UC-NRLF LIPPINC0TT3 GEOGRAPHICAL gERIES A PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY ON THE EASIb. OF TIIE OBJECT METHOD OF INSTRUCTION : By FORBYCE A. ALLEN PHIL AT) ILPUTA j. m I .IP L^-S - !< > TT & CO. 18(»2 S££i@J3a0SSBSe? i£li$3S|flMpfr , Sr, mSSSESBOTB^ B 'V\»VW\." THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Education GIFT OF Isabella Shinn , LIPPINCOTT'S GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY ON THE BASIS OF THE OBJECT METHOD OF INSTRUCTION ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS ANJ3 PICTORIAL MAPS By FORDYCE A. ALLEN PRINCIPAL OF THE CHESTER COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL, VEST CHESTER, PA. Third Edition, Revised to agree with the Census of 1860, PHILADELPHIA J. B. LIPPINOOTT & CO. 1863. CONTENTS. TEXT AND ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Suggestions to Teachers 4 The Five Senses , 7 The Seasons: Spring and Summer 8 Do. Autumn and Winter 9 Familiar Vegetation 10 Domestic Animals 11 People A Ramble : Do. Do. Do. A Journey Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 12 Bodies of Water 13 Portions of Land, and Points of the Compass 14 Distances, and Portions of Land 15 Villages and Cities 16 Railroads 17 Bridges and Canals * 18 Mills, Factories, and Iron Furnaces... 19 Mining and Lumbering 20 Ranges of Mountains, Tunnel, and Steamboats 21 Waterfall, Steamboat, Rainbow, Lake, Island and Shore 22 PICTORIAL MAPS AND DESCRIPTIVE TEXT. MO Journey Reviewed : Maps, States, and Capitals... 23 New England 24 The Middle States, Maryland, and Virginia 26 The Southern States, Tennessee, and Arkansas 28 The Western States, excepting Tennessee and Arkansas 30 The Pacific States, Texas, Kansas, and the Territories 32 The United States 34 North America 36 South America 38 The Earth 40 Europe 42 Asia 44 Africa 46 Oceania 48 Animals and Plants 50 Review and Address 56 Education GIFT Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PRINTIO BY urflNOOTT I OO. G \25 PREFACE. The preparation of the following pages involved a consideration of the learner's mental capacity, of the means of developing ■ his understanding and reasoning power, and of the manner of using those means. The task was undertaken with a knowledge of its difficulties. It has been completed with a degree only of satisfaction. But I have endeavored to follow the teachings of nature and the dictates of philosophy by the light of experience. With lively perceptive faculties and active inquisitiveness, the young learner naturally commences to study by observing the simple things which attract his attention. He begins to study Geography by viewing the landscape, — its waters, its trees, its rocks, or its hills, the animals that enliven or the structures that adorn it. The interest excited and sustained proves that this kind of exercise is what the infant mind craves as pleasure and needs as nutriment. Natural objects, the most effective means of imparting knowledge, are peculiarly adapted for the illustration of Geography. They speak a various language. To the child they exhibit the beauties of color and form, their sizes and easily-seen operations. To others they speak of their complexity and of their manifold uses. They are indices of the conditions under which they exist, or of the phenomena which attended their creation. Truthful pictures are the nearest representatives of, objects. They have been employed in this work to represent the configuration of the Earth's surface ; to associate with each country its most important inhabitants ; to exhibit the chief occupations of the people, and the more important products, of the United States ; and to illustrate the adaptation of animals to their localities, and the climates of differ- ent regions of the globe. By their aid I commenced with the pupil himself, — surveyed his common surroundings, — rambled and journeyed with him from place to place, from State to State, from continent to continent, viewing note- worthy objects, speaking of their uses, .mentioning leading facts about seas, lakes, rivers, mountains, animals, and plants, in language to interest and in a manner to incite. I have endeavored to lead gently, and to instruct carefully, — to unfold the subject as the pupil increased in power of comprehension. f 083 3 SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. When the first edition of the Primary Geography was published, it was believed that the " Suggestions to Teachers" were sufficiently complete for all practical purposes. But the many demands upon the author for a more extended and definite method of conducting recitations, have induced him to embrace the opportunity offered in publishing the second edition, to enlarge upon these suggestions, and at the same time present several features not contained in the first; also to introduce more fully the object method of instruction. These suggestions are for those only who feel that they need them. Each lesson is here taken up, and materials furnished to the teacher to aid him in conducting the recitation. Hints only can be given in this limited space. Do not require pupils to commit the words of the lessons. Teach them how to obtain the ideas contained in them. When called upon to recite, let them state the facts learned, using their own language. Each pupil should partici- pate in the exercise. After the pupils have exhausted their store of inform- ation, it then devolves upon the teacher to clothe the facts thus given, and impart vitality to them.* To do this to advantage, the teacher should read the lesson to the class, commenting and questioning as opportunity presents. Bear in mind that this book is a text-book. The discourses and sermons are to be made by the teacher from the texts here given. The pictorial illus- trations and suggestions are notes, or topics upon which to comment. A very excellent teacher is now teaching from this book with a string tied around the leaves of the part not studied, thus preventing pupils from seeing the pictures before they come to them for study. It is a capital plan with all books containing pictures. Wherever a word occurs in the lesson that is not readily understood, break it up by defining and explaining it. Question the class until the ideas in the lessons are brought out. — Call especial attention to each picture. — Let the pupils question each other. Get them to talking, then you will get at their thoughts. Introductory Lesson. — Show to the class that this is a beautiful world. Point to out-door scenes. — Every such scene a real picturo ; — the best land- scape-pictures are imitations only of nature. — Seeing. Many persons blind all their days, — read with their fingers, — other senses more acute, — tell differ- ent colors by touching, — blind schools called Blind Asylums. Telescope used to see a great distance, — tele, distant, scope, a view. Microscope used to see small things, — micro, small, scope, a view. Glass, transparent, — we see things through it. Paper windows let in light, but objects cannot be seen through them, — they are translucent. Window-shutters are opaque. Define opaque. Show substances illustrating these words, as alum, glass, stone, wood, etc. Hearing. — If born deaf, then dumb. Some persons deaf, dumb, and blind. Laura Bridgeman, of Connecticut, was so ; yet she could read, write, sew, and play the piano. Relate some of her history. (See Barnard's Journal of Education.) Tasting. Taste in the mouth, — induces us to chew the food more, — tastes better and is better. Smelling. — Tobacco, snuff, and liquors injure these senses. Lesson 2. — From one birthday to another is a year, — a day, from sunrise to sunrise again, or twenty-four hours. Clocks and watches measure time, — noon-marks and sundials used before these were made. King Alfred of England, years ago, measured hours by burning candles that were notched. — Spring, — grass, etc., springs from the ground, — buds and flowers spring from trees and herbs. Autumn, sometimes called Fall, — leaves, fruit, and grain fall, when ripe. Define odor, enliven, and rustles. All bees not honey- bees. Lesson 3. — Squirrels, mice, rats, and many other animals, store food in autumn for winter's use. Birds fly off to warm countries before winter begins. Come back in the spring. Robins are among the first to come. Snow-birds stay with us. How do they live ? Birds of different kinds build different nests. All robins' nests built in the same manner, — so with other birds. In cold countries some animals clothed with fur, — in warm, with hair. Finest-wooled sheep found in cold countries. Explain general effects of sun's heat. — Small vials filled with different kinds of grain, such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, buckwheat, grass and clover seed, would create much interest. The stalks with full ears should be shown. Thresh- ing-process illustrated. Vegetation means vegetables and plants generally. Trees and land rest during winter. Lesson 4. — The fruit of trees is the seed. All trees have seeds. Sugar is made from the sap of maple-trees. When the sap in spring goes from the roots to the top, the trees are tapped and spouts inserted, and buckets placed under the spouts. From a bucket of sap a pound of sugar can be made. Explain how seeds, when planted, grow, — roots run down, sprouts up, — roots take nourishment from the ground, sprouts and leaves from the air. Tumblers of water containing cotton with different seed and grain • growing upon it, will show this very nicely. Lesson 5. — All animals useful, — even flies and mosquitos. Flies eat decaying matter; mosquitos breed in impure water, — become wigglers first and feed upon the impurities in the water, then change to mosquitos. Tortoise, pronounced tor'tis. Snakes are serpents. Some poisonous, but most of them harmless. Tell how leather is made. Wool is an animal product — cotton, a vegetable. Eggs, how hatched, — warmth only needed, — eggs hatched in ovens sometimes, — three weeks for hens' eggs to hatch, — turkeys and geese, longer, — small birds, a shorter time. Lesson 6. — The greatest difference seen in men, is color. If educated alike, and live in the same country, color would be the chief difference. Indians and negroes have no schools, — are ignorant; Chinese and Malays have a few, but poor schools, — are ignorant and weak. Outer skin of all people the same color. — Coloring-matter under the skin. Tail of hair is braided and called a queue, pronounced hew. Exhibit vials of spice, pepper, cloves, nutmegs, and cinnamon. Japanese were in this country in 1860. Lesson 7. — Difference between learn and teach. Rivulet, a small river. Boy sailing boat, — different kinds of boats. Define machinery. Water very useful. Suited to all, — has no color, or taste, except its own, — "it tastes like water," — quenches thirst, when wo are thirsty, better than any thing else. Explain how ships can sail against the wind. Superiority of steam- vessels. Lesson 8. — Gold, silver, iron, and coal, found in mountains. — Mountains indi- cate where these metals may be found. Ho-ri'zon. Have the class rise and face the north, — turn to the south, east, and west. Practise this often. Send pupils to the east, west, north, and south sides of the school-room. Direction of each pupil's home from the school-house. Lesson 9. — Villages, in some places, are called towns. A town is less than a city and more than a village ; a village is larger than a hamlet. Township, —corporation or district of a town. Tavern, inn, and hotel, — not exactly the same. In this country, a hotel is a higher order of public house than a . tavern and inn. In England, hotels lodge people; inns receive them to lodge and feed ; taverns, feed only. Manufacture, — manus, hand, factum, to make. Things made by hand, or by the aid of machinery, are manufactures. Rivers fix the location of cities. Buying and selling, or exchanging articles, enable men to follow different pursuits. One man raises grain, another cattle, another makes shoes, another cloth, etc One man's surplus is exchanged for that of another. Lesson 10. — Explain supported. Tell the difference between pillars and pillows. Show upon the board the length of a foot, inch, yard, etc. Have a yard-stick, or measure, in the room. Measure the height of some of the class. Let the class measure different things in the room and playground. A rod is five and a half yards, — number of rods in a mile. Let the class measure, by means of a rope measure, the distance from home to the school. Rugged, rough, uneven. Exhibit a piece of lava (lah'vah). Lesson 11.— We learn more by seeing things than by hearing about them. We have every thing to learn. Children know nothing that they have not learned. They have to learn to eat. Chickens and ducks, as well as all others of the brute creation, come into the world knowing how and what to do, to live. Chickens eat on the day they are hatched, and know the call of the mother-hen. Very young ducks will go into the water ; chickens SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. will not. Explain tho difference in their feet. Children, when old enough, can reason; brutes never can. Brutes have instinct. Explain the difference between reason and instinct. Brutes, guided by instinct, make no mistakes, — man, although guided by reason, makes mistakes; brutes make no im- provements, man does. — First railroad made in England, — cars drawn by horses. First railroad in this country made in Massachusetts, in 1827, — only three miles long. Second one, in Pennsylvania, in 1S28, — nine miles long. Locomotives first used in this country in 1S29. Define locomotive., extending, and improvements. Lessor 12. — Explain why we pay faro in cars, boats, and stages. Steam takes tho place of horses in drawing cars; it is force, or power, — this power seen in tho raising of the lid of the tea-kettle in boiling water. Water in canals taken from ponds, lakes, or rivers. Several years ago, much travel- ing was done on canal-boats. These boats were fixed up as nice as a house, with kitchen, dining-room, parlor, and sleeping-rooms. The rate of travel, slow ; but they went all night. Lesson 13. — A small paddle-wheel, made by inserting pieces of thick paper in a stick, will be of uso in this lesson. A bent pin put Into the end will illustrate tho operations of tho pitman, or how tho motion and power of tho wheel are communicated to the saw, in saw-mills. A little pains taken at this point will make children fully acquainted with the manner of con- necting machinery with power. Explain the difference between natural and artificial things, — show the difference by exhibiting objects. Mention a great many, and let the class decide which are natural and which artificial objects. — Tolling grain at the mill, when grinding, — what for? Taking toll for traveling on some roads and over some bridges, — why? Woolen and cotton mills are generally called factories. Exhibit a piece of iron-ore ; also a piece of mill or buhr-stone, used in grinding grain. Talk about furnaces. From the ore, pig-iron is first made, — then melted and made into bars, etc. Lesson 14. — Pieces of coal of different kinds, including charcoal, should be exhibited. Explain the kinds of coal. Charcoal, how made? — used for what? Coal and iron, as well as other minerals, generally found in hills or mountains. It takes a great heat to melt iron; lead melts more readily, — . so do some other metals. Iron the most valuable of all metals. Explain how rafts are built, — boards laid across each other in platfon. s, — each plat- form is as long aud wide as a hoard is long, — from eighteen to twenty boards iii tl' U-ue«,— many pja tfM ii« i joined, f. New Hampshire (N. H.) is noted for its mountain scenery. Mount Washington, one of the White Moun- tains, is visited during summer by a great number of persons: its summit is covered with snow during the greater part of the year. This State has only eighteen miles of sea-coast. The people are engaged in manufacturing and farming. Cot- ton and woollen goods are the chief manufactures. Concord is the capital. Vermont (Vt.) contains a range of mountains called the Green Mountains. It has no sea-coast. The valleys among the mountains are excellent pasture-lands for sheep and cattle. Horses, cattle, and sheep are raised. The people are chiefly engaged in farming. Great quan- tities of maple-sugar are made from the sap or juice of the sugar-maple tree. Montpelier is the capital. LESSON XX. Massachusetts (Mass.) is the oldest of the New Eng- land States, and has the greatest number of people. The manufacture of boots and shoes, cotton and woollen goods, and iron wares, is very extensive. More than one- half the boots and shoes, and nearly a third of the wool- len and cotton goods, made in our country are manufac- tured in Massachusetts. A great many men and vessels are engaged in the cod and mackerel fishery, and, in distant parts of the ocean, in taking whales. Boston, the largest city of New England, is the capital. Many railroads connect Boston with all the other great cities in our country. Flour, fish, ice, cotton goods, and boots and shoes are exported. Export means to carry out of a state or country. Connecticut (Conn.) is noted for the variety of its manufactures. Cotton, woollen, and India-rubber goods and iron wares, clocks, and pistols, are made. The first school in this country for educating the deaf and dumb was established in this State. Here boys and girls who cannot hear or speak are educated. Hartford and New Haven are the capitals. Rhode Island (R. I.) is noted for manufactures. It is the smallest State. The 'first cotton-factory in our country was built in this State. Newport, a city on the coast, is visited in summer by many persons for the purpose of bathing and enjoying the air from the ocean. Newport and Providence are the capitals. MIDDLE STATES, AND MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA. 27 LESSON XXI. The map on the opposite page represents seven other States of our country. Observe how each State is bounded, or what portions of land and water touch its sides. On the eastern side we see a part of the New England States and a part of the ocean. The part of the ocean here seen is a part of the same great ocean which washes the coast of New England. These States contain nearly a third of the people of our country. Their manufactures amount to much more than those of New England. MAP EXERCISE. Mountains? Rivers? Niagara Falls? Capes? Bays? Lakes? Islands? Commerce, — how carried on in New York ? Grazing? Mining? Manufactures? Fruits? Tobacco? Animals? Oil- Wells? Rafting? Virginia, — rebellion? Capitals? Note. — For D. C, see page 35. LESSON XXII. New York (N. Y.) contains more people, is more ex- tensively engaged in commerce, raises more domestic animals, and makes more butter, cheese, leather, and maple-sugar, than any other State. Great quantities of flour are made. There are salt-springs, from which salt is made. More feooks and newspapers are printed in New York than in all the other States. The Hudson is its largest river. An immense canal extends from Lake Erie to the Hudson, making an arti- ficial river nearly four hundred miles long, and connect- ing the lake with the ocean. New York City is the richest, largest, and most beauti- ful city in our country. It is a commercial city. Here are vessels bringing goods from nearly all parts of the world, and taking away with them the products of New York and other States. Bringing into a country or state, is Importing. Pennsylvania (Pa.) has mines of coal and iron, which are more extensive than those of any other State: more than one-half the iron and coal used in our country (jpmes from these mines. Railroads and canals cross the State in various directions. Pennsylvania has more miles of canal than any other State. Iron, cotton, and woollen goods, flour, lumber, and liquors, are the chief manufactures. Great quantities of oil are obtained from wells in the northwestern part. The Susquehanna is its longest river. Philadelphia is next to the largest city in our country, and is noted for the variety and extent of its manu- factures. LESSON XXIII. New Jersey (N. J.) is so much engaged in growing fruits and garden-vegetables as to deserve the name of "The Garden State." These products are sold mostly in Philadelphia and New York. Peaches, melons, toma- toes, Irish and sweet potatoes, are grown abundantly. It has factories, railroads, and canals. Delaware (Del.) is the smallest State except Rhode Island. The people are chiefly engaged in farming and manufacturing. The peaches of Delaware are the finest in the country. Gunpowder-is made in large quantities. Maryland (Md.) is nearly divided by the Chesapeake, Bay. Besides this bay, it has railroads, canals, and rivers, upon which goods, and passengers are carried. Tobacco, oysters, cotton and woollen goods, manufac- tured iron, flour, and leather, are exported. Baltimore is the largest city. Virginia (Va.) is the birthplace of the great and good George Washington, the "Father of his Country." Salt from springs, iron, and coal, are the principal minerals. Flour and iron are the chief manufactures. More to- bacco is grown than in any other State, and a great deal of flax. The Potomac is the largest of the many rivers. There are canals and railroads. West Virginia (W. V.). This State was a part of Vir- ginia until the rebellion broke out. The people were loyal, and did not wish to be governed any longer by the secessionists of the rest of Virginia: so they formed a new State. SOUTHERN STATES, & TENNESSEE & ARKANSAS. 29 LESSON XXIV. The map on the opposite page represents the part of our country farthest toward the South : nine States are represented. The people are chiefly occupied in farming : the chief productions are cotton, rice, tobacco, sugar, mules, and hogs. Most of the farms are very large, and are called plantations : the owner is called a planter. The plantations are worked mostly by negroes who are slaves. These negroes are bought and sold as property : they are, mostly, ignorant and degraded. The wealthy people are generally well educated, polite, and hospitable. There are large rivers and many railroads. Few articles are manufactured. The locomotives, cars, carriages, tools, and most of the other manufactured articles are made in the Northern and Eastern States. MAP EXEKCISE. Mountains? Rivers? Gulfs? Ocean? Capes? Negroes? Pictures? Rebellion? Capitals? LESSON XXV. North Carolina (N. C.) contains mountains higher than the White Mountains : theTiighest is called Mount Mitchell. Tar, pitch, and turpentine are obtained from the extensive pine-forests. Tobacco, corn, and great quantities of sweet potatoes are grown. South Carolina (S. C.) resembles North Carolina in soil and productions. This State grows cotton, and more rice than all the other States. Rice grows in the un- healthful swamps. The best cotton, called sea-island cotton, grows upon the islands near the coast. Georgia (Ga.) contains more miles of railway than any . other of the nine States on the map. This State grows cotton and rice, and more sweet potatoes than any other State. Florida (Flor.) is a Peninsula, a portion of land nearly surrounded by water. It has a great many swamps, in which alligators live. Near the coast are coral islands made by a little animal called the Polyp. Live-oak for ship-building grows here luxuriantly. LESSON XXVI. Alabama (Ala.) resembles Georgia in soil and produc- tions. It grows nearly as much cotton as Mississippi. Sugar-cane, from which molasses and sugar are made, is also grown. Mississippi (Miss.) grows more cotton, peas, and beans than any other State. It has extensive swamps. Louisiana (La.) produces nearly all the sugar and most of the molasses made from the sugar-cane grown in the country. Cotton is grown extensively. This State— through which the Mississippi River flows— has great commercial advantages. New Orleans is the largest city. Arkansas (Ark.) abounds in plains called prairies. Corn, cotton, and live-stock are raised, and lumber is manufactured. It is remarkable only for its Gypsum, or plaster, of which it has more than all the other States. Tennessee (Tenn.) produces more home-made manu- factures, and raises more mules, than any other State. Tobacco, corn, cotton, and hogs are raised. BRITISH AMERICA M w \ > / 4r ST / EH \ J ( P B /^ WESTERN STATES, EXCEPTING TENN. AND ARK. 31 LESSON XXVII. The nine States represented on the opposite map are a part of the Western States : they are a great many miles from the coast, but are partly bordered by great lakes. Lake Superior is larger than the State of Maine: Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron together are larger than New England. Their waters are fresh, and so deep that ships and steamboats go upon them. The Western States have great rivers and long railroads. Their people are mostly from New England and other States toward the East, and are enterprising and well educated. They are chiefly engaged in farming ; raise cattle, hogs, and sheep ; and grow such great quantities of corn, wheat, and other grains, that these States are sometimes called the Granaries of the West. MAP EXERCISE. Lakes ? Rivers ? Indian fur-traders ? Lumbering ? Mines ? Farming ? Animals ? Missouri, — rebellion ? Capitals ? LESSON XXVIII. Ohio (0.) produces more horses, wool, and wine, than any other State, and one-sixth as much tobacco as Vir- ginia. Ohio has more miles of railroad than any other State. Coal and iron abound. Flour, meal, and salt are largely produced. Cincinnati is the largest and most commercial city of the West. It is the greatest pork- market of our country. Indiana (Ind.) is the smallest of the Western States, yet it is larger than Maine. Coal abounds, and iron is found to some extent. More hogs are raised than in any other State. Illinois (111.) is noted for its fine rivers and great plains, called prairies. Large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep graze upon the prairies. More wheat and corn are grown than in any other State. In the northwestern part extensive lead-mines are worked. Chicago is a very large and beautiful city. Michigan (Mich.) is divided into two parts by Lakes Michigan and Huron. These lakes are united by Mackinaw Strait. A Strait is a narrow passage of water connecting two bodies op water. In the north- western part are the richest copper-mines in the world. Iron and coal are found. Copper, grain, lumber, wool, salt, and fish are exported. In the northwestern part the winters are very cold. LESSON XXIX. Kentucky (Ky.) produces more hemp than any other State, nearly as much tobacco as Virginia, besides many hogs and much corn. Bagging and ropes are manufac- tured from the hemp and flax. Missouri (Mo.) is noted for its prairies, fruits, and minerals. The coal, lead, and iron will probably last forever. More lead is mined than in any other State. Corn, hemp, and tobacco are grown, and many hogs are raised. Iowa (Io.) has rich prairies and lead and coal mines. Grain, flour, lead, pork, live-stock, and avooI are ex- ported. More sorghum-molasses is produced than in any other State. Wisconsin (Wis.) has the richest lead-mines in the world. Many of its rivers have falls which afford excel- lent water-power. The southern half is a fine farming- region. The winters are cold, but pleasant. Lead, lum- ber, grain, flour, and wool are exported. Minnesota (Minn.) is a delightful State. The winters are cold; but the steadiness of the cold and the dryness of the air render them agreeable. Rice, currants, and plums grow wild. Pine-lumber is exported. STATES AND TERRITORIES. 33 LESSON XXX. The opposite map represents the part of our country farthest toward the West : it comprises States and Territories. A Territory is A vast tract of our country owned by all the States. The people of the States choose their Governors ; but the people of a Territory are too few to have the right of choice : their Governors are appointed by the President. There are many rivers in this part of our country : the Missouri River is the largest, and rises in the Rocky Mountains. Some of the rivers in the Territories are nearly dry during summer. The Rocky Mountains are grand and lofty: many of their summits are always covered with snow. The loftiest summit in our country is called Fremont's Peak. It is twice the height of either Mount Mitchell, in North Carolina, or Mount Washington, in New Hampshire, being nearly three miles high. Pike's Peak is near famous gold-mines. The fierce grizzly bear, and wild sheep and goats, climb around these mountains. Many tribes of Indians roam over the Territories, killing the bison or buffalo and other wild animals. The skins of the buffalo, called " buffalo robes," are used to keep persons warm while riding in cold weather. MAP EXERCISE. Mountains? Rivers? Gulfs? Ocean? Capes? Capitals? Pictures? LESSON XXXI. Texas (Tex.) is larger than New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Ohio together ; but it has fewer people than Vermont. Wild cattle, horses, and buffaloes roam in the northwestern part : many varieties of beautiful birds, and prairie-dogs and other animals, live in the unsettled parts; and along the coast are alligators, snakes, swans, and pelicans. Cotton, sugar, tobacco, cattle, and hides are exported. Different kbnds of grain, also oranges, lemons, figs, and pine-apples, grow luxuriantly. Kansas (Kan.) is a newly-made State. It is adapted to cattle and sheep raising, and to grain-growing California (Cal.) contains gold-mines which are next to the richest in the world. Most of its people lived in the other States a few years ago, but went to Cali- fornia to get riches. This State produces more wine and larger vegetables and forest-trees than any other Oregon (On.) has forests of gigantic pines, from which lumber is extensively manufactured. Salmon and other fine fish abound in the rivers. Lumber, flour, live-stock, and provisions are exported to California. Utah (Uh.) is a Territory. It contains a salt lake. Most of its white people are called Mormons. They are the followers of Joseph Smith, who pretended to have found an addition to the Bible, called the "Book of Mormon." UNITED STATES. 35 LESSON XXXII. The map on the preceding page represents all the States and Territories in our country : it also enables us to learn how they are situated in regard to each other. On the eastern side we see a part of the ocean which borders New England, New Jersey and other States, as shown by previous maps. On the western side is a part of the ocean which borders California and Oregon, also shown by a previous map. These parts are only small portions of the great Ocean. The part on the eastern side is called the Atlantic Ocean ; the part on the western side is called the Pacific Ocean. How many Gulfs, Bays, Lakes, and Rivers there are ! The rivers run in all direc- tions. See the Mountain-chains ! Between Maryland and Virginia, on the map, you will observe a square portion of country : it is called the District of Columbia. In this District is Washington City, the capital of the United States, where the President resides. Here, too, the general laws of our country are made by Congress. Congress is a meeting composed of persons chosen by each State to make the general laws. Some of these persons are called Senators ; others are called Representatives. The duty of the President is to see that the laws are obeyed. A President is elected every four years by persons chosen by the people of all the States. These persons are called Electors. LESSON XXXIII. About two hundred and fifty years ago, dense forests covered most of the land now occupied by the United States. Where our cities now stand, the wigwam of the Indian then sent up its smoke from burning twigs: where steamboats now swiftly glide upon our rivers, then the bark canoe of the Ked Man was paddled from place to place : where our locomotives whistle as they dash past hill and valley, the whoop of the Indian, rushing to battle with hatchet of stone, then broke the silence of me woods. The Indians are fast disappearing : a great portion of their forests in the East having been cut down and the wild animals destroyed, they have been driven to the West, — to the land of the buffalo, bear, and other game. When their new hunting-grounds are settled by the white people, the Indians will have departed forever. One of the first settlements by the white people was made by the "Pilgrims" at Plymouth, Mass.: from this settlement, and from those made by the Dutch in New York and the Quakers in Pennsylvania, education and industry have been spread over our whole country. MAP EXERCISE. Mountains? Rivers? Gulfs? Oceans? States,— how situated ? New England States,— how join the others? Middle States, — how join both ? Southern, — how join ? Western ? Historical picture at the bottom ? NORTH AMERICA. 37 LESSON XXXIV. North America is more remarkable than all other lands for the number and size of its plains, prairies, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls. The United States occupy the middle part of North America. We learn from this map that although our country is very large it forms but a third part of North America. How much land there is ! Near the western coast is the Rocky Mountain chain : it seems to have been created to strengthen the land, and might be called the " back-bone" of North America. In the southern part is Popocatepetl, — an active volcano and the highest mountain in North America. Flowing into the Gulf of Mexico is the great Mississippi, — the longest river in the world if we consider the head-waters of the Missouri River its true source. The parts farthest north are always frozen and covered with ice and snow : here the people live in huts made of snow, ice, or skins, or in dens in the ground, and feed upon fish, and upon animals caught on the land. Dr. Kane spent several months in these icy regions. Whales are taken in the ocean near these parts, — more than half of them by whalemen from New England. The most southern parts are quite warm : here trees grow luxuriantly, fruits of all kinds abound, pretty birds fill the woods with life and song, serpents and alligators live along the shores, and sea-tortoises or turtles warm themselves in the sunshine. The middle part — our country — is neither freezing nor burning ; it is often cold and often warm, and is there- fore called temperate. MAP EXERCISE. Mountains ? Rivers ? Gulfs ? Bays ? Oceans ? Islands ? Capes ? Volcano ? Fremont's Peak ? whale catching ? Mahogany-tree? Kane's vessel ? Tell of Dr. Franklin. Animals ? Seal and LESSON XXXV. Kussian America is the northwestern part of North America. Marten, sable, and otter skins, and other furs, come from this country. It has several volcanoes. Greenland is the coldest country in the world. Many mountains of ice, called icebergs, float from its coast through Baffin's Bay into the ocean. Iceland has many volcanoes, and springs of boiling water. British America is only partially settled, because it is so cold. Canada is a part of British America: it is divided into two parts, called Lower Canada and Upper Canada. It resembles New England in its productions. The people are engaged in lumbering, manufacturing, and fishing. It has railroads and the finest canals in the world. Ottawa is the capital. Montreal and Quebec are noted cities. Toronto is the most flourishing city, and has ex- cellent colleges and schools. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia resemble Maine. Lumbering, ship-building, and fishing are carried on extensively. Newfoundland is near the famous fishing-banks, or the shallow water in which codfish are caught. It is a somewhat barren and dreary island. Mexico contains very rich silver-mines. It has several volcanoes. The people are divided into different parties, and have fought each other for so many years that their country is nearly ruined. Central America resembles Mexico : it is a very un- healthy country. The West Indies are the most valuable islands in the world. Sugar, coffee, cotton, tobacco, oranges, and lemons, are among the productions. Cuba is the largest of these islands. &tip in a Storm SOUTH AMEEICA. 39 LESSON XXXVI. South of North America, and connected with it by a narrow neck of land, is another vast extent of land, called South America : it is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. It is about three-fourths the size of North America, but has higher mountains, larger rivers, and more extensive forests. The Andes chain of mountains extends from the most northern to the southern part of South America: they appear more like xi "back-bone" than do the Rocky Mountains. Mount Tupungato is the highest, being about four and one-half miles high. Some of these mountains are volcanoes. The Amazon River is the largest in the world. The immense valley through which the Amazon flows is but little settled : it is covered with, forests of trees and vines fre- quently matted together, and is inhabited by birds, monkeys, alligators, lizards, serpents, and other wild animals. The Amazon pours into the ocean a flood of water, the force of which is felt for two hundred miles from the coast. The forests are the largest in the world, and cover nearly two-thirds of the whole surface. Many of the largest trees are adorned with flowers : the passion-flower-tree grows to the size of the oaks of North America. The palm and many other valuable trees flourish. Among the domestic animals is the Llama, a wool-bearing quadruped used as a beast of burden : it is particularly useful in crossing the Andes by the narrow and dangerous roads. Among the wild animals is the Condor. It soars around the highest summits of the Andes. LESSON XXXVII. The northern part is always warm ; but the southern part is cold and dreary : here but few stunted trees and scattered shrubs and mosses deck the barren rocks and sand. Earthquakes are frequent, and often destroy whole towns and their inhabitants. South America has the richest diamond-deposits in the world ; but the coffee produced is worth much more. The silver and gold mines are very rich. Over many of the plains which occupy the interior, wild horses and cattle roam in gre^it numbers. The cattle are hunted and killed for their hides, horns, and tallow. Grain, potatoes, sugar-cane, and coffee are grown. Diamonds, gold and silver, delicious fruits, coffee, sugar, hides, horns, and tallow, are exported. The people consist of whites, negroes, and Indians: the white people rule; the negroes are mostly slaves; most of the Indians are savages or barbarians. MAP EXERCISE. Mountains? Rivers? Capes? Islands? How united to North America? Animals? Pictures? Earthquakes? & y a Q o THE EAKTH. 41 LESSON XXXVIII. The map for this lesson represents all the land and water in the world. On the western side are North and South America : we now see the narrow neck of land by which they are joined. A neck of land that joins two larger portions of land is called an Isthmus. On the eastern side is a vast formation of land which has not been mentioned in previous lessons, and which is even larger than all America. It is divided into three great parts, each of which is called by its name as printed on the map. The largest formations of land are called Continents: there are but two Conti- nents, — North and South America forming one, called the Western Continent; and Europe, Asia, and Africa, forming the other, called the Eastern Continent. Look upon the map and say which is the Eastern and which. the Western Continent. The earliest homes of mankind were on the Eastern Continent. There nearly all the people lived many thousand years without knowledge of any other land, until, about four hundred years ago, Christopher Columbus determined to make a voyage toward the West. He sailed from Palos, in Spain, in the year 1492. After many storms, he arrived at San Salvador, an island near the coast of North America. Overjoyed at the discovery, Columbus and his men fell on their knees and gave thanks. Columbus found the island inhabited by a kind of people he had never before seen. He called them Indians. About seven years afterward, Amerigo Vespucci visited South America, and the Western Continent was called "America" in honor of him; though it should have been called "Columbia" in honor of Columbus. About a hundred years after this discovery of the Western Continent, people from Europe began to make their homes upon it. Others are still crossing the ocean for the same purpose. LESSON XXXIX. The map represents the whole of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The extreme northern and southern parts of these oceans are covered with ice and snow, so that vessels cannot visit them ; but the other parts are constantly sailed upon, especially the parts between Europe and North America and near their coasts. Sail and steam ships, which are constantly passing from the United States to England and France, sometimes en- counter the icebergs that float down from Baffin's Bay. There is nearly three times as much water as land ; but only those who spend most of their lives upon the ocean can realize this fact. The animals of the ocean are as numerous and in- teresting as those of the land ; but we can mention only a few of them here. In the colder parts, the Common Whale, the Walrus, and the Seal abound ; while in the warmer parts, the Sperm-Whale, — the largest living ani- mal,— 4he Turtle, and the Oyster are found. REMARKS ON THE MAP. The white parts are the snowy regions. The lightest shade is the lowest land ; the darkest shade is the highest land ; and the white dots are the snow-covered and lofty summits. The rivers flow in all directions ; yet they all flow from the high parts down the sloping land to the ocean or inland seas. Water never flows up-hill, but always downward. For this reason, the mountain-ranges and other land-elevations fix the direction of rivers by shedding the waters on one side or the other into the valleys through which they flow. E U E P E. 43 LESSON XL. Were we to visit the Eastern Continent, we should probably leave New York or Boston, on board a steamship, and reach Europe in ten days ; or if by a sailing-vessel, in about thirty days. Europe comprises the most powerful countries in the world. The principal countries are England, France, Russia, Prussia, and Austria. Their navies and armies are the largest in the world. The cities of Europe are more numerous, more populous, and more magnificent than those of America : they surpass all others in their Museums, Libraries, Universities, and Hospitals; in the size and splendor of their churches; in their manufactures and commerce. London, in England, is the largest city in the world : it is three times the size of New York, and four times the size of Philadelphia. Paris, in France, the second city of Europe, is surrounded by walls : its people are very polite and gay. From Paris we import — bring into the country — most of the silks, ribbons, and laces used : " Paris fashions" are followed by many gentlemen and ladies. The people of Europe are of many different races or kinds ; but nearly all belong to the white race. Although Europe is not half the size of North America, it contains seven times the number of people. The mountains are not so high as those of America, but their scenery is more sublime : the loftiest are the Alps, and the highest of these is Mont Blanc, which rises, covered with snow, far above the clouds. It is three times the height of Mount Washing- ton, considerably higher than Mount Shasta, but only three-fourths the height of Mount Tupungato, in South America. Neither are the rivers so large as those of America. LESSON XLI. The first railroad was made in England : now they are used in many other countries of Europe. Most of the vessels of Europe are built in England and France : some of them are built mainly of iron. Some of the ships of war are covered with steel four inches in thickness. The mines are the most extensive in the world : coal, iron, lead, copper, tin, quicksilver, and salt, are abundant. In England are mines extending under the ocean : the miners hear the roar of waves over- head. The soil produces the different kinds of grain, fruits, and potatoes. Indian corn is called maize in Europe: the seed was originally brought from America. In the warm and genial southern parts, the grape, olive, orange, lemon, fig, date, and other fruits flourish : rice is also cultivated here. A few fir-trees and mosses constitute the vegetation of the cold and dreary northern part. MAP EXERCISE. Mountains ? Capes ? Islands ? Seas ? Animals ? Pictures ? ASIA. 45 LESSON XLII. Asia is the largest division of land in the world ; being four times the size of Europe, or larger than North and South America together. It contains more than one-half the people of the world. It was the home of Adam and Eve ; and was also the scene of our Saviour's birth, life, labors, and crucifixion. The mountains of Asia are the loftiest in the world. Mount Everest, one of the Himalayas, is more than five and one-half miles high, — a mile higher than Mount Tupungato ! The rivers of Asia are large and numerous ; but none of them are two- thirds the length of the Mississippi. Asia is the native land of the Camel, and, probably, of the Horse. The camel is called the " Ship of the Desert ;" and, were it not for him, large parts of Asia could not be crossed by man. The people mostly belong to the yellow race. They are ingenious, but lack energy. The Great Chinese Wall and the Grand Canal are the only great improvements ; and these were made during a past age. Nearly all are Pagans, — idol-worshippers. Asia is rich in precious minerals : gold, silver, and diamonds abound. China and India are the most important countries. From China we import tea, silks, and china-ware. The Japan Islands — on which the Japanese live — and the Malay Islands — on the shores of which the Malay people reside — are near Asia. LESSON XLIII. The northern part of Asia is so bleak and barren, that only a few hardy shrubs and coarse grasses will grow there. The middle part has high mountain-chains and ridges, between which are fertile plains and valleys, producing different kinds of grain and affording fine pasture. The southern part is much the finest: the bamboo, banyan, and palm tree grow luxuriantly ; fruits in great va- riety, tea, coffee, rice, millet, cotton, cinnamon, nutmegs, cloves, and camphor, are produced in great quantities. This part abounds in ferocious animals and beautiful birds. Upon the slopes and in the valleys of the Himalaya mountains the Cashmere goat is raised, from the wool of which the famous Cashmere shawls are made. Many people of the interior are engaged in raising sheep, cattle, camels, and horses. The same pursuit was followed by the early inhabitants of Asia. MAP EXEECISE. Mountains ? Rivers ? Gulfs ? Bays ? Seas ? Oceans ? Capes ? Islands ? Jerusalem ? Animals ? Cape of Good *** AFRICA. 47 LESSON XLIV. Africa is the native land of the Negro. It has a very extensive coast, but no great bays, and few large rivers. The Nile is the longest and most important of the rivers. The people are mostly ignorant and degraded : the hot climate tends to prevent their improvement. They chiefly live in rude huts, but in most cases have fixed places of residence ; are generally kind and cheerful, and are not so cruel as the American Indian. They pay some attention to gardening, but use very rude tools : some of the tribes make leather and cotton cloths. The sale of negroes forms a large part of the commerce of Africa. Several hundred boys, girls, men, and women are frequently driven from place to place until sold. Many thousands of them are taken to South America and the West Indies every year. The negroes of the United States are the descendants of Africans who were forcibly taken from their own homes. In the northeastern part is Egypt, where now live the descendants of the ancient Egyptians mentioned in the Bible. Here are vast stone pyramids and other monuments erected by the powerful kings who reigned in Egypt many thousand years ago. One of the Pyramids covers thirteen acres of ground. LESSON XLV. ab c Africa surpasses all other lands in the number of wild animals. Among the domestic animals are the camel, having feet resembling cushions, by which he steps upon the dry sand without sinking; oxen with enormous horns ; and sheep with tails so long and fat that they have to be attached to little wagons to prevent dragging on the ground. The palm-tree grows in all parts except the southern : wheat, corn, rice, and cotton are grown ; the olive and fig trees and lotus-plant flourish. The Baobab-tree grows to the size of thirty feet in diameter, — as large as many cottages, — but only twelve to fifteen feet high. A vast region of Northern Africa is a desert called Sahara. It is the largest desert in the world: over its hot sands, which shift with every wind, the traveler rides upon the "Ship of the Desert." Gold abounds in the hills and streams ; iron, copper, and salt also abound. The exports are slaves, palm-oil, gold, ivory, hides, and feathers. MAP EXERCISE. Mountains? Rivers? Capes? Seas? Desert? Isthmus? People? Slave-sale? Animals? Trees? Tell of the Israelites and the Red Sea. Tell of Joseph in Egypt. Moses and his boat of rushes. Madagascar, where ? §0 % o a a o° CO o *, ^ . h o e ° S cr CO Q Z _ < Q »?o °«s° Ssf -•■ ** **4&*^J$ ^ * ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 61 The Condor (con'dor) is the most lofty-dwelling bird. Like tho hyena and some other animals, it cats dead bodies which would otherwise poison the air. It is hatched on tho bare rock, with no nest to protect it from wind and cold. We do not wonder that it is so hardy and strong. It in- habits the regions of storm and earth- quake. The Cork-Tree is an oak. Its outer bark is made into stopples. All large oaks are very valuable : they aro used for ship and other building where strength and durability are required; and the bark of one kind, called quer- citron, is used in tanning leather and in coloring yellow. Oaks aro found chiefly in North America, Europe, and Asia. The Cotton-Plant, first found in India, is grown in many other warm lands. There aro three kinds of cotton- plants, — the yearly, tho shrub, and the tree. Tho yearly is grown most ex- tensively, and from .seed. The seeds, surrounded by tho soft, downy cotton, grow in a pod. When the^pods burst, the cotton and seed are picked from them and separated. It rivals wool in clothing mankind. Crocodile.— See Alligator, (No. 4.) (19) The Date-Palm grows in Africa and Asia. Its wood is used in building houses; its fruit is used for food; its juice is made into wine; its leaves, into hats and baskets ; and tho date-stones are ground to make oil. (18) The Python (pi'thon) is found in Asia and Africa. Like the boa-constrictor, after coiling around animals and crushing them, it covers them with slime and swallows them whole. The Deer— See No. 46. The Eagle is found in nearly all parts of the world, but mostly in wild regions little settled by man. It was called the "King of Birds," and a noble animal, by tho people of olden times, who were apt to think that tho most powerful rulers were the most noble, even if very cruel. It is very strong, and can see a long distance. It feeds on the small animals which it kills, and on those it finds dead and de- caying. (22) The Elephant, (el'e-phant,) the largest and strongest laud-animal, is found in India aud Africa. It lives in lonely forests, and eats parts of trees and roots plowed up by its ivory tusks. It feeds itself with its long nose and upper lip, called its trunk. When tamed, it is very useful in carrying people and loads. (21) TheBird-of-Paradise(par'- a-dise) is very proud and careful of its beautiful feathers. The Elephant-Seal.— See Seal, (No. 79.) (23) The Elk and (24) The Ante- lope (an'te-lope) aro found in both continents. The horns of the elk fall off yearly, but those of the antelope are permanent. Like all animals of their kinds, they help in removing too luxu- riant vegetation, while they themselves are the food of other animals, including man. Somo of them like to roam over lands somewhat barren. (25) The Emeu (e'mew) inhabits Oceania, and feeds on grass, buds, berries, and roots. It has no wings for flight, but it runs very swiftly. Its eggs are laid on the ground, no nest being prepared, but commonly among bushes. Birds which fly most build better nests than thoso which move on foot; for their young must remain longer in them for their wing-feathers to grow. (26) The Lyre-Bird has a tail re- sembling a musical instrument. The Esquimau Dog (esTce- mo) is the most valuable animal in those far-northern regions near ice where the reindeer finds no pasture. Where winter prevails three-fourths of the year, the people could hardly live without it. It faithfully draws sledges over the snowy deserts, and often while suffering from intense hunger. Dogs are found in all parts of tho world. The Flamingo.— See No. 5. (29) The Flax-Plant is grown from seed. When full grown, it is pulled, bundled, dried, soaked in water to partly rot the stems, dried again, beaten or brtiised, and combed. The fibers or threads thus obtained are spun into yarn and made into linen cloth. Linseed-oil is obtained from its seed by pressing. (28) The Hemp-Plant is taller than the flax, aud is made into rope, and coarse, strong cloth, called canvas, and used for sails. ANIMALS AND PLANTS. The Grape-Vine has been culti- vated many thousand years. The first vineyard mentioned in the Bible was that planted by Noah. It is very long- lived, sometimes reaching the age of several hundred years, and growing to .the size of a man's body. It thrives in warm countries. The grapes are dried, and called raisins ; the juice is made into wine. The currants of commerce are dried grapes. The Grass-Tree supplies the natives of Australia with a part of their food. The Giraffe, (ji-raff',) the tallest of animals, is found only in Africa. Its elegant long neck enables it to feed from the tops of tree*. It takes hold of the leaves with its long tongue. Its appearance in a grove is magnificent. It kicks with terrible swiftness and force, often killing the lion. It can leap fifteen feet, and the swiftest race- horse can hardly overtake it. The Gnu.— See No. 83. (32) The Grizzly Bear is the most powerful and ferocious of all bears except the polar; still, it feeds much on vegetables. Bears prefer to live in wild stormy regions, where the smaller animals on which they feed are killed in the tempests and snows. (33) The Bocky Mountain Sheep is not covered with wool: it would be if it were tamed and well cared for in places neither too cold nor too warm. The Hemp-Plant— See No. 28. The Hippopotamus (hip-po- pot'a-mus) is found only in Africa. It lives in the rivers and on their muddy- shores, and can stay under water five minutes. It feeds mostly on water- plants; but in the evening it enters fields and destroys crops with its ugly mouth and clumsy feet. It eats more than any other animal. Its great duty is, like that of the Manatee, to destroy vegetation and to clear streams. (35) The Hyena, (hy-e'na,) now found only in Africa and Southern Asia, eats dead animals and the bodies which it digs' from graves. It often lives in rocky dens, and prowls about at night. (36) The Bamboo (bam-boo') grows mostly in Southern Asia. It is a bunch of reeds rising from one root. The Chinese cultivate it, and make paper, sails, rigging, and many articles of furniture from it. The Jaguar (jag-u-ar') is the most ferocious of the cat tribes of South America. Although it gene- rally lives away from settlements, it sometimes enters them and makes sad havoc. It seeks its prey in the night, and lies in hiding-places till its victim can be reached by jumping. It kills with great energy, but not in anger; for it was created to remove animals which would otherwise become too numerous. The Kangaroo (kang-ga-roo') is found only in Oceania. It feeds on grass and low trees, and leaps from place to place very swiftly. - It is mostly found in parts of Australia where the land is covered with green grass and trees at one season and is parched at the next; bo that it is obliged to move about a great deal in search of food, and frequently to carry its young at the same time. The Llama (la'ma) is found only in the mountainous parts of South America. It carries loads, in that wild region, over natural bridges, along frightful precipices, across foam- ing waterfalls, and where snow-storms darken the air and drive so furiously that no other animal can stand or even live. It resembles the camel, but has no hump, for there are no deserts for it to cross. (41) The Lion, the "King of Beasts," is found in Aft „a auu Asia. Its roar is deep and solemn, and is often heard amid the sounds of thun- der-storms. It springs from hiding- places upon men and animals, and can carry off an ox in its mouth. It assists in destroying animals which would otherwise become too numerous. (40) The Baobab-Tree (ba'o-bab) bears a fruit which the natives call " monkey-bread." Its bark is made into cloth. The Live-Oak-Tree.— See No. 78. The Lyre-Bird.— See No. 26. (1) The Marten (mar'ten) end (2) The Sable (sa'ble) are found in the northern and wooded regions of North America, Europe, and Asia, and feed on such animals as mice, rabbits, and partridges. Some of them have hair under their toes to keep them warm. (3) The Otter, (ot'ter,) found on both continents, lives mostly in the water, and commonly feeds on fish. ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 53 The Mahogany-Tree (ma-hog'a- ny) grows mostly in Central Ame- rica. From there it is sent in ships to various parts of the world. The wood is much used in the manufacture of house-furniture. The best mahogany- trees grow where it is difficult to cut and haul them ; so that much of the finest timber is not used, the people where it grows not having the skill and energy to move it to market. ' The Manatee, (man-a-tee',) or Sea-Cow, is found mostly in the warm waters of South America. It feeds in the water or on the shore, and removes many plants which would either choke up shallow streams, or decay and poison the air, in a region where the land is flooded at one season and parched the next, or where the vegetation is so dense and tangled that no large* vege- table-eating quadrupeds can live. The Monkey (mungTce) inhabits the forests of tho warmest parts of both continents, and some of the warm islands. It feeds mostly on fruits, but is fond of insects. It is very lively and mischievous, and moves from tree to tree on the branches with great swiftness,— often with its young cling- ing to it. The monkeys of America are the most noisy and lively. (47) The Moose is found in the northern forests of North America, where it feeds upon roots and the bark and tender branches of trees, and on the grasses growing in shallow water. Its flesh, called venison, resembles beef. Its horns fall off every year. (46) The Deer, found mostly in North America, Europe, and Asia, is very shy and runs very swiftly. It eats the tender sprouts of trees, roots, and herbs. Its horns are shed yearly. The flesh of all animals of the deer kind is called venison. The Musk-Ox inhabits the north- ern part of North America. The win- ters of this region are long and cold, and the lands are nearly barren. Still, the musk-ox thrives in the short sum- mer upon the scanty grass, and in winter on the mosses, and supplies tho Esquimaux with much of their food. A fine downy wool grows among the long hair. The Orang-Outang, (o-rang'- o-tang,) a four-pawed animal, is found mostly in Malaysia. Like all other apes, it has no tail. It is sometimes seven feet tall, and is very strong, and exactly fitted to climb trees and to move from limb to limb for the fruits on which it feeds. It lives in dense warm forests where fruits are always ripening. The Owl.— See No. 62. The Otter.— See No. 42. The Olive-Tree thrives in mild countries, but is mostly grown in the region of Europe southward from the Alps. The fruit of some of tho trees yields two hundred quarts of oil, which is used by the people as butter, or ex- ported. The traveler, on crossing the Alps range from the north, is surprised to find on the sunuy side of those mountains groves of olives and blossom- ing orange and lemon trees. The Ostrich, (os'trich,) found chiefly in Africa, is the largest of birds. It outruns the horse, and can carry a man upon its back. The plumes of its wings and tail are valued as ornaments of dress. Its eggs weigh three pounds each, and are laid in nests scratched in the sand. The na- tives make'drinking-cups of the egg- shells. It feeds on grass, fruit, and grain. The Platypus, (plat'i-pns,) or Orni thory nchus, (or-ni-tho-riu'eus,) is found only in Australia. It bur- rows in the ground, near deep and sluggish water, and feeds on little animals found in the mud and water. Its burrow has one entrance under water, and is a long, winding way, ending in a roomy place lined with leaves and moss. Its bill resembles the duck's, and its fur the otter's. The Penguin (pen'gwin)ls found mostly on the southern coast of South America and the islands of the cold ocean near by, and still further south. It lives on the lonely shores, never going far from land; for, having no wings with which to fly, it might not live to swim ashore during tho storms which so often occur in the region it in- habits. REVIEW AND ADDRESS. Children : — We have now reached the end of this book. As we should look back upon every act we do and every hour and day we spend, and ask, What good have we done? so let us look back upon the lessons we have studied, and ask, What have we learned from them ? The things we see about us daily have their uses. The trees supply us with wood to burn, with lumber and timber for house and ship building, and with fruits to eat. The animals yield articles of food, and skins and wool for clothing. The ground produces many different kinds of plants and vegetables without which we could not live ; and the earth contains treasures of coal, iron, lead, and other minerals. Other countries, too, have animals, plants, and precious ores, for the food, clothing, and welfare of their inhabitants. To whatever part of the earth we go, we find animals, plants, and people exactly suited to the places they occupy. The regions farthest north and south are frozen and dreary ; yet we find in them the polar bear, the common whale, the walrus, the seal, the auk, and the penguin, passing comfortable lives amidst the snow and ice along the lonely shores. Midway between the two frozen wilds is a vast region where summer never ends, where dense woods of great trees and tangled vines swarm with animals of many sorts, and where warm waters are the homes of wonderful living things. More than all this : we have seen Man, the master of all the animals, visiting every region, for some object of value, or to fix his home. He pursues the whale on the mighty deep, and the fur-bearing animals on the frozen land. He tills the soil of mild countries, and builds splendid cities and works of art. He captures the great elephant in the warm woods of the Eastern continent, and pursues the ostrich for its elegant feathers. Wherever man is, he is guided by reason in making himself comfortable. He has no fur; yet he strips the polar bear and crawls into his skin. Jf.e can grow no vegetable in the frozen ground, yet finds the best food in the animals he captures. He lives cheer- fully among the silent snows, or in dens and huts warmed and lighted by animal oil. He also adapts himself to hot regions, where he needs little dress to cover him and little meat to eat. Here he feeds on the fruitful trees and plants which grow wherever rain falls, and makes use of the camel and llama in crossing hot or rugged wastes. The animals, too, perform their duties. The shark swims the ocean, devouring as it goes, while the hyena, the vulture, and the lion destroy dead and living animals on the land. The hippopotamus, manatee, and crocodile clear the warm rivers and streams, and many different animals remove the leaves of rank plants and trees. What do we observe in all this ? We observe the wisdom of God ; and we think of the words of the Bible :• — "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was vert good." 50 ReoeW ed books aresub^ ^S*« *CP YE C&592 HIT! NOOTT'8 ADAPTED TO THE WANTS OF schools a is r> v < ^vx>E3iii :s BOOK i. -A Primary Geography, on th§ basis of the Object Method of It struction. B \< Fordyeo A. Aller" BOOK 2. — An Intermediate Geograp. v. on the basis of the Object. Method, of Instruction; eim. ,icing Ancient and Modern History, and Physi Mathematical Geography. Philosophically pn and arranged for Common Schools. By Fordyce A. Alter, in preparation. BOOK 3, — Smith igraphy, contai; mr a concise text arid explanatory notes. Baaed on a combination of the A .Synthetical, and Comparativ tenis. With more than onehnndred nap?. Government. 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