy of ^lusic . Janu- ary 1st, 1876, another room was added and since then he has enlarged from time to time, and now occupies five rooms, four of them 22x85 and one 30x40, and the basement, which is 85x110 feet. The house employs seventy men, fifty of whom are engaged in the manufacture of clothing to order, and during the dull season in making ready-made clothing. The other twenty men are salesmen, book-keepers, etc. The business, the first year, ■ was 865,000, and in 1880, was S200.000. J. H. Kerrick and Co."s machineiy depot. No. 254 First Avenue south, was opened October, 1880, for handling iron and wood working ma- chineiT and sujiplies of every description. The main manufactory is located at IndianapoUs. In- diana. The branch at Minneapolis, imder the supervision of A. H. Goode. is the only establish- ment in the north-west that deals exclusively in this line of goods, which supplies a want long felt in Minneapolis and the north-west. They occupy room and basement 50x80. C. W. Shatto. agricultural implement dealer, opened business in 1873, with the firm of Jones, Shatto and Co. In 1875, R. H. Jones withdrew from the firm and went into the Har\ester works, and the firm became Shatto and Christian. In 1878, Mr. Shatto purchased Mr. Christian's Interest, and has since conducted the busmess alone. He has branch houses at Fergus Falls and Can'er. His present location is No. 307 Washington Avenue north. Clark and Mackroth opened their agricultural implement depot at No. 218 Washlngtou Avenue north, in December, 1879, and have already ac- quired a good and extensive business. They are special northwestern agents for Furst and Bradley, of Chicago, Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company, South Bend, Indiana; the Ohio Steel Barb Fence Company, Cleveland: Detroit Safe Company, Detroit, Michigan; and the LaClade Fke Brick Manufacturing Company. They also do a jobbing business In miscellaneous articles. The members of the firm are George A. Claik and Otto H. Mackroth. Franklin Steele. Jr., and Company, agi-icultm-al implement dealers, commenced doing business in 1880, in a brick building 44x140 feet, on the comer of First street and Second Avenue south. They carry an immense stock, which they dispose of by wholesale and retail, in iiinnesota -and adjouiing states and temtories. W. H. Jones and Company, dealers in agricul- BANKS AND BANKERS. 425 tural implements, N'os. 206 and 208 Wasliington Avenue north, commenced January 1st, 1878. They are state agents for the Marsh Harvester, Wire and Twine Binders, and Warrior mowers. During the year 1880, the business amounted to about *1, 100,000. George Blake, dealer in Domestic sewing ma- chines, has branch offices in St. I'aul and Still- water. In 1879-80, he erected the building now occupied by him at 320 Nicollet Avenue. This building is 44x86 feet, four stories high. Tlie front is of Ohio sandstone, and is highly orna- mental. The pavement in front of this building is the first area stone sidewalk laid in the city. On the first floor ^Ir. Blake has his salesroom. The second and third lloors are rented for oflices, and the fourth for sleeping apartments. At the time Air. Blake came to ^Minneapolis, there were but 30() Domestic sewing machines per year sold in Minnesota ; but now his sales amount to 2,o00 per year, requiring sixteen salesmen. Winecke and DoeiT, wliolesale and retail deal- ers in tobacco and cigars, established a retail business in 1873, on Washington Avenue south, where they remained imtil 1875, when they re- moved to No. 25 Washington Avenue south, and commenced a wholesale and retail business, em- ploying five men. Then- goods are sold m Min- nesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Dakota. Harpman and Gronauer, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in cigars, etc., No. 39 Washing- ton Avenue south, employ three traveling sales- men, doing business in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Dakota. The business was first started at No. 114 Hennepin Avenue, by Harpman Bros., who conducted it until October, 1879, when J. A. Gronauer purchased an interest, and the firm be- came Harpman and Gronauer. George F. Warner, undertaker and dealer in furniture and upliolstery, commenced business in 1857, and is the oldest established furniture dealer in Minneapolis. His furniture salesroom. No. 325 Nicollet Avenue, is 26x80 feet, and oc- cupies three floors. His undertaking warerooms at No. 106 Washington Avenue south, are 22x100 feet, and occupy two floors. Mr. Warner has three line hearses, and two furniture trucks, and does an annual business of about ij 60,000. Wm. Glessner and son, furniture dealers and midertakers, No. 211 Central Avenue, commenced manufacturing fiuniture in 1859, and continued until 1865, when they retired from manufactm-- ing and entered the retail business. Their an- nual business amounts to about 115,000, and is done in a two-story building, 22x80 feet. They employ three men. A. H. Edsten, No. 303 Washington Avenue south, dealer in all kinds of furniture, occupies as salesrooms, two floors 22x50 feet, and a shop 16x35 feet, two stories higli. He commenced in 1871, and does an annual business of about 17,000. Phelps & Bradstreet, dealers in furniture and draperies, at Nos. 421 and 423 Nicollet Avenue, organized in April, 1878, They occupy one floor, 44x120, and three floors 44x75, doing an annual business of 170,000 in fine furniture, draperies and artistic house-furnishing. They make the finest display of draperies and fine furniture of any house west of Chicago. All their finest dra- peries and decorations being made to order. The business is rapidly increasing. CHAPTER LXVII. BANKS— BOARD OF TRADE — CLEARING HOUSE — RAILROADS— INSURANCE COMPANIES. The records of the past twenty-seven years, which have elapsed since the first bank in what is now Minneapolis, came into existence, show twenty-four such institutions, only ten of which are still in existence. Before entering the field of the banks of to-day, we will review the in- stitutions which once m existence, have since wound up their affairs. The history begms with Snyder & McFarlane, bankers and Inokers. who commenced busmess in 1854, continuing to 1858, about four years. C. II. Pettit, banker and brok- er, was the second, commencing in the fall of 1855, continuing to 1859. Next, Beede & Men- denhall, bankers and brokers, organized April 27th, 1856; they afterward organized the State Bank of Mmnesota, with K. J. MeudenhaU, pres- 426 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. ident, and R. J. Baldwin, cashier. Dorman & Pliinney, bankers and brolcers, commenced busi- ness in tlie spring of 18o7. and continued till 1861. Grow & Phimiey began in 18.57. continu- ing to 1862 as bankers and brokers. R. J. Baldwin, banker and broker, commenced business in 1857. In 1862 he organized the State Bank with R. J. Mendenhall, president, and R. J. Baldwin, cashier. The State National Bank grew out of the State Bank of Minnesota and con- tinued up to 1876. when it wound up business. The Xational Exchange Bank started in 1867, with HeniT Miller, president, and AV. P. West- fall, cashier, and in 1875 closed its business. The State Savings Association was organized in 1866 and continued business to 1873. The Ex- change Savings Bank was organized in 1868 and in 1871, it closed business. The National Ex- change was organized in 1869 and merged into the Merchants National of Ilastmgs. It subsequent- ly moved to Minneapolis and changed to the Merchants National Bank, but February 1st, 1881, went into liquidation. In 1873 the Scandmavian Bank came to the surface but immediately sank. Sparks and McPherson, brokers, opened in 1870 and in 1875, wound up. The Lumbermen's Bank commenced business in 1876 but soon after closed up its afifah-s. EXISTIXC; BAXKS. Ten banks are now doing business m Minne- apolis, seven of which represent an aggregate capital of S2.550,U0O: the remainuig three are private bankers and brokers. The capital of com- panies of the first class varies from $1,000,000, the capital of tlie Security to ^50.000 of the City Bank. To facihtate the banking business of the city a clearing house has been established, where the daUy balances of the banks are settled. The Security Bank. This staunch and vigor- ous uistitution takes prominent place among the many successful business enterprises of which Minneapolis can boast. Laundiing upon the linancial tide January 2, 1878. witli a cash cai> ital of $300,000, its admirable management so developed its business that eaily in 1879. ^100,- 000 more stock was added, and hi February, 1880, the fiu-ther addition of |600,000 brought its capital up to $1,000,000. all of which was promptly paid in, and of the entire stock all but 929,200 is owned by residents of MinneapoUs. The Bank building is situated on Hennepin Avenue, corner of Third street, and is one of the finest buildings in the city. The officers of the bank are : President — T. A. HaiTison ; Vice President — H. G. Hamson; Cashier — J. Dean; Assistant Cashier — A. J. Dean; Directors — T. A. Harrison, H. G. Harrison. J. Dean. Hon. C. E. Vanderburgh, Franklin Beebe, W. W. McNair, J. M. Shaw. C. C. "Washburn and Franklin Steele. First National Bank. The history of this bank is one of general interest, and deser^■es more than a passing notice. Its existence dates from October. 1857.whena local bank was opened imder the firm name of Sidle, Wolford and Company, imder which title they enjoyed a flattering degree of prosperit\ for three years. ^\hen they organ- ized a Bank of Issue under the state law, as the Bank of Minneapolis. Under this title they did a prosperous business imtil 1864. when the system of national banks was mstituted and the name was again changed to the Fu-st National Bank of MinneapoUs. The financial history of the bank is one of steady, solid giowth. Its reverses have been few, while its prosperity has been aU its founders could wish. Beginnmg with a cash capital of $-50,000, it soon rose to $200,000 by the accumulation of undivided profits, after pay- ing a regular dividend of twenty-four per cent, to its stock-holders. .January 1, 1879, $400,000 was subscribed and paid in. making a cash cap- ital of $600,000, mostly owned by residents of ilinneapoUs. Its stock has always been far above par, and is eagerly sought to-day at 125 per cent. The elegant bank building is situated on the corner of Nicollet and Wasliington Ave- nues, and is a credit to the city. Northwestern National Bank. This institution was founded in 1872, with a paid up cajntal of $200,000, and started on a career of prosperity equalled by few, if any, of the banking uistitu- tions of the northwest. At the time of the or- ganization, D. ^lorrison was elected president, and S. E. NeUer cashier; and in 1875, Mr. II. T. "Welles was elected president, m the place of D. Morrison, whose term had expired. In 1876. an addition of $300,000 was made to the original stock, making the capital stock a half million dol- lars. In the fall of 1879, owing to the defalca- tion of the assistant cashier, a loss of $127,000 EXISTING BANKS. 427 was sustained, but on account of the flourishing condition of the bank, the loss had been made good before January 1st, 1880, by the subscription of 1100,000 from tlie stockholders, and $27,000 earnings of the bank. July 1st, 18S0,the surplus earnings amounted to 124,000. This institution is considered one of the solid establishments of the city, and their elegant and substantial build- ing, erected in 1872-3, located at the corner of Washington and First Avenues south, is looked upon with pride by the citzens of ]SIiinieapolis. The present otticers of the bank are as follows : H. T. Welles, president ; S. A. Harris, cashier ; W. E. Burwell, assistant cashier. The City Bank. The organization of tliis institution dates from 1869, when a private bank with a capital of $50,000 was established. J. W. Pence, president, and T. J. Buxton, casliier. Oc- tober 10th, 1872, it was reorganized as a stock bank, with a capital of $150,000, which was in- creased the follo\%ing year to 1200,000. The offi- cers were J. W. Pence, president; T. F. Thomp- son, vice-president; T. J. Buxton, cashier. Janu- ary, 1874, Mr. Harrison succeeded Mr. Thompson to the office of vice-president, and in 1878 he was succeeded by John Watson. The officers at present are: J. W. Johnson, president; John Watson, vice-president; T. J. Buxton, cashier, and Charles McC. Eeeve, assistant cashier. The bank has had a prosperous career from the outset and from its organization as a stock bank has declared large dividends, without the omission of a single year. As evidence of the increase of business, the bank handled in 1872, 15,108,000, and in 1880, only eight years later, this sum was increased to 135,374,000, actual cash transactions. The bank is located corner of Hennepin Avenue and Second street. The Hennepin County Savings Bank. This institution first opened its doors to the public September 1st, 1870, and is therefore just enter- ing upon its second decade of remarkable pros- perity and usefulness. Its founders and first Board of Trustees were the following well known gentlemen : E. S. Jones, J. E. Bell, S. A. Harris, D. C. Bell and J. H. Clark. Its first coi-ps of of- ficers from their number as follows, viz. : E. S. Jones, president ; J. II. Clark, vice-president; J. E. Bell, cashier. In 1873, Mr. D. C. Bell was elected vice-president in place of Mr. J. H. Clark, deceased — during the same year Mr. S. A. Harris was chosen to the newly created position of assistant cashier. Such comprised the man- agement until September, 1879, when ilr. Harris resigned his position to accept tlie more respon- sible one of cashier of the North- Western Nati- onal Bank of this city. Mr. W. H. Lee for many years, the bank's efficient teller, succeeded Mr. Harris as assistant cashier. The present board of trustees is the same as the original board, with the exception of Hon. George A. Pillsbury in place of J. H. Clark, deceased. The present officers are — E. S. Jones, president; D. C. Bell, vice-president; J. E. Bell, cashier; W. H. Lee, assistant cashier. Tlie high esteem and confi- dence in which this institution is held by the pub- lic, is evidenced by the fact that it ranks to-day, tlie foremost institution of its kind in the state. In one decade its deposits have reached the hand- some aggregate of over $400,000, representing 2,000 and more open accounts, and the rate of in- crease in the total of deposits has never been greater than at the opening of this second decade. Farmer's and Mechanic's Savings Bank of Minneapolis. This institution was organized September 10th, 1874, with a capital stock of $50,000. Officers: A. D.Mulford, president; C. Morrison, vice-president; and E. H. Moulton, treasurer. May loth, 1875, Dr. Levi Butler was made president, the otlier oflicers remaining the same. Dr. Butler died, and Winthrop Young was elected president June 10th, 1878, and has held the oftice since. Tlie legislature of 1879 passed a law making all savings banks mutual, and in January, 1880, this plan was adopted. This is the only mutual savings bank in the state, the depositors receiving the benefit and sharing in the earnings of the institution. As evidence of the confidence of the public, the deposits in- creased to more than double after the adoption of the mutual plan, being for the year 1879, $186,- 200, and in 1880, from January 1st to August 1st, $292,000. The Citizens" Bank was organized November 1st, 1876, with a capital of 150,000. The bank is located corner of Washington Avenue and Fifth Avenue south, where it has had a pros- perous business since tlie inauguration of tlie enterprise. The officers are: N. F. Griswold, president; Joseph H. Clark, vice-president, and 428 HISTOEY OF HENXEPIia COUNTY. George B. Shepherd, cashier. The greater part of the stock is held by citizens of Minneapolis. PKIVATE BAXKIXG INSTITUTIONS. The Bank of :Minneapolis was established in 1867. by Thomas ^y. AVilson and Erastus Byers. and is the only bank in iMinneapolis that has conducted business since 1867, without change in name or management. The bank flret occu- pied a room m the old post-office building, with ill-. AVilson, president, and Mr. Byers, cashier. They subsequently moved to the XicoUet House block, their present location. The death of Mr. Byers in -June, 1880, caused no change in the management, suice Mrs. Byers retains the inter- est held by her late husband, Mr. Wilson di- recting affaire as before. A general banking and collection business is transacted. Y. G. Hush. This bank was established by Y. G. Hush in 1878. located in the Pence block, cor- ner of XicoUet Avenue and Second street. Mr. Hush was interested in the Citj- Bank at its es- tablishment and when that was made a stock bank, withdrew and fninided a private bank. He transacts a general banking business and deals in commercial paper, being one of the largest dealers in the state. Mr. Hush has been a resident of Mumeapolis fomteen yeare, eleven of which he has passed in banking. The business has been successful from the start, and for the past year or two has doubled each year. ilr. A. B. Hush occupies the position of cashier in this bank. The Commercial Bank was estabUshed in February, 1880, and although its experience has been short, enjoys a llattering degree of prosperity, occupying the bank building on the East Side, corner of Central Avenue and Main, street. Davison and Dean, the proprietor, have had a long experience in banking. Eobert A. Davison was with the First National Bank. Cedar Kapids, Iowa, from the time of its organization. John Dean, a native of this city, has been favora- bly known in connection with the Security Bank from the date of its organization imtil he became identified with the "Commercial." They do a general banking business, paying special atten- tion to loans on city and farm property and in- vestment securities. This is the only bank on the East Side and enjoys the confidence of all the business men of that portion of the city. Minneapolis Clearing House. The Mumeapolis Clearing House was organized Januarj- 1st, 1881, and has its place of business in the basement of the Security Bank building. Though recently es- tablished, its operation has proved valuable and satisfactory to the banks concerned. All banks in the city, excepting the First National, belong to its membership. The officers are : president, J. Dean, cashier of the Seciu-ity Bank : manager, W. E. Burwell, assistant cashier of the North- western National Bank; direetore, J.M.Will- iams, cashier of Merchants National bank. Chas. McC. Eeeve, assistant cashier of City Bank, T. W. Wilson, president of Bank of ilimieapoUs, G. B. Shepherd, cashier of Citizens Bank, Y. G. Hush, private banker. Meetings are subject to call of the manager. THE BOARD OF TRADE OF JIIXNEAPOLIS. The Board of Trade of the city of MimieapoUs was organized by W. D. Washbiun. H. T. Welles, Eichard Chute. John Potts Browii. A. B. Barton, J. S. Walker, E. W. Ilerrick, Jacob Stone Jr., and W. W. McNair, who associated themselves together October 30th, 1872, as a body corporate under the above name. ■• Tlie purpose of the as- sociation is to facilitate and promote the commer- cial, mercantile, and manufacturing interests of the city of !MirmeapoUs ; to encourage just and equitable principles of trade, and uniformity in the commercial usages of the city ; to acquire, presence and disseminate valuable business in- formation : to adjust controversies and misunder- standings that may occur between parties en- gaged in ti-ade, and to advance the general pros- perity of the city of Minneapolis." The first an- nual report of the association was made in 1876, since which time a daily record of business has been kept. The present officers are : George A. Pillsbury, president ; Samuel C. Gale, vice-presi- dent ; F. W. Brook, second vice-president ; C. C. Sturtevant, secretarj' ; Yalentine G. Hush, treas- urer; N. W. Yei"xa, grain inspector. RAILROADS. From the arrival of the " Anthony Wayne.'' the fii-st steamboat at the falls, April 13th, 1S50, with Gov. Alexander Eamsey and other distin- guished pereons on board, to the present time, the "Common Carrier"" by land and water has been intimately associated with every step in the prog- EAILROADS. 429 ress of this city. Steamboats and stages carried the mails, merchandise and limited products of the pioneer. These were looked upon with par- donable pride as a great advance from the days of the uncertain voyageur, or the half-breed courier, pursuing his course througli the trackless forests. Tlie first Minnesota railroad, opened fortraffic, was the St. Paul and Pacific, June 28th, 1862, on the line commenced by the Minnesota and Paci- fic Railroad Company, which was chartered May 22d, 1857, as a land grant road. This road was only ten miles in length, extending from St. Paul to St. Anthony, and had its terminus and depot near the foot of Central Avenue, rujining thence along the river bank, and striking the present line near the University. Upon the completion of the proposed union depot and iron railroad bridge, much of this ground will be again devot- ed to railroad use. The branch line was completed to Anoka, January, 1864, and in the fall of 1867, to Sauk Rapids. In the winter of 1866 and 1867, a bridge was built and a depot located on the west side. Cars by this line were run into Minneapolis the latter part of March, following, and to Wayzata the same year. December 31st, 1868, the road was completed to Howard Lake. E. F. Drake was contractor for the first ten miles, and Edmund Rice was president at that time. J. P. Farley operated the road for some years, as general man- ager and receiver. The St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Rail- way Company, organized in 1879, with George Stephen, president; R. B. Angus, vice-president; and J. J. Hill, general manager, now owns and operates these and other roads. A branch to Osseo is in process of construction. The next road, in point of time, operated from Minneapolis, was that now known as the Iowa and Mimiesota Division of the Chicago, Milwau- kee and St. Paul, the first record of which is a charter, dated March 1st, 1856, to the JNIinneapo- lis and Cedar Valley Railroad Company, organ- ized October 9, 1860. Name changed March 6, 1863, to Minnesota Central Railroad Company. This company built and operated the road and re- ceived the land grant. August 5th, 1867, the main pai't of the Ime was transferred to the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company and on February loth, the eleven miles south of Austin was sold to the .same corporation. By the terms of the sale, the Minnesota Central Com- pany continue to own the lands granted to aid in constructing the road. All Cliicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul trains to St. Paul and Chicago, were formerly run over this road as far as JSIendota but during the year 1880, a double track short line to St. Paul was constructed. This road crosses the Mississippi at Meeker's Island, three miles below the falls, on a magnificent iron bridge, and was opened for passenger trafiic from September 6th to the nth, and November 20th it was per- manently opened for busmess. The same year a "cut-off," extending thirty miles south-west, to connect with the Hastings and Dakota Railroad, was built. Extensive shops, employing four hundred men, and round-house, ai'e located at South Minneapolis. The Chicago, ^Milwaukee and St. Paul Company generally own and run their own sleeping cars. The express business is done by the American and United States express companies, but no concessions are made to fast freight lines. The Jilinneapolis and St. Louis Railway origi- nated in a charter l)y the legislature of the Terri- tory of ilinnesota INIarch 3d, 1853, as the Jilinne- sota Western Railroad Company, to build from some point on the St. Croix river to St. Paul and St. Anthony, thence across the Mississippi river to the western boundary of the state. The name of the corporation was changed by vote of the board of directors. May 27th, 1870, to the Min- neapolis and St. Louis Railway Company, and in 1871 , twenty-seven miles were finished to iSIerriam Jmiction. The road was completed to Albert Lea, 108 miles November, 1877. This company never had any land grant, but recieved $250,000 in bonds from the city of Minneapolis. They have a permament lease of the Minneapolis and Duluth Railroad, and a lease for use of track from the St. Paul and Duluth Company. The general ofiices and shops are located at Minneapolis. Work was commenced on the Minneapolis and Duluth Road April, 1S71, and August 15th it was opened for traffic. The Northern I'acilic Railroad Company, char- tered by congress July 2d, 1864, re-organized September 29th, 1875, have no road to this place, but run their trams and do a regular business in 430 BISTORT OF HEKXEPIN COUNTY. connection isith their main line by a lease for ninety-nine years of the Western Eaihoad of Minnesota, 60.5 miles, and a permanent contract with the St. Paul, JImneapolis and Manitoba Company for the use of tlieir track from St. Paul to Sauk Eapids, 75.5 mUes, paying for this privi- lege |!40,000 per aimum, and a portion of expen- ses. The Korthem Pacific Company do their ovn express and sleeping-car business. The Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis and Oma- ha Company have a freight depot and extensive yards at the foot of Fourth Avenue north, re- cei%"ing and sending cars over the ^Manitoba line. ha\ing no road in Hennepin county. The Minneapolis and Eastern Railroad was in- corporated June, 1878, and completed in the spring of 1879. It is used jointly by the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul and Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha companies for switching and running cars to and from the miUs. Cost, 1175,000, for about two miles of track. The Lyndale Railway Company was organ- ized as a stock company under the general laws of the state, the object being the construc- tion and management of a suburban excursion line. The company was incorporated in June. 1878, with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars. They seciu-ed the right of way. and May 19th, 1879, commenced the con- struction of the line. June 26th, a little more than one month after the commencement of op- erations, trains were running regularly to Lake Calhoun, a distance of four miles from the term- inus in ^linneapolis. During the first year, over three hundred thousand people were carried over this line, and in 1880 the number reached three hundred and seventy-five thousand. June, 1880, the line was extended to Lake Harriet. The same company nm a steamer on Lake Calhoun in connection with the L>7idale line. The line is equipped with six passenger cars, three flat cars, and two motors, operating four and a half mUes of road, all cars being furnished with the Eames vacuum brake. At Lake Calhoun are sheds for the cars and motors wlien not in use, also cottages for the employees and their families. Trains start from the terminus, comer of Hennepin Av- enue and First street, and from tlie corner of Washington and First Avenues south,makingtrips regularly every hour and a half. Business ofiBees of the company are located over the Xorthwestem National Bank. So great is the care taken in the management of the road, that there has never been an accident. Property along the whole line has greatly advanced in value, and no streets in the city show more new buildings than those which the Lyndale road follows. The Mimiea- polis and Lake Park Railway is projected, and will be in operation August 1st, 1881. This line extends from Minneapolis to Excelsior and Lake Park, and wiU be operated in connection with the Lyndale road. The officers of the road are as follows: C. W. MeCrory. president: R. S. Innes, secretary ; S. E. Xeiler, treasurer. The Minneapolis Street Railway was incorpo- ated June 24th, 1873; incorporators, D. Morri- son, E. J. Mendenhall. W. W. Eastman. W. D. Washburn, W. P. WestfaU, R. B. Langdon, William S. King, J. C. Oswald. W. W. Mc- Xair, Paris Gibson. September 2d, 1875, the road was opened for travel and the first car started. The first officers were PhUo Osgood, president: Thomas Lo\^Ty, vice-presi- dent; William S. King, secretary; James Tucker- man, treasurer and superintendent. The com- pany have at present eleven and a half miles of track, twenty-one cars and loO horses, giving em- ployment to about one hundred men. Plans are I made for about eleven miles of additional track, with corresponding increase of cars and horses, during the coming season. The present officers ; of the company are Thomas Lowry, president; Clinton Morrison, vice-president; C. G. Goodrich Jr., secretary; W. W. Ilerrick, treasurer; D. At- wood, superintendent. INSUEA3SrCE COJIPAXIES. The Minnesota Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association. The incorporators of this associa- tion were. J. P. Plummer. R. J. ^Mendenhall. A. Chambei-s, E. W. Grindall. J. A. Coleman. II. H. Smith and W. W. Woodward. The organization was perfected July 15th, 1865, and incorporated under the laws of the state. The present assets amount to 8151.188.61: receipts for 1880. S38,- 110.36; expenses |29,235.13; liabilities $15,310.39. This is exclusively a farmers insurance company, and its officers and members are scattered throughout the state. Officers: J.Q. Farmer, presi- i dent; Ole Peterson, vice-president; W. A. Xim- INSUBANCE COMPANIES. 431 ocks; secretary; C. A. Nimocks, deputy secretary; C. McC. Reeve, treasurer. Millers and Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company of Minneapolis. This company was organized and incorporated under the laws of the state in Febuary, 1881, with the following officers : E. V. White, president; H. M. Carpen- ter, vice-president; V. G. Hush, treasurer; C. B. Shove, secretary; directors : E. V. White, H. M. Carpenter, James A. Lovejoy, D. M. Gilmore, E. R. Barber, C. J. Martin, B. P. Russell, Charles E. Holt, V. G. Hush, C. B. Shove, D. M. Sabin, W. P. Brown, George W. Newell, John T. Ames, H. G. Page. The Masonic Mutual Aid Association. Tliis association was incorporated June 16th, 1877, and the following were its officers: J. II. Thomp- son, president ; Charles Reeve, treasurer ; E. A. Gove, secretary; A. II. Salisbury, M. D., medical director. The purpose is to provide for the pay- ment of a sum of money to the widow, children mother or assigns of deceased members. The sum paid is levied on the sm-viving members in accord- ance with by-laws, which distribute the amounts to be raised equitably among the surviving mem- bers. The present officers of the company are: J. H. Thompson, president ; D. il. Goodwin, vice- president ; Charles Reeve, treasurer ; E. McDer- mott, secretary; A. II. Salisbury, medical ex- aminer. Firemen's Life Association of the State of Minnesota. This institution was organized and incorporated February 2d, 1876, for the purpose of furnishing life insurance to the members of fire departments throughout the state of Minnesota, and is a mutual benefit association. The board of directors consists of one for every twenty mem- bers. The election of officers occurs annually. The board meets at their office, comer of Second street and Third Avenue north, on the second Tuesday in each month. Officers: R. O. Strong, president; W. M. Brackett, secretary; Frank Brewer, treasurer. The Widows' and Orphans' Protective Associa- tion. This association was organized November 16th, 1879, and incorporated under the general laws of the state. The purpose of the association is indicated by its name and it conducts its busi- ness in accordance with mutual principles, mak- ing assessments, upon the death of members, in accordance with the terms of certificates issued. The membership is rapidly increasing; no deaths among its members have yet occurred. Officers: C. A. Pillsbury, president; O. C. Merriman, vice- president; E. McDermott, secretary; Charles Reeve, treasurer; A. H. Salsibury, M. D., medi- cal director ; P. M. Babcock. attorney. The North-western Relief Association. The first meeting for the organization of the North- western Relief Association was held April 28th, 188(1, when articles of association were approved. April 30th, following, the organization was per- fected and incorporated under the general laws of the state of ^Minnesota. The affairs of the association are under the control of a board of nine directors. The objects of the association are mutual aid to families of deceased mem- bers and mutual aid to members in physical dis- ti'ess, furnishing insurance at as near actual cost as possible. The officers at present are: C. M. Loring, president; A. C. Rand, vice president; R. W. Laing, secretary; C. McC. Reeve, treas- urer; L. Loring, acting manager; W. D. Law- rence, medical director. CHAPTER LXVIII. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES LOAN ASSOCIATIONS — MILITARY COMPANIES — AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY— MEDICAL SOCIE- TIES — ATHENAEUM. When the North-western Telegraph Company first projected its lines to Minneapolis, it opened its oflice in St. Anthony, and afterward in a room over R. J. Baldwin's bank on bridge Square. In February, 1866, L. C. Robertson took charge of the business, in Dayton's block, now St. James hotel, in a room also occupied by the Minnesota Central Railway Company. At this time the company seriously contemplated closing the oflice as unprofitable, the monthly receipts being only $140. The commercial and railroad business was transacted over one line, in one office, and required but one operator, and uo messenger 432 HISTORY OF BEXXEPIN COUNTY. boys. Tlie line extended from St. Paid to Fari- bault, via :Minneapolis. Wlien the Minnesota Central Railway built their depot in 1868. they provided rooms for general offices, and the rail- road and commercial telegraph business were separated, the latter going into the Warner block, opposite the Xicollet. and thence into the city hall building, where it now remains. Here are em- ployed eleven operators, two chiefs and the man- ager. The company's lines extend all over the north-west, and the receipts of this office for one month in 1880, were S-1,700. Telephones were first mtroduced in this state m 1877, by E. H. Hankinson, who had been ap- pointed exclusive agent of the Bell Telephone Company for Minnesota and Dakota. The first line built was that of the :Monitor Plow Works, connecting the factory and offices. In December, 1878, Mr. Hankinson organized the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company, which immedi- ately established the exchange at Minneapolis and St. Paul, and opened in March following witli fifty-three subscribers in Minneapolis and thirty- seven in St. Paul. The first oflicers elected were: John Watson, president ; R. 11. Hankinson, -sice- president and general manager : F. B. JOson. sec- retary ; L. M. Towne, treasurer. The present officers are : H. ^I. Carpenter, president : John Watson, vice-president and general manager ; F. B. Jilson, secretary ; C. H. Prior, treasurer ; L. M. To^Tie, auditor. During 1880, exchanges were estiiblished in Stillwater, Winona and Du- lutli, and others will be started during the pres- ent season. The nimiber of subscribers in Min- neapolis at present is five hundred and fifty, and in Hennepin county 1 ,000 instruments are in use. In Minnesota and Dakota 2,200 are used, and the number is constantly increasing. Hennepin County Catholic Building and Loan Association, Umited to twenty years, was incor- porated August 18th, 1874, The object is to ac- cumulate a finid from the savings of its members with which to purchase real estate, build residen- ces, and invest in 'such other channels as may be deemed advisable. The fii-st issue of stock was limited to 1,-500 shares, payalile in monthly in- stallments of $1.05; this number has been increased to 2.206. The original officer's were: president, Matthew Walsh; secretary, D, L, Toner; treasmer, J. F. O'XeiD; managers for a term of five years, M. W. Glenn, B. McElroy and P. J. Callaghan; for two years, John Fewer, M. Kennedy and M. W.. Nash: for one year. M. Hoy, Stephen Cody and W\ E. Nannary. Meet- ings began August 20th, 1874, and are held on the first Thursday after the l-5th day of each moiith, until every share shall end and be deter- mined. The present officers are: M. Walsh, president; John McGovem, first vice-president; John Fewer, second vice-president; Peter Mc- Cormick. secretary; J. C. Scallon, assistant secre- tary, Wm. McMullen, treasurer; managers, first section, M. W. Nash, John Fewer and John Hayes; second section. ^lichael ilore. James CuUen and J. C. Scallon; third section, J. P. Courtney, B. Monso and Thomas Mulcaley; stew- ards, J. Lahly. James Sweeny and John McEl- roy; attorney, J, T, Burns. Mechanics" and Workingmen"s Loan and Build- ing Association, organized September 7th, 1874. The price per share of the stock is $200, and when it started five hundred were immediately taken. In February the number of shares taken was 1,- 250. The association now issues semi-annual series of shares, in March and September. This corpora- tion has for its object the investment in lands and residences, of the savings of its members, ileetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, in the board of ti-ade rooms in the city liall. The present officers are, president, S. L. Brearly; secretary, O. M. Laraway; treasurer, F. S. ilcDonald; attorney, Charles Robinson. The managers are, W. H. Stickney, C. N. Boardman, F, :M, Dunn, Ralph Rees, W. M. Tweedie, Selah Matthews, A. J. Hart, John Walker and J. J. Jeffery. The iliiuieapolis Mutual Benefit Building As- sociation was incori'orated in January, 1874, for the accumulation of a fund, by the savings of the members, for purchasing of real estate andbiuld- ing of residences and such other investments as may be decided upon. Tlie capital stock was first fixed at 2.500 shares, with power to increase the same from time to time. The first meeting was held on Januaiy 31st. and the regular meet- ings have been held every fourtli Saturday ' suice. The present officers are president. R. E. Grimshaw : secretary, W.P. North way : treasurer, O. M. Laraway : attorney, G. W. Chowen. The Turners" Building Association was organ- MILITABT COMPANIES. 433 ized in September, 1877, held their first meeting October 5th, and filed their articles of incorpora- tion, October loth, following. The first officers were,George Thele, president; Herman Ilein, vice- president; J. Monasch, secretary ; William Mas- solt, treasurer ; Anton Grethen, attorney. The first issue of stock amounted to 868 shares; since then four series have been made, amounting in all to 3,440 shares, 670 of which have been with- drawn. MINING COMPANIES. The Bristol Silver Mining Company was or- ganized December 2d, 1879, with a capital of $50,000, and the first offlcers were George H. Keith, president; Frank A. Lewis, vice-presi- dent; R. J. Baldwin, secretary and treasurer. The capital has been increased to .f 200,000, and the oflicers are unchanged excepting secretary and treasurer, who now are F. Hughes and W. D. Hale. The mines are in Lincoln county, Ne- vada. The Lincoln Mining Company was organized in October, 1880, with a capital of $250,000. The mines are in Lincoln county, Nevada. The offlcers are Wm. Windom, president; C. C. Jones, vice-president; H. M. Goodhue, secretary; R. S. Jones, treasurer; G. J. Goodhue, manager. The Arizona Northern Mining Company was organized in March, 1880, with a capital of $70,- 000. They own the "Cerbat," "Connor'' and "Snowflake" mines in Mohave county, Arizona, and are rapidly developing them. The offlcers are: Anthony Kelly, president; R. J. Baldwin, secretary; T. S. King, assistant secretary; J. K. Sidle, treasurer. The Minneapolis Gas Liglit Company was or- ganized February 24th, 1870, with D. Morrison, president; W. P. Westf all, treasurer ; George II. Rust, Secretary ; and a board of directors con- sisting of D. Morrison, W. P. "W^estfall, II. S. Southard, S. C. Gale and F. S. Gilson. The com- pany has continually extended its gas mains, and now has twenty-five miles laid in the various streets of the city. The present officers are : A. C. Rand, president ; II. W. Brown, superin- tendent ; A. T. Rand, secretai-y. The office is at No. 413 Nicollet Avenue. The North-western Globe Gaslight Company was incorporated in 1877, with a capital of .'§100,- 000. Its object is to light private grounds and 28 streets with gasolme. The business is extensive, sixty per cent, of the city being lighted by this process. The offlcers are Dorilus Morrison, president ; A. M. Reid, vice president ; S. A. Harris, secretary and treasm-er, G. A. March, general manager. The directors are D. Morri- son, A. M. Reid, S. A. Harris, W. W. McNaii- and G. A. March. The Minneapolis Light Infantry was organ- ized in July, 1879, and sworn into state service October 9, following, by S. A. Sims, mustering offlcer. The company had at that time a mem- bership of thirty-two persons, and the highest officer was second lieutenant, to which place ilr. Sims was elected, and F. B. Moore was chosen orderly sergeant. In December the number of officers was increased, Mr. Sims elected first lieutenant and W. L. Eldred, second. At this time they received fifty breech-loadmg Spring- field rifles, and fatigue equipments. In Febru- ary, 1880, the office of captain was created and J. P. Rea elected. In October, 1880, they re- ceived twenty-five more rifles and equipments from the state. During the summer season the company meets in squads for rifle practice on their range in the East Division. The present officers are captain, J. P. Rea; first lieutenant, S. A. Sims ; second lieutenant, G. M. Naylor ; orderly sergeant, F. S. Barnard; second sergeant, J. G. Rogers, third sergeant and quarter-master, Perry Harrison ; fourth sergeant, E. D. Hill ; color sergeant, d"B. O. Scott ; corporals, E. L. Lockwood, A. Baker, C. Langdon, and F. L. Foote. The officers of the civil organization are, J. P. Rea, president; ({. M. Naylor, vice-presi- dent; F. W. Greene, recording secretary ; Wil- liam Wright, financial secretary; E. L. Goddard, treasurer. The first child born after the organi- zation of the regiment was a daughter of N. F. Warner. This child, ]Mary E. Warner, born May 23d, 1880, was, on the 25th of the same month, adopted as the "Daughter of the Regiment." The jSIinneapolis Zouave corps of the Minne- sota National Guards, was formerly the Knights of Pythias drill corps. I)ut organized independ- ent of that order, February 14th, 1880, and was mustered into state service on the 24th, of the same month. The oflicers are A. A. Ames, captain; G. R. Seaton, first lieutenant; L. E. Har- rison, second lieutenant; C. B. Case, orderly ser- 434 HISTORY OF HJENNEPIN COUNTY. geaut; Mr. HaiTison resigned January 5th, 1881, and Albert Marsh was promoted to his place. When mustered into service, the corps numbered thirty-six men besides the officers, and now has seventy-five and a drum coips of seventeen mem- bers. The intention is to form the corps into an Infantry and cavalr>- company, and battery with two pieces. Minnesota Agricultiu'al and Mechanical Asso- ciation. Tlie offlcei-s are : ^Vm. S. Kiiig, presi- dent; Charles II. Clarlie, secretary: '\'alentine G. Hush, treasurer: and an advisory board com- posed of Wm. "W. Folwell, President University- of Minnesota, chairman; Hon. D. L. Buell, Hous- ton coimty: James Archer. Hennepm comity; J. C. Easton, Fillmore county, David L. How, Scott county; H. F. ^loree, Winona county; Hon. John F. Meagher. Blue Earth counts; Hon. J. P. Eahilly, Wabasha county: Gen. James H. Baker. Blue Eai-th county; Col. W. H. Feller, Wabasha countj^; Hon. E. S. Brown, Washington countj'; Hon. J. A. Thatcher, Goodhue countj-; Hon. Knute Nelson, Douglass county; Hon. Jared Ben- son, Anoka county; Hon. T. C. McClure, Stearns county. This association organized in the season of 1877, has become thoroughly identified with the interests of not only Minneapolis and Minnesota, but of the entire nortli-west. Its efforts in the direction of layuig before the public, the vast resources of the north-^\ est, as demonstiated in the imiiualified success of its annual fairs and ex- positions, have been largely conducive to the gen- eral interests of ilinneapolis, in that, large gath- erings of people from all parts of the United States, are here brought face to face with w'est- ei-n and particularly ^lumesota energy and enter- prise. The results shown from year to year, thus far, in the improvement of stock and maehinerj', and in the general growmg spirit of emulation, proves the value of such a stimulus as this or- ganization. The management disburses annually for expenses and in premiums not less than forty thousand dollai-s, has always paid its lia- biMties, and aims to keep not only pace with the general gi-o^th, but a place at the front, in the rapid and wondei-ful prosperity of the coun- trj-. With an advisory board made up of well known and representative men, located in differ- ent parts of the state, the executive control of its affairs rest solely in the hands of the president. Wm. S. Kuig, and secretary, Charles H. Clarke. Patriotism and public spirit alone, actuate, and a desire to forward the march of improvement, alone rules. The association so far may be said to have paid its own way, only a comparatively small sum, commensurate with the large outlay, having been contributed or donated. Tlie atten- dance at the annual gatherings approximate 100,- 000 people that come from a distance, the city of St. Paul by its close proximity, and frequent railroad connection. recei\ing its full share of the immediate patronage of so large an attendance. This association was not organized with a view of taking the place of any similar organization already in existence, but solely inde- pendent, \\-ith a settled location to gi'ow and ac- cumulate with Minneapolis. The Hahnemann Medical Society of Hennepin comity. Minnesota, was organized September 16th, 1872, and was the resiOt of an informal meeting of the homoeopathic physicians of the city, held in Dr. W. H. Leonard's ofiice. September 2d of that year. A constitution and liy-laws were adopted and signed by Drs. D. M. Good-win, W. H. Leon- ard. G. T. Flanders. T. K. Huntington. M. H. Wallens, and Petrus Nelson. Dr. Huntington died Ln March, 1873. The membership of the so- ciety continued to gi-ow rapidly, and during the eight years of its existence the following events of importance have occurred : In April. 1875, a medical fee-bill was established, regulating the charges of the societj" ; a joint committee of both the homceopathic and alojiathic schools met and agreed on tlie rates wliich they should charge. In May, 1880, the joint committee met and drew up a schedule, fixuig the rates for certain surgical operations. The same month, a plan was formed for the establishment of a free dispensary, where the poor might secure such medical aid as they stand in need of. The result was that it was opened in Cottage Hospital. About 1,500 people, who were unable to pay for medicines, have been treated, nearly 3,000 prescriptions have been put up, and about 300 families, who were unable to apply personally at the dispensary, have been visited. The officers of the societ>- are : A. A. Camp, president; M. L. Swain, vice-president; A. J.Hutchinson, secretary and treasurer; D. M. Goodwin, A. E. Higbee, and W. H. Leonard, censors. Monthly meetings are held. ACADEIfY OF SCIENCE— ATHEN^UM. 435 The Union Medical Society was organized early in 1856, with A. E. Ames, president ; C. L. An- derson, vice-president ; Dr. Wheeloclv, secretary ; C. W. Le'Boutillier, treasurer. Among the old members were Drs. A. E. Ames, V. L. Anderson, Wheelock, C. W. Be'Boutillier, A. E. Johnson, W. H. Leonard, Loewenberg, A. Ortman, Ward, A. J. White and W. D. Dibb. Of these, Drs. Johnson, Leonard and Ortman remain; the rest are dead, or liave removed from this city. June 7th, 1870, the society re-organized as the Henne- pin Comity Medical Societ>', with Drs. A. E. Ames, and N. B. Kill, both since deceased, as president and vice-president. The present offi- cers are, O. J. Evans, president; C. L. Wells, vice-president ; A. ('. Fairbairn, secretary ; W. Miller, treasurer ; W. A. Hamilton, librarian. The meetings are held the first and tliird Mondays of each montli, at places designated before ad- journment. Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Tlie initiatory step to the formation of this instituion which has for several years maintained sm un- ostentatious but not unproductive activity in our midst, was taken on January -Ith, 1873, when a number of gentlemen gathered in the ofiice of Dr. Johnson, to discuss the feasibility of forming a society, having for its object, " The cultivation of Natural Science in general, and especially the sciences of Geology and Archaeology." Prof. E. W. B. Harvey was elected chairman, and Dr. Charles Simpson, secretary. It was resolved to incorporate a society under the general law, with the above name, and a committee consisting of Charles Simpson, E. W. B. Harvey, and A. E. Johnson, was appointed to frame the articles of incorporation which were more fully discussed at the next meeting, at which time the first offi- cers of the academy were elected as follows: president, A. E. Johnson ; vice president, S. C. Gale ; secretary, Charles Simpson ; correspond- ing secretary, A. E. Ames ; treasurer, E. W. B. Harvey; trustees, Paris Gibson, C. E. Rogers, W..H. Leonard, A. F. Elliot, O. V. Tousley, and M. D. Stoneman. From this time onward there has been a gradual increase in numbers and interest, so that the rolls now show about fifty members in place of the eleven charter mem- bers. The earlier meetings of tlie academy were held in the office of Dr. Johnson, but in Novem- ber of 1875, the academy removed to the west side and was installed in commodious rooms in Centre block, 214 Nicollet Avenue. The muse- ums, which are chiefly dependent upon occa- sional donations, have assumed respectable pro- portions, notably in the direction of ornithology through the labors of Dr. Hatch and otliers ; valuable contributions to_the mineralogical and entomological cabinets were also secured, while the library contains a large number of valuable government reports, and proceedings of various scientific societies. The academy has, from time to time, published bulletins containing not only interesting discussions of living scientific ques- tions, but the results of extensive original uivesti- gation. It has also proven its public spirited- ness by securing the services of eminent platform speakers. Mlthin a short time it has been found expedient to divide the academy into sections, for purposes of co-operative investigation and study, each section forming an organic part of the academy. During the early part of 1881, a protracted session of the academy was held at which papers by scientific men from different sections of the country were read. To this course of lectures and essays the general public was in- vited, and responded largely. Thus began an era of broader influences for the institution, and it took its place among the educational influences of the state. Minneapolis Athenieum. Early in the spring of 1859, it was announced that Bayard Taylor would visit tlie north-west and would lecture be- fore any literary society or library association that would pay his expenses, the balance of the receipts to be applied to the benefit of such as- sociation. A few of the citizens met togellier at the ottice of Nicholas & Charlton and resolved to organize a library association. A committee was ai)pouited to draw articles of incorporation. They reported on the ISth of May, 1859, that it was not expedient to draft articles of incorpora- tiofl, but recommended that the "constitution of the Young Men's Libraiy Association" be, and it was adopted, and the officers elected. May 25th, 1859, JSIr. Taylor delivered his lecture, the proceeds of which amounted to one hundred and forty-one dollars and seventv-five cents. Fifty-eight dol- lars and twenty-five cents were paid to Mr. Tay- lor, and the balance was received by the associa- 436 HTSTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. tion. The name "Minneapolis AtheniBum" was adopted; it was thought best that the society' should be a chartered corporation, and public notice was given that a meeting would be held on January 3d, 1860, to take measures to procure a charter. A draft of a charter was made and sent to Jesse Bishop to be presented to the legis- lature for enactment, but was refused, as it was unconstitutional to grant, and also umiecessary, as there was a provision under the general stat- utes for the organization of scientific and educa- tional societies, including hbraries. During the summer of 1865, the lot on which the Athenseum building now stands, was pmchased for $1 ,500, and the structure erected m 1SG6, subscriptions to the amount of §10,693.93 being received for that purpose. Dr. Kirby Spencer, wlio died March 10th, 1870, a shareholder and staunch friend of the Athena-um, left a fund of about 845,000 which yields an income of |2,000 annually, to be hivested solely in books for the library. The li- brary is valued at l)etween §18,000 and §20,000, and consists of about 9,000 volumes, besides which are received forty magazines and fifteen weekly and daily newspapers. Tlie present offi- cers are: J. E. Bell, president; E.W. Laing. vice- president; W. H. Iliidile, secretary; C. McC. Reeve, ti-easurer; T. B. Walker, C. A. Bovey and H. G. O. Morrison, directors. CHAPTER LXIX. EDUCATIONAL — PUBLIC SCHOOLS — UNIVERSITY — MACALESTER COLLEGE— PRIVATE SCHOOLS — BUSINESS COLLEGES — AUGSBITRG SEMINARY —KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS. The educational system of Minneapolis is justly a source of satisfaction and pride to the citizens. It consists of public graded schools, providing a course of instruction preparatory to the Univer- sity, private schools, supplementary to these, and finally the I'niversity and theological Semmaries. However perfect the system of public schools may be, a field is always open for private institu- tions, more especially for families of wealth, whose children can be afforded higher culture in what are called the ornamental brandies. In the lower grades of education a similar demand is found in all towns, even vuider our democratic govern- ment. These wants are supplied in Minneapolis by several institutions that rank high in the es- timate of tlieir patrons. The gi'eat demand, however, will always be for what the Germans call the " bread and butter sciences," by which term they intend those branches of education that are immediately convertible to practical use, by means of which a man may secure more ele- vating employment and command higher wages. It has long ceased to be a matter of pride to know how to read and write, but it is a positive disgrace not to know how; so the voice of the people, more potent than any state law on the subject, compels the education of all children, at least in the primary branches. Primary educa- tion is a 'sine qua non' m the struggle for exis- tence; above the primary, branches more or less liberal in the regard to the true function of edu- cation usually operate to the discouragement by the public of the more liberal branches taught in the high schools of the country. When all vote and all feel at liberty and consider themselves qualified to pass judgment on plans and methods of education, it is not strange that differences in opinion exist. The higher the culture of the critic, the more ready he is to admit tliat there is no science of education, and it must remain em- pyrical luitil a superior of Edison shall arise, who can take brains upon his experimental table, lo- cate the mind itself and each of its faculties, ex- plain the subtle relation between it and matter, and show a course of training by which each in- dividual faculty can be cultivated, developed or even created. Fortmiately for Muuieapolis, its educational interests have fallen into the hands of high-minded and cultivated men, wliose liberal views have extended beyond the limited range of the ordinary critic. Fortimately, too, business has so engi'ossed those, who might otlierwise be intrasive critics, that greater progress in the right direction has taken place in the school system than would have been possible in an eastern town, where wealth, secure position and leisiue afford unlimited opportmiiny for interference. Narrow criticism looks to minutiae and technicalities PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 437 while broad culture looks to the development of the active powers of the miiid. The former re- gards the possession of knowledge as the end of education, wliile the latter regards that education as the most complete, which permits the longest pleasurable extendmg of the attention on a given subject. In a word knowledge is the mean and culture the end toward which the educational system of MinneapoUs gravitates. The result of the system is, and must be the development of the highest degree of fitness for the exigencies of life. The value of property permanently invest- ed for school purposes in Jlinneapolis amounts to $2,241 ,897.59. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. This view of education requires an elastic sys- tem adapted to the variety of minds with which it has to deal. Such a system has been formu- lated under the management of O. V. Tousley, which has extended over a period of about twelve years. During this time the present extensive arrangements have been perfected. At the time of Prof. Tousley's appointment as principal of the high school, only four of the present school buildings had been erected. Ten have since sprung up in the various parts of the city most convenient for the daily attendance of pupils. The first legislation of ^Minnesota was an act, passed by the first territorial legislature on the last day of its session, November 1st, 1849, to es- tablish and mahitain common schools. On the 3d of ^larch, next preceding, congress, in the act by which the territorial government of Minnesota was established, provided in section 18, "That when the lands in the said territory shall be siu-veyed under the direction of the gov- ernment of the United States, preparatory to bringing the same into market, sections number- ing eighteen and thirty-six hi each township in said territory, shall be, and the same are hereby reserved for the purpose of being applied to schools in said territory, and in the states and territories hereafter to be created out of the same.'" This gave Minnesota about 3,000,000 acres of land for the support of public schools. To Governor Kamsey, the first territorial gover- nor, Minnesota is indebted for timely suggestions pertairung to educational matters, and for appeal- ing to congress for gifts of pubUc lands for higher learning. The school code of 1849 is declared to be an honor to the legislative assembly that passed it. The history of tlie educational institutions of Minneapolis begins, before the legislative act re- ferred to, and before the territorial organization, by the little school of Miss Electa Bachus, on the east side, with the school-house built hi 1849 ; and on the west side, that of Miss Mary E. Miller, commenced December 3d, 18-52, already referred to. " The earliest books of record in the possession of the board of education contain the follo^\•ing proceedings, and relate to the east side : " The board of public school directors for the city of St. Anthony, consisting of John L. Love- joy, On-in Curtis, John B. Gilfillan, Martui Stites, S. F. Eankiii,and Charles Crawford, duly elected at the annual city election for said city, on the thu-d day of April, 1860, held their first meeting at the office of Orrin Curtis, in said city, on Saturday, April 7th, 1860, at 7 o'clock p. m. "A resolution offered by Mr. Gilfillan was adopted, to the effect that the secretary be in- structed to notify the trustees of the several school districts in this city that this board is duly organized, and require them to deliver up to this board the books and effects of their respective districts, and also to make a report of their pro- ceedmgs as requued by law. " The first records in the possession of the west side Board of Education are dated Jime 23d, 1865. The salary of the principal, Professor Jenness, was at that time fixed at $1,000; his principal assistant, Mr. Kiegel, $400; and a force of female teachers, among whom are some who are still employed as teachers, had salaries rangmg from $325 to $375. In October, 1865, it was determined to lay the foundation for the Union (now Washington) school buildhig, which was completed the following season, and is now the oldest public school binlding in the city. The first move for the Central (now Winthrop)building, on the east side, was made April 13th, 1865, when it was voted to be expedient to buy a site for a building, which was done, and the building erect- ed in 1867." We may safely pass to the beginning of the present incumbency, without omitting any im- portant details. Professor Tousley began his ad- 438 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. ministration as principal of the high school in 1869, and was subsequently chosen supeiintend- ent. Tlie influence of his liberal ideas was soon felt, and from them was developed the present educational scheme of the city. Perfect harmony has existed between the school board and the superintendent, and such conlidence is felt in him that much of the power vested in them is rele- gated to him. In the management of the schools several items are especially noteworthy. All religions exercises are forbidden in the schools ; by which provision all causes of controversy growing out of the hete- rogeneous element of the population are avoided. Another item is that, while culture is demanded on the part of the teachers in all grades, in the primary, especially, a cheerful temper full of sun- shine is considered an essential requisite of a teacher. A third point, and one which is especi- ally valuable, is that frequent examinations are required in the intermediate and higher grades, by means of which the varying capacities of pu- pils are measured and provision is made for the rapid advance of some and the corresponding de- lay of others. Jlxaminations are required, under the dhection of the superintendent, of all pu- pils before passing from one grade to an- other. It would be impossible to touch on all the many valuable and progressive features of the public schools, such as general and oral lessons, the introduction of supplemental reading matter, etc., etc. It is sufficient to say that the educational systems of the older states have been canvassed and from their several de- partures, modified by good judgment for the dif- fering conditions, an admirable system has been developed. The public schools are divided into four de- partments, viz: Primary, intermediate, grammar school and high school. The primary schools in- clude the first, second and third gi'ades ; the in- termediate, the fourth and fifth: the gi-ammar schools, the sixth, seventh and eighth. The total expense of conducting the schools of the city dming the last year was $88,434.8" ; of which sum 168,728.7.5 was salaries of teachers. This does not include expenditures for bonds, m- terest, or permanent improvements. Fourteen school buildings are in use in the city, viz: 'Wash- ington, built hi 1866, value of buikUng and site $40,000; Lincoln, 1867, $16,063; Jackson, 1867, $15,000; "Winthrop, 1867, $45,500; Madison, 1870, $14,000; Everett, 1871, $8,100; Marcy, 1872, 114,000 ; Franklin, 1873, $18,000 ; Adams, 1874, $19,000; Sumner, 1876, $17,000; Jefferson, 1877, $29,763; Monroe, 1878, $22,920; Humbolt, 1878, $13,.'i89; High school, 1878, $86,427. Total value of biuldings with estimated value of sites, $359,- 362. Unoccupied real estate for school purposes, in addition is $5,400. The number of sittmgs fiu'nished for pupils is 5,618. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. From the recently taken I'nited States census it appears that the children of this city are distri- buted as to ages as follows: Under five years, 5,362; five years, 1,231 ; between six and fifteen years, 7,157; between fifteen and twenty-one years 5,649. Total under twenty-one, 19,399. From the last report of the board of education it appears that 6,142 pupils were enrolled in the schools. Of this number 352 were between fif- teen and twenty-one. Our schools thus reach over eighty per cent, of the pupils who in the west attend the common schools. It is believed that this is a larger per cent, of what may be termed (for the lack of a better word) schoolable persons than in any other state this side of the Alleghany mountains. An examination of the schools of the country shows that, of the pupils that enter the schools at the age of six years, a larger per cent, reach the high school in Mmneapolis than in almost any other city. Out of. an enrollment of 5,000 in round numbers, there are now 300 in attendance at the high school, which is six per cent.; and upon this basis schools seldom reach five per cent. This shows at once the tendency of the scholars toward the high school, and its close sympathy with the connecting grades below it. It is also a noteworthy fact that among all the graduates of the high school, over seventy-five per cent, have been from the families of intelligent mechanics and people of limited, or, at the most, of moderate means— showing that the interests of these classes of the people are closel\ bound up in mahitaining a high school in fact, as well as in name. Not ten per cent, of the graduates are from the families of the really rich. The average number of pupils in daily attend- THE UNIVEBSITY. 439 ance is 4,248. The cost per pupil, based on average daily attendance is S19.24: based on the total number enrolled, §13.31 per capita. The whole number of teachers employed is one hun- dred and twenty, of whom live are males. The money necessary for the maintenance of pulilic schools is derived partly from the general school fund of the state, which has become large by reason of the careful husbandry of government land endowment, and from direct taxation. The power of taxation is vested in the board of educa- tion, the only limitation of which is, that the tax shall not exceed the generous allowance of fifteen mills. Experience has proved tliat Minneapolis can elect men worthy of the confidence thus reposed in them. The following is the school board of 1880: Hon. Dorilus Morrison, president, Hon. A. C. Austm, Hon. Winthrop Young, Hon. J. W. Johnson, Prof. S. Oftedal, Hon. S. C. Gale, Prof. O. V. Tousley, superintendent of schools. The University of Minnesota. The Territory of Minnesota was created by act of congress, March 3d, 1849. A subsequent act passed Febru- ary 19th, 1851, authorized and directed the secretary of the interior to set apart and re- serve from sale, a quantity of public lands not exceeding two entire townships, for the use and support of a university in said territory. In an- ticipation of tills act of congress, the territorial legislature had on the 13th of February, 1851, passed a law providing for the establishment of an "institution mider the name and style of the University of Minnesota," and for its location at or near the Falls of St. Anthony. Under this act a board of regents was elected by the legisla- ture a few days later. This board organized, se- lected a site near the center of St. Anthony (now the east division of IVIinneapolis) just above the mills fronting on Main street and the Mississippi river, built a small wooden building by means of private subscriptions, and in November of 1851, opened therein a preparatory department. In January, 1854, order was taken for the location of the public lands already mentioned. In the course of the same year, the site at first selected having been found to be in too close proximity to the business and manufacturing of the town, another, being that now occupied, lying on the high bluff on the east bank of the river, about one mile below the falls, was purchased. Owing to this change, the preparatory department was discontinued. In the summer of 1856, a con- tract was made for the erection of the south wing of a university Iniilding of large dimensions, to be completed within eighteen months from Sep- tember 6th, 1856. By tliis time the public lands had all been located except 11.000 or 12,000 acres. The state constitution, adopted by the people October 13th, 1857, and approved by congress May 11th, 1858, contains the following generous and emphatic provision for the university: " The location of the University of Mimiesota, as established by existing laws, is hereby con- firmed, and said institution is hereby declared to be the University of the State of Minnesota. All the rights, immunities, franchises, and endow- ments heretofore granted or conferred, are hereby perpetuated unto the said University; and all lands ■which may be granted hereafter by Congress, or other donations for said University purposes, shall vest in the institution referred to in this section." — Constitution, Article VII, Section 4. The effect of this action was to convert the University of the Territory of ^Minnesota into the University of the State of Mimiesota, but there was no change of administration imtil 1860, in which year a new board of regents was consti- tuted. This board, during its continuance, was mainly occupied in futile endeavors to liquidate the debts of the old corporation incurred in the erection of the liuilding. It is but justice tii say that the territorial board, composed of honest, high minded men, such as Franklin Steele, II. M. Rice, II. II. Sibley, Wm. R. Marsliall, Isaac Atwater, and John II. Stevens, erred only as then- fellow-citizeus had erred in the flush times preceding 1857. They only planned too generously. The suicerity of their interest in the cause of higher education is attested beyond question by their liberal personal contril)utions. Theirs was not the only noble en- terprise which was overtaken and overwhelmed by the financial reverses of 1857-8. In 1864 the legislature appointed a special com- mission, composed of lion. John S. Pillsbury, Hon. John Nicols, and lion. O. C. ]Merriman, with full powers to sell property and pay debts. This board were occupied until 1867 in this duty. 440 HISTORY OF HHI^'NEPIN COUNTY. when, on December 23d. they reported the in- debtedness substantially liquidated by the sale of less than 12.000 acres.of land. The legislature of 1867 having appropriated a sum of money to repair and renovate the build- ing, which had stood idle and enipt>- for nearly ten years, and having authorized the opening of a preparatory department, the board had employed as principal the Eev. W. ^^'. Washburn, B. A., who, on the 7th day of October, 1867, with two assistants, began the work of instruction. In 1865, the land grant of the general govern- ment for colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts, had been accepted by the state legislature, and uitrusted to the trustees of the state agricultiu-al college, which had been chartered in 1858, and located in McLeod county. All of the foregoing legislation save the con- stitutional enactment may be regarded as tenta- tive and provisional. The University as a reaht)', dates its organization from the law of February 18th, 1868, entitled "an act to re-organize the University of Minnesota, and to establish an ag- ricultural college therein." This act as modified in some details by subsequent legislation may be found in full in the general statutes of ^Minnesota for 1878. and may be regarded as the charter of the iiLstitution. This organic act authorizes the opening of va- rious departments or colleges, places the govern- ment ui a board of ten regents, three serving ex-officiis. the governor, the state superin- tendent of public instiTictiou. and president of the University, and seven appointed by the governor, with consent of the senate, holding office for three years; and prescribes the officers of the board and their respective duties. It contains the usual and necessary pro^"isions relating to the election of the faculty, to meetings, and reports, and de- clares the regents a body corporate imder the name and style of The University of Minnesota. The only provision of the charter needing special mention, is that contained in section seven, which inviolably appropriates and places at the disposal of the board of regents, all the interest and mcome of the fund derived from the sales of all lands granted to the state under the act of congress, approved July 2d, 1862. commonly called the ''Agricultural College Act." Thus all the endowments of the general government for higher literary professional and industrial educa- tion were wisely merged and consolidated under a smgle management. In pursuance of the organic act a board of re- gents was duly appomted. who met and organ- ized, as required by law. on the first 'Wednesday in March, 1868. The members were AVUliam R. Marshall, then Governor; Mark H. Dunnel, then state superintendent of public instruction, ex-officiis ; R. S. Donaldson, of Farmington ; A. A. Harwood, of Owatoima; H. II. Sibley, of St. Paul ; E. J. Thompson, of Chatfleld ; O. C. Mer- riman. of St. Anthony; John Xicols. of St. Paul, and J. S. Pillsbury, of St. Anthony. J. S. PUls- bury was chosen president, O. C. Merriman sec- retary, and John Xicols treasurer. The preparatory department, opened in 1867, was conducted in an efficient and satisfactory manner by Mr. "Washbimi, and his assistants. Messrs. G. Campbell. Ira Moore and E. H. Twin- ing, throughout the years 1868 and 1869. In the summer of 1869 arrangements were made for beginning college work proper. A faculty con- sisting of nine gentlemen, were elected, and on the 13th of September, entered upon their duties. The only college class being the freshmen, and that not exceeding fifteen in number, the faculty were for the first year, and, indeed, for the two succeeding years chiefly engaged in the instruc- tion of the preparatory students, who numbered nearly two hmidred. Young women were ad- mitted from the first, and no proposal has yet been made to refuse them instruction. In the course of the year 1869-70 the matter of a per- manent organization of the several departments of instruction, and courses of study, came under consideration. Upon the recommendation of the president of the University, the board of regents, on the 28th day of June, 1870. adopted that general plan of organization which has since been in operation, and which by its apparent novelty has attracted considerable attention. The board were encouraged to adopt it by reason of warm and emphatic recommendations fi'om educators of the highest raidi and reputation in the coimtry. The essential features of this plan only can be here noticed. Under the organic law the board of regents are authorized to establish any desired number THE UNIVERSITY. 441 of departments or colleges, the following, bow- ever, being specified : "A department of ele- mentary instruction; a department of science, literature and the arts ; a college of agriculture ; a college of mechanic arts ; a college or depart- ment of medicine ; a college or department of law." The department of elementary instruction, otherwise designated, by virtue of a by-law of the board of regents, "The Collegiate Depart- ment," is introductory to the permament colleges of the University. It includes, together with the work of the freshman and sophomore classes of the ordinary colleges, the remainder of the old preparatory department, so long as any may be retained. This arrangement of departments emphasizes and formulates the growing tendency and custom of American colleges and universities to make the close of the second or sophomore year, a branching point for the introduction of optional studies, and for certain professional or technical courses. It pre-supposes a separation of the sec- ondary and superior epochs of education, and a con-esponding assortment of studies. The high schools and other "fitting schools" of the state are thus invited to extend their work substan- tially up to the junior year. When this shall have been generally done, the University will, as pro- vided by law, dispense with the whole of the De- partment of Elementary Instruction, and will extend her work on post-graduate ground. The general plan of the University contem- plates a group or federation of distinct colleg- es; having each its own organization, faculty, buildings and equipment. Among the advanta- ges claimed for this general plan may be named the following: A faithful adherence to the letter and spirit of the laws, state and national, which have estab- lished and endowed the University, and which contemplates it as a federation of literary, pro- fessional and industrial colleges. That, while offering the old college curriculum and discipline in their best forms to the literary and professional classes, the University will pro- vide for the industrial classes that "liberal and practical education" required by law and public sentiment. The separation of the natural epochs of sec- ondary and superior education, and the ultimate liberation of the University from the elementary work of the former: and coinciding with this di- vision, an advantageous assortment of studies, methods and discipline suitable to the two peri- ods respectively. A close and vital articulation of the University with the public school system of the state. The elevation of the high schools by enlarging the recognized sphere of their instruction. The elevation of the professional schools by requiring of candidates for degrees a good gener- al education as a pre-requisite for admission, while not insisting upon the impossible condition that all shall have gone over tlie whole of the old college course. The elevation, in particular, of the colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts to equal rank and standing with other university courses, and the separation of the studies and exercises properly belonging to them, from the elementary branches taught in the primary and secondary schools; which branches it is not the business of the col- leges to teach. Great freedom in the arrangement of details to varying conditons, the main plan remaming un- changed. To put the above plan of organization into ef- fect, the board of regents adopted a code of by- laws which have been revised as has been found needful. From the date of its organization for iniiver- sity work, (1869) the progress of the institution has been steady and sufliciently rapid. The lack of preparatory schools to fit students for the proper college work, confined the work of the earUer years largely to elementary instruction, believing that the indefinite operations of a full preparatory department would discourage the high schools of the state from assuming the duty of preparatory instruction, the board of regents dropped off tlie first year of the preparatory course in 1876, and .second in 1878. There re- mains accordingly but one sub-freshman class, which serves the useful purpose of supplement- ing the preparatory \\\nk of the high schools, still in many cases insufficient. It is confidently expected that the effect of a late act of the leg- islature for the " encouragement of higher edu- cation," appropriating a sum of money to such 442 HTSTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. high schools as will give free Lnstnictiou m regu- lar and orderly coiuse of study, preparatory to the University will within a few years render wholly nnnecessary any preparatory instruction in the University, itself. The state of Minnesota by virtue of their lienefleent law ma}- possess, \\liat no state of the Union is yet provided with, a completed system of free pul)lie instruction. primary, secondary and superior, commtm schools, high schools, and the University federations of colleges, all working in harmony. The regents have constantly aimed to employ as teachei-s, men and women of the highest qual- ifications available in such number as the finan- ces would allow. ]N"ext to the instruction they estimate the importance of the means of instruc- tion. They have accordingly expended liberally upon the library, the chemical and other labora- tories, and upon the museum, all of these estab- lishments are in a condition credil)le to an insti- tution and a state so young. Tlie library is the largest and best in the state, and is constantly in- creasing by careful purchases and by gifts. To furnish the additional rooms already much needed for the library, the laboratories and the museum, as well as to enlarge the facilities for the .scien- tific and industrial work of the Universitj-. the legislature of 1881, made an annual appropria- tion of thirty thousand dollars for six years, to be expended in buildings, furniture, books and apparatus. This legislation assures the develop- ment of the institution on a scale commensmate with the progress of the state, and that of simi- lar institutions in iieighbormg states, and it fur- ther proclaims as a matter beyond question, that the people of Minnesota mean to pnnide them- selves with the amplest outfit for the higlier edu- cation of their youth. The peojile. at length, are sovereign in culture as ui government. In 1872, by vu-tue of an act of the legislature, the geological and natural history survey of the state was authorized and placed under the charge of the board of regents. Professor Xewton H. Winchell was employed as state geologist, and as professor of geology and mineralogy in the Uni- versity. Tor some yeai-s he contmued the work of teaching in connection mth the duties of the sun-ey, but the survey having at length requii-ed so much of the time, the regents. have been obhged to reUeve him from instruction. The work of this most important enterprise is well advanced, and the first volume of the final report is ready for pubUcation. The annual reports of progi-ess of the state geologist may be foimd in the annual reports of the board of regents, be- ginning with that of 1872. which report, however, is now unfortunately out of print. The income of the I'niversity has not yet been large enough to warrant the board in opening the colleges of law and medicine named in the char- ter. They have wisely considered it their duty to provide for the education of the industrial classes, the intended beneficiaries of the laud grant of 1862. from which a considerable share of the revenue is derived. The branches of learn- ing related to agriculture and the mechanic arts will be constantly and specially fostered, while other classical and scientific studies, which the law forbids to be neglected, will have an honored place in the curriculum. "While the majority of the students have always been sons and daughters of farmers and artizans. tlie undoubted fact that but few of them have been willing to pursue the regular industrial courses of study has prevented the institution from receiving a fair credit for her industrial work. With the increased facilities for instruction in agricultiire and engineering in their several specialties, it is probable that there will be a larger number who will desire to pui-sue technical courses. The history of the University of Minnesota, like that of the maiden state history is a brief one, but enough has been done by a few individuals to place the future people of what will soon be a state of imperial magnitude and influence, mider ol)ligations. It would not be seemly to omit the mention of a few names even in a brief sketch, such as this. The Hon. John Nicols, of St. Paul, after seven years" continuous ser\"ice as regent and treasurer, died hi 187-. Gen. H. II. Sibley, the first governor of the state, already mentioned as a member of the territorial board has been a member of the board under the re-organization from the begLnnmg and for the past sixteen years, has been president. His great finanacial experi- ence, and the high place he deservedly holds in the estimation of Minnesotians of all creeds and parties, have made him a tower of strength to the institution. Ex-Gov. ^\'m. R. Marshall, who has been on PIKE'S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. 443 the board either ex-oflScio or by appointment, since 1868, has been a most faithful guardian of the interests of the institution. Conspicuous for bis unremitted activity and wholesouled devotion to the University, through a period of years reaching from 1863 to tlie pres- ent time, must be mentioned Gov. John S. Pills- bury. To say that to liis labors and sacrifices, more than to any other agencies tlie prosperity of the institution is due, is merely to record what is everywhere known and aclinowledged. Among members of the faculty it is proper to mention tlie names of a few of those senior pro_ fessors whose instructions have given just reputa- tion to the University and secured the gratitude of 'arge bodies of students who have enjoyed the same. Professor G. Campbell, who in the earlier years of his service, gave most acceptable mstruction in the German language, from the text book of which lie was the author, was occupied later with history, and meiital :uid moral sciences. Professor Campbell was a master of the art of teaching, and had the faculty of interesting all his pupils in the most abstnise subjects. He re- signed his oflSce in 1880. Professor J. Brooks, 1). 1)., ex-presiilent of HamUne University, and held in esteem amount- ing to reverence, by the alumni of that institu- tion, lias occupied the chair of Greek contin- uously since the beginning of college work in 1869. As a veteran teacher in Minnesota he needs no eulogy. Professor ~\'ersal 3. Walker, entering the ser- vice of the University at the same time with the other officers mentioned, died in May, 1876. In this event the University was deprived of a teacher of extraordinary gifts, whose noble char- acter, and inspiring christian influence had en- deared to him all his colleagues and students. Colonel William W. Folwell, a professor m Kenyon college, Ohio, was elected president of the University in August, 1869, and began his duties with the first University faculty in the following month. His services have been satis- factoiy to the board of regents to the degree that that he has been retained continuously in their service to the present time. Professor Pike's industrial school was organized at the University of Minnesota, November 13th, 1880. It meets twice a week, on Monday and Thursday evenings. It is under the charge of Professor W. A. Pike, professor of engineering at the University. Professor Pike is specially ipial- ified to conduct a school of this character, bemg a graduate of the Institute of Technology of Boston, and also has been, for the past nine years, professor of engineering in the Maine State Col- lege. It was suggested by him soon after he came to this city, after becoming somewhat acquainted with the needs of Minneapolis, and his instruction is given, in addition to the duties wliich he dis- charges to the University itself, gratuitously. The rooms, lighting, heating, and desks are fur- nished by the University, and the students furnish their own books, tools, etc. It is intended specially for mechanics, to afford them an opportu- nity to gain a knowledge of mechanical drawing, that will be useful to any mechanic. The utmost limit of the class is already reached, there being sixty now enrolled. The first night it was opened there were forty-seven applications, and new ap- plications are made every evening, which cannot be acted upon until vacancies occur. The present membership includes carpenters, mill-wrights, cabinet-makers, stone-cutters, and surveyors, and some of our liest mechanics are among them. The class begins with a series'of geometrical problems taken from tlnee plates, which are enlarged to hang upon the walls in full view of every student. Then projection drawings follow, and thereafter the work is adapted to the \'arious occupations, one set of plates being prepared for wood, and another for metal workers. The ages of the stu- dents range from sixteen to fifty. The success of this school has already demonstrated that there is an active demand for this kind of instruction in Minnesota, and particularly in Minneapolis. In this comiection it may be stated that a plan for doing some kind of shop work at the Univer- sity has been presented to the board of regents by Professor Pike, suggested by the Russian sys- tem, which was exhibited at the Centenial in specimens from the industrial schools of that country. This system has been authorized by the Boston Institute of Technology, and the Maine State College, and, briefiy speaking, it is to teach certain useful trades upon scientific principles, ui the shortest time possible. Macalester College is the outgrowth of the 444 HISTOBT OF EENXEFIK COUNTY. Baldwin school, incorporated by the legislature of Minnesota, and opened in June, 1853, in the citj- of St. Paul. Its design was not the co-education, but the instruction of the youth of both sexes i the boys under a male principal and the girls vuider an educated and accomplished woman. The building intended for the female depart- ment was of brick, and is situated next to the City Hall m St. Paul. It was dedicated with ap- appropriate exercises, in December, 1853, and at the time of its completion was the largest building for educational purposes in Mmnesota. The first catalogue of a literary institution in Minnesota was issued in .January, 1854, by this school. At that time the number of pupUs in attendance in the female department had been forty-three, and in the male department tAvent\-eight. a total of seventj-one. To prevent confusion and to lay the foimdatiou of a college for male youths, the trustees determined to reorganize the boys depart- ment as the college of St. Paul, and the three- story stone edifice, opposite the residence of W. L. Bauuuig. in St. Paul, now the house of the Good Shepherd, was erected for the purpose. Dming the late civil war, for financial reasons' the schools were suspended, the buildings sold, and the moneys mvested, and by an act of the legisla- ture of 1864, both schools were again brought un- der one charter. Upon the return of the founder, the Rev. Mr- Neill, from Em-oi^e. in 1872. he began the work of reorganization, and leased for that purpose, at a rental of twelve hmidred doUai-s per annum, the large stone edifice buUt for a hotel, in the East Division of ^Minneapolis. The owner of the build- ing, the late Charles Macalester of Philadelphia, was an old famUy acquaintance and neighbor of the founder, and by his will, at the suggestion of Mr. Xeill, the buildmg was left to be used or sold for educational purposes, and the institution named Macalester College. By an act of the legislature of 1874, it was provided that the Bald- win institution should be called Macalester Col- lege, with the proviso that the preparator>- de- partment should be known as the Baldwin school. ThLs school has about thirty boys in attendance, and the Rev. R. Macquesten, is the principal. President jS'eill has sent in his resignation to the trustees, to take effect whenever §30,000 is raised for the endowment of the presidency, and a Presbyterian selected for the otlice. The aim of the institution is set forth in the following ex- tract from an address by its founder, delivered at the dedication of the Baldwin school bunding, in December, 18.53: "We desire that the voice of prayer and the anthem of praise shall be heard in this edifice each day at the assembling or dismissal of the pupils, and that the Holy Bible shall be known as a text-book. The teachers who have been em- ployed during the last term, have belonged to three different branches of the Holy Catholic Cliurch, and have given pleasing evidence of be- ing actuated by the same catholic spirit. "On the corporate seal of the institution are engraved two female figures, one in classic dra- perj-. telescope in hand and compass at the feet, representing Science investigating the laws of na- tiu-e; the other in sitting posture and modern dress, holding the open word of God, represent- ing Revelation. They are in friendly converse, the twin sisters of heaven, as the motto suggests, 'Xatura et Revelatio, coeU gemini.' "In the various departments of the Baldwin school, natin-e and revelation wUl never be pre- sented in antagonism. The laws that are devel- oped m the study of each, the teachers will en- deavor to prove to be emanations from the same Divine mind. The stjle of education, it is hoped, will lift the pupil out of the larva or grov- ehug state, and prepare for the best society of all worlds — an immortal existence in the king- dom of heaven, as the soaring butterfly is intend- ed to symbolize." President oi ^lacalester college. Rev. Edward Duflield Xeill ; principal of Bald-nln school. Rev. Rockwood Macquesten. Trustees: "William C. Baker. Frederick W. Brooks, Samuel Cliute. MimieapoUs; Thomas Cochran, Jr., Henry J. Horn, Henry M. Knox, St. Paid ; W. AV. McXan, Mimieapolis : Henry L. Moss, St. Paul; C. C. Webster, Red Wing; Alexander Ramsey, St. Paul ; FrankUn Steele, (deceased) Minneapolis ; H. Knox Taylor ; St. Paul; C. E. Vanderburgh, J. C. "OTiitney, Eugene M. Wilson, Minneapolis, president of coUege, ex officio. The college buUduig is of stone, five stories and a half high, has a g>Tiinasium 40x100 feet, BUSINESS COLLEGES. 445 and accommodations for professors and one hun- dred students. The collegiate department will not be opened until two professorships are fully endowed ; and meanwhile, the preparatory de- partment, known as the Baldwin school, will pre- pare boys for liusiness, or any college, and will aim to be what Pliillips Academy and "W'illiston Seminary are in Massachusetts. It is the inten- tion to dispose of the present edifice, and build in the suburb between Minneapolis and St. Paul, as soon as possible. , The Bennett Seminary for young ladies was or- ganized in 1870, by Mrs. B. C. Bennett, wlio was connected with the school until 1877. Her place was then supplied by Mrs. M. B. ISIilligan, with Miss E. E. Kenyon as assistant principal. In 1880 Mrs. Milligan withdrew, leaving the schooj in charge of Miss Kenyon. The seminary is located at 31.5 Tenth street .south. The faculty are: Miss E.E. Kenyon, princi- pal ; Rev. Dr. Eice, Latin ; Miss Abbott, Latin ; Miss Carrie Ferguson, first assistant; Miss Mary A. Jacot, drawing; Madame Ilatschek, French ; Miss Todd, German ; Miss Loi Rice, music ; Miss Baldwin, second assistant ; Professor L. Brown, vocal music. Courses of lectures are deli\'ered by gentlemen of high standing, whose names do not appear among the instructors. The tiiistees and directors are among the leading citizens of Min- neapolis. Miss Judson's school for young ladies is located at 411 Nicollet Avenue, and was opened in Sep- tember, 1879, with four pupils. Its success is, however, assured, and at present forty-one pupils are in attendance. The comse of study involves a sub-preparatory department, preparatory, and advanced course, the two latter contemplating to- gether, six years' study. An interesting feature is the system of lectures uiauguarated by Miss Judson, who is peculiarly qualified both by taste and cultivation for this work. The corps of instructors is made up as follows: Miss Abby A. Judson, literature, history and rhetoric ; Miss Adeline Wetherbee, science and mathematics ; Miss Edith Wilson, sub-prepara- tory department ; JVIadame Ilatschek, French ; Miss Todd, German; Professor Lyman Brown, vocal music. Curtiss Business College was established in 1869 by Prof. Heniy Barnard. In the spring of 1875, Prof. C. C. Curtis, who had previously been employed as assistant, purchased the entire interest, and removed it, first to Bridge Square, and subsecjuently, in the fall of 1878, to the pres- ent commodious quarters in the new college block, Xo.'s 2.51. 25.3 and 2.55 Nicollet Avenue. In September, 1879, Prof. Curtis opened hi St. Paul a branch college, the exact counterpart of the Miimeapolis institution. The faculty at Min- neapolis consists of C. C. Curtis, A. M., president; W. K. MiUiken A. M., Charles T. Rickard, D. W. Sprague, Miss A. A. Noble, Miss Kate Saun- ders, William G. Smith, teachers. The total attendance during the year 1880, was 232 pupils, average attendance about 65. The course of study consists of a preparatory course, an elemen- tary commercial course and the advanced com- mercial course. The Archibald Business Academy, located at No. 12 Third street north, was established in 1877 by Prof. A.R.Archibald. The course of study is intended to prepare young men and women for college, and for giving instruction in penmanship, book-keeping, mathematics, gram- mar and the business branches generally. About sixty pupils are enrolled as regular attendants. Miss S. A. Archibald, superintends and teaches the mtermediate department. The principal is a graduate of Dartmonth college, and a competent instructor. The MinneapoUs Academy, at 1313 Fourth street south-east, opened September 16th, 1879 with twenty pupils, and two teachers. The de- sign of the institution is to occupy a middle groiuid between the district schools and the uni- versity. The academy has established the fol- lowing courses : a business course, a teacher's course, a university preparatory course, and an academic course, the latter divided into Latin, French, German, and English divisions. It has four regular instructors, all college graduates, and one monitor, who is strictly an officer of dis- cipline. Faculty: Charles Davidson, A. M. prin- cipal and master in English, German and Greek; Hannah Amelia Davidson, A. B., principal and master in Latin, French and English literature; John T. Marvin, A. M., B. D., master in normal work, and business department; William A. Noyes, A. B.. B. S., master in mathematics, and natural sciences. 446 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Sexeral convents and parochial schools are so intimately associated \vith the churches by which they are directed that mention of them is reserved, and will be found under the clnu-ches to which they owe their existence and patronage. Angfslnu-g: Seniinar\- of the Norwegian Danish EvangeUcal Lutheran Church. In 1869, Augs- burg Semuiary was organized as a theological school at Marshall. Dane county. "Wisconsin, un- der the auspices of the Aiigustana synod, with Prof. Weenaas as president. Hardly had the pro- fessors begun to feel at home, when a division in the synod occurred which materially changed the order of things. A meeting of the dissenting ones was held at St. Ansgar. Mitchell coimty, Iowa, in August, 1870, which resulted in the or- ganization of the "Norsk Dansk Conference," which uidependent action lost to them all right of property in the buildings at Marshall. A new organization under the old name was then effected under the auspices of the new conference and at a meeting held at Madison. Wisconsin, in Janu- ary, 1S71, it was resolved to procure new build- ings, and the cities of Madison, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, were discussed as desirable locations for the seminaiT. In June. 1871. the conference held its firet reg- ular meeting at ilinneapolis. It was then re- solved that their buildings should be erected here and steps were at once taken for the speedy prose- cution of the work. Private subscriptions in land, money, etc., were obtained to the amount of §4,700, and in the fall of the same year building was commenced. At first one structure 40x.52 feet, tliree stories high, was erected, which was ready for occupancy in the fall of 1872, when president "Weenaas removed his institution to the new building. lie had in the meantime occupied rented buildings at Marehall. In 1874 the main building was commenced and finished the follow- ing year; it is four stories, 113x52 feet, veneered with brick, and is a tasty and imposing struetiu'e. A building 60x38, the residence of the professors, erected on the grounds, was also completed the same year. President "Weenaas had visited Nor- way theprevious year and brought back with him on his return, Prof. S. Oftedal, to whose energy and progressive mind is largely due the speedy completion of Augsburg. In 1874 two important additions were made to the faculty in the per- sons of S. E. Gunnerson and George Sverdrup,who arrived from Norway in the fall of that year. About this time the institution was changed from being a theological seminary oiily, by the addition of a preparatory course and a Greek course of four years. In 1876, President Weenaas severed his con- nection with the Seminary and returned to Nor- way. At the meeting of the annual conference. Prof. Sverdrup was elected president, which po- sition he still honorably fiH^, On his assuming the presidency, he found an indelitedness which in 1877, amounted to 816,000, when it was deter- mined to raise money for its licjuidation. Prof. Oftedal being president of the board of trustees, was appointed to raise the money. Committees were appointed in all churches of tlie Norsk Dansk Conference in this and adjoining states, and by January, 1878, 820,000 in cash had been paid in. Tlie debt was paid, and the surplus was used in the purchase of grounds for present use. In 1872, when the Seminary was first opened,the roster showed the names of twenty-four stiulents, m 187-5, it showed one hiuidred, which is its greatest capacity. Efforts are now making to create an endowment fund and increase the fa- cilities of the institution. It is under the direction of President Sverdrup and Professors Oftedal and Gmmerson, assisted by two teachers, one each as instructor in the English and Norwegian languages. The build- ing and grounds valued at §40,000 are located in South MinneapoUs, corner of Seventh street and Twentieth Avenue south. Kindergarten Schools. Mrs. E. It. Ilolbrook opened the first Kindergarten school in the city, in 1875, with about twelve pupils, whose ages varied from four to eight years. The school was located on Seventh street, between Nicollet and First Avenues. The school increased under Mrs. Holbrook"s management, rendering another teacher necessary. The number of schools has now increased to four, three of which require tuition fees for instruction and one is a charita- ble institution conducted by Mrs. Ilolbrook. The whole number of pupils is now about sixty-two, divided among different schools. Miss Annie L. Couchman, conducts one of the branches at 227 Sixth street south; she has about eighteen pupils, and has been teaching three years. SECRET SOCIETIES. 447 Miss Lizzie Stevenson at number 80 Eighth street lias about eighteen pupils. Mrs. Holbrook on Franklin Avenue, has a school of sixteen be- sides the charity pupils. The Frobel branches are taught viz; sewing, weaving, drawing, stick and slat laying, modeling in clay, peas work, paper folding and perforating. Half an hour each day is spent in games with singing and dancing. In addition to all this, the little ones are instructed orally in French and German. CHAPTER LXX. ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS — JCNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS — DRUIDS— A. O. TJ. W.— KNIGHTS OF HONOR — MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES. Schiller Encampment, No. 5, was instituted November 24th, 1869, with seven members and the following officers : Chief Patriarch, Wm. Duhnke ; High Priest, Adolph Sieber; Senior Warden, August Ende ; R. S. and F. S., C. II. Blecken; Treasurer, Neil Frederichs. The pres- ent membership is forty-nine. They meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, at their hall in Loring's block, Nos. 17 and 19 Sec- ond street south, and are presided over by the following officers: C. P., Conrad Peters; II. P. C. V. Spiegel; S. R., George Leveffert; J. W., J, H. Roth; R. S. and F. S., Joseph Keryman; Treasurer, Henry Wacks. Robert Blum Lodge, No. 21, was mstituted May 21st, 1868. The charter members numbered only seven, and were governed by the following officers: N. G., August Ende; V. G., Rudolph Sieber; R. S. and F. S., Wm. Duhnke; Treasurer, Mathias Nathaker. The membership has in- creased to one hundred and forty-seven, and the lodge meets every Monday evening at its hall in Loring's block, Nos. 17 and 19 Second street south. Present officers are : N. G., Herman Westphal; V. G., Conrad Peters; R. S., Emil von Kiester; F. S., Frank Wacks; Treasurer, J. D. Meyer. St. Anthony Lodge, No. 40, was instituted May 16th, 1873, with the following officers: N. G., C. W. Lane ; V. G., C. H. Connor ; Recording .and financial secretary, L. W. Valentine; treasurer, Baldwin Brown. This lodge was organized with with but ten charter members, and now has one hundred and six. Meetings are held at the lodge rooms. No. 208 Central Avenue, every Friday evening. The officers are: N. G., G. B. Foster; V. G., Charles Hart; R. S., J. B. Tinklepangh ; P. S., Fred H. Gowen; Treasurer, Solomon Gray. Union Encampment No. 14, was instituted November 2d, 1874, with twenty charter mem- bers; the present membership is about fifty-two. Present officers; C. P., Geo. W. Drake; H. P., H. S. Patten; S. W., Louis Wilhams; scribe, J. E. Boyden; treasurer, A. C. Peters. Meetings sec- ond and fourth Mondays of each month over Northwestern Bank. This society is in a flourish- ing condition. Fraternity Lodge, No. 62, was instituted Au- gust 31st, 1877, with thirteen charter members and the following officers: N. G., H. S. Patten; V. G., J. E. Boyden ; R. S., A. C. Peters; P. S., James Campbell; Treasurer, A. T. Green. The membership has increased to eighty-one, and the lodge meets every Friday evening over the Northwestern National Bank. The officers are: N. G., H. S. Patten; V. G., Lewis WilUams ; R. S., P. O. Bean; P. S., A. C. Peters; Treasurer, J. E. Boyden. The Odd Fellows Battalion was organized from members of the various encampments of this city, and its object is to perfect its members in the drill. The officers are: C. W. Smith, captain; J. A. Smith, assistant captain; J. E. Boyden, secretary and treasurer. Stella Lodge, No. 3, Daughters of Rebekah, was Instituted November 17th, 1869, with twenty- one charter members, and at one time numbered forty-seven. September 18th, 1878, it surren- dered its charter. At that time the officers were: N. G., A. Cantieny; V. G., Mrs. W. B. Hawley; R. S.. A. C.Peters; F. S., Mrs. C. J. Wooley; treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Stevens. Minne-ha-ha Lodge, No. 13, Daughters of Re- bekah, instituted November 13th, 1878, with nine- teen charter members, now numbers, twenty- eight. The lodge meets the first and third 448 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Wednesdays of each month at its hall, No. 208 Central Avenue. The officers are: K. G., Mrs. G. B.Foster; V. G., Mrs. C. E. Ilaynes; R. S., Mrs. S. F. Stanley; P. S., Mrs. Viola Stanley; ti-easiurer, Mrs. M. L. Greenway. The first offi- cers of the lodge were: N. G., C. C. Hurd, V. G., Mrs. Mola Stanley; R. S., Mrs. C. E. Haynes; P. S., Mrs. Mary Shepherd; treasurer, Mrs. M. L. Greenway. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Minneapolis Lodge, No. 1, Knights of Pythias, was instituted July 11th, 1870, by Samuel Read, Supreme Chancellor. The first officers were : David Royal. C. C; Ed. A. Stevens, V. C; A. Leroy Fenalson, K. R. S. From but seventeen members the lodge has grown to one hmidred and three, governed by C. C, W. E. Geirish ; V. C, O. A. Fultz ; K. R. S., Andrew J. Hart ; M. E., David Royal. They meet Fridays. Eureka Lodge, No. 2, St. Anthony, was insti- tuted August 30th, 1870, with nineteen charter members. The officers were: C. C, 0. E. Phelps; V. C, A. J. Meachani ; K. R. S., E. R. Newman. In 1873, it snrrenderf d its charter, and most of the members joined local lodges. Germania Lodge, No. 4, organized July 10th, 1871, with ten charter members. C. C, F. D. Conrad ; V. C, G. Boehme ; K. R. S., U. Oswald. The membership has mcreased to fifty- five with the following officers: C. C, Charles Figgs ; Y. C, F. Reimer ; K. R. S., F. Frederick: M. E., C. Goehringer. They meet Tuesdays. Damon Lodge, No. 5, was mstituted August 30th. 1S71, with fifteen charter members. C. C, J. J. Lynn; Y. C, Edwin Phillips; K. R. S., L. P. Plummer. The members now number twenty- four, officered by : C. C, C. G. Yan Vert ; V. C, Ariel C. Harris; K. R. S., J. IL Ileisser; M. E., Byron Sutherland. The lodge meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Scandia Lodge, No. 6, was organized Novem- ber 21st, 1871, with eight charter members. The first officers were : C. C, A. R. Olson ; Y. C, O. C. Michaelson ; K. R. S., Andrew Rundy. The membership is now one hundred and sixteen, and the officers are : C. C, Nicholas Dahl ; Y. C, Gustavus Johnson; K. R. S., M. J. Harlin; M. E., H. O. Peterson. Hold meetings Thursdays. Hermion Lodge, No. 18, organized ]\Iarch 25th, 1878, with 119 members. Officers : C. C. F. S. McDonald; Y. C, A. T. Allen; K. R. S., Selah Matthews. The members now number 132, with otticers as follows: C. C, W. B. Jones; V. C, J. AV. Tomm ; K. R. S., George R. Seaton ; M. E., J. W. jNIarshall. Meets on Mondays. The Grand Lodge meets annually at Minneapolis, on the sec- ond Tuesday in February. This order has organized various endowment, mutual benefit and building associations. Of these, the following are the most prominent; '• Knights of Pythias Mutual Benefit Associa- tion " was organized June 6th, 1876. Its object is mutual or co-operative life insurance. The present officers are George 11. West, president; H. A. Hopper, vice-president ; Ezra B. Ames, secretary ; George H. Johnson, treasurer ; A. H. Salisbury, medical director. •' Knights of Pythias Hall Association "" was incoi-porated May 27th, 1879, with Ed. A. Stevens, president; C. Goe- hringer and AV. R. Christianson, vice-president ; Selah jSIathews, secretary ; F. S. ISIcDonald, treasurer. This association was created for the purpose of building or leasins^ a hall and trans- acting business connected therewith. The direc- tors were chosen from the different lodges con- nected with it, in proportion of one director for each share held by lodges. It now has about $25,000 invested. The officers are Ed. A. Ste- vens, president , C. Goehringer and A. C. Brand, vice-presidents; M.J. Harlin. secretary; H. M. ^lartin. treasurer. " Endowment Rank, " Knights of Pythias, section No. 88, was created January 26th, 1878. In the first class, which pays a benefit of §1,000 at the death of a mem- ber, there is in the United States, a memberehip of 11,532, and in the second class, which pays $2,000, 15.652. Tlie officers of the section are president, W. B. Jones ; vice-president, Andrew AV^alstad; chaplain, R. L. AVarner; secretary and treasurer. Ezra B. Ames ; guide, J. B. Moore ; guard, Isaac Harrison ; sentuiel A. H. Edsten. The organization known as the "Minneapolis Ejiights of Pythias Drill Corps,'' was formed November 30th, 1880, for the purpose of perfec- ting its members in the use of the sword, and other military evolutions. The officers are B. F. Cole, captain ; A. C. Harris, first lieutenant ; J. AV. Taun. second lieutenant ; Olmendinger, standard bearer ; Ezra B. Ames, secretary ; M. J. Harlin, treasurer. SECRET SOCIETIES. 449 UNITED ANCIENT ORDER OF DRUIDS. The objects of the United Ancient Order of Druids are the diffusion of social and intellectual intercourse among all its members, and the estab- lishment of a system of general philanthropy and benevolence, by providing for the sick and dis- tressed, and the interment of its deceased mem- bers throughout the U. A. O. D. The Grand Grove of the state of Mimiesota, V. A. O. D., re- cognizes no grove or groves but such as shall con- form, and agree to establish, or have already es- tablished a fund for tlie purpose of supporting its members during sickness, for the relief of the dis- tressed, for the burial of the dead, and for giving aid to the viidows and orphans of its deceased members. Minne-ha-ha Grove, No. 8, was instituted March 16, 1874, with thirteen members, who have in- creased to fifty-five. Tlie regular meetings are held at Druids Hall, IJridge square, every Tliurs- day evenmg. The officers are: P. A.,E. P. L. Blecken ; N. A., Fred llunner ; V. A., Peter Noel; R. S., A. L. Sump ; F. S., J. A. Gilman ; T., J. A. Maul; C, L. Annueller; J. S. G., August Lanclmer ; O. S. G., J. M. Jolinson. Bards; P. Prederichs, E. H. B. to N. A.; John Navratill, L. H. B. to N. A.; Bernhard Hunt, R. II. B. to V. A.; A. G. Sheffer, L. II. B. to V. A. Eintracht Grove, No. 14, was instituted March 1876, with thirty-three charter members. The present membersliip is tifty-seven, and hold their regular meetings on Monday evening of each week, at Druids Hall, Bridge square. The oflBcers are: P. A., Ed Pisclier; N. A., H. Buckendorf; V. A., August Siebert; R. S., John Bahr; T., I. Monasch ; G., C. Fust; J. G., P. Hecki-ich ; O. G., Alex Honigschmidt. Mistletoe Grove No. 17, was organized June 5th, 1878, witli twenty-nine charter members. Tlie membership is now thirty-four, and the grove meets Wednesdays at its hall. No 220 Nic- ollet Avenue. The officers are: N. A., H. M. Martin; Y. A., J. P. McLaughlin; secretary, Pe- ter Schissler. Pritzhof Grove, No. 18, was instituted in Sep- tember, 1878, with fifty members. This grove now numbers forty-five members wlio meet every Friday everdng at Swede Brothers" Hall, No. 220 Nicollet Avenue. The present officers are: D. 29 D. G. A., P. Osander; P. A., H. Mortrud; N. A., C. B. Johnson; B. A., O. Dulheim; K. S., P. Osander; P. S., G. J. Swan; treasurer, Gustave Lundell; Con., C. A. Howard; I. G.,Fred Peter- son; O. G., Peterson; Bards, Peter Knudtson, R. H. B. to N. A.; N. E. Colsti'om, L. H. B. toN. A.; O. Malabo, R. II. B. to V. A.; C. O. Swan- son, L. H. B. to V. A. A. o. u. w. Advance Lodge, No. 6, was organized Decem- ber 4th, 1876, with thirty-six charter members. The present membersliip in good standing is sixty-one. Officers: P. W. M., O. M. Greely; W. M., D. W. Egan; P., H. R. FaiT; O., J. G. Bugbee; R., G. W. Fox; P., E. D. Blodgett; receiver, A. M. Alden. They meet Wednesdays at their hall No. 214 Hennepin Avenue. Minneapolis Lodge No. 12 was organized April 9th, 1877. It meets Thursdays at No. 214 Hen- nepin Avenue. Tlie present officers are: P. W. M., Seth Emerson; W. M.,L. A. Condit; G. F., J. V. Bailiff; O., Albert Knox; R., E. B. Ames; P., W. W. Poole; receiver, J. H. Ege; G., B. De- venbeck; I. W., J. Lunsden; O. W., D. P. Dela- mater; representative to Grand Lodge. Selah Matthews; trustees, H. J. Hanis, Selah Mat- thews and J. H. Ege. Star Lodge, No. 13, was organized May 7th, 1877, with forty-one charter members. The largest membership at any one time was seventy- nine. They now number, in good standing, fifty-six, and meet every Tuesday evening at their hall. No. 214 Hennepin Avenue. The pres- ent officers are: P. W. M., S. C. Lahatte; W. M., W. B. Hill ; P., J. C. Wilson ; O., J. P. Allaire; R. S., E. C. Cauvet; P. S., G. S. Boyd; R., J. H. McConnell. Hennepin Lodge, No. 15, was organized on the 21st day of May, 1877, with thirty-nine charter members. Tliis number increased, and now the lodge has forty-six, all of whom are Scandmavi- ans. Meetings are held Fridays, at No. 214 Hen- nepin Avenue. The officers are: P. W. M., T. Hanson; AV. M., John Peterson; G. P., E. New- man; O., S. Mahla; P., John F.Peterson; Re- ceiver, C, G. Kinney; R., Chas. Jolmson; I. W., E. Freno; O. W\, C. J. Berg; G., J. O. Ness. Nicollet Lodge, No. 16, was organized May 22d, 1877, with forty charter members. The 4a0 BISTOBY OF EENNEPIN COUNTY. membership at present is sixtj-oue. out of which but two deaths have occurred, since organization. The present officers are: P. AV. il., J. AV. ilur- phy ; W. M.. T. G. Salisbuiy : G. F., :M. Co^ill : O., ^y. M. Dowlin ; K., O. M. Keed ; F.. J. W. Smith: Rec. Isaac Cheney: G.. S. C. Brown: I. W.. B. Huber: O. W.. C. E. Harris. Among the objects of the A. O. U. W. is to improve the moral, intellectual and social condi- tion of its members, and to create a fimd for their benefit during sickness, and in case of death to pay a stipulated sum to such pereon or persons as may have been de.signated by deceased. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. This order is a secret benevolent society, com- posed of a supreme, grand, and subordinate lodges, wliich was established in 1873, by per- sons who felt that the methods of relief to fami- lies of deceased membei-s. as adopted by other orders, was deficient. They believed that an order founded with one of its main oljjects to pay a death l)enefit. would meet with approval and success. The objects of the order are briefly stated by the Grand Lodge to be : To unite ft-a- ternally all acceptable wliite men of every pro- fession, business or occupation; to give all moral and material aid in its power to members of the order, by holding moral, instructive and scientific lectures, Ijy encouraging each other in business, and by assisting one another to find employment; to estabUsh a benefit fmid, from which a sum not to exceed S2.000. shall be paid, at the death of a member, to his family, or to be disposed of as he may direct; to establish a fimd for the re- lief of sick or distressed members. Mmueapolis Lodge, Xo. 587, was organized April 16th, 1877. Its oflicere are: P. D.— I. Mc- Naii-. D.— D. L. Pratt: Y. D.— E. G. Barnaby; A. D.— Fred Bidlis; R. AV. Cheney; F. K.— S. M. Spaukliag; C— P. II. Smith; Guide— E. C. Cauvet; G.— William "Walker; S.— J as. Tyler; M. E.— G. A. Land, M. D.; Trustees, Isaac Mc- Nair, George H. Simpson and P. II. Smith. Another lodge was organized :March 23, 1881, with forty-seven charter-members, ^\'ith C. VT. Clauson P. D., and J. X. Cross, Treasurer. A3LERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. Korthwest Council, Xo. 113, of Minneapolis, was organized March 6th. 1880. The object of the order is to unite fraternally aU persons of somid health and good moral character who are socially acceptable, and between the ages of eigh- teen and sixty-five years, and to generally benefit, aid and assist its members, intellectually and pe- cimiarily. The officers are : C, Isaac McXair, Y. C, ^y. E. Cray : O., J. Xewton Xuid : S., T. F. Stark; C, L. F. Longbrake; T., A. B. Hush; Chap.. D. H. McPhersou; G.. Fred BuUis : W., Albert Ashenden ; Sentry, J. W. Ellis : M. E., S. M. Spaulding, M. D.; A. M. E., Otis M. Hum- phreys, M. D.; Trustees, J. H. McCUiitten, J. E. Seeley, and O. J. Griffith. The order is incorpo- rated by the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and has In the United States a membership of 65,000. Three hundred lodges were instituted dming the past year. Grand Order of the Orient. Assumption coun- cil was organized in February, 1880. It is a ben- eficiary society, goveniedby the following officere: Grand Orient, ler; with Captain J. W. T. Gardiner and Col. E. Case, then stationed at Fort SneUuig, as members. This is the parent lodge of all the lodges in the vicinity. The above list comprises all the names of Masons then residents of the Territory of Miimesota, from St. Paid to Pembina (exclusive of St. Paul and Stillwater). Of the members. Dr. A. E. Ames had been a member of the Grand Lodge of lUiuois, had also been master of the lodge at Roscoe and Belvidere in lUinois and was fii-st M. W. G. :M. of the Grand Lodge of Minne- sota. Colonel "William Smith, the S. AV., was made a Mason in Maine, and had beea master of his lodge. Isaac Brown, the J. ^X.. was also from Maine; he was a postmaster, and was the first sheriff of Hennepui county. Ard Godfrey, treasurer, also hailed from Maine, and had held the same office in the lodge of which he was a member. J. H. Stevens, the secretary, was ini- tiated, passed and raised in a military lodge, U. D., from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee in Feb- ruary. 1848. at the National Bridge in Mexico. The S. D.. D. M. Coolbaugh. was made a Mason in Pennsylvania, and was subsequently the first "W. M. of Hemiepin Lodge. The J. D.. 11. S. Atwood. was made a Mason m Xew Brunswick. He was a brother-in-law of Cahin A. Turtle, one of the pioneers of this county, and died on his farm near Minneapolis a few years ago. The tT."ler, "Wm. Bramer, a man universally respected, subsequently retired to his farm, and died there soon after. Of the members, Col. Case had pre^'iously occupied high positions in the order in the state of iMichi- gan, and was the first Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of ^linnesota. Capt. J. "W. T. Gardiner was a native of Ilallowell, Maine, a graduate of A\'est Point, and was at this time sta- tioned at Fort Snelling as captain of Company B, Second regiment U. S. Dragoons, was subse- quently promoted to major general, and died a few years since. The dispensation gave them the right to meet on high hills or low vales. From Cataract Lodge have sprung all other lodges in Minneapolis. The then Grand Master of the State of Illinois who granted the dispensation to Cataract Lodge, was our fellow-citizen. Judge E. B. Ames. The meetmgs were first held in an old buildmgon Main street north-east, now owned by a Mrs. "White. From there they moved to a building on Main street, known as the King block, which was sidisequently destroyed by fire. The lodge then occupied Rollins' stone building, on Second Avenue, corner of Prince street. The next move was to the hall now occupied, located at numbers 18 and 20 University Avenue. The building was erected by Cataract Lodge, at a cost of S16.000. The first election of officers, occiu-red February 14th, 1852, with the followuig result: A. E. Ames, W. M.; William Smith, S. W.; Isaac Brown, J. AV.; and J. H. Stevens, secretary. AA'e give a hst of those since elected to the office of AV. M. and secretary, with year of election. The regu- lar elections have taken place in December of each year. December 27th, 1852, A. E. Ames, AV. M.; J. H. Stevens, secretary. '53, Charles MASONIC SOCIETIES. 453 F. Stearns, I. I. Lewis. '54, M. W. Getehell, E. R. Knowlton. '55, M. W. Getehell, II. W. Cummings. '56-7, Henry Reynolds, W. G. Brad- ford. '58, M. W. Getehell, J. B. Gilfillan. '59, G. A. Camp, E. S. Brown. '60, R. S. Aklen, S. L. Vawter. '61, C. Woodly. W. F. CahUl. '62, J. B. Gilfillan, ^V. F. Cahill. '63, J. A. Arm- strong, C. Woodly. '64-5, M. W. Getehell, Dan. M. Demmon. '66, E. S. Brown, Solon Arm- strong. "67, J. S. Lane, Solon Armstrong. '68, W. Lochren, Edward Parker. "69, W. Loehren, C. F. Smith. '70-1, Solon Armstrong, C. F. Smith. '72, F. L. Smith. C. F. Smith. 73-4, F. L. Smith, B. A. Moore. '75-6, H. M. Kent, Solon Armstrong. '77, R. W. Cummings, Solon Armstrong. "78-9, J. S. Lane, Solon Armstrong. December 18th, 1880, the officers elected were, W. E. Johnson, W. M.; O. A. Gardner, S. W.; M. P. Hayes, J. W.; and Solon Armstrong, secretary. Regular meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month, at "Masonic Hall," East Division. The Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. was organized January 1st, 1855, with three subordinate lodges, namely: St. John's Lodge, No. 1, of Stillwater; Cataract Lodge, No. 2. of St. Anthony Falls; St. Paul's Lodge, No. 3, of St. Paul. The following grand oflieers were duly elected: ^ A. E. Ames, Minneapolis, M. W. G. M.; Aaron Goodrich, St. Paul, R. W. D. G. M.; D. F. Brawley, St. Paul, R. W. S. G. W.; A. Van Vorhees, Stillwater, R. W. J. G. W.; E. Case, St. Paul. R. W. G. T.: J. G. Lennon, St. Anthony, R. W. G. S.; D. W. C. Dunnell, St. Paul, S. G. D.; D. B. Loomis, Still- water, J. G. D.; S. Partridge, Stillwater, G. S. B.; A. T. C. Pierson, St. Paul, G. M.; II. N. Setzer, Stillwater, G. P.; Wm. Chamberlain, St. Anthony, G. C; Lot Moflfat, S. G. S.; C. W. Borup, J. G. S.; Wm. Hartshorn, G. T. The Grand Lodge of Jilinnesota was then opened and the officers duly installed by P. M., A. J. Morgan, when they sev- erally repaired to their stations. Tlie secretary of the convention being superseded by the Grand Secretary elect, the G. M. proclaimed the election of the grand officers, and that the Grand Lodge of Mimiesota M'as duly and legally organized. Hennepin Lodge No. 4. This lodge was or- ganized January 21st, 1853, and worlied under the first dispensation granted by the grand lodge of Minnesota. The officers U. D., were: D. M. Coolbaugh, W. M.; J. N. Barber, S. W.; E. A. Hodson, J. W.; S. W. Case, secretary; E. Case, treasurer; Edward Murphy, S. D.; Anson Nor- thrup, J. D.; Chesman Gould, tyler. January 3d, 1854, this lodge received its charter from the grand lodge. The meetings were held at the house of Anson Northrup, near the brink of the falls, for two years, then in a hall fitted for the pur- pose, over the store of Jackins and Wright, on Bridge Square. After several years removed to a hall in tlie Dayton block. After several changes a hall over Fletcher's store was taken in 1862, where it remained in connection with Minneapolis lodge, until January, 1876. Since then their new Ma- sonic Hall has been occupied. The first officers after charter was granted were the same as first elected, with the exception of tlie office of secre- tary, to which Thomas Chamljers was elected m place of S. W. Case. During subsequent years the offices of W. M. and secretary have been filled by: 1855, E. A. Hodsdon, Charles Hoag; '56, D. M. Coolbaugh, I. I. Lewis ; '57, R. R. Bryant, Geo. W. Chowen ; '58, A. E. Ames, Geo. A. Sa- vory; '59, E. B. Ames, Geo. A. Savory; '60, C. N. Daniels, Geo. A. Savory; '61, A. E. Ames, J. L. Tenney; '62 to '67 inclusive, A. E. Ames, Geo. A. Savory; '68, A. E. Groff, A. H. Linton; '69, G. T. Vail, C. M. Crump ; '70, H. L. Rockey, II. Tannatt; '71, S. T. Moles, H. Tannatt ; "72,11. Barnard, H. Tannatt; '73, A. A. Ames, II. Tan- natt ; '74, H. Barnard, H. Tannatt ; '75, J. Wil- son, C. C. Leland ; '76-7, C. 11. Benton, C. C. Leland ; "78, II. P. Ilungerford, C. C. Leland ; '79, C. H. Benton, W. Gunderson; '80, W. A. Miller, W. Gunderson. The officers for 1881 are: W. A. Miller, W. M.; C. Rothschild, S. W.; C. D. Hammond, J. W.; John Wilson, treasurer; Wil- liam Gunderson, secretary; Ed Martm, S. D.; C. B.Tirrell, J. D.; William Cove, tyler ; D. B. Knick- erbaeker, chaplain. The lodge numliers 215 mem- bers and holds meetings on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Minneapolis Lodge, No. 19. On the 7th day of January, 1858, the M. W. G. Lodge of Minnesota granted a charter to Joseph Dean, Joel B. Bassett, Frank Beebe, Emanuel Case, R. R. Miles, J. O. Weld, A. F. McSliee, Oliver Davis, and other brethren, Master Masons. On the 23d of Janu- ary, a meeting of the brethren whose names were on the petition to the Grand Lodge for a charter, 454 mSTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY.. was held in the Masonic Hall owTietl by John Jackins, when tliey elected their liist otlicers, and ou January 26th the officers were duly installed by A. T. C. Pierson, M. W. G. M. of :Miiinesota. In 1859 they moved then- lodge to a hall over Men- denhall and Beede's bank ou Fust street, betneen Ileunepin and First Avenue north. In 1862, they moved to a hall over Fletcher's store on Bridge square, which they occupied jointly with Hennepin Lodge, and remained tliere until Janu- ary. 1876, when they moved into their new " Ma- sonic Hall." which they still occupy, holding regidar meetings on first and second Wednesday of each month. The first officers were: Joseph Dean. W. M.; J. B. Bassett, S. "\V.; Franklin Beebe, J. W.; R. K. Miles, secretary. The officers elected December 18th, 1880, were: T. M. Slosson, W. M.; E. E. Smith. S. W.: J. M. "Williams, J. W.; J. H. Thompson. Treasurer; E. Archibald. Secretary. The memliership of this lodge was, at the last election, one hundred and eighty-three. Khurun Lodge. Xo. 112, A. F.and A. M. was organized under dispensation granted July 16th, 1874, by Charles Griswold, G. M. of Miimesota, to thirty-eight members. The officers, under dispensation were : A. E. Ames, W. :M., Edgar Nash, S. W., D. M. Goodwin, J. W., M. P. Hawkins, secretaiy. Charter granted January 13th, 187-5, by Grand Lodge of Minnesota, and lodge constituted Febniary 8th, at Excelsior hall, Mimieapolis. The first officere were : E. M. Wilson, W. M., Edgar Xash. S. W.. D. M. Goodwin, J. W., E. J. Davenport, secretary. Of- ficers for 1880; E. J. Davenport. W. M., C. M. Foote, S. W., Wm. E. Leonard. J. W. St. Anthony Falls Chapter Xo. 3, Koyal Arch Masons. This lodge was organized imder the dispensation from Charles Gilmau, General Grand High Priest of the United States, dated January 5th, 1858, to R. S. Alden, A. E. Ames, Geo. S. Eaton, M. W. Getchell, D. Greenleaf, D. Heaton, C. E. Hill. Geo. A. Camp and Samuel E. Adams. The first convocation was held January 22d, 1858, with R. S. Alden, H. P., A. E. Ames, K., Abijah Blakemau, S., R. R. Bryant, secretary. September 21st. 1859, a charter was issued by the General Grand Chapter. Albert G. Mackey. G. G. H. P. The first officers luider charter were elect- ed October 22d, 1859, as foUows: R. S. Alden, 11. P.. A. E. Ames, K., M. W. GetcheU, S., D. Greenleaf, secretary. Tlie subsequent years the offices of H. P. and secretary have been filled as follows: 1850, A. E. Ames, E. S. J3rown; Feb- ruary 9th, '61, M. W. Getchell, H. P., June 22d, regular election. E. Patch. E. S. Brown: "62, same re-elected; "63, R. S. Alden, E. S. Brown; •64-5, John I. Black, E. S. Brown; ■66, E. Patch, G. F. Townsend; "67. George A. Camp, O. C. Merriman: "68. R. W. Cummings, M. P. Hayes; '69-70, R. W. Cummuigs, E. S. Brown; '72-"3, William Lochren, R. W. Cummiugs: "74. William Lochren, F. L. Smith; "75, H. M. Kent, Solon Armstrong; "76, F. L. Smith, Solon Arm- sti-ong; "77, W. C. Xoble, Solon Armsti'ong; '78, W. A. Morse, Solon Armstrong: "79, T. G. For- ster, Solon Armstrong. The list of officers for 1880, were: C. H. Benton. H. P.. M. P. Hayes, K., C. W. Weeks, S.. Solon Armstr-ong, secretary: regular convocations on the third Sat- urday of each month, at Masonic Hall, east di- vision. St. John's Chapter. Xo. 9. Royal Arch Masons, was orgmrized under dispensation granted Janu- ary 15th, 1866, by C. W. Nash, G. H. P., Minne- sota. Charter dated October 23d, 1866, from Grand Chapter of Mumesota, C. W. Xash, G. H. P. The regular election is held in December. The offices of H. P. and secretary have been occu- pied as follows : "66, A. E. Ames, George A. Savory; "67. W. E. Jones, A. A. Ames; '68, H. L. Rockey, H. F. Batch : "69. E. A. Groff, A. M. Shuey ; "70, H. L. Rockey, E. S. Austin; "71, A. E. Ames, F. L. Churchill ; '72. J. W. Hemiion, H. Tannatt ; '73. J. W. Ilenuion, H. Taimatt ; '74, G. W. Cooley, F. D. Carson; '75, A. A.- Ames, G. W. Cooley ; '76, E. McDermott. C. G. McDuf- fie ; '77, J. H. Xoble. C. C. Leland ; '78, G. B. Cooley, E. McDermott ; '79. G. B. Cooley, E. Mc- Dermott. In 1880 the officers were : G. B. Coo- ley, H. P.; A. H. Salisbury, K.; John Wilson, S. Selah Matthews, Secretarj-. Regular convoca- tions, third Tuesday of each month, at Masonic Hall. Hennepin Avenue. MuuieajioMs. Minneapolis Council, Xo. 2. R. and S. M., or- ganized imder dispensation from B. Crabbe, Grand Master of Iowa. May 2th. 1870. and char- tered October 18th, 1870, by the Grand Council of Iowa. The officers under dispensation were : A. E. Ames, T. I. M,; E. S. Alden. D. M.; D. M. MASONIC SOCIETIES. 455 Goodwin, P. C. W.; G. Savory, Eec. The office of T. I. M. under the charter has since been filled by the following persons : '70-1-2-3, D. M. Good- win; "74-5, G. W. Cooley ; '76, E. McDermott; "77, G. B. Cooley ; '78-9, W. A. Spaulding. The officers of 1880 were : I. M. Williams, T. I. M.; William Cheney, R. I. D. M.: C. M. Foote, P. C. W., J. A. Schlener, Rec; T. F. Hurley, Treas. Regular assemblies are held on the third Monday of each month. Adoniram Council, No. 5, R. and S. M., Min- neapolis East. Charter was granted Februaiy 18th, 1876, by the Grand Council of Minnesota, Georgp W. Cooley, Grand Master, to William Lochren, M. W. C4etchell, F. L. Smith, H. M. Kent, Christopher Greeley, Jonathan Chase, J. W. Hennion, S. N. AVhitney, E. C, Pratt, John Wil- son and R. S. Alden. The council was consti- tuted by George W. Cooley, G. M., March, 27th, 1876, at which time the following officers were elected : William Lochren, T. I. M.; U. W. Getchell, D. M.; F. L. Smith, P. C. W.; W. C. Noble, Recorder. The offices T. I. M. and Recorder, have been since filled by the following: '76, W. Lochren, W. C. Noble; "77, F. L. Smith, W. C. Noble.; '78, O. A. Broughton, W. C. No- ble; '79, H. M. Kent, Solon Armstrong. In 1880, the following were elected, C. H. Benton, T. I. M.; W. E. Johnson, I). M.; O. A. Broughton, P. C. W.; Solon Armstrong, Recorder. Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, at Masonic Hall, Minneapolis East. Zion Commandery No. 2, Knights Templar, was organized under dispensation granted by B. B. French, Grand blaster. Knights Templar, for the United States, May 19th 1863. The first officers were: A. E. Ames, E. C; J. M. Eustis, G.; H. F. Balch, C. G. Charter was granted September 7th, 1865, by Henry L. Palmer, Grand Master Knights Templar, United States. Com- mandery constituted by A. T. C. Pierson, Sep- tember 25th, 1865, A. E. Ames, E. C; G. A. Savoi7, Rec. Those offices have been filled as follows: "66, A. E. Ames, G. A. Savoiy; "67, R. S. Alden, H. L. Rocky; "68, J. I. Black, A. M. Radcliffe; '69, M. AV. Getchell, H. G. Howe; '70, M. W. Getchell, Paul Fitzgerald; '71, H. L. Rocky, Paul Fitzgerald; '72, D. M. Goodwin, A. L. Scott: '73, A. A. Ames, J. F. Lowe; "74, J. I. Black, H. G. Hicks; '75, J. I. Black, A. L. Scott; '76, A. A. Ames, A. L. Scott; '77, E. McDermott, A. L. Scott; '78, E. McDermott, A. L. Scott; "79, J. I. Black, E. McDermott; "80, J. I. Black, E. McDermott. Meetings held at Masonic Hall, second Tuesday of each month. Darius Commandery, No. 7, Knights Templar, iSIinneapolis East. Dispensaton was granted by Eminent Sir Knight, George L. Otis, Grand Com- mander of Muuiesota, February 1st, 1871. The first officers under dispensation were, R. S. Al- den, E. C; M. W. Getchell, G.; William Loch- ren, C. G.; E. S. Brown, recorder. Warrant was dated July 28, 1871, from the Grand Commandery of Minnesota, A. E. Ames, Grand Commander; officers, E. C. and recorder elected since date of charter are as follows, '71, R. S. Alden, E. S. Brown;' 72, William Lochren, E. C. Whitney; '73, William Lochren, E. C. Whitney; '74, M. W. Getchell, George F. Townsend. '75, W. C. No- ble. C. F. Smith; "76-7-8, W. C. Noble, Solon Armstrong; "79, H. M. Kent, Solon Armstrong. The officers for 1880, were: F. L. Smith, E. C; T. G. Forster, G.; C. IL Benton, C. G.; Solon Armstrong, recorder. Regular meetings are held first Monday of each month at Masonic Hall, E. D. Excelsion Lodge of Perfection, No. 3, was in- stituted under authority granted to A. E. Ames, by S. W. JSIcMasters, deputy of the state of Mui- nesota. Charter was granted June 23, 1873, by A. E. Ames, special deputy. The first officers were; R. S. Alden, G. M.; D. M. Goodwin, S. W.; M. W. Getchell, J. W.; G. B. Cooley, secretary. The officers for 1880, were, D. M. Goodwm, G. M.; J. II. Noble, S. W.; C. II. Ben- ton, J. W.; F. L. Smith, secretary. Lodge meets second Thursday of each month at Masonic Hall. St. Vincent de Paul, Chapter of Rose Croix, No. 1. Charter was granted December 13, 1873, from the sovereign Grand Council of the thirty- third degree, by Albert G. Mackey, Sovereign Grand Commander. The charter members were, A. E. Ames, D. B. Knickerbacker, G. L. Chase, D. M. Goodwin, E. B. Ames, Frank Beebe, J. W. Hennion, J. H. Noble, William Lochren, M. W. Getchell, M. P. Hawkins, E. M. Wilson, R. S. Al- den. The officers elected in 1880, were, William Lochren, M. W. M.: R. S. Inness, S. W.; J. H. Thompson, J. W.; F. L. Smith, secretary. Reg- 456 HISIOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. iilar meetings third Tuesday of each month at Masonic Hall. ^Minneapolis Consistorj' Xo. 2. thirty-first to and tliirty-second degiees, was constituted April 27th, 1880, by G. W. Merrill of St. Paul. The officers are: C. II. Benton, M. of K.: S. E. Adams, prior; J. H. Xoble, preceptor; J. H. Thompson, chancellor; E. McDermott. registrar-. Lodge meets at Masonic Hall, East Di\ision. Alfred Elisha Ames Preceptory No. 2, Knights of Kadosh. eighteenth to thirtieth degrees. Char- ter was granted March 20th. 1880. by Albert Pike, and constitued by G. W. MerriU. The officers are: A. E. Iligbee, C. H. Benton. H. G. Hicks; E. McDermott, recorder. The lodge meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at Masonic HaU. Minneapolis Chapter, No. 9, Order of the East- em Star, was organized, August 31st, 1874, with forty-six members, one-half of whom were ladies. The O. E. S. is a masonic degree which is con- ferred on the wives and daughters of masons oidy. In addition to the object of other masonic lodges it is intended to bring ladies and gentle- men together socially. The officers for 1874 were: GeorgieP. Jones, worthy matron ; C.^\'. Putnam, worthy patron ; Ellen Putnam, associate matron; Mary A. Goodrich, treasurer ; Sophia P. Mimson, secretarj-. Tlie officera for 1881 are, Kate Cove, W. M.; A. C. Brand, W. P.; Sarah BeU, Patten, secretary ; Cooley. treasurer ; Jacoby, conductor. Stated communications are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Masonic Hall, on Heimepin Avenue. Harmony Chapter, Xo. 8, Order of the Eastern Star, Minneapolis East. — The organization of this chapter was effected August 29th. 1874. in the hall of Cataract Lodge, Xo. 2, by D. W. Thomp- son, Deputy Grand Patron, and the following officers elected at that time: Sarah B. Arm- strong, AV. M.; "WiUiam Loehi'en, W. P.; Hannah C. Conner, A. M.; OUve C. Davis, Secretarj,-. The officers "W. M. and Secretary have since been as follows: 1874, Sarah B. Armstrong. OUve C. Davis; 187.5, H. F. Conner, O. C.Davis; 1876. O. C. Davis, MaiT S. Getchell ; 1877, Helen Valen- tine, Henrietta Kollett; 1878, Henrietta Bollett, Martha Sibley ; 1879, Harriet Weeks, Flora Moore. The officers elected m 1880 were: Lois Philbrick, "W. M; Solon Armstrong, ^y. P.; Mary Pratt, A. M.; Flora Moore, Secretary. Eegular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at Masonic Hall. East Division. St. Anthony and MmueapoUs Typograpliical Union, Xo. 42.— On the evening of August 17th, 18-59, eight of the eleven journeymen printers of St. Anthony and Minneapolis met in the office of the "St. Anthony Express" and organized a Prints ers" Union under the name of the " St. Anthony and Minneapolis T\-pographical Union,"' and elected the following board of officere: Daniel L. Pain, president; A. J. Underwood, vice-pres- ident ; H. C. Shaw, financial secretai->-; A. C. Squires, corresponding secretary ; H. W. Ha- ven, recording secretary; J. B. Chaney, treas- lu-er. Immediate application was made for a charter from the National Union, which was promptly granted, bearing date of September 10th, 1859. The charter members were D. L. Pam, A. J. Undemood. A. C. Squires. H. C. Shaw. H. ^y. Haven.. I. B. Chaney, Benj. Drake, W. C. Allan, William Harpt, .James Mowatt and H. M. Metcalf . The Union was prosperous, hav- ing at one time on its Ust every journeyman printer withm its jurisdiction. The war of the rebellion practically dissolved the organization, five of its members entering the Union army, viz: H. M. Metcalf, in the Fifth Xew Hamp- shire ; O. S. King, m the First ^linnesota ; A. J. Underwood, C. W. T. Widstrand and J. B. Chaney, in the Second Company Minnesota Sharp Shooters, afterwards Company L, First Minne- sota. Of these five, two are dead— Metcalf killed . in battle, and King died of consumption m Min- neapolis a year or two smce. The other members are still -working at the prmting business in dif- ferent capacities. The charter and seal are still m the hands of the last President. J. B. Chaney. Mmneapolis Typographical Union, X'o. 42. The Minneapolis Typographical Union is a branch of the International Typographical Union of Xorth America, whose numbere now reach nearly two hundred. Xo. 42 formerly belonged St. An- thony Union, organized m 1859. which was dis- banded in 1S62. by most of its members enlisting in the union army. The Minneapolis Union was organized in December, 1872. the preliminary meetings being held in the Tribune and Evening X'ews rooms. The fii-st officers elected were : Ja- cob Dreher, president ; WiUiam H. Hughes, treas- MINNEAPOLIS TURN VEBEIN. 4.57 uier; William W. Lyon, vice-president; George McDonald, recording and corresponding secretary; Goddard Park, financial secretary ; J. H. Perry, sergeant at arms ; and a board of five directors. Its object is to cherish, protect and promulgate the interests and rights of the Union, to abolish injurious privileges, and Ijring under the con- straint of wholesome duty all its members. The organization was supported by nonunal dues only, and the sick or distressed memliers received Ijen- efits, and all deceased members should have a Ini- mane and Christian burial. The society has buried three of its members since its organiza- tion, two lying in " Lakewood," and one sent East to friends. A burial lot has been purchased in the above cemetery, and steps taken for the erec- tion of a suitable monument thereon. The of- ficers elected in January last for the year 1881 are: John McDonald, president ; E. O'Brien, vice- president ; J. T. JSIannix, recording and corres- ponding secretary ; Charles S. Moore financial secretary ; C. B. C. Doherty, treasurer ; George S. Cyphers sergeant at arms ; executive board, John McDonald, W. A. Allen, T. A. Clark, J. B. Meacham. The society is flourish- ing, new members being added at every meeting. Meetings are held the first Sunday in every month. This day is selected to accommodate the morning newspaper printers. Minneapolis Turn Verein. This society was organized in April, 1862, with twenty-five mem- bers, who elected Adam Kegel president, Mathias Rothaker vice-president, N. Eossbach recording secretary, John Wall corresponding secretary, Albert Lieber financial secretary, John Foster treasurer, Rudolph Lieber term teacher, Lamb. Hays assistant term teacher, GerliardtBoemchen warden. The first money invested was one hun- dred and fifty dollars. The first building for turning exercises was erected on First street, be- tween Third and Fourth Avenues north, on a leased lot, at a cost of about SI, 500. In a short time the society increased, and at present has a membership of 107. In October, 1878, the hall was destro.ved by fire. After the fire the society rented a hall in Dr. Evans' block, for temporary occupancy, to avoid any interruption in the gym- nastic exercises. In 1877, the society secured the services of Mr. Adler, a regularly educated term teacher, who remained with them nine months, when he resigned his position in favor of Charles O. Lampe, a gentleman who graduated from the seminary at Milwaukee. In -luly, 1879, the soci- ety bought a lot on Washington Avenue, corner of Fifth Avenue north, and erected a hall at a cost of *24,000. This hall is fitted up in first- class style, with all necessary improvements in machinery and requirements of a firsl^class gym- nasium. At present the teacher and his assist- ants instruct about one hundred and fifty child- ren in gymnastics, besides the exercises the mem- bers of the society have nnder his direction and guidance. The objects of the society are as follows: ''We, the Turners of the United States of America, through this union, under the name of the N. A. T. U., have in view the mutual encourage- ment of each other in the education of thorough- ly cultured men, intellectually and bodily. "We recognize in the diffusion of knowledge and the fostering of morals, tlie only means for a thorough reform in the social, political and re- ligious life. We advocate and strive after the development of a popular go\-ernment on a genu- ine humane and popular basis. Every .attempt at a restriction of religious toleration, as well as all abridgments of human rights, which oppose perfection and building up of our liberal institu- tions, will on this account be firmly resisted by us." The Union, of which this society is a branch, nimibers now* about 15,000 members in the I'nited States. The present officers are: John Forler, president; Henry Hauschild, vice-president; Gott- fried Bachner, recording secretary; Jacob Staff, corresponding secretary; Herman Westphal, fi- nancial secretary; Edward Bernstein, treasm-er; Charles O. Lampe, teacher; John II. Roth, first assistant teacher; William Monasch, second as- sistant teacher; D. Lesskojus, warden and janitor. Sunday Science Club, organized Octolter, 1880, by an association of students interested in sci- ence, to consider topics of natural and social sci- ence. They meet every Sunday afternoon from two, to four; the first hour is devoted to topics of natural science, and the second hour to social sci- ence. During the sxmimer season they expect to do some field work in botany, geology, etc. Pres- ent officers, C. H. Du Bois, president; A. M. Greeley, vice-president; T. S. Curtis, secretary, V. Truesdale, treasurer. 4S8 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Liirliue Boat Club of Minneapolis, organized and incorporated July Otli. 1877. The present of- ficers are. L. E. Harrison, president; J. Kennedy, vice-president: AV. W. Ross, secretaiy; Ed. B Clement, treasurer; A. J. Levering, captain; M" II. Eddy, coxswain; tlirectors. A. J. Levering. W. E. Burwell, A. A. Pond: L. E. Harrison, ten- dered his resignation December 1, 1880, which was accepted, and George Webster, elected to the vacancy. The club numbers forty membei-s. and is in a flourishing condition, financially and oth- erwise. Their boat-house is located on the east side of Lake Calhoun. Minneaixilis Drivmg Park Asssociation. This association was organized in March, 1880. It numbers one hundred members, and is in a pros- perous condition. The treasurer has at this date about live hundred dollars m the treasurj-. It is the intention of the association to make arrange- ments with the owners of the fair ground track to continue the use of the same for the en- suing year. The present oflBcers are, F. C. Pills- bury, president; J. L. Cadwell, vice-president. J. C. Oswald, treasurer; S. B. Lovejo> . secretary; executive committee; J. C. Oswald, G. L. Cad- well. S. B. Lovejoy. F. C. PlllsV)Hry. R. F. Jones. AVilliam Ensign. The Union A'eteran Association of Hennepin county was organized June, 2-lth, 1880, pursuant to arrangements made at Grand Army lot. Lay- men cemetery on Decoration day. in 1880. About seventy-five comrades took part in the or- ganization. Meetings held second Tuesday of each month. Firet oflicers were: Col. R. C. Benton, president : John P. Rea. first vice-president ; H. G. Hicks, second vice-president ; W. P. Roberts, secretary: C. A. Clauson, treasurer. Meetings held regularly until January. 1881. when it was unanimously resolved to organize the association into a post (irand Arm\- of the Republic, and the result was (ieorge N. ^Morgan Post No. 4. Or- ganized January 18th. 1881. by Adam Maity. dep- puty commander, with forty-five membei's. The first officers were: John P. Rea, commander; David M. Gilmore. senior vice-commander: Pres- ton Cooper, junior vice-commander; William P. Roberts, adjutant; Charles A. Clauson. quarter- master ; Peter P. Swensou. otticer of the day ; E. C. Babb, chaplaui : Alfred F. Foster, otticer of the guard ; C. B. Tirrill, sergeant major ; Lewis Maish, quartermaster's sergeant. Meetings held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The Bar Association of Hennepin County, was organized in 1872. The object of this asso- ciation is to foster courtesy and unity of senti- ment among its members; to raise the Bar of the county to the highest plane of etliciency and honor, and to further all projects tending to im- prove the law, and the practice of it. Any mem- ber of the bar of this county in good standing, may become a member of this association by pay- ing an annual fee of two dollars, and subscribing to its articles of association. Officers. Judge A. H. Young, president ; C. H. Woods, secretarj'; Thomas Lowry, treasurer. The officers of the association form an executive committee, who may call meetings of the association when- ever they deem it necessary. This association is composed of twenty-two of the leading lawyers of the city. The last meeting of the association was held at the office, of Shaw. Levi and Cray, Januarj' 6th, 1881, at which time some important business connected with the Bar was transacted. Tlie present ofiicers are J. M. Shaw, president; C. M. Woods, secretary ; Thomas Lowiy, treas- urer. The Junior Bar Association, organized Decem- ber 8th, 1879, with M. P. Koon. president ; C. G. Park, \'ice-president ; John F. Byers, secretary, A. B. Ovitt, treasurer. This association was or- ganized for the purpose of mutual improvement. The design was to have lectiues by able lawyers, and papers and discussions by members of the as- sociation. They have had some very interesting meetings, which have resulted in much benefit to its twenty members. The officers of 1879 still hold ottice. The Historical and Old Settler's Association of MinneapoUs, was organized January 8th. 1867. The first meeting of the association was held at the ottice of Judge Atwater to perfect their or- ganization, and the election of the following offi- cers: A. E. Ames, M. D., president; Allen Har- mon and John RoUins, vice-presidents; Edwin lledderly. treasurer; B. B. Meeker, secretary. The following gentlemen were appointed com- mittee on by-laws: Isaac Atwater, J. B. Bassett, Ed\\-ard Murphy. James II. Canney, R. W. Cum- mings, A. B. Foster. Object : For the purpose of preserving in soimd authentic form the early HUMANE SOCIETIES. 459 incidents and events connected with our settle- ment, as well as for the purpose of preserving friendships early formed and being cherished. It now lias a membership of aliout two hundred and fifty. Its present officers are Col. Jolni II. Stevens, president; Caleb Dorr, vice-president; R. P. Russell, treasurer; John G. Lennon, sec- retary. The Frohsinn Singing Society of Minneapolis was organized August 15th, 1879. The present ofBcers are: Henry Ilauschild, president; Will- iam Grotjen, vice-president; Joseph Ranch, treasurer ; Peter Weinand, secretary. Music Committee — Charles Fust, William Grotjen and Ferdinand Haase. Miameapolis Bycycle Club. — This club was or- ganized in March, 1880, and the following officers duly elected: C. H. Hathaway, president, C. J. Brown, secretary and treasurer; E. B. Clement, captain. It has at present twelve active mem- bers. Object — physical training. It is in a flour- ishing condition, financially and socially. The ^linneapolis Art Association. --This asso- ciation was organized in the spring of 1881, the organizing committee consisting of Professor R. W. Laing, J. R. Wilson, Rev. T. M. Riley, C. H. Du Bois, Mrs. Dr. Murray and iliss Robson. The scope and object of the association are very well expressed in the following: The plan of the organization contemplates the securing of suita- ble rooms and appointments, the formation of an art library, the collection of works of art, course of lectures, the organization of art classes, stated exhibitions of works of art, including loan ex- hibits from Miimeapolis and other cities, and such other means of aesthetic and general culture, as lies within the province of similar associations. Its officers are as follows: W. S. Ilinkle, presi- dent; G. B. Kirkbride, vice-president; J. K. Wil- son, secretary; E. II. Moidton, treasurer. The association starts off with over one hundred members, and with excellent prospects for the future. Harmonia. A German society, organized Feb- ruary 9th, 1861, for the purpose of cultivating singing, art, and education in general. The fol- lowing were the offlcei-s elected at the time of its organization: Alois Knoblaucli, president; Fred Guesmer, vice-president ; Ileinrich Rippe, secre- tary ; Cornelius Frederich, treasurer. The Har- monia Society is in a very prosperous condition, the records showing a memliership of one hun- dred and ninety-five. They have an excel- lent male-choir of thirty-two, and a mixed choir of seventy-two members. They also liave tlieat- ricals, where much artistic skill is displayed. The present officers are : Peter Rauen, president ; John D. Myer, vice-president ; Louis Cressler, recording secretary ; C. C. Schultz, financial sec- retary ; Alois Knoblauch, treasurer Minneapolis Moral and Humane Society. This society was organized XovemI)er 2oth, 1879. Its object shall be to aid in educating the children and youth of Minneapolis to be honest, moral and humane, both to human beings and to ani- mals. Section three provides that there shall be nothing in its management to interfere with its receiving the full support of all good persons of all parties and churclies whatsoever. Original otticers : president. Rev. E. S. Williams ; vice- presidents, J. S. Pillsbury, A. C. Rand, General I. V. C. Reeve, Prof. W. W. Folwell, Major W. Lyman, Prof. O. V. Tousley, J. H. Tattle, D. D., Rev. T. M. Riley, G. A. Brackett, Thomas Low- ry, D. C. Bell, A. B. Ovitt, William Burwell, Miss Ella Lindley ; secretary, Mrs. John Douglass. The duties of the office have from the first been discharged by Miss Abby A. Judson, who is the present secretary. The treasurer was Mrs. Paris Gibson. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, at Miss Judson 's school-room, 411 Nicollet Avenue. Present officers are : Rev. Dr. J. H. Tuttle, president ; Rev. T. M. Riley, vice- president; Abby A. Judson, secretary; Mrs. Cummuigs, treasurer. Anti-Cruelty Society. This, called the >Iin- neapolis brancli of jMiiuiesota Anti-Cruelty So- ciety for the prevention of cruelty to animals, was organized in January, 1878; first president, Rev. D. B. Knickerbacker, 1). D., who has con- tinued its president ever since. First vice-presi- dents, O. V. Tousley, George A. Brackett, J. H. Clark; treasurer, W. H. Chamberlain; secretary and attorney, Albert B. Ovitt. Its object is to provide eifective means for the prevention of cru- elty to animals within its jurisdiction, especially in the city of Minneapolis. Its annual meeting occurs on the second Tuesday in January of each year. Cottage Hospital. This excellent institution 460 BISTORT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. was founded by the Brotherhood of Gethsemane. and opened for the reception of patients in ilarc-h, 1871, in rented building, corner of Wash- ington Avenue and Xinth Avenue north. About five liundred dollai-s was secured for furnishing the building, from citizens of Minneapolis, ila- sons and Odd Fellows contributed liberally to- wards it. In March, 1874, a house and lot, corner of Xuith Avenue south and Sixth street was purchased of Governor C. C. Washburn, at a cost of six thousand five hundred dollars. ;Money being contributed by the citizens of Min- neapolis, and secured on the solicitations of D. B. Knickerbacker D. D.. superintendent. In 1879-80. two additional lots were purchased ad- joining its site, at a cost of $2,100. money con- tributed as before. The whole number of pati- ents received February 1st, 1881, is 1,102, of which about one third have been charity or free patients, one quarter private patients, the re- mainder, city and county. As yet, the Hospital has no endowment. It is hoped that by liberal donations or legacies of wealthy citizens of Min- neapolis, it may Ijecome a free hospital. Rev. D- B. Knickerbacker D. D.. founder and superinten- dent: sister Annette, matron. Young Men's Christian Association. This asso- ciation was organized July 11, 1866, with the fol- lowing officers: David C. Bell, president : Hon. C. E. ^'auderburgh. vice-president : A. W. AVil- liamson second vice-president : J. A. Wolverton, corresponding secretary: C. J. Johnson, recording secretary: CD. Da\idson. treasurer. The rooms first occupied were situated between First street and the Suspension bridge. Several other places were occupied from time to time, until 1877, when the association leased part of the Market building for a term of ten years, and fitted it up with a hall capable of seating 1.100 persons, and a parlor used as a lecture room, a reading room, and a gymnasium. They also have a room that they rent to the W. C. T. U., in which they hold meetings. In September. 1877, they gave up the use of the hall in the Market house. recei\-ing the balance of the room free for so doing. Upon their tables for ft-ee reading can be found about sixty periodicals, and readers are found for all of them. A membership fee of two dollars per year entitles one to the use of the gymnasium, wliich is Uberally patronized. The rooms are open every week day from 8 a. ji. to 9 p. m. The secretaries office is in the buUding, where he can be foimd during open houre, ready to give any information requh-ed by the needy or curious. The member- ship in 1878 was 149. Finding themselves weak financially they concluded not to engage a secretar> for that year. From having no one to particular- ly look after the affairs of the association, it de- clined to about nineti.'. J. C. Huntington was elected secretary December 1st, 1879. Since then the membership has increased and February loth, 1881, they had about three hundred members. The present officers are: George Blake, presi- dent ; G. B. Bradbury aud D. D. Whitney, \-ice- presidents; G.R. Lyman, treasurer; W A. Ram- sey, recording secretary ; J. C. Huntington, general secretary. Regular meetings of the board the second Monday of each month. Minneapolis Free Dispensary. This institu- tion was founded in 1878. by Hon. C. A. PiUs- buiy. George A. Brackett, C. M. Loring, A. B. Barton, E. S. Jones. Its object is to treat with- out charge any of the deseiTing poor who may apply. It is located at Xo. 208 Second street south. The buildings are owned and held in trust by the present board of directors. The in- stitution is chartered. It has ti'eated nearly 3,000 patients since its organization. During the year ending December 31st, 1880, 1,292, patients were treated. It is open "from 1 to 2 p. 3i. each day, Sundays excepted. A couple of competent physicians and surgeons are in attendance. It has been supported almost entirely by the liberal- ity of a few of the directors. Some funds, medi- cine and clothing have been furnished by drug- gists and others. Contributions may be handed to the treasurer. E. S. Jones, which will be prop- erly applied. The present officers are: George A. Pillsbury, president; F. S. Hinkle, secretary; E. S. Jones, treasurer: directors — C. il. Lormg. A. M. Keith, (i. A. Brackett. C. A. Pillsbury. The AVoman"s Christian Association. This as- sociation was organized in 1868 for the relief of the poor and distressed. Its officei-s are: Mrs. C. G. Goodrich, president: Mrs. A. C. Morgan and Mrs. Dr. LiniUey, vice-presidents; Mrs. J. B. Hanson, recording secretary: Mrs. A. C. Morgan, corresponding secretary: Mrs. S. F. Hauce. treas- urer. Report of the finance committee for the ■ year 1880: received from Free Baptist church. TEIIPHRANCE SOCIETIES. 461 $23.30; First Presbyterian, 56.75; Plymouth Con- gegational, §195.52; First Baptist church, §90.50; AVestminster, ?;93.50; Centenar\- Methodist, !f98.- 93; Friends, $10.95; Seventh Street Metliodist, $9.00; Second Congregational, $22.80; Franklin Avenue Methodist, §8.77; excursion to Lal<:e Park, $76.58; concert for Industrial school, .|14(i.00; Thanksgiving collection, $77.25; miscellaneous contributions, $169.35. Total, $1,023.20. Dis- • bursements: visitors' salary, $600; for benev- olent pm'poses, $103.31; expense of Gospel meet- ings, |5. 92; paid treasurer of home, 136.12; ward- robe for visitors' use, $7.87; for musical instruc- tion for Industrial school, $12.00; for organ. $97.- 00. Balance, $160.98. Total, $1,023.20. The Woman's Home is connected with the AVoman's Christian Association, and is a branch of the work. It was organized in 1875. Its par- ticular object is to furnish board at low rates, to working girls hi want of such a home. It is called the woman's boarding-house, and gives them the advantages of a good home, which they could not otherwise obtain ; also furnishing temporary lodg- ings and meals for those who are unable to pay for them, and thus keeping them from begging. During the past year they have given about twenty-seven weeks board without compensation. Board ranges from two to five dollars per week, depending on the size and location of the room. The table advantages are the same to all. The new building cost $12,000. and is paid for in full. It is located at No. 409 Sixth street south, has accommodations for thirty boarders, and is in charge of a matron. Its present officers are : Mrs. A. F. Hale, president ; Mrs. Charles Gove, vice-president ; Mrs. E. V. White; secretary ; Mrs. E. S. Jones, treasurer ; reception committee. Mrs. Dr. Lindley, Mrs. W. M. Harrison, Mrs. A. F. Hale; purchasuig committee, Mrs. Levi Butler, N. M. Harris. The industrial school. This is another branch of the work of the Woman's Christian Association. It was conducted Saturday afternoons during tlie ■winter, and is designed to teach the children of the poor to sew, presenting them with the gar- ments after they are made up. One liundred and twenty-seven children were taught during the past year. Average attendance of teachers, twelve. Average scholars, forty. Superintendent, secretary and treasurer, Miss E. Taylor and Miss Emily J. Gray. There is another department of the Woman's Christian Association, viz., the vis- iting of the poor and relieving them by small do- nations of money, but cliiefly by donations of clothing. The lady visitor. Miss Emily J. Gray, is hired by tlie association, and gives her entire services to the work. During tlie year past she has made 672 visits, and received 827. Families visited, 170. Articles of clothing received, 2,531. Articles of clothing distributed, 2,000. Articles of liedding received, seventy-three. Articles of bedding distributed, sixty-one. Families assisted with groceries, provisions, and fuel, sixty-nine. Families assisted by rent and loans, fifteen. Per- sons assisted by furnishing work, tvventy. Num- ber of books received, sixty. Number of books lent, fifty-six; given away, eight. Number of papers, tracts, and periodicals given away, 1,415. Number of meetings held, seventy. The Catholic Orphan Asylum for boys only. Third .street and Sixth Avenue north. This is a diocesan institution under the charge of the Sis- ters of St. Josepli, eight of whom have forty-two orphans boys in their care. Tlie asylum for girls is located at St. Paul. The asylum is supported by annual collections ipade at Easter, and by vol- untary contributions. The managers are a cor- poration of which the Bishop of St. Paul is pres- ident, and is composed of six laymen and four priests. Children are given for adoption to those only who are of excellent character and have no children. The larger boys are sent to tlie indus- trial school at Clontarf . Swift county. Minneapolis Temperance Reform Club. This society was organized in June, 1877, and is the result of a temperance revival held in Market hall by Thomas N. Doutney, of Burlington, Ver- mont, assisted by W. W. Satterlee and other local workers. A. H. Young was elected the first president of the club. It is the largest organiza- tion of the kind in tlie north-west, has about four Ihousand members, and holds two or three meetings each week. The principal officers are, G. L. llobmson, president; L. Roberts, secretary; AV. ^V. Satterlee, chaplain. St. Anthony Lodge, No. 1, I. O. (i. T. Lodge was organized, October 8th, 1859, by Dr. John Quegley, one of the pioneer temperance workers of the state. It was located in St. Anthony, and remained there until 1879, when it was suspended 462 HISTOBT OF HENKEPIN COUNTY. for a brief period, and reinstated by J. C. Irving, in the west division. The principal officers are, M. P. Satterlee, W. C. T.: Florence Stedman, W. A'. T.: E. Witdiie, "W. S.; Silas iloffitt, L. D. The lodge meets everj- Saturday evening at Hush's hall. Minne-lia-ha Lodge. Xo. H. I. (). (J. T. This lodge organized vnth thirty charter members, only two of whom, S. T. Ferguson and C. W. Clark, are now membere. At one time after the war. the lodge liad four hundred membere in good standing, and now has about foiu" thousand. The first principal officers were, C. W. Clark, W. C. T.: Mrs. L. M. Chapman. W. Y. T.; J. A. AVilliams. secretary; Mi?s Lucy Adair, treasurer; F. H. Hill, mai-shal. Father Matthew Total Abstinence Society, Im- maculate Conception Parisli. Minneapolis, organ- ized in 1860, witb fomteen charter membere. The first officers were : Morris Gleason, presi- dent ; John Kennedy, secretary ; Stephen Mc- Bride, treasurer. The average number of mem- bere per year on the roU for six years is 122 ; mmiber who took the pledge and joined m six yeare. 243: the members in good standing now number seventy. The present officers are: A. B. Page, president ; J. B. Dohertj', vice-presi- dent : James Burns, recording secretary; P. IL Prendergast. treasurer. Women's Christian Temperance Union was organized April 11th, 1877. The first officers were: Mrs. T. B. "SValker, president ; Mrs. C. M. Boardman. secretary: Mrs. O. S. Griffith, treas- lU'er. The present officei-s are : Mrs. R. H. Tripp, president: Mre. O. J. Grittith, correspond- ing secretary ; Miss A. M. Henderson, recording secretary; Mrs. H. T. Molfitt, treasurer. Ladies'' Hebrew Benevolent Society was organ- ized for charitaltle purposes ui April. 1877. Pres- ent officei-s : ^Irs. Mary 'Wertli. president; Mrs. M. Wilks, secretary; Mrs. C. SkoU, treasurer. This society is in good financial condition, and is doing a good work among the poor of all denom- mations. The Mimiesota Temperance and Proliibition Alliance was formed for the purpose of bringing the temperance cause into shape politically, and was incorporated April 1, ISSO. The offlcere to be chosen annually, and meetings to be held in February of each year. The officers are: :Miner Ball, president; M. T. Anderson, secretary; Silas Mofiitt, treasurer. Directors — J. JL Durnam, R. P. Lupton, A. AVilley, C. J. West. G. AV. Green, W. W. Slocum. J. C. Child, J. E. Stewart, J. C. Stearns. AV. H. Knowles. Brotherhood of Gethsemane was organized February, 1869, with the foUowuig officers : Rev. D. B. KnickerV)acker. I). I)., president ; A. E. Ames. M. D.. \ice-president ; W. H. Chamber- lain, treasurer: S. B. Cowdry. secretary. Tlie object of this organization is to promote cliurch work among the laymen of Gethsemane parish, by means of an effort that shall conduce to mu- tual sympathetic improvement, and to systema- tise work of mercy to the bodies and souls of all who need its ministrations. Each member signs the following declaration: "I desire to engage in chiurch work in union with the Brotherhood of the Church of tiethsemane. and I agree to per- form to the best of my abiUty, the duties which may be assigned to me in accordance with its provisions." Present officers: D. B. Knicker- backer. D. D.. president: O. T. Tuttle. vice- president: F. B. Dodge, secretary: 'W. II. Cham- berlain, treasurer. Board of managers. Dr. W. D. Lawrence, S. A. Mareh. J. A. Thompson. The Brotherhood of Gethsemane owns the fol- lowing property: Cottage hospital, value including furniture, etc., S13.(I0(): St. Andrew's chapel, $2,000: Grace chapel. $1,000: Minnetonka chapel, ?1,000: Oak Grove chapel, 11.000; lots, SIOO. Ladies Missionary and Parish Aid Society or- ganized in 18.57. President. Mre. M. B. Harvey; secretary and treasurer. Miss Mary F. Abraham. It has been in active operation ever since, and has done much good work for the parish of Geth- semane, havmg raised on an average aljout three hundred dollars a year for parochial and mission- ary work. President. Mre. A. B. Coe: secretary and treasiurer. Mary T. Abraham. Young Ladies Association organized in 1870, and has been a useful auxilliary in the work of Gethsemane church. Otticers— iliss Kate Len- non, president: Miss Etta Thompson, secretary and treasurer. Irving Club. Yoimg Peoples Association,which existed several yeare. for the promotion of Uterary pursuits, was merged in the whiter of 18S0-1, into the Irsing Club, an active association ha\lng the same object in view. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS. 463 CHAPTER LXXir. CHURCHES. Aside from their distinctive influence as God's instruments for the salvation of men, cluirches liave a conservative influence on society tliat is felt even by those who never pass their tlu'esh- olds. The foreign element which constitutes so large a proportion of the population of the north-west, impregnates society with the usages of the old world. Foreigners, who come here to enjoy the advantages of our institutions, seem to forget that insofar as their old country practices are substi- tuted for those of the country of their adoption, just so far, it becomes like what was left behind and their investments here as well as their pros- pects are diminished in value. Doubtless the puritan estimate of the Sabbath, which lias already become unpopular even in New England, will become more and more obsolete, and can never find harborage in the so- ciety of the north-west, still the time must come when a respectful observance of the Sabbath will be considered the only respectable usage. The mfluence, which must bring about this re- sult and operate as the conservator of society against the coiuiter-influence of increasing for- eign population, must come from the great con- servator, the church. Tlie church must restrain Sabbath-breaking, driuikenness, licentiousness and all the array of vices, not alone by converting men, as the term is commonly iniderstod, but by controlling public opinion and making all irregu- larities of life disreputable. The Bible is always in the vanguard of civilization and homes cannot exist without churches. The external church is a religious organization, and its indicator the chmch edifice, are each respected by all, and, though the latter is often a means of display, or the result of a superstition that did not die with the temporal power of the pope, viz: that munifi- cent gifts buy indulgence for sin, still they are usually the outgrowth of deep religious sentiment. Such we may charitably believe influenced the establishment of all forms of Christian religion here represented; witness the missionary strug- gles by which the territory was first pre-empted for the cross and the self-sacrificing labors of the pioneers, to build and sustain them in their in- fancy. The names I'ond, Riggs, Williamson, Fathers (ialtier and Raveaux, and many others are immortal. The feeble beginnings have long since given place to sti-ong organizations and the field, first occupied by one church, is shared by many. Mumeapolis has to-day sixty churches, representing nearly all the denomina- tions which accept the Bible as their basis of faith. The ^ilethodists are represented by eleven, the Baptists and Eiiiscopalians each by eight, the Scandinavian Lutheran by seven, the Catholics by six, the Presbyterians by five, the Congrega- tionalists b'y four, the Evangelical Association and the German Lutheran each by two, the Ad- ventists. Friends, Hebrews and Universalists each by one. Many of these churches have houses of worship that are models of architecture and internal finish. The Cliurch of the Redeemer stands foremost, and is a witnes of the generosity of its founders; the Plymouth, St. Marks and Immaculate Conception are important features of the city. Several in process of construction by societies, that have outgrown in numbers and wealth, tlieir more modest quarters, will rival those now in existence. The Westmenster on Nicollet Avenue, and the Hennepin Avenue Tabernacle exhibit already, evidence of their fu- tiu'e stiiteliness. CATHOLIC ClirRCHES. In 1838, St. Anthony was included in the Dio- cese of Archbishop Ilenni, of Milwaukee, and under his direction. Father Galtier visited this place as a missionary. Tvi'o years later Father Raveaux, then stationed atMendotaand St. Paul, pm'chased the land where now stands the church and other buildings of tlie' St. Anthony of Pa- dua, and in 1849, commenced the frame building, first used as a church. In 1851, Father Ledow was stationed here, and at once set about the completion of the church, building a residence at the same time. lie was succeeded in 185.5, by Father Fayolle, who remained until 1860, during which time he commenced the erection of the present church edifice, a stone building 6.5x140 feet, on the corner of Ninth A\enue north and 464 EISTOBY OF HENIs'EPIN COUNTY. Main street. East Division. In the summer of 18(30, his overtaxed mental powers yielded to the weight of financial embarrassment, and necessi- tated his removal. He is still living, an inmate of an Asylum in St. Louis, Missouri. Following the removal of the nnfortimate Father Fayolle, in Jmie, 1860. Father John McDermott arrived here and remained in charge until 1866, completing the church, and building a school-house, and es- tablishing the lirst parochial school in the city. In November. 1866, Father Tissot took charge, and the spring following, began the erection of tlie present substantial stone residence, the wood- en building having been assigned to other pur- poses. Another school-house for a hoys" school was built in 1870, and in 1874, still another be- tween the two builduigs already finished with ad- joinuig wall, thus unituig all under one roof. The conventional and parochial church of Holy Eosary. is situated on the comer of Fifth street and Xinteenth Avenue south. It was built by Father Power, and dedicated on Eosarj- Sunday. 1878. It is a neat wooden building, 50x120 feet in size, and pleasantly located. Order of St. Benedict.— The firet membere of this order who came to Minnesota anived at St. Paul in ilay, 1856, and on March 6th, 1857, were granted a charter from the territorial legis- lature. •Since then their numerical strength has steadily increased, until now they are among the most vigorous sectarian bodies in the state, hav- ing two churches ui Miimeapolis, under whose supervision are two schools in the city, and two missions in Hennepin coimty. The first church built in Miimeapolis by this order was under the tliiection of Father Gahr. who organized a society here about the year 1859, and the same year built a church on the corner of Fourth street and Six- teenth Avenue north-east, which in 1866 was re- moved to Xo. 1001 Main street north, and subse- quently torn dovi-n and used in building the Sisters" house on the giounds of the St. Boniface church. The priests who have successively been in charge of the organization here are: Fathers Sherer, Korring. Meyer. Maly. Hilkaer, Holtzer. "Wirth. Mocliren, and Eajgelj.the present uicum- bent. The order has built and now owns the two following churches. St. Boniface Church, O. S. B.— This elegant structure is located on the comer of Seventh Av- enue north and Second street, East Di%ision. It was buUt in 1873, under the direction of Father ■\Virth. and is of modem design 45x90 feet. In connection with the church is a school under the direction of the Sisters of Christian Charity. They occupy a building 28x60 feet, with three class rooms, and have an average daily attend- ance of one hundred and twenty-five pupils. The St. Joseph "s Church is a wooden structure 35x80 feet, and is located on the corner of Second street and Tenth Avenvie north. It was built in 1870, and used as a mission school until 1875, be- ing visited at regular intervals by Fathers Hill- mer. Holtzer and "Wirth. in the order of their succession. In 1875 it was converted into a par- ish, with Father Stuckenkamper in charge. He at once commenced the erection of a fine resi- dence, which has since been occupied V)y himself and his successors. Following him m the order given were Fathere Capser. Kuisle. and in .Janu- ary, 1879. Father Salzeder. the present incumbent, who is ably assisted by Father Bader. The church now includes about one hundred families — all Germans. The Church of the Immaculate Conception is an elegant and imposing stone structure, located on the comer of Third street and Third Avenue north. The building is cruciform. 135x65 and 68 feet. Its erection was commenced in 1868 and finished in 1871 . Standing by the side of it is Catholic Association HaU, a commodious brick building erected in 1879-"80. Tlie basement is devoted to the total abstmence and benevolent associations. The upper or second floor is divid- ed througli the c?nter by folding dooi-s. by which arrangement it may be used as a single hall or as two rooms. The groimd ou which tliis church stands was pm-chased by Father McPermott in January, 1866. during his connection with St. An- thony of Padua, lie also erected a two-story school-house on the groimds the same year, which remained until 1878, when it was destroyed by fire. Our Lady of Lourdes. In 1877 Father Brunei arrived here from Canada, and organized a society from the Canadian French then belonging to Father Tissot "s church. The stone building on Prince street, formerly used by the Universalists, was purchased, and is now known as the church of Our Ladv of Lourdes. Kev. Z. L. Chandon METHODIST EPISCOPAL CBUBCHES. 465 net succeeded Father Brunei in December. 1879, and is still in charge PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. Between the years of 1860 and 1866. Father McDennott arrived in the city of Minneapolis, and built tlie first school-house in which a paro- chial school was opened in the city. The school is located near tlie corner of Ninth Avenue north and Main street, East Division. Anotlier school- house was erected for boys in 1870, and in 1874 still another, lietween the two buildings already finished, witli adjoining walls, thereljy uniting all under one root. St. Boniface church, O. S. B. liave a school lo- cated on the corner of Seventh Avenue north and Second street. East Division, built in 1873, whicli is under the supervision of the Sisters of Chris- tian Charity. They occupy a building 28x60, with three class-rooms, and have an average daily at- tendance of one hundred and twenty-five pupils. The Convent of the Holy Angels, under the supervision of the Sisters of St. Joseph, was es- tablished in tlie fall of 1877, and is located at the corner of Tliird street and Second Avenue north. In tlie convent is a private school for girls, eon- ducted by Sister St. John. All the higher branches are taught, and the thoroughness of the teacher is manifested in the high standing of the gradu- ates. Tlie average number of inipils is about eighty. In connection with the convent is the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin, a society estab- lished several years since, presided over by one of the sisters, and is open to all young ladies of the parish. Its object is mutual intercourse, devo- tional exercises, and the general improveilient of the young girls. jVnotber society, accessible only to the students of tlie convent, is called the So- dality of the Holy Angels. It was organized in 1874, its object being mutual improvement and devotional exercises. The Convent of St. Joseph's, O. S. B., in con- nection witli the Churcli of St. Joseph's, was es- tablished in the autumn of 1875, under the direc- tion of tlie Sisters of St. Benedict. It is in a separate building of two rooms, one twenty-four feet square, the other 20x32 feet. The average daily attendance is one hundred. The Convent of Holy Rosary. Standing on the same grounds with the cliurch of this name, is 30 the convent, whicli is under the direction of Fatlier Power. It is a neat brick building, 45x 92 feet, and two stories high, with basement of stone. It contains a large number of airy and very comfortable rooms. Tlie educational de- partments are in charge of the Dominican sisters. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. The First Methodist Episcopal Cliurch was or- ganized in St. Anthony, in 1849, Enos Stephens pastor, ^^ery httle reliable information can be obtained as to the early struggles, difficulties and successes of the old St. Anthony church. Rev. Mr. Newcomb was, we believe, the next preacher, Rev. E. C. Jones his successor. During his ad- ministration the old St. Anthony church was be- gun, in 1852. Tills was one of the first, if not the first Methodist church edifice in the state. It was in its day a fine building, and could it speak to-day, would tell of many a glorious vic- tory won for God. It was enlarged from time to time by different pastors, until the pastorate of the Rev. W. W. Satterlee, in 1871-2, when it was sold for secular purposes, to make room for the new building. The parsonage was built by Rev. S. Bolles, and was then as it is yet, one of tlie best in the conference. Rev. J. R. Creighton succeeded Rev. S. G. Gale, and was succeeded in the following order: Rev. Harvey Webb, Rev. J. W. Martin, Rev. T. McClary in October, 1878, wlio is still occupying the field. The Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church was organized m 1855, with Rev. William C. McDon- ald as the first pastor. In 1857 Mr. McDonald was succeeded by Rev. J. D. Rich, under whose direction the first church was built, on the high ground opposite Wasliingtion school building on Third Avenue south. Tlie building and ground at that time was valued at .|4,000. In 1858, Rev. T. M. Gossard was appointed pastor, followed in 1859 by Rev. J. O. Rich, wliose successor, Rev. J.F. Chaffee, presided over tlie church during the years 1860 and 1861. In September, 1862, Rev. D. Cobb was appointed pastor, and was returned in 1863. At tliis time the church numbered 167 members, seventeen on probation, and two local preachers. The Sunday-school at this time had enrolled 240 scholars and possessed a library of 700 volumes. In 1863-4 tlie lots where the church and par- 466 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. sonage now stand, corner of First Avenue south and Seventh street, were purchased and paid for by the Ladies" Aid Society, of which Mrs. "Wil- liam M. Harrison was president. In 1864 Kev. Dr. John Quigley took charge for two years and ^vas relieved liy Hev. J. F. Chaffee, under whose ad- ministration of three years the present church was built and dedicated. At tliis time Centenary was the only Methodist church in Minneapolis. The next pastor was Rev. J. "W. ]Mc(iregor, of Ohio. He remained one year and was followed by G. C. Wells. During the pastorate of ]Mr. A\'clls the parson- age was built. :Mr. Wells dying shortly after its completion. Rev. Mr. Fasig was appointed to complete his unexpired term. Xext came Eev. A. Ilollington. who remained one year, and Rev. S. ^IcChesney, the latter stay- ing two years. Dining tlie second year of Mr. McChpsucy"s administration, about seventy-four of the members became dissatisfied witli the govern- ment of the church, and organized what is now known as the Hennepin Avenue Methodist Epis- copal Church. At the close of his second year here, Mr. iMc- Chesney was transfened back to Chicago, and Kev. D. Cobb appointed in his place. Mr. Cobb remained two years, and at the close of the sec- ond year the church numbered 318 members, with twenty-five on probation. The Sunday-schooj had 445 scholars, thirty-seven ofllcers and teach- ers, with Col. F. Hooker, superintendent. After an administration of two years Mr. Cobb was succeeded by Rev. S. W. Lloyd, who staid one year, and was followed by the present pastor. Rev. Dr. "V^an Anda, of Rochester, New York. The present membership is 354. The sunday-school is conducted by forty-one officers and teachers, has 5(17 scholars enrolled, and an average attend- ance of 409. The church is valued at ?;40,000, and the parsonage at ^6,000. The Hennepin Avenue Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1S75 Ijy a secession of about ninety members fnmi Centenary cluirch. The Sunday-school was organized in the Qtiaker church. The present chnrch building was com- menced in the middle of the winter, and in six Weeks was pushed to completion, at an expense of about three thousand dollars, and dedicated by Rev. J. F. Chattee. the present pastor. Rev. AlonzoHoUington, the first pastor, continued un- thefall of 1876; then Rev. C. M. Hurd from 1876 to 1879. The present pastor. Rev. J. F. Chaffee, came in 1879. The membership of the church is at present 190; the Sunday-school connect- ed with the chnrch has a membership of 250, under the charge of H. D. Wood, suiieriuteud- ent. The new church now building on the corner of Tenth street and Hemiepin Avenue, is of red brick, a beautiful and stately edifice, which, when completed, will cost about sixty thousand dollars. The plan includes arrangements for one of the finest and largest Sunday-school rooms in the city. Tlie Seventh Street ilethodist Episcopal Church was started by a proposition from H. G. Harrison to give the entire bill of lumber; T. A. Harrison. $1,500; Mi-s. A. IL Golieen, *8()(); L. Day ^: Sons, $500. October, 1870, Rev. J. F. Chaffee, city missionary, prosecuted the work to comjilptiDU. The organization took place at a meeting held in the "Vine street church, with thirty-nine members. The church, costing $7,000 was dedicated July 9th, 1871. and is located between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues south. On the 16th, a Sabbath school was organized with ninety members. Rev. T. McClary was appointed pastor from the Wino- na conference in 1872. Rev. W. W. Satterlee is now filling tlie desk. Has 250 members. Sun- day-school, 175 members. The Xorth Minneapolis Misssion, now Wash- ington Avenue Methodist Episcopal Chnrch, was organized February 2oth, 1872. A Sunday-school was organized on the Sunday following, with fifteen members, N. R. Robinson, superintendent. A chapel costing $2,200 was dedicated by IMshop Merrill in 1872. In September, 1872. at the con- ference held in Winona, Kev. John Stafford was apppointed its firet pastor at which time its mem- bership was thirty-five, and its Sunday-school, sixty-six scholare; present pastor, Rev. J. A. Berry. The Franklin Avenue ilethodist Episcopal Church, was formed by the action of the Winona conference, held at Anoka. October, 1873, and a society organized during the same month with the Rev. S. T. Sterrett as first pastor. Rev. X. M. Learned is the present jiastor. The church has a membership of about eighty-five; when he came it had about sixty-eight members. Present PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 467 number of Sunday-school scholars, one hundred and twenty-five, with J. T. Wyman, superinten- dent, and K. W. Wins lii'st assistant; Mrs. X. AI. Learned, second assistant. In May, 1871, the first Sunday-school was organized. Wasliington Avenue Metliodist Episcopal Churcli. At the Minnesota conference held in Mankato September 27th, 1K71, Bishop Simpson presiding, Kev. T. McClary was appointed to wiiat was then known as the Seventh Street and North Mission church, Minneapolis. February 27th, 1872. a meeting was held in the German chapel, resulting in the organization of the pres- ent Washington Avenue jNIethodist Episcopal Church. March 10th following, a Sunday-school was organized in the German chapel, N. R. Rob- inson superintendent, with eighty scholars. A library costing $10fi and an cn'gan costing |140 was purchased for the school. July following the Sunday-school was lield in the new building. A lot on the corner of Seventh street was donated to the society by William Gaslin. June Isli 1872, work was commenced on the church build- ing, which was completed July 31st, 1872, at a cost of $2,200, and dedicated by Bishop Ames. The first communion service August 4th, follow- ing. Rev. John Stafford followed Rev. Mr. Mc- Clary, under whose administration the churcli had great prosperity. In Octo!)pr, 1880, the otti- cial board invited the Rev. J. R. Berry, a mem- ber of the upper Iowa conference. He was trans- ferred by Bishop Andrews to the iSIinnesota con- ference, and assigned to the pastorate by Bisliop Harris. The Second German JNI. E. Church is located comer of Second street and Tenth Avenue north- east. The first meeting was lield in an old school house in 1855, and the first pastor was Rev. Mr. Roth, assisted by Rev. Mr. Spearman. Services were lield indifferent places until ISGI, when tlie present church was located, and is now un- der the care of Rev. J. M. JSippold. A parson- age costing about fifteen hundred dollars, is con- nected with the church. The First German Methodist Episcopal Church, corner of Fifth street and Fourth Avenue south, was organized in October, 1866, with the Rev. J. Schmell for first pastor, who continued for three years, succeeded by Rev. J. Schaefer who labored three years, succeeded by Rev. Henry Boettcher for four years, succeeded respectively by Rever- ends F. Kopp, C. Nachtriets and J. Schneider, the present pastor in charge. It has a growing Sun- day-school of about sixty members. The church, too, has grown from ten to eighty-two members. The Norwegian Methodist Episcopal Church is located on Nineteenth Avenue south between Fifth and Sixth streets. The first organization was effected in July, 1873, by Rev. J. H. Johnson with ten members. The first preacher in charge was Rev. N. Christopherson, who took charge No- vember 28th, 1873; he was succeeded by Rev. J. Jacobson for one year, who was followed by Rev. L. A. Larson for three years; then Rev. B. Olin followed for two years, who was succeeded by Rev. Mart. Nelson now in charge. The present membership is thirty-five, and is in a growing and prosperous condition. First Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, 343 Cedar Avenue, was organized in February, 1873. After encountering many difficulties, the build- ing of a house of worship was undertaken, under the leadership of Rev. C. G. Nelson ; in Septem- ber, 1873, a subscription was circulated; the money raised and in October following, the foun- dation was laid, and in December, 1873, this young society had anew church costing $4,000, and while enjoying the feast of dedication the debt was paid in full. In 1879 a parsonage was commenced under the administration of Rev. A. G. Johnson the present pastor, and in 1880 was completed, and the church is now in a nourishing condi- tion. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. Andrew Fresbyterian Church. During the winter of 1849-50, Mr. Neill preached every other Sunday afternoon at the falls of St. Anthony. In July, 1850, Rev. William T. Wheeler, former- ly a Congi'egational missionary to Africa, com- menced preaching at the request of Mr. Neill. The members being mostly Presbyterians it was decided to call it "The First Presbyterian Cliurch of St. Anthony." Rev. Charles Seccombe, who succeeded Mr. Wheeler, persuaded the congrega- tion to drop the name of Presbyterian, and it is now known as the Congregational society of Min- neapoUs, East Division. On the 23d day of August, 1857, a committee of the St. Paul Pres- bytery, consisting of Rev. John G. Reiheldaffer and Rev. H. Maltby, re-orgauized the "First 468 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Presbyterian Church of St. Anthony." The fol- lowing persons were the firet membere, viz : Mrs. Margaret Edwards. Samuel H. Lea. Joseph Tan Eman. Mrs. Sarah Van Eman. Richard Chute and Mrs. Mary E. Chute. Eichard Chute was elected ruluig elder, histalled by Rev. Mr. Maltby, and was appointed clerk of sessions. Mr. Cliute held this office until July 10. 1867, when he resigned and Gen. H. P. ■\'an Cleve filled the of- fice until 1878. In June, 1858, the church called Rev. David Stevenson, but he declined and re- commended Rev. Levi Hughes, of Logansport, Indiana. By an arrangement with Westminster Church, which was organized the same day, Mr. Hughes was called to preacli in both churches at a salary of ?1. 000 per year. David Edwards do- nated the use of his haU and on the evening of October 7, 1858, the first prayer meeting was held in "Edwards Hall." with five present. Oc- tober 10, 1S58, tlie Sunday-school was organized with six teachers and twelve scholars ; Orrin Cm-- tiss was chosen superintendent. On January 16th. 1860. notice was received from Rev. H. I. Coe. corresponding secretary of the Church Extension Company, at St. Louis, that the board had appropriated - 1 ,000, the gift of the ilisses Andrew, of Xew^ York citv-, for the pur- pose of aiding in the erection of a house of wor- ship. In May. 1860. Rev. Mr. Hughes and family removed to Bloomington. Indiana. For six months preceeding his removal, he had seldom preached, though pubUe worship had been con- ducted by lay members reading appropriate ser- mons. In September foUowiug, Mr. McKee was called to the pastorate of the two churches, re- maining until 1865. By an act of the legislature of Minnesota, passed January 30th, 1861, the name of this church was changed from the "First Presbyterian Church of St. Anthony'' to "An- drew Presbyterian Church" in honor of Mrs. Catherine Andrew and her daughter, who donated $1,000 and a bell. The church was erected on Second street, and was formally dedicated April 14, 1862. Rev. R. F. Sample supplied the pulpit from June 17th, 1866, to March, 1868, when he accepted a call to Westmmister Church of Minneapolis. During his ministrj', thirty- four were added to the church. Rev. David Pel- ton, of Pennsylvania, presided from March 1st, 1869, to March 1st. 1870, During the pastorate of Rev. Isaac W. Monfert. from May 1st, 1870, to July, 1872. the church was removed in Novem- ber and December, 1870, to its present site on Fourth street. Rev. David Stewart was the next pastor, from August 1st, 1872, to May. 1875. From May 16th, 1875, to May 26th, 1877, Rev. E. J. Thompson, professor of mathematics at the univereity. supplied the pulpit, and was succeeded by tlie present pastor. Rev. Carlos T. Cliester, to whom the chinch extended a call in February, 1877, At the time he received the call, Mr. Chester was a senior in Auburn Tlieological Sem- inary, of Auburn, Jsew York, from which he graduated 2klay 10th, 1877, and arriraig in Min- nesota the latter part of that month, preached his first sermon, Sunday, June 2d, 1877; was or- dained and installed by the St, Paul Presbytery on the 7th day of August, 1877, From June, 1877, to January 1st, 1881, seventx-eight were ad- ded to the church. The church has a full board of ruling elders. Tlie Park Aveiuie Presbyterian Cluirch. The First Presbyterian church of ^Minneapolis was or- ganized May 22d, 1853, Ijy Rev. G. H. Pond, with thirteen members. It continued to exist with some degree of prosperity until July 22d. 1860, when, from various adveree influences, its mem- bers were scattered. For about five years regular pubUc worship had been suspended. The church was re-organized August lOth, 1860, by the Rev. A. G. Ruliffson, with what remained of the orig- inal membership of the church, together with nine members of the First Presbyterian Church of ^Minnesota, at Minne-ha-ha, and eight other per- sons who presented letters from other churches. In this re-organization, the First Presbyterian Churcliof Mimieapolis, in fact became the succes- sor to the First Presbyterian Church of Minneso- ta, which church was but the continuation of the Presbyterian church of St, Peters, or Fort Suell- ing, the oldest church of any denomination in all this region. The church at St. Peters was organ- ized June 14th, 1835, by the Rev. Thomas S. ■\^'illiamson, in the quaitei-s which he occupied at the Fort. In connection with this church there were two mission stations, at which public wor- ship was kept up from time to time, one at Lake Harriet.the otherat Oak (irove, near Minne-ha-ha. The church at St. Peters, or Fort Snelling, was largely made up of the offlcere and their families PRE8BYTERIAJS CHURCHES. 469 stationed there. It came to pass after a few years, that, by death and removal, the membership was greatly reduced, and the church was again withoTit otBcers. At the request of tlie remaining membersliip, tlie cliurch was reorganized as tlie Oak Grove Churcli of Minne-ha-ha, and Rev. G. H. Pond was chosen pastor. Up to this time tlie church was under the care of the Presbytery of Dakota, but at the request of the members it \\&.^ transferred to the roll of the Minnesota Presbytery. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Minnesota, in July, 1862, the name of this church was changed so as to stand on the Presbyterian roll as " The First Presbyterian Church in Minnesota." It re- tained the name until July 22d, 1860, when its remaining elder and eight communicants, united with- what remained of the original Pirst Church of Minneapolis, in the new organization which is properly the legitimate successor of both the oth- ers. Some of the members of this organization are among the memljership of the First Presby- terian Church at the present writing. The rec- ords from which these facts are gathered are in a good state of preservation. The book contains a full account of the organization of the church at St. Peters, the complete records of the Oak Grove Church, also of the First Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis, from tlie re-organization in 1860 to the end of Kev. ilr. I^ayne's ministry. Rev. Daniel Stewart, D. D., came and took cliarge of the church as stated supply, in which capacity he has remained since June 1st, 1875, to the present time. During his ministrations the church debt has been paid, the congregation more than doubled, and now is in a flourishing and prosper- ous condition. It has a seating capacity of about six hundred ; also in connection with it, a Sun- day-school of about one lumdred and fifty mem- bers, under tlie management of James H. Mc- Clintten, superintendent. Westminster Presbyterian Church. In 18-53 the first representative of the western branch of the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. J. G. Reihel- daffer, commenced his labors in St. Paul. Soon after he was joined by men of like spirit, such as H. Maltby, Charles Thayer, J. C. Caldwell and A. II. Kerr, who came to plant tlie standards of the cross along the borders of the wilderness. The growth of the church wliose foundations they laid, is doubtless to them an occasion of gratitude and thanksgi\ing. Better to have been the first pioneer, planting the holy emblem of the cross on the virgin soil of Minnesota, and claiming this territory for Jesus, than to have been president of the ITnited States, or commander-iu-chief of the national arrcy. In the fall of ISS.'i, the Synod of Iowa created the Presbytery of St. Paul, con- sisting of Rev. J. (i. Reilieldaffer, Rev. Charles Thayer and Rev. Joseph A. Sterrett, pastors re- spectively of the churches in St. Paul, Hudson, and Prescott. The total number of communicants in these three pastoral charges, only one of which was in the state of Minnesota, was fifty-nine ; in St. Paul thirty-two, in Hudson eleven, in Pres- cott fifteen. The General Assembly convened at Rochester, X. Y., in 1860, created the Synod of St. Paul, embracing the Presbyteries of St. Paul, of Chippewa and Lake Superior. The Synod of St. Paul thus created, consisted of nmeteen ministers and twenty-four churches. Nine of these churches were in Minnesota, with a total membership of 187. The "Westminster Presliyterian Church of Mimieapolis was organized August 23d, 18-57, by a committee of the Presbytery of St. Paul, con- sisting of Rev. J. G. Reilieldaffer and Rev. H. Maltby. The services were held in the Free Will Baptist church. The following persons were en- rolled as members, viz: Andrus W. Oliver, Louis H. Williams, Tabiatha P. Williams, Ellen Mary Williams, Deborah :M. Pettit, J. C. WilUams and Sarah J. Williams. On the 6th of April, 18-58, the church was incorporated under the revised statutes of Minnesota. H. D. Beman, W. K. Mc- Farlane, Eugene M. Wilson, A. Bradford, C. H. Pettit and J. C. Williams were elected as a board of trustees, under the name and style of the " Trustees of tlie Westminster Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis."' During the three months immediately following, tlie church was without preaching, with the exception of a single Sabbath when the services were conducted by the Rev. J. G. Reilieldaffer. On the 6th of December, 18-57, Mr. B. C. Dorrance, a licentiate of the Pres- bytery of Luzerne, commenced preaching in the First Presbyterian church, under a commission from the board of domestic missions. Mr. Dor- rance closed liis labors with the Westminster Church, in Fletcher Hall, April 18th. Mr. Dor- rance was a pleasant and forcible preacher. By his public muiistrations, as well as by his affection- 470 HISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. ate. cheerful, and exemplary Christiau deport- ment, he endeared himself to all. It was a sad day to the little church when theii- beloved minis- ter, with the shadows of death on his face, bade them farewell, never to return. In 18-58. the Kev. Mr. Hughes was invited to become stated supply for the church in St. Anthony and '-West- minster." During this time church ser\ices were held in "Woodman's Hall, now the Firet National Hotel. In 1860 and 1861 a new church was built, and dedicated March 17th. 1861, Eev. J. G. KeUiel- daffer preaching the dedication sermon. In Oc- tober, 1862, Mr. SUong was ordained and installed pastor of the church by the Presbyterj- of St. Paul. As a preacher :Mr. Strong was Intellectual rather than emotional. His sermons were written wth much care, and delivered with animation. In 186.5. the Rev. R. A. Condit accepted an in-\-ita- tion to become the pastor of this church, and was installed in 1866. In the autumn of 1866. the church building was enlarged and improved ; the towers were erected and the building extended. December. 1867. against tlie remonstrance of a large portion of the congregation, Mr. Condit "s pastoral relation to the church was dissolved. At a meeting held .Jaiuiary. 1868. moderated by Bev. D. C. Lyon, a call was made for the Rev. R. F. Sample. D. D. Having, at this time, other in\i- tations under consideration and being in much doubt as to his duty, his answer was delayed for several weeks. At length his way seemed clear, and he commenced his labors m March. 1868. He is a calm, impressive speaker, and a profoimd thinker, making a lasting impression on aU within the sound of his voice. In May, 1868, the Pas- tor's Aid Society was organized. John A. Mc- Heirry was elected president: Hon. W. "W. ilc- Nair, vice-president; and T. B. Janney, secretary. The Sunday-school, under the efficient superin- tendence of Hon. C. E. A'anderburgh, steadily increased in numbers and usefulness. The chiuch is large-hearted and generous, giving thousands of dollars annually to the various boards of the church. It is one of the most lib- eral among the many churches in the city. The increased membership and attendance during the acceptable administration of the present pastor, compelled the society to provide more extensive accommodations. Accordingly, during the sum- mer of 1880, measures long in contemplation, were taken to erect a structure worthy of the wealth and importance the church had attained. This massive edifice, buUt of browai sandstone from Duluth, is building corner of Nicollet Ave- nue and Seventh street. The style of building is a mixtin-e of the Gothic and Corinthian architec- tures, and will, it is supposed, cost about $95,000, and sui-pass in maguiflcence all its predecessors. Franklin Avenue Presbyterian Church. On the 16th day of June, 1873, Rev. George "\V. Jack- son, late of the city of Minneapolis, in fulfillment of a design long entertamed. conveyed to the trustees of "Westminster Presbyterian Church of said city, village lot 6, in block 1 , in Jackson's ad- dition to ilinneapolis. ui trust, and for the use of a Presbyterian church in that part of the city. Stimulated by the efforts of Mr. Jackson and Rev. R. F. Sample D. D., several members of the Westminister Presbyterian church, were induced to undertake a Sunday-school in that part of the city; the first session of which was held in the Norwegian Lutheran Seminary, the first Sabbath in Jainiary. 1873. The Sunday-school was for the time styled the Westminster ^Mission Sunday- school, and its officers were L. V. N. Blakeman, supermtendent: R. Shaw, assistant: S. A. Harris, secretary: who were assisted by a band of ten teachers. During the summer of 1873, the church building formerly occupied by the First Presbyterian church of Minnesota, having been piuchased by the Rev. R. F. Sample, was removed to said lot. and put in proper repair by the offer- ings and efforts of the workers in the mission school. The cost of building and removal was about $1 ,800. The Sunday-school was then i-e- moved to the church, and on Sabbath evening, November 2d. 1873. appropriate opening services were held in the church. Sermon by Rev. Dr. Stewart, the Rev. E. D. Neill. R. F. Sample D. D.. and II. N". Payne, also taking part in the services. In addition to the Sunday-school, reg- ular services were held in the church every Sab- bath thereafter. On about the 12th of December, 1873, a request was made in writing to Rev. Charles Thayer, R. F. Sample D. D.. and the Hon. C. E. A'anderburgh. the regular committee on Home Missions of the Presbytery of St. Paul, by L. A'. N. Blakeman and others for the organi- zation of a church; accordingly the committee, in connection with Rev. D. C. Lyon, district mis- BAPTIST CHURCHES. 471 sionary for the Synod of Minnesota, met at the church on the evening of December 21st, 1873, and in conformity with the laws of tlie presljytery, organized a cluirch witli the following mem- bers; N. W. Lander, L. \. N. Blakeman, Mrs. Emma T. Blakeman, Bolza Lee, Martha Lee, Robert Shaw, John Nichol, Mrs. C. Kobb, Mrs. H. M. Lowell, Mrs. Elizabeth Pierson, and Mr. John Ilosdy. The name chosen was " Franklin Avenue Presbyterian Church of ]Minneaiiolis," and the following persons elected ; ruling elders, John Nichol, L. V. N. Blakeman, and two oth- ers; Kevs. E. D. NeUl and E. J. Thompson sup- plied the pulpit until July 1st, 1874, when the Rev. A. A. Kiehle, a graduate of Union Theolo- gical Semmary, of New York city, supplied the pulpit until he was ordained, and installed its first pastor, who continued his labors till Feb- ruary 8th, 1878. Rev. T. Farris was invited March 10th, 1878, to supply the pulpit and still contimies. The church is partially dependent for support on the Home Missionary Board, and the liberality of several private citizens, among whom are Hon. G. E. Vanderburgh and II. (_i. Sidle. The former by his liberal financial aid as well as wise councils as chairman of the Home ilission- ary committee of St. Paul, from the date of its organization, has contributed largely to its wel- fare. L. V. N. Blakeman was superintendent of the Sunday-school till July, 1879, when declin- ing health forced a resignation. lion. C. E. Vanderburgh is now superintendent, and John Hardy, secretary. The school now numbers one hiuidred and twenty-five scholars. The Fifth Presbyterian Church is located on the corner of Nineteenth street and Fourth Av- enue north. It was built by the Westminster cliurch in 1873, and named the Western Avenue Mission Chapel, where a Sunday-school was eon- ducted under the superintendence of S. M. and J. Williams, who started with a few scholars with constantly increasing numbers, until it reached about fifty, w-hen there seemed a necess- ity for a church organization to meet the growing wants of the community in which it was located. Steps were taken to organize a church which was effected on the last Sunday of the year 1879, with eleven members. Rev. A. W. Benson officiating for five months. lit; was succeeded by Rev. Daniel Rice, D. D., who was followed bv Rev. Rockwood Macquesten, who is now in charge. The church membersliip has increased to twenty members, and the Sunday-school now enrolls one hundred and fifty, with an average attendance of eighty-five. J. H. Monroe is superintendent and P. (2. Diven assistant superintendent. During the past winter a fine organ has been purchased and paid for out of the receipts of the literary society connected with the church. Miss Ilattie • E. Allen is the organist. The church has a fine- toned bell of about 800 pounds weight, from the celebrated Meneely establishment of Troy, New York. It was a contribution of friends outside of the clun-ch. BAPTIST CHURCHES. The First Baptist Church, St. Anthony, was organized July 23d, 18-50, Rev. J. P. Pearsons, pastor. W. C. Brown and nine others constituted the first membership. After many struggles they succeeded in laying the foimdation for the pres- ent edifice in 1868. In 1869, the corner post was raised, with appropriate services, and in 1870,- the completed structure was dedicated. In 1879 the name of the church was changed by legisla- tive act, to ''OlivetJkiptist Clun-ch of Minneapo- lis." At the present time there is no regular pastor, but the pulpit is occasionally supplied. Free AVill Baptist Church. In June, 18.51 , Rev. C. G. Ames was appointed the first missionary to Minnesota, and commenced his labors at once, in St. Anthony. On the 25th of October following, A. Plarmon, Charlotte Harmon, E. Mcintosh, Abagail Mi'Intosh, Rev. C. G. Ames. and Sarah .J. Ames, formed themselves into a body corporate, and in October 26th, 1851, organized a "Free Will Baptist Church." From 1853 to '54 the church was nuu'h embarrassed for the want of a place of worship. ]\Iost of the members living on the west side of the river, it was resolved to move to Min- neapolis, May 27th. 1854. September 1st, 1855, Rev. C. G. Ames resigned tht. pastoral charge, but continued to supply the desk for a long time after. April 23d, 1860, Rev. A. D. Williams sev- ered his relation to the church. November, 2d, 1861, Rev. B. W. Bryant united with the church and became its pastor. June 1st, 1866, Rev. H. N. Herrick having supplied the desk accepta- bly for some time was invited to become' its pastor, which invitation he accepted Jaiuiary IITS1X)BY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. 20th, 1870; he offered his resignation as pastor December, 1872, which was accepted with the vote to continue his salary for three months. Rev. Charles Payne accepted the pastorate, and resigned August, 1875. November foUowmg, Rev. A. J. Davis was called to the pastorate, and ac- cepted in 1875. May 21st, 1878, extended a call to Rev. A. A. Smith, who accepted and is now in charge of the church. Tlie First Baptist Church was organized in 1853, with ten members, in the house of :Mr. Asa Fletcher. Meetings were held in the first Fletcher hall, located on the south side of Helen street, near the corner of Second Avenue south. March 21st, 1857, Rev. A. A. Russsll re- signed. July 21st, Rev. Amory Gale was called and accepted, and at once entered upon his labors. In the summer of 1857, a lot on the comer of Third Street and Nicollet Avenue was donated by H. T. Welles, Esq., aud the church at once com- menced to build a house of worship. February 6th, 1858, the basement room was completed and occupied, which at that time was the best and largest room for worship in the yoimg town of Minneapolis. From July 1st, 1858, to October, 1860, the church was without a pastor. During the interim, the pulpit was supplied by Revs. G. B. Lewis, J. A. Davis and R. M. Pease. During the winter of 1859- "60 Rev. Mr. Pease preached most of the time. Rev. J. R. Manton commen- ced his labors, as pastor in October, 1860, and la- bored through four stu'ring and eventful years. In July, 1865, an invitation was extended to Rev. L. B. Allen, D. D., and was accepted. In 1866 the church vacated the basement and took down the structure, it being considered unsafe. In 1867 the old lot was exchanged for the one on the comer of Fifth street and Ilemiepin Avenue. In April, 1868, the church invited Rev. AV. L. Lowry to the pastorate. The new edifice was completed, dedicated November 29th, 1868, and the new pastor ordained. September 18th, 1871, Rev. F. W. Powell was called and accepted the pastorate. After a prosperous and successful mhiistry of about three years, failing health com- pelled a resignation which was reluctantly accept- ed. In October, 1874, they extended a call to the Rev. H. C. Woods to become their pastor, who after holding the invitation under advisement, concluded the following November to accept the caU. He entered immediately upon the du- ties of pastor, and is now in charge. Under his careful and prudent ministrations the church has been greatly prospered, receiving large additions to its membership — a net gain of 21 1 members in the past five years. The ladies' sevring society have bought and paid for a fine organ, besides contributing largely towards the expense of up- holstering the seats, which are of a capacity to accommodate between six and seven hundred. The grand total of contributions for the different benevolent objects m the past five years is f34,- 433.88. Present membership, 440. It also has a flourishing Sunday-school of 235 scholars, whose contributions have supported a foreign mission- ary for the past twelve years. Franklin Avenue ^lission was organized May 31st, 1874; the chapel is located on a lot belong- ing to the Baptist Mission, corner of Franklin and Bloomington Avenues, and was dedicated the same day. A Sunday-school was organized with J. C. Hoblet superintendent and Frank Ball, sec- retary. It has a steady growth, and now numbers 136, with an average attendance since its organi- zation of 90. and is provided with an organ and other necessary material for a successful prosecu- tion of the work. Mr. Iloblet expecting soon to leave, Mr. Fallis has been recently elected, and takes it in a flourishing and prosper(_)us condition. Jewett Chapel. The mission spirit stimulated by the success of tlie Franklin Avenue mission, impelled .another attempt, which was seconded by the growing want for more room, and a special meeting was called for that puriJOse on the 29th day of June, 1874. On the 6th of July followuig, the ladies sewing society of the First church pledged $333.33 toward the erection of a new chapel. Deacon S. A. Jewett donated the land, which at once insured the success of the enter- prise, and work \\as immediately commenced im- der the supervision of C. F. Ilaglin, Esq., archi- tect, who kindly donated the plans. It was pushed to completion, and on the 151h of November was dedicated with appropriate services, under the name of " Jewett Chapel." A Sunday-school was organized on the same day, with W. W. Huntington, superintendent, and Deacon J. O. Weld, assistant, and Charles Ham, secretary. It has a membership of eighty : average attendance seventy, which is remarkable. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. 473 The Fifth Avenue Baptist Church was organ- ized December 29th, 1S69, in its present liouse of worship, on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Nintli street south. At the time of its organization it was called the Marshall street Baptist Church ; but with the change of tlie name of Marshall street to Fifth Avenue, a corresponding change was made in the name of the church. In its formation, members of the First Baptist Church, and a cliurch then known as the Union Baptist Church, but now extinct, with persons not members of either of the above churches, but holding letters from others, united together. Rev. A. Gale presided at the meeting of the church, and Philip Herzog was chosen clerk. Immediately after the organization had been ef- fected, and the adoption of a church covenant and the election of the proper officers, a council of the churches was called, who formally recognized the church as a regularly constituted Baptist church. Rev. A. S. Cole was the Urst pastor, succeeded by four others, until the succession came to the pres- ent incumbent. Rev. F. T. (jates. who was called in 1880. The church has enjoyed since its organ- izaton an almost iminterrupted growth. Present memberehip is about 160. The society possesses a comfortable house of worship, 4(1x70 feet, seat- ing 250 persons. There is also a conmiodious parsonage. The First Swedish Baptist Church was organ- ized in 1872, with a membership of twenty-five, in a hall opposite the present post-offlce ; con- tinued there for two years. The church now lo- cated on tlie corner of Sixth street and Twelfth Avenue south, was built by offerings from ser- vant girls of from five to fifteen dollars each, aided by a subscription tif S22o. raised in one night by the First Baptist Church. First Norwegian Baptist Church, located on Eleventh Avenue between Fourth and Fifth streets, was organized May 28, 1879, with about fifteen members, and Rev. J. A. H. Johnson, pas- tor. During his administration a new church was begun in September, 1880. From May to Sep- tember the church was without regular preach- ing, when Rev. I. Lai'sen was called and accepted the office of pastor, who so far finished the work as to make it convenient for public worship. At the present time it has about thirty-eight mem- bers. CONGREGATIONAL CHTRCHES. The First Congregalional church was organized November 16, 1851. Rev. Charles Seccombe of St. Anthony, and Rev. Richard Hall of Point Douglass, conducted the services. There were twelve members and Mr. Seccombe, a missionary of the American Home Missionary Society, took charge of this young organization. This was the first Congregational church organized in the ter- ritory ; seven years before the state of Minnesota was added to the Union. In 1852 the churcli formed a union with the First Presbyterian Church of St. Anthony, but this arrangement was abandoned July 28, 1853. The church received aid from the American Home iSIissionary Society during the first fifteen years of its existence, since which time it has been self supporting. Rev. Charles Secconilje was installed as the first pastor July 30,1854; he was succeeded August, 1866, by Rev. Orlando Clark, who was succeeded Sep- tember 28, 1867, by Rev. Jay Clizbe. In June, 1868, Rev. Gabriel Campbell took charge and served as acting pastor until June, 1869. Then for a few months there was no regular supply. In December, 1869, Rev. Egbert B. Bingliam took charge as acting pastor, and remained until August, 1870, when he resigned on account of ill health ; he was succeeded by Rev. James Tomp- kins as supply, who acted in that capacity until May 15, 1872. From this date till February, 1873, the church was without an acting pastor. On February 11, 1873, Rev. George M. Landon was invited to become pastor. He aceeiited the call and although not installed, seiTed as pastor elect until May, 1875. On the 6th of July, 1875. Rev. E. ]SI. Williams received a call which he accepted, and is the present incumbent. The services of the church were 'first held in a school building erected by the town of St. Anthony as a pledge of the University yet to be. This building stood between University Avenue and A\hat is now known as Macalester College, but it lias long since disappeared. The house of worship fii-st built by the society was located near the corner of Central Avenue and Fourth street, where it still stands. The l)asenient was first occupied as a place of worship from January 16, 1853, but the upper part was not completed until the following year, when it was dedicated February 15, 1854. 474 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. The present house of worship on the comer of Fifth street and Third Avenue south-east was dedicated June 28, 1S74. The l^lymouth Congregational Church in Mm- neapoUs, ^[iunesota, was orgiinized April 28th, 18o7. with eighteen memhei-s: one of these came by profession, two by letter from the First Pres- byterian church of this city, and the othei-s from Congregational and Presbyterian churches ia the eastern and middle states. Of this number, eight still remain membei-s of the church. The iiret pastor was Rev. Xorman ^IcLeod, who continued with the chiurch from its organization untU May, 18.59. From that time the pulpit was supplied chiefly by Rev. H. C. Atwater, untU the settle- ment of Rev. H. il. Xichols, as pastor in Decem- hsv, 1859. The sudden and melancholy death of Rev. Mr. Xichols by drowning on July oth, 1860. shrouded the chiu-ch with gloom, and again left it without a pastor. Rev. W. B. Dada and Rev. David Eastman, then successively supplied the pulpit until October. 1862, when Rev. Charles C. Salter began his ministry here, and was installed pastor in Septembr, 1864. April oth, 1869. Rev. Mr. .Salter resigned his pastorate, and was dis- missed by a mutual council convened on the 14th of the same month. The next pastor was Rev. Henry A. Stimson. who began his labors Decem- ber 1st, 1869, and was ordained and installed as pastor ilay, 2.5th, 1870. He continued his labors until September 1st, 1880, when he asked fora dis- mission which was granted b\ a council called for that pui-pose. The first house of worship which stood on the comer of Nicollet Avenue and Fourth street, was dedicated December 22d, 1858, and was destroyed by an incendiary tire on the night of AprU 3d. 1860, m retalliatiou as is believed, for the faithfuhiess and activity of the pastor. Rev. H. M. Nichols, in the cause of temperance. A new building was erected on the site and dedicated September 13th. 1863. In 1866, it was enlarged by increasing its length, and by the addition of galleries, thus providing about two hundred and fifty additional sittings. In 1870, the steady increase of the congregation made it apparent that a still larger building would soon be needed. Accordingly a new site was purchased on the comer of Nicollet Avenue and Eighth street,a building committee appointed, and actual preparations commenced for the erec- tion of a new building. After various delays, the comer stone of the present church edifice was laid, and the completed building was detUeated October 10th, ls75. Its seating capacity is twelve hundred, and it fills an important place in the so- cial and religious life of our city. Second Congregational Church. In tlie sprmg of 1866, Rev. C. C. Salter, with the aid of mem- bei-s of the Plymouth Church, and persons in the lower part of the city, and very generous contri- l)utions from parties in the Ea«t. succeeded in raising funds sufficient to warrant the founding of a mission Sunday-school. A fractional lot on the corner of Fourth and "\'ine street (now Fif- teenth Avenue south) was purchased, and a build- mg 26x40 erected, at a cost of SI ,795.33. The school was opened May 14th, 1866. with O. B. King, superintendent. Rev. A. U. Carrier came and labored imtil ilay, 1867, when he was suc- ceeded by Rev. "WilHam Leavitt, who suppUed the pulpit imtil November 14th, 1869. In the mean- time the Sunday-school had ijicreased to such an extent that it was deemed expedient to organize a church, and a council was called by letters dated September 24th, 1867. The council met October 9th, 1867, Rev. A. K. Packard, moderator; and Rev. E. S. Williams, scribe. After a careful view of the history of the work and the need of it in that part of the city, it was moved by Rev. E. S. AVilliams that the church be organized in accordance with the petition. The motion was unanimously canied. Rev. Messrs. HaU. Dudley and Brown were appointed a committee to call a meeting for the public recognition of the church. The council met, October 14th. and the church, consisting of twenty members, was duly organ- ized with appropriate exercises. The organiza- tion had thus far been known as "Plymouth Chapel,"" but at a meeting held October 20th, 1867, it was voted that it be called the ■■"\"ine Street Congi-egatioual Chm'ch."" During the pas- torate of Mr. Leavitt. the number of members in- creased from twenty to thirty-five. ^Mr. Lea\-itt was succeeded by Rev. Prescott Fay, who occu- pied the pulpit for two years, resigning November 18th, 1871. Rev. Horace Burnsted commenced his labors in this church Febmary 4th, 1872, and continued until March 1st, 1875. Previous to tliis, the increase of the congregation and Sunday- school had made it jiecessary to provide more UNIVEBSALIST CHURCHES. 475 ample accommodations. Two lots, at the corner of Eighth street and Thirteenth Avenue south, were secured, and the work of erecting a new church was begun. The basement, consisting of lectme-room, class-rooms and kitchen, was com- pleted in July, 1874, since which it has been occu- pied ))y the church. The building is veneered with cream shade brick ; it stands about eighty feet in extreme length by seventy feet in breadth, and will seat •'5(50 jiersons in the auditorium. The name of the church has also been changed to " The Second Congregational Church of Minne- apolis." At a meeting of the church held May 24th, 1875, it was unanimously voted to extend to Kev. E. S. Williams a call to become its pastor. The call was accepted, and he has continued as pastor until the present time. During this pe- riod of two years, seventy-one have been added to its membership — thirty-nine on profession of faith and thirty-two by letter. The Sunday- school, which at first numbered twenty-sLx schol- ars, has steadily increased, and in 1877 numbered two hundred. Pilgrim Church is located at the corner of Washington Avenue and Fourteenth Avenue north. On the 29th day of September, 1873, this church was organized, with twenty-two members Rev. C. A. Hampton was the first pastor, who resigned January 14th, 1879, succeeded by Rev. G. A. Hood, in March, 1879. During that time the church steadily increased, so that it has passed from a mission chapel into a neat and commodious churcli, which is now self-sustaining with a membersliip of aliout ninety. The Suij^ day-school, which was the nucleus around which the iiresent church was formed, was a mission from Plymoutli Church, and now numbers about one hundred and forty. ]\lr. Horace Layton su- perintendent. This is but another repetition of past history in the life's work of earnest men. I'^IIVKKSALIST. The first Universalist Society of St. Anthony was organized at the school-house in St. Anthony on Siniday, the 28th day of August, 18.53. (4. B. Dutton was called to the chair, and Daniel L. Paine, elected clerk. The object of the meeting was stated by one of the members. Reuben Ball was elected treasurer and collector tor the cur- rent year, and the following executive committee was then elected; Stephen Cobb, M. W. Getebell and J. B. Bassett; Rev. ]Mr. 15arnes, pastor. At a meeting called in Central hall, St. Anthony, February 3d, 1856, the society was re-organized with John L. Lovejoy for president, and J. II. Lennon, secretary. At the annual meeting held February 2d, 1859, Rev. Mr. Barnes tendered his resignation as pastor of the society. May 17th, 1868, Rev. II. Bisbee was elected pastor of the church. Felmiary 6tli, 1876, the society met with president Lovejoy in the chair, and resolved that the Rev. Mr. Plarrington he invited to come and hold meetings in the spring, in order to determine the question whether or not a pastor could be maintained. Tins was the last meeting the .so- ciety held. Circumstances over which the mem- bers of the society had no control, caused them to discontinue their meetings, and in 1877, they sold their church building and grounds to the French Catholics, and it is now known as the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes. The first meeting for organization of the ( 'liurch of the Redeemer was held at the Cataract House, October 24th, 1859, W. D. Washburn in the chair; it was organized imder the name of First Uni- versalist Society of Minneapolis. Among the first members in 1854-5, were Judge Cornell and wife, I. I. Lewis, George AV. Chowen, Isaac Brown and John Jackins. Rev. D. Skimier preached for a few months, when the Rev. J. W. King was called and accepted the pastorate. During his pastorate a church was built on the corner of Fifth street and Fourth Avenue south, and was dedicated in October, l.s66. Rev. I). M. Reed of Illinois, preaching the dedication ser- mon. On the first Sunday in July, Rev. J. II. Tuttle of Chicago, preached his first i-ernion. After eight years of his ministry the increasing growth of the church necessitated a change for larger accommodations. A committee was ac- cordingly appointed and a new site for a church was selected on the corner of Eighth street and Second Avenue south, and work was commenced on the present new and beautiful edifice in May, 1873. The work was pushed foi'ward as rapidly as so elaborate a work could well be done, all tak- ing an interest in the new house. Hon. W. D. Washburn presented the society with an elegant organ of the finest finish and tone, costing be- tween three and four thousand dollars. After 476 HTSTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. tlie completion of the church a meeting was called in July, 1876, and on a motion made, the new church was named the "Church of the Re- deemer," and was dedicated July 9th, 1876. Rev. A. A. Minor, D. D., of Boston, ^lassachu- setts, preachins the dedication sermon. Invoca- tion by the Kev. IJoliert Collyer of C'liicago. It is built of blue lime-stone in the gothic style of ar- chitecture, with elegantly designed and stained windows, and is a mar\'el of beauty in design and architecture. Kev. J. H. Tuttle is pastor in charge. EPISCOPAL. Church of (iethsemane. Protestant Episcopal, is located on 5>eventli Avenue south, corner of Fifth street. Tne first Episcopal service per- formed in what is now Minneapolis, was a funeral service by the Kev. Dr. (iear. in the old govern- ment mill near the falls. April 4th, 1856, the church of Getlisemane was organized by Kev. J. S. Chamberlain, missionary at St. Anthony, who, during the spring and summer of that year, held services m a public hall on Helen street, organ- ized with five communicants: Wardens, H. T. Welles, M. L. Olds; vestrymen, W. J. Parsons, I. Atwater, A. E. Ames. July, 1856. Kev. D. B. Knickerbacker, present rector, was appointed missionary of the domestic board, and was or- dained priest, in Getlisemane Church July, 1857, by Bishop Kemper. August 5tli, 1856, the corner stone of Getlisemane Cliurch was laid, by the Kev. Dr. Gear, then chaplain at Fort Snelling, and the first sen-ice was held in the church De- cember 7th of that year. At the time of the con- secration of the church there were sixteen com- municants. In 1858, the rectory and sexton's house were built, and in 1865, the church was enlarged and the parish school opened. The his- tory of the church is one of steady growth and prosperity There are now (1880) two hundred and fifty communicants. The present officers are: Rector, Rev. I). B. Knickerbacker. D. D.; rector's assistant, Rev. J. A. Bevington, B. I).; senior warden, I. Atwater; junior warden, O. T. Tuttle; vestrymen, C. W. Putnam, M. D.; AV. B. Jack- son, Jr.; E. H. llolbrook. Jr.; W. H. Chamber- lain, John I. Black, W. D. Lawrence, II. D.; treasurer, G. C. Farnham ; clerk, S. C. March ; parish visitors, Sisters Annette Relf and Mrs. D. E. Spooner. Connected with the church is a Sunday-school, of which the rector is superin- tendent, having an average attendance of about 225 scholars. The following is a description of the missions in the city under charge of (iethse- mane Church: St. Andrew's Church, Xorth Minneapolis, is located at the corner of Washington and Eigh- teenth Avenues north. Services were com- menced in 1857 and continued until the present time under the care of the clergy of Getlisemane. Service is held every Sunday morning, and Sun- day-school after morning service. There are fifty families and fifty-five communicants. The Sunday-scliool has seventy-five scholars enrolled. Grace Chapel Mission is located on Franklin Avenue, corner of Twenty-first .Vvenue south. It was erected in 1877. at a cost of 52. .500; owned and under the care of the Brotherhood of (ieth- semane Church. Di\'ine service and Sunday- school is held weekly at three o'clock p. m.; one hundred children are enrolled. It is under the care of Rev. D. B. Knickerbacker, D. D.. and as- sistants. Coimty Jail. — Mission services are held here every Sunday afternoon by the Brotherhood of Gethsemane Church. Holy Trinity Church. Fourth Avenue south, corner Sixth street was founded under the auspi- ces of the associated mission which landed at Ft. SneUing in 18.50, consisting of the Kev. James Lloyd Breck. John Austin Merrick and Kev. Timothy Wilcoxson. The first service in East Minneapolis, then St. Anthony was held in July, 1850, by Rev. Timothy Wilcoxson. The corner stone of the original church was laid by the Rev. Dr. Breck, October 30th, 18-50. Rev. Father Gear, chaplain at Fort Snelling, making the ad- dress. First episcopal visitation was made by Right Rev. Dr. Kemper on Sunday, August 4th. 1850. The parish was formally organized on Easter Monday, 1852, first clergyman in charge, Kev. Timothy Wilcoxson. October 1st, 18.52, Kev. J. S. Chamberlain was assigned to duty at St. Anthony, and several stations north and south; Kev. D. B. Knickerbacker afterwards pas- tor of Getlisemane parish, and Bishop elect of Arizona, was sent out to aid Rev, Mr. Chamber- lain and remained in charge until 1857. He was succeeded by Kev. Charles Woodward as rector from 1857 to "59. The rectorship -was vacant EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. 477 from '59 to '60, when Rev. H. A. Neely assumed temporary charge until May Sth, 1861. Rev. Mr. Kiiickerbacker resumed the care of the parish until 1862. In 1863, Re v. A. Spor became rector, remained until I860; Rev. Dr. Smallwood suc- ceeded, wlio died universally regretted, July 2d, 1869. The parish again became dependent upon the care of Rev. Mr. Knickerbacker until Octo- ber, 1867; Rev. A. Reves succeeded only to re- main a short time. Rev. John Anketel succeed- ed him for a brief period; Rev. G. L. Chase then became rector, remaining until September, 1874, at which time, after being twice called, he as- sumed the wardenship of the Divinity school at Faribault. Mr. Chase was assisted for several years by the Rev. Charles H. Plummer, who was succeeded in October, 1874, by Rev. Frank C. Coolbaugh, who remained until October 4th, 1875. On December 4th, 1875, Rev. Theodore M. Riley, of Philadelphia, was elected rector, and entered upon his duties July 15th, 1876. Under the rectorship of Rev. Mr. Chase, a new stone church had been erected, which remained unfurn- ished luitil 1876; carpets and pews were provided in 1877; windows for the chancel were presented by Mrs. Elizabeth Grow, of New York; furnish- ed and without debt it awaited consecration, which occured on ascension day. May .30th, 1878, by Right Rev. Bishop Whipple. The sermon was preached by Rev. C. W. Ward, of Winona, son of the late Comodore Ward. The Font now in use in the church, was made from stone that fell from the top of St. Anthony Falls in 1856. The altar somewhat enlarged, is the original one in use in the days of Breck, Mer- rick and Wilcoxson; the hell was purchased in 1854. The rectory just completed was erected during the past year, largely through the kind benevolence of Mrs. Caroline II. Delano, of Nia- gara Falls, who donated one thousand dollars to- ward the cozy structure; the remaining |500 was contributed by the parish. St. Mark's Chiirch was organized April 22d, 1868. The first service of the new parish was in St. Mark's Chapel, in July, sermon by Rev. E. S. Thomas, of Faribault. Rev. Mr. Thomas was mianimously chosen the first rector, August 3d, which he declined. Rev. E. A. Bradley was elected, and entered upon the duties of his office in 1869, holding the rectorship for about eighteen months. He resigned August 10th, 1870. The new church was completed in December follow- ing, and the first service in the new edifice was held on Christmas day, at whicli time the total amount of the church debt of seven thousand dollars, was paid l)y the generous offerings of the people. This new and beautiful structure was consecrated September 21st, 1871, Bishop Whip- ple officiating. Rev. Mr. Thomas resigned Janu- ary 1st, 1875, succeeded by Rev. Mr. Corbett, D. D., who resigned January 2d, 1880. In October, 1880, Rev. T. B. Wells, D. D., the present rector, was elected. St. Paul's Ei)iscopal Church, located on Henne- pin Avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, was organized in June, 1880. For about seven months meetings were jield in Elliott hall on Nicollet Avenue lietween Washington Avenue and Third street. The congregation purchased its present site on Ileiniepin Avenue, and erected their edifice which they occupied early in Novem- ber, 1880. In July, the present rector, Rev. F. W. Tomkius was called and took charge Septem- ber 1st, 1880. The communicants number about seventy-five, and are rapidly increasing. Christ Church, Reformed Episcopal, is one of the later organizations of the city. Its edifice is "on Hennepin Avenue above Tenth street, and it possesses one of the best organs in the city. Its membership as yet is small. The officers are: rector. Rev. Edward D. Neill; senior warden, W. C. Baker; junior warden, George Markell; vestry- men, Edwin Phillips, M. D., J. II. Bissell, .M. D., W. W. McNair. The German Lutheran. St. John's Church, is located on First street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues north-east. The first meeting was held in a school-house, in June, 1867. Rev. Mr. Facht- man was the first pastor. The church had six- teen members. From various causes the mem- bership has been reduced, and the church is at present without a pastor. Trinity Norwegian Danish Evangelical Luth- eran Church is located on the corner of Fourth street and Tenth Aveime south. Was organized in 1868. by Rev. Paidson, who is now a resident of Wilmar. The second pastor was Prof. W^ee- naas ; the third. Prof. Sven Oftedal ; and the fourth, G. Oftedal, the present incumbent. The church was erected in 1871. The first member 478 HISTORY OF HEKNEPIN COVNTY. ship was about thirty. The present number is 450. There is a religious school held in this church about two and a half months in the year; also a a Sunday-schoDl weekly. Our Savior's Chiu-eh. Xorwegian Evangelical Lutheran, located on the corner of Washington and Tenth Avenue south, was organized in 1S69, by Rev. Zlvisaker, with about six members. He remained about three years, and was succeeded by Kev. A. II. Stub. In 1878, the present in- cumbent. O. P. A'augsiies. was called to this charge. The voting membership is about one hundred. Emanuel Church. Xorwegian Evangelical Lu- theran, located on First street between Cen- tral and First Aveimes north-east It is an outgrowth from the church of 'Our Savior." and was organized liy Rev. A. II. Stub, to ac- commodate tlie Xorwegian population on the east side. Rev. Mr. Stub was succeeded by the Rev. O. P. A'augsnes. who is now in charge. Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Mission Church is located on the corner of Fourth street and Eighth Avenue south; was organized in 1874, by by Rev. Charles Youngqxist. who remained six months: was then supplied occasionally until 1877, when Rev. A. Lidman took charge, remaining until tlie arrival of the Rev. C. E. Tornqvist' August, 1880. First worehipped on the comer of Sixth street and Seventeenth Avenue south, in a church sold to Father Power of the Holy Rosary Cluucli. In 1879. a church was erected on the corner of Fourtli street and Eiglith Avenue south, and dedicated the same year. "Was organized with eight families. Tlie communicants now number 175. St. Johu"s Church, tierman Evangelical, is lo- cated on the corner of Sixteenth Avenue north and Tliird street, and was organized in 1872, by Rev. Louis Rague of St. Paul. Having no edi- fice, met in private houses, and was occassionally visited by Rev. Rague. In 1874 Rev. L. H. Buelirig was appointed pastor. In 187.5 the land on which the neat Uttle church and parsonage is located was purchased and the church erected the same year. Rev. Buehrig remained till May 1st, 1878. For a few months there was no regular preaching. August 8lh, 1878, Rev. II. Fleer took charge of the work and now remains pastor. During the vacation of the public schools ]SIr. Fleer has a select school in the church for about three months in the year. Reading, wniting, mental arithmetic, spelling, etc., are taught. Trinity ("liurch, tierman Evangelical Lutheran, is located on the corner of Xinth Avenue south and Fourth street. In 18-56, Ferdinand Sievere was sent here by the Missouri SjTiod to Investi- gate, and finding a number of his countrymen here without a pastor or church organization, he consented to preach a few times, thereby forming the nucli;:s of the present Trinity church. After his return home, the society was visited by Rev. E. G. Miessler,then amissionarv" from Michigan. The first regular pastor was Rev. John Ilorst. who took cliarge in 1859. coming here from Fort Wayne, Indiana, remaining till the summer of 186.3: moved to Cioodhue county, leaving the church without a regular supply. Rev. Paul Rupi)recht preached occasionally, after which Rev. Eniest Rolf, of St. Paid, took the charge until March. 1868, when Rev. William Fredrich supplied the pulpit until the health of Rev. .lohn Herzer permitted him to resume, and he contin- ued his labore until July 6th, 1879, when the pres- ent incumbent. .Mr. Poell. arrived. The church was built in 1868. and dedicated in September of the same year. At that time there were only sixteen members: at present the voting member- ship is sixty. St. Paul's Xorwegian Evangelical Lutheran church, located on the corner of Fourth street and Fifteenth A^•enue south, was organized July 6th, 1872, by Mr. Berg, pastor, with twenty-six members. From the first organization to the present time they have had three pastors. Rev. Mr. Karlson is the present pastor. Have a Sun- day-school that was organized in 1874; present membership forty-five, with L. Johnson superin- tendent. The Cierman Evangelical Association is located on the comer of Fourth street and Sixth Avenue north. The first meeting was held at a private residence corner of Third street and Hennepin Avenue in July, 1870, with three members, G. H. Knebel first pastor. Bishop Whipple kindly offered them tlie use of the chiuTh, corner of Fourth street and Hennepin Avenue. The church in whicli they worshipped was to be moved, obUging them to seek quarters elsewhere. Bv the action of the conference held in St. Paul. LUTHERAN CHURCHES. 479 steps were taken to secure property of their own, and iu August following, a lot was purchased cor- ner of Fourth street and Fourth Avenue north, and in September following, work was begun, and in November the church was completed and dedi- cated, Kev. A. Hudster, D. D., of the Northwest- ern College at Napierville, IlUnois, offleiating. June ]2tli, 1872, a permanent organization was made. In 1873, Bev. J. Manthey came as pastor; during his three years of labor the church grew and prospered. In 1876, Rev. W. Stegner was stationed here for three years. In that time the lot on which the chiu'ch stood was sold to the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway. Immediately thereafter, the present site was purchased, the church building moved and repaired; in the same year a parsonage was built at a cost of SI ,200. In 1879, Mr. Stegner was elected presiding elder, and succeeded by Rev. J. G. Ilaller, under whom the Church has grown largely; also the Sunday- school. The parishioners have worked with com- mendable zeal. A parochial school, in connection with Trinity Church, corner of Fourth street and Tenth Ave- nue south, has been conducted since the founding of the chiu'ch. At first it was taught by the minister in charge, but in 1868, Frederick Droess- ler taught three months and then the minister again took charge until August 13tli, 1871, ^vhen John Miller, a graduate of the Teachers' Semi- nary at Addison, Cook county, Illinois, was en- gaged. He was succeeded, April 1st, 1873, by Fred Lotlunan, of Cleveland, Ohio, and on Sep- tember 1st, 1874, John W. Doell, the present in- cumbent took charge. The building is located near the church on the grounds of the society. The branches taught are religion, German and English reading, arithmetic, grammar, vocal music, United States history, translation and drawing. Lutheran School Association. In September, 1880, an educational association was formed un- der the supervision of Rev. O. P. Vaugsnes. Tlie object of this organization is teaching of children of both sexes in religion and branches usually taught in a graded school. School is taught ten months of the year, in the basement of the Meth- odist Episcopal church, corner of Fourth Avenue south and Fifth street. In connection with Augustana church, a relig- ious day school is held in the church about four months in the year. The branches taught are reading, Biljle history and catechism. Tlie Friends held their lirst meeting in the summer of ISoO, with idiout twelve members, who assemliled in an upper liall on First street, in a building belonging to Joel Bassett. Daniel Bassett "head of the meeting" holdmg meetings in that place for two or three years. In 18-57, they- built the present church on Hennepin Avenue and Eighth street, and have a membership of about one himdred and twenty. The Church of Christ, of Minneapolis, owes its organization to the following circumstances. Early in the month of February, 1877, the Chris- tian Missionary Society of Minnesota, an institu- tion incorporated under the laws of the state by the religious people commonly known as Disci- ples, sent to the city of Minneapolis, its then presiding elder, J. LaGrange, to ascertain who, if any of its residents were of their faith, and to organize if possible, a church. After some ef- forts several were found, and an interview was appointed for the evening of February 14th, at the house, A. T. Ankeny. At this interview the following members were present; Elder La Grange, Mr. and ISIrs. S. B. Mattison, Mrs. O. C. Wyman, Mrs. W. S. Atkinson. It was then de- termined to continue the work of inipiiry. In the month of May following, under the invita- tion of the brethren, they were visited by Elder N. A. McConnell, of Iowa, by whom a series of meetings was conducted at the chapel of the New Jerusalem Church on the corner of Ninth street and Fifth Avenue south. As a result of those labors, the Church of Christ was formed, to be governed in all things by the Holy Scriptures. From that time forward, the public services were regular, and the following persons have acted as pastors; Elders, E. T. C. Bennett, W. H. Rogers and W. II. Jeffries. The trustees are S. B. ^lattison, O. C. Wyman and A. T. Ankeny, deacons, 1). W. Egan, J. W. Bird- well. Dr. L. W. Denton and O. A. Slafter. The present membership is seventy-six. As adjuncts to the churcli are a llourshiug Bible school and Womans Aid Society; services are held every first day of the week at the chapel, corner Ninth street and Fifth Avenue south. It is the expec- tation of this church to erect an edifice for wor- 480 HISTORY OF HEXNEPIN COUNTY. ship at as early a day as circumstances will al- low. The Advent Christian rinirch. Fourth street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues north, was or- ganized with Hev. II. F. BeiTick, firet pastor. Present ehurch edifice was erected in 1870. The officiating clerg\inan. Hev. W. J. Brusell, com- menced his lahoi-s in 1879. They have a member- •ship of about forty; also a Sunday-school with an average attendence of forty; Mr. J. Colter, super- intendent. The Hebrew Reformed Congregation is located near the corner of First Avenue south and Fifth sti-eet. This society rented a hall on Hennepin Avenue in 1878, where they worshiped for two years, with the Kev. Dr. Friedman for their pastor for the first year, who was then succeeded by Rev. Dr. Shreierfor one year. Their constant- ly increasing numbers obliged them to build a synagogue, at a cost of S6,.500, which was ded- icated in the winter of 1880. It is built in the Oriental style of architecture. After its dedication, the Rev. Dr. Iliowizi, a highly cul- tured man, was called and accepted the charge. CHAPTER LXXIII. lsEWSP.\PEl{S— COfRTS AND 15AK. St. Anthony Express, weekly. To the St. An- thony Express, belongs the honor of the title of Father of the Press at the falls of St. Anthony. The first inimber was issued on Saturday of the last week in May, 1851. It was published in weekly form, indeed there was no daily publica- tion in the tenitory initil six years later. Our well known fellow citizen. Judge Isaac Atwater edited, and E. Tyler pubhshed the paper. In the spring of 1852, Judge Atvvater bought out his partner and continued the publication of the sheet until 1858, wlien it was removed to Shakopee, having been sold to Judge McDonald. Minnesotii Republican, weekly. On Ajiril 12th, 1855, C. G. Ames, editor, and D. L. Paine, pub- lisher, stai-ted the Minnesota Republican, which ran with varying success until it was sold to Croffut and Clark and finally, on January 6th, 1858, merged into the State Xews. Falls Evening Xews, daily. Messrs. Croffut and Clark were the first to launch their bark upon the sea of daily journalism ; on whose rocks and shoals so many promising crafts have been ship- wTecked. September 28th, 1856, they began the publication of the daily. Falls Evening Xews. In April, 1861, the daily, after a hard struggle, sank from view. The weekly edition, known as the State X'ews. continued however, two years longer. Xorth-AVestern Democrat, weekly. AV.A.Hotch- kiss, started the North-Western Democrat, the first paper issued west of the river, during the month of August, 1855. This sheet continued until 1857, when Joel B. Bassett purchased it, after- wards selling to W. F. Russell of Shakopee. The Gazette, weekly, ilr. Russell removed to Minneapolis and christened his venture The Ga- zette. Only a year later, Mr. Bassett again ob- tained possession of the sheet, selling it shortly afterwards, when it was merged into the Journal. Minneapolis Journal, weekly. In 1858, C. H. Pettit and John G. Williams having bought the Gazette, rejuvenated it under the name of the Minneapolis Journal. l)ut it was short lived, being swallowed up by the State Atlas in 1859. The Plain Dealer, weekly. On the 5th of April 1858, Horace E. Purdy issued the Plain Dealer, democratic in principle. Seventeen months later it was removed to La Crosse. State Atlas, weekly. May 28th, 1859, the in- domitalile William S. King started the State At- las. Col. King had a severe struggle, but by hard w'ork and with the aid of his personal endeavor as sole proprietor and editor, he earned his enter- prise safely until 1.S67, when the Daily Tribune engulphed it. The Chronicle, daily. On June 22d, 1866, a publishing company composed of Jolui H. Stevens and others, began the weekly Chronicle. Three months later the first number of the Daily Chron- icle was issued. In ilay of the following year the paper passed into the Tribmie vortex, wliich sucked down so many cotemporaries. The Cataract and Agriculturist, weekly. Col. J. II. .Stevens and F. Belfoy. the latter now of Litchfield, issued the first number of the Cataract and Agrioulturist, on August 23d, 1857. R. H. Couwell bought the paper in February. 1868. NEVVSPAPEBS. 48] North Star, weekly. Mr. Conwell poiitinued liis purchase, the Cataract and Agi-iculturist, un- der the title of North Star. The Independent, weekly. In the fall of 1868, C. M. Landon purchased ilr. Conwell's Korth Star and continued the ]uil)lieation under the name of the Independent. Tliis sheet lived two years. Daily Star. R. H. Conwell tried his hand at daily journalism hy starting a campaign repidjlican paper on June 5th, 1868. Tlie paper lasted just five months. The Tribune, daily. In the year 1867, Minne- apolis journalism had dwindled down to two pub- lications, the State Atlas and the Daily Chronicle. In May of the year mentioned, a stock company, called the Tribune Printing Company, was formed, consisting of some of the leading Kepub- licans of the city, prominent among whom were D. Morrison. W. I). Washburn, Dr. L. Butler, J. S. Pillsbiiry, W. S. King, L. P. Plummer, and a number of others. This company, with a capital stock of §2-5,000. purchased the Minneapolis field, together with the good will and chattels of the Atlas and Chronicle, and on Saturday, May 25th, 1867, issued the first number of The Daily Trib- une, with full telegraphic dispatches, and an able corps of editors, with John T. Gilman as chief. Mr. Oilman's connection with the Tribune lasted tlu'ee months, when he was succeeded by George K. Shaw. About the year 1870, Hugh W. Greene was placed in charge of the paper. Mr. Greene was followed Ijy Mr. Powell, Major Ilowell, W. A. Croft'ut, Clifford Thompson, and J. P. Rea as ed- itors, in the order given. May 2d, 1876, through the pressure of financial circumstances, the Pio- neer Press obtained conti'ol of the Triljune's asso- ciated press franchise, and its entire good will and effects. The Evening Mail was about the same time swallowed up b>' the insatiate monster. The great consolidated sailed for a time under the head of " The Pioneer Press and Tribune. The name was soon, however, reduced to its present title. The Pioneer Press, printed and edited in St. Paul, and circulated in both cities, St. Paul and Minneapolis. This successful couj) d' etat, by which St. Paul citizens controlled the entire field and franchises of Minneapolis daily journalism, resulted in the greatest indignation on the part of the people. Twelve of the best citi- 31 zens formed a syndicate to, if possible, remedy the evil, and did actually, for a time, obtain under an iron-clad mortgage held by Judge Woods, of Ohio, the custody of the property. An indigna- tion meeting was held at the Academy of Music, and sentiments anything but complimentary to the Pioneer Press action were freely vented. The efforts of " the twelve apostles,"' as they were dubbed, failed of any practical result, save that the Evening Tribune was placed in the field in lieu of the Evening Mail, under the editorial management of David Blakely, whose conduct of the paper, it must be said, has but reflected credit upon that gentleman. In May, 1880, after many delayed attempts, the Tribune was issued as a morning daily eight-page paper, with full tele- graphic franchise, and every promise of supply- ing the much needed and long talked of morning daily, strictly in the interests of Minneapolis. The editorial force consists of D. Blakely and A. B. Nettleton, editors and proprietors, Amos Jor- dan, news editor, J. N. Niud, city editor, and a corps of three trained reporters. The weekly edition of the Tribune has reached a circulation throughout the north-west. The Farmer's Union, weekly. August 1st, 1867, W. A. Nimocks, publisher, and Col. J. II. Stevens, editor, started the Farmer's Union. In December, two years later, Mr. Ximocks sold out to Col. Stevens. Up to January 1st, 1872, the Union had been issued as a monthly, but on that date it began its existence as a weekly, as it has since continued. August 1st, 1873, W. J. Aber- nethy purchased the paper, running it with marked success until July 1st, 1876, when it be- came involved in the general downfall of Minne- apolis journals, Ijeing absorbed by the Pioneer Press, and joined with the Tribune's weekly as the Weekly Tribune and Farmer's Union. St. Anthony Falls Democrat, weekly. The first number of tlie St. Anthony Falls Democrat was issued in October, 1869, by Ovid Pinney and otliers, with Rev. H. Bisbee as editor. In the month of June following, Mr. Pinney assumed entire charge, afterwards leasing to J. J. Green. Minneapolis Democrat, weekly. Mr. Green I'hanged the name of the paper to the Miimeapo- lis Democrat, and continued its publication until 1873, when its good-will was sold to the Evening Times 482 mSTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Miinieapolis Free Will Baptist. This publica- tion, appearinc; once in three months, was edited by Rev. A. 1). Williams, the first number being issued about April, of I80O. and li\ed liut about a year. Minnesota Pupil, weekly. In 1808, W. T. Hatch started the IMinnesota Pupil in the inter- ests of education, but like so many others it was destined to die. and dropped out of sisht about 187.5. Temperance Advocate, weekly. Rev. Mr. >[anley dedicated the Temperance AdviH'ate to the tee-totaler's cause, issuing the lirst number in 1869. The Advocate lasted about two years, then went the way of the rest. The Citizen, weekly. The Citizen, claiming to be luisectarian, was in fact devoted to the cause of Christianity. The first number appeared Jan- uary 1st, 1874. It was published in pamphlet form of twenty pages, and edited by Prof. Camp- bell, of the State University faculty. Douglass & Donaldson purchased the paper in 1875, and after a series of legal complications and business mis- takes, it suspended in ^Nlarcli. 1878. Liberty Blade, weekly. August 1st, 1877, J. C. Irvin moved the Liberty Blade from St. Paul. The paper was devoted to temperance, and was for some time nui in the interests of the Good Templars' lodges. Early in 1879, llev. AV. AV. Satterlee, noted for his energetic adherence to the temperance cause, purchased the paper, and con- ducted it in his usual vigorous style until late in the fall, when it was united with the Waseca Radical. ^Minnesota Beacon, semi-monthly. On January 6th, 1858, L. Mel. Hyde and Rev. Mr. Williams issued the first number of a semi-monthly, enti- tled the Minnesota Beacon. After one volume the name and issue was changed. Rural Minnesotian, weekly. At the conclusion of the first volume of the jMinnesota Beacon, the name was changed to the Rural Minnesotian, and the issue was made weekly. Expired at the be- ginning of the war, 1861. Minneapolis Freie Press, weekly. The Freie Press is the only German paper published in Minneapolis. The paper was started November 13th. 1809, by Lambert Xaegel publisher, and T>. A. Ilinsch as editor. Evening News, daily. June 3d, 1871, George K. Shaw issued the first number of the Minne- apolis Daily Evening News. Two years later Pliny Bartlett purchased the News and consoli- dated the paper with the Times under the name of the Times and News, a title which was shortly afterwards dropped, the issue being continued under the name of the Evening Times. Evening Times, daily. In 1872, PUny Bartlett started the Evening Times, with Frank J. ISIead as editor. In June, 1873, the Evening News was purchased and for a time the issue was published under the title of Times and News. This name was subsequently dropiied and a stock company was formed, to run the Evening Times as a dem- ocratic daily, with the late Edward Murphy as president. December 20th, 1873, W. S. King closed \\\i the concern luider a chattel mortgage. Evening !Mail, daily. In 1874, the Evening Mail was started luidcr the auspices of the Trib- une with Clifford Thompson as editor. About two weeks later the Mail was purchased by W. A. Cruffut, and one week afterwards, Johnson & Smith liought a half interest in the paper. About a year later Mr. Croffut disposed of his interest to the firm mentioned, and in May, 1876, the Mail was sold to T. S. King, who acted in the piuchase as the agent of the Pioneer Press, Minnesota, weekly. Solberg and Eger started the Minnesota, a weekly Norwegian paper, No- vember 1st, 1871, merged in the Budstikken two years later. Lutheraneren, bi-monthly. TheLulheraneren was moved from Wisconsin to Minneapolis in July, 1872, by Rev. G. Sverdrup. in the interests of the Norwegian Lutheran church. Budstikken, weekly. September 2d. 1873. P. II. Hanson and Company started the Budstikken, a Norwegian paper. The pulilication was subse- quently controlled by Gudman F. Johnson and J. E. Gjedde; Lute Jaeger is the editor. ^laster-iSIechanic, monthly. Vernon Bell is- sued the Master-Mechanic in 1871. Bell, Comstock and Parsons subsequently formed a company to nm the paper as a weekly. It soon expired. Monday Morning News, weekly. II. E. Lawr- ence attempted the publication of the Monday Morning News, in 1875. The paper was short lived, only a few numbers being issued. Tourist and Sportsman, weekly. A.S. Dimond started the Tourist and Sportsman, an illustrated NEWSPAPERS. 483 paper devoted to Minnesota pleasure resorts for the summer months, in May of 1875. April 6tli, 1880, while published by Wilcox, Dimond and Company, the paper was burned out. Tlie paper is issued during the summer months. Mississippi Valley Liunlierman, weekly. P. B. Walker started the Mississippi Valley Lum- berman, August 17th, 1876. Tlie paper is con- ducted entirely in the interest of tlie lumbermen. It has been repeatedly enlarged and seems to be in a flourishing condition. Tlie Pioneer Press. This paper belongs to Mimieapolis by birth and native growth, as well as by adoption. On the one hand, it represents, it is true, the life and history of journalism in St. Paul, from the first issue of the "St. Paul Pi- oneer," April 28th, 1849, down to the date of union of the Pioneer and the "St. Paul Daily Press," April 11th, 1875. On the other hand, it represents also the growth of journalism in Min- neapolis, from the early days of the old "Nortli- Western Gazette," down to tlie original "Minne- apolis Tribune," with which the Pioneer Press was consolidated iNIay 2d, 187B. The St. Paul Pioneer had for several years previous to its union with the Press, maintained a business and editorial "Minneapolis department," but with the union of 1876, an entirely new sy.stem was established, which made it a more thorough rep- resentative of the life and growth of JNliniieapo- lis. In proprietary interests, and in editorial and business management, both cities were properly represented, and the new, or joint, policy estab- lished, gave to both cities a widely circulated or- gan. The average circulation of the Pioneer Press is now lietween eleven and twelve thousand, through Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Manitoba, northern Iowa and northern Wisconsin. The Weekly Pioneer Press has, in addition to the in- creasing circulation of the daily edition, reached fourteen tliousand copies, which go into the homes of the most intelligent and thrifty of the farming population. This paper has lately se- cured the entire control of a telegraphic wire be- tween St. Paul and New York and Wasliington, which gives them increased facilities for tlie transmission of news. Tlie Pioneer Press is conceded by all to be the leading and most pro- gressive journal in the north-west. Mhmesota Stats Tidning (The State Journal) is a Swedish weekly which already ranks high among the leading newspapers of the north-west. Its founder and cliief editor, is Col. H. Mattson, one of the pioneers of Minnesota. The first number of the paper was dated January 4tb, 1877, was of twenty-eight pages, and came out in an edition of 1,0(10 copies. From that time it has steadily increased in prosperity and influence, and now contains thirty-six large col- umns, and nuinliers 4,o(iii regular subscribers. It is republican in politics, American in spirit, and a champion of tlie interests and honor of the Scandinavian people of the state, which com- prises one-sixth of the entire population. This paper has its editorial rooms, office and compo- sing rooms on the third floor of the City Hall building, and is under the management of H. jNIattson, chief editor and publisher. Axel Dahlstrand, assistant editor, Alfr. Soderstrom, business manager. jSTordisk Folkeblad, weekly, was the first Scan- dinavian paper published in the city. It was es- tablislied at Rochester, in 1868, by F. S. Christ- ensen, now commissioner of statistics, and was removed to Minneapolis in 1878. It was con- ducted by several different managers until 1875, when it was consolidated with the " Skandina- ven" in Chicago. In addition to this paper, there has been the Farmer Tidends, Minnesota Xord- vestern, Svenska Monitorin and Svenska Nybyz- zaren. Tlie tliree first were published in the Norwegian language, and the three latter in the Swedish. All of tliem were of sliort duration. Folkeliladet, weekly. Tlie first number of the Folkebladet was issued July, 1877, by Prof. S. Oftedal, president of Augsbm-g Seminary. The paper is devoted to the educational interests of the Norwegian people. The Housekeeper, monthly. In the interests of the Buckeye cook book, the Housekeeper was first published in August of 1878. The little pa- per has reached an immense sale. April 6tli, 1880, while pubUslied by Wilcox, Dimond and Co., the paper was burned out and is now published by Hoppin, Palmer and Dimond. The circula- tion now aggregates 20,000. Minnesota Farmer, monthly. September 18th, 1877, II. E. Newton issued the first number of the Minnesota Farmer, a slieet which is still alive, albeit struggling hard for an existence. 484 HISTORY OF HEXNEPIN COUNTY. Minnesota Scandinava, weekly. The Scandin- ava was first issued iXovember lotli, 1878, by Gen. Hanson as a Xoiwpsian weekly. The publica- tion lasted only about a year when it suspended on account of the failing health of the editor. Bell's Daily Times. Justus B. Bell issued the Daily Times as a small advertising sheet for gra- tiutous circulation from December 10th. 1 878. to April 6th, 1880, wlien it fell a victim to the flames in the Brackett's block fire. Xorthwestern ^liller. weekly, ilarch 19th, 1879, Albert Hoppin. editor and proprietor, moved the Xorthwestern Jliller from La Crosse to Jlin- neapoUs. The paper is a neat twenty page pam- phlet devoted to the milling interests of the north-west and has proven a decided success. During March of 1881. the issue reached 18,000 copies. Evening Journal, daily. Tlie first issue of the Evening Jomnal was made November 2d, 1878, by Charles H. Stevens and Frank E. Curtis. The paper was started as a three cent evening daily. April 6th, 1880, the paper was burned out Lu the Brackett's block disaster. A few days later the Minnesota Printing Company, composed of -J. M. and Geo.K. Shaw and W. A. and C. A.Ximocks, bought the good wUl and circulation of the paper, and shortly after, purchased the associated press telegraphic franchise for the evening field. The paper was enlarged and improved in every department. The Evening .Journal at once as- sumed the position of the leading evening news- paper of the north-west. April 1st, 1881, they moved into their new building, Xo. 10 "V^'ashing- ton Avenue north, fully equipped with a double cylinder, rapid running B. Hoe press, engine, and all the facilities necessary to a first-class modem journal. The editorial staff is made up George K. Shaw, editor. Frank E. Ilesler, city- editor, A. J. Gage. Jr.. telegrapli editor, and Geo. X. Loomis state editor, besides a full corps of re- porters and correspondents. The Spectator, weekly. C. H. Dubois issued the first number of the Spectator, a weekly fam- ily paper of eight pages, on July 26th, 1879. The Farm and Home was issued for a time as an ag- ricultural edition of the Spectator, but its course was short lived. The Spectator is issued ever}- Saturday, and is one of the neatest papers, typo- graphically, in the country. State Index, weekly. Dr. DTnger started the Trade Index about the year 1875, but shortly af- ter changed the name to the State Index. The publication proved disastrous to its owner, who gave it up in sore extremity about three years later, subsequently removing to Chicago, where he has recuperated his faiUng fortimes through his treatment of inebriates with the ■• cinchona cure." The Ariel, monthly. The Ariel is the college pai>er edited l>y the students at the State Univer- sity. The editoi-s are elected each year. The publication reached its fourth volume in June, 1881. True Flag, weekly. J. S. Rankin, a gentleman of much learning, but little means, published for a time several partizan papers, among them the True Flag. They were all short lived. The Penny Herald, daily. The Penny Herald was first issued by J. H. Kowell about ilay loth, 1880, as a moi-ning one cent daily. After i-unning for about six mouths, it was changed to the even- ing field under the name of the Daily Herald. In Jamian,-, 1880, "WiUard and Casseday purchased a three-fourths interest in the paper. The Herald depends upon correspondents and exchanges for its telegraphic news. Comic Pictorial, monthly. Geo. B. Hall issued the first number of his Comic Pictorial, an eight page illustrated paper, March, 1881. It is yet too young for extended comment, but its future may be easily anticipated. Boys and Girls of Minnesota, weekly. AVill. Beach edited and published the Boys and Girls of Minnesota for about six months. The publi- cation was a neatly illustrated pamphlet, quite popular among children. In January, 1881, the paper was burned out and suspended. The :Mirror. weekly. In 1873. Ed. A. Stevens started the illustrated Sunday Mirror, devoted to the broadest personalities with the motto '■ We will tell the truth, no matter who is hit.." The publication was sulisequently changed to the Gopher Mirror, then to the Daily ilirror. issued every evening, and finally to the Hennepin County Mu-ror. Late in 1880, Ed. A. Stevens sold the entire interest in his paper to his brother. Chas. H. Stevens. Miimeapolis Weekly. The Minneapolis Week- ly is publishe' of these courts. In this connection it may be remarked that in those early days, very important questions and points were decided in those justices" courts. Many suits of forcible entry and detainer were brought, involving very valuable property, and although nommally. only the right of possession was in is- sue, yet practically, possession in those days was emphatically "nine points of the law." and not unfrequently canied the legal title with it. Among the tracts thus adjudicated upon, were Hennepin Island, the property on which the floiu"- iiig mills on the west side of the river are now situated, and in fact, several claims, which now constitute the most valuable part of the city of Minneapolis. None of these justices were edu- cated lawyei-s. (with the exception of .Judge Bost- wicki, but were men of unquestionable probity, strong common sense, and both law and equity were meted out in these early courts as uniformly and successfully as in any courts tliat have suc- ceeded them. Sometimes, indeed, peculiar phases of frontier life would develop. In a certain claim suit be- tween Joel B. Bassett and Daniel Bickford, after a tedious trial of two or three days, the case was submitted to the jury, who retired to consider then- verdict After wrangling over it an entire day and more, one of the jurors, George TV. Tew, became disgusted, jumped out of a second story window and ran away, and thus ended the trial. Some days after he reappeared, but nothing fur- ther was done in the matter. Another characteristic incident occurred in a trial before "Squire Bostwick. One Pet Strother, one of the " boys " of that early time, was arrest- ed and brought before the court on a charge of assault and battery. The complaint was read to him, and he was told to plead, guilty or not guilty. " Well, your honor. I don"t know wheth- er I am guilty or not. I did knock the man down, but he called me first a son of a b h. and that is not true." "But you must plead, one way or the other."" "But."" responded the prisoner. " I don"tknow. I"m sorter guilt)', and sorter not guilty." The writer (who was his counsel) finally induced him. for form's sake, to plead not guilty. A jury was called, and several witnesses swore point blank to seeing the defendant knock down the complainant, but admitted the complainant had flret used the opprobrious epithet al)t)ve mentioned. Xo witnesses were called for defendant ; but the counsel for defendant, in his argument to the jiu-y, insisted that none of the witnesses, in speaking of the defendant, had mentioned his first name, but had called him " Strother."" and that for all that appeared, the real criminal might be some other pereon than the defendant. The jury saw it "iu those lamps,"" and in five minutes returned a verdict of not guilty, and immediately made up a puree among themselves to pay de- fendant's expenses. Another incident of the fun the boys used to have in those early days in court, may be men- tioned. A certain Dr. Jodon. somewhat notori- ous in those days, had married a lady — which marriage, on account of the great disparity of age and position of the parties, was ofi'ensive to a large majority of the citizens. The usual re- sult in frontier communities followed — that quite a large crowd of the " fast boys," on the wedding night, hidulged in a " charivari "" of the couple, which was carried beyond the limits of a le- gitimate charivari (if there can be any such lim- its) and distiu'bed some of the peaceable citizens in the neighborhood, among othere J. W. Xorth, Esq.. who was indignant at the outrage. Al. Stone, one of the most inveterate jokere on the east side of the river (and who is still living, and long may he wave 1) thought he saw the op- COVETS AND BAB. 487 portunity to perpetrate a good practical joke. He accordingly went quietly to Mr. North, and told liim that he had ascertained tlie names of from twelve to fifteen persons who were engaged in that charivari, and would name the parties, includ- ing a large number of the oldest and most sober and respectalile citizens of the town, among whom were Capt. John Rollins, Dr. Murphy, Ru- fus Farnham, A. D. Foster, and others of like standing, and that if he would make a complaint and have them arrested he would furnish the evi- dence to have them convicted. Accordingly the complaint was made, and the parties arrested and brought liefore the coiirt, and everybody was as- tounded to learn that these staid citizens were engaged in such a " lark." One or two witnesses were called preliminarily, who testified they knew nothing about the matter, and then "AL," the main witness, was called, and asked to state what he knew about it. " I know notliing, sir." " But where were you that night ?" " I was in my virtuous bed, asleep." "But do you say you don't know who was en- gaged in that affair?" " Well, I have heard these defendants were." " Do you mean to say that all you know about their being engaged in it is what you have heard V" "Yes, sir, I supposed that would be enough." It was enough. The prosecutor had no further evidence, and it then dawned on his mind that he had been made the victim of one of "Al.'s" practical jokes. The case, of course, was dis- missed, amid uproarious mirth, although the perpetrator came to the conclusion that it was a kind of joke that would not bear repetition. A part of the joke lay also m the fact that the just- ice himself, on the night in question, was con- cealed near tlie scene of operations, and knew the parties engaged in it, and that they were not the parties named in the complaint, and tried to in- duce the prosecutor to leave them out, but did not succeed, and of course could not reveal the source of his knowledge of the matter. In this connection we insert an item puljlished in the Pioneer Press in the fall of 1880, referring to the destruction of the building in which Judge Bostwick's court was held for many years. "An old landmark destroyed. The little old building, corner of Main street and Second Ave- nue north, East Division, owned, and for so many years occupied as an office by Judge Bostwick, was yesterday demolished, its days of usefuhiess having passed. This was one of the old land- marks of the city, and has a history worth rela- ting. It was built in 1849 by R. P. Russell, and first used as a warehouse for his dry-goods store adjoining. In 18.50 George F. Brott converted it into a wagon-shop, and in 18.51 Cal. Church re- converted it into a meat market. During the same year, the building came into the possession of, and and has since been retained by Judge Bostwick, who occupied it in his official capacity as justice of the peace until 1860, from 1860 to to 1862, as a probate and court commissioner's office, and from 1862 to 1866, as assessor of in- ternal revenue. During his reign as justice of the peace. Judge Bostwick rendered decisions therein to the amount of over 8100,000 in civil cases and disposed of a corresponding amount of criminal business. Among the distinguished legal lights who, in those old days, read their briefs, (and some of them were not very brief, either,) under that little roof, were J. W. North, Isaac Atwater, D. A. Secombe, F. R. E. Cornell, C. E. Vanderburgh, James W. Lawrence, Sr., William Lochren, W. W. McNair, W. I). Washburn, Judge Parsons, W. A. Gorman, Edmund Rice, Aaron Goodrich, Wm. Hollingshead, Michael E. Ames and others too numerous to mention. "Engineer Griffith made many of the drawings for the old suspension bridge in this building, and the old time Upper ^Mississippi Navigation Com- pany were accustomed to hold their meetings there. It was occupied as the St. Anthony city council room for two years, was the regular poll- ing place on election days, and republican head- (luarters when Fremont was the party standard- bearer. Many were the lively and interestuig scenes which transpired within its walls and about its doorway, where political knock-downs were not of uncommon occurrence; and there has been more perjury committed in that old building than any other in the city, except, perhaps, the old land office during the early settlement of Min- neapolis. One by one the roses and old land- marks fall.'' The first district court held in what is now a part of Hennepin county, was presided over by 488 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. the Hon. B. B. Meeker, appointed one of the as- sociate justices of the supreme court, under the administration of President Taylor. The court was lield in July. 1849. in the old government mill building, erected for the use of Fort Snel- ling, and which stood near the present site of the Northwestern mill. Since tlie time of the erection of that government mill, i about 1822 .the falls have receded between three and four himdred feet. Franklin Steele. Esq., was foreman of the grand jury. The records of that court have unfortun- ately been lost, but it can be stated that no bills of indictment were found nor any cases tried, and but tAvo or three attorneys were present. Re- freshments suitable to the occasion, were provided by the sheriff, which were partaken of by the bench, bar and jury, and it was voted a pleasant inauguration of judicial proceedings in the comi- ty. The mOitaiy reservation where this first court was held was then in Dakota coimty. It has ah'eady been stated that the coimty was organized m 1852. but county officers were not elected tiU November of that year. The second district com-t was held in 1853, m a frame build- ing erected by Anson Xorthrup, and which stood on or very near the site now occupied by the Crown Roller mill. This court was presided over by Hon. A. G. Chatfield. who was appointed one of the associate justices under the admiuistiation of President Pierce. This was the first fully equipped district court held in the county, the firet coimty officers having been elected, and regu- lar business was commenced, with a calendar of some half a dozen cases, appeals from justices courts. From this smaU begmning has gi'own up the immense business now transacted by two judges of the district court, and which occu- pies almost their entire time. Judge Chatfield continued to hold the district court in Heiniepin county in a frame building on Bridge square, until the erection of the present court house. In 1857 he was succeeded by Judge Flandi-au, appointed under the administration of President Buchanan. He lield one term of the court, and m 1857 was elected associate justice of the supreme coiul; of the state of JJinnesota. In 18.57, Hon. Edward O. Hamlin, was elected judge of the fourth judicial district, of which Hennepin coimty was a part. He was succeeded in 1859. by the Hon. Chas. E. Vanderburgh, who has been re-elected, at each succeeding expiration of liis term, and who now holds the office. In 1872. an act was passed, establishing a court of common pleas in Hennepin county, and under tlie provisions of the act, the governor appointed the Hon. A. H. Young, [as judge, who entered upon the discharge of the duties of the office in April of tliat year ; the following November he was elected as judge of that court, to serve for five years from the first of January, 1873. Sub- sequently in 1877. this court was abolished, and two judges were provided for in the distiict court, and Judge Young was elected the same year as one of said judges. As the incumbents of these offices are still m the active discharge of then' duties and well known to our citizens, any extended notice of them or the court over which they preside, will not be expected. It is not, however, improper to state in this connection, that ill point of ability, probity, and extensive legal learning, the present bench ranks among the first in the state. The business in the probate court was, for many years after the county was organized, very small. Now. however, it is assuming large pro- portions, and is rapidly increasing. There have served as judges of probate, in the order named, in this county: J. B. Bassett. Hezekiah Fletcher, E. S. Jones. L. Bostwick, N. H. Ilemiup, F. Beebe, E. A. Gove. P. il. Babcock and John P. Rea. the present incumbent. After the organiza- tion of the city of Minneapolis, Chas. H. Woods, H. G. Hicks and J. L. Himes. were elected and sen'ed as city justices. After the consolidation of St. Anthony with Minneapolis, Grove B. Cooley was elected judge of the municipal court, was re-elected in 18S0, and is present city judge. In 1880, F. Bailey was elected assistant judge. Clerks and sheriffs are an important part of the machinery of courts, and on their efficiency de- pends much, the successful and prompt transac- tion of business. Hennepin county has been ex- ceptionally fortunate in having careful and ener- getic men to fill these positions. With the ex- ception of the firet two or three years after the county was orgaviized. when the court had no settled abiding places, and no suitable place for preserving papers had been provided, the files will be found nearly entire. A few, during those earlv veai-s. have been lost. Sweet "W. Case, COURTS AND BAR. 489 was the first clerk of the district court, elected in 18.52, and held the office till 18.58. He was succeeded by the following persons in the order named, viz: H. A. Partridge, 11. O. Hamlin, J. P. Pliimmer, George W. Chowen, D. W. Albaugh, L. .Jerome, J. A. Wolverton, and E. J. Daven- port, the present incumbent. Isaac Brown was the first sheriff of the county and was succeeded in the order named, by B. E. Messer, E. Lippincott, Richard Strout, John A. Armstrong, II. G. Hicks, George W. Johnson. N. R. Thompson and Mace Eustis, the present incumbent. John Vi\ North Esq., came to St. Anthony in 1849, and was the first attorney who settled in the county, and one of the most prominent for several years. He was in 1 8.51 , a member of the legislature, was also a raemlier of the republican branch of the convention to form a state constitu- tion in 18.57, and a leader in the anti-slavery movement. He was an able lawyer, and was always a dangerous opponent before a jury. Had he chosen to devote himself exclusively to the profession of the law, there is no doubt but he would easily have taken rank with the ablest lawyers in the state. But Mr. North was by na- ture and education a reformer, and a radical one at that. He had a courage equal to his convic- tions, and never hesitated to follow them to their logical sequence, urespective of popular senti- ment. He always stood by what he believed to be right, without regard t(j the cost, and conse- quently retained the esteem of his friends, and the respect of his enemies. In 18.50. three more attorneys, E. Whitall, W. H. Hubbard and I. Atwater settled in St. An- thony. In 1851, we find in addition D. Secombe, E. L. Hall, James H. Truder, Warren Bristoll, now associate justice of Arizona territory. L. Bostwick arrived in the territory in 18.50, and was admitted to tlie bar of Hennepin county in 1856. Then at various dates from 1851, to 1856, we find in the list of attorneys, the names of W. Dodge, 1. 1. Monell, H. B. Hancock, R. Nicholas, H. A. Partridge, Geo. A. Nourse, W. W. Win- throp, W. H. Robinson, Geo. E. Da\-, V,'. \\'. Rowley, Geo. W. Prescott, W. 1). Washburn, II. L. Munn, C. E.' Vanderburgh, F. R. E. Cornell, r. Beebe, W. L. Par.sons, D. .Morgan, A. M. Blair, Jaied Demmon, IXan. M. Dennnon, H. Hill. Wm. Lochren, H. D. Beman. J. B.Gilfillan, H. W. Cowles, R. L. Jojce, .James W. Lawrence, R. J. Baldwin, J. S. Johnson, Geo. W. Woods, Cushman, David Heaton, S. R. M. Math- ews, W. W. ISIcNair, E. M. Wilson, and L. M. Stewart. Doubtless there were some others whose names, the writer cannot now recall. Hon. J. B. Gilfillan, settled here in 18-55, but was not admitted as an attorney until 1860. Tlie limits of this article, only permit a refei'ence to such attorneys as were here previous to 1857, when the state constitution was adopted. In looking over the above list, one is surprised to see how few are still practitioners at the bar. Many have died, some removed, and some have retired from active practice. A very few are still in jiractice, and recognized as the " nestor's" of the bar of Hennepin county in 1881. In this brief review, we think it will be found that the courts and bar of Hennepin county, will compare most favorably, not only with the coiu'ts and bar of any other coiuity in the territory of Minnesota, but with that of any county in any western state, while it was a territory. From the ranks of the members of the bar of Ileinieiiin county in territorial times, have been drawn judges of the supreme court of the state, one jus- tice of the supreme court of Arizona, two repre- sentatives in congress, a large number of state senators and representatives, and members of the constitutional convention, and many who have filled honoral)le positions as city ofticials and on the boards of education. If any one objects that none have obtained a national reputation as law- yers, it must be remembered that no man of ability could come to Minnesota at an early day and con- fine himself exclusively to the practice of law. For in territorial days the pressure was so great to obtain comitetent men to fill legislative and other political offices, and for which lawyers were considered most eligible and best fitted, that it was almost impossible for a lawyer, without giv- ing grave offense to his friends and clients, to re- fuse a nomination. In addition to this is to be considered that legal services were then of small pecuniary value, and the same talent employed in politics or in real estate operations, orilinarily re- ceived a much larger remuneration. .Vnd hence, while we may reasonably conclude that the terri- torial bar of this county embraced fully as much talent and legal ability as the average of frontier 490 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. counties in the west, the reason it has not pro- duced as many distinguished lawyers propor- tioned to its numliers as some counties in eastern states, is easily accounted for. And. considering the history of the territory and state in its politi- cal, educational, religious and material aspects, the early bar of Hennepin county has no occasion to be ashamed of its record in regard thereto, and with the increase of population and lawyers, thus enabling, and indeed compelling attorneys to devote themselves more exclusively to their profession, we may expect from present indica- tions, to find lawyers within the next quarter of a centiu'y at the bar of Hennepin county, who will have attained a national reputation. CHAPTER LXXIV. CITY WATER WOilKS — FIKE DEPARTMENT — PO- LICE FORCE — CITY MARKET — POST OFFICE. The city of ^linneapolis was incorporated m the spring of 1867, and the next fall the Holly system of water works was introduced, and com- pleted in the spring of 1868. Two Holly pumps were put in, and about a mile of cement pipe was laid, at a cost of about S(i(i,0(iO. The cement pipe was a failure, and in ls7' council purchased two engines, made at St. Anthony — the Cataract and Germania. Of the companies associated with these, James S. Lane was foreman of the Cataract, and Godfrey Boehme of the Germania. Six months after the arrival of the Minnesota, the city accepted the seniees of the company as a volunteer association, assumed the indebtedness Incurred in the purchase of the engine, and pro- vided necessary buildings. The first chief of the fire department was Jas. S. Lane. No changes of special note occurred until the consolidation with the West Side, as hereafter mentioned. The first organization on the West Side was called the ■'Millers' Fire Association," in 1865, and owed its origin to W. ]SI. Brackett, then a young man employed as book-keeper of East- man, Gibson and Company, proprietors of the Cataract and Union flouring mills, and the North Star woolen mills. It was upon his repeated, and earnest solicitation that the organization was effected, its equipment consisting of a rotary pump in the basement of the Cataract mill, five hundred feet of hose, a hose jumper, spanners, nozzles, etc. A hose company was organized among the mill owners, with Geo. A. Brackett, of the firm of Gibson, Eastman and Company, as foreman. Mr. Brackett was the first chief of the Minneapolis Fire Department. In the fall of 1867, the Holly system of water- works was introduced, but not completed until the spring of 1868. The formal organization of the fire department was in January, 1868, em- bracing the following companies : Minneapolis Hose Company No. 1; Mutual Hose Company No. 2; and Minneapolis Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. Its numerical strength was al)Out one hundred and fifty volunteers, with the following official roster; Geo. A. Brackett, chief; R. B. Langdon, first assistant; and I'aris Gibson, sec- ond assistant. The hose, jumper, etc. of the Millers' Fire Association, was purchased and placed with No. 1 . Late in the fore-noon of Feb- ruary 6th, 1868, the efficiency of the new fire de- partment, and the water-works was submitted to trial, at a fire in a dwelling house, corner of High and Minnetonka streets. The department acquitted itself creditably, but the water-works proved inadequate to the occasion, and the fire was exthiguished by the use of buckets, axes, etc. The first mains were of sheet iron and cement, and a break prevented the necessary pressure, while the water at best, was thick with dirt. Of coiu'se the " daw-pluckers" and wiseacres reiter- ated their previously expressed belief in the fail- ure of the Holly system. The defective pipe was replaced by iron pipes, the following fall, and were thereafter effective. February 8th, the city council authorized the purchase of six hundred feet of rubber hose, a four-wheeled hose carriage, a hook and ladder truck, four play pip?s and twelve axes. Other purchases were made from time to time, though it was long before the de- partment was furnished with a full ecpiipment, or provided with suitable builduigs. On the 10th of September, 1868. the ilinne- 492 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. apolis Fireman's Relief Association was organ- ized, tlie object of which needs no explanation. The association has done noble work, and is in a tlourishing condition, -a monument to the sym- pathy and fraternal feeling, so characteristic of true firemen." The first parade occurred on the the 24th of September, when the Minneapolis department joined the St. Anthon\- department in their annual parade. A notable event in the history of the :Minneapolis Fire Department was the Fireman's State Parade, held at this place in 1869, at which time the "ilinneapolis Boys" won a reputation forliospitality.for which they have ever been held since in the most kindly remembrance. With the consolidation of. the cities of St. An- thony and Minneapolis, in 1872, the new charter provided that tlie city be divided into two fire de- partments, each side retaining the equipage, buildings, etc.. then in their possession, practi- cally leaving them as separate and distinct as though separated by an ocean instead of the river. In September, 1874, the Gamewell fire alarm system was introduced in the west division, and in October, the capacity of the water-works was increased to three and one-half million gallons of water per day. Horses were purchased or hired, and drivers permanently employed in the several companies, in 187o: also an engimer and fireman of the Steamers and a tillerman for the Hook and Lad- der truck. The following year the Gamewell fire alarm system was extended to the east divis- ion, and the two divisions were furnished tele- graphic communication. By a revision of the city charter in April. 187S, the two fire depart- ments were consolidated, and an election of ofli- cers held with the following result; "Winn. M. Brackett. chief engineer: "\V. C. Stetson, for- merly chief of the east division, first assistant; and C. Frederichs, a charter member of Hook and Ladder company Xo. 1 , and once its foreman, second assistant. The rapid giowth of the city, and the corresponding increase hi the duties of the fire department, soon became too great for a volunteer organization, and in 1879 they asked to be relieved, and that the city assume the sup- port and maintenance of the department, which was done. The city cannot forget the gratitude due the old volunteer department, nor will its many brave and noble deeds be lost to memorv I in the no less faithful ser\-ice of the present de- partment. On the second day of May, 1878. the Minne- I apoUs fire department was subjected to one of the I severest tests in the annals of modem conflagra- ' tions — a test far greater than that under whicli many truly great departments have sunk into olj- scurity and disgrace ; but from which this noble volunteer department, under the able direction of its chief and assistants, emerged with a record of whicli monarchs might well be proud. A more concise account of this noted disaster will be found in the history of the mUUng interests in this volume. The department has seven stations, located as follows: Station A, a double brick house, corner of Second street and Third Avenue north, in which is the office of the chief ; station B, corner of Sixth Avenue south and Third sti-eet ; station C: corner of Second and Bank streets. East Di- vision ; station D, corner of Main street and Thir- teenth Avenue north. East Division : station E, on Third street, between Xicollet and First Avenue south ; station F, on Plymouth Avenue, between First and Second streets : and station G, corner of \Vasliington and Fourteenth Avenues south, a double house — a consolidation of stations G and H, and the finest building in the depart- ment. The several stations are furnished with all the necessary appliances for comfort, conven- ience and prompt, efficient service, a full descrip- tion of whicli is only omitted on account of space. The report of Chief Engineer W. M. Brackett for the year ending April 1st, 1881, contams some in- teresting items illustrative of the labors and ef- ficiency of the department. The report shows 171 fire alarms responded to from January 1st, 1880, to January 1st, 1881. The total losses are estimated atS170.000: total insurance paid. SI 10.- 000; total insurance involved, §683,000. The apparatus is two steam fire engines, five four- wheeled hose carriages and one two-wheeled hose cart, two hook and ladder tracks and one chemi- cal hook and ladder truck. The force consists of twenty-two regular and forty-seven call men. In addition to the home work, the steamer City of Minneapolis and hose company Xo. l.went to Farmuigton in November, 1879, under charge of the chief engineer, in answer to a call for assist- ance, and though the delayed train prevented POLICE FORCE— CITY MARKET. 493 their reaching the place until the fire was under control, it rendered valuable aid in playing upon the ruins. The same steamer and hose company also rendered material service in St. Paul in March, 1880, under command of Foremen Tire- worgy and Henry, working ten hours. The offi- cers of the department are, W. M. Brackett, chief engineer ; C. Frederichs, first assistant ; Frank C. Stetson, second assistant. Foremen: John Ilin- ton. No. 1 ; II. Williams, No. 2 ; C. Henry, No. 3 ; N. Steffes, No. 4 ; 11. York, No. 5 ; E. Kings- ley, Cataract Engine Company; G. Runge, Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 ; N. Theilen, Hook and Ladder No. 2; P.Kinney, Hook and I^ad- der No. 3. THE POLICE FORCE, Immediately following the organization of the city government of St. Anthony, in 185.5, Benj. I. Brown was elected marshal, and his official bond accepted at a meeting of the council. May 19th, 1855. Twelve years later, the city govern- ment of Minneapolis was organized, and H. II. Brackett unanimously elected chief of police, at a meeting of the city council, March 9th, 1807. It is hardly necessary to state that the police force in those days was light, nor were their sala- ries oppressively great. The marshal and such assistants as emergencies required, constituted the first force at St. Anthony, the chief and four po- licemen that of Minneapolis. The organization at present consists of A. S. Hunger, chief; A. C. Berry, captain; John West, sergeant; Michael Hoy, detective, and twenty- four patrolmen. The uniform is tlie regular metro- politan, distinguished by hat or cap, belt and club. The police headquarters consist of a small one- story buildmg on an alley between Washington Avenue and Second street, and are unworthy of the city. The present force is far too light for the duties required, but it is composed of men well adapted to the work, and although numerically weak, is in point of fact one of the strongest, most efficient bodies in the west. Led by a vigi- lant chief, who is ably supported by an efficient staff and watchfid body of patrolmen, the Min- neapolis police force has come to be regarded as something for the vicious to shun, and the worthy to rely on for aid and protection. The following from the last annual rept)rt of the chief will per- haps express the present character of the body. and the nature and embarassing features of the work: "It is very true that depredations and misde- meanors are committed, and the perpetrators too often escape arrest; but that is the fault of the limited force, and not of any officer of the de- partment. This city is widely scattered, con- taining more than two hundred miles of streets, and the entire police force mimbers but twenty- four patrolmen, besides detective, chief, captain and sergeant. Of this immense line of streets and alleys, about fifty miles are within the patrol limits, or less than one-fourth of the whole city, and during the past year there has not been a burglary or theft of any importance within such limits, with but a single exception, that the great- er part of the goods have not been secured and returned to the owner, and tlie thieves arrested. * * * During the past year the police force has succeeded in l)reaking up and routing out, one of the worst gangs of organized thieves that ever existed in any city, and the ringleaders are at present in Stillwater, with the balance of the gang scattered far and wide." In the same report the chief enters his protest against the toleration of tramps, and recommends the city council to provide work, as the best known reme- dy against this all-prevailnig nuisance. CITY M.\KKh:T. The idea of a general market for the city of ^Minneapolis was conceived and executed by Har- low A. Gale in l,s7(i, tlie city granting him a franchise for fifteen years. The building is of stone and brick, witli asbestine stone trimmings and iron roof. It is located corner of First street and Hennepin Avenue, occupies a space of 80x157 feet, is tln-ee-stories high above a base- ment twelve feet in height, and cost with land, $75,000. In the interior are sixty stalls, where may be found meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, but- ter, eggs, cheese, groceries, all kinds of farm products, and in fact everything in the line of provisions and supplies. On the walks surround- ing the market, which are under cover of an awn- uig projecting from the building, fully fifty gard- eners display their products during the vegetable and fruit season. In cold weather the same space is occupied by meats and poultry. The basement is occupied as an eating house, which 494 HISTOBY OF BENKEPIIf COUNTY. a seating capacity of two huncb-ed. On the second floor is a hall which seats 1.500 people. Tht Woman's Cliristian Association have their parlor ou this floor, and the Y. M. C. A. occupy adjoining rooms as gymnasium and reading room. Mr. Gale has his office at the hall entrance where he superintends this "bee hive"" of indus- try, and conducts his real estate agency. POST-OFFICES. The first post-office estabUshed at the Falls of St. Anthony was located in a small building be- longing to Franklm Steele, in 1848. and Ard God- frey appointed postmaster. Previous to this the nearest post-offices were at Fort Snelling and St. Paul. MaUs were irregularly received, as no carrier was employed diiring the tii'st year. Captain John Eollins occasionally ran a passenger express wag- on to St. Paul, and brought mail to St. Anthony. In 1850. Powers and Willoughby opened regular stage communication between St. Antliony and St. Paul, and for a number of years the mail was carried by stage, until the building of the line of railroad connecting the two cities, in 1862. since when it has been carried by rail. The office was located in several different buildings on the east side, being for a time m the Winslow House while that building was conducted as a hotel. At the beginning of the war, when the Winslow House was closed, the office was again removed, this time to a wooden structure next to the old Stanchfield block, on Central Avenue between Main and second streets. The more prominent postmastere succeeding Ard Godfrey were Luther Patch. Mr. White, W. W. Wales, and General H. P. Van Cleve, who for a number of years pre- vious, and at the time of the discontinuance of the office, held the position. ]Slessrs. Godfrey, AVales, and A'an Cleve are at present, promi- nent citizens of MinneapoUs. Mr. Wales is a member of the firm of Kirkbride, W'hitall and Wales, and General ^'an Cleve is adjutant gen- eral of Minnesota. The post-office on the west side was established in 1854, and located on the corner of First street and Fh-st Avenue south, m a small wooden build- ing used as the office of Dr. H. Fletcher, who was the first postmaster. The first quarterly report of the first postmaster is preserved in the vault of the present office and shows that the postage paid on letters sent and received, amounted to 15.97. At that time payment of postage either ui ad- vance or upon receipt was optional : at present it is required in advance and the receipts for the same length of time in 1881, from the same sources, amounted to S26.666.4S. The postmas- ters succeeding Dr. Fletcher were Dr. A. E. Ames, prominent in the masonic history of the state, C. Wilcox, S. Hidden, D. Morgan, D. Bas- sett, W. W. McXair, Cyrus Aldrich, and our pre- .sent postmaster. Dr. George H. Keith, who has held the office for a longer term than any of his predecessors. The business rapidly increasing the office was f requenth" removed to larger quarters. It was first moved durmg Dr. Ames"s administration, to Washington Avenue between Fifth and Sixth Avenues south. The quarters soon proving in- adequate it was next located on Washington and First Avenues south : thence to Hennepin Avenue. Ijetween Washington and Second street. During W. W. McXair"s administration it was moved for the first time into a brick building, oc- cupying the eastern room on the first floor of the Athenieum builtUng. Col. Cyrus Aldrich, promi- nent in the early history of the state and repre- sentative to congress m 1860-61, succeeded iir. McXair in 1869 and removed it to 210 Nicollet Avenue. When Col. Aldrich toi>k charge of the office three assistants were required to perform the duties. In the spring of 1870 Dr. George H. Keitli, an old settler in Minneapolis, was ap- pointed to supersede Col. .Vldrich. When he took cliarge of the office the working force con- sisted of only five clerks. The business of the office by this time had increased to such a degree that the room in Center block was found to be too small, and in December, 1S73, the City Ilall, be- ing just completed, the government leased its present quarters for twenty yeare and moved in- to them. At this time the east side post-office was merged into the one on the west side. This was effected by means of a petition presented to the post-office department signed by the citizens residing withm the delivery of the office discon- tinued. This is the only mstance in the annals of United States postal liistory, where a post-office has been discontinued imder such circumstances. January 1st, 1874, the present carrier system was adopted, requiring the services of eight carriers on BUSINESS OF THE CITY. 495 both sides of the river. The carrier force has been increased to twelve regulars and two substitutes, who delivered in 1880, 3,611,809 packages of mail of various kinds. In 1880, the total receipts of the office were $81,383.60, from the sale of stamps, envelopes, postiil cards, paper and periodical stamps, post- age on unpaid letters, etc.; the total expenses were 118,234.06, aiul the net income of the office, $63,148.64. In 1870, the entire force of the office including postmaster was six; at present it num- bers thirty-five, viz: the postmaster, the deputy postmaster, T. E. Hughes; the superintendent of carriers, A. A. Keith; the superintendent of mailing department, R. L. Woodworth; one spec- ial agent, one local agent, fourteen clerks, and the carriers. The office inider the present admin- isti'ation is the pride of JSlinneapolis, and a mon- ument to the executive ability of George II. Keith and his efficient corps of assistants. CHAPTER LXXV. BUSINESS OF THE CITY— CITY PROPERTY'— PUB- LIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS. Before turning the leaf on the city of Minne- apolis a brief resume of its interests and indus- tries will be given. When i-ailroad commvuiicatiou was deficient, Minneapolis contested the point of the head of navigation with a zealous neighbor, because ready means of communication is a vital point to a city claiming the position of a distri- buting point or centre of trade, while it is nearly as essential to a manufacturing centre. When the issue of the struggle was reached and ilinneapo- lis was compelled to occupy a secondary place so far as river transportation was concerned, it seemed that her prestige as a centre of interior trade was forever decided. During the years in- tervening between the settlement of that con- troversy and the present time, however, such im proved facilities of railroad transportation have grown with the country, that the question is again an open one whether Minneapolis shall not become the commercial centre of the north-west, in addition to her acknowledged supremacy as a manufacturing centre. The growth of cities and their control of trade are never accidental, nor always due to natural situation, though that must always be an important factor in the pro- duct obtained. At one time in tlie early history of America, New York city was over-shadowed by Newport, Rhode Island, and letters from Eng- land were addressed to "New York near New- port." The superiority of the harlior at Newport and many natural advantages, conspired to make it the chief city of the continent. In that case the cupidity of citizens was the cause of the greater growth of the rival city. Other instances of like character might be given. Capital and the disposition to employ it in business enterprises, must in Minneapolis be the determining factors. The problem of transportation is sohed by the construction of a net-work of railroads centering at this point, and a survey of the business of the city will show to what extent the facilities are already utilized; at the same time it must be admitted that importation of articles which should be manufactured here, has in- creased in a four-fold ratio to the growth of man- ufacturing capacity. Tlie manufacture of lumber and flour will not be included in this resume of business, except in the general summary. Next to flour and lumber in importance, are tlie the manufactories of iron, carriages and wagons. Seventy-six establishments are employed in these branches of industry, with a total capital of .^811 ,- 450, and a product of manufactures amounting 11,646,349 during the past year, employing 1210 men, paying out $537,216 in wages. Prominent among these are the North Star, Minneaiiolis, ^'ariety and Union, which companies are em- ployed in constructing machinery adapted to the extensive mills of various kinds in the city and north-west. The manufacture of farm machinery is extensively carried on, and the wlu)lesale trade in this department is large and increasing. The Minneapolis Harvester Works is the most exten- sive estal)lishment of this kind in the city, fur- nishing employment to a large number of men. An accoinit of this institution is given under the manufactories of the city. Two paper mills are in operation, employing 1310,000 capital and seven- 496 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. ty-eight men, paying annually in wages f34,000 ; value of paper product $2(18,900. Planing mills, sash, door and niouUliiig factories, twelve in all, employ ?247,loO capital, 4ol men and pay annu- ally in wages *14o,4.54; product :t60o,770. Thir- ty-four boot and shoe factories employ ¥1-52,900 capital, 1-51 men, and pay annually !f60,900 in wages; product $235,660. Eleven brick yards employ $128,o00 capital, 120 men and pay annu- ally :; 42,350 in wages; product S93,700. Sixteen printing and publishing establishments emploj 5151,500 capital.342 men.paying $140,100 annually in wages ; product S370,400. Twenty-five slaugh- tering establishments employ $65,500 capital, 101 men, paying ■■:43,181 annually in wages; product 1553,429. Stone quarries, ten in number, employ -s 34.500 capital, 113 men. paying 838,000 annually in wages; product i 284,000. The following statistics taken from the annual report fif the lioard of trade for 1880, gives another exhibit of the product of miscellaneous manufac- turing: Iron works and farm macbiueiy, car- riages and wagons, ^3,260,000; furniture and kindred goods, $520.000 ; builders' goods of all classes, 51,173,000 ; woolen, cotton and knit goods, 1510,000 ; clothing and furnishing goods, $725,- 000 ; boots, shoes, harnesses and trunks, $710,000 ; crackers, candies and cigars, $421,000; linseed and other oils and chemicals, $311,000 ; cooperage of all kinds, $851,000 ; soap and fertilizers, $410,- 000; brown paper, etc.. 5287,000: brewers and vine- gar rectifiers. S260.000 ; brick, and manufactured stone, 5275,000 : printers and book binders, $320,- 000 : total $10,333,000, exclusive of flour and lum- ber. Items in regard to the wholesale trade have al- ready been embodied in chapter sixty-six. The growth of this branch of trade has been remark- able, as will be seen from tlie following compara- tive statement, for the last five years : In 1876 it amounted to $5,373,651 ; in 1877, to $8,147,275 ; in 1878, to 510.406.250; in 1879, to $14,001,700; in 1880, to 524.299.200 ; showing that the trade has more than quadrupled during that time. Five important wholesale and retail hardware stores do each an extensive business, viz.: II. 1). Wood and Co.; Jamiey, Brooks and Eastman; A. R. Miller; Smith and Day, 529 Washington Avenue south ; Smith and Scribner; 523 Washington Av- enue south. Four wliolesalc and retail grocers do business aggregating nearly four millions. Seven wholesale wine and liquor dealers ; seven- teen -one; hotels, fort}'- six; restam-ants, twenty-three; baths, eight; bar- bers, thirty-six; city liacks. ten; circulating libra- ries, tW'O. The professions are represented liy one hun- dred lawyers, eighty-four physicians, twenty-two dentists, six civil engmeers, fourteen music teachers, and clergy as shown under churches. Eeal estate dealers are fifty-four, loan agents seventeen, insurance agents twenty-six, repre- senting one hundred and twenty-seven compan- ies. Photographers are tliirteen in number; tax- idermists, three ; florists, seven; carvers two ; carpenters, builders and contractors, forty-two. Cooperage is quite an important industry, stimulated by the flouring business, and is car- ried on by several large firms, with modern ma- chinery. The city property consisting of bridges, city hall, city prison, real estate, fire department PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 497 property; gas fixtures, sewers, water-works, pumps, horses, funds invested, oftlce furniture, etc., is $1,290,639.68, besides tlie scliool buildings and property not included. The bonded debt of the city is 11,101,000; bonded school debt not in- cluded, $96,500. The assessed value (about two- thirds) of real and personal property in 1880, was $28,013,315. The rate of tax levy for 1879-80, was 16.1 mills. Prominent buildings; the city hall located on an angular piece of ground at the junction of Nicollet and Hennepin, is the property of the city. The building is four-stories high with abasement; built of the blue limestone, quarried within the city limits. A large portion of the building not required for city purposes is occupied by the post-office. Tribune, Pioneer Press and others by means of which it proves a valuable investment to the city. Other buildings, the property of the city, are not worthy of mention, as ornamental structures and some, especially the comity buildings, are in- adequate to the large and increasing demands of business. The fire stations, however, seven in number, located in different parts of the city are of handsome design. Station "G" corner of Washington Avenue and Thirteenth Avenue south, recently completed, cost with the lot $8,- 475.92. "This building is, without doubt, one of the most convenient and complete fire stations in the north-west, and will compare favorably with any in the United States."' The city market mentioned elsewhere, is locat- ed on Bridge square. It was built in 1876, by the present proprietor Harlow A. Ciale, under a special contract with the city by virtue of which he controls and receives the rents during a term of years, for booths, stalls, and locations on the streets and side walks surrounding the building. Here hucksters congregate, affording a great con- venience to citizens in the purchase of supplies. Many business blocks are of such elegant and extensive proportions as to attract the notice of visitors, and are worthy of special mention. It will be possible, however, to mention only a few of the most prominent. The Academy of Music, located on Hennepin Avenue, corner of Washington, is a brick struct- ure of four stories, with a mansard roof, and is an elegant block. 32 The Andrews block, built of brick, four stories, is a striking building, well adapted to the whole- sale trade by which it is occupied. The Casey block is a magnificent building with forty-four feet front on jSTicoUet Avenue, in depth 112 feet. It is four stories in height, built of brick, faced with Lemont limestone. The Eastman block, four stories high, with a front of Ohio sandstone, the Day block, of pressed brick on Washington Avenue, the Domestic block of Ohio sandstone on Nicollet Avenue,the Johnson block, corner of Washington and Hennepin Ave- nues, and many other fine business structures are features of the city. Hotels. Many of the hotels deserve mention among the fine buildings of the city. The fol- lowing in regard to them is of interest : The first hotel in this city was, as has beeii previously stated, the St. Charles, built in St. Anthony, in 1850, and kept by Anson Northrup. The Wins- low House, in which many thousand dollars were invested, was at one time the leading hotel of the nortli-west, and a popular resort for southern people previous to tlie war. After its southern patronage ceased, it continued for a time at a loss, but was subsequently closed, to be opened no more as a hotel. The building was used as a tenement for a time and finally became the prop- erty of Macalester College, and is now occupied by that institution. The first hotel on the west side was erected by Anson Norttoup, near the falls, in 1853, known as the Minneapolis House. The Nicollet House was built in 1857, by Eustis and Nudd. It was begun in May of that year, and when completed, had a frontage of 110 feet on Hennepin, and 100 feet on Washington Ave- nue, containing about ninety guest rooms, com- modious dining room, office and parlors. The cost of the building was S80,000. The house was under the management of Eustis and Nudd until 1861, when the latter sold his interest to Eustis, who leased the house, the same year, to I. P. Hill. From that time imtil 1866 it was conducted by va- rious parties. In that year, F. S. Gilson and Company purchased it, for .$40,000. This firm managed the house until 1870, when, their in- creasing trade demanding more room, they built an addition, making the house its present size, and giving one hundred and twenty-five rooms. The new part was opened m July, 1871. Two 498 UISTOBT OF HE^^KEPIN COUNTY. years later, the house was leased to McKibbon and Vosburg. and iii 1878 Mr. Gilson again took it. and continued nntil ilay, 1880, when it was leased to John T. West. In 1879 Mr. Gilsou made some important changes, building a new of- fice and rotiuida. with entrances on 'Washington Avenue. This house has been, since its first opening, the leading hotel of the city. Among the remaining forty-five hotels in Min- neapolis, seven of them rank high as houses of the second class: The Clark. Merchants, Wind- sor, I^ational. St. James, Bellevue and Pauly. The others are of the various grades. In addi- tion to the hotels, there are a number of public and private boarding houses, that are largely patron- ized by citizens and those sojourning tempo- rarily. In this connection, the places of amusement and their history, with the fine buildings occu- pied by them is introduced. Previous to the erection of Harrison's Hall, about 1860. the public hall of Mumeapolis known as Boardman"s Hall, was located on the corner of Washmgton and Second Avenues south. This building is now the First National Hotel. Har- rison's Hall, with seating capacity of about four or five hundred was used for amusements vrntil 1S66, when J. AV. Pence, seeing the need of an opera house, built and funiislied Pence Opera House. It is located on the comer of Hennepin Avenue and Second street, and when erected had a seating capacity of seven hundred. The building is of brick, three stories high and basement. The first floor is used for stores, the second floor is di- vided into offices, and on the third floor is the haU. During the summer of 1879, the rear of the floor of the auditorium was raised, giving it an in- cline towards the stage, the seating capacitj- increased from seven to nine Innidred. and folding opera chairs put in. It was opened October 21, 1879, with a stock company under management of John Murray, who was followed in the season of 1880 by the Bryton and Carver stock company and called the "Criterion Theati-e." Bryton and Can-er closed before the season was over. Miss Phosa McAllister opened January 24th, 1881, with a full stock company of thirty people and is enjoying merited success. Joseph Hodges, who came from ProNidence, Khode Island, about 1870, concluded that amuse- ment-gorng Minneapolitans would support a lar- ger and finer opera house than the city then pos- sessed, and in 1870-"71, erected the Academy of Music on the corner of Hennepin and Washing- ton Avenues. The building is 80x113 feet, four stories in height, with a truss roof. The first floor is occupied by stores, the second floor is di- \'ided into offices, and on the third and fourth is the opera hall. The auditorium seats 1.400 persons, 594 in the gallerj- and 806 below. Over 2,000 persons have congregated in the hall on several occasions. The structure and ground was pur- chased in ]SIay, 1873, by the Herrick Bros, and Thomas Lowry. The present owiiers are D. Mor- rison, Herrick Bros., and the estate of C. G. Goodrich. It is valued at §150,000, and is the finest structure of the kind north-west of Chicago. Since the ownership of Mr. Hodges, the Academy of Music has been under the management of W. W. and E. W. Herrick. The Univei-sity, on Universit>- Avenue, is a stately building, occupying high ground, and \-isible from nearly all parts of the city. It is constructed from native limestone and occupies spacious groinids a little removed from the noise and bustle of the business portion of the city, but convenient of access. The high school build- ing with its towers, is another noticeable feature, built of limestone and Kasota sandstone, situ- ated in the heart of the city. Among the many private residences on which wealth and taste have been lavished to such an extent as to invest them with general interest to citizens, we can here mention but few. The Judd residence, situated on Sixth Avenue south and Fifth street, is the most showy resi- dence in the city. The grounds occupy the en- tire block, and are adorned with beautiful shade trees and landscape gardening. The house is of cream-colored brick, and is princely in its pro- portions and architecture. The residence of Jesse G. Jones, corner of Firet Avenue south and Tenth street, is a model of fine taste and beautiful architecture. The houses of C. H. Pettit, corner of Second Avenue south and Tenth street, and Thomas Lowry, city limits, are of cream-colored brick, and among the finest of the city. Hon. A. C. Rand has a stately mansion, comer of Seventh street and Sixth Avenue south, BIOGBAPHICAL. 499 built of asliestine. L. Christian's residence, cor- ner of Fiftli Avenue soutli and Eighth street, that of Hon. George A. Pillsbury, corner of Tenth sti'eet and Third Avenue south, and that of Hon. J. S. Pillsljury, corner of Tenth Ave- nue and Fiftli street south-east, are palatial es- tablishments. It is a matter of regi'et that limited space pre- vents the acknowledgement of the debt due from the citizens at large, to the numerous other wealthy gentlemen who have beautified the city by expending large sums in the construction of fine residences and laying out ornamental grounds. Of banks, churches, newspapers and societies such extended notice has already been given, as to leave little of fresh matter for this summary. Of banks, more are needed; the board of trade report placed the deficiency of banking capital, that would be profitably employed, if immediately invested here, at $1,00(1,000 or more. Of churches, the number and seating capacity appears large, though new structures are now building. Of newspapers, there are more than twenty. The professions are largely and ably represented; room, however, is always found on the "top shelf" for new-comers qualified to assume the position. CHAPTER LXXVI. BIOGRAPniCAL, A AND 1!. Judge Isaac Atwater. In few men are more rare combinations of talent required, than in pio- neers of new coiuitries; invincible courage, enter- prize tempered by prudence ; promptness and decision united with calm refiection; sagacity combined with enthusiasm, are indispensable requisites. Trades, professions, creeds, in short all that has a tendency to make a successful com- monwealth must be represented as near the be- gmnmg as possible. Among those who planted the foundation for the future city of Minneapolis, and assisted m laying the corner stone of the state of Minnesota, none contributed more zeal- ously than Judge Isaac Atwater, who arrived at St. Anthony Falls, in 1850. He is a native of Homer, Cortland county. New York, where he lived and worked on the farm imtil he was six- teen years of age, which life he then abandoned for the necessary preparation incident to a pro- fession. He received a thorough classical educa- tion, and graduated at Yale college, in 1844, and two years subsequently in like manner graduated at Yale law school. Promptly upon being ad- mitted to the bar he commenced a successful practice of law in New York city, which was continued until his removal to St. Anthony, where immediately upon his arrival, he entered into partnership with Hon. John W. North, and con- tinued the practice of his profession in the dis- trict and supreme courts of the Territory. A few months subsequently to his arrival, he was appointed one of the regents of the state univer- sity of Minnesota, and, on the organization of the board, was made secretary, which responsible position he held for nine years, performing the duties in the most satisfactory manner, and this, too, without compensation. It is proper to re- mark that had it not been for the judicious course pursued by Judge Atwater and his col- leagues in these early days, none of whom ever received any compensation for their services, but on the other hand contributed large sums of money from their own pockets in the interest of the institution, there is no probability that the stately edifice which we all are so proud of woidd have been built at all, or at least not in this neighborhood. To the first board of regents are the citizens indebted for the inauguration of the the University of Minnesota, at the Falls of St. Anthony. Several lil)eral citizens, then residents on both banks of the Mississippi, such as Calvin A. Tuttle, Esqr., also subscribed and paid, large subscriptions to enable the regents to commence the erection of suitable preparatorj- Ijuildings for the use of the university. In 1851. upon the ad- vent of the St. Anthony Express, Judge Atwater, in addition to his numerous other duties, became editor-in-chief of that paper, and conducted the editorial columns with great ability until his eleva- tion to the supreme bench upon the organization of the state government in 1857. His vigorous and able pen soon gave this paper, then published on the extreme frontier, a national reputation, and it was the source of the introduction of thousands and thousands of emigrants into the territory as permanent settlers. 500 HJSTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. In 1853 he received the suffrages of the citizens of Hennepin countj' for disti'ict attorney. This office, in a new country, wliere theinliabitauts are concentrated from tlie four quarters of the globe, is attended with difficulties which are unluiown in old settled communities. In 1857 he was elected one of the associate justices of the su- preme court. His elevation to a seat on the su- preme bench necessarily caused him to vacate the editorial chair of the St. Anthony Express, but his habits of industry were continued in frequent contributions of articles of rare merit, which ap- peared in the leading periodicals of the day. In 1S64 he resigned the office of supreme judtfe, in consequence of a determhiation to visit the Pa- cific States for the purpose of resuming the prac- tice of law. He opened an office in Carson City, Nevada, extending his practice to A'irginia City, in that state. He remained three years on the Pacific slope, when he returned to iliuneapolis. and has since that time continued the practice of his profession, occupying at the same time, for years, a seat in the city council, a portion of which time he was president of the board of al- dermen. For eight years he was a member of the board of education, an important trust for which his knowledge, habits, and interest in schools pe- culiarly fitted him. The three last years of his service with the board, he was president of that body. It will he seen that Judge Atwater has bestowed a good deal of his valuable time to mu- nicipal as well as educational purposes, and to his mfluence and services are the citizens largely in- debted for the healthy and prosperous condition of the matters closely connected with the city af- fairs, as well as the excellent system of schools which abounds in ilinneapohs. He is also a val- uable member of the board of trade, which in a measure, shapes the future destinies of the city. Judge Atwater belongs to the Protestant Episco- pal Church, in which he has occupied numerous positions and trusts in the interest of Cliristianity, and is always ready to bestow aid and assist in the elevation of mankind. In 1819, Judge Atwater was married to Miss Permelia A. Sanborn, a lady who is imiversally respected by a large circle of acquaintances. Her beautiful home is surrounded with the choicest floral gifts, the fruits of her handiwork. She takes much interest in the propagation of plants, flowers and \'ines. w'luch make oiu- homes cheer- ful and happy. Her good works in these things were held in such high estimation by the State Ilorticidtural Societj'. that she was unanimously elected an honorary member of that society. The Judge and Mrs. Atwater have had three children. Cora, tlie eldest, a bright little girl, died in 1852, aged fifteen months. L. Isabel, the second daughter, is the wife of Col. A. C. Eeid, of San Francisco, California. The youngest, John B., is also a graduate of Yale College, has chosen the same profession as his father, and is the jun- ior member of the firm of Atwater and Atwater, attorneys at law. Alfred Elisha Ames, deceased. As a represen- tative of the pioneer settlers of Minnesota none are more deserving of a bright record, than Alfred Elisha Ames, whose life was a great success. He was a native of Colchester, "\'ermont, where he was born December 13th. 1814. He attended the common schools a few months of each year, work- ing on a farm the balance of the time, until he was seventeen years of age. Under the influence of his honest, industrious parents, his mind was fitted to look beyond his immediate suiToundings, and win his way to an honored and useful career. In 1832 he went to PainesviUe, Ohio, where he attended school during the winter, working for his board with a doctor. He became interested in medicine, reading when opportmuty was afforded. He engaged in farming and brickmaking for some time, and in 1S36 he, with his newly wedded wife, emigrated to Boone county, IlUnois, where his father, with family had preceded him. In 1837 his father died, and all depended upon his exertions for the support of his wife, also his widowed mother and her family. In November, 1838, taking a pack on his back, he started by way of an Indian trail to Vandalia. then the seat of government. Tlirough the kind ett'orts of Hon. Stephen A. Douglass, he obtained employ- ment as deputy of the secretary' of state and pri-" vate secretary to Gov. Carlin. In 1840 Mr. Ames attended medical lectures at Rush Medical Col- lege, Cliicago, under Professor Daniel Brainerd ; he afterward worked on his farm reading medi- cine nights; later with Dr. R. S. Maloney, of Belvidere, where he also began to practice. In 1842 he was elected to the state legislatiu-e from the counties of Boone, McHenry, Kane, De Kalb BIOGBAPHICAL. 501 and Grundy. After the adjournment of tlie legislature, lie went to Chicago and attended a course of medical lectures, studying with Profes- sor Brainerd. He attended another course of lectures at Chicago, and graduated from Rush Medical college in February, 1845. In 1847 he •made a professional visit to New York. Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, and St. Louis, visiting all the hospitals and deriving much benefit from the tour. He was elected to the state senate of Illinois in 18-19. At Spring- held, Governor French commissioned him pay- master-general of his staff and the next year, ow- ing to his faithful devotion, he was re-elected to the senate. In October, 1851, lie came to Saint Anthony in quest of a new home, and in Novem- ber located a claim and l)uilt a shanty on the present site of Minneapolis. Forming a partner- ship with Dr. J. II. Murphy, he began the prac- tice of medicine at Saint Anthony. He was elected to the territorial legislature from Henne- pin county in 1852 and in October, 1854, he was chosen probate judge. In 1856 Dr. Ames drew the bill for incorporating the village of Minne- apolis, and was appointed its postmaster. On June 1st, 1857, he was elected a memlier of the constitutional convention, in which body he was chairman of the committee on school lands and university, and in 1860 was a memlier of the state normal school board. In 1862 he visited the hos- pitals in the principal eastern cities, and return- ing home resumed his practice. In 1868 he went east to visit his native place and May 1st he em- barked at New York city for California, being ab- sent several months. After his return he con- tinued to reside and practice in this city until his death. He served in many imblic capacities; was a member and usually a leader in all medical so- cieties, also actively interested in all matters per- taining to educational advantages. During the summer of 1874 his health began to fail him and in September he passed peacefully to his rest. His funeral, which took place the Sunday following, was conducted by Dr. .McJlasters of St. Paul, at- tended by nearly all the masonic bodies in the state. Dr. Ames was an enthusiastic worker in the cause of masonry, ilany lodges were organ- ized and instructed by him ; he was the first grand master and organized the first grand lodge hi the state. He was a member of the Episcopal church. His marriage witli Martha A.Pratt, oc- curred at tieneva, Oliio, in 1836. By this union they had seven sons, five of whom with their mother, survive him. Eli B. Ames was born in Colchester, Vermont, August 3d, 1820. In 1832, moved to Ohio, and in 1836 to Boone county, Illinois, where he lived until 1841, then went to Ottawa and was admitted to the bar in 1842, when he moved to Hennepin, Putnam county, Illinois, where he was postmaster from 1844 to 1848. Probate judge from 1848 to 1850. Member of the state legislature in 1851 and 1852. Governor iladison's private secretary fortwo years. In 1855, appointed consul to Hamburg, and acted as such until tlie spring of 1857. Dur- ing that spring he went to Washington, to arrange a postal treaty between that comitry and the United States, for the general exchange of Ger- man mail through Hamburg. He succeeded in the undertaking, and also in reducmg the rate of postage from thirty to ten cents. He showed such ability in the office as consul, that the con- sulate was held open for his return a year, which he did not do, but came to Minneapolis in June, 1857, and located, opening a general insurance business, which he has followed to the present time. He was secretary of the state senate from 1861 to 1864, and elected mayor of Minneapolis in 1870 and 1871. ilairied Miss Delia A. Payne, in St. Louis, Missouri, May 31st, 1854. They have had three children, all Hving, Addie II., Alice D. and Agnes L. Ezra B. Ames, was born at Garden Prairie, Illinois, August 26th, 1837. Is a son of Dr. A. E. Ames, who made the first kiln of brick in Chicago, and was one of the early settlers of that region. Mr. Ames moved with his parents, in the spring of 1852, to Mmneapohs, attended the first school in this city, taught by Mary A. Scho- field; only six pupils attended, himself and two brothers, two brothers of the ^IcLeod family and Emma Tuttle, in a log house near where the Washburn mill now stands; also attended the first courts held in the old government mill, and first rehgious services, at which the Rev. Mr. Pond officiated. In 1854, he engaged as clerk with Tuft, Reynolds and Whittemore in the mercantile business, remained until 1856, when he opened a general store at Dayton and continued until 1860. Then engaged in milling at Rockford, Wright 502 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. count}-, until 1862, when he enlisted in First Minnesota Cavalry, served his term of one year, and was houoralily discharged. On his return, opened in company with ]Mr. Hopper, a meat market, on the comer of Washington and Nicol- let Avenues, which business he followed until 1871. after wliich he engaged in the commis- sion business, and latterly has given his atten- tion to his own real estate and tenement business. Was married at ^Minneapolis. January 1st, 1864, to Mary C. Hopper, one of the early comers to this city. They have had four children, two now li^^ng; Edgar C. and Frederick. A. Albert Alonzo Ames was bom at Garden Prai- rie, Boone county, Illinois, January 18th, 1842. At ten years of age he moved wth his parents to Minneapolis, graduated from the high school at sixteen, and at once commenced the study of medicine with Ids father. Graduated at the Rush Medical College, of Chicago. February oth. 1862. Married. April 21st, 1862, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Capt. Richard Strout, of Minneapolis. In August, 1862, Dr. Ames, in company with others, raised Company B of 9th ilimiesota Volunteer Infantn , and engaged in the service on the fron- tier, participating in all the battles of liis regi- ment against the Indians. In the fall of 1863, accompanied his regiment south, and was in active sersice until the close of the war. His experi- ence in surgery, gained during his time of senice, was of great value to him. In July, 1864, he was commissioned surgeon, and served in that capacity until mustered out. August 18th, 1865. Returned to Minneapolis, and engaged in the practice of his profession with his father. In November. 1866. he was elected to the state legis- lature from Hennepin county. In 1868, went to California, and engaged in the newspaper busi- ness imtil 1874, when he returned to Minneapolis, where he has since remained. After the death of his father, in September, 1874, he took liis prac- tice, and has continued it since. Has held sev- eral offices of prominence, and was elected mayor of Minneapolis in 1876. Is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity. Odd Fellows, Diiuds, and Knights of Pythias. Has three chikb-en li\-ing : Charlie C. Effie F., and Frankie E. Herman Abel, was bom in Germany in 1825. Learned the dyeing and scouring business in his native country, and followed it for thirty-one years in Germany and the United States. He has been engaged in Minneapolis since 1878, and is at present, located at No. 304 Hennepin Avenue. Married Kosina Flad, June, 1861. They have two children. Anna C. and George J. A. M. Alden. was born in Cortland county, New York, October 24th, 1838. At the age of twelve, moved with parents to ^IcHenry county, Illinois. In 1855, came to Mmnesota and settled in Fillmore coimty, and engaged in farmuig there and in Dodge county until 1863. Thence to Olmsted county, engaged in the dry goods busi- ness until 1866, then to Fillmore county again, engaging in a general merchandise business imtD 1872. when he moved to Minneapolis and en- gaged in the grocery and crockery trade until 1880, when be retired for the purpose of looking after his property, ilarried in 1860. to Maria Shedd, of New Hampshire. They have five chil- dren. Elizabeth E., Wm. A.. Jennie M.. Bertha F., Edwin M. His wife died in 1871. Married for second wife. Mrs. H. E. Pardee, of Elgin. Illinois. They have had four children, two now living; Lyman S. and Harriet M. Z. O. Allen, born in Washington conntw ilaine. June 7th, 1859. Came to Minneapolis, in July, 1878. engaging in several different branches of business until August. 1880, when he bought an interest in the meat market located at 717 Wash- ington Avenue south: firm name. Barber and Com- pany. J. C. Allworth. Proprietor of the Allworth House, located at 118 Second street south. It is a two-story buikling with thirteen rooms, with the office, bar, dining-room and kitchen on the first floor, and the parlor on the second floor. James il. Allan was born in Montreal, Canada, February 11th, 1843. In 1857, moved with his parents to Upper Canada. In 1860 moved, and lived at Fort Atkinson, Iowa, one year, then to Decorah and learned the blacksmith trade. En- listed, in 1863. in the Forty-sixth Iowa Infantry, and went to Tennessee, and was discharged at Davenport, September 23d, 1863. In 1872 went to Montana and engaged in mining and pros- pecting. Moved the same year to Minneapohs and worked six years for R. B. Langdon & Com- pany. AVas appointed on the poUce force in March. 1879, which position he has since held. Married November 14th. 1865, to Mary E. Mead- BIOGBAPHICAL. 503 ow. They have had three cliildren; one now liv- hig — Leon L. Andrew Anderson was born in Xorway, Jan- uary 22d, 1845. Game to the United States in 1866, and settled in Iowa, where he worked on a farm for two years. Moved to Hastings, Min- nesota, in 1868, and worked three years on a farm and in a saw mill. Came to Minneapolis in 1871, and opened a saloon, wliich he continued for one year, then worked at coopering three years, and is now located at No. 1225, Fifth street south, in saloon business. Married Miss Clara Ander- son; they have one child, Louisa. C. H. Anderson, born in Sweden. Moved to the United States and settled in Minneapolis in 1872, where he worked for six months in a meat market, then engaged for tlie Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company until 1877, when he made a trip to his old home in Sweden, remain- ing there for nine months, when he returned to Minneapolis and engaged in the clothing business until tlie spring of 1880, when he engaged in the wood trade on the corner of Washington Avenue and Sixth Avenue south. C. P. Anderson, born ui Sweden, in 1836. Came to America in 1866, and worked in Chicago four months, thence to Red Wing, Minnesota, work- ing six months ; then to Wisconsin, working at his trade, carpentering, for two years, tlience to Lake City, keeping boarding house and saloon five months; then to Burlington, Iowa, working at his trade for two years, tlience to New Ulm, Minnesota, in 1872, for a short time, and to Min- neapolis, working at his trade luitil 1878, when he established liis present business at 1421, Washington Avenue South. W. P. Ankeny, deceased, was born at Somer- set, Pennsylvania, October 4th, 1821, died at Minneapolis, December 2()th, 1877. In early life he was the publislier of a newspaper in his native town, also in mercantile business, and holding the position of postmaster. He went to Califor- nia during the excitement attending the opening of that state, and engaged successfully in the stock business. On his return east he engaged in running a steam tannery. In 1857 Mr. An- keny came to Minneapolis, and fi'om that time imtil he was confined to his room by illness, was closely identified with the material growth, and political interests of this city. He built a saw mill at the Falls in company with a Mr. Clement and Mr. Robinson of this city. They continued to do a lucrative business until 1872, when he was joined in tlie lumbering business by liis brotlier, A. T. Ankeny. He built the Galaxy mill, in 1871, wliich was burned and rebuilt, and went down in the explosion of 1878. He served as councilman for the sixth ward, and In the fall of 1861, was elected senator for the 27th district. He was largely interested in the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad, and the building of the Minneapolis Harvester Works. AVas mainly in- strumental in starting the first Building and Loan Association in the city, and was at one time its president. The many enterprises he was en- gaged in furnished at all times employment for a large number of men. His son, W. S. Ankeny, now occupies a responsible position at the Gal- axy mill. A. T. Ankeny was bom at Somerset, Pennsyl- vania, December 27th, 1837. Received his edu- cation at Hiram, Ohio, and at Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania. Studied law with John D. Ruddy, at Somerset, and completed his studies in the office of Hon. J. S. Black, Attorney General of the United States, at Washington, D. C. He was admitted to the bar April 1st, 1861. In February, 1862, on tlie accession of Hon. E. M. Stanton to the War Department, was appoint- ed by him to a position in the Quartermaster General's office, and held the same until the close of the war. He then resumed the practice of law at Somerset, and for a time was connected with one of the banks at that place. Came to Minne- apolis in the spring of 1872, and became associ- ated witli his brother, W. P. Ankeny, in the man- ufacture of lumber. In 1874, the firm built the Galaxy flourhig mill. Continued in the lumber business until 1877, at that time resuming the practice of law, which he has since continued successfully. Mr. Ankeny was married at Wheeling, West Virginia, May 2d, 1861, to Miss Martha V. Moore, daughter of John Moore, long identified with the interests of Wheeling. They are the parents of five children : Florence, Rob- bie, Nellie, Mattie, and Sallie. Residence on Western Avenue, on the bluffs outside of the city limits, where he owns forty acres of land, portions of it being very desirable residence prop- erty. 504 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. John F. Appleby bomatWhitesborough, Onei- da county. New York. When five years of age came with liis parents to Wisconsin, and was reared on a farm. Enlisted in 1862 in the Twen- ty-third Wisconsin reghiient. and served until honorably discharged July 4th, 1865, at JSIobile, Alabama. During his term of ser\ice he invent- ed the repeating magazine fire-arm, while at the siege of Mcksburg, which he sold to Thomas AV. Lane of Boston, Massachusetts. After his re- turn home he engaged in farming until ]86S; dur- ing which time he completed the "Appleby Twine- binder," patent issued in 1869, and has since then received patents on several different binders; also patents on self-rakes and reapers, the latter known as the "Appleby Reaper." Came to ^linneapolis in March, 1880, and arranged with the Minneapo- lis Han'ester Works to manufacture his twine- binders, engaging with the company as mechanical superuitendent of their works. He completed his binder at Beloit, Wisconsin, where they are still manufactiu-ed. They are also manufactured at riauo. Illinois, Excelsior Works, iliamisburg' Ohio, and at Whitewater, Wisconsin. Mr. Ap- pleby was married at Mazo Manie, Wisconsin, in 1847. to Miss A. D. Spink. They have three children. Kuby G.. J. Percy and John Roy. A. R. Archibald. Principal and proprietor of Archibald's Business Academy. A native of New- England. Graduated at Dartmouth college, New Hampshire, and came West to take chaige of the Stevens Seminary, Glencoe, Minnesota, filling the position acceptably until the fall of 1876, when he became commandant of the ^linneapoUs Mili- tary Academy. In the fall of 1877, opened the present institution to meet the wants of young people coming into the city, whose education was limited. At first the outlook for success was poor, but at the close of the year twenty names were enrolled. Smce then, the business has de- veloped in spite of opposition, and at present the enrollment numbers sixty names with a prospect of twenty more during the year. Young men and women from the country and cit>- wlio have not the time for a full course, here lind just what is needed to prepare them for the practical pur- suits of life. Solon Armstrong was born at Sutton, New Hampshire, May 15th, 1834. Attended the Wes- leyan I'niversity at Middletown, Connecticut, four years, then read law with George and Foster, Concord, New Hampshire, until 1857, when he came to St. Anthony and continued his studies with Lawrence and Lochren, until the fall of 1857; admitted to the bar the same year, also elected justice of the peace. Held the office till 1864, when he entered the government service in in the quartermaster's department one year, mak- ing a trip across the plains with Col. Thomas's expedition. He then went into the office of Todd, Gordon and Co., till 1870. when he was appointed by the city council, city justice and clerk, which offices he held until the unity of the two cities, when the office was abolished. He called a meet- ing of the first council for the union of the two cities. He then entered the Zenith (louring mill office as book-keeper, till 1877, then purchased the old City Mill, after which Mr. M. B. Rollins be- came associated and they continued till the spring of 1878. In company with Mr. C. Noble bought the grocery interest of O. T. Swett and is at present located in Masonic block, I^niversity Avenue East Division. Mr. Armstrong was a member of the city council from 1873 to 1878 and president the last two years. AYas married in Miimeapolis February, 1874, to Mrs. Sarah B. Redfield. who died April 14th, 1879. Has- three children Uving, Bessie P., Solon and Joseph. J. H. Arnell was born in Orange count)', New York. February 20th, 1836. Came to IMinneapo- lis May 10th, 1857, and worked at his trade, har- ness-making, for William Murphy. In 1858, went into business for himself, as one of the pioneers in the harness business. At that time there were I'ut Xv,o other shops in ilinneapolis. His first partner was John Conover, who sold out in 1860, leaving him alone. In 1862, he enlisted in the Second JSiinnesota Battery, serving nearly three years. Was discharged from the hospital at Nashville, Tennessee. Returning to Minneapo- lis, he resumed his old business. August. 1874, he joined in partnership with L. Christbeb, and has continued business with him since. AVas married to Francis Peet. of Minneapolis, Septem- ber 23d, 1874. They have two children : Paul B. and Mabel. B. Aronson, born in Sweden, December 1st, 1845. Was raised on a farm until twenty-one years of age, when he learned the trade of mason, which he has followed constantly since. Came to BIOGBAPHICAL. 505 America in 1867, and located in Minnesota, and commenced woik for tlie Sioux City Railroad, building bridge foundations. Worked in Scott coniity one season, and came to Miinieapolis in 1872. Worked for George McMullen in 1872, working for himself alone until the firm of Pat- terson and Aronson was established, in 1877. They now employ from twenty to thirty men. John Arnoldy was born in New Ulm, Bmwn county, Minnesota, September 4th, 186(1, where he was brought up to tlie harness-making trade, and worked until 1877, when lie came to Minne- apolis, and worked for leading firms in the city imtil he formed a partnership with Andrew Keim in 1880, and located at 120 Plymouth Avenue. Peter Arnoldy, born in Germany, March 1st, 1849, and raised on a farm. Came to America in March, 1872, stopping a short time in Chicago and New Ulm, and reached Minneapolis in No- vember, 1872. Is a cabinet-maker by trade, and by his industry and skill has built up (piite a large business at his present place, 1503 Washington Avenue south. Was married in 1875, to Lucy Breyen, of Germany. They have two children : Herman J. and John M. K. Aslesen was born in Norway, December 6th, 1853. Came to America witli his parents who settled in Houston county, Minnesota, in 1857. where he remained imtil 1867, when he moved to Brownsville. Soon after, moved to Lansing, Iowa, where he worked as clerk in a grocery for six years. Thence to New Albin, engagmg in general mercantile business until March, 1879, when he moved to Minneapolis and became one of the firm of Aslesen Bros, in a general grocery trade at 511 Washington Avenue south. In April, 1880, he bought his brother's interest in the concern and has since continued alone. F. A. Atwater was born in Burlington, Ver- mont, in 1830, where he conducted a hotel for several years. Moved to Illinois in 1857, and in 187.'< to Delano, Minnesota, where he engaged in the clothing business. September 1st, 1880, he bought the Clark House, located corner Fourth street and Hennepin Avenue, 100x1 IS feet, four stories high, eighty rooms. OtIice, dining-room, billiard hall, bar and mercantile sample rooms on the ground floor. Reception room and parlors on second floor. A conveniently arranged and well conducted house. Mr. Atwater married Miss Naomi N. Bradley, June 16th, 1856. They have four children— Stella C, Famiy, Edward and Huliliard. Ezra H. Austin, born at Ilogansburgh, New York, April 4th, 1844. At the age of twelve went to work in the Howland mills at Wadding- ton, New York, where he remained until 1860, when he went to Williamsburgh, New York, and run a mill. August 11th, 1861, enlisted in the One hundred and second New York Volunteers, and served with the regiment through the war; mustered out June, 1865, came to Winona, ISIinnesota, in 1867, and run the "Glen mills" for two years; moved to W^asioja, in the "Star mills" two years; came to Minneapo- lis in 1870, was with the Washburn A mill eigh- teen months, the Pillsbury twelve months, and in Wisconsin six months; went into the Palisade mill in 1873, and has been there since. Married Miss Mary Fleener, March 4th, 1870. They have one child living, Etta H. E. C. Babb was born in Westbrook, Maine, February, 1834, where he followed lumbering until 1857, then moved to Berlin Falls, New Hampshire, and continued the lumber business until 1862, when he enlisted in the Ninth New Hampshire Volunteers; served as non-commis- sioned officer three months, was promoted Second Lieutenant. In 1863, was promoted First Lieu- tenant, and Captain in 1864; was honorably discharged June, 1865; speculated in oil in Canada two years; came to Minneapolis in 1868, and engaged in lumbering until the fall of 1875; since then has been in the ice business; proprie- tor of the Minneapolis Ice Company, until the formation of the Cedar I^ake Ice Company in 1878. Was married at Berlin Falls, New Hampshire, August, 1862, to Miss L. Chandler, of that place. Ernest and Bernard Bachner, twin brothers, were born in Prussia, Fel)ruary 1st, 1844. They learned the gunsmith trade in their native coun- try, and in 1865, came to America, landing at Baltimore. Ernest secured a position in a giui manufactory at Wasliiugton, D. C, and Bernard came west, securing a position at EauClaire, Wis- consin. They remained in their respective places about a year, and then met by appointment at Minneapolis; since then they have been identi- fied with the interests of this city. For descrip- tion of business, see other portions of this work. 506 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. S. Harlan Baker, civil engineer, office 101 Cen- tral Avenue, was born fiftj- miles west of Phila- delphia. Pennsylvania. May 30th. 1846. He fol- lowed farming at home tUl 1865. when he entered the State Normal school, at Jlillersville. Penn- sylvania, and graduated in the fall of 1867, after which he lay sick for two years. In 1869 came west for his health and located in Minneapolis. In the spring of 1870, went railroad siuveying under Colonel Clough, remained a short time and engaged on Government survey on the line of the Xorthern Pacific Eailroad, where he remauied until the spring of 1872, when he opened his present office. In 1876 was elected county surveyor, and sened two terms. Mar- ried in Minneapolis, November, 1875, to Miss Laura ^ILxer. They have one child, Jessie . George Bagley, a native of London, Englan d was born March 17th. 1850. At the age of two, he moved with parents to Kingston, Canada, and settled on a farm. "When seventeen, he began an apprenticeship at the confectioners" trade in London, Canada, and served three years. In 1872 he removed to Cliicago where he worked at his trade mitil 1878. when he came to this city, established a candy manufactory, and has since remained m that business, now located at 316 Nicollet Avenue. He married Mary Purge of Chicago. December 2oth. 1874. They have one child. Ettie lola. Muier Ball was bom December loth. 1838, at Berne. Albany county, New York. Remained on farm until the age of sixteen : came to Min- nesota in 1857, and lived at Caledonia one year, thence to St. Paul, and in 1859 engaged in mer- cantile business at Eockford. Wright county, be_ ing the only trader there. In 1861 sold out and came to Minneapolis and liought a photograph I gallery of Charles Bobinson, and conducted it un- til the following spring, when he sold out aud moved to Lake City and opened the ginseng ' trade. In 1863, moved to Menomonee, Dunn county, Wisconsin, and run a livery stable, store and farm for three years. Then returned to Eockford, and went into trade. Built a saw mill opposite Greenwood and run it two yeai-s ; it burned and he moved to Delano and built the Delano Flour and Saw Mills: remained thereun- til 1879, and was foremost in building up the town. Came to Minneapolis in November, 1879, and entered into real estate and commission business. In 1880, sold his Delano property and in the fall opened a real estate office in the Clark House. Was married February 18th, 1862, to Miss Kate P. Powers, of Greenwood. Their children are Willie F., Robert Leslie, Ruth A., Frank P.. and Firman G. Mrs. Ball died De- cember 17th. 1875. and Mr. Ball married for his second wife Mrs. Sallie W. Jackson, of Pennsyl- vania, July 16th, 1879. She had one daughter, Viola Jackson. Daniel R. Barber was bom at Benson. "\'er- mont, in 1818, lived with his father on the farm mitil he was twenty-one years of age. when he embarked in mercantile life, which he followed for thirteen years, twelve of which he was post- master. In 1856 he closed his business m Ben- son, and came West, locating at the then small town of St. Anthony Falls. For several years his business was dealing in real estate and loaning money, large sums of which were intrusted to liim by Eastern parties, and on which he never met with a loss. He assessed the town and city for eleven years, and was once census enumerator. In 1872 he bought the Cataract Mill idescriljed elsewhere in this work), which he has operated successfully since. Mr. Barber was married in Febraary, 1845, at Orwell. Vermont, to Miss El- len L. Bottum, with whom he has since lived. The fruits of this union are: JuUa B., born in May, 1846, and Edwin R., born in November, 1852. In August, 1865, Miss Julia was married to J. AVells Gardner, of tliis city, who died in San Francisco, California, in 1876. Edwin E. married Miss Hattie E. Sidle, a daughter of H. G. Sidle, banker, in October. 1873. They are now living at 41 South Seventh street. Both Edwin and Mrs. Gardner are partners with their father in the mill. After the death of Mr. Gard- ner. 31r. and Mrs. Barber left the home they had built up and occupied for twenty-one years, cor- ner Fourth street and Second Avenue south, and now live with their daughter at Second Avenue south between Fourth and Fifth streets. Ed. C. Barber was born in Franklin county, Illinois. June 1st, 1849. and was brought up in his native state, and worked four years in the post-office at Cairo ; also engaged as mail agent on mail train for eight years. After some time spent in various other pursuits, he came to Min- BIOGRAPHICAL 507 neapolis in July, 1880, and started a meat-market at 1224 Western Avenue. Married in 1871. Pres- ent family, wife and one boy. Charles S. Bardwell was born iu llampsliire county, Massachusetts, November 19th, 1836. Lived witli liis parents on the farm until the age of eigliteen, when lie came to St. Paul, Minneso- ta, and at once went to work in a sash factory, remaining but a few montlis ; tlien went to Ex- celsior, and engaged in carpentering until 1863. Enlisted the following fall in the Second Minne- sota Cavalry, serving two years and one month. Was on the frontier among the Indians, near the Bad Lands, and engaged in numerous contliets with the red-skins. Was discharged in the fall of 1865, and returned to Minneapolis and engaged as foreman witl) J. Copelandand Company, in the sash, door and blind business. Kemained with them six years. In the fall of 1872, went into business with L. C. Bisbee. Sold out in 1875, and moved to his present location. Married Miss Eliza Green, in 1858, who died May 8tli, 1864. Mr. Bardwell has one son, who is now in the senior year at the iniiversity. In 1867 he was married again, to Miss iSTettie Jenks, who died in 1872. They had one child, Lamont J. D. H. Barker was born in Cumberland county, Maine, March 1st, 1844. In 1862 he located in Pennsylvania, and engaged in the limiber busi- ness. Came to Minneapolis in 1865, and followed lumbering seven years. Started a meat market and route in 1872, on Central Avenue, E. D., where he continued until lie was burned out, in January, 1879. Next opened at his present loca- tion, where he is doing a growing business in meats, salt and fresh, canned goods, fish and oys- ters, at No. 717 Washington Avenue south. Mar- ried in 1870, to Miss Katie Lammer. They have three cliildren : Nettie, Gracie, and Edna. S. Barker, burn m Ripley county, Indiana, Au- gust 16th, 1844. Came to this city in 1866, and worked four years in a saw-mill, as niillwriglit, and has assisted in building nearly all the mills in the city, and has also worked at repairing. For the past three and a half years, has been with Pillsbury exclusively, as a mill-wright. Married Rachel Jerman, November 17th, 1868. They have three children : Warren E., William E., and Mary. Jacob Barge, is a native of Germany, born in 1839. Established business in Minneapolis in 1863. First year's business was two thousand dollars. In 1880 it amounted to thirty thousand dollars. Mr. Barge is at present one of the alder- men of the city. Married Miss Louisa Gessart. They have two children: Louisa and Emma. Thomas G. Barnard, of the furniture manufac- turuig firm of Barnard and Cope, was born in 1826, at Charlotte Town, Prince Edward Island. Remauied there until the age of nineteen, when he went to Boston and learned the cabinet ma- kers trade. After this, worked four years in Bos- ton. Thence to Norway, Oxford county, Maine, engaging in the manufacture of furniture for five years. Came to Minneapolis in 1857, and engaged in the furniture business. His ripe ex- perience, covering a period of tliirty years, has made his present establishment one of the insti- tutions of the city. Mr. Barnard has a pleasant home where he resides with his family, on Tenth street, corner of Mary Place. E. G. Barnaby was born in Montreal, Canada, in 1839. He remained tliere for sixteen years, then he moved to Chatham, Canada West, where he remained till 1857, thence to New York city, entering the mercantile establisliment of Lord and Taylor, where he remained until 1863. He then went to Memphis, Tennessee, engaging in business about a year. During the same year, took charge of a dry goods house where he re- mained till May, 1867, and then started a gents" furnishing store under the Overton Hotel, and in 1872, started another store in the same line, under the Peabody Hotel. He continued busi- ness till 1879, wlien he came to Minneapolis and opened a gents' furnishing store, at No. 2, Nicol- let House block. Was married in Brooklyn, New York, March, 1865, to Miss Mary Finley. They have three children : Carrie, Minnie A., and Mary B. John T. Barnum, of the firm of P.aniiini and Goodrich, trunk manufacturers, was born at Rochester, New York, JMareh 5th, 1857. Re- ceived his education at the Rensselaer Polytech- nic school, Troy, New York, in 1879 and remained in Rochester one year. Came to ^linneapolis in April 1880, was with D. D. Whitney in his trunk factory. September 1st, 1880, took possession of the business in company witli Mr. Goodrich. F. C. Barrows was born in Orino, Maine, 508 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. March 29th, 1832. He was reared in the lumber region of that state; after reaching manhood, en- gaged in that business until 1S55. when he moved from the "Pine Tree State" and came direct to St. Anthony. He at once entered the ranks as a lumberman, firet for Dwight. AVoodbury and Company, in building a mill and dam at St.Fran- cis, above Anoka, on the Rum river. In 1868 he formed a partnership with Jonathan Chase, in the winter of 1869-"70, he and his brother be- came partners, the firm known as " Barrows Bros." For several years they did job work for J. Dean and Company, during which time they accumulated quite a stock of logs, which they were two years in converting into lumber. In March, 1878, he entered the firm of which he is now a member. Merriman, Barrows and Company. He was married to ^liss Sarah J. Swain, at Min- neapolis, October 2.5th, 1864. They have had five childi-en: four of whom are now living: Nellie. Freddie. Harry, and Frankie. Mrs. Barrows died in March. 1873. He remained a widower initil March, 1877, when he was imited to Mrs. Sadie E. Jones, of Stillwater. W. yi. Barrows. lx)rn at Augusta. Maine. Sep- tember 1st, 1830, moved with his parents to Orino, MUford and Lincoln, finally to Chester, where he remained till 18.5-5. following lumbering. ]SIoved to Old Town, and remained till tlie fall of 18-56 ; came to St. Anthony and for seven years worked in the woods wintere and on the river sum- mere. Run a freiglit train from St. Anthony to St. Paul from 1863 to 186-5. In the fall of 1865 started the lumber business with a Mv. Spafford, under the firm name of Barrows and Spafford for one year, then alone for one year. In the fall of 1867 took as partner Andrew Hall, for one year. Fall of 1868 the firm of Barrows Brothere was formed. Married Xancy Fernold. July 3d. 18-55. They have six children. WiUiam H., Melvin P., Wyley R., Lydia F.. Eddie P. and Jessie. C. H. Bates, was born at Cohasset, Massachu- setts, November 26th, 18.52. He was educated principally at Boston, Massachusetts, also studied dentistrj- in the same place and practiced his pro- fession there. Has practiced dentistry eight years. Came to Minneapolis in May, 1880. and is now permanently located at 327 Nicollet Avenue. Family consists of himself and wife. John W. Bates was bom in Brattleboro, Ver- mont, January 5th, 1849, where he lived for four yeare, then moved with parents to Troy, New York, and remained about two years. In 1855, came to ^Mimiesota with his mother and settled in St. Anthony. From 1868 to 1873 taught school in Henry county, Illinois, and from 1873 to 1877 engaged in coopering at St. Joseph, Missomi- Returned to Minnesota, and in August, 1879, he was appointed on the poUce force, which position he has since held. His mother died ui 1873 in this city. A. L. Bausman was born in Pennsylvania, March 2oth, 1834. Educated at Pittsburg and stodied dentistry at the same place for three years. Came to Minneapolis in 1856, and has been in continuous practice of his profession since. The doctor is the oldest dentist in prac- tice in the city. "Was married to Miss Fannie R. Abraham, of Minneapolis, November, 1863; she died in 1876. Married again, January. 1879. to Rebecca Fenby, of St. Louis. They have three children — Bertha, George and Fenby. John Bayer, proprietor of Bayer's hotel, located at 109 First street north. Mr. Bayer, was born in Germany, in 1831; came to America m 18.54; came to Minnesota in May, 1855, and located in Scott county, where he remained for ttaee years, thence to Wisconsin and lived three years. In 1861, enlisted in the First Minnesota Regi- ment Volunteers; served three years, when he re- turned to Scott county, and remained until the spring of 1865, when he came to Minneapolis. Married Annie Berndgen, July 21st, 1865. They have five children; .lohn R. H.. Lucy. George G., Anthony M.. and Frank X. M. James Baxter, firm of Downs and Baxter, was born in "Westmoreland, England. August 10th, 1835. At the age of sixteen commenced the trade of stone cutter and mason; came to Ame- rica in 1854, and finished his trade hi Chicago, where he remained until 1857, when he came to St. Paul. In 18.59. went to Carrollton. Indiana, where he was employed as foreman for quarries and cut stone used in the Portland locks, for Bar- ton, Robinson and Company, contractors for Louisville and Portland canal and locks. In 1865, came to ^MinneapoUs, and until 1877, was employed as foreman for R. B. Langdon, Sauls- paugh and Company, St. Anthony Falls Water- Power Company, and othere, also took some con BIOGRAPHICAL. 509 tracts on his own account. Was married at St. Antliony, November 2d, 1859, to Miss Catlierine Ryan, of St. Paul. They have five children liv- ing; William C, Mary, Bridget, Eleanor and Cath- erine. J. Flanders Beaumont, eye and ear surgeon, was born in Freeport, Illinois, March 29th, 1859; educated at Freeport and Montrose, Illinois, and at Princeton college. First studied medicine with his father Dr. J. H. Beaumont, and Dr. Constantine Ilering, of Philadelphia, Pennsylva- nia. Graduated from the Hahnemann Medical Col- lege, of Philadelphia in 1876, with the degree of M. D. He next entered the New York Ophtlial- mie Hospital and studied diseases of the eye and ear, was afterwards assistant sm'geon in the same hospital. Was also an attending physician of the New York Homeopathic Dispensary. He came to Minneapolis in August, 1880, and conflnes his practice solely to the treatment of eye and ear diseases ; is a member of the American Oplithal- mological and Otological Societies; Illinois Homeopatic Association, and Hennepin coimty Homeopatic Society. Dr. Beaumont was mar- rieg in 1878 to Miss Ella Jenifer, of Chicuinati, Ohio. Thev have one child; Alice J. Franklin Beebe, of the law firm of Beebe &Rossman, 112 Hennepin Avenue, was born at Lincklaen, Chenango county, New York, October 28th, 182-5. Remained with parents until 1843, attending Oxford and DeRuyter Academies. He then entered the State Normal School at Al- bany, New York, and in 1848 began the study of law at Ti'uxtou, with Alanson Coats, and finished in the office of John Waite at Norwich, New York. Was admitted to practice in 1851, and formed a partnership with John Waite, and practiced law at Norwich, until the fall of 1855, when he came West and located at Minneapolis in 1856. Opened an office near the old land otHce, and soon after removed to the building then owned by T. Chambers, near the suspension bridge. Has since been elected three times to the office of probate judge, in the meantime fol- lowing his profession. The present firm was formed in the fall of 1879, and is a successful one. Was married first in Norwich, New York, April, 1858, to Miss Lavlnia, daughter of Dr. James Thompson, of that city, who died January 13th, 1868, leaving two daughters now living — Mary Frances and Harriet Lavinia. Mr. Beebe was married again to Dora H., daughter of D. G. Thompson, of North Warmouth, Maine. They have one child now living — Daniel G. Alonzo H. Beal was born in Saco, York county, Maine, July 10th, 1833. When fourteen years of age he began studying photography, but left that business and went to Buffalo in 1852, engaging in the furnishing business two years. In 1854 he returned to ^Nlaine, as a photographer, and has continued as such ever since. In April, 1855, he was married to Ruth Clark, of HolUs, Maine. They have two children, Eugene and Charles. Mr. Beal moved to Boston, in 1857, thence to St. Anthony Falls in 1860. After having made sev- eral attempts to get a fine gallery, each of which was destroyed by fire, he finally established him- self at No. 18 South Fourth- street, where he lias since remained and prospered. Jacob Becker was bom in Stark county, Ohio, November 18th, 1841, and was married to Eliza- beth Moarls, in 1867. They have had five child- ren, three of whom are living — Mary, Anna and Ida. Mr. Becker enlisted in 1861 in the One Hundred and Seventh Ohio volunteers. He served one year only, and removed from Wooster, Wayne county, where he at that time lived, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin; thence to Winona, St. Louis and Minneapolis. Here he erected, in 1873, the Island Saloon, and has since been proprietor. S. N. Bell is a native of Ohio, and was born January 4th, 1831. He married, in 1854, Rosetta Bowers, of New York. They have six children: Minnie, Eva, Carrie, Milton, Grant and Colfax. He lived in Racine, Wisconsin, a number of years, engaging in farming while there; also after re- moving to Faribault county, Minnesota. In 1875, he engaged in the grocery business in Mm- neapolis, 416 Nicollet Avenue, where he is still found. Karl Bendeke, a native of Norway, was born April 21st, 1841- After graduating from the medical school of Christiana, Norway, in 1865. he came to the United States, 1867. At Chicago he again graduated from the medical college in 1869, and practiced in that city until he removed to Rushford, Minnesota, in 1870. He practiced there five years then came to Minneapolis. He was married to Josepliine Fanske, from Bergen. Norway, in 1869. 510 HISTOBY OF EEXyEPIN COUNTY. F. Benjamin was bom in Connecticut in 1839, and at tlie age of twenty-two went to California and engaged in mining for two yeare, wlien he re- turned to Connecticut. In 1874 he came to Min- neapolis and opened a saloon. He and Ella M. Spaulding were married in 1872. Their children are Frederick and (Jracie. C. Henr>- Benton, of the firm of Benton. Ben- ton and Roberts, attorneys at law, was bom at Lunenburgh. Essex county, Vermont, in 1841- His parents and family moved to Guildhall, Ver- mont, and the same year his father came west to secure a home, but soon died at Rockford, Il- linois. In 1860, C. H. entered the Vermont University at Burhngton, and in 1861 enlisted in the Fifth Vennont volmiteers, being promoted to first lieutenant and mustered out September 19th. 1864. Soon after, lie entered the Albany law scliool. from which he graduated in 1866 and commenced practicing in Troy, Vermont. He married Miss Flora Hadley, who died in 1869. Two years later Mr. Benton came to Mmneapo- lis, where he was mamed to Jeanette Graham of this city, who bore him two children, Christine and Harry. Webster Benner was bom in Lmcoln coimt}% Maine. He came to Minneapolis in 1870 and was in the drug business until 1880. when he origin- ated the Minneapolis Soap Works. He has a partner in business, the firm name being Pomeroy and Benner. They make shipments throughout the north-west. ilr. Benner was married in Mauie, and has one son li\'ing at AValdboro, Lin- coln county. Col. R. C. Benton was bom at Waterford, Cale- donia county, "\'ermont. May 13th, 1830. At twenty-one he entered the University of Ver- mont, and gi-aduated with the class of 1854. He taught school at .Johnson. '\'ermont. two years and was there admitted to the bar in 1856. He practiced law until 1861, when he entered the army as captain of com)iany"D." Fifth Vermont infantry. In 1862 he was promoted to the office of lieutenant colonel of the Eleventh ^'ermont and remained in service until 1864. He participated in some of the principal battles, beuig wounded Jmie 9th, at the battle of Savage Station. After the war he returned to "N'ermont and again prac- ticed his profession. In 1867 he removed to St. Albans,Vermont, andiu 1875 located in Minneapo- lis. He was assistant secretary of Vermont state senate in 1856-"57, count}' attorney of Lamoille county in 1860-"61. and a member of A'ermont state board of education in 1874. He married Miss Sara Leland in 1856. Their children are, Lucy and ilary. Two children have died. S. J. Bennett, born at ^Mineral Point. Wiscon- sin. He lived at that place until sixteen years of age, when he went to Colorado. After spending three years there he returned to Wisconsin ; thence to ^linnesota. and in 1874 settled in ^lin- neapolis, engaging in the coopering business. He married Nancy King, in 1872. Enlisted, in Au- gust. 1862. in the Twenty-first Wisconsin, served one year, and was discharged for disaliility. A. Bermann is a Russian by birth, and was bom May 29th. 1853. He came to Minneapolis in November. 1879. and was engaged in peddluig imtil 1880, when he became a partner of L. Blou- stein. They are now knoii\Ti as the firm of Ber- mann and Bloustein. and deal in new and second- hand goods. He was married October 10th. 1877. A. C. Berry, captain of police. v\as born Feb- ruarj- 21st. 1830, at Pittsfield Maine. He settled in Minneapolis in 1S66. and being a carpenter, at once commenced that business, and continued in it until appointed on the police force, in 1867. Since his promotion to the rank of captain, in 1877. he has discharged his duties with credit to himself and to the general satisfaction of the force at his command. He was married in Pe- nobscot county, Elaine, to Jennie ;M. Whitcomb, November 30th 1854. Their two children, Ida and Charles, have died. Herman Bidwell was born in New York. March 2d, 1851. He commenced in the milling business at Galesville, AVisconsin, in 1870, and remained there five years ; then removed to La Crosse, re- maining four years. He became a resident of Minneapolis in July, 1879, and and has since been engaged in milling. His marriage with Lue Cur- tis, occurred November 7th, 1875. They are the parents of one child. Julia. John BeiTy, deceased,one of the pioneers of Hen- nepin county, was bom in Buxton Maine, in 1801. Was engaged in farming and carpenter work until he came to St. Anthony, in 1851, and has followed farming most of the time since. He was the first man to raise a crop on the west side. Iraving made a claim on section "31, east of Cedar Lake, in BIOGRAPHICAL. 511 April, 1851, and resided there until 1857, since which time he has lived in the city. Mr. Berry fell, while engaged in carpenter work at Bangor, Maine, and shattered his right arm, and by a similar accident, twelve years since, his right leg was hijured. He married Hannah Bunker, Feb- ruary 12th, 1826. The children living are : ^Irs. W. A. Kowell, of this city, Mrs. D. L. Paine of In- dianapolis, Iniliana, and JSIark T., surveyor and superintendent for Dean and Harrison. Mrs Ber- ry died April 23d, 1879. Mr. Berry lived with his son, Mark T., until his death, which occurred in April, 1881. Prederick G. Berry was born in Brooklyn, Ilen- nepui county, Minnesota, in 1857. At the age of sixteen he commenced teaching. He entered the State University of Minnesota in 1874, and grad- uated after a six years' course. In July, 1880, same year, he was taken as book-keeper in the money order department of the Minneapolis post- office. He commenced studying law, in the office of Morrison and Fitch, in September, 1880. Jonathan C. Berry was born and lived in Bux- ton, York county, Maine, until twelve yjearsof age' when he removed to Grove, Allegany comity' New York, and learned blacksmith ing. He spen^. six years in the Galena, Illinois, lead mines ; then stalled for California, with team and wagon, in 1852, and succeeded in reachmg there August 27th. He engaged in teaming and mining until 1854. During that year he bought and run the first threshing machine in the state. He came to St. Anthony in 1855, and purchased an interest in a plow factory and made the first plow manufac- tured in the state. He was married at White Oak Springs, Wisconsin, in 1858, to Miss Amanda Beck with, who was bom at Noblesville, Indiana. They have two children : Frank and Flora. E. L. Bidwell, of the firm of Bidwell and Com- pany, is a native of Massachusetts, and was born March 15th, 1856. He became a resident of Nortlifield, Minnesota, in 1859, where he re- mained six years ; then came to Minneapolis, where he received his education, and has since resided. G. W. Bigby was Ixmi in Pennsylvania, in 1845, and in early life learned the carpenter's trade with his father. He came to Minnesota in 1857, and settled in Freeborn county, where he re- mained until July, 1880, when he became a citizen of Minneapolis. He has worked at his trade many years, and is well established as a contract- or, builder, and cabinet-maker. L. Biggs was born in Maryland, February 15th, 1836. He learned his trade as mill-wright at home, then removed to Indiana, wliere he spent ten years. He was wedded to Mary J. Lynn in 1863, who bore him two children, Elma and Ro- land. His wife died in August, 1870. After re- maining a widower seven years, he married Annie Byers. They have one child, Mabel. Mr. Biggs came to Minneapolis in 1871. He was one of those who assisted in liuilding the old "A" mill, and helped to rebuild the old " B " mill. He has been in the employ of Washburn and Company during the nine years of his citizenship. J. W. Birdwell was born Seiiteniber 10th. 1838, at Tuscumbia, ^Vlabama. He moved to Minnea- polis in 1871, and has remained here since. At the first call for volunteers he enlisted, and served in the war luitil mustered out at Trenton, Ten- nessee, in 1863. He was married, on his return to Julia Clift, of Illinois. She has borne him one child, Josephine. Mr. Birdwell is the Min- neapolis manager of the business of the Victor Wheat Heater Company. Hon. David Blakeley, manager of the Trib- une, was born in Franklin county, Vermont, in 1834. The family moved from there to Syracuse, New York, in 1838, where, at the age of thirteen, he entered the jirinting office of the Daily Star. In that offlce and that of the Journal, he thoroughly mastered the typographical art. After conipletiug his apprenticeshii). returned to Vermont and devoted five years to study. In 1857, he left the University of Vermont, and came to Minnesota, where he entered the profes- sion of journalism, starting three newspapers. In 1860, was elected chief clerk in tlie house of representatives, and re-elected the following year. He was then appointed superintendent of public instruction by Governor Ramsey, and at expira- tion of term, was returned to the office by elec- tion. He contributed largely to the organization of the common school system of Minnesota. In 1805, he, with his brother, ilajor C. II. Blake- ley, purchased the Chicago Evening Post and took editorial charge of that paper, remaining until April, 1874, when he disposed of his inter- est m the Evening Post and succeeded to the ed- 512 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. itx)rship of the St. Paul Pioneer. One year later, he conceived the idea of consolidating the Pioneer and the Press, which was soon ac- complished, and during his service with the con- solidated Pioneer Press, was jointly, \\-ith Mr. Wheelock. in editorial cliarge of the paper. The ilinneapolis Tribune, having subsequently been added, Mr. Blakeley removed to Minneapolis, tlie better to represent the journal in this city. Finally becoming convinced that there was a fine future for journalism in Minneapolis, he severed, his connection with the St. Paul establishment entirely, and taking the Minneapolis Evening Tribune in charge, he has maintained his relations with that journal since. On ^lay 11th, 1880, in company with Gen. A. B. Xettleton, he estab- lished the Morning Tribune, thereby, giving to Minneapolis, a first-class metropolitan journal, of which her citizens have had every reason to be proud. L. y. X. Blakeman, who is a native of Xew York city, came to this place in 1S69, and was engaged in the mercantile business until 1874. when he became a partner of G. Menzel, in the foundry business. William Blakeman , one of the earliest settlers of this locality, was born in Prussia, April IStb, 1828. He came to the United States in 1848, and set- tled m La Fayette, Indiana, where he engaged in upholstering and carriage trimming until 1856, when he removed to Saint Anthony. He was the first upholsterer here. He retired from la- bor in 1808, and has since lived on the fruits of his industry. He manied Magdalme Kretz, of Germany. They have five chikhen living; Mary, Lizzie, Frank. Charles, and Fred. Adolph Blitz, M. D.. was born in Prussia, February IWh, 1845. He moved to America in 1864, and studied medicine at the Cincinnati Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery. From this insti- tution he graduated in 1873. He removed to Nashville. Tennessee, in May, 1874. and while there he became a member of the Xashville Med- ical Society, Davidson County Medical Society, and Tennessee State Medical Society. He is a member of the American Medical Association, International Medical. Ophthalmological and Ot- ological Congiess; in Marcli, 1877, Doctor Blitz in company with others, founded the Xashville Medical College, which afterward became the medical department of the Univereity of Ten- nessee. On account of failing health, he re- signed his position and removed to ^Slunieapolis in 1880. Doctor Blitz was married in 1877. to Aima D. Wicks, of Xew Bedford, Massacliusetts. They have two daughters; Xellie and Bertha. J. W. Blood, was bom March 16th, 1845, at Boston. Massachusetts. He moved with his pa- rents to .Janesville, Wisconsin, in 18.55. He re- ceived an academic education at Milton, Wiscon- sin, and at Chicago, where he learned the trade of machinist. He came to Minneapolis in 1874, and has been engaged as foreman in the machine shops of the Harvester Works since. He was married to Miss E. W. Cragg, of Cincinnati, in 1874. They have one child; Meda. L. Bloustein, of the firm of Bermann and Blou- stem, was bom in Poland, 1839. His early life %\ as spent in Scotland, and a few years later he be- gan business in England. In 1879 he came to America, and the next year took as a partner, Mr. A. Bermann. Tliey now deal in gents" fm-- nishing goods, and have a large stock. C. N. Boardman, dentist, was bom at Water- loo, Yates county, Xew York. January 6th, 1841. He was educated principally at Blount Yernon, and studied dentistry at Cincinnati four years. He commenced his practice in Columbus, Indi- ana. Coming to Minneapolis, in 1872, he at once established himself as a dentist, and has been in continuous practice here since. ^liss Elizabeth LeDuc of this city became his wife in 1874. W. ^I. Boardman. was born at Rochester. Xew York, October 4th, 1857. During early Ufe he lived on a farm, later he was engaged in the gro- cery business. In 1876, lie came to this city and opened a restaurant, ilr. ^I. C. Tate joined him in this business in October. 1880. when they bought the restaiuant. which the\' now run at 214 Xicollet Avenue. He married Sarah McCue, July 20th, 1880. A. H. Bode was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1838. He came to America and located at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, m 1848, and attended the public schools of that city until 1853, when he entered a la-svy-er's office. In the summer of 1855 he removed to ^Madison and went to work for the LaCrosse and Milwaukee Railway as warehouse- man at Richfield, and was afterwards agent at Horicon for four vears. Returned to Milwau- BIOGBAPHICAL. 513 kee, and in 1863, went into the Merchant's bank. In August, 1865, he came to Minnesota as gen- eral freight and ticket agent of the Miiniesota Centi-al Railway, and after its purchase by the Milwaukee and St. Paul, remained as general agent until 1871. lie was then engaged with a construction company, until 1873, since which time he has been with the Minneapolis and Saint Louis Eailway. lie was married at Iloricon, Wisconsin, December 26th, 1858. They have eight children: Carrie F., Addie C, Willie F., Mabel, Freddie C, Bessie I., Grace E., and J. Henry. John Bofferding, one of the early settlers, was born in Luxembourg, August 29th, 1826. lie came to the United States in 1850, and settled first at Sauk City, Wisconsin. In 1853 he started on a prospecting trip which ended in his settling in Minneapolis in 1856. Here he worked at his trade, that of carpenter, until 1875, when he be- gan the grocery busuiess and has since continued it. He was married in 1862 to Katrina Frius, of Germany, who bore him three children. Those living are Maggie and William. Nicholas Bofferding, brother of the above, and who also came to Minneapolis in 1856, was born at Luxembourg, August21st, 1830. He worked at at the carpenter trade heie until 1875, and has since worked with his brother, Mr. John Bofferd- ing. T. M. Bohan, a native of Ireland, was born June 29tli, 1832. He came to the United Stales in 1848, and remained in New York one year, then removed to Milwaukee. There he learned the shoemaking trade, at which he worked until 1855; then he moved to St. Anthony and opened a shop and two years later engaged as foreman for Wensinger. In 1877 Mr. Bohan, in company with J. A. Kennedy started in the boot and shoe trade. One year later Mr. Kennedy sold his in- terest to Mr. McNeice, the present partner. Mr. Bohan was married to Anna Sliortell, of Milwau- kee, in 1857. They have seven children: Mary, John, Amiie, Timothy, Thomas, James, and Katie. George F. BoUier was born in Switzerland, June 18th, 1819. He learned tlie trade of shoe- maker in his native country and worked at it un- til 1856, when he emigrated to the United States, coming direct to St, Anthony, where he has smce 33 resided. In 1858 he opened a boot and shoe store and has added to his stock from time to time. Mr. Bollier was married in 1856, to Sarah Alle- mann, of Switzerland, who died in 1864. He was manied in 1866, to Paulina Diedrich. Their children are: William and Hattie. N. H. Bolton was born ten miles south of Cleve- land, Ohio, FeV>ruary 10th, 1839. He remained with his parents until twenty-seven years of age and there acquired a knowledge of milling and manufacturmg. He came to Minneapolis in 1872 and at once commenced in his present business, that of manufacturing mill machinery. Mr. Bol- ton was married in 1865 at Farmington, Wash- ington county, Wisconsin, to Mary L. Norton ; have had three children: Celeste, Gracie and Ada. S. Bonfoy was born in Montgomery county, New York, m 1817. At the age of fifteen he learned the wool-carding business. Fifteen years later he went to Georgia, remaining at Columbus eleven years, when he removed to Roswell, Geor- gia. Here he was engaged as superintendent of a wool factory. When General Sherman passed through on his march to the sea, the factory was burned. He removed to Indiana and remained nine years. In 1874 he came to this city and again engaged in the wool-carding business. Hon. L. Bostwick "was born in Toronto, Cana da, June, 1815. He moved to St. Anthony, ac- companied by his wife and daughters, in 1850. The year following, he was elected justice of the peace, which office he held until 1860. He was elected, mider very peculiar circumstances, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of I. I. Lewis. At that time there was a '-Maine liquor law," luider which a person was indicted for opening a saloon in St. Anthony, and the case was brought before Mr. Lewis, who resigned rather than to try the case. In 1871, Judge Bost- wick decided to retii-e from active life and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He has been one of the most active citizens of this now tlourisliing me- tropolis, and from its eailiest growth identified with its interests. Pierre Bottineau, was born January 1st, 1817, at a place on Turtle river, Dakota Territory, once called Rats Point, but afterwards named Bottineau's Point from its being the residence of his father, Joseph Bottineau; who was engaged 514 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. with the Xorth-westem Fur Company. The mother of Pierre Bottineau, was a native of the Ojibwa tribe, whose father was a captive Dakota, and mother an Ojibwa. By this marriage there were several children, with only one of whom, Pierre, we have to do. In 1816. one year- before the birth of Pierre, hostilities arose betw^een the Hudson Bay Company, the old company estab- Ushed in 1670, under a grant by Charles II, of England, to Prince Rupert and others, and the Xorth-westerii Company. These were both Eng- lish companies. The Red River settlement was founded by Lord Selkirk, a Scottish peer under a grant from tlie Hudson Bay Company. The Xorth-western Company, whose head-quarters were Canada, traded by the way of the lakes, and had virtually pre-empted tliis territory before the Selkirk colony arrived and did not recognize their claim as a part of the Hudson Bay Company's territory .as this company had never before extend- ed their lines so far south. The Hudson Bay Company transported goods Ijy way of Hudson Bay. After the establishment of the Red River settlement in 181:2. petty strife began, which in 1816. culminated in open liostilities. Lord Sel- kirk had demanded troops from the Governor General for the protection of his colony without avail, but instead, was enjoined against repetition of hostilities. In spite of this uijunction some more blood was shed, but at last, as neither par- ty received the support of the government, an amalgamation took place, and the united company controUed the country. In consequence of these hostiUties, the httle colony of Red River was greatly weakened by emigration to the territory of the United States and Canada. Pierrie Bottineau's father was commanded by the North-western Company to take part in the struggle but he absented himself on one of his hunting expeditions. On his return he was im- prisoned, but owing to his intluence with the tribe from which he had taken his wife, he was soon released, as woi'se troubles were liable to arise. Amid these busthng scenes, in a wild country, among Indians, and half-breeds more dangerous than the Indians themselves. Piene Bottineau was born. He was early trained by his father for the hunt. He possessed a strong frame and rugged constitution, and became a skiUful horse- man, and a sure marksman with a rifle, learning, as well as inheriting these qualities from his father, who was unsurpassed in the chase. His father died when he was fourteen years of age, and LeCompte. a famous guide, but lame in con- sequence of an injury, pleased with the early accomplishments and promise of the boy, took him to live with him. promising to instruct him in the mysteries of his art. LeCompte was at this time the only man conversant with the country, and familiar with the duties of a guide. He held out brilliant prospects of high wages, ending in a fortmie, especially because he needed the sure foot, strong arm and quick eye of this young half-breed. Durmg the years 1832-3 Pierre made a few short trips m company with LeCompte, carrying messages between trading posts, but his first long trip was in 1834, at the age of seventeen. LeCompte was then employed by the Hudson Bay Company to carry messages and the mail from Fort Garry to Fort Snelling, and Pierre accompanied liim. They started the first of November and readied their destination December 27th. Communication was difficult and expensive, and sometimes not undertaken oftener than once a year. They went down on the east bank of the Red River, and after eight days reached Red Lake river, which it was neces- sary for them to cross, though now very high and full of drifting ice. A feeble old man named Alard, went with them, and a pony with a Red River cart earned the mail. baggage and pro\Tsions. A raft was quickly built and the cart and its con- tents were safely transferred to the other side by Pierre and Alard. They next returned for Le- Compte and the pony, the current carrymg them down some distance at each crossing. On at- tempting to cross again, with all hands and the pony, their clumsy raft foundered on a stmnp, and was soon piled with ice so that the upper end was submerged, and the lower end stuck up at a sharp angle. The situation was critical and promised at the best, a cold bath to all. Here Pierre proved himself equal to the emer- gency, for cutting loose a few pieces of timber he secured them together by a cord made of buffalo liide, and making his two companions straddle the logs, since neither could swim, he took the chances of keeping on the little raft and poling it to shore. It floated, however, much farther, and BIOGBArHICAL. 515 struck a bend in the river that was frozen over, in consequence of there being less current. Here he was obliged to jump on the ice, after securing a long cord to the raft, one end of which he held in his hand. The ice would not hold the weight of a man, and Pierre went in, all over, in very deep water, but holding fast to the rope. When he came up, he swam, breaking the ice before him, to the shore, and hauled his companions after him. They were fortunate in having dry suits at the cart, and soon were all right in dry clothing. The pony was rescued, and they started again. After traveling four days they reached the Wild Kice river, and crossed the ice and encamped near its bank. By some means, here, the pony who had escaped narrowly one danger of drowning, got into this stream in the night and was drowned. In this dilemma it was decided, as Alard could not travel, to leave him in charge of the cart and stuff while Le Compte and Pierre went on to Lac Traverse, a trading post of the American Fur Company, in charge of Mr. Moore. The journey, it was thought, would take four days. Pierre was load- ed with bedding and provisions supposed to be sufficient for Le Compte and himself for the four days' journey, and they set out. The lameness of Le Compte and the burden of I'ierre rendered traveling slow, but it proved that the estimated distance of fifty or sixty miles, increastd every day they traveled. Le Compte seemed not to be familiar with the country and arriving at Goose river he called it the Cheyenne and the Elm he supposed the Wild Eice. They traveled thus for several days until their provisions were gone, liop- mg to reach the Bois des Sioux, where Le Compte declared he should recognize the country. On the eighth day they reached this river, having been already four days without food, aiul found a fresh Indian trail which they followed to the camp. It proved to be the camp of a party of Sioux num- bering ten men with five tepees. The strangers were kindly received and their hunger appeased by a repast of otter and skunk meat. The next day they reached the trading post and obtaining a horse and man returnt d for Alard and their stuff. The old man's joy cannot be described, as the twentieth day after their departure he saw them returning. He had improvised a sled and loaded it with blankets and provisions, determin- ed to start the next day, dragging his sled, trust- ing to a good fortune to take him to some habita- tion. After staying a few days at the post, Le Compte bought a horse of Mr. Moore and they proceeded to the trading post of Mr. Renville at Lac qui Parle and from this point they set out for Traverse des Sioux, another trading post dis- tant four days journey. The post was in charge of Mr. Louis Le Blanc. Alard was left at Lac Traverse on account of the depth of snow and the difficulty of traveling. Trouble arose again in attemptiug to find Traverse des Sioux and the two companions were near starving, as their supplies had given out; when, fortunately, a coon was killed and their hunger appeased. After traveling in a circuitous route for several days in search of the trading post, Pierre insisted upon taking a direct course for Fort Snelling or as near direct as the Minnesota river would conduct them, disregarding Traverse des Sioux altogether. It is a difficult matter to di- vert a guide from an old route but at last the point was conceded and they set out. On the following day they came on an Indian camp and were received in a friendly manner and directed on their way. It appeared that the guide was mistaken in reference to their location and they soon reached Traverse des Sioux, and without further accident arrived at Fort Snelling, Decem- ber 28th, 1834. Among those whom Pierre met at the Fort at this time he mentions jNIr. N. W. Kittson. After spending a short time visiting friends and rela- tions who had formerly lived at Bed Biver. he re- turned and for two years spent his time trappuig in the winter and hunting buffaloes during the summer. Two hunts were usually made each year, one in the early summer and one later, about fall. The outtit for these hunts was as follows: each hunter was supplied with a good hunting horse, gun and amnnuiitiou. and with two or three po- mes, drawing each a Bed Biver cart. The latter were used to carry their families and baggage, as well as to transport the results of the chase. Frequently these hunting parties would number several hundred hunters, besides their families. After reaching the hunting grounds, each found occupation in killing the buffaloes, dressing, dry- ing, cooking and making pemmican. Pemmican 516 HISIOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. was an importaut article of food and merchandise with the Hudson Bay Company in fuinisliing supplies to their employees, and still continues to be used. It was made in the following manner. The lean buffalo meat was cut into thin strips, and a skillful woman would cut these strips round and round, making them quite long. These were spread in the sun during the day. and gathered at night in order to protect them from rain or dew until they became as dry as a bone. They were then placed over the fire to cook, lifter this the meat was beaten in a bufl'alo hide until com- pletely pulverized, when it was mixed with melted fat and packed in skins for market. The lean and fat of two animals is condensed in one sack of pemmican. Xo salt or seasoning was used in its preparation, but properly prepared it would never spoil. Besides the process had driven out the water and so reduced the bulk that a very little would satisfy hiuiger and furnish food in the most condensed form for long journeys. When the carts were loaded with pemmican and hides the party returned from the hunt. En- counters with hostUe Indians, and accidents fre- quently occun-ed which caused much danger and risk. During the summer of lS3o Pierre made a trip to Hudson Bay in the employ of the Hudson Bay Company, and again the next summer a second trip. It will give some idea of the hardships to which voyageure were subject if we state here the tests to which they were subjected before they were employed. A day and place was set for those who desired employment, to exliibit their powers of endurance. The load of a voyag- eur, two packages weighing about one hmidred pomids each, was ready and the man who could carry the load to a certain goal and return with- out resting, in the quickest time, was counted the best man, and from those most successful the employees were chosen. The Hudson Bay Company were haughty and overbearuig to the natives and half-breeds, and treated them as "comme les betes," while the policy of the Ameri- can Fin- Company was much more liberal. This led many to transfer their trade to the American company. December 1st, 1836, Pierre Bottineau married Genevieve Larance, daughter of John Baptiste Larance, a farmer of the Bed River settlement. A few months after, he luidertook the memorable journey across the plains, as guide for ^lartui McLeod. and two companions, Parys and Hayes, from LaFourch, Red River colony. Territorj- of Hudson Bay, to Fort Snelling. The time esti- mated for the journey was twenty-five days; of this, the journey to Lac Traverse was estimated at fifteen days, and the remainder of the journey ten days. The time consumed was, however, fifty days, and two of the party, Messrs. Parys and Hayes, perished by the way. The indomi- table hardihood of Pierre Bottineau, alone, brought ilr. McLeod and himself through. They started with a dog traneau. moccasins and snow- shoes. The deep snow and the inexperience of the part}- retarded their progress. They so freqently required their snow-shoes or moccasins loosened or tightened that the pa- tience of Bottineau was taxed to its utmost, and short days" journeys were accomplished. This was, however, only a small matter compared with the trouble that followed. Blizzards, cold, and want of food finally added to their miseries, untU Hayes was lost in a storm and never seen again, and Parys, though fo\uid. was in such a frozen condition as to compel him to remaui in a hut, carefully built and provided for his comfort, imtU hoi-ses could be sent for him from Lac Traverse. "When the relief party arrived they found proof that death had ended his sufferings soon after their departure. Mr. Parys was a Polish gentle- man who had sensed under Remarmo, and left his country after the fall of "Warsaw to avoid the fury of the Czar Nicholas I. Mr. Bottineau and the surviving traveler, Hon. Martin McLeod, ar- rived in safety at Fort Snelling, April 16th. 1S37. May 4th, Bottineau started on liis return on horse- back, took a traveler at Lac Travei-se, and reached the Red River June oth. Spent the sum- mer and winter following, m the usual way, himt- mg and trapping. May, 1838, he rmdertook his next flip across the plains as guide for a large party, consisting of forty families, Swiss. French, and Scotch. This trip was accomplished without any remarkable mcident, except that the Indians along their route became somewhat troublesome, and it was necessary to court their good will by distributing tobacco and flour among them in passing then villages. This was especially true because of the hostilifrs' of the Sioux toward the BIOGRAPHICAL. 517 Chippewas, and the half-breeds of the north were associated with the Chippewas. Four of these Sioux villages were passed at Lac Traverse, num- bering eiglity or ninety braves ; two at Big Stone lake, numbering three hundred ; two at Lac quj Parle, two hundred ; one at Blue Earth, seventy; one atlledwood, one hundred; one at Traverse des Sioux, one hundred and fifty; one at Belle Plainer fifty ; one at Little Eapids, one lnuidred; two at Shakopee, three hundred. These tifteen hmrdred warriors were often on the war path. At Minne- ha-ha. Lake Calhoun and Pig"s Eye there were five or six hundred more. Some of them, whose villages were not in their path, might, notwith- standing, be met on the plains. Owing to some accidents to their carts and one person, it was de- termined to send a messenger ahead to obtain from General H. II. Sibley his barge to transport the party from Traverse des Sioux. On arrival at this point the boat was found m reatliness, and the party were successfully landed at Fort Snell- ing, though the time occupied from Traverse des Sioux was fourteen days, owing to low water. At this pouit in his history Mr. Bottineau stops to pay a tribute to the kindness of Gen. Sibley, to whom he was frequently indebted for courteous and generous acts. He always extended this kindness to poor or rich, white man, Indian, or half breed. The Sioux held him in the highest regard and called him the "Great iledicineMan.' He smoked a red pipe with a long stem and often hunted with the Indians. On one occasion' after hunting all day unsuccessfully, while smoking around the camp fire, he cried out "Well, we will kill a bear to-morrow!"' Sure enough the next day's hunt brought in the bear and forever estab- lished the Indians' faith in Gen. Sibley. Botti- neau brought down twenty head of cattle from the Red lliver settlement as well as some other merchandise. lie sold on his arrival, cows at |oO to $7-5, oxen at -flSO to .|200 per pair, butter at fifty cents per poimd. October, 1838, he engaged to guide a small party of men to Red River and remained there until 184(1. Jilne 1st, 1840, he crossed the plains once more with a large party consisting of twenty fami- Ues, and brought his own family along to settle in this country. On this journey he fell in with the old guide Le Compte and a party conveying a Mr. Simpson to Fort Snelling. Mr. Simpson was a son of Sir George Simpson of England, who had been making an expedition in aid of science and was now on his return, bound for England. Simpson showed signs of insanity at this meeting but the parties diverged, intending to take differ- ent routes. On the next day Bottineau was over- taken by two men riding at full speed after him, who requested him to come to the aid of the other party as Mr. Simpson, hi a fit of insanity had killed two of the party, one of whom was Le Compte himself. The relief party foimd that he had added his own death to that of his comrades by blowing out his brains. After disposing as well as could be done of the bodies of the slain, Mr. Bottineau joined the remainder of the party with his own and proceeded, arriving at the Fort in July. Here he found great changes, for the offi- cers of the Fort had driven away Perry and Ger- vais and others ; only a few remained and they were on the point of going, having received noti- fication to that effect from the Fort. Here, for the first time Bottineau met Franklin Steele. Bottineau went on to Saint Paul with his family and made a claim there in 1840, between Gervais and Clewette, camping on the bluff opposite the site of the old Xational hotel. The claim ran as follows: Commencing at a point, now the foot of Jackson street, running down the river eighty rods, thence at right angles to the river one mile, embracing a strip eiglity rods wide running back to Clewette"s claim. Not having money to invest in permanent improvements, he pitched a skin tent (lodge) on the blutf and lived there all sum- mer. During the summer he was employed by Mr. Aiken, an old agent ot the American Fiu- Company, with others to transport freight. In the fall he was able to Iniild a house and make some improvements on his claim. In the .spring of 1841 he put twenty acres in crops. From this time he was employed at various things but largely for tlie American Fur ('ompany, until the spring of 184-5. During this time he made one more trip to the Red Ri\er. In the summer of 1845 he moved to the falls of St. Antliony and became identified with the interests of the place imtil 1854, when he removed to Bottineau Prairie in JMaple Grove. During the years 1845 and '46 he made two more journeys to the Red River settle- ment. In 1851, Mr. Bottineau acted as guide to Gov. 518 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Kamsey. and (lie commissioners appointed by the government to negotiate a treaty with the Pem- bina Indians. The journey was made with a mili- tary escort. After holding a council with the Indi- ans at Pembina, and concluding the treaty, the commissioners and Gov. Ramsey expressed a wish to visit Fort tiarry, and it was determined to ex- tend the trip accorduigly into the British domin- ion. In 1853 he piloted (Jov. Stevens, of Wash- ington Territory on the Northern Pacific railroad exploration, going west to the Rocky Mountains and retm-ning by the jSIissouri river to St. Louis. In the fall of 1853, Mr. Bottineau, made a hunting excursion, acting as guide for a party of English lords and bankers. During the winter of 1854-"5, he went with Captain Carney to Mille Lac with a military escort to arrest two Indian murderers. In 1856 he made an expedition with Colonel Smith, to explore the northern country for a suitable point to locate a military post. In 1858, after the report of Colonel Smith's expedi- tion, further exploration was determined on by the general government with reference to the es- tablishment of the post in (juestion. Mr. Bottin- eau accompanied Colonel White and a captain in the regular army who were charged with the en- terprise. This expedition determined the site and located the present Fort Abercrombie at a point then known as Graham's Point. In the winter of "56 and '57, he, with others, located the town site of Breckenridge, and during the following summer he located a town site on his own account at the mouth of Cheyenne river. In 1859, he went with Skinner, the geologist, to locate salt springs for the state. In June, 1860, he accom- panied a military expedition to Pembina, and on his return, went with Gov. Ramsey and Judge Bailey to negotiate a treaty with the Pembina and Red Lake bands of Chippewas, but were not successful in concluding treaty. In 1862, he made a trip with Captain Fisk to Montana, and after reaching Benton, left them to another guide and returned, passing through great dangers from Indians. Since then he lias resided on a farm at Red Lake Falls, I'olk county. William AV. Bosworth was born in Washington county, Maine, December 16th, 1857. In 1857 he came to St. Anthony and engaged in the lumber- ing trade until 1875, when he was appointed on the police force as patrol, and in May, 1876, was appointed sergeant, and served in that capacity until 1877, and since as patrol. He was married to iliss jSIaria Craig, at St. Anthony, August, 1867. Their children are George, Fred, and Eva May. M. C. Boutell was born at Worcester, Massa- chusetts, in 1837. At the age of seventeen he was employed by Messrs. Nelson and Rice, of that city, and remained sixteen years. He moved to St. Paul in 1863, and engaged in the hardware business. In 1876, removed to Mimieapolis. Mr. Boutell was married to Miss Maria Wellington, of Massachusetts, who bore him three sons and one daughter. Millard F. Bowen, attorney and counselor at law, was born in N ew Orleans, Louisiana, April 19th, 1856. He was educated at Buffalo, New York, and studied law with Bowen & Rogers, of that city. He was admitted to the bar at Min- neapolis, January, 1879, and has been in practice here since. His office is located at 324 NicoUet Avenue. Winn M. Brackett, originator of the Minneap- olis lire department, was born in ]SIaine in 1843. He moved, in 1846, to Nova Scotia, with his par- ents, where his father was American consul. Six years later he returned to the United States, and at the age of sixteen was identified with the Hose "Annex" of Washington Engine Company, No. 1, of Calais. In 1861. Mr. Brackett enlisted as musician in the Sixth regiment, Maine volun- teers, and served until the fall of 1S62, when he re- turned to Calais. Here he was appointed paymas- ter's clerk, with headquarters at Washington. He came to JSIinneapolis in 1865, and was engaged as boolc-keeper f or Eastman, Gibson and Company. About this time he organized the ]SIiller's Fire Association, from which has grown the present fire department of JSIinneapolis. In 1871 he was elected second assistant of the department, and at expiration of the term was chosen chief engineer, and has held the position since. Mr. Brackett was married at ^linneapolis, in 1867, to ISIiss Emily Iloyt, formerly of Portland, Maine. They have four sons: Charles and Winslow M., Jr., are living; Chapin and Frankie are dead. T. A. Brann, is a native of Maine, born at Gar- diner, Kennebec county, March 26th, 1840. He enlisted as a private. April ISth, 1861; he was promoted through the intervening grades to the BIOGBAPHICAL. 519 rank of First Lieutenant. In 1866, he located at Saint Charles, Minnesota; two years after, he removed to Whitewater, Wisconsin, where he remained until 1877, when he came to Minne- apolis. Mr. Brann is the local freight agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company, which position he has held since com- ing here. lie was married in 1866, to Miss M. J. Atkins, of Gardiner, Maine. They are the par- ents of four children. E. C. Briggs was bom at Coventry, Khode Isl- and, February 20th, 1838. He came west in 1854, and located at Richfield, Minnesota, where he engaged in farming and carpentering until 1877, when he removed to this city, and was employed as packer in the Minneapolis Mill; he has continued to serve as such ever since. Mr. Briggs was married to Miss V. M. Ray, in Sei> tember, 1860. Their children are : Ida and George. William Brigham was born in Worcester county, Massachusetts, September 19th, 1835. Early in life he located at Marietta, Ohio, and ivas in the boot and shoe Itusiness there until 1855; thence to LaFayette, Indiana, until 1865; thence to Chicago until 1869, when he came to Minnesota and settled at Saint Peter, still con- nected with the boot and shoe business. In August 1873, he came to this city, where he was engaged as foreman by the North Star Boot and Shoe Company. Mr. Brigham's family consists of his wife and one daughter. F. II. Brimmer, dentist, was born at Ellsworth, Maine, December 30th, 1844. He received his education in his native place, and there studied dentistry with Doctor Osgood. He graduated from the Philadelpha Dental College— Class of 1876-7, with degiee of D. D. S. He came to Minneapolis September 30th, 1879. Doctor Brim- mer is unmarried. E. Broad is a native of Maine, and was born May 29th, 1814. His father, being a blacksmith, he commenced in early life to learn the trade. In 1842 he moved to Bangor and remained there in pm-suitof his trade, until 1855, when he came west and located at Saint Anthony, where he has since been engaged in the manufacture of edged tools. Mr Broad was married to Miss S. C. Marsh, at Portland, Maine, in 1844. Rev. David Brooks was bom in England, No- vember, 1802. He learned the tailoring bu.siness, and was converted at twenty-one years of age, and joined the Wesleyan Methodists. Educated in England, and licensed to preach in 1832, and preached in his native country ten years. Came to America in 1842. Settled in Kenosha, Wis- consin. Joined the Rock River conference in 1844. Appointed to Dixon, Illinois, for one year. Fell into the Wisconsin conference in 1845, at its organization, and was stationed one year at Light House Point, and one year at Platteville ; also stationed at Dodgeville and AVatertown. Came from the Baraboo conference to I^Iinnesota in 1853, by order of Bishop Scott, to take charge of the Mimiesota district as presiding elder, em- bracing all the territory of JSIinnesota and seven- teen thousand square miles of Wisconsin. Was its presiding elder four years, making appoint- ments and filling them, that reached from the soutliem line of the state to Lake Superior. AVas the presiding elder of Lake Superior district two years, by appointment from the Winona confer- ence ; then from the ^Minneapolis conference to the Minneapolis district, l)y Bishop Baker, for four years. Appointed to the Monticello circuit for two years, and one year agent for the Hamline University ; then five years agent for the Amer- ican Bible Society. Was then sent by Bishop Clark to the Sauk Centre district as presiding el- der for two years. At the end of that time the work in the upper district was re-organized by Bishop Haven, necessitating a change in tlie pre- sidmg elder's district. From Sauk Centre he went to Brooklyn Centre one year ; from there to Champlin and Maple Grove for three years. At the end of that time he again took the agency of the American Bible Society for two years. The first winter he came to Minnesota, he obtained a charter for the Hamline University, and named it, and m the following season obtained from Bishop Hamline, from whom it takes its name, the munificent sum of twenty-five thousand dol- lars. Was the first president of the board of trustees of the institution. In June, 1855, he left St. Paul, camping out in the open air on his way to Fort Ripley, from there with a guide to assist, put his boat into the ^Mississippi river, paddling on to Sandy Lake, East Savannah river, St. Louis river, thence to Superior Bay, carrying his canoe across portages 520 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. vaiying in distance from one mile to ten; when iu St. Louis liver, had an encounter with a black bear, who wanted to takf passage on the boat or give him the bear's hug. Tliis he objected to, and having no weapon but his oar which he used industriously about the bears head and fore paws, spattering water in liis face until he was glad to beat a retreat, shaking the water from his shaggy eye brows, so that he could see which way to make his escape. Landed in Superior at the head of the lake, and preached the first protestant ser- mon ever heard there, also obtained a; site and lot for a church. ^Married JSIiss Ann Moseley, who died of cholera in 18-50; married again in 1852 to ]SIargaret W. Prior. They have had five children, Jabez, Josia, Emma, Adin, and Amy A. Jabez Brooks, D. D., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature at the University of Minnesota, was bom in England. When a youth his parents emigrated to America and settled ui Wisconsin in 1842, at Soutliport, now Kenosha. At this point he pursued his studies at Southport Academy. After finishing his preparatory studies in the West he entered the sophomore class in Wesleyan University at ISIiddletown, Connecticut, in 1847, and graduated ui 1850. He maintained himself while pursuing his studies by teaching and performing whatever labor he could get. After graduating he came to Wisconsin and con- ducted until 1851 a seminaiy at Watertown, Wis- consin, lie next occupied the chair of Greek and Mathematics in Lawrence University at Apple- ton, Wisconsin. In 1854, he was elected princi- pal of the prepatatory department of Ilamline University at Red Wing, and entered upon his duties on the 16th of November, and during 1854-5 he was pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at that place. In 1857-8, ill-health com- pelled him to reth'e from teaching. In 1861 he was elected president of Hamline University, which position he retamed until 1869, when he resigned, and the same year was elected professor of Greek at the University. Since 1869 he has continuously held that position, and for several years after the decease of Professor AV'alker in 1876, had charge of the department of Latin also. During his presidency of Ilamline University, Professor Brooks was a member of the State Normal school board, the Agricultural College board, the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, and commissioner of Indian payments. Mr. Brooks was married in 1854 to Miss Ruby B. Pearee, of Watertown, Wisconsin, and has had five children: The eldest, Adin P., died February 2d, 1881, D. Denslow, Olive E., now Mrs. E. T. Sykes, Anna E. and Lucia May. Ole Brohaugh, a native of Norway, was born August 20th, 1852. He came to the United States ui 1869 and located in Red Wing, Minnesota, where he was engaged iu farmuig until 1874. He then started a meat market, in which he con- tinued one year, when he came to Minneapolis and opened a meat market with a partner. In January, 1880, Mr. Brohaugh bought his part- ner's interest and has since continued alone. Mr. Brohaugh was married in 1878, to Albertine Han- son, who bore him one daughter, Clara. Baldwui Brown was born in Rochester, New York, February 7th, 1838. He came to St. An- thony in 1849, in company with his parents. His first enterprise was freighting from St. Paul and St. Anthony to the different government posts. He dealt in horses, cattle and real estate for several years, and m 1862, built the old "St. Cloud Hotel." He was engaged in different pursuits untU 1870, when he opened a livery and sale stable. Mr. Brown was member of city council from '72 to '77, member of legislature "73 and was elected member of board of county commissiouera Hennepin county, fall of 1880. He married Em- ma Day in 1865. Th^iir children are, Charles, William, Baldwin and Frederick. Benjamin J. Brown was born in Maine, April 4th, 1821. A few years in early life were devoted to lumbering, and at twenty-six years of age en- gaged in travelmg business, in which he remained about six years, and in 1852 came to St. Anthony. Here he commenced the lumbering business, in which he was successful rmtil the great financial crash of 1857. He is now employed as overseer in lumbering camps. Mr. Brown was the first marshal of St. Anthon>'. He was also interested with Anson Northnip in the civilization of mur- derous Indians, by the hemp method, in 1857. He was married to Nellie Carleton, April 8th. 1855. They have ten children hving, two of whom, Ben Bruce and Nellie, were born at Crow Wing, being the first white children born in that region, and jNlis. Brown the second white woman who lived in that locality. BIOGBAPHICAL. 621 C. D. Brown was bom In Maine, in 1835. At eighteen years of age, he learned the trade of wagon-maker, and has continued in that business since, except three years spent at sea. He came to St. Anthony in 1857, and In the fall of 1859 es- tablished opposite the Pillsbury "A'' mill. Mr. Brown enlisted, in 1862, in the First Minnesota battery, and was discharged at the end of one year on account of failing health. After returning, he opened a shop near the present location, which was burned in 1869; soon after he located at his present shop, 417 Main street, S. E. Mr. Brown was married, in 1859, to Henrietta Murphy who has borne him four children. r. D. Brown was born at Vienna, Maine, May, 1847. lie came to Minneapolis with his parents in 1854. He learned the trade of blacksmith of his brother, when he was so small he was obliged to stand on a block to strike the anvil. "Brown Brothers'" were the first lires started in the C. M. & St. P. R. R. shops. Mr. Brown was mar- ried, in 1870, to Miss E. S. Lindstrom. They have two children, May and Xellie. Levi ]?rown, his father, started the first blacksmith shop on the west side, and died in 1857. J. H. Brown is a native of Canada, and was born September 16th, 1856. He married Eliza- beth Gipson, June 2d, 1879. They have one daughter. His early life was spent in the hotel business. During the summer of 1880, he moved to Minneapolis, and now lias a sample room, 527 Washington Avenue south. J. M. Brown was born at Winthrop, Maine, August 19th, 1839. He came to this city in 1869, where he engaged in lumbering three years, then bought a shingle mill at Belknap, on the Saint Paul and Dulutli Railroad. He had this mill in operation foiu' years, then returned to ^Slinueap- olis. Since 1878, he has been engineer in the North Star Planing JSIill. Mr. Brown married Ada Dean, December 25th, 1867. W. W. Brown was born in Vermont, in 1843. He moved to Iowa in 1863, and followed the hotel busmess fifteen years. He removed to Lake ('alhoun, Minnesota, in 1878, and after having in charge, one year, the Lake Side House, he came to Minneapolis, where he has since re- sided. He is now the proprietor of the Theatre Comique, and also of the Sherman House, 129 Second street north. Zelora E. Brown, was bom in Brookfield, Mad- ison county, New York, February 9th, 1834. When four years of age, his parents moved to Genesee, New York, where his father received a severe injury, by a falling tree, which resulted in his back being broken; and what is quite re- markable, he is still in good health, having lived the last forty years with liis lower limbs paralyzed. At the age of twenty-one, Mr. Brown came west, but soon returned to New York, where he married Miss Mary R. Armstrong, December 30th 1856. They came to Dakota, Wisconsin, in 1859, where he engaged in farming until 1861, when he was drafted, but accepted the alternative of paying three hundred dollars, and remained with his family. In the fall of the same year he engaged with N. F. Griswold, of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, as traveling agent for agricultural implements, with whom he remained four years, three years of the time being spent at Rochester, Minnesota, where he was superintend- ent of Mr. Griswold's business in that section. Here, a son, AValter R., was bom to him. He then moved to Irvington, Iowa, and become a partner with J. R. Armstrong, in a general mer- chandise store, remaining five years. Another child was l)orn there. Clarence Z. In 1871, Mr. Brown came to Minneapolis, where he again en- gaged as solicitor and collector for Mr. Griswold, traveling seventy-five thousand miles by team. He fcn'med a partnership with H. O. Hamlin, in 1877, which still exists, dealing in real estate. J. B. Brouillette was born in Canada, in 1824. He was a dry goods merchant in his native place three years, then moved to New Orleans, w'liere he was engaged in the Saint Charles hotel five years; thence to California, where he was in the hotel business five years; thence to Australia, re- maining there two years. He also spent several years in Washington Terrritory, Oregon and the British Possessions, engaged in farming and mining. He came to Minneapolis in 1879. where he has since remained. ^Ir. Brouillette was mar- ried to Miss Jane Renwick. Their living chil- dren are Mary, Joseph, James, Louise. and\'ictor. James Bryant was bom at Bedford, Indiana, January. 22d, 1843. He came with his parents to Minneapolis in 1856; his father, R. R. Bryant en- gaged in mercantile business on ^Vashington Av- enue. In 1861, James Bryant enlisted in the HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry; he was wounded in the battle of Gettysburg In 1863, and Ln July. 1865. was honorably discharged. He was elected register of deeds for Hennepin coun- ty, m 1866, which office he held until 1871. He then entered upon the abstract business, in which he continued until 1876. wlieii lie entered the clerk's office as deputy clerk of court and served until January. 1881, when he again went into the abstract business. Mr. Bryant was married in this city to Miss Abbie Robinson, in Xovem- ber, 1865. They have had six children, five of whom are living. Ilemy Buckendorf is a German, and was born November 2d, 1844. He attended the public schools of Germany until the age of fifteen, when he learned the business of florist. He served one and a half years in the Prussian army. Soon af- ter, he emigrated to the United States, coming di- rectly to Minneapolis, where he at once engaged m the business of florist, in which he still con- tmues. and has one of the finest establishments in the city. Mr. Buckendorf is unmarried. AVilliam Buckendorf was born in Germany, in 1833. He attended the public schools of his na- tive countrv until 1S4S. He then was instructed in floral gardening. In 1857 he came to America with Judge Ames, and was in the employ of Dr. Ames until 1863, when he purchased his present gardens. Mr. Buckendorf was the first florist in this city. He was married to Barbara Weber^ September, 1860, who died sixteen years later, leaving four children. Mr. Buckendorf was mar- ried m October. 1878, to Maria Gerdis. Martin Buerfeuing was bom in Prussia. Octo- ber 13th, 1847. He lived in his native countiy twenty-one yeai-s, during wliich tune he learned harness-making. In 1868 he came to America. pro- ceeding directly to ^Minneapolis, where he settled. and worked at his trade until 1875. He was then appointed on the police force, where he has since officiated. He was married to Kustena "Weinard. of Wilmington. Delaware, in 1873. who bore him three children : Ida. Mary, and Anna. G. C. Bugbee was bom at St. Johnsbury, Ver- mont, April loth, 1837. He was reared to man- hood in his native place, and in 1857 came to Mmneapolis. Mr. Bugbee loaded the firet lumber for shipment from this city, on the Chicago, ilil- waukee and St. Paul liaUroad, and has been en- gaged in that business since. He is at present with the Minneapolis and St. Louis RaUway, also St. Paul. Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway. Mr. Bugbee was married at St. Paul. May 22d, 1863, to Miss Dora M. Gabert. Edward Biu-ke was born at ^Montello. "Wiscon- sm, August 19th. 1857. While yet a boy he ■ moved with his parents to Winona. Minnesota. At the age of twelve he commenced as a miller at Minnesota City, and remained for five years in the employ of the Winona Mill Company of that place. In May 1879, he removed to Minne- apolis, where he was employed in the Washbum Mills eight months : he then engaged with the Standard Mill as packer, and has since remained at that place. L. W. BurreU was bom July 13th, 1852, at Dover, Maine. Here he attended school imtil eighteen years of age, when he changed his home to Clearfield. Pennsylvania; he then learned blacksmitliing. In 1872 he removed to Minne- apolis ; for six years he was in the employ of other parties, and in 1878 opened a shop and resumed his trade, until the establishment of the Hame Factory. "Sir. BuiTell was married November, 1877, to Miss Flora Rich, who bore him two child- dren, Rose and Thomas. William E. Burwell was born at Buffalo, New York, November 24th, 1844. He moved to New York city in 1854, thence to Minneapolis, Novem- ber 4tli. 1874. Here he entered the First Na- tional Bank as general book-keeper, which position he held until May, 1880. he then being elected as- sistant cashier of the Northwestern National Bank. C. R. Buslmell was born in Jefferson county. New York. November, 1832. He engaged in farm- ing until 1848, when he went to Racine, Wisconsin, and learned the machinists trade ; here he re- mained until 1855, then removed to Waconda county, IlUnois. In 1857 he located at Lake City, Minnesota, employed ui manufacture of, doors, blinds, etc. Meethig with reverses, caused by the panic of 1857, he was made destitute and through the winter of ■57-"58 he subsisted princi- pally on corn meal and molasses. In 1862 he went to St. Paul and was employed m the Pio- neer foundry, by Mr. Gillman ; the sprmg follow- ing he came to St. Anthony and engaged with Charles Scott in his foimdrv. Mr. Bushnell start- BIOGBAPHICAL. 523 ed a machine shop in 1S64, on the west side of the river and made the sliafting for the first wool- en mill ever built in this city. He sold out in 1865, and that year formed a co-partnership known as C. R. Hushnell and Co., hut afterwards better known as the St. Anthony Iron Works. Since January, 1880, he has been a member of the firm of Bushnell and Spear, I^'orthwestern Stove Works. Mr. Bushnell was married September, 1855, to Miss Delia Kitz. Tlieir children are, Charles, Arthur and Elbert. Louis Buschjost was born in Germany, Feb- ruary 14th, 1850. He acquued a knowledge of shoe-making in his native country, and worked at it until 1 874,when he came to the United States. He first settled in Cincinnati, Ohio; thence to Saint Joseph, Missouri, where he remained until 1877, when he came to Minneapolis, and has since continued in his business. Mr. Busclijost was married to Emma Altwein, of Wisconsin, who bore him a son; Otto. B. r. Butler was born in Maine, in 1829. He moved to Detroit, Michigan, in 1854, an'. April 23d. 1S36. In 1S57, he went to Australia, where he engaged in gold mining; in 1865. he removed to Xew Zealand, and continued mining. In October, 1870, he left that country for America, landed in San Fran- cisco, California, and after a short time, came to ^Minneapolis. Until 1875, he was in the hotel business; since then, has sen'ed on the police force. Married in 1860, to Catharine Fox, a native of Ireland. They have had six children, four of whom are living. T. K. Danforth was born in Nashua. New Hampshire, in 1824. He came to Saint Paul, in the fall of 1853, and engaged in the express busi- ness for eleven years; then accepted a position as conductor on the Saint Paul and Pacific rail- road, which he held until 1875, when he went to Champlin, Hennepin county, and engaged in farming until 1878. He then came to this city and opened a livery, sale and boarding stable, which he has since conducted. His location is in the rear of the Brigham house, on Hennepin Avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets. He was manied August 2d. 1857. to Olive Fogg. They have one child, Hattie, born Kovember 26th, 1860. S. Ct. Daniels, proprietor of the Bellevue house, corner Washington and Third Avenue north, was born in Saint Albans, "S'ermont, in 1841. He engaged m hotel business in his native town, then in Boston, Massachusetts, four yeare; in the Cit>- hotel. Brattleboro, Vermont, two years; and two years in the Park house. He built the Bel- levue house,' this city, in 1870. It is, in size, 30x40 feet, three stories higli. and contains thirty- one rooms. Mr. Daniels is the oldest landlord in the city. Frank Dark is the proprietor of the ^larket hotel, located corner of First street and Firet Avenue north. The house has a stable in con- nection, which has room for fifty horses. The proximity of this house to the city market, makes it a favorite with the farmers. C. D. Dark, son of the proprietor, has charge of the office. T. H. Darum was bom in Copenhagen, Den- mark, in 1S48. He came to the United States in 1873, and for two vears resided m Illinois and Wisconsin. lie came to Minneapolis, and for five years was traveling for A. Kelly and Com- pany, selluig goods. In September, 1880, he opened a saloon on Tenth Avenue south, comer of Second sti'eet. John Davin was born in Xorthampton, Mas- sachusetts, in November, 1852. His parents re- moved to Beloit, Wisconsin, when he was a babe, and in 1864 they removed to this city. At the age of thirteen, John commenced life for himself. He first worked on the canal, and then went into the Arctic mill, where he remained for seven years. He then went into the old Washbum mill one year, and came to the Cataract, where he worked as packer one year, and has since re- mained in that mill. He has learned milling thoroughly. Professor Charles Davidson was born near Hudson, Ohio. July 29th, 18.52. When he was : three years of age his parents removed to Iowa. He attended a select school at Danville, and af- terward taught in his father's house, on the farm near GrinneU, Iowa. In 1869 he entered the pre- paratory department of the Iowa College, and af- ter six yeare, graduated m the classical course. In 1876 he entered the graduate department of Yale College, and in the fall of 1877 returned to Grin- neU, where he was appointed tutor in the Iowa College, which position he occupied four months. He then taught six months in the graded school of GrinneU. In the summer of 1878 he received the Master's degree, and in the faU was chosen professor of languages in Mitchell Seminary. In 1879, moved to ^Minneapolis, and founded the "Minneapolis Academy." His wife, whom he married in 1878, was Miss H. A. Noyes. of Inde- pendence, Iowa. She was born October 29th, 1852, and giaduated from the Iowa College in 1878. She supported herself durmg the entire course by teaching, vacations. C. Wright Davison was born in Leeds county, Province of Ontario, February 27th, 1849. At the age of sixteen he graduated from a country winter school, and began teaching, receiving for his services the princely sum of six dollars and fifty cents per month, and board. At twenty-one he went to Nebraska and engaged in carpenter work, then as clerk, and afterward as district agent for the American Insurance Company at Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri. He then engaged with Richard Edwards on the city direc- tory, and in the winter of 1872 was sent by him BIOGRAPHICAL. 537 to publish the St. Paul directory. In 1873, re- turned with W. M. Campbell, and issued St. Paul, Minneapolis and La Crosse directories. In 1874-5 was in tlie printing business. In 1876, was man- ufacturing fine furniture, employing twenty men. Since that time has given his attention to tlie di- rectory and Abbott's map of Minneapolis, enjoy- ing a prosperous business, the result of grit and perseverance. R. A. Davison was born in Ohio. He moved to Iowa, and engaged as cashier with Matthews and son, at Rockford. He remained there two years, and when the First National Bank of Cedar Falls was organized, he accepted a posi- tion in it and remained for six years. He then came to Minneapolis and opened the banking business of R. A. Davison and t'ompany, on the east side. Mr. Davison was married to Miss Mary L., daughter of Hon. H. Leavitt, of Waterloo, Iowa. E. J. Davenport was born at Middlebury, Ver- mont, May 15th, 1852. He graduated at Middle- bury College in 1871, and came to Minneapolis in the fall of that year. He occupied the position of deputy clerk of the district court until 1874, and for the three years following was clerk of the municipal court. From that time until January, 1881, he was engaged in the practice of law ; then entered upon his duties as clerk of the district court, to which office he was elected in the fall of 1880. He was maiTied June 15th, 1875, to Miss Jennie H. Taylor, a grand-daugliter of ex-Presi- dent Harrison. They have one child, Levi B., born November 11th, 1876. J. H. Davis was born at ^V'arren, Vermont, April 12th, 1838. He grew to manhood on a farm, and came with his parents to this city in 1858. He engaged as check clerk with the C. M. and St. P. Railway, and remained in that position until the spring of 1880, since which time he has given his entire attention to his interest in the Meyrs and Davis dray line. He became a member of that linn in 1871. Mr. Davis is an unmarried man, and resides with his mother at 111 Sixth street south. W. II. H. Day, of the firm of Smith & Day, was born in Washington county, Maine, November 20th, 1840. He came with his father to Minneap- olis in June, 1854, and has resided here since. In March, 1876, he entered into partnership with J. R. Smith in the hardware business at 529 Wash- ington Avenue south. lie was married in Aug- ust, 1863, to Nettie K. Hanscomb, of JLaine. They have four children: Addie M., Franklin E., Fannie E. and Frederic II. William 11. Davis was born at Philadelphia, Penn.sylvania, May 1st, 1840. He learned the trade of machinist, serving four years with Al- fred Jenks and Son. In 1 866, removed to Canton, Ohio, and for five years was foreman of E. Ball and Company's iron works. He was engaged at his trade in Wheeling, Virginia; returned to Canton, and went to Cleveland, Ohio, until 1876, wlien he came to Minneai)olis and engaged as su- perintendent of tlie Harvester Works, which po- sition he held until October, 1879. He then en- tered into partnership witli IlashowandMaish in the Variety Iron Works. Mr. Davis was married November 24th, 1864. Children: Calvin Hart- ley, born in Philadelphia, and Mabel Ellen, born in Canton, Ohio. Ernest Dean, a native of Sweden, was born in 1851. He emigrated to America in 1866, located in Hastings, Mirniesota, one winter, then came to Minneapolis. First worked at painting, and in 1870 engaged with Greenleaf and Buchanan, deal- ers in boots and shoes. He then passed two years at Brainerd, and on his return to this city en- gaged as salesman with Clementson for six years. Then with C. A. Heffelflnger until the organization of the firm of Liljengren and Dean, furniture manufacturers, in May, 1880. He was was married in 1875 to Ida Peterson. Joseph Delorier was born in Dakota Territory, near the Canada line, in 1849. He moved to St. Cloud, Minnesota, in 1864, and to this city four years later. From 1867, he was engaged in sur- veying for seven yeai-s; since then has kept a boarding house at No. 13 Second street north. He married Adelaide Boucher in 1876, who has borne him one child, Wilfred L. Z. Demeules was born in lower Canada July 23d, 1838. He received liis education at Montreal College and came to Minnesota in 1855, settling at Osseo, where he engaged as clerk in a general store. In 1862 he established business for him- self, and in 1879, removed to Minneapolis and opened his grocery store at 27 First sti-eet south. He has been a notary public m Hennepin coimty for sixteen years. Married Margaret Labresche, 538 HTSTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. of Micliigan. In 1859. Of the nine children bom to them, eight are livhig. W. II. Dennis, architect, was born in Delaware county. >'ew York, in 1845. At the age of fif- teen, he went to New York citj-, began learning the profession of architect, and made that place his home for fifteen years. During this time, he spent t\\o years in Europe, perfecting himself in liis chosen profession. lie had charge of the city- hall building at Cleveland. Ohio, which cost half a million dollare. and was employed on the state capitol of Michigim. He was married in 1S77, and came to Minneapolis the following year. He drew the plans for the residence of R. B. Lang- don and the wholesale stores of T. A. HaiTison, Wyman and Mullin, Ball and Xaylor, the Hen- nepin Avenue Methodist church, and many bther prominent buildings and residences. D. Dennison was born in Farmington, Maine, in 1843. In 1866 he removed to New Y'ork city and remained there until 1874, when he came to this city. He was engaged with tlie firm of Bar- nard and Cope, furniture manufactmei'S, until the fall of 1879, when he became one of the part^ ners in the firm of J. II. Iliscock & Co. Mr. Deimison was married in 1872 to Helen Green. James E. Dennison was born in Farmington, Maine, in 1842. In 1865 went to Xew Y'ork city and eight years later removed to Little Falls, S'ew Y'ork, where he was employed as foreman in a furniture factory. He then retiu-ned to Maine and came to Minneapolis in February, 1880, and engaged in the fiuniture manufactur- ing business as a member of the firm of J. H. Hiscock & Co. In September, 1862, he enlisted in the Eighth Maine and sened thirteen months as member of the band. He then went to Cali- fornia and remained until he went to New Y'ork in I860. II. T. Dick, a native of New Y'ork, was boni in 1844. He was engaged in the restaurant business in Iowa for several years, and came to this city in 1878. where he opened a restaurant on First Avenue south, but not making it pay, he removed to Washington Avenue south, and in December, 1880, opened at his present location 405 XicoUet Avenue, where he has accommodations for forty people. He manied Lizzie Ceperley in 1872, and has three children; Maud, Charles and Hattie. Seymour Dickinson was born m St. Lawrence county, New York, April 5th, 1843. Moved to Wisconsin in 1856, and in 1862, enlisted in the Twenty-fii-st Infantry; re-enlisted in the Third Wisconsin Cavaliy in 1863, and served imtil his discharge in the fall of ls65. In 1873, went into the sewing machine business, and two years later, removed to Owatonna, Minnesota. In 1879, came to Minneapolis and has had charge of the of- fice of the American Sewing ^lacliine since. He was married in 1860 to Matilda Eickel, by whom he had two children: Elsie and Yiola. His first wife ilied in 1873, and he maixied in 1875. Fanny L. Peet. Their children are. Agnes. Ida. and Warren. Fred. W. DiUingham was bom in Oxford coun- ty, Maine, August 11th, 1851. In early youth he came with his parents to Miiuieapolis where he was educated at the common schools and State University. He worked for his father, one of the pioneere of this county, mitil 1876. when he en- gaged as salesman with the North Star Boot and Shoe Company, in which position he still con- tinues. Charles B. Dixon was bom at Janes\Tlle, Wis- consin. July 27th. 1856. While young, his pa- rents moved to New Y'ork, and he grew to man- hood in that state, learning the milling business at Lockport. Came to ilinueapohs in Jidy. 1879, and worked at the Standard mill. He was mar- ried January 28th, 1878, at Lockport, New Y'ork, to Miss Helen Eager. J. S. Dodge, a native of New Y'ork, was bom in Oswego county, ilarch 18th, 1853. He learned milling in his native town, Pulaski. Came to this city in 1870, and engaged as head stone-dresser at the Washlnirn B mill. Two years later he removed to Elkader, Iowa, and had charge of the Elkader mills. He returned to Minneapolis in 1874 and has since been with the Washburn mills. Since January, 1880. he has had charge of the Hungarian department ui the C mUl. Married Ida Sherman of Iowa, September 18th, 1876. A. M. Dole was born in Waterbiu-y. Vermont, March 1st, 1814. At the age of fifteen he went to Ottawa, Canada, and was with Hamilton Brothers in the lumber business. Then engaged in mer- chandise and lumber business at Pembrook, On- tario, mider firm name of Cameron and Co. In 1855 he came west on a prospecting tour and after seeing Minneapolis, determined to make that BIOGBAPHICAL. 539 place his home at some future time. He started a luml)er mill at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, and continued there until 1862, when he sold his in- terest to his partner and managed his business in Canada mitil 1872, when he came to this place. In 1878, he became interested in the Star Oil Company, of which he is the manager. Married in 1857, Miss S. M. Stiles of Fort Covington, New York. They have had two children, Fannie J. and George. Fannie died in 186S and George is with his father in the Star Oil Company. James Albert Dodge, professor of chemistry in the University of Minnesota, was born at Sa- lem, ISIassachusetts, March 27th, 1848. He grad- uated at the Salem high school in 1863, entered the classical course at Harvard University in 1865, and graduated in 1869. He next taught school one year in Newport, Rhode Island, thence returned to Salem and taught in the high school three years, paying close attention to the science of chemistry. In 1873, he went to Europe, pur- suing the study of chemisti-y at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, in Germany. He went from Germany to Mancliester, England, and studied with Professor H. E. Roscoe, the famous chemist. In 1875, he returned home and taught in the Omaha, Nebraska high school, making a specialty of teaching cliemistry. In the fall of 1876, he returned to Europe to complete his studies at Leipsic and Heidelberg, receiving fi'om the latter tlie degree of Ph. I), in tlie spring of 1878. Returning home he took a position as pro- fessor of natural science in Baldwin college at Berea, Ohio. In the fall of 1880, he accepted the offer of professor of chemistry in the Uni- versity of Minnesota. John W. Doell was born in Saxony, German Empire, August 28th, 1851. After attending col- lege at Eisenach four years, he came to America in 1867, and was engaged for several years as a type-setter m Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In 1872. he came to Addisou, Illinois, where he com- pleted his studies in English at tlie Seminary whence he graduated in 1874. Coming to ilin- neapolis, he was engaged in teaching Trinity Parochial school, continuing until November 1st, 1880, when he resigned. W. A. Dolliver was born at Kenduskeag. Maine, October 2d, 1844. lie received liis education in his native town and remained there until the age of twenty-one, when he went to Bangor, Maine, and began in liusiness as an insurance agent. He remained at Bangor until coming to Minne- apolis in 1874, and has since resided here. He still continues in insurance and now conducts what is known as Dollivers' Insurance Exchange, representing six of the leading companies. He was united in maiTiage, November 15th, 1870, to Miss Ella Simonton, of Maine. They are parents of one son, aged one year. Edward Donlin was born in November, 1824, and is a native of Ireland. He came to America, in 1839, and was one of the first settlers in Minne- sota, locating in Washiugton Lake township, Sibley county; he had the honor of naming the township. In 1865 he came to Minneapolis, and was employed by others seven years, then com- menced business for himself, and is now proprie- tor of the North-west«rn Marble Works. He was married in 1849 to Miss Jane S. Bunnell, of New York city. They are parents of six children. M. Donnelly was born in Lewis county. New York, January 31st, 1837. He learned the shoe- maker's trade at Booneville, Oneida county. He first started in the pursuit of his trade in his na- tive county. He came to Minneapolis in 1872, and started in the boot and shoe business in Feb- ruary of the next year, at his present location, 312 Washington Avenue north. He employs nine men who are constantly at work in the man- ufacture of all kinds of boots and shoes to order. He married Helen E. Ilintou, of Lewis county, New York, in 1859. J. W. Doran was born in 1850 in Indiana. He moved, in early life, with his parents to Ohio. He lived there five years, then went to James- town, Blue Earth count)', Minnesota, in May, 1857. He resided there until coming to Minneap- olis in 1872. He learned the trade of cooper in this city, and jomed the association in 1876. He was married in 1879 to Miss M. C. Graham. Res- idence, 918 Chicago Avenue. J. II. Doruer was born at Adrian, Michigan, in 1852. He went to Chicago in 1870, and learned the art of making confectionery witliMr. Eckardt, the famous Chicago caterer. He remained there until 1880 when he came to Mimieapolis. Ilehas now one of the finest establishments of the kind in this city. His wife was Pauline Kelly, of Chi cago. .540 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. C. J). Dorr was born at East Great Works, now knovTO as Bradley. Maine, in 1824. He followed lumbering tlirough early life and in 1847 came to St. Anthony. In ls49 lie built a frame house, then in company with a few men went to Swan river and met '-nole-in-the-Day." an Indian chief at Little Rock, and aranged with him for getting out timber, for which they were to pay five dollars per tree. They cut about one hun- dred sticks— which was the first timber gotten out. Mr. Dorr continued in lumbering until he became connected with the ilississippi and Rum River Boom Company. For ten years he was employed in looking up and locating government, state and school lands. He served as alderman of St. An- thony one term. In 1866 he took the position of boom master and yet serves in that capacity. He married Celestia A. Ricker of Maine, March 4th, 1849. Daniel Douglass is a native of England. He came to Minneapolis in ISTl, and was in the em- ploy of Walker Brothers five years, being foreman three years. After leaving their employ he en- gaged in business for himself and is now a mem- ber of the prosperous firm of Douglass and Hall, machinists and mill funiishei's. He was married at Bury. England, August, 1866, to Elizabeth Holt. Mary E., Sarah A., and Annie are their living children. Residence on Cedar Lake road. James Dougherty was bom at Baltimore, Mary- land. August. 1855. He came to Minneapolis in 1862 with his parents. He commenced working in the Pillsbury mill in 1871 at the foot of the ladder and has advanced step by step until he has reached the position he holds at present, that of stone dresser. He has been stone dresser and gilnder for six years past. By his strict attention and industry gives entire satisfaction to his em- ployers. Hezekiah B. Dow is a native of New Hamp- shire, bom December 30th, 1826. He lived with his parents on a farm until twelve years of age, when they moved toGilmanton.Xew Hampshire, and four years later to Yershire, ^'ermont. At the age of seventeen he went to Lowell, Massa- chusetts, and served an apprenticeship as mason and plasterer. He heard of the falls of St. Aji- thony and resolved to see them, so in 1850 he started west. At the time he arrived at St. An- thony there were but few families here, but his ■ trade j'ielded him four and five dollars per day, which soon enabled him to purchase a home on the banks of the Mississippi and send for his wife, whom he had left in !Maine. They lived on the east side thirteen years. In 1864 he removed to Minneapolis and bought property of Mr. Biekford, where he now resides, at 4(11 Fourth street north. He was married to Miss Eliza Goodrich of Bart- lett, New Hampshire, in 18-55. Their only sur- viving child is Horton L., who is station agent at Osakis. Minnesota, for the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Raihoad. Professor John F. Downey was bom at Hirams- burg, Ohio, January inth, 1846. When he was eleven years old his parents removed to ^Michigan. He attended school at Three Elvers, and Colon Seminary, staying at the latter place two years. Thence he went to Hillsdale College, Michigan, entered the freshman class in the spring of 1867 and graduated in 1870, after which he took the place of Professor Collier, professor of natural sciences, for a year, and then was principal of the school at CassopoUs. Michigan. At the expiration of that time he took a post-graduate course in the higher mathematics, astronomy and civil engi- neering at the University of Michigan. For sev- eral years after completing his post-graduate course he was professor of mathematics and as- tronomy at Ann Arbor. In the fall of 1880 he received an offer and accept€d the same posi- tion at the University of Minnesota. He was married, December, 1875, to Miss Stella Osborne, of CassopoUs, Michigan, by whom he has one child, Harold D. J. O. Drange, a native of Norway, was born in 1830. He came to the United States in 1861. and resided in Racine, Wisconsin, eight years, en- gaged in blacksmithing. He then went to Otter Tail county. Minnesota, on a farm, remaining three years : thence to Minneapolis, where he worked at blacksmithing luitil 1879, when he opened a clothing store, located at 309 Washuig- ton Avenue south. His wife was Jeiniie Ileeu, whom he married in 1876. William Dressier was born in (Germany, July 24th, 1831. He came to the United States in 1852, and passed the time in prospecting in vari- ous parts of the country until 1856, when he came to ^Minneapolis. He removed to St. Paul and lived four years; thence to Osseo, Minnesota, in BIOGBAPHICAL. o41 1862, and remained until 1864. He then went to Watertown, Minnesota, and engaged in tlie grist and saw-mill business until 1870, when he re- turned to Minneapolis, and has since been in a sale and boarding stable. He was married in 1859, to Doretlia Ruter, of Germany. They have seven children : Matilda, Amelia, Martin, Anna, Fred, Albert, and Otto. D. DriscoU, born in 1840, is a native of Ireland. At sixteen years of age he learned carriage-mak- ing, serving an apprenticesldp of Ave years, also paying a premium of fifty dollars. He has been in the business continually ever since. He came to America in 1862, locating at Waupun, Wiscon- sin. In 1871 he removed to Minneapolis, and worked at his trade until 187.5, when he estab- lished business for himself . In 1879 the firm of Driscoll and Forsyth was formed. He married Miss Margaret Ryan, in 1866. They have five daughters and two sons. C. H. Dubois was born March 24th, 1847, at High Falls, New York. The son of a farmer in poor circumstances, he worked his way through the Albany Normal school. After serving for three years as principal of a large public school, he spent a year at Cornell University. Next he attended the law department of Michigan Uni- versity, from which he graduated. After resid- ing a year in Galveston, and another in Washing- ton, he purchased the Herald at Grand Haven, Michigan, and two years later, the Saturday Eve- ning Post at Grand Rapids. Noting tlie rapid growth of Minneapolis, in wealth and population, Mr. Dubois concluded that here was a much larger field than in Michigan. On the 26th day of July, 1879, he started the Saturday Evening Spectator, which is now a well established weekly newspaper. William Duhnke is a native of Prussia. He came to America in 1854; resided at Chicago one year; thence to Milwaukee remaining two years. He next made Indiana his home where he re- mained seven years, dealing in general merchan- dise, also kept the Tell City post-office. In 1866, he came to Minneapolis, and after being a dealer in crockery one year, opened the Mozart hall of which he is proprietor. He married Augusta Guhr in 1857. Siie died in 1871, leaving two children; William and Amelia. Mr. Duhnlce married again, Annie Guhr, who bore him two children; Reinhold and Laura. C. II. Dunham was born at Plainville. Connec- ticut, June 26th, 1852. He moved with his par- ents to Faribault, Minnesota, when a child; vvhile there learned milling and worked in mills until he came to Minneapolis, which was in Au- gust, 1880. On his arrival in this city, he entered the Union mill as miller. L. A. Dunn was born at Lancaster, Ohio, Au- gust 19th, 1850. He came to Minneapolis in 1869 and received his education at the University of Minnesota, and after graduating read law with Beebe and Shaw, and with Lochren, McNair and Gilfillan, and was admitted to practice. He was appointed clerk of the mimicipal court by Judge Cooley in 1877 for one year. He was suc- ceeded by Mr. Wilson, who died in 1879, and Mr. Dunn served the remainder of his term. The spring of 1880, he was appointed for one year. His marriage occurred in 1876. He is the parent of one son; William. Thomas Dium is a native of Ireland, born in 1647. He came to the Ignited States in 1857, his father having preceded him. He learned milUng with the Pillsbinys, was with them six years, and is now in the Anchor mill. Ten years pre- vious to his coming liere he was engaged in cot- ton mills. He married Miss Mary McCarthy, September 19th, 1870. Their children are: Will- iam J., Thomas M.. Juliet, Ellen and Grace. R. P. Dunningtou was born in Morgan county, Ohio, in 1885. He located at St. Anthony in 1856, and assisted in building Bassett's saw-mill on Bassetfs Creek; also assisted in putting hi the machinery at the North Star Woolen Mills and the Cataract mill. He continued as a mill-wright until 1873, when he took the Pettit & Robinson saw'-mill to operate. In 1878 he opened a liquor store and billiard hall. He married Ella Rowe in 1867. She died in 1870, leaving one child, Parris M. J. A. Dunsmoor, deceased, was born in Lunen- burgli, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Decem- ber 18th, 1808. He located first at Farmiugton, Maine, and was elected from that district to the leg- islature. He also held many responsible offices in that locality, some of which were : postmaster, county treasurer, superintendent of school boards, etc. He removed to St. Anthony in 1851, and tlie 542 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. next year bought land in the present town of Eichfleld, Hennepin county. A portion of tliis land lie donated to the Hichlield Mills Company. l)eing where the mills now stand. Another por- tion he donated for the school building. He was a man of unusual enterprise, and ranked among the most prominent men in his town and county. Among the otlices of trust which he held were : assessor, postmaster, and justice of the peace. In 1873 he removed with his family to Los Angeles, California, at which place his busy and well spent life ended, December 2Sd, 1873. The remainder' of the family still reside there, except one son, Frederick A., who is a resident physician of Mui- neapolis. ilr. Dunsmoor was married June 4th, 1837, to Almira Mosher, of Temple, Maine. Their children are : James F., Irving A., Albert v., Charles H., Frederick A., and John M. F. A. Dunsmoor has been a life long resident of Hennepin county, having been born at Hich- lield, May 28th, 1853. He received his education at the public schools and State University, of Minneapolis. He tirst studied medicine with Drs. Goodrich and Kimball, of this city, and gradu- ated from the^Bellevue Hospital ^Medical College, of Xew York, in 1875. He after\\ards received private instructions ui surgery, diseases of the chest, pathology and chemistry, from Professors Hamilton, Flint, Janeway. and Doremus. He was associated for a time with H. H. Kimball in practice, and as a surgeon for the jMilwaukee and St. Paul Railroad. He is a memlier of the State iledical Association, and is professor of surgery hi the medical department of Hamline Universi- ty. He was married in 1876, to Bessie Turner, daughter of the late Dr. Turner, of the United States army. W. Droll was liorn in 1846, at Bavaria. He came to America in 1868 and to Minne- apolis in 1873, and has since been engaged in the manufacture of Ijarrels, tulis, hogsheads, kegs, etc. He was married in 1878. Ilesidence 828 ilain street north-east. E. W. Dyer was bora at Addison, Washington comity, Maine, in 1836. He engaged in farming and'boat building, and in 186-lcame[to Corcoran. Hennepin county, Minnesota, then went to Pike's Peak for two years and returned to Corcoran in 1859. In 1862 he removed to Rockford, Wright county, and for two years was a carriage maker, then worked a farm until coming to Minneapolis in 1875, and has since been proprietor of the Wil- lier House. November, 1879. he took the Clark House and ran it one year, then returned to the Wilber House. He married Aimie Astrope, of Canada, in 1863. Their children are. Abbie F. and Harris II. CHAPTER LXXVIII. BIOGRAPHICAL, E, F AND G. E. W. Eddy, a native of Brunswick, New York, was born June 28th, 1826. He went to Albany and remained two years, then removed to St. Paul and remained in the livery business there until 1861, when he came here and in 1864 sold out; then he passed three years lumbering, and in 1867 returned to the livery business. He built the stable he now occupies in 1878; it is located on Third street between Nicollet and First Avenue south. Air. Eddy married Julia Groff in 1849; she died in 1869, leaving two children, Melford and Carrie: he was married the second time in 1872, to AnnaWalch. A. H. Edsten, a native of Sweden, was born in 1837. He emigrated to America in 1864, and lo- cated at Chicago, where he was first engaged as cabinet-maker, and afterward was employed on the wood-work in car-shops; he remained there about two and one-half years, and came to Min- neapolis Mny 5th, 1867. He worked in car-shops until he estiibhshed himself in the furniture bus- iness in 1871. P. F. Eichelzer was bom near Heidelberg, Ger- many, October 7th, 1850. When two years of age he came with his parents to America and settled in New Orleans: removed to La Fayette. Indiana, in 1855, and in 1872 he came to this city, and en- tered his present business as hatter and furrier, with J. S. Sneddy for partner. Mv. Eichelzer had nine years experience in this business while at La Fayette. He married Louise B. Gregory, September 1st, 1874. They have one child, Hat- tie G. BIOGBAPHICAL. 543 Wyman Eliott was bom in Penobscot county, Maine, May 19th, 1834. He came to Minneapo- lis in 1854, and has been closely identified with the growth and prosperity of the city; he has had the advantage of witnessing its advancement in every direction, and has tlius become well ac- quainted with its history and early settlers. He passed his first year in Minnesota on a claim near Monticello; he is one of the pioneer farmers and market-gardeners of this county. He has a pleasant home at the corner of Tenth street and Ninth Avenue south. Mr. Eliott was married November 25th, 1868, to Maiy Ella Chase, of this city. They have two children, Sarah and Jenella. Charles J. Elliot, a native of Canada, was born December 2oth, 1848. He came to this city in the smumer of 1871 and worked at his trade of miller until 1872, when he commenced in busi- ness and continues very suc«essfidly, as dealer in fruits, confectionery, oysters, ice cream, etc., at 727 Wasliington Avenue south. Mr. Elliot mar- ried ill 1875, Dora Tool of Minneapolis. D. Elliot was bom December, 1828, in Penob- scot county, Maine. In 1852 he went to Califor- nia and was interested in mining until the winter of 1854, when he retumed to Maine, and the fol- lowing spring came here and pre-empted a farm of 160 acres where his present residence is, 1415 Sixth Avenue south ; for five or six years he was engaged in gardening. In May, 1862 he went to Montana but returned in 1S64 and for a time car- ried on a grocery business. Mr. Elliofs wife was Marietta Smyth, of Maine. Tliey have one child, Etta. B. R. Ellis, born October 19th, 1835, at Nan- tucket, Massachusetts. In early life he went to northern New York, and at the age of seventeen commenced to learn carpentering. In 1862 he re- moved to Iowa and remained six years, then re- timied to New York. After a residence of four years there and one year in Canada he went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. In the spring of 1874 he came to Minneapolis and has since been engaged in business here ; the firm at present is Ellis and Huff, carpenters, builders and jobbers, 305 Second Avenue south. Mr. Ellis was married October 19th, 18.54, to Miss Spears, who died in 1862, leav- ing two children; his second wife was Mary Mead, who has borne him two daughters. James T. Elwell was bom July 2d, 1855, at St. Anthony, Minnesota. He moved with his pa- rents to Granite City and thence to St. Cloud, where he remained until 1864, then removed to Cottage Grove ; In 1874 he came here and estab- lished the business of manufacturuig spruig beds. Mr. Elwell is a young man of energy and perse- verance, and is meeting with deserved success ; a description of his business will be found in this work among the manufactures of the city. Setli Emerson was born at Deer Isle, Maine, in 1834. Twenty-three years of his life were passed on the sea; he commenced before the mast and worked his way iip to Captain. In 1870, he came to Minnesota and located at Wells, re- mained only two years, then came to Minneapolis and engaged in carpenter work. He is now a member of the firm of Galpm and Emerson, carpenters, builders and jobbers; they employ eif^hteen men, and their principal business has been building residences. Mr. Emerson was mar- ried in 1864 to Miss Whitney. Their residence is 923 Twenty-flrst Avenue south. They have had five children, only two of whom are living. George W. Emery, M. D. was born at Toronto, Canada, J\hiy 21st, 1841. He received bis edu- cation in the schools of that city; Knox college and Jilodel school. He studied medicine at the University of Tronto, at ]5ellevue hospital medi- cal college, and in 1865, graduated from the Berkshire medical college of Pittsfleld, Massachu- setts. He practiced in Illinois eight years, and four years in Wisconsin. In May, 1877, became to Mimieapolis and has since followed his profession here. He is physician to the Bethany Home, and is medical examiner for the New England AIu- tual. New York Life and Ilartfortl Continental Insm-ance companies. Dr. Emery was married in 1861 to Miss Hall, of Philadelphia, who died in 1862; in 1864, he married Matilda Fairfield, of Toronto, Canada. They have one child. Bertha. Dr. Emery is a member of the Peoria county, Illinois, medical society, and of the Minnesota state medical society. N. H. Emmans, a native of Sussex county, New Jersey, was bom Jainiary 19th, 1854. He gi-ew to manhood with his parents on a farm and attended the public schools at home, also Starkey Seminary, at Eddytown, New York. He came to this city in 1875, and two years later entered 544 RISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. the Boston one price clothing store, where by en- ergy and strict attention to business, he has gained the entire confidence of his employers, and now has charge of the merchant tailoring department. August Ende was bom in Germany, in 1829, and emigrated to America in 1847. He lived at Baltimore. Maryland, the first year then removed to St. Louis, Missouri; thence to Freeport, Illi- nois, where for two years he was in the hotel business. In 1855, he came to St. Anthony and continued the same business until 1863: he then moved to this side of the river, bought and en- larged the Farmer's hotel, and has since kept the house. He married Miss Amelia Rev, at St. Louis in 1853. They have nme children, Louisa, Edward, Bertha, Charles, Adolph, Amelia, Emma Anna and Julius, C. O. Euglested was bom in Norway, in 1851. In 1868 he came to the United States, and passed two years in farming, at Rushford, Miimesota; he came here in 1872, and for four years worked about the lumber mills : in 1S7<) he started in the saloon business at 117, "Washington Avenue south, and in April, 1880, moved to Xo. 1201. He was married in 1878, to Laura Egstrom. who has borne him one child: Harry .J. Henry Enger, a native of Xorway, was born Februarj' 19th, 1847. He emigrated to America in 1869, and located in Wisconsin, where for tliree years he was in the saloon business; in 187.'? he came to Minneapolis, passed eighteen months in a hotel, and three yeare in the Xorth Star Laundr}'. Since that time he has been in the restaurant business. He married ^liss Lena Olsen in 1876, They have one child: Mar>', Samuel Erb was bom in Canada. January 26th, 1852. He came to MinneapoUs in 1870. and the year following went to work at the Goodnow and Ilawly lumber mill, where he had charge of the scaling department two years; since 1873 he has had the management of the mill. Mr. Erb"s wife was Catherine Hoben; they were married June 30th, 1874, and reside at 112 Fourth Ave- nue north. Their children are Mary, who died at the age of one and one-half years. William and Samuel, T, J. Essene was born in Sweden. February 26th, 1853, He came to ^Vmerica in 1863, and lived in Chicago until 1866, when he removed to this citj-; he was employed by Thompson and Wiggin until 1870, when he went into the meat business, and since 1877 has kept a market in partnerehip \\'ith Mr, Hopper, Mr, Essene's wife was Annie Mersen, of Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin: she has borne him two children, only one is living, a girl bom m 1880. J. M. Eustis was born in Oxford coimty, Maine, December loth, 1827. In 1857 he removed to MimieapoUs, and with his ot\ti hands cleared away the hazel brush and threw up the first dirt for the Xicollet House, which was completed, fiu'nished and opened May 1858; during the hard times of 1857. he was advised by some of the leading men here, to abandon the enterprise, but with his pluck and perseverence he carried it llu-ough to successfid completion, and then dis- posed of his interest to Gilson Brothers. At the commencement of the rebellion he made a con- tract with the Government to feed all the ^linne- sota soldiers for thu-ty-seven cents each \iev day; he also suppUed the army under General Sibley, during the war upon the frontier, after the In- dian massacre. At the same time he was en- gaged in the lumber business with W. E, Jones and Company, for about five years, then built a block on Hennepin Avenue, He, in company with others, selected the site for a fair ground, laid out a track, erected buildhigs and put every- thing in good order for the piupose, ^Ir. Eustis has been a contractor on the Northern Pacific railroad; and was in the employ of the St, Louis railroad company for several years, until in the fall of 1880, he was elected sheriff of Hennepin county for two years, O, J, Evans, M. D,, was born in Oneida county, New York, February 5th, 1840, He was educat- ed at the academy of Rome, in his native state, and studied medicine with Dr, Armsby, professor of anatomy at the Albany Medical College : also with I)r, Mrgil, of Rome, New York. After completing the regular courses of lectures at the Albany College, he graduated fi'om that institution in 1862, receiving the degree of M. I). Dr. Evans was comissioned as assistant surgeon of the Fortieth New York Infantry, in 1862, and in 1864 was promoted to first surgeon. He was also metlical director of the department of Farmville, Virginia, and was placed on the 1 operating board of surgeons, holding both posi- ' tions until the close of the war. He was mus- BIOGRAPHICAL. 545 tered out of service in July, 1865, came to tills city, and has since practiced medicine here, liis office being at 22 Hennepin Avenue. He is pres- ident of the Hennepin County Medical Associa- tion, a member of the State iledical Society, and president of the Minneapolis Board of Health, this being his second term. He also served one term in the City Council. Dr. Evans was married in 1869, to Elizabeth Dodge, v^flio died in .January, 1879. She was a daughter of Colonel John Dodge, of Princeton, Illinois. John R. Everard, a native of J^iverpool, Eng- land, was born in June, 1828. While there he learned the tailor's trade. In July, 1878, he came to Minneapolis, and locating at 213 Hennepin Avenue, established a merchant tailoring busi- ness, in which he invested a capital of seven thousand dollars. He employs fourteen men in his manufacturing department, wliich is still lo- cated at 213 Hennepin Avenue, but in November, 1878, he removed his place of business to 10 Washington Avenue south. Albert E. Farrington was born at Conway, New Hampshire, in 1816. He came to Minne- sota, 1855, and located at Maple Grove, where he engaged in farming nine years. He exchanged his farm for one in Hassan, Minnesota, and re- moved there at once, where he lived until 1874, when he came to Minneapolis. Since, he has been dealing in real estate, also buying and sell- ing horses. Mr. Farrington is now proprietor of the Fourth Avenue hotel. His sons are engaged in a livery and sale stable. G. F. Farrington came from Boston, in 1879, where he had been engaged in the merchant tai- lormg business for some time previous. He lo- cated at 219 Hennepin Avenue, in April of the same year. Here he remained until JMarch, 1880, when he leased his present location, a store room with manufacturing establishment on tliird Hoor, at 239 Nicollet Avenue. Mr. Farrington. though comparatively young, is a very enterprising and 'successful business man. N. D. Federspil (one of the earliest settlers) was born in France, 1824. He came to the United States in 1853, and settled first at Port Washington, Wisconsin. In 1854 he came to St. Anthony and followed the blacksmith's trade there until 1856, when he removed to the west side of the river, and is now one of the oldest 35 blacksmiths in the business in Minneapolis. Mr. Federspil was married in 1847, to Margaret Weber, of Luxemboiug. Tliey have seven chil- dren living: Catherine, Jean P., John, Mary, Jo- sephine, Annie and Nicholas. Robert Feek is a native of England, bom Jan- uary 8th, 1834. He went to Ogdensburg, New York, in 1856, where he remained seven years; thence to Ontario, where he was engaged in the hotel business several years. He established a restaiu'ant in Minneapolis in 1879, where he has since resided. Mr. Feek married iliss Sophia Dove, in 1855, who bore him one son, Robert G. J. C. Felch w'as born in Grafton county. New Hampshire, May lOtli, 1842. At the age of eighteen he learned telegraphy, and continued in that business eight years. In the spring of 1869, he was elected to the house of representatives of New Hampshire, for one year. He came to Min- neapoUs in the fall of the same year ; the spring following removed to Fort Abercrombie, Dakota; where he was postmaster three years. He then returned to this city, and in 1875 he engaged with the Pettit mill, and has remained with them since. Mr. Felch married Miss Annie Frott, October, 1876. They have one child, Gertie M. Frank B. Felt, of the firm of H. G. Harrison & Co., started in the grocery business, in Minne- apolis, in 1868, in the employ of B. S. Bull and Company. He remained with them three jears, and was afterwards with Newell and Harrison, eight years. He entered the firm now known as H. G. Harrison & Co., June 10th, 1880. This firm occu- pies the front rank of grocery houses in the north-west. W. J. Fender, of the firm of Fender and Cuth- bertson, was born at Kingston, Ontario, Septt-m- ber 14th, 1839. He came to Minneapolis in 1867, where he worked seven years at pattern making. In 1874 he entered into partnership witli J. Cuth- bertson and built tlie La Croix or French puri- fiers. Mr. Fender is the inventor of the "Stand- ard Purifiers," about three hundred of which are in use in this city. This purifier is in use in all parts of the world where llour is made. It was invented in 1874, and since then several improve- ments have been made. Mr. Fender is also a member of the Jirm of ( iunn, Cross and Co., whose establishment contains all kinds of general mill supplies. 546 HJSTUIiY OF HE y KEPI X COUyi Y. John Ferguson is a native of Scotlanii and was bom in 1 S49. He came to the Tnited States at the age of ten, and learned the trade of mill-«Tight, at Phihidelphia. Pennsylvania. In 1801 he enlisted in company "I," First regiment United States Artilleiy ; he was in service until August, 1865, and participated in all engagements of the com- pany. On his return he removed to Ilanisburg, Pennsylvania, where he remained two years, com- ing to Minneapolis in 1867. lie engaged in car- pentering six years and has since been in the mill-wright business, throughout the nortlnvtst ; he has been in the Crown Roller mill since No- vember, 1S7H. ^Ir. Ferguson was married June 21st, 1871, to Miss Isabella Savage ; they are pa- rents of two children, Isabella and John. Emil M. Ferrant, son of one of the earliest set- tlers, ilartin Ferrant, was bom in St. Anthony, September 7th, 1854. Here he received his early education, until 1872. when he went to Europe to complete his studies. He returned ui 1878, locat- ing in ilinneapolis, where he still resides and is engaged with the well known firm of Smith and Scribner. Charles Ferrier, a native of Scotland, was born December 8th, 1852. His childhood was passed on a farm, but at the age of fourteen he learned the trade of blacksmithing, in which business he continued until 1872, when he emigrated to America. He located at Winona. ^linnesota, where he was in the employ of the Winona and St. Peter railroad two years; he then removed to Wells, Mimiesota, where he was engaged with the Southern Jlinnesota railroad six months ; thence to >«'ebraska and to Mason City, Iowa, where he opened a shop and worked at his trade until coming to this city in the spring of 1876. Mr. Ferrier was married to ^liss Lydia Kust, in 1876, who bore him one daughter, Flos- sie F. A. H. Fessler was born in Berks county, Penn- sylvania, in 1849. At the age of twelve he com- menced to learn miUing, and has been since the completion of his trade engaged in different mills from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. He came to Minneapolis in 1872, where he remained two years, and after visiting various towns in the state, spent two years in Califoinia. returned in 1878, and at once engaged with M'ashburn and Company. He is now head miller of the Wash- burn "B." Mr. Fessler married Miss Kate Less- man. July, 1878. They are parents of one child, Gertrude. J. W. Field was born May 2d, 1853, in Dexter, Jefferson county, New York. He engaged in the boot and shoe business at Utica. >'ew York, a number of years, when he decided to come West. He removed from that city to Minneap- olis in 1876. where he at once opened an estab- lishment in the same hue of business. He makes a specialty of Burt's men's shoes. ^Ir. Field was married in 1876. to EUa J. Wager, of Oneida. Madison county, New York. W. A. Fisher was bom in Illinois in 1847. In 1860 he came to Munieapolis and was engaged in farming three years, after which he enlisted in the Eleventh ^linnesota regiment. He remained in service one year, when he returned to this city and attended school. In company with C. H. Cole and E. H. Chittenden. (1876) he built the steamer ••Monticello" and ran the same between this city an St. Cloud forthree years. Mr. Fisher engaged in the restaurant business, in the "Mar- ket Eestaurant," in 1879, furnishing that year fifty-five thousand seven hundred meals. In 1 867 he married Miss Mmy Smith. Their children are: Alberty. Ernest, Lizzie and ^Imnie. Thomas Fitch, attorney at law, was bom m New- York, 1838. He moved to San Francisco, California, where he read law with Judge Shaffer, and was admitted to the bar in 1864. The same year, in Nevada, he opened his first office, and practiced his profession until the expiration of his term in congress, in 1871. when he was employed by parties in New York to attend to some mining litigation in Salt Lake, after which he was en- gaged by Brigham Young as attorney and counsel. During his stay he was elected as senator from a proposed state, with a constitution providing for the surrender of polygamy. The subject, how- ever, did not receive the attention of congress. Mr. Fitch spent two years in tiaveling through Europe, the South, and California, after which he remained four years in Arizona, engaged in prac- ticing his profession. In 1880 he removed to Minneapolis, and formed a partnership with Mr. Morrison, known as the firm of Morrison and Fitch. He was married in San Francisco in 1863, to Mrs. Annie M. Shultz. Rev. Herman l^'leer, pastor of St. John's BIOGRAPHICAL. 547 Church, was born at Westfalen, Germany, May 20th, 18.52. Came to America the same year, and settled in Gasconada county, Missouri. Spent Lis boyhood on liis fatlier's farm, until January, 1871, when he went to Elmhurst, Illinois, and en- tered the Evangelical Protestant Seminary. Ee- mained there four years, received a certiticate en- titling him to admission into the theological sem- inary at Marthasville, Missouri, entered, and graduated June 21st. 1878. Was ordained in St. Louis on the same day, and appointed to this charge. Also has charge at Osseo, Champlin, and Medicine Lake, which places he visits once in three weeks. Samuel Foreman was born in Baltimore, in 1840. In early life he moved to Louisville, Ken- tucky, thence to Indiana; he lived in several cities in that state, and in 1874, removed to Minneapo- lis. Mr. Foreman learned his trade, that of a blacksmith at the age of fifteen and has been en- gaged in the same since. He was married in April, 1877 to Miss Irena McKey, who bore him one daugliter, Lillie, who died in 1880. John Forler is a native of Canada, and was bom February 22d, 1840. He lived on a farm until nineteen years of age when he learned the tanner's trade. In 18G3, he came to Minneapolis, and in company with Mr. Harvey, engaged in photography ; he sold to his partner after an ex- perience of fourteen months. He removed to his present location in 1876, where he has a large stock of new and second hand furniture. Mr. Forler was married to Miss Mary Stokes in 1874. They have three children. W. Forsyth was born at Kingston, Canada, in 1842. At the age of fourteen he learned wagon- making; serving an apprenticeship of six years, and has since been continually in the business. In 1864, he went to Toronto, Canada, and the next year removed to Titusville, Pennsylvania. In April, 1872, he removed to St. Paul; thence to Minneapolis in September of the same year. -He worked for various parties in wagon-making until 1879, when the firm of Driscoll and Forsyth was formed, .and has since continued. He was married in 1864 to Miss Elizabeth H. Scott. They have one son and three daughters. C. J. Fortier was born in Lower Canada, July 26th, 1843. He moved to Maine in 18-51, where he remained eleven years, at that time going to California, remaining five years. In 1869, he came to Minneapolis and engaged hi lumbering two years, in the grocery business two and one-half years, then opened the meat market m which he still continues his business. His partners are Charles Coplin and Wyman Costigan. Mr. For- tier"s family consists of his wife and live chil- dren. A. D. Foster, one of the oldest pioneers, was born near Pittsljurgh, Pennsylvania, August 22d, 1801. He lived on a farm until eighteen^years of age, when he acquired a knowledge of the tanner and currier ti'ade. After engaging in the mer- cantile business in Pittsburg, also in Washington county, of that state, he sold his interests and removed to St. Louis, Missouri. In 1848, he, be- ing in frail health, came to St. Anthony, with the hope of being benefited. He came from Chi- cago with a team, and for a time, engaged in teaming, drawing logs fourteen miles, from Coon Creek, to be converted into lumber with which to build the steamer "Gov. Eamsey." He lived one winter in a shanty sixteen feet square, for which he paid nine dollars per month. In 18.50, he erected a store building, and was successful in business until 18.56, when he was burned out. Since then he has lived almost a retired life, de- voting a portion of his time to fruit culture. Al- though seventy-nine years of age, Mr. Foster is an active man and still reads without the use of glasses. He was married in Washington county, Pennsylvania, September 9th, 1824, to Miss Mar- tha Ramsey. They have thi-ee children: Josiah, who resides in Indianapolis; Martha, who resides in Racine, Wisconsin; and Lysander, who is a physician, in this city. Andrew J. Foster, one of the early pioneers of this region, was born in Cooper, Washington county. Maine, June 8th, 1827. He moved to St. Anthony, in 1849, and in the spring of 18.50 en- gaged in lumbering, in which he continued two years. He then pre-empted eighty acres of laud on what is uow known as Franklin Avenue. In 1857, Mr. Foster retired from the lumbering busi- ness and commenced gardening on his claim, which he continued to do for seventeen years. He next engaged in a general real estate business, building and selling houses, etc. In tne spring of 1880 he opened a grocery store in connection with his other enterprises. Mr. Foster first mar- 548 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. ried Miss Abi^'ailGetchell, of 'Washiiigton conn- ^ ty, Maine, who ilied in 1852. He remained a ^ widower one year, when he married ^Slrs. Mary Averill. of Stillwater, the ceremony being per- formed by Justice Hedderly, first justice of St. Anthony. Their children are: Ada, William. Owen and Elmer. Stephen Fox was born at Buffalo, Xew York. 1843. lie engaged in farming ten years, when he entered the army as mechanic in the quarter- master's department. At the close of the war he returned to Erie county. New York, and en- gaged in milling; he was also employed in sev- eral states as a mechanic. In 1878, he removed to Minneapolis, where he has since resided. Mr. Fox was married December 1st, 1878, to Miss Jlaiy Ruddock. Samuel Franklin was born in Butler county, Ohio, November 29th 1818. At the age of six- teen he learned tailoring and engaged in. his pro- fession, in dilTerent parts of his native state and of Indiana, until 1852, when he came to St. Paul, Miiniesota; where he remained until the spring following, when he removed to JSIinneap- olis. He engaged in teaming seven years, and in 187.3, again established himself in tailor- ing. Mr. Franklin was married to iliss Mary Halsey, in 1840. Their children living are: Wil- liam B., Martha J., Mary L., Samuel, Jr., and Fannie W. S. J. Franklin, sou of Samuel Franklin, was bom at Minneapolis, August 21, 18-56. He ac- quired a knowledge of the carpenter's trade and in 1876 was employed by the Manitoba railway company, in whose employ he remained three years, and has since been with the Chicago, Mil- waukee and Saint Paul railroad company. William B. Franklm, son of Samuel Franklin, was bom at Middleton, Ohio, in 1842. He came with his parents, to jMinneapolis, in 1853. He en- listed in the Sixth ^linnesota volunteers and served until his discharge in 1865. Three years later he was employed by the Minnesota Stage Company, where he continued as driver till 1873. He made a claim of 160 acres (1878), at Clontarf, Swift county, on which he has since lived. Mr. Franklin married Susana Sheran in 1S75. Their children are, James and William. P. J. Eraser, was bom in I'pper Canada, Octo- ber 7th, 1847. He came to Bed Wing, Mimieso- ta, in 1863, and engaged in the manufacture of doors, sash, blinds, etc. He came to Minneapo- lis in 1869. The firm of Fraser and Shepherd, in 1879 built a spacious buildmg, and now carry on the wholesale manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, glazed sash, brackets, stair railings, scroll sawing etc. Cornelius Frederichs, first assistant of fire de- partment, also of the firm of G. T. Yail and Co., was bom in Germany, October, 1840. He came to America with his parents, when four years of age, locating at Detroit, Michigan. The spring of 1858 he removed to ;Minneapolis and engaged in cabinet making with his brother. In 1861, he enlisted in the Third Minnesota Yolunteer Infan- try, and in the winter of 1863 re-enlisted and was honorably discharged, August, 1865. Mr. Fred- erichs returned to this city and again engaged in the cabinet business with Mr. Vail, in 1858. He entered the fire department in 1871, was elected foreman of the Hook and Ladder Company, and in 1874 he was elected second assistant chief en- gineer: in 1876 he was elected first assistant chief engmeer. during ■\\ hich time he was engaged in cabinet and undertaking business. Mr. Frederichs was married to Jliss 'Slaiy Lacher in 1862, who died June 16, 1864. George Frenet, a native of Canada, was bom November 25th, 1842. He resided in his native place until nineteen years of age. In 1862 he visited Lake Superior, where he was engaged as engineer in a copper mine. Three years later he removed to Minneapolis where he was employed by Dean and Company, lumber merchants, ten years. In the spring of 1878 he was appointed on the police force, which position he has since held. His marriage with Mary Lebrieh, of Michigan, was solemnized December 7th, 1865. Louis E. Fritsche was born in Germany, July 15th, 1848. He came to America in 1854. In 1867 he located in Minneapolis, where he com- pleted his trade, that of coppersmith, which he had begun at New Ulm, Minnesota. This city has since been his home. Mr. Fritsche and Miss Pauline Bader were iniited in marriage Decem- ber 27th, 1879. G. W. Floyd was born in Watertown. New York, April 28th, 1842. He aciiuired a knowl- edge of photography in Cincinnati, Ohio. He engaged in his business several years before com- BIOGRAPHICAL. 549 ingto Minneapolis m 1871. Soon after his arriv- al, lie took charge of the operating department of Mr. Jaeoby's gallery. In August, 1875, Mr. Floyd opened an establishnnient for himself, and does a large business. He was maiTied to Mrs. Frank Sweet, of Minneapolis, in 1875. Harlow A. Gale was born in Worcester county, Massachusetts. When tiiree years of age his fa- ther died, and he lived with an imcle in Vermont, Kev. Samuel (ioddard, until 1845, when he re- turned to liis mother. In 1 852 he went to Massa- chusetts, and engaged in teaching and studying until 1856, when he graduated from Union Col- lege, New York. The same year he came to this city, and engaged in tlie real estate business. In 1858 he was appointed deputy clerk of the dis- trict court for Hennepin county, and in 1859 was appointed county aviditor. Was subsequently elected for two terms, and in 1865 declined a third nomination. He bougiit out the insuriince agency of W. B. Cornell, and with S. C. Gale organized the real estate and insurance agency of Gale and Company. In 1872 he bought and platted Gale's first addition to Minneapolis, and in 1873 the second. It was he who conceived and executed the idea of tlie present city market, a description of which may be found elsewhere. Mr. Gale was married in 1859, to Lilibie Griggs, who has liorne him four cliildren : Harlow, Robert, Willie, and Isabel. S. C. Gale was born September 15th, 1827, at Royalston, Massachusetts. Was apinentieed to learn the tanner's trade until 17 years of age, when he commenced preparation for college. lie studied at the academies of Xew Salem, Shel- biniie Falls, and West Brattleboro, Vermont, and finally Yale College, where he graduated in 1854, after which lie attended Harvard law school one year and taught school two years, continuing to read law in the meantime. In 1857 he came to Minneapolis, and the autumn of the same year he was admitted to the liar. After a year or two he discontinued the practice of law and engaged in real estate business, which he still continues with success. Mr. Gale has a pleasant home on the corner of First Avenue south and Fourth street. He was married October 15th. 1861, to Miss Su- san Damon, of Massachusetts. They are the pa- rents of five children. G. R. Galpin, a native of Tioga county, Xew York, was born March 27th, 1843. He resided there until 1869, when he came to Minneapolis; he engaged in different jiursuits, and for a time worked at his trade of mill-wright, but finally in 1875, started in the grocery business, which he still conducts at No. 319 Washington Avenue north. Morenus Galpin was bom in Auburn, New York, April 23d, 1843. In early life he moved with his parents to Battle Creek, Michigan, where lie learned the carpenter's trade. In 1802, he en- listed in Merrill's horse, an independent regiment, designed for body-guard to General Fremont, served imtil 1865 and was wounded five times. He came to Minneapolis in 1871; for two years was foreman for Frank Fleming, and was with George Libby five years. The firm of Galpin and Emerson was established April 1st, 1880. Thomas Gardiner was born at Fredericton, New Brunswick, September 12th, 1833. He moved to St. Anthony in 1857, and remained until 1860, when he came to Minneapolis and engaged in the drug business with Dr. W. H. Leonard at the present stand of Janney, Brooks and Eastman. In 1868 the firm dissolved by mutual consent, and Mr. Gardiner went in business alone, estab- lishing a homoeopathic pharmacy, which despite the fact of its being a new departure, has from the first grown steadily. Mr. Gardiner married in 1862, Mary Knight, of Buffalo, New York. Their childi'en are Louise and Mary. L. Garrity, a native of County Mayo, Ireland, was born in 1841. He emigrated to America in 1858, and after a short residence in New York, lo- cated in Hudson, Wisconsin, Miiere he remained until 1872; then removed to Minneapolis and embarked in the hotel business on Second Avenue south. In 1877 he went to his present location. No. 206 Washington Avenue south. He married Catharine Hopkins in November, 1869. Their children are Mary, Kate, James, Edward, Timo- thy and Annie. C. A. Gau, a native of (ierniany, was born in 1844. He came to the United States in 1866. For three years he lived in Carver, Minnesota, and kept the Railroad House; the rest of the time he has been a resident of Minneapolis, and since November, 1877, has been iiroprietor of the Union House, No. 613 Washington Avenue south. In 1872 he married Louise Thorn, who 550 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNIY. has borne him tliiee children: Henry, Amelia and Louise. G. A. Gibbs was born in Montreal. Canada. December 28th, 1841. In September 1861. he he moved to Port Hope. Michigan, and the same fall enUsted in the Tenth Michigan Infantry, and served until August. 1865; he returned to Canada and worked at carpentering there until 1870, when he came to this city and continued in his trade several years. In 1877 he passed six months at Fort Custer, Montana, but returned in June, 1878, and engaged as mill-wright at the Zenith mill; he now occupies the position of head mill-wright at the North- western mill. His wife was Anna Sweet, of Nova Scotia; they were married in September 1871. They have three children: Marion. Edgar and Howard. N. H. Giertsen, a native of Norway, was born January 2oth, 1852. He came to the United States in 1867, and settled in Minneapolis where he worked in various lines of business until 1871, when he opened a grocery and general merchan- dise store at 213 First sti-eet north where he still continues in business. Mr. Giertsen was mar- ried in 1874 to Mary Clark of this county. They have two children: Arthur and Mabel. Henry Giles was bom in Oxfordshire, England. He came to New York. July 6th. 1848. and re- mained until September, 1849. having charge of the naturalist, Audubon, during the time his mind was impaired. He then went to Eldorado. Wis- consin, thence to Fon du Lac where he fitted up the Forest street steam mills; he then had charge of a mill in Menasha for about two years, and of the Lawrence mills at Appleton, three years. In March, 1873. he came here and was employed as head stone-dresser at the "A" miU four years previous to the explosion, and since July, 1878, has been at the '■C" mill. He married Sarah Gilbert, July loth, 1S49; she has borne him seven children: Henry, Lucy, Willie, Louisa and Lu- ella. twins, and Hattie. Gilbert died at the age of four years. J. Gillesby was born in Hamilton, Connecticut, August 20th. 1855. He lived on a farm, and from boyhood engaged in buying and sellmg stock. He came to Minneapolis in 1873, and has been interested in the meat market business most of the time since. He is proprietor of the Clifton House, on Third street north-east ; it is a fine little brick house of thirty rooms, and nearly new. Mr. Gillesby married Katie Rice, of Red Wing, in November, 1880. U. M. Gilmore, born at Newville. Pennsyl- vania, in 1840. He came to this city in 1857, but on account of the financial crash, and the hard times resulting, he returned to Pennsylva- nia in the fall of the same year. In 1861 he en- listed in the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, the first volunteer regiment of cavalry in the service. He commenced as corporal, but when mustered out in 1864, held the commission of captain: he was in many of the principal battles, and was wounded in Januar>-, 1864. After leaving the army he was in business in Pennsylvania for abotit one and one-half years, and in 1866, re- turned to Minnesota; he was in the auction busi- ness for six years, and since that time has been engaged in furnitiu-e manufacturing. His mar- riage with Miss Sarah Kyle, of Maryland, oc- curred in 1867. They reside at 909 Washington Avenue north. J. H. Gilmore, born at Steubenville.Oliio. July 17th, 1848. When quite young he moved with his parents to Mount Pleasant, where he attended the public schools and worked at farming several years, and then was in the cattle trade until 1867. He read law in Illinois two years, spent the same length of time traveling in the west, and returned home and purchased an interest in a newspaper, which he sold in 1872 and removed to Chicago, thence to Minneapolis ; here he followed pruiting for a time, then became associated with Mr. Baker in civil engineering ; he now owns several farms in this state and is interested in real estate and lumbering. His nuptials with Abliie Chase were celebrated February 19th, 1879. They have one child, Raymond. J. A. Gilman. a native of Wisconsin, was born in Washington county, in 1834. He lived there until 1873. He enlisted in the Twenty-first regi- ment of United States Volunteer Infantry, and at the battle of Chickamauga. in Georgia, he was cap- tured and taken to Libby prison in company with sixty others. They were transferred several times and after fifteen months" imprisonment Mr.Gilman and eleven others were exchanged, the remaining forty-nine haviiig died during confinement. He was honorably discharged at Washington. August 6th, 1865. He then returned to his home in Wis- BIOGSAPHICAL. 551 consin, and in 1873 he removed to Minnesota. He remained at St. Paul a few montlis, then lie- came a resident of Minneapolis, where he has since resided. He has been in the employ of the St. Panl,Minneapolisand Manitoba Raihoad Com- pany as car inspector, since his lirst locating liere. July 3d, 1869, he married Amelia Marco, of Wis- consin. Four children have been born to them: John H., Nellie E., Fred R., and Albert A. J. Q. Gilman, born December 1st, 1851, at Hal- lowell, Maine. When nineteen years of age he learned the blacksmith's trade, and in 1872 opened a shop at Richmond, Maine. Staid there only one year, and removed to Gardiner, where lie worked in partnership with another man until 1877, when he came here, and worked at his trade on Sixth Avenue south. From there he moved to the cor- ner of Fourth Avenue and Third street south, and in November, 1880, opened the shop where he now is, at 230 Fifth Avenue south. In June, 1878, he married Miss Ida Blaisdell. Charles Gille, a native of Prussia, was born September 2-5th, 1842. He came to America in 1852, and lived at Watertown, Wisconsin, until 1861, when he enlisted in the Twentieth Wiscon- sin Infantry, and served threee years. He was mustered out, and re-enlisted in the Forty-third Wisconsin Infantry, and served until the close of the war. He then went into the furniture business in Iowa, and from there to Mankato, Minnesota, where he was employed as carpenter imtil 1877, when he came here, and has since been a con- tractor for carpenter work ; office on Third street and Fifteentli Avenue north-east. In 1869 he married Mary Malli, who has borne him seven children. Those living are : Lena, Emma, Ber- tha, William, and Herman. G. F. Girrbach was born March 29th, 1842, at Calmbach, Kingdom of Wurtemberg. In April, 1864, he came to America. Lived a few months in Connecticut, then to New York city, and in 1865 came here. He worked for the firm of J. Dean and Company until 1871, when he estab- lished himself in the saxicery business, and the year following added a stock of general merchan- dise. He is doing a successful business at 1624 Fifth street south. His wife was Louisa Jager, whom he married in 1864. They aie the par nts of six children : Louisa, William, Lydia, Fred, Mimiie, and Esther. I James Givans, a native of Ohio, was born in 1830. He went to West Liberty, Iowa, in 1853, and engaged in the livery business. In 1872 he removed to Minneapolis, and occupied stables with Mr. Ensign until 1880, when he moved to the alley back of the city market. He has a sale stable exclusively. Mr. Givans married Mary Innman, of Pennsylvania, in 185.5. She died in 1867, leaving three children: George, Sophia, and Callle. His second wife was Sarah Bozarth, whom he married in 1871. She has borne him three children : Daisy, Ethel, and Mary. Mitcliell W. Glenn was born December 24th, 1830, at Newark, New Jersey. In early child- hood he moved to Mount Vernon, Ohio, and at the age of eleven entered a machine shop; he afterwards learned ironing carriages, and then re- turned to the machine shop. He entered the army as color-bearer of the Eighth Indiana, though he had the use of but one arm, the other being lame from an injury: at the battle of Rich Mountain, he carried the only colors on the field. He received several wounds at that battle, one shows plainly now over the left eye. After his return home he was commissioned adjutant of the Thirty-fifth Indiana, which position he held two years, and in 1863, he was made colonel of the One hundred and Seventeenth Ohio Militia. He came to this place in 1868, and went into the North Star Iron Works. In 1878. he purchased the Minneapolis Boiler Works. He has been a member of the city council since 1872, with the exception of one yeai, and vice-president of the council two terms; he was also chairman of the board of county commissioners for two years. His marriage with Mary Kelly, of Ohio, was cel- ebrated October 8th, 1862. Tlieir children are, J. Willard and Eugene. William Glessner was born January 22d, 1816, in Somerset county, Pennsylvania. When fifteen years of age he went to Ohio, and remained until the spring of 1854, when he came to St. An- thony. He entered a homestiad and lived on it only one year, then returned to St. Anthony and engaged v\ith ilr. Johnson in the manufac- ture of furniture; after two years partnership Mr. Glessner carried on tlie business alone; in 1870, he abandoned nianufactuiing and entered the retail furniture and the undertaking business, which he still continues. His wife was Miss Abbie De 552 HISTORY OF HENNEIUN COUNTY. Vaul, of Ohio, who has borne him five children. Mr. Glessner's residence is at the corner of Eighth street and Eighth Avenue, south-east. Gottleib Ghiek (deceased) was born April 22d, ISiiS. in Gei-many. In 1855. he came to America, and the year following moved to Minneapolis. In 1857, he built a brewery, which was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1880: it has a capacity of forty- five barrels per pay. He married Caroline Foell in 1857; eleven children have been born to them, j Louis, Charles, Emma, fdeceased), Emma, Jen- I i nie, Carrie, John. Louisa, Christina, Annie and Lydia. Mr. Gluek died October 16th. 1880. J. G. Gluck was born March 24th. 1833. in Bavaria. In 1849, he came to America and lived in Xew York city nearly fovir yeare. then was em- ployed as journeyman at the tailor's trade which he learned in Bavaria. In 1857, he came here, and the year following, established himself in busi- ness as a merchant tailor at St. Anthony; since 1863, he has been on the west side of the river. He married Annie Gutzwieller in 1858. and in March. 1876. she died, leaving four children, Franklin, John, Mary and George. His second wife was Franziska Boldt. who has borne him two children. Hugo and Albert. Ard Godfrey, a native of Penobscot county. Maine, was born at Orono, January 18th. 1813. His father and elder brother being mill-wrights, he learned that trade, and at the age of eighteen, had charge of building a lumber mill. In 1847 he came to St. Anthony, to take charge of the improvements of the water power then inaugu- rated by FrankUn Steele, Rantoul and others. He arrived in October, and in 1848 returned to Maine. While there he made arrangements with Steele to return to St. Anthony. He liad quite an experience in building dams in Maine. After his return to this place he operated in lumber for Steele and others, also for himself, for several years. In 1852 he had a claim made for him by Captam Monroe, of Fort Snelling, near Minne- haha Falls, where he has since lived, with the exception of seven yeai-s spent in this city, to give his children better educational advantages. In 1853 he built a saw-mill on Muniehaha Creek, and in 1866 a grist-mill; both were destroyed by fire. He was married in January, 1838, to Har- riet N. Burr, of Maine ; children, Helen, now Mrs. M. Berry, of :SIinneapoMs; Abner, a farmer near Hancock; Harriet E.. a teacher: Martha A., Sarah C. now Mrs. Osborne, of tlus city : Mary and Minnie. Tliree chDdren died in infancy. Mr. Godfrey resides on his farm near Minnehaha Falls where he has a pleasant home. Chris Goehringer came to Minnesota m 1865, and located at North Branch; he was one of four men who located and named the town. He re- sided there about three and one-half years, then came to this city and worked in a saw-mill two years. For a sliort time he was in the grocery business, then started a saloon on First Avenue north, and is now in the same business at 101 Nic- ollet Avenue. In 1870 he helped to organize hose company number three, and in 1872 was elected its first assistant, which position he held until 1875, when he was elected foreman, and acted in that capacity until the company disbanded in 1879. lie married Mary Nieson in 1870. Their children are Lena, Chris and Kate. O. A. Gonyea, a native of Maine, was bom January 26th. 1833. He came to Minneapolis in 1865. and for sixteen years worked in the woods and on the river. He is proprietor of the New Idea billiard hall. No. 21 Main street south-east, which he built in 1872. His wife was Catherine Hogan. whom he married in 1861. They have four children: William. Lillie. NeUie and Charles. A. H. Goode is a gentleman whose long expe- rience well qualifies him to fill the position he holds as manager of the Minneapolis branch house of J. H. Kerrick and Company. This firm manufacture and deal m iron and wood-work- ing machinery and supplies. P. Goodrich was born at Rochester, New York, in 1857. At the age of three years he went with hi.H mother to Boston and lived eight years; then after passing three years in Chicago, he returned to Rochester to prepare for college: he graduated from the univei-sity of tliat city in 1880. and came to Minneapolis in August of the same year. In September. 1880, he purchased in company with J. T. Barnum, the trunk manufactory of D. D. Whitney, whicli business they are now conduct- ing at 25 Washington Avenue north. E. Gordon, a native of New Hampshire, was born in July. 1853. When fourteen years of age he commenced learning the mason's trade, and has followed that occupation since. In 1855 he came with his parents to St. Anthony, and m 1867 re- BIOGBAPHICAL. 553 moved to Colorado; he went to Michigan in 1876, and returned to this city in 1878, since whicli time lie has done business here as contractor for ma- sonry work: he makes a specialty of plastering, cistern-building and kalsomining. His residence is No. 810 Washington Avenue north. L. B. Gorman, a native of Quebec, was born in September, 1853. lie came to the United States in 1867, and followed the lumber business at Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, for one year. In 1868 he came to ^Minneapolis and continued tlie same work until June, 1878, when he took the billiard hall at the corner of Hennepin Avenue and Sec- ond street. His marriage with Jennette Hibl)ard occurred December 25th, 1878. William W.Gould was born in Canada, Decem- ber 15th, 1840. He learned the milling business in Uxbridge, Ontario county, and in September, 1865, moved to Soutli Bend, Indiana, where he taught school one year, then went to Boone coun- ty, Iowa, and was employed in cabinet and carpen- ter work one year, thence to Council Bluffs, where he worked as carpenter for the Chicago and Northwestern Railway. He returned to South Bend and worked at milling and cabinet making until June, 1.S78, when he came to this city and helped build the Pettit and Washburn mills ; since June, 1880, he has been employed as mill-WTight at the North-western mill. He mar- ried Alice Burdic in 1873. They have one child, Harry. Charles E. Gray. l)orn at Westerly, Washington county, Maine, October 7th, 1849. When six years of age he came here and at the age of eigh- teen commenced lumbering, which employment he continued for seven years. In 1874 he engaged in the milling business at the North Star mill; re- mained two and one-half years with this firm, be- ing part of the time in charge of a mill at Long Lake, since then he has been at the North-west- ern mill. Mr. Gray married Eva Lowell, April 4th, 1H76. They had one child, Sadie, who died m infancy. C. A. Graves was born at Cameron, Somerset county, Maine, April 25th, 1837. In early man- hood he commenced to work at building, and was engaged on saw mills on the Penobscot river, and at different places in the United States and Cana- da. In 1857 he came to St. Anthony ; worked at his trade on the St. Croix river two years, thence to Stillwater, where he remained until 1864, when he went south and worked one year for the govern- ment construction department. In 1867 he came to Minneapolis and since that time has been em- ployed constructing mills. Thomas K. Gray was bom in Lincoln county, Maine, in June, 1833. His home has been in Minneapolis since October, 1855. In 1866 he married Julia Allen ; they are the parents of five children: Horace, Edward, Herbert, Grade and Daisy. Mr. Gray is a partner in the firm of Gray and Hoftlin of this city, and is also in the drug business at No. 108 Bridge square ; this business was established in 1856 by John D. Gray and Dr. M. R. Greely. In 1858, T. K. Gray bought the doctor's interest and the firm of Gray Brothers continued until 1870, when John D. was obliged to travel for his health, and Mr. T. K. Gray has since been alone in the busines. In 1865 the pres- sent building was erected ; three stories and the basement are occupied for the transaction of this large and increasing business. J. L. (irandy was born in Dundas county, Can- ada, in 1825. He moved with his parents to St. Lawrence county. New York, and lived there imtil 1847, when he went to Wisconsin. He did carpenter and jobbing work at Grand Rapids until the war broke out, when he enlisted in the Eighteenth Wisconsin Volunteers, served one year and was discharged for disability. In the spring of 1863 he removed to Beaver Dam and remained four years in the employ of J. H. Row- ell & Co., manufacturers of seeders. Since the fall of 1867 he has resided in Minneapolis, en- gaged in the manufacture of the New Comet washing machines. He married Pauline Eaton, in Wisconsin. They have foiu' children, Phoebe Ann, Augustus, I^ouis Lincoln and Ida May. W. Q. Greely was born May 20th, 1827, in Wal- do county, Maine. He attended school until sev- enteen years of age, when he commenced to learn blacksmithing. He went to Bangor, where for five years he worked at forging for Pope and Lang: also fitted up a factory at North Vassel- borough, Maine. Since October, 1855, he has lived at St. Anthony. He occupied various loca- tions for a number of years, and finally built a shop on Main street south-east. This was de- stroyed by fire, and in 1877 he purchased the shop he now occupies. No. 131 Main street south-east. 564 HISTOIiY OF EENNEPIN C0UN7Y His wife was Amanda Gowaii. of Bradford, Maine. They liave two children living: Otto and Alice. Anton Grethen, a native of Germany, was horn in November, 1834. and in 18.54 emigrated to America. He read law with Brisbin and Bige- low, of St. Paul, and was achnitted to the bar in December, 1858. He followed his profession until elected auditor of Hennepin county in 1864. This oflSce he filled until 1871, when he resumed his law practice in the firm of D. G. Shilloek. and afterward with (ieneral Baxter. In 1880 he was elected alderman for the First ward. Mr. Grethen resides on XicoUet Island. He was married in 1857 to Babette Jenkins. Their children are: Emilie, Adolf and Otto. J. M. Gritlith was born in 1835, in Germany. AVhen a child he came with his parents to Amer- ica, and lived in Saint Clair county. Illinois, until twenty-one years of age. and then in Montgomery county, five years. He removed to Montana, where, for nine vears. he was engaged in con- tracting and building, also operated a saw-mill, and for a time conducted a general merchandise business. His marriage with Came Sharp oc- curred in April, 1867. They are the parents of five children: Ernest, Benjamin, Mary, Frank- lin, and an mfant. He is now engaged in the manufacture of brooms, and dealing in broom com. John Grime, a native of England, was born in 1846. He came to America in 1869, and locating at Scranton, Pennsylvania, commenced work in the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western rail- way shops, where he was employed until 1870; that year he came to Miimeapolis and worked for the ^Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway Company imtil 1872, when he went to the Harvester AVorks, and in April, 1880, began preparations for his present business, that of manufacturing ma- chinists" and engineers" tools. Mr. Grime was married in this city, September 22d, 1875, to Em- ma Morrill. They have one son. Edward. "William Grimshaw, a native of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, was born December 6th, 1853. He came to Minneapolis with his parents in 1855; he studied here and grailuated from the only high school in the city at that time. When only four- teen years of age he commenced the carpenter's trade, working with his father summers and at- tending school winters; his business is now that of architect and builder. He was married in Oc- tober, 1876, to ^liss Miimie, daughter of George Roberts, of Wisconsin. E. S. Grindall was born at Penobscot. Maine, March, 1832. He moved with liis parents to Bangor, and followed butchering for five years; then he went to Boston and engaged in draying until 1855, when he removed to Iowa, and a few months later, to this city. He was with Hause and Bailey for a time, and then in the employ of Stimson and Hayes, and in 1855-"56 assisted in drawing stone for the old Winslow House. In 1865 he started a dray line, which he has since continued with profit. He was married in 1858 to Sarah Smith. They are the parents of four children: Sabine, George, Eaberand Bertie. Mr. Grindall's father was county commissioner for several years; his mother is still living. John Grosbusch. a native of Germany, was born in 1846. He came to America in 1868, and lived on a farm one vear near Albert Lea; from there he went to Steele county where he worked on a farm and in a brewery untU 1871, when he re- moved to this city, and was in a brewery here four years, then started a saloon on Washington Avenue, and in the spring of 1880 moved to his present location He married Theresa Ilausler in 1876. Their children are Mary and John. Freeman Cirover. a native of ]!sew Brunswck, was born September 13th. 1831. In 1857 he moved to Wisconsin and was in the lumber busi- ness until 187.0. then he went south and for three years was engaged in growing oranges in Florida, but returned to Wisconsin and in 1880 came to this city. He is proprietor of the Butler Hotel, No. 709 Third street south. In June, 1862, he mar- ried Margaret Ileasely. Five children have been born to them: John. Mary. Otis, George and Ward. Frank Grygla, born in 1848. at Cracow, Poland, aiul emigrated to America in 1870 ; he lived m Milwaukee two years, then removed to Chicago. In 1877 he came to Minneapolis and in company with Mr. Selden engaged the manufacture of gal- vanized iron cornice, fire and water-proof sky lights, elevator buckets, doors and shuttere. etc., etc.. No. 114 Third street north. Mr. Grygla was married in 1877. He is the father of two child- ren. BIOGRAPHICAL. 555 Absalom R. Guilder, born at Milton, Vermont, in August, 1826. He lived with his parents un- til 1842, when he moved to Watertown, Wiscon- sin, and engaged in building the "Old Yellow mill" or that place. In 1866 he came to Minne- apolis to assist in the construction of the Wash- burn 15 mill ; after its completion lie turned his attention to a long felt want of those interested in milling ; after a long and laborious task he was rewarded with a series of patents, which placed him in the front rank of our ablest inventors. In June, 1872, he secured his first patent for a mid- dlings purifier, the second in December of the same year, the third in October, 1873, the fourth in September, 1874, the fifth in May, 1875, and the sixth was for drying and draining hose. In April 1876, he made an improvement on granu- lating machines, and in September, 1876, another patent on middlings purifiers; July, 1877, an im- provement on the turbine wheel, and in 1877, 1878, and 1880, he received re-issues on several of them ; they are all patented in the United States and Canada and his machinery has been sold in all parts of the world where fioiir is manufac- tured. Mr. Guilder married Eva Collins in 1850. They have one child, Ella. Mrs. Guilder died February 10th 1S71. Simon Guimon was born in Quebec, Canada, May 12th, 1840. He moved to Dayton, Minne- sota, in 1862, and for four years was in the wood business; in 1866, he moved to Anoka, and worked eleven years as sawyer m the mills; he removed to this city in 1877, spent two years more in the wood business, and in May, 1880, bought the Union house, 121 First street north. His wife was Ellen Goodin; they were married in July, 1866; seven children have been born to then, those living are Mary, Josephine, Simon, Nellie, and Ida. S. R. Gunnersen was born in Norway, in 1844. He attended school in his native town until his eighteenth year, when he entered the University at Christiana. Passed all the degrees common to a divinity student, and in 1867, took the degree of D. D. Afterwards studied theology in Ger- many. After traveling through several Euro- pean countries, came to Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, in 1874, and was elected a member of its faculty. CHAPTER LXXIX. BIOGRAPniCAL. H, I AND J. Charles F. Haglin, of the firm of Haglin and Corser, architects, was born at Syracuse. New York, in 1848. He studied tlie profession of architect at Syracuse, and in 1869, moved to De- troit, Michigan, remaining luitil the fall of the same year, when he went to Cliicago. and in 1873, came to Minneapolis. He estalilished an office in connection with Mr. Long, and in 1876, formed a partnership with Mr. Corser. Mr. Haglin drew the plans for the Minneapolis and St. Paul depot, also for the high school building, completed 1879. W. N. Haight was born at Burlington, Ver- mont, in 1850. His early life was passed at St. Albans, of that state, and after the age of twelve years, he was there engaged in architecture and building. He located in Minneapolis, in 1876, and has been successful in business. Mr. Haight built the Woman's Home, Col. Benton's residence and others. Christopher Webber Hall was liorn in Wards- boro, Windliam county, Vermont, February 28th, 1845. He remained with his parents on the farm, attending the village school, and for one or two terms the Lelaud and Gray Seminary, at Town- send, Vermont, until he began preparation for college at Chester Academy, Chester, Vermont. The expense of his preparatory course was paid by teaching penmanship. Entered Middlel)ury College in 1867, and graduated in 1871. Taught one year at Glen's Falls, New York ; then came to Mankato, Minnesota, as principal of high school. In 1873 he was elected superintendent of the Owatonna city schools, where he remainad until his departure for Europe to pursue his sci- entific studies in the universities of Germany. July 27th, 1875, he married Nellie A., eldest daughter of Hon. M. H. Dunnell, of Owatonna, who shortly afterward accompanied him to Ger- many. She died at Leipzic, February 21st, 1876. After taking the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Prof. Hall returned to America in December, 1877, and passed six weeks assisting Prof. the Middlebury, Vermont, College. In April, 1878, upon invitation of Prof. Winchell, he came to Minneapolis, and entered into work at the Uni- versity of Minnespta, relieving that gentleman of 656 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. his class-room duties, that he might give his at- tention to the duties of tlie natm-al liistory sur- vey of the state. In June following he was em- ployed for one year with the duties indicated hy tlie title of assistant state geologist, and later, the same year, was appointed professor of geology, mineralogj- and biology, wliieh position he has since held. J. G. Haller, pastor of the Evangelical Mission, was bom in Iv'ew York, in 1858, moved to Michi- gan in 1864, and was converted at twelve. He attended district school until fourteen years of age, then took a clerkship in a mercantile house for a few months: it not being congenial to his tastes, left it and fitted for college in the high school. At sixteen entered the Jfortli-western college, at Xapierville, Illinois, and graduated in tliree years. Came to Minnesota in 1877, taught school seven months, in Stearns counti.', and in 1878 joined the Minnesota conference and was stationed on the Dakota circuit, twenty-flve miles south of St. Paul, laboring jointly with the Rev. Mr. Manthey. In the spring of 1879 stationed at the Minneapolis Mission, when fail- ing health almost compelled him to abandon the ministry, but feeling a stronger obligation to his Master than to himself, he persevered until health returned. Lorentz Hailing, a native of Sweden, was bom in 1839. He came to the United States in 1867, residing in Xew York one year where he was em- ployed as tailor. After visiting cities in Wis- consin and ^Michigan, he located at Winona. Min- nesota, where he remained two and one-half years. In 1871. he removed to Minneapolis, where he opened a saloon and has since resided. Mr. Hailing manied .lulia Danielson, in 1870. Their children are Hjalmar. Xellie, Jessie, and Florence. William S. Hall, a native of England, was bom in January. 1844. He came to America, in September. 1869. fii-st locating at Philadelphia, and remaining there until 1871, when he returned to England. In 1873 he returned to America and removed to Hudson, Wisconsin, where he was in the employ of the West Wisconsin rail- road until 1878: he then came to ^linneapolis. and entered his present business, that of ma- chinist. His man-iage with Miss Alice Singleton was solemnized at Bmy, England,, in_ 1868. Their children are: Sarah A., John Wm., and Susan. Hobart O. Hamlin, son of Oliver Hamlin, was born at Salem, Wayne county. Pennsylvania, June 29th. 1832. Mr. Hamlin moved to St. An- thony, ^Minnesota Territory, in 1854, and has since resided at the Falls. In the fall of 1856, he engaged in the mercantile business with Al- pheus Rowell. and in common with many othei-s durmg the ti-ying period of 1857, he met with severe financial reverses. In that year he was elected the first auditor of Hennepin comity, but soon resigned his position and, in 1861. was elected clerk of the district court, which office he filled foiu' years. In 1877. he formed a partner- ship witli Zelora E. Brown, and tliey have since been successfully engaged in the real estate, loan and insurance business. Mr. Hamlin's and Miss Anna Rocke's nuptials were celelirated. Septem- ber 28th, 1862. Their children are: Grant G., Oliver C, George B., Ernest T. Kate and Ho- bart O. Henry Ilamm. a native of Germany, was bom in 1846. He came to the United States, in 1873, locating in Philadelphia, and veiy soon enlisted in the Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, in which he ser\-ed eight months. He returned to Philadelphia, where he engaged in blacksmithing until 1867. He established his saloon Inisiness in Minneapolis in 1879. He was married to Lizzie Freideger in 1872, and have three children, Annie, Maggie and Lillie. William Hammond was born in Oakfield. Wis- consin, May 22d, 1847. He came to Miimeapolis in 1870 and worked at lumbering ten years. In July. 1880. he established a saloon business at 21 Nicollet Avenue. C. J. Ilamnstrom was bom May 16th, 1843, in Sweden. He learned the trade of shoe-maker at an early age. and continued in that avocation until 1865, when he came to the United States, proceeding directly to Minnesota. Four years he was engaged in the pursuit of his trade in differ- ent parts of the state, thence came to Minneapo- lis. In 1874, he opened an estabUshment and has since been very successful in the manufacture of boots and shoes. Mr. Ilamnstrom was married in 1866 to Miss Barbara Larsom, of Sweden. They have foiu- children, Preston, David, Lydia and Elizabeth. BIOGRAPHICAL. 557 Kichard Hankinson was born at Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1842. He lived on a farm until 1861, when he enlisted in Company D, Eiglith ilicliigan Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded at Wilmington Island in 1862, and was discharged in 1863, on account of his wounds. He re-enlisted in the Thirteenth JMichigan Light Artillery and served till the close of the war. He came to Minneapolis in 186-5 and entered the service of the North-western Telegraph company, and has since been in their employ. He was line builder and repairer four years; for three years was superm- tendent of construction, and since has been as- sistant general superintendent. He organized the North-western Telephone E.xchange company in 1878, and was elected general manager, serving as such until March 1880. Samuel F. Ilance, physician and surgeon, was born at Macedou, Wayne county. New York, July 1st, 1825. He was educated at Canandaigua, New York, also at Wesleyan University of Lima. He studied and graduated as M. D. at the Albany Medical College, and has been in continuous practice since. In 1862, he entered the army as surgeon of the Eighty-ninth Illinois Infantry, and was successively promoted brigade surgeon, and division medical director, in General McCook's corps. On account of ill-health, he served only two years. He located at Minneapolis, ui 1872, and has practiced here since. Dr. Hance is a member of the State Medical Society of Minne- sota. He and Miss Sarah ^^^ right were united in matrimony, in 1855. They have one child, Eliz- abeth. George A. Hanson was born at Soutlibridge, Worcester county, Massachusetts, in 1842. He received an academic education and a course in Thompson, Connecticut, College. In 1861, he enlisted in Company II, Eifty-flrst ^lassachusetts nine-months' volunteers, and was discharged at the expiration of the time. After his discharge he engaged in the mercantile business until com- ing to Minneapolis, in 1875. Tlie next year he was employed as general agent of the Non-istown agricultural works until 1878, when he entered the Minneapolis Harvester works, as general su- perintendent, where he has since remained. Mr. Hanson's marriage with Miss Carrie Lewis oc- curred at Soutlibridge, August, 1861. Their children now living are George, Frank and Edgar. J. D. Hanson was born October 30th, 1826, at St. Stevens, Charlotte county. New Brunswick. At nine years of age he apprenticed as a black- smith, and has since engaged in the business. He came to Minneapolis in 1877, and two years later built the shop he now occupies. Having formed a partnership with his son, the firm is now known as J. D. Hanson and Son. He was married June 13th, 1848, to iliss Susan Toiu-til- lott who bore him four sons and three daughters. J. W. Hargraves was born in New York, and at an early age moved with his parents to Wiscon- sin. At the age of twelve he removed to Deco- rah, Iowa, and while there accpiired a knowledge of milling. In 1877, he removed to Lanesboro, where he remained three years; he then came to Minneapolis. Mr. Hargraves was married in 1878, to Miss Augusta Jordan, who bore him one child, James C. Ariel C. Harris, attorney at law, was born at Toledo, Ohio, November 30th, 18.55. He was ed- ucated in the Toledo high school and University of California. He read law in the law depart- ment of Michigan University in the class of 1876. After practicing in Detroit, Michigan, for a time he removed to Texas, in 1877, thence to this city in the summer of 1879. Mr. Harris was mana- ger of the Saturday Evening Spectator one year, when he opened his law office and has since prac- ticed his profession. S. A. Harris, cashier of the North-western Na- tional Bank, tirst came to this city in 1868. From 1870 until April, 1880, he held positions in the different banking iastitutions in the city At the latter date he was elected to his present posi- tion. H. G. Harrison was born at Belleville, St. Clair county, Illinois, April, 1822. He remained at his native place until 1859, when he came to Minneapolis and engaged in lumbering, and or- ganized the firm of J. Dean and Company. When the Security Bank was establislied, Mr. Harrison became its vice-president, which office he has since held. He was the second person who en- gaged in the wliolesale grocery liusiness in this city: lie opened with a partner, B. S. Bull, in 1863. After a period of eight years a new part- nersliip was formed with George R. Newell, which was dissolved in 1879. Mr. Harrison was mar- ried in 1847, to ^Miss Irene A. Robinson, who died 558 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. in 1876. Their cliildren are Edwin, George, Lewis, Hugh and Perry. Mv. Harrison remar- ried to Miss Lizzie Hunt, who bore liimone cliild. James G. Thomas A. Harrison was l)oni in St. Clair county, Illinois. December IStli, 1811. He lived on a farm until sixteen years of age, when he moved with his father to Belleville, Illinois, and worked in a flour mill which his father had pur- chased. In 1860, iMr. Harrison removed to JSIin- neapolis to join his two brothers who had pre- ceded him. Two years later he entered into partnership with his brothere, and J. Dean, form- ing the well-known firm of J. Dean and Company, and carried on an extensive lumber trade. When tlie Security Bank came Into existence, ilr. Harrison was elected its president, which high trust he still retains. His marriage with Miss Rebecca Green was solemnized in Novem- ber, 1840. Four children were born to them. Philip Hartmami, a native of Germany, was born in 1846. He came to the United States in 1854, locating in Scott county, Minnesota. Ten years later he removed to ^liinieapolis, where he was employed in Morrison Brothers' saw-mills, until 1874, when he opened a saloon, billiard-hall and summer gardens, at his present location. Mr. Hartmann married Katie Pauly, in 1872, who bore him live children. Those living are: Adolph, Philip and Annie. Charles C. Hashow, a native of France, was born in 1843. He became familiar with the ma- chinist's trade, in his native country. In 1862, he came to America and superintended several copper mines on Lake Superior. He invested largely in mining stock, but in the tinancial panic after the war, he lost heavily and was left desti- tute. He walked from La Belle to Houghton, sixty-eight miles, then went by boat to Green Bay, thence to Chicago, where he found employ- ment, which was furnished him by the North- western ^Manufacturing Company. In 1865, he came to Minneapolis, and was engaged as fore- num in the Minneapols lorn-Works ten years, then began business for himself once more. Mr. Hashow married Jliss JSIary Crickler, in 1866. Their children are: Charles and Louise. W. H. Hastings was born in Elmira, Chemung county, New York. He came west with his parents who located at Red Whig, Minnesota. Here he remained and was engaged six years in the flouring mills. After pursuing his trade, in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, he re- tiuned to Minnesota and was employed in the Galaxy mills of this city, as stone dresser. He was married May 30th, 1871, to Miss Bessie Ken- dall. They are parents of one child. Bernice. Henry Hauschild, a native of Germany, was born in 1848. He came to America in 1867, and lived two years in southern Minnesota, when he removed to this city. In the spring of 1880, he became proprietor of the present sample room and billiard hall. Mr. Hauschild and Miss Jennie Stremel were married m 1872. They have two children, Oscar and John. Jacob Hauser was born m Germany in 1829. He came to the United States in 1853, locating first in Wisconsin ; during the same year he went to California, where he remained three years, when he came to Minneapolis and at once opened a grocery store. He is one of the oldest grocers in the city. Mr. Hauser was married in 1857, to Catherine Holloran, a native of Ireland. Their children are Catherine, Johanna and John. J. F. Ilause was born at Tyrone, Schuyler comity. New York, July 12th 1850. He came to Minneapolis in 1870, and after working three years for Mr. Heffelflnger became his partner in the boot and shoe trade. Two years later he opened a shoe store and in 1875, sold a share to Mr. Davis; this firm continued until April. 1880, when Jilr. Davis sold and was succeeded by Mr. Chesnut. The firm is now known as Hause and Chesnut. E. P. Hawthone, retired, was bom at Hunting- ton, New York, in 18'42. He came to St. Paul in 1861, and immediately opened a farm of 160 ficres in Richfield, Hennepin county. He, however, still resided in St. Paul, remaining there until 1866, when he removed and located on his farm. There he remamed ten years at the expiration of which, he removed with his family to Minneapolis and rented the farm, which he still owns. ^Ir. Haw- thorne and Miss Rebecca Giles were married in 1866. Their children are Meredith, Harry and William. W. P. Hawthorne was born in Westchester county. New York, in 1837. He located in Henry I county, Illinois, in 1859, where he engaged in farming two years. In 1862, he enlisted in the BIOGBAFHICAL. 569 Nineteenth Illinois volunteers and served three years. lie participated in some of the most noted engagements. After his discharge in 1865, he came to ilinnesota, locating on a farm in Kich- field, where he remained thirteen years. He then removed to Minneapolis and entered the flouring mill business and built the Trades mill in com- pany with his brother, D. M. Hawthorne, in 1879. Mr. Hawthorne's man'iage to Miss Ellen Shark took place in 1865. Their children are Nor- man and Ellen. John Hayes, born in June, 1819, is a de- scendant of William Hayes and Julia Ryan, of Ireland. He came to America in 1847, remain- ing a short time in New York, then came to St. Anthony, in 1856. Mr. Hayes was one of the early settlers, and was obliged to endure the hardships of pioneer life. lie pursued his avoca- tion, that of a carpenter until May, 1861, when he engaged in the grocery business in which he has since continued. JSIr. Hayes was married in Chicago, July 8th, 1855, to Miss Margaret Hardy. They have eight children, all of whom are livhig at home except two daughters, who are at the convent in St. Paul. M. P. Hayes was born at Limerick, Maine, in 1829. He went to Brighton, Massachusetts, where he was employed as salesman in a meat market, remaining about seven years. In the fall of 1854, he came to St. Anthony and opened a meat market which he kejit until 1865, when in company witli H. M. Martin, he established the old St. Anthony Iron Works. In 1876, they took another partner, C. R. Bushnell, and continued business until 1879, when their works were des- troyed by Are. In 1876, Mr. Hayes in company with T. F. Andrews built the block occupied by N. B. Harwood and company. Three years later they built four elevators. Mr. Hayes was mar- ried at J.,imerick, Maine, in 1855, to Miss Eliza- beth Stimson. Their children are Ellen E., Car- rie A., Emma and Frank M. George Hayford was born at Farmersville, Cat- araugus county. New York, in 1843. He came to this city in 1865, and was employed by Judd and Brackett in the Washburn B mill, since which time he has been engaged in the different mills of the city, occupying the position of head miller, grinder, and stone-dresser. Mr. Hayford was married to Miss Ardilla Stillman from his old home in New York, in 1864. They have one child. O. F. Haynes was born November 7th, 1845, at Wilmington, Vermont. He learned the trade of blacksmith, and since his locating in Minneapolis, has been engaged in the pursuit of his avocation. He was married November 12th, 1865, to Angle E. Bowen, born at Jamaica, Vermont, in 1848. They have two children, Lillian A., and Fred- die E. Lambert Hays, a native of Germany, was born December 25th, 1841. He came to Albany, New York with his parents, where they lived three years. After living five years in Wisconsin, he removed to St. Antliony, where he engaged in the bakery business in which he continued until 1871. He then opened his First and Last Chance sample room at his present location, lie has also been a member of the city fire department sev- eral years. Mr. Hays was married in 1H64. Their children are, Katie, Theodore, Lambert, Lizzie, Joseph, Mary, and Albert. James H. Hazer was born at Albany, New York, in 1838. At the age of sixteen he acquired a knowledge of engineering at Troy, New York, where he remained until 1857, when he went to Hartford, Connecticut. In 1862 he enlisted in the First Connecticut Cavalry, and was with the army of the Potomac until 1865, when he was discharged. In 1874 he removed to Minneapolis, and took charge of the Monitor Plow Works en- gine four years ; then of the Nicollet House engine until November, 1879, since which time he has had control of the Corliss engine at elevator "A.'' Mr. Hazer was married to Miss Annie Travis, of Madelia, Minnesota, m 1865. Their children are Frank and Clarence. Fred Ileckrich, born in 1843, is a native of Germany. He came to this city in 1867, and for six years was engaged as a painter. Since that time he has been the proprietor of his present restaurant and sample room. For several years he has been a member of the fire department. Mr. Heckrich was married in 1869, to Caroline Figge, who bore him three children : Freddie, Charles, and Mattie. Edwm Hedderly, deceased, one of the earliest pioneers, was born in Pliiladelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1814. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits in his native place until 1846, when he located in 560 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Indianapolis, Indiana, and was connected with ; tbe business interests of tliat place. In 1849 he came to St. Anthony, which at that time, like St. Paul, was only an Indian trading post. In 1851 he took a claim of one hundi-ed and sixty acres ! in what is now known as "West ilinneapolis. He was connected witli the various committees ap- pointed for the purpose of naming and laying out the streets and boundaries of this city. His first business experience here was in the firm of Iled- derly and Chambers, grocers ; next as Hedderly and Koach, hardware dealers ; then as Hedderly and Vroman, and last as E. Hedderly, druggist, in which business he continued until his deatli in June, 1880. He was prominently connected with tlie interests of this locaUty for thirtj-one years. He was married to Mary J. Kennard. of Philadelpliia. Tlieir living children are : Ange- line E., Emma, Theresa J., George AV., Edwin P., Charlotte C, Thomas L., Alfred H., Daniel G., and Josie J. D. G. Hedderly, son of one of the earliest pio- neers of this region, was bom in MumeapoUs, March 16th, 1856, where he has always lived. After receiving his education. Mr. Hedderly was employed by the Trades Manufactming Company as harness maker, imtU he became familiar with the trade; afterward, by George Calladine. In 1875 he opened a grocery store, and has since been having a fine ti'ade. Mr. Hedderly "s mar- riage witli Lillian A. Foster was solemnized in 1877. They have one daughter; Zetta V. T. L. Hedderly was born in this city, April 2d. 18-52. and was a son of the old pioneer. Edwin Hedderly. and is one of the first white boys born in tliis locality. Mr. Hedderly received his ed- ucation in Minneapolis, and studied dentistry with Doctor Bowman, which profession he has practiced six years. He was married in 1875. to !Miss Jessie McGregor, of Black River Falls, Wisconsin. Their children are: Dtmcan, Boy and Edwin. X. M. Hedstrom. boni in 1843, is a native of Sweden. He emigrated to America, in 1869. Being a miUer. he has been in tlie employ of the firm of Crocker, Fisk and Company, occupying the position of shipper in the Minneapolis mill for ten years. Iilr. Hedstrom was married in 1873, to Miss Ellen Xelson, who bore him two children: Emilv and Charles. C. B. Heflelflnger was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. January 13th, 1834. He came to ^Minneapolis, in 1S57. where he engaged in various pureuits until 1861, when lie responded to the first call for volunteers, by enlisting in the First Minnesota Infantry, Company D. He was promoted, for gallant conduct, to the office of second Ueutenant, firet lieutenant and captain successively. In 1864 he was mustered out, but in 1865 he was tendered the commission of ma- jor of the First Minnesota Artillery, by Governor Miller, which he accepted and served as such until mustered out in October. 1865, at Fort Snelling. !Mr. Heffelfinger engaged in the boot and shoe business, in 1866. with Mr. Walker, under the name of Walker and Heffelfinger. Four years later he bought Mr. Walker's interest, and in 1873, in company with others, he organ- ized the North Star Boot and Shoe Company, and has been its manager since its organization. Mr. Heffelfinger was married, in 1863, to Mary E. Totton. Their children are: Alfred, William, Frank. Mary. Fannie Charles and Annie. C. A. Heffelfinger was born in Cumberland county. Pennsvlvania. March Sth, 1850. He first located permanently in Mmneapolis, in 1866, en- gaging with the firm of Walker and Heffelfinger, boot and shoe dealers, one of the firm. ^lajor Heffelfinger, being his brotlier. He succeeded the firm, in 1874, as sole proprietor and has since continued in the same line of business. He is also a partner in the firm of Heffelfinger and Kingman, of Red Wing, Minnesota. He was married in August, 1879, to Carrie B. King, daughter of W. S. King, of this city. Frank Hefti was born in Switzerland, June 16tli, 1844. He was educated in his native coun- try, in the universities of Zurich and Muenchen; he studied medicine five years at these universi- ties, and graduated at '-Kanton Glarus," Switz- erland, with degree of "JI. D.." in 18S8. Doctor Hefti came to the United States in 1874. locating in AViseonsin. where he remained two years. He then located in Minneapolis, where lie has been in continuous practice. Doctor Hefti was married in 1871. to Anna Blumer. of Switzerland. Their children are Barbara and Katie. J. Hefty, a native of Switzerland, was born April 28th, 1833. He came to the United States in 1853 and located in Illinois. After a few veal's BIOGRAPHICAL. 561 he removed to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, wliere he remained until 1868; then removed to Minneapo- lis, and in 1869 opened a gi'ocery store in which he has since continued. lie was married in Switzerland, in 1860, to Barbara Colljy. They have eight children: Emma, Ella, Andrew, Fred, Julia, Nick, Frank and George. W. II. Ilelfrich was born in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, March 21st, 1848. He remained with his parents mitil 1864, when he removed to Logansport, Indiana, and engaged in milling, continuing there five years. He then came to Minneapolis and secured a situation with Tom- linson and Tiffany, at the Arctic mill as second miller. He was engaged in the mills of the city a number of years, when he took the position of head miller in the Empire mill, January 14th, 1877, which position he still holds. Mr. Ilelfrich was married, May 2.5th, 1877. to Miss Nellie Legg who bore him one child, Mabel. John Ileinrich, of the firm of Mueller and Ileinrich, was born in 1829. He came to Amer- ica in 1853, locating at Galena, Illinois, and en- gaged in the meat business one and one-half years. He removed to Prairie du Chien, Wiscon- sin, remaining seven years in market business and boarding house. He removed to Minneapolis in 1865, and had control of a meat market eight years, going into partnership with Mr. Mueller in the brewery in 1874. He married Minnie Bor- chert in 1858. They are parents of five children. Frank E. Ilesler, son of Alexander and Helen Hesler, was born at Galena, Illinois, April 3d, 1851. In 1854, moved with his parents to Chi- cago, Illinois, where he resided until 1869, when he removed to Evanston, Illinois. He entered the Northwestern University, and in 1872 he accepted a position as division engineer on the Prophetstown extension of the Chicago, Burling- tod and Qnincy Eailway. In the following year he began his journalistic career upon the repor- torial staff of the Chicago Post. December 1st, 1873, Mr. Ilesler removed to Minneapolis, as city editor of the Evening Times. Witli the excep- tion of about two years spent in travel, Mr. Iles- ler has been engaged m journalism for the past seven years. When the Daily Evening Journal was re-organized, he was appointed city editor, and now occupies that position. He was married to Ada V. Keid, only daughter of Hon. A. M. 36 Reid, December loth, 1874. In June, 1851, Mr. Ilesler's parents with their babe, visited St. An- thony, and held Frank under the spray of the then primitive falls. A bystander at the time, re- marked, "Who knows but that some day this may be the site of a great city, and that this babe may not come here to live." The prophecy has been verified. -J. H. Henderson was born in Livingston county, New York, February 4th, 1829. He came to St. Anthony in 1852 ; in a few weeks he re- moved to Anoka and assisted in building the first dam across Rum river. He remained at Anoka sixteen years. In 1861 he enlisted and served one year in the war. In 1869 he came to Minneapolis and engaged in the grocery business ; also dealt in lime, feed and cement, in which business he continued four years, then opened a sale and livery stable at his present location. Mr Hen- derson married Aim J. Kurn, of Livingston coun- ty. New York, in 1855. They have one child. J. W. Henion was born at Plymouth, Wayne county, Michigan, April 8th, 1832. AV^hen yet a child he accompanied his parents to New York, where he remained until 1854, when he came to Minnesota and located at Anoka. When the St. Paul and Pacific railroad was built through Ano- ka, Mr. Henion accepted the position of station agent. In 1866 he was appointed agent at St. Antliony, where he served until a station was established on the west side when he took charge of it in 1867 and held the position of general station agent until .January 1st, 1880. Mr. Henion is one of the oldest station agents west of Chicago, having held that office continually for seventeen years. In 1878 he was treasurer and one of the directors of the Street Railway company. Mr. Henion was married at Anoka, January 1st, 1857, to Miss Emily Robbins. They have one child, Grace. C. Henry, foreman of Hose Company No. 3, was born in Washington county, Wisconsin, in 1845. He attended the public schools until I860 when he commenced his ai)prenticeship as shoemaker. In 1864 he enlisted in company I, Thirty-seventh Wisconsin volunteers, and served with the Army of the Potomac until he was mus- tered out in 1865. He soon settled in Wisconsin, where he followed his trade until 1868, when he came farther west, locating in Minneapolis. In 1871 he was appointed on the police force, serving 562 HTSTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. until 1875. He was appointed as foreman of Hose Company Xo. 3, at the time of its organiza- tion in 1873. In 1866 he was married to Miss Kate Shuple. Their children are, John, Annie, Andrew and William. Kennedy Henry, a native of Scotland, was born at Ayr, February, 11 tli, 1S44. He apprenticed as miller in his native town and served six years. He was married to Hiss Annie Boyd, a native of Scotland, in 1866. and embarked for America on their wedding day. He located at Cliieago, where he remained as a miller, three years, then re- moved to Pittsburgh, Peinisylvania, remaining eight years. In April, 1S7^^, he came to Minne- apolis and obtained a situation as second miller in the Excelsior mill and has since held the same position. He has had tliree children born to him , John. Kennedy and Annie. C. E. Henshaw M.D., was born at Kirtland.Ohio, March 20th. 1814. He received his education in Ohio and Kentucky. He studied medicine and graduated from the medical department of the Uni- versity of New York. He practiced his profes- sion in Cleveland, Ohio, eight year.-^, wlien he re- moved to Minneapolis, in 1880, and located his office at 101 Washington Avenue south. Dr. Henshaw is the father of one child. Emily. J. W. Ilernhuid. of the firm of Malmsten, Xel- son and Company, was born in May, 1855. and is a native of Sweden. He accompanied his parents to America, in 1869. locating at Red Wing. Min- nesoUi, where they remained until 1871, when they removed to Minneapolis. Mr. Hernlund learned the machinist's trade, after which he at- tended Macalester College, preparatory to a two years' course at the University of Minnesota. The death of his father compelled him to return to the pursuit of his trade, and in 1879 he bought an interest in the firm of Malmsten and Nelson, and has since been a member of that firm. Mr. Hernlund was married in this city, to Miss Clara Berguest. November 12th. 1879. Henry G. Hicks is a native of New York, was born at Varysburgh, Genesee, now Wyoming county, January 16th. 1838. At eleven years of age he commenced to learn the harness trade with his father. At the age of fifteen, he began teach- ing school, which occupation he was engaged in until 1861. At the ages of fourteen, fifteen and sixteen he worked on a farm. His education was secured in the common schools of his native state and at Girard, Pennsylvania; also attended three summers at Oberlin. Ohio, where he entered college in 1860. In 1855, he removed toFreeport, Illinois, and in July, 1861, he enlisted in the Sec- ond Illinois Cavalry, as a private, in Company D; was made corporal and sergeant of his company, sergeant major and adjutant of his regiment. He afterwards sen-ed as adjutant of the Seventy- first and Ninety-third Illinois Infantry Regiments until February. 1864. Was with a squadron of the Second Illinois Cavalry at the battle of Fort Donaldson, and in the Ninety-third Infantry at Raymond. Jackson, Champion Hills, the siege of Vicksburg and Missionary Ridge, being severely wounded in the face at the latter place. In April, 1865, he removed to Minneapolis, and has since made this his home. He was married May 3d, 1864, to Mary Adelaide, daughter of I. G. Beede, of Freeport. Illinois, by whom he had four chil- dren, two of whom are living, a daughter of fifteen, Minnie Adelaide, and a son of twelve, Howard Henry. His first wife dying in July, 1870, he married again November, 1873, Susan- nah R. Fox, of Clarion county, Pennsylvania. Mr. Hicks was sheriff of Hennepin county from December. 1867, to January, 1871; was city justice of Minneapolis three years, 1871-'4. Has been from 1870, to the present time, a member of the board of trustees for soldier's orphans, and pres- ident of the board for the last seven years. Was a member of the house of representatives in 1878-'9 and '81. At tlie close of his term as city justice, in 1874, he commenced the study and prac- tice of law, and was admitted to the bar in Feb- ruary, 1875. He is a member of the law firm of Cross and Hicks. Cliarles Ilierholzer was biu-u in Germany, No- vember 2d, 1828. He acquired a knowledge of shoemaking. m his native country, and continued in the pursuit of his trade until 1849, when he emigrated to the United States, locating first at St. Louis. The next year he removed to Missis- sippi, where he remained one year, thence to Louisiana. Here he made his home, until 1855, when he removed to St. Antliony and the next year opened a boot and shoe store, and is proba- bly one of the oldest men in the business, in the city. Mr. Ilierholzer was married, in 1854, to Marguerita Berger, of Germany. Their children BIOGRAPHICAL. 563 are: Ellen, August, Mary, Charles, Frank and Adolph. O. A. Hilgermann is the proprietor of the Bos- ton furniture house. Tliis house was established in September, 1880, as a branch of O. A. Ililger- mann's establishment at Chicago. The walnut furniture is manufactured by this house and sold <■ on Chicago price list. Mr. E. Bundschuh has the management of the Minneapolis house, which is located at 405 Washington Avenue south. F. C. Hill was born in Vermont, 1850. In 1870 he came to Minneapolis and remained one year, when he returned to Vermont, and engaged in the hotel business a few years, then removed to Cambridgeport, Massachusetts. In 1876, he re- turned to this city and was employed by the Street Railway Company two years, when w'ilh his brother, F. K. Hill, he opened the Chicago House. F. K. Hill, in comprny with his brother, is proprietor of the Chicago House, of this city. He was born in Vermont, 1855. He went to Boston, 1873, where for several years he was in the res- taurant business. In 1876, he came to this city and was in the employ of the Street Railway Company, and since, in the above named house, with his brother. Married Mary Cavanaugh in 1878; they have one child. Francis Hill was born at Rochester, New York, September 11th, 1836. He learned milling with his brother, Ichabod, and has been with him, through the greater part of his experience. Mr. Hill has been in the employ of Mr. Brackett one year and Pillsbury five years. His marriage to Miss Julia Brackett was solemnized March 26th, 1859. Their children are: Julia, Cora, Mary, Clara and Lucy. Ichabod P. Hill, head miller of Palisade mill, was bom at Westonville, New York, December 18th, 1831. He became a miller at Rochester, New York, and spent ten years in Rochester and Oswego. He came West in 1S54. located in St. Anthony, and worked in the old ^linnesota mill, being engaged m milling five years; he then con- ducted the Nicollet House one year, when he sold out and removed to Belle Plaine and purchas- ed the Belle Plaine mills, which were burned four years later. In 1873 he returned to this city and was engaged as stone-dresser, and since 1875 has been head miller. He is probably the oldest miller in the city. Mr. Hill married Miss Agnes Bibbins, June 3d, 1858. Their children are Lola, Ichabod, Dursean, Blanche and Harvey. James W. Hill, a native of New Hampshire, was born in 1818. He enlisted as drummer-boy in the war, and sei-ved three years. He attended the Newbury Seminary, Vermont, three years, then removed to Manchester, New Hampshire, for the purpose of preparing for an apothecary. After traveling about, several years, he came to this city, and engaged in the livery and sale stable business in 1874. Mr. Hill married Elizabeth Richardson, who bore him two children, Eliza- beth and Charles. L. D. Hill was born in Cumberland county. Maine, May 19th, 1845. He resided on a farm until eighteen years of age, when he enlisted in the Third Maine Battery, under Captain E. R. Mayo. He was with the company until June, 1865. In August of the same year, he came to Minneapolis which has principally been his home since. He is now engaged in dealing in second hand goods, 27 Nicollet Avenue. He was mar- ried in 1878 to Julia E. Stouart. Their children are Charles and Willie. George Hineline, a native of Germany, was born April 3d, 1830. He came with his parents to America, locating in Ohio. He removed in 1859 to Minnesota, and was engaged in different parts of the state as a miller. In 1866 he loca- ted in this city, and secured a position as head miller with Perkins and Crocker; he remained with them four years. In 1872, he bought one- third interest in the Holly mill, which he sold five years later, and purchased one-thirIay he went to 15eloit, Wisconsin, and practiced there until May, 1853, then removed to BIOGRAPHICAL. 571 St. Anthony. Dr. Johnson is the oldest practic- ioner in the city. lie was married Marcli 16th, 18.53, to Hannali Russel, of Wisconsin. Tliey are tlie parents of one child, Roesina. The Dr. was county physician for one year, and on the board of liealth two years. It was lie wlio suggested tlie organization of the Minnesota Academy of natural sciences, now located in this city; he was the first president of that institution and lield the office four years. He has served on committees of various natural sciences, entomo- logy, comparative anatomy, geology and crypto- gamic botany; he classified and identified eight hundred species in mycological botany. Among the classifications, the Dr. is the discoverer of seventeen new species, peculiar to this state; some of them have been confirmed by such liigli au- tliority as Professor Peck, state botanist of Kew York; he also discovered at Palmer Lake mound, Brooklyn, Minnesota, the skeleton of a mound builder; this curiosity is now in the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Charles W. Johnson was born in Belleville, St. Clair county, Illinois, March ITtli, 1843. He re- ceived an high school education at his native place, and learned tlie printer's trade at intervals between the terms of school. lie came to Min- nesota in 1860 and worked on a farm and taught school two years ; enlisted in the Sixth Minneso- ta and served over tliree years. At the close of the war he returned to Minneapolis, taught scliool and finally resumed his business of setthig type, drifting naturally into newspajier work in the ca- pacity of correspondent, reporter and editor on various city papers, lie was elected and served one year as city clerk. In 1873 he was elected assistiuit secretary of the state senate and tlie fol- lowing year was elected secretary of tliat l)oily and for six years afterwards performed the duties of that office. In 1880 he was appointed super- visor of the census in tlie second census district of Minnesota. During the winter of 1881 he was engaged as the AVashington correspondent of the Pioneer-Press, and received the republican nomi- nation for chief clerk of the United States senate. He has been engaged actively in politics of Min- nesota as a republican for many years, and has been secretary of the state central committee and of the republican central committee for the Third congressional district. His family consists of his wife, the daughter of J. D. Rich, Esq., and two promising children. David B. Jolinson, a native of Winchester, Gurnsey county, Ohio, was born August 7th, 1852. When seventeen years of age, he went to Muskingum College in New Concord, Ohio, and remained there aliout two years; he tlien attended the Geneva institute for the same length of time. At the age of twenty-one, he l>egan"the study of law with Milton Barnes at Cambridge, Ohio, and later with Amos Coggswell, of Owatonna, Min- nesota. He was admitted to the bar in Febru- ary, 1S76, and practiced law at Owatonna three years, then came to this city and has since re- sided here. He married Miss Carrie M. Johnson at Owatonna, June 27th, 1877. Tliey have one child, Antoinette. C.Johnson was born in Sweden,September 12lh, 1847. He emigrated to America in 1868, and after a short stay in Kansas, he removed to Good- hue county, Minnesota, where he remained until 1872. He then came to Minneapolis and engaged in the grocery liusiness in which he continued until becoming a member of the firm of Ryberg and Company in the Stockholm meat market. He was married in 1880 to Anna Peterson, of Sweden. r. A. Johnson was born in Sweden in 1849. He emigrated to the United States in 1871, and located in Minneapolis. For five years he was with the American Express Company, and since that time has been in the hotel business. He has been proprietor of the Swea House since Septem- ber, 1879. It is located at 723 Washington Av- enue south. His marriage with Lena Cornell oc- curred in June, 1880. George H. Johnson was born in Norway. He came with his parents to America in 1850, and settled in Cook county, Illinois. In 1862 he en- listed in the First Illinois Artillery. He served most of tlie time with the army of the Cumber- land, and was ui the l)attlesof Chickamauga, Stone River, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, and otliers. He also accompanied Sherman as far as At- lanta on his march to the sea. He was mustered out ill July, 1865, and came to this city in the au- tumn following. He worked in the lupiber mills for a time, and then went on tlie police force. Mr. Johnson was elected sheriff in 1870-72-74, and •went to the legislature in 1876. In May, 1877, he 572 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. was appointed deputy sheriff, and has since con- tinued to fill that office. His wife was An- nie Sheridan, of Anoka. She has borne him five children. Those living are : George and Xellie. J. W. .Johnson was born May 2d, 1825, in Franklin county. Xew York. He learned the contracting and building business, and worked in that line until 1857, when he engaged in mer- cantile business. In August, 1864, he moved to Ked Wing. Minnesota, and in 1868 came to Min- neapolis, lie was in the dry goods trade here imtil September, 1869, when he took charge of the North Star Iron Works, then located in St. Anthony, but removed to the west side, and greatly enlarged in 1870. In 1872 he bought one- fourth interest in the works, and in 1874 twught the other three-fourths, and conducted the busi- ness until 1880, when he retired from active busi- ness. January, 1881, he was elected president of tlie City Bank. Mr. Johnson has been married twice ; his first wife was ilartlia Walker. The second wife. Mrs. Malinda Eoman. has borne him tteee children : Annie, Frederick, and Walter. K. Johnson, a native of Norway, was born in 1844. He emigrated to the United States in 1868, and ten years later came to ^linneapolis. He is engaged as mill-wright at the lumber mill of P. G. Lamoreaux, and resides at 203 Third street north. Peter Johnson, a native of Sweden, was born July 12th, 1845. He attended school until 1861. then followed farming until 1SG6. when he came to America; he first located in AVright county, Minnesota, and in May. 1867. came to this city; he worked as an apprentice at the mason's trade until 1870. then worked five years as journey- man, and since 1875 has been contracting. Mr. Johnson still retains his old homestead in Wright county. He was married August 3d, 1873, to Miss Christina Swedeburg; they reside at 507 Fourth street north. Two childi'en have been born to them: Carrolton and John Edward. W. H. Johnson was born October 5th, 1825. at Ogdensburg. New York. At the age of nine- teen years commenced lumbering; in 1849 he went to Wisconsin, bought 160 acres of land, and after the heavy work of clearing was done, he run, in connection with his farm, a saw-mill and lumbering business. Mr. Johnson hauled a por- tion of the rolling stock for the Chicago and North-western railway from Sheboygan to Fond du Lac, a distance of forty-one miles, on a plank- road, using eight teams; he drew an engine en- tire. In June. 1864, he came to Minneapolis, and had charge of Monison's saw-mill until 1879, when he was elected superintendent of the wa- ter-works. He was councilman four consecutive years, and went to the legislature in 1877-"78. He married Miss Sarah Lyman, of Jefferson coimty, New York, March 11th, 1847. Their children are Jasper and Sumner. Mr. Johnson and family reside at 1229 Eighth street south. Joseph Jonas, a native of Prussia, was bom June 16th. 1848. He came to the United States in 1872. and lived in St. Louis, Missouri, until the following year, when he came to Minneapolis, and has since been engaged in the sale stable business. In 1880 he started a gi'ocery and gen- eral merchandise store at his present location. No. 420 Plymouth Avenue. Mr. Jonas married, in 1879, Caroline Sternberg, of Pnissia. J. G. Jones was born in Washington comity, Maine. He came to Minneapolis in 1857, and went into the clothing busmess in company with his father. In 1861 he enlisted in the Third Min- nesota "N'ohmteers. and served four years. He participated in the battle of Murfreesboro, the seige of "Mcksburg and the capture of Little Kock; he then came to Minnesota and took part in the war against the Sioux Indians ; he was at the battle of Wood Lake where three hundred Indians were captured, thirty-eight of whom met the death penalty on the scaffold at Mankato in 1862. On being mustered out of service he re- turned to ilinneapoUs, and was elected county treasurer while absent on his wedding tour. This oflice he held four years. Since 1870 he has been engaged in the logging business. He now has lumber yards at the corner of Washington Ave- nue and Tenth street north. In 1866 he married Anna Harrison. They have two children: Carrie and Harrison. Edwin Smith Jones, president of the Hennepin Coimty Savings Baidi, was bom June 8d, 1828, at Chaplin. Windham coimtj", Connecticut. He re- ceived such education as the schools of his native town afforded, and attended two terms at the Monson Academy, Massachusetts. After com- pleting his academical studies he began the study of law ui the office of Hon. J. H. Carpenter, at BIOGRAPHICAL. 573 WlllimanticConnecticut. Having finished bis pro- fessional course lie wished to explore the rich and fertile lands of the west, which were only waiting to reward the toil of those industrious ones who were willing to work. He accordingly carried out his plans in 18o4, coming to seek a home and for- tune in Minnesota. Finding Minneapolis a de- sirable place in which to locate, he entered the law office of Hon. Isaac At water to complete his reading. He was admitted to the bar in 18.55 and continued with Mr. Atwater until 1857, and after- wai-ds alone. The next year, 1858, he was elected to the ofBce of probate judge, in which he con- tinued until 1861. In 18fi3 he entered the Union army and was commissioned captaui and commis- sary of subsistence in the department of the gidf, an office which he retained to 1866, when he re- turned to ^linneapolis and resumed the practice of his profession. During the years of 1866-7 he was chairman of the county lioard of supervisors. Continuing to practice until 1870. Judge Jones accepted the position he now occupies, president of the bank. In 1873-4 he was a member of the city council. Since 1860 he has been connected with the Masonic fraternity. He and his wife are members of Plymouth Church in this city. He was married in September, 1853, to Miss Harriet M., daughter of Whitman and Harriet James of his native town, and lost his wife twelve years later. He was married again in September, 1866, at Minneapolis, to Miss Abigal J. James, sister of his first wife. She died in April, 1872. In May, 1877, at Goffetown, New Hampshire, Mr. Jones was wedded to Miss Susan C, daughter of Charles and Susan C. Stinson. His children living are: Edwin S., Jr., Ellen, David P. and William O. R. F. Jones, born in St. Lawrence county. New York, September 25th, 1852. He came to Minneapolis in 1875, and since then has been a wholesale and retail dealer in oysters, fish, game, etc., at his place of business, No. 306 Hennepin Avenue. The wholesale trade is very extensive; shipments being made throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and the north-western territo- ries. He is the originatcn- of the bi-and of oysters known as the Gold Seal; they are packed and shipped to him by his branch house in Baltimore, Maryland. IMr. .Jones family consists of a wife and one child. W. H. Jones, born in Wales, May 1st, 1845. In the spring of 1857, he accompanied his parents to America, and lived witli then on a farm in Columbia county, Wisconsin, until 1866, w'hen he went to Green Lake county, and for two seasons was in the agricultural implement business; then be was employed one year as general agent for a Milwaukee firm, and afterward with E. H. Gam- mon. In January, 1878, he established himself in the agricultural implement business in this city. He is now president of the Piano Manufacturing Company of Piano, Illinois. He married Eliza- beth Owens, September 18th, 1876. They have three children, Hugh, William and Arthur. Amos C. Jordan, managing editor of the Tri- bune, was born in Eaton, Canada East, April 22d, 1842. He removed to Minnesota w itli his parents in May, 1854, locating at Piu-gatory, four miles from Excelsior in Hennepin coimty. In 1857, he entered as an apprentice in the office of the St. Anthony Express, then owned by Isaac Atwater. In 1861, with four other compositors of thexitlas, owned by W. S. King, he enlisted in the First Minnesota Infantry, and in the absence of Jlr. King at Washington, they closed the office. Re- maining in the service continuously until Au- gust, 1865, he returned to Minneapolis, and soon afterward secured the position of telegrapli edi- tor of the Daily Tribune. In 1872, he resigned, and with Col. Lounsberry, founded the Bismarck Tribune, of which he had entire editorial charge during the first year. In 1874, he jouied as night editor of the St. Paul Pioneer, owned by David Blakeley. After the consolidation of the Pioneer and the Press, he continued as night editor of the consolidated concern until the purchase of the Minneapolis Tribune by Mr. Blakeley, when he once more returned to Minneapohs to assume the duties of managing editor, which position e has since held. Mr. Jordon has done more of edito- rial service in Minneapolis than perhaps any other person. His continuous service in respon- sible positions on leading journals in the state, amply testify to his capacity and ability. R. W. Jordan, a native of Ohio, was born in 1843. In 18.')2 he went to Illinois, and in 1859 removed to Colorado, where he commenced busi- ness as an architect. In 1871 he w'ent to Salt Lake city, and remained one year, from there to Chicago, and thence to Sedalia, Jilissouri. His 574 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. eye-sight failed and for a time he was obliged to abandon his profession, but resumed it event- ually, and in 1879, established his office hi Minne- apolis. He was married in 1870 to Matilda Lewis, who was the first graduate under Miss Jones, who came from England to establisli the Festalozzian system of education. Mrs. Jordan was the founder of Trenton Institute, of Trenton, New Jersey. John P. Joseph, born in Germany, February 22d, 1837. lie came to America in 1859, and lived two yeai-s in New York city; he then re- sided in Ohio seven years, and at the expiration of that time came to this city. In 1863 he en- Msted in the Seventy-second Ohio; was shortly after transferred to the mechanical department of Franklin shops, at Nashville, Teimessee, and remained there until the close of the war. In 1878 he commenced the business of bottling beer, and since ISSO has also manufactured all kinds of soda water, champagne, cider, seltzer-water, etc.; his place of business is at the corner of Mar- shall north-east and Thirteenth Avenue. JSIr. Joseph was married in 1860, to Miss Katrina Eeinhart. Thev have four children. CHAPTER LXXX. BIOGEAPniCAL, K, L AXD M. John D. Kaestner was born October 21st, 1852, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He moved to St. Paul iu 1871; five years later he came to this city and started in the shoe findings, hide and leather business, at No. 228 Washington Avenue north. He is doiug a prosperous trade here, and also acts as agent for a Sheboygan firm, buying hides and shipping to them. Mr. Kaestner was married in 1876 to Amelia Selsemeyer, of Wisconsin. They are the parents of one child: Lillian. J. Kantrowitz was bom Januarj- 1st, 1844, in Gennany. He came to America in 1859, and lo- cated in New York, where he was employed in a mercantile house until 1861, when he went to Troy and spent six years in the clothing business with A. Ksensky Brothers. In the fall of 1880 he came here and established the Bay State one- price clothing house, at 220 Hennepin Avenue, where he is doing a thriving business. He was married February 12th, 1865, to Pauline Cohen. Their children are James. Isaac, Alexander, Minnie, Rosa, Frank and Josephine. Frederick Herman Karlson was born in Swe- den in 1834; attended the Univereity of Stock- holm a number of yeare, and was engaged as missionary for a short time. He came to America in 1S6S, settled in ^Mitchell county, Iowa, and the following year removed to Fayette county. In 1870 he was ordained in La SaUe county, Illinois, and at once commenced his ministerial labor in Faj^ette county, Iowa. Came to Minneapolis in 1880 and took charge of St. Paul's church ; also has a Norwegian congregation in St, Paul, which he visits once in three months. Has three chil- dren. Alma "\'ictoria, Agnes F. Louisa and Karl Herman, born respectively in 1863, 1867 and 1873. C. II. Keator came to Minnesota in 1856, lo- cated at Greenwood, Hennepin county, and for five years followed hunting and trapping. In 1861 he enlisted in the Mounted Rangers, and in 1862 m the Eighth Minnesota Volunteere. From 1865 until 1867 he was in the auction and com- mission business, then he formed a partnership with Mr. Snyder in the bill posting business; also as caniere for the Mimieapolis Daily Tribune. In 1879 they sold the carrier busuiess. but still con- tinue the bill posting. Their office is in the Trib- une counting room. City hall. Mr. Keator mar- ried ;Martha McLeod November 15th, 1864. Their only child, Jessie, died at the age of two yeai-s. C. T. Keen was born September 21st. 1842, at Calais, Maine. In 1865 he went to Oskosh, Wis- consin, and was lumbering eight yeare, and two years in the hotel business. In 1875 he removed to this city, and followed carpentering until March, 1880, when he became proprietor of the Glyndon House, 219 Third street south. He was married October 18th, 1875, to Miss Susanna King, who has borne him one child, Daisy. Matthias Kees, born in Prussia, September 27th, 1839. He came to America in 1856. and first set- tled in Illinois, but soon moved to Marathon comity, Wisconsin, and until 1859 was interested in the lumber trade there. Then he returned to Illinois, and remained until 1862, when he w'ent BIOOBAPHICAL. 575 to Racine, Wisconsin, and enlisted in the Eighth Wisconsin Battery, light artillery. He was mus- tered out in August, 1865. In >September of the same year he came to this city, and worked as clerk until 1869, when he started a grocery store. He is now located at 328 First street north. In 1877 Mr. Kees was elected to the city council to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Alder- man Thompson, and in the spring of 1880 he was again elected. In 1866 he married Susan Knaeble. Seven children have been born to them. Those living are : Clara, Susan, and Edwin. Andrew Keim was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, April 18th, 1859. In early youth he went to San- dusky, and in 1868 removed to St. Cloud, Minne- sota, where he learned harness-making. He came to this city in 1877, and worked for George Thele until November. 1880, when he started in busi- ness with Mr. Arnoldy, at 120 Plymouth Avenue. George Ilackett Keith was born in Orange county, Vermont, May 4th, 1825. He attended the district schools at home until sixteen years of age, when he worked on a farm one season, for seven dollars per month. He then went to Meriden, New Hampshire, and passed four years in studying and teaching. He removed to Indianapolis, and engaged in teaching private school one year, after which he was appointed su- perintendent of the preparatory department of the Franklin College, at Franklin, Indiana. He continued his studies and attended lectures until 1852, when he graduated from the medical college at Woodstock, ^'ermont. He moved to the city of New York and began practice, paying considera- ble attention to dentistry. In 1855 he came to Minneapolis, and has since resided here, with the exception of 1859-60, when he made a southern trip. Dr. Keith commenced the practice of his profession in this city, but turned his attention almost wholly to dentistiy. He was a memijerof the lirst state legislature, which met in 1858-9. During the Indian war of 1862, he was surgeon of the expedition sent to the relief of Fort Aber- crombie. In 1863 he received the appointment of provost marshal for the second district of Min- nesota, and held the position until the close of the war. In May, 1871, he was appointed post- master, and re-appointed in 1875. He was mar- ried July 2d, 1851, to Anna Judson, daughter of Dr. Jonathan Going. She died in 1862. The present Mrs. Keith was Henrietta, daughter of S. A. and Dora Jewett. Their children are Walter, Mabel, and Mary. H. C. Keith, a native of Randolph, "Vermont, was born in 1823. In 1841 he moved to Dover, New Hampshire, and remained there three years in the dry-goods and drug trade; he then ti'avel- ed three years with Dr. Cutler, and in 1853 set- tled in Minneapolis. He pre-empted what has since been known as Falls City, now a part of Minneapolis. Until 1877 he was contracting and building; then he was in the real estate business till 1877, when he went to Lake Minnetonka; he spends his summers there, and will build a board- ing house on Howard's Point. In 1844 he mar- ried Ruth Canney, of Dover, New Hampshire. Three children have been born to them. All are now living in this city. Albert A. Keith was born at Dover, New Hampshire, January 30th, 1851. At the age of three years he came with his parents to Minneso- ta. They located on the bank of the river, about three miles below Minneapolis. Albert received his education in the graded schools of this city, and attended the college at Hillsdale, Michigan, one year, after which he -returned home and took a position as clerk in the post-office and remained five years. When the carrier system was adopt- ed, he was promoted to the position of superin- tendent of carriers, which he has filled five years. He was married in March, 1874, to Miss Maggie McKahan, of Minneapolis. They have one boy, Louis Henry, aged two years. Mr. Keith has been a member of the Old Settlers' Association since its organization. J. M. Keller was born in Prussia, April 17th, 1830. lie came to the United States in 1S49, and settled in St. Louis in 1850. He came to this city in 1854, and worked four years for M. S. Hoblitt. He bought, with Frank Rorbach, the Morgan mill at Shingle Creek, but sold in 1865, and the following year was in the cattle trade. In 1866 he went in bu.siness with a nephew, but owing to ill health he sold in 1869, He opened the market at his present location, 428 First Ave- nue north, in September, 1879, Mr, Keller's wife was Minnie Runge. They have six children living. II. H. Kelley was born in Washington county, Maine, February 4th, 1854. In the fall of 1869 576 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIX^ COUNTY. he came to this citj-, and was employed as clerk in different business houses until he started a meat market in company with his brotlier: they continued this until August. 1S80, when they sold, and established their stock-yards and slaugh- ter-house. W. A. Kelley. brother of the above, is a native of Maine; he was bom in Washington county, December 27th. ISol. He has been in partner- ship with his brother ever since his arrival in Minneapolis in 1S74. Dr. E. S. Kelly was bom June 24th, 1848, in Ottawa, Canada, where he received a liberal edu- cation. He came to Minnesota in 1867 and locat- ed in this city. He entered the State Universit)' in the second year of its existence and studied there five years. He first studied medicine with Dr. H. H . Kimball, and graduated from Rush Medical College, February 1878. being first in his class. Immediately after gi-aduating he returned to Minneapolis and has since continued in prac- tice here. June 1st. 1880, Dr. Kelly was elected county physicidn. F. W. Kelly was born April oth, 1851, at Brooklyn. Long Island. He learned the plumb- ing trade at Cleveland, Ohio ; worked at it there and in Kew York city until 1869, when he re- moved to St. Paul ; he lived there several yeare aud then worked two years in Chicago. He came here in 1873. and engaged with Wilson and Rogers, J. L. Spink, and others in his line of business until 1S77. since which time he has been alone. Mr. Kelly was married in 1875, to Miss Catherine Collins of St. Paul. II. Krueger was born at Watertown. Wiscon- sin, October ItUh, 1859. He learned the trade of gunsmith at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. In 1877 he came to JSIinneapohs and established business at his present location. A description of his busi- ness may be found elsewhere. W. F. Kelly, a native of Ireland, was bom in 1838. He lived in England from 1849 until 1862 when he emigrated to America ; for a short time lie lived in New York city, then went to I'ennsylvania and in 1864 returned to Xew York. The year following he removed to this city and worked in the J^Iilwaukee and St. Paul railroad shops until 1872, when he started in the grocery trade, in which he is having a rapidly growing blisiness. In Nov. . 1 857 , he married Annie Ryan . Edward Kennedy was bom in Ireland. In 1 861 he came to the United States and Uved in New York until 1865. employed as blacksmith for a railroad company. He then removed to ;Minne- apolis and worked as engineer in the machine shops for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul company. He worked some time with Mr. But- ler to familiarize himself with the manufacture of mill picks, and then embarked ui that business. Ills shop and contents were entirely destroyed by fire in November. 1880. but he rebuilt on First street south where he is now located. His wife was Margaret Murpln . Their children are Ed- ward and Margaret. A. II. Kenyon was born in Washington county, New York, September 14th, 1842. He came here in February. 1873. and engaged in the dry goods trade for about three yeare; then he was in partnership with Thomas Jeffery a while, and ui August, 1880, went in the carpet business with Mr. ]SIcYeigh. The firm carries a full line of everything appertaining to the wholesale and retail carpet trade. Walter Kerridge was horn in Norfolk county, Englaiul. January 21st. 1854. He attended the public schools until eighteen years of age, then learned the florist business which he stiU fol- lows. In 1872 he came to America, and to this city in 1876. In June of the following \ear, he, in company with his father and brother, estab- lished their present business at 617 Fourth street north. Mr. Kerridge has never married. John Keys was born in 1842. In 1862 he moved to Canada, learned the blacksmith's trade when young, and has worked at it twenty-one yeare. He removed to Hastings. ^Minnesota, in June, 1862, thence to Granville, Dakota county, where he lived five years. September. 1879, he came here and opened a shop on First street south, and in ^larch, 1880, formed a partnerehip with T. II. Cain and bought the shop. No. 117 First Avenue south. He ;\as maiTied in 1863, and is the father of five children. B. W. Kiniliall. M. D.. was bom in Bethel, O.xford county, ilaine. March 12th. 1829. He received his early education at Gould's academy, and at the Brighton academy, of Cumberland county. He first studied medicine with Dr. Twitchell, of his native place, and next with Dr. Peasley, of Hanover, New Hampshire. He grad- BIOGRAPHICAL 577 iiated with the degree of Tsl. D., from the medi- cal department of Bowdoin College, Maine, in 1857. He practiced eight years as government physician in Idaho and Oregon, and in July, 1869, came to this city. He has been in practice as an occuUst and aurist since 1871, havmg studied at the Manhattan eye and ear infirmary, the New York eye and ear hospital, and also with Dr. Mark Stephenson of New York. In 1875 he married Susie Lyon. They have two children living. T. S. King removed to ^Minneapolis in the au- tumn of 1862, and has since been a resident of the city. Immediately upon coming to the city, accepted a position on the State Atlas, a weekly paper published by W. S. King, and remained with the paper in a business and editorial capa- city until the birth of the Minneapolis Daily Tribune in the summer of 1867, into vv'hich the Atlas was merged. He was city editor of the Tribime for the first eighteen months of its exis- tence. In .July, 1871, accepted a tempting offer from the publishers of the St. Paul Pioneer, and devoted himself to establishing the Munieapolis branch and editorial department of that paper. Mr. King has since been, and now is, connected with the Pioneer and its successor, the Pioneer Press, as Minneapolis city editor. Charles D. Kingsley, born in Medina county, Ohio, September 15th, 1826. When quite young, he moved with his parents to Missouri, and in April, 1846, located at Marine Mills, Minnesota; he followed lumbering three years, and in June, 1849, removed to St. Anthony. He worked at his trade of stone mason and plasterer a number of years, and in 1862, enlisted in the Ninth Minne- sota Volunteer Infantry; he was captured in June, 1864, and confined at Andersonville, Savannali and Millen prisons. He came home on a furlough and was honorably discharged xVugust 1st, 1865. He has served on the police force of this city since May, 1879. His wife was Julia Shepherd, who has borne him four children, Ira, Eflle, and William; John (deceased.) Edward Kingsley, a life long resident of Min- neapolis, was born May 2d, 1856. He received his education in the public schools of this city. He has been employed in the manufacture of eave troughs, and is at present running a planer in an establishment of that kind. In 1871, he 37 volunteered in the fire department, and was appointed stoker; on organization of the paid de- partment, he was given the position of first pipe- man and in May, 1880, was appointed foreman. He was married in Minneapolis, April 17th, 1878, to Miss Augusta Gould. Their union has been blessed with one child. Burton. E. D. Kirst, a native of Germany, was born in 1831. When but fourteen years of age he com- menced to learn cabinet-making. In 1856 he came to America, and for two years lived in Sul- livan county, New York, then removed to Ded- ham, Massachusetts, and remained until July, 1861, when he came to this city. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the Ninth Minnesota, Com- pany B. The first summer was spent in the Indian campaign; then he went south and partic- ipated in all the battles of the regiment. He was mustered out August, 1865. Mr. Kirst does cab- inet work, repairing, general joljbing, and manu- factures corn husk mattresses at 923 First street north. Mr. Kirst was married in 1861. His wife died in 1876; she was the mother of two boys. A. II. Kirk was born in Broome county, New York, July, 1847. He enlisted in the Sixteenth New York Battery, February, 1864, and was hon- orably discharged in July, 1S05. He came to this city in 1871, and was employed by O. A. Pray and Company for two years. After that he took charge of the mill furnishing shops for J. W. Johnson, and also did the draughting for the establishment, until May 1st , 1878, when he started for himself in the business of manufactur- ing mill furnishings. He married Nettie Strong, May 15th, 1873. Their two cliildren are Zoe and Freeman. M. J. Klopp was born November 28th, 1847, in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania. In 1855 he went to Logansport, Indiana, and at tlie age of fifteen " years commenced learning carriage-making, wh ch trade he has since followed. ]Mr. Klupp's poor health obliged him to travel, and he spent some time in California, Colorado and Arkansas. In June, 1878, he came to Minneapolis, and worked at his trade, being employed by different firms uniil October, 1880, when he opened a shop at 99 Main street S. E. At the age of sixteen years he en- listed and served eight months, then I'e-enlisted and served until 1865. His wife was Christiana Schaefer. They have one son, Henry. 578 HISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. J. W. Kline, a native of Frederick county. :Mary- land. was bom in 1S39. lie came to Minneapo- lis in 1874 and worked at his trade, that of cooper, until 1877, when he. assisted by otliei-s, formed the North Star Banel Company. At present Mr. Kline is president of this company. He re- sides with his family in this cit)'. Rev. David Buell Knickerbacker D. D., was bom in Rensselaer count\". Xew York. Feb. 24th, 1833. lie is the son of Hon. Herman Knicker- backer, who was a member of congress from that district, also judge of proljate in Rensselaer coun- ty. David B. was prepared for college at the Academy of Greenwich. New York; he then en- tered Trinity College, Hartford, and graduated in 18o3; and hi June, 1856, he graduated from the Theological Seminary of the Protestant Epis- copal Chmch of Xew York cit\-. On the first Sunday in July of the same year, he was ordained deacon in Trinity Church. Xew York, by Bishop Potter, and was at once appointed missionary bishop of the north-west. His wliole ministerial life has been spent in Minneapolis. He was or- dained priest in Gethsemane Church, July. 1875, by Bishop Kemper. In 1874 he received the de- gree of doctor of di\-init>' from Hartford, Connec- ticut. In 1877 he was elected missionary bisliop for Xew Mexico and Arizona, but dechiied the honor. He has held the office of dean of the northern convocation of ^ilinnesota, by appoint- ment of the bishop, since 1870, and lias represent- ed the diocese in general conventions, five times, since its admission into union with the general convention in 1859. He is a member of the standing committee of the diocese, and also of its missionary committee since its organization. A. H. Knowles, a native of England, was born in 1830. He came to the United States in 1854. "and Uved the first few months in Philadelphia, then spent two months in Xew York iii the steam and gas fitting business. He traveled for ten years througli the middle states building gas works, and in IS'iO came to this city ; since which time he has been in the wholesale and retail liquor business. Alois Knoblauch, bom in Wurtemberg, Ger- many, September 24th, 1833. He was educated and learned the shoemaking trade in his native country. In 1854 he came to America ; worked a short time in Xew York, then removed to Chi- cago. Illinois, and thence to Fulton county. In 1857 he came here and started a small boot and shoe store ; he is now enjoying a thriving busi- ness at 26 First street north, and 125 Washington Avenue south. He was mamed in 1858 to Ame- lia Stulcman. Their children are: Antliony, Frank, Amelia, Alois,"\Villiam, Henrietta, George, Charles, Henry, Alexander and a babe. M. B. Koon. bom January 22d. 1841. in Steu- ben county. Xew York. He moved with his par- ents to Michigan, and received his education at the Hillsdale College. In 1864 he went to CaU- fornia and remained two years, then returned to Michigan, studied law, and in 1867, commenced practice at Hillsdale; in 1870, he was elected pros- ecuting attorney of that countj% and held the of- fice five years. In 1878 he came to this city and established the practice of law in company with E. A. MeiTill; the firm of Koon and Merrill con- tinued until Xovember. 1879. when Arthur Keith became associated with them, and the firm name is now, Koon, Menill and Keith. Mr. Koon married Josie Van De ^lark in 1873. Their children are Kate and Louise. Residence Xo. 30 Sixth street south. John Kraemer, a native of Germany, was bom in December, 1827. He emigrated to the United States in 1857. and worked at blacksmitliing in Chicago a few months, then came to this city and continued the trade here eighteen years, ^lith the exception of three yeai-s in the war. He enlisted August 2d, 1862, in the Eighth Minnesota Yol- imteers. His wife was Barbara Eoch; their mar- riage occurred August 2d. 1852. 'Sir. Kraemer owns the building which he has occupied for the past five years, X''o. 227 Central Avenue. A. C. La Brash, a native of ilichigan, was bom July 7th, 1841. His father, being a black- smith, taught him the trade while yet a boy. In the fall of 1854, he located at Waukegan, Illi- nois, thence to Chicago where he remained four- teen months, then returned to "Waukegan, and in 1858, he came to St. Paul, where, with his father, he opened a shop, and for nearly two yeare re- mained there, then came to St. Anthony. AVhile here, he was employed by others until 1861; he then went to Osseo and opened an establishment of his own. and remained there until the Indian outbreak of 1862, when he returned to this city, and has since remained, doing a general black- BIOGRAPHICAL. 579 smithing business on First street north. He married Miss Julia Potvin, of Canada, in 1860. Tliey have three sons and one daugliter. II. E. Lamoreaux was born at Arcadia, Xew York, July 23d, 1S42. In 1862,-he engaged in the canal business, owning, and having in charge a boat between Buffalo and New York, until 1875, when he came to this city engaging in lumbering about three years. In October, 1880, he rented and furnished his present liilliard ball at 223 First Avenue south. He married ilary Smith, of New York, March 3d, 1863. They have two children, Louis and Mary. Cliristian Lamp, a native of Denmark, was born August 24th, 1845. He passed his youth in his native place, where he learned shoemaking. He came to the United States in 1873, and first located at Marquette, Michigan, remaining five yeai-s, when he removed to St. Paul. In Septem- ber, 1879, lie located at Minneapolis, and with his brother opened a boot and shoe store. He is a member of tlie Light Infantry band. He married Miss Sophia Nelson, of Denmark, in 1868. who has borne him five children, four of wlioni are living: Walter. Bodil Mary, Christian and Joa- chim. Joachim Lamp, born .January 7th, 1855, is a native of Denmark. He learned shoemaking there, came to the LTnited States, in 1876, and has been with his brother since. He is also a member of the Light Infantry band, playing baritone trombone, and strings. Freeman P. Lane, of the law firm of Giddings and Lane, is a native of Washington county, Maine, born April 20th, 1853. He came west with his parents in 1862, locating in Minneapolis. He began his labors by engaging as a newsboy selling the Press and Pioneer. He attended school until 1867, after which he worked in L. L. Stanchfield's mill, at the mouth of Bassett's Creek. In 1868 he was clerk for his father in the gi'ocery business. He entered the employ of the Northwestern Telegraph Company as line builder and repairer in Minnesota and Dakota, and re- mained with them until 1872. During this time, however, be attended school two winters at the Minneapolis Business College. He then began reading law with Albee Smith, and in 1873, en- tered the Albany Law School, of New York. He was admitted to the bar, at Albany, May 4th, 1874, returned to this city, and, in 1875, formed a partnership with G.-W. Harl, and the next year the present firm of Giddings and Lane was organ- ized, and is conducting a successful business. Mr. Lane was married, in 1875, to Miss Mollie Lauderdale , who has borne him two children: Bessie and Ina. James S. Lane is a native of New Brunswick, born in 1833. After reaching the age of man- hood, he gave his attention principally to lumber- ing. In 1852, he came to St. Anthony and engaged with the old water power company, and later with H. T. Welles. He was surveyor general of logs and lumber for three terms. He became a mem- ber of the firm of L. Butler and Company of No. One Platform mills, now ilerriman. Barrows and Company. He was married, in 1860, to Miss Aubine Dorman,by wliom he has seven children: Verna, Minnie, Lizzie, Mittie, Frank, Emma and Mark. His mother, Mrs. ^^elma Lane, is a mem- ber of his household, and though seventy-five years of age, is in good health, and has been a resident of this city since 1855. Leonidas M. Lane was born in 1835, at St. Stephens, New Brunswick. At sixteen years of age he entered a saw mill, remaining there until August, 1855, when he came St. Anthony, and entered the mills as sawyer, and remained until 1861. He then enlisted in Company A, First Minnesota Volunteers, for three months. In the fall of 1862 he re-enlisted in Company A, Ninth Minnesota Volunteers. At the battle of Bry- son's cross-roads, he was taken prisoner, and taken to Macon, Georgia; from there to Charles- ton, thence to Columbia. After an imprison- ment of nine months he reached the Union lines. He returned to St. Anthony in March, 1865. He has since been in the lumbering business in con- nection with his brother, J. S. Lane, and is now a member of the fii-ni of Merriman, Barrows and Company. He married Anna JiIcLeod in 1869. Their children are, Harry, Eva, Robbie, Roscoe and Leon. E. B. Langdon wfis born at New Haven, Ver- mont, in 1826. He received an academic ed- ucation, and began active life as foreman of a construction party on the Rutland and Burling- ton railroad, in 1848. Since then the principal business of his life has lieen the construction of railroads, having under his superintendence, roads 580 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. in Vermont. Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Wisconsin, ^linnesota. Tennessee and Mississippi. Ilebnilt the water-power canal for the Minneapolis :Mill Co., in lS(j(), also erected a number of the import- ant buildings of the city. He had charge of the party who broke the ground for the first railroad in the state, the St. Paul and Pacific railroad, in 1858. Since 1866 he has been a resident of Min- neapolis. In 1872. R. B. Langdon and Company erected a planing-mill on Third street which they still own. He was state senator for sL\ con- secutive years ending in 1878. and is now vice- president of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Rail- road. He married Sarah Smith in 1859. Their children are: Cavour, Martha, and Caroline. J. Lange was boni June 25th, 1836, in Ger- many. He acquired a knowledge of the mason's trade in his native country, and in 1866 came to the United States and located in Xew York. Ten years later he removed to Minneapolis, and erected the building on Riverside Avenue, where he is lo- cated, doing a good business in groceries. He was maiTied in 1869, to Helen Gerdes, of Ger- many. They are the parents of six children, four of whom are living: Emily, Henry, "William, and Herman. Louis Laramee is a native of Monti-eal, Canada, bom April 11th, 1837. He removed to Pittsfleld, Massachusetts, in 1S55, and enraged in the pur- suit of Ids regular trade, that of harness-making. He came to St. Paul in 1857; thence to St. An- thony, and to tliis city in 1865, and has since re- mained here, in business. His present location is 304 Nicollet Avenue, where he has an extensive establishment, employing twenty-eight men. Un- til 1876, he was working as an employee, and by his energy and strict attention to business has el- evated himself to his present position. He was mar- ried in 1870, to Miss Alphonsie Davis, of ilontreal, who bore him two children. Eugenie and Alfred. Carl Larson is a native of Xurway, and was bom January 26th, 1844. He came to America in 1868, coming to Minnesota and locating in Fillmore county, where he resided four years, en- gaged as a wheat buyer. In 1872 he came to Minneapolis, where he was in the employ of East- man and Bovey for three years. He kept a board- ing-house in this city for three yeare, and in 1878, became proprietor of the A'ictoria Hotel, where he is stUl. He was married in Norway, to ilar- tha Baltzerson. in 1866. They have one adopted child, whom they call George Larson. Eben E. La\\Tence, machinist at Anchor mill, was bom at Cherryfield, Washington county, Maine, November 7th, 1847. He came to Minne- apolis in April. 1870. and gave his attention to lumbering until the the spring of 1877. He then engaged in the Pillsbury mill, remaining three years ; then to the Anchor mill as machhiist. While in the lumber business he passed several winters in tlie pineries, occupying positions as chopper and superintendent. W. H. Lauderdale was bom in Livingston county. New York, August loth, 1830. He ob- tained his education at his native place, in the public schools. At sLxteen years of age he com- menced the tailor's trade, completing it at San- dusky, Ohio. He went to Wooster in 1849, where he remained four yeare. In the fall of 1857 he came to Minneapolis. He took a claim near Lake Calhoun, on which he lived until 1866, when he invested in another in BrookljTi town- ship, and after remaining one year returned to this city and engaged in the dairy business until 1879. The next year he foiined a partnersliip with Min''r Ball, dealing in real estate. They dissolved partnership in 1881, and he began busi- ness under the firm name of Lauderdale and Com- pany, at 1 1 Washington Avenue north. He was married in 1852 to Mary E. Sloaue, who bore him three children : Marg-aret, Jeanette, Mollie. and Frank. Mrs. Lauderdale died in 1872. His sec- ond wife was Mrs. Susan Robertson, of Nova Scotia. They have one child, George Hayes. James W. Lawrence, of the firm of Wilson and Lawrence, was bom in New York, August 9th, 1846. He moved with his parents to Syracuse, where, ^\hile young, he attended the graded school. In 1857 he accompanied his parents to St. Anthony, remaining until 1 860. when he re- tm-ned to Syracuse and entered Hamilton Col- lege in 1864, from which he graduated after a four years' course. He read law in New York city, with Sheldon and Brown, one year, and, in 1869, was admitted to the bar. He returned to this city in 1870, and the next year formed the partnerehip which now exists. During these in- tervening years he has served two terras as coun- ty attorney of Hennepin county. Mr. Lawrence was married, in 1873, to Miss Mary, daughter of BIOGRAPHICAL. 581 J. K. Sidle. They have two children, Jacob S. and James, Jr. Brady Lawson is a native of Norway, born in 1845. He came to the United States in 1867, lo- cating first in Eau Claire, Wisconsin; thence to Minneapolis in 1880. He is proprietor of the Eau Claire House, 211 Second Avenue south. He married Ida Oelson, in 1873, who bore him three children: Levi, Dewettand Edward. Jerome Layman, one of tlie oldest residents of this county, came to this city with his parents when less than one year of age, in 1852. At that time there were but three houses on the west side of the river. He has passed twenty-seven summers and winters on the same location, cor- ner of Eighteenth Avenue and Twenty-first street. He is a member of the Knickerbocker Euriiiture Company, a description of which is given elsewhere. Rev. N. M. Learned, pastor of Franklin Ave- nue Methodist Episcopal Cluux'h, was born in Vermont, October 29th. 1838. He was converted in 1855, licensed to preach in 1859; studied at Newbury Seminary and New Hampton Theolo- gical Institute. Received into the conference in 1863, and was ordained deacon in 1865. Ordained elder, 1867, filling appointments at Eden Mills and other places. Was sent to Stowe for two years, then to Bakersfield for two years. While there buried his wife, then went to Cambridge,then to Middletow^n Springs, and Clarendon Springs. Then transferred by Bishop Simpson to Troy con- ference New York. While at Wells, had a great revival, and over one hundred conversions, which resulted in the founding of a church, and he was unanimously invited to be its pastor, which he accepted and remained for two years. Then failing health sent him to Minnesota, and at the re(iuest of the presiding elder of the St. Cloud district, he went to Sauk Rapids. He then went to Austin, Texas, for a few months, and returning to Minnesota, was transfeired by Bishop Wiley from the Troy conference to the Minnesota conference and stationed at Clinton Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, St. Paul, for one year. Then to Farmington for two years, doing much good. Then to the Washington Av- enue Methodist Episcopal church for two years; many were ^dded to the church; he found a debt of $2,000, which was provided for. The quarterly con- ference unanimously voted for his return, but on account of the great strain upon his system, asked for, and was permitted to make a change. Married February 16th, 1864, to Miss Saphrona B-uck, of St. Albans, Vermont, a lady of rare accomplishments, and a skilled artist, whose fame and loveliness was too soon cut off by death. Married again in Octo- ber, 1873, to Miss Lucy A. Herrick, of St. Albans, Vermont, who was educated at the New Hamp- ton Institute. She is a lady of high culture and an artist of distinction and fine taste, as the many beautiful pictures, which adorn the walls of their pleasant home will testify. They have two children, Frank IL, and Mattiel. Julius Leber is a native of Dresden, Kingdom of Saxony, born February 22d, 1828. He acquired a knowledge of truss making at Dresden, and worked at his trade in Liverpool, Berlin, Vienna, and other European cities, until 1849, when he emigrated to Ameri'-a, and worked in New York, St. Louis, New Orleans, Philadelphia and other places until 1870 ; he then bought a farm and lo- cated at Anoka, Minnesota. Two years later he removed to Minneapolis and commenced the manufacture of trusses, wire bolting cloth, and mechanical apparatus for deformities. The greater portion of his work is done by contract for medi- cal men of large cities. Mr. Leber was married in 1851, to Teresa Brudj of Saxony. Their child- ren are: William, Henry, Louisa, Juhus, Jr., and Adolph. John T. Lee was born in 1840, and is a native of Canada. He accompanied his parents to Ver- mont, and in 1856 to Lowell, Massachusetts. His father was a blacksmith and taught his son the trade, while so young he was obliged to .«tand on a box to strike tlie anvil. In 1875, Mr. Lee re- moved to Montreal, Canada, and there remained in the blacksmith and carriage making business until 1879, when lie came to this city. He was a member of the city council of Lowell, in 1866-7 and was trial justice in the same place fourteen years. He was married in 1863, to Miss Lucy Marsh, who bore him one son, George. John M. Lee was born in New York, August 19th, 1827. He came to Minnesota in 1856 and located in St. Anthony, and worked a short time at carpentering ; he then removed to Michigan where he remained until 1865, when he enlisted in the Eleventh Michigan Infantry and went to 582 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Tennessee, where he remained until September, 1865, and received his diseliarge. He located in McLeod county, Minnesota, on a farm, in 1868, and remained three years, then returned to iliu- neapolis and has since given his attention to car- pentering. He was married in 1858, to Alniira Jones of New York, by whom he has two child- ren: Eliza and Agnes. I^. A. Legg was born in Lowell, Massachnsetts February 13th, 1853. He moved to Berlin, Wis- consin, while quite young, and in 1866 removed to Minneapolis. He has been at his present lo- cation. Fourth street south, between Xicollet and First Avenue south, alxmt two years. He has a sale, livery, and boarchng stable. He was mar- ried to Miss Annie Xoren in 1878. John G. Lennon was born at Bolton, England, July 6th, 1815. He came to America in 1841, as supercargo of a vessel, for the tirm in whose em- ploy he had l)een. He landed in Xew Orleans, and after delivering the cargo, passed two years in traveling through the states, and in 1843 loca- ted at St. Croix Falls, remaining two years, when he returned to St. Louis and engaged with the American Fur Company. He returned to Men- dota, Miiuiesota, in 1846, and the next year re- moved to St. Paid. In 1849 he took charge of the St. Anthony outfit, and remained until 1856; then began business for himself in the mercan- tile and lumbering line. This he sold in 1859, and removed to his stock-farm in Sibley county, remaining until the rebellion. He accompanied the Sibley expedition to l^e\irs Lake and the Missouri river, as assistant in the commissary department imder Captain Forbes. He retiu'ned to Fort Snelling in the fall of 1863, then w^nt to Memphis, Tennessee, where he was quartermas- ter of the first division of the Sixteenth corps un- der General Mower. They disbanded at Louis- ville, Kentucky, where he remained in the real estate business and prosecuting claims for the government. In 1873 he returned to this city, and has since continued in the real estate busi- ness. During the winter of 1877 he suffered a stroke of paralysis, from which he has never fully recovered. He was married at Fort Snell- ing to Mary B. Me Lain, in 1851. Theirchildren are Catharine and John. AV. 11. I.,eonard, physician and surgeon, was born in Tolland county, Connecticut, December, 1826. He received a high school education in his native state, and one course at the Xew York State University, and graduated from the Yale ^ledical School, session of 1S52-3. He set- tled in Wyoming county, Xew York, and began his practice. He removed to Minneapolis in 1855. and has continued in practice here since. In Xovember, 1862, he entered the army as assistant surgeon of the Fifth ilinnesota Infantry, and was afterwards promoted to surgeon. He mustered out at Fort Snelling in 1865, and re- sumed his practice as a physician immediately after his discharge. He was health officer of the first board organized in this city. When he be- gan in his profession, he was the youngest prac- titioner in the city. He was married in Octo- ber. 1853. to Miss Jane Preston, of Connecticut. Theu- children are: William, now a physician, and Gertrude. John Leppla, a native of Germany, was born in 1846. He came to the United States in 1860, and passed two years in Pennsylvania and Ken- tucky; then removed to Appletou, Wisconsin, remaining two years. In 1864 he came to Min- neapolis and engaged in milling until 1876, when he opened a saloon and billiard hall. He was married in 1871, to Lena WistfaU, who bore him three children: Lena, Annie, and John. G. L. Levi and Company are proprietors of the Philadelphia One Price Clothing Store, at 205 Hennepin Avenue and 204 Xicollet Avenue. The house on Ilemiepin Avenue was established by Aultmau and Loucheim, who were succeeded by G. L. Levi and Company, in 1877. This firm removed to their present location the next year-, where they transact a jobbing and retail busi- ness. The individual members of the firm are G. L. Levi and M. Levi, G. F. Libby is a native of Maine, born in Octo- ber, 1834. At the age of sixteen, he learned the trade of blacksmithing in Cherryfield, of his na- tive state. In 1854. he located in Wisconsin, and the next year removed to St. Anthony, He re- mained only a short time, then w-ent to Montieello and opened a blacksmith shop. There he resided until 1858, when he returned to this city and opened an establishment at his present location, 104 First street north, it being at that time, the onlv one of the kind on that street. He was en- BIOGRAPHICAL. 583 with his trade. He was married to Miss Elsie Sime, of New Brunswick, in 1860. They have three sons and five daughters. Mr. Lil)l)y served two years as street commissioner. Joseph Libby was born at Goldsborough, Maine, January 12th, 1805. He lived there twenty-five years, then removed to Washington county, giv- ing his attention to lumbering. In 1850, he came to this city and almost immediately started up Rum River, on a prospecting tour. He engaged in lumbering on tliis river for seven years, about one hundred miles above the present site of Anoka. In 1857, he built a flat-boat, seventy-four by eight feet, and after loading it with supplies for the camp during tlie winter, towed and pad- dled it np tlie Mississippi about two hundred miles. He had a crew of sixteen men. eight working oxen, some cattle for beef, and one horse used to tow the boat. They were about twenty- six days on the route. Mr. Libby was the first lumberman in that region, and worked tliere un- til 1877. He has since lived with liis family in this city, enjoying the fruits of his labors. He was married in July, 1832, to Miss Priscilla Wil- son. Tliey are the parents of nine children, seven of whom are living, the eldest being forty-two. Thomas Libby is a native of England, born Au- gust 29th, 1824. He learned the mechanic's trade at home. In August. 1850, he came to the United States and located at Middletown, Connecticut, where he remained working at his trade five years. He then removed to a farm in Wisconsin, where he resided fifteen or sixteen years engaged in farming, in connection with his trade. He removed to Baraboo, and remained until com- ing to Minneapolis in 1878. He married Miss Theresa Hocking, of England, in 1845. They have foiu- children: Theresa, Thomas, Mary and William. N. P. Liljengren is a native of Sweden, born in 1845. He came to America in 1873, and located in Illinois, coming to this city the next year. He worked as furniture polisher until 1877, when he started in the manufacturing business and has been successfully engaged in it since. He was united to Miss Augusta Anderson in 1877. Resi- dence Ninth Avenue south. H. F. Lillibridge, a well known resident of Minneapolis, was born May 26th, 1836, at Wil- mington, Todd coimty, Connecticut. He came to this city in 1856 and after remaining a few months removed to Monticello, Wright county, where he remained eight years in the mercantile business : lie was a clerk for Fox and !Mealy one year, then bought Mr. Mealy 's interest in 1857. He sold out his interest and returned to this city in I860 and in partnership with J. (i. Smith en- gaged in making sash, doors and blinds. He dis- posed of his interest and kept books for J. Dean and Company, and remained until he purchased the cracker bakery. Mr. Lillibridge is now con- ducting the leading cracker and confectionery manufactory of the north-west, located in three buildings. 13. 17 and 19 South Third street. I. L. Lincoln was bom in Worcester, Massa- chusetts. April 5th, 1818. He learned his trade, that of blacksmithing, at sixteen years of age. He passed a number of years in visiting through his native state and New Hampshire and in August, 1847, removed to Peru, South America, engaged in the pursuit of his trade and ship- ping provisions, until 1855. He then located in Illinois and worked in a steam saw mill one and one-half years, thence to Kankakee, residing seven years on a farm. He came to St. Paul in 1863 and two years later went to South Bend andFar- mington. In 1872 he made this city his home and has since remained here in the blacksmithing business. At present lie is a member of tlie firm of Lincoln and Lee. He has been maiTied three times; to his present wife in 1874. Hans Lindas was born in ^larsliall, Wisconsin, in 1854. He passed liis youth in Ills native town and learned the trade of tinsmith. In 1875 he re- moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin ; thence in 1876 to Chicago. The next year he came to this city continuuig at his trade until 1880, when he be- came one of the firm of Cross and Lindas, located at 829 Washington Avenue south. He was mar- ried in 1878, to Belle Ilowland of Norway, who bore him one child, Charles. H. Lindblad is a native of Sweden, born July 12th, 1850. He gained a knowledge of machin- ery in his native country, and in 1872, came to America. He was employed as a house-builder and cabinet maker, at Taylor's Falls, Miunesot?, two years, and came to Minneapolis in 1874. Here he has been engaged in building, also in the different mills of the city as a mill-wright for two years past, and is now in the Pettit mill. He 584 HISTORY OF HENKEPIN C0UK1Y. married iliss Johanna Jolinson in 1874. Their children are, John. Herman and Ileljra. Thomas yi. Linton was born at Dover, Xew Hampshire, December 2.5th, 1831. He went to California in 1851, and engaged in mining three years, when he came to this city and gave his at- tention to lumbering five years; lie was tlien in the employ of A. Kelly, grocer, three years. He traveled through Oregon. Montana. California, and Utah, passing two years, then returned to this city in 1864. Two years after his return, the firm of Clark and Linton was established— whole- sale dealers in grain. Hour and feed, 505 Wash- ington Avenue south. He was married in 1869 to Miss Man- Bean, who bore him one child, Mary. A. Livingston was born in Schoharie county, S'ew York, in 1845. He accompanied his parents to Albany in 1857. and remained there until 1864, the last three year's being spent in the dry-goods business. He next removed to Janesville, 'Wis- consin, dealing in groceries until 1S71. when he came to Minneapolis. The next year he bought the stock of groceries from Mr. George Wales at 823 Fourth street south, where he has since re- mained. He was married in 1873 to Lizzie Love, of Albany, Xew York. They have onp daughter living. Grace. William Lochren, of the firm of Lochren, Mc- Nair and Gilflllan, was born April 3d, 1832, at Tyrone, Ireland. He came to America at the age of two years and passed his youth in northern Vermont, and received a common school and aca- demic education. He read law. and was admit- ted to the bar in Franklin county, "N'ermont, in 1856. During that year, he came to St. Anthony and practiced his profession there until 1869. with the exception of the time passed in the army. In 1869, the firm of Lochren.and McXair was formed, Avhich continued until 1871. wlien J. B. Gilflllan was admitted as partner. Mr. Lochren enlisted as private in the First Mmnesota Volunteers in 1861, but in course of time, was promoted to First Lieutenant; he resigned two months before his discharge. After his retiu-n, he was city at- tarney much of the time, until the consolidation of the two cities. He was elected state senator in 1868 from the fourtli district, which then in- cluded Hennepin, Anoka, Isanti," Mille Lacs and Benton counties. He was also city attorney of this city in 1877. He was married in 1871 to Mrs. ilartlia Demmon, who died in 1879, leaving one daugliter, Martha. J. E. Lockwood, of the firm of Lockwood, Up- ton and Company, was born in Orange county, Xew York, in 1832. He learned the trade of machinist at the Matteawan Manufucturing Iron Works, one of the oldest establishments in that country, in 1845. In 1854 he went to Providence, Ehode Island, where he was engaged in steam engine works, which during the war employed sixteen hundred men. In 1865 he entered the Schenck Machine Works as superintendent, re- maining luitil 1 869, when he removed to Jilinnea- polis, and superintended the Minnesota Iron Works until 1872. He then commenced business for himself in a shop where the Humboldt miU now stands. From there he removed to his pres- ent location, and the present firm was organized. He was married in 18-55 to Martha Colville. Their children Uving are Edwin and Mary. H. Lohse, a native of Hamburg, Germany, was born August 19th, 1853. He studied art in Ger- many from 1870 until January, 1880, when he came to Minneapolis. He worked with Mr. W. Brown a few mouths, then went in partnership with him. and finally bought his interest in the business. Mr. Lohse does fine work in card and cabinet photographs. His gaUerj- is 119 Wash- ington Avenue north. A. C. Loring was born in Wilwaukee. Wiscon- sin, August 31st, 1858. At the age of two years he moved with his father to Minneapolis. The firm of Weeks and Loring was organized January 1st, 1880. They are wholesale dealers in grain, miU-feed, etc., and will this year buy and sell two thousand, seven hundred and fifty car-loads, doing business mostly with Xew York and Xew England. Their place of business is 405 Wash- ington Avenue south. He married Miss Ida Eastman in 1879. One child has been born to them, Fred. Mrs. Loring died in Xovember, 1880. S. B. Lovejoy was born at Livermore. Maine, in 1850. He came with his parents to St. An- thony in 1854. In 1868 he entered the First Xa- tional Bank as collection boy and corresponding clerk, after which he held the position of assist- ant book-keeper, and iu 1872 was promoted to chief book-keeper. In 1874 he took charge of BIOGRAPHICAL. 585 W. Hale and Company's flouring-mill, and the next year the firm dissolved. He then became treasurer of the Rum River Boom Company, and has since held that position. He was married in this city, in 1872, to Miss Louise, daughter of George N. Morgan, now deceased, an old settler of this country. Their children are : Emma Louise, Edith, and Ethel. Henry A. Loverin was born in Chicago, in 1838. He came to St. Anthony in 1849, and at the age of eighteen years went to California, re- maining nine years. He returned to St. Anthony and was married in 1865, when he removed to Chicago remaining there nine years engaged in contracting and building. In 1874 he located in this city, and the year following established his present business, that of carpentering, cabinet- making and jobl)ing. r. P. Lowell is a native of Maine, born October 28th, 1852. He passed his childhood and received his educaton in his native place. In 1868 he went to Florida, but returned, however, the same year. In 1871 he engaged in business in Port- land, Maine, but sold out the next year and re- turned to his native place where he opened a grocery store, in which he continued until 1876; he then sold oiit and removed to this city. He first had a stand in the city market and then bought the grocery store at 229 Central Avenue, where he has remauied. He wai married, in 1874, to Lizzie Foye, who died three years after, leaving one child, Harry. He married in 1880, Martha Hughes, who has borne him one child. Myrtle. J. F. Low was born at Frankfort, Maine, in 1831. He remained with his parents until ISoO, when he went to Boston and remained four years, then came west, locating at St. Anthony in Octo- ber, 1854. At that time there were but two buildings on the west side. When the news was received that that land was open to entry, over two hundred claim shanties sprang up in one night. Mr. Low traded a gold watch for a claim, which he sold two weeks later for five hundred dollars. He took out the first auctioneer's license issued in Minnesota, and in company with Mr. Sawtelle engaged in selling goods at auction in the towns adjoining. He removed to Oak Grove, on a farm, where he remained four years, thence to St. Paul two years. In 1862, he enUsted in Company G, Sixth Minnesota Infantry, and was in the Indian campaign. One year later he re- turned to Fort Snelling and remained five years. He was engaged in the mercantile business at Darwin, Minnesota, two years, then came to this city, taking charge of the Pacific elevator, which position he has since held. He married Miss Leatliers, of Maine, who died in 1870. His sec- ond wife was Miss Cyphers, of this city. They have six children, the oldest son being a conductor on the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Rail- road, running from St. Paul to St. Cloud. S. B. Jjoye is a native of New Brunswick, born July 19th, 1835. He moved to Maine in 1855, thence to Kansas, coming to Minneapolis by boat, in 1857. He learned harness making after leav- ing school, at the age of fifteen, and on coming to this city engaged in the harness business. He was formerly a member of the firm of Greeley, Loye and Company, this establishment being one of the first here. He was married in 1861, to Antoinette Palmer, of Hennepin county, who has borne him three sons: William, Edwin, and Albert. Mr. Loye's place of business is 118 AVasliington Avenue south. Rudolph Lueck, a native of Germany, was bom February 24th, 1838. He came to the United States, in 1866, and spent one year in Wisconsin, at Milwaukee and LaCrosse. In 1867 he located in this city, being in the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad car shops imtil 1877, when he opened a restaurant and sample room, at 1219, Washington Avenue south, where he has since remained. He married Constance Riepenzike, in 1866. They have one child: Mary. JSIary Hale Lufkin, M. D., was born in Jeffer- son county, Indiana, and received her early ed- ucation there. She studied medicine, and grad- uated from the Hygeo Therapeutic College, of New York, in 1863, with the degree of M. D. After graduating she practiced in Indiana until 1870, when she removed to Minneapolis and has since practiced here. Her method of treatment is principally by application of various kinds of baths, on hygienic principles, such as electro-ther- mal, improved Turkish, etc. Her establishment is known as the Hygienic Health Institute, and is the only one of the kind ui the city, Located 256J First Avenue South. Mr. Gus Lundell, partner in business of P. 586 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Osander, is a native of Sweden, born April 25th, 1846. He attended the public schools in his na- tive country a number of terms, and in 1868 emigrated to Quebec, Canada. The same year he removed to Iowa, and engaged in farming until 1871. when he located in MinneapoUs. and entered into partnership with P. Osander, deal- ing in pumps, wind-mills, and general business in wells. 257 First Avenue south. A. G. Luudberg, a native of Sweden, was born December 18th, 1847. Here he lived until 1870, during which time he gained a knowledge of shoe-making. He then came to the United States, locating first at Hastings. Minnesota. thence to ilmneapolis in 1872, where he worked at his trade six years, then opened a shop witli ^Ir. Odegard at 12 Second Avenue south. He married Annie Dahlgren, of Sweden, in 1877. They have two children, Ludwig and Ruth. C. C. Lyford Y. S., graduated from the Illinois Industrial University m "75. from the McGill Med ical College in 1879, and from the Montreal Yet- ermary College in 1877. He came to Minneapo- lis in March, 1880, and began practicing his pro- fession; he also practiced during vacations of school. Office and infirmary, 309 and 311 Sec- ond Avenue soutli. John Lynch, mill-wright of Cataract mill, was born in 1837. He learned the trade of miller in his native country, and at the age of tweuty-thres went to Glasgow, Scotland, and i-emained there imtil 1879 when he came to the United States and located at Minneapolis, working m the Galaxy mill eight mouths, and has since been in the Cataract mill. He was married in 1864 to Catharine Mc- Dounigh who bore him one child, Francis. Michael Lyons was born at Longford. Ireland, August loth, 1833. He went to England at the age of twelve, with his parents, and was there reared to manhood. He came to America in the spring of 1853. locating first in Xew York, where he remained four years engaging in plastering, that being his trade. He then came to St. An- thony where he has since remained, working at his trade. He married 2iliss Rose Ann Clary, of St. Anthony, m 1866. Residence, 628 Quincy street. Jacob Machmeier, a native of Milwaukee. Wis- consin, was born November 2d, 1855. Wlien fif- teen years of age he commenced learning black- smithing and has continued the trade since. He was in different places in Wisconsin until the spring of 1879, when he removed to Fargo, and in the fall of the same year to ^linneapolis. At first he worked for the street car company, then a short time for JSIr. Cramsie. and is now one of the firm of Murphy and Machmeier ; they do all kinds of repairing and job work, and make a specialty of horse shoeing. J. H. Mackroth,a native of Germany, was bom in October. 1848, and was given the advantages of a college education. He came to America in 1868, and was employed by the Chicago. Burling- ton and Qumcy railroad company as civil en- gineer, until 1870 ; then two years for the Mis- souri, Iowa and Nebraska railroad, and three years in the office of the latter company serving as auditor. After this he went in business for himself, and is now a member of the firm of Clark and Mackroth, dealers in agricultural implements. Mr. Mackroth resides at 1408 Nicollet Avenue. He was married in 1875 to Belle Kelso. Their children are Otis and Stuart. 1). A. Macurdy, born at Dunbarton, New Ilampshke, in 1832. For many years he kept a general store in liis native state. August 11th, 1862 he enlisted in the Fourteenth New Hamp- shire Yolunteers as private, and was promoted to captain : he was honorably discharged July 28th, 1865. He went to St. Paul in November, 1878, and after a residence of a few months there, re- moved to this city. In June, 1879, he was em- ployed by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad company and has has charge of shipping the lumber from this point. He married Salome Fellows in 1852. They have buried their three children. C. Madson, a native of Denmark, was born October 11th, 1849. He came to tlie United States in 1871, and located at St. Paul. Here- moved to Minneapolis, and was employed m the Nortli Star Woolen Mills until the spring of 1876; in September of that year he started in the gro- cery trade in partnership with Mr. Johnson. They own the property tliey are occupying, No. 1216 \Vestern Avenue. Mr. Madson was mar- ried in 1879 to Lotta Johnson. Louis Maeder was born in Switzerland. Janua- ary 1st, 1831. He came to the United States in 1854, and passed a few months in Ohio and two BIOGBAPHICAL. 587 years in Indiana; then spent six years in Wiscon- sin in tlie brewing business. In 1862 lie came tn this city and liept the toll house, at the bridge near Orth's brewery, some time, and in 1865 be- came proprietor of the hotel where he now is, at 229 Main street, N. E. His marriage witli The- resa Schab took place August 2d, 1862. They have had five children: Elizabeth, Josephine, Cliarles, Albert and Louis. W. I). Mahaffy, a native of Ireland, was born September 25th, 1848. He was educated at Queen's College, Belfast. On leaving school he removed to Canada, and located in Toronto, where lie carried on an extensive painting and decorating establishment. In July, 1880, he came to Minneapolis, and contemplates making this his home. Mrs. B. Mahoney is the owner and landlady of the Excelsior House, situated at the corner of Second street and Second Avenue. This house was built in 1872; it is 33x60 feet and two stories in height. Mrs. Mahoney was left a widow in 1871, with a family of seven children. Captain Lewis Maisli \\as born July 2d, l.slO, at York, Pennsylvania. When sixteen years of age, he was apprenticed to the Variety Iron Works of York, and served there four years. In August, 1860, he took an active part in organiz- ing a company, and was appointed second lieu- tenant of Company B, Eighty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania A^olunteers; he was promoted to captain in October, 1863. In June, 1861, he was captured and held as a prisoner of war for nine months; then he made his escape, and was mus- tered out of service in April, 1865. In Septem- ber, 1867, he came to Minneapolis and has since been in business here; he is a member of the firm' of Hashow, Maisli and Davis of the Variety Iron Works. Mr. Maish was married in 1863 to Jen- nie Gaenslen, Their only living child is Xettie. Mrs. Maish was well known by many of the sick and wounded soldiers for whom she cared. For Iier persistence in aiding the wounded Union sol- diers, she was arrested, by order of a rebel gen- eral, and sent with forty-four Union ladies to Richmond, and incarcerated in "Castle Thun- der" until exchanged. August Malnisten, a native of Sweden, was liorn in 1844. He learned the trade of machinist in the old countrv, and in 18G9 came to America. He located in Minneapolis and worked at his trade with different firms, until he engaged in business for himself. He was married in this city, in August, 1871, to Miss Annie Johnson. Their children are : Mary, Nellie, Annie and Jennie. The family reside at 1121, Eighth street south. William Marriott was born in Nottingham, England, Marcli 27th, 1832. He came to America in 1849, and served an apprenticesliip in Henry Diston's saw works at Philadelphia. After learning his trade he began business in company with Henry Diston, at Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturing saws, files, etc. He made and lost a large fortune, then became discouraged and retired from business for six years, during which time he invented Marriott's celebrated boiler compound. He came to this city in 1879, and was employed by different firms until 1880, when he again went into business, manufactur- ing all kinds of saws, at No. 256, Sixth Avenue south. Albert Marsh, born in Aroostook county, Maine, June 21st, 1840. He moved with his parents to Bangor, where he attended the public schools until 1858, when he entered Kent's Hill College, and graduated in the spring of 1861. Soon after leaving school he enlisted in the Second Maine Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded at the second battle of Bull Run, and taken prisoner, but was paroled, and returned just in time to participate in the battle of Fred- ericksburg; another time when he was captured he made his escape by swimming a river. His regiment was mustered out in June, 1863, and the following Septemljer he re-enlisted. He re- ceived four wounds, and was several times taken prisoner, and served until honorably discharged in 1866. He came here in 1878, and since the fall of 1879 has served on the police force. His wife was Eva Sumner. Their children are: Arnold and Fred. Jacob Marten was born in (ierniany, in 1838. He came to the United States in 1864, and lived one year in Carver county, Minnesota, engaged in farming. In 1865 he came to this city, worked about five months in a brewery, then was em- ployed in the woolen mills nearly five years, and passed two years in the teaming business. In 1872 he erected the buildmg at 1501 AVashington 588 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Avpnue south, and for four years kept a grocery and feed store. In the summer of 1880 he built at 1507 Washington Avenue south, where he is now located. Jle married Mena Copul in 1867. Their children are: Anna, Mary, Amelia, Lillian, John, and William. II. jNI. Martin came to jNIinneapolis in 1857, and worked at printing until 1861, when he enlisted and served three years in the First Minnesota Volunteers; afterwards two years on tlie frontier. In 1866, he returned to this city and again en- gaged in printing until 1868, when he took up his present business. He is located at 209 Xicollet Avenue, and deals in soda, mineral and excelsior wat«'s. October 7th, 1866, he married Matilda Peterson. They have had four children; only two are living. Mahlon Martindell, a native of Lambertville, New Jersey was born April 20th, 1839. He learned carpentering, and in 1870, moved to Iowa, where he remained one and one-half years. In 1872, he came here and worked in the Washburn A mill, and has since been employed as mill- wright at the different mills of this city. On the 18th of January, 1866, his mariage with Kachel Dalrymple took place. Five children have been born to them. Harry, Ella, Laura, Leva, Lille and Bessie. Col. Hans Mattson, editor of tlie Stats Tidning, was born in Onestad, Sweden, I)t;cember 23d, 1832. He received his primary education at Christianstf-d, Sweden, and at the age of seven- teen, entered military service. Two years later he left the service and emigrated to the United States, arriving in June, 1851. He engaged in various occupations in the eastern states, and the second winter in this country, he mastered the English language. His parents came to this country in 1853, and together they went to Illi- nois. In August of that year, he located with a colony of his countrymen, in Goodhue county. ^Mimiesota, and at once took a prominent position in the public affairs of his township. He specu- lated in lots and lands until the crash of 1857, which left him in debt. He then began the study of law with Warren Bristol, now a judge in Arizona territory, and after one year was ad- mitted to practice. He occupied several promi- nent offices in Goodhue county, and on the break- ing out of the war, enlisted as captain of Com- pany D, Third ^Minnesota Infantry. Was pro- moted through the intervening oflices, and came home in 1865 as colonel of his regiment. He then engaged in the practice of law until 1866, when he went to Chicago as editor of a Swedish newspa- per. January, 1867, he returned to Minnesota as secretary of the state board of immigration, and in 1869, was elected secretary of state, but went to Europe in tlie interests of railroad corporations, before his term expired, llemained in Europe four years, and returned to this state, and has since resided in Minneapolis. He is chief edi- tor of the Stats Tidning. a Swedish newspaper, and general manager of the Swedish Tribune of Chicago. He was married November 23d, 1855, in the town of Vasa, Goodhue county, to Chers- tin Peterson, who was born in Sweden, April oth, 1838. Their marriage ceremony was the first performed in that township. After passing througli many hardships in the course of his life, he is now enjoying the comforts of a happy home. Paul Marto, born January 7th, 1848, in Ver- mont. In 1861 he went to Fort Plain, Xew York, and remained until he enlisted, in 1862, in the one lunidred and twenty-eiglith New York Yu\- unteers. After serving three years he returned to Fort Plain, and for live years was engaged in the manufacture of cigars. In 1870 he removed to Minneapolis. He continued in the cigar busi- ness about two years, then went back to New York for a short time, and thence to Bennington, Vermont, where he resided until 1878, when he once more came to this city, and went into business at No. 53 Central Avenue. He married Amanda Clapper, in 1869. George Maskell, a native of England, was bom January lltli, 1839, in Essex county. In 1873 he came to the United States, and first located in Clay county, Minnesota, where he was employed in farming until 1874. He then came to this city and opened the lirst meat stall in the new market, where he is still located. Mr. Haskell's family consists of a wife and one son. William Massolt, born January 1st, 1831, in Germany. In 1850 he moved to Pennsylvania, and lived at AUentown until 1854, when he went to Seneca county, Ohio. The year following he came to this city, and hence to Stillwater, where lie resided nine years, and then spent four years at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. He returned to Min- BIOGRAPHICAL. 589 neapolis in 1868, and engaged in bottling ginger ale, soda and mineral waters, etc. He is at 126 Plymouth Avenue. In 1861 lie married Mary Costmann. Tlieir living children are : Matilda, Albert, Anna, Augusta, Willie, Ida, Lillie, and Charlie. A. C. Matthews was born in Montgomery county. New York, February 1st, 1832. He went with his parents to Pennsylvania, and learned carpentering. At the age of twenty-one years he removed to Ohio, and thence to Illinois. In 1861 he enlisted in the Seventeenth Illinois, Company D, as private, and was promoted to first lieuten- ant. He was several times wounded, and in February, 1863, resigned on account of disability. At Winona, Minnesota, he was engaged in car- penter work about ten years, and removed to this city in 1873. He was employed at the Washburn "A" and '• B " mills until July, 1878 ; since that time has been at the " C " mill. In 1863 lie mar- ried Jenny Taylor. Their children are : Harry, Charles, Frank, Winnie, George, Ernest, Grace, and a babe. Samuel Martty was born in Switzerland, Feb- ruary 25th, 1821. He came to the United States in 1848, and resided in the state of New York until 1852, wlien he removed to Dakota county, Minnesota, and bought a farm. He has made Minneapolis his home since 18G2. In September. 1879, he opened a drug store at 103 Plymouth Avenue. Mr. Martty married, in 1846, Margaret Hilflcker. They are tlie parent-s of four children: Mary, Sophie, Othmar, and Lizzie. Nicholas Mangen was born May 6th. 1856, in Germany. In 1866 he came to Minneapolis and in 1876 commenced blacksmithing; he also learned the trade of wagon-making, and is now doing a good business. He was formerly in company with Mr. Wier. but in December, 1880, Mr. Man- gen bouglit his partner's interest, and is now manufacturing wagons, sleighs, etc., besides do- ing general blacksmithing. In 1880, he married Annie Jaspers, who has borne him one son. Nicholas Mauren was born June 25th, 1842, in Prussia. He came with his parents to America and located at Chicago, Illinois, where he re- mained nine years. In October, 1861, he came to Minnesota and the year following enlisted in Company I, Si.xth Minnesota Volunteers. He was promoted to corporal and served three years. being discharged with the regiment in August, 1865. On his return he located in Minneapolis, and has since resided here, engaged in the manu- facture of barrels, and is the business manager of the East Side Co-operative Barrel Company. In October, 187 1, he married Anna Thielen. They are the parents of live children. E. M. May, a native of New York, was bom Febniary 25th, 1829, in Madison county. When comparatively young, he learned the confection- ery business at Troy, New York, and has fol- lowed it ever since. In 1874 he came to Minne- apolis and has become very popular here as a confectioner and caterer. His marriage with Lydia Smith took place in 1851. at Oxford, Che- nango county. New York. Their family consists of two sons and oiie daughter. J. B. JNIaynard was born in Montreal, Canada, January 19th, 1845. He learned milling at home and in 1869 moved to Bochester, New York, and worked at liis trade there five years. After a residence of two years in Illinois, he returned to Bochester, thence to Toronto, Canada, and in January, 1879, came to Minneapolis. Since June, 1880, he has had charge of the North Star mill. His wife was Harriet Grieve, whom he married hi 1875. She has borne him two children. S. McAninch was born in Licking county, Ohio, December 6th, 1846. He accompanied his parents to Valparaiso, Indiana, in 1855. In 1861 he enlisted and served three years in the war of the rebellion, participating in the battles of Nash- ville, Altoona, Atlanta, Dalton and many others. After leaving the army lie lived in Indiana five years, then went to Michigan and was employed in a barrel factory there three years. In 1873 he came to this city and was in a planing mill, and worked for Bisbee and Moses until 1877, since which time he has been running stationary en- gines fordifferent parties. He married Ida Hun- ter in 1870. Their children are: Harry and Orvil. William McArdlewas born in Ottawa, Canada, October 5th, 1848. He moved to the state of New York in 1865, and lived there two years. In 1867 he spent a short time in Kansas in the cattle herding business. He came to Minneapolis and engaged in lumbering until May, 1880. since then has been in the saloon business with Mr. Walker. July 28th, 1879, he married Miss Kate nice, who has borne him one child, Susan Kate. 590 BISTORT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Joseph McCartin. a native of Lonsdale. Rhode Island, was bom November 26th, 1857. When a boy. he came with his parents to Minneapolis, and since 1866 has been in the Union mill, witli the exception of two yeai-s that he was employed in the Xorth Star woolen mills. Eev. Tliomas ^leClary. pastor of the Fii-st Methodist Episcopal Church, was born in Canada in 1841. He was licensed to preach in 1859, and appointed to Eureka in 1860. on a salary of fifty dollars; to Glencoe one year, having a revival and making many additions to the church. At Shelbyville one year. St. Peter and Cleveland one year, at Morristown for two years, then to Anoka for three years. Red AVing two years. Then to the Seventh street Methodist Episcopal Church for three yeare. during which time the member- ship was increased from about sixty to three hundred. ' During that time, organized the Wash- ington Avenue Methodist Church, which is now in a flourishing condition. Organized and built a mission chapel on the comer of Cataract and Thud streets, also organized and built a mission chapel on the comer of Eighteenth Avenue south and Twenty-second street. From the Seventh street church he was transferred to the upper Iowa conference as pastor of the Fu-st Methodist Episcopal church at Davenport. Then trans- fened back to ^Minnesota and stationed at Man- kato for three years, paying in that time fifteen hundred dollare of the floating debt, and adding by conversion, some two hundred membei-s to the church. Commenced about tliat time a coui-se of temperance and literary lectures. Among his popular ones are: '-Diana of the Ephesians,"' ■•Henry Wilson," "Struggle for a Home," '-Joan of Arc." and "Sunshine in Labor." Among the many incidents of his eventful life we cannot re- frain from mentioning the following: Weary of traveling on foot over his large circuit, he bought \ a horse for thirty-seven dollars, paying teji dollare down, then a harness had to be improvised : some scraps of leather were obtained and with tow strings for buckles and using an old piece of the britching of an old harness for a breast plate and a bed cord for reins and a jumper for a sleigh, with a white hat on his head and a pair of green goggles on his nose, our hero in the cause of j Methodism started, earning witli him in his primitive rig at times, all there was of Methodism. At another time, the ladies made" out of an old three cornered blanket, a coat for him. with the broad stripe around the bottom. When at an- other place a broken merchant gave him a cut- away coat with the sleeves much too short for him, which he wore for a while and then traded with a Pennsylvania farmer for a capacious shad- bellied one, which was afterwards cut up and made into a vest for him. At another place he received for a year's preaching one hundred ears of corn and two chickens, and had to catch them himself and carried them six miles on horseback to get them cooked. At one collection on a very important occasion, after the contents of the con- tribution box had been carefuUy examined and finding only a few pennies and a button or two in it. he with much gra\1ty of manner told them it was not worth a benediction, and dismissed the congregation without it. Married ^Iiss Lizzie Fowble of Ohio. They have four children: Clar- ence O., Clara II.. Ella Zue (the elocutionist), and Corrhie. S. J. McCarty wasborn in Ireland. April Ttli. 1841. He came to America with his parents in 1847, and located at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At the age of seventeen, he commenced learning the machinisfs trade, and in 1857. moved to ileeker county. Minnesota, but in about three yeare he returned to Pittsburgh and worked at his trade until 18')2. when he came to ilinnesota and tauglit school in Meeker county. In the sprmg of 1869, he came to this city and was employed four months in the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad shops, then worked six years as foreman of the Xorth Star Iron Works, and for over two years was O. A. Pray"s foreman. Since June, 1880, he has been working at mill machinery, forging and general blacksmithing. He was mar- ried in 18S5 to Lizzie Campbell, who died in 1878, leaving four children. A. S. McCulloch was born m 1836. in Cumber- land county. Pennsylvania. Until twent\-five years of age, he lived on a farm, then engaged in mercantile business six years, and was for a time, treasurer and collector for the Ilarrisburg and Potomac Railroad Company. He came to Min- neapolis in 1874, formed a partnership with D. M. Gilmore, and engaged in the manufacture of furniture. Their factory is located in South :Min- neapolis. BIOOBAFHICAL. 591 M. McCune, a ilative of Ohio, was born in 1837. He moved to Ripon, Wisconsin, in 1S54, and work- ed at fanning twenty years; he tlien went to Aus- tin, Minnesota, and resided until October, 1880, when he came to this city, and started in the res- taurant and lodging-house business at 18 Wash- ington Avenue north. Ernest McDonald was born December 14th, 1848, in Maine. lie came west when a child and located at Brooklyn, in 18.53. He removed to Minneapolis in 1859; was in the grocery business and working in tlie pineries until 1875, when he opened a restaurant on Nicollet Avenue; lie re- mained there about three years, then moved to his present location, Boston Oyster House No. 200 Hennepin Avenue. His wife was Annie Lewis. Tlieir children are Nellie and Minnie. Francis S. McDonald was born June 10th, 1835, in Cumberland county, Maine. At the age of seventeen he went to Saccarappa, and worked in a cotton factory through the summer, and in the fall removed to Lewiston, where he was employed in the same way. After spending one year in Massachusetts, he came to Minnesota. Served one term as coiuity commissioner of Wright county, and was assessor of Otsego. In 1861 he enlisted as private in the Third Minnesota Vol- unteers, and was promoted to orderly sergeant. He had command of his company in the Indian campaign, and was commissioned second lieuten- ant. He re-enlisted in Hatch's Battalion, and was detailed as cleik in the draft rendezvous at Fort Snelling until 1865, when he was mustered out. In 180(1 he was appointed postmaster, which office he held about live years, when he resigned. In 1868 he come to this city, and was employed by different parties until 1874, when he was ap- pointed deputy and afterwards elected, county auditor. He was married in 1857, to Elizabeth Spencer. Their children are : Mary, Frank, Charles, and Nellie. James McDaniel was born in Madison county. New York, December 1st, 1847. He went to Manlius, Onondaga county, in 1864, to learn the milling business, and worked there fourteen months. He then returned to Madison comity for one and one-half years, and after residing in Oneida coiuity about a year, he went to Cazenovia. His next move was to Dexter, Michigan, where lie remained two years, and in March, 1874, came to this city. He worked several years in the A and B mills, and now occupies the position of head miller in the C. In 1878 he married Fannie Robie, who has borne him one child, Albert. John McDonald was born November 2d, 1830, in Maine. In 1847 he went on a whaling expedi- tion. After two years experience lie gave up this business, and sailed for San Francisco. They were totally wrecked on the coast of Panama, but were picked up by another vessel and continued their journey. He traveled about from Califor- nia to the Sandwich Islands, China, Cape Horn, and Columbia, until 1850, when he went to Bos- ton, thence to Mobile, and In 1852 he came to Minnesota and made a claim of 160 acres in Wright county, which he sold two years later, and came here. In 1861 he enlisted, and since being honorably discharged has divided his time between running as pilot on the upper Mississippi and lumbering. He married ^Slary J. Wood, in 1862. Of their three children but one is living. Addle C. John W. McDonald, born January 17th, 1842, in Canada. He worked at milling there five years, and in 1866 moved to Faribault, Minne- sota, continuing in the same business. He then spent two years at Clinton Falls, nine months at Mantorville, one year at Northfield, and in 1871 came here. He was- employed at the Washburn B, the Zenith, the Palisade and the Humboldt mills until the explosion, since which time he has been at the Pettit. His marriage with Mrs. Sarah Coburn took place in January, 1871. Their children are: Agnes and Irving. P. McDonald, a native of Canada, was born April 4th, 1848. He went to Maine in 1864, and remained six months, then followed lumbering eiglit years in Michigan, and was two years in Wisconsin, engaged in the saloon and lumber busuiess. In 1877 he came to this city, continu- ing in the lumbering business until he opened his sample room on Hennepin Avenue. Father James McGolrick, the subject of this sketch, is a native of Tipperary, Ireland, where lie received a thorough theological education in All Hallow's College, Dublin. Upon the com- pletion of his studies in 1867, he came to America, remaining one year in St. Paul, where he was engaged as assistant priest at tlie Cathedral. In 1868 he came to Minneapolis, and soon there- 592 mSTOBY OF REKNEPIN COVNTT. after seemed the grounds on which his house is located; first erected a small frame building in which services were held until his new church the first Catholic church on the West Side, was built and dedicated. He has heen foremost in every good work connected witli liis society, and is universally esteemed by the citizens of Min- neapolis, irrespective of sectarian association or religious views. S. X. McGaughey was bom in 1827, at Mount Carmel. Indiana. In 1847 he went to Decatur county, and was in the saw-mill business nine years; then moved to Minnesota and worked at farming six or seven years. He then passed some months at Red Wing, dealing in wheat, and in 1863 came to this city. For a while he was employed in manufacturing pumps; afterward spent two years with the North Star Iron Works, and one year in the fence works, eince 1875 he has been in the Union Planing Mill. In 1848 he maiTied Isabella Wynn. Their children are Vi- ola, Margarette and Cora. William ilcGregor was bom in Montreal, Can- ada, March 6th, 1852. After receiving a liberal education in Ids native place, he embarked in the groceiy business in 1875 and continued it until coming to Minneapolis in 1879, when for one year he was in the oil busuiess. In 1880 he bought an interest in the meat market of Salladaand Company, 727 Washington Avenue south. A. G. McKenzie, born November 11th, 1821, in Beaver county, Pennsylvania. From 1840 until 1850, he acted as pilot of a steamboat on the Ohio river, and then came to St. Anthony and was in the employ of Benson and Patterson in the stage line. He was in a liotel near Fort Suelling about two years; then returned and opened a restaurant in St. Anthony. In 1863 he went East, but came here again in 1865, and went into the sutler's department at Fort Snelling. He passed eighteen months at the Black Hills, and traveled from 1874 until 1880, when he opened a restaurant at 113 Central Avenue. His wife was Joanna Christmas; their marriage took place in June, 1852. Three children have been born to them: Don Carlos, Isaac and Harry. K. II. McLaskey, a native of New Bmnswick, was born in 1844. He lived t«o years in Iowa, and in 1872 removed to Minneapolis. He was in the lumbering business three years, and for the past five years has been connected w ith the mills of this city. July ISth, 1867, Mr. McLaskey married Josephine Kildea. They have had five children: Henry. Frank, Willie. Cora and Ernest. Peter McKernan was Ijorn in Ireland, Decem- ber, 1833. He came to America in 1848, and re- ceived his education in New York., In 1857 he came toilinneapolisand worked at farming until 1861, when he enlisted in Hatch's battahon and served until honorably discharged in 1865. He returned to this city, and from 1872 acted as street commissioner, until he entered the police force, in which he serves as patrol. In Februan", 1857, he married Ellen Eochford. Tliey have had five children. Ellen. Margaret, Ferrel, Peter and ilary. Only ilary survives. James McMillan, a native of Maine, was bom October 24th, 1856. in Oxford county. In 1872 he came to ^linneapolis and was employed in the North Star woolen mill, in the wool and sheep- skin department, until 1876, when, with a part- ner, he started in his present business. They are at 109 First Avenue south, and deal in hides, wool, tallow, etc. James McMullen was born July 21st, 1824, at Beading, Pennsylvania. When ten years of age he went as cabin boy on tlie bark White Oak. He followed the sea, on various vessels, until 1849, visiting all parts of the world, and the last three years being captain of vessels in the West India ti-ade. On leavung the water, in 1849, he moved to St. Anthony, with his family. He worked several yeare at carpentering, and then went into the general merchandise business, with H. Morrison, at Pine Bend. He built a shingle mill on the St. Anthony Water Power Company's dam. In 1878 it was moved and his present saw- mill erected. Mr. Mcilullen was several years a member of the St. Anthony city council. In 1849 he married Charlotte McKniglit. who has borne him three children: the living are Albert and Willie. Albert E. ^McMullen was born Jime 30, ISol, in ^linneapolis.and was one of the first white children bom in this citv'. He attended the public schools and University, and assisted his father, who was a contractor, until twenty years old, when he en- gaged as book-keeper and teller in the Exchange and Savings Bank. He occupied the same posi- tions and that of cashier, in different banks until BIOOBAFHICAL. 593 1879, since tlien be has given his whole attention to the lumber mill in which he is a partner ; he is also one of the firm of Wilcox and Co., who own a general store at Big Stone Lake. In 1878 he married Minnie Wilcox ; she has borne him one son. George McMullen was born in March, 1819, at Ottawa, Canada. He learned the trade of con- tractor from his father. In 18.57, he left his na- tive city, came to Minneapolis and has since fol- lowed his trade here. As an evidence of his popularity and worth, we mention some of the leading buildings of the city which he erected. In 1860 he built Harrison's block, the oldest cut stone building here; MendenhalFs bank, resid- ence and gieen house ; T. A. Harrison's house ; the Centenary Methodist Church; St. Mark's Episcopal Church; the Athena>um ; City Hall; Church of the Immaculate Conception; Wash- burn A and C mill, two stone elevators belonging to the Washburn mills, tlie dam wall for Wash- burn and Company, foundation for the MillerS) Association elevator, and Taylor's mill ; also the anchors for the suspension bridge and finished the towers ; he built the stone arch bridge ; North Star Iron Works ; the Pillsbury A mill ; and is now at work on the James Hill canal. R. S. McMurdy, M. D.,was born July, 1824, at Albany, New York. He received his education there, and graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1846; for several years he was city physician of that place. He practiced for a time in Ohio, and since the spring of 1873 has been in Minneapolis. Dr. McMurdy married in 1847. His wife died, leaving one cliild, Robert C. His second wife was Mary Pease, whom he married in 1873. They have two children. W. W. McNair, of the law lirni Lochren Mc- Nair and Gilflllan, was born in 1836, in New York. In 18-54, he went to Wisconsin , and March, 1857, removed to this city. Soon after liis arrival in Minneapolis, he was admitted to practice in the United States territorial court. He has re- peatedly been nominated by his party, but has never held office, with tlie exception of being coimty attorney in 1861-2, mayor of St. An- thony two years, and several times a member of school boards. In 1862, he married Louise, sister of Hon. E. M. Wilson, of this city. Tliey are the parents of two children. 38 W. D. McNiece, a native of "Vermont, was bom October 3d, 1845, iii Orange county. In 1861, he went to New York city, remained eight years. He was four years in the drug trade in St. Lawrence county, and then returned to New York city, where he resided until 1878, when he came to Minneapolis and l)eeame a partner of Mr. Bohan, in tlie boot and shoe business, 104 Central Avenue. William McVeigh, a native of Ottawa City. Ontario, Canada, was born June 5th, 1839. He came to Minneapolis in 1872, and was in the car- pet and dry goods business with McConnell and Company, six years. In August, 1880, he became a partner of Mr. Kenyon in an extensive whole- sale and retail carpet business. Daniel McWaters was born in Muirkirk, Ayre- shire, Scotland. He came to America in 1866, and to Minneapolis in 1875. He engaged with the North-western foundry as foreman, and re- mained with tlie company until the spring of 1880, when he formed a partnership with R. Feet in an establishment known as the Minneapolis Brass Works. January, 1875. he married Sarah Paul. They are the parents of two children: J. O. r. Meagher was born in 1852, at St. Paul. He went to Troy, New York, and learned the laundry and dyeing business. He returned to Minnesota and in 1879 bought the place where he is now in business. No. 26 Second street north. The works are run by steam, and it is in every way a first-class institution. George H. Mead was bom at Waukegan, Illi- nois, in 1847. He became a resident of Minneap- olis in the fall of 1865. He was in tlie omnibus company twelve years, then formed a partnership with Mr. Robinson. They are now proprietors of a livery, boarding and sale stable at 220 Third street south. Henry Melstroh was born in 1833, in Germany. He came to the United States in 1864, locating in Carver county, Minnesota, and worked one year at tailoring. In 1865 he came to this city, and the next year went to Stillwater, where he resided until 1873. when he returned to Minne- apolis. In 1876 he removed to his present loca- tion in the American House, No. 800, Marshall street. East Division. January, 1869, he mar- ried Racliel Macks. They have three children; the living are: Joseph and Katie. 594 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. R. J. Mendenliall, loan agent, was born in Guilford oounty, North Carolina. November 25th, 1828. lie attended sdiool a few years in New England, then went to Ohio, and in 1853 re- turned to North Carohna. Tlie next year he went to New York, and in 1855 to Iowa as civil engineer; the year following he came to this city, and has since been in business here. On his arrival in Minneapolis he could not find a dray to haul his trunk and was obliged to get a wlieel- barrow. Mr. Mendenhall was married February 11th, 1858, to Abby Swift, of Massachusetts. They have no children. J. C. Menor, born December 24th, 1847, in Ashland county, Ohio. lie learned the mill- ing business in his native town, and came to this city in 1873; he remained only about three months, and went to Red Wing, where he was employed as second miller. He returned to ilin- neapolis in June, 1874, and was with E. V. AVhite two years. He then went to Lanesboro, and remained until July, 1878, when he returned and fitted up the Standard mill, where he has since occupied the position of head miller. Gregor Menzel was born in Bielendorf, in the province of Silesia, Prussia, August 21st, 1826. For his family record, see volume eleven, page 397, of American Cyclopedia. His father died before Gregor's buth, but his last request was that if his offspring was a boy, and lived, he should learn a trade. When five years of age he nearly lost his life in a flood, which swept away their Uttle home and nearly all the property his mother possessed. When ten years old he went on foot across the mountains to Friedeberg, Austria, to live with an uncle, and fulfill his fa- ther's last wish. In July, 1842, having learned the blacksmith's trade, he returned on foot to Prussia, and went to work in a large machine shop, near Glatz, to learn the machinist's trade. After this he considered it necessary to travel and work in different jilaces, in order to perfect him- self as a mechanic. He walked to Breslau, Frankfort, Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen, being employed in different shops. While working near the latter place, he became acquainted with Henrietta 1). Roesner, whom he married. Soon after, they started for this country, stopped a short time in London, and arrived at New York April 7th, 1847. He at once commenced work with James Bogardus, the celebrated inventor (see volume two, page 780, American Cyclopedia) and worked for him until August, 1850, when he removed to Alilwaukee. He was given the posi-' tion of foreman in the machinery department of the Menominee Locomotive Jilanufacturing Com- pany, and held the situation until December 1st, 1854, when he went into partnership with L. Keuck, and under the name of Menzel and Keuck, carried on steam engine building. In 1855, M. and M. Stone bouglit Mr. Keuck's interest, and the new firm name was Menzel, Stone and Com- pany. They were also extensively engaged in manufacturing threshing machines, and in 1855, made the first threshing engine used in the west. The following year he took an active part in poli- tics, helped organize the Repidilican party, and was the presidential elector from the first district of Wisconsin, and cast his vote for John C. Fre- mont and Dayton, in the electoral college. On the first of February, 1857, Messrs. Cummings and Goodrich bought the Stone interest. The shop was moved and enlarged, and carried on un- der the name of Menzel, Cummings and Good- rich. The same year the first elevator was built in JSIihvaukee, by Angus Smith and Company. For tins he manufactured the engine, boiler, and all the other machinery and iron work. He also made the first mash machine driven by power in that city, for Y. Blatz's brewery. After years of prosperity, came reverses. The financial crisis of 1857, which swept the whole country, relieved him of all his hard earnings. He then devoted his time to inventions. He obtained a patent on a steam boiler, April 5th, 1859 (see Patent Office Report of 1859, and for cut see Scientific Ameri- can of October 1st, 1859), and also on a fire and burglar-proof safe, April 24th, 18S0 (see Patent Oflice Report of 1S60). One of his large safes was bought by J. Dean and Company of this city, in 18G6. In the spring of 1860, he took an eight- stamp steam quartz-mill to Colorado, put it in operation, and returned with the intention of building another quartz-mill to work the claims he secured in Colorado ; but the rebellion broke out, and his i)lans were frustrated. In the fall of 1861, he took charge of the elevator and engines for Angus Smith and Company, and remained with them luitil Jiuie lltli, 1864, when he accepted ed the position of superintendent of the Bay State BIOGRAPHICAL. 595 Iron Maniifactui'ing Company, at that time the largest works of the kind in Milwaukee. His first work there was to bnikl a 250 horse-power, low- pressure beam engine, it being tlie first in that city, and was built for Mr. Smith's new elevator, A. In 18(i6 the steam engine, boiler, etc., were built under his supervision for J. Dean and Company's Pa- cific mill, and August 16th of that year he ar- rived in Minneapolis, to put the machinery in the mill. It was accomplished on the 8th of October, and the firm were so well pleased with his work that they presented him with one hundred dol- lars, as a token of appreciation. He liked this city so well that he determined to make it his home, in time. July 1st, 1868, he bouglit an in- terest in the Cream City Iron Works, in Milwau- kee, and the business was carried on under the name of Menzel, Stowell and Company, until November, 1870, when he withdrew from the firm, to come to Minneapolis and accept the posi- tion offered him as superintendent of the North Star Iron Works, of this city. The following is some of the work done under his supervision : the celebrated saw-mill of W. D. Wasliburn and Company, at Anoka, also Isaac Staples', at Still- water ; the engine at the Nicollet House, engine and machinery in the City Hall, including passen- ger and freight elevator, the first in the city ; the engines at Captain Eollins' saw-mill, Barnard and Company's factory, etc.; he also designed all of the above machinery. On the first of April, 1874, he formed a partnership with his son, Charles G., and D. C. Howard, to establish the Nortliwestem Foundry. The works are located on the corner of Third street and Tenth Avenue south, on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. The first gray iron castings were made July 13th, and the first car-wheels, first in the city, were cast October 12th, 1874. On the 1st of September, L. V. N. Blakeman bought the interests of C. G. Menzel and D. C. Howard, and the business is still carried on under the name of G. Menzel and Company. It may well be said of the firm, they have a good, hard-earned reputation. His family circle, until their arrival here, was unbroken, and consisted of his wife Henrietta, Maggie II., Car- rie M., Charles G., Minnie A., and Emma D.; but to his great sorrow, his eldest and beloved daugh- ter, Maggie H., passed away, January 24th, 1872. T. E. Mercer, a native of lUinois, was bom at Peoria, June 27th, 1850. He came to Minneapo- lis in 1864, and attended school several years, two of which were spent at the University. He moved to Grinnell, Iowa and engaged in the hotel business and followed it until 1877, when he re- turned to this city and was in the grocer^' busi- ness until April 15th, 1880. He then opened the restaurant and oyster house on Tliird street, be- tween Nicollet and Hennepin Avenue. He mar- ried Emma Brown, May 15th, 1872. O. C. Merriman, born Julv 27th, 1827, in St. LavsTence county, New York. From 1854 until 1859 he resided in Wisconsin, then removed to St. Anthony, and has since been identified with this place. For a time he engaged in the practice of law, but since 1870 has been in the lumber business ; he was a member of the firm of L. But- ler and Company. The firm of Merriman, Bar- rows and Company, as at present organized, dates from April, 1878. Mr. Merriman's wife was Rosanna Herring of St. Lawrence county, New York ; tlieir marriage took place in 1854. They have four boys and one girl living. • Charles Metzger was born May 19th, 1842, at Albany, New York. In 1849 he accompanied his parents to Galena, Illinois, where he lived until 1856 ; in the fall of that year he came to Minne- sota and settled in St. Paul, wliere he learned the painter's trade. He enlisted in 1861 and was dis- charged in 1862. He re-enlisted in 1864, serving until the close of the war. Since 1870 he has lived in tliis city and been employed as painter and house decorator. September 12th, 1865, he married Charlotte Halgren of Illinois, Fritz Metzke, a native of Prussia, was bom May 2d, 1827. He came to the United States in 1852 and located in Cliicago. He was in the hat, cap and fur business until July, 1880, when he came here and opened what is known as the Chi- cago Exchange, at 117 Nicollet Avenue. In 1854 he married Ino Kirchner. They have had seven children, only two are living. John I). Meyer, a native of Germany, was born November 28th, 1820. He came to the United States in 1852 and lived in New York two years. He removed to St. Louis and two years later to La Crosse, Wisconsin, being all the while engaged in the dyeing business. In 1866 he came to this city ; his steam dyeing establishment is at No. 2 Hennepin Avenue. He married Mary Sefried 596 EISTOEY OF BENNEPIN COUNTY. November otli. 1857. They have six children: Amelia, Mary, Bertha, Emma, Olga and John. Jacob Meyrs was bom in New York, June 12th, 1840. He was employed in farming and teaming nntil 1866. since then he has been a resident of Minneapolis, and is a member of the firm of Meyi-s and Davis, dray Hne. In October, 1870, he married Carrie Ilinglesback. Their children are: Clara, Mary and Amelia. J. W. Miehie was born in Canada, in 1851. His father being a miller, he has been in that busi- ness since early boyhood. In 1876, he came to Minneapolis, and since that time, has been em- ployed by the Pillsburys in the different mills. His marriage with Delphia Lawrence, occurred in this city. February lOtli, 1879. One child has been bom to them. Charles. ^X. A. ]SIiller. manager of the jSlinneapolis de- partment of the Pioneer Press, commenced his career in a printing office, where he ser\'ed a reg- ular apprenticeship of seven years, mastering every detail of the business, but having a love for mercantile pursuits, abandoned the trade. Engaging in business, became a traveler, and, in the course of time, made the grand circuit of the globe. "When the war of the rebellion broke out, he was in Australia, but upon receipt of the news, immediately started for home, and entered the I'nion service. He came to Minneapolis in November, 1875, and at once was placed in charge of the Minneapolis brancli of the Pioneer Press, to which he is at present devoting all his time and energies. J. H. Miller, a native of Oswego county, New York, was bom December 9th, 1 852. He learned the milling business at home, and in December, 1872, came to Minneapolis and engaged with C. A. Pillsbury as night grinder, after that, he worked as stone-dresser. He then had charge of the Empire mill six months, after which he worked one year at the Pillsbury mill, and since August, 1878, he has occupied the position of head miller at the Excelsior. J. "\V. Miller, born April 22d, 1858, at Chateau- gay, New York. At the age of fifteen, he went to Malone, learned the tinner's trade, and worked there until 1878. at which time he removed to this city. He worked for Stafford and Company until April, 1879, when he started for himself in the stove and hardware business. In September, 1880. Mr. Smith became his partner, forming a young, enterprising and prosperous firm. Mr. Miller man-ied in 1878, Jennie Heath. They have one child, Mary. AValter JSIiller, a native of England, came to the United States in 1869, and located in Min- nesota City. He remained there two years, en- gaged in milling, having learned that business in England. He then lived in Lanesboro about one and one-half years, and from that time was em- ployed in different mills in this state imtil May 1880; since then he has been working as packer in the Standard mill of this city. Sylvester Mills came to Minneapolis in 1855, and for seven years worked a farm in this town- ship. He now has a bowling saloon and bar at 16, Second street south. David A. Milne, bom March 15th, 1853, in Canada. In 1864 he went to Cedar Falls, Iowa, and the next year commenced working in a mill. He removed to Nashua in 1871 , and for two years had charge of E. P. Greely"s mill; he then came to this city, and was employed by !Mr. Cahill one year. In the spring of 1864 he rented the ^loney Creek Mill, at Houston, Minnesota. From there went to Salem, Wisconsin, and in 1877. returned to Minneapolis. He was with Washburn until July, 1879, and since then has been at the CJalaxy. where he is the head miller. He mar- ried Emma Pattison, August 19th 1875. Charles A. Mitchell, business manager of the Tribune, was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 16th, 1845. His first business ven- ture was in connection with the Boston Gold Mining Company, in the fall of 1865. The com- pany sent him to Colorado, where he remained two years and six months. Thence he retumed to Boston, remained there until June 7, 1869, when he came to Minneapolis and became iden- tified with the newspapers of this city in July, 1873, first taking charge of the circulation of the St. Paul Pioneer, in Minneapolis. He remained with the Pioneer, and its successor, the I'ioneer Press, until 1876, when that paper was consoli- dated with the Morning Tribune and the Even- ing Mail. Mr. Milchell at that time purchased the circulation, of the ^lail and the Tribune, and continued the owner as long as the Pioneer Press company owned the Tribune, and after it passed into the hands of the present company, BIOGRAPHICAL. 597 up to March 9tli, when he was made manager of the Tribune. Mi: Mitchell was married in No- vember, 1878, to Miss Mary J. Church, of Boston, Massachusetts. Amos L. Miner was born November 27th, 1S87, in Clinton county, New York. He lived with his parents until thirteen years of age, when he nent to East Salem and clerked in a store for his brother, about two years. He then removed with his brothers to Juneau, Wisconsin, thence to Horicon, and after one year to St. Croix county, where he learned the trade of mill-wright. In 1862 he enlisted in the Thirtieth Wisconsin Vol- unteers, and served three years. He came to this city in June, 1866, and was one year with Web- ster and Pray, then went to Polk county and worked a farm five years. In 1871 he returned, and for nearly two years had charge of the mill- furnishing department of Lee and Hardenbergh's iron-works. He invented a middlings purifier, and manufactured them, in partnership with Ilar- denbergh and Fender, until October, 1873, when he sold his interest to O. A. Pray, and acted as superintendent of the old Minnesota Iron- Works, until Jime 1st, 1878, when he became a partner in the firm of O. A. Pray and Company. He mar- ried Sarah Beede in 1859. Their children are: Adella, Mary, Lydia and Charles; one died in in- fancy. John Mittwer, a native of Prussia, was born March 30th, 1844. He came to the United States in 1868, and has resided in Minneapolis most of the time since. He worked at painting, and af- terward in a hardware store until 1875 when he engaged in trade for himself. He owns the building which he now occupies, 1301 Washing- ton Avenue north, and is doing a good business in hardware. In 1870 he married Frederica Weiss, who has borne him one child, Julius. Louis Moelchert, born in 1851, is a native of Prussia. In 1873 he came to Minneapolis, and was employed for five years in the hardware trade, part of the time selling goods on the road. In June, 1879, he fitted up and opened his present place of business, 503 Washington Avenue nortli. His wife was Miss Anna Brown ; their marriage occurred in 1875. They are the parents of two children: Etta and Minne. E. Mohr, a native of Germany, was born in 1854. He emigrated to the United States in 1871, and located at Sheboygan, Wisconsin. In 1879 lie re- moved to Minneapolis and engage! in the bakery business at the corner of Fif tli street and Sixth Avenue south. His marriage with Mary Toi-pe occurred September 30th, 1877. They have two children: Paul and Minnie. A. P. Molin, is a native of Sweden, born April 3d, 1851. He came to the United States in 1869, making Cliicago his liome two years. After taking a tour throughout the country he came to this city in 1873, and has since made this his place of resi- dence. In 1876 he became one of the partners in the firm of Ryberg and Company in the Stockholm meat-market. M. C. Mooney was born October 29th, 1854, at Newport, Vermont. In 1866 he went to Boston, Massachusetts, and worked at the meat trade in Faneuil Hall Market, and in the same business at Cambridge, Massachusetts, until March, 1879, when he removed to ^ilinneapolis, and in August of the year following, bought an interest in the firm of Barker and Company, 717 Washington Avenue south. Professor John G. Moore was born in Germany in November, 1848. His father dying, Mr. Moore in 1863, came to America with his guardian, and went to Oswego county, New York. At the close of the war. he made a tour through the South, and then went to New Haven, Connecticut. After attending sjhool for a time, he returned to Oswego county, entered the academy at Mex- ico, where he fitted for college, and entered Cor- nell University whence he graduated after a four years course. After graduating, he held the po- sition of instructor in German in Trumansburg Academy, in Tompkins county, for two years. In 1873 he received an offer from the State Uni- versity, which he accepted, and after being em- ployed as instructor in German for two years was appointed Professor of German, which he still retams. Professor Moore was married, in 1877, to Miss Anna Cole of Sene a, New York. They have one child, William C. H. G. O. Morrison was born in Livermore, Maine, January 24th. 1817. In the spring of 1834 he went into a printing-office at Gardner, and from there to Bangor the following Decem- ber, where he engaged on the Bangor AV'hig and Courier. He graduated at the Bangor high school, and read law with Appleton and UiU, the 598 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. former now chief justice Appleton. He was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1838, and began practice at Sebec, Maine. He was elected to the Mauie legislature in the fall of 1840. and served in the session of 1841. He continued the prac- tice of his profession in Maine until 1855, when he came to St. Anthony, and two years later went to Dakota county and started the town of Pine Bend, remaining there twelve years. He served in the legislature of Minnesota during the ses- sions of 1860-"61. In 1862 was appomted by President Lincoln, assessor of the internal rev- enue for the congressional district, which then comprised the northern part of the state, and held the position imtil 186-5 or 1866. He moved to St. Paul in 1869, and remained until 1872, when he returned to this city. AVas deputy col- lector of internal revenue from 1869 to 1873, and since then has been in the practice of law. He is now a member of the firm of Morrison and Fitch. He was married in 1841 to Maria F. Lovejoy, of Maine; she died nine years after, leaving no children. He was married the second time at the cathedral. St. Paul, to Rebecca Xew- ell. They have three children living, David Whipple. Samuel Benjamin and Stanford. A. C. Morrison was born October 10th. 1841, at Xorthfield, New Hampshire. He came to St. Anthony in December, 1854. and worked with his father in liis mill five years; then went to Castle Eock, Minnesota, and worked on a farm two years. He enlisted in the Fourth Minnesota Vol- unteers, and served nearly four years; after being mustered out, he returned to this city and has since been employed in the different mills here. He has acted as engmeer for Wheaton, Refolds and Company since March. 1880. He married Annette Carlton in July. 1873. Clinton Morrison was born January 21st, ]842,at Livermore, Maine. He was educated in his na- tive town, and in 1855, came with his parents to Minneapolis. In 1863, he engaged in the mer- cantile business, and afterwards in lumber busi- ness; since 1878 has been interested in the Min- neapolis Harvester Works, being vice-president of the company. Mr. IMorrison manled Julia Washburn, of Massachusetts, in February, 1873. They have one child, Ethel. Elisha ^Morse was born Januan- 12th. 1831, at South Paris, Maine. He went to California in > 1852. remained about two years, and removed to Macomb. lUiuois, where he was in the real es- tate business until he enlisted, in 1862, in Seventy- eighth Illinois Volunteers as private, and was promoted to first lieutenant. He was captured and held a prisoner seventeen months; after he rejoined his rej;iment. he was commissioned cap- tain, and was honorably discharged in June, 1865. The following spring he came here, and for a time engaged in the purchase of flour for eastern markets; then was in the wholesale grocerv' trade three years with Messrs. Stephens and Xewell, and has since been doing an extensive real estate and loan business. April, 1859, he married Liz- zie Pillsbun,', who has borne him six children; the living are, George, Mary, Edward, William and Frank. Frank L. Morse, a native of Vermont, was born January, 1837, at Johnson. April, 1858, he came to St. Anthony. At the first Minneapolis election he was chosen alderman, and was three times re-elected to that office: he was also elected to represent this district in the legislature in 1871, and four times re-elected. Mr. Morse was mar- ried in Chicago. June, 1879, to Catherine Cimi- mings, of Burlington, Vermont. George A. Morse was bom in Peterborough, HUlsborough county, New Hampshire, July 6th, 1836. He moved to Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1852, and two years later to Lewistown, Maine. In October, 1864, he come to this city, and the year following, started in the book and stationery business; he is located at 206 Central Avenue. Mr. Morse's family consists of a wife and one son. Elias W. Mortimer was born at Hastings. Eng- land. May 34th, 1837. He came to America and located at St. Paul in 1855, working at the baker's trade. In 1863 he enlisted in the Fifth Minne- sota Infantry and ser\ed until the fall of 1865; when discharged he was orderly sergeant of com- pany F. He returned to Minnesota and has since been employed by the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba railway company. He Is now baggage agent of the Northern Pacific railroad, the Chi- cago, St. Paul. Minneapolis and Omaha railway, and general baggage agent for the Minneapolis and St. Louis railroad. His wife was Altanice Hayford of Farmers\'ille, New York. Their children are: Elias, Mary Jane, Georgia and Wil- lie. BIOGRAPHICAL. 599 G. "W. Mortimer was bom at St. Paul, Minne- sota, July 27th, 1857. He moved with his pa- rents to Xorthlield, where he worked three years in the packing department of the Ames mill. In 1870 he came to this city and for three years was employed at the Washburn B mill ; he was with Mr. Cahill at Minnetonka two years, and one year at the Pillsbury mill liere. He then removed to Red Wing and was employed in a mill there three years, bnt returned to Minneapolis in August, 1880, and went to work at the Galaxy. His wife was Miss G. A. Foster. Their chikh-en are: Chancie and Frederick. Elias Moses, bom April 18th, 1829, in Piscata- quis county, Maine. He was left an orphan at the age of fourteen, and when eighteen years of age engaged as salesman in a general merchan- dise store; the next year he went into tlie lumber business, which he carried on, in connection with farming, for eight years. He came to St. Anthony in October, 1856, and has since been in the lumber trade, having been in business for himself since 1860. He married Lydia Nichols, of Maine, in 1852. Their three children have all passed away: Hannah, Herbert and an unnamed infant. Jlrs. Moses died April 4tli, 1879. E. H. Moulton, a native of New York city, was born January 10th, 1844. He came to Minneapo- lis in 1872 and has been treasiu-er of the Farmers and Meclianics Savings bank since its organiza- tion in 1874. Mr. Moulton's wife was Harriet Skiles; their marriage occured November 11th, 1874. They have two children: Kate and Eder. E. Moulton, deceased, was born in 1827, at Haviland, Maine. He came to St. Anthony in 1849 and woiked at carpentering fifteen years. Jn 1864 he established the second planing mill on the east side. Tlie firm of E. Moulton and son, commenced manufacturing farm wagons in 1879, making a specialty of -'The Moulton Wagon;"' shop is at tlie corner of Division and Taylor streets, east division. Mr. Moulton died during the winter of 1880. John B. Mueller was born in Bavaria in 1850. He emigrated to America and was twelve years engaged in tlie manufacture of Morocco leatlier, at Milwaukee, and at tlie same time had an inter- est in a New York fur company. In 1862 lie re- moved to St. Paul, wliere for three years lie was engaged in the distillery and wholesale liquor trade. May, 1865, he came to this city, and that year the comer stone of the Mueller and Ilein- ricli brewery was laid by Kranzlein and Mueller. In 1857 he married Rosa Smith, of Milwaukee. They have seven children. Louis C. Mueller was born in Germany, March 24th, 1839. In February, 1859, he came to the United States, and lived in Milwaukee ten years, employed as salesman for a large dry goods house. He removed with his brother to Faribault in 1865, and although commencing with very little capital, they have by energy and persevei'ance, built up the leading dry goods house of that place. In 1876 Mr. Mueller opened, in Minneapolis, the German-Scandinavian Bank, and was president of tlie institution; after paying all depositors, he closed the bank in October, 1878. He has been a member of the firm of Mueller and Schulte since June, 1880; they deal in harness and saddlery hardware. Mr. Mueller married, Ln 1868, Matilda Hill. They have one child: Cora. A. H. Mudgett, a native of Maine, was born in 1824, at Hallowell. He moved to Boston in 1842, and Chicago in 1862, thence to Rochelle, and in 1875, to Tiptown. He has been in practice as a veterinary surgeon more than thirty years. In April, 1878, he came to this city; his office is at 410 Fourth street south. AVilliam Mulliken, born July 19th, 1830, m Steuben county, New York. He learned civil en- gineering and followed that business in Oliio and Indiana until 1856,when he went to Illinois, and in 1860, to Wisconsin. He came to this city in July, 1863, and was employed as assistant engineer on the Minneapolis and St. Paul Railway unt 1 De- cember, 1865, when he went to the Pennsylvania oil regions. He returned to Minnesota, and lias much of the time since, been in the real esUite business; lie was in the United States land office from 1870 to "74, and was one year special agent in the pension department. In June, 1880, he re- turned to this city, and has since been dealing in pine lands. He married Sarah Cortelyon in 1859. They have one child, Ida. Albert S. Munger was born March 1st, 1837, at Orwell. Vermont. In 1857, he moved to Water- ford, Minnesota, and worked at farming a num- ber of years; he removed to this city in 1 867 and was engaged with George B. Wright on the Northern Pacific Railroad until 1870, when he (iOO HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. entered the police force, and five years later was promoted to chief of police. Mr. Munger is widely known as a faithful, vigilant and efficient officer; his office is at the city station house, iii the rear of 212 First Avenue south. He married in 1863, Mary Kelly, who was a teacher in the public schools of Northfield. They have one child. May Alberta, Lincoln. J. W. jSIunson. a native of Maine, was born February 25th, 1820, in the town of Cooper. He learned the trade of blacksmith at East Machias and worked there until 1849, when he Ment to California; he remained only seven months, but went again in 1852 and stayed one and one-half years. In May, 1856, he came to Minneapolis, worked for a man named Fenderson a short time, and;the year following established his own black- smith shop. December, 1841 , he married Miss Ab- bie Munson. They have two daughters. A. Murphy, born December, 1834, in Ireland. When nine years of age, he came with his par- ents to America, and located in Senaca county, New York, where he learned the lilacksmith's trade. In 1855, he removed to St. Paul, thence to Minneapolis. He has had different partners, but is now a member of the firm of ^lurphy and Machmeier; they do general blacksmithing at 111 Main street south. In November, 1866, he mar- ried Annie Fuer. They have had seven children, one daughter is dead. J. P. Jilusser established his present business April 15th, 1879. He manufactures patterns, wagon jacks, step Irdders, clothes dryers, ironing boards and barrel trucks. His place of business is No. 110 Main street and his residence 306 Eighth street south-east. W. Muther, a native of Germany, was born November 11th, 1836. He emigrated to the United States in 1865, located at Minneapolis and engaged in contracting, building and architect- ure. For the past year he has been employed as mill-wright at the Crown Roller mill. In 1867 he married Christiana Brooch. Their children are: Leo. Henry, Edward, Ludwig and ^Vendlin. C. W. :Myers was born in Lewis county, New York. AVhen eighteen years of age he com- menced to learn the trade of blacksmith. In 1873, he came to Minneapolis and has since been in business here. He is now a member of the firm of Myers and Jewett. His wife was Susie Ilinton, whom he married in 1868. Mrs. Myers died February 27th, 1877, leaving one child, Mary Helen. W. D. Myers, M. D., was born in Jladison county, New York, February, 1830. He was ed- ucated at Washington, D. C, and graduated from the National University, medical department of Columbia College. He was one year surgeon of the Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry, and after being mustered out, resumed his practice at Waterloo, Indiana. December, 1878, he came to this city and established the Surgical Infirmary, of which he is surgeon and medical director. It has thirty finely furnished rooms, and is situated on the corner of Second Avenue south and Third street. CHAPTEE LXXXI. BIOGRAPHICAL, N, O AND P. Rev. Edward Duffield Neill was the first Pro- testant clergyman who settled in St. Paul. He was born in Philadelphia on August 9th, 1823, and is the son of the late Henry NeUl, M. D.,one of the vice-presidents of the college of physicians in that city. He was a student at the University of Pennsylvania and Amherst College, Massachu- setts, graduating in 1842, at the latter institution. His theological studies were pursued at Andover Theological Seminary, and under the distin- guished commentator, the Rev. Albert Barnes of Philadelphia. Declining calls to churches in 1847, he went to tlie neighborhood of Galena, Il- linois, where he performed missionary labor among the miners. At his own request he was transferred to St. Paul, then a small hamlet, by the Presbytery of Galena, and on the 23d of April, 1849, arrived there, and at once commenced his labors, and matle arrangements to build the first brick dwelling in Miiniesota, which is still in good preservation, situated near the comer of Fourth and Washington, opposite the Aletropoli- tan Hotel, St. Paul. During the first year of his residence ui St. Paul he also preached at the falls of St. Anthony every other Simday afternoon, as BIOOBAPHICAL. tun has been mentioned in the history of Minneapo- lis, lie erected the first Protestant house of wor- ship for the white population of Minnesota, at St. Paul, in tlie summer of 1849. and in Novemljer of the same year organized tlie First Presbyterian Church in St. Paul. In May, 1850, the wooden church building was destroyed by fire, and a large brick churcli at the corner of Tliird and St. Peter streets was built in its place, and is now changed into stores. Eesignlng the charge of the First Presbyterian church, lie began to preach in the new and upper portion of St. Paul, where there were no churches, and in 1855 organized the churcli known as the "House of Hope.'" now the largest in that city, of wliich the Rev. David R. Breed is pastor. He acted as its pastor for five years, when he resigned. Williams, in his -'History of St. Paul" writes: "During this period he gave great attention to educational and literary mat- ters. He was appomted territorial superintend- ent of instruction in 1851, and held that office two years. In 1853 he organized and secured the erec- tion and endowment of the 'Baldwin School." In 1855 he secured the building of the 'College of St. Paul," which was for several years a clas- sical academy for young men. lie was at the same time secretary of the St. Paul board of edu- cation. For several years he was chancellor of the State University. He was also state suiierin- tendent of public instruction from 1858 to 1864, and secretary of the Historical Society from 1851 to 1863." Hon. D. Burt, state superintendent of public instruction, in his report in 1881 to the legislature of Minnesota, writes: "The territorial law of 1851, requh-ing the governor to- appoint a superintendent of scliools, remained in the statutes until 1860. In tliat year, it was enacted, that the Chancellor of the University, an officer then required to be appointed by the board of regents should be ex-offlcio superintendent. This act made E. D. Neill the first state superintendent of public instruction. In tlie first state report, he recommended the gen- uine township system, and the appointment of county superintendents, and also that the ap- portionment of school funds should be made, upon the number of scholars, attending tlie dis- trict school. Two of these early recommenda- tions have been realized, and the third is yet to come. The first annual state report could con- tain but few statistics, since territorial superin- tendents had adopted no plan for gathering such data. Mr. Neill was the author of the first teachers" register ever issued in the state, and of the first forms used for reports on the condition of schools. On the 7th of March, 1861, a law was passed requiring a joint convention of the senate and house to elect a superintendent of public instruction for a term of two years. What- ever may have been the motives dictating this legislation, it could not have resulted from any general hostility to Mr. Neill, for on the same day in which the act became a law, he was elected, in joint convention, by an almost unani- mous vote, as superintendent of puljlic instruc- tion, for two years. But on the 29th of April, he was appointed chaplain of the First Minnesota, causing a vacancy in the superintendency, whicli the Governor filled, by requirement of the school law." In .June, 1861, he accompanied the first troops that left Fort Snelling, for the seat of war, as chaplain of the First Minnesota Regiment, and was with that regiment, in the first battle of Bull Run, and at Fair Oaks, and in the seven day"s conflict ending at Malvern Hills. He was then appointed by President Lincoln, Ihiited States hospital chaplain, and assigned to one of the Pliiladelphia hospitals. Early in 1864, he re- ceived an appointment at the President's house, in Wasliington, as secretary to open and arrange al. correspondence, and to sign land patents for the President. He continued on duty in the Executive mansion until he was appointed by President Grant, in 1869, United States consul at Dublin. He held the consulate for two years, tlien resigned, and resumed his work in JMiiine- sota, wliich liad been suspended by the civil war, as president of tlie Baldwin School and Col- lege of St. Paul, wliich were consolidated by the legislature, in 1874, as Macalester College, so called, because the late Charles Macalester, of Philadelpliia, bequeathed to the college the large five story stone edifice, built for a hotel, situated in the East Division of Minneapolis, overlooking the Falls of St. Antliony. In January, 1874, ^Ir. Xeill was one of the first clergymen to unite in the Reformed Episco- pal church movement, and, he was instrumental in the erection of Clirist Churcli, on Hennepin 602 BISTORT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Avenue, in Jlinneapolis, which he still serves. He has been a frequent contributor to magazines and reviews, and has pubUshed several sermons. The following books are also from his pen: History of Minnesota, in 1858, published by J. B. Lippincott and Company., pp. 628; History of Mmnesota enlarged, 758 pp.. published in 1873; History of Minnesota, thud edition, 828 pp. pub- hshed in 1878, by Johnson, Smith and Harrison, Minneapolis; Terra Mariae, or Tlireads of Mary- land Colonial History, J. B. Lippincott and Com- pany. 1867, pp. 260; Fairfaxes of England and America, Joel Muusell, publisher, Albany, 1868, pp. 234; Virginia Company of London, Joel Mun- sell. pubhsher, Albany, 1869, pp. 432; EngUsh Colonization of America, Strahan and Company, London, England, 1871, pp. 352; Founders of Maryland, published by Joel Munsell, Albany, 1876, pp. 193; Minnesota Explorers and Pio- neers, for North Star Publishing Company, 1881, pp. 128. For many of the facts in preparing this sketch, we have been indebted to Johnson's Cyclopedia, Ahbone"s Dictionary of Authors, and Drake's Dictionar}' of Biography, Mr, Neill was married October 4th, 1847, by Rev. J. J, Graff, at Snow Hill, Worcester county ilaiyland, to Nancy, daughter of Richard Hall, of said county. His children aie: Minnesota, born in St, Paul, March 28th, 1850; Samuel, born m St. Paul, December 10th, 1852; Henry, born in St, Paul, April loth, 1855; Edward Duffield, bom in St, Paul, August 1st, 1858; John Selby Martin, bom in St, Paul; March 25th, 1860. Frank Navratil, a resident of Minneapolis smce 1866, is a native of Bohemia, born October 4th, 1844, He passed his childhood in his native country, where lie learned the shoemaker's trade. He came to America, and after working in various cities m this country, he located in this citjand worked at his trade until 1871, when he opened his establishment, and has continued as boot and slioemaker since. His wife was formerly Mary Jehnek, of Boliemia, whom he married in 1869, Their children are Frank, Rosie and Lucy (twins,) George and Eda. An''"- w H, Nelson, of the firm of Mahnsten, Nelson and Company, is a native of Sweden, born April 10th, 1849. Coming to America in 1866, he located tirst at Anoka, Minnesota, remaining there two years, when he came to Minneapolis. He engaged with E. Broad in the manufacture of edged tools, and general blacksmithing. After having learned his trade he traveled through the South, working at several places he visited. In 1872, he returned to this city, and four years later formed a partnership with E, Hernlund, and aft- erwards takmg Mr. Malmsten as a partner in blacksmithing. His marriage with Emma Hern- lund occurred in 1875. One daughter has been bom to them, Olive R, B. F, Nelson, a native of Kentucky, was bom ui 1843. He became a resident of Minneapolis in 1864. For a short time he was engaged in rafting lumber, then was employed in a shingle mUl, and remained until 1867, at which time he assiuned the control of the Butler mill, sawing shingles by the thousand until 1872, He then became a partner of W. C. Stetson, They built the Pacific ])laning mill, also the St. Louis mill. In 1879 this firm dissolved, Mr, Stetson taking the Pacific and Mr. Nelson the St, Louis mill, which he has had in operation since. He was married in 1869 to Martha Rose, who died m 1874, leaving two sons, "William E, and Guy H, His second wife was Miss Fredingburg, whom he married in 1875. Thomas Nelson "Forday" was bom in Forday, Norway, June 20th, 1852. He received his edu- cation in his native town, where he lived until 1866, then came to America, locating first in Michigan. From there he went on the lakes as a sailor, thence to St. Louis, where he was in the employ of the government. In 1868 he fras un- der General Custer in the New Mexico and Kan- sas campaign. He became a resident of Minne- apolis in 1869. and turned his attention to lum- bering until 1880. when he was appointed on the police force, where he has continued, ^Ir. Nel- son is a single man. General A. B. Nettleton, editor of the Morning Tribune, was born ui Delaware county, Oliio, November 14th, 1838; lived on the parental farm until sixteen yeare of age, attending the common schools of the neighborhood. In 1855 he accept- ed employment with a leading mercantile and lumbering firm at Lexington, Michigan. In 1857 he entered Oberlin College, Ohio, "While yet at college, on April 14th, 1861, two days after the fall of Fort Sumpter, he enlisted as a private in an BIOGBAPHICAL. 603 Ohio volunteer infantrj' company, under Presi- dent Lincoln's first call for 75,000 troops, and was chosen first sergeant. The company was not ac- cepted by the governor of the state, as Ohio's quota was already full. After the battle of Bull Run, in July of 1861, the subject of this sketch again volunteered for army service as a private in Company H of the Second Ohio Cavalry, then or- ganizing at Camp Wade, near Cleveland, Ohio. Was elected first lieutenant of his company, and marched to the front in October, 1861. Served with his regiment in Kansas, Arkansas, Indian Ten'itory, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Geor- gia, Alabama, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana (in the latter states during Morgan's raid), Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina. His service was continuous from August, 1861, to June 15th, 1865— two months after the final surrender of the confederate armies, and among the officers imder whom he directly served were Blunt, Burnside, H. G. Wright, G. A. Custer, Wilson, Sheridan, Meade and Grant — the last year and a half of ser- vice, being under the immediate leadership of Custer in Slieridan's famous cavalry corps of the Potomac army. Was present in seventy-three engagements and pitched battles, including among the latter. Grant's campaign of the Wil- derness, and Sheridan's brilliant series of victo- ries in the Slienandoah Valley. He was succes- sively promoted to captain, major, lieutenant- colonel, and colonel of his regiment, and was brevetted brigadier-general on the recommenda- tion of General Custer, as of date February 25th, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the Shenandoah campaign. After being mustered out of the army he studied law for a time at the law school in Albany, New York. In 1866 be- came editor and part proprietor of the Daily Reg- ister at Sandusky, Ohio. In 1868 was a delegate to the national republican convention at Chicago, which nominated Grant and Colfax for president and vice-president. In 1868 removed from San- dusky to Chicago and became publislier of the Advance. In 1870 removed to Philadelpliia, and became associated with the banking house of Jay Cooke and Company in their relation as fiscal agents of the Northern Pacific Railroad Com- pany; and also held the position of general agent of the trustees of the Northern Pacific Railroad, in connection with the land interests of that cor- poration. In 1875, served as general agent of the purchasing committee of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company in re-organizing the corpora- tion. Has served for ten years as a trustee of Ober- lin College. In March, 1 880, removed to Minneapo- lis, Minnesota, having purchased a half interest in the Daily Tribune. II. T. Ness, a native of Norway, was born in 1843. He came to this city in 1870, and has since been engaged in the hotel business. He is now proprietor of the Western House, 119 Second street north, owned by Air. Lawrence, of the law firm of Wilson and Lawrence. Mr. Ness was married in 1871, to Olene Peterson. They have had four children ; only one is living, Ida G. Louis Neudeck, deceased, was bom in Pliila- delphia, Peimsylvania, December 25th, 1821. He was one of the early pioneers of this region, coming to St. Anthony in 1849. He received his education in his native city, and later engaged in the meat business, in which he contmued untU 1844, when he sold out and removed to Beloit, Wisconsin, remaining one year; thence to Rock- ford, Illinois, a few months, and next, in 1845, to Stillwater, Minnesota, where he opened a dry goods store, continuing until coming to this city. In 1S55 he opened a meat market in St. Anthony, but sold out m 1861. During tlie Indian troubles of the next year, he assisted in raising and was one of Anson Northrup's company, which went to Fort Ridgely. In 1863, Mr. Neudeck, in com- pany with Captain Fisk, went to Montana, and opened a ranche for the piupose of doing an ex- tensive business in cattle raising. He returned to this city for supplies in 1864, and again started with a wagon train of seven teams. When near Fort Rice, Montana, one of the wagons needing repairing, he, with several men remained in the rear, to perform the task. While here they were attacked by Indian?. Mr. Neudeck and several others were murdered. His body was never re- covered. The only clue to the sad fate of this unfortunate pioneer was a revolver on which was his name, it being snatched from one of the In- dians. Six of the wagons with the supplies reached Fort Rice, and were sold, the proceeds being sent to the widow and children in this city. His widow was formerly Catherine AVolff, whom he married in 1848. There are five children liv- ing. 604 HISTORY OF HEXl^'UFIN COUNTY. Louis W. Xeiideck. a life loiisr resident of this city, was born May 3d, 185:;, and is a son of Louis Neudeck, deceased. It was liere that he received his education, and first worked for Glenn sind Thompson, and afterwards for E. B. Ames. Af- ter a short trip to Duluth, in 1870. he engaged in the meat business in Austin and Bed Wing, and returned to Minneapolis in 1879. Immediately after, he bought the meat market of Henry Schulze, where he has since continued. His mar- riage with Clara Eames, of Red Wing, occurred in 1879. They have one child, Linnie. Angust Newborn is a native of Sweden, born December 3d, 18^8. He lived on a farm until se\enteen years of age, when he commenced his apprenticeship as a tailor. He emigrated to Ame- rica in 1872, locating at Joliet, Illinois. Here he was hi tlie employ of a steel rail company five years, then came to Minneapolis. He was with his brother, J. Newborn, who is a tailor, until be. ginning alone in October, 1880, at 237 Twelfth Avenue south. George E. Xewell, in company with Messrs. Stevens and ^lorse, established a wholesale gro- cery establishment at 9, 11 and 13 Washington Avenue norlli. ,Vt the end of three years Messrs. Stevens and ^Slorse retired. The firm of Xewell and Harrison was then formed, which continued until 1879. when Mr. Harrison retired. Since that time Mr. Xewell has been alone, doing a successful business. E. Newman, a native of Norway, was born October 14tli, 1845. He learned the trade of moulder in his native country and worked at it until 1863. He then emigrated to America, and the same year located in ilinneapolis. He en- gaged in the pursuit of his trade six years, when he opened a gi-oeery store. In 1873, he sold, and engaged in otbfr pursuits until 1880, when he started a grocery at his present location, 1318 Fourth street south, which property he o\mis. He is doing a thriving business. He was married in 1870 to Emma Evensen. of Norway. Four children have been born to them. Emma S.. Clara v., Annie E., and Eddie W. G. H. Nichols was bom at Braintree, Vermont, May 18th, 1 823. He went to Randolph, ^'ermont, in 1833, and in 1843, learned the building of pipe organs. Three years later, he removed to Bridge- water, Massachusetts, and engaged with C. H.. Packard, who was the originator of the reed or- gan, from which all reed organs from that day to this have sprung. After I'emaining six months, he retin-ned to his native state and commenced the manufacture of melodeons and organs. The next year he removed to Braintree, Massachu- setts, continuing in the same business: he remained there until 1848, when poor health compelled him to change. He traveled through Vermont until 1856, when he came west and located at Prescott, Wisconsin. In 1862. he enlisted in the Second Wisconsin Cavalry, but was discharged after sen- iug seven months, on account of failing health. In 1869, he began the manufacture of cabinet or- gans, and has since continued. He opened his salesroom in Minneapolis. July. 1879, and removed his works here in the fall of 1880. His factory is located on Second Avenue south-east, comer of Prince street. J. Newton Nind, city editor of the "Tribune," was born in St. Charles, Illinois, in March, 1854, and is of English descent, his parents, James G. and Mary C. Nind, having removed to this coun- try from England in 1849. His home continued at his buth-place until 1866, when he removed with his parents to Winona. Minnesota, where he soon after imbibed a love for joiu-nalism while en- gaged as, carrier on the '-Eepublican" of that city. While so engaged, he, with four other boys, each with a cash capital of seven dollars, launched, on the 13th of February, 1869, the first copy of the "North Star." a three-column semi- monthly. At the end of the firet six months Mr. Nind became the manager of the pa- per, and enlarged it to five columns, in which form he conducted it until August 17tli, 1870. During the ensuing year he improved him- self in the art of printing. In December, 1871, I at Red Wing, he renewed the "North Star" as a weekly publication, which he edited, printed and published as a means of prosecuting studies at the Red AVing Institute. In December, 1872, he relinquished its management to accept a position as reporter on the St. Paul "Pioneer," and has since served at different times as reporter on the following papers: the St. Paul "Pioneer." Minne- apolis "Times," St. Paul '-Press," ilinneapolis "Mail," the "Pioneer Press,'" and has filled the position of city editor of the Minneapolis "Trib- une" since September, 1877. He was married in BIOGBAPHICAL. 605 December, 1879, to Agnes C. AVilliams of Eed AVing. William C. Xoble was bom at Jolmsburgh, New York, December 9th, 1840. lie worked on a farm until the fall of 1862, then went into tlie store of B. Thomas, as salesman, and two years later became a member of the firm. In 1865 he sold his interest and came to St. Anthony the spring of the next year. A few months after his arrival he was employed by O. T. Swett in a gen- eral merchandise store as book-keeper ; here he remained until 1876, when in company with J. H. McHerron, purchased the grocery department of Mr. Swett's store. At the death of Mr. ilcHer- ron, in 1878, Mr. S. Armstrong bought his interest and the firm is now knf)wn as Ifoble and Arm- strong, 22 University Avenue south-east. J. P. Noel, a native of Germany, was born in in 1845. He came to the United States in 1870, locating at Minneapolis. For three years he drove a beer wagon since which time he has kept saloon at 701 Washington Avenue south. He married Augusta Engle in November, 1873. They have one child, George A. W. August J. Noerenberg, a native of Prussia, was born in 1853. He came to the United States in 1860, locating at St. Paul, giving his attention to hotel keeping. In 1875 he came to this city and started a brewery, in which he continued mitil 1879, when he opened a saloon at 1728 Seventh street south. He married Dora ^I. Blohn, March 3d, 1879. They have one child, August C. F. D. Noerenberg, is a native of Prussia, born in 1845. At the age of fifteen he came to America and located at St. Paul. He kept hotel in that city until 1870. He became a resident of Min- neapolis in 1875, and in 1880 took possession of the city brewery and is now engaged in the manufac- ture of beer. He was married in 1868 to Miss Caroline Richmond, who died in 1875. After re- maining a widower three years he married Johan- na Sprunkmann, who has Ixirne Inm three child- ren. James Nolan, was born at Quebec, Canada, July 10th, 1847. At ten years of age he accom- panied his parents to St. Paul, where he lived un- til 1861. He then enlisted in the Fifth Minneso- ta Volunteer Infantry and served four years. The following are some of the engagements in which he participated: Siege of Corinth, Vicks- burg, Richmond, and battle of Nashville; also many skirmishes. From 1S71-72 he was on the police force at St. Paul ; he was also detective on the St. Paul and Duluth railroad one year. He was appointed on the police force in this city in 1878, where he has since remained. He was mar- ried in 1873, to Annie E. Dickson. They have three children: William, Mary and Edward J. L. C. Noracon was born at Menasha, "\riscon sin, November 7th, 1854. He located in Minne- apolis in 1875, and worked in the "A"' mill eighteen months, then in the old Humboldt, nine months. On the completion of the new Humboldt he was employed until 1880, and has since been machine man in the Cataract mill. He married Miss Ada Cook, April 22d, 1880. John Norman, born November 27th, 1846, is a native of Sweden. He was a farmer and grain buyer, previous to his coming to America in 1868. He came direct to Minneapolis, where he was employed as laborer in a brick yard. In 1872 he returned to his native country, and in April mar- ried Mrs. Carrie Swansen, and with his bride re- turned to this city. In 1879 he was appointed on the police force, which position he has since held. Two children have been born to them: Alice A. and Frank T. W. H. Norris was born at Ilallowell, Maine, July 24th, 1832. He prepared for college at Dwighfs High School, Brooklyn, New York, went through a full collegiate course at Yale College, and graduated in 1854. He attended Dane Law School at Harvard College. In 1856 he removed to Green Bay, Wisconsin, and com- pleted his law studies at the office of James H. Howe, afterward attorney general of Wisconsin, and was admitted to the bar in October, 1857, and continued with J. H. Howe until 1862. He then practiced alone until 1870, and "for eight years had a young partner. In 1879 he formed a part- nership with E. H. Ellis, who was judge of the Tenth circuit of Wisconsin, which continued un- til 1880, when he removed to Minneapolis and located his office at 239 Nicollet Avenue. His favorite line of practice has been commercial, in- surance and railroad law. His marriage with Miss Hannah B. HaiTiman occurred at Green Bay, in 1859. They have three children: Louise, Georgia and Harriuian. Mr. Norris' library is large and complete, probably the finest in the city. 606 mSTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. AV. S. Xott. of the firm of E. B. Preston and Company, is a native of Dnblin. Ireland, born in July, 18o2. His parents were English, with whom he came to America in 1855, locating at Xew York, where he received his education. lie then removed to Chicago, remaining until Janu- ary, 1880, when he came to this citj- as a member of the firm of E. B. Preston and Company, and opened business in the sale of leather and rubber beltuig and rubber goods of all kinds. Located at 203 Nicollet Avenue. Anson Xorthrup, one of the most noteworthy characters in the roll of pioneers, was born in Connewango, Xew York, January 3d, 1817, where he lived with his father till the spring of 1839, when he moved to Morgan county, Illinois. In October following, he left for the northern wilds, with a drove of twenty oxen for the Falls of the St. Croix, and twenty for AUen's camp, then just opened at the present site of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Two men were sent to help him drive to Allen's camp, which was reached the latter part of November. There was but one house between Prairie du Chien and the Falls, a rude cabin occupied by one Keid, at Trempealeau Bluff. Arriving at this point, they found Keid was absent on a trip to Galena, for supplies, and his wife (a squaw) entirely out of provisions. Several '-Mackinaw" boats, laden with supplies for Allen's camp, were on the way up, and thinking to fall in with them the next day, they left nearly all their provision at Reid's; but the boats had pushed through with all possible dis- patch, in fear of being frozen in, and their gene- rosity cost them a four day's fast in the then barren wilds of the Chippewa Valley. Finally, when almost worn out with hunger and fatigue, they reached Allen's camp, about midnight, but their anticipated feast was prevented by the stern refusal of Allen's sqiiaw to give them more than a cup of tea until next morning. Mr Nor- thrup remained at Allen's camp about three weeks, before he could get a guide to help him through to the Falls, owing to hostilities then existing between the Sioux and Chippewa Indi- ans, which rendered travel anytliing but agree- able. Finally, however, he secured the senices of a guide, and made the journey in safety, arriv- ing just before Christmas, This was the first drove of oxen ever brought to the northern wUds, and their ownere the first limibermen in that region. Returning in the spring of 1840 to Illi- nois, he made preparations to go north, and the next year, 1841, took boat at St. Louis and ' reached the Falls of the St. Croix in ilay. three weeks from the time of leaving St. Louis. There were no settlements above Prairie du Chien. When more fuel was needed for the boat, she was tied up, while the deck hands went ashore cut and "toted" enough wood for another '-run.'' The boat was the '-Indian Queen,'" built to run ! on the Jilissouri, and never made a second trip to this region. In May, 1844. he moved to what is now Stillwater, and built a hotel, the first house in the place. He also bought 160 acres of land which now embraces about one-half the site of that vigorous young city. In 1849, he sold his interest there and built the American House at St. Paul, the first all frame building in the place. The rough lumber for this building was brought from the mUls at St. Croix Falls, and the flooring, siding, sash, doors, etc., from St. Louis. The American was formally opened to the public July 4th. 1850, and soon thereafter sold, after which ;Mr. Northrup came to St. Anthony and commenced the erection of the St. Charles Hotel, a little above the present site of Clark's mills. This was the second aU frame building here, the first being a hastily con- structed house built and occupied by Mr. North- rup while the St. Charles was in course of completion. The hotel was opened July 4th, 1851, the same day the steamer " Gov. Ramsey " made her first run up the river, under command of Captain John Rollins. After running the St. Charles two years, he rented it, and engaged in other pursuits. In 185S, he visited the Pacific coast, returning after an absence of four months, and bought the old steamer '• Governor Ramsey," which he took up the river as far as Grand Rap- ids (taking it over the falls at Sauk Rapids by means of windlasses and other necessary appli- ances), then back to Crow Wing, where he took the machinery out. and took the boat apart above the hull. February 16th, 1859, he left St. Paul with forty teams and a crew of men, proceeded to Crow \Vuig. loaded the boat and machinery, and started for the Red river, cutting roads through the timbered portion of the route, and reaching the river about eight mUes below the BIOGRAPHICAL. 607 present site of Fargo, April 8th. Tliey liad not tlie protection of even a tent, yet the men were all in good health and spirits, notwithstanding it was severe weather, and the snow two feet deep when they arrived at their destination. Early in the season he bnilt the boat, run it to Lake AVin- nipeg, then back to Georgetown, where it was sold, and has since done good service on the Red River of the North. At tlie breaking out of the rebellion, Mr. Northrup entered the army, receiving the appoint- ment of wagon master in the First Regiment Minnesota Volunteers. In September, 1861, he was appointed wagon master in General Gorman's brigade; in March, 1862, to alike position in Gen- eral Sedgewick's division, and in June following was put in charge of the trains of Sumner's corps. Army of the Potomac, where he remained until the memorable Indian massacre in August, 1802, when he obtained leave of absence, and has- tened home to aid in protecting the home bor- ders. The day following his arrival in Minneap- olis, he obtained a captain's commission from Governor Ramsey, with instructions to raise a company of mounted men, and proceed with all haste to the relief of Fort Ridgely, which was then besieged by the murderous savages. As in- dicative of the "spirit of the times," and the con- fidence reposed in Captain Northrup by his towns- men, it is only necessary to state thaton the same day he received his commission, he raised a com- pany of ninety-six men, and at nine o'clock that evening had marched them to Shakopee, twenty- five miles from Minneapolis, on the way to Fort Ridgely. The entire march was made in three days, and with a company now augmented to 140 men, he reached the beleagured fortress just at daylight, having marched all night. It is but simple justice to state here that Cap- tain Northrup was the first to relieve the dis- tressed inmates of the fortress. Others, with less modesty, and as surely with less honesty, have claimed the laurels due only to this old patriot, who never courted even a passing compliment for his timely services. Since the close of the war, Capt. Northrup's life has been marked by the same spirit of change and adventure that cliaracterized his previous years. For two years he kept the First National Hotel, five years was spent at Duluth, mainly in contracting and jobbing for the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and in 1874, leaving Duluth, he came to St. Paul, then took a short trip to Texas, from whence he returned to St. Paul, and remained until May, 1880, \\hen he removed to Fort Snelling and opened a boarding-house. Mr. Northrup put up the first brick building in Min- neapolis, now known as the Bushnell House, on Fourth street, near the court-house. It is impos- sible to here enumerate all the noteworthy inci- dents connected with the career of this veteran pioneer, whose life is remarkable for its restless, energetic character, and ever varying hues. An- son Northrop married Miss Betsey Jane Edwards, August 23d, 1838. at Waterbury. N. Y., by whom he has had ten children, six of whom are now living. W. II. Nudd was born at AVakefield, New Hampshire, July 16th, 1831. He came to Minne- apolis in 18.57 and was in a bakery seven years, then engaged in farming in St. Anthony. In 1870 he entered the firm of which he is now the head. The firm name is Nudd and Knight, and they manufacture wood eave troughs, etc., on Main street, south-east. He married Miss Laura Shepherd of Bangor, Maine, in 18.59. Their children are: Lottie S., Henry A., Benjamin F., and Edwin F. W. Nyberg, of the firm of Lockwood, Upton and Company, is a native of Sweden, born May 2d, 1852. He came to America with his parents in 1858, and received his education in the scliools of this city. In 1869 he apprenticed in the St. Anthony Iron Works and after finishing his trade remained until its destruction by fire in April, 1879. In June, following, he formed a partner- ship with Mr. Upton in the LTnion Iron Works, afterwards taking Mr. Lockwood, which formed the present firm. Mr. Nyberg is unmarried. Dennis O'Brien is a native of Ireland, born De- cember 15th, 1844. He came to the United States in 1866, locating in this city, engaged in lumber- ing for W. D. Washburn. He remained in that business five years, then went on the Northern Pacific railroad, building bridges; he contiiuied in that business two years, returning to this city in 1873 and working at lumbering for Robinson and Company until 1875, and since that time has been in the fiouring mills. He is now in the feed department of the Cataract mill. 608 HISTOBY OF HEXNEPIX C0UX2Y. Gustav ilarcilius Oftedal was born in Staven- ger. Xonvay, Februaiy 22d, 1846, where he at- tended a preparatory school during his boyhood. In 1SG8 he accepted the position of "watch in- spector" of a telegraph station at Arendal, wliere he remained almost permanently until his call to America in 1S77. "While at Arendal lie passed "examen candidatus juris." at Christiana Univer- sity in 1872 also spending some lime in the study of theology at Arendal. In 1877 he received a call from the congregation in Minneapolis and at once started for tliis field of labor, completing liis theological course at Augsburg Seminary and or- dained at the latter place. S. Oftedal was born in Stavenger. Xorway. in 1844. He attended college in his native town until he was eighteen years of age, when he en- tered the university at Christiana, where he passed the degrees of " examenatium " and " ex- amen philosopbicum," and spent the next six or seven years traveling in England, France. Spain, Italy, and tlie United States. In 1871 he took the degree of divinity at the university, and in 1873 came to Minneapolis, and has since held an important position in the faculty of Augsburg Seminary. Jolm E. Ofstie was born in Xorway. He came to America in 1868, locating in Minneapolis. He clerked in tlie dry goods store of "William Gaslin; then went to Chicago, and was employed in a wholesale and retail clolliing house until 1876, when he returned to this city, and established the Boston Square Dealing One Price Clothing House, at 227 "Washington Avenue south. He remained tliere until 1878, tlien removed to his present location. Xo. 2 Pence Opera House. J. H. Oleson is a native of Xorway, bom Au- gust ]3lh, 1850. He came to Dakota countj,-, Minnesota, in 1866. He commenced learning photography in 1870, with "W. H. Jacoby, of this cit)\ He opened an establisliment in 1874, at 307 "Washington Avenue south. He makes a specialty of card and cabinet photographs. He married Miss Annie G. Jolinson, of this city, July 11th, 1874. Their children are : Iver W., Gustave H., and Albert J. H. C. Oliver was born at Sterling. Cayuga county. Xew York. July. 1842. He lived on a farm in early life, then moved with his parents to Corning, Xew York. In 1867 he removed to Champaign, niinois: thence in 1870 to Indiana- polis. Indiana, and remained there until coming to Minneapolis, in 1880. He was railroading sis- teen years prior to his locating in this cit>-. thir- teen years of the time being a conductor. He was married in 1869, to Miss S. K. Lower, of Xew ITork. They liave one daughter. Simon Olesen was born in Xorway. in 1837. He came to the United States in 1869, and located at La Crosse, Wisconsin, where he was in the lum- ber business four years. In 1873 he became a resident of Minneapolis, and has lieen at work in the Union Planing mill suice. He married Carrie Johnson in 1876. Thek children are : Carrie S. and Man.- 1. Otto T. Olson was bom in Sweden, in 1852. He came to Iowa in 1872, thence to St. Paul in 187.5. He was in the hardware business in each place. He located in Minneapolis in 1880, open- ing a sample room at 1229 "Washington Avenue north, where he still remains. C. D. O'X^eil was born September 2.5th. 1849, at Plymouth, "Wisconsin. He attended school in his native town until twelve years of age. when he went to Xew Y'ork city to live with an imcle and attend school, also to learn the trade of sign- painting and gi-aining. He finished learning his trade in 1867. and worked at it in Xew York and Brooklyn until 1869. Was in Rochester one year, thence to Chicago, where he remained until May, 1879. He then located in Minneapolis, and was employed by Adams and Skinner, painters, and remained with tliem until commencing business alone, on the corner of Xicollet Avenue and Tliird street. He makes fine graining a specialty. He was married in 1873. to Miss Guera F. Van Dusen of Michigan. Their children are Clarence and Xina. George "W. Oi"ff was born at Bangor. Maine, in 1836. He remained at Bangoruntil 1861. when he went to Boston and learned the profess- ion of architect. He remained at Boston ten years, then retimied to his native town where he remained until 1878. being constantly engaged in his profession. He came to this city, and in the spring of 1879 established his oflace at 250 First Aventie south. Alexander T. Ormond. Ph. D.. professor of mental and moral philosophy and history at the University, the subject of this sketch, was born BIOOBAPHICAL. 609 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson county, Pennsylva- nia, in 1847. When five years of age, moved with his parents to Armstrong county, near tlie Allegheny river. Was reared on a farm and en- gaged in agricultural pursuits, with occasional in- terruptions, until he was twenty-four. Received the ordinary public school education, which was supplemented by a term or two at an academy. Began teaching in the public schools when seven- teen years old; teaching winters and working on the farm summers. In 1870, went to Oxford, Ohio, and spent sub-freshman year in Miami University. Returned home at the close of the year and resumed teaching and farming. In 1872-3 was principal in a soldiers' oi-phan school at Dayton, Pennsylvania. In the autumn of 1873, went to Princeton and entered tlie freshman class. Experienced the usual ups and downs of college life, and graduated in 1877, in a class of one himdred and ten. Won by competition the Mental Science Fellowship, which decided the special direction of his future course. Remained at Princeton doing post-graduate work until last June, when he went through the necessary pre- liminaries and received the degree of Pii. D Came to the State University of Minnesota in September, 1880, where he occupies the chair of philosophy and histoiy. John Orth was born in 1821, in France. He remained there until 1847, when he emigrated to America, locating at Erie, Pennsylvania, .md lived at, or near there until he came to Minneapolis in 1850. He started the first brewery and sold the first beer in this county. ITe first made three barrels wliich lasted the town of St. Anthony one week. His old brewery occupied the same ground on which is now liis large establishment wliich makes four hundred and eighty barrels of beer each week. He was maiTied in 1849 to Miss Mary C. Weinel. They have had five children, John W. born at St. Anthony in 1850, is the oldest living cliild born in this city. Edward Orth is a native of this city, born Oc- tober 4th, 1856. He received his early education in this city and finished at Minneapolis Business College. In 1873, he was apprenticed to F. Whale and Company, liquor distillers. In tlie fall of the next year, he went to La Crosse where he was engaged in lumbering. In 1876, he re- turned and began work in his father's brewery I 39 where he has been since. He married Miss Kate Loftus, a native of Wisconsin, May 4th, 1877i They have two children, Maud and Edward. P. Osauder was born in Sweden, September 7th, 1843. He emigrated to New York in July, 1869, and came direct to Webster county, Iowa, thence to Minneapolis, in 1870. After visiting several points in the state, and working on the ^lississippi river, the next year he located per- manently in this city, engaging in the manufac- ture of pumps. He entered into partnership with Gus Lundell in 1876, which has since con- tinued. Mr. Osander was married in Iowa, Sep- tember 24th, 1869, to Carrie Oleson, of Sweden. Their children are: Peter W., Eda K., Fred A., and Will V. J. C. Oswald, a native of Switzerland, was born May 20th, 1824. He came to New York in 1847, and remained two months, then went to Cabell county, Virginia. He was one of the first settlers in Dutchtown in that county. He opened a general merchandise store, and was also agent for New York parties, for the sale of landj The spring of 18.57, he sold and removed to Min- neapolis. In 1862 he bought a farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres, west of the city limits, on which he lived and devoted his time to raising small fruits, from which he made wine, mostly sold for medicinal purposes in home market. In 1866, he engaged in wholesale wines and liquors in this city, in which he still continues. He mar- ried Miss Lisette Scheitliu, in 1847. Their children living are: Matilda, Lisette S., Bertha M., and Emma W. J. W. Overacker was bom in Onondaga, county New York, in 1829. He resided in New York, California, Illinois and Missouri, came to Minneapolis in July, 1874, and has since been a resident of this city. He is at present, secretaiy and treasurer of the Co-operative Barrel Com- pany. He resides at 721 Seventh street south. E. W. Overlock. a life long resident of Henne- pin county, was born at Brooklyn Centre, xVu- gust 7th, 1859. He acquired a knowledge of drugs, witli W. C. Colbiath, of tliis city. In April, 1880, the firm of Overlock Brothers was organized. James II. Overlock was born at Brooklyn Cen- tre, Hennepin county. He has ever since been a resident of this county. He studied drugs with 610 HISTORY OF HEXXEPIN COUXIY. T. K. Gray, and worked for W. C. Colbrath and Mr. Rose, both of this city. In 1880, he became a partner in the present firm of Overlook Broth- ers at 102 Central Avenue. E. A. Owens, a native of New York city, was born June 27tli, 1H59. lie accompanied liis par- ents to Chicago in 1875 and completed his educa- tion tliere. In October, 1879, he removed to Iowa and studied law at tlie University in Iowa City. Tlie followin;; year in June, he came to Minneapolis and associated with W. D. Myers as partner and business manager of the surgical in- firmary, wliich is the only institution of general surgery in the north-west. In October, 1879, Mr. Owens married Mamie Evans, of McGregor, Iowa. A. J. Palmes was born at Le Roy, Genesee connty. New York. He came to Minneapolis in 187.5, and engaged with Mr. Eames, and has since been general siiperintenilent of O. Eames" barrel factory. He resides at 711 Fom-teenth street south. Jonathan Palmer is a native of Ohio, born at Massillou, in 1852. His father died when he was four years of age, and in 1806 he moved with his mother, to Plymouth, Indiana, remaining five years; then removed to Iluntsville, Alabama; thence to Princeton, Indiana, in 1872, and estab- lished a bakery. Three yeai-s later he came to Minneapolis, and in 1880 he purchased the Home Made Bakery and took a partner, Mr. H, W. Drew. He also owns the Vienna and Nicollet Avenne Bakery. He was married to Miss Nellie Gowthorp in 1875, who has borne him one child: Frank C. G. W. Parmenter was born at Utica, New Y'ork, in 1848. He went to Marquette county, Wisconsin, at seven years of age, and two years later removed to Kansas, and there learned car- pentering. He traveled through the northern states until the fall of 1S71, settling at that time in Calumet county, Wisconsin, He resided there until 1878, when he came to Minneapolis. The firm of Parmenter Brothers, contractors and builders, consists of G. W,, C. E. and II. M. Par- menter. Contracts are taken by them in any part of the state. Office on Eighth street, between Hennepin and Nicollet Avenues. C. II. Parker was born at Remsen, Oneida county. New York, in 1832. If is father being a veterinary surgeon, he studied with him when a small boy. and was raised in the profession. In 1817 he went to Madison, Wisconsin, remaining five years in practice for the Great Western Stage Company, thence to Waupaca county. Wisconsin, in 1853, remaining four jears ; he resided in Houston county, Minnesota, four years, then re- moved to Oswego county,New York, and enlisted in tlie Second New York Cavalry, in whicli he served two years, then re-enlisted in the Thir- teenth New York Cavalry and served until his discharge in 1865. He then resided in various places in this state until 1875, when he located in ^Minneapolis. During the entiie time he prac- ticed his profession as veterinary surgeon. He was married in 1877, to Mary Izenburger. David C, Parker was born at Medford, Massa- chusetts, in 1852. He was educated in the pub- lic schools and remained with his parents until eighteen years of age. After finishing his educa- tion he was engaged in the wholesale and retail drug business for seven or eiglit years at Boston. In May, 1878, he came to Minneapolis and has since been in the employ of Upham, Wyman and Company as head book-keeper, and fills the posi- tion with credit. Ilis marriage with Florence J., daughter of John W. Eastman, occurred Septem- ber 8th, 1880, in this city. L, N. Parker was born at Chester. Vermont, December 11th, 1823. At eight years of age he accompanied his parents to Illinois, locating in Madison county. He lived on a farm until eight- een years of age, and in 1841 removed to St. Croi.x, beniga lumberman there until 1849, when he located at St. Anthony. He carried the first mails bet ween St. Paul and St. Anthony, and ran a line of stages on this route four years; was al- so engaged in lumbering. In 1854 he was the proprietor of a sale and livery stable, and also practiced as a veterinary surgeon; he has con- tinued in the practice since, at 102 First street north. He married Amanda Huse in 1849. They have two daughters and fotir sons; two sons have died. F. F. Patterson was born in Illinois in 1849. His parents moved to New York when he was two years old, where he lived until 1865. At the age of twelve he began in tlie coasting service in which he continued four years, sailing from New York to different points on the coasts. When sixteen veare of age he had the command of a BIOGRAPHICAL 611 schooner for a New York firm. In IHGo he came to Kochester, Minnesota, settling on a farm on which he lived until his removal to this city in 1872. He is now a contractor and builder. He was married in 1871 to Miss EmmaLeetof Roch- ester, Minnesota. John Patterson is a native of Montreal, Cana- ada, born in 18.32. He learned the mason's trade with his father, and has made it his life business. In 1854, went to Monroe, Wisconsin, and two years later made St. Anthony his home. He is the oldest contractor now doing business in this city, and worked on tlie Cataract. Anchor and Zenith mills. Patterson and Baxter, in 1868, built the masonry for the bridge across tlie east side channel. The firm of Stevens, Patterson and Company was made in 1873, and existed un- til the present firm of Patterson and Aronson was formed. He was married to Sarah A. Burton in 1865, who has borne him five sons. Levi N. Patterson, of the firm of Patterson and Chilstrom, druggists, was born in Oneida county. New York, in 1848. He came to Minnesota in 1854, and located at Mankato, where he passed his youth, and learned the drug business in St. Peter with Henry Jones. In 1872, located in tliis city and worked in a drug store until 1874, when he became a partner in the firm of Young, Patterson and Company, but sold his interest five years later. In October, 1880, the present firm was formed and has since continued. He was married in 1875 to Eva M. Tibbetts, of Mankato. They have one cliild : lluss. Mr. Patterson's father was one of the pioneers of Blue Earth county, and was a member of the legislature at the time of his death in 1861. J. H. Paul was bom near Salem, Indiana, in March, 1847. He cam", to this city in 1871, and engaged in the manufacture of chuieh, school and office furniture, in which business lie is at pres- ent. He was married in March, 1875, to Miss Ida Mertens. Their children are: Joseph and Alar- ' garet. Residence, 871 Sixteenth Avenue south. Leonard Paulle was born at Buffalo, New Y'ork, in 1854. There he received his education and learned his trade as show-case maker and en- gaged in the manufacture of them. He remained at Buffalo until 1876, when he came to Minnapo- lis and pursued his trade. He is located at 123 Washington Avenue south, where he is domg a large and thriving business. James Pauly is a native of France, born in 1826. He came to the United States in 1849, making Woodbury, Connecticut, his home seven years. In 1856 he removed to Reed's Landing, Minnesota, where he engaged in hotel keeping twenty-three years, five of which was passed in the Bullard House, and ten in the American House. He bought and took possession of the Pauly House of this city in June, 1879. He was married in 1857, to Miss Margaret Simon. They have two sons and two daughters. F. M. Pieronnet was born in Pennsylvania, in 1858. He accompanied his parents to St. Louis, Missouri, at the age of fifteen. His father being a physician, he studied with him until Jime 1878. Having no taste for his father's profession he came to Jtlinneapolis in that year and was em- ployed in the Crown Roller mill one year and has since then been engaged as book-keeper. At present he has charge of the books and financial department for L. Paulle, show case manufac- turer. John W. Pence was born in Warren county, Ohio, February 11th. 1830. He lived with his father on the farm until eighteen years of age, then engaged with a partner, dealing in grain, general merchandise, etc., for eight years with marked success. In 18.56, he went to Columbus, when he was again a dealer in grain, stock, etc., untU 1865, when failing health induced him to change. He came to Minnesota, and from Fari- bault to St. Paul, by stage, thence to this city. In 1866. he bought the lots where now stand the City Bank, and Opera House, which bears his name, being at that time among the first three-story buildings in the city. Mr. Pence has been president of the City Bank, and has heavy mining interests near Leadville, Colorado, and owns with S. P. Snyder, forty thousand acres of rich rolling prairie south of Jamestown, Dakota territory. He was married at Alinneapolis in 1871 to Miss Laura Enell, of Maine, who died January 6th, 1878. I. L. Penny, a resident of Minneapolis, was born in Maine, in 1834. lie located here in Feb- ruary, 1855; he is the proprietor of the Minne- apolis drill manufactory at 315 Third Avenue south. He was married in 1857 to Miss Ehoda 612 JJJSTOBY OF i/£iVjT£'P/iT COUNTY. V. Bean, whose parents came here in 1849. Their cliililren are. Herbert E.. Famiie ¥., Geor- gia L., and Wabel. George F. Perkins was born at "Westminster, Wassachnsetts, Jnne 9th. 1852. He moved with his parents to near Monticello, Minnesota, in 1855, and worl-, 2sew Hampshire, born August 29th. 1S16. He received a common school education in his na- tive to\\T3, and at the age of eighteen, he went to Boston andj secured employment as clerk in a grocery store. He remained at Boston only a httle over one year, when he retirrned to Sutton and began the manufacture of stoves and sheet- iron ware in company with his cousin, J. C. Pillsbirry. In 1840, he removed to Warner as clerk for J. H. Pearson, and in July fi>llowing, he purchased the business and conducted the same. He was postmaster at AVarner from 1844 to 1849, also held other oflBces of trust and prom- inence. In 18.51, he received the appointment of purchasing agent for the Concord railroad, and occupied that position until 1875. He became a resident of Minneapolis in 1878, and still resides here. He is a member of the firm of C. A. Pills- bury and Company, and also holds other positions of prominence. He married Margaret S. Carle- ton in 1841. They are the parents of two sons, Charles A., and Fred. C. both associated vdth him in business. Charles is a graduate of Dart- mouth College and a member of the Minnesota state senate. C. E. Ploch, a native of Germany, was born May 22d, 1838. He emigrated to America in 1854, making New York his home where he learned liis trade, that of shoe-makmg, and worked at it until 1860. He then removed to South Carolina, remaining seven years, then came to Minneapolis, lie w as employed at his trade by different firms until 1873, when he opened a store of his own at 508 Washington Avenue north. He married Doretta Wille, of Germany in 1865. Their children are, Amelia, Clara, Alicia and CeciUa. Frank Plummer was born at Brooklyn, Henne- pin coimty, Mhmesota. Jime 10th, 1855. He lived on a farm until 1868, then attended the graded schools of St. Paul until 1871. when he entered the University and finished his studies in 1873. He entered the city engineer's oflSce and remained three years, and the next spring went to the Black Hills, remaining tivo years. In May, 1880, he returned and opened his present office, in company with F. H. Xutter, as civil en- gineer. In tlie fall of 1880, he was elected county sirrveyor, which office he now holds. George Pomarleau was bom in Canada, in 1845. He came to Hennepin county in 1853, and for ten years lived with his parents on a farm. The next eight years he was employed by the govern- ment, teaming from Fort Snelling, and Fort Ab- ercrombie. He is now proprietor of the '•Phila- delphia Exchange," of this city, 215 First street north. He was married, in 1873, to Miss Victo- ria Blondio. Three children have been bom to them. E. F. Pomeroy was bom at Gran\dlle, Massa- chusetts. June 7th. 1833. He came to Minneapo- lis in ]May, 1880, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he had been engaged in the manufacture of soap. He has a wife and five children all Uving in this city. He is of the firm of Pomeroy and Benuer, Minneapolis Soap Works. J. L. Pomeroy is a native of Southhampton, ^lassachusetts, born November 3d, 1818. He lo- cated at Bassetfs Creek in 1855. engagmg in milling under the firm name of Pomeroy, Bates and Company, in which he continued four years, then in company with Mr. Bassett built a distil- lery, and sold out in 1862 and engaged in the liquor business in this city. In 1874, in company with E. X. Bates and Joseph Day. he built a flour mill at Piedmont. Missouri, and the next year re- turned to this city and engaged in the liquor business at the comer of Second street and First Avenue south. He married Lydia T. Thomas December 3d. 1840. Their children are : Martha E., Julia C. and Edward T. Father T. L. Power, pastor of the Church of the Holy Rosary, was bom in Waterford county, Ireland, March 17th, 1830. He attended St. John's College in his native country, in 1849 came to America, and went to St. Rose, Ken- tucky, where he became a member of the Domin- BIOGRAPHICAL 615 lean Order. After completing his theological studies there, he went to Sinsinawa Mound, Wisconsin, and in July, 1856, was ordained at Jililwaukee, by the now venerable Archbishop Henni. lie remained several years at Sinsin- awa Mound, then went to Memphis, Tennessee where in 1867 he suffered a severe attack of yel- low fever. In 1868 he returned to Sinsinawa Mound, wliere he remained tliree years, then went to Washington, District of Columbia, where he assisted in tlie erection of St. Dominica's Church. In 1878 he came to Mmneapolis, pur- chased the present site of the Holy Rosary, and at once commenced its erection, as well as that of the convent, which is under his supervision. Father Power states that upon his arrival here he bought an old building used as a Swedish Church, and had it moved to his grounds for temporary purposes. In this old building, while it was yet on rollers, in the middle of the street, he celebrated his first mass. J. M. Pottle, proprietor of the Minne-ha-ha Carriage Works, established his business in 1862, and eight years after, his son, J. H. Pottle, was taken as partner, making the present firm of J. M. Pottle and Son. This firm employs twenty- five men, doing first-class work, wliicli is nearly all done to order, and consists of buggies and light carriages. Tlieir works cover an area of 125 X 160 feet, at 117 Second street south. F. E. Pratt, manufacturer of carriages, sleighs, wagons, etc., was born at Bangor, Maine, in 1842. He enlisted in 1861, and served until his dis- charge in 1865. He made Michigan his home for three years, and in 1875 returned to his native state, remaining two years ; then came to Minne- apolis, where he has since resided and conducted a lucrative and thriving business. He was mar- ried in Fel)ruary, 1861. Otis Arkwright Pray was born at Livermore, Oxford county, Maine, February 28th, 1833. His great grandfatlier Pray, who was a soldier in the revolutionary war, emigrated from Scotland to Connecticut, thence to Oxford, ilassachusetts. Otis' father being a mill-wright and farmer, at the age of eigliteen he decided to follow his father's trade, and was apprenticed as such at Lewiston, to D. Beede. After serving three years as an apprentice, he formed a partnership with Mr. Beede, which continued three years, during which time they were engaged in mill building throughout Maine. In 1867 he came to Minneapolis, and first built a saw-mill up the river; tlien was employed by AV. D. Waslnuii to assist in buildmg the great Minneapolis mill-dam. After the dam was fini.slied, he built the Cataract mill, which was the first flouring-mill on tlie west side. He then removed to Afton, on St. Croix Lake, and engaged in building; then returned, and erected the Union mill ; thence to St. Cloud, where he built and operated a mill until 1866, when he again returned to tliis city, and has been connected with tlie business interests since. He is a member of the firm of O. A. Pray and Company, iron manufacturers. He married June 17th, 1858, at Wilton, Maine, Miss Frances A. Fenderson. They have one son, Albert Fender- son. A. R. Prescott is a native of Vienna, Maine, born August 2Sth, 1838. In 1875 he went to New Brunswick, and sold goods on the road from St. Johns. In 1877 he located at Sussex, New Brunswick, and for three years kept restaurant: then made this city his home, and opened a res- taurant at 217 Central Avenue. He was married to Mary E. Bridges, in 1860, who bore him one child, Charles A. Mrs. Prescott died in 1864. His second wife was Lydia A. Bridges, whom he married in 1865, Children : Mary E., Lorinda I., Lydia E., and Emma; Laura and Effie, died. Cliarles H. Prior was born August 1st, 1833, at Plainfield, Connecticut. He moved with his pa- rents to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1836, where he at- tended the public schools until 1848. He attended Oberlin College of Ohio, two years, then at Cleve- land University, two years, completing a course as civil engineer in 1852. He engaged in the pursuit of his profession until 1860 on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad, the Louis- ville and Sandusky City railroad, and the Mil- waukee and Madison railroad. He was then em- liloyed in ihe operative department of the Chica- go, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad; he is now and has been for ten years past, superintendent of that company's lines, in Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. He was married in 1860, at Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Delia M. Noyes. Their children are: Nellie D., Joseph II., and Edith L. L. A. Priest, of the firm of L. A. Priest and Company, commission merchants, was born at 616 UISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Boston, ilarch 17th, 1844. lie first located in business at Walpole, Massachusetts, remaining until 1877, when he settled for a short time in Chicago: thence to Deadwood, Dakota territory-, where he was connected with mining interests until his removal to Minneapolis in 1880. He has b?en unusually successful as a commission mer- chant, the stock in trade being fruits, produce, poultry, game, etc. He was married in 1878, to Mary "\'an Xorman of Outiirio, Canada. W. H. Priest was born in Essex county. New York, in 1841. In early life he accompanied his p.irents to Illinois, remaining there two years; then removed to Appleton, "Wisconsin, where he remained until coming to this city in 1874. He engaged in coopering, and was foreman for Hall and Dann for four and one-half years. He en- tered the Hennepin County Barrel Company in May, 1880. and is now a member of that organ- ization. He was married in 1863 to Miss Louise Osborne. Kesidence at 610 Fourteenth Avenue south. Charles Proehl, dealer in lime, hair, cement, plaster, etc., was born in Germany in 1827. He attended the public schools untU fourteen years of age. then learned the tinde of stone-mason. He emigrated in 1854 to Illinois, and after re- maining a few months came to Minneapolis and has since made this his home. He first worked on the old suspension bridge, and in 1854 he took a claim of one hundred and sixty acres in the town- ship of Plymouth, which he gave to his brother-in- law and half-brother. In 1850 he commenced busi- ness as contractor for stone mason work, in which he continued until 1867, when he began his pres- ent business. He was the first regular dealer in hair. lime. etc.. in the city. It was he who built the first stone foundation for a building 'in the city, which now stands on the comer of First street and Fourth Avenue north. He was mar- ried m .St. Anthony by '-Squii-e" Bostwiek, in 1855, to Lena Peters of Prussia, then living in Minneapolis. J. J. Provan was bom at Glasgow, Scotland. May 3d, 1827. He learned the tailors' trade the year in which Queen Victoria was crowned. He came to America in 1852, locating at Boston, where he remained until coming to Minneapolis in 1866. He first opened a shop on 2ilain street. East Division, where the Pillsbury A mill now stands. He opened a store of gents furnishing goods, in connection with his merchant tailoring under the Pence block. In 1869 he removed to his present location, 8 Washington Avenue north. He was married in Boston, to Miss Han- nah Ilowley, in 1865, who died December 3d, 1873, He was again married in 1875 to Ellen F. Holmes of this city. CHAPTER LXXXII. BIOGEAPniCAL Q, K AND S. Peter Quady is a native of Germany, born in 1847. He came to the United States when a small child, locating in Jefferson county, Wiscon- sin, and lived on a farm until seventeen years of age, then went in the woods winters and worked in the saw-mills summers. In 1874 he opened a hotel, and has since been in that business. In 1879 he became one of the proprietors of Quady "s hotel, in this city. He married Miss Hannora Carroll, November 19th, 1877. Michael E., and Eobert L., are their children. Robert Quady, was born in Jefferson county, Wisconsin, January 6th, 1856, He came to Minneapolis in 1870, and for six years worked in the woods, also in the mills. In 1876 he leased the Green Mountain House, of which he was proprietor three years, then, in company with his brother opened Quady "s Hotel, in 1879. He married Miss Maggie O'Brien in 1877. Their children are: Maggie and Mary A. Thomas G. Rainey, M. D.. was bom at Belfast, Ireland, March 27th, 1845. He came to the United States in 1863. His education was ob- tained partly in Ireland, also at Hillsdale, College, Michigan. He studied at the Medical University of that state, and graduated with the degree of M. D. in March. 1872. He commenced his prac- tice immediately at Ionia, and remained two and one-half years, then studied in New York and London one year. He relumed to America in 1876, locating at Poilland, Maine, and resumed practice. In 1879, he became a resident of Min- neapolis, where has since practiced his profession. BIOGBAPHICAL. 617 John P. Eank, a native of Gennany, was bom in 1829. lie came to the United States in 1843, and remained eleven years witli liis parents on a farm in Canada. In 185-1, lie came to Minneapo- lis and worked in the woods one winter, the year following engaged in tlie grocery business. In 1863, lie bought a building in which he kept saloon until it burned in 1868. He erected a new building on that site, and in 1874 again opened a saloon where he now is. He married Miss Mary Gluck in 1859, Edward, John, Louisa, Kate, Henry, Louis, Anna, Frederick and Otto, are the children. N. Raths was born at Luxembourg, October 27th, 1839. He came to the United States in 1855, locating first in Iowa. In 1864, he removed to Minnesota and engaged in farming in the suburbs of Miunneapolis, until 1870, when he started a grocery store at 1307 Washington Ave- nue nortli, in which he is still doing a tliriving business, and owns the property on which he is located. His marriage with Anna Bofferding oc- cured in 1867. They have five children living, Maggie, Nanny, Willie, Philomeiia and George. Jacob Rauen is a native of Prussia, bom No- vember 1st, 1836. At twenty years of age. he came to the United States and first located on a farm in Crystal Lake, Hennepin county, Jlinne- sota. Here he remained until 1868, when he re- moved to this city, and the next year built the Ilarmonia House, which he still owns. This hotel was managed by him until 1877, when he retired from active business on account of poor health. He was foreman of the old Gerniaiiia Hose Company four years,-aiid assistant engineer of the Minneapolis fire department two years. He married Miss Ernestine Stultzman, of Ger- many in 1865. They have three children livuig, Henrietta J., Annie C. and Charles. Peter Rauen, a native of Germany, was born October 17th, 1834. He came to the United States in 1854, and remained in Chicago two years, then located in St. Anthony, and is one of the old pioneers of this region. He removed to St. Paul and remained until 1S59, wnen he re- turned and commenced in the grocery and general merchandise business, at the corner of Plymouth and Washington Avenues, wliicli he has since continued. He is now the oldest German grocer in the city, and has accimiulated much valuable property. He was married in 1854 to Christina Thielen, of Germany. They have had twelve children; six are now living: Annie, Jacob, Mary, Susan, Josephine and Lizzie. Thomas Raymond was born in Rindge, New Hampshire, May 2d, 1830. In 1855 he went to Moline, Illinois, and engaged in manu- facturing pails and tubs for nine years. He re- moved to Minneapolis in 1864, was in the same business for five years, and for six years follow- ing was employed in flouring mills and furniture factories. Since 1876, he has been in the employ of Washburn and Company. His marriage with Miss Hannah Longton occurred in 1856. They are parents of five children: William S., Ida I., Lulu L., Charles and George. L. W. Raymeiiton was born at Chester, Ver- mont, November 18tli, 1852. He received an academic course at Burr and Burton's Seminary, at Manchester, Vermont, in 1872, and attended Middlebury College one year, after which he re- turned to his native town. He read law at the following places: at Chester, with Hugh Henry; at Uxbridge, Massachusetts, with George W. Ilobbs; at Worcester, with C. A. Merrill, and in the summer of 1879 was admitted to the bar. He removed to Minneapolis the fall following, and opened an office in company with G. W. Ilael in April, 1880. The firm is known as Hael and Raymenton. Judge John P. Rea was born October 13th, 1840, in Lower Oxford township, Chester coun- ty, Pennsylvania. His father owned a woolen factory, and he passed his time tliere and at- tending school, until September, 1870. when he went to Piqua, Ohio, where he taught school, lie enlisted in 1861 in company B, Eleventh Ohio Infantry, being one of the first in the state to enlist. He served in that regiment four months, when he was commissioned as second lieutenant of company I, First Ohio Cavalry ; he was promoted to first lieutenant March 12th, 1862, and in April of the next year to the rank of cap- tain, and soon after was brevetted major. He served in the regiment three years and four months, having been absent only ten days, seven of which he was a prisoner and three days sick. In 1865 he entered the Wesleyan College at Dele- ware, Ohio; he graduated in the classical course in June, 1867. During the vacation of 1866 he 618 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. entered the office of Hon. O. J. Dickey, Lancas- ter, Tennsylvania, as a law student and was ad- mitted to the bar there in August, 1868. In Marcli of the next year he was api)ointed one of the three notaries public of Lancaster, by Gover- nor Geai-y. April 12th, 1869 he was appointed by President Grant, assessor of internal revenue for the Ninth district of Pennsylvania, which office he held until it was abolished by law in 1873. He continued practicing law in Lancaster until December, 1875, when he removed to Min- neapolis. January 2d, 1876, he became editor of the I\Iinneapolis Tribune and remained in that con- nection until May, 1877. He once more resumed bis practice and in November of that year was chosen probate judge and re-elected in 1879. He married Emma M. Gould of Ohio, October 26th, 1869. Gustavus Rees, a native of Germany, was bom June 18th, 1818. He came to America in 1854, was in the mercantile business until 1871, when he came Muineapolis, and became a partner of his brother in a clothing establishment. R. Rees was born in Germany, in February, 1842. He came to America in 1854, and engaged in the mercantile business, until 1869, when he located in Minneapolis, and opened a clothing store. The firm name is R. Rees and Brother. Louis RehU a resident of Jlinneapolis, was born in Germany, in 1849. He came to the United States in 1865; and was in the Lake Su- perior copper mines, working at his trade, that of blacksmith, three years, then came to this city. He was employed as a blacksmith several years, then opened an establishment of his own at No. 1817, Riverside Avenue, corner of Fourth street south. He is a manufactiuer of wagons also the patent meat blocks for butchers. Hemar- ried Henrietta Paul in 1868, who bore him four children. L. M. Reid was born at Cedarville, Ohio, June, 1852. He came to Minneapolis in 1865, and at- tended school here, after whicli he clerked for Kelly, Reid and Wagner. He had an interest in the North Star Boot and Shoe Company for three years, then went into the present business of plumbing, gas tilting, etc. The lirm name is Cauvet and Reid. Mr. Reid was married in 1876, to Miss Frankie Cook, of this city. They have two children: Finley Earle and Harry Fayette. A. M. Reid, president of the North Star Boot and Shoe Company, was born in Greene county, Ohio, in 1829. Here he received his early educa- tion, and upon reaching man's estate was in manufacturing and general merchandise business for fifteen years. Having concluded to go west he visited all important cities west of the Jlissis- sippi, for the purpose of finding a desirable place in which to permanently settle. Upon arriving at Miimeapolis he decided to look no further, but returned to an-ange his business, which he did, and located here with his family in November, I860. He did not resume an active business life until he became one of the firm of Kelly, Reid and Wagner, wholesale grocers, in 1870. He was one of those who organized the North Star Boot and Shoe Company, and was secretary and treasiu'er of the company until 1877, when he was elected its president. He was married in 1848, to Julia Miller, of Ohio. Finley M., Lafayette M., and Ada Viola, now Mrs. F. E. Hesler, are their children. F. M. Reid, secretary of the North Star Boot and Shoe Company, was born in Greene county, Ohio, July 15th, 1850. He came with his parents to Minneapolis in I860, and received his education at the common and high schools of the city. His first experience in mercantile pursuits was with the firm of Kelly, Reid and Wagner, wholesale grocers, his father being a member of the firm. He was employed next by the North Star Boot and Shoe ('ompany as their first book-keeper. He opened and kept the first set of books used by the company. He was soon promoted to the position of secretary, which he still holds with credit. He was married in 1878, to Jennie M. Higgins, daughter of M. L. Higgins, of Minneapolis, who has borne him one child, Bessie M. AVilliam H. Keid is a native of Ontario, Can- ada, born May 17th, 1856. He learned milling at home and worked four years at Spicerville, Can- ada, and has since then worked in mills at differ- ent points in Minnesota and Wisconsui. He came to Minneapolis, March, ISSO, and engaged with the Pettit mill as grinder, and has since been with this firm. S. T. Rhuart was born at Cleveland, Ohio, De- cember 27th, 1850. During the spring of 1871 he came to Minneapolis and for six years worked at blacksmithing. In 1877 he became the proprietor BIOOBAFHICAL. 619 of the Washington Avenue House, which is owned by C. M. Warner. He married Miss Mary Sexton, Marcli 4th, 1877. Albert II. and Maggie I. are their cliildren. S. M. Kich was born in Boston, DecemVter 2d, 1851. He came to Minneapolis in 1879, and en- gaged in dealing in oysters, salt, dried and canned fish, which is exclusively wholesale. His trade extends throughout Miimesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Dakota, and its growth has been very exten- sive. Mr. Rich was married in 1873, to Mary A. W. Brigham, of Boston. They have three chil- dren: Mortimer B., John H. and Henry L. Edward A. Richards was born in Berlin, Wis- consin, September 17th, 1850. He came to Min- neapolis in 1872 and worked in the Washburn A mill five years. After the explosion he was em- ployed in the Pillsbury mill until the Washburn C started, and since been in this mill. He mar- ried Mary Eckes in 1877. Their children are, Nellie and George. C. H. A. Richter is a native of Prussia, boi-n June 4th, 1837. In October, 1863, he came to the United States. He made Springfield, Illinois, his home two years, then to Brownsville, Minne- sota. In 1866, he came to IMinneapolis and worked two years at tailoring, then removed to St. 'Peter and taught school two years. He re- turned to this city in 1870,and has since been in the saloon business at 317 Wasliington Avenue north. He married Mary L. Kletzin in 1868. Henry, Fritz, Emma and Ida are their children. F. C. Rideout was born in Maine, in 1852, and there received his education. In 1876, he came to Minneapolis and at once commenced dealing in flour and feed. He and his partner, Mr. Albert Bailey, are owners of a feed mill of one run of stone at 401 Sixth Avenue south, and a two-run mill at corner Second street and Fourteenth Ave- nue north. Mr. Rideout w^as married to Miss Mary E. Bailey, November, Stli, 1879. Residence 407 Fourth street south. Theodore Miles Riley, rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, was born at Carlisle, Pennsyl- vania, June 9th, 1842. He was a member of the class of 1861 at Dickinson College, Pennsyl- vania, and of 1863 of the Theological Seminary of New York. Was ordained deacon in June, 1863, by Bishop Potter of New York, and passed his deaconate at Newburgh, New York, as as- sistant to the Venerable Dr. John Brown, rector of St. George's, Newburgh. Ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Potter, Jime 10th, 1866. First parish was All Saints Memorial, at High- lands, Navasink, New Jersey, from January, 1866 to 1868. After spending the winter in Oxford, England, returned and accepted the rec- torship of St. Paul's, Winona, Minnesota, re- maining there until October, 1872. He then be- ing elected rector of St. Cumming's parish, Phil- adelphia, entered upon its duties the first Sunday in Advent of the same year, there remaining un- til the imperative order came to leave the labori- ous charge to return to Minnesota as rector of Holy Trinity, of Minneapolis, January 15th, 1876. lie also performed the duties of rector at Fort Snelling for several years. He is a member of the ecclesiastical court of this diocese, one of the bishop's examining chaplains, and was twice a supplementary deputy to the general convention, taking a seat as deputy in the latter part of the general convention of 1880. Rev. John Ring was born in Sweden in 1859. Was in the army tlurteen years ; entered as a private and was promoted to an ofiflcer. He was converted while there and held prayer meetings in camp, converting many ; was honorably dis- charged for holding divine service in camp ; then went into missionary work and was con- fined in prison thirty-one days for preaching between the hours of ten and twelve on Sunday, it being a law that none but regularly ordained Lutheran ministers should preach during that time. He converted the jailor wliile confined. Came to America in 1866, and organized a church in Chicago; preached three years, commencing with thirty and leaving with 150 members. AVent to Wisconsin in 1869 and organized a church at Trade Lake, and one at Grantsburg ; preached there three years. Came to Minneapo- lis in 1872 and organized the present church. Went to Omaha in 1874, preached three years there and in Council Bluffs. Then to Kirwan, Iowa, in 1877, to the Swede Baptist church for three years, then returned to Minneapolis in July, 1880. Was married in 1850, to Miss Erickson, who died in 1856, leaving three children: Martha, Christian and Jolni. Married again in 1875, to Martie C. AVicklund. Andrew Rinker, city engineer, was born in 620 HTSTOIiT OF HEh'NEPIN COUNTY. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 15th. 1849. After completing his education as civil engineer, he obtained the office of surveyor of the ninth dis- trict of Philadelphia in 1866, which position he filled four years. He was then engaged as draughtsman in the registry bureau one year, when he came to Minneapolis and accepted the office of assistant city engineer, and served until 1875. He then formed a partnership with George W. Cooley, civil engmeer and surveyor, of this city. In 18V6 he engaged in business for himself, and in 1877 was appointed city engineer, w hich he still holds. He was married in 1876, to Miss Susie E. Johnson. They have one daughter, Florence. Residence, 18 Tenth street south. Lewis Eober was born at Baldwinsville, Onon- daga county, New York. November 11th, 1855. He became a resident of Minneapolis in ISSO. and engaged in the Xorth-westeni mill as machinist. He resides at corner of Eighth Avenue and Fourth street south. William P. Roberts was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, but when quite young ac- companied his parents to Hartford county. Mary- land, where his father died in 1858. They re- turned to the old homestead in Pennsylvania where he passed his time until 1863, when he en- listed in the Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Volun- teer Militia, but was soon commissioned as second lieutenant in the Forty-fifth United States Col- ored Infantry, then was promoted to first lieu- tenant in August, 1865, and was discharged De- cember loth of that year. In January, 1866, he entered the State Normal School at Millersville. Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1867, and immediately enter^^d the law school at Ann Arbor. Michigan, graduating in March. 1869. He was admitted to the bar l>y the circuit court of AVashtenaw county, Michigan, the same year. He soon came west and began his practice in Ne- braska Citj'. Nebraska. In 1874 he came to Min- neapolis and the following spring opened an office where he has passed the gi-eater portion of the time since in the dilligent practice of his profes- sion. He is now a member of the law firm of Benton. Benton and Roberts. His marriage with Miss Anna 2*1. Pugh occurred at Oxford, Penn- sylvania, in 1869. He was made a w^idower in 1870. Six years after, he married Miss Agnes D. Taggait. They have two children. James Robertson, head miller of the Model mill, is a native of Scotland, born October, 1842. He came, with his parents, to America, when a babe, and located at Racine, Wisconsin. He learned milling at Racine, where he remained until 1871, when he removed to Lanesboro, Min- nesota; he remained three years, then located in this city in 1875. He was employed in the Da- kota mill three years, and has since been in charge of the Model mill. L. R. Robertson was born near Ithaca, New- York. September 3d, 1847. He acquired a knowl- edge of telegraphy when fifteen years of age, and operated at Ottawa. Canada, nine months. He was then transferred to Rouse's Point. New York: he was at that place when the news of the assassination of President Lincoln was sent over the wires. In 1865 he came west, his parents having preceded him, to ^Visconsin, and was soon after sent to Minneapolis by the president of the North-western Telegraph Company. On coming here he took charge of the office in 1866, and is now manager of the same. He was married in 1870, to E. Louisa Waters, of this city. They have two children. Phillip W. and Raymond. D. L. Robinson was born at Falmouth, Mas- sacluisetts, in 1845. He located in Minneapolis in the fall of 1875, and was one year with S; B. Mattison in the omnibus business, also one year with W. L. Nichols. The firm of Robinson and ^Mead was then formed. Their livery stable is of stone 47x174 feet; with room for ninety horses, located at 220 Third street south. Mr. Robinson was married in 1871 to Ellen E. Kimball, of Wi- nona. Ethel W. and Ella O.. twins, and Louis K., are their children. A. C. Robinson was bom in St. Lawrence coun- ty. New York in 1841. He learned the carpenters" trade at the age of fifteen, and has been engaged in the pursuit of his trade continuously, except three yeare passed in the army. He enlisted in the fall of 1861. in the Sixtieth New York Volun- teers. He received a wound at Lookout Mount- ain from which he suffered for five yeare. He was discharged from the hospital in 1864. and at once returned to St. Lawrence county, remaining un- til 1866, when he removed to Marseilles, Illinois, engaged in contracting and building. After the Chicago fire he passed the winter there taking contracts. In the spring of 1872 he located at BIOGBAPHICAL. 621 Worthington, Minnesota, making it his home eight years, wlien he came to Minneapohs and at once made himself known as a contractor and builder, which business he still follows. Charles Robinson, register of deeds of Henne- pin county, was born at Allegheny City, Penn- sylvania, September llth, 1839 ; he moved to New Castle and there remained until 1857, wlien he came to Minneapolis and worked in a harness shop one year, then learned photography and be- gan business, continuing until the spring of 1862. He then went with the army of the Potomac as mail agent, suttler's clerk, etc., until the seven days' retreat, when he returned home, but soon after entered the western army, with the inten- tion of taking pictures, but was taken prisoner at Fort Pillow; his apparatus was burned and he was robbed of his money and all his clothing ex- cept what he had on. He borrowed money enough to return home. On arriving he be- gan working on a farm, continuing until the spring of 1868, when he entered the register of deeds office as clerk. He was deputy register si.x years and was elected register in 1877, and re- elected in 1879. He was married at Minneapolis in 1871, to Mrs. Annie Merritt. Two children have been born to them: Charles and Flor- ence P. S. C. Robinson was born in Cumberland coun- ty. New Jersey, March 1st, 1831. At the age of fifteen he went from home to work on a farm and two years later apprenticed as carpenter, and served until twenty-one years of age. He then moved to Millville, New Jersey, and engaged in his trade. In 1858 he removed to Minneapolis. For six years he was foreman for Eastman, Gib- son and Company, in the eoo|)ering department, then engaged in contracting and building. In 1876 he entered the firm of Bardwell, Robinson and Company. He was married in 1852, to Miss Mary Dare. Their children are Charles N., and Mary W. Charles N. Robinson was born at Millville, New Jersey, January llth, 1853. He came with his parents to Minneapolis, when five years of age ; attended the city schools and for two years was a student at the University. Since leaving school he has been in business with his father, S. C. Robinson, in contracting and building, with the exception of one year, during which he was em- ployed in scaling logs for Day and Son. He is now a partner of the firm of Bardwell, Robinson and Company, in the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, etc., at the foot of Thirteenth Avenue south. H^was united in marriage to Miss Kate Eveland in 1875. They have one son, Frank. A son, George D., died in infancy. JI. Roeller was born in Ohio in 1845. He ac- companied his parents-to St. Paul in 1852. where he received his education, remaining until 1864. After spending some time in traveling, he located at Chicago; thence removing to New Haven, Con- necticut, where he remained six years. He then came to Minneapolis, where he has since resided. He is extensively engaged in the manufacture of carriages. His marriage with Miss Paulina Dol- sen of St. Paul occurred June 10th, 1873. Resi- dence, 1212 Seventh street south. B. C. Rogers was born in Vermont in 1836. He came to Miiuieapolis in 1878, and since Feb- ruary, 1880, he has been proprietor of the New York restaurant at 114 Hennepin Avenue. It has a seating capacity for seventy-five. Mr. Rog- ers married Elvira Walker in 1874, who bore him one chUd, Leroy C. G. D. Rogers was born in Pennsylvania Septem- ber 30th, 1830. At eight years of age he moved to Oswego, New York, remaining until 1847, when he returned to Pennsylvania. In 1854 he re- moved to La Fayette county, Wisconsin, and en- gaged in farming and milling until 18G2. He en- listed in the Thirty-first Wisconsin Infantry, commissioned as captain. After serving nine months as such he was promoted to the rank of major; one month later he was commissioned lieutenant colonel and next colonel. In the fall of 1865 he was discharged, after which he went to Iowa, speculating in grain. In 1874 he came to Minneapolis, where he has since been engaged in the wholesale grain and commission business. He married Sarah M. (Jillett in 1853. Their children are Plum A. and Emma. N. Rogers was born at Adrian, iSIichigan, in 1836. At the age of seventeen, he went with his parents to Decorah, Iowa, where they had a saw and gcist-mill. He remained there six years, when the whole family removed to Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1861. His father built a steam saw and grist-mill at that place which he, N. Rogers, run two years. He spent a number of years in S22 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Iowa and AVisconsin, coming to Jilinneapolis in 1874, and lias been in the Cataract and Standard mills since. He married Miss Lydia Griswold in 1859. Their children are Albert Har- lan, William F., Edward F. and Clarefice E. Richard Rogers was born at Ripley, Maine, June 8th. 183-5. lie worked with his father at mill-wrighting and milling. In 18.53, he went with Gov. Stearns on the Oregon expedition as far as Cheyenne river; he ret>n-ned alone, and on foot as far as Sauk Rapids. In 1859, be went from St. Joseph, Missonri. to Honey Lake Valley, California. Returned to Illinois, and in 1861, en- listed in the Forty-seventh Illinois Brigade; was three years with that brigade. Eighth Wisconsin, Eleventh Jlissouri and Fifth ^linnesota, known as the Eagle Brigade, commanded by J. Mowere. He contracted a disease of the eyes which at first was not thought serious, but finally resulted in total blindness, in June, 1871. He has received full pension since his discharge. His wife was Miss JS'ora Jones, of Peoria, Illinois, whom he married in 1865. She died at Peoria in 1871. He lives at 128 Flournoy street, Chicago. Richard C. Rogers was born at Hopkins, Xew Hampshire, April 20th, 1802. In early childhood he accompanied his parents to Ripley, Maine, where he lived until 1848, when he came to Fort Snelling. Fifteen hundred Indians arrived the same day, en route for Crow Wing and adjacent points, sent from former localities in Wisconsin. In 1851 his family joined him here, locating where he now lives at 207 Second street south. East Minneapolis. The west side was then included m the military reservation. Mr. Rogers worked first on a mill near tlie mouth of Bassetfs creek. He made two trips to California, and with that ex- ception has lived here since his first amval. He has retired from active life, and now enjoys the fiiiits of his labors. He married Miss JIary Wat- son, who bore him five children. She died in 1860 during Mr. Rogers' absence in California. Six years later, he married ^lariam Cobb. Captain John Rollins, one of the earliest pio- neers of this region, was born in Kew Sharon, Franklin county. Maine. March 23d, 1806 ; lived at or near his birtliplace until 1837, when he re- moved to Penobscot county, and for two years kept a trading post and stopping place for travel- ers, on the miUtary road between Bangor and Houlton. He then removed to Old Town, where for three years he engaged Ln lumbering ; then settled in Aroostook county, where for nine years he operated as contractor and route agent, and had charge of the state appropriations for both Maine and Massachusetts. He also kept a hotel, and opened up a farm durhig his stay there. In the fall of 1848 he came west by the route then known as '• round the lakes," landing at Mil- waukee, \Visconsin, thence by team to Prairie du Chien, from which point he and his partner, A. Godfrey, came to this region, having hired a Frenchman, with three ponies, to bring them through. This journey is fraught with amusing and interesting incidents, some of which will be given a place in this work. Wlien Capt. Rollins arrived at the site of our now prosperous city, there were only two frame houses, one •' block "' or " timber " house, and one shanty. These were on what is now Second sti'eet, near the foundry. One of the frame houses was occupied by R. P. Russell, then newly married, and with whom ^Ir. Rollins stopped during his stay here. It was the otli of December, 1848, when Mr. Rollins arrived here. He found the water so low that fording was safe in many places, while above the falls the river was frozen sufficiently to admit of crossing on the ice, something that has not occurred since. On the 25th of December. Mr. Rollms set out for home, making the journey in safety, and the following spring he removed here with his family, and at once mingled in the busy scenes incident to frontier life. He built a house on Main street, near the present location of the great lumber mills. Soon after he formed a partnerehip with Governor Ramsey and others, and built a small steamboat — named the Governor Ramsey— above the falls, the machinery for which was shipped from Bangor. ^lahie, and reshipped at Boston, New Orleans, St. Louis and Dubuque, to St. Paul, from whence it was brought by ox teams to its destination. (This machinery is now doing good service on the Red River). After two years of river navigation. Captain Rollins sold his interest in the "Governor Ramsey"' and with other parties built and operated the Island (louring mills. Their wheat was shipped here from Wis- consin and Iowa, little or none being raised here at that time. After three or four years of mill- ing, the captain uivested in the "Clark" lumber BIOGBAPHICAL. 623 mill, in which he was interested for about ten years. Since then his interests have been varied, but principally given to lumbering and farming. He has now a fine residence, corner of Seventh street and Eightli Avenue .soutli-east, in front of which may be seen a row of beautiful cotton woods planted by him twenty-four years ago, and now from two and a half to three feet in diameter. Captain Rollins was married to JSIis^ Betsy Mar- tin, June 9th, 18S2, at Newport, Maine. Nine children have been born to them, seven of whom are living, and all within four ))locks of the homestead. Mortimer B. Rollins was born at Old Town, Maine, .January 26tli, 1837. lie came to St. An- thony in 1849 with his father, who was among the earliest settlers in tlie county. In 1860, he engaged in lumbering, in wliieh he continued ten years. He then began in the milling business at the Zenith mill, tlie tirm name being L. Day and ■ Company, which firm the fire of 1878, was the means of dissolving. lie was married in 18oS to Miss Abby M. Day, who bore him two children, Fred, and John L. Mrs. Rollins died in 1871. His second wife was Maria Ferkins and to them_ have been born two children, twins, a boy and girl; Harry and Maud. W. T. Rolph, of the firm of Salisbury, Rolph and Company, mattress manufacturers, was born in Lewis county, New York, October 20th, 1857. He moved with bis parents to New York city, where he received his education. He came to Minneapolis, October Ist, 1880, and entered into partnersliip with T. G. Salisbury and Company in the manufacture of mattresses. Located on 110 Main street, south-east. J. W. Rootes is a native of P^ngland, born at Kent, September 15th, 1841. He learned the miller's trade in his native coimtry, and emigrated to America in 18(50, and located at Troy, New York. In 18G1, he enlisted in the Second New Y'ork Volunteers, served two years and was hon- orably discharged. This regiment was the first that camped outside Fort Monroe. Was taken prisoner at Fair Oaks and held five days. He was employed in mills in Ohio and New Y''ork, and in 1869 came to Minneapolis. In 1877, he formed a partnership with Russell and Ilineline and built the Model mill, and has since been conducting it. He was married to Rebecca Ann Van Epps, March 9th, 1864. Nic. A. Rosbach was born in Carver county, Minnesota, July 10th, 1856. In 1858 he came to Minneapolis; he learned the business of a butcher wlien quite a young man, and has been in the business a greater part of liis time. In May, 1880, he opened an establishment at 201^ Twentieth Avenue south, where he keeps wines, liquors, cigars, and confectionery. He married Mary Brinkman, May 9th, 1877. Their children are: Cordelia and Christina P. A. S. F. Rose is a native of Upper Canada, born in 1834. He learned the trade of mill-wriglit at Buffalo, New York, 1846, and followed that business until August. 1878, when he came to Minneapolis and began work in the Humboldt mill, and until tlie fall of next year was employed in different mills tliroughout the north-west, and has since been in the Crown Roller mill. His marriage with Miss Elizabetli Choles occurred at Buffalo, New York, in 1879. . General T. L. Rosser was born in Campbell county, Virginia, October 15th, 1836. At the age of thirteen he went to Texas with his parents settling in Panola county, where his father owned a plantation. In 1856 he was appointed a cadet to West Point Military Academy, from which he graduated in 1861, and returned to the south. He was commissioned first lieutenant in the artillery service of the confederate regular army, but was elected captain of tlie Washington artillery, from New Orleans, and accepted that position instead. He participated in all of the battles fought by the army of Northern Virginia until the battle of Appomattox, having risen in the mean time to the rank of major-general. He was wounded several times, once quite seriously. At the close of the war he entered the Washing- ton Law University, at Lexington, Virginia, graduating in law, in 1866. He then took charge of the southern division of the National Express Company with headquarters at New Orleans. The fall of tliat year he went to Baltimore and made a hydrographical survey of the harbor there. On coming west he engaged with the Northern Pacific Railway, as chief engineer of construction. In 1879, he resigned, and engaged in business as railroad contractor. His wife was Elizabeth W. Winston, of Virginia, married in 624 HISTORY OF SEKKHPIN COUNJY. 1863. Their cliildren are: Sarali O., Thomas L., William AV., Elizabeth F., and Margaret. II. A. Roth was bom in New York citj-, in 1854. lie came to iliiinesota about 1860, locat- ing with liis parents on a farm in Le Sueur county. He came to Minneapolis in 1870, having been engaged in farming and canientering until that time. In 1879 he opened an establishment, dealing in new and second hand furniture, stoves, crockery, guns, etc., located at 23 Washington Avenue south. lie \\as united in maniage to Miss Maggie Delbon, in 1877. Barney Roth was born at Washington, District of Columbia, May 21st, 1853. AVhen a child he accompanied his parents to Richmond, "S'irginia. In 1870 he removed to I'ittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and became tamiliar with the bakery business, in which he has since engaged. He became a resi- dent of Minneapolis in 1876, filling responsible positions in different establishments for three years, and has since kept one of his own, at 928 First street north. Charles L. Rothaker is a native of Switzerland, born in 1828. He came to the United States in 1848, going first to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, thence to Cincinnati. He engaged in the bakery and saloon business in Missouri, Wisconsin, and Minnesota until 1868. He then came to Minnea- polis, and opened a bakery at 709 Nineteenth Avenue south. He was married to Susanna C. Eschler, in 1857. Their children are : Eliza M., Mary L., Charles £., Emil O., Fred J., and Ida J C. H. Rowe, of the tiim of Grove and Rowe, wood merchants, was born at Xew Sharon, Franklin county, Maine, in 1845. He went to Farmington, Maine, in 1867, and attended the Xormal school two years. He removed to Illinois in the spring of 1869, and m the fall came to Minneapolis. After teaching school one term at E.xcelsior he began in the grocery business, with W. B. Jones. He engaged hi different Lines of business until 1874. when he bought a home in this city, and with his partner has pursued his calluig as wood merchant. He married Ellen C. Jones in 1870, who died in 1871, leaving one daughter, Mary E. His second wife was Anitte A. Hankinson, who bore him three children: Francis A., Charles R., and Agnes II. August H. Ruuge, a citizen of Minneapolis, was born in New York city, February 12th, 18.52. At the age of twelve years he entered the United States navy as naval apprentice, on board the school ship ''Sabine."' In June. 1865, was trans- ferred on board the flagship "Colorado" of the Eu- ropean squadron ; two j'ears later he was again transferred to the Pacific squadron and remained until his discharge as an able seaman. He then went to the Pennsylvania oU regions to study practical and mechanical engineering. In ] 873 he returned to Xew York and entered a machine shop, where he remained until called to Minne- apolis to superintend the steam heating depart- ment and engine of the City hall. He volunteered in the fire department in 1874, and was promoted to assistant foreman, and in 1879 was appointed by the city, foreman of Hook and Ladder Com- pany Xo. 1. in the paid department. He was married in 1876, to Miss Louisa Ende. One daughter was bom to them, ilabel S. Roswell P. Russell, one of the oldest settlers in this county, was born at Richland, Vermont, :March 15th, 1820. At the age of thirteen he went to Burlington, where he remained three years; then went to Michigan, and passed two years at Detroit and Kalamazoo. He was a school-mate of H. JI. Rice, and both came to ^klichigan at the same time. Rice went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he engaged with Mc- Kenzie to go to Fort Snelling and take charge of the stock of goods taken there by Baker. Need- ing an assistant. Rice sent for Russell to accom- pany him. The journey to Prairie du Chien was not difficult; from there to La Crosse they came in a Mackinaw boat, but at the latter place the boat was frozen in and they were oliliged to pur- sue their journey on foot, but being unused to walking, their distress was great. The second night out. they took possession of an old Indian farmer's place, he being absent, and in the morn- ing piu-chased three pounds of pork of the mission- ar)% for which they paid the modest simi of two dol- lars. They arrived at Fort Snelling about the 5th of November, 1839. and he remained there until 1847, when he and Findley made a claim on the east side, extendins?' from Boom Island to the present stone arch bridge, and back indefinitely; two years after, they sold this claim to Pierre Bot- tineau. In 1847, Mr. R. P. Russell opened the first store in St. Anthony, in a two-story building BIOGRAPHICAL. 625 of hewn logs, ererted by Franklin Steele. The dam was commenced abont this time, and the workmen, together with a few French families, were Mr. Russell's cnstomers. One and one-half years later he went to St. Paul, but soon returned and continued his merchandise business until 1854, when he was appointed receiver in the land otBce, which position he filled three years, a part of the time requiring four or five clerks, tlie busi- ness was so great. In the fall of 1858 he bought the hardware stock of Spear and Davison, which he sold two years lat«' and turned his attention to farming until 1862, when he, in company with George Huy, erected a planing mill; in 1878 they added to the building and converted it into the flour mill. He was also one of the firm who, in 1870, built the Dakota mill. Mr. Kussell has been active in both public and private life; has served one term in the legislature, and often in town offices; he was the first chairman of the town board, and holds that position at the pres- ent writing. October 3d, 1848, his marriage oc- curred, with Marion Patch. The children born to them are: Lucy, now Mrs. W. C. Colbratli; Charles, in trade at Fargo, Dakota; Eoswell, Jr., book-keeper for B. F. Nelson, (his wife was Car- oline Beach); Mary, who is at home; Carrie, now Mrs. Frank Lovejoy; Fred and Frank, twins; George B. McClellan, Willie and Eddie. Albert W. Russell was born in Vermont in 1839, where he lived until seventeen years of age. In 1856 he took a prospecting tour through Wis- consin, Illinois and Michigan. In 1850 he learned carpentering and joining. He enlisted in 1861 in the Second Vermont Infantry. He was in many of the prominent conflicts, having his gun shat- tered into fragments, when in his hands, without being wounded. In 1864 he was discharged, but after a quiet life of two months, he re-enlisted in Company E, Seventh Vermont, and served until 1865. He then returned to Vermont where he speculated in real estate and lumber; thence to Wisconsin, where lie traveled for a wholesale house. He located in Minneapolis in 1877, and has since been dealing in sewing machines. He was married in 18G6 to Sarah Scribner, by whom he had two children. His wife died in 1876. His second wife was Amelia Lockwood, of this city. George H. Rust was born July 26th, 1839, at Wolfsboro, New Hampshire. He attended the 40 Academy at his native place, also at Thetford, Vermont, and graduated as civil engineer from the Kentucky Military Institute near Frankfort in 1856. He at once engaged in the pursuit of his profession, on what is now the La Crosse division of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. He came to Minneapolis in 1857, and has since made this place his home. In 1863, he entered the commissary department of the military di- vision of the north-west, where he remained un- til 1865. On returning to this city, he became a partner of S. C. Gale, and soon after engaged alone in real estate and insurance business. He married Josephine Varney, of Boston, in 1865. They have one child, Gertrude. John W. Ryan was born at Syracuse, New York, May 31st, 1853. He came to Wisconsin when one year old with his paienfs. After com- ing to Minnesota, he farmed cue year, then was emjioyed on the railroad and ran a train three years, then surveyed for the Chicago and North- western railroad five years. He began milling in March, 1873 for the Pillsbury company, and has remained with them since. He married Miss Mary Rouike, July 24th, 1876. Their children are, Anne and Joseph W. Samuel W. Ryan, of the firm of Ryan, Wales and Company, was born at Sharon, Hillsborough county. New Hampshire, November 24th, 1836. In 1854, he moved to California, where he re- mained until 1856, when he came to Minnesota and took a claim near Litchfield. Three years later, he removed to Miami county, Indiana, en- gaged in farming eight years. He then located on a farm at Brooklyn, Hennepin county, Minnesota which he still owns. In 1880, he became a part- ner in the firm of Ryan and Wales, in which he still continues. He was married in 1859 to Hat- tie J. Joslyn, of New Hampshire. They have five children, ilary B,, Marcellus M., Hannah J., Martha ('. and (Uistie. John Ryberg is a native of Sweden, born April 18th, 1851. He came to America in 1872, and two years later located at Minneapolis. He worked at lumbering four years, then became a member of the firm of Ryberg and Company, the firm consisting of John Ryberg, A. P. Alolin and C. Johnson. They have the Stockholm meat market at 1410 Washington Avenue south, estab- lished in 1876. Mr. Ryberg was married in 1874 626 HlHTORY OF IIEXKEPIN COUNT V. to Augusta Oleeon, of Sweden, who has borne liim tliiee children, AVolfied A., Charles O. and Xfllie. A. 11. Salisbury, M. D., was born at Canan- daipiia, Ontario county. New York, July 2:id. 1840. (iraduated from tlie State University at Madison. U'ii-ccnsin. in l^(i4. then studied medi- cine, and siaduated atthelJellevue Hospital Med- ical College of Xew York. Practiced at Mazo Wanie. Wisconsin, for a time; then came to Min- neapolis in March. 1874. and has since followed his profession here. lie was associated with Dr. A. A. Ames about live years. Dr. Salisbury's office is niiw at 2o7 Nicollet Avenue. Ue was married in 1869. and has two children. T. G. Sali;b.iry, a native of New York, was born February 10th, 1831. Moved to Iowa in 1857, and in August, 1861, enlisted in the Thirly-tii-st Iowa Volunteers: he was lieutenant, and was the first Union officer who entered Co- lumbia. South Carolina. lie was eventually pro- mot( d to cajitain. Mr. Salisbury came to Minne- apolis from Cedar Falls, Iowa, in 1878, and is now one of the firm of Salisbury andRolph. lie had bein in the mattress Ijusiness there, tliree years. His marriage with Mariam Richardson took place in June 1854. They have one child, Fred R. Henry R. Sallada was born in I'hiladelpliia, Penns) Ivania; after leaving his native place he lived one year in Oil City, then removed to Chica- go, where he was in the insurance busines five years. In 1879 Air. Sallada came to this city, and is engaged in trade at 727 Washington Avenue south; he deals in meat, butter, eggs, game, etc. In 1880 he mairied Mary Devlin of Washington, D. C. Louis Salzeder was born Febniary 2oth, 1846, in Bavaria, and pursued classical studies at Mu- nich, in the college of the Benedictine Fathers, coming to America in December, 1868. He at once went to St. Vincent's Monastery, Pennsylva- nia, and entered the Order of St. Benedict, Jan- uary 1st, 1869. After finishing his course there, he came, on the 10th of January, 1870, to St. Louis Abbey, now St. John's, at St. Cloud. Stearns county, where he finished his theological studies. He then, on March 25th, 1873, was estiiblished as assistant pastor in Assumption Church, St. Paul, and remained there until November, 1878, when he came to Miimeapolis. Rev. Robert F. Sample, D. D., pastor of West- minster Church, Jilinneapolis, was born in Corn- ing. New York, October 19th, 1829. His mother died when he was quite young. He spent part of his boyhood at Geneva, in connection with the Lyceum, under the care of the Rev. Mr. French. After completing his academic course, he entered Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, Dr. Robert J. Breckenridge being president. Was converted during the junior year in college. Graduated in 1849. Entered the Western Theological Semi- nary in 1850. During the senior year, was called to the First Presbyterian Church of Mercer, Pennsylvania. After three years of labor, he re- signed the charge, and accepted a call to Bedford in April, 1856. in the hope that the mineral water of that place would improve his declining health. He remained there for ten years. Still intluenced by considerations of health, he moved to Minne- apolis, to the supply of the Andrew Church, until March, 1868, when he was called to the Westminster church. The church grew under his care necessitating an addition to the edi- fice, which was made in the summer of 1870. The same year he made a trip to Europe, his peo- ple kindly furnishing the money, sailed from New York in June, visiting the holy land and the his- toric places mentioned in the Bible, returning to his church and people in December, 1872. Had a severe attack of congestion of the lungs the fol- lowing June, and in feeble health made a visit to Colorado, spending most of the summer and re- turning in September. His health not being fully established, returned to Colorado in Janu- ary, 1874, remaining there until the following May, when he returned to his charge and has per- formed full ministerial duty ever since. A few Sabbaths after his return from Colorado a great revival commenced, continuing for nearly a year; about sixty additions were made .to the church on profession of faith. Was called twice to the Seven- teenth street church and afterwards to the Cen- tral Church, Colorado, also to the church of Allegheny City. Among his many literary pro- ducts are his Memoirs of J. C. Thome, pastor of Pine street Presbyterian Church, St. Louis. Four volumes for Young Christians, published by the Presbyterian board, namely: •'Enquiring the Way," '-The Afflicted," "Young Christians" and "Religious Despondency." On the twenty-fifth niOGIiAPHJVAL. 627 anniversary of his marriage, his parisli presented him with an elegant gold watch and chain, the watch elaborately engraved. At the marriage of his daughter to the Rev. J. B. Donaldson, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Hastings, she was presented by his people with a large quantity of silver ware, many articles of furniture and a beautiful gold watch and chain. On the IStliof November, 1878, she was married in her father's church, her father performing the ceremony. Dr. Sample married Miss lilanda M. ISacken, daugh- ter of Henry Baeken of Camionsburgh, Pennsyl- vania. They have five children; Mary E., Anna J.. Robert W., John W., and Walter B. W. W. Satterlee, pastor of the Seventh street M. E. Church, was born at Laporte, Indiana, in 1837. Moved to Stevenson county, Illinois, then to Richland county, Wisconsin: converted at thir- teen; licensed to preach at nineteen; ordained at twenty-three, preaching in Richland county, Wis- consin. He came to Le Sueur county. Minnesota, in 1863, and commenced the practice of medicine, doing work at the same time as local preacher. United with the M. E. church in Waseca in 1867, prea'-hed there for three years, and in St. Cloud two years. Then to the First M. E. Church in Minneapolis two years, in the mean- time completing the present Seventh street church. In 1873 appointed agent of the Minne- sota Temperance Union, and continued the work for about seven years. Married December 24th, 1856, to Miss Sarah Stout; have six children: Mary P., Clara A., Willie E., Fanny O., Plioebe A., and Han-y B. Is an earnest worker in the temperance cause, a keen debater, speaking with great power and effect. He obtained about 50,- 000 signers to the pledge, and for the prosecution of the work obtained notes, subscriptions and collections to the amount of $25,000, and was the temperance candidate for governor in 1880. A. Sanborn, a native of Maine, was born at Charleston in 1853. Learned the jeweler's busi- ness at Bangor, and worked there imtil 1877, when he came to Minneapolis and engaged in business as manufacturing jeweler and watch maker; he is located at 219 Nicollet Avenue. His wife was Mary F. Beebe, whom he married iii 1878; she has borne him one son, Ralph R. N. W. Savage, born May 15th, 1842, at Augusta, Maixie. At the age of eighteen, he went to Lew- iston and worked in the cotton mills one year. In 1861. he enlisted in the Eiglith Maine and served until 1S64; tlie next year he went to Tennessee and worked for the government in building the railroad from Chattanooga to Atlanta; he then returned to Maine, and afterward spent one winter in Michigan. He was at Sacramento. Cali- fornia, eleven months, and in Nevada one and one-half years; then passed about fourteen montlis in Maine again, farming and in the gro- cery business. In 1872, he came here and en- gaged in the fish trade and the ice business. The winter of 1S75-6, he spent in Tennessee. Now deals in new and second hand goods of all kinds. He married in 1866, Miss E. J. Watson. They have one son, N. W„ and a daughter, E. J. John Savory, a native of Italy, was born in 1835. Came to the United States in 1855, and to this city in 1868; tlie first year after arrival, he worked in the woods, then for two years kept a hotel on Main street near Fourth Avenue, and four years at the corner of Main street and Cen- tral Avenue. In 1875, he built the Nicollet Ave- nue Hotel, No. 49 Central Avenue; it is 32x32 feet, three-stories high and basement. Albert Schafers, a native of Prussia, was born September 13th, 1847. Came to the United States in 1863, and was two years in a commis- sion house in New York; he then removed to Iowa for one year, thence to Rochester, Minne- sota, and in 1868, to this city. Was employed by the Cliicago, ISIilwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company until 1874; he built a store at 1-501 Sixth street south, w liich was destroyed by fire in 1880, but rebuilt the same year; he now has a bil- liard hall, smnmer garden, and very pleasant bowling alley. In October, 1867, he married Dina Kleinsmith. They have one child, John. Godfrey Scheitlin was born in Switzerland, February 18th, 1821. From 1841 until 1848, he carried on a very extensive business in the manu- facture of cotton and woolen goods. In the spring of 1848, he started for America; located in Cabell county, West Virginia, wliere, in 1856, he received his naturalization papers. During his stay there, he engaged in mercantile pursuits. Came to Minneapolis in October, 1856 and con- tinued the same business about three years, then invested in the ginseng trade; he met with a loss of $108,000 in 1864, and in 1S6S left that business 6:28 luaiony of iiEy^EPiA coumy. and erected tl.e mill, now occupied by tlie Jlinne- sota Linseed Oil Comiiay. January 1S60, tlie firm of Scheiilin. lidl and Sidle was orgauiz-d, and Mr. Sclieitlin lias since superintended tlie busi- ness, lie was married in New York in 1863 to Sopliia Benn. of Altona, Germany. They are the parents of eight children, only three of whom are living. Charles Scherf, a native of Germany, was born in 1836. Came to America in lSo4, and resided one year at Xe^v York city ; then removed to Jlilwaukee, Wisconsin, where he lived nine years, and after a residence of three years in St. Paul, came, in 1867, to this city. lie manufactures kegs, barrels, and casks. Mr. Scherf married, in 1857, Emma Ximon. They have four children. M. F. Scofield was born December 28lh, 18-19, in the state of New York, and grew to manhood there. Was educated at Rochester Universitj', and taught school several years in his native state. In 1873 he came here, and went into the commis- sion business with Waketield and Company. In 1875 the firm was changed to Scofield and Bee- man. Since 1878 he has been in the grocery bus- iness. His wife was Abbie Brown, of Wanen, Ohio. Their marriage took place in 1875. They are the parents of one child. Raymond. William Scharf w as bom in Germany, and em- igrated to the United States in 1872. Is a mer- chant tailor, his place of busuiess being No. 118 Central Avenue. Mr. Scharf was married in 1875, to Emma Reiseike, who has borne him two children. Edward and Willie. A. Schelling, a native of Switzerland, was born in 1839. Came to America in 1874, and lived at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, one and one-half years. From there he removed to Iowa, where he was employed as civil engineer for nearly four years. Mr. Schelling came to this city in Feb. 1880 and opened his billiard hall at 118 Thirteenth Aveime north, lie also ki eps confectionery and notions. In 1879 lie married Mary Piobst. Charles Schmidt was bom in Germany, in 1846. Came to America in 1868. and lived about four years in Connecticut. In 1872 he came here for a short time, then removed to McLeod county. After a residence there of about eighteen months, he again came to this city, and worked at his trade of baker two years. Then he spent the same length of time in McLeod county, after which he returned to Minneapolis, and opened a bakery at the comer of Washington and Seventh Avenues south. In October. 1875. he married Maiy Mayer. She has borne him three children, two of whom are living. John A. Schlener, a native of Pennsylvania, was born February 24th. 1856. at Philadelphia. Since 1857 he has been a resident of Minneapolis. After leaving school, Mr. Schlener worked for the well-known firm of Bean. Wales and Company, dealers in books and stationery. In 1878 he be- came a partner, and in August of the year follow- ing the firm sold their business to Kirkbride and Whitall; Mr. Schlener is in the employ of the new company. Paul Schmedeman was bom June 7th, 1855, at Madison, Wisconsin. Came to ^Minneapolis in March. 1879, and worked a while in the cigar- manufacturing business. He was afterward em- ployed by Daily and Reed, proprietors of the place he now runs, having bought of them in Novem- ber, ISSO; it is a sample room and billiard hall at 205 Nicollet Avenue. G. Schober. a native of Germany, moved to Minneapolis in 1855, and has been in the milling business since 1861. He is one of the owners of the Phoenix mill, a description of which may be seen elsewhere in this work. Married, in 1866, Mary Goehringer. Their five children are: Carl, John, Mary, William and Edward. Rev. J. Schneider, pastor of the First German Methodist Episcopal Church, the subject of this sketch, was born in Pennsylvania, August 11th, 1843. Moved to Galena, Illinois, resided there two years, removing to Platteville. Wisconsin, where he received his education; converted at twelve yeai-s. joined the church, and was elected superintendent of the Sunday-school at twenty. Entered the army as soon as his age would per- mit. Enlisted in the Forty-seventh Wisconsin, remaining with his regiment for a short time, then detailed to the general headquarters, remain- ing there until the close of the war. In 18^6, married Miss Metha Schneider, and moved to Charles City. Iowa; joined, by letter, the German Methodist Episcopal Church ; elected Sunday- school superintendent, holding the position for nearly three years. He was a licensed exhorter, then local preacher, starting out as assist^nit to the pastor in charge of the Charles City mission, BIOGRAPHJCAL. 629 which comprised five counties. In the fall of 1869 was appointed to Rush Creek and Jewell's Prairie, Illinois, remaining there three years, doubling the membersliip, building a church and paying for it. Was then appointed to Fort Dodge for one year and Alden two years; transferred to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he built a church and parsonage, and largely increased the member- ship. Stationed at East Minneapolis for two years, and from there to his present charge. John Schockweiler was born in Luxembourg, September nth, 1821. Is a self-educated man, having attended school but three months. In 1852 he emigrated to Detroit, Michigan, and in 1854 came to Minneapolis; I)e was the second man here engaged in the lime business. His location at present is 15 Third street south; he deals in lime, liair, cement etc. His first wife was Anna Nercyer, who died in 1854; they had one daugli- ter. His present wife was Louisa Mande; they have no children. Joseph Schulenburg came to Minneapolis in 1866. Kept the Pacific House two years, then engaged in farming the same length of time in nice county; he afterwards worked a farm in Plymoutli two years, thence to St. Anthony where for eight years he was proprietor of a boarding- house. Since November 1st, 1880, he has kept the Medina House, previous to which lie ran the Hennepin House. In 1851 he married Margaret Baker. Their children are Mathew, Caspar and Lizzie. Fred Schroder, a native of Germany, was born November 24th, 1834. Came to America in 1853 and located at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where he resided until 1876, when he removed to Califor- nia. In July, 1880, Mr. Schroder came to this city, and engaged in the meat business at 403 Plymouth Avenue. He was married in 1866 to Miss D. Inkenky. Henry Sehulze, a native of Germany, was horn January 28th, 1842. Cam» to America in infan- cy, and lived until 1S59 at Chioago, Illinois; he th n removed to St. Paul and worked at the meat business there .about five years. In 18()4 he came to tliis city and started a meat market, which he sold in April, 1880, to L. W. Neudeck, but still retains his position as manager of the business. In 1875 he married the widow of the late Louis Neudeck of Minneapolis. Henry II. Scott was born in Penobscot county, Maine, September, 1846. Lived on a farm with his parents until the age of twenty years. In 1863 lie enlisted in the First Maine Heavy Ar- tillery; served two years, engaged in thirty-two battles and was twice wounded. Came here in 1866, and has since been in the lumber busi- ness. He is also proprietor of the Cottage House, on Second Avenue north. In 1874 he married Jos>e Fashant. William Henry is their only child. I. C. Seeley was born January 22d, 1833, in Allegan county, Michigan. When seventeen years of age he attended Richland Seminary, Kal- amazoo county, and afterward taught. Enlisted in the Fourth ilichigan Cavalry, and served three years, being in fifty-seven different engage- ments; was held a prisoner of war over five months, nearly three months of the time at An- dersonville, and is a living witness of the horrors of that prison-pen. After the war he prepared for college at Kalamazoo, then went to Olivet and graduated from the college there in 1868; he also graduated in law at Ann Arbor in 1871 , and w-as in the oflSce of Severance and Burrows of that city until 1872, when he came here and has since been in the real estate and insurance busi- ness. In 1876 he married Julia M. Willard. She has borne him one child: Edith. Henry E. Seidell, a native of Connecticut, was born August 4th, 1835, at Portland. When five years of age he moved to New Haven, and resided there until 1860, wlien he came to St. Paul, and two years later removed to Minneapolis; he has been very sucjessful in his business of contract- ing and building. Mr. Selden enlisted in the Sixth Minnesota Volunteers in 1862; he was through the Indian war, the regiment marching 3,200 miles, and was in tlie service until 1865. On his return he built his present residence at 14 Tenth street south. His wife was Eleanor Stevens, whom he married in 1860, They are the iiarents of seven children: Lewis. Emma, Mabel. Frank, Kittle, Eleanor, and Henry. George Sermon, veterinary surgeon, graduated at Edinburgh. April 23d. 1862; at the Royal Col- lege of Veterinary Surgeons, April SOtli. 1862, and has a diploma from each. In 1869 he moved to Montreal, Canada, and followed his profession there nine years. Since November, 1878, he has been in practice in '\iiiiiieapolis. 630 BISTOBT OF BENKEPIN COUMY. George Kittredge Shaw, editor of the Evening Joiinial, was born in Extter, Penobscot coiinty, ilaine. June 23d. 1841. IJis paYents removed to Galena, Illinois, in the fall of 1)^51. and in that city 2ilr. Shaw grew to manhood, receiving his education in the public schools of that place. Having learned the luinting trade he made his first business venture in 1S62 purchasing the Platteville. Grant county. "Witness, which he owned and conducted successfully until 1S67. In 1863 he enlisted in the Forty-third Wisconsin Infantry, was elected captain of company B, and served till the close of the war. receiving a com mission as major in 18(U. In 1S67 he came to Minneapolis, and was made editor-in-chief of the ilinneaiiolis ilorning Tribune. That position he held for thne years and then resigned on account of ill-health. In the summer of 1870 he founded the Daily Evening News, which was the first daily evening newspaper, receiving tele- graphic dispatches, started in this city. In June, 1873, he sold the News, and removed to Bay City. Michigan. wi)ere lie was employed for five years as editor and manager of the Daily Trib- une of that place. Keturning to Minneapolis in the winter of 1878, Jtlr. Shaw purchased an in- terest in the Evening Tribune, remained with that paper as writing editor until May 1st. 1880, and on that date sold out his Tribune stock and afterwiirds purchased a half-interest in the Even- ing Journal. Mr. Shaw was married September 13th. 1S71. to Miss Anna E. Jones, of Detroit, Michigan, and has three sons and one daughter. J. M. Shaw was born December 18th. 1833. in Penobscot county. Maine. AVas educated at Exe- ter and East Corinth. In the spring of 1852 he came to Minnesota and resided at Cottage Grove, then removed to Galtna. Illinois, where he was seven years, employed as book-keeper in a mer- cantile house. In 1856 he began reading law and in 1859 entered the otKce of A. L. Cummings. "Was admitted to the bar by the suprpme court of Illinois, and remained at Galena until 1862. when he removed to Wisconsin. He enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Wisconsin and was made second lieutenant of company E ; was first engaged in frontier service, then went south in 1863 and ser\'ed until June. 1865 ; he was mustered out as captain. In October of the same year he came to Minneapolis and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession here, He is a member of the law firm of Shaw. Le^^ and Cray. In Sep- tember. 1864. he maiTied Ellen A., daughter of Dr. J. S. Elliot of this city. C. W. Shatto, a native of Warren, Ohio, was born in Xov( niber. 1840. At the age of ten years he accorupanied his parents to Minnesota, and followed farming imtil 1868, when he enlisted in the First Minnesota Yolunteere. and served untU the expiration of his term of sen-ice. Then worked at freighting from Omaha to Denver un- til 1866, when he came to this city and was em- ployed by Gould and Company, the pioneer agri- cultural implement firm, until engaging in busi- ness for himself. In 1872 he married Miss Sarah Tinkham, in Minneapolis. They have one child. John AV. Sherwood was born December 17th, 1817. at London, England. Learned the book- binder's trade in his native place and came to America in 1848; he resided in New York four years, and three years in Connecticut, thence to Woodstock, Canada. December, 1855, he came to Minneapolis and established the first book bindery in the city ; he does edge gilding and all kinds of work pertaining to his business. His wife was Lucinda Marston. The children born to them were: Lucy. John. Rachel, Reuben. John, Xelson. Cedric. Mary and Xaomi ; four of these have passed away. M. R. Sherwood, son of the above, was born in London. England. September 12th. 1846. Came to the United States in 1848. and in 1865 to Min- neapolis. He commenced the manufacture of paper boxes in 1872 and was the fii-st in the city to make a specialty of that line of work ; he is now doing a large business at 123 and 125 Nicol- let Avenue. Mr. Sherwood was married in May. 1877. to Julia Anderson of Iowa. They have one child. Frederick. Sherburne and White are proprietor's of the Windsor House, located on Washington Avenue, at the corner of Firet Avenue north.. The build- ing is owned by L. L. Cook ; it was erected by W. F. Uanscom in 1867 ; it has a frontage of sixty-six feet on Washington Avenue and a depth of one hundred feet ; the house is three stories liigh and there are flfty-four rooms. Messrs. Sherburne and White leased, refitted and refur- nished the house ; they are old and popular hotel men who always endeavor to please their guests. BIOGBArniCAL. 631 B. P. Shuler, a native of Pennsylvania, was born September 13tb, 1829, in Lycoming county. Came to this city in 1852, and nas employed as mill-wright until 1871, when for two years he en- gaged in the milling business, in company with Mr. Ilineline, at tlie Richfield mills. lie went to California in 1873, returned the following year, and went into business at tlie Arctic mill, under the firm name of Ilobart, Shuler and Company. In 1863 Mr. Shuler married Abbie E. Tidd, of Minneapolis. R. G. Shuler, born at Williamsport, Pennsylva- nia, in 1827. At the age of seventeen he com- menced learning the trade of mill-wright, at which he worked in his native state until 1853, when he went to Indiana, and resided one year; then re- moved to Minnesota, and lived at Anoka, farm- ing, building, and in the livery business, until 1864. He then accompanied Fisk's Indian expe- dition to tlie plains. Since 1866 lie has lived in this city, engaged in the mill-wright and building business, having assisted in erecting some of the principal mills here. In 1859 be married Liicretia Foster, of Maine. Their children are : Alfred, Uarry, and Florence. Frederick Sievers, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, was born in Frankenlust, Saginaw county. Michigan, June 21st, 1852. Received his early education from his father at home. After confirmatiiin lie went to Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1866. where he remained un- til 1872. In the same year he went to St. Louis, and entered the Concordia Theological Seminary, graduating June 29tli. 1875. August 29tli, same year, was ordained at St. Cliarles. Missouri, re- maining there as assistant pastor until 1859, when he received a call from this cluuch. He is the son of Rev. F. Sievers, who organized the con- gregation in 1856. P. Simonson, a native of Norway, was born in 1841. Emigrated to America in 1866, and located in Minneapolis the same year. He was four years employed in the car-shops, and two years stair-building for J. Harrison. In 1872 he com- menced business for himself, building stairs and railings. His establishment is the only one of the kind in the city, and he has been very suc- cessfid. He was married in February, 1873, to Martha Anderson. They are the parents of three children. Mr. Simonson's residence and stair- building shop are at 1006 Washington Avenue south. C. M. Skinner; M. D., was born at Waukeslia, Wisconsin, in jSIarch. 1841. He was educated in his native county: afterward studied medicine and graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, in 1876. For one and one-half years he was house surgeon of the Cook County Hospital at Chicago; then practiced at Hartford. Wisconsin, about fifteen months, and since June. 1878, has been in practice in Minneapolis. Dr. Skinner re- sides at 1001 Washington Avenue south. Ilis marriage with Calista Rowell, of Wisconsin, oc- curred in 1863. They have one daughter. L. J. Skinner was born at Brooklyn, New York, April 4th, 1853. At the age of sixteen he was employed as clerk in the dry goods estalilishment of E. 11. Van Ingen and Company, of New York city, and remained till 1879, wlien he came here and engaged in tlie paint business, as dealer and contractor, firm name of Adams and Skinner. After a few months he bought Mr. Adams' inter- est and continued alone nearly a year, when lie became associated with W. W. Sly, and the man- ufacture of paints was added to tlie business. Their works are on Nicollet Island. JSIr. Skinner married Elizabeth M. Bradley, in 1879. They have had one child, who died in infancy. O. B. Skinner, a native of New York, was bom August 3d, 1844. in Essex county. L=arned the drug business atElmira, New York, went to Kan- sas in 1869. and was in business there about two years, then resided in Vermont till 1S76. Since that time lie lias been in the drug trade at Minne- apolis, with very profitable results. He occupies the whole of the building where he is at present located. 1121 Wasliingtou Avenue north. In 1870, he married Miss C. L. Baldwin, of Waverly, New York. Of their four children only one sur- vives: Clara. Mrs. Skinner died August 1st. 1S80. Thomas Sloan, a native of Preble, Cortland county. New York, was born in 1857. When a babe he came with his parents to St. Anthony, and at the age of eleven went to work in tlie mills of Minneapolis. For the past seven years he has been employed at the Cataract mill. Mr. Sloan is an unmarried man, and lives with his parents at No. 2 First Avenue south. William Wesley Sly was born July 9th, 1848, in Oakland county, Michigan. At the age of 632 HISTOBY OF HENKEPIN C0UN2Y. sixteen he went to sea, and before he was twenty- one years of age he circumnavigated the globe. lie lived in England two years, engaged in paint- ing, for which he had a natural ability; from there he went to Italy, Asia, East India, China, and was in tlie Abyssinian expedition with sup- plies; he was at Ansley bay at the time King Theodore suicided. In 1869 he returned to Bom- bay, and there went on board the Great Eastern, laying cable, lie served in the late war, and after peace was declared, he again went to sea. In 1872 he engaged in the paint business in De- troit, anil remained there, with the exception of one schooner trip to Diiluth, in which he was shipwrecked and nearly lost his Ufe, until 1878, when he came to Jilinneapolis and took charge of the Minnesota Linseed Oil Company's paint works. In 1880 he formed a partnership with L. J. Skinner, known as the Minneapolis Liquid Paint Company, lie married, hi Jime, 1880, Mary, daughter of Rev. L. D. Brown of St. Paul. C. H. Smart, florist, 511 Sixteenth Avenue south, ilr. Smart is a native of England, and was born JSIarch 28th, 1828, at London. In 1868 he moved to the state of New York, where he worked at his trade, blacksmithing, until 1871; since that time he has resided in ^Minneapolis. While still working at his trade, he has engaged in the cultivation of plants and flowers, and has made good progress in that entei-prise. He mar- ried, in 1816, Eliza Maddin of London. Their two children have passed away. Fred. L. Smith was bom in the tow n of Lee, Maine. July 2d, 1813. Received an academic ed- ucation at Lee Normal Academy. Came to Min- nesota with his parents in June, 1857, and located in St. Anthony. Was the first carrier boy of the Falls Eveumg Journal, a daily paper started in the fall of 1857, by Messrs. Croffut and Clark, in whose office he learned the printer's trade. Was foreman of the Pioneer job department in 1863 and 1861. and in 1865 became associated with Col. John II. Stevens, Col. L. P. Plummer and others in the publication of the Minneapolis Daily Chronicle. When that paper was merged into the State Atlas, and the Minneapolis Daily Trib- une was started, he engaged as general superin- tendent of the mechanical department of that in- stitution, in wliicli place lie continued until Au- gust, 1871, when he formed a paitnership with Chas. W. Johnson in the job printing business. Is now a member of the firm of Johnson, Smith and Ilanison, the printers of this history. He has been an active member of the masonic fra- ternity, having served three years as Master of Cataract Lodge No. 2. A. F. and A. M., during which time their new hall was built. Has also been High Priest of St. Anthony Falls Royal Arch Chapter No. 3, Thrice Illustrious Master of Adon- iram Council No. 5, and Eminent Commander of Darius Commandery No. 7, of this city. Is also a Scottish Rite Mason. Was elected Alderman of the fifth ward in the spring of 1878, for two years. Was re-elected in the spring of 1880 for three years, and on the organization of the city councU, was made its vice-president. Was elec- ted president of the city council at its organiza- tion in 1881, which position he now liolds. Was married in December 1868 to a daughter of Henry Sinclair. Has two children. Albee Smith, born November 25th, 1815, at Orange, Massachusetts. Attended the graded schools of Cambridge and in 1863, entered the University of Chicago; the next year he went to Middlebury College; during the two years he was there, he read law with Sandford B. Perry and Walker, Dexter and Smith. He returned to Chi- cago, entered the law school, and in 1867, was admitted to the bar at Ottawa, Illinois. Came to Minneapolis the same year and opened a law office in company with M. D. L. Collester. In 1871, he returned to Chicago, but was burned out during the great conflagration, and coming again to Minneapolis, has since continued in his pro- fession here. He married MoUie McClelland in 1870. Their chikh'en are, Robert, Albee and OrveU. C. H. Smith, a native of New Hampshire, was bom June 26th, 1859, at Salisbury. Resided there until 1877, when he came here and worked for the firm of Smith and Day, the former beuig a brother of his. In September, 1878, he became a member of the firm of Smith and Miller; they deal in hardware at 231 Sixth Avenue south. Charles W. Smith, born November Uth. 1818, at Greenville, Illinois. Moved with his parents to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and attended school there until 1862, when he went to Europe, and entered the Liverpool Free College; he graduated in 1865, and then traveled through Europe. In BIOGBAPEICAL. 633 1866, he crossed the isthmus and went to Calcutta, India, from Madias. Retui-ned to America in 1867, and from here visited Buenos Ayres in the ship Kossuth, in which he was part owner, and was pay-master of the first railroad built in tlie Ar- gentine Confederation in 1868. He toolc cliarge of a steamer whicli went to tlie relief of a Welch colony in Patagonia, and returned overland to Buenos Ayres, from wliere he made a trip on horse back across the Andes to Cliili, returning through Paraguay and Brazil, thence homevi^ard in 1870. Since that time he has been engaged in teaching in Minnesota. In 1878, he moved to this city, and in 1875 was appointed superinten- dent of schools, and was elected to the otHce in 1877, and re-elected in 1879. Mr. Smith married Electa Hawkins in 1872. Arthur Garfield is their only child. The have an adopted son Benjamin W. E. M. Smith, a native of Michigan, was born February 10th, 1843, at Pontiac. Moved to Wi- nona, Minnesota, in 1867, and for tliree years was engineer on the Winona and St. Peter railroad. In 1870, he came to this city and ran an engine two years on the Chicago, Milvvaul^ee and St. Paul railway. Since tlie Union Planing Mills started, he has been employed there as engineer. His wife was EtHe Jones; their marriage occurred in March, 1869; Burtie, Daisy, Roy and Ida, are their children. George Smith, a native of Wisconsin, was born July 2oth, 1856, in Walworth county. Went to Winona, Minnesota, in 1875, and two years later removed to ilinneapolis. He is now em- ployed as miller at the Osborne feed mill. His address is 616 Fifth street north-east. George Smith, born in Picton county. Nova Scotia, September 6th, 18-16. First engaged in the business of hides, tallow, pelts, etc., at Chi- cago, in 1870, and afterwards with prominent firms at Milwaukee and Eau Claire, Wisconsin. In 1875 he was employed as salesman for Oberne, Hosick and Company, of this city, 103 and 105 Second street south, and has been prt)moled to manager. George F. Smith, was born at Salisbury, New Hampshire, September 1st, 1842. Enlisted in 1862 in the Sixteenth New Hampshire Infantry, and served one year. On being mustered out, in 1863, he came to Minneapolis, but the next year went south to work, and laid the first sill of the Cumberland hospital, at Nashville. He re- turned in 1S65, and W'orked in the hardware business for J. S. Pillsbury, until starting for himself in 1872; the firm of Smith and Scribner dates from May, 1876. Mr. Smith married Miss Connor of this city, in 1867. Their children are: George, Ralph and Cyrus. J. R. Smith, a native of Sahsbury, New Hamp- shire, was born April 21st, 1851. Since 1871 he has been a resident of Minneapolis. He worked for George F. Smith four years, and in 1876, entered into partnership with Mr. Day in the hardware business. Mr. Smith's marriage with Leonora Day took place in 1875. They are the parents of two children; J. R., and Rena. They reside at 915, Seventh Avenue south. J. A. Smith, a native of Germany, was born in 1850. He accompanied his parents to America in 1855, and removed to Minneapolis in 1874; since that time has been engaged in the manufac- ture of barrels, and is now president of the Co- operative Barrel Company. Jason W. Smith, was born October 23d, 1840, in Penobscot county, Maine. Remained on his father's farm till 1860, when he went to Bangor, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. In July, 1870, he removed to this city and clerked in a grocery store three years, then went into the grocery trade at 101 Central Avenue, in partner- ship with W. W. Hawes. His wife was Emma Maxim; they were married in 1865. Of tlieir fom- children, three are living: George, Edith and Jessie. Theodore W. Smith, a native of New York city, was- born August 25th, 1860. Commenced working at milling in 1874, at Ashland, Ohio ; re- moved to this city in October, 1878, and was em- ployed one year at the Crystal Lake mill. Since that time has been engaged with Hawthorne Brothers at the Trades mill. His marriage with Julia Desjardin occurred August 3d, 1880. C. L. Snyder, born February 1st, 1831, in Som- erset county, Pennsylvania. In 1857 he came to Minnesota, located at (ilencoeand for three years followed lumbering and farmiug ; he was sheriff of McLeod county in 1857-8. In 1861 raised company B, of tlie Fourth Minnesota ; he was promoted captain of this coini)any and served three years ; after being mustered out in 1864 he 634 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. went to Pennsylvania and raised a company of artillery there, and served as captain until May, 1865. In the fall of that year be came here and was in the wood business two years then formed a partnership with Mr. Keator ; for thirteen years they were carriers of the Minneapo- lis Tribune, and have been in the bill posting business a number of years. Mr. Snyder was elected to the city council in 1873 and "79 ; was president of the city council in 1880. In 1855 he man'ied Margaret Cunningham. James, Anna, Grace and Charles are their cliildren. S. P. Snyder, born April 14th, 182(), at Somer- set, Pennsylvania. He received a common school education and started life as clerk in an imcle's store. In 1847 he purchased a stock of dry goods and located at Berkley's Mills ; he sold in about two years and removed to Ohio, where he followed the same business in company with his brother; he sold again in 1855, came to St. An- thony, and formed a partnership with W. K. McFarlane for the purpose of locating lands. In the fall of 1855 removed to the west side, returned to Ohio, was married and came back to Minne- apolis, and for a time occupied J. II. Stevens's pre-emption house. In 1857 became a member of the firm of Snyder, McFarlane and Cook, bank- ers and real estate dealers ; in the summer of 1857 purchased eighty acres and platted it as Snyder and Company's first addition to Minne- apolis; Tenth street now passes through this. Mr. Snyder was one of the many to suffer in the financial panic of 1858, but afterwards recovered and in 1876 built a fine large block, on the same spot where t\\enty years previous he had placed his land otlice. In 1880 he sold both block and lot, as a building site for the new Union de- pot. In 1856 he married Mary Ramsay. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Snyder are Frank, Fred and ]SIary. Joseph Sonnen was born in 1832 in Prussia, Came to America in 1855, located in the state of New York and resided there about eight years. In 1873 he removed to Minneapolis, and worked as pattern maker for the St. Anthony Iron Works until 1878. Since that time he has been success- fully engaged in manufacturing furniture. W. A. Spaidding, Dentist, was born in Penob- scot county, Maine, March 7th, 1842. Moved to Wright county, Minnesota, in 1856, and settled at Monticello. In 1862 he enlisted, and was three and one-half years in active seniee; mustered out in 1865. Since the war he has made this city his home. In 1870, assisted in the location of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad, and had charge of bridge building on that line until 1872, when he engaged in surveying townships in north- western Minnesota. Mr. Spaulding graduated from the Ohio college of dental surgery March 4th, 1875, with the degree of D. D. S.; since that time has been in practice. His wife was Miss J. C. Johnson; they were married in 1866. Three children have been born to them: Willie, Susie and one who died in infancy. Edward Spear, Jr., was bom in 1828. at War- ren. Ohio, and received his education in his na- tive place. Was in the army five years; was in command of an Ohio battery three years of the time, and then was paymaster of the army of the Tennessee; after the war he passed five months in Europe. In 1878 he came here and established the North-western Stove Works, located in South ^Minneapolis. ^Ir. Spear married, in 1856, Emma Louder. Their children are : Louie, Edward, Bertha and Harry. R. Speck, a native of Germany, was bom Sep- tember 14th, 1841. Came to the United States in 1864, and resided at St. Paul until 1874 when he came here and for about one year was in the pro- duce and commission business; since then he has had a grocery and general merchandise store, his present location being 50] First street north. His marriage with Mary Joungclaus occurred in 1872. Of their four children, those living are: Carl, Gustave and Adolph. David Spillaue, a native of New York, was born August 15th, 1855, at Dunkirk. Wlien a babe he moved with his parents to Fillmore county, Minnesota. When seventeen years of age he commenced the milling business at Wlialan. In July, 1879, he came to Minneapolis and en- gaged with the Standard mill, where he occupies the position of grinder. J. 11. Stahr was bom December 29th, 1842, in Denmark. Came to this country, worked one year at farming in Indiana, six months in a roll- ing mill, and then was engaged as clerk in a hotel, previous to returning to Denmark on a visit. In 1866 he removed to Wisconsin and engaged in the grocery business; came here in 1876 and was in BIOGRAPHICAL. 635 different lines of business till 1880, wben he opened a second-hand store at 208 Plymouth Av- enue. In 1865 he married Christine Hanson. They have had nine children; only tliree are liv- ing. Carl G. Stammwitz was bom in Germany In 1831. Came to St. Anthony in 1858, and was head miller for Morrison and Prescott, at the Farmer's mill, six years. In 1865, bought the St. Anthony mill in company with G. Schober; they purchased a half interest in tlie People's mill in 1870, and the next year disposed of the St. An- thony mill; in 1875 they took the machinery out of the People's mill and built tlie Phoenix. Mr. Stammwitz married Caroline Peterson in 1861. Their children are Carl, Annie, Frederick, Olga, Adolph, Otto. Augusta, Bertha, Henry, Alice and Alvin (twins,) and George. C. M. Stebbins, a native of Long Meadow, Massachusetts, was born in 1829. Lived with his parents until sixteen years of age, when he went to Connecticut and worked at carpentering four years. In 1849, returned to Massachusetts for one year; then went again to Connecticut and remained till July, 1878, when he came to this city; his place of business is 218 Second Avenue south. Mr. Stebbins was married in 1856 to Miss Langdon. They have two childi-en, llattie and Henry. E. S. Stebbins was born in 1854, at Boston Massa- chusetts. Moved to Troy, New York, in 1868, and two years later went to Saratoga. In 1872 he commenced the study of arcliitecture. Went to Boston and attended the Technological Insti- tute two years. He worked with E. D. Harris three years on the Grand Union Hotel, Saratoga, and the fourth year had entire supervision of the work. In 1877 he came here. His office is 304 Nicollet Avenue. Mr. Stebbins drew plans for the Hennepin county jail, Christ Cliurcli, Henne- pin county, Richfield town hall, and several public buildings at Grand Forks, Dakota. He was married in 1880. Franklin Steele. Tlie following memoir, by Rev. E. D. Neill, was read at tlie meeting of the department of American History of tlie State Historical Society, in October, 1880. " In memo- riam : Franklin Steele. This evening we as- semble under the shadow of a sudden and painful lo.s. Among the twenty-live or thii-ty present at the September meeting of this department of the State Historical Society, he who attracted the most attention by his fine presence and manly form was its chairman, Franklin Steele. Tliose who saw him on that evening, in perfect health, presiding so courteously, yet unolitriisively, can with diffi- culty realize that on the tliird night after, he was silenced by death, and that in less than a week his lifeless body was carried to its last resting- place in the beautiful cemetery which overlooks the capital of tlie republic. Not only as a life member of the Minnesota Historical Society, and cliairmanof the department of American History, but as one of the founders of the commonwealth of Minnesota, is he deserving of some brief memorial. While the French were still occupying the val- ley of the Alleglieny, the region between the Delaware and Susquelianna rivers, in Pennsylva- nia, was fast filling up witli industrious farmers from Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany. Among the hardy men wlio found homes in wliat is now Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, was the paternal ancestor of Franklin Steele, and the wife of this pioneer was of Scotch descent. Fru- gal and persevering, they raised a large family, and four sons, at least, attained manhood. Archibald served under the lamented Mont- gomery in 1775, in the expedition against Quebec, and during the revolution became deputy quarter- master general for the troops of the western di- vision of tlie army in Pennsylvania. Joliii, wIki was liorii in the town of Lancaster, was about seventeen years of age and going to school when the thrilling news arrived that the farmers near Lexington had peppered the British soldiery from Boston, with the contents of their fowling pieces. It stirred the blood of lliis boy, and soon he was found enlisted in the war for in- dependence. At the battle of Brandywine, in September, 1777, he received in his shoulder what was supposed for a time to lie a fat;il wound. On one occasion he swam across the Delaware, wliile ice was floating, with orders tied in a silk handker- chief around his head. Although benumbed, he reached the Jersey shore, and gave an alarm, which baffled the enemy. In March, 1778, Lieu- tenant John Steele was recommended to the ex- ecutive council of Pennsylvania as "an officer well (lualilied to recruit in Lancaster county." 636 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. William was a tltiril son. and a letter is pre- served wliieli was written by John to his brother, dated Morristown, Xew Jersey, June 14tb, 1780, and from which is tliis extract: "I at present enjoy myself incomparably well, in the family of Mi's. AVashington, whose guard 1 have had the hon- or to command, since the absence of the general, and the rest of tlie family, which is now six or seven days. I am happy in tlie importance of my charge, as well as in the presence of the most amiable woman on earth, and whose character, should I attempt to describe, I could not do jus- tice to, but will only say that I think it is unex- tionable." James, a fourth son, was the father of the sub- ject of this memoir. During the war of 1812 he was inspector general of Pennsylvania, and had represented his fellow-citizens in the legislature. Subsequently he was an enterprising citizen in the valley of the Octorara, the stream which sepa- rates Chester and Lancaster counties. Engaged ill farmuig, owning a store, a flour and cotton mill, he was the center of a neighborhood. Franklin Steele, in 1813 was born at his fathers" residence near the western boundary line in Chester county, and as he approached manhood, was actuated by the laudable ambition to depend upon his own exertions, and obtained a position in the Lancaster post-office. In this place he was brought in contact \\ ith James Buchanan, after- wards president, and others who had known his father, and also liked him for his own cheerful spirit. From the desire to act well his part in life, he looked toward the distant west as a broader and more rapid field for development. In view of the treaties about to be made with the Cliippewa and Sioux Indians for tlie lands between the St. Croix and ilississippi, Franklin Steele, and two or three others, in tlie summer of 1837. in a birch-bark canoe propelled by eight men, left the mouth of tlie Minnesota river and descending the Mississippi, entered the St. Croix and ascending to its falls, laid claim to the val- uable water-power by erecting a claim cabhi of logs. After General Dodge made a treaty with ths Ghippewas at Fort Snelling, a delegation of Sioux were taken by the Indian agent at Fort Snelling to Washington, and there they also, on the 27th of September, 1837, signed a treaty by which the pine forests of Minnesota were effectually op- ened to the axe of the lumberman. Mr. Steele passed the winter of 1838 at Wash- ington and elsewhere, but on the evening of the 13th of June, on the steamboat Burlington, ar- rived at Fort Suelling. Among his fellow pass- engers were Capt. Maryatt, of the British navy, the well-known novelist, and a number of others, ladies as well as gentlemen. With them, he rode out for pleasure to the Falls of St. Anthony, then the ultima thule. a point at which he was destined to ereet the flrs^ permanent structure, and in which, after it became a city of forty-eight thou- sand inhabitants, he was suddenly to die. On the 20th of June, the steamboat Ariel ar- rived at Fort Snelling, and one of the passengers said that the senate had ratified the treaty, but it was not until the loth of July, that the Palmyra brought the official notice, Mr, Steele now made another trip to the falls of St. Croix and on the 16th of August he came back to the fort. Disposing of his interests at the falls of St. Croix, he turned his attention to the development of the claim at the falls of St. An- thony, and in 1838 engaged a man to cultivate six or eight acres there, the land having not yet been surveyed. It was not until 18-tS that there was a sale of lands by the government, and this year he completed the first saw-mill on the east side of the falls. In 1851 he secured a site for the preparatory department of the University of Minnesota, and was tlie largest contributor toward the erection of the first academic building. The academy was opened in October. 1851, and until destroyed by fire stood in the east division pai'k, opposite the stone edifice now owned by Macalester College. After the treaties of 1851, settlers began to dwell on the prairie on the west side of the falls of St. Antliony. and in a few years were more numerous than those on the east side. With an adiding faith that in time, the roar of a great city would drown the "voice of many watere," Mr. Steele, before patents were issued from the gen- eral land office at Washington for the land on the west side, contracted for the swinging of a wire suspension bridge over the Mississippi, just above tlie cataract, the first bridge of any description which spanned the great river from Lake Itasca to the gulf of Mexico. BIOGBArHICAL. 637 After its complptioii, ihe MiniiPi'ota leRislatiire in tlie winter of 1855. adjonrned for one day to be present at tlie formal opening of the artistic struc- ture, wliich for years was not only a great thor- oughfare for immigrants, but admired by travelers and tourists as a thing of beauty. About tliis time liis name was appropriately given by the state to one of the counties made out of the lands which liad been ceded by the Sioux. Tlie month of August, 1862, can never be for- gotten by tlie settlers of Minnesota. The Sioux, taking advantage of the civil war that was then raging, rose like demons incarnate, and without warning began to attack the settlements of the Minnesota river, and murder and scalp defence- less women and children. Volunteers from St. Paul and Minneapolis hurried to the scene of slaughter, and Mr. Steele followed as soon as possible with the necessary supplies. The drivers of the supply trains at length faltered and said they dared not go on, when Mr. Steele, with characteristic quietness and efficiency, headed the column, riding in an open buggy, night and day, and restored confidence. In April, 1843, he was married, in Baltimore, by the Rev. Dr. Wyatt, to Anna, daughter of ■\Villiam C. Barney, and grand-child of Commo- dore Barney of the United States navy, and also of Samuel Chase, the Maryland states-man, one of the signers of the declai'ation of independence, afterwards judge of the supreme court of the United States. With his bride he came to Fort Snelling when it was surrounded by Indians, and in his wilder- ness home he always exhibited a generous hospi- tality. As his daughters began to grow up, he felt felt it desirable to have a family residence where they could obtain a proper education, and during the latter years of his life he passed the winters in Washington, but always spoke of Minnesota as home. Unobtrusiveness was a marked characteristic of our late associate. His voice was not heard in the streets. Persons would associate with him for months in the midst of this city, and would never think that he had a right to say: "Quorum magna pars fui." But while retiring be was affable. A gentleman by instinct, he avoided topics and allusions which would be painful to those with whom he con\'ersed. Among those in whom he had confidence he loved to indulge in pleasantry. By prosperity he w; s not puffed. Weak hu- man nature is often made very stiff and conse- quential by an increase of this world's goods, but he showed none of that disagreeable conscious- ness which money gives to some people. No poor man was ever humiliated in hispnsence. Of an inquiring mind, with good perceptive powers, in- terested in public questions, and holding social intercourse every winter with some of the best men of the republic, he was able to impart val- uable information and engage in agreeable con- versation. Thrown much of his life-time with frontiersmen, he admued thekenergy, but did not adopt their standai'ds. He did not soil his mouth with coarse, profane or indecent utterances. The slang of the roaring fellows in a loggers' camp, or at a military post had no charms. While the soul is immortal and more valuable than the mortal body which encases it, yet the Hebrews acknowledged that it was a privilege to have a fine physical presence. The sacred writers turned aside from mightier matters to mention that there was not among the Children of Israel a "goodlier person" than Saul, who from his shoulders upward was higher than any of the people, and that David "was ruddy and withal of a beautiful countenance." The subject of our memoir was excelled by few in the symmetry of his physical development. As a young man his presence was noticeable. An old army offi- cer saw him conversing with a young lady at a party given by a member of congress in Wash- ington. He asked his name, and when told that he was from what was then called distant Iowa Territory, he replied: "No matter where he re- sides; God never made a finer form." An old English writer, speaking of a statesman of the days of James I., wrote: "As Ammianus describes a well-shaped man: 'At) ipso capite, usque, ad ungium summitates recta erat linea- mentorum compage'; 'from the nailsof the fingers, nay, from the sole of liis foot to the crown of his head, there was no blemish in him.' And yet his carriage, and every stoop of his deportment, more than his excellect form, were the beauty of his beauty." Does not this description recall the late chairman of this department of the Minnesota Historical Society? At our meeting in September 638 HISTOIiY OF HENXEPIX COUNTY. no one couki have looked upon his cleai-cnt fea- tures, his fine expression, his manly, erect and matured form, without feeling that he was en- dowed with a frame superior to most men. '■Death found strange beauty on that polished brow, and dashed it out." After breakfast on the 9th of September, he was riding witli an acquaintance, when he was seized with dizziness. Soon after he lost consciousness, and at an early hour next morning, while it was yet dark, in the presence of a brother and a son and a few friends, his spirit departed to his God. A beloved wife and a portion of his family liastened to his side, but not until the heart ceased to beat did they an-ive. Lovingly and tenderly the widow earned his lifeless form in a special car. surromided by her two sons and three of her daughters, to the family residence at Georgetown, and on Tluirsday afternoon, the 16th ult., his body was borne to St. John's Church, Washington, D. C, where the family had attended, and services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. C arke, assisted by the Eev. Mr. Lindsay, of Georgetown. The same hymns that had been sung at the services in iliinieapolis were sung there, and the same flowers which loving friends laid on his coffin in his sou's parlor, in this city, were also used. The church was filled with citizens of "Washington, who had learned to respect the quiet, gentle man. From the church he was borne to Oak Hills cemetery and placed in his last resting place, next to the grave of his daugh- ter's husband, the historic commander of the Cumberland in the memorable conflict of Hamp- ton Eoads. It will be long before his friends and his family W'ill forget Frauklin Steele: To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die. After the reading of the memorial, on motion of W. W. ^McNair, resolutions of respect were adopted."' Franklin Steele. Jr.. son of the late Franklin Steele, and one of the first white natives of Hen- nepin county, was born in 1849. Since reaching his majority he has been engaged in business at Minneapolis. Mr. Steele studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1S72, by Judge Wilkin, of St. Paul, passing his examination with great credit. He was married m Febniary, 1872, to Kathleen Lynes. They are the parents of two children. He is a member of the firm of Frank- lin Steele, Jr., and Company, dealere in agricul- tural implements, wagons, etc., corner of First sti-eet and Second Avenue south. Residence on Nicollet Island. E. II. Steele, a native of Vermont, was bom in 1846. "Was employed, in 1868, by the firm of "Whitten, Burdett and Young, of Boston, as trav- eling salesman, and continued with them until 1874, at which time he established the clothing business which he is conducting so successfully in tills city. Mr. Steele's family consists of only himself and wife. They have a fine residence on Eighth street. This building is heated by steam, fitted with electric bells, burglar alarm, etc. Nicholas Steffes, a native of Germany, was born December 10th, 1848. C;fme to America with his parents in 1855, and lived on a farm in "Wright county, Minnesota, until the age of eigh- teen, when he volunteered in the Tenth United States Regulars at Fort Snelling, and served his full time of enlistment. lie has since resided in Minneapolis. He joined the volunteer fire depart- ment in 1875, and served as driver until the or- ganization of the paid department, when he was appointed foreman of Hose Company Xo. 4. In 1876 he married Kate Bofferding. Their children are Annie and John. J. F. Stephens was bom July 4th. 18-52, in Ches- ter county, Pennsylvania. .His father was a mil- ler, and he learned the trade with him, in his na- tive place. He worked at farming for four years inevious to coming west in 1872. He reached this city December 1st of that year, and com- menced work in the Minneapolis mill, filling a minor position at first, but by industry and atten- tion to business advanced to the position of head miller, which position he fills to the entire satis- faction of his employers. * Frank L. Stetson, born December 19th, 1853, in Knox county. Maine. He moved with his pa- rents to Boston, in 1865, and there attended gi-aded schools, afterward went to the Dean Academy at Franklin. In the spring of 1869 he came here and sought employment in the lumber mills ; he had charge of the Northern Pacific railroad company's mills at Brainerd in 1878, re- BIOGBAPHICAL. 639 turned here and until the spring of 1880 was fore-^ man in Leavitt, Cliase and Company's mill, since that time lias filled the same position with Merri- man and Barrows. lie is second chief engineer of the fire department of which he has been a member since 1872. Mr. Stetson's wife was Ida "Winslow, their marriage occurred in 1-877. They have had one child. II. A. Stetson, a native of Lincolnville, Maine, was born in 1849. Came to Minneapolis in the fall of 1867 and was employed in saw mills five years ; then in company with W. C. Stetson, his brother, built the mill which bore their name ; after operating it three years disposed of his in- terest and went to work on the Chicago, Milwau- kee and St. Paul railway. In April, 1879, en- gaged to work in the mill for his brother, who sold in ISSO to Wlieaton, Reynolds and Company, and he has been with them since. He married Lillie Howe, in- 1876. Blanche and Alice are their cliildren. W. C. Stetson was born October IRth, 1841, in Waldo county, Maine. He came to St. Anthony in 1857 and worked in different mills fourteen years. In 1861 he enlisted in the Ninth Minne- sota Volunteers. After service he returned to Minneapolis and in 1871 , built a planing mill, in company with his lirother; they operated the mill eight months, then he bought his brother's share and sold a half interest to B. F. Nelson. In 1878 they built the St. Louis, and the year following Mr. Stetson closed out his interest in both mills. He built in 1880 the-Farnham and Lovejoy mill, and has since operated it for them. In 1859 he married Catharine Griffin. Frank Stevens, a native of Worcester county, Massachusetts, was born July 5th, 1853. Worked in that state at different lines of business until April, 1878, when he removed to Minneapolis, and after clerking in a grocery store until 1879 he embarked in the same for business himself. He had a fine trade up to December, 1880, when, de- siring a change he sold, with the intention of en- gaging in other enterprises. Col. John II. Stevens, the pioneer of Minne- apolis proper, is a native of Lower Canada. His parents, who were natives of Vermont, emigrated from there to one of the eastern townships of Lower Canada, where John H. was born, June 13th, 1820. The family trace their descent to the so called French Huguenots, who emigrated to New England, coming over with other Puritans in the May-flower. Gardner Stevens, his father, was an extensive farmer, and gave his sons a lib- eral education. At an early day Mr. Stevens de- termined to become one of the pioneers of the far west. His first move was to the lead mines of Illinois and Wisconsin. During the war with Mexico, he served with the army of invasion and after the war closed, he came to the territory of Minnesota, which had recently been set apart from Iowa. He located on the original town- site of Minneapolis, opposite the beautiful and picturesque Falls of St. Anthony; here he lived alone and desolate with the Indians. The nearest habitation of white men was Fort Snelling. Since that time vast and wonderful elianges have been made, such as but few men have witnessed in the short space of thirty-two years. He has lived to see grow from his humble home a city of fifty thousand souls, and should he be spared un- til he reaches his three score and ten, he will doubtless behold a city of over one hundred thou- sand inhabitants. He has frequently been hon- ored with seats in the senate and house of repre- sentatives in the state legislature, and has also held high and responsible offices of trust and honor, both civil and military with the greatest success and credit. lie was married May 10th, 1850, in Rockford, Illinois, to Miss Francis H. Miller, of Oneida county, New York. Their children living are, Kittie D., wife of P. B. Win- ston Esq. of this city; Sarah, who resides with her parents; Orma, a graduate of the city high school; Francis II. Gardner, their only son, is a civil engineer. Kev. Daniel Stewart, D. D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, the subject of this sketch, was born in Amsterdam, Montgom- ery county. New York, July 17th, 1811, spending most of his early life in that vicinity, pursuing academical studies at Johnstown, under the Rev. Gilbert Morgan. Entered Union college in 1830, graduated in 1833. After graduating went to Europe, traveling in England, Scotland, Ger- many and France; on returning, entered the Tlie- ological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey, in 1835, graduated in the class of '37-8, under Drs. Alexander and Miller. After leaving the semi- nary, was called, accepted and settled over the 640 HISTORY OF IJENKEPIN COUNTY. first dinreh at Amstei-flam. Xew York, in 1839, remaining there for abont one year, wlien lie received a call from Ballston Springs, w here lie remained for nearly four years, from tlience to tlie First clmrch in Xew Albany. Indiana, where he ministered to them for about four years; from that charge to the care of the Theological Semi- nary, where lie remained until the spring of 1853, when he again went to Europe, going as far as Italy, with his wife, who is a daughter of Asa Mann, of New Albany. Indiana. On his second return from the Old World, was called to the charge of the First Fresbyterian Church of Cam- den, New Jersey, ministering to them until 1861. From Camden went to Johnstown. New York, remaining there until 1869. "\Vliile in Johnstown his efforts were marked with success exceeding the expectations of his most sanguine admirers. Finding the church somewhat disrupted, in debt, without an organ, and no income; leaving it united, with one of Hook's best organs, out of debt, and with an income of five thousand dollars. The one ever-to-be remembered day in the his- tory of this church was when on that day he took into the church one hundred and fifty mem- bers, one hundred and thirty of them being on profession of faith; a large number of them be- tween the ages of fifty and seventy. 'When in Camden, found the church on the mission board, raised it to a self-sustaining church, besides send- ing out a colony, which became self-sustaining, building a new and elegant church, and is the second church in Camden. From Johnstown again to Xew Albany, where he preached in the pulpit of the Second church for two years. In 1871 came to Minnesota on account of a serious trouble with his eyes, expecting to remain but for a brief time; was invited while here to supply the Andrew church which he con- sented to do. and remained with them for two years, when he came to the West Side, June 1st, 1875. as stated supply, where he has re- mained up to the present time. His first wife was the daughter of Peter "\'ain. merchant, of Albany, New York, with whom he lived for about six years, having one daughter, now the wife of cashier Harris of the Xortlnvestern bank, and one son by the present wife, J. C. Stewart, now with the Monitor Plow Works. Walter M. Stewart died at twenty-four years of age, after finishing his studies for the profession of medicine. Levi M. Stewart is a native of Maine; received there an academic education, and afterward grad- uated from Dartmouth college: is also a graduate of the law school at Cambridge. After practicing law tucceff-fully fcr a time in his native state he came West, and has been a resident of this city since 1856. His oflice is at the corner of Wash- ington and Nicollet Avenues. C. F. Stimson was born April 19th, 1822, in York county, Maine. He was in the lumber business at Washington, Mauie, four years; in June, 1848, removed to Stillwater, and the same year to St. Anthony, being engaged in lumbering most of the time until 1879. He. hi company with William Simpson and A. Eogers, built the mill now owned by Farnham and Lovejoy, also the building now occupied as a paper-mill. Mr. Stimson served one year as treasurer of Ramsey county, while St. Anthony was in that county. He moved to his farm near Elk River in 1879. His marriage with Olive Estes occurred in 1850. Children: Albert, EUa, WUliam and one who died in infancy. E. H. Stockton, M. D., was bom October 4tti, 1827, in Bucks county, Pennsylvania. Attended school at Trenton, New Jersey, and studied med- icine at Philadelphia. In 1849 he attended two courses of lectures at the Ohio ;Medical College of Cincinnati. Followed his profession in Ohio and Indiana imtil 1865; since that time he has been in practice at Minneapolis. In 1869 he was made a member of the State Medical Society, and is one of the city board of health. Dr. Stockton married, in 1871, Miss Rose Wilson of Indiana. Alvin Stone was born in Salmon Falls, New Hampshire, October 13th, 1825. In 1848 made an extended tour in the South: returned the next year, and in 1850 came to ^linneapolis. His principal occupation has been painting; he has been a member of several different firms, and has done a very large business by contracts. In Sep- tember, 1851, Mr. Stone returned to his native state; the following March married Elisabeth Goodwin, at Lowell. Massachusetts, and at once came West. They have had seven children; those living are Hattie and Harris. E. E. Strothmau, a native of Milwaukee, Wis- BIOGRAPHICAL. 641 cousin, was born August IStb, 1845. Learned the machinist's trade at tlie Bay State Iron Works, and after serving his apprenticeship re- mained with tlie firm four years. In 1867, in company with his brother, lie commenced manu- facturing steam engines, but in 1870 he came to this city and was with the Xorth Star Iron Works until he started his present business. His wife was Etta Banker, whom he married in 1868, at Milwaukee. They have two children, Clarence and Ilerberd. J. r. Stranahan was born July 18th, 1854, at Bunker Hill, ilichigan. In 1856, accompanied his parents to Minnesota and located in Goodhue county. At the early age of fourteen he com- menced learnuig carpentering; went to Xorth- fleld in 1870 and two years later removed to St. Paul, where he assisted in building S. Mayall's block. Dr. Dewey's residence, and several other fine buildings. Since 1879, has lived in Minne- apolis. He married Jerusha Hamilton in 1877. They have one child, Winnie. J. II. Strothman, a native of Wisconsin, was born August 18th, 1845. at Milwaukee. Attended school there, and served an apprenticeship as machinist in the Bayfield Iron Works. In 1869, came here, and was at the North Star Iron Works until 1872; since that time he has been in the em- ploy of O. A. Pray and Company as foreman. Was married m March, 1872. Of their four chil- dren, Morris only, survives; Nellie, Jemiie and an infant liave passed away. Daniel Sullivan, a native of Maine, was born in 1847. He came to Minnesota in 1878, and lo- cated at Minneapolis. His place of business is No. 13, First street north. Elmer H. Sumner, bom at Bangor, Maine, January 3d, 1853. Came to this city in 1877 and engaged in lumbering during the winter months. Kept a restaurant two years on Nicollet Avenue, and since August 1880. has been in the same busi- ness at No. 1, First street north; his wife has the management of the restaurant in his absence. Mr. Sumner married Mary Fay in 1872. They have one son, Eugene. Byron Sutherland, born July 15th, 1846, in Westfield, New York. Moved to Pennsylvania and enlisted in 1862; he was wounded at Spott- sylvania in 1864, and the next year was transfer- red to the veteran reserve corps on account of 41 disability; in July 1865, he was honorably dis- charged. He attended school in Pennsylvania until 1870, and then read law at Jamestown, New York. In tlie fall of 1872, taught in Penn- sylvania, and the same year was elected superin- tendent of schools in Warren county; he contin- ued reading law and was admitted to the bar in 1875; the next year, removed to Minneapolis; his oflSce is at 201 Nicollet Avenue. He married in 1877, Sarah Brown; she has borne him one son, Renne. George Sverdrup was born in the western part of Norway. December 16th, 1848. He attended school at Christiana from 1862 to 1865, when he entered the University in the city of Christiana. During 1870, he traveled through Italy and Ger- many, and in 1871, passed theological examina- tion at the University. The year 1873, he spent in Paris, in the study of the Semitic languages, Assyrian antiquities and other sciences con- nected with the study of the old testament. In 1874, he received a call from this conference since which time he has been closely identified with the history of Augsburg Seminary. W. D. Sutton, a native of Louisville, Kentucky, was born in 1837. Enlisted in 1861 and served three years. In 1864 he went to Chicago and fol- lowed his business of contracting and building for seven years, tlien after a short residence at St. Louis removed to Memphis, and three years later to Iowa. In 1875 went to AV^right county, Min- nesota, and bougiit the farm he still owns. In October, 18S0, he came here to work at his trade. His marriage with ilartha Lawson occurred in in 1865. They have one child, Minnehaha. N. P. Svvaiiberg, a native of Sweden, was horn in 1838. Emigrated to America in 1869, and lo- cated at Hastings, Minnesota, and engaged in carriage making. In 1870, removed to this city and after working about three years for different parties established the Minneapolis carriage works at 605 Third street south. Peter P. Swensen, born in Sweden, February 10th, 1844. When ten years of age came to America with his parents and lived on a farm in Minnesota until 1861, when he enlisted, but was rejected because of being under age ; he then went to Dubuque, Iowa, enlisted in the regular army and served three years. He then went to Tennessee and engaged in the grocery business ; 642 HTSTORY OF HEXXEPIK COUXTY. afterward removed to Cincinnati, where lie owned an interest in aplaning mill. In 1869, afteratwo years residenre in St. Louis, came here ; his prin- cipal occupation since has been salesman. In 1871 he married Annie Johnson. Tlieii' children are: Charles. Harry and Bertha. O. T. Swett. born at Limerick. Maine. Septem- ber 27th. 1?32. For a time was emi)loyed as salesman by a grocery firm at Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. In the spring of 1S56 he came to St. Anthony and engaged with Hayes and Stimson in their meat market ; the next year he made two trips to Galena. Illinois, to purchase groceries and provisions, but met with an accident which disa- bled him for nearly one year. In 1857. after the fire on Iilain street, he, E. Hayes, and Charles Straw started a general store, having purchased the remainder of a stock of dry goods and gro- ceries from Carpenter and Andrews, who suffered from the fire. Mr. Swett has been alone in the liusiness since lf-62; in 1877 he disposed of the groceries and has since handled dry goods, no- tions and gents' furnishing goods. He was alder- man from 1859 till 1861. Married in 1858. Sarah Hayes, who has borne him two children: Ella and Arthur. Mr. Swett has been in the dry goods business continuously in this city longer than any individual or firm. Joseph Swick was born ^larch 5th, 1825, in Germany. AVas educated in his native countrj-, came to America in 1851, and located in New York: removed to Connecticut and worked at his trade of cabinet-making. In 1855 he came to St. Anthony and worked in L. Johnson's furniture manufactory until they sold to Barnard and Com- pany. He lost two fingers by a circular saw. but as soon as he was able to work, went into the same shop and remained seventeen years with the latter firm. From 1857 to 1861. his wages were one dollar per day, and during that time he did not receive a dollar in money, being paid with orders on stores. Since leaving that business he has been farming. He married Christiana Frost, in 1851. Their children are Joseph, Annie, Will- iam, Sarah and Charles. Three are married and all live near the old homestead. E. T. Sykes, a native of I'.xbridge. Massachu- setts, was born October 12th, 1850, When a child he moved to Melville, and there received his edu- cation. He was in business eight years at Walt- ham, then in 1879. came to this city and engaged in plumbing and gas fitting. At first he required the services of only three men, but his business has grown to such proportions that he now em- ploys twenty-five. The firm name is Sykes and Andrews; Xo. 256 Hennepin Avenue. CHAPTER LXXXIIl. BIOGR.VrniCAL, T, r .\XD V. J. W. Tamm was boni at Logansport, Indiana, in 1848. Learned milling at ^Maumee City. Ohio. In 1872 he became a resident of Minneapolis and engaged in the Arctic mill; he had charge of that mill for six years. X'ext he was employed in the Pliwuix. and has superintended it since. He was married iu 1875 to Miss Alice Isenberger of Logansport. Melvin C. Tate was bom at Peekskill, New York, February 1st. 1851. Went to Duluth. Min- nesota, in 1871; remained three yeare working in a general merchandise store, also a short time in a hotel. In 1874 he came to St. Paul, the next year locating in Minneapolis. In October, 1880, in company with Mr. Boardman, he opened a res- taurant at 214 Xicollet Avenue. He was married in 1875 to Theresa Windolph. who has borne him three children. Laura is the only one li\ing. A. B. Taylor, a resident of Minneapolis, came from Xew York four yeai's since. Is a wholesale dealer in grain, and is the first and only man here who makes a specialty of wholesale dealing. Previous to starting in business in 1879 he bought wheat for the Millers' Association. Office over Security Bank. B. L. Taylor. D. D. S., 214 Xicollet Avenue, was born at Westchester, Pennsylvania, in 1832, Received the principal part of his education in his native place. He came to Chicago in 1856, and two yeare later to Minneapolis. He grad- uated fron the Pennsylvania Dental College at Pliiladelphia in 1869, and has since been in den- tal practice in this city. He was married in 1866 to Harriet Hurlbut, of Little Falls. Xew York. BIOGBArniCAL. 643 Alice and Henry are their cliildren. Besidence 620 Fifth street south. F. C. Taylor was bom in Lewis county, New York, October 12th, 1846. There he received his early education and training. He located in Min- neapolis, December, 1871, and was employed as clerk in a grocery store until 1876, when he started in the same line for himself and has since been doing a prosperous business. He was married in 1870 to Mary IIinton,of Lewis county. New York, ^hey have two children, Charlotte A. and Frank G. C. E. Tenant was born at Lisbon, Lawrence county. New York, in 1845. At the age of nine years, he accompanied his parents to Wisconsin. He resided in that state until 1878, removing in the spring of that year to Red Wing, Minnesota. He remained one summer, then remoj-ed to Still- water, where he resided until his coming to Min- neapolis in 1880. He joined the Henntp'n County Barrel Company the same year. In 1833, he en- listed in the Thirty-second Wisconsin, under Col. De Great, and served mitil the close of the war. Resides at 412 Twelfth Avenue south. G. H. Tennant was born in St. Lawrence coun- ty. New York, 1847. Came to Minneapolis in 1867 and for three years was engaged in manu- facturing shingles, with Bassett one year and with Morrison Brothers two years. He was tlien in St. Louis one and one-half years in the manu- facture of eave-troughs. On retin-ning he entered into partnership with Witbeck, Potter and Com- pany in a planing mill and box factory and two years after added the manufacture of sash, doors aud blinds. In 1875 the Arm dissolved. Mr. Eldred then became proprietor of the planing mill, which ilr. Tennant superintended for him two years. In 1875, in company with Mr. Rus- sell, built the East Side planing mill. He was married to Elizabeth Blackney, in 1870. Their children are: William S. and Grace. Johannes Temstedt was born in Westmand- land, Sweden, June 22d, 1847. After finishing his theolorical studies at the Lyceum, at Stock- holm, he came to America in August, 1875. Af- ter remaining in New York until the following summer, he was ordained at Jamestown, New York, on the 2oth of June, 1876. Thence com- ing west to Illinois, he presided over cliurches at Batavia, Bethlehem and Aurora for about two years. July 20th, 1878, he removed to Minneap- olis, and has since presided over Augustana and Bethlehem churches. Andrew Tharalson was born in Norway. Jan- uary 9th, 1846. Here he passed his youth and acquired a knowledge of cabinet making. He emigrated to America in lS66,settlingat Cliicago, Illinois, where he worked at his trade imtil 1869. He then removed to Minneapolis, following his trade until 1870. when he started in the grocery business whicli has been growing rapidly. He was elected to the state legislature of Minnesota, in 1878, and re-elected in 1880. His marriage with Tirja Tentz took place in 1868, in Norway Their children are: Taly, Emma, Edward, Con rad and Amalie. Charles Tlieilen is a native of Prussia, born June 5th, 1812. Received his education there and served in the Prussian army three years. In 1853 he came to America, locating in Indiana, thence to Chicago, and on to St. Anthony by team. Was one of the early pioneers and en- dured tlie hardships of frontier life. In 1859 he purchased tlie lot where he now lives, and erected a stone house which has since been his home. He worked in saw mills for five years, after which he engaged in mercantile business, contin- uing until 1878. He then sold to his son, retiring from active business life. Was married in Prus- sia, 1837, to Miss Mary G. Schildgen, who bore him eight children, four of whom are living : Nicholas, Anna M., John and Annie. Mr. Thei- len was a member of the city council in 1874-"75. Louis Theobald is a native of Germany, born in 1831. Came to the United Stated in 1851, re- maining in New York nine months ; thence to St. Louis where he resided about four years. In 1856 he removed to New Ulm. Minnesota, being in the mercantile business twenty years; was also engaged in a grist and saw mill. Located in Minneapolis in 1874, and opened asaloon in 1880, known as the Teutonia Hall. He was united in marriage with Anna Meyer, in 1855. Sophia, Bertha and Victor II. are their children. B. Thibodeau was born in Aroostook county, Maine, in 1846. Here he remained until 1864, then went to Bangor where he learned the trade of slioemaker, and worked at it in various places throughout the country. He removed to Minne- apolis in 1878 and after a short period he resumed 644 lIlSTOnV OF UESXEFIN COUXTY. his trade and also made boot and shoe pacs for a firm at St. Paul. In April, 1880, he opened an establishment of his own for the special purpose of manufacturing boot and shoe pacs. ilarried in ISVl to Mary Poirie, of Xova Scotia, who has borne him five children, three living: John, Clara and Joseph. Anthony Thomley was born in Xorway, 1838. Came to the United States in 1851. lie went to AVisconsin, where he remained six years, with the exception of a few months passed in 2ilinnesota. In 1862 returned to his native country, remaining eight years. He then came to the United States, locating at La Crosse, Wisconsin, remaining also a short time at Eau Claire. In 1879 he became a resident of Minneapolis and opened a saloon at 223 Washington Avenue south. He married Mart' Johnson of Eau Chiire, in 1S74. Ira A., and Amiie are their children. E. P. Thompson was born at Lowell, Massa- chusetts, in 1849. Moved to Zumbrota, Munie- sota, in 1865, and in 1869 went to St. Paul to learn the jeweler's trade and remabied until coming to Minneapolis in 1872. He began in that business soon after his arrival and has since continued, having a tlu-iving trade. Located at 105 Wash- ington Avenue south. He married Lizzie C. Hall in 1876. Lottie M. and Clara L. are their children. John Thompson was born in 1832, and is a na- tive of Canada. He moved to Milwaukee, re- maining one and one-half years: thence to New Lisbon, Wisconsin, where he remained four years. In 1873 he located at Minneapolis, and five years later joined the Co-operative Barrel Company, and has remained with them since. Is a cooper and has followed his trade twenty-eight years. He was united in marriage, in 18-54, to Miss Maria Powers. They are parents of six children. Ki'sidence, 1407 Fourth street south. John Thompson, a resident of Minneapolis, is a native of Norway, boni in 1843. Learned the trade of ship-carpenter in his native country, and in 1865 came to America. For seven years he resided at LaCrosse, Wisconsm, being employed in Davidson's ship-yards, two years, and was in the saloon business five years. He removed to Minneapolis in 1872, and has since been engaged in the saloon business. He was married to Miss LeLa Johnson in 1&74. J. H. Thompson was born in York county, Maine, August 17th, 1834. Learned the tailor's trade at North Bridgeton, after which he re- moved to Augusta, thence to Minneapolis in 1857. He has been continuously in business in this city since. He was married in this city to Ellen M. Gould of Minneapolis, in 1880. They have had three cliildren: Mattie C, William G., and Nellie H. Resides 613 Hennepin Avenue. J. M. Thompson was born at Brooklyn, Min- nesota, October 4th, 1859. He passed his early boy-hood on a farm with his parents, then en- tered the Minneapolis Mill, in the employ of Crocker, Fisk and Company. He learned the miller's trade, and has been engaged with the firm since. K. B. Thompson was born in Kane county, Illinois, in 1$49. He cams to Minneapolis in 1865, and was with CapUvin Rollins four years. He attended the University one and one-half years. Through the influence of Captain Rollins he he secured a situation with H. J. Taylor of St. Paul, in the lumber business, and remained with him five years. He then returned to this city and engaged with Merriman and Company, which firm still retains his sen'ices. Married Miss Gussie Ringer in 1875. They have one child: Artlnir. T. Thompson is a native of Norway, bom in 1853. Came to the United States in 1866, lo- cating at Empire, Minnesota, remaining three years; thence to Mmneapolis. Three yeare later he went to Chicago, and the next year returned to his native country. In 1878 he again became a resident of Minneapolis dealing in flour and feed at 926 First Avenue south. His wife was Annie M. Oleson, wliom he married in ISSO. Isaiah Tidd was born March 14th, 1827, at Passadumkeag, Penobscot county, ilaine. En- gaged in lumbering there until 1851; lie then came to St. Anthony, and in the fall of 1852 went up the Rum river exploring for Blaisdell and Jackins. He was lumbering for them three years, and was with a brother in business seven years. He joined the North Star BaiTel Company in 1879. and in 1880 bought into the East Side Co-operative Company as a cooper. He was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Fleatliam, a native of New York. August 13th, 1854. This was the first marriage in Minneapolis township. BIOGBAPHICAL. 64) Tliey have two childien: Etta JNIaj' and William R. J. B. Tinkelpaugli is a native of Luzerne coun- ty, Pennsylvania, bom in 1827. His early years were passed in meclianical pursuits, in the states of New York and Indiana. He came to Minne- apolis in 1857, and as a mechanic was engaged in the erection of some of the first buildings in this city and Anoka. In 1863, removed to Mich- igan, and three years later went to Bates county, Missouri, where he resided eight years. In 1877, returned to this city, and has since been manufacturing confectionery in East Minneapolis. Felix Tissot was bom December 21st, 1834, in Lyons, France, in which city he was partially ed- ucated. In 1854, he came to America, and after a brief visit to St. Anthony, repaired to the Bar- rens, St. Mary's College Mission, where he com- pleted his theological education, and on the fifteenth of August, 1858, was ordained at Du- buque, Iowa, after which he was stationed at Wabasha in charge of all the parishes in Waba- sha and Goodhue counties until his removal to Minneapolis in 1866. E. M. Titterud was bom in Norway, January 17th, 1833. Ijearned the shoemaker's trade in his native country, and in 1866. came to the United States. Settled in Minneapolis, and after being a journeyman for Dillingham and Veazie a short time, he started a shop of his own in which he still continues at 1110 Washington Avenue south. He was married in 1866 to Miss O. B. Berg, a native of Norway. They have had eight children, five now living. O. II. Titus was born in Onondaga county, New York, Febi-uaiy 10th, 1849. He came to Afton, Minnesota, in 1865 and remained one year and returned to New York. In April 1871 , came to Minneapolis, and was with the Pillsburys eight months; then was with G. II. Christian in the Washliurn B mill one year; tlience to Chicago where he ran the State mill one year. Was also engaged in milling in otlier places and returned to this city in 1878. He was employed in the Zenith mill three months, then entered tlie Pettit mill where he has since remained as stone-dresser. He maried Emma Lamson, November 17tli, 1872. Albert II. and Carrie, are the children. Julius C. Todd was born in Alaliama. Sep- tember 30tli, 1847. He is of African descent and was a slave in the south until released by President Abraham Lincoln's proclamation. In 1864 he came north to Minneapolis, where he has since resided. He is now doing a prosperous business as an expressman. R. C. Todd was born at Wilkesbarre, Pennsyl- vania, December 24th, 1818. He became familiar with the mason's trade at Newark, New Jersey, in 1833, and commenced business as a contractor in 1847, which he still follows. Was a resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, seven years, removing to Madison; thence to Red Wing, Minnesota. Located at Minneapolis in 1870, and has superin- tended the erection of nearly all the principal buildings in the city which have been erected since his coming. Some of them are: Harden- bergli mill. First Natiojial Bank, Warner's block, Harrison's block and others. He was united in marriage in 1841, to Miss Maiy J. Agens, of Plainfield New Jersey. A. Tollefson is a native of Norway, born Feb- ruary 3d, 1837. At the age of fourteen he learned carpentering, and has followed it since. He came to America in 1861, locating at Lansing, Iowa. He built thirteen churches at and near that town. In partnership with his brother, dealt in lumber in connection with his trade, from 187-2 until 1878. He removed to Minneapolis in 1878, and has since been doing a fine Ijusiness as contractor and builder. Married Miss B. Knutson, of Norway, in 1860, who has borne him three sons and three daughters. Residence, 900 Fourteenth Avenue south. L. Toscany, proprietor of the Quebec House, is a native of France, born in 1842, and came to the United States at two years of age. In 1874, removed to Minneapolis from Bay City. Michi- gan, where he liad resided fifteen years in the ho- tel business. He has been proprietor of the Quebec House since May 15th, 1880. It is lo- cated at 228 First street north. L. M. Towne was born in Kent county Michi- gan, July 17th, 1857. Became a resident of La Crosse in 1865 w'here he remained until coming to JMiuueaiiolis in 1S74. Worked for the North- western Telegraph Companv until December, 1879, when he bouglit stock in tlie Telephone Company, and was first treasiu-er, wliich position he held till tlie election of Mr. C. II. Prior. Mr. Towne is at present, auditor of the company. 646 lUSTOBY OF EEKKEPIK COVA'TY. Giistaf Edward Tornovist was bom in \Vester- gotland. Sweden, Xovember 27tli, 1850. Attend- ed the Lyceum at Stockholm, where he studied theology. Came to America in August, 1877, and went to California as a missionary to the Scandinavians. In 1870 returned to Chicago, was ordained and went back to San Francisco, where he remained until August, 1880. He then re- ceived a call from the congregation at Minneapo- lis, and at once took cliarge. F. E. Towers, 31. D., was bom at Richmond, Vermont, March 6th. 18-51. He was educated at Barre, Vermont, graduating from the Goddard University at that place in 1872. He studied medicine at Burlington '\'eterinary Medical Col- lege and graduated from the State University of Xew York with the degree of medical doctor. After graduating he studied one year with Pro- fessor A. D. Loomis, M. D., taking a special course in physical diagnosis. He practiced in Corry, Pennsylvania, four and one-half, years, coming to ilinntapolis in May, 1880, where he has since practiced. Located 1119 Washington Avenue north. S. I. Towers was born at Richmond. Vermont, September 11th, 1853. After receiving a liberal education in his native town he went to Xew York city in 1874, where he worked one year. He then went to Xew Jersey, being engaged in the drug business. In 1877 he went to Xew Orleans and after a short stay retumed to his old home, remaining imtil 1880. He located in Minneapo- lis iu June of the same year and started m the boot and shoe trade, at 1119 'Washington Avenue south. O. V. Tousley, superintendent of public schools in Minneapolis, was born at Clarendon, Orleans county, Xew York, March 11th, 1834. He was educated at the common school, Albion Academy, two years at Oberlin. Ohio, and at Williams Col- lege where he graduated in 1854. 'While in col- lege he studied law, and after graduation went to Albany. Xew York, into the office of Hill. Cag- ger and Porter. Soon after was admitted to the bar and spent some time reading law, history, and in general study in the state library. The next three years he spent settling up the estate of his father who had died a number of years before. His mother died when he was thirteen years of age. In 1857, he came west, stopping for a time in Illi- 1 nois and Iowa. He invested his patrimony in such chamiels as to turn his attention from law to teaching, and went to Tennessee where he taught t\vo years. When war was breaking out he came to Indiana, and at Xew Albany taught in Tous- ley "s Academy for ten years. In 1869 he came to Minneapolis and entered the office of Judge Atwater, remaining about six months when he was called to take charge of the high school, and in 1871, was appointed superintendent of the city schools to take the place of Professor Hiskey, deceased. Since that time he has continued to raise the standard of the schools, until now Minneapolis has one of the finest systems of schools in the United States. Professor Tousley was married in 1858 to Miss Susan S. Toll. G. B. Townsend was bom at Jay, Maine, May 2d, 1845. He lived with his parents on the farm until sixteen, then went to Massachusetts and worked one season on a farm and retumed. In 1864, enlisted in the Thirty-first Maine. Re- ceived his discharge at the end of eighteen months, having participated in many of the hard- est fought battles of the war. He returned home, and the next year went to Portland, Maine, and attended the Bryant and Stratton Business Col- lege. In 1877, located at Minneapolis, engaging in different occupations for one year, then was employed by C. A. Pillsburj. His position at the Excelsior mill is that of shipping clerk and salesman. C. W. Tracy was born in Windsor coimty, Ver- mont, in June, 1847. Remained there mitil the age of fifteen, then went to Xew York city and engaged iu the produce, commission and whole- sale grocery business for four years. He then removed to Green Bay. Wisconsin, and remained in grain speculations until coming to Minneapo- lis in 1876. In the fall of that year entered the Millere" Association. In January. 1880. took charge of "Elevator A"" for the Minneapolis Ele- vator Company, and has since held the position of superintendent. He was married in May, 1871, to Miss Mary E. Durkee of Vermont. Their children are Martha, Sherman and Min- nie Lee. August Traeger is a native of Prussia, bom August 4th, 1821. Came to the United States in 1852, and worked at tin-smithing in Ohio three years; then removed to Fort Wayne, Indiana, BIOGRAPHICAL. 647 thence to Decatur, wliere he attended to hard- ware business until coming to Minneapolis in 1866. He began the manufacture of eaves- troughs; also sold lightning-rods tliroughout the country. Since 1879 has been proprietor of a billiard hall and sample room. lie was mar- to Mary Briske. Their children are Emma A., Maria L., August C, Tlieresa J., Wilhelm F., Bertha C. Louise P., Charles J. and Adolph G. James A. Tyler was born at Maehias. Maine, in 1851. Came to Minneapolis in the sjiring of 1872, and learned the carpenter's trade; has since continued in that business. He married Miss Ella L. Wilkins, of Middletown, Massachusetts, in 1879. Residence, 216 Twentieth street north. H. M. Leighton, his partner, is also a native of Maine. Tliey are doing an extensive business as contractors and builders. Office and shop lo- cated on Fifth street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues south. T. S. Tyler was born in 1837 in New York city. In early life he moved with his parents to Michigan. He has traveled through many of the states engaged in the coopering business. In 1876, removed to Minneapolis, and has lived liere since that time. He is one of the directors of the Co-operative Barrel Manufacturing Company. A. Ueland, attorney, a native of Norway, was born February 21st, 1853. He attended school in his native country, came to America, June 187 1 .and attended a course at Barnard's Busi- ness college. Located at Miimeapolis and read law with Judge II. Reynolds; was admitted totlie bar in May 1877. He was married in this city to Miss Anna Ohlhouse in 1879. Their union was brief; she died in March 1H80. O. G. Ueland, his father, was a member of tlie Norwegian Failianient from 1833 till the time of liis death, in 1870. John Unsgaard is a native of Norway, born January 14lh, 1841. On arriving in the United States, located in Michigan, and dealt in lumber; thence to Minnesota and worked on a farm two years in Goodhue county. He became a resident of Minneapolis in 1870, and for three years was in the employ of L. Day and Sons in h:mbering, then for four years worked for different boot and shoe firms. March 20th, 1878. he opi-'ued the St. Ji;mes restaurant at 122 Washington Avenue soutli. He married Aniia Ilegstad in 1873, who bore him one child, William. Charles H. Upton, of the firm of Lockwood, Upton and Company, was born in Maine, June, 1830. He learned the trade of machinist with P. Muzzy at Bangor, Maine. He worked one year in Boston, and came to Minneapolis in the spring of 1858. A shop was opened under the firm name of Scott and Morgan, which was burned in 1862. Went to Montana and remained two years, returning to tliis city at that time. He was foreman of the St. Anthony Iron Works un- til 1879, after wliich he became a member of the jnesent flrm. He was married iii 1857 to Maria Fenton. Their children are: Horace C, Harvey L., Robert, George and Mabel. Franklin il. Upham was born at Chelmsford, Massachusetts, in 1846. Received his education at Lowell commercial scliool. In 1866, went to Arlighton, and engaged in the wholesale meat and provision business; he remained about eleven years, having a verv successful trade. He came to Minneapolis in 1878 and purchased a building site on the east side near the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Short Line railway. He returned to his native state and disposed of his property there; on returning, he formed the company of Upham, Wyman and Company, who built a large refining house, and are now doing an extensive business. At the age of twenty-one his sole property consisted of one horse and wagon. His business now amounts to §150,000 annually. Was married to Miss Mary Lawrence, in 1874. They have two children. Laura and Mary. R. P. Upton was born at Uixmont, Penobscot county, Maine. December 9tli. 1820. Came to St. Antho]iy in June, 1850. and started a nursery and iioultry-yard on Nicollet Island in tlie spring of 1851; the summer following lie opened a gro- cery on Main street. He conducted tlie mn-.sery two years, and in 1853 added to his grocery a general variety. The next year he went into partnersliip with Rollins and Eastman in a flour- ing mill, under tlie firm name of Roll ns, Upton and Eastman. After three year's existence the flrm changed; Upton and Brotlier owned one- half interest in the mill. In 1858, removed to Kingston, Meeker county, anil ran a mill four years. During the Indian outl)ieak lie built a stockade around his mill, and continu'd to run it. In 1862 he returned to Minneapolis, and tlie next year took a trip to Nevada, remaining live years. 648 HISTORY OF IIENhEPlN COUNTY. tlien returned to this city. He was agent for the Millers' Association one year, in the employ of the Northern Pacific railroad six months, then started the Jliniieapolis Spice Mills in company with T. Kay. In 1872 sold out to jSIr. Ray and opened another called the Eureka Mills, and in 1880 moved the works to the Island. Mr. Upton is one of the early pioneers. Horatio Phillips Van Cleve, adjutant general of Minnesota, was born at Princeton, New Jersey, November2od, 1809. His paternal ancestors were from Holland, while the maternal were from Great Britain. He was a student at Princeton College, and left that institution to accept a cadetship at West Point, from which school he graduated in 1831, receiving a commission as second lieutenant in the Fifth United States Infantry, July 1st of that year. In September, 1886, he resigned his commission and removed to Michigan, where he engaged in the more peaceable pursuit of civil engineering, farming, etc. In 1856 he located at Long Prairie, Minnesota, and turned his atten- tion to stock raising. At the breaking out of the rebellion he tendered his services to his country. The governor of Minnesota gave him the command of the Second Minnesota regiment, in July 1861, which he conducted bravely through all the conflicts in which they engaged until March, 1862, when he was promoted brigadier general. While commanding his division at the battle of Stone River, December 1st, 1862, he was disabled by a wound and compelled to retire from the field. Upon his recovery he resumed the command of his di\ision. He was mustered out in August, 1865, after four years of active and ef- ficient service. On March 13th of the latter year he was commissioned major general for "gallant and meritorious service during the war." He returned to Minnesota, where he was appointed adjutant general in January, 1866. He was commissioned postmaster at St. Anthony, March 3d, 1871, in which capacity he served until 1872, when St. Anthony being united to the city of Minneapolis, that office was discontinued. He was re-appointed adjutant general in 1876, which position he still holds. On the field of battle Mr. Van Cleve was a thorough soldier and as a civil officer, is conscientious and faithful in the dis- charge of every duty. He was married JMarch 22d, 1836, to Miss Charlotte Clark, daughter of Major Nathan Clark, of the United States army. Their union has been blessed viith twelve children, seven of whom are living. Elizabeth A., who married H. V. Hall and resides at Honolulu ; Horatio Seymour, who married Miss Harriet Hemiup ; Mortimer, who married Miss Sarah Adams of Providence; Samuel Houston, Paul Ledyard, who married Miss Alice Davis of Minneapolis ; John Risley and Carl Ernest. Mrs. Van Cleve is a lady of refinement and great force of character. She was one of the original founders of the -'Sis- terhood of Bethany." Since its formation she has held the position of president, and through her activity and zeal has enlisted the active sym- pathy of a large community. She is one who is heartily in sympathy with every undertaking which tends to enlighten and elevate society. Charlotte Ouisconsin Van Cleve is the daughter of Nathan Clark, of Houston, Massachusetts, and Charlotte A. Clark, of Hartford, Connecti- cut. Her father was major of the Fifth Regiment of United States Infantry. Early in the spring of 1819 his regiment was ordered from near Buf- falo, New York, to Fort Crawford (Prairie du- Chien), at that time far beyond the limits of civi- lization, and "almost out of the world." Mrs. Clark, though in delicate health, with her little son. accompanied him through the trackless and unknown country, the journey being made in government wagons, and the time consumed in tiaveling from Buffalo to Fort Crawford, covering two months. And here, on the banks of the Mis- sissippi, in the rude frontier fort, less than one hour after their arrival, little Charlotte, the sub- ject of this sketch, first opened her eyes and began the battle of life. Poor little girl, it looked for a time as though the odds of the battle were all against her; for what with a mother too feeble to afford her proper nourishment, and not a cow within possible reaching distance of them, she was obliged to eke out a precarious existence on a kind of manufactined pap, prepared from the flour furnished by the government for the fort, but which had been water-soaked in transporta- tion, until the green mould stood three inches deep around the sides of the barrel. But too much work was in waiting for those little hands, and so, in spite of privations and hardships, she lived and prospered. After a few weeks rest at Fort Crawford, tlie BIOGBAPHICAL. 649 regiment embarked on keel boats, and proceeded up the Mississippi, their- destination being the present site of Fort Snelling. This part of the journey occupied six weeks. As they were the pioneers they lived in their boats till they could build better quarters. Cluirlotte''s life continued to be tliat of a soldier's child in fort and camp until her sixteenth year, when she lost her father, Major Clark dying at fort Winnebago. Know- ing that he must die, and feeling distressed at the idea of leaving his young and lielpless family alone, without any natural protector, so far from kindred or friends, he begged that the engage- ment between his young daiigliter, and one of his officers, might be consummated by marriage immediately after his death. And so Charlotte Clark, not qidte sixteen years old, became the wife of Horatio P. Van Cleve, ten years her sen- ior. Thus early she took up the heavy burden of work and care never to lay it down till she lies down with it in her grave. Since her marriage, her life has been filled with varied experiences of change of home, long journeys, "always with a baby in my arms," she says, hard work as a frontier farmer's wife, sor- row and joy. Since 1856 lier steady home has been in Minnesota. Twelve children have been bom to this hotisehold, three of whom died in infancy. The oldest son was instantly killed, some eighteen years since, in California. The shock of this teiTible bereavement, added to anxiety for her husband, tlien in the army, so wrought upon nervous system as in a few months to bleach lier hair to its present snowy whiteness and seriously impair her liearing. One daughter, the wife of Mortimer Thomp- son (Doesticks), died leaving an infant only a few days old, which her mother took to her breast with her own child of the same age, nurs- ing and rearing the two like twins. The remain- ing daughter, the wife of II. V. Hall, lias lier home in the Sandwicli Islands. Six grown sons are settled in business, all living in Hennepin county. While her own children were yet young, she felt called upon to add to her already large family, which, from the first included a young sister left homeless by her father's death, the six orphan children of her brotlier. all of whom Iiave grown up in her house, and taken their places in business life. Later, another motherless infant girl was brought home to her arms and care. This little one, now six years old is still with her, so that her busy life has included mother care of twenty- one children. Yet, filled to overflowing, as her hands, head and heart have always lieen, of her own household duties, she has foinid time to listen to and assist, with sympathy, advice and material aid, an end- less procession of sorrowing and distressed hu- manity. There is proliably no woman in the state who has done more to lighten the burdens on the shoulders of the poor, the sick, the aged and the distressed than Mrs. Van Cleve. Her benevolence is of the active type which leads her to tlirow herself heart and soul into each indi- vidual case, nor is she easily turned aside by discovering that tlie poverty or suffering which she is called upon to relieve, is the result of the bad management, intemperance or sin of the suf- ferer. While glad to aid the Lord's poor, she has great faith in the elevating and reformatory in- fluence of kindness and encouragement on the Devil's poor as well. The past is past; "if you will help yourself I will help you," is the spirit in which she meets all applicants. Keferring once to her sympathy for tramps, and her efforts to aid some of them, slie explained it by saying, "but you know I came so near being born a tramp myself." This by no means covers her work. An easy speaker, a ready writer, she has devoted a great deal of her time and strength to the cause of Foreign ISIissions. Slie has canvassed the state with marked success for the past several years lecturing and organizing Women's Foreign Mis- sion societies, auxiliary to the Presbyterian so- ciety, and holds the office of vice-president for the synod of Minnesota, in connection witli that denomination. But, though after the straightest manner of her sect, a Presbyterian, her views are broad and her nature genial, so tliat slie joins hands readily with christians of whatever name. Catholic or Protestant in the prosecution of any good work. She literally sows beside all waters, and so to-day we find her sending her daughter or her beloved Sunday-school scholar across the ocean on a for- eign mission, and to-morrow traveling in hot haste to bring the priest to minister to the dying 650 HISTORY OF HUNNEPJN COUNIY. child of lier poor washerwoman. Said the mother superior of a convent to her not long ago : "I do think we serve the same master and shall be received into the same home at last." But very particuarly Mrs. A'an Cleve has ever been the champion of her se.x. Too tiue a wife, and mother ever to lose sight of woman's best and dearest rights she has still been a warm advocate of her right to equality before the law, including the ballot. When the right of suflrage was extended to the women of the state on the school question, it was her distinguished privilege to cast her first ballot in company w itl> her husband and four sons. She also did good work for two years as member of the school board for East Minneapolis. Hut of all forms of the injustice of society to women, none has so touched her heart and roused her indignation as the remorseless punishment visited upon the fallen woman. So strongly did this impress her that she at last, after much thought, determined to take upon herself as her peculiar work, to do what one woman could, to raise up and stand upon their feet, those of her own sex, who through temptation or folly had been beaten down to the ground in the unequal battle of life. Long she labored quietly and alone, reaching out a helping hand here to a tempted and there to a fallen one. But as she became more familiar with the ways and wants of the class, she saw that much more might be done by organized ef- fort with others. Acting on this conviction she brought together a band of working Christian women who had faith in her and the work, and together they rented a house and opened a home for fallen women. They called themselves the Sisterhood of Bethany, and their house Bethany Home. This was pvirely a work of faith, for at that time the society had no money, no income, no furniture, no supplies of any kind. Their or- ganization was not understood l)y the public, the work itself was from its very nature, ditticult to make underetood. But Mrs. VanCleve never fal- tered. For over five years she and her little band have labored incessantly to put the Home on a firm footing and give it a name and a place among the recognized charities of the city. She called upon the public for help, through the press, from the platform and by personal appeal: cheer- fully taking censure, ridicule or rebuff, having that rare and happy faculty so necessary to suc- cess, of always turning a deaf ear towards the faultfinder, and the sharp, quick ear toward the voice that offered aid. This work has constantly called her to the jail, the prison, the penitentiary, the varietj" theatre, the low dark haunts of sin, to all of which she has gone fearlessly and come away unharmed, leaving behind her the perfume of the "good word fitly spoken." The lesson to be learned from Mrs. VanCleve 's life is that neither wealth nor high station, nor a life of freedom from the common cares incident to the life of women, are necessary to the accom- plishment of great good. But the cheerful smile, the loving heart and the willing, industrious hand, all dedicated to the service of God and humanity, makes a power whose influence for good, like the influence of the subject of this sketch, only an eternity can measure. S, II. Van Cleve, son of General Van Cleve, was bom at Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 21st, 1853. Moved to Todd county, Minnesota, with his parents, and thence to Minneapolis in 1S61. Repassed five years on the Sandwich Islands, and three years in the study of medicine. Attended the schools of Minneapolis, the State University, and graduated frt)ni the College of Physicians and Surgeons at New York in .March, 1880. With the exception of the eight years mentioned, he lived in this city since eight years of age. G. T. Vail was born inXew Brunswick in 1820. Located in Miinieapolis in 1850, engaged in con- tracting and building, and continued until 1867, at which time he began in the undertaking busi- ness. He still continues, and is the oldest estab- lished exclusive undertaker in the city. The changes in the firm are as follows: In 1869 the firm of Curtis and ^'ail was established, succeed- ed by G, T. Vail. In May. 1871, the present firm of G. T. ^'ail and Comjiany was formed. Loca- tion, 112 Washington Avenue south. Ole Peterson Vangsnes was born in Sogn, Nor- way, January 11th, 1855, He came to America with his parents in 1863, and settled at Decorah, Iowa, and soon after entered the Norwegian Col- lege, Graduating at Uecorah in 1875. he went to a German Luther;m seminary at St, Louis, BIOGBAPHICAL. 651 whence he graduated in 1S78, and at once received a call from the congi-egation over wliich he novc presides. Cliarles E. Vanderburgli, judge of tlie fourth judicial district, is a native of the Mohawk Val- ley, New York, born at Clifton Park, Saratoga county, December 2d, 1829. At tlie age of seven years he accompanied his parents to Marcellus and there attended district school winters and worked on the farm summers, lie prepared liim- self for college at the district; school and at Homer, New York, by teaching in winter. He entered the Sophomore year at Yale College in 1849 and graduated in the class of '52. lie then took charge a» principal of the Oxford Academy, Oxford, Chenango county, New York ; remained in that position one year then commenced the study of law. lie was admitted to the bar in 1855, and in the fall started west, reaclung Min- neapolis the spring of 1856, and has since made this city his home. On his arrival he entered into partnership with Judge F. li. E. Cornell in the practice of law, this firm continuing until 1859. In the fall of that year he was elected judge of this district which then embraced all the territory west of the Mississippi river, from Fort Snelling to the British Possessions. He was re-elected in 1S66, 1873 and 1880. In 1877 the legislature con- solidated the district court and the court of com- mon pleas and Judge Young was elected associ- ate judge with Judge ^'anderburgh ; from 1859 tUl 1877 he was the sole judge of the district. He married Miss Julia N. Mygatt, of Oxford, New York, in 1857. She died in 1863 leaving two children: AVilliam II, and Julia Mygatt. Tlie latter died in 1871. His second wife was Miss Anna Culbert; married in the spring of 1873. They have one child, Isabella Mclntyre. Milo Vanhorn was born in Greene county, Wis- consin, in 18-tl. Came to Winona, Minnesota, and remained until 1865 then removed to Clinton, Iowa. In 1876 he removed to Grand Rapids. Michigan, wliere he remained until coming to Minneapolis in 1878. Was in the employ of J. C. Oswald and now lias eliarge of J. II. Henderson's stable. Henry Van Valkenburj was born at Leroy, New York, in 1826, where he lived until 1844. He then went to Toledo, Ohio, and was connected with the Indiana Hotel. In 1857, came to Way- zata, Minnesota, where he engaged in the pearl- ash and pot-ash manufacture, being the first manufacture of this commodity in the state. Two years later he closed out and located in Minneap- olis, engaging in a grocery until 1860, and after- wards in auction and commission business. He was married in 1853 to Katie JIartin, of New York. Tliey have only one child living : Katie, now Mrs. Farrington of this city. N. C. Van Valkenberg was burn in McHenry county, Illinois, January 3d, 1844. In 1853, came with his parents to Richfield, Minnesota. Here he remained on the farm until 1861, when he en- listed in Company II, First Minnesota Infantry; was discharged nine months after, but re-enlisted August 22d, 1863, in Hatch's Independent Bat- talion, and served until mustered out in -June,"' 1866, at Fort Snelling. The same year, came to Minneapolis and worked at his trade of mill- wright, and had charge of the machinery of the Washburn " B " mill for five years. In 1879 he opened a grocery store, in which he still contin- ues. He was married in 1872, to Annie B., daughter of Martin Layman, who has borne him three cliildren: Charles, Allie and Mabel. A. T. Valentine was born in Somerset county, Maine, in 1833. Came to Miimeapolis in 1856, and engaged in lumbering ten years, when he en- tered the meat business. In 1875 he bought a farm, which he worked until 1880. During that winter lie and liis brotlier, L. D., built their pres- ent business house, and taking B. Wells as part- ner, resumed business with the firm name of Valentine and Company. Tlie firm is now Val- entine Brothers. Was married in 1862 to Flor- ence Bartlett, of Maine. Their children are: Guy, Bernice, Lee and Mary. L. D. Valentine, of the firm of Valentine Brothers, was born in Somerset county, jNIaine, 1838. In 1856, came to St. Anthony, and with the exception of two years' residence in Idaho, has made this his permanent place of abode. He was engaged in dry goods and groceries until 1866 with L. C. Smith, but since then has been with his brother in the meat market. He was married in 1864 to IIe)en A. Borrows, who bore liim one child, Freddie. Louis Vorwerk was born in Germany, June 20tli, 1832. Was educated in his native country, a:id came to America tlie summer of 1852. He 652 HISTORY OF JIEKKEPIN COUKTY. lived three years in the state of Xew York, and three years in Chicago. He came to Minnesota in 1858, and located on a farm in Watonwan county, on which he remained until the Indian outbreak, hi lStj2. wlien he was driven from his home. Came to Minneapolis and worked in the furniture business until he accumulated enough to begui business for himself, then opened a gro- cery at 330 Fifth street north-east. liis maniage to Miss Jennie Faber occurred October luth, 1856, at Chicago. Tliey have four children liv- ing: Frederick, Elizabeth E.. Louis TV. and Fredericka D. A. CHAPTER LXXXIV. BIOGRAPHICAL, W, Y AND Z. Arthur AVales, of the firm of Wales Brothers, •was bom in Tennessee, in 1855. Phillip was born at BaltiQiore, in 1857. They came to ^linneapo- lis in 1869 and in 1876 commenced the manu- facture of cabinet organs. In tlie fall of 1877 they built their first pipe organ, it is now in use at the Gethsemane Church ; in 1880 they made the second ; that went to Carver county. Wil- liam Wales, the father of these gentlemen, was a prominent man of Baltimore, and at the opening of the war was editor of tlie Baltimore American. C. E. Wales was born at St. Anthony, October 4th, 1851. At the age of twelve he began his business career as agent for the St. Paul Pioneer and St. Paul Press, there being at that time no daily paper printed at either St. Anthony or Min- neapolis ; he continued that business for several years, at tlie same time attending school. In 1860 he entered the employ of J. A. Armstrong, his being the first coal and wood yard in the city ; he remained witli him about five years and then es- tabUshed himself in the same business. Two years from that time, the different fuel companies of St. Paul and Minneapolis were merged into one. under the name of North-western Fuel Com- pany. Mr. Wales was cashier until the death of Mr. Armstrong, since then he he has been agent. lie married Ilattie Eaymond. in 1879 ; she has borne him one cliild, Marie. William W. Wales was born March 14th, 1818, in Iredell county. North Carolina. In 1845, re- moved to Greensburg, Indiana, and taught school in that place for a time; then engaged in the book and stationery business. In 1851 he came to St. Anthony and occupied himself in gardening about three years, after whicli he again went in the book trade. Mr. Wales' connection with local pol- itics has been important; he held the ofBce of city clerk three years, was postmaster two years dur- ing President Lincoln's administration, and was twice mayor of St. Anthony; in 1856 he was a member of the territorial council, and the next year was sent by the society of Friends, of Indi- ana, to assume charge of a colored orphan asy- lum in Mississippi, but failing health obliged him to return to Minneapolis. In 1868 he opened his present business of paper-hangings, window- shades, etc. Mr. Wales married Catherine Bun- dy in 1848. Tliey have had eight children: Ma- ria, Charles, Laura, William, Florence and Net- tie are living. Thomas B. AValker was bom in Xenia, Green county. Ohio, February 1st. 1840. His father died in 1849, and in 1856 the family removed to Berea, where he aided in the support of the fam- ily, and secured the rudiments of an education. Having a taste for mathematics, he pursued the study of engineering, astronomy, calculus and Newton's "Principia." Mr. Walker came to Minnesota in 1862, during the Indian outbreak, and followed surveying, railroad engineering, and examining land "and exploring until about 1873. In 1868 he combined with Dr. Levi Butler and II. W. Mills under the firm name of Butler, Mills and Walker, lumber manufacturers and dealer's, continuins in the firm until 1876. During tliese years he was also interested in lands and logs with II. T. Welles, Franklin Steele. Major Camp, Herrick Bros., George Cleveland and oth- ers. In 1876. with George A. Camp, he purchased the Pacific mills of J. Dean and Company. This famous mill is described elsewhere. In 1863 Mr. Walker was married to Miss Harriet G. Ilulet of Berea, Ohio. They have seven children, two girls and five boj s, all of whom are active, enter- prising, rough and rugged. They are taught to play, hunt, fish, row boats etc. It was through BIOGRAFEICAL. 653 Mr. Walker's influence that the Athenseum was opened for the benefit of the pubhc. Swan Walton, born December 20th, 1840, in Sweden. lie passed about three years in Den- mark; then returned to Sweden and engaged in milling. In 1868 he caaie to Minneapolis; was several years in the furniture business with W. r. Warner and also with Mr. McLean. In 1870 he was appointed on the police force, and two years later engaged in tlie grocery business under the firm name of Vanstrom and Walton. He was again appointed on the police force in 1878, and still holds the position. His wife was Annie Anderson, whom he married in 1868. They are the parents of five children: Frank, Annie, Nellie, Matilda and Mary. C. B. Walke, a native of New York, was born in 1858. He came to Minneapolis in 1876, and two years later went in business, having bought out J. H. Heisser. He deals in scroll saws, scroll work, and all kinds of supplies in connection with the business ; he is at No. 403 Nicollet Avenue. r. C. Walker was bom at Otsego, New York, November 12th, 1829. He lived in his native place until the age of twenty-two, then went to Massachusetts and remained there in the boot and shoe trade until 1879, when he removed to Cleve- land, Ohio, and about six years was engaged in the manufacture of ladders and eave troughs; after residing two and one-half years in Indian- apolis became here; he does carpet cleaning, and manufactures ladders and the '-Boss" washing machine. He was married in 1859, to Miranda Morton ; they have one child. G. F. Walker, born in Scotland, June, 1859; he came to this country and helped dress the first stone used in the Cataract mill. He lived two years in Meeker county, then went to Scott coun- ty and leased a mill. In 1864 he returned to Min- neapolis and had charge of the Union mill one year ; then in company with Thomas Noble built the People's mill and operated it four years; he next built the Washington mill at Dassel, and after running it four years, sold out, purchased the Delano mill and operated that about seven years, tlien returned to this city and has since worked at the Crown Roller mill. In 1861 lie miirried Ann Robertson. Their chililren are: John, Nellie, Mary, Jessie, Minnehaha, Ilattie and George. J. C. Walker, a native of Canada, was born December 13th, 1842, at Cornwall. He came to the United States in the fall of 1862, and worked at the lumber business in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Minneapolis, until June, 1879 ; the following spring he engaged in his present business, billiard hall and sample room at 103 Nicollet Avenue. In October, 1880, his marriage with Julia Mona- han took place. Mrs. John Wall came to Minneapolis in 1864, and has been ten years in the hotel business. Since February, 1877, she has been in the Wall House at 17 and 19 Second street north ; it is a three story brick house owned by Henry Oswald. Matthew Walsh, born in Ireland, June 15th, 1841. He emigrated to the United States in 1861, and located at New York city; during one season he was employed on a merchant steamer, running between New York and New Orleans. In 1865 he removed to this city, and has since that time been at the Cataract mill, with the exception of one year with Judd and Brackett. He has been head miller at the Cataract since 1871. In 1864 he married Annie Stacy, who has borne him seven children, Walter, Edward, Margaret, Alice, May, Katie and Julia. John Walter was born in 1831, in Switzerland. He graduated in 1846, and then engaged in mer- cantile business three years in his native country. In 1849 he moved to New York, and the next year to Canada, where he taught school fifteen years; then returned to New York, and after teaching in that state one year, went to Illinois for three years, then to Sioux City, where he was assistant in the high school four years; at the expiration of that time, he came here, and after teaching two years, engaged in his present busi- ness. In 1854 he married Miss S. Smith. They have had fourteen children; the living are, Emma, Henry, Sidney, Gustavus, Minerva, John, Her- man, Stella, Charles and Effle. George F. Warner, a native of Schoharie county. New York, was born in 1828. At the age of sixteen he commenced in the furniture business, and continued in this trade with success at xVlbany, New York, Buffalo and Chicago. He came to Minneapolis in June, 1857, and is the oldest established furniture dealer in the city. His places of business are numbers 325 Nicollet Avenue and 106 Washington Avenue south. 654 HISTOBY OF HENSEPiy COUNTY. X. F. Wanier was born in 1848 in New York city. In ]851 lie moved with liis parents to Buf- falo. New York, where they remained until 18-5.5, and next lived two years in Chicago. Coming to Minnesota in 18.57, they lived a while in Fair- bault and then came to Minneapolis, where he has resided ever since with the exception of a short period. In 1869 Mr. Warner joined an exploring expedition up the Yellowstone in order to recruit his failing health; on his return to Minneapolis, he joined a sur\eying party up the Mississippi river and its tributaries. lie there pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of pine land, which he afterwards sold for SI, 000. He then returned to Minneapolis and began in the undertaking busi- ness, in which he is still engaged. He was mar- ried in 1879 to Miss Elizabeth Sullivan, of Min- neapolis. They have one child, a girl ten months old. who was adopted by the Minneapolis Light Infantry, as the " daughter of the regiment." John Washburn, a native of 2*Iaine, was bom in 1858, at Hallowell. He is a son of A. S. Wash- burn and nephew of C. C. and W. D. Washburn. In February, 1880, he came to MinneapoMs, and commenced learning milling, with a view to mak- ing it his permanent business. William Drew Washburn, was bom at Liver- more, Androscoggin county, Maine, January 14th, 1831. His parents. Israel and Martha nee Benja- min, were lineal descendants of the old Mayflower stock ; the Benjamin family were of Scottish ex- traction. Unto the age of twenty he lived on the farm with his father, and attended school win- ters; he studied at Gorman Academy, also at South Paris, and finally completed his prepara- tory studies at Farmington Academy. In 1854 he giaduated from Bowdom College ; having taught winters, and worked vacations, to defray his expenses ; during one of these vacations he was clerk in the house of representatives, under General Cullom. After graduating he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1857 ; the same year he came to this city, and was appointed agent of the MiinieapoUs ilill Company, iji which he afterward became a partner. In 1861 he was commissioned by President Lincoln, sur\'eyor general of Minnesota, and removed to St. Paul. At the close of his term of otfice he returned to this city, built a large saw-mill, and has since been actively engaged in the lumber trade. He was the chief mover in projecting the Minneapo- lis & St. Louis railway, the success of which is largely due to his enterprise ; he is president of the company and one of the largest stock owners in the corporation ; has also been interested in other railroads. In 1872 he built the finest lum- ber mill, in the state, at Anoka, and has since built a large flouring mill at the same place. In 1873. he, with others, built the Palisade mill, here ; he is also one of the originators and stock- holders of the Minneapolis Har\-ester AVorks. Since becoming a resident of Minnesota, he has been an active participant of public enterprises ; politically he has always been a republican. No- vember. 1S7S, he was elected representative of the third congressional district by three thousand ma- jority', and in 1880 re-elected by a majority of twelve thousand. In his religious belief he is a Universalist. He married in 1859, Lizzie Muzzy, of Bangor. Elaine, who has born him eight chil- dren ; two sons and two daughters are living. William P. Washburn, a native of Kew Bruns- wick, was born in Xorthumberland county, Feb- ruary 10th, 18-50. He came to Minneapolis De- cember. 1874. and worked in the lumber business four years, on the boom in the summer and win- ters in the woods. September, 1878, he took an interest with T. G. Salisbury in the manufacture of mattresses. His marriage with Ida Rowe took place in November, 1876. John Watson was bom March 26th, 1830, in Somerset coimty, Maine. In 1851 he went to California, where he was mining and lumbering about five years, then returned to Maine and went into the tanning business. In 1861 he re- moved to Minnesota and engaged in railroad building. He has been connected with the inter- ests of this city since 1864, and since 1872 has been an officer of the City Bank; he was vice- president five years, and in 1879 took charge of the Telephone Company as its general manager. Mr. Watson married, in 1856, Olive Thompson. Their children are: M.iy, Florence, Louis and Henry. Frederick Weinard was bom October 19ih, 1819, in (Jermany. He gi'ew to manhood in his native country, and learned the painter's trade. In 1848 he came to the United States, and first located in Delaware; removed to St. .Vnthony in 1854, and the next year took a claim of one hun BIOOBAPHICAL. 655 dred and sixty acres on Rush Creek, ocenpied un- til 1856, returned to St. Antliony, and after working in a saw-mill several years, went back to liis trade; lie is one of the oldest painters in the city. In 1849 he married Katrina Boto. Their living children are: Justina, Mary, Fred and William. Peter Weingert, deceased, was born November 1st, 1830, a native of Germany. He settled in St. Anthony in 1855, and worked at his trade, tailor- ing, one year; tlien kept a boarding house until 1861, next engaging in mercantile business. In 1871 lie erected his store and continued in trade until his death, April 30th, 1872. Since that time Mrs. Weingert has conducted the business alone, dealing in dry goods and groceries. She has had nine cliildren; Ihe living are: Henry, Jo- sephine, Peter and Girddio. Henry T. Wellfs. The great North-west owes much of its prosperity to tlie blood which has been transplanted from the shores of New Eng- land. Many of the early settlers and pioneers of Minnesota were natives of that rugged, stern, honest portion of the union. In their advent to the west they retained tlieir liabits of indus- try, economy and integrity wliicli they had formed in early life. The effect of this trans- planting, in numerous instances, was to enlarge the mind; from the fact of its liaving more room for expansion, in the many facilities for enter- prises of nearly every variety. A great worlc was before them, a new empire was to l)e inaugurated. The vast, rich prairies were to be occupied; cities were to be built, church and school edifices to be erected; arts and sciences to be introduced and patronized; pulilic highways and internal improve- ments v.'ere to be made, including costly bridges, factories, mills and workshops. Truly a great work lay before these people, and probably among the early immigrants to this portion of the valley of the great river, there was no one more capable or more willing to assist in the mammoth work than Henry T. Welles, who was born April 3d, 1821, in Hartford county, Connecticut. He made St. Anthony his home in 1853. Belonging to one of the best families of his native state, he was favored in boyhood with rare advantat^es, having graduated in 1843 from Trinity College, Hart- ford. In those days neither wealth nor position exempted the young man of New England from habits of industry. During the college vacations he assisted in tilling the broad acres of the family homestead, and the first ten years after leaving college were mostly spent on the farm, though divided with duties of a public character. In 1850 lie was honored with a seat in the legisla- ture of his native state. Upon his arrival in St. Anthony, became interested in the lumbering business to which were added other industries, and having ample means he purchased con- siderable real estate. In 1855 he was elected mayor of that city. He removed to Minneapolis in 1856, having previously made large purchases on this side of the river, has been closely identi- fied with the interests of this city, has done much to develop its industries, and in 1858, was presi- dent of the town council, and president of the board of education. In 1863 he was unanimously nominated for governor of the state, by the dem- ocratic party; but he failed of an election in con- sequence of the overwhelming majority of the republicans. Since 1864 he lias had neither time or inclination to engage in political matters, the management of his real estate occupying much of his attention, but he never hesitates to give substantial aid in all matters that are of material advantage to the city, and state of his adoption. The different railroads that center in Minneap- olis liad to be encouraged liy the citizens in every possible way. Mr. Welles invested large sums of money, that the city might enjoy tliese railway facilities. Different objects of charity have fre- quently received his bounty, while tli educational interests of the community have been aided by him in no trivial manner. In addition to other numerous duties, he is president of the North- western National Bank, one of the best monied institutions of the city. His financial abilities are peculiarly fitted for this office. Previous to coming to Minnesota, Mr. Welles was happily married and has an interesting family. In clos- ing this small tribute of respect to Mr. Welles, the writer would add that Minneapolis has been fortunate in the character of the ukmi who have built up the industries of the place; tliey are the worthy cotemporaries of iSIr. Welles. G. G. Wells, a native of Cazenovia, New York, was born January 20tli, 1852. Went to Albany in 1846 to learn the jeweler's trade, and remained there five years ; then spent one }'ear at Dubuque, 656 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Iowa, and three at Jackson. Michigan. In 1856 established himself in business in this city ; four years later formed a partnership witli W. 11. Chamberlain, which conthiued nine years ; since then Mr. "Wells has given his entire attention to watch work and repairing; his place of business is the Xicollet House. In 18.53, married Minnie Slead. They have had two children, James -and Hattie. The latter died at the age of thirteen months. Charles L. Wells, M. D.. was born October 13th. 1842, at Pompey. New York. "Was educated at Hobart College, took the degi-ee of A. B., and later that of A. M. Taught classics at Burlington College one year, and three years at the High school of Geneva. In 1869 he graduated at the Geneva Medical College, and the five years fol- lowing acted as first assistant physician at Wil- lard"s Asylum for the insane. Since September, 1875, has been in practice here. Dr. "Wells mar- ried in 1870. Ilattie Stilwell of Xew York. Hen-, ry and ilarj- are their children. John AVensinger, bom in Switzerland, May 22d, 1825. Came with his parents to America in 1833 and located at Richland county, Ohio. Removed to Huron in 1840, thence to Sandusky City, where he remained until 1843. learning the boot and shoe business ; then engaged in trade at Newark; from there went to Cincinnati and remained un- til 1849, when he located in St. Anthony, and has since that time been closely identified with its histoiy and growth. Mr. "Wensinger engaged in the boot and shoe business here, renting for his shop the old Indian trading post; the year follow- ing built a store and took a partner. Col. Spooner in the harness trade. lie purchased in Galena, a stock of groceries and established in connection with that the first bakery in St. Anthony. He afterwards opened the first shoe shop on the west side of the river : he built the first wooden block in St. Anthony, and the first brick block on Cen- tral Avenue. Mr. Wensinger always assisted every enterprise calculated to benefit the town, and often sold lots far below their real value, in order to induce new-comers to settle here. Has been tendered several offices, state, county and town, but would never accept, owing to his love for his own mercantile business, and his interest in building up St. Anthony. In 18-58 joined a stock company and built the "Fall City." the first steamer buUt and owned by Mmneapolitans ; she was run between this place and Pittsburgh ; but he lost S9.000 by this investment. Mr. Wensin- ger always took pride in assisting young men in business, and his generosity sometimes caused him severe losses. His wife by his first marriage was Clara Swan, they were united in 1852, and she bore him two children: Nellie and Nettie, (deceased.) Married the second time in 1869, to Hattie Hyde. Frank Wentworth. a native of Maine, was bom June 1st, 1841, at Athens. In 1873. moved to Minneapolis, and after working about two months in the Empire mill, went to La Crosse, and was with E. V. White five years. Was afterward with Mr. Davis nearly a year in the Galesville mill, and in September, 1S79. retxmied to this city. Since that time has been engaged at the Standard mill. J. Werthmann, a native of Bavaria, was bom in 1836. Came to America in 1862. and locating at Chicago, engaged in the furniture business; six years later, removed to Winona and pursued the same line of business there until 1871. when he came to this city. Was five years employed as foreman for Burr, Morris and Company, furniture manufacturers, and in 1878 went into trade with ilr. Sonnen; they are doing a lucrative business. Mr. Werthmann was married in 1870 to Catherine Plasy. H. A. Westphal was born July, 18-50. in Ger- many. In 1868, came to Minneapolis, and the same year engaged to work in the ice business for H. Kreitz; three years later, Mr. Westphal went into the same business, starting with verj- limited means, but is now having an extensive trade. Is also engaged in the wood business, handling about three tliousand loads annually. His mar- riage with Christiana Glitschka occurred in 1875. Their children are Ida and Carl. John West was born in England. May 27th, 1840. He moved to ilew York with his parents in 1852, locating near Lockport; he went to Illi- nois in 1855. and two years later, to Anoka, ilin- nesota. In 1861. enlisted and served until hon- orably discharged in 1864 ; was afterwards authorized to enlist recruits for Battery E. Firet Minnesota Heavy Artillery, and commissioned second lieutenant of the battery, and ordered to Tennessee; was promoted to first lieutenant, and mustered out in September, 1865. Bought a farm BIOGBAPHICAL. 657 in Riclifleld and lived there until 1872, wlien he came to this city and the next year entered the police force as patrol and was promoted to his present position as sergeant. In 1865 he married Agnes Better, who has borne him five children; the four living are: Rose, Kate, Mary and Lilly. Andrew Gustavus Westling, lay preacher at Bethlehem Church, was bom in Sweden June 16th, 1823. Coming to America in 1873, he set- tled at Lake City. Minnesota, where he remained until the fall of 1879. He then came to Minne- apolis, and has since remained here. His eldest son, Peter G., is a ministeratPuhith, Minnesota. L. J. Westling, a native of Sweden, was born July 4tli, 1858. He accompanied his parents to America in 1873, and settled at Lake City; was employed a number of years there and at Red Wing as moulder. In 1879, came to Minneapolis, and is now engaged in moulding for the Union Iron Works. E. B. West was born at Pembrook, New Hampshire, in 1825. When nineteen years of age, entered mercantile business, which he con- tinued until coming to St. Anthony in 1855; he then went into the cattle trade, and five years later started in the sash and door business; he was afterwards milling and dealing in real estate until 1878, when he established his auction and com- mission business at 221 Washington Avenue south. In 1860 Mr. West had an experience which one would hardly believe possible for a man to survive. As he, in company with others, was about to bathe in the Mississippi above the falls on the east side, he lost his footing, and was carried over the rapids. At that time the volume of water was much greater than now; he was swept over the fall of thirty feet, but by super- human efforts kept in the undertow, which threw him out beyond the reach of the return current on the surface; finally he was thrown on the rocks near the Chalybeate springs, some three hundred feet below the fall; his body was cov- ered with bruises, but no bones broken. He re- turned and surprised his companions who thouglit him dead. Mr. West's wife, Mary Morrison, died in 1873. leaving three children. Milton Whipple, born June 9th, 1868, in Center county, Pennsylvania. He spent a few months in Iowa, in 1875, buying grain ; and afterward trav- eled between Omaha and North Platte, selling goods. Returned home to attend school, and in June, 1879, came to this city ; the following Sep- tember he went to work at the Northwestern mill. Edwin White, a native of Canada, was born June 16th, 1831. In 18-16, moved with bis parents to Iowa and remained until 1854, when he went to Indiana. ' He held the office of register of deeds of Decatur county, for four years, then re- ceived the appointment of chief clerk and depiity treasm-er, for the same county ; afterward was elected city clerk, at the same time serving as • clerk in the provost marshal's office. In 1866, poor health made a change desirable, and he went to Ottumwa, Iowa ; was cashier in a bank, and afterward opened a real estate and insurance of- fice. Came here in 1870, and continued the same business. In 1 851 , married at ^Marion, Iowa, Em- na Edkins. Their children, Horace, William, George, Charles and Marcus have all passed away. William O. White, born at Worcester, Massa- chusetts, October 22d, 1835. In 1850, went to Chicago, and on arrival at that city his whole cap- ital amounted to one dollar and twenty-five cents-. He learned car building with the Illinois Central railroad company, and remained with them four years; then removed to Hastings, Minnesota, where he was contracting and house building un- til 1861. Enlisted in December of that year ; was promoted to commissary sergeant, and served on the frontier among the Indians. December, 1864, returned to Hastings, and worked nine years at the Vermillion mill. In 1873, came here, and after working for C. A. Pillsbury two and one- ha f years, removed to the Red River Valley and located 960 acres of land. Since July, 1877, has been at the Minneapolis mill. In 1856, married Mrs. Delia Kibbe, who has borne him one child : Clarence. J. C. Whitney was born in April, 1818, at Springfied, Vermont. In 1829, moved with his parents to Canada, and remained until twenty years of age. He attended college at Oberlin, Ohio, and in 1849, gradirated from Union Semi- nary, Hevf York. The same year removed to Stillwater, Minnesota, where he was pastor of the First Presbyterian church until 1853; at that time he came to tliis city and held the position of pastor of the First Presbyterian church here four 658 HISTORY OF HEKXEPIN COUNTY years. In 1857 removed to Forest City, and re- turned bere in ISfiO. In 1862, enlisted and served tlirr-e years, was appointed quartermaster with the rank of captain. Returned in 1865 and en- ga£;ed in real estate business. Mr. Wliitney married in 1849, Eliza Bayard. Tliey have five children. S. O. Whiteomb. a native of Canada, was born July 24tli. 1856. Moved to Illinois and learned the drug business; went to Iowa in 1877, and was in trade there two years; May 1879, removed to Minneapolis and is doing a good business at 505 Wasliingtou Avenue south. Oliver B. Whitney was bom at Stillwater, July 23d. 1853. and the following September, came with his parents to this city. He attended the public schools here, and when twi^nty years of age commenced lumbering. Worked for George A. Camp, L. Butler. Clougli Brothers, and since April, 1878, lias been with Cole and Hammond as book-keeper. In 1875. married Pauline Hyland; she has borne him' two children: Gertrude and Henry. W, C. Wickings, born August 3d, 1839, at Boston, Massachusetts. He studied dentistry four years at Philadelphia, then removed to New York city and practiced thirteen years. In 1873 he went to St. Louis, Missouri, and followed his profession there until June. 1S80, when he came here and estahlished what is known as the New York dental rooms. The apartments are fur- nished in an elegant manner, and supplied with all the appliances necessary for mechanical and operative dentistry. Ur. AVickuigs maiTied in 1864. Frances Long. J. F. Wilcox, a native of Ohio, was bom Jan- uary 4th, 1848, at Middlebury. Came to Mmne- apolis in September, 1867, was employed by Wheaton, Reynolds and Francis three yeare and then admitted as a member of the firm, Mr. Francis having retired. Mr. Wilcox's marriage with Emma Clement took place in June, 1871. Three children have been born to them : Harry. Archa and ilyrtice. Martin Williams, T. S. King's assistant on the Minneapolis department of the '• Pioneer Press," came to the state in the spring of 1853. and for several years was employed on the early newspa- pers of St. Paul. Subsequently lie published the St. Feter " Tribune," but disposed of it in 1869, and became connected with the city department of the St. Paul •■ Press." Since the absorption of the " Pioneer" and the Minneapolis "Mail "and " Tribune" by the original " Press Printing Com- pany," he has been associated with Mr. King on the Minneapolis department of the " Pioneer Press." still retaining the position occupied for several years. David Williams, was born September 24th, 1830, at Chester. England. His father being a mUler, he learned the trade at home, and in 1865 emigrated to Lower Can;i la. where he remained live years. Then removed to Toronto remaining three years. In May, 1875, came to Minneapolis and was employed in the Washburn '• A " mill for two and one-half years, then engaged with the Northwestern mill, and for the last two years has held the position of head miller, ilarried Miss Elizabeth Lloyd in 1861. Their children are: Edward, Ever. Albert, Walter, Jessie and Maud. George Williams, was born at Calais, Maine, -March 9th. 1843. where he lived until twenty-five years of age. His life time pursuit has been in the mercantile business. Came to St. Anthony in 1878, and was in the employ of J. H. Chase a few months when he accepted his present position in the dry-goods store of O. T. Swett, on Univer- sity Avenue. His marriage to Etta B. Mayo oc- curred at St. Anthony, in 1871. Their children are: John M., ^Slary A. and Gertie. Henry Williams was bom in Chenango county. New York. May 28th. 1845. He went to :Michi- gan with his parents in 1854. Attended school, also farmed, until 1863, when he removed to Chi- cago, and two years later located at Lake City, Minnesota. Came to Minneapolis the next year and jomed the volunteer fire department in 1874. In 1877 he was appointed fire police and in 1879 was appointed foreman of Hose Company Num- ber Two in the paid department, which position he now holds. Was married in this citj' in 1868 to Agnes Ollarra. Jessie T. Williams was bom in Guilford coun- ty. North Carolina. March 20th, 1822. He moved to Wayne county, Indiana, when very young, and made it his home until 1867. Was elected sheriff of that county in 1856. Located at Minneapolis in 1870, and is now deputy sheriff. He was mar- ried in 1845 to Anna Greaves, of Indiana. Their children are: Ethal L., Laura and Estella. BIOGBAPHICAL. fi.59 S. M. Williams was bom in Cumberland coun- ty, Pennsylvania, September IStli, 184o. He came to Minneapolis in 1857, and has since made this his place of residence. lie established the book and stationery business at 224 Hennepin Avenue in 1863, and is still located there. He was married in 1879 to Sarah Williams of this city. G. B. Wilson was born March 20th, 1821, in Washington county, Maine. Came to St. An- thony in 1856. and engaged in lumbering; has driven an ox-team for twenty-two seasons in the pineries. While thus engaged he met with an experience from which he escaped with life al- most by a miracle. While unloading logs from the sled, he was thrown forward about sixteen feet down a slope. Two enormous logs rolled after and over him; fortunately he landed in a crevice in the ground which gave space for the logs with their ponderous weight to pass over, leaving him unharmed. In 1878 he erected a building at 1205 Fifth street south-east which he occupies as a grocery. In the spring of 1S80 he retired from the lumber business. Ills family consists of wife and three children: Clara L., Egbert S. and Sydney B. Joseph P. Wilson is a native of New Jersey, born in 1822. He was in the law office of Silas M. Stilwell, at New York four years. In 1844. he removed to Illinois and was agent for a Chicago firm, to select and enter government lands for them in the northern part of the state. In 1847, went to the Mexican war and remained until its close. In April 1850, located at St. Anthony and engaged in mercantile business. Was one of the commissioners of Ramsey coimty, from 1851 till '54; he was also in the legislature in 1856. He was a member of the constitutional convention to form a state constitution, and was a member of the senate in 1864-'65. He was one of the origi- nal proprietors of St. Cloud and Alexandria, Minnesota, and is now interested in New Mexico mines, in the vicinity of Santa Fe. John Wilson is a native of Scotland, born in 1838. He came to America in 1850, locating near New York, on Long Island. In 1801 , he enlisted at Rochester, New York in Company E, Thir- teenth New York Regiment. He participated in many hard fought battles : first Bull Run, Siege at Yorktown, Hanover Comt House and others. He was wounded in the seven days" fight before Richmond and left on the field, but was rescued and taken to Washington where he recovered and secured his discharge in 1863. He went to Logansport, Indiana, where he married Miss Lucinda Young, July 23d, 1861. They came to Minneapolis in 1866, and immediately engaged with the Minneapolis mill, remaining with the firm nearly twelve years. M. D. Wilson was born at LaPorte, Indiana, May 28th, 1843. Went to Albert Lea, ilinne- sota, in 1867. He located in Miinieapulis in 1877, and has since been buying and selling horses. He and liis partner, A. R. Strickland, are now projirietors of a livery and sale stable, at 16 Wasliington Avenue north. Newton II. Winchell was born in Duchess county, New York, December 17th, 1839. In 1858 he entered the University of Michigan at Aim Arbor and graduated in 1866. He was com- pelled to teach during his course in college, and thus spent eight years in getting his education. He was at different times superintendent of the public schools of Adrian, Port Huron and Kala- mazoo. He was employed two years on the state geological survey of Michigan. Thence he went to Ohio, and in 1872, was summoned to JMinnesota by the regents of the State University. Accept- ing tlie position of state geologist, he spent one- half of his time teaching, and the rest in direct- ing the geological survey of the state. In 1878 he was relieved from teaching, and has since devoted himself wholly to the survey, and the preparation and acquisition of a museum. Professor Winchell was married in 1864, to Miss C. F. Innes, of Galesburg, Michigan, a graduate and afterwards teacher at Albion College, JSIichi- gan. They have five children: Horace V., I. C, Avis, Alexander and Louisa L. Professor Winchell WTote some scientific articles for newspapers in his college course, and others since. The following are of a more permanent character and are found in the standard scientific periodicals of the day: 1. The Glacial Features of Green Bay, of Lake Michigan, with some ob- servations on a probable former outlet of Lake Superior— American Journal of Science and Arts, July, 1871. 2. The Building Stones of Michigan— American Builder, May, Jmie and July, 1871. 3. The Surface Geology of North- 660 jnnioiiY OF iiEsyEi-jy covmy. western Ohio— Proceedings of tlie American As- sociation, 1872. 4. The Drift Deposits of the Northwest— Popular Science Montlily, June and July, 1S73. 5. The Devonian Limestones in Ohio — Proceedings of the American Association, 1873. 6. On the Hamilton in Ohio— American Journal of Science and Arts, April, 1874. 7. The Economical Geology of Cheboygan aaid Mack- inac, state of Michigan— Michigan Board of Ag- riculture, Report for 1873. 8. Geological Xot«s from Early Explorers in the jNIiniiesota Valley — "V'ol. I. of the Bulletins of the Minnesota Acad- emy of Natural Sciences. 9. Vegetable Remains in the Drift Deposits of the Northwest -Proceed- ings of the American Association, 1875. 10. On the Parallelism of Devonian Outcrops in Michi- gan and Ohio— Proceedings of the American Association, 1875. 11. The Cretaceous in Mmne- sota— '\'ol. I. of the Bulletins of the Jlinnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. 12. The Ancient Copper Mines of Isle Royale— Bulletins of the Minnesota Academy, Vol. II. 13. Dall's Obser- vations on Perennial Ice in Alaska — American Journal of Science and Arts, May, 1881 . 14. The Capriferous Series in Minnesota- Proceeduigs of the American Association, 1880. 15. The Reces- sion of the Falls of St. Antliony— Quarterly Jour- nal of the Geological Society of London, Nov., 1878. 16. The Mining Districts of Southwestern New Mexico — Raymond's Mineral Resources AVestof the Rocky Mountains, 1874. 17. Tliereport of his work m Ohio, where he sun-eyed and re- ported on twenty of the eighty counties of the state, are published in the Fust and Second Vol- umes of the Final Report of Newbury's Survey. 18. Since the Geological Survey x)f Minnesota was inaugurated his scientific papers have been pub- lished in the Annual Reports of Progress of the SmTey, and pertain exclusively to the state. Of these reports nine have been published, to each of which he has been the principal contributor. They pertain to the geology and physical geogi-a- phy of all parts of the state, and treat of subjects of the most vital importance to the material de- velopment of Minnesota. Besides the series of Annual Reports, he has issued eleven miscellane- ous pubUcations and circulars relatuigto the sur- vey. 19. In 1874 he accompanied (ien. G. A. Custer to the Black Hills, and his Geological Report and map of the Black Hills, published un- der the auspices of the "War Department, com- prised the first account of the interior of the Black Hills ever published. He discredited somewhat the wonderful reports of gold in the Black Hills, cuiTent at the time of Gen. Custer's return; and it must be admitted that no permanent gold min- ing has been established at any point visited by the Custer expedition. 20. The State and Higher Education; an address — Bulletins of the Minne- sota Academy of Science, Vol. II. Prof. Winchell received the degrees of A. B. and A. M. of his alma mater, the LTniversity of Michi- gan. He is a fellow of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, a corres- ponding member of the New York and Buffalo Academies of Science, and president of the Min- nesota Academy of Natural Science. Thomas Wing is a native of Canada, born July otli, 1830. lie went to Oswego, New York, in 1848, and learned the bakery business. In 1852, engaged in the business at Clayton, New York, thence to Chicago. After working in different places he located in Minneapolis in 1873. He was with Lillibridge's bakery three years. In 1876 established his business, and is at present at 20 First street south. He was united in mar- riage to Eliza A. Gibbons, in 1858. Their child- ren are : Seymore T., Clarissa, NelUe, Laura, Donney M., Thomas and Mary. Kimball W. Wing was born in 1837, at Bel- grade, Missouri. At the age of nine he was con- verted, and at twenty united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at Gardner, Missouri. Reared on a farm; at the age of eighteen he em- barked in the meat business, which he followed tivelve years, when failing health compelled him to retire. At the age of twenty-eight he was married to Mary E. Kempster of West Gardner, Missouri. In 1867 he removed to Minneapolis m hope of recuperating his health. In 187;: he formed a partnership with il. D. Cone and embarked in the real estate and commission business, room No. 1 , in Harrison's block on Washington Avenue, and has since been more or less actively engaged in that direction. Mr. Wing is an active member of the Franklin Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, is one of its trustees and assistant superintendent of the Sabbath school. He has four children: Weslie S., Willie E., Warren A., and Mabel G. Hem-y T. Whiter is a native of Loudon, Eng- BIOGRAPHICAL 661 land, born 1846. He came to tlie United States in 1871, locating in Minneapolis. He was em- ployed in the Cliicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway machine shops until August, 1880. lie then opened a saloon and billiard hall at 1413 Washington Avenue south. Married Francis Pilcher in 1866. They have tliree cliildren. O. G. Wold is a native of Norway, born Octo- ber 20th, 1852. Came to tlie United States in 1860, and first located in Illinois. In 1868 re- moved to Grant county, Minnesota, where he lived on his father's farm two months. During that year he came to Minneapolis and engaged in his present line of business, that of dealing in and manufacturing pumps, etc. Tlie firm of Reno and Wold is doing a rapidly growing trade. Lo- cated 103 First Avenue soutli. Jacob A. Wolverton was born in Hunterdon county. New Jersey, August 15th, 1832. He went to New York city in 1854, to take a situa- tion in the wholesale dry-goods house of Edward Lambert & Company. In November, 1858, he was married to Evelyn L. Olmstead. In the fall of the next year they came to Minnesota and have since been residents of Minneapolis. Mr. Wolverton was connected with the dry-goods house of Bell Brothers, eiglit years. Was also a member of the firms of Johnson & Wolverton, and Wolverton & Baker. In 1876, was appointed deputy clerk of district court ; he was appointed clerk the spring following to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the clerk, Mr. Jerome. He was elected to that office the next term and held it four years. Charles II. Woods, of the law firm of Woods & Babcoek, is a native of New Hampshire, born October 8th, 1836. Received an academic educa- tion and a partial course at William's College. He was captain in a company in the sixteenth New Hampshire volunteers, and served one year after which he held a government elerk.sliip for three years. He removed to Minneapolis in 1866, and began the practice of law ; he has been in conthiuous practice since, being associated with different lawyers. The firm of Woods & Bal)- cock was formed in 1878. He was elected justi-e of the peace at the first city election held in this city, after the charter was granted. He niani&d Miss Carrie C. Rice, of Vermont, in 1862. Resi- dence 33 Tenth street south. M. Woods, of the firm of Barber and Woods, is a native of Montreal, Canada, born Septembsr 13th, 1853, and lived there until twenty-four jears of age, the last seven years being passed in the grocery business. He next engaged in the fur trade in Manitoba, in wliich he continued until coming to Minneapolis in June, 1880. In July, he became a partner in the firm of Barber and Woods, and engaged in the meat business at 1224 Western Avenue. John G. Woolley was born February 15th, 1850, at Collinsville, Butler county, Oliio. He ac- companied his parents to Paris, Edgar county, Illinois in 1860. In 1869, removed to California, remaining one year, and in 1872 went to Europe. He studied law with Honorable James A. Eads, of Paris, Illinois, and attended the law college of Michigan University. He became a resident of Minneapolis in 1878 and formed a partnership and has practiced law since. He married in 1873 to iSIary V. Gerhard, of Delaware, Ohio. Their children are : Paul G., Edwin C. and John Rea. James C. Worrall was born at Covington, Ken- tucky, February Uth, 1855. He moved with his parents to Geneseo, Illinois, in 1857, where he at- tended high school, and graduated from Geneseo Seminary. He entered the Union law school of Chicago in 1875, and graduated after a two years' course, at which time he was admitted to practice. He then returned to Geneseo and formed a partnership with Senator E. C. Moder- well. They practiced as a law firm until 1880, when Mr. Wori-all came to Minneapolis and ojiened an office at 27 Wasliington .\ venue south. His marriage to Miss Emnia K. Lawrence, oc- curred at Geneseo, Illinois, October 3d, 1878. R. W. York, foreman of Hose Company No. Five, was born in Canada West February 12th' 1843. In the fall of 1850 he accompanied his pa- rents to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he attended the graded scliools. He enlisted in 1861 in Com- pany -'G," First Wiscon.sin Infantry, Colonel John C. Starkweather ci'nn 111 liuj;. II' pirticip itf^d in the first battle in Virginia at Falling Waters, and was honorably ilischarge;!, and re-enlistel October Stli. 1861. for tliree years. Was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga. aft'T wliich he was on duty as clerk of the hospital. In 1864 he was discharged. R 'mnved to .Minnesota in 1865, on a farm near Maiikato; two years later came to 6fi2 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Minneapolis. lie engaged in raipentering until 1875, when he joined the Minnehaha Hose Com- pany No. Five. After serving one year as as.=ist- ant foreman and one year as secretary, he was appointed foreman in the paid department by the city, and has held the position since. He was married in 1864 to Celia A. Maloney. They have four children: Carrie E., Robert J., Michael A. and Joseph F. Austin II. Young, judge of the fourth judicial district of Minnesota, was born at Fredonia, Chau- tauqua county, New York, December 8th, 1830. He attended school in his native town and at Waukegan, Illinois, where lie completed his academic course. He studied law in the ofBce of Ferry and Clark, of Waukegan, and in 1854 re- moved to Prescott, Wisconsin, remaining there twelve years. He was elected clerk of the cir- cuit court, liolding the office until 18(i0, when he was admitted to the bar. He commenced the practice of his profession in partnership with M. II. Fitch and continued until the latter entered the army. In 1862 he was admitted to practice in the supreme court of Wisconsin, and the same year was elected district attorney. In 1863 he waselected to the senate for two years. He came to iliinieapolis in 1866 and has since been a resi- dent. He commenced his practice at once in com- pany with W. 1). Webb, the firm name being Young and \Vel)b. Soon after Mr. Webb retired. Until 1870 Mr. Young was alone in his profession at which time the firm of Young and Lowry was formed, continuing two years. He was elected city attorney in 1871. He was elected judge of the Fourth judicial district for the full term expiring in 1884. He was married in April, 1854, and lost his wife by death in 1868. He re-mar- ried but again lost his wife by death. His pres- ent wife was Miss Leonora Martin, of Vermont, married April 9th, 1872. Edgar A. and Alice M., are their children. Frank Zahner is a native of (iermany, born in 1835. He attended school until he came to xVme- rica in 1848, locating in Delaware. He served an apprenticeship of three years as a blacksmith, then remained two years longer. He removed to New Jersey for one year, thence to the coal re- gions of Pennsylvania, and afterwards to St. Lawrence county. New York. He remained un- til the spring of 1871, when he started west. He arrived at Minneapolis during the year, and en- gaged with the St. Anthony Iron Works Company, where he remained until starting in business for himself, which he did in 1879. He passed three years in the army, having enlisted in the One hundred and Third New York Volunteers: He married Miss Maiy Temple, of New York in 1855. They have five sons and two daughters. His res- idence is on Central Avenue. His carriage shop is located at 118 Main street south-east. Nathaniel Zeron was born in Upper Canada, October 9th, 1840. He came to Dundas, Minne- sota in 1862, and for two years was engaged in farming. He then began worked for J. S. Archi- bald in the Dundas flouring mills and re- mained there seven years. He became a resi- dent of Minneapolis in 1871, and was employed in the Cataract mill; he has been with that firm since. He married Miss Lydia Kelso in 1874. They have one child : Cora M. Residence 1518 Twenty-first street south. CHAPTER LXXXV. PRINCIPAL EVENTS CHRONOLOGICALLY AR- RANGED. 1659. Groselliers (Gro-zay-yay) and Radisson visit jSIinnesota. 1661 . Menard, a Jesuit missionary ascends the Mississipiti according to Ilerrot, twelve years be- fore Marquette saw this river. 1665. Allouez, a Jesuit, visited the Minnesota shore of Lake Superior. 1679. Dii Lutli planted the arms of France, one hundred and twenty leagues beyond Mille Lacs. 1680. Du Luth, the first to travel in a canoe from Lake Superior, by way of the St. Croix river, to the Mississippi. Descending the Missis- sippi, he writes to Signelay in 1683; "I proceeded in a canoe two days and two nights, and the next day at ten o'clock in the morning" found Accault, Augelle. and Father Hennepin, with a hunting party of Sioux. He writes: "The want of respect CHRONOLOGY. 668 which they showed to the said Reverend Father provoked me, and this I sliowed them, telling them he was my brother, and I had him placed in my canoe to come with me into tlie villages of said Nadouecioux." In September, Du Luth and Hennepin were at the falls of St. Anthony on their way to Mackinaw. 1683. Perrot and Le Sueur visit Lake Pepin. Perrot with twenty men, builds a stockade at the base of a bluff, upon the east bank, just above the entrance of Lake Pepin. 1688. Perrot re-occnpies the post on Lake Pe- pin. 1689. Perrot, at Green Bay, makes a formal record of taking possession of the Sioux countiy in the name of the king of France. 1693. Le Sueur at the extremity of Lake Su- perior. 1694. Le Sueur builds a post, on a prairie island in the Mississippi, about nine miles below Hastings. 1695. Le Sueur brings the first Sioux chiefs who visited Canada. 1700. Le Sueur ascends the Minnesota Eiver. Fort L'Huillier built on a tributary of Blue Earth River. 1702. Fort L'Huillier abandoned. 1727. Fort Beauharnois, in the fall of this year, erected in sight of Maiden's Rock, Lake Pe- pin, by La Perriere du Boucher. 1728. Verendrye stationed at Lake Nepigon. 1731. Verendrye's sons reach Rainy Lake. Fort St. Pierre erected at Rainy Lake. 1732. Fort St. Charles erected at the south- west corner of tlie Lake of the AVoods. 1734. Fort Maurepas estabhshed on Winnipeg River. 1736. Verendrye's son and others massacred by the Sioux on an isle in the Lake of the Woods. 1738. Fort La Reine on the Red River estab- lished. 1743. Verendrye's sons reach the Rocky Moun- tains. . 1766. Jonathan Carver, on November 17th, reaches the Falls of St. Anthony. 1794. Sandy' Lake occupied by the North- west Company. 1802. William Morrison tradesat Leach Lake. 1804. William Morrison trades at Elk Lake, now Itasca. 1805. Lieutenant Z. M. Pike purchases the site since occupied by Fort Snelling. 1817. Earl of Selkirk passes through Minne- sota for Ijake Winnipeg. Major Stephen H. Long, JJ. S. A., visits Falls of St. Anthony. 1818. Dakotali war party under Black Dog at- tack Ojibways on the Pomme de Terra River. 1819. Col. Leavenworth aiTives on the 24th of August, with troops at Mendota. 1820. J. B. Faribault brings up to Mendota, horses for Col. Leavenworth. Laidlow, superintendent of farming for Earl Selkirk, passes from Pembina to Prairie du Chien to purchase seed wheat. Upon the 15th of April left Prairie du Chien witli. Mackinaw boats and ascended the Minnesota to Big Stone Lake, where the boats were placed on rollers and dragged a short distance to Lake Traverse, and on the 3d of June, reached Pembina. On the 5th of May, Col. Leavenworth estalv lished summer quarters at Camp Coldwater, Hen- nepin county. In July, Governor Cass, of Michigan, visits the camp. In August, Col. Snelhng succeeds Leaven- worth. September 20th. comer stone laid under com- m&nd of Col. Snelling. First white marriage in Minnesota, Lieutenant Green to daughter of Captain Gooding. First white child born in Minnesota, daughter of Col. Snelling ; died following year. 1821. Fort St. Anthony was sufficiently com- pleted to be occuiiied by troops. Mill at St. Anthony Falls constructed for the use of garrison, undeithe supervision of Lieuten- ant McCabe. 1822. Col. Dickson attempted to take a drove of cattle to Pembina. 1823. The tirst steamboat, the Virginia, on May 10th, arrived at the moutli of the Minnesota river. Mill stones for grinding flour sent to St. An- thony Falls. Major Long, U. S. A., visits the northern boundary by way of the Minnesota and Red river. Beltrami, the Italian traveler, explores the northernmost source of the Mississippi. 664 HISTOBT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. 1824. General "Winfield Scott inspects Fort St. Anthony, and at his suggestion the War De- partment changed the name to Fort Snelling. 1825. April -Jth. steamboat Rufus Putnam reaches the Fort. May, steamboat Eufus Put- nam arrives again and delivers freight at Land's End trading post on the Minnesota, about a mile above the Fort. 1826. January 26th, first mail in five months received at the Fort. Deep snow during February and March. March 20th, snow from twelve to eighteen inches. April 5th, snow storm with flashes of light- ning. April 10th, thermometer four degrees above zero. April 21st. ice began to move in the river at the Fort, and with twenty feet above low water mark. May 2d, first steamboat of the season, the Law- rence. Captaui Keeder, took a pleasure party to vrithin three miles of the Falls of St. Anthony. 1826. Dakotahs kill an Ojibway near Fort Snelling. 1827. Flat Mouth's party of Ojibways at- tacked at Fort Snellmg, and Sioux delivered by Colonel Snelling to be killed by Ojibways, and their bodies thrown over the bluff Into the river. General Gaines inspects Fort Snelling. Troops of the Fifth Kegiment relieved by those of the First. 1828. Colonel Snelling dies in Washington. 1829. Kev. Alvan Coe and J. D. Stevens, Presbyterian missionaries \isit the Indians around Fort Snelling. Major TaliafeiTO. Indian agent, establislies a farm for the benefit of the Indians at Lake Cal- houn, which he called Eatonville, after the sec- retary of war. Winter, Spring and Summer very dry. One Inch was the average monthly fall of rain or snow for ten months. "\'egetation more back- ward than it had been for ten years. 1830. August nth, a sentinel at Fort Snell- ing, just before daylight, discovered the Indian council house on fire. Wa-pa-sha"s son in-law was the incendiary. 1831. August 17th, an old trader, Kocque. and his son arrived at Fort Snelling from Prairie du Chien, having lieen twenty-six days on the journey. Under the influence of whiskey or stu- pidity, they ascended the St. Croix by mistake, and were lost for fifteen days. 1832. May 12th. steamboat Versailles arrived at Fort Snelling. June 16th. William Carr arrives from Missouri at Fort Snelling, with a drove of cattle and horses. Henry R. Schoolcraft explores the sources of the ;Missisippi. 1833. Rev. AV. T. Boutwell establishes a mis- sion among the Ojibways at Leech Lake. E. F. Ely opens a mission school for Ojibways at Aitkin's trading post. Sandy Lake. 1834. May. Samuel W. and Gideon H. Pond arrive at Lake Calhoun as missionaries among the Sioux. November. Henry H. Sibley arrives at Men- dota as agent of Fur Company. 1835. May. Rev. T. S. Williamson and J. D. Stevens aiTive as Sioux missionaries, with Alex-, ander G. Huggins as lay-assistant. June. Presbyterian Church at Fort Snelling organized. July 31st. A Red River train arrives at Fort Snelling with fifty or sixty head of cattle, and about twenty-five horses. ilajor J. L. Bean surveys the Sioux and Chip- peway boimdary line under treaty of 1825, as far as Otter Tail Lake. November. Col. S. C. Stambaugh arrives; is sutler at Fort Snelling. 1836. May 6th, "Missouri Fulton," first steam- boat, arrives at Fort Snelling. May 29th. "Frontier," Capt. Harris, arrives. June 1st. •'Palmyra" arrives. July 2ud. "Saint Peters'' arrives with J. X. Nicollet as passenger. July 30th. Sacs and Foxes kiU twenty-four 'Winnebagoes on Root River. 1837. Rev. Stephen R. Riggs and wife join Lake Ilaniet Mission. Rev. A. Brunson and David King establish . Kaposia Mission. Commissionei-s Dodge and Smith at Fort Snell- ing make a treaty with the Chippeways to cede lands east of the Mississippi. Franklin Steele and others make claims at Falls of St. CroLx and St. Anthony. CHROKOLOGT. 665 September 29th. Sioux chiefs at Wasliington sign a treaty. November lOtli. Steamboat Kolla arrives at Fort SneUing witli tlie Sioux on their return from AVasliington. December 12th. Jeremiah Russell and L. W. Stratton make the first claim at Marine, in St. Croix valley. 1838. April, Hole-in-tlie Day and party kill thirteen of the Lac-qui-parle Sioux. Martin Mc- Leod from Pembina after twenty-eight days of exposure to snow, reaches Lake Traverse. May 25, steamboat Burlington arrives at Fort Snelling with J. N. Nicollet and J. C. Fremont on a scientific expedition. June 14th, Maryatt, the British novelist, Frank- lin Steele and others rode from the Fort to view Falls of St. Anthony. July 15th, steamboat Palmyra arrives at Fort . Snelling with an official notice of the ratification of treaty. Men arrived to develop the St. Croix Valley. August 2d, Ilole-in-the Day encamped with a party of Chippeways near Fort Snelling, and was attacked by Sioux from Mud Lake, and one killed and another wounded. August 27th, steamboat Ariel arrives with commissioners Pease and Ewuig to examine half- breed claims. September 30th, steamboat Ariel makes the first trip up the St. Croix river. October 2Cth, steamboat Gypsy first to arrive at Falls of St. Croix with annuity goods for the Chippeways. In passing through Lake St. Croix grounded near the town site laid out by S. C. Stambaugh, and called Stambaughville. 1839. April 14th, first steamboat at Fort Snell- ing, the Ariel, Capt. Lyons. Henry M. Rice arrives at Fort Snelling. May 2d, Rev. E. G. Gear, of the Protestant Episcopal church, recently appointed chaplain, arrived at the Fort in the steamboat Gypsy. May 12th, steamboat Fayette arrives on the St. Croix, having been at Fort Snelling, with members of Marine Mill Company. May 21st, the Glancus, Captain Atchison ar- rives at Fort Snelling. June 1st, the Pennsylvania, Captain Stone ar- rives at Fort Snelling. June 5th, the Glancus arrives again. June 6th, the " Ariel" arrives again. June 12th, at Lake Harriet mission. Rev. D. Gavin, Swiss missionary among tlie Sioux at Red Wing, was married to Cordelia Stevens, teacher at Lake Harriet mission. June 25tli, steamboat " Knickerbocker," arrived at Fort Snelling. June 26th, steamboat " Ariel," on thkd trip. June 27th, a train of Red river carts, under Mr. Sinclair with emigrants, who encamped near the fort. July 2d, Chippeways kill a Sioux of Lake Cal- houn band. July 3d, Sionx attack Chippeways in ravine above Stillwater. 1840. April, Rev. Lucian Galtier, of the Ro- man Catholic church, arrives at Mendota. May 6th, squatters removed on military reser- vation. June 15th, Thomas Simpson, Arctic explorer, shoots himself near Turtle river, under aberration of mind. June 17, four Chippeways kill and scalp a Sioux man and woman. 1 841 . March 6, wild geese appeared at the fort. March 20th. Mississippi opened. April 6th, steamboat " Otter," Captain Hanis arrived. Kaboka, an old chief of Lake Calhoun band, killed by Chippewa) s. May 24th, Sioux attack Chippeways at Lake Pokeguma, of Snake river. Methodist mission moved from Kaposia to Red Rock, Rev. B. F. Kavenaugh, superintendent. November 1st, Father Galtier completes the log chapel of St. Paul, which gave tlie name to the capital of Minnesota. Rev. Augustin Rav- oux aiTives. 1842. July, the Chippeways attack the Kapo- sia Sioux. 1843. Stillwater laid out. Ayer, Spencer and Ely establish a Chippewa mission at Red lake. July 15th, Thomas Longley, brother-in-law of Rev. S. R. Riggs, drowned at Traverse des Sioux mission station. 1844. August, Captain Allen with fifty dra- goons marches from Fort Des Moines through southwestern Minnesota and on the 10th of Sep- tember reaches the Big Sioux river. Sisseton war party kill an American named Watson, driv- ing cattle to Fort Snelling. 666 HISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. 1845. June 25th, Captain Sumner reaches Traverse des Sioux, and proceeding northward arrested three of the murderers of AVatson. 1846. Dr. Williamson, Sioux missionary', moves from Lac-qui-parle to Kaposia. ilarch 31st, steamboat Lynx. Captain Atchison, anives at Fort Snelling. 1847. St. Croix county, Wisconsin, organized, Stillwater the county seat. Harriet E. Bishop establishes a school at St. Paul. Saw mills be- gim at St. Anthony falls. August, Commissioners Yerplauck and Henry M. Eice make treaties with the Chippeways at Fon du Lac and Leech Lake. The town of St. Paul sun-eyed, platted, and recorded in the St. Croix county register of deeds office. 1848. Henry H. Sibley, delegate to congress from Wisconsin territoiy. May 29th, AVisconsin admitted, lea\'lng ilinne- sota (with its present boundaries) without a gov- ernment. August 26th, "Stillwater convention" held to take measures for a separate territorial organiza- tion. October 30th, H. H. Sibley elected delegate to congress. 1849. ;March, Act of congress creating Minne- sota territory. April 9th. ■■Highland Mar}."" Captain Atchison, arrives at St. Paul. April 18th. James M. Goodhue anives at St. Paul with first newspaper press. May 27th, Gov. Alexander Eamsey arrives at ^lendota. June 1st, Gov. Ramsey issues proclamation de- claring the territoi-j- duly organized. August 1st. H. H. Sibley elected delegate to con- gress for Minnesota. September 3d. First legislature convened. Xovember, First Presbyterian church. St. Paul, organized. December, first literary address at falls of St. Anthony. 1850. Januan- 1st. Historical Society meeting. June lull. Indian council at Fort Snelling. June 14lh, Steamer Governor Eamsey makes first trip above Falls of St. Anthony. June 26th. the Anthony Wayne reaches the Falls of !^t Anthony. July 18th, Steamboat Anthony Wayne ascends the ilinnesota to the vicinitj- of Traverse des Sioux. July 2oth, Steamboat Yankee goes beyond Blue Earth River. September, H. H. Sibley elected delegate to congress. October, Fredi'ika Bremer, Swedish novelist, visits Miimesota. Xovember, the Dakotah Friend, a monthly paper, appeared. December, Colonel D. A. Eobertson establishes Minnesota Democrat. December 26th. first public Thanksgiving day. 1851. May. St Anthony Express newspaper began its career. July, treat)- concluded with the Sioux at Trav- erse des Sioux. July, Eev, Robei-t Hopkins, Sioux missionary-, drowned. August, treaty concluded with the Sioux at Mankato. September 19th, the Minnesotian, of St. Paul, edited by J. P. Owens, appeared. ^s^ovember, Jerome Fuller, chief justice in place of Aaron Goodrich, arrives. December ISth, Thanksgi\'ing day. 1852. Hennepin county created. February 14th, Dr. Rae, Arctic explorer, arrives at St. Paul with dog train. May 14th, land slide at Stillwater. August, -las. M. Goodhue, pioneer editor, dies. Xovember, Yuhazee, an Indian, convicted of murder. 18-53. April 27th, Chippeways and Sioux fight in streets of St. Paul. Governor Willis A. Gor- man succeeds Governor Ramsey. October, Henr>- M. Rice elected delegate to congress. The capitol building completed. 1854. March 3d, Presbyterian mission house near Lac-qui-parle burned. June 8th. gieat excursion from Chicago to St. Paul and St. Anthony Falls. December 27lh, Yuhazee. the Indian, hung at St. Paul. 1855. Januan'. First bridge over Mississippi completed at Falls of St. Anthony. October. H. 'M. Rice re-elected to congress. December 12th. James Stewart arrives in St. Paul direct from Arctic regions, with relics of Sir- John Frankhn. CHRONOLOGY. 667 1856. Erection of State University building was begun. 18-57. Congress passes an act authorizing peo- ple of Minnesota to vote for a constitution. Marcli. Inkpadootah slaughters settlers in South-west Minnesota. Governor Samuel Medary succeeds Governor W. A. Gorman. March 5th. Land-grant by congress for rail- ways. April 27th. Special session of legislature con- venes. July. On second Monday convention to form a constitution assembles at Capitol. October 13th. Election for state officers, and ratifying of the constitution. H. II. Sibley first governor under the state con- stitution. December. On first Wednesday, first state leg- islature assembles. December. Henry M. Rice and James Shields elected United States senators. 185S. April 15th. People approve act of leg- islature loaning the public credit for five millions of dollars to certain railway companies. May 11th. Minnesota becomes one of the United States of America. Jmie 2nd. Adjourned meeting of legislature held. November. Supreme court of state orders Governor Sibley to issue railroad bonds. December. Governor Sibley declares the bonds a failure. 1859. Normal school law passed. June. Burbank and Company place the first steamboat on Red River of the North. August. Bishop T. L. Grace arrived at St. Paul. 1859. October llth, state election, Alexander Ramsey chosen Governor. 1860. March 23d, Anna Bilanski hung at St. Paul for the murder of her husband, the first white person executed in Minnesota. August 9th, telegraph line completed to St. Paul. 1861. April llth, Gov. Ramsey calls upon pres- dentin Washington and offers a regiment of vol- unteers. June 21st, First Minnesota Regiment, Col. W. A. Gorman leaves for Washington. July 21st, First Minnesota in battle of Bull Run. October 13th. Second Miimesota Infantry, Col. II. P. Van Cleve leaves Fort Snelling. November 16th, Third Minnesota Infantry, II. C. Lester go to seat of war. 1862. January 19th, Second Minnesota in bat- tle at Mill Spring Kentucky. April 6th, First Minnesota Batteiy, Captain Munch, at Pittsburgh Landing. April 21st, Second Minnesota Battery, goes to seat of war. April 21st, Fourth Minnesota Infantry Volun teers, Col. J. B. Sanlwrn leaves Fort Snelling. May 13tli, Fifth Regiment \^olunteers Col. Bor- gensrode leaves for the seat of war. May 28th, Second, Fourth and Fifth in battle near Corinth, Mississippi. May 31st, First Minnesota in battle at Fair Oaks, Virginia. ^ June 29th, First Minnesota in battle at Savage Station. June 30th, First Minnesota in battle near Wil- lis' Church. July 1 , First Minnesota in battle at Malvern Hill. August, Sixth Regiment Col. Crooks organized. August, Seventh Regiment, Col. Miller organ- ized. August. Eighth Regiment Col. Thomas organ- ized. August, Ninth Regiment, Col. Wilkin organ- ized. August 18th, Sioux attack whites at Lower Sioux Agency. September 23d, Col. Sibley defeats Sioux at Mud Lake. December 26th, Thirty-eight Sioux executed on the same scaffold at Mankato. 1863. January, Alexander Ramsey elected United States Senator. May 14th, Fourth and Fifth Regiment in battle near Jackson, Mississippi. July 2d, First Minnesota Infantry in battle at Gettysburgh, Pennsylvania. September 19th, Second Minnesota Infantry engaged at Chickamauga, Tennessee. November 23d, Second Minnesota Infantry engaged at Mission Ridge. 1864. January, Col. Stephen Miller inaugu- rated Governor of Minnesota. 668 HISTORY OF SENyFPIN COUNTY. March 30th, Tliird Minnesota Infantrj- engaged at Fitzhiigh"s Woods. June 6th, Fiftli Minnesota Infantry engaged at Lake Chicot, Arkansas. July 13th, Seventh. Ninth, and Tentli, with portion of Fiftli Minnesota Infantry engaged at Tupelo. Mississippi. July 14th, Colonol Alex. Wilkin of the Xinth killed. October lotli, Fourth Regunent engaged near Altoona, Georgia. December 7th, Eighth Regiment engaged near Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Fifth. Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Regiments at Nashville. Tenn. 1865. Jiuniary 10th, Daniel S. Norton, elected United States senator. April 9th. Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth and Tenth at the siege of Mobile. November 10th, Shakpedan, Sioux chief, and Medicine Bottle exeeuted at Fort Snelling. 1S66. January 8th, Colonel William R. Mar- shall inaugurated Governor of Minnesota. 1867. Preparatory department of the State University, opened. 1868. January, Governor Marshall enters upon second "term. January 1st, Miimesota State Reform School opened for inmates. 1869. Bill passed by legislature, removing seat of government to a spot near Big Kandiyohi Lake — vetoed by Governor Marshall. 1 870. January 7th, Horace Austin inaugurated as governor. 1871. January, Wm. AVindom elected United States senator. In the fall destructive fires oc- casioned by high winds, swept over frontier coun- ties. 1872. January, Governor Austin enters upon a second term. 1873. January 7th, 8th and 9th, polar wave sweeps over the state, seventy persons perishing. Jilay 22d, the senate of Minnesota convicts state treasurer of corruption in office. September, grasshopper raid began and con- tinued five seasons. Jay Cooke failure occasions a financial panic. 1874. January 9th, Cushman K. Davis in- augurated governor. W^illiam S. King elected to congress. 1875. February 19th, S. J. R. McMillan elected United States senator. November, amendment to state constitution, allowing any woman twenty-one years of age to vote for school officers, and to bs eligible for school offices. Rocky Mountain locusts destroy crops in southwestern Minnesota. 1876. January 7th, John S. PiUsbury inaugur- ated governor. January 12th, State Forestry association or- ganized. September 6th, outlaws from Missouri kill the cashier of the Northfield Bank. 1879. November, state constitution amended forbidding public moneys to be used for the sup- port of schools wherein the distinctive creeds or tracts of any particular Christian or otlier relig- ous sect are taught. J. II. Stewart, M. D.. elected to congress. Biennial sessions of the legislature adopted. 1878. January, Governor PiUsbuary enters upon a second term. May 2d, explosion in the Washburn and other flour mills at Minneapohs. One himdred and fifty thousand dollars appropriated to purchase seed grain for destitute settlers. 1880. November loth, a portion of the Insane Asylum at St. Peter was destroyed by fire and twenty-seven inmates lost their lives. TOWKSmr DlBECTOIilES. 669 TOAVNSPriP DIRECTORIES. CHAPTER LXXXVI. BLOOMINGTON. P. O. Adelman, M., farmer Richfield, Aliern, David, fanner, Riclitield, Ames, Orville, farmer, Bloomington Ferry, Ahem, Geo., farmer, Richfield, Ancel, J. S., farmer, Bloomiiigton, Bropau, Margaret, Bloomiiigton, Bradbury, A., farmer, Minneapolis, Buchle, S., farmer, Bloomington, Boeser, W., farmer, Richfield, Bradbury, J. H., f "mer, Bloomington, Bazley,T.T., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, Brewster, Wm., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, Bailliff, E. A., farmer, Bloomington, Bailliff, R. L., farmer, Bloomington, Batcheller, J. P., f 'mer, Bloomington, Bunker, F. R., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, Brown, John, farmer, Bloomington Feny, Brewster, Martha, farmer, Bloomington Ferry, Beecroft, John, farmer, ]51oomington, Couillard, A. II., f 'mer, Minneapolis, Christian, Peter, f'mer, Bloomington, Cummings, J. M., f'mer, Richfield, Constantine, C, f'mer, Fort Snelling, Cumming, A., mch't and postmaster, Bloomington, Coleman, 11., farmer, Bloomington, Cooper. John, farmer, Bloomington, Chadwick, Wm., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, Cunningham, II. D., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, A. S. 98 4 160 18 f.4 •5 80 17 160 19 14 310 2 20 2 80 9 160 15 148 29 120 32 96J 19 170 21 163 21 80 31 220 5 80 32 114 14 74 1 80 2 76 3 2 12 16 50 18 160 29 315 6 119 5 P. O. A Cameron, J., ferrymen. Bloomington Ferry, 10 6 Chadwick, Robt., farmer, Bloomington Ferr>', SO 32 Chattell, v., farmer, Bloomington, 160 17 Camont, Aime, farmer,Bloomington, 150 17 Dean, J. I., farmer, Bloomington, 160 10 Davis, James, farmer, Bloomington, 132 lo Douthwaite, G., frm'r, Bloomington, 120 8 Dean, Robert, farmer, Bloomington, 160 19 Davis, N. J., farmer, Bloomington, 160 14 Davis, T. W., farmer, Bloomington, 80 22 Dean, C. J. & R. H., Bloomington, 160 19 Ellingson, S., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, 300 6 Gnassir, J., farmer, Richfield, 40 8 Girard, Jos., farmer, Bloomington, 370 17 Goodrich, R., farmer. Bloomington Ferry , 193 4 Goodrich, E., farmer, Rloomington Ferry, 2 5 Hanson, W., farmer, Fort Snelling, 320 1 Haeg, VaPine, farmer, Richfield, 480 4 Hisler, John, farmer, Bloomington, 229 2 Harford, E. J., farmer, Bloomington, 160 10 Harmon, H., farmer, Bloomington, 160 15 Harrison, J., farmer, Bloomington, 171 16 Ilaughey, J., farmer, Bloomington, 75 16 Hyland, R., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, 34 29 Hopkins, W. J., " Bloomington, 121 22 Ilelmuth, II., farmer, Bloomington, 80 30 Haeg, D., farmer, Bloomington, 80 3 Ilausler, V., farmer, Richfield, 80 3 Harrison, W. A., " Bloomington 16 Kierce, P., farmer, Riclifleld, 40 5 Knott, J. C, farmer, Bloomington Ferry, 100 31 Kell, Charles, farmer, Bloomuigton Ferry, 40 31 Kelley, R. II., farmer, Bloomington Ferry. 148 32 Kelley, J. N., farmer, Bloomington, 100 32 Kirk, J. II., farmer, Richfield, 80 9 670 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. o. A. s. p. o. A. s. Kell. Will., farmer. Riclifield, 285 4 Schofield, Z. IL, farmer, Bloomington, 23 Kelly, J. W., farmer, Tynan, Thos., farmer. Minneapolis, 80 17 Bloomiiigtoii Ferry, 48 32 Thompson, A. P., " Bloomington Ferry 160 31 Keongli, H., fanner, Bloomington. 206 20 Thomas, A. P., farmei , Bloomington, 220 19 Linka, Joseph, farmf r, Fort Snelling, 65 o Van Xess, G. Jr. " Minnehaha, 40 1 Layman, J. D., farmer, KichneUl, 277 o Vesey, Tliomas, " Bloomington Ferry 341 4 Lampman, B., farmer, :Minneapolis, 183 3 Van Xess, Sen., " Minneapolis, 40 1 Logan, J., farmer, Williams. L., " 151oomington, 80 15 Bloomington Ferry, 7 19 Wrasper. Jos., " Bloomington Ferr y, «3 30 Lampman, G., farmer, Minneapolis, 56 11 West, W., farmer, Bloomington Ferry, 40 32 Le Borius, J., farmer, Jlinnelialia, 114 1 Wren, L., farmar, Bloomington, 126 28 McLeod, W. S., farmer, Bloomington, MeChay, S., farmer, 101 oo BROOKLYX. Bloomington Ferry, 77 30 Abbott. X. G., farmei , Minneapolis, 80 25 McMoii-, J., farmer, Bloomington, 160 31 Atkinson, Lewis, farmer. Mahoney, J., farmer, Bloomington, 307 12 Champlin, 3 !Moir, Mary, farmer, Bloomington, 160 21 Archer, Jas., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 166 35 Moll, John, farmer, Bloomington, 80 22 Bennett, R. L., Shingle Creek 80 3 Miller, E. B., farmer, Bloomington, 185 30 Brigham, Levi, farmei ,Osseo, 140 6 McAfee, "Wm., miller, Bloomington, 1 Brown. M. L., farmer Brooklyn Centre, 66 9 Nusser, John, farmer. Fort Snelling, 80 1 Bragdon, Alonzo, far.. Osseo, 120 10 Isesbit, James, farmer, Brown, H. M., farmer , Osseo, 40 17 Bloomington Ferry, 164 33 Brown, M. M., farmer , Osseo, 40 19 Oxborough, T., fanner, Bloomington, 180 9 Buckholz, John, far.. Osseo, 80 21 Oxborough, J., farmer, Bloomington, 80 9 Benson, A. IL, farme •,Minneapolis, 200 25 Oxborough, R., farmer, Eichfielil, 78 9 Bohanon, H. C, far.. Brooklyn Centre, 84 28 Oxborough, W., farmer. Richflelcl, 80 9 Balfour, M.G.,carpt, Shingle Creek, 10 35 Oxborough, M., farmer, Richfield, 80 9 Baker, E., farmer, Shingle Creek, 9 36 Peteler, JSIarg., farmer, Richfield, 74 3 Browii, 0. II., carpt, Osseo, o 18 Palmer, J. T., farmer, Bloomington, 103 11 Benson, C. H., farmer , Minneapolis, 40 25 Palmer. W.. farmer, Bloomington, 41 11 Colton, D., farmer, Shingle Creek, 123 11 Palmer, P.. farmer, Bloomington, 80 14 Christianson, C, far.. Minneapolis, 38 23 Pease, S., farmer, Bloomington, 3 33 Crosman, A. M., far.. Minneapolis, 35 26 Palmer, A., farmer, Bloomington, 411 20 Coulter, A. J., farmer Minneapolis, 146 32 Pepin, M., farmer, Bloomington, 80 20 Crooker, N., farmer. Shingle Creek, 210 36 Pond, E. R., farmer, Bloomington, 50 22 Capron, T. C, farmer Osseo, SO 19 Petterson, P. M., " Bloomington, 291 30 Curtis. II. , farmer. Osseo, SO 17 Ryan, Wm., farmer, Richfield, 120 5 Chandler, E. II., carpt . &far.. Ray, Moses, farmer, Bloomington Ferry , 40 29 Osseo, 7 Ray, Wm., farmer, Bloomington Ferry 160 30 Chipman, S, farmer. ^Minneapolis, 40 35 Smith, J. E., farmer, ^linneapolis. 116 1 Dexter, L. D., farmer , Minneapolis, 114 26 St. Martin, S., farmer, Bloomington. 120 8 Dibb, Isaac, farmer. Osseo, 160 30 Slavin, Pat., farmer, Richfield, 85 6 Dexter, Z. H., farmer Osseo, 82 30 St. Martin, E. S. " Bloomington, 160 17 Dorn, C. P., farmer. Brooklyn Centre, 58 34 St. Martin, S. G., '• Bloonungton, 80 15 Duruam. J. M., far.. Minneapolis, 142 36 St. Martin, P., farmer, Bloomington, 160 8 Diirnam, G. A., far. iliuneapolis, 10 36 Standish, F. G., " Bloomington, 80 16 Durnam, A. B., fiir.. Minneapolis, 36 Stewart Thomas, " Bloomington Ferry, 55 30 Doten, T., farmer, Brooklyn Centi-e, 160 22 Schofield,Mrs.J.D., far. Bloomington, 275 28 Dunning, J. B., farmei , Champlin, 40 3 TOWNSHIP DIBECTORIES. 67] p. O. A. Eidem, J. J., farmer, Chamiilin, 100 Ecker, I'hillip, farmer, Brooklyn Centre. 120 Estes, J., lumberman. Shingle Creek, lots Fernakl, C. O., farmer, Osseo, 30 Felt, D. W., Shingle Creek, lots Pletcher,W.II.,farm"r, Brooklyn Centre, 133 Fletcher, W. S., " Brooklyn Centre, 5 Goodrich, C. W., " Champlin, Goodrich, W. H., " Champlin, 66 Green, M. A. farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 120 Gould, vS. J., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, -50 Goodwin, W.H., " Brooklyn Centre, 71 Getchell, L. L., " Brooklyn Centre, 8 Green, J. B., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 39 Getchell, N. II., " Brooklyn Centre, 160 Green, A. N., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Gaslin, W. 11., farmer, Champlin, 50 nalverson,01e, " Brooklyn Centre, 20 Hartkopf, C, farmer, Osseo, 200 IIutchinson,M. H., " Brooklyn Centre, 40 Hanscom, E., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 140 Ham, J. L., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 40 Hanscom, F. A., " Brooklyn Centre, 20 Harrison, C. W., " Brooklyn Centre, 100 Hill, T. P., farmer, Osseo, 107 Howe, C. II., merchant and postmaster, Brooklyn Centre, Howe, Asa, farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 76 Hall, B. C, clergyman, Brooklyn Centre, Howe, S. C, gardener, Brooklyn Centre, 100 Hauber, W. H. , farmer, Champlin, 10 Harrison, C. D., f'mer, Brooklyn Centre, Jenkins, N. II., f'mer, Osseo, 80 Jentsch, II., former, Shingle Creek, .50 Johnson, R., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 120 Johnson, J. B., farmer, Minneapolis, 10 Johnson, Peter, fmer, Brooklyn Centre, 53 Kilmer, Henry, f'mer, Osseo, 260 Knobel. M. Jr., f'mer, Osseo, 160 Kelly, O. A., farmer, Osseo, 42 Lane, Samuel, farmer, Champlin, 120 Lockwood, A., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 80 Lawrence, L., farmer. Brooklyn Centi-e, 135 Locke, A. B., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 40 Martin, J., farmer, Osseo, 20 Merrill, Silas, farmer, Champlin, 80 Merrill, S. W., farmer. Shingle Creek, 143 Moses, II. M., farmer, Minneapolis, 200 Miclielsou, H., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, 100 s. 4 22 36 6 36 33 33 3 3 20 21 28 28 28 28 20 3 16 20 26 27 27 27 28 29 34 27 27 34 4 2 6 11 23 25 31 9 5 17 3 26 28 29 6 10 11 22 22 Champlin, Brooklyn Centre, Minneapolis, Minneapolis. Minneapolis. p. o. Myers, Hugh, farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Myers, Jacob, farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Mickleson, A., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Munson, S. D., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Moses, T. B., farmer, Minneapolis, Merrill, S. K., laborer, Brooklyn Centre, Merrill, E. W., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Normandin, L.. f'mer, Osseo, iVeddersen, F., farmer, Osseo, Norris, R. W., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Norris, E. R., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Norris, J. \V., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Nomandin, P., farmer, Osseo, Northrup, F.II., " Brooklyn Centre, Oleson, T., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Overrick, P. B., " Brooklyn Centre, Pribble,S. P., gardener, Cliamplin, Parker, A., farmer, Champlin, Peterson, C, farmer, Pomeroy,G. W., " Peterson, T., farmer, Pickens, L.C., " Plummer, J. P., " Potter, Isaac, farmer, Osseo, Pineo, J. P., carpenter, Brooklyn Centre, Pineo, W., gardner, Brooklyn Centre, Raiche, P., farmer, Osseo, Rathbun, E. M., " Champlin, Rixon, Andrew, " Shingle Creek, Ritenburg, Jno., " Brooklyn Centre, Stanchtield, E., farmer. Shingle Creek, Schreiber, P., farmer, Osseo, Sampson, N., farmer, Osseo, Smith, A. J., farmer, Osseo, Smith, G. II., cont'ctor, Osseo, Schreiber, C, farmer, Osseo, Smith. II. M., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Savage, G. 'W., farmer, Osseo. Schrader, B. M., " Osseo, Setzler, George, " Osseo, Stanchrteld, W., " Osseo, Stucki, C, farmer, Osseo, Swanson, A., " Osseo, Smith, John, " Brooklyn Centre. Stevens, W., farmer, Shingle Creek, Spafford, E., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Smith, John, farmer, Brooklyn Centre. Smart, R. J., farmer, Minneapolis, Tessman, A., farmer, Osseo. A. 160 160 40 43 30 80 240 34 40 40 60 52 40 40 20 20 40 60 40 160 3 4 40 120 132 80 100 240 75 150 100 240 226 100 40 80 80 80 80 46 280 40 94 220 160 s. 29 29 31 33 21 9 3 7 9 21 21 22 7 27 15 15 3 3 5 9 30 34 31 8 10 13 35 3 4 17 16 32 18 19 19 19 19 19 21 24 9 9 15 17 672 HISTOBY OF HEN2>^EPIX COUNIY. p. o. Thayer, A. A., farmer, Osseo. Tomson,L.S., farmer, Brookljii Centre, Thompson, E. F., " Jlhineapolis, Tliompson, 11. S., " Brookyn Centre, Tschudy, J. J.. farmer, Osseo, Weaver, Jas., farmer, Champlin, AVethern, Geo.. fanner.Champlin, ■VA'olter, C. farmer. Osseo, Wille, J., farmer, Osseo; Weishaar, M., farmer. Osseo, Warwick. F., farmer, jMmneapolis. Warel, F. F.. farmer, Osseo, Ward, C. II., farmer, Osseo, Weaver. Dan., farmer. ^Minneapolis, Williams, A. D.. physician, BrookhTi Centre, Wales, W. W. Jr.. farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Wales, J. W., farmer, BrookhTi Centre, Woodman, J. S., '■ Brooklyn Centre, Whitney, H. P., " Brooklyn Centre, Wyley. C, farmer, Minneapolis, Whitney, J. il., farmer, Brooklyn Centre AVelker L.. farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Williams. J., real estate and insurance, Osseo, Wethern F., farmer. Champlin, Zimmerman. Ahe., " Osseo, Zimmerman. J. H., " Osseo, Zimmerman, P., " Osseo, Zimmerman, H., " Osseo. Zimmerman, A., " Osseo, CHAMPLIN. Brander, Wm.. blacksmith, Champlin. Brockway, AV., stage line, Champlin. Colburn. S.. farmer, Champlin, Curtis, G. W., wagon-maker, Champlin, Coleman, S. R., blacksmith. Champlin. Donnelly, T., farmer, Champlin, Depue, J. AV., farm macliineiy. Champlin, Depue, John, farmer, Champlin, Emery Colby, farmer, Champlin, Emery, J. AV., farmer, Champlin, A. S. 17 61 27 80 32 75 32 100 6 400 o 95 5 200 8 120 16 100 18 220 24 130 30 200 32 40 31 43 28 161 34 51 34 40 34 80 34 12 35 80 34 80 32 17 60 5 80 5 97 6 110 9 120 16 90 10. 100 19 19 19 40 24 19 15 19 120 31 60 32 P. o. Fullerton, AVm.. carpt. .Champlin, Fisher, W., farmer, Champlin, Faber, X., merchant, Champlin, Fullerton, A. J., carpt., Champlin, Gibson, AVm., laborer, Champlin, Ghostly, II., capitalist. Champlin, Goldsmith. J., wagon-maker, Champlin. Ilayden, W., farmer, Champlin, Hayden, D. W., far., Champlin, Hinckley. J. B., far., Champlin, Hastings, C. E.. far., Champlin, Hills. G. A., postm'er, Champlin, Hunter. John, farmer. Champlin, Herrick. B. F.. farmer.Champlin, Herrick. J. \ . B., stone-mason, Champlin. Herrick. N., carpenter,Champlin. Heibst. II.. merchant, Champlin. Jenkins, J. AV., far., Champlin, Kelley, Henry, farmer,Champlin, Lane, J. AV., farmer, Champlin, Lane, A. P., farmer, Champlin, Miars, G. D., farmer, Champlhi, MiUhollLn, Jas. and John, farmers, Champlin, Miller. O. S., insurance, Champlin, MiUer. R. II.. wheelw"t. Champlin, Pomeroy. J. B., farmer, Champlin, Pribble, T., farmer, Champlin, Pratt, R. M., miller, Champlin, Reeves, J. AV., fanner, Champlin. Stockton. J., farmer, Champlin, Smith, R.S., farmer, Champlin, Smith, W. AV.. farmer, Champlin, Schmidt, W.. farmer, Osseo, Smiley, C. AV., farmer, Champlin, Stockton, J. A., fmer, Cliamplin, Shumway. J,, village Urts. Trussell, J. H., farmer. Champlin, Thomdike, F., hotel, Champlin, AMIliams. X. A., fmer, Champlin, Wethern. H. Jr., fmer, Champlin, AA'alker, E. S., farmer, Champlin,, " Champlin, AVethern, II.. r'td •' Champlin, Zopfi, F., farmer, Champlin, Zopfi, Matt., fiu-mer, Osseo, A. S. 31 lOJ 24 80 19 19 19 19 80 19 177 24 20 24 110 30 175 31 19 30 80 33 19 80 25 40 33 40 30 80 26 186 33 40 19 80 19 80 30 31 40 31 118 24 131 29 134 29 120 36 19 34 45 24 179 25 19 40 29 55 33 120 32 80 32 30 19 214 25 120 36 TOWNSHIP DIRECTORIES. 673 CORCORAN. p. 0. A. S. Allair, J., farmer, Corcoran, 7 21 Adcock, Robt., farmer, Corcoran, 80 24 Bennett, Wm., farmer, Osseo, 120 3 Barrett, P., farmer. Hanover, 80 5 Barry, Matthew, farmer. Hanover, 240 6 Biish, John, farmer, Hanover, 120 6 Brown, Fred, farmer, Osseo, 80 12 Bingenheimer, J., farmer, Osseo, 80 12 Burke. P., farmer, Corcoran, 200 14 Barry, Michael, farmer. Corcoran, 150 15 Bolduc, P., farmer, Dupont, 102 18 Bolduc, M., farmer, Dupont, 80 20 Boldean, J., farmer. Dupont, 70 21 Boucher, O., farmer, Corcoran, 80 37 Boyou, J., farmer. Dui)ont, 60 29 Boldie, John, farmer, Dupont, 85 29 Barbeau, J., farmer, Dupont, 80 31 Bukosky, J., farmer. Dupont, 40 19 Corcoran, P. B., farmer, Corcoran, 640 23 Gassy, Wm., farmer. Corcoran, 160 15 Carpentier, F., farmer. Corcoran, 118 21 Corcoran, Thomas, former. Corcoran, 269 26 Carpenter, Chas., farmer. Corcoran, 86 27 Carpenter, A., farmer, Corcoran, 80 27 Cassy, P., farmer. Dupont, 80 30 Case, L., farmer. Dupont, 40 30 Case, H. H., farmer. Dupont, 80 31 Corcoran, Wm., farmer. Corcoran, 240 23 Cain, M. N., farmer. Corcoran, 160 14 Cook, Robt., farmer, Corcoran, 121 4 Case, Alvin, farmer, Dupont, 80 30 Daily, T., farmer, Corcoran, 160 o Dellis, Martin, farmer, Corcoran, 120 7 Daily Patrick, farmer. Corcoran, 160 9 Dufour, M., farmer. Corcoran, 40 33 Dayton, G., farmer. Dupont, rtO 18 Dupont, Joseph, farmer, Dupont, 240 19 Degardins, J., farmer. Dupont, 130 26 Daniel, Dennis, farmer. Corcoran, 80 26 Dupont, S. E., farmer, Dupont, 57 31 Dupont. A., farmer. Dupont. 57 31 Dorman, L. H., farmer. Dupont, 160 32 Ditzler, W., farmer, Lenz, 80 33 Dailey, Pat., farmer. Corcoran, 160 9 Donnelly, P., farmer. Corcoran, 120 35 Esterle, Godfrey, farmer. Osseo, 80 1 Eagan, John, farmer. Corcoran, 240 11 Eagan, D., farmer. Corcoran, 50 15 P. o. Eagan, E., farmer, Corcoran, Fehan, John, farmer, Corcoran, Fisher, F., farmer, Corcoran, Ferrlans, J. J., farmer, Corcoran, Ferrians, J. Jr., farmer, Corcoran, Finn, M., farmer, Corcoran, Fitzpatrick, D., farmer, Corcoran, Fehan, Conrad, farmer, Osseo, Foran, Mary, farmer, Corcoran, Fitzpati'ick, John, farmer, Corcoran, Fox, Mary, farmer, Corcoran, Fox, Patrick, farmer, Corcoran, Gaurs, John, farmer, Corcoran, Goven, Stephen, farmer, Dupont, Grosnick, M., farmer, Dupont, Gague, George, farmer, Corcoran, Gold worthy, J., farmer, Corcoran, Gorham, S., farmer, Corcoran, Gardner, J., farmer, Corcoran, Gague, Jas., farmer, Corcoran, Heebner, John, farmer, Osseo, Hogan, John, farmer. Corcoran, Huot, E., merchant, Corcoran, Hustert, Theo., farmer, Dupont, Hatckler, Dan., farmer. Osseo, Hoag, Aaron, farmer. Ilasson, Jubert, A., farmer, Dupont, Kennedy, John, farmer, Hanover. Kottka, G., farmer, Hanover, Kluck, J. A., farmer, Dupont, Keizer, Samuel, farmer, Dupont, Keran, Hugh, farmer, Corcoran, Keran, O., farmer, Corcoran, Kearns, M., farmer, Corcoran, Kalk, Michael, farmer, Corcoran, Lange, M., farmer, Corcoran, Lafrie, A., farmer, Dupont, Lacrosse, A., farmer, Dupont, Lacount, A., farmer, Dupont, Lynch, Patrick, farmer, Corcoran, Meaglier, Margaret, farmer, Corcoran, Meagher, Mary, farmer, Corcoran, Molan, Daniel, farmer, Corcoran, May, Josepli Jr., farmer, Corcoran, McDonell, John, farmer, Corcoran, Molan, Mary, farmer, Corcoran, Molan, John, farmer, Corcoran, McKewan, N., farmer, Corcoran, Moran, Joseph, farmer, Corcoran, A. s. 80 15 160 26 40 100 60 157 80 140 80 80 79 80 120 2 7 7 17 160 35 40 3 160 14 200 162 4 4 120 16 160 19 80 21 118 27 80 33 100 34 169 19 80 28 80 3 160 8 43 21 80 30 80 2 560 19 98 32 160 18 40 21 160 26 160 34 SO 34 50 8 159 7 40 19 40 22 80 34 280 35 4 4 5 6 155 10 160 14 190 14 80 27 160 27 43 674 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COVNJT. Moses. xVlbert, farmer, Moran, F., farmer, Meagher, Alice, farmer. May, John, farmer, Newman, C. farmer, Noonan, D. farmer, O'Brien, W., farmer, Oswald, George, farmer, Oswald Jacob, farmer, Oswald, George Jr., farmer, O'Laughlin, Pat. farmer, OfBing, !Jiic. farmer, Oswald, Charles, farmer, Frebe, August, farmer, Pomerleau, J., farmer, Pontiot, R., farmer, Patnode, M. Jr., farmer, Patnode, Peter, farmer. Petit, M., farmer, Pontiot, I., farmer, Potviii, Joseph, farmer, Peters, Wm., farmer, Rahell John, farmer, Eiley, John, farmer, Eeinking, Fred., farmer, Raymond, Peter, farmer Ryan, John, farmer, .Ryan, Ellen, farmer. Ranking, C, farmer. Rice, John, farmer, Relke, Carle, farmer, Sullivan, John, farmer, Splittstopher, F., farmer, Sexton, C, farmer, Stelter, G., farmer. Smith, L„ farmer, Schulte, H., farmer, Schuette, F. C, farmer, Splittstopher, D., farmer, Saurson, J., farmer, Saurson, E., farmer. Strehter, Charles, farmei', Schendle, Chris., farmer. Smith, R. AV., farmer, Scott, D., farmer, Scott, J. Jr., farmer, Smith, L., farmer., Shober. J. S., farmer. Short, Mary, farmer, 0. A. s. Dupont, 70 31 Corcoran, SO 33 Corcoran, 240 11 Corcoran, 80 16 Osseo, 80 Q Corcoran, ■ 80 25 Corcoran, 81 4 Osseo, 80 12 Osseo, 160 10 Osseo, 160 10 Dupont, 80 30 Lenz, 120 32 Osseo, 80 12 Corcoran, 80 18 Corcoran, 80 20 Dupont, 80 21 Corcoran, 77 21 Corcoran, 166 22 Dupont, 200 30 Dupont, 59 31 Corcoran, 160 31 Corcoran, 160 36 Corcoran, 80 3 Corcoran, 160 8 Osseo, 320 13 Dupont, 80 20 Corcoran, 80 23 Corcoran, 80 23 Osseo, 80 24 Corcoran, 80 25 Corcoran, 50 8 Osseo, 106 1 Corcoran, 160 7 Corcoran, 40 9 Corcoran, 80 12 Osseo, 80 12 Osseo, 150 13 Osseo, 160 13 Corcoran, 40 10 Corcoran, 80 17 Corcoran, 80 17 Dupont, SO IS Dupont, 160 20 Corcoran, 160 25 Corcoran, 126 29 Dupont, 52 29 Osseo, 80 12 Osseo, 120 1 Corcoran, 160 29 Unke, Carl, farmer, Osseo, Weber. Jacob, farmer, Osseo, Wardick, Jolm,farmer. Corcoran, A\'illiams T., farmer, Corcoran, Wier, Susanna, " Corcoran, Weinand, P., farmer, Corcoran. Westphal, A., farmer, Dupont, Weir, M., farmer, Corcoran Weber, C, farmer, Corcoran, Webb, F., farmer, Corcoran, Welk, W., farmer, Corcoran, Wetnetz, L.. farmer, Corcoran, Weise. Chas., farmer, Corcoran, Weinard. Mat., farmer, Corcoran, Weber, John, farmer, Osseo, t'RV.STAL LAKE. Ackerman, B., farmer, Minneapolis, Brown, W., farmer, Shingle Creek, Bartlett, M. & L. L., frs, Minneapolis, Baumgartner, F. S., fr..Miinieapolis, Bauer, Peter, farmer, Minneapolis, Behmen. M.. fa.mer. Minneapolis, Bohanon, J. C, farmer, Shingle Creek, Brimhall, G. S.,f'rmer. Minneapolis, Bohanon, C. II., f'mer. Shingle Creek, Bonghton,II. II., mill'. Shingle Creek, Baker, J., farmer, Minneapolis, Baker, M., farmer, JSIinneapolis, Balch, D. S., farmer Minneapolis, ]5urgess. C. farmer, ^linneapolis, Buck, II., lumberman, Minneapolis, 17 Brookins, G. W., far., Minneapolis, Culpitt. S.. farmer, jMinneapolis, Crandall. D., farmer, Minneapolis, Cooper, S. J., farmer, Minneapolis, Campbell, W.. merch't. Shingle Creek, Clark, A. T., farmer. Minneapolis, Dutton, Josiah, farmer. Crystal Lake, Downs, Luther, farmer, Minneapohs, Dow, J. W. , farmer. Shingle Creek, Donaldson. J. II., far., Minneapolis. Ellsworth, D., farmer, Shingle Creek, Furey, Thomas, far., Minneapolis, Faruham, R., farmer, Shingle Creek, Farnham, II. M., far.. Shingle Creek. Foegan, Anna, farmer, Minneapolis, Giebeuhain,G., farmer, Minneapolis. Gibbs, L. W., farmer, Mmueapolis 80 11 160 160 160 120 80 79 100 38 115 102 290 25 40 SO 106 20 120 17 80 17 120 17 80 18 80 18 80 5 160 33 40 36 40 16 140 7 80 1 8 4 6 4 3 80 18 38 18 lots, 9 lots, 9 lots, 10 40 16 2 4 80 119 82 171 13 64 12 80 10 140 17 270 4 30 6 TOWNSHIP DIBECTORIES. 675 P. O. Griswold, A. A., far. Minneapolis, Geaity, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Gates, S., farmer, Minneapolis, Gibbs, D. L., farmer, Minneapolis, Gillespie, Jas., farmer. Shingle Creek, Goetze, Rudolph, " Shingle Creek, Gillespie, Z., farmer, Shingle Creek, Hommes, B., farmer, Minneapolis, Hopper,M. D., gardn"r, Shingle Creek, Hopper, S. D., " Shingle Creek, Holway,F. L., farmer, Shingle Creek, Ilynes, P., farmer. Shingle Creek, Hasty, K. H., brick y'd. Shingle Creek, Hooper, Jno., gard'n'r, Minneapolis, Harvey, K. E.. Shingle Creek, Howland, D., farmer, Minneapolis, Hopper, M. R., gardnr. Shingle Creek, Jones, D. W., farmer, Minneapolis, Johnson, J. B., farmer, Minneapohs, Johnson, W. H., " Minneapolis, Kuch, Phillip, farmer, Minneapolis, Kranz, F., farmer, Minneapolis, Kirkwood, T., farmer, Minneapolis, Knight, Wm., farmer, Shingle Creek, Knight, J., farmer, Shingle Creek, Kesler, J., gardener, Minneapolis, Kees, Jacob, farmer; Minneapolis, Kirkwood, E. T., " Mmneapolis, Lane, H. F., farmer, Shtngle Creek, Libby, Fred., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Lane, F. S., farmer, Minneapolis, Merritt, Gilbert, " Mimieapolis, McCausland,E., " Minneapolis, McKnight,W.G. " Minneapolis, McCausland,C.F." Minneapolis, Martin, Pat., farmer. Shingle Creek, MoiTison, S. D., brick yard. Shingle Creek, Medcalf ,W.R., gardner,Shingle Creek, Murch, M., farmer. Shingle Creek, Morgan, W., miller, Shingle Creek, Morgan,T., blacksmith, Shingle Creek, Mooney, Peter, farmer, Minneapolis, Miller, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Malbon, D. R., " Minneapolis, Malbon, J. S., farmer, Minneapolis, Martin, Pat., farmer, Minneapolis, Mosher, D., gardner, Brooklyn Centre, A. s. 62 5 200 7 160 8 80 6 80 12 4 3 108 12 .50 8 16 11 19 11 48 11 21 11 29 12 74 4 67 4 160 19 16 11 71 9 1-50 21 120 17 200 8 120 17 80 9 66 10 14 10 60 12 120 20 80 9 40 2 20 2 40 o 300 5 160 5 21 72 9 136 10 43 12 15 12 25 3 24 3 15 3 60 7 50 9 100 5 15 6 136 10 119 3 P. o. Morrison, Francis, lumberman, Minneapolis, Nash, J. E., dairyman, Minneapolis, Nelson, M., hotel, Minneapolis, Oleson, John, farmer, Shingle Creek, Ohmen, N., farmer, Minneapolis, Oswald, H., miller, Shingle Creek, Perkins, Nancy, Shinge Creek, Parker, Alfred, farmer. Shingle Creek, Parker, E. F. farmer, Shingle Creek, Palmer, E., farmer, Minneapolis, Perkins, E. A., butch'r, Minneapolis, Phipps, Thos., farmer, Brooklyn Centre, Partridge, T., Shingle Creek, Reidhead, P.W., f 'mer, Minneapolis, Reicliert, Chas., fmer, Minneapolis, Reichert, M., farmer, Minneapolis, Einensburg, E., fmer, Minneapolis, Ryan, Michael, fmer. Shingle Creek, Roskop, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Roggerman, L. , fmer, Minneapolis, Roth, LaSalle, farmer, Minneapolis, Russ, J. B., farmer; Minneapolis, Reeves, V., gardener, Minneapolis, Schuller, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Schaffer, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Swanson, C, farmer. Shingle Creek, Sanborn, C. H., fmer, Minneapolis, Sanborn, J. A., fmer, Minneapolis, Shoop, A. D., Shingle Creek, Shumway, J. P., fmer, Minneapohs, Stillman, H. R.,fmer, Minneapolis, Smith, H. K., farmer, Minneapolis, Schuller, Peter, finer, Minneapolis, Spurzem, Peter, fmer, Minneapolis, Smith, Alice, farmer, Minneapolis, Taylor, B., farmer, Minneapolis, Tombers, N., farmer, Munieapolis, Thaxter, B. R. J., carpenter, Minneapolis, Turner. IT. G., lumberman, Minneapolis, Taylor, A. B., farmer, Minneapohs, Wentworth, E. S.,far"r, Minneapolis, White, J. H., farmer, MinneaiX)lis, Wolf, A., hotel, Minneapolis, Wagner, L., farmer, Minneapolis, Witt, C, stock dealer, Minneapolis, Walls, G., mechanic, Minneapolis, 40 10 40 5 23 7 100 11 140 20 17 3 93 1 110 6 110 6 120 6 5 10 30 2 10 12 80 1 80 7 40 18 90 9 120 10 80 18 120 19 83 21 8 5 11 10 102 7 160 9 15 2 108 5 60 15 11 70 6 105 16 80 17 240 IS 80 20 121 7 40 .) 40 18 10 14 lots 56 145 40 5 163 9 6 9 1 3 5 6 9 10 10 676 IIISTOTiT OF HEyyEPiy covyTY. p. o. Younker, C. farmer, Minneapolis, Zirbes, ^y., farmer, Minneapolis, DATTON. Bourgeois. J., farmer, Dayton. Boiilee. M.. farmer. Dayton, Blondeau. S., farmer. Dayton, Baxter, John, farmer, Dayton, Boiilee. Isidore. " Dayton, Blesi. F., farmer, Cliamplin, Boudette. E.. farmer. Osseo, Bibeault, L.. farmer. Osseo, Bourque. J., farmer, Champlin, Bistedeau.L.-pliysician.Dayton, Bolduc, P., farmer, Osseo; Blesi, John, farmer, Champlin, Bleis. Peter, farmer. Champlin, Brier J., blacksmith, Champlin, Brimmer. "\V. D., merchant, Dayton, Bowers, Mrs. Nicholas, farmer, Dayton, Bold, F. I., farmer. Champlin, Bowers, John, laborer, Dayton, Caron, C. farmer, Dayton, Chase, D., farmer. Maple Grove, Cloutier, A., farmer, Dayton, Clark. Patrick, tenant. Dayton, Caron, Elois, farmer, Dayton, Cardinal, Jos., farmer, Maple Grove, Babcock, Mrs. Wm.. farmer. Maple Grove, Durand, F.. farmer, Daj-ton, Dahlheimer. H., " Dajton, Dahlheimer. J., " Dajlon, Dehn, Yal.. farmer Dayton, Downs, J. Mrs., farm "r. Champlin, Dahms. A., farmer, Champlin, Dunn, John, farmer, Champlin, Donnelly, P.. farmer, Anoka, Dehn, Frank, farmer, Dayton, Dubey. M., farmer, Osseo, Dejarlais, E., farmer, Osseo, Dejarlais, J., farmer, Osseo, Dejarlais, John, " Maple Grove, Dejarlais, G., farmer. Maple Grove, Dugas, C. F., carpenter, Dayton. Dahlheimer, J.,farmer, Dayton, A. s. 80 19 127 4 161 9 133 9 124 9 149 7 140 6 116 26 46 30 97 29 20 20 27 6 40 28 152 27 116 26 YUlage lots Yillage lots 280 20 160 11 YiUage lots 80 10 160 31 108 10 21 Yillage lots 188 30 70 35 88 8 4-53 17 40 16 234 10 80 16 80 23 110 22 160 21 160 20 67 29 40 28 80 27 80 32 80 81-2 Yillage lots. 46 16 p. o. Engel, N., shoemaker. Dayton. Evans, E., postmaster and farmer, !Maple Grove, Guimont, C, farmer, Dayton, Guimont, E., farmer, Dayton, Guimont. A., farmer. Dayton, Guimont, F.. farmer, Dayton, Godin. Paul, farmer. Dayton, Gamache, F.. farmer. Daj-ton, Genereux. A., farmer, Champlin, Greenwood. E., '• Maple Grove, Greenwald, F., " Maple Grove, Guimont, L., farmer, Dayton, Gelinas, A., farmer, Osseo, Gervais, I., farmer, Osseo, Gervais, B., farmer. Maple Grove, Guia. L.. lime burner, Dayton, Gay, William, farmer, Champlin, Genereux, A., farmer, Champlin, Ilurlbut. and Son, millers, Dayton. Hunt, Timothy, Jr., farmer, Champlin, Himt, Bobt.. farmer, Champlin, Hoslie. Martin, farmer, Champlin, Hunt, Patrick, farmer. Champlin, Hunt, Timothy, Sr.. farmer, Champlin, JuUlett, Julian, farmer, Dayton, Johnson, J. W., farmer, Champlin, Kimball, A. C. farmer. Dajton, Kruger, John, farmer, Champlin, KimbalUMrs. M. S., " Dayton, Kimball, A. S., " Dayton, LaCroix, Jules, farmer. Dayton. Lehn, Mathias, farmer, Dayton, Lehn. ilrs. E.. farmer. Champlin, Lyman, Thos., farmer. Champlin, Lavallee, W., farmer, Maple Grove, Lavallee. Dan., farmer, Osseo, Lavallee, Peter.farmer, Osseo, Lassard. Leander, '• Champlin, Leger, H.. farmer and cai-penter, Champlin, Lavallee. Benj., farmer. Dayton, Labissonier, G., ■• Maple Grove. Laflin, F. G., farmer. Maple Grove, Lewis, A., laborer, Dayton, LavaUe, D., farmer, Osseo, s. 33 31 140 9 80 9 102 7 214 146 o 5 72 6 80 21 110 80 40 81 70 o 76 29 80 33 41 81 vW. lots 80 15 80 21 80 22 80 22 80 26 44 23 36 23 80 7 279 14 61 4 80 35 92 7 170 t 8 417 20 40 15 80 22 43 30 100 29 80 29 80 28 80 27 40 5 40 83 160 82 village lots. 72 29 TOWNSHIP DIBECTOBIES. p. o, Lewis, Geo., laborer, Dayton, Lassard, Louis, farmer, Osseo, Mayer, Clias., teacher, Dayton. McNeill, Neil, farmer, Dayton, Morin, G. E., farmer, Dayton, Moore, Thos., farmer, Cliamplin, Murphy, John, farmer, Champlin, Maney, J., farmer, Champlin, Morrisette, G., farmer, Osseo, Martin, H., farmer, Osseo, Mclntire, D., farmer, Champlin, McLean, W., teamster, Dayton, Nolan, M., farmer, Champlin, Normandin,N., farmer. Maple Grove, Normandin,Leon, •' Osseo, Plant, C, farmer, Dayton, Perreaiilt, J., farmer, Dayton, Paul, X., Osseo, Paul, Joseph, farmer, Osseo, Paul, Charles, farmer, Champlin, Powers, Thos., farmer, Champlin, Plant, L., farmer, Maple Grove, Putrean, Wm., farmer, Dayton, Pelese, Peter, farmer, Champlin, Perreusse, Jos., " Richards, J. O., " Richardson, W., " Raridon, J., farmer. Roe, A. J., farmer, Robinson, E. IL, merchant, Dayton. Sharver, S. farmer, Sherver, V. farmer, Strottner, A. farmer, Stahlberg, Chas. " Stahlberg, Chris. " Smitli, H. farmer, Sehermerhorn, R. cooper, Dayton, Slater, Geo. hotel, Dayton, Simpson, N. farmer, Osseo, Taylor, M. F. farmer, Champlin, Twombley, A. Jr. " Osseo, Tvvombley, A. farmer, Osseo, A'ernaulk, R. farmer, Dayton, A^erbonnier, E. f'mer, Osseo, Vasser, Jos. butcher, Dayton, Venette, D. butcher, Dayton, WeUman, J. B. f'mer, Dayton, Osseo, Dayton, Champlin, Champlin, Champlin, Dayton, Dayton, Cliamplin, Champlin, Champhn, Champlin, A. s. village ots. 80 34 140 6 00 6 120 15 120 22 80 21 94 30 40 83 160 27 vil. lots 150 11 52 32 80 28 80 8 63 7 57 29 40 27 79 26 253 34 40 31 40 5 116 26 80 28 21 18 86 14 80 22 240 34 60 17 80 16 40 21 40 27 80 27 40 35 vil. lots vil. lots 120 38 240 16 106 19 80 33 20 9 40 28 vil. lots vil. lots ■ 96 18 P. o. Wliite, August, f'mer, Champlin, Wild, Samuel, farmer, Osseo, EDEN PRAIRIE. Anderson, James, far., Eden Prairie, Anderson, Wm. far., Eden Prairie, Anderson, Arch. far. Eden Prairie, Anderson, Robert, far. Eden Prairie, Anderson, Samuel, far. Eden Prairie, Anderson, J. 11. far. Washburn, Bryant, 'William, far. IMinneapolis, Boyington, Ira, far. Washburn, Brum, Wm. farmer, Eden Prairie, Bahne, Joseph, miller, Eden Prairie, Brown, G. H. farmer, Eden Prairie, Brown, Nathaniel, far. Eden Prairie, Brown, J. A. farmer, Eden Prairie, Brewis, R. farmer, Eden Prairie, Cavanaugh, J, farmer, Shakopee, Collins, Wm. farmer, Washburn, Cornwell, George, far. Eden Prairie, Clay, M. J. farmer, Eden Prairie, Clark, James, farmer, Eden Prairie, Cummins, J. R. far. Washburn, Clark, James, Sr. far. Eden Prairie, Donlon, John, farmer, Washburn, Delashaw, J. farmer, Washburn, Frederichs, J. W. far. Washburn, Frank, S. farmer, Washburn, Feldmann, F. farmer, Shakopee, Furgason, A. farmer, Eden Prairie, Gamble, James, far. Eden Praii-ie, Gould, Aaron, farmer, Washburn, Goodrich, J. C. far. Eden Prairie, Geisler, Frank, farmer, Washburn, Gibbs, G. N. farmer, Washburn, Glenn, A. farmer, Eden Prairie, Ilolasek Jos. farmer, Hopkins, Ilulbert, W. F. " Washburn, Hill, John, farmer, Eden Prauie, Ilankins, G. V. " Eden Prairie, Haiikins, A. B. " Eden Prairie, Jarrett, W. J. farmer, Washburn, Kuchera, J. F. farmer, Wasliburn, Kurtz, Anton, farmer, ^\'ashburn Klinglehoats, T. " Washburn, Kruger, A. farmer, Washburn, Kempton, G. R. " Washburn, Kopetzy, Jos. farmer, Hopkins, A. s. 50 27 95 35 687 14 187 14 230 14 195 24 80 36 78 16 139i 1 40 15 160 22 10 200 26 106.} 27 163 85 24 152 19 80 21 150 24 80 25 160 25 820 27 40 36 80 8 100 228 40 18 216 30 40 32 IGO 14 220 20 160 28 142 30 40 20 80 25 382 2 200 8 138 36 40 23 23 320 8 185 4 160 4 80 18 60 29 40 29 40 1 678 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. 0. A. s. F . 0. A. S. Kopetzki.Jolin.farmer, Hopkins, 20 1 Staring. M. S. farmer. AA'ashbum, 40 30 Kuchera, Jos. farmer, "Washburn. 2U 5 Tuckey. E. A. farmer, Eden Prairie, 17526-7 Kuchera. J. Jr. •• Washljiun. 80 7 Tuckey. Henry. " Eden Prairie, 90 26 Luzeii. Wm. farmer, ■Washburn. 120 8 Tirrell. C. B. farmer, Eden Prairie, 300 28 Lapoiir, J. farmer, Hopkins, 160 12 AVolf . Jacob, farmer, Eden Prairie, 120 26 Lucas. John, farmer. Lowell. II. E. ■■ Washburn. Washburn. 120 100 16 20 EXCKJLSIOE. LaEhier. F. farmer Eden Prairie. 348 21 Austin, L. A. farmer, Excelsior, 18 24 Leigh. G. T. farmer. Eden Praiiie, 360 35 Apgar, A. E. farmer. Excelsior. 90 33 ilergens. J. B. farmer. Washburn, 83 6 Avery, G. AV. boat builder, Excelsior, 30 ilomm, C. farmer. Excelsior, 194 6 Bingham. A. M. farmer. Excelsior, 70 23 Moran, John, farmer. Washburn, 80 7 Bennett, E. L. farmer. Excelsior, 30 26 Mitchell. A. W.. " AVashburn, 240 15 Bickford, A. boat builder. Excelsior. ilitchell. S.. farmer. Washburn. 70 17 Bost. T. fanner. Excelsior, 60 33 iiiller. Fred, farmer. Waslibuni. 134 17 Babcock, E. A. farmer. Excelsior, 120 32 Moran. G.. farmer, AVashburn, 158 18 Beeman, E. P. farmer. Excelsior, 140 34 Mason. J., farmer. AVaslibuni. 134 18 Bonjour. A. nurseryman, Excelsior, 16 35 Marley, John, farmer. Eden Prairie. SO 21 Bennett, M. F. blacksmith McCoy. Wm., farmer. Eden Prairie. 155 »70 and wagon-maker Excelsior. Mitchell. Alex, farmei . AVashburn. 120 20 Beers. H. H.. U. S. mail agt. Excelsior. 2feill. Aaron, farmer . Eden Prairie. 243 23 Burch. H. I), teacher. Excelsior, 10 34 Ohm.M.,L.&T.. " AVashburn, 180 6 Bickford, Mrs. E. farming . Excelsior, 32 26' Osterfeld. Ben. farmer . Eden Prairie. 160 30 Cordell. Simon, farmer. Excelsior, 172 36 Picha. John, farmer. AVashburn. 50 5 Connor, D. hotel. Excelsior. Picha. Joe, farmei. AVashburn. 50 5 Clark. J. H. merchant, Excelsior. Plihal. v., farmer. AVashburn. 80 6 Carson. E. retired. Excelsior. Paine. W. B.. farmer. AVashburn. 200 16 Day, G. E. farmer, Excelsior, 40 33 Paine. John A., farmei . AVaslibuni. 147 .7.'> DeGroodt, P. S. proprietor Paine. Ezra, farmer. Eden Prarrie. 22 DeGroodt House Excelsior. Picha. John, farmer. Washburn, 80 7 Dennis, O. H. mason, Excelsior, 26 Kankin. J., farmer. AVashburn. 160 17 Dittfacb. F. miller. Excelsior. Kiley. Matt, farmer. Shakopee, 320 19 Elwood. .John, farmer. Excelsior. 80 33 Kiley, Ann. farmer, Shakopee, 100 19 Eddy. H. E. farmer. Excelsior. 160 32 Kaguet,W.H.. fanner AVashburn. 243 21 Empinger. F. J. farmer. Excelsior, 35 Eymer, J., farmer. AVashburn. 40 29 Ferguson. AVm. II. farmer. Excelsior. 146 23 Eeichard. I)., farmer. Shakopee, 63 30 Fitch. G. Engineer, Excelsior. Eitchie, P. P., farmer . Eden Prauie. 548 34 Gibson, Charles, retired. AA'ayzata. 131 13 Eeimer. Henry. •' Shakopee. 60 29 Good, E. farmer. Excelsior, 80 25 Eivers. Frank, farmer Eden Prairie. 349 21 Giffln. E. I. farmer, Excelsior. 17 34 Schmeidel, J. farmer. AVashburn, 172 3 Gideon, P. M. fruit grower . Excelsior, 150 28 Staring, J. H. farmer. Excelsior, 80 7 Gifford, E. D. farmer. Excelsior, 80 32 Stacy, W. 11. farmer. AVashburn. 240 9 GifEord, J. S. farmer. Excelsior. 50 31 Steenson, \\'. farmer, Eden Praiiie, 200 15 Gould, F. G. nurseryman. Excelsior, 20 Steenson, S. farmer, Eden Prairie, 102 25 Gates, O. S. boat and liverj' Excelsior. Starhig. J. farmer, AVashburn. 180 28 Godley. P. G. merchant. Excelsior. Stewart, John, farmer , Eden Prairie, 40 36 Gates and Dunlap. boats. Excelsior. Stewart. B. farmer, Eden Praiiie, 27 Hilton. L. C. boat caulker. Excelsior, 95 21 Seller, J. G. farmer. AVashburn. 80 6 Harney. AVm. farmer. Excelsior. 80 25 Smith, S. farmer. AVashbiuu, 160 17 Hathaway, D. farmer. Excelsior, 37 28 TOWNSHIF DIBECTORIES. 679 p. o. Hazleton, F. L. farmer, Excelsior, Howard, Silas, farmer. Excelsior, Howard, Simeon, farmer, Excelsior, Hoiby, A. blacksmith and wagon maker, Excelsior. Hay, Aug. meat market^ Excelsior. Hunt. 1). C. retired. Excelsior. Hempfer, C. shoe shop. Excelsior. Harrison, J. J. blacksmith, Excelsior. Harrison.X.H.boat builder, Wayzata. Hazleton, C. J. farmer, Excelsior, Hopkins, A.H. mill-wright. Excelsior. Halsted, Geo. B. lawyer. Excelsior. Jones, Wm. B. merchant. Excelsior. Jellison, J. L. painter, Wayzata, Keith, H. C. carpenter, Minneapolis, Latham. A.W. nurs'ryman. Excelsior, Le Van, W. 11. farmer, Latterner, E. R. farmer, Latterner, T. J. farmer, Latterner, G. F. farmer. Luce, R. K clerk, Latham, A. B. manufac- turer of rustic chairs, McLean, J. farmer, McLean, M. R. farmer, Meaker, O. C. farmer, Mann, J. W. farmer, Millard, Henry, farmer. Miller, J. F. farmer, Morse, W. B. Maynard, M. M. hardware merchant. Excelsior. May, C. Capt. of "Hattie May, Excelsior. McGrath.R.B. contractor. Excelsior. Marsh, L. F. foreman, Excelsior. Naab, Martin, farmer. Excelsior, Newell, E. D. millinery. Excelsior. Prince, C. E. bookkeeper Excelsior. Page, C. H. Pleasant Grove House. Excelsior. Perkins, E. R. physician and surgeon, Excelsior. Rockwell, Wm. boats and farmer. Excelsior, Rohey, W. farmer, Excelsior, Solberg, O. N. Excelsior, Schroder, Peter, farmer, Excelsior, A. s. 13 32 .52 30 9 31 Excelsior, 40 Excelsior, 46 Excelsior, 40 Excelsior, 120 Excelsior, 40 Excelsior. - Excelsior. Excelsior, 25 Excelsior, 9.3 Excelsior, 10.5 Excelsior, 13.5 Excelsior, 20 Excelsior, 120 Excelsior. 6.! 32 34 20 30 35 33 33 33 32 34 34 33 32 32 32 .53 31 33 34 71 31 12 26 58 36 . o. A. s. Excelsior, 60 35 Excelsior, 50 34 Excelsior. 18 33 Excelsior, 111 29 Excelsior, 75 32 80 34 Stoddard, F. J. farmer, Seekler, .J. J. fanner, Spaulding, Z. D. farmer, Sampson, W. A. farmer, Scott, H. E. farmer, Sampson, L. F. merchant and P. M., Excelsior, Stephens, G. W. meat market. Excelsior, Simpson, Wm. proprietor White House, Excelsior. Sheldon, C. B. clergyman. Excelsior. Slater, G. A. proprietor of Slater House, Excelsior. Sturgess, S. boat builder, Excelsior. Seamans, S. A. farmer. Excelsior. Turner, P. H. harness maker. Excelsior. Thompson, A. general store. Excelsior. Westlake, C. .J. retired. Excelsior. Wait, H. F. proprietor of Excelsior House, Excelsior. GREENWOOD. Ayder, Paul E. farmer, Hanover, 80 2 Ames, Geo. F. farmer, Rockford, 104 29 Ahrens, Lawrence, farmer, Rockford, 100 36 Ames, Mary H. farmer, Rockford, SO 29 Bechtold, Henry, farmer, Hanover, 80 1 ]3echtold, Wm. farmer, Hanover, 80 2 Bechtold, John, farmer, Hanover, SO 12 Bursch, C. farmer, Dupont, 80 13 Bigler, Charles, farmer, Rockford, 36 16 Bukosky, John, farmer, Dupont, 80 24 Bukosky, Peter, farmer, Dupont, 80 24 Bukosky, Jacob, farmer, Dupont, 80 24 Bugbee, C. L. farmer, Rockford, 120 28 Biskey, Martin, farmer, Rockford, 40 32 Bowen, H. L. farmer, Rockford, 40 34 Bowen, E. farmer, Rockford, 74 34 Bauer, Benedict, farmer, Rockford, 160 26 Biskey, Fred, farmer, Rockford, 40 Biskey,Martin, Jr. farmer, Rockford, 17 Biskey, August, farmer, Rockford, 40 32 Currier, R. W. farmer, Rockford, 160 27 Cunningham,,Tohn, farmer, Rockford, 75 28 Conzet, M. farmer, Rockford, 160 33 Guptm, J. S. farmer, Rockford, SO 34 32 32 680 HTSTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. o. A. s. Droneck, Simeon, farmer Rockford, 80 oo Dorman, A. W. farmer. Eockford, 160 36 Dupont, J. A. farmer, Dupont, 80 36 Elliott, G. W. farmer. Kockford. 53 35 Florida. E. W. miller. Eockford. 29 Greehling, II. farmer. Eockford. 200 10 Guptill. J. S. farmer, Rockford. 180 34 Gould, W. C. farmer. Eockford. 80 28 Gent. AV. o. farmer. Eockford, 50 31 Ilazen. .John. Sr. farmer. Eockford. 160 10 Ilarff, M. farmer. Hanover, 240 10 Hafner, John, farmer, Eockford, 398 11 Hohenstein. G. farmer. Hanover. 200 11 Ilohenstein, A. farmer. Hanover. 160 It Hafften, Carl, farmer, Rockford, 150 23 Hall. W. W. farmer. Rockford, 76 34 Hazen. John, J. farmer, Rockford, 80 8 Hofften. C. B. farmer. Rockford, 160 15 Ilebner. T. farmer. Eockford, 40 36 Jenkins. Allen, farmer. Eockford, 159 27 Jacobs. John, farmer. Eockford, 187 32 Kuhne. August, farmer. Hanover, 100.! 1 Kampf. William, farmer, Hanover, 159 12 Kottke. Fred, farmer. Hanover, 80 12 Kenitz, Wm. farmer. Dupont, 80 13 Kaeeher, Henry, farmer. Eockford, 80 14 Kalk. Carl, farmer. Eockford, 80 24 Kruger. George, farmer. Eockford, 80 25 Kruger, Gotleib. farmer. Eockford, 80 25 Kuhn, Joseph, farmer, Eockford, 80 25 Keiser, Peter, farmer. Dupont, 80 26 Keiser. Nicholas, farmer. Dupont, 75 26 Kottke, Gottfreid, farmer, Eockford, 81 27 Liebau, J. farmer. Hanover, 60 1 Laeffler. M. farmer. Hanover, 160 1 Luther, August, farmer. Hanover, 67 3 Lieder, W. farmer. Hanover, 80 — Lucien. JI. farmer. Hanover. 160 24 Ludeski, John, farmer. Eockford, 45 34 Lewis. Samuel, farmer. Eockford, 40 35 Lawrence. Benj. farmer. Eockford, 40 28 Moore, il. J. farmer. Eockford. 80 27 Middlebrook. W. L. farmer Eockford, 60 27 McLean, James, farmer and clergyman. Eockford, 80 33 Murphy. D. farmer, Rockford, 20 31 O'Mera, John, farmer. Rockford, 200 28 Frebe, ilartin, farmer. Hanover, 80 1 Patterson, T. J. farmer, Rockford, 100 27 P, O, A. S. Reich, G. farmer, Hanover, 160 12 Rutherford, A, farmer. Rockford. 160 23 Reetz. Charles, farmer. Eockford. 120 25 Eoberts. Albert, farmer, Eockford. 80 32 Eoberts, A, J, farmer, Eockford, 157 35 Settgast, Fritz, farmer, Hanover, 190 2 Sipe. C. farmer. Dupont, 159 12 Sielaff, Charles, farmer. Hanover, 80 13 Schnappauf, H, farmer, Hanover, 240 J4 Spitzlase. John, farmer, Hanover, 73 14 Schauer, J. farmer, Eockford, 92 23 Schendel, C. farmer, Rockford, 87 23 Sipe, Ephriam. farmer. Dupont, 80 24 Sperry, X. D. farmer. Rockford, 6 33 SheUey, G. "\V. farmer, Rockford, 80 35 Stauky. John, farmer. Rockford, 40 36 Tesmar. August, farmer. Dupont, 80 25 Tesmar. John, farmer, Dupont, 80 25 "S'eilhaber. Chas, farmer, Hanover. 120 2 AVeinhold, Wm. farmer, Hanover, 120 16 HASSAN. Bartlett, W, II. farmer, Burley, Thomas, farmer, Beaswald, E. farmer, Bowers, John, farmer, Barthel. August, farmer Bursch August, farmer, Brokhausen, A. farmer, Billings, M. F, farmer. Corbeau. David, farmer, Cowett, B. farmer, Curtis, R. H. farmer, Curtis, S. W. farmer, Curtis, A. farmer, Curry, John, farmer, Depeau, W. H. farmer, Demars. M. farmer. Dohlheimer, J. farmer, Demery, AVm. farmer, Duman. Frank, farmer, Huffy, P. farmer, Drager, M. farmer, Dirksmeier. B. farmer, Duman. Wm. farmer, Ebner, B. farmer, Elliott. R. farmer, Ende. William, farmer, Fox. Michael, farmer. Dayton, Hassan, Hassan, Dayton, Hanover, Hanover, Maple Grove, Hassan, Daj-ton, Dayton, Hassan, Hassan, Hassan, Hassan, Dayto7i, Dayton, Dayton, Dayton, Dayton, Dayton, Hanover, Maple Grove, Dayton, Dayton, Hassan, Hanover, Dayton, 80 12 139 20 80 23 120 24 35 36 80 31 91 35 80 19 65 12 80 12 80 24 80 19 40 24 160 29 80 12 160 14 80 13 80 14 80 17 80 17 105 36 60 36 80 17 80 95 20 200 31 80 11 TOWNSHIP DIBECTORIES. 681 Fitzgerald. N. farmer, Flynn, Thomas, farmer, riynn, James, farmer, Fislier Freil, farmer, Fitzgerald, Pat, farmer. Ford, Dennis, farmer, Guiman George, farmer, Guiman, Paul, farmer, Gowell, Samuel, farmer, Gibbons, T. farmer, Ghostley, Frank, farmer Gaul, P. farmer, Ilynes, M. farmer, Hynes, P. farmer, Iloag Aaron, farmer. Henry, W. B. farmer, Hawkins, Jasper, farmer, Hebner, C. farmer, Ilagel, Peter A. farmer, Hagel, N. farmer, Hawkins, H. farmer, Hagel, Peter, farmer, Haeben, Jas. farmer, Isean, George, farmer, James, F. I), farmer, Jackins, M. F. farmer, Jackman, Wm. farmer, Koegan, John, farmer, Kerr, Annie, farmer, Klersy, Joseph, farmer, Kimball, E. S. farmer, Kinghorn, A. farmer, Kenmeluther, J. farmer, Kennedy, James, farmer, Kason, John, farmers, Knott, E. farmer, Knott, A. farmer, Lindringan, D., est., farmer, Lentz, Fred, farmer, Lafy, Patrick, f aimer, Martineau, F. farmer, Mulrean, M. farmer, McGinnis, T. farmer, McGinnis, W. farmer, McDougall, N. farmer, Milless, IVI. farmer, Milless, H. farmer. Miller, F. C. farmer, McGenty, A. farmer, p. o. A. s. Hassan, 70 16 Hassan, 160 32 Hanover, 80 32 Hassan, 170 19 Dayton, 97 10 Dayton, 204 11 Dayton, 50 12 Dayton, 79 11 Hassan, 108 20 Hanover, 90 33 Hassan, 160 29 Hassan, J 30 26 Dayton, 160 15 Dayton, 160 15 Hasson, 515 19 Dayton, 200 24 Hassan, 120 21 Maple (irove , 40 36 Hassan, 40 26 Hassan, 120 27 Hassan, 84 28 Corcoran, 160 34 Hassan, 70 26 Dayton, 80 26 Dayton, 400 11 Hassan, 80 19 Hanover, 80 31 Dayton, 30 14 Hassan, 80 19 Hassan, 86 24 Dayton, 160 24 Dayton, 160 25 Hassan, 40 26 Hanover, 160 32 Maple Grove, 54 35 Maple Grove 200 24 Hassan, 118 24 Dayton. no 11 Maple Grove. 80 35 Hanover, 160 33 Dayton, 50 12 Dayton, 80 14 Hassan, 82 16 Hassan, 80 15 Hassan, 105 17 Dayton, 80 23 Dayton, SO 23 Dayton, 80 24 Hassan, 40 27 McHugo, M. farmer, Mackey, M. farmer. Madden, Phil, farmer, Mullrun, Mat. farmer, Noon, Grace, farmer, Nellis, J. farmer, Noth, Henry, farmer, Parceno, Wm. farmer, Parslow, S. farmer, Parslow, C. J. farmer, Quinn, Thomas, farmer, Rogers, Thomas, farmer, Russell, John, farmer. Sharper, David, farmer. Sharper, George, farmer, Stengleln, A. farmer, Stenglein, John, farmer, Shelley, John, farmer. Sharper, Felix, farmer. Tucker, Charles, farmer. Tucker, John, farmer, Temple, Andrew, farmer, Unke, Wm. farmer, Verrette, D. farmer. Ward, Patrick, farmer, Wiggin, E. S. farmer, Wiggin, J. B. farmer, Whiteford, G. farmer, Weber, J. farmer. p. o. Hassan, Corcoran, Corcoran, Dayton, Hassan, Maple Grove Maple Grove, Hassan, Hassan, Hassan, Hassan, Dayton, JIapIe Grove, Dayton, Dayton, Maple Grove, Maple Grove, Hassan, Corcoran, Hassan, Hassan, Maple Grove, Maple Grove, Dayton, Dayton, Hassan, Hassan, Hasson, Hassan, A. s. 80 28 240 31 80 33 80 14 110 20 39 26 371 36 73 16 95 INDEPENDENCE. Astrope, T. farmer, Astrope, H. farmer, Alger, W. C. farmer, Alger, Enos, farmer, Archibald, T. farmer, Anderson, A. farmer, Burns, G. C. farmer, Bische, M. farmer, Broderick, P. farmer, Batdorf, John, farmer, Becker, A. M. farmer. Berry, L. farmer, Beal, Jacob, farmer. Berry, Albert, farmer, Bryant, Jacob, farmer, Burnett, E. D. farmer, Briley, W. blacksmith, Baker, H. farmer, Maple Plain, Maple Plain, Rockford, Majile Plain, Maple Plain, Maple Plain, Delano, Rockford, Delano, Maple Plain, Maple Plain, Delano, Maple Plain, Delano, Delano, Maple Plain, Maple Plain. Maple Plain, n 97 21 80 22 190 41 120 35 80 14 80 14 160 25 180 26 104 29 160 35 200 22 244 28 120 36 80 35 80 12 127 11 120 16 38 21 50 21 80- 27 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 9 80 22 40 36 80 4 40 6 160 8 160 10 150 11 67 19 40 29 75 19 164 31 214 23 40 24 682 HJSTORT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. o. Bradford. E. J. farmer. Maple Plain. Bradford. L. E. farmer. Maple Plain. Biidd, AV. W. farmer. Maple Plain. Biidd, H. C. farmer, Maple Plain, Batdorf. B. farmer. Maple Plain, Brandon. E. farmer. Maple Plain, Brandon, J. I), farmer. Maple Plain, Brown. Geo. farmer. Maple Plain. Berg. Peter, farmer. Maple Plain, Bergstrom. John, farmer, Maple Plain. Bradford. G. AV. farmer. Maple Plain, Chapman, Cyrns, farmer, Kockford, Carleton, C. K. farmer. Delano. Cleveland. W. M. hotel. Maple Plain, Cleveland, S. II. hotel. Maple Plain. Chapman, J. Z. farmer. Maple Plain. Copeland, A. farmer, Maple Plain, Cox, David, farmer, Maple Plain, Copeland, L. farmer, Delano, eleven, J. farmer, Delano, Coffin, E. S. farmer. Maple Plain, Coffin. A. farmer. Maple Plain, Coffin, Frank S. farmer, ISIaple Plain, Dickey, H.C.carriage-m'r. Maple Plain. Dunn. Wm. farmer. Maple Plain. Drake. Benjamin. merch"t. Maple Plain. Dnrfee. Panl, farmer, Delano, Duggan, Thomas, farmer, Maple Plain. Erickson, C. A. farmer, Delano. Ericksou, M. farmer, Delano. Erickson, A. farmer, Maple Plain, Elliott, Geo., farmer, Roekford, Fassett.O. E. farmer, Roekford, Fogleman, 11. farmer. Maple Plain, Freeman, D. H. farmer, Delano, Fogleman, AV. farmer, ilaple Plain. Guberson, W. "\V. farmer, Delano. Gasper, Thomas, farmer, Roekford, Getten, M. farmer, Delano, Hall. A. H. farmer, Eockford. Ilackebeil. Gustav. farmer. Delano. Hall. B. II. farmer, Eockford. Hutchuison. J. farmer. Maple Plain. Hoisington. E. M. farmer. ^Slaple Plain. Ilitsman, William, farmer, Maple Plain, Histed. J. farmer. Maple Plain, Hitsman. T.. farmer, Maiile Plain. Hardy, W. farmer, Delano, Harrington, H. farmer. Maple Plain, A. s. 50 34 1.50 34 ISO 25 93 25 120 26 80 30 120 27 40 32 60 27 40 28 160 33 80 5 360 9 vil. lots. 41 23 60 25 .50 25 80 25 274 29 1.50 17 80 33 80 33 120 33 160 IS 60 30 40 10 26 7 80 IS SO 18 43 .-> 16 3 40 10 40 18 40 25 72 7 82 11 SO 30 124 3 72 7 SO lo 80 21 160 20 80 21 40 21 72 32 r. o. .\. Maple Plain, 160 :Maple Plain, 40 Maple Plain, Delano, Maple Plain. Eockford. Maple Plain, ilaple Plain, 151 Maple Plain. 40 Eockford, 209 Eockford, 80 Delano, 160 Maple Plain. 1.52 80 80 60 120 170 Hoisington. Geo. farmer, Ilaistad. And. farmer. Ilillstrom. .John, farmer, Hitsman, W. A. farmer, Ingerson, C. W. farmer, Jacobs. M. est. Johnson, J. C. farmer, Jackson. Ilein-y. farmer. Joyce. 11. farmer. Klars. Joseph, farmer, Klapprich. F. farmer, Kingsley, D. farmer, Lock. John, farmer. Lindberg, A. farmer, McKee, A. farmer, Aliessen. Peter, farmer. Manning, W. farmer, McGarry, John, farmer. Mills, E. M. farmer. Moore. N. Mrs. farmer, Mills, W. M. farmer, ilichaels. D. farmer. Moline. J.andN. J. farmers, Jlaple Plain. 160 Mercer yi. C. physician, ilaple Plain. Murry, E. farmer, Moore. Samuel, farmer, ^McDonald. J. C. farmer, Nelson, Ole. farmer, Nutz, J. farmer. Xelson. Swan, farmer, Oleson, Peter, farmer. O'Melea. John, farmer. 0"Leary. C. W. farmer. Oleson, A. farmer, Peterson. Ole, farmer, Peterson. Andrew, farmer. ]\Iap!e Plain, Peterson. Albert, farmer. Maple Plain, Pagenkoff, J. farmer, Pickard Dave, Hotel. Eeifenberger. Jno. farmer Eyan, J. P. farmer, Eahel, Lorentz, farmer, Eader, John, farmer, Rader. Nancy, farmer. Eader, W. farmer, Richards, A. mail carrier, Delano, Sutherland. Mrs. S. J. farmer. Maple Plain, SO Sutherland, AV. II. farmer. Maple Plain, Delano, Eockford Maple Plain. ]Maple Plain, Maple Plain, Maple Plain, ilaple Plain. Maple Plain. 120 Delano. 20 Maple Plaui. 280 Maple Plain. 50 Maple Plain, 80 Maple Plain, 120 Maple Plain, Maple Plain. Maple Plain, Delano, Delano. Maple Plain, Delano, 20 40 40 57 105 20 40 SO 40 Maple Plain, 70 Maple I'lain. Vil. Maple Plain, S Maple Plain, 106 Maple Plain, 140 s. 35 36 25 21 24 3 25 35 15 1 3 5 1-2 31 4 12 14 15 22 25 27 32 36 Delano, Delano, Delano, 160 80 225 village 28 11 36 7 8 18 32 7 27 36 15 lots o 24 22 30 31 31 lots. 10 25 TOWNSHIP DIBECTORIES. 683 p. o. A. s. p. G. A. s. Stortroeu, 0. farmer, Delano, 13 16 Barenstiener, F. farmer, Osseo, 80 24 Soley, Peler, farmer, Maple Plain 160 21 Brown, W. farmer. Osseo, 76 24 Styner, Joshua, farmer. Maple Plain 107 22 Bragdon, A. farmer. Osseo, 79 17 Styner, Daniel, farmer, Maple Plain 78 26 Butzler, D. farmer. Osseo, 60 24 Shrewsbury, Mrs. J. Maple Plain 20 27 Berg, Carl, farmer. Osseo, 39 27 Stinson, J. R. farmer, Maple Plain 210 34 Brinn, Thomas, farmer. Corcoran, 72 27 Shrewsbury, F. farmer, Maple Plam 40 27 Burke, John, farmer. Corcoran, 80 28 Strand, Charles, farmer. Delano, 80 16 Blakenborough, J. farmei , Corcoran, SO 19 Settle, R. S. farmer. Maple Plain 34 16 Bauers, Casper, tenant. Osseo, 11 Smith, G. W. postmaster, Maple Plain, viFg lots Bailey, Wm. tennant, Osseo, 10 Sutherland, M. V. B. farmer, Cook, Jesse, farmer. Osseo, 40 3 Maple Plain, 80 10 Connover, J. A. farmer. Osseo, 90 9 Terwell, George, farmer, Delano, 160 17 Caron, 0. farmer, Osseo, 104 12 Tautges, A. farmer, Rockford, 80 12 Colbiu-n, S. farmer. Osseo, 120 14 Tautges, Peter, farmer, Rockford, 80 11 Champlin, O. R. farmer. Osseo, 45 16 Vannetten, Chas. section man, Chapman, Geo. farmer, Abel, 40 17 Maple Plain, vil'g lots Chapman, Wm. farmer. Abel, 20 18 Weindenback, A. farmer, Rockford, 120 3 Curtis, A. farmer. Osseo, 64 13 Wagner, John, Jr. farmer Maple Plain, 80 11 Com'tney, J. and 11. farmer, Corcoran, 160 29 Wagner, C. farmer. Rockford, 80 12 Cook. Leo. farmer, Osseo, 80 35 Washington, Geo. farmer Maple Plain, 80 15 Chapman, Jas. farmer. Abel, 34 16 Woodard, S. farmer. Delano, 74 30 Cook, Jno. farmer. Corcoran, 80 30 Wasson, John, farmer. Maple Plain, 40 36 Chambeau, farmer. Corcoran, 29 Wagner, John, Sr. farmer . Maple Plain, 80 Dubuque, J. farmer, Osseo, 40 10 Williams, John, farmer. Maple Grove. Dathagen, II. farmer. Osseo, 10 17 MAPLE GROVE. Dolan, B. farmer, Demaes, J. D. farmer, Osseo, Corcoran, 80 107 27 Aubert, C. Mrs. farmer, Osseo, 161, 1 Dennis, John B. farmer. Corcoran, 107 27 Angell, A. 0. farmer, Osseo, 223, 9 Devery, Jno. farmer, Corcoran, 72 27 Abel Harry, farmer. Osseo, 80 17 Devery, K. farmer, Corcoran, 65 28 Andus, Wm. farmer. Corcoran, 72 30 Devery, P. farmer. Corcoran, 150 33 Aubert, Thomas, farmer. Osseo, 40 12 Darmody, P. farmer. Corcoran, 120 31 Aubert, John, fanner, Osseo, 1 Devery, M. farmer. Corcoran, 80 33 Aubert, Nicholas, farmer. Osseo, 1 Devery, Peter, farmer. Corcoran, 101 33 Abar, Peter, farmer. Osseo, 26 15 Ebert, Fredrick, farmer. Osseo, 2 Briggs, J. H. farmer. Osseo, 83 4 Evans, W. E. farmer. Maple Grove ,160 4 Bonn F. farmer. Osseo, 40 5 Eddy, J. M. farmer. Osseo, 80 4 Bonn, Christian, farmer. Osseo, 113 7 Engalls, Wm. farmer. Osseo, 160 12 Brenduig, H. blacksmith, Osseo, 20 9 Evans, Walter, farmer. Maple Grove , 10 5 Bonn, Daniel, farmer. Osseo, 80 8 Fisher, John, farmer. Osseo, 53 22 Banker, A. M. farmer, Maple Grove, 80 9 Funk, M. mason, Osseo, 12 Banker, R. T. farmer. Osseo, 80 4 Garvais, Pierre, farmer.. Osseo, 140 12 Bermer, N. farmer. Osseo, 80 11 Cielle, August, farmer, Osseo, 95 21 Beiderman, F. farmer. Osseo, 40 14 Gebert, John, farmer, Osseo, 152 27 Bragdon, A. farmer. Abel, 80 17 Gleason, C. farmer. C(u-coran, 232 31 Brooks, Wm. M. farmer. Osseo, 80 18 Ilamen, Lewis, farmer. Osseo, 96 1 Beier, Julius, farmer. Corcoran, 1.52 19 Hawkins, S. S. traveling Blasi, M. farmer. Osseo, 40 O man and farmer Osseo, 120 3 Beier, August, farmer. Osseo, 80 19 Heartfleld, F. farmer, Osseo, 80 14 684 HISTOBT OF HE p. o. A. s. Harder, C. farmer, Osseo, 40 14 Hillier, D. farmer. Abel, 152 19 Hillier, F. G. farmer, Abel, 12(3 20 Hennessey, T. farmer. Corcoran, 60 29 Hennessey, J. farmer. Corcoran, 70 30 Howard, T. farmer, Corcoran, SO 30 HofE, M. farmer. Osseo, 80 8 Hennessey, F. farmer. Corcoran, 100 29 Jaeomet, J. B. farmer. Osseo, 160 11 Jobs, George, farmer. Abel, 40 17 Johnson, C. farmer. Osseo, 80 26 Josliii, AV. farmer. Osseo, 20 10 Jarvis, W. P., farmer. Osseo, 140 12 Koehler, G. C, farmer, Osseo, 31 7 Kottke, G., farmer. Osseo, 80 9 Krienke, D. F., farmer. Osseo, 106 9 Kubler, C, farmer, Osseo, 40 23 Kisch, N., farmer. Osseo, 65 12 Kieffer, Pliillip. farmer. Osseo, 160 12 Keding, F. farmer. Corcoran, 76 18 Kroger, H. farmer. Abel, 102 18 Keding. C. farmer. Abel, 140 19 Kapo, Henry, farmer. Corcoran, 40 19 Kirchoff, F. farmer, Osseo, . 109 21 Kimmerle, W. farmer. Osseo, SO 23 Kriisson, H. farmer. Osseo, 80 27 Krebs, August, fanner. Osseo, 80 28 Kelly Patrick, farmer, Corcoran, 123 30 Kelleher, M. farmer, Corcoran, 83 32 Kellelier, James, farmer. Corcoran, 77 32 Kenny, Peter, farmer. Corcoran, SO 34 Krusson, John, farmer. Corcoran, 80 34 Kreming Win. farmer, Osseo, 80 14 Latlin, B. F. farmer, Osseo, 160 5 Lange, Chris, farmer; Osseo, 280 7-8 Laflin, Q. A. farmer. Osseo, 80 9 Lettens, C. farmer. Osseo, 80 15 Leonard, Charles, farmer. Osseo, 50 34 Leonard, Jeremiah, farmer, Osseo, 110 34 Laflin. G. A. farmer. Osseo, 100 10 Morrill. E. farmer, Osseo, 60 4 :Morrill, J. W. farmer, Maple Grove , 50 23 Miller, Mrs. Fred, farmer. Osseo, 160 6 Miller, Lewis, farmer. Osseo, — 6 Merchand, David, farmer. Osseo, 135 11 Morehouse, Levi, farmer, Osseo, 82 18 Mendenhall, J. farmer. Osseo, 151 18 McConnell, J. farmer. Osseo, 98 oo McCormick, J. farmer, Osseo, 28 oo HENNEPIN COUNTY. Munn, Robert, farmer, ^McCabe, Michael, farmer, Mitchell, J. II. farmer, Marks, Samuel, farmer, Myer, M. tenant, Northrup, Frank, farmer, Ottenbriglit, J. farmer, Ohrmundt, O. farmer, Opitz, jSIrs. Xancy, farmer, Pomeroy, J. E. farmer, Pavitt, ^y. H. farmer, Povet, AV. C. farmer, Peters, John, farmer. Peters, Edward, farmer, Pauly, Fred, farmer, Phelps, S. farmer. Punt, Henry, blacksmith, Radinz, F., farmer, Reitz. G.. farmer. Rode, William, farmer, Roelke, E., farmer, Robert, Henry, farmer, Robert. A., farmer, Russell, Alfred, farmer, Ray, Henry, farmer, Schmidt, W., farmer, Saussele, Carl, farmer. Schober, J. C, blacksmith and farmer, Sclnieider. Chris, farmer, Schulz, J. M'.. farmer, Swappach, IL, farmer, Schutte, F. H. farmer, Schutte, E, farmer, Shadewalde, W., farmer, Shaefer, Geo., farmer, Schultz, Wm., farmer, Seibert, Conrad, farmer, Schwartz, AV., farmer, Schaber, Val, farmer. Smith, Adam, tenant, Stelter, G., farmer, Stergeon, P., farmer, Tschudi, Jno. fai'mer, Thonia, G. M. farmer, Trott, WUUam, farmer, Thompson. S. farmer, Tonn, C. A. farmer. p. 0. A. s. Osseo, 140 99 Corcoran. 120 33 JSIaple Grove ,100 4 Osseo, 40 10 Osseo, 28 Corcoran, 40 34 Osseo, 40 13 Abel, 40 17 Osseo, 97 9 Osseo, 40 16 Osseo, 50 16 Osseo, 64 13 Corcoran, 160 31 Corcoran, 31 Corcoran, 160 34 Corcoran, 81 30 Maple Grove , 2-t 4 Osseo, 160 5 Osseo, 50 15 Osseo, 70 15 Osseo, 40 20 Osseo, 45 10 Osseo, 10 Osseo, 36 Osseo, 36 Osseo, 40 1 Maple Grove ,155 5 Osseo, 60 7 Osseo, 120 18 Osseo, 59 13 Osseo, 60 14 Abel, 60 17 Abel, 50 18 Osseo, 40 20 Osseo, 160 21 Osseo, 114 21 Osseo, 89 26 Osseo, 160 35 Osseo, 152 35 Osseo, 20 Osseo, 18 7 Osseo, 120 1 Osseo, 107 o Osseo, 87 8 Osseo, 115 10 Abel, ■91 17 Osseo, 80 21 TOWNSHIP BIBECTORIES. 685 p. O. A. S. Tiiseth, J. J. farmer, Osseo, 90 24 Thompson, J. J. farmer, Osseo, 128 25 Woodworth, E. P. farmer, Osseo, 103 3 Wagner, Frantz, farmer, Osseo, 13 7 Welzel, 11. farmer, Osseo, 60 9 Wilmes, Peter, farmer, Osseo, "Wagner, A. farmer, Osseo, Williamson, Mrs. S. farmer, Osseo, Wentz, Peter, farmer, Osseo, Zopfi, John, Jr. farmer, Osseo, Zopfi, B. farmer, Osseo, Zoerb, C. farmer, Osseo, Ziebarth, Chas. farmer, Osseo, 280 13 102 6 40 15 IGO 25 150 2 200 2 46 7 103 15 79 120 68 MEDINA. Arens. Franz, farmer, Lenz, Archibald, Wm. farmer, Long Lake, Anderson, S. farmer. Long Lake, Archibald, W. H. blacksmith, Long Lake, Archibald, D. farmer, Long Lake, Archibald, II. farmer, Long Lake, Archibald, S. farmer. Long Lake, Alley, George, miller, Long Lake, Bnrehfleld, C. W. farmer, Lenz, 320 Becker, A. M. farmer. Maple Plain, 120 Bm-chfield, A. manf 'r of portable forges, Lenz, Biladeau, Peter, farmer, Lenz, 80 Bolduc, B. blacksmith, Lenz, Buttz, F. P. farmer, Lenz, 80 Boucher, P. clergyman, Lenz, Braden, Wm. mill-wright, Long Lake, Bantley, M. farmer. Long Lake, 120 Barbeau, G. farmer, Lenz, 80 Barkow, Charles, farmer. Maple Plain, 216 Bill, A. P. farmer. Maple Plain, 46 Bryer, J. farmer. Long Lake, 80 Bennett, S. farmer. Long Lake, 40 Blacketer, W. farmer. Maple Plain, 120 Brown, A. farmer. Long Lake, 40 Berens, P. farmer, Long Lake, 80 Brown, O. B. farmer. Long Lake, 79 Bayer, J. D. carpenter. Long Lake, 2 Bailey, A. 0. justice. Long Lake, Bannor, E. miller, Long Lake, Bruichveiler, A. nurseryman. Long Lake, 10 Barnes, E. S. farmer, Long Lake, 334 34 27 27 27 84 2 6 2 11 12 12 12 34 15 6 17 19 22 33 34 22 2 34 34 34 4 10 p. o. Maple Plain, Lenz, Long Lake, Lenz, Lenz, Lenz, Lenz, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, A. 120 80 120 210 160 97 173 207 Becker, P. farmer, Collins D. farmer, Coleman, J. wheat buyer, Collins, C. farmer, Collins, J. farmer, Classen, N. farmer, Crowe, M. farmer, Cox, V. farmer, Christlieb, I. A. farmer, Classen, J. farmer, Campbell, L. K. school teacher, Minneapolis. Crowe, Jas. farmer, Lenz, 240 Christleib, B. F. merchant. Long Lake, Carr, A. farmer. Long Lake, Carl, A. farmer. Long Lake, 30 Carr, Wm. farmer. Long Lake, 40 Deisting, Chris, farmer, Lenz, 160 Deslorier, P. farmer, Lenz, 80 Daniels, D. farmer, Lenz, 80 Daziel, F. farmer, Lenz, 65 Domning, E. farmer. Long Lake, 100 Dillman, J. D. farmer. Long Lake, 160 Ditler, F. farmer and saloon, Lenz, 25 Dickey, Alex, meat market. Long Lake, Dickey and Logan " Long Lake, Dicky. K. B, deputy sheriff. Long Lake, Engel Jacob, farmer. Maple Plain, ISO Ekstrom, Carl, farmer, Long Lake, 160 Fane, John, farmer, Lenz, 160 Pick, John, farmer, Lenz, 80 Feltes, B. farmer, Maple Plain, 150 Fane, Henry, farmer, Lenz, 280 Fortin, P. farmer, Lenz, 127 Faue, Lewis, farmer, Lenz, 80 Franzen, N. farmer, Lenz, 120 Fries, Charles, farmer, Lenz, 80 Fries, F. farmer Maple Plain, 38 Fogelsonger, S. farmer. Long Lake, 77 French, A. T. farmer. Long Lake, 110 Gasper, A. farmer, Lenz, 51 Gerber, J. II. farmer, Lenz, 160 Gordon, C. W. farmer. Long Lake, 80 Guise, W. P. farmer, Long Lake, 87 Grifflng, H. B. farmer. Long Lake, 123 Grave, A. farmer. Long Lake, 100 Gasper, B. farmer, Lenz, 210 (iaspar, W. F. blacksmith, Lenz, Ilerron, M. O. farmer, Lenz, 143 Ilillman, A. C. miller. Long Lake, s. 6 3 34 4 4 16 13 27 28 31 14 34 4 4 4 5 8 10 35 21 24 34 34 34 17 6 3 6 7 10 12 13 15 16 19 26 9 9 14 32 34 36 32 9 9 3 34 686 niSTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Hamisch, F. L. fanner. Hoagland, L. K. miller. Haruel. "W. farmer. Hiiard, T. farmer, Hoffman, T. farmer. Hamel, J. O. merchant, Hamisch, A. farmer, Hannen. John, farmer. Hausmann, ^I. farmer, Hoskins, M. B. fanner. Hawkins. B. farmer, Hoagland. Fred, farmer, Hoagland, C. W. clerk, Hnntsberger, M. wagon-maker, Long Lake, Hnntsberger, Jacob, wagon-maker. Long Lake, Hnntsberger, D. carpenter, Long Lake, Hureh. Jacob, farmer. Long Lake, Hartman, Jacob, farmer, Long Lake, HelUer, J. carpenter. Haines, B. C. farmer, Hellier, Thomas, farmer, . 6. A. s. ilaple Plain, 80 18 Long Lake, 34 Lenz, 280 12 Lenz, 80 2 Lenz. 60 12 Lenz, 4 12 Maple Plain, 140 18 Long Lake, 111 20 I^euz, 88 24 Long Lake, 90 3 Long Lake, 120 28 Long Lake. Long Lake. 140 34 Long Lake, Maple Plain, Long Lake, Hoagland, Wm. meat market, Wayzata. Ice. Charles, farmer. Long Lake, Johnson, James, farmer. Long Lake, Johnson, Charles, saloon, Long Lake, Klein. Phillip, farmer, Lenz, Kauth. Jacob, farmer, Lenz, Kadelbaiigh, G. farmer, Lenz, Knable, P. farmer, Minneapolis, Kassube, Karl, farmer, Lenz. Roller, John, farmer, Long Lake, Kassube, W. C. farmer. Long Lake. Kliick, Charles, farmer. Lenz, Kramer. John, farmer. Maple Plain, Lerch, Joseph, farmer, ^Maple Plain, Lerch, PhilUp, farmer, Maple Plain, Lament, A. farmer, Lenz, Laurent, John, farmer, Lenz, Lenzen. L. farmer. Lenz, Leuer. Karl, farmer, Lenz, Lenzen, Joseph, farmer, Lenz, Luby, J. farmer. Long Lake, Luby, M. farmer, Long Lake, Lydiard, S. farmer, Long Lake. Lydiard, J. II. merchant. Long Lake, Lindner.P.G. grape grower, Long Lake, Leuer, Henry, farmer, Lenz; 44 80 130 185 105 54 135 100 103 110 263 80 120 220 76 80 124 120 200 40 100 80 202 80 75 120 40 16 160 32 32 34 33 36 ! 8 4 34 5 o 8 12 13 25 26 1 19 6 6 10 11 12 13 24 25 25 34 34 16 24 1 P. O. Lydiard. D. A. merchant, Long Lake Logan, R. meat market. Long Lake, Loranger, A. E. physician and surgeon, Lenz, Moylan, John, farmer, Meurer, J. P. farmer, Morin, Peter, farmer, !Maxson. B. farmer. MiUer, M. farmer, Merz, Joseph, fanner. Merz, A. farmer, Merz, J. farmer, Mooney, James, farmer. Markey, John, farmer, Merz. K. Mrs. farmer McCiUlough, Geo. farmer, Mangen, ^l. farmer, Maxwell. G. farmer, McCormick, G. farmer. Maxwell, M. farmer, Miller, Peter, farmer. Miller. X. farmer. Miller, E. farmer, Mayers, A. J. groceries and liquors. Long Lake, McCormick, J. farmer, Mather, H. farmer, Mayr, P. Cath. priest, Xeddermeyer, A. farmer, O'Herron, M. farmer, Pouliot, R. farmer, Parrlsh, P. farmer, Picket, H. G. station agent. Long Lake, Peterson, Edward, farmer. Maple Plain. Peterson, Albert, farmer, Maple Plain. PaiTish, C. F. cooper, Long Lake, Pohlker, H. farmer, Lenz, Reynolds, A. farmer. Long Lake, Reynolds, Samuel, farmer. Long Lake. Roy, F. wagon maker, Lenz, Rancour, E. farmer, Lenz, Reller, C. J. brick mason, Long Lake, Rosander. A. J. farmer, Reishoff, Mary, farmer, Roy, A. farmer. Reiser, J. B. farmer, Reiser, Geo. Sr. farmer. Reiser. George A. farmer. Rouillard, P. farmer, A. s. 200 34 34 Lenz, Lenz, Lenz. Lenz, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake. Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Maple Plain, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Lenz. Long Lake, Lenz, Lenz, Long Lake, 146 144 247 40 2 30 12 2 4 165 10 17 21 80 15 23 240 23 122 25 85 25 80 26 40 31 118 29 26 4 20 24 6 240 20 120 21 240 21 34 34 5 23 80 28 144 3 142 11 47 35 34 40 6 40 6 35 100 24 10 80 Long Lake, Lenz, Lenz, Long Lake, Long Lake, Long Lake, Lenz. 3 3 12 6 34 3i 160 9 33 12 80 22 200 23 40 26 80 11 TOWNSHIP DIBECIOBIBS. 687 A. S. 40 23 40 5 34 34 34 5 4 32 20 110 100 ]00 149 P. o. Reiser, A. K. farmer. Long Lake, Beimer, Charles, farmer, Lenz, Rutherford, Thos. farmer, Long Lake, Sheppard, >I. II. physician. Long Lake, Snow, E. M. hotel keeper. Long Lake, Stafford, A. S. farmer. Long Lake, Stafford, J. D. farmer. Long Lake, Stubbs-, Henry, farmer. Long Lake, Stubbs, C. II. farmer. Long Lake, 9 32 Storer, A. engineer, Long Lake, 34 Schlosser, J. farmer, Lenz, Schulz, Chas. farmer, Lenz, Smith, M. M. miller. Long Lake, Schmitz, P. farmer, Lenz, Snow, Chas. miller. Long Lake, Shumaker, H. farmer, Lenz, Shackweiller, B. H. farmer, Lenz. Schaar, A. farmer, Lenz, Schaar, Jos. farmer, Lenz, Stark, C. F. farmer, Lenz, Schwalen, J. farmer, Lenz, Spurzem, J. farmer, Lenz, Spaftord, W. A. farmer. Long Lake, Sherer, A. farmer. Long Lake, Slierer, Adam, farmer. Long Lake, Stumpf, Leo. farmer, I.,ong Lake, Schummer, P. farmer, Lenz, Streibel, P. farmer. Long Lake, Stanclifield, M. farmer. Long Lake, Smith, W. E. farmer. Long Lake. Smitli, E. B. farmer. Long Lake, Schumaker, P. farmer. I^enz, Spafford, Mrs. L. farmer. Long Lake, Snoke, M. farmer. Long Lake, ■ Snoke, D. F. veterinary surgeon. Long Lake, Stubbs, M. A. farmer, Long Lake, 59 Stafford, J. D. farmer. Long Lake, 20 Stromberg, John, farmer, Long Lake, 40 Smith, JSI. and ('. farmers. Long Lake, 40 Stubbs, N. J. farmer, Long Lake, 90 10 Shuck, A. AV. pliysieian and surgeon, Ijong Lake, 34 Schmitz, J. P. farmer, Long Lake, 34 Tautges, Jolm, farmer, Lenz, 80 }0 Thibedeau, P. farmer, Lenz, 15 10 Thibedeau, A. farmer, Lenz, 18 11 Twist, J. D. farmer. Long Lalce, 80 33 Ten Eycke, E. farmer. Long Lake, 24 36 5 1 34 5 34 6 80 8 80 16 40 16 160 15 160 15 87 17 164 20 160 32 80 22 280 23 60 24 144 25 53 32 40 33 100 34 6 10 4 10 4 34 4 4 5 9 P. O. Talbot, Thos. farmer. Long Lake, Teas, G. farmer. Long Ijake, Turnliam, J. farmer. Long Lake, Theis, John, farmer. Long Lake, Twombley, Chas. miller. Long Lake, Vanderwarker, J. farmer. Maple Plain, Wietzius, M. farmer. Maple Plain, Winterhalter, L. farmer, Lenz, Wagner, John, farmer. Lenz, Weyer, C. farmer, Lenz, Wolsfield, N. farmer. Long Lake, Wolslield, John, farmer. Long Lake, Wolsfield, Chas. farmer. Long Lake, Wliite Bros, farmers. Long Lake, Wakefield, W. farmer. Long Lake, Wamboldt, A. W. foreman cooper shop. Long Lake, White, W. G. farmer. Long Lake, Wliite, I^'athan, farmer. Long Lake, Walsli, E. F. farmer. Long Lake, Wakefield, Wm. farmer. Long Lake, Wooster, S. J. physician. Long Lake, White, Moses, farmer. Long Lake, Wolilstrom, A. miller, Minneapolis, York, T. L. farmer. Long Lake, MINNETKISTA. Austin, C. farmer. Maple Plain, Arnold, A. farmer. Mound City, Auer, Simon, farmer, St. Bonifacius, Alderman, A. S. gardner. Mound City, Anthony, C. carpenter. Mound City, Baillie, J. C. farmer. Maple Plain, Ball, Richard, miller. Black, Daniel, farmer Ball, Andrew, farmer Bartlett, S. J. farmer, Berberick, F. farm'er, Brulin, Charles, farmer, St. Bonifacius, Ball, Charles, fanner, Minnetrista, Beise, E. farmer, Blatz, B. farmer, Beise, F. farmer. Brewer, C. farmer, Clark, A.W. blacksmith, Minnetrista, Carman, F. M. farmer. Mound City, Chapman, S. M. hotel and farmer. Mound City, A. 130 40 76 200 80 80 80 125 200 99 160 300 110 160 50 60 162 80 50 80 40 Minnetrista, Minnetrista, St. Bonifacius, ]Mound City, St. Bonifacius, St. Bonifacius. St. Bonifacius, St. Bonifacius, Minnetrista, 21 34 19 7 8 8 9 20 22 27 27 36 34 32 32 2 28 34 32 34 35 1 80 10 80 28 6 23 1 23 SO 160 90 160 20 48 24 75 30 120 32 9 80 34 80 33 80 33 40 8 70 9 20 23 10 24 688 HISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. o. A. s. p. o. A. s. Cook, M. S. hotel and f; u-ming. Merriman, "W. farmer. Mimietrista, 76 6 Mound City, 91 24 McCullough, F. farmer. Maple Plain. 79 12 Cramer. Alois, farming. St. Bonifacius, 160 28 Muhs. John, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 40 18 Carlisle, II. C. merchant . ilound City, 23 Maesz, J. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 100 21 Chapman, S. A. farmer Mound City, 77 23 Moore, C. S. typo. Minneapolis. 2 24 Dwinells, C. C. farmer. Maple Plain, .51 3 Maass. W. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 60 28 Dressel, R. farmer. Mumetrista. no 7 Maass, Frederick, far. St. Bonifacius, 80 31 Dressel, N. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 40 17 Maesz, John, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 155 32 Dill, Jacob, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 82 29 Maass, John, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 74 33 Erickson, J. fanner. Maple Plain, 80 1 Maass, Albert, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 70 34 Erlckson, A. farmer. Maple Plain, 120 1 Jilerriman. S. L. farmer , ^linnetrista. 97 6 Ebert, A. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 200 19 Merriman, Hyra.far. Minnetrista, 132 6 Feieroecker, George, St. Bonifacius, SO 8 Miller, Andrew, laborer , Mound City, 2} 24 Fisher, H. F. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 80 17 Nagel. Wm.. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 80 32 Forner, Joseph, farmer, St. Bonifacius, 150 19 Orth. Martin, farmer. Maple Plain, 81 2 Ganz, G. saddler and farmer, Ohde, Bernard, farmer St. Bonifacius, 60 28 St. Bonifacius, 60 33 Obert, Henry, farmer, Minnetrista, 80 10 Huff, J. M. farmer. Mound City, 56 11 Peterson, John, farmer Maple Plain, 80 1 Hoefert, F. farmer. Mound Cit>-, 42 14 Painter, D. J. farmer. Maple Plain, 20 2 Heitz, Jacob, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 75 20 Painter, Geo. farmer. Mapple Plain 99 2 Herbes, C. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 98 20 Peterson. Aaron, farmei , Minnetristra, 79 4 Ilirscliberger. J. farmer St. Bonifacius. 160 29 Parker. David, farmer. Mound City. 79 13 Ilamviller. J. farmer. "St. Bonifacius, 160 31 Pauli, John, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 80 29 Huff, C. W. farmer. Mound City, 50 11 Peters, George, farmer. Minnetrista, 10 7 Ingerson, W. F. survejor and farmer, Parker. 'Wm. farmer, Minnetrista. 42 8 Maple Plain, 160 3 Painter, Wm. farmer. Maple Plain, 60 3 Ingerson, A. farmer Maple Plain, 157 12 Eupp, J. A. teacher, St. Bonifacius, 60 21 Jennings, F. A. farmer Mound City, 76 12 Relibein. Henry, farmer . St. Bonifacius, 60 28 Jennings, J. G. farmer, Mound City, 40 14 Kobben, Jacob, farmer St. Bonifacius, 80 31 Johnson, farmer. Minnetrista, 86 5 Rhode, Chas. Sr. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 145 20 Kennedy. W. II. II. " Maple Plain, 10 o Ripmer. Eliza J., and Wm. farmers. Kinke, M. farmer. Maple Plain.160 3 Maple Plain, 190 2 Komfleld. S. farmer, St. Bonifa''ius, 53 17 Slow, Geo. farmer. Mound City, 139 11 Klein, K. farmer. St. Bonifacius. 80 18 Schilling, A. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 40 17 Kieser, John, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 171 30 Schram. Henry, farmer , St. Bonifacius, 80 17 Kmgsley, A. W. farmer Minnetrista, 10 Sehram, J. E. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 120 18 Lee, Edward and Almi a. farmers. Strobach, F. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 60 28 Minnetrista, 120 5 Sheider, F. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 40 28 Loew, Isidore, farmer. St. Bonifacius. 40 18 Shuler, Peter, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 142 29 Lauman. L. farmer. St. Bouifacins, 80 20 Stifter, N. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 80 31 Lippert, M. farmer. Mound City, 40 9 Shleh, J. farmer and merchant, Lauman. Henry, farmei •.St. Bonifacius, 77 29 St. Bonifacius, 75 31 Logelin, Felix, farmer. St. Bonifacius, 160 30 Speiser, H. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 80 32 Luettka, AVm. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 80 31 Shuler, Wm. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 146 33 Lee, Henry, farmer. Minnetrista, 160 8 Seiffert, F. farmer. St. Bonifacius, 40 34 ilerriman. Elmer, far.. Minnetrista. S Schmidt, J. fai'mer. Lake Town, 334 35 Alerriman, Eugene, far Minnetrista, 79 6 Turke, F. farmer, Lake Town, 64 36 Jleniman, II. F. far. Mumetrista, 108 8 Tarty, I. farmer, Maple Plain, 80 o ililler, M. farmer, St. Bonifacius, 80 8 Woodward, C. farmer, Mimietrista, 160 5 TOWNSHIP DIBECTOBIES. 689 p. o. Whittaker, C. farmer, Mouud City, Whittaker, D. farmer, Mound City, Whitehouse, W. T. navigator, Mound City, Wendt, Chas. farmer, St. Bonifacius, Weiland, Jno. farmer, Mound City, Whitehouse, J. M. farmer, Mound City, Weeks, E. merchant, Mound City, Weinzerl, J. farmer, St. Bonifacius, Went, Jno. farmer, St. Bonifacius, Wehle, J. merchant, St. Bonifacius, Weinzerl, J. carpenter, St. Bonifacius, Yerger, A. farmer. Maple Plain, Yetzer, Leo. farmer, St. Bonifacius, Zanger, Sussanna, farmer.Lake Town, Zahrendt,Lewis,builder, Mound City. MINNETONKA. A. 8. 40 10 133 10 23 60 33 80 22 69 23 23 80 30 80 .32 80 30 24 170 2 120 33 546 34 Aylor, Richard, farmer, Bartow, Samuel, farmer, Bryant, T. C. farmer, Bouk, L. D. farmer, Bryant, O. F. farmer, Beebe, F. D. hotel, Minnetonka, Minnetonka, Minnetonka, Minnetonka, Minnetonka, Minnetonka. Burnes, G. M. Est. fanner, Hopkins, Brock, L. D. farmer, Minnetonka, Bates, W. P. farmer, Hopkins, Bassett, Charles, Hopkins, Barry, J. farmer, Wayzata, Brokl, T. farmer, Hopkins, Bryant, H. farmer, Minnetonka, Bren, Frank, farmer, Hopkins, Bren, Josepli, fanner, Hopkins, Burwell, D. M. town clerk, Minnetonka. Burwell, C. H. supt. mill, Minnetonka. Bartow, E. W. farmer, Minnetonka, Buslmell, Wm. merchant, Wayzata. Burnes, C. D. cooper and farmer, Minnetonka, Baker, W. farmer, Minnetonka, Bartow, T. S. farmer, Minnetonka, Bryant, Thomas C. farmer, Minnetonka, Butler, A. G. dairyman, Minnetonka, Cheely, J. W. farmer, Minnetonka, Carr, Michael, farmer, Minnetonka, Cooper, H. F. blacksmith, Minnetonka, Carpenter, C. farmer, Minnetonka, 44 40 16 121 7 57 10 40 16 108 15 340 24 40 16 40 23 31 24 A. 40 26 10 14 156 26 200 35 80 16 80 14 160 i}0 40 16 120 15 7 20 8 80 21 10 20 80 16 Hopkins, 70 Minnetonka, 160 Minnetonlia, 80 Wayzata, 93 Hopkins, 80 Minnetonka, 40 Minnetonka, 160 Hopkins, 167 Hopkins, Hopkins. Excelsior, Hopkins, Minneapolis Wayzata. 140 177 40 80 80 P. o. Chowen, E. C. farm and nurseiy, Wayzata, 120 Cale, John, farmer, Minnetonka, 39 Connolly, T. supt. poorfarm, Hopkins. Cordell, C. farmer. Excelsior, 40 Chastek, J. M. farmer, JSIinnetonka, 320 Cherveny, Chas. farmer, Chowen, W. S. farmer, Christie, John, farmer, Churchill, S. R. farmer, Churchill, Chas. farmer, Doyle, Pat. farmer, Dobson, Wm. farmer, Dorn, Daniel E. farmer, Dostal, W. P. farmer, Dominick, Philip, farmer, Dworak, J. farmer, Dworak, W. farmer, Dressell, A. farmer, Dickie, Miles, butcher, Empenger, John, farmer, Hopkins Empenger, J. H. farmer, Hopkins, Eidam, E. 11. merchant, • Minnetonka. Ellingwood, F. carpenter, Minnetonka, Frear, S. A. farmer, Minnetonka, Feltel, John, farmer, Hopkins, Frear, W. S. farmer, Minnetonka, Glassing, Fred, farmer, Minneapolis, Gleason, John, farmer, Wayzata, Gray, A. N. millwright, Minnetonka, Gleason, H. L. hotel, Wayzata. Gould, Wm. farmer, Hopkins, Holtz, Fred, farmer. Wayzata, Harrington, J. S. farmer, Wayzata, Haley, Eugene, farmer, Minnetonka, Houston, Wm. farmer, ilinnetonka, Hopkins, George, cooper and farmer, Minnetonka, Hedderly, G. W. merchant, Wayzata. Hanson, R. W. farmer and miller, Munietonka, 160 Harrison, N. H. ship carpenter, Wayzata, 5 Hoagland,Wm. stock dealer, Wayzata, Hall, F. H. millwright, Mumetonka. Johnson, G.V. boat builder, Wayzata. Jackson, J. R. farmer, Minnetonka, 40 Kinsel, Frank, farmer, Minnetonka, 55 Kokesh, John, farmer, Minnetonka, 40 60 73 13 80 132 53 80 150 10 31 139 95 SO 40 40 18 18 31 34 36 18 12 1 35 4 10 24 27 26 31 36 1 23 26 14 21 36 15 o 5 18 27 1 12 12 16 14 6 1 27 27 29 690 HISTOBY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. 0. A. S. P. 0. A. s. Kwetensky, J. farmer. Minnetonka, 33 32 Kohinson, A. B. farmer, "Wayzata 134 18 Keesling. B. F. fanner, "Wayzata, 200 1 Keid, Geo. saloon, "Wayzata, Kotsovek, John, farmer. Hopkins, 60 36 Eahl, Matt, farmer, Minnetonka, 80 1 Kwetensky. J. F. farmer, Minnetonka, 47 32 Reaves, S. J. farmer, ^Minnetonka. Kinsel. Joe. fanner. ^linnetonka. 40 29 Rompotl, John, farmer, Hopkuis. 20 25 Kramer, Fred, farmer. Excelsior, 30 Robertson, J. K. engineer, ilinnetonka. Lamb.G. 0. &C. E. fanner, Miimetonka, 100 3 Strobeck. Frank, farmer, Hopkins, 80 23 Lyon, M. J. farmer. ■\Vayzata. 80 5 Sonba. Ignatz. farmer. Hopkins, 600 24 Lawrence, H. farmer, Minnetonka, -80 9 Soukup. John, farmer, Minnetonka, 110 33 Locke, David Est. Minnetonka, 200 16 Schmeidel, C. farmer, Minnetonka, 160 30 Lexa. "Srinslow, farmer, Hopkins, so" 23 Schmeidel. Joseph, fanner, Minnetonka, 160 30 Ley, Geo. farmer. Jilinnetonka. 120 17 Smetana, J. farmer, Hopkins, 119J 35 Lyons, Stephen, dairy and farm. Shanton. E. D. miller. Minnetonka. ■\Vayzata, 90 5 Shaver, E. A. farmer. Minnetonka, 60 17 Lyons, Charles, cooper. Mimietonka. 15 Shaver, B. T. teacher. Minnetonka, 16 8 Locke, D. A. student. Minnetonka, 16 Shaver, B. G. mechanic, Minnetonka, 40 18 Locke, W. H. professor, Minnetonka, 16 Shaver. Sarah C. farmer, Mimietonka, 68 8 McGenty. Patrick, farmer Minnetonka, 160 4 Sands, E. E. fanner, Minnetonka, 151 17 Milbort, Adam, farmer, Hopkins, 24 Stankard, G. M. head miller. Minnetonka, 15 McGann, John, farmer, "Wayzata, 80 9 Sackinson, Frank, farmer, Minnetonka, 50 23 McGenty, D. & J. farmers , Minnetonka, 160 9 Thornton, W, C. fanner, Minnetonka, 160 29 McGent>% Daniel, farmer, Minnetonka, 120 9 Tipal. "0*. farmer, Hopkins, 80 35 Miller, Joseph, farmer. Miimetonka, 130 16 Tenant, H. E. agent, "Wayzata. Miller, J. P. farmer. Hopkins, 140 23 "Wetzel, John, farmer. Minnetonka, 60 2 Miller, Jno. farmer. ilinnrtonka. 40 29 Whipple. George, farmer, Miimetonka, 40 16 Makoskie. J. farmer. Hopkins, 160 35 "Whipple, K. H. gardener, Mmnetonka, 40 18 Minnetonka Mill Companj ', Minnetonka, 420 15 "Westburg. Swan, farmer, ilinnetonka. 80 32 Makoskie, F. farmer. Hopkins, 80 35 "Williams. C. A. miller, Minnetonka. McCormick, T. farmer. "Wayzata, 40 4 Zahalka, John, fanner, Minnetonka, 120 17 Maurer, H. hotel, Miller, C. D. farmer. Wayzata, Hopkins, 50 6 24 nrTNira:APOi-is. Miller, F. S. farmer. Hopkins, 90 24 Ankenv, A. T. real esfe, Minneapolis, 429 20 Meyer, E. miller and machinist. Adams, T. F. dairyman, ^Minneapolis, 10 3 Jilinnetonka, 15 Adams, "O'm. farmer, ilinneapolis. 56 1 Noyes, S. G. carpenter and farmer. Adams, A. S. farmer, ;Minneapolis, 6 Minnetonka, 70 10 Anderson, A. farmer. Minneapolis, 80 19 Ogin, H. farmer. Minnetonka, 160 20 Allison, A. B. daii-vman. Mimieapolis, 25 20 Oleson, A. A. farmer. Hopkins, 40 24 Aitken, R. M. farmer, iliuneapolis. 10 1 Picha. Jno. farmer, ^Slinnetouka, 40 29 Adams. James, farmer, Mimieliaha, 80 7 Perkins, T. H. farmer, Hopkins, 160 23 Adams, "Wm. carpenter, S. Minneapolis, lots 1 Popelka, J. farmer, !Minnetonka, 45 27 Becker. Ignatius, f armer.Minneapolis, 120 30 Popelka, F. farmer. Minnetonka, 80 31 Bies C. farmer. :Minneapolis, 40 30 Popelka, Jno. E. farmer. Hopkins. 40 36 Boldt Fred, farmer, Mmneapolis, 80 29 Peshina, J. farmer, Excelsior, 80 41 Bowman, J. A. dentist, Minneapolis, 120 28 Picha, F. farmer. Minnetonka, 160 32 Broderiek, E. farmer, Mmneapolis, 25 20 Petrak, J. fai-mer, Hopkins, 80 36 Bofferding, P. farmer, Mumeapolis, 82 33 Phillips, G. C. mechanic and farmer, Butle, J. P. farmer, Minneapolis, 79 4 Minnetonka, 80 20 Bofferding. "W. gardener,Miimeapolis, 4 28 Eohlfing, Fred. est. Minnetonka, 160 20 Brewster, E. farmer, Minneapolis, 60 33 TOWNSHIP DIEECTOBIES. 691 p. o. Blaisdell, J. T. farmer, Minneapolis, Bonne}', P. A. gardner, Minneapolis, Berg, C. G. farmer, Minneapolis, Berg, L. G. farmer, Minneapolis, Berg, A. farmer, Minneapolis, Bader, R. E. landlord, Minneapolis, Brown, M. D. farmer, Minneapolis, Bicknell, A. II. tenant, Minneapolis, Blaisdell, Robt. farmer, Mimieapolis, Bernstein, "VV. gardener, Minneapolis, Burbank, G. A. farmer, Jilinneapolis, Boyce, J. B. farmer, Hopkins, Blaisdell, Robt. Jr. farmer. Minneapolis, Blondeau, Chas. janitor Lakewood cemetery, Minneapolis. Brooks, P. gardener. Minneapolis, Bowman, J. R. dairym'n Minneapolis Bornkamp, H. laborer, Minneapolis, Bernell. E. tenant, Minneapolis, Blaisdell, Wm. lumberman, Minneapolis, Burnett, C. T. farmer, Minneapolis, Byrnes, Catharine, farmer, Minneapolis, Curley, P. farmer, Minneapolis, Cripeau. F. X. gardener, Minneapolis, Cook, F. surveyor, Minneapolis, Cummings, R. farmer, Minneapolis, Carlson, L. dairyman, Minneapolis, Coats, D. 11. farmer, Minneapolis, Cmnmings, Levi, f'mer, Minneapolis, Doyle, F. farmer, Minneapolis, Dee, James, farmer, Minneapolis, Dougherty, Isaiah, far. Minneapolis, Drews, Geo. farmer, Minneapolis, Dague, P. farmer, Mimieapolis, Earle, O. K. farmer, Mmneapolis, Erhart, G. M. brick kiln, Minneapolis, Ekes, Martin, gardener, Minneapolis, Earenfight, C. T. " Minneapolis, Earenfight, R. R. dealer, Minneapolis, Fries, Margaret, farmer, Minneapolis, Friek. Elias, farmer, Minneapolis, Foss, D. M. gardener, Minneapolis, Faloey, J. farmer, Minneapolis, Foster, A. J. merchant, Minneapolis, Funk, W. grocer, Minneapolis, Fries, Wm. farmer, MinneapoUs, A. s. 40 34 5 6 14 6 9 6 4 6 33 SO 12 120 10 80 12 40 10 80 10 300 19 60 24 5 17 o 21 lots 1 lots 1 66 3 137 31 21 160 20 38 16 7 30 5 12 i O 70 21 5 12 •34 33 20 32 70 31 170 17 J 33 89 16 5 12 33 18 6 6 40 30 160 30 .5 17 160 8 lots 28 lots 1 80 30 P. o. Finley, O. actuary, Minneapolis, Fmen, W. II. machinist, Minneapolis, Gourme, F. O. farmer, MinneapoHs, Gaffney, Thos. farmer, Minneapolis, Green, J. farmer, Minneapolis, Grover, Ed.sell, farmer, Minneapolis, Goodrich, Geo. farmer, Minneapolis, Grosbeck, E. farmer, Minneapolis, Greip, F. farmer, Minneapolis, Garvey, C. C. farmer, Minneapolis, Grimes, J. T. farmer, Minneapolis, Gilpatrick, Chas. f'mer, Minneapolis, Gorham, P. A. dairyman, Minneapolis, Goodspeed, J. B. stock dealer, MinneapoUs, Graham, L. B. moulder, Minneapolis, Griswold, K. F. banker, Minneapolis, Godfrey, A. farmer, Minnehaha, Gebsen, Nels, drayman, Minneapolis, Girling, W. M. knitting factory, Minneapolis, Goodspeed, E. A. stock dealer, Minneapolis, Halloran, M. J. farmer, Minneapolis, Hal loran, Martin, " Minneapolis, Holen, S. M. farmer, Minneapolis, Halloran, D. farmer, ^linneapolis, Halloran, Pat. farmer, MinneapoUs, Halloran. J. P. farmer, Minneapolis, Halloran, Fat. farmer, Minneapolis, Held, J. F. gardener, MinneapoUs, Halloran, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Harman, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Hannan, M. farmer, Minneapolis, Hannan, James, farmer, Minneapolis, Hannan, Patrick, " Minneapolis, Hamilton, Jos. farmer, Minneapolis, Hallett, D. F. mechanic, Minneapolis, Hopkins, E. A. tenant, MinneapoUs, Hopkins, II, H, farmer, Mmneapolis, Hall, A. R. farmer, Miimeapolis, Hayes & Matheson, dairymen, MLnneapolis, Hauke, Chris, farmer, Minneapolis, Hayes, J. W. dairyman, MinneapoUs, Jones, W. G. farmer, Minneapolis, Jenson, C. dairyman, Minneapolis, Johnson, Hans, dairy 'n, MinneapoUs, Jenson, H. C. tenant, MinneapoUs, 11 20 80 29 80 5 60 28 80 8 160 17 5 6 40 11 50 10 366 7 20 35 O 1 1 5 36 2i 25 1 1 20 1 85 19 120 5 20 32 21 i 29 160 29 40 30 80 6 145 30 56J 29 116 120 80 80 120 16 10 1 79 19 35 20 17 205 5 17 120 28 15 30 5 1 b92 HISTOEY OF WENNEPIN COUNTY. V. o. Minneapolis, Jlinneapolis," Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Keller, Fred, farmer. Kennedy. P. farmer, Keller. C. farmer. Kelley. D. farmer. Knapp, T. farmer. Kirkland L. fanner, Keller. Fred. Jr. farmer, Minneapolis. Laycock. Mrs. M. A. " Minneapolis, Lackin, Mrs. Jsora, " Minneapolis, Lobdell, J. B. farmer, Minneapolis, Lindblom, O. F. farmer. ^Minneapolis, Layman, il. retired, Minneapolis, Libby, A. D., town cl'k. Minneapolis, Larpeuteur, C. L. farmer.Minneapolis, Leigliton. Fred. gardner.Minneapolis, Lowry, Thos. lawyer, Minneapolis, Lincoln, G. W. farmer. Minneapolis. Long, Jas. stock dealer, Miimeapolis, Long. M. gardner, Minneapolis, Ludlum, Jno. mason, Minneapolis, Miller, Matliias, farmer, Minneapolis, Mozier, Carl, farmer, Minneapolis, Mozier, M. farmer, Miimeapolis, Miller, P. S. darjman, Minneapolis, Moore. Geo. farmer. Minneapolis, MeGenty,H. & J. farmer, Minneapolis, Moses, E. farmer, Minneapolis, MofCett, W. R. farmer, Minneapolis, Martinson, N. farmer, Minneapolis, Nassig, Chas. farmer, Minneapolis, Xitsing, X. gardener, Minneapolis, Oswald, U. beer garden, Minneapolis, Osmer, D. stock dealer, Minneapolis, Oleson, O. dairyman, Minneapolis, Pratt, K. L. farmer, Minneapolis, Pi'^rron, X. gardener, Mimieapolis, Peters C. farmer, Minneapolis, Pederson, G. dairyman, Mimieapolis, Peterson. B. A. farmer, Minneapolis, Pratt, Stephen, farmer, Minneapolis, Pratt, M. V. farmer Minneapolis, Poole. K. gardner, Minneapolis, Patten, J. M. dairyman, Minneapolis, Peterson, G. dairyman, Minneapolis, PeLrce, Thos. AV. farmer. Minneapolis, Peterson , Fred .dairyman . Minneapolis , Peterson, Cris. dairyman, ;Minneapolis, Eey, Michael, gardener, Minneapolis, Eoberts, D. farmer, Minneapolis, A. s. 120 29 160 18 160 31 100 8 20 1-6 11 8 80 6 80 8 160 18 109 17 10 6 45 36 10 1 80 12 5 17 lots 33 ■5 11 5 11 33 80 30 50 28 i7 1 120 19 80 17 75 6 75 7 13 11 40 29 5 17 14 28 10 1 12 12 40 17 13 17 15 36 10 12 20 11 17 210 6 20 7 17 10 12 25 5 28 28 60 30 10 3 p. o. Minneapolis, ilinneapolis, Minneapolis, ilinneapolis. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Russell. R. P. miller, Eutledge. tenant. Scheid. Peter, farmer. Sweeney. E. farmer. Sweeny, James, famier Sweeny. John, fanner, Somers.Mrs.M.E. farmer.Minneapolis. Smith, A. daryman, Minneapolis. Smith, James, Lyndale farm, Minneapolis, Somers. AVni. constable. Minneajwlis, Small, L. dairyman. ^tlimieapolis, Sanborn, C. B. nurseryman, Minneapolis, Smith, C. A. gardener. Minneapolis, Smith, Nils, drayman, Minneapolis. Shepherd. L. gardener. Minneapolis, Tabour. S. T. farmer, ilinneapoUs, Tabour, J. B. dealer, Tracy. H. G. dealer. Tapper, Capt. John, Tupper, D. W. dealer, Tingley, C. dairyman, Tillany, L. A. farmer, Yan Xest, H. stock-grower Vamer, W. II. farmer, Widekin. A. farmer, Wilson, U. R. fanner, Whitney, S. C. farmer, Warneke, F. H. farmer Wheeler. G. D. tenant. Yost, E. tenant, Zeigler. Carl, salesman, Zeller, George, carj't. Minneapolis OSSEO. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Jlinneapolis. Mumeapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, A. s. 99 33 17 80 18 84 18 77 18 80 17 32 31 50 1 1400 31 12 33 3 10 2 50 1 40 120 32 40 32 40 31 7 27 31 22 1 115 6 Minneapolis, 120 10 Minneapolis, 159 32 Minneapolis, 10 33 Minneapolis, 10 31 Minneapolis, 63 5 Hopkins. 80 19 Minneapolis, 10 Minneapolis, 133 18 Minneapolis. 7 31 lots, 36 Black. H. C. wagon-maker, Osseo. Brown, Seneca, wagon-maker, Osseo. Brown, Black & Dubuque, wagon-makers, Osseo. Chandler, E. II.. Osseo. Clark, E. P. carpenter and joiner, Osseo. Dubuque, I. wagon-maker, Osseo. Ha\iland, Eli, blacksmithing, Osseo. Hechtman, John, merchant, Osseo. Haviland, Chancy, engineer, Osseo. Heesen, J. saloon, Osseo. Krueger, W. boot and shoemaker, Osseo. TOWNSHIP DIBECT0RIE8. 693 A. s. Laferriere, O. blacksmithiiig, Labissionier, I. mason, Lapray, S. meat market, Lefebvre, E. merchant, Labrash, Z. hotel keeper, Ladriere, A. pastor St. Louis Ch. Normandin, J. laborer, Pavitt, S. N. harness-maker, Pinault, N. J. physician and surg Fribble, J. T., Rougier, Nelson, wheelwright, Ray, A. G. farming, Rougier, Maggie, dress-making, Schmidt, Fritz, Internation'l hot'l Schwappach, C. saloon. Saucier, Jos. farmer. Smith, Mrs. M. R. farming, Thayer, Mrs. C. W. farming, Wellman, Eli, blacksmith, Woodley, J. boot and shoemaker. PLYMOUTH. p. o. Osseo. Osseo. Osseo. Osseo. Osseo. Osseo. Osseo. Osseo. . Osseo. Osseo. Osseo. Osseo, 60 Osseo. , Osseo, 40 Osseo. Osseo, 80 24 Osseo, 80 18 Osseo, 160 Osseo. , Osseo. Adams, M. farmer. Baker. A. farmer, Berube, Francis, " Berthiume, C. farmer, Lenz, Minneapolis, Lenz, Minneapolis, Brigge, Julius, farmer, Minneapolis, Brusch, C. farmer. Minneapolis, Begin, J. M. farmer, Minneapolis, Begin, L. Jr. farmer, Minneapolis, Boucher, F. farmer, Lenz, Begin, Louis farmer, Lenz, Becker, Fred, farmer, Minneapolis, Biishnell, Byron, farmer, Wayzata, Berube, farmer, Lenz, Cavanaugh, P. farmer, Way/.ata, Connoly, Morris,farmer, Parkers Lake, Campbell, J. W. farmer, Parkers Lake, Creelan, J.W, farmer, Parkers Lake, Crandbient, E. farmer, Parkers Lake, Clark, Tho'pson, farmer,Parkers Lake, Clark, C. W. farmer, Parkers, Lake, Daly, K. farmer, Lenz, Daly, W. farmer, Lenz, Deveiy, Jno. farmer, Lenz, Dolan, Keeran. farmer, Lenz, Donahue, Jas. farmer, Parkers Lake, Daniels, Peter, farmer, ^Minneapolis, DuBeau, A. farmer, Lenz, 80 17 80 2 280 8 200 10 80 10 281 11 14 14 80 80 80 15 295 23 4 36 120 33 40 9 80 34 60 27 82 28 51 29 32 32 tenant 33 33 82 100 80 81 80 40 10 80 16 P. o. Donahue, Jas. farmer, Minneapolis, Day, J. W., farmer, Parkers Lake, Dumstrey, E. farmer, Wayzata, Donahue, John, farmer, Lenz, Eagan, Mary, farmer, Lenz, Ernst, Joseph, farmer, Ecker, F. W. farmer, Eagan, Carey, farmer, Eagan, John, farmer, Eagan, W. farmer, Fornier, W. farmer, Feitzer, John, farmer, Feitzer, Henry, farmer, Lenz, Faber, Nich. farmer, Minneapolis, Farrington, C. W. far. Frost, Benjamin, far. Foster, J. W. farmer. Fleer, IL clergyman, Gleeson, James, farmer, Lenz, GafCy, Ann, farmer, Lenz, Gaffy, Pat. farmer, Gorham, (i. farmer, Glatz, M. farmer, Gorham, F. farmer, Gorliam, David, farmer, Lenz, Garvin, Thomas, farmer, Lenz, Ileinrich, John, farmer, Minneapolis, Hatcher, Frank, farmer, Lenz, Hamel, N. farmer, Lenz, Hughes, C. W. farmer, Lenz, Hughes, James, farmer, Lenz, Hughes, Frank, farmer, Lenz, Hughes, Thos. farmer, Lenz, Hughes, Henry, farmer, Lenz, Heidlebergh, A. " Lenz, Hughes, Pvdward, " Lenz, Howe, J. IL farmer, Minneapolis, Hilger, Peter, farmer, Minneapolis, Hoppenroth, C. farmer, Lenz, Huar, O. farmer, Minneapolis, Hughes, Jno. W. farmer, Lenz, Hughes, E. C. farmer, Parker's Lake, Hughes, T. Jr. farmer, Lenz, Hughes, W. T. farmer, Lenz, Hughes, C. W. Lenz. Jordan, J. H. farmer, Lenz, Jamme, Joseph, farmer, Lenz, Jordan, Addrew, " Lenz, Parkers Lake, Parkers Lake, Lenz, Lenz, Lenz, Lenz, Lenz, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Parker's Lake, Parker's Lake. Lenz, Lenz, Parker's Lake, Lenz, A. 142 40 194 80 80 200 160 80 76 80 80 346 160 40 48 80 120 120 60 200 180 80 122 100 131 80 140 100 138 80 80 107 168 40 80 116 27 40 40 40 40 80 115 s. 9 22 32 9 5 6 6 8 15 15 22 15 36 32 4 6 6 7 31 17 18 8 2 18 18 16 18 18 19 19 20 20 22 36 4 14 19 21 18 IS 17 17 18 694 HISTOEY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. o. JarcUne, A. G. blacksmith, Lenz, Kobbs, Lewis, farmer, Minneapolis, Kritz, J. farmer, . Parker's Lake, Klausman,M. farmer, Minneapolis, Kraetz. Frank, farmer. Wayzata, Kraetz, Fred, farmer, Parker's Lake, Kellet, David, Est. " Parker's Lake, Lewcock, G. farmer, Parker's Lake, Le Compt. A. farmer. ^linueapolis, Lemmer. P. farmer, Mumeapolis, Luby. David, farmer, Minneapolis, Luby. M. farmer, Minneapolis, Merchant. S. farmer, Minneapolis, Marxen, D. farmer, Mimieapolis, McGowan, G. farmer, Parker's Lake, Malmst«dt, H. G. farm'r. Parker's Lake, McGowan, M. farmer, Parker's Lake, McGowan, Phil, farmer, Parker's Lake, Megelkoch. J. farmer, Minneapolis, Miller, J. P. farmer, Lenz, Malmstedt A. farmer, Parker's Lake, McDonald Dan, Minneapolis, Xeumann H. farmer, ilinneapolis, Noel, Joseph, farmer, Minneapolis, Keumann, J. farmer, Minneapolis. Osterd. M. farmer, Parker's Lake, Osborn. E. farmer, Parker's Lake, Ottaway, T. farmer, Plymouth, Pomerleau, F. farmer, Lenz, Pomerleau, D. farmer. Lenz, Prohl. Henry, farmer, Miimeapolis, Parker, J. M. farmer, Parker's Lake, Parker. Daniel C. far. Parker's Lake, Peoples, Chris, farmer. MinneapoUs, Past, J. H. machinist, Monticello, Kooney, James, farmer, Lenz, Koi. Joseph, farmer, Lenz, Eoggeman, AVm. far. Minneapolis, Eoggeman, Jolm, far. Jlinneapolis, Easkop, Peter, farmer, Minneapolis, Eoggeman, L. farmer, Minneapolis, Kiley, James, farmer, Lenz, Eoth, Stephen, farmer, Parker's Lake, Eoehl. Nicholas, far. Eossbach, Charles, Eaths, Jacob, farmer, Badintz. F. farmer, Eadiutz, "\Vm. farmer, Parker's Lake, Minneapolis, Parker's Lake, Parker's Lake, Wayzata, A. s. 33 68 11 80 19 148 24 239 29 80 29 179 30 80 21 122 25 40 36 145 36 40 36 SO 10 80 12 120 28 40 28 80 34 80 34 240 27 80 oo 8 28 80 25 160 14 72 15 96 •)•> 40 27 33 28 80 32 134 4 200 7 247 11 54 28 120 28 80 13 36 80 7 40 9 160 11 160 11 80 12 200 13 72 17 80 21 120 21 67 24 160 28 148 30 40 31 P. o. "Wayzata, Wayzata, "^'ayzata. Lenz, Lenz, Lenz, Lenz. Eyan, "\Vm. farmer, Eyan, James, farmer, Eodner. A. farmer. Schnlze, John, farmer, Schulze, Eobt farmer, Schmidt, AVm. farmer. Sdhmidt. Carl, farmer, SajidhofE, Wm. farmer, Minneapolis, Smith. Henn% farmer. MiimeapoUs, SchUtz Wm. farmer. Minneapolis, Scblitz. Herbert, farmer. Minneapolis, Sandhoff. II. A. stock raiser, Mimieapolis, Sandhoff. A. farmer, Mmneapolis, Schmitz, Peter, farmer, Parkers Lake, Scherer, Simon, farmer, Lenz, Schmitz. Dennis.farmer.Lenz, Schmidt, Anton,farmer, Lenz, Schmitz, Henry ,farmer, Lenz, Scott, H. H. farmer, Minneapolis. Swiggart, Chris, farmer, "Wayzata, Schiebe, Carl, hotel, MinneapoUs, Smith. H. M. farmer. Minneapolis, Schmidt.F.H.B. farmer. Mimieapolis, Smith, G. C. farmer, Parkers Lake, Sandhoff, H. A. mason, Minneapolis. Thies, J. P. fanner, MinneapoUs. Thies. 11. farmer. Minneapolis, Trittlewitz, C. farmer, Lenz. Thompson, A. farmer, Parkers Lake Weeks, S. C. farmer, Mnineapolis. Wyendt, M. farmer, iliimeapoUs, "Witzman, John, farmer, MinneapoUs, "Welsh, Barney, farmer. Parkers Lake, Winnen, P. J. farmer, Parkers Lake, Wirth, T. farmer, Parkers Lake, Waters, E. J. engineer, "Wayzata, KICHFIELD. Anderson, Otto, farmer. Booth, J. E. florist, Brown, J. W. farmer, Busch, r. gardener. Brown, H. F. farmer. Baumgartner. J. farmer, Baird, G. "W. farmer, Butterfield, F. farmer, BuU, J . A. farmer, Baird, J. W. miller. , Eichfield, Minnehaha, Eichfield, Eichfield, MinneapoUs, Eichfield, MiimeapoUs, Jlinneapolis, ^MinneapoUs, Eichfield. A. s. 80 34 80 34 93 31 225 4 80 5 120 9 80 11 100 10 320 11 40 12 80 12 285 13 160 12 80 18 45 16 139 19 80 20 80 20 70 31 360 36 80 36 311 11 176 26 13 95 40 80 20 95 29 194 25 80 26 60 27 70 31 33 32 120 33 10 22 3 18 80 14 10 15 159 18 82 25 120 18 33 158 IS TOWNSHIP BIBECTOBIES. 695 p. o. Baird, J. A. miller, Ricbfield. Bush, Frederick, f mer, Eichfleld, Cressey, M. G. scliool teaclier, Eichfleld, Craik, Andrew, mUler and fanner, Richfield, Clark, C. revenue oflScer, Minneapolis, Copley. Mary, farmer, Iloplcins, Code, John, farmer, Richfleld, Code, Geo. farmer, Minneapolis, Couillard, E. A. farmer, Eichfleld, Cummings, G. W. f "mer, Minnehaha, Christian, Peter, farmer, Minneapolis, Cassin, David, farmer, Eichfleld, Carey, John, farmer, Eichfleld, Carey, E. farmer, Minneapolis, Couillard, C. farmer, Eichfleld, Chase, C. C. Eichfleld, Davis, William, f.irmer, Eiclifield, Duggan, John, farmer, Eichfleld, Duggan, Wm. farmer, Eichfleld, Davis, r. farmer, Minneapolis, Davis, B. farmer, Minneapolis, Delaney, Mich, farmer, Eichfleld, Davis, W. farmer, Minneapolis, Darey, E. farmer, Minneapolis, Ewing, W. M. wagon maker, Minneapolis, Fitch, D. S. farmer, Richfleld, Fogarty, Pat, farmer, Minneapolis, Fogarty, W. & T. farm'r Minneapolis, Fortwmgler, G. farmer, Slinneapolis, Fitzsimmons, W. farm'r, Minneapolis, Gilman, J. F. farmer, Eichfleld, Graham Eliz. farmer, Eichfleld, Gleeson, M. farmer, Munieapolis, Gjertsen, G. J. farmer, Minnehaha, Gilmore, J. F. gardener, Eichfleld, Gibli, C. gardener, Richfield, Hanscom, B. F. farmer, Richfleld, Hoag, Charles, farmer, Minneapolis, Holman, L. II. farmer, Eichfleld, Heiss, F. J. farmer, Eichfleld, Holman, L. farmer, Eichfleld, Heiss, F. J. farmer, Eichfleld, Hall, A. X. farmer, Richfield, Hohag, C. A. farmer, Minneapolis, Hubbard, O. conductor, M. & St. Paul. Minneapolis, 15 15 10 15 160 18 80 15 80 31 40 32 200 19 114 20 33 19 371 36 120 18 94 8 40 6 160 34 20 15 160 18 105 4 126 4 115 5 80 5 200 31 160 18 214 5 18 145 28 80 30 206 8 267 60 230 253 31 6 80 21 27 6 81 24 2 15 10 16 1(10 14 125 22 32 33 80 19 62 21 19 72 22 34 30 farmer, 200 28 MinneapoUs, Eich field, Minneapolis, Miimeapolis, p. o, Hirt, John, farmer, Minnehaha, Haeg, Charles, farmer, Minnehaha, Hausler, Mary, farmer, Eichfleld, Hayward, Jesse, florist, Minnehaha, Humphrey, L.L. farmer, Eichfleld, Hall, E. T. farmer, Eichfleld, Hopkins, M. M. farmer, Richfleld, Hallenback, F.H. far'er,Fort Snellmg, Hawkes, J. farmer, Minneapolis, Irwin, G. W. farmer, Richfield, Irwin, E. F. farmer, Eichfleld, Johnson Peter, farmer, Minneapolis, Kyte, John, farmer, Minneapolis, King, E. E. farmer, Kiesel, Leo. farmer. Lane, W. H. farmer, Lyons, W. farmer, Lucas, Harmon, farmer, Richfield, Larson, L. farmer, Minneapolis, Mosier, I. H. farmer, Richfleld, Millam, Geo. miller, Minneapolis, Maloney, M. F. farmer, Hopkins, Makowsky, J. Jr. f "mer, Hopkins, Manton, J. R. clergyman, Richfleld, McGrath, Pat. farmer, Minneapolis Murphy, W. farmer, McCauley, D. farmer, Moriarty, T. farmer, Moriarty, T. L. farmer McCabe, M. farmer, Kusser, John, farmer, Odell, Geo. farmer, Odell, Howard C. with L. Day & Sons, Minneapolis. Page, T. blacksmith, Pratt, J. J. farmer, Pahl, Frank, farmer, Place, D. N. farmer, Peters, Thomas, hotel Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Richfield, Fort Snelling, Richfleld, Eichfield, Richfleld, Fort Snelling, Minneapolis, Minnehaha. Richardson, J. N. merchant, Richfleld, Ryan, Pat. farmer, Ray, T. J. farmer, Roberts, J. A. farmer, Eyau, James, farmer. Scales, E. A. farmer, Schulz, Henry, fanner, Self, Thomas, farmer. Sly, F. farmer, Sly, Gilbert, farmer, Minneapolis, MinneapoUs, Eichfleld, Minneapohs, Mimiebaha, Hopkins, Hopkins, Richfleld, Richfield, A. S. 113 25 312 25 160 25 18 100 28 80 35 160 30 40 36 120 29 160 30 141 33 6 18 316 31 162 29 220 32 120 20 120 22 22 4J 28 40 16 42 18 160 30 200 30 46 28 160 30 80 8 249 6 80 31 100 32 240 32 40 31 96 27 10 22 115 22 160 31 220 28 15 80 32 80 35 36 30 91 30 6 13 160 29 120 29 160 19 19 696 HISTORY OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. p. 0. A. s. p. o. A. s. Stewart, George, farmer, Richfield, Slaven, Owen, farmer, ISIinneapolis, Scott M. E. farmer, Minnehaha, 128 80 80 23 31 36 Hessbiu^, C. stock farm, Minneapolis, Hilgedick, E. farm and dairy, Minneapolis, 23 114 11 2 Schiinmel Aug. farmer Schnessler, P. farmer, Fort Snelling, Riclifield, 73 160 31 7 Ingenhuett, W. farmer, Minneapolis, Kampff, Louis, farmer, Minneapolis, 66 88 3 11 Smith, J. L. farmer. Minneapolis, 14 Kletzin, M. F. gardener, Minneapolis, 30 12 Stansfield, J. farmer. Minneapolis, 120 14 Lewis, U. laborer, ilinneapolis, 10 Tierney, James, farmer •. Riclifield. 80 29 McCarty, O. farmer, Minneapolis, 10 12 Tracy C. Mrs. farmer, Wilcox, H. K. farmer, Minneapolis, Richfield, 210 120 32 27 Moulton, T. farmer, Mimieapolis, Moore, L. farmer, Minneapolis, 28 5 12 12 Wright, E. A. farmer, Fort Snelling, 109 31 Moore, D. I), farmer, ^Minneapolis, 6 Wood, John, fiirmer. Wilson, F. J. farmer, Yancy, B. C. farmer, :Minneapolis, Richfield, Mmneapolis, 80 125 68 5 28 28 O'Brien, Dennis, f "mer, Minneapolis, Oberlies,John,carpenter,Minneapolis, Nathan. M. farmer, IMinneapolis, 95 2 SO 11 10 6 ST. ANTHONY. Parker, D. C. bookkpr. Jilinueapolis.] Philbrook, R. B. farmer, Minneapolis, 96 6 Burg, Adam, farm and nursery. Phillips, N. O. farmer, Itlinneapolis, 76 6 Bohiyi. T. farmer. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, 26 40 3 18 Pierro, M. gardner, Minneapolis, Smiley, A. farm and dairy. 20 11 Carlin, K. farmer, Cooley, Edwm, farmer, Costlo, John, farmer. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis. 10 160 i 11 7 12 Minneapolis, Swahn, J. G. potter, Minneapolis, Swanson, C. J. brick manufactiu-er, 20 4 6 10 Estes, Charles, farmer, Minneapolis, Enstis, E. S. farmer, Minneapolis, Grindall, Olin, farmer. Minneapolis, Grmdall, C. J. farmer and teamster. 229 247 80 30 1 Minneapolis. Thiry, Frank, farmer, Minneapolis, Upham, F, M. Fertilizing Company, iliuneapolis. 160 6-7 Grotjam, W. farmer, Gluek, G. brewer, Grindall, C. B. farmer, Grindall, Elijah, farmer Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, 40 30 5 11 1 10 10 1 1 Weeks, A. II. mason and farmer, Minneapolis, White, L. 1). gardener, Minneapolis, Wardsworth, G. G. far'r, Minneapolis, 35 5 20 12 12 11 INDEX. 697 INDEX EXPLOREES AND PIONEERS OV MINNESOTA. PAGE Abraham, Plains of 1 Accault (Ako) Michael, compan- ion of Hennepin. 10, 1-. 20, 2 1,24, 2fi Described bv La Salle.. 18 Leader of Mississippi Explo- rations lii Aehiwnaca arrested by Perrot. . 12 Tried for ninrder before Du Lnth 13 Dealb of H Aioupz, see loways. Ako, see Accanlt. Albane', Jesnit missionary at Sault ht Marie 11 Allonez, Jesnit missionary visits La Pointe -1 At Lake NepiRon 4 Meels the Sionx at the ex- tremity of Lake Superior: 4 Describes the Si"ux 4 Ames, M. E., early lawyer 122 Anderson, Captain in British ser- vice 81 Anderson, trader under Dickson, at Leech Lake 77 Andrews, Joseph, killed by Sis- seton Sioux !*2 Aquipagnetin. Sioux chief men- tioned bv Hennepin 21, 27 Assinehoines 2, 9, 23, 4.', 4(j, Co Assinebciine River, called by the French St. Charles 59 Au^elle, AnlliBiiy, alias Picard du Gay, associate of Hennepin 10, 18, 2:', 24, 2R Ayer, Frederick, missionary to Ojibways 107 Ayoes, see loways. Baker, B. F., Indian trader U2 Baillv, Alexis, drives cattle to Pembina 93 MemUerof Legislature 93 Balcombe, St. A . D 127 Baldwin School, now Macalester College, incorporated 12.5 Opened in June, 1853 125 Balfour, Cajitain 62 Bass, J. w., early settler at St. Paul ' 116 Bear dance of the Sioux de- scribed 83 Beanharnois, Governor, favors Verendrye 68 Beaujeu, urged by Langlade of Wisconsin, defeats Braddock.. 61 Bellin,Geographer,notices Ocha- gachs' map 87 Alludes to Fort Rouge on Red river 87 Fort on St. Croix River 112 Bellinzany, of "Paris" receives specimens of Lake Superior copper Beltrami, G. C. notice of 93 Arrives at Fort Snelling 93 Accompanies Major Long — 94 Discovers northern sources of the MissLssippi 94 Berthot, Co'.in, murdered at Keweenaw Bishop, Harriet E., establishes school in St. Paul 114 Black River, called Chabadeba.. 18 Blue Earth River explored ...4.5, 47 Supposed mines at 47 Fort on 47 li'Evaque visits S PAGE 1 TO 128. PAGE Boal, J. M., early settler at St. Paul 116, 118 Bobe, exposes La Hontan's mis- statements 36 Bottineau, J. B., exposed in a snowstorm 102 Boi.sgnillot, early traderon Wis- consin and Mississippi 32 Boucher. Mane, moiher of Ver- endrye. 58 Boucher, Pierre, described Lake Superior copper mines 7 Father of Sieur de Le Per- riere 51 Bouclierville, officer at Lake Pepin 53 " "■ 54 54 48 49 Goods furnished to Indian: Captured bv Indians Boudor, trades with the Sioux... Attacked by the Foxes Bougaiuville, mentions Indian tribesseenby Verendrve 60 Boutwell, Rev. W. T., Ojibway missionary 106.113 Removes to Stillwater Ill Js'oiice of Stillwater 114 Kiaddock's defeat 61 Bradley, one of Pike's cornorals 76 Bremer. I'redricka. Swedish nov- elist in Minnesota 122 Brisbin, J.B . 127 Brisbois, Lieut, in British service 81 Brissette, Edwaril, no ice of 114 Brown, Joseph R., drummer boy at Fnrt Snelling 95 Trading post at Lake Trav- 102 Keeps a grog shop for .soldiers 1U3 At Grey Cloud Island 113 Member of Wisconsin Legis- lature 113 Makes a town site near Still- water 113 Secretary of Couneil. 1849.... 119 Bruce, trader at Green Bay 63 Brunson, Rev. A., Methodist Missionary HI, 113 Brunson. H. W. 119 Brusky, Charles, Indian trader.. 77 Bulger, Capt., surrenders Fort McKav 81 Buhver. Sir K. L., translation of Sioux Death Song 67 Cadillac, La Motte,on route to the Pacilic ?6 In Command at Detroit 4S Alludes to Le Sueur 48 Alludes to Boudor's expedi- tion 48 On the selling of brandy to Indians 16 Cameron. Murdock, sells liquor to Indians 74 Campbell. Colin, interpreter 92 Carver's Cave mentioned... 66, 78, 84 Carver, Capt. Jonathan, early life of...... 61 In battle of Lake George 64 An ival at Mackinaw 61 Describes the fort at Green Bay 64 Visits Winnebago Village.... 64 Visits Fox Village 64 Describes I'rairie du Chieii... 64 Describes earth works at Lake Pepin 65 Describes cave atSt. Paul.... 66 OK 66 66 67 67 67 Describes.Falls of St..\ntliony Describes .Minnesota river... Descri bes funeral rites Reports speech of Sioux chief Speech versified by Schiller.. Translation by Bulwer and Heischell 67, 68 His al.eged deed for Sioux land 70 U. S. Senate rejects his claims 70 Grandsonsof, visit Minnesota 82 Caumonl, Sieur de 32 Cnagonamikon visited by Grosel- liers and Radissou 2 Charlevoix on La Hontan's fabri- cations 36 On Le Sueur's mining opera- tions 45 Chatfleld, A.G., Territorial Judge 125 (U)ippewa\,Iiuiians,see Ojibways Chouart, Medaril, see Grosellters Chrisliiiaux menlioned ... .43, 44 Clark, Lt. Natlian, at Fort Snell- ing 90 Letters from Geii. Gibson — (4 Arrests Sionx 98 Coe, Rev..\lvan, visits Fort Snell- ing in 1829 100 Constans, William 121 Convention to form a State Con- stitution 128 Cooper, David, Territorial Judge. 118 Copp-'r mines of Lake Superior, Early Notice of 7 A. D 16 described by Sagard 7 A.D.I64 described byBoucher 7 Of Isie lioyal 7 OfOutanagcm 7 Copper sent to Bellinzany, in raris 7 Copper mines spoken of by Talon, A. D. 1669 7 Coqu id. Father, accompanies Verenarye 60 Mentions Rocky Mountain Indians 60 Eulogy of St. Pierre 61 Cratte, Ol'iver 102 Dakotahs or Dahkotahs, see Sioux D'Avagour, Governor of Canada, opinion of the region West of Lake ^5Upelior 1 Day, Dr. David 124 De Corbiere, Lieut, at Lake Champlain 62 De Gonor, Jesuit, visits Lake Pepin 51, 58 Returns to Canada 54 Converses witli Verendrye... 58 De la Bane, Governor, notices Du Luth II Sends Perrot to the Sionx — 29 De la Jemerave, see Jemeraye.. De la Tour, .lesuits missionary.. 13 Ue la Tourette, Greysolon, broth- er of Du Luth 10 De Lignery, see Lignery De I^usignan, visits the Sioux.... 75 Denis, Canadian voyageur, joins Le Sueur 42 Denonville, Governor, attacks Senecas 15 Orders Duluth to build a Fort 16 Sends for w. stern allies 30 Commissions Du Luth 32 698 INDEX. PAGE Denton, Rev. D., mission;iry to Sioux Ill D'Kspiit. Pierre, see Kadisson. .. D'Evaiiue, in cliaige of Fort L'Hiiillier 48 Alianilons the Fort 48 Devotion. M., sutler at Fort Snelilni;... 91 D'lberville, Gov., criticises Hen- nepin 28 ilelative of Le Sueur 39 Wemorial on tribes of the iMississippi 45, 4G Diesliau. Baron 61 Dickson, Col. Robert, visits l.t. Pike 77 'I'lMilini; post at Grand Rapids 78 At Mendota "< Durina: war of 1812 80, 81 At t.alve Traverse 8a At Kort Snellinu OX, ac William, son of Robert ii(i Du Clesnean, intendant of Can- ada, complains of Dniulh 11 Du Lntli, Daniel Grevsolon, early lile ol ". ... 9 Various spellings of his name 9 Plants Kings Arms at Mille Lacs 9 Establishes a Fort at Kaman- istigo.\a !) Decends theSt.Croi- river II, 1)2 Sends beaver skins to New England 11 Attends a conference at Que- bec 11 Visits France 11 Returns to Mackinaw 11 Arrests anil executes Indians at Sault St. I\Iarie 11 Censured by Louis XIV 14 Brings allies to Niagara, for De la Harie 15 Establishes a Fort on Lake Erie 15 In battle with the Senecas. . . 15 Returns to Lake Erie with his cousin Tontv IG Brother of, from Lake Nepi- gon 10 Disapproves of selling bran- dy to Indians IC In conmiaud at Fort Frou- tenac 16 Afflicted with the gout. 17 Death of 17 At Falls of St. Anthony. ..18, 26 Meets Hennepin 25 Tribute to 27 His tcuir from Lake Superior to Mississippi 112 Meets Accault and Hennepin 1 12 Protects F'renchmeu from Illinois 112 Du Pay, a voyageur 10 Durantaye, commander at Mac- kinaw 33 At Ticonderoga 62 At Niagara l.'i Ely, E. ¥., missionary teacher. ... 110 Emerson, surgeon at Fort Snell- ing. complains of grocgeries.. . 103 Enjalran, Jesuit missionary at Saidt St. Marie 11 13 Wounded in flght with Sene- cas 15 English at Hudson Bay lo Etienne. Claude, widow of 1 FaHart.interpretei tor DuLuth. lu Visits the Sionx U Descends the St. ijroix River. 1 1 At Falls of Saint Anthony... 18 Meets Hennepin 25 Falls of Saint Anthony, First white man at 25 First mill at 93 94 Described by La Salle 19 Described by Hennepin. 24, 2.5 26 Described by Lt.Z.M.l"ike,75, 76 Describedby Major Long ... So Women drawn over 99 First newspaper at f>3 Bndjre. First across Missis- sippi 126 PAGE Fiiewoiks at Fort Beauharnois. 52 Fisher, trader at Green Bav 63 Fitch, pioneer in St.Crnix Vallev, 112 Flat Month. Ojibwav Chief, visits Fort Snelling A. D. 1827 97 His party attacked by Sioux. 98 (iratifies his vengeance 99 Referred to bv Nicollet 102 Foi'syth, Major Thomas, accom- panies first troops to Fort Snelling 91 Pays Indians for reservation. 91 Fort Beauharnois established, A. D. 1727, at Lake Pepin 51 52 Fireworks displayed at 5.') High water at 53, 55 Commanded bv St. Pierre, 56, .57 Fort Crawford....' 100 La Reine, on rivtr Assine- boine 33, Le Sueur, below Hastings. L'Hinllier.on BlueEarth river Built by Le Sueur Left in charge of D'Evaque Maurepas McKay Perrot, at Lake Pepin Konge, of Ked River Prairie duChien ,80, Fort Snelling, site secnrd by Lt. Pike Major Long's opinion Order to establish the post. .. Troops Prairie du Chien Birth of Charlotte Ouisconsiu Clark Events of A. D 1819 Major Forsyth pays Sioux for reservation 91 Col. Leavenworth arrives at Mendota First ollicers at cantonment.. Red River men arrive at Events of A. D. 1820 Major Taliaferro, Indian a^ent at Troops at Camp Cold Water . Cass and Schoolcraft visits.. Col. Snelling succeeds Leav- enworth 92 Ofhcers at, October, 1820 92 Impressive scene at 93 Events of A. D. 1821 93 Advance in building 93 Events of A. D. 1822, A. D.I823 91 First steamboat- at 93 Beltrami, the Italian, at. ..93, 94 Major S. H. Long arrives at.. 94 Government mill near 94 Sunday School at 94 Eventsof A.D. 1824 95 General Scott, suggests name for fort 95 Events of A. D. 1825, and 1826, 96 Mail, arrival at 96 Sioux woman kills herself.... Great snow storm, March. 1826 High watei at. April 21, 1826. Slaves belonging to Steamboat arrivals to close of 1826 Duels at General Gaines censures Col- onel of 97 Events of A. D. 1827 98 F'lat Mouth. Ojibway chief, visits in 1827 98 Attacked by Sionx 98 Soldieis arrest Sionx 99 Colonel Snelling deliversmur- deiers for execution Coustrticiion of, criticised by (ieneral Gaines Rev. Alva Coe in 1829 preach es at „„ Health of troops at 101 Desertion at loi J. N. Nicollet arrives at, ... . 102 Marriages at 102, 10s, 120 Siouxand Ojibwaysflglit near 103 Annoyed by whisky sellers.. 103 Presbyterian church at 108 87 37 43 43 47 58 81 29 87 81 75 88 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 92 96 96 97 97 97 99 100 106 PAGE Steamer Palmyra at, in .Tuly, 1838. with notice of ratifica- tion of Indian treaties 112 Indian council held at by Governor Ramsey 121 Fort St. Anthony, now'Snelling.. 95 St. Cliarles. on Lake of the Woods 58 St. .loseph on Lake Erie, es- tablished by Du Luth 16 St. Pierre, on Rainy Lake 58 Foxes attempt to Pillage Fort Perrot 30 Interview with Perrot 31 Mentioned. 33. 37, 38, 48, 46, .54, 55 Attack French at Blue Earth River 48 Surrender to Louvigny 60 Visited bv Guignas 52 Franklin, Sir.Iohn, relics of, pass through St. Paul 126 Frontenac. Governor of Canada. 10 Friend of Dninth 11 Leiter to by Cadillac 16 Expedition against the Onei- das 16 Encourages Le Sueur 39 Forbids trading with the Sioux 49 Frazer, trader 78 Enters the Britisli service ... 80 Fuller. Jerome, Territorial Chief JiLStice 123 Fuiber, J. W. 127 Galissoniere, Governor of Cana- da, notice of 69 Galtier. Rev. L., builds first chapel in St. Paul 114 Gavui, Rev. Daniel, missionary., in Gibson, General, letters relative to St. Anthony mill 94 Gillam, Capt.Zachary of Boston accompanied by Groselliers and Radi.sson sails for Hudson's Bay in ship Nonesuch 5 Goodhue, James M., first Minne- sota editor 117 Death of 124 Goodrich, Aaion, Territorial Judge 118 Removal of 123 Gorman, Willis A. Governor.... 125 Gorrell.Lieut. at Green Bav 62 Graham, Duncan, in British ser- vice 81 Ar-rivesat Foit Snelling lOO Jane, daughter of Duncan married 102 Grant, trader at Sandy Lake vis- ited by Pike 77 Gravier, Father James, criticises Hennepin 28 Greeley. Elam 109 Griffin, La Salle's ship 10 Voyage 10 Green Bay 19 Crew pillage and desert to ti e Sioux 10 Grignon, Captain in British ser- vice 78, 81 Groselliers, Sieur, early life,...l, 6 Marriage 1 Son of 2, 6 Second marriage 2 Visits Mille Lacs region 2 Is told of the Mississippi... . 2 Meets the Assineboines 2 Returns to Montreal in 1660.. 2 Second visit to Lake Superior 2 Visits Hudsons Bay 4 Name given to what is now Pigeon River 5 Visits New England 6 Paris 5 London 5 Flnconraged by Prince Rupert 5 Sails for Hudson's Bay witli a Boston sea captain 5 Referred to by Talon 6 Death of 6 Guignas, Father, missionary at F'ort Beauliarnois 51 Describes journey to Lake Pepin 52 Fort Beauharnois 63 INDEX. 699 Guignas, Father, page Captured bv Indians 54 Nearly burned alive 55 Ketiiriis to Lake Pepin 56- Gnn, grandson of Carver 82 Hainault. Elizabeth 2 Madeline 2 Hall, Kev. Sherman Ojibway missionary 1U7 Moves to Sauk Rapids Ill Havner, H. Z., Chief Justice of Territory 124 Hempstead accompanies Major Long, A. D. 1817 82 Hennepin Louis, Franciscan mis- sionary, earlv life of If) Date or his first book 18, 19 Cnlii'isni (if first book 19 Di-preeiiites .lesnits 18 Mcels a Siinix war party 19 At the marsh below Saint Paul 19,20 22 At Falls of St. Anthony 16,22,24, 25 Denounced bv La Salle 19 Chaplain of La Salle 20 Kis false map 20 At Lake I'epin 22 Mak' s a dictionary 23 Baptizes an infant 23 Met by Du Luth 25 Career on return to Europe.. 25 His first and second book compared 26 Replies to objectors 27 Critic-isecl by D'lberville 28 Criii.Mseil by Father Gravier 28 His later da\s 28 Opinion of Jesuit Missions. .. 106 HennissC. J editor 122 Her,schell. Sir John, translates Schiller's song of Si mx Chief.. 68 Historical Society, first public meeting 119 Hobart, Kev.C 119 Holcomb.Capt. William 110 Hole-in-the-Day. the father, at- tacks the Sioux 103 Visits Fort Snellingin 1828... 103 Attacked hv Sioux .. 103 Visits FortSnel'ing in 1839... 103 Pursueil bv the Sioux 103 Hole-in-the-Day, Junior, attacks Sioux near St Paul 121 On steamboat above Falls of St. Anth..ny 121 Howe, earlv settler at Marine. . . 113 Hud.son's Bay visited^by Grosell- iei's 4, 5 By Radisson 5 By Capt. Zachary Gillam 5 Hugg'ins, Alexander, mission far- nfer.. 107 Hurons driven to Minnesota 2 Dwell with lowavs 2 Live on Isle of the Mississippi 2 Remove to sources of Black River 2 Unite with O^tawas at La Pointe 4 At War with the Sioux 4 Disastrous defeat 4 Retreat to Mackinaw 4 Indiana Territory, organized ... 73 Indians of Mississippi Valley, earliest cinnmunication about. 46 Upper Missouri, seeu by Ver- eiKlrye 00 Minnesota 104 loways, visited by Hurons 2 Visit Perroi at Lake Pepin. . 29 Mentioned 39, 42,43,44, 45 Iroquois, Virgin, her interces- sion sought bv Dn Luth 17 Isle, Pelee, of the Mississippi be- low St. Croix River 37 Isle Royal, copper in 1667, noticed 7 Itasca, orii;in of word 107 Jackson, Henry, early settler iu St. Paul 114, 115 Jemeraje, Sieur de la, witli the Sioux 56 Nephew of Verendrye 58 Explores to Rainy Lake... 68, 59 Prepares a map 58 PAGE Death of .59 Jesuit. Father Allouez 4 ('hardon .52 De donor 51 De la Chasse 51 GuigUils 51,54,55, 50 (iuvnnineau 51 Maripiette 5 Menai-d 2, 3 Messayer 58 Jesuit missions unsuccessful. ... 106 Jesuit missionaries promised the Sioux 51 Johnson, Parsons K 119 Joufiuiere, Governor of Canada. 60 Fort established 60 Juchereau at the mouth of the Wisconsin 48 Conciliates the Foxes 49 Judd, early seitler at Marine . . 113 Kalm, Professor, notices Veren- drye 59 Kaposia Chief requests a mis- sionary 114 Keel boats from Fort Snelling attacked 99, 100 Kennerman, Pike's sei'geant 76 Kertk, see Kirk Kickapoos, at Fort Perrot 30 Mention of 40,46,54, 56 Capture French from Lake Pepin 54 King, grandson of Carver 82 Kirk. Sir David Kirk, brother-in law of Radisson 1 Lac Vienx Desert 3 La Hontan. his early life 35 Book of travels 35 Arrives at Fort St. Joseph, on Lake Erie 35 Ascent of the Fox River 35 Descends the\VisC(Uisin River 35 Alleged voyage of the Long River 36 Pronoimced a fabrication, in 1716, bvBobe 36 Critii'ise'd b/ Charlevoix 36 Noticed bv Nicollet 36 Laidlow travels from Selkirk set- tlement to Prairie duChien — 91 ijiings wheat by boat to Pem- bina 91 At Fort Snelling 33 Lac qui Parle mission 109 Lake Calhoun, Indian farm es- tahli-hed 106 Lake Harriet, mission described 109 Lake i'epin, called Lake of Tears Described in A. D. 1700 41 Fort Perrot at 29 Fint Beauharnois at 53 Lake of the Oitawas 3 Lake Pokeguma Mission 109 Battleat 109 La Monde, a voyageur 10 l^anilsing, trader, killed 63 Lambert, David, early settler in St. Paul lis Lambert. Henry A,, early settler in St. Paul 119 LiiiKlade, of Green Bay, urges attack of Braddock 61 Near Lake George 62 La Pen iere, Sieur de, proceeds to Sioux country 31 Son of Pierre Boucher 51 Arrives at Lake Pepin 62 Builds Fort Beauharnois.. .. 62 His brother. Montbrun, cap- tured by Indians 53 La Place,a French deserter killed bv the Sioux 42 La Porte, see Louvigiiy. La Potherie describes Fort Per- rot, at Lake Pepin 29 Larnenieur, A., early settler at St. Paul ,---\:-y ""^ La Salle licensed to trade in buf- falo robes 10 Builds ship Griffin 10 His crew desert 10 Criticises Du Lutli 10, 18 His Pilot attempts to join Du- Luth 10 PAGE First to describe Upper Mis- sissippi 18 Describes Falls of Saint An- thony 19 Poor opinion of Hennepin 19 La Taupine, see Moreau. Laurence, Phineas, pioneer in St, Croix Valley 113 Leach, Calvin, a founder of Still- water 113 Lead mines on Mississippi 33 Described by Penicaut 34 Leavenworth, Colonel, establish- es Fort Snelling 90 Arrival at Mendota 91 Changes his cantonmeut.... 91 Relieved by Snelling 92 Le Due, Philip, robbed near nor- thern bnundaryof Minnesota.. 61 Legardeur, Augustine, associate of Perrot 32 See St. Pierre. Legislitnre, First Territorial, liieets Jan., 1849, officers of 119 Second Territorial, meets Jan.. 18,50. officers of 122 Third Territorial, meets Jan., 1852, officers of 124 Foui th Territorial,meets Jan. 1853. officers of 124 Filth Territorial, meets Jan., 18.54 officers of 128 Sixth Teriitiuial, meets Jan., 1855. officers of 126 Seven' h Territorial, meets Jan., 18i6. officers of 127 Eighlh Territorial, meets Jan., 1867, officers of 127 Special Territorial, 1857 127 First State 128 Leslie. Lt., command at Macki- naw 62 L'Huillier, Fort, why n.amed — 43 Le Maire, Jacques, killed by In- dians 11 Le Sueur, associated with Perrot 32 builds a Fort below Hastings 32 A relative of D'lberville ..37, 39 At Lake Pepin iu 1683 and 16K9 37, 40 At La Pointe of Lake Super- ior, 1692 -.... 37 Builds a Post below Hastings 37 Brings first Sioux chief to Montreal 37, 83 Visits France 38 Encouraged bv Frontenac... 39 Arrives in Gulf of Mexico... ^9 Asceodsihe Mississippi 39 Passes Perr.a's lead mines... 40 Meets deslitnte Canadians... 40 At the Kiver St. Croix 42 Builds Fort LHiiillier 43 Holds a council with the Sioux 44 Returns to Gulf o-f Mexico 45, 74 Sails with D'lberville to France 45, 74 wibhey, Washington, pioneer at St. Croix Falls 113 Lignerv, commands at Mackinaw 50 At Fort Duquesue 61 Liuctot, commander at Macki- naw 51 Pursues th-- Foxes 5J Little Crow, Sioux chief goes in 1824 to Washington 95 Long, Major Stephen H., tour to Falls of St. Anthony, A. D 1817 82 At Wapashaw village 82 Describes Sioux bear dance.. 83 Burial place 83 Kaposia village '■S Carver's cave 84 Fountain ciive 84 St. Anthony Falls 85 Opinion of the site of Fort Snelling •■•;,.■ r ^ Arrives at Fort Snelling, A. D. 1823 ■ • 91 Loomis, Capt. Gustavus A., U. y \ 108 Eliza marries Lieut. Ogden.. lOi 700 INDEX. PAGE Loomis. D. B.,early settler of St. Croix Valley 122 Loras, Bishop o£ Dubuque 109 Louisiana, transfer of 73 Loiiviu:nY. Sieur de, escorted to Mackinaw bv Perrot 33, 50 His reception as commander 33 K^callcd 50 Ex)iedition against tlie Foxes 50 T.owrv, Svlvanus. earlv settler.. 127 Macalesler College . .". 125 Macli\ Falls 112 Jlap bv Franciuelin indicates Du Luth's explorations 9 Tlie Indian Ochagach 87 De Ih .lemeraye 87 Verenrtrv e 87 Marest. James Joseph. Jesuit missionary, signs the piipers taking possession of the Upper Mississippi 38 Letter til Le Sueur 38 Commends Louvigny 50 Opinion of the Moux 61 Marin, Lanianiue de, French oflicer 00 In command at Green Bay... 61 I,t. .Marin attacks English .. 62 Marine, earl\ •settlers at 1!2 Marriages at Fort Snelling 102, 108, no Marshall, Hon. W. K.. mentioned, 115. 126 Marciuelte. Jesuit missionary at La Piiinte . 4 Man in. Abraham, pilot 1 Ma>koutens mentioned 37 At Fort Perrot. 30 Massacre Island. Lake of the Woods, origin of tlie name 59 MeCiiilis. Hugh. N. W.Co. Agent, Leech Lake — 78 McOrpgor, English trader, ar- rested 15 McKay, trader fnun Albany 63 Lt. Col. William, attacks Prairie du Chien 81 JIcKean, Elias, a founder of Still- w.ater lis McKenzie, old trader 87 McKusiek, J. a founder of Still- water 113 McLean. Nathaniel, editor 119 McLeiid, Maitin, exposed tosnow storm 102 Speaker of council in 1853 124 Menard Kene, Jesuit missionary letter of 2 Among the Ottawa-sof Lake Superior 3 Attempted visit to Hurons, in Wisconsin 3 Lost in the marshes or killed 3 Said to have been on the Mis- sissippi before Joliet and Maripiette 3 Medary, Governor, Samuel 127 Meeker, B. B., Territorial Judge, 118, 119 Messaver, Father, accompanies the Verendrye expedition 58 Miami Indians visited by Perrnt. 30 Ask for a trading post on Mis- sissippi 33 Mention of 38,46, 44 Mill, in Minnesota 93, 98 Milie Lacs Sioux visited by Du lAith 9 Hennepin 22 Minnesota, meaning of the word 116 River, first steamboat in 122 Historical Society 119 Territory, proposed bounda- ries 115 PAGE Remonstrance against 115 Vaiious names proposed 115 Convention at Stillwater 115 ■When org.anized 117 First election 118 First Legislature 118 counties organized 119 Seal of 120 Recognized as a State 128 Mitcliell, Alexander M., U. S. Marslial 118 Caiulidate for Congress 125 Missions. Jesuit 5, 16, 106 Mission Stations, Mackinaw 106 La Poiute 107 Leech Lake 107 Yellow Lake 107 Lake Harriet 108 Lac-i|Ui parle 109, 111 Pokegiima 109 Kaposia Ill Traverse de Sioux Ill Sliakpav Ill Oak Grove Ill Red Wing Ill Missionaries, Rev. Alvan Coe, visits Fori Snelling 107 Frederick Aver 107 W. T. Binitwell 107 E. F. Elv.iteacher) 109 Mr. Denton Ill Sherman Hall 107 Daniel Gavin Ill Joim F. Ait>. Eev.Siiiiuiel.intBrestedin the Carver rl:iini 70,61, 9G Petnns, see Humns. Phillips, W. U., early lawyer at St. Paul 116, 119 Pieard, see Aiitrelle. Pig's Eye, niarsli lielow St. Paul, 113 Origin of name 114 Pike, tt. Z. M.. U. S. army at Praiue rtu Ohien 74 Council with Sioux at mouth of M innesnta 74 Address to Indians 74 Treaty for sites for military posts 75 Description of Falls of St. An- thony 75, 76 Lo- 1 tl;'tK liiought hack 76 Klock house at Swan Kiver.. . 77 Visited hv Dickson 77 At Cass or Ked Cedar Lake . . 77 At Sandy Lake 77 At Leecli Lake 78 Oiders tlie British flag to be hnnleddown 78 At Dicksons trading post 78 Confers with Sioux at Minne- sota river 78 Parses Kaposia village 78 Conferswith LittleCrow 78 Pinclion, see Penensha. Pinchon. Fils de. Sioux chief, confers with Pike 78 Pond, Rev. G. H., assists in hnry- ing iilauglilered Sioux..- 103 I ditor of Dahkotah Friend.. 122 Interpreter at treaty of 1851. 124 Pond, Kev. SdUiuel W., notifies the agent of a si.iux war party 103 Erecti the first house of >aw- ed lumber in the Minnesota Valley 107 Prepares a Sioux spelling book 108 Grammar Ill Porlier, trader near Sauk Rapids 76, 78 Poupon, Isadore, killed by Sisse- ton Sioux 92 Prairie du Chien described by C rver 64 Duringwarof 1812-1815 SO Fort sbelljy at 80 ftlcKav at 81 Bi itish ollicers at 81 Prescott, Philander, early life. 91 Provencalle. loyal to America In war of 1812 81 Quinn, Peter 103 Kaclos, Madeline, wife of Nicho- las Perrot 34 Radisson, Marguerite 2 Radisson, Sieur, early life and marriage 2 Second marriage 2 Brother-in-law of GroselUers 2 Visits the Sioux. 2 Sails with Capt. Gillam to Hudson's Bay 5 Rae, Dr., Arctic explorer at St. Paul 124 Ramsey, Hon. Alexander, first Governor 117 Guest of H H. Sibley at Men- doia 118 Becomes a resident of St. Paul 118 Holds Indian council at Fort Snelling 121 First message Randin, visits e>treniity of Lake Superior 110 Kavoux, Rev. A., Sioux mission- ary 109 Reaume, Sieur, interpreter 52 Ked Kiver of the North, men- tioned 87 Why called «7 Fort Rouge on 87 Scotch settlers at 87 Rival trading companies 87 Swiss immigrants to 89 PAGE Renville, Josepli, mention of 7G. 109 Renville, .lohn 109 Repulilican convention at St. Anthony 126 Rice, Hoii ITenry M., stnps to or- ganize .Minnesota Territory 115, 116 Moves to St. Paul 118 Elected to Congress 125. 126 IT. S. Senator 128 Richards, F. S., trader at Lake Pepin 117 RIggs, Rev. S. R., Sioux mission- ai v, letier of Ill Interpreter at treaty of is.'il . . 123 Kohliinette, pioneer in St. Croix Valley 112 Robertson. Daniel A., editor 124. 125 Rocky M"untauis discovered by Verendrye 60 Roeqiie or Roque. A., at Wapa- shaw 117 Rogers, Captain, at Ticonderaga. fi2 In charge at Mackinaw.. 02. 6G Skirnii>ih with lUirantave ... C2 Alluded tobv Sir W. .lohnson 69 Rolette. Jo.-eph Sr., in the Bri'- ish service 81 Rolette, .losHph Jr. 127 Roseboom. EiiL-lish trader, ar- rested near Mackinaw 15 Roseboimi, trader at Oi een Bay. 63 Kosser. ,J. T., Secrelary of Terri- tory 125 Ronville, Hertel de, French offi- cer 51 Russell. .Jeremiah, pioneer in St. Croix Valley 109,112 Marriage of 113 Sagard, in 16.36 notices Lake Su- perior copper 7 Saint Anthonv Express, first pa- per beyond St. Paul 123 Saint Aiilhnny Falls, Suspension bridge over 12C Described by earlv explorers '...19,24,25, 75,76, 85 Governmeiit mill at S)3, 94 Saint Croix county organized — 114 Court in 114 Saint Croix River, origin of name 42 112 Du Luth first explorer of 112 Fovt on. spoken of bv Belliu. 112 Pitt and paitv cut lumber... 112 Pi(M)eers in valley <t the Hur"ns 4 Described by Father Allouez 4 Attack Indians at La Pointe 4 Peculiar language of 4 Described in A. f>. 1671 4 Attacked at Sanlt St. Marie . . 6 Villages visited bv Du Lutli.. 9 Described bv Cadillac 16 Meet Accault and Henne- pin 19, 20 Words mentioned by Henne- pin 21,22, 27 Of MilleLacs 22 Offering at Falls of St. An- thony 26 Visited by Grosellier and Radisson Nicholas Perrot 29 Described by Perrot 3t Maiitantans 32 Meaning of the word It4 Different Imids of 104 Med-dav-wah-kawn-twawn villages 104, 105 Warpaykutay division of 105 Warjiay t wawns 105 See-eetwawns 105 Dictionary commenced ill Friglitened by burning bran- dy 30 Mantantaws 32, 44 Sisselons 32 Mpdaywahkauntwauns.....32, 43 Oujalespoitons 43, 44 Assinehoines, cause of sepa- ration 4.'5 War party arrested by Perrot 33 The to visit Montreal .... 37 Chiefs speech to Frontenac. 38 Chief's death at Montreal 38 War party against tlie Illi- nois 39. 40 Eastern and Western des- cribed 48 Chief visits Fort L'Huillier .. 43 In council with Le Sueur 44 Binds of. A. I). 1700 45 Attack Miainis 48 Visited bv Jesuits 51 A foil to the Foxes 65 Attack convoy of Verendiye, Deputation visit Quebec .. .. 57 Dei)utation visit English at Green Bay 63 Bands described by Carver. . 65 Chiefs speech described by Carver. 67 Chiefs speech versified by Schiller G7 Language, Carver's views on, 69 Chief, Orignal Leve, Pike's friend 75, 81 Formerly dwelt at Leech Lake 78 Bear Dance described by Long 83 Sisseton murderer brought to Fort Snelling 92 In council with Ojibways 94 702 INDEX. PAGE Sioux DeleRation in A. D. 1824, go to Wasliinu'ton 95 Kill Ojibwavs. A. D., 1826, near Fort Snelling 98 Kill in 1-827 98 Delivered by Col, Snelling.. . 99 Executed by Ojibways 99 Killed by Ojiuways, April 1838 103 War witli Ojibways in 1839 . 103 Attack Lake f okeguma band in 1841 110 Avf attacked in 1842 ill War partv of Sioux at Apple Kiver, 1850 121 Kill H teamster 123 Treaties of 1851 123 Attacked in St. Paul by Ojib- ways 125 Simpson, early settler in St. Paul 114 Slaves, African, in Minnesota 97 Sniitli. C. K., first Secretary of Territorv 118, 119 Snelling, Col. Josiah, arrives at Fort Snelling 92 Censured by General Gaines. 97 Delivers Sioux assassins to Ojibways 99 Hastens with Keel boats to Fort Crawford 100 Deatli of 101 Tribute to 101 W. .Josepli, son of Colonel career of 97 Author and poet 97 Pasquinade on N. P. Willis.. 98 Death of 98 Steamboat arrivals at Fort Snell- insrtu close of 182(i 97 Virginia fiist at F'ort Snelling 93 First to Falls of .St. Anthony 121 Above 121 In Minnesota Kiver 122 Steele, Franklin, pi^'neer in St. Croix ^■alley 112, 113 At Stillwater convention 1848 115 of Grand Jury ... 119 Stevens, Kev. .J. D 106,108 Stillwater, battle between Sioux and Ojibways 103 founders of 113 Noiiceof by Boutwell 114 Convention at in 1848 - 115 Scalp dance in 121 Land slide ill I8.i2 124 Stratton, pioneer in St. Croix Valley 112, 113 PAGE Stoddard, Capt. U. S. A Stuart. Robert, at Mackinaw, in- fluence of 106 Swiss emigrants, at Red River. . . 89 Swartz, Andrew, teamster, killed by Sioiix 123 Taliaferro. Maj. Lawrence, agent for the Sioux, notice of 91 Letter to Leavenworth . . 92 Takes Indians to Washing- ton, A. D.. 1854 95 Talon, intendant of Canada, re- fers to (iroselliers .. .... G Refers to Lake Superior cop- per 7 Tanner, John, stolen from his parents 88 Became an Indian chief — 88 Discovered by Earl of Sel- kirk 88 Suspected of Murder 88 James, son of John 88 Troublesome and deceitful .. 88 Tannery for Buffalo skins 46, 48 Taylor, .Tesse B.. pioneer in St. Croix Valley 112 Joshua L 118 N. C. D., Speaker House of Representatives 18.54 126 Teeoskahtay, Sioux chief first in Montreal 37 Speech to Governor Fron- tenac 38 His death in Montreal 39, 44 Tegahkouita, Catlicrine, the Iroquois virgin 17 Terry, Elijah, murdered by Sioux at Pembina 124 Thompson, David, geographer, N. VV Co 78 Tonty, Henry, with Du Luth at Kiagava 15 Cousin of Du Luth 16 Traders forbidden to enter the Simix country 48 Treaties of 1837 with Sioux and Ojibways 112 Tiu'tle, C." A., at Falls of St. Croix 112 XJnivirsity of Minnesota creii'.ed 122 Van Cleve, Gen. H. P 90 Charlotte Ouisconsin, wife of Gen 90 Paper by 95 Varennes, Pierre Gualtier, see Verendrye Vercheres, in command at Green Bay 61 PAGE Verendrye. Sieur, early life of... 58 At Lake Nepigon 58 Obtains an Indian ,Map 58 Expedition west of Lake Su- peri(u- 58 A son killed by Sioux 59 Anpphewdies 59 Sons of, reach Rocky Moun- tains 59 Return to Lake of the Woods 95 Superseded... 59 Restined 59 Death 59 Chevalier, notice of 59 Sieur Jr., .accompanies St. Pierre .59, 61 Wahkautape, Sioux chief visits Le Sueur 43, 44 Wahmatah, Sicux chief 95 AVait. L. H 119 Wakefield, John A 116 AVales. \V. \V 127 Washington visits St. Pierre 60 Welch, W. H., Chief Justice of Ten itl Building materials .' 386 Business Colleges 445 Byrnes. William I'je 34" Campbell, Prof. G 443, 482 Cand\ factories 420] 583 Carriage factories 417 Carver, Jonathan 168, 169 Cavalry companies 207 I'AGE 167 TO 187. PAGE Champlin, town of 298 Champion, village 300 Chnsk a. (Indian) 135 Chowen. Wm. S 184,239, 243 Christian Association."! 460 Chii.stnias, Charles W..183, 186, 247 „,■■••, 366.374 Churches 453 Church first organized 171 Chute's cave 3gg Cigai faciories 425 City man et 493 City Property 496 Climate 182 Clothing, wholesale 4'>3 Colville. Col. William 155, 205 Commissioners, county 186 Constitutional convention 184 Cooperage 390, 412 Corcoran, Patrick B 187,317, 320 Corcoran, town of 317 Cornell. Judge F. K. E.,..181, 487, 532 Cotton mills 415 County officers 180 Conns and Bar of Hennepin county, by Judge Isaac At- water 485 Crooks, Col. William 146,151, 196 Crystal Lake, town of 278 Cumberland, c'ty of 270 Dana.N. J. T 133,134, 372 Da.Moii, town of 302 Dayton, village 304 Dean, Joseph, 176, 183, 186,222,225 .')58 Department of Dakota 162 Directory, township Dow, John Ware 177 '>78 Downie.Col. Mark W ' o^ Donnelly. Hon. Ignatius 132, l4o Druids. U. A. O. of 44;) Dry goods 4.)! Dugas. William 177, 183, 305 Early settlers 17-2 Eatonvdle 510 Eden Prairie, tow n of 231 Educath>n 182 4.36 Eight Reg. Minn. ■\'ol. Inf 199 Eleventh 203 Elevators 3<,g Equal Kights Association '.'.'. 174 Ewing.'Wm.M 216 ''18 '»' Excelsior, town of ' ' 047 i'.'llage 251 Pioneer Association 24s Explosion, mills, 1878 3!)i Farmersville 278 Fence works 409 Ferries ami bridges ' 3159 Fii-st Battallion Infantry 204 Light Artilierv ')|o First Keg. Minn. Vol. Inf 188 1" ourth 104 Fifth ;;•• 195 First Reg. Heavy Artillery 205 Mounted Ranger 'oS Flandrau. Hon.C. E.. 141, 167, 185, 488 Fletcher, Dr. Hezekiah. 183, 373, 486 494 Flour first shipment..!...!.'.'!;;' 390 E.^POit 393 Mills 389 FoIwell.Col. Wm. W 443 Fort Saint Anthony 153 Snelling ." 161.171, 174 Reserve bought is2 Corner stone ic3 Reserve sold mj Present reserve 164 Situation ng Freemasons 452 Furniture 4i'3' 425 Findley, Samuel 175' 359 lire department 4!)o' 564 Fireman's R. lief Association... 492 Gaslight companies 43.1 Gear.Rev.E.G " 3^5 German Home, township 280 Geology jgn Gibson, Reuben R 176, m, 223 Gideon, Peter M 181 254 Gilfillan.Col. James B.... 155, 203! 488 (ilove factories 419 C.odfley. Ard., 177. 346, 361,367,494 .552 (>ooiirich. Samuel A... . IS3 ■">' 228 Gorham. David. I8.3. 186, 334, 341. 362 Gorman, Col. Willis A., 132, 174, I88 4g7 Government mill 177 Greenwood, city of 312 Town of 3J1 Groceries, wholesale 422 Half bleeds ica Halsted, Frank William ;; 257 Hamliuig, township 270 Harrisburg, townsiie 288 Hassan, town of 307 Townsite 300 Hatch, Maj. E. A. C 147, 153, 208 Harvester W(Mks 411 Hed.ierly. Edwin 183,374,486, 559 Hennepin county- Boundaries 179 Oiganized... 1^2 Omcial record 183 Agricultural society 177 Heniupiii, Father Louis 169 Hennepin, townsite 231 Hiiks. Heni\ G., 185, I86, 488, 534, 562 Hoag, Charles 174. igg 219, 374 Hotchkiss, Capt. Wni. A 134 o|o Hole-in-the-Day, (Indian),.. 362, 368 „■■■ , .>40 Hotels 497 Hull. Stephen 'i'7'6' 347 Huy. Geo. E 186,373, 568 625 Indian battles 170 Indian tieaties 162 170 Independence, town of ' 262 Independent, battalion cavalry. 208 Indust liana, townsite 288 Insurance companies 430 Iron manufactories 405 Island water power company 414 Jackins. John.. .173, 183, 186,373, 475 John Other Day (Indian) 138 Jones. Ednin Smith 186,488. 572 Kindergarten schools 446 Kiiiff, Col. William S 344, 480 Kittson, Norman W iro 367 Kiii.kerliacker, Rev. D. B....476' 578 Knights of Honor 450 Knights of Pythias ; 448 Knights Templar 4.55 La w ye rs .....,.,.. 485 Le B'outillier. Chas. \V... 184, 188 200 Le Count, Antoine 320 Legislature, state 183 Lester, Col. Henry C 133, 193 Light Artillery 910 Little Crow 1 Indian), 142, 150, 154, 368 Loan Associations' 430 Lumber product '.'.'.,' 400 Lyndale farm ' 345 Lynde, James W isg 159 INBEX. 705 Maoalpstpv Collpcp 443 IVhipof H»iiiicj)iii pdiintj', opp. . I M:i|ilp Cmvf. tinvn (if 322 Waiile Plain. vill;ige 2(14 Marhlp works 416 Miirsliall. Hdii, William K., 146. !.% 1.17. 1R.1, 3fil, 3fi4, 377 442 Mar-hall, inwiisliip 299, .104 Masonic socip lips 4.'i2 Mai tress aclinies 41.'i M<-Larpn, R. N 1.51, 207 McLeod. Martin.... 175, IS.S. 222. 227 Mc^air, W. \V 186.487, 494 MrPhaiil.Ciil. Sanuiel.. H6, 149, 20.5 Mpilifal sociplies 4.34 Morticine Lake, township 331 Meclina, town (if 268 Meeker, Judge Bradley B., 17.5, 185 36J. 48S Midrilingi pnrifiers 545,5.55 Militarv ennipanies 433 Miller. Col. Stephen. 151, 1.53, 154, 1<» Miller's Association 398 Mills, finnr 394 BnildiiiK 389 Explosion 391 Fiinii-liers 405 Old Government 177 Minneapolis— Atlienseiim 4.35 Citvof .357 Official Koster 383 Fire department 490 Incorporated 378 Mill eomiiany 39t Police force 493 Postolfice 494 St. Anthony, united 378 S. hools 4.37 Mineralogy 181 Mining coiiipiinies 433 Minnesota River, navigated 178 Minnetonka, town of 238 Village 240 Minnetrista 2.57 Missionaries, early 168 Monnd builders 167, 671 Mounted Rangers, First Reg 205 Mosseaux. Charles 340 Munch, Capl. Kmil 134, 210 Natural Science Academy 435 Nav'gation, abi>ve Falls 178 Minnesota river 178 Neill, Rev. Edward D 188, 365. 444 467, 470, 472, 600, 635 New process milling . 393 Newspapers 573 Ninth Reg. Minn. Vol, Jnf. .. 200 North. John W., 486.489,499,183, 364 Northrup, Anson, 185,664,375,488, 497, 606 Odd Fellows 447 Official Roster— Counly 186 liegisl'ature 183 Judicial 185 Oil companies 419 PACE Olmstead. David 176 Opera Houses 498 Os.s,-.. J94 Paper I'ox factories 4ls Paper mill- 414 PerUinsville. townsite 203, 270 Peteler. Capt. Francis 1.33,205 Peircp. Til mas W ..174,184,341, 351 Pike. Prof. \V. A 443 I'ike. Lieut. Zeluilnn M 162 Pihsburv, Hon, John S., 159. 160, 184 443. 481 499, 613 Plaiunemills 404 Plow works 411 Plyniouili. town of 328 Townsite 332 Police force 493. .566 Pond, Rev. (iideon H., 169, 174, 183 22-', 227. 2.32 468 Pond. Rev. S 169 Port'ai d, t' wiisite 304 Post offi'-". Minneapolis 491 Powel-, John F 313 Pres.'i tl. Philander ....173, 213, 340 Piivate ipsi(h-nces 498 Piilili.- hui'dings 498 PuMic Halls 498 Public schools, Minneapolis 4,37 Quiun, Peter 175,222,359 Mrs. Mary Louisa 226 Railroads 179. 428 Eailioail .shipments 179 Ramsey, 1 on. Alexander, 131, 134 145. 153. 178 2 7 Regimental Rosters 188 Rice, Hon. Edmund 160. 176. 487 Rice. Hon. Henrv M., 147, 156, 176, 377 Riclifiehl. town of 212 Richland, township 213 Riggs, Rev. Stephen R...138, 169, 172 Eoirer process, flouring 392 Rollins. Capt. John. 178. 180, 183, .365 308, 402. 487. 494,. 531, 622 531 Russell, Lieut. J. B. F I.33, 177 Russell, R.P 176,359,369, 487. 530 622, 024 Russell. Capt. Wm. F 184, 2o5 Saint Albans, townsite 219 .Saint Anthony — City incorporated 369 ( )lticial Roster 380 Falls 169 Falls, power 178, 388 Improvement 388 Minneapolis, united 378 Town of 3.53 Sanborn, Gen. John B... 132.134, 194 Sash, door and blind factories... 404 Satterlee. Rev. W. W 435 Saw mills, flrst in state 163 Sawmills Minneapolis 401 Schoids, .Minneapolis city 436 SclUiols. ]iai()i-liial 465, 479 Second Iteiiiiiieiit Cavalry 207 Minn. Vol. Inf 191 Sixth 196 Seventh 199 PAGE Settlements exiended 176 Sewerage 386 Sharp -hooters 2o5 Shaver. James 176.216 Sheldon. Kev. Charles B., 1S4, 180. -im Sihlp>.Hon. Henrv H., 171.176.129 1.30, 145. 1.50. 162, 366 517 Sisieihood of Bethany 6,50 Smith. Albee. 186,225 Suplling. Col. Josiah 163 Soap factoiies 419 .Si'Cieties 447 foil 181. S ate fruit faun 250 Sieanibnal. at Falls 178 Steele. Franklin, liis, 174, 177, 185, 216 358, 364. .369, 488. 494 63S Stevens. C(d. Ji hn H.. 147. 173, 171 183. 186. 248. 3152. 371, 481 637 Stevei s. Ri v. J. D 171 Stevens. Simon 176. 238 Suive woiks 405 Stieels and avenues ;'88 Siront. Capt. Rich'd, 147, 186, 213, .502 Taopi. (Indian) 1.50 Tapjicr.Capl. John,. .177, 352, 369, 375 Telegiaphsand Tele|ihones 431 Temnerani'e societies 461 Tenth Reg. Minn. Vol. Inf 193 Tliird 20a Third Batlerv. Light Artillery,.. 211 Thonms. Col. Mmku-T '1.51.199 Tnttle. Calvin A., 173, 176, 184, 238, 361 370. 373 499 Underwood, A. J 185,205 Univeisitv of Minnesota, by P(es. VVm.W. E^ilwell 439 Van Cleve, Col. Horatio P., 1.3.3, 134 191, 468 494, 648 Van Cleve, Charlotte O 648 Vanderburg, Hon. Chas. E., 185, 470 487 488 Vegetation 181 Vovagenrs I68 Wabasha. (Indian) 1.50 War record. Hennepin countv... 188 Walker, Maj L. C '147, 184 Walker, Prof. Versal J 443 Washburn, Hon. William D., 181, 475 .481, 654 Watkins, Samuel 176 Water power companies 40O Water works, city 490 Waterville, townsite 304 Wa\ zata. village of 210 Welles, Henry T., 175, 367, 370, 378 379 404.472,476 .' (>55 Wholesale trade : 421 Wilkin. Col. Alexander, 151, 155, 2<'0 231 Williamson, Rev. Thomas S., 138, 171 468 Wilson. Eugene M 185, 2 6, 469 Workmen, A. O. U. society 449 Young, James D 314, .378 Young. Judge A. H 185, 662 Zoology, 182 45 706 INDEX. INDEX KAMES. PA6K Abbott, Hiram 176, 231 Abel, Heniv 325 Abel. Herman 502 Abeit. James W 163 Abraham, J. P 184 Acker, William H 132, 134 Adams, A, S 346 Adams, C. F 185 Adams, William 346 AdODCk, Kobert 319 Aitkin, R. M 347 Albaiish.D. W... 186, 214 Alden.A. M 602 AUIrich. Cyrus 184,494 Allan, .lames M 602 Allen, C 186 Allen, Z.O i)02 Allen, J. H 184 Allini;, E. T 187 Allison, A 347 AUwort 1), J. C 502 Ames. Dr. A. A 190, 602 Ames, Dr. Alfred Elisha, 174, 185, 373 377, 4H4 600 Ames, Charles G 186,379, 471 Ames, Eli B ,'iOl Ames, Ezra B 501 Ames, GeorueF 313 Ames.Orville 222 Ancel,J.L 228 Anderson, Andrew 503 Andersun.C. P ' 603 Anderson. Daniel 185 Anderson, C.H 603 Anderson. James 234 Anderson, John H 234 Anderson, Capt. Joseph 149 Anderson, Kobert 233 Anderson, William 231 Angell,A. O .325 Anuell, Henry 177 Ankeny, A. T 503 Ankein, W. P 185, 603 Ankenv, W. S 503 Appleby, John F 604 Areh>-r, James 284 Archibald. A. K. C 608 Archibald, David 272 Archibald, William 272 Armstrou);, .lolin A 186 Armstrong, Solon ,'i04 Arnell, John H 604 Ariioldv, Jolin 505 Arnoldy, Peter 505 Aronson. B 601 Asleson. K 505 Astrope. Henry 26i Atkinson. Uev. Lewis 298 Atwater. F. A 505 Atwater, Judge Isaac, 186. 367, 375 476. 480 499 Anslin. A.C: 184 Austin. EzraH 505 Ausiin. (iov. Horace 157,168 Austin, L. A 252 Avdt,Ciiarles 304 Babb, E. C 605 Babcock, E. A...., 262 Babcoek, P. M 186. 488 Baehner. E. & B 505 Bacluis. iMiss Electa 182 Bap'ev, George 506 Bailey, A.C 272 Bailev, Ale.xis 183 Bailev, F 48R Biird, George W 216 JJaird, W. J 215 r.\OE Baker.B. F 175 Baker, Howard 137 Baker, Gen. James H 151, 202 Baker, S. Harlan ...180, 5i'G Baldwin, G. P 184 Baldwin, Mark l"6 Baldwin, E.J 184 Ball. Miner 506 Ball. Kichard 261 Barbt-r, Daniel R 506 Barber, Ed. C ,606 Bard well. Charles S 507 Barge. Jacob 507 Barker, D. H 5t.7 Barker, S 507 Barkow, Charles 273 Barnabv. E. G 507 Barnard, B. B 186 Barnard . Thomas G 507 Barnes, E. S 273 Barnes. S 272 Biirnum. John T 607 Barrows. F. C 507 Barrows, W. M 50S Bartholomew. R, L 184, 213 Barton, Hon. Ara 159 Bartow, Robert W 242 Bartow. Samuel 187, 242 Basselt, Daniel 185 Bassctt, Fred 187 Bassett, Joel B., 183, 186, 374, 486, 480, 490 Bassett, R.P 183 Baston, .\. H 213 Bates, G.H ,608 Bates, Erastns N 184 Bates, John W 508 BausMian. A. I. .608 Baxter. James 608 Baxter. John 185, 303 Bayer, J. D 273 Baver, John ,5o8 Bazlev, T. T 228 Beal,A. H 509 Bean, Keuhen .372 Bean, Stephen 269 Beaumoni. J. Flanders . .. 509 Becker. Jacob ,609 Beebe, Franklin ISG, 488, r^m B' email, E. P 249 Beers. H. H 252 Bell.S. N ,609 Benireke, Dr, Karl .609 Benjamin. F .610 B>-nnei. Webster 510 Bennett, S. J 510 Benson, Jared 184 Benson, A. H 187 Benton, C. Henrv 510 BeiUon.Col. R. C 510 Bereiis. Peter 273 Berg, John 281 Bermann. A 610 Bernstein. W 347 Berry, A.C 493. .610 Berry, Frederick G 51 1 Berry, John 341, 5lo Berry, Jonathan C 611 Bertram, Ge'Uge 176, 24S Bickford, Daniel 4S6 Bidwell. IC. L 511 Bidwell. Herman 510 Biggs, L 611 BiglyG. W 511 Bills, Aiden P 273 Biidwell, J. W 511 Bishop, Jesse 184 PAGE Black, H.(' .. 296 Black. Mahlon 186 Blaisdell. Robert 347 Blaisdell. Robert Jr 347 Blaisdell. William 347 Blake. John D 158 Blakelv. David 511 Blakeman. .\. B 187 HIakeman. I, V.N ,612 Blakeman. William 512 BlfCken.C. H 186 Blitz. Adolpli 512 Blodgett. Samuel F 218 Blood. J. W 512 Blonstein. L 512 Blowers.C.W 187 Bf-ardman, C. N 512 Bnardman. W. M 512 Bode, .\. H 612 Bnflferriing. .Tohn 613 Bofferding, Nicholas 513 Bnlian,T. \l 513 Biihanon, John C 278, 281 Bdton. X. H 513 Bonto\,S 513 Bonionr, A 252 Booth, J. E 216 Borgesrode, Rudolph 134, 195 Bortlnvick, Alexander 307 Bornp. Charles W 366 Bostwick. Lardner 186, 485, 513 Bosworth. W. W 518 Bottineau, Pierre.... 175. 367, 294, ,329 359, 513 Boucher, Octave 320 Boucher, Peter 273 Bonglitini. H. H 281 Boutell, M.C 518 Boweii. Millard F 518 Bowman, Geo. D 374, 379 Bowman. J. K 347 Boyd.Ceo.Jr 209 Brackelt, Maj. A. B 207 BrHckett, Ge .. ,4. 491 Kiackett. H. H 493 Biaekett, W. M 491, 618 Bradlev, James F 184 Braescii. Christopher 333 Brandon. J. D 266 Branii. T. A 618 BiHii, Frank 243 Bien. Joseph 242 Brewster, Joel 187, 213 Briggs. E. C 519 BriL'gs, J. H 325 Brigham. Levi 288 Brighain. William 519 Brilev. Sainnel 266 Brimmer. Dr. F. H 519 Brimmer. W. D 304 Brisselt. Kdniond 341 Bristol. Wanen 183, 186. 373 Broad. E 519 Brohaiigh. Ole 620 Brookin-i. G. W 2S1 Brooks. Rev. David 519 Brooks. Jabez D. D 519 Brooks. William 325 Brossean, Mrs. Margaret 228 Biouillette. J. B 521 Brown. Baldwin 18.6, 520 Brown. Beiij. J 493, 520 Brown, C. I) 521 Brown, F. D 521 Brown. (i.W 213 Brown. Isaac 183, 186, 489 Brown, James A 235 INDEX. 707 PA OR Blown, ,1. H 521 Brown, J, AI 521 Blown.. Toll II 228 Brown, Joseph R 340 Brown, Maj. Joseph R.. 149, 173, 212 359 Brown, Lvnian 185 Kr..wn, M. D ...3-17 Brown, Nathaniel 235 Brown, Otis, H 289 Blown, Seni'oa 296 Brown, llioinas ■ 359 Brown, W. VV 521 Brown, Z-hira E .521, 5.5B Bryant, James 180, 201, 521 Bryant, Robert K I80 Br\ant, TlnniiasC 24.i Bryant, William V 231 Bnckeiulorf, Henry 522 BncUeiiilorf, William , ,522 Bndl, W. W 265 Biieli, U. L 159 Bnerteiiiiig, Martin .5'/2 Btn;bee,G.O 512 Bnll, James A 2U, 210 Biirch. A. D 2.53 Burelifteld, A 273 Bnrcliliekl, C. »V 273 Bur;;, Aflain 355 Bnixeois, John 2:i8 BnrUe, Edward 522 Burrell, I.. VV 522 Burroni;h's, Ira 177 Biirwell, William E 522 Bnselijost, Louis 523 Bnsli, Krederielc 2lG Bnsliiiell, C. K 522 Bntier, .Vlansou ti 213 Butler, B.E 523 Buttolph, F. G .523 Bntier, (i. S ,523 Butler, H. C .523 Butler, Levi 185 Bntier, VV. E 523 Buxton, I". J .523 Byrnes, James 523 Byrnes, Win 186, 347 Byrnes, datherine 347 Cahill, VV. f 524 (lain, .(allies 524 Cain,T. H 524 Calladine, James .524 Camp, Arthur A 524 Cain|), (ieor^e A 185 199 Camp, Rev. J. J 205 Camp, Lieut 173 Oampnell, A. J., half breed. 150 Campbell, ,Iolin AIeK 624 Campbell. L. K 273 Cauney, Joseph H 174 177 Canney, T. J ;>i Cantieny, Casper .525 Capron, I'haddeus C 289 Carpenter, H. M 620 Carpenter. Nathaniel Sen 353 CaritJii, William iVl 525 Carr, (1. C 528 Carr, L. S 525 Carlin, E.J 525 Carinau, Frank 261 Carman, John 259 Carey, John 216 Carlson. Lewis 548 Caroii, Octave 325 Carson, Elijah 253 Carver, Joualhaa 108 Case, Emauuel 374 Case, E. D 525 Case, riweet W 185 488 Cate, W. W 183 Cates, Ceo. VV 525 Cauvet, E C 524 Cavanangli, John 236 CliartwicK, William 228 Chaffee, .\lleii B 2s5 Chalt'ee, James F 195 520 Chamber-i, Tliomas 377 Chambers, William 176 222 Chamiierlain, Kev. J. S 2.50 470 Chamberlain, W. H 5-.'6 Chaniplin, O. R 326 Chanipion, W. B £,20 Chandler. E. H 289 Chaudounet, liev. Z. L 526 ru ,. X P.\GE Chant. James .527 Chapman, C.B 186 Charlton, llavid 186 Chase, C. C 217 Chase. C. L ' 184 Chase, Capt. Dudley. P 205 (•hascJohuN iss Chas», Capt. Jonathan 184, 200 Chase, Josiah H .527 Chaska. dudiani isg ChastMck, .lohn M 243 ge A. (i ...185,488, .532 Cheever, Win. A 177, 361 Chilson, Vat igj Chilstrom, P. O ige Cnilstroin.C. E 527 Cliipman. S. P 089 Chittenden, E. H 527 Clioweii, Geo. W 186,489 Choweii, Joseph H 243 Cliowen, Willi iin S 184, 239, 213 (Christian, .(. A 627 Christian. Llexellyn .527 Chrisllieb. B. F 274 Christlieb, Isaac A .. 273 Chrisllieb, Levi 528 Christmas, Charles W. 183, 186, 247, 300, 374 Churchill. Salmon K 343 Chnte, Richard 468,528 Clark, Allen W 201 Clark, Charles H 184,214 Clark, C. VV 5og Clark, E, C 344 Clark, H. B 62i< Clark. Isaac B .528 Clark, J.H 253 Clark, .Tames 2.35 Clark, J. S 628 Clark, John 529 Clark, .(ohn W 529 Clark, Reuben i82 Clark, Thomas 334 C;iark, Capt. William A 201 eleven, John 206 Cleveland, Arba..« 184 Clon;;h. Gilbert 529 Cobb, Kev. Daniel 529 Cobb, H.J 529 Cochran, M I80 Code, George 217 (^olbiath, W. C 530 Cide, Emerson .530 Coleman, Ttiomas 530 Colemin, John A ik4 Collins, Dr. D F 530 C.dlins, William D 231, 235 Colloin, Jesse 530 Colstrom. N. E ' .530 Ci>lvllle, Col. William 156, 206 Comerford, M. C 186 Conkev. J. H 530 Connolly, T 243 Connor, Daniel 253 Connor, Ellas H 530 Con well, F. A .'. 186, A. S 531 Conzet. Martin 315 Cook, Franklin 180, 324 Cook, C. H .5,11 Cook, H. T S3l Cook, John 323 Cook, Mithias S 259 Cooke, Jay 158 Coolev, George W 186, 531 Cooley, Grove B 488, 531 Coot, Charles 532 C'>oper, B ,532 Coombs, tToseph 532 Coplin, Charles 632 Copely, Mrs. Mary 217 Corcoran, Patrick B 187.317, 320 C'nvoraii, William 320 Cornell, Jiidne F. K. E... .184, 487, 5,32 Correns, T. W 532 Costigan, VVyman 532 Cuulliard, Cornelius 214, 217 Coulter, Andrew J 289 Courtvvright, Alfred 173 Cowdrev. S. B 21 > Co.x. E. St. Julieu 144 Craik, Andrew 215, 532 Craik, John 214, 633 Craik, Miss 214 PACE Cramsie.E.A 533 ('randall. D. C 281 Creiuh, A. J ,53,'i Cripean, F. X 341 34s Crittenden. M H 533 Crooks. Col. William 146, 151, 196 Crooker, N osg Cross, Capt. Jiidson Newell 534 Cross, William 6.34 Crosbv. Kiehard .53:5 Croswell. H. J 184 Crow, Isaac 233 Crowe, James I86 Crowell, S. S 176 Cii ver. G. N .. 534 Cnmmings, A. A .534 Cnmmiugs. Geo. W 2I8 Cnmniings. R. U .534 • 'ummiiiL's, Koliert W 177, 634 ('unuinghani, H. II 229 Cniminghain, T. C 535 Cnrle.v, P ter 348 Cnrtiss, C. C fo5 Curtis, Henrv 289 Curtis. Theodore L 535 dishing, Hon. Cileb 177 Cnihbertson, James .535 Ciit'er, E. W 1R4 Diggett.C. H 535 Dagne.Joliu 214 Dale, Alplieus .5;i5 Dalluge, K 635 Daly, P.itrick 536 Dana, X. J T. Capt 133, 134, 372 Danforth.T.K 53»i D iiiiel, Dennis ,320 Daniels, Peter 330 Daniels. S. (i 538 Dark, Frank 530 Darmody, Patrick 325 Darnm, T. H 536 Davenport, E.J 186,489, 637 Davidson, ProL Charles 536 Davin, John 536 Davis Hon. Cnshman K 159 Davis.J H 537 Davis, William H 637 Davison, C. D 184 Davison, C. Wright .636 Davison, K. A .'37 Day, Alcibiades 253 Day, Enos 253 Day, George E 2.53 Day, Joseiih W 334 Dav, W.H. H 537 Day, W. P 346 Dayton, Lyman 314 Dean, Ernest 537 Dean, Joseph 225, 176, 183. 186, 222, 658 Degardins. Joseph 320 Delorier, Joseph .'37 Demeules.Z I80 ,537 Dennis, W. H 638 Dennison, D 538 Dennison. lames E £38 Denoyer, Stephen 366 Desjarlais, Louis 360 D-verv, Patrick 325 Dick,H.T 38 Dickey, Alex 274 Dickey, H. C 266 Dickey, R. B 274 Dickeisoii, .1. C 141 Dickinson. Seymour 638 Dillingham, Fred W., 5.18 Dittfacli, Fritz 253 Dixon, Charles B 538 Dobson, William 243 Dodd, Lieut. W. B 141 Dodge, James Albert 639 Dodge. J. S 538 Doell, lolin W 539 Dole, A. M 638 Dole, Hill. Wm. P 147 Dolliver, VV. A 539 Donaldou, .Maj. J.H 281 Donaldson. H Donlin, Edward 639 Donnelly, Hon. Ignatius 132 140 Donnelly, M 6,39 Dorau, ,jr. W 539 Dorinan. Israel 189 Doiner, J. H 539 708 INDEX. PAGE DOIT, CD 540 Diiujihertv, James 510 Dousla'*, Secoii'l Lieut S. B Hie Donjilass, Daniel 540 Dow, Daniel E 2« Di)w, H. B 540 Dow.Jolm Ware 177 278 Uowiiev, JdIiii F 540 Diiwnie. I'nI. Mark W 204 Drake. C. H 185 Dranye, J. O 540 Draper, Joshua 375 Dr.ssler, \Vm 540 Jlrisenll. D 541 Droll, W 642 Dubois, C. H 541 Dndiev, Tavlor 185 Dufour, Moses 320 Diigas, William 177, 183, ;io5 Dnt'iran. William J 218 Dnluike, Wm 541 Diiluth, Capt. Johu 169 Dunliar, Owen K 225 Dunham, O. H 541 Dunn, L. A 541 Dnnn.Tliomas 541 Dnnnington. K. P. .. 541 Diinsniiior, Dr. James A 213, 541 Dunsmoor, Irvln 216 Diuisnioor, Dr. F. A 542 Dupoiit. Jiisepl) 320 Dinnam, Join. M 289 DuToit. Geo. E 20) Dnlton.G. B 183 Dntton, Josiah 282 Dver, E. W 542 D\er, Dr. William 173 Earenfl-ht, C. T 348 Eliert. Kreilerlck 3 5 E42 E.ldv.JohnM 326 Edsti-n. A. H 542 EiUvarils, David .... 187 EfjKlestoii. Kev. Edward 232 Eiclielzer, P. F . 542 Eidam. Eilward H 244 Ekes, Martin 348 Elioli, W'vman 543 Elliott Clias. J 543 Ellioit, D 513 Ei.iisiwoorr, Fernanrto 241 Eili^.B R 543 El Isworl li, Clark 282 El swortli, David 294 Elweli, Jam.-s 1 543 Emerv. lulhv 300 Hniery. Dr. Geo. \V 543 Emerson, .Selli 543 Emmans. N. H 543 Empi-n^er. J. H 244 Emie. .Angnst 544 Engel. Nhliolas 3a5 Kni;rKted, V.O 514 Eni^nr, Henry 544 Ert.Simnel. 544 Essene, T. J 544 l':s.i*s, (lliarles 3i5 Eistiv. .1. M 186. 5H E.ans, llr.O J 544 E ans. Wm. K 187, 326 Everaid..lMlin K 545 Ewinir. Wm..M 216, 218, 322 Fairliairn. Dr. A.C 186 Faniham. Kiifus 282 Fari'liani. S miner W 183 Farrin^lon. Alhert E 545 Farriii'.;! G. F 545 Fane, llenrv 274 Fe.lersml. N.D 5l5 Feek.Koliert 545 Feleli,.I.C 545 Felt. Frank B 545 Femlei', W. I 545 Fergn-on, William H 2'>3 Fcriinsiiii. John 546 Ferrant. E. M .546 Feriier. Cliailes 546 F'Triil \. D 187 Fesslei-. A. H .545 FkmL.I. W 546 Fini-h, William 1R7, 213 Fimlle*. Naninel J 174,359 Finical, Samuel 187 Fu.ley, Owen 348 P.4GK Ferren, Jonathan 184 Fisher, W. A .546 Fisk, Capt. James L 133 Fitch. Thomas 546 Flaiulrau.Hon. Chas. E., 141, 157, 185, 488 Fleer. Rev. Herman 546 Fletcher, Dr. Hezekiah, 183, 373, 486 494 Fletcher, Di-. L 173 Fletcher, Hon. Lorcn 185 Flovd. (i. W 54» F'ogartv. Patrick.. 218 Folsonie, Edgar 369 Foreman. Samuel 547 Forler. Jcdin 547 Fortttingler, George 218 Forsvth, W 547 Fortier,C.J 547 Foss, D. M 318 Foster, A. D 485, 547 Foster. Andrew J 547 Franklin, Samuel 548 Franklin, S. J 518 Franklin. William B 548 Erederichs, C 482. 548 French, Allen T 274 Frenet. George 548 Frosi, Benjamin 334 Friien, \V. H 346. 348 Fnllerton, William 300 Gaffnev.Thiimas 349 Galhraith, Maj 1.37 Gale, Kev. Ainorv 215, 472 Gale, Harlow A 186,493. 549 Gale, Samuel C 549 Galpiii, Rev. Charles 2s7 Galpin, George 187,Gpo. R 549 (ialiiin, Moienus .549 Gamache, F 315 Gardner. Cephas 183 Gardiner, Thomas ' 549 Garrison. A. E 176 Garritv. L 549 Gasliii. W. H 290 Garvais, Louis Pierre 322 Garvey.C. C 173, 349 Garvey. James L 214 Garvev. Wm 214 Garvie.S.B 138 Gan.C. A .549 Gear. Kev. E. G 476, 340 Getehcll, Washington 186. 2.s5 Ghosilv. H .rrv 1S5 Gihl)^, G. .\ 550 Gihs. n. UHiilien B 176,184.223 Gidi'on. IVter M 181,2m Gielienliain. George 2.S2 Gierlsen. N. H .5.50 Gilliert, .1. B 187 Giles, Henrv 550 Gilfillan.Col. James B.,.. 155. 203, i»d Gi Bllan. John B 185, 186 Gille. Chai les 651 Gilleshy..! 5.50 Gilman.J.A 650 Gilinan. J. Q 551 (iilpitrick, <'harles 342, 375 Gilo ore, I). M .550 Gilnioiv, Geo 214 Giim.'re. John F 218 Gi.iuore, .losi'ph H 550 Girling, W. M 349 Girrhach. G. F 5-.1 Givans. Janifs 551 Gjertseii. Herman J .. 218 (Jleesoii, Mi'-hael 214, 218 Glenn, M. W 187, .551 Glessner, Wm .551 (i lick, J.G 552 GInek.G iltleih .552 GodfreN , Aid. 177. 346, 361, 367 494, 5.52 God lre\, Key. Alfred C 374 Godlivv, L.niis 212 Godine. Paul 302 GoehiMiiier. Chris 652 (Ji'Uvea, O A 5.52 Goodale, Joiin W 290 Goode. A. H 5.52 (Jnodrieh. Al'en G 223 Goodriidi. A. L 222 (ii.odricli, .Mrs. Rebecca 222 Goodrich, W. H 290 PAGE Goodrich, P 552 Goodrich. Sam. Augustin,l83, 222, 228 Goodspeed. E. .4 349 W. H 290 Gordon, E 552 Gorham, David.. 183, 186, 334, 341 362 Gorman, L. B 553 Gorman, Gov Willis A... 132, 174, 188, 487 Gorton, Leander 185 Gould, Aaron 184,231 Gould, Alexander 186, 231 Gould, F. G 250 Gould, William C 314 Gould, Wm. W 553 Gove, E. A 186, 488 Graham, Alexander 176 Graham, Gilbert 184 Grandy.J. L 553 Grant. Capt. H. P 149 Grave, Allen 274 Graves, C. A 553 Gray, A.N ... 244 Gray, Charles £ 553 Grav, Stiles 295 Gray, T.K 63 Greeley. W. Q . 553 Green ," John 349 Green. M. A 290 Greirorv.C 214 Greiheii, Anton 186, 554 Griffith, J. M .554 (irime, John 554 Giimshaw. Wiliiair 554 Grindall,Eli1ah W 187. 356 Giindall. E. S 554 Groesback, E 213 Groshusch, J'thn 554 Glover, Freeman 554 Guilder, A. R 555 Guinion, Simon 556 Gunnersen, S. K 555 Grvgla. Frank.. 654 Ha'rft. Mathias, 311 Hargrayes, .j . W 657 Harmon, All^n 186 373 Harrington. Capt 147 Harringl n, Jolm S 244 Harrington, Lewis 186 Harris, Ariel C 557 Harris C. W 213 Hairis. Capt. Smith 178 Harris. S. A 557 Harrison, C.W 290 Harrison, H. G 545 .5.57 Hiriiscm.J.J 254 Harrismi. .loseph 229 Harrison. N. H 244 Harris. Ill, Thomas A .5.58 Harlman. Philip 558 Harves, W lliam 49 254 Hasi\, K. H 282 Hasliow, Charles G .-68 Haslin^s, W. H 558 Hatch, .Maj. E. A.C 147,153, 208 Hiuscliild, Henry 558 Haiise. .Ji'sf ph \\ 568 Hanser. Jactili 658 Haviland. Chancy 296 Haviland. Kli 296 Hawkins. Hmatio 310 Ha"liiiis. Jasper 310 Hawkins, Leonard L 326 Hawkins. S.S 326 Hiwkes. James 219 H.iwthi-rne. E. P 558 Hawth.Miie, W. P 558 Havdeli. .V K 184 Havden. Wniitworth ls4 Haves, John 559 Ha\es,J W 349 Haies. \I. P 5.9 Haesj.Chailes 219 Hafften.Carl 316 Hagiin Cliarles F 655 Haight. W. X 555 llaiiies. B.C 274 Hale. William E 186 Hall. A. R 184 Mall.C. W 555 H ill. K F 214 Hall. .lames 185 Hall. .Miliew N 219 H..U,Wm.S 656 mDEX. 709 PAOE Hall, W. W 314, 310 Hallai-"!!, M. J 349 Waller, Rev. J. G 5,56 Hallinir, Lnrentz 556 Halsted, Frank William 2.57 Haniel, .7. () 274 Baniilton, Josepli 215 Hamlin, Hun. Eilward 0.134, 1R5, 488 Hamlin, Hnbait U 186, 5.50 Hanim, Heniv 5.56 Hammond, William '. 5-56 Hamnstiom.C J 5.56 Hanee, Dr. S. F 557 Hanke, Cnii.stnpliei' 34<) Hankinsnn, Richard 557 Han^eimi. B. F 214 Han.seonjl), Ezra 187,286 HaiLsnn, 1). M 184, 180 Hanson, (ieo. A ,5.57 Hanson. J. D 5.57 Havfoid. George 659 Haynes, O. F 55!) Hay, Ani;ust 254 Hays, Lambert 5i9 Hay.s, Richard 175 Haywood, Jesse 219 Hazer, .J'mes H 559 Heap, Captain D. P 166 Heard, 1. V. D 151 Heatiin, David 184 Hecknch, Fred .5.59 Heclitniai'..Iohn 295, 296 Jledderlv, Edwin 183,374,486, 55i HedderU, ]). G 560 Hedderly.T. L 560 Hedsiniin, N. M 560 Heffel linger, C. A 560 Heffeltiiiger, G. B ,500 Hefti, Frank 660 Heftv,.T 5h0 Heinrich, John 561 Heiss,FranzJ 219 Held, J. F 349 Helfrich, W. H 561 Hnminp. N. H. - 186, 488 Hen'lerson, .1 H 561 Henion.J. W 561 Henr.\, Chris 561 Hem y, Isidore 216 Henry, Kennedv 562 Hennepin, Fnther Louis 109 Hen^lniw, ('. E ,562 Herjilnnil, J. W 662 H.-r W.M 187 Hes er. Fr aik E 561 Hfwsiin. Siephen 184 Hicks, Hnnry (i..l85, 180, 488, 534, ,562 Hierliolzer, Cluis ,562 Hi Igedick, Ernest 3.56 Hilgerma'', Q. A 563 Hill,F. K 503 Hill, F.C .563 Hill, Francis 663 Hill, Ichabod P 563 Hill, James W .63 Hill,L.D 563 Hdlstroin, John 206 Hilton, L.C 251 Hineline.Geo 503 Hnikle, Francis S ,503 Hinckley. J. B 187, .300 Hiiiton, Jidm 503 Hiiim in. Kidsey 203 Hinnnin. Rev. S,D 138 Hipler. Ciipt. Benedict 2U5 Hiscoik, J H 538, 664 Histeil, Jolian 2ii6 Hoag, aron 310 HoaL',Cll irles ... 174,196,219,374 Hoaglaiid.Char'es W 274 Hoaulanil, Louis K 2!4 Hoa!;land. William 244 Hoblis. J, T 664 H obi lie, Henry .504 H kIu'Cs, E. .r .... , 504 llofl, Minerva 326 Holiag. Charles A 214 Hiibeiisieiii. Adam 310 Hohenstein. George 316 Hoib\, Andrew 254 >'ole-in-the-|iav(lndian)362,368, ■54» Hiiichimse, George. 664 Holeiibeig. Cliarles - 504 Holmau, Mrs. Laura 220 pai;k Holmes, H. W 564 Holmes, Thomas 313 Holt, Augustus 298 Holt, Charles Evans 504 Holt, E. E 565 Holt, J. B 299 Hoi way, F. I, 282 Honkomp, Henry ,565 214 254 344 5(!i 565 505 290 290 3.34 .506 Hoover. Aaron Hopkins. A. H Hopkins. H. H 18 Hopper. Frank Horan, Frank ,1 Horan, Mrs, J. W Horner, W. H em Horlon, .1. W 666 Hntchkiss. Capt. Wm. A 134, 210 Hovelsnn, O .566 Howard. Silas 2.54 Howe, Asa Howe,r. R 288 Howe, Jonas H 184 Howell. E. P : Tloy, Michael 493, 566 Hov. William .560 Hnbbard. Orrin 220 Hughes, Charles W 335 Hughes, Edward 336 Hughes, H. J 566 >lughes, .Tames 3,^5 Hughes, Henry 3.35 Hiijihes, Thomas 330, 335 HuL'gins, Alexander ni Hnhti, George 1S5 Hull, James.- .557 Hull. Stephen no, 217 Hulbert William F 2.36 Hnmpbrev, H. H ,567 Hunt. B .507 Hunt, Francis is7 Hunter, Samuel 567 llnnt.Tliomas u 1R4 Hnminu'tou, Geo. H 507 HuniiuL'ton, James 507 Hiiiitiimton, W, W 1.S6 HinUsbi'rger, .Jacob 2r5 275 305 305 668 568 608 Huutslieiger. M Hurlind, K. R \ Hiirlluit, William F Huston. Janes F Hn-h, Valeniine G Hutcliins, Dr. E. A Hidchinsoii, .1. C .508 Huv. Georu'e E 186,373, ,568 HmIc. L.Mel 508 lliowizi, Uev. Henry 569 Iiuierson. Aslibel 185, 202 Inks. B. F "09 Ireland. ('. H 50) Irwiu, E. F ...^ 214, 230 Irwin. Georire W 213 .lackins, .John... 173, 183.186.373, 475 .lai'kson, Henry 200 J;ickson. J. R. 214 Jacolis.John 316 Jacoby, Geo. G 669 Jacobv vv. H 569 Jacolisim.C 569 .Tanies, Frei-nian D 310 Jamnie. Jospph 336 rlardiiiM. Mexiufler G 330 Jurrett, William .1 2.30 ,lMrvie. Mm'Iicw .570 Jelfer^on, Robert H 370 ,Ietferv,Tll..s 570 Jellison. Jesse L 2.54 .leuks,G. A .570 Jenkins, U. H 291 .lenkins, s* Ivanus 29o .lenuiims, Frederick .\. Jenson C . Jerome, Albeit M. . Jew:tt, A. W .JoInl■^^n. C .Iidianson, Hans Joliii Oilier L>av, Indian. .Johnson, .Asa E iihiisoo, A. M .. 2.59 .. 350 .. 186 .. 570 .. 571 . . 350 . 1,38 .- 570 .. 570 ,Iolins>in. (lliarles 275 Jolinsoii. Charles W 571 .rohnson.C.O ,. ... 207 Johnson, David B ,571 J'lhiisou, F. .V 571 Johusou, George H .185, 186, 57 Johnson, Gnstavus V 245 Johnson, J. C ]g7 .lohnson, ,T. W 572 .lohnsou, K ,572 .lohnson, Peter .. 572 Johnson, Gen. R. W 365 Johnson, W. H 185, 572 .Jonas, Joseph 572 Jones, Edwin Smith,... .180, 488, 572 Jones, Capt. Hariison 200 Jones. J. G 180. 498, .572 Jones, Jiihn Sergeant 140, 153 Jones, R. F 573 Jones, W. H 573 Jones, W. B !! 2.54 Jordan, Amos C 575 Jordan, John H 335 Jordan, R. W 573 Joseph, John P 574 Kaestner. John D 574 K,im|)ff, Louis Kautrowitz, ,1 574 Karlson,F.H 574 Kassnlie, Kail 275 Kassnbe. William C 269, 275 Keator.C H ,571 Keen.C. T 574 l^ees, M-ithias 574 Keim, Andrew ,574 Keith, A 213 Keith, Albert .575 Keith, (ieorge 184,57.5,494 Iveith. H. C 187. .'75 Keller.J.M 575 Kellei-. H 575 KelIcv,J, W 229 Kellev, W. A .576 Kellv, Dr K. S 676 Kellv, Frank W 576 K"llv,OscarA 291 Ki'llv, W.F 576 Kellogg. Nathaniel 188 Kennedy, Edward 576 Iveuyoii, A. II 576 Keraii. Hurh 320 Kerriilge. Walter 576 Kesler. Jacob 283 Ke.vs, John .576 Kielei-, Sarah 326 Kiesel, Leopold 220 Kimball, A. C 187, ,303 KiuilialLDr. B. W .570 Kim;, Edward E 220 King, O. B 186 Kilig.T. S -- .527 Knig. Col Williams 344,480 Kiugsley, Charles D 677 Kui.:slev, Edward 1 577 Kirk, A. H 577 Kirk, J. H 229 Kirst. E. D 577 Kittson, .Norman W 170,307 K ausuKin. Maihias 336 Klelziii. M. F 350 Kline, J. W 678 Klopp, M. .J 577 Kiiellle. George 270 Kuiekerbaekei-, Kev. D. B...47fl, 578 Kiixblaiicli, Alois 578 Knob ock D 187 Kn-pt, Michael 326 Knowles, A. 11 578 Koki-sli John 245 Kooii. ALB 5,8 K. .leiiier, John 678 Krueger. 11 576 Kuidi, Philip 283 Kvte. John 220 La Brash. A. C 578 LMiliier ■, Rev. A 296 Liillin, Ge.i. A 326 l.atliu.g. A 326 Lamp, ('hristian 579 l.amii, Joa.-liim. .579 Lainoson, Channcy 163 Lamps'to, Nathan 153 Lamoreaux, H, K 579 L:iiie, A. P 30C l>an.lrv, Charles 3.58 Lane. Freeimin P 186, .579 Lane, .lames S 679 I-. M 579 Lall'^ilon, K B 185,679, 491 Langdon, R. V 257 . 10 INDEX. PAGE Lange, J 580 Larii.-d, William L 1S3 Laraiiiee, Tenuis 580 Larson, Carl 580 Lashells, William M ISi Latliain, A. W 255 Lamieiilale. W. H 580 J^awreiu'e, James R.,Jr 180 Lawrence, Kben E 580 Lawrence, James W 186, 580 Lawson, Braily 581 Lavman, J. D 225 Lavniaii, Jerome 581 La'viuan. Mailin i!5o Learned, Kev. JJ. M.. 581 Leavenwintli. Lieut. Col. Henry. 102 Leber, Julius 581 Le Bcrius. Jolin 229 Le Boutillier.CliiU'!. W.. ..181, 188, 200 ],e Count, .-Vntuiue S.'O Lefel)vre, E 2-7 J/ee, John T 581 Lee, JoliuM 581 Lew, L. A 582 Lenuon, John G 362, 5k2 Leuzen. Leonard 275 Leonard. Wni.H 195, 582 Leppla. .rohii 582 Lester. HenrvC. Col 133, 193 Le Van, W. H 255 Levi.G. L 582 Lev. George 24.i Libbv, A.D 31)0 Libbv.G. E 582 Libbv,Joseph 583 Libbv, Thomas 583 Liljeht'ren, N. P 583 Lillibridse. H. F 581 Lincoln, Abraham 131, 152, 156 Lincoln, J.L 583 Lindas, Hans 583 Lindblad. H 583 Lindner. IVter G 275 Lin on. Tb.d, J. E 584 Lo^an. K 2T5 Lohse. H 5X4 Li>ng, Majir. Stephen H ITS Looinis.Col. Gustavus 171 Longfellow. Jacob 291 Loomis.G. G 186 l,oranger, A. R 275 Lorini,,\.C 584 Lovej.)V, S. B 584 Loverin II. A 585 Low,.r.F 584 Lowell, V.P 584 Lowell. H. E 236 Loye. s. B .. 585 Luce, K. K 2.t5 Lueck, Hudolph 685 Lnfkm.Dr. M. U 585 Lundlierg. A.G .186 Lundell. Gns 585 Lvdiai'd. Samuel 269 Lvford,C.C 586 Lvncb,,lohn 586 Lynde, James W 138, 169 Lyiuis, Charles 245 Lyons, .M ichael .586 IMachineier. Jacob 686 Mackrotb. J. H 586 Macnrdv.D. A 586 JVL.dson, C USS Maeder, Louis 586 Magnire, First Lieut Edward 166 JlabafTv, W. D 587 Malioney. Mrs. B 687 JIahoney, Jeremiah 229 Maisb, (apt. Lewis 587 JSIalbon.J. S 187 Jlalimey, Michael 220 Malmsi'en, Aug .587 Mangen, Nicholas !i89 Mann, Henrv B 1.S4 Wann. .lobnS 216 Mann, John T 183, 186 PAGE JLanning. William 266 Manton; Rev. J. K 215 Marc-band. David 326 Marriott, ■William 587 Marsh, Albert 587 Marsh, Capt. .rohn S 137 Marsh, William H 265 Marshall, Hon. Wm. R., 146. 156, I.iT, 183, 361, 364. 377, 442 Marten. Jacob .987 Martin. H. M 588 Marlindell, Mahlou 588 Martn. Paul 588 M a rl tv. Sam uel 889 Maskeli. Geo 588 Massev, Louis 212 Massolt, William 588 Matthews. A. C 589 Mattson, Col. Hans 588 Manren, Nicholas .589 Maxwell, Geoige 275 Mav,(^apt. C 2.50 Mav.E.M .589 Mayer, Charles 30fi Mavers, A.J 275 Mayhew.G. V 184 Mavnard.J. B .589 Mavnard.C. \. W 213 Mavr. Kev P. Magnus M 275 McAfee.M. J 226 McAfee. W.J 229 McAnich.S 5s9 McAr.Ue. William 589 McAnv, T 2.55 McCabe, John 213 McCabe, Merriman 220 McCann, James 185 McCarthv, S. J .590 McCarlin, Joseph 590 McClary. Rev. Thomas .590 McCnlloiigh, Francis 262 McCulloch. A. S .5!W McCnne, M 591 McDaniel. James 591 Mi'Dermott. Ed 185 McDfinald, Finest .591 McDonald. Francis S 186, .591 MiDonaUl. John .591 McDonald, John W 591 McDonald. P .591 McDonnell,. Tohn 320 McFarlane. J. G 187 McGarv. JohnH 2 7 McGaughev. S. N 592 JIcGentv. John 245 McGolrick. Rev. James 591 McGrath.K. B 184,247, 2.55 McGregor, Wm 592 McHattim, Kev. Alexander 232 McKenzie, K. (i 592 McKenzie, John 231. 249 McKernan, Peter 592 McKnighl. W. (;. 283 McLa'en. Col. R. N 151, 207 McLaskev. R. H 592 McLeod. Martin 175,183,222, 227 McLeori, Walter S 222 McMillan, James 592 McMnllen, A. E 592 McMwIlen. George 593 McMillen, James 692 McMurdv.R.S 593 McNair, WiHiam W..470, 180, 59-i, 487, 494 McXeice, W. D .593 McNeil. Neil 302, 306 McPhaiLCol.S 146, 149 McPhaill, Col. Samuel 205 Mi-Waters. Daniel .593 Meagher, J. O. F 593 Meaker.O C 255 Meeker, Hon. Judge Bradlev B... 175, 185, 361, 488 Medcalf. W. R 2S3 Melstroli, Henrv .593 Mendenhall, K. J 594 Menor, J.C 6M Menninger. Henry 186 Menzel, enis 607 O'Brien . Capt. Henry D 204 Odell, (Jeorge 187,213 Odell, HnwardC 221 Ofstie, .lolin E 6u8 Ofteilal, Gust. M 608 Oftedal .s COS O'Gornian, Lieut 141 Ohm. Thomas 2.S6 Ohrnnuult, Otto 327 O'Leary.G. VV 267 Oleson, ,J. H 60S Oliver, H. C 60R Olmslead, David 176 Olsen, Simon 608 Olson, Otio T 608 0'Mera,.I"hn 316 O'Neil, G. I), 008 Ojiitz, Albert A 327 Orff, (ieorge W 608 Ormand. Alexander T 608 Orth, Edward 609 Ortli,.Iohn ti09 Grander. P 609 Oswald, H 283 Oswald, .lao"b 321 Oswald , J G 609 Oswald, U 350 Otis, George L 1.57 Ottawav, 'riionias 336 Overncker. 1. W 609 Overlock, E. W 609 Overlook, ,James H 609 Owens, E. A 610 Oxborongh. Thomas 230 Page, E. H 255 Page. Thom is 216 Pagenkonf, John 2.57 Paine, William B 236 Palmer, A liram 230 Palmer, .Touathan 6I0 Palmer..!. T 2H0 Palmer, L, R .. 186 Palmer, Wilber 230 Palmes, A. .J 6I0 J'arker, Benjamin 187 Parker, Dr. ('. H 610 Parker, Daviii C 610 Parker, Daniel G 3.37 Parker, James M 187, 337 Parker, L.N 610 Partridge, Henry A 186, 489 Park«, (ieorge 18:' Parmeiiter. G. W 610 Parmenter. E. G 610 Parmenrer, H. M 610 Parrish, P. 276 Past, John G 184, 288 Past. John H 3.37 Patell. LulheV 303, 494 Patch-n,E 183 Patterson, F. F 610 Patterson, John 611 Palters n, Levi N oil Patten, J. M 351 PAGE Paul, J. H 611 Panlle, L 611 P nlv., lames 611 Pavitt, S. N 2;t" Pavitt, W H 327 Pavne. James M 207 Pays, Capt. J 175 Pease, H. M 249 Pfirce, Thomas W., 174, 184,341, .351 Peirniinet. F. M 611 Pence, .John W 498, 611 Penney,!. L 611 I'erkins, Ellet P 204 Perkins, Dr. Edward K 2.55 Perkins, Geo. F 612 Perkins. John 263 Peteler. Capt. Francis 133, 205 Peters. Catherine 327 Peters, Thomas 221 Peters. Herman J 612 Peterson, .\ndrew 012 Pet'ison,A.G . ... 012 Peterson, Ghristiau 351 Peters(ni. Fied 351 Peter.S(Ui. H. 612 Petersen. I. G 612 Petersen, Oliver 612 Peterson, Martin 612 IVtersoii, P.M 230 Peterson, W. P 284 Pettit,G. H 184 Peitijohn, Eli 183,215 Petit. John 359 Pettingill. M 613 Petlit, William 187 Pelra ■ , T, . PAGE Raiche, Peter 294 Radiutz. F 337 Rainey, Thomas G 616 Ramsey, Hon. Alexander ... 131, „ , „ „ . '3 , 14.5, 1.5.3, 178, 247 Randall, Benjamin H ]83 Rank, John P 617 Rankin, LS igg Riiukiiig, Christian '..'."" 321 Rantonl. Itobert 177 36I Kaths, N . "617 Rauen, Jacob 517 Rauen, Peter 017 Ranse, William H " \,>■, Rich;s.M :':'" iit Ri hards, Edmond A 019 Richardson, Jesse 213 Ricliardsou, .!. N ^14 Richardson. Tliomas ' ^14 Richter, C. H ' J;|q Rideont. F. (; 6><) Itiggs, Rev. Stephen R 13s, 172 Riley, Mall hew o 237 Riley, Rev T. M 519 Ring, Rev. Jolin ' . . 619 RiiiKer, Andrew 619 Ritchie, Peter \'_\\ 236 Rober, Lewis ." 6'^o Robert, A 307 Robert, Henry "_[ 327 Robert. Louis " 143 Roberts, Albert 316 R'berts, Wm. P ' g^o Robertson. James \ gio Robertson. James Iv 246 Robert«on. L. It .,,[ 620 Robinson. Alfred H ' 246 Itobinson. A. C 6''0 Robinsim, Charles 170 oil Robinson, Charles N ijiji Robinson,!).!^ 820 Robinson, E. A 176,303, 306 Robinson, (ieorge R igg Robinson, K 213 Robinson. S.C 621 Roihl, Nichola.s 337 Roeller, M 621 Roemer, Mrs. Eliza,! 002 Roger.s, B. C 621 Rogers, G. D Rof Rogers. N 621 Rogers, Richard 622 Rog>-rs, Ricliard C 622 Rohlling. Frederick 246 Eollius, Capt. .tohn...l78. ISO, 183 365, .368, 487, 494, 631, 622 Rollins. M. B 6'.;3 Itoliit, Rev. Charles 215 Rolph, W.T ; 623 Rondo, Joseph 359 Roots, J.W 623 Rosaiuler. A. J 276 Itosbach, Nic. A .'.' 62;) Rose. A. S. F 623 Ross, Samuel ig4 Rosser. Gen. T. L 623 Roth. Barney 624 Roth. 11. A 624 Jtothaker. Ghas. L '. 624 Itoths, Janol) 33g Rongier. Nelson " 2.17 Rouse, W. H 185 712 INDEX. PAGE KnWP. r. H ti-'4 UiimiH, Aiii;ii>t. William F 1S4, 2a5 Kust.Oci). H BL'5 K\Mn,.r"liii W 625 R\an, I'Mlrick A 221 Kvaii. S.W 625 Kvlii'l}.'. .Inliii 625 Salhula.H. R 626 Siilzeder, Kev. Louis 626 Sihshurv. Dr. A. H 626 Sali.sbiiiv. T. <; 6i6 SHirple.Ki-v. R. F 626, I,. F 2.'J5 Saiii|is(iii, Waiien 2il4 Saiilioni. A 627 Smilioni.C. B 3.51 KaiibHin.Cii.n. Jolin B...132, 134, 104 Samlcrs.N.H 2.57 SaiMihdrt. AiitnistF S.W SandlKitr. H.-rnian A 338 Sa 1 1 crl.-i-. Rev. W. \V 627 Savacf.N W 627 Savdii. Jiiliii 627 Sawti-llp, Alcmzo 213 Sfaie-i. Eiiward A — 221 Sciifii'ld,.!. I> 230 Sd.lield. M.F 628 Scliiitii-ld. Miss Mar.vA 182 Srnit. Haivv E 256 Siott Ht'iiiv H 62!) Scdtt. tien.VVinfleld 163 Sdiaar, Anion 276 Hidlaal'. JdSeph 276 Scliac'fer, .Tacob 186 Scharcrs. Albeit t27 Sella if. v\ln 628 Scheillin G 627 Scliellmn' A 628 Si-liert', ( liarles 628 Scliifbi-.Carl Sr 338 Scblfiiei-. .liilHi A 628 Schiiii'dcinan. Paul 628 Scliniidt, Cliailes 628 Srbmidl. FiedcTick. H. B 338 Scliinidl. Fritz 297 Scliinilz, Hennis 187,338 ScMineidei-, Kev.J 628 Scll(lb.T, A 628 Suliiickweilcr, Jolin 629 Srbieiber, Chi isuan 292 Sclirodi-r. Fred 629 Scbnieiiberg. Josepli 629 Sclinelte. Fred 321 Sebniler. I'eler 284 Solinize, Henry 62!) Seanians, Silas A 2.56 SebiiSki, .Iiilm 184 Secdinbe, David A 184, 186, 149 Sep^;er. William 158 SeHev.l.C 629 Seidell. H. E 629 .Si-i'nion, Geo 629 Setzler. Geo 292 Sbanlon. Edwaid D 246 Shatlo, C. W 630 Sliaver, Bavard T 246 Sbaver, Beniaid G 246 Si'baver, Eiiiridge A 24B Shaver, .Fames 176 Shaver. James Jr 2.18 Shaver. Sarah C 246 Shaw, Geo. K 630 Shiiw. J. M 6.-0 Sheehan. Lleirt, T, .1 137 Slieldc.n, l!ev.CliailesB.,184, 186, 256 Slie lev. AVm. H 141 Shepherd, N 352 Shipp.ird, Dr. Mark H 276 Sherlmnie, M If5 Sherburne & White 630 Sherwood, .John W 630 Sherwood. M. R 630 Shook. Nonnau 265 Shoop. A. D 284 Shi e« slimy. Frank 267 Slnewsl uri, Irwin 184, 265 Shnek.Dr. A. W 276 Shuler, B. P 214, Kll Sluiler, R G 6tl Shumacher, H 276 TAGR Slmmwav, J. P 284 Sihlev, Gov. H. H., 129. l.W, 14.5, 150, 162, 171, 176, 366 Sidle. H.G 397, 426. 41!1 Sidle. J. K 397, 426, 4l:i Slevers. F 631 Simoii-on. P 631 Siniiison, William 2;i6 Siinjisnii. riionias 329 Sipe. Epliriam 316 Skinner. C. ,M 6.n Skinner. L.J 631 Skinner.O. B 631 Slaler, (4. A 2.56 Slaler. Geoiu'e 306 Sloan. Thomas 631 Shicnni. Franic 186 Sly. (iilhert 221 Slv. William W 631 Small, f 352 Smart, r. H 632 Sinait, Robert J 292 Sniihi, ,1. L 221 Smilll. Albee 186, 22.5, 632 Andrew J 18.5, 2ii2 Col. B. F 145. 146 C. A 3.52 C. H 632 Chas W 186, 632 De Witt Clinton 187, 297 Delano T 184 E. M 633 F. L 632 G eorpe 633 Fieeman, H 221 (Jeoifie 633. GeoineF 633 Ge.'iKeH 292 G. W 267 Harris N 292 J. A 633 Jason W 633 J. R 633 James .352 Smilll, Nils 352 Smith. Hon. Robert 372 Smilh.Tbeo. "W 6.33 Snelhng, .John 176 Siielliiif;. Col. Joslah 163 Sinder. C. L 633 Snyder, S. P 6.34 Sonnen. Joseph 6;t4 Spattord, Eii« aid 292 Spafford . .1. D 277 Spattord, W. A 277 Spanldinpc, Z. D 256 Spanldnif;, W. A 634 Spear, Charles H 204 Spear, Edward Jr 634 Speek. R 634 Spi-nce. Baptist .360 Speneer, Geo. H 138 Spillane. David 634 Slahr, J.H 634 Stammwiiz, Carl G 635 Stanehtield. Daniel 177, 184 Standish. F. G 230 Slankard, George M 246 Stanley. E. R 223 Stansfield. James 221 Stanton, Dr. Nathan 233 Staling, John H 237 SlariiiK, Jonas 237 Stebbins CM 6.35 Slebbms, Ed. S 635 Steele, E. H 638 Steele, Fianklin. 163, 174. 177, 18.5, 216. 3.58, 364, 369, 488, 494, 635 Steele. Franklin Jr 638 Steftes, Nick 638 Slephens. J. F 638 Sletson, Frank L... 638 Stetson. H. A 639 Stetson, W. C 492. 639 Stevens, Charles T .. 183 Stevens, Col. John H., 147, 1T3, 1';. 183, 186, 248, 362, 371, 480, 639 Stevens, Rev. J. D 171 Stevens, Miss Lucy 171 Sieveiis, Frank 639 Stevens, R. S 187 Sleven^, Simon 176,238 Stevens, William 292 Stewart, A 216 lA GE Stewart. Barnard C 237 Slew a It. Rev. Daniel 639 Mewait. L. M 640 Siiiison. Waieraian 374 Siinison.C. F 6t0 Slockt. 11, E.H. 640 S'one. A 640 Sionjih. Samuel 176, 212 Slowcil.F. M. 184 Slraiiaban. J. F (Hi Stroi'jr. John H 185 Slroihmaii, E. E 640 Slroiiinian. J. H 641 Stroiit.Capl.Riehard.147, 186, 213, 51,2 Sinblis.C. R 277 Slnblis. Henry 277 Si\ner. Daniel S 267 Sullivan. Daniel 641 Siill\, (ion. Alfred 134, 1.53 Sully, .lames 187 Si 1 inner. Elmer H 641 Sulherland. Bvron 641 Snllon. W. D 641 Sverdrnp. (ieorge 641 Svkes. E. T 642 Swanberir. N. P 641 Swaiison. C. .1 356 Sweiisen. Piter P 641 Swittt. O. T 642 Swiek. .losepU 642 Taniin, J. W 642 Taopi. Indian 150 Tapper. Capt. John,. .177, 352, 369, 375 Tale. Melvm C W2 Tamiies, Adam ' 267 Tant;;es. Peter 268 Ta\lor, A. B 642 Tayloi. Arnold W 364 Tavlor.B. 1 642 Taylor, F. C 643 Taylor. H. B 368 Teas, Gibson 277 Temsteot, Johannes 643 Tenant. I'. E 643 Tennant.t;. H 643 Tenny.John 1 186 Terrv, (Jen. Alfred H 162 Tidd, Isaiah 644 Tilleny. L 3.52 Tirreli, Cheslev B 185, 204, 237 Tiiikelpaimh. J. B 645 Tissot. Rev. Feli.N 645 Tilteriid.E. M 645 Titus. O. H &45 Tharalson, A 185, 643 Tliaver, A. A 292 Tlia\er, Rev. Charles 265 1 haver, Divid B 297 Tlayer, Samuel R 186 Theobald, Louis 643 Tliibodean, B 643 Theilen. Charles 643 Thirv, Frank 3.56 TlKimas.Col. Minor T 151, 199 Thomley, Anthoney 644 Thomson, Auglistili 266 Thompson, A. P 223 Thompson, Clark W 147 Thompson. E. P 644 Thompson. J., Jr 185 Thompson, John 644 Tlioiiipsou,.John 644 Thompson, J.H 644 Thiniipson, .1. M 644 Thompson, Nathaniel K 186 Tliompson.R. B 644 Thompson, T 644 Thorhdike. Francis 184 ThoJiiton. Fiank M 214 Thinner, G. W 187 Todd. Julius C 645 Todd. R. C 645 Tollelson.A 645 Tornqvi-t, G. E 646 Tuscany. I, 645 Tonslev.O.V 186, 6t6 Towers, F. E 646 Toweis, S. I 646 Toweis, S. 1 646 Towne, L. M 645 To«iisend,G. B 646 Townseiiil, Geo. W 213 Townsend, Henrv, Jr 213 Towusend, Henry 186. 213 INDEX. (13 PAGE Townsend, Miss Mary 214 Towiiseiul, Robert 213 Townsenil, William H 184 Ti acy, C. W 646 Traeger, August 646 Trott, William 327 Trussel, J. H 301 TscluiiJy. J. J 293 Tuckey, E. A 237 Turner, P. H 250 Turnhani, .1 277 Turtle, Calvin A., 173, 176, 184, 238, 361 370, 373, 4911 Twomblev, Abraliani 306 Twist.J. D 277 Tyler, E 307 Tyler, James A : 647 Tvler,T. S 647 rtulerwooo, A. J ISH, 205 Uehind, A 647 Uusyaard, John 647 rpham, Krankliii 047 Upton, Charles H 047 Cpton. K. 1' W7 \'ail, (;. T 548, 6S0 Valentine, A. T Gol \'alcntine, L. D 651 Vaugsnes. O. 1* 650 Van Cleve, Charlotte, 648 Van Cleve, Gen. Horatio P.. .133, 134, 191, 494, 468, 648 Van Cleve. S. H 6,50 Van der llorck, Capt. J 148 Vanderburgh, Hon. Charles K, 185, 470, 487, 488, 651 Vanhorn, Milo 651 Van Ness, (iarrittJr 230 Van Vest, Hiram 353 Van Valkenburg, Henry 6.51 Van Valkenberg, N. C 651 Veine. John 302 Von .Minden, Capt 134 Vorwerk, Louis 651 Wabasha, {Indi,an,) 150 Wagner, Leonard 284 Wales Bros., Arthur & Phillip. . 6.52 Walcs.C. E 6.52 Wales, W. W. Jr 293, 6.52 Walke.C.B 653 Wal ker, K. C 653 \\ alker, (;. F 653 Walker, J. G 653 Walker, Johns 186 Walker, Maj. L. 147, 181 Wal ker, T. B 652 Wall.Mr.s. John 653 Walsh, E.F 277 PACK Walsh, Mathew 663 Walter, John 653 Walton, Swan , 6.53 Wamboldt.A.W 277 Ward, Charles H 187, 293 Warner, Geo. F 653 Warner, N. F 6.54 Warwick, Thomas 293 Washburn, John 054 Washburn, Hon. W. D.. 184, 481, 475, 654 Washburn, William P 654 Washington, (ieorge 208 Watkins, Samuel 176 Watson, John 654 Weaver, .losiah 327 Webb, F. W 321 Weidenbach. A 208 Weiuand, Peter 321 Weinant, Peter 185 Weinard. Frederick 6,54 Weingert. Peter 655 Weitzel, Frank 304 Welch, Mai 148 Wellman, E 297 Welles, H. T., 175, 367, 370, 370,378, 472, 476, 6.55 Wells, Chas. L 0.56 Wells. G. 655 Wensingei-, John 656 Wentworth, Frank 656 Werthmann, J 656 West,E. B 657 West, John 493, 6,56 West, Capt 134 . West, William Jr B30 Westling, Andrew G 657 Westling, L. J 057 Westphal. August 321 Westphal.H. A G.56 WethernLGeorge 293 Whalon, Henry 222 Whalon, Martiu S 222 Whipple, J. C 142 Whipple, Knight H 246 Whipiilo, :\liltiin 6.57 Whilcoiiib, I'apt.Geo.C 147, 209 Whiteoiub, .S. U 6.58 White, Edwin 6.57 White, Wm.O 657 Whitehouse, William T 262 Whitney, Franklin iSo Whitney, Josepli C 184, 198, 657 Whitney, O. B 658 Wickings, W. C 658 Wilcox, J. F 658 PAGE Wilkin, Col. Alexander, 151, 155, 200 231 Williams, Dr. A. D .'293 Williams, DaviJ 658 Williams, George 6.58 Williams, Henry 658 Williams, J. C 186 Williams, John (Brooldyn) 293 Williams, John 268 Williams, Jesse T 658 Williams, Martin S 658 Willianjs. S. M 6.59 Williams, Thomas Hale 367 Williamson, J. M 328, 655 Williamson, Kev. Tlios. S , M. D. 138,171, 168 Wilson, Charles 361 Wilson, Eugene M 185, 206, 409 Wilson, G. B 059 Wilson, Horace 187,214 Wilson, John 659 Wilson, Jos. P 659 Wilson, M.D 6.59 Wilson, W 214 Wilmot, L. B 328 Winchell,N. H 555, 659 Wing, Uev. K. W 660 Wing, Thomas 660 Winnell. P 184 Winter, Henry T 660 Witbeck, Stephen L 214 Witt, Charles 284 Wold, O. G 661 Wolf , Anton 284 Wolf, Jacob 237 Wolter, Christian 293 Wolverton Jacob 186, 489, 661 Woodbury, C.T 185 Woodburv, Uwight 184 Woodbury, H . . .' 367 Woods, C. H 488, 661 Woods, M 661 Woodward, D 257 Woodward, E. J 213 Woodward, W. W 213, 346 Woodworth. E. P 328 Woolley, John G 661 Wooster, Dr. S. J 277 Worrall. James C 601 Young, Judge A . H 1 85, 488, GG2 Young, James D 314, 376 Younger Boys 1.59 York.K. W 601 Zahner, Frank 002 Zeron, Nathanial, 602 Zirbes, William 284 DATE DUE GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S.A. D 000 ^o" ---OD 2 if^i0^ ^^i:?HP?:Kr^>^^'-=S-- ^ iii.