ctV. ^yftur*v-& c/Z&kA&riJ £+>p**A/L. ^JJfcUM. "p 70° Long. E. of Greenwich 75 Loudon: Macmillan & Co. Walker $ Boutall n< MACAULAY WARREN HASTINGS WITH NOTES AND APPENDICES BY K. DEIGHTON ICrrnirrtt MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN CO. 1896 All rights reserved -PS'473 First Edition 1893 Reprinted 1896. HENRY MORSE STEPHENS GLASGOW: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. ts CONTENTS. PAGE Preface, vii Warren Hastings, 1 Notes, 131 Appendices — I.— The Rohilla War, 186 II. — Hastings, Impey, and Nand Kumar, . . . 207 III. — The Impeachment of Impey, . . . .213 IV. — The Rise, Growth, and Decline of the Maratha Powers, 225 Index to Notes, 232 511616 PREFACE. In his work entitled The Reign of Queen Victoria, ' India, 1 Sir John Strachey remarks, " Sir Henry Maine has pointed out with admirable truth the consequences in India of the fact that English classical literature towards the end of the last century was t saturated with party politics.' ' This,' he says, ' would have been a less serious fact if, at this epoch, one chief topic of the great writers and rhetoricians, of Burke and Sheridan, of Fox and Francis, had not been India itself. I have to doubt that the view of Indian government taken at the end of the century by Englishmen whose works and speeches are held to be models of English style has had deep effect on the mind of the educated Indian of this day. We are only now beginning to see how excessive^ inaccurate were their statements of fact and how one-sided were their judgments.' These remarks of Sir Henry Maine point to what I have long believed to be a serious misfortune — the non-existence of any history of British India, which is trustworthy and complete in its facts, and which at the same time possesses the essential quality of literary excellence. Since the earlier part of the present century the old stories of the crimes by which viii WARREN HASTINGS. the establishment of our power in India was attended have been passed on from one author to another. . . . These calumnies have caused and are still causing no little mischief both in England and India. Thousands of excellent people are filled with righteous indignation when they read of the atrocious acts of Clive and Hastings, the judicial murder of Nandkumar, the ex- termination of the Rohillas, the plunder of the Begums. No suspicion of the truth reaches them that these horrors never occurred, and the fear can hardly be repressed that there may be some foundation even now for the charges of Indian misgovernment and oppression. . . . This false history is systematically taught by ourselves, and believed by the educated natives of India to be true. It is impossible that this should not have a serious effect on their feelings towards their English rulers." By all who are con- versant with the progress of education in India, and perhaps by none so readily as those who have had a professional part in it, these words will be endorsed as not one whit exaggerated. And if such be really the outcome of our "enlightened policy," in the fore- front of the band by whom misconception has been propagated, stands Macaulay. His two celebrated Indian essays comprehend nearly the whole of that period regarding which, while error came so easily, the truth — at all events till lately — was difficult of discovery, that period for which the records were the records of a mercantile corporation primarily con- cerned in making money. The fierce light that beats upon a modern administration was unknown to the Honourable East India Company. Its servants thought PREFACE. ix little of posterity, cared nothing that the history they were making should, on its transfusion into narrative, be ordered and marshalled with the stately precision by which a more self-conscious regime guards itself against detraction and misunderstanding. But the indifference of these pioneers of empire has helped to blur and blot the fair fame of many of their own number; and if historians have grievously caricatured both men and measures, there is for them at least the excuse that their distortion of objects is due in perhaps less degree to dimness of vision than to haziness of the medium in which the work had to be done. That there has also been deliberate injustice cannot, I fear, be denied. Macaulay himself was not seldom biassed by political sympathies ; though his worst shortcomings are the shortcomings of one who has placed unwise confidence in apparently trustworthy guides. Mill is a much greater sinner. But Mill has few charms, and his narrative would never stir so much as a spasm of enthusiastic belief or kindle the faintest glow of fervid partisanship. With Macaulay the case is very different. The transparent lucidity of his style, the rich colouring, the dramatic vividness, the apt illustration, the swift assemblage of images so various and yet so cumulative in their effect, his learning worn so lightly and yet so massive in its strength, the splendour with which he lights up a battle-piece or the pageantry in which he decks some time-honoured ceremonial, his copious vocabulary of invective and scorn, his hatred of meanness and in- justice, his lofty imagination, "that noble faculty," as he himself says in regard to Burke, "whereby man is x WARREN HASTINGS. able to live in the past and in the future, in the distant and in the unreal" — combine to throw over whatever he writes a glamour that no one can resist, least of all those in whom the pulse of life still throbs with full-toned animation, with whom belief is still a joy, and hero-worship a necessity. While, therefore, of those who have to study his essays the number is small as compared with the number who have to study dry histories, — and the histories of India are probably unique in their dryness, not only to English but to Indian readers, — the hold which he obtains is immeasurably greater and more enduring than that which is taken by the laborious chroniclers of weari- some detail padded with trite reflection, the compilers of narrative that has neither foreground nor back- ground, neither proportion nor perspective. A writer like Macaulay makes converts, who in their turn find disciples. To hand down his doctrines becomes a religion. His very fallacies are the shibboleth of a school. Add to this that his reputation as a scholar, as a historian, as a jurist, still looms as large as ever, and it is easy to understand that prestige of this nature should keep loyal those who might waver, and hold back those who would venture to criticize. If, then, these two essays are to be put into the hands of students and set as subjects of an examina- tion, it cannot be done with safety unless at the same time an endeavour is made to show wherein their statements are inaccurate, and how the views put forward in them assume an altered colouring from the light of fuller information. The essay on Hastings more especially needs such rectification, and this for- PREFACE. xi tunately is possible with the help of three works of recent publication, Sir John Strachey's account of the Eohilla War, Sir James Stephen's examination of the Nand Kumar myth and the impeachment of Impey, and the selections from Official Eecords so ably edited by Professor Forrest. From the two former works I have made copious extracts, and I wish that every student had the opportunity and the leisure to study them in their entirety. Another work which I have found most useful is Sir Alfred Lyall's Warren Hastings. This, if possible, should be closely com- pared with Macaulay's essay. It is not long, — about two hundred pages, — but it gives with unusual clear- ness a complete view of Hastings' administration. It has another characteristic, even more important than clearness, viz., impartiality. I do not say " studied impartiality," for the impartiality strikes one as some- thing so natural as to be part of the man. Captain Trotter's biography in the "Rulers of India" series will also be read with much interest. If somewhat of the nature of a brief for the defence, and scarcely displaying the same breadth of treatment with Sir Alfred Lyall's work, it is fuller in detail and is based on the firm foundation of the original records which, as I have already mentioned, Professor Forrest has lately edited. Lastly, an admirable article in the Dictionary of National Biography, from the pen of Mr. H. G. Keene, brings into very moderate compass the events of Warren Hastings' life and official career. In my Notes there will be found, I hope, sufficient explanation of verbal difficulties and historical refer- xii WARREN HASTINGS. ences. But certain matters are too long for mere Notes, and these I have reserved for Appendices. The subjects there discussed are (1) The Rohilla War : (2) Hastings, Impey, and Nand Kumar : (3) The Impeach- ment of Impey ; and to these I have . added a short sketch of the Rise and Growth of the Maratha powers. WARREN HASTINGS. Tins book seems to have been manufactured in pursuance of a contract, by which the representatives of Warren Hastings, on the one part, bound themselves to furnish papers, and Mr. Gleig, on the other part, bound himself to furnish praise. It is but just to say that the covenants on both sides have been most faithfully kept ; and the result is before us in the form of three big bad volumes,> full of undigested correspondence and undiscerning panegyric. If it were worth while to examine this performance in detail, we could easily make a long article by merely pointing 10 out inaccurate statements, inelegant expressions, and im- moral doctrines. But it would be idle to waste criticism on a bookmaker ; and, whatever credit Mr. Gleig may have justly earned by former works, it is as a bookmaker, and nothing more, that he now comes before us. More eminent men than Mr. Gleig have written nearly as ill as he, when they have stooped to similar drudgery. It would be unjust to estimate Goldsmith by the History of Greece, or Scott by the Life of Napoleon. Mr. Gleig is neither a Goldsmith nor a Scott ; but it would be unjust to deny that he is capable 20 of something better than these Memoirs. It would also, we hope and believe, be unjust to charge any Christian minister with the guilt of deliberately maintaining some propositions which we find in this book. It is not too much to say that Mr. Gleig has written several passages, which bear the same $ WARREN HASTINGS. relation to the Prince of Machiavelli that the Prince of Machiavelli bears to the Whole Duty of Man, and which would excite amazement in a den of robbers, or on board of a schooner of pirates. But we are willing to attribute these offences to haste, to thoughtlessness, and to that disease of the understanding which may be called the Furor Bio- graphicus, and which is to writers of lives what the goitre is to an Alpine shepherd, or dirt-eating to a Negro slave. We are inclined to think that we shall best meet the ** 10 wishes of our readers, if, instead of dwelling on the faults of this book, we attempt to give, in a way necessarily hasty and imperfect, our own view of the life and character of Mr. Hastings. Our feeling towards him is not exactly that of the House of Commons which impeached him in 1787 ; neither is it that of the House of Commons which uncovered and stood up to receive him in 1813. He had great qualities, and he rendered great services to the state. But to repre- sent him as a man of stainless virtue is to make him ridiculous ; and from regard for his memory, if from no 20 other feeling, his friends would have done well to lend no countenance to such puerile adulation. We believe that, if he were now living, he would have sufficient judgment and sufficient greatness of mind to wish to be shown as he was. He must have known that there were dark spots on h}s fame. He might also have felt with pride that the splendour of his fame would bear many spots. He would have pre- /v^T f erred, we are confident, even the severity of Mr. Mill to the puffing of Mr Gleig. He would have wished posterity to have a likeness of him, though an unfavourable likeness, 30 rather than a daub at once insipid and unnatural, resembling neither him nor any body else. " Paint me as I am," said Oliver Cromwell, while sitting to young Lely. " If you leave out the scars and wrinkles, I will not pay you a shilling." O Even in such a trifle, the great Protector showed'/ both his good sense and his magnanimity. He did not wish all that was characteristic in his countenance to be lost, in WARREN HASTINGS. 3 the vain attempt to give him the regular features and smooth blooming cheeks of the curl-pated minions of James the First. He was content that his face should go forth marked with all the blemishes which had been put on it by time, by war, by sleepless nights, by anxiety, perhaps by remorse ; ' , , but with valour, policy, authority, and public care written in _ v all its princely lines. If men truly great knew their own interest, it is thus that they would wish their minds to be portrayed. "Warren Hastings sprang from an ancient and illustrious 10 race. It has been affirmed that his pedigree can be traced back to the great Danish sea-king, whose sails were long the terror of both coasts of the British Channel, and who, after many fierce and doubtful struggles, yielded at last to the valour and genius of Alfred. But the undoubted splendour of the line of Hastings needs no illustration from fable. One branch of that line wore, in the fourteenth century, the coronet of Pembroke. From another branch sprang the renowned Chamberlain, the faithful adherent of the White Eose, whose fate has furnished so striking a theme both to 20 poets and to historians. His family received from the Tudors the earldom of Huntingdon, which, after long dis- possession, was regained in our time by a series of events scarcely paralleled in romance. The lords of the manor of Daylesford, in Worcestershire, claimed to be considered as the heads of this distinguished family. The main stock, indeed, prospered less than some of the younger shoots. But the Daylesford family, though not ennobled, was wealthy and highly considered, till, about two hundred years ago, it was overwhelmed by the great 30 ruin of the civil war. The Hastings of that time was a y zealous cavalier. He raised money on his lands, sent his *"** plate to the mint at Oxford, joined the royal army, and, after spending half his property in the cause of King Charles, was glad to ransom himself by making over most f c a of the remaining half to Speaker Lenthal. The old seat at 4 WARREN HASTINGS. Daylesford still remained in the family ; but it could no longer be kept up ; and in the following generation it was sold to a merchant of London, ~\^x* Before this transfer took place, the last Hastings of Daylesford had presented his second son to the rectory of the parish in which the ancient residence of the family stood. The living was of little value ; and the situation of the poor clergyman, after the sale of the estate, was deplor- able. He was constantly engaged in lawsuits about his 10 tithes with the new lord of the manor, and was at length utterly ruined. His eldest son, Howard, a well-conducted young man, obtained a place in the Customs. The second son, Pynaston, an idle worthless boy, married before he was sixteen, lost his wife in two years, and died in the West Indies, leaving to the care of his unfortunate father a little orphan, destined to strange and memorable vicissitudes of fortune. Warren, the son of Pynaston, was born on the sixth of December, 1732. His mother died a few days later, and he 20 was left dependent on his distressed grandfather. The child was early sent to the village school, where he learned his letters on the same bench with the sons of the peasantry. Nor did any thing in his garb or fare indicate that his life was to take a widely different course from that of the youug rustics with whom he studied and played. But no cloud could overcast the dawn of so much genius and so much ambition. The very ploughmen observed, and long remem- bered, how kindly little Warren took to his book. The daily sight of the lands which his ancestors had possessed, and 30 which had passed into the hands of strangers, filled his young brain with wild fancies and projects. C?He loved to hear stories of the wealth and greatness of his progenitors, of their splendid housekeeping, their loyalty, and their valour. On one bright summer day, the boy, then just seven years old, lay on the bank of the rivulet which-Jows through the old domain of his house to join the Isis. [.There, WARREN HASTINGS. 5 as threescore and ten years later he told the tale, rose in his mind a scheme which, through all the turns of his eventful career, was never abandoned. He would recover the estate which had belonged to his fathers. He would be Hastings of Daylesford. This purpose, formed in infancy and poverty, grew stronger as his intellect expanded and as his fortune rose. He pursued his plan with that calm but indomitable force of will^which was the most striking peculiarity of his character, nj^hen, under a tropical sun, he ruled fifty millions of Asiatics, his hopes, amidst all the cares of war, 10 finance, and legislation, still pointed to Daylesford. JAnd when his long public life, so singularly chequered with good ' and evil, with glory and obloquy, had at length closed for ever, it was to Daylesford that he retired to die. When he was eight years old, his uncle Howard deter- mined to ta^fi charge of him, and to give him a liberal education. /jThe boy went up to London, and was sent to a school at Newington, where he was well taught but ill fed. He always attributed the smallness of his stature to the hard and scanty fare of this seminary. At ten he was re- 20 moved to Westminster School, then flourishing under the care of Dr. Nichols. Vinny Bourne, as his pupils affection- ately called him, was one of the masters. Churchill, Colman, Lloyd, Cumberland, Cowper, were among the studentsj With Cowper, Hastings formed a friendship which neither the lapse of time, nor a wide dissimilarity of opinions and pur- suits, could wholly dissolve. It does not appear that they ever met after they had grown to manhood. But forty years * later, when the voices of many great orators were&rying for 3/ vengeance on the oppressor of India, the shy and secluded 30 poet could image to himself Hastings the Governor-General only as the Hastings with whom he had rowed on the Thames, and played in the cloister, and refused to believe that so good-tempered a fellow could have done anything very wrong. His own life had been spent in praying, musing, and rhyming among the water-lilies of the Ouse. He had 6 WARREN HASTINGS. preserved in no common measure the innocence of childhood. His spirit had indeed been severely tried, but not by tempta- tions which impelled him to any gross violation of the rules of social morality. He had never been attacked by combina- tions of powerful and deadly enemies. He had never been compelled to make a choice between innocence and greatness, between crime and ruin. Firmly as he held in theory the doctrine of human depravity, his habits were such that he was unable to conceive how far from the path of right even 10 kind and noble natures may be hurried by the rage of conflict and the lust of dominion. Hastings had another associate at Westminster of whom we shall have occasion to make frequent mention, Elijah Impey. We know little about their school days. But, we think, we may safely venture to guess that, whenever Hastings wished to play any trick more than usually naughty, he hired Impey with a tart or a ball to act as fag in the worst part of the prank. Warren was distinguished among his comrades as an ex- 20 cellent swimmer, boatman, and scholar. At fourteen he was first in the examination for the foundation. His name in gilded letters on the walls of the dormitory still attests his victory over many older competitors. He stayed two years longer at the school, and was looking forward to a student- ship at Christ Church, when an event happened which changed the whole course of his life. Howard Hastings . died, bequeathing his nephew to the care of a friend and r distant relation, named Chiswick. ' This gentleman, though "'/ he did not absolutely refuse the charge, was desirous to rid 30 himself of it as soon as possible. Dr. Nichols made strong remonstrances against the cruelty of interrupting the studies of a youth who seemed likely to be one of the first scholars of the age. He even offered to bear the expense of sending 3fc£ his favourite pupil to Oxford. But Mr. Chiswick was in- t flexible. He thought the years which had already been wasted on hexameters and pentameters quite sufficient. He WARREN HASTINGS. 7 had it in his power to obtain for the lad a writership in the service of the East India Company. Whether the young adventurer, when once shipped off, made a fortune, or died of a liver complaint, he equally ceased to be a burden to any body. Warren was accordingly removed from Westminster school, and placed for a few months at a commercial academy to study arithmetic and book-keeping, In January, 1750, a few days after he had completed his seventeenth year, he sailed for Bengal, and arrived at his destination in the October following. 10 He was immediately placed at a desk in the Secretary's office at Calcutta, and laboured there during two years. Fort W T illiam was then a purely commercial settlement. In the south of India the encroaching policy of Dupleix had trans- formed the servants of the English Company, against their will, into diplomatists and generals. The war of the succes- sion was raging in the Carnatic ; and the tide had been suddenly turned against the French by the genius of young Robert Clive. But in Bengal the European settlers, at peace with the natives and with each other, were wholly occupied 20 with ledgers and bills of lading. After two years passed in keeping accounts at Calcutta, Hastings was sent up the country to Cossimbazar, a town which lies on the Hoogley, about a mile from Moorshedabad, and which then bore to Moorshedabad a relation, if we may compare small things with great, such as the city of London bears to Westminster. Moorshedabad was the abode of the prince who, by an authority ostensibly derived from the Mogul, but really independent, ruled the three great pro- vinces of Bengal, Orissa, and Bahar. At Moorshedabad ^ere 3(f' the court, the haram, and the public offices. Cossimbazar was a port and a place of trade, renowned for the quantity and excellence of the silks which were sold in its marts, and constantly receiving and sending forth fleets of richly laden barges. At this important point, the Company had estab- lished a small factory subordinate to that of Fort William 8 WARREN HASTINGS. Here, during several years, Hastings was employed in making bargains for stuffs with native brokers. While he was thus engaged, Sura j all Dowlah succeeded to the government, and declared war against the English. The defenceless settle- ment of Cossimbazar, lying close to the tyrant's capital, was instantly seized. Hastings was sent a prisoner to Moorshed- abad, but, in consequence of the humane intervention of the servants of the Dutch Company, was treated with indulgence. Meanwhile the Nabob marched on Calcutta ; the governor 10 and the commandant fled ; the town and citadel were taken, and most of the English prisoners perished in the Black Hole. In these events originated the greatness of Warren Hastings. The fugitive governor and his companions had taken refuge on the dreary islet of Fulda, near the mouth of the Hoogley. They were naturally desirous to obtain full information respecting the proceedings of the Nabob ; and no person seemed so likely to furnish it as Hastings, who was a prisoner at large in the immediate neighbourhood of the 20 court. He thus became a diplomatic agent, and soon estab- lished a high character for ability and resolution. The treason which at a later period was fatal to Surajah Dowlah was already in progress ; and Hastings was admitted to the deliberations of the conspirators. But the time for striking had not arrived. It was necessary to postpone the execution of the design ; and Hastings, who was now in extreme peril, fled to Fulda. ^ O Soon after his arrival at Fulda, the expedition from Madras, ** commanded by Clive, appeared in the Hoogley. Warren, 30 young, intrepid, and excited probably by the example oF the Commander of the forces who, h?ving like himself been a mercantile agent of the Company, had been turned by public calamities into a soldier, determined to serve in the ranks. During the early operations of the war he carried a musket. But the quick eye of Clive soon perceived that the head of the young volunteer would be more useful than his arm. WARREN HASTINGS. 9 When, after the battle of Plassey, Meer Jaffier was pro- claimed Nabob of Bengal, Hastings was appointed to reside at the court of the new prince as agent for the Company. He remained at Moorshedabad till the year 1761, when he became a member of Council, and was consequently forced to reside at Calcutta. This was during the interval between Clive's first and second administration, an interval which has left on the fame of the East India Company a stain, not wholly effaced by many years of just and humane government. Mr. Yansittart, the Governor, was at the 10 head of a new and anomalous empire. <10n the one side was a band of English functionaries, daring, intelligent, eager to be rich. On the other side was a great native population, helpless, timid, accustomed to crouch under oppression.} To keep the stronger race from preying on the weaker was an undertaking which tasked to the utmost the talents and energy of Clive. Vansittart, with fair intentions, was a feeble and inefficient ruler. The master caste, as was natural, broke loose from all restraint ; and then was seen what we believe to be the most frightful of all spectacles, 20 the strength of civilisation without its mercy. To all other despotism there is a check, imperfect indeed, and liable to gross abuse, but still sufficient to preserve society from the last extreme of misery. ' A time comes when the evils of submission are obviously greater than those of resistance, when fear itself begets a sort of courage, when -"* a convulsive burst of popular rage and despair warns tyrants not to presume too far on the patience of mankind. But against misgovernment such as then afflicted Bengal it was impossible to struggle. The superior intelligence 30 and energy of the dominant class made their power irre- sistible A war of Bengalees against Englishmen was like a war of sheep against wolves, of men against daemons. The only protection which the conquered could find was in the moderation, the clemency, the enlarged policy of the conquerors. That protection, at a later period, they found. 10 WARREN HASTINGS. But at first English power came among them unaccompanied by English morality. There was an interval between the time at which they became our subjects, and the time at which we began to reflect that we were bound to discharge towards them the duties of rulers. During that interval the business of a servant of the Company was simply to wring out of the natives a hundred or two hundred thou- sand pounds as speedily as possible, that he might return home before his constitution had suffered from the heat, 10 to marry a peer's daughter, to buy rotten boroughs in Cornwall, and to give balls in St. James's Square. Of the conduct of Hastings at this time, little is known ; but the little that is known, and the circumstance that little is known, must be considered as honourable to him. He could not protect the natives : all that he could do was to abstain from plundering and oppressing them ; and this he appears to have done. It is certain that at this time he continued poor ; and it is equally certain, that by cruelty and dishonesty he might easily have become rich. It is 20 certain that he was never charged with having borne a share in the worst abuses which then prevailed ; and it is almost equally certain that, if he had borne a share in those abuses, the able and bitter enemies who afterwards perse- cuted him would not have failed to discover and to proclaim his guilt. [The keen, severe, and even malevolent scrutiny "^ to which his whole public life was subjected, a scrutiny unparalleled, as we believe, in the history of mankind, is in one respect advantageous to his reputation. It brought many lamentable blemishes to light ; but it entitles him 30 to be considered pure from every blemish which has not been brought to light. The truth is that the temptations to w;hich so many English functionaries yielded in the time of Mr. Yansittart were not temptations addressed to the ruling passions of Warren Hastings. He was not squeamish in pecuniary transactions ; but he was neither sordid nor rapacious. WARREN HASTINGS. 11 He was far too enlightened a man to look on a great empire merely as a buccaneer would look on a galleon. Had his heart been much worse than it was, his understanding would have preserved him from that extremity of baseness. He was an unscrupulous, perhaps an unprincipled states- man ; but still he was a statesman, and not a freebooter. A In 1764 Hastings returned to England. He had realized ' ' only a very moderate fortune ; and that moderate fortune was soon reduced to nothing, partly by his praiseworthy liberality, and partly by his mismanagement. Towards his 10 relations he appears to have acted very generously. The greater part of his savings he left in Bengal, hoping pro- bably to obtain the high usury of India. But high usury and bad security generally go together ; and Hastings lost both interest and principal. He remained four years in England. Of his life at this \_time very little is known. But it has been asserted, and i * is highly probable, that liberal studies and the society of men of letters occupied a great part of his time. It is to be remembered to his honour, that in days when the 20 languages of the East were regarded by other servants of the Company merely as the means of communicating with weavers and money-changers, his enlarged and accomplished mind sought in Asiatic learning for new forms of intellec- tual enjoyment, and for new views of government and society. Perhaps, like most persons who have paid much attention to departments of knowledge which lie out of the common track, he was inclined to overrate the value of his favourite studies. He conceived that the cultivation of Persian literature might with advantage be made a part 30 of the liberal education of an English gentleman ; and he drew up a plan with that view. It is said that the Univer- sity of Oxford, in which Oriental learning had never, since the revival of letters, been wholly neglected, was to be the seat of the institution which he contemplated. An endowment was expected from the munificence of the 12 WARREN HASTINGS. Company ; and professors thoroughly competent to inter- pret Hafiz and Ferdusi were to be engaged in the East. Hastings called on Johnson, with the hope, as it should seem, of interesting in this project a man who enjoyed the highest literary reputation, and who was particularly connected with Oxford. The interview appears to have left on Johnson's mind a most favourable impression of the talents and attainments of his visitor. Long after, when Hastings was ruling the immense population of flO British India, the old philosopher wrote to him, and re- ferred in the most courtly terms, though with great dignity, to their short but agreeable intercourse. Hastings soon began to look again towards India. He had little to attach him to England ; and his pecuniary embarrassments were great. He solicited his old masters the Directors for employment. They acceded to his request, with high compliments both to his abilities and to his integrity, and appointed him a Member of Council at Madras. It would be unjust not to mention that, though 20 forced to borrow money for his outfit, he did not withdraw any portion of the sum which he had appropriated to the relief of his distressed relations. In the spring of 1769 he embarked on board of the Duke of Grafton and com- menced a voyage distinguished by incidents which might furnish matter for a novel. ) Among the passengers in the Duke of Grafton was a German of the name of Imhoff. He called himself a baron ; but he was in distressed circumstances, and was going out to Madras as a portrait-painter, in the hope of picking 30 up some of the pagodas which were then lightly got and as lightly spent by the English in India. The baron was accompanied by his wife, a native, we have somewhere read, of Archangel. This young woman who, born under the Arctic circle, was destined to play the part of a queen under the tropic of Cancer, had an agreeable person, a cultivated mind, and manners in the highest degree engag- WARREN HASTINGS. 13 ing. She despised her husband heartily, and, as the story which we have to tell sufficiently proves, not without reason. She was interested by the conversation and nattered by the attentions of Hastings. The situation was indeed perilous. No place is so propitious to the formation either of close friendships or of deadly enmities as an Indianian. There are very few people who do not find a voyage which lasts several months insupportably dull. Any thing is welcome which may break that long monotony, a sail, a shark, an albatross, a man overboard. Most passengers 10 find some resource in eating twice as many meals as on land. But the great devices for killing the time are quarrelling and flirting. The facilities for both these excit- ing pursuits are great. The inmates of the ship are thrown together far more than in any country-seat or boarding- house. None can escape from the rest except by imprison- ing himself in a cell in which he can hardly turn. All food, all exercise, is taken in company. Ceremony is to a great extent banished. It is every day in the power of a mischievous person to inflict innumerable annoyances ; 20 it is every day in the power of an amiable person to confer little services. It not seldom happens that serious distress and danger call forth in genuine beauty and deformity heroic virtues and abject vices which, in the ordinary inter- course of good society, might remain during many years unknown even to intimate associates. Under such circum- stances met Warren Hastings and the Baroness Imhoff, two persons whose accomplishments would have attracted notice in any court of Europe. The gentleman had no domestic ties. The lady was tied to a husband for whom 30 she had no regard, and who had no regard for his own honour. An attachment sprang up, which was soon strengthened by events such as could hardly have occurred on land. Hastings fell ill. The baroness nursed him with womanly tenderness, gave him his medicines with her own hand, and even sat up in his cabin while he slept. Long 14 WARREN HASTINGS. before the Duke of Grafton reached Madras, Hastings was in love. But his love was of a most characteristic descrip- tion. Like his hatred, like his ambition, like all his pas- sions, it was strong, but not impetuous. It was calm, deep, earnest, patient of delay, unconquerable by time. Imhoflf was called into council by his wife and his wife's lover. It was arranged that the baroness should institute a suit for a divorce in the courts of Franco nia, that the baron should afford every facility to the proceeding, and that, 10 during the years which might elapse before the sentence should be pronounced, they should continue to live together, r It was also agreed that Hastings should bestow some very substantial marks of gratitude on the complaisant husband, and should, when the marriage was dissolved, make the lady his wife, and adopt the children whom she had already borne to Inihoff. "jL { We are not inclined to judge either Hastings or the baroness / severely. There was undoubtedly much to extenuate their fault. But we can by no means concur with the Reverend 20 Mr. Gleig, who carries his partiality to so injudicious an extreme as to describe the conduct of Imhoff, conduct the baseness of which is the best excuse for the lovers, as " wise and judicious." \ At Madras, Hastings found the trade of the Company in a very disorganised state. His own tastes would have led him rather to political than to commercial pursuits : but he knew r\ 1 that the favour of his employers depended chiefly on their f dividends, and that their dividends depended chiefly on the investment. He therefore, with great judgment, determined 30 to apply his vigorous mind for a time to this department of business, which had been much neglected, since the servants of the Company had ceased to be clerks, and had become warriors and negotiators. In a very few months he effected an important reform. \ The Directors notified to him their high approbation, and i/ ' were so much pleased with his conduct that they deter- WARREN HASTINGS. 15 mined to place him at the head of the government of Bengal. Early in 1772 he quitted Fort St. George for his new post. The Imhoffs, who/ were still man and wife, accompanied him, and lived at/ Calcutta "on the same wise and judicious plan," — we quote the words of Mr. Gleig, — which they had already followed during more than two years. n. When Hastings took his seat at the head of the council- board, Bengal was still governed according to the system ^Vwhich Clive had devised, a system which was, perhaps, 10 skilfully contrived for the purpose of facilitating and con- cealing a great revolution, but which, when that revolution was complete and irrevocable, could produce nothing but inconvenience. There were two governments, the real and the ostensible. The supreme power belonged to the Com- pany, and was in truth the most despotic power that can be conceived. The only restraint on the English masters of the country was that which their own justice and humanity imposed on them. There was no constitutional check on their will, and resistance to them was utterly hopeless. 20 But, though thus absolute in reality, the English had not yet assumed the style of sovereignty. They held their /"territories as vassals of the throne of Belhi; they raised their revenues as collectors appointed by the imperial com- mission ; their public seal was inscribed with the imperial titles ; and their mint struck only the imperial coin. There was still a nabob of Bengal, who stood to the English rulers of his country in the same relation in which Augustulus stood to Odoacer, or the last Merovingians to ^ Charles Martel and Pepin. He lived at Moorshedabad, 30 surrounded by princely magnificence. He was approached with outward marks of reverence, and his name was used in public instruments. But in the government of the country he had less real share than the youngest writer or cadet in o the Company's service. A/ / «The English council which represented the Company at ^ >**: 16 \^ WARREN HASTINGS. Calcutta was constituted on a very different plan from that which has since been adopted. At present the Governor is, as to all executive measures, absolute. He can declare war, conclude peace, appoint public functionaries or remove them, in opposition to the unanimous sense of those who sit with him in council. They are, indeed, entitled to know all that is done, to discuss all that is done, to advise, to remonstrate, to send protests to England. But it is with the Governor that the supreme power resides, and on him that the whole 10 responsibility rests. This system, which was introduced by Mr. Pitt and Mr. Dundas in spite of the strenuous opposi- tion of Mr. Burke, we conceive to be on the whole the best that was ever devised for the government of a country where no materials can be found for a representative constitution. In the time of Hastings the governor had only one vote in council, and, in case of an equal division, a casting vote. It therefore happened not unfrequently that he was overruled on the gravest questions ; and it was possible that he might be wholly excluded, for years together, from the real direc- 20 tion of public affairs. JOjiA^ The English functionaries at Fort William had as yet paid little or no attention to the internal government of Bengal. The only branch of politics about which they much busied themselves was negotiation with the native princes. The / ~X police, the administration of justice, the details of the col- lection of revenue they almost entirely neglected. We may remark that the phraseology of the Company's servants still bears the traces of this state of things. To this day they always use the w^rd u political " as synonymous with 30 " diplomatic." We could iiame a gentleman still living who was described by the highest authority as an invalu- able public servant, eminently fit to be at the head of the internal administration of a whole presidency, but unfor- tunately quite ignorant of all political business. The internal government of Bengal the English rulers delegated to a great native minister, who was stationed at WARREN HASTINGS. 17 Moorshedabad. All military affairs, and, with the exception of what pertains to mere ceremonial, all foreign affairs, were withdrawn from his control ; but the other departments of the administration were entirely confided to him. His own stipend amounted to near a hundred thousand pounds sterling a year. The personal allowance of the nabobs, amounting to more than three hundred thousand pounds a year, passed through the minister's hands, and was, to a great extent, at his disposal. The collection of the revenue, the administration of justice, the maintenance of order, were 10 left to this high functionary ; and for the exercise of his immense power he was responsible to none but the British masters of the country. A situation so important, lucrative, and splendid, was ». naturally an object of ambition to the ablest and most powerful natives. Clive had found it difficult to decide between conflicting pretensions. Two candidates stood out prominently from the crowd, each of them the representa- tive of a race and of a religion. The one was Mahommed Eeza Khan, a Mussulman of 20 Persian extraction, able, active, religious after the fashion of his people, and highly esteemed by them. In England he might perhaps have been regarded as a corrupt and greedy politician. But, tried by the lower standard of Indian morality, he might be considered as a man of in- tegrity and honour. ^His competitor was a Hindoo Brahmin whose name has, by a terrible and melancholy event, been inseparably asso- ciated with that of Warren Hastings, the Maharajah Nun- comar. This man had played an important part in all the 30 revolutions which, since the time of Surajah Dowlah, had taken place in Bengal. To the consideration which in that country belongs to high and pure caste, he added the weight which is derived from wealth, talents, and experience. Of his moral character it is difficult to give a notion to those who are acquainted with human nature only as it appears B 18 WARREN HASTINGS. in our island. What the Italian is to the Englishman, what the Hindoo is to the Italian, what the Bengalee is to other Hindoos, that was Nuncomar to other Bengalees. The physical organization of the Bengalee is feeble even to effeminacy. He lives in a constant vapour bath. His pur- suits are sedentary, his limbs delicate, his movements languid. During many ages he has been trampled upon by men of bolder and more hardy breeds. Courage, inde- pendence, veracity, are qualities to which his constitution 10 and his situation are equally unfavourable. His mind bears a singular analogy to his body. It is weak even to helpless- ness, for purposes of manly resistance ; but its suppleness and its tact move the children of sterner climates to admira- tion not unmingled with contempt. All those arts which are the natural defence of the weak are more familiar to this subtle race than to the Ionian of the time of Juvenal, or to the Jew of the dark ages. What the horns are to the buffalo, what the paw is to the tiger, what the sting is to the bee, what beauty, according to the old Greek song, 20 is to woman, deceit is to the Bengalee. Large promises, smooth excuses, elaborate tissues of circumstantial false- hood, chicanery, perjury, forgery, are the weapons, offensive and defensive, of the people of the Lower Ganges. All those millions do not furnish one sepoy to the armies of the Company. But as usurers, as money-changers, as sharp legal practitioners, no class of human beings can bear a comparison with them. With all his softness, the Bengalee is by no means placable in his enmities or prone to pity. The pertinacity with which he adheres to his purposes yields 30 only to the immediate pressure of fear. Nor does he lack a certain kind of courage which is often wanting in his \ masters. To inevitable evils he is sometimes found to X \ oppose a passive fortitude, such as the Stoics attributed to their ideal sage. An European warrior who rushes on a battery of cannon with a loud hurrah will sometimes shriek under the surgeon's knife, and fall into an agony of despair WARREN HASTINGS. 19 at the sentence of death. But the Bengalee who would see his country overrun, his house laid in ashes, his children murdered or dishonoured, without having the spirit to strike one blow, has yet been known to endure torture with the firmness of Mucius, and to mount the scaffold with the steady step and even pulse of Algernon Sydney. In Nuncomar, the national character was strongly and with exaggeration personified. The Company's servants had repeatedly detected him in the most criminal intrigues. On one occasion he brought a false charge against another 10 Hindoo, and tried to substantiate it by producing forged . documents. On another occasion it was discovered that while professing the strongest attachment to the English, he was engaged in several conspiracies against them, and in particular that he was the medium of a correspondence between the court of Delhi and the French authorities in the Carnatic. For these and similar practices he had been long detained in confinement. But his talents and influence had not only procured his liberation, but had obtained for him a certain degree of consideration even among the British 20 rulers of his country. Clive was extremely unwilling to place a Mussulman at the head of the administration of Bengal. On the other hand, he could not bring himself to confer immense power on a man to whom every sort of villany had repeatedly been brought home. Therefore, though the nabob, over whom Nuncomar had by intrigue acquired great influence, begged that the artful Hindoo might be intrusted with the govern- ment, Clive, after some hesitation, decided honestly and wisely in favour of Mahommed Reza Khan, who had held 30 his high office seven years when Hastings became Governor. An infant son of Meer Jaffier was now nabob ; and the guardianship of the young prince's person had been confided to the minister. Nuncomar, stimulated at once by cupidity and malice, had been constantly attempting to undermine his successful 20 WARREN HASTINGS. rival. This was not difficult. The revenues of Bengal, under the administration established by Clive, did not yield such a surplus as had been anticipated by the Company ; for, at that time, the most absurd notions were entertained in England respecting the wealth of India. JPalaces^ of porphyry, hung with the richest brocade, heaps of pearls and diamonds, vaults from which pagodas and gold mohurs were measured out by the bushel, filled the imagination even of men of business. Nobody seemed to be aware of 10 what nevertheless was most undoubtedly the truth, that India was a poorer country than countries which in Europe are reckoned poor, than Ireland, for example, or than Por- tugal. It was confidently believed by lords of the treasury and members for the city that Bengal would not only defray its own charges, but would afford an increased dividend to the proprietors of India stock, and large relief to the English finances. These absurd expectations were dis- appointed ; and the directors, naturally enough, chose to attribute the disappointment rather to the mismanagement 20 of Mahommed Reza Khan than to their own ignorance of the country intrusted to their care. They were confirmed in their error by the agents of Nuncomar ; for Nuncomar had agents even in Leadenhall Street. Soon after Hastings reached Calcutta, he received a letter addressed by the Court of Directors, not to the council generally, but to himself in particular. He was directed to remove Mahommed Reza Khan, to arrest him, together with all his family and all his partisans, and to institute a strict inquiry into the whole administration of the province. It was added that the 30 Governor would do well to avail himself of the assistance of Nuncomar in the investigation. The vices of Nuncomar were acknowledged. But even from his vices, it was said, much advantage might at such a conjuncture be derived; and, though he could not safely be trusted, it might still be proper to encourage him by hopes of reward. The Governor bore no good will to Nuncomar. Many WARREN HASTINGS. 21 years before, they had known each other at Moorshedabad ; and then a quarrel had risen between them which all the authority of their superiors could hardly compose. "Widely as they differed in most points, they resembled each other in this, that both were men of unforgiving natures. To Mahommed Reza Khan, on the other hand, Hastings had no feelings of hostility. Nevertheless he proceeded to execute the instructions of the Company with an alacrity which he never showed, except when instructions were in perfect con- formity with his own views. He had, wisely as we think, 10 determined to get rid of the system of double government in Bengal. The orders of the directors furnished him with the means of effecting his purpose, and dispensed him from the necessity of discussing the matter with his council. He took his measures with his usual vigour and dexterity. At mid- night, the palace of Mahommed Reza Khan at Moorsheda- bad was surrounded by a battalion of sepoys. The minister was roused from his slumbers, and informed that he was a prisoner. With the Mussulman gravity, he bent his head and submitted himself to the will of God. He fell not 20 alone. A chief named Schitab Roy had been intrusted with the government of Bahar. His valour and his attachment to the English had more than once been signally proved. On that memorable day on which the people of Patna saw from their walls the whole army of the Mogul scattered by the little band of Captain Knox, the voice of the British conquerors assigned the palm of gallantry to the brave Asiatic. " I never," said Knox, when he introduced Schitab Roy, covered with blood and dust, to the English function- aries assembled in the factory, " I never saw a native fight 30 so before." Schitab Roy was involved in the ruin of Ma- hommed Reza Khan, was removed from office, and was placed under arrest. The members of the council received no intimation of these measures till the prisoners were on their road to Calcutta. The inquiry into the conduct of the minister was postponed 22 WARREN HASTINGS. on different pretences. He was detained in an easy confine- ment during many months. In the mean time, the great revolution which Hastings had planned was carried into effect. The office of minister was abolished. The internal administration was transferred to the servants of the Com- pany. A system, a very imperfect system, it is true, of civil and criminal justice, under English superintendence, was established. The nabob was no longer to have even an ostensible share in the government ; but he was still to 10 receive a considerable annual allowance, and to be surrounded with the state of sovereignty. As he was an infant, it was necessary to provide guardians for his person and property. His person was intrusted to a lady of his father's haram, known by the name of the Munny Begum. The office of treasurer of the household was bestowed on a son of Nun- comar, named Goordas. Nuncomar's services were wanted, yet he could not safely be trusted with power ; and Hastings thought it a masterstroke of policy to reward the able and unprincipled parent by promoting the inoffensive child. 20 The revolution completed, the double government dis- solved, the Company installed in the full sovereignty of Bengal, Hastings had no motive to treat the late ministers j with rigour. Their trial had been put off on various pleas \ till the new organization was complete. They were then brought before a committee, over which the Governor pre- V_ . 'I sided. Schitab Roy was speedily acquitted with honour. S A formal apology was made to him for the restraint to which he had been subjected. All the Eastern marks of respect were bestowed on him. He was clothed in a robe of 30 state, presented with jewels and with a richly harnessed elephant, and sent back to his government at Patna. But his health had suffered from confinement ; his high spirit had been cruelly wounded ; and soon after his liberation he died of a broken heart. The innocence of Mahommed Reza Khan was not so clearly established. But the Governor was not disposed to deal SL^r^"* * WARREN HAST V V V-*Ji-'"~" w ' w ■ X l^/setTs*'^ \ HASTINGS. 23 harshly, ^fter a long hearing, in which Nuncomar appeared as the accuser, and displayed both the art and the inveterate y\ rancour which distinguished him, Hastings pronounced that 5j the charges had not been made out, and ordered the fallen minister to be set at liberty. Nuncomar had purposed to destroy the Mussulman ad- ministration, and to rise on its ruin. Both his malevolence and his cupidity had been disappointed. Hastings had made him a tool, had used him for the purpose of accomplishing the transfer of the government from Moorshedabad to Cal- 10 cutta, from native to European hands. The rival, the enemy, so long envied, so implacably persecuted, had been dismissed unhurt. The situation so long and ardently desired had 1 been abolished. It was natural that the Governor should be from that time an object of the most intense hatred to the vindictive Brahmin. As yet, however, it was necessary to suppress such feelings. The time was coming when that long animosity was to end in a desperate and deadly struggle. In the mean time, Hastings was compelled to turn his atten- tion to foreign affairs. The object of his diplomacy was at this 20 time simply to get money. The finances of his government were in an embarrassed state ; and this embarrassment he was determined to relieve by some means, fair or foul. The ^ principle which directed all his dealings with his neighbours is fully expressed by the old motto of one of the great predatory families of Teviotdale, "Thou shalt want ere I want." He seems to have laid it down, as a fundamental proposition which could not be disputed, that, when he had not as many lacs of rupees as the public service required, he was to take them from any body who had. One thing, 30 indeed, is to be said in excuse for him. The pressure applied to him by his employers at home, was such as only the highest virtue could have withstood, such as left him no choice except to commit great wrongs, or to resign his high post, and with that post all his hopes of fortune and distinc- tion. The directors, it is true, never enjoined or applauded 24 WARREN HASTINGS. any crime. Far from it. Whoever examines their letters written at that time will find there many just and humane sentiments, many excellent precepts, in short, an admirable code of political ethics. But every exhortation is modified or nullified by a demand for money. "Govern leniently, and send more money ; practise strict justice and modera- tion towards neighbouring powers, and send more money ; " this is in truth the sum of almost all the instructions that Hastings ever received from home. Now these instructions, 10 being interpreted, mean simply, " Be the father and the oppressor of the people ; be just and unjust, moderate and rapacious." The directors dealt with India, as the church, in the good old times, dealt with a heretic. They delivered the victim over to the executioners, with an earnest request that all possible tenderness might be shown. We by no means accuse or suspect those who framed these despatches of hypocrisy. It is probable that, writing fifteen thousand miles from the place where their orders were to be carried into effect, they never perceived the gross inconsistency of 20 which they were guilty. But the inconsistency was at once manifest to their lieutenant at Calcutta, who, with an empty treasury, with an unpaid army, with his own salary often in arrear, with deficient crops, with government tenants daily running away, was called upon to remit home another half million without fail. Hastings saw that it was absolutely necessary for him to disregard either the moral discourses or the pecuniary requisitions of his employers. Being forced to disobey them in something, he had to consider what kind of disobedience they would most readily pardon ; and he cor- 30 rectly judged that the safest course would be to neglect the sermons and to find the rupees. A mind so fertile as his, and so little restrained by con- scientious scruples, speedily discovered several modes of relieving the financial embarrassments of the government. The allowance of the Nabob of Bengal was reduced at a stroke from three hundred and twenty thousand pounds a WARREN HASTINGS. 25 year to half that sum. The Company had bound itself to ) pay near three hundred thousand pounds a year to the great ^"W Mogul, as a mark of homage for the provinces which he had ^ intrusted to their care ; and they had ceded to him the H^JJ districts of Corah and Allahabad. On the plea that the Mogul was not really independent, but merely a tool in the hands of others, Hastings determined to retract these con- cessions. He accordingly declared that the English would pay no more tribute, and sent troops to occupy Allahabad and Corah. The situation of these places was such, that 10 there would be little advantage and great expense in retain- ing them. Hastings, who wanted money and not territory, determined to sell them. A purchaser was not wanting. The rich province of Oude had, in the general dissolution of the Mogul Empire, fallen to the share of the great Mussul- man house by which it is still governed. About twenty years ago, this house, by the permission of the British government, assumed the royal title ; but, in the time of Warren Hastings, such an assumption would have been considered by the Mahommedans of India as a monstrous 20 impiety. The Prince of Oude, though he held the power, did not venture to use the style of sovereignty. To the appellation of Nabob or Viceroy, he added that of Vizier of the monarchy of Hindostan, just as in the last century the Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg, though independent of the Emperor, and often in arms against him, were proud to style themselves his Grand Chamberlain and Grand Marshal. Sujah Dowlah, then Nabob Vizier, was on excellent terms "»\vwv/^ with the English. He had a large treasure. Allahabad and Corah were so situated that they might be of use to him and 30 could be of none to the Company. The buyer and seller soon came to an understanding ; and the provinces which had been torn from the Mogul were made over to the govern-/ \*- ment of Oude for about half a million sterling. But there was another matter still more important to be settled by the Vizier and the Governor. The fate of a brave 26 WARREN HASTINGS. people was to be decided. It was decided in a manner which has left a lasting stain on the fame of Hastings and of England. The people of Central Asia had always been to the inhabi- tants of India what the warriors of the German forests were to the subjects of the decaying monarchy of Rome. The dark, slender, and timid Hindoo shrank from a conflict with the strong muscle and resolute spirit of the fair race, which dwelt beyond the passes. There is reason to believe that, at 10 a period anterior to the dawn of regular history, the people who spoke the rich and flexible Sanscrit came from regions lying far beyond the Hyphasis and the Hystaspes, and im- -, posed their yoke on the children of the soil. oLt is certain >"' that, during the last ten centuries, a succession of invaders descended from the west on Hindostan : nor was the course of conquest ever turned back towards the setting sun, till that memorable campaign in which the cross of Saint George was planted on the walls of Ghizni. The Emperors of Hindostan themselves came from the 20 other side of the great mountain ridge ; and it had always been their practice to recruit their army from the hardy and valiant race from which their own illustrious house sprang. Among the military adventurers who were allured to the Mogul standards from the neighbourhood of Cabul and Can- dahar, were conspicuous several gallant bands, known by the name of the Rohillas. Their services had been rewarded with large tracts of land, fiefs of the spear, if we may use an expression drawn from an analogous state of things, in that fertile plain through which the Ramgunga flows from the 30 snowy heights of Kumaon to join the Ganges. In the general confusion which followed the death of Aurungzebe, the warlike colony became virtually independent. The Ro- hillas were distinguished from the other inhabitants of India by a peculiarly fair complexion. They were more honour- ably distinguished by courage in war, and by skill in the arts of peace. While anarchy raged from Lahore to Cape WARREN HASTINGS. 27 Comorin, their little territory enjoyed the blessings of repose under the guardianship of valour. Agriculture and com- merce flourished among them ; nor were they negligent of rhetoric and poetry. Many persons now living have heard aged men talk with regret of the golden days when the Afghan princes ruled in the vale of Rohilcund. Sujah Dowlah had set his heart on adding this rich district to his own principality. Right, or show of right, he had absolutely none. His claim was in no respect better founded than that of Catherine to Poland, or that of the Bonaparte 10 family to Spain. The Rohillas held their country by exactly the same title by which he held his, and had governed their country far better than his had ever been governed. Nor were they a people whom it was perfectly safe to attack. Their land was indeed an open plain, destitute of natural defences ; but their veins were full of the high blood of Afghanistan. As soldiers, they had not the steadiness which is seldom found except in company with strict discipline ; but their impetuous valour had been proved on many fields of battle. It was said that their chiefs, when united by 20 common peril, could bring eighty thousand men into the field. Sujah Dowlah had himself seen them fight, and wisely shrank from a conflict with them. There was in India one army, and only one, against which even those proud Cau- casian tribes could not stand. It had been abundantly proved that neither tenfold odds, nor the martial ardour of the boldest Asiatic nations, could avail aught against English science and resolution. XWas it possible to induce the Governor of Bengal to let out to hire the irresistible energies of the imperial people, the skill against which the 30 ablest chiefs of Hindostan were helpless as infants, the dis- cipline which had so often triumphed over the frantic struggles of fanaticism and despair, the unconquerable British courage which is never so sedate and stubborn as towards the close of a doubtful and murderous day ? This was what the Nabob Yizier asked, and what Hastings 28 WARREN HASTINGS. granted. A bargain was soon struck. Each of the negoti- ators had what the other wanted. Hastings was in need of funds to carry on the government of Bengal, and to send remittances to London; and Sujah Dowlah had an ample revenue. Sujah Dowlah was bent on subjugating the Ro- hillas ; and Hastings had at his disposal the only force by which the Rohillas could be subjugated. It was agreed that an English army should be lent to the Nabob Vizier, and that, for the loan, he should pay four hundred thousand 10 pounds sterling, besides defraying all the charge of the troops while employed in his service. " I really cannot see," says the Reverend Mr. Gleig, " upon what grounds, either of political or moral justice, this propo- sition deserves to be stigmatized as infamous." If we under- stand the meaning of words, it is infamous to commit a wicked action for hire, and it is wicked to engage in war without provocation. In this particular war, scarcely one aggravating circumstance was wanting. The object of the Rohilla war was this, to deprive a large population, who had 20 never done us the least harm, of a good government, and to place them, against their will, under an execrably bad one. Nay, even this is not all. England now descended far below the level even of those petty German princes who, about the same time, sold us troops to fight the Americans. The hussar- mongers of Hesse and Anspach had at least the assurance that the expeditions on which their soldiers were to be em- ployed would be conducted in conformity with the humane rules of civilised warfare. Was the Rohilla war likely to be so conducted ? &id the Governor stipulate that it should be 30 so conducted ? He well knew what Indian warfare was. He well knew that the power which he covenanted to put into Sujah Dowlah's hands would, in all probability, be atrociously abused ; and he required no guarantee, no promise that it should not be so abused. He did not even reserve to himself the right of withdrawing his aid in case of abuse, however gross. Mr. Gleig repeats Major Scott's absurd plea, that WARREN HASTINGS. 29 Hastings was justified in letting out English troops to slaughter the Rohillas, because the Rohillas were not of Jfii<5an race, but a colony from a distant country, ^What were the English themselves ? $Vas it for them to proclaim a crusade for the expulsion of all intruders from the countries watered by the Ganges 1 f)id it lie in their mouths to con- tend that a foreign settler who establishes an empire in India is a caput lupinum? ^Vhat would they have said if any other power had, on such a ground, attacked Madras or Calcutta, without the slightest provocation ? Such a defence 10 was wanting to make the infamy of the transaction com- r\ J plete. The atrocity of the crime, and the hypocrisy of the apology, are worthy of each other. V^ One of the three brigades of which the Bengal army con- sisted was sent under Colonel Champion to join Sujah Dowlah's forces. The Rohillas expostulated, entreated, offered a large ransom, but in vain. They then resolved to defend themselves to the last. A bloody battle was fought. " The enemy," says Colonel Champion, " gave proof of a good share of military knowledge ; and it is impossible 20 to describe a more obstinate firmness of resolution than they displayed." The dastardly sovereign of Oude fled from the field. The English were left unsupported ; but their fire and their charge were irresistible. It was not, however, till the most distinguished chiefs had fallen, fighting bravely at the head of their troops, that the Rohilla ranks gave way. Then the Nabob Vizier and his rabble made their appear- ance, and hastened to plunder the camp of the valiant enemies, whom they had never dared to look in the face. The soldiers of the Company, trained in an exact discipline, 30 kept unbroken order, while the tents were pillaged by these worthless allies. But many voices were heard to exclaim, " We have had all the fighting, and those rogues are to have all the profit." Then the horrors of Indian war were let loose on the fair valleys and cities of Rohilcund. The whole country was in 30 WARREN HASTINGS. a blaze. More than a hundred thousand people fled from their homes to pestilential jungles, preferring famine, and fever, and the haunts of tigers, to the tyranny of him, to whom an English and a Christian government had, for shameful lucre, sold their substance, and their blood, and the honour of their wives and daughters. Colonel Champion remonstrated with the Nabob Vizier, and sent strong repre- sentations to Fort "William ; but the Governor had made no conditions as to the mode in which the war was to be carried 10 on. He had troubled himself about nothing but his forty lacs ; and, though he might disapprove of Sujah Dowlah's wanton barbarity, he did not think himself entitled to inter- fere, except by offering advice. This delicacy excites the admiration of the reverend biographer. "Mr. Hastings," he says, " could not himself dictate to the Nabob, nor permit the commander of the Company's troops to dictate how the war was to be carried on.". No, to be sure. Mr. Hastings had only to put down by main force the brave struggles of innocent men fighting for their liberty. Their military 20 resistance crushed, his duties ended ; and he had then only to fold his arms and look on, while their villages were burned, their children butchered, and their women violated. /Wil l Mr. Gleig seriously maintain this opinion % "/Is any rule more plain than this, that whoever voluntarily gives to another irresistible power over human beings, is bound to take order that such power shall not be barbarously abused ? But we beg pardon of our readers for arguing a point so clear. We hasten to the end of this sad and disgraceful story. 30 The war ceased. The finest population in India was sub- jected to a greedy, cowardly, cruel tyrant. Commerce and agriculture languished. The rich province which had tempted the cupidity of Sujah Dowlah became the most miserable part even of his miserable dominions. Yet is the injured nation not extinct. At long intervals gleams of its ancient spirit have flashed forth ; and even at this day, WARREN HASTINGS. 31 valour, and self-respect, and a chivalrous feeling rare among Asiatics, and a bitter remembrance of the great crime of England, distinguish that noble Afghan race. To this day they are regarded as the best of all sepoys at the cold steel ; and it was very recently remarked, by one who had enjoyed great opportunities of observation, that the only natives of India to whom the word " gentleman " can with perfect pro- priety be applied are to be found among the Rohillas. Whatever we may think of the morality of Hastings, it cannot be denied that the financial results of his policy did 1G honour to his talents. In less than two years after he assumed the government, he had, without imposing any additional burdens on the people subject to his authority, added about four hundred and fifty thousand pounds to the annual income of the Company, besides procuring about a million in ready money. He had also relieved the finances of Bengal from military expenditure, amounting to near a quarter of a million a year, and had thrown that charge on the Nabob of Oude. There can be no doubt that this was a result which, if it had been obtained by honest means, would 20 have entitled him to the warmest gratitude of his country, and which, by whatever means obtained, proved that he possessed great talents for administration. In the mean time, Parliament had been engaged in long and grave discussions on Asiatic affojrs. The ministry of Lord North, in the session of 1773, introduced a measure which made a considerable change in the constitution of the Indian government. This law, known by the name of the Regulating Act, provided that the presidency of Bengal should exercise a control over the other possessions of the 30 Company ; that the chief of that presidency should be styled Governor-General ; that he should be assisted by four Coun- cillors ; and that a supreme court of judicature, consisting of a chief justice and three inferior judges, should be estab- lished at Calcutta. This court was made independent of the Governor-General and Council, and was intrusted with a 32 WARREN HASTINGS. civil and criminal jurisdiction of immense, and, at the same time, of undefined extent. The Governor-General and Councillors were named in the act, and were to hold their situations for five years. Hastings was to be the first Governor-General. One of the four new Councillors, Mr. Barwell, an experienced servant of the Company, was then in India. The other three, General Clavering, Mr. Monson, and Mr. Francis, were sent out from England. 10 The ablest of the new Councillors was, beyond all doubt, Philip Francis. His acknowledged compositions prove that he possessed considerable eloquence and information. Several years passed in the public offices had formed him to habits of business. His enemies have never denied that he had a fearless and manly spirit ; and his friends, we are afraid, must acknowledge that his estimate of himself was extrava- gantly high, that his temper was irritable, that his deport- ment was often rude and petulant, and that his hatred was of intense bitterness and of long duration. 20 It is scarcely possible to mention this eminent man with- out adverting for a moment to the question which his name at once suggests to every mind. Was he the author of the Letters of Junius ? Our own firm* belief is that he was. The evidence is, we think, such as would support a verdict in a civil, nay, in a criminal proceeding. The handwriting of Junius is the very peculiar handwriting of Francis, slightly disguised. As to the position, pursuits, and con- nections of Junius, the following are the most important facts which can be considered as clearly proved : first, that 30 he was acquainted with the technical forms of the secretary of state's office ; secondly, that he was intimately acquainted with the business of the war-office ; thirdly, that he, during the year 1770, attended debates in the House of Lords, and took notes of speeches, particularly of the speeches of Lord Chatham ; fourthly, that he bitterly resented the appoint- ment of Mr. Chamier to the place of deputy secretary-at- WARREN HASTINGS. 33 war ; fifthly, that he was bound by some strong tie to the first Lord Holland. Now, Francis passed some years in the secretary of state's office. He was subsequently chief clerk of the war-office. He repeatedly mentioned that he had himself, in 1770, heard speeches of Lord Chatham ; and some of these speeches were actually printed from his notes. He resigned his clerkship at the war-office from resentment at the appointment of Mr. Chamier. It was by Lord Holland that he was first introduced into the public service. Now, here are five marks, all of which ought to be found in ip Junius. They are all five found in Francis. We do not believe that more than two of them can be found in any other person whatever. If this argument does not settle the question, there is an end of all reasoning on circumstantial, evidence. ' The internal evidence seems to us to point the same way. ^^ The style of Francis bears a strong resemblance to that of Junius ; nor are we disposed to admit, what is generally taken for granted, that the acknowledged compositions of Francis are very decidedly inferior to the anonymous letters. 20 The argument from inferiority, at all events, is one which may be urged with at least equal force against every claimant that has ever been mentioned, with the single exception of Burke ; and it would be a waste of time to prove that Burke was not Junius, ^nd what conclusion, after all, can be drawn from mere inferiority % Every writer must produce his best work ; and the interval between his best work and his second best work may be very wide indeed. Nobody will say that the best letters of Junius are more decidedly superior to the acknowledged works of Francis than three 30 or four of Corneille's tragedies to the rest, than three or four of Ben Jonson's comedies to the rest, than the Pilgrim's Progress to the other works of Bunyan, than Don Quixote to the other works of Cervantes. Nay, it is certain that the Man in the Mask, whoever he may have been, was a most unequal writer. To go no further than the letters • o 34 WARREN HASTINGS. which bear the signature of Junius ; the letter to the king, and the letters to Home Tooke, have little in com- mon, except the asperity ; and asperity was an ingredient seldom wanting either in the writings or in the speeches of Francis. Indeed one of the strongest reasons for believing that Francis was Junius is the moral resemblance between the two men. It is not difficult, from the letters which, under various signatures, are known to have been written by 10 Junius, and from his dealings with Woodfall and others, to form a tolerably correct notion of his character. He was clearly a man not destitute of real patriotism and magna- nimity, a man whose vices were not of a sordid kind. But he must also have been a man in the highest degree arrogant and insolent, a man prone to malevolence, and prone to the error of mistaking his malevolence for public virtue. "Doest - thou well to be angry ? " was the question asked in old time of the Hebrew prophet. And he answered, " I do well." This was evidently the temper of Junius ; and to this cause 20 we attribute the savage cruelty which disgraces several of his letters. No man is so merciless as he who, under a strong self-delusion, confounds his antipathies with his duties. It may be added that Junius, though allied with the democratic party by common enmities, was the very opposite of a democratic politician. While attacking in- dividuals with a ferocity which perpetually violated all the laws of literary warfare, he regarded the most defective parts of old institutions with a respect amounting to pedantry, pleaded the cause of Old Sarum with fervour, 30 and contemptuously told the capitalists of Manchester and Leeds that, if they wanted votes, they might buy land and become freeholders of Lancashire and Yorkshire. All this, we believe, might stand, with scarcely any change, for a character of Philip Francis. It is not strange that the great anonymous writer should have been willing at that time to leave the country which WARREN HASTINGS. 35 had been so powerfully stirred by his eloquence. Every thing had gone against him. That party which he clearly preferred to every other, the party of George Grenville, had been scattered by the death of its chief ; and Lord Suffolk had led the greater part of it over to the ministerial benches. The ferment produced by the Middlesex election had gone down. Every faction must have been alike an object of l aversion to Junius. His opinions on domestic affairs separ- ated him from the ministry ; his opinions on colonial affairs from the opposition. Under such circumstances, he had 10 thrown down his pen in misanthropical despair. His fare- well letter to Woodfall bears date the nineteenth of January, 1773. In that letter, he declared that he must be an idiot to write again ; that he had meant well by the cause and the public ; that both were given up ; that there were not ten men who would act steadily together on any question. "But it is all alike," he added, " vile and contemptible. You have never flinched that I know of ; and I shall always rejoice to hear of your prosperity." These were the last words of Junius. In a year from that time, Philip Francis was on his 20 voyage to Bengal. \ /Os^cy*/™ With the three new Councillors came out the judges of the Supreme Court. The chief justice was Sir Elijah Impey. He was an old acquaintance of Hastings ; and it is probable that the Governor-General, if he had searched through all the inns of court, could not have found an equally service- able tool. But the members of Council were by no means in an obsequious mood. Hastings greatly disliked the new form of government, and had no very high opinion of his coadjutors. They had heard of this, and were disposed to be 30 suspicious and punctilious. When men are in such a frame of mind, any trifle is sufficient to give occasion for dispute. The members of Council expected a salute of twenty-one guns from the batteries of Fort William. Hastings allowed them only seventeen. They landed in ill-humour. The first civilities were exchanged with cold reserve. On the morrow A 36 WARREN HASTINGS. commenced that long quarrel which, after distracting British India, was renewed in England, and in which all the most eminent statesmen and orators of the age took active part on one or the other side. Hastings was supported by Barwell. They had not al- ways been friends. But the arrival of the new members of Council from England naturally had the effect of uniting the old servants of the Company. Clavering, Monson, and Francis formed the majority. They instantly wrested the 10 government out of the hands of Hastings ; condemned, certainly not without justice, his late dealings with the Nabob Vizier ; recalled the English agent from Oude, and sent thither a creature of their own ; ordered the brigade which had conquered the unhappy Rohillas to return to the Company's territories ; and instituted a severe inquiry into the conduct of the war. Next, in spite of the Govern or- General's remonstrances, they proceeded to exercise, in the most indiscreet manner, their new authority over the sub- ordinate presidencies ; threw all the affairs of Bombay into 20 confusion ; and interfered, with an incredible union of rash- ness and feebleness, in the intestine disputes of the Mahratta government. At the same time, they fell on the internal administration of Bengal, and attacked the whole fiscal and judicial system, a system which was undoubtedly defective, but which it was very improbable that gentlemen fresh from England would be competent to amend. The effect of their reforms was that all protection to life and property was withdrawn, and that gangs of robbers plundered and slaughtered with impunity in the very suburbs of Calcutta. 30 Hastings continued to live in the Government-house, and to draw the salary of Governor-General. He continued even to take the lead at the council-board in the transaction of ordinary business ; for his opponents could not but feel that he knew much of which they were ignorant, and that he decided, both surely and speedily, many questions which to them would have been hopelessly puzzling. But the higher WARREN HASTINGS. 37 powers of government and the most valuable patronage had y been taken from him. ^^ The natives soon found this out. They considered him as "7 f/ " a fallen man ; and they acted after their kind. Some of our readers may have seen, in India, a cloud of crows pecking a sick vulture to death, no bad type of what happens in that country, as often as fortune deserts one who has been great and dreaded. In an instant, all the sycophants who had lately been ready to lie for him, to forge for him, to pandar for him, to poison for him, hasten to purchase the favour 10 of his victorious enemies by accusing him. An Indian government has only to let it be understood that it wishes a particular man to be ruined ; and, in twenty -four hours, it will be furnished with grave charges, supported by de- positions so full and circumstantial that any person unaccus- tomed to Asiatic mendacity would regard them as decisive. It is well if the signature of the destined victim is not counterfeited at the foot of some illegal compact, and if some treasonable paper is not slipped into a hiding-place in his house. Hastings was now regarded as helpless. The 20 power to make or mar the fortune of every man in Bengal had passed, as it seemed, into the hands of the new Coun- cillors. Immediately charges against the Governor-General began to pour in. They were eagerly welcomed by the majority, who, to do them justice, were men of too much honour knowingly to countenance false accusations, but who were not sufficiently acquainted with the East to be aware that, in that part of the world, a very little encouragement from power will call forth, in a week, more Oateses, and Bedloes, and Dangerfields, than Westminster Hall sees in a 30 century. It would have been strange indeed if, at such a juncture, Nuncomar had remained quiet. That bad man was stimu- lated at once by malignity, by avarice, and by ambition. Now was the time to be avenged on his old enemy, to wreak a grudge of seventeen years, to establish himself in the 38 WARREN HASTINGS. favour of the majority of the Council, to become the greatest native in Bengal. From the time of the arrival of the new Councillors, he had paid the most marked court to them, and had in consequence been excluded, with all indignity, from the Government-house. He now put into the hands of Francis, with great ceremony, a paper containing several charges of the most serious description. By this document Hastings was accused of putting offices up to sale, and of receiving bribes for suffering offenders to escape. In par- 10 ticular, it was alleged that Mahommed Reza Khan had been dismissed with impunity, in consideration of a great sum paid to the Governor- General. Francis read the paper in Council. A violent altercation followed. Hastings complained in bitter terms of the way in which he was treated, spoke with contempt of Nuncomar and of Nuncomar's accusation, and denied the right of the Council to sit in judgment on the Governor. At the next meeting of the Board, another communication from Nun- comar was produced. He requested that he might be 20 permitted to attend the Council, and that he might be heard in support of his assertions. Another tempestuous debate took place. The Governor-General maintained that the council-room was not a proper place for such an investiga- tion ; that from persons who were heated by daily conflict with him he could not expect the fairness of judges ; and that he could not, without betraying the dignity of his post, submit to be confronted with such a man as Nuncomar. The majority, however, resolved to go into the charges. Hastings rose, declared the sitting at an end, and left the 30 room followed by Barwell. The other members kept their seats, voted themselves a council, put Clavering in the chair, and ordered Nuncomar to be called in. Nuncomar not only adhered to the original charges, but, after the fashion of the East, produced a large supplement. He stated that Hast- ings had received a great sum for appointing Rajah Goordas treasurer of the Nabob's household, and for committing the WARREN HASTINGS. 39 care of his Highness's person to the Munny Begum. He put in a letter purporting to bear the seal of the Munny Begum, for the purpose of establishing the truth of his story. The seal, whether forged, as Hastings affirmed, or genuine, as we are rather inclined to believe, proved nothing, Nuncomar, as every body knows who knows India, had only to tell the Munny Begum that such a letter would give pleasure to the majority of the Council, in order to procure her attestation. The majority, however, voted that the charge was made out ; that Hastings had corruptly received 10 between thirty and forty thousand pounds ; and that he ought to be compelled to refund. The general feeling among the English in Bengal was strongly in favour of the Governor-General. In talents for business, in knowledge of the country, in general courtesy of demeanour, he was decidedly superior to his persecutors. The servants of the Company were naturally disposed to side with the most distinguished member of their own body against a clerk from the war-office, who, profoundly ignorant of the native languages and the native 20 character, took on himself to regulate every department of the administration. Hastings, however, in spite of the general sympathy of his countrymen, was in a most painful situation. There was still an appeal to higher authority in England. If that authority took part with his enemies, nothing was left to him but to throw up his office. He accordingly placed his resignation in the hands of his agent in London, Colonel Macleane. But Macleane was instructed not to produce the resignation, unless it should be fully ascertained that the feeling at the India House was adverse 30 to the Governor-General. The triumph of Nuncomar seemed to be complete. He held a daily levee, to which his countrymen resorted in crowds, and to which, on one occasion, the majority of the Council condescended to repair. His house was an office for the purpose of receiving charges against the Governor- 40 WARREN HASTINGS. General. It was said that, partly by threats, and partly by w heed ling, the villanous Brahmin had induced many of \J* the wealthiest men of the province to send in complaints. But he was playing a perilous game. It was not safe to drive to despair a man of such re sour ces and of such deter- mination as Hastings. Nuncomar, with all his acuteness, did not understand the nature of the institutions under which he lived. He saw that he had with him the majority of the body which made treaties, gave places, raised taxes. 10 The separation between political and judicial functions was a thing of which he had no conception. It had probably never occurred to him that there was in Bengal an authority perfectly independent of the Council, an authority which could protect one whom the Council wished to destroy, and send to the gibbet one whom the Council wished to protect. Yet such was the fact. The Supreme Court was, within the sphere of its own duties, altogether independent of the Government. Hastings, with his usual sagacity, had seen how much advantage he might derive from possessing^ 20 himself of this stronghold ; and he had acted accordingly. The Judges, especially the Chief Justice, were hostile to the majority of the Council. The time had now come for putting this formidable machinery into action. On a sudden, Calcutta was astounded by the news that Nun- comar had been taken up on a charge of felony, committed, and thrown into the common gaol. The crime imputed to him was that six years before he had forged a bond. The ostensible prosecutor was a native. But it was then, and still is, the opinion of every body, idiots and biographers 30 excepted, that Hastings was the real mover in the business. The rage of the majority rose to the highest point. They protested against the proceedings of the Supreme Court, and sent several urgent messages to the Judges, demanding that Nuncomar should be admitted to bail. The Judges returned haughty and resolute answers. All that the Council could do was to heap honours and emoluments on the family of WARREN HASTINGS. 41 Nuncomar ; and this they did. In the mean time the assizes commenced ; a true bill was found ; and Nuncomar was brought before Sir Elijah Impey and a jury composed of Englishmen. A great quantity of contradictory swearing, and the necessity of having every word of the evidence interpreted, protracted the trial to a most unusual length. At last a verdict of guilty was returned, and the Chief Justice pronounced sentence of death on the prisoner. Mr. Gleig is so strangely ignorant as to imagine that the judges had no further discretion in the case, and that the 10 power of extending mercy to Nuncomar resided with the Council. He therefore throws on Francis and Francis's party the whole blame of what followed. We should have thought that a gentleman who has published five or six bulky volumes on Indian affairs might have taken the trouble to inform himself as to the fundamental principles of the Indian Government. The Supreme Court had, under the Regulating Act, the power to respite criminals till the pleasure of the Crown should be known. The Council had, at that time, no power to interfere. 20 That Impey ought to have respited Nuncomar we hold to be perfectly clear. Whether the whole proceeding was not illegal, is a question. But it is certain that, whatever may have been, according to technical rules of construction, the effect of the statute under which the trial took place, it was most unjust to hang a Hindoo for forgery. The law which made forgery capital in England was passed without the smallest reference to the state of society in India. It was unknown to the natives of India. It had never been put in execution among them, certainly not for want of delinquents. 30 It was in the highest degree shocking to all their notions. They were not accustomed to the distinction which many circumstances, peculiar to our own state of society, have led us to make between forgery and other kinds of cheating. The counterfeiting of a seal was, in their estimation, a common act of swindling ; nor had it ever crossed their 42 WARREN HASTINGS. minds that it was to be punished as severely as gang- robbery or assassination. A just judge would, beyond all doubt, have reserved the case for the consideration of the sovereign. But Impey would not hear of mercy or delay. The excitement among all classes was great. Francis and Francis's few English adherents described the Governor- General and the Chief Justice as the worst of murderers. Clavering, it was said, swore that, even at the foot of the gallows, Nuncomar should be rescued. The bulk of the 10 European society, though strongly attached to the Governor- General, could not but feel compassion for a man who, with all his crimes, had so long filled so large a space in their sight, who had been great and powerful before the British empire in India began to exist, and to whom, in the old times, governors and members of council, then mere com- mercial factors, had paid court for protection. The feeling of the Hindoos was infinitely stronger. They were, indeed, not a people to strike one blow for their countryman. But his sentence filled them with sorrow and dismay. Tried even 20 by their low standard of morality, he was a bad man. But, bad as he was, he was the head of their race and religion, a Brahmin of the Brahmins. He had inherited the purest and highest caste. He had practised with the greatest punctuality all those ceremonies to which the superstitious Bengalees ascribe far more importance than to the correct discharge of the social duties. They felt, therefore, as a devout Catholic in the dark ages would have felt, at seeing a prelate of the highest dignity sent to the gallows by a secular tribunal. According to their old national laws, a Brahmin could not be 30 put to death for any crime whatever. And the crime for which Nuncomar was about to die was regarded by them in much the same light in which the selling of an. unsound horse, for a sound price, is regarded by a Yorkshire jockey. The Mussulmans alone appear to have seen with exultation the fate of the powerful Hindoo, who had attempted to rise by means of the ruin of Mahommed Reza Khan. The WARREN HASTINGS. 43 Maliommedan historian of those times takes delight in aggravating the charge. He assures us that in Nuncomar's house a casket was found containing counterfeits of the seals of all the richest men of the province. We have never fallen in with any other authority for this story, which in itself is by no means improbable. The day drew near ; and Nuncomar prepared himself to die with that quiet fortitude with which the Bengalee, so effeminately timid in personal conflict, often encounters calamities for which there is no remedy. The sheriff, with 10 the humanity which is seldom wanting in an English gentle- man, visited the prisoner on the eve of the execution, and assured him that no indulgence, consistent with the law, should be refused to him. Nuncomar expressed his grati- tude with great politeness and unaltered composure. Not a muscle of his face moved. Not a sigh broke from him. He put his finger to his forehead, and calmly said that fate would have its way, and that there was no resisting the pleasure of God. He sent his compliments to Francis, Clavering, and Monson, and charged them to protect Rajah 20 Goordas, who was about to become the head of the Brahmins of Bengal. The sheriff withdrew, greatly agitated by what had passed, and Nuncomar sat composedly down to write notes and examine accounts. 4^ The next morning, before the sun was in his power, an immense concourse assembled round the place where the gallows had been set up. Grief and horror were on every face ; yet to the last the multitude could hardly believe that the English really purposed to take the life of the great Brahmin. At length the mournful procession came through 30 the crowd. Nuncomar sat up in his palanquin, and looked round him with unaltered serenity. He had just parted from those who were most nearly connected with him. Their cries and contortions had appalled the European ministers of justice, but had not produced the smallest effect on the iron stoicism of the prisoner. The only anxiety 44 WARREN HASTINGS. which he expressed was that men of his own priestly caste might be in attendance to take charge of his corpse. He again desired to be remembered to his friends in the Council, mounted the scaffold with firmness, and gave the signal to the executioner. The moment that the drop fell, a howl of sorrow and despair rose from the innumerable spectators. Hundreds turned away their faces from the polluting sight, fled with loud wailings towards the Hoogley, and plunged into its holy waters, as if to purify themselves from the guilt 10 of having looked on such a crime. These feelings were not confined to Calcutta. The whole province was greatly ex- cited ; and the population of Dacca, in particular, gave strong signs of grief and dismay. Of Impey's conduct it is impos3ible to speak too severely. We have already said that, in our opinion, he acted unjustly in refusing to respite Nuncomar. No rational man can doubt that he took this course in order to gratify the Governor- General. If we had ever had any doubts on that point, they would have been dispelled by a letter which Mr. Gleig has 20 published. Hastings, three or four years later, described Impey as the man "to whose support he was at one time indebted for the safety of his fortune, honour, and reputa- tion." These strong words can refer only to the case of Nuncomar ; and they must mean that Impey hanged Nun- comar in order to support Hastings. It is, therefore, our deliberate opinion that Impey, sitting as a judge, put a man unjustly to death in order to serve a political purpose. But we look on the conduct of Hastings in a somewhat different light. He was struggling for fortune, honour, 30 liberty, all that makes life valuable. He was beset by rancorous and unprincipled enemies. From his colleagues he could expect no justice. He cannot be blamed for wish- ing to crush his accusers. He was indeed bound to use only legitimate means for that end. But it was not strange that he should have thought any means legitimate which were pronounced legitimate by the sages of the law, by men whose WARREN HASTINGS. 45 peculiar duty it was to deal justly between adversaries, and whose education might be supposed to have peculiarly quali- fied them for the discharge of that duty. Nobody demands from a party the unbending equity of a judge. The reason that judges are appointed is, that even a good man cannot be trusted to decide a cause in which he is himself concerned. Not a day passes on which an honest prosecutor does not ask for what none but a dishonest tribunal would grant. It is too much to expect that any man, when his dearest interests are at stake, and his strongest passions excited, will, as 10 against himself, be more just than the sworn dispensers of justice. To take an analogous case from the history of our own island : suppose that Lord Stafford, when in the Tower on suspicion of being concerned in the Popish plot, had been apprised that Titus Oates had done something which might, by a questionable construction, be brought under the head of felony. « {Should we severely blame Lord Stafford, in the sup- posed case, for causing a prosecution to be instituted, for fur- nishing funds, for using all his influence to intercept the mercy of the Crown 1 We think not. If a judge, indeed, 20 from favour to the Catholic lords, were to strain the law in order to hang Oates, such a judge would richly deserve im- peachment. But it does not appear to us that the Catholic lord, by bringing the case before the judge for decision, would materially overstep the limits of a just self-defence. While, therefore, we have not the least doubt that this memorable execution is to be attributed to Hastings, we doubt whether it can with justice be reckoned among his crimes. That his conduct was dictated by a profound policy is evident. He was in a minority in Council. It was possible 30 that he might long be in a minority. He knew the native character well. He knew in what abundance accusations are certain to flow in against the most innocent inhabitant of India who is under the frown of power. There was not in the whole black population of Bengal a place-holder, a place- hunter, a government tenant, who did not think that he 46 WARREN HASTINGS. might better himself by sending up a deposition against the Governor-General. Under these circumstances, the persecuted statesman resolved to teach the whole crew of accusers and witnesses that, though in a minority at the council board, he was still to be feared. The lesson which he gave them was indeed a lesson not to be forgotten. [The head of the com- bination which had been formed against him, the richest, the most powerful, the most artful of the Hindoos, distinguished by the favour of those who then held the government, fenced 10 round by the superstitious reverence of millions, was hanged in broad day before many thousands of people. Every thing that could make the warning impressive, dignity in the sufferer, solemnity in the proceeding, was found in this case. The helpless rage and vain struggles of the Council made the triumph more signal. From that moment the conviction of every native was that it was safer to take the part of Hastings in a minority than that of Francis in a majority, and that he who was so venturous as to join in running down the Governor-General might chance, in the phrase of the 20 Eastern poet, to find a tiger, while beating the jungle for a deer. The voices of a thousand informers were silenced in an instant. From that time, whatever difficulties Hastings might have to encounter, he was never molested by accusa- tions from natives of India. It is a remarkable circumstance that one of the letters of Hastings to Dr. Johnson bears date a very few hours after the death of Nuncomar. (While the whole settlement was in commotion, while a mighty and ancient priesthood were weeping over the remains of their chief, the conqueror in 30 that deadly grapple sat down, with characteristic self-posses- sion, to write about the Tour to the Hebrides, Jones's Persian Grammar, and the history, traditions, arts, and natural pro- ductions of India. In the mean time, intelligence of the Rohilla war, and of the first disputes between Hastings and his colleagues, had reached London. The directors took part with the majority, WARREN HASTINGS. 47 and sent out a letter filled with severe reflections on the con- duct of Hastings. They condemned, in strong but just terms, the iniquity of undertaking offensive wars merely for the sake of pecuniary advantages. But they utterly forgot that, if Hastings had by illicit means obtained pecuniary advan- tages, he had done so, not for his own benefit, but in order to meet their demands. To enjoin honesty, and to insist on having what could not be honestly got, was then the constant practice of the Company. As Lady Macbeth says of her husband, they " would not play false, and yet would wrongly 10 win." \/The Regulating Act, by which Hastings had been ap- pointed Governor-General for five years, empowered the Crown to remove him on an address from the Company. Lord North was desirous to procure such an address. The three members of Council who had been sent out from Eng- land were men of his own choice. General Clavering, in particular, was supported by a large parliamentary connec- tion, such as no cabinjet could be inclined to disoblige. The wish of the Minister was to displace Hastings, and to put 20 Clavering at the head of the government. In the Court of Directors parties were very nearly balanced. Eleven voted against Hastings ; ten for him. The Court of Proprietors was then convened. The great sale-room presented a singular appearance. Letters had been sent by the Secretary of the Treasury, exhorting all the supporters of government who held India stock to be in attendance. Lord Sandwich mar- shalled the friends of the administration with his usual dexterity and alertness. Fifty peers and privy councillors, seldom seen so far eastward, were counted in the crowd. 30 The debate lasted till midnight. The opponents of Hastings had a small superiority on the division ; but a ballot was demanded; and the result was that the Governor-General triumphed by a majority of above a hundred votes over the combined efforts of the Directors and the Cabinet. The minis- ters were greatly exasperated by this defeat. Even Lord 48 WARREN HASTINGS. North lost his temper, no ordinary occurrence with him, and threatened to convoke parliament before Christmas, and to bring in a bill for depriving the Company of all political power, and for restricting it to its old business of trading in silks and teas. Colonel Macleane, who through all this conflict had zeal- ously supported the cause of Hastings, now thought that his employer was in imminent danger of being turned out, branded with parliamentary censure, perhaps prosecuted. 10 The opinion of the crown lawyers had already been taken respecting some parts of the Governor-General's conduct. It seemed to be high time to think of securing an honour- able retreat. Under these circumstances, Macleane thought himself justified in producing the resignation with which he had been intrusted. The instrument was not in very accurate form ; but the Directors were too eager to be scrupulous. They accepted the resignation, fixed on Mr. Wheler, one of their own body, to succeed Hastings, and sent out orders that General Clavering, as senior member of Council, should 20 exercise the functions of Governor-General till Mr. Wheler should arrive. But, while these things were passing in England, a great change had taken place in Bengal. Monson was no more. Only four members of the government were left. Clavering and Francis were on one side, Bar well and the Governor- General on the other ; and the Governor-General had the casting vote. Hastings, who had been during two years destitute of all power and patronage, became at once absolute. He instantly proceeded to retaliate on his adversaries. Their 30 measures were reversed : their creatures were displaced. A new valuation of the lands of Bengal, for the purposes of taxation, was ordered ; and it was provided that the whole inquiry should be conducted by the Governor-General, and that all the letters relating to it should run in his name. He began, at the same time, to revolve vast plans of conquest and dominion, plans which he lived to see realised, though WARREN HASTINGS. 49 not by himself. His project was to form subsidiary alliances with the native princes, particularly with those of Oude and Berar, and thus to make Britain the paramount power in India. While he was meditating these great designs, arrived the intelligence that he had ceased to be Governor-General, that his resignation had been accepted, that Wheler was coming out immediately, and that, till Wheler arrived, the chair was to be filled by Clavering. Had Hastings still been in a minority, he would probably have retired without a struggle ; but he was now the real 10 master of British India, and he was not disposed to quit his high place. He asserted that he had never given any instructions which could warrant the steps taken at home. What his instructions had been, he owned he had forgotten. If he had kept a copy of them he had mislaid it. But he was certain that he had repeatedly declared to the Directors that he would not resign. He could not see how the court, possessed of that declaration from himself, could receive his resignation from the doubtful hands of an agent. If the resignation were invalid, all the proceedings which were 20 founded on that resignation were null, and Hastings was still Governor-General. He afterwards affirmed that, though his agents had not acted in conformity with his instructions, he would never- theless have held himself bound by their acts, if Clavering had not attempted to seize the supreme power by violence. Whether this assertion were or were not true, it cannot be doubted that the imprudence of Clavering gave Hastings an advantage. The General sent for the keys of the fort and of the treasury, took possession of the records, and held a 30 council at which Francis attended. Hastings took the chair in another apartment, and Barwell sat with him. Each of the two parties had a plausible show of right. There was no authority entitled to their obedience within fifteen thousand miles. It seemed that there remained no way of settling the dispute except an appeal to arms ; and from such an 50 WARREN HASTINGS. appeal Hastings, confident of his influence over his country- men in India, was not inclined to shrink. He directed the officers of the garrison of Fort William and of all the neigh- bouring stations to obey no orders but his. At the same time, with admirable judgment, he offered to submit the case to the Supreme Court, and to abide by its decision. By making this proposition he risked nothing ; yet it was a proposition which his opponents could hardly reject. No- body could be treated as a criminal for obeying what the 10 judges should solemnly pronounce to be the lawful govern- ment. The boldest man would shrink from taking arms in defence of what the judges should pronounce to be usurpa- tion. Clavering and Francis, after some delay, unwillingly consented to abide by the award of the court. The court pronounced that the resignation was invalid, and that therefore Hastings was still Governor-General under the Regulating Act ; and the defeated members of the Council, finding that the sense of the whole settlement was against them, acquiesced in the decision. 20 About this time arrived the news that, after a suit which had lasted several years, the Franconian courts had decreed a divorce between Imhoff and his wife. The Baron left Calcutta, carrying with him the means of buying an estate in Saxony. The lady became Mrs. Hastings. The event was celebrated by great festivities ; and all the most conspicuous persons at Calcutta, without distinction of parties, were invited to the Government-house. Clavering, as the Mahommedan chronicler tells the story, was sick in mind and body, and excused himself from joining the 30 splendid assembly. But Hastings, whom, as it should seem, success in ambition and in love had put into high good- humour, would take no denial. He went himself to the General's house, and at length brought his vanquished rival in triumph to the gay circle which surrounded the bride. The exertion was too much for a frame broken by mortifica- tion as well as by disease. Clavering died a few days later. WARREN HASTINGS. 51 Wheler, who came out expecting to be Governor-General, and was forced to content himself with a seat at the Council Board, generally voted with Francis. But the Governor- General, with BarwelPs help and his own casting vote, was still the master. Some change took place at this time in the feeling both of the Court of Directors and of the Ministers of the Crown. All designs against Hastings were dropped ; and when his original term of five years expired, he was quietly re-appointed. The truth is, that the fearful dangers to which the public interests in every quarter were now 10 exposed, made both Lord North and the Company unwilling to part with a Governor whose talents, experience, and resolution, enmity itself was compelled to acknowledge. The crisis was indeed formidable. That great and vic- torious empire, on the throne of which George the Third had taken his seat eighteen years before, with brighter hopes than had attended the accession of any of the long line of English sovereigns, had, by the most senseless mis- government, been brought to the verge of ruin. In America millions of Englishmen were at war with the country from 20 which their blood, their language, their religion, and their institutions were derived, and to which, but a short time before, they had been as strongly attached as the inhabitants of Norfolk and Leicestershire. The great powers of Europe, humbled to the dust by the vigour and genius which had guided the councils of George the Second, now rejoiced in the prospect of a signal revenge. The time was approaching when our island, while struggling to keep down the United States of America, and pressed with a still nearer danger by * "' the too just discontents of Ireland, was to be assailed by 30 France, Spain, and Holland, and to be threatened by the armed neutrality of the Baltic ; when even our maritime supremacy was to be in jeopardy ; when hostile fleets were to command the Straits of Calpe and the Mexican Sea ; when the British flag was to be scarcely able to protect the British Channel. Great as were the faults of Hastings, it 52 WARREN HASTINGS. was happy for our country that at that conjuncture, the most terrible through which she has ever passed, he was the ruler of her Indian dominions. ^ An attack by sea on Bengal was little to be apprehended. The danger was that the European enemies of England might form an alliance with some native power, might furnish that power with troops, arms, and ammunition, and might thus assail our possessions on the side of the land. It was chiefly from the Mahrattas that Hastings anticipated 10 danger. The original seat of that singular people was the wild range of hills which runs along the western coast of India. In the reign of Aurungzebe the inhabitants of those regions, led by the great Sevajee, began to descend on the possessions of their wealthier and less warlike neighbours. The energy, ferocity, and cunning of the Mahrattas, soon made them the most conspicuous among the new powers which were generated by the corruption of the decaying monarchy. At first they were only robbers. They soon rose to the dignity of conquerors. Half the provinces of the 20 empire were turned into Mahratta principalities. Free- booters, sprung from low castes, and accustomed to menial employments, became mighty Rajahs. The Bonslas, at the head of a band of plunderers, occupied the vast region of Berar. The Guicowar, which is, being interpreted, the Herdsman, founded that dynasty which still reigns in Guzerat. The houses of Scindia and Holkar waxed great in Malwa. One adventurous captain made his nest on the inpregnable rock of Gooti. Another became the lord of the thousand villages which are scattered among the green rice- 30 fields of Tanjore. That was the time, throughout India, of double govern- ment. The form and the power were every where separated. The Mussulman nabobs who had become sovereign princes, the Vizier in Oude, and the Nizam at Hyderabad, still called themselves the viceroys of the house of Tamerlane. In the same manner the Mahratta states, though really independent W^Y-vV^ v WARREN HASTINGS. 53 of each other, pretended to be members of one empire. They all acknowledged, by words and ceremonies, the supremacy g-J of the heir of Sevajee, a roi^ faineant who chewed bang and toyed with dancing girls in a state prison at Sattara, and of ^^^tci his Peshwa or mayor of the palace, a great hereditary magis- trate, who kept a court with kingly state at Poonah, and whose authority was obeyed in the spacious provinces of Aurungabad and Bejapoor. Some months before war was declared in Europe the government of Bengal was alarmed by the news that a 10 French adventurer, who passed for a man of quality, had arrived at Poonah. It was said that he had been received there with great distinction, that he had delivered to the Peshwa letters and presents from Louis the Sixteenth, and that a treaty, hostile to England, had been concluded between France and the Mahrattas. Hastings immediately resolved to strike the first blow. The title of the Peshwa was not undisputed. A portion of the Mahratta nation was favourable to a pretender. The Governor-General determined to espouse this pretender's 20 interest, to move an army across the peninsula of India, and to form a close alliance with the chief of the house of Bonsla, who ruled Berar, and who, in power and dignity, was inferior to none of the Mahratta princes. The army had marched, and the negotiations with Berar were in progress, when a letter from the English consul at Cairo brought the news that war had been proclaimed both in London and Paris. All the measures which the crisis required were adopted by Hastings without a moment's delay. The French factories in Bengal were seized. Orders 30 were sent to Madras that Pondicherry should instantly be occupied. Near Calcutta, works were thrown up which were thought to render the approach of a hostile force impossible. A maritime establishment was formed for the defence of the river. Nine new battalions of sepoys were raised, and a corps of native artillery was formed out of the hardy Lascars 54 WARREN HASTINGS. of the Bay of Bengal. Having made these arrangements, the Governor-General with calm confidence pronounced his presidency secure from all attack, unless the Mahrattas should march against it in conjunction with the French. The expedition which Hastings had sent westward was not so speedily or completely successful as most of his under- takings. The commanding officer procrastinated. The authorities at Bombay blundered. But the Governor- General persevered. A new commander repaired the errors 10 of his predecessor. Several brilliant actions spread the military renown of the English through regions where no European flag had ever been seen. [It^is probable that, if a new and more formidable danger had not compelled Hastings to change his whole policy, his plans respecting the Mahratta empire would have been carried into complete effect. The authorities in England had wisely sent out to Bengal, as commander of the forces and member of the council, one of the most distinguished soldiers of that time. Sir Eyre Coote had, many years before, been conspicuous among the 20 founders of the British empire in the East. At the council of war which preceded the battle of Plassey, he earnestly recommended, in opposition to the majority, that daring course which, after some hesitation, was adopted, and which was crowned with such splendid success. He subsequently commanded in the south of India against the brave and un- fortunate Lally, gained the decisive battle of Wandewash over the French and their native allies, took Pondicherry, and made the English power supreme in the Carnatic. Since those great exploits near twenty years had elapsed. Coote 30 had no longer the bodily activity which he had shown in earlier days ; nor was the vigour of his mind altogether un- impaired. He was capricious and fretful, and required much coaxing to keep him in good humour. It must, we fear, be t/ added that the love of money had grown upon him, and that he thought more about his allowances, and less about his duties, than might have been expected from so eminent a WARREN HASTINGS. 55 member of so noble a profession. Still he was perhaps the ablest officer that was then to be found in the British army. Among the native soldiers his name was great and his influence unrivalled. Nor is he yet forgotten by them. Now and then a white-bearded old sepoy may still be found, who loves to talk of Porto Novo and Pollilore. It is but a short time since one of those aged men came to present a memorial to an English officer, who holds one of the highest employments in India. A print of Coote hung in the room. ..- >- The veteran recognised at once that face and figure which he 10 had not seen for more than half a century, and, forgetting his salam to the living, halted, drew himself up, lifted his hand, and with solemn reverence paid his military obeisance to the dead. Coote, though he did not, like Barwell, vote constantly with the Governor-General, was by no means inclined to join in systematic opposition, and on most questions concurred with Hastings, who did his best, by assiduous courtship, and by readily granting the most exorbitant allowances, to gratify the strongest passions of the old soldier. 20 It seemed likely at this time that a general reconciliation would put an end to the quarrels which had, during some years, weakened and disgraced the government of Bengal. The dangers of the empire might well induce men of patriotic feeling — and of patriotic feeling neither Hastings nor Francis was destitute — to forget private enmities, and to co-operate heartily for the general good. Coote had never been concerned in faction. Wheler was thoroughly tired of it. Barwell had made an ample fortune, and, though he had promised that he would not leave Calcutta while his help was 30 needed in Council, was most desirous to return to England, and exerted himself to promote an arrangement which would set him at liberty. A compact was made, by which Francis agreed to desist from opposition, and Hastings engaged that the friends of Francis should be admitted to a fair share of the honours and emoluments of the service. During a few 56 WARREN HASTINGS. v ^ months after this treaty there was apparent harmony at the f- "* council-board. £ % ^