Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementsofplanetOOdu('frich THE ELEMENTS OF PLANE TRIGONOMETRY BY WILLIAM P. DURFEE Professor of Mathematics in Hobart College BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1901 I Copyright, 1900 By WILLIAM P. DURFEE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PEEFAOE In preparing this book the author had two ends in view : First, to give the student an elementary knowledge of the science of Trigonometry, together with an introduction to the theory of functions as illustrated by the trigono- metric ratios. Second, to give him practice in the art of computation. Especial stress has been laid on this side of the subject for the reason that many students have no other experience with the calculation of approximate numbers. The value of preliminary estimates of results and the necessity of frequent checking are constantly insisted on. This feature is believed to be novel. The chapter on the Right Triangle is an informal intro- duction to the subject. The use of natural functions is advised here that the student may become familiar with them. In the remainder of the book logarithms are used in all computations. In order to meet what seems to be the demand at the present time, the author has worked the illustrative problems with five-place logarithms. Person- ally he prefers four-place, as they are sufficiently accurate for most practical purposes, and their use permits the student to solve more problems in the limited time at his 1 46543 iv PREFACE disposal. By dropping the fractional part of the minute and the fifth figure of a number, where they occur in the data, four-place tables may be used without trouble. The author is under great obligation to Professor E. W. Davis, of the University of Nebraska, for his criticism and suggestion. Much of the chapter on Computation is due to him. W. P. D. Geneva, August, 1900. CONTENTS CHAPTER I — COMPUTATION SECTIONS 1-2. Approximate Numbers . 3. Logarithms . 4. Use of Logarithmic Tables 5. Interpolation 6. Accuracy in Computing CHAPTER II — THE RIGHT TRIANGLE 7. Definition of the Trigonometric Functions 8. Applications of the Definitions 9. Inverse Functions .... 10. Functions of Complementary Angles 11-12. The Fundamental Relations . 13. Functions of 45°, 30°, and 60° 14. Tables of Natural Functions . 15. Use of Tables of Natural Functions 16-17. Solution of Right Triangles . 18. Solution of Problems .... CHAPTER III — UNLIMITED ANGLES 19. Addition and Subtraction of Lines . 20. Angles 21. Addition and Subtraction of Angles 22. Measurement of Angles 23. Quadrants 24. Ordinate and Abscissa . 25. Definition of the Functions . 26. Signs of the Functions . 27. Fundamental Relations 28. Functions of 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° . 29. Line Representatives of the Functions 30. The March of the Functions . 81. Sine Curve, etc 32. Periodicity ..... VI CONTENTS CHAPTER IV— REDUCTION FORMULAS SECTIONS 33. Functions of Negative Angles 34. Functions of 90° + 0, etc. . 35. Reduction Formulas 36. Applications ..... 37-38. 39. 40. 41-46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. CHAPTER V— THE ADDITION THEOREM Projection .... Projection on Coordinate Axes Addition Formula Sine and Cosine of

+ log q H . I. The logarithm of the product of several numbers is ■equal to the sum of the logarithms of the factors. Dividing the first of the two equations above by the second, m 10'*' m — = --— = lO* -2 ', or log — = x — y = log m — log n. n ■ 10 y n J . & II. The logarithm of. the quotient of two numbers is equal to the logarithm of the dividend minus the logarithm of the divisor. Raising m = 10* to the -£th power, m k = 10**, or log m k — kx = k log m. III. The logarithm of any power of a number is equal to the logarithm of the number multiplied by the exponent of the power. Since a root is a fractional power, the logarithm of the kth. root of a number is - times the logarithm of the number. The following series of equations illustrates these prin- €iples: .JSP 3 lab 2 , fab 2 \ h 1, ah log y = log\-^- = log ( — \ = - log — by III — i[log ab 2 — log c 4 ] by II = -J- [log A and side A"C" = AC. From the construction and r 1! __ ^ x' < x, y' >m y"y "77 > ~> r r x' X <-> r x' X x" X r y x" r >-> X r' y" ii r <- y Fig. 3. 12 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY The ratios in this triangle are not equal to the corre- sponding ratios in the first triangle. The foregoing considerations lead to the conclusion that these ratios depend for their values solely on the angle A ; i.e., they change when A changes, they are constant when A is constant. This dependence is expressed mathematic- ally by saying that the ratios are functions of the angle A. To distinguish them from other functions they are called Trigonometric Functions. The six trigonometric functions of A are named as ' follows : - = sine of A , r written sin A. - = cosine of A. r a COS^L. - = tangent of 'A, a tan A x - = cotangent of A y > cot A. r - = secant of A, X a sec A. r -^= cosecant of .4, u esc A. y 8.' The foregoing equations define the trigonometric func- tions. They are fundamental and should be carefully mem- orized. These definitions may be put into words : ?/ side opposite sin A = * = -r f^ r hypotenuse x side adiacent cos A a= - r* r hypotenuse y _ side opposite Fig. 4. x side adjacent THE RIGHT TRIANGLE 13 x side adiacent cot A = - = — J - —• y side opposite _ r _ hypotenuse x side adjacent r hypotenuse esc A = - .— — ^ t/ side opposite EXERCISES Find the six functions of each of the acute angles in the right triangle whose sides are : 1. 5, 12, 13. 7. a, Vl - a 2 , 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 8. a, 6, Va 2 + 6 2 . 3. 8, 15, 17. v 9. 5, 5, 5 V2. 4. 9, 12, 15. 10. a, V^ax~+ti\ a + x. 5. 5, 8, V89. 11. a + b, a-b, V2(V + 6 2 ). 6. 2, 3, Vl3. , 12. m*—n 2 , 2mn, m 2 + ^ 2 . 9. Inverse Functions. Suppose we have the expression sin .4 = f; how may we describe A ? A is the angle whose sine is f . It is customary. to express this by writing A = sin-H. This is read "A is the angle whose sine is -J." So, too, the expressions cos -1 §, tan -1 |, sec -1 f are read the angle whose cosine is §, the angle whose tangent is §, the angle whose secant is f. These functions are called inverse functions. They are distinguished D /<£ — ^ from the trigonometric functions F IG# 5# by the exponent — 1. 14 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Let it be required to construct sin -1 !. Construction. At B erect BC perpendicular to DB and equal to 3. With C as a center, and with a radius equal to 5, describe an arc cutting BD at A. Draw CA ; then is A the required angle. For by definition sin A = | , or A = sin -1 |. EXERCISES Construct the following angles : 1. sin -1 1, sin -1 f, sin _1 f. 2. cos -1 !, cos -1 1, cos"" 1 !. 3. tan -1 ^, tan -1 1, tan -1 l. 4. cot -1 f, cot -1 2, cot -1 5. 5. sec -1 1, sec -1 2, sec -1 5. 6. esc -1 1, esc -1 1, esc -1 3. Show by constructing a figure that : 7. sin -1 f = cos -1 % = tan -1 §. Show by construction that the following angles are im- possible. 8. sin -1 1, cos -1 2, sec -1 f, csc -1 ^. 9. sm -1 -7? cos -1 7? a>o. b o 10. sec -1 -? esc -1 -? bg-, (sin A) 2 is written sin 2 A, (cos A) z is written cos 3 A. y v Since - X -. = 1 we have sin A esc A = 1 [1] cos A sec A = 1 [2] tan A cot A = 1 [3] sin A cos A cos A V y X r X r X 1 y X X X y~ 1 y X y r r X X y = X V r y sin A tan A [4] = cot A. [5] From the figure y 2 + x 2 = r 2 . Dividing this equation by r 2 , by x 2 , and by y 2 , S + S =1; (r)+(7-) 2=1 - ••• S inM+cos^=l. [ r,] =/ **?*■?/ i+ ©-w- These eight identities constitute the fundamental rela- tions of the trigonometric functions. They are very im- portant and should be committed to memory. By means of these relations, when we know one function of an angle, we can find all the others. Suppose, for example, sin A = -J. [6] cos A = Vl - sin 2 ,4 = Vl - £ = £ V& r a -. sin A \ 1 , . r- [41 tan ^4 = = -~=z = --= = 4 V3. ■ cos.l iV3 V3 THE RIGHT TRIANGLE 17 sin A The values of these functions may also be found by con- structing sin -1 £ and finding the third side of the 1 triangle geometrically. This side is V3. The functions can now be written from the definitions (§ 8). EXERCISES Find all the functions of the following angles, using^each of the methods illustrated above : i 1. cot" 1 2. 3. cot" 1 ! 5. cos" 1 !! 7. cos" 1 2. 2. tan -1 3. 4. sec -1 §. 6. csc~^f. 8. sin- 1 !. 12. We can express any function of A in terms of any other function of A by making use of formuras [1] to [8]. As an illustration let us express each of the^functions in terms of the tangent. [3] tanvl = tan A. cot A = -• tan A [7] . sec A = Vl + tan 2 A. 1 i Vl + tanM [8] [1] [2] pc , A -y/l 1 p n +2 | "\/l 1 A * tan 2 A 1 tan A tan A esc A Vl + tan 2 A sec A Vl + tan 2 A 18 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY EXERCISES Express each of the functions of A in terms of 1. sin A. 2. cos A. 3. cot A. 4. sec .1. 5. coo A. 6. Tabulate the results. Prove the following identities by means of formulas [1] to [8]. 7. sin A sec A = tan A. 8. (sin A + cos A) 2 = 1 + 2 sin A cos A. 9. (sec A 4- tan A) (sec .4 — tan ^1) = 1. 1 — sin .4 _ cos A cos .4 1 + sin A 11. (l + tan^) 2 4-(l -tan.4) 2 = 2 sec 2 ,!. 12. (sin A 4- cos ,4) 2 4- (sin A - cos ,4) 2 = 2. 13. Functions of 45°, 30°, and 60°. Construct angle A == 45°, lay off yli? = 1, and complete the right triangle. Fig. 9. Angle C = 45°. From the definitions sin 45° = cos 45' Fig. 10. BC = 1 and.4C = V2. V2 tan 45° = cot 45° = 1. sec 45° = esc 45° V2 r THE RIGHT TR. NGLE 21 Construct the equilateral triangk _ 4452 = 26 Bisect angle A by AB. The triangle ii-_-jo 9 _-.o with angle BAC = 30°, angle C = 60°,~ ' ~~ side^=V3. -- 4470 - By definition sin 30° = j. sin 60° = -^ = %V3. cos 30° = ^ = £ V3. cos 60° = j. tan 30° = -i= = i V3. tan 60° = — - = ^3. V3 1 cot 30° = = V3. cot 60° = — ^ = 4- V3. 1 V3 sec 30° = -4= = f V3. sec 60° = f = 2. V3 F T esc 30° = * = 2. esc 60° = -^ .