^ ^ Clje ^mms €mrd^ M m I Ma GIFT OF Thomas K. Means ^ %\ vn\ J^airL- 1 Ibrr- rv a fr-p^. c. , r\ er •,\ \ V. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/farmermuckOOdanarich J^cvrshm ■J^.Dmm, MUCK MANUAL FOB FARMERS A TREATISE ON THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS; THE CHEMISTRY OF MANURES; INCLUDING ALSO THE SUBJECTS OF COMPOSTS, ARTIFICIAL MANURES AND IRRIGATION. BY SAMUEL L. I)ANA. •'It is usual to help the ground with muck, and likewise to recomfort with muck, put to the roots ; but to water it with muck-water, which is like to be more forci- ble, is not practiced."— Bacoit. FOURTH EDITION, With a new Chapter on Bones and Saperphoaphatea. NEW YORK: C. M. SAXTON & COMPANY AGRICULTURAL BOOK PUBLISHERS 1856. • -•- • • c^.~H^ >^^ ^h^.^'^ ^. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by S. L. Dana, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of New York. TO THE CITIZENS OF LOWELL, THXSE PAGES, THE PITH OF EIGHT LECTUKES ON THB CHEMISTRY OF SOIL AND MANURE, DELIVERED BY THEIR REQUEST, mvz aaesiJectfullg finscrfbcTr, BY IHE AUTHOR. 678993 The dedication of tMs volume sliows its origin and object. The Author is not an agriculturist, he does not assume the name even of agricultural chemist. Practical chemistry is his profession, and has been for some thirty years. During the greatest portion of this time he has been attached as chemist to the Print- works of the Merrimack Manufacturing Company, in Lowell. While pursuing there, during the years 1835, '36, and '37, researches on the action of cow-dung in calico dyeing, he pushed his inquiries, as a recreation during his few leisure hours, into the nature and action of manures and of soil. Conversation on these matters with the geological surveyor, and with the agricultural commissioner of Massachusetts, led to a correspondence between the parties, which partly appeared in the published reports on the geology and agriculture of Massachusetts. This (5) VI PREFACE. induced some zealous and active citizens of Lowell, to ask me to deliver a course of lectures on agricultural chemistry. My reading on that subject had been very- limited; yet, willing to contribute my mite to so good a cause, and to embody my own notions on this subject, notes for the lectures were prepared week by week as they were delivered; and urged to their pub- lication, the notes were thrown into chapters and sec- tions, and so the book appeared at last, divested of the colloquial style befitting the lecture room, and so much condensed as to be scarcely recognizable as lec- tures. The work was favorably received at home and abroad; where a considerable portion was re- printed. It has passed through several editions, each being enlarged by the addition of new matter, to keep pace with the times. To the present edition is added an entire new chapter on bones, and superphosphates of lime and alkalies. Should another edition be called for, I trust it will be then and there shown in a new chapter on the analysis of the mineral part of soil, that, agriculture in demanding of chemistry any real practical result from such analyses of soils beyond this, their great uniformity of composition, is asking PREFACE. Vll an impossibility. That is my opinion. Not so with the vegetable part of soil. I have endeavored in the fol- lowing pages to set forth the high importance of deter- mining the state and condition of this ; to show that its presence in soil is of the utmost consequence, and that, without it, full crops are not to be raised. This is my conviction. One word respecting the title of my book. It is my own. I have neither begged, borrowed, or stolen it. That last has been done by an English Author, who seems to be ashamed not of the act, but of the name he has filched from me, and so eases his con- science by apologizing for his "homely title." I shall not discredit my child by being ashamed of his name. It was good at the christening, and I trust ■ will be thought respectable in manhood. S. L. D. Lowell, June Ist, 1865. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. GKOiiOGT OF Son. Page 17 Objects of agricultural chemistry ; objects and nature of agricultural geology ; definition of the terms, primary and secondary ; rocks have one common origin ; the terms primary and secondary soil are useless ; rocks and soil are to be classed by their origin and distribution ; in their origin all rocks are igneous or by fire ; chemical constitution of all rocks similar ; there is one rock and one soil ; chem- ical constitution of rocks does not affect the vegetation over them ; geographical distribution of plants ; the laws which govern it ; rocks do not form the soil which covers them ; general uniformity of chemical composition of foil ; proofs of general uniformity of composition ; from Massachusetts soil, 146 specimens, and from various parts of the world, 267 specimens ; remarks on soil analyses, all are imperfrct approximations only to truth ; the largest portion of soil, least liable to be affected by different modes of analysis ; by any mode, soil divides itself into two portions — soluble and insoluble ; several elements in soil often educed by analysis, which should be included in the insoluble portion of soil ; carbonate of lime, too often a product, not an educt of analysis ; potash and soda of soil to be considered generally as combined with the organic matter ; clay, iron, magnesia to be included in the insoluble ingredients ; plaster, phos- phate of lime, or bone-dust in the soluble ingredients of soil ; division of ele- ments of soil into soluble, insoluble, and salts of lime ; table of analyses of 413 soils from all parts of the world ; principles deduced from this table and its re- salts ; rule for calculating the amount per acre from results per 100 parts of soil ; analyses of vine grown on soils formed from different geological districts. CHAPTER II. CHKsncAL CoNsrrnmoN of Rocks and Soim • . . 38 Different views taken of rocks by geologists, mineralogists and chemists ; farmer takes only the chemical view ; nature of agricultural mineralogy ; farmer must understand the results of the analysis of minerals ; division of the thirteen sub- {9\ I CONTENTS. stances forming rocks, into silicates, metalloid compounds, salts,— explanation of these terms ; chemistry of soil ; chemical notation ; the three laws of affinity explained ; constitution of simple minerals composing rocks ; rocks are masses of silicates ; the whole is dived into three classes only. CHAPTER III. Of the Elements of Soil, their Properties and Chemical Action 52 The common properties of the bases of silicates ; characters of the class metal- loid compounds ; particular description of silicon, or the base of flinty earth ; composition of granite and the soil which it forms ; quantity of alkalies in bar- ren plains; all soil contains lime, alkali, &c., — enough for any crop grown on it ; action of air and moisture upon soil, produces salts ; origin of sulphate and phosphate of lime in soil ; all soil contains these substances. CHAPTER IV. Of TBS Organic CoNSTrrcrENTS of Son, 64 Number of substances forming plants ; what the organic constituents of soil are ; they are formed by the action of the living plant; plants draw^ their inorganic constituents ready formed from the soil ; two great divisions of the elements of soil into the organic and inorganic ; soil composed of either division alone, bar- ren ; of the laws of substitution and replacement, which affect agriculture, organic matter in soil must be undergoing change ; fertility depends on chemi- cally induced motion ; of decay and putrefaction ; difference of products of putrefaction in free or confined air ; in free air, products are water, carbonic acid, and ammonia : in confined air, besides these, various compounds of sul- phur, phosphorus, and carbon, with hydrogen ; products vary according as the decaying body is on the soil, in the soil, or in the subsoil ; hydrogen always in excess ; importance of this principle ; decay always results in a substance termed geine ; this is a generic name including several products ; at least seven well-defined substances found in geine, viz. : ulmin and ulmic acid, humin and humic, geic, crenic and apocrenic acids ; division of these forms of geine into the hydrogen, oxygen, and neutral groups ; of the order of the products of de- composition, of decaying matter in soil ; ultimate products are carbonic acid and water ; crenic and apocrenic acid when pure contain no nitrogen ; no ground for division of forms of geine into nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous ; all forms may contain nitrogen as ammonia ; geine divided into soluble and insol- uble ; characters of the two classes ; how distinguished by their relation to acids; the organic acid seldom found free in soil ; several bases may be found in com- bination with one acid forming soluble salts, which contribute to the growth of plants ; detailed account of crenic and apocrenic acids ; two constant sources of reproduction of these acids ; of the formation of nitric acid, and nitrates and CONTENTS. XI apocrenates in soil, by transformations of geine ; crenic and apocrenic acids mutually convertible ; all the transformations of geine, worthy of study ; geine is essential to agriculture, Appendix to Chap. iv. p. 100 ; of the chemical his- tory of geine and recent researches of Mulder on this subject ; reasons why geine is essential may be deduced from Mulder's researches. CHAPTER V. Of the McTUAi Acnox of thk Organic and Inorganic Elkmknts of Soil . . . 101 Theoretical and practical farmers both aim at the same object ; the action of the elements of soil to be considered in two ways — 1st, the mutual chemical action of the organic and morganic parts — 2d, the influence of growing plants on this action ; of the importance of salts to this action ; of the action of carbonic acid and the carbonates upon the silicates of soil ; of the modification produced upon this action by the presence of life ; of catalysis or the action of presence, by yrhich life acts ; of the action of mineral manures in agriculture ; their earthy or alkaline part always acts one way ; their acid part produces differences of ac- tion ; illustration and explanation of the action of salts or mineral manures ; of the action of nitre ,* of lime ; of ashes ; of the composition of leached and unleached ashes. CHAPTER VI. Manurb , 131 Manures contain all the elements which plants want— are divided into three classes ; choice and determination of a standard of value for manures ; nitro- gen, geine, and kind of salts determine the value of manure ; pure cow-dung the type of ail other manures ; its composition and analysis ; yearly produce of salts and geine by one cow ; the action of manure referred to the joint effect of al! its components ; its action due chiefly to its ammonia ; origin of this in dung ; of the composition and value of horse-dung; fermented horse-dung less valuable than cow-dung ; reasons why ; mode of making good yard manure from horse stable-dung ; of yard 'manure ; importance of kind of litter ; relative value of different straws ; fermentation and age ; its effects on value of yard manure ; long and short, or strong and fat muck ; loss of bulk by age ; statement of com- position of yard manure ; its amount of nitrogen and ammonia ; comparative weights of equal bulks of ox and horse manure ; drainings of manure heaps ; their composition and value ; of the composition and value of human excrement ; analyses of human excrement by Berzelius, and by Fleitmann ; great amount of phosphates found by the last-named chemist ; night-soil, what ; its quality ; how affected by its source ; of hog-manure ; sheep-manure ; of the quantity of manure from 1000 sheep daily ; table of composition of ashes of the excrements of pig, cow, sheep, and horse ; relative effect of these manures, and of night-soil ; on what it chiefly depends ; nitrogen expresses the true value of manure : circum- Xll CONTENTS. stances which limit and modify this principle ; stale in which nitrogen should ex- ist in manure, to become a measure of its value ; nitrogen must exist as ammo- nia, or in a combination which readily permits the formation of ammonia : in salts, the ease with which nitrogen is given up by different salts containing it, af- fects their value ; time an element in determining value of manure ; in organic matter, nitrogen effective in proportion to rapidity of decay ; distinction to be noted in salts, between the action of the base, and a nitrogenous acid combined with it ; influence of pure salts of ammonia ; their value is almost in direct ratio to their nitrogen, modified by ease of decomposition ; proofs from Kuhlman's ex- periments ; 100 parts nitrogen in manure, whatever its origin, produces in like circumstances like effects ; influence of moist and dry seasons on manure ; am- monia in manure is ordinarily in the state of carbonate ; comparative effects of carbonate and sulphate of ammonia, used as manure ; Jacquemart's experiments with these salts ; proof of the principle that nitrogen determines the value of manure, drawn from effect of nitrate of soda ; nitrogen enables plants to grow more in given time ; general account of its effects in agriculture ; of gadou or Flanders' manure, mode of preparing ; its value and effects ; poudrette, what it is ; preparation of ; description of the process for preparing poudrette in France, the birth-place of this manufacture ; suggestions for making poudrette near all large cities and towns ; " animalized black," what ; cost and value of poudrette ; of the composition and effects of guano ; its actual money value to the farmer ; of the value of the droppings of domestic fowls ; of the composition of fish, flesh, fowl, gristle, skin, sinews, &c. ; they all afford mineral, vegetable and animal salts; of the composition of the great bulk of animal bodies, fibrine, albumen, caserne ; vegetables afford similar products ; these similar and identical products form proteine ; of its composition and value as a manure ; of the value of sinews, gristle, skin, hair, horns, nails, wool, and feathers ; all animal and vegetable products form two classes, that which does and that which does not contain nitro- gen ; of the composition and value of bones as a manure ; of fats and oils ; of soot ; of spent lye ; of artificial spent lye ; of liquid animal manures ; of the pe(;u- liar principle which gives them their value ; its analysis, composition and action ; of the analysis of cattle urine — its value as a manure ; urine of the horse, sheep, and hog ; of human urine— its value and composition. CHAPTER VII. Artifictal Manures, and Irrigation, 208 Of the nature, analysis and composition of peat, swamp-muck and pond mud ; what is wanting to give these the value of cow-dung is alkali ; of the relative value of ammonia, potash, soda, and ashes, which may be used for this purpose ; of the quantity in which these may be added to a cord of peat ; of the compost of peat Avith animal manure ; of the various substances used for forming artificial ma- nure with p«at, and their relative value ; of the use of peat recently in France ; use of dried peat and ammoniacal salts ; its value compared with poudrette ; of gas liquor and peat ; mode of forming gas or peat poudrette at gas works ; of composts without peat or stable manure ; of Jauffret's principles of composting • CONTENTS. Xlll of the value of different straws for this purpose ; of the principles of irrigation ; of the action of pure and impure water ; of tlie composition of the deposits from freshets ; the nature, action, and value of rain and snow, in agriculture ; " snow the poor man's manure," — how far this is true ; of paring and burning ; of turn- ing in green and dry crops. CHAPTER VIII. Phtsical Pbopkrths of Soil, 242 Great differences in soil depend upon physical not upon chemical properties ; physi- sical properties independent of chemical constitution ; opinion of Liebig on this subject ; physical characters of soil are dependent on its relation to heat, moist- ure, consistency, and electrical state ; in all these relations, geine acts the chief part ; of the quantity of water produced by the decomposition and waste of geine ; the amount evaporated per acre from this source ; the quantity evaporated from woodland, exceeds the amount of rain which falls ; of the waste of geine caused by this evaporation of water ; of the proportion of carbon which is derived from the soil, and from the air by forest trees. CHAPTER IX. BoNBS, Superphosphate OF Limb, AND rrs Preparation, 261 Of the composition of bones ; consist of an animal and of a mineral part ; bones act as forcing vegetation or as developing and forming seed ; the first depends on the fermentation of the animal part of bone, producing ammonia ; the second action depends on the mineral part of bone ; bones seed formers, or root, leaf, and stem formers ; bones to be studied as entire, or partially, or wholly deprived of their gelatinous parts ; composition of entire bone ; no practical use to be made of bone by the farmer, till the bone is reduced to powder ; of the composi- tion of bone partially deprived of its animal parts ; how this is to be effected ; of boiling and steaming bones ; how such bones are best used ; of bone ash, or bone deprived of all its animal matter ; of sugar-house refuse, and animal black ; of the treatment of l>one8 and bone ash by acids, as oil of vitriol, to produce super- phosphate of lime ; no solution of bone in this case, is rather a pap-forming pro- cess ; explanation and illustration of the process ; account of the properties of phosphoric acid ; final result of the action of oil of vitriol on bones, in the right proportion, is the formation of plaster, and superphosphate of lime with free oil of vitriol ; of the quantity of oil of vitriol required by raw bones ; by bones partly cooked ; by bone ash ; of the composition of superphosphate of lime ; of its solubility in water ; of the process to be followed to prepare superphosphate of lime, and of the cost of that product ; it should contain all the phosphoric acid of bone in a soluble state ; great importance of this point ; how best effected ; phoiiphoric acid must hot be free ; soluble alkaline phosphatfts most de.'*irable for XIV CONTENTS. the farmer ; recipes for forming such salts ; how these are to be used ; of their effects, and of their general application ; of the effects of nitrogenous compounds mixed with alkaline phosphates ; of the mixture of nitrates with alkaline phos- phates ; and their cost ; recommendation of trial of mixture of superphosphates and of fov/1 droppings. Appendix, 269 Ikdex, 285 MUCK MANUAL. m MUCK M^NUA.L. CHAPTER I. GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 1. Agricultural chemistry aims to explain all the actions of earth, air, and water, upon plants. It refers to all their chemical relations, to the geology, mineralogy and chem* istry of soil. 2. Agricultural geology explains the relations which soil bears to plants, and the manner in which that affects vege- tation. 3. Agricultural geology confines itself to facts. It digs into the earth, observes what composes that. Conversant only with facts, or logical deductions from these, it leaves to geology proper, the vast mass of observations, supported by the highest modern science, which teaches the origin, mode of formation, original condition of our globe, and the successive changes which it has undergone. 4. The terms, primary and secondary, used by geologists, are almost parts of common language, — yet need to be ex- plained to the farmer. 5. Large tracts of all extensive countries are composed of rocks of a granitic texture. This needs no definition. Such rocks having been observed to underlay all others, in the scale of rocks composing the earth's crust, were called primary. It was supposed that these were first formed. Out of the ruins of these, no matter when or how ruined, (17) 18 . GEOLOGY OF SOIL. other rocks have been made, called secondary. The ruins of the primary rocks have been transported by water, and then gradually deposited layer upon layer. Under immense pressure, these layers of mud, sand, fine gravel, rolled stones, &c., have been hardened into solid rock, and have formed sandstones, slates, or even rocks presenting the crystalline structure or texture of granite, by the action of heat, which the facts of modern geology teach exists in the interior of our globe. 6. This internal heat is supposed to be the cause of volca- noes, and the primary rocks to have been the ejections under circumstances unknown, of the melted mass of the globe ; ejections similar in kind to those of modern lava, but greater in degree. 7. Intermediate between modern lava and primitive rocks, and actually passing into either, is a large class of ancient volcanic rocks, called trappean ; such are basalt, trap, green- stone and highly crystalline porphyry. 8. However named and classed are the rocks of the earth's surface, they have had one common origin, the molten matter of the globe. Hence, having a common origin, their ultimate chemical constituents are similar. If granitic rocks have a certain chemical constitution, then sandstone, slate, &c., having been formed from worn-out and worn-down granitic rocks, have a constitution chemically like them. 9. To the agriculturist, the terms primary and secondary are unnecessary. Equally so are all distinctions of soil based on these terms. 10. Soil is the loose material covering rocks, and it is supposed to have been formed from their decay. Both are to be classed by their origin. The origin of rocks refers not only to the mode of their first formation, but to their subse- quent arrangement. The origin of all rocks, geology GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 19 teaches, is from the molten matter of the globe. These have been afterwards, in some cases, removed by water, and in part remodified by heat (5). Referring rocks to their origin, they are divisible into two great classes. 1st. Those formed by fire. 2d. Those formed by water. 11. This division relates both to the origin and distribu- tion. In their origin all rocks are truly igneous, or from fire. In their distribution they are aqueous, or by water. This is the only division necessary to the farmer. It is the division taught and demanded by agricultural geology. 12. The first class includes all the highly crystalline rocks, granite, gneiss, sienite, greenstone, porphyry ; it includes, also, basalt and lava. The products of volcanoes, whether ancient or modern, agricultural geology places in the same class, including thus all that portion which forms the largest part of the earth's surface. 13. The second class includes sand, clay, gravel, rounded and rolled stones of all sizes, pudding-stone, conglomerates, sandstones, slates. When these various substances are examined, a large part of sand is found to be composed essentially of the ingredients of the igneous rocks. This is true, also, of sandstone, slate, of conglomerates, of bowlders. 14. There is a large deposit, or formation, in some dis- tricts, composed almost wholly of some of the chemical constituents of the igneous rocks, united to air. The con- stituents are lime and magnesia ; the air is carbonic acid, forming, by their union, carbonates of lime and magnesia. Marble, limestone, chalk, belong to this formation. These are not to be ranked as original igneous products subse- quently distributed by "water. The lime, originally a part of igneous rocks, has been separated and combined with air, by animals or plants, by a living process called secretion. The 20 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. modern production of carbonate of lime is still going on, under the forms of shells and corals. Though belonging to neither division, the subject will be simplified by referring limestone to the second class of rocks ; but it is truly a salt, and it will be discussed hereafter. 15. The chemical constitution of all rocks is similar. If rocks are divided into two classes, the first composed of those usually called primary, such as granite, gneiss, mica- slate, porphyry ; and the second class, composed of rocks usually called trappean, as basalt, green-stone, trap, then the great difference in their chemical constitution is this : The first or granitic class, contains about 20 per cent, more of silex, and from 3 to 7 per cent, less of lime and magnesia and iron, than the second or trappean class. 16. If the language of geology is borrowed, and rocks which present the appearance of layers, or a " stratified structure," are divided into two classes, fossiliferous and non- fossiliferous, or those which do, and those which do not contain remains of animals or plants, it will be found, that the fossiliferous are neither granitic nor trappean, yet are they to be classed with the last, agreeing with these, in con- taining less silica, and more lime, magnesia, and alumina. 17. The stratified, non-fossiliferous rocks agree in chemical composition with the granitic, and the fossiliferous with the trappean and volcanic. 18. The trappean and fossiliferous contain the most lime and magnesia ; the granitic and non-fossiliferous, the most silex. The great difference in chemical composition between the two classes, is produced by lime and magnesia, two sub- stances which, more than all others, have been thought to influence the character of soil. 19. The amount of this difference is about from 3 to 7 per cent. ; yet notwithstanding this, the general chemical GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 21 constitution of all rocks approaches so nearly to similarity, that this may be laid down as the first principle in agricultural chemistry, that there is one rock, consequently one soil. 20. To the farmer all soil is primary. The question then arises, How do rocks and soil affect vegetation 1 As a con- sequence of the first proposition, it may be laid down as the second principle of agricultural chemistry, rocks do not AFFECT THE VEGETATION WHICH COVERS THEM. 21. This is opposed to the geological doctrine of the times, and may seem to be opposed to the statement in section 18. The difference there stated may be thought to produce corresponding effects in vegetation. This would be true if rocks exerted any influence on soils, due to their chemical constitution. A survey of the geographical distri- bution of plants, used for food, will show that the common doctriniB of the chemical influence of rocks on vegetation is not so well supported as to be considered an established principle. It is not intended to deny that rocks do, by their physical condition, aff*ect vegetation. Unless it is shown that their physical state depends upon their chemical consti- tution, the second principle must be admitted as a general truth. It has been distinctly avowed by Johnston in his " Lec- tures," since the appearance of the first edition of these pages, ** that where the soil forms only a surface layer of considerable depth of transported materials, it may have no relation whatever, either in mineralogical characters or in chemical constitution, to the immediately subjacent rocks." This is the general disposition of soil. It is admitted by the author above quoted, that, in Great Britain, in some counties, and in nearly all the coal-fields, " the general char- acter and capabilities of the soil have no relation whatever to the rocks on which the loose materials immediately rest." 22 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. A distinguished authority in our country, Prof. Norton, of Yale, formerly the pupil and assistant of Prof. Johnston, speaking of very fertile soils, says that these always con- tain " appreciable quantities of some ten or twelve sub- stances. It makes no difference from whence you bring such a soil, from what part of the world it comes, it will invariably contain these elements in greater or less quantity." (Agr. Address, Northampton, 1849.) Fertile soils are not confined to particular rock formations; they are found overlying all formations, — they are so independent of the rock beneath, that they invariably contain similar elements. Though it may seem premature to place before all who may read this work the results of analysis, before they have become familiar with chemical names ; yet those here used are so common, that the proof adduced may not be misun- derstood. The analysis of the ashes of plants grown on different geological formations, in soil which is stated to have pro- ceeded from the decomposition of the underlying rock, proves how little dependent is the plant on the chemical con- stitution of the soil. The ashes of the grape-vine, grown on four different soils, afforded, I. II. III. rv. Potash, 34.13 24.93 26.41 37.482 Soda, 7.59 7.00 8.57 1.336 Common salt, . . . 0.83 0.58 0.41 1.614 Lime, 30.28 35.94 31.78 34.344 Magnesia, 4.66 7.12 9.16 1.055 Phosphate of lime, 15.694 Sulphate of lime, . . 4.55 4.02 4.13 6.186 Peroxide of iron, . . 0.16 0.24 0.19 1 -564 ^ ^^^J^J^f^J^ Phosphoric acid, . . 16.35 19.55 16.87 Silica, 1.45 0.62 2.48 0.725 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 23 In No. 4, all the phosphoric acid is included in the phos- phate of lime, and iron. This analysis is by Crasso, the others by Hruschauer. No. 1 was grown on soil formed from the debris of quartzose rocks, by the decomposition of gneiss, mica-schist, clay-slate, chlorite, hornblende, quartz, and a little lime. No. 2, from soil formed of decomposed limestone, variety- called transition. No. 3, from soil formed of decomposed mica-slate. No. 4, " " " *' " porphyry. It is evident, that where the soil has not proceeded from geological drift, as in No. 1, widely different geological formations affi)rd all the mineral elements of plants. 22. The plants used for food are cultivated on e very- variety of rock foundation which the earth presents. Their cultivation is limited neither by granitic nor trappean, by fossiliferous or non-fossiliferous rocks. Their product varies not more on different than on the same geological formation. Everywhere, over every variety of rock, the cultivation of the food-bearing plants repays the labor of the farmer. 23. Surveying Massachusetts, it is evident the grain crops are not influenced by the peculiar rock formations over which they are grown ; for in this State, with the exception of modern volcanic rocks, all the various formations which the earth presents are found. Yet no difference in the quality and quantity of crops of rye, oats, barley, wheat, Indian corn, is found, which can be attributed to different geological tracts. 24. All plants have a natural limit, a peculiar region, in which, unaided by the human,race, they flourish and spread spontaneously. The smaller the limit of this natural boun- dary, the more difficult is the cultivation of the plant, yet we find that the natural boundary is passed, and so plants come 24 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. to live in an artificial region. There is a natural, and there is an artificial " habitat " or region ; and this last is either horticultural, or agricultural. The first is unlimited, the second is limited by the great external circumstances of temperature and moisture. 25. The extreme north and south limits, which bound the cultivation of the food-bearing plants, are determined wholly by physical, physiological, and social causes. Tem- perature is the great agent which limits the agricultural " habitat " of the grain-bearing plants. 26. The distribution of plants is governed by the two fol- lowing laws : 1st. The polar agricultural limits are bounded by lines passing through places of equal summer heat. 2d. The equatorial limits, by lines of equal winter heat. These lines are called respectively, isotheral, and isochi- menal. They by no means coincide. They often cut each other at right angles, and generally, from about the 45th degree north latitude, they are parallel neither to one another, nor to the latitude. They are often highly curved. And now for the proof of these general laws. Beginning with barley, the grain which has been cultivated the farthest north, its fields are found in the extremity of Scotland, in the Orkneys and Shetland Isles, 61 degrees N. ; in the Faroe Islands, between 61 and 62^ degrees N. ; in Western Lapland, near North Cape, in latitude of 70 degrees ; on the borders of the White Sea, in Western Russia, between 67 and 68 degrees, and near to Archangel, in Eastern Russia, about QQ degrees ; in Central Siberia, the limit of barley is between 58 and 59 degreei N. There are no extended observations of the temperature of the northern portions of our own continent, and therefore the limit of barley in Northern America is left undefined. But its European line ^ GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 25 ■wilJ probably define that which will limit grain cultivation in America. Tracing a line through the points above named, it is the northern boundary of all the cereals, or grains. A little beyond this line is the boundary of the potato, and the belt between the two is remarkable. It is the zone between agriculture, and fishing, and hunting ; between races of men, subsisting on animal and on vegetable diet, and those whose chief food is animal. The northern cultivation of barley is bounded, if its course be traced, by a very curved line. Is this determined by geological causes, or do causes purely physical erect a barrier to its further northward advance 1 The answer will be found in tracing the temperature of the seasons of the different places, through which the limit of the northern cultivation of barley passes. It will be evident that the line of this limit is isotheral, for the mean tempera- ture, Fahrenheit, is as follows: Latitude. Faroe Isles, . . . 61°— 62° W. Lapland, . . . 70** Russia, at the mouth of the White Sea, . 66°— GS Year +45° +33°8 -1-32^ Temperature of the npoi Wi -f 39° 4- 21°2 + 10°2— 8"8 inter. | Pummer. 1-510 k6°2 -HG°3 Casting the eye on this table, it is evident that the annual and the winter temperature have little influence on the barley limit, and that a mean summer temperature from 46*^ to 47° is the only indispensable physical condition to the cultivation of barley. On the Atlantic islands, a mean temperature from 3 to 4 degrees higher is necessary, which compensates for excessive humidity. It is remarkable, that all the cereals have failed in Iceland, though its mean temperature is above that necessary for barley. Nor is this owing to its geologi- cal structure. In that it agrees with the fertile shores of the Mediterranean. It is volcanic. So far as nitrogen, car- 2 26 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. bonic acid, and ammonia, may be supposed to be evolved from the earth, and to contribute to the growth of grain, Iceland should equal fertile Italy. But such is not the fact, and it goes to prove that rocks affect very little the crops grown over them, even when the great physical element, temperature, is as high as is necessary. That grains fail in Iceland, is due to the excessively tempestuous rains -^vith which that country is visited. If then the limit of barley is defined by an isotheral line of 46^ degrees in Europe, that will also limit its cultivation in America. So far as obser- vation has extended, this is true, and the line of boundary is equally curved, and winding. If a similar table for the limit of wheat is constructed, by drawing a line through the most northern places, where this grain has been cultivated, the physical conditions essential to its cultivation will be found as follows: Latitude. Scotland, (Inverness) 68° Norway, (Drontheim) 64° Sweden, 62° St. Petersburgh, . . 60°25 Mean Temperature, Fahrenheit, of the Year. -|-46o3 +3905 +39°5 +38° Summer. +57°3 +59° +59° +60°8 Winter. +36°5 +23°5 +2305 +15°6 North latitude 64 degrees appears, then, to be the utmost limit of wheat. It is evident by inspection, that this is not determined by the cold of winter ; for spring wheat would not be affected by it ; and even if sown in autumn, in these far northern regions, the seeds would be effectually pre- served from the rigors of winter, by that thick mantle of snow which becomes thicker and more lasting towards the north. The temperature of the air exerts no influence on seeds of plants buried under snow. Nor does the mean temperature of the year exert any effect ; it is seen ranging 9 degrees, while the summer temperature varies only 3^ degrees. The summer temperature alone defines the limit GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 27 of northern wheat cultivation, and this is an isotheral line of 57.4 degrees. Yet it is found that there are places where, as iu Russia, the mean of spring and autumn, both depending on that of winter in part, are too low to allow wheat to be raised under this line of 57.4 degrees. In truth, the relation of climate to cultivation cannot be accu- rately determined without observations on the mean tem- perature of the days which elapse between sowing and harvest, and to this point the philosophic farmer should direct his attention. In our country, the isotheral line of 57.4 degrees, starting from Labrador, 51 degrees, and pass- ing between Hudson's Bay and Lakes Superior and Huron, 50 degrees, then turns north and approaches 58 degrees. At Cumberland House, 54 degrees north, Capt. Franklin found fields of barley, wheat, Indian corn. When the line approaches the Pacific Ocean, it turns more southerly to compensate the increasing humidity. As the limits of barley mark the boundary between the races of shepherds and hunters and fishers, and thus presents itself in a moral view, so the limit of wheat becomes interesting, from coin- ciding in some parts with that of fruit trees, as apples and pears, and also with that of the oak. The whole aspect, not only of agriculture, but also of the orchard and forest, changes at once on approaching the isotheral line of 57.4 degrees, the northern limit of wheat. It would be easy to extend these remarks to rye, still the staple food of a large part of the population of Europe, and to oats, little used for food for man out of the " land o' cakes," yet growing in Norway, as high as latitude 65 degrees. Each of these grains has a distinct isotheral line parallel to that of wheat and barley. Indian corn and the potato have each its isotheral line. Turning to the equatorial limits of the grains it will be found, that extreme heat arrests their cultivation. 28 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. Observations in these regions, and experiments performed by profound vegetable physiologists, confirm this statement. They have proved that the seeds of the food-bearing plants, even after germination has begun, can support greater de- grees of drought and heat, than ever occur in the hottest climates. The grains all germinate in the soil of a temper- ature from 104 to 105 degrees, and require at least from 116 to 120 degrees to arrest this process. Barley ceases to germinate at the lowest temperature. After barley, follows wheat, then rye. Indian corn endures the highest heat, viz., 120 degrees, before its germination is arrested. The grains flourish under a mean annual temperature of from 77 to 80^ degrees. Defining their equatorial limits, they are bounded not by lines of equal summer, but equal winter tempera- ture; the reverse of their polar limits. Hence, climate always determines the sowing season. In Bengal, wheat, barley, oats, are sown in October, and harvested in March and April, while rice and maize are sown in May, to be har- vested in October. It is this line of equal winter tempera- ture, or rather that of the coolest months, which allows the grains to be cultivated in many places within the torrid zone, and the line of 68 to 70 degrees Fah., which constitutes the tropical limit of wheat culture, varies between 20 and 23 degrees of latitude. The other grains enduring from 5 to 7 degrees lower temperature, are found in higher latitudes. 27. The wide belt of our globe, comprised wnthin these limits, extending from 20 to 70 degrees north latitude, pre- sents every variety of geological structure ; yet nowhere, in all this space, is the quantity or quality of crops affected by the chemical nature of the underlying rocks. 28. A similar principle governs the growth and cultiva- tion of the grain-bearing plants on mountains. Their limits are found at heights w^hich correspond to the latitude which GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 29 marks the isotheral line. In the Swiss Alps, the grains cease growing at the following heights : Wheat at 3400 feet, corresponding to lat. 64 degrees. Oats " 3500 " " " 65 " Rye " 4600 " " " 67 " Barley " 4800 " " " 70 This shows a beautiful correspondence between latitude and altitude, and leads a step farther in the proof of this principle, that rocks do not affect the vegetation which covers them. 29. The space which has thus been surveyed, presents, amid great variety of rocks, a singular similarity in chem- ical composition of the soil. 'J'hese facts lead to the third principle of agricultural chemistry, rocks have not formed THE SOIL WHICH IMMEDIATELY COVERS THEM. 30. Everywhere, with the exception of the tops of some , mountains, the rocks of the globe are covered, from a few' inches, to some hundred feet in depth, with gravel, sand, clay, rolled stones, sometimes alternately with each other, sometimes in confused heaps. The best attested and most universally admitted fact of geology, is, that the loose materials of our globe have been transported, from a few, to many hundred miles from their original situation. With a few exceptions, the soil, which now covers rocks, has been derived from places distant, and from rocks distinct, from those on which it now reposes. This is peculiarly true of soil on limestone districts, which does not contain more lime than the soil reposing on granite. 31. Transportation of soil is a fact so well established, that it needs only to be mentioned. There has been a uni- versal mingling of the loose material, soil, derived from worn-down and mingled rocks. 32. The same uniformity of chemical composition charac- 80 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. terizes soil, which characterized rocks ; that is, great similar- ity, but not identity, and it is on limited patches only, that soil partakes decidedly of the character of the underlying rocks. 33. The extensive analyses of soil, executed by the geo- logical surveyor of Massachusetts, taken from every variety of rock formation, present a remarkable uniformity, both of chemical constitution, and mineral oglcal composition of the earthy ingredients. In one hundred and forty-six soils of Massachusetts, the combinations of lime, clay, iron, &;c., estimated as in the state of bone-dust, are per 100 parts, 0.859 Similar matters in the state of plaster are per 100 parts, 1.823 The surveyor suggests the subtraction of -J from the amount representing matters allied to bone-dust, to reduce that to pure bone-earth. A less amount should be allowed in the matters allied to plaster. If 31 per cent, be deducted from the sum of the plaster and bone-dust, the result is 1.851. Lime, in the state of marble or limestone, was found in fourteen of one hundred and forty-six soils. Except in limestone regions, the natural existence of lime in the state of marble or chalk in soil is very questionable. Adding its average amount as found in the soil of Massachusetts, viz., 0.916, the result is, — lime in various forms, — 2.047, fine earthy matter insoluble in weak acids, 89.305. What is true of the soil of Massachutetts is true of all soil — great similarity of its mineral constituents, both in kind and pro- portion. This is the truth, deducible from the average re- sults of analyses of soil from various parts of the world. But it may be said that the above numbers have been deduced from the results of the examination of a very lim- GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 31 ited portion of our country ; that the analyses have been conducted hy a new process ; that the soil examined rests chiefly on granitic rocks, and has been thence derived. Had the field been wider, or the process different, the results would have been different. All analysts, from the earliest times, have found a very large per centage of soil insoluble in acid or alkali. The object of chemists has been, by the aid of water and weak acids, by the gentlest means to separate the elements of soil. Others have used fiercer means, and have attacked the insoluble portion of soil, by means common to the analysis of intractable stones, by fusion with alkali, followed by treatment with acid. By either mode the mineral part of soil is separated into two general divisions, into soluble and insoluble portions. This is to be observed of all soil analyses, by whomsoever or howsoever made, that while all are imperfect approxima- tions only, to truth, yet the insoluble ingredients are the substances which from their chemical constitution are least affected by the various modifications to which soil analyses have been subjected. Whatever modes may have been used, in all, the insoluble substances make up the great bulk of soil presented in the per centage result, as, "silica, silicious residuum, sand and clay, insoluble mineral matter, fine earthy matter, sandy residuum." In the analytical results, alumina, or clay, oxide of iron, or iron rust, and magnesia, are frequently stated in separate amounts. These substances have been educed by analysis from their combinations, yet are they for the most part a portion of the insoluble compounds variously designated above, and should be included in that class. The " alumin- ous residuum," or clay, is certainly an earthy compound only. 82 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. Lime generally exists in the state of plaster, or bone-dust, or sometimes as limestone. In truly calcareous or limy soil, lime may form several per cents. But such soils are the exception, not the rule, of the earth's covering. It is soil, in its universal features, to which attention is here directed. Lime has been very often, perhaps generally, separated from its earthy combinations, and has been separately stated as carbonate of lime in soil ; as such it has been too often a product, not an educt of analysis. So, too, of potash and soda, when these exist in other forms than as common salts, they are usually in soil in com- bination with its vegetable matter, and are to be considered with that element. These considerations authorize the inclusion of clay, iron and magnesia in the insoluble division of soil, while the bone-dust and plaster naturally existing and soluble by the aid of natural water, or more easily by rain water, are to be included in the soluble portion. Bearing this division in mind, let the examination of soil be extended to other districts of our country, w^ here the soil resting on an immense field of limestone, underlaid by the rocks which were referred to (16) as fossil iferous, has been examined by the process applied to Massachusetts soils — yet with such modification as to procure a portion of clay, iron and magnesia separately from the insoluble substances. Fifteen soils, from Wisconsin and Iowa, gave per 100 parts — Insoluble in weak acid, ..... 82.500 Clay, iron, magnesia, 5.600 Adding these, the sum is . , . . . 88.100 Lime in various forms of limestone and plaster, 1.860 The soil of these immense regions shows not so intimate GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 83 a relation to the underlying rock as do the soils of New England. These western soils are convincing proof of the third principle (29). But the same proof of the independence of soil and of its uniform composition, is afforded by the results of the exam- ination of the continental European soils. Forty -eight soils, from Germany, Holland, Belgium, Hungary, Bohemia, by a process very different from either of those which had been used in the analyses above stated, by an acute and intricate mode of operation afforded Insoluble, 87.053 Soluble clay, iron, magnesia, . . . 5.853 92.906 Lime in various forms, — as plaster, bone-dust, lime- ' 1.860 M^uue, ..... Taking these several results, we have . . x.ouw Soils. Insoluble. Forms of lime. 146 Massachusetts, . . 89.305 2.047 15 Wisconsin and Iowa, . 88.100 1.860 48 European, . . . -92.906 1.860 209 3)270.311 3)5.767 Mean, .... 90.103 1.922 Excluding that form of lime whose existence as limestone naturally in Massachusetts soil is very questionable, the lime in her soil would be represented by 1.851. The average of the forms of lime would then be in the above 209 soils, 1.857, which is only 0.006 more than that of Massachusetts, while the insoluble portion of her soil is actually very near the mean of the whole. "^ But if the comparison is to be made with other soils^-'the 2* 84: GEOLOGY OF SOIL. limestone is to be retained. Other soils have this element included in the result of their analyses; and it is with the like exceptions, as liable to be there misplaced as in the soils of Massachusetts. Retaining, therefore, all the lime, a still wider examination will show the great uniformity in chem- ical composition of all soil. The results may be tabulated as follows, dividing, as has been explained, all soil into insoluble, soluble, and forms of 'lime. The soluble includes clay, iron, magnesia, the forms of lime, plaster, bone-dust and limestone. GEOLOGY OF SOIL. a »^ i-i &3Kioii-'>-' OS MH--»K)o«i-'i->MwI<>.o.^2^ iNo. of Soils 1 Examined. C. T. Jackson C. T. Jackson, 0. T. Jackson, ; Hitchcock, . Whittlesey & Randall, D. D. Owen, . C. T. Jackson, Silliman, Jr., . Muller, . Laugier, Plagne, . Sprengel, Sumner, Payen, . . . Hermann, Piddington, . Piddington, . Davy, . Playfair, Fownes, Fownes, Spencer, Sprengel, Hitchcock, . 3 n 2. f a p 1 Maine, Rhode Island New Hampshire, ....'. Illinois and Ohio, Mississippi, alluvial, 100 m. above N. OrlennR. Mud of the Nile, Mud of the Rhine, in freshet, . Senegal, Coromandel, sandy and mixed soils, Java, . Batavia, ....... Russia (Tschornoizem), its best black and most fertile soil, Southern Russia, and common to Siberia and parts of Hungary, .... Chinese tea soil, Assam tea soil, English soils, highly cultivated, " " Sutton, in Norfolk, . ** " clay soils, from new red sand- stone, .... " ** valley of Thames, Battersea mould " Yorkshire, lower magnesian limestone, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Hungary, Bohe- mia, From all the various formatioasin Massachu- r p p E. p g 75.960 82.720 87.953 83.060 86.430 82.500 81 400 47.390 17.050 83.400 73.000 67.660 43. 79.295 85.660 76.000 84.880 85.466 81.400 64.800 54.800 80. 87.063 89.305 Insoluble Soil. 7.700 5.874 6.981 .730 5.600 7.000 33.300 73.250 4.860 17. 26.202 22.300 11.540 18.000 1^500 7200 8.920 •23.600 20.200 10.075 5.853 Soluble Soil. to 2 bo coi»i. k) tot-' iu bo w bbbooisi-'libo'i-' Lime m form of bone-dust, pla8ter,chalk or carl)onate. If II 1 1.78 as carbonate of lime, 0.60 phosphate, 2.32 sulphate of lime. S86 of these soils soluble in weak acid. Carbonate of lime. Carbonate of lime. 0.60 dissolves in water. 0.80 dissolves in water. 8 soils have carb. sulph. and phost.: of lime The Hverape of the earb. In thesM ic 5 209. The average of the salph. and phost. is .933. 36 GEOLOGY OF SOIL. The whole number of soils comprised in the above table is 413. Insoluble. Deducting the 146 soils of Massachusetts, \ -, »oo the remaining 267 give an average of J ; By adding the soiuble and insoluble, the \ result is, / 87 33 while 146 Massachusetts soils contain 89.30° The sum of the whole 413, And the average is 176.642 Soluble. Salts of lime. 15.604 2.075 2.047 4.122 2.061 This examination proves that the 146 soils of Massachusetts represent very fairly the average mineral composition of the soil of the globe. The results of chemical analysis stated per cent, to two or three places of decimals, give the farmer no idea of the quantity of any element in an acre, at the usual depth of cultivation. A simple rule will make this amount evident. The weight of a cubic foot of dried soil is as follows : Silicious sand, . . . . 111.3 pounds. Calcareous sand, Sandy clay, . Loamy clay, Stiff clay, Slaty marl, Fertile mould, Common arable soil, , 113.6 97.8 88.5 80.3 112. 68.7 84.5 The average is 94.58, whiclj in the ordinary wet state be- comes 126.6. Multiply 43560 by the weight of a cubic foot of soil, and divide the product by 12, the quotient is the number of pounds per acre at one inch deep. Eead the results of analyses stated in 100 parts, deci- mally, as whole numbers, and consider each ingredient as so many pounds in every 100,000 lbs. of soil. Multiply any ingredient by the number of pounds in one GEOLOGY OF SOIL. 37 inch deep, and cut off the five right-hand figures; the remainder is the number of pounds of that ingredient per acre, at one inch deep. Let it be required to know how many pounds of salts of lime are contained in eight inches deep of a soil which weighs 126.6 pounds per cubic foot, and contains 2.047 of salts of lime in 100 parts. 43560 X 126.6 = 5514696 pounds per acre one fool deep. 5514696 -f- 12 = 459558 pounds " «' one inch deep. 459558 X 2.047 = 940776636. Cutting off five figures, leaves 9407 pounds at one inch deep. 8 75256 ♦* al eight inches deep. It is to be remembered that this immense quantity is that contained only in the finer portions of the soil ; there yet remain about eighty parts in every hundred of soil as unde- composed silicates, ready to yield their lime to the wants of agriculture. Tried by the above rule, the smallest quantities which the chemist obtains in his analysis become tons per acre, and that which is too small to be weighed by any balance, the " trace " only of an element rises to an amount which aston- ishes by its magnitude. CHAPTER II. CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF ROCKS, AND SOIL. 34. The geologist, the mineralogist, the chemist, each views rocks with a different eye. The geologist regards the rocky mass; the mineralogist, the simple minerals com- posing the rock ; the chemist, the simple elements which compose the minerals. 35. Elements are substances which have not as yet been proved to be compound, as oxygen and hydrogen among the gases, or iron or lead among metals. Minerals are called siniple which have certain definite, external, physical char- acters, though they may be composed of several elements. Rocks are called compound, which consist of several simple minerals, as granite, which consists of quartz, felspar, and mica. 36. The only point of view which the farmer takes, is that of the chemist ; his pole-star is '* fruit and progress ;" and his philosophy, guided by this, teaches the nature and mode of action of the several elements of minerals. With- out a knowledge of the chemical constitution of minerals, the science which classifies and labels these is useless. The mineralogist merely names his mineral, labels it, and places it in his cabinet ; yet a farmer must know a few of these names, and talk to the mineralogist in terms which he can understand. lie must give to the assemblage of elements which composes a mineral, that name which the mineral©- (38 CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. 39 gist bestows on the assemblage of external characters, which determines the species. 37. The mineralogy of agriculture is no more than this, that the farmer be able ever to connect with a certain name a certain chemical composition. Hearing mica (which is isinglass) named, he immediately connects with that, the chemical properties which belong to the species, as he would connect with the term isinglass, the physical properties of that substance ; such as transparency, divisibility into thin plates, which are flexible and elastic. 38. The amount of this mineralogical knowledge is very limited. Seven simple minerals compose all rocks, viz. : quartz, mica, felspar, hornblende, talc, serpentine, carbonate of lime. Other minerals are found in rocks, but these seven compose all those termed geological formations, and v/hich form the crust of the globe. 39. The chemical constitution of rocks, the nature, prop- erties and relations of their elements, prove to be of the highest value, when it is known that the elements of these seven minerals are also the earthy part or ashes of all plants. The farmer should therefore be so far a chemist as to understand the results to which the analysis of minerals conducts. 40. The number of elements which chemistry has detected is sixty-two ; probably sixty-three. All are either metallic or unmetallic. Of these some are gaseous, others earthy, others combustible. The last are also called metalloids, by which term they are designated in these pages. Of the simple or elementary bodies, thirteen chiefly compose all rocks, and the mineral portion of soil. Six of this number are unmetallic and seven are metallic sub- stances. 40 CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. The unmetallic are : The metallic are; 1. Oxygen, 1. Potassium. 2. Hydrogen. 2. Sodium. 3. Silicon. 3. Calcium. 4. Carbon. 4. Magnesium. 5. Sulphur. 5. Aluminium. 6. Phosphorus. 6. Ferrum. 7. Manganesium. Restricting the term metalloids to the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th unmetallic substances in the above list, the other two stand out distinctly, separated by their want of properties common to the remainder. They stand each alone, being wholly unlike each other. These are oxygen and hydrogen, known in their uncombined or tree state only as gases, whose union produces water. It is as a part of water that hydrogen enters into the composition of rocks. It is comparatively of little importance. Not so with oxygen. No other known substance has such a wide range of affinities. Its combinations produce a change of properties in the several elements above enumer- ated, whose names end in um, by which these are converted into substances whose common name reveals their well- known characters. 41. With the metalloids, oxygen forms acids, and with the metals, oxides or earths, rarely acids. OXYGEN, wiih silicon forms silicic acidfwith potassium forms potash, carbon " carbonic " *' sodium " soda, sulphur " sulphuric " " calcium " lime, phosphorus " phosphoric " " magnesium " magnesia. '' aluminium " alumina, or clay earth. ' ferrum " iron oxyde or rust. ' manganesium " manganese oxide. 42. The oxides or earths are termed bases. Potash, soda, lime, magnesia, are termed alkaline bases; the others, metallic bases. Acids and bases unite and form salts in CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. 41 rocks or soils. Metalloids also unite with metals and form a class of compounds of great importance in agriculture. These may be termed metalloid compounds when speaking of such agriculturally. 43. It is seen, therefore, that the elements composing rocks are reduced to salts and metalloid compounds. But the peculiar character of tbs salts formed by silicic acid, will be easier understood by separating these from the others, and studying them under the name of silicates. These form the great bulk of the earth's crust. The distiu- guishing character of the silicic acid salts is either a crystal- line appearance, with the transparency and lustre of glass, united to the hardness of flint, or opacity, with the stony and earthy look and common characters of mineral sub- stances composing rocks. The compounds of silicic acid would be hardly recognized as salts in the common and pop- ular sense of that term, with which is associated the ideas of softness and solubility. In the opinion of some chemists of the highest authority, silicon, or silicium as they term it, is a metal. Its combination with oxygen produces an acid. Hence, perhaps, its salts derive their peculiarity. Silicic acid is a metallic acid, which forms with bases, silicates ; these are generally insoluble in water, or soluble by the aid of an excess of alkali. Carbonic, sulphuric, and phosphoric acids are metalloid acids, which form with bases, salts, in the usual sense of the term. Nor is silicium, if a metal, the only one of the class which acts as an acid, combined with oxygen. Alumina acts so occasionally, so does manganese, so does iron. 44. The elements of water being included in silicates and salts, all the substances which compose rocks may be divided into three sections; a. silicates, b. salts, c. metalloid compounds. 42 CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. 45. The elements which compose silicates may be enumer- ated in pairs, as a help to the memory — The alkalies — potash and soda. " alkaline earths — lime and magnesia. " metallic acids or earths — silex and alumina. 2 alkalies, 2 alkaline earths, 2 metallic acids. The last have all the characters of earths, and silica, whose acid proper- ties were first noticed by Smithson, was and is still called the earth of flints, while alumina is known as the earth of clay. 46. The terms, salt, silicate, and metalloid compound may need a further explanation. Pearlashes and vinegar, are well-known substances. One is an alkali, the other an acid. Pearlash has the alkaline properties of a bitter, burning taste, the power of changing vegetable blues to green, and pinks to blues. Vinegar has the acid property of sour taste, of causing a hissing or effervescence, when poured on pearlash. This action ceasing, there are neither acid taste nor alkaline properties. The characters of the vinegar and pearlash have disappeared. These substances have united ; they have formed a new substance called a salt. Their properties are neutralized, and lost in the salt. This is no longer either pearlash or vinegar. 47. The fact to be observed in the action (46) is, that an acid and alkali mutually neutralize each other. The vinegar is said, in this case, in common language, to "kill" the pearlash. So soda, potash, lime, magnesia, iron, and man- ganese would all be killed or neutralized by vinegar ; they would all be dissolved by it, and lose their distinguishing characters. In either case, a neutral salt w^ould be formed. Such a class of salts is termed acetates, being formed of alkalies, alkaline earths, or metallic oxides united with acetic acid. CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. 43 48. Silex or silica, or the earth of flints, as it has been called, is in its pure state a perfectly white, insipid, tasteless powder. In various combinations of minerals', it unites with the bases (41), forming neutral salts, termed silicates, from the silicic acid. Thus is formed, as in the case of vinegar, or acetic acid (47), a large class in which are found silicates of soda, of potash, of lime, of magnesia, of alumina, of iron, and of manganese. This class forms the great bulk of all rocks and soil. 49. The seven substances last mentioned (42) are all metals united to oxygen. They are metallic oxides. If the oxygen is removed, and replaced by carbon, sulphur, phos- phorus or silicon, combinations are formed, called sulphur- ets, carburets, phosphurets, siliciurets. 50. Metalloid compounds are combinations of metalloids with metals, in their pure, or unoxidated state. 51. Salts are combinations of metalloids with oxygen, and the metals in their rusted or oxidated state. 52. The formation of carbonic, sulphuric, phosphoric acids, has been explained (41). When these acids unite to the bases, salts are formed, called carbonates, sulphates, phos- phates. 53. Hence, when a substance is named, for example, sul- phate of lime, a definite idea of the nature of this is con- veyed. It is, on the principles stated, at once known to be a salt, that is a sulphate, that is, sulphur and oxygen united to lime. So, too, phosphate of lime is seen to be a salt of lime. 54. If the thirteen elements which enter into the compo- sition of rocks, had each an equal tendency to unite with the other ; or, in other words, if their affinities were mutual, then there would be as many different combinations as it would be possible to form with thirteen different substances- 4-i CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. If these com'bined in all proportions, then the possible num- ber of combinations would be infinite. 55. This can never be. Affinity is not equally powerful. There is election or choice among the particles of inanimate matter. When the Creator impressed this property upon matter, He also limited its combinations. He assigned to each element power to combine with other elements, only in fixed, definite, invariable proportions. He gave to each its form, weight, and measure. And thus were limited the number of combinations, and the proportions fixed, in which these combinations should ever, from the dawning, to the end of time, occur. The Genius of modern chemistry has taught that all bodies combine only by infinitely small par- ticles. Holding her balance over invisible elements, she has tauofht that each can be weinjhed. It is the relative, not the absolute weight, which chemistry determines. The mode maybe thus illustrated: "Take 9 lbs. of water, pass its steam over a known weight of pure iron turnings, heated red hot in an earthen tube. No steam escapes from the tube, only air which may be inflamed and burned. It is hydrogen gas, one of the constituents of water. That liquid has been decomposed. What has become of its oxygen ? It has united with, and oxidated the iron. What proportion of the 9 lbs. of water did it form ? 8-9ths. If the iron is weighed, it will be found heavier in proportion of 8 lbs. for every 9 lbs. of water evaporated and decom- posed. Whatever is the proportion of water used, 8-9lhs are oxygen. Deducting from the 9 lbs. of water, 8 oxygen, the balance 1 is hydrogen. These are respectively the weights of their combining proportions. Chemical theory supposes combination occurs, only by the ultimate, indivisi- ble particles or atoms of matter. Hence, the combining number is the relative weight of these atoms, referred to CHEMISTKY OF SOIL. 45 some one as unity. In these pages, hydrogen is considered as 1, or unity. As the atoms may be thus expressed by numbers, it is customary, in referring to chemical compounds, to speak only of the number of atoms, in which each ele- ment enters into their composition. The modern system of chemical notation, substitutes for the name of the elements its first, or two first letters, and writes after it the number of atoms, existing in any compound, as the powers of roots are expressed arithmetically by exponents. Where only single atoms combine, their exponents are omitted. Thus, H is hydrogen, O is oxygen ; then water is H O, that is one atom each of hydrogen and oxygen. C is carbon, O oxygen ; then C O'^ is carbonic acid, that is, 1 carbon and two of oxygen. The combining number of carbon is 6, and of oxygen 8, then 1 carbon = 6, and 2 oxygen (8 x 2) = 16. Then the atomic number of carbonic acid is 22, (6 -f 16 = 22. One little conversant with chemistry is apt to confound the combining number with the number of atoms, especially when the first is called " atomic number." A distinction is to be here remembered, the atomic number is one thing, the number of atoms another. When it is said, that water is composed of 8 parts of oxygen to 1 part of hydrogen, by weight, an ultimate fact only is expressed. When it is said that water is composed of an atom of oxygen united to an atom of hydrogen, we express a theoretical opinion. The difficulty lies, in understanding how water can be both a combination of 1 to 1, and of 1 to 8 ; that 9 of water can yet be only composed of 1 to 1. This discrepancy vanishes, where the distinction is remembered, between the combining or atomic number, and the number of atoms. Water is an example, where single atoms are united. But cases contin- ually occur where the combining number of one body unites to more than one combining proportion of another. In this 46 CHKMlSTIiY OF SOIL. case, as the atoms are indivisible, combination can occur only, by twice, thrice, &c., the quantity of that of the first compound ; for instance, 1 carbon may be combined with 1 oxygen, forming oxide of carbon, or with 2 of oxygen, and form carbonic acid. There is, and can be no intermediate step. Having determined the combining atomic number uf oxygen, that of all other bodies may be found by determin- ing how much of each is necessary exactly to unite with 8 of oxygen. For instance, the iron used in the experiment of decomposing water, increases in weight; if it is all equally oxidated, it is found to increase 8 lbs. for every 28 lbs. of iron used. If, therefore, 28 lbs. of iron are used, and 9 lbs. of water, the iron may be wholly oxidated by the 8 lbs. of oxygen of the water. Deducting this from the total w^eight of the oxide of iron, 36 lbs., the balance is the com- bining or atomic weight of iron. The sum of 8 -f 28 = 36 is therefore the atomic weight of oxide of iron. The atomic weight of all compounds is the sum of the atomic weight of their constituents. The number of atoms in any compound, whose proportional constituents by weight are given, is found by dividing each by its respective atomic weight. For instance, the composition of carbonic acid above, gives in 22 parts, 6 of carbon, and 16 of oxygen. Each divided by its atomic weight, gives 1 carbon, 2 of oxygen, == 22 of car- bonic acid. So in a compound of several elements, having their proportions per cent, given, each divided by its atomic number, gives the relative proportion of the atoms. These reduced to simplest terms, and affixed to the letters or sym- bols of the elements, constitute what is called the chemical formula of this compound. Three laws discovered by multiplied observation, con- firmed by repeated experiments, govern all chemical science. These laws are : CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. 47 1st. Bodies combine only in definite proportion. 2d. " " " multiple proportion. 3d. *' " " equivalent proportion. These are the laws of chemical combination. The atomic theory attempts to, and does account for them. Once admit the principle that bodies combine only by indivisible atoms, these laws follow as consequences. If bodies only unite by atoms, atom to atom, their composition must be definite. If a body unites an atom to two or more of another, then as atoms are indivisible, the second, or other added portion, must be a multiple of the first, by a whole number. When bodies unite in proportions which imply half atoms, it is because union has occurred between tw^o atoms of one, and three atoms of another, as iron may unite with oxygen so as to be seemingly a compound of 1 iron to 1^ oxygen. Truly this is a compound of 2 iron to 3 oxygen. Alumina always oxidates itself in this proportion, but it will simplify our views to consider it as uniting atom to atom. Again, if bodies unite only by atoms, the atom of one may be replaced by that of another; or, which is the same thing, the combining proportion of one may replace the combining proportion of another, for they are equivalent to each other. One body may be thus successively united to others, in doses which represent their atomic weights. 56. Calculating on this fixed principle, that the combining weight of any substance is the quantity necessary to unite ■with 8 of oxygen, it is found, that the proportions in which the bases of silicates combine, are 8 oxygen, 8 silicon =16 silica, 8 " 10 aluminum == 18 alumina, 8 " 20 calcium = 28 lime, 8 " 12 magnesium = 20 magnesia, 8 " 40 potassium == 48 potash, 48 CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. 8 oxygen, 24 sodium = 32 soda, 8 " 28 iron = 36 oxide of iron, 8 " 28 manganese ==• 36 oxide of manganese. When any of these oxidated substances unite to an acid, it is only in these proportions. The numbers are equivalents — that is, 48 of potash are equal in saturating power, to 32 of soda, or 28 of lime. All equivalents, entering into the composition of soil, contain the same quantity of oxygen. Hence, if from each of the above numbers in the third column, 8, the constant quantity, is deducted, the remainder represents the equivalent of the respective pure metals, which chemists represent by the termination in um or iam; and hence are formed, potassium, sodium, &c. (40), (41). 57. The equivalent of sulphur is 16, adding 3 oxygen =• 24 parts, sulphuric acid is formed = 40. The equivalent of phosphorus is 32, adding 5 oxygen == 40 parts, phosphoric acid is formed. The equivalent of car- bon is 6, adding 2 oxygen ==<= 16 parts, carbonic acid is formed. Hence, the equi-ralents of these acids are 40, 72, 22, num- bers produced by adding the proportions of oxygen to the respective bodies. These acids combine, in their above equivalent proportions, with the bases of silicates, forming neutral salts, or with two or more proportions of acid form super-salts, or with a larger portion of base, form sub-salts, and thus form fixed and invariable compounds. Sulphate of lime is, therefore, in proportion of 28 of lime to 40 of acid. Carbonate of lime, 28 of lime to 22 of acid. Phosphate of lime has a larger proportion of base, 3 parts or 84 of lime to 72 of acid ; this is bone earth, so called ; and the equiva- lent of each of these salts is the number produced, by add- ing that of the lime to that of the acid. 58. If sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, silicon, are united to CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. 49 the bases (40), combination can take place only in the equivalent proportions. It is thus evident, that soil, con- sisting of silicates, metalloid compounds, and salts, is a fixed, unvarying, chemical combination of these substances, though mixed in proportions, somewhat varied by local causes, yet presenting, in the mass, a great similarity of composition. When the subject of the composition of the vegetable por- tion of soil is discussed, the value of a slight knowledge of chemical notation and of combining proportions, will be manifest. It is not to be neglected, however unconnected it may seem with practical farming. The doctrine of chemical equivalents is important to the farmer, even if he pursues it no farther than to understand and remember the combining proportions of a few substances, known to him only by name ; such are the common acids, oil of vitriol, aquafortis, spirits of salt, or sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids ; the usual alkalies, ammonia, potash, soda, lime ; acids and bases, which combine only in their equivalents. It is sometimes remarked, in agricultural experiments with different salts, that equal quantities, if correct comparative trials are to be made, should be used. The doctrine of equivalents teaches not an equal, but an equivalent portion — that is, 28 of lime are equal to 48 of pure potash^i It may assist the memory here, and furnish a good " rule of thumb," to recollect, that the three alkalies, ammonia, soda, potash, are to each other, as 17 : 32 : 48, or as 1 : 2 : 3, nearly. When the subject of manures is considered, the doctrine of equivalents will be found important, in determining their relative value. Though the numbers here used are those of some chemists of high authority, they are not all universally admitted. They have the convenience of being small whole numbers. They are readily retained in the memory, and simplify the jubject, by freeing the calculation from multiplication and 60 CHEMISTRY OF SOIL. division of fractional equivalent numbers. They are easily apprehended, and, for all practical agricultural purposes, correct. 59. Viewed by the light of chemistry, rocks are masses of silicates. The simple minerals composing rocks are truly only silicates in fixed proportions. The simple minerals are quartz, felspar, mica, hornblende, talc, serpentine. Their comDOsition is presented in the following TABLE OF CONSTITUTION OF SIMPLE MINERALS. Felspar, H m 66.T5 50.82 40.06 45.69 68.2 43 07 c S s < If 12.00 9.86 4:60 water. 12.75 .5 B 111 ^ c to 17 50 21.33 22.40 12.18 1.26 "is! 83 18.79 33.2 40 37 .75 9.08 1.79 732 4.6 i.u| Mica, eray ••...... . " brown, Hornblende, including trap rocks Talc, Serpentine, 0.25 50 In each the silex acts as an acid. This is not only the most constant, but the most abundant ingredient of rocks. Next is alumina. The average quantity of these elements in the most important rocks, is silica 62.79, alumina 25.15 per cent. 60. In each simple mineral, the bases (41 ) being combined with silica, a compound, or silicate is formed. In this case, the few simple minerals forming rocks, may be arranged in three classes, and it will be perceived that, notwithstanding their great variety of external appearance, their ultimate chemical composition resolves itself into classes of double, or simple silicates, in which silicate of alumina is united with potash, or lime, or with magnesia, forming thus three classes only of simple minerals, which compose rocks and soil. 1st. Silicate of alumina and potash forms felspar and mica. chemistry'of soil. 5t 2(3. Silicates of alumina and lime with magnesia form hornblende. 3d. Silicate of magnesia forms serpentine and talc ; and silica almost pure, is quartz. 61. The iron and manganese in the table (59), are re- garded as accidental mixtures of silicates of these metals. Silicate of soda is often present in place of potash, and this constitutes an extensive variety of the felspar family. CHAPTER III. OF THE MINERAL ELEMENTS OF SOIL, THEIR PROPERTIES, AND CHEMICAL ACTION. 62. The bases of the silicates have common properties, which are : 1st. Alkaline. Whatever may be our idea of the effect of an alkali, as exhibited by potash or soda, the same in kind, but in degree less, is exhibited by lime, magnesia, and alumina. Placing potash as the type of alkaline power, the same power in a decreasing order is found in lime, magne- sia, and alumina. 2d. They are, most of them, soluble in water. Potash stands here also first, and the solubility decreases in Time, magnesia, and totally disappears in alumina. This may have some connection with the fact, that, widely diffused as it is in all soil, it is very seldom found in plants. 3d. They exhibit great affinity for carbonic acid. The order of affinity is potash, soda, lime, magnesia ; alumina, if it possesses it at all, exhibits it only feebly. The alkalies form soluble, and the alkaline earths, and alumina insoluble compounds with carbonic acid. 4th. They have all great affinity for water, combining with it, and forming what are called hydrates. Potash parts not with this chemically combined water, by any heat which has been produced ; lime and magnesia give up their water readily, at a red heat : alumina requires, for this purpose, a PROPERTIES OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL. ' 53 full white lieat. This is the only case where alumina stands next to potash. 5th. They are all fusible, in the order of potash, limft, magnesia, alumina. 6th. They have already been described as definite combi- nations of metals and oxygen (56). The same law governs their combinations with water. Such compounds are termed hydrates, from ^^udor,'^ water. Water is a compound of eight parts of oxygen, and one part of hydrogen, forming one part of water, whose equivalent is 9. Taking the num- ber representing the base (56), or rather the basic oxide, the equivalents of the hydrates are obtained by adding to each, 1 part = 9 of water. Thus — Potash, 48 united with 9 water, forms 57 caustic potash. Soda, 32 tt 9 «' u 41 t( soda. Ijrae, 28 u 9 •' " 37 (« slacked lime. Magnesia, 20 " 9 " "29 " magnesia. 63. The same law pervades all these various combinations. There are strong resemblances in the alkaline family, which show their relation, yet each is marked with its individual peculiarities. Alumina stands alone, and seems a natural link, connecting the silicates with the metalloids. 64. The gradual passage of the characters of the metallic elements of the silicates, into that of the metalloids, is to be observed. The first show alkaline powers by combining with oxygen. Exhibited in the highest degree by potash, and lowest in alumina, which shows both alkaline and acid properties. By the last, it is allied to silicon, sulphur, phos- phorus, carbon. The three last are so well known that they need only to be mentioned. 65. The metalloids have common properties. 1st. They all combine with the pure base of silicates (46), and form siliciurets, phosphurets, carburets, sulphurets. Thus are formed carburet of iron, or plumbago, sulphuret 54 ' PROPERTIES OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL. of iron, or iron pyrites, sulphuret of potassium, or liver of sulphur. 2d. Tiiey chemically combine with each other. Thus are formed sulphuret of carbon, and sulphuret of silicon. 3d. They all form acids, by combining with oxygen. Thus are formed sulphuric, carbonic, phosphoric, silicic acids (41). 66. While the metals combine with oxygen only in one proportion, to form alkalies, producing it always, for each, of one uniform strength, the metalloids combine with differ- ent proportions, and form acids of different strength. The rule followed in naming the acids, is, first, that each is called after the substance forming it, the metalloid having ous added to it to designate the weaker, and 2c, to designate the stronger acid ; thus : Sulphur 16+2 oxygen == 16 is sulphurous acid. " 16 + 3 " = 24 is sulphuric acid. So are formed phosphorus and phosphoric acids. Silicon forms but one acid, the silicic. It is the only member of its class which requires a detailed notice of its properties. Q7. Silicon, the base of the earth usually called silex or silica, forms, next to oxygen, the largest part of all rocks and soil. It has been already noticed (64), how the earthy character gradually increased from potash to alumina ; and how this last connected itself with the metalloids, and in the first member of this series, the earthy character appears fully developed when united with oxygen. It is the earth of flints, it is pure rock crystal, it is common quartz, agate, and calcedony, and cornelian. All these are silicon acidified by oxygen, hence called silicic acid. It is this which forms, with potash, the bard coat of the polishing rush, the outer covering of the stalks of grasses. Wheat, rye, oats, barley, owe their support to this covering of silica. It cases the PROPERTIES OF ELEMENTS OP SOIL. 55 bamboo and rattan with an armor of flint, from which may be struck sparks. Entering into the composition of all soil, and hard and unyielding as it appears, forming not only the solid rock, but the delicate flower, which that supports; forming combinations with the metals of soil whose gradual decomposition is the birth of fertility, silicon demands a detail of its properties, commensurate with the high func- tions it performs. 68. Silicon, in the purest state yet obtained, is a dull brown powder, soiling the fingers. It dissolves in fluoric acid, and in caustic potash. Heated in air or oxygen gas, it burns vividly, and is partly converted into silica. Heated in a closed crucible, it shrinks very much, but does not vaporize. Heat has altered all its properties. It has be- come a deep chocolate color. It sinks in oil of vitriol, one of the heaviest of fluids ; it will dissolve in no acid, except a mixture of nitric and fluoric ; caustic alkali has no action on it, nor will it burn in the intensest flame of air or oxygen gas. No other simple substance is so changed by heat. The only substance exhibiting analogous properties, is carbon. Silicon burns in vapor of sulphur, and forms sulphuret of silicon. This easily dissolves in water, sulphuretted hydro- gen escapes, and silica remains in solution. These are facts of the highest importance in agriculture. 69. Whether heated or not, silicon is oxidated when heated with dry potash, and converted into silicic acid. In its pure state, this is a rough, gritty, tasteless powder. When heated, it runs like red-hot ashes, and the lightest puff" blows it away. It is not melted in the strongest heat of a wind furnace. Silicic acid exists in two states, soluble or insolu- ble in water. It is perfectly insoluble, after having been heated red-hot. Sulphuret of silicon, as has been noticed 56 PROPERTIES OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL. (68), dissolves in water, and gives silica, in solution. If this is evaporated, a jelly-like, sizj mass is obtained, which' may be again dissolved in water. Acid, added to the solution, when evaporating, renders silica insoluble. Alkalies, boiled with insoluble silica, render it soluble, no change occurring in the alkali. These singular changes are due, probably, to a new arrangement of the particles of silica, produced by that power called catalysis^ or the action of presence, that is, by the presence of a third body, taking no part itself in the action, but simply influencing the changes which occur. 70. Soluble silica exists in some minerals, and is produced when a silicate is melted with an alkali, and dissolved in dilute acid. It is in consequence of this ready solubility of silica, that a small quantity is contained in all natural waters; associated with alkaline carbonates in mineral springs, it is often an abundant product. 71. The general properties which silicic acid exhibits in its combinations, are these : 1st. All its compounds, with excess of alkali, are caustic, and soluble in water. Those with an excess of silica, are mild and insoluble. Glass is an example of the last, and so are the rocks. Green bottle glass is but a fused rock, a mixture of silicates of potash, soda, alumina, lime, magnesia, and iron. These are the silicates which have been already enumerated (60), as composing rocks ; and the amount and origin of these several elements of soil can now be con- veniently understood. This is practical ground, and shows the value of chemical analysis of rocks. Whatever opinion respecting their origin is adopted, and whether or not granite is supposed to have produced the soil above it, or that it is only overlaid by granite drift, it is evident, from the table (59), that all granite rocks contain lime and alkali. These ALKALIES IN SOIL. 6? will be ill proportion to the mica and felspar, for granite (35) is composed of these and quartz, 72. The composition of granite, composed of two-fifths quartz, two-fifths felspar, and one-fifth mica, is in every 100 parts, — Silex, 74.84 Alumina, 12.80 Potash, 7.48 Magnesia 99 Lime, .37 Oxide of Iron, ^ 1.93 Oxide of Manganese, .12 In every 100 lbs. of granite, 7|- lbs. of potash, and f lb. of lime. Difier, as opinions may, about the how, and the why, of the operation of lime and alkali, it is evident, that unexhausted and exhaustless stores of these substances are already in barren pine plains. 73. Let it be supposed that these are formed of the drift of granite, composed as stated (72), and the amount per acre of lime and alkali, taking the soil only six inches deep, would be as follows : The cubic foot of such soil weighs about 90 lbs. or at six inches deep, 45 lbs. The acre at this depth contains 21,780 cubic feet, which will afford 3626 lbs. of lime, and 73,311 lbs. of potash, or nearly a ton and a> half of lime, and thirty -six tons of potash. 74. The lime in such a soil would be enough to supply that contained in a crop of rye, at 20 bushels per acre, for 7400 years; for at 20 bushels per acre, and at 50 lbs. per bushel, each acre would afford 1000 lbs. of grain, which contain nearly ^ lb. of lime, or 0.49 (Schroeder), dividing 3626 by this, the quotient 7400 is the number of years the lime would supply the grain. Wheat will not differ much from rye, and if the time is diminished, by the amount of 3* 68 ALKALIES m SOIL. lime contained in the straw, it will be seen that the actual amount of lime and potash, in what is called poor soil, will hardly begin to diminish at the end of a long lease, cropping every year 30 bushels of wheat. Allowing thus, for exam pie, the proportion of straw which such a crop would afford, to be about 5000 lbs., and this is not far from the truth, the straw gives 4.40 of its weight of ashes, or 220 lbs., of which one-fifth is soluble in water, and one-half of that dissolved is potash. The spent ashes, or that part not soluble in water, contains 5.80 per cent, of lime. On these data, an acre of wheat straw, or 2^ tons, will give 220 lbs. of ashes, containing 22 lbs. of potash, and 10 lbs. of lime. The potash will last at this rate for the straw, over 3000 years ! It will be hereafter shown, that when the lime fails, the crop will not. Since the first edition of this work appeared, numerous ash analyses of rye have been made by the first chemists and analysts of the day. Calculating the lime in rye on the average of these results, 1000 lbs. of grain would give 23 lbs. of ashes. Of this amount, 1.145 lb. is lime; and even at this rate the grain of 20 bushels of rye per year, from an acre, would exhaust the soil of lime in the first six inches from the surface, only in 3166 years. Allowing 4000 lbs. •of straw annually, the lime in this is 11.25 lbs., equal to 322 annual crops, or the lime would last for the grain and straw 293 years. 75. Were similar calculations extended to soil supposed to be formed of any other rock, the amount of lime and alkali would still be seen to be almost inexhaustible. And whether rocks be supposed or not, to form the soil over them, it may be established, as the fourth leading principle of agricultural chemistry, that soils contain enough of all the mineral ELEMENTS, TO GROW ANY CROP. ACTION OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL. 59 76. These elements do not exist in soil, free ; they exist as silicates, or salts, compounds regulated by the unbending laws of affinity, and fixed as are the laws of gravitation. The decompounding of these combinations, or the gradual decay of rocks and soil, takes place also by similar laws. Gradually acted upon by the carbonic acid of the air, the agency of growing plants, the action of various salts, formed by metalloids in atmospheric exposure, the silicates yield to new affinities. The alkalies, freed partially or entirely from the embrace of silica, dissolve, and are borne seaward ; the silica itself is dissolved by the water used for drink ; the insoluble alumina, still combined with a portion of potash and silica, remains, forming the great mass of clays, or mixed with granitic sand, forms loam. 77. Felspar, mica, hornblende, are constantly acted upon by air and moisture. This action is chemical. It is twofold. 1st. The action of the carbonic acid of the air, or of carbon- ates, upon silicates. The potash, or alkaline part of the sili- cate is by this means separated. The mineral, no longer held by the bond which had united its components, falls into dust. The silica, lime, alumina, magnesia, thus form the finer portions of soil. In obedience to a well-established fact in chemistry, the seemingly insoluble silica, and alum- ina, and magnesia, in the very moment of their disunion, are each soluble in water. They may then bs taken up by plants, or dissolved by various acids found in the soil, form salts. 78. The second mode of action, of air and moisture, is upon the sulphurets, the phosphurets, and siliciurets. The action of air upon all these is, to oxidate, both the metallic and the unmetallic element. In a word, the metalloid com- pounds, by air and moisture, become salts ; the unmetallic part becoming acid, and the base an oxide, which combine. 60 ACTION OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL, 79. The fact most important to the farmer in these changes is, that these compounds are continually, in' all soil, becoming salts. Whenever iron pyrites, or sulphuret of iron, is fuiind, and it is very widely diffused, exposure to air and moisture acidifies the sulphur, it forms oil of vitriol, or sul- phuric acid. This immediately combines with iron, and forms copperas, or sulphate of iron, or with alumina, form- ing alum, or with lime, forming plaster of Paris, or with magnesia, forming Epsom salts; all these are salts, and liable to be decomposed by any free ali^ali which may be produced by the decomposition of silicates. 80. Among the most abundant salts in soil, arising frongi the actions (79), are those which are very insoluble in water, and not liable, therefore, to be drained off, when not required by plants. These are sulphate of lime, and phosphates of lime, and of alumina, and iron. The sulphate of lime is partially soluble, and hence, is found in all river and spring water ; but phosphates are more" insoluble, and are always found in soil. 81. That sulphate of lime might possibly exist in soil, has been admitted by all who understood the actions (79), and adding to this the fact of the gradual decomposition of the silicates by carbonic acid, the function of sulphate of lime in soil was easily admitted. The double silicates of lime and potash are universally diffused, and in the order of affinities sulphates of alkalies and of lime result. 82. It is not so easily understood how phosphate of lime should exist in soil. The true source, both of sulphate and phosphate of lime, and of the solubility of silica is yet to be detected by exact chemical analysis. It is to be looked for in the sulphurets and phosphurets of silicon, which probably exist in rocks. The action of sulphuret of iron, as explained, ^ould demand its universal diffusion,' to account for the ACTION OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL. 61 presence of sulphate of lime. Sulphuret of iron must either now exist, or have ages ago existed, as widely diffused as the silicates. But though common in rocks, its presence as a sulphuret will not account for the quantity of sulphate of lime found in soil. Vast quantities of this salt are annually borne off in crops ; whi-Je at the same time, a large portion of that hardest, and, as is generally supposed, utterly insol- uble earth, silex, is withdrawn by every plant which grows. How is this rendered soluble ? 83. This question may be answered, if it be admitted that a portion of the silica of rocks exists as a sulphuret of silicon. The action of air and moisture upon this will be understood by reference to section 68, where it is stated that sulphuret of silicon is decomposed by water. ,The sul- phur, in this case, is evolved as sulphuretted hydrogen- gas, the filica deposited, and in this state is abundantly soluble in water. The sulphuretted hydrogen would act on the lime of the silicates, and gradually sulphate of lime would be formed. Here is an abundant source, not only of the solu- bility of silica, a point always of difficult explanation in vegetable physiology, but also of the production of sulphate of lime. 84. Similar remarks are applicable to the presence of the phosphates of lime, and iron, and alumina in soil. Phos- phate of lime is not a very abundant ingredient in rocks, except in certain localities ; yet its occurrence is too rare to account for the vast amount of phosphate of lime in soil. The phosphorus possibly exists in combination with silicon, as phosphuret of silicon. The effect of air and moisture on this has already been explained, and accounts for the pro- duction of phosphates in soil. Similar remarks are'applica- ble to the source of the chlorides or muriates ; for instance, common salt in the potash of commerce. May not their 62 ACTION OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL. source be in chloride of silicon ? These are conjectures, but conjectures only, because, refined as modern chemical analy- sis is, it may not be so delicate as to detect the possible combinations, which nature presents in silicates. What is the source of that phosphoric odor, produced by the friction of fragments of pure quartz on each other 1 If not due wholly to electrical excitement, may it- not arise from the presence of phosphoric elements'? The elements are Pro- tean, and assume new dresses, by the very processes adopted to unfold them. Whatever may be their origin, their con- stant presence leads to this fifth principle of agricultural chemistry, all soil contains sulphate and phosphate of LIME. 85. This principle is of the highest importance in agricul- ture. The author of these pages stated the fact to the Geo- logical Surveyor of Massachusetts, in 1837, and it was pub- lished in his report. Slowly admitted at first, the fact that phosphates exist in all soil, has been established by the widest observations. Its proofs are both chemical and agri- cultural. The chemical proof is found in the extensive anal- yses of soil contained in various Geological Reports, espe- cially those of Massachusetts, published within a few years. Since the first edition of this work, phosphoric acid has been found in basaltic and hornblende rocks. 86. The agricultural proof may be stated in a few words. The bones of all graminivorous animals contain about half their weight of phosphate of lime. It can be derived only from their food, and that only from the soil. Hence the soil contains phosphoric acid in some chemical combination. Secondly, the actual result of chemical analysis confirms this statement. Beets, carrots, beans, peas, potatoes, aspara- gus, cabbage, afford phosphates of lime, magnesia, and pot- ash. Indian corn, rice, wheat, barley, oats, all contain nota- ACTION OF ELEMENTS OF SOIL. 63 ble portions of sulphate and phosphate of lime, not only in the grain, but in the straw. Smut and ergot show free phosphoric acid. Cotton gives 1 per cent, of ashes, of which 0.17 are phosphates of lifiie and magnesia. The cotton con- sumed weekly, in the Lowell Mills, is 400,000 lbs., contain- ing 680 lbs. of phosphate of lime, and this would furnish the bone-earth for the bones of seventeen horses, allowing 90 lbs. to each skeleton, of which 40 lbs. would consist of pho.s- phate of lime. That beautiful yellow powder, shed by pine forests, the pollen of its flowers, wafted about in clouds, and descending with the rain, covering the surface of water with its sulphur-like film, is composed of 6 per cent, of phosphates of lime and potash. The ashes of all wood contain sulphate and phosphate of lime. Garget contains in its leaves beau- tiful crystals of phosphate of lime and ammonia; and every exact analysis of the ashes of trees, shrubs and plants of every kind, cultivated or wild, shows the presence of phos- phoric acid CHAPTER IV. OF THE ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. 87. The mineral elements of soil become part of plants. Under the influence of the mysterious principle of life, they no longer obey the chemical laws, but are parts of a living structure. Life suspends all chemical laws. It organizes inorganic matter. To what laws obedient, to what purposes subservient, are the elements of soil during the brief moment in which they are endowed with life, it is not intended to inquire. Plants, by their living power, select from the sixty- two elementary substances, sixteen or perhaps eighteen. Of these, four exist as airs or gases in their uncombined state, viz. : oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and chlorine ; seven are bases, and four metalloids, described (41). These fifteen elements, alumina excepted, are generally constant constitu- ents of plants. Iodine, once supposed peculiar to marine vegetation, has very recently been found in land plants. Bromine is also found in seaweed, and fluorine has occasion- ally been found in the ashes of rye. 88. Every plant does not, nor does every part of the same plant contain the same elements ; but similar parts of the sanie plant, at the same age, probably contain the same elements, united in definite proportions. Whenever plants die, their elements are again subject to the laws of aflinity, and during the decay of vegetables, they return to the earth not only those substances which the plants had taken ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. 65 from the soil, but also those which have been elaborated by their living structure. The former are silicates and salts, or the inorganic elements ; the latter are the organic parts of soil. In the first edition of this work, chlorine was not enumer- ated as an element of plants. Its presence in them was considered accidental, because its source had not been de- tected in the rocks, from whose ruins soil has been formed. Dr. A. A. Hayes has detected alkaline chlorides in the pri- mary rocks of Vermont. The possible existence of chloride of silicon has been noticed. If this is not the source of the chlorine of plants, that may be supposed to be evaporated as a chloride from the ocean, and consequently to exist in that state, dissolved in air. If derived from this salt in soil, then that is extraneous. Its origin was suggested to be oceanic. An examination of the rain-water, of each fall, during the year 1842, in Lowell, has shown that this sugges- tion is correct. Probably muriates are universally contained in rain-water. As, therefore, common salt, the chlorine and soda of plants is derived by evaporation from sea-water, then as sulphate of lime has been detected in snow and hail, it becomes a question, whether other inorganic salts of plants may not have a similar origin, and exist dissolved in air. Continued examination of rain water has shown that all the mineral elements of plants are traceable in it. 89. It is thus seen, that soil presents itself in a new view. Soil consists of two grand divisions of elements. Inorganic and organic. The inorganic are wholly mineral, they are the products of the chemical action of the metallic, or unme- tallic elements of rocks. They existed before plants or ani- mals. Life has not called them into existence, nor created them out of simple elements. Organic elements are the 66 ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. product of substances once endowed with life. This power influences the elements, recombines them in forms so essen- tially connected with life, that they are, with few exceptions, produced only by a living process. They are the products of living organs, hence termed organic ; and when formed, are subject to chemical laws. The number of elements in the inorganic parts of soil is twelve. Oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, silicon, and the metals, potassium, sodium, calcium, aluminium, magnesium, iron, and manga- nese (56). The number of elements in organic parts of soil, does not exceed four, viz. : oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen. 90. The great difference between these two divisions is this, that while the inorganic are simple combinations of two elementary substances, the organic are combinations of three or four elements, but never less than three. These are variously combined. They have formed the great body of vegetable products ; continually changing, the mere ab- straction of a part of one of their elements forms a new product. The three elements (89), exist generally in such proportion, that the oxygen and hydrogen would, by their union, produce water, without excess of either element, while the carbon would thus be liberated. It would be found free were it not also acted upon by air and moisture, and changed to carbonic acid. There is not oxygen enough in the organic part to convert the carbon into carbonic acid, and the hydrogen into water. They are constantly changing, assuming new forms. This susceptibility of change is the foundation of tillage. 91. The relation of agriculture to silicates and salts, and to the composition of plants, which has been alluded to (89), is of the highest interest. As silicates and salts compose all the earthy ingredients of soil, so are they equally con- ORGANIC ELEMENTS OP SOIL. 67 stant in plants. The deduction to be drawn from this is, the sixth principle of agricultural chemistry, soil, consisting CHIEFLY OF ONE SILICATE, OR SALT, IS ALWAYS BARREN. 92. It is not probable that soil thus chemically constituted, exists. Admitting such to occur, even then, when dressed with the food of plants^ it would not be fertile. The want of a mixture of earthy ingredients, which are as essential to the growth of plants as are air and moisture, would effect- ually prevent the growth of crops. Only a portion of the elements thus essential to plants exists in them in that state in which they exist in soil. The silica, and potash, and lime, exist in plants as in soil, as silicate of potash, and sulphates and phosphates of lime and potash. When the ashes of plants are examined, we find carbonates of bases which did not exist as such in the soil. A large portion of carbonates of lime and potash is found in ashes. 93. The origin of these is to be sought in acids which, by heat, produce carbonic acid. This is the effect of heat upon all salts formed of vegetable acids. Such are tartaric, malic, citric, oxalic, and acetic acids. The inorganic ele- ments of plants exist in combination chiefly with organic or vegetable acids. Each plant forms acids, in definite quan- tity, proportionate to the size, age, and part of the plants ; the acid being constant, the bases to saturate them will be equally constant. 94. A beautiful chemical law governs this saturation of the vegetable acids. It is the law of substitution, analo- gous in part to the law of isomorphism, or the law of simi- lar forms ; it is perhaps connected with that, so that the elements of isomorphous groups only can be substituted for one another. In minerals which are crystallized it was for- merly thought that similarity of external form indicated identitv of chemical composition. Later observation has 68 LAW OF SUBSTITUTION. established the fact, that minerals and salts exist, with per- fect similarity of external form, yet of totally different chemical constitution. Tor example, the alumina in alum may be replaced by oxide of iron. The form will not be changed, but all its chemical properties and relations are destroyed. This is called an isomorphous replacement of one element for another, which produces a like form. The law of this substitution is, that the body replacing another, must be, not an equal, but an equivalent proportion (56) ; that is, replaced by a proportion containing the same quan- tity of oxygen. Replacement retains the form, not the properties of the displaced body. Substitution may retain the form, but always the properties and functions of the ele- ment whose place is thus occupied. Like replacement, sub- stitution occurs in equivalent proportions. 95. The relation between agriculture and this law is so wisely and beneficially ordained, that it might well be called a law of compensation, by the Natural Theologian. It is a well-established fact, that plants growing on soil containing a due mixture of earthy ingredients, always select a due proportion of each, according to their functions ; yet, if to such soil an excess of either of the alkalies, or of the alka- line earths is given, an excess of potash, soda, lime, magne- sia, may be taken up by the plants, to the exclusion of the usual proportion of another ; hence, it may be established as the seventh principle in Agricultural Chemistry, one base MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR ANOTHER, IN AN EQUIVALENT PRO- PORTION. 96-. This is a very important law in the agricultural rela- tions of the inorganic parts of soil. Whatever may be the office performed by these, in the living structure, none is of higher value than this, that they may be thus substituted, the one for the other. It is a fact of the highest practical LAW OF SUBSTITUTION. 69 value. Its value will be perceived when it is considered that if soil containing originally all the elements essential to a crop becomes exhausted of one, yet another may be sub- stituted, which, combining with the organic acid of the plant, enables this to perform and perfect all its functions. If a crop fails, this is often charged upon the deficiency of lime in the soil. It has been already shown that this is quite impossible, yet granting it true, so long as the law of substitution exists, so long may potash, soda, magnesia, that is, ashes, supply the place of lime. Ashes are the product of combustion, or its equivalent, decaying and mouldering vegetable matter. 97. Substitutions in plants, relate chiefly to the bases combined with the vegetable or organic acids. The mineral or inorganic acids exist already saturated in the soil, as sul- phates, phosphates, or muriates. It has been observed, however, in recent investigations, that phosphoric acid is not always united to the same num- ber of equivalents of base, in the ashes of seeds ; all the leguminous seeds have three of fixed base, to one of phos- phoric acid, while the cereal grains contain two of base to one of acid. The quantity of oxygen contained in the bases of these seeds is so nearly alike, that Drs. Will and Frese- nius think that the law of substitution applies to the phos- phates. 98. In consequence of the law of substitution, the oxygen in the bases of organic acid salts is a constant quantity, although ashes of the same plant may, by analysis, show a great diversity of composition ; this can arise only from the fact that the organic acids exist probably in a definite pro- portion in each family of plants. The acids are formed by the essential vital functions of the plant. To the perfection of this process the silicates and salts of the soil are not less 70 ORGANIC ELEMENTS OF SOIL. necessary than is life to the vegetable ; but though one ele- ment may be substituted for another, yet no one element may supply the place of all others. This is a problem yet to be solved. Nor may any possible mixture of mere sili- cates and salts give fertility to a barren soil. Fertility depends on the presence in soil, of matter, which has already formed a part of a living structure, or the organic elements of soil. This matter must be undergoing chemical change. Change implies motion, motion induces motion in the sur rounding elements. Without this chemically induced motion, there is no fertility. 99. The inorganic elements are simple combinations; the organic are simple in number, but wonderfully complex in their combinations. It is an established fact that all com- plex compounds are unstable. They are prone to form new combinations. The more complex, the easier decomposed is any compound. The more complex, the more liable to decomposition. Hence, the moment life departs, the plant or animal speedily undergoes new changes; its elements, which life had organized, obey now, not the law of life, but the laws of chemistry. The solids and fluids of a living body, when life ceases, escaping in part as air or gas, leave in a solid form, a substance, differing equally from any living organic product, and from inorganic elements. The product of the spontaneous decomposition of organic substances still may exhibit the character which distinguishes this division, viz. : complexity, great susceptibility and ease of decompo- sition. This is a great practical agricultural fact. When decomposition ceases in organic matter, the result is barren- ness. 100. In the products of the decomposition of organic bodies, a variety is formed, differing according to the circum- stances, and the time and progress of decay. However ORGANIC ELEMENTS OF SOIL. 71 varied, there are constant products of organic decomposition in soil, which are ever the result of that process in or upon the earth. These products are termed Geine. This term designates a class of chemical compounds, allied by similar- ity of constitution and properties. Oe is the Greek for earth, and the suffix tnc, is in conformity to chemical names given to those vegetable or other organic products, whose independent existence has been determined ; for example, quinine, morphine, &c. It is necessary to note the difference in the products of putrefjiction in free or confined air. In free air, the chief products are water, carbonic acid and ammonia. In confined air, the carbon not obtaining oxygen enough to be wholly converted into carbonic acid, combines with a smaller quantity and forms carbonic oxide. The hydrogen, deprived of oxygen sufficient for its total conversion into water, combines with carbon, and thus pro- duces marsh gas, or light carburetted hydrogen, the gas of street lights, while another portion of hydrogen combines with the sulphur and phosphorus of the decaying body, and forms those airs so offensive in putrefaction, sulphuretted and phosphuretted hydrogen gases. In all the transformations of organic matter in soil, there is ever produced an excess of hydrogen. This is a highly- important fact. A principle is here to be stated and remembered. Hy- drogen, at the instant of becoming free, in the act of being born, in its nascent state, as it is called, in warm and moist air, unites with nitrogen. This union produces ammonia. The nitrogen of putrefying bodies is thus removed as ammo- nia. Thus are removed all the nitrogen, and a portion of the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen of the decaying organic body. There remain the several forms of geine. 72 ORGANIC ELEMENTS OF SOIL. These details may be tabulated, and thus the products of putrefaction being seen at a glance, may be readily sealed on the memory. PUTREFACTION PRODUCES IN Free air, Confined air, Water, Water, Carbonic acid, Carbonic oxide, Ammonia. Carburetted hydrogen. Sulphuretted hydrogen, Phosphuretted hydrogen, Ammonia, Geine. In soil, the air being partly free, partly confined, all the above products may be found. These vary, therefore, according as the putrefying body may be on the soil, in the soil, or in the subsoil. 101. There are at least seven well-defined substances in- cluded in the class geine. Two of these are indifferent in their relations, viz. : ulmin and humin ; five exhibit acid proper- ties, these are the ulmic, humic, geic, crenic, and apocrenic acids. These seven substances are compounds of carbon, with oxygen and hydrogen, in proportions just sufficient to form water, or compounds having either the hydrogen or the oxygen in excess. They may be therefore grouped in three sections. 1st. Carbon and water form humin and humic acid. 2d. Carbon and water with hydrogen in excess, form ulmin and ulmic acid. 3d. Carbon and water with oxygen in excess, form geic, crenic, and apocrenic acids. These may be termed the neutral, the hydrogen, and the oxygen groups. The first products of decay are ulmin and ulmic acid. By the continued absorption of oxygen from the air, humic acid ORGANIC ELEMENTS OF SOIL. 78 and humln, geic, apocrenic, and crenic acids are formed in the order in which they have been named. Each is derived from the substance immediately preceding it in the Jist. The ultimate product of their decay is carbonic acid and watei*. The acids of geine easily and rapidly absorb ammonia and water. They also chemically combine with water and ammonia. They are seldom found free in soil, ana so energetic is the affinity between crenic and apocrenic acid and ammonia, that these have been considered as essentially different from ulmic, humic and geic acids. These contain carbon, hydro- gen and oxygen, while crenic and apocrenic acid were sup- posed to contain in addition, nitrogen. Hence, a distinction was pointed out in the last edition of this work, in which geine was divided into nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous. The progress of discovery has shown that crenic and apo- crenic acid may be derived from geic acid, free from nitrogen. 102. Still there are wide differences in the relations of these several substances. The most easily marked charac- teristic is, that some are easily, others difficultly soluble in water, and others are insoluble in this element. The relations of the acids and neutral substances of geine to alkalies, is also remarkable. All the geine acids readily dissolve in carbonated or caustic alkali ; in either of which the neutral geine substances are wholly insoluble. Of the dissolved acids, thfee are precipitable and two not precipitable by acids. Hence, we have two divisions of geine founded on their relations to alkali and water; 1st, .soluble, and 2d, insoluble. The insoluble substances are ulmin and humin. The soluble substances are all acid, and these may be still further distinguished by their relations to acid. 4 74 ORGANIC ELEMENTS OF SOIL. Eirst. Those which are soluble and precipitable by acid, viz. : ulmic, humic, geic acids. Secondly. Those which are not precipitated by acid, viz. : crenic and apocrenic acids. In conseq^uence of the ammoniacal combinations with the acids, these are usually found in water drained from soil. Hence, long before the existence of crenic and apocrenic acid was suspected, the substance given up by soil to water was called extract of mould ; the substance dissolved by alkali was called humic acid, from humus, the Latin for soil, or mould. These several substances are convertible. The insoluble becomes soluble, the difficultly soluble in water becomes easily soluble by air and moisture. Ulmic, humic, and geic acids are seldom, and crenic and apocrenic acids are never found free in soil. Hence, in soil, no less than five separate and distinct salts of any one base may be found, but generally the salts are chemical combinations of several bases with each acid, which compound salts are soluble, though singly some may be insoluble in water. These compound salts minister to vegetation in various ways. 103. Great diiference of opinion has prevailed respecting the real constitution and uses of the substances of the class geine. It is practically useful to discuss the question, whether plants draw their carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitro- gen, from the air, or from the soil. The nourishment drawn from air, depends on the great physical elements, air, tempe- rature, moisture. Agriculture may not control these. It can palliate them only by controlling that within its power, the state of the soil. With all above ground, the farmer has little concern. If plants are nourished chiefly from the air, it is evident that the farmer is concerned only to pro- duce that state of the development of the organs of plants, best adapted to the aspiration of the aerial elements. This GEINE. 75 state IS influenced chiefly by the soil. There is the farmer's true field of action. 104. Differ as opinions may about the ultimate chemical constitution, and the mode of action of geine, whether by being taken up as a solution of geine, and of its compounds with the earths and metals, called geine compounds, or only as a source of carbonic acid, the great practical lesson of all agricultural experience teaches that geine is essential to the growth and perfection of seed, that without geine crops are not raised. Geine is as essential to plants as is food to ani- mals. So far as nourishment is derived from the soil, geine is the food of plants. It may be laid down as the eighth principle of agricultural chemistry, geine, in some form, is ESSENTIAL TO AGRICULTURE. 105. In all its forms, it is agriculturally one and the same thing. They are all included in the terms humus, or mould, or geine. Geine, in its agricultural sense, is a generic term. It includes all the decomposed organic matter of the soil. It concerns the farmer less to know the ultimate chemical con- stitution, than it does the practical, agricultural value of a class of compounds termed geine. Restricting that term to the definite compound which chemists have called humic acid, an account of its relations will convey a full idea of whatever other organic compounds are found in soil. In describing geine thus specifically, the properties of the whole class are described under its generic name. 106. It has been stated already, that geine is the product of decomposition of bodies once endowed with life. For the present purpose, it may be considered as the result of vegetable decomposition. 107. Life, and the manner how plants grow, may not be understood. Growth is a living process. Decay is a chemi- cal process. Its laws are not only understood, but its pro- 76 GEINE. ducts may be limited, controlled, hastened. Decay is fer- mentation, and this, marked by its several stages, ends in putrefaction. Putrefaction is the silent and onward march of decay. Its goal is geine. 108. If dry vegetable matters are soaked in water that is soon discolored, a product of decomposition is obtained ; its peculiar character is solubility in water. This solution, being exposed to air, soon becomes filled with little flocks, which gradually subside. This sediment is still a very little soluble in water, but so very sparingly that it may be said to be insoluble. If the sediment is exposed a little time to air it regains the property of solubility in water, is easily dissolved in part, by potash lye, or any alkaline lye, whether caustic or mild. 109. The original brown solution may be considered as extract of mould. The sediment as a compound of the several acids of geine and carbonaceous mould. These are either soluble or insoluble in water or alkali ; and hence, geine is divided into soluble and insoluble. The soluble is dissolved by water, by alcohol, by alkalies. The insoluble cannot be dissolved by any of these agents, nor by acids. The properties of geine, in water and alkali, or its behavior, as it is termed, is of the highest importance to the farmer, and are to be considered in detail. 110. The first and earliest product of decay, is that which is so easily soluble in water (108). If it could be at once seized upon, it would be, doubtless, a perfectly colorless solution, but it changes to a brownish color by exposure to air. This character is very common in solutions of organic matter. It is due in this case to the formation of the insoluble state. 111. If a little alum is dissolved in the watery solution of geine, and then a few drops of spirits of hartshorn, or sal • GEINE. 77 volatile, or as it is termed by chemists, water of ammonia, are added, the earth alumina will be let loose from the alum, and it will immediately combine with, and precipitate the geine, that is, little flocks fall down gradually in the liquor. Hence is derived an important character. Geine has a great affinity for alumina. If lime had been added to the solution of geine, the same effect would have followed. The same effect would be produced by magnesia, by oxide of iron, and by manganese. 112. Alumina, lime, magnesia, oxides of iron, and manga- nese, will, therefore, in soil, immediately seize upon any sol- uble geine, and, forming compounds with it, detain it there. The air and water will have now little action upon it. 113. But supposing that none of these elements (112) are present in soil, the fact stated (110) shows that all soluble geine, or solution of extract in water, soon passes to a mix- ture of soluble and insoluble, forming a dark brown powder. This is thus withdrawn, deep in the soil, from the immediate action of the air, and undergoes no further change. It may remain unchanged an indefinite time. If ploughed up, exposed anyhow to the action of air or moisture, it again becomes partly soluble in water, and exhibits its former characters, viz. : great affinity for earths and metallic oxides. In this state it is vegetable mould. 114. Vegetable mould, then, is a mixture of the organic and inorganic elements of soil. It is a compound of soluble geine with earths and metals, mixed with soluble and insol- uble geine. It is a chemical compound of organic with inorganic parts of soil, mixed with a large portion of free organic matter. 115. The inorganic elements of mould are, 1st. The bases found in the soil, produced by the decomposition of silicates, as lime, potash, soda, magnesia, alumina, iron, U tri O Ci ♦-' CO bi W CO 4^ CO to CO 5* 2 iSMH-!;kOO©ioc;i^toowt5Cooog r o w o o o o o o > r cocotococococococococoiocoiocoo^ © '"^ bi k) io bi CO OS *-^ o 'rfx CO b 00 '^^^ H- *:» to S- -3{ tS CO H- -:» H- o CO ^ tS O § !-:!! CO 05 CO Oi CO • •>ti. Vo b^ b» CO • t— 05 -? H- -^ , 5 HISTORY OF GEINE. bit- ^ ^ ^ r- at g Oi i.- i> o o Tj^ g CO Oi CC CO CO co' Ph to S FC<* CD to f-< lo o Q) feci rH T^ O Id i-t ^ ^cd t-* i>' o r-i oi O) oOi C? C? CO CO CO ^■^ GNf (^ G^i -«!}< C^J o O Ci Ci OS t- O •a O Tl< T^H Tji i^* Tji *-■ d»OQ000C0C0C0 > 53 -^ ^* '^* ^* O O o3 oCOOCOCDCO'^ a 03 « CO ++ ■^ S £ S S S S •r-c rt c3 ^ cj c3 c3 ►^ e» ei w e« c< o g 660006 I-; 2 5J 2 2 S S g 666606 *=^^ § =3 =3 I C3 § |2 -^^^o^ ta O) „ Soluble in water, salts, potash, and soda, } i f^ Resins and fatty matter, 1 i * Starch, .... > Insoluble in water, | Salts of lime and magnesia, ) J Vegetable fibre, 20. 100. Eichardson of Newcastle, England, has also oetermined the composition of yard manure. His results are as fol- lows: MANURE. 147 Fresh, ready for the field. Water. 64.96 Organic matter, 28.71 Salts, . . 10.33 Dried, at 202 Carbon, . Hydrogen, Oxygen, . Nitrogen, Ashes, . 37.40 5.27 25.52 1.76 30.05 AshcH consist o f PotAsh, . . . 3.22^ 1 Soda, . . 2.73 .- Lime, . . 0.34 01 solub water. Magnesia, . . 0.26 Sulphuric acid, . . . 3.27 Chlorine, . 3.15 ?. Silica, . . 0.04 B Silica, . . 27.01^ Phosphate of lime . 7.11 CO C5 " magnesia, • . 2.26 ^ " iron. . 4.68 t " mangan. trace. p" g 2 Carbonate of lime . 9.34 ■5:?. " magnesia, . 1.63 Sand, . . 30.99 Carbon, . .83 2. trt- Alkali and loss, . . 3.14, a Soubeiran has recently examined farm-yard manure, about to be laid on the field. It was made from the dung of the horse-stables, cow-houses, sheep-folds, and pig styes, at Grig- non, heaped up, and wetted with urine. It was not rotted so much as to form fat muck, and contained 30.6 per cent, dry dung. The fresh dung contained per 1000 parts : Water, 694. Organic matters, . . . . . .192. Soluble alkaline salts, 8.75 Carbonate of lime and magnesia, . .^ . 17.50 Sulphate of lime, .....'. 13.13 Ammonia-phosphate of magnesia, . . . 11.50 Phosphates, principally of lime, . . . 4.65 Earthy matters, 66.47 The quantity of nitrogen was 13.91, which was divided, thus: 148 MANURE. Nitrogen of the soluble ammonlacal salts, . . 1.67 Do. of the ammonia-phosphate of magnesia, .64 Do. of the organic matter, . . . 11.60 13.91 It will be noted, that Soubeiran finds a much larger per centage of nitrogen in manure than other analysts. He ob- jects to the estimates usually made, because these have been founded on dry manure, which thus has lost ammo- nia by its salts being decomposed by the carbonate of lime present. Fresh dung loses thus by drying | of its ammo- nia. Hence, the equivalent of poudrette and all fermented manures is generally placed much too low, when calculated on their nitrogen only. Taking into view all the circum- stances which affect the nitrogen in yard-manure, the quan- tity must vary exceedingly ; but it has been estimated by Payen and Boussingault to be 0.41 per cent. ; hence its car- bonate of ammonia becomes equal to about 1.78 lb. in each 100 lbs. The weights of equal bulks of ox and horse-dung, from the barn yard and stable, as usually prepared, are as follows : Ox-manure, old and fat, one cubic foot weighs 58 lbs. Do. fresh, " " 48 " Horse-manure, old and fat, " " 39 " Do. fresh, " " 30 " It has been ascertained that an ox in France affords 5,600 lbs., and a horse and a half, or ten to fifteen sheep, an equal amount of yard-manure per year. But yard-manure too often is exposed to rain. Its salts are thus washed out, or the natural liquids mixed with it drain away, and are thus lost. It is a positive money-loss, for the composition of an imperial gallon of this muck-water, MANURE. 149 as determined by Johnston, in two samples, is as fol- lows : From oow-iaag washed From yarl-dueg watered by rain. with cow'b urine. l^Amnionia, .... Solid organic matter, . Solid inorganic or ashes, 2® The ashes of a gallon consisted of alkal. salts, . Phosphate of lime and magnesia, with a little phosphate of iron. Carbonate of lime, . . " magn. and loss, . Silica and a little alumina. 9.60 grs. . . . 23.30 grs 200.80 " . . . 77.60 " 268.80 '* . . . 518.40 " 479.20 grs. 617.30 grs. 207.80 grs. 420.40 grs 25.10 " . . . 44.50 " 18.20 " . . 31.10 « 4.30 " , . 3.40 " 13.40 « . . 19.00 « 268.80 518.40 These results speak for themselves. They show rills of wealth gushing from the farmer's manure, which no prudent man will allow to run to waste. It is the concentrated food, organic and inorganic, of plants, all which they need. 205. Human excrement has been analyzed by Berzelius. In its pure state, its composition may be thus stated : Water, 75.3 Geine, Salts, 23.5 1.2 Nearly three-fourths of the salts are composed of carbon- ate, muriate and sulphate of soda, the remainder is composed of phosphates of lime and magnesia; the latter is particu- larly abundant in feces. The average quantity of nitrogen is 150 MANURE. about 3|- per cent, parts : Human excrement contams, per 100 Gelne, . . . . . *. . .23. Salts, 1.2 Carbonate of ammonia, 15.32 A later analysis of human excrement has been made by rieitmann in Rose's laboratory. The feces of a young man, in health, for four days, dried at 212° F., weighed 2607 grains, or nearly six ounces. In 100 parts of the salts or inorganic constituents were, Chloride of sodium (common salt), Chloride of potassium, Potash, and hydrate of potash, Soda, Lime, Magnesia, Peroxide of iron. Phosphoric acid. Sulphuric acid. Silica, Carbonic acid, Sand, 0.5S 0.07 22.49 0.75 21.36 10.67 2.09 30.98 1.13 1.44 1.05 7.39 The sand was supposed to have been, in part, swallowed during the time while the young man was in exercise in the fields near Berlin. The potash existed in combination partly with an organic substance in the feces, which acted as an acid. The quantity of phosphate of magnesia is remarkable, and all the phos- phates are composed of three of base to one of acid. The urine was separately collected. Its inorganic salts exceeded daily more than six and one-third times those of MANURE. 151 the solid feces. Now, the mixture of urine and feces, the fluids and solids, is known under the name of night soil. No substance is more varied in composition, depending as it does upon the food and habits of those whose accumulations are removed from their usual receptacle. A French farmer found to his cost, that the night soil of a Parisian restaura- teur was much superior to that of the Parisian military bar- racks. The former was a very rich manure, the latter almost worthless. A family consisting of three men from 29 to 60 years of age, of one woman, from 30 to 35 years, and a boy from 6 to 8 years, will ordinarily produce, daily, about 18 pounds of excrements, consisting of Urine, 12.25 lbs. Feces, 5.75 lb». contabuno iDry organic matter, , 2560 grains. 1550 grains Nitrogen, 750 " 142 " Chlorine, . 249 « traces. Salts, . 675 " 320 '* The salts are composed, according to the analysis of the ashes of urine and feces by Prof J. A. Porter, as follows : Urine. Feces. Potash, . 13.64 6.10 Soda, . . 1.33 5.07 Lime, . . 1.15 26.46 Magnesia, . 1.34 10.54 Peroxide of iroif. . trace. 2.50 Phosphoric acid, . 11.21 86.03 Sulphuric acid, . 4.06 3.13 Carbonic acid, 5.07 Common salt. . 67.26 4.33 Allowing each person of the family namea above, by ab- 152 MANURE. sence and other causes, to omit sixty -five days in a year, the contribution to this domestic savings bank, the deposits will amount, annually, to 3682 pints of urine, and 1650 pounds of solid excrements, containing 10 lbs. of chlorine, 42 lbs. of salts, 176 lbs. dry organic matter. In the last there are 38 pounds of nitrogen ; this is equal to forming 46 lbs . of pure ammonia, or 119 lbs. of carbonate of ammonia of the shops. Hog-manure, in its characters, approaches night-soil suf- ficiently, to be ranked with it for the present purpose. It is the manure of fattening swine only which is to be classed with night-soil. The estray and running animals produce only a " cold " manure of little value. The manure of the penned animal is always combined with his liquid evacuation. This, whose value is stated (247), gives hog-manure a value which places it with night-soil. Boussingault found in recent hog-dung — water 81, nitro- gen, 0.63, in one hundred parts, nearly as much as in horse- dung, and from the experiments of Schwerts, hog-dung ap- pears superior to that of the cow. Sheep-dung may be placed with night-soil and hog-manure. Sheep niay be said to digest better than cattle. They cut their food finer, and chew it better ; they void thus less veg- etable fibre. Their excrement is more converted into geine. Fed on hay alone, their excrement is composed of: Water, 67.9 Bilious and extractive matter, . . . .1.7 Humus with slime, ...... 12.8 Hay and vegetable matter, .... 8.0 Silica, 6.0 Carbonate and phosphate of lime, ; , . 2.0 Carbonate, sulphate, and muriate of soda, . . 1.6 100.0 Sprengel. MANURE. 153 Others have found Water, .... Matter soluble in water, . Matter soluble in alcohol, Vegetable fibre, Salts, .... 68.74 4.40 2.82 16.26 8.13 100.35 Girardm. The salts were composed of phosphate of lime and mag- nesia, carbonate of lime, silicate of potash, common salt and silex. The nitrogen is abundant, and the amount of matter con- taining this, nearly three-fifths greater than that of cattle- dung. The whole is finer divided, and hence speedily putrefies, and evolves ammonia. It is thus one of the hot- test of all manures. But containing, as it does, little water, and being in fine compact balls, air cannot act upon it as it would upon cow-dung. Hence, unless moisture is present, sheep-dung undergoes little change. Great care is required in its use. Its ammonia is abundant; hence, if uncombined with geine, it burns up the crops. Hence, when there is little geine, little sheep-dung must be used. Where the soil is wet, and that too with little vegetable matter in it, there decomposition rapidly occurs, and the virtue of the dung, its ammonia, is lost. It is said that 1000 sheep, folded on an acre of ground one day, would manure it suflSciently to feed 1001 sheep, if their manure could all be saved. So that, by this process, land which can, the first year, feed only 1000 sheep, may the next year, by their own droppings, feed 1365. So said Ander- son, forty years ago (Rural Essays). Sprengel allows that the manure of 1400 sheep, for one day, is equal to manuring 7* 154 MANURE. highly, one acre of land. This is about four sheep per year. In France, it is allowed that one sheep manures about lOJ feet square of land per night. 206. Thus, the most common substances used for manure, cow, horse, hog-dung, and night-soil, are reduced to geine, salts, and carbonate of ammonia, or nitrogen, its equivalent. It need not be said that the experience of ages has proved that these varieties of manure possess very different fertiliz- ing properties. These depend, not on the salts alone, whose amount and quality is nearly the same in all ; nor on the geine, for that is nearly the same in human and horse excre- ment. Their fertilizing power, then, depends not, as has been asserted, on the salts which would render their agricul- cultural value equal. All experience would prove such an assertion unfounded. But it is said that their relative value depends on their power of producing ammonia. If the value of manure depended on its salts only, then its ashes alone would be as effectual as the manure. Perhaps no experiment determines this question more satisfactorily, than that of Mr. Lawes, in England. 28 tons of yard ma- nure were divided equally ; 14 tons were burned to ashes, and afforded 32 cwt. The manure, 14 tons, and the 32 cwt. of ashes were applied, each to one acre of land, and one acre of the same land was left unmanured. The crops were as follows ; 1. Manure, 1276 lbs. dressed wheat, or 22 bushels. 2. Ashes of manure , 888 " 16 " 3. No manure, 923 " " « 16 « Straw and chaff: 1. 1476 lbs. ' 2. 1104 " 3. 1120 " MANURE. 155 Increase of grain by manure, No. 3 being = 1000". 1. 1382 lbs. 2. 962 " Increase of straw, by manure : 1. 1381 lbs. 2. 985 " It is evident that the salts alone of manure do not meei the wants of the farmer. Numerous experiments, proving the inefficacy of salts without nitrogenous and organic matters, might here be cited. They would confirm only the experience of practical farmers. It may be useful to state what is the composition of the ashes of several excrements, as determined by Mr. J. Rogers. Piff. Cow. Sheep. Horse. Silex, . . . . 13.19 62.54 50.41 62.40 Potash, . 3.60 2.91 8.32 11.30 Soda, . 3.44 0.98 3.28 1.98 Chlor. sodium, . . 0.89 0.23 0.14 0.03 Phos. sesqui ox. iron, . . 10.55 8.93 3.98 2.73 Lime, . 2.03 5.71 18.15 4.63 Magnesia, . . 2.24 11.47 5.45 3.84 Acid, phosphoric, 0.41 4.76 7.52 8.93 " sulphuric, . . 0.90 1.77 2.69 1.83 " carbonic, . . 0.60 2.13 Sand, . 61.37 When it is said that nitrogen measures the value o. ma- nure, it must be remembered that the nitrogen should exist as ammonia, or in a state of combination which permits its ready conversion into ammonia. It is the result equally of chemical and agricultural expe- rience, that salts are decomposed with more or less ease, 156 MANURE. that their stability is greater or less. Nitrates are less stable compounds than sulphates, sulphates less stable than chlo- rides, or muriates, and these last less stable than carbonates. Hence, the ease with which the nitrogen of a salt is yielded, affects the result. Time, then, is required to produce from equal amounts of nitrogen, equal effects from different salts containing that element. This is true, also, of organic, nitrogenous manures. The nitrogen is effective in proportion to the rapidity of decay. Hence, the nitrogen in horns, hair, feathers, hoofs, leather- shavings, woollen rags and flocks, produces not the sante effects in the same time, with an equal amount of nitrogen in flesh and blood. Nitrogen in soil may be useless from its state of combination. It has been proved by Krocker that rocks, and even bar- ren soils, at the usual depth of tillage, contain an amount of ammonia exceeding per acre that of any fair crop, raised by the aid of best farm-yard manure, on an acre of the best soil. It is not enough that tons and tons of ammonia are already existent in soil, if that ammonia can be extracted only by chemical processes, and human manipulation. No matter how much of this element may be in rain, how much may exist in the soil, aided by the inorganic salts, fair average crops may be raised by these natural sources of ammonia. To obtain truly profitable crops, an excess beyond the na- tural supply is absolutely essential. To keep up tWs excess, and to obtain the largest returns for the seed sown, nitrogen in the shape of salts, or of readily decomposing organic mat- ter, must be supplied with inorganic salts. The nitrogenous principle gives at once an energy to vegetation, enabling it to unfold early and largely those organs, the roots and leaves, by which the earth and air contribute their portion to the growth of plants. MANURE. 157 Nitrogen gives salts power to do more work in the same lime. It is a labor-saving machine, enabling the flirmer from the same gromid, and with the sam.e time and labor, to reap larger rewards. Natural vegetation is a low-pressure engine, but it will bear any amount of pressure, so beautifully built is it in all its parts. Inorganic salts are the water, geine the fire which raises the steam to drive this machine, filling the thousand cylinders which are distributed throughout plants. Nitrogen is the regulator of this engine. Nature has every- where put her machine into the hands of man. She keeps it in working order, by her gentle steam. She takes man as her apprentice, and her generous hand supplied the daily bread while man was learning the construction of the \'alves, the working of pistons, the real power of the engine, the source of the steam. These, even though dimly seen, nature demands should be worked up to full pressure, when the apprentice sets up for himself, and is determined that the sweat of his brow, while it feeds his body, shall also purify, enlarge and strengthen his intellect. In making agricultural trials with pure ammoniacal salts (166), in which the nitrogen exists as ammonia, or as an acid united with ammonia, and with nitrates, in which the nitrogen exists as an acid, it is to be remembered that the base with which this nitrogen acid is combined, acts an im- portant part. The influence of the base is to be deducted from that rightly due to the nitrogen, as determined by experiments. What then is the influence of pure salts of ammonia 1 It has been proved, again and again, especially by Jacquemart, in France, and by Kuhlmann, in Flanders, that pure salts of ammonia act like ordinary nitrogenous manures. Their -energy of action, their relative value, is almost in direct ratio to their nitrogen. This is a doctrine, which, limited by the circumstances 158 MANURE. referred to above, is substantiated by experiment. Sal- ammoniac, or muriate of ammonia, and sulphate of ammonia, were used by Kuhlmann as a top-dressing on mowing ground. The field was apparently in the same condition in every part, and equally exposed. It was laid out in plots of four square poles, separated by trenches. Alternate patches were reserved unmanared, and as the whole was in grass, all accidents of culture were avoided. The season was rainy and quite wet. The salts were applied at the rate of 240 lbs. per acre, and the grass cut and cured on each plot at the same time. The yield of hay, over unmanured plots, for every 100 lbs, of sal-ammoniac used, was at the rate of 580 lbs. per acre ; and for every 100 lbs. sulphate ammonia, 419.6 lbs. or as 1 to 0.723. This is nearly in direct ratio to the nitrogen, which, per 100 parts, in the muriate of ammonia, is 26.439 ; in the sulphate of ammonia is 21.375 ; or the nitrogen is as 1 to 0.808, while the crop is as 1 : 0.723. In the same field, and at the same time, was used bone- liquor, that which had been boiled on bones, to extract their fat. The last being removed, the liquor is a weak solution of glue or gelatin, containing, when dried, 16.980 parts of nitrogen in 100. It was used at the rate of 2000 gallons per acre. What, then, is the value of this bone-liquor, estimated on the per centage of nitrogen ? It is as 26.439 : 16.980. Now 26.439 nitrogen in sal-ammoniac, gave 580 lbs. hay excess over unmanured. Hence, 16.980 should give 372.8 ; and this was the actual amount for every 100 lbs. of dry matter in this liquor. Here, an organic manure, rapidly decomposing, formed ammonia by its nitrogen, which afford- ed a product equal, pro rata, to that of an easily decompos- able salt, in which ammonia was already formed. Doubtless, had the salts employed been equally easily MANURE. 159 decomposable, their nitrogen would have given equal results. To observe, then, the difference between salts of ammo- nia unequally decomposable, let the amounts of hay produced by 100 parts of nitrogen from each salt be compared. Un- influenced by the considerations which have been offered, these should be alike. The sal-ammoniac gave, for every 100 parts of nitrogen, 24,395 parts of hay. The sulphate gave, for every 100 parts of nitrogen, 21,660 parts of hay. 2,735 Now, this difference is attributable to the greater stability of sulphate of ammonia. It gives up its alkali slower. The plant does not so readily dissociate the elements of the salt. If, on the other hand, the bone-liquor is examined, it is found that, because it was readily decomposed, 100 parts of its nitrogen produced 24,355 parts of hay, coinciding almost exactly with the product from sal-ammoniac, and confirming thus the principle that nitrogen measures the value of a manure. When all circumstances are equal, 100 nitrogen always produce like effects, no matter what may be its origin. Among the most important circumstances which influence manure, are drought and wet. The season has its influence, and years differing by temperature, moisture, and dryness, show different results from the same manure. But it is not as muriate or sulphate that the ammonia of manure is ordinarily found. Putrefaction gives rise to carbonate of ammonia. It has been proved that the degree of saturation has no effect on the result. It is of no practical importance whether the 160 MANURE. ammonia be partly or wholly saturated with carbonic acid. Even the excess of that acid does not prevent — it ought rather to increase — the good effects of this compound. Taking, therefore, carbonate of ammonia, which is more readily decomposed than even the muriate, let its effects be compared with that of sulphate, each salt being used in such quantity that the amount of nitrogen shall be equal. Jacquemart, carefully conducting this comparative experi- ment, in France, mixed the solution of carbonate of ammo- nia with charcoal or peat, so as to bring it into a dry state, like the sulphate. The salts were sowed with wheat in tbe fall, on the same field, and under circumstances apparently the same. The field had been cleared of bushes, grubbed up, and, after two crops, was limed and marled. Now this liming and marling, though alike in all parts, had a special effect on the sulphate of ammonia ; it imbibed it, and gradu- ally evolved carbonate of ammonia. Hence, in the first year, the sulphate yielded less than portions of the same field un manured. But the year following, the experiment was repeated, and the salts, as before used, were again sown with wheat on the same places in which each had been before applied. The sulphate was therefore in a state to act with more efficiency, but still the lime interfered. The product was 71 with the sulphate to 70 unmanured. The product, with carbonate and peat, compared with that with sulphate, was as 94 to 71, or as 1 to 0.74. In Kuhl- mann's trials, uninfluenced by lime, it was as 1 to 0.88. Let it be remembered that Kuhlmann used muriate of ammonia, a salt not so easily decomposed as carbonate. To show the influence of lime on sulphate of ammonia, a solution of that suit in the same quantity as before used, was absorbed to dryness V^y chalk, and sowed with oats. MANURE. 161 The product was as 79 to 74 over the unmanured. The same ground being again sowed with wheat and salts as before prepared, yielded the second year, as 90 to 70 over the unmanured. Two seasons seem therefore necessary to the full efficacy of sulphate of ammonia on limed soils. That nitrogen measures the value of manures, is proved also by nitrate of soda. Here soda, the base, also acts ; but if nitrate of soda be used in unequal doses, then the product is nearly in direct ratio to the nitrogen employed. Now on the same field on which Kuhlmann performed his experiments, which are above related, he tried at the same time nitrate of soda in two proportions, at the rate of 240 and 120 lbs. per acre. The yield of hay over unmanured soil was, for 240 lbs. nitrate soda, 1550 lbs. per acre. 120 " *' 784 « This is in direct ratio of the nitrogen employed. If now the effect of nitrate of soda is compared with sal-ammoniac or bone-liquor, it is seen that the addition of the soda base has given the nitrogen great activity. The combination has given the plant power to absorb a greater quantity of food from earth and air, than either the nitrogen or the base singly could have effected. The yield has been for every 100 parts of nitrogen used, 40.056 parts of hay ; nearly double that produced J)y a simple ammoniacal salt, and four times that which an equal amount of nitrogen ordinarily produces. These fucts prove the strength of the principle adopted for estimating the relative value of manures. No manure, no salt, no combination of salts, gives full vigor to vegetation, while nitrogen is absent. Nitrogen not only measures, but gives the value to manures. It has been asserted, on high authority, that nitrogen in animal manure is always in a 162 MANURE. definite proportion to the phosphates ; hence it may meas- ure their quantity. Nitrogen makes manure hotter or colder. This causes change among the particles to begin, and to be carried on in the manure. Motion begins here, and is communicated to seeds and plants. Hence, crops are in proportion to the energy of these changes and motions. 207. This is a practical view of a practical subject. The nitrogen present in the manure expresses its true value. This position is substantiated by the experience of practical men. The experiments undertaken by order of the Saxon and Prussian authorities, to ascertain 'whether the contents of the sewers of the cities of Dresden and Berlin, could be applied to fertilizing the barren lands in their vicinity, may be offered to prove its correctness. These varied in every form, and continued for a long period, prove that if a soil without manure yields a crop of three for one sown, then the same land yields, dressed With cow-dung, 7 for one sown, " horse-dung, 10 " " " human manure, 14 " " Now the nitrogen in these has been shown, taking the minimum of nitrogen in the human, at 1-J- per cent, is as 1 : 1.50 : 3, whilst the above numbers are to each other, as 1 : 1.43 : 2. Coj|isidering how varied is the composition of night-soil, and how much diluted by various mixtures, this agreement is as near as ought to have been expected, in experiments whose objects were so totally different from that of ascer- taining the quantity of nitrogen in each different manure. 208. Many modes of using night-soil are in use, all depending on convenience, and modified by locality, and other circumstances. Perhaps no mode is preferable to that long used in Flanders. It has the sanction of a people whose MANURE. 163 agriculture is, and has been for ages, pre-eminent. Flennish manure, or gadou, contains the whole efficacy of night-soil, both solid and liquid ; and as used in Flanders it may be easily produced anywhere. Gadou cannot be too highly recommended for those who reside in the vicinity of a dense population, and who cannot procure dried peat, or charred matter to mix with night-soil. It is even questionable whether the products of the market-garden are not earlier and more luxuriant, and the yield greater with gadou, than with night-soil in any other shape. An essential requisite for forming Flemish mainure, is a brick or stone cistern, laid in mortar cement, and covered with an arch of the same. Two openings are left in the arch, one for the introduction of the night-soil, the other for an. air-hole, which must be kept open. Night-soil, as col- lected during the season allotted to this work, is thrown into this reservoir, and then allowed to ferment several months. Gadou sells in Lisle for about 24 cents per barrel of 32 gallons ; of this, about f are expenses of manufacture. It is then in a liquid state, slightly viscid, with the odor of very weak hydrosulphuret of ammonia. This salt is rapidly con- verted by exposure and air into sulphate of ammonia. Gadou may be used before or after planting, or as a top- dressing to grass. A hogshead, mounted so as to be easily moved, is kept in the field, and filled from the cart with gadou, and from the hogshead it is ladled out all around, by means of a long- handled scoop, such as is commonly used by night scaven- gers, and, by successive removes of the hogshead, the whole ground is watered with gadou. This manure, like all the highly nitrogenous, is an annual, acting more rapidly in proportion to its fluidity. In Flanders, about 22 gallons, or 2 cwt., are equal to 164 MANURE. about 5 cwt. of farm-yard dung. But no comparison between the two can safely be made. The one runs its course rapidly, the other acts slowly. The one exerts all its influence in a season, the other reserves its fire, and acts for two or more seasons. When it is determined what portion of farm-dung acts in a year, then may that fraction be compared with gadou. If the fraction is ^, then 50 of farm-yard dung are equal to 100 Flemish manure. The proportion of azote in the last being 0.22 per cent , the real relation becomes to ordinary yard- manure which contains 0.41 per cent., as 182 : 100. Hence, it is on certain crops only, that this and similar rapidly de- composing manure should be applied. For lightening, breaking up, and loosening the soil, ameliorating its condi- tion, farm dung is better than gadou ; and even where that is fully applied, an occasional dressing with yard-manure is considered essential. Each substance used for a manure cannot be considered in detail. The composition only, will be mentioned. Among the mixed manures, poudrette and guano rank next to gadou. Poudrette is night-soil partly dried in pans, and mixed up with variable quantities of charred earth, peat charcoal, or ground peat and plaster. Its value will depend on the circumstance, whether its ammonia and salts are saved, or lost, in the manufacture. If sulphate or muriate of lime is added before drying, then the volatile carbonate of ammonia will be changed into sulphate of ammonia, and sal-ammoniac. Thus, not only the most valuable portion of night-soil will be retained, but the salts of lime will be much increased. The peat not only retains a portion of gaseous ammonia, but its geine by this act is rendered more soluble. All night-soil from vaults has begun to evolve ammonia, hence the advantage of mixing ground peat or piaster with MANURE. 165 night-soil, before drying. But, however prepared, poudrette varies much in quality. Analysis alone can determine its true value. Four samples of dried night-soil, examined by Professor Johnston, afforded as follows, per 100 parts : 1. 2. 3. 4. Water, 20.04 15.12 13 97 27.46 Organic matter, with a little nitrogen, . . . 9.39 21.52 49.53 9.14 Ammonia, .... 0.53 2.25 1 9 Phosphates of lime, mag nesia, and iron. 5.04 7.53 13.12 4.37 Carbonate of lime, . . 22.62 19.80 2.56 6.89 " magnesia, .90 (( a ' 2; s CO r ot O C5 ,£^ (-• CO O CO ►- bo qo CO ^ o g- o < ct> ^ o o cr 2" c c cT 5* SL^ CTCD 00 t-" H-* H-" to fco fcO 0« P JO to pc CO crt H-. bo o Oi J;*, go 1^ en CO O p ~ - :; CO -a CO to -^ oi :; :; :: o p -a p ►-• CO bO CO o O E 00 CO ^? »-• o O ^T :: C5 »— ' CO »^ :b07^bOtobO -OO ^CO-~JOoi^ rf!>.00 5* 3 c (A 8 I (A P O *T3 O o O o H o o » O .. O o rf^ I—' I—* .— . . po P 00 p bo o bO CO o to to tf:.Ci CO 05 o oscn to o O J^OOfcOOflLcn -05 o o o 00 o bo S s H-" ,_. bO I— ' »sD ^ 5s30Cncot-'rf=^t^!0 O o en ^ bt ^l^ to N^ I-*— TOoC^tOi—OO CD to l-J HJ to h-" 1-' cootoojoptpp H-- o o io to ^ to If*. CO to H-* '-' CO ^ pop :;topcococo CO to .^ OS en en CO If^ •- CD J— iqij s.-^ o 00 CD to 0» 202 MANURE. 248. But rich as are the liquid evacuations of the stable and cow-yard, they are surpassed by those of the farmer's own dwelling, especially when it is considered with what ease these last may be saved. According to Dr. Thomson, 1000 parts of this substance, the human liquid evacuation, contain 42^ lbs. nearly of salts, which are, Sal-ammoniac, 459 Sulphate of potash, 2.112 Muriate of potash, 3.674 Common salt, 5.060 Phosphate of soda, 4.267 Bone-dust, (phosphate of lime,) . . . .209 Acetate of soda, 2.770 Urate of ammonia, . . . . . .298 Urea with coloring matter, .... 23.640 42.489 957.511 Water, There is scarcely a single element in this liquid which is not an essential ingredient of plants. In every 100 lbs. Of cattle urine, are . . .4. lbs. of urea. Of horse urine, Of human urine. Of sheep urine. Of hog urine, . .70 2.36 2.80 5.64 It is at once seen how valuable are swine as manufacturers of manure. It will be noted, that by the table (247), pigs' urine, like human, contains phosphates, of which the urine of the ox, horse, and sheep, are destitute, or contain traces only. Hence pigs' urine is more valuable than that of horses and cattle, not only by its urea, but by its salts. MANURE. 203 249. The urea being called equal to ammonia, it is seen that the ammoniacal salts in human urine are very nearly the same as those in cow-dung, but its effects in actual prac- tice are found to be nearly double those in cow-dung. The actual amount of salts in 100 parts of human, cow, and horse-dung, is in round numbers, 1 per cent., while in the liquids it averages 5.88, being in the cow 7.4, and in the human 4 24 per cent., horse 6, according to Sprengel. 250. All urine of course varies with the food of the ani- mal, the season, and its age. White turnips give a weaker liquor than Swedish. Green grass is still worse. Distillers' grains are said to be better than either of these. The more water the animal drinks, the poorer the urine. Doubtless the liquids of fattening kine are richer in ammonia during this period, for it contains a part of that nitrogen not carried away in milk. In winter, urine contains much less urea than in summer, sometimes only one-half. Putrefaction changes urea to ammonia. The time required for this varies. Urine putrefying for a month, contains double the ammonia of fresh urine. It does not wholly decompose in a month ; but during all this time, gives off ammonia. Unless then mixed with loam, or peat, or swamp muck, or where kept in tanks, with thrice its bulk of water, or with oil of vitriol, 3 lbs. to 160 gallons of urine, or with plaster, copperas, or other sub- stances which will form a fixed salt with ammonia, that will escape. Urine is fully ripe, when it contains neither caustic ammonia, nor urea. Food, exercise, age, condition, and sex of the animal, alter the quality, and affect the quantity of the urine discharged. Jt becomes therefore an interesting question, What is the quantity and quality of urine which various animals discharge daily and yearly 1 On the average, a healthy 201 MANURE. Solid lbs. Man excretes in 24 hoars, 3 pints or 1000 lbs. per annum, giving 30 to 170 Horse " " " 3 " 1000 " « 60 to 1*24 Cow «« " <« 40 «' 7000 to 12000 " 490 to 1440 Unless she is a milch cow, when the quantity is affected by that of the milk; the more milk, the less urine. The abundant urine of a cow, though containing less solid matter than that of a horse, yet agriculturally, it is more valuable. Quantity more than compensates for quality. The quantity of liquid drank affects little that of the urine discharged by cattle and other animals, while in man the result is different. Man discharges nearly all the water drank, as urine; while a horse which drank in 24 hours 35 pints of water, evacuated 3 pints of urine, and a cow which drank in 24 hours 132 pints of water, evacuated 18 pints of urine, and gave 19 pints of milk. By the late trials of Barral, common salt appears to increase the amount of nitrogen and urea in the excrements. An important hint for the use of salt in feeding animals. It has been proposed by Stenhouse, to add milky lime (slacked lime diffused in water) to urine, to stir it well, and let it settle. A portion of phosphoric acid is thus separated, as phosphate of lime. Air-slacked lime may be also thus used, the powder being sprinkled into the urine, and well stirred. The clear liquor may be run off, but this is a loss. Phosphates only are thus saved. Hence that great practical farmer and chemist, Boussingault, has proposed to add a solution of magnesian salts to urine. For this purpose Epsom salts may be employed, while those who live near salt works may use the '* Bittern " liquor, or muriate of magnesia, for this purpose. By this process, both a portion of the ammonia and Dhosphoric acid are separated and fall MANURE. 205 down from tne urine, as ammonia-phosphate of magnesia. This is a valuable manure for potatoes. Each pint of human urine will produce a pound of wheat. Each pound of ammonia is equal to a bushel of grain. Whatever may be the food, it is evident from the above statements, that rivers of riches run away from firms, from want of attention to saving that which ordinarily is allowed to be wasted. 251. Each man evacuates, annually, enough salts to manure an acre of land. Some form of geine only is to be added to keep the land in heart, if the farmer has but the heart to collect and use that which many allow, like the flower unseen, " to waste its sweetness on the desert air." 252. But with all the farmer's care, with every convenience for collecting and preserving these animal products, still the amount which can be so collected, is often wholly inadequate to the wants of the farmer of small means. All these accu- mulations presuppose a goodly stock of animals on the farm. This again is limited by the means of keeping, and so one influences the other. The farmer wants some source of manure, which while it produces the salts and geine of an unlimited amount of stock, hogs and hens, shall yet require no more barn-room, fodder or team, than every man who means that his hands and lands shall shelter, feed, and clothe him, can easily command. CHAPTER VII. ARTIFICIAL MANURES, AND IRRIGATION. 253. The class of salts, as manure, is to be distinguished from the salts called mineral manures, by this circumstance, that they contain large portions of peculiar animal products called urea and uric acid. These afford ammonia in large quantity by their decomposition. Having considered the relative value of the two classes of manure, those composed of salts, and of salts and geine, that consisting chiefly of geine is now to be explained. 254. First and foremost in this class, is swamp-muck, mud, or peat. This class includes, also, dry leaves, dry vegetables of all sorts ; ploughing in of green or dry crops, irrigation. These are fruitful topics. The principles only of their action can be pointed out. The application of the principle must be left to the farmer. The why of things has been or will be shown ; the how must be deduced from the why by practical men. 255. Peat is too well known to render it necessary to say that it is the result of that spontaneous change in vegetable matter, which ends in geine. Peat is, among manures consisting chiefly of geine, what bone-dust is among manures consisting of animal matter. Peat is highly concentrated vegetable food. When the state in which this food exists is examined, it is found not only partly cooked but seasoned. 256. Peat consists of soluble and insoluble geine, and salts. (206) * ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 207 The proportion of these several higredients must be known before the value of peat can be compared with similar con- stituents in cow-dung. This proportion is exhibited in the following table of constitution of Massachusetts peat per 100 parts : Soluble Insoluble Total Salts and Locality. Geine. Geine. Geine. Silicates. 1. Dracut, 14.00 72.00 86.00 14.00 2. Sunderland, 26.00 56.60 82.60 14.40 3. Westborough, 48.80 43.60 92.40 7.60 4. Hadley, 34.00 60.00 94.00 6.00 5. Northampton, 38.30 44.15 82.45 17.55 6. u 32.00 54.90 86.90 13.10 7. (( 12.00 60.85 72.85 27.15 8. (( 10.00 49.45 59.45 40.55 9. u 33.00 59.00 92.00 8.00 10. (( 46.00 46.80 92.80 7.20 Average, 29.41 54.73 84.14 15.55 11. Watertown, pond mud, 5.10 8.90 14.00 86.00 12. Danvers, 4( 8.10 6.50 14.60 84.40 257. Under the general name of peat, are comprised sev- eral varieties, which may be distinguished as, 1st. Peat, the compact substance generally known and used for fuel, under this name. 2d. Turf, or swamp-muck, by which is to be understood the paring which is removed before peat is dug. It is a less compact variety of peat. It is common in all meadows and swamps, and includes the hassocks. Both these varieties are included in the above, from No. 1 to No. 10. It includes, also, the mud of salt marshes. 3d. Pond mud, the slushy material found at the bottom of ponds when dry, or in low grounds, the wash of higher lands. This seldona 208 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. contains more than 20 per cent, of geine. Nos. 11 and 12 are of this description. 258. These varieties comprise probably a fair sample of all the peat and swamp muck and pond mud which occur in the various parts of the country. The results stated (256), are those of the several varieties when dried at a tempera- ture of 240° F. The composition of peat ashes has been alluded to (163). They contain, in fact, all the inorganic principles of plants which are insoluble, with occasional traces of the soluble alkaline sulphates, and of free alkali. Twenty samples of peat, from various localities in Rhode Island, afforded Dr. C. T. Jackson an average of 72 vegeta- ble matter, 24 ashes, in 100 parts, dried at 300° Silica formed f of the ashes. The remaining salts were similar to those which have been mentioned. 259. It is well known that all peat shrinks by drying, and when perfectly dried at 240° F., loses from 73 to 97 per cent, of water. When allowed to drain as dry as it will, it still contains about f of its weight of water. It shrinks from f to f of its bulk. A cord wet becomes |^ to ^ of a cord when dry. To compare its value with cow-dung, equal bulks must be taken, and hence, to dry peat a bulk of water must be supposed to be added, in proportion above stated, or still better, because easier done, the pile of dry peat is to be esti- mated by the pit left after digging. It will be found, on the above data, that 100 parts of fresh dug peat, of average qual- ity, contain, — Water, 85.00 Salts of lime, 00.50 Silicates, 00.50 Geine, 14.00 100.00 Soluble Geine. Insoluble Geine. Total Geine. Salts of Lime. 128 1288 1416 92 376 673 1049 91 519 529 1048 81 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 209 This does not differ much from fresh cow-dung, so far as salts, geine, and water are concerned. The salts of lime are actually about the same, while the alumina, oxide of iron, mag- nesia in the silicates added to the salts of lime, make the total amount of salts, in round numbers, equal that of cow-dung. If the bulks of these are compared, it will be found that, at 90 lbs. per bushel, full measure, and 103 bushels being allowed to a cord, each contains and weighs as follows, in pounds : Weight. Dung, . . . 9289 No. 9 peat of table, 9216 376 No. 10 " " 9216 A cord of pond mud, (No. 11,) weighs when dug, 6117 lbs., and contains solid matter, 3495 lbs., composed of geine, 495 lbs., of silicates and salts, 3005 lbs. The salts of lime in pond mud are 2^ per cent. 260. The salts and geine of a cord of peat are equal to the manure of one cow for three months. It is certainly a very curious coincidence of results, that nature herself should have prepared a substance, whose agricultural value ap- proaches so near cow-dung, the type of manures. This sub- ject may have been now sufficiently explained. Departing from cow-dung and wandering through all the varieties of animal and vegetable manures, we land in a peat-bog. The substance under our feet is analyzed, and found to be cow- dung, without its musky breath of cow odor, or the power of generating ammonia, except in some varieties of peat. These always heat when piled. The various transformations of geine have not ceased in peat which naturally ferments, such is always preferable in agriculture. But generally the power of forming ammonia has ceased to be active. That 210 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. process is generally over, a part of the ammonia remains, still evident to the senses by adding caustic potash. It exists in part, either as a compound of crenic and apocrenic acid, or other forms of geine, or as phosphate of ammonia, and when the presence of ammonia is added to the salts, whose existence has already been pointed out, it may be said that peat approaches dung moistened with the liquid evacuation of the animal. 261. The power of producing alkaline action, on the insol- uble geine, is alone wanted to make peat as good as cow- dung. Reviewing the various matters, from whatever saurce derived, solid or liquid, which are used as manure, all possess one common property, that of generating ammonia. The conclusion then of this whole matter is this: the value of all manures depends on salts, geine, and ammonia; and it is di- rectly in proportion to the last ; it follows, that any substance affording these elements may be substituted for manure. 262. The great question com^s, How is to be given to peat, a substance which, in all its other characters, is so nearly allied to cow-duno;, that lacking element ammonia? How is that to be supplied 1 Without it, cow-dung itself would be no better than peat, nay, not so good ; for in peat, nearly one- half of the geine is already in a soluble state. Passing by the fact, already alluded to, that peat contains traces of am- monia, which, evolved when treated with caustic potash, exerts its usual action, it may be added that, possibly in the process of vegetation, when the decomposing power of the living plant is exerted on peat, and the silicates, caustic pot- ash is produced, and ammonia evolved. Considering peat as a source of nitrogen only, it is evident that the action of alkali is of the highest practical importance. 263. In this part of the subject of manure, probabilities and possibilities are no longer admissible. There are two ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 211 facts well established by experience, relating to the action of ammonia in dung. First, it has been shown (166) that dung produces nitrates. Porous substances and alkali possess the power of forming nitrates; alkali and porous substances act like spongy platina, they induce a catalytic power, and the consequence is, that the elements of the air, oxygen and nitrogen, unite and form nitric acid, this combines with tiie alkali, and consequently nitrates are produced. The other well-established fact, in relation to the action of am- monia in dung, is the power of dissolving and converting geine, which has been explained in Chap. IV. The most valuable of these two properties is that of producing soluble geine. The formation of nitrates may be quite, and ordina- rily is prevented. It is the alkaline action which is sought. 264. By the addition of alkali to peat, it is put into the state which ammonia gives to dung. The question then arises. How much alkali is to be added to swamp muck or peat, to convert that into cow-dung 1 Recurring to the doc- trine of chemical proportions, whose value to the farmer is thus made evident, it will be remembered that the equiva- lent of pure potash and soda, that is, that portion of one which can take the place of the other, is as 2 to 3 ; that is, 2 parts of pure soda are equal to 3 of pure potash. If either of these is compared with ammonia, it will be found that one part of pure ammonia is nearly equal to two of soda. When these substances are met with in commerce, it is in the state of salts, as carbonate of ammonia of the shops, white ash, or soda ash, or potash and pearlash. The equivalent of these is deduced from determining the pure alkali of each, and adding the equivalent of carbonic acid. It is found that, 59 lbs. of pure carbonate of ammonia are equal to 54 lbs. " soda, or to 70 lbs. " potash. 212 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. But unless the impurities of the commercial alkalies are known it may not be prudent to substitute pot or pearlashes, and soda or white ash, either for one another, or for ammonia in the usual state, in the above proportions. All alkalies in the market are now much purer than formerly. 1st quality pot and pearlashes contain, on the average, 83 per cent, of carbonate, and no perfectly caustic alkali. 2d quality pots and pearls average 71 per cent, carbonate. English soda ash contains in its perfectly dry state 81.5 per cent, of pure carbonate, and about 2.75 of caustic soda = 4.68 carbonate, or the total carbonate is equal to 86 per cent., which, in the commercial state of fair soda ash is equal to 80 per cent. The proportions then become, f 59 pure carb. ammonia = 61 commercial, 54 " soda = 67 soda ash of 80 per cent. 70 " potash = 84, 1st qua), pots or pearls, 70 " " =98, 2d " " " Fortunately for agriculture, rigid accuracy is not here required. The farmer need not fear to use the commercial alkalies because he knows not their chemical composition. 265. For all agricultural purposes, it may be considered, that salts of hartshorn, or carbonate of ammonia, and white or soda ash, are equal, pound for pound, and that pots and pearls may be taken at one-half more. 266. If all the nitrogen in dung becomes ammonia, then, as has been shown (187), each 100 lbs. affords 2 lbs. 2 oz. Dlscardbg fractions, let it be called 2 lbs. Hence, if to 100 lbs. fresh dug peat, there are added 2 lbs. soda ash, or 3 lbs. of pot or pearl ashes, all the good effects of real cow- dung will be produced. Peat or muck thus requires 2 per cent, of soda ash, or 3 per cent, of potash. y^ ARTinCIAL MANURE. 213 267. By (250) a cord of green peat weighs 9216 lbs. ; 2 per cent, are 184 lbs. Hence a cord requires that amount of soda ash, or 276 lbs. of potash. But if the peat is quite dry, so as to have lost f of its bulk, then 736 lbs. of soda ash, or 1104 lbs. potash will be necessary. Two per cent, of alkali seems enormous. It is stated, in the hope that it may lead to experiments on the free use of alkali. But as it will be hereafter shown, that this is to be reduced by mixing with loam or other matter, this quantity, even if applied to one acre, will probably produce very good effects. It has repeatedly been proved for other purposes, that a cord of fresh dug peat neutralizes 100 lbs. of soda ash, or 400 lbs. to a dry cord. Further, dry peat, by boiling with, neutral- izes 12|- per cent, of its weight of potash, and in actual prac- tice, alkali to the amount of 6 per cent, of the weight of the geine, in pond mud, has been used. It would therefore ap- pear to be safe to use the theoretical proportion. 268. But the nitrogen in cow-dung does not all tell. It is impossible but that some portion of the elements of ammo- nia enter into other combinations, and part also escapes as gas. Besides, it is not all brought at once into action, and hence a less portion of alkali than above indicated may be used. It is probable that not a third of the ammonia acts. Let it be taken at that quantity. Then the equivalents are 100 lbs. fresh peat, and lOJ ounces soda, or 1 lb. of potash, or 1 per cent, of the weight of the peat in commercial potash. 269. This proportion will allow, in round numbers, to every cord of fresh dug peat, 92 lbs. pot or pearl ashes, or 61 lbs. of soda, or 16 to 20 bushels of common house ashes. Having no guide here from experience of the quantity which may be used per acre, yet, in order to arrive at con- clusions which can be recommended safely, the alkali has been calculated in the quantity of saltpetre which has been 21i ARTIP^ICIAL MAKURE. used with such signal success by O. M. Whipple, Esq., of Lowell. On the principles which have been developed, when saltpetre is used, the whole alkali is let loose by the action of the growing plant. The experience of Mr. Whipple is a guide to the quantity of alkali which may be safely used. He has used from 50 to 150 lbs. saltpetre per acre. The real alkali in saltpetre may be called ^ of its weight ; or the real alkali used has been from 25 to 75 lbs. = 36^ lbs. and 109f lbs. pure carbonate, or, in round numbers, an aver- age of commercial 1st and 2d quality, of 49 to 147 lbs. per acre, giving an average of 99 lbs., nearly, which is nearly 1 per cent, of the weight of a cord of green peat, which agrees with the estimate (268). If, then, this is mixed with the usual proportion of geine, which the dung used contains, equally good effects per acre ought to be produced. 270. There are other practical facts which may help to a solution of the question. How much alkali is to be added to a cord of peat 1 According to the experience of the late Mr. Phinney, of Lexington, an authority which may not be questioi)ed, a cord of green dung converts twice its bulk of peat into a manure, of equal value to itself — that is, a cord of clear stable-dung, composted with two of peat, forms a manure of equal value to three cords of green dung. In- deed, the permanent effects of this compost, according to Mr. Phinney, exceed those of stable-dung. Equal bulks are here about equal weights. On these facts, 2 lbs. of ammonia in 100 of cow-dung, should convert 200 lbs. of fresh dug peat into good cow-dung. The equivalents of these, as has been shown (265), are 2 lbs. of soda ash, or 3 lbs. of potash. Allowing the gaseous ammonia to be here retained by the peat, and consequently all effective, it is divided equally among the 300 lbs. of dung and peat, in proportion of lOf oz. of soda ash, or 1 lb. of potash to 100 lbs. of fresh peat. ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 215 Now this calculation, deduced from actual experiment, con- firms the theoretical proportions (268), supposing only -J- of the nitrogen to act, though that was made before the author met with the statement of the great practical farmer. 271. There is a coincidence here of proportions, which makes it quite certain that the quantity recommended (269) is a perfectly safe basis for agricultural use. By theory the proportions are, 1 cord peat, 61 lbs. soda ash, 92 lbs. pot- ash. As deduced from the compost of dung and peat, 61 lbs. soda ash, 92 lbs. potash. This proportion gives each cord of peat a value equal to that of cow-dun^. If ^ only of the nitrogen of dung acts, the alkali and peat may be composted, as that is, with loam, or still better, mixed up at once with its proportion of peat. If this is done, then the result will be, in round numbers, 1 cord of fresh dug peat, 20 lbs. of soda ash, 30 lbs. potash, 5 to 7 bushels house ashes. In March, 1849, the author, in a letter addressed to the commissioner for the agricultural survey of Massachu- setts, threw out the following hint, which was published in the second report of Mr. Col man : " Take 100 lbs. of peat as sold, or the fine part from the bottom of a peat stack ; at any rate, bruise the peat fine, put it into a potash kettle, and 2^ lbs. of white ash, and 130 gal- lons of water ; boil for a few hours ; let it settle, dip off the clear for use, add 100 lbs. more of peat, 2J lbs. white ash, fill up with water, as much as you have dipped off, boil again, settle and dip off. This may be repeated five times. How much oftener I know not ; probably as long as the vegetable part of peat remains. The clear liquor is an alka- line solution of geine. The three first boilings contain geine, alumine, iron, magnesia, and sulphate or phosphate of alkali. The dark colored solution contains about half an ounce per gallon of vegetable matter. 216 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. " It is to be applied by watering grass lands. The ' dregs* may be mixed up with the manure, or spread as a top-dress- ing, or put in the hill. Experience will teach ; I only sug- gest." The principle which should guide the farmer in the making of artificial manure has now been considered. The author of these pages is not a practical farmer ; agriculture is not his pursuit, and he has studied its chemistry only as a recrea- tion from the daily duties of life. He has thrown out sug- gestions, the result of researches undertaken with reference to a totally different object, and these suggestions have, been acted upon by practical men, whose results confirm his pre- vious anticipations. He has no theory on this subject to maintain ; his opinions must stand or fall by practice, speak for themselves. Yet, he is not altogether indifferent to the practical results which may follow his suggestions, and he would consider that he had inflicted a serious injury on agri- culture, by the publication of erroneous opinions. When a man's character is to be established in a court of evidence, what is the good old English rule ? To call upon the by- standers, the country present, taken indiscriminately from all who may have known the person. Do not summon per- sons whose interest may throw a shadow of suspicion on the testimony of the witness. And so here; let it be proved, if it can be, whether the principles here advanced are of practical value, by calling upon the stand those gentlemen who have tested the author's opinions, and of some of whose operations and results he was ignorant, till he met with them in the agricultural publications of the day, or in accidental conversation ; others have been requested to state by letter their results, afler these pages were prepared for the press. The evidence on this point is contained in the Appendix to this volume. ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 217 272. Attention might here be called to the extensive use of peat, composted with lime and animal manure ; but it will be observed that it is wished to direct the thoughts at this time to a compost of artificial manure, without lime or animal manure. The author does not go for lime, but for soluble alkali. Carbonate of lime alone is not expected to produce immediate results, and seldom has produced, or can be expected to produce visible effects in the first year of its application. The why and the wherefore of this has been already explained, and it is merely adverted to now to cjuard against any inference favorable to the action of lime being deduced from the following facts. Mr. George Rob- bins, of Watertown, an extensive manufacturer of soap and candles, and of starch, employs the refuse of these trades in enriching and gladdening his land. It is believed his crops will compare with any of the best cultivators around him. He has not used for four years a spoonful of manure made by any animal, walking either on two legs or on four. He keeps a large number of horses and hogs, and several cows, and us6s not a shovelful of their manure, but selling that, uses peat and swamp muck mixed with his spent barilla ashes. The proportions are, one part of spent ashes to three of peat, dug up in the fall, mixed in the spring. After shovelling two or three times, it is spread and ploughed in. The effect is immediate, and so far, lasting. The effects of this spent ashes alone on sandy loam are excellent ; it makes the whole quite *'salvey." 273. The composition of spent ashes has already been alluded to ; a certain portion is carbonate of lime ; it is well known, that as such, it would produce no better effects than so much chalk. A large part of silicate of soda exists in the spent ashes. This is decomposed by the carbonic acid of the air, the alkali then acts on geine, but this action is 10 218 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. greatly assisted by the carbonate of lime. It is perhaps the most powerful agent in the decomposition of the silicate of soda. Here then the action of carbonates on silicates tells. And it may be worth while to be reminded here, that this action was explained in detail, in order that it might be un- derstood how spent ashes could act so rapidly on swamp muck. 274. Alkalies and peat, or swamp muck, are within the command of almost every farmer. Lime is not within reach, and besides, requires no small skill in its management. In the preparation of manure, price is everything. Let the cost be estimated per cord, of artificial manure, prepared in the proportions stated (270). Peat or muck may be called w^orth fifty cents per cord, and the labor of digging, say one dollar, IL50 92 lbs. potash, 6 cts. |5.52 ] or, 61 lbs. soda ash, or I ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^y^^^^ ^^^ white ash, 4 cts. 2.44 ' or 24 bush, ashes, 12^ cts., 3.00 j 3)10.96 $5.15 3.65 Were they really good hard wood ashes, about 16 bushels would be sufficient, but an excess here is allowed, to com- pensate for variation in quality. This may appear a very high price, but it is to be remembered, that its value is to be compared with that of a cord of clear cow-dung. What is the value of cow-dung ? It appears from the barn account of the Merrimack Manufacturing Company, that for 9J years, ending October, 1838, a bushel of clear cow-dung costs 21^ cents. During the same time dung of inferior quality ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 219 was delivered at the Print-works, by the neighboring farm- ers at 20 cents per bushel. Clear dung is delivered at the Print-works in Dover at 12i cents per bushel, and at seve- ral of the Print-works in Rhode Island, at 16 cents per bushel, giving an average of 17.45 cents per bushel, and as a cord contains, in round numbers, 100 bushels, its price is $17.45 Deduct from this the price of an artificial cord, 5.15 $12.30 It is hence evident that an artificial cord is only about one- third of the price of a natural cord, and if the last may be mixed with two parts of loam or swamp muck, so may the first, which will reduce the price of a cord of artificial manure, to $2.71. Now this is equal, according to all expe- rience, cord for cord, to stable manure ; the value of that may be estimated at $5, so that an artificial cord costs only about one-half. The best plan for preparing the artificial manure is to dig the peat or swamp muck in the fivll ; in the spring of the year let this be mixe4 in the proportion of 30 lbs. of potash, or 20 lbs. of soda ash, or 8 bushels of com. mon house ashes, to every cord of fresh dug peat, estimating this by the pit dug out, and allowing nothing in the spring for shrinking. If ashes are used, they may be mixed in at once with the muck, but if soda ash or potashes are used, they must be dissolved in water, and the pile evenly wet with the solution. The pile is then to be well shovelled over, and used as is other manure. But it has been found by experience, that the peat may be dug in the spring, im- mediately mixed with the alkali, and used forthwith. If spent ashes are used to prepare this muck, add one cord of spent ashes to three cords of peat or swamp muck. 275. But there are still other forms of cheap alkali frona 220 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. salt and lime, which may be recommended, though this may appear inconsistent with what has been advanced respecting lime, but in this case the lime is converted into a perfectly soluble salt. The soda is eliminated caustic, acts on the geine, renders it soluble. During the exposure to the vol- umes of carbonic acid evolved from the peat, the caustic soda becomes carbonated. This carbonate of soda immedi- ately decomposes the soluble salt of lime, and an insoluble salt of lime with a soluble salt of soda is the result. The effects of these various actions, are, first, the geine is made soluble, ammonia evolved, which is converted into a niti*ate, carbonate of lime produced, which acts as that does in spent ashes, and a soluble salt of soda or common salt remains in the mass, producing still farther good effects, when its alkali is let loose by the action of growing plants. Here are. rounds of changes taking place, which though the farmer may not readily understand, he may easily produce, with lime and common salt. It may be stated, in farther expla- nation of these changes, that common salt is a compound of soda and muriatic acid, or muriate of soda, using here the old language of chemistry, which is more intelligible to the farmer, though not philosophically correct. By mixing quicklime with common salt, its soda is let loose, the acid combines with the lime, forming a soluble salt of lime, and as long as the soda remains caustic it has no effect on the muriate of lime, but as soon as the soda becomes mild or carbonated, decomposition of the muriate of lime is pro- duced, and the common salt regenerated. Commencing then with quicklime and salt, we pass on to a soluble salt of lime and caustic soda, and from that, to mild soda, and to carbonate of lime and the original common salt ; and these in decaying soil are mutuallv decomposed, and reform car- bonate of soda. ARTIFICIAL ^lANURE. 221 276. If these various changes take place in the midst of peat, or geine, it is evident that the caustic soda acts upon the geine, and also evolves ammonia from that substance; secondly, that the muriate of lime in its finely soluble state insinuates itself among all the particles of the geine, that the soda also is equally diffused, and that when the soda becomes carbonated, it produces an almost impalpable carbonate of lime throughout the whole mass, which, by its equal diffu- sion through the soil with the geine, acts upon the silicates, as has been heretofore explained. In order to produce these effects, take 1 bushel of salt, 1 cask of lime. Slack the lime with the brine, made by dissolving the salt in water sufficient to make a stiff paste with the lime, which will be not quite sufficient to dissolve all the salt. Mix all the materials then well together, and let them remain together in a heap for 10 days, and then be well mixed with three cords of peat ; shovel well over for about 6 weeks, and it will be fit for use. Here, then, are produced 3 cords of manure, for about the cost of $2.10 per cord. Salt, $0.60 Lime, 1.60 Peat, . . . . . . . 4.50 3)$6.30($2.10 From experiments made in a small way, it is believed that this will be found an effectual manure ; the author sug- gests it, in the hope that it may lead to cautious experiment. Lime and salt have been also commended by other writers. Sir John Sinclair, in his " Scotch Husbandry," says that sea water evaporated to a saturated solution, that 222 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. is, till the salts fall, may be used to slack lime. 32 bushels thus slacked, mixed with 40 loads of peat, and spread on one acre of poorest fallow, were equal to any manure. Mr. Mitchell, a surgeon in Ayr, recommends 8000 gallons sea water to be evaporated to 600 gallons, and this is to be used to slack 64 bushels of lime. This may be applied to two acres. Salt water peat mixed with lime, has been very success- fully used in some places in England. The peat being satu- rated with sea-water by its natural position, is dug out, par- tially dried, and mixed with about j its bulk of slacked lime. It soon heats, ferments strongly, and when used soon after as manure, produces excellent effects. Doubless, all peat saturated with strong brine, and then mixed with lime, would be equally as effective as submarine turf. But there is still another form in which this artificial manure may be prepared, that is by the addition of ammo- nia. Take 3 cords of peat, 61 lbs. sal-ammoniac, ^ cask, or about 61 lbs. lime. Slack the lime, dissolve the sal-ammoniac, and wet the peat well with the solution through every part. Then shovel over, mixing in the lime accurately. We have here, then, 3 cords of manure, at a price as follows : 3 cords peat, $4.50 61 lbs. sal-ammoniac, at Is., . . . 10.17 61 lbs. lime, ...... 0.27 3)$14.94($4.98 It will be observed that three cords are used in these cal- culations, because the quantity of salts used is equivalent to ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 228 the ammonia in a cord of dung, and that is supposed to bo composted ' with 2 cords of loam, or meadow mud. Whether the estimates are correct, each one will determine by the value he may place on his peat and manure, and will apply his own estimate. When a cord of stable or barn- yard manure is usually estimated worth $4, the price of a cord of clear pure cow- dung will not be thought high at $17. In fact, it probably, when mixed with the usual pro- portion of litter, straw, stalks, and the usual loss by waste of its value, would become worth only about ^5. But these questions do not affect the principle — that from aliiali and peat, as cheap a manure may be prepared, and as good, as from stable-dung ; for let that be called $5.00 then adding 2 cords of peat, 3.00 3)$8.00 $2.66 per cord. 277. Tliere are other sources of alkali, for converting peat into soluble manure. Of these the chief is animal matter. Here we have ammonia produced. It has been actually proved by experiment, that a dead horse can convert 20 tons of peat into a valuable manure, richer and more lasting than stable dung; "a barrel of alewives is equal to a wagon load of peat." The next great and prolific source of ammo- nia is the urine. The urine of one cow for a winter, mixed up as it is daily collected with peat, was sufficient to manure I an acre of land with 20 loads of manure of the bejrt qual- ity, while her solid evacuations, and litter, for the same period, afforded only 17 loads, whose value was only about one-half that of the former. 278. It need only be added in confirmation of all that has been advanced, that those who have had the prudence to fill 221: ARTIFICIAL MANURE. their yaras and hog-pens with meadow mud, which has thus become saturated with ammonia, have in nowise lost their reward. If they have been satisfied with their practice, per- haps they will be no less firm in their belief of success, when science offers them a reason for the faith that is in them. Peat or turf has begun to excite attention in France, as a manure in itself, and not simply as a vehicle for supplying ammoniacal salts (206). Soubeiran, in his prize essay on manures, &c., in 1847, says, that from his own experiments he can find no dift'erence between the humus of mould and turf; he asserts that it is equally fit for encouraging vegeta- tion, and '' If we consider the service which humus spread on land renders to vegetation, we must regret that turf, which is so abundant in certain localities, should not be more fre- quently employed as an adjunct toother manures. Suitably modified by air and alkalies, it would incontestibly render important services to agriculture." Fresh turf when mixed with \ its weight of dried flesh, Soubeiran found was slowly decomposed, forming with turf a compound similar to fer- menting dung. Peat or turf has been used in France as a convenient sub- stance when in dry powder, to absorb solutions of ammonia- cal salts, thereby reducing that to a state approaching pou- drette. For this purpose M. Jacquemart, in 1843, compared such prepared turf powder with poudrette, using such quan* tity that each should represent the same amount of nitrogen, or its equivalent ammoniacal salts. The poudrette contained in 3 bushels, or 132 lbs., nitrogen equivalent to 9^ lbs. sul- phate of ammonia crystals. Of the nitrogen, 53 per cent, existed as ready formed carbonate of ammonia, and 47 per cent, as part of the organic matter of the night-soil. This poudrette, used at the rate of 25 bushels per acre, represented therefore 82 lbs. of crystals of sulphate of am- ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 225 monia ; solutions of carbonate and bi-carbonate of ammo- nia, equivalent each to 82 lbs. of crystals of sulphate, were absorbed to dryness by peat powder. These several manures were sowed with oats and covered in, under similar circumstances, of soil, time, and exposure. The yield was as follows — poudrette representing 100 : s[o . 1. Poudrette, . . . Grain. 100. The straw being 100, th« grain is to tlie straw as 65. (( 2. Carbonate of am., . 94. 69. (( 3. Bicarb, of am., . . 95. 77. (( 4. No manure, . . . 74 62. The next year wheat was sown, and the equivalent of sulphate of ammonia increased to 103 lbs. A mixture of No. 1 and 2 in equal portions gave results equal to pou- drette. From these results, it is believed that a manure may be prepared with the ammoniacal liquor of gas works and peat, in a portable form, which may be confidently recommended to the former and gardener. Gas liquor, alone, applied by the water-cart, at the rate of 400 gallons per acre, and the land a few days after sowed with barley, has given results equal to stable manure. Much of this liquor is allowed to run to waste. With the hope that it may be saved for the mutual benefit of agricul- ture and the gas manufacturer, the following suggestions are submitted to their consideration. From experiments which were tried by Jacquemart, with those above detailed, it appeared that sulphate of ammonia and peat powder produced very little effect. The conversion into that salt is to be avoided if it is intended to be used as will be here recommended. Sulphate of ammonia, mixed with other manures, is known by repeated experiments to 10* 226 ARTIFICIAL MANUKE. produce good results, but for the purpose of preparing "peat poudrette" at the gas works, carbonate of ammonia is pre- ferable. If sulphate of ammonia is used, then about 2 oz. of chalk or whiting in powder should be added to each gallon of gas liquor, before mixing, as hereafter described. What- ever portion of ammonia is converted to sulphate, an equiv- ajent of chalk powder must be used. Carbonate of ammo- nia and sulphate of lime result by slow decomposition. The gas liquor is variable in quality ; but that from Pictou coal ^ contains about 5 per cent, of ammonia. This is equal to about 14:^ lbs. sulphate of ammonia crystals, per 100 gal- lons, or 2J oz. per gallon ; hence, at the rate of 82 lbs. per acre, 600 gallons of gas liquor should be used. But from later trials than those cited above, it has been proved that much less than this quantity is an effectual manure. The transportation of the liquor in any quantity will not pay the expenses. How then may the farmer use gas liquor ? It is recommended to dry peat, and then powder it. It may be dried by the spare heat from the gas retorts. The tempera- ture should not exceed 240° F. At 300° it will be apt to take fire. To one ton dried peat, or 50 bushels, add 150 gallons gas liquor. Peat, as has been shown (259), contains about 15 per cent, solid matter. At the average weight of a cord, fresh dug, the amount of solid matter of 1^ cord, will be about 2137 lbs., or one ton ; this when dried as above, will absorb two-thirds its weight, or 150 gallons gas liquor, without becoming pasty ; it forms a moist powder only like damp sand. If it is found that it becomes too wet to work up moist, this is caused by imperfectly roasted peat, and then as proposed (209) the gas liquor must be added at intervals, drying between in open air. The whole will weigh about 3400 lbs. and the bulk will equal 100 bushels. At 5 per ARTIFICIAL MANURE. ^ 227 cent, of ammonia, 150 gallons of gas liquor contain equal to 27 lbs. carbonate of ammonia of commerce, or 21 lbs. sul- phate of ammonia. Hence the compost above contains = 8 per cent, carbonate of ammonia, and one bushel 'may be considered equal to I peck of good poudrette. The total, whatever may be the bulk, is equal to H cord of fresh peat mixed with 27 lbs. of soda ash, or about nearly in the pro- portions recommended (271) to make a cord equal to a cord of stable manure. If, by repeated drying under sheds in the open air, 50 bushels of roasted peat are made to absorb 600 gallons gas liquor, it produces 75 bushels gas poudrette, whose ammonia equals that in 25 bushels of the best poudrette from night- soil, and, used by itself, 3 for 1 of that produces ^'/^ of its effects, or, when mixed f to :|^ of poudrette, produces equal effects to one of the night-soil article. It may not be ques- tioned that gas poudrette may be cheaply prepared in a form so concentrated that bushel for bushel its ammonia may equal that of poudrette ; and when mixed with a little stable- dung, to set up an active fermentation, it may be expected to act equally well with the best commercial poudrette. For this purpose the peat should be dried at the lowest possible temperature which will expel the moisture. It must not be charred. The ammonia should all be in the state of sulphate. The moistened peat powder may then be dried, and thus reduced to nearly its original bulk, without danger of losing ammonia. When dry, to every 100 parts of crys- tals of sulphate-ammonia used, add 65 lbs. of powdered chalk. It will be seen that this will gradually become equal to about 100 lbs. of dry plaster of Paris, giving off ammonia during all this time. Charring stops all further action of the elements of peat. In Jacquemart's experiments, prob- ably the whole effect is due to the ammonia carbonate 228 ARTIFICIAL MANURE. No amraoniacal salt, according to Kuhlmann, acts till reduced to that state. Fermentation has such effect. Hence, car- bonate of ammonia, mixed with charcoal powder, had the same good effects as when mixed with over-dried peat. With this view the cinders and sparks collected by locomo- tive engines may be mixed into a dry powder with gas liquor. So may be used also charred saw-dust, and spent tan. But, it will be observed that, by the mode recommended in this work, the active power of peat is intended to be preserved. It differs from the " peat charcoal" movement of the day in this point. That makes vault poudrette ; this, gas poudrette. Composts may be formed without peat or stable-manure. That substance being omitted, speedy decay and rapid fer- mentation may be induced in all straws, green twigs, weeds, and green vegetable matter of all kinds, by piling them up, moistening the heap with a solution of organic matter in the state of decay, and adding various salts. A rich and valu- able manure may be thus speedily prepared, if certain pre- cautions are observed to retain the volatile ammonia, the product of fermentation (100) by converting it into fixed salts. The rapid decay in all such composts depends upon the same principle as the fermentation of dough, viz., the addi- tion of some body, as yeast, actually undergoing chemical change. This change communicates motion to the particles of the whole mass which thus act by induced fermentation. A process of making manure on this principle was origi- nally proposed by Jauffret, in France. Variously modified, it has been used both there and in other countries with signal success. Manure made by his original recipe costs more than stable-dung, but the following, based on the principle above stated, forms an economic manure. The quantity of the materials are intended for manuring one acre: ARTIFICIAL MANURE. 229 3 tons of green straw, ferns, bean-stalks, pea-vines, potato- tops, weeds, leaves, &c., 90 lbs. of ground plaster, 2 " of common salt, 3 " of saltpetre, 2^ bushels of house ashes, 2J " of charcoal powder, 5 " of night-soil. Make the pile of vegetable matter near a puddle of stag- nant water, if possible; if this is not convenient, sink a pit by the edge of the pile, fill it with common water, throw into it the night-soil, mix it well by stirring, add the ashes, then the charcoal, lastly the salts. With a bucket furnished with a long-pole handle, like a tanner's scoop, water the pile several times daily with the above mixture, taking care that the drainage runs into the pit, to be again returned upon the pile. In two or three weeks in warm weather the heap is sufficiently converted for use. The yeast, as it may be termed in this process, is the night-soil, and the putrescent matter in the stagnant water. Referring now to (100), it will be at once seen here is a ready and cheap mode of producing geine, ammonia, nitrates, which, with the salts already added, form a manure whose efficacy and economy alike recommend its use to those who have not peat or swamp-muck at command. There is a choice, if it may be exercised, in the kind of straw best for such a compost as is above recommended. The straw of beans, peas, and all pod or leguminous plants, is richer in nitrogen than straws of grain, or cereal plants. Pod-plant straw contains more vegetable matter, and a greater quantity of potash salts, than grain straw ; the first 230 IRRIGATION. form more geine, more ammonia by putrefaction, and are therefore preferable for composts. Oat straw contains more potash, and buckwheat straw more magnesia than other straws. The following table exhibits straws as arranged according to their practical compost value, by Sprengel, and also their proportion per cent, of organic matter, salts and nitrogen ; the last as determined by Payen and Boussingault : Straw. Organic matter. Salts, Nitroge 1. Buckwheat, 96.797 3.203 2. Bean, 96.879 3.121 3. Millet; 95.145 4.855 0.78 4. Pea, 95.029 4.971 1.79 5. Barley, 94.759 5.244 0.23 6. Wheat, ■■ 96.482 3.518 0.49 7. %e. 97.207 2.793 0.17 8. Corn-stalk, 96.015 3.985 0.28 9. Oat, 94.266 5.734 old, and ■ 0.24 new. 279. Having thus considered all the classes of manure, and shown the possibility of enriching barren fields, without the aid of animals, other subjects, intimately connected with this discussion, may be here introduced. These are, the application of manure in the form of rain, snow, and by overflowing streams, and the humble attempt to imitate these natural processes, by irrigation. The effects in these cases are alike. They are due to two distinct causes, first, to the air of the water, and secondly, to the salts and other materials dissolved by, or suspended in the water. First, before it can be understood how irrigation acts, let it be considered how pure water acts ; it is not said rain water, for that acts in a double way, both by its purity and im- purity. The more impure, the better manure is water. The purer water is, the less is it fit for irrigation. IRRIGATION. 231 280. Pure water acts only by its air. All water exposed to air, absorbs different proportions of its oxygen and nitro- gen. This is a very slow process. It is found that most natural waters give out, by boiling, from every hundred cubic inches of water, 3^ cubic inches of air. This air con- tains 8 or 9 per cent, more oxygen, than an equal bulk of common air. Water is generally filled or saturated with air ; it will take up no more by a month's exposure. If this water is boiled, and again exposed to the air, it will absorb, in 24 hours, as follows : — let there be taken any number of measures of air, which are composed of 20 of oxygen and 80 of nitrogen. If 100 measures are absorbed by water, it is in this proportion : Of nitrogen, 46.43 Of oxygen, 53.57 so that oxygen is three times more absorbable than nitrogen. 281. If now, there is expelled by boiling, the air from pond or river water, it is found to contain, Nitrogen, 45.29 Oxygen, 18.63 so that two-thirds of the oxygen have disappeared ; this is the only fact which concerns the farmer. The oxygen has been absorbed by natural waters and two-thirds retained. What has become of it 1 It has gone, it is not said all of it, but in irrigation a large portion to convert insoluble into soluble geine. Irrigation is chiefly employed on grass-lands. The green sward here may not be broken up. What if it was 1 What if by ploughing, it was exposed to the action of the air? Remember the properties of geine. Air con- verts the insoluble to soluble, by forming carbonic acid, that is, the air combines with the carbon of the geine, and forms 232 IRRIGATION. that gas. Give the geine this oxygen, condensed in water: wet it with this concentrated oxygen, crowd it into geine, as would be done by overflowing a meadow with water. It penetrates every crack and cranny, and every mole's-eye hole ; it expels the carbonic acid imprisoned under the sod. It is doing the same work upon the untouched green sward, which would be effected by ploughing and tillage. The long and the short of the whole action of irrigation with pure limpid water is, that its absorbed oxygen converts insoluble to soluble geine. Is this explanation which science offers, confirmed by practice? The appeal is made to all "who have attended either to the theory or practice of irrigation, to bear witness to its truth. Is it not admitted that the run- ning waters are alone fit for this purpose ? That after re- maining a few days they are abated, and a new^ flood must cover the land ? Is not this necessity of renewing at short periods the covering of water which shows no deposit, a proof that it has given up some invisible agent to fertilize the earth ? This invisible agent is oxygen. Is it not evi- dent from the extreme slowness with which air is absorbed by w^ater, that if it were not for the running water, which every few days replaces that which has acted, that the prac- tice of irrigation with pure water could be never successful 1 282. This is the principle, a principle which, having been wholly overlooked, has led to a waste of time and money, and has given to irrigation, in many minds, the odor, if not of a bad, at least of a useless practice. Where, guided by this light of science, grass lands can be irrigated, let it be done. If the experience of the most enlightened agricultur- ists in Europe is not all deception, by simple irrigation with running water, the farmer may cut two tons of hay where he toils and sweats to rake off one. 283. But bv far the most fertile source of increased crops IRRiaATION. 238 by irrigation, IS found in the impurity of water; the salts and suspended matter, the slime and genial mud of freshets. Perhaps the effect due to this cause, cannot be better illus- trated, than by a statement of those substances, and their amount, which fill the waters of the Merrimack ; a flood of blessings ! which rolls by those engaged in the din and hot haste of manufactures, as unheeded as was the earthquake which thundered and trembled, and rolled away under the feet of the fierce soldiery in an ancient battle. In the year 1838, during twenty-three days of freshets, from May till November, no less than 71874063 lbs. of geine and salts rolled by the city of Lowell, borne seaward. During the five days of the great freshet, from January 28th, to Febru- ary 1st, 1839, no less than 35970897 lbs. of the same matter rolled by at the rate of from 112128 lbs. to 20405397 lbs. per day ; each cubic foot of water bearing onwards, from 1 J to 30^ grains. This is only the suspended matter. That which is chemically dissolved by the waters, the fine filmy deposit, which occurs in a few days after the coarser and grosser matters subside, and the matter ordinarily suspended in the water of the river added to the above for the year 1838, give a grand total of 839181 tons of salts and geine, which were rolled down in the water of the Merrimack river. 284. What is th'is matter 1 Is it of any agricultural value ? The answer to the first question will answer both. The dissolved salts are sulphate and geate of lime, and the fine deposit occurring after the water has settled, is composed of one-half geine, and the remainder of salts of lime and silicates. The great agricultural value is found in the clayey deposit, which occurs in the first few days. The coarser part, that which collects about the foot of rocks, and falls, and eddies, is composed as follows : 234 IRRIGATION. Geine, . . . . . . ... 3.92 Silex, 72.70 Oxide of iron, 9.15 Alumina, 8.30 Lime, 0.51 Magnesia, 0.10 But considering the elements as we have usually treated them as silicates, salts and geine, the composition of the sev eral deposits is shown in the following table : Geine. Soluble. Insol. Sulphate of lime. Phos. of lime. Silicates. < 5. .06 5.40 1.86 6.50 0.74 2.34 6.30 3.20 0.90 1.20 0.60 94.44 84.66 81.20 The coarse de- posit above. Freshet, 1839, Freshet, July 7-18, '39, 285. If the doctrine of the action of silicates, salts and geine, upon each other, when aided by growing plants, is con- sidered, it cannot fail to be perceived, that the fertility of soils, periodically overflowed by turbid waters, is owing to the elements, salts and geine, which it contains, and to the exquisitely finely divided state of the silicates which form the bulk of the deposit. The carbonic acid of the air acts on each atom of silicate, while owing to the geine having been, as it were, irrigated, the oxygen of the air and water must put that into a state to evolve carbonic acid. Hence, the silicates are at once decomposed, and their alkali liberated. How beautiful ! It seems like a special interposition of that beneficent Power, whose blessings, while they fill us with wondering admiration, at the infinite skill which directs every change in the material universe, should teach us also, that these changes are held up to us, not only to admire, IRRIGATION. 235 but in some humble degree to imitate. Whenever man — " the faithful servant and interpreter of nature," has thus learned the lessons propounded by an Infinite Mind, he finds, when he humbly imitates nature's laws, she is a kind and indulgent parent. She opens her hand liberally, and gives fertility by irrigation, and rivers and streams like holy water sprinkled by a reverend father, fructify all they bedew. With hearts thus attuned, by the observation of the laws of nature, they respond to the gentle vibrations caused by the descent of genial and fertilizing showers. 286. Rain is only natural irrigation ; the water is found, like that of rivers, rich in oxygen, and organic matter. The fertilizing power of rain is referred to the same causes which lead to irrigation, to the salts and geine, which rain water contains. Several chemists have proved the existence of saline matters and organic substances in the air. The falling rain carries down with it salts of ammonia, of soda, of lime, atid organic matter. These all may be supposed floating in the air. The dry soils give to the winds an impalpable dust, its silicates and geine. When hailstones which have been formed in the regions of perpetual frost, exhibit almost the same substances which are contained in rain water, the height at which these matters float, would almost compel the supposition that they exist in a gaseous state. From the examination of hailstones, by Girardin, a French chemist, it appears, that no sensible trace of ammonia was detected during the evaporation of their water, but there was found a notable quantity of lime and sulphuric acid ; and, above all, a large proportion of an organic substance containing nitrogen. Melted hailstones have the appearance of water, containing a drop or two of milk ; by standing, the water grows clear, and the flocky matter which settles, burns with the smell of animal matter, and evolves ammonia. 236 IRRIGATION". It is a question whether this is not the source of the am. monia discovered in rain water. It is taken for granted, that the animonia in rain water exists as a volatile carbon- ate, because it was found to pass over in distillation. So does a volatile product, which always discolors the crystals of sal-ammoniac, procured by adding muriatic acid to the distilled water. This discoloring matter was noticed a cen- tury ago by Margraff. Later chemists have also detected ammoniacal salts in rain water, but no volatile carbonate of that base. It is well known that muriate of soda arises in evaporation, so does chromate of potash, and several other salts. If, in distilling rain water, the ammonia did not pass over in the volatile organic discoloring product, it may have gone over as muriate of ammonia. It is not questioned that ammoniacal salts exist in rain and snow water. The fact that it there exists as carbonate seems to be assumed, and is incompatible with the salts which have been heretofore ob- tained, from rain, snow, and hail. The subject has of late excited much attention, and as the existence of salts in snow is intimately connected with the old "Saying that " Snow is the poor man's manure," it may be worth while to examine the foundation of this proverb. Like all others of this class it will be found to rest on observation, and is supported by experiment. In 1751, Margraff, in the neighborhood of Berlin, after it had snowed several hours, collected in glass vessels as much falling snow as afforded 3600 ounces of water. This, carefully evaporated, afforded 60 grains of calcareous matter, with some grains of muriatic acid, and traces of nitrous vapor. An equal quantity of rain water afforded 100 grains calcareous matter, with some muriatic acid ; and in both cases the matter was discolored by an oily substance. A similar result was obtained long ago in Ire- land, by Dr. Rutty, who found in a gallon of snow water, IRRIGATION. 237 4 grains, and in one gallon of rain water, 6 grains of calca- reous matter. This is about the proportion found by Mar- graff, and would give for each inch of snow water about 10 lbs. of salts per acre. From the existence of free acids in this case, it is evident that no carbonate of ammonia could have there existed. There are some experiments performed by our countryman, Dr. Williams, formerly Hollis Professor of mathematics and natural philosophy in Harvard College, and detailed in the first volume of his History of Vermont, where the experiments were performed. In 1791, 6 gallons of fresh falling snow water afforded by evaporation 11 grains calcareous matter, 2 grains of saline matter, 5 grains of a dark brown oily matter. In January, 1792, 6 gallons of snow water, from snow lying three inches deep on the grass, on an area of 16 square feet, where it had lain 59 days, covered with a depth of 27 inches of snow, afTorded the same salts as above, and 105 grains of this oily matter. This is the most remarkable fact, and may afford some weight to the suggestion before made, that organic matter exists gas- eous in the air. It must have been drawn up by capillary attraction, or evolved from the surface of the earth. It is there condensed by the snow and returned to the earth, im- pregnated with its salts of lime and ammonia. The snow is " the poor man's manure." It not only adds salts and geine, but prevents the escape of the last. But is it possible that it should escape in the cold? Doubtless it does when the ground is not frozen. The snow by its warm mantle actually prevents the earth growing colder, and, as has been inge- niously suggested, keeps up an imperfect vegetation. The snow thaws frozen ground. In 1791, Professor Williams found that the ground which had been frozen 6 inches in depth before the snow fell, not only had this frost extracted in a few weeks by snow, but that the ground, 6 inches below 9 238 PARING AND BUKNING. the surface, had a temperature of 39 degrees. This slight elevation of temperature was enough to allow the gaseous exhalation of organic matter, which was found to exceed that of fresh fallen snow by 20 times. This quantity, in snow 3 inches deep, would give per acre 40 lbs., and to this are to be added 5 lbs. of salts. If this geine is not a natural addition in weight, it has undergone a transformation and become soluble. Besides, every inch of fresh fallen snow actually adds a little of this same matter ; it will not be extravagant to estimate the total addition of geine at 50 lbs. per acre for the winter. This, added to the warming effects of snow, shows that it may have a genial and enriching power on vegetation, independent of its ammonia. The old notion of the existence of nitre in snow is not supported by evidence ; but in whatever view we consider the salts of lime in snow and rain water, it is difficult to believe that carbon- ate of ammonia exists in atmospheric air. 287. There are still other sources of manure, or the ele- ments of fertility, which the farmer can command. Among these are paring and burning and the ploughing in of green and dry crops. It is not intended to go into the detail of these operations. All experience proves their great fertilizing power. Their whole action, mysterious as a part of it may appear, depends for its success upon the formation of geine, salts, and silicates. And first, — burning, in which is to be considered the effects of simply burning the earthy parts of soils. In the descrip- tion of silicates, Chap. II., the frequent occurrence of pyrites, or sulphuret of iron, was described, and this is especially the case in all clays. The effect of burning is, to disengage sulphurous acid, and the red and seared appearance of the foliage in the neighborhood of a brick kiln, which may be often observed, is due to the disengagement of acid gases, PARING AND BURNING. 239 during the process of burning the bricks. This acid gas being liberated, in the operation of burning soils, hastens the formation of sulphates and salts. It divides the silicates, and thus reduces them to a state in which the carbonic acid of the air more easily decomposes them. If we go one step further, and burn the vegetable matter of the soil, a portion of geine is lost, and ashes are formed, whose operation has been already considered (Chap. III.) They dissolve any geine in soil ; hence the practice of burning the parings of a peat meadow, whose ashes bring the balance into cultivation. The whole practice of burning vegetable soil for its ashes is wasteful. The original mode of paring and burning, and which forty years ago was so common in Europe, is still followed in many places in England, where the paring, from the operation, is called push ploughing. It has been more often given up, from the excessive crops it has produced, exhausting the soil, than any inherent sin in the practice itself. Instead of paring and burning,- it should rather be called paring and roasting. The process should never go beyond a good scorching. The effects of scorching insoluble geine and inert vegetable fibre, may be illustrated by reference to the effects of roasting coffee, or rye. A tough green berry, or dry seed, which is quite insoluble, is made by this process very soluble. Toasting bread has a like effect, and so has baking on the dough. Though in roasting coffee, a large portion of charcoal seems to be made, yet in the grounds of coffee, vegetable fibre is in that state in which air and moist- ure act, as they do on the geine of soils, converting the insol- uble into soluble. If ever decided good effects have been witnessed from the application of charcoal, independent of rain water, they are due to the cause here pointed out. 288. Turning in green crops is returning only to the soil, the salts, silicates, and geine, which the plant has drawn out 240 GREEN AND DRY CROPS. of it, together with all the organic matter the plant itself has elaborated, from oxygen and hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, from whatever source derived. It has decomposed, during the short period of its growth, as has been already pointed out, more silicates and salts than the air only could eifect during the same period, which, being turned in, restore to the soil from which they grew, salts and silicates in a new form, whose action on vegetation is like that of alkalies. But, powerful as are the effects of green crops, ploughed in, it is the experience of some practical men, that one crop allowed to perfect itself and die where it grew, and then turned in dry, is superior to three turned in green. The whole result is explained by the fact, that dry plants give more geine than green. Green plants ferment, dry plants decay. A larger portion escapes in fermentation, as gas and more volatile products are formed, than during decay. The one is a quick ponsuming fire, the other a slow mouldering ember, giving off, during all its progress, gases, which feed plants, and decompose the silicates of soil. 289. The power of fertility which exists in the silicates of soil is unlimited. An improved agriculture must depend upon the skill with which this power is brought into action. It can be done only by the conjunction of salts, geine, and plants. Barren sands are worthless, a peat bog is little bet- ter; but a practical illustration of the principles which have been maintained, is afforded by every sandy knoll made fer- tile by spreading swamp muck upon it. This is giving geine to silicates. The very act of exposure of this swamp muck, has caused an evolution of carbonic acid gas ; that decom- poses the silicates of potash in the sand ; that potash converts the insoluble into soluble manure, and lo! a crop. That growing crop adds its power to the geine. If all the long series of experiments under Von Voght, in Germany, are to DECOMPOSITION OF SOIL. 2il be believed, confirmed as they are by repeated trials by our own agriculturists, it is not to be doubted, that every inch of every sand knoll, on every farm, may be changed into a soil in 13 years, of half that number of inches of good mould. 290. That the cause of the fertility is derived from the decomposing power of the geine and plants, is evident from the fact, that mere atmospheric exposure of rocks, enriches all soil lying near and around them. It has been thought among the inexplicable mysteries, that the soil under an old stone wall is richer than that a little distance from it. Inde- pendent of its roller action, which has compressed the soil and prevented the aerial escape of its geine, consider that the potash washed out of the wall has done this, and the mystery disa]Ppears. The agents to hasten this natural pro- duction of alkali, are salts and geine. The abundance of these has already been pointed out in peat manure. Next to this, dry crops ploughed in ; no matter how scanty, their volume constantly will increase, and can supply the place of swamp muck. Of all soils to be cultivated, or to be restored, none are preferable to the sandy light soils. By their por- ousness, free access is given to the powerful effects of air. They are naturally in that state, to which trenching, draining, and subsoil ploughing are reducing the stiffer lands of Eng- land. Manure may as well be thrown into water, as on land underlaid by water. Drain this, and no matter if the upper soil be almost quicksand, manure will convert it into fertile arable land. The thin covering of mould, scarcely an inch in thickness, the product of a century, may be imitated by studying the laws of its formation. This is the work of " Nature's 'prentice hand *," man has long been her journey- man, and now guided by science, the farmer becomes the master-workman, and may produce in one year quite as much as the apprentice made in seven. 11 CHAPTER Vlir. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL. 291. In all attempts at improving soil by manure, two objects are intended, which form the golden rule of apply- ing salts and geine ; to make " heavy land lighter, light land heavier, hot land colder, and cold land hotter." Are there then, notwithstanding all that has been offered and said, differences in soil ? Have not, it may be asked, all the preceding pages been based on the fact, that there is but one soil 1 True, it has been so said, it is said so now. Chemically, the inorganic elements of all soil are alike. The silicates and salts are nearly the same in all ; the organic portion, the geine, varies, and that to a greater degree than any other ingredient. "While the silicates compose with great uniformity about 89 per cent., and the salts of lime, sulphate, and phosphate, &c., 2 per cent., the geine varies from 1 to 20 per cent. The silicates may be finer or coarser, more sandy or more clayey. These circumstances affect not the chemical, but the physical properties of soil. The physical properties, then, are the foundation of the great diversity which soil exhibits. The subject of soil will have been very imperfectly treated, if a few pages are not devoted to this important subject. Liebig has observed that, "it is the duty of the chemist to explain the composition of a fertile soil, but the discovery of its proper physical state or condition belongs to the agri- (212) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL. 243 culturist." Evidently, in the opinion of the authority quoted, the composition and physical state of soils are independent of each other ; and it may be thought that the author is ex- ceeding the limits bounded by chemistry, when he touches this new field, thus appropriated to the agriculturist. 292. The physical characters of soil are embraced under the terms, cold, hot, wet, and dry land. These characters are dependent on four circumstances. Firstly, the absolute weight of a given bulk of soil, Secondly, its color, Thirdly, its consistency, Fourthly, its power of retaining water. In other words, the physical characters of soil may be con- sidered under, Firstly, its relation to heat, Secondly, its relation to moisture and gas, Thirdly, its consistency, Fourthly, its electrical relation. The relation to consistency makes soil light or heavy; the relation to heat and moisture makes soil hot or cold, dry or wet. The great natural varieties of soil are, sand, clay, and loam ; first, the great distinction in the scale of soil, is sand and clay : all intermediate varieties proceed from mixtures of these, with each other. Now the sand may be siliceous or calcareous, that is, composed of silicates, the distinguishing character of soil in this country, or mixed with a salt of lime, the feature of much European soil. By clay is meant common blue clay, or sub-silicate of alumina, consisting of alumina 36, silica, 68, oxide of iron, and salts of lime, and alkalies, 6. 244 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL. Sandy clay is — clay and sand, equal parts. Loamy clay is — f clay, and ^ sand. Peaty earth is — geine. Garden mould is — 8 per cent, geine. Arable land is — 3 per cent, geine. Taking these several varieties, it is found, that sand is always the heaviest part of soil, whether dry or wet; clay is among the lightest parts ; geine has the least absolute weight, so that while a cubic of sand weighs, in its common damp state, 141 lbs., clay weighs 115 lbs., and geine 81 lbs. ; hence garden mould and arable soil weigh from 102 to 119 lbs. The more geine compound soil contains, the lighter it is. 293. Among the most important physical characters of soil, is the power of retaining heat ; this will be found to be nearly in proportion to its absolute weight. The weight of soil determines, with tolerable accuracy, its power of retain- ing heat. The greater the mass in a given bulk, the greater is this power. Hence, sands retain heat longest, three times longer than geine, and half as long again as clay. Hence, the dryness and heat of sandy plains. Sand, clay, and peat, are to each other as 1, 2, and 3 in their power of retaining heat. But while the capacity of soil to retain heat, depends on the absolute weight, the power to be warmed, another very important physical character, depends on four principal circumstances : first, the color ; second, the dampness ; third, the materials ; fourth, the angle at which the sun's rays fall. First, color ; the blacker the color, the easier warmed. White sand and gray differ almost 50 per cent., in the degree of heat acquired in a given time. As peat and the varieties of geine are almost all of a black, or dark brown color, it is seen how easily they may become warm soils,^ when dry ; for secondly, dampness modifies the influence of PHYSICAL PROPKRTIKS OF SOIL. 245 color, so that a dry, light-colored soil will become hotter, sooner than a dark wet one. As long as evaporation goes on, a difference of 10 or 12 degrees will be found be- tween a dry and a wet soil of the same color. Thirdly, the different materials of which soils are composed, exert but very little influence on their power of being heated by the sun's rays. Indeed, if sand, peat, clay, garden mould, all equally dry, are sprinkled with chalk, making their surfaces all of a color, and then exposed to the sun's rays, the differ- ences of their temperature will be found inconsiderable. Ck)lor and dryness, then, exert a most powerful influence on the capacity of soil to be warmed. Fourthly, the last circumstance to be noticed, is the differ- ent angle at which the sun's rays fall. The more perpen- dicular, the greater the heat. The effect is less in propor- tion, as these rays by falling more slanting, spread their light out over a greater surface. But this point, which seems external to soil, need not be enlarged on. Now, the great fact to be observed, in this relation, of soil to heat is, that geine exerts the most marked influence. If soil heats quickly, it is because it has a large proportion of geine. Does it cool quickly 1 It is the geine which gives up heat quickly, refer- ring here to the soil in a dry state, the modification pro- duced by dampness having been already considered. 294. The relation of soil to moisture and gas, is not less important than that of heat. All soil, except pure siliceous sands, absorb moisture, but in different degrees. Geine possesses the greatest power of absorption, and no variety of geine equals in its absorptive power, that from animal manure. The others rank in the following order, garden mould, clay, loam, sandy clay, arable soil. They all saturate themselves with moisture by a few days' exposure. It is a very interesting question, Does soil give up this absorbed 246 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL. water speedily and equally? Is its power of retaining water equal? As a general fact, it may be stated, that the soil which absorbs fastest and most, evaporates slowest and least. Geine evaporates least in a given time. The power of evapo- ration is modified by the consistence of soil; by a different degree of looseness or compactness of soil. Garden mould, for instance, dries faster than clay. As it has been already shown, that the power of being warmed is much modified by moisture, so the power of a soil to retain water makes the distinction of a hot or cold, wet or dry soil. In all the rela- tions to moisture, as to heat, geine exercises the greatest influence. 295. Connected with this power of absorption of moisture, is the very important relation of soil to gas. All soil absorbs oxygen gas, when damp, never when dry. Of the ingredi- ents of soil, geine forms the only exception to this rule. That absorbs oxygen, whether it be wet or dry. Geine has this power in the highest degree, clay next ; frozen earths not at all. A moderate temperature increases the absorp- tion. When earths absorb oxygen, they give it up unchanged. They do not combine with it. They merely induce on the absorbed moisture power to imbibe oxygen. But when ^eine absorbs oxygen, one portion of that combines with its carbon, producing carbonic acid, which decomposes silicates, and a second portion of oxygen combines with the hydrogen of the geine, and produces water. Hence, in a dry season well manured soils, or those abounding in geine, suffer very little. The power of geine to produce water, is a circum- stance of soil almost wholly overlooked. It is one whose high value will appear by a comparison with the quantity of water produced by a fresh-ploughed, upturned sward, with that from the same soil undisturbed. The evaporation from PHYSICAL PROPERTIRS OF SOIL. 247 an acre of fresh-ploughed land is equal to 950 lbs. per hour ; this is the greatest for the first and second days, ceases about the fifth day, and again begins by hoeing, while at the same time the unbroken sod affords no trace of moisture. This evaporation is equal to that which follows after copious rains. These are highly practical facts, and teach the necessity of frequent stirring of soil in a dry time. Where manure or geine is lying in the soil, the evaporation is from an acre equal to 5000 lbs. per hour. At 2000 lbs. of water per hour, the evaporation would amount in 92 days to 2208000 lbs. which is nearly equal to the amount of rain which would fall in the same time in this climate. But the evaporation from woodland actually exceeds the amount of rain which falls. The evaporation from an acre of woodland was deter- mined by Professor Williams, (see his Hist, of Vermont, vol. I.,) as follows : two leaves and a bud of a branch of a growing maple were sealed in a bottle, while yet attached to the tree. The expired water collected and weighed, was found to amount in six hours to 16 grains. The tree was 8| niches in diameter, and 30 feet high. It was felled, and the leaves carefully counted, were in number, 21192. Suppos- ing the%e all to haye evaporated like those in the bottle, they would have expired, in twelve hours, 339072 grains of water. A moderate estimate, and below the usual quantity of wood per acre of similar land, gave four such trees to a rod, or 640 per acre. Estimating 7000 grains to a pint, 3875 gal- lons of water, or 31000 lbs. were evaporated from an acre of woodland in 12 hours. At Rutland, in Vermont, where this experiment was made, in 1789, the Professor notes, that on the 26th of May, the maple leaves were ^ of their full size, and on the 15th of September following, these leaves began to turn white. Throwing out the 15 days in September, and the 4 in May, the leaf may be considered as fully developed if 248 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL. for three months. During these 92 days, the evaporation would have amounted, at 12 hours per day, to 2852000 lbs. The rain at the place during this period, was 8.333 inches or 431%- pounds to every square foot of surface, equal per acre of 43560 feet, to 1890504 lbs. The amount of evaporation during the time in which the tree was in full leaf exceeds that of the actual fall of rain, by nearly 1000000 of lbs. This excess arises from the decomposition of geine in the soil, and consequent formation of water, by the action of the living plant. If we allow the process to go on, during 15 hours per day, then in 92 days, as above, 3565000 lbs. of water would be evaporated. One may easily understand how exhausting a process must be vegetation, where every year all above ground is cut and carried away. Not only the geine, whose carbon and water have become parts of the plant, is thus withdrawn, but a still larger portion disappears as water and carbonic acid. In forests, the annual fall of leaves and wood, in fields, the,, ungathered crop, may add more than the amount thus withdrawn from soil. That plants do form from carbonic acid and water, a great amount of vegetable matter, is by all admitted. This amount in dry or green crops turned in, increases the geine of soil. There is yet another view of the effect of the conversion of geine into water. Allowing, as has been asserted, that all land, forest or cultivated, produces annually about the same amount of carbon, then the amount of water transpired above from woodland in 15 hours, is nearly equal to dissolv- ing one-half of the geine, to produce that amount, leaving the balance to be derived from air. An acre of woodland produces, it is said, annually, about 1783 English pounds of carbon. If water dissolves only ^^\^ part of its weight of humus, or geine, then 3565000 dissolves 1426 lbs., which, at PHYSICAL PJROPERTIKS OF SOIL. 249 58 per cent, carbon are equal to . . . 827 lbs. Leaving to be derived from air, . . . 956 " 1783 " This is taking geine in its most insoluble state. The great increase of solubility when combined with alkali would ren- der the annual amount of water transpired equal to dissolv- ing, as geine, all the carbon which has been added to the plant. The advantage of a light porous open soil is now evident ; it lets in air, it lets off steam. This steam, charged with carbonic acid, acts on silicates, eliminates alkalies, waters and feeds plants. Salts, geine, and barren pine plains, are the elements of a western prairie. Nature never bestowed upon man soil of greater capability of being made lastingly fer- tile, than the sandy light soil of New England. 296. It is evident that the terms of heavy and light, given by the farmer to soil, do not refer to their absolute weight (293). These distinctions depend on firmness or consistency of soil. This produces a very marked difference in the fer- tility and tillage of land. The terms light and heavy, mean lighter or heavier to work. It is well known that clay lands are heavy to work, sandy soil the lightest and easiest, next to this is a soil containing a small portion of geine. All light soil becomes heavy when wet, but it is a well-ascer- tained fact, that heavy soil always becomes lighter by frost. Hence the reason of breaking up with a plough before winter. Moist earth then becomes frozen, and its particles being driven asunder by frost, it becomes lighter, in truth it has been found that the consistency of clay is diminished nearly one-half by frost, and loamy clay, one-half to two-thirds. It is essential to this change from heavy to light land, that the 11* 250 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL. soil be wet enough to freeze. It is well known, that if, by frost, the nature of the soil is thus changed, that if it is ploughed while wet after freezing, the labor of the fall ploughing is lost. A lasting injury is done by ploughing land too wet. 297. In reference to the electrical relations of soil, the dry sands are non-conductors, the clays weak imperfect conduct- ors, they are in the negative state. Geine is always positive towards the elements of soil. 298. In whatever view we regard geine, it is the basis on which rests the whole art of agriculture. It is this which causes the great difference of soil. It is a difference of phys- ical characters. The chemical characters are uniform. If, then, geine is the soul of fertility, if it makes soil hot, cold, wet, dry, heavy or light, the proportion and state in which it exists in soil, becomes an agricultural problem of the highest value. This would lead to chemical analysis. The lectures in which the principles set forth in this book were explained, terminated with a practical exhibition of the process of analysis of soil. Having already greatly exceeded the limits to which it was intended to confine these pages, the subject of analysis, and several other topics, may be resumed at some other time. CHAPTER IX. BONES, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND ITS PREPARATION. 299. Bones have been already partially adverted to (233) ; their use in farming has been long known and widely adopted in England and in Europe, and is beginning to be understood and valued in the older portions of the United States. Bones are the only available home source of phosphate of lime. Next to guano, which owes a large portion, and sometimes all of its value, to phosphate of lime, bones enter largely into the composition of the artificial manure powders of commerce. The worth and employment of bones in farming demands an extended notice, and is now, for the first time, introduced into the fourth edition of the Muck Manual. It is one of those topics to which allusion is made at the close of the preceding section (298). 300. Bones consist of an organic or animal part, which forms about ^, and of an inorganic or mineral part, chiefly phosphate of lime, which forms J of bone. As remarked (217), gelatine or glue is derived from certain animal tis- sues, tendons, ligaments, gristle and bones, so, under the name of gelatine, it will be convenient to denominate the animal part of bones. It is under the form of gelatine that the bony tissue is extracted. 301. Bones force and quicken vegetation, or develop and form seed. {261) 252 BONES. The first action depends on the fermentation of the gela- tine, which produces ammonia, and induces chemical motion. The second action depends on the phosphate of lime, an essential element in all roots and seeds. Hence bones are to be regarded as stem and leaf formers, or as root, seed, or grain formers. If both objects are to be attained, then the whole bone must be used ; if only root and grain growing is intended, then the phosphate of lime is to be regarded. 302. Bones, therefore, are to be studied, 1st, as entire. 2, as deprived of a portion of their geiatme. 3, as deprived of all their animal parts. First, as entire bone. This comprises raw bones, butchers' bones, and such as are usually thrown aside as useless, or to the dogs, after the meat has been cooked and removed for the family. The composition of entire bone may be stated as follows : Moisture, 12. Fat, . 8. Gelatine, 30. Phosphate of lime 44. Carbonate of lime. 3. Magnesia, . 0.625 Soda, . 1.625 Alkaline chlorides and sulphates, , 0.750 100. No practical use can be made of bones till they are crushed into very small bits ; these, even of half-inch size, called half-inch bones, are now rarely used. Bones should BONES. 258 DC ground to meal, bone meal; the finer ground, the better. In this state, a pile of meal, if moistened, soon heats, fer- mentation sets in, and the gelatine evolves from 4 to 6 per cent, of its weight as pure ammonia. Doubtless this fermentation has its value, if excited in bone meal before using it as a manure. If ammonia es- capes, which is easily known by the smell, this valuable element can be retained by sprinkling the pile with a few pounds of plaster, or with half a pint of oil of vitriol stirred into two gallons of water for every 100 lbs. of bone meal. If it were easy to reduce bones, in their entire state, to powder, its animal part could be easily retained. But the practical difficulty of grinding raw bones is just beginning to be overcome, and however perfectly this process may be hereafter effected, still the amount of raw, or entire bones, will be always very small compared with bones from which a portion of the animal matter has been removed. This leads to the second head of the subject, bone as deprived of a portion of its gelatine. This is effected by a continued and long boiling in the open air, skimming off the fat and gelatine as they arise to the surftice of the water ; or better, by steaming, under a pressure of 4 or 5 pounds on the inch, by which the gelatine is removed, and may be extracted as glue. This leaves the bone porous, and as the water immediately fills the pores, the bone weighs as much nearly as it did before boiling. By long boiling, or steamJng and separating the fat and glue, bone becomes sofl and pliable while warm, but hard and brittle when cold. In this state bone readily bretiks, easily grinds. The following is the composition of bone partly deprived of its gelatine : 254 BONES. Water, 10. Animal matter, ...... 20.2 Phosphates of lime and magnesia, . , .61.5 Carbonates of lime and magnesia, . . . 8.3 100. Ordinarily well-boiled bones would give nearly a similar result, but some extra boiled gave Prof. Way the following composition : Water, Animal matter, .... Phosphates of lime and magnesia. Carbonates of lime and magnesia. Sand, 10. 16. 60. 11. 3. 100. The animal part affords from 2 to 3 per cent, of nitrogen, equal to about 9 ounces of pure ammonia from every 100 pounds of bone. Practical experience has shown that bone meal in this half animalized state is its most valuable agri- cultural form. Though not as lasting as bone ash from burned bones, it works quicker and stronger. This bone meal ferments, and gives off ammonia, while the phosphate of lime by its combination with gelatinous matter, easily dissolves in rain water. Hence, it is the result of experience, that all bone meal acts best on soils moderately sandy and light ; clay lands exclude air, sandy lands hold no water ; on these bone meal acts only after two or three years, yet guano acts on these at once. Bone meal, deprived of a part of its animal matter, is best employed when added to the compost heap at the rate of from 200 to 500 lbs. per acre. If used alone, it is best to sow it as top dressing during the early spring rains, after the BONES. 255 frost is out an inch or two, or if used for root or grain crops, harrowed or lightly ploughed in. Thirdly. Bone, deprived of all its animal matter, calcined or burned bone, bone ash, sugar house refuse, or bone black. Bones are easily reduced to the state of ash by piling them up with a little light wood or fagots, and firing the mass. The bones continue burning till reduced to whiteness, be- coming brittle as pipe stems and very easy to grind. By this mode, all animal matter is burned up. If bones are heated in closed vessels, leaving a small vent, as in baking, bone black is produced, containing all the earthy part of the bone, mixed with the coal of the animal portion. This serves for decoloring sugar and other syrups, and after having served this purpose several times, by repeated burning, the spent bone black is sold to farmers and others as sugar house refuse ; when mixed with the scum and other impurities arising during the clarification of sugar, it is more valuable for agriculture than simple sugar house black. 303. In the state of bone ash, phosphate of lime is more insoluble than as bone meal. It has been found, that by treating bone ash, as also bone meal, with certain acids, the phosphate of lime is brought into a highly soluble state. The cheapest acid, and that commonly used for this purpose, is oil of vitriol, which produces, by its action on bone, both plaster and soluble phosphate of lime, called superphos- phate. In this acid state, bone acts quicker, goes farther and lasts longer than in any other form. Acid may, therefore, be economically applied to all forms of bone, entire, partially, or wholly deprived of its gelatine. This application is often called dissolving bone in acid. There is no clear solution. It is a mere breaking up, it is a softening, pap-forming process, and bone, in this state, would 256 SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. more appropriately be called bone-pap. The bone is merely so far reduced that, when rubbed between the thumb and finger, no grit is felt. Bone cannot all dissolve, for the oil of vitriol, when added rightly, miites with the lime of car- bonate and phosphate, and forms with that insoluble sulphate of lime, or plaster. It is this which gives the grayish white look to the bone porridge. 304. That this subject may be placed in a clear light to him who intends to prepare superphosphate for his own use, or for market, the properties of phosphoric acid must be adverted to. It is, like the acids found in geine, many based, requiring at least 3 portions of base to 1 of acid, for neutralization. These combinations should be well under- stood, and they may be illustrated by reference to the phos- phates of lime ; for Phosphoric acid 1 part, lime 1 part, form superphosphate ; acid. Do. 1 part, lime, lime, 2 parts, form subphosphate ; less acid. Do. 1 part, lime, lime, lime, 3 parts, form neutral phosphate. In this last form it is found in bones ; this forms pure bone earth. If to this neutral phosphate oil of vitriol is added, it combines with and removes a portion of the lime from the phosphoric acid, more or less according to the quantity added. No quantity will take away all the lime. Each part of lime requires its equivalent of oil of vitriol. If to neutral phosphate of lime, oil of vitriol (which maybe designated by 0. V.) sufficient to unite with one part of lime, is added, the result may be illustrated as follows : Neutral phosphate of lime contains one proportion of acid and three of lime, or Phosphoric acid, lime, lime, lime. Add, . . . O.V. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 257 Result is, phosphoric acid, lime, lime, plaster. Add to this, . . . O.V. Result is, phosphoric acid, lime, plaster, plaster. The neutral phosphate of lime is thus, by 2 equivalents of oil of vitriol, changed to two portions of plaster and one of super or acid phosphate of lime. Leaving out the plaster, if to the superphosphate is added enough O. V. to unite with all the lime, ^ of the superphosphate will remain unacted on ; while f of the lime of the remaining J of the superphos- phate unite to the oil of vitriol, and form plaster, the other fourth of the lime combines with "a// the phosphoric acid, and forms superphosphate containing 1 acid to \ lime, or 4 acid to 1 lime. This may be considered as almost free phospho- ric acid. It is a compound known to chemists as quadri- phosphate of lime ; that is, quadruple phosphate. Phos- phoric acid dissolves its own weight exactly, and no more, of phosphate of lime ; of course this compound of 4 acid to 1 lime, being almost free acid, dissolves that ^ of the super- phosphate of lime which had been unacted on by the O. V., and thus forms a true biphosphate or double superphosphate of lime, a compound of 2 acid to 1 lime. This may appear somewhat complicated to those unac- quainted with chemical changes. Perhaps the subject may be illustrated and elucidated by representing by words the substances, and by figures their weights, or equivalent num- bers. Supposing the operations to be performed on pure bone earth, the mass remaining after the addition of the best commercial O. V. will be represented as follows : Lime. 28 50 156 lbs. of I contain Phosphoric acid. Lime. Lime. bone earth j ' lbs. 72 28 28 add 100 lbs. O.V. == • a > • • , , 50 258 SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 72 + 28 form 100 lbs. superphosphates. 78 + 78 form 156 lbs. plaster. If to the 100 lbs. of superphosphate thus obtained, 50 lbs. of O. V. are added to combine with the lime, the result will be as follows : 100 lbs. superphosphate ; deduct -J unacted on, 33 67 lbs. superphosphate, containing 48.24 lbs. phos. acid, and 18.76 lbs. lime. f of the lime, or 14.07 lbs. unite with 25 lbs. of O. V., and form 39 lbs. of plaster, while 25 lbs. of O. V. remain free. Of the lime, ^ or 4.69 lbs. unite with 12.06 lbs. of the phosphoric acid, and form 16.75 lbs. of superphosphate, while the balance of the phosphoric acid, or 36.18 lbs., dis- solves the 33 lbs. of superphosphate, which were unacted on, and form 69.18 lbs. of double superphosphate, or 2 acid to 1 lime. Omitting fractions, the final result of adding to 156 pounds of pure bone earth, 150 pounds of O. V. will be the produc- tion of 195 lbs. of plaster of Paris, 25 lbs. of free oil of vitriol, 86 lbs. of bi, or double superphosphate of lime, contain- ing 72 lbs. phosphoric acid, 14 lbs. of lime. Thus we have all the phosphoric acid of the original 156 lbs. of bone earth, with i only of its lime, in this superphos- phate. It is to be observed that oil of vitriol of commerce contains about 40 lbs. of real acid in 50 lbs., the balance is water, which enters into the composition of the plaster. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME 259 The amount of oil of vitriol used above is by far too great. It has been calculated thus, to show that no amount of O. V. added to the mixture above, will produce free phosphoric acid. That may be obtained by adding O. V. to the clear liquor, which may be drawn from the mixture by leaching. Still an excess of oil of vitriol has its value, as will be here- after shown. If the proportion is reduced for 100 lbs. pure bone earth, to 87|, or | the weight of the bone earth, it will be seen, presently, that this will be an advisable proportion to be used, whatever ^orm of bone earth may be used for conversion into superphosphate of lime. So much for the chemistry of this subject. Before this knowledge can be practically applied, the composition of bone must be recollected. As has been shown (302), bone comprises other substances of mineral origin, besides bone earth. These also will combine with O. V., and if it is in- tended that the 88 parts of bone earth in 100 parts of bone ash shall all be converted into superphosphate, these hungry mouths must be first satisfied, or else they will surely help themselves before the phosphate, their better, is served. On referring to the composition of raw bones (302), it is seen that 200 lbs. will afford 100 lbs. of bone ash, composed as follows : Phosphate of lime, 88 lbs., requiring 77 lbs. of oil of vitriol. Carbonate of lime, 6 " (( 6 " Magnesia, . .1.25 (( 1.49 Soda, . . . 3.25 a 3." Alkaline sulphates. and chlorides, . 1.50 u u u 100 lbs. 87.49 Bone meal from raw bones, . 100 lbs,, require 43.75 " ** 260 SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. Boiled or steam- ed bones, 100 lbs. require 70.22 lbs. of oil of vitriol. Sugar house refuse or bone black varies much in its com- position, containing from 65 to 75 per cent, of phosphate, and from 10 to 12 per cent, of carbonate of lime ; its com- position should be always ascertained before conversion into superphosphate of lime. As a general rule, bone black will require about the same weight of oil of vitriol as boiled bones. 306. If it is intended to convert bone ash into superphos- phate, 100 lbs., as has been shown (305), require 87| lbs. of oil of vitriol for all purposes. The product when dried in warm air, so as to crumble easily with slight crushing into a coarse powder, will weigh about 183 pounds, constituted as follows: Superphosphate of lime. 47.71 Sulphate of lime, 120.07 " " magnesia, 2.54 " soda, 4.92 Alkaline sulphates and chlorides from the bone ash, , 1.50 Oil of vitriol, free, ..... 6.48 183.22 100 lbs. of this crude mass, commercially termed super- phosphate, are composed as follows : Superphosphate of lime of which are solu- (double), . . 26.04 ble in water, 26 04 lbs. Sulphate of lime, . 65.53 " magnesia, . 1.38 . . . . 1.38 " ** soda, . 2.69 .... 2.69 " SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 261 Alkaline sulphates and chlorides, . . 0.82 .... 0.82 lbs. .Free oil of vitriol, . 3.54 .... 3.54 " 100. 34.47 No account is here taken of the solubility of the sulphate of lime. It is all ultimately soluble in cold water. The actual amount of the crude superphosphate, readily soluble in cold water, is about 40 per cent, of which 5, or ^, is sul- phate of lime. By repeated treatment with cold water, at least one-half of the air-dried superphosphate, as above con- stituted, is dissolved, and in the soil would minister imme- diately to the wants of plants. Ultimately, all the crude superphosphate would dissolve in soil. 307. Having thus explained the composition of bone in its various forms, and determined the quantity of oil of vitriol which is requisite to convert 100 lbs. to superphosphate, that process is to be conducted as follows, supposing bone ashes to be used: Take a half hogshead tub, or any vessel of similar depth, which will hold from 80 to 100 gallons. If lined with lead it is better, but this is not essential for making a few hun- dred pounds. 1. Put 100 lbs. of burned bones, ground to fine powder, into the tub. 2. Wet the bone ash with 5| gallons of cold water, mix- ing evenly. 3. Pour on this wet mass 5J gallons, or 87^ lbs. by weight of best commercial oil of vitriol. 4. With a stout wooden paddle, stir the whole briskly, so as to mix thoroughly and evenly the materials. The mixture works, froths, and foams, becomes nearly boiling hot, steams 262 SUPERFHOSPHATE OF LIME. like a boiling pot. Stir away till the mass thickens too stiff to move easily. Cover over with an old blanket and wooden cover, and let all stand 24 hours, with occasional stirring. On opening the tub after that time, a stiff, gray mortar, moderately dry, will be found, which may be shovelled out and spread thin in a warm dry place. In two or three weeks it will dry so as to break down under a mullet or post-setter. The finer dust may be sifted out and used for drilling in with seed ; or the whole, before drying, may be softened and broken down to an impalpable paste, in its weight of cold water, and then mixed with the compost heap, at the rate of 100 lbs. of the dry mass to one cord of compost. Ordina- rily, there is obtained from 100 lbs. of bone ash and 87| lbs. of oil of vitriol, about 183 to 185 lbs. of superphosphate dry enough to grind. It may be ground, after being cracked small, in a grist mill, or still better, in a Bogardus mill, such as is used for grinding ores. The drying of the crude mass may be hastened, and the ease with which it may be pulverized promoted, by adding to it, before removal from the tub, absorbent substances. The best material is perfectly dry powdered peat or muck ; or if obtainable, the charcoal cinders from locomotives at railway stations. Fine dry spent tan will answer, or the finest sifted parts of anthracite coal ashes. In lack of these, bone ash itself may be used. Any of these, added and stir- red well in till the mass dries and granulates, speedily puts it into a state in which with slight drying, the mass will easily pulverize. Supposing 183 lbs. have been obtained by thorough dry- ing, the cost to the farmer who collects bones, or buys them of the bone boiler at $6 per ton, will be as follows : SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 263 200 lbs. of raw bones burned, give 100 lbs. bone-ash, $0,600 Burning and grinding, 250 87J lbs. of oil of vitriol, at 3 cts. per lb., . 2.625 $3,475 or, per pound, $0.1.896 If there is added for labor besides that for burning, &c., ...... .104 $0.2.000 the cost is 2 cts. per lb. This is for a superphosphate which contains all the phos- phoric acid of bone in a soluble state. It is this soluble state of phosphoric acid which is most to be desired by the farmer. Every care should be taken by him that his phosphoric acid falls not back into its insolu- ble state of phosphate of lime, magnesia, alumina or iron, when it comes in contact with these elements in soil, or in the compost heap. Lime, or leached ashes, would immedi- ately reduce the phosphoric acid to insoluble bone earth. 308. In the crude mass formed from bone ash and oil of vitriol, as above described, there is no longer any superphos. phate of lime, or at most, only a very small quantity. It has been shown how very small a portion of lime is com- bined with phosphoric acid in the superphosphate, when that is made from pure bone earth. If to such a superphosphate of lime, an alkaline sulphate is added, as, for instance, sul- phate of soda, or Glauber's salt, decomposition ensues, sul phate of lime, insoluble, is formed, and phosphate of soda, soluble, takes the place of phosphate of lime. Now, in oper- ating on bone ash with oil of vitriol, alkaline sulphates are formed, which with those already existing in the ash, precip- 264: SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. itate the lime from the phosphoric acid, and that alone with soluble alkaline phosphates remains. By potash, soda, or ammonia, all the phosphoric acid may be converted into soluble, neutral phosphates, as will be presently shown. Again, a portion of oil of vitriol, amounting to 3J per cent. (306), is found in the crude mass termed superphosphate. It has its use. It prevents earthy bases in the soil, or com- post heap, from uniting with the phosphoric acid. It com- bines with any free ammonia in the compost heap, to which the superphosphate may have been added, and forms mere sulphate of ammonia. If the superphosphate is mixed with guano, the same effect follows. The abundance of sulphate of lime in a very finely-divided state in the crude superphos- phate contributes to the formation of sulphate of ammonia in compost, or guano, when all the oil of vitriol is exhausted, a little soluble sulphate of ammonia being likewise formed. Under every view, the tendency of the phosphoric acid is to remain free. But this free acid is not what the plant de- mands. Plants want soluble phosphoric acid salts, that is, alkaline phosphates, and therefore the farmer should see that all his phosphoric acid is converted to that state. How may this be effected 1 In several : two or three of these may be mentioned, which the author has practically proved to form as effectual a " superphosphate" as any article bearing that name in the market, whatever its prefix or suffix may be. 1. If a forcing, early effect is desired, united to the lasting operation of common bone meal, or supherphosphate of lime, mix as follows : 50 lbs. of crude superphosphate made as described (307), in dry powder. 25 lbs. of soda ash of commerce, of about 80 per cent, strength. 25 lbs. of Peruvian guano. Mix well together the superphosphate and soda ash, then SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 265 add the guano. Use about one pound of this mixture to five hills of corn, beans, squashes, cucumbers, melons, &c., or for peas, turnips, or drilled crops, half a pound to every rod in length of furrow. It may be mixed with two or three times its bulk of dry soil, or scattered over the bottom of the hills and covered with two or three inches of soil, and the seed is to be dropped on that. Side by side with the "improved superphosphate" the above mixture has produced results every way equal to those of that excellent preparation. The cost per 100 lbs. is, 50 lbs. superphosphate at 2 cts. $1.00 25 « soda ash, " 3 " 0.75 25 " guano, " 3 " 0.75 100 " cost , $2.50 The soda ash may be replaced by an equal weight of dry house ashes, when soda is not at hand. 2. If an effect showing itself later, a seed-forming effect, and a good drought resister is desired, mix as follows : 80 lbs. superphosphate, at 2 cts., . . . $1.60 20 " soda ash, at 3 cts., .... 60 100 " cost $2.20 3. An excellent mixture for all purposes, combining the virtues of the above, is formed as follows : 75 lbs. superphosphate at 2 cts., . . . $1.50 18f " Peruvian guano, 3 ** . . . 0.56^ 6i « soda ash, 8 « . . 0.18f 100 " cost $2.25 12 266 SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. In this case the superphosphate and soda, or house ashe», are to be mixed before guano is added. Either of the above mixed with twice its bulk of soil may be used as a top dressing for grass, and it is to be sown or scattered during early warm spring rains, at the rate of from 100 to 300 lbs. per acre. At this rate they may be used for top dressing wheat or rye, or sown with oats and grass seed. For roots, it is best to add these compounds to the soil, before sowing, working well in, and then sowing with a seed planter. For cabbages, &c., use 1 lb. to five plants when set out. 309. Nitrogen, whose conversion into ammonia has been explained (187), seems to be the great element introducing chemical change, and inducing chemical motion in the ele- ments of soil. Nitrogen, as has been stated (206), always produces for a like weight, like effects, whatever may be the form in which it is introduced into the soil, or compost heap. Nitrogen is the element, which the crude superphosphate lacks, to make it a perfectly efficient artificial manure, when added either alone to soil, already rich in geine, or to peat or swamp muck, after these have been treated with ashes, soda, salt and lime, &lc., as has been before explained. There is a source of nitrogen of which the farmer may avail himself, which may be added to his superphosphate, and go far towards furnishing anew to burned bones the ele- ment of which fire has deprived them, or that element which is sought in guano. This source of nitrogen is found in salt- petre, either East Indian, nitrate of potash, or South Ameri- can, nitrate of soda. ' When it is considered that these nitrates alone, are among the most powerful and beneficial of all salts applied by farmers (168), and that, in the opinion of wise and careful English agriculturists, nitrates mixed with common salt may SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 267 supplant guano itself, nitrates added to superphosphate may be expected to produce all the good effects resulting from the mixture of guano and superphosphate. The following compound is therefore recommended with confidence. The amount of nitrogen in the nitrate here used, is about the same as that in the best mixtures of guano, salts of ammonia, and superphosphate of lime. 40 lbs. crude superphosphate, 2 cts., . . $0.80 10 " soda ash, 3 cts., 30 50 " nitrate of potash, or saltpetre, 6| cts., 3.25 100 " cost $4.35 OR, 38 lbs. superphosphate, 2 cts., . . . |0.76 9 " soda ash, 3 cts., 0.27 43 " nitrate of soda, (Chili saltpetre,) 5i cts., 2.36 100 " . cost $3.39 The cost of these per pound is greatel* than that of the mixtures before proposed, and above that of the commercial mixture. Still, it is believed that the mixture of nitrates with superphosphate, even at the above rates, will be found an economical manure, especially when one prepares for himself small quantities of superphosphate from such bones as may be collected in his neighborhood, and where guauo is not to be had. No cheaper or better addition can be made, in the small way, by the farmer, than the droppings of the hen-roost and poultry yard, home-made guano. About equal parts of superphosphate, sprinkled with a little ashes, and of fowl droppings, may be recommended for trial. APPENDIX No. 1. Dr. Nichols's Statements, prom the Essex County Agricultu- ral Transactions, 1839-40. To the Committee to whom, was referred the Communication of Andrew Nichols, on the subject of Compost Manures, Sfc. Gentlemen : — Persuaded of the importance of the discoveries made by Dr. Samuel L. Dana, of Lowell, and given to the world through the medium of the reports of Professor Hitchcock and Eev. H. Oolman, to the Legislature of Massachusetts, concerning the food of vegetables, geine, and the abundance of it in peat mud, in an insoluble state, to be sure, and in that state not readily absorbed and digested by the roots of cultivated vegetables, but rendered soluble and very easily digestible by such plants, by potash, wood ashes, or other alkalies, among which is ammonia, one of the products of fermenting animal manures, I resolved last year to subject his theories to the test of experiment the present season. Accordingly, I directed a quantity of black peat mud, procured by ditching, for the purpose of draining and reclaiming an alder swamp, a part of which I had some years since brought into a state highly productive of the cultivated grasses, to be thrown in heaps. Dur- ing the winter I also had collected, in Salem, 282 bushels of un- leached wood ashes, at the cost of 12 J cents per bushel. These were sent up to my farm, a part to spread on my black soil grass 270 APPENDIX. lands, and a part to be mixed with mud for my tillage land. Two hundred bushels of these were spread on about six acres of such grass land, while it was covered with ice, and frozen hard enough to be carted over, without cutting it into ruts. These lands produced from one to two tons of good merchantable hay to the acre, nearly double the crop produced by the same lands last year. And one fact induces me to think, that, being spread on the ice, as above mentioned, a portion of these ashes was washed away by the spring freshet. The fact from which I infer this is, that a run below, over which the water coming from the meadow on which the largest part of these ashes were spread flows, produced more than double the quantity of hay, and that of a very superior quality to what had been ever known to grow on the same land before. Seventy bushels of these ashes, together with a quantity not ex- ceeding thirty bushels of mixed coal and wood ashes, made by my kitchen and parlor fires, were mixed with my barn-manure, derived from one horse kept in stable during the winter months, one cow kept through the winter, and one pair of oxen employed almost daily on the road and in the woods, but fed in the barn one hun- dred days. This manure was never measured, but knowing how it was made, by the droppings and litter or bedding of these cattle, farmers can estimate the quantity with a good degree of correct- ness. These ashes and this manure were mixed with a sufi&cient quantity of the mud above mentioned, by forking it over three times, to manure three acres of corn and potatoes, in hills four feet by about three feet apart, giving a good shovelful to the hill. More than two-thirds of this was grass land, which produced last year about half a ton of hay to the acre, broken up by the plough in April. The remainder was cropped last year without being well manured, with corn and potatoes. Gentlemen, you have seen the crop growing, and matured, and I leave it to you to say whether or not the crop on this land would have been better, had it been dressed with an equal quantity of pure, well rotted barn-manure. For my own part, I believe it would not, but that this experiment proves that peat mud, thus managed, is equal, if not superior, to the same quantity of any other substance in common use as a manure among us, which, if it be a fact, is a fact of immense value to the APPENDIX. 271 £Eirmers of New England. By the knowledge and use of it, our comparatively barren soils may be made to equal or excel in pro- ductiveness the virgin prairies of the West. There were many hills in which the corn first planted was destroyed by worms. A part of these were supplied with the small Canada corn, a part with beans. The whole was several times cut down by frost. The pro- duce was three hundred bushels of ears of sound corn, two tons of pumpkins and squashes, and some potatoes and beans. Dr. Dana, in his letter to Mr. Colman, dated Lowell, March 6, 1839, suggests the trial of a solution of geine as a manure. His directions for pre- paring it are as follows : " Boil one hundred pounds of dry pulver- ized peat with two and a half pounds of white ash, (an article imported from England,) containing 36 to 55 per cent, of pure soda, or its equivalent in pearlash or potash, in a potash kettle, with 130 gallons of water ; boil for a few hours, let it settle, and dip off the clear liquid for use. Add the same quantity of alkali and water, boil and dip off as before. The dark colored brown solution contains about half an ounce per gallon of vegetable matter. It is to be applied by watering grain crops, grass lands, or any other way the farmer's quick wit will point out." In the month of June, I prepared a solution of geine, obtained, not by boiling, but by steeping the mud as taken from the meadow, in a weak lye in tubs. I did not weigh the materials, being careful only to use no more mud than the potash would render soluble. The proportion was something like this : peat, 100 lbs. ; potash, 1 lb. ; water, 50 gallons, — stirred occasionally for about a week, when the dark brown solution described by Dr. Dana, was dipped oft and applied to some rows of corn, a portion of a piece of starved barley, and a bed of onions sown on land not well prepared for that crop. The corn was a portion of a piece of manured as above mentioned. On this the benefit was not so obvious. The crop of barley on the portion watered, was more than double the quantity, both in straw and grain, to that on other portions of the field, the soil and treatment of which was otherwise precisely similar The bed of onions which had been prepared by dressing it with a mixture of mud and ashes previous to the sowing of the seed, but which had not by harrowing been so completely pulverized, mized 272 APPENDIX. and kneaded with the soil, as the cultivators of this crop deemed essential to success, consisted of three and a half square rods. The onions came up well, were well weeded, and about two bushels of fresh horse-manure spread between the rows. In June, four rows were first watered with the solution of geine above described. In ten days the onions in these rows were nearly double the size of the others. All but six rows of the remainder were then watered. The growth of these soon outstripped the unwatered remainder. Mr. Henry Gould, who manages my farm on shares, and who conducted all the foregoing experiments, without thinking of the importance of leaving, at least one row unwatered, that we might better ascertain the true effect of this management, seeing the benefit to the parts thus watered, in about a week after treated the remainder in the same manner. The ends of some of the rows, however, which did not receive the watering, produced only very small onions, such as are usually thrown away as worthless by cul- tivators of this crop. This fact leads me to believe that if the onions had not been watered with the solution of geine, not a single bushel of a good size would have been produced on the whole piece. At any rate, it was peat or geine rendered soluble by alkali, that produced this large crop. The crop proved greater than our most sanguine expectations. The onions were measured in the presence of the chairman of your committee, and making ample allowance for the tops, which had not been stripped off, were adjudged equal to 640 bushels to the acre. In these experiments, T lbs. of potash, which cost 7 cents a pound/ bought at the retail price, were used. Potash, although dearer than wood ashes at 12| cents per bushel, is, I think, cheaper than the white ash mentioned by Dr. Dana, and sufficiently cheap to make, with meadow mud, a far cheaper manure than such as in general used among our farmers. The experiment satisfies me that nothing better than potash and peat can be used for most if not all our cultivated vegetables, and the economy of watering with a solu- tion of geine, such as are cultivated in rows, I think cannot be doubted. The reason why the corn was not very obviously bene- fited, I think must have been that the portion of the roots to which it was applied, was already fully supplied with nutriment out of the APPENDIX. • 273 same kind from the peat ashes and manure put in the hill at plant- ing. For watering rows of onions or other vegetables, I should recommend that a cask be mounted on light wheels, so set that like the drill they may run each side of the row and drop the liquid manure through a small tap-hole, or tub from the cask, directly upon the young plants. For preparing the liquor, I should recom- mend a cistern about three feet deep, and as large as the object may require, formed of plank and laid on a bed of clay and surrounded by the same, in the manner that tan-vats are constructed ; this should occupy a warm place, exposed to the sun, near the water, and as near as these requisites permit to the tillage lands of the farm. In such a cistern, in warm weather, a solution of geine may be made in large quantities with little labor, and without the ex- pense of fuel, as the heat of the sun is, I think, amply sufficient for the purpose. If, from further experiment, it should be found eco- nomical to water grass lands and grain crops, a large cask or casks placed on wheels and drawn by oxen or horse power, the liquor from the casks being at pleasure let into a long narrow box pcrfoF- ated with numerous small holes, which would spread the same over a strip of ground some six, eight, or ten feet in breadth, as it is drawn over the field in the same manner as the streets in cities arc watered in summer. ANDREW NICHOLS. I certify that I measured the piece of land mentioned in the fore- going statement, as planted with corn, on the 21st of September, 1839, and found the same to contain two acres, three quarters, thirty-one rods. John W. Proctoe, Surveyor. Dr. Andrew Nichols's Statement op 1840. Gentlemen : — Having invited the attention of the Trustees of the Essex Agricultural Society to our continued use of, and experi- ments on, fresh meadow or peat mud, as a manure, it is of course expected that the result of these experiments should be laid before 12* 271 • APPENDIX. them. The compost with which we planted most of our corn and potatoes the present year, was composed of the same materials, and managed in the same manner as that which we used last year for the same purpose. Four acres of corn, on the same kind of soil, was manured in the hill with this compost, and one acre of corn on a more meagre por- tion of the same field, was manured in the same manner, with a compost consisting of the same kind of mud, half a cord of manure taken from the pig-sty, and forty pounds of potash, second quality, dissolved in water, sprinkled over and worked into the heap, with the fork, in the same manner that the dry ashes were into the other compost. Of both kinds the same quantity, a common iron or steel shovelful to the hill, was used, and no difierence in the crop which could be ascribed to the different manures, could be perceived. The hills were four by three feet apart on an average. In the borders and adjoining this piece of corn, one acre was planted with potatoes. The compost used in some portions of this consisted of rather a larger portion of coarse barn-manure composed of meadow hay, corn-fodder waste, &c., wet with urine and mixed with the drop- pings of cattle, and less meadow mud. The whole six acres was hoed twice only after the use of the cultivator. The whole amount of labor, after the ground was furrowed and the compost prepared in heaps on the field, is stated by the tiller of the ground, H. L. Gould, to have been forty-nine days' work of one man previous to the cutting of the stalks. Pumpkins, squashes, and some beans were planted among the corn. The produce was four hundred and sixty bushel baskets of sound corn, eighty bushels of potatoes, three cords of pumpkins, one and a half bushels of white beans. On one acre of the better part of the soil, harvested separately, there were one hundred and twenty baskets of corn ears, and a full proportion of the pumpkins. On one-eighth of an acre of Thorburn's tree corn treated in the same manner as the rest, the produce was nine- teen baskets. A basket of this corn shells out seventeen quarts, one quart more than a basket of the ordinary kinds of corn. The meal for bread and puddings is of a superior quality. Could we depend upon its ripening, for, Thorburn's assertions to the contrary notwithstanding, it is a late variety of corn, (though it ripened per- APPENDIX, 276 fectly with us last season, a rather unusually warm and long one,) farmers would do well to cultivate it more extensively than any other kind. The use of dry ashes on our black soil grass lands showed an in- creased benefit from last year. But our experiments with liquid manure disappointed us. Either from its not being of the requisite strength, or from the dryness of the season, or from our mistaking the effects of it last year, or from all these causes combined, the results confidently anticipated, were not realized ; and from our experiments this year we have nothing to say in favor of its use, altliough we think it worthy of further experiments. On the first view of the subject, a dry season or a dry time might seem more favorable to the manifestations of benefit from watering plants with liquid manure, than wet seasons or times. But when we consider that when the surface of the earth is dry, the small quantity of liquid used would be arrested by the absorbing earth ere it reached the roots, and perhaps its fertilizing qualities changed, evaporated, or otherwise destroyed, by the greater heat to which at such times it must be exposed — it is not, I think, improbable that the different effects noticed in our experiments with this substance, the two past years, might be owing to this cause. It is my intention, should sufficient leisure permit, to analyze the soil cultivated and the mud used, and prepare a short essay on the subject of peat mud, muck, gand, &c., as manure, for publication in the next volume of the transactions of the society. Yours, respectfully, Andeew Nichols. Danvers, December 20, 1840. No. II. EXTEACT FEOM Dr, NiCHOLS's LeTTER.. Danvers, Jan, 28, 1842. Dear Sir ; — ^I am sorry to say that I have no new facts to com- municate. Nor have I anything that contradicts my former views on the subject of peat, as manure. We used it in compost on about 276 APPENDIX. nine acres of corn and potatoes last summer, one-half of which was the same land on which it was used the preceding season. Its effects seemed not to be lessened by this second trial in the same soil. The compost was as formerly composed by mixing the mud, barn-manure, ashes or potash together in the field, in spring, two or three weeks before the corn was planted ; in a part of it, say the manure for two acres, about 20 lbs. of nitrate of potash were used. Wherever the nitre was used, worms were absent ; other parts of the field were more or less injured by them. This was all the good that we could positively ascribe to the nitre. Our crops were in a most flourishing condition on the morning of the 30th of June ; in the afternoon and evening of that day, a violent tempest and two showers of hail blew down my barn, half my fruit trees, and pros- trated and mangled the corn. I should have bargained readily with any one who would have insured me half the crop realized the preceding year from the same land and management. But the healing powers of nature and genial influences of summer suns and showers, in a few days restored the field again to a flourishing con- dition. A drought more severe than that of the preceding season followed in August ; and our crop of corn per acre, was about | less than the crop of that year. My farmer, H. L. Gould, from his suc- cess with the mud which you analyzed, was strongly impressed with the belief that other peat mud would not prove as good. I request- ed him to make an experiment, which he accordingly did, with two cart-loads of peat, such as makes good fuel, taken directly from the swamp, mixed with ashes, and used in the same quantity by meas- ure, as the other compost. He planted with this four rows of corn through the piece. And, contrary to his expectations, if there was any difference, he acknowledged that these rows were better than the adjoining ones. The mud you analyzed, contained, you recol- lect, a large portion of granitic sand ; this peat much less sand but more water, it being quite spongy. The same bulk, therefore, as taken from the meadow and used in our experiment, would probably have weighed, when dry, not more than i or 4 as much as the other. The quantity of geine in the shovelful of the two kinds, varies not very much after all. I regret that Mr. Gould did not repeat his experiments with the solution of geine last season. My farm is APPENDIX. 277 Beven miles from my residence, and, like yourself, I turn no furrows with my own hand, nor can I oversee, in their various stages, ex- periments there. I suggest, advise, and leave him to execute. He found himself too much hurried with his work, to attend to this subject at the proper time. In answer to your question I say — that the solution the second year was not applied to the same land, and although used in much larger quantities, it was not as strong as that used the past year. Yours, respectfully, To S. L. Dana, M. D Andrew Nichols. It will be observed that about three cords of swamp mud and 33 bushels of ashes have been used per acre, in 1839, and 40 lbs. of potash in 1840. The number of hills is 3630 per acre. Then calculating the real potash, there were given to each hill of corn about J pint of ashes, or 32 grains of alkali, in 1839, and 45 grains in 1840. If three cords of swamp muck were used in 1840, about 6 oz. of dry geine have been applied per hill — the muck being like pond mud. Now, 45 grains of alkali and 6 oz. of geine, and T^gVir of a cord of pig-manure per hill, have here produced effects equal to guano. No new source of nitrogen has been opened to the corn. The effects are due, then, to the alkaline action on geine, and of salts upon silicates. The failure of the solution in the second year is probably owing to the formation of sulphuretted hydrogen ; sec section (238). No. m. Letter from Hon. William Clark, Jr. Northampton, 10th February, 1842. Dear Sir : — The results of the few trials I have made with alka- lies to neutralize the acidity of swamp muck, have not been ascer- tained with that precision that is necessary to determine conclu- 278 APPENDIX. sively which is best. I will, however, give you the experiments (if th^ deserve the name), as they were made, with the apparent results. The first was with fine well decomposed muck, from the swamp of which you had samples, numbered 5, 6, and 7. In the spring of 1840, 16 lbs. of soda ash, or white ash, dissolved in water, were carefully mixed with two estimated tons of the muck, and the mix- ture applied as a top-dressing for corn. Two other estimated tons of the muck were served with eight bushels of dry wood ashes, all well mixed together and spread on one side of the muck that was served with the white ash, and further on, an equal quantity of fresh barn-yard manure was spread, and still farther on, an equal quantity of compost, made of one part barn-manure, and two parts muck, mixed and fermented before using. The land was a light sandy loam, on the border of a pine plain, and the whole field was treated alike in all respects, except the dif- ferent kinds of manure, all of which was spread on the turned fur- row, and harrowed in before planting. The corn planted where the wood ashes and muck were spread, early took precedence of all tho other parcels, and continued apparently much the best through the season. Among the other parcels, no striking difference in growth or yield was manifest. The whole field was harvested together, without separate weight or measurement ; and the advan- tage which the ashes and muck apparently gave over the others, rests (where no experiment should rest) on the opinion of those whose attention was called to it while the corn was growing. A similar trial of ashes and muck, and soda and muck, was made the same season on grass land ; and the advantage was decidedly in favor of the soda ash and muck, as on the corn land it was in favor of the ashes and muck. Why the soda ash should act relatively, more favorably upon the muck spread on grass land than when spread on corn land, I am unable to determine, unless it be the partial shade which the grasa affords to protect it from the direct rays of the sun, and measurably preserve its moisture and softness. This inference is strengthened by the fact that muck, treated as in the above cases — with soda ash in solution (which makes it somewhat pasty), in the only instance I have tried it — spread on the surface of an old field, without a pro- APPENDIX. 279 tecting crop, or subsequent liarrowings to cover it in the soil, be- came apparently sun-baked so hard as to defy, for a time at least, the softenjng action of water. This hardening effect was not ob- served to take place with the muck treated with the dry ashes, or in the manure compost, and may have arisen from the insufl&cieut quantity of alkali used in the case mentioned. In another case, one lb. of soda ash, and one lb. of soft soap were mixed with four bushels of muck, and all put in a fifty gallon tub, and the tub filled with water, and left to stand five or six days with an occasional stirring ; at the end of that period, the dark colored water was dipped off and applied to various garden plants and vegetables, and the tub again filled with water, and the muck stir- red up, and after a day or two the water was again dipped ofi" and applied as before, and the tub again filled with water. This pro- cess was continued for two or three weeks in the early part of the season, and the muck, though gradually wasting, without additional alkali, continued to ferment from time to time, and yield black liquor, to appearance nearly as rich as the first. Rapid growth of the plants followed in all cases when it was applied, and its effects upon a lot of onions would have been ascertained with considerable accuracy, had not a " hired man" took it into his head that the few rows purposely left for comparison, were suffering by unwitting neglect, and gave them a " double dose," thereby equalizing the growth, and sacrificing the experiment to his honest notions of fair dealing, which required that all should be treated alike. In another case, a muck compost dressing, formed by previously slacking quick- lime with a strong brine of common salt, to disengage the acid of the salt, that its soda might act on the muck when in contact, was applied as a top-dressing for corn, without any perceptible effect, perhaps for want of skill in compounding. Facts abundantly testify to the fertilizing properties of swamp muck and peat, when brought to a right state, and the subject of your inquiry perhaps yields to no other, at the present time, in point of importance, to our good old Commonwealth. Taking your esti- mate of the weight of fresh-dug muck or peat, and Professor Hitch- cock's estimate of the quantity in the state, and the saving of one cent per ton in the expense of neutralizing its acidity, and fitting it 2S0 APPENDIX. for use iu agriculture, when applied to all our swamp muck and peat, will amount to an aggregate saving to the industry of the Common- wealth, of over five and a half millions of dollars. Is there a rea- sonable doubt that more than ten times this one per cent, per ton will be saved over any present process, when chemistry has shed its full light on the subject ? The magnitude and importance of a small saving in this matter, must certainly have been overlooked by some who have given ad- vice on the subject of making muck compost. KespectfuUy, Your most obedient servant, William Clark, Jr. S. L. Dana, M.D., Lowell, Mass. No. IV. Extract from a letter of Mr. Joseph A. Foster to the Author, relating to imitation spent Lye (238). Attlehoro\ February eth, 1844. Dear Sir : — I determined last spring to make a trial of the imi- tation spent lye, recommended in the " Manual," and the object of this communication is to give you the results. I mixed the composition in the manner and proportion stated, with one exception, using two bushels of ashes instead of one. I then spread it upon grass land, seeded down to herd's grass and clover. The soil was rather a dry, gravelly loam. It was spread upon a piece of land about ten rods long, and two broad. It was spread the 27th of April. On the 8th of June, or a little more than five weeks after the application, as I find by the farm journal, the effects of it were distinctly visible. The grass was both much darker, or deeper green, and much taller. The spot was distinctly marked where the composition was spread. The difference contin- ued to be much more apparent, and several persons who knew not that anything had been put on, pointed out the spot upon which it had been applied. The difference continued to increase till the dry weather came on, when, in common with other dry lands, the grass APPENDIX. 281 in a short time was completely scorched. The grass upon which this manure had been applied did not dry up any quicker than that around it. The grass had not attained half its growth when it was mown. The spot upon which the imitation was spread, had not the drought come on, would have yielded at least one-half as much more as an equal area by its side. Respectfully yours, Joseph A. Foster. INDEX. INDEX Section. Acetates, formation oi, 47 Acids, "... , , . U, 52, 65 " *' in plants, . 93, 98 " " ** salts n Bcessary to, 98 " action of, . 46, 47, 155 ** " on alkalies, . 46 " in salts, action of, . . 150 " " cause of peculiarity of acti( >nof. 145 " difference in constitution of, 166, 157 '* different strength of, 166 *' rule for naming, 66 " combine only in their equivalents, 58 " in soil, when free, . . . . 162 " crenic, .... . 101, 102 « " many based,. . 126 " " saturating power of, 126 " apocrenic, . 101, 103 « " many-based, 126 " " saturating power of, . 126 " geic, . . : . 101 " humic, . 101 " phosphoric, 163 " sulphuric, . . . . . 153 " weak, action on sugar, . (p. 92) " ulmic, . 101 Agriculture, improvement of, 289 " mineralogy of 37 (SW) 286 INDEX. Agriculture, value of small discoveries in, " relation to silicates and salts, Agricultural Chemistry, aims of, '* " first principle of, second " third " fourth, " fifth « (( a « sixth " seventh " eighth, « ninth « « li tenth " chemical proof of, agricultural " result of, " Geology, Albumen, analysis of, . " in dung, .... Alkalies, . . . . , , ' " properties of, . . . " strong resemblance in, . " catalytic action of, . " combine only in their equivalents, " suflaciency of in soil, " " in soil not free, . . . . « effects on geine, 126, 128, 136, 142, " " " cause of, . " in ashes, " action of carbonates on, . " action on vegetable fibre; «' " " connected with plants, " soluble, ..... " " within the reach of all, " other forms of cheap, . " action of salt on, . " stearate of, . . " margarate of, . . • SBOnON. 128 91 1 19 20 29 75 84 84 85 91 . 95 104 . 134 135 145 2,3 217 201 41 46 63 126 58 75 .76 162, 264, 276, 137 137 163 growth of 184, 159, 169 136 137 272 274 275 275 227 227 INDEX. 287 Alkalieg, relative value of, Alkaline geates, .... " bases, .... " " aflSnity of, for carbonic acid, Alum, formation of, . . . Alumina, geate of, ' . ** phosphate of, . " silicate of, . " insolubility of, in water, " quantity of, in rock, " combining weight of, . " peculiarities of, Ammonia, in soil, unites with organic acid, *' changes to nitric acid, " humate of, changed to apocrenic acid, *' in manure, " in cow-dung, . ** produced yearly by one cow, " the main value of manure, " catalytic action of, " sources of, " in proteine, " in bone, •♦ in all animal matters, " in peat, " action of, in dung, " chemical equivalent of, " equal to soda for agricultural purposes, Ammoniacal salts of urine, " ** and peat powder, . Analysis of horse-dung, Girardin's, " " sheep " " " *• 146 Massachusetts soils, " " 15 Wisconsin " . " " 48 European " « " soils, 413, table of, " •• night-soil, " « . " " vine ashes, Animal matter, . SEcno.v. . 264 118, 124 62 62 79 121 80 48 186. (p. 153) (p. 32) (p. 33) (p. 35) 288 INDEX. BECTIOy. Animal matter, use of . . 194 (( " all affords geine, ammonia and salts, . 216 <( source of alkali for peat, . 277 « products may be divided into two classes, . 220 (( *• first class of. . 221 it '' second " . . 221 Animalized coal, , , 210 Anthracite coal, ashes of, . . 163 Apocrenates formed by nitric and humic acid, 126 Ashes, action on soil. . 135 general products of, . 101 Decomposition, as effecting value of manure, . (p. 56) Deodor izing vaults, how done, (p. 171) Drought, its effects on manure, (p. 159) Dung, horse, how treated, .... (P- 145) i( " fermentation of, . (p. 145) Eggshells, lime in, . 215 Elements defined, . , . . . 35 « number of, . . . . • 40 « atomic, . . . . . 65 (( earthy and metallic, 40 4i volatile and combustible. 40 « division of, .... 41 « " adopted, . . * . 61 i( unequal affinity of, ... • 64,55 it combination of, ... . 65 « proportion of combination, 66 *" u of soil, metallic and unmetallic, 40 « " action of, . 130 u « defined, . . . . . 131 u " two classes of, . 101 li " first class of, . . 102 u " second class of, . 103 (( metallic, change to unmetallic. 64 <« mineral, cause of decomposition of. 137 « number selected by plants, . 87 l< wherein plants do not obey chemical laws of, 87 « susceptibility of change. 90 l( number of, in organic parts of Boil, 89 M " inorganic parts of soil. 89 u organic, complex combination o^ 99 « inorganic, simple " . . 99 l< organic, character of, . 99 (« " products of decomposition of, . 100 292 INDEX. Element.^, organic, one constant, " inorgaaic, " organic, of plants, " relative weight of, '• of silicates, laws of combination Epsom salts, formation of, European soils, analyses of, . Evaporation from soil, . " ** woodland, Excrement, human, analysis of, . " " ashes of, table of, F. Farmer, the, a chemist, . " philosophy of, . ** pole-star of, " knowledge of terms, . " important fact to, . " true field of action of, . "• first requisite of, , Fats, action of air on, " action on silicates, " chemical composition of, Feathers, analysis of, . Feces, human, Felspar, ingredients of, . " soda in, . " action of air and moisture on, Fertility, what dependent on, . Fibrine, analysis of, . . Fleitmann, on human feces, . Flemish manure, .... Flowers, salts in, . Fluorine, in rye ashes, . . . Fruit trees, limits of. Furnace, for poudrette, . of. (p. 33, 35) (p. 150) (p. 156) SEcnos. 100, 101 . 115 (p. 150) 60 61 77 98, 152 (p. 150) (p. 171) Gadou, 208 INDEX. 293 SBCnON. Gas poudrette, how made, 278 •• li ijuor, value and use of, 278 Geates, character of, . . . 118 " properties of, . . . 124 i( formation of, . . 136 " abundant in soil, . . 162 <( action of lime on, . . . . 162 (( of lime, .... 118 t( of magnesia, .... . 120 « of alumina, .... 121 <( of iron, . . , . 122 (( of manganese, 123 Geic acid, ..... 101, 116 Geine researches of Mulder, (p. 91) » history of, . * . . . (p. 85) (( first discovery of, . a (( contents of, . . (p. 90) « potash in, . n ♦♦ called ulmin in trees, . . (p. 86) (( same as " (p. 89, 93, 94) " constitution pf, . (p. 97, 98) « names of, . (p. 90) definition, .... essential to crops, . 100, 101, 102, 105 104 (( in all forms the same, . . 105 (( a generic term, 105 <« described, .... 108, 109 a divided, .... 109 (I soluble, what dissolved by, . 109 u properties of, important to the farmer. 109 (• •passage from insoluble to soluble, 110, 113 « affinity for alumina, . 111 ti " lime, magnesia, 111, 126 <( " oxides of iron and manganese, 112 It uncombiued, .... . 115 (( •' properties of, . 160, 116, 117 (i properties of, with water. . 125 « relations to alkalies, . 126. 136 (( quantity in soil, . . • . 127 29i INDEX. SEcnojr. Geine, twofold action of, . , 136 t( cause of effect of alkalies on, . . 137 (( how retained in soil, , , 138 <( fertility dependent on, . 151 (( necessary with salts, . . , . 153 (( action of oxygen on, . , 168 <( as required by nature, , 171 « in cow-dung, .... , 185 <( formed daily by one cow, . 189 " yearly *' *' . the main agricultural value of manure, action of, in manure. » 189 191 195 U in horse -dung, .... . 204 « compared with glycerine. 233, 234, 235 ,236 « in spent lye, . . 238 n necessity of in soil, . . 127 « in peat, . , . . . . 256 in rivers at freshets, . . intention of application of, • 283 291 259 " mixed with peat, . • • • 277, 278 " of hog, analysis of, • • 247 " sheep. V. . 247 Vegetable mould, • • • 113, 114 %^ S12 INDEX. jEcnox. Vegetable mould, inorganic elements of, 115 " " brown powder of, . 115 *• " " " properties of, . 116 " products, two classes of, . 220 Vinegar, properties of, . . . . 246 " action on pearlash, 246, 247 Vital principle, ..... 171 Volcanoes, cause of, . 6 " products of, . . . 12 Von Tschudi, on guano, . (p. 177) W. Water, elements of, . 40 " composition of, . . 52,55 in plants, 167 " pure, action of, on land, . 280 " " air in, . 280 " with air expelled, . 281 Weigmann, experiments of, . (p. 130) Wisconsin, soils of, . . . . . . (p. 32) Wheat, limits of, 26, 28 " conditions necessary for, 26 " temperature of germination, 26 *•' straw ashes, analysis of. . 163 Wood, hard, ashes, analysis of, . 163 Woodland, evaporation of, . . . 295 Wool, analysis of, . . ... 218- " natural soap of, for manure. . 222 " " '' 35 to 40 per cent, of, 222 " *' " used in France, . . 222 Woollen rags, powerful manure. 222 " " stronger than cow-^ung, . Y. Yard-manure, defined, . 222 (p. 146) " how affected by age, &c., . . (p. 147) *• composition of, .... (p. 147) " analysis, by Richardson, . . (p. 147) " Johnston, (p. 148) " " " Soubeiran, . . (p. 147) « weight of cubic foot of. . . . (p. 148) 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED ^ LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. ^^^^^^^ books are subjea to immediate recall. 22Jan*57i .v LD 21-100w-6,'56 (B9311sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley . / f%0. YB lK.64 I 678993 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY \ 'J ' ^).^ \ i - J i i V { j •v, .* \'\ . ,-vi.'! ^ .