UC-NRLF B H 7DS 7S^ ''M:l PRIVATE PRESS OK Franklin P. Rice 1 8 7 1 - 1 9 1 5 A CATALOGUE OF Books and Pamphlets ISSUED FROM THE PRIVATE PRESS OF Franklin P. Rice, From 1871 to 1915. WITH A LIST OF PUBLICATIONS WRITTEN, COMPILED OR EDITED BY Mr. RICE, BUT NOT PRINTED ON HIS PRESS. FIRST EDITION PRINTED IN 1887 o Preface. In 1887, in response to an inquiry by Mr. Samuel S. Green, the Librarian of the Free Public Library in Worcester, I prepared and printed a List of Books and Pamphlets issued from my Private Press previous to that time, w^hich numbered, with the catalogue, forty-seven. Several titles belonging to this period, but later recovered, make the number presented in the following pages fifty-one. From this point I have proceeded in the compilation from 1887 to 191 5, tracing my work year by year to the present, and find the number of emanations to be now one hundred and twenty-two. Possibly there may have been a few more which have fallen out of recollection or escaped my at- tention, but I think the list as now given is substantially complete. With the exception of perhaps one hundred and fifty pages in the whole, every piece of type in the grand total has been set by my hands, and all but a possible hundred or so pages were printed on my private press, always a small affair, and capable of producing not more than two or four pages at an impression. As my editions as a rule did not exceed two or three hundred copies, the size of the press was not of as much consequence as it would have been if a large number of im- pressions were attempted. As I never received an hour's instruction in a printing office, nor in any way came into connection with the regular crafi: until within recent years, I cannot call myself a printer in the ordinary sense ; and as the producing of books was a process auxiliary to the carrying out of certain undertakings I had in mind, the matter of the mechanical culmination of these did not assume in my estimation an Importance in any way to 313971 PREFACE be compared with the main object. In fact, as it appears to me, I gave comparatively little attention to this part of my wrork v/hich was second- ary to the execution of purposes themselves of minor interest to the main objects of my desires and intentions from which I was turned aside by unfortunate circumstances. I have pursued certain lines of investigation to a demonstration, but in no way satisfactory to myself, and I am more impressed by my failures than by my successes. Incidentally I have been able to assist several of my friends in the production of certain works of notable excellence in literary form and practical usefulness, to which my press afforded the connection between contemplation and demonstration. These efforts in their success have given me great satisfaction — even more, I think, than those of my own — and I judge that their authors, from their expression to me, have no regrets. Most of my undertakings have been carried through with little or no pecuniary return, while the production of the Worcester Records resulted in large loss. In my printing I was not striving for excellence or fine or fancy exe- cution. I only believed in doing well and thoroughly whatever I undertook, and I feel that I could have demonstrated this propensity equally well in other lines — particularly in medicine and surgery, my early inclination which I was forced to abandon. I have been judged to have some mechanical ability and artistic conception, and perhaps the fact that certain of my early printed productions stand equally with the later ones, if not better, can be accounted for in this way. That some of the books from my press have been commended by experienced judges has surprised me. A regret now is that the Une of systematic historical work begun and carried on by me in the institution to which I gave the efforts of my time and press for so long could not have been continued. It took me several years to recover from the disastrous experiences of the early nineties, but with this setback I was able to produce more than forty volumes later, which with an undisturbed course could have been easily increased to eighty or more. FRANKLIN P. RICE. fVorcester, August /, IQIj. Private Press of Franklin P. Rice. I. The Worcester Guide, [With descriptive text, and spaces for ad- vertisements. i8mo., 1 6 pp. 1 87 1?] Probably the first production of any consequence or consistency issued from my press. This did not reach a practical culmination. II. Cards for Mineralogical Cabinet, comprising names for several hundred specimens. [1872 or 3. J III. Names of the Bones, Muscles, etc., printed on cardboard slips in large type, to be arranged in groups and read across the room, for assistance in the study of anatomy. [1873 ^^ 4- J IV. Names of Minerals in small type to be gummed to specimens. [1874.] [From this point the list follows very nearly the one printed in 1887.] V. Correspondence about a Curious Historical Fact. Letters of Commodore Jesse D. Elliott and Andrew Jackson in relation to the offer of the sarcophagus of the Emperor Alexander Severus as the depository of the remains of General Jackson. 1874. i8mo, 11 pp. JO copies. Half of thete were for my friend, Pardon A. Lee, who gave me the original broadside issued in Washington. PRIVATE PRESS OF VI. A Poem. By Colonel Putman W. Taft. Delivered in Mendon, Massachusetts, on the two hundredth anniversary of the incorpora- tion of the Tovi^n. Portrait. Privately printed, 1876. Sm. 4to, 22 pp. 50 copies. Printed for Mr. Pardon A. Lee, a half-brother of Colonel Taft. VII. The Story of Caspar Hauser, the Nuremberg Foundling. Reprint from the Penny Magazine. 1877. i8mo, 39 pp. 50 copies. VIII. Memoranda concerning recent Archaeological Research, and Thoughts suggested by Relics of Antiquity. A paper read before The Worces- ter Society of Antiquity but not printed in the Proceedings. By EUery B. Crane. 8vo, 24 pp. ^o copies. IX. Extracts from the Diary of John Quincy Adams, concerning his Co- temporaries, Himself, and the Christian Religion. 1878. Portrait. Sm. 4to, 30 pp. 50 copies. X. Memorial of George Jaques, comprising Selections from his Journals and a Biographical Sketch. Compiled by Albert A. Lovell, from manuscripts in his possession. Privately printed in two sizes, and bound in hard covers. 1878. Portrait. Sm. 4to, 90 pp. 75 copies. XI. Poems, by Annie Louise Banister. 1879. Sm. 410, 18 pp. Printed for Albert A. Lovell. XII. Addendum to the Inscriptions from the Old Burial Grounds in Worces- ter, Massachusetts. 1879. [Compiled by Franklin P. Rice.] Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. 8vo, 37 pp. JOO copies. This was the first effort of my press for The Worcester Society of Antiquity. FRANKLIN P. RICE. 7 XIII. Early Records of the Town of Worcester. Book I., 1722-173 9. [Edited by Franklin P. Rice.] Published by The Worcester So- ciety of Antiquity. 1879. ^vo, 142 pp. 22J' copies. The first publication of Town Records in Massachusetts pursued consecutively to the end. One volume of Brookline (Muddy River) Records had preceded it in 1875, but it happened that I did not know of this until twenty years later. XIV. Prize Essay on the Most Humane and Practical Plan for Ridding Our Country of the Evil of Intemperance. By Samuel E. Staples. Pri- vately printed. 1880. 8vo, 13 pp. ^o copies. XV. History of Northborough, Mass., in various Publications and Dis- courses by Rev. Joseph Allen, d. d.. Minister of the Town. 1880. 8vo, 19 pp. 20 copies. Title-page and full index to Doctor Allen's publications, printed for Mr. George Sumner. XVI. Early Records of the Town of Worcester. Book II. 1739- 1753. [Edited by Franklin P. Rice.] Published by The Worcester So- ciety of Antiquity. 1880. 8vo, 145 pp. 2^0 copies. XVII. Records of the Proprietors of Worcester, Massachusetts. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. Published by The Worcester Society of An- tiquity. 1 88 1. With nearly 300 plans. 8vo, 336 pp. 2^0 copies. This, I think, the first publication of Proprietary Records. XVIII. Worcester Town Records from 1754 to 1783. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. 1882. 8vo, 472 pp. joo copies. XIX. Portraits and Sketches of the Presidents of the United States, from Washington to Arthur. [Text by Franklin P. Rice.] 1882. 2 copies folio and 25 quarto. PRIVATE PRESS OF XX. Peter Rugg, the Missing Man. By William Austin. With a Notice of the Author. 1882. i2mo, 64 pp. ^o copies. XXI. Records of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, for the County of Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1731 to 1737. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. 1883. 8vo, 197 pp. 22^ copies. This was the first publication of County Records within my knowledge. XXII. Reminiscences of the Rev. George Allen of Worcester. With a Biographical Sketch and Notes by Franklin P. Rice. Published by Putnam and Davis. 1883. Portrait. Square 8vo, 127 pp. 2^0 copies. Some unfriendly criticism of this book was expressed by a certain element in Worcester, but this was greatly overbalanced by its general kindly and appreciative reception. Nearly two hundred copies were within a short time sold at two dollars each. XXIII. Thomas Beket, or the Mitre and the Crow^n. [By Alfred Waites.] (For private circulation). 1883. Sm. 4to, 102 pp. 1 00 copies. XXIV. The Worcester Book : a Diary of Noteworthy Events in Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1653 to 1883. By Franklin P. Rice. Pub- lished by Putnam, Davis and Company. Illustrated. 8vo, 159 pp. 300 copies. XXV. A Memorial of Clarendon Harris. By Clark Jillson. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity.] 1884. 8vo, 5 pp. 100 copies. XXVI. Historical Sketch of the Worcester County Musical Association. By Samuel E. Staples. Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worces- ter Society of Antiquity for 1884. 8vo, 26 pp. lOO copies. FRANKLIN P. RICE. XXVII. The Manufacture of Lumber, and its Use in House Building. By Ellery B. Crane. Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worces- ter Society of Antiquity for 1884. 8vo, 13 pp. lOO copies. XXVIII. An Episode of Worcester History. By Nathaniel Paine. Privately printed [from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of An- tiquity]. 1884. 8vo, 9 pp. 50 copies. XXIX. Incidents of the First and Second Settlements of Worcester. By Francis E. Blake. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worces- ter Society of Antiquity] . 1884. Facsimile. 8vo, 33 pp. 100 copies. Second Edition published by Franklin P. Rice. §00 copia: XXX. An Account of the Discovery of a Mastodon's Remains in North- borough, Worcester County, Massachusetts, By Franklin P. Rice. 1885. Illustration. 8vo, 8 pp. 500 copies. A further investigation revealed the astonishing reality of a human skull involved in the remains of the IVTastodon. As this fact supplied a long-desired want among the scientists to prove the contemporaneous existence of man and mammoth, it was seized upon with avidity, and the skull was subjected to an examination of several months' duration, in the course of which the writer was assured that it presented indubitable evidence of twenty or thirty centuries' antiquity, and that it belonged to a female. A large assembly met a disappointment in a suddenly revised opinion that it was a male skull, and that it had not been long in the peat. XXXI. Random Recollections of Worcester, Mass., 1 839-1 843. Being Remarks made at a meeting of The Worcester Society of Antiquity held June 3d, 1884. By Nathaniel Paine. 1885. Many illus- trations. Large 8vo, 46 pp. lOO copies. XXXII. A Memorial of Francis Gregory Sanborn. By Thomas A. Dickinson. Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of An- tiquity for 1884, with additions. 1885. Portrait. 8vo, 20 pp. ^O copies. lo PRIVATE PRESS OF XXXIII. John Brown : a Retrospect. By Alfred S. Roe. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1884.] 1885. 8vo, 25 pp. 100 copies. XXXIV. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1884. 1885. Illustrated. 8vo, 243 pp. 2^50 copies. XXXV. Some Worcester Matters, 1 689-1 743. By Francis E. Blake. [Re- printed from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1884]. Published by Franklin P. Rice. 1885. 8vo, 17 pp. 200 copies. XXXVI. Rutland and the Indian Troubles of 1723-30. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity] . Published by Franklin P. Rice. 1886. Map and illustration. 8vo, 53 pp. 200 copies. XXXVII. The Story of Company A, 25th Regiment, Mass. Vols., in the War of the Rebellion. By Samuel H, Putnam. Published by Putnam, Davis and Company. 1886. Portrait and maps. 8vo, 324 pp. ^75 copies, 6 on large paper. This undertaking was entered into by the author only after much urging and en- couragement by the printer, but I do not think that either anticipated the success the book attained. It received commendation from high military critics. XXXVIII. Manning Leonard : a Memorial. By Clark Jillson. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity]. 1886. 8vo, 7 pp. 100 copies. XXXIX. Worcester Main Street in 1822. By Henry H. Chamberlin. [Re- printed from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1885]. 1886. Published by Franklin P. Rice. 8vo, 24 pp. 100 copies. FRANKLIN P. RICE. ii XL. Medals ; Report of the Department of Relics, Coins and Curiosities, presented at a meeting of Tlie Worcester Society of Antiquity, held October 6th. 1885. By J. Chauncey Lyford. [Reprint from the Proceedings]. Published by Franklin P. Rice. 1886. 8vo, iz pp. 200 copies. XLI. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1885. 1886. Illustrated. 8vo, 160 pp. joo copies. XLIL Narrative of Amos E. Stearns, Member Co. A, 25th Regt., Mass. Vols., a Prisoner at Andersonville. With an Introduction by Sam- uel H. Putnam. Published by Franklin P. Rice. 1887. Square 8vo, 57 pp. 2^0 copies. XLIII. The Ancestry of Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. With some account of his Life in Old and New England. By Ellery Bicknell Crane. [Reprinted from the Pro- ceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity with additions]. 1887. Portrait. 8vo, 53 pp. lOO copies. XLIV. The Abolitionists Vindicated in a Review of Eli Thayer's Paper on the New England Emigrant Aid Company. By Oliver Johnson. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. 1887. 8vo, 29 pp. 300 copies, and a special edition of ^00 copies. This pamphlet was put forth by the Garrisonians as a reply to certain criticisms of the Honorable Eli Thayer printed in his account of the Emigrant Aid Movement which I had published but did not print. A desire to afford the Abolitionists an equal chance to publicity induced me to have Mr. Johnson's effort put into type in my office by my assistant, and I printed it on my press as an individual publication, for if it had awaited its course in the Proceedings it would not have appeared until a year later. I was not in any adequate degree reimbursed for this, and received few thanks from the Abolitionists, but the Thayer paper and this gained a national repu- tation for The Worcester Society of Antiquity, as its other work proved that it was more than a "local" society. 12 PRIVATE PRESS OF XLV. Indians and Europeans : a paper based upon Ellis, Parkman and others. By U. Waldo Cutler. Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1887. 8vo, 22 pp. jo copies. XLVI. Rev. John Nelson of Leicester : a paper read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, April 5, 1887. By Rev. A. H. Coolidge. [Reprinted from the Proceedings] . 1887. 8vo, 25 pp. lOO copies. XLVII. Sancta Croce : a Nicotian Treatise, with Illustrative Antitheses. [By Alfred Waites] . Published by Franklin P. Rice. 1887. Illus- tration. 1 6mo, 8 5 pp. J 2^ numbered copies, parchment covers. A second edition of one hundred and twenty-five copies on thin paper was printed, numbered, and bound in hard covers. XLVIII. Asa Holman Waters : a paper read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, May 3, 1887. By John C. Crane. [Reprinted from the Proceedings], 1887. Portrait. 8vo, 15 pp. j'o copies. A second edition of fifty copies was published by Franklin P. Rice. XLIX. Memorials of Rev. Joseph Sumner, d. d.. Minister of Shrew^sbury, Massachusetts, from 1762 to 1824. [Compiled and edited by Franklin P. Rice for Mr. George Sumner, a grandson] Privately printed. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, 163 pp. ^o copies. L. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay : Who were they ? What caused them to leave England ? Why did they come here ? What did they do here ? By Rev. Abijah P. Marvin. [Reprinted from the Pro- ceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1887]. 1887. 8vo, 20 pp. 50 copies. LI. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1887. 1888. Illustrated. 8vo, 238 pp. joo copiss. This marks the end of the first Catalogue printed in 1887. FRANKLIN P. RICE. 13 LII. A List of Books and Pamphlets issued from the Private Press of Frank- lin P. Rice. To which is prefixed a Letter to Samuel S. Green, Librarian of the Free Public Library, Worcester, 1887. 8vo, 12 pp. 200 copies ? LIII. William Shakespeare. [For B. T. Hammond]. 1887. 8vo, 10 pp. Printed for private circulation. 25 copies. This referred not to the immortal bard, but to a contemporary music teacher and performer of London. LIV. Constitution of The Worcester Society of Antiquity. 32mo, 14 pp. LV. The Anglican Church in the Colonies : a Paper read at a meeting of The Worcester Society of Antiquity, September 13th, 1887. By Henry L. Parker. [Reprint from the Proceedings]. 1888. 8vo, 28 pp. 100 copies. LVI. Some Meriams and Their Connection wdth Other Families. By Rufiis • N. Meriam. [Reprint from the Proceedings of The ^^'^orcester Society of Antiquity for 1887]. 1888. 8vo, 52 pp. loo copies. LVII. A Memorial of Isaac Newton Metcalf. By Samuel E. Staples. Leaf reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of An- tiquity for 1887. LVIII. A Funeral Oration occasioned by the death of General George Washington. Written at the request of the Boston Mechanic As- sociation, and delivered before them on the Z2d of Feb. 1800. By Joseph Tuckerman. [Reprint]. 8vo, 30 pp. 2^ copies. LIX. A Memorial of Rev. Joseph Tuckerman. 1888. i2mo, 372 pp. 200 copies. Printed for Mr. Joseph Tuckerman of Newport, R. 1., a son of the Rev. Joseph Tuckerman. 14 PRIVATE PRESS OF LX. Reminiscences of Cambridge and Harvard College. By Rev. S. D. Hosmer. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester So- ciety of Antiquity for 1888]. 1889. 8vo, 12 pp. 100 copies. LXI. Peter Whitney and his History of Worcester County. By John C. Crane. [Reprint from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1888]. Franklin P. Rice, Publisher. Portrait. 1889. 8vo, 25 pp. 100 copies. LXII. Worcester Methodism : Its Beginnings. A Paper read before the N. E. M. E. Historical Society and The Worcester Society of An- tiquity. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of the last named Society]. 1889. Illustration. 8vo, 31 pp. lOO copies ? LXIII. History of the Seal of The Worcester Society of Antiquity. By Frank- lin P. Rice. [Reprinted from the Proceedings for 1888]. 1889. With facsimiles of the original designs. 8vo, 12 pp. ^o copies. The several original designs submitted for selection were rescued from the danger of the waste basket by the writer, who had the plates made, and prepared the ac- count. The adoption of this Seal in the early period is evidence of the archaeological tendency in the Society. LXIV. The Early Militia System of Massachusetts : a Paper read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, October 2d, 1888. By Ellery B. Crane. [Reprint from the Proceedings]. 1889. 8vo, 25 pp. 50 copies ? LXV. Dorothea Lynde Dix : a Paper read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, November 20th, 1888, By Alfred S. Roe. [Re- printed from the Proceedings]. 1889. 8vo, 20 pp. ^o copies? LXVI. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1888. 1889. 8vo, 173 pp. joo copies. FRANKLIN P. RICE. 15 LXVII. Roll of the Congregational Church, Auburn, Mass., December 15th, 1889. i6mo, 8 pp. Printed for my friend, the late Reverend Samuel D. Hosmer. LXVIIL The Worcester District in Congress from 1789 to 1857 : a Paper read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, June 11, 1889. By FrankUn P. Rice. 8vo, 28 pp. 50 copies? This paper was in type for the reading, and a second edition of one hundred copies from the Proceedings was reprinted in 1890. LXIX. Time Notes. No. i. January, 1889. 410. Two or three numbers of a publication with this name, which has been given to a later production, were planned, but were not completed. LXX. Baconian Facts : an Epilogue to the Farce of "Bacon vs. Shakespeare". [By Alfred Waites]. Worcester, Mass., Franklin P. Rice, Pub- lisher. 1890. Sm. Svo, 24 pp. ^00 copies. This contribution to the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy had a notable run. Mr. Waites was strongly anti-Baconian, and maintained his ground well. A portion of the edition had the names of Lee and Shepard, Boston, publishers, on the cover. The type was set in my ofBce, but the pages were struck off on a power press. LXXI. Military Operations at Castine, Maine. By Rev. George F. Clark. Read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, February 5th, 1889. [Reprint from the Proceedings]. 1890. 8vo, 24 pp. ^O copies. LXXII. The Burning of the Ursuline Convent in Charlestown in 1834. By Ephraim Tucker. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worces- ter Society of Antiquity for 1889]. 1890. 8vo, 24 pp. ^o copies. LXXIII. Reminiscences of Elbridge Boyden. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1889]. 1890. 8vo, 13 pp. 50 copies. i6 PRIVATE PRESS OF LXXIV. Worcester Town Records from 1784 to 1800. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. [Vol- ume viii., of the Collections]. 1890. 8vo, 411 pp. joo copies. LXXV. Memorials of Meredith, New Hampshire. New England Town Series, edited by Franklin P. Rice. Massachusetts Record Society. 1 89 1. 8vo, 13 pp. 100 copies? LXXVI. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year I 889. 1890. 8vo, 160 pp. JOO copies. LXXVII. A Memorial of Dr. Guillermo Rawson, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic. By Ellery B. Crane. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1890]. 1891. Portrait. 8vo, 52 pp. 100 copies. Lxxvin. A Memorial of Rev. Adin Ballou. By Rev. Carlton A. Staples. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of An- tiquity for 1890J. 1 891. Portrait. 8vo, 16 pp. lOO copies? LXXIX. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1 890. 1 89 1. Portraits. 8vo, 178 pp. joo copies. LXXX. The Rival Chiefs of Acadia. By Rev. George F. Clark. [Reprint from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity], i 891 . 8vo, 22 pp. 50 copies. LXXXI. John and Thomas Totman and their Descendants. By Rufus N. Meriam, a. m. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1 891]. 8vo, 31 pp. ^O copies. LXXXII. Field Day of The Worcester Society of Antiquity in Medfield, June 20th, 1 89 1. The Medfield Historical Society. 1892. Reprint. 8vo, 5 I pp. Portrait. 100 copies. FRANKLIN P. RICE. 17 LXXXIII. Remarks on the Publication of Records, with reference to the condi- tion of the British Archives of earlier time. By Franklin P. Rice. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Anti- quity for 1 891]. 8vo, 8 pp. JOO copies. LXXXIV. Worcester Town Records from 1801 to 1816. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. [Vol- ume X. of the Collections]. I 891. 8vo, 383 pp. joo copies. LXXXV. A Biographical Notice of Benson John Lossing, ll. d. Prepared for The Worcester Society of Antiquity, by Nathaniel Paine. [Reprint from the Proceedings for 1891]. 1892. Portrait. 8vo, 8 pp. ^O copies. LXXXVI. First Records of the Town of Adams, Massachusetts. New England Town Series, edited by Franklin P. Rice. Massachusetts Record Society. 1892. 8vo, 11 pp. 1 00 copies. LXXXVII. The Early Ministry of Mendon, Massachusetts. A Paper read be- fore The Worcester Society of Antiquity, March ist, 1892. By Rev. George F. Clark, [Reprint from the Proceedings]. 8vo, 20 pp. 50 copies. LXXXVIII. George William Curtis and his Antecedents. By Henry H. Cham- berlin. [Reprint from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1892] 8vo, 18 pp. 50 copies? LXXXIX. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1 892. 1893. 8vo, 167 pp. JOO copies. XC. Statistics of Comb-Making in Leominster, 1852. By Caleb C. Field, M. D. With an Introduction by Samuel A. Green, m. d. 1893. 8vo, 14 pp. ^o copies. Printed as a favor to my friend, Doctor Green of Boston. i8 PRIVATE PRESS OF xci. Remonstrance and Protest of Franklin P. Rice, against the continued interference with his rights as a tenant in the Building of The Worces- ter Society of Antiquity. Proposition to Surrender Lease of Rooms. Appendix comprising the Documents and Testimony in the Lease Trouble, etc. Presented at a meeting of the Society, December 12, 1893, 8vo, 29 pp. TOO copies? XCII. Worcester Town Records, i 8 i 7- i 8 3 2 . Edited by Franklin P. Rice. Pubhshed by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. [Volume xi. of the Collections]. 1893. 8vo, 382 pp. joo copies. XCIII. Farm Life in Colonial New England. A Paper read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, March 7th, 1893. By Arthur P. Rugg. Privately Printed. 1894. 8vo, 19 pp. JO copies. XCIV. Jonathan Holman, a Revolutionary Colonel. A Paper read before The Worcester Society of Antiquity, December 5th, 1893. By John C. Crane. 1894. Portrait. 8vo, 19 pp. jO copies. XCV. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1893. 1894. 8vo, 162 pp. JOO copies. XCVI. In Memoriam. George Sumner, 1 824-1 893. Sm. 8vo, 32 pp. Portrait. 200 copies. [By John C. Crane] . XCVII. Through Glade and Mead : a Contribution to Local Natural History. By Joseph Jackson Illustrations from photographs by J. C. Lyford Published by Putnam, Davis and Company 1894 Sq. 8vo and 4to, 332 pp. JOO copies ordinary and jj large paper. XCVIII. Flora of Worcester County. A Catalogue of the Ph^nogamous and Vascular Cryptogamous Plants of Worcester County, Massachu- setts. By Joseph Jackson. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 1894. Sm . 8vo, 76 pp. Illustrated. FRANKLIN P. RICE. 19 XCIX. A Tribute to Clark Jillson from The Worcesfer Society of Antiquity, July 3, 1894. [Reprint from the Proceedings] 1895. 8vo, 25 pp. 50 co-pies. C. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1894. 1895. 8vo, 86 pp. joo copies. This number closed my active connection with the publication work of the So- ciety, as I was summarily deposed from my position while under the disability con- sequent to a fractured arm and unable to attend the meetings. CI. Worcester Births, Marriages and Deaths [1714-1848]. Com- piled by Franklin P. Rice. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity [Volume xii. of the Collections]. 1894. 8vo, 527 pp. 300 copies. CII. Worcester Town Records, i 833-1 848. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity [Volume XV. of the Collections]. 1895. 8vo, 430 pp. JOO copies. The two preceding were not entirely completed until, the first sometime in 1896, the other in March, 1898. cm. Romance and Humor in Worcester's History. [By Franklin P. Rice]. l6mo, 44 pp. [not completed]. 1896 or 7. CIV. New England Folk-Lore. The Devil and Tom Walker. The First Worcester Edition. 1896. 32 mo, 11 pp. This trifle an attempt at a practical joke on the publishers, Putnam, Davis and Company. cv. General JosiAH Pickett. Sm. 4to, 4 pp. 1897. I worked for some time with my friend. General Pickett, to produce a form of a biographical sketch that would be satisfactory to his supersensitive nature. Tliis required the exercise of ingenuity and patience, for which he gratefully commended me. This sketch was used as the basis of form in various publications in which a notice of him appeared. 20 PRIVATE PRESS OF cvi. The Worcester Records. Proceedings at a Dinner given at the Lincoln House in Worcester, November 3d, 1897, to Franklin P. Rice, in Recognition of Work accomplished in the Development of System- atic History. 8vo, 34 pp. 500 copies. CVII. Genealogy of some of the Descendants of Obediah Wheeler of Con- cord, and Thomas Thaxter of Hingham. By Henry M. Wheeler. I 898. Svo, 74 pp. I printed a private edition of fifty copies for Mr. Wheeler, which was bound in cloth. I also made one hundred copies more with paper covers, which I published. CVIII. Bibliography of Worcester. A List of Books, Pamphlets, News- papers and Broadsides, printed in the Town of Worcester, Massa- chusetts, from 1775 to 1848. With Historical and Explanatory Notes. By Charles Lemuel Nichols. Privately printed, mdcccxcix. Sq. 8vo, 216 pp. Portrait and facsimiles. 200 copies, and 2^ on large paper. This undertaking was in progress three years or more. In the intervening fifteen years some revision and additions have been made, and the reprinting of a portion of the text is about to be undertaken on my press for that part of the edition remaining in possession of the author. CIX. New Hampshire. Lake Region Inscriptions : Whiteface Intervale, Sandwich. Perkins Ground, New Durham. Further Memorials of Meredith. Published by Franklin P. Rice. 1900. 8vo, 28 pp. 50 copies. The next five are notable as the beginnings of the Systematic History Fund pub- lications which preceded and influenced the State Vital Record work three years later, and with which I cooperated the ten years following. ex. Worcester County Warnings, i 737-1 788. With an Introduction by Francis E. Blake. Published by Franklin P. Rice. Svo, loi pp. 1899. 100 copies. CXI. Vital Records of the Town of Auburn, (formerly Ward), Massa- chusetts, to the end of the year 1850. With the Inscriptions from FRANKLIN P. RICE. ai the Old Burial Grounds. Collected and arranged by Franklin P. Rice. 8vo, 142 pp. 1900. ijo copies. CXII. Vital Records of the Town of Boylston, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1850. Collected and arranged by Franklin P. Rice. 8vo, I 24 pp. 1 900. 120 copies. CXIII. Vital Records of the Town of Northborough, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1850. The larger part from the copy made by Oilman B. Howe, formerly Town Clerk. 8vo, 153 pp. 1901. 120 copies. CXIV. Vital Records of the Town of Princeton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year i 850. [Complete only through the Births]. 1902. 8vo, 79 pp. 1^0 copies. CXV. History of the Fanning Family. A Genealogical Record to 1900 of the Descendants of Edmund Fanning, the Emigrant Ancestor in America, who settled in Connecticut in 1653, etc. By Walter Frederic Brooks. Illustrated with many plates and maps. In two volumes, large 8vo, 872 pp. (continuous). 1905. 2IO copies. CXVI. Paxton, Massachusetts, Burial Ground Inscriptions, to the end of the year 1849. Systematic History Fund (Auxiliary). Published by Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1906. 8vo, 32 pp. Plate. 100 copies. CXVII. Marlborough, Massachusetts, Burial Ground Inscriptions : Old Common, Spring Hill, and Brigham Cemeteries. Systematic His- tory Fund (Auxiliary). Published by Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908. 8vo, 218 pp. Illustrated. 100 copies. CXVIII. Sixth Report of the Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia. Adopted April 12, 1865. [Reprint for my friend, Mr. Francis E. Blake]. 8vo, 51 pp. 1913. 15 copies 11 PRIVATE PRESS OF CXIX. Pierre de Coulevain. [This a sketch of the French writer. Mile. Fabre, printed for my friend. Miss Anna L. Kendall]. 1913- i6mo, 7 pp. cxx. Time Notes. Franklin P. Rice. 8vo, 430? pp. 1915. 100 copies. CXXI. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets issued from the Private Press of Franklin P. Rice, from 1871 to 191 5. With a List of Publi- cations written, compiled or edited by Mr. Rice, but not printed on his press. 8vo, 191 5. 160 copies. CXXII. A List of New Books in Holden's Circulating Library, 1878. i8mo, 8 pp. [A copy recently found, and this suggests other productions of which I have a vague recollection, but the exact titles cannot be recalled] . LIST OF PUBLICATIONS WRITTEN, COMPILED OR EDITED BY Mr- RICE, BUT NOT PRINTED ON HIS PRESS. I. Inscriptions from the Old Burial Grounds in Worcester, Massachu- setts. Published by The Worcester Society of Antiquity. 1878. 8vo, I 24 pp. I was one of the committee to prepare this work for the press, and copied a part of the Inscriptions and verified the whole. II. A Memorial Sketch of the Rev. George Allen. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1883.] Portrait. 8vo, 1 1 pp. 50 copies. III. Proceedings at the Tenth Anniversary of The Worcester Society of Antiquity, January 27th, 1885. 8vo, 100 pp. FRANKLIN P. RICE. 23 IV. Centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of the Town of Boylston, Massachusetts, 1886. 1887. 8vo, 141 pp. V. Proceedings of The Worcester Society of Antiquity for the year 1 886. 1887. 8vo, 168 pp. joo copies. VI. The New England Emigrant Aid Company, and its Influence, through the Kansas Contest, upon National History. By Eli Thayer. [Seal of Kansas] . [Reprint from the Proceedings of The Worcester So- ciety of Antiquity for 1 886]. Published by Franklin P. Rice. 1887. 8vo, 48 pp. 1000 copies. The writer congratulates himself that he was responsible for inducing the Honor- able Eli Thayer to make this first statement of the important historical matter con- tained in this pamphlet, which was followed by Tht Kansas Crusade, The Kansas Conflict, and so many other publications to correct the course of History. VII. A Souvenir of ye Old South Meetin' House. 1887. Folio, 24 pp. Many illustrations. Published by F. S. Blanchard and Company. The text a reprint of the papers I had contributed to Tke Neiv England Home yournal. VIII. Carl's Tour in Main Street. 1889. i2mo, 246 pp. Published by Sanford and Davis. IX. Dictionary of Worcester. By Franklin P. Rice. Published by F. S. Blanchard and Company. Two editions, one in 1889 (25 copies) oi 108 pp, the other, revised, with 135 pages, of 1 000 copies, re- printed from The Worcester Commercial m 1893. X. The Worcester of 1898. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. 1899. Large 8vo, 809 pp. Profusely illustrated. Published by F. S. Blanchard and Company. XI. The New City Hall, Worcester, Mass., a Testimonial to the City Hall Commissioners from the City Council. [The text by Franklin 24 PUBLICATIONS OF P. Rice] Many illustrations, mdcccxcix. Large 410, 146 pp. 100 copies. Publications of The Systematic ?l^tStOrg jFuntr, of which the first four and two later ones were printed on my press. This was the beginning of the State Vital Records work now in progress. The lists of Births, Marriages and Deaths were printed to the end of the year 1849. These volumes, with one exception (the Colo- nial Records of Marlborough) were printed at the Stanhope Press in Boston. ' XII. to XLVI. Princeton Vital Records, 8vo, 195 pp. 1902. Westborough Vital Records, 258 pp. 1903. Leicester Vital Records, 284 pp. 1903. ' Barrc Vital Records, 276 pp: 1903. Southborough Vital Recojds, 187 pp. 1903. Millbury Vital Records, 158 pp. 1903. Holden Vital Records, 236 pp. 1904. Shrewsbury Vital Records, 282 pp. 1904. Petersham Vital Records, 193 pp. 1904. Upton Vital Records, 190 pp. 1904. Rutland Vital Records, 255 pp. 1905. Oxford Vital Records, 315 pp. 1905. Charlton Vital Records, 268 pp. 1905. Oakham Vital Records, 133 pp. 1905. Royalston Vital Records, 196 pp. 1906. Douglas Vital Records, 192 pp. 1906. Grafton Vital Records, 377 pp. 1906. Phillipston Vital Records, 121 pp. 1906. Sutton Vital Records, 478 pp. 1907. Gardner Vital Records, 136 pp. 1907. Templeton Vital Records, 212 pp. 1907. Hubbardston Vital Records, 226 pp. 1907. FRANKLIN P. RICE. 25 Marlborough Vital Records, 404 pp. 1908. Marlborough Colonial Records, 1656 to 1729. 1909. Westminster Vital Records, 258 pp. 1908. Dudley Vital Records, 288 pp. 1908. Spencer Vital Records, 276 pp. 1909. Ashburnham Vital Records, 2 1 5 pp. 1 909. Brookfield Vital Records, 549 pp. 1909. Winchendon Vital Records, 223 pp. 1909. Bolton Vital Records, 232 pp. 1910. Warren Vital Records, 196 pp. 1910. Athol Vital Records, 230 pp. 1910. West Boylston Vital Records, 153 pp. 191 1. Leominster Vital Records, 369 pp. 191 1. THE WORCESTER NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. I had the planning and supervision of two publications of this Society — Perry's Geology of Worcester, and Jackson's Third Edition of the Flora of Worcester County, the first printed at the Ham- ilton Press in Worcester, 1903, the other at the Stanhope Press in Boston, 1909. THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Since 1906 I have had, as a member of the Committee of Publication of The American Antiquarian Society, the general management of the publication work and the direction of the printing. Two large volumes have been executed at the Stanhope Press, Boston, and the semi-annual issues at the Davis Press, Worcester. BLAKE'S HISTORY OF PRINCETON. During the past three years I have given considerable eiFort to the prep- aration of the materials of this production for publication, and it has recently been issued from the Stanhope Press in Boston. Gaylord Eros. Makers Syracvise, N-^- 'i^Mi'^'U^'i''^'''. .y.£F'^'^E'-EY LIBRARIES CD^TMTMOEl