7M T?3U5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION INCLUDING REPORTS OF THE BRITISH MINISTRY OF RECONSTRUCTION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMAN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 8061 'l.Z Wf ~8I831BW eojg japuig junotuoqHl CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, *-OS ANGELES, CALJF. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION INCLUDING REPORTS OF THE BRITISH MINISTRY OF RECONSTRUCTION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMAN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 112 H PREFATORY NOTE The list here presented is intended to include only the outstanding books on the general subject of Economic Reconstruction, and some others dealing with special phases of general interest. Its purpose is to furnish to such institutions and individuals as are not receiving the more extensive bibliographies a brief list of readily accessible material which gives general insight into the subject. More ambitious bibliographies are the following: Outline studies on the problems of the reconstruction period, prepared by a special committee. New York, Association press, 1918. 2 p. 1., 39 p. 19cm. Turner, Mrs. V. B. List of references on reconstruction. (In U. S. Bureau of labor statistics. Monthly labor review, Dec. 1918, p. 1529-1561.) U. S. Dept. of labor. Library. Reconstruction; a preliminary bib- liography. Comp. by Laura A. Thompson. 57 p. Mimeo- graphed. Reconstruction: Supplementary list of references. Comp. by Laura A. Thompson. 52 p. Mimeographed. The Division of Bibliography has also compiled the following mimeographed lists: Training and rehabilitation of disabled or injured men. July 19, 1917. 8 p. Supplementary list, Oct. 21, 1918. 13 p. League of nations, Oct. 7, 1918. 18 p. Supplementary list, Mar. 3, 1919. 13 p. Settlement of soldiers and sailors on the land. Mar. 25, 1919. 8 p. H. H. B. METER Chief Bibliographer APPLETON P. C. GRIFFIN Acting Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C., February 14, 1919 SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON ECONOMIC RECONSTRUC- TION INCLUDING REPORTS OF THE BRITISH MINISTRY OF RECONSTRUCTION 1 After-war trade plans of five nations: Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Germany. A series of five articles setting forth the preparations which these countries are making to expand their foreign trade when the world conflict ends. Reprinted from the New York Evening Post. New York, N. Y., Evening Post, 1918. [22} p. 2 America after the war, by an American jurist. New York, The Century company, 1918. 5 p. I., 3-208 p, 18 cm . Reprinted from the New York times. CONTENTS. America and the war. Belgium and Luxemburg. The Balkans. The sequel of the war. Mexico. Canada. The West Indies. Asia and the Pacific. America after the war. Democracy. An American merchant marine. Preparedness. D619A645 3 American academy of political and social science, Phila- delphia. America's interests after the European war. Philadelphia, The American academy of political and social science, 1915. xi, 323 p. 1 illus. 25 cm . (Its Annals, vol. LXI [whole no. 150].} CONTENTS. Foreword, by C. L. King. pt. i. America's industries as affected by the European war: America's industries as affected by the European war, by A. B. Johnson. European war influences upon American industry and labor, by S. Gompers. America's unemployment problem, by H. Bruere. Some recent surveys of unemployment, by R. Meeker. The war and immigration, by F. J. Warne. Unemployment and immigration, by F. A. Kellor. Some industrial lessons of the European war, by J. P. Jackson. pt. ii. Stability and development in America's international trade: American export policies, by F. Johnston. Commercial isolation versus international trade, by M. J. Bonn. The rela- tions of Central and South America with the United States as affected by the European war, by L. F. Corea. What can the United States and Latin America do for each other? By C. M. Muchnic. Transportation facilities needed for Latin American trade, by W. Ring. pt. in. American industrial supremacy through efficiency in business organization: The effect of idle plant on costs and profits, by H. L. Gantt. The effect of unem- ployment on the wage scale, by Mary Van Kleeck. Scientific management applied to the steadying of employment, and its 5 3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS effect in an industrial establishment, by R. A. Feiss. A func- tionalized employment department as a factor in industrial efficiency, by E. M. Hopkins. The new profession of handling men, by M. Bloomfield. The labor turn-over and the humanizing of industry, by J. H. Willits. A national system of labor exchanges in its relarion to inductrial efficiency, by J. B . Andrews. Scientific management as a solution of the unemployment problem, by M. L. Cooke. Simplified cost accounting for manufacturers, by W. B. Palmer. Working conditions necessary for maximum output, by N. A. Brisco. The principles of industrial efficiency applied to the form of corporate organization, by H. S. Dennison. Greater agricultural efficiency for the Black belt of Alabama, by C. E. Allen. Development of standards in municipal govern- ment, by H. Bruere. What scientific management means to America's industrial position, by F. B. Gilbreth and Lillian M. Gilbreth. pt. iv. Industrial conservation through world peace: The basis of constructive internationalism, by W. G. S. Adams. How America may contribute to the permanent peace of the world, by G. W. Kirchwey. How can America best contribute to the maintenance of the world's peace? By G. L. Dickinson. America's possible contribution to a constructive peace, by M. Hillquit. How can America best contribute toward constructive and durable peace? By C. W. Eliot. Acquisitive statesmanship, by W. M. Shuster. War or scientific taxation, by C. H. Ingersoll. The constructive work of the American army, by L. Wood. Some problems of defense, by A. S. Hershey. Economic pressure as a means toward conserving peace, by H. S. Houston. An interna- tional court, an international sheriff and world peace, by T. Williams. World court and league of peace, by T. Marburg. H1.A4 no. 61 HC106.A586 3 a American academy of political and social science, Phila- delphia. A reconstruction labor policy. Philadelphia, 1919. 211 p. 25. (Its Annals, v. LXXXI, whole no. 170. Jan. 1919.) CONTENTS. Pt. I. Release of man power from post-war industry: British demobilization plans, by Robert C. Clothier; Release of industrial leaders from government service for industrial super- vision, by Mark M. Jones. Pt. II. Industrial placement: United States employment service and demobilization, by I. W. Litch- field; Lessons of the war in shifting labor, by John B. Densmore; The extension of selective tests to industry, by Beardsley Ruml; War's challenge to employment managers, by Joseph H. Willits; Housing and transportation problems in relation to labor place- ment, by John Ihlder; A national policy public works to sta- bilize employment, by Otto T. Mallery; Placing soldiers on farm colonies, by Elwood Mead; Immigration standards after the war, by Henry Pratt Fairchild. Pt. III. Standards for replaced labor: Seven points for a reconstruction labor policy, by V. Event Macy; Federal policies for women in industry, by Mary Van Kleeck; Can we eliminate labor unrest? by Robert W. Bruere; Post-war causes of labor unrest, by Malcolm Keir; The measurement of the cost of living and wages, by William F. Ogburn; Wages for women workers, by Mary Anderson; Health problems of Indus- ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 7 trial workers, by John A. Lapp; Training labor \ a necessary recon- struction policy, by C. T. Clayton; The employment manager and applied vocational guidance, by Ida May Wilson; Resolutions of the war emergency congress of the Chamber of commerce of the United States; Capital and labor, by Charles M. Schwab; Post- war standards for industrial relations, by Henry P. Kendall; Representation in industry, by John D. Rockefeller, jr.; Labor standards after the war, by Samuel Gompers; Resolutions on reconstruction of the British Labor party. H1.A4, vol. 81 HD8072.A48 4 American academy of political and social science, Phila- delphia. War adjustments in railroad regulation. Editor in charge of this volume: C. H. Crennan. Philadelphia, The American academy of political and social science, 1918. x, 333 p. 2J& cm . (Its Annals, vol. LXXVI [whole no. 165]) PARTIAL CONTENTS. pt. iv. Plans for adjustment after the war: Control of railroad after the war, by H. A. Palmer. Reconstitut- ing railroad regulation, by G. A. Post. A suggested plan for per- manent governmental supervision of railroad operation after the war, by A. W. Smith. The necessity for public ownership of the railways, by F. C. Howe. pt. v. Continuing problems of public policy: State regulation of the securities of railroads and public service companies, by Mary L. Barren. Desirable scope and method of federal regulation of railroad securities, by M. Thelen. The point now reached in the federal regulation of intrastate rates, by J. A. Little. Necessity for exclusive federal control over state and interstate rates, by E. J. Rich. How could nationalization of rate regulation best be accomplished? By M. S. Decker. Legal questions involved in nationalization of rate regulation, by W. E. Lamb. Regional railroad commissions: their relation to the state commissions and to the interstate commission, by J. E. Love. The tomorrow of finance, by S. N. Patten. pt. vi. Documents and statistics pertinent to current railroad problems. H1.A4 vol. 76 HE2757.1918.A6 5 American federation of labor. Committee on reconstruction. American labor's reconstruction program. Drafted by the committee on reconstruction. National civic federation review, Jan. 25, 1919, v. 4, no. 8: 12-14, 18. HD4802.N2,v.4 6 American industrial commission to France. Keport to the American manufacturers export association by the American industrial commission to France, September- October, 1916. [New York, Press of Redfteld-Kendrick-Odell co. inc. t e !917] 4 p. I, [13]-256 p. front., iUus. (incl port, group) fold, maps, fold, plans. 28 cm . Bibliography: p. [233)-238 HC276.A5 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 7 American manufacturers export association. Export prob- lems of the United States. Papers read before the ninth annual convention . . . and proceedings of the convention held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, New York City, Oct. 30 and 31, 191-8. New York, American manufacturers export association, 1918. 448 p. 23\ cm . HF3008.A6 8 Armbruster, L. Reparation des dommages cause's par la guerre; requisitions pensions valeurs mobilieres de*truites, con- statation et Evaluation des dommages materiels resultant de faits de guerre, restauration des maisons abris pro- visoires, reconstruction des cites. Paris [etc.] Berger-Levrault, 1916. xxxviii, 282 p. incl. tables. 19 cm . JK5326.A7 8a Association of national advertisers, New York. Recon- struction of foreign and domestic markets. Pt. I. Manu- facturing capacity and world trade. New York, Assoc. of National advertisers, 15 East 26th st., [Rand McNally & co.], 1918. 36, 1 p. To be issued in 6 parts covering the following subjects. Pt. 2 on the Merchant marine; pt. 3, Financial relations of the belligerents; pt.4, Industrial situation and conditions in typical industries; pt. 5, Changes in marketing outlets due to war conditions; pt. 6, Measures for maintaining and expanding foreign and domestic markets. 8b Atkisson, Horace, L. B. Readjustment; a cross-section of the best considered literature and discussions, prepared for the National association of manufacturers. New York city, Issued from the Secretary's office, [1919]. 92 p. 22%. HC57.A8 9 Austin, Oscar P. International trade after the war, an address before American association for the advancement of science, December 29, 1916. [New York, 1917} 13 p. 23. HF3030.A8 On cover: The National city bank of New York (seal) 10 Badley, John Haden. Education after the war. Oxford, B. H. BlackweU, 1917. ix, 125 p. 19\. 11 Balch, Emily Greene. Approaches to the great settlement, with a bibliography of some of the more recent books and articles dealing with international problems. Pub. for the American union against militarism. New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1918. 6 p. I, 351 p. front, (fold, map) plates, ports. 21. D613.B3 ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 9 12 Barclay, Sir Thomas. Arbitrage et relations international aprds la paix, tr. par Charles Furby. Paris, E. Flammarion, 1918. 2 p. I, 268 p. 19. JK1952.B3 13 Barker, J. Ellis. Economic statesmanship; the great indus- trial and financial problems arising from the war. London, J. Murray, 1918. ix, 408 p. 21^ cm . "A companion volume to "The great problems of British states- manship." Pref. "The bulk of the volume has previously appeared in the Nine- teenth century and after and the Fortnightly review." Pref. CONTENTS. Introduction. Coal, iron, and the domination of the world. Britain's true wealth and the relative unimportance of the war debt. The inefficiency of the British transport system and of British agriculture some lessons from America. The inefficiency of British industrial production the possibility of trebling output. Education and economic success. Labour and capital after the war. The problem of the tariff would a tariff harm Lancashire? The problem of the tariff the British and the American merchant marine. The economic position and future of France. The problem of Alsace-Lorraine. The economic position and future of Italy. Can Germany pay an indemnity? Her natural wealth. Can Germany pay an indemnity? Her production and trade. The future and the natural resources of the United States. Analytical index. HC56.B4 14 The great problems of British statesmanship. London, J. Murray, 1917. xi, 445 p. 21\ cm - Chapters n-xi reprinted from the Nineteenth century and after. CONTENTS. i. The peace congress and after. n. The problem of Constantinople. m. The problem of Asiatic Turkey. TV. The problem of Austria-Hungary. v. The problem of Poland. vi. The German emperor's position. vn. Britain's war finance and economic future. vm. Britain's coming industrial supremacy. ix. Democracy and the iron broom of war. x. How America became a nation in arms. xr. An Anglo-American reunion. Analytical index. D610.B3 15 Biard d'Aunet, Georges. La politique et les affaires. Paris, Payot & c ie , 1918. 3 p. I, [9}-250 p., 1 1. 19 cn . (His Apres la guerre. [//]) HC276.B5 16 Blackmail-Ross company. The effect of the war on business conditions, with particular reference to post-war pro- duction and markets. New York, Blackman-Ross company [ C 1918]- ittus., tables. 36. HC106.2.B6 17 Board, of trade journal, London. After-war trade. The departmental committees, i-xr. Board of trade journal, Jan. 8, 1918-Apr. 18, 1918. Contains other articles on reconstruction in Great Britain and other countries, including Germany. HF183.B8 106402 19 2 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 18 [Bray, Reginald Arthur] The problem of juvenile employment after the war. [London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling cfc son, ltd., printers, 1918] 11 p. 22. HD6250.Q7B73 19 British trade corporation. Copy of the petition of promoters, the deed of settlement, and the royal charter of incor- poration. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling and son, printers, 1917. 29 p. 83 m . ([Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers ly command} Cd. 8567) HF302.A19 20 Carter, Huntly, ed. Industrial reconstruction; a symposium on the situation after the war and how to meet it. London, T. F. Unwin, ltd. [1917] xv, 295 p. 19 m . Mainly reprinted from the New age, November, 1916-April, 1917. HC256.2.C3 CONTENTS. Preface. The state view: (a) National, by Sir John Cockburn; (b) Imperial, by P. H. Kerr; (c) International, by Sir Graham John Bower, R. W. Seton- Watson. The views of capital: (a) Engineering, by Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice, Sir Robert Hadfield; (b) Shipbuilding, by Sir Benjamin Browne, Sir Archibald Denny, W. L. Hichens, H. B. Rowell; (c) Mining, by Sir Hugh Bell; (d) Manufacture, by Edward Cadbury; (e) Trade, by Ernest J. P. Benn, Walter Hazell; (f) Transport, by F. Dudley Docker; (g) Federation, by R. T. Nugent; (h) Research, by John Hilton. Labour views: (a) Organised trade-unionists, syndicalists and guildsmen, by John F. Armour, George Barker, F. S. Button, W. N. Ewer, Charles Hobson, Thomas Johnson, T. E. Naylor; (b) Parliamentary representatives, by Jamea O'Grady, F. W. Jowett; (c) Educationalists, by H. Sanderson Furniss, J. Mac- Tavieh. Economic views: (a) Political: Free trade, by Harold Cox; (b) Industrial: (1) Group: National guildsmen, G. D. H. Cole; W. Mellor, Maurice B. Reckitt; (2) Individual, A. J. Carlyle, Hilaire Belloc, C. H. Grinling, E. Lipson, T. A. Smiddy; (c) Social, by M. D. Eder, J. St. George Heath, G. Bernard Shaw; (d) Financial, by Emil Davies, Raymond Radclyffe, John Zorn; (e) Statistical, by A. L. Bowley, F. W. Hirst; (f) Agricultural, by Stanley M. Bligh; (g) Geographical, by H. J. Fleure. General views: (a) Sociology, by Sir Edward Brabrook, Mrs. Victor V. Branford, Miss B. L. Hutchins, H. G. Wells; (b) Psychology, by Havelock Ellis, M. W. Robieson; (c) Logic, by W. Anderson; (d) Philosophy: (1) Aesthetic, by L. March Phillipps; (2) Moral, by Bernard Bosanquet; (e) Religion, by James Adderley, William Temple; (f) Art and craft, by C. R. Ashbee, T. Raffles Davison, A. J. Penty; (g) Law, by Sir Roland K. Wilson; (h) Politics: (1) Democratic, by G. K. Chesterton, Edward Carpenter; (2) Republican, by Arthur Lynch; (3) National (Ireland), by George Russell Appendices . ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 11 21 Chance, Sir William, bart. Industrial unrest; the reports of the commissioners (July 1917) collated and epitomised. London, Pub. for the British constitution association, by P. S. King and son, ltd., 1917. 39 p. 21\ cm . "The causes of 'industrial unrest' ... have been recently inquired into by special commissioners appointed by the present prime minister. For this purpose the country was divided into eight districts (Ireland ... being excluded): six English ... the other two being Scotland and Wales ... Each district had its own separate commissioners, who issued separate reports." HD8381.C3. 1917m 22 Chapman, Sydney John, ed. Labour and capital after the war, by various writers, with an introduction by the Right Hon. J. H. Whitley. London, J. Murray, 1918. x, 280 p. 19 cm . Appendix: First report of the Committee of the Ministry of recon- struction on relations between employers and employed [J. H. Whitley, chairman] HC256.2.C37 23 Clark, John Maurice, and others, eds. Readings in the economics of war. Chicago, IU., The University of Chicago press [1918] xxxi, 676 p. 23%. After-the-war problems: p. 617-668. HC56.C6 24 Cole, George Douglas Howard. Self-government in industry. London, G. B.ell and sons, ltd., 1917. x p., 1 1., 329 p. 19. Reprinted in part from the New age and other periodicals. CONTENTS. The control of industry during and after the war. The restoration of trade union conditions. The nature of the state. The case for national guilds. The re-organisation of trade unionism. The abolition of the wage-system. State ownership and control. Freedom in the guild. National guilds and the consumer. Appendixes: A. The genesis of syndicalism in France. B. Labour policy after the war. HD6664.C55 25 [Conference of working-class associations, Oxford, 1916] The reorganisation of industry. Papers by Professor A. C. Pigou, Arthur Greenwood, B. so., Sidney Webb, A. E. Zimmern, M. A. With criticisms by well-known trade-unionists and co-operators. 3d ed. Oxford, Ruskin college, 1916. 85 p. 21 cm . "The conference was convened by Ruskin college in the belief that the time had come for more definite thinking by the labour movement upon the problems which labour will have to face when peace comes. " Pref. note to first edition. HC256.2.C57 26 D'Acosta, Uriel. Peace problems in economics and finance. London, G. Routledge <& sons, ltd.; New York, E. P. Dutton and co., 1917. 3 p. I, 165 p. 18y m . HC256.2.D2 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 27 Dawson, William Harbutt, ed. After-war problems. New York, The MacmiUan company [1917] 366 p. diagrs. 22. CONTENTS. Introduction, by the editor. i. Empire and citizen- ship: Imperial federation, by the Earl of Cromer. The state and the citizen, by Bishop Welldon. The cultivation of patriotism, by the Earl of Meath. The alien question, by Sir H. H. Johns- ton. n. National efficiency: National education, by Viscount Haldane. Organization of the national resources, by Sir J. Comp- ton-Rickett. The state and industry, by W. Garnett. The state and labour, by S. J. Chapman. The relations between capital and labour: 1. The standpoint of labour, by G. H. Roberta. 2. The standpoint of capital, by Sir B. C. Browne. The land question, by W. Joynson-Hicks. The position of women in economic life, by Mrs. Fawcett. in. Social reform: The rehabilitation of rural life, by the Bishop of Exeter (Lord W. Gascoyne-Cecil) Housing after the war, by H. R. Aldridge. National health, by J. Kerr. The care of child life, by Margaret McMillan. Unsolved problems of the English poor law [by] Sir W. Chance, bart. iv. National finance and taxation: National taxation after the war, by A. Marshall. National thrift, by A. Sherwell. HC256.2.D32 28 Dean, Arthur Davis. Our schools in war time and after. Boston, New York [etc.} Ginn and company [ C 1918] v p., 1 1., 335 p. plates. 19$ cm . D639.E2D4 29 Demos, pseud. The meaning of reconstruction. [London] G. Allen and Unwin limited [1918] 2 p. I., Hi, 75 p. 22 cm . "These essays are reprinted from the Athenaeum." CONTENTS. The meaning of reconstruction.-' The purpose of recon- struction. The conflict of ideals. The scope of reconstruction. The international future. Empire or commonwealth? Educa- tion and the social ideal. A new industrial order. D659.G7D3 30 Dibblee, George Binney. Germany's economic position, and England's commercial and industrial policy after the war. London, Pub. for the Central committee for national patriotic organisations, by W. Heinemann [1916] 108 p. 18$. HC256.2.D5 31 Economic conference of the allies, Paris, 1916. Recom- mendations of the Economic conference of the allies, held at Paris on June 14, 15, 16, & 17, 1916. London, H. M. Stationery off., Harrison and sons, printers, 1916. 8 p. 33 cm . ([Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8271} French and English. Issued by the Board of trade, Gt. Brit. D635.E IS ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 13 32 The elements of reconstruction; a series of articles contributed in July and August 1916 to the Times, with an intro- duction by Viscount Milner. 2d impression. London, Nislet & co. ltd. [1916] 119, [1] p. 17% cm . CONTENTS. Introduction. Science in education and industry. Scientific agriculture and the nation's food. The long view and labour. Problems of political adaptation. An imperial con- stitution. Higher education in the empire. DA577.E4 33 Prance. Report of a Commission on the reconstruction of the " dSpartements " of France. Annexe no. 4285. France, dianribre des deputes. Documents parlementaires, 1918, p. 817-840. 34 Ministere du commerce, de I' Industrie, ... [Report on tariff reform after the war]. June 8, 1918. Journal officiel de la Republigue francaise, June 10, 1918, p. 5009-5013. 35 Friedman, Elisha Michael, ed. American problems of recon- struction; a national symposium on the economic and financial aspects. New York, E. P. Dutton & company, 1918. xxvi, 471 p. pi., fold. map. 21 cm . CONTENTS. Foreword, by Franklin K. Lane. pt. i. A perspective of the problem: i. The problem of reconstruction in the United States, by Elisha M. Friedman, n. Principles of reconstruction in Europe, by Elisha M. Friedman, in. Economic problems during the war and afterwards, by Alexander D. Noyes. rv. The American of to-morrow, by George W. Perkins, pt. n. Efficiency in production: v. Our mineral reserves, by George Otis Smith, vi. Technical research: (a) General aspects, by Willis R. Whit- ney; (b) Engineering and allied subjects, by A. A. Potter; (c) Chemical industries, by Allen Rogers, vn. Scientific manage- ment, by Frank B. Gilbreth and Lillian Holier Gilbreth. vni. Readjustment of industries: (a) Steel, by Charles M. Schwab; (b) Chemicals, by Bernhard C. Hesse, ix. Capital, labor, and the state, by Louis B. Wehle. x. Concentration and control in industry and trade, by William B. Colver. pt. in. Adjustments in trade and finance: xi. The railroad problem, by Ray Morris, xn. The distribution of agricultural products and the function of produce exchanges, by Charles J. Brand, xni. The shipping problem, by Emory R. Johnson, xiv. The free port as an instru- ment of world trade, by Edwin J. Clapp. xv. International commerce, by O. P. Austin, xvi. Government aids to trade, by Chauncey Depew Snow. xvii. Financing our foreign trade, by Henry E. Cooper, xvin. Stabilizing foreign exchange, by Robert L. Owen. xix. Foreign investments, by Francis H. Sisson. pt. iv. Programs, monetary and fiscal: xx. Stabilizing the dollar in purchasing power, by Irving Fisher, xxi. The war and interest rates, by E. W. Kemmerer. xxn. National thrift, by Frank A. Vanderlip. xxm. Fiscal reconstruction, by Edwin R. A. Seligman. xxiv. Can Democrary be efficient? The mechanics of administration, by Frederick A. Cleveland. HC106.2.F7 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 36 Gardner, Lucy, ed. The hope for society; essays on "social reconstruction after the war," by various writers. London, G. BeU and sons, ltd., 1917. 236 p. 19. CONTENTS. The hope for society, by the Bishop of Oxford. Industrial and financial position after the war, by J. A. Hobson. Austerity, art and joy, by A. Glutton Brock. Trade union regulations: employer's view, by Sir H. Bell. Trade union regulations: the trade union view, by A. J. Carlyle. The new social conscience as to use of income, by J. St. G. Heath. The position of women in industry, by Margaret Bondfield. The new outlook of the woman's movement, by Mrs. Pethick Lawrence. The development of the agricultural side of English life, by C. Turner. The land question after the war, by C. B. Buxton. The meaning and purpose of the British commonwealth, by P. Kerr. Social relations of men after the war, by E. Barker. HN389.G18 37 Garton foundation, London. Memorandum on the industrial situation after the war, the Garton foundation ; privately circulated among employers, representatives of labour, and public men of all parties, May-September, 1916. Now pub. as revised in the light of criticisms and sugges- tions received, October, 1916. London, Harrison & sons [1916] 96 p. %5\ cm . D635.G25 38 Gt. Brit. Board of education. Committee on juvenile education in relation to employment after the war. Interim report of the departmental committee on juvenile education in relation to employment after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1916. 4 p. 33\ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8374) J. Herbert Lewis, chairman. LC5256.G7A5 1916 39 Final report, v. I. Report, v. n. Sum- maries of evidence and appendices. London, H. M. Stationery off., T. Fisher TJnwin, 1917. 2 v. 33} cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8512, 8577.) LC5256.G7A5 1917 40 Committee on scales of salary for teachers in ele- mentary schools. Report of the departmental committee for enquiring into the principles which should determine the construction of scales of salary for teachers in ele- mentary schools. Vol. I. London, H. M. Stationery off., [Darling and son] 1918. 63 p. 33\ cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8939.) LB2844.G6A2 1918 ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 15 41 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Memorandum by the Board of trade and the Foreign office with respect to the future organi- sation of commercial intelligence. London, H. M. Stationery off., Harrison and sons, 1917. 33 p. 83 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command} Cd. 8715.) HF73.G7A4 1917 42 Memorandum with respect to the reorganisa- tion of the Board of trade. London, H. M. Stationery off., [Darling and son], 1918. 7 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8912.} HF73.G7A4 1918 43 State assistance to the dye industry. Memo- randum by the Board of trade on the scheme for the allocation and administration of the funds provided by Parliament for the development of the dye industry by means of financial assistance to companies and firms in aid of developments, extensions, and research. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling & son, 1918. 12 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9194-) 44 Summary of information received by the Board of trade from advisory committees for juvenile employ- ment for the use of the departmental committee on juvenile education in relation to employment after the war. [London, 1916.] 13 p. 33% cm . HD6250.G67 1916 45 Commercial intelligence committee. British trade after the war. Report of a sub-committee of the Ad- visory committee to the Board of trade on commercial intelligence with respect to measures for securing the position, after the war, of certain branches of British industry. London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1916. 1 p.l., 18 p. 33$ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8181} HF3506.2.A5 1916 46 British trade after the war (2). Sum- maries of the evidence taken by a sub-committee of the Advisory committee to the Board of trade on commercial intelligence, in the course of their enquiry with respect to measures for securing the position, after the war, of certain branches of British industry. London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1916. 38 p. 33%. ^Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8275) HF3506.2.A5 1916b 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 47 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Commercial intelligence committee. Report to the Board of trade by the advisory committee on commercial intelligence, with reference to their pro- ceedings. < October, 1913, to October, 1917>; with appendices. London, H. M. Stationery off. , [Eyre and Spottiswoode], 1917 15 p. 33% cm . ([Parliament. Papers ~by command.} Cd. 8815) HF183.A5 1917 48 Committee on coal trade. Report of the depart- mental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the coal trade after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. S3 p. (Parliament, Papers ly command. Cd. 9093.) 49 Committee on engineering trades after tJie war Report of the departmental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the engi- neering trades after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 54 p. incl. tables. 33% cm . ([Parliament. Papers by com' mand] Cd. 9073) Sir Clarendon Golding Hyde, chairman. HD9731.6.A4 50 Committee on financial facilities for trade. Finan- cial facilities for trade. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off., Hayman, Christy, and Lilly, limited, 1916. 8 p. 33% cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8346) HF3506.2.A5 I9l6d Lord Faringdon, chairman. On the best means of meeting the needs of British firms after the war as regards financial facilities for trade. 51 Committee on shipping and shipbuilding. Re- ports of the Departmental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the shipping & shipbuilding industries after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 156 p. incl. tables. 33% cm . ({Parliament. Papers by com- mand} Cd. 9092) Sir Alfred A. Booth, chairman. HE823.A2 1918 Also issued without command number. 284 p. 24cm. 52 Committee on textile trades. Report of the depart- mental committee appointed by the Board of trade to con- sider the position of the textile trades after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 130 p. incl. tables. 33\ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by com- mand] Cd. 9070) Sir Henry Birchenough, chairman. HD9861.6.A5 1918 ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION" 17 53 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Company law amendment committee. Report. London, II. M. Stationery off., Darling and son, 1918. 14 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9138.} 54 Electric power supply committee. Report of the Committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the question of electric power supply. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 17 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9062.) 55 Electrical trades committee. Report of the depart- mental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the electrical trades after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling and son, 1918. 14 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9072.) 56 Iron and steel trades committee. Report of the departmental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the iron and steel trades after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 50 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 3S\ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 9071) G. Scoby-Smith, chairman. HD9521.6.A5 1918 57 Pre-war contract committee. Pre-war contracts. Report of the committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of British manufacturers and merchants in respect of pre-war contracts. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling and son, 1918. 8 p. 83 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8975) Lord Buckmaster, chairman. JX5271.C5G7 58 Commission of enquiry into industrial unrest. Industrial unrest in Great Britain. Reprints of the 1. Reports of the Commission of inquiry into industrial unrest; 2 Interim report of the Reconstruction committee, on joint standing industrial councils. October, 1917. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1917. 240 p. incl. tables. 23\ cm . (Bulletin of the United States Bureau of labor statistics, no. 237) Issued also as House doc. 594, U. S., 65th Cong., 2d sess. HD8051.A62,no.237 59 Report[s] London, H. M. Stationery off., 1917. 8 v. 33$ cm . ([Par- liament. Papers by command] Cd. 8662 [-8669]) The reports of the eight divisions composing the commission. 106402 14 3 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CONTENTS. 1. Report of the commissioners for the north-eastern area. 2. Report of the commissioners for the north-western area, including a supplemental report on the Barrow-in-Furness dis- trict. 3. Report of the commissioners for the Yorkshire and east midlands area. 4. Report of the commissioners for the west midlands area. 5. Report of the commissioners for the London and south-eastern area. 6. Report of the commissioners for the south-western area. 7. Report of the commissioners for Wales, including Monmouthshire. 8. Report of the commis- sioners for Scotland. HD8381.C3 1017 60 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Commission of enquiry into industrial unrest. Summary of the reports of the commission by the Right Honourable G. N. Barnes, M. P. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1917. 8 p. 83$. ([Par- liament. Papers by command] Cd. 8696} HD8381.C3 1017a 61 Committee on commercial and industrial policy. Im- perial preference. Copy of resolutions passed by the Committee on commercial and industrial policy, on the subject of imperial preference, together with copy of covering letter to the prune minister. London, H.. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode] 1917. 4 p. 33 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8482) Balfour of Burleigh, chairman. HF1534 1917 62 - Interim report on certain essential industries. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode] 1918. 16 p. 33 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 9032) Lord Balfour of Burleigh, chairman. Appendix: Memorandum on the supply of essential drugs, fur- nished by the National health insurance commission. HC256.2.A5 1917c 63 - Interim report on the importation of goods from the present enemy countries after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 4 P> 34 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 9033) Balfour of Burleigh, chairman. HC256.2.A5 1918b 64 Interim report on the treatment of exports from the United Kingdom and British overseas possessions and the conservation of the resources of the empire during the transitional period after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode] 1918. 14 p. ind. tables. 33$ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by com- mand] Cd. 9034) Lord Balfour of Burleigh, chairman. HC256.2.A5 1916d ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 19 65 Gt. Brit. Committee on commercial and industrial policy. Final report of the Committee on commercial and industrial policy after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 81 p. 33^ cm . ([Parliament. Papers ~by command] Cd. 9035} Lord Balfour of Burleigh, chairman. HC256.2. A5 1917f 66 Committee on currency and foreign exchanges. First interim report of the Committee on currency and foreign exchanges after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling <& son, 1918. 12 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9182.) 67 Committee on modern languages in the educational system of Great Britain. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. viii, 82 p. (Parlia- ment. Papers by command. Cd. 9036) PB38.G5A4 1018 68 Committee on natural science in the educational system of Great Britain. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 86 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9011) Q181.G69 69 Dominions royal commission. Final report. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling < son, ltd. [printers] 1918. xv, 498 p., 1 I, fold. map. 19 cm . Lord D'Abernon, chairman. Issued also in 1917 in the series of Papers by command, Cd. 8462, in an edition of ix, 199 pages. "A complete list of the documents relating to the work of the Domin- ions royal commission which have been presented to Parlia- ment' ': 1 leaf (at end) HC245.A6a 70 Financial facilities committee. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 10 p. 33% cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd.9227) 71 - Imperial war conference, 1918. Extracts from minutes of proceedings and papers laid before the conference. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 252 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9177) 72 - Local government board. Committee on Building bye- laws. Report of the departmental committee on build- ing byelaws. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and S pottiswoode] 1918. 52 p. 33% cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9213) 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 73 Gt. Brit. Ministry of labour. Industrial councils. TheWhitley report, together with the letter of the Minister of labour explaining the government's view of its proposals. London, H. M. Stationery off., by Darling <& son [1917] 19 p. Industrial reports, no. 1) HD8381.A3,no.l 74 Works committee. Report of an enquiry made by the Ministry of labour. London, H. M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, 1918. 146 p. (Industrial reports, no. 2} Whitley report Suppl. report on Works committee, p. 137-140. HD8381.A3,no.2 75 Ministry of munitions. Report of the Controller of the Department for the development of mineral resources in the United Kingdom. London, H. M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, 1918. 62 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9184'} 76 Committee on sulpTiuric acid and fertiliser trades Report of a departmental committee on the post-war posi- tion of the sulphuric acid and fertiliser trades. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 14 p. incl. tables. 38% cm . ([Parliament. Papers by com- mand] Cd. 8994) Edward Shortt, chairman. HD9660.S8G7 76a - - Report ... (Complete edition hi substi- tution of [Cd. 8994.]) London, H. M. Stationery off., [Darling and son], 1919. 15 p. 33$ cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cmd. 23.} 77 - Ministry of reconstruction. Industrial councils and trade boards. Memorandum by the minister of reconstruction and the minister of labour. [London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918} 4 p. 33 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 9085} HD5545.A5 1918d 78 A list of commissions and committees set up to deal with questions which will arise at the close of the war. London, II. M. Stationery off., 1918. 34 p. 33 cm . ([Par- liament. Papers by command] Cd. 8916} D505.G83 ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 21 78a Gt. Brit. Ministry of reconstruction. Memorandum on the Ministries of health bill, 1918. London, H. M. Stationery off., [Darling and son] 1918. 4 P> 83% cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9211.) 79 Reconstruction problems. [London] 1918-1919. 13 pamps. 22 cm . HC256.2.A3 CONTENTS: 1. The aims of reconstruction. 18 p. 2. Housing in England and Wales. 24 p. 3. The demobilisation and resettlement of the army. 20 p. 4. Housing in Scotland. 23 p. 5. New fields for British engineering. 16 p. 6. Raw materials and employment. 20 p. 7. Guide to work and benefits for soldiers and civil war workers. 8. Re-settlement of civil war workers. 16 p. 9. Naval demobilisation. 16 p. 10. Labour conditions and adult education. 19 p. 11. Commercial forestry. 16 p. 12. The re-settlement of officers. I. Army and R. A. F. 28 p. 13. Rural industries. 16 p. 79a - Report on the work of the Ministry for the period ending 31st December, 1918. London, H. M. Stationery off., [Darling and son], 1919. 4@ P* 33% cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9231.) App. I. Committees appointed: p. 32-40; App. II. The Advisory council: p. 41-44; App. III. List of parliamentary papers, pam- phlets, and other documents issued by the Ministry of Recon- struction: p. 45-46. 80 - Reports of the Committee appointed by the Attorney-General to consider the legal interpretation of the term "period of the war." London, Pub. by H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 50 p. (Papers by command. Cd. 9100.) D501.G7 1918 81 - Statement with regard to Advisory bodies (other than reporting committees) appointed by the Minister of reconstruction. London, II. M. Stationery off. [Eyre & Spottiswoode], 1918. 10 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9195.} 82 Acquisition of powers subcommittee. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918. 10 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8982.) JS3131.A5 1918 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 83 Qt. Brit. Ministry of reconstruction. Adult education committee. Interim report . . . Industrial and social conditions in relation to adult education. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode,] 1918. 32 p. incl. tables. 33\ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 9107} Arthur L. Smith, chairman. IX35256.G7A5 1918 84 - Second interim report ... Educa- tion in the army. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son], 1918. 10 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9225.) 85 Advisory council. Report upon the standardiza- ' tion of railway equipment. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling & son, 1918. 4 P' (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9193.) 86 - Women's housing sub-committee. First interim report. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling and son, 1918. 7 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9166.) HD7333.A3A5 1918b 87 Advisory housing panel. Housing in England and Wales. Memorandum by the Advisory housing panel on the emergency problem. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 15 p. 38$ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 9087) Salisbury, chairman. HD7333.A3A5 1918 88 Building materials supply committee. Report . . . the position of the building industry after the war. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 18 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9197.) 89 Civil war workers' committee. First (interim) report. London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918. 11 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9117.) On demobilization of all classes of civil war workers. 90 2d, 3rd, 4th, and 5th interim reports. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling cfc son, 1918. 27 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9192.) 90a Final report. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 8 p. 33%. (Par- liament. Papers by command. Cd. 9228.) ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION" 23 91 Gt. Brit. Ministry of reconstruction. Committee on financial risks attaching to the holding of trading stocks. [Report.] London, H. M. Stationery off., [Darling and son], 1918. 10 p. 33\ cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9224) 92 Committee on relations between employers and employed. Report of joint standing industrial councils. London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918. 2 v. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8606, 9002} J. H. Whitley, chairman. HD5545.A5 1917 HD5545.A62 93 Supplementary report on Works com- mittees. London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918. 4 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9001.} J. H. Whitley, chairman. HD5545.A5 1918b 94 Report on conciliation and arbitration. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918. 5 p. 33$ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 9081} J. H. Whitley, chairman. HD5545.A5 1918c 95 Report on conciliation and arbitration. (In substitution of Cd. 9081) London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918. 5 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9099.} 96 Final report. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 4 P> (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9153.} 97 Committee on the acquisition and valuation of land for public purposes. First report of the committee dealing with the law and practice relating to the acquisi- tion and valuation of land for public purposes. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918] 57 p. 83 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8998} Leslie Scott, chairman. HD1265.G7A3 1918 On the acquisition of land in England and Wales. 98 Second report. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son], 1918. 40 p. 33. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd.9229.} On the acquisition of land in England, Scotland and Wales. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 99 Gt. Brit. Ministry of reconstruction. Committee on the chemical trade. Report of committee appointed to advise as to the procedure which should be adopted for dealing with the chemical trade. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son,] 1917. 4 P- S3\ cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8882) Sir Keith W. Price, chairman. HD9652.6.A5 1917 99a Engineering trades (new industries) committee. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off., [Darling and son] 1918. 39 p. 33*. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9226.) 100 Housing (financial assistance) committee. Interim report on public utility societies. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 16 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9223.) 101 Local government committee. Report on trans- fer of functions of poor law authorities in England and Wales. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode,] 1918. 26 p. 33 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 8917) HV241.A42 1918 102 Machinery of government committee. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off., [The Avenue press], 1918.] 80 p. 24% cm . (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd.9230.) Viscount Haldane, chairman. JN309.A4 104 Reconstruction committee. Agricultural policy sub-committee. Part I of the report ... to consider and report upon the methods of effecting an increase in the home-grown food supplies, having regard to the need of such increase in the interest of national security. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1917. 32 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8506.) HD9011.6.A4 1917a 105 Report ... together with reports of Sir Matthew G. Wallace. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling <& sons, 1918. 136 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9079.) 106 Summaries of evidence ... to consider and report upon the methods of effecting an increase in the home-grown food supplies, having regard to the need of such increase in the interests of national security. London, Pub. by H. M. Stationery off., 1918. w, 129 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9080.) HD9011.6.A4 1918 ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 25 107 Gt. Brit. Ministry of reconstruction. Reconstruction committee. Coal conservation committee. Interim report on electric power supply in Great Britain. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son,] 1917. 1 p. I., 28 p. 33y m . ([Parliament. Papers ly command} Cd. 8880} Viscount Haldane, chairman. TK57.A5 1917b 108 - Final report. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling and son, 1918. 89 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9084.) 109 Forestry sub-committee. Final report. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode, ltd., printers] 1918. 105 p. diagr. 83 cm . ([Parliament. Papers by command} Cd. 8881) F. D. Acland, chairman. SD45.A5 1918 110 Women's advisory committee. Interim report of the sub-committee on the co-ordination of the voca- tional training of women. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 8 p. 33% cm . Ill Women's employment committee. Memorandum on subsidiary health and kindred services for women. Prepared by Miss A. M. Anderson ... at the request and for the consideration of the Women's employment committee. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 24 p. 33 m . "Appendix: Information in regard to the chief departments, authori- ties, societies, and institutes from whom detailed information as to training and existing openings may be obtained." p. 23-24. HD6135.A5 1918 112 Parliament. House of commons. Select committee on emergency legislation. First report. 5th Aug. 1918. London, Pub. by H. M. Stationery office, 1918. Hi p. (House of Commons. Reports and papers, 108) 113 Select committee on transport. First and second reports . . . together with the proceedings of the Committee and minutes of evidence. Ordered, by the House of commons, to be printed, 6th November and 14th November, 1918. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Wyman and sons] 1918. xxxviii, 179 p. 33\ cm . (House of commons. Reports and papers. 130, 136) 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 114 Qt. Brit. Treasury. Government appointments. Return of the various new departments or new sub-departments of permanent offices that have been created since the out- break of the war and are now in existence, with the date on which they were created, and a statement of the names, rank, and remuneration, if any, received from public funds by the heads and principal officers of each such department. Oct. 23, 1918. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Jos. Truscott and son] 1918. 44 P- (House of lords. Reports and papers, 114-} 115 - - Committee on staff's. Interim report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the organisation and staffing of government offices. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 8 p. 33%. ([Parliament. Papers by command] Cd. 907 Jf) John Bradbury, chairman. JN451.A5 1918 116 -- - Second interim report. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 2 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9219.} 117 - - Gold production committee. Gold production of the British empire. Report. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son] 1918. 12 p. 118 - War cabinet. Report for the year 1917. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Darling and son], 1918. 236 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9005.) The Ministry of reconstruction: p. 199-210. D505.G65 118a - War office. General staff. Reconstruction supple- ment to the Review of the foreign press. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1917-1919. Issued fortnightly. 119 - Working classes cost of living committee, 1918. Report. . . . upon (i) the actual increase since June, 1914, in the Cost of Living to the working classes and (ii) any coun- terbalancing factors (apart from increases of wages) which may have arisen under war conditions. London [The Avenue press], 1918. 28 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8980.} 120 Guaranty trust company of New York. Taking stock of the future; outlines of the plans of various foreign coun- tries for commercial reconstruction. New York, Guaranty Trust company, [1918] 162 p. ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 27 121 La guerre et la vie de demain; conferences de 1'Alliance d'hygiene sociale, 1914-1916. Paris, F. Alcan, 1916-1917. 2 v. 19 cm . (Biblioiheque d'Jiistoire contemporaine) CONTENTS. I. Enfance et jeunesse; II. Lea risques imme*diat8 de la guerre et leur reparation. DC387.G8 122 Quillet, Le"on. L'enseignement technique supe"rieur a 1'apres- guerre. Preface de M. Henry Le Chatelier. Pans, Payot et cie, 1918. 3 p. I, [9]-294 p. 18$. (Biblioiheque politique & economigue) T121.G8 123 Hall, Alfred Daniel. Agriculture after the war. London, J. Murray, 1916. vii, 137, [1] p. incl. tables, diagrs. 19 cm . HD1927 1916 124 Hobson, John Atkinson. Democracy after the war. [2d ed.] London, G. Allen & Unwin, ltd.; New York, The Mac- mittan company [1918]. 215 p. 19 cm . CONTENTS. Preface. i. The enemies of democracy: Militarism and the will to power. Militarism and capitalism. The defense of improperty. Protectionism and imperialism. Political and intellectual reactionists. Spiritual and social reactionists. n. The defense of democracy: How to break the vicious circle. The new economic situation. Two problems for labour. The conquest of the state. The close state versus internationalism. Index. HC56.H6 1918 125 Hopkins, Sir Alfred. Rebuilding Britain : a survey of problems of reconstruction after the world war. London, CasseU, 1918. 192 p. 126 India. East India (Constitutional reforms). Addresses pre- sented in India to His excellency the Viceroy and the Right honourable the Secretary of state for India. London, H. M. Stationery off. [Eyre and Spottiswoode], 1918. 113 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 9178.) 127 International economic relations. Athenaeum, 1917-1918. AP4.A8,no.4622-29 No. I. The old economic internationalism. Oct. 1917, no. 4622, p. 488. No. II. Economic nationalism. Nov. 1917, no. 4623, p. 560-562. No. III. Economic militarism. Dec. 1917, no. 4624, p. 642-645. No. IV. A European retrospect. Jan. 1918, no. 4625, p. 13-17. No. V. A colonial retrospect. Feb. 1918, no. 4626, p. 74-77. No. VI. Economic policy and democratic control. Mar. 1918, no. 4627, p. 135-138. No. VII. Federalism and economic policy. May, 1918, no. 4629, p. 220-223. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 128 [Joint committee on labour problems after the war] A million new houses after the war. A statement on the housing problem as affected by the war, and some sug- gestions. London [etc.] Co-operative printing society limited, 1917. 8 p. 24. HD7333.A3J6 HD8390.J75,no.3 129 The problem of demobilisation. A statement and some suggestions, including proposals for the reform of employ- ment exchanges. London [etc.] Co-operative printing society limited, 1916. 8 p. 2Jtf m . HD8390.J78 HD8390.J75,no.2 130 The problem of unemployment after the war. Memo- randa on the prevention of unemployment and the necessity for the revision of the Unemployment insurance acts. London [etc.] Co-operative printing society limited, 1917. 7, [1] p. 24 m . HD5767.J6 HD8390.J75,no.4 131 The restoration of trade union customs after the war. A statement and analysis of government guarantees. London [etc.] Co-operative printing society limited, 1917. 14 p., 1 I. 24. HD6666.J6 HD8390.J75,no 5 132 King, William Lyon Mackenzie. Industry and humanity; a study in the principles underlying industrial recon- struction. Boston and New York, Iloughton Mifflin company, 1918. xx p., 1 1., 567, [1] p. fold, charts, diagrs. 21% cm . HD2321.K5 133 Kirkaldy, Adam Willis, ed. Credit, industry, and the war; being reports and other matter presented to the Section of economic science and statistics of the British associa- tion for the advancement of science. Manchester, 1915. London, New York [etc.] Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd. [1915] ix, 268 p. 22. D635.K5 134 Industry and finance; war expedients and reconstruc- tion, being the results of enquiries arranged by the Sec- tion of economic science and statistics of the British asso- ciation, during the years 1916 and 1917. ECONOMIC KECONSTKUCTION 29 London, New York [etc.] Sir 1. Pitman & sons, ltd. [19171] viii, 371 p. fold. tab. 21%. CONTENTS. Preface. A survey and a warning, by Sir H. Bell, bart. The replacement of men by women in industry during the war. Women workers in agriculture, by Miss E. N. Thomas. Workshop committees: suggested lines of development, by C. G. Renold. The effects of the war on credit, currency, and finance. Transportation: the new sub-section of the Section of economic science and statistics, by A. W. Kirkaldy. HC256.2.K5 135 Kirkaldy, Adam Willis, ed. Labour, finance, and the war; being the results of inquiries, arranged by the Section of eco- nomic science and statistics of the British association for the advancement of science, during the years 1915 and 1916. London, New York [etc.] Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd. [1916] mi, 344 p. diagrs. 21 cm . CONTENTS. Preface. Some thoughts on reconstruction after the war, by A. W. Kirkaldy. Industrial unrest. The replacement of men by women in industry. The effects of the war on credit, currency, and finance. Land settlement, by C. Tumor. D635.K53 136 Labor party (Gt. Brit.} Executive committee. Labour and the new social order; a report on reconstruction. London, The Labour party [1918] 22 p. 24 cm . "Draft report on the general policy of the party on 'reconstruc- tion' ... prepared by a sub-committee of the Executive for the consideration of the party." HC256.2.L3 137 Towards a new world; being the reconstruction programme of the British Labor party; together with an introductory article by Mr. Arthur Henderson, the leader of the party, and a manifesto to the labor movement from the English fellowship of reconciliation. Wyoming, N. Y., W. R. Browne [1918] 40 p. 19. Published also under title ' ' Labour and the new social order; a report on reconstruction," and was reprinted under that title in the New republic for February 16, 1918 (vol. xiv, no. 172, pt. 2) HC256.2.L35 137a Labour co-partnership association, London. Co-partner- ship after the war. A memorandum submitted Feb., 1917, to the Reconstruction committee appointed by H. M. government. [LetcJiwortJi, Eng., Garden city press, 1917] 16 p. 28%. 138 Lebon, Andre. Problemes e'conomiques ne"s de la guerre. Pans, Payot & de], 1918. 2 p. 1., [7]-274 p. 18\. (Bibliotheque politique et economique) HC106.L5 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 139 Marcosson, Isaac Frederick. The war after the war. New York, John Lane company; London, John Lane; [etc., etc.] 1917. 272 p. front, (port.} 19%. CONTENTS. The coining war. England awake. American business in France. The new France. Saving for victory. The price of glory. The man Lloyd George. From pedlar to premier [William Morris Hughes] D635.N25 139a Marriott, J. A. R. The European commonwealth; problems historical and diplomatic. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1918. 370 p. 23%. D363.M3 140 Memorandum on the industrial situation after the war. Philadelphia, Pa., United States Shipping board emergency fleet corporation [1918 ?] 76 p. 23. HC256.2.M3 141 National foreign trade council. European economic al- liances; a compilation of information on international commercial policies after the European war and their effect upon the foreign trade of the United States, also an analysis of European and united commercial inter- dependence and treaty relations. New York city, 1916. 118 p. fold, tables. 23. Robert H. Patchin, secretary. D635.N3 142 National institute of social sciences. Reconstruction after the war. Boston, Boston look co., 1918. 242 p. $8$. (Journal of the National institute of social sciences, Apr. 1, 1918, *.*.) HC56.N3 Hll.N43,v.4 CONTENTS. On the general principles of a policy of reconstruc- tion, Thorstein Veblen; The world's court league, Samuel T. Button; The league to enforce peace, Theodore Marburg; The vision of a commonwealth, David Jayne Hill; Financial recon- struction after the war, George E. Roberts; An American clearing house as an aid to self-restoration in war stricken countries, Grosvenor Atterbury ; Labor laws in the crucible, John B. Andrews; Problems of immigration and the foreign born after the war, Henry P. Fairchild; Notes on the I. W. W. in Arizona and the North- west, Robert W. Bruere; Recommendations for the United States army for the treatment of war neuroses, Thomas W. Salmon; Mental hygiene and the great war, George A. Hastings; Educa- tional preparedness for after the war, A. Caswell Ellis; After-the- war food problems, Charles L. Pack; The free traders of America, their ideals, their policy, and their immediate aims, George Haven Putnam; The military, industrial, and public health features of narcotic addiction, Charles F. Stokes; Report of the Committee on agriculture, by Virginia C. Gildersleeve. ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 31 143 National union of women's suffrage societies. Women and reconstruction; some considerations relating to the position of women after war. Westminster, The National union of women's suffrage socie- ties [1917] 28 p. incl tables. 33<. JN981.1917.N3 144 Oualid, William. The special problems of reconstruction hi France. Athenaeum, Oct. 1918, no. 4634: 420-424. AP4.A8,no.4634 145 Peddie, John Taylor. A national system of economics, with a consideration of the Paris economic resolutions and of their influence on nationality. London, University of London press, ltd., 1917. xxiv, 299 p. incl. chart. 19 cm . HF1534 1917e 146 - On the relation of imports to exports; a study of the basis of a new national and imperial policy. [2d ed (em.)] London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1916. xxiv, 148 p. 19\ cm . CONTENTS. On the relation of imports to exports. Foreign exchange, the bill of exchange. National economics or empiricism? HC256.2.P45 147 - Economic reconstruction; a further development of "A national system of economics." London, New York, Longmans, Green and co., 1918. 242 p. HC256.3.P4 148 Problems of readjustment after the war. New York [etc.] D. Appleton and company, 1915. vi, 185[1] p. 19% cm . CONTENTS. The war and democracy, by A. B. Hart. An economic interpretation of the war, by E. R. A. Seligman. The crisis in social evolution, by F. H. Giddings. The relation of the indi- vidual to the state, by W. W. Willoughby. The war and inter- national law, by G. G. Wilson. The war and international com- merce and finance, by E. R. Johnson. The conduct of military and naval warfare, by C. F. Goodrich. D523.P7 149 Problems of reconstruction; lectures and addresses delivered at the summer meeting at the Hampstead garden suburb, August, 1917. London, T. F. Unwin, ltd. [1918] vi, [7]-315 p. 20. CONTENTS. Introduction, by the Marquess of Crewe. i. First prin- ciples of reconstruction. n. Reconstruction in education. in. Social and industrial reconstruction. rv. Arts and crafts in rela- tion to reconstruction. D659.G7P8 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 150 Reid, Leonard John. The great alternative: saner politics or revolution. London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1918. 3 p. 1., 5-186 p. 19%. CONTENTS. Introductory. A new liberalism or chaos. The premises of ordered progress. Towards the better distribution of wealth. Individual liberty and the relations of the state to industry. Industrial self-government. Profit sharing and increas- ing production. Cleaner politics and an independent press. Land and housing. Trade policy. Education and health. Lux e tenebris. Appendix: Whitley report. HC256.2.R35 151 La reorganisation de la France; conferences faites a 1'Ecole des hautes Etudes sociales (novembre 1915 & Janvier 1916) par MM. Ch. Seignobos ... Ch. Chaumet [etc.] Pans, F. Alcan, 1917. 2 p. I., 275, [1] p. 18%. (Bib- lioiheque generate des sciences sociales ... [2 ser., 2]) CONTENTS. i-n. La politique inte"rieure; La politique exterieure, par Ch. Seignobos. in. Le developpement e"conomique, par Ch. Chaumet. iv. L'organisation de 1'industrie apres la guerre, par R. Legouez. v. L'agriculture apres la guerre. La terre de France, par Marcel Vacher. vi. Le beau, le vrai, 1'utile et la reorganisation de la France, par Adolphe Dervaux. vn. La reconstitution de la population franfaise, par Charles Gide. D516.B4 152 La reparation des dom mages de guerre; conferences faites a I'ficole des hautes Etudes sociales (novembre 1915 & Janvier 1916) par MM. Larnaude ... H. Berthelemy [etc.] Paris, F. Alcan, 1917. 2 p. 1., iv, 254 p. 18% cm . (Bib- liotheque generates des sciences sociales ... [2 ser., 1]) CONTENTS. Avant-propos par M. H. Berthelemy. i. L'eVolution de la jurisprudence de la responsabilit6 de 1'Etat a raison des dommages occasionnes par 1' execution des services publics par H. Berthelemy. n. L'application de la responsabilite de 1'Etat aux dommages de guerre. Dispositions du passe 1 , aspirations de 1'avenir, par Joseph-Barthelmy. in. Les victimes de la guerre. Combattants et civils. Pensions et indemnites. Reforme de loi de 1831, par Louis Rolland. iv. L'aide aux orphelins de la guerre, par H. Berthelmy. v. Le droit international et les dom- mages de guerre, par Andre" Weiss. vi. La reparation des dom- mages mate"riels. Comment doit s'entendre le droit a la repara- tion, par F. Larnaude. vn. La reconstruction des villes de"truites. Dimcults architecturales. Conciliations necessaires entre rinte"ret general et la propriete" prive"e, par Jacques Hermant. JX5326.R4 153 Robertson, John Mackinnon. The new tariffism. London, G. Allen cfc Unwin, ltd. [1918] 63, [1] p. 19 cm . HC256.2.R7 ECONOMIC KECONSTRUCTION 33 154 Robertson, John Mackinnon. Shipping after the war. Westminster, The Cobden club, 1916. 39, [1] p. 21%. [Cobden club. Publications] HE823.R6 154a Robinson, J. J. National reconstruction. A study in prac- tical politics and statesmanship. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1918. via, 154 P- 18\ cm . 155 Rouland, E. Un projet de requisition des chemins de fer. L'jGconomistefrancais, Oct. 19, 1918, p. 488-484. Text of the law: p. 493-494. 156 Ruskin college, Oxford. Some economic aspects of interna- tional relations. Birmingham, Birmingham printers, ltd., 1917. 89 p. 21 cm . (The reorganisation of industry series, ni) CONTENTS. Prefatory note. An account of proceedings at the national Conference of working-class associations held in Birm- ingham on Sept. 21st and 22nd, 1917. Commercial policy and our food supply. By H. S. Furniss. The influence of the war on commercial policy. By Edwin Cannan. Capitalism and international relations. By A. E. Zimmern. HC56.R8 156a Scotland. Local government hoard. Provision of houses for the working classes after the war. The housing of the working classes acts, 1890 to 1909. Memorandum by the Local government board for Scotland with suggestions in regard to the provision and. planning of houses for the working classes. Edinburgh, H. M. Stationery of., [Morrison & Gibb} 1918. 12 p. plates, plans. 31 cm . 157 Scott, William Robert. Economic problems of peace after war; the W. Stanley Jevons lectures at University college, London, in 1917. Cambridge [Eng.] The University press, 1917. xii, 122 p. 22% cm . CONTENTS. Foreword. I. The economic man and a world at war. "For the duration of the war." Communications of a maritime state. The surprises of peace. Saving and the stand- ard of life. Organisation re-orientated. Appendix. Statistics of shipping during war. Index. HC56.S4 158 Economic problems of peace after war. (Second series) The W. Stanley Jevons lectures at University college, London, in 1918. Cambridge [Eng.} The University press, 1918. xii, 139 p. m . CONTENTS. Preface. Mare librum, aer clausus? A league of nations and commercial policy. The financial burden of today and tomorrow. Conscription or proscription of capital. The period of financial transition. Ten years after. Appendix. Index. HC56.S45 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 159 Standing joint committee of industrial women's organi- sations. The position of women after the war. Report of the Standing joint committee of industrial women's organisations presented to the Joint committee on labour problems after the war. London [etc.] Co-operative printing society limited [19161] 20 p. 24. HD6137.S7 HD8390.J75,no.l 160 The Statist, London. When the war ends. I-LVI. [A series of articles] The Statist, Nov. 10, 1917-Fel. 22, 1919 and continuation. HGil.S8,v.90-92 161 Storey, Harold. The Paris conference and trade after the war; London, T. F. Unwin, ltd. [1916] 32 p. 21. HF499.S8 162 U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce (Dept. of com- merce) Economic reconstruction. Analysis of main tend- encies in the principal belligerent countries of Europe with statistics of production, consumption, and trade in important foodstuffs and industrial raw materials. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1918. 74 p. 25 cm . (Miscel- laneous series, no. 73) Appendixes: A. Economic conference of the allied governments. B. Report of British .Committee on commercial and industrial policy after the war. c. Imports and exports (temporary control) bill. D. The British nonferrous metal industry act. HC56.TJ6 163 German trade and the war. Commerical and industrial conditions ki war time and the future outlook, by Chauncey Depew Snow and J. J. Krai. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1918. 236 p. incl. tables. 25. (Miscellaneous series, no. 65) Appendixes: A. German import trade. B. Extracts from the Presi- dent's addresses. c. Pan-Germanism and Mittleuropa. D. The Leipzig fair in war time. E. Christmas in Berlin, 1917. F. Interlocking of German banks and other corporations. G. German methods in trade and industry described in official reports. HC286.2.TJ6 164 Tariff commission. The glass industry as affected by the war. New branches of the industry Changes in manufacture and trade due to war conditions Holding export and domestic trade after the war The glass ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION 35 trade of European countries Testimony of leading American manufacturers. "Washington, Govt. print, off., 1918. 147 p. 23. (Tariff information series, no. 5} "The commission has had the services of Frank J. Sheridan, special expert, in the preparation of this pamphlet." p. 5. HF1756.A425 no.5 HD9623.TJ45A6 1918 165 Victor, E. A., ed. Canada's future, what she offers after the war; a symposium of official opinion. Toronto, The Macmillan company of Canada, ltd., 1916. xv, 320 p. ind. front, (port.) 24. HC115.V5 166 Villiers, Brougham. Britain after the peace; revolution or reconstruction. London, T. F. Unvnn, ltd. [1918] 263 p. 21 cm . HC256.2.V7 167 Warburg, Paul M. Some phases of financial reconstruction. Address at Atlantic city, Dec. 6, 1918. 29 p. 168 Webb, Sidney. When peace comes: the way of industrial reconstruction. Westminster, 1916. cover-title, 32 p. 21. (Fabian tract, no. 181} "This tract is reproduced, with slight additions, from half-a-dozen articles in the 'Daily news' (which appeared July 28, August 3, 12, 19, 26, and September 5, 1916)" HX11.F25 no. 181 169 and Arnold Freeman. Great Britain after the war; being facts and figures, quotations and queries, sug- gestions and forecasts, designed to help individual in- quirers and study circles in considering what will happen after the war with regard to trade, employment, wages, prices, trade unionism, co-operation, women's labour, foreign commerce, the railways, the coal supply, educa- tion, taxation, etc. Dedicated to the Workers' educa- tional association. London, G. Allen and Unwin, limited [1916] 80 p. 21%. HC256.2.W4 170 Webster, Robert Grant. The awakening of an empire. London. J. Murray, 1917. xxvi, 326 p. 19. HC256.2.W43 171 Wells, Herbert G. The elements of reconstruction; a series of articles contributed in July and August, 1916, to the Times. London, Nisbet & co., [1917] 119, [1] p. 16. CONTEXTS. Introduction. Science in education and industry. Scientific agriculture and the nation's food. The long view and labour. Problems of political adaptation. An imperial con- stitution. Higher education in the empire. D659.G7W4 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 172 Whetham, William Cecil Dampier. The war and the nation; a study in constructive politics. London, J. Murray, 1917. viii p., 1 Z., 312 p. 19. CONTENTS. Introduction: "Laissez-faire" or constructive poli- tics? The land and they that dwell thereon. The organisation of British industry and commerce. Coal and railways. The war and the race. Finance and taxation. HC256.2.W5 173 Whi taker, Charles Harris, and others. The housing problem in war and in peace. Washington, D. C., The Journal of the American institute of architects, 1918. 116 p. incl. iUus., plates, plans. 28\. "All of the material ... with the exception of a few illustrations, is reprinted from the Journal of the American institute of archi- tects, issues of September, 1917, to February, 1918, inclusive." NA7551.W5 174 Woolf, Leonard S. Co-operation and the future of industry. London, George Allen & Unwin, [1918]. 141 p- 19% cm . HD3486.W7 175 Zimmern, Alfred E. Nationality and government with other war- time essays. London, CTiatto cfc Windus, 1918. 364 P- CONTENTS. i. German culture and the British commonwealth. H. Nationality and government. in. True and false national- ism. iv. The passing of nationality. v. Education, social and na- tional. vi. The universities and public opinion. vn. Progress in government. vni. Progress in industry. ix. The labour movement and the future of British industry. x. Reconstruc- tion. xi. The control of industry after the war. xii. Capitalism and international relations. xin. The new German empire. xiv. Three doctrines in conflict. D523.Z6 AUTHOR INDEX [Numbers refer to items not to pages] Acland, Francis D 109 Adams, W. G. S 3 Adderley, James 20 Aldridge, H.R 27 Allen, C.E 3 Alliance d 'hygiene sociale 121 American academy of political and social science, Phila 3, 3a, 4 American federation of labor, Comm. on reconstruction 5 American industrial commission to France 6 American mfgrs. export assoc 6, 7 Anderson, Adelaide Mary 22, 111 Anderson, Mary 3a Anderson, W 20 Andrews, John B 3,142 Armbruster, L 8 Armour, John F 20 Ashbee, C. R 20 Association of nat. advertisers, N. Y 8a At kisson, Horace L. B 8b Atterbury, Grosvenor 142 Austin, Oscar P 9, 35 Badley, John Haden 10 Balch, Emily Greene 11 Balfour, Alexander Hugh Bruce, 6th baron 61-65 Barclay, Sir Thomas 12 Barker, E 36 Barker, George 20 Barker, J. Ellis 13,14 Barnes, George N 60 Barren, Mary L 4 Barthe'lmy, Joseph 152 Bell, Sir Hugh 20, 22, 36, 134 Belloc, Hilaire 20 Benn, Ernest J. P 20 Berthe'lemy, H 152 Biard d'Aunet, Georges 15 Birchenough, Sir Henry 52 Birmingham, Bishop of. See Wakefield, H. Russell. Blackman-Ross company 16 Bligh, Stanley M 20 Bloomfield, M 3 Board of trade journal, London 17 Bondfield, Margaret 36 Bonn, M. J 3 Booth, Sir Alfred A 51 Bosanquet, Bernard 20 Bower, Sir Graham John 20 Bowley, A. L 20 Brabrook, Sir Edward 20 Bradbury, Sir John S 115, 116 Brand, Charles J 35 Branford, Mrs. Victor V 20 Bray, Reginald Arthur 18 Brisco, N. A 3 British trade corporation" 19 Brock, A. Glutton 36 Browne, Sir Benjamin 20 Browne, Sir B. C 27 Bruere, H. 3 Bruere, Robert W 3a, 142 Buckmaster, Stanley Owen Buck- master, 1st baron 57 Button, F. S 20, 22 Buxton, C. R 36 Cadbury, Edward 20 Cannan, Edwin 156 Carlyle, A. J 20,36 Carpenter, Edward 20 Carter, Huntly 20 Chamber of commerce of the U. S. 3a Chance, Sir William, bart 21, 27 Chapman, Sydney J 22, 27 Chaumet, Ch 151 Chesterton, G. K 20 Clapp, Edwin J 35 Clark,JohnM 23 Clayton, C. T 3a Cleveland, Frederick A 35 Clothier, Robert C 3a Clynes,J.R 22 Cockburn, Sir John 20 Cole, GeorgeD.H 20,24 Colver, William B 35 37 1128 V 38 AUTHOR INDEX Compton-Rickett, Sir J 27 Conference of working-class asso- ciations, Oxford 25 Cooke, M. L 3 Cooper, Henry E 35 Corea, L. F 3 Cox,Harold 20 Crennan, C. H 4 Crewe, Robert 0. A. C. M., 1st marquis of 149 Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st carl of. 27 D'Abernon, Edgar Vincent, 1st baron 69 D'Acosta, Uriel 26 Davies, Emil 20 Davison, T. Raffles 20 Dawson, William Harbutt 27 Dean, Arthur Davis 28 Decker, M. S 4 Demos [pseud.] 29 Dennison, H.S 3 Denny, Sir Archibald 20 Densmore, John B 3a Dervaux, Adolphe 151 Dibblee, George Binney 30 Dickinson, G. L. 3 Docker, F. Dudley 20, 22 Dutton, Samuel T 142 Economic conference of the allies, Paris, 1916 31,162 Eder, M. D 20 Eliot, C.W 3 Ellis, A. Caswell 142 Ellis, Havelock 20 Ewer, W. N 20 Exeter, Bishop of. See Gascoyne- Cecil, Lord W. Fairchild, Henry Pratt 3a, 142 Faringdon, Alexander Henderson, 1st baron 50 Fawcett, Mrs 27 Feiss, R. A 3 Fisher, Irving 35 Fitzmaurice, Sir Maurice 20 Fleure, H. J 20 France 33 Ministere du commerce, de I'in- dustrie 34 Freeman, Arnold 169 Friedman, Elisha Michael 35 Furby, Charles 12 Furniss. H. Sanderson 20, 156 Gantt, H. L 3 Gardner, Lucy 36 Garnett, W 27 Garton foundation, London 37 Gascoyne-Cecil, Lord W 27 Giddings, F. H 148 Gide, Charles 151 Gilbreth, Frank B 3,35 Gilbreth, Lillian M 3, 35 Gildersleeve, Virginia C 142 Gompers, Samuel 3, 3a Goodrich, C. F 148 Gt. Brit. Board of education, Comm. on juvenile educ 38, 39 Comm. on scales of salary for teachers 40 Board of trade 41-44 Commercial intelligence comm . . 45-47 Comm. on coal trade 48 Comm. on engineering trades after the war 49 Comm. on financial facilities for trade 50 Comm. on shipping & ship- building 51 Comm. on textile trades 52 Company law amendment comm 53 Electric power supply comm ... 54 Electrical trades comm 55 Iron and steel trades comm 56 Pre-war contract comm 57 Comm. of enquiry into industrial unrest 21, 58-60 Comm. on commercial and in- dustrial policy 61-65, 162 Comm. on currency and foreign exchanges 66 Comm. on modern languages in the educational system of Gt. Brit 67 Comm. on natural science in the educational system ofGt. Brit. . 68 Dominions royal commission ... 69 Financial facilities comm 70 Imperial war conference, 1918 71 Local government board. Comm. on building bye-laws 72 Ministry of labour 73, 74, 77 Ministry of munitions 75 Comm. on sulphuric acid and fertilizer trades 76, 76a Ministry of reconstruction 77-81 Acquisition of powers sub-comm. 82 Adult education comm 83, 84 Advisory council 85 Women's housing sub-com- mittee .. 86 AUTHOR INDEX 39 Gt. Brit. Ministry of reconstruc- tion . Advisory housing panel 87 Building materials supply comm 88 Civil war workers' comm 89-90a Comm. on financial risks at- taching to the holding of trading stocks 91 Comm. on relations between em- ployers and employed 22, 92-96 Comm. on the acquisition and valuation of land for public purposes 97, 98 Comm. on the chemical trade 99 Engineering trades (new indus- tries) comm 99a Housing (financial assistance) comm 100 Local government comm 101 Machinery of government comm. 102 Reconstruction comm. Agri- cultural policy sub-comm . 104-106 Coal conservation comm. . . 107-108 Forestry sub-comm 109 W> omen's advisory comm 110 Women's employment comm. . . Ill Parliament. House of commons. Select comm. on emergency legislation 112 Select comm. on transport 113 Papers by command: Cd. 8181 45 Cd. 8271 31 Cd. 8275 46 Cd. 8346 50 Cd. 8374 38 Cd. 8462 69 Cd. 8482 61 Cd. 8506 104 Cd. 8512 39 Cd. 8567 19 Cd. 8577 39 Cd. 8606 92 Cd. 8662-8669 59 Cd. 8696 60 Cd. 8715 41 Cd. 8815 47 Cd. 8880 107 Cd. 8881 109 Cd. 8882 99 Cd. 8912 42 Cd. 8916 78 Cd. 8917 101 Cd. 8939 40 Cd. 8975... 57 Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command: Cd. 8980 119 Cd.8982.. 82 Cd. 8994 76 Cd. 8998 97 Cd. 9001 93 Cd. 9002 92 Cd.9005 118 Cd.9011 68 Cd. 9032 62 Cd. 9033 63 Cd.9034 64 Cd.9035 65 Cd. 9036 67 Cd. 9062 54 Cd. 9070 52 Cd. 9071 56 Cd.9072 55 Cd. 9073 49 Cd.9074 115 Cd. 9079 : 105 Cd.9080 106 Cd. 9081 94 Cd. 9084 108 Cd. 9085 77 Cd. 9087 87 Cd. 9092 51 Cd. 9093 48 Cd.9099 95 Cd. 9100 80 Cd. 9107 83 Cd. 9117 89 Cd. 9138 53 Cd. 9153 96 Cd. 9166 86 Cd. 9177 71 Cd. 9178 126 Cd. 9182 66 Cd. 9184 75 Cd. 9192 90 Cd. 9193 85 Cd. 9194 ....'. 43 Cd. 9195 81 Cd. 9197 88 Cd.9211 78a Cd. 9213 72 Cd. 9219 116 Cd. 9223 100 Cd. 9224 91 Cd. 9225 84 Cd. 9226 99a Cd.9227 70 Cd. 9228 90a Cd. 9229... 98 40 AUTHOR INDEX Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command: Cd. 9230 102 Cd. 9231 79a Cmd. 23 76a Treasury 114 Comm. on staffs 115, 116 Gold production comm 117 War cabinet 118 War office. General staff 118a Working classes cost of living comm. 1918 119 Greenwood, Arthur 25 Grinling, C. H 20 Guaranty trust company of New York 120 Guillet, Leon ,.. 122 Hadfield, Sir Robert 20 Haldane, Richard Burdon Hal- , dane, 1st viscount 27, 102. 107, 108 Hall, AlfredD 123 Hart, A. B.... 148 Hastings, George A 142 Hazell, Walter 20 Heath, J. St. George 20,36 Henderson, Arthur 137 Hermant, Jacques 152 Hershey, A. S 3 Hesse, Bernhard C 35 Hichens, W. L 20 Hill, David Jayne 142 Hillquit,M 3 Hilton, John 20 Hirst, F. W 20 Hobson, Charles 20 Hobson, John Atkinson 36, 124 Hopkins, Sir Alfred 125 Hopkins,E.M 3 Houston, H. S 3 Howe, F. C 4 Hutchins, Miss B. L 20 Hyde, Sir Clarendon Golding 49 Ihlder, John 3a India 126 Ingersoll, C. H 3 Jackson, J. P 3 Johnson, A. B 3 Johnson, Emory R 35, 148 Johnson, Thomas 20 Johnston, F 3 Johnston, -Sir H. H 27 Joint comm. on labour problems after the war 128-131, 159 Jones, Mark M 3a Jowett, F. W 20 Joynson-Hicks, W. Keir, Malcolm Kellor, F. A Kemmerer, E. W.. Kendall, Henry P. Kerr, J Kerr, P Kerr,P.H King, C. L 27 3a 3 35 3a 27 36 20 3 King, William L. M 132 Kirchwey, G. W 3 Kirkaldy , Adam W 133-135 Krai, J. J 163 Labor party (Gt. Brit.) 3a, 136, 137 Labour co-partnership assoc., Lon- don 137a Lamb, W. E 4 Lane, Franklin K 35 Lapp, John A 3a Larnaude, F 152 Lawrence, A. Susan 22 Lawrence, Mrs. Pethick 36 Lebon, Andr 138 Le Chatelier, Henry 122 Legouez, R 151 Leverhulme, Lord 22 Lewis, J. Herbert 38, 39 Lipson, E 20 Litchfield, I. W 3a Little, J. A 4 Love, J. E 4 Lynch, Arthur 20 McMillan, Margaret 27 MacTavish, J 20 Macy, V. Everit. 3a Mallery, OttoT... 3a Marburg, Theodore 3, 142 Marcosson, Isaac Frederick 139 Marriott, J. A. R 139a Marshall,A 27 Mead, Elwood 3a Meath, Earl of 27 Meeker, R 3 Mellor, W 20 Milner, Alfred Milner, 1st viscount. 32 Morris, Ray 35 Muchnic, C. M 3 National assoc. of manufacturers. . 8b National foreign trade council 141 National health insurance com- mission 62 National institute of social sciences. 142 National union of women's suff- rage societies 143 Naylor, T. E 20 AUTHOR INDEX 41 Noyes, Alexander D 35 Nugent, R. T 20 Ogburn, William F 3a O'Grady, James 20 Oualid, William 144 Owen, Robert L 35 Oxford, Bishop of 36 Pack, Charles L 142 Palmer, H. A 4 Palmer, W. B 3 Patchin, Robert H 141 Patten, S. N 4 Peddie, John Taylor 145-147 Penty, A. J 20 Perkins, George W 35 Phillipps, L. March 20 Pigou, A. 25 Post, G. A 4 Potter, A. A 35 Price, Sir Keith W 99 Putnam, George Haven 142 Radclyff e, Raymond 20 Reckitt, Maurice B 20 Reid, Leonard John 150 Renold, 0. G 134 Rich, E. J 4 Ring, W 3 Roberts, G. H 27 Roberts, George E 142 Robertson, John Mackinnon . 153, 154 Robieson, M. W 20 Robinson, J. J 154a Rockefeller, John D., jr 3a Rogers, Allen 35 Rolland, Louis 152 Rouland, E 155 Rowell, H. B 20 Rowntree, B. Seebohm 22 Ruml, Beardsley 3a Ruskin college, Oxford 25, 156 Russell, George 20 Salisbury, James E. H. G. C., 4th marquess of 87 Salmon, Thomas W 142 Schwab, Charles M 3a, 35 Scoby-Smith, C 56 Scotland. Local government board. 156a Scott, Leslie 97, 98 Scott, William Robert 157, 158 Seignobos, Ch 151 Seligman, Edwin R. A 35, 148 Seton-Watson, R. W 20 Shaw, G. Bernard 20 Sheridan, Frank J 164 Sherwell, A 27 Shortt, Edward 76, 76a Shuster, W. M 3 Sisson, Frank H 35 Smiddy, T. A 20 Smith, A. W 4 Smith, George Otis 35 Snow, Chauncey Depew 35, 163 Standing joint committee of indus- trial women's organisations 159 The Statist, London 160 Stokes, Charles F 142 Storey, Harold 161 Tawney, R. H 22 Temple, William 20 Thelen, M 4 Thomas, Miss E. N 134 Turner, C 36,135 TJ. S. Bureau of foreign and do- mestic commerce (Dept. of com- merce) 162, 163 Tariff commission 164 Vacher, Marcel 151 Vanderlip, Frank A 35 Van Kleeck, Mary 3, 3a Veblen, Thorstein 142 Victor, E. A 165 Villiers, Brougham 166 Wakefield, H. Russell 22 Wallace, Sir Matthew G 105 Warburg, Paul M 167 Warne, F. J 3 Webb, Sidney 25,168,169 Webster, Robert Grant 170 Wehle, Louis B 35 Weiss, Andre 1 .'..- 152 Welldon, Bishop 27 Wells, Herbert G 20, 171 Whetham, William C. D 172 Whitaker, Charles H 173 Whitley, John Henry 22, 73, 74, 92-96, 150 Whitney, Willis R 35 Williams, T 3 Willits, Joseph H 3, 3a Willoughby, W. W 148 Wilson, G. G 148 Wilson, Ida May 3a Wilson, Sir Roland K 20 Wood,L 3 Woolf, Leonard S 174 Zimmern, Alfred E 25, 156, 175 Zorn, John 20 SUBJECT INDEX [Numbers refer to items not to pages.] Aesthetics 20 Agriculture : France 151 Gt. Brit. ... 13, 20, 27, 32, 36, 79, 104- 106, 123, 134, 140, 154a, 171 U. S 35,142 Alien question 27, 71 Alsace-Lorraine 13 American federation of labor 3, 3a, 5 Anglo-American reunion 14 Arbitration, industrial, Gt. Brit... 73, 77, 94, 95 See also Industrial councils, Labor. Arts and crafts 20, 149 Asia 2 Asiatic Turkey 14 Austria-Hungary 14, 118a, 162 Balkans 2 Banks and banking : See Financial reconstruction. Belgium 2 Bibliographies: Disabled soldiers, rehabilita- tion p. 3 International problems 11 League of nations p. 3 Peace 11 Reconstruction p. 3, 8b Soldiers and sailors, settlement on the land p. 3 Board of trade, Gt. Brit 42 Building industry, Gt. Brit 72, 88 Business conditions, U.S 16 Canada 2, 165 Capital and labor... . 3a, 13, 22, 27, 35, 150 See also Industrial unrest, In- dustrial councils, State con- trol of industry. Chemical industries 35, 99 Child labor: Gt. Brit 18, 38, 39, 44 Child welfare 27, 121 Civil war workers, Gt. Brit. . . 79, 89-90a Coal trade, Gt. Brit 13, 48, 107, 108, 169, 172 Commercial policy 1, 13, 151, 162 Germany 1, 162, 163 Gt. Brit 1,19, 26, 30, 41, 42, 45-57, 61, 63- 65, 139, 140, 145-147, 156, 158, 162, 166, 169, 170, 172 Italy 1, 118a Japan 1 U. S 3, 6, 7, 8a, 9, 16, 35, 139, 141 Competition, international 35, 48, 49, 52, 55, 56 Conciliation and arbitration : See Industrial councils. Constantinople 14 Contracts, pre-war 57, 80 Cost of living: Gt. Brit 119 U.S 3a Credit: See Financial reconstruction. Demobilization : Gt. Brit. . 3a, 79, 89-90a, 129, 140, 166 U.S 3a Democracy 2, 14, 35, 124, 148 Disabled soldiers, rehabilitation, bibl p. 3 Drugs, essential 62 Dye industry, Gt. Brit 43 Economic alliances 141 Economic conference of the allies, 1916 31, 145, 161, 162 Economic policy: See Commercial policy. Education : France 122 Gt. Brit 10,13,20,27, 29, 32, 38-40, 44, 67, 68, 79, 83, 84, 149, 150, 169, 171, 175 U.S 28,132,142 Electric power plants, Gt. Brit 54, 107, 108 43 44 SUBJECT INDEX Electrical trades, Gt. Brit 55 Employment agencies 3a Employment managers 3a Engineering trades, Gt. Brit 20, 49, 55, 79, 99a U.S 35 England: Land, acquisition of 97,98 Housing 79,87 Poor laws 101 See also Gt. Brit. Farm colonies 3a Bibl p.3 Fertilizer trade 76, 76a Financial reconstruction 4, 82, 118a, 120, 148 Germany 163 Gt. Brit 20, 26, 36, 43, 50, 66, 70, 91, 117, 118a, 125, 133- 135, 140, 158, 160, 166, 172 U. S 23, 35, 142, 167 Foreign exchanges 66, 146 Foreign investments 35 Foreign trade: See Commercial policy. Forestry, Gt. Brit 79, 109 France 6,33 Agriculture 151 Child welfare 121, 152 Commercial policy 1, 13, 151, 162 Economic conditions 6, 8, 151 Education 122 Indemnity 8,152 Industrial reconstruction 8, 118a, 121, 138, 139, 144, 151, 152 Land question 151 Politics 15, 151 Pvailroads 155 Rebuilding 8, 151,152 Tariff 34 Free trade, Gt. Brit 20 See also Tariff, Gt. Brit. Germany: Commercial policy 1, 162, 163 Economic position 13, 30 Financial reconstruction . . . 162, 163 Industrial reconstruction 17, 118a, 162, 163 Natural resources 13 Glass industry 164 Gold production, Gt. Brit 117 Government appointments, Gt. Brit 102, 114-116 Government control of industry: See State control of industry. Gt. Brit.: Agriculture. 13, 20, 27, 32, 36, 79, 104- 106, 123, 134, 140, 154a, 171 Alien question 27, 71 Building industry 72, 88 Chemical trade 99 Child labor 18, 38, 39, 44 Child welfare 27 Civil war workers 79, 89-90a Coal trade... 13,48,107,108,169,172 Commercial policy . . 1, 19, 26, 30, 41, 42, 45-57, 61, 63-65, 139, 140, 145-147, 156, 158, 162, 166, 169, 170, 172 Conciliation and arbitration... 94, 95 Cooperation 174 Cost of living 119 Demobilization 3a, 79, 89-90a, 129, 140, 166 Dye industry 43 Education. . . 10, 13, 20, 27, 29, 32, 38- 40, 44, 67, 68, 79, 83, 84, 149, 150, 169, 171, 175 Electric power plants ... 54, 107, 108 Electrical trades 55 Engineering trades. 20, 49, 55, 79, 99a Financial reconstruction 20, 26, 36, 43, 50, 66, 70, 91, 117, 118a, 125, 133-135, 140, 158, 160, 166, 172 Forestry 79, 109 Gold production 117 Government, machinery of 102 Government appointments.. 114-116 Health, national 27, 78a, 150, 172 Housing. . 27, 79, 86, 87, 100, 128, 156a Imperial relations 27, 32, 61, 69, 71, 126, 127, 154a Industrial reconstruction.. 14, 17, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30, 36, 37, 65, 79, 118a, 125, 133-135, 136- 137a, 145-147, 149, 154a, 160, 166, 168-172, 175 Industrial unrest 21, 58-60, 135 Iron and steel trades 56 Labor 20,24, 27, 32, 79, 83, 87, 136-137a, 150, 169, 171, 172, 174, 175 See also Industrial recon- struction. 45 Gt. Brit. Continued. Land question 27, 36, 97, 98, 135, 140, 166 Legislation, emergency 112 Merchant marine 13 Natural resources . 13, 27, 69, 75, 154a Naturalization 27, 71 Politics 20, 32, 154a, 171, 172 Poor laws 27,101 Public utility societies 100 Railroads 13, 20, 85, 113, 169, 172 Reconstruction, Ministry of Advisory bodies, list of. . . 81 Bibliography 79a Committees, list of 78, 79a Reports, pamphlets, etc. 77-111 Workof 79a,118 Shipbuilding 20,51 Shipping 51, 153, 157, 158 Social reconstruction 20, 27, 29, 36, 79, 125, 149, 160 Soldiers' benefits 79 Tariff 13, 20, 146, 150, 153, 170 Taxation 27, 169, 172 Textile trades 52 Thrift 27 Timber 109 Trade unions 36, 131, 169 Transport 113 See also Railroads. Unemployment 129 Vocational training, women.. 110 War finance 13, 14 Women in industry 27, 36, 110, 111, 134, 135, 143, 159, 169 Health, national: Gt. Brit 27, 78a, 150, 172 U. S 3a, 132, 142 Housing 3a, 150, 173 Gt. Brit. . 27, 79, 86, 87, 100, 128, 156a Immigration, Gt. Brit 51 U. S 3, 3a, 142 Imperial court of appeal 71 Indemnity 8, 152 India 126 See also Gt. Brit. Imperial re- lations. Industrial councils. . 3a, 58, 73, 77, 92, 150 Industrial efficiency 3, 3a Industrial reconstruction 3, 3a, 8a, 17, 35, 118a, 120, 162 Canada 165 France 8, 118a, 121, 138, 139, 144, 151, 152 Industrial reconstruction Contd. Germany 17, 118a, 162, 163 Gt. Brit 14, 17, 20,24,25, 29, 30, 36, 37, 65, 79, 118a, 125, 133-137a, 145-147, 149, 154a, 160, 166, 168-172, 175 U. S 3, 3a, 23, 35, 132, 140, 142 Industrial unrest: Gt. Brit 21, 58-60, 135 U. S 3a Interest rates 35 International commercial policies. 141, 148 See also Economic confer- ence. International problems, bibl 11 Internationalism 3, 127 Ireland 20 Iron and steel industry 13, 56 Italy: Commercial policy 1, 118a Economic position 13 Japan, commercial policy 1 Labor: Gt. Brit 20,24, 27, 32, 79, 83, 87, 136-137a, 150, 169, 171, 172, 174, 175 U. S 3, 3a, 132, 142 See also American federation of labor; Housing; Industrial councils; Industrial recon- struction; Industrial unrest; Labor party (Gt. Brit.), State control of industry; Unem- ployment; Whitley reports. Labor and capital : See Capital and labor. Labor exchanges 3 Labor party (Gt. Brit.) 3a, 136, 137 Land, acquisition of: Gt. Brit 97,98 Land colonies, bibl p. 3, 3a Land question: France 151 Gt. Brit. . . 27, 36, 97, 98, 135, 140, 166 Law 20 League of nations 142, 158, 175 Bibl p.3 League to enforce peace 3, 142 Logic 20 Luxemburg 2 Merchant marine, Gt. Brit 13 U. S 2,8a,13 Mexico... 2 46 SUBJECT INDEX Militarism 124 Mining, Gt. Brit 20 Morals 20 National guilds 24 Nationality 145, 175 Naturalization 27, 71 Naval demobilization, Gt. Brit 79 Orphans, France 152 Peace 3,11,14 Bibl 11 Peace congress 14 "Period of the war" term 80 Philosophy 20 Poland 14 Politics 20, 124, 139a, 150 France 15, 151 Gt. Brit 20, 32, 171, 172 Poor laws, Gt. Brit 27,101 Pre-war contracts 57, 80 Produce exchanges, U. S 35 Profit sharing 150 Psychology 20 . Public utility societies, Gt. Brit . . 100 Public works 3a Railroads: France 155 Gt. Brit 13, 20, 85, 113, 169, 172 U. S 3a, 4, 35 Raw materials 79, 162 Rebuilding, France 8, 151, 152 Reconstruction : Bibl p.3,8b Reconstruction, Ministry of (Gt. Brit.): Advisory bodies, list of 81 Bibl 79a Committees, list of 78, 79a Reports, pamphlets, etc 77-111 Work of 79a, 118 Religion 20 Representation in industry: See Industrial councils. Rural life: See Agriculture. Scientific management 3,35 Scotland: Housing 79, 156a Land, acquisition of 98 See oho Gt. Brit. Self government in industry: See Industrial reconstruction; Industrial councils. Shipbuilding, Gt. Brit .' 20, 51 Shipping: Gt. Brit 51,153,157,158 U..S 35,140 Social reconstruction 118a, 148 Gt. Brit. 20, 27, 29, 36, 79, 125,149,160 U.S 3a,132 See also Industrial reconstruc- tion. Soldiers and sailors, settlement on the land, bibl p. 3 Soldiers' benefits, Gt. Brit 79 State control of industry 32, 35, 150, 157, 162, 175 Steel industry 35, 56 Sulphuric acid and fertilizer trades 76, 76a Syndicalism 24 Tariff: France 34 Gt. Brit 13, 20, 146, 150, 153, 170 U.S 142 Taxation, Gt. Brit 27, 169, 172 Textile trades, Gt. Brit 52 See also Dye industry. Thrift, Gt. Brit 27 U.S 35 Timber, Gt. Brit 109 Trade-unions 24, 36, 131, 169 Transport: See Railroads. Unemployment, Gt. Brit 129 U.S 3, 3a See also Demobilization; La- bor. United States 2, 3, 3a Agriculture 35, 142 Chemical trade 35 Commercial policy 3, 6, 7, 8a, 9, 16, 35, 139, 141 Cost of living 3a Demobilization 3a Education 28, 132, 142 Engineering trades 35 Financial reconstruction 23, 35, 142, 167 Health 3a, 132, 142 Immigration 3, 3a, 142 Industrial reconstruction 3, 3a, 23, 35, 132, 140, 142 Industrial unrest 3a Merchant marine 2, 8a, 13 SUBJECT INDEX 47 United States Continued. Natural resources 35 Railroads 3a, 4, 35 Shipping 35, 140 Social reconstruction 3a, 132 Tariff 142 Thrift, national 35 Unemployment 3, 3a Vocational guidance 3a Women in industry 3a United States employment service. 3a Vocational guidance, U. S 3a Vocational training, Gt. Brit 110 Bibl p.3 Wages, U. S 3a Wales: Housing 79 Land, acquisition of 97, 98 Poor laws 101 See also Gt. Brit. West Indies 2 Whitley reports 22, 73, 74, 92-96, 150 Woman suffrage 36, 143 Women in industry, Gt. Brit 27, 36, 110, 111, 134, 135, 143, 159, 169 U.S 3a Works committees 74, 93, 134 World court 3 See alto League of nations. o SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, lLOS ANGELES, ' 11