1 Q LIBRARY OF THK University of California. GIFT OF ^AJLA: ^M^.Crf Class ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO ATLANTA • SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limited LONDON • BOMBAY • CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TORONTO MACMILLAN'S COMMERCIAL SERIES ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS AEITHMETIC BY ANSON H. BIGELOW SUPEBINTBNDENT CITY SCHOOLS, LEAD, 8.1). AND W. A. ARNOLD DIRECTOR BUSINESS TRAINING, WOODBINE, IOWA NORMAL SCHOOL THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1911 All rights reserved MAY 5 1911 GIFT, Copyright, 1911, By the MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published January, 191 1 NarfaootJ ^regs J. 8. Cashing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE The preparation of the text which follows was undertaken in the belief that the arithmetic of the schools should teach the methods most in vogue in the business world, and that those methods should be so taught as to form correct habits in those who are to attack the problems of real life. The accomplishment of these ends has involved, first, an investigation into the methods of the various fields of business activity, and, second, the writing of the whole subject from the point of view of habit-forming rather than from that of either the conventional or the scientific treatment. The methods chosen are believed to have the sanction of usage by those in the business world best qualified to speak. The manner of presentation has been tested by nearly ten years of use, in manuscript form, in the schools and classes of which the authors have had charge. The processes presented are strictly arithmetical. No form of domination by higher studies is more insidious or harmful than the attempt to apply the abstractions of algebra and geometry to the problems of arithmetic for the use of children. Immature young people do not comprehend these abstractions and can only memorize them and apply them haltingly. On the other hand, if they fully understand the concrete methods of arithmetic and can understandingly solve its problems, their minds are better equipped with those concrete concepts which alone give meaning to the more abstract forms and truths of the higher branches of mathematics. While the methods used in this book are those of the counting room, the shop, or the farm, the pure mathematical 213230 Vi PREFACE element has not been sacrificed. When the mathematical reasoning of available methods is clear, the chief considera- tions have been, just as they are in the business world, short- ness of operation, quickness of solution, and the minimum of opportunity or likelihood of error. These considerations have not always led to formal methods, equally applicable to all contingencies, but have rather pointed to direct ways of solving the kind of problems most frequently met. While the emphasis has not been, therefore, upon the best methods for infrequent and unusual problems, their solution is none the less clearly prepared for. Topics admittedly obsolete have been omitted, while others less used than formerly have received correspondingly less emphasiSo In general, only those topics or phases of topics have been treated which are applicable to present-day prob- lems, and in the order of their need, regardless of the tradi- tional arrangement and sequence of subject matter. To those who believe that there should be a re-canvassing of the whole field of arithmetic at the close of the grammar school, or in the first high school year, with more attention to the methods used in actual life and with the deliberate purpose of developing an habitual mode of attack which seeks the most direct and accurate methods of solution, we com- mend our book in the hope that it may be of real service. We are firmly convinced that there is a large and growing number of school men and women who believe that this is the only road to adequate and practical results from arith- metic teaching. We desire to express appreciation of the sympathetic criti- cism and cooperation of the editor of the series in which the book appears, and of the many courtesies shown us by officers and employees of numerous large business houses whom we consulted in our quest for information as to current arithmetic practices. A. H. B. . W. A. A. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION Two small boys were overheard in conversation as they went out from the morning assembly exercises of a given school, just after the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians had been read. One's remark to the other fairly expressed the estimate which has been placed on the value of the elementary school studies. The lad's comment was, " Readin, ritin, and rithmetic, and the greatest of these is rithmetic." Arithmetic has claimed a large part of the school's time ; it has presented the very citadel of difficulty to the pupil ; and it has been made the object of first importance by the teacher. While the above statements are true there are other facts in striking contrast. Results at present secured from the study of arithmetic are most unsatisfactory. Several inves- tigations in different parts of the country have shown that pupils go out from the schools not understanding the pro- cesses of modern business, and not able to make trustworthy computations. Schools are not realizing an educational result from arithmetic commensurate with the time and effort spent on it, and the present situation is one which calls for careful consideration. In the first place arithmetic is of all the elementary school studies the one most in danger of becoming conventionalized. Teacher and textbook tend to perpetuate themselves. Marked changes may occur in practical affairs about which the teacher and the textbook author know little. Thus it was that the mercantile methods of the eighteenth cen- viii EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION tury continued as the basis of arithmetical instruction in the nineteenth century, long after those methods had disap- peared ; and thus there are traces of the eighteenth century still to be discerned in the arithmetics of the present. If the merchant of an earlier generation were to reappear and attempt to do business, he would be dumfounded by the changes in commercial procedure; but he could scarcely be at a greater disadvantage than are pupils who are trained after the methods which he had used and then sent out to take their places in the world of to-day. The book herewith presented is an honest attempt to set forth correctly the fundamental operations of modern busi- ness, and to furnish a goodly amount of drill on the kind of computations which make up present-day commercial practice. Messrs. Bigelow and Arnold have spared no pains to inform themselves on current business operations, and the editor believes that they have presented their infor- mation succinctly and logically arranged for purposes of instruction. The book has been the result of much labor in its first preparation, and as first prepared it was duplicated to serve as a text, and modified in class instruction for several years. In addition to this it has been revised and adapted in accordance with suggestions of experienced teachers in different parts of the country. It is believed that all this has resulted in a book of accurate information, of sound mathematical basis, and of high teaching quality. Several features of the book will commend themselves to teachers. Among these are the script illustrations as models for trial balances, ledger accounts, time sheets, accounts of sales, etc. These have been executed by the skilful pen artist and illustrator, Mr. E. C. Mills. Chapter IV on Fractional Parts presents a natural and easy approach to fractions, and will be found of great practi- cal value. The authors have had the courage to put deci- EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION ix mals ahead of common fractions, treating them as they should be treated, simply as a descending scale in our decimal nota- tion, of which whole numbers are an ascending scale. The book will be found to have little of the impractical and troublesome G. C. D. and L. C. M. problems. Fractions of large denominations are not introduced, as they present difficulties and are almost never encountered except in the arithmetics. Square root and the treatment of mensuration are disposed of in connection with weights and measures. The antiquated percentage problems to be solved by the use of formulas are omitted, as are the conventional percentage formulas themselves. Partial payments is relegated to an unimportant place in the Chapter on Interest. The so-called true discount is eliminated from the textbook as it is from business; and partnership and proportion are so treated as to bring them within the practice of the actual world. In some particulars the book is not as revolutionary as the authors would have desired, but it is believed to be as revolutionary as it could be without breaking with the prac- tice of the schools. This text, it is believed, will prove a logical and easy completion of the average elementary course in arithmetic. It should find a place in the last years of the grammar school, as the finishing book of the ungraded school, and for the first high school year. Throughout, this book will be found to use the method of concrete presentation. The pupil is constantly asked to consider problems with the thought of determining the particular solution which will get a result the most directly. Thus there is an absence of any ".wooden " working by rule. At every turn the pupil is required to select his solution, and to use his head in applying the form selected. This cannot fail to produce clear thinking and a facility in com- putations which will give accuracy. The problems of easy solution for mental arithmetic offer one valuable feature X EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION of the book. These, largely used, will develop power of accurate thought and power of expression. A limited range of treatment, with freedom of explana- tion and plenty of drill on the fundamentals ; not too much arithmetic attempted, but what is attempted done well ; not generalized and abstract number, but arithmetic related to the life experiences of the child ; problems selected from the world around about the child ; not a treatment which shall be " milk for babes," but one which will afford such a ruggedness of drill as will make arithmetic a means of disci- plinary education and a book of accurate information, — these are the standards which the "Elements of Business Arithmetic " has sought to meet. Possibly it has failed in some particular, but it is published in the confident belief that there is a large place for such a presentation as is here attempted. The authors and the editor have the satisfaction of having worked long and faithfully. They invite correc- tions and suggestions for the improvement of the book. C. A. H. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGB I. Addition and Subtraction 1 11. Multiplication and Division 16 III. Decimals 23 IV. Fractional Parts 32 V. Fractions 53 VI. Measures of Length 67 VII. Measures of Area . 72 VIII. Measures of Volume 109 IX. Measures of Time 126 X. Measures of Weight . . . . . . . 137 XL Measures of Value 141 XIL French Metrical System 149 XIII. Percentage 157 XIV. Trade Discount 172 XV. Commission 180 XVL Taxes and Duties 185 XVII. Interest 192 XVIII. Banking and Discount 205 XIX. Stocks and Bonds 221 XX. Insurance . . . 231 XXI. Proportion 240 XXII. Proportional Parts and Partnership . . ' . 250 Index 255 XI THE ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS AEITHMETIC ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 1. Combinations to 9. Pupils who use this book will probably know the combinations of numbers up to 9, but it may be presumed that they are not sufficiently quick and accurate in the use of these combinations. Thorough drills should be given and continued until pupils can think groups as a whole and can instantly name sums without naming the parts. Note. — There are but forty-five possible combinations of numbers up to 9. The common, device of having each one of the combinations on a separate card and giving results at sight rapidly and in varied or- der, forms a practical drill. Each card may have the same combina- tion on its back with the order of the figures reversed. DRILL TABLE The forty-five two-figure combinations. Name sums at sight. 74241343314221189856455 7 6 5 3 7 6 2 3 2 5 1 2 1 3 1 9 9 8 5 1 4 3 4 7 1 5 6 6 8 9 8 7 7 4 9 7 6 7 5 3 2 4 5 7 6 2 8 6 6 9 6 1 2 3 5 8 3 8 7 9 9 8 9 9 8 4 2 2. Combinations to 19. The following combinations should be drilled upon and learned in the same way as those in Sec. 1. They are important for rapid addition (Sec. 3). B 1 2. ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC The instant calling of results should be insisted upon. Drill cards as above suggested will be useful. Note. — In making these combinations, the second number should be thought of as one ten and a given number of units and not as a given number of units and one ten. Thus, in combining 14 and 13 we should think of 24 and 3 ; in combining 17 and 18 of 27 and 8. DRILL TABLE Forty-five more combinations, 11 to 19. Name sums at sight. 12 13 11 17 11 17 12 15 12 16 19 17 11 14 15 12 19 15 18 11 17 16 14 12 16 13 13 14 13 14 15 17 11 16 15 18 17 12 16 15 18 17 13 16 11 19 14 19 16 19 13 15 18 16 17 12 13 16 18 11 16 19 18 13 15 14 19 JL3 14 14 18 18 19 12 18 17 17 12 11 1418121113141511191915 3. Adding by Groups. In adding columns of figures one should think first of the sum of each group, then group the ^ .^ sums and name the sum of the groups. In the o problem given, think and name the sum of the -. 07 fii^st group as 14 without naming the figures of o the group, the sum of the second group as 13, ^ 2_ then the sum of 13 and 14 is thought and named. r Seeing the next group as 10, we think the sum of Q w . 27 and 10, saying 37; then, 11, 48. In adding, r name the results only, as : 14, 27, 37, 48. ^ Note. — Double drill may be had from the same problems by adding both up and down; e.g. 11, 21, 34, 48. This is also a way of detecting errors. If the same result is obtained from adding both ways, the sum is probably correct. 4. Adding Two Columns. By practice, two columns of figures may be readily added at once. The tens should be combined first and the units added to their sum (Sec. 3). ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 3 The problems below may be used for practice in both single and double column adding. Add both up and down. Drill until the group sums can be named quickly. Add. 37 95 67 68 56 45 27 35 46 24 99 48 71 89 76 32 33 45 40 36 76 66 75 72 88 87 72 98 76 79 88 15 90 54 38 98 63 36 76 97 57 83 33 77 32 68 71 90 13 31 16 58 84 17 84 66 54 78 86 96 38 55 33 19 10 34 42 34 86 92 10 57 67 88 38 86 84 48 47 94 65 56 25 56 75 85 83 17 42 56 22 71 95 84 32 -23 47 85 65 76 81 34 56 87 34 50 60 70 71 95 84 32 23 47 85 65 76 81 8 78 19 30 54 76 58 43 45 24 98 76 67 19 14 67 32 78 76 14 98 88 28 34 13 65 Practice adding by groups. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 180 718 678 432 178 852 458 37 458 123 7689 23 1768 717 678 743 327 187 918 1079 1876 7 7453 4 717 324 324 187 509 834 778 415 2345 324 6789 1064 318 6324 5324 873 548 791 130 543 915 718 98 4317 8796 1745 6 1098 376 876 987 734 435 478 3458 1756 5692 187 678 1 367 324 578 713 105 791 698 1234 304 2934 67 5487 75 84 943 528 281 375 905 768 5432 32 701 5432 34 150 69 473 432 958 104 548 785 7981 7615 45 478 91 235 75 432 958 104 548 785 442 2701 89 6194 91 3605 768 150 573 473 109 423 478 871 __71 _432 5061 2398 _148 _^ 1785 Add across. Add' down. Pfoblems like these are useful in training to accuracy, and frequently occur in offices. If the final results are not alike, the student should find and correct mistakes without awaiting correction by the the teacher. 1. 324+625 + 463 + 526 = ?/- 2. 103 + 184 + 216 + 135 + 320 = ? 462 + 375 + 836 + 472 = ? ' 413 + 204 + 311 + 401 + 405 = ? 378 + 643 + 728 + 645 = ? ■ 764 + 835 + 735 + 631 + 987 = ? 643 + 372 + 654 + 528 = ? 367 + 543 + 263 + 413 + 187 = ? 584 + 653 + 936 + 364 = ? v_^^_ 185 + 371 + 213 + 715 + 478 = ? ?+? + ? + ?=? \vi\ \ ?+?+? + ? + ?=? 4 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 3. 265 + 167 + 324 + 734 + 178 = ? ' ' 562 + 713 + 432 + 817 + 384 = ? . 276 + 810 + 305 + 978 + 308 = ? , 417 + 187 + 523 + 734 + 198 = ? .icSl 672 + 432 + 278 + 598 + 471 = ? T gj^ — ■ ?+? + ? + ? + ?=? ' -'^^ "\1*^ . : - - ' '^'' 5, Adding Long Columns. Civil Service Method. In add- ing long columns of figures it is often desirable to retain $791.52 *^® exact sum of each column. Errors are more 604.83 easily located and unnecessary re-adding of col- 879.26 umns which are correct is often avoided. Gen- 243.79 erally speaking, this practice should always be 732.46 used for columns of more than ten numbers. 47.95 This is sometimes known as the " Civil Service 856.43 Method," presumably from its large use in gov- 497.65 ernment offices. It may be frequently used to 541.26 advantage in many offices. Practice using this 616.72 iiiethod in the problems given after Sec. 6. 857.94 Note. — Drill in urriting, from dictation, long columns ^ of numbers of varied size, so that neat vertical columns Q g will be secured. Verify answers by adding downward, if ro the first addition was upward, or vice versa. ^^ 6. Addition Proof by Check. In counting- rooms or elsewhere where long columns of fig- qt) 0009.81 ^j,gg ^j.Q common, some system for checking the correctness of results of addition is often resorted to. Such devices are of various kinds, but all consist of some variation of a casting out process, as of the 9's or ll's. The Unitate method is here presented. It consists of re- moving all the nines from the numbers added and from the sum. The remainder would necessarily be less than nine and being a single figure is termed a unitate. When the unitate of the numbers added is the same as the unitate of the 8um^ the addition is usually correct. 60 ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 5 The process of finding the unitate of a given number or, as it is often called, " casting out the nines," is based on the facts that our system of notation is a decimal one and that there is but a single unit of difference between 9 and the basis of our notation, 10. Every digit in our notation stands for the number of tens (or powers of ten) represented by the digit. Now there are as many nines in each of these as there are tens and there would be a remainder of a single unit from each ten. But as each digit represents the number of tens, there would be a number of units equal to the digit itself remaining, after all the nines had been taken out. The sum of the digits of any number would represent, then, the number of units remaining after all the nines had been "cast out." If this sum is a number with more than one digit, it still contains a nine and the sum of its digits would be the true remainder. When this remainder consists of but one digit, it is the desired unitate. To find the unitate of 87,564,892, add the digits and their sum is 49 ; adding these gives 13, and adding these gives 4, the unitate. Unitates. Thus, 32,543 8 16,789 3 h'^i 11,942 2 : \ 27,683 1 38,578 5 96,541 3 73,847 5 297,923 5 In theory, the unitates of every addend are themselves reduced to a unitate, which should equal the unitate of the correct answer. 6 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC In practice, the "unitate of the first addend (8) is written and then added to the digits of the second addend and the whole reduced to its unitate (3). This is again added to the digits of the third addend and the third unitate is found (2). This process is continued until the unitate of the last addend is found, which should be the same as the unitate of the answer. Checking by the unitate is not an absolute proof. It will not detect an error in transposition of digits, or where the wrong digits total the same as the right ones. It is a satis- factory check, however, in most cases. PROBLEMS Solve and prove the following : 1. -^y^^-t^t^a^ yOi2^ 7^.^u:-f>^^-^^-^^^^ / /^J S-C €^. ^7^-rz.<^^^^.^^^#/, ^ ^;fid..^;z^^ 3yo o o CT -'^^^*^4^'-5f^t-^>*2'/-^/, Jl (o ^y^o^'^-e^ri^ 7^ O ^ (o^^t^^z-c^n^j..^^ f^ o ^ v^^W-^ii'i.^-i^^ ^z-^i^ o^2-<^-«i--*z-^ JO o o // -^, ^ -e^^'tz.^yt-^ 2^7 o o r X 2S rus JOZ o o /f OT^^-^Oa^^ J 2 /^.,A^fiyy2^ ^^d^^c^^b^^b^ 33/ J-0 ZO C/ '^ -J^'-Cl^<.A'<'t^-it^cS 779 2.0 uC-i^z-.^l^-.^r-T^L.^c^^iz^'^''^^ ^Ci' ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION BAUSCH & LOME OPTICAL COMPANY MANUFACTURERS ^ '.-^^^-r-^^, / ^^,.>&^^r^.^^^.J^j'U^ - ,i'^^.;>'4--r?--i^!--^::J>^ ^.^ -^^ . y^v.^^?^-^ -i^^^-X_ /*■" ^ 2.' ^^ 'f^.J'/ ^ ^ ^^J^^^. ^^^^ f- -^ tU^. >-v!^-/ ■^A^^^^ J-^-^L^ t-y6^^/Ce ■C-1H,'Tn.-f2.r^ - '(yOlJT^y},^^^^ y^f^ -///t^^y!. '^.■'>^-^^^'y?^y -^k^X>. ^a^.A ^.^^.^yiy~k?<-t<^^^^ ■£:Pf^^^,:?t/y. JM. >^^^^-.^^^.^^ ^ ^■ < ^n=^^ ^ /2.rr^y . -/^ J. r -. , ^ .. , ^^^f ??^^f ?r^ Th' yf^r^ ^( 0^ r^^^y^i ^Af. /o.^ ^^^^y/^'y>^. <^^M,i^^ /d^'A^''^^-^^-^'^^^<^-p^ Grand Rapids, Mich.. l/{..^2^^.^ Zt^, — 19. The Hancock Furniture Company 356-359 State Street i^ .^Skz ■^^^..^y^^.^f7-y7. ^~^^t ^< ?^ V- Z^ > ;^ 7 ^ (jJJy ^ ^.-fT-^ -/^J-^A^aA - Ajl .^2^i-^e^i^^£i.=:^ /Z >r7.^^^^ / ^ =^X-^ .^r^1 ^ . '^..<^^ /^^.^d-J^ J^ .^ ."ri^'^:^^':CrtC^..^s id2;l 8 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 4. List of appropriations by Congress, for bienniuni. 19_ 19_ Deficiencies $ 19,651,968.25 ^ 25,083,395.78 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial 27,598,653.66 28,558,258.22 Sundry Civil 61,763,709.11 49,968,011.34 Support of the Army . 77,888,752.83 77,070,300.88 Naval Service . 81,876,791.43 97,505,140.94 Indian Service . 8,540,406.77 9,447,961.40 Rivers and Harbors . 20,228,150.99 10,872,200.00 Forts and Fortifications 7,188,416.22 7,518,192.00 Military Academy . 652,748.67 973,947.26 Pensions . 139,847,600.00 138,360,700.00 Consular and Diplomatic 1,968,250.69 2,020,100.69 Agricultural Department 5,978,160.00 5,902,040.00 District of Columbia 8,638,097,00 11,018,540.00 Miscellaneous . 3,025,064.95 2,860,828.52 Total 5. The cotton crop of the United States by states for five years. States 1 2 3 4 5 North Carolina 480,000 400,000 426,000 504,000 400,000 South Carolina 960,000 874,000 948,000 955,000 845,000 Georgia 1,448,000 1,226,000 1,493,000 1,498,000 1,405,000 Florida 54,000 57,000 56,000 60,000 55,000 Alabama 1,161,000 1,136,000 1,287,000 1,065,000 1,040,000 Mississippi 1,776,000 1,349,000 1,460,000 1,418,000 1,385,000 Louisiana 577,000 651,000 851,000 864,000 832,000 Texas 3,143,000 2,575,000 2,682,000 2,575,000 2,446,000 Arkansas 921,000 665,000 771,000 938,000 855,000 Tennessee 381,000 240,000 229,000 303,000 255,000 All others 334,000 267,000 498,000 578,000 516,000 Total crop r ■ . •; v^Jioi.c 'V ' ""' ■. ' 'i '■ ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 6. Add down. Add across. 7654 4753 1954 1763 8197 6548 ? 1458 3674 1756 3263 3954 3245 ? 5786 9876 1753 5132 6587 3642 ? 4327 9876 587 3674 5743 6798 ? 56 7815 2301 1567 4326 189 ? 1587 9817 3246 1685 8542 7432 ? 1563 6743 9816 1076 875 1904 ? 8543 3425 178 25 3607 98 ? 5674 8795 5432 5768 5843 2345 ? + 7. Departmental sales for the week ending June 15, 19 Days Clothing Dry Goods Furnish- ings Millinery Groceries Total Monday 695.50 894.30 175.65 325.45 678.10 ? Tuesday 546.15 716.98 243.25 817.42 313.48 ? Wednesday 981.76 654.32 145.60 567.89 543.26 ? Thursday 578.90 765.10 324.65 687.58 987.60 ? Friday 842.45 918.75 216.40 561.46 674.15 ? Saturday 985.50 818.40 456.12 764.55 925.48 ? Total ? 9 ? ? ? ? 8. The records of a post-office show the following mail for six days : Monday, registered letters, 625; ordinary letters, 14,570; postal cards, 2134; book packets, 957; parcels, 184; newspapers, 25,514. Tuesday, registered letters, 541 ; ordinary letters, 13,576 ; postal cards, 2134 ; book packets, 587; parcels, 146; newspapers, 26,156. Wednesday, registered letters, 750; ordinary letters, 14,569; postal cards, 3456 ; book packets, 1056; parcels, 178; newspapers, 24,356. Thursday, registered letters, 587 ; ordinary letters, 13,452 ; postal cards, 2451 ; parcels, 143 ; news- papers, 23,781. Friday, registered letters, 547; ordinary letters, 13,567; postal cards, 1346 ; book packets, 890 ; parcels, 157 ; newspapers, 26,543. 10 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Saturday, registered letters, 857 ; ordinary letters, 15,472 ; postal cards, 3145 ; book packets, 789 ; parcels, 245 ; newspapers, 23,100. Arrange these facts in tabular form, in six columns, under proper headings. Find the total number of pieces of mail for each day, the total number of pieces of each class, and the total number for six days. 7. Method of Subtraction. Whether the pupil subtracts by the method of borrowing from the minuend or by adding to the subtrahend, is immaterial. Ordinarily he should be permitted to use the method previously taught him. The effort should be toward facility, which may only be acquired by practice. The examples here given are sug- gestive rather than sufficient. If when these are completed there is not the power of quick and accurate subtraction, much additional work should be given. If another method is desired, that known as the addition method is suggested. It has the advantage of using the addition combinations previously taught and involves no new process. In the accompanying problem, we say 4 and 5 are 9, writing . the 5. Then, 8 and 8 are 16, writing the 8 and carrying the 1 ■ as in addition. Then, 10 (9 + 1) and are 10, writing ; and 1 (carried from 10) and 1 are 2, writing 1. 8. Making Change. The addition method of making change is the one most generally used by tellers, and is un- questionably the most accurate. Thus, a ten-dollar bill is tendered in payment of a bill of $2.85. Counting out suc- cessively a five-cent piece, a dime, two dollars, and a five- dollar bill, the sums are named as follows: $2.85, $2.90, $3, $4, $5, $10. Name the coins and bills, and the amount of change to be given in each of the following : 1. From $1, for a bill of: 17^, 43^, 65/-, 72;^, 28 J^, 10 ^ 15^, 40^, 35j^, 87/^. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 11 2. From |2, for a bill of: |1.26, $ 1.40, $1.47, $1.61, $1.75, $1.55. $1.69, $1.83, $1.19, $1.33. 3. From $.5, for a bill of: $3.50, $1.12, $2.32, $3.37, $2.87, $0.79, $4.11, $1.78, $3.56, $2.75, $4.15. 4. From $10, for a bill of: $3.50, $4.75, $6.32, $7.28, $4.87, $9.15, $8.5.5, $6.70, $1.95, $4.28. 5. From $20, for a bill of: $17.35, $14.32, $13.45, $10.75, $9.15, $ 3.85, $ 12.10, $ 14.30, $ 8.24. 9. Horizontal Subtraction. Subtract the following with- out rearranging. Find' the sum of the minuends, the sum of the subtrahends, and the sum of the remainders. 1. 3,264,873- 286,729 = ? 3. $867.50- $742.25 = ? 328,629- 124,962=? 329.87- 124.68 = ? 729,687 - 638,469 = ? 1768.42 - 938.89 = ? 382,962- 146,702 = ? 2762.48- 1262.34-? 2,678,212 - 1,476,388 = ? 3786.32 - 439.37 = ? 729,326- 384,578 = ? 9623.29- 3674.28 = ? 368,742- 176,386 = ? 9627.42- 7672.91=? 504,726 - 386,275 = ? 1076.16 - 729.78 = ? ? - ? =? 2. 496,827 - 268,794 = ? 1,986,702 - 1,346,825 = ? 2,787,543 - 1,968,729 = ? 79,843 - 67,983 = ? 4,869,625 - 2,278,631 = ? 967,198 - 798,631 = ? 472,398 - 126,535 = ? 848,716- 432,567 = ? V - ? r? ? _ ? =? Find the new balances in the following banking individual ledger accounts by adding the deposits to the balances and subtracting the checks. Find the total of balances, checks, and deposits. Prove. ? - ? = ? $6487.50- $3228.25: = ? 329.75 - 128.95 : = ? 6756.50 - 2278.36 : = ? 4798.60 - 3128.75 : = ? 12986.72 - 9647.22 : = ? 3678.45 - 2968.42 : = ? 728.32 - 648.25 : = ? 2198.65 - 1297.70 : = ? 12 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 1. Names Balances Checks Deposits Balances Ames Wm E 865.52 584.32 954.60 523.40 976.35 126.65 925.43 1214.34 752.30 178.95 986.57 321.56 127.55 532.58 305.45 532.78 38.72 413.86 615.47 456.87 34.56 485.74 675.80 220.00 276.50 560.00 125.40 423.80 575.94 213.44 435.87 698.00 325.34 Bentley, C. A. Dayton, F. R. Frank G A G-ramrn D C Hughes, C. M. Innes U. P Justin, John King, A. S. ? ? ? ?. Names Balances Checks IN Detail Total Checks Deposits Balances Anson, E. M. 5671.80 1544.42 2345.60 5467.80 967.85 1267.98 845.34 3289.07 876.35 125.50 232.20 678.90 750.00 142.76 525.00 453.50 134.75 1100.00 190.00 253.78 1234.56 26.78 325.40 546.70 546.70 756.05 854.32 768.90 987.45 1200.00 584.32 542.08 Barnes, T. D. Cowles, E. M. Doyle, F. E. Farish Bros. Grim, G. L. Haines, F. R. Johns, B. I. Love, P. V. ? V ? ? ? ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION li' 10. Problems for Explanation. In problems where the pro- cesses themselves are very simple, the more difficult work of accurate expression in equation form and of explanation should be carefully taught. Exactness in language is the only proper expression for an exact science. A suggestive statement and explanation are given. Set forms of explanation are not desirable, but a correct use of mathematical symbols and of clear and accurate English in the explanation of a problem should be insisted upon. Use the fewest words possible to express the thought clearly. Problem. — During one season a jobbing carpenter built five dwellings which cost him respectively 13176, $5194, $1342, 16950, and $788. He received for building them $3875, $6820, $1280, $7896, and $875. What were his season's profits ? $3176 + $5194 + $1342 + $6950 + $788 = $17,450. $3875 + $6820 + $1280 + $7896 + $875 = $20,746. $20,746 - $17,450 = $3296, season's profits. Explanation. — The total cost of building the five build- ings is the sum of $3176, $5194, $1342, $6950, and $788, or $17,450. The total amount received is the sum of $3875, $6820, $1280, $7896, and $875, or $20,746. His profits, therefore, are the difference between $20,746 and $17,450, or $3296. PROBLEMS 1. A grain dealer bought 15,640 bushels of wheat, and sold at one time 3465 bushels, at another time 4205 bushels, and at another time 1080 bushels. How many bushels remained? 2. A man deposited in a bank .|9672. He drew out at one time $4234, at another $1700, at another $762, and at another $49. How much remained? 14 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 3. A teacher's salary was $1200. His living expenses were $760. He paid $314 for a lot and $95 for a horse. How much of his salary- remained ? 4. A merchant in a year bought goods to the amount of $ 8750. He paid for clerk hire $6735, and for rent $318. For how much must he sell his goods in order to clear $ 1250 ? 5. I sold a farm for $ 9625 and a house for $ 3275. Lost $ 475 on the farm and gained $ 360 on the house. What did each cost me ? What was the total gain or loss ? 6. The population of Indiana in 1900 was 2,516,462. The population of the principal cities of the state was as follows : Indianapolis, 169,164 ; Evansville, 59,007; Fort Wayne, 45,115; Terre Haute, 36,673; South Bend, 35,999. How much did the population of the state exceed that of these cities ? 7. The distance from Chicago to Buffalo is 523 miles, and from Chicago to New York 980 miles. How far is Buffalo from New York? 8. At a sawmill 120,000 feet of pine lumber were sawed in a month. 47,250 feet of it were sold to one man and 32,575 to another. How much of the month's output remained ? 9. The imports of sugar and molasses into the U.S. in one year amounted to $ 108,387,388, and ten years later to $ 101,100,000. What was the amount of decrease ? 10. Three persons bought a hotel valued at $45,675. The first agreed to pay $ 8575, the second twice as much as the first, and the third the remainder. How much was the third to pay? 11. Borrowed of a bank at one time $ 875, at another $ 385, and at an- other $ 528. Having paid $ 1275, how much do I owe? 12. A minister had his life insured for $5000. At the time of his death, $375 of his salary was unpaid; he owned a farm worth $4675, but upon it was a mortgage of $ 2385, and his small debts amounted to $ 879. What was the value of his estate ? 13. A stock dealer bought 789 cattle from A, and 1249 from B. He then sold 228 to C, 468 to D, and the remainder to E. How many did E buy? 14. A merchant commenced business with $7500. The first year he gained $1275, the second year he lost $2475, the third year he gained $978, and the fourth year lost $674. How much had he left at the end of the fourth year ? ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 15 15. A bank had $422,785 on hand. During the day they received on deposit .| 14,657, and paid out by check f 24,570. How much remained on hand at the close of the day ? 16. The cost of my house and lot was $ 12,860. I expended 1 1367 for carpenter work, $ 567 for bricklaying, 1 6850 for plumbing, $ 587 for painting, and $369 for sodding and fencing the grounds. I then sold the property at a loss of f 135, receiving $ 7850 in cash and a note for the balance. What was the face of the note? 17. During five years a firm gained $36,750. The first year they gained $7565; the second $4125; the third as much as both the first and second years ; and the fourth year the difference between the gains of the first and second years. How much did they gain the fifth year? 18. The exports of cattle from the United States during a period of nine years were as follows : $159,179; $439,987; $1,103,095; $13,344,195; $14,304,103; $12,906,693; $31,161,131; $30,445,249; and $39,099,095. During a later period of seven years; ' $23,032,428; $33,461,022; $30,603,796; $34,560,672; $36,357,451; $37,827,500; and $30,516,833. For which period were the exports greater, and how much ? 19. The expenditures for schools during one year in Alabama were $1,583,250; in Arizona, $377,253; in Arkansas, $1,396,594; in Cali- fornia, $6,401,439; and in Illinois, $18,167,219. How much more was expended in Illinois than in the other states mentioned ? 20. Find the balance of the following : — Svcit ^tional JSanfe, Sa}>toti. 0. .^>^^ J ' ^ ^ /- .Jyy^^T^n^^^ ■^^ yLyJx^fy^^J- Ul. -^^-r>-/t / ^ rA Ul sC/>./7^rr-H^^ A-2^.,-?^ ^^~i ,J'>ird Ink) II MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 11. Reference and Drill Table. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 3 6 912 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 76 80 85 90 95100 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 176 187 198 209 220 11 22 33 44 ■^ ■ST 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 166 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 260 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 266 280 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225| 240 255 270 285 300 266 272 288 304 320 16 32 48 64 'W ■w 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 152 168 187 204 221 238 255 272 289 306 323 340 18 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 198 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 342 360 19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 209 228 247 266 285 304 323 342 361 380 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12. Suggestions for Study. It is presumed that students pursuing this course already know the multiplication tables through the 12's. It will prove of great practical value to know them well through the 20's. If undertaken, the pupil should build his own tables and learn them. Drill on them 16 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 17 should not stop short of absolute mastery. A half-known table of 15's will seldom be used. Note. — Drill cards of convenient size, with the factors on one side and the product on the other, are valuable aids in securing readiness and accuracy. They are equally usable in multiplication and factoring (or division), by varying the sides shown. In learning a table, it should be kept in mind that the product is the same regardless of the order of the factors. Thus, 136 is the product of both 8x17 and 17 x 8. If this is kept in mind, the new combinations to be learned in the higher tables become constantly less ; e.g. if all the tables through the 19's are known, the only new combination in the 20's to be learned is, 20 x 20 = 400. After completing the 12's to 20, it will be found helpful to pursue the following order : Review the 5's and lO's and study the 15's and 20's. Review the 3's, 6's, 9's, 12's, and take the 18's. Review the 4's, 8's, 12's, and take the 16's. Then take the 13's, 14's, 17's, and 19's. Problems for practice in short multiplication and division with abstract numbers may be drawn from the above table or dictated to students at will. 13. Suggestions and Problems for Explanation. Problem. — A horse worth |130 and 3 cows worth $36 each, were exchanged for sheep at $ 6 per head and $ 82 in money. How many sheep were received ? 136 X 3 = 1108. 1108 + f 130 = $238, value of horse and cows. 1238 -$82 = 1156. $ 156 -^ 1 6 = 26, the number of sheep received. Explanation. — If 1 cow was worth 1 36, 3 cows were worth three times $36, or $108. If the cows were worth c 18 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC $108 and the horse 1130, together, they would be worth the sum, or $238. If $82 was received in money, the differ- ence between $238 and $82, or $156, was received in sheep. If each sheep was worth $ 6, as many would be received as $6 is contained in $156, or 26. (See Sec. 10.) Two kinds of division problems. Division, as commonly used, includes two classes of problems, e.g. : (1) When it is required to find how many times one quan- tity is contained in another, and (2) When it is desired to find the size of one of the equal parts of the quantity. As examples, the following may be given : 1. How many bags will be required to hold 42 bushels of wheat, if each bag will hold 3 bushels ? 2. How many bushels in each bag, if 42 bushels are put into 14 bags ? In (1) the dividend and divisor are the same in kind. In (2) the dividend and the result are the same in kind. For the purposes of clear thinking and rigid explanation, it is thought best to treat problems like (2) as problems in fractions. To assist in keeping the reasoning clear, it is suggested that problems like (1) be written in equation form in this way : 42 bu. -r- 3 bu. = 14, the number of bags required. Problems like (2) should be written : ^^ of 42 bu. = 3 bu., number in each bag. It should be noted, however, that the results in both classes of problems are obtained by the same process. In the written solution of a problem, great care should be taken to use the equation correctly. An equation should be true in kind as well as in amount. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 19 Concrete numbers should invariably be named, and should be written first in the equation. The sign of multiplication is the St. Andrew's Cross. It should be read "multiplied by." If the word times is used, the second number is read first. Thus, the first equation above should read, % 36 multiplied by 3, or 3 times 1 36. Reading. — When the reasons for the steps of the prob- lem are well known by the pupil, much time may be gained by a mere reading of the equations instead of requiring an explanation. The above statement would be read as follows : $ 36 mul- tiplied by 3 is flOS; 1108 plus 1130 is $238; 1238 less 1 82 is $ 156 ; and 1 156 divided by 1 6 is 26, or the number of sheep received. 14. Multiplication by Numbers Greater than 20. Multi- plication, when the multiplier is greater than one's known multiplication table, involves the use of partial cnof^ >. products or the product of each figure of the ^^^ multiplier and the whole of the multiplicand. i. rvj^r-r^ The essential thing to be observed in the -ic^oR process is that the right-hand figure of each Arj^c,^ partial product should be directly under each ' ^ ^.-^ , multiplier. The reason for this is easily seen when we remember that the units figure is multiplied first in each case. Thus, units times units give units, and units multiplied by hundreds are hundreds, etc., the result each time being of the same denomination as that of the figure multiplied by. The fact that these partial products are to be added to find the complete product explains the necessity of arranging units under units and tens under tens. When the multiplier contains a cipher, it is passed over and the next figure to the left becomes the multiplier. Care should be taken to begin the partial product under the new multiplier. 20 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC When ciphers are to the right of either the multiplier or multiplicand, or both, the last figures to the right of both (other than the ciphers) are placed under each other. The ciphers are disregarded in the partial products, but as many are placed to the right of the product as are to the right of both numbers being multiplied. 15. Long Division. If the quotient is placed above the dividend, the reason for the place of each figure will be more readily seen. Thus, there are 9 hundred thirty- ^rn fours in 325 hundreds, and accordingly the 9 is 04.^09^79 placed directly above the hundreds of the divi- oa/> dend ; likewise 34 into 197 tens gives tens^ and ~Tq7 should be placed directly over the tens of the -j,^^ dividend, etc. "979 The ease with which one gets, to know the de- c)ncf nomination of any partial quotient will often pre- vent getting absurd answers, and will greatly simplify the " pointing off " process in decimals to be met later. Problems in which the divisor contains ciphers to the right may be much shortened by cutting off as many figures to the right of the dividend as there are ciphers to the right of the divisor. The figures so cut off are always the whole or part of the remainder, and if written fractionally should be written over the entire divisor. 19^15. 00 15(5)9) 285)2^. The process of long division may be ^ ,^^ much shortened by subtracting the coyr^Aoo partial products as we find them, writ- 91 a ing only the remainder each time. 090 Drill on this will not only be found ^^^^ valuable as a mental training, but of ^^ . , . , . , ^ 12, remainder, real value m lessening work. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 21 PROBLEMS 1. 7668 - 36. 11. 1,674,918 - 1980. 21. 372,104 -4- 386. 2. 48,967 - 52. 12. 324,217 - 268. 22. 385,200 -^ 1370. 3. 20,982-78. 13. 356,686-682. 23. 466,830 -^ 2730. 4. 24,476 -^ 58. 14. 1,769,824 - 3800. 24. 8,326,900 - 1029. 5. 10,908 - 236. 15. 367,240 - 461. 25. 9,230,021 ^ 3120. 6. 98,340-^63. 16. 378,625-325. 26. 780,164-119. 7. 76,055-53. 17. 148,050-315. 27. 27,552 -f- 328. 8. 42,400 -i- 98. 18. 986,172 - 186. 28. 172,096 - 3600. 9. 39,628-76. 19. 34,572-129. 29. 34,216-^9203. 10. 97,266 -f- 78. 20. 3,467,000 ^ 360. 30. 1,647,756 - 198. Solve, expressing in equation form, and explain : 1. Bought 568 bushels of corn at 48^ a bushel and 675 bushels of wheat at 76 J^ a bushel. What did both cost? Note. — While 48^ is the real multiplicand, the problem is shortened by treating it (being the smaller number) as the multiplier. In expressing the work in an equation, however, 48^ must appear as the multiplicand. 2. Mr. McFarland has property valued at $6700. He buys land and sells it at a gain of 1 5 per acre. He is then rated at $8075. How many acres did he buy? 3. A stock buyer having $3540 buys 16 horses at $75 each, and invests the remainder of his money in cattle at $36 per head. How many head of cattle does he buy ? 4. At the rate of 45 miles an hour, how long will it take a train to run 325 miles ? 5. If a book contains 255 pages, and there are 1864 ems to the page, how many ems in the book ? 6. An electric railway company has 435 miles of track which was built at a cost of $ 83,672 per mile. What was the total cost of con- structing the road ? 7. A coal dealer bought 428 tons of coal at $ 7.50 per ton. He sold 200 tons of it at $8 a ton and the remainder at $ 8.75. Find his gain. 8. A man sold mining stock for $ 9600, a mill for $ 12,600, and three houses for $ 12,530, $ 6780, and $ 9870 respectively. He invested t21-,^^r^===^ 22 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC of the proceeds in the stock of a manufacturing company at $75 a share, and the balance in railroad stock at $80 a share. How many shares of each did he buy? 9. If a clerk receives $1850 a year, and pays $38 a month for board and room, $2.40 a month for laundry, $3.80 a month for life in- surance, $ 12 a month to a building and loan association, $ 376 a year for clothing, and $ 325 a year for incidentals, how much does he have to invest in business after a term of ten years ? 10. Into how many states as large as Texas (265,780 sq. mi.) could the United States (3,616,484 sq. mi.) be divided? 11. A manufacturer bought 165 tons of steel billets at $32 a ton, 45,000 pounds of steel bars at $ 1.80 a hundred, and 75 tons pig iron at $ 19 a ton. How much did he pay for all? 12. A young man takes out a life insurance policy for $2000 and agrees to pay $3.78 a month for 20 years. How much money will he have paid to the company at the end of that time ? 13. How many cords of 128 cu. ft. in a pile of wood containing 122,880 cu. ft. ? AVhat is it worth at $ 3.50 per cord ? 14. A dealer bought 370 tons of coal by the long ton (2240 lb.) at $5 a ton. He retailed it at $7 a short ton (2000 lb.). What was his total gain ? What would he have gained if he had sold it at the same price per long ton? 15. A stock dealer sold 26 carloads of cattle, 26 head of cattle in each car, at 3;^^ a lb. If the cattle averaged 935 lb., how much did he receive for them? 16. I paid $ 12,400 for apples at $ 2.50 per barrel. The total loss in storage was 38 barrels, and I paid 5^ a barrel for storage and 2^ a barrel for drayage. How much did I gain, if I sold them for $ 3.80 per barrel ? 17. A certain oil company produced 23,000,000 barrels of refined oil in one year. How many tanks each holding 35,000 barrels would it take to store this oil? On one of the company's farms there was stored in tanks of the above capacity 2,450,000 barrels of crude oil. How many tanks were there ? 18. If the area of all the continental divisions of the earth is 51,238,800 sq. mi. and the population is 1,487,900,000, how many people are there to the sq. mi. ? Ill DECIMALS 16. Decimal Notation. By decimal^ is meant a tenth. Our notation (Arabic) is said to be a decimal notation because each denomination is one tenth of the next larger denomina- tion. Thus, units are tenths of tens, tens are tenths of hun- dreds, and hundreds are tenths of thousands. Likewise tenths of units are written to the right of units, but separated from them by a decimal point (.). Tenths of tenths, or hundredths, are written in the next place to the right, and tenths of hundredths, or thousandths, in the next or third place from the decimal point. Thus, 324.516 con- sists of 3 hundreds, 2 tens, 4 units, 5 tenths^ 1 hundredth^ and 6 thousandths. While the system is thus properly termed a system of decimal notation, the meaning of the word decimal is made more specific by restricting its use to the part of a number which is to the right of the decimal point ; the whole num- bers to the left being termed integers. It will therefore be seen that the denominations to the right of units are the same as those to the left, except that they decrease by tens while those to the left increase by tens. These decreasing denominations are distinguished by adding the suffix ths to each denomination. 17. Reading and Writing Decimals. Beginning at the decimal point, decimals are read exactly as whole numbers are read, with the denomination of the last place to the right named. The name of the denomination of the right-hand 24 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC place is the same as if it were a whole number, with one additional place, and with the suffix ths added. The word and is always used between the whole number and the deci- mal. Thus, 3,204.6103 is read : three thousand two hundred four and six thousand one hundred three ten-thousandths. Write decimals exactly as whole numbers are written, and then set off to the right of the decimal point the num- ber of places indicated by the name of the right-hand de- nomination. The number of places to be set off is always one less than the number of places required to write the corre- sponding denomination as a whole number. This is because the units place is always to the left, and never to the right, of the decimal point. Thus, 506 ten-thousandths is written w\t\i four places (.0506) because ten thousand as a whole number requires five places. Ciphers are used to the left of the number to be written as a decimal when necessary to set it away from the decimal point. In whole numbers the deci- mal point is presumed to be at the right of units figure, whether it is written or not. Write : 1. Sixty-eight thousandths. 2. Five tenths. Seven hundredths. Eighteen hundredths. 3. Six thousandths. Five hundred three thousandths. Eighteen thousandths. Seven hundred thirty-five ten-thousandths. Eighty-four hundred-thousandths. 4. Eighteen hundredths. Thirteen hundred-thousandths. Sixty- four tenths. 5. Eighty-five ten-thousandths. Three hundred twenty-three and fifty-six hundredths. Seventy-eight thousandths. Three hundred twenty-three thousandths. Read: 1. .5, .25, .025, .0625, .0005. 2. .00001, .3762536, .00875, .000025. 3. 2.5, 25.25, 25.025, 700.07, .303. 4. .193, 4.2, 6.3028, .03275, 176.4. DECIMALS 25 18. Addition and Subtraction of Decimals. The processes and principles applied in the addition and subtraction of decimals are the same as of integers. The same care should be exercised in keeping like denominations in the same column. The decimal point in the sum or difference is placed directly under the decimal points in the numbers added or subtracted. All decimals smaller than thousandths are usually dropped, one being usually added to the thousandths column when the discarded decimal is five tenths or more. PROBLEMS 1. 7.17 2. 6.789 3. 23.768 4. 6.34 5. 37.68 .9 .075 .45 .0074 1.045 .0006 74.8 6.985 43.325 174.632 4.76 .4 17.005 24.18 35.986 5.0017 24.986 3.178 3.457 1.706 6. .024 + 1.54 + 74.6 + 27.878 = ? 7. 234.96 + 756 + 40.5 + 6.03 + 1.005 = ? 8. 2.054 + 35.78 + .067 + .65 + .268 = ? 9. .9 + 13.564 + 234.96 + 8.5 + .306 + 41.87 = ? 10. .335 + 23.75 + 601.76 + .007 + 35.86 = ? 11. .91 + 13.564 + 234.96 + 8.5 + .306 + 41.87 = ? 12. l-.063 = ? 13.435 - .106 = ? 13. 3.5872 + 1.2834 = ? 14. 6-2.763 = ? 15. 8-3.234 = ? 16. 4.1 + 67.5 + 42.007 + 17.14 + .0009 = ? 17. 34.006-15.556 = ? 18. 68.215-36.5 = ? 19. 94.35 - 36.7 = ? 20. 46.235 - 22.065 = ? 26 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 21. 216.745 - 176.89 = ? - 22. 681.34 - 95.275 = ? 23. 14.367 + 743.65 + .8 + .306 + 9.845 + 834 + 7.63 = ? 24. 3.8 + 1.576 + 3.42 + 4 + 2.372 + .8 + 354 = ? 25. 43.382 - 17.06785 = ? 19. Multiplication and Division by 1 with Ciphers Annexed. Since the value of each place in both whole numbers and decimals is one tenth of that to the left of it, any way by which each figure can be shifted one place to the righU or one place nearer units, will decrease its value to one tenth of its former value. Shifting two places would likewise decrease it to one hundredth, three places to one thousandth, etc. In the same way shifting one place to the left would multiply it by ten, two places by one hundred, etc. This may be accomplished by moving the decimal point to the left or right. Thus, 25 -j- 10 = 2.5 or 25 x 10 = 250, and 25 -^ 1000 = .025 or .25 x 1000 = 250. In multiplying hy 1 with ciphers annexed^ the decimal point is moved to the right as many places as there are ciphers in the multiplier. Thus, 326.02x100 =32602, and 100.2437 x 1000 = 100243.T. In dividing hy 1 with ciphers annexed^ the decimal place is moved as many places to the left as there are ciphers in the divisor. Thus, 326.02-^100 = 3.2602, and 3.42 -^100 = .0342. These simple facts are of great convenience in performing operations with decimals and in shortening multiplication and division of whole numbers. Note. — Problems like those above should be given until the pupil thinks of no other way of multiplying or dividing by 10, 100, etc., than by DECIMALS 27 removing the decimal point the proper number of places to the right or left. 20. Multiplication of Decimals. (a) 9 times .25 = 2.25. When a decimal is multiplied by a whole number, the denomination of the decimal of the product is the same as that of the multiplicand. (h) .1 times 9 means one tenth of 9 or .9 (Sec. 19). .25 x.l=.025. Multiplying by .1 is the same as dividing by 10; by .01 the same as dividing by 100, etc. (Sec. 19). (c) .25 X .7 = ? (t^) .25 X 6.25= ? .25x.l = .025 .25 X .01 = .0025 (see 5) .025 X 7 = .175 .0025x 625 = 1.5625 (see a) In multiplying decimals by tenths, hundredths, etc., one tenth, one hundredth, etc., is found, and the result is then multiplied by the number of tenths, hundredths, etc., in the multiplier. Or, Remove the decimal place in the multiplicand as many places to the left as there are decimal places in the multiplier^ then multiply by the multiplier as a whole number. PROBLEMS 1. 214.76 X 89.104 6. 24.075 x 16 2. 3.0046 X 43.25 7. 45.009 x 78 3. .8756 X .173 8. 50.13 x 4.321 4. .045 X 18 9. 176.84 x 4.321 5. 64 X .032 10. 95.817 x 1000 Find the cost of : 11. 24,800 bricks @ $7.35 per M. 12. 875 lb. hay @ 11.25 per hundredweight. 13. 186 bu. wheat @ 67^^ per bushel. 28 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 14. 15,680 lemons at 65^ per hundredweight. 15. 357 bu. oats @ 30^ ^ per bushel. 16. 75 bbl. flour @ % 4.15 per barrel. 17. 70 bbl. mess pork @ $ 10.50 per barrel. 18. 14 bbl. beef @ $14.40 per barrel. 19. 5 cases shredded codfish @ % 4.90 a case. 20. 3 cases canned pineapples, 6 doz. each, @ % 2.87| per dozen. 21. 30 bbl. mess beef @ $ 14.85 per barrel. 21. Division when the Divisor is an Integer. Solve : 1. .6 -4- 2 = ? Just as 6 bu. -^ 2 = 3 bu. (| of 6 bu.), so 6 tenths -2 = 3 tenths or .6 h- 2 = .3. 2. 2.6-^-2=? 2.6-2 = 1.3. 2)2.6 1.3 3. .396-3 5. 6.6 - 4 7. .7236 - 9 9. .16-5 4. 12.15-3 6. 3.68-4 8. .084 - 4 10. .54-6 In division the decimal point is written in the quotient when it is reached in the dividend. In short division it should be placed directly below the decimal point of the dividend ; in long division directly above. Illustrations. .06 1.24 .072 {A) 5 ).18 (5) 15 ) .09 (C) 125 )7.50 {D) 26 )32.24 {E) 24 )1.728 .036 .006 7.50 62 48 104 From inspection of problems Ay B^ and j^, just above, it will be seen that each figure in the dividend^ to the right of the decimal pointy requires a figure (^or cipher^ in the quotient. Ciphers may be added at will to the right of a decimal without altering the value. They are, therefore, annexed where necessary to permit further division, but in practice they are carried in the mind only and not written. DECIMALS 29 In problems D and E^ the partial products are omitted, the subtraction being performed mentally (Sec. 15). So 1. ilve: 48.24 - 3 10. 1.5-4 19. 174.9 -4- 75 2. 8.64^4 11. .06 - 15 20. 43.58 -4- 671 3. .465 -^ 3 12. 8.06 - 5 21. 345.9 -4- 329 4. 8.4-4-5 13. .2^8 22. 56.89 - 137 5. .648 - 6 14. 34.75 -4- 25 23. .0789 -f- 703 6. .114 - 7 15. .0543 -4- 15 24. .6789 -- 212 7. .81-^9 16. .0255 -4- 11 25. 17.68 ^ 245 8. .63-9 17. 3.184-4-482 26. 334.4^76 9. .12-4-9 18. 37.86 - 541 22. When the Divisor contains a Decimal. Example: 1.728-^.12 = ? If we could change the divisor .12 to a whole number and solve as in Sec. 21, the problem of the location of the decimal point in the quotient (the only way in which divi- sion of decimals differs from division of whole numbers), would be an easy one. But dividing by one tenth is equivalent to multiplying by ten, dividing by one hundredth to multiplying by one hun- dred, etc. (Sec. 20). Thus dividing 1.728 by .01 = 1.728 x 100 or 172.8 (Sec. 19), and dividing by .12 would give -^ of the result obtained through dividing by .01. Thus : 1.728 -f-. 01 = 172.8, and 172.8-1- 12 = 14.4. In division by a decimal, therefore, the decimal point of the divisor should he moved to the right of the last digits and that of the dividend an equal number of places to the right of its origi- nal position (Sec. 19). Division should then be performed as in Sec. 21, marking the decimal point in the quotient when the decimal point is reached in the dividend. 30 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC To avoid losing the identity of the original divisor and to be able to fix the exact remainder, should there be one, the position of the new decimal point should be indicated only. A small St. Andrew's cross ( X ) forms a convenient mark for that purpose. Solve : 1. 6.336^1.44. 6. 784 -^ 4.235. 17. 1885 -- 28.47. 7. .3416 -f- .0189. 18. 363.71 -^ 1.126. 4.4 8. 12.347 -f- .0074. 19. 83.078 -^ 3.57. 1.44x)6.33x6 9. .8765 -^ 3.422. 20. 137.854 -- .425. 5 76 10. 9 -- 102. 21. 38.9007 -- .425. 57 6 57 6 11. 14.3768 -r- .9817. 22. 568.148 -r- 201.03. 12. 84.45 - .089. 23. .81769 -- .0008175. 2. 7.345 -.29. 13. 3894.78 -i- 4287. 24. $135 ^$.37^. 3. 250.754-^6.17. 14. 346.543 - 634.08. 25. 74 -- .0136. 4. 6.0534-^-19.23. 15. 34.25 -^ 84.6. 26. .33614 -f- 13.45. 5. 132.5 -=- 734. 16. 9.1342 -f- 208.4. 27. 18.3467 -- 1.233. PROBLEMS 1. Add eight and nine tenths ; seven hundred twenty-six and twenty- five hundredths ; one hundred sixty-eight and ninety-seven hundredths ; one thousand three and seven tenths; seven hundred sixty-eight and seventy-four hundredths. 2. 967.45 -f 8.674 -f 23.997 + 864.325 + 37286 -f 42.1 + 6.5 = ? 3. From six thousand seven take one thousand two hundred twenty- eight and seven hundredths. 4. What is the sum of 3.25, 1.8, 67.89, .0032, 879.435, and 23.067? 5. What is the sum of .125, 1.25, 12.5, 125, .0125? 6. From 675. take 67.893. 9. Multiply 543.002 by 18.6. 7. From 345.6703 take 43.52. 10. Divide 6423.38 by 28.87. 8. Multiply 54.054 by .0678. 11. Divide .00684 by .25. 12. At $ 9.25 per ton, how much coal can be bought for $ 67.53 ? 13. If a barrel of apples cost $5.15, how many can be bought for $258.75? DECIMALS 31 14. At $ .26 per dozen, how many eggs can be bought for $ 185.32 ? 15. At 1 6.45 per ton, how many tons of soft coal can be bought for $175? 16. A farmer sold 65 bu. wheat at $.62|, 34 bu. rye at $ .58^, 78 bbl. of apples at $ 6.40. He bought 35 lb. sugar at $ .06, 25 gal. molasses at $ .85, and a set of harness at $ 16.75. How much money had he left ? 17. A carpenter earned $ 15.60 a week for 8 weeks. The first week he spent $8.75, the second week $11.45, and the remaining weeks he spent $ 8.50 per week on an average. How much money had he at the end of the time ? 18. A man who has an income of $ 6785 per year spends $ 1385.75. How much does he save? 19. A hardware merchant had, at the beginning of the year, $ 9800. During the year he bought goods to the amount of $ 7845, and sold to the amount of $ 7856. If the goods he had on hand at the end of the year were worth $ 8340.65, what did he gain or lose during the year ? 20. A man bought a mower for $ 67, a wagon for $ 56.50, a plow for $6, and a rake for $1.75. If he gave the merchant two one-hundred- dollar bills, how much change did he receive ? 21. Mr. A. W. Springer bought of C. E. Dunlap, 75 bbl. flour at $5.14, and 34 bbl. buckwheat flour at $3.95. What was the amount of the biU? 22. Mr. S. H. Detmore bought of Wm. King, 124 boxes oranges at $ 1.12|, 12 boxes figs at $ 1.62^, 33 boxes apricots at $ 2.15, 15 boxes citrons at $ 1.33|, and 12 boxes layer raisins at $2.95. Find the amount of the bill. 23. How many cases tomatoes, 70 doz. to the case, at 92 ^ per dozen, can be bought for $ 277.55 ? IV FRACTIONAL PARTS 23. Use of Fractional Parts. The necessities of everyday business require the use of few processes in arithmetic more frequently than that of finding some part of a given quantity. Not only is this true in the simpler problems of business, but the processes of percentage, discount, partnership, interest, taxes, etc., are, fundamentally, finding fractional parts. Finding the fractional parts requires the use of the proc- esses of multiplication and division, together with the simpler principles of decimals. Under the usual arrangement, it forms a case in fractions ; viz., multiplication by a fraction. Its common use and wide application is thereby obscured, and the simplicity of the operation seldom realized. Then, too, such problems are commonly included in division and cause a great deal of haziness in reasoning. It is believed that the claims of clear thinking, and the importance of the power sought, warrant treatment in a separate chapter. 24. Finding a Single Fractional Part. Find J^ of 291.9. (See Sec. 13.) 20.85 Ana. 14)291.9 28 119 112 70 70 Find: 1. ^ff of 5763 (Sec. 19), 320, 2000, 17,722, 1023, 1879, 98,450. 2. ^ of 150, 337, 20.0400, 5061, 17,002, 279.63, 56,840, 96.789. 32 FRACTIONAL PARTS 33 3. i^ of 740 (i of yij), 648, 10.25, 2047, 50.011, 3452, 6.073, 3004. 4. i of 450, 645, 705, 64.2, 687, 1018, 50,670, 58,605, 1600.115. 5. ^ of 7218, 6345, 117,927, 14.4639, 5017, 72668.54, 576,943. 6. I of 588, 1672, 976, 847, 734,68^p^r33, 20,053, 1,129,734. 7. \ of 3876, 327,450, 389.90, 263,87^2^, 32,876, 42,680. 8. \ of 42,744, 62,728, 88,102. \ of 67,833, 300.0321, 67431.76318. ^^ of 27,924,12, 102,603. ^V of 367,485, 790,532. J^ of 362,922, 758.492. yig of 786,496, 710.43, 876,014. f^ of 72,632, 43.2004, 432,132. 9. ^ of 7364, 5467, 18,998, and 6555.88. ij of 4763, 9878, 190.63, and 121,264.396. ^V of 28,652. 10,431,278 and 624.0156. 25. Divisibility. The following facts will be found help- ful in finding fractional parts and in short division. 1. When the right-hand digit of a number is divisible by 2, the whole number is divisible by 2. When exactly divisible by 2, a number is said to be even; when not so divisible, it is odd. 2. When the right-hand digit of a number is 5 or 0, the whole number is divisible by 5; when it is 0, the whole number is divisible by 10. 3. When the number expressed by the two right-hand digits is divisible by 4, the whole number is divisible by 4. When the number expressed by the three right-hand digits is divisible by 8, the whole number is divisible by 8. 4. When the sum of all its digits is divisible by 3 or 9, the number is divisible by 3 or 9. 5. When an even number is divisible by 3, it is also divisible by 6. 26. Factors and Multiples. A number exactly divisible by another number, other than 1, is said to be composite^ ^.e., composed of other numbers called factors^ which multiplied together will produce the number. A number which is not exactly divisible by another (ex- cept by unity), is said to be prime. 34 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Factors may, themselves, be either prime or composite. A number which will exactly divide two or more numbers is said to be a common divisor or a com,mon factor. The largest number which will exactly divide two or more num- bers is their greatest common factor or greatest common divisor. If two or more numbers have no common divisor, they are said to be relatively prime. A number which is two or more times another number is its multiple. When a number is a multiple of two or more numbers, it is their common multiple. When it is the smallest number which is a multiple of two or more numbers, it is their least common multiple. 27. Averaging. By average is meant the size of a part if the sum of a given series of numbers is distributed into equal parts. Thus, we say the average cost, average monthly expenses, average daily attendance, the assessed valuation per capita., etc. In business, we may more clearly judge given conditions by the use of an average cost, output, etc., than if we were com- pelled to keep in mind the several amounts. In administra- tive statistics a more intelligible summary of facts may often be made by using averages. In many similar ways averaging enters into business, and it should be early understood. Problem. — A merchant's receipts for one week were : $140.45, 1217.20, $200, $209.80, $432.75, and $630.40. Find his average daily receipts. Solution. —$140.45 217.20 200.00 209.80 432.75 630.40 \ of $1830.60 = $305.10, average daily receipts. FRA.CTIONAL PARTS 35 The general method of averaging seen in the above is to find the sum of the quantities to be averaged, and divide that sum into as many equal parts as there are quantities added. PROBLEMS 1. If a man's gains for the year were as follows: $628, $75, $220, $865, $2205, $3600, $1780, $1500, $1240, $3275, $825, $775, what was his average monthly gain? 2. A grain dealer bought during the week: 2600, 3850, 4506, 7870, 9675, and 5490 bushels of wheat. What was the average daily purchase? He paid the market prices each day, which were quoted at 85^, 85^ )2^, 88)25, 90)*, S4:^, and 80 (2^. What was the average cost per bushel? How would he know what price per bushel to ask that he may not lose in the transaction ? 3. An agent's expenses were as follows : January, $ 125, February, $75, March, $80, April, $95, May, $105, and June, $225. What were his average monthly expenses? 4. Find the total time, the amount due, and the average daily wages for each laborer in the following time sheet, counting 8 hrs. to the day ; also find the average wage for all. Time Sheet for Week Ending April 30, 19—. PAY ROLL. Fo. •hem «k o din* . w — N» NAME r,„.H.„ T«l K. ^ •;r M. ^ d.« .»««, K.^ M « r p %. Hon AdnMM sa tw e s SI SOc Oc ID. fc u 1 T?^ /^^.,-»,^^ f f /.fi- . (U^^/j%,.^., rA r rA (• r 2-0 ^""Jh^^.H^JJ, r f if r r'i If f ^r ^ if"/, f'-^ f f f"'] i.f /^i^r.. f f f f lAo ^ ' -^JT-^./^^^. c r 2 2 . ^Yy/^7:^,. fi ' .ir'^^-^^r,-,^^ If- .. ^sf^^.:,^ f f f f f i.f ..^.^.^^.i.^. , »^f^^j-.. r r r r ^ i^r^^^.A r r''^ t/ t/ r r t H H 15 5. A student's grades for his high school course were as follows: Algebra 92, Geometry 86, Beginning Latin 89, Caesar 94, Cicero 94, 36 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Virgil 92, German 90, Literature 83, Essays 85, Chemistry 92, Physics 90, Physiology 95, Greek History 87, Roman History 88, U. S. History 87, Arithmetic 85, Bookkeeping 90. What was his average grade for the course ? 28. To find the Value of more than One Part. Tenths. (Sec. 19.) To find -^-^ take \. To find any other number of tenths, find J^ as in section 19, and multiply by the number of tenths desired. Solve : i\ of 323,496, T-^ of 769,284, ^ of 6789.40, xV of 81,145, ^ of 72,910, ^ of 432,561, i-^ of .63245, t% of 237,684. Twentieths. (|- of 1 tenth.) J^ = i, -f^ = -J^, etc. The simplest form of the fraction should be taken and that frac- tion of the number then found. Practice until student uses the simplest form at first sight. Solve : 1. 3j%of360 5. ^^ of 3240 2. la of 8.460 6. if of 7.380 3. 5^ of 3750 7. 1^ of 960 4. ^5^ of 7260 8. f|of490 Fifths. | = A,| = TVand-| = ^V Fourths, f = J. For |, subtract \. Sixths -^ = -1 ^ = 1 4 _ 2 toiJ^LUS. 62' 63' 63* Eighths, f = i 2 ^ i^ | = |^ etc. Twelfths, -f^ = ^> iV = h -\2 — h ®^^* ■^^^' 11 subtract ^2 • In general, use simpler equivalent fractions wherever possible. If there are none, find the value of one part and multiply by the number of parts desired. Solve : 1. T^Yof726 4. I of 911 7. t'^j of 728 2. ^^ of 543 5. ^5^ of 614 8. f of 329 3. I of 789 6. i3T0f729 9. f of 628 9. H of 4260 10. ^ of 428 11. M of 5.061 12. A of 576 FRACTIONAL PARTS 37 10. j\ of 7028 17. j\ of 48,689 24. 1 of 36,428 11. j\ of 7028 18. iV of 45,186 25. T% of 7829 12. jS of 328.65 19. j\ of .3876 26. r% of 1.7206 13. 35V of 16,924 20. j% of 4263 27. f of 72,963 14. j% of 6724 21. 1 of 67.908 28. j\ of 34,102 15. j% of 72,365 22. f of 7252 29. j\ of 4291 16. j\ of 98,642 23. f of 81.720 30. j\ of 28,367 Solve : 1. a- of 68,734 11. j\\ of 19,643 21. j\\ of 47.6297 2. If of 57,836 12. U of 42,782 22. fW of 62,587 3. H of 196,732 13. If of 32,785 23. /^«j of 29,410 4. j%\ of 67.941 14. H of 42,363 24. 7^^ of 25,000 5. If of 94,362 15. ^ of 89.642 25. if'j of 67,894 6. II of 6946 16. ^Vi7 of 2632 26. iH of .456781 7. j^^j of 198,674 17. if of 15,922 27. n of 86,543 8. H of .4575 18. rV5 of 58,596 28. f 1 of 219,876 9. tV^ of 9.7176 19. tV^ of 155,476 29. ^ of 98,634 10. /A of 32,642 20. T«^ of 167.1918 30. xVx of 186,792 29. Simplified Processes. It often happens that the num- bers to be multiplied or divided are such that the operations of multiplication and division may be much shortened. The simplicity of the shortened method, too, often lends itself to clearer thinking and lessens the liability of error. The fol- lowing suggestions are not given to be learned as "short methods," but as examples of what may be done to simplify problems if a little thinking is done before the pupil plunges into the mechanics of a solution. They should form a part of the methods habitually employed and not merely referred to when longer processes have been drilled into habit by much practice. A keen appreciation of the possibilities for shortening and simplifying many of the arithmetical pro- cesses will lead to quick work and accurate results. 38 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Illustrations : 1. 426x100=? By 1000 = ? By 10 = ? (Sec. 19.) Suggestion. In multiplying by a number consisting of 1 with ciphers annexed, the product is found to consist of the multiplicand with the ciphers annexed. Thus, 728 x 1000 = 728,000. 2. 53,648 ^ 1000 = ? (Sec. 19.) Since the divisor will take out even thousands, the hun- dreds, tens, and units figures will form the remainder. Thus, 53,648^1000=53 and -j^*^, or 53.648. Likewise, 8269 -i- 100 = 82 and {-^% or 82.69. 3. 7268 X 25 = ? Multiplying by 25 would give ^ as much as multiply- ing by 100. Thus, the above may be written at sight as 182,300 (1 of 726,800). Likewise 7268x50 = 1 of 726,800 or 363,400. 4. 742-25 = ? The quotient is manifestly 4 times what it would be if 100 were the divisor. In practice, multiply first and divide by 100. Thus, 742 x 4 = 2968, which divided by 100 = 29 and ^%8_ or 29.68. Likewise 742 ^ 50 = 7.42 x 2 or 14.84. 5. 246 X 121 = ? (1 of 24,600.) 6. 368^121=? (368x8-^100.) 7. 1284x15 = ? If the table of 15's has not been learned, the usual process may be shortened by annexing a cipher and adding J of the number thus formed to itself. Thus, 12,840 6420 19,260 8. Divide 5286 by 20. By 30. The quotient, dividing by 20, is clearly -J as much as when divided by 10. Thus, J of 528.6 = 264.3. FEACTIONAL PARTS 39 9. 8246 X 98 = ? It is evident that the product would be 100 times the mul- tiplicand less twice the latter. Thus, 824,600 16,492 808,108 To multiply by 11 or any multiple of 11 328 X 11 = ? 476x66 = :? 10. To multiply by 11 is to multiply by 10 + 1. Therefore, multiply 328 by 10 and add 328 ; or add the digits as fol- lows : 8; 8 + 2 = 10; 2 + 3 + 1 (carried) = 6 ; bring down 3. The result is 3608. 66 is 11 times 6. Multiply 476 by 11, and that by 6. It may be done as follows : 6 x 6 = 36 ; write 6 and carry 3. 6 + 7 = 13; 6x13 + 3 (carried) = 81 ; write 1 and carry 8. 7 + 4 = 11; 6x11 + 8 (carried) = 74 ; write 4 and carry 7. 6x4 + 7 (carried) = 31 ; write 31. The result is 31,416. 11. When one part of the multiplier is contained in an- other, the multiplication may be shortened as shown in the following ; 342 X 248 = ? 167 x 412 = ? Since 24 is 3 times 8, it is evident that if 342 be multi- plied by 8 and that result by 3, the final result will be the same as though we multiplied 342 by 248 in the usual man- ner (a). 167 multiplied by 4 gives 668. 668 mul- tiplied by 3 (12-^4) gives 2004. The final result is the sum of 668 written in 2,736 668 hundreds' place and 2004 in units' place, or 82,08 2004 68,804 (5). 84,816 68,804 12. 52x225 = ? (a) (^) 342 167 248 412 40 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC In the multiplier 225, we see twice and ^ of 100 times 52, or 10,400 1,300 11,700 13. 7558x125 = ?^ | of (7558 x 1000). 14. 57,632 -f- 370 = 5763.2 -V- 37. Solve : 1. 37,685 X 10 11. 32,764 x 12^ 21. 16,324 x 95 2. 49,652 X 100 12. 25,670 x 742 22. 17,264 x 320 3. 29,627 X 1000 13. 62,482 x 250 23. 98,643 - 20 4. 72,864x25 14. 41,628x75 24. 76,523x300 5. 22,345 X 15 15. 29,863 x 99 25. 8629 h- 12i 6. 28,364 X 125 16. 36,486 x 175 26. 37,520 - 25 7. 48,627 X 55 17. 28,634 x 325 27. 4286 x 88 8. 26,327 X 98 18. 67,450 x 217 28. 36,742 x 97 9. 4652 X 225 19. 6284 x 1500 29. 75,267 x 420 10. 63,245x30 20. 729x40 30. 2672-50 30. Decimal Equivalents of the More Common Fractional Parts. Solve : 1. ^ = how many tenths ? i = ^ of 10 tenths = 2 tenths or .2. 2. J = how many hundredths? ^ = i of 100 hundredths or .25. 3. i = how many thousandths ? ^ = i of 1000 thousandths or .125. 4. ^ = how many tenths? How many hundredths? 5. ^ = how many tenths ? How many hundredths ? 6. ^ = how many tenths? How many hundredths? How many thousandths ? ^ = ^ of ten tenths or .3|. 7. J = how many tenths? How many hundredths? How many thousandths ? FRACTIONAL PARTS 41 8. ^ = how many tenths? How many hundredths? How many thousandths ? 9. ^ =: how many tenths? How many hundredths? How many thousandths ? 10. j*^ = how many tenths? How many hundredths? How many thousandths? 11. 2V = I'ow many tenths? How many hundredths? How many thousandths ? 12. ^i^ = how many tenths? How many hundredths? How many thousandths ? Table of decimal equivalents. Memorize. \ = .2 i = .125 | = .14f Name Decimal Equivalents at Sight : 1. I 5. } 9. x% 2. f 6. I 10. I 3. f 7. f 11. 11 4. f 8. I 12. f 31. Fractional Parts of One Dollar. The more common fractional parts of $1 are : 50^= fi io^=iJ^ ^^^=^ 61^=1^5 The more usable multiples of these parts are : 371^ = $! 871^ = ||- 75^ = || 60^ = If 621^ = If 66|^=lf 40^ = $1 80^ = || 32. Finding the Cost of Articles. A large part of the multiplication in business consists in finding the cost of articles at a given price each or per dozen, As prices are in a large number of cases a simple fractional part of one ^ = •08J ■h = .05 ^ = .04 13. f 17. 1 14. f 18. f 15. ^ 19- iV 16. f 20. 1 42 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC dollar, this fact may be used to shorten the work, and what is of greater importance, to secure greater accuracy in result. Thus, (a) Find cost of 344 yd. of calico at 12|^^ per yard. At 12 J ^ it would cost I as much as it would at 81. I of $344 = 143. Note. — In problems like this where the multiplicand is an easier number to multiply by than the real multiplier, it is so used, keeping in mind the denomination of the product. (h) Paid 1403 for corn at 20^ per bushel. How many bushels did I buy ? 403 bu. X 5 = 2015 bu. The number of bushels bought is clearly 5 times greater than if it were worth $ 1 per bushel. Find Cost of: 1. 7286 bu. wheat @ 50)*. 2. 1456 yd. prints @ 12^ ^. 3. 764 yd. cloth @ 33^^. 4. 324 bbl. mess beef @ $ 15. 5. 750 bbl. pork @$ 15.12^. 6. 24 doz. cans tomatoes at 1 1.12J. 7. 90 doz. cans peas @ $ 1.37^. 8. 35 boxes figs @ $ 1.62|. 9. 14911b. tea @33|^. 10. 450 sugar-cured hams, 5400 lb., @ 12J^. 11. 348 boxes oranges @ $ 1.75. 12. 117 bbl. flour® $6.75. 13. 16 hams, 195 lb., @ 16f ^. 14. 48 doz. cans of tomatoes @ 75 ^. 15. 108 bbl. N.Y. buckwheat flour @ $4.25. 16. 125 doz. cans tomatoes @ $2.66|. 17. 96 doz. cans peas @ $ 1.37^. FRACTIONAL PARTS 43 18. 6 tierces refined lard, 2096 lb., @S^^. 19. 330 doz. jars of mustard @ 87^)?. 20. 368 1b. coif ee@ 20 j«. 21. 178 bbl. beef @ 120. 33. Cost of Goods Sold by the Hundred. Freight tariffs ^ are usually based on one hundred pounds. Live stock is quoted by the hundredweight, and many other articles are sold in lots of one hundred. Since cents are hundredths of a dollar, goods sold hy the hundred will cost as many cents per unit as dollars per hundred. Thus $5 per cwt. is 5^ per pound, and f 3.75 per C is f .0375 per pound. Find Cost of: 1. Freight charges on 4230 lb. of merchandise at $1.40 per cwt. 1.014 X 4230 = 159.22. (|4.23 x 14 = $59.22.) 2. 1280 lb. nails @ 32^ per cwt. 3. 2963 lb. rock salt @ $1.20 per cwt. 4. 2974 lb. fence wire @ $4.50 per cwt. 5. 1280 posts, split, @ $18 per C. 6. 375 lb. lead @ $4.75 per cwt. 7. 5 cattle, averaging 925 lb., @ $4.50 per cwt. 8. 11,580 posts, round, @ $25 per C. 9. 9850 lb. pork @ $7.50 per cwt. 10. Freight on a carload of grain, 46,500 lb., @ 38)^ per cwt. 11. 1378 1b. poultry @ $6.50 per cwt. 12. 1865 lb. beef @ $14 per cwt. 13. 975 lb. bran @ 90^ per cwt. 34. Goods Sold by the Thousand. Brick, lumber, shingles, and many other articles are sold by the thousand. Gas is sold by the thousand cubic feet. The amount consumed is shown by a meter, upon the face of which are usually three dials. The dial to the right shows hundreds of cubic feet, that in the middle shows thousands, and that to the left 44 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC shows tens of thousands. Reading the last figure passed by the pointers, and going from left dial to right, the number of hundreds of cubic feet consumed is shown. Thus, the ac- companying illustration reads 323 hundreds or 32,300 cubic A Gas Meter feet. The reading for the preceding period is shown by the dotted lines. The reading for the preceding period is sub- tracted from the present reading to find amount of gas consumed. A mill being j-^q-q of a dollar, articles sold hy the thousand are as many mills per article as dollars per thousand. Thus, 137 per M is 37 mills per pound or foot, or 126.50 per M is 26.5 mills (f .0265) each. Find Cost of: 1. 1625 ft. oak lumber @ $36 per M. One foot would cost 36 mills (1.036), and 1625 ft. would cost $.036 x 1625 ($1,625 X 36) or $58.50. 2. 20,408 ft. flooring @ $17.50 per M. 3. 14,450 ft. 2 X 6-15 @ $15.50 per M. 4. 10,458 ft. 6 X 6-18 @ $22.50 per M. 5. 10,448 ft. sheathing© $12.75 per M. 6. 612 ft. pine lumber @ $15 per M. 7. 456 ft. spruce @ $12.50 per M. 8. 7750 shingles @ $5.25 per M. 9. The meter readings for gas consumed in a residence for six months were as follows: Sept. 1, 28,400; Oct. 1, 31,000; Nov. 1, 34,400; Dec. 1, 37,600 ; Jan. 1, 40,700 ; Feb. 1, 43,200; Mar. 1, 45,100. FRACTIONAL PARTS 45 At 90 ^ a thousand, what was the total of the monthly gas bills for the six months? 10. A contractor bought material for a building as follows : 567,800 brick @ $6.75 ; 35,657 ft. matched pine @ $ 20 ; 14,720 ft. hemlock @ $12 ; 4680 ft. walnut @ $45 ; 75,250 shingles @ |4.75. What was the total cost ? 11. If there is a gas meter in the school building, read it from month to month and compute the cost of gas. Also read the meters in your home and compute the cost of gas. 35. Goods Sold by the Ton. Coal, hay, and other articles are sold by the ton. If coal is quoted at $ 6.50 per ton, it is $3.25 per 1000 pounds, and 3.25 mills (1.00325) per pound. In other words, goods sold hy the ton are one-half as many mills per pound as dollars per ton. Thus, $3.80 per ton is 1.9 mill (1.0019) per pound. PROBLEMS 1. 3640 lb. hay @ $8.50 per T. 1 of $8.50 = $4.25 per M., or 4.25 mills per lb., $.00425 x 3640=$15.47. 2. 42,300 lb. hay @ $9 per T. 3. 2860 lb. soft coal @ $3.75 per T. 4. 84,375 lb. steel rails @ $20 per T. 5. 225,780 lb. ore @ $25 per T. 6. 3500 lb. fertilizer @ $22 per T. 7. 4525 lb. anthracite coal @ $8.75 per T. 8. 38,960 lb. salt @ $3.35 per T. 9. 265,700 lb. clover hay @ $ 6.20 per T. 10. What will be the cost of the freight on 5 cars of coal at $ 2.75 per ton, the cars weighing respectively : 87,560, 75,605, 54,780, 85,670, and 70,840 pounds net? 11. Find the Value of Each: Article Gross Weight Tabb Priob A load of hay 3450 lb. 1256 lb. $8.75 per T. A load of straw 2975 lb. 856 lb. $2.60 per T. A load of coal 5475 lb. 1680 lb. $7.50 per T. A load of beets 3475 lb. 1240 lb. $12..50 per T. A load of stone 4250 lb. 1250 lb. $14.50 per T. 46 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 36. Invoicing, Bills, and Accounts. When goods are shipped, or sold on account, an invoice or bill is mailed, or sent with the goods. A detailed statement of the amount, kind, and prices of the goods, together with the names of the parties to the transaction, term of credit, condition of sale, discount allowed, etc., is called either a bill or invoice. The term bill is applied particularly to a statement of goods bought, of services rendered, or of work performed. Prompt- ness in billing goods shipped, and accuracy in computing the amount of the bills, are business essentials. Formerly, the term " invoice " was used when goods were shipped on consignment only, but it is now often used inter- changeably with "bill." A clause on the invoice, stating that the goods remain the property of the consignor until paid for, makes the sending them out a consignment rather than a sale. At stated periods, usually the first of each month, a state- ment of account is sent to debtors. A statement merely gives the amount of bills previously rendered, and credits, with their dates. Its chief purpose is to remind the debtor of the debt, but it is also of assistance in checking errors in accounts. PROBLEMS Rule forms and copy the following invoices, filling in the missing amounts. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 19, 19— 1. The Amos King Co., Baltimore, Md. Bought of JOHN WANAMAKER Terms : "Net 30 days 1310 10 Roll Top Office Desks, 143.75 X1338 15 Typewriter Desks, 4.50 1317 20 Office Tables, 7.00 1238 10 Office Chairs, 6.75 Note. — The figures to the left of the ruling show the catalogue numbers. FRACTIONAL PARTS 47 2. PitUburg, Pa^ /i^r^yy /. _19= - Xh^-iT-i^^^^T'T^^y/^-^^/^ Uy. - in.ccmitwhh A. D. HIRSCH & COMPANY ^^. /^Tjiyf^. / -^.^rr^ a^^.^^v^^^^^y^-^>^ /r. .. ^r. ,3 7 .To 7- r.^^^^ — '/.^f;-?^^f:7jt?h-^^^~ tc^^ /. ^' 7 ? ,? JJJ. .J^^^/?^.w^J^^Z^.^ "" ^.^ /a ,r^ ^^^^^^^A-^..,:^Sr/^^^i^^^^.^^ -^^r. Work E.ch D., Told No. oi Hours per Hour Toial W^ei Rco-rk. M T w. T. F s. . ^-^-^2^. ^ r f r ^ ^ ^f X^l /? 2 ^^-^...7>.y <^'/^ T'A r'/, ur'A .^09 /// <:< 3 iCP'OfOh.^J^ ^ ■r r ^'/„ r 7//-^ 4 ^(;^.-^i&.-r>nf.A^ r r r )(• f x.r<^ s -^y/Jh/h.^^^ ,P f -r f -r'/, r 3S<^ 6 ^^^^^.A,-^^ ^ . e% ^ f r 'C'A r 'Ofy^%'^.y.^^ ^ r r'A ^ r'A rf yp/. 8 0-^::^:^y.^ ^ r /f f ^'/, ZJ-,T\, A 8. 2) 6J 3, 9 Subtract : 1. A-^ 5. f- ■f • 9. 15^ -n 2. f-f 6. tV- -1% 10. 16|. -5| 3. l-i 7. j% -z\ 11. 163- -98f 4. i-T^B 8. i- -ih 12. .85- -14| Divide : Note. — All easily reducible fractions are more quickly and accurately divided by reducing to similar fractions. In practice, write the numera- tors only. i-^T%=^%-^ •if = = T^ir 1. f^f 5. U-^ii^ 9. 16^ -- 4 J 2. ^^i 6. !|-^t\ 10. f-f-41 3. tV-A 7. 1^1 11. 61-^ H 4. f-^^ 8. A^f 12. t¥t-^t'j 2)^-9-^-j[^-7-14-^-12 3 ) 9 7 6 3 7 2 FRACTIONS 57 42. Addition and Subtraction through finding the Least Common Multiple. For fractions not easily reducible to a common denominator by inspection, the method of finding the Least Common Multiple of all the denominators is used in order to know the least denomination to which all of the fractions may be reduced. Problem. —Add f, ^, 8f , f^, 5f, ^^, 7|, f|-. In order to find the Least Common Multiple, it is usual to write all the denominators, then strike out any one that is repeated or that is a factor of any other; as, 3, 6, 14, 7, and 2. The remaining numbers are then divided 2x3x3x7 X 2 = 252, L.C.M. y^^ ^„y divisor of two or more of them, bringing down any number not divisible. This is repeated, if necessary, until no two of the numbers remaining have a common divisor. The product of the divisors and all of the numbers remaining will be the Least Common Multiple of the given numbers. 43. To reduce to a Common Denominator. Since 252 is a multiple of each of the denominators of the fractions given in the preceding section, each fraction may now be reduced 168 to an equivalent fraction having 252 for its 112 denominator. To do this, it is well to arrange 210 the fractions vertically, placing the desired 90 denominator below a line and directly beneath 216 the fractions. To the right of a line drawn 162 vertically, and opposite each fraction, is written 126 the numerator of the equivalent fraction. The 231 method used in finding this equivalent fraction 3 of 71 11 12 252jl816(5 is the same as by inspection. (Sec. 40.) 1260 i = ^AO'«-*of |f|),andf = i|f. J=AV ii^ and| = Ji|. H^jandf=e|,etc. Add- 58 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 20 ing the numerators, the sum of the fractions is seen to be ^gV^ ^^ ^ ^^^ /A* Added to 20, the sum of the whole numbers, the sum required is found to be 25 and ^-^. PROBLEMS 1. Add 7, 8f, 9i^, 6j\, 5t\, and 3^. 2. Add i I, 5|, 12^23, and xV- 3. Subtract |f from 7||^. 4. Subtract yff ^ from 256ff. 5. From If + llf take 12\ - 9|. 6. From the sum of 75| and 94f take the sum of 36^^ and 24|. 44. Multiplication of Fractions and Whole Numbers. (a) Five times 3 bu. = ? Five times 3 fourths = ? Five times f=? |x5=? How many wholes ? (Use multi- plication sign correctly. Sec. 13.) 5 times | = J^ or 3|. (6) 5 X f = ? This may also be written, | of 5 = ? In the latter form it is recognized as finding the value of frac- tional parts. See Chapter IV. I of 5 = f X 3 = -I45. or 3f . A fraction may be multiplied hy multiplying its numerator. Dividing the denominator also multiplies the fraction by increasing the size of the denomination. A fraction may be used as a multiplier hy dividing hy its denominator and multi- plying the quotient hy the numerator. This process may some- times be shortened by first multiplying by the numerator and then dividing by the denominator. In multiplying mixed numbers, the whole numbers and fractions should be multiplied separately and the partial products added. Solve each problem in the shortest possible way. FRACTIONS 59 PROBLEMS 1. 348 X f = ? 5. 284 x 3f = ? 2. tV X 8 = ? 6. 71f X 3 = ? 3. f of 721 = ? 7. 256 X I = ? 4. 12f X 8 = ? 8. 5xV X 9. 45. Multiplication of Fractions. Solve : 1. f of,^. Since -J of -^^ is -^^ f is f ^ or f . 2. Find I of -|. Since J of |- is -j%, f is j-^^. Note. — i x f = ^\, and § x | = y^^ ; that is, the product of the numerators is divided by the product of the de- nominators. 3. Find I off. Since i of f (I X i) = l | of f = f or i These steps may be performed together and shortened by writing the fractions, canceling the factors common to the numerators and denominators, and multiplying the remain- ing factors in the numerators for the numerator of the prod- uct, and the remaining factors in the denominators for the denominator of the product. Thus, 2x^-1 and 1 of ?^-_22ll-12^ 2 5 13 4. Multiply 5| by 6f . Mixed numbers should ordinarily be reduced to fractions, then multiplied as in 3. Thus, 9 .2 ^ns 17 ^ ;27 17x9 153 _ oo. 5|x6| = — x^ = -^- = — or 38^. 60 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 5. Multiply 144| by 9f . Reducing a large number, like 144|, would give too large a numerator to be handled readily. In such cases, the whole number and the fraction of the multiplicand may be multi- plied separately by the whole number and the fraction of the multiplier, and the partial products added. Thus, 144| n A = (fx|) 108 = (f X 144) 3i^o=(fx9) 1296 =(144x9) 1407^ PROBLEMS 1. |xf xf=? 6. 2i X 3| = ? 2. |x|xf=? 7. f X If = ? 3. f X A X ^\ = ? 8. ^ xi\ = i 4. T% X f X f X 1 =: = ? 9. T5 of 2^ X i of 7} 5. I of f of I of I = ? 10. 9f X 6| = ? 11. A man owns f of a store and sells | of his share for ^5000. What was the store worth, at this rate ? Find cost of : 12. 127 bu. wheat at 62^^ per bushel. 13. 125 cords of wood at $ 6| per cord. 14. 17f tons coal at $ 3| per ton. 15. 26 bu. clover seed at $ 7^ per bushel. 16. 22f thousand feet lumber at $17^ per M. 17. A merchant sold 25 yd. satin at $ If per yard, 26| yd. silk at $2f, 26 yd. carpet at $|, 56 yd. calico at 3|/'. What was the amount of the sale? 18. Having bought f of a farm of 180 acres, I sell f of my share at $40 per acre. How much do I receive for it? 19. A quantity of provisions will last 25 men 12| days. How long will it last one man ? FRACTIONS 61 46. Division of Fractions. Division of fractions which are not easily solved by the method in Sec. 41 is most readily performed by the method of inversion. In the latter, the terms of the divisor are inverted and the fractions are mul- tiplied. Thus, l^i = ixf = f (Sec.45.) As stated in Sec. 39, we cannot divide fractions without first reducing them to like denominations. In the division, then, of dissimilar fractions the two steps are : first, reduc- tion to like denomination, and second, the division of the numerators. These two steps are accomplished simul- taneously by the inversion of the terms of the divisor and multiplying, thereby shortening the written process. Thus, placing the denominator, 6, above the line, forms, with the denominator of the dividend, | or 2. This is the number necessary by which to multiply the numerator and denomi- nator of the fraction (|) to change it to sixths, that it may be of like units with the divisor (|). If this multiplication were actually made, the J would now be |. The placing of the numerator of the dividend, 5, below the line indicates the division of 4 (the numerator of the dividend) by it, or performs the second step in the operation. This gives, as the result, -I, the required result, since the numerators only are to be divided when the fractions are similar. (Sec. 41.) The ease with which inversion and simple multiplication ac- complishes these steps as | x f = f , explains the economy in its use for all problems not mentally reducible to a common denominator. Note. — The example used in the above illustration could be more readily solved by mentally reducing both fractions to sixths, when the quotient would be readily seen to be f. The method of inversion is only shorter when the fractions have much larger terms, or are not readily reducible. A fraction may be divided by a whole number by dividing the numera- 62 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC tor, or by multiplying the denominator. The latter divides by decreas- ing the size of the denominator. A whole number may be divided by a fraction by reducing it to a similar fraction and dividing the numerators. Divide: 1. T^byf. 3. ^by^^^. 5. fibyxir. 7. tfbyf. 9. HbyH. 2. Ifbyf. 4. ilbyf. 6. H by f ?. 8. fby^. 10. ^byl6. 11. tfby^f. 13. If by 14. 15. 8bys. 12. xfirbyM. 14. 1 by 13. 16. 213 by H. 47. Decimal Fractions. By definition (Sec. 38), a deci- mal fraction is a common fraction whose denominator is 1 with ciphers annexed. Thus, ^y^^, loVW ^^^ -^^ are decimal fractions. These decimal fractions may be written without the de- nominator (Sec. 18), by pointing off from the right of the numerator one less than the number of digits in the denomi- nator. This would always be equal to the number of ciphers in the denominator. The above decimal fractions would thus be written as decimals : .105, .0017, and 210.5. The position of the decimal point in a decimal always indi- cates, then, the number of ciphers at the right of the 1 in the denominator, if written as a decimal fraction. Decimals may thus be changed to common fractions by writing as decimal fractions, and then reducing, if desired, to lower terms. 1. Write as decimals : ^^, jiUh^ j^U^ f |^, and m%. 2. Write as decimal fractions : 5.625, .00052, 1.1, and 32.0225. 3. Change to decimal fractions and reduce to lower terms : .125, .00875, .0625, 75.015, and 300.05 48. Changing Fractions to Decimals. (a) When the denominator of the required fraction is known. FRACTIONS 63 Example. -^ = how many thousandths ? A = A of \m = -M^ thousandths or .ISTJ. Ordinary business problems do not require the use of deci- mals beyond the thousandths. Practice in reduction from fractions to decimals should largely be, then, to acquire facil- ity in changing to tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, and in writing at sight the decimal form of the simpler fractions. After the method of reduction is understood, these decimal equivalents should be drilled upon until they can be written at sight. (5) When merely a change of form is desired. Example. Reduce -f^ to a decimal. 16 )3.0000 .1875 This is the method of reduction usually given. It consists of annexing decimal ciphers to the numerator, and dividing by the denominator. The business necessities for the use of this method are not frequent. It should, however, be thoroughly understood. Change to Decimals: To hundredths. To thousandths. 1. /^ 6. 1 1. jh 6. H 2. /^ 7. 1 2. zh 7. ^ 3. M 8. f 3. M 8. M 4- M 9- A 4. fa 9. H 5. tW 10. ^ 5. It 10. If Reduce to Decimals: Do not carry beyond five places. 1. A 6. i 2. li 7. ^^ 3. ^ 8. il 4. Yh 9. H ■ 5. ^2 10. 3f 64 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS IN FRACTIONS 1. An estate is divided among three sons so that the first gets ^, the second ^j^, and the third the remainder, $3600. What is the amount of the estate? 2. If a clerk spends | of his weekly salary for board, ^ for clothing, and i for books and papers, and has left $ 4, what is his salary ? 3. If I sell a house for $3600, thereby gaining |, what was the cost of the house ? 4. A real estate agent rents a house for $850, which is f of its cost. What is its cost ? 5. A book dealer paid $21 for a set of books and sold them for $24. The gain was what part of the cost? 6. A farmer sold two horses for $48 each. On one he lost f of the cost, on the other he gained j of the cost. How much did he gain or lose by the transaction ? 7. If 3 yd. of cloth cost 37^ ^, how much change would you receive from a $5 bill if you buy 15 yd. ? 8. A grain dealer had $14,000. He spent f of it for wheat at 75 ^ a bushel, and f of the remainder for oats at 30 j^^ a bushel. How many bushels of each did he buy, and how much money had he left ? 9. A man spent i of his money for a suit, | of the remainder for a shotgun, and has left $40. How much had he at first? 10. A locomotive runs | of a mile in f of a minute. At what rate per hour does it run ? 11. The silver dollar weighs 412.5 grains ; ^ of its weight is alloy. How many grains of pure silver are there in one dollar ? 12. Gold is 19.36 times as heavy as water; copper, 8.97; lead, 11.36. Find the weight of a cubic foot of each, if a cubic foot of water weighs 62^ lb. 13. The total crop of cotton in the United States in a certain year was 10,758,000 bales. Of this amount 6,482,849 bales were exported to Europe. What fraction (decimal) of the crop was exported ? Retained at home? 14. If a coal dealer gains ^ by selling coal for $8 a ton, how much would he gain on a sale of 8.8 tons ? FRACTIONS 65 15. After paying $ 74.85 for mileage, ^ 37.50 for hotel bills, and $ 13.65 for sundry expenses, a traveling agent finds that he has expended | of his money. How much had he at first ? 1^. pind-the value of a sheep which dressed as follows : Leg 22.51b., 121;? Loin 17.5 lb., O^f Rib 14.8 lb., 9f^ Chuck 19.6 1b., 2f J? 17«- The price of corn as quoted at the close of the market each day was as follows: Monday, 58^^; Tuesday, 58|^; Wednesday, 56^;''; Thursday, J^7f^ ; Friday, 57f ^ ; Saturday, 56|^. Find the average price for the week. 18. A can do a piece of work in 4 days, B can do it in 5 days. How long will it take them both to do it ? 19. A general store's sales of dry goods for a month amounted to $ 6300, and f of the sales of dry goods was f the sales of groceries. What was the sales of groceries ? 20. A bank teller received during the day $ 60,000 in silver and paper money. There was f as much silver as paper money. How much of each did he receive ? 21. An automobile cost $ 1600. If f the cost of the automobile is 4 times the cost of a carriage, what is the cost of a carriage? 22. A grocer bought eggs at the rate of 4 for 5 f and 6old them at the rate of 5 for 9 ^. How much did he gain on each dozen ? 23. A piece of cloth is 20 yd. long and | yd. wide. How wide is another piece which is 12 yd. long and contains as many square yards as the first ? 24. If I pay $48 for a buggy after receiving a discount of |, and a further discount of f of the latter price for cash, what was the asking price? 25. A broker sold stocks at $ 82 and gained :^o- What would he have gained or lost had he sold them a few days later when they were quoted at $64? 26. If an ordinary gas burner consumes ^q cu. ft. of gas per second, what would be the cost per hour to light a room with 50 burners at $1.25 per thousand cubic feet? If a Welsbach burner consumes ^ as much gas, how much would be saved in a day of 6 hours by installing Welsbach burners ? How much in a month of 30 days V i 66 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 27. A owned f of a store and sold | of his share to C. C sold I of what he bought to B for $4000. At this rate, what was the store worth ? 28. James and John hire a pasture for $ 35. James puts in 4 cows and John puts in 3. What must each pay? 29. A merchant sold a quantity of coffee for $1280, and thereby gained ^ of the cost. If he had sold it for $ 1000, would he have gained or lost, and how much ? 30. The net profits of a business for two years were $6400. The second year's profits were | greater than the first year's. What were the profits each year ? 31. I paid $22,500 for two farms. If f of the cost of one is equal to f of the cost of the other, what did I pay for each one ? 32. A merchant bought 300 crates of peaches at 87^^ a crate. He sold I of them at an advance of 10^ a crate, | of the remainder at 80 j^ a crate, and the remainder at a loss of 3^ ^ a crate. What did the mer- chant gain or lose? 33. A man invested ^ of his money in bonds, ^ of it in real estate, I in mining stock, and the balance, $3900, in bank stock. How much did he have in all ? How much in each investment ? 34. A man spent f of his money for a house, invested ^ of the re- mainder in stocks, and had $3200 left. How much had lie at first? 35. A tree fell, breaking in three pieces. The first wa^ f as long as the second, and the third was I as long as the other two pieces. What was the length of each piece, if the total length was 180 ft. ? 36. A speculator invested ^ of his money and $600 in land, ^ of his money and $250 in bank stock, I of his money and $144 in bonds, and the remainder, which was $1400, in a house and lot. What did he in- vest in each kind of property ? 37. George's money is^'f/of James'. James' money is | of Clara's. Clara's is 1^ times Daniel's. How much had each, if ^ of George's money is $60? VI MEASURES OF LENGTH 49. Measurement. Measurement of quantity enters so largely into life that to make arithmetic really practical, our concepts of the units of measurement should be very accu- rate. The first efforts of the learner should be toward the building of accurate concepts of the various units, rather than toward proficiency in repeating tables or in changing to higher or lower units. Note. — Pupils should have the actual measurement units present to their senses. Do not make the mistake of talking of rods, miles, acres, etc., without bringing these quantities actually before you. Use a tape or string a rod long ; view and walk a mile, or view and walk around an acre, etc. Practice judging length, extent, or weight, and test your accuracy by measurement. 50. The Unit of Length. The unit for measuring length is the yard. Formerly the unit for the United States was the same as the English yard, but the law of 1893 made the yard fffy of the international unit, the meter. A standard yard is kept in the Bureau of Standards at Washington (Sec. 127). TABLE There are: 12 inches ('^) in 1 foot ('). 3 feet in 1 yard (°). 5J yards in 1 rod. 320 rods in 1 mile. 1 mile = 5280 feet or 63,360 inches. 67 68 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 51. Surveyor's Measure. The unit of land measure has long been the Gunter's chain, 4 rods, or 6Q feet long. This was divided into 100 parts or links, each link being 7.92 inches long. Eighty of these chains make a mile. In civil engineering and at the customhouse, the inch and foot are divided into tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, in lieu of the usual subdivisions of halves, quarters, eighths, etc. This is indicative of a tendency in all measurements toward a larger use of decimal divisions. Some of the advantages of a decimal system of measurement, the strongest argument for the metric system, are thereby secured. 52. Nautical Units. Numerous special units have become established by usage in particular vocations. Many of these are of local use, others have varying values in different localities, and still others have become or are becoming ob- solete. A few nautical units of length or distance are here given. There are : 6 feet in 1 fathom. 1.15 statute miles in 1 geographic (some- times called nautical) mile or knot. 3 geographic miles in 1 league. 60 geographic miles in 1 degree. •69.16 statute miles in 1 degree of the earth's equator. 360 degrees in 1 circumference of the earth. CLASS EXERCISES 1. Mark off 1 foot in length on the board. Scan it carefully. 2. Mark off 1 foot without using the ruler. Test accuracy. 3. Draw a horizontal line i foot long ; a vertical line ; an oblique line. Test them. 4. Estimate the number of feet in length of your desk top ; its width; the length and width of the door; of the window. Verify your es- timates by measuring. MEASURES OF LENGTH 69 5. Estimate the height of the room ; its width ; its length. Test. 6. Practice judging length of articles in the room, and of distances, until you can estimate a foot with considerable accuracy. An inch. A yard. 7. Carefully measure off a rod. Estimate length in rods until you can do so accurately. 8. Make a chain, either Gunter's or 100-foot chain. In company with another pui^il, if it can be arranged after school hours, measure off a mile. Mark its limit by some signal, so that the eye may judge the dis- tance. Walk the mile. Estimate distances in miles and, if possible, verify estimates. PROBLEMS 1. How many inches in 7 ft.? In 3 yd. ? In a rod? 2. How many feet in 90 in. ? In 4 rd. ? In a half mile ? 3. A ship travels 18 knots per hour. How many miles does she travel in 6 hours ? 4. A garden is 90 ft. square. How many yards of fence will it take to inclose it? 5. A well is 25 yd. deep. What will be the cost of a pump stock, that reaches to the bottom, at 8/^ per foot? 6. If potato rows are 3 ft. apart, how many rows are there in a lot 4 rd. wide ? 7. A gardener has a bed 16 ft. long and 6 ft. wide. He wishes to have 4 rows of plants, 6 in. apart, in the row. How many plants will it take ? How far apart are the rows ? 8. How many miles does a boy ride in a month of 26 days, if he rides 342 rd. to and from work each day ? 9. If a man digs a ditch 3 rd. long in a day, how long will it take him at the same rate to dig a ditch I mi. long? 10. If railroad ties are laid 18 in. apart (from center to center), how many ties will it take to lay a mile of track? What will they cost at 75 f apiece ? 11. What will it cost to place a hedge around a lot, the distance around which is 72 rd., if the plants are placed 6 in. apart and cost |4.25 per hundred ? 70 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 12. The distance between two cities is 12 mi. What will the wire to build a telephone line cost at «|2.90 per hundredweight, if it weighs l^lb. to the rod? 13. A barn roof is 84 ft. long. What will it cost to place an eave- trough along two sides, if the trough costs 6d^ per 10 ft. length? 14. The length of a rectangular lot is 100 yd., its width 40 yd. What will it cost to fence it with wire netting at $3.60 per 150 ft., and posts, set 10 ft. apart, at 35 j^ each ? 15. A water company wishes to lay a line of pipe along a mile of street. If the pipe is worth f 1.25 per foot, what will it cost ? 16. A gentleman has a field, the perimeter of which (i.e. the distance around it) is 320 rd. He wishes to build a fence of eight wires, with posts set 8 ft. apart around it. If the wire weighs 1 lb. to the rod and costs f 2.50 per hundredweight, and the posts cost 17^ each, what will it cost for material to build the fence? 17. What will it cost to fence a lot, with boards 16 ft. long and 4 in. wide, at 10)^ per board, if the perimeter of the lot is 63 rd. and the fence is to be 6 boards high? 18. My lot is 32 rd. long and 20 rd. wide. I built a picket fence around it, using pickets 4 in. wide, and placing them 2 in. apart. How many pickets were required? What did they cost at $3.25 per M? 19. A plot of ground is 4 rd. long and 2 rd. wide. How many straw- berry plants will it take to set the plot in rows 2 ft. apart, running lengthwise, if the plants are set 10 in. apart in the row? 20. What will the material to build 125 mi. of railroad cost, if the rails are 30 ft. long, weigh 25 lb. to the foot, and cost $28 per ton of 2000 lb., and the ties, costing 75^ apiece, are laid 3050 to the mile? 21. What will it cost to build an electric line between two cities, 15 mi. apart; the rails weighing 25 lb. to the foot, and costing $18 per ton; the ties costing 70 ^ apiece, laid 2 ft. apart ; the wire (one strand) weigh- ing 5 lb. to the rod and costing $10 per hundredweight; the posts being set 19 rd. apart, and costing 80 j* apiece? 22. A tennis court has four lines 78 ft. long, two lines 36 ft. long, two lines 27 ft. long, and one line 31 ft. long. What will the tape to mark these lines cost at i^ per foot? 23. How many yards of carpet will be required for a flight of 15 steps 1 ft. wide and 6 in. high, and a landing 6 ft. 8 in. wide? What will it cost at 70 ^ per yard ? MEASURES OF LENGTH 71 24. The two aisles of a church are each 6 ft. wide and 85 ft. long. At $ 1.85 per linear yard, what will the carpet cost to cover them? 25. In surveying the route for a proposed railroad the surveyors ap- plied the Gunter's chain 6450 times. How many miles of road ? How many rails, 30 ft. long, would it require ? How many ties, counting 3050 to the mile? 26. A boat is rowed at the rate of 10 knots an hour. The current runs at the rate of 4 knots an hour. If the boat is rowed with the cur- rent, how many miles will it go in 10 hr. ? 27. The elevator in the Washington monument goes 500 ft. above the base. How many rods of cable in the eight strands extending from bottom to top ? VII MEASURES OF AREA 53. Area Units. Area is the extent of surface. The units for its measurement are rectangular in form and correspond to the units of length. They are the square inch, square foot, square yard, square rod, and square mile. The stand- ard unit is the square yard. For ordinary surfaces, the square inch and square foot are most frequently used. The square mile is used only in land measure, together with a special unit, the acre. Table There are : 144 square inches (sq. in.) in 1 square foot (sq. ft.) 9 square feet in 1 square yard (sq. yd.) 30^ square yards in 1 square rod (sq. rd.) 160 square rods in 1 acre (^0 640 acres in 1 square mile (sq. mi.) 36 square miles in 1 township (Tp.) CLASS EXERCISES 1. Study the accompanying figure of a square inch. Cut from paper a square inch without using a ruler. Test accuracy. Try it until nearly correct. 2. Draw a square inch. Verify. Practice. 3. Estimate the number of square inches in one side of your book cover. Test accuracy. Estimate the area in square inches of pages in different books, of desk top, of window pane, of pictures, and of fresh air or foul air register. Test the accuracy of each estimate. 72 MEASURES OF AREA 73 4. Practice estimating areas in square inches until you acquire considerable accuracy. Use the ruler only after the area has been judged. 5. Develop power of estimating area in square feet in the same way as above. Measure, cut, draw, and practice estimating. 6. Measure off a square yard. Practice estimating in square yards until a fairly clear concept is in your mind. Less time and practice are necessary for this than for the square inch and foot, because less fre- quently needed. 7. In the same way develop concept of a square rod. Practice for accuracy. 8. The pupils of a class should measure off an acre, using chains of their own making. Let them mark the corners with flags and walk over the ground in an effort to fix the size of an acre. Then have pupils estimate in acres and verify their estimates by measurement. 9. If possible, view a square mile or section of land. Use what oppor- tunities you have for fixing its size in your mind. 54. Area of Rectangles. Finding the area of anything is merely finding the number of square units on its surface. In square-cornered surfaces, or rectangles, these units are always in rows. In the accompanying figure, 2 by 4 inches, A Rectangle 74 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC there are four square inches along one edge or in one row, and two such rows. There are, therefore, 2 times 4 square inches or 8 square inches in the figure. In all rectangles there are as many square units in one row or along one edge as linear units along that edge. Like- wise, there are as many rows of square units as linear units along the other edge. To find the area, then, the number of square units in one row should he multiplied hy the number of rows. In a room 10 by 12 feet, there are 10 rows of 12 square feet or 120 square feet in the floor. The multiplicand is thus to be always a number of square units, and the product, therefore, square units. PROBLEMS Find the area of the following rectangles : 1. 6 by 9 inches. 6. 35 by 46 feet. 9 sq. in. X 6 = 54 sq. in. 7. 15 by 36 rods. 2. 13 by 24 rods. 8. 45 by 86 yards. 3. 16 by 87 yards. 9. 32 by 54 inches. 4. 41 by 65 feet. 10. 40 by 60 yards. 5. 11 by 47 inches. 11. 24 by 48 feet. 12. A barn floor is 40 by 60 ft. What will it cost to cement it at 12/ per square foot ? 13. How many rolls of weather paper each containing 100 sq. ft. will it take to cover a roof 42 by 50 ft. ? 14. A board fence 7 ft. high surrounds a lot 32 by 120 ft. How many square feet of boards in this fence? What would it cost to paint it at 4 / a square foot ? 15. A box is 6 by 8 in. and 4 in. high. How many square inches in its 4 sides? Note. — Think of the sides as a rectangle having 4 rows of 28 sq. in. 16. A room is 12 by 18 ft. and 10 ft. high. How many square feet in the four walls? lu the floor and ceiling? MEASURES OF AREA 75 17. What will it cost to tint the four walls of a room 15 by 18 ft. and 10 ft. high, at 40 ;* a square yard ? How many square yards in the ceil- ing? What will be the cost of tinting the ceiling at the same rate? What was the total cost of plastering the room at 25^ per square yard? 18. What will it cost to build a walk of stone, 6 by 360 ft., at 60 ^ per square foot ? 19. A barn is 40 by 80 ft. and 25 ft. high. What will it cost to paint the four sides at 25 f a square yard? 20. A hall floor is 15 by 30 ft. How many tiles 6 by 6 in. will it take to lay the floor ? 21. There are 48 sq. ft. of boards on the side of a building. If each board is 6 in. wide, and there are 12 of them, how long are they? 22. What will it cost to calcimine the walls and ceiling of a room 18 by 15 ft., and 9 ft. high, at 20^ per square yard? 23. A schoolroom is 30 by 40 ft. What will it cost to put a slate board along one side and end, the slate being 4 ft. wide and costing 18;^ per square foot? 24. How many bricks 4 by 8 in. will be needed for a walk 36 yd. long and 4 yd. wide? What will they cost at $6.50 per M? 25. How many square feet of sidewalk 6 ft. wide will be required to surround a lot 250 by 360 ft.? What will it cost to lay it at 12;^ a square foot? 26. The owner of a lot of ground 1080 ft. long and 600 ft. wide cuts two streets, each 75 ft. wide, through the middle, one running east and west, and the other running north and south. How many acres has he left? What will brick 6 by 9 in. cost to pave these streets at $ 7 per M? 27. A farmer owned a rectangular piece of land 40 by 80 rd. He sold four lots, 7 by 10 rd., 8 by 25 rd., 10 by 15 rd., and 15 by 20 rd. How many acres did he sell? How many remained? How many rods of fence will it take to fence the remaining land, if the lots are taken, one from each corner? 55. Squaring a Number. A rectangle which contains the same number of rows of square units as there are square units in each row is called a square. The number of units in each row of a square is called the square root. 76 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC CLASS EXERCISES 1. The square on 3 ft. has how many rows and how many square units in each row? How many square units in the square, or its area? 2. A square on 9 in. has how many square inches in each row? 3. When a square contains 2.5 sq. in., it is how many inches long and wide? 4. What is the square root of 9 sq. ft. ? Of 16 sq. ft. ? Of 25 sq. ft. ? 5. What is the square root of : 81, 49, 100, 225, 2500, 625, 169? 6. Drill upon the following table : 12 = 1 62 = 36 112 = 121 162 ^ 256 22 = 4 72 = 49 122 ^ 144 202 = 400 32 = 9 82 = 64 132 = 169 252 = 625 42 = 16 92 = 81 142 = 196 502 ^ 2500 52 = 25 102 = 100 152 = 225 1002 = 10000 FINDING THE SQUARE ROOT 66. Root Periods in the Square. In squaring ][2 _ ^ numbers from 1 to 10, it may be noted that the 2^ = 4 square of a number composed of one figure never 32 — 9 contains less than one or more than two figures. ^2 _ iq Squaring 10 and 99, it will be seen that the ^2 __ 25 square of a number composed of two figures has ^2 _, 3^ not less than three nor more than four figures. ^2 = 49 In the same way it may be seen that the square g2 __ 54 of a number composed of three figures contains 92 _ g;[ not less than five nor more than six figures. It ■^q2 _ iqO may be concluded, then, that for every two fig- 992 _ g^Qi ures in a square there is one figure in the root. If wie mark off the number whose square root we are seek- ing, into periods of two figures each, beginning at the right, we will get one figure in the root for each period. 57. Square of a Number composed of Two Figures. Take a paper 24 in. square, and carefully mark it off into square inches. From a lower corner cut out the square on 20 in.. MEASURES OF AREA 77 and from the opposite upper corner cut out the square on 4 in. What are the dimensions of the two oblongs remain- ing after the squares have been removed ? Observe that the square on 20 in. is the square of the tens of the number squared (24), and that the other square is the square of the units (4). The dimensions of the two oblongs are also, respectively, the same as the tens and units of the original number. The area of the square of a number composed of two figures is, then, equal to the square of its tens plus two rectangles with the tens and U7iits as dimensions, plus the square of its units. A Square f 78 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC r f f^ - ^, L^ ^ ~ 5 8. F inc lin g the Th jS E i qu ar CE P 3 I Sqi RO JAB BL] 3ei Fil AB id AT] SD si( ie of a L S qu lar e whose area is 576 sq. ft., or extract the square root of 576. 5'76 sq. ft. (24 The square on 2 tens, or 20 sq. ft. X 2 = 40 sq. ft. 4 00 _4 sq. ft. 44 sq. ft. Sq. ft. in one row of 2 rec- tangles and smaller square. 1 76 sq. ft., the area of 2 rectangles and smaller square. 1 76 sq. ft. the square feet in 4 rows. MEASURES OF AREA 79 Marking off 576 according to Sec. 56, we find that its root will contain two figures, tens and units. From Sec. 57, also, we see that the second period, or 6 hundreds, contains the square of the second or tens figure. Taking out the square of the largest tens (2 tens) con- tained in 6 hundreds, or 4 hundreds, we have left 176 sq. ft. as the area of the remaining two rectangles and the smaller square. We know (Sec. 57) that the rectangles have each two tens, or 20 sq. ft., along one edge or in one row. We do not as yet know the dimensions of the smaller square, but we know they are the same as the other dimension of the rectangles. If the area of the rectangles is nearly 176 sq. ft., and the number of square feet along one edge of both is 40 ; then there must be nearly as many rows of 40 sq. ft. as 40 sq. ft. is contained in 176 sq. ft., or 4 rows. If this is correct, the smaller square is 4 ft. square, and along one edge there would be 4 sq. ft. Along one edge of both the rectangles and the smaller square, there would be, then, 44 sq. ft., and if 4 rows wide, the area of the rectangles and square would be 176 sq. ft., or the same as the area remaining after removing the larger square. The other dimension of the rectangles, therefore, must be 4 ft., and the units figure 4, making the square root 24. STATEMENT OF PROCESS The principles applied in finding the square root of larger numbers are the same as when the root contains two figures. The two periods to the left are treated as containing the square of the number composed of two figures, and when these are found, they are considered as the known tens' figure, and the units' figure is sought in the next period to the right, and so on, until the complete root has been found. 80 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC The following is. a summary of the steps in the method : (1) Beginning at the right, mark off periods of two figures each. (2) By inspection use the square root of the largest square contained in the left-hand period as the first figure of the root, and subtract its square from that period, bringing down the next period to the right. (3) Treating the first figure thus obtained as the tens and adding a cipher, we have the number of squares along one edge of one rectangle. Multiplying this by 2 and dividing the product into the number brought down (allowing some for the area of the smaller square), the probable width of the rectangles or second root is obtained. (4) Add the root to the number of squares along one edge of both rectangles, and multiply the sum by the same figure (as indicating the number of rows) to complete the square. (5) Subtract this from the number brought down, and bring down the next period, proceeding as in (3) and (4). 59. Square Root of Decimals and Fractions. When the square consists of a decimal or a whole number and decimal, mark off periods right and left from the decimal point, and proceed as in whole numbers. The root figure for the first decimal period would be tenths; the second, hundredths, etc. The square root of a fraction may be found by extracting the square root of the numerator for a new numerator and of the denominator for a new denominator. 60. Applications of Square Root to the Right Triangle. Draw a right triangle (Sec. 68) having a base of 3 inches and a perpendicular of 4 inches. What is the length of the hypotenuse ? MEASURES OF AREA 81 Erect a square on the perpendicular. Erect a square on the hypotenuse, and on the base. How many square inches in the squares on the base and on the perpendicular? In the square on the hypotenuse ? Draw a right triangle with base and perpendicular, respectively, 6 and 8 inches. Draw squares on the three sides. Compare the area of the square on the hy- potenuse of the triangle with those on the other two sides. These illustrate the geometrical truth, that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. ?I> \D THE Square Root of: 1. 4225 4. 53,361 7. 72,984 10. ^m 2. 5625 5. 17,424 8. 1900.96 11. \m 3. 1225 6. 97,344 9. 97.8121 12. ■i^ 13. The base of a triangle is 8 ft., the altitude 6 ft. What is the hypotenuse ? 14. Find the base of a triangle whose altitude is 12 ft., hypotenuse 16 ft. 15. The hypotenuse of a triangle is 45 ft., the base 27 ft. Find the altitude. 16. A square farm contains 160 A. What is the length of one side ? 17. A ladder is 25 ft. long and, when the foot is placed 15 ft. from the foot of a wall, just reaches the top. How high is the wall ? 18. A lot is in the form of a right-angled triangle, whose base is 16 chains and altitude 12 chains. How many rods of fence will be needed to inclose it ? 82 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 19. Find in rods the diagonal of a square field that contains 12 acres. 20. What is the distance from one lower corner to the opposite upper corner of a room, that is 36 by 72 ft. and 12 ft. high ? PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF AREA 61. Pitch of Roofs and Roofing. The degree of slant given to the sides of a roof is called its pitch. When the height of the gable is one fourth the width of the building, the roof is said to have one-fourth pitch. When the height is one half the width, the roof has one-half pitch; when five eighths, it has a five-eighths or Gothic pitchy etc. One half is the pitch commonly used. In estimating the cost of roofing in accordance with plans of a building under consideration, it is sometimes necessary, from the size of the building and the roof pitch, to find the dimensions of the two sides of a roof. Knowing the width of the building, the degree of pitch will give the height of the gable or the perpendicular of the right triangle, one half the width of building forming the base. Applying the principle of Sec. 60, the length of the hypotenuse or the width of one side of the roof is then found. The distance the eaves extend over the sides of the building should be added to the roof width, and the extension of the gables over the ends should be added to the length of the building for the roof length. The standard width of a shingle is 4 inches. This may vary, however, according to grade or style. In ordinary shingles there is no uniformity in width, but the average width in a bundle is supposed to be 4 inches. The standard exposure to the weather is, likewise, 4 inches. That is, in laying, all but 4 inches of the length of a shingle is covered. Thus, the average area of the exposed surface of a shingle is 16 sq. in. In selecting the proper widths of shingles so that all joints MEASURES OF AREA PITCH OF ROOFS 83 40' One-fourth Pitch 40' One-half Pitch 40' Five-eighths or Gothic Pitch 84 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC will be covered, and discarding defective shingles, there is more or less waste, varying with the grade of shingle used. One ninth is the amount usually allowed for such waste. Thus, 9 shingles, at 16 sq. in. each, would cover a surface of 144 sq. in. or 1 sq. ft. With i allowance of waste, 10 shingles would be required for 1 sq. ft., and 1000 shingles for 100 sq. ft., the surface unit. It is called the square (100 sq. ft.), and is used in roofing, flooring, slating, etc. As bundles are usually made up to contain 250 shingles, it would take/oi^r to cover a square^ or one bundle would cover a surface of 25 sq. ft. Thus, a roof 24' by 30' would be 720 sq. ft. on each side, or 1440 sq. ft. on both sides. This would make 14.40 squares and would require 14 J thousand shingles or 58 bundles. The outer edge of the roof is usually laid double. This is offset, however, by the width of the ridge board. Bundles of shingles are not usually broken, so if the sur- face shows that a fraction of a bundle is needed, a whole bundle must be purchased. When, for any purpose, an exposure other than the stand- ard 4-inch is allowed, the number of shingles or bundles are found in the usual way, and the result is modified to meet the conditions. Thus, if the exposure is to be 3'' instead of 4'', \ more shingles will be required ; if 2'\ twice as many ; if 5", \ less; and if 6'', ^ less. If the width of the shingle varies from the standard 4-inch, a correction may be made in the same way. Roofing, other than shingling, is also figured by the square. In slating, the size of the slates varies from &' x 12'' to 16" X 24". The number of slates needed per square would, therefore, vary from 533 to 86. Contractors usually figure from prepared tables, showing the number of slate at a given size per square. MEASURES OF AREA 85 62. Flooring in Wood. Boards for flooring are tongued and grooved. This entails a loss in width of | of an inch for each board. That is, a board bought as a 3-inch board will cover but 2|- inches in width. Three-eighth inch loss on 3 inches is |-inch loss on 1 inch. In other words, each 1 inch of board width purchased will cover but J inches of floor space. It will require | more lumber, therefore, than it would if there were no waste. Tongued and Grooved How much flooring would be required for a room 24^ x 32' if 3" flooring were used ? 24 sq. ft. X 32 = 768 sq. ft. Surface area. 768 sq. ft. + 1 of itself = 878 sq. ft. Flooring required. Spruce or pine flooring is made 3 in., 4 in., or sometimes 51 in. wide. Hardwood flooring is but 2 in. or 2| in. wide, or even less. In the same way, allowances for loss from grooving, for the usual widths of flooring, i^ as follows : for 2 in. flooring, add -^^ ; for 2^ in., add -^y ; for 4 in., add ^; 86 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC and for 5 J in., add -^^ of the actual floor space. Prove the correctness of these fractions, as above. Carpenters charge by the square for laying floors. PROBLEMS 1. The roof of a shed is 12 by 20 feet. How many slates 6 by 12 inches will be required to cover it? How many shingles? How many bundles of shingles ? 2. What will it cost to shingle the two sides of a roof, if each side is 20 by 80 feet, with shingles costing $3.20 per M? 3. A barn is 40 by 80 feet, and the roof is J pitch. How many shingles must I buy to roof it, if the roof extends 18 inches over each side and end? 4. The roof of a church is Gothic pitch. The building is 40 by 72 feet, and the roof extends 2 feet over each side and end. If shingles are laid 3 inches to the weather, what will be their cost at $4.50 per M? 5. The roof of a house is 56 feet long and each side is 18 feet wide. There are two verandas, each having a roof 10 by 20 feet. What will the shingles cost at $4.75 per M, if they are laid 5 inches to the weather ? 6. A mill is 120 feet long. If each side of the roof is 32 feet wide, and it extends 2| feet over each side and end, what will the shingles cost at $ 3.80 per M, if they are laid 4 inches to the weather ? 7. Figure the flooring lumber bill for house shown on pages 90-91, as follows : Hard pine at $48 per M on veranda, living room, dining room, and entire upper floor, except bathroom, which is to be tiled ; two-inch maple at $72 on kitchen; two-inch oak at $80 on reception hall, library, and parlor; four-inch soft pine on porch, at $60; spruce, 5^ inches, at $34 on laundry and cellar in basement. 63. Carpeting. The standard width of Kidderminster and Ingrain carpets is 36 inches. That of Brussels, Wiltons, Axminsters, etc., is 27 inches. Borders are usually 221 inches wide. Rugs, whether pattern rugs or made up, are sold by the piece. All other carpeting is sold from the roll and by linear measure. MEASURES OF AREA 87 The direction the carpet is to be laid will often determine the cost, as there might be more waste if laid one way than if laid the other. The length of each strip would be the length of the room plus the allowance for matching. The number of strips would be determined by dividing the width of the room by the width of the carpet, counting a full strip for all fractions, as any extra width must be cut off or turned under. Thus, for a room 15 by 24 feet, the strips would be 8 yards long, and with an allowance of 9 inches for matching, 8^ yards long. If the carpet were Brussels, there would be 6 strips and 18 inches additional, requiring 7 strips. 7 strips of 8J yards each would be 57J yards. PROBLEMS 1. How many yards of carpet 1 yard wide will it take to cover a floor 15 by 18 feet? 2. A room is 18 by 20 feet. How many yards of carpet f yard wide will it take to cover the floor ? 3. How many yards of carpet 27 inches wide will be required to cover the dining room in the floor plan on p. 90, if the strips run length- wise ? What will it cost at ^ 1.20 per yard V 4. If the library shown on p. 90 is carpeted in the most economical way, with carpet 30 inches wide, what will be the cost at $ 1.25 per yard? 5. What will it cost to cover the kitchen of the house shown on p. 90 with linoleum costing $1.35 per square yard? 6. The three bedrooms in the plan of the second floor on page 91 are to be covered with carpet 1 yard wide, 8 inches waste in matching. What will be the cost at 95 ^ per yard, if the strips run in the direction to leave the least waste ? 7. The stairway in the floor plan (pp. 90-91) is 11 feet 4 inches high, the tread of each stair is 12 inches, and the riser 8 inches. What will be the cost of carpet at $1.35 per yard? 8. A rug 8' X 13' is placed in the living room at a cost of $42.50. The remaining space is painted at a cost of 36 ^^^ a square yard. What is the total cost for covering the floor ? 88 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 64. Lathing and Plastering. The square yard is the unit by which estimates are made for the cost of lathing and plas- tering. Contracts are made at a given price per square yard of plastering, or lathing, or both. In estimating the cost of lathing and plastering for scratch (first) and brown (second) coat on wood lath, the follow- ing quantities are generally allowed for 100 square yards : 1400 to 1500 laths (laths are put up in bundles of 50, and sold by the bundle or thousand); 10 pounds of 3-penny lathing nails ; 2^ barrels, or 500 pounds, of lime ; 45 cubic feet, If loads, or 15 barrels, of sand ; and 4 bushels of hair (hair is put up in bushel bundles, containing 5 packages). For the best quality of white coat, the estimate is 90 pounds of lime to 50 pounds of plaster of Paris, and 50 pounds of marble dust. Stucco is put up in bags containing 100 pounds each, and is sold by the ton ; 900 to 1000 pounds are required for 100 square yards of surface. Custom varies as to an allowance for doors and windows. Some contractors make no allowance, holding that the extra care and time needed in lathing and plastering around an opening make up for saving of material. When an allow- ance is made, it is usually 20 sq. ft. for each opening, and not the exact measurement. In estimating material alone, allowance is usually made for all openings. A fraction of a square yard is counted as a square yard in the final result. PROBLEMS 1. What will it cost to plaster a room 20 x 24 ft. and 10 ft. high, at 20 ^ per square yard ? How much lime, hair, and sand will it take for two coats ? 2. How many square yards in the walls and ceiling of a room 18 by 20 ft. and 9 ft. high ? How many laths, and how much stucco will it take to cover it ? 3. A hall is 5 X 15 ft. and 10 ft. high. What will it cost to lath and plaster it at 25^ a square yard ? How many laths will it take ? MEASURES OF AREA 89 FLOOR PLANS OF HOUSE a □ 1 LAUNDRY COAL BIN 1 I4'6"x 17'6^ 8'xl4'6" 8' X 14' 6" 1 1 1 n 1 r CFI 1 AR 1 HEATER J L hS 22' e" 16' X 22' 6" . 1 1 1 a □ a Basembnt D D 90 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC PORCH 6' 6" X I { \^ V KITCHEN <■ LIBRARY 13 X 14 \ LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM \ S CO 1 5 o a o be 02 C 2 'o'o'o C3 03 o a lO CO CO gj «o OS c«T-icc»6 lO wti T)<(M*»oao»o >o »o CO ?o o o> 1-1 1— 00 »o t- CO i-( ■-H CO o eo -^ o» CO CO cocoocototo oo toia o m o m 2 ^ a o 2 2222 2 2 "o 'o'o'o o o o cc O •-S «5 S rt" • rt CO C OJ .2«S ^ "5 S3 a> o t-li"^® W 2 OS d fc, < <«r^ .'« 00^ OS «_, ; S o S ^-' ^j i'c'-''o'o'o :0 COO Oi-iCOo Old OO 2222 'o'c'o'o OOOO §cok^eo e<5 TO CO «5 M »n «o oo o oo cm ■* oo o oj eO CO •># 0> OSTO«0 0>«0 «5 TO O O 03 O 1-1 o o o OC^-*0> Tl r-i(N OO 1-1 OS 00 0> 1* O Tt Tj( O C^ O O «o o o»o eooco r-i COiC o o )TO-*TJ 2 s *> ? N J2^ bto S .S 2 S S S S-o-^ 5-5 «^ o £ o 5 « S2o3 •a •E ;^o ^ a ^o 'g -^ s '^ ,jj "" M e c a t.r' S -^^ o fcc'-^ J3 « « - o ® -C — TO - ."» ^SS-S22 03 « O OJ C^ Ss'i.sio '^ • o ?;OHccHo (25 S.* -*-++*-<» MEASURES OF VALUE 145 alike in weight and fineness, occasionally differing, however, in name. Most of the Central and South American states possess a standard coin. 121. Bills of Foreign Exchange. Drafts payable in foreign countries are either banker's or commercial bills of exchange. They are based upon credits in the foreign cities in the same way as are bank drafts upon cities in our own country, the latter being known, by way of distinction, as domestic ex- change. Banker's bills were formerly drawn in duplicate or triplicate, each copy being sent by a different route for safety. Rapid and safe mail service renders this no longer necessary, particularly between Europe and America. Accordingly, foreign bills are now usually drawn singly, the same as domestic drafts. All foreign bills are payable in the money of the country upon which they are drawn, and quotations of prices of foreign exchange give the cost in our money of one mone- tary unit of such country. Thus, an English pound sterling may be quoted as $4.86 or 14.88, etc. The ebb and flow of commerce, with the balance of trade shifting from one country to another, causes changes in the value of credits in one country which may be owned in another, and these fluctuations are shown in daily quotations issued by banks and clearing houses. When there is a larger foreign credit than is needed for the demands of business, then foreign exchange is at a discount ; when less than busi- ness requires, it is at a premium. Certain banks in larger cities maintain reciprocal relations as correspondents with banks in certain foreign centers. Banks in smaller places often arrange to draw on such foreign correspondents through these larger banks, paying therefor as per quotations furnished. 122. Letters of Credit. Ba-nks also issue letters of credit to persons who wish to travel abroad. They are addressed 146 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC to any of a list of correspondent banks in various cities in Europe, requesting them to furnish funds to the order of the holder up to a certain limit. Upon reaching one of the men- tioned cities, a draft drawn by the holder of the letter for an amount within the limit will be cashed by the correspondent bank. The amounts drawn are indorsed on the letter by the banks cashing the drafts, and the letter itself accompanies the last draft which exhausts the limit of the credit. The advantage of these letters is in one being able to draw varying amounts, according to his needs, in a large number of places. 123. Foreign Money Orders. Foreign money orders^ pay- able in the currency of the principal countries of the world, may be purchased of the United States government at any money-order office. Some express companies issue money orders or drafts on important cities in foreign countries, and these drafts are payable in the money of such country at the company's agencies, or at certain banks with which they have arrange- ments as correspondents. Travelers'' checks^ issued in certain denominations, with the foreign-money values in various countries printed on the face thereof, may be purchased in any number. These checks are payable at various banks and agencies, and pass current in almost any country for their face value in pay- ment of ordinary expenses. A supply of these checks, in different denominations, forms a very convenient kind of ex- change for travelers. Some express companies also issue letters of credit^ en- titling the holder to draw money or travelers' checks thereon up to a certain limit. For such a letter of credit either cash must be deposited, or it must be secured either by a deposit of securities or the guarantee of a responsible bank, trust company, or banker. MEASURES OF VALUE 147 Oahle Transfers. Money may be paid by cable in the same way as by telegraph. Shipments of gold coin or bullion are frequently made to restore a balance of credits in foreign exchange. Miscellaneous Measures 124. Tradesman's Table. There are : 12 units in 1 dozen (doz.) 12 dozen in 1 gross (gr.) 12 gross in 1 great gross Twenty units are often called a score. 125. Stationer's Table. Paper, particularly of the finer kinds, is commonly put up and sold according to the following units : There are : 24 sheets in 1 quire 20 quires in 1 ream (480 sheets) 2 reams in 1 bundle 5 bundles in 1 bale Paper houses are gradually adopting the commercial ream of 500 sheets, particularly for book and print papers. The larger units are disappearing from use. PROBLEMS 1. The United States paid Spain $20,000,000 for the Philippines. What was the face of the bill, if the rate of exchange was 19.38 cents? 2. A merchant owes a bill of £300 85. 10c?. in London. What will it cost him for a bill, if the rate of exchange is $4,865? 3. A Boston importer owed a Dresden manufacturer 26,450 marks, and paid him by a bill of exchange. If the rate was 23.85 cents, what did it cost him ? 4. I owe 4250 francs in Paris. If the rate is 19.38 cents, what wiU it cost me to pay the debt ? 148 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 5. A merchant bought 4 cases musical instruments in Berlin, amount- ing to 3598.6 marks, and received a discount of i^. If the exchange is worth 23.87 cents, what will the bill of exchange cost? 6. What will be the value of a sight draft on Berlin, amounting to 3598.6 marks, if the exchange is worth 23.88 cents ? 7. What must be paid for a bill on Rome for 6750 lire, at 19 ^ ? XII FRENCH METRICAL SYSTEM 127. The Metric System. The rapidly expanding use of the measures of the P'rench Metrical System renders a knowledge of its units more and more a necessity in a busi- ness education. Its use is required in some of the depart- ments of the government and is authorized in others. Government comparisons of standards are made by reference to the international metric units. The metric system is the legal standard in the Philippines and Porto Rico. So ex- tensive is its use in foreign countries that manufacturers, particularly of scientific instruments and machinery, are put- ting out their products in metric sizes for the export trade. The metric system is founded primarily upon the meter^ which is the unit of length. All other units are so related to this as greatly to simplify calculations in which weights and measures are involved. It is this simple relation to one fundamental unit which makes it a system. Add to this the fact that it is a decimal system, and its extreme simplicity both in plan and ease of calculation is explained. With a desire to found the unit upon something fixed, the French mathematicians took one ten-thousandth part of the earth's quadrant for a Kilometer, of which the more usable meter is a thousandth part. Under the direction of an International Bureau of Weights and Measures, es- tablished near Paris by the principal nations of the world, standard meters and kilograms were cast from platinum-iridium, and distributed to the various nations. By the law of 1893, all our common units are derived from these international standards, which are kept in the office of the National Bureau of Standards at Washington. 149 150 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC The plan of naming the derived units is equally simple. Derivatives from the Greek, viz. deka for ten, hehta for hundred, hilo for thousand, and myria for million, are pre- fixed to the name of the units for all multiples, while the fractional units are indicated by the Latin prefixes, deei for tenth, centi for hundredth, and milli for thousandth. A practical knowledge of the metric system should be acquired by a study and use of the measures themselves. Each unit studied should be fixed by actual use, without regard to the nearest English unit, and the power to esti- mate accurately in its terms developed through drill. After such knowledge of the various units has been acquired, and one is able to think in these units, a study of comparative values between them and the English units has its value. Comparative tables are appended for reference only. MEASURES OF LENGTH 128. The Unit of Length. As before stated, the meter is one thousandth part of a kilometer, which is one ten-thou- sandth part of the earth's quadrant. It is, therefore, one ten- millionth of the distance from the equator to the pole. From it all the other units of the French Metrical System are derived. The surveyor's chain is a dekameter or half deka- meter in length. Table There are : 10 millimeters (mm.) in 1 centimeter (cm.) iO centimeters in 1 decimeter (dm.) 10 decimeters in 1 meter (i^O 10 meters in 1 dekameter (Dm.) 10 dekameters in 1 hektameter (Hm.) 10 hektameters in 1 kilometer (Km.) FRENCH METRICAL SYSTEM 151 MEASURES OF AREA 129. Unit of Area. The unit of area is the square meter. In a like manner each denomination of linear measure is squared, forming the units of area. A square meter being 10 decimeters wide and 10 decimeters long, has 100 square decimeters. The same principle is applied to the other units. There are: ^^^^^ 100 sq. millimeters (sq. mm.) in 1 sq. centimeter (sq. cm.) 100 sq. centimeters in 1 sq. decimeter (sq. dm.) 100 sq. decimeters in 1 sq. meter (sq. m.) 100 sq. meters in 1 sq. dekameter (sq. Dm.) 100 sq. dekameters in 1 sq. hektameter (sq. Hm.) 100 sq. hektameters in 1 sq. kilometer (sq. Km.) The chief use of the larger area units is in the measure- ment of land surfaces. For that purpose, the square deka- meter is given a special name, and is known as the are., and the square hektameter as the hectare. The latter is the more commonly used land -area measure, while the square kilometer has no practical application. MEASURES OF VOLUME 130. Units of Volume. The units of volume are derived in the same way, each linear unit being cubed. A cubic meter being 10 decimeters along each edge, contains 1000 cubic decimeters. Likewise, there are 1000 of each cubic denomination in the next higher one. There are: ^^^^^ 1000 cu. millimeters (cu. mm.) in 1 cu. centimeter (cu. cm.) 1000 cu. centimeters in 1 cu. decimeter (cu. dm.) 1000 cu. decimeters in 1 cu. meter (cu. m.) 1000 cu. meters in 1 cu. dekameter (cu. Dm.) 152 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 131. Capacity Units. For measuring capacity, the cubic decimeter is used. The special name of liter is given to it, from which are derived the denominations of capacity with the constant ratio of ten between successive units, and desig- nated by the usual prefixes. There are : Table 10 milliliters (ml.) in 1 centiliter (cl.) 10 centiliters in 1 deciliter (dl.) 10 deciliters in 1 liter (1.) 10 liters in 1 dekaliter (Dl.) 10 dekaliters in 1 hektaliter (HI.) Wood Measure. For the measure of wood, the cubic meter is given a special name, the stere. This, likewise, may be treated decimally and a series of denominations formed. MEASURES OF WEIGHT 132. Unit of Weight. For a unit of weight, one cubic centimeter of distilled water is taken, at its greatest density, in the latitude of Paris and at sea level. It is called a gram. Decimal denominations are derived from this in the same way as from the liter. A cubic decimeter or liter of pure water contains 1000 cubic centimeters, and hence weighs 1000 grams, or one kilogram. For very heavy articles the weight of a cubic meter of water is used, or 1000 kilograms, and this is called a tonneau. There are : Table 10 milligrams (mg.) in 1 centigram (eg.) 10 centigrams in 1 decigram (dg.) 10 decigrams in 1 gram (g.) 10 grams in 1 dekagram (Dg.) 10 dekagrams in 1 hektagram (Hg.) 10 hektagrams in 1 kilogram (Kg.) 100 kilograms in 1 tonneau (T.) FRENCH METRICAL SYSTEM 153 133. Decimal Methods. As the successive units of the metric system usually bear the ratio of ten to each other, various denominations are very conveniently written as a decimal of one denomination. Thus, 3 Dm. 5 m. 6 dm. 7 cm. 5 mm. would usually be written as 35.675 m. For the same reason a change from one denomination to another may be accomplished by merely moving the decimal point. Thus, the above 35.675 m. may also be written as 3.5675 Dm., or 356.75 dm., etc. Obviously this ease of reduction is a decided advantage in the use of the metric system. PROBLEMS 1. Write 5463 cm. as kilometers; as decimeters; as dekameters; as meters. 2. Write 5360 sq. m. as ares ; as hektares. 3. Write 5200 cl. as liters; as hektaliters. 4. At 6 ^ a meter, what will it cost to build a fence 54 Dm. 6 m. long? 5. How many rails 9 m. 4 dm. long will it take to build a railway 20 Km. 4 Hm. 2 Dm. long? 6. What is the weight of a liter of water in grams ? What is the weight of a cubic meter of water ? How many liters in it ? 7. A circular lot is 27 meters in diameter. What is the area in ares? 8. How many ares in a rectangular field 8 Dm. long and 5 Dm. 4 m. 6 dm. wide? 9. How many cubic meters of water in a tank 10 m. long, 6 m. 7 dm. high, and 8 m. wide ? 10. A fence is 5 boards high and 12 Hm. 2 Dm. long. How many boards 3 m. long are there in it ? 11. How much carpet 1 m. wide will be needed to cover a room 6.4 m. long and 5.5 m. wide ? 12. What will 50 1. of mercury weigh, if it is 13.5 times heavier than water? 154 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 13. If a pile of wood is 32 m. long, 5 m. 2 dm. wide, and 3 m. 6 dm. high, what is it worth at $2 a stere? 14. How much wheat will a bin 4 m. long, 3 m. 4 dm. wide, and 2 m. high hold? What is the value at 60;* a liter? What is the weight ? 15. How many tiles 40 cm. x 20 cm. will be used in tiling a floor 9 m. 6 dm. long and 5 m. 4 dm. wide? 16. If copper is 8.8 times as heavy as water, what is the weight of 8 cu. dm. of the metal? 17. What will it cost to plaster the walls and ceiling of a room that is 6 m. 5 dm. by 5 m. 8 dm. by 4 m. 2 dm., at 32;* a square meter? 18. What will it cost to carpet a room 5 m. 4 dm. by 3 m. 2 dm. with carpet 8 dm. wide at 80;* a meter? 19. What will it cost to paint the walls of a barn 15.5 m. long, 10 m. wide, and 9.5 m. high, at 35;* per square meter? 20. Find the capacity of a tank 5 m. long, 3 m. 6 dm. wide, and 2 m. 6 dm. high. 21. What will be the cost of 4608 Kg. of hay at $ 12 a ton ? 22. How many steres of wood in a pile 10 Dk. long, 3 m. 4 dm. wide, and 1.5 m. high? 23. Gold is 19.5 times as heavy as water. What is the weight of a cubic centimeter of gold ? 24. How many jars, each containing 2.5 liters, can be filled from a cask containing 145.5 DL? 25. A room 6.3 m. long and 4 m. wide will require how many meters of carpet 8 dm. wide to cover it? 26. Find the area of the four walls of a room, 10.5 m. long, 6.5 m. wide, and 5.4 m. high. Area of ceiling? Cost to plaster the room at 35 ;* a square meter ? 27. What will it cost to paint the walls and ceiling of a room 8.5 m. X 5.4 m. X 4 m., deducting for four windows each 2 m. x 1 m., at 15^ per square meter ? 28. A room is 8 m. x 5 m. x 3.2 m. Deducting for five windows, each 2.1 m. x 1 m., 2 doors each 2.8 m. x 1.4 m., and a baseboard 2 dm. high, what will be the cost of plastering, at 45^ a square meter? The cost of paper 4 dm. wide at $4.20 per roll of 10 meters? What is the cost of carpet 5.2 dm. wide, at $1.50 per meter? FRENCH METRICAL SYSTEM 155 134. lin. 1ft. 1yd. 1 mi. 1 cu. in. 1 cu. ft. 1 cu. yd. 1 bushel COMPARATIVE TABLES 1. Customary Units to Metric Units. Length 25.4001 mm. .304801 m. .914402 m. 1.60935 Km. Volume = 16.387 cu. cm. = .02832 cu. m. = .765 cu. m. = .35239 HL Area 1 sq. in. = 6.452 sq. cm. Isq. ft. =9.290 sq. dm. 1 sq. yd. = .836 sq. m. 1 acre = .4047 Hm. 1 fl. dr. 1 fl. oz. 1 qt. IgaL Capacity = 3.70 cu. cm. = 29.57 mm. = .94636 1. = 3.78543 L Weight 1 gr. = 64.7989 mg. 1 av. oz. = 28.3495 g. 1 av. IK = 45359 Kg* ^ 1 troy oz. = 31.10348 g. 2. Metric Units to Customary Units. Length Square 1 sq. m. = 1550 sq. in. sq. m. = 10.764 sq. ft. sq. m. = 1.196 sq. yd. 1 m. = 39.3700 in. 1 m. = 3.28083 ft. 1 m. = 1.093611 yd 1 Km. = o62137 mi. 1 1 IHa. = 2.471 A. 1 cu. cm. 1 cu. dm. 1 cu. m. 1 cu. m. Cubic = .0610 cu. in. = 61.023 cu. in. = 35.314 cu. ft. = 1.308 cu. yd. Capacity 1 mm. = .27 fl. dr. 1 cl. = .338 fl. oz. 11. = 1.0557 qt. 1 Dl. = 2.6417 gaL IHL = 2.8337 bu. 156 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Weight 1 mg. = .01543 gr. 1 Kg. = 15432.36 gr. 1 Hg. = 3.5274 av. oz. 1 Kg. = 2.20462 av. lb. 1 T. = 2204.6 av. lb. XTII PERCENTAGE 135. Meaning and Use. By per cent is meant hundredths. The term is an abbreviation of the Latin per centum^ or " by the hundred." As a further abbreviation, % is used. Just as decimals are a development of certain forms of fractions having advantages in ease of operation, so percent- age is the development of a certain kind of decimal fraction, having advantages for comparison in business transactions. A wide range of variation in the size of different parts of a whole may be indicated by hundredths, while operations are often made easy by frequent opportunities for using simple fractions. Since hundredths may be written as decimals, operations in percentage also possess all the advantages of decimals in ease and quickness of computation. In Sees. 19 and 20 the methods of finding any number of hundredths were developed. In the treatment of simplified processes under Fractional Parts (Chapter IV), suggestions were made for shortening those methods. While not enter- ing now upon the study of anything essentially new, a further and more systematic study of hundredths must be made that we may better understand percentage in its vari- ous applications to business. 136. Profit and Loss. Business enterprises are carried on in the expectation of making a profit for those who invest money or other wealth in them. At regular intervals, usu- ally every year, a careful inventory is made of the results of the year's business, to find out how much profit has been made. 167 158 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC It sometimes happens that such an inventory shows that the business has been carried on at a loss. Whether a loss or a profit, the amount is first ascertained, and then, for purposes of comparison, the per cent that the loss or profit is of the capital invested is found. Profit or loss is expressed, then, in terms of per cent. Because of the simplicity of the ideas involved, problems in profit and loss are used in the study of percentage processes. 137. Finding 50%, 25 %, or 20 %. Since there are one hun- dred hundredths in the whole of anything, 100 % of anything is equal to the whole of it. If 100 % of anything is all of it, 50 % is ^ of it. Likewise, since J of 100 % equals 25 %, then 25 % of anything is ^ of it ; 20 % of anything is ^ of it, etc. What per cent of anything is | of it ? What f ? What I? Whatf? Summary 100% =1^8- 25% =1 75% =1 60% =1 50%=i 20%=i 40% = | 80% = | ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 1. Mr. King invested $ 400 in grain, and lost 50 %. How much did he lose ? Since 50% of anything is ^ of it, then his loss is i of $400, or $200. Stated thus : 50%= h i of $400 = $200 2. A clerk spends $ 30, which is 25 % of his salary. What is his salary ? Since 25 % of anything is i, then $ 30 is J of his salary, and f are 4 times $ 30, or $ 120, his salary. Statement : 25%= i J of salary = $ 30 $ 30 X 4 = $ 120, salary. PERCENTAGE 159 3. A man having $ 75, spends $ 15 for a coat. What per cent of his money does he spend ? Since he has $ 75, and spends $ 15, he spends f|, or | of his money. But ^ of anything is 20 % of it ; therefore he spends 20 % of his money for the coat. Statement : H = i ^ = 20 % spent for coat. 4. A man owns 300 A. of land, which is 50% more than he owned the year before. How much did he own the year before ? Since 50 % of anything is | of it, he would have ^ more, or 1^ times what he had the year before. But 1^ times anything is | of it ; there- fore 300 A. is f of what he had, and ^ is ^ of 300 A., or 100 A. The whole of what he had, then, was twice 100 A., or 200 A. Statement : 50% = ^. I of what he had = 300 A. ^ = ^ of 300 A., or 100 A. f = 100 A. X 2, or 200 A., what he had the year before. 5. I sell a house for $ 600 and lose 20 % by doing so. What did the house cost ? Since 20% of anything is^ of it, I have lost ^, and have f remaining. Then, $ 600 is f of the cost, and ^ is i of $ 600, or $ 150. The whole cost, then, would be 5 times $150, or $750. Statement : 20% = i 4 of cost = $600 i = iof $600, or$150 I = $ 150 X 5, or $ 750, cost. PROBLEMS ^1. A farmer invested $600 in hogs and lost 50 7o- How much did he lose ? V 2. A bookkeeper spends $28, which is 25% of his monthly salary. What is his salary ? ^ 3. A man owns 600 sheep, which is 50% more than he owned the year before. How many did he own the year before ? ^ 4. A horseman bought a horse for $160 and sold it for $200. What per cent did he gain ? 160 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 5. A farmer had 150 hogs and lost 20 % of them. How many did he have left ? 6. An agent buys books for $3.25 and sells them for $ 6.50. What per cent did he gain ? 7. A firm buys lots for $520 and sells them for $650. What per cent is the gain ? 8. A man paid $ 80 for a horse and sold it for $ 120. What per cent did he gain ? * 9. A poultry man sold 240 chickens, which were | of his flock. How many were there in the flock? What per cent of the flock did he sell? it 10. Mr. Frank paid $ 80 for a horse. What per cent of his money did he pay if he had $200? 11. I sell a farm for $ 6000 and gain 25 % by doing so. What did the farm cost me ? 12. I sell a horse for $ 600 and lose 20 % by doing so. What did the horse cost me ? ^13. A farmer lost 60 hogs by disease, which was 40% of his herd. How many had he at first? 14. A land agent had 1600 acres of land and sold 60% of it. How many acres did he sell ? 15. A capitalist gave $ 5400, which was 75 % of the amount he gained, to a public library. What did he gain? 16. A broker sold 30 shares of stock, which was 20 % of all he had. How many shares did he have ? 17. If A's money, $42, is 20% more than my money, how much have I? 18. If 84 sheep is 20 % less than the number of sheep I have, how many have I? 19. A farmer buys goods for $ 60 and sells them for $48. What per cent does he lose ? 138. Finding 33^%, 16|%, 12|%, and 14f %. l-of 100% = 33i% ^ofl00%=16f% I of 100% =121% |ofl00% = 14f% PERCENTAGE 161 Then, 331% = i 14|% = i 371% = 3 16|%=| 66|% = J 621% = ! 28^% =f It is well to remember that | = -J, or 33|^ % ; | = ^, or 50 % ; f = f, or 66|%; | = i, or 25%; f = i or 50%; and f = f, or 75%. PROBLEMS 1. If $15 is 33^% of my money, how much have I? 2. A has 172. B has 33^% less. How much has B? 3. If A has $48, which is 33^% less than B*s money, how much hasB? 4. Mr. Hartman buys a buggy for $63, which is 12|% less than he paid for a horse. What did the horse cost? 5. C has 70 acres of land, which is 16f % as much as B's. How much hasB? 6. A drove 21 miles in a day, which was 16|% farther than B drove. How far did B drive ? 7. A merchant buys goods for $480 and sells them for $540. What is his per cent of gain ? t^e. A broker buys stock for $4800 and sells it for $5600. What per cent did he gain ? 9. Mr. Jacobs buys goods for $39 and sells them for $52. What per cent did he gain ? 10. Mr. Gould buys a lot for $1200 and sells it for $2400. What per cent did he gain ? >^11. A raised 80 bushels of potatoes, which was 16|% less than B raised. How many bushels did B raise? 12. If I buy a horse for $120 and sell it for $140, what per cent do I make ? 13. A received a salary of $720 and spends 66|% of it. How much did he spend? 14. If $49 is 874% of my wages, what are my wages? y^^ 162 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 15. If 37^% of my money is |33, how much have I? 16. A merchant makes a profit of $4200 from his business and spends 33 1 % of it for family expenses. How much does he save? 17. A merchant sold 24 dozen eggs, which was 37^% of all he had. How many had he ? 18. A farmer had 24 hogs in one pen and 12 in another. He took 4 hogs from the first and put them in the second. What per cent decrease in the first pen ? What per cent increase in the second ? 19. He again took from the first 4 hogs and put them in the second. What per cent increase in the second and what decrease in the first? 20. Books that cost $21 were sold so as to gain 28f%. Find the selling price? f^ 21. Goods that cost $88 were sold so as to gain $77. What is the per cent of gain? 139. Finding 10 %, 1 %, 5 %, and \ %. Then, Jj of 100% = 10% 10%=tV 30%=T% ^^oflOO%=l% 1% =Tb 70%=Jj 2V of 100% = 5% 5% =2V 90% = ^^, etc, ^ofl00%=i% \1o =jk By Sec. 19, we learned that to find J^, we should point off one decimal place or remove the decimal point one place to the left ; to find ^-J^j, we remove the decimal point two places to the left. Then to find 10 % or 1 % of any number, we remove its decimal point respectively one or two places to the left. Thus, 10% of 33 is 3.3, and 10% of §54.20 is 15.42. Also, 1% of 256 is 2.56, and 1% of 15425 is 154.25. Since ^^ is \ of J^, we may find ^, or 5%, by taking \ of Jjjofit. Thus, 5% of $976 is 1 of §97.60, or $48.80. Like- wise, -|-% or glo is 1 of 1%, or \ of -j^^. Thus, \% of 1976.25 is 1 of §9.7625, or §4.88. PERCENTAGE 163 PROBLEMS 1. A miller makes 56 bushels of wheat into flour in one day. If this is 10 % of the wheat he has, how many days will it take him to grind all of it at the same rate ? 2. James has $76, which is 5% less than I have. How much have I? 3. A man owed $6700 when he died. His property was worth 90 % of this amount. What was the value of his property ? 4. Mr. Berry sold a carriage for $195, which was 30% more than it cost him. What did it cost him ? 5. A merchant sold goods that cost him $34 at a loss of 1%. Find the selling price. 6. A house worth $6000 is rented for 5% of its valuation. What is the rent? 7. A bedroom suite was sold for $77, which was 10% above cost. Find the cost. 8. A farmer sold two cows for $ 38 each, gaining 5 % on one and losing 5% on the other. Find the cost of each. Find the loss or gain in the transaction. 9. An implement dealer buys a wheat drill for $54, and sells it at a profit of 10%. What is the selling price ? 10. A young man had $600 and received $4200 by will. What per cent was the increase in his wealth? ^ 11. A ton of coal was sold for $9, which was a gain of 12|%. Find the cost. 12. A father had $1400. He gave 25% to his son, 40% of the re- mainder to his elder daughter, and the remainder to the younger daughter. How much did each receive ? 13. A merchant sells $56 worth of goods to-day, which is 12^% less than he sold the day before. Find amount of his sales the day before. ^14. A grocer buys a hogshead (56 gal.) of molasses and sells 30% of it the first day. How many gallons had he left? 15. Mr. Burkett sold a buggy for $85, which was 70% more than it cost him. Find cost. 16. I loan $600 and receive $30 interest. What per cent is this of the amount loaned ? 17. A commission merchant charges $20 for selling $4000 worth of wheat. What per cent is that of the selling price of the wheat ? 164 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 140. Finding Other Per Cents. Much the larger part of all business problems involving percentage has to do with per cents given in Sections 137-139. Most of the prob- lems in interest, bank discount, and trade discount may be solved with them or with slight modifications of them, and these are the most commonly used of all percentage applica- tions. A thorough mastery of the per cents thus far devel- oped, then, is of first importance, and they should be practiced upon until problems involving any phase of these per cents can be solved quickly and with accuracyo Finding any per cent, other than those mentioned, is based on the method of finding 1 %. Thus, 7,% is -^^ or 7 times 1 % ; 13 % is JqS. or 13 times 1% ; 34 % is -^^-^, or 34 times 1 % ; etc. To find any given per cent first find 1 % by removing the decimal point two places to the left, and then multiply by the number of per cent required. Thus, 4 % of 13296 is 132.96 x 4 =1157.04. PROBLEMS 1. A farmer raised 450 bu. of potatoes and sold 6 % of them. How many bushels had he left ? 2. I spent $ 28, which was 14 % of my money. How much had I at first? 3. I have ^65 and spend 12 7o of it for trousers. What do they cost? 4. A buys goods for $36 and sells them for $39. What is his per cent of gain ? 5. Mr. Bunger sells his horse for $65 and by doing so gains 8^%. What was the cost? 6. If Street & Co. pay $45 for dishes and sell them for $48, what per cent gain have they? 7. If a coal dealer bought coal for $7.50 and sold it for 6|% advance, what did he gain ? 8. Sold goods so as to gain $ 86, which was a gain of 12 %. What was the cost? What the selling price? 9. I sold goods for $ 376 and lost 6%. Find the cost. PERCENTAGE 165 10. 1 have 320 sheep and buy 8 more. What per cent do I add to my flock? 11. I have $39 and spend 1 21. What per cent do I spend ? 12. A merchant paid |17 for goods and sold them so as to gain |3, What per cent did he make ? 13. A man spent 28% of his money for a coat that cost $56. How much money did he have ? 14. A miller lost 36% of his wheat by fire and had 1280 bushels remaining. How many bushels did he lose ? 15. A had 240 chickens and sold 84 of them. What per cent of his flock had he left? 16. A dealer sold grain at a profit of 16% and received $696. What did it cost ? 17. A speculator sold land for $9200, which was 8% less than it cost him. What did it cost him ? 18. A stockman bought horses for $84 and sold them for $ 96. What per cent did he gain ? 19. Isellgoodsfor $184 and lose 8%. What did they cost ? 20. A man sold his horse for $ 147, which was $ 33 less than he paid for it. What per cent did he lose ? GENERAL PROBLEMS 1. If a grocer adds a pound of Java coffee to every four pounds of Mocha, what per cent of the mixture is of each coffee ? 2. A man owning | of a mill, sells f of his share. What per cent of the mill does he still own ? 3. A man's money invested at 10 % annual interest yields $ 125 a month. How much has he invested ? 4. My agent sold $ 625 worth of goods and charged me \% commis- sion for selling. How much money did I pay him ? 5. A mechanic has $42 a month left after paying 6f % of his wages for car fare. What are his wages? How much does he pay for car fare? 6. Parker & Co. pay $60 for a buggy and sell it for $64. What per cent do they make ? 7. A hardware man sold a stove for $84 and lost, by so doing, 6|%. What was the cost of the stove ? 166 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 8. A jeweler sold a watch so as to gain $2, which was 2J% of the cost. What was the cost ? 9. The annual interest on my money loaned at 4% is $75. How much have I loaned? 10. A man invested 60 % more money in a business than his partner, and the difference between their investments was $3000. How much did each invest ? 11. A man bought a horse and a cow for $300, the horse costing 50% more than the cow. How much did each cost? 12. I of James's money is 75 % of Henry's, and | of Henry's is 25 % of John's. John has 1 32. How much has James ? 13. A capitalist had a half interest in a ranch and sold | his interest for 13600. The sale was made at a gain of 25%. What was the cost of the ranch? 14. A bank building rents for |4200 a year, which is 12^% of its value. What did it cost, if it had increased in value 40 %? 15. If a firm quits business with property worth $2600 and owes $3900, what per cent of their debt can they pay? How many cents on the dollar? 16. If I sell $ 6000 worth of goods for my principal and remit him $5900, what per cent commission did I charge him? 17. A farmer lost 16|% of his hogs, sold 40% of the remainder, and had left 120. How many had he at first ? 18. A man bought property which increased in value 16|% the first year. He finally sold it at an increase of 2o% over this, and received $ 8400. What was the cost ? 19. A lady bought a piano for $480, which was 25% of the money she had in the bank. The money she had in the bank was 40% of the value of real estate that she owned. What was the value of the real estate ? 20. A confectioner sold candy for 60 j^ a pound. If this were 25% more than it cost him, what was the cost? 21. A clothier sold a suit of clothes for $ 18 and lost 40 %. He then sold another at a profit of 16|% and gJtined as much as he had lost on the first. What was the cost of each suit? 22. I sold a house and lot for $ 1600, losing 20 %. For how much should I have sold it to gain 20 % ? PERCENTAGE 167 23. A merchant engaged in business, investing cash $ 3500. At the end of one year he found that he had paid for merchandise, f 3250; for rent, $450; for clerk hire, $1200; for incidentals, $725. He had sold merchandise to the value of $ 6758.40. What was his per cent of profit on his investment? 24. A man's real estate is now worth $12,000. The first year it increased 20 % in value, and the second year 33^%. What did it cost two years ago? 25. A dry goods merchant marked cloth at 25% advance on the cost, but was obliged to sell it at 20% less than the marked price. If it cost him $1 a yard, what did he sell it for? 26. A man willed 50 7o of his property to his wife, 60% of the remainder to his invalid daughter, and the remainder to his church. The church received $650. What did the wife and daughter receive? 27. A hardware dealer engaged in business and lost 12 % of his money the first year and gained 33|% the second year. If he started with $ 4500, how much has he now ? 28. If a man loses $2400 by selling at a loss of 12^%, at what should he sell to gain 12^%? 29. Mr. McFarland bought a square piece of land, containing 40 acres, paying $800 for it. He opened a street through the center of it and divided the land on each side into lots 4 rods wide. If he sold the corner lots for $540 apiece, and the other lots for $400 apiece, and the expense of opening up the land was $1250, what was his per cent of profit or loss? 30. A speculator bought a section of land for $ 3 per acre. He sold J of it at $8 per acre, and the remainder at $9.50 per acre. If the cost of making the sales was $ 135, what was his gain per cent ? 31. A merchant's profit the second year was 66|% greater than it was the first. The profits of the two years amounted to $ 8120. What was the profit of each year ? 32. I offered my house and lot for sale at 50 % above cost, but sold them for 25% below the asking price and gained $600. What was the cost ? What the gain per cent ? 33. If my wheat cost 90 j^ a bushel and I lose 10% by shrinkage, for what must I sell it to make a net gain of 12 J % ? 34. If I sell J of my land for what | of it cost me, what per cent do I gain? 168 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 35. I paid $22,500 for two houses. If 75% of the cost of the one is equal to 150 % of the cost of the other, what did each cost ? 36. A has 25% more money than B, B has 20% more than C, C has 12| less than D. How much has each, if together they have 1 33,900 ? 37. I paid $580 for a horse, wagon, and harness. The wagon cost 40 % less, and the harness 66|% less, than the horse. What was the cost of each? 38. A miller in 3 years made gains amounting to $6336. The second year's gain was 20% greater than that of the first, and the third 10% greater than the second. What was each year's gains? 39. A grocer bought apples at 60^ a bushel, and marked them so as to sell at a gain of 20%, but sold them at a reduction of 12-|% from the marked price. If he gained $42.80, how many bushels had he? 40. A man sold goods that cost $425 at an advance of 40%. He lost 25 % in bad debts and paid 5 % for collecting. What was his gain or loss? 41. Our stock of goods decreased in value 33p/o, and again 20%. It then increased 20%, and again 33i%, and was sold at a loss of $66. What was it worth at first ? 42. If the retail profit is 33^%, what do I make on goods that cost $180, if I sell them at wholesale for 10% less than at retail? 43. Last year a merchant gained $2000. This year he gained 20% more, which is 44|% of what he gained the year before last. What did he gain each year ? 44. A barrel of cider had lost 20% by leakage and was sold for 50% above cost. What per cent gain was that ? 45. I buy a barrel of vinegar, containing 52 gallons, at 20 J^ a gallon. If four gallons leak out, for what must I sell the remainder per gallon to gain 25%? 46. If I buy stocks for 80% of their value, and sell them for 110% of their value, what per cent do I gain ? 47. Sold a lot of cotton at a gain of 33^%. With the money I bought another lot and sold it for $480 at a loss of 20 %• What did the first lot cost me? 48. A manufacturer sold at a profit of 33| % to a wholesale dealer, who sold at a profit of 25% to the retail dealer. The retail dealer sold PERCENTAGE 169 at a profit of 20% and received $60 for the article. What was the original cost? 49. A merchant increased his investment 50%. He then withdrew 66|% of his capital and invested it in bonds. He now has $4800 in the business. How much did he invest at first ? 50. An implement man bought a mower for $ 42. How much must he ask for it in order to make a discount of 25% and still gain 16f %? 51. I buy goods and sell at a loss of 10%. I reinvest the money and gain 10%. What per cent do I gain or lose? 52. A dairyman sold two cows for $120, and gained 20% on the one and lost 20 % on the other. What was the cost of each, if he sold the first for 50 % more than the other ? 53. A real estate dealer sold a building for $ 15,000 and lost 40%. He sold a house and lot at the same time and gained 16f 7o- He did not gain or lose on the two transactions. What was the cost of each property? 54. A man bought a business for $9775, which was 15% more than the former owner paid for it. He then sold it at a profit of 6%. What was the selling price ? What the gain ? What the original cost ? 55. The imports of sugar and molasses into the United States in 1891 amounted to $108,387,388; in 1900 they amounted to $101,100,000. What was the per cent of decrease ? 56. The exports of wheat and flour in 1891 and 1900 were as follows : 1891, $106,125,188; 1900, $140,997,966. What was the per cent of increase ? 57. The world's supply of sugar in 1900 was 8,800,000 lb. The sup- ply of cane sugar was 2,850,000 lb. What per cent of the total supply was cane sugar ? 58. The exports of the United States in a given year were : Europe, $697,614,106; Asia and Oceania, $43,813,519 ; British North American Possessions, $37,345,515; West Indies, $33,416,178; South America, $33,226,401; Mexico and Central America, $21,236,545; Africa, $4,738,847; all other, $879,172. Find what per cent of the total was exported to each country. 59. A wholesale dealer had sold $1500 worth of goods to a retailer. The retail dealer failed and could pay only 75 f on the dollar. K the wholesale dealer paid 5% for the collection of ,the debt, what was his per cent of loss ? 170 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 60. The estimated total cut of lumber in the United States from 1880 to 1906 was 706,712,000 board feet. Of this amount, Michigan produced 93,436,000. Michigan's output was what per cent of the total? 61. The freight moved over the several lines of railroad in the United States in a given year was as follows : Class of Commodity Tonnage keported as OKIGINATING ON LiNE Pek Cent op Aggkegatb Products of agriculture Products of animals Products of mines Products of forests Manufactures Merchandise Miscellaneous 56,102,838 15,145,297 269,372,556 60,844,933 71,681,178 21,697,693 26,493,338 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Grand total 9 ? Europe, $215,000,000 Find the aggregate tonnage. Find the per cent to two decimal places that each item is of the aggregate. 62. If the exports of manu- factured products from the United States is as shown in the accompanying square, find what per cent of the aggregate is exported to each division. 63. The total imports into the United States for a certain year were $903,320,948. Of this amount, the United King- dom sent 18%; Germany, 11%; France, 9%; Brazil, 8.7%; Brit- ish North America, 5.3%; all other countries, 48%,. Find the amount sent by each division to approximate millions, and Problem 62. North America, $96,000,000 Asia, $34,000,000 Oceania, $29,000,000 South America, $27,000,000 Africa, $11,000,000 represent it in graphical form as in PERCENTAGE 171 64. From the accompanying graph, showing the per capita consump- tion of coffee in pounds, find the per cent of the whole amount United Kingdom 72 consumed by each of the five ~~ countries, the population of the -^^^v ^° United Kingdom being approxi- Austria Hungary 2.04 mately 43,650,000; of Italy, ^ ' 33,750,000 ; of Austria-Hungary, Germany 4.62 47,000,000; of Germany, 60,650,000; and of the United United States 10.79 States, 90,000,000. 65. If the per capita consumption of sugar in Russia is 13.9 ; in Portugal, 14.2 ; in Austria, 17.6 ; in Belgium, 23.0 ; in Netherlands, 34.3 ; in France, 36.9 ; in Norway and Sweden, 40.6 ; in Denmark, 48.7 ; in Switzerland, 52.0; in the United States, 65.2; in the United Kingdom, 91.1 pounds, find total amount consumed by all, the population of each being, in approximate millions, as follows: Russia, 107^; Portugal, 5| ; Austria, 26; Belgium, 6|; Netherlands, 5|; France, 39; Norway and Sweden, 7^; Denmark, 2.6; Switzerland, 3|; United States, 90; and United Kingdom, 43.6. Find the per cent of this amount which each consumes. Represent in graphical form as in Problem 64. XIV TRADE DISCOUNT 141. Trade Discount is an allowance from the price of goods made because of special conditions, or for settlement of the account within a specified time. Such discounts are usually made "to the trade" or to persons engaged in the retail trade in a given line of goods, hence the term. The amount of the allowance is expressed in per cent or fractions. Discount plays a large part in the arithmetic of mercantile business. 142. Marked and List Prices. Merchants generally mark or list their goods, so they may gain a certain per cent of the cost as profit. If strictly a " one price " house, the per cent of profit is the only element to be considered by a retailer in determining the " marked " price. If th'e goods are to be so marked that a discount may be allowed and still a certain per cent of profit be made, then both discount and profit must be considered. Wholesalers and manufacturers very generally publish a " list price " from which a certain per cent is allowed as a discount "to the trade." Fluctuations in the market prices may in this way be provided for by varying the discounts quoted instead of changing the printed or list prices. Goods listed and not subject to discounts of any kind are usually marked "net." 143. Term Discount. Even when goods are billed at such 172 TRADE DISCOUNT 173 discounted prices, a further discount is often allowed if the bttl is paid within a certain time, say 30 or 60 days ; while that discounted price maybe still further discounted for .^nr^J^^ /y J 2-. - ^d^ ^zbZ£«-^== — //. ^ C<^7^t-f^^.^ .^^^^ .x^^^^ri^.^^^^ 2- ye 7/ytrryt^^ ^d^^U.^^-^, J^ . Vfj'^-^^*>^j>jt^..i^ 5. Prepare an account sales under date of May 15, 1910 for 6000 bu. Wheat, 3000 # Beef, sold Westerfield Bros., Greenville, O., for the account of W. C. Pierse & Co., Union City, Ind., Sales: April 10, 3000 bu. Wheat @62^j^, 1500 # Beef @ 9^^; May 12, 3000 bu. Wheat @65^, 1500 # Beef @10j^. Charges: freight, $125; cartage, $15; storage, $17.50; insurance, \%\ commission, 2%. COMMISSION 183 6. Rule a sheet of paper and copy the following purchase, making all extensions, etc. New York, N.Y., 6^-^-/ Zff 10 Purchased by L. M. BARKER CS, CO. For the account and risk of {yf'?^,^^ ^^ JlY^^1^:i i • j ^ ^ -^ 1 . P Blank indorsement as an indorsement^ and its ef- A M H* k' feet is to transfer ownership ry /• i - j * ^ Particular indorsement of the check, or the money it p ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^_ represents, to whoever may j^^^^ -^^^^^^ hold the check. When one wishes to sell a negotiable note, the payee, like- wise, indorses it upon the back. This may be done "in blank" by simply writing his ^^u indorsement name, when it becomes payable p^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ to the bearer of the note; or it ^^^^^^ & Sons may be indorsed " in particular " ^ ^ Dawson by writing "pay to " and signing it, when it is payable only to the one whose name is written ; or it may be indorsed " in full," by writing " pay to the order of " and signing it. This latter in- BANKING AND DISCOUNT 217 V Find the date of maturity of the following drafts ; Date Accepted Time Date Accepted Time 5. May 9 20 da. 7. Jan. 30 30 da. 6. June 12 1 mo. 8. Sept. 6 3 mo. Find date of maturity and term of discount: Date of Note 1 Time Date of Discount 9. May 15 3 mo. June 1 10. Sept. 20 30 da. Sept. 29 11. March 18 2 mo. March 31 Date of Draft Time after Sight When Accepted "When Discounted 12. Feb. 16 10 da. Feb. 17 Feb. 18 13. March 20 30 da. March 22 March 25 14. Julyl 60 da. July 5 July 20 Date of Draft Time after Date When Accepted When Discounted 15. July 6 3 mo. July 10 Aug. 4 16. Aug. 8 1 mo. Aug. 9 Aug. 9 17. Sept. 15 30 da. Sept. 15 Sept. 18 PROBLEMS Find bdnk discount and proceeds: Face . Date of Note Time Date of Discount Rate of Discount 1. $1200 June 2 30 da. June 6 6% 2. 12500 April 8 60 da. April 20 6% 3. $3000 Aug. 10 2 mo. Aug. 15 5% 4. $ 600 Sept. 16 2 mo. Sept. 20 8% 5. 17200 Jan. 14 90 da. Jan. 25 ^% 6. $3500 May 20 30 da. May 21 7% 7. May 15, A. B. Kittridge & Co. borrowed of the First National Bank $1600 on their note at 60 days. Find the proceeds, the rate being 7%. 8. I borrowed $450 of the Atlas Bank on my note for 70 days. Write the note, and find the proceeds, the rate of discount being 6 %. 218 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Find the date of maturity, the term of discount, the discount, and the proceeds of the following notes and drafts : 9. $1800.00 Columbus, O., April 12. Sixty days after date I promise to pay to the order of O. E. Chase & Sons, Eighteen Hundred Dollars, at the Commercial National Bank. Value received. Discounted May 8, at 5%. A. B. Grindle. 10. $660.00 Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 1. Three months after date I promise to pay to the order of Freeman & Comstock, Six Hundred Sixty Dollars, at the Bank of Commerce. Value received. Discounted Oct. 10, at 4^%. C. M. Dunlap. 11. $850.00 Cleveland, O., May 1, 19—. Six months after date I promise to pay to the order of A. Douglas & Co., Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars, with interest at 5 %. Value received. Discounted June 6, at 6 %. C. L. Trueblood. 12. $875.00 Lead, S. Dak., May 29, 19—. Eight months after date I promise to pay to the order of L. M. Gittin- ger, Eight Hundred Seventy-five Dollars, with interest at 6%. Value received. Discounted June 25, at 7%. Oliver C. Ditson. 13. $2750.00 Kansas City, Mo., March 13, 19—. At sixty days' sight pay to the order of ourselves Twenty-seven Hundred Fifty §-g- Dollars. Value received, and charge the same to the account of To Ensign Bros., G. W. Patchell & Co. Sandusky, O. Accepted March 30. Discounted April 4, at 7 %. 14. ^^l'6^~^^^:^/i^^i^'y?^^i^'^ BANKING AND DISCOUNT 219 15. 16. $675.50 Cincinnati, O., Dec. 23, 19—. Ninety days after date pay to the order of ourselves. Six Hundred Seventy-five and -^^^ Dollars. Value received, and charge to the account of To A. B. HiMES, Antwerp & Bragg. Indianapolis, Ind. Accepted Jan. 2. Discounted Jan. 4, at 7%. Collection charges xV%« Note. — Collection is charged on the face. 17. I wish to borrow $600 at the bank. For what sum must I issue a 60-day note to obtain the amount, discount being 6%? 18. I owe $960, and have my note discounted at the bank for 75 days at 6% iov such a sum that the proceeds will pay the debt. What was the face of the note ? 19. A merchant purchased goods for $875 on 3 months' credit, 5% be- ing offered him for cash. He accepted the cash offer and borrowed the money at the bank, giving his note for 60 days at 6%. What was the face of the note, and what did he gain or lose by so doing? 20. Abankdraftfor$7500 was bought for $7496.25. What was the rate of exchange ? At the same rate, what would be the cost of a draft for $14,500? one for $125,455.60? one for $12,367.50? 21. An agent sold a carload of 26 cattle, averaging 1125 lb., at $5.60 per hundred weight. He paid $ 135 freight, $ 26.75 for feed, and charged 2 % commission for selling. He buys a draft at ^ % preinium with the proceeds. What is the face of the draft? 22. Snyder & Co. of New Orleans drew a draft on A. M. Hawkins of Boston, Mass., for $7865.50, which they sold at the bank at f% discount. What M'^ere the proceeds ? 220 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 23. Complete the following letter of advice. The rate of collection on the first two items is ^^%, and on the others \%. SECOND NATIONAL BANK Richmond, Ind., June 20, 1917. Mr. WM. J. DOYLE, Cashier, Atlas Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dear Sir: We credit your account this day for the proceeds of collec- tions as stated below. Respectfully yours, JAMES W. KING, Cashier. YOITE No. Payer Amount Charges Peoceeds 620 415 930 560 748 A. M. Pierson F. T. Davis Murphy, Grant & Co. Richmond Chemical Co. S. F. Carroll 600 560 3545 12345 800 00 75 10 80 00 XIX STOCKS AND BONDS 196. Organizations for Business. If an individual engages in business by himself, he is entitled to all the profits and assumes personal liability for all debts. Should it be de- sirable to have the capital or services of more than one per- son, a partnership is formed. The business is then done under a firm name, e.g. Merritt & Saunders, John N. Bald- win & Co., Parlin, Orendorff & Co., etc. There is usually a written agreement for such a partner- ship, specifying the services, money, or property contrib- uted by each to the business, and stating what part of the profits each is to receive. Each partner may bind the firm by his acts, and each is personally liable for the firm's indebtedness. 197. Corporations. Whenever large capital is needed for a business, or investors wish to limit their financial responsi- bility to the amount invested, or when the range of the business is wide, or individuals wish to invest in, but not to give their personal attention to a business, and for various other reasons, a stock company or corporation is organized. Such an organization is usually created under, and must conform to, state laws. Its affairs are conducted by officers, selected in a prescribed way. When organized it becomes before the law a body corporate., vested with the same rights as an individual ; to have and to hold property, to contract debts (within the limits of the law), to sue and be sued, etc. 221 222 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 198. Articles of Incorporation. In order to form a corpo- ration, the investors or incorporators sign, file in some gov- ernment office, and publish their Articles of Incorporation. These articles set forth the purposes of the organization, the amount of money subscribed by each, the capital stocky the total amount that may be subscribed or authorized capital^ the number of shares or parts into which the capital is to be divided, the face or par value of each share, the name of the company, its place of business, its officers, etc. 199. Certificates of Stock. When the legal requirements are satisfied, the subscribers pay into the treasury the stipu- lated price and receive a certificate of stocky stating the num- ber of shares bought, the par value of each share, etc. The owner of such certificate is entitled to a part in the control of the business corporation, and to participate in its property and its profits in proportion to the number of shares owned. 200. Dividends and Assessments. At stated periods, the condition of the business is ascertained. If profits are shown, a portion is distributed among the stockholders as a dividend. Gains remaining are termed undivided profits. If a loss is shown, which the necessities of the business require should be made good, it is apportioned among the stockholders as an assessment to be paid by them. Dividends and assessments are usually expressed in per cents of the face value of the stock. 202. Kinds of Stock. Corporations often issue both pre- ferred and common stock. Dividends up to a certain limit, usually 5 % to 7 %, are first paid on preferred stock. Profits remaining may then be divided on common stock. Holders of preferred stock thus have first chance for dividends, but their dividends are limited. Law or charter also sometimes limits dividends on common stock. STOCKS AND BONDS 223 202. Premium and Discount. When dividends declared by a given concern are higher than the prevailing rates of interest, the stock of such a company will naturally sell for more than the face value of the shares. It is then said to be above par^ or at a premium. Should the dividends be less than current interest rates, the stock will not bring its face value and is said to be below par^ or at a discount. The market value of stock is the amount it will bring in the market, and is usually stated as a per cent of the par value. Thus, stock quoted at 26, 84, or 120 means that a hundred dollars in stock of a company is worth |26, 184, or 1120, respectively. 203. Liability of Stockholders. In general, a holder of stock in a business corporation is liable for the debts of the corporation only to the extent of the par value of the stock. The National Banking Law, however, makes stockholders in national banks liable to the extent of the par value in addi- tion to what they have paid for the stock. Some stock is, by the terms of the charter or the by-laws, non-assessable. In such companies, the entire risk assumed by the holder of the stock is the amount paid for it. 204. Bonds of Corporations. Corporations may borrow money, pledging their property as security, in the same way as individuals. If some particular property is pledged, it is upon an ordinary promissory note, with real or chattel mortgage. When the amount of money to be raised is large, it is done by formally issuing bonds., and placing them upon the market for sale. A bond, then, is a mortgage note, upon which the corporation pays interest, and to the payment of which the entire property and business of the corporation is pledged. 224 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS APITHMETIC 205. Government Bonds. National and state governments, counties, townships, cities, school districts, etc., are by law declared to be "bodies corporate." As such they may issue bonds, within certain limits, and agree to pay a limited rate of interest. For the redemption of such bonds a tax is levied to create a sinking fund for their payment when due. In default of payment, the courts may issue judgment and cause a special tax to be levied and collected for their pay- ment. 206. Kinds of Bonds. When bonds are made payable to the owner or his assignee, they are termed registered bonds. The names of owners are registered, and the interest is sent directly to them. When the bonds are made payable to bearer, the interest is provided for in attached notes, termed coupons. A coupon is surrendered when each interest payment is made. Bonds of this sort are termed coupon bonds. 207. Bond Values. The value of a business corporation bond depends upon the amount of property or business of the company. If the property is large or the business pros- perous, then the bonds are reliable. Their market value also depends upon the rate of interest the bonds bear. If it is higher than the current interest rates, the bonds form a profitable investment, and will, therefore, tend to sell at a premium. If the interest rate is less than current rates, or if the bonds are not absolutely secure, they will probably sell at a discount. 208. Stock Quotations. The price of stocks or bonds is usually quoted at a certain per cent of their par value. So many elements enter into the question of the value of stocks and bonds in the open market, and so easily is the confidence of the investing public weakened or strengthened, that STOCKS AND BONDS 225 the market quotations of stocks or bonds often fluctuate widely. The necessity for an intimate knowledge of corporation and market conditions gives rise to brokerage firms. These brokers advise their clients, buy and sell stocks, bonds, etc., and charge a small commission or brokerage^ usually about \ of one per cent, for the service. Brokerage is always a per cent of the par value, whether for buying or for selling. 209. Stock Exchanges. So important are stocks and bonds that special organizations of dealers are formed, known as stock exchanges, boards of trade, etc. At these exchanges, brokers buy and sell for investors. If for speculation, in- vestors usually buy because of an expected rise in the market value, expecting to sell at an advanced price. They do not always pay the full price of the stock, but a part only, leav- ing the certificate of stock with the broker as security for the remainder. Thus, stock may be bought upon a 20 % margin, by paying 20 % of its value, depending on profits to pay the remainder or using the amount paid to cover losses if the stock goes down. There is usually a group of operators^ who are interested in forcing the price of certain stocks upward. These are known as bulls. There are others who wish to see the price lowered, and these are called bears. Bears may either wish to purchase good stock at a cheap price, or in the belief that the stock was certain to go down, they may have sold largely of the stock without owning it, and wish, therefore, to force it down so they may purchase cheaply what they have bar- gained to deliver. In the latter case they are said to have sold short. 210. Market Quotations. The following quotations show the highest and the lowest market quotations for a given year as furnished by Bradstreet's Commercial Agency : 226 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Stocks High Low Adams Express 250 236 Amalgamated Copper 91 70 American Beet Sugar 34^ 23 American Express 246 209^ Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe . . . 93| 71J Brooklyn Rapid Transit 91 1 56| Chicago, Burlington & Quincy . . . 250 201 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul . . . 187i 168^ Consolidated Coal 73 24| Erie 52| 37| General Chemical 72| 37i Illinois Central 183 152| National Biscuit 66f 52 National Biscuit Pfd 120| 110 National Lead 77^ 24| Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago . . 185 182^ Pressed Steel Car 53| 34 Quicksilver 1| | Rubber Goods Mfg. Co 39 25 Union Pacific 138f 113 United States Leather 16 10| United States Steel 39^ 24| Bonds High Low Am. Hide & Leather 6's 97^ 97| Chesapeake & Ohio 6's, 1911 .... 110 110 Denver & Rio Grande 4's 100| 97^ Illinois Central 4's, 1952 108 107^ Missouri Pacific 4's 96 95 Seaboard Air Line 5's 104^ 104 United States reg. 4's, 1907 .... 104^ 104| Pennsylvania 4|'s 109 108^ United States coupon 4's 104^ 104 211. Illustrative Problems. In all problems in this text, the par value of a share of stock will be taken as f 100, unless otherwise stated. STOCKS AND BONDS v 227 1. A broker sells 145 shares of stock at 125| ; brokerage ■|%. What should Im principal receive? 125| % - 1 % = 125| %, proceeds of each share. f 100 X 145 = 114,500, par value of 145 shares. 114,500 X 1,25J = 118,161.25, proceeds. '^,; II 2. A broker sold Union Gas stock for 126,250 at 75% premium. How many shares did he sell? What was the par value of the stock? I = selling price. ^\'\*>Y Jof par value = 126,250. ^ = |of 126,250, or 13750. I = $3750 X 4, or $15,000, par value of stock. $15,000 -^ $100 = 150, number of shares. , v 3. What sum must be invested in 6 % bonds at 120 to yield an annual income of % 2820 ? 6 % of face value of bonds bo,ught = $2820.;^ 100 % = -ig^ of $2820 or |47,0i)0 face value. 120 %=f. ' I of $47,000 = $56,400, investment. 4. What per cent profit does an investor make on stock that pays a dividend of 6 %, if he buys at 75 ? $ 6 = income on one share. / v^ $75 = cost of that share. A = 8%, profit. N 5. A year's net profits of the Plymouth Milling Co. were $15,275.50. The capitalization of the concern is $200,000, divided into 2000 shares. A dividend of 6| % was declared, and the remainder of the profits was carried to surplus fund. Find the amount of dividend and the amount carried to sur- 228 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC plus fund. What amount will a man receive who owns 60 shares of stock? 6-1- % of 1200,000 = 113,000, the dividend declared. 115,675.50 - f 13,000 = $2675.50, surplus fund. 6i % of $6000 = 1390, dividend on 60 shares of stock. 6. A manufacturing company is capitalized at $200,000. The gross earnings for a year are $25,185, and the expenses are $6785.50. After setting aside 2% for surplus fund, what even per cent of dividend may be declared ? $25,185 - $6785.50 = $18,399.50, net earnings. 2 ojo of $18,399.50 = $367.99, amount for surplus fund. $18,399.50 - $367.50 = $18,031.50, amount to be divided. 1% of $200,000 = $2000, amount of 1% dividend. $18,031.51 ^ $2000 = 9, the rate per cent of dividend, with $31.51 additional, carried to undivided profits. PROBLEMS Find the market value at the highest and lowest price of the following stocks and bonds, by use of the above market quotations : 1. 75 shares Adams Express. 3. 155 shares National Lead. 2. 68 shares Erie. 4. 85 shares Quicksilver. 5. 150 shares Union Pacific. 6. 7 Pennsylvania 4|'s (Denom. ^1000). 7. 9 Am. Hide and Leather 6's (Denom. $1000). 8. 245 shares National Biscuit pfd. 9. A man who holds 170 shares of stock receives a dividend of $1275. What was the rate of dividend declared ? 10. An assessment of $306 is made on 72 shares of mining stock. What is the rate of assessment ? > 11. A broker sold for me 360 shares of gas stock at 145 ; brokerage \%. What sum should I receive? 12. A railroad declares a dividend of 5%. How many shares does a man hold who receives a dividend of $435, if the par value of stock is $100? STOCKS AND BONDS 229 ^13. What sum must be sent a broker that he may buy 150 shares of gas stock at 105; brokerage |%? 14. A stockholder meets an assessment of $167.50, which is levied at 2^ % on his stock. How many shares has he ? 15. How many shares of Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe stock can be bought for |8100 at 89|; brokerage ^%? What will the dividend on this stock amount to at 5%? What rate of interest would this be on the investment ? 16. What amount of stock must be sold at 41^ to yield $8275, if brokerage is i%? 17. How many shares of American Sugar at 31 1 can be bought for $202,400; brokerage i%? If this stock pays a dividend of 2|%, what rate of interest will a man receive on his investment? 18. What sum must be invested at 93 to bring an income of $4800, if j the rate of dividend is 4%'^ 19. What is the quotation of 7% stock that brings an income of 10%? 20. Wliat rate per cent is realized on an investment by investing in 5% stock at 80? 21. A banker sold through a broker 150 shares of stock at 124|, pay- ijQg i% brokerage. What amount did each receive? 22. A speculator bought 2500 shares of the United States Steel stock at 33| and sold it at 39f. What was his net profit after allowing \% brokerage each for buying and selling ? 23. A man buys 120 shares of stock at 76^ and six months later sells it for 85. In that time he received a dividend of lf%. If money is worth 6% interest and he paid \% brokerage for buying and for selling, did he gain or lose, and how much? 24. The capital stock of a company is $200,000. \ of this is preferred stock, entitled to 6% dividend. What rate of dividend is paid on com- - mon stock, if $9000 is distributed in dividends? 25. An investor buys 604 shares of stock, par value $ 50, for $ 35 a share; brokerage \%. Six months later he sells for $58 a share. In the * meantime he had received a dividend of 5%. Money being worth 6%, what did he gain or lose? 26. A bank with capital stock of $150,000, declares a semi-annual j dividend of 4^%. What is the amount of the dividend, and how muchy will a man receive annually who owns 275 shares? ^ / 230 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 27. A corporation has a capital stock of $100,000. Its net earnings for the year are 114,256.32. 4 % of the net earnings is set aside as a sur- plus fund to cover losses, 7 % dividend is declared, and the remainder is carried to undivided profits. What are the amounts carried to surplus fund, undivided profits, and to dividend accounts? 28. A merchant sold his business for $245,000. He invested $196,000 in Pullman stock at 195|, and the remainder in Erie preferred at 69 J. Pullman stock pays 12% and Erie 6% dividend; brokerage ^% in each case for buying. What was his annual income ? 29. A broker purchased 500 shares Amalgamated Copper at 70 ; 250 shares C. B. & Q. at 201; 400 shares National Biscuit Co. at 66| ; 475 shares General Chemical at 72|, and 150 shares Western Union at 113. What is the total cost to his principal, if brokerage is ^%? 30. A speculator purchased 200 shares United States Steel at 24 J; 600 shares Pressed Steel Car at 34 ; 700 shares Western Union Telegraph at 95^. He sold the Steel stock at 39^, the Pressed Steel Car at 53|, and the Western Union at 92, brokerage being \% for buying and for selling. What was the net gain or loss ? 31. A certain county, on Jan. 1, 1907, issued $250,000 worth of 5% 10-year coupon bonds. If these bonds were sold through a broker at 102|, how much was received by the county? Brokerage |%. If the interest is payable semi-annually, what is the amount of each interest coupon? How much must be levied in taxes each year to pay the interest and provide a sinking fund sufficient to pay the bonds in full at maturity? What would be the annual rate to be levied, if the assessed valuation of the county averages $46,875,000? 32. A broker bought for a customer 800 shares of United States Steel common, at a total cost of $30,100; brokerage \%. Find market quota- tion of stock. 33. How much must be paid, including brokerage at ^%, for a suffi- cient number of United States 4*s at 123| to obtain an annual income of $1200? 34. My broker, after selling 500 shares of Philadelphia Gas stock and deducting the usual commission, remitted $ 534,312.50. What was the market quotation ? 35. What income will a man receive from an investment of $6448 in United States coupon 4's at the lowest market price as per above table ? XX INSURANCE 212. Nature of Insurance. Some losses or damages to property, such as by fire or tornado, are unavoidable. Such losses are serious, and they are often likely to bring finan- cial ruin to owners. To avoid such calamities, owners of property subject to losses of some particular kind have fre- quently banded themselves together to share losses among themselves. By agreeing to assist in making good the loss to whomsoever it might fall, they secured themselves against disaster. From such beginnings has grown the institution of modern insurance. Insurance^ then, consists of a contract guaranteeing to make good a loss from a certain cause. The agreement is known as an insurance policy. 213. Kinds of Companies. When an agreement for insur- ance is made between those mutually interested, to mutually share losses from a particular cause, it is known as mutual insurance. When, as a business investment, a company is organized which undertakes, for a given fee, to make good a loss during a specified time, it is a stock insurance company. Sometimes a stock company agrees to divide all earnings of the company, above a specified dividend on their stock, among the insured. It thus partakes of the nature of both stock and mutual companies. 214. Property and Personal Insurance. Whenever it is a loss in property which is insured against, it is property insur- ance. Whenever the insurance is against a loss due to sick- ness, accident to, or death of a person, it is personal insurance y, 231 232 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC PROPERTY INSURANCE 215. Forms of Property Insurance. If property is insured against loss from fire, it is fire insurance; if against loss from wind or storm, it is tornado insurance; if against loss or damage while being transported by land or by sea, it is transit insurance^ that for ship or cargo lost at sea being marine insurance ; if against loss or damage to live stock by death, disease, lightning, or other casualty, it is live-stock insurance. These are among the principal forms of property insurance. 216. Kinds of Policies. If the value of the property insured or the amount of the indemnity in case of loss is determined and agreed upon, at the time the policy is issued, it is known as a closed or valued policy. If the real value of the property loss is open for determination after the loss occurs, regardless of the face of the policy upon which the insurance premium has been paid, it is an open policy. Many states, by law, have declared that all policies must be valued policies. This requires the insurance company to pay the full face of the policy in case of a total loss, regard- less of the actual value of the property. 217. Cost of Insurance. In mutual companies, the cost of insurance depends upon the amount of losses suffered by the different members of the company. This, together with the actual cost of carrying on the business of the company, is apportioned among the members, in the form of assessments. In stock companies, a definite fee is charged for insurance during a given pieriod of time, and this fee is called a premium. The amount of the premium is usually a per cent of the face of the policy, or the amount of loss which it is agreed to make good. This is known as the rate of insurance. It varies with the kind of buildings, their location with refer- ence to other buildings, efficiency of fire protection, etc. INSURANCE 233 Usually, a given district is plotted, and the rate for each building is fixed. Below is a schedule of rates for such a plotted district, expressed as a certain sum for each $100 of insurance. The diagram on which this is based is on page 234. Table of Eates District No. City of KiSK Plot No. Annual Ratb PER $ 100 Frame Dwelling and Contents Brick Store and Contents Brick Church and Contents Brick Business Block and Contents . . . Frame Handle Factory and Contents . . . Brick Livery Barn 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 7 8 9 10 11 $.35 .25 .50 .50 1.75 1.2j5 Frame Store and Dwelling, and Contents . Frame Barn and Contents Brick Dwelling and Contents . . . . . . Brick Schoolhouse and Contents .... Brick Store and Dwelling, and Contents . . .40 1.00 .18 .50 .30 PROBLEMS 1. Find the cost of insuring property valued at $5000, at 1^%. 2. At 2%> how much insurance can I procure for $148? 3. I paid $30 for insuring a house worth $3200 at | its valuation. What was the rate ? 4. Find the cost of insuring each of the buildings in the table above at I the following valuation : Frame Store & Dwelling . $2,450 Frame Barn on Above Lot . 500 Brick Dwelling 6,700 Frame Barn on Above Lot . 800 Brick Schoolhouse .... 75,000 Brick Store & Dwelling . . 7,500 Frame Dwelling . . . $2,400 Brick Store 10,500 Brick Church .... 12,000 Brick Business Block 32,000 Frame Handle Factory . 4,500 Brick Livery Barn . . 3,600 234 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC _J l_ 133aiS 133yiS ~i r INSURANCE 235 5. The contents of the frame dwelling of the plot are valued at $1100; the contents of the brick store, at $12,450; the contents of the brick church, at $5500; the contents of the brick business block, at $25,600. If these goods are insured for | of their valuation, what would be the premium on each lot ? 6. An agent's premium is $25 for insuring a house at |%. What is the face of the policy? 7. At \%, what is the annual premium, at | valuation, on a house worth $16,000? 8. A merchant pays $ 150 for insurance on his stock of goods at f %. What is the amount of the policy ? 9. An agent receives $112.50 for insuring a house for 80% of its valuation at |%. What is the value of the house? 10. A man has a house valued at $ 24,000, and furniture valued at $6000. He insures the house at | its valuation, and the furniture at | its valuation. What is the annual premium, |% for the house and f% for the furniture ? 11. If it cost $663 to insure a building valued at $132,600, what will it cost at the same rate to insure a building valued at $ 105,000 ? 12. The premium on a house valued at $10,500, insured at f its valuation, is $ 47.25. Find the rate of insurance. 13. If a house and its contents are valued at $6500, for how much must it be insured, at 1^%, to cover loss and premium in case of total destruction ? 14. A cargo of coffee valued at $35,000 was insured for $20,000, in a policy containing an average clause. It was damaged to the amount of $15,000. How much should the company pay? Note. — Under an " average clause " such a part of the loss is paid, as the policy is of the real value of the property insured. 15. A steamer is insured for $75,000. Its value is $100,000. If it is insured at 2^%, what will be the loss to the company in case of total destruction ? 16. An agent insures a cargo of cotton costing $ 9775, at the rate of 2\%, for an amount that will cover the cost of cotton and premium. What is the face of the policy ? 17. A speculator bought 4000 bbl. of flour, and had it insured for 80% of its cost, at 3|%,- He paid a premium of $980. At what price per barrel must he sell it in order to gain 10 % on the total cost ? 236 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 18. A manufacturer insured his factory for 1 27,000, and its contents for $66,000. He paid $700 for premium and policy. If the policy cost $2.50, what was the rate per cent premium? 19. A dealer in New York ordered his Chicago agent to buy 4000 bu. of wheat at 70^; 3000 bu. at 30^; 7500 bu. corn at 37^ ^ ; paying 2^% commission for buying. The grain was shipped by boat, and a policy at 1-J% was taken out to cover the cost of grain and commission. What was the amount of the policy, and what the amount of premium? 20. The Atlas Insurance Company insured a block of buildings for $150,000, at 75 }2^ per $100. Thinking the risk too great, it reinsured $ 50,000 in the ^tna, at | % and $ 65,000 in the Manhattan, at | %. How much premium did each company receive? What was the gain or loss to the Atlas? What per cent premium did it receive for the part of the risk not reinsured ? 21. A house cost $ 8000 ; it was insured for | its valuation at 1^ % for 3 years. What would be my loss and that of the company, if the house, were totally destroyed by fire ? 22. A residence valued at $4-500 is insured for | its value at | % per annum. The company will insure the house for 3 years on a payment of 2| times the annual premium in advance. What will it cost to insure the house for 3 years ? What will it cost to insure for 5 years, if the company will accept 4 annual premiums in advance as payment for 5 years ? 23. How much will it cost to insure a factory valued at $75,000 at 1%, and the machinery valued at $25,000 at |%? PERSONAL INSURANCE 218. Life Insurance. When insurance is upon the hazard of life, it is life insurance. Upon the death of the insured it is paid to an heir or other person named in the policy as the beneficiary. Life insurance may be paid for either by assessments when deaths occur, by a stated number of assessments in a year, or by a fixed premium^ payable monthly, quarterly, semi-annu- ally, or annually. When a fixed premium is paid, the policy may be either participating or nonparticipating in the profits of the association. The premiums may be payable annually INSURANCE 237 until death of the insured, a life payment policy ; or may be payable annually only for a period of 10, 15, or 20 years, a limited payment policy^ when the policy is said to be " fully paid up." The latter are termed 10 payment life, 20 pay- ment life, etc. What is known as a term policy may also be purchased for a period of 1, 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. The holder is insured for the term only, and, if desirous of continuing the insur- ance, must purchase another policy at increased rates, because of increased age. When a fixed premium is charged, the insurance is said to be " old line." If the policy is a participating one, the profits of the company may operate to lessen the annual premium, or may be deferred until the policy matures and added to the face value. Fraternal organizations, with a side feature of insurance or with insurance as their chief purpose, offer one method of life insurance, often with additional features of health or accident benefits. They usually employ the assessment plan, and often assess for more than enough to pay the death losses, in order to use the surplus in establishing a reserve fund to assist in paying death losses when the membership becomes older, and the percentage of deaths increase. 219. Endowment Insurance. Endowment insurance is a modern outgrowth of the life insurance idea. At the end of the stated endowment term, e.g. 5, 10, 15, or 20 years, the in- surance is to be paid to the insured himself, should he be alive at that time. Should he die before that time, the full face of the policy is to be paid to the beneficiary named in the policy. While retaining the life insurance idea, it thus adds to it a savings or investment feature. 220. Accident and Health Insurance. Accident or casualty insurance companies pay an indemnity when one is injured 238 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC by an accident, in travel or otherwise. The amount paid is usually graduated to the extent of the injury. Insurance against ill health may also be had, the insured receiving a weekly or monthly payment while sick. 221. Cost of Life Insurance. The price of a life insurance policy is a stated annual amount or premium per thousand Annual Premium Rates for $1000 Insurance WHOLE LIFE ENDOWMENT PREMIUM Aqb Life 20 Yeaes 15 Yeabs 10 Years Age In 15 Yeabs In 20 Yeaes 21 $19.47 129.59 §35.65 $48.11 21 $67.03 $49.07 22 19.91 30.06 36.20 48.85 22 67.13 49.17 23 20.36 30.55 36.78 49.61 23 67.23 49.27 24 20.84 31.06 37.38 50.40 24 67.33 49.39 25 21.34 31.58 38.00 51.22 25 67.44 49.52 26 21.86 32.12 38.63 52.06 26 67.56 49.65 27 22.41 32.69 39.63 62.93 27 67.69 49.79 28 22.99 33.27 39.98 53.83 28 67 83 49.95 29 23.59 33.88 40.70 54.76 29 67.97 60.11 30 24.23 34.51 41.43. 65.73 30 68.12 50.28 31 24.87 35.14 42.17 56.70 31 68.29 50.48 32 25.65 35.81 42.94 57.71 32 68.46 50.69 33 26.30 36.52 43.76 68.78 33 68.66 50.91 34 27.08 37.26 44.62 59.88 34 68.87 51.16 35 27.91 38.04 45.51 61.03 35 69.09 51.42 36 28.78 38.85 46.43 62.21 36 69.34 51.72 37 29.70 39.70 47.39 63.44 37 69.60 52.04 88 30.68 40.59 48.39 64.71 38 69.90 52.40 39 3L71 41.51 49.43 66.03 39 70.21 52.79 40 32.81 42.49 50.52 67.40 40 70.56 53.22 41 33.94 43.50 61.63 68.80 41 70.95 63.70 42 35.14 44.55 52.79 70.24 42 71.37 54.22 43 36.45 45.69 64.04 71.77 43 71.85 54.81 44 37.83 46.90 55.34 73.36 44 72.37 65.46 45 39.30 48.17 56.71 75.02 45 72.96 56.17 INSURANCE 239 dollars of insurance. The lowest in cost is in purely mutual companies, like fraternal organizations. The price depends, too, upon the age of the applicant and upon the conditions of the contract. The term policy, or the straight life-payment nonparticipating policy may be pur- chased at the least cost, while a limited payment or endow- ment policy will cost proportionately more. Rates vary, but the table on the opposite page gives a fair approximation of the cost of the common kinds of policies in standard com- panies at different ages. PROBLEMS From the table find the annual premium required for : 1. A life policy of $3000, age 30. 2. A twenty-payment life policy of $ 5000, age 27. 3. A twenty-year endowment policy for $4000, age 32. 4. A ten-payment life policy for $ 3500, age 35. 5. A man takes out a twenty-payment life policy for $ 3000 at the age of 25. If he dies at the age of 40, how much does the face of the policy exceed the premiums paid ? 6. If money is worth 6%, what do the premiums in problem 5 amount to? How much does the face exceed that amount? (Annual interest.) 7. A man at the age of 28 takes out a straight life policy and a twenty-year endowment policy, each for $ 2000. If he dies at 40, which gives the greater returns ? 8. A man 30 years of age took out an endowment policy for $ 3000, payable in 15 years, and died after making six payments. How much less would a life policy have cost ? 9. A man aged 35 years takes out an endowment policy for $ 15,000, payable to himself in 20 years, or to his heirs if he dies before that time. What annual premium will he have to pay ? If death occurs at the end of the ninth year, how much would he have paid out in premiums? How much less would a twenty-payment life policy have cost ? 10. At the age of 32 a man takes out a .|3500 life policy, and at the age of 35 a $ 1000 twenty-year endowment. How much does the insurance exceed the premiums paid, if he dies at the age of 45? XXI PROPORTION 222. Ratio. The relative size of two numbers, as shown by division and expressed by their quotient, is called their ratio. Thus the ratio of 8 to 4 is 2 ; 96 to 60 is If ; and of 25 to 50 is J. Instead of using the sign of division (-?-) to express a ratio, the horizontal line is left out, making the sign simply a colon (:), e.g. 8 : 2 or 96 : 60. The meaning, however, remains the same, and the ratio may always be found by dividing the first number or term by the second. 223. Comparison of Like Quantities Only. Since ratio shows comparative size, it may only exist between quantities like in kind. Thus, 8 ft. and 4 ft., or 8 houses and 4 houses, may be compared, while 8 boxes and 4 horses may not. 8 ft. and 4 yd. may be compared, but, to do so, they must first be reduced either to feet or yards, e.g. the ratio of 8 ft. to 12 ft., orf When the numbers refer to units of measurement, the quantities being measured must also be like in kind, if the ratio of the quantities being measured is desired. Thus, 8 doz. and 2 doz. may be compared, if it is 8 doz. chairs and 2 doz. chairs, but not if 8 doz. chairs and 2 doz. horses ; or 8 ft. and 2 ft. may have ratio if it is 8 ft. high and 2 ft. high, but not if 8 ft. high and 2 ft. wide, etc. 224. Order of Terms. The number to be treated as a dividend is always written first. The ratio of 6:3, then, .would be 2 and not |. Since the number of which it is 240 PROPORTION 241 desired to know the comparative size is always written first, it is called the antecedent^ i.e. the one which goes before. The number with which it is desired to compare the first is always written second, and because it follows the other, it is called the consequent. The antecedent and its consequent together form a couplet. 225. Proportion. The ratio of two different couplets may be the same. Thus, the ratio of 8 horses to 2 horses is 4, and the ratio of 1 400 to f 100 is 4. Likewise, the ratio of 3 ft. in height to 6 ft. in height is J, and the ratio of 3 days to 6 days is ^. Whenever two ratios are equal, they are in proportion. Thus, as the ratio of 8 horses to 2 horses is 4, the ratio of their cost ($400 to 8100) would also be 4. We would, therefore, say that the ratio of 8 horses to 2 horses equals the ratio of 1400 to $100. The equality of related ratios is usually expressed by the double colon, e.g. 8 horses: 2 horses :: $400 : $100. This proportion would be read as follows : 8 horses is to 2 horses as $400 is to $100. The equality sign may also be used, giving the above proportion the form of 8 horses : 2 horses = $400: $100. 226. Means and Extremes. As there must be two ratios whose equality forms a proportion, every proportion must have four terms. When written formally as a proportion, the first and fourth terms are called the extremes^ meaning the outside numbers. The second and third terms of a pro- portion are called the means, meaning the middle numbers. Since the antecedents of each ratio are the dividends, and the consequents are divisors, the extremes and means each consist of one dividend and one divisor. The quotient of each couplet being the same, the product of the dividend of one couplet and the divisor of the other is equal to the prod- 242 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC uct of the other dividend and divisor. In other words, the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes. The above being true, it is only necessary to know any three of the terms of a proportion in order to find the fourth. Thus, in the proportion, 2 hats : 5 hats : : 13 : fa;, the product of the means (treating the terms of the first ratio as multi- pliers and, therefore, abstract numbers) is f 15. Since this $15 is the product also of the extremes, and one of them is 2, the other must be ^ of $15, or $7.50. The completed pro- portion, then, would be 2 hats : 5 hats : : $3 : $7.50. The use of three terms to find the fourth, has given rise to the phrase " the rule of three," which is a name formerly applied to solutions by proportion. 227. Directly and Inversely Proportional. Assuming that each man does an average day's work, the larger the number of men employed on a given piece of work, the more work is done. Thus, if 2 men can wrap and pack 150 boxes of oranges in a day, 4 men can wrap and pack 300 boxes. In other words, if the number of men is doubled, twice the work is accomplished. Whenever two quantities increase or decrease together in this way, and with a constant ratio, they are said to vary directly or to be directly proportional. We may also say that the amount of work done would bear a direct ratio to the number of men employed. On the other hand, if the number of men is increased, the same amount of work would require less time for its completion. Thus, if 2 men can wrap and pack 600 boxes in 4 days, 4 men could do it in half the time. In other words, if the number of men is doubled, the time required is but one half as much. Whenever one quantity increases as another decreases, or decreases as another increases, keeping the ratio constant, they are said to vary inversely., or to be inversely 'proportional. Thus, the time required to do a given piece PROPORTION 243 of work bears an inverse ratio to the number of men employed. Query. — Which of the following are directly and which inversely proportional : 1. The weight of coal and its cost? 2. The height of buildings and their shadows? 3. The number of workmen and the amount of work done in a given time? 4. The number of workmen and the time required to do a given amount of work? 5. The speed of an automobile and the time required to travel a certain distance? 6. The weight of freight and the freight charges? 7. The area of squares and the length of their sides? 8. The amounts loaned and interest earned? 9. The attraction one body has for another and their dis- tance apart? 10. The greater the capital stock in a company and the size of the dividend which can be declared with given profits? 11. The amount of assessable property and the tax levies to raise a given amount? 12. The amounts loaned and the rates to earn the same amount of interest? 228. Statement and Solution. The direct proportion given in Section 227 would be stated thus : 4 men : 2 men : : 300 boxes : 150 boxes. In the second couplet, 300 boxes, or what is done by 4 men, is the first term, just as 4 men is the first term of the first couplet ; and 150 boxes is, likewise, the second term of the second couplet, as 2 men is the second term in its couplet. 244 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC The inverse proportion would be stated thus : 4 men : 2 men : : 4 days : 2 days. This order is necessary that the ratio of each couplet be the same (in this case, 2). It will be noticed, however, in the second couplet, that 2 days, the time required by 4 men, is the second term in its couplet, although the 4 men is the first term in its couplet. Likewise, the 4 days is the first term of its couplet, although the two men working is the second term. In other words, in direct proportion the order of the terms in the second couplet is the same as in the first. In inverse proportion the order of the terms in the second couplet is the inverse of the order in the first. Note. — As a matter of convenience and simplicity in solution, it will be found best to use the couplet which contains the unknown or required term as the first couplet and the unknown term as its second term. 1. 2 men : ? men : : 150 boxes : 300 boxes. 300 boxes x 2 = 600 boxes. 600 boxes -s- 150 boxes = 4, or the number of men required. 2. 2 men : ? men : : 2 days : 4 days. 4 days x 2 = 8 days. 8 days -^ 2 days = 4, the number of men required. In general, to solve a proportion when it is correctly stated : 1. Divide the product of the two given means hy the one given extreme^ or 2. Divide the product of the two given extremes hy the one given mean. 229. Compound Proportion. Whenever two or more ratios are equal to another ratio, the proportion is said to be com- pound. Compound proportion, therefore, involves three or more couplets, all having the same ratio. PROPORTION 245 The statement of problems containing a compound pro- portion requires the comparing of every couplet to one basal couplet (usually taken as the first couplet), ascertaining whether the proportion be direct or inverse, and arranging the terms of the second couplets accordingly. 230. Arranging in Couplets. As an aid to comparing the couplets and to stating the proportions involved, it will be found helpful to arrange first all terms given in the problem, in their proper couplets. Problem. — If 90 men have completed the construction of 3 miles of railroad in 80 days, how many men should be engaged to fulfill a contract to build 10 miles of road in 150 days ? 1. Write all the terms belonging together in a column, thus, 90 men 3 miles 80 days 2. On the other side of a vertical line drawn to the right of the column, write the remaining terms, arranging like opposite like, forming couplets, thus, 90 men ? 3 miles 10 80 days 150 231. Statement of a Compound Proportion. Using the couplet containing the unknown term as the first couplet, the following couplets should be compared to it and the terms of each written as a part of the second or compound couplet, their order depending on whether the statement is of direct or inverse proportion. Thus, in the example given, if the number of men were increased, the number of miles that could be built would also increase. It is, therefore, a 246 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC direct proportion, and the order in both couplets would be the same, e.g. 90 men : ? men : : 3 miles : 10 miles. But if the number of men were increased, it would take a le%8 number of days to do the work. This proportion would, therefore, be inverse, and the second couplet would be written in inverse order, thus, 90 men ; ? men : : 150 days : 80 days. Combining these two proportions into a compound propor- tion, we have : Statement ^^ o 3 miles : 10 miles 90 men : ? men : : ., r^ j qa j 150 days : 80 days. 232. Solving Compound Proportion. 10 miles X 80 X 90 = 72,000 miles. 3 miles x 150 = 450 miles. 72,000 miles -f- 450 miles = 160, or the number of men required. Solution by Cancellation 2 AA o ? miles : 10 miles ^ men : ? men : : -•L -, qV, , ^^ }.p^ days : 80 days. 2 men x 80 = 160 men. An%. Note. — All factors removed by cancellation must be taken out of hoik the means and the extremes. PROBLEMS 1. What effect does the multiplying or dividing of both terms of a ratio have on its value ? 2. What effect does multiplying or dividing the antecedent have on the ratio ? Multiplying or dividing the consequent? PROPORTION 247 What is the ratio of : 3. $8 to $2? $|to|i? $.50 to $.12^? $26to|5.20? 4. 100 to 25? 100tol4f? 33itol00? 100 to 6f ? 5. $ .50 to $ .15 ? 2 m. to 40 cm. ? 15 hr. to a day? 6. What number has to 40 the ratio of 2 ? Of ^? To 5 the ratio of 5? To 15 the ratio of I ? Of 3 ? To 84 of 7? Of }'} 7. 28 has the ratio of 2 to what number ? 12^ has the ratio of | to what number? | has the ratio of 3 to what number? 8. A pound of coffee costs 40^, and of butter 25 j^. What was the ratio of their costs ? 9. The diameter of a circle is 7 ft. and the circumference is 22 ft. What is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter? 10. If a map is drawn on a scale of 1 in. to 1 mi., in what ratio are the dimensions diminished? 11. One door is 6 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 8 in. ; another is 7 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. What is the ratio of the first to the second? Of the second to the first? Examine each of the problems from 12 to 30, and tell whether the ratio is direct or inverse. Solve. 12. If 6 horses cost $ 1200, what will 10 horses cost at the same rate ? 13. If 12 yd. of cloth cost $ 20, what will 35 yd. cost? 14. If 6 horses cost $ 300, how many can be bought for $900? 15. If 15 yd. of silk cost 1 22.50, how many yards can be bought for $36? 16. If it takes 48 yd. of carpet 1 yd. wide to cover a floor, how many yards will it take of carpet | yd. wide ? 17. $200 earns $ 12 interest. How much interest will $350 earn? 18. A merchant pays $ 6 freight on 1000 lb. of merchandise. What rate is that per 100 lb. ? 19. When coal is worth $9 a ton, what will 1200 lb. cost? 20. A man with an income of $ 1000 saved $ 300. The next year his income was $ 1200 and he saved a proportional amount. How much did he save ? 21. At a certain time of day, a post 4 ft. high casts a shadow 3 ft. long. What is the height of a tree that casts a shadow of 15 ft. ? 248 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 22. A pipe discharging 6 gal. a minute can fill a cistern in 4 hr. How long will it take a pipe discharging 8 gal. a minute to empty it? 23. If a man sells f of his farm for $4200, what would | of it be worth at the same rate ? 24. A hall was paved with tiles 9 in. square, and 640 were used. How many tiles 6 in. square would it take ? 25. If a tower 40 ft. high casts a shadow 70 ft. long, how long a shadow will a tower 110 ft. high cast ? 26. If it cost 1 60 to make a walk 10 ft. wide and 180 ft. long, how much will it cost to make a walk 8 ft. wide and 450 ft. long ? 27. If 3000 bricks, each 8 in. long and 4 in. wide, will lay a walk, how many bricks 6 in. square would it take ? 28. If it cost $ 168 to roof a space 72 ft. long and 21 ft. wide, how much will it cost to roof a space 66 ft. long and 27 ft. wide ? 29. If 170 bu. of oats feed 120 horses 34 days, how long would 150 bu. feed 90 horses ? 30. If 12 men, in 4 da. of 8 hr. each, earn $ 152.60, at the same rate, how much will 22 men earn in 5 da. of 9 hr. each ? 31. 10 men can pave a street 30 ft. long and 48 ft. wide in 2 da. How many men will it take to pave a street 400 ft. long and 36 ft. wide inl2|da.? 32. If $290.70 interest accrues on $1020 at 6% for 4 yr. 9 mo., how much interest must be paid on $2700 at 7^% for 3 yr. 4 mo. ? 33. If $ 675, put at interest at 8 %, earns $ 9 interest in 60 da., in how many days will $1240 earn $28.80 interest at 6% ? 34. If 20 men working 12 da. of 8 hr. each can cut 400 cd. of wood, how many cords should 12 men cut in 15 da. of 10 hr. each? 35. If a piece of timber 11 ft. long, 10 in. wide, and 8 in. thick weighs 1848 lb., find the length of another piece of timber which weighs 6048 lb., and which is 6 by 24 in.? 36. If 10 horses eat 16 bu. 16 qt. oats in 9 da., how many days, at the same rate, will 123 bu. 28 qt. feed 34 horses? 37. If 21 men can build a wall 28 rd. long in 96 da., how many men will be required to build 31^ rd. in 84 da. ? / PROPORTION 249 38. If 12 compositors in 60 da. of 10 hr. each set up 50 sheets of 16 pages each, 32 lines on a page, in how many days of 8 hr. can 18 com- positors set up, in the same type, 128 sheets of 12 pages each, 40 lines to the page ? 39. A contractor engaged to lay 20 mi. of road in 300 da. At the end of 80 da. he finds that 90 men have laid 3 mi. How many more men must he engage to finish the work in the required time ? 40. If 54 T. of anthracite coal can be stored in a bin 28 x 20 x 4 ft., how many tons can be stored in a bin 45 x 18 x 8 ft. ? 41. If a mow 10 x 6 x 8 yd. holds 32 T. of hay, how deep must a mow be that is 24 ft. long and 15 ft. wide, in order to hold 86 T. ? 42. If 60 men make an embankment f of a mile long, 30 yd. wide, and 7 yd. high in 42 da., how many men will it take to make an em- bankment 1000 by 36 yd. and 22 ft. high in 30 da. ? 43. If 50 men can do a piece of work in 48 da. working 8 hr. a day, how many hours a day would 50 men have to work in order to do the same work in 32 da. ? 44. If the interest on $84 at 6% for 3 yr. is |15.12, what sum must be loaned at 8% for 1 yr. 6 mo., to earn the same amount? 45. If I loan $600 for 8 mo. and get $20 interest, for what time must I loan $1200 at the same rate to get $ 90 interest? XXII PROPORTIONAL PARTS AND PARTNERSHIP 233. Partnership. The association of two or more persons in a business firm, or partnership^ has already been outlined under Stocks and Bonds (Sec. 196). During the progress of a business, it often becomes necessary to take an inventory of the financial condition of the firm. For this purpose, a state- ment of resources and liabilities is made. Under resources are listed all property on hand and all accounts owed to the business, and under liabilities all debts of the firm. This casting up of accounts will show whether the profits of the business exceed the expenses (net gain^ or whether the ex- penses have been greater than the profits (net loss}. It will also show whether the firm has sufficient resources to meet all liabilities, in which case it is solvent, or if its liabilities are greater than its resources, when it is insolvent. From these statements, too, may be computed the present financial condition of the firm (the net resources after allowing for all liabilities), which is termed the present worth. 234. An Application of Proportion. The distribution of the profits or apportionment of the losses of a business part- nership is often so simple as to be easily resolved into frac- tional parts. The conditions of partnership may, however, become quite complicated, involving different forms and amounts of investments, withdrawals, and increases, different lengths of time, etc. In such cases the apportionment of profits or losses are often easily and quickly accomplished by proportion. 250 PROPORTIONAL PARTS AND PARTNERSHIP 251 235. Partitive Proportion. The form of proportion used for that purpose is known as partitive proportion or propor- tional pojrts. The term " partitive proportion " means parti- tioning a whole into parts, proportionally. The parts of the profits belonging to each partner would bear the same ratio, i.e, be proportional to the investments made, the time the capital was used, or some other definite ratio that may be ascertained. Thus, if A invested 1500, and B invested flOOO, a profit of 1750 would be divided into 8 250 and |500, respectively. The sum of all the parts invested would be $1500, and A would be entitled to ^^% (or J) of all the profits, which would be 8250. Stated proportionally, A's profit would be found by solv- ing the proportion 1500: 11500::?: $750 1375,000 H- 11500 = 250, or 1 250 profit. B's profit would be : 11000:11500::?: $750 ig^ = 500, or $ 500 profit. 236. Equivalent Investments. When investments in the business are made for different lengths of time, the profits or losses are often distributed in proportion to the equiva- lent investments. By equivalent investment is meant the sum which, invested for a unit of time, is equivalent to various sums invested for different periods of time. Thus, if A's $500 were invested for 6 mo. and B's $1000 for 4 mo., the profit of $750 would not be distributed as \ and |. A's $500, invested for 6 mo., would be equivalent to $3000, invested for 1 mo. ; and B's to $4000, invested for 1 mo. Their total equivalent investments, then, would be $7000, and A's profits would be f of $750, or $321.43. 252 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Proportionally solved, A's profits would be 13000 :|T000::?: 1750 12,250,000 ^ $7000 = 321.43. or 1321.43 profit. When a partner's capital is increased or decreased during the term he remains a partner, his equivalent investment is found by finding equivalent investments for a unit of time for each different capital, and adding such equivalent" investments. Thus, if $1000 was invested, and increased 1500 after 4 mo., and again increased $500 after another 2 mo., and decreased $800, 6 mo. later, where it remained for 10 mo. longer before there was a distribution of profits, equivalent investments would be found in the following way : $1000 X 4 = $4,000, equivalent investment for 1 mo. 1500 X 2 = 3,000, equivalent investment for 1 mo. 2000 X 6 = 12,000, equivalent investment for 1 mo. 1200 X 10 = 12,000, equivalent investment for 1 mo. $31,000 equivalent investment for 1 mo. 237. Adjustments by Interest. Inequalities in amounts and time of investments, especially when there are increases and withdrawals of investments at irregular periods, are often adjusted b}^ allowing interest on all investments and charging interest on all sums withdrawn. The profits or losses remaining after interest has been allowed or charged, may then be divided equally or according to any fixed ratio. Thus at 6 % A's $500 would bear $15 interest in 6 mo. If $200 were withdrawn at that time for the remaining 6 mo., his $300 would earn $9 in the remaining 6 mo., and he would be charged $6 interest on such withdrawal. His net in- terest earned would, therefore, be $15 + $9 - $6 = $18. B's $1000 for 4 mo. would be allowed $20 interest, and $400 for 8 mo., $16, and if $600 were withdrawn, he would PROPORTIONAL PARTS AND PARTNERSHIP 253 be charged $24 for the remaining 8 mo., leaving a net in- terest earning of $12. A's earned interest of $18 and B's of $12 must first be paid out of the $750 profit, leaving $720 to be divided in proportion to the original investment. Of this, A would get J, or $240, plus his interest of $18, or $258, and B would get |, or $480, plus his interest of $12, or $492. Note. — When interest is allowed and charged on capital increases and withdrawals, net profits ate often shared equally, after interest has been paid. PROBLEMS 1. Divide 360 into parts proportional to 3 and 6. 2. Divide $800 into parts proportional to 1, 3, and 6. 3. Divide $240 into parts proportional to ^ and ^. 4. Divide $780 among three persons, whose shares will be in pro- portion to ^, ^, and ^. 5. A, B, and C engage in business for 1 yr. A puts in $5000, B $3000, and C $2000. If they gain $3600, what is each man's share? 6. Divide $2400 among A, B, and C, so that A's part will be twice C's and ^ B's. 7. The total receipts of a gold mining company for 1 yr. were $15,750,000. The expenses were to the net earnings as 12 to 3. What were the expenses ? The net earnings ? 8. Divide the simple interest on $65,000 for 1 yr. 8 mo., at 5|%, among A, B, and C, so that A's part is 8 times C's and | B's. 9. A, B, and C pay $75.60 for a pasture. A puts in 10 horses, B 24 cows, and C 120 sheep. If 3 sheep eat as much as 1 cow and 2 cows as much as 3 horses, what rent must each pay? 10. The annual earnings of a steamship company were $39,000,000. Find the amounts received from freight charges, from passenger service, and from other sources, if they were in the proportion of 7 : 4 : 2. 11. The holdings of the shareholders of a corporation are 32, 13, 22, 20, 50, 34, 42, and 72 shares, respectively. If a dividend of $12,825 is divided among them, what does each shareholder receive ? 254 ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS ARITHMETIC 12. C and D engaged in business and gained $3500. C's capital was $8000, and D's was $6000. Find each partner's share, if the profits were divided according to investment. 13. Two men owned a carriage factory. One had invested $75,000, the other $45,000. The net earnings for 1 yr. were $12,200. What was each partner's share ? 14. A, B, and C enter into partnership with a joint capital of $130,000 ; A furnishes i, B I, and C the remainder. Their net gain is 30% of the amount invested. Find each man's share of the gain. 15. Dunn and McDonald formed a partnership in which Dunn in- vested $5000 and McDonald invested $2500. The gains were: mer- chandise, $940.25; real estate, $356.50; losses, expense, $420. What was the net gain ? What was the gain of each partner ? What was each partner's present worth at the close of the business ? 16. A and B formed a partnership with a capital of $10,000. A furnishes $4000 and B $6000. After 16 mo. A withdrew $500, and at the end of 18 mo. B withdrew $1000. At the end of 2 yr. the partner- ship was dissolved and a profit of $8750 was divided. How much did each partner receive ? 17. A and B engaged in a dry goods business for 3 yr. from April 1, 1907. Each invested $1800. July 1, 1907, A increased his investment $350, and B withdrew $300; Feb. 1, 1908, each withdrew $800; Feb. 1, 1909, each invested $1200. There was a gain of $1800 on March 1. How should it be divided ? 18. C and D formed a partnership, C investing $9000, and B $12,000. It was agreed that B should take $3000 from the gains before a division was made, and that the net gain or loss should then be shared equally. The gains were $7580 and the losses $1275. What was the net gain of each partner? The present worth at dissolution? INDEX Reference to Pages Acceptance, 212. Accident insurance, 327. Accounts, 46 ; savings bank, 206. Account sales, 180. Addition, 1 ; by groups, 2 ; two-col- umn, 2; of decimals; 25; of frac- tions, 56. Ad valorem duties, 188. Angles, 98. Annual interest, 194. Antecedent in ratio, 241. Apothecaries', liquid measure, 121 ; weight, 137. Arabic notation, 23. Area, 72 ; of rectangles, 73 ; non- rectangles, 101-104 ; quadrilaterals, 101 ; trapezoids, 102 ; triangles, 102- 104 ; circles, 105 ; other surfaces, 107; metric, 151. Articles of incorporation, 222. Assessed valuation, 185. Assessments, on stocks, 222; insur- ance, 232. Authorized capital, 222. Averaging, 34. Avoirdupois weight, 138. Bank discount, 213. Banks, 205 ; national, 205 ; state and private, 205 ; savings, 206. Base lines, 94. Bears, in stocks and bonds, 225. Beneficiary of insurance, 236. Bills, 46 ; of foreign exchange, 145. Board measure, 115. Bonds, 193, 223. Bricklaying, 114. Brokerage and brokers, 225. Bulk, measures of, 119. Bulls, in stocks and bonds, 225. Bushel, unit, 119; weights, 138. Calendar months, 126. Capacity, in dry units, 120 ; liquids, 121. Capital stock, 222. Carpeting, 86. Cashier's checks, 210. Casting out nines, 4. Certificates of deposit, 210 ; of stock, 222. Certified checks, 209. Change, making, 10 ; memorandum, 50. Chattel mortgage, 192. Check on addition, 4. Checks, 209. Cipher, for marking goods, 177. Circle, 101 ; area of, 105 ; measure- ment of, 128. Circumference, 101 ; ratio to diam- eter, 105. Civil service, addition method, 4. Closed insurance policy, 232. Coins, authorized, 141. Collection by draft, 211. Combinations, addition, 1. Commercial month, 127. Commission, 180, 225 ; on purchases, 181. Common denominator, 57 ; divisor, 34 ; stock, 222. Compound interest, 193 ; proportion, 244. Cone, 123 ; surface of, 107 ; volume, 124. Consignment, 46, 180. Cord, of wood, 113 ; of stone, 114. Corporations, 221. 265 256 INDEX Correction lines, 95. Cost of articles, 41 ; per hundred, 43 ; per thousand, 43 ; per ton, 45. Couplet, in proportion, 241, 245. Coupons, 193, 224. Cube root, 112. Cubes, table of, 113. Cubic units, 109. Cylinder, 122 ; surface of, 107 ; vol- ume, 124. Date line, international, 132. Days of grace, 195! Decimal equivalents ot common frac- tions, 40. Decimal fractions, 62. Decimal notation, 20 ; digit value in, 5. Decimal point, use of, 23. Decimals, 23 ; square root of, 80. Degree, 128. Demand certificates, 210. Denominator, 53. Direct ratio and proportion, 242. Discount, trade, 172 ; series in, 173 ; bank, 213 ; true, 215 ; fractional, 173 ; is interest, 215 ; selling at, 223, 224. Dividends, 222. Divisibility, tests of, 33. Division, two kinds of, 18 ; long divi- sion, 20 ; shortening of, 20 ; of deci- mals, 26 ; by 1 with ciphers, 26 ; of fractions, 56, 61. Divisors, common, 34. Drafts, 143, 210. Drill cards, 1, 17. Drill tables, addition, 1, 2 ; multi- plication, 16. Dry measure, 119. Duties, 188. Endowment insurance, 237. Equation in explanations, 13, 17, 18. Equivalent investments, 251. Even numbers, 33. Exact interest, 195. Excises, 189. Exchange, 142; bank, 143, 210; by wire, 144 ; foreign, 144 ; by cable, 147. Explanations, suggestions for, 13, 17. Extremes in proportion, 241. Factors, 33. Fire insurance, 232. Firms, 221. Flooring, 85. Foreign exchange, 144. Fractional parts, 32 ; in division, 18 ; finding, 32, 36; of a dollar, 41. Fractions, 53 ; and decimals, 62, square root of, 80. Gain, 157, 250. Geographical mile, 129. Government bonds, 224. Gram, 152. Greatest common divisor, 34. Groups, adding by, 2. Indorsement, 212. Indorsers, 192. Insolvency, 250. Inspection, reduction by, 55. Insurance, 231. Integers, 23. Interest, 192; sixty-day method, 196; 6%, 199; at any rate, 197; tables of, 199 ; days, in savings banks, 206 ; in partnership, 252. International date line, 132. Inverse ratio and proportion, 242. Investments, 251. Invoicing, 46. Isosceles triangle, 99 ; area of, 103. Kilogram, 152. Land measure and survey, 94. Lathing, 88. Latitude, 128. Least common multiple, 34, 57. Legal, limitations to interest, 194 ; rate of interest, 194 ; tender, 142. Length, measures of, 67 ; metric, 150. Letters of credit, 145. Liabilities in partnership, 250. Liability of stockholders, 223. Life insurance, 236 ; policy, 237 ; cost of, 238. Limited payment policy, 237. Linear measure, 67. Liquid measure, 120; apothecaries', 121. Listing goods, 177. INDEX 257 List price, 172. Liter, 152. Live-stock insurance, 232. Log measure, 116. Longitude and time, 128; diEference in, 129 ; reduction in, 131 ; of lead- ing cities, 134. Long ton, 138. Loss, 157, 250. Lumberman's reference table, 118. Lumber measure, 115. Maker, of note, 193; draft, 209. Manifest, or customs declaration, 188. Marine insurance, 232. Marked price, 172. Market quotations, 225. Marking goods, 177. Maturity, 192 ; value, 213. Means in proportion, 241. Merchant's rule, 199. Meter, 149. Metric system, 149. Mixed number, 53. Money order, P.O., 143 ; express, 143 ; foreign, 146. Mortgage, 192. Multiples, 33 ; common, 34. Multiplication, 17; drill table, 17; long, 19 ; of decimals, 26 ; by 1 with ciphers, 26 ; of fractions, 58. Mutual insurance, 231. National banks, 205. Nautical units, 68. Negotiable paper, 209. Non-assessable stock, 223. Notes, 192; negotiable and non-, 210. Numerator, 53. Odd numbers, 33. Open insurance policy, 232. Papering, 92. Paper money, authorized, 141. Parallel, 99. Parallelograms, 100 ; area of oblique, 101. Parallels of latitude, 128. Partial payments, 199. Partitive proportion, 251. Partnership, 221 ; by proportion, 250. Par value, 222. Payee, of notes, 193 ; of drafts, 209. Pay rolls, 49. Per capita tax, 186. Percentage, 157; finding 50%, 25%, 20%). 158; 33i%, 163%, 12J%, 14?%,, 160; 10%, 1%, 5%, i%, 162 ; finding other per cents, 164. Periodic interest, 194. Personal property, 185 ; tax, 185. Pi (TT), 105. Plastering, 88. Pointing off, in decimals, 24 ; in mul- tiplication, 27 ; in division, 28. Policy, of insurance, 231 ; partici- pating, 236. Poll tax, 186. Polygons, 99 ; area of, 101. Ports of entry, 188. Preferred stock, 222. Premimn, selling at, 223 ; on insurance, 232. Present worth, 215, 250. Prime numbers, 33. Principal, 199 ; meridians, 94. Prisms, 122; volume of , 110, 123; sur- face, 107. Proceeds, 215. Profit and loss, 157. Promissory notes, 192. Proof, in addition, 4. Proper fractions, 53. Proportion, 240; in partnership, 250. Proportional parts, 251. Pyramids, surface of, 107; volume, 123. Qtcadrilaterals, 100; area of, 101. Quotient, denomination of partial, 20. Rate, in interest, 192, 194 ; insurance, 232. Ratio, 240. Reading problems, 19 ; of decimals, 23. Real estate, 185. Reduction, of fractions, 54 ; by in- spection, 55. Registered bonds, 224. Remainder, exact in division, 30. Reserve fund, insurance, 237. Resources, 250. 258 INDEX Right angle, 99. Roofs and roofing, 82. Roots, square, 76; application to right triangle, 80 ; of decimals and fractions, 80 ; cube, 112. Rule of three, 242. Scalene triangles, 99 ; area of, 104. Sections of land, 96. Short, selling, 225. Simplified processes, in division and multiplication, 37. Sinking fund, 224. Six per cent method, 199. Sixty-day method, 196. Smuggling, 189. Solar day and year, 126. Solvency, 250. Specific duties, 188. Sphere, 123 ; surface of, 107 ; volume, 124. Square, 75, 100 ; root, 76. Standard parallels, 94; time, 132. Stationer's table, 147. Statement, of account, 46 ; in propor- tion, 243. Statutemile,67, 129. Stock company, 221. Stocks and bonds, 221 ; exchanges, 225. Study, suggestions for, 16. Subtraction, 10; horizontal, 11; of decimals, 25 ; of fractions, 56, 57. Surface, 98; forms, 98; of cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres, 107. Survey of land, 94. Surveyor's measure, 68. Tariffs, 188. Taxes, 185. Term discount, 173. Term of discount, 213; table, 214. Term policy, 237. Terms of ratio, 240. Time certificates of deposit, 210. Time, measures of, 126 ; difference in, 127 ; compound subtraction, 127 ; relative, 130 ; and longitude, 137. Tornado insurance, 232. Township, 94. Trade discount, 172. Tradesman's table, 147. Trapezium, 100, 104. Trapezoid, 100, 102. Traveler's checks, 146. Triangles, 99 ; area of, 102 ; applicar tion of square root to, 80. Troy weight, 137. True discount, 215. Undivided profits, 222. Unitate addition proof, 4. Usury, 194. Valued insurance policy, 232. Value, unit of, 141. Volume, 109 ; of rectangular prisms, 110; non-rectangular, 123 ; of pyra- mids, 123 ; cylinders, cones, and spheres, 124; metric, 151. Weight, measures of, 137 ; metric, 152. Wood measure, 113; metric, 152. Writing decimals, 24. 'HE following pages contain advertisements of a few of the Macmillan books on kindred subjects. MACMILLAN'S COMMERCIAL SERIES Edited by CHEESMAN A. HERRICK President of Girard College, formerly Director of School of Commerce, Philadelphia Central High School Each volume i2mo, cloth The Meaning and Practice of Commercial Education. By the Editor, xv + 378 pages, i^i.25 net. The Geography of Commerce. By Spencer Trotter, M.D., Professor of Biology and Geology in Swarthmore College, Pa. xxiv + 410 pages, ^i.io net. Commercial Correspondence and Postal Information. By Carl Lewis Alt- MAIER, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, xiv + 204 pages. 60 cents net. Comprehensive Bookkeeping : A First Book. By Artemas M. Bogle, Head of Department of Mathematics, High School, Kansas City, Kansas, xi + 142 pages. 90 cents net. Bookkeeping Blanks. By Artemas M. Bogle. Four numbers. 75 cents a set net. 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