=== # V& V3 3 14. Trigonometric Tables. In the preceding paragraph we have found the functions of 30°, 45°, and 60° by simple geometrical expedients. The functions of other angles are not found so easily. For purposes of computation, tables of trigonometric functions are used. Such tables give the values of the sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent of all angles from 0° to 90° at intervals of 10'. Examine such a table. You will find in the left-hand column the angles ; their sines, cosines, tangents, and cotangents are opposite in appropriately headed columns. The column at the extreme right also contains angles. Inspection will show you that these angles are the complements of the corresponding angles at the left. We learned in § 10 that the function of any angle was the co-function of its complementary angle. The sine of an angle at the right is the cosine of the 18 PLANE a TRIGONOMETRY at the left. You will find this indi- Express each of iy the word cosine at the bottom of the 1. sin A. 2. Jie - Similarly for the other functions. If 6. Tabulate / our table carefully, you will find that the Pro^* an down the left side of the page till 45° is reached ; they then run up the right side of the page till 90° is reached. If the angle is less than 45°, you look for it at the left; if more than 45°, at the right. If the angle is at the left, the name of the required function is at the top of the page; while if the angle is at the right the name. of the function is at the bottom of the page. The tables do not contain secants and cosecants. These functions are reciprocals of cosine and sine, and can readily be found by taking advantage of this fact. You will find by experience that it is never necessary to use them in computation. Take your table and run down the column of sines. They increase with the angle. So do the tangents. Examine the cosines and cotangents. They decrease as the angle increases. 15. The table gives the functions of angles which are multiples of 10 f . To find the functions of other angles we interpolate, as explained in § 5. Care must be taken to add the correction in finding sines and tangents, to sub- tract it in finding cosines and cotangents. Find the sine of 27° 34'. sin 27° 30' -.4617. The tabular difference = .4643 - .4617 == 26. The correction = .4 of 26 = 10.4 = 10. sin 27° 34' = .4617 + 10 = .4627. Find the cosine of 63° 27'. cos 63° 20' = .4488. THE RIGHT TRIANGLE 21 The tabular difference = .4488 - .4462 = 26. The correction - .7 of 26 = 18.2 = 18. cos 63° 27' = .4488 - 18 = .4470. Find the tangent of 84° 28'. tan 84° 20' = 10.078. The tabular difference = 10.385 - 10.078 = 307. The correction = .8 of 307 = 245.6 = 246. tan 84° 28' = 10.078 + 246 = 10.324. The work which is here done out in full should be per- formed mentally as far as possible. In case your table has a column of differences, the operation of finding the tabular difference is unnecessary ; if your table is provided with a table of proportional parts, the operation of finding the correction is much simplified. EXERCISES Verify the following : sin 0° 42' = .0122. sin 58° 38' = .8539. cos 0° 42' = .9999. cos 58° 38' - .5220. tan 0° 42' =.0122. tan 58° 38' = 1.6405. co!; 9° 42' == 5.8505. cot 58° 38' = .6096. sin 43° 01' = .6822. cos 28° 13' = .8812. tan 38° 29' = .7949. cot 81° 31' = .1492. To find sin- 1 . 4327. The next smaller sine is .4305, the sine of 25° 30'. The difference = .4327 - .4305 = 22. The tabular difference = .4331 - .4305 == 26. Correction = || = 8. .'.sin- 1 .4327 =25° 38'. 22 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Fin/ j 3. x = 34, y= 45. Fig. 15. 7 7. a = 20, .4 = 30°. 8. ft = 16, ^ = 45°. 9. c = 75, . J5 = 60°. 10. a = 12, ft = 15. 11. a = 407, c = 609. 4. A= 30° 24', r = 207. 5. c = 38° 47', r = 103.4 6. A =64° 23', x= 20.32. Fig. 16. 12. ft = 1.306, c = 2.501. 13. A = 15° 17', = 163. I 14. ^ = 81° 17', ft = .0143. 15. a = 137.4, ft = 101.2. 16. 5 = 65° 8', c = 3.145. / THE RIGHT TRIANGLE 27 ^1§! The Solution of Problems. The problems that com- plete this chapter can all be solved by right triangles. While different problems demand different methods of solution, the following general method of procedure will be found very useful : 1°. Carefully construct a diagram to some convenient scale and find the graphic solution by proper measure- ments. 2°. Examine the diagram for a right triangle with two parts given; if this triangle contains the required part, solve it ; if not, consider all the parts of this triangle as known, and find another right triangle with two parts known ; if this second triangle contains the required part, the method of solution is obvious ; if it does not contain the required part, repeat the process until a triangle is found that does contain it. It may be necessary to draw auxiliary lines. When you have found the several steps that lead to the solution, review the work to make sure that all of them are necessary. 3°. Proceed to the computation, being careful to check each step. No computation should be made until the whole process of solution is determined upon and written out. Definitions. If denote an observer, P an object above the horizon, and POH' a vertical plane intersecting the horizon in HH ! , the angle POH 1 is called the Elevation (or Altitude) of P. If the object be below the hori- FlG * 17# zontal plane, as at Q, the angle QOH' is called the depression of Q. The bearing of an object is its direction from the ob- server. The use of the word is obvious from tfye following 28 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY illustrations. If be the observer, the bearing of P is E 20° N, of Q is N 25° E, of R is W 30° iV, of T is 5 25° W. Fig. 19. Bearing is also often given in terms of the divisions of a mariner's compass. The circle is divided into 32 eqnal parts, the points of division being named as indicated* in the figure. EXERCISES fly The center pole of a tent is 20 ft. high, and its top is stayed by ropes 40 ft. long ; what is the inclination of the ropes to the ground ? \2J A man standing 140 ft. from the foot of a tower finds that the elevation of its top is 28° 25'; what is the height of the tower ? ^. p /m) At what latitude is the circumference oiuAparallel of latitude equal to two-thirds ' of the circumference of the equator ? I Suggestion. Let PEP'E' be a section of the earth through its axis, PP' its axis, ~p' EE' the equator, LL' the circle of lati- fig. 20. tll d e . Then will EOL be the latitude. 4. The length of a degree of longitude at the equator is 69.16 mi.; find a formula for the length of a degree of longitude at latitude A. THE RIGHT TRIANGLE 29 /5j A ladder 40 ft. long reaches a window 33 ft. from the ground. Being turned on its foot to the opposite side of the street, it reaches a window 21 ft. from the ground; how wide is the street ? (ey From a window the top of a house on the opposite side of a street 30 ft. wide has an elevation of 60°, while the bottom of the house has a depression of 30° ; what is the height of the house ? /vN A pole stands on top of a knoll. From a point at a dis- tance of 200 ft. from the foot of the knoll, the elevations of the top and the bottom of the pole are 60° and 30°, respec- tively ; prove that the pole is twice as high as the knoll. 8. A regular hexagon is circumscribed about a circle whose radius is 20 ft. ; find the length of the side of this hexagon. 9. The radius of a circle is 1. Find the side, the perim- eter, the apothem, and the area of a regular inscribed poly- gon of 5 sides, of 8 sides, of 9 sides, of 12 sides, of n sides. 10. A person at the top of a tower 100 ft. high observes two objects on a straight road running by its foot. The depression of the nearer is 45° 36', of the more remote is ^2£ ; what is their distance apart ? x <*^~ 11. If the edge of a regular tetrahedron is 10 ft., find the , fy length of a face altitude ; the length of the altitude, and the angle between two faces. 12. The roof rises from the adjacent sides of a square house at an angle of 30° ; find the angle which the corner of the roof makes with the horizon. 13. At a certain port the seacoast runs X. N. E., and a vessel 10 mi. out is making 12 mi. per hour S. S. W. At 2.30 p.m. she is due east ; what is her bearing at 2 p.m. ? at 3 p.m. ? At 2 p.m. a vessel sailing 10 mi. per hour is dispatched to intercept her ; what course must the latter vessel take ? 30 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Fig. 21. Suggestions. Let P be the port and SS } the course of the vessel, E its position at 2.30 p.m. Let PD be perpendicular to SS' ; find when she will be at D. The bearings at 2 p.m. and at 3 p.m. will be easily found. To find course of second vessel let Q be point of meeting and t the time after 2 p.m., when they meet. PQ and DQ can now be calculated in terms of t, which can be easily found. 14. A smokestack is secured by wires running from points 35 ft. from its base to within 3 ft. of its top. These wires are inclined at an angle of 40° to the ground. What is the height of the smokestack ? the length of the wires ? What is the least number of wires necessary to secure the stack ? If they are symmetrically placed, how far apart are their ground ends ? How far are the lines joining their ground ends from the foot of the stack ? from the top of the stack ? What angle do the wires make with these lines ? with each other ? What angle does the plane of two wires make with the ground ? What angle does the perpendicular from the foot of the stack on this plane make with the ground ? what is its length ? 15. On the U. S. Coast Survey an observation platform 50 ft. high was built. The platform was 8 ft. square. The four legs spread to the corners of a 12-foot square at the base. They were braced together by three sets of cross-pieces, as represented in the illus- tration. If the cross-pieces are equidis- tant and the lowest is 3 ft. from the ground, find the length of each piece required for the construction. Fig. 22. THE RIGHT TRIANGLE 31 y 16. A man wishing to know the width of a river selects a point, A* one bank, directly- opposite a tree, TR, on the other bank. He finds its elevation to be 10° 30' ; going back 150 ft. to B, he finds its elevation to be 9°. What is the width of the river? (Find A C, perpendicu- B ^° A Fiq 93 lar to BR ; then AR and A T.) 17. Upon the top of a shaft 125 ft. high stands a statue - which subtends an angle of 3° at a point 200 ft. from the shaft ; how tall is the statue ? 18. A wheel 1 ft. in diameter is driven by a belt from a wheel 4 ft. in diameter. If the shafts bearing these wheels are parallel and 10 ft. apart, how long will the belt be (a) if crossed ? (/?) if not crossed ? 19. In a circle whose radius is 15 ft., what angle will a chord of 20 ft. subtend at the center ? a chord of 25 ft. ? of 10 ft. ? In a circle of radius r, what angle will a chord, a, subtend ? 20. In a circle of 15 ft. radius, find the area of the seg- ment cut off by a chord of 18 ft. ; the area of the segment included between this chord and a chord of 25 ft. 21. The base of a quadrilateral is 60 ft., the adjacent sides are 30 ft. and 40 ft., the corresponding adjacent angles are 110° and 130°, respectively ; find the fourth side and the other two angles. 22. The elevation of a balloon due north from A is 60° ; from B, 1 mi. west of A, its elevation is 45° ; what is the height of the balloon ? 23. One of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle is 47 ft., and one of the equal angles is 38° 24'; what is the base of the triangle ? ; CHAPTER III HE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS OF UNLIMITED ANGLES ' 19. A directed line is a straight line generated by a point moving in a given direction. It possesses two qualities — length and direction. The lines AB and DC are of equal length but of opposite direction or sign. We indicate the direction of a line by the order of naming its extremities. For example : A B AB = -BA, c _ < D or AB + BA = 0. Fig. 24. Parallel directed lines may be added by placing the initial point of the second on the terminal point of the first. Their sum is the line defined by the initial point of the first and the terminal point of the second. They may be subtracted by placing their terminal points together. The remainder is the line defined by the initial points of the first and second. D E F, G Fig. 25. AB + BC = AC. DE + EF + FG = DG. AC + CB = AB. DG - FG + FE = DE. AC - BC = AB. GF+ FE= GE. AB - CB = AC. GE- FE = GF. 32 UNLIMITED ANGLES 33 The difference may also be obtained by putting the initial points together. The remainder is defined by the terminal points of the second and the first. AC - AB = BC. AB - AC = CB. By general agreement horizontal lines are positive when they make to the right, negative when they make to the left. Vertical lines are positive when they make upwards, nega- tive when they make downwards. Measurement. A directed line possesses two qualities — length and direction. Measurement takes account of both. Its length is the number of times it contains the unit line, and its direction is indicated by its sign. 20. Angles. We conceive the angle L VM to be generated by the revolution of L V about V till it comes into coinci- dence with VM. This revolution may be performed in two ways : 1st, as indicated by the arrow marked a; 2d, as indicated by the arrow marked J3. In a the motion is counter-clock- IG ' 6 * wise (opposite to the motion of a clock hand), in f3 the motion is clockwise. Mathematicians have agreed to call the former motion positive. The angle denoted *by a is positive, ft is negative. Nomenclature. Capital letters denote points ; small let- ters, lines ; Greek letters, angles. The angle above may be named, indifferently, LVM, Im, a. The angle ml is the angle described when m turns in a positive direction to coincidence with I. The angle described by m when it turns negatively into coincidence with I is — Im = — a. 34 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY The turning line is the initial line of the angle ; the other bounding line is the terminal line. In naming an angle, the initial line is always put first. The angle Im is generated by the revolution of I, in a positive direction, until it comes into coincidence with ra. If I continues to revolve, it will again come into coincidence with m. The angle it has described is still called Im. It differs from the former Im by a whole revolution, 360°. The two angles are congruent. If I continues to revolve, it will pass m repeatedly. The angles described when it passes m are all denoted by Im. They differ from each other by some multiple of 360°. They are congruent angles. While Im denotes any one of these congruent angles, the smallest is always understood. The student may get a clearer conception of what an angle is by considering the motion of the minute hand of a clock. In one hour this hand describes an angle of 360°; in an hour and a half, an angle of 540° ; in a half day, an angle of 4320°, and so on. At 12.15, 1.15, 2.15, 3.15, etc., this hand is in the same position. Counting from 12 o'clock, it has described angles of 90°, 450°, 810°, and 1170°. These angles are congruent. It is to be remembered that in the case under consideration all the angles are negative. 21. Addition and Subtraction of Angles. Angles are added and subtracted in the same way that lines are. The sum of two angles is found by placing their vertices together and bringing the initial line of the second into coincidence with the terminal line of the first, preserving the direction of both. The angle determined by the initial line of the first angle and the terminal line of the second angle is their sum. Two angles are subtracted by bringing together their terminal lines. The angle determined by the initial lines UNLIMITED ANGLES 35 of the first and second angles is their difference. The same result may be obtained by placing their initial lines together. Their difference is defined by the terminals of the second and the first. It is to be noted that the differ- ence defined above is the difference obtained by subtracting the second angle from the first. L VM + MVN = L VN LVN+NVM = LVM. n^^ N L VN - MVN = L VM. ^^n^^ M L VN - L VM = MVN ?&£— L Fig. 27. LVM-LVN =NVM. 22. Measurement of Angles. The measure of an angle is the number of times it contains the unit angle, and this measure will be positive or negative, according as the angle is positive or negative. Definition. A Perigon is the angle generated by a single, complete revolution of a line about a point in a plane. Two unit angles are in common use : The degree, which is 3^ of a perigon. This unit is too familiar to require further comment. The radian, which is the angle whose arc is equal to the radius. The radian is a definite angle. For the circumference of any circle is 2 7r(7r = 3.1416) times its radius. The angle whose arc is equal in length to the radius is therefore the angle whose intercepted arc is - — th of the circumference. Z 7T Since angles are proportional to their arcs the radian is - — th of the perigon. Z IT Eadians are denoted by the letter r, e.g., l r , 2 r , 6 r , ir r . Generally, however, this symbol is omitted unless such omission gives rise to ambiguity. 36 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Formulas for changing from degree measure to radian measure, and vice versa, are readily obtained. 2 7r r = 360°. 360° 180° - ^_ 2tt 180° To reduce degrees to radians, divide by IT 180° To reduce radians to degrees, multiply by IT When the angle bears a simple ratio to the perigon, its radian measure is expressed as a multiple of it. E.g., 180° -7T, 90° = |, 270°- |tt, 45° = J- EXERCISES 1. Express the following angles in terms of it radians : 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°, 105°, 120°, 135°, 150°, 165°, 210°, 225°, 240°, 300°, 330°, 450°, 600°. 2. Express the following angles in degrees : \ 7r, § 7r, t^ \**> tV*j A 7 ^ to^ i 77 "- 3. Express the following angles in radians : 130°, 36° 4', 147° 21', 200°, 340° 36', 38° 35'. 4. Express the following angles in degrees : l r , 2 r , 5'', l r .4, 3 r .6, 5 r .47, 8M, 10 r , 1M. Degree measure is used in all practical applications of trigonometry, while radian measure is used in analyt- ical work. In this book both systems are used indiscrimi- nately. 23. Quadrants. It is customary to place the angle in such a position that the initial line is horizontal and the vertex of the angle toward the left. II I III IV UNLIMITED ANGLES 37 The initial line and a line through the vertex perpen- dicular to this divide the perigon into four equal parts called quadrants. These quadrants are numbered I, II, III, IV, as in the accompanying figure. An angle is said to belong to, or to b.e of, the quadrant in which its terminal line lies. Thus, f ig# 2 8. angles > 0° and < 90° are of the 1st quadrant. " > 90° « < 180° " lid " " > 180° " < 270° " Hid " « >270° " <360° " IVth " Angles greater than 360° may be said to belong either to the quadrant of their smallest congruent angle, or to the quadrant determined by counting the number of quadrants passed over in the generation of the angle. E.g., the angle 800° is congruent to 80°, since 800° = 2x 360° + 80°. This angle belongs to either the 1st quadrant or to the 9th since 800° = 8x90° + 80°. EXERCISES ' To what quadrant do each of the following angles belong : 50°, 150°, 200°, 300°, 400°, 500°, 600°, 700°, 1000°, 2000°, 10000°, 100000°, - 40°, - 100°, - 200°, - 300°, - 600°, 3' ~3~' 3 ^ 7r ' 7 ^ 7r? * 7r ' <' 7r? 5 6 57r? 24. Ordinate and Abscissa. The position of any point in the plane is uniquely determined as soon as we know its distance and direction from each of the two perpendicular axes XX' and YY'. The distance from XX' (SP in the 38 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY X s figure) is called the ordinate of the point P. Its distance from YY 1 (OS in the figure) is the abscissa of P. Together they are the coordinates of P. The abscissa is usually denoted by x, and the ordinate by y. We write P = (x, y), where the abscissa is always put first. These coordinates are directed lines, and according to the convention mentioned in § 19 (p. 33) y abscissas which make to the right fig. 29. are positive, to the left, negative ; ordinates which make upwards are positive, downwards, negative. The initial extremity of the abscissa is on the y-axis, of the ordinate on the rc-axis. The signs of the coordinates in the several quadrants are therefore : p 2 £, Y R n * , s 3 S 4 p 3 s 2 $ T? P A 4 Y' X y i ii in IV + + + — 4- EXERCISES Draw a pair of axes (preferably on coordinate or cross- section paper) and fix the following points : 3, 5 ; - 3, 7 ; 3, - 7; - 6, 10 ; 4, - 8 ; - 3, - 5 ; - 1, 2 ; - 2, - 6 ; 3, ; - 2, ; 0, 4 ; 0, - 5 ; 0, 0. Note. Since RP — OS and OR = £P, the coordinates of P may be taken as RP and OR instead of OS and SP. 25. The Trigonometric Functions of any Angle. We are now in a position to define the trigonometric functions of any angle. These definitions are more general than those given in § 7 and include them. T ^4- 7**i /, UNLIMITED ANGLES 39 Let Im (or XOP) be any angle. Through 0, its vertex, draw YY* perpendicular to OX. Take XX ] and YY' as axes of coordinates. Let P be any point on m, and #, ?/ its coor- dinates. Let OP = r, and let us agree that r shall be positive . when it lies on m and negative when it lies on the backward extension of m. Denote the angle Im or XOP by . The functions are defined as follows : sine of cf> = sin = 1/ /r. cosine of <£ = cos cf> = x/r. tangent of <£ = tan<£ = y j x. cotangent of <£ = cot cj> = x/y. secant of <£ = sec<£ ~ v / x. cosecant of = esc <£ = r/y. Note. These definitions do not differ from those in § 7 except in generality. These are all the possible ratios of the three lines x, y, and r. These ratios are independent of the position of P on m. For if P be taken at any other point, as P\ the signs of x, y, and r are unchanged, while the ratios of the lengths are the same in both cases, since the triangles OSP and OS'P' are similar. If the point be taken at P n on the backward extension of m, the signs of x, y, and r are all changed. The triangles OSP and OS"P" are similar. The ratios of x, y } and r are therefore the same as before in both magni- tude and sign. 40 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY 26. These ratios, being independent of the position of P on m } are functions of the angle <£. Their algebraic signs depend upon the quadrant to which belongs. Draw an angle of each quadrant and verify the following table, taking r positive. X y sin cos tan cot sec CSC I + + + + + + + + II — + + — — — — + III — — — — + + — — IV + — — ■f — — + — In quadrant I all functions are positive. " II " negative except sin, esc. " III " " tan, cot. " IV " " cos, sec. EXERCISES 1. Write down the signs of the several functions of the following angles : 40°, 100°, 160°, 200°, 250°, 300°, 340°, -40°, -80% - 130°, - 190°, - 240°, - 300°. 2. In Fig. 31 the lines CC and BB ! are drawn equally Y inclined to XX', forming the angles ^yC <£u 3, <£ 4 - If we take OP 1 = OI\ = OP s = OP 4 , the coordinates of the points P lr P 2 , P 3 , and P 4 will be equal in mag- nitude but not in sign. We shall have sin <£ x = sin 2 = — sin <£ 3 = — sin <£ 4 . Find the corresponding relations between the other functions. UNLIMITED ANGLES 41 3. Show by Fig. 31 that there are always two angles less than a perigon which have the same sine : 1st, when the sine is positive ; 2d, when it is negative. Show the same thing for each of the other functions. 4. Construct the following angles : (See § 9.) sin -1 §; sec -1 3; cos -1 — i; tan -1 — 2; cot -1 — 1; sec -1 — 2; sin -1 — i ; csc -1 J; tan -1 2; cos -1 §; sin -1 §; esc -1 3. Remember that in each case there are two solutions. 5. Prove the following equations by means of a diagram : sin 60° = sin 120°; tan 225° = tan 45° ; cos 30° = - cos 150° ; cos 45° == sin 135° ; cos 120° = - sin 30° ; tan 150° = - tan 30° ; sec 40° = - sec 140° ; cot 130° = - cot 50° ; sin 210° = - sin 30° ; tan 135° = - tan 45°. 6. What angle has the same sine as 35°, 130°, 190°, 350°, 47°, - 40°, - 140°, - 230°, - 340°, cj> ? What angle has the same cosine as each of the preceding angles ? the same tangent ? the same cotangent ? the same secant ? the same cosecant ? 7. Draw a diagram and find the functions of 120°. (See §13.) 8. Find the functions of each of the following angles : 135°, 150°, 210°, 225°, 240°, 300°, 315°, 330°. -^ 27. Fundamental Relation of the Trigonometric Functions. The relations [1] to [8], which were proved in § 11 for acute angles, can be readily shown to hold for all angles. The proof is left for the student. For convenience of reference they are repeated here. 42 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY sin <£ • esc = 1. [i] cos <£ • sec cf> = 1. [2] tan<£- cot 4> = 1. [3] , , sin <£ tan [4] cos <£ COt d> — . - ■ sm cj> [5] sm 2 cf> + cos 2 <£ = 1. . [6] 1 + tan 2 <£ == sec 2 <£. m 1 + cot 2 cj> = CSC 2 cj>. [8] The following scheme may assist in remembering the first three of these formulas : sin cos tan — , cot ' sec <£ esc <£ = 1. EXERCISES By means of the relations [1] to [8] verify the following equations : 1. sin <£ = tan cos <£. 4. cos <£ =Vl — sin 2 <£. tan sin 2. sin = sec <£ 5. tan cj> vT^ sin 2 <£ 3. sin <£ = Vl — cos 2 $. 6. tan <£ ="Vsec 2 <£ — 1. 7. cot = Vl - sin 2 tan cj> 1 Vsec 2 <£ — 1 = Vcsc 2 <£ — 1. UNLIMITED ANGLES 43 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. Express each of the functions in terms of the sine. cos 2 <£ — sin 2 <£ = 1 — 2 sin 2 <£ = 2 cos 2 <£ — 1. \ sec 2 <£ + csc 2 <£ == sec 2 <£ csc 2 . ^, sin <£ _ 1 qp cos <£ 1 ± cos<£ sin (j> cos <£ _ 1 ± sin 1 qz sin cos 4> sec <£ ± 1 _ tan <£ tan <£ sec cf> zp 1 tan <£ + cot <£ = sec <£ esc <£. sin $ = i', find all the other functions analytically, cos <£=—$; " " « " tan<£ = §; « « " " sec <£ = f ; " " " " sin <£ + cos <£ == 1.2 ; find sin cf>. *-^ tan 2 <£ — sin 2 <£ = tan 2 sin 2 <£. 2|. The functions of 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, 360°. Let P be a point on the terminal line h sin 0° = - = 0, Z of <£ at a distance r from the origin. p 3 When = 0, P coincides with the point P 1? and its coordinates are x = r, Pj- y = 0. Fig. 32. cos 0° = - = 1, tan 0° = - = 0, r cot 0° = - = oo, sec 0° = - = 1, r esc 0° = - = oo. 44 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY When <£ = 90°, P coincides with P 2 , and its coordinates ace x = 0, y =■ r. sin 90° = - = 1, cos 90° = - = 0, tan 90° = £ = oo, r r cot 90° = - = 0, sec 90° ==J = oo, esc 90° = - = 1. r . r When <£ = 180°, P coincides with P 3 , and its coordinates are x = — r, y = 0. sin 180° = -- 0, cos 180° = — = - 1, r r tan 180° == — = 0, cot 180° = ^— = oo, sec 180° = — - - 1, esc 180° = £ = oo. — r When <\> = 270°, P coincides with P 4 , and its coordinates are x = 0, y = — r. sin 270° = — =- 1, cos 270° - - = 0, r r tan 270° = ^ - oo, • cot 270° = — = 0, — r sec 270° = £ = qo, esc 270° = — = - 1. — r When <£ = 360°, P coincides with P lf and the functions of 360° are identical with those of 0°. It is customary to prefix a double sign to the zero and infinity values of the functions, the upper sign being that of the function in the preceding quadrant, the lower that of the function in the following quadrant. The results obtained are tabulated in the first table on the opposite page. UNLIMITED ANGLES (3 OS cos L OP = — = length of OS, ' .' OP = unit of length. SP LT cot LOP = -^- = i 7 — = " NH,'.'ON = " SP ON OP OT sec LOP = — = — = « OT,\'OL= « OS OL csc LOP = = = " OH'.'ON = « SP ON If we agree that secants and cosecants shall be positive when measured on the terminal line and negative when measured on the backward extension of this line, it will be found on examination that these lines represent the functions in sign as well as in magnitude. For example, L T, the tangent, is positive in quadrants I and III, negative in quadrants II and IV. 30. The March of the Functions. We will now study the variation or march of each of the several functions as the angle increases from 0° to 360°. As the angle increases the point P travels in the positive direction around the ' circumference of the circle. As P passes through the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th quadrants : The sine, SP, increases from to 1, decreases to 0, decreases to — 1, increases to 0. The cosine, OS, decreases from 1 to 0, decreases from to — 1, increases to 0, increases to 1. The tangent, LT, increases from to go, changes sign and increases from -co to 0, increases to oo, changes sign and increases from — oo to 0. 48 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY The cotangent", NH, decreases from oo to 0, decreases to — co, changes sign and decreases from oo to 0, decreases to — oo and changes sign. The secant, OT, increases from 1 to oo, changes sign and increases from — oo to — 1, decreases from — 1 to — oo, changes sign and decreases from oo to 1. The cosecant, OH, decreases from oo to 1, increases from 1 to oo, changes sign and increases from — oo to — 1, increases from — 1 to — oo and changes sign. These results are tabulated below : sin 0° 1st Quad. 90° 2tl Quad. 180° 3d Quad. 270° 4th Quad. 0° =f° inc. 1 dec. ±0 dec. -1 inc. *o cos 1 dec. ±0 dec. -1 inc. *o inc. 1 tan T° inc. ±oo inc. =F° inc. ±oo inc. T° cot If 00 dec. ±0 dec. zpoo dec. ±Q dec. qpoo sec 1 inc. ±oc inc. -1 dec. ^00 dec. 1 esc =F°° dec. 1 inc. ±oo inc. -1 dec ipoo 31. Graphic Representation of the Functions. The nature of the variations which we have just been studying may be exhibited by the following constructions. Divide the circumference of the unit circle into any num- ber of equal parts. In the figure the points of division are marked 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 12. Lay off the same number of equal parts on a horizontal line, and number the points of division in the same way. Make the divisions of the line approxi- mately equal to the divisions of the circumference. At the points 0, 1, 2, 3 on the line erect perpendiculars equal in sign and length to the sine (SP) of the correspond- ing point on the circle. Join the ends of these perpendicu- lars by a continuous line. The resulting curve is the curve UNLIMITED ANGLES 49 of sines. As P moves along the circle, SP changes continu- ously, i.e. , it changes from one value to another by passing through all intermediate values. If now we conceive S 1 as 3 i< f t ► * \ / 9 o\ 7 8 9 10 11 /13 S V ^ M Fig. 34. moving along LM, keeping pace with P. while S'P' is equal to S'P, the point P' will trace the curve of sines. Our con- struction is an attempt to realize this conception. 32. If the angle increases beyond 360°, i.e., if P makes a second revolution, the values of SP would repeat them- selves in the same order. If we plot these values, we shall have the curve between L and N repeated beyond 2V, and this curve will be repeated as many times as P makes revolutions. The sine curve will take this form. (Fig. 35.) The student should construct the curve of cosines, the curve of tangents, and the curve of secants in a similar manner. To find the tangents and secants, the construc- tion of the preceding section should be used. The sum or the difference of two functions may be plotted. To plot 50 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY sin cj> -f cos <£, erect at 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., on MN (Fig. 33), perpendiculars equal to SP + OS at the several points 0, 1, 2, 3 on the fundamental circle in that figure. The result- ing curve will represent sin <£ + cos <£. ( ) T 2 7T 37T 4 IT 5 7T 6 7T / ^\ X + \ ( )° li 10° 360° 540° 720° 900° 1080 Fig. 35. Periodic Functions. Functions which repeat themselves as the variable or argument increases are called periodic functions. The period is the amount of change in the. variable which produces the repetition in the values of the function. The sine, as is evident from Fig. 35, is a periodic function Avith a period of 360°, or 2 it. The tan- gent has 7r for its period. EXERCISES Plot the following functions and determine their periods : 1. sin <£ — cos <£. 4. sin(90 o -h <£). 2. tan<£ — sin . 5. sin(— <£). 3. sec — tan<£. 6. cos(— <£). 7. cos <£ and sec <£ on the same axes. CHAPTEK IV REDUCTION FORMULAS 33. Negative Angles. The object of this chapter is to obtain a set of formulas which will enable us to express any function of an angle greater than 90° as a function of an angle less than 90°. Let AOC be a negative angle and AOC' an equal positive angle. Lay off OP = OP' and draw PP'. SP' = — SP. Let the coordinates of P be x, y, of p' = x\ y. Now x = x', y = - -y'. sin (— d>) = - = • sin <£. X COS(— d>) = - = J r x' _ r cos<£. tan (—(b) = - = v J X £ x' - tan cj>. X COt ( — d>) = - = y x' - cot <£. sec(— d>) = - = v X r x' sec . V csc(— d>)= - = y r -y'~ - CSC . [9] A little reflection will show that this proof is independ- ent of the magnitude of <£ and is therefore general. Its 51 52 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY results may be summed up by saying that in passing from — <£ to <£ the functions do not change name but do change sign except the cosine and secant. 34. Let AOB = cf> and A OC = 90° + ,<£. Lay off OP' = OP. The two triangles OPS and OP'S' are congruent (equal). Let coordinates of P be x, y\ of P' f x'y'. Neglecting algebraic signs, we have x = y', x' = y. No matter what the magnitude of cj>, it is obvious that we shall always have this relation between the coordinates of P and P'. Fig. 37. «-./..,. -, ^ By definition we have, neglect- ing algebraic signs, ^ Y \P A / S . v v sec (90° + <£>)= — = - = esc . v J x' y esc (90° + <£) = -, = - = sec . y x By studying this table (p. 53) of the signs of the functions in the several quadrants, it appears that sin (90° -f- <£) and cos <£ always have the same algebraic sign. For if (90° + <£) REDUCTION FORMULAS 53 falls in quadrant IV, <£ falls in quadrant III, n i and sin (90° 4- ) and cos <£ are both neg- sin + ative. If (90° + <£) falls in III, falls in II, cos - and both are negative, etc. We conclude : tan ' SID + cos + tan + cot + the cosine of an angle in the preceding quad- cgc ■ ! csc , rant have the same algebraic sign. The sine of an angle in any quadrant and sin — cos + tan — cot — sec + CSC — sin — Cos (90 + <£) and sin have different signs. cos ._ For the sign of the cosine in any quadrant tan + in the table is different from the sign of the cot + sine in the preceding quadrant. sec ~~ By employing the same method of reason- ~" ing we can show that tan (90° 4- ) and cot <£ have different signs cot (90° 4- ) " ■ tan <£ " " " sec (90° 4- <£) " csc " " " csc (90° 4- ) " sec " the same " The preceding formulas (p. 52), written with the proper signs, are: sin(90 o + ( ^ )= cos ^ ^ cos (90° 4- 4>) = — sin ^. tan (90° 4- <£) = - cot <£. [10] cot (90° +<£) = - tan <£. sec (90° 4- <£) = - csc . csc (90° 4- ) = sec <£. Since 180° 4- <£ = 90° 4- 90° 4- ) = cos (90° 4- <£) = - sin <£. cos (180° 4- ) = - sin (90° 4- ) = - cos <£. tan (180° 4- ) = - cot (90° + . sec (180° + <£) = — csc (90° 4- <£) = - sec <£. csc (180° + <#>)= sec (90° 4- ) - - csc <£. 54 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Functions of 270° + <£ are found by putting 270° + £ = 180° + 90° + <£• The results are tabulated below. The student is advised to verify these results by drawing dia- grams. A 90° -0 90° + 180° - 180° + 270° - 270° + 360° - sin COS <£ COS sin — sin — cos <£ — cos_<£ — sin cos sin <£ — sin cj> — cos — COS — sin <£ sin cos <£ tan cot — cot <£ — tan tan cot <£ — cot cj> — tan<£ cot tan<£ — tan — cot cot <£ tan<£ — tan<£ — cot — sec cf> — sec — CSC CSC sec <£ CSC — esc <£ — sec — sec — CSC This table includes, beside the cases we have already discussed, the functions of 90° - , 180° - <£, 270° - <£, and 360° — <£. These are reduced as follows : sin (90°-<£)=sin [90°+(-<^)]= cos(-^)= cos<£,by[9] sin(180 o -^)=sin[180°+(-<#))]=-sin(-^)= sin <£, " sin(270 o -^)=sin[270°+(-^)] = --cos(-^) = -cos <£, « sin(360°-<£)=sin (-^)=-sin <£. The other functions of these angles are derived in a similar manner. 35. If we inspect the table carefully, we find that it can be summed up in the two rules that follow : 1°. If 90° or 270° is involved, the function changes name (from sine to cosine, from tangent to cotangent, from secant to cosecant, and vice versa), while if 180° or 360° is involved the function does not change name. The second rule has to do with the algebraic sign. When we write cos (90° + <£) = — sin <£, tan (180° -£)==— tan <£, REDUCTION FORMULAS 55 iDoth terms must have the same sign. If <£ is less than 90°, sin <£ is positive and cos (90° -4- <£) is negative. The equality- is secured by putting the minus sign before sin . Since these formulas are general, the signs are the same, no matter what the value of cf>. Our rule is then : 2°. Assume that <£ is less than 90° and make the signs of both terms alike. ^ 36. Applications. Any angle greater than 90° can be expressed in two of the following forms : 90°+, 270°+4>, 360° - is less than 90°. E.g., 200° = 180° + 20°, or 270° - 70°. 300° = 270° + 30°, or 360° - 60°. 135° = 90° + 45°, or 180° - 45°. The functions of 200° are : sin 200° = sin (180° + 20°) = - sin 20°. cos 2.00° = cos (180° + 20°) = - cos 20°. tan 200° = tan (180° + 20°) = tan 20°. cot 200° = cot (180° + 20°) = cot 20°. ' sec 200° = sec (180° + 20°) = - sec 20°. esc 200° = esc (180° + 20°) = - esc 20°. They may also be written : sin 200° = sin (270° - 70°) = - cos 70°. cos 200° = cos (270° - 70°) = - sin 70°. tan 200° = tan (270° - 70°) = cot 70°. cot 200° = cot (270° - 70°) = tan 70°. sec 200° - sec (270° - 70°) = - esc 70°. esc 200° - esc (270° - 70°) = - sec 70°. 56 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY EXERCISES 1. Express the following functions as functions of angles less than 90°: tan 130°, sin 160°, cos 100°, cot 215°, sec260°, esc 280°, sin 310°, cos 310°. • 2. Express each of the preceding functions as the func- tion of an angle less than 45°. 3. Express each of the following functions as the func- tion of an angle less than 45° = — • . 2 7T 3 7T 5lT 47T , 5 77 11 7T sm— ? tan——? cos— — > sec -=-> cot — ^- > esc . • 3 4 6 3 3 6 4. By using formulas [9] express the following functions as functions of positive angles less than 90° : sin (-160°), cos (-30°), tan (-300°), sec (-140°), cot (-240°), esc (-100°), sin (-300°). 5. The angle — <£ is obviously congruent to 360° — , and their functions are identical. Reduce the functions in problem 4 by making use of this identity.. 6. Express the following functions as functions of angles less than 45° : cos 117° 17', sin 143° 21' 16", tan 317° 29' 31", cot 90° 46' 12", sec (- 135° 14' 11"), cos (- 71° 23'). CHAPTER V THE ADDITION FORMULA 37. Projection. The projection of & point on a line is the foot of the perpendicular from the point to the line. The projection of a line-segment on a given line in the same plane is the portion of the second line bounded by the projections of the ends of the first line. Fig. 38. The projection of AB is CD in I, II, and III, and AD in IV. B D % / /N , Z£ >> E D ^^ V B a{- . r F a( /J r V / A' B' 0' D f E' A 1 D' a' B' Fig. 39. Fig. 40. The projection of a broken line is the sum of the projec- tions of its parts. 57 58 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY The projection of ABODE (Fig. 39) is A'B' -f B'C + CD' 4- D'E'=A'E'; and the projection of ABCD (Fig. 40) is A'B' + B'C + CD' = A 'D'. (See § 19.) It is obvious that the projection of a broken line is equal to the projection of the straight line connecting the ends of the broken line. It is to be noted that here we take the direction of the lines into account. The projection of ABCD (Fig. 40) is equal to the projection of AD, and is the negative of the projection of DA. 38.( The projection of a line-segment on any line in its plane is equal, in length and direction, to the length of the segment multiplied by the cosine of the angle which the segment makes with the line.) In the figure the line-seg- ment is AC, the line of projection is LM, and the angle, measured according to § 20, is . The projection of AC is A'C = AB. Now cos = - AB AC \ AB = A'C = AC cos<£. The projection is positive when is an angle of the 1st or 4th quadrant ; it is negative when is an angle of the 2d or 3d quadrant. THE ADDITION FORMULA 59 39. Projection on Coordinate Axes. The proj ections of A C on XX' and YY' may be called the ^-projection of AC and the ^/-projection of AC. Let be the angle which A C makes with XX'. Draw OB parallel to AC. <£ = XOD, .'. YOB = cf>- 90°. If <£ is less than 90°, as in the case of A'C, the angle YOB' is negative and equal to 90° — . But - (90° -<£) = <£- 90°. In any case the angle which AC makes with YY' is 90° less than the angle it makes with XX'. cc-projection of AC = AC cos <£. y-projection of AC = AC cos(<£ — 90°) . = AC cos(90°-4>) by [9] — AC sin <£. 40. The Addition Formulas. These formulas enable us to express the functions of the sum or the difference of two angles in terms of the functions of the constituent angles. Without examining the matter, the student might make the mistake of writing : sin ( -f- 0) = sin <£ + sin 0. tan (<£ + 0) = tan cf> + tan 0, etc. In the accompanying figure the points F and C, on the terminal lines of and 0, respectively, are taken on the circumference of the unit circle. We have, therefore, in line Fig. 43. representatives (see § 29) : 60 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY sin = AF, sin 6 = EC, sin ( + 0)= BC. tsii = LT, tnnO=FD, tan (<£ + 0) = Z Q. It is evident that AF + EC> BC, or sin -f- sin > sin (<£ + 0), and LT + FD< LQ, or tan <£ + tan < tan (<£ + 0). Since the formulas fail in this particular case, they are obviously untrue. 41. The Sine and Cosine of <|> + 8. vA T Y <2\\ /M /X A ii N Fig. 44. Let LOM= and MON = 0, then LON = + 0. In I, <£ + (9 < 90°; in II, <£ + (9 > 90°; in both, <£ < 90°, < 90°. Through P, any point in OM, draw TtPQ perpendicular to OM. Angle LRQ — 90 + , being the exterior angle of the triangle OPtf. Since OQ is a line connecting the extremities of the broken line OPQ, we have, by § 37 : ^/-projection of OQ = ^-projection of OP -f- ?/-proj ection of PQ, [12] x-proj ection of OQ = x-proj ection of OP -f cc-proj ection of PQ. [13] U -f 4 ) c e^~ A^ X - - — * v O y THE ADDITION FORMULA ^ 61 Applying § 39, these equations become: OQ sin (<£ + 0) = OP sin + PQ sin (90° -f <£), [14] 6>Q cos (<£ + 0) = OP cos + PQ, cos (90° + <£). [15] But OP = OQ cos 0, PQ = OQ sin (9. sin (90° + <£) = cos <£, cos (90° + <£) = - sin <£. Substituting these values in [14] and [15], we have OQ sin (4> + 0) = OQ sin <£ cos + OQ cos <£ sin (9, [16] OQ cos (<£ -f- 0) = OQ cos <£ cos - OQ sin <£ sin 0. [17] .*. sin ( + 0) = sin <£ cos + cos sin 0, [18] cos (<£ -f 0) = cos <£ cos — sin sin 0, [19] fir where <£ and are both less than 90° ( — 42. To establish the truth of these formulas where and are unlimited we proceed as follows : Let = 90° + P, where < 90°. sin (cj> 4- 0) = sin (90° 4-0 4-0)= cos (0 4- 0), [20] cos (<£ 4- 0) = cos (90° 4-04-0) = - sin (0 4- 0). [21] Since and are each less than 90°, sin (<£ 4- 0) = cos (04-0)= cos cos - sin sin 0, [22] cos (<£ 4- 0) = - sin (04-0) = - sin cos - cos sin 0. [23] But sin = sin (<£ - 90°) = - sin (90° -<£)=- cos <£, cos = cos (<£ - 90°) = cos (90° - <£) = sin <£. Substituting these values in [22] and [23], sin (<£ + 0) = sin cos + cos <£ sin 0, [18] cos (<£ 4- 0) = cos $ cos — sin <£ sin 0. [19] Here <£ is an angle of the 2d quadrant, an angle of the 1st quadrant. By a repetition of this process we can show 62 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY that [18] and [19] hold when <£ is of the 3d quadrant, etc. Treating similarly, we prove these formulas true for all positive values of and 0. 43. They also hold when one or both the angles are negative. Let = p - 90° where p < 90°. sin (<£ + 0) = sin (fi - 90° + 0) = - sin (90° - f3 — 0) = - cos (p + 0), [24] cos (<£ + 0) = cos (p - 90° + 0) = cos (90° - p - 0) = sin (£4-0). [_2^ Since, p and are positive, sin (<£ + 0) = - cos (p + (9) = - cos cos (9 + sin £ sin (9, [26] cos (<£ + 0) = sin (0 + 0) = sin cos 4- cos sin 0. [27] But sin p = sin (<£ + 90°) = + cos <£, cos p = cos (<£ + 90°) = - sin . Substituting these values in [26] and [27], sin (<£ -|- 0) = sin cos 4- cos <£ sin 0, [18] cos (<£ 4- 0) = cos <£ cos — sin <£ sin 0. [19] A similar process of reasoning would show that these for- mulas remain unchanged when both and are negative. They are true for all positive and negative values of and 0. These formulas are so important that they should be carefully memorized. They may be translated into words as follows : I. The sine of the sum of two angles is equal to the sine of the first into the cosine of the second, plus the cosine of the first into the sine of the second. II. The cosine of the sum of two angles is equal to the product of their cosines minus the product of their sines. THE ADDITION FORMULA 63 44. The sine and the cosine of <£ — 0. Putting - for in [18] and [19], we have sin (<£ — 0) — sin <£ cos (— 0) + cos <£ sin (— 0), [28] cos ((f) — 0)= cos cos (— 0) — sin sin (— 0). [29] But sin (— . Substituting these values in [28] and [29], we have sin ( — 0) = sin cos — cos <£ sin 0, [30] cos (<£ — 0)= cos <£ cos + sin <£ sin 0. [31] Formulas [18] and [30], and [19] and [31], may be com- bined as follows : sin ( ±0)= sin <£ cos ± cos <£ sin 0, [32] cos (4>± 6)= cos <£ cos 9 qp sin <£ sin 0. [33] It should be noted that in [32] the double sign in the second member is like the double sign in the first member, while in [33] it is unlike. 9. 45. Formulas [18] and [19] are so important that other geometrical proofs are added. M zt X E (P J^\ Let then BAG I Fig. 45. LOM= and MON = MON' = 0, LON = <£ + and LON 1 = - Q. 64 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Through P, any point in OM, draw QPR perpendicular to OM. Draw PA, QB, and RC perpendicular to OL. Draw PD and RE parallel to OL. Z.DQP =AEPR = } since their sides are perpendicular to LO and OM. AP DP ER OA QD EP sm — = = ? cos d> = = = " OP QP PR * OP QP PR A PQ PR A OP OP sin v = — = 9 cos 6 = — = — • OQ OR OQ OR sin(* + «) - — -- _- " OQ 0Q~ OP' OQ QP' OQ = sin <£ cos + cos <£ sin 0. [18] cos ( + 0) = [19] cos(<£ — 0) OQ OQ OA DP _ OA OQ OQ ~ OP OP DP OQ QP' QP OQ cos <£ cos — sin <£ sin 0. RC AP - EP OR ~ OR AP EP _ AP or" OR" OP OP EP OR PR PR OR sin <£ cos $ — cos sin 0. <9C OA + J577? 0i2 ~ OR OA ER __ 0-4 OR OR" OP OP ER OR PR PR OR [30] cos <£ cos + sin sin 0. [31] THE ADDITION FORMULA 65 46. Still another proof of [18] and [19] is given below. Construction. Lay off OA = unity. Draw AB and AQ perpendicular to OM and ON, respectively. Draw BC per- pendicular to ON. Draw AD perpendicular to BC. Z ABB = ; their sides are perpendicular. Let sin cj>, cos <£ = s u c x , sin 0, cos = s 2 , c 2 . Fig. 46. The lines in the figure evidently have the lengths indi- cated. For example, BC = c x s 2 , etc. AQ sin ( + 0) =-— = AQ = CD = BD + CB = s x c 2 + c t s 2 UA sin cf> cos -f cos sin 0. 47. Tangent and Cotangent of + 9 and ((> — 0. sin ( sin Cf. [4], [18], [19] tan(<£ + 0) = 66 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Dividing both numerator and denominator by cos cos 0, we have tan d> -f tan __ . _ **« + 9 >= i-L*» r6 [34] Other forms for tan (<£ + 0) may be found by dividing by sin sin <£, sin cos 0, cos sin 0, instead of cos cos 0. Find them. Why is [34] preferred ? In like manner we find fato/j, m sin(-0) ~ lTta^tanT [3 ° ] Note. [35] might be obtained from [34] by putting — for sin Dividing numerator and denominator by sin sin 0, we have . ', , , *v cot cot — 1 cot(<£ + 0) = - — — — • [36] J cot -f- cot In like manner ^ vv ^ cot - cot Find other forms for [36] and [37] by dividing by cos <£ cos 0, by cos <£ sin 0, by sin cos 0, instead of by sin sin 0. EXERCISES 1. Deduce [36] and [37] from [34] and [35] by using [3]. 2. Deduce [36] and [37] from [34] and [35] by substi- tuting (90 + <£) for cf> in the latter. 3. Prove sin (<£ + 0) sin (<£ — #) = sin 2 <£ — sin 2 = cos 2 — cos 2 <£. THE ADDITION FORMULA 67 4. Prove cos (<£ -j- 0) cos (<£ — 0)= cos 2 <£ — sin 2 = cos 2 — sin 2 <£. 5. Find formulas for sec ( + 0), sec ( — 0), esc (<£ + 0), esc (<£ — 0) in terms of the secants and cosecants of and 0. 6. Find the sine of 75°. sin 75° = sin (45° + 30°) = sin 45° cos 30° + cos 45° sin 30° = iV2.£V3_+iV2.i (p. 18) = i(V6 + V2). 7. Find the other functions of 75°. 8. Find all the functions of 15°. (15° = 45° - 30°.) 9. Find all the functions of 180°. (180° = 90° + 90°.) 10. Find all the functions of 135°. (135° = 90° + 45°.) 11. sin <£ = ■£-, sin = -J- ; find the functions of + and -6. 12. Prove sin _1 # + sin _1 ?/= sin -1 (x Vl — y 2 \-y Vl — x 2 ). 13. Prove ^_ cos -1 # + cos -1 ?/ = cos -1 (xy — V(l — x 2 ) (1 — y 2 )). 14. Prove tan -1 # + tan -1 ?/ = tan" , x 4- v -1^/ — fo-n — 1 1£— 1-xy 48. Functions of Double Angles. If we put = sin <£. . ' . sin 2 <£ = 2 sin <£ cos <£. [38] cos (<£ + <£) = cos <£ cos <£ — sin sin <£. cos 2 <£ = cos 2 <£ — sin 2 <£ I ^| = 2 cos 2 <£ - 1, since sin 2 <£ = 1 - cos 2 <£ II [ [39] = 1 - 2 sin 2 <£, " cos 2 <£ = 1 - sin 2 <£. Ill . 68 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY EXERCISES 1. Given the functions of 30°, find those of 60°, of 120°, of 240°. 2. Given the functions of 45°, find those of 90°, of 180°, of 360°. Prove the following : 2 — sec 2 ^c 3. = = cos 2 x. 4. tan x -f- cot x = 2 esc 2 x. sec 2 # 5. (sin x ± cos a?) 2 = 1 ± sin 2 #. 2 tan x . A ^^...^ 1 + tan 2 # 6. — — — — = sm2a;. Cf. [401. 7. -- L — — — = sec 2 x. 1 + tan 2 ic J L J 1 - tan 2 x 8. Find formulas for sec 2 and esc 2 0. 9. 2 sin (45° -f ) sin (45° - <£) = «**$£ C^3L ^ $> 49. Functions of Half-angles. If in III and II of [39] we substitute \ for <$>, cos <£ = 1 — 2 sin 2 -^ <£. cos <£ = 2 cos 2 ^ <£ — 1. • i <*/l-~ cos <£ [42] , ' , . /l + cos cos£<£ = ±\ r - [43] THE ADDITION FORMULA 69 By formula [4] t , 1 — COS * 1 + cos _ 1 — cos <£ sin sin <£ II III [44] 1 + cos II is derived from I by multiplying numerator and denominator by 1 — cos <£ ; while III is derived from I by using 1 + cos as multiplier. By formula [3] 4. 1 A ^ l 1 + C0S cot^- sin <£ 1 — cos (j> 1 -f cos sin <£ II III [45] EXERCISES 1. Given the functions of 60°, find those of 30°, of 15°. 2. Given the functions of 45°, find those of 22° 30'. 3. Given sin <£ = £, find the functions of -t^- 4. cos <£ = a* ; find the functions of ^* Verify the following : 1 + sec <£ <£ 5. -— - = 2cos 2 tt- sec <£ 2 6. cos 2 |( 1 + tan| J = 1 + sin <£. 7. esc as — cot x = tan -• 8. sin 2 - ( cot - — 1 ] = 1 — sin x. / y 70 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY 50. Functions of Three Angles. sin(K+^V§=sin(^+f+y) u ^ = sin (a + ft) cos y + cos (a + /3) sin y = (sin a cos ft + cos a sin ft) cos + (cos ^ cos 'ft — sin a sin 2) = sin a cos /? cos y + cos er sin 5 cos y + cos a cos /3 sin y — sin a sin ft sin y. [46] Similarly " cos (a + ft -{- y) = cos a cos ft cos y — sin a sin /3 cos y — sin a cos ft sin y — cos a sin /3 sin y. [47] tan a -h tan /3 + taiiy — tanatantftany _ JA _ tan (a + + y) = =— — — -^ -— *— — ^- — £• [48] \ ^ ' 7 1— tan /Stan y— tan y tan a— tanatan/2 L J Formula [48] may also be obtained by dividing [46] by [47], and then dividing numerator and denominator by cos a cos ft cos y. If now in [46], [47], and [48] we put ft = y = a, we shall have sin 3 a = 3 cos 2 a sin a — sin 3 a = 3 sin a — 4 sin 8 a. [49] cos 3 a = cos 3 a — 3 sin 2 a cos a = 4 cos 3 a — 3 cos a. [50] 3 tan a — tan 3 a _ M - tan3a= ^g^ • [«t] EXERCISES 1. Put the last six formulas into words. 2. Find the sine, the cosine, and the tangent of a + ft — y, of a — ft — y. 3. Find the cotangent of a -\- ft + y in terms of the cotangents of the constituent angles. THE ADDITION FORMULA 71 4; Find sin 3 <£ by developing sin (2 <£ -f <£) by formula [18] and simplifying the result. 5. Find sin 4 <£ by putting 2 <£ f or <£ in [38]. 6. Deduce formula [47] from [46] by putting 90 + a for a. 7. Find cos 4 <£. 8. Find sin 5 <£ and cos 5 <£. 9. Given the functions of 30°, find those of 90°. / 51. Conversion Formulas. By adding and subtracting [18] and [30], and [19] and [31], we have sin ( + 0) + sin (<£ — 0) = 2 sin <£ cos 0. sin (<£ -f- 0) — sin (<£ — 0) — 2 cos <£ sin 0. cos (<£ -f- 0) + cos (<£ — 0) = 2 cos <£ cos 0. cos (<£ + 0) — cos ($ — 0) = — 2 sin <£ sin 0. Putting (<£ + 0) = a, (<£ - 0) = p, whence <£ = ^ (a + /?), = £ (a — ■/?), we have sin a + sin f3 = 2 sin £ (a + /?) cos £ (a — /?), [52] sin a — sin /J = 2 cos £ (a + /J) sin -J- (a — /?), [53] cos a + cos /? = 2 cos £ (a + /?) cos -J- (a — /?), [54] cos a — cos /3 = — 2 sin -J- (a -f- /3) sin £ (a — /?). [55^\ , These formulas enable us to express the sum or the difference of two sines or two cosines as a product. EXERCISES 1. Express the last four formulas in words. Verify these formulas when 2. a = 60°, p = 30°. 4. a = 180°, £ = 90°. 3. a = 90°, /? = 60°. 5. a = 270°, (3 = 180°. 72 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Verify the following identities : sin a + sin ft _ tan %(a-\- ft) ..- ' sin a — sin ft tan %(a — f3) sin a + sin ft 7. ■ ^ = tan £ (a 4-/3). ^ cos a + cos $ " v ^ y cos a + cos 5 . , J' cosa-cosg = - COt ^ a + ^ COt ^ a -^ 9. sin 60° + sin 30° = 2 sin 45° cos 15°. 10. sin 40° - sin 10° = 2 cos 25° sin 15°. 11. cos 75° + cos 15° = 2 cos 45° cos 30°. 12. sin 5 x + sin 3 x = 2 sin 4 cc cos x. sin 3 as 4- sin 2 # x 13. 5 — = cot-- cos 2x — cos 3x 2 14. cos (60° + x) + cos (60° - a) = cos a;. 15. tan 50° + cot 50° = 2 sec 10°. 16. sin 2 cos _1 # = 2a; Vl — x 2 . 17. cos 2 sin -1 # = 1 — 2x 2 . 18. cos 2 cos -1 # = 2 x 2 — 1. 19. tan 2 tan _1 # = 1 — x' 20. tan _1 ir 4- tan -1 ?/ = tan -1 — • (Take the tangent of both members.) IT 21. sin -1 # 4- cos _1 # = — • 22. sin -1 a 4- cos -1 ?/ = sin -1 (xy 4- V(l — x 2 ) (1 — y 2 )). 23. tan -1 ^ 4- tan -1 -J- = ->or — • Cf. example 20. . 24. tan" 1 ! = tan- 1 ! 4- tan" 1 !. 7T .'. y = tan -1 ! 4- tan -1 ! 4- tan -1 J. THE ADDITION FORMULA 73 52. Trigonometric Equations. Trigonometric equations are generally best solved by expressing all the functions involved in terms of some one function and solving the resulting equation. Illustrations. 1. sin cf> = tan cj>. sin <£ . - A 1 \ sin d> = 7 • . . sin d> 1 = 0. cos (j> \ COS $J .'. sin <£ = ; and cos <£ = 1. <£ = and 7r, — 0. The solutions are therefore = 0, 7r. 2. tan <£ = esc <£. sin <£ 1 sin 2 <£ a= cos <£, 1 — cos 2 <£ = cos , cos <£ sm cos 2 = l, cos <£ = £(— 1±V5), ^cos'^-liVo"); but since £(— 1 -Vo) is numerically greater than unity, this solution is impossible ; and ^ = cos- 1 i(-l+V5). 3. sin + cos = 1. sin +Vl - sin 2 (9 = 1. l-sin 2 (9=(l-sin0) 2 . (1 - sin Of - (1 - sin 2 0) = 0. (1 - sin 0) (1 - sin $ — • 1 - sin (9) == 0. (1 - sin (9) (- 2 sin 0) = 0. .'. sin = 1 and 0. . 6 = |, 0, 7T. The solution q= 7r does not satisfy the original equation. 74 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY EXERCISES Find the values of that satisfy each of the following equations : 1. cos 2 <£ -f- cos = 0. 6. tan -f cot = 2£. 2. tan <£ = n cot . 7. cot = 2 cos 0. 3. sec — tan <£ == cos <£. 8. tan <£ -f- cot <£ = m. 4. sin -f- cos = tan <£. 9. tan cj> + sec = a. 5. 3sin0 + 4 cos = 5. 10. If sin + cos (9 = a, then sin 2 = a 2 - 1. 11. Z cos + m sin = 0, find tan -• MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES 1. From sin 30° = cos 60° = \ % cos 30° = sin 60° = \ V3, sin 45° = cos 45° = \ V2, find all the functions of 15°, of 75°, of 105°. 2. From sin a = f , sin /? = f , find all the functions of • a + fi and a — f3. Prove the following : n sin (a + b) + sin (a — 6) 3. ) — — ^- ) -f = tan r hi r c s the radii of the escribed circles opposite A, B, C, respectively. jp a , p b , p c = the altitudes from A, B, C to a, b, c. K = area of the triangle. MEMORANDA a + p + y = 180° = tt. a,p,y = 7r-(p + y),7r-(y + a),7r-(a + f3). sin a, sin /?, sin y = sin (/J + y), sin (y + a), sin (a + /?). cos a, cos /?, cos y = — cos (/? + y), — cos (y + a), — cos (a + /?). 79 80 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY tan a = — tan (/? + y), etc. cot a = — cot (f3 -+- y), etc. sin £ a = cos %(fi + y), etc. cos i a = + sin %({$ + y), etc. tan -J- a = + cot £ (/? + y), etc. cot i a = 4- tan £ (/? -f y), etc. 2 JT = ap a = bp h = cp c = 2 rs. b -f- c — a = 2 (s — a), c + a -b = 2(s —b). a 4- b — c = 2 (s — c). 54. The Law of Sines. In either figure, let AE = q, then, § 19, EB = AB — AE. Fig. 47. sin a = =^7 sin/3 = — • b a sin a _ff c £c_« sin/3 This may be written Similarly sin a sin /? b c sin/3 siny a b c sin a sin/3 siny [56] THE TRIANGLE 81 This is the law of sines. It may be stated in words as follows : The ratio of the side of any triangle to the sine of its opposite angle is constant. Let ns denote this constant by M. The formula becomes JL. = -J- = -J^ = M. [57] sin a sm ft sin y L J 55. The Law of Tangents. From [57], aba sin a t or sin a sin ft b sin ft by composition and division a + b _ sin a + sin ft a — b sin a — sin ft 2sm|(tt+£)cosi(tt-£) [52]and[53] 2 cos £ (a + ft) sin £ (a — ft) J L J L J ^ tanj(a+ft) tan i (a — ft) § a + 5 = tan fr (a + ft) = cotjy' ^ ''a- b tallica- ft) tan£(a-ft)' L J If b is greater than a we can avoid negative signs by writing b — a and /3 — a instead of a — b and a — ft. Similar formulas may be derived involving b and c, and c and a. This is the law of tangents. In words it is : The ratio of the sum of any two sides of a triangle to their differ- ence is equal to the ratio of the tangent of one-half the sum of the opposite angles to the tangent of one-half their difference. 56. The Law of Cosines. From Fig. 47, a 2 = ( c — 9.Y + V?, P c * = b 2 — q 2 . .-. a 2 = (c - q) 2 -\-b 2 -q 2 = b 2 -{-C 2 -2 cq. 82 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY But q is the projection of b and, therefore, q = b cos a. Substituting in the preceding equation, a 2 = b 2 + c 2 — 2 be cos a. ' Similarly b 2 = c 2 -f a 2 — 2 ca cos /3. i- [59] c 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2 ab cosy. J Solving for cos a, etc., v 6 2 + c 2 -a 2 • cos a = — ■ 2&c fa [60] This is the Zaw 0/ cosines. 57. Functions of the Half -angles in Terms of the Sides. Substituting % a for <£ in [39] III, cos a = 1 — 2 sin 2 \ a. 2 sin 2 \ a == 1 — cos a by [60] 1- b 2 + c 2 - a 2 2 be a 2 . -{b 2 ■Ye 2 - -2 be) 2 be a 2 - -(b -e) 2 2 be (a + b — c) (a — b -f c) 2be -s A — J_i 1. (See Memoranda.) Similarly 2 be 171 * . sin ^ a sin£/2 sin | y =V ( - be [61] -# -# - c) (s — a) ca -a)(s- b) ab [61] [61] THE TRIANGLE 83 Substituting \ a f or <£ in [39] II, cos a = 2 cos 2 \ a — 1. 2 cos 2 |a = l + cos a + 2fo _ 2 5c + 6 2 + c 2 - a 1 " 26c _ g + c )2 - ^2 2fo "" 2 6c = b -• (See Memoranda.) 2 be v ' /S (5 — ») Is (s - ^ 008 i") ca *V-^- [62] Dividing [61] by [62], smja = tan \ a cot -J- a \ (s -b)(s-c) cos^-a — \ s(s — a) =v. s(s — a) -b)(s- c y] l[63] Since % a, £ /?, -J- y < 90°, the functions of these angles are positive and the radicals in [61], [62], [63] are also positive. 84 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY EXERCISES Verify the following relations : s _ cos \ /3 cos ^ y s — a _ cos ^ a sin -J- y a sin \a b cos ^ /3 s — a ^ sin j- ft sin j- y a sin ^- a 4. cos a + cos /? cos y = sin ft sin y. 5. a cos ft + b cos a == c. c cos a + & cos y = b. c cos ft + & cos y = a. „ , a 2 - 6 2 6. a cos B — b cos a = c 7. a cos ft cos y + £ cos y cos a -|- c cos a cos ft = \ \a cos a + 6 cos ft -f- c cos y] = a sin ft sin y = b sin y sin a = c sin a sin ft. 8. a sin (ft — y) -f- b sin (y — a) + c sin (a — ft) = 0. 58. Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles. Circumscribe the circle about the triangle ABC. Draw CD, a diameter. Angle a = angle D. (Fig. 48.) sina = sinD = ^ = ^. .'. 2 i? = -A- = -A- = -A- = M. [64] sin a sm ft sm y Inscribe the circle in the triangle ABC. By geometry &i = C* h = a 2 > c i = K ( F ig- 49.) .-. s = %(a + b + c)= a x + b l + c x = a x + a 2 +.«, = a + c^ .*.^4JF = (Si = 5 — a. THE TRIANGLE 85 Now Similarly Fig. 48. Combining [63] and [65^\, c, F c 2 £\ Fig. 49. ~ ft) (« ~ <0 s(s — a) .. ,. J(* -<*)(*-•*)(*- c ) [66] o From [65] we have r = (s — a) tan £ a = (5 — b) tan k P = (s — c) tan J y. [67] Let be escribed to the triangle ABC opposite A. We have by geometry BD == J3F, CD = C% 0£ = BF + C#. .'. 2s = AE + AF, s = AE. tania = — -~ = — 2 ^4£ 5 [68] Similarly tan -J /?, tan |- y = 86 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Combining [63] and [68], r a = J ( s ~ b )( s ~ c ) s * s (s — a) .:r a ,r h> r c = ^( S - b ^ S - C ) ,et, [69] s a Comparing [65] and [68], rs = r a (s — a) = r b (s — b) = r c (s — c). [70] EXERCISES Verify the following identities : ^ , , o ar a + hr b + CT c 1- r a +r b + r c — 3r = - 11 1,1 2. - = - + - + -• r r a r b r c r — v 3. tan i a = — 2 a 4. OO x = (r a — r) esc % a. 5. OO x = a sec ^ a = b sec -J- ft = c sec \ y. v 6. tan-J-a tan-J-jStan^y = -• 7. sina + sin/2 + sin y = — • R / 5£. Area of the Triangle. / • The area of a triangle may be expressed in different ways, depending upon the parts known. We have geometry (Tig. 51) 2K=ap a = bp b = cp c , p a = c sin (3 = b sin y. .\ 2 K = ac sin f3 = ab sin y = be sin a. THE TRIANGLE 87 a smy c = — : ' - sin a From [57], Substituting this value in [72], 2K _ a 2 sin ft sin y _ b 2 sin y sin a sin a c 2 sin a sin ft siny sin ft Fig. 51. We have from geometry K = rs. Combining [74] and [66~], K = -\/s(s-a)(s- b) (s - c). [73] [74] [75] EXERCISES Find the areas of the following triangles : 1. a » 13, b = 10, c = 17. 2. a = 143, ft = 100, y = 74°16'. 3. b = 200, a = 47° 24', y = 63° 25'. 4. The sides of a triangle are 175, 120, 215; find its area and the radii of its inscribed and escribed circles. abc 5. Prove K = ±R ^A2 Jw^ A? £C~ CL UxCuZ^. •2. *—*£• * frVvc wQ^« _ PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Verify the following identities : 6. cos i a cos i /3 cos £ y = -^ . (U se [62].) 7. cot*acot*£cot£ y = ~ (Use [63].) 2 . 8. cot£a + cot£0 + cot£y == -• CHAPTER VII THE SOLUTION OF THE TRIANGLE 60. We have learned in geometry that a triangle can be constructed when we are given three of its parts, of which one, at least, is a side. The formulas of the preceding chapter enable us to compute the values of the unknown parts when we know the measures of the given parts. The three given parts may be : I. One side and two angles. II. Two sides and the included angle. III. Two sides and the angle opposite one of them. IV. Three sides. Formulas [57], [58], and [60] are sufficient to solve all four cases. In the computations in Chapter II we used natural functions ; here we propose to use logarithms, and formula [60] is not adapted to logarithmic calculation. In its place we shall use formulas [65^ and [66^, which are derived from it. The necessary formulas are : = M, [57] tan i (a + p), [58] [65] where r ^('-»H«-») Eg. [66 ] a b c sin a sin f3 sin y tan % (a — (2) = a — b a + b tan ia = r PLANE TRIGONOMETRY ho o CD ■-a CD r- *» 02. II « e ^1^ 9 00. d 5 =8 >"i CO d d CO. + T o O Q5. + + 00. + + CO. o «« » a c6 © CD I oo. + CO. + e I 8 00. I g oo. I 00. + 00. M 3 .9 Ls *co I "53 8 d d 8 O xc2 or " » M o£ + S I « i e Ls o I cc § II II ^ 00. d d *? ? + 1 <*- CO 00 d OG H" H» 00 a d cr; a +2 +j DO + I o THE SOLUTION OF THE TRIANGLE 91 GO O o CQ O t— i « H M P3 O O 3 1— 1 H + . U -* ^ 111 * 5 s oa. "3 <**• M ^ + 1 o •§ n . + ^ ^ 1 op 1 X g>^ *• , * . S i i I'ssf g *° ^ e ^ to ^ & . II >S + o © o + 71 ^ e « £ S _ II g 5 S « 1 ^ II o° g> g be ■M r— be > N r oT l bo o I e S" ^ ~JL i i i ' be be be o ^ no O O O 00 to be 1 i i .. w ~* ' ^ S- ** s* ^ ^ + + be be be ^ f U 7\ li <3a - g 5 a c a tZll +J +3 +J H« bo bo bo £ r2 r2 be c i— i + s tf » +; + ^ ^- o e ^ ^ , h*, II II II II ^toto w be he | | bo o o ' ' o ^ ^ tr + be o M 1— 1 2 ^ + + * w ^ .2 " « be^ bO bO a- ^ gJ W) O T ^ 1 1 -3 £ + + " S) ^ S ^fe^bc^ 1 1 H I' % + || U bS ^^ z ii To 09 O Data Solution Check CO O Data Solution Check 92 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY 61. Logarithmic Functions. Tables of logarithmic func- tions are arranged like tables of natural, functions. They consist of the logarithms of the natural functions. When, however, the characteristic is negative, 10 is added. For this reason the characteristics of all sines and cosines, of tangents of angles less than 45°, and of cotangents of angles greater than 45°, are 10 too large. This fact must be kept in mind when computing. A little experience will correct any liability to error from this source. Sines and tangents of very small angles, cosines and cotangents of angles near 90°, cannot be accurately obtained by interpo- lation. Supplementary tables are generally furnished for this purpose. 62. The actual work of computation in each case will now be illustrated by the solution of specific problems. The first step in the solution of every problem is the careful construction of the figure and the graphic solution by measurement. The results so obtained serve as a rough estimate of what is to be more accurately determined by computation. In the following illustrative problems the work is ar- ranged in convenient form, and this form should be fol- lowed by the student. , Case I. Two Angles and a Side. Given a = 571, a = 57° 21 '.3, (3 = 43° 16 '.8, find the other parts. f a = 571. Data J a =57° 21 '.3. [£=43°16'.8. Check y =79°21'.9. e + b = 1131.41. log a = 2.75664. c-b = 201.59. log sin a = 9.92532 - 10. i (y + P) = 61° 19'.35. THE SOLUTION OF THE TRIANGLE 93 log M =2.83132. log sin p = 9.83605 - 10. log sin y - 9.99248 - 10. log b = 2.66737. log c = 2.82380. b = 464.91. c = 666.5. ±( y -0)=18 o 2'.55. log (c + $)= 3.05362. log (c - b) = 2.30447. log quotient = .74915. log tan £ ( y + p) = .26204. log tan | (y - £) = 9.51288 - 10. log quotient = .74916. 1. a =137.43, 2. a = 437.18, 3. 5 = 943.49, 5. = 637.23, 6. a = 63.72, 7. 6 = 6.372, 8. b = .0641, 9. = .0037, 10. a = 4.003, EXERCISES a =43° 21 '.3, p = 83° 25'. 7, a = 12° 17'.6, P = 102° 35'.3, a = 46° 46', a = l°20', a = 88° 14'.5, a = 36° 17'.1, = 36° 17', a = 36° 17', £=65°23'.5. y = 73° 32'.8. y = 121° 07'.2. y = 80° 12 M. p=56° 56'. p=75° 40'. y = 88° 14 '.2. y = 53° 43'.6. y = 72° 34'. P=10S° 5V. 63. Case II. Two Sides and the Included Angle. Given a = 1371, 6 = 1746, y = 46° 30', find the other parts. r a = 1371. Data -I 6 = 1746. (. y = 46° 30'. ft + a = 3117. b - a = 375. £(£ + a) =66° 45'. log (b - a) = 2.57403. Check log a = 3.13704 log sin a = 9.89116 — 10 3.24588 94 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY log tan£(0 + a) = ■ .36690. log b = 3.24204 colog (b + a) = = 6.50626.- )• log sin p = 9.99616 - 10 log tan -|- (/J — a) = : 9.44719 - 10. 3.24588 £(/?-«) = : 15° 38'.6. a = : 51° 6'.4. log c = 3.10644 P = = 82° 23'.6. log sin y = 9.86056 - 10 loga = = 3.13704. 3.24588 colog sin a = : 0.10884. log sin y = : 9.86056. logc = 3.10644. c = 1276.7. EXERCISES 1. a = 127, b = 145, y = 24° 37'.2. 2. a =127, b = 145, y = 84° 13'.6. 3. a = 127, b = 145, y = 173° 28'.5. 4. 5 = 231, 5. a =231, c = 31, a = 74° 15'.2. b =221, y = 100° 14'.5. 6. c = 347, a = 34, /3=10°46'.3. 7. 6 = 12.473, c = 34.257, a = 146° 24 '.1. 8. a = 100, b = 200, y = 100°. 9. a =100, b = 200, y = 10°. 10. The line AB is divided at D into two segments, AD = 200, DB = 100 ; from C each of these segments subtends an angle of 35°. Find the angles CAB and CBA. sy 64. Case III. Two Sides and an Angle Opposite One of Them. This case sometimes admits of two solutions. Let the given parts be a, b, a. Construct the angle a. On one side lay off A C = b ; from C as center with radius a, describe an arc, cutting the other side AM at J5 X and B 2 . THE SOLUTION OF THE TRIANGLE 95 The triaogles AB X C and AB 2 C both satisfy the conditions, and both are therefore solutions. Study of the diagram will show that we shall have two solutions when, and only when, a<90°, b>a>:p. In any particular case the FlG 52 graphic solution will deter- mine whether there is one or two solutions. The angles at B 1 and B 2 are obviously supplementary. In the computation we find sin /3. Now we learned in § 26 that there were two angles less than 180° with the same sine, the one the supplement of the other ; when we find /3 from sin /?, we must therefore take not only the value given in the table but also the supplement of this value. If there is but one solution, later steps in the computation will compel the rejection of the second of these values. Given, 1. a = 44.243, b = 30.347, a = 34° 23'.2. 2. a = 44.243, 5 = 60.347, a = 34° 23'.2. 1. 2. Data ^ b 44.243, 44.243. 30.347, 60.347. [a 34° 23'.2, 34° 23'.2. log a 1.64585, 1.64585. log sin a 9.75188 - 10, 9.75188 - 10. log M 1.89397, 1.89397. * log b 1.48212, 1.78066. log sin ft 9.58815 - 10, 9.88669 - 10. P 22° 47'. 5, 50° 23U> 2'. 129° 36'.9. 96 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY y 122° 49'.3, 95° 13'. 7, 15°59'.9. log sin r 9.92447 - 10, 9.99819 - 10, 9.44030 - 10. log c 1.81844, 1.89216, 1.33427. c 65.833, 78.012, 21.591. Check c + b 96.180, 138.36, 81.938. c-b 35.486, 17.665, 38.756. t(f + P) 72° 48'. 4, 72° 48'. 4, 72° 48'.4 i(y-» 50° 00'.9, 22° 25'. 3, 56° 48 '.5. log(c + ft)* 1.98308, 2.14101, 1.91349. log (p - b) 1.55006, 1.24712, 1.58833. log quotient .43302, .89389, .32516. log tan c .50945, .50945, .50945. log tan y 2 P .07641, 9.61555 - -10, .18431. log quotient .43304, .89390, .32514. 1. a = 145, 2. a = 2.37, 3. ft = 147.3, 4. a = 32.14, 5. ft = 13.47, 6. ft = .149, 7. a = 1.243; 8. a = 432.1, 9. o = .0027, 10. a = 124, EXERCISES ft =160, c =3.14, a = 124.2, ft' = 270, e =18.75, c =.137, ft =2.345, ft =321.4, a = .0031, ft =83, a = 47° 38'. y = 65° 23'. P = 142° 17'. £ = 75° 48'.3. P = 110° 43'. y = 38° 47'. a = 10° 57 '.5. = 28° 47'. a = 84° 21'.6. p = 68° 43'. THE SOLUTION OF THE TRIANGLE 97 11. I = 241, m = 214, fi = 43° 27'. 12. p =13.17, ? =17.13, Q = 71°31'. 13. a = 187.5, b = 201.1, a = 67° 47'.4. 14. a = 5872, ft = 7857, £ = 78° 5'. 15. a - 1, b = 2, a = 23° 32'. 16. a = .0003, ft = .0004, a = 50° 5'. 17. a = 3000, ft = 4000, a = 5° 50'. 18. a = 1241, ft = 2114, a = 63° 36!. 19. ^ = 1899, ft =2004, a=73°l'. 20. ft = 173, a = 74° 12'; find the limits of a for two solutions. 21. 476B General Library University of : California OCT 1 1936 ;i) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY