li I STORY OK INTERNATIONAL LESSON SYSTEM SB NOV 181SCI9 s HELPS FOR WORKERS s, A M SUNDA . ry is ME ^ r i as ^^f d- second on ; K he It is up t\ as a grade O ch rt- ment, etc. The neec I-H :ts have not 1 1 < schools an J "It is si ^ irth of the Messiah Matt. 2 : 1-12 Dec. 24, 1905 Easter Lesson Luke 24 : 1-12 Apr. 23, 1905 Christ the Life and Light of Men John i : 1-18 Jan. i, 1905 The Witness of John the Bap- tist to Jesus John i : 19-32 Jan. 8, 1905 Jesus Wins His First Disciples " i : 35-46 Jan. 15, 1905 The First Sign in Cana " 2:1-11 Jan. 22, 1905 Jesus and Nicodemus " 3 : 1-15 Jan. 29, 1905 Jesus at Jacob's Well " 4 : 5-14 Feb. 5, 1905 The Second Sign in Cana " 4 : 43-54 Feb. 12, 1905 Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda " 5:1-15 Feb. 19, 1905 The Sign of the Loaves and Fishes " 6 : 1-14 Feb. 26, 1905 The Witness of Jesus at the Feast " 7 : 37-46 Mar. 5, 1905 The Slavery of Sin (Tern.) ' 8 : 31-40 Mar. 12, 1905 The Sign of the Man Born Blind ' 9:1-11 Mar. 19, 1905 The Comforter Promised " 10 : 5-15 June n, 1905 Jesus the Good Shepherd " 10 : 7-18 Apr. 2, 1905 The Raising of Lazarus " u : 32-45 Apr. 9, 1905 The Supper at Bethany " 12 : i-n Apr. 16, 1905 The Entry of Jesus into Jerusa- lem ' 12 : 12-26 Apr. 23, 1905 Jesvis Washing Disciples' Feet " 13 : 1-13 Apr. 30, 1905 The Vine and the Branches " 15 : 1-12 May 7, 1905 Jesus Prays for His Followers . " 17 : 15-26 May 14, 1905 Jesus Before Pilate " 18 : 28-40 May 21, 1905 The Crucifixion " 19 : 17-30 May 28, 1905 The Resurrection " 20 : 11-23 June 4, 1905 Abstinence for the Sake of Others (Tern.) I Cor. 10 : 23-33 Nov. 26, 1905 The Message of the Risen Christ Rev. i : 10-20 June n, 1905 The Heavenly Home (Tern.) " 22 : i-n June 18, 1905 SIXTH COMMITTEE. Appointed at Denver, Colo., 1902, for 1906-1911. John Potts, D. D., Chairman. A. F. Schauffler, D. D., Secretary. Henry M. Hopkins, D. D., [Declined] E. L. Shuey, J. S. Stahr, D. D., Mosheim Rhodes, D. D., B. B. Tyler, D. D., Charles R. Hemphill, D. D., F. J. Patrick, D. D., Principal E. I. Rexford, A. B., H. W. Warren, D. D., John R. Pepper, Prof. John R. Sampey, D. D., Prof. O. P. Gifford, D. D., Prof. Ira M. Price, D. D. British Section: J. Monro Gibson, D. D., W. H. Groser, C. H. Kclley, D. D., S. G. Green, D. D., Charles Waters, Edward Towers, Rev. F. W. Warne, Calcutta, India, Archibald Jackson, Melbourne, Australia. CORRECTION. Page 29 (line 14) read "1896 at Boston," for "1899 a * Atlanta. 1 CLASSIFIED LIST FOR THIRTY=THREE YEARS (1872-1904) ARRANGED BY CLARENCE RUSSELL WILLIAMS, M.A. EXPLANATION The Official List of Lessons and Golden Texts for 1901 contained the following note: " In response to earnest requests from editors and publishers, the Committee has mentioned verses which may be printed when the lesson exceeds a dozen. But it should be distinctly understood that these verses to be printed are only a portion of the lesson. The Committee requests that in all cases the entire passage shall be indicated and treated as the lesson, whether or not it is printed in full." This note was reproduced substantially in the first official list for 1902. A revised list for 1902, sent out considerably later, contained the following: "In response to requests from publishers and lesson writers, this revised list is issued, in which those parts previously marked ' Print ' have been called * The Lesson,' while those previously marked 'Lesson ' have been marked 1 Study.' This change was called for by the misunder- standings which arose from assigning a * Lesson ' only part of which was then printed in the lesson helps. This arrangement will be adhered to in future issues of the lists of lessons." In accordance with those directions, the limited lessons indicated for " Print " appear in this list, only for the year 1901. 