THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES "S CATALOGUE LIBRARY TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON Af*ro& 2"/ 1870 and five following Days by BANGS MERWIN & CO. AT THEIR SALE-ROOMS 694 & 696 BROADWAY J. SABIN & SONS PRINTERS AND COMPILERS OF THE CATALOGUE I 870 Z NOTICE. In offering to the public this Catalogue of Mr. Rice's Library, it is almost unnecessary to say anything further about the Books than to commend the Cata- logue itself to the careful reading of our book-buying friends; but custom has made it almost imperative to submit some preliminary remarks, which in this case, however, will be mainly confined to an enumeration of the leading books, in the various departments of litera- ture, in which the Library is especially strong. We might, in general terms, have characterized this as a " splendid" "superb" "magnificent" "recherche" and "unique" library, had we not felt that these terms have been latterly applied with so much freedom to collections of inferior merit. It will not, however, be too much to say that this Library includes as many rare and costly books as can be found in all the Catalogues of books sold by Auction in New York since the sale of the famous "Private Gentleman's Library,"' 1 in 1866. In common with many other book-buyers, Mr. Rice commenced the formation of his Library without any definite decision as to the class of books of which it should consist. It is due to his now more matured * Such was the extraordinary title given to the Fisher Catalogue. 688662 IV NOTICE. taste to remark that this Catalogue contains many works which had been put aside for sale some years ago. Lot 505 is a case in point not but that it is a good book of its kind, but it is of a kind of which it was not desirable to form a " Rice " Library. An accumulation of many other books, which do not accord with Mr. Rice's advanced views, was one of the reasons for making a sale of the whole Library, although Mr. Rice feels that, having bought and paid for his books, he is at perfect liberty to do what he pleases with them, and offers no apology for their sale. Yet it is not with- out regret that he parts with some of the rarities of this Library, the equals of which money cannot purchase. Still, having determined to make a radical change, he has thought proper to sell his entire collection, reserv- ing only some books presented to him. Perhaps the most interesting of the specialties of this Library is the large number of ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, by which we mean books in which plates have been inserted in addition to those which properly belong to the work. This is not the place for an essay on Illustration ; we may, however, observe, in defence of the gentlemen who destroy so many books in order to form one which is superior, that the result of their labor, when exhibited, generally affords more gratifica- tion to their book-loving friends than any other depart- ment of a library. Of course every gentleman who pretends to having a library will have a Dibdin's "Tour," and an ordinary copy will be passed over without comment; but what shall be said of Lot 567, with its brilliant array of Portraits, Drawings, Views, NOTICE. V etc. ? That, with others of its class, demand an inspec- tion, and lead to a comparison with other copies, very much to the gratification of the owner of the best. In this department we also refer the reader to the follow- ing works : 1 06. Barlow's Columbiad. 410. 1807. 140. Benson's Andre. 1807. 327. Byron's English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 476-477. Cooper's American Navy. 567. Dibdin's Southern Tour. Extended to 6 vols. 583. Dibdin's Reminiscences. Large Paper. 598. Doran's Annals'of the Stage. 605. The Croakers. By Drake and Halleck. 638. Duyckinck's Cyclopedia of American Literature. Large Paper 844. De Grasse's Operations. 869. Griswold's Republican Court, z vols. 924. Hamilton's Flag of the United States. 410. 1852. 1088. Hunt's Anecdotes. 2 vols., i2mo. 1830. 1128. Irvingiana. Large Paper. 1860. 1642. Public Libraries of New York. 1865. 1837. Rabelais. 4 vols., 8vo. 75 plates. 2048. Simcoe's Queen's Rangers. 26 plates. 2072. General Scott's Autobiography. 2080. Smith's Andre. 53 plates. 2081. Trial of J. H. Smith. 2129. Sparks' Life of Gen Washington. 114 plates. 2132. Spooner's Dictionary. Extended to 10 vols., 410. 2450. Irving's Life of Washington. Extended to 10 vols., 410. 2639. Wynne's Private Libraries of New York. BIBLIOGRAPHY and LITERARY HISTORY form an extensive department, conspicuous in which are 263. Brunei Manuel. Large Paper. 12 vols. 457. Collier's Bibliography. 4 vols., 8vo. India Paper. vi NOTICE. 567 to 585. Dr. Dibdin's Works. A splendid series, i 1 60. Johnson's Typographia. Largest Paper. 1824. 1217. White Kennett's Bibliothecac Americana. 1713. 1647. Nichols' Anecdotes and Literary History. 17 vols. 1749. Bibliotheca Sussexiana. 3 vols. 1877. Rich's Bibliotheca Americana. 1928. Sabin's Dictionary of Books Relating to America. Large Paper. 2082. Smith's Friend's Books. 2 vols. Large Paper. 2528. Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 vols., 410. 2531. Weigel's History of Printing. 2 vols., 410. The FINE ARTS are represented in many works of great value, some of which are now, for the first time, offered at auction : 157. Dore's Bible. First Edition. 510. Daniel's Oriental Scenery. 3 vols., elephant folio. 511. Dore's Dante. 658. Portraits of the Poets. 2 vols. 754. Foucquet GEuvres. 2 vols., 410. 1866. 793. Gallery of Portraits. 872. Gruner's Ornamental Art. 887. Hall's Baronial Halls. 2 vols., folio. 991. Herculanum and Pompeii. 8 vols. 1130. Jackson on Wood Engraving. 1137. Jamieson's Hand Books of Art. 6 vols. 1 1 80. Jones' Grammar of Ornament. 410. 1 212. Kempis' Imitation of Christ. 1858. 1312-13. Lewis' Scenery. Folio. 1845. 1339. Lodge's Portraits. 12 vols. 1835. 1382. Mclan's Scottish Clans. 2 vols. Colored plates. 1468. Mercuri Costumes. Paris, 1860. 1473. Meyrick's Ancient Armour. 3 vols., folio. 1566. Musee de Versailles. 3 vols. 410. 1567. Musee Royale et Musee Francais. 6 vols., folio. 1588. Napoleon Gallery. NOTICE Vll 159295. National Galleries. 1625. Lougman's New Testament. 1659. Becker and Hefner Objets d'Art du Moyen Age. 1685. Ottley on Printing. 1688. Ovid. Beautifully illustrated. Paris, 1806. 1758. Pyramids of Gizeh. 1907. Rosetta Stone. Unique copy, 1962. Nuremberg Chronicle. Folio. 1989. Agincourt's History of Art. Folio. 2077. Smith's Catalogue Raisonne. 9 vols., imp. 8vo. 2132. Spooner's Dictionary. Extended to 10 vols., 410. 2147. Statuts de 1'Ordre du Saint-Esprit. 2200. Strutt's Dresses and Decorations. 2 vols., 410. 2290. Tuckerman's Book of the Artists. 410. Plates. 2296. Picturesque Voyage to Tuscany. 3 vols., folio. 2332. Waagen's Art Treasures. 4 vols., 8vo. 2344. Walpole's Anecdotes. 5 vols. 1828. 2638. Waring's Masterpieces of Industrial Art. Lot 2351. A superb copy of Walton's Angler would not be unfitting a position among the Fine Arts. Of what may be called BELLES LETTRES, or General Literature, in which department we here include any-, thing that cannot be otherwise conveniently classified, the collection is fairly large. We content ourselves with a reference to io. Addison's Works. Baskeville's Edition. 17. ^Esop's Fables. Stockdale's Edition. 61. Arabian Nights. Lane's Translation. 3 vols. 63. Archaica and Lot 978, Heliconia. 76. Ascham's Schoolmaster. Black Letter. 90. Lord Bacon's Works, &c. India Paper. 125. Bayle's Dictionary. 5 vols., folio. Large Paper. 189. Pickering's Prayer-Books. 8 vols., folio. Vlll NOTICE. 376-7. Don Quixote. 4 vols., 410. 414. Cicero's Cato Major. Printed by Franklin, 1744. Uncut. 549. Defoe's Works. 20 vols. 1840. 587. Dickens' Works. 54 vols. Large Paper. 636. D'Urfey's Wit and Mirth. 6 vols., I2mo. Rare. 709. Musarum Delicias. 2 vols. 782. Friar Rush. Printed on vellum. 807. Gay's Fables. Best edition. 2 vols. 934. Harington's Metamorphoses of Ajax. 978. Heliconia. Edited by Park. 3 vols., 410. 1815. 1127. Irving's Works. Large Paper. 28 vols., 8vo. 1196. WoodfalPs Junius. Large Paper. 1812. 1240. Knight's Worship of Priapus. . 1274. Lavater's Physiognomy. 5 vols., 410. 1810. 1304- Le Sage's Gil Bias. 4 vols. 1809. 1318. Lewis' Monk. First edition. 3 vols. 1796. 1358-9. Chevalier de Faublas. French and English. 1486. Milton's Works. Pickering's Edition. 8 vols. 1498. Mirror for Magistrates. 3 vols., 410. 1509. Montaine's Works. Large Paper. 1864. 1528. More's Utopia. By Dibdin. Large Paper. 1808. 1646. Nicolas' Orders of Knighthood. 4 vols., 410. 1793. Plato. Translated by Taylor. 5 vols., 410. Uatut. 1871. Retrospective Review. Complete. 18 vols., 8vo. 1967. Scott's Novels. 25 vols., 8vo. Morocco, extra. 2044. Sir P. Sidney's Arcadia. Folio. 2054. Singer on Playing Cards. 410. 1816. 2346. Horace Walpole's Works. Strawberry Hill Edition. 5 vols., 4to. NATURAL HISTORY is largely represented, and in- cludes some of the grandest works in existence, among which we enumerate 81. Audubon's Birds of America. Folio. 82. Audubon's Quadrupeds. Folio. 369. Catesby's Carolina, Florida, etc. NOTICE. IX 667. Elliott's Birds of North America. 1140. Jardine and Selby's Ornithology. 3 vols., 410. 1474. Michaux and Nuttall's North American Sylva. 6 vols. 1542. Morton's Crania Americana. Folio. 1596. Naturalist's Library. 29 vols., royal 8vo. 2046. Samuels' Ornithology of New England. 2061. Sloane's Jamaica. 2 vols., folio. 1707. 2601. Wilson's American Ornithology. 9 vols., 410. The collection of POETRY and the DRAMA will not be found so complete in original editions as some other departments. The first editions of " The Fairie Queene, Old Geffrey, Sidney, Drayton, Randolph, Greene, The double Beaumonde, Drummond, Browne," * are "conspicuous by their absence; " but such absence is well recompensed in many instances by the beautiful reprints of Pickering and others ; and, for an ordinary library, there is surely enough. We instance 226. Anne Bradstreet's Poems. First Edition. 1651. 245. British Poets. 130 vols. Large Paper. 324. Byron's Works. Large Paper. 10 vols. 410. 512. Longfellow's Dante. On INDIA PAPER. One of three copies printed. 592. Doran's Annals of the Stage. Extended to 5 vols. 1030. Homer. Translated by Chapman. Folio. 1616. 1117. Ireland's New York Stage. On DRAWING PAPER. One of two copies. 1184. Ben Jonson's Works. Folio. 1438. Massinger. By Gifford. 4 vols., 8vo. 1813. 1475. Middleton. By Dyce. 6 vols. 1840. 1482. Milton's Poems. First complete edition. 1673. 1776. Aldine Poets. 57 vols. Uncut. * Waiting's] " Albius and Bellania." X NOTICE. 1991. Miss Seward's Monody on Major Andre. 410. 2001. Shakespeare. White's, Knight's, Singer's, and other editions. 2014. Shakespeare Society Publications. 18 vols , 8vo. Tree calf 2037. Shirley's Dramatic Works. 6 vols. Large Paper. 2041. Sibbald's Scottish Poetry. 4 vols., crown 8vo. 2159. Sterling's Recreations with the Muses. Folio. 1637. 2203. Suckling's Works. 1709. 2327. Voltaire's La Pucelle. Translated. 2547. Phillis Wheatley's Poems. 1773. HISTORY in general is represented by 21. Alison's Europe. 23 vols., 8vo. 737. Finlay's Historical Works. 7 vols. 871. Grote's Greece. Best Edition. 12 vols., 8vo. 1374. Macaulay's Works. 14 vols., 8vo., on India Paper. 1866. 1603. Lord Nelson's Dispatches. 7 vols., 8vo. 1692. Oxford Classics. Consisting of" Hume, Smollett, Gibbon, Robertson, Johnson, &c. 46 vols., 8vo. calf, gilt. A beautiful set. 2197. Strickland's Queens of England. 2205. Sully's Memoirs. 2 vols., folio. 2251. Thomson's Magna Charta. But the chief feature and crowning glory of this Library is the almost unequalled collection of AMERI- CANA. This department, although the last formed, is, in many respects, the most complete. It properly forms a part of the history of the formation of this Library to remark that Mr. Rice, through our agency, in the year 1866, became the purchaser, at a cost of fourteen thousand dollars, of the entire library of Americana formed by Mr. John F. McCoy, of New York, which, for its size, was one of the best within our knowledge. NOTICE. XI Since that time, Mr. Rice's purchases have been mostly in this direction ; and after this sale, he expects to re- enter the lists as a buyer of books of this class. Includ- ed in this department are many specimens of early printing in this country, by Samuel and Benjamin Green, William Bradford, Benjamin Franklin, James Franklin, and others. Among the books in this division, we enumerate the following Lots as being of special merit, either for their beauty or rarity : 3. Acosta's West Indies, 23. Allen's Captivity. 1779. 46. Andre's Cow Chace. 1780. 75. Ash's Carolina. 1682. 204. Boston Massacre Orations. 217-18. Braddock's Expedition. 224. Bradford Club Books. A complete set. 274. Budd's Pennsilvania. 410. 1685. 277. Bullock's Virginia. 1649. 292. Burk's Virginia. 4 vols., 8vo. 319. Byfield's Revolution in New England. 410. 1689. 337. Callender's Rhode Island. 1739. 357. Case of Protestants in Carolina. 1706. 442. Clarke's Bunker Hill. 1775. 490. Cotton's Bloody Tenant. 410. 1647. 499. Creuxius' Canada. 410. 1664. 518. Davenport's God's Call to His People. Cambridge, 1669. 552. Delavall and Keith. 410. Philadelphia, 1693. 662. Eliot's INDIAN BIBLE. First Edition. 410. 1663. 664. Eliot's Tears of Repentance. 410. 1653. 683. Buccaneers of America. 690. Evans' Map of the Colonies. 1755. 718. Federalist. First Edition, Uncut. 1788. 733. Filson's Kentucky. Illustrated Copy. 1784. Xll NOTICE. 758. Foxe's North-west Fox. 410. 1635. 764. Franklin's Pennsylvania. Unique Copy. 762 and 769. Almanacks. Printed by B. Franklin, 1752-1766. 772. Franklin's Works. E. D. Ingraham's Large Paper copy. 776-781. Freneau's Poems. All the Editions. 835. Gorton's Simplicities Defence. 410. 1646. 854. Green's Jersey Prison Ship. 1829. 874. Gryneus' Novus Orbis. 878. Hakluyts' Voiages. Folio. 1589. 909. Hamilton's Observations. Unique Illustrated Copy. 1800. 927. Hamor's Virginia. A German Translation. 410. 1617. 964. Hay wood's Tennessee. 8vo., calf. 1823. 965. Hazard's Collections. 2 vols., 410. 1792. 973. Heath's Memoirs. Unique copy, UNCUT. 1798. 983. Hennepin's Travels. Splendid copy. 1698. 1001. Higginson's New England's Plantation. 410. 1630. 1005. Hilliard d'Auberteuil Essais. Portraits. 2 vols., 410. 1782. 1037. Hooke's New England's Sence. 410. 1645. 1038. Hooke's New England's Tears. 1641. 1047. Horsmandeu's Negro Plot. Quarto Edition. 1744. 1064. Hubbard's New England. First Edition. 410. 1677. 1077. Boston Petition. 1660. 1080. Humboldt's Atlas of the Cordilleras. Folio. 1103, Regulation War in North Carolina. Perhaps unique. 1770. 1 1 II and 1 1 12. Indians in New England. 1659. 1 134. James' Life of Marion. 1821. 1151. Jeffery's Atlas. Folio. 1156. Jesuits Letters. 34 vols., I2mo. 1171. Jones' Virginia. 1724. 1185 and 1 1 88. Josselyn's New England. 2 vols. 1207 to 1 2 10. George Keith's Works. 1215. Kendall's Mexican War. Folio. 1851. 1229. Lord Kingsborough's Mexico. 9 vols., folio. 1243. Knox's Journal. 2 vols., 410. 1277 and 1278. Lawson's Carolina. 410. 1714 and 1718. 1305. Leslie's Deists and Checkley's Speech. 1730. 1344. Long's Jamaica. 3 vols., 410. NOTICE. Xlll 1388. McKenney's Indian Tribes. 3 vols., folio. 1402. Mante's Late Wars. 410. 1772. 1414. Martyn's Georgia. 410. 1421. Maryland Historical Society's Tracts. 43 vols. 1425-1436. Sundry rare books relating to Massachusetts. 1439-1453. Mather Family. Sundry rare books. 1471. Metcalf's Indian Wars. 1821. 1476. Milhert's Hudson River. Folio and 410. 1489-1492. Minutes of Conferences with Indians. 1493. Scandal about George Washington. 1786. 1502. Nehemiah on the Wall. Cambridge, 1671. 1503. Mohawk Prayer Book. 8vo. 1787. 1504-5. Monardes' Joyful News. 1577 and 1596. 1510. Montanus' New World. Folio. 1671. 1540-1. Morton's New England's Memorial. 1721 and 1772. 1547. Moultrie's American Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo. 1802. 1458. Munsell's Historical Series. 10 vols. 1564-5. Murray's Impartial History. 3 vols., 8vo. 1607. New England's First Fruits. 1643. 1610. Lawes of New England. 1641. 1611. Church in New England. 1645. 1640. Memorial of the Merchants of New York. 1765. 1644. Right of the Colony of New York. I773> 1650. Niles' Register. First Series. 1655. Norton's Heart of New England Rent. 1660. 1658. Oakes' New England Pleaded With. Cambridge, 1673. 1740. Penn's Letters. Folio. 1683. 1745 to 1755. Rare Books relating to Pennsylvania. 1762. Peters' Connecticut. 1781. 1792. Platform of Church Discipline. 1671. 1813. Prince's New England. 1736. 1828. Purchas, his Pilgrimes. Complete. 5 vols., folio. 1625. 1861. Reed and Cadwallader Tracts. 1891. Rivington's Revolutionary Tracts 6 vols., 8vo. 1897. Abbe Robin's Travels. 1783. 1898. Robinson's Epistles to New England. 1669. 1995. SewalPs Phenomena. 410. Boston, 1727. XIV NOTICE. 2030. Shepard's Church Membership. Cambridge, 1663. 2031. Shepard's Clear Sunshine. 1648. 2034. Shepard's Eye Salve. Cambridge, 1673. 2047. Simcoe's Queen's Rangers. Original Edition. 2072. Smith's Virginia. Folio. 1624. 2073. Smith's True Travels. Folio. 1630. 2084. Smith's New Jersey. Unique copy UNCUT. 2088. Smith's New York. LARGE PAPER COPY. Probably unique. 2091. Bouquet's Expedition. Philadelphia, 1765. 2129. Sparks' Washington. 2142 to 2145. State Papers. 2151. Stedman's American War. 2 vols., 410. Uncut. 2166. Stiles' Three Judges. 1794. 2177. Stith's Virginia. Williamsburgb, 1747. 2211 and 2218. Talbot's Life. 2223. Tarleton's Campaign. 410. Uncut. 1787. 2232. Ternaux-Compans Voyages. 20 vols. 2233. Thevet's America. 410. 1561. 2237. Thacher's Fast Sermon. Boston, 1678. 2275. Trial of Soldiers at Boston. 2303. United States Exploring Expedition. 26 vols., 410 and folio. 2313. Vaughan's Golden Fleece. 410. 2318. Vinal on Braddock's Defeat. 2329. Acugna's Voyages in South America. 1698. 2358. Woodworth's The War of 1812. 410. 2362. Ward's Simple Cobbler of Aggawam. 410. 1647. 2370 to 2524. Books by or Relating to WASHINGTON. A most beau- tiful collection. Nos. 2370, '80, 2406, '14, '17, 'i 8, '19, '29, '51, '65, '67, '82, '96, 2502, '8, '14, '15, and 2519 are particularly worthy of notice. 2555. Whitfield's Light Appearing. 1651. 2558. Whitfield's Strength out of Weakness. 1652. 2561. Whiting's Last Judgment. Cambridge, 1664. 2574. Wilkinson's Memoirs, Burr and Clarke. 6 vols., 8vo. 2577. Willet's Military Actions. 1831. 2584. Williams' Bloody Tenant. 1644. 2585. Williams' Bloody Tenant more Bloody. 1652. NOTICE. XV 2586. Williams' Answer to Mr. Cotton. 1644. 2605. Wilson's Carolina. 1682. 2610. Wingfield's Virginia. 1850. 2623. Wood's New England's Prospect. Superb copy. 1634. The CONDITION of the BOOKS is generally all that a collector of the most critical taste could desire. The proportion of UNCUT and LARGE PAPER COPIES is unusually large. The Binding is of the best order, and includes some of the choicest specimens of the workmanship of Francis Bedford, W. Pratt, and Charles Lewis, of London ; William Mathews, J. M. Bradstreet & Son, and R. W. Smith, of New York; Pawson and Nicholson, of Phil- adelphia, and a few especially fine by David and other French artists. The Catalogue has been made with great rapidity, and this circumstance must be accepted as an apology for some of the errors which have occurred, several of which are pointed out in the " errata." Brief notes of the titles and condition of the books were taken in Chicago, between the ist and yth of December last, and the Catalogue has been elaborated from a previous acquaintance with the books, a large proportion nearly four-fifths of them having already passed through our hands, and we are enabled to guarantee all the books perfect, unless otherwise stated in the Catalogue; and notwithstanding the frequent use of the "adjective," the buyers at this sale will be satisfied, when they get their purchases, that we have not overstated the merits of the books. To facilitate a reference to the contents of the Catalogue, which is arranged alphabetically, an XVI NOTICE. Index of Subjects has been prepared, which we hope will be found useful, if not absolutely correct. To conclude, we sincerely hope that the buyers at this sale will not be backward in emulating the enthu- siasm, determination, and liberality exhibited by their present owner, and that the financial result will be such as to stimulate the ardor of every other collector. Be it remembered, that such a sale is the bibliographical event of the period, that several of the books in this Library are UNIQUE, that the Public Libraries are rapidly absorbing rare and valuable books some of them will be bought for European Libraries, and are not likely to reappear in this market. Finally, we believe the BIBLIOMANIA is in the ascendant, and that with many of these books it is Now or NEVER. J. SABIN & SONS, 84 Nassau Street. NEW YORK, Feb. \$th y 1870. P. S. To our numerous friends, who are in the habit of sending us orders to buy, we respectfully suggest that they send them along without delay ; and, whenever practicable, name the limit of their bids. The sale will progress at the rate of about five hundred lots per day, beginning each day at 4 o'clock P. M., and lasting until about 10 o'clock P. M. BBOT (Abiel). History of Andover from its settlement to 1829. Andover. 1829. lamo, cloth, uncut; fine clean copy. 2 X BECKETT. The Comic History of England, [and] The Comic History of Rome. By Gilbert Abbott A Bec- kett. With Etchings. By John Leech. {London:} Published at the Punch Office. 1864. 2 vols., 8vo tree calf extra. 3 ACOSTA (Joseph). The Natvrall and Morall Historic of the East and West Indies. Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants and Beasts which are proper to that Country : Together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians. Written in Spanish by R. F. loseph Acosta, and translated into English by E. G. London : Printed by Val. Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley. 1604. 410, green morocco, gilt edges ; Portrait of Sir Robert Cecil, to whom the work is dedicated and inscribed 5 fine copy; rare. " Acosta is one of the earliest writers who has treated philosophically of America and its productions. His work has gone through several editions in Spain, and has been translated into most of the modern European languages. The English translator is said to be Edward Grimstone." RICH. 2 ADAMS. 4 ADAMS (A.) Concise Historical View of the Difficulties, Hardships, and Perils, which attended the Planting and Progressive improvements of New England. With a particular account of its long and Destructive Wars, Expensive Expeditions, &c. With reflections, princi- pally moral and religious. In two discourses, preached at Roxbury on the general fast, April 6, 1769 ... By Amos Adams, A.M. Pastor of the first church in Rox- bury ... . London. 1770. 8vo, polished calf, by F. Bedford. For an account of this rare work, see the " Massa- chusetts Historical Collection," xxviu, p. 2.80; M. R., XLII, p. 156. ADAMS (Daniel). See Washington (G). 5 ADAMS (J.) The Works of John Adams, Second Presi- J ^ , ** ^ ent f tne United States; with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations, by his Grandson C. F. Adams. Boston: Little ^ Brown & Co. 1856. 10 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 250 copies printed. 6 ADAMS. Novanglus, and Massachusettensis; or Political Essays, published in the Years 1774 and 1775, on the ^ Principal Points of Controversy, between Great Britain X^ * and Her Colonies. The former by John Adams, late President of the United States ; the Latter by Jonathan Sewell, ... To which are added A Number of Letters, lately written by President Adams, to ... William Tu- dor; ... Boston. 1819. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. Notwithstanding the positive statement on the title, it is satisfactorily settled that Daniel Leonard was the author of " Massachusettensis." 7 ADAMS (John G.) Our Country, and its Claims upon us. ^ Oration ... July 4, 1862. Providence. 1862. 8vo, pp. 30, and three other tracts. ADDRESS. ADAMS (Jonathan). See Washington (G.) 8 ADAMS (J. Q.) Oration ... Quincy. Fourth of July, 7 flk 1831. Boston. 1831. 9 ADAMS (Nathaniel). Annals of Portsmouth, comprising a period of 2OO years from the first Settlement of the Town, ... Portsmouth. 1825. 8vo, boards, uncut ; fine copy. 10 ADDISON. The Works of the Late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq.; ... With a Complete Index. Birmingham: Printed by "jfohn Baskerville ... MDCCLXI. 4 vols., rl. 410, calf; Baskerville's beautiful edition, in large type ; PORTRAIT and ENGRAVINGS, by Grignon, from Hayman's designs; very scarce ; fine copy ; free from stains. Lowndes says, " A beautiful and esteemed edition. Copies are rarely found free from stains." Dibdin is enthusisatic in recommending this splendid edition. " ' Study Addison night and day,' has been a frequent injunction. What Quintilian says of Cicero and Parr has applied to Burke, may be pronounced also of the writer of the ' Spectator :' Hit se profecisse plurimum sciat, cut Addhonut valdi placcbit. The ' Vision of Mirza' is, perhaps, the first of Eastern apo- logues, and No. 34 one of the purest specimens of genuine humor. " When Addison presented his works to Boileau, the latter replied, that ' he should never have taken up the pen against Perrault, had he been previously ac- quainted with such excellent pieces of a Modern.' He is, indeed, the ' Raffaelle of essay- writers ;* and was, deservedly, popular." WRANGHAM. 1 1 ADDISON'S C ATO, A Tragedy, adapted to the Stage by J. P. Kemble. London. 1811. 8vo, interleaved on 410, half calf. Kemble's copy, with some MS. notes. 12 ADDRESS of the Twelve United Colonies of North- . KSOV. America by their Representatives in Congress, to the People of Ireland. Philadelphia. 1775. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. < x !.* 13 ADOLPHUS (John). The History of England. London. 1 840. 7 Tol., 8vo, calf extra, gilt ; fine copy. Very important for the history of the Amer- ican Revolution. Also a continuation of Hume and Smollett's history. 14 ADVENTURES (The) of Baron Munchausen. A New and Revised Edition. With an Introduction by T. T. Shore, A.M. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. London: Cassell. [n. d.] 410, half red morocco, uncut. i/~y 15 ADVICE to Officers of the British Army, A Fac Simile reprint of the Sixth London Edition. With an Intro- duction and Notes. New York: Agatbynian Club. 1867. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet j No. 41 of 120 copies printed. Written in imitation of Swift's "Advice to Servants," perhaps by Captain Grose. %T 16 jELFRIC. The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. The First Part, Containing the Sermones Catholici, or Homilies of JElfric. In the Original Anglo-Saxon, with an English Version. By Benjamin Thorpe, F.S.A. London: Printed for the jElfric Society. MDCCCXLiv. 3 vols., 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges, by Holloway j elegant copy. 17 jESOP. The Fables of #)so P . With a Life of the Author; and Embellished with one Hundred & twelve Plates. London: John Stockdale. 1793. Toll., imp. 8vo, tree calf, gilt, by Riviere. A most beautiful copy of Stockdale's magnificent edition, printed in large type, with 112 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS, by Blake, Stothard, Landseer, etc ; fine and early imfretsions ; tcarce. ALISON. 5 1 8 AGASSIZ (L.) Lake Superior: its Physical Character, y Vegetation and Animals, compared with those of other and similar regions. By Louis Agassiz. With a nar- rative of the tour by J. Elliot Cabot, and contributions by other scientific gentlemen. Boston: Gould^ Kendall & Lincoln. 1850. 8vo, cloth j very scarce. The most complete work on this comparatively unknown region. See Chr. Ex., XLIX, 9 ; Sou. Q. R., xix, 420. 19 ALCIPHRON'S EPISTLES; in which are described, the Domestic Manners, the Courtesans, and Parasites of Greece. Now first translated from the Greek. London. 1791. 8vo, cloth; scarce. 20 ALDEN (T.) A Collection of American Epitaphs and -. ^Jf Inscriptions with Notes, By Rev. Timothy Alden, A.M. New York. 1814. 5 vols., i6mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; fnt copy $ scarce. The most complete work on the subject. ALDINE POETS. Set Pickering (Wm.) 21 ALISON (A.) History of Europe from the Commence- ment of the French Revolution to the Restoration of >o the Bourbons in MDCCCXV [followed by the] History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in MDCCCXV to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in MDCCCLII. By Sir Archibald Alison, Bart. [Edinburgh :] William Blackw ood and Sons. MDCCCLIV. 23 vols., 8vo, and ATLAS in 410, half calf, gilt. The only work which has treated the subject at so much length. Written with much elegance and great ability, but with a Tory bias. 6 ALLEN. 22 ALLAN (J.) Catalogue of the Books, Autographs, En- /* gravings, &c., belonging to the Estate of John Allan. By Joseph Sabin. Also: Catalogue of the Library and Antiquarian Collection of John Allan, Esq., with the Names of Purchasers and the price each article sold for, preceded by a few Introductory Remarks [by William Gowans.] Afcw York. 1865. a Tols., imp. 8vo, uncut; 100 copies printed. 23 ALLEN (E.) A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's Cap- tivity, From the Time of his being taken by the British, near Montreal, on the 2fth Day of September, in the jj' Year 1775, to the Time of his Exchange on the 6th day of May, 1778, Containing, His Voyages and Travels, With the most remarkable Occurrences respecting him- self, and many other Continental Prisoners of different Ranks and Characters, which fell under his Observation, in the Course of the same ; particularly the Destruction of the Prisoners at New York, by General Sir William Howe, in the Years 1776 and 1777. Interspersed with some Political Observations. Written by Himself, and now published for the Information of the Curious of all Nations. [Motto.] Boston. 1779. 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, by W. Pratt ; fine copy ; extremely scarce. J. B. Fisher's copy, printed at Philadelphia in this year, sold for $56. 24 ALLEN. [Another Edition.] Watyole, N. H. 1807. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. zr*, 25 ALLEN. [Another Edition.] Albany. 1814. nmo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by W. Pratt; scarce. ?- 26 ALLEN (George). Life of Philidor, Musician and hess- ALLEN. 7 Player, with a supplementary essay on Philidor as Chess- Author and Chess-Player. Philadelphia. 1863. Rl. 8vo; half morocco; beautifully printed, on LARGE PAPER. 27 ALLEN (Maj.-Gen. Ira). Natural and Political History _ ^ of the State of Vermont, one of the United States of *s America. With an Appendix, containing answers to sundry queries addressed to the Author. London. 1798. 8vo, half green morocco extra, gilt top, uncut; fine copy; scarce. 28 ALLEN (J.) New-Englands | choicest Blessing] And the Mercy most to be desired by | all that wish well to this *rf 9 & People. | Cleared in a | Sermon | Preached before the ] Covrt of Election | At Boston on May 28. (1679. | By James Allen, | Teacher to the first Gathered Church therein. | Boston^ | Printed by John Foster ^ 1679. | 410, red morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; fine copy ; very scarce. 29 ALLEN (Joseph). A Centennial Discourse delivered in Northborough, Mass., 1846. Boston. 1846. 8vo, pp. 64, brown polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 30 ALLEN. Half-Century Sermon ... Northborough, Mass. ... Cambridge. 1867. 8vo, pp. 58, brown polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 31 ALLEN. Historical Sketch of the Town of Northborough, * Massachusetts. [n. p. n. d.] 8vo, brown polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 32 ALLEN (Joseph). Genealogical Sketch of the Allen Family. Boston. 1869. lamo, pp. 88, uncut. g AMERICAN. 77 ALLEN The Worcester Association and its Antece- dents. ** l868 ' iamo, sheets folded; one lignaturc wanting. c' 34 ALLEN. Eight Historical Tracts. By Rev. Joseph Allen. 0- d '3 35 ALLEN (Paul). History of the American Revolution; comprehending all the Principal Events both in the Field and in the Cabinet, with the important resolutions of the Continental Congress, Washington's Letter, etc. Baltimore. 1822. a vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; fine copy , scarce. " Although the name of Paul Allen is on the title, this work was written by John Neal and Mr. Watkins." ALLEN'S " Biog. Dictionary." 36 ALLIBONE (S. A.) A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Vol. i. Philadelphia. 1859. Rl. 8vo, cloth. The remaining volumes of this valuable work will probably be pub- lished within a year. ALSOP (Richard). See Washington (George). 37 AMERICAN (The) and British Chronicle of War and Politics; being an Accurate and Comprehensive Regis- ter of the most memorable Occurrences in the last ten Years of His Majesty's Reign : in which will be found above Eighteen Hundred Interesting Events, During the late War between Great Britain and America, France, Spain and Holland; From May 10, 1773, to July 16, 1783. The whole carefully collected from Authentic Records, and correctly arranged in Chronological Order. Multum in Parvo. This compendium, or Political Sys- tem of Foreign and Domestic Affairs, is a faithful Diary AMERICAN. 9 of Civil and Military Transactions, extracted from Gov- ernment Dispatches and Official Papers, Votes of the House of Commons and Lords, Resolutions of Congress, Acts of Council, Royal Proclamations, Edicts, &c. Provincial Considerations, Debates, Petitions, Addresses, Meetings, and Determinations. Every Engagement by Sea and Land, Military Operations, Civil Establish- ments, Changes in Administration, Political Struggles, and Principal Appointments; Treaties of Alliance, Com- merce, and Peace ; Constitutional and Financial Re- form ; Land and Marine Force of the Belligerent Pow- ers; Public Revenue, Debt, and Expenditure, &c. &c. &c. To the Recapitulation of Public Occurrences during the late War in America and in Europe, is added a general Table of Prior Events ; British Governors in America at the Commencement of Hostilities ; Mem- bers of the first Congress; Constitution and Form of Government of the several States, and Population in Each ; Ships of War taken, lost, or destroyed ; Roads in America ; and a copious Abridgement of the Treaties of Peace. London: Printed for the Author. [1783.] 8vo, half morocco, gilt top ; very icarce. The dedication is signed E. J. S. Fari- bault, No. 926, quotes a book with a similar title, 4 vols., 410, London, 1 80 1, which is probably an error. AMERICAN Anecdotes. See [Hunt (Freeman)]. 38 AMERICAN Antiquarian Society. Proceedings, &c. > s Worcester, [v. < 4/ 15 pamphlets, 8vo. See " Archaeologue Americana." AMERICAN Archives. See Force (Peter). AMERICAN Bards. A Satire. See [Wain (Robert)]. AMERICAN Independence. SW*[Cartwright (John)]. 2 10 ANBITREY. 39 AMERICAN PIONEER. A Monthly Periodical, Devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society; or to Collecting and Publishing Sketches Relative to the Early Settlement and Successive Improvement of the Country. Cincinnati. 1844. a Tol., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PLATES and FAC- UMILES; rarely found in such fine condition. AMERICAN (The) WAR. A Poem. See [Cockings (G.)] 40 AMES. Works of Fisher Ames. Compiled by a Number of his Friends. To which are prefixed, Notices of his Life and Character [by J. T. Kirkland]. ... Boston. 1809. 8 vo, half morocco; PORTRAIT. 41 AMES. Works of Fisher Ames. With a selection from y* (/"& his Speeches and Correspondence. Edited by his Son, Seth Ames. Boston: Little^ Brown and Company. 1854. 2 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. AMES (Joseph). See Dibdin (T. F.) 42 AMORY (T. C.) The Military Services of Maj. Gen. Sullivan. Boston. 1868. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Written in reply to Bancroft. ,- tT& 43 C ANBUREY (Thomas).] Travels through the Interior Parts of America; in a Series of Letters. By an Officer. London. MDCCXCI. a Tols., 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; MAPS and PLATES; -very fne copy. The author was an officer in Burgoyne's army, and was taken prisoner by the Americans when that wing of the'British army fell into their hands. A graphic per- ANDRE. II sonal narrative. For varied criticisms on this work, see " Sabin's Dictionary," Vol. I, No. 1367. 44 ANDERSON (Rev. James S. M.) The History of the // J~t Church of England, in the Colonies and Foreign De- pendencies of the British Empire. - London. 1856. 3 vols., fcap 8vo, cloth, uncut. 45 ANDR. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, Held by order of His Excellency Gen. Washington, > / ^ j-p Commander in Chief of the Army of the Unites States of America ' Respecting Major John Andre, Adjutant General of the British Army. September 29, 1780. Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Bailey in Market-Street. M.DCC.LXXX. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges ; first edition, of extreme rarity, 46 ANDR. Cow Chace, In Three Cantos, Published on Occasion of the Rebel General Wayne's Attack of the Refugees Block-House On Hudson's River, on Friday the 2ist of July, 1780. New York: Printed by James Rivington. MDCCLXXX. 8vo. This superb copy of this extremely rare book is one of the CHOICEST GEMS in this collection. The binding is a piece offne art, in Francis Bedford's best style. It is in rich crimson crushed levant morocco, beautifully polished, and finished to a Grolier pattern ; the inside linings are likewise finished in the most beautiful manner, and in corresponding style. The binding alone cost over $75, and is well worth its price. A gentleman, whose experience is only equalled by his taste and judgment in such matters, expresses the opinion that there is not a finer specimen of bookbinding in the city of New York. The condition of this copy is enhanced by its being entirely uncut. In this respect, it is presque unique. " The Cow Chace" occupies eighteen pages ; the remainder is a reprint of " The American Times, A Satire, In Three Parts, In which are delineated the Characters of the Leaders of tbe American Rebellion," and two other short poems. I2 ANDREWS. The following ii the last itanra of thii mock-heroic poem, founded on the defeat of General* Wayne, Irring, and Proctor, to which subsequent events gate m melancholy interest : " And now I've clos'd my epic strain, I tremble as I show it, Lest this same warrior-drover, Wayne, Should ever catch the poet." Tint published in Rivington's " Royal Gazette." See M. R., LXYI, p. yz ; Nilw'i "Register," xx, p. 386. 47 ANDRE. Minutes of a Court of Inquiry, upon the case _ ^ of Major John Andre, with accompanying documents, and an Appendix containing copies of the papers found upon Major Andre when arrested. Albany. 1865. Sm. 410, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut ; FINE PORTRAIT. Privately reprinted for Mr. John F. McCoy, of New York. *S70* 4 8 ANDRE. [Another copy.] Albany. 1867. 410, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; LARGE PAPER. Ten copies only printed in this size. 49 ANDRfiANA. Containing the Trial, Execution and va- rious matter connected with the History of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America, A.D. 1780. Philadelphia. 1865. 4*0, half red levant morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet; with iz FINE PORTRAITS; priv- ately printed ; only 50 copies of this size. 9 g BANCROFT. [The same.] Washington. 1866. 8 vo, cloth; PORTRAIT. 99 BANGS (E.) Oration. Worcester, July 4, 1800. Worcester. 1800. 8 TO, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; uarce. 100 BARBARITIES of the Enemy exposed, in a Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States, appointed to enquire into the spirit and manner in which the war has been waged by the Enemy. Troy. 1813. izmo, boards, uncut. Includes some Indian atrocities. 101 BARB2-MARBOIS. Complot d'Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton centre les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et centre le General Washington Septembre 1780. Paris. MDCCCVI. Sm. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top; Two FINE PORTRAITS. 102 BARBER (J. W.) History and Antiquities of New Eng- land, New York, and New Jersey. Illustrated by numerous engravings. Worcester. 1841. Rl. 8vo, roan, gilt. 103 BARBER. History and Antiquities of New Haven, ^ __ (Conn.), from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Collected and Compiled from the most Authen- tic Sources. Illustrated Engravings. New Haven. 1831. xamo, half calf, gilt top. Contains view of New Haven and Fort Hale, Battle of Lexington, etc. ; -very uarce. 104 BARBER. Massachusetts Historical Collections, Being a general Collection of Interesting Facts, Traditions, BARLOW. 25 Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., relating to the History of Every Town in Massachusetts, ... 200 En- gravings. Worcester. 1839. 8vo, old calf". 105 BARKER (James N.) Sketches of the Primitive Settle- ^f ments on the River Delaware. A Discourse delivered ^*" before the Society for the Commemoration of the Land- ing of William Penn, On the 24 th of October, 1827. Philadelphia. 1817. 8vo, half brown morocco; PORTRAIT and PLATES inserted. BARCLAY (Sidney). See [Post (L. M)]. 1 06 BARLOW (Joel). The Columbiad. A Poem. Philadelphia. 1807. 4to, morocco extra, by Bedford; BRILLIANT PROOF IMPRESSIONS of the Portrait of the jiuthor and the numerous beautiful Engravings after SMIRKE'S designs ; a matchless copy, perfectly free from stains, and of the greatest rarity, in uncut condition. Contains, also, a large number of ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS, the particulars of which we are not able to give, the book now (Dec., 1869) being in the hands pf Mr. F. Bedford, of London, who is instructed to bind it in crushed levant morocco, gilt top, in his best style. The quarto edition was printed at the expense of Robert Fulton, to whom it was dedi- cated. It is " a new edition, with great alterations of the ' Visions of Colum- bus,' beautifully printed, and illustrated with fine engravings." RICH. 107 BARLOW. The Columbiad. A Poem. London. 1809. 'y*t/l Imp. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. 108 BARLOW. The Vision of Columbus ; A Poem in Nine Books. By Joel Barlow, Esquire. Hartford. 1787. 8vo, calf; fine old copy. The subscribers' names include His Most Christian Majesty [Louis XVI], 25 copies; His Excellency George Washington, Esq., 10 copies; Maj.-Gen. le Marquis de la Fayette, 10 copies, etc. Afterwards amplified into "The Columbiad." 4 26 BARTLETT. 109 BARNES (William). The Settlement and Early History of Albany. Many: Munsell. 1864. Crown TO, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; PLAN and CUTS, RUBRICATED TITLE. I jo BARNEY (M.) A Biographical Memoir of the late Com- modore Joshua Barney, from Autographical Notes and Journals. Edited by Mary Barney. Boston. 1832. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut ; PORTRAIT. in BARNUM (H. L.) The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch : being an Authen- tic Account of the Secret Services which "he rendered his *? * * country during the Revolutionary War. (Taken from his own lips, in short hand), etc. New Tork. 1828. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; 25 PORTRAITS and PLATES inserted. BARRETT (Walter), pseudon. See [Scoville (Joseph A.)] 112 BARRY (J. S.) The History of Massachusetts Colonial, ^/ \T~o Provincial and Commonwealth Periods. 1856-7. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. See " North Am. Rev.," xxxv, p. z66. 113 BARTHOGGE (R.) An Essay upon Reason and the Nature of Spirits. London. 1694. 8vo, half morocco 5 rare. 114 BARTLETT (John Russell). Bibliography of Rhode / fr Island. A Catalogue of Books and other Publications relating to the State of Rhode Island. Providence. 1864. Rl. 8vo, half bound; LARGE PAPER; only 150 copies printed. ^ 115 BARTLETT. Dictionary of Americanisms. A Glos- BARTLETT. 2"J sary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. Third Edition. Boston. 1860. 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut. 116 BARTLETT. A History of the Destruction of His / * /- Britannic Majesty's Schooner Gaspee, in Narragansett Bay, on the loth June, 1772; accompanied by the Cor- respondence connecfd [V] therewith, etc. Providence. 1861. Imp. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut; PLATE of the "Destruction of the Gaspe," and AUTOGRAPH LETTER (1837) of Colonel Ephraim Bowen, the last survivor of the party which" destroyed the Gaspe; also letter of J. R. Bartlett inserted} 125 copies privately printed. 117 BARTLETT. Memoirs of Rhode Island Officers who were engaged in the Service of their Country during the great Rebellion of the South. Illustrated with 34 Por- traits. Providence. 1867. 4to, boards, uncut; 50 copies printed. 1 18 BARTLETT. The Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets Relating to the Civil m ^ e United States, on the Subjects growing out of that Event, Together with the Works on American Slavery, etc. Boston. 1866. 4to, half levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by Wm. Mathews ; LARGE PAPER ; 60 copies printed. 119 BARTLETT (W. H.) American Scenery; or, Land, Lake, and River Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature. f j!~ott From Drawings by W. H. Bartlett ... the Literary De- partment by N. P. Willis, Esq. London: George Virtue. M.DCCC.XL. 2 vols., 410, half blue morocco, gilt edges j fine copy ; FIRST EDITION, with fine im- pressions of the PLATES. 2 g BATTY. & 120 BARTLETT. The Pilgrim Fathers; or, Founders of New England in the Reign of James the First. London. 1850. Rl. 8vo, cloth, uncut; 18 PLATES; fine early copy. 121 BARTOL (C. A.) A Tribute to Brig. Gen. Charles Russell Lowell, Jr. Boston. 1864. 8vo. Also Bullock's Address. 122 BARTRAM (Wm.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee / eo Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the country of the Choc- taws, containing an account of the Soil and Natural Pro- ductions of those Regions; together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians. Embellished with cop- perplates. London. 1792. 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. "The latest book of travels I know written in the spirit of the old travellers, is Bar- tram's account of his tour in the Floridas ; it is a work of high merit every way." COLERIDGE'S " Table Talk." 123 BAYARD (N.) Journal of the Late Actions of the French at Canada, by Col. Nicholas Bayard, and Lieut. Charles Lodowick. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1868. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. BASCOM (J.) See Washington (G.) 124 BATTY (R.) French Scenery from Drawings made in 1819 by Captain Batty. London. 1821. 4to, half calf; contains 64 EXQUISITELY ENGRAVED VIEWS. BAYLIES. 29 125 BAYLE (P.) The Dictionary Historical and Critical of jf ~0 + Mr. Peter Bayle. The Second Edition, Carefully col- lated with the Several Editions of the Original; in which many Passages are restored, and the whole greatly aug- mented, particularly with a Translation of the Quotations from Eminent Writers in various Languages. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author, Revised, Corrected and Enlarged by Mr. Des Maizeaux, Fellow of the Royal Society. London: Printed for y. y. & P. Knapton cff Co. MDCCXXXIV.-MDCCXXXVIII. 5 vols., folio, old calf, gilt ; LARGE PAPER COPY. " The learning of Bayle was copious, especially in what was most peculiarly required, the controversies, the anecdotes, the miscellaneous facts and sentences, scat- tered over the vast surface of literature for two preceding centuries. ... He is admirable in exposing the fallacies of dogmatism, the perplexities of philoso- phy, and the weaknesses of those who affect to guide the opinions of man- kind." HALLAM. " His critical Dictionary is a vast repository of facts and opinions, and he balances the false religions on his skeptical scales till the opposite quantities (if I may use the language of algebra) annihilate one other." GIBBON. 126 BAILEY (J. R.) Memoirs of the Right Reverend Simon " Wm. Gabriel Brute, D.D. First Bishop of Vincennes, with Sketches describing his recollections of scenes con- nected with the French Revolution, and Extracts from his Journal. New York: J. G. Shea. 1860. 4to, half green levant morocco, uncut, gilt top; FINE PORTRAIT on INDIA PAPER, and CUTS, scarce ; 50 copies printed. 127 BAYLIES (F.) An Historical Memoir of the Colony o^" New Plymouth, From the Flight of the Pilgrims into Holland in the Year 1608, to the Union of that Colony with Massachusetts in 1692. By Francis Baylies. With some Corrections, Additions, and a Copious Index, by Samuel G. Drake. ... Boston. 1866. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. oQ BELKNAP. 128 BAYLIES. Some Remarks on the Life and Character of General David Cobb, ... delivered at the Taunton Lyceum. July 2, 1830. Albany. 1864. 8vo, h.lf imooth morocco, gilt top, uncut; 3 PORTRAITS inserted; 100 copies only printed. 129 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. The Works of Beau- ,X' mom & Fletcher; the Text procured from a New ^ *j- Collation of the Early Edition. With Notes and a Biographical Memoir by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. In Eleven Volumes. London: Edward Moxon. MDCCCXLIII. II vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. One of the best edited works of modern times; now uarce. 130 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER'S Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, A Comedy, adapted to the Stage by James Love; Revised by J. P. Kemble. London. 1811. 8vo, interleaved in 4to, half calf. Manuscript.notes by Kemble. 131 BECHTELN (J.) Kurzer | Catechismusj Von etliche | Gemeinen JesujAus der Reformirten Religion] In Penn- // *J? sylvania, | Die sich zum alten Berner Synodo halten : | Herausgegeben von | Johannas Bechteln, | Diener des Worts Gottes. | Philadelphia,\Gedruckt bey Benjamin Franklin, 1734. izmo, crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. In the Nuggets, No. 496, this book is priced at 10 IDS., and is said to be unique, which is an error. ^ *J2 [BELKNAP.] The Forresters ; An American Tale ; being a Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier. ... Boston. 1792. 1 2mo, plate, half morocco ; -very scarce. An historical allegory, in which the whole of the occurrences of the War of Inde- pendence are dramatized. Virginia figures under the name of Walter Pipe- weed, whose grandson George, is Washington. BELTZ. 31 133 BELKNAP (Jeremy). A Discourse^ intended to Com- memorate the Discovery of America by Christopher Co- lumbus; Delivered at the Request of the Historical Society in Massachusetts, on the 23d day of October, 1792, being the Completion of the Third Century since that Memorable Event. Boston: Belknap and Hall. MDCCXCII. 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford ; scarce in such fine condition. 134 BELKNAP (Jeremy). The History of New Hampshire. Comprehending the Events of one Complete Century, from the Discovery of the River Piscataqua. Contain- ing also a Geographical Description of the State, etc. Dover, N. H. 1812. 3 voU., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. 135 BELOE (W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. a By the Rev. William Beloe. London: Rivington. 1807. 6 vols., 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. Contains much valuable and interesting bibliographic information in general, besides many copious extracts from rare and curious old English books, in prose and verse. Beloe had conjectured the Duke of Roxburghe's "Valdarfer Boccacio " would, on a sale, produce not much less than 500 ! "A thousand," guessed Mr. Johnes. " Two thousand two hundred and sixty," said the Marquis of Blandford ! See " Bibliogr. Decam," in, p. 62-65.) 136 BELTZ (George Frederick). Memorials of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, from its Foundation to the * *? Present Time; including the History of the Order; Bio- graphical Notices of the Knights in the Reigns of Ed- ward III. & Richard II. London: W. Pickering. 1841. Rl. 8vo, boards, uncut. 32 BENSON. " Beltr'i Memorial' des'erve, for research and ability, to be ranked with the works of his predecessors (Cam Jen, Anstis, Dugdalc), and no historical library can be complete without them." Athenttum. 137 [BENEZET (Anthony).] A Short Account Of that Part of Africa, Inhabited by the Negroes. London. MDCCLXVIII. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 138 BENNETT (H.) The Treasury of Wit; being a meth- r \, j>*~ odical Selection of about Twelve hundred, the best, Apophthegms and Jests; from books in several lan- guages. London: C. Dilly. M,DCC,LXXXVI. 2 vols., izmo, half vellum, gilt backs. 139 BENSON (Egbert). Memoir read before the Historical *^ Society of the State of New York, December 31, 1816. Second Edition with Notes. Jamaica. 1825. izmo, half calf, uncut; rare. Relates to the Dutch and Indian names in New York. Morrell's copy sold for $5. 140 [BENSON (E.)] Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. New York: Rich and Mercein. 1817. ORIGINAL EDITION, of great rarity. Fisher's copy sold for $45. This beautiful copy is a fine specimen of illustration. It was got up by Mr. J. F. McCoy, of this city, who spared neither time or money in making this one of the finest copies extant. It includes a fine Plate of the capture of Andre, Autograph of E. Benson, Portraits of Andre, John Paulding, another Plate of the capture, Portraits of Benj. Tallmadge, G. Washington, Lafayette, Charles Thompson, Secretary to the Congress, Alexander Hamilton, Major General Greene, and a third Plate of the capture of Major Andre. It is beautifully bound in crushed red levant morocco extra, richly tooled inside morocco linings, by W. Mathews. Uncut copy. 141 BENSON. Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. By Egbert Benson. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1865. Rl. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; 50 copies printed. BERTIE. 33 142 BENSON. [Another copy.] New York. 1865. i&(/d ~ ^ 8vo, uncut; SMALL PAPER; 200 copies printed; Sabin's Reprints, No. HI. 143 BEOWOLF. The Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowolf, the Scop-, or, Gleeman's Tale, and the Fight at Finnesbury. With a Literal translation, notes, glossary, etc. By B. Thorpe. Oxford. M.DCCC.LV. izmo, cloth, uncut. 144 BERKELEY (G. T.) Reminiscences of a Huntsman. t+^2 t* With Illustrations by Leech. London. 1844. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut; COLORED PLATE. -ft ^ 145 BERKSHIRE (The) Jubilee celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass. Albany. 1845. 8vo, cloth ; AUTOGRAPH of Rut us Choate inserted. i/2? 146 BERNARD (Bp.) Incipunt meditationes beati bernard prima abbatis clareuallensis. [n. p. n. d.] Sm. 410, calf; BLACK LETTER. Printed about 1470. From John Allan's collection. 147 BERNARD. Letters to the Right Honorable the Earl of Hillsborough, from Governor Bernard, General Gage and ,^. the Honorable His Majesty's Council for the Province of Massachusets-Bay. With an Appendix containing divers Proceedings referred to in the said Letters. London: J. Almon. [n. d.] 8vo; a rare Revolutionary tract. 148 BERNARD. L'Art d'Amier et Poesies diverses de Bernard. ditionas ornee de sept figures. Paris, [n. d.] Rl. 8vo, boards, uncut ; 7 BEAUTIFUL PLATES of presque nude subjects. A 149 [BERTIE (W.)] Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund 5 34 BHAGVAT-OEETA. Burke, Esq.; ... on the Affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon. Sixth Edition. Oxford, [n. d.] gro, half morocco, uncut. Concerning this, see Sabin's Dictionary, Vol. i, No. 60. It may not be generally known that Abingdon Square, New York, is named in honor of this gentleman, who presented his estate to the Congress of the thirteen provinces. 150 B[EVERLEY] (R[obert]). The History and Present State of Virginia, In Four Parts. ... By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. London. MDCCV. 8vo, calf; fine copy ; FOURTEEN PLATES by Gribelin, after De Bry. 151 B[EVERLEY]. [The same.] The Second Edition re- vis'd and enlarg'd by the Author. London. 1722. 8vo, calf; fine copy ; 14 PLATES. 152 BEWICK (T. and J.) History of British Land and Water Birds. Newcastle. 1847. a vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut; FINE WOODCUTS. 153 BEWICK. Select Fables; with Cuts Designed and //" *^ Engraved by Thomas and John Bewick, and others, previous to the Year 1784. Together with a Memoir j and a descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Messrs. Bewick. Newcastle. 1820. 8vo, boards, uncut ] fine copy. , 154 BEWICK. Scrap Book, containing a large number of Wood Cuts by the Messrs. Bewick. Sm. folio, halt morocco. To eulogize the works of Bewick is unnecessary ; their WOODCUTS of birds and animals are almost facsimiles of nature. 155 BHAGVAT-GEETA, (The) or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon. Translated by Charles Wilkins. New Tork. M.D.CCC.LXVII. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; z6i copies privately printed. BIBLIOTHECA. 35 156 BIBLE. Miles Coverdale's Translation of the Bible. Bagster's reprint. London. 1838. " Dr. Kennicot does not scruple to prefer, in many instances, this to our present trans- lation." MAGEE on the Atonement. 157 BIBLE (La Sainte). Selon la Vulgate traduction nouvelle Avec les Dessins de Gustave Dore. -.*> Es( l- F - R - and A - s ' s - [ Motto -J London. MDCCLXXX. a volt., 4to, green morocco extra gilt, gilt top, uncut; LARGE PAPER COPY. Thii privately printed work is now rather scarce. The plates are by Bartolozzi, Cipriani, and others. Between pp. 532 and 533 come pp. 533*-576*, 577t~584> 579**- 58. These pages are sometimes deficient. Heath's copy sold for 4 73.; Brockett's for 6. The subject of this memoir was a liberal benefactor to Harvard College. We have never seen another large paper copy. 171 BLADES (W.) The Life and Typography of William .. Caxton, England's First Printer, with Evidence of His Typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. Compiled from Original Sources by Wm. Blades. London. 1861. a vols., 410, half morocco, uncut ; illustrated with more than 60 FACSIMILE PLATES, executed by Tupper in the most careful manner. Besides copious quotations from original documents, illustrative of the life and times of this great and good man, to whom England is indebted for the introduc- tion of the "Divine Art" of printing, derived from hitherto unexplored sources, it includes the whole of his prologues and epilogues attached to the various books printed by him; also his own historical work, entitled " Poli- cronicon Liber ultimus." The second volume is devoted to a bibliographical and literary account of all the works printed by, or ascribed to, the press of Caxton, including many books unde- scribed by Dr. Dibdin and other bibliographers, accompanied with most careful collations of them, and a list of copies of books printed by Caxton, in number, more than four hundred and fifty, now in the public and private libraries of Great Britain. Published by subscription ; only 250 copies printed. & tt 172 BLAINE (D. P.) An Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. London. 1858. Very thick 8vo, pp. 1246, half morocco, uncut; with many hundred WOODCUTS. 173 BLAKE (F.) An Oration, pronounced at Worcester, (Mass.) ... July 4, 1812. Worcester, [n. d.] 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. BLAKSLEE (G.) See Washington (G.) BLOODGOOD. 39 174 BLAND PAPERS (The). Being a Selection from the Manuscripts or" Col. Theodorick Bland, Jr., of Prince George County, Virginia. To which are prefixed an Introduction and a Memoir of Col. Bland. Edited by Charles Campbell. Petersburg. 1840-43. 2 vols. in i, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 175 BLEECKER (A. E.) Posthumous Works of Ann Eliza Bleecker, in Prose and Verse. To which is added, A '/ ^ Collection of Essays, Prose and Poetical, by Margaretta V. Faugeres. New York: T. W G. Swords. 1793. lamo, red crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; PORTRAIT; fnt copy f scarce. Mr. Corwin's copy sold (1846) for $11. "The Memoirs of Miss Bleecker and her poems were published many years ago; but I have sought in vain among the libraries and the Bleeckers to obtain a copy." W. L. STONE'S " Lire of Brant," Vol. i, p. 207. Mr. Allibone says, reprinted, 1809, which is an error. 176 BLEEKER (L.) The Order Book of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, Major of Brigade in the early part of the Ex- pedition under James Clinton, against the Indian Settle- ments of Western New York, in the Campaign of 1779. Edited by Franklin B. Hough. New York: Jos. Sabin. 1865. 4to, half levant morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. 177 BLEEKER. [The same.] New York: Jos. Satin. 1865. ,^ * Fcap 410, uncut ; 200 hundred copies printed. O BLENNERHASSETT PAPERS. See Safford (Wm. H.) 178 [BLOODGOOD (S. De Witt).] The Sexagenary; or Reminiscences of the American Revolution; Albany. 1833. 1 2mo, half calf; first edition ; very rare. / BOAG. 179 [BLOODGOOD.] The Sexagenary} or Reminiscences of the American Revolution. Portrait of Gen. Schuyler. Albany: Munsell. 1866. Imp. 8vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. 1 80 BLUE LAWS (The) of Connecticut; A Collection of /Oft the Earliest Statistics and Judicial Proceedings of that Colony; being An Exhibition of the Rigorous Morals and Legislation of the Puritans. Edited with an Intro- duction by Samuel M. Smucker, LL.D. Philadelphia: Duane Rulison. 1 86 1. izmo, pp. 235, sheep. 181 BLUE LAWS (The) of New Haven Colony, usually ^* ^ called Blue Laws of Connecticut ; Quaker Laws of Ply- mouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, & South Carolina. First Record of Connecticut; &c. Compiled by An Antiquarian. Hartford. 1838. , pp. 336, cloth. 182 BLUNT'S Stranger's Guide to the City of New- York. To which is prefixed, An Historical Sketch, General Description, Plan and Extent of the City. With an Appendix. New-Tor k. 1817. izmo, half bound, uncut, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 183 BO ADEN (James). Memoirs of iMrs. Inchbald, in- cluding her Familiar Correspondence with the Most Distinguished Persons of her Time. London. 1833. a vols., 8vo, morocco extra gilt, gilt edges; PORTRAIT; a splendid copy. j/ 184 BOAG (J.) The Imperial Lexicon of the English Lan- guage. Edinburgh, [n. d.] a vols., rl. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. BOOK. 41 185 BOCCACCIO. Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boc- cacio. Londra: Guglielmo Pickering. M.DCCC.XXV. 3 vols., post 8vo, uncut. 1 86 BOCCACCIO. A Series of Ten Fine Plates by Stothard, illustrative of Boccaccio. Printed on India Paper. 187 BOHN (H. G.) A Catologue of Books. London: Henry G. Eohn. AiDCCpXLi. Very thick 8vo, half morocco. Known as the " Guinea Catalogue." 1 88 BOLTON (Robert). A History of the County of West- chester, from its First Settlement to the Present Time. New York. 1848. a vols., 8vo, cloth; very scarce. 189 BOOK of Common Prayer. Pickering's Splendid Re- prints of the Seven various Editions from Edward VI. to the present time. Also, The Order for the Administra- tion of the Holy Communion and Occasional Offices according to the Use of the Church of England. [London :~\ Pickering. 1844. 8 vols., folio, white vellum, printed in LARGE BLACK LETTER type, in red and black inks, by C. Wittingham, uncut edges ; fine copy. This choice set comprises : i. First Prayer-Book of Edward VI, ffltchurch, 1549; II. Second Prayer-Book of Edward VI, Witchurch, 1552,; in. First Prayer-Book of Queen Elizabeth, Grafton, 1559; iv. King James's Prayer-Book, Barker, 1604; v. Scotch Prayer- Book of Charles I, (Laud's), 1637; vi. King Charles II Prayer-Book, (Sealed Book), i66z; vn. Edition of 1662 adapted to the present Reign, 1844; vm. Occasional Offices, 1844. 190 BOOK (The) of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments. London. 1863. 8vo, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges ; fine copy. FACSIMILE of the Prayer Book of Queen Elizabeth, adapted to the present reign, with WOOD ENGRAVINGS of 6 42 BOSSU. Albert Durer'i " Life of Christ," rich WOODCUT border on every page, of fruit and flowers; also the "Dance of Death," a singularly curious scries after Holbein, with SCRIPTURAL QUOTATIONS and PROVERBS in the margin. 191 ORDER for the Administration of the Holy Communion and Occasional Offices. London: W. Pickering. 1842. and Occasiona 4to, calf, antique, red edges. 192 BOOK (The) of the Signers; containing Fac-simile Let- ^0+ ters of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Illustrated also with sixty-one Engravings from Original Photographs and Drawings of their Residences, Portraits, &c. From the collections of an Association of Ameri- can Antiquaries. Edited by Wm. Brotherhead. Philadelphia. 1861. Folio, half levant morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; only 99 copies printed. The ILLUSTRATIONS in this copy are proofs on INDIA PAPER. S 193 BOOTH (M. L.) History of the City of New York. By Mary L. Booth. New York: W. R. C. Clark. 1867. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, boards, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. . 194 BORDE (A.) The Boke of the Introduction of Knowl- edge. By Andrew Borde. London: Reprinted by R. and A. Taylor. M.DCCC.XIV. 4to, 55 leaves, printed in BLACK LETTER, boards, uncut; 120 copies printed on paper, 4 on vellum. 195 BOSSANGE (H.) Ma Bibliotheque Fran ? aise. t7 Paris: Hector Bossauge et Fih. 1855. iimo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. 196 BOSSU (M.) Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. Paris. 1768. a vols., izmoj very FINE PLATES. BOSTON. 43 s* 197 BOSTON BOOK (The), being Specimens of Metropoli- tan Literature. Boston. 1841. I2mo, cloth; scarce. Edited by G. S. Hillard. 198 BOSTON (The) Directory, containing The Names of the Inhabitants ... To which is prefixed A general De- scription of Boston ... Plan of the Town [&c.] Boston. 1796. xarno, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford j fine cofy ; OLD Vixw of Boston inserted. 199 BOSTON (The) Gazette and County Journal. January 7, 1765 to December 28, 1767. Boston. 1765-67. Folio, half calf, uncut edges. Also, a large number of other odd Boston newspapers, from 1750 to 1766; an extremely rare series. j ^ 200 BOSTON. Dedication of the City Hall, etc. 1865. 8vo; a tracts. ;^ <^20i BOSTON. Historical Sketch of Boston. Boston. 1861. 8vo. See " Humble Petition." 202 BOSTON. Orations delivered at the Request of the ' o& Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to Commemorate the Evening of the Fifth of March, 1770; when a number of Citizens were killed by a party of British Troops, quartered among them, in a Time of Peace. Boston: Printed by Peter Edes, ... in State Street. [1785?] izmo, green crushed levant morocco extra, by W. Pratt. 203 BOSTON. Orations, delivered at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to Commemorate the j \J O Evening of the Fifth of March, 1770, etc. Second Edi- ton. Boston. 1807. izmo, boards, uncut; scarce in this condition. 44 BOSTON. 204 BOSTON MASSACRE. A Series of the Orations to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770, as follows; all of these orations are scarce, and some are very rare : I. LOVELL (James). An Oration, delivered April 2d, 1771, at ... Fifth of March, 1770. 4to, pp. 19; the oration perfect, but hat a piece cut from the last leaf after the reading matter. Boston. 1711. II. WARREN (Joseph). An Oration, delivered March 5, 1772, ... . 410, pp. 18; in good order. Boston. 1772. III. CHURCH (Benjamin). An Oration, delivered March Fifth, 1773, ... . 410, pp. 20; in good order. Boston. 1773. IV. HANCOCK (John). An Oration, delivered March 5, 1774, ... 410, pp. 20; pre- sentation copy from the author, in good condition. Boston. 1774. V. WARREN (Joseph). An Oration, delivered March Sixth, 1775, ... . 4to, pp. 23; last page a little stained, and a piece of blank paper cut from it, otherwise in fine condition. Boston. 1775 VI. THACHER (Peter). An Oration delivered at Waterton, March 5, 1776, ... 410, pp. 15; in fine order. Watertoion. 1776. VII. HIGHBORN (Benjamin). An Oration, delivered March 5th, 1777, ... . 410, pp. 1 8. Boston. 1777. VIII. DAWES (Thomas), Jr. An Oration, delivered March 5th, 1781, ... . 410, pp. 22 j a leaf gone at the end. Boston. 1781. IX. MINOT (George Richards). An Oration, delivered March 5th, 1782, ... . 410, pp. 15; presentation copy from the author, in good order. Boston. 1782. X. WELSH (Thomas). An Oration, delivered March 5th, 1783, ... 4to, pp. 18; presentation copy from the author, in fine order. Boston. 1783. XL PARSONS (J.) A Discourse Offered to a numerous Assembly, On March the Fifth, 1774, At the Presbyterian Meeting-House in Newbury-Port. By Jonathan Parsons, V.D.M. 410, pp. 19. Ne-wbury-Port, New-England: Printed by J. Thomas and H. W. Purges. No. xi is added, although it is not, strictly, one of the series. 205 BOSTON. A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, Perpetrated in the Evening of the fifth day of March, 1770, by Soldiers of the xxixth Regiment; which with the xiv Regiment were then Quartered r BOSWELL. 45 there: With some Observations on the state of things prior to that Catastrophe. Printed by Order of the Town of Boston, and sold by Edes and Gill, in ghteen-Street, and T. & J. Fleet, in Cornhill, 1770. 8vo, pp. 48, 58, calf extra, gilt. BOSTON MASSACRE. See Trial of Weems. 206 BOSTON Proceedings. Hollis Street Church, 1838 and 1839. Boston, [n. d.] 8vo; with other tracts on the subject. 207 BOSTON. Two Plans for forming the Town of Boston into an Incorporated City. Published by order of the Town for the Perusal and Consideration of the Inhabitants. [1784.] 8 vo, pp. 8, half morocco. 208 THE Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, In Town Meeting assembled, According to. Law. [Published by order of the Town.] To which is prefixed, as Introductory, An attested Copy of a Vote of the Town at a preceding Meeting. Boston: Printed by Edes and Gill ... 1772. 8vo, brown polished calf, gilt top, by Bedford. This copy contains the printed slip referring to the edition sent to England. See page 39. 209 BOSWELL (J.) The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., including A Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides. By James Boswell, Esq. London: John Murray. MDCCCXXXV. 10 vols., fcap, 8vo, half morocco, uncut. See "Oxford Classics." " We place Boswell's Johnson in our libraries, as an enthusiast hangs up his Gerard Dow in his cabinet, to be gazed at again and again; to feed upon, and to devour." DIBDIN'S " Lit. Comp." 46 BRACKENRIDGE. ^ 210 BOTTA. History of the War of the Independence of /t/ the United States of America. Translated from the Italian, by George Alexander Otis, Esq. Philadelphia. 1820. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. 211 BOTTA. [The same.] Second Edition, in two vols., revised and corrected. Boston. 1826. 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet; splendid copy. BOUQUET (H.) Expedition. See [Smith (Dr. W.)] ^ 212 BO WEN'S Picture of Boston. Boston. 1838. 1 8mo, roan ; numerous STEEL PLATES. 213 BOYNTON. History of West Point, and its Military -*ee Importance during the American Revolution; and the Origin and Progress of the United States Military Acad- emy. New-York: D. Van Nostrand. 1864. Imp. 8vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 214 BOZMAN (J. L.) Sketch of the History of Maryland, during the first three years after its Settlement. To which is prefixed a Copious Introduction. Baltimore. 1811. 8vo, sheep. 215 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the Western Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794. Pittsburgh. 1859. 8vo, cloth ; scarce. 216 BRACKENRIDGE (H. H.) Gazette Publications. By /*+ H. H. Brackenridge. Carlisle: Printed by Alexander & Phillips. 1806. I2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; privately printed, and very scarce. BRADFORD. 217 BRADDOCK. The Expedition of Major General Brad dock to Virginia; with The Two Regiments of Hackel "7 s~ ** ** and Dunbar. Being Extracts of Letters from an Officer in one of those Regiments to his Friend in London, describing the March and Engagements in the Woods. Together with many little Incidents, giving A lively Idea of the Nature of the Country, Climate, and Manner in which the Officers and Soldiers lived, also the Difficul- ties they went through in that Wilderness. London: Printed for H. Carpenter. MDCCLV. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by W. Pratt; very rare. 218 BRADDOCK. Six Plans (Of the Different | Dispositions (of the | English Army, | Under the Command [of thc| Late General Braddock, | in | North America, j i. Line of March with the whole | Baggage. |n. Plan of the Dispo- sition of the | advanced Party, of four hund-|dred Men to protect the | Workers while clearing the | Road. (HI. En- campment of the Detachment | sent from the Little Meadows. | iv. Line of March of the Detach- 1 ment sent from the Little Mea-|dows. | v. Plan of the Field of Battle on | the Qth of July J755.|vi. A Map shewing the Rout and | Encampments of the Army. | By an Officer. | London : \ Printed for T. Jefferys at Charing Cross. MDCCLVIII. | Folio, half crushed red levant morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. The only other perfect copy of which we know is in the possession of Mr. Wm. M. Darlington. 219 BRADFORD. History of Massachusetts from 1764 to 1820. Boston. 1822-29. 3 vols., 8vo, and History of Massachusetts for Two hundred Years. Boston. 1835, together, 4 vols., 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut ; fnt copy. See also Massachusetts. 48 BRADISH. 220 BRADFORD. History of the Federal Government foi >j~c> Fifty Years: from March 1789, to March, 1839. By Alden Bradford .... Boston: Samuel G. Simpkins. 1840. 8vo, boards, uncut; fine copy. 221 [BRADFORD.] A Particular Account of the Battle of /0 Bunker or Breed's Hill, on the lyth June, 1775. By a Citizen of Boston. Second Edition. Boston. 1825. 8vo, pp. 27, uncut. 222 BRADFORD (Alexander W.) American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. New York. 1841. 8vo, cloth. 223 BRADFORD (Gov. W.) History of Plymouth Planta- tion. Boston. 1856. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edited by Charles Dcane. 224 BRADFORD CLUB. [A complete set of the Publica- tions of "The Club," and the "Bradford Club."] New York. [v. d.] 10 vols., rl. 8vo, in paper covers. This set is complete, and consists of Washington's "Diary," Melvin's "Journal," pub- lished by "The Club," and Nos. I to 7 of the "Bradford Club," viz: I. Papers concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield, 1859; II. The Croakers, 1860; III. The Operations of the French Fleet under Count De Grasse, 1864; IV. Anthology of New Netherland, 1865 ; V. Narrative of the Career of De Soto in Florida, 1866; VI. Northern Invasion, 1866; VII. The Laurens Correspendence, and the Allen Memorial [by E. A. Duyckinck]. They are all in paper covers, as originally published, and, with the exception of Melvin's "Journal," are all uncut. Of the last named work, the entire edition was cut. Of the earlier numbers, seventy-five copies only were printed, and a complete series cannot easily be procured. 225 BRADISH. Proceedings of the New York Historical *f* & Society on the Death of Hon. Luther Bradish. New York. 1865. 8vo, uncut; LAKGE PAPER COPT. BRAITHWAITE. 49 226 [BRADSTREET (Mrs. Anne).] The (Tenth Muse| Lately sprung up in America. | Or |Severall Poems, com- piled | with great variety of Wit (and Learning, full of delight. | Wherein especially is contained a com- (pleat discourse and description of (The Four] Elements, | Con- stitutions, | Ages of Man, | Seasons of the Year. | Together with an Exact Epitomie of [the four Monarchies, viz. | The | Assyrian, | Persian, (Grecian, | Roman. | Also a Dia- logue between Old England and [New, concerning the late troubles. ( With divers other pleasant and serious Poems. | By a Gentlewoman in those parts. | Printed at London for Stephen Bowtell at the signe of the \ Bible in Popes Head- Alley, 1650. | Stn. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges; excessively rare. We are unable to trace the sale of a copy in this country. A copy sold in London, some years since, for 13. ias. 227 BRADSTREET. The Works of Anne Bradstreet, in Prose and Verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. Charlestown: A. E. Cutter. 1867. Rl. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Of this elegant reprint, two hundred and fifty copies were printed for subscribers. Cotton Mather, in his " Magnalia," remarks, these "poems, divers times printed, have afforded a grateful entertainment unto the ingenious, and a monument for her memory beyond the stateliest marbles," which is higher praise than we " can accord them. Ward, author of the "Simple Cobler of Agawam," says, " The Authoress was a right Du Bartas girle." Some extensive selections from this authoress are included in Duyckinck's "Cycl.," i, pp. 4752. 228 [BRAGG (Gen.}'] Official Report of the Battle of Chicka- /,_ V/T) mauga. Published by Order of Congress. Richmond: R. A. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt top; PORTRAITS inserted; very scarci. 229 BRAITHWAITE (R.) A Survey of History; Or A 7 50 BRAY. Nursery for Gentry. Contrived and Comprised in an Intermixt Discourse upon Historicall and Poeticall Rela- tions. ... By Richard Braithwaite, Esquire, Oxon. Imprinted at London by J. Opes. 1633. Sm. 410, calf gilt, red edges; fat copy. 230 BRAITHWAITE. Barnabae Itinerarium, or Barnabee's S*tj-e> Journal. The Seventh Edition. To which are prefixed an account of the Author, now first discovered ; a Bib- liographical History of the former editions of the work ; and illustrative notes. London. 1818. Btautiful cofy, in polished mottled calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. A careful reprint of this amusing work from the first edition, with a re-engraved facsimile of the ORIGINAL FRONTISPIECE, by Marshall. Generally known as " Drunken Barnaby's Tour." " The real author seems now, by the industry of Mr. Haslewood, to be fully ascer- tained ; but this quaint work is assigned to one W. Bosworth in ' Gent. Mag.,* LXXXV, 2, 696. See also LXXXI, 2, 124, and Wood's ' Athen. Oxon.,' ii, 55; where it is observed that the English translation, rather than the original, suggests the idea of his name being Harrington. The writer, like another Ennius, appears nunquam nisi fotui." WRANQHAM. 231 BRAMAN (M. P.) Election Sermon, 1845, and 5 other tracts. [v. d.] 232 BRAY (Mrs.) Life of Thomas Stothard, R.A. With /^0 G \J - Personal Reminiscences By Mrs. Bray. ... With Nu- merous Illustrations from his Works. London: "John Murray. 1851. 4to, cloth, uncut. , 233 BRAY (T.) Bibliotheca Parochialis : | or, a | Scheme | of / + *o such | Theological Heads | both | General and Particular,) as are | more peculiarly Requisite to be Well] studied by every | Pastor of a Parish. | Together with a | Catalogue of BREVIARIUM. 5! Books | which may be read upon each of those Points. | Part i. By Thomas Bray, D.D.J London : \ Printed by E. H. for Robert Clavel^ at the Peacock, in\ St. Paul's Church-Yard. M DC xc VII. 410, half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. " The conclusion, showing the present state of the Protestant religion in Maryland," etc., pp. 125-130. The author states that the object of this bibliographical treatise was to give those who went to Virginia, Maryland, and the American plantations, an idea of the books they should take. 234 BRAYLEY (E. W.) Londiniana, or Reminiscences of the British Metropolis. London. 1829. 4 vols., I2mo, calf. 235 BRAZER (S. J.) An Oration, Worcester, Mass., July 4th, 1811. Worcester. 1811. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. / 236 BRAZER. Oration at Charlton, Mass. July 4, 1811. Worcester : Henry Rogers. [ 1 8 J I . ] 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. BREE (C. K.) See Naturalists' Library. ^ ^y- 237 BRETON (Nichol). Cornu-copiae. Pasquil's Night Cap; or Antidote for the Head-ache. London. [1819.] Crown 8vo, uncut; only 100 copies printed. A reprint of the original edition of 1812. 238 BRETON (N.) Breton's Longing ofa Blessed Heart. Lee Priory. 1844. 4to, boards, uncut. One hundred copies probably printed. 239 BREVIARIUM ABERDONENSE. Pars Hyemalis Estiva. Londini : Apud 'J. Toovey. MDCCCLIV. 2 vols., thick 410, half morocco, uncut. A magnificent specimen of printing in red and black. Privately printed for the " Maitland Club." 52 BRIEF. 240 BRICKELL (J.) The Natural History of North Caro- lina. With an account of the Trades, Manners, and * Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. Illus- trated with Copper-Plates, whereon are curiously En- graved the Map of the Country, several strange Beasts, Birds, fishes, Snakes, Insects, Trees and Plants, etc. By John Brickell, M.D. Dnblin. 1743. 8vo, calf ; fint copy. 241 BRIDGEWATER TREATISES (The) on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the f OJ? Creation. [Including the Ninth Bridgewater Treatise by Babbage.] London : William Pickering. 1835. 13 vols., 8vo, polished calf, gilt tops, uncut. This collection of books owes its existence to the munificence of the Duke of Bridge- water, who gave a prize of one thousand pounds to each of the successful writers of these treatises. 242 BRIDGMAN. The Pilgrims of Boston and their De- scendants : with an Introduction by Hon. Edward s & /"" Everett, LL.D. Also Inscriptions from the Monuments in the Granary Burial Ground, Tremont Street. New Tork: D. Appleton & Co. M.DCCC.LVI. 8vo, cloth. 243 BRIEF (A) and True Narrative of the Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Natives Towards the Dutch Nation. Translated by E. B. O'Callaghan from the original Dutch MS. Albany: J. Mumell. [MDCCCLXIII.] 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet 5 only 50 copies printed. 244 BRIEF (A) Description of the whole World. The fift Edition. London. 1620. 4to, half calf; very scarce ; twenty-three leaves relate to America. BRITON'S 53 245 BRITISH POETS. [A complete Collection of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth j embracing the whole Works of the most distinguished Authors, accompanied with Biographical, Historical, and Critical Notices. Edited by F. J. Child.] Boston: Little, Brown ff Co. 1864-7. 130 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. The above series includes Akenside, Beattie, Burns, Butler, Byron, Campbell, Chatter- ton, Churchill, Coleridge, Collins, Cowper, Donne, Dryden, Falconer, Gay, Goldsmith, Gray, Herbert, Herrick, Hood, Keats, Marvell, Milton, Mont- gomery, Moore, Parnell, Tickell, Pope, Prior, Scott, Shakespeare, Shelley, Skelton, Southey, Spenser, Surrey, Swift, Thomson, Vaughan, Watts, Kirke White, Wordsworth, Wyatt, Young, and eight volumes of English and Scottish' Ballads. This series of " The British Poets " is perhaps the most extensive in existence. The Chiswick collection, in 100 volumes, izmo, includes a large number of authors ; but many of the modern poets could not, under the British law of copyright, be included. Although the number of pages varies in the volumes, their relative bulk is equalized by the use of paper of different thickness. The task of editing this collection was undertaken by Professor Child, of Cambridge, Mass., whose principal labor was in gathering the " English and Scottish Ballads," in eight volumes. Why Skelton should be included, and Chaucer omitted, it is difficult to say. 246 BRITISH ESSAYISTS (The); with Prefaces, Historical of and Biographical, By A. Chalmers, F.S.A. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1866. 38 vols., crown 8vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. Includes, The Tat- ler, 4 vols.; The Spectator, 8 vols.; The Guardian, 3 vols.; The Rambler, 3 vols.; The Adventurer, 3 vols.; The World, 3 vols.; The Connoisseur, z vols. ; The Idler, i vol. ; The Mirror, z vols. ; The Lounger, 2 vols. ; The Observer, 3 vols. ; The Looker-On, 3 vols. ; Index, i vol. 247 BRITON'S Fine Arts of the English School. With Biographical and Critical Descriptions. London. 1812. Folio, red morocco ; fine impressions of the ENGRAVINGS. Contains specimens of Sir J. Reynolds, Flaxman, Westall, Romney, Nollekeirs, Northcote, West, etc. 54 BROOKS. 248 BROCKEDON (W.) Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps. London, [n. d.] a vols., rl. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt edges; 109 HIGHLY FINISHED ENGRAVINGS, by Finden, and other eminent artists. 249 BRODHEAD (John Romeyn). History of the State of New York. First Period, 1609-1664. Second Edition. New York. 1859. 8vo, cloth, uncut ; MAP. 250 BROMLEY (Thomas). The Way to the Sabbath of x ^ - Rest ; or, the Soul's Progress in the Work of the New Birth, with two Discourses of the Author, never before Printed, viz. : The Journeys of the Children of Israel, as in their Manners and Historical Passages they com- prise the Great and Gradual Work of Regeneration ; and a Treatise on Extraordinary Divine Dispensation under the Jewish and Gospel Administrations. London, printed: Germantown, re-printed and sold by Christopher Sower. 1759. 8vo, sheep. All books printed by Sower are ran. 251 BROMLEY (Henry). A Catalogue of Engraved British x-^ffc Portraits, from Egbert the Great to the Present Time. Also the Portraits of such Foreigners as may claim a place in the British Series. London. 1793. 410, calf; -very scarce. 252 BROOKLYN. History of the Brooklyn and Long Island Fair. Brooklyn. 1864. 410, morocco extra, gilt edges ; many COLORED PLATES. 253 BROOKS (J.) An Oration Delivered to the Society of the Cincinnati in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, July 4 th 1797. By John Brooks, Esq. Boston : Printed by Edmund Freeman. M,DCC,LXXXVII. Sm. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. BROWN. 55 254 BROUGHAM (H.) Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. -, to which are added, Remarks on the French Revolution. First, Second and Third Series. By Henry, Lord Brougham. London : Charles Knight and Co. MDCCCXLJII. 3 vols., rl. 8vo, half bound; poor binding, but good impressions of the PLATES. 255 BROUGHAM. Lives of Men of Letters and Science, 9 90 wno flourished in the Time of George III. By Henry Lord Brougham. With Portraits engraved on Steel. London: Charles Knight and Co. 1845-1847. 1 vols., rl. 8vo, half morocco, uncut; fine copy. 256 BROWN (H.) A Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excite- ment, in the Western Part of the State of New- York, O during the Years 1826, '7, '8, and a part of 1829. % Henry Brown, Esq. Counsellor at Law. Batavia, N. T. : Printed by Adams and M i Cleary. 1829. izmo, 4 1., pp. 144, boards. 257 BROWN (R. W.) A History of Greek and Roman .^ 9e Classical Literature. London. 1853. 1 vols., 8vo, cloth. 258 BROWN (S. R.) Views on Lake Erie, Comprising A minute and interesting account of the Conflict on Lake Erie, &c. Troy, N. Y. 1814. izmo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 259 BROWN (Thomas). Illustrations of the Fossil Conchol- ogy of Great Britain and Ireland. Louth. 1849. & \J 410, half morocco, uncut; FINE PLATES, some colored. This very extensive and excellent work contains double the number of shells figured in any other work of the kind, namely, Sowerby's, the selling price of which is 24. 56 BRUNET. y 260 BROWN (William). An Oration, Spoken at Hartford, ... July 4th, A.D. 1799. Hartford. 1799. 8vo, uncut. Relates to the French difficulties. 261 BROWN UNIVERSITY. Celebration of the One hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of Brown Uni- versity, Sept. 6th, 1864. Providence. S. S. Rider & Bro. 1865. 410, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAIT; LARGE PAPER ; 50 copies printed. 262 BROWNE (T.) Sir Thomas Browne's Works, including s his Life and Correspondence. Edited by Simon Wilkin, F.L.s. London: William Pickering. 1836. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. His character as a writer, translated from Coleridge's " Magnalia," is given in " Black- wood's Magazine," n, p. 197. Set alto Morhof'a " Polyhistor," HI, v. i, 10 BROWNE (William). Stt Roxburghe Library. 263 BRUNET (Jacques Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de / ,9 0+ 1'amateur de livres contenant un nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique, et une table en forme de Catalogue Raisonne. Paris. 1860-65. 12 vols., imp. 8vo, as published, with the additions, in a wrapper; printed on LARGE HOLLAND PAPER ; very scarce ; only 100 copies printed. tf , 264 BRUNET. Manuel du Librarie et 1'amateur de livres. *Z? * ** Pans. 1842. 5 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. ^ 265 BRUNET. Recherches bibliographiques et critiques sur / ' *^ les editions originales des cinq livres du roman satirique de Rabelais, et sur les differences de texte &c. Paris. 1825. 8vo, uncut; 300 copies printed. BRYDGES. 266 BRYAN (Daniel.) The Mountain Muse; comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone; and the Power of Virtuous and Refined Beauty. Harrisonburgh : Printed for the Author. 1813. 1 2mo, sheep j very scarce. 267 BRYAN (M.) A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. London. 1816. 2 vols., 4to, half calf, gilt; Best Edition, with CIPHERS, MONOGRAMS, etc.; scarce. Published at five guineas. 268 BRYANT (W. C.) Poems by William Cullen Bryant. Collected and Arranged by the Author. Illustrated with Seventy-one Engravings from Drawings by Eminent Artists. New York. [n. d.] 4to, blue morocco extra, gilt edges. This edition was really published in London. 269 BRYANT. Poems. New York. 1856. 270 BRYDGES (Sir S. Egerton). Restituta; or, Titles, Ex- J / to tracts, and Characters of Old Books, in English Litera- ture, revived. London: Longman. 1814. 4 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut; very scarce in this condition. See Vol. n, p. 202, for a reprint from the excessively scarce original of " A True Report of the Laste Voyage into the West and Northwest Regions, etc., 1577, worthily atchieved by Captaine Frobisher, etc." A valuable work, with copious extracts of the rarest and most curious books in early English literature; only 250 copies were printed, which were published at 6 6s., in numbers. 271 BRYDGES. Select Poems. By Sir Egerton Brydges. Le Priory. 1814. 410, half morocco, uncut ; 100 copies printed. 8 58 BUDD. 272 BRYDGES (Sir E.) Imaginative Biography. .X ao London. 1834. vols., post 8vo, boards, uncut. BRYDGES (Thomas). See Homer. 273 BUCHEZ (M.} Premiere [et seconde] Centurie de /4 * Planches, eu luminees et non en luminees. Paris, [n. d.] a vols.. folio, half calf. In this valuable and rare botanical work, the PLATES are both colored and plain. 274 BUDD (T.) Good Order Established) in jPennsilvania & New-Jersey | in | America, | Being a true Account of the Country ; | With its Produce and Commodities there made. | And the great Improvements that may be made by | means of Publick Store-houses for Hemp, Flax, and| Linnen-Cloth; also the Advantages of a Publick- 1 School, the Profits of a Public-Bank, and the Proba- 1 bility of its arising, if those directions here laid down are | fol- lowed. With the advantages of publick Granaries, j Likewise, several other things needful to be understood by] those that are or do intend to be concerned in plant- ing in | the said Countries. | All which is laid down very plain, in this small Treatise ; it | being easie to be under- stood by any ordinary capacity. To) which the Reader is referred for his further satisfaction. | By Thomas Budd. | \_London :] Printed in the Tear 1685.) 4to, crushed red levant morocco, by Pratt : fine copy ; extremely scarce. 275 BUDD. Good Order established in Pennsylvania ... . A New Edition with an Introduction and Copious Histori- cal Notes, By Edward Armstrong. New York. 1805. 4to, cloth, edges uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; only 60 copies printed. Forms No. 4 of Gowans' " Bibliotheca Americana." BULWER-LYTTON. 59 276 BULLINGER (Henry). A hvndrd Sermons vpo the jj~6 Apocalips of Jesu Christe, revelled in dede by Thangell of the Lorde. Anno 1551. 410, old calf; a fine specimen of early English printing, by JOHN DAYE. See Dibdin's " Typog. Antiquities," Vol. iv, p. 30. 277 BULLOCK (W.) Virginia | Impartially examined, and left | to publick view, to be considered by all Iudi-|cious fo and honest men. | Under which Title, is compre-| hended the Degrees from 34 to 39, wherein] lyes the rich and healthfull Countries of Roanock, jthe now Plantations of Virginia | and Mary-land, j Looke not upon this Booke, as | those that are set out by private men, for private | ends; for being read you'l find, the publick | good is the Authors only aime. |For this Piece is no other than the Adventurers | or Planters faithfull Steward, disposing the Ad-j venture for the best advantage, advising | people of all degrees, from the highest | Master to the meanest Ser- vant, | how suddenly to raise] their fortunes, j Peruse the Table, and you shall finde the] way plainely lay'd downe. | By William Bvllock, Gent. London : \ Printed for John Hammond and are to be sold at his bouse \ over against S. Andreus Church in Holborne. 1649.] Sm. 410, richly bound in crushed red levant morocco, by F. Bedford j very rare. With the exception of the title-page, which is somewhat soiled, this is a remarkably large and clean copy. 278 [BULWER-LYTTON.] The Pilgrims of the Rhine. \t~to By the Author of Pelham, &c. London : Sounders and Otley. MDCCCXXXIX. Imp. 8vo, green morocco extra, by Hammond ; proofs on INDIA PAPER ; 50 copies printed. 60 BUNYAN'S. 279 BUNKER HILL Monument Association. Act of Incor- &0 poration, By-Laws, &c. Boston. 1830. 8vo, uncut. Also: "Ceremonies of the Bunker Hill Monument Atsociation, June 17, 1861. Boston. 1861." 280 BUNKER HILL. Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and C^*V Monument ; with Illustrative Documents. Charlestown. 1844. izmo, pp. 172, cloth. Fourth Edition. 281 BUNN (A.) The Stage; both Before and Behind the Curtain. London. 1840. 3 vols.. post 8vo, half calf, gilt ; best edition. 282 BUNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. The Thirtieth Edition. Adorned with curious Sculptures, engraved by J. Sturt. London. 1760. 8vo, calf extra, by Jenkins & Cecil. 283 BUNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress; ... By John Bun- yan. With Original Notes. By the Rev. Thomas Scott. The Eighth Edition. London: Seeley. MDCCCXL. Sm. 4to, morocco extra, tooled edges : 17 PLATES on INDIA PAPER. Stothard comes out in all his strength and feeling in this charming volume. It is, perhaps, the most perfect example of an illustrated English classic. The India proofs must rapidly increase in value. Several imitations of such of the designs as are out of copyright have been published, but their inferiority, as works of art, is very evident. j 284 BUNYAN'S Pilgrim's Progress. With Illustrations by Charles Bennett, and a Preface by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. New York [i. e. London}. 1860. 410, red morocco, gilt edge. In this edition the artist has successfully endeavored to represent the phyisognomical portraits of the characters of the story. BURGOYNE. 6l This work has an ancient prototype in the ' Pelerinage de la Vie Humayne mis en prose, a la Val,' etc., 410, Lyon, 1485. By some, its origin has been attri- buted to Barnard's ' Religious Allegory.' " CAMPBELL. See Dunlop's " His- tory of Fiction," and Burnett's "Specimens," in, pp. 421-426. 285 BUNYAN. Divine Emblems; or, Temporal Things Spiritualized, &c. London : Bickers & Son. i6mo cloth, gilt ; 49 PLATES; an elegant little book. 286 BURGES (T.) Remarks ... Fourth of July, in Clay- ville, R. I., and at Providence, 1831. Providence. 1 8 29-3 1 . 8vo; a Tracts. 287 BURGES. Liberty, Glory and Union. 8vo, uncut ; scarce. * *f Providence. [1810.] 288 BURGON (J. W.) The Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham. London. 1839. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt. 289 BURGOYNE (Lieut.-Gen.} A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieutenant General Burgoyne, and verified by evidence; with a Collection of Authentic Documents, and an addition of many circumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House Written and Collected by himself. London. 1780. 410, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut ; FINE MAPS and PLANS of BATTLES; tpltndia copy ; scarce. " General Burgoyne writes well ; his very interesting study is told in a masterly man- ner, and the materials of which it is composed will be held in great estima- tion by the historian who shall record the events of the unhappy war to which they owe their birth." Monthly Review. 62 BURKE. 290 BURGOYNE. The Substance of General Burgoyne's 4 310 BURY. Philobiblon, A Treatise on the Love of Books, 4 /- fy Richard De Bury, Bishop of Durham, and Lord Chancellor of England. First American Edition, with The Literal English Translation of John B. Inglis. Collated and Corrected with Notes by Samuel Hand. Albany: Joel Munsell. MDCCCLXi. 8vo, half morocco, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; 30 copies printed on this size. His book relates the measures he took, the difficulties he encountered, and all the art he exerted to gratify his favorite passion. When Chancellor and Treasurer of England, he took his perquisites and new-year's gifts in books. See Bur- ton's "Leicestershire," fol. 1622, p. 300. Gough's "Topography," H, p. 120. 311 BUSHNELL (C. I.) An Arrangement of Tradesmen's Cards, Political Tokens ; also, Election Medals, Medal- -. z,/- lets, etc., Current in the United States of America for the last Sixty years. Described from the Originals, Chiefly in the Collection of the Author, with Engravings. By Charles I. Bushnell. ... New York. 1858. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. * S*J~t> 312 BUSHNELL. Crumbs for Antiquarians: Vol. i. Con- taining Early New York Business Tokens, Memoirs of BUTLER. 67 Samuel Smith, Journal of Solomon Nash, Memoirs of Tarleton Brown, Narrative of Levi Hanford, Journal of R. J. Meigs during the Expedition against Quebec. New Tor k: Privately Printed. 1862. 8vo, half blue morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 313 [BUSHNELL.] A Memoir of Eli Bickford, a Patriot of the Revolution. New York : Privately Printed. 1865. 8vo, pp. 15; 2, PLATES; 30 copies printed. 314 BUSSEY (G. M.) History of Napoleon; Illustrated by Horace Vernet. London. 1840. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, half russia, gilt. One of the most impartial of the numerous bio- graphies of Napoleon. 315 BUSSEY (G. M.) and GASPEY (T.) The Pictorial ~o History of France and of the French People. With 400 Designs, by Jules David. London. 1843. 2 vols., imp. 8?o, half russia, gilt top, uncut. 316 BUTLER (Mann). A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to the close of the North-western Campaign, 1813. Second Edition Revised and Enlarged. Cincinnati. 1836. 8ro, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; scarce in this condition. 317 BUTLER (S.) Hudibras, by Samuel Butler; with Dr. Grey's Annotations. A New Edition, Corrected and J* t9 Enlarged. London: C. & H. Baldwyn. 1819. Also: The Genuine Poetical Remains of Samuel Butler. With Notes by Robert Thyer ... With Selections of the 68 BYRD. Author's Characters in Prose. Illustrated with Humor- ous Wood Cuts and Portraits of Butler and Thyer. London: Joseph Butler. 1827. * voh., rl. 8vo, calf; together, 4 vols. ; LARGE PAPER j PLATES ON INDIA PAPER. " What, however, can be happier than some of his phrases in these volumes, e. g., where he defines a proud man to be < a fool in a fermentation ?* And the 'Satyr upon Plagiaries,' i, 168-176 (directed, probably, against Dcnham, who has been taxed with borrowing his ' Sophy,' and buying his ' Coofer't Hi!!'), is declared, by Horace Walpole, in his cixth Letter to George Mon- tagu, to equal in wit anything Butler ever wrote." WRANGHAM. See Pick- ering (W.) 318 BY the Loch and River Side. Edinburgh. 1860. Oblong folio, half morocco, gilt edges. A series of FACETIOUS ETCHINGS illustrative of the delights of angling. 319 BYFIELD (N.) An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent, April 18, 1689. Written by Mr. Nathaniel Byfield, a Merchant of Bristol, in New Eng- land, to his Friends in London. London: Printed for Ric. Chiswell. MDCLXXXIX. Sin. 4to, crushed red levant morocco, by Pratt j original edition ; fne copy ; -very scarce. 320 BYFIELD. An Account of the Late Revolution in New-England. By Mr. Nathaniel Byfield. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1864. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. 321 BYFIELD. [The same.] New York. 1864. 4to, uncut ; SMALL PAPER. Sabin's Reprints, Quarto Series, No. i. 4 322 BYRD (William.) Westover Manuscripts; containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and BYRON. 69 North Carolina; a Journey to the Land of Eden, A.D., 1733: and a Progress to the Mines, written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published. Petenburgh. 1841. Rl. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; first edition. 323 BYRD. History of the Dividing Line and Other Tracts. From the Papers of William Byrd, Esquire, of West- over, in Virginia. Richmond, Va. 1866. a vols., 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; 200 copies printed. 324 BYRON (Lord). The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. 8 Vols., 410. Also Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore. 2 vols., 410. London: John Murray. 1839. Together, 10 vols., 410; LARGE PAPER. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EDITION EVER PRINTED ; a tplendid copy, in polished calf, gilt. A superb and almost matchless set of books, fit to adorn the shelves of the most fas- tidious collector. We are not able to trace the sale of another copy of this edition on large paper. 325 BYRON. Finden's Illustration of the Life and Works of Lord Byron. With Original and Selected Information on the Subjects of the Engravings by W. Brockedon. ... London: John Murray. 1833. 3 vols., 4to, blue morocco, gilt edges; LARGE PAPER; upwards of 150 highly finished ENGRAVINGS, early impressions, from drawings by Stanfield, Roberts, Catter- mole, Callcott, Westall, etc. This series of plates would form an admirable pendant to the preceding lot. 326 BYRON. Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron ... at Pisa. By Thomas Moore, Esq. London. 1826. Half red levant morocco, gilt top, by W. Mathews. Contains 57 inserted PLATES. 327 BYRON. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. London. 1810. 8vo, inlaid and extended to 410, in morocco, with 50 PLATES inserted, some of which are rare portraits, and many of the engravings are INDIA PROOFS. BYRON. 328 BRYON. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. A Satire. With a Preface by Evart A. Duyckinck. New York. 1865. 4to, boards, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only 75 copies printed. The recent controversy concerning Lord Byron having excited so much interest, we venture to direct the attention of gentlemen to a bibliography of Byron in Sabin & Son's "American Bibliopolist" for December, 1869. CALDWELL. ABE^A DE VAC A. The Narrative of Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca. Trans- lated by Buckingham Smith. Washington. 1851. Folio j 8 MAPS; no copies printed, for private circulation, by G. Riggs, ten of which are on large paper. '2 33 CABINET (The). Pbila. : J. Laval & S. F. Bradford. I amo, half morocco; PORTRAITS and BIOGRAPHIES of Jackson and his Cabinet, with their AUTOGRAPHS inserted. 331 CADWALLADER (John). See [Reed (Joseph)]. 332 CALEF (R.) More Wonders of the Invisible World : or, - *' The Wonders of the Invisible World displayed in Five Parts. ... Collected by Robert Calef. Salem. 1823. izmo. See also Drake's " Witchcraft delusion in New England," v, pp. a 3, and "Salem Witchcraft." 333 CALDWELL (C.) A Discourse on the Genius and Character of the Rev. Horace Holley, LL.D., ... With \4 &>r an Appendix, containing Copious Notes, Biographical and Illustrative. Boston. 1828. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PORTRAIT, and z PLATES. 334 CALDWELL. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns o the Hon. Nathaniel Greene, Major General in the Army of the United States, and Commander of the Southern Department, in the War of the Revolution. Philadelphia. 1819. 8vo, half green morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet; PORTRAIT. See Washington (G.) 7 2 CALLENDER. . 335 [CALDWELL (T.)] A Tour through Part of Virginia, in the Summer of 1808. In a Series of Letters including an Account of Harper's Ferry, the Natural Bridge, the New Discovery called Weir's Cave, Monticello and the Different Medicinal Springs, Hot and Cold Baths, visited by the Author. New York: printed for the Author. 1809. 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. 336 CALLENDER (J.) An | Historical Discourse) on thej Civil and Religious Affairs) of the Colony of | Rhode <2 ' *9 ff * Island I and Providence Plantations] in New-England] in America, | From the first Settlement 1838, to the End of | [the] First Century. (By John Callender, A.M.| Boston : Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green\hteen Street. MDCCXXXIX. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford j first edition ; -very scarce. 337 CALLENDER. A | Discourse Occasioned by thej Death | Of the Reverend | Mr. Nathaniel Clap, | Pastor of a f +o Church j At | Newport on Rhode-Island, | On October 30, 1745. |in the 78th Year of his Age|By John Callender, A.M. j... | Newport: Printed by the Widow Franklin^ \ at the Town-School-House. 1 746. | izmo, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford, 338 [CALLENDER (James Thompson).] The American Annual Register, or, Historical Memoirs of the United States, for the Year 1796. Philadelphia. 1797. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; fne copy. 339 CALLENDER. The History of the United States for ^ 1796. Including a variety of Interesting Particulars Relative to the Federal Government previous to that Period. Philadelphia. 1797. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet j tcarce. CAMPANIUS. 73 It is in this work that the charge of improper pecuniary speculations was made against Alexander Hamilton, which occasioned his celebrated defence, at the expense of his private character, in the so-called " Reynold's Pamphlet." Sec Hamilton (A.), for an answer. 340 CALLENDER. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds, Ci-devant Secretary of [the Treasury of the United States of America, Inspector-General of the Standing Armies thereof, Counseller of Law, &c. &c. &c. Being intended as a reply to a Scandalous Pamphlet lately published under the sanction, as it is presumed, of Mr. Hamilton, and signed with the signature of Junius Philaenus. By Tom Callender, Esq., Citizen of the World. New York: Printed by Richard Reynolds. 1802. 8vo, polishad calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford; fne copy ; rare. 341 [CALLENDER.] The Political Progress of Britain i or, an Impartial History of the Abuses in the Government of the British Empire, in Europe, Asia, and America. From the Revolution in 1688, to the Present Time. / o * The whole tending to prove the Ruinous Consequences of the Popular System of Taxation, War, and Conquest. [Motto.] Part First, Third Edition. Philadelphia: Printed for Richard Foliu ell. 1795. 8vo, pp. 1 20, half morocco, gilt top. 342 CALLENDER. Sketches of the History of America. Philadelphia. 1798. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; fine clean copy. >,- 343 CALVERT (G. H.) Arnold and Andre. An Historical Drama. Boston. 1864. > 344 CAMPANIUS (Thomas). Description of the Province of New Sweden. Now called, by the English, Pennsyl- 10 74 CANTICUM. vania, in America. Translated from the Swedish by Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL.D. Philadelphia. 1834. 8vo, boards, uncut. 345 CAMPBELL (William W.) Annals of Tryon County; or the Border Warfare of New York, during the Revo- lution. New York. 1831. 8vo, sheep ; with MAP. /'2> 346 CAMPBELL. Border Warfare of New York, during the Revolution ; or Annals of Tryon County. New York. 1849. izmo, cloth. 347 CAMUS (A. G.) Memoire sur la Collection des Grands ^ 2f et Petits Voyages [De Bry] et M. Thevenot. Paris. 1802. 410, pp. 401, (z), boards, uncut j -very scarce. ^ 348 CANADA. A Letter From an Old Whig in Town, to a Modern Whig in the Country, Upon the late Expedition to Canada. London: J. Merphew. [1711.] 4to, pp. 8 ; -very tcarce. Signed X. Z. 349 CANADA. A Letter to a Friend in the Country, On the Late Expedition to Canada: with An Account of ?y * * former Enterprises, a Defence of that Design, and the Share the Late M rs had in it. London: A. Baldwin. 1712. 8vo, pp. 22 j an extremely rare tract. CANDID (A) Examination. See Rivington (James.) 350 CANTICUM CANTICORUM, reproduced in fac-simile, from the Scriverius copy in the British Museum, with a CAROLINA. 75 Historical and Bibliographical Introduction, by J. Ph. Berjeau. London. 1860. Folio, vellum; beautifully printed on HEAVY PAPER; only 150 copies printed. For interesting accounts of this celebrated work, see Sotheby's "Principia Typographica," and Ottley's " History of Printing and Engraving." /4* 351 CAPGRAVE (J.) The Book of the Illustrious Henries. London. 1858. Rl. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. i* 352 CARDOVA. The Prince's Visit: A Humorous Descrip- tion of the Tour of his Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, through the United States of America, in 1860. By R. J. de Cardova. Illustrated by Stephens, Rosen- berg, and J. D. Smillie. New York: B. Frodsham. 1861. 8vo, morticco extra. 353 CAREY (H. C.) The Past, the Present, and the Future. Philadelphia. 1848. 8vo, half calf. /// 354 CAREY. Principles of Social Science. Philadelphia. 1858. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. 355 CAREY (P.) Trivial Poems and Trivolets. Written in f Obedience to Mrs. Tomkin's Command. By Patrick Gary. London. 1820. 4to, half morocco. 356 CASAS. An Account Of the First Discoveries Made by the Spaniards in America. By Don Bartholomew de las Casas. London. MDCXCIX. 8vo, calf. Includes a "Relation of their unparallel'd Cruelties on the Indians, in the destruction of above Forty Million of People." ^^357 CAROLINA. The | Case | of | Protestant Dissenters | in Carolina, | shewing | How a Law to prevent Occasional | 76 CARSTENSEN. Conformity There, has ended in the Total | Subversion of the Constitution in Church and | State. | Recommended to the serious Consideration of all that are true (Friends to our present Establishment. | [Motto.] London: Printed in the Tear M.DCC.VI. 4to, poliihed calf, gilt, b^ F. Bedford, pp. 41, followed by the First Charter pp. 67. For the contents of this rare volume, see Stevens' " Nuggets," No. 458. 358 [CARPENTER (Stephen C.)] Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, Vice-President, and President of the United States of America ; contain- ing a Concise History of those States from the Acknowl- edgment of their Independence. With a view of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Prin- ciples in that Country. Printed for the Purchasers. 1809. a Tols., 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet ; scarce. The author criticises very severely the character and administration of Thos. Jefferson. 359 CARPENTER (W. H.) The History of Massachu- setts from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Philadelphia. 1853. izmo, cloth, pp. 330. ,- 360 CARROLL (B. R.) Historical Collections of South Caro- lina. New York. 1836. a vols., 8vo, half morocco. 361 CARROLL (C.) Journal of Charles Carroll of Carroll- ton, during his Visit to Canada in 1776, as one of the Commissioners from Congress. With a Memoir and Notes by Brantz Mayer. Baltimore. 1845. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; 19 PLATES, PORTRAITS, VIEWS, etc., inserted. Pub- lished by the Maryland Historical Society. See Washington (G.) 362 CARSTENSEN and GILDEMEISTER. New York Crystal Palace Illustrated. New Tor k. 1834. Imp. 8vo, cloth; COLORED VIEWS. CASE. 77 363 CARTER (W.) A Genuine Detail of the Several En- gagements, Positions, and Movements of the Royal and American Armies, during the Years 1775 and 1776; with an Accurate Account of the Blockade of Boston, and a Plan of the Works on Bunker's Hill, at the time it was abandoned by his Majesty's Forces on the I7th of March, 1776. In a Series of Letters to a Friend. By William Carter, Late a Lieutenant of the 4Oth Regiment of Foot. London: G. Kearsley. 1784. 4to, polished calf, gilt, by F. Bedford; splendid copy ; very scarce. /y/* 3 6 4 [CARTWRIGHT (John).] American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain. London. M.DCC.LXXV. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 365 CARVER (J.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. * / j- 6 ByJ. Carver, Esq., Captain of a Company of Provincial Troops during the late War with France. Illustrated with Copper Plates. London : Printed for the Author, &c. MDCCLXXVin. Rl. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. Carver came to England soon after he returned from his travels, with the intention of publishing his account of them ; but, when he had already sold the manu- script to a bookseller, he was ordered, by the government, to deliver up all his maps and journals ; and it was not until near ten years after that he obtained permission to publish the work. Co C 3 66 [CASAUBON.] A Treatise on Vse and Cvstome. London. 1738. 4to. half calf j rare. 367 CASE (W.) Revolutionary Memorials, embracing Poems ^ , j by the Rev. Wheeler Case, published in 1778, and An Appendix, Edited by the Rev. Stephen Dodd. New York: M. W. Dodd. 1852. lamo, cloth. 78 CAULFIELD. "' 368 CASS (L.) Outlines of the Life and Character of Gen. Lewis Cass. Albany. 1848. 8vo, pp. 64; scarce. 369 CATESBY(Mark). Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands; containing the Figures of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects, and Plants. Particu- larly the Forest Trees, Shrubs, and other Plants, not hitherto described, or very incorrectly figured by authors. Together with their descriptions in English and French. To which are added observations on the Air, Soil, and Waters, etc. Revised by Mr. Edwards, of the Royal College of Physicians, London; with the Supplement, Map and 200 beautifully colored plates of American Birds, Animals, Fishes, Insects, Plates, &c. London. 1771. 1 vols., imp. folio, half calf, uncut) fine copy ; rare. Thii copy is colored with superior care. Henry Laurens, of South Carolina, in 1780, says : " The best Natural History of this country will be found in Catesby's book of ' Natural History," published by a society of noblemen and gentle- men, about thirty-five years ago." See Laurens' " Correspondence," p. 187. " It does great honour to him and to his native country, and is perhaps the most curious and elegant performance of its kind that has anywhere appeared in Europe." PITER COLLINSON. 370 CATLIN (George). O-Kee-Pa : A Religious Cere- mony : and other Customs of the Mandrans. Philadelphia. 1867. Imp. 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges; 13 COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS. 371 CAULFIELD (James.) Portraits, Memoirs, and Charac- / ters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution in V 1688 to the end of the Reign of George II., collected from the most authentic accounts extant. London. 1819-20. 4 Tols., 410, half calf extra, gilt edges; fine impressions of the PLATES; LARGE PAPER. Published at 12 las., in boards. Indispensable to the Illustrator. \ CERVANTES. 79 ^372 CAVENDISH (Sir H.) Government of Canada. De- bates in 1777. London. 1839. 8vo, cloth, uncut; MAP. 373 CAXTON (W.) The Game of the Chesse by William Caxton. [London: Reprinted. 1855.] FACSIMILE reprint of the rare original. Some remarks on the history of the art of printing are appended. This reproduction of the first work printed by Cax- ton at Westminster, containing thirty-three woodcuts, is intended to bring the present age into somewhat greater intimacy with the Father of English Printers. The type has been carefully imitated, and the cuts traced from the copy in the British Museum. The paper has also been made expressly, as near as possible, like the original. 374 CAXTON. Ars Moirendi. Here begynneth a lytyel treatyse schortely compyled and called ars moriendi, that is to saye the craft for to dye for the helthe of mannes sowle. \_London: reprinted. 1^49.] 8 vo, uncut. One of fifty copies reprinted from the unique copy in the Bodleian Library. 375 CERTAIN Inducements to Well Minded People. Who are here Straitned in their Estates or otherwise: or such as are willing out of Noble and Publike Principles, to transport Themselves or some Servants or Agents for them into the West Indies, for the Propogating of the Gospel and increase of Trade. New York: Reprinted for 'Joseph Sabin. 1865. 410, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER. Sabin's Reprints, Quarto Series, No. rv.J 376 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (M. de). El ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. ... Nueva Edicion corregida por la Real Academia Espafiola. Madrid. 1780. 4 vols., rl. 4to, polished calf, gilt edges, by Bauzenot Trautz ; FINI ENGRAVINGS. A beautiful copy of this, the most elegant edition extant, illustrated with a series of additional PLATES by Vander Gucht, from DESIGNS by Vanderbank. Bernal's copy sold for 14 143., in 1855. " Cette edition est un vrai chef d'oeuvre typographique." BRUNKT. gO CHALMERS. 377 CERVANTES. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Trans- lated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. [By Mary Smirke.] Embellished with Engravings from Pictures Painted by Robert Smirke, Esq., R.A. In Four Volumes. London: Printed for T. CadelL 1818. 4 vols., rl. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut ; LARGEST PAPER. Bulmer's splendid edition. A most beautiful copy, perhaps thejinat ever sold at auction. " Some one, not less than a bishop ! is said to have learnt Spanish, for the sake of reading this celebrated romance in the original that fine Castilian tongue, pronounced by the Abbe Raynal eclatante comme /'or, et sonore comme Vargcnt. The author, in this celebrated production, has given his own history. But he was crippled and enslaved by the tribunal of the Inquisition, which acted on his mind as the battle of Lepanto had done on his body. ' The Inqui- sition is a poignard aimed at the throat of literature,' so said Aonius Paleariut (Antonio dtlla Paylia), and he was burnt for it!" WRANGHAM. / ^~ 378 CERVANTES. Don Quichot. s'Hag,. 1746. 410 half calf; includes 31 COPPERPLATES by Picart and Coypell. J/ 379 CHALMERS (G.) Opinions on Interesting Subjects Arising from American Independence. London. 1784. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 380 CHALMERS. Political Annals of the Present United / Colonies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. Compiled chiefly from Records, and Authorized often by the Insertion of State Papers. Vol. i., [all published]. London. MDCCLXXX. 4to, half green morocco, uncut; fne clean copy of a scarce "work. Chalmers was a strenuous supporter of the right of the mother country to tax the colonies. 381 CHALMERS (Robert). Cyclopedia of English Literat- ?# ** ure - Boston. 1847. a vols., imp. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top; extensively illustrated by a series of about zoo PLATES inserted. CHAPIN. 8 1 f 382 CHAMPION (R.) Considerations on the Present Situa- tion of Great Britain and the United States. London. MDCCLXXXIV. 8vo, pp. xxxiv, 174, 26, half calf, uncut. 383 CHANDLER (P. W.) American Criminal Trials. By , tet Peleg W. Chandler. Boston : Charles C. Little and James Brown. MDCCCXLI. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth; Vol. 11 is scarce. Includes an account of the New York Negro Plot, Boston Massacre, etc., and the trials of Zenger, Lesler, Major Andre, and Joshua Hett Smith. 384 CHANDLER. The Morals of Freedom. An Oration ... July 4, 1844. Boston. 1844. 8vo, pp. 54. Also Clark's Oration, July 4, 1860. 385 CHANDLER (Thos. B.), D.D. The Life of Samuel Johnson, D.D., the first President of King's College in New York. Containing many interesting Anecdotes, &c. New Fork. 1805. I2mo, sheep; good copy ; scarce. 386 CHANNING (Edw. T.) Oration ... July 4, 1817 . Boston. Boston. [1817.] 20 8vo, pp. 24; AUTOGRAPH of the author. 387 CHAPIN (H.) A Poem delivered at the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Town of Men- don. Melford. 1867. I2mo, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 388 CHAPIN (The) Gathering. Proceedings at the Meeting of the Chapin Family in Springfield, Mass., September 17, 1862. Springfield. 1862. 8vo, pp. 96, half green morocco, gilt top. II 82 CHARLEVOIX. 389 CHAPMAN (I. A.) A Sketch of the History of Wy- oming. By Isaac Chapman, Esq. To which is added an Appendix, containing a Statistical Account of the Valley and Adjacent Country. By a Gentleman of Wilkesbarre. Wilkesbarre, Pa. 1830. izmo, half morocco, gilt. 390 CHAPPELL (W.) Popular Music of the Olden Time. A Collection of Ancient Songs, Ballads, and Dance ^* ** Tunes, illustrative of the National Music of England: the whole of the Airs harmonized by Macfarren. Also a Short Account of the Minstrels. London. [1858.] 2 vols., imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top ; FACSIMILE ENGRAVINGS. Besides the large amount of most curious information on our early popular music, inter- spersed with the songs and ballads, this work contains more than four hun- dred original airs collected and arranged from manuscript, and the unique works hitherto inaccessible. 391 CHARLESTON. The Siege of Charleston, by the Brit- tf , ish Fleet and Army under the Command of Admiral & Arbuthnot and Sir Henry Clinton, which terminated with the Surrender of that place on the I2th of May, 1780. Albany: J. Munsell. 1867. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top; 100 copies printed. 392 CHARLESWORTH (E.) The Magazine of Natural History. London. 1837. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut; many PLATES. 393 CHARLEVOIX. Letters to the Duchess of Lesdiguieres; ^ giving an Account of a Voyage to Canada, and Travels through that vast Country and Louisiana, to the Gulf of Mexico. Undertaken by Order of the present King of France. By Father Charlevoix. London: Printed for R. Goadby. 1763. 8vo, calf; MAP; fint copy ; a rare edition, differing from the work of Charlevoix, *n two volumes. CHASTELLUX. 83 394 CHARLEVOIX. History and General Description of New France. By the Rev. P. F. X. de Charlevoix, s.j. Translated, with Notes, by John Gilmary Shea. In Six volumes. New York: 'John Gilmary Shea. 1866. 3 vols., 410; LARGE PAPER; 25 copies printed. 395 CHARLEVOIX. [The same.] New York. 1866. 3 vols., imp. 8vo; SMALL PAPER. Vol. iv is nearly ready. This great work is the foundation of all our knowledge respecting the countries formerly under the French dominion in North America. 396 CHARTERS (The) of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin. 1742. Folio, half calf. 397 CHASE (Samuel). Trial of Samuel Chase, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Im- peached by the House of Representatives, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, before the Senate of the United States. Taken in short-hand by Samuel H. Smith and Thomas Lloyd. Washington City. 1805. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncutj fine copy of a scarce edition. 398 CHASTELLUX. Travels in North America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782. By the Marquis de Chas- tellux, One of the Forty Members of the French Acad- emy, and Major General in the French Army, serving under the Count De Rochambeau. Translated from the French by an English Gentleman, who resided in America at that Period. With Notes by the Translator. [Motto.] London: Robinson. M DCC LXXXVII. z vols., 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Nothing escapes the eager eye and minute attention of this lively traveller, and we owe to him the most graphic account of the private life of the Revolutionary era. 84 CHAUNCY. CHATHAM (Earl of). See Pitt (William). 399 [CHATTO (W. A.)] The Angler's Souvenir. By P. Fisher, Esq. Assisted by Several Eminent Piscatory Characters. With Illustrations by Beckworth & Top- ham. London. 1845. iimo, green morocco, gilt edges; FINE PLATES. Rich in anecdote and song, and contains local descriptions of some of the most lovel scenery in England. 400 CHAUCER. The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer; With An Essay on His Language and Versification, an Intro- ductory Discourse, Notes, and A Glossary by Tho. Tyr- whitt, Esq. London: William Pickering. 1830. Also, Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose, Troilus and Creseide, and the Minor Poems, with the Life of the Poet, By Sir Harris Nicholas. London: William Pickering. 1846. Together, 8 vols., crown 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. For another edition, see Pickering's " Aldine Poets." " In elocution and elegance, in harmony and perspicuity of versification, he surpasses his predecessors in an infinite proportion; his genius was universal, and adapted to themes of unbounded variety, and his merit was not less in paint- ing familiar manners with humour and propriety, than in moving the pas- sions, and in representing the beautiful or grand objects of nature with grace or sublimity." WARTON. 401 CHAUNCY (C.) The accursed Thing must be taken away from among a People, if they would ... hope to stand before their Enemies. A Sermon Preached at the Thursday-Lecture in Boston, September 3, 1778. ... By Charles Chauncy, D.D., Senior Pastor of the first church in Boston. Boston, New England: Printed by Thomas fcf John Fleet. 1778. 8vo, pp. 27 ; a very scarce revolutionary sermon. For a series of critical notices, see Allibone's "Dictionary," pp. 373-5. CHILD. 85 v 402 [CHAUNCY.] A Letter to a Friend. Giving a con- cise, but just, representation of the hardships and suffer- ings the town of Boston is" exposed to, and must undergo in consequence of the late act of the British Parliament. By T. W. A Bostonian. Boston, N. E. M,t>cc,Lxxiv. 8vo, pp. 35, uncut ; rare. Relates to the Port Bill. 403 CHAUNCY. Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Re- ligion in New-England. Boston: Printed by Rogers and Fowle,for Samuel Eliot in CornhilL 1743. 8vo, pp. xxx, 424; old calf. CHECKLEY (John). See [Leslie (Charles)]. 404 CHESTERFIELD (Earl of] Letters. Including nu- merous Letters now first published, from the Original MSS., Edited with Note, by Lord Mahon. London. 1845-53. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut; PORTRAIT; the ONLY COMPLETE EDITION. " In Lord Mahon's case the work of ' editing * is not confined to putting his name on the title-page, and adding a stray note here and there. He supplies the elucidatory information required by the text, and employs conscientious care in seeing that the text is critically perfect." ATHENAEUM. 405 CHICAGO Academy of Science. Vol., I, Part I. J oo Chicago. 1867. Imp. 8vo, pp. lai, uncut; PLATES. 406 CHICAGO. Guide to the City of Chicago; its Public Buildings, Places of Amusement, ... Map. Chicago: T. Ell-wood Ze II & Co. 1868. l8mo, cloth; PLATES; and another work. 407 [CHILD (Mrs.)] The First Settlers of New-England. Boston, [n. d.] 1 8 mo, half redjnorocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PLATE. 86 CHURCH. 408 CHILDREN (The) in the Wood; with engravings by Thompson, Nesbit, Williams, Jackson, Branston, etc., ^ s*700 Drawn by Harvey. The Beggar's Daughter of Bethnall Green, edited by Dr. Percy, with engravings, by Bran- ston, from Harvey's designs, and Burns' Address to the Deil, with engravings after Landseer's designs. ^ London. 183031. 2 pts in I vol., post 8vo, half morocco ; very scarce. The above three tracts are beau- tifully printed throughout an the finest INDIA PAPER. 409 CHIPMAN (D.) Memoir of Colonel Seth Warner. Middlebury. 1848. f -~ i8mo, pp. 226, cloth. CHRONICON Nurembergensis. See [Schedel (H)]. CHURCH. See Boston Massacre, No. 204. 410 CHURCH (T.) The | Entertaining | History | of | King Philip's War, | which began in the Month of June, 1675. ) , | As also of | Expeditions | more lately made) Against the Common Enemy, and Indian | Rebels, in the Eastern Parts of New-Engiand: j With some Account of the Divine ] Providence towards | Col. Benjamin Church:) By Thomas Church, Esq., his Son. The Second Edition. Boston: Printed^ 1716. Newport , Rhode-Island: Reprinted and Sold\by Solomon Soutbwick^ in Queen-Street^ 1772. 8vo, pp. 198 (i), polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; PORTRAIT inserted ; fine copy. 4 411 CHURCH. The History of Philip's War. Boston. 1829. izmo, pp. 360, sheep; PLATES. 412 CHURCH. The History of King Philip's War. By , _ Benjamin Church. With an Introduction and Notes. by Henry M. Dexter. Boston: J. K. Wiggin. MDCCCLXV. a vols., 410, half blue levant morocco, gilt top 5 LARGE PAPER ; 35 copies printed. CLARK. 87 00 413 CHURCH. [The same.] Boston: J. K. Wiggin. 1865. 2 vols. fcap 4to, uncut. Edition 250 copies. " Library of New England History," No. 11. 414 CICERO. M. T. Cicero's | Cato Major, | or his | Dis- course | of | Old- Age: [with explanatory Notes.) Philadelphia :\ Printed & Sold by B. Franklin. MDCCXLIV. 8vo, (8f/// by 6in.) a beautiful copy ; half calf, UNCUT leaves, in the original bind- ing ; PORTRAIT of Logan inserted. A remarkably clean copy. This book Franklin always considered the chef (Toe-vre of his press. He took many copies to England, and distributed them with evident satisfaction. We can- not find an account of the sale of any other uncut copy. Bruce's cut copy sold for $90. 415 CLAIBORNE (N. H.) Notes on the War in the South; with Biographical Sketches of the Lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, The late Gov. Claiborne, and others. Richmond. 1819. I2mo, calf. - '416 CLAP (R.) Memoirs of Roger Clap. Boston. 1844. 417 CLARENDON. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 6 vols. The Life of Edward, ' ee> Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England and Chancellor of the University of Oxford : in which is included A Continuation of his History of the Grand Rebellion, 2 vols. Oxford and London. i8i6-'28. Together, 8 vols. in 4, 410, calf, gilt. The character of Clarendon, as the champion of the Constitution against the encroach- ments of prerogative, no less than the opponent of the continually increasing demands of Parliament, is admirably stated in Lord Grenville's preface to Chatham's " Letter," written to his nephew, pp. xix-xxiv. CLARK (Daniel). See Wilkinson (James). 418 CLARK (Edward L.) Daleth or the Homestead of the K . Nations; Egypt Illustrated. Boston. 1864. 8vo, ith, top gilt; Vizws and ILLUSTRATIONS. 88 CLARKE. 410 CLARK (Hugh). An Introduction to Heraldry: contain- ing the Origin and Use of Arms, Rules for Blazoning and Marshalling Coat-Armours, etc. With nearly 1000 Illustrations, all colored. London. 1859. i6mo; sixteenth edition. 420 CLARK (Sam.) The Life and Death of Sir Francis , Drake, His Voyages and Discoveries in the West Indies, etc. London. 1671. 4to, half morocco ; PORTRAIT ; clean copy ; -very scarce. 421 CLARKE (Dr. Adam). A Bibliographical Dictionary. London. 1802. Also, The Bibliographical Miscellany; or, Supplement to the Bibliographical Dictionary. London: Printed for W. Baynes. 1806. 8 vols. in 4, izm, half red morocco, gilt top. Includes Harwood's "View of the " Classics," and " Essay on Bibliography." In the Appendix, n, pp. 7-47, the invention of printing is ascribed to Guttenberg. 422 CLARKE (J.) An Impartial and Authentic Narrative of the Battle Fought on the I7th of June, 1775, be- tween His Britannic Majesty's Troops and the Amer- ican Provincial Army, on Bunker's Hill, near Charles Town, in New-England, with A True and Faithful Account of the Officers who were killed and wounded in that memorable Battle. To which are added, Some par- ticular Remarks and Anecdotes which have not yet trans- pired. The whole being collected and written on the Spot. The Second Edition. London. MDCCLXXV. 8vo, polished calf, by F. Bedford. This interesting contemporary report of this famous battle is a volume of much rarity. CLARKE (J. L.) The Duties of Massachusetts. Boston. 1868. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. CLINTON. 89 424 CLARKE (M. A.) The Rival Princess; or a Narrative of Facts relative ... to The Duke of York. London. 1810. a vols. in i, izmo, calf; PORTRAIT. 425 [CLARKE (Wm.)] Repertorium Bibliographicum ; or, Some Account of the Most Celebrated British Libraries. London. 1819. i vols., imp. 8vo, half olive levant morocco, uncut, by W. Mathews; LARGE PAPER; PORTRAITS on INDIA PAPER ; a beautiful copy ; only 50 printed. Includes the " Dialogue in the Shades and Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall," " Anecdotes of Roger Payne and his Deary," "List of Book Sales," " Sketches of Public and Private Libraries," and a valuable index. See " Gent. Mag.," 1818, p. 434. Mr. Beckford assisted in its compilation. 426 CLINTON (H.) The Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., relative to his Conduct during part of his command of the King's Troops in North America ; Particularly to that which respects the unfortunate Issue of the Campaign in 1781, with An Appendix, ... London. 1783. 8vo, pp. 114, half purple morocco, gilt top, edges uncut, by Bradstreet ; splendid copy. In this detail Sir Henry Clinton acquits himself of all share in Lord Cornwallis* mis- fortune ; leaving that general to answer for misconceptions of the orders sent him, and for the choice of the post he wai reduced to surrender. 427 CLINTON. [Another Edition.] New York: Sower, Morton, and Homer. MDCCLXXXIII. 4 to > PP- 39> polished calf, by F. Bedford; PORTRAIT inserted; a very rare edition. 428 CLINTON (Sir H.) and CORNWALLIS (Earl). Nar- _ rative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., ^9 AS Relative to his Conduct during Part of his Command of the King's Troops in North America, etc. Answer to that Part of the Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir 12 CODE. Henry Clinton, K.B., which relates to the Conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis during the Cam- paign in North America in the Year 1781. Observa- tions on Some Parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative, etc. London. 1783. 3 vols., 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. 429 CLINTON and CORNWALLIS. [The same.] /L m0 Philadelphia: John Campbell. MDCCCLXV. 3 vols., 410, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 430 CLINTON. Observations on Mr. Stedman's History of the American War. New York. 1865. 410 ; FINE PORTRAIT ; 50 copies privately printed. 431 COBBETT (W.) Selections from the Political Works of William Cobbett; being a complete abridgment of the 100 volumes which comprise the Writings of "Porcu- pine" and the "Weekly Political Register." With Notes, Historical and Explanatory. By John M. Cob- bett and James P. Cobbett. London, [n. d.] 6 vols in 3, 8vo, half calf, gilt. The great object of the editors has been to preserve all Cobbett's best writings, and to render them easily referred to by a general analytical index. 432 [COCKINGS (George).] The American War, A Poem, in Six Books. In which the Names of the Officers who have Distinguished themselves, During the War, are In- troduced. London. MDCCLXXXI. 8 vo, half calf, uncut; PLATE of Bunker's Hill ; scarce. A very remarkable specimen of poetry. See " Monthly Review," LV, p. 409. & A 433 CODE (The) of 1650, being a Compilation of the earliest j Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. 1822. Sm. 8vo, pp. izo, red cloth. COGHLAN. 9 1 434 CODE of 1650. [Another Edition.] Hartford, [n. d.] " I2mo, pp. 1 20, boards; PLATE. 435 COFFIN (C.) History of the Battle of Breed's Hill by Major-Generals William Heath, Henry Lee, James Wilkinson and Henry Dearborn. Portland. 1835. 8vo, sewed ; PRESENTATION COPY, with author's AUTOGRAPH. 436 COFFIN. The Lives and Services of Major General John Thomas, Colonel Thomas Knowlton, Colonel Alexander Scammell, Major General Dearborn. New York. 1845. 1 2mo, pp. 222, cloth. 437 [COFFIN (R. S.)] Miscellaneous Poems of the Boston Bard. 1818. I2mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAIT inserted. 438 COGHLAN (Mrs.) Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan, (daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe). Written by herself, and Dedicated to the British Nation ; being interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War. with Remarks, Moral and Political. London. 1794. a vols. in I, sm. 8vo, calf; CUTTINGS inserted; LARGE TYPE; fine clean copy} scarce. 439 COGHLAN. [The same. Another Edition.] Dublin. 1794. Sm. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges ; fine copy. 440 COGHLAN. [Another Edition.] Cork. 1794. Sm. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. 441 COGHLAN. [Another Edition.] New York. 1795. I2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Mr. W. J. Davis's unique copy, illustrated with 30 portraits, plates, views, etc., sold for $28 in MorreU'i sale. 0,2 GOLDEN. 442 COGHLAN. Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan, ... With In- troduction and Notes. * Privately Printed: New York. 1864. 4to, uncut 5 LARGI PAPER; only 20 copies printed. 443 COGHLAN. [The same.] New York: Reprinted. 1864. 8vo, uncut; loo copies printed in this size. This is, perhaps, the only catalogue in which all the editions of the work has been offered for sale. 444 COLCHESTER (Charles, Lord). Diary and Corres- pondence of. London. 1861. 3 vols., 8vo, polished calf, gilt extra ; beautiful copy. 445 COLDEN (C.) The History of the Five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New- York. By Cad- wallader Golden. Reprinted Exactly from Bradford's New York edition, (1727.) With an Introduction and Notes by John Gilmary Shea. New York: T. H. Morrell. 1866. Imp. 8vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 30 copies printed. 446 COLDEN. [The same.] New York. 1866. 8vo, cloth, uncut ; PORTRAIT on INDIA PAPER. 447 COLDEN. The History of the Five Indian Nations of a7 Canada, which are Dependent on the Province of New York in America, etc. London. MDCCLV. 2 vols. in I, I2mo, calf; MAP ; fne copy. S 448 COLDEN. [The same.] Second Edition. London. 1750. 8vo, calf; with MAP. 449 COLDEN (C. D.) Life of Robert Fulton. With an Appendix. New York. 1817. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut ; PORTRAIT. COLLECTION. 93 450 GOLDEN. Memoir, Prepared at the Request of a Com- mittee of the Common Council of the City of New York, and Presented to the Mayor of the City, at the Celebra- tion of the Completion of the New York Canals. By Cadwallader D. Golden. Printed by Order of the Corporation of New York, by W. A. Davis. 1825. 410, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 451 [COLEMAN (William).] A Collection of the Facts and Documents, Relative to the Death of Major General Alexander Hamilton; with Comments; together with the various Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies, that have been published or written on his Life and Character. New York. 1804. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Mathews. 452 COLERIDGE (S. T.) Pictorial Works. London: W. Pickering. 1829. 3 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut; uniform in size with Pickering's "Dramatists." 453 COLES (Edward). History of the Ordinance of 1787. Philadelphia. 1856. 8vo, pp. 33, uncut; scarce* 454 COLLECTION of Papers, That have been published at different Times, relating to the Proceedings of His Ma- jesty's Commissioners, &c. &c. &c. New- York : Printed by "James Rivington^ Printer to the King's most excellent Majesty. M.DCC.LXXVin. 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, by F. Bedford, with LETTER by Rivington inserted. 455 COLLECTION (A) of Seventy-nine Old Black Letter Ballads and Broadsides. Printed in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, between the years 1559 and 1597, and re- 94 COLUMBIAN. printed from the celebrated folio Volume formerly in the Library of the late George Daniel, Esq. With an In- troduction and Illustrative Notes. London. 1868. Post 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews. " I love a ballad in print." SHAKESPEARE. 456 COLLIER (J. P.) A Bibliographical and Critical Ac- t/ / count of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Alphabetically arranged, which During the last fifty years, have come under the observation of J. Payne Col- lier, F.S.A. London. 1865. 457 COLLIER. [The same.] New York. 1865. X 4 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco, uncut, by W. Mathews ; one of five copies printed on LARGE INDIA PAPER. In this reprint of the English edition all the " Addenda and Corrigenda " which are prefixed to the first volume of that edition are placed in their proper positions. The " Index," also, is greatly enlarged. This valuable and interesting work is, in fact, an extended edition of the author's cata- logue of the Duke of Bridgewater's library. It describes books which, for the most part, are so scarce, that but few American libraries possess them ; and Mr. Collier has performed an acceptable office in quoting largely from the works he has described. 458 COLORS (The) of the United States first raised upon the Capital of the Confederate States, April 3, 1865. Morrisania^ N. T. 1865. 8vo, pp. 17; twenty-seven copies printed for private distribution only. 459 COLUMBIAN (The) Magazine; or Monthly Miscel- lany. Containing a View of the History, Literature, Manners, Characters of the Year 1787-1789. Philadelphia. 1787-9. An extremely rare magazine, in unusually fne condition. This lot commences with Nov., 1786, to 1787, and a Supplements, except September, 1787, and October, 1789, in all, 37 parts. CONFEDERATE. 95 460 COLUMBIAN MUSE I (The). I A| Selection I of I Ameri- can Poetry, | from | various Authors | of | Established Repu- tation. | New-York: Printed by J. Carey, ... 1794. izmo, 2 1., pp. 224, green morocco extra, gilt edges. One of the earliest collections of miscellaneous American poetry. This copy sold for $10 at Morrell's sale. COLUMBIA'S LEGACY. See Washington (G.) 461 COLUMBUS, Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus to America. From a Manuscript recently discovered in Spain. Translated from the Spanish. Boston. 1827. 8vo, boards, uncut. 462 COMMODITIES (The) of the' Hand called Manati ore Long He which is in the Continent of Virginia. Imprinted by J. M.for J. G. S. 1865. 8vo, pp. 1 6, uncut, MAP; privately printed. 463 CONDfi (J. A.) History of the Domination of the Arabs in Spain. Translated from the Spanish of J. A. Conde, by Mrs. J. Foster. London. MDCCCHV. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 464 CONDUCT (The) of the Late Administration Examined. With an Appendix, containing Original and Authentic Documents. London: J. Almon. MDCCLXVIII. 8vo, brown polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. The "Monthly Review" characterizes this as one of the most formidable attacks made on the late administration. The author of a letter to G. G., calls this Mr. G[renville's] celebrated pamphlet on the stamp act. 465 CONFEDERATE SONGS. A Collection. Some very scarce. 96 CONSTITUTION. 466 CONGREVE'S Way of the World, A Comedy ... Re- vised by J. P. Kemble. London, [n. d.] 8vo, interleaved in 410, half calf; J. P. Kemble's copy, with his manuscript notes. CONNECTICUT. General History of Connecticut. See [Peters (S.)] 467 CONSIDERATIONS upon the Rights of the Colonists. New York: John Holt. 1766. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 468 CONSTABLE (J.) English Landscape Scenery; A Series of 40 Engravings on Steel, by D. Lucas, from Pictures by John Constable. London. 1855. Folio, half red morocco, gilt edges. CONSTANTINE and EUGENE. See Washington (G.) 469 CONSTITUTIONS (The) of the several Independent States of America; the Declaration of Independence; the Articles of Confederation between the said States ; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America. Published by order of Congress. Philadelphia: F. Bailey. M. DCC. LXXXI. 1 2mo, polished morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews j only 200 copies printed ; very rare. Morrell's copy, in sheep, sold for $20. The following notice, from page 2, will show that this is the firtt authoritative and original printed text of these important documents : "In Congress, December 29, 1780. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to collect and cause to be published two hundred correct copies of the Declaration of Independence, etc. (as in title above), to be bound together in boards, etc. "Extract from the Minutes. CHARLES THOMPSON, Secretary." 'J/ 470 CONSTITUTION (The) of the Independent States of America. London. M,DCC,LXXXII. 8vo, pp. 1 68, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. COOPER. 97 471 CONSTITUTION of the United States. Philadelphia. 1791. izmo, sheep; first edition, which includes Vermont. 472 COOK (E.) The Sot-Weed Factor ; Or, a Voyage to Maryland. A Satyr. In Burlesque Verse. London, 1708. Reprinted, 1865. LAKGE PAPER; only 30 copies printed. Forms No. n of " Shea's Early Southern Tracts." 473 COOK. A Journal of a Voyage round the World, In His Majesty's Ship Endeavour. London. MDCCLXXXI. 410, half calf. The first published account of Cook's Vogage ; now very scarce. 474 COOKE (E. W.) Sixty-five Plates of Shipping and Craft. Drawn and Edited by E. W. Cooke. London. 1829. Imp. 4to; represents all the principal varieties of shipping met with in British waters; INDIA PROOFS, on LARGE PAPER. Cooke is second to no artist for faithful and picturesque delineations of shipping. 475 COOMBE (Thomas). A Sermon, preached ... Philadel- phia, on Thursday, July 20, 1775; the day recommended for a General Fast throughout the twelve United Colonies of North America. Philadelphia. MDCCLXXV. 8vo half morocco, uncut. An important revolutionary sermon. 476 COOPER (J. F.) The History of the Navy of the United States of America. By J. Fenimore Cooper, Esq. In Two Volumes. London: Richard Bentley. 1839. 2 vols., 8vo, levant morocco extra, by F. Bedford. Thit beautiful copy contains 27 AUTOGRAPHS, as follows : A. L. S., 8vo, 1848, of J. Fenimore Cooper; L. S., 410, 1755, of Gen. William Shirley; Signature of Sir Wm. Pepperell ; L. $., 410, 1779, by Wm. Vernon and Jno. Deshon, First Naval Board; A. L. of Jno. Paul Jones, 410, pp. 4, 1777, unsigned, dated on board the "Ranger;" A. L. $., folio, 1779, of Silas Talbot ; L. S., 410, 1767, of Thos. Gage (Governor of Mass.); A. L. S., 8vo, pp. 3, '3 98 CORNWALLIS. 1811, L. S., 410, 1817, and signature of Com. Wm. Bainbridge ; A. L. 5., 4to, 1830, and A. L. S., 410, 1813, of Com. John Rogers ; L. S., 410 (two signatures), 1838, and A. L. S., 410, 1823, of Com. David Porter; A. L. S., folio, 1796, Autograph bill receipted, 1784, of John Barry; A. L. S., 4to, pp. 3, 1799, f Gen. Wm. Eaton, dated at Tunis; A. L. S., 4to. pp. 2, 1800, of Com. James Barron ; Note in third person, 410, n. d., of Com. Thomas Truxton ; L. S. t 410, 1827, of T. Tingey ; L. 5., 410, 1779, of John Avery; A. L. S., 410, 1831, of Com. W. Warrington ; Aut. Doc., signed, 410, 1829, of Com. Ap Catesby Jones; D. S., 410, 1807, of Henry Dearborn, Sec. of War ; A. L. S., 410, 1815, and A. L. S., 4to, 1795, of Gen. Alex. Macomb ; also, 53 PORTRAITS, many of them rare, some en- graved by Edwin, and 17 VIEWS, etc. 477 COOPER. [Another copy.] London. 1839. Jf 2 vols., 8vo, levant morocco extra, by Bedford; containing 50 PORTRAITS, VIEWS, etc.; also, AUTOGRAPH NOTE of Cooper, and LETTERS signed by Commodores Stewart and Warrington, the particulars of which we are not able to give, as the book is now (January, 1870) in the possession of Mr. F. Bedford, book- binder, of London. 478 COOPER (Rev. Mr.} History of North America. Cus- toms of the Original Inhabitants, &c. London. 1789. i8mo, pp. 184, calf; FOUR PLATES. 479 [COOPER (M.)J What think ye of Congress Now. New York: James Rivington. M,DCCLXIIV. 8vo. A rare Tory Tract against the Congress. 480 COOPER (T.) Some Information respecting America. London. 1795. / 2- t/" 8 vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; MAP. CORNWALLIS. Answer to Sir Henry Clinton's Nar- rative of the Campaign in 1781, in North America. See Clinton, No. 427. The work is an attempt to prove that " the conduct and opinions of the author were not the cause of the catastrophe which terminated the unfortunate campaign of 1781." COSTELLO. 99 481 CORRESPONDENCE of the American Revolution, being Letters of Eminent Men to George Washington, from the Time of his taking Command of the Army to the End of his Presidency. Edited from the Original Manuscripts, by Jared Sparks. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. 1853. 4 vols.. imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPER. CORRY (John). See Washington (G.) 482 CORTES (H.) The Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Conqueror of Mexico, Addressed to the Emperor Charles V. Written during the Conquest, and Contain- ing a Narrative of its Events. Now first Translated into English from the Original Spanish, with an Introduction and Notes by George Folsom. New York: Wiley and Putnam. 1843. 8vo, boards, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. 483 CORWIN (E. B.) Catalogue of the Library of Mr. E. j 00 B. Corwin. Priced. New York. 1856. 8vo, half calf, red edges. 484 CORY (J. P.) Metaphysical Inquiry. London: W. Pickering. 1833. Fcap 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut; scarce. 485 COSTELLO (L. S.) Jacques Coeur, the French Ar- gonant, and his Time. London. 1847. 8vo, half morocco; FINE PORTRAIT. Jacques Coeur, chief adviser to Charles VII, of France, was one of the most remarkable personages of his time. 486 COSTELLO. Specimens of the Early Poetry of France, IOO COTTON. from the Times of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henri Quatre. London: IV. Pickering. 1835. Post 8vo; the PLATM heightened with gold and colors; -very few copies in this Hjle. , * 487 COTMAN (J.) Liber Studiorum ; A Series of Land- scape Studies and Original Compositions. London. 1836. Folio, half morccco. " His etchings have all the richness and vigor of the best artists of the old school."- S^uarterly Review. y 488 COTTON (H.) Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof. In English, 1505-1850. With Bibliographical De- scriptions. Oxford. 1852. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. J 4* 489 COTTON. A Typographical Gazetteer. Second edition corrected and much Enlarged. Oxford: University Press. 1831. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 490 COTTON (J.) The|BloudyTenent,|washed,|Andmade white in the bloud of the|Lambe: being discussed and discharged of | bloud-guiltinesse by just Defence. | Wherein | The great Questions of this present time are | handled, viz. How farre Liberty of Conscience | ought to be given to those that truly feare God ? And how farre | restrained to turbulent and pestilent persons, that not one-|ly raze the foundation of Godliness, but disturb the Civill | Peace where they live ? Also how farre the Magistrate may pro- | ceed in the duties of the first Table? And that all the Magistrates | ought to study the word and will of God, that they may frame | their Government according to it. | Discussed | As they are alledged from divers Scriptures, out of) the Old and New Testament. Wherein also the practise of| Princes is debated, together with the Judgement of the An- 1 cient COWPER. 101 and late Writers of most precious esteeme. | Whereunto is added a Reply to Mr. [Roger] Williams) Answer, to Mr. Cottons Letter. | By John Cotton Batchelor in Divinity, and | Teacher of the Church of Christ at Bos- ton in New-England. | London, \ Printed by Matthew Symmons for Hannah Allen, at the Crowne in\ Popes-Head- Alley. 1647.] 410, crushed red levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; splendid copy. 491 COTTON. A Brief | Exposition | With Practical | Ob- servations | Upon the whole Book of j Canticles, I Never . ^ ^ before Printed.] By that late Pious and Worthy Di-|vine Mr. John Cotton Pastor of | Boston in New England | Published by Anthony Tuckney D.D. Master | of Saint- Johns Colledge in Cambridge. | London : Printed for T. R. tf E. M.for Ralph Smith} ... 1655. Sm. 8vo, 7 1., pp. 238, panneled calf, red edges; fine copy. COUCH (J.) See Naturalists' Library. 492 COWLEY (A.) The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley: ... Consisting of these which were formerly Printed ; And these which He Design'd for the Press. Publish'd ft? ^ out of the Author's Original Copies. ... The Tenth Edition. Adorn'd with Cuts. London: J. Tonson. 1707. 3 vols., 8vo, marbled calf, by F. Bedford ; illustrated with PLATES ; beautiful impressions. " Had Cowley ne'er spoke, nor Killigrew writt, They'd both have made a very good witt." DENHAM. 493 COWPER (W.) Complete Works. Edited by Southey; comprising his Poems, Correspondence, and Transla- tions. With a Memoir of the Author. London. 1836. 15 vols., fcap 8vo, cloth, uncut; illustrated with 30 FINE ENGRAVINGS. The only complete edition. In the life of the poet, Dr. Southey has introduced much of the literary history of England during half a century. IO2 CRUSIU8. 494 COX (Ross). Adventures on the Columbia River, ... among various Tribes of Indians. London. 1831. I vols., 8vo, pp. xxiv, 368; viii, 400; half calf; fine copy. &* 495 COXE (Peter). The Social Day ; A Poem. London. 1823. Rl. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges; 32 FINE PLATES. This beautiful volume contains engravings after Wilkie, Stothard, Smirke, Cooper, Hill, &c. The exquisite plate of the Broken Jar, by Wilkie, the first plate txecuted on steel, engraved by Warren, has alone been sold for 3 35. /foo 496 CRABBE (G.) Poetical Works of the Rev. George Crabbe; with his Letters, Journals, and Life. London: "John Murray. 1851. 8 vols., fcap 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top; best edition. ^ j- 497 [CRAIG (N. B.)] Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo of the Virginia Regiment. Pittsburgh. 1851. i6mo, half brown morocco; MAP. 498 CRANTZ (D.) The History of Greenland: containing a Description of the Country, and its Inhabitants: And Particularly, A Relation of the Mission, carried on for above these Thirty Years by the Unitas Fratrum, At New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels, in that Country. By David Crantz. Translated from the High-Dutch, and illustrated with Maps and other Copper-plates. London. MDCCLXVII. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, red edges; best edition. Highly eulogized by Dibdin. CROSS. See Pennsylvania. 499 CRUSIUS. Historiae | Canadensis, | sev| Novae-Franciae j Libri Decem,|Ad Annum vsque Christi MDCLVI. | Auc- tore P. Francisco Crevxio, e Societate lesv. | Parisiis, \ Apud Sebastianvm Cramoisy, Et Sebast. \ Mabre- Cramoisy, Typographos Regis, \ via lacobesa^ sub Ciconijs. \ M. DC. LXIV. | 410, morocco, gilt edges ; FINE PLATES and MAP j one plate wanting ; fine copy of a work of much rarity ', "which is rarely found complete. CYRILL. 103 500 CUMMINGS (T. S.) Historic Annals of the National Academy of Design. Philadelphia. 1865. 8vo, pp. 364, cloth. 501 CURTIS (G. T.) History of the Origin, Formation, and a Adoption of the Constitution of the United States; with Notices of its principal Framers. ... New York: Harpers. 1854. 2, vols., 8vo, cloth. 502 CURWEN (S.) The Journal and Letters of Samuel Curvven, an American in England from 1775 to 1783, with an Appendix of Biographical Sketches. By George Atkinson Ward. Fourth edition. Boston. 1864. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 503 GUSHING (Caleb). An Oration on the Material Growth and Territorial Progress of the United States ... Spring- field, Mass., on the Fourth of July, 1839. Springfield. 1839. 8vo, pp. 32. Also, Baker's Oration at Swanzly, 1829. 8vo, pp. 16. CUSTIS (G. W. P.) See Washington (G.) 504 CUTTER (W.) The Life of Israel Putnam. New York. 1848., half green morocco, gilt top. Third edition. 505 CYRILL. S. P. N. Cyrilli Alexandria Archiepiscopi Opera in vi tomos tribvta. Lvtetia. M.DC.XXXVIII. 3; ! 7 vols., folio, calf, newly bound ; fine old copy. 104 DANIELL. ' /c ^ - ABNEY (R. L.) A Defence of Vir- ginia [and through her of the South,] in Recent and Pending Contests against the Sectional Party. New York. 1867. izmo, cloth, uncut edges ; scarce in this condition. 507 DALRYMPLE (A.) An Historical Collection of the Several Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean. London. 1770. 410, calf ; MAPS. Chiefly a translation from the Spanish writers. 508 DAMPIER (Captain William). A Collection of Voyages. London. MDCCXXIV. 4 vols., 8voj a complete copy of the best edition, comprising the entire voyages of Dampier and his associates among the buccaneers, and Voyages of Wafer, Funnell, Sharpe, Ac. Bernal's copy sold for 5 izs. 6d. " Dampier's Voyages contain descriptions made by a man gifted with the most accurate coup if cell, the most delicate tact, with an excellent judgment j an air of truth, a precision and yet rapidity of style which charms the reader, reigns through- out the whole of the work." Blog. Uni-verselle. DANKERS and SLUYTER. Island Historical Society. See Memoirs of the Long 509 DANA. The Household Book of Poetry. Collected and Edited by Charles A. Dana. Ninth Edition. New York: D. Appleton and Co. 1864. Rl. 8vo, morocco, antique. 510 DANIELL (Thomas). Oriental Scenery. London. 1795. 3 voU., imp. elephant folio, half green levant morocco, gilt edges; includes one hundred and fifty VIEWS of the Architecture, Antiquities, and Landtcape of Hin- D ARBLAY. 105 dostan ; THE PLATES ARE EXOJJISITILY COLORED, in exact imitation of HIGHLY FINISHED DRAWINGS. " It is almost unnecessary to say anything in commendation of this extraordinary work, which is, without exception, the most magnificent series of views ever pro- duced in this, or any other country. The plates measure no less than 24 inches by 17 inches, and are colored in the style of drawings." BOHN. "The execution of these drawings is, indeed, masterly; there is every reason to confide in the fidelity of the representations; and the effect produced by this rich and splendid display of oriental scenery Is truly striking. Everything is drawn with the most astonishing accuracy. The animals, trees, and plants, are studies for the Naturalist. The views were taken by Mr. Daniell, with singular perseverance and industry, during a long residence in India." Monthly Magazine. 511 DANTE. The Vision of Hell. By Dante Alighieri. Translated by the Rev. H. F. Gary, M.A., and Illus- trated with the Critical and Explanatory Notes, Life of Dante, and Designs of M. Gustave Dore. New Edition. With Chronology. London: Cassell. MDCCCLXVI. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. "The telling, bold, and dramatic compositions of M. G. Dore will obtain admiration from a wide circle. Thousands will go down in fancy with the living artist into the shades of hell, and be so impressed by his photographical vigor, that th'ey may even know how, in the thinking, it reneweth fear to have once seen such monstrous shadows, sudden flames, and dismal regions." Athenaum. 512 DANTE. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Boston Ticknor & Fields 1867. 3 vols., 410, sheets folded ; one of three copies on INDIA PAPER, printed specially for three gentlemen of Chicago, at a cost of one thousand dollars. This splendid work is on very large paper, and affords ample space for the illustrator of Dante to exhibit his taste in making a UNIOJJK COPY. 513 D'ARBLAY. Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay, Edited by Her Niece. London: H. Co/burn. 1843-6. 7 vols., crown 8vo, half morocco, uncut; PORTRAITS. 14 IO6 DAVENPORT. Sparkling with wit, teeming with lively anecdotes and delectable gossip, and full of sound and discreet views of persons and things. 514 DARLEY (F. O. C.) Compositions in Outline, by Felix '^oo O. C. Darley from Judd's Margaret. Engraved by Konrad Huber. Redfield: New York. [1856.] Oblong 410, brown morocco, antique ; uarce. 515 DARLEY. The Cooper Vignettes. From Drawings by F. O. C. Darley. India Proofs before Letters. / -0 New York: J. G. Gregory. 1862. ^* / . Folio, morocco, antique ; LARGE PAPER ; feiv printed. This is a series of 64 engravings illustrative of Cooper's novels, with so much of the text as will explain the plate. They are entirely national in theme, the pro- duct of the foremost of our draughtsmen, and executed entirely by American engravers. 516 DARLEY. A Selection of War Lyrics, with 8 Illustra- ^ j~o tions on Wood by F. O. C. Darley. New York. 1864. Half red levant morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 517 DARLEY. Yankee Doodle, Illustrated. New York. [n. d.] 4to, half red morocco, uncut, gilt top. 518 DAVENPORT (John). Gods Call | to | His People] To Turn unto Him ; [Together with | His Promise to Turn unto them. | Opened and Applied in|u. Sermons | At two Publick Fasting-dayes appointed by Authority. | By Mr. John Davenport B.D. and Pastor to the First (Church of Christ at Boston in New-England. [Published at the desire of sundry Friends. | Cambridge : \ Printed by S. G. fef M. J.for John Vsker of Boston. (MDCLXIX. 410, pp. 17, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. An early specimen of printing in New England. DAVIS. IO7 519 DA VIES (Samuel). Religion | and | Patriotism. The Con- / j. , . stituents of a Good | Soldier. | A | Sermon | Preached to) Captain Overton's Independant | Company of Volunteers, raised in | Hanover County, Virginia, Au-|gust 17, 1775. [By Samuel Davies, A.M. Minister of | the Gospel there. | Philadelphia, Printed: \ London; Reprinted for "J. Buck- land, in | Paternoster Row, J. Ward at the King 1 a- Arms in\ Cornhill, and J. Field in Cheapside. 1756.) 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford; PROOF PORTRAIT inserted. A fine copy of this remarkable sermon, which contains the following prophetic note on page 12: " As a remarkable instance of this, I may point out to the public that heroic youth, Col. Washington, whom I cannot but hope Providence has hitherto preserved in so signal a manner, for some important service to his country." 520 DAVIES. A Sermon, Preached before the Reverend Presbytery of New-Castle, October u, 1752, in Han- over, Va. Philadelphia: B. Franklin & D. Hall. 1753. 8vo, polished calf. 521 DAVIS (John). An Oration ... Worcester, (Mass.) on the Fortieth Anniversary of American Independence. Worcester. 1816. 8vo. pp. 23. Also, Caldwell and Hallett's Orations, 3 vols. See Washington (G.) 522 [DAVIS (J.)] The First Settlers of Virginia, an Histori- cal Novel, Exhibiting a View of the Rise and Progress of the Colony at James Town. The Second Edition, considerably Enlarged. New York. 1806. izmo, pp. 284, sheep. DAVIS (M. L.) See Burr (Aaron), No. 305. 523 DAVIS. Catalogue of the Private Library of the late William J. Davis. With the Biographical Sketch by Henry B. Dawson, Esq. New York. 1865. a vols., rl. 410, uncut; PORTRAIT; LARGE PAPER; only 75 copies printed. IO8 DAWSON. 524 DAVIS (W. W. H.) History of the 1041*1 Pennsylvania Regiment from August 22nd, 1861, to September 3Oth, 1864. Philadelphia. 1866. 8vo, pp. 364, cloth; Six PLATES. 525 DAWSON (H. B.) The Assault on Stony Point, by General Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared j*y j-* for the New York Historical Society, and read at its regular monthly meeting, April I, 1862, with a Map, Fac-similes K and Illustrative Notes. Morrisania, N. T. 1863. Rl. 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut, by W. Mathews ; 30 FINE PORTRAITS and PLATES inserted; privately printed. Forms Part xi of Dawson's "Gleanings from the Harvest-field of American History." 4 j~* 526 DAWSON. [Another copy.] Morrisania, N. T. 1863. Imp. 8vo, uncut; 250 copies printed. ^ x^^-* 527 DAWSON. Battles of the United States by Sea and Land. New York. 1858. 2 vols., 410, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut ; PORTRAIT ; Subscriber? Copy. 528 DAWSON. Battles of the War of the Revolution. Morrisania . 1867. Vol. i, Part i, pp. 96. This publication was announced in 1865. Part i was issued in 1867, and Part n is not yet (1870) published. 529 DAWSON. Gazette Series. Tankers. 1866. 4 vols., rl. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; privately printed; only 26 copies; very rare. This is a general title to the following tracts, which were first published in the " Westchester Gazette," of which journal Mr. Dawson was the editor. The subscription price was one hun- dred dollars per set : Vol. i. Papers Concerning the Capture and Detention of Major John Andre. Col- lected by Henry B. Dawson. Vol. ii. Papers Concerning the Boundary between the States of New York and New Jersey, Written by Several Hands. DAWSON. IO9 Vol. in. Papers Concerning the Town and Village of Yonkers, Westchester County. A Fragment, by Henry B. Dawson. Vol. iv. Rambles in Westchester County, New York. A Fragment, by Henry B. Dawson. 530 DAWSON. The Magazine Miscellany. Morrisania. 1869. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut; twenty-five copies only printed; very tcarce. This series consists of the " Trial of Joshua Hett Smith," and " Fugitive Pieces" by various hands. Vol. n, has not been published. First printed in the " Historical Magazine." 531 DAWSON. Major-General Israel Putnam. A Corres- pondence on this Subject, with the Editor of the " Hart- ford Daily Post." By " Selah," of that city, and Henry B. Dawson, of White Plains, N. Y. Morrisania, N. Y. 1860. Rl. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews; FINE PORTRAITS; 47 PLATES inserted; privately printed; 2.50 copies printed, 131 of which are said to have been destroyed by fire. Forms Part vi of Dawson's Gleanings. 532 DAWSON. The Sons of Liberty in New York. A Paper read before the New York Historical Society, May 3, 1859. Printed as Manuscript, for Private Circulation. 1859. Rl. 8vo, uncut; a unique imprint. 533 [DAWSON and DAVIS.] Reminiscences of the Park and its Vicinity. New York. 1855. izmo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut; twenty-five copies only printed. Mr. Davis' own copy, illustrated by 61 inserted plates. 534 DAWSON, HAMILTON, and JAY. Correspondence between John Jay and Henry B. Dawson, and between James A. Hamilton and Henry B. Dawson, concerning the Federalist. New York. 1864. Rl. 410, uncut; LARGE PAPER ; only zo copies printed. HO DECLARATION. 535 DAWSONWjAY. [The same.] New York. 1864. 8vo; twelve copies. 536 DAY BREAKING (The), if not the Sun Rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New England. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1865. 410, half morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. 537 DAY BREAKING (The). [The same.] New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1865. 4to, uncut; SMALL PAPER. Sabin's Reprints, No. ix. 538 DEANE (S.) Papers Relating to the Case of Silas Deane, Now first Published from the Original Manuscripts. Philadelphia: Seventy Six Society. 1855. 8vo, cloth, uncut; 250 copies printed. )/" /,/ e 539 DEANE (Charles). A Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchinson's Historical Publications. Boston: Privately Printed. 1857. 8vo, pp. 39 ; 50 copies printed ; very scarce. 540 [DEANE.] Bibliographical Tracts. Number One. Spu- rious Reprints of Early Books. Boston. 1865. Rl. 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet; edition, 131 copies. * / & 541 DE BRAHM and ROMANS. The American Military Pocket Atlas. London, [n. d.] 6 LARGE MAPS, folded in 8vo, half calf; fine clean copy. x te 542 DECLARATION (The) of Independence; A Poem: Accompanied by Odes, Songs, &c., Adapted to the Day. By a Citizen of Boston. Printed at Boston, Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street. MDCCXCIII. 8vo, pp. 24, half roan. DE FOE. Ill 543 DECLARATION by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in General Con- gress at Philadelphia, Setting forth the Causes and Ne- cessity of Taking up Arms. London. MDCCLXXV. 410, uncut. Privately reprinted for R. W. Roche. 544 DE COSTA (B. F.) A Narrative of Events at Lake George, from the Early Colonial Times to the close of the Revolution. New York. 1868. Imp. 8vo, uncut; only 75 copies printed. 545 DE COSTA. Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen. Albany. 1868. 8vo, cloth, uncut; MAP. 546 DE COSTA. Sketches of the Coast of Maine and Isles of Shoals, with Historical Notes. New York. 1869. 410, cloth ; PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATE ; 24 copies printed. 547 DE FOE (D.) The Life and Strange Surprizing Adven- tures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner. He being e cast on Shore by Shipwreck wherein all the Men perished but himself. With an Account how he was at last as strangely delivered by Pyrates, Written by himself. Il- lustrated by Stothard. London: 'John Stockdale. 1790. ^ vols., imp. 8vo, half morocco, uncut ; with 17 BEAUTIFUL PLATES after Stothard's designs, engraved by C. Heath; INDIA PROOFS; LARGE PAPER; tcarct. ' Perhaps there exists no work, either of instruction or entertainment, in the English language, which has been more generally read, or more deservedly admired, than the ' Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.' " SIR WALTER SCOTT. 548 DE FOE. Collection de Cent-Cinquante Gravures regre- sentante et formant une Suite non interrompue des Voyages et Adventures de Robinson Crusoe, dessinees et gravees par T. A. L. Dumoulin. A Vivey. [n. d.] 112 DELAVALL. 8vo; a collection of 150 FINE ENGRAVINGS, illustrating the " Adventures of Robinson Crusoe." A more complete series of plates, illustrating this subject, have probably never been made. The artist seems to have studied the subject with a view to its illustration. The title gives no date, but the plates were published about 1700, perhaps earlier. 549 DE FOE. The Novels and Miscellaneous Works of Daniel De Foe. With a Biographical Memoir of the A*"" * o Author, Literary Prefaces to the various pieces, illustra- tive notes, etc., including all contained in the Edition attributed to the late Sir Walter Scott, with Consider- able Additions. Oxford: D. A. Talboys. 1840. ao vols., fcap 8vo, cloth, uncut; best and only complete edition; scarce. See " Disraeli's "Cur. Literature," "Gentlemen's Magazine, March, 1788," and Davis' "Olio," pp. 38-47. [DE FOREST (T. R.)] See New York. DEHON (T.) See Washington (G.) 550 DE KAY (James E.) Zoology of New York. Fauna. Albany. 1842. a vols., 410, half morocco ; COLORED PLATES. - 551 DELAPLAINE. Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. Philadelphia. 1815. 3 vols. in one, 410, half cloth ; contains FINE PORTRAITS of Washington, Hamilton, Ames, Dr. Rush, Columbus, etc. 552 DELAVALL and KEITH. The|Heresie and Hatred] Which was falsly Charged upon the | Innocent] Justly returned upon the | Guilty. | Giving^ some brief and im- partial Account of the most ma-|terial Passages of a late Dispute in Writing, that hath | passed at Philadelphia DENNISTOUN. 113 betwixt | John Delavall and George Keith, With some intermix! Remarks and Observations on [the whole. | Printed and sold by William Bradford at Philadelphia, Anno Dom. 1693. | 4to, pp. iz (i), crushed brown levant morocco, by W. Mathews ; the last leaf is a FRONTISPIECE, by W. Bradford. 553 DE-LA-WARRE (Lord}. The Relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La- Warre, Lord-Governour and Captaine Generall of the Colonie, planted in Vir- ginea. London: Printed, 1611. Reprinted by C. Whittingham. 1858. Sm. 410, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford; privately printed; only fifty copies. DELTA, pseudon. See [DEANE (C.)] 554 [DELL (W.)] The Doctrine of Baptisms, Reduced from its Ancient and Modern Corruptions; And restored to its Primitive Soundness and Integrity; According to the Xj^ep . Word of Truth ; the Substance of Faith, and the Nature of Christ's Kingdom. The Fifth Edition. London, Printed. Reprinted by B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1759. 8vo. pp. 43, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 555 DELL. The Trial of Spirits, both in Searchers and Hearers, wherein is held forth The Clear Discovery and certain Downfall of the Carnal and Antichristian Clej-gy of these Nations, etc. London: first Printed in the year 1666. Philadelphia: Reprinted by B. Franklin and D. Hall. MDCCLX. 8vo, pp. 55, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 556 DENNISTOUN (J.) Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, DETAIL. illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy from 1440 to 1630, with appendix of Original Documents, Poetry, etc. London. 1851. 3 Toll., iq. 8vo, cloth, gilt; finely Illustrated with Engraved VIEWS, PORTRAITS, etc. One of the most elegant and interesting works on Italy ever published ; it contains copious details of the literature of the time. 557 DENTON (Daniel). A Brief History of New York, formerly New Netherlands. New edition, with copious notes, by the Hon. Gabriel Furman. New York. 1845. 4to, cloth, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; only 50 copies printed. Cowans' " Bibliotheca Americana," No. i. \ *>j- 558 DE PEYSTER (F.) The Moral and Intellectual Influ- ence of Libraries upon Social Progress. New York. MDCCCLXV. Imp. 410, half morocco, uncut ; LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed. y /4o 559 DE PEYSTER ( J. W.) Battle of the Sound, or Baltic. Poughkeepsie. 1858. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 50 DE PEYSTER. The History of Carausius ... the first Sailor King of England. Poughkeepsie. 1858. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 561 DE PUY (H. W.) Ethan Allen and the Green-Moun- tain Heroes of '76. With a Sketch of the Early History of Vermont. New York: Phinney, Blakeman fcf Mason. 1860. izmo, pp. 428, cloth. DETROIT. See Munsell (J.) X 562 DETAIL of Some Particular Services Performed in Amer- DIBDIN. IJ5 ica, During the years 1776, 1777, 1778, and 1779. Compiled from Journals and Original Papers, etc. etc. Printed for Ithiel Town from a manuscript obtained by him while in London, in the summer of 1830. New York: Privately printed for Itbiel Town. 1835. iamo, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. This "Detail" had already appeared in print in the "Naval Chronicle" twenty years before. 563 DETAIL (The) and Conduct of the American War, under Genls. Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice-Admiral ' 0ti Lord Howe: the Evidence given before the House of Commons : and the Fugitive Pieces which are said to have given Rise to that Important Inquiry. Exhibiting a Complete History of the Real Causes, Rise, Progress, and Present State of the American Rebellion. Third Edition. London. 1780. 8vo, entirely uncut ; a beautiful copy ; scarce. In this edition many interesting papers have been added. 564 DEUX-PONTS (Count William De). My Campaigns in America, 1780-81. Translated from the French Manu- script, with introduction and Notes, by Samuel A. Green. Boston. 1868. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. 565 DIARY of a Southern Refugee, during the War. By a Lady of Virginia. New York. 1867. izmo, cloth, uncut; scarce in this condition. 566 DIBDIN (T.) The Reminiscences of Thomas Dibdin. London. 1827. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf; PORTRAIT. DIBDIN (Rev. T. F.) See Kempis (Thomas a'), and More (Sir T.) Il6 DIBDIN. 567 DIBDIN (T. F.) A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Pic- oo turesque Tour in France and Germany. By the Rev. Tho. Frognall Dibdin, F.R.S. S.A. London : Payne and Foss. 1821. 3 vol., imp. 8vo, enlarged to 6 very thick vols., imp. 8vo, LARGE PAPER; most beautifully bound in olive morocco super-extra, the backs richly gilt, and very broad richly tooled borders of gold on the sides, tooled insides and joints, vellum linings and fy-leaves, gilt edges, by Charles Lewis, in his best style; containing numerous BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS, PLATES, VIGNETTES, and WOODCUTS, all CHOICE PROOFS, -with an Extraordinary Series of the PLATES in various stages of engraving, and the same plate very frequently in two, three, and four different states, viz. : ETCHINGS, UNFINISHED PROOFS, PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, PROOFS UPON INDIA PAPER, and impressions after the Plates -were cancelled, -with the Faience Plate Colored after the Original Dra-wing. It has also the Series of Groups illustrating the Physiognomy, Manners, and Character of the People of France and Germany, by G. R. Lewis; 60 PLATES, PROOFS UPON INDIA PAPER, with numerous DUPLICATES in -various stages of En- graving, some of -which -were after-wards altered; and a Privately Printed Statement respecting the Prices he charged for the Sketches and Drawings for this Work, -which -was after-wards suppressed. This is decidedly the most splendid and magnificent copy in existence. Besides the immense number of PLATES, in their various states, of PROOFS, PRINTS, etc., which belong to this work, it is further illustrated with an extensive assemblage of ORIGINAL DRAWINGS and TRACINGS, PRIVATE PLATES, ETCHINGS, PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ANTIOJJITIES, etc. It contains upwards of 130 FINE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, by the following eminent artists, viz. : 2 in colors by N. Bevin, 27 in colors by T. Bury, one in pen- and-ink by Coney, i in pencil by Dr. Dibdin, 7 in colors by B. Ferry, 6 in colors by G. Jones, 25 in pencil, pen-and-ink, chalk, colors, etc., by G. R. Lewis, with 22 original tracings also by G. R. Lewis, 2 in colors by T. Mercer, 6 in colors by J. P. Neale, 15 in colors by W. Price, 32 in colors by A. W. Pugin. Also, 12 PRIVATE PLATES, including the PORTRAIT of Dr. Dibdin, by Hodgetts, of which there were only 75 impressions, Tour d'Eglise de St. Ouen a Rouen, the beautiful Portrait of Diana of Poictiers, engraved by Thomson, BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE THE LETTERS, of which only 12 were taken, and a fine Proof after the letters, of which only 50 impressions were taken, when the plate was destroyed, with one of the three impressions struck off in its mutilated state, and a Proof on India Paper of the reduced copy ; Portrait of Adam de Bartsch, engraved by Worthington ; Vie-w of Closterneuburg Monastery, DIBDIN. 117 near Vienna; Portrait of M. Heerdegen ; Portrait of M. Dominique Artaria, engraved by Grimm ; 8 Plates of Bayeux Tapestry. It is also further Illustrated with a collection of about 230 PORTRAITS, PLATES, ETCH- INGS, etc., including some Choice Proofs before any Letters, many Proofs upon India Paper and other Proofs, among which are several Plates engraved for the second edition of the work, viz. : nvo Portraits of the Author, one of which is a Proof before the letters, the other the Prater at Vienna, Proof in three different states. We conclude a necessarily long description of this SPLENDID SET OF BOOKS, with the remark, that no finer copy of this work can be produced. Sir George Henry Freeling, Bart., to whom it formerly belonged, was occupied upwards of twenty years in gathering the material of which it consists, sparing neither expense or labor, in gratifying his determination to make this the most valuable and extensively illustrated copy in existence. " A work calculated to have as intoxicating an effect on the imagination of literary antiquaries, as the adventures of the heroes of the Round Table on all true knights, or the tales of the early American voyagers on the ardent spirits of their age ; filling them with dreams of Mexican and Peruvian mines, and of the golden realm of El Dorado. It has not passed, however, without some hostile (though unfounded) remarks from the printers, binders, and librarians of France." WRANGHAM. 568 DIBDIN. Sixty additional Plates to Illustrate the Original Edition of the Tour in France and Germany, by George Lewis. London. 1823. 3 parts, rl. 410 ; INDIA PROOFS. These are extra illustrations, and published at i us. 6d. per part. 569 DIBDIN. A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scot- land. By the Reverend Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. London: James Bohn. MDCCCXXXVIII. 2 vols., imp. 8vo extended to 3 vols., by the addition of all the cancelled leaves and other additional matter ; a beautiful and spotless copy UNIOJJE. In this work the author concluded his tours, but failed to give to this the interest that attached to the southern trip, whether from a lack of material or from hav- ing written himself out, is uncertain. The book, however, is an essential companion to France and Germany ; and, as it describes some collections that have ceased to exist, possesses an historical interest. Il8 DIBDIN. 570 DIBDIN. The Bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects connected with Early Engravings, Typo- graphy, and Bibliography. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. London: G. and IV. Nicol. 1817. 3 vols., