LIBRARY UN'VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE I izy'fL , ; ,W * 't' \} k' -'. ,.v:...^.,f,, '■''/•v.V- ■ ■ i .: if- ■- >/< .*r • ■•■:■•■ r'f.'.'-' ■. 'A:Ci}& ^ > t / .- : , •*.■ ,:. V'. *^ :">'-' C* i,.^>- >- /: .' *» .-. >i jl"'— I Oc^ -: ^ o WITHIN THE PRECINCTS Fi oiilisjiiecc. ■'>-- ^ ^ ^^w^ S»« »•• m««rua« •won LOOKtMQ AITKII IIKIl A8 OUR WAI.KKIl MAJKSTKAI l,\ l|nM|,w AUDS. WITHIN THE PRECINCTS BY MRS OLIPHANT ACTHORESS OF 'THE CHROKICLES OF CARLINGFORD' &C. OZ/jbAsk^^t M^y^atet 0/,}/>aAt CWi'lso^ A NEW EDITION, WITH FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1888 [/I// rights rexerveil ] VJS7 CONTENTS. KX CHAPTER p^gj I. St. Michael's 1 n. The Chevaliers' Lodges . , . . 11 III. The Abbey Preclncts 21 IV. Ladt Oarolixe 33 V. Ai THE Deanery 45 "VI. Law .57 VII. A New Light 04 Vlll. Triumph aitd Terror 73 IX. Visitors h4 X. The AIenok Canon UG XI. Another Evening at the Deanery . .107 XII. Brother and Sister 118 Xm. Captain Despard 128 XIV. The Workroom 136 XV. Romance and Reality 147 XVI. The Signor's Household .... 158 XVII. The Musician at Home 168 XVIII. Young Purcell 17i) XIX. Business, or Love? ]!)0 XX. An Unconscious Trial . . . ]!)!) XXI. Searchings op Heart 208 XXII. A Chance tor Law -J-JO 1 CONTENTS CHAPTER XXIII. Good Advice PAGB , 230 XXIV. A Crisis 241 XXV. What Followed , 251 XXVI. The Fool's Paradise 261 XXVII. A Terrible Interruption . . . , , 270 XXVIII. The Captain's Wife 281 XXIX. The Heatings of the Earthquake . 292 XXX. Lottie's Fate 304 XXXI. What other People Thought , 313 XXXII. What Eollo had to Marry on 322 XXXIII. Lottie's side of the Question . 333 XXXIV. A Crisis 346 XXXV. Family Duty : according to Mrs. Despard . 356 XXXVI. Family Duty : by a Finer Artist . 369 XXXVII. Another Chance 379 iXXVIII. Lottie Resentful . 390 XXXIX. Lottie Subdued 401 XL. The Effect of Good Fortune: Law . . 413 XLI. The Effect of Good Fortune: Rollo 421 XLII. ' Till Friday.' . 434 XLIII. The End of the Dream . 447 XLIV. Apres? . 460 XLV. Conclusion 469 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The two musicians stood looking ajuld be free then, and never have to trouble my head about anything at all.' ' You'll have to trouble your head when you have to work and don't know how,' said Lottie. ' Oh, if 1 was a boy ! It's no use wishing. I am only a girl ; and you are a great lump, 10 ■^•ITniX THE PRECINCTS. neither one nor the other ; but if I were only a boy, and could get something to do, and a little money to pay those bilk — -' ' Oh, dash the bills, as papa says. He doesn't say " dash," ' said Law, with provoking calm ; ' but, then, I musn't swear." ' Oh, Law, I should like to beat you ! ' said Lottie, clenching her little fists in impotent anger and setting her teeth. But Law only laughed the more. ' You had better not,' he said, Avhen he had got over his laugh, ' for I am a deal stronger than you.' And so he was, and so were they all, much stronger than poor Lottie ; even Betty, who would not scrub, but who was too well used to all the ways of the fomily and aware of all tlieir troubles, to be sent away. She fought for a time hard and bitterly, striving with all her might to clean, and to dust, and to keep things straight, to the infinite discontent of everybody concerned. But yet perhaps the girl's struggles were not utterly without nse : for Avhen the next astonishins: change came in their lives, and their little income Avas sud- denly increased by half, and a removal made necessary. Captain Despard, of his own accord, turned Lottie's despair in a moment into hope and joy. He said, ' Now, Lottie, you shall have things your own Avay. Now you shall see Avhat you can do. This is a new start for us all. If you can keep us respectable, by Jove, you shall, and nobody shall stoj) you. A man ought to be respectable when he's made a Chevalier of St. IMichael.' Lottie's heart leaped up, up from Avhere it lay fathoms deep in unutterable depression and discourage- ment. ' Oh, papa, papa, do you mean it ? Will you keep your word ? ' she cried, happy yet dubious ; and how he kept it, but with a difference, and hoAV they set out upon this new chapter in their career, shall be told before we com^e back again to Lottie in her proper person, in the little drawing room in the Chevaliers' quarters Avithin the Abbey precincts, on Miss Huntington's Avedding-day. THE chevaliers' LODGES. 11 CHAPTER 11. THE chevaliers' LODGES. The name of a Chevalier of St. jMichael sounds very splendid to innocent and uninstructed ears. It is a title which stands alone in England at least. Poor Knights have been heard of both in flesh and blood and in confectionery, in other places ; but the title Chevalier is preserved in St. Michael's, and there alone. Lottie thought it very imposing, and her heart leaped, ' partly with a sense of her own injustice all her life to her father, of Avhose merits, in youthful irreverence, she had hitherto thought but little. He must be, she thought in- voluntarily, a great deal braver, better, and altogether o£ more importance than she had supposed, when his qualities could Avin him such a distinction Irom his country ; for that it Avas a distinction accorded by the country Lottie had no manner of doubt in those davs. She Avas overaAved and o\'er- joyed : first of all on accouct of the people in Fairford, Avhere they had hitherto lived, and who had shoAATi but little respect for the family : but much more on her OAvn account. She felt reconciled to herself, to her kind, to all her cu'cumstances, Avhen she reflected that she Avas the daughter of a CheA'alier of St. Michael, and that Betty Avould never leave Fairford, and that Captain Despard had expressed himself in favour of respectability as a thing to be cultiA'ated. Life suddenly took a new aspect to her. She thought they would be able to shake off" every incumbrance Avhen they went away. Her father Avould henceforward live a stately and dignified life as became his position. He Avould not haunt the place Avhere billiards Avere played, and Avear a number of shabby coats, each Avorse than the other, but eA^eryone Avith a floAver in it. The floAver, Avhich most people Avould have thought a softening clause, was intolerable to Lottie; it looked like a piece of braggadocio, a wilful defiance of public opinion or declaration of independence. But henceforAA^ard if he mustAvear afloAver it must be at least in a tolerable coat ; henceforward he Avould be trim and smooth, and come in at a respectable hour ; henceforward there should be no bills except Aveekly ones, 12 "VnTIIIN THE rRECIXCTS. and Law slioukl go to school — nay, Law was too old for school now — but at least he would read with a tutor, and prow into a creature of whom his sister might be proud. Perhaps this Avas but another way of expressing the domestic tyranny of which Lottie's will was full. She was so anxious to be able to be proud of her father and brother ; Avasnot that another way of s<^ying that she wanted to get them up, or down, to her feminine standard, and control and bind and keep them at her apron-string ? So, perhaps, a cynic might have said. But Lottie was unconscious of any such inten- tion. She was eager to have something which she had not, the opposite of what she had — and thus, too, it may be said, she fell into a commonplace. But when the family got to St. IMichael's, Lottie's hopes came to a melancholy conclusion. Not only did Captain Despard remain very much the same, which was a thing that most people anticipated — and Law decline the tutor, upon whom Lottie had set her heart, but St. Michael's itself and the Chevaliership turned out something very different from the girl's exalted expectations. She found that this office Avas not looked upon on the spot as a reward of distinguished Aierit bestowed by the country, but only as a sort of retiring pension for a number of old soldiers Avhose friends had interest enough to have them thus provided for. She found a hierarchy of a totally different kind constituted and reign- ing, in which the Chevaliers had no place. And she found herself — yhe whose chief inspiration was this proud and eager desire to be somebody — in a phice Avhere she could never be other than nobody, and where no nobler self-denial on the part of her father, no virtue in Law, could call forth the acclamation of the world. In Fairford there were people as poor as themselves whom all the world thought well of, and of whom Lottie was envious ; but here she was one of a class who Avere poor among the rich, and did not get the social honours Avhich many of them deserved; Avhile at the same time, close before her eyes, daily visible, appeared another class Avhich seemed to fulfil all Lottie's requirements : refined people Avith beautil'ul houses, living serene in an atmosphere of univer.«al respect. But alns, these were eccle- siastical people, not the Chevaliers : and shoAved little dis- position to notice Lottie. Lottie did not like this. She had expected something .cq different. Society, she thought, and THE chevaliers' lodges. 13 a hri;.'litcr world ^\•ere goinp; to open upon lier; and lo ! nothing at all opened n})on her that ^vas new. It is very- hard, especially when you leel yourself to be, as the proverb sivys, as good a gentleman as the king, to find yourself in con- tact -Nvilh a higher class -vvhich ignores you. jNIost of us have to bear something of the kind, and learn to take it with j)hi- losoph}'. But Lottie was very young and sadly disappointed. ISobody took any notice of her save the other Chevaliers, their wives and daughters, and these were not very much more splendid people than the society she had been used to. Lottie was sore, and disappointed, and humbled in her own conceit. And there was another way in which the word of promise was kept to her ear, Avith far other meaning than she had hoped. Ca])tain Dcspard had a very serious interview with his daughter when they arrived in their little house. He called her out of the little box which was her drawing-room to the other little box where he had established himself, and deigned to enter upon the question of income. ' Now, Lottie,' he said, ' you have chosen to bother me lately about money, and expressed views which I could not sanction about weekly bills.' ' Only to save you trouble, papa,' said Lottie ; ' if we do it every week, we may hope to keep within our income ; but how can you ever do that when you leave butchers and bakers for a year ? ' ' 'My child,' said Captain Dcspard, with his grand air, * circumstances have enabled me to yield to your wishes. I don't say if it's a system I approve or don't approve. I say- to myself, Lottie is my only girl, and she is like her dear mother ; she shall have her Avay. From this day, my dear, the new income which I receive from my country Avill go straight into your hands. It is but a pittance. A poor soldier stands a poor chance in these times, but such as it is, my love, it shows your iiither's trust in you. Take it, Lottie, and pay your bills according to your pleasure. I will ask no questions ; weekly, monthly, or once a (juarter, as long as I have a bit of dinner and a cup of coffee Avhen I Avant it. Your father's confidence in you is perfect, Lottie, and I leave it all to you.' ' Papa ! ' said the girl, trembling, half delighted, half frightened, half taken in by that grand air. But he would hear no more. He kissed her forehead Avith the iavourite 14 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. action o£ the 2'>ere noble, and hurried away. ' No thanks, my child ; no thanks,' he said. It was a pittance. Lottie stood where he left her gazing after him, her veins tingling with mingled disappointment and pleasure. To the inexperienced it seems always possible to do a great deal with a little, and the power of paying bills at all seemed a heavenly power. But Captain Despard chuckled to himself as he went away. He had purchased by that fine address the right to be disagreeable ever after, to wave his hand loftily, and to decline all knowledge of details. ' Keep to your bargain, my dear, and I'll keep to mine,' he had the right to say ; and whereas some of his former income always had to be wasted upon the household, let him make Avhat resistance he would, at least that would be the case no longer. Thus Lottie had her Avay, but in such a changed form that it no longer seemed her way. With the addition of the St. Michael's allowance she had hoped that there would be plenty for all needs ; but what Avas she to do with the St. Michael's allowance and no more ? Nevertheless, Lottie plucked up a heart. To feel that she had something was always exhilarating, and inexperience has wild hopes wdiich knowleds;e does not venture to share. Her little room was full for a week after of little bits of paper scribbled over with calculations. She was determined to do it. If the dinner was not good enough for papa, he must just go and dine else- where. And there was no Betty to make herself disagreeable, but only a young girl, whom Lottie, heaven save her ! meant to train. Once a week or so Law and she could very well do without a dinner. They were both still great on bread and butter, and capable, not knowing anything about digestion, of swallowinij innumerable cups of tea. Her fond hopes of furniture and 'picking up things' to make the little old house pretty, must be relinquished, it was true ; but, still, at nineteen one can put up with a great deal in the present. There is always the future, so much of the future, like the sky and the plain from St. Michael's Hill, spreading above, below, everywliTe, without limit or bound, save in the eyes which can only reach a certain distance. So Lottie comforted herself for 'just now,' and marched on into her life, colours flying and drums beating, taking as little heed as she could of those stragglers who would always fall out of the ranks — her father alwaj's shuffling of£ to some new haunt or other, the THE chevaliers' LODGES. 15 places -which such men find out by iiistinct in the least-known locality, and large loose-limbed Law, whose vague career was always dubious, and who could not keep step. Never mind ! Lottie herself set out, brave, head erect, eyes straight, all her faculties in fullest attention to the roll of her own cheerful drum. The earliest part of her career here, however, Avas bright- ened yet disturbed by a discovery which considerably confused her mind in her outset, and seemed to open better prospects before her. Lottie found out that she had a voice. She had kjiown that she could sing long before, and had performed many a time in the little parlour at Fairford to the admira- tion of all hearers, singing every new comic song that burst upon the little provincial world from the music-halls in London, and knowing no better, so long as she was a child. There was no harm in the songs she sang, nothing but abso- lute silliness and flippancy, such as are natural to that kind of production ; but as Lottie grew into womanhood, and began by instinct to know better, she gave them up, and knowing no others except some ancient sentimental ditties of her mother's, gave up singing so far as a musical creature can give up Avhat is another kind of breathing to her. But when she heard the choir in the Abbey church, Lottie woke up, Avith such a delightfid discovery of what music Avas, and such an ecstatic finding out of her own poAvers, as Avords cannot express. She had an old jingling Avorn-out piano, and had ' learned to play ' from her mother, Avho knew nothing about it, except as much as could be taught to a school-girl tAventy years before ; but this meagre instruction, and the bad instrument, and the half-dozen ' pieces ' Avhich Avere all Mrs, Despard's musical library, had not attracted the pupil, •rUid it Avas not till she heard the organ pealing through St. Slichael's, and the choristers singing like angels — though they Avere not like angels out of doors — that Lottie awoke to a real consciousness of her OAvn gift. She had never had any education herself. Though she was so anxious for school for Law, it had not occurred to her that she Avanted any schooling. Lottie Avas narroAV-minded and practical. She did not understand self-culture. She Avanted LaAv to learn, because Avithout education he could not do anything worth speaking of, could not earn any money, could not get on in the world. Perhaps it is true that Avomen have a natural 16 WITHIN THE PKECINCTS. inclination to calcnlate in tliis poor way. She did not care a straw for the cultivation of Law as LaAV — but that he should be made good for something, get a good situation, have some hopes of comfort and prosperity. For herself, what did it matter ? She never could know enough to teach, and Captain Despard would not let his daughter teach ; besides, she had plenty to do at home, and could not be spared. She could read and write, and do her accounts, the latter very well indeed ; and she had learned to ' play ' from her mother, and slie could sew, rather badly at first, rather well now by dint of practice. What did a girl want more ? But Lottie dis- covered now that a girl might want more. ' Is there any place where they will teach you to sing without money?' she said one day to old Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, her next-door neighbour, the old lady of all her neighbours whom Lottie liked best. 'Me jewel,' cried the old lady; * is it Avithout paying you're meaning ? They send an account if you do but look at them here, me dear.' 'All of them?' said Lottie; 'for I can sing, and I should like to learn to sing ; but, you know, I can't pay — much ' 'I know; nothing at all, if you're like us, me honey. But maybe you're better off. O'Shaughnessy, Ave don't make a secret of it, rose from the ranks, and we've never had a penny — I don't care Avho knoAvs it — barring ovir pay.' ' We are not like that,' said Lottie, draAving herself up. ' Papa Avas always a gentleman,' (' Then I don't give much for such gentlemen,' murmured the other Chevalier's lady under her breath), ' and Ave have a little. That is — I mean, that he has a little — papa has a little ' — the girl said on the edge of a confidence ; and then stopped suddenly short. ' It don't do much for the children, I'll go bail,' said the old lady. 'That's the Avorst of fine gentlemen, me dear. O'Shaughnessy he asks me for a shillin' Avhen he wants it, bless him — and that's the only Avay Avhen there's small pay. Singing, is it ? If you're ahvays to make such a stand on being a lady, me friend Lottie, I don't see hoAv I can help you ; but if you will come in free and comfortable, and take a dish of tay Avhen Eowley's there — oh, to be sure, pufE ! my lady's off — but there's no harm in him ; and he'll make you die with laughin' at him, him and his airs — but they tell me THE CIIEVALIEHS LODGES. 17 lie has tlie best voice and the best method of any of tlie lay clerks.' ' A singing man ! ' ' Well, and that was what ye wanted ! ' paid the old woman. ' You know as well as me, Miss Lottie, there's no singin' woman here.' Lottie protested that she could not consent to appear in such company — that papa would not allow it — that it was impossible. But she ended by promising to ' run in ' before old Major O'Shaughnessy began his rubber, and see the singing man. And the result was that, half out of friendship for his Irish hosts who did not pretend to be above him, and half out of pride to be interrogated so graciously about his invalid daughter by a young lady who gave herself such airs, Eowley, the first tenor, agreed for so low a rate as had never been heard of before to train Miss Despard's beautiful voice. * If the young lady had been a little boy, and if the Signor could but ha' gotten hold on it ! ' Rowley said, in enthusiasm. It was the voice, Avhich is impersonal, of which he spoke, and the Signer was the organist. But good fortune had not as yet thrown him in Lottie's way. Soon, however, Rowley began to whisper it about that he had got a pupil who was quite good enough for Exeter Hall, if not for the Italian Opera, and the whole community was interested. Lottie herself, and her pretty looks, had not attracted any notice — but a voice was a very diflerent matter. And then it was that steps were taken to make, for Lottie's behalf, a practicable gap in the hedge of prickles which surrounded the Cloisters and kept intruders out. Miss Despard was invited to join the St. IMichael's Choral Society, in which the Divinities on the hill did not disdain to mingle their voices even with the lower-born outside the Abbey walls. And when it became known what a voice Lottie's Avas, a remarkable thing hap- pened. The Dean called ! It was not Lady Caroline, but the Dean ; and a gentleman's visit, as is well known, is not tlie same thing as a lady's. But Lottie, who knew nothing of the laws of society, was flattered and happy, and saw a hundred lovely visions vmfolding before her Avhen the Dean invited her to go to a private practice, which was then going on in the Deanery draAving-room. ' My daughter bade me fetch you, Miss Despard, if you would be good enough to come,' he said, gravely ; but Avaited very impatiently till she c 18 ■WITHIN THE rRECIXCTS. was ready, in great terror lest ' the father ' should make his appearance, and his visit be construed into a call upon Captain Despard. Lottie put on her hat with her heart leaping and bounding. At last she had done it ! At last Paradise was opening before the Peri ! At last the wrongs of fate were to be set right, and herself conveyed back into her natural sjjhere. She went by the Dean's side demurely, \vith downcast eyes, across the slope to the Deanery garden. The very stones felt elastic under her feet, there was a ringing of excitement and delight in the air and in her ears. She arrived breathless at the door, though they had not walked fast. So absorbed was she by all that was about to happen that Lottie never thought of the sensation that ran throucrh the Abbey when the Dean was seen walking to his own dignified door in company with Captain Despard's daughter. Miss Despard ? Lottie ? The Chevaliers, and their wives and daughters, could not believe their eyes. Lottie held her head as high as usual when she came back. It no longer drooped with diffidence and delight. Once more she had come down with a jar into the realms of reality from those of hope. She was not received with open arms in that higher celestial world. Miss Augusta Huntington said, ' How do you do. Miss Despard ? ' very sweetly, but Lady Caroline only bowed with her eyelids — a new mode of salutation which Lottie did not understand — and kept aloof; and no one else said anything to Lottie, except about the music. They gave her a cup of tea when all Avas over, but Lottie had to drink it in silence, while the others laughed and chatted. She was not of them, though they had brought her among them for the sake of her voice. * Are you going. Miss Despard ? ' said the Dean's daughter, putting on the same sweet smile. ' We are so much obliged to you for coming. The next practice is next Tuesday. Will you come as early as possible, please ? ' It Avas on Lottie's lips to say ' No ' — to tell them that she was a lady too, a better gentle- woman than they were, since she would not have treated any stranger so. But she was fortimately too shy to say anything, and made her exit hastily, and not so gracefully as the others, who were at home. But she would not allow, even to her- self, that she had come down again in that painful tussle with reality, which is so much different from dreams. She kept very quiet and said nothing, which seemed the wisest way. THE CHEVALIEIIS' LODGES. 19 And as she Wfilked home with a much more stately gravity than was her wont — a state put on to console herself for humiliation and disappointment, and to vindicate, so to speak, her own dignity to herself, but which the lookers-on gave a very different interpretation of — Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, nodding and smiling, and in a state of great excitement, threw up the window and called to her, as she was going past. ' Come up, come up, and tell me all about it,' the old lady said, so audibly that some of the ladies and gentlemen who had been in the Deanery turned round to look, and smiled at each other, making Lottie furious. As she could not stand there and explain before all the world, Lottie obeyed the call, and rushing upstairs to the kind old Irishwoman's little bit of a drawing-room, appeared, crimson with shame and wrath, at the door. ' How could you call out so loud and make them laugh ? ' she said, with a strong inclination to burst into hot tears. ' Laugh, was it? and sure I'm ready to laugh too. To see you and his Keverence the Dean, Miss Lottie — no less would serve you ! — arm in arm like a pair of young ' ' We were not arm in arm,' said Lottie, stamping her foot. Then she had the sense to perceive that the wicked old Irish- woman would but laiigli the more at her petulance. She put her music on the table with a recovery of her dignified man- ners, and sat down. ' What did he say to ye ? and what did me Lady Caroline say to ye? and were they all ^vild over yer beautiful voice, me honey ? ' said the old lady. * Come, take off your hat, me pet, and ye shall have the best cup o' tea in the Abbey. And tell me all about it,' she said. 'I have had a cup of tea, thank you,' said Lottie. * Oh, 3'es, they are all nice enough. Nobody talked to me — but then, I didn't expect them to talk to me. They Avanted me to sing — and I sang ; and that was all.' ' And what more would you have, me jewel ? ' said Mrs. O'Shaughnessy. ' Now, you take my advice, Lottie. I'm old, and I know the world. Take what you can get, me dear, and wait till your time comes. Don't go and take offence and throw up the cards, and lose all you've got for a tantrum. Tantrums pass off, but life goes on If they don't sprak to you, it's their loss, for you have a clever little tongue o' your own. And you'll not be lono; there till they find out that. c'2 20 WITHIN TllC PHECINXTS. ] )on't say a word, nic hcm.y. I'll not bother you ; but never tiike offence with the gentry ' ' The gentry ! ' cried the girl furious, startuig to her fee*. •I am as nuich a lady as any of them— and more, for I woulJ not lie such 1 Avould not be unkind ' i -Well — well — well ! There, I have put my foot in it l' said the old lady. ' I was thinking o£ meself, me dear, as if ye were a girl of my own. But you ai-e a lady, honey; one has but to look at you,' said the astute old woman ; ' and just you wait a bit, and all will come as it ought — sure, I know it will.' ^ , Lottie did not much trust the assurance, but she took the advice, feeling a quick admonition within herself as to the absurdity of her complaint, and the horrible possibility of anybody supposing that she felt herself not to be of the gentry, as good as any Dean's daughter. So she went to the next practice, taking no notice of any want of courtesy : and the result was that there arose a kind of intimacy, as has been indicated, between Miss Huntington at the Deanery and the dauMitcr of the Chevalier — an intimacy, indeed, of a peculiar kind, in which all that was given came from the side of the poorer and more insignificant, and the great young lady Avas content with taking all that poor Lottie was so willing to give. She simg the solos in their private little concerts, and though her science was less perfect than her voice, her ear was so good that Lottie was able to be of a great deal of use. They sent for her when they bad parties, when there was anyone who wanted entertaining, and put Lottie to the only unneces- sary personal expense she had ever gone into — a white muslin frock to make her presentable among that fine company. And thus she had gone and come, and had been called upon on all occasions, but without making any nearer advance than at first. Lady Caroline still made her a little inclination of her eyelids, though now and then she went so far as to say, * How do you do, Miss Despard?' All of this, however, Lottie would have pardoned, if the bride, when she went away, had Imt at least remembered her, and made her sonie little .-iju of firL'.veli. THE ADDEY IMIECIXCTS. 21 CHAPTER III. THE ABBEY PRECINCTS. The bells began to ring for evensong soon after the bridal party dispersed. Some of them, indeed, stayed for the beau- liiul service, which was a thing that visitors from a distance thought a great deal of, and there Avere a number of fine bonnets and dresses in the stalls when Lottie went in. The daily service Avas part of the daily life of the dwellers in the Abbey. There Avere those Avho Avent for devotion, and those Avho Avent for the music, and those Avho Avent because they had nothing else to do. It Avas an occupation and an amuse- ment at the same time, and some people thought it a duty. To listen to the service more or less critically, to note if any of the boys' voices Avere breaking, and Avhether RoAvley sniffed as usual, or Bowler, the great bass, Avas hoarse ; to observe hoAV the minor canons sang, if they Avere in too great a hurry to get through the service, and who it Avas that read the lessons ; to look at any notable persons that might be there, visitors to the Deanery, or other persons of distinction; to Avalk in the nave Avhile the Signer played the voluntary ; and finally to pause and talk to one's friends before going home to tea, was the established rule of St. IMichael's. The old Chevaliers mixed Avith the ladies, here and there one. They Avere obliged to go in the morning, and they seldom repeated their church going in the aftei-noon ; but still there Avere always two or three, and very interesting to strangers Avere the old soldiers, Avith their old moustaches and upright bear- ing. Some of them might have been veteran generals Avell entitled to command an army, and, indeed, there Avas valour •enough among them, and such achievement as personal bravery is still cafiable of — enough to equip a dozen generals; but fortune had not been on the side of these noble old soldiers ; and you may be sure there Avere no prosperous commanders among them. They stood about on the terrace in front of the Lodges, and talked for five minutes or so before they Avent in to tea. But Lottie, Avhen she came out of chapel, and saAv the last of the fine people streaming away in their light dresses 22 -WITHIN THE rRECINCTS. through the aisle, did not feel much disposed to go indoors to Law and the bread and butter. They could wait. She went and leaned on the low Avail close to the library, and gazed out upon the landscape below. At the foot of the slope was the street of the little old town, a sweep of steep masonry, with old-fashioned red houses, like trees in autumn, on the other side ; and beyond these the river meandered between its leafy banks in endless windings, and the great breadth of champaign swept away towards the horizon. At this time of the year it was rich and cloudy with foliage : the trees arranging themselves in every kind of way, singly and^ in clumps, and groves, and long hedgerows, and surrounding every house and every vilhige and every church spire as far as you could see. The billowy greenness thus spreading far into the silvery-grey of the distance ; the sky of a pale blue, faint with summer heat and long drought : stretched out like a map before the gazer from that mount of vision. The mottled clouds were floating together and rolling into masses as if with the intention of putting a stop to this long reign of brightness, and the level lines of the landscape and the great vault of the sky dropped together into a haze which also spoke of rain. Lottie leaned disconsolately over the wall, spreading abroad her thoughts over this vast breadth of space and silence. She let them go like a Hock of birds flying to all the winds. Tlioughts ! they were not thoughts but feelings, vague move- ments of the mind, half sentiment, half-personal sensation. Why she should have been so deeply affected by this marriage she could not have told anyone. She did not herself know. It seemed to penetrate through and tlirough her system of life, unsettling everything. After the disappointments of her beginning at St. Michael's, this connection with the Deanery had seemed a thread of promise, a clue to something better; not a very splendid i)romise indeed, but still something ; a little link of ambition which looked finer and more noble after it was snapped than it had ever done before. It was not veiy noble in itself. Lottie felt vaguely that to have so strong a desire for admission within that charmed circle Avas not a vorj' lefty thing. The people she had seen within it had not pati.'ifK'd her ideal. E.xcopt that they dressed better (some of them at least), they had been very much like the humbler claHses with wliicli sh«; was acquainted ; and to Avish for a footing among them only because they were better off and THE ACCEY TRECINCTS. 23 more highly tlioiight of than her own neighbours, was not an elevating sentiment. In the perpetual disappointments to wliich she had been subject, the slights she had been obliged to put up Avith, Lottie had felt a great many pangs of shame mingled witli the stings oE humiliation. She had felt that it was the poorest of ambitions which had taken possession of her. And now that it was over, this sense of unworthiness still mingled with her consciousness of failure and exclusion. But though it might not be a door into heaven, still to feel that it was shut, to be obliged to turn away, and to see no other door at which she could enter, was hard. Her heart sank down into painful depths of abandonment, and tears came to her eyes in spite of herself. She had nothing to cry about, but her lips quivered and two big tears rose and hung sus- pended under her long eyelashes, so filling up the whole space beiure her, that Lottie saw nothing but a waving greenness and blueness, a blurred shadow of earth and sky. It Avas just at this moment, while she was still uncertain whether she could get these tears swallowed or -whether they must fall, betraying her. that she Avas aware of some one at her elbnw. ' I think we shall have rain, Miss Despard,' said a deliberate voice ; ' do you not think Ave shall have rain ? Tlie summer has been so fine that Ave have no right to grumble. You Avere the one lady in all St. Michael's Avhom I most Avanted to sec.' ' I, Signer ? I do not know Avhat you should Avant Avith me,' said Lottie, forced by circumstances into rudeness. She did not Avant to be rude, but the shock of his sudden address had brought doAvn that shower, falling like drops of a thunder- storm, and she Avould not turn round to show him her wet eyes. He smiled a little to himself at this petulance, and that was all. He Avas used to AvayAvardness in young ladies. He Avas a spare, olive-colov;red man, not tall, but Aviry and close-knit. He had all the aspect of an Italian and the name; but he Avas not really an Italian, being an Englishman born, a good Tory and a good Churchman, and all that the organist of St. Michael's ought to be. But he was not disinclined to keep up a mystery on this score, having a little love of mystery by nature, and feeling, musically, that his foreign name and looks Avere in his favour. How far back the Signor liad to go for his claim to bo considered an Italian, nobody kncAV, but everybody (except the perverse and disagreeable, 24 \viTiiix Tiin: pkecinxts. v;Iio would occasionally say Mr. Eossinetti to annoy him) called the musician the Signor. His complexion, his mous- taclie, the ■wonderful dark eyes, which Avere the chief feature in his face, were all of youthern origin ; and he spoke with a curious delib'iration and clear pronunciation of every syllable, which almost looked as if, at one time, there had been diili- culties about the language, and as if he had not courage even yet to take any liberties with it. But his accent was as good English as could be desired ; and in respect to this as well as to ail other questions about his origin the community of St, I\Iic])aers were entirely in the dark, as he intended them to be. ' This event,' said the Signor, in his clear slow voice, will bring our little societies, our practisings, to an end. Miss Despard. We were getting on very well. I am sorry to come to an end of anything, and of these above all.' ' Yes, I suppose so,' said Lottie, drearily. ' Will it, dc you think ? She had not very much of a voice.' ' Xo ; Init there are other things besides voice. You have a very beautiful voice, Mi.-s Despard.' 'But Iliave nothing else,' said Lottie, forgetting her pre- cautions and turning quickly upon him; 'that is what you mean to say ? And you never even allowed before tliat I had a voice.' ' No, not much else,' said the deliberate organist ; ' you have no science, no method. You don't know how to manage what you have got. It is a line organ by nature, but you cannot produce it as you ought, because you do not know how. To have so nuich and to do so little is a great pity. It is a waste of a great gift, it is ' ' How dare you tell me all this to my face ? ' said Lottie, transported with vivid anger. She would have taken it more quietly if she liad not been weakened in spirit by the dis- couragement into which she had fallen before. Her fierce, sudden glance was even still unwillingly softened by the Avet- noss ot her eyes. But the Signor did' not flinch. There was a kuid of .smile in liis own as he met her look. He was not afraid of ht-r. He looked, indeed, amiably, genially at Lottie —as she had never seen him look before— and as she turned round she became aware that he was not alone. Over his .shoulder, with an alarmed, indignant aspect, which half nmu>ed while it consoled her, was another face with Avhich Lottie was very well acquainted. It was the face of his THE ARKKY PnECIXCTS. 25 favoniitfi pnpil, a young man avLo followed the Signer about like his t;hadow, always a few steps behind him, always iu devout contemplation of him. But young Purcell Avas not of this mind to-day ; he was looking at his beloved master -with a mixture of rage and pathos very droll in their combination. Lottie was easily moved, and almost before the words of de- iiance liad left lier lips a laugh forced itself alter them. She had to turn round again to conceal the conflict of sudden uiirth in her face. ' Would you rather I said it to others than to you ? No, because that Avould do you no good ' ' And do you really think that I — I ' Why should she laugh ? Young Purcell's face brightened slightly, Ijut took a still more curious look of bewildered inquiry. As lor the Signor, he thought she had become hysterical, which he believed Avas a conmion weakness with womankind in general, and he was alarmed. 'I beg you a thousand pardons if I have seemed rude,' he said. ' xVU that 1 wanted was to begin the conversation; Ibr I have — a little proposal to make.' • Do you call that beginning a conversation, to tell me I am quite ignorant, and cannot sing, and waste my voice ? ' said Lottie, recovering her indignation. ' It is not a very civil way.' ' Miss Despard, I think you will miss the society's singing, and I want to tell you it was not good for you. These peojde were dazzled by your voice,' said the organist, with uninten- tional confusion of metaphor, ' and they made use of it. AH tlicse fine pecjple, they make use of us, and often forget to say " thank you ! " I was sorry that you should suffer, too ; so Av;is Purcell ; he knows what it is — a little. And you have luul no teaching, you have not had a thorough professional training as he lias ' Lottie turned upon him with flashing eyes ; and this time she did not laugh at the young man who, over the Signer's shoulder, followed every movement of hers with such eager attention. His look of wonder and fear was not less comic than the other changes which had come over his countenance, but she took no notice of it. *I don't know what you mean,' she said, 'by professional training. What do I want Avith professional training? What has Mr. Purcell to do with it.' "What do you mean, or how should I suffer ? If they thank me, or if they don't thank me, what is that to me?' 26 WITHIX THE PRECIXCTS. The Signer cast a glance round at young Purcell, who answered with a look of despair. ' If you would but confide in us, we thought we could help you. Indeed, Miss Despard, it is no presumption on PurceU's part, only a fellow- feeling ' ' Only a feeling — of respect ! ' This Purcell timidly gasped out, witli alarm painted on every feature. Lottie, turning her back to the Avail and confronting the tw^o musicians, solemnly made them a very awful curtsey. It Avas an art she had learned (though the teacher Avas unaAvaro of the fact) from Lady Caroline ; and therefore it Avas of the very finest and most imposing kind. ' The puzzle is,' she said grandly, in a A'oice not unlike Lady Caroline's, ' AA'hat the link between us may be.' They Avere both silenced by this speech, and by her im- posing aspect generally ; for Lottie Avas very handsome, and this defiant grandeur suited her. Purcell felt disposed to .sink into the earth, and shoAved it ; but as for the Signor, he Avas less alarmed, and, indeed, a little amused — he had seen a great number of heroines, both in public and priA-ate life. ' It is ahvays AATong to beat about the bush,' he said. * Perhaps I haA'e made a mistake ; I thought you probably intended to sing, Miss Despard, as a profession.' ' I ! ' Lottie's voice broke into a half shriek. ' I ! ' The suggestion gave her a shock Avhich it Avas hard to get over. She felt a trembling of giddiness and insecurity, as if the ground had suddenly been cut from under her ; she could have cried for mortification, injured pride, horrible humbling and downfall. She Avho had been mournino; this chansre as taking from her all chance of ascent into the society she had a right to, the society she really belonged to, and they thought it was professional Avork, a profession that she Avas thinking of! She drcAv back unconsciously to the support of the wall, and propped herself by it. She could have cried, but pride Avould not let her. ' You are mistaken, altogether mistaken,' she said. ' I don't suppose that you mean to insult me ; but you forgot that I am a gentleman's daughter.' Here the ghost of a smile fiitted across the Signer's olive- coloured face. It Avas as momentary as the passing of a FliadoAv, but yet Lottie saAv it, and it stung her as nothing could have done ; she Avas angry before, but this excited Let to passion. She could have llowu at him .':nd stran^rled Tiin ABHEY rK::cixcTS. 27 hiin for this smile; she understood it well enough. 'You smile ! ' she said. ' You think, perhaps, tliat a poor Cheva- lier, a soldier who is not rich, is not a gentleman. You think it is only money that makes a gentleman. There are many people who are of that opinion ; but,' said Lottie with a, smile, ' you will perhaps not be surprised if I think dil- ferently, I will bid you good evening, please, now.' * One moment,' said the Signor ; ' you must not go away with a wrong impression. Forgive me the mistake, if it is a mistake. You are mistaken, too, ]\Iiss Despard, if you think a gentleman's daughter may not sing — to the great generous public as well as to poor little coteries that never say thank you. You mistake, too ; but never mind. I meant to have offered, if you would let me, to help you ' ' Thank you, very much ! ' said Lottie with great state, * it is not necessary. When I want lessons, I can — ask for them, M. Eossinetti.' She had been about to say pay, but Lottie was honest, and though she longed to inflict the in- sult, would not say what was not true. She did not even see young Purcell's pathetic looks as he gazed at her, with the air of a suppliant on his knees, over his master's shoulder ; but she Sciw the half shruo; of the Signer's shoulders as he stood aside to let her pass. And perhajjs had she but known it there was something comic, too, in the dignity Avith which she swept past with a little yvuxe o£ her hand. It was like Lady Caroline, though Lottie did not intend it to be so. The two musicians stood looking after her as she walked majestic- ally homewards, with so many commotions in her bosom. She bad to pass through the little square in which the lay clerks lived, on her way, and as if to accomplish Lottie's humiliation, Kowley the tenor — who was her teacher — was standing at his door as she passed. The Chevaliers of St. Michael's took little notice of the lay clerks, as may be sup- posed (except the O'Shaughnessys, who were not particular) ; and though Lottie was his pupil, Rowley had never trans- grossed the due limits of respc^ctfulness or pretended to any friendship with the young lady. But the wedding had affected the morals of St. IMichael's generally, and made a revolution for the day ; and as Lottie passed, the tenor took advantage of the opportunity. ' How are you. Miss ? ' he said, Avith a sniff and a lurch which showed the source of his boldness; ' won't you come in and have a chat? won't you 23 AVITIIIN THE PRECINCTS. come in and have some tea with my little girl, Miss Lottie?' Good heavens ! what had Lottie done to be addressed in this way ? and she knew that the two others would hear this demonstration of intimacy. She rushed past, stumbling over lier dress, wild with resentment and mortification. This was what it Avas to be poor, to be in a flilse position, to be a poor jientlewoman among the rich ! One mortification had fol- lowed another, so that she did not know how to bear it. Augusta's neglect, the Signor's insulting suggestion, and liowley's fiimiliarity ! Lottie did not know which was the most hard to l)ear. She never drew breath until she had reached her own door. ' Is that you, Lottie ? and where have you been ? ' said Law. 'Let's have tea now ; I've been waiting and waiting, wanting to go out, and wondering what had become of you.' He had begun his bread and butter on the spot, ' Where is papa, Law ?' ' Papa ? How should I know ? You didn't expect him, an had said that to me, I should luiA'e thought him 30 •U'lTIIIX THE PRECINCTS. next to an angel. What is insulting about it? If you like money (and who doesn't like money /) why there's the easiest way in the world of getting it. Sing ! I'd sing my head off,' said Law, ' if that was all that was wanted. And you sing for -pleasure,'^ you lihe singing! I can't tell what you are thinking of. If I had known you were so good as that — but one never thinks much of one's own sister, somehoAv,' the youth added, with easy frankness. He was so much excited, however, that he left his tea, and strode up and down the room (three paces and a half, th^t was all the size of it) repeating ' by Jove ! ' to himself ' If you mean not to do it, you had better not let him know you could do it,' he an- nounced, after an interval. Never in his life before had the easy-going young man been so moved. ' It's untold the money they make,' he said. As for Lottie, her whole being was in a ferment. She looked at her brother with a gasp of pain. The bread and butter had no charms for her on that night of emotion. She took up her basket wliich was full of things to mend, and sat down in the window, speechless with vague passion, pain, discontentment. Lottie was not a wise or enliahtened vountr Avoman. She had not even taken the stamp of her age as many people do who are not enlightened. She had never learned that it was desirable that Avomen should have pro- fessions like men. Her thoughts ran entirely in the old- fashioned groove, and it seemed to her that for ' a gentleman's daughter' to Avork for her living, to be known publicly to Avork for her living, Avas a social degradation beyond Avords to express. It implied — Avhat did it not imply? That the family were reduced to the lowest level of poverty ; but that AA'as a small part of it — that the men Avcre useless, worthless, Avithout pride or honour ; that they had no friends, no means of saving themselves from this betrayal of all the secrets of pride. These Avere the foolish feelings in her mind. Gentle- men's daughters Avere governesses sometimes she had heard, and Lottie pitied the poor girls (orphans — they Avere ahvavs orphans, and thus set aside from the general rule), with an ache of compassion in her heart ; but it Avas her private im- pression that this was a stigma never to be Aviped off, a stain, not upon the girl, but upon her family Avho could permit such a sacrifice. Lottie's vieAv of sacrifice Avas one Avhich is rarely expressed, but Avhich exists not the less among women and THE ABBEY PRECIXCTS. 31 all other persons from whom sacrifices are (Icmanclecl. Coul J Alcestis have the same respect after for the man who could let her die for him ? Could she go on living by his side, and think just the same of him as if he had borne his own burden instead of shuffling it off upon her shoulders ? The ancients did not trouble themselves Avith such questions, but it is a peculiarity of the modern mind that it does. And Lottie, though her point of view was very old-fashioned, still looked at it in this modern way. When Law, whom it was impos- sible to stir up to any interest in his own work, became so excited over the thought of a possible profession for her, she looked at him with something of the feeling with Avhich Isabella contemplated the caitiff brother in his prison who would have bought his life by her shame. What ! would he be ' made a man ' in such a way ? would he buy idleness and ease for himself by exposing her to a life unworthy of ' a gentleman's daughter ' ? She knew he was lazy, careless, and loved his own gratification ; but it hurt her to her very heart to think so poorly of Law, who was the only being in the world whom she had ever been able to love heartily as be- longing to herself Let it not be thought, hoAvever, that any unAvillingncss to Avork for Law, to make any sacrifice for him, was at the bottom of this disappointment in him. She A\'as ready to have Avorked her fingers to the bone, indoors, in the privacy of the family, for her father and brother. She did not care Avhat menial offices she did for them. Their 'position' de- manded the presence of a servant of some kind in the house, bxit Lottie Avas not afraid of Avork. She could SAveep and dust ; she could cook ; she could mend Avith the most notable of houseAvives, and sang at her Avork, and liked her people all the better because of Avhat she had to do for them in the course of nature. That Avas altogether different ; there Avas no shame to a lady in doing this, no exposure of the family. And Lottie AA^as not of the kind of Avoman Avho requires per- sonal service from men. She was quite Avilling to serve them, to Avait upon them if necessary, to take that as her share of the AVork of life ; but to Avork piibliciy for her living, Aviiat Avas that but to proclaim to all the Avorld that they Avere in- capable, that they Avere indifferent to their duties, that tliere AA'as no faith to be put in them ? If Law had leaped up in wrath, if he had said, ' No, it is my place to Avork ; I will 32 WITHIN THE rKECINCTS. work; no one shall say that my sister had to earn her living,' how happy, how proud Lottie would have been ! That was the ideal for a man. It was what she would do herself if she was in his place ; and. oh, if she could but put herself in his place, and do what Law would not do ! oh, if she could but put herself, a bit of herself, into him, to quicken the sluggish blood in his veins ! When Law, having exhausted all that Avas to be said on the subject, went out (and where did he go when he went out?), Lottie sat at the window and darned and darned till the light failed her. She ploughed furrows Avith her needle in the forefinger of her left hand ; but that did not hurt her. Oh, if she could but move them, inspire them, force them to do their duty, or at the worst do it for them, so that the world might suppose it Avas they Avho were doing it ! That was the aspiration in her heart ; and how liopelcss it was ! ' Oh, if I could put some of me into him !' Lottie thought, as many a helpless soul has thought before her. But to move out from the shadow of the house, and betray its nakedness, and take the burden visibly on herself, that Avas Avhat Lottie felt she Avould rather die than do. JNIeanwhile, in the soft evening, vaiious people Avero pro- menading up and down between the Abbey church and the lodges of the CheA-aliers. Some of the old Chevaliers them- selves Avere out, Avith their Avives hanging on their arms. Either there Avould be two old gentlemen together, Avitli the Avife of one by his side, or tAvo ladies Avith a Avhite-liaired old gallant Avalking along beside them, talking of various things, perhaps of politics Avhen there Avere two men, and of any .signs of Avar tiiat might be on the horizon ; and if two Avere Avomen, of the Avedding, and how Lady Caroline took the marriage of her only daughter. The Signor Avas practising in the Abbey, and the great tones of the organ came rolling forth in a splendour of softened sound over the slope Avith its sloAvly strolling groups. Some of the townspeople Avere there too, not mixing Avith the others, for the Signor's practising iiiglits Avere known. The moon began to climb after a Avhile behind the Chevaliers' lodges, and throAV a soft Avhiteness of broad light upon all the pinnacles of the Abbey; and Lottie dropped her Avork on her knee, unable to see any longer. When the moon rose, she Avas thrown into shade, and could Avatch the people Avith the light in their faces at her ease. And by and by her attention was canght by two single figures LADY CAROLINE. 33 which passed several times, coming from different directions, and quite distinct from each othei\ They botli looked up at her window each tinie they passed, calling forth her curiosity, her scorn, her laughter, finally her interest. Watching them she forgot the inunediate presence of her oavu annoyances. One was the young musician Pui'cell, at whom Lottie had secretly laughed for a long time past, at his longing looks and the way in which the vicissitudes of her countenance would reriect themselves in his face. But the other she could n )t for a long time make out. It was not till, seeing no one, he stood still for a full half-minute in the light of the moon, and looked up at her, that she recognised him — and then Lottie's heart gave a jump. It was young Rollo Ridsdale, Lady Caroline's nephew, the best man at the wedding; and what could he want here ? CHAPTER IV. LADY CAROLINE. Lady Caroline -was in the drawing-room at the Deanery alone. Now that her daughter Avas married this was no unusual circumstance. It was late in the summer evening, after dinner, and she lay on a great square sofa so placed tliat the view from the large window w'as dimly visible fronx it, had she cared for the view. As a matter of I'act, at no hour of the twenty-four, however bright or tempting it might be, did Lady Caroline care much for the view ; but still, when a room is artistically arranged, such a possibility cannot be altogether kept out of consideration. This evening, how- ever, there was no light to see anything by. The room was dark, nothing distinctly A^sible in it but the great bread Elizabethan window which filled one end. The upper part of this window was filled with old painted glass in silvery tinted quarries, soft greys and yellows, surrounding the golden and ruby glories of several blazons of arms, and drawing the eye irresistibly with the delight of radiant colour; underneath opened the great plain all dim and wide, a sug- gestion of boundless air and distance rather than a landscape, while in the room itself nothing was distinct but here and 34- WITHIN THE PnECINCTS. there a glimmer of reflection from a mirror breaking the long line of the walls. Nor was its only occupant very distin- guishable as she reclined upon her sofa in absolute stillness and ti-anquillity. The lace on her head and about her throat showed faintly Avhite in the corner, that was all. Perhaps if the mind could have been seen as well as the body, Lady Caroline's individual sold, such as it was, would have told for little more amid the still life around : a something vaguely different from the chairs and softly cushioned sofas, a little more than one of the dim mirrors, a little less than a picture, was this human creature to whom all the rest belonged. She had lived irreproachably on the earth for a number of years (though not for nearly so many years as the most of her fur- niture), and fulfilled all her functions very much as they did, honestly holding together, affording a temporary place of repose occasionally, convenient for household meals, and ordinary domestic necessities. Perhaps now and then Lady Caroline conferred something of the same kind of solace and support Avhich is given to the weary by a nice warm soft easy-chair, comfortably cushioned and covered ; but that was about the highest use of which she was capable. She was Avaiting now quite tranquilly till it pleased the servants to bring her lights. They were in no hurry, and she was in no hurry. She never did anything, so that it was immaterial Avhether her room was Hghted early or late, and on the whole she liked this dim interval between the active daylight, when people were always in motion, and the lamps, Avhich suggested work, or a book, or something of the sort. Lady Caroline, though she had not very much mind, had a conscience, and knew that it was not quite right for a responsible creature to be without employment ; therefore she made certain efforts to fulfil the object of her existence by keeping a serious volume on the table beside her, and putting in a few stitches now and then in a piece of wool-work. But at this hour tlicre was no possibility for the most anxious conscience to speak, and Lady Caroline's was not anxious, only correct, not troubling itself with any burden beyond what was necessary. It may be supposed, perliaps, that she was sad, passing this twilight quite alone, so soon after the marriage and departure of her only daughter ; but this would have been a mistake, for Lady Caroline was not sad. Of course she missed -Vugusta. There was no one now to wake her up when she LADY CAHOLIXE. oO dozed, as now and then happened, in a 'warm afternoon after luncheon ; and, as a matter of fact, one or two visitors had actually been ushered into the drawing-room while her head ■was drooping upon her right shoulder, and her cap a little aA\Ty. But at this tranquil hour in the dark, when nobody expected anything of her, neither without nor within — neither conscience, nor the Dean, nor society — it cannot be said that any distressful recollection of Augusta mingled with her thoughts. Nor, indeed, had she any thoughts to mingle it Avith, which was perhaps the reason. She Avas very com- fortable in the corner of her sofa, with nothing to disturb her. Had Jarvis her maid been at hand to tell her what was ffoino: on in the precincts, or any bit of gossip that might have floated upward from the town, it would probably have added a little more flavoiu- to her content ; but even that flavour was not necessary to her, and she Avas quite happy as she w^as. Some one came into the room as she lay in this pleasant quiet. She thought it Avas Jeremie coming to light the candles, and said nothing; but it Avas not so dignified a person as Mr. Jeremie, the Dean's butler, who Avas generally taken for one of the Canons by visitors unacquainted A\dth the place. This Avas indeed a shirt-front as dazzling as Jereraie's Avhich came into the soft gloom, but the OAvner of it Avas younger and taller, Avith a lighter step and less solemn demeanour. He gave a glance round the room to see if anyone Avas visible, then advanced steadily Avith the ease of an habitue among the solas and tables. ' Are you here, Aunt Caroline ? ' he said. ' Oh, you are there ! Shall I ring for lights ? it must be dull sitting all by yourself in the dark.' 'If you please, my dear,' said Lady Caroline, who, having no Avill of her oAvn to speak of, never set it in opposition to anybody else's ; answering a (question as she did thus promptly, there Avas no occasion at the same time to ansAver a mere remark. ' I am afraid you are moping,' he said, * missing Augusta. To be sure, it does make a great difference in the house.' ' No, my dear,' said Lady Caroline, ' I can't say I was thinking of Augusta. She is quite happy, you know.' ' I hope so,' he said, laugliing. ' If they are not hap{)y noAV, Avhen should they be happy ? the honeymoon scarcely over, and all sorts of delights before them.' d2 36 WITHIX THE PREC1XCT3. * Yes ; that is just what I was going to say,' said Lady Caroline ; ' so why should I mope ? ' ' Why, indeed ? ' He took his aunt's soft hand into his, and caressed it. Rollo was fond of his aunt, strange though it may appear. She had never scolded him, though this Avas the favourite exercise of all the rest of his family. When he came home in disgrace she had always received him just the same as if he had come in triumph. Whoever might find fault with him for wasting his talents, or disappointing the hopes of his friends, his Aunt Caroline had never done so. He could not help laughing a little as he spoke, but he caressed her soft white hand as he did so, compunctious, to make amends to her for the ridicule. Lady Caroline, it need not be said, attached no idea of ridicule to his laugh. ' But I have come to tell yoi;,' said Eollo, ' that I have been out again walking up and down the Dean's Walk, as I did the night of the wedding, and I have not been able to hear a note of your singer — the girl with the wonderful voice.' 'Did I say there was a girl with a wonderful voice, my dear? I forget.' 'Not you, but Augusta; don't you remember. Aunt Caroline, a girl in the Cloisters, in — in the Lodges, a Miss — I don't remember the name? Lottie something, Augusta called her.' ' Ah ! Augusta was too ready to make friends. It is Miss Despard, I suppose.' ' Well ; might we not have Miss Despard here some evening? If her voice is as fine as Augusta said, it might be the making of me. Aunt Caroline. An English prima donna Avould make all our fortunes. And unless I hear her, it is not possible, is it, I appeal to your candour, that I can judge?' ' But, my dear ! ' ' But ' was a word which scarcely existed in Lady Caroline's vocabulary. It meant an objec- tion, and she rarely objected to anytliing. Still there was a limit to which instinct and experience alike bound her. She was not unkind by nature, but rather the reverse, and if thfte was anything that approached a passion — nay, not a passion, an emotion — in her nature, it was for the poor. She wlio was little moved by any relationship, even the closest, alnicst loved tlie poor, and would take trouble for them, petting tlniu wlicn tliey were sick, and pleased to hear of all LADY CAROLINE. 37 their affilrs when they were well — conscience and inclination supplementing each other in this point. But the poor, the real ' poor,' they who are so kind as to be destitute now and then, with nothing to eat and all their clothes at the pawn- broker's, and their existence dependent upon the clergyman's nod, or the visit of the district lady — these were very different from the Chevaliers in their Lodges. There even Lady Caro- line drew the line. She did what was suggested to her in a great many cases, but here she felt that she could make a stand when necessity required. Not the people in the Lodges ! people Avho though they lived in small houses on small in- comes considered themselves to be ladies and gentlemen as good as the Royal Family themselves. The very mildest, the very gentlest, must pause somewhere, and this is where Lady Caroline made her stand. ' ]\Iy dear,' she said, some- thing like a flush coming to her sallow cheek, for Jeremie by this time had brought the lamps and lighted the candles and made her visible; 'I have never visited the people in the Lodges. I have always made a stand there. There was one of them appointed through my brother Courtland, you know — your papa, my dear — but when Beatrice asked me to notice them I was obliged to decline. I really could not do it. I hope 1 never shrink from doing my duty to the poor ; but these sort of people — you must really excuse me, Eollo ; I could not, I do not think I could do it.' Mr. Kidsdale had never seen anything so near excitement in his aunt's manner before. She spoke Avith little move- ments of her hands and of her head, and a pink flush was on her usually colourless face. The sight of this little flutter and coumiotion which he had caused amused the young man. Jeremie Avas still moving noiselessly about, letting down a loop of curtain, kindling a distant corner into visibility by lighting one of the groups of candles upon the wall. The room was still very dim, just made visible, not much more, and Jcremie's noiseless presence did not check the expression of Lady Carolme's sentiments She made her little explanation with a fervour such as, we have said, her nephew had never belbre seen in her. He Avas greatly astonished, but he was also, it must be allowed, somewhat disposed to laugh. ' You must pardon me,' he said, ' ibr suggesting anything you don't like, Aunt Caroline. But did not Augusta have Miss Dcspard here ? ' 38 WITHIN THE PKECINCTS. ' Oil, yos — with the rest of her people who sang. Anqusta was always having her singing people — who were not in our set at all.' ' I suppose that is all over now,' said Rollo, in a tone of regret. " ' Oh, not quite over. Mrs. Long brought some of them the other day. She thought it would amuse me. But it never amused me much,' said Lady Caroline. ' Augusta was pleased, and that was all. I don't want them, EoUo ; they disturb me. They require to have tea made for them, and comiiliments. I am not so very fond of music, you are aware.' 'I know; not fond enough to give up anything for it; but confess it is often a resource after dinner when tlie people are dull ? ' ' The people are always just the same, Eollo. If they have a good dinner, that is all I have to do with them. They ought to amuse themselves.' 'Yes, yes,' he resumed, laughing. 'I knoAV you are never dull. Aunt Caroline. Your thoughts flow always in the same gentle current. You are never excited, and you are never bored.' A gentle smile came over Lady Caroline's face ; no one understood her so well. She was astonished that so many people found fault with Eollo. He was, she thought, her favourite nephew, if it Avas right to have a favourite. ' It is no credit to me,' she said. ' I Avas always brought up in that Avay. But girls do not have such a good training now.' ' No, indeed — the very reverse, I think — they are either in a whirl of amusement or else they are bored. But, Aunt Caroline, people in general are not like you. And for us Avho have not had the advantage of your education, it is often very dull, especially after dinner. Noav you are going to have a gathering to-morrow. Don't you think it would be a good thing to have a little music in the evening, and ask ^liss Despard to come and sing ? Have her to amuse the people, just as you might have Punch and Judy, you know, or some of the sleight-ol-hand men ? ' ' I sliould never think of having either the one or the other, Eollo.' * But a great many people do. It was qiiite the right thing for a time. Come, Aunt Caroline ! My uncle is oft^n LADY CAHOLlKn. 39 bored to death ■with these duty dinners. He will bless you if you have a little music afterwards and set him free.' ' Do you really think so ? I can't understand why you should all talk of Jaeiug bored. I am never bored,' saitl Lady Caroline. ' That is your superiority,' said the courtier. ' But we poor wretches often are. And I really must hear this voice. You Avould not like to stand in the way of my interests now when I seem really about to have a chance ? ' 'It is a very curious thing to me/ said Lady Caroline, stimulated by so much argument to deliver herself of an original remark, ' that such a clever young man as you are, Rollo, should require to connect yourself with singers and theatres. Such a thing was never heard of in my time.' ' That is just it,' he said, putting on a mournful look. ' If I had not been a clever young man, things would have gone a great deal better with me. There was nothing of that foolish description I am sure, Aunt Caroline, in your time.' ' No,' she said ; then added, almost peevishly, ' I do not know how to communicate with the girJ, Rollo. She is so out of society.' ' But only on the other side of the way,' he said, ' Come, write her a note, and I will take it myself, if Jeremie or Joseph are too grand to go.' ' JMust I write her a note ? I never in my life sent a note to the Lodges,' said Lady Caroline, looking at her hands as if the performance would soil them. Then she added, with a look of relief, ' I very often see her when I am out lor my drive. You can tell the coachman to stop if he sees her, and I will tell her to come — that will be much the better way.' '• But if she should be en2raged ? ' Lady Caroline gave him a very faint smile of amiable scorn and superior knowledge. ' You ibrget these people are not in society,' she said. To make head against this sublime of contempt was more than Rollo could do. Lady Caroline vanquished him as she had vanquished many people in her day, by that invincible might of simple dulness against which nothing can stand. Mr. Rollo Ridsdale was one of the many very clever young men in society who are always on the eve of every kind of fame and ibrtune, but never manage to cross the 40 WITHIN THE PKECINCTS. border between hope and reality. He had been quite sure of success in a great many different ways : at the universit}'', where he was certain of a first-class, biit only managed to ' scrape through ' the ordeal of honovirs in the lowest room ; — in diplomacy, Avhere he was expected to rise to the highest rank, but spoiled all his chances by a whisper of a state secret, of no importance to anybody, when only an impaid attache ; — in the House of Commons, Avhere he broke do-\vn in his maiden speech, after costing what his fomily described as a ' fortune ' to secure his election ; — and finally, in com- merce, where his honourable name was just secured from the eclat of a disgraceful bankruptcy by the sacrifice of a second ' fortune ' on the part of the f;imily. It is but fair to add, however, that RoUo had nothing to do with the disgraceful- ness of the commercial downfall in which he was all but involved. And here he was at eight-and-twenty once more afloat, as the fashionable jackal and assistant of an enter- prising impresario, indefatigable in his pursuit of the prima donna of the future, and talking of nothing but operas. This was why he had made that moonlight promenade imder Lottie Despard's windows on the evening of his cousin's wedding- day. He did not know her, but Lottie knew him as tlie populace know all, even the most insignificant, members of the reigning family. Lady Caroline's nephew, Augusta's cousin, was of much more importance to the comnumity than any of the community had been to him up to this moment, though the thoughts which passed through Lottie's mind, as, with extreme surprise, she recognised him gazing up at her window, suggested a very different hypothesis. What coifld Lottie imagine, as, with the most bewildering astonishment, she identified Mr. Kidsdale, but that he had seen her as she liad seen him, and that it Avas admiration at least, if not a more definite sentiment, which brouglit him to wander in front of the window, as poor young Purcell did, whose delusion she regarded without either surprise or compassion? Kollo Kids- dale was a very different person ; and Lottie had been too much bewildered by his appearance to found any theory upon it, except the vaguest natural thrill of flattered pleasure and wonder. Was it possible ? — When a young man comes and stares at a lady's window, going and returning, waiting ap- parently for a glimpse of her — what is anyone to suppose ? — There is but one natural and ordinary ex[)Ianation of such aii LADY CAHOLIXE. 41 attitude and proceeding. And if Lottie's fancy jumped at this idea, how could sire help it? It gave her a little shock of pleasure and exhilaration in her depressed state. Why should she have been exhilarated ? It is difficult to say. She did not know anything of Mr. Ridsdale — whether his admira- tion was worth having or the reverse. But he was Lady Caroline's nephew, who had always been inaccessible to Lottie ; he was Augusta's coiisiu, who had neglected her. And if it really could be possible that, notwithstanding this, lie had conceived a romantic passion for Lottie, what could be more consolatory to the girl who had felt herself hu- miliated by the indifference and contempt with which these ladies had treated her ? The idea broudit the lie;ht back to her eyes, and her natural gay courage revived again. She would make reprisals, she would 'be even with them,' and pay them back in their coin ; and where is the girl or boy to whom reprisals are not sweet ? This, however, is a digression from Lady Caroline, v/ho Avent to her tranquil couch that night with a heavier heart than she had known for years. It was a revolution which had occurred in her life. During Augusta's reign she had been passively resistant always, protesting under her breath against the invasion of the singing people of all kinds into her sacred and exclusive world. She had supported it with heroic calm, entrenching herself behind the ladies who were really in society, and whom she could receive without derogation ; but to Lottie and the other people who were outside of her Avorld she had never shown any civility, as she was glad to think, on surveying the situation that night. She had not brought it on herself. She had never shown them any civility. A salutation with her eyelids, a cup of tea from her table, the privilege of breathing the same air Avith her — this had been all she had ever done for her daughter's ;)ro^'^t'es, and hitherto nobody, she Avas obliged to allow, had presumed upon it. But that JNIiss Despard Avas not like the timid and respectful singing ladies from the toAvn. She Avas a bold young Avoman, Avho thought herself as good as anyone, and looked as if she ought to be talked to, and taken notice of, as much as any- one. And it Avas not possible to get rid of her, as the ladies in the town could be got rid of Lady Caroline could not go out of her OAvn door, could not go to church, Avithout meeting IMiss Despard, and feeling Avhat she called Avithin herself, ' the 42 ■'.viTiiix THE prj:ciN'CTS. broad stare ' of that dangerous girl. And now was it possible, Avas it conceivable, that she was herself to take the initiative and re-invite Miss Despard ? Not for years, if indeed ever in her life, had Lady Caroline gone to bed with such a weight on her mind. She sighed as she laid down on that bed of down — nay, not of down, which is old-fashioned and not very wholesome either, now-a-days, people say — but on her mattress of delicately arranged springs, which moved with every movement. She sighed as she lay down upon it, and the springs swayed under her ; and she sighed again in the morning as she woke, and all that had happened came back into her mind. Poor dear Eollo ! She did not like to cross him, or to go against him, since he had made so great an ob- ject of it. Oh ! that Augusta had but held her peace, and had not inflamed his mind about this girl's voice ! After all, her voice was nothing Avonderful ; it Avas just a soprano, as most girls' voices were ; and that she, Lady Caroline, should be compelled to exert herself — compelled to go against her principles, to come into personal contact with a person of a different class ! She who had always been careful to keep herself aloof ! — It was very hard upon Lady Caroline. She sighed at breakfast so that the Dean took notice of it. ' It there anything the matter ? ' he said. ' Eollo, do you knoAV Avhat is the matter? This is the third time I have heard your aunt sigh.' ' I am sure she docs not look as if an)'thing Avas the matter,' said Eollo, Avith that filial flattery Avhich Avomen like, at Lady Caroline's age. She gave him a faint little smile, but shook her head and sighed again. ' Bless my soul ! ' said the Dean, ' I must look in upon ' Enderby, and tell him to come and see you.' ' Oh, there is nothing the matter Avith me,' Lady Caroline said ; but slie had no objection to see Enderby, Avho Avas the doctor and always very kind. It even pleased her to think o£ confiding her troui)les to him, for indeed she had the humbling consciousness upon her mind that she had never been a very interesting patient. She had never had anything but headaches and mere external ills to tell him about. She had never till noAv been able to reveal to him even a headache which liad been caused by trouble of mind. Lady Caroline, though she Avas dull, had a faint wish to be interestinn; as Avell LADY CAr.OLIXE. 43 as otlier people, and it would be a relief to pour cut this trouble to his sympathising ear. The idea of meeting Lottie when she went out was a very happy one, Lady Caroline thought. She could not but feel that necessity was producing invention within her. Per- haps she might not meet Lottie, perhaps Lottie might be frin;htened and Avould decline to come. She drove out that afternoon with a little excitement, full of hope, if she felt also the palpitation of a little fear. These emotions made quite a pleasant and unusual stir in the dull fluid that filled her veins. She was half disturbed and half pleased when she found that Rollo proposed going with her, a very unusual compliment from a young man. He said it Avas because he had hurt his foot and could not walk. ' Dear me ! ' Lady Caroline said, * I will send Jarvis to see if it is a sprain.' ' Oh no, it is not a sprain,' he said ; ' a little rest is all it requires.' ' You will find carriage exercise very nice,' Lady Caroline said ; ' a per- fect rest — and much more amusement than walking, which tires one out directly.' And thus they set out perfectly pleased Avith each other. But the coachman had got his instructions carefully from RoUo's own lips, and there Avas now no possibility of escape for the poor lady, over whom liollo himself had mounted guard. They had not gone aliove a few yards from the Deanery door, when the carriage sud- denly drew up with a jar, to the side of the high tenace pavement Avhich lay in front of the Lodges. Rollo, who was on the alert, looked eagerly out, and saAV a light erect figure, full of energy and life, coming up, in the plainest of morning frocks, one of those simple toilettes which fashion has lately approved. She looked perfectly fresh, and like the summer morning, as she came along, Avith a little basket in her hand ; and suddenly it burst upon Rollo, as Lottie raised her eyes Avith a glance of astonished interest in them, AA'ondering Avhy it AA'as that Lady Caroline's carriage should stop there, that this unknoAvn girl Avas extremely handsome — a tiling for Avhich the young man had not been prepared. 'Is this Miss Despard ? bi;t she Avill be gone unless you send to her. Shall I go and call her to you ? ' he said. ' Oh, she Avill come Avhcn she sees I AA'ant her,' said Lady Caroline. But the only ansAver he made Avas to jump up and let himself out of the carriage before Joseph coidd get off from tlie box. He Avent up to Lottie Avlth his hat in his 44 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. hand, very much surprised in his turn by the vivid blush which covered her cheeks at sight of him. He was flattered, and he was surprised ; was it a mere trick of unformed manners, the gancherie of a girl who had never been in society, and did not know how to behave herself ? or was it that she saw something unusually fascinating in himself, liollo ? To see so handsome a girl blush at his approach was a tribute to his attractions, which Eollo was not the man to be indifferent to. He almost forgot the business side of the transaction, and his hunt after a prima donna, in the pleasure of such an encounter. Could she have seen him somewhere before and been ' struck ' with him ? Rollo wondered. It was an agreeable beginning. He went up to her with his hat in his hand as if she had been a princess. ' I bes your jiardon,' he said, ' my aunt, Lady Caroline Huntington, has sent me to beg that you would let her speak to you for a moment.' Lottie looked at him bewildered, with eyes that could scarcely meet his. She could hardly make out what he said, in the sudden confusion and excitement of meeting thus, face to face, the man Avhom she had seen under her window. What was it? Lady Caroline asking to speak with her, awaiting her, in her carriage, in the sight of all St. Michael's ! Lottie stood still for a moment, and gazed at this strange sight, unable to move or speak for wonder. "What could Lady Caroline have to say ? She could not be going, on the spot, out of that beautiful chariot with its prancing horses, to plead her nephew's suit with the girl Avho knew nothing of him except his lover-like watch under her window. Lottie could not trust herself to make him any reply — or rather slie said idiotically, * Oh, thank you,' and turned half reluctant, confused, and anxious, to obey the call. She Avent to the carriage door, and stood without a word, with her eyes full of Avonder, to hear what the great lady had to say. But it was not much at any time that Lady Caroline had to say. She greeted Lottie with the little movement of her eyelids. 'How do you do, INIiss Despard?'she said. *I Avanted to ask if you would come to the Deanery this evening for a little nuisic ? ' There was no excitement in that calmest of voices. Lottie felt so much ashamed of her wonderful vague absurd anticijiations, that she blushed more hotly than ever. AT THE DEANERY. 45 * At half-past nine,' said Lady Caroline. *Yoii have not presented me to Miss Despard, Aunt Caroline — so I have no right to say anything ; but if I had any right to speak, I should say I hope — I hope — that Miss Despard is not engaged, and that she will come.' How earnest his voice was ! and what a strange beginning of acquaintance ! Lottie felt half disposed to laugh, and halt to cry, and could not lift her eyes in her confusion to this man who — was it possible? — was in love with her, yet Avhom she did not know. ' Oh, I am not engaged — I shall be very happy.' What else could she say ? She stood still, quite unaware what she was doing, and heard him thank her with enthusiasm, while Lady Caroline sat quite passive. And then the splendid vision rolled away, and Lottie stood alone wondering, like a creature in a dream, on the margin of the way. CHAPTER V. AT THE DEANERY. Lottie stood as if in a dream, hearing the ringing of the horses' hoofs, the roll of the carriage, and nothing more ; all the sounds in the world seemed to he summed up in these. She could scarcely tell what had happened to her. A great honour had haj)pened to her, such as might have impressed the imagination of anyone in that little world of St. Michael's, but not so great a thing as she thought. Lady Caroline had asked her to tea. It was something, it was much : it Avas what Lady Caroline had never done to anyone in the Lodges before. Even ]\Irs. Seymour, whose husband Avas really one of the Seymours^ people said, and whom Lady Courtland had begged Lady Caroline to be kind to, had not been so honoured. But for all that, it Avas not Avhat Lottie thought. She stood there Avith her heart beating, feeling as if she had just fallen from the clouds, in a maze of bewildered excite- ment, scarcely able to realise what had befollen her — and yet that Avhich had befallen her Avas not Avhat she thought. IMost things that happen to us are infinitely better in thought and in hope than they are in reality ; but this Avas doubly, trebly 46 WITH IN THE rr.ECiNCTS. tlie case -with poor Lottie, who found the cause of this new happiness of hers in a delusion, a mistake, most innocently, most unAvittingly, occasioned. It was not a thing that any- body had intended. Kollo liidsdale had meant no harm •when he strolled along the Dean's "Walk in the evening on two separate nights, looking up at Lottie's window and hop- ing to hear her sing in order that he might tell his partner of a new voice to be had for the asking. And neither had Lottie meant any harm ; it was not vanity, it was the most natural conclusion from what she saw with her own eyes. How could she doubt it ? He must have seen her when she was not aware of it, and fallen in love with her, as people Siiy, at first sight ! a romantic compliment that always goes to a girl's heart. There was no other interpretation to be put upon the fact of his lingering about looking up at her window. She had said to herself it was nonsense ; but how could it be nonsense ? What other explanation could anyone give of such a proceeding ? And now he had managed to make Lady Caroline, she who was the queen of the place and txna:pproachable, take his cause in hand. For Avhat other jiossible reason could Lady Caroline, who never noticed any- one out of her own sphere, have paid this special and public compliment to Lottie, and invited her to Paradise, as it were — to tea — not afternoon tea, whicli means little, but in the evening ? But here Lottie's fancies became so bewildering that she could not follow herself in her thoughts ; much less would it be possible for us to follow her. For if Lady Caroline had thus interfered on her nephew's behalf, securing for him a personal introduction and an opportunity of making her acquaintance, what could this mean but that Lady Caroline was on his side and meant to help him and approved of his sentiments ? This thought was too wonderful to be enter- tained seriously ; it only glanced across the surface of Lottie's mind, making her laugh within herself Avith a bewildered sense that there was something absurd in it. Lady Caroline stoop from her high estate to lift her, Lottie, to a place upon that dazzling eminence ! The girl felt as if she had been spmi round and round like a teetotum, though it was an un- dignified comparison. She did not know where she might find herself when, dizzy and tottering, she should come to l)er.self. ^\.ll this time ]\Irs. O'Shaughnessy, at her window, "where she always sat surveying everything that went on, had AT THE DEANEUY. 47 been knocking an impatient summons witli her knuckles on the pane ; and this it was at kist which brought Lottie to herself. She obeyed it with some reluctance, yet at the same time she was glad to sit down somewhere till the giddiness should go off and the hurry of her thoughts subside. Mrs. O'Shaughnessy met her with a countenance full of interest and eagerness ; a new incident Avas everything to her. She was as eager as if it was of vital importance to know every word that Lady Caroline said. ' Then what was she saying to ye, me dear ? ' cried the old lady, from whom excitement almost took away the breath. ' She did not say anything,' said Lottie, relieving her feelings by a little laugh. ' She never does say anything ; she asked me to tea.' ' And you call that nothing, ye thankless creature ! It's spoilt ye are, Lottie, me darling, and I always said that was what Avould come of it. She asked you to tea ? sure it'll be afternoon tea for one of the practisings, like it was in i\Iiss Augusta's day ? ' ' No 1 I am to go in after dinner. It is not the first time, Mrs. O'Shaughnessy ; Augusta has often a^ked me.- What else did I get my white frock for ?^^for there are no parties here to go to. She used to say : " Come in, and bring your music." It is not me they want, it is my voice,' said Lottie, assuming a superiority of wisdom which she did not possess. 'All in good time, me dear,' said Mrs. O'Shaughnessy. *And did my Lady Caroline bid you to bring your music, too ? The daughter is one thing, and the mother is clean another. I hope you've got your frock in order, me darlin' ; clean and nice and like a lady ? You should send it to Mrs. Jones to iron it out; she's the plague of my life, but she's a beautifid clear starcher — that I will say for her ; and if you want a ribbon or so, me jewel, or anything I have that ye may take a fancy to — there's my brooch with O'Shaughnessy's miniature, sure ne'er a one of them Avould find out who it Avas. You might say it was your grandpapa, me honey, m his red coat, with his medals ; and fine he'd look on your Avhite frock ' ' Thank you ! ' said Lottie in alarm ; ' but I never Avear anything, you know, except poor mamma's little pearl locket.' ' Sure I know,' said the old woman Avith a laugh ; ' a body can't Avear Avhat they haven't got ! Bat you needn't turn up 48 WITHIN THE PREOIXCTS. your little nose at my big brooch, for when it was made it Avas the height of tlie fashion, and now everything that's old is the height of the fashion. And so me Lady Caroline, that's too grand to say " Good morning to ye, ma'am," or " Good evening to ye," after ye've been her neighbour for a dozen years, stops her grand carriage to bid this bit of a girl to tea, and j\Iiss Lottie takes it as cool as snowballs, if ye please. Well, Avell, honey ! I don't envy ye, not I ; but you're born to luck as sure as the rest of us are born to trouble, and that all the Abbey can see.' ' I born to luck ! I don't think there is much sign of it,' said Lottie, though with a tumultuous leap of the heart which contradicted the words. * And what is there, I should like to know, that all the Abbey can see ? ' ' If you think I'm going to tell you the nonsense that is flying about, and put fencies in your little head ! ' said the old Irishwoman, 'go your ways, and see that your frock's in order ; and I'll run in and see you dressed, my pet, and I'll bring the brooch and the box with me best ribbons; may be at the last you'll change j^our mind.' Lottie went home with her head in the clouds ; was she indeed * born to luck ' ? Was she going to be transplanted at once without the tedious probation which even in poetry, even in story-books, the good heroine has generally to go through, into that heaven of wealth and rank and luxurious surroundings which she felt to be her proper sphere ? It was not that Lottie cared for luxury in its vulgarer forms ; she liked what was beautiful and stately — the large noble rooms, the dignified aspect whicl:f_life bore when unconnected with those small schemes and strugglings in which her existence was spent ; but above all she liked, it must be allowed, to be uppermost, to feel herself on the highest round of the ladder — and hated and resisted with all her soul the idea of being inferior to anybody. This was the thing above all others which Lottie could not bear. She had been brought up with the idea that she belonged by right of nature to the upper classes, a caste entirely removed by immutable decree of Providence from shopkeepers and persons engaged in trade, and to whom it was comparatively immaterial whether they were poor or ricli, nothing being able to alter the birth- riglit which united them with all that was high and separated tliein from all that was low. But this right had not been AT THE DEANERY. 49 acknowledsied at St. Michael's. She and her family had been mixed up in the crowd along with the O'Shaughnessys, and other unexalted people ; and nobody, not even the O'Shaugh- nessys, had been impressed by the long descent of the Despard famil}'- and its unblemished gentility. Something else then evidently was requisite to raise her to her proper place, to the sphere to which she belonged. Lottie would not have minded poverty, or difficulty, or hard work, had she been secure of her ' position ' ; but that was just the thing of which in present circumstances she was least secure. It was for this reason that Lady Caroline's notice was sweet to her — for this that she had been so deeply disappointed when no sign of amity was accorded to her on the wedding day. And this was why her heart leapt with such bewildering hope and excitement at the new event in her career. She did not know I\Ir. Eidsdale ; perhaps his admiration or even his love were little worth having ; and nothing but what are called interested motives could have possibly moved Lottie to the thrill of pleasure with which she contemplated his supposed attachment. A girl whose head is turned by the mere idea of a lover Avho can elevate her above her neighbours, without any possibility of love on her part to excuse the bedazzlement, is not a very fine or noble image ; yet Lottie's head was turned, not vulgarly, not meanly, but with an intoxication that was full of poetry and all that is most ethereal in ro- mance. A tender, exquisite gratitude to the man who thus seemed to have chosen her, without any virtue of hers, filled her heart ; and to the great lady who, though so lofty, and usually cold as marble to the claims of those beneath her, could thus forget her pride for Lottie. This feeling of grati- tude softened all the other emotions in her mind. She was ready to be wooed, but then the very manner of the first step in this process, the lingering outside her v/indow, Avhich was a sign of the tenderest, most delicate, and reverential love-making (but she did not think it so in the case of poor young Purcell), showed what a respectful, ethereal, poetical wooing it would be. Thus Lottie's whole being was full of the most tremulous, delicious happiness, all made up of hope and anticipation, and grateful admiration of the fine generous sentiments t>f her supposed lover, even while it was founded, as you may say, on self-interest and ambition, and sentiments which were not crenerous at all. 50 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. And with what a fiutter at her heart she put out her Avhite rausiin frock, which (not having any confidence in Mrs. Jones) she ironed herself most carefully and skilfully, Avith such interest in keeping it fresh as no Mrs. Jones in the world could have. For girls who have no ornaments to speak of, how kind summer is, providing roses, which are always the most suitable of decorations ! One knot of them in her hair and one at her breast — what could Lottie want more ? Certainly not the big brooch with Major O'Shaughnessy in his red coat, which her old friend was so anxious to pin the roses with. Mrs. O'Shaughnessy thought it would be ' such a finish,' and prove satisfactorily that it was not poverty but fancy that made Lottie decorate herself with fresh flowers instead of the fine artificial wreath with a nice long trail down the back, which was what the old lady herself would have preferred. Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, however, was mollified by the girl's acceptance of the Indian shawl which she brought to wrap her in. ' And you might just carry it into th.e room with you, me dear, as if ye thought ye might feel chilly,' said the old lady, ' for it's a beauty, and I should like me Jjady Caroline to see it. I doubt if she's got one like it. Good-night and a pleasant evening to ye, me honey,' she cried, as, under charge of Law, and with her dress carefully folded up, Lottie with her beating heart went across the broad gravel of the Dean's "Walk to the Deanery door. It was a lovely summer night, not dark at all, and the Signer was practising in the Abbey, and the music rolling forth in harmonious thunders rose, now more, now less distinct, as the strain grew softer or louder. A great many people were strolling about, loitering, when Lottie came out, skimming over the road in her little white shoes, with the roses in her hair. All the rest of her modest splendours were hidden by the shawl, but these could not be hidden. The people about all turned their heads to look at her. She was going to the Deanery. It was the same in St. Michael's as visiting the Queen. The Dean's dinner party had been of a slightly heavy description. There vrere several of the great people from the neighbourhood, county people whom it was necessary to ask periodically. It was so distinctly made a condition, at the beginning of this story, that we were not to be expected to describe the doings on Olympus, nor give the reader an insight AT THE DEAXEKT. 51 into the behaviour of the gods •and goddesses, that we feel ourselves happily free from any necessity of entering into the solemn grandeur of the dinner. It Avas like other dinners in that resrion above all the clouds. The ladies were fair and the gentlemen wise, and they talked about other ladies and gentlemen not always perhaps equally wise or fair. ]\Ir. RoUo Ridsdale was the greatest addition to the party. He knew all the very last gossip of the clubs. He knew what Lord Sarum said to Knowsley, upbraiding him for the indis- cretion of his last Guildhall speech. ' But everybody knows that Knowsley is nothing, if not indiscreet,' Kollo said ; and he knew that, after all, whatever anyone might say to the contrary, Lady Martingale had gone oiF with Charley Crow- ther, acknowledging that nothing in the world was of an}' consequence to her in comparison. ' Such an infatuation ! ' for, as everybody knew, Charley Avas no Adonis. Lady Caro- line shook her head over this, as she ate her chicken (or probably it Avas something much nicer than chicken that Lady Caroline ate). And thus the menuvia?, Avorked through. There Avas but one yovtng lady in the party, and even she was married. In Augusta's time the young people Avere ahvays represented, biit it did not matter so much now. When all these ladies rose at last in their heavy dresses that swept the carpet, and in their diamonds Avhich made a flicker and gleam of light about their heads and throats, and swept out to the draAving-room : all, Avith that one exception, over middle age, all Avell acquainted Avith each other, knowing the pedigrees and the possessions each of each, and Avith society in general for their common groitnd, the reader Avill tremble to think of such a poor little thing as Lottie, in her Avhite muslin, Avith the roses in her hair, standing trembling in a corner of the big draAving-room, and Avaiting for the solemn stream of silk and satin, and society, in Avhich she Avould have been engulfed at once, swalloAved up and seen no more. And what Avould have happened to Lottie, had she been alone, Avith- out anyone to stand by her in the midst of this overfloAving, Ave shrink from contemplating; but happily she had ulre.'idy foimd a companion to hold head Avith her against the stream. For when Lottie came in, she found some one before her in the draAving-room, a tall, very thin man, Avith stooping shoulders, Avho stood by the corner of the mantelpiece, on which there were candles, holding a book very close to his e2 52 Avrniix the pkecixcts. eves. When Lottie went in, with her heart in her mouth, he turned round, thinking that the opening of the door meant the coming of the ladies. The entrance, instead, of the one young figure, white and slender, and of Lottie's eyes encoun- tering him. full of fright and anxiety, yet with courage in them — the look that was intended for Lady Caroline, and which was half a prayer, ' Be kind to me !' as well as perhaps the tenth part of a defiance — made a great impression upon the solitary inmate of the room. He was as much afraid of what he thought a beautiful young lady, as Lottie Avas of the mistress of the house. After this first moment, however, when she perceived that there was nobody alarming, only a gentleman (an old gentle- man, Lottie contemptuously, or rather carelessly concluded, though he was not more in reality than about five-and-thirty), she regained her composure, and her heart went back to its natural place. Lottie knew very Avell who the gentleman was, though he did not know her. It w^as Mr. Ashford, one of the minor canons, a very shy and scholarly person, rather out of his element in a community Avhich did not pretend to much scholarship or any special devotion to books. Perhaps he was the only man in 8t. Michael's whom Lottie had ever really desired to make acquaintance with on his own account ; but indeed it was scarcely on his own account, but on account of Law, about Avhom she was always so anxious. Mr. Ashford took pupils, with whom he was said to be very successful. He lived for his pupils, people said, and thought of nothing else but of how to get them into shape and push them on. It had been Lottie's dream ever since she came to "St. Michael's to get Law under Mr. Ashford's care ; and after she had recovered the shock of getting into the room, and the mingled thrill of relief and impatience at finding that there was nobody there as yet to be afraid of, Lottie, Avhose heart always rose to any emergency, began to speculate how she could make friends with Mr. Ashford. She was not afraid of him : he was short-sighted, and he was awkward and shy, and a great deal more embarrassed by her look than she was by his. And lie was being liadiy used — so she thought. Why was not he asked to dinner like the others? Mr. Ashford did not himself leel the grievance, but Lottie felt it for him. She ranged herself instantly, instinctively, by his side. They were the iwc who were being condescended to, being taken notice of — AT THE DEANEUV. 53 they Avere the natural opponents consequently of the fine p(?ople, the people who condescended and patronised. Mr. Ashlbrd, on his side, stood and looked at her, and did not know what to do. He did not know Avho she was. She was a beautiful youn.r? lady, and he knew he had seen her in the Abbey; but further than this Mr. Ashford knew nothing of Lottie. The signs which would have betrayed her lowly con- dition to an experienced eye said nothing to him. Her white muslin might Lave been satin ior anything he could tell, her little pearl locket a priceless ornament. He did not know how to address such a dazzling creature; though to any ordinary person in society Lottie's attire would have sug- gested bread-and-butter, and nothing dazzling at all. ' It is a beautiful evening,' said Lottie, a little breathless. * It is scarcely dark yet, though it is half- past nine o'clock.' To both these unquestionable statements Mr. Ashford saia ' Yes,' and then he felt himself called upon to make a contri- bution in retiwn. ' I have just found a book which somebody must have been reading,' he said, growing red with the effort. ' Oh, yes ! is it a very interesting book ? What is it about ? ' said Lottie, but this was something for which INIr. Ashford Avas not prepared. He got redder than ever and cleared his throat. ' It does not seem about anything in particular. I have not really had time to read it ; ' then he made a hasty dash at an abstract subject, and said, with a falter in his voice, * Are — are you fond of reading ? ' Tliis question at once lit up Lottie's face. ' Oh, very, very fond ! But I have not many books nor much time. I always envy people who can read everything they please. Mr. Ashford, I Avonder if I might speak to you about something — before they come in,' said Lottie, coming a step nearer, and looking eagerly at him with her dangerous blue eyes. ]\Ir. Ashford got the better of his shyness in a moment. It did not embarrass him when there was anything to be done. He smiled upon her with a most beautiful beaming smile which altogether changed the character of his face, and put a chair for her, which Lottie, however, did not take. ' Surely,' he said, in his melodious voice, suddenly thawed out of the dryness which always got into his throat when he spoke first to a stranger. It has not yet been said that Mr. 54 'WITH IX THE rRECINCTS. Asliford's chief quality as respected the community at St. Michael's was an unusually beautiful mellow voice. ' If there is any way in Avhich I can be of use to you ? ' he said. * Oh, yes; so much use! They say you think a great deal about your pupils, Mr. Ashford,' said Lottie, ' and I have a brother whom nobody thinks much about ' That was the moment Lady Caroline chose to return to the drawing-room. The door opened, the ladies swept in one by one, the iSrst looking suspiciously at both Mr. Ashford and Lottie, the second, who knew Mr. Ashford, giving him a smile of recognition, and looking suspiciously only at Lottie, the rest folloAving some one example, some the other. Lottie knew not one of them. She looked trembling for Lady Caroline, and hoped she Avould be kind, and save her from the utter desolation of standing alone in this smiling and magnificent company. But Lady Caroline coming in last of all, only made her usual salutation to the stranger. She said, ' Good evening. Miss Despard,' as she swept her long train of rustling silk over the carpet close to Lottie's trembling feet, but she put out her hand to Mr. Ashford. ' It was so good of you to come,' she said. Alas ! Lottie was not even to have the comfort of feeling on the same footing with the minor canon. He was carried off from her just as he had begun to look on her with friendly eyes. The stream flowed towards the other side of the room, where Lady Caroline seated herself on her favourite square sofa. Lottie was left standing all alone against the soft grey of the wall, lighted up by the candles on the mantelpiece. When a person belong- ing to one class of society ventures to put a rash foot on the sacred confines of another, what has she to expect ? It is an old story, and Lottie had gone through it before, and ought to have had more sense, you will say, than to encounter it again. But the silly girl felt it as much as if she had not quitn known what would happen to her. She stood still, feeling unable to move, one wave of mortification and indig- nation going over her after another. How could they be so cruel ? What did they ask her for, if they meant to leave her to Htiind there by herself? And Mr. Ashford, too, was cruel. She had made up her mind to stand by him ; but he liad been carried away by the first touch; he "had not stood by lier. Ijottic could have torn ol¥ the roses with which she had decked herself so hopefully, and stamped her foot vipon AT THE DEANERY. 55 them. She ahiiost Avished she had the courage to do it, to cry out to those careless people and let them see what un- kindness they were doing. Meantime she made a very pretty picture Avithout knowing it. ' Look at that pretty, sulky girl against the Avail,' said the young married lady to her 'Lady Caroline must have set her there on purpose to look handsome and ill-tempered. How handsome she is ! I never saw such eyelashes in my life ; but as sulky as a thunder-cloud.' ' Go and talk to her and then she will not be sulky,' said the mother, who, though by instinct she had looked suspici- ously at Lottie, Avas not unkind ; nay, Avas a kind Avoman Avhen she saw any need for it. Neither AA'ere the others un- kind — but they did not see any need for it. It Avas Lady Caroline's business, they thought, to entertain her OAvn guests. Lottie, hoAvever, had her triumph later Avhen she sang, all the Avhispered conversation in the room stopping out of sheer astonishment. Her voice had developed even Avithin llie last month or two, during Avhich there had been no sing- ing in the Deanery, and as the Signer, who had come in atter his practising, played her accompaniments for her, and did his very best to aid and heighten the effect of her songs, her success Avas complete. He had never accompanied her befi're, Avhich Avas a ilict Lottie did not remember. And she did not notice either in her pre-occupation, thinking nothing of this but much of less important matters — that he kncAV everything she could sing best, and humoured, and flattered, and coaxed her voice to display itself to the very fullest adA-antage, as only a skilful accompanyist can. No doubt he had his motive. As for Rollo Kidsdale, he stood on the other side of the piano looking at Lottie Avith a gaze Avhich seemed to go through and through her. It meant, in fact, at once the real enthusiasm of a man Avho knew exactly what Buch talent Avas Avorth, and the less practical but still genuine enthusiasm of the amateur Avho kncAv Avhat the music AA'as Avorth as Avell as the A'oice. In the one point of vicAV he saAV Lottie's defects, in the other he saAV all that could be made of her. An English prima donna ! a real native talent as good as anything that ever came out of Italy, and capable of pro- ducing any amount of national enthusiasm ! Kollo's eyes shone, his lixcc lighted up, he did not know hoAv to express his deliLdit. He said to himself that she Avould make 'all 56 AVITIIIX THE PRECINXTS. our fortunes,' Avith an exaes-eration common to his kind. ' I knew I was to be charmed, Miss Despard, but I did not know what dsiight Avas in store for me,' he said, with eyes that said still more than his words. Lottie's eyes with their wonderful lashes sank before his. He thought it was perhaps a pretty trick to show that remarkable feature, and since he ■was sensible at all points to the beautiful, he did full justice to them. By Jove ! how well she would look on the stage. Those Lottie be ? Oh, yes, I know your names quite well,' .said Polly. ' We often talk about you. These sort of names for short are a mistake. For instance me, my name's Maria, tliat's a very lady hke name; but what does it matter when everybody calls me Polly ? but, if my name's common, nobody can say of mc that I don't behave handsome to my parents,' Polly said with emphasis. As for Law, he had felt himself growing hot and cold all through this speech. It plunged him into an entirely new world of thought. He tried to hiugh, but there was no laughter in his mind. A NliW LIGHT. 69 'It is very kind of you, Polly,' lie said, with scorn in his voice, ' to take the trouble to givenie so much good advice.' ' Oh, I assure you it's not for your sake, but the Captain's,' said Polly. * I told him if ever I had a chance with either of you, you should hear a bit of my mind — and I saw my opportunity to-night — that's why I asked you to come with me, Mr. Lawrence. Oh, it wasn't for the pleasure of your society ! I told the Captain I'd give you a bit ol' my mind. This is my home, so I'll bid you good-night, and I hope you'll lay to heart what I say.' Law turned up the Abbey Hill when thus dismissed with much secret excitement in his mind. It was altoa^ether a new idea to him that his father Avas, as Polly said, quite a young man still, and that it Avas on himself, not on his grown-up children, that his money should be spent. Law had never looked upon the income of the family as belonging exclusively to his father. It ivas the family income, and it had seemed to him that he had just as good a right to have everything he ■wanted as his father had. As a matter of fact he did not cet all he Avanted, as Captain Despard managed to do; but that Avas because his father had the command of CA-erything, not that he had a better right to it than Law. The idea that he had no right at all, as Polly seemed to think, and that his father might make the home untenable by marrying some- body, perhaps Polly herself, struck him as the most extra- ordinary ol' revelations. It Avas too extraordinary to be thought of calndy — his brain boiled and bubbled with the extraordinariness and novelty of the thought. The governor, Avho Avas only not an old fogey because lie Avas so much less respectable, less orderly than old fogeys ought to be ! — Law could not associate his father's imafre Avith the idea of, even, comparative youth. But he could not dismiss the suggestion from his mind. He tried to laugh, but some- thing seemed to hang over him like a throat, like a cloud of evil omen. He Avalked quickly up the slope to the Abbey gate, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling in his mind — trying to postpone at least the neAV idea Avhich he could not get rid of. "When, however, Law had got into the Precincts he saw a passenger not much less active and considerably more jaunty than himself on the -wny before him, Avalking Avith a slight occasional lurch, up the pavement to the Lodges. The lurch Avas quite slight, and njight not have been noticed 70 WITHIN THE PEECINCTS. l>y an indifferent eye, but Law noted it with the jealoi:s observation of one whose own credit was at stake. It was hard npon a fellow, he thought, that his father should be seen jroinir home niirht after niyht with a lurch in his walk, and. that his name should be recognised in all the lowest quai'ters of the town as that of 'the Captain's son.' Why should he suffer lor such a cause ? Other old men were respectable, were no !^hame to their sons, but on the contrary furnished, a margin of honour and reputation upon which to draw when, there was occasion ; but this was not the case with Captain Despard. Other old men — but there suddenly flashed across Law's mind, as he instinctively placed his father in this class, a recollection of the words which had just been said to him — • ' He is what I call a young man still.' Pricked by this thought, he looked at the figure before him with eyes suddenly cleared, from the mists of habit and tradition, and saw it in an alto- gether new light. Captain Despard was straight and active : he carried his head high, and his step, though to- night slightly irregular, was both firm and light. To see him walking in front hununing and whistling by turns, perhaps with a certain bravado to show how steady he was, gave Law the most un- comfortable sensation. It was true what Polly had said. This was no old fogey, no heavy father ; though up to this moment Law had looked upon the Captain in no other light. He felt a shiver come over him, a sudden realisation of all the possi- bilities. Who should say that the governor ought not to do wliat he liked best, whatever that may be ? Law felt con- scious that he himself, who was so much younger, did what he liked in indifference to everybody's opinion, and he was under no affectionate delusion as to the superior virtue of his father. What if Polly were right? Polly perhaps had a better chance of knowing the Captain's wishes than either his son or his daughter, to whom he Avas not likely to talk en Mich subjects. A chill came over the lad though the night was so warm. Life had always seemed sure enough to him, though it had its privations. He had to put up with that chronic want of pocket money — and Avith frequent ' rows ' from his father, and passionate remonstrances from Lottie. These were the drawbacks of existence ; but Law was aware that, except in very favourable circumstances indeed, as when you were born a duke, or at least born to the possession of live thousand a year or so, existence was very seldom A NEW LIGHT. 71 without drawbacks; this, however, was very much worse than the want of pocket money ; the governor with a new wife, perhaps Polly ! The sitnation was too horrible to be realised, but for the moment the idea seemed to pour a current of ice into Law's veins. He had no latchkey, but as soon as he saw his father he made up his mind to take advantage of Captain Despard's entrance in a •way which he had found practicable before this. Light and swift; as he was, when the Captain had fumbled and opened the door. Law stole close behind him and entered with him in the dai'kness. * What's that ? ' Captain Despard growled, feeling the movement of the air as his son passed. * I'll swear there's a c'host in this house,' he added, 2;rumbling to himself. Law, however, was safely out of the way before his father managed to strike a light, and went, swaying from side to side, up the narrow staircase which creaked under him. The young fellow, standing back in the darkness, saw Captain Despard's face illuminated by the light of the candle he carried, and gazed at it Avith eyes sharpened by anxiety. It was a handsome face — the contour still perfect, the hair crisp and curling, a heavy military moustache shadowing the well- formed lip. The Captain was flushed, his eyesAvere blinking, half-closed, and that unloveliest look that can be seen on a man's face, the look of partial intoxication approaching the sleepy stage, took all spirit and sentiment from him. Yet Law could not but acknowledge that his father was a hand- some man. He stood quite still, watching that progress up- stairs, half because he Avas luiAvilling to be seen, half because he Avas anxious to see. Captain Despard Avas ' a fine man,' as Polly had said. LaAV could see nov\-, looking at him between the bars of the railing Avhich guarded the little staircase, that there Avas nothing in common between him and the old Avhite-haired CheA'aliers, old men not strong enough to be Avarlike, but courteous and gentle as becomes old soldiers, who sunned themselves on the pavement before the Lodges. Captain Despard, middle-aged and self-assertive, was as different as possible from those old gentlemen Avith their honourable scars. He had none of tlieir lionours nor the grace of old service ; but he Avas strong in life and A'igour, a kind of superiority Avhicli LaAV could nj^preciate. A grain of pride mingled in the exasperation with Avhich he acknowledged this to himself — and yet he Avas 72 ■WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. not only exasperated but alaroied. He retired to bed very softly afterwards, creeping on tiptoe and in the dark up the stairs. Tliere was still a gleam of light imder Lottie's door, but Law preferred not to direct hi? sister's attention to the late hour of his own return by going straight to her room to relieve himself of his trouble. He did not want to be forced into confidences or to betray where he had himself been, and how he had heard the alarming prophecies which had so suddenly cleared his sight ; and though the temptation was great he resisted it. Thus the lights were burning ail at once in three of the little rooms in Captain's Despard's house, each illuminating a separate world of excitement, unsus- pected by the others. The Cajitain's share of the disturbance Avas less of the mind than the body. He had lost some money which he could not aiFord to lose, and was annoyed on this account ; and he Avas excited, but more sleepy, on account of the potations which had accompanied his play. ' By , I'll have it back to-morrow night — luck can't be so against me one night after another.' This Avas the only burden of his simple and uncomplicated reflections. He thought nothing of his children one Avay or another. Both his children, hoAvever, though in different Avays, Avere thinking of him. Lottie, though she dared not openly sit up for her father, remained up in her OAvn room until he came in, and she had made sure that he did not Avant anything, and Avas not likely to set the house on fire. But LaAv's reflections Avere more serious than those of the other tAvo. It seemed to the idle lad as if sud- denly a real burden had got on to his shoulders. He was thoroughly frightened out of the pleasant calm of nature — the sense that everything must go on as everything had gone since he could remember. In later days, indeed, things had gone better for LaAV — Lottie had managed noAV and then to scrape a sliilling or two off the housekeeping to give him, and of late she had not bullied him quite so much as usual. The current had been flowing more evenly — everything had con- spired to make the happy-go-lucky of his life more smooth than before. Ho Avoke up Avith all the more fright and sur- prise to the .sudden danger now. TRIUMPH AND TERKOFw. 73 CHAPTER VIIL TRIUMPH AND TERROR. Lottie had gone home that night, it need not be said, witli her head full of" excitement. Had she not good reason to look upon this evening as of importance in her life ? She had met the man who, before he had ever spoken to her, had, according to all appearances, placed her on the highest pinnacle on Avhich a girl can be placed — the throne of a romantic love. Though it had been a temporary downfall to her to be placed in the charge of IMr. Ashford and the Signor, instead of crossing the Dean's Walk in the company of this secret and poetical lover, yet she was almost glad to be thus let drop into quietness, to avert any word or look too much, which might have spoiled the visionary elevation on which she felt herself. Yes, she was glad that they had never been alone. Had he whispered an avowal of any kind into her ear, she Avas not, she knew, prepared for it ; Lottie was honest even in her self-delusion, and she knew that, however profoundly to her advantage it might be, she could not make any response to a man whom she did not know, whom she was speaking to for the first time, notwithstandino; her consciousness that he mv;st have been thinkina; of her for a lono; time. She could not have made any fit reply. She must have said something which probably would have hurt him in tlie fervour of his romantic passion ; for, though grateful to him and romantically touched by his evident devotion, Lottie could not have per- suaded herself that he was anything to her except a delightful wonder and most flattering novelty. No, it was better, much better, that he did not come ; she must have hurt his feelings, discouraged him, probably driven him away from her ; and she was very far from Avishing to drive him away. Lottie thought, Avith an innocent calculation, if she saAv a little more of him, had a little time given her to make his acquaintance, that probably she Avoiild come to love him quite naturally and spontaneously ; l)ut at pre.sent it Avas not possible that .she could do so, and she felt a natural shrinking from any premature disclosure of his feelings. Thus it Avas evidently most fortunate that the Dean had interposed, that IJollo had not been alloAved to come home Avith her^fortunate, and yet 74 WITHIN THE rRECINCTS. a little disappointing too. There had been a very few words exchanged with her companions as they crossed the Dean's Walk. :\Ir. Ashford had most kindly and com-teously re- minded her that she had expressed a \vish to speak to him about something. ' It is too late now to ask what it was,' he said ; ' I must not keep you out of doors at thishour ; but if you Avill permit me, I Avill call and inquire in what way I can be of use to you ? ' ' You know in what way / would like to be of use to you, Miss Despard,' the Signor said on the other side. All this was very flattering, even though she might be displeased by the Signer's reiteration of his disagreeable offer. She made him a curtsey like Lady Caroline, while to the minor canon she gave her hand, which perhaps was quite sulhcient to mark her different estimation of them. And indeed the Signor had been very kind about the accompani- ments, which he had certainly played to perfection. This recollection came to her mind as he thanked her for her singing, undaunted by the stiffness of her leave-taking. * Indeed, I owe you more, a great deal more, than you can possibly owe me,' Lottie said, with a burst of compunction ; ' I never sang so Avell before, because I never had such an accompaniment.' ' Then I hope I may accompany you very often again,' he said, Avith a smile, as he Avent away. Thus even with the Signor, Lottie felt herself in perfect good- humour and charity. A man who paid such compliments to her voice, how could she be hard upon him, even if he made a little mistake in respect to her position ? And she went in out of the summer night in a state of celestial satisfaction with all the people surrounding her — and herself Even Lady- Caroline had melted into something which Avas Avarmth for her. She had said, ' I have enjoyed your singing veiy much, Miss Despard,' and had touched Lottie's hand Avith tAvo limp fingers — that Avas something, indeed it Avas miich for Lady Caroline. And all the other great ladies had spoken, or at least iiad sniilcd upon Lottie, thanking her. What covild she have Avished for more? She Avent up into her little tiny room, Avhich Avas not much bigger than Lady Caroline's grand piano, and tlirownig off the Indian sliaAvl (if Mrs. O'Shaughncssy could but have seen it !) on the floor, sat doAvn upon her little white bed and began to think. To think ! nothing of the sort — to go over everything that had happened, Avith a dazzle of light and delight and triumph round her. She seemed to TRIUMPH AND TEr.nOR. tO herself to have thrown down nil the bonndarics that had hitherto separated her from her lawful sphere. If a suitor should come from that higher and better world who could wonder noAv ? Had she not been adopted into it — received to her just place at last ? And naturally it was upon Iiollo that her recollections chiefly centred; he was the chief figure of the whole company to Lottie. She remembered minutely everything he had said and done, the expression of his ilice (though she put infinitely more meaning in it than was there), the tone of his voice. How the room had become at once full of interest, of excite- ment, when he came in, clearing away all the dimness! Lottie had scarcely time even to wonder how and Avhere their next meeting would be, for thinking of this first meeting. How his face had lighted up when he saw that she was there ; how he had been caught by some one on his way to her, and kept talking in sp^te of himself, with his eyes upon her all the time ; how he had escaped and pressed tlirough all the fine company to get to her side ; how he had confessed that he had but a very visionary right to claim her acquaintance at all, but nevertheless meant to stand on that right as, for the time being, the son of the house ! Lottie had scarcely forgotten a word oi" all he said. And, as a matter of fact, Rollo had hvcn very careful to behave himself with due discretion, not to make it too apparent that her voice was the thing that most interested him. She thought that he admired her singing as a part of his enthusiasm for herself. She had not a suspicion of the real state of the case. It seemed to her that her voice was a delightful discovery to him, a something par-dessiis le marcht', an added charm ; that it was the sole foundation of his apparent enthusiasm never occurred to the girl ; neither, though she kneAv that her general triumph was caused by her singing, did she solely set down to that cause the friendly looks and smiles and flattering compliments she had received. This was absiu'd, but wc do not pretend that Lottie was beyond the reach of absurdity. She knew that it was her singing which had suddenly silenced all the conversation going on in the room, and called the attention of everybody ; but yet it Aviis surely something more ; it was herself, not her voice, which brought that kindly look to their eyes as they smiled upon her. It is hard to acknowledge to ourselves that it is for some special, perhaps accidental, quality we may possess, 7G WlTinN THE PRECINCTS. that we are favoured and esteemed by our fellow -creatures. Human nature is humbled by the conviction that it is the possession of a gift worthy of popularity which makes an in- dividual popular. We all prefer to be prized for nothing at all, for ourselves. And this, in the face of circumstances, and clean against all reason, was what Lottie hoped and de- terminedly believed. She could not consent to the other idea. To be praised and made friends ^vith. for her voice was intoler- able. The only approbation which is really flattering and delightful is that which is given upon no ground at all. She had been sitting thus ibr some time on her bed, musing, with eyes that sparkled and a heart that fluttered with happiness; and had taken off her evening gown, and loosed the roses irom her hair, and wrapped her Avhite shining satin shoulders in a white cotton dressing-gown ; and had even brushed out those long dark locks, and twisted them up again close to her head for the night, with innumerable fancies twisted out and in of all she did, before Captain Despard, fumbling for the key-hole, opened his own door and came in, in the dark. It was Lottie's habit to sit up till he came in, but to-night she had been too much occupied by her own con- cerns to hear his approach, and it was only when he came up- stairs that she woke up to think of him. Lottie's experienced ear caught the lurch in his stejs, just as Law's experienced eye had caught it. ' Again ! ' she said to herself, with a momen- tary flash of anger ; but it did not make her wretched as it might have done a more sensitive daughter. Lottie was accustomed to accept her father without question, not expecting much of him, and somewhat disposed, when he did not come up even to the little she expected, to satisfy herself that it was just like papa. But his entrance relieved her from her habitual vigil. She heard Law steal upstairs afterwards, and wondered how or when he had got in, and where he went at night, Avith more curiosity than she expended on her father; but even that did not much disturb Lottie, who had been used all her life to irregular entrances and exits. After a while all was still in the little house, notwithstanding the anxieties and excitements collected luider its roof. Dis- quietude and trouble could not keep Law from sleeping any more than excitement and triumph could keep his sister; and, as for the Captain, the sleep of the just was never so profoimd as that which wrapped him in a not too lovely tranquillity. TRIUMPH AXD TElinon. I 7 The air Avas all thrilling %vith emotion of one kind or another, bub they slept as profoundly as if they hud not a care in the -world — as soundly as the good 0'Shaughne?sys next door, -who had been asleep since eleven o'clock, and who had no cares but those of their neighbours to disquiet them ; or old Colonel Dalrymple on the other side, Avho dozed through his life. The soft night stilled them all, young and old and middle-aged, in their kind, just as it held in soft shadow the Abbey, with all its crrey pinnacles and immemorial towers. Nature cared nothing for the troubles of life ; but life submitted to the centle yoke of nature, which relieves the soul, while it binds the body, and makes a temporary truce and armistice with all the army of mortal cares. Next morning Law lounged into the little drawing-room after breakfiist with a big book in his hand. He had almost given up the pretence of reading for some time, so that it was till the more wonderful to see a book Avhich Avas not a yellow railway novel in his hand. Lottie had been up early, awakened by the commotion in her mind, which did not allow her to rest — or rather which prevented her from going to sleep again when the early noises of the morning woke her up. Accordingly she had got through a great deal of her ordinaiy household work by this time, when Law, after a breakfast Avhich was later than usual, lounged in upon her. He was very big, and filled up the little room ; and his habit of doing as little as possible, and his want of money, which made some imperfections in his toilette inevitable, gave him a look of in- dolence and shabbiness such as was not natural to his age, or even to his disposition, for by nature Law was not lazy. He came sauntering in with one hand in his pocket, ai;d with his book under the other arm ; and he sat down in the only easy- chair the room contained, exasperating Lottie, to whom his very bin^ness seemed an offence. There were times when she was proud of Law's size, his somewhat hcuA-y good-looks, his athletic powers ; but this morning, as many times before, the very sight of those long limbs jarred upon her. What was the use of all that superfluous length and strength ? He took the only easy- chair, and stretched out his long limbs half across the room, and Lottie at the height of her activity felt impatience rise and swell within her. She could not put up with Law that morning. His indolence was an offence to her. 78 wiTinx TiiK rr.ECiNCTS. * Wliat do you ■want, Law ? ' alie said, in a voice which was not so sweet as it had been at the Deanery. She gave a rapid glance up at him as she went on with her darning, and took in the Avliole picture, the easy-chair and the lounging attitude. If he had sat upright upon the little hard wickerwork chair, Lottie would have felt more merciful. ' Well, I Avant nothing in particiilar, except to talk to you a little,' said Law. ' You need not be so cross.' ' 1 am not cross ; but to sec you in an easy-chair, idling awa}' all the morning ' ' How do you know I've been idling this morning? Look at my book : that's Virgil,' said Law, looking at it with simple admiration. ' I don't think a fellow could do much better than that.' ' But have you really heen reading? ' Lottie's tone modi- fied; she began to look at him with respect. 'Oh, I«xav, if you only would work ! it would make such a diiFerence, it would make me quite happy. I was speaking to Mr, Ashfoi'd last night. You know Mr. Ashford, the minor canon. He is so clever with his pupils. If you could but go to him, if he would only take you. Law ! ' ' IIg would take me fast enough if we could afford the money. I say, Lottie, the governor was awfully late last night : did you hear him coming in ? I want to tell you something about him — something I have heard.' ' I think you were very late, too. Law.' * Oh ! never mind about that ; it does not matter about me. Lottie, listen. A friend — I mean somebody — was speaking to me about him. Did it ever come into your head that he was not an old man, and that such a thing was possible as that he might— it seems too ridiculous to say it — marry again ? ' ' Marry again ? you are dreaming ! ' cried Lottie loudly, in her astonishment. ' Yes, while we knew nothing of it. After all, wdicn you come to lliink of it, when you look at him, you know, he is not so awfully old. One thinks he must be, because he is one's lather. But some of these old beggars are just as silly ' — said Law in aAvestruck tones, ' and you can't stop them doing things as you can a fellow that is young. It is an awful shame ! a lellow that is under age, as they call it, you can pull him up, though there's no harm 'in iiim ; but an old fellow of TKIUJiril AXD TERROR. 79 fifty, yoii can't stop him, ■whatever nonsense he may set his face to. That's what I heard last night.' ' It is not true. I don't believe a single word of it,' said Lottie. ' You must have been in very strange company, Law,' she added with severity, ' to hear all this go.ssip about papa.' Lottie did not mean to pass such a tremendous sentence on her iiither ; she spoke simply enough. To hear this gossip her brother must have been in haunts such as those that Captain Despard frequented. She did not know what they were, but she knew they were evil ; therefore she made use of this Aveapon instinctively, Avhich she found, as it were, lying by her, not meaning any censure upon her father, only a neces- sary reproof to Law. ' Yovi may say what you please about bad compan}^,' he said, ' but that's what I heard ; that he Avasn't so old, after all ; and what Avould become of us if he married atrain ? It Avas not gossip. I believe really, though I was very angry at the time, that it Avas meant kindly ; it Avas meant for a Avarning. You Avould have thought so yourself, if you had been there.' * I do not believe a Avord of it,' said Lottie ; but she had groAvn pale. She did not ask again Avho had told him or where he had been ; she set herseH seriously to proA^e the thing to be false, Avhich shoAved that she Avas not so sure of not believing it as she pretended to be. ' It is all a falsehood,' she went on. * Is papa a man to do that sort of thing ? Marry ! he would have to give up a great many things if he married. He could not afford to sj^end his money as he does ; he Avould not be allowed to be ahvays out in the evenings as he is now. Why, eA'en poor mamma, she did not give in to liim as Ave are obliged to do ; he had to pay a little attention to her — sometimes. And noAv he has got more used to do Avhat he likes than ever, and has more money to spend ; do you think he Avould give up that /or a wife?' cried Lottie Avith disdain. ' It only shoAvs that you don't knoAv papa.' ' Ah ! but you don't knoAv ' said LaAV. He Avas about to say ' Polly,' but stopped in time. ' You don't knoAv Avhat might be put into his head^ Lottie. He might be made to believe that to get rid of us Avould put all right. If he got rid of us, don't you see ? he would AA'ant a v/oman in the house ; and if it Avas some one he liked himself, that would make her- self agreeable to him, and flatter him, and coddle him — that 80 AVITUIN THE PRECINCTS. Avoiild please liini better,' said Law, Avitli precocious knowledge of a man's rele among whom l)uth her father and brother found BnOTIlER AXD SISTEH. 125 their pleasure, shame to have thought more badiy of them than they deserved, shame to have betrayed to Law her know- ledge that there were women existing of whom to speak Avas a shame. She sank down upon the sofu again trembling and agitated, relieved, yet not relieved. 'Law,' she said faintly, ' we are poor enough ourselves, I know. But even if we don't do nuich credit to our birth, is it not dreadful to be content -with that, to go down lower, to make ourselves nothing at all? ' ' It is not my fault,' said Law, a little moved, * nor yours neither. I am very sorry for you, Lottie ; for you've got such a high mind — it will go hardest with you. As for me, I've got no dignity to stand on, and if he drives me to it, I shall simply 'list — that's what I shall do.' ' 'List ! ' Lottie gazed at him pathetically. She was no longer angry, as she had been when he spoke of this before. ' You are out of your senses. Law ! You, a gentleman ! ' ' A gentleman ! ' he said bitterly, * much good it does me. It might, perhaps, be of sqme use if we were rich, if we be- longed to some great family which nobody could mistake ; liut the kind of gentlefolks we are ! — nobody knowing any- thing about us, except through what he pleases to do and say. I tell you, if the worst comes to the worst, I will go straight off to the first sergeant I see, and take the shilling. In the Guards there's many a better gentleman than I am, and I'm tall enough for the Guards,' he said, looking down with a little complacence on his own long limbs. The look struck Lottie with a thrill of terror and pain. There were soldiers enough about St. Michael's to make her keenly and instantly aware how perfectly their life, as it appeared to her, would chime in with Law's habits. They seemed to Lottie to be always lounging about the streets stretching their long limbs, expanding their broad chests in the sight of all the serving maidens, visible in their red coats wherever the idle congre- gated, wherever there was any commotion going on. She perceived in a moment, as by a flash of lightning, that nothing coidd be more congenial to Law. What work might lie be- hind, what difficulties of subordination, tyrannies of hours and places, distasteful occupations — Lottie knew nothing about. She saw in her brother's complacent glance, a something of kin to the swagger of the tall fellows in their red jackets, .spreading themselves out before admiring nursemaids. Law 12G wiTinx THE rr.F.cixcTg. worild do tliat too. She could not persuade herself that there •was anything in him above the swagger, superior to the admi- ration o£ the maids. A keen sense of humiliation, and the sharp impatience of a proud spirit, imable to inspire those most near to it -with anything of its own pride and energy, came into her mind. ' You do not mind being a gentleman — you do not care,' she cried. ' Oh, I know you are not like me ! But how will you like being under orders, LaAv, never having your freedom, never able to do what you please, or to go anyAvhere without leave ? That is how soldiers live. They are slaves; they have to obey, always to obey. You coiild not do anything because you wanted to do it — you could not spend an evening at home — Oh,' she cried with a sudden stamp of her foot in impatience with herself, ' that is not what I mean to say ; for what would you care for coming home ? But you could not go to that place — that delightful place — - that you and papa prefer to home. I know you don't care for home,' said Lottie. ' Oh, it is a compliment, a great compli- ment to me ! ' And, being overwrought and worn out with agitation, she suddenly broke down and fell a-crying, not so much that she felt the slight and the pang of being neglected, but because all these agitations had been too much for her, and she felt for the moment that she could bear no more. At the sight of her tears sudden remorse came over Law. He went to her side and stood over her, touching her shoulder Avith his hand. ' Don't cry, Lottie,' he said, Avith compunc- tion. And then, after a moment, ' It isn't for you ; you're ahvays jolly and kind. I don't mind Avhat I say to you; you might know everything I do if you liked. But home, you know, home's not Avhat a felloAv cares for. Oh, yes ! I care for it in a way — I care for you : but except you, Avhat is there, Lottie ? And I can't ahvays be talking to you, can I ? A felloAv Avants a little more than that. So do you; you Avant more than me. If I had come into the draAving-room this morning and strummed on the piano, Avhat Avould you have done ? Sent me off or boxed my ears if I'd have let you. But that ielloAv Eidsdale comes and you like it. You needn't say no ; I am certain you liked it. But brother and siptor, yc.n know that's not so amusing ! Come, Lottie, you know that as well as I.' ' I don't knoAv it, it is not true ! ' Lottie cried, with a haste BROTHER AND SISTER. 127 and emphasis which she herself felt to be unnecessary. ' But what has that to do with the matter ? Allow that j'ou do not care for your home, Law ; but is it necessary to go off and separate yourself from your family, to give up j'our position, everything ? I will tell you what we will do. We will go to !RIr. Ashford, and he will let ns know honestly what he thinks — what you are fit for. All examinations are not so hard ; there must be something that you conld do.' Law made a wry face, but he did not contradict his sister. * I wish he would cut me out with a pair of scissors and make me fit somewhere,' he said, Avith a shrug of his shoxilders. Then he added, almost caressingly, ' Take yoiir supper, Lottie ; you're tired, and yon want something ; I have had mine. And yon have not told me a word about to-night. Why did you come in so early ? How are you and Eidsdale getting on ? Oh ! Avhat's the good of making a fuss about it ? Do you think I can't see as plain as porridge what thai means ? ' ' What what means ? ' cried Lottie, springing from her seat with such passionate energy as half frightened the lad. *How dare you, Law? Do you think I am one of the girls you are used to ? How dare you speak to me so ? ' ' Why shoidd you make such a fuss about it ? ' cried Law, laughing, yet retreating. ' If there is nothing between you and Eidsdale, what does the fellow want loafing about here ? Lottie ! I say, mind what you're doing. I don't mind taking your advice sometimes, but I won't be bullied by you.' ' You had better go to bed. Law ! ' said Lottie, with dig- nified contempt. After all the agitations of the evening it was hard to be brought down again to the merest vulgarities of gossip like this. She paid no more attention to her brother, but gathered together her shawl, her gloves, the shabby little fan which had been her mother's, and put out the lamp, leaving him to find his way to his room as he could. Slie was too indignant for words. He thought her no better than the dressmaker girls he had spoken of, to be addressed with vulgar stupid raillery such as no doubt they liked. This was the best Lottie had to look for in her own home. She swept out, throwing the train of her long white skirt from her hand with a movement which would have delighted Rollo, and went a.\\ay to the darkness and stillness of her own little chaml^er, with scarcely an answer to the ' Good-night ' which Law ilung 12S WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. at her as he shuffled away. She sat down on her little bed in the dark without lighting her candle; it was her self-im- posed duty to watch there till she heard her father's entrance. And there, notwithstanding her stately withdrawal, poor Lottie, overcome, sobbed and cried. She had nobody to turn to, nor anything to console her, except the silence and pity- ing darkness Avhich hid her girlish weakness even from herself. CHAPTER XIII. CAPTAIN DESPARD. ]\IoRNiNG service at the Abbey was more business-like than the severe ritual in the afternoon. The evening prayers were more pleasurable. Strangers came to them, new laces, all the visitors about, and there could be no doubt that the Signer chose his anthems with a view to the new people who were always coming and going. Sometimes representatives from every quarter of England, from the Continent — members of 'the other church' even, which Anglicanism venerates and yearns after : and people from America, pilgrims to the shrine of the past, Avould gather within the Abbey, and carry away the fame of the music and the beautiful church to all the winds. The staff of the Abbey was pleasantly excited, the service was short, the whole ritual was pleasurable. It was the dull hour in the afternoon when it is good for people to be occupied in such an elevating way, and when, coming in with the fresh air hanging about you in the summer, out of the sun- shine, to feel the house so shady and cool — or in winter from the chill and cold out of doors to a blazing fire, and lamps, and candles, and tea — you had time for a little lounge before dressing for dinner, and so cheated away the heaviest liour of the day. But in the morning it was business. The ]Minor Canons "felt it, getting up from their breakfast to sing their way steadily through litany and versicles. And nobody felt it more than the old Chevaliers as they gathered in their stills, many of them wiiite-hcaded, tottering, one foot in the grave. It was the chief occupation of their lives — all that ihey were now obliged to do. Their whole days were shaped for this. When the bells began the doors would open, the CAPTAIN DESPAUD. 129 "veterans come out, one by one, some of them battered enough, ■with medals on their coats. Captain Despard was the most jaunty of the brotherhood. Indeed he was about the youngest of all, and it had been thought a bad thing for the institution Avlien a man not much over ll£ty was elected. He was generally the last to take his place, hurrying in fresh and debonair, with his flower in his coat, singing with the choir •whenever the music pleased him, and even now and then softly accompanying the Minor Canon, with a cheerful sense that his adhesion to what was being said must always be ap- preciated. His responses were given with a grand air, as if he felt himself to be paying a compliment to the Divine Hearer. And indeed, though it was the great drawback of his existence to be compelled to be present there every morn- ing of his life, still when he was there he enjoyed it. He was part of the show. The beautiful church, the fine music, and Captain Despard, had all, he thought, a share in the silent enthusiasm of the general congregation. And Captain Despard was so far right that many of the congregation, especially those who came on Sundays and holidays, the townsfolk, the tobacconists, and tradespeople, and the girls from the work- room, looked upon him with the greatest admiration, and pointed out to each other, sometimes awed and respectful, sometimes tittering behind their prayer-books, where ' the Captain ' sat in state. The Captain was a * fine man ' every- body allowed — well proportioned, well preserved — a young man of his age ; and his age was mere boyhood in comparison with many of his peers and brethren. It was ridiculous to see him there among all those old fellows, the girls said ; and as for Polly, as she slipped humbly into a free seat, the sight of him sitting there in his stall quite overpowered her. If all went well, she herself would have a place there by-and-by — not in the stalls indeed, but in the humble yet dignified places provided for the families of the Chevaliers. It must not be supposed that even the Chevaliers' stalls were equal to those provided for the hierarchy of the iVbbey. They were a lower range, and on a different level altogether, but still they were places of dignity. Captain Despard put his arms upon the carved supports of his official seat, and looked around him like a benevolent monarch. When anyone asked him a question as he went or came he was quite afTalile, and called to the verier with a condescending readiness to oblige. 130 WITniX THE PRECINCTS. ' You must find a place for this gentleman, Wykeliam,' he would Siiy ; ' this gentleman is a friend of mine.' Wykeham only growled at these recommendations, but Captain Despard passed on to his stall with the air of having secured half a dozen places at least ; and his jyroteges felt a vague belief in him, even when they did not find themselves much advanced by it. And there he siit, feeling that every change in his position was noted, and that he himself was an essential part of the show — that show which was so good for keeping up all the traditions of English society, making the Church re- spected, and enforcing attention to religion — indeed, a very handsome compliment to the Almighty himself Captain Despard, however, though he admired himself so much, was not, as has been already hinted, proportionately admired l)y his brother Chevaliers, and it was something like a surprise to him when he found himself sought by two of them at once, as they came out of the Abbey. One of these was Captain Temple, who had encountered Lottie on the evening before, going alone to the Deanery. None of all the Chevaliers of St. Michael's was so much respected as this old gentleman. He was a little man, with white hair, not re- markable in personal appearance, poor, and old ; but he was all that a Chevalier ought to be, sans reproche. The story of his early days was the ordinary one of a poor officer without friends or interest ; but in his later life there had happened to him something which everybody knew. His only daughter had married a man greatly above her in station, a member of a noble family, to the great admiration and envy of all be- holders. She was a beautiful girl, very delicate and sensitive ; but no one thought of her qualities in comparison with the wonderful good fortune that had befallen her. A girl that had been changed at a stroke from poor little Mary Temple, the pcor Chevalier's daughter, into the Honourable Mrs. Dropmore, with a chance of a Viscountess's coronet ! was ever such good luck heard of? Her father and mother were con- gratulated on all sides Avith malign exuberance. Mrs. Temple got credit for being the cleverest of mothers, that applause, wliich in England means insult, being largely showered upon her. Whetlicr she deserved it, poor soul ! is nothing to this liistory ; but if so, she soon had her reward. The girl who liail been so lucky Avas carried off summarily from the father and mother who had nothing else to care for in the world. CAPTAIN DESPAUD. 101 Thev were not allowed to see her, or even to communicate ■with her but in the most limited way. They bore every- thing, these poor people, for their child's sake, encouraging each other not to complain, to wait until her sweetness had gained the victory, as sweetness and submission are always said to do — and encouraging her to think only of her husband, to wait and be patient until the prejudices of his family were dispelled. But this happy moment never came for poor Mary. She died after a year's marriage — wailing for her mother, who Avas not allowed to come near her, and did not even know of her illness. This had almost killed the old jieople too — and it had pointed many a moral all the country round ; and now this incident, which had nothing to do with her, came in to influence the career of Lottie Despard. It was Captain Temple who first came wp to his brother Chevalier as he strolled through the nave of St. Michael's, on his way out from the service. A great many people always lingered in the nave to get every note of the Signor's voluntary, and it was Captain Despard's practice to take a turn up and down to exhibit himself in this last act of the show before it was over. The sun shone in from the high line of south windows, throw- ing a thousand varieties of colour on the lofty clustered pil- lars, and the pavement all storied with engraved stones and brasses. The Captain sauntered up and down, throwing out his chest, and conscious of admiration round him, while the music rolled forth through the splendid space, witli a voice proportioned to it, and groups of the early worshippers stood about listening, specks in the vastness of the Abbey. Just as it ended, with an echoing thunder of sweet sound, the old Captain, putting on his hat at the door, encountered the vounaer warrior for whom he had been Ivino; in wait. ' jNIay I speak a word to you, Captain Despard ? ' he said. ' Certainly, my dear sir ; if I can be of use to you in any way, command me,' said Captain Despard, with the most amiable flourish of his hat. But he was surprised ; for Cap- tain Temple was a man who ' kept his distance,' and had never shown any symptom of admiration for the other Chevalier. ' You will forgive me speaking,' said the old man. ' But I know that your evenings are often engaged. You have many occupations ; you are seldom at home in the evening? * k2 132 WITHIN THE Pr.ECINCTS. ' My friends are very kind,' said Captain Despard, with anotlier ilourisli. ' As a matter of fact, I — dine out a great deal. I am very cften engaged.' ' I thou"-ht so. And your son — very often dines out too. INIay I aslv as a favour tliat you "will allow me to constitute myself the escort of Miss Despard Avhen she is going any- where ia the evening? I had that pleasure last night,' said the old man. ' I am a very safe person, I need not say : and fond of — young people. It would be a great pleasure to me.' Captain Despard listened with some surprise. Perhaps he saw the reproach intended, but was too gaily superior to take any notice of it. When the other had ended, he took off his hat again, and made him a still more beautiful bow. * How glad I am,' he said, ' to be able to give you a great pleasure so easily ! Certainly, Captain Temple, if my little girl's society is agreeable to you.' ' She is at an age when she wants — someone to watch over hei,' said the old Captain. ' She is very sweet — and very handsome, Captain Despard.' ' Is she ? ' said the other, indifferently. ' A cliild, my dear sir, nothing more than a child ; but good looks belong to her mother's family — without thinking of my own side of the house.' ' She is very handsome. A mother is a great loss to a girl at that age.' * You think it is a want that ought to be supplied,' said Captain Despard, with a laugh, stroking his moustache. ' Per- liaps you are right — perhaps you are right. Such an idea, I allow, has several times crossed my own mind.' ' Despard,' said another voice, behind him, 'I've got some- thing to say to ye. When ye're at leisure, me dear fellow, stej) into my place.' ' Don't let me detain you,' said the other old man, hurry- ing away. His kind stratagem had not succeeded. He was half sorry — and yet, as he had already prophesied its failure to his wife, he was not so much displeased after all. Major O'Shaughncssy, who was a heavy personage, hobbled round to tlse other side. ' Despard,' he said, ' me dear friend ! I've got something to say to you. It's about Lottie, me boy.' ' About Lottie ? — more communications about Lottie. CAPTAIX DESPARD. 133 I've had about cnoiigli of her, O'Shaughnossy. There is that solemn old idiot asking if he may escort her Avhen she goes anywhere. Is lie going to give his wiie poison, and ofFer himself to me as a son-in-law ? ' said the Captain, with a laugh. ' I'll go bail he didn't tell you what I'm going to tell you. Listen, Despard. IMy pretty Lottie — she's but a child, and she's as pretty a one as you'd wish to see: well, it's a lover she'3 gone and get for herself. What d'ye think of that? Bless my soul, a lover ! What do you make of that, me fine fellow ? ' cried the INIajor, rubbing his fat hands. lie was large of bulk, like his wife, and round and shining, with a bald head, and large hands that looked bald too. ' Is this a joke ? ' said the Captain, drawing himself up ; *by George, I'll have no jokes about my child.' ' Joke ? it is my wife told me, that is as fond of the girl as if she were her own. "Mark my words," says j\Irs. O'Shaughnessy, " she'll be the Honourable Mrs. Kidsdale before •we know where we are." And Temple's been at ye, Despard ; I know it. The man is off his head with his own bad luck, and can't abide the name of an Honourable. But, from all I hear, there's little to be said again>t this one except that he's poor.' ' The Honourable ' said Captain Despard, with a be- wildered look. Then, as the good Major talked, he recovered himseli, ' \Vell ! ' he said, when that speech came to an end, * you may think that it's very line, O'Shaughnessy, and I'm sure I am much obliged to you for telling me, but you don't suppose an Honourable is anything out of the way to me ? W^ith her family and her beauty. I would grudge the child to a man without a title anyhow, even if he weren't poor.' The Major had his mouth open to speak, but he was so bewildered by this grandeur that he stopped and closed it again, and uttered only a miu-mur in his throat. ' Well ! * he said, when he came to himself, 'you know your own affairs best ; but now that your girl is taken out, and into society, and with her prospects, you'll be standing by her and giving her more of your company, Despard ? Lottie's the best of girls : but it might make all the difference to her, having her father at home, and always ready to stand up for her — not meaning any offence.' 'Nor is any taken, O'Shaughnessy ; make your mind quite 124 WITHIN THE rnECIXCTS. easy,' said the Captain, looking extremely stately thougli his coat was shabby. Then he added, ' I've got some business down town, and an appointment at twelve o'clock. I'm sorry to hurry ofF, but business goes before all. Good-morning to you, Major !' he said, kissing the ends of his fingers ; then turning back after he had gone a few- steps. ' My respects to your wife, and thanks for finding it all out ; but I've known it these three weeks at least, though I'm obliged to her all the same.' And so saying, Captain Despard resumed the humming of his favourite tune, and went swinging his arm down the Dean's Walk, the rose-bud in his coat showing like a decoration, and the whole man jaunty and gay as nobody else was at St. Michael's. It was a sight to see him as he marched along, keeping time to the air he was humming ; a fine figure of a man ! The good Major stood and looked after him dumfoundered ; he was almost too much taken by sur- prise to be offended. ' Manage your own affairs as you please, my fine fellow ! ' he said to himself, and went home in a state of suppressed fury. But he relented when he saw Lottie, in her print frock, at the window ; and he did not give his wife that insolent message. ' What is the use of making mischief ? ' the Major said. Captain Despard was not, however, so entirely unmoved as he looked. The news bewildered him first, and then elated him. Where had the girl picked up the Honourable Mr. , what Avas his name? He knew so little of Lottie and was so little aware of her proceedings, that he had only heard acci- dentally of her visits at the Deanery at all, and knew nothing Avhatever of Ivollo. He must inquire, he said to himself ; but in the meantime did not this free him from all the hesitations with which, to do him justice, he had been struggling ? For if, instead of ' presiding over his establishment ' — which was how Captain Despard put it — Lottie was to be the mistress of a liouse of her own and ascend into heaven, as it were, as the Honourable IVIrs. Something-or-other, there would be no doubt that Captain Despard would be left free as the day to do what pleased himself. This wonderful piece of news seemed to get into his veins and send the blood coursing more quickly there, and into his head, and made that whirl with an elation which was perfectly vague and indefinite. With Lottie as the Honourable Mrs. So-and-so, all obstacles were removed out of his own way. Law did not count ; the CAPTAIN DESPARD. Captain was afraid more or less of his daughter, but he was not at all afraid of his son. The Honourable Something-or- otlier ! Captain Desjiard did not even know his name or any- tliing about hiin, but already various privileges seemed to gleam upon him through this noble relation. No doubt such a son-in-law would be likely to lend a gentleman, who was not ovor-rich and connected Avith him by close family ties, a small sum now and then ; or probably he might tliink it necessary for his own dignity to make an allowance to his wii'c's father to enable him to ajipcar as a gentleman ought ; and in the shooting season he would naturally, certainly, give HO near a relation a standing invitation to the shooting-box, wliich, by right of his rank, he must inevitably possess some- Avhere or other, either his own or belonging to his noble father. Probably he Avould have it in his power to point out to Her Majesty or the Commander-in-Chief that to keep a man who Avas an honour to his profession, like Captain Henry Despard, in the position of a Chevalier of St. IMichael's, was ecjually a disgrace and a danger to the country. Captain Despard seemed to hear the very tone in which this best of ii-iends would certily to his merits. ' Speak of failures in arms! What can you expect when General So-and-so is gazetted to the command of an expedition, and Henry Despard is left in a Chevalii-r's lodge ? ' he seemed to hear the unknown say indignantly. Nothing could be more generous than his behaviour ; he did nothing but go about the world sounding the Captain's praises: 'I have the honour to be his son-in- law,' this right thinking young man would say. Captain Despard went down the hill with his head buzzing full of this ncAv personage who had suddenly stepped into his life. His engagement was no more important than to play a game at billiards with one of his town acquaintances, but even there he could not keep from throwing out mysterious hints about some great good fortune Avhich was about to come to him. * What ! are you going away, Captain? Are you to have promotion? or is it you they have chosen for the new warden of the Chevaliers ?' his associates asked him, half incuriosity, half in sarcasm. ' I am not in circumstances,' said the Captain solemnly, ' to say what are the improved prospects that are dawning upon my house ; but of this you may rest assured — that my ii-iends in adversity will remain my friends in prosperity.' ' Bravo, Captain I ' cried all his iricnds. Some 136 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. of them laughed, but some of them put their faith in CaptaiiD Despard. They said to themselves, ' He's fond of talking a bit big, but he's got a good heart, has the Captain ! ' and they,, too, dreamed of little loans and treats. And, indeed, the Captain got an immediate advantage out of it ; for one of the billiard-players, who was a well-to-do tradesman Avith habits not altogether satisfactory to his friends, gave him a luncheon at the ' Black Boar,* not because he expected to profit by the supposed promotion, but to see how many lies the old humbug would tell in half-an-hour, as he himself said ; for there are practical democrats to whom it is very sweet to see the pre- tended aristocrat cover himself with films of lying. The shopkeeper roared with laughter as the Captain gave forth his oracular sayings. ' Go it, old boy ! ' he said. They all be- lieved, however, more or less, in some good luck that was coming, whatever it might be ; and the sensation of faith around him strengthened Captain Despard in his conviction^ He resolved to go home and question Lottie after this luncheon; but that was of itself a prolonged feast, and the immediate consequence of it was a disinclination to move, and a sense that it Avould be just as well for him not to show himself for some little time, 'till it had gone off' — for the Captain in some things was a wise man, and prudent as he was wise. CHAPTER XIV THE AVORKROOM. There were two factions in the workroom by the side of the- river where INIrs. Wilting's daughters worked, with Polly Featherston for their forewoman. One of these, though very small and consisting, indeed, only of Ellen Wilting, the eldest girl — who was * serious' — and a little apprentice who was in, her class at the Sunday School — was greatly against the in- trusion of ' the gentlemen ' into the workroom, and thought it; highly improper and a thing likely to bring all the young ladies who worked there into trouble. Ellen was, contrary to tlie u.sual opinion, which would have selected the plainest Bister for this role, the prettiest of the girls. She was fair- THE WOKKROOJr. 137 haired, but not frizzy like the rest ; and her face was pale, •with a serious expression ■which made her very lady-like, many persons thought, and gave her, tlie others felt not ■without envy, a distinction which did not belong to their own pinkness and whiteness. There were four sisters, of whom Emma — who was the object of Law's admiration — was the youngest. Kate and 'Liza came betAveen these two, and they were both of I'oIIy's faction, though without any reason for being so. They thought Ellen was a great deal too particular. What was the harm if a gentleman came and sat a bit when they were not too busy, and talked and made them laugh ? The object of life to these young women was to get as much laughing and talking as possible made consistent with the greatest amount of work done, of gowns and bonnets made ; and anyone who made the long evening appear a little shorter, and ' passed the time ' with a little merriment, was a real benefactor to them. Ellen, for her part, took more serious views of life. She would have liked to go to morning service every day had that been practicable, and called it matins as the ladies themselves did, which Avas very uncommon in the liiver Lane; and she was a member of the Choral Society, and had a pretty voice, and had sung in a chorus along with ]\Iiss Despard, and even with jNIiss Huntington before she married. All this made her feel that it was not ' nice ' to en- courage the gentlemen who were of a different condition ia life, and whose visits could not be for any good. And she •would much rather have heard stories read out o{ the 3Ion(Iil/f Packet, or something in Avhich instruction was joined with amusement, than from the Famihf Herald ; except, indeed^ when she got interested in the trials, continued from number to number, of some virtuous young heroine like the Lady Araminta. Ellen wore a black gown like the young ladies in the shops, with her pretty fair hair quite simply dressed, without any of the padding and frizzing which were popular at the time ; and fondly hoped some time or other to wear a little black bonnet like those of the sisters who had an estab- lishment near. Her mother sternly forbade this indulgence now, but it was one of the things to which the young woman looked forward. And it must be allowed that Ellen rather prided herself on her total unlikeness in every way to Polly Eoatherston, who considered herself the head of the workroom,, and who was certainly the ringleader in all its follies. Kate 138 -n-ITHIN THE rEECINCTS. and 'Liza and Emma and the other apprentice, though they by no means gave their entire adhesion to Polly, and had many remarks to make upon her in private, yet were generally led by her as a person who knew the world and was ' much admired,' and always had somebody after her. That this somebody should be for the moment * a gentleman,' gave Polly an additional advantage. It must not be supposed that her reputation was anyhow in danger, though she was known to ' keep company ' with the Captain ; for Polly, though not '■ particular,' and ready to talk and laugh with anyone, was known to be very well able to take care of herself, and much too experienced to be taken in by any of the admirers whom .she was supposed to be able to wind round her little finger. For this, and for her powers of attracting admiration, and for her fluent and ready speech, and the dauntless disposition which made her afraid of nobody and ready to ' speak up,' if need Avere, even to the very Dean himself, the girls admired her ; and they would not be persuaded by Ellen that Polly ought to be subdued out of her loud and cheerful talk, and the doors of the workroom closed on the gentlemen. Little Emma, indeed, the youngest of the girls, was vehement against this idea, as was easily understood by all the rest. ' What is the harm ? ' she cried, with tears in her eyes, tears of vexation and irritation and alarmed perception of the change it would make if Law would be shut out; a terrible change, rediicing herself, who now enjoyed some A'isionary superiority as ' keeping company ' in her own small person with a gentleman, into something even lower than 'Liza and Kate, who had their butchers and bakers, at least, to walk cut with on Sunday — a privilege Avhich Emma seldom dared enjoy Avith Law. ' What is the use,' Emma said, * of making a fuss? What harm do they do ? They make the time pass. It's long enough anyhow from eight o'clock in the morning till nine at night, or sometimes later, and so little time as mother allows for meals. I am sure I am that tired,' Emma declared, and Avith reason, ' I often can't see how to thread my needle ; and to liave somebody to talk to passes the time.' * We have ahvays plenty of talk even Avhen Ave are by our- selves,' siiid Ellen ; ' and I am sure Ave might make better use of our time and have much more improving conversation if these men Avould not be always coming here.' ' Uh ! if you are so fond of im2)rovement,' cried Polly, ' I THE WORKnOOM. 139 daresay you Avould like to have IMr. Sterndale the Scri{)ture Reader come and read to xis; or we migltt ask Mr. Langton upstairs, who is better, who is a clergyman. I shouldn't mind having him ; he is so shy and frightened, and he wouldn't know what to say.' ' Lord ! ' cried Kate ; * fancy being frightened for us ! ' ' Oh ! ' said the better-informed Polly, ' there's heaps as are frightened for us; and the gooder they are the more frightened they would be ; a curate is always frightened for us girls. He knows he daren't talk free in a friendly way, and that makes him as stiff as two sticks. As sure as fate, if he was pleasant, somebody would say he had a wrong meaning, and that's how it's always in their mind.' ' A clergyman,' said Ellen authoritatively, * would come to do us good. But it wouldn't be his place to come here visit- ing. It's our duty to go to him to relieve our consciences. As for Mr. Sterndale, the Scripture Reader, I don't call him a Churchman at all ; he might just as well be a Dissenter. What good can he do anybody ? The thing that really does you good is to go to church. In some places there are always prayers going on, and then there is half an hour for meditation, and then you go to work again till the bell rings. And in the afternoon there is even-song and self-examination, and that passes the time,' cried Ellen, clasping her hands. ' What with matins, and meditation, and something new for every hour, the days go. They're gone before you know where you are.' The young women were silenced by this enthusiastic statement. For after all, what could be more desirable than a system which made tlie days fly ? Polly was the only one Avho could hold up her head against such an argument. She did hef best to be scornful. * I daresay ! ' she cried, ' but I should just like to know if the work went as fast ! Praying and meditating are very fine, but if the work wasn't done, what would your mother say ? ' ' IMother would find it answer, bless you,' said Ellen, her pale face lighted with enthusiasm ; ' you do double the work when you can feel you're doing your duty, and could die cheerful any moment.' ' Oh ! and to think how few sees their duty, and how most folks turns their Ijacks upon it ! ' replied the little apprentice, who was on Ellen's side. 140 WITHIN THE PRECINCIS. Polly saw that something must be done to turn the tide. The girls were awed. They could not hold up their common- place little heads against this grand ideal. There were little llings of half-alarmed impatience indeed among them, as when Kate whispered to 'Liza that ' one serious one was enough in a house,' and little Emma ventured a faltering assertion ' that going to church made a day feel like Sunday, and it didn't seem right to do any more work.' Polly boldly burst in, and threw forth her standard to the wind. ' "Week days is week days,' she said oracularly. ' "We've got them to work in and to have a bit of fun as long as we're young. Sundays I say nothing against church — as much as anyone pleases; and it's a great thing to have the Abbey to go to, where you see everybody, if Wykeham the verger wasn't such a brute. But, if I'm not to have my bit of fun, I'd rather be out of the world altogether. Now I just wish Mr. Law were passing this way, for there's the end of Lady Araminta in the Famibj 'Et-ald, and it is very exciting, and she won't hear of marrying the Earl, let alone the Duke, but gives all her money and everything she has to the man of her heart.' ' The baronet ! ' cried Kate and 'Liza in one breath. ' I always knew that was how it was going to be.' Even Ellen, wise as she was, changed colour, and looked up eagerly. It was Polly who took in that representative of all that the world calls letters and cultivation, to these girls. Ellen looked Avistfully at the drawer in which the treasure was hidden. ' I will read it out if you like,' she said somewdiat timidly. ' I can't get on with this till the trimming is ready.' Thus even the Church party was vanquished by the charms of Art. That evening the Captain again paid them a visit. It was not often that he came two days in succession, and Emma, who was the least important of all, was very impatient of his appearance, notwithstanding the saucy speech she had made to Law. In her heart she thought there Avas no comparison between the fatlier and son. The Captain was an old man. He had no business to come at all, chatting and making his jokes ; it was a shamo to sec him turning up night after night. She wondered how i\Iiss Despard liked to have him always out. Emma regarded ]\Iiss Despard with great interest and awe. She wondered when she met her in the street, as hap- pened sometimes, what slie would say if she knew. And Emma wondered, with a less waim thrill of personal feeling, THE WOnKP.COM. 141 but jet with much heat and sympathetic indignation, Avhat Miss Despard would think if she knew of Polly. She would hate her, and that would be quite natural. Fancy having Polly brought in over your head in the shape of a stej)mothcr ! and if Emma herself felt indignant at such an idea, what must Miss Despard do who was a lady, and used to be the mistress? It made the girl's heart ache to think that she would have to close the door upon Law again, ior it would never do to have the father and son together. Polly, on the contrary, bore a look of triumph on her countenance. She pushed her chair aside a little as Emma had done for Law, thus making room for him beside her, and she said, with a delighted yet nervous toss of her mountain of hair, 'Ah, Captain, back again 1 Haven't you got anything better to do than to come after a lot of girls that don't want you ? Do we want him, Kate ? ' to which playful question Kate replied in good faith. No, she did not Avant him ; but, with a friendly sense of what was ex- pected of her, giggled and added that the Captain didn't mind much what she thought. The Captain, nothing daunted, drew in a stool close to Pollj^, and whispered that, by George, the girl was right ; it didn't matter much to him what she thought ; that it was someone else he would consult on that subject ; iipon which Polly tossed her head higher than ever, and laughed and desired him to Get along ! The Captain's coming Avas not nearly so good for the work as Law's, who Avas not half so funny, and Avhom they all received in a brotherly sort of inditfercnt, good-humoured Avay. The Captain, on the con- trary, fi.xed their attention as at a play. It Avas as good as a play to Avatch him whispering to Polly, and she arching her neck, and tossing her head, and bidding him Get along ! Sometimes, indeed, he kept them all laughing Avith his jokes and his mimicries, himself enjoying the enthusiasm of his audience. But though on these occasions he Avas \'ery enter- taining, the girls perhaps Averc still more entertained Avhen he sat and Avhispered to Polly, giving them the gratification of an actual romance, such as it Avas, enacted before their eyes. A gentleman, an officer, Avith such a command of fine language, and such an air ! They gave each other significant glances and little nudges to call each other's attention, and wondered Avhat Miss Despard would think, and Avhat Avould happen if really, really, some fine day Polly Featherston Avere made into a lady, a Chevalier's Avife, and Mr. LaAv'a stepmother — Avhat 142 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. would everybody say ? and INIiss Despard, would she put up with it? Even the idea of so exciting an event made the blood move more quickly in their veins. The Captain was not in his jocular mood to-night. He was magnificent, a thing which occurred now and then. In tiiis state of inind he Avas in the habit of telling them splendid incidents of his early days — the things he said to the Duke of Blank, and what the Duke of Blank replied to him, and the money he gave for his horses, and how he thought nothing of presenting any young lady he might be paying attention to (for he Avas a sad flirt in those days, the Captain allowed) with a diamond spray worth a thousand pounds, or a sapphire ring equally valuable, or some pretty trifle of that description. But he was altogether serious to-night. ' I intended to have come earlier,' he said, ' for I have family business that calls me home soon ; but I was detained. It is very tiresome to be continually called upon for advice and help as I am, especially Avhen in one's own affairs something important has occurred.' ' La, Captain, what has happened ? ' said Polly. ' You ought to tell us. We just want something to wake us up. You've had some money left you ; or I shouldn't wonder a bit if the Commander-in-Chief ' Here she stopped short with sudden excitement, and looked at him. Captain Despard was fond of intimating to his humbler friends that he knew the Commander-in-Chief would send for him some day, indignant with those whose machina- tions had made him shelve so valuable an officer for so long. It seemed possible to Polly that this moment had arrived, and the idea made her black eyes blaze. She seemed to see him at the head of an expedition, leading an army, and herself the general's lady. It did not occur to Polly that there was no war going on at the moment ; that was a matter of detail ; and how should she know anything about war or peace, a young woman whose knowledge of public manners was limited to murders and police cases ? She let her work fall upon her knee, and there even ran through her mind a rapid calcula- tion, if he was starting off directly, how long it would take to get the wedding things ready, or if she could trust the "Wilt- ings to have them packed and sent after her in case there should not be time- enough to wait. ' No,' the Captain said, with that curl of his lip which ex- THE woRKnoojr. 143 pressed his contempt of the authorities who had so foolislily passed him over. * It is nothing about the Commander-in- Chief — at least not yet. There will soon be a means of ex- phiining matters to his Eoyal Highness Avhich may lead to . But we will say nothing on that point for the moment,' he added grandly, with a wave of his hand. Then he leaned over Polly, and whispered something which the others tried vainly to hear. ' Oh ! ' cried Polly, listening intently. At first her interest failed a little ; then she evidently rose to the occasion, put on a fictitious excitement, clasped her hands, and cried, ' Oh, Captain, that at last ! ' ' Yes — that is what has happened. You may not see all its importiince at the first glance. But it is very important,' said the Captain with solemnity. ' In a domestic point of view — and otherwise. People tell you interest does not matter now-a-days. Ha ! ha ! ' (Captain Despard laughed the kind of stage-laugh which may be represented by these monosyllables.) * Trust one who has been behind the scenes. Interest is everything — always has been, and always will be. This will probably have the effect of setting me right at the Horse Guards, which is all that is necessary. And in the meantime,' he added, with a thoughtfid air, ' it will make a great difference in a domestic point of view; it will chan"-e my position in many ways, indeed in every way.' Polly had been gazing at him during this speech, watching every movement of his face, and as she watched her own countenance altered. She did not even pretend to take up her work again, but leaned forward nervously fingering the thread and the scissors on the table, and beginning to realise the importance of the crisis. To Captain Despard it was a delightful opportunity of displaying his importance, and there was just enough of misty possibility in the castle of cards he was building up to endow him with a majestic consciousness of something about to happen. But to Polly it was a great deal more than this. It was the crisis of something that was at least melodrama, if not tragedy, in her life. All her hopes were suddenly quickened into almost reality, and the change in her fortunes, which had been a distant and doubtful if ex- citing chance, seemed suddenly in a moment to become real and near. The spectacle that this afforded to the other young women 14-1 WITHIX THE PRECINCTS. in the workroom it is almost beyond the power of words to describe. Their bosoms throbbed. A play ! plays were no- thing to it. They pulled each other's gowns under the table. They gave each other little nods, and looks under their eye- brows. Their elbows met in emphatic commentary. He, absorbed in his own all-important thoughts, she looking up at him with that rapt and pale suspense — never was anything more exciting to the imagination of the beholders. ' He won't look at her,' one Avhispered ; ' she's all of a tremble,' said another; and 'Lord, what are they making such a fuss about ? ' breathed Kate. ' Yes, it will alter our position in every Avay,' the Captain said, stroking his moustache, and fixing his eyes on vacancy. Then Polly touched his arm softly, her cheek, which had been pale, glowing crimson. Our position ! the Avord gave her inspiration. She touched him shyly at first to call his attention ; then, with some vehemence, ' Captain, that will make a deal easier,' she said ; but what words were between these broken bits of the sentence, or if any words came between, the excited listeners coiild not make out. * Yes,' he said with dignity. But he did not look at her. He maintained his abstracted look, which Avas so very im- pressive. They all hung upon, not only his lips, but every movement. As for Polly, the suspense was more than she could bear. She was not a patient young woman, nor had she been trained to deny herself like Ellen, or control her feelings as women in a different sphere are obliged to do. She resumed hor work for a moment with hurried hands, try- ing to control her anxiety : then suddenly threw it in a heap on the table, without even taking the trouble to fold it tidily. She did not seem to know what she was doing, they all thought. ' I am going home,' she said, with a hoarseness in her voice. ' There is nothing very pressing, so it won't matter. I've got such a headache I don't know what to do with myself.' ' Oil, Polly, a headache ! that's not like you — yes, there's Mrs. Arrowsmith's drews that Avas promised.' ' I don't care — and she's not a regular customer. And it's only a bit of an alpaca Avith no trinunings — you can finish it yourselves. Captain, ifyou'rc coming my A\'ay, you can come — if you like; unless,' siiid Polly, Avith feverish bravado. THE WORKROOM. 145 'you've got sometliing to say to the girls more than you seem to have to me — I'm going home.' The Captain woke up irom his abstraction, and looked round him, elevating his eyebrows. ' Bless my heart, what is the matter ? ' he said. And then he made a grimace, which tempted the girls to laugh notwithstiinding Polly's tragic seriousness. ' I had hoped to have contributed a little to the entertainment of the evening, my dear young ladies. I had hoped to have helped you to " pass the time," as you say. But when a lady bids me go ' 'Oh, you needn't imless you like,' cried Polly; ' don't mind me ! I don't want nobody to go home with me. I can take care of myself — only leave me alone if you please. I won't be made fun of, or taken off. Let me out into the fresh air, or I think I sliall iiiint.' The Captain took an unlair advantage of the excited creature. He turned round upon them all when Polly rushed out to get her jacket and hat, which hung in the hall, and * took her off' on the spot, making himself so like her, that it was all they could do to keep from betray. ing him by their laughter. When she had put on her ' things,' she put her head into the room she had just left. ' Good- night, I'm going,' she said, Avith a look of impassioned anxiety and trouble. She was too much absorbed in her own feelings to see, through the mist in which their faces shone to her, the laughter that Avas in them. She only saw tho Captain standing up in the midst of them. Was he coming after her ? or was he going to fall off" from her at this crisis of his affairs ? Perhaps it was foolish of her to »ush off like this, and leave him with all these girls about him. But Polly had never been used to restrain her feelings, and she could not help it she vowed to herself. Everything in the future seemed to depend upon whether he came after her or not. Oh, why could not she have had a little more patience ! oh, why should not he come with her, say something to her after all that had passed ! As great a conflict was in her mind as if she had been a heroine of romance. The Captain and she had been ' keeping company ' for a long time. He had ' kept off' others that would not have shilly-shallyed as he had done. A man's ' intentions ' are rarely inquired into in Polly's sphere. But if he cared for her the least bit, if he had any honour in him, she felt that he would follow her now. Polly knew that she might have been Mrs. Despard L 146 WITIIIX THE PRECINCTS. long ago if she liad consented to be married privately as the Captain wished. But she was for none of those clandestine prnceedings. She would be married in her parish church, with whire favours and a couple of flys, and something that mijrlir he supposed to be a wedding breakfast. She had held by her notions of decorum stoutly, and would hear of no hole- and-corner proceedings. And now when fortune was smiling upon them, when his daughter had got hold of someone (this was Polly's elegant way of putting it), and when the way would be clear, what if he failed her ? The workroom with its blaze of light and its curious spectators had been intolerable to her, but a cold shudder crossed her when she got out of doors into the darkness of the lane. Perhaps she ought to have stayed at any cost, not to have left him in the midst of so many temptations. Her heart seemed to sink into her shoPS. Oh, why had she been so silly ! Her hopes seemed all dropping, disappearing from her. To sink into simple Polly Featherston, with no dazzling prospect of future eleva- tion, would be death to her, she felt, now. Polly was half way up the lane before the Captain, coming along at his leisure, made up to her ; and, what with passion and fright, she had scarcely any voice left. ' Oh, you have come after all ! ' was all she could manage to say. And she hurried on, so rapidly that he protested. ' If you w^ant to talk, how can we talk if we race like this ? ' lie said. 'Who wants to talk ? ' cried Polly breathless ; but neverthe- less she paused in her headlong career. They went up the hill together, on the steep side next the Abbey, where there never was anybody, and there the Captain discoursed to Polly about his new hopes. She would have liked it better had he decided how the old ones were to be realised. But still, as he was confidential and opened everything to her as to his natural confidant, her excitement gradually subsided, and her trust in him returned. She listened patiently while he re- counted to her all the results that would be sure to follow, when an influential son-in-law, a member of a noble family, brouixht him to the recollection of the Commander-in-Chief. ' Tiiey think Fm shelved and superannuated,' he said ; * hut let me but have an opening — all I want is an opening ; and then you can go and select the handsomest phaeton and the prettiest pair of ponies, my lady ' Polly laughed and reddened with pleasure at this address, noMAXCE Axi) i:e.\ 117 "but she said prutlontly, ' A bird in the liand is wortli two ir. the bush. 1 wouldn't give up being a Chevalier. It's a nice little house, and a nice little income too.' ' Pooh ! a nothing,' cried the Captain. This Avas very fine and gave a sense of superiority and exaltiition. Polly could not but allow a vision to Hoat before her eyes of the phaeton and the ponies, nay more, of the march of a regiment with the Hags and the music. She even seemed to see the sentry at her own door, and all the men presenting arms as she passed (what less could they do to the wife of their com- mander ?). But, on the other hand, to live here at Michael's where she was born, and be seen in her high estate by all the people who had known her as a poor dressmaker, that was a happiness which she did not like to give up, even for the glories of a high command far awa}'. CHAPTEPt XV. ROMANCE AND UEALITY. Lottie was entirely unconscious of the intimation that had been made to her lather, and of the excitement which had risen amon? her nei"rhbours about Mr. Ridsdale. It did not occur to her that anyone but herself knew anything about hmi. The delighted curiosity of the O'Shaughnessys and the anxious concern of Captain Temple were ecjually unknown to her. Her mind was still moved by an echo of the sentiment of their last meeting — a thrill of emotion half from the music, half from the awakening feelings, the curiosity, the commotion of her developing nature. Of all Law's comnumications which had excited himself so powerfully, and which had also to some extent excited her, she remembered little in comparison. The large dim room at the Deanery, the faint night air breathing about, blowing the flames of the candles, the moths that circled about the lights and did themselves to death against every flame, seemed to glimmer before her eyes continually — everything else, even the danger of her father's marriage, the danger of Law's imprudence, fell into the background and became distant ; everything receded before the perpetual attraction of this shadowy scene. 1.2 148 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. Mr. Ridsdale made a second call upon her in the morninf? after service, just at the moment when Captain Temple and Major O'Shaughnessy were talking to her father. This time he brought no note, and had no excuse ready to explain his visit, ' I came to say good-by,' he said, holding out his hand and looking rather wistfully into her face. Lottie offered him her hand demurely. She scarcely met his eyes. Her heart began to beat as soon as she heard his voice asking for her at the door. It brought back all the terrors of the previous night. She did not however ask him to sit down, but stood faltering opposite to him, embarrassed, not knowing what to do. * You would not accept my escort last night,' he said ; ' I was dreadfully disappointed Avhen I came out and found you gone. I had been waiting, not wishing to hurry you. I hope you did not think I was a laggard ? ' ' Oh no, it was my fault,' said Lottie, not raising her eyes. ' There was no need for anyone to come wuth me. It is but two steps, and at that hour there is no one about. There was no need — for any escort.' * INIay I sit down for a few minutes, Miss Despard ? My train is not till one o'clock.' Lottie blushed crimson at this implied reproach. It might be right to be shy of him, but not to be rude to him. ' Oh, I beg your pardon,' she said, pointing to a chair. ' You took us all by surprise last night,' he said, carefully placing hers for her. I think it was a revelation to every- body. We hear that music in the Abbey, and we suppose we understand it ; till someone like you suddenly interprets it to us, and we Avake up and feel that we never heard it before.' ' I never knew what it was — to sing anything like that before,' said Lottie. It disturbed her even to think about it ; ' and it had all been so different — so ' ' Commonplace ? from the ridiculous to the sublime ; from poor dear Aunt Caroline on her sofa to Ilandel fluting among the angels. It ivas a step indeed.' ' I did not mean that. It was myself I was thinking of — I had been so full of silly fancies of my own.' ' But all at once the inspiration came ? I should like to be capable of anything like that; but I am not. I can only listen, and worship,' sjiid Rollo. There was fervour in his voice — a real something which was not mere fanaticism about rOMANCE AND HEALITY. 149 music. And the two young people siit for a. few moments in silence, a most dangerous tiling to do, looking at each other — nay, not looking at each other — for Lottie did not feel either able or disposed to raise her eyes. She was the first to speak, in order to break the silence, which alarmed her, though she did not know why. ' It is wonderful how the Signor plays. I never under- stood it in the Abbey. He seems to place you up some- where above yourself — and make your voice come independent of you.' ' Never in his life, I am sure, did he have such a beautiful compliment paid to him,' said Rollo ; * but, Miss Despard, you do him too much credit. You permitted even me to accomyiany you — and sang just as divinely ' ' Oil no,' said Lottie. Then she blushed and recollected herself. * You play very well, Mr. Ridsdale; but we could not compare those trumpery songs with ' * Trumpery songs ! only iMozart and Bellini, and a few more,' he cried, with a gasp. ' Ah, I know what you mean ; you meant the " Marta" song, which made your good friend, that good woman, cry ' ' I like the " Last Eose of Summer " very much. I have always liked it. I used to hear an old fiddler play it in the street when I Avasa child, when I was lying in the dark, trying to go to sleep. It was like a friend keeping me company; but a friend that had a breaking heart, that cried and took all Tny thoughts off myself — I shall never forget it,' said Lottie, the tears coming to her eyes at the recollection. ' I like it better than all the rest.' ' Misa Despard, do not drive me to despair. Not better than " Casta Diva," or ISIargaret's song, or ' ' You ibrget I don't know where they come, nor the mean- ing of them,' said Lottie, calmly. ' I never heard an opera. I think these things are beautiful, but they only sing to my «ar, they don't come in to me.'' Rollo shook his head. He was half touched, half shocked. It was her ignorance ; but then a woman destined for a prima with a doubtful smile. ' I may go away ?' ' Don't go yet.' There sjirang up in the I\Iinor Canon's mind a kindness for this impracticable yet thoroughly prac- tical-minded boy, who was not wise enough to be good for anything, yet who was too wise to plunge into rash expenses and the arduous exertion of living on an oflicer's pay — curious instance of folly and wisdom, for even an officer's pay was surely better than no pay at all. INIr. Ashfbrd did not want to throw Law off, and vet he could not tell what to do Avith him. ' Will you stay and try how much you can follow of young Uxbridge's work ? ' he said, ' I dare say you have not for the moment anything much better to do.' Law gave a glace of semi-despair from the windov*r upon the landscape, and the distance, and the morning sunshine. No ! he had nothing better to do. It was not that he had any pleasures in hand, for pleasures money, and he had no money to .spend ; and lie knew by long experience that lounging about in the morning without even a companion is not very lively. Still he 3'ielded and sat down, Avith a sigh. Mere freedom was somethintr, and the sensation of beinir obliged to keep in one place for an hour or two, and give himself up to occupation, Avas disagreeable ; a felloAV might as Avell be in an office at once. But he submitted. ' Young Uxbridge ? ' he said. " What is he going in for ? The Guards, I suppose.' Law sighed; ah! that Avas the life. But he was aAvare that for himself he might just as easily aspire to be a prince as a Guardsman. lie took his seat at the table resignedly, and pulled the books towards liim, and looked at them Avith a dislike that Avas almost pathetic. Hate- ful tools ! but nothinsr Avas to be done Avithout them. If he could only manage to get in someAvhere by means of the little he knew of them, LaAv A-OAved in his soul he Avould never look at the rubbish again. Young Uxbridge, Avhcn ho came in spick and span, in the freshest of morning coats and fashionable ties — for Avhicli things LaAv had a keen eye, though he could not indulge in them — looked somewhat askance at the slouching figure of the new pupil. But though heAvas the son of a Canon and in the best society, young Uxbridge Avas not more studious, and a '2 228 "WITHIN THE Pr.ECINCTS. he was by nature even less gifted, than La\v. Of two stupid young men, one may have all the advantage over anotlier which talent can erive, without having anv talent to brag of. * Law was very dense with respect to books, but he tmderstood a great deal more quickly what was said to him, and had a play of humour and meaning in his face, a sense of the amusing and absnrd, ii nothing more, which distinguished him from his companion, who was steadily level and obtuse all round, and never saw Avhat anything meant. Thus, though one knew more than the other, the greater ignoramus was the more agreeable pupil of the two ; and the Minor Canon began to take an amused interest in Law as Law. He kept him to Ivmcheon after the other was gone, and encouraged the boy to talk, giving him such a meal as Law had only dreanit of. He encouraged him to talk, which perhaps was not quite right of Mr. Ashford, and heard a great deal about his family, and found out that, though Lottie was right, Law was not perhaps so utterly wrong as he thought. Law was very wrong ; yet when he thus heard both sides of the question, the Minor Canon perceived that it was possible to sympathise with Lottie in her forlorn and sometimes impatient struggle against the vis iiiertuv of this big brother, and yet on the other hand to have an amused pity for the big brother, too, who was not brutal but only dense, gaping with wonder at the finer spirit that lonsjed and strusr^led to stimulate him into somethinsr above himself. So stimulated Law never would be. He did not understand even what she wanted, what she would have ; but he was not without some good in him. No doubt he would make an excellent settler in the backwoods, working hard there though lie would not work here, and ready to defend himself against any tribe of savages; and he would not make a bad soldier. But to be stimulated into a first-class man in au examination, or an any-class man, to be made into a male Lottie of fine perceptions and high ambition, that was what Law would never be. ' But she is quite right,' said Law ; ' something must be done. I suppose you have heard, Mr. Ashford, as everybody seems to have heard, that the governor is going to marry atrain ? ' ' I did hear it. "Will that make a great difference to your ister and you ? ' 'Difference? I should think it would make a difference. A CHANCE FOR LAW. 229 As it happens I know P , the woman he is going to marry. She makes no secret of it that grown-up sons and daughters shouldn't live at home. I shall have to leave, whatever happens ; and Lottie — well, in one way Lottie has more need to leave than I have : I shouldn't mind her manners and that sort of thinsr — but Lottie does mind.' ' Very naturally,' .^lid the ]\Iinor Canon. 'Perhaps,' said Law; 'but I don't know where she gets her ideas from, for we never Avere so very fine. However, 1 might stand it, but Lottie never will be able to stand it; and the question follows, what is she to do ? For myself, as I say, I could 'list, and there would be an end of the matter.' ' But in that case you would not be of much use to your sister.' Law shrugged his shoulders. ' I should be of use to my- self, which is the first thing. And then, you know — but perhaps you don't know — all this is obstinacy on Lottie's part, for she might be as well off as anyone. She might, if she liked, instead of wanting help, be able to help us all. She might start me for somewhere or other, or even make me an allowance, so that I could get into the army in the right way. When I think of what she is throwing away it makes me furious; she might make my fortune if she liked — and be very comfortable herself, too.' * And how is all this to be done ? ' said the Minor Canon somewhat tremulously, with a half-fanrastic horror in his mind of some brutal alternative that mijiht be in Lottie's power, .some hideous marriage or sacrifice of the conventional kind. He waited for Law's answer in more anxiety than he had any right to feel, and Law on his side had a gleam of righteous indignation in his eyes, and for the moment felt himself the victim of a sister's crueltv, defrauded by her folly and unkindnes.s of a promotion which was his due. • Look here,' he said solemnly ; ' all this she could do without troubling herself one bit, if she chose; she confessed it to me herself. The Signor has made her an offer to brinjr her out as a singer, and to teach her himself first for nothing. That is to say. of course, she would pay him, I suppose, when he had finished her, and she had got a good engagement. You know they make leads of money, these singers — and she has got as fine a voice as any of them. "Well, now, fancv, Mr. Ashford, knowing that she could set us all up in this way, 230 -WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. and give nie a thorougli good start — she's refused ; and after that she goes and talks about me ! ' For a moment Mr, Ashford was quite silenced by this sudden assault. A bold thrust is not to be met by fine defini- tions, and for the first moment the l\Iinor Canon was staggered. "Was there not some natural justice in what the lout said ? Then he recovered himself. ' But,' he said, 'there are a great many objections to being a singer.' He was a little inarticulate, the sudden attack liaving taken away his breath. ' A lad}' might well have ob- jections; and the family might have objection.-;.' ' Oh 1 I don't mind,' said Law ; ' if I did I shoidd soon have toid her ; and you may be sure the governor doesn't mind. Not likely ! The thing we want is money, and she could make as much money as cA'er she please.s. And yet she talks about me ! I Avish I had her chance ; the Signor would not have to speak tAvice ; I woidd sing from morning to night if they liked.' ' Would you work so hard as that ? Then why don't you work a little at yoiu* books : the one is not harder than the other?' ' Work ! Do you call singing a lot of song.s icorh? ' said the contemptuous Law. CIIAPTEK XXin. GOOD ADVICE. 'On, he did not say much,' Law replied to Lottie's question- ing when he went home in the afternoon. ' He was very jolly — asked me to stay, and gave me lunch. How they live, those fellows I Cutlets, and cold grouse, and pate de foie gras — something like. You girls think you know about hou.sekeeping ; you only know how to pinch and scrape, that's all.' Lottie did not reply, as she well might, that pelt es de foie gras were not bought oft" such allowances as hers ; she an- swered rather with feminine heat, as little to the purpose as her brother's taunt, 'As if it mattered what we ate! If you had grouse or if you had bread-and-checsc, what diiTercnco GOOD ADVICE. 231 does it make? Yoii care for such mean thiiigs, and notliiner iit all about your character or your living. W/iat did ^Ir. Ashford say ? ' ' My character ? ' said Law. * I've done nothing Avrong. As for my living, I'm sur** I il(in't know how tlutfs to be got, neither does he. He thinks I sliould emigrate or go into the army — ^just what I tliink myself. He's vtvv/ jolly ; a kind of man that knows what you nic.m, and don't just go off on his own notions. I think,' &iid Law, ' that he thinks it very (jueer of you, Avhen you could set me up quite comfortably, cither in the army or abroad, not to do it. He did not say much, but I could see that he thought it very queer.' ' I — could set you up — what is it you mean, Law ? ' Lottie was too much surpri.'^cd at first to understand. ' How could I set you up.'' slie went on, faltering. 'You don't mean that you tokl ]\Ir, Ashford about Oh, Law, you are cruel. Do you want to bring us down to the dust, and leave us no honour, no reputation at all .' First thinking to enlist as a common soldier, and then — me ! ' ' Well, then you. Why not you as well as me, Lottie ? You've just as good aright to work as I have; you're the eldest. If I am to be bullied for net reading, which I hate, Avhy should you refuse to sing, which you like ? Why, you'ro always squalling all over the place, even when there's nobody to hear you — you could make a very good living l)y it; and what's more,' said Law, with great gravity, ' be of all the use in the world to me.' ' How could 1 be of use to you?' said Lottie, dropping her work upon her knee and looking up at him with wonder- ing eyes. This was a point of view which had not struck her before, but she had begun to perceive that her indignation was wasted, and that it was she only in her liimily who had any idea that a girl should be spared anything. 'Law,' she she said piteously, ' do you think it is because I don't want to work? Am I ever done working? You do a little in the morning, but I am at it all the day. Do }ou think Mary could keep the house as it is and do everythiijg? ' ' Pslunv I ' answered Law, ' anybody could do that.' Lottie was not meek by nature, and it was all she could do to restrain her rising temper. ' Mary has wages, and I have none,' she said. ' I don't mind the Avork ; but if there is one difference between the common people and gentlefolk, it 232 WITHIN THE PHECINXTS. is that girls who are ladies are not sent out to work. It is foT men to work out in tlie Avorld, and for women to work at home. Would you like everybody to bo able to pay a shilling and go and see your sister ? Ob, Law, it is for you as rtauch as for me that I aux speaking. Everybody free to stare and to talk, and I standing there before them all, to sing whatever they told me, and to be cheered perhajos, and people clapping their hands at me — at me, your sister, a girl- Law ! yoii would not have it ; I know you could not bear it. You, would rush and pull me away, and cover me with a cloak, and hide me from those horrible people's eyes.' ' Indeed, I should do nothing of the sort,' said Law ; * I'd clap you too — I should like it. If they were hissing it would be a different matter. Besides, you know, you could change your name. They all change their names. You might be !Miss Smith, which would hiu-t nobody. Come now, if you are going to be reasonable, Lottie, and discuss the matter — why, your great friend Miss Huntington sang at a concert once — not for any good, not to be paid for it — only to make any exhibition of herself (and she was not much to look at, either). Don't you remember? It Avould be nothing worse than that, and heaps of ladies do that. Then it is quite clear you must do something, and what else would you like to do? ' Lottie frowned a little, not having taken this (juestion into- consideration, as it would have been right for her to do; but the things that concerned other people had always seemed to lier so much more important. She never had any doubt of her own capabilities and enei'gies. \yheu the question was thus put to her she paused. ' Just now I am at home ; I have plenty to do,' she s^iid. Then, alter another pause^ ' If things change here — if I ciuinot stay here, Law, why shouldn't we go together? You must> get an appointment, and I Avould take care of you. I could make the money go twice as far as you would. I could help jou if you had work to do at home — copying or anything — I would do it. It would not cost more for two of us than for one. I could do everything for you, even your washing; and little things besides. Oh, I don't doubt I could get cpiantities of little things to do,' said Lottie, with a smile of confidence in }icr own {)()Wfis ; ' and no one need be the wis( r. You would be thouglit to have enough for us both.' 'Listen to me, now,' said Law, who had shown many GOOD ADVICE. 233 Pigns of impatience, not to say consternation. ' Wliat you mean is {if yon know what you mean), tliat you intend to live upon me. You needn't stare; you don't think what you're saying, but that is Avhat you really mean when all is done. Look here, Lottie ; if I were to get a place I should live in lodgings. I should bring in other fellows to see. I shouldn't want to have my sister always about. As for not spending a penny more, that means that you would give me dinners like Avhat we have now ; but when I have anything to live on, of my own, I 5-hall not stand that. I shall not be content, I can tell you, to live as we live now. I want to be free if I get an ajipointment ; I don't want to have you tied round my neck like a millstone ; I want to have my liberty and enjoy myself. If it comes to that, I'd rather marry than have a sister always with me ; but at first I shall want to have my iling and enjoy myself. And what is the use of having money,' said Law, Avith the genuine force of conviction, 'unless you can spend it upon yourself? ' Lottie was altogether tiiken by surprise. It was the first time they had thus discussed the cpiestion. She made no reply to this utterance of sound reason. She sat with her work on her knee, and her hands resting upon it, staring at her brother. This revelation of his mind was to her alto- gether new. ' But, on the other side,' said Law, feeling more and more confidence in himself as he became used to the sound of his own voice, and felt himself to be unanswerable, 'on the other side, a singer gets jolly pay — far better than any young fellow in an office ; and you could quite well afford to give me an allowance, so that 1 might get into the army as a fellow ought. You might give me a hundred or two a year and never feel it; and witii that I could live upon my pay. And you needn't be afraid tlmt I should be ashamed of you,' said generous Law; ' not one bit. I should stand by you and give you my counte- nance as long as you conducted yourself to my satisfaction. I should never forsake you. When you sang anywhere I'd be' sure to go and clap you like a madman, especially if you went under another name (they all do); that would leave me more free. Now you nuist see, Lottie, a young fellow in an office could not be much good to you, but you could be of great u>e to me.' Still Lottie did not make any reply. No more terrible 234 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. enlightenment ever came to an unsuspecting listener. She saw gradually rising before her as she spoke, not only a new Law, but a new version of herself till this moment unkno^vn to her. This, as Avas natural, caught her attention most ; it made her gasp with horror and affright. Was this herself — Lottie ? It was the Lottie her brother knew. That glimpse of herself through Law's eyes confounded her. She seemed to see the coarse and matter-of-fact young woman who wanted to live upon her brother's work ; to make his dinners scanty in order that she might have a share, to interfere Avith his companions and his pleasures — so distinctly, that her mouth ■was closed and her very heart seemed to stop beating. Was this herself? Was this how she appeared to other people's eyes? She Avas too much tlumderstruck, overawed by it, to say anything. The strange difference between this image and her own self-consciousness, her conviction that it Avas for LaAv's advantage she had been struggling ; her devotion to the interests of the family before everything, filled her Avith con- fusion and beAvilderment. Could it be she that Avas Avrong, or Avas it he that Avas unjust and cruel ? The Avonder and suddenness of it gave more poignant and terrible force to the image of her Avhich Avas evidently in LaAv's mind. All the selfish obtuseuess of understanding, the inability to perceive Avhat she meant, or to understand the object of her anxiety, Avhich liad so Avounded and troubled her in Law, her brother had found in her. To him it Avas apparent that Avhat Lottie Avanted Avas not his good, but that she might have someone to Avork for her, someone to save her from Avorking. She gazed not at LaAv, but at the visionary representation of herself which Law Avas seeing, Avith a pang beyond any Avords. She could not for the moment realise the brighter image Avhich he made haste to present before her of the generous sister Avho made him an allowance, and enabled him to enter the army * as a fellow ought,' and of whom he promised never to be ashamed. It is much to be doubted Avhether Lottie had any Avarm sense of humour at the best of times ; certainly she shoAvi'd herself quite devoid of it now. She Avas so hurt and sore tliat she could not speak. It Avas not true. How could he be so cruel and unjust to her? But yet could it bo at all true ? Was it possible that this coarse picture Avas like Lottie, Avould be taken for Lottie by auvone else? She kejit looking at hiui after he had stopj)ed speaking, unable to take lier eyea GOOD ADVICE. 235 from him, looking like u dumb creature -who has no other power of remonstrance. Perliaps in other circumstances Lottie would have been so foolisli and childish as to cr}' ; now she battled vaguely, dismally, with a sense of heart- breaking injustice, yet asking hersell" could any part of it be true? ' Don't stare at me so,' said Law ; ' you look as if you had never seen a fellow before. Thougli he Avas civil and did not &iy anything, it was easy to see that was Avhat old Ashford thought. And I've got to go back to him to-morrow, if that will please you ; and, by the "way. he sy Jove, it's getting late. If I don't get out at once he'll come and palaver, and I shall have to stay in and lose my afternoon, as I lost the morning. I'm off', Lottie. You need not wait for me for tea.' It did not make much difference to her when he went away, plunging down the little staircase in two or three long steps. Lottie sat like an image in stone, all the strength taken from her. She seemed to have nothing left to say to herself — no ground to stand on, no self-explanation to offer, t^lie had exhausted all her power of self-assertion for the moment ; now she paused and looked at herself as her iiither and brother saw her — a hard, scanty, parsimonious house- keeper, keeping them on the simijlest iiire, denying them indulgences, standing in their way. What if she kept the house, as she londly hoped, like a gentleman's house, sweet and fresh, and as fair as its liulcd furniture permitted ? What did they care for tidiness and order ? What if she managed, by infinite vigilance and precaution, to pay her bills and keep the credit of the household, so i:ir as her power went, imim- paired.' They did not mind debts and duns, except at the mere moment of encountering the latter, and were entirely indiflTerent to the credit of the name. She was in her father's way, who before this time would have married the woman who brushed past Lottie on the slopes but for having this useless grown-up daughter, whom he did not know how to dispose of; and if Law got an appointment (that almost im- possible, yet fondly cherished, expectation which had kept a hort of forlorn brightness in the future), it now turned out that she woidd be in Law's way as nmcli or more than in her fatlier's. Lottie's iicart c<)ntia(;t«'(l with pain ; her spirit iiiiled 236 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. her. She, who liad felt so strong, so capable, so anxious to inspire others with her own energy and force ; she, who had felt herself the support of her family, their standard-bearer, the only one who was doing anything to uphold the falling house — in a moment she had herself fallen too, undermined even in her own opinion. Many a blow and thrust had she received in the course of her combative life, and given back with vigour and a stout heart. Never before had she lost her confidence in herself; the certainty that she was doing hei* best, that with her was the redeeming force, the honourable principle which might yet convert the others, and save the family, and elevate the life of the house. What she felt now was that she herself, the last prop of the Despards, was over- throAvn and lying in ruin. Was it possible that she was selfish too, seeking her owti ease like the rest, avoiding what she disliked just the same as they did ? A sudden moisture of intense pain suffused Lottie's eyes. She was too heart- struck, too fallen to weep. She covered her face with her hands, though there was no one to cover it from, with the natural gesture of anf!;uish, seeking to be hidden even from itself. Lottie did not pay much attention, although she heard steps coming up the stair. What did it matter? Either it was Law, who had stricken her so wantonly to the ground ; or her father, who did not care Avhat happened to her ; or Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, who did not count. Few other people mounted the stairs to the little dniwing-room in Captain Dcspard's house. But when she raised her head, all pale and siii'!eless, and saw that the visitor was Mr. Ashford, Lottie scarcely felt that this was a stranger, or that there was any occasion to exert herself and change her looks and tones. Did not he think so too ? She rose up, putting down her work, and made him a solenm salutation. She did not feel capable of anything mere. The Minor Canon drew back his hand, which she did not see, with the perturbation of a shy man repulsed. Lottie was not to him so unimportant a person as she was to her brother. She was surrounded by all the unconscious st^ite of womanhood and mystery and youth — a creature with qualities beyond his ken, wonderful to him, as unknown though visible, and attracting his imagination more than any other of these wonderful mystic creatures, of whom he had naturally encountered many in his life, had ever GOOD ADVICE. 237 done. His heart, which had so swelled with pity and ad- miration on Sunday evening, was not less sympathetic and admiring now, notwithstanding that it was through Law's eyes that he had been seeing her to-day ; and this re- pulse, which was so unlike her candour and frankness yesterday, gave him a little pain. He wanted to be of use to her, and he wanted to tell her so — and to repel him Avhile he had these generous purposes in his mind seemed hard. He sat doAvn, however, embarrassed, on the chair she pointed him to; and looking at her, when thus brought nearer, he discovered, even with his short-sighted eyes, how pale she was and how woebegone. Someone had been vexing her, no doubt, poor child ! This took the sh}-ness out of Mr. Ash- ford's voice. * I have come to make my report,' he said, in as even a tone as he could command, ' about Lawrence. He has told you — that he has been with me most part of the day ? ' ' Yes.' When Lottie saw that more than this mono- syllable was expected from her, she made an effort to rouse lierself. * I fear it is not anything very encouraging that you have to say ?' 'I have two things to say, Miss Despard — if you will permit me. Did you ever read Lord Chesterfield's Letters ? But no, perhaps they are not reading for such as you. There are many wickednesses in them which would disgust you, but there is one most tragic, touching thing in them ' He made a pause; and Lottie, who was young and variable, and ready to be interested in spite of herself, looked up and asked, ' What is that ? ' * I wonder if I may say it ? — it is the effort of the father to put himself — not a good man, but a fine, subtle, ambitious, aspiring spirit — into his son ; and the complete and terrible failure of the attempt.' ' I do not know — what that can have to do with Law and me.' * Yes. Pardon me for comparing you in your generous anxiety to a man who was not a hero. But, Miss Despard, you see what I mean. You will never put yourself into Law. He does not understand you ; he is not capable of it. You must give up the attempt. I am only a new acquaintance, but I think I must be an old friend, somehow, I want you to give up the attempt.' 238 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. He looked at lier Avith such a. kind compreliension and pity in his eyes, that Lottie's heart sprang up a little from its profound depression, like a trodden-down flower, to meet this first gleam of sunshine. She did not quite see what he meant even now, but it was something that meant kindness and approval of her. ' He cannot think that of me ! ' she said to herself, 'I am glad you will hear me out,' he said, Avith a look of relief, ' for the rest is better. Law is not stupid. He would not be your brother if he were stupid. He is a little too prudent, I think. He Avill not hear of emigrating, because he has no money, nor of trying for the army, because he could not live on his pay. Right enough, perhaps, in both cases; but a hot-headed boy would not mind these considerations, and a fellow of resolution might succeed in either way.' * He has always been like that,' said Lottie. ' You see Law does not want anything very niiich, except to be as well off as possible. He would never make up his mind what to try for. He says anything ; and anything means Oh I Mr. Ashford, I Avant to ask you something about myself. Do you think it is just as bad and selfish of me to refuse to be — oh ! a pulilic singer ? I thought I Avas right,' said Lottie, putting out her hands Avith unconscious dramatic action, as if groping her Avay ; * but noAv I am all in doubt. I don't know Avhat to think. Is it just the same ? Is it as bad of me ? ' She looked at him anxiously, as if he could settle the question, and the Minor Canon did not knoAv Avhat reply to make. He was on both sides — feeling Avith her to the bottom of his heart ; yet seeing, too, where the reason lay. * I am very sure you are doing nothing either bad or selfish,' he said ; but hesitated, and added no more. ' You Avon't tell me,' she cried ; * that must mean that you are against me. Mr. Ashford, I have always heard that there was a great difference between girls and boys; like this: that for a boy to Avork Avas always honourable, but for a girl to Avork Avas letting down the family. Mamma — I don't know if she Avas a good judge — always said so. She and it Avas better to do anything than Avork, so as that people should know. There was a lady, Avho Avas an officer's Avife, just as good as we Avere, but they all said she Avas a goA'erness once, and were disagree- able lo her. It seemed a kind of disOTace to all the children. Their mother was a governess ' GOOD ADVICE. 2;^^ ' But that is very bad ; very cruel,' said the Minor Canon. * I am sure, in your heart, tliat is not a thing of -winch you can approve.' ' No,' said Lottie, doubtfully ; ' except just this — that it ■would be far more credit, far more right, if the men were to try hard and keep the girls at home. That is -what I thought. Oh, it is not the work I think of ! "Work ! I like it. I don't mind what I do. But there must always be somebody for the Avork at home. Do you suppose Mary could manage for them if I Avere not here ? There would be twice as much spent, and everything would be different. And do you not think, Mr. Ashford, that it would be more credit to them — better for everyone, more honourable for Law, if he Avere at work and I at home, rather than that people should say, " His sister is a singer ? " Ah ! Avould you let your own sister be a singer if you were as poor as we are? Or Avould you rather iight it out with the world, and keep her safe at home, only serving you ? ' ' My sister ! ' said the j\Iinor Canon. He was half-affronted, half-touched, and wholly unreasonable. ' That she should never do ! not so long as her brother lived to work for her — nor would I think it fit either that she should serve me.' ' Ah, but there you are wrong,' said Lottie, whose face was lighted up with a smile of triumph. 'I thought you Avould be on my side ! But there you are wrong. She would be happy, proud to serve you. Do you think I mean we are to be idle, not to take our share ? Oh, no, no ! In nature a man works and rests ; but a woman never rests. Look at the poor people. The man has his time to himself in the even- ings, and his wife serves him. It is quite right — it is her share. I should never, never grumble at that. Only,' cried Lottie, involuntarily clasping her hands, ' not to be sent out- side to work there ! I keep Mary for the name of the thing; because it seems right to have a servant ; but if we could not afford to keep IMary do you think I Avould make a fuss? Oh, no, iVIr. Ashford, no ! I could do three times Avhat she does. I should not mind what I did. But if it came to going out, to having it known, to letting people say, " His sister is a governess," or (far worse) " His sister is a singer " — it is that 1 cannot bear.' Mr. Ashford was carried away by this torrent of words, and by the natural eloquence of her eyes and impassioned 240 WITHIN THE rr.EClKCTS. voice, and varyiiig countenance. He did not know what to say. He .^liook his head, but when he came to himself, and found his footing again, made what stand he could. ' You forget,' he said, 'that all this would be of no use for yourself or your future ' ' For me ! ' Lottie took the words out of his mouth with a flush and glow of beautiful indignation. ' Was it me I was thinking of? Oh, I thought you understood !' she cried. ' Let me speak. Miss Despard. Yes, I understand. You would be their servant ; you would work all the brightness of your life away. You would never think of yourself ; and when it suited them to make a change — say when it suited Law to jnarry — you would be thrown aside, and you would find your- self without a home, wearied, worn out with your work, dis- appointed, feeling the thanklessness, the bitterness of the world.' Lottie's face clouded over. She looked at him, half-de- fiant, half-appealing. ' That is not how — one's brother would behave. You would not do it ' ' No ; perhaps I would not do it — but, on the other hand, said Mr. Ashford, ' I might do — what was as bad. I might make a sacrifice. I might — give up marrying the woman whom I loved for my sister's sake. "Would that be a better thing to do?' Their eyes met when he spoke of the woman he loved — that is, he looked at Lottie, who was gazing intently at him ; and, strangely enough, they could not tell why, both blushed, as if the sudden ctmtact of their looks had set their faces aglow. Lottie instinctively drew back without knowing it ; and he, leaning towards her, repeated, almost with vehemence : ' Would that be a better thing to do ? ' Lottie hid her face in her hands. ' Oh, no, no ! ' she said, her sensitive frame trembling. Mr. Ashford was old, and Law was but a boy— how could there be any question of the woman either loved ? ' Forgive mo. Miss Despard, if I seem to go against you — my heart is all with you ; but you ought to be independent,' he said. ' Either the woman would be sacrificed or the man would be sacrificed. And tliat kind of sacrifice is bad for everybody. Don't be angry with me. Sacrifices generally are bad ; the more you do for others, the more selfish they become. Have you not seen that even in your little expe- rience ? There are many people who never have it in their A cnisis. 241 power to bo independent ; but those who have should not neglect it — even if it is not in a pleasant way.' ' Even if it is by — being a sineer ? ' She lifted her head again, and once more fixed ujion him eyes which were full of xmshed tears. Taking counsel had never been in Lottie's way ; but neither had doubt ever been in her way till now. Everything before had been very plain. Kight and Avrong — two broad lines straight before her ; now there Avas right and wrong on both sides, and her landmarks were removed. She looked at her adviser as women look, to see not only what he said, but whatsoever t^hade of unexpressed opinion might cross his face. ' It is not so dreadful after all,' he said. ' It is better than many other ways. I am afraid life is hard, as you say, upon a girl. Miss Despard. She must be content with little things. This is one of the few ways in which she can really get inde- pendence — and — stop — hear me out — the power to help others too.' Lottie had almost begun a passionate remonstrance ; but these last words stopped her. "r hough she might not like the way, still was it possible that this might be a way of setting everything right ? She stopped gazing at her counsellor, her eyelids puckered with anxiety, her face quite colourless, and expressing nothing but this (piestion. Not a pleasant way — a way of martyrdom to her pride — involving humiliation, every pang she could think oi ; but still, perhaps, a way of setting everything right. CIIAPTEK XXIV. A CRISIS. "WiiKN Lottie got up next morning the world seemed to have changed to her. It had changed a little in reality, as some- times one day differs from another in autumn, the world having visibly made a more marked revolution than usual in a single night. It had got on to the end of August, and there were traces of many fiery fingers upon the leaves on the slopes. It had been a very fine summer, but it w s coming prematurely aa ea 1, everybody said, and abouc ^ horizon B 242 ■WITIIIX THE PRECINCTS. there beG:an to be veils of luminous mist iu the morninf?, and soft haze tliat veiled the evening light. This autumnal aspect of the world seemed to have come on in that one night. Tlie Virginian creeper roiuid tlie window had ' turned ' in several patches of scarlet and yellow all at once. It was beautiful, but it was the step towards winter and the chills — the first evidence of a year decaying which makes the spectator pause and think. ^Vheu Lottie woke she felt in her heart that consciousness of something, she knew not what, some- thing that had happened to her, that overshadowed her, and forced itself upon her before slie could tell what it was, which is the way care manifests itself at our bedsides: something that made her heart heavy the first thing on awaking. Then she remembered -^sdiat it was. Lottie, we have said, was not a girl who was in the habit of taking advice ; but for that once she had taken it, seizing upon the first trustworthy witness she could find who would bring iin impartial eye to the pro- blem of her life. She had been very strong in her own opinion before, but when reason was j^ut before her Lottie could not shut her eyes to it. Neither could she dawdle and delay Avhen there was anything to do. She awoke with the consciousness that some ghost was lurking behind her white curtains. Then with a start and shiver remembered and re- alised it, and, drawing herself together, made up her mind to act ac once. What was the use of putting o£E ? Putting off was the reason why Law was so backward, and Lottie Avas nofi one of those wlio let the grass grow under their feet. The more disagreeable the first step was, the more reason was there that it should be taken to-day. She went downstairs with a gleam of resolution in her eyes. After the shock of finding out that there is a painful thing to do, the determi- nation to do it at once is a relief. It brings an almost plea- sure into the pain to set your face to it bravely and get done witli it ; there is tluis an exhilaration even in what is most disagreeable. So Lottie felt. Her despondency and depres- sion were gone. She had something definite to do, and she would do it, let what obstacle soever stand in the way. She made the family tea and cut the bread with more enei-gy than usual. She was the first visible, as she always was, but her mind was fully occupied with her own adiiirs, and she was glad enough to be alone for half an hour. After that she had lo go up again and knock at her liither's door, to remind him A cnisis. ^l.T that there was but little time for breakfast before the bell began to ring for matins ; but she had taken her own break- I'iist and bcLMin her Avork before the Captain and Law canio downstairs. When she had poured outiheir tea for them she sat down in the window-seat Avith her sewing. She did not take any share in their talk, neither did she watch, as she olteu did, the stir of morning life in the Dean's Walk — the tradesmen's carts going about, the perambulators from the town pushing upward, with fresh nursemaids behind, to the shady walk on the slopes ; now and then a tall red soldier, showing against the grey Avail of the Abbey opposite; the old Chevaliers beginning to turn out, taking their little morning promenade before the bells began. The stir was usually pleasant to Lottie, but she took no notice of it to-day. She was going to matins herself this morning— not perhaps alto- gether lor devotion, but Avith the idea, after the service, of lying in Avait at the north gate for the exit of the Signor. lIoAv it Avas that the subject came imder discussion Lottie did not knoAv, She Avoke to it only Avhen it came acros3 herself and touched upon her OAvn thoughts. It Avas LaAV AA'ho Avas saying something (it Avas fit for him to say so !), grumbling about the inequality of education, and girls had just as good a right to Avork as boys. ' I should like to knoAv,' he siiid, ' Avhy I should have to get hold of a lot of books, and trot over to old Ashford, and Avork like a shu'e till one o'clock, while she sits as cool and as fresh as can be, and never stirs ? ' He Avas not addressincr anybody in particular, but grumbling to the Avhole Avorld at large, Avhich was Law's Av;iy. Generally his father took no notice of him, but some prick of sensation in the air no doubt moved him to-day. ' Speak of things yoix knoAV something about,' said the Captain; 'that's the best advice I can give you, LaAV. And let Lottie alone. Who Avants her to Avork ? The fresher she looks and the better she looks, the more likely she is to get a husband ; and that's a girl's first duty. Is that the bell ? ' said Captain Despard, rising, draAving himscdf up, and puUin his collar and Avristbands into due display. ' Let me hear nothing about Avork. No daughter of mine shall ever dis- grace herself and me in that Avay. Get yourself a husband, my child ; that's the only Avork I'll ever permit — that's all a lady can do, A good husband. Lottie. If I heard of some- R 2 o 244 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. one coming forward I'd be happier, I don't deny. Bring him to the scratch, my dear ; or if you're in difficulty refer him to- me.' He was gone before Lottie could utter a Avord of the many that rushed to her lips. She turned upon Law instead, wlio- sat and chuckled behind his roll. ' If it had not been for you he would not have insulted me so ! ' she cried. ' Oh, insulted you ! You need not be so grand. They say you may have Purcell if you like,' said Law, ' or even the Signer ; but it's the other fellow, liidsdale, you know, your old flame, the governor is thinking of. If you could catch him now ! though I don't believe a fellow like that could mean anything. But even Purcell is better than nothing. If you would take my advice ' Lottie did not stay to hear any more. He laughed as she rushed out of the room, putting up her hands to her ears. But Law was surprised that she did not strike a blow for lier- self before she left him. Her self-restraint had a curious effect upon the lad. ' Is anything up ? ' he said to himself. Generally it was no difficult matter to goad Lottie to fury with allusions like this. He sat quite still and listened while she ran upstairs into her own room, which Avas overhead. Then Law philosophically addressed himself to what was left of the breakfast. He had an excellent appetite ; and the bell ringing outside which called so many people, but not him, and the sight of the old Chevaliers streaming across the road, and the morning congregation hurrying along to the door in the cloisters, pleased him as he finished his meal, without even liis sister's eye upon him to remark the ravages he made in the butter. But Avhen he heard Lottie's step coming down stairs again Law stopped, not without a sense of guilt, and listened intently. She did not come in, which was a relief, but his surprise was great -when he heard her walk past the open door of the little dining-room, and next moment saw her flit past the window on the way to the Abbey. He got up, though he had not finished, and stared after her till she, too, disappeared in the cloister. ' Something must be up,' he repeated to himself. Lottie's silence, however, was not patience, neither was it any want of suscti)til)ility to what had been said. Even this, probably, she would have felt more had her mind not been preoccupied by her great resolution. But when she found A CKISIS. 2-15 herself in tlie Abbey, abstracted from all external circum- .»^tances, the great voice of the organ filling the beautiful place, the people silently filling up the seats, the choir in their white robes filing in, it seemed very strange to Lottie that the ser- vice could go on as it did, undisturbed by the beats of her lieart and the commotion of her thoughts. Enough trouble and tumult to drown even the music were in that one corner where she leant her shoulder against the old dark oak, finding some comfort in the physical support. And she did not, it must be allowed, pay very much attention to the service; her voice joined in the responses fitfidly, but her heart wandered far away. No, not far away. Mr. Ashford's counsel, and her iather's, kept coming and going through her mind. Truth to tell, Captain Despard's decision against the possibility of work gave work an instant value in his daughter's eyes. We do not defend Lottie for her undutifulness ; but as most of the things she had cared for in her life had been opposed by her father, and all the things against which she set her face in fierceness of youthful virtue were supported by him, it could .scarcely be expected that his verdict would be very effectual with her. It gave her a little spirit and encouragement in her aiewly- formed resolution, and it helped her a little to over- come the prejudice in her mind wdieu she felt that her father was in favour of that prejudice. He did not want her to work, lo bring the discredit of a daughter who earned her own living iipon him ; he wanted to sell her to anyone who would offer for her, to make her 'catch' some man, to put forth wiles to cittract him and brinj; him into her net. Lottie, who believed in love, and who believed in womanhood, with such a faith i\s perhaps girls only possess: what silent rage and horror filled her at this thought ! She belicAed in womanhood, not so much in herself. For the sake of that abstraction, not for her own, she wanted to be wooed reverently, respected above all. A man, to be a perfect man, ought to look upon every woman as a princess of romance : not for her individual sake so much as for his sake, that he might fidl short of no noble- ness and perfection. This was IjOttie's theory throughout. .She would have Law reverence his sister, and tenderly care for her, because that would prove Law to be of the noblest kind of men. She wanted to be worshipped in order to prove triumphantly to herself that the man who did so was an heroic lover. Tlii.s was liow IJollo had caught her imagination, her 24G ■\VITIIIN THE PUECINCTS. deceived imagination, which fut into Hollo's looks and words so much that was not really there. This simple yet superla- tive thread of romance ran through all her thoughts. She leaned back u]wn the carved oak of the stall, preoccupied, while the choristers chanted, thinking more of all this than of the service. And then, Avith a sudden pang, there came across her mind the thought of the descent that would be necessary from that white pedestal of her maidenhood, the sheltered and protected position of the girl at home, which alone seemed to be fit and right. She would have to descend from that, and gather up her spotless robes about her, and come out to encounter the storms of the world. All that had elevated her in her own conceit was going irom her — and what, oh ! what could lie, or anyone, find aiterwards in her? He would turn away most likely with a sigh or groan from a girl who could thus throw away her veil and her crown and stand up and confront the world. Lottie seemed to see her downfall with the eyes of her visionary lover, and the anguish that brought with it crushed her very heart. Did it ever occur to her that an alternative had been offered for her acceptance ? Once, for a moment, she saw Purcell's melancholy face look doAvn upon her from the organ- loft, and gave him a kind, half-sad, half-amused momentary thought. Poor fellow ! she could have cried for the pain slie must have given him, and yet she could have laughed, though she was ashamed of the impulse. Poor boy ! it must liave "been only a delusion; he woidd forget it; he would find somebody of his own class, she said to herself, uneasy to think she had troubled him, yet with the only half-smile that cir- cumstances had afforded her for days past. Captain Despard, had he knoAvn, Avould have thought Purcell's suit well worthy of consideration in the absence of a better ; and the Signor, whom Lottie had made up her mind to address, darted fiery glances at her from the organ-loft, taking up his pupil's cau>e Avith heat and resentment ; but she herself sailed serenely over the Purcell incident altogether, looking doAvn upon it from supreme heights of superiority. It did not occur to her as a thing to be seriously thought of, much less in her confusion and anguish, as a reasonable Avay of escape. And thus the morning Avent on, the chanting and the reading, and all those outcries to God and appeals to His mercy Avhich His creatiuvs Utter daily Avith so much calm. Did anybody mean it Avhcn A CKisis. 247 tliey all burst forth, ' Lord have mercy upon iis, Christ, have mercy uium ns' ? This cry avdUg Lottie, and her driaining soul came back, and she held up her clasped hands in a momentary passion of entreaty. The sudden ^vildness of the cry in the midst of all that stately solenmity of praying caught her visionary soul. It was as if all the rest had missed His ear, all the music and the jKietr}', King David harping on his harp, and Handel with his blind iiice raised to heaven ; and nothing vas left but to snatch at the garments of the ^Master as lie Avent away, not hearing, not looking, or appearing not to look and hear. This poor young soul in the midst of her self-question- ings and struggles woke up to the passion;ite reality of that cry, ' Lord have mercy upon us, Christ have mercy upon us ! ' and then it went away from her again in thunders of glciious music, in solenmity of Avell-known words, and she lost herself once more in her own thoughts. Lottie withdreAv timidly into the aisle when the service Avr.s over. She knew the Signor would pass that way, and it stM-nied to her that it would be easier to speak to him there than to go to his house, which was the only other alternative. But the Signor, when he came out, was encircled by a group of his pupils, .and darted a vengeful, discouraging glance at her as he passed. He would not pause nor take any notice of the step she made towards him, the wistful look in her face. If he had seen it. it would have given him a certain pleasure to disiippoint Lottie, for the Signor had a Avomanish element in him, and was hot and merciless in his partisanship. He cast a glance at her that might have slain her, that was as far from encouraging her as anything could be, and passed (juickly by, taking no other notice. Thus her mission was fruitless : and it was the same in the afternoon, when she Avent out by the north door and made believe to be passing Avheu the musician came out. To do him justice, he bad no notion that she Avanted him, but wondered a little to find her a second time in his Avay. He AA'as obliged, as it Avas outside the Abbey, to take oiF his hat to her; but he did so in the most grudging, hasty Avay, and Avent on talking Avith his pupils, pretending to be doubly engaged and deeply interested in Avhat the lads Avere saying. I'here Avas no chance then, short of going to his house, of carrying out her resolution for this day. But in the evening, Avhen all Avas still, Lottie, Avho had been silting at home Avorking and thinking till her heart Avas s!ck 248 WITHIN THE rnECIXCTS. and her brain throbbing, put on her hat and went out in the dusk to get the air at the door. It Avas a lovely, quiet night, the moon rising over the grey pinnacles of the Abbey, marking out its great shadow upon'tlie Dean's Walk, and the migno- nette smelHng sweet in all tlie little gardens. A few of the old Chevaliers were still about, breathing the sweetness of the evening like Lotde herself. Captain Temple, who was among them, came up to her with liis old-fashioned fatherly gallantry as soon as he saw lier. ' Will you take a turn, my dear? ' he said. He had no child, and she had never had, so to speak, any father, at least in this way. They went up and down the terrace pavement, and then they crossed the road to the Abbey, from which, though it was so late, the tones of the great organ were beginning to steal out upon the night. ' Is this a ghost that is playing, or what can the Signor be think- ing of?' Captain Temple "said. Old Wykeham, that grufE old guardian of the sacred place, Avas standing with his keys in his hands at the south door. He had not his usual rusty gown nor his velvet cap, being then in an unofficial capacity ; but Wykeham Avould not have been Wykeham without his keys. And though he was gruff he knew to whom respect was due. 'Yessir. there's something going on inside. One o' the Signer's fancies. He have got some friends inside, a playing his voluntaries to them. And if you like, Captain, I will let you in in a moment, sir.' ' Shall we go, my dear ? ' the old Captain said. And next moment they were in the great gloom of the xVbbey, which was so different in its solemnity from the soft summer dark outside. There was a gleam of brilliant light in the organ-loft where the Signor was playing, which threw transverse rays out on either side into the darkness, showing vaguely the carved work of the canopies over the stalls, and the faded banners that hung over them. Down in the deep gloom of the choir below a few figures were dimly perceptible. Lottie and her kind old companion did not join these privileged listeners. They kept outside in the nave, where the moon, which had just climbed the height of the great windows, had suddenly burst in, throwing huge dimly- coloured pictures o£ the painted glass upon the floor. Lottie, who was not so sensible as she might have been, preferred this partial light, notwitlistanding the mystic charm of the darkness, which was somewhat awful to look in upcm through the open door of the choir. She put her liand, a little tremu- SHK STdoK ANO I.ISIKNEI), FEELING AI.I, IIKB TKOUBLKS CALMED. A CRISIS. 249 lous, on tlie old Captain's arm, and s^tood and listoned. feeling all her troubles calmed. AVliat was it that thus calmed her per- turbed soul ? She thought it was the awe of the place, the spell of the darkness and the moonlight, the music that made it all wonderful. The Signor was playing a strange piece of old music when the two came in. It was an old litany, and Lottie thought as she listened that she could hear an unseen choir in the far distance, high among the grey pinnacles, on the edge of the clouds, intoning in intricate delicate circles of harmony tlie responses. Was it the old monks ? Was it the angels ? Who could tell ? ' Lottie, my love, that is the vox humana stop,' said the kind old Captain, who knew something ^bcut it ; and as he, too, was no wiser than other people, he began to whisper an explanation to her of how it was. But Lottie cared nothing about stops. She could hear the solemn singers of the past quiring far ofE at some unseen altar, the softened distant sweetness of the reply. Her heart rose up into the great floating circling atmosphere of song. She seemed to get breath again, to get rest to her soul : a strange impulse came over her. She, who was so shy, so uncertain of her power, so bitterly unwilling to adopt the trade that was being forced upon her : it Avas all that she could do to keep herself from singing, joining to those mystical spiritual voices her own that was full of life and youth. Her breast swelled, her lips came apart, her voice all but escaped from her, soar- ing into that celestial distance. All at once the strain stopped, and she with it, coming down to the Abbey nave again, where she stood in the midst of the dim reflected rubies and amethyj-ts and silvery whites of a great painted window, giddy and leaning upon the old Chevalier. ' It was the vox Innnana. It is too theatrical for my taste, my dear. It was invented by ' ' Oh, hush, hush ! ' cried Lottie, under her breath ; ' he is beginning again.' This time it was the ' Pastoral Symphony ' the Signor played — music that was never intended lor the chill of winter, but for the gleaming stars, the sofl falling dews, the ineffable paleness and tenderness of spring. It came upon Lottie like those same dews from heaven. She grasped the old man's arm, but she could not keep herself from the response which no longer seemed to come back from any unseen and mystic bhiine. Why should tiie old monks come back to sing, or 250 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. the angels have the trouble, who have so much else to do, when Lottie was there ? When the ' Pastoral Symphony ' Avas over the Signor went on, and she with him. Surely there must have been some secret understanding that no one knew of — not themselves. He played on unconscious, and she lifted up her head to the moonlight and her voice to heaven and sans: — There were shepherds watching their flocks by night. Lottie let go her hold of the Captain's arm. She wanted no sup- port now. She wanted nothing but to go on. to tell all that divine story from end to end. It got possession of her. She did not remember even the changes of the voices ; the end of one strain and another was nothing to her. She sanji through the whole of the songs that follow each other without a pause or a falter. And like her, without (juestioning, Avithout hesita- tion, the Signor played on. It Avas not till she had proclaimed into the gloom that ' His yoke is easy and His burden light ' that she came to herself. The last chords thrilled and vibrated through the great arches and died away in lingering echoes in the vast gloom of the roof. And then there Avas a pause. Lottie came to herself. She Avas not overwhelmed and exhausted by the effort, as she had been at the Deanery. She felt herself come doAA'n, as out of heaA'^en, and slowly became aAvare o£ Captain Temple looking at her Avith a disturbed coimtenance, and old Wykeham in all the agitation of alarm. ' If I'd have known I'd ncA'er have let you in. It's as much as my place is Avorth,' the old man Avas saying; and Captain Temple, very kindly and fatherly, but troubled too, and by no means happy, gave her his arm hurriedly. * I think Ave liad better go, my dear,' he said ; ' I think Ave had better go.' Someone stopped them at the doer — someone Avho took her hand in his Avith a Avarmth Avhich enthusiasm permitted. ' I kneAv it must be yon, if it Avere not one of the angels,' he said ; * one or the other. I have just come ; and Avhat a Avelcome I have had — too good for a king ! ' I did not knoAv you Avere here, Mr. Kidsdale,' said Lottie, faintly, holding fast by Captain Temple's arm. '' But I kncAV you were here ; it was in the air,' he said, half-Avhispering. ' Good-night ; but good-night lasts only till to-morroAv, thank heaven.' WHAT FOLLOWED. 251 CHAPTER XXV. V.IIAT FOLLOWED. Captain Temi'le Avas not liappy iibout the events of that evening. lie had begun to grow very fond of Lottie, and he was not pleased that she should have ' made an exhibition of herself.' He went over it so often to his wife that i\[rs. Temple learned the incident by heart. There was in her mind, mingled with an intense silent interest in the girl who ■was like her own, a feeling of repulsion too, equally intense and silent, which joined with the opposite sentiment, and kept Lottie as constantly present to her mind as she was in the Captain's talk. And, though it sometimes appeared to her that she Avould die of this girl, who reminded her at every step that she had lost her child, yet she could not check her husband's ever-flowing, continually repeated talk on the sub- ject. Mrs. Temple thought this was all for his sake. Some- times, in ihe bitterness of her loss, she would cry out that she loathed the very name of this other, who was so Avell and bright and full of life, while her cliild was dead and gone ; but, notwithstanding, Lottie had gradually come to hold a large place in her life. IIow could she heli) thinking of her ? Grudging her very life and brightness, rei)eniing her grudge, praying God's blessing on the girl whom she thus injured, avoiding her, tearing the sight of her, Avatching for her whom she feared ; how could it be but that I\Irs. Temple, in her lonely hours, should think of Lottie? She was the conlidant now of the old Captain's regret. ' I thought slie was a sweet, modest girl,' he said, shaking his head ; 'shy, even — as I like a girl to be — very like ■ My dear, I cannot bear a girl to make an exhibition of her- self ■' 'But if there was no one to see her, and if 30U were in the dark ? ' ' That is true, my dear ; but if they did not see her they heard her. Such a voice I I wish 3-ou had been there — but that sort of public use of it — and to have the confidence to sing when she was not asked ! ' Captain Temph; shook his head. He seemed to have done nothing but shake his head since last night. 252 WITHIN TUE PRECINCTS. * Do you think that the more she has a beautiful voice the less she should let it be heard ? ' said his wife. ' I am not so taken up with this INIiss Despard as you are ; but still I think you are unjust to her.' ' Perhaps I am unjust to her. How can I help being taken Tip with her? If you knew her as well you would be taken up with her too. And I wish you did ; it would be a comfort to you. In everything she does, her walk, every little gesture, I see something that reminds me I know you don't like to Hpeak of it, my dear.' Mrs. Temple set her face like a rock while the old Captain talked on. He did nothing but speak of it, and she would not stop him. Had she not noticed the girl's walk ? When Lottie passed IMrs. Temple turned from the window, feeling -as if someone had given her a blow. Yet Avhat had she gone to the window for but to watch for Lottie ? And she was more just to her than Avas the old Captain, who could not bear any ialling off in his ideal, who thought that a girl should never make an exhibition of herself, and did nothing for a Aveek after but shake his head. The singing, however, made a great excitement in the Cloisters. It was only a select few who had been there to hear ; and they thought it was all the Signor's arrange- ment, who had provided for them so much greater a pleasure than they had ex])ected — or, rather, an additional plea- sure. ' Who was it ? ' everybody asked. Was it possible it could be little RoAvley ? But it was inconceivable that a mere child like that could have taken the contralto solo as Avell as the soprano. But Avas it certain that there Avas only one voice? The darkness Avas deceptive, and all the circum- stances Avcre so unusual, so out o£ the ordinary. When you came to think of it, it could not be one A'oice. It nuist have been little KoAvley and INIellor, the big boy, Avhose contralto Avas famous. At that distance, and in the dark, it Avas so easy to deceive yourself and think there Avas only one person sing- ing. Tliere A\'as nothing talked about next morning but this Avontlcrful incident, and both the people Avho had been there jiud the people Avho had not been there (Avho Avere piqued, and i't'lt themselves neglected, as a matter of course) discussed it ■with the utmost excitement. Even before the hour of matins, ••'lid Pick, Avho Avas out upon his master's business and Mrs. I'urcell's errands, Avas twice interviewed on the subject. The ^V^AT FOLLOWED. 253 first time it was Rowley, the tenor, who as«iiled him, whose boy was tlie first soprano, and Avhose rights Avere attacked. * I should just like to know what the Signor is up to,' Rowley said. 'lie's always got some new fad or other in his head. He'll have us all up next into that organ-loi't, like a set of Christy Minstrels. Hanged if I'll go ! ' ' Anyhow, you'll wait till you're asked.' said old Pick. * I don't advise him to ask me. And. look here ! I want to know who it was. If he's bringing in somebody in the dark, on the sly, to put them boys' noses out ! — you never can tell Avhat a foreign fellow's up to. I don't know a voice like that, not in the Abbey. If he's smuggling in a new boy, •without no warning, to take the bread out of folks' mouths, by George, I won't stand it ! I'll go to the Dean about it ! Tommy's cried hisself hoarse. He couldn't eat his breakfast, poor little beggar! and he's got "Hear my prayer" this morning. Hanged if I don't think it's all a scheme against me and my boy ! That ain't a child's voice. There's a touch of falsetto in it, if 1 know anything about music. It won't last, not a month. I've heard them come out like that, that you could hear them a mile off, just before they break.' ' Then you were there, INIr. Rowley ? ' said old Pick ; * I thought there was only the folks from the Deanery there.' ' I wasn't there. Catch me in the Abbey when I'm not wanted ! I have enough of it, practising and bothering from morning till night. The Signor's very good for the organ. I don't say nothing against that ; but he don't know much about Englishmen. You do no justice to your voice when you never give yourself no rest; but he can't understand that. I lieard it outside. Pick, there's a good old fellow, you know what it is yourself, and I'm sure we're always glad to see you when you look in at our little place. Tell us what's up — ■who is it? Tommy will have to go in time. I don't say nothing against that. But he's not twelve, poor little beggar, and his voice is as clear as a bell. He's fit to fret himself into a fever if they take the first solos from him. Tell us what the Signor's up to, and who he's got coming in ? I say it's a sliame,' said the tenor, rising again into vehemence. * Them that is on the spot, and belonging to the place, and bred up in the Abbey all their lives, hanged if they should be turned out for strangers ! I don't see the fun of that.' ' If you've done, Mr. Rowley, I think I'll go,' said Pick ; 254 ■V\'ITDIN THE rRECINCTS. upon which Rowley sv/ore under his breath that it wasn't like an old friend to give a fellow no answer, and that he didn't know what he and Tommy had done to offend the Signor. To this old Pick made no reply, being himself extremely indignant not to know anything about the mystery in question. He had heard of no new boy — ' nor anything as is new,' Pick said to himself with w^armth as he hurried through the enclosure which belonged to the lay clerks, where a great many people were at the doors and window?, and the excite- ment was general. It Avas natural that Pick should be in- dignant. So little as there ever was to hear or report within the Precincts, to think something should have happened under his very nose, in the Abbey, and he not know ! The Signor was a good master, and the place was comfortable ; but there are things Avhich no man can be expected to stand. Even Mr. John had not said a word about any novelty. If he had told his mother, then the housekeeper had been as treacherous as the rest, and had not breathed a word to Pick. It was a tlnng that no man could be expected to put up with. Here were two ladies now bearing down upon him, full of curiosity — and that Pick should have to confess that he didn't knoAV ! ' Oh, Pickering ! you must know — who was it that was singing in the Abbey last night ? A very extraordinary thing for the Signor to countenance. He did not ask its ; he knew it would be of no use, for neither my husband nor I approve of such proceedings ; making the Abbey, our beautiful Abbey, into a kind of music-hall ! I hear it was a lady : the very worst taste, and anything so unecclesiastical ! Women don't exist in the Church — not as taking any part — but these are points which foreigners never will understand,' .said the lady, with a sigh. ' It Avas odd having such a performance at all, for a few privileged persons. I thought the Abbey, at least, ' said the second lady, ' was for all.' •Don't go, Pickering; you haven't answered my question. If I were you, being a man of experience, and having known the Abbey so long as you have done, I would give a hint to your master. You should tell him people here don't like that sort of thing. It may do very well abroad, or even in town, where there are all sorts ; but it does not do in St. I^lichael's. You should tell him, especially as he is only half English, to WHAT FOLLOWKD. 255 be more careful. Stop a little, Pickering ! You have not answered my question yet.' ' Beg your pardon, ma'am, but you didn't give me no time,' said Pick. 'Do not be impertinent, Pickering. I asked you a plain question, and I told vou what I should do in your place. A man like you, that has been so long about the Abbey, might be of great use to your master. You should tell him that in England a lady is never suiFored to open her mouth in church. I never heard of anything so unecclesiastical. I wonder the Dean does not interfere— a man of good Church principles as he is, and with so much at stake. I really wonder the Dean does not interfere.' ' Oh, the Dean ! ' said the other lady ; ' and as for Church principles ' But just then there was a tremble in the air with the first inoveniont of the matin bells, and, withoiit compromising his dignity or showing his ignorance, old Pick made good his escape. He went home in anything but an amiable state of mind, and went straight to the kitchen, where ]\Irs. Purcell was busy, as was natural at this time of the day, putting all in order and arranging for the Signor's dinner. The luncheon jNIary Anne was quite ecpial to, but some one was coming to dinner, for whom Mrs. Purcell intended to exercise all her powers. Pick went in with a fierce glow of indignant anima- tion, with his roll of commissions fulfilled and imfulfilled. ' There's no sweetbreads to be had,' he said, ' till Saturday; they'll save you a pair on Saturday, if you send the order with the man when lie comes; but they'll be six-and-six, if 3'^ou think that too dear. (Dear ! I should think it was dear. How much o' that goes to the veal, I wonder, and the man as fed it?) And as for game ! you might as well go a-shooting on tlie slopes ; and what there is bringing its weight in gold. I wouldn't give in, if I was you, to that fashion about grouse. It's all a fashion. Nobody ever thought of grouse in my young days, and coming after they've eat everything as they can set their face to. What should they want with it? Fve brought you the lemons. jNIany a man Avouldn't be seen carrying a bag o' lemons all the way up the hill ; and every- thing's kep' from me, just because Fm too humble- minded, and don't make no stand, nor mind what I do.' 'What's l)ecn kep' from you, Pick?' said Mrs. Purcell, 256 WIIIIIN THE PHECINCTS. pausing in her work to look at liim. Then she added, 'There's been a deal of talking in the study. I've picked up a Avord or two about some woman, for they were going on about She ; and She — but whether it's that Miss Despard, or who it is, John's never said a word to me.' ' It don't need a witch to tell that it's a woman,' said Pick ; but he was relieved. ' That fellow Rowley's been at me, and one of the ladies round the corner ; but they both had so much to say that I got off, and neither the one nor the other found out as I hadn't a notion what they were talking about,* the old man added, with a chuckle. ' It's some new voice, as far as I can make out, as master has got hold of for the Abbey : and quite right too. Tommy Rowley's got a pretty little bit of a voice, and he's only twelve ; but some voices goes sooner than others. The ladies thought as it was a woman ; but that's impossible. They were quite in a way. They said it was uneck — somethin' or other — Dissenting-like, as I took it up — and that the Signor ought to be ashamed of hisself ' ' Master ? ' said Mrs. Purcell, opening her eyes wide ; ' but I hope you didn't stand there and hear them say any harm of the Signor ? ' ' They told me as I was to give him good advice,' saici Pick, still chuckling; ' but all the same, ma'am, I don't think as Mr. John should keep a thing from his mother. Where's the young man as owes as much to his mother as that young man owes to you ? ' ' Not to me, to his own deservings ; he's been a lad that has done credit to everyone as has been kind to him. Pick, and never forgets nobody as has been kind to him ; but he's not the young man he was. He's lost all his smiles and his fun since he had that disappointment. I don't wish Miss Despard no harm, but I wish she had been a hundred miles from here, and my John had never seen her. Young women have a great deal to answer for,' said Mrs. Parcel!, with a sigh. ' Young women haven't much to answer for, so flxr as I'm concerned ; nor master neither, so far I can see,' said Pick, going off to his work with a comfortable consciousness that, this being the case, it did not matter so much about Mr. John. But, if the community was thus stirred in general, words cannot tell the excitement that this strange incident created WHAT FOLLOWED. 257 in the organ-loH;. The Signer told Purcell after, that he could not tell Avhat it was that made him go on when he had come to an end of the 'Pastoral Symphony,' and play 'There were Shepherds.' He had not meant to do it. He had in- tended to make the other thu "finale of his performance. There ■was such a feeling of night in it, the Signor said, the grass growing in the dark, and the stars shining, and the dew coining down. He meant to end there ; he knew I\Ir. Ridsdale ■was a modern man and an opera man, and did not care so very much for Handel. Still he had meant to end with that ; but when it came to the last chords he -was not his own master, and he went on. As for Purcell, there was no need for anyone to tell him whose that voice was. Though he xs'as at the moment helping to ' blow,' he nearly compromised the whole performance by darting to the other side of the organ-loft and gazing down into the darkness to see her. Happily the other man wdio was there, the professional blower, was fciken by no such vagaries, and kept on steadily. ' And I saw her,' Purcell said, ' standing in the moonlight, ■with all the colours of the rainbow about her, like the nimbus round the heads in ]\Ir. Clayton's new window.' The young fellow was quite struck by this sight. He thought it must mean something : he thought even she must be relenting towards himself, and had taken this strange -way of showing it. The Signor was greatly moved too, but he did not take that view of the subject. He was a true artist himself, and he knew that there are impulses which get the better of people who are of this race. He patted his assistant on the arm, and told him not to build on it. But what then could it mean ? young Purcell said ; and it ■was difficult to answer. They both of them came down from their lofty gallery after- Avards in great excitement, and the Signor, confused, received the enthusiastic thanks of his audience. ' What a pleasure you have given us ! ' they said ; ' you have been better than your word. What exquisite playing, and what an exquiriite voice ! You don't mean to say that was a boy, Signor ? ' — They asked llie question, but they all believed, of course, that it was a boy. To think that little Kowley, because it svas dark, and nobody saw him, should have been able to sing like that ! No one suspected the truth except Rollo Kidsdale, who came up to the musician in the dark nave and gripped him by the arm, so that he hurt the sensitive Italian- 258 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. Englishman, whose nerves were all on the surface. ' Did you do it on purpose ? ' RoUo cried, excited too — ' I shall give up the opera and take to oratorios — did you do it on purpose ? ' * Did you do it on purpose ? ' said the Signor, who up to this moment had supposed in his excitement that Ridsdale's coming must have had something to do with it. But after that ques- tion, which Rollo did not distinctly hear, the Signor changed his tone and hid his own astonishment, and accepted the applauses addressed to him on the admirable device by which he had given his hearers a double pleasure. And Purcell and he went home with their heads full of a hundred conjectures. "Who had brought her in ? how did she know of it even ? Old Wykeham had kept his own counsel — he did not know whether he might not be supposed to have taken too much upon him had it been known ; and, though he heard the two musicians talking of this miracle, he threw no light upon it, which he might have done so easily. Who could have told her ? who could have brought her in ? Purcell could not but think that her coming Avas a sign of relenting, that she was thus making a kind of celestial intimation that all was not over. This raised him into a very ecstasy of hope. The Signor had other thoughts. He thought of nothing else all night ; the sympathy and comprehension of an artist filling his mind and driving away the almost dislike with which, after her rejection of his protege^ he had been dis- posed to regard Lottie. Whatever might happen to Purcell here was something which had never happened to himself in his life before. No doubt it had been a sudden impulse, like that which had made her fly trembling and pale with excite- ment, from himself and them all, in the drawing-room of the Deanery. This time the impulse had been the other way, and she had obeyed it. He had subjugated her by waiting her time, and, by what was much more pleasant to think of, the spell of his music, which had gone to her heart. Let it not be supposed that any sentiment about Lottie had begun to creep into the Signer's heart. Young women, as Pick said, had little to answer for as far as he was concerned. He was all artist and not much else ; but, with a glow through his being which answered, let us suppose, to the high throb of .satisfaction which goes through persons who talk about their hearts, he said to himself, ' She shall not escape me this time ! ' He knew more of Lottie than Rollo Ridsdale did. And he "WHAT FOLLOWED. 259 knew that he could make more of her than Rollo could make of her. lie could make of her much more than was dreamed of in Kollo's philosophy. He knew what she needed, and he could give it to her. In his hands, the Signor thought, this simple English girl might rise to the level of the Malibrans, of the Pastas. There should be no one able to stand be- fore her. It is to be feared he was thinking of this more than of the music as he played through King in F, which was the service ior that morning. And he left Purcell to play the voluntary and stole out unobserved, though it was indecorous, before the congregation had dispersed. He threaded through the dim aisles and the cloisters, before Wykeham had time to call atten- tion to him by hobbling after him Avith his jangling keys. He, like Lottie, had resolved to give himself no time to think of it, to do it at once. Ridsdale ! — What a vain fool he was, talking about giving up opera and taking to oratorios ! What could he could do with her, if he had got her ? His manager had re- jected Lottie, and gone oiF after that voice at Milan. What fools they all were ! and what wovdd be the advantage to liidsdale of having this voice untrained on his hands? What could he do with her ? but there was nothing she might not do under the guidance of the Signor. It was still early when he reached the little house : Lottie had not attempted to go out this morning to see the Signor, she was too much shaken by her escapade of last night. How could she have done it ? She, who had loathed the idea of becoming a singer ! She had made a singer of herself by her o-vvn act and deed, and she felt the fiill meaning of what she had done. She had got up early, unable in her excitement to sleep, and tingling still with the consequences of this strange, unpremeditated, unintended self-betrayal. What was it that had made her do it ? She had got her work, and she had placed herself near the window — not so near as to be seen, yet near enough to be able to glance out and see any- one who might be coming that way. There were things to be done in the house, domestic operations of more importance than the needlework. But Lottie said to herself that they could wait — oh, they could wait ! In the meantime what was best was, that she should be ready in case anyone called, ready to see anybody that might come over the road across the sun- shine, in the morning quiet. ' Good night ; but only till to- 8 2 £60 WITHIN THE PRECIN'CTS. morrow ' — what was it that had conveyed to her the con- sciousness that he was there? The Abbey had been dark — she had not been thinking of him — certainly she had not known that he was looked for ; and yet, what but the sense that he was there would have made her do what she had done ? She had sung unwillingly, unwittingly, in spite of herself, because he was there. It all seemed quite plain to Lottie. He it was (she thought) who had first made her aware that this gift of hers was anything worth thinking of; he it was who had first given her the supreme pleasure of consciousness, who had shown to her the happiness she could bestow. Her voice (as she thovight), if after all it was really worth any- thing, if it was the thing he thought it, the thing it sounded like last night — belonged to him. It was his spiritually ; he had discovered it, and revealed it to herself. She had not been aware what she was doing ; but unconsciously it was to him she was singing, when her voice escaped from her : it was a welcome to him — and he had accepted it as his welcome. Lottie gave a glance from her window, and thought she saw someone coming across the broad sunshine in the Dean's Walk. Her heart gave a louder beat — he was coming. She made no mystery now about it ; the preliminaries were all over. He came for her — who else ? he had never concealed it ; he had come for her long ago. She could not tell how long ago it was since he had first caught a glimpse of her at the window. Always since then it had been for her that he came : content at first to watch outside her window ; then, with a lover's ingenuity, finding out ways of race ting her ; then venturing, bold yet timid, always reverential, to her home — and now at length Avhat was coming ? He was coming. And she had Avitlidrawn the veil from her heart, and seen and acknowledged what was there. It was for him she sang : without knowing it, her heart had been aware of his presence ; and now he was coming. Lottie drew back in the shade of the great leaves which garlanded her window. The next moment he would be here But it was only the Signor. THE FOOL S PARADISE. 261 CHAPTER XXVI. THE fool's paradise. The Signer came in with some suppressed excitement about him, which he concealed under an air of perfect calm, but which betrayed itself in the gleam of his eyes and the rapidity of his movements. He saw in a moment that he had bitterly disappointed Lottie, whose countenance changed as she saw him — changed from glowing expectation to that sudden pallor and sickness of departing hope which seems to carry all the life out of a face. He saw it, and he understood ; he had the quickness of perception which belonged to his Italian origin, and he had, as we have said, a great deal that was feminine in him — this among the rest, that he could divine and read the meanings of a face. He saw at once what it was. She had expected, not him, but another. The Signer was very sorry for Lottie. He had been angry, almost spite- fully angry, about her rejection of his favourite pupil ; but slie had made her peace with him last night, and all her offences had been condoned. He was very sorry for her. She had been looking for Eidsdale, and Ridsdale had not come. The Signer felt that he himself Avas a much safer and better visitor for her ; but, all the same, he was sorry for Lottie. He bowed with a depth of respect, which, indeed, he showed to all ladies. He was more of an Itahan than an Englishman in this point ; he was always ceremonious and stately to women, bowing to the ground, taking the hand offered to him reverentially, as if he meant to kiss it. This ceremony gave Lottie a little time to recover herself, and after all it was very early. The voluntary was still sounding from the Abbey (how had the Signer got away so soon ?) and though he had not appeared yet, that was not to say that he was not coming. She took her seat again, with the colour coming back. 'I do not know how to speak to you,' he said; ' hew to thank you for last night ' ' Oh ! so long as you do not think me very presumptuous — very bold. I — could not help it. It was the music that went to my head,' said Lottie, very tremulous, giving a hasty glance at him and then tuining her head away. 262 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. ' It is just because the music goes to your head that I have such high hopes — Miss Despard,' said the Signor ; 'let bygones be bygones, won't you ? and let us be friends.' ' We never quarrelled that I know of,' said Lottie, slightly alarmed ; and, for his part, the Signor was confused, thinking of Purcell, o£ whose misadventure he had, of course, no right to know. * You were not pleased with me,' he said. ' I did not worship your voice as some people do. I told you plainly that you wanted instruction. So you do still. Your voice is lovely, Miss Despard, and you have the soul of an artist. You can forget yourself Little singers never forget them- selves ; they are always in the foreground, seeing their own personality everywhere ; but it is very different with you.' Lottie did not say anything in reply. She felt vaguely that he was giving her praise, but she did not mind. Was that someone coming in below ? but it was only Captain Des- pard returning in after matins. The Signor, always so quick, felt again the flutter in her, and knew what her expectation was. ' You were once very angry with me for making a — an application to you. You thought I meant to be disrespect- ful? Ah, no. I could not fail of respect to a lady. Miss Despard ; but I saw in you what I see still more clearly now.' ' Signor ! ' said Lottie, rousing herself up to seize the opportunity, with a bewildered feeling that it Avas right to do it, that if she did not do it now, she never might ; and, finally, that to do it might propitiate fate and make it unnecessary to be done — ' Signor — let me tell you first. I went to the Abbey yesterday on purpose to see you, to say to you ah, here is someone coming to interrupt us.' ' Yes, there is someone coming to interrupt us,' cried the Signor almost bitterly ; this time there coiild be no doubt who it was ; ' but first, one word before he comes. You were coming to tell me that you consented — that you would be my pupil ? ' She could scarcely pay any attention to him, he saw. What a thing to think of, that a girl like this, a woman with genius, should let an empty-headed coxcomb come between her and all that was worth caring for, between her and Art ! She gave him a confused, half-guilty look, which seemed like THE fool's paradise. 263 a confession of weakness, and nodded only in reply. Nodded ! when a proposal was made to hei' such as the Muse might have made to her chief iavourite, when the gates of the Palace of Art were being rolled open wide to admit her. In that moment, Lottie, all pre-occupied by the advent of a mere man of fashion, in music not more than a charlatan, in honour not much to brag of, gave her consent to the aiTange- ment which was to iashion her life by — a nod. Heaven and earth ! what a demonstration of female folly ! Could the Signer be anything but vexed ? He could hardly restrain his impatience, as Kollo came in, all ea^er and smiling, easy and cordial, even to himself. The Signor, though he was as innocent of sentiment as old Pick, looked like nothing in the world so much as a scared, jealous, and despairing lover, ■watching, in spite of himself, the entrance of the conquering hero, for whom all the songs were sung and all the welcomes said. ' 1 might have known I shovdd find Rossinetti here,' said Polio, * as he is an earlier bird than I am. Where could we all flock this morning but here ? You have been thanking Miss Despard for her divine singing last night. My life, what singing it was ! I have never heard anything like it. Miss Despard, I have come to announce to you my conversion. I abjure opera as I abjure the pope. Henceforward Handel is my creed — so long as you are his interpreter,' he added, sinking his voice. ' Yes,' said the Signor. ' Miss Despard will sing very well if she works ; but we are fiir yet Irom the highest ex- cellence of Avhich such a voice as hers is capable. I will take my leave now. Perhaps you have a friend who Avould bring you to my house ? that would be the best. No doubt I could come here ; but if you will come to my house, my piano is a very good one, and that would be the best. Don't think it is anything to bo remarked ; my pupils constantly do it. They bring a maid Avith them, or, if it is needful, I send for Mrs. , for my housekeeper. My young ladies are most imflatteringly at their ease with me.' ' You are going to take lessons ? ' Polio asked quickly. * I congratulate you, Possinetti. My good fellow, you are a great genius, and I know very little, but I never was so envious of you before. All the same you know lessons are — teaching is — well, we must admit, not much more than » 264 WITHIN THE PRECIITCTS. pretence in the present case. The habit of singing, that is all Miss Despard wants.' * You must pardon me that I don't agree with you,' tlie Signor said, somewhat stiffly. ' Miss Despard does not want flattery from me. She Avill get plenty of that by and by ; but she does want teaching, sema complhnenti, and that she shall have if she will take it. It rests with her whether or not she will take it. If she does take it as I would have her do — then,' said the Signor, with a gleam in his eyes of sup- pressed enthusiasm, ' then I flatter myself ' Eollo was provoked. Though he was very sweet-tem- pered, he did not like to be crowed over in thi-., way, and his pleasant hyperbole flattened out ; besides, there is something in the presence of a young woman which makes men, ever so slightly pitted against each other, pugnacious. Pie laughed. * I see,' he said, ' you won't flatter Miss Despard, Eossinetti, but you flatter yourself.' ' I will send you word about hours,' said the Signor hastily. ' I beg your pardon, I did not quite catch your last observation. Good morning, Miss Despard. To-morrow or after to-morrow I shall hope to begin.' 'Good-bye, for the moment; we shaU meet later,' said Eollo, with a smile and a nod, turning to open the door for his — not rival certainly, but competitor. He opened the door and closed it behind the Signor with quite unnecessary atten- tion, his face full of suppressed laughter and malicious satis- faction. Eollo felt that he remained master of the field. He came back to where Lottie, agitated and happy, was sitting, rubbing his hands with triumph. ' The Signor is an excel- lent musician, but he is a prig, Miss Despard, if you will permit the word ; and now that we have got rid of him,' said Eollo, dropping into that other seat beside her, let me say ' What did he say ? Lottie remembered most of the words for years and years. When she heard the soimd of them again in other conversations, in sentences that had no relation to her, from otlier people, and even addressed to other people, she would hold her breath. Foolish girl ! they were well- worn words, such as perhaps every woman possessing such a gifr., or even a much smaller gift than Lottie's, has heard to weariness; but the most common approbation, which aiter- wards becomes the mere accompaniment and petty murmur THE fool's paradise. 2G5 of existence, one lime in one's life is divine — as he told her her voice was, as he let her infer she too was, and everything about her, Lottie was not used to anything like flattery. Even in the best of circumstances, fathers and brothers are seldom enthusiastic ; and kind Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, though she had given her countenance to Kowley's lessons, did not in the least conceal that she was bored by them ; and the tenor was a great deal too much occupied with his own voice, and the compliments that had been paid to him, to leave him much time for complimenting his pupil. It was true that the Signor's wish to teach her was of itself the essence of flattery ; but he never had given her any credit for her singing, and always had seen the faults of it. So that it was KoUo who had first revealed to her that heaven of praise which is so doubly sweet to the neophyte when it is supposed to be not her excellence, but his love, which inspires it. Lottie had nc^ defence against the enthusiasm, the admiration, the rhapsodies of her companion. If they were excessive, that was not be- cause he was failing in truth, but only abounding in love. So she thought. The very atmosphere around her turned into happiness. Her eyes were dazzled with it. She could not look at him nor lift her face except in momentary sudden glances, so much was the air full of this suffused, subdued,, but penetrating glory. And, strangely enough, though he did not feel half so much as she supposed him to feel, Kollo him- self was moved by this something in the air which rayed out from her ex(iuisite dawn of bliss and of love. He said naturally a great deal more than he intended — and, what was more wonderful, he felt a great deal more than he could hav& supposed possible — and without the least purpose or thought, dropped moment by moment deeper and deeper into that curious kind of rapture which is tolerably well expressed by the phrase, falling in love. Keason had noting to do with it^ nor intention ; and he had not come here driven by a passion which was more strong than he was, as Lottie thought. But, nevertheless, whether it was the magnetic influence of that sentiment in her which he had called forth without knowing it, and which now touched him with sympathetic life : or the more commonplace result of her beauty, and of their close propinquity and her loneliness, and the generous impulse of protection and kindness that was in him : certain it is that all Lottie's ideas of him realised themselves in the young man's 266 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. mind in the most miraculous way. He had always been, all his friends knew, ridiculously sympathetic all his life. Never before had it taken this precise form ; but then, never before had Eollo met with the same combination of circumstances. He had flirted with a great many people, and foolish girls, who were not prudent enough to remember his younger brotherhood and impecunious position, had liked his company and been very willing to roam along the first beginnings of the primrose path by his side ; but nothing more than the liglitest exchanges of sentiment had ever come to pass. And then he had believed of several women that they were ' making a set' at him, and desiring to ' catch ' him. No degree of younger brotherhood, no amount of impecuniosity, will prevent a man from thinking that some woman or other is trying to ' catch ' him ; but never in all his life had Rollo come across a creature like Lottie, simply, solemnly, gratefully convinced that he was in love with her. Lottie had not been in love with him Avhen she thought she found this out. But her certainty as to Jus sentiments had been absolute. And now this certainty was realising itself. It was a very difEerent thing from the love which points directly and, as a matter of course, to the natural conclusion. He thought of nothing of the kind. He did not choose her out of all the world, as Lottie thought. But it came to very much the same thing as they sat together, talking about everything, dropping into mutual confidences, wasting the sweet autumnal morning. Lottie knew that all her domestic businesses were waiting for her, but did not care. And Rollo knew that, if he were questioned as to where he had been, he would have to invent an explanation other than the true one. But what did this matter ? They sat and talked, forgetting even music, which was the one thing hitherto Avhicli had occupied them when together. He did not ask her to sing to him, Avhich was a thing which made Lottie very happy, notwithstanding that it was his admiration of her voice only which had made her recognise and be glad of that possession. She had sung for him gladly, but now she was more pleased not to be asked to sing. What did they want with music ? It Avould be hard to describe how well tliey came to ki.jw each other during that long morning's talk. He tol'i her about himself, and she told him about herself, and thus tliey skimmed over very dangerous ground as to the beginning of their own acquaintance. Lottie, with a girl's TiiK fool's pahadise. 267 shrinking from premature avowal, Imrried over that point lest he might perhaps tell her how he had seen her, and dreamed ot" her, long before he dared claim acquaintance. Poor Lottie ! but for that ibnd delusion she might have heard the real cause of his first eagerness to make her acquaintance, and been disenchanted. But what would it have mattered? By this time, things had gone too far to make it an advantage to her now to be undeceived. This was the beginning of the time which was the crown and flower of life to Lottie Despard. Deceived, and yet not deceived ; creating really the sentiment which she believed in, yet not as she believed it ; she herself all simple and trustful, impassioned in everything she undertook, then and there, to the last fibre of her being, gave her heart to Rollo Ridsdale — loved him, believing herself as fully justified as ever woman was, by the possession of his love, to bestow her own ; and bestowing it purely, freely, without doubt or arriere petisee. His rank and the pleasure of thinking that someone out of the world above her, the world which she aspired to, and felt herself to belong to, was seeking her, had dazzled Lottie at the first ; — but by this time it did not matter to her who or what Rollo was. Sometimes even, she thought that she would prefer him to be more on her own level : then stopped and re- proved herself proudly for wanting to take anything from him who deserved everything. His position as a patrician, his supposed wealth (how was Lottie to know that such a man, possessing everything, could be just as poor, and perhaps not much more honourable in respect to debt and such matters, than her lather?), the grace and nobleness of all his surround- ings, were part of his nature, slie thought in her simplicity. To shut him up in small rooms, confine him to the limited horizon of common life, and its poor little routine of duties, would be to take something from Rollo ; and she did not want to take anything from him, rather to add any honour and glory that might be wanting. She did not know how long or how short a time they had been together on that wonderl'ul morning before they first began to talk (as Lottie said) like friends. It lasted no more than a moment, and yet it was a new life all luminous and great, throwing the twenty years of the other life which had preceded it, entirely into shade. She liad to stand still to steady herself and accustom her eyes to the ordinary atmosphere when he went away. Everything 268 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. was changed. Her head went round. She did not know how to go doAvnstairs (too late, much too late!) and look after the household matters which she had postponed ; and when she did go to them, went hazily like one in a dream. What a change had come upon life ! Yesterday, even Rollo was no more than a distant vision of possibilities to her ; now she seemed to know him thoroughly, to know all about him ; to feel that she could tell him whatever might happen, that it would be natural to confide everything to him — everything ! her heart threw wide open its doors. She did not think even that he might wonder to find himself so entirely received into her life. Lottie had none of tihe experience which the most ordinary encounter with the world, which even ball-room tattle and the foolish commerce of flirtations give. She came to this first chapter, all innocent and original in heart and thought, with the frankness as well as the timidity of a nature unalarmed and (in this kind) knowing no evil. Love was to her an angel, the first of the angels — inspiring awe, but no terror. She went to her work feelingasif she walked to some noble strain of music. Nothing could irritate her, nothing put her out. That evening Lottie went out upon the slopes in the dusk to breathe the evening air and give herself that fresher, sweeter medium for her dreams. Law was out, the Captain was out as usual ; and the little house was very still with only Mary in the kitchen (for most of her time hanging about the back entrance looking for the baker), and Lottie upstairs. Some- how to-night Lottie did not wait for Captain Temple, who had constituted himself her escort, but as soon as it began to be really evening stole out by herself and made her way quickly up the Dean's Walk, not anxious to join anyone. She wanted to be alone fbr her thoughts. It was not that the slightest idea of meeting Eollo entered into her mind — how should it ? The dinners at the Deanery were not like the afternoon meal in the Chevaliers' lodges, out of which all the inhabitants streamed as soon as that was over, to get the good of the summer night. Sunwner — for, though it was be- ginning to be autumn, it was still summer — warm, soft, delicious evenings with so much dusk in them, and misty sweetness. Lottie wanted nothing at tliat moment of dreamy happiness but silence and her own thoughts ; more, however, was in store for her. The deanery dinner was a family THE fool's paradise. 2G9 dinner that evening, and Avliile the Dean read the evening paper, and Lady Caroline put up her feet on tlie sofa, what was a young man to do ? He said he would go over to the Signor's and talk music and smoke a cigar; and tiie elder people, though they were fond of Eollo, were not sorry to be rid of him. He wanted, perhaps, to enjoy his triumph over the Signer, or to find out what his plans were and expectations of Lottie's voice ; or, perhaps, only he wanted a little variety, feeling the company of his venerated relations too much pleasure. But, though he was not so full of dreams as Lottie, something of the same charmed mood was in his mind. And when caprice made him take the turn up to the slopes also, instead of going the other way through the cloisters to the musician's house — and when the two caught sight of each other, they both started with genuine surprise, and there was on Lottie's side even a little alarm. She was too shy to beg him in so many words to go away, but it was only the want of courage which kept her from saying so. It was too much; it did not seem right to meet him again ; but then Lottie reflected that to the merest acquaintance she was bound to be polite. Mr. Kidsdale had the same thought. He was unfeignedly delighted to see her, finding this way of escape from all possi- bility of dulness much more complete than he thought ; but yet he felt that perhaps a second encounter so soon, and in a place open to all eyes, might be dangerous ; notwithstanding, what could a man do ? He was bound to be civil. He could not run away from a lady when he met her, simply because he admired her — a reason, on the contrary, to keep him by her side. So they took a stroll together, this way and that way, from one end to the other : it was not a very long way. He told her that he was going to the Signor's, and she accepted the explanation very demm-ely, notwithstanding the fact that the Signor lived on the lower side of the Deanery and this was on the upper side ; and she told him that she had only just come out, having missed Captain Temple, who would appear presently : — ' He is my usual companion — he is very old, the oldest of all the Chevaliers — and he is very, very kind to me.' Each accepted what the other thus said with a kind of solemnity ; and they made two turns up and down, stopping now and then to look out upon the plain so broad and blue, with the soft autumn mists hangincr on the horizon. •At * Season of mists and mellow fruitf uluess,' Kollo said ; and 270 -WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. they stood still and gazed, foUomng the river in its silvery windings, and silent as if their minds were absorbed in these atmospheric influences and that dusky bridal of the earth and sky. When Captain Temple came up Rollo asked to be in- troduced to him, and was very civil. ' Miss Despard has been waiting for you, and I have kept her company,' he said, so that the old Captain thanked him civilly, if a little stiffly ; and then the two turned their backs upon each other, Rollo hastening down to the cloisters to keep, as he said, his appoint- ment, and Lottie turning away without so much as a parting glance, without shaking hands. Captain Temple, alarmed at first, took heart, and thought it was nothing but politeness when he saw how they parted. ' You were quite right, my dear, quite right to wait, and I am much obliged to Mr, Ridsdale; I cannot think how I missed you.' Lottie did not make a direct reply, but compelled herself to talk, and very demurely, with much praise of the lovely night, went with him home. If Captain Temple had but known ! i\nd after this how many meetings there were, so happily accidental, so easily explainable, and yet requiring no such explanation ! How Avell they began to know each other's habits and each other's likings; and how sweet were all the dewy misty paths in that fool's paradise! or on the slopes, if you prefer it; it does not matter much about a name. CHAPTER XXVH. A TERRIBLE INTERRUPTION. While the time went on in this dream for Lottie it did not stand still with the rest of the world. Her absorption in her own affairs, which for the moment had become complete, and withdrew her thoughts from much that had previously occu- pied them, was very agreeable to her father and brother. Lottie had exercised no control that she was aware of upon her father; but now that her keen eyes were veiled with dreams, and her mind abstracted from what was going on rcund her, it is inconceivable how much more free and at his ease the Captain felt. He had a jauntier air than ever, when A TERRIBLE INTERRUPTION. 271 ho walked down into the town after he was released from matins ; and he ciime in later at night. Captixin Despard's doings at this time were much talked of in the lodges. He had never been approved by his brother Chevaliers. The old gentlemen felt that this younger man, with bis jauntiness and his love of pleasure, was no credit to them ; and if the gossip was true about his intentions, some of them thought that something oughtto bedone. The ladies were still more indig- nant. They were threatened in their dignity more than their hus- bands were. An officer was an officer, whatever happened; but if this man, who was in himself so objectionable, should bring in a dressmaker girl among them, it was the Chevaliers' wives who wovild be the suffei'ers. The gentlemen thought vaguely that ■something should be done ; but the ladies were for carrying it to Parliament, or to the Queen herself. Was there not some old statute forbidding a Chevalier to marry ? If there was not, there ought to be, Mrs. O'Shaughnessy said, with a twinkle in her eye. There was nobody, indeed, so much aggrieved as Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, who lived next door, and was already intimate with the family ; and though there were times when she made a joke of it, there were also times when she was ready to go to the Queen on the subject. ' If there isn't a law there ought to be one ! ' INIrs. O'Shaughnessy declared. ' What do they want with Avives at their age, if they haven't got 'em already ? D'ye think I'd like to hear of me Major with a second, and me not cold in my grave ? ' It was suggested that the Chevaliers should ' speak to * this dangerous member of their corporation ; but the old gentlemen, it was found, did not care to undertake this. Who would do it ? There was not one of them who could use the privilege of friendship with this flighty, dissipated fellow, who was young at fifty to the other veterans ; and they had not the same confidence in the efficacy of ' speaking to ' a culprit which the ladies had. So the little world within the Precincts looked on in great perturbation, sorry for Lottie, but still more sorry for them- .selves, whose credit was threatened by this danger. And jauntier and jauntier grew the Captain. He wore his hat more and more over his left ear — he got a new tie, louder and brighter than any that had ever been seen in the Pre- cincts. His new suit was of a larger stripe. Altogether, 272 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. things were ripening for some new event. Something was going to happen ; everybody felt it, in the air, in the heaviness of the autumn weather. Lottie's proceedings, which might otherwise have given much anxiety to the community, were veiled by the interest attaching to her father's; which, indeed, was well for Lottie, who was not at all times quite aAvare what she Avas doing, or where her steps were tending, as she walked and wandered — not in her sleep, but in her dreams. There was another who took advantage of Lottie's abstrac- tion, and that was Law. He had begun by going quite regularly to Mr. Ashford, ' reading,' as it was called, with the Minor Canon, whom he liked, and who was kind to him, and sharing the instructions which were being given to young Uxbridge, the son of the Canon. For a little while there had been gloom and consternation in this young man's home because of Law. He was not a companion for her boy, Mrs. Uxbridge thought; but when this was sviggested to the Minor Canon he smiled so grimly, and answered with such uncom- promising brutality, that, of course, he could have no possible objections to yomig Mr. Uxbridge's removal, that the mother nearly fainted, and Mr. Uxbridge himself, a large and stately person, had to stammer forth an apology. There was a dan- gerous gleam in Ashford's eye, enough to appal the Chapter, notwithstanding his inferiority to them, and there was nothing for it but to let him have his way. And for a week or two Law was exemplary — he allowed that for the first time in his life he could feel he was getting on ; he became what he called ' thick ' with Uxbridge, who took him out boating and cricketing; and so far all went well. But when Lottie's vigilance all at once relaxed — when she began to steal out herself, and come in with her eyes all dazzled and dreamj', ■often not knowing when she was spoken to, taking so much less heed than usual of other people's proceedings, Law's industry began to llag. Sometimes he ' shirked ' altogether ; very often he never looked at his books, except under Mr. Ashford's eye. He made Uxbridge idle too, who was but too much disposed to take a bad example. Uxbridge had a boat of his own, and they went on the river for days together Sometimes a cricket match ended in a dinner, to which Law would be invited with his friend. He got into better com- pany, but it is doubtful whether this was much to the A TERRIBLE INTERRUPTION. 27iJ advantage of his morals, and it certainly was not at all to the advantage of his studies. The Minor Canon remon- strated, and Lottie would now and then wake up and make an appeal to him. ' Are you Avorking, Law ? I hope you are working. Does Mr, Ashford think you are getting on ? ' she would say. But these were not like the energetic protests of old. And when Law answered that he was getting on pretty well, hut that old Ashford didn't say much — it wasn't his way — Lottie accepted the reply, and asked no more questions. And Law accord- ingly took ' his fling,' being lelt free on all sides. Why shouldn't he take his fling? The others were doing it — even Lottie ; did she think he was blind not to see how often that fellow Ridsdale was spooning about, and how mnny more walks she took than she used to .' Captain Temple got tired of coming for her. Very often she had gone before he came — and would run back breathless, and so sorry to have missed him. What did all that mean if not that Lottie was taking her fling too ? And his father — Captain Despard — was speed- ing very quickly towards such a thing as Avould startle the whole town, not to speak of the Abbey. It would be hard if Law were the only one to have his nose kept to the grind- stone ; and this, we may be sure, was the last thing he meant to allow. As for Lottie, she carried on the business of her life in a way. The house did not suffer — the dinner was always punctual, and the stockings mended, notwithstanding dreams. She found time, indeed, for more actual occupation than before. She went to the Signor's — Mrs. O'Shaughnessy generally, but sometimes Captain Temple, going with her when she went for her lessons — and she went to the Abbey more frequently than she had been used to do. These lessons were moments of excitement for the Signor's household. When it was the old Captain who accompanied Miss Despard, iMrs. PurcoU was had in from her room, where she sat e.xpectant among her jam cupboards ; and profound was her interest. She sjit near the door hemming some dusters, while the lesson went on ; but sometimes would drop her work and cross her hands, and raise her eyes to the dusky heaven of the ceiling. ' bear, bless me ! ' said the housekeeper, ' that was a note ! ' for she had learned a little about music afler all her T 274 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. experiences. Her son rarely made his appearance at all ; he Avould loiter about the passage and catch a glimpse of Lottie US she went in or out, and sometimes he would come in sud- denly very red and agitated, to turn over the music or look for some song that was wanted. Lottie was very anxious always to be friendly to him ; but though these lessons seemed to poor young Pur cell the things which chiefly made life desirable, yet he was not sufficiently at his ease to make any reply to her greeting except by a deeper blush and an embarrassed bow. And very often — so often that the Signor had almost wound himself up to the point of remonstrating, and old Pick had been charged to say that his master was engaged, and that no one could enter — RoUo Ridsdale would stray in by accident and form one of the party. It was very strange that, though old Pick had orders so precise, yet EoUo somehow always got in. How was it ? ' I don't know myself,' old Pick would say, with a grin ; ' he's the perseveringest gentleman I ever see — and awful fond of music. It must cost him a deal,' Pickering said. Eollo strolled in sometimes at the beginning, before due precautions had been taken, sometimes near the end, when they were relaxed. He made himself very agreeable. As for Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, she was his slave and she Avas quite per- suaded by this time that she herself was nearly connected with the Courtland family, and that Rollo's uncle — or was it a cousin ? — had been not only the Major's but her own dearest friend. Captain Temple, when he was the chaperon, was more suspicious ; but, notwithstanding his objection to young men, and especially to Honourables, in connection with young women, Rollo ended by making the old Chevalier his friend. Ho had the gift of disarming prejudice — being kind himself by nature, and of a friendly disposition, such as makes friends. And Rollo was very careful under the eyes of all these keen observers. He confined himself to music. He looked un- utterable things ; but he did not speak the applause that was implied in his looks. He said only, ' I nuist not say anything. Miss Despard — I dare not, for Rossinetti ; but I think the more.' Lottie did not want him to applaud her. It was enough for her that he heard her ; but it was only when he was there that she did herself full justice. And it is not to be supposed ijiat the Signor was ignorant of the changed tone in her voice A TKHRIBLE INTERRUPTION. 275 ■wliich showed when he appeared. It was too great a vexation to him to be ignored. Art, luire art, was not as yet, if it ever would be, the spring of Lottie's life. It was ' that fellow.' Her voice grew softer and more exquisite, full of pathos and meaning — her notes more liquid and sweet. If the Signor had been RoUo's rival in reality he could scarcely have been more annoyed — he Avhose aspiration was to make a true artist of this creature, to whom heaven had given so glorious a medium of expression, but who as yet knew nothing about art. Thus September stole away. Never before had Eidsdale been so long at the Deanery. He gave sometimes one reason and sometimes another for his delay. It was very convenient for him, as the place was central, and he was often obliged to run lip to town to see after business connected with the Opera. His company meant to open their house in spring ; and the manager being in Italy, there was a gi-eat deal to do which fell upon Rollo. lie had invitations without number, but he neglected them all. So long as his aunt would have him there was no place so convenient for him as the Deanery. And Lady Caroline was very willing to have him. She had always been kind to him. If her feelings had been strong enough to justify anyone in considering himself her favourite, then Kollo might have done so. She had always been kind; and a habit of kindness is as good as any other habit, and is the best pledge of continuance. And she liked in a way to have him there. He never gave her any trouble — noAV and then he succeeded in something that was very like amusing her. And he no longer demanded of her that she should in- vite Miss Despard daily, or trouble herself witli the other people who sang. Two or three times only during the month did he ask for an invitation for the cjirl in whose voice he was so much interested. And he was very domestic — triumphantly disproving all the stories that had been told of him. He never cared to dine anywhere but at home while he was at the Deanery — he did not care for company. He was a very nice companion for the Dean at dinner, and after dinner he would stroll out and smoke a cigar. If he gave trouble at Courtland it was only. Lady Caroline thought with gentle complacency, because they did not know how to manage him ; for anyone more ha[)py to be quiet she never saw. And thus September passed ; the partridges did not tempt him away, t2 276 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. any more than the grouse had done. He did not care, he de- clared, about sport of any kind. Music and books, and hi& stroll of an evening on the slopes to smoke his cigar — these were all the virtuous amusements Rollo desired — with these he was as happy as the day was long. And in October^ Augusta, coming home from her bridal tour, was to visit her mother, and there would be a little society once more at the Deanery. It came to be understood that Rollo would stay for this. It would be something to make amends to him for the quiet of the past. October began : it was a beautiful autumn ; the trees on the slopes were all red and yellow, like painted trees, and the face of the country brilliant with sunshine. Everything was smooth and fair Avithout and within, so far as appearances went ; and, had there been no results to follow, little excep- tion could have been taken to the proceedings of the persons concerned in this history, who were each and all following their own pleasure and doing what seemed good in their own eyes. The Captain was perhaps the most safe and most virtuous of the whole, seeing that there was no reason why he should not marry PoUy if he desired very much to do so, except that it would make his children uncomfortable and disturb the equanimity of his brother Chevaliers and their belongincs. But he was in no way bound to consider the dignity of his brethren in the order, neither was he required by any law to sacrifice his own comfort for that of his son and daughter — both of them quite capable of taking thought for themselves. He may, therefore, be left out of the question ; for, whether for good or evil, he was doing nothing more than he had a right to do. But in the case of the others : how pleasant would this episode of life have been had there been no consequences to follow ! It was a most charming episode in the experience of Eollo Ridsdale. He was not a vicious man, but yet he had never been so virtuous, so free of evil, in all his consciousness before — his chief companion a perfectly pure-minded girl, his chief occupation to explore and study her fresh young heart and imagination, and vigorous intellifrent nature. If only it could all go on to some as perfect conclusion, there could be no doubt that it was good for the speculative man of fashion. It restored him, body and soul — regular hours, quiet, all the most luxurious comforts of life, and the delight and exhilaration of a romance to amuse the mental and senti- A TERRIBLE INTERRUPTION'. 277 mental side of him. The cleverest doctor that ever existed could not have recommended a more admirably curative pro- cess — if only there had been no responsibilities involved and nothing painful to follow. And Law — if Law had only had the prospect of a small estate, a small inheritance at the end, enough to live on, what a perfectly pleasant 'time' he was having ! He was doing no harm, only boating, cricketing, beginning now as the season went on to think of football — none of them wicked pursuits : if only there had been no ex- aminations to think of, no work of life to prejiare for, Lottie was the least to blame of the three ; the consequences did not trouble her. She might perhaps be allowing herself to be absorbed too much by the new and wonderful influence which had taken possession of her : the vita nuova might have be- come too entirely the law of her being ; but well or ill she still did her duty, and her realisation of the result was perfectly simple. What but one thing could all this lead to? No doubt invaded Lottie's inexperienced mind; how could she doubt that Rollo loved her ? AVhat proof was wanting that man could give ? They had not yet spoken of that love, though they had several times approached to the very verge of an explanation, from which generally it was she who slirank with a shy prolonging of that delicious imcertainty AvhichAvas no uncertainty at all. How could Lottie have any doubt? It was not necessary even for her to say to herself that he Avas good and true. True! — she no more thought of false- hood than Eve had thought of the serpent before he hissed his first question into her ear. She did not understand what lying meant, practical lying of this kind. She let the sweet current sweep her on with many a heart-beat ; but why should ehe be distrustful of it? What could love lead to but happi- ness ? Lottie could not think of anything more. And thus the time went on. Augusta Huntington (Mrs. Daventry) was coming home Avith her husband in a day or tAvo ; and though Lottie thought she Avould be glad to see her old friend, she had a little secret fear of anything noAV hap- pening. All Avas very Avell as it Avas. To meet Ivollo acci- dentally as he smoked his cigar on the slopes Avould not be so easy if his cousin were at the Deanery. He Avould not bo nlile to get out so easily, and probably she Avould find a great jnany new Avays of employing him Avhicli Avould take him out of Lottie's Avay. She did not like to look forward to it; and 278 WITHIN THE PEECINCTS. after Augusta's visit Eollo too would go away. It would be almost winter, and he could not stop any longer. All the shooting and the deer stalking and the round of visits to great people, on which he ought to be going, he had given up for her. What could the reason be but for her? The thought that this moment of happiness Avas approaching an end, was sad to Lottie, even though it should, as was natural, be followed by greater happiness still. How her dull life had flowered and blossomed out, made beautiful by the thought that he was near her, this man who loved her — who had loved her long before she had loved him, but whom now she too — ! He was near, she remembered every morning when she woke ; some time in the day she Avould be sure to see him — nay, half-a-dozen times in the day, if only strolling down the Dean's Walk looking at her window, and in the Abbey, and perhaps, while she took her lesson, listening to her with soft eyes; perhaps walking home with her; perhaps just turning round that old elm-tree on the slopes as she came out for her even- ing walk ; always looking for her so eagerly, seeking her, with a hundred little tender cares, and something in his eyes which was more than all. Could it be possible to be happier than now? She was keeping off the eclaircissement with delicious shy malice, running away from it, prolonging a little longer, and a little longer, this happy uncertainty. Some time, how- ever, it must come, and then no doubt she would be more happy — though not with such happiness as this. On one of those lovely russet-coloured afternoons, full of haze made golden by the sunshine, already turning to the west, Lottie, Avalking up St. Michael's Hill, towards the Abbey, had seen a fly driving along the street Avhich had caught her eye as she passed. She knew it very well ; it was Jobling's fly — a nice respectable clean cab, looking for all the world like a shabby Avell-dressed man in a frock coat and high hat. There are many shabby respectable well-preserved things which resemble each other. The reason why this neat and clean vehicle caught her eye was that the man who Avas driving it wore a white wedding-favour, which is a thing which no person of twenty can see without remark. Lottie, like otlicrs of her age, Avas half amused, half interested, and could not help Avondering Avho it was. It was going to the railway, and someone looked out hastily as Lottie passed, looking at her, the girl thought, Avithdrawing as A TKHRIBLE INTERRUPTION'. 279 hastily again when she was seen to turn her eyes way. AV'ho could it be ? Lottie thought she would ask Law, who knew all the news, who had been married ; but she had for- gotten all about it long before she saw Law. She had too many things to think of and to do, to remember so small a matter as that ; and Law did not come in till late. When he did come they took their simple supper together amicably, not saying much ; but she forget the question. Now that Lottie did not bully him they were very good friends. They said a few friendly words to each other, and that was all, and then they bade each other good-night. They were all alone, the Caj)t;iin having left home for a few days, and had a very good opportunity for talk. But Lottie did not seize the o^iportimity to put disagreeable questions. She was altogether so much more amicable than she had been used to be. Three days after. Captain Despard was to come home. It did not disturb Lottie that Captain Temple questioned her very closely as to where her father had gone. ' Was he alone, do you know ? ' the old man said. ' Alone ? Oh, yes, I suppose so,' said Lottie. What did it matter? She could see Eollo behind the old beech-tree. Of course it was a draw- back that the Captain should be with her so often, but it pleased the kind old man ; they met and they had their little talk, which perhaps was all the more unlike the common intercourse of earth that worlds of meaning had to be trusted to a tone, to a sudden meeting in the dusk (when you could see nobody. Captain Temple said) of two pairs of eyes : and when all is unutterable is not this as good a way of utterance as any? And then Lottie said she go home. Papa was coming home. He had been gone three days. As they went back the old Captain was more and more kind to Lottie. He kept her at the door for a moment with her hand between his two old kind hands. ' My dear, don't be afraid to send for me or to come to me when you want anything — my wife and I will always be ready to be of use to you. You will not forget, Lottie? ' ' Oh, no. Captain Temple,' slie said : ' You are always so kind to me : how could I forget ? ' And she went in smiling to herself, won- dering what he could think she would want. But he was always kind, as kind as a father ; far, far kinder than her own father, she could not but remember, with a little shrug of her shoulders. Had papa come in ? Mary said ' No,' and Lottie 280 WITHIN TUE PRECINCTS. went into the little dining-room to see that the si;pper was prettily arranged. There was nothing more than cold meat, and cheese, and bread and butter ; but the bouquet in the middle, Avhich was made up of brilliantly-coloured leaves, was pretty ; and the white tablecloth and the plates and glasses looked bright. In her happiness she began to sing softly as she pulled the leaves into a prettier form in the long clear glass they were grouped in. The lamp was lighted, the table was bright, the door stood open. Lottie, through her singing, heard steps coming up the pavement outside, and voices. All of a sudden she paused, thinking she heard her lather's voice. Who could he be bringing Avith him, without any preparation ? She cast a hasty glance at the beef, and saw with satisfaction that there would be enough for a stranger; enough, but not perhaps too much — he might have let her know. Then she heard his voice quite close to the window, which Avas open, for the night was warm for October — ' Look in, and you Avill see her,' he said. ' Oh, I know her very well,' said another voice, with a laugh. Lottie turned round, with her heart beating, towards the window, where something white was visible. What could it mean ? — was it a woman ? — a woman with her father at this hour of the evening ? She grew pale, she could not tell why, and gazed first at the window, then at the door, with a flutter of tears which she could not understand. How foolish it was ! ' Come in — this way — don't be afraid ! The passage is narrow and the house is small, but there is plenty of room for happiness when once you are in it,' said her father's voice in the doorway, coming through the little crooked hall. Then the door was pushed wide open, and he came in leading someone by the hand. It was a woman very gaily dressed, with a mountain of brown hair and a white bonnet perched upon it, who laughed, but was nervous too ; upon whom Lottie gazed with Avondering eyes and blanched cheeks. Who was this Avhom he Avas bringing in Avithout warning, without notice? The Captain Avas very jaunty ; his hat Avas still on his head over his left ear. He had a bunch of violets somcAvhat crushed in his coat. He smiled a smile Avhich was rather ghastly as Lottie gazed, struck dumb with the horror of Avhat Avas coming. ' Mrs. Despard,' he said Avith a flourish, * let me present you Avith a ready-made daughter. Lottie, my child, come here and Avelcome your ncAV mamma.' THE captain's WIFE. 281 CHAPTER XXVIII. THE captain's wife. Lottie could do nothing but stand bewildered and gaze at this new claimant of her regard. Surprise took all the mean- ing, all the intelligence out of her face. She stood with her eyes wide open, her lips dropping apart. Her new mamma ! She had the indescribable misfortune of not being able to think upon her own mother with any reverence or profound affection. Mrs. Despard Avas but ' poor mamma ' to her — no more. Lottie could not shut her eyes to the deficiencies o£ that poor woman, of whom the best that could be said was that she was dead, and beyond the reach of blame. There was no cherished and vaunted idea, therefore, to be outraged; but perhaps all the more Lottie's soul rose up in rebellion against the title as applied to anyone else. She had known what was coming, and yet she was as entirely taken by sur- prise as if this idea had never been suggested to her. With eyes suddenly cleared out of all the dazzling that had clouded them, she looked at the woman thus brought in upon her — this intruder, who, however, had more right to be there than even Lottie had — the Captain's wife. If this event had hap- pened a month or two ago, while she retained all her natiu-al vigour, no doubt, foolish as it Avas, Lottie would have made some show of resistance. She would have protested against the sudden arrival. She Avould have withdrawn from company so undesirable. She would have tried, however absurd it might have been, to vindicate herself, to hold the new comer at arm's length. But this had all become impossible now. At no other moment could she have been so entirely taken by surprise. All the apprehensions about her father which had been communicated to her on former occasions had died out of her mind. She had never said very much about this danger, or been alarmed by it, as Law was. It had not occurred to her to inquire how it would affect herself. And now she wa's taken altogether by surprise. She stood struck dumb with amazement, and gazed at the woman, instinctively taking in every particular of her appearance, as only a woman could do. Unconsciously to herself, Lottie appraised the other, saw through her, calculating the meaning of her and all her finery 282 WITHm THE PRECINCTS. No man could have done it, and she was not herself aware of having done it; but Polly knew very well what that look meant. Notwithstanding her own confidence in her bridal array, even Polly felt it coming to pieces, felt it being set down for what it was worth ; and, naturally, the feeling that this was so made her angry and defiant. * How do you do, miss ? ' she said, feeling that even her voice sounded more vulgar than it need have done. ' I hope as we shall be good friends. Your pa has played you a nice trick, hasn't he ? But men is men, and when they're like he is there's allowances to be made for them.' Polly was aware that this speech was in her very worst style. She had not intended to call Lottie Miss ; but with that girl standing staring, in a plain cotton frock, looking a lady, every inch of her, from the crown of her head to the sole of her foot — a bride, in a fine bonnet covered with orange-blossoms, and a bright silk dress that matched, was not in possession of her faculties. Bold as she was, she could not but be conscious of a tremor which mingled with her very defiance. ' Well, Pm sure, what a pretty table ! ' she resumed. ' They might have known we were coming home, Captain. There ain't much on it, perhaps — not hke the nice chicken and sausages you'd have got at mother's. But mother would never have set it out so pretty, that I'll allow.' Then Polly looked round upon the dim old walls, faintly lighted by the lamp. ' So this is the dining-room,' she said ; ' this is my new 'ome. To think I never should have been inside the door till now ! Let me alone, Harry. I don't want none of your huggings. I want to make acqviaintance with my new 'ome. You know well enough I married just as much for the sake of living in the Lodges as for you — don't you, now ? ' she said, with a laugh. Perhaps only fathers and mothers, and not even these long-suffering persons always, can look on at the endearments of newly-married couples with tolerance. Lottie was offended, as if their endearments had been insulting to herself. She looked at them with an annoyed contempt. No sympathetic touch of fellow-feeling moved her. To compare this, as she thought, hideous travesty of love with her own, would have but hardened her the more against them. She turned away, and shut the window, and drew down the blind with an energy uncalled for by such simple duties. When the Captain led his wife upstairs, that she might take off her bonnet, Lottie THE captain's wii-n. 283 sat down and tried to think. But she could not think. It had all happened in a moment, and her mind was in an angry eonfusion, not capable of reason. She could not realise what had happened, or what was going to hap- pen — an indignant sense o£ being intruded upon, of having to receive and be civil to an unwelcome visitor, and an impatience almost beyond bearing of this strait mto which her father had plunged her, filled her mind. Something more, she dimly felt, lay behind — something more important, more serious ; but in the meantime she did not feel that her occu- pation was gone, or her kingdom taken from her. A disagree- able person to entertain — a most unwelcome, uncongenial guest. For the moment she could not realise anything more. But her mind was in the most painful ferment, her heart beat- ing. How Avas she to behave to this new, strange visitor ? "What was she to say to her? She must sit down at table with her, she supposed. She was Captain Despard's — guest. What more? But Lottie knew very well she was something more. Mary came in, bringing tea, which she placed at the head of the table, where Lottie usually sat. Mary's eyes were dancing in her head with curiosity and excitement. ' What is it, miss? oh, what is it, miss? What's happened ?' said Mary. But Lottie made her no reply. She did not herself know Avhat had happened. She waited for the return of ' the woman ' with a troubled mind. Everything was ready, and Lottie stood by ready to take her seat the moment they should come back. She heard them come downstairs, laughing and talk- ing. The woman's voice filled all the house. It flowed on in a constant stream, loud enough to be heard in the kitchen, ■where Mary Avas listening with all her ears. ' Very nice on the whole,' the new comer was saying ; ' but of course I shall make a few changes. I've always heard that a room should be like its mistress. There's not half enough pretty things to please me. I do love a 2;)retty room, and plenty of antima- cassars and pink ribbons. Oh, I shan't tcil you what I am going to do to it ! — not a word. Gentlemen must be taught their place. I am going to make it look very nice, and that should be enough for you. Oh yes, I am quite ready for supper. I haven't touched a bit of anything since five o'clock, when Ave had tea. Poor Harry ! I can see hoAV you have been put upon.' This Avas said at the foot of the stairs, where not only Lottie but Mary could hear every Avord. Mary understood 28-4 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. it all, but Lottie did not understand it. She could not receive Polly's programme into her mind, nor think what was meant by it. While she still stood waiting, the two came in — the bride, with her tower of hair upon her head, and all her cheap ribbons and bangles. She came in, drawing herself away from the Captain's encircling arm. ' Behave ! ' said Polly, shaking a finger at him ; and she swept in and round the table, almost pushing against the surprised spectator who stood looking on, and deposited herself in Lottie's chair. ' It's best to begin as you mean to end,' said Polly ; ' I'm not tired to speak of, and I'll take my own place at once. You can sit here. Miss Lottie, between him and me.' Still, Lottie did not know what to think or to say. She stood still, bewildered, and then took the place pointed out to lier. What did it mean ? It was easy enough to see what it meant, if her head had not been so confused. ' Yea, dear,' said Polly, ' a little bit of cold beef — ^just a very little bit. I am not fond of cold victuals. That's not how we've been living, is it? and that's not how I mean you to live. Oh, no, I don't blame Lottie. Unmarried girls don't know any better. They don't study a man like his wife knows how to do. I can see how it's been ; oh, I can see ! Too many mouths to feed, and the meat has to be bought according. Who is your butcher, miss ? Oh, him ! I don't hold with him. I shall send for Jones to-morrow ; he's the man for my money. W^asn't that a lovely sweetbread that we had at our wedding breald'ast ? You didn't remark ? Oh, nonsense, I'm sure you remarked ! It icas a beauty ! Well, that Avas from Jones's. I'll send for him to-morrow. Do you take sugar in your tea, Miss Lottie ? Dear ! I shouldn't have thought it ; so careful ■a young lady. 'Enery, darling, what are you drinking ? Do you take tea ? ' ' I don't mind what I take, my love, so long as you give it ine,' said the gallant Captain ; ' tea or poison, I'd take it from that hand ; and I don't want anything but to look at yoa at the head of my table. This is how it should be. To think how long I have been denying myself, forgetting what happi- ness was ! ' ' You poor dear Harry ! all for the siike of your children ! Well, I hope you'll find it repaid. They ought to be grateful. The times and times that you and me has talked it over, and given it up for their sakes 1 You're very quiet, miss ; you THE captain's wife. 285 don't say much,' added Polly ; ' but I dare say it wub a sur- prise to you, seeing me come home ? ' * Wliy don't you speak up and make yourself pleasant ? * said the Captain, with a kind of growl, under his breath. Lottie came to herself a little by dint of this pressure. She did not seem to know how it had come about, or what the emergency meant. ' I beg your pardon,' she said, her head swimming and everything going round with her, * I am — taken very much by surprise. If I had known what was going to happen I — might have been more prepared.' ' I can understand that,' said Polly. ' Hold your tongue^ Captain. She is quite right. You ought to have written and told her, as I asked you. But noAV that you do know I hope you mean to be friendly, miss. Them that treats me well, I treats them welL I don't wonder that yoii don't like it at first,' she added graciously ; 'a girl no older than yourself! But he would have it, you know, and what could I do ? When a man's in that Avay, it's no use talking to him. I resisted as long as I could, but I had to give in at the last.' ' By George ! ' said the Captain, helping the beef. He had someone to stand by him now, who he felt might be a match for Lottie ; but he was still a little afraid of Lottie, and con- sequently eager to crow over her in the strength of his backer. * The trouble Fve had to bring matters to this point ! ' he said. * But never mind, my love, it is all right now you are here. At one time I thought it never was going to be accom- plished. But perseverance ' ' Perseverance does a deal ; but, bless you, I never had no doubt on the subject,' said the new Mrs. Despard, taking up her teacup in a way that was very offensive to Lottie. The Captain looked at her from the other end of the table with a kind of adoration ; but nevertheless the Captain himself, with all his faults, was painfully aware of her double negatives, and thought to himself, even when he looked at her so admiringly, that he must give her a few lessons. He had never paid much attention to Lottie, and yet he could not help getting a glimpse of his new wife through Lottie's eyes. ' Where is my son ? ' said Polly. ' Harry, darling, where is that dear Law ? He won't be so much surprised, will he ? He had a notion how things were going. But I've got a great deal to say to him, I can tell you. I don't approve of his goings on. There's a many things as I mean to put a stop to. 28G WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. Nobody shall say as I don't do my duty by your children. I shall tell him- ' ' Do you know Law ? ' said Lottie. This gave her a little chill of horror ; though indeed she remembered that Law had spoken of someone — about whom Lottie had not cared to inquire. ' Oh, yes, miss, I know Law.' (Polly did not know how it was that she said Miss to Lottie. She did not mean to do it. She did it, not in respect, but in derision ; but the word came to her lips, whether she Avould or not.) 'Law and I are old friends. Time was when I didn't feel sure — not quite sure, you know,' she said, with a laugh of mingled vanity and malice, ' if it was to be the father cr the son ; but, Lord, there's no comparison,' she added hastily, seeing that even on the Captain's fine countenance this boast produced a momentary cloud. ' Law will never be as fine a man as his father. He hasn't got the Captain's carriage, nor he ain't so handsome. Bless us, are you listening, Harry ? I didn't mean you to hear. I don't think you handsome a bit, now, do I ? I'm sure I've told you times and times ' The two thus exchanging glances and pretty speeches across the table were too much occupied with themselves to think o£ anything else. And no one heard Law's approach till he pushed open the door, and with a ' liillo ! ' of absolute amaze- ment, stood thunderstruck, gazing upon this astonishing spectacle. The sight that Law beheld Avas not a disagreeable sight in itself; the table, all bright with its bouquet of crimson leaves, which the Captain had pushed to one side in order that he might see his wife — and the three faces round it, two of them beaming with triumph and satisfaction. TIic young man stood at the door and took it all in, with a stare, at first, of dismay. Opposite to him sat Lottie, put out of her place, looking stunned, as if she had follen from a height and did not know where she was. As he stood there she lifted her eyes to him with a look of Avondering and beAvildercd misery which went to Law's heart ; but the next moment he burst into a loud laiinh, in spite of himself To see the governor casting languishing looks at Polly Avas more than his gravity could bear. He could think of nothing, after the first shock, but ' Avhat a joke ' it A\'as. A man in love, especially a man in the first imbecility of matrinii iiial bliss, is a joke at any time ; but Avhen it's your governor, LaAV said to himself I TDE captain's WIFE. 287 He gave a great roar of laughter. • Polly, by Jove ! ' he said ; ' so you've been and done it ! ' It had alarmed him much beforehand, and no doubt it might be tragical enough after ; but for the moment it was the best joke that Law had en- countered for years. ' Yes, we've been and done it,' said Polly, rising and hold- ing out her hand to him. ' Come here and kiss me, my son. I am delighted to see you. It's so nice to hear a good laugh, and see a bright face. Lottie, Law, hasn't found her tongue yet. She hasn't a Avord to throw at a dog, much less her new mamma. But you, it's a pleasure to see you. Ah ! ' said Polly, with effusion, ' the gentlemen for me ! Ladies, they're spiteful, and they're jealous, and they're stuck up ; but gentle- men does you justice. You mustn't call nie Polly, however, though I forgive you the first time. You must know that I am yovu: mamma.' Law laughed again, but it was not a pleasant laugh; and he grasped tlie hand which his father held out to him with a desire to crush it, if he could, which was natural enough. Law thought it a joke, it is true ; but he was angry at bottom, though amused on the surface. And he did hurt his father's somewhat flabby, unworking hand. The Captain, however, would not complain. He was glad even to be met with a semblance of cordialit}- at such a moment. He helped Law largely to the beef, in the satisfaction of this family union, and this was a sign of anxiety Avhich Law did not despise. ' Oh, and I assure you I mean to be a mother to you,' said Polly. ' It shan't be said now that you haven't anyone to look after you. / mean to look after you. I am not at all satis- fied with some of your goings on. A gentleman shouldn't make too free with them that are beneath him. Yes, yes, Harry, darling ; it's too early to begin on that point ; but he shall know my mind, and / mean to look after him. Now this is what I call comfortable,' said Mrs. Despard, looking round with a beaming smile; ' quite a family party, and quite a nice tea; though the beef's dry to my taste (but I never was one lor cold victuals\ and everybody satisfied ' 'Lottie,' said the Captain, looking up from his beef with some sternness, 'you seem the only exception. Don't you think, my child, when you see everybody so happy, tliat you miglit find a word to say ? ' 'Oh, don't hurry her,' said Polly; 'we've took her by 288 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. surprise. I told you not to, but you would. We'll have a nice long talk to-morrow, when she gives me over the house- keeping ; and when she sees as I mean to act like a mother, why things will come right between her and me.' The Despards were not highly educated people, but yet a shiver ran through them when Polly, unconscious, said, 'We've took her by surprise.' The Captain even shrank a little, and took a great deal too much mustard, and made him- self cough ; while Law, in spite of himself, laughed, looking across the table to the place where Lottie sat. Lottie noticed it the least of all. She heard every word they all said, and remembered every word, the most trifling ; but at the moment she scarcely distinguished the meaning of them. She said, ' I think, papa, if you don't mind, I will go to my room. I am rather tired ; and perhaps I had better give some orders to Mary.' ' Oh, never mind ; never mind about Mary, if it's on my account. I shall look after her myself,' said Polly. ' What's good enough for the Captain is good enough for me ; at least, till I settle it my own way, you know. I don't want to give any trouble at all, till I can settle things my own way.' ' It is not I that have to be consulted,' said Captain Despard ; ' but if you are going to sit sulky and not say a word, I don't see — what do you think, my pet? — that it matters whether you go or stay ' ' Oh, don't mind me, Miss,' said Polly. She could not look Miss Despard in the face and call her Lottie, knowing, how- ever she might consent to waive her own rights, that Miss Despard was still IMiss Despard, whatever Polly might do. Not a thing on her that was worth five shillings, not a brooch even, nothing like a bracelet ; a bit of a cotton frock, no more ; but she was still Miss Despard, and unapproachable. Polly, with her bracelets on each wrist, rings twinkling on her hands as she took her supper, in a blue silk, and knowing her- self to be an officer's lady — Mrs. Captain Despard- — with all this, could not speak to her husband's daughter except as Miss. She could not understand it, but still it was so. The little crooked hall was full of boxes when Lottie came out ; and ISLiry stood among them, wondering how she was to get them upstairs. Perhaps she had been listening a little at the door, for Mary's consternation was as great as Lottie's. * Do you think, Miss, it's real and true ? Do you think as Tiic captain's avife. 289 s1>e's married, sure ? Mother wouldn't let me stay a day if thero was anytliing -wrong, and I don't know as I'll stay any- Low,' Mary said. 'Wrong? what could be wrong?' said Lottie. She was loss educated in knowledge of this kind than the little maid- of-all-work. It troubled her to see the boxes littering the hall, but she could not carry them upstairs. For a moment the impulse to do do it, or, at least, to help ]\Iary in doing it, came into her mind ; but, on second thoughts, she refrained. What had she to do with this new-comer into the house, who was not even a visitor, who had come to remain ? Lottie went upstairs without saying any more. She went first into the little faded drawing-room, Avhere there was no light except that which came from the window and the lamp in the Dean's Walk. It was not beautiful. She had never had any money to decorate it, to make it what it might have been, nor pretty furniture to put into it. But she sat down on her favourite little chair, in the dark, and felt as if she had gone to sit by somebody that was dead, who had been a dear friend. How friendly and quiet the little room had been ! giving her a centre for her life, a refuge for her thoughts. But all that was over. She had never known before that she had liked it or thought of it much ; but now, all at once, what a gentle and pleasant shelter it had been ! As Lottie thought of every- thing, the tears came silently and bitterly into her eyes. She herself had been ungrateful, unkind to the little old house, the venerable old place, the kind people. They had all been kind to her. She had visited her own disappointment upon them, scorning the neighbours because they were less stately than she expected them to be ; visiting upon them her own dis- content with her position, her own disappointment in being less important than she expected. Lottie was hard upon her- self, for she had not been unkind to anyone, but was, on the contrary, a flivourite with her neighbours — the only girl in the place, and allowed by the old people to have a right to whims and fancies. Now, in the face of this strange, incom- prehensible misfortune, she felt the difference. Her quiet old room ! where kind voices had spoken to her, where he had. come, saying such words as made her heart beat ; where she had sung to him, and received those tender applauses which had been like treasures to Lottie. She seemed to see a series of past scenes Tike pictures rising before her. Not often u 290 ^VITHIN THE PRECINCTS. had Rollo been there — yet two or three times ; and Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, Avith her mellow brogue, and Mr. Ashford, and even the stately person of the Dean himself. She had been at home here, to receive them, whoever came. The room had never been invaded by anything that was unfr'endly or unpleasing. Now — what was it that that woman said of" changes — making it look nice ? Lottie had not understood the words when they were said, but they came back upon her now. By-and-by she heard someone coming up-stairs, and, starting, rose to steal aAvay to her own room, afraid to meet the stranger again ; but no light made its appearance, and Law put in his head at the door, then seeing something moving against the window, came to her, and threw himself down on the window-seat. ' They're going on so downstairs, that I couldn't stand it,' said Law ; ' it's enough to make a fellow sick' — and then, after a pause, 'Well ! I told you what Avas coming, but you Avouldn't believe me ; Avhat do you think of it now ? ' ' Oh, Law, Avhat does it mean ? — Are Ave not dreaming? Can it be true ? ' ' True ! of course it is true. I told you what was going to happen.' Then his tone softened. ' Poor Lottie, it's you I'm sorry for. If you could only see yourself beside her ! And where Avere his eyes, that he couldn't see ? ' Here Law paused abruptly, wondering all at once Avhether the difference would be as marked betAveen his sister and the girls Avhom he too liked to spend his evenings with. He was sure that Emma was not like that woman ; but still the thought sub- dued his indignation. ' I say,' he added hastily, ' I Avant to give you a bit of advice. Just you give in to her, Lottie. Fighting is no good : she has got a tongue that you couldn't stand, and the things she Avould say you wouldn't understand. I understand her Avell enough ; but you Avouldn't know Avhat she meant, and it would make you angry and hurt you. Give in, Lottie. Since the governor's been so silly, she has a right. And don't you make any stand as if you could do it — for you can't. It is a great deal better not to resist ' ' What do you mean by resist ? Hoav can I resist ? The house is papa's, I suppose ? ' said Lottie. ' The thing is, I don't understand it. I can't understand it : that somebody should be coming to stay here, to be one of us, to be mixed tip in everything — Avhom we don't know ' THE captain's WIFE. 291 * To be mistress,' sjiid Law, * that's the worst — not to be mixed up with us, but to be over us. To take everything out of your hands ' ' Do you think I care for that ? I do not mind who is mistress,' said Lottie, all unaware of her own characteristics. Law was wiser than she was in this respect. He shook his head. ' That's the worst,' he said ; ' she'll be mistress — she'll change everything. Oh, I know Polly well ; though I sup- pose, for decency, I mustn't say Polly now.' ' How is it you know her so well ? And how did papa know her ? ' said Lottie. ' I should have thought you never could have met such women. Ah ! you told me once about ■ — others. Law ! you can't like company like that ; surely, you can't like company like that ! how did you get to know her ? ' Law was very much discomfited by this sudden question. In the midst of his sympathy and compassion for his sister, it was hai-d all at once to be brought to book, Avhen he had forgotten the possibility o£ such a danger. ' Well, you know,' he said, ' fellows do ; I don't know how it is — you come across someone, and then she speaks to you, and then you're forced to speak back ; or perhaps it's you that speaks first — it isn't easy to tell. This was as simple as anything,' Law Avent on, relieved by the naturalness of his own explanation. ' They all work in the same house where Langton lives, my old coach, you know, before I went to old Ashfbrd. I don't know how the governor got there. Perhaps it was the same way. Going in and out, you know, day after day, why, how could you help it ? And when a woman speaks to you, what can you do, but say something ? That's exactly how it was.' ' But, Law,' she said, grasping his arm — all this conversa- tion was so much easier in the dark — ' Law, you will take care ? she said she was not quite sure whether it was to be the father or the son. Ah ! a woman who could say that. Law ' ' It's a lie,' said LaAv, fiercely, ' and she knows it. I never thought anything of her — never. It's a lie, if she were to swear it I Polly ! why, she's thirty, she's 1 give my word of honour, it's a lie.' ' But, Law ! oh, Law dear ' * I know what you're going to say. I'll take care of my- xj2 292 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. self; no fear of me getting entangled,' said Law briskly. Then he stopped, and, still favoured by the dark, took her hands in his. ' Lottie, it's my turn now. I know you won't stand questioning, nor being talked to. But, look here — don't shilly- shally if you can care for anybody, and he'll marry you and give you a place of your own —You needn't jump up as if I had shot you. If you talk about such things to me, I may surely talk to you. And mind what I say. I don't expect you'll be able to put up with your life here ' ' I hear them stirring downstairs,' said Lottie, drawing her hands out of his hold. ' Don't keep me, don't hold me, Law. I cannot see her again to-night.' ' You won't give me any answer,' said the lad regretfully. There was real feeling in his voice — ' But, Lottie, mind, what I say. I don't believe you'll be able to put up with it, and if there's anyone you care for and he'll marry you -' Lottie freed herself from him violently, and fled. Even in the dark there were things that Law could not be permitted to •say, or she to hear. CHAPTER XXIX. THE HEAVINGS OF THE EARTHQUAKE. The next morning dawned very strangely on all the members of the little household. Lottie was down early, as she generally was; but the advantages of early rising were neutralised by the condition of the little maid, Mary, who ■vvas too much excited to do her work, and kept continually coming back to pour her doubts and her difficulties into Lottie's ear. ' I can't get no rest till I've told mother,' Mary said. ' If there's anything wrong, mother won't let me stay, not a day. And even if there's nothing wrong, I don't know as I'll stay. I haven't got no fault to find with you. Miss; nor the Captain, nor even Mr. Law : though he's a di-eadful bother with his boots cleaning ; but to say as you're beginning as you mean to end, and then to give all that trouble ! every blessed thing, I had to drag it upstairs. Mr. Law was very kind ; he took up the big box — I couldn't ha' done it ; but THE HEAVIXGS OF THE EARTHQUAKE. 293 up and down, up and down, all the little boxes and the ba"^s, and the brown paper parcels — " It saves trouble if you begins as you means to end," she says ' * I don't want to hear what Mrs. Despard says,' s;iid Lottie. Mrs. Despard : it was her mother's name. And thougli that mother had not been an ideal mother, or one of those who are worshipped in their children's memories, it is wonderful, what a gush of tender recollections came into Lottie's mind with the name. Poor mamma ! she had been very kind in her way, always ready to indulge and to pardon, if indifferent to what hajipened in more important matters. She had never exacted anything, never worried her children about idleness or imtidiness, or any of those minor sins wliich generally make a small girl's life a burden to her. Lottie's mind went back to her, lying on her sofa, languid, perhaps lazy — badly dressed; yet never anything but a lady, with a kind of graciousness in her faded smile, and grace in her faded gown. Not a woman to be held in adoration, and yet — the girlsighed, but set to work to make the little brown dining- room neat, to get the table set, making up for Mary's dis- tracted service by her own extra activity. For amid all the horrors of last night there was one which had cut Lottie very deeply, and that was the many references to the cold beef, and the bride's dislike of ' cold victuals.' It is inconceivable, among all the more important matters involved, how deeply wounded Lottie's pride had been by this reproach. She resolved that no one should be able to speak so to-day ; and she herself put on her hat and went out to the shop on the Abbey Hill almost as soon as it had opened, that this intolerable reproach should not be in the interloper's power. She met more than one of the old Chevaliers as she came up, for most of them kept early hours and paced the terrace pavement in the morning as if it had been morning parade. They all looked at her curiously, and one or two stopped her to say ' good morning.' ' And a fine morning it is, and you look as fresh as a flower,' one of the old gentlemen said; and another hiid his hand on her shoulder, patting her with a tender fatherly touch. ' God Vjlcss you, my dear, the sight of you is a pleasure,' said this old man. How little she had thought or cared for them, and Imw kind they were in hor trouble ! She could see that everybody knew. Lottie did not know whether she did not half resent the universal knowledge. 204 WITHIX THE PRECINCTS. Most likely they had known it before she did. The whole town knew it, and everybody within the Precincts. Captain Despard had got married ! Such a thing had not occurred before in the memory of man. Many people believed, indeed, that there was a law against it, and that Captain Despard was liable to be turned out of his appointment. Certainly it was unprecedented ; for the old Chevaliers before they came to St. INlichael's had generally passed the age at which men marry. The whole scene seemed to have taken a different aspect to Lottie. Since her home had become impossible to her, it had become dear. For the first time she felt how good it was to look across upon the noble old buttresses of the Abbey, to inhabit that ' retired leisure,' that venerable quietness. If only that Avoman were not there ! But that woman was there, and everything Avas changed. Lottie had been rudely awakened, dragged, as it were, out of her dreams. She could not think as she usually did of the meetings that were sure to come somehow in the Abbey, or on the Slopes — or count how long it would be till the afternoon or evening, Avhen she should see him. This, though it was her life, had been pushed out of the way. She thought of all last night's remarks about the cold beef and the poor fare, and the changes that were going to be made. Would she think bacon good enough for breakfast? — would she be satisfied with the rolls, which Lottie herself felt to be a holiday indul- gence ? Pride, and nothing but pride, had thrown the girl into such excesses. She could not endure those criticisms again. Her brain was hot and hazy, without having any power of thought. The confusion of last night Avas still in her. Would it all turn out a dream ; or Avould the door open by-and-by and shoAV this unaccustomed figure ? Lottie did not feel that she could be sure of anything. The first to come down Avas Law, Avho had been forced from his bed for once by sympathy, LaAV Avas very kind to Lottie. ' I thought I Avouldn't leave you to face her by 3'ourself,' he said ; ' they're coming down directly.' Then Lottie kneAv that it was no di'eara. The bride came doAvn in a bhie merino dress, as blue as the silk of last night. Polly Avas of opinion that she looked Avell in blue ; and it Avas not one of the ethereal tints that are now used, but a good solid, full blue, quite uncompromising in point of colour. And the hair on her head Avas piled up as if THE IIEAVIXGS OF THE EARTHQUAKE. 295 it would reach tlie skies or the ceiling at least. She came down arm-in-arm with her husband, the two smiling upon each other, while Law and Lottie stood one on each side of the table Avith no smile.s, looking very serious. It was !Mrs. Despard who did tlie most of the conversation ; for the Caj)tain was passive, feeling, it must be allowed, somewhat embarrassed by the pre- sence oi" his children, who did not embarrass her at all. But she did not think the bacon very good. Shethoughtit badly cooked. She thought the girl could not have been well trained to send it up like that. And she was not pleased either with the rolls ; but announced herintention of changing the baker as well as the butcher. ' We've always gone to Willoughby's, as long as I can recollect, and I don't fancy any bread but his.' Lottie did not say anything, she was nearly as silent as on the pre- vious night ; and Law, who was opposite, though he made laces at her now and then, and did his best to beguile his sister into a laugh, did not contribute much to the conversation. He got up as soon as he had swallowed his breakfast and got his books. ' I'm off to old Ashford,' he said. ' Where are you going. Law ? — you must never get up from table without asking my leave — it is dreadful unmannerly. You have got into such strange ways ; you want me to bring you back to your manners, all of you. Who are you going to? — not to Mr. Langton as you used to do — I'm glad of that.' ' I don't see why you should be glad of that. I'm going to old Ashford,' said Law, gloomily. ' He is a much better coach than Langton. I have not anything to do to-day, Lottie ; I shall be back at twelve o'clock.' ' Dear me,' said Mrs. Despard, ' how long is Law going on. going to school like a little boy ? I never heard of such a thing, at his age. He should 'oe put into somctliing where he could earn a little money for himself, instead of costing money ; a great, strong young fellow like that. I think you're all going to sleep here. You want me, as anybody can see, to wake you up, and save you from being put upon, my poor man. But I hope I know how to take care of my own husband, and see that he gets the good of what he has, and don't just throw it away upon other folks. And I begin as I means to end,' said Polly, with a little toss of her head. Law, stopped by the soiuid of her voice, had turned round at the door, and contem- plated her with gloomy looks ; but seeing it was not to come 296 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. to anything bad, went away. And the bell began, and the Captain rose. His bride came to him fondly, and brushed a crumb or two off his coat and arranged the flower in his button hole. 'Now you look quite sweet,' she said with genuine enthusiasm. ' I ain't going in the morning, when none but the regular folks is there, but I mean to go, my dear, in the afternoon. It's only proper respect, living in the Pre- cints ; but you won't be long, dear ? You'll come home to your poor little wife, that don't know what to do without her handsome husband? Now, won't you, dear ? ' 'I'll be back as fast as my legs can carry me,' said the Captain. ' Come and mtet me, my pet. Lottie will tell you Avhen the voluntary begins ' ' Oh, I can tell very well without Lottie,' said the bride, hanging upon him till he reached the door. All these endearments had an indescribable effect upon the girl, who was compelled to stand by. Lottie turned her back to them and re-arranged the ornaments on the mantelpiece, Avith trembling hands, exasperated almost beyond the power of self- restraint. But when the Captain was gone, looking back in his imbecility to kiss his hand to his bride, the situation changed at once. Polly turned round, sharp and business-like, in a moment. ' Ring the bell, Miss,' she said, ' and tell the girl to clear them things away. And then, if you will just hand me over the keys, and let me see your housekeeping things and your stores and all that, we may settle matters without any trouble. I likes to begin as I mean to end,' said Polly per- emptorily. Lottie stood and looked at her for a moment, her spirit rekindling, her mind rising up in her arms against the idea of obedience to this stranger. But what would be the use o£ trying to resist ? Resist ! what power had she ? The very pride which rebelled against submission made the sub- mission inevitable. She could not humiliate herself by a vain struggle. Polly, who was very doubtful of the yielding ot this natural adversary, and rather expected to have a struggle for her ' rights,' was quite bewildered by the meekness with which the proud girl, who scarcely took any notice of her, she thought, acquiesced in the orders she gave. Lottie rang the bell. She said, ' You will prefer, I am sure, to give Mary her orders without me. There are not many keys, but I will go and get what I have.' Not many keys I and you call yourself a housekeeper ? * THE HEAVINGS OF THE EARTHQUAKE. 297 sviid Polly. Lottie turned away as the little maid came in, looking impertinent enough to be a match for the new mistress ; but Lottie was no match for her. She went and got out her little housekeeping-book, which she had kept so neatly. She gathered the keys of the cupboards, which generally stood un- locked, for there was not so much in ihem that she should lock them up. Lottie had all the instincts of a housekeeper. It gave her positive pain to hand over the symbols of ofHce — to give up her occupation. Her heart sank as she prepared to do it. All her struaGrles about the bills, her anxious thought CO ' o how this and that was to be paid, seemed elements of happi- ness now. She could not bear to give them up. The pain of this compulsory abdication drove everything else out of her head. Love, they say, is all a woman's life, but only part of a man's ; yet Lottie forgot even liollo — forgot his love and all the consolation it might bring, in this other emergency, Avhich was petty enough, yet all important to her. She trembled as she got together these little symbols of her domes- tic sovereignty. She heard the new mistress of the house coming up the sfciirs as she did so, talking all the Avay. ' I never heard such impudence,' Polly was saying. ' Speak back to her mistress! A bit of a chit of a maid-of-all-work like that. I suppose she's been let do whatever she pleased ; but she'll find out the difference.' Behind Polly's voice came a gust of weeping from below, and a cry of, ' Pm going to tell mother : ' thus hostilities had commenced all along the line. 'I can't think however you got on with a creature like that,' said Polly, throwing herself down in the easy-chair. ' She don't know how to do a single thing, as far as I can see ; but some folks never seem to mind. She shan't stay here not a day longer than I can help. Pve given her warning on the spot. To take impudence from a servant the very first day ! But that's always the way when things are let go ; the moment they find a firm hand over them there's a to-do. To be sure it wasn't to be looked ibr that you could know much, Mis.s, about managing a house.' ' Maiy is a very good girl,' said Lottie hastily. ' She has always done what I told her. Here are the keys of the cup- boards, since you wish for them ; but there are not any stores to lock away. I get the things every week, just enough to use ' ' And don't lock them up 1 ' Polly threw up her hands. 298 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. ' That's one way of housekeeping ; but how should you know any better, poor thing, brought up like that ! I'm sure I don't mean to be hard upon you ; but you should have thought a bit of your papa, and not have wasted his money. However, that's all over now. A man wants a nice 'ome to come back to, he wants a nice dinner on the table, he wants somebody that can talk to him, to keep him out of mischief. Oh, I know- very well the Captain's been fond of having his fling. I ain't one of the ignorant ones, as don't know a man's ways. And I like that sort much the ffest myself. I like a man to be a man, and knoAv what's what. But you'll soon see the difference, now that he's got someone to amuse him, and someone to make him comfoi'table at home. So these are all, Miss Lottie? And what's this ? oh, a book ! I don't think much of keeping books. You know how much you has to spend, and you spend it; that's my way.' Lottie made no reply. She felt it to be wiser for herself, but no doubt it was less respectful to Polly, who paused now and then for a reply, then went on again, loving to hear her- self talk, yet feeling the contempt involved in this absence of all response. At last she cried angrily, ' Have you lost your tongue. Miss, or do you think as I'm not good enough to have an answer, though I'm yoitr papa's wife? ' ' I beg yoiu- pardon,' said Lottie ; ' I — don't know what to say to you. We don't know each other. I don't under- stand Don't you see,' she cried suddenly, unable to restrain herself, ' that since 3'ou came into the house you have done nothing but — find fault with all my — arrangements — ' (these mild words came with the utmost difficulty ; but Lottie was too proud to quarrel). ' You can't tliink that I could like that. I have done my best, and if you try as I have done, you will find it is not so easy. But I don't want to defend myself ; that is why I don't say anything. There can be no good in quarrelling, whether you think me a bad housekeeper or not.' ' I ain't so sure of that,' said Polly. ' Have a good flare- up, and be done with it, that's my way. I don't hold with your politeness, and keeping yourself to yourself. I'd rather quarrel than be always bursting Avith spite and envy, like some folks. It stands to reason as you must hate me, taking things out oP your hands ; and it stands to reason as I should think more of my own husband than of keeping up your brother and THE HEAVIXGS OF THE EARTHQUAKE. 299 you in idleness. But for all that, and though we might fight now and then — everybody does, I don't care nothing for a girl us is always the same — I don't see why we shouldn't get on neither. The Captain says as you've a very good chance of a husband yoiu-self. ^Vnd though I'm just about your own age, I've had a deal of experience. I know how to bring a man to the point, if he's sliilly-shallying, or won't speak up like a man. as a girl has a right to expect.' • Oh ! stop, stop, stop ! ' cried Lottie, wild with horror. She cast a hurried glance round, to see Avhat excuse she could make for getting away. Then she seized eagerly upon her music which lay on the old square piano. ' I must go to my lesson,' she said. • Your lesson ! Are you having lessons too ? Upon my word I Oh, my poor husband I my poor Captain ! No wonder as he has nothing but cold beef to eat,' said Polly, with all the fervour of a deliverer, finding out one misery after another. ' And if one might make so bold as to a*k. 3Iiss, who is it as has the honoiu: to give lessons to you ? ' ■ The Signor — Mr. Kossinetti.' Lottie added, alter a moment. It seemed desecration to talk of any of the familiar figures within the Abbey precincts by their familiar title to this intruder. • Oh I Fm not so ignorant as not to know who the Signor is. That will be half-a-guinea, or at the least seven-and-six a lesson ! ' she said, raising her hands in honor. * Oh. my poor 'usband ! This is how his money goes I Miss.' said Polly, severely, " you can't expect as I should put up with such goings on. I have your papa to think of, and I won't see him robbed — no. not whatever you may do. For I call that robbery, just nothing else. Half-a-guinea a lesson, and en- couraging Law to waste his time ! I can't think how you can do it : with that good, dear, sweet, confiding man letting you have your own way, and suspecting nothing.' cried Polly, clasping her hands. Then she got up suddenly. ■ I declare,' she cried, • church is near over, and me not ready to go out and meet him I I can't go out a figure, in a common rag like this, and me a bride. I must put on my silk. Of course, he wants to show me off a bit before his friends. I'll nm and get ready, and we can talk of this anodier time.' Thus Lottie escaped for the moment. She was asked a little later to see if Mrs. Despard's collar was straight, and to 300 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. pin on her veil. ' Do I look nice ? ' said Polly triumphant, and at the same time mollified by the services which Lottie rendered without objection. She had put on her ' blue silk ' and the bonnet with the orange-blossoms, and neckties enough to stock a shop. ' Perhaps, as there's nothing ordered, and I mean to make a change with the tradespeople, the Captain and me won't come back to dinner,' said Polly. ' There's your favourite cold beef. Miss, for Law and you.' Lottie felt that she began to breathe when, rustling and mincing, her strange companion swept out, in the face of all the people who were dispersing from matins, to meet her husband. Polly liked the wondering encounter of all their eyes. With her blue silk sweeping the pavement after her, and her pink parasol, and the orange-blossoms on her bonnet, her figure descending the Dean's Walk alone, while all the others issued out of the Abbey doors, was conspicuous enough. She was delighted to find that everybody looked at her, and even that some stood still to watch her, looking darkly at her finery. These were the people who were jealous, envious of her fine clothes and her happiness, or jealous of her handsome husband, who met her presently, but who perhaps was not so much delighted to see her amidst all his fellow-Chevaliers as she thought. Captain Despard was not a man of very fine perceptions ; but though his blooming young wife was a splendid object indeed beside the dark, little old figure of Mrs. Temple, he had seen enough to feel that the presence of the old lady brought out into larger prominence something Avhich the younger lacked. But he met her with effusive delight, and drew her hand within his arm, and thus they disappeared together. Outside the Pre- cincts there was no need to make any comparison, and Polly's brilliancy filled all hearts with awe. When Law returned, he found Lottie seated in her little chair, with her face hidden in her hands. It was not that she was crying, as he feared at first. The face she raised to him was crimson with excitement. 'Oh, Law ! ' she said, ' Law, Law ! ' Lottie had got beyond the range of words- After a while she told him all the events of the morning, which did not look half so important when tliey were told, and they tried to lay their heads together and think what was best to be done. But what could anyone do ? Mary could scarcely put the remnants of the cold beef on the table, for her eagerness to tell that she had been to mother, and mother would not hear THE IIEAVIXGS OF THE EAUTIIQUAKE. 301 of her staying. * Places isn't so hard to get as all that, for a girl with a good cliaracter,' she said. When she was gone, Lottie looked piteously at her brother. ' What kind of a place could I get ? ' she said. ' What am I fit for ? Oh, Law ! I think it is a mistake to be brought up a lady. I never thought it before, but I do now. How can we go on living here ? and where are we to go ? ' ' That's what I always said,' said Law. He was horribly grave, but he had not a word to say except that he had got a match at football, and perhaps might stay and sup with the fellows afterwards. ' I'm just as well out of the way, for what can I do for you ? only make things worse,' he siiid. And though he had been so kind and sympathetic at first, Law stole away, glad to escape, and left Lottie alone, to bear it as she might. She had no lesson that day, though she had pretended to have one. She would not go to the Abbey, where the new member of the family meant to appear, she knew. Lottie stayed in the familiar room which Avas hers no longer, imtil the silence became too much for her, and she felt that any human voice would be a relief. She went out in the afternoon, when all seemed quiet, when everybody had gone to the Abbey for the evening service. There would be nobody about, and it seemed to Lottie that the shame was upon her, that it was she who must shrink from all eyes. ]\Irs. O'Shaughnessy, however, knocking on the window violently, instantly gave her to understimd that this was impracticable. The girl tried to resist, being afraid of herself, afraid of what she might say, and of what might be said to her. But as she hurried on, ]\Irs. O'Shaughnessy's maid rushed after her. Lottie had to go to her old friend, though very reluctantly. ]\Irs. O'Shaughnessy had a bad cold. She was sitting wrapped up in a shawl, and a visitor with something to tell was beyond price to her. ' Come and tell me all about it, then ! ' she cried, ' me poor darlin' ! ' enveloping Lottie in her large embrace. ' And tell the Major, Sally, and let nobody come in.' The Major came instantly to the call, and Lottie tried to tell her story to the kind couple who sat on either side of her, with many an excla- mation. * I knew that was what it would come to,' Mrs. O'Shaugh- nessy said. ' And I never thought Despard (saving your presence, my dear) could have been such a fool I ' cried the Major. 302 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. ' Oh, sure, Mai'or, you're old enough to know that every man is a fool where a woman's concerned.' But what was Lottie to do ? They petted her and con- doled with her, soothing her with their sympathy, and all the tender words they could think of ; but they could throw no light upon one point : what could the girl do ? Nothing, but put up with it. They shook their heads, but could give her no comfort. If Law had but been doino: somethino:, instead of idling all his time away ! But then Law was not doing anything. What was he good for, any more than Lottie ? ' Mary can get another place. Her mother will not let her stay, and she can get another place, she says : but here are two of us. Law and I, and we are good for nothing ! ' cried Lottie. How her thoughts were altered from the time when she thought it necessary to stay at home, to do no visible work, for the credit of the family ! Lottie was not young enough to feel that it was necessary to be consistent. ' We are young and strong and able to work, but we are good for nothing ! ' she said. And they both looked at her blankly, not knowing what to say. By-and-by Lottie escaped again into the open air, notwith- standing their anxious invitation that she should stay with them. She was too wretched to stay, and there had come upon her a longing to see another face in which there might be comfort. As she went out she almost AvaJked into Captain Temple's arms, who was walking slowly along looking vip at her window. The old man took both her hands into his. ' My poor child ! ' he said. He was not so frankly inquisi- tive as the good people she had just left, but he drew her hand through his arm and walked with her, bending over her. ' I do not want to tempt you from your duty, my dear ; you'll do what is right, I am sure you will do what is right. But I can't bear to think you are in trouble, and we so near. And my wife,' said the old man slightly faltering, ' my wife thinks so, too.' He was not quite so sure of his wife. She had the restraining effect upon her huisband which a more reserved and uncommunicative mind has over an impulsive one. He knew what he would like to do, but he was not sure of her, and this put hesitation into his speech. * Oh ! Captain Temple,' cried Lottie, moved at last to THE HEAVINGS OF THE EARTHQUAKE. 303 tears, ' -what am I to do ? I£ I cannot bear it, what am I to do ? ' * Come and speak to my wife,' he said ; ' come, dear, and see my wife. She can't talk about everything as I do, but she has more sense than anyone, and knows the world. Come with me, Lottie, and see what Mrs. Temple says.' He thought the sight of the girl in her trouble Avould be enough, and that his wife would certainly say what it was on his own lips to say. Just then, however, there was a sound of doors opening, and old Wykeham came out and looked upon the world with a defiant countenance from the south door of the Abbey, which was a sign that service was over ; and the notes of the voluntary began to peal out into the air. Lottie drew her arm from that of her old friend — she could not bear the eyes of the crowd. ' Another time, another time ; but I must go now,' she cried, escaping from him and turning towards the Slopes. The old Captain's first impulse was to follow. He stood for a moment gazing after her as she sped along, slim and swift and young, up the deserted road. It was beginning to grow dark, and the evening was colder than it had been yet. Where was she going ? To her favourite haunt on the Slopes to get the wind in her face ; to let her thoughts go, like birds, into the Avide space and dis- tance ? If that had been all ! The old man thought of an alternative which filled him with alarm. He took a step after her, and then he paused again, and shaking his head, turned back, meeting all the people as they streamed out of the Abbey. Poor child ! if she did meet him there, what then ? It would comfort her to see her lover ; and if he was good, as the anxious old Chevalier hoped, had not the lover more power to save her than all the world ? There was no ques- tion of taking Lottie from her father and mother, separating her from her home. If this young man Avere to offer her a home of her own, Avhere could there be so good a solution to the problem ? Captain Temple turned and walked home with a sigh. It Avas not his Avay of delivering Lottie, but pei-haps it Avas the Avay that Avould be most for her happiness, and who Avas he that he should interfere ? He let her go to her fate Avith a sigh. 304 WITHIN THE PKECIXCTS. CHxVPTER XXX. Lottie's fate. Lottie went up the Dean's Walk hastily, feeling as if she had taken flight. And she was taking flight. She could not bear to meet the people coming from the Abbey, among whom no doubt her father and his wife would be. Lottie was scarcely aware that there Avas anything else in her mind. She hurried to the Slopes as the natural refuge of her trouble. The wind blowing fresh in her face, the great sweep of distance, the air and the clouds, the familiar rustle of the trees, seemed to have become part of her, a necessity of her living. And the Slopes Avere almost deserted now. In October the night comes early, the afternoon is short, even before the winds become chill ; already it was darkening, though the afternoon service was but newly over. The trees were beginning to lose their gor- geous apparel : every breeze shook doAvn hosts of leaves, shreds of russet brown and pale gold ; the wind was wistful and mournful, with a sigh in it that promised rain. Lottie saw nobody about. She stole through the trees to her favourite corner, and leaned upon the low parapet, looking over the familiar scene. She was so familiar with it, every line ; and yet it seemed to her to-night like scenery in a theatre, which by-and-by would collapse and split asunder, and give place to something different. It would vanish from her sight, and in place of it there Avould appear the dim back- ground of one of the little rooms at home, with a figure in a blue gown relieved against it, tossing about a mountain of braids and plaits. Lottie did not feel sure that this figure would not appear at her very side, lay an imperative hand on her slioulder, and order her to give up the secrets of her own being. Thus she carried her care Avithin her. She stood leaning over the parapet, Avith the trees rustling around, scarcely aAvare Avhat she Avas thinking of Did she expect anyone ? She Avould have said. No. The night was overcast and growing dismal, Avhy should she expect anyone ? What reason could he have for cominti out here ? He could have no instinctive knowledge of her misery, to bring him, and he had no longer that excuse of his cigar after dinner as on the happy nights Avhen the air was still like summer. No ! it LOTTIE'S FATE. 305 was only for the stillness, only for the air, only to fling her troublesome thoughts out to the horizfui and empty her mind, and thus feel it possible to begin again, that she had come. And never had that stillness been so still before. By-and-by this scene would melt away, and it would be the little dining- room in the Lodge, with the white tablecloth and the lamp lighted upon it. She had been weary of her home, she had half despised it ; but never had she been disgusted, afraid of it, never loathed the thought of going back to it before. And she could not talk to anybody about this ; they were all very kind, ready to be sorry for her, to do anything they could for her, but she could not bear their sympathy to- night. All at once, in the silence which was so full of the whisper of the leaves and the sighs of the wind, that she had not heard any footstep, there came a voice close to her elbow which made Lottie start. ' Is it really you, IMiss Dcspard ? I had almost given up hopes; — and alone ! I thought you Avere never to be alone again ? ' said KoUo, with pleasure in his voice. How it startled her ! She ]o(ikcd roimd upon him with so much fright in her eyes that he was half vexed, half angered. Was it possible that Lottie after all was just like the rest, pretending to be astonished by his appearance when she knew as well ' You surely are not surprised to see me ? ' he said, with a short laugh. ' I did not think of seeing you,' she said quietly, and looked away from him again. RoUo was angry, yet he was touched by something in her tone ; and there must be something to cause this sudden change. She had always been so hank and simple in her welcome of him, always with a light of pleasure on her face when he came in sight; but she Avould not so much as let him see her face now. She looked round with that first start, then turned again and resumed her dreamy gaze into the night. And there was dejection in every line of her figure as she stood dimly outlined against the waning light. Suddenly there came into Kollo's mind a recollection that he had heard something to account for this, Avithout accusing her of petty pretence or affectation. ' Something has happened,' he said, with a sense of relief X 306 WITHIN THE PKECINCTS. Avhicli surprised himself. ' I remember noAV. I fear yoti are not happy about it.' ' No,' she said, with a sigh. Then Lottie made a little effort to recover herself; perhaps he would not care about her troubles. ' It has been a great shock,' she said, ' but per- haps it may not be so bad after a while.' ' Tell me,' said Hollo ; ' you know how much interest I take in everything that concerns you. Surely, Miss Despard, after this long time that we have been seeing each other, you know that ? Won't you tell me ? I cannot bear to see you so sad, so unlike yourself ' Perhaps that is the best thing that could happen,' said Lottie, ' that I should be unlike myself. I wish I could be like someone with more sense ; I have been so foolish ! Everybody knows that we are poor ; I never concealed it, but I never thought Oh ! how silly we have been. Law and I ! I used to scold him, but I never saw that I was just the same myself. We ought to have learned to do something, if it were only a trade. We are both young and strong, but we are good for nothing, not able to do anything. I used to scold him : but I never thought that I was just as bad myself ' Don't say so, don't say so ! You Avere quite right to scold him ; men ought to work. But yoxi^ cried RoUo with real agitation, ' it is not to be thought of You ! don't speak of such a thing. What is the world coming to, when you talk of working, while such a fellow as I ' ' Ah ! that is quite different,' said Lottie. ' You are rich, or, at least, you are the same as if you were rich ; but we are really poor, we have no money : and everything we have, it is papa's. I suppose he has a right to do whatever he likes with it ; it seems strange, but I suppose he has a right. And, then, what is to become of us ? How could I be so silly as not to. think of that before? It is all my own limit; don't think I am finding fault with papa, Mr. liidsdale. I suppose he has a right, and I don't want to pTumble ; it only — seems natural — to tell you.' Lottie did not know what an admission she was making. She sighed again into that soft distant horizon, then turned to him with a smile trembling about her lips. It was a relief to tell him — she could spesik to him as she could not speak to Captain Temple or Mrs. O'Shai ghnessy, though she had known them so much longer. ' Perhaps I am Lottie's fate. 307 only out of temper,' she s;iid. She couid not but feel more light of heart standing beside him with nobody near ; they seemed to belong to each other so. ' How good, how sweet of you to say so,' he cried. ' Then treat me as if it were natural; come and sit down — no- body will interrupt us — and tell me everything I want to know.' They had met together in Lottie's little drawing-room before, in the eye of day, and three or four times under Lady Caroline's eye; but never before like this, in the twilight, all alone in the world, as it were, two of them, and no more. Lottie hesitated for a moment ; but what could be wrong in it ? There Avas nobody to disturb them, and her heart was so full ; and to talk to him was so pleasant. She seemed able to say more to him than to any other. He understood her at half a word, whereas to the others she had to say everything, to say even more than she meant before they saw what she meant. She sat down, accordingly, in the corner of the seat, and told him all that had happened ; herself beginning to see some humour in it as she told the story, half laughing one moment, half crying the next. And Kollo went into it with all his heart. All their meetings had produced their natural effect; for tlie last fortnight he had felt that he ought to go away, but he had not gone away. He could not deprive him- self of her, of their intercourse, which was nothing yet implied so much, those broken conversations, and the language of looks, that said so much more than words. Never, perhaps, had his intercourse with any girl been so simple, yet so unre- strained. If the old Captain sometimes looked at him with suspicion, he was the only one who did so ; and Lottie had neither suspicion nor doubt of him, nor had any question as to his ' intentions ' arisen in her mind. She told him her grief now, not dully, with the heavy depression that cannot be moved, but with gleams of courage, of resolution, even of fun, unable to resist the temptation of Polly's absurdity, see- ing it now as she had not been able to see it before. ' I never knew l)efore,' she said fervently, ' what a comfort it was to talk things over — but, then, whom could I talk them over with ? Law, who thinks it best not to think, never to mind — but sometimes one is obliged to mind : or Mrs. O'Shauirh- nessy, whom I cannot say everything to or; — Mr. Kidsdale 1 ' said Lottie, in alarm — ' pray, pray forgive me if I x2 308 WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. have bored you. I have been pouring out everything to you, I never thought — I did not intend ' * Don't tell me that,' he said. * I hoped you did intend to confide in me, to trust to my sympathy. Who can be so much interested? to whom can it be so important ? ' He leaned forward closer to her, and Lottie instinctively drew away from him a hairsbreadth ; but she thought that quite natural too, as natural as that she should be able to speak to him better than to anyone else. They had both made the whole avowal of their hearts in saying these words; but it had not been done in words which frightened either or changed their position towards each other. Meanwhile she was content enough, quieted by the sense of leaning her trouble upon him, while he was gradually growing into agita- tion. Lottie had got all her emergency required — his sym- pathy, his support, the understanding that was so dear to her. After all her trouble she had a moment of ease ; her heart was no longer sore, but soothed with the balm of his tender pity and indignation. But that which calmed Lottie threw Eollo into ever- increasing agitation. A man who has said so much as that to a girl, especially to one who is in difficulty and trouble, is bound even to himself to say more. The crisis began for him where for her it momentarily ended. To love her and as good as tell her so, to receive, thus ingenuously given, that confes- sion of instinctive reliance upon him which was as good as a betrayal of her love; and to let her go and say nothing more — could a man do that and yet be a man? Rollo was not a man who had done right all the days of his life. He had been in very strange company, and had gone through many an adventure ; but he was a man whom vice had never done more than touch. Even among people of bad morals he had not known how to abandon the instincts of honour ; and in such an emergency what Avas he to do ? Words came thronging to his lips, but his mind was distracted with his own helplessness. What had he to offer ? how could he marry ? he asked himself with a kind of despair. Yet something must be thought of, some- thing suggested. 'Lottie,' he said after that strange pause — ' Lottie — I cannot call you Miss Despard any more, as if I were a stranger. Lottie, you know very well that I love you. I am as poor as you are, but I cannot bear this. You must trust to me for everything — you must — Lottie, you are not afraid Lottie's fate. 509 to trust yourself to me — you don't doubt me?' lie cried. Hi.s miud -was driven wildly from one side to another. Marry ! hoAV could he marry in his circumstances? Was it possible that there was anything else that would answer the purpose, any compromise? His heart beat wildly with love and ardour and shame. What would she say? Would she understand him, though he could not understand himself? *Mr. Kidsdale,' cried Lottie, shrinking back from him a little. She covered her face with her hands and began to cry, being overcome with so many emotions, one heaped on another. At another moment she would not have been surprised ; she would have been able to lift her eyes to the glow of the full happiness which, in half-light, had been for Aveeks past the illumination of her life. But i'or the moment it dazzled her. She put up her hands between her and that ecstacy of light. As for Kollo, very different Avere the thoughts in liis mind. He thought Lottie as wise as himself: he thought she had investigated his words ; had not foimd in them the one that is surety for all, and shrank from him. Shame overwhelmed him : the agony of a mind wliich was really honest and a heart which was full of tenderness, yet found tliemselves on the verge of dishonour. ' Lottie !' he cried with anguish in his voice, * you do not imderstand me — you will not listen to me. Do not shrink as if I meant any harm.' Then she uncovered her face, and he saw dimly through the twilight a coimtenance all trembling with eniotion and happiness and astonishment. ' Harm ! ' she said, with wonder in her voice — 'harm!' His heart seemed to stand still, and iill his confused thinkings broken off in the unspeakable con- trast between the simplicity of her innocence thinking no evil, and the mere knowlege in his mind which, if nothing more, made guilt possible. Such a contrast shamed and hor- rified, and filled with an adoration of penitence, the man wdio might have drawn her into evil, ambiguously, had it been pos- sible. He found himself with one knee on the cold gravel, before he knew, pressing his suit upon her Avith passion. ' Lottie, you must marry me, you must be my Avife, you must let me be the one to Avork to tjike care of you, to protect you ii-om all trouble,' he cried. But Avhat did Lottie Avant Avith those more definite Avords Avhich he had thought she missed and Avaited for? Had she not knoAvn his secret long ago before lie ever spoke a Avord to her? Had -he not been led delicately, SIO WITHIN THE PRECINCTS. tenderly, step by step, through infinite dreams and visions, towards this climax ? She cried with happiness and trouble, and the sense of deliverance. ' Oh, why should you kneel to me?' she said. ' Do you think it needs that ? ' While he, more happy than ever he had been in his life, alarmed, disturbed, shaken out of all his habits and traditions, held her fast like a new foimd treasure, and lavished every tender word upon her that language could supply. He owed her a million apologies, of not one of which Lottie was conscious. How could it have been possible for her to suppose that even for a second, in his inmost thoughts, he had been less than reverent of her? And he — had he meant any harm ? He did not think he had meant any harm ; yet how, in the name of heaven, was he to marry — how was he to marry — in his present circumstances ? While he was pouring out upon Lottie his love and worship, telling her how she had gathered to herself day by day all his thoughts and wishes, this question rose up again in his heart. ' I know,' said Lottie, very low — her voice still trembling with the first ecstacy of feeling. It was like the dove's voice, all tenderness and pathos, coming out of her very heart. ' I guessed it long — oh, long ago ' ' How did you do that ? Whisper, darling — tell me — when did you first think ? ' Is not this the A B C of lovers ? and yet her tone implied a little more than the happy divining of the easy secret. She laughed softly — a variety of music in his ear — the two faces were so close. ' You did not think I knew anything about it. I saw you — looking up at my window — the very night of the wedding. Do you remember ? ' Again Lottie's low happy laugh broke into the middle of her words. ' I could not think what it meant. And then another time before I knew you — and then You did not suppose I saw you. I could not believe it,' she said, with a soft sigh of content. Laugh or sigh, what did it matter, they meant the same : the delight of a discovery which was no discovery — the happy right of con- fessing a consciousness which she dared not have betrayed an hour ago — of Vjeing able to speak of it all : the two together, alcne in all the world, wanting nothing and no one. This was what Lottie meant. But her disclosures struck her lover dumb. What would she say if she knew his real object Lottie's fate. 311 then ? A prima donna who was to make his fortune — a new voice to be produced in an opera ! lie shuddered as he drew her closer to him, with terror — with compunction, though he had meant no harm. And he loved her now if he did not love her then ; with all his heart now — all the more tenderly, he thought, that she had mistaken him, that she had been so innocently deceived. By this time it had got dark, though they did not observe it ; yet not quite dark, for it is rarely dark out of doors under the free skies, as it is within four walls. It was Lottie who suddenly awoke to this fact with a start. ' It must be late — I must go home,' she said. And when she looked about among the ghostly trees Avhich waved and bent overhead, sombre and colourless in the dark — she thought, with a thrill of horror, that hours must have passed since she came here. Rollo too Avas slightly alarmed. They were neither of them in a condition to measure time ; and though so much had happened, it had flown like a moment. They came out from among the trees in the happy gloom, arm-in- arm. Nobody could recognise them, so dark as it was — and indeed nobody was in the way to recognise them — and the Abbey clock struck as they emerged upon the Dean's Walk, reassuring them. Rollo was still in time for dinner, though Lottie might be too late for tea ; and the relief of discovering that it was not so late as they thoiight gave them an excuse for linc:erin