32 CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSONS. The Creation Gen. God the Creator of All Things " The Beginning The First Adam In Eden Sin and Death The Fall and Promise Adam's Sin and God's Grace Beginning of Sin and Redemption " Cain and Abel Xoah and the Ark Xoah Saved in the Ark The Bow in the Cloud s Covenant with Xoah The Covenant with Xoah Temperance Lesson Confusion of Tongues The Call of Abram Beginning of the Hebrew Nation God Calls Abram Lot's Choice Abram and Lot I 1, 26-31 Jan. 5, 1873 i 1-352: 4-8 July 4, 1880 i 1-2:3 July 7, 1901 (Print i : 26-2 : 3) i 26-31; 2 : i- 3, Jan. 2, 1887 Jan. 7, 1894 2 15-25 Jan. 12, 1873 3 1-6,17-19 Jan. 9, 1887 3 1-8, 15 Jan. 19, 1873 3 i-i5 July n, 1880 " Jan. 14, 1894 " July 14, 1901 (Print 4-15) 4 : 3-io Jan. 26, 1873 4 : 3-13 Jan. 21, 1894 4 : 3-iS July 1 8, 1880 4 : 3-16 Jan. 16, 1887 6 : 9-22 Jan. 23, 1887 6 : 13-18 Feb. 2, 1873 8 : 1-22 July 21, 1901 (Print 15-22) 9 : 8-17 Feb. 9, 1873 11 Jan. 28, 1894 g : 8-19 July 25, 1880 9 : 18-27 Mar. 27, 1887 ii : 1-9 Feb. 1 6, 1873 ii : 31, 32; 12 : i-io Aug. i, 1880 12 : 1-9 Jan. 30, 1887 " Feb. 4, 1894 " July 28, 1901 U : i-U Feb. 6, 1887 13 : 1-18 Aug. 8, 1880 33 Abram and Lot Abram and Melchizedek The Covenant with Abram God's Promise to Abraham God's Covenant with Abram Abraham's Intercession Missionary Lesson God's Judgment on Sodom Abraham Pleading for Sodom Lot's Escape from Sodom Escape from Sodom Destruction of Sodom Trial of Aoraham's Faith Abraham Offering Isaac Abraham and Isaac Trial of Abraham's Faith vSelling the Birthright Isaac's Prosperity Isaac the Peacemaker Jacob and Esau Jacob at Bethel Jacob a Prince with God Jacob's Prevailing Prayer Jacob's New Name Jacob's Prevailing Prayer The New Name Joseph Sold into Egypt Gen. 13 : 1-18 Aug. 4, 1901 (Print 7-18) 14 : 12-24 Aug. 15, 1880 " J 5 ' i-7 Feb. 23, 1873 ; 15 : 1-18 Aug. 22, 1880 Aug. n, 1901 (Print 5-18) " 15 : 5-i8 Feb. 13, 1887 ; 17:1-9 Feb. 1 1, 1894 ' 18 : 16-33 Aug. 29, 1880 Aug. 1 8, 1901 (Print 23-32) " 18 : 17-26 Mar. 27, 1887 " 18 : 22-33 Feb. 18, 1894 " 18 : 23-33 Feb. 20, 1887 " 19 : 12-26 Sept. 5, 1880 " 19 : 15-26 Mar. 2, 1873 Feb. 27, 1887 " 22 : 1-13 Feb. 25, 1894 ' 22 : 1-14 Sept. 12, 1880 Mar. 6, 1887 Aug. 25, 1901 (Print 1-12) ' 22 : 7-14 Mar. 9, 1873 1 25 : 27-34 Mar. 4, 1894 " 26 : 12-25 Oct. 3, 1880 Sept. i, 1901 (Print 16-25) " 27 : 22-40 Oct. 10, 1880 " 27 : 30-40 Mar. 16, 1873 " 28 : 10-22 Mar. 23, 1873 " 28 : 10-22 Oct. 17, 1880 Mar. 13, 1887 Mar. n, 1894 Sept. 8, 1901 (Print 10-19) " 32 : 1-32 Sept. 15, 1901 (Print 24-30) *' 32 : 9-12, 22-30, Oct. 24, 1880 " 32 : 9-12, 24-30, Mar. 20, 1887 " 32 : 9-12, 24-30, Apr. i, 1894 " 32 : 24-30 Apt. 6, 1873 " 37 : 1-5, 23-36, Oct. 31, 1880 34 Discord in Jacob's Family Gen. 37 : i-ii Apr. 8, 1894 The Dreams of Joseph " 37 : 3-11 Apr. 13, 1873 Joseph Sold into Egypt " 37 : 12-36 Oct. 6, 1901 (Print 23-33) Joseph Sold ' 37 : 23-28 Apr. 20, 1873 Joseph Sold into Egypt ' 37 : 23-36 Apr. 3, 1887 Apr. 15, 1894 The Lord with Joseph ' 39 : 1-6, 20-23, Apr. 27, 1873 Joseph in Prison ' 39 : 20-40 : 15, Oct. 13, 1901 (Print 39 : 20-40 : 8) " 39 : 21-23; 40 : 1-8 Nov. 7, 1880 Joseph Exalted " 41 137-49 May 4, 1873 " 41 : 38-48 Apr. 10, 1887 Joseph Ruler in Egypt Apr. 22, 1894 Joseph Exalted ' 41 : 38-49 Oct. 20, 1901 Joseph the Wise Ruler " 41 : 41-57 Nov. 14, 1880 The Report from Egypt ' 42 : 29-38 May n, 1873 Joseph and His Brethren " 44 : 30-34; 45 : 1-8 Nov. 21, 1880 Joseph Makes Himself Known " 45 : 1-8 May 18, 1873 ' 4.5 : i-iS ' Apr. 17, 1887 Joseph Forgiving His Brethren " 45 : 1-15 Apr. 29, 1894 Joseph and His Brethren Oct. 27, 1901 (Print i-n) Joseph Sends for His Father " 45 : 19-28 May 25, 1873 Israel in Egypt " 46 : 1-4, 29-32 June i, 1873 Jacob and Pharaoh " 47 : 1-12 Nov. 28, 1880 Joseph and His Father Apr. 24, 1887 Jacob and Pharaoh " 47 : 5-10 June 8, 1873 The Last Days of Jacob " 48 : 8-22 Dec. 5, 1880 Prophetic Blessings " 48 : 15, 16; 49 : 8-10 June 15, 1873 Last Days of Joseph " 50 : 14-26 Dec. 12, 1880 Joseph's Last Days " May 6, 1894 The Last Days of Joseph " 50 : 15-26 June 22, 1873 Death of Joseph Nov. 3, 1901 Israel in Egypt Ex. i : 1-14 July 3, 1881 May 13, 1894 Israel Oppressed in Egypt Nov. 10, 1901 (Print 5-14) Israel in Egypt " i : 6-14 May i, 1887 35 The House of Bondage The Birth of Moses The Child Moses The Childhood of Moses The Coming Deliverer The Call of Moses Moses Sent as a Deliverer Doubts Removed Moses and Aaron Jehovah's Promise Moses and the Magicians The First Plague Moses and Pharaoh The Passover The Passover Instituted The Passover Jehovah's Passover The Exodus The Passage of the Red Sea The Red Sea Passage of the Red Sea The Red Sea Bitter \Yaters Sweetened Bread from Heaven The Manna The Giving of Manna Defeat of Amalek The Commandments The Ten Commandments Duties to God The Ten Commandments The Commandments . I : 7-14 Jan. 4, 1874 2 I-IO Jan. n, 1874 " May 8, 1887 11 May 20, 1894 " Nov. 17, 1901 2 5-15 July 10, 1881 3 I-IO Jan. 18, 1874 3 I-I2 May 15, 1887 " Dec. i, 1901 3 I-I4 July 17, 1881 3 IO-2O May 27, 1894 4 1-9, 27 -31 Jan. 25, 1874 4 27-31; 5 : 1-4, July 24, 1 88 1 6 1-8 Feb. i, 1874 7 8-17 July 31, 1881 7 14-22 Feb. 8, 1874 1 1 : i-io Dec. 8, 1901 12 : 1-14 Aug. 7, 1 88 1 " May 22, 1887 " June 3, 1894 12 : 1-17 Dec. 15, 1901 (Print 3-i4) 12 : 21-30 , 51 Feb. 15, 1874 13 : 17-22 Feb. 22, 1874 14 : 13-27 Dec. 22, 1901 (Print 19-27) 14 : 19-27 Aug. 14, 1 88 1 14 : 19-29 June 10, 1894 14 : 19-31 Mar. i, 1874 " May 29, 1887 1.8 : 22-27 Mar. 8, 1874 16 : i-5, 3 1-35 Mar. 15, 1874 16 : 1-8 Aug. 21, 1 88 1 16 : 4-12 June 5, 1887 16 : 4-iS July 6, 1902 17 : 8-16 Mar. 22, 1874 20 : i - 1 1 Aug. 28, 1 88 1 June 12, 1887 July 13, 1902 20 : 1-17 Apr. 5, 1874 JO : 1-17 July 7, 1895 2O : 12-21 Sept. 4, 1 88 1 June 19, 1887 The Ten Commandments Duties to Men God's Covenant with Israel The Golden Calf Worshipping the Golden Calf The Golden Calf The People Forgiven The Golden Calf Idolatry Punished God's J resence Promised Missionary Lesson Free Gifts for the Tabernacle Free Giving The Tabernacle The Tabernacle Set Up The Burnt Offering The Peace Offering The Five Offerings Nadab and Abihu Temperance Lesson Nadab and Abihu (Tern.) The Day of Atonement The Three Great Feasts The Feast of Tabernacles The Year of Jubilee Ex. 22 : 12-17 July 20, 1902 " 24 : 1-12 July i, 1888 " 32 : 1-6, 19, 20 Apr. 12, 1874 " 32 : 1-6, 30-35 July 27, 1902 " 32 : 1-8, 30-35 July 14, 1895 " 32 : 12-20 Apr. 19, 1874 " 32 : 15-26 JulyS, 1888 " 32 : 26-35 Sept. n, 1881 " 33 : 12-23 July 15, 1888 " 35 : 2O-2Q June 26, 1887 u July 27, 1888 " 35 : 25-35 Oct. 2, 1881 " 40 : I-I3 Aug. 3, 1902 " 40 : 1-16 Oct. 9, 1 88 1 u July 29, 1888 " 40 : 17-30 Apr. 26, 1874 Lev. i : 1-9 Aug. 5, 1888 " i : 1-14 Oct. 16, 1881 " 7 : 11-18 Oct. 23, 1881 " 7 : 37, 38 May 3, 1874 " 10 : i - 1 1 Oct. 30, 1 88 1 M " June 26, 1887 IO : i-i i July 21, 1895 " " Aug. 10, 1902 " 16 : 1-16 Aug. 12, 1888 " 16 : 16-30 Nov. 6, 1881 23 : 4-6, 15-21, 33-36 May 10, 1874 23 : 33-44 Nov. 13, 1 88 1 Aug. 19, 1888 25 : 8-17 Nov. 20, 1881 The Lord's Ministers Num. 3 : 5-13 May 17, 1874 Temperance Lesson " 6:1-4 Dec. 30, 1888 The Pillar of Cloud and of Fire " 9 : 15-23 Aug. 26, 1888 Journeying Toward Canaan 10 : 11-13, 29-36 Aug. 17, 1902 Journeying to Canaan " 10 : 29-36 July 28, 1895 The Report of the Spies " 13 : 17-20, 23-33 Aug. 4, 1895 37 The Spies Sent into Canaan Report of the Spies Israel's Unbelief The Unbelief of the People The Smitten Rock The Serpent in the Wilderness The Brazen Serpent The Serpent of Brass The Brazen Serpent Balaam The New Home in Canaan The True Prophet The Prophet Like Moses Temperance Lesson Loving and Obeying God Last Days of Moses The Death of Moses Death and Burial of Moses The Death of Moses Joshua Encouraged Joshua Successor to Moses The Commission of Joshua Joshua Encouraged Passing Over Jordan Crossing the Jordan Memorial Stones The Stones of Memorial Preparation for Conquest The Plains of Jericho The Fall of Jericho Jericho Taken The Fall of Jericho Defeat at Ai Israel Defeated at Ai Xum U 17-33 Sept. 2, 1888 " 13 26-14 : 4 Aug. 24, 1902 " 14 i-io May 24, 1874 " ' Sept. 9, 1888 " 20 I-I3 Sept. 1 6, 1888 " 20 7-13 May 31, 1874 " 21 1-9 Nov. 27, 1 88 1 " ' Aug. 31, 1902 " 21 4-9 June 7, 1874 " Aug. n, 1895 24 10-19 Dec. 4, 1881 Deut 6 : 3-i5 Aug. 18, 1895 " 18 9-16 June 14, 1874 " 18 9-19 Sept. 7, 1902 " 21 18-21 Sept. 3, 1888 " 30 11-20 Sept. 14, 1902 " 32 44-52 Dec. n, 1 88 1 " 34 1-12 June 21, 1874 " " Sept. 23, 1888 Sept. 21, 1902 Josh. i : 1-9 Jan. 3, 1875 " " July i, 1883 " " Oct. 7, 1888 " i : i- 1 1 Oct. 5, 1902 " 3 : 5-17 July 8, 1883 " " Oct. 14, 1888 " 44 Aug. 25, 1895 " 3 : 9-17 Oct. 12, 1902 " 3 : M-I7 Jan. 10, 1875 " 4 : 4-9 Jan. 17, 1875 14 4 : 10-24 Oct. 21, 1888 " 5 : 9-15 Jan. 24, 1875 14 5 : 10-15; 6 : !-5 July 15, 1883 " 6 : 1-16 Oct. 28, 1888 " 6 : 8-20 Sept. i, 1895 " 6 : 12-20 Jan. 31, 1875 " " Oct. 19, 1902 " 7 : 1-12 Nov. 4, 1888 " 7 : 10-26 July 22, 1883 Achan's Sin Josh. 7 : 19-26 Feb. 7, 1875 Ebal and Gerizim " 8 : 30-35 Feb. 14, 1875 The Reading of the Law July 29, 1883 Caleb's Reward 14 : 5-i4 Sept. 8, 1895 Caleb's Inheritance 14 : 5-i5 Nov. n, 1888 Joshua and Caleb Oct. 26, 1902 Caleb's Inheritance 14 : 6-15 Feb. 21, 1875 The Land Divided " 18 : i-io Feb. 28, 1875 The Cities of Refuge " 20 : 1-9 Mar. 7, 1875 " " " " Aug. 5, 1883 " " " " " " Sept. 15, 1895 (i ^ <* Nov. 2, 1902 Helping One Another " 21 : 43-455 22 : 1-9 Nov. 1 8, 1888 The Altar of Witness 11 22 : 21-27 Mar. 14, 1875 Joshua's Warning " 23 : 11-16 Mar. 21, 1875 God's Mercies to Israel (Review) 24 : 1-13 Mar. 28, 1875 Israel's Promise 24 : 14-18 Apr. 4, 1875 Joshua Renewing the Covenant 24 : 14-25 Sept. 22, 1895 Joshua's Parting Advice Nov. 9, 1902 The Last Days of Joshua 24 : 14-29 Aug. 12, 1883 The Covenant Renewed " 24 : 19-28 Nov. 25, 1888 The Time of the Judges Judges 2 : 1-12, 16 Oct. 6, 1895 Israel Forsaking God 2 : 6-16 Aug. 19, 1883 The Time of the Judges " 2 : 7-16 Nov. 16, 1902 The Promise Broken " 2:1 1-16 Apr. n, 1875 Israel Under Judges " 2 : 11-23 Dec. 2, 1888 The Call of Gideon 6 : 11-18 Apr. 1 8, 1875 Gideon's Army " 7 : 1-8 Apr. 25, 1875 <( Aug. 26, 1883 " " " Dec. 9, 1888 Gideon and the Three Hundred " " Nov. 30, 1902 The Triumph of Gideon 7 : 13-23 Oct. 13, 1895 The Death of Samson " 16:21-31 Sept. 2, 1883 Death of Samson Dec. 16, 1888 The Death of Samson 16 : 25-31 May 2, 1875 Ruth and Naomi Ruth i : 14-22 Sept. 9, 1883 Ruth's Choice " " Oct. 20, 1895 Ruth and Naomi " i : 16-22 May 9, 1875 Ruth's Choice " " Dec. 23, 1888 Ruth and Naomi Dec. 7, 1902 A Praying Mother The Child Samuel Samuel Called of God The Child Samuel The Boy Samuel The Sorrowful Death of EH Eli's Death The Death of EH Samuel the Reformer Samuel the Judge Asking for a King Israel Asking for a King A King Desired Israel Asking for a King Saul Chosen of the Lord Saul Chosen Saul Chosen King Samuel's Farewell Address Samuel's Parting Words Saul Rejected Saul Rejected by the Lord Saul Rejected Saul Rejected as King David Anointed King David Anointed The Anointing of David David Anointed King Samuel Anoints David David and Goliath David in the Palace 21-28 May i 6, 1875 " Sept. 1 6, 1883 I-IO May 23, 1875 1-13 Oct. 27, 1895 1-14 July 7, 1889 1-19 Sept. 23, 1883 6-14 Dec. 14, 1902 1-18 July 14, 1889 10-18 Oct. 7, 1883 12-18 May 30, 1875 1-12 July 21, 1889 2-13 Dec. 21, 1902 3-J7 Oct. 14, 1883. 5-10 June 6, 1875 5-15 Nov. 3, 1895 I-IO Oct. 21, 1883 M July 5, 1903 4-9 June 13, 1875 4-20 July 28, 1889 15-^7 Aug. 4, 1889 : 17-24 June 20, 1875 : 17-27 Oct. 28, 1883 " Nov. 10, 1895 " July 12, 1903 : i-iS Aug. n, 1889 : U-25 Nov. 4, 1883 " July 19, 1903 : 20-25 June 27, 1875 : 10-23 Jan. 2, 1876 " Aug. 1 8, 1889 " Nov. 17, 1895 : 12-26 Nov. n, 1883 : 13-^3 July 26, 1903 : 1-13 Jan. 9, 1876 " Nov. 1 8, 1883 " Aug. 25, 1889 Dec. i, 1895 : 4-i3 Aug. 2, 1903 : 32-51 Sept. i, 1889 : 38-49 Aug. 9, 1903 : 38-51 Jan. 1 6, 1876 " Nov. 25, 1883 " Dec. 8, 1895 : 1-16 Jan. 23, 1876 40 David's Enemy Saul Saul Tries to Kill David David and Jonathan David's Friend Jonathan David and Jonathan David Sparing Saul David Sparing His Enemy David Sparing Saul Temperance Lesson David Spares Saul Saul and his Sons Slain Death of Saul and Jonathan Death of Saul and His Sons Death of Saul and Jonathan David Becomes King David King of Judah David King Over All Israel The Tribes United Under David David King Over All Israel David Established King The Ark in the House The Ark Brought to Zion The Ark Brought to Jerusalem David Brings Up the Ark The Ark Brought to Zion God's Covenant with David God's Promise to David God's Covenant with David David's Thanksgiving Prayer Kindness to Jonathan's Son David's Kindness David's Victories David's Rebellious Son Absalom's Rebellion David and Absalom Absalom's Rebellion Sam. 1 8 : 1-16 Dec. 2, 1883 18 : 5-16 Aug. 1 6, 1903 20 : 1-13 Sept. 8, 1889 20 : 12-23 Aug. 23, 1903 20 : 32-42 Dec. 9, 1883 Dec. 15, 1895 " 20 : 35-42 Jan. 30, 1876 24 : 1-16 Feb. 6, 1876 24 : 1-17 Dec. 16, 1883 24 : 4-17 Sept. 15, 1889 25 : 23-31, 35-38 Sept. 29, 1889 26 : 5-12, 21-25 Aug. 30, 1903 " 31 : 1-6 Feb. 13, 1876 " 3i : 1-13 Dec. 23, 1883 Sept. 22, 1889 Sept. 6, 1903 Sam. 2 : I-IO Sept. 13, 1903 " 2 : i-u July 5, 1896 5 : I-I2 July 6, 1884 " " Oct. 6, 1889 " " July 12, 1896 5 : 17-25 Feb. 20, 1876 6 : I-I2 July 13, 1884 " Oct. 13, 1889 " . 42, 49-56 May 4, 1890 43-55 Feb. 23, 1896 1-6 Mar. 27, 1 88 1 10-17 May 1 1, 1890 60 Jesus the Messiah Luke 9 : 18-27 The Transfiguration " 9 : 28-36 Following Jesus The Mission of the Seventy (Missionary) The Seventy Sent Forth The Mission of the Seventy Return of the Seventy The Good Samaritan True Love to One's Neighbor The Good Samaritan Teaching to Pray Teaching About Prayer Prayer and Promise Importunity in Prayer The Pharisees Reproved Covetousness The Rich Man's Folly Warning Against Covetousness The Rich Fool Trust in Our Heavenly Father The Duty of Watchfulness (Tem.) Watchfulness (Tem.) Faithful and Unfaithful Servants (Tem.) Lawful Work on the Sabbath Warning Against Formalism Warning Against Sin Jesus Dining with a Pharisee The Gospel Feast The Great Supper Parable of the Great Supper Taking Up the Cross Lost and Found The Lost Sheep and Lost Coin 9 : 51-62 Mar. i, 1896 May 18, 1890 Feb. 3, 1895 July 29, 1900 Apr. 3, 1881 io : 1-9 Mar. 24, 1895 10 : i-i i, 17-20 Sept. 2, 1900 io : 1-12 Apr. 24, 1904 io : 1-16 May 25, 1890 io : 17-24 Sept. i, 1878 io : 25-37 Apr. io, 1881 " June i, 1890 Feb. 17, 1895 " Mar. 8, 1896 " Sept. 9, 1900 10 : 30-37 Sept. 8, 1878 11 : 1-13 June 8, 1890 " Mar. 15, 1896 May i, 1904 ii : 5-13 Sept. 15, 1878 11 ' 37-47 Apr. 17, 1881 12 : 13-21 Apr. 24, 1881 " June 15, 1890 12 : 13-23 Sept. 22, 1878 " Sept. 16, 1900 12 : 22-34 June 22, 1890 12 : 35-46 Sept. 23, 1900 12 : 35-48 May 8, 1904 12 : 37-48 Mar. 22, 1896 13 : 10-17 July 6, 1890 13 : 22-30 Oct. 6, 1878 Apr. 5, 1896 14 : 1-14 Oct. 7, 1900 14 : 15-24 Oct. 13, 1878 " July 13, 1890 Apr. 12, 1896 Oct. 14, 1900 M : 25-35 July 20, 1890 15 : i-io May i, 1881 " July 27, 1890 " Oct. 21, 1900 61 The Prodigal Son The Lost Found (Tern.) The Prodigal Son The Unjust Steward The Rich Man and Lazarus Faith The Ten Lepers The Ten Lepers Cleansed Parables on Prayer Prevailing Prayer Whom the Lord Receives Lessons on Prayer Entering the Kingdom Zacchaeus the Publican Jesus and Zacchaeus the Publican Zacchaeus the Publican Parable of the Pounds Jesus Entering Jerusalem Parable of the Vineyard Jesus Teaching in the Temple Missionary Lesson Judaism Overthrown Destruction of Jerusalem Fore- told The Lord's Supper The Spirit of True Service Warning to the Disciples Jesus in Gethsemane Jesus Accused Jesus Before Pilate and Herod Jesus Condemned Luke 15 : 11-24 Oct. 20, 1878 " " May 8, 1881 " J5 : 11-24 Aug. 3, 1890 " " Apr. 19, 1896 " " Oct. 28, 1900 " M May 15, 1904 " 16 : 1-13 Nov. 4, 1900 " 16 : 19-31 Oct. 27, 1878 " 11 May 15, 1881 " " Aug. 10, 1890 " Apr. 26, 1896 " " Nov. n, 1900 " *7 : 5-i9 May 3, 1896 " J 7 : 11-19 Nov. 3, 1878 " " Aug. 17, 1890 " " Nov. 1 8, 1900 " 18 : 1-14 May 22, 1881 " Aug. 24, 1890 " 18 : 9-17 Nov. 10, 1878 M " May 10, 1896 " 18 : 15-30 Aug. 31, 1890 " 19 : i-io Nov. 17, 1878 " " Sept. 7, 1890 " " Mar. 17, 1895 " " Dec. 1 6, 1900 " 19 : 11-27 May 29, 1 88 1 " " Sept. 14, 1890 " " May 17, 1896 " " Dec. 23, 1900 " 19 : 37-48 Sept. 21, 1890 " 20 : 9-19 Oct. 5, 1890 " " May 24, 1896 " 21 : 1-4 Sept. 28, 1890 " 21 :8-2i Nov. 24, 1878 " 21 : 20-36 May 31, 1896 " 22 : 7-20 Oct. 12, 1890 " 22 : 10-20 Dec. i, 1878 " 22 : 24-37 Oct. 19, 1890 " " June 7, 1896 " 22 : 39-53 Oct.26, 1890 " 22 : 54-71 Nov. 2, 1890 " 23 : i-ia Nov. 9, 1890 " 23 : 13-25 Nov. 16, 1890 62 Jesus and Pilate The Cross The Crucifixion Jesus Crucified Jesus Crucified and Buried Jesus Risen The Resurrection of Christ (Easter) The Resurrection of Jesus The Walk to Emmaus Luke 23 : 13-26 Mar. 17, 1901 Jesus Made Known The Risen Lord The Saviour's Last Words The Gospel for the World (Missionary) Jesus' Parting Words The Saviour's Parting Words (Missionary) Jesus Ascends Into Heaven The Word Made Flesh Christ the True Light The Word Made Flesh Christ's First Disciples Following the Lamb Christ's First Disciples The First Disciple of Jesus First Disciples of Jesus The First Disciples Jesus at the Marriage The First Miracle Christ's first Miracle First Miracle of Jesus (Print 13-23) 23 : 33-46 Dec. 8, 1878 June 5, 1881 June 14, 1896 23 : 33-47 Nov. 23, 1890 23 : 35-53 Mar. 24, 1901 (Print 44-53) 24 : 1-12 Nov. 30, 1890 Apr. 5, 1896 " Apr. 7, 1901 24 : 13-27 Dec. 7, 1890 24 : 13-32 Dec. 15, 1878 June 12, 1881 " June 9, 1895 24 : 13-35 Apr. 21, 1901 (Print 15-27) 24 : 28-43 Dec. 14, 1890 25 : 36-53 June 21, 1896 24 : 44-53 Dec. 22, 1878 " June 26, 1881 Dec. 21, 1890 June 23, 1895 May 19, 1901 (Acts i : i-ii) (Print Acts i : i-i i) John i : 1-14 : 29-42 : 35-46 : 35-49 : 35-51 : i-i i July 4, 1875 Jan. i, 1899 Apr. 4, 1886 July 5, 1891 July 12, 1891 July n, 1875 Jan. 8, 1899 Feb. 4, 1900 Aug. 19, 1894 Apr. n, 1886 July 18, 1875 Apr. 18, 1886 July 19, 1891 Aug. 26, 1894 Christ's First Miracle John 2 : 1-11 Jan. 15, 1899 Jesus Cleansing the Temple " 2 : 13-25 Sept. 2, 1894 Jesus and NicodemUS " 3:1-16 Sept. 9, 1894 Christ and NicodemUg " " Jan. 22, 1899 11 3 : i-i? July 26, 1891 Jesus and Nicodemus " 3 : it8 Apr. 25, 1886 " " " " " Feb. n, 1900 The New Birth " 3 : 7-17 July 25, 1875 The Water of Lift " 4:5-15 Aug. i, 1875 Christ at Jacob's Well " " Jan. 29, 1899 Jesus at the Well " 4 : 5-26 May 2, 1886 Christ at Jacob's Well " " Aug. 2, 1891 Jesus at Jacob's W f ell " " Feb. 18, 1900 " 4 : 9-26 Sept. 16, 1894 Sowing and Reaping " 4 : 27-42 May 9, 1886 The Nobleman's Son " 4 : 43-54 May 16, 1886 The Nobleman's Son Healed " " Feb. 5, 1899 Jesus at Bethesda " 5 : 5-15 Aug. 8, 1875 " " " " 5 : 5-18 May 23, 1886 Christ's Divine Authority " 5 : 17-27 Feb. 12, 1899 Christ's Authority " 5 : 17-30 Aug. 9, 1891 The Five Thousand Fed " 6 : 1-14 Aug. 16, 1891 Christ Feeding the Five Thousand " Feb. 19, 1899 Jesus Feeding Five Thousand " 6:1-21 May 30, 1886 The Feeding of Five Thousand " 6 : 5-14 June 17, 1900 Jesus the Bread of Life " 6 : 22-40 June 6, 1886 " " " " " " " July 8, 1900 Christ the Bread of Life - " 6 : 25-35 Jan. 20, 1895 " 6 : 26-40 Aug. 23, 1891 The Bread of Life " 6 : 47-58 Aug. 15, 1875 Christ at the Feast " 7 M 28-37 Feb. 26, 1899 " " " " 7 : 31-44, 1891 Jesus the Christ " 7 : 37-52 June 13, 1886 " 7 : 40-46 Aug. 22, 1875 Christ Freeing From Sin (Tern.) " 8 : 12, 31-36 Mar. 5, 1899 Freedom by the Truth " 8 : 28-36 Aug.29, 1875 Jesus and Abraham " 8 : 31-38, 44-59 June 20, 1886 The True Children of God " 8 : 31-47 Sept. 6, 1891 The Light of the World " 9:1-11 Sept. 5, 1875 Christ and the Man Born Blind " Feb. 24, 1895 Christ Healing the Blind Man " Mar. 12, 1899 Christ and the Blind Man " 9 : i-i i, 35-38, Sept. -13, 1891 Jesus and the Blind Man " 9 : 1-17 July 4. 1886 64 The Man Born Blind John The Good Shepherd Christ the Good bhepherd Jesus the Good Shepherd The Death of Lazarus The Resurrection of Lazarus Christ Raising Lazarus The Raising of Lazarus " (Easter) " The Resurrection and the Life " Christ Rejected (Review) " The Anointing in Bethany Jesus .Honored Greeks Seeking Jesus Gentiles Seeking Jesus Christ Foretelling His Death " Jesus Lifted Up Washing the Disciples' Feet Jesus Teaching Humility Washing the Disciples' Feet Jesus Teaching Humility Warning to Judas and Peter Many Mansions Christ Comforting His Disciples " Jesus Comforting His Disciples " Jesus the Way and the Truth and the Life " The Comforter Promised " The Vine and the Branches " Jesus the True Vine " Christ the True Vine " Friends and Foes of Jesus The Work of the Holy Spirit " The Mission of the Spirit The Work of the Spirit " Christ's Prayer for His Disciples " Jesus Interceding Christ Betrayed " Jesus Betrayed " 9 : 1-17 Aug. 19, 1900 10 i-n Sept. 12, 1875 10 1-16 Sept. 20, 1891 Mar. 19, 1899 ' Aug. 26, 1900 10 1-18 July n, 1886 1 1 1-16 July 18, 1886 1 1 17-44 July 25, 1886 ii 21-44 Oct. 4, 1891 1 1 30-45 Mar. 3, 1895 ii 32-45 Apr. 2, 1899 1 1 34-44 Sept. 19, 1875 ii 47-53 Sept. 26, 1875 12 i-i I Apr. 9, 1899 12 1-16 Aug. i, 1886 12 20-33 Jan. 20, 1901 (P rint 23- 33) 12 20-36 Aug. 8, 1886 ' Oct. 11,1891 12 23-33 Oct. 3, 1875 13 1-9 Oct. 10, 1875 13 1-17 Aug. 15, 1886 ' Oct. 18, 1891 1 Apr. 1 6, 1899 13 21-38 Aug. 22, 1886 14 i-7 Oct. 17, 1875 14 i-3, 15 -27, Oct. 25, 1891 14 1-14 Aug. 29, 1886 Apr. 23, 1899- 14 15-27 Apr. 30, 1899 15 1-8 Oct. 24, 1875 IS i-n May 7, 1899- 15 1-16 Sept. 5, 1886- 1 Nov. i, 1891 15 11-19 Oct. 31, 1875; 16 1-15 Nov. 8, 1891 16 5-20 Sept. 12, 1886 16 7-14 Nov. 7, 1875 17 1-19 Nov. 15, 1891 17 1-26 Sept. 19, 1886- 17 15-21 Nov. 14, 1875 18 1-13 NOV. 22, 1891 18 1-14 Oct. 3, 1886 Christ Betrayed and Arrested John 18 : 1-14 May 14, 1899 Jesus Betrayed Christ Before the High Priest Jesus Before Pilate Jesus the King Jesus Delivered to be Crucified Christ Before Pilate Jesus Crucified Christ Crucified Jesus on the Cross Jesus Risen Christ Risen Easter Lesson Jesus and Mary Jesus Appears to Mary Easter Lesson Christ Risen Jesus Appears to the Apostles Thomas Convinced Jesus and Thomas The Risen Christ and His Disciples Peter and the Risen Lord Peter Restored Jesus and Peter " Mar. 3, 1901 (Print i-n) 18 : 15-27 May 21, 1899 18 : 28-40 Oct. 10, 1886 May 28, 1899 18 : 33-38 Nov. 21, 1875 19 : 1-16 Oct. 17, 1886 " Nov. 29, 1891 19 : 17-30 Oct. 24, 1886 Dec. 6, 1891 " June 4, 1899 19 : 25-30 Nov. 28, 1875 20 : 1-18 Oct. 31, 1886 " Dec. 13, 1891 20 : 6-18 Mar. 30, 1902 20 : u-iS Dec. 5, 1875 " Apr. 14, 1901 " Apr. 3, 1904 20 : 11-20 June 11,1899 20 : 19-29 Apr. 28, 1901 20 : 19-31 Nov. 7, 1886 20 : 24-31 Dec. 12, 1875 21 : 1-14 21 : 4-17 21 : 4-19 21 : 15-22 Dec. 20, 1891 June 16, 1895 Nov. 14, 1886 Dec. 19, 1875 May 5, 1901 Jesus Ascends Into Heaven Acts i : i-n May 19, 1901 The Promise of Power The Ascending Lord The Ascension of Christ The Ascending Lord Christ's Ascension The Day of Pentecost The Holy Spirit Given The Promise of Power Fulfilled The Day of Pentecost The Descent of the Spirit The Holy Spirit Given (Luke 24 : 44-53) I-II 1-12 I-I4 I-I I 1-12 I-I3 Jan. 5, 1902 Apr. 2, 1876 July 3, 1892 Jan. 7, 1883 Jan. 3, 1897 Apr. 9, 1876 May 26, 1901 Jan. 12, 1902 May 22, 1904 July 10, 1892 Jan. 10, 1897 66 The Descending Spirit Acts 2 Peter's Defense The Exalted Saviour A Multitude Converted The Early Christian Church The Believing People The First Christian Church The Early Christian Church The Lame Man Healed The Healing Power The Lame Man Healed The Prince of Life The Power of Jesus' Name The First Persecution Xone Other Name The Boldness of Peter and John Peter and John Before the Council Christian Courage The Apostles' Confidence in God Christian Fellowship True and False Giving Lying Unto God Ananias and Sapphira The Sin of Lying The Apostles in Prison Persecution Renewed The Prison Opened The Apostles Persecuted The Apostles Before the Council The Second Persecution The iieven Chosen The Arrest of Stephen The First Christian Martyr Stephen's Defense Stephen's Martyrdom The Stoning of Stephen 2 : 1-16 Jan. 14, 1883 2 : 12-28 Apr. 16, 1876 2 : 32-41 Jan. 7, 1872 2 : 32-47 Jan. 17, 1897 2 : 37-47 Apr. 23, 1876 " Jan. 21, 1883 " July 17, 1892 2 : 37-47 Jan. 19, 1902 3 : I-IO Jan. 26, 1902 3 : i-n Apr. 30, 1876 " Jan. 28, 1883 3 : 1-16 July 24, 1892 " Jan. 24, 1897 3 : 12-21 Feb. 4, 1883 3 : : 12-26 May 7, 1876 4 : : 1-12 Feb. 2, 1902 4 : : 1-14 Feb. ii, 1883 " Jan. 31, 1897 4 : : 1-18 July 31, 1892 4 : 8-22 May 14, 1876 4 : 18-31 Feb. 18, 1883 4 : 19-31 Aug. 7, 1892 4 : : 23-37 May 21, 1876 4 : 32-5 : ii Feb. 7, 1897 5 : i-i i May 28, 1876 " Feb. 25, 1883 " Aug. 14, 1892 " Feb. 9, 1902 5 : 12-26 June 4, 1876 5 : 17-32 Mar. 4. 1883 " Feb. 14, 1897 5 : 25-41 Aug. 21, 1892 5 : 27-42 June 1 1, 1876 5 : 32-42 Feb. 1 6, 1902 6 : i-iS June 18, 1876 " Mar. n, 1883 6 : 7-i5 Feb. 23, 1902 6 :8-i 5 ; 7 : 54-60 Feb. 21, 1897 7 : 1-19 Oct. i, 1876 7 : 35-50 Oct. 8, 1876 7 : 51^60 Oct. 15, 1876 7 : 54-8 : 2 Mar. 2, 1902 67 The First Christian Martyr The Disciples Dispersed The Disciples Scattered Philip Preaching at Samaria (Missionary) Simon the Sorcerer Philip and the Ethiopian The Ethiopian Convert The Ethiopian Converted Saul of Tarsus Converted Saul, the Persecutor, Converted Saul's Conversion Saul of Tarsus Converted Saul's Early Ministry Saul Preaching Christ Dorcas Restored to Life Peter Working Miracles Dorcas Raised to Life Peter Working Miracles Peter, ^Eneas and Dorcas Peter's Vision Missionary Lesson Peter Preaching to the Gentiles Conversion of Cornelius Peter at Caesarea Peter and Cornelius The Gentiles Received Gentiles Received Into the Church Gentiles Converted at Antioch Spread of the Gospel The Spread of the Gospel The Gospel Preached at Antioch The Church at Antioch in Syria Peter Delivered From Prison Peter's Release Herod and Peter Peter Delivered From Prison 7 : 54-6o; 8 : 1-4 Mar. 1 8, 1883 pla<* / nglish Version of . the American Com- -root of each page. The .nitate quick reference to ^on leading topics, events, on the text. It has been the jad these portions of the Bible j, in Jericho, or on the slopes of as/1. ...... j, in Jericho, or on the slopes of Olivet with the Lord surrounded by disciples, thronged by the multi- tudes seeking to hear and be healed an Oriental, in Oriental lands, among Oriental customs. AMERICAN SUNDAY U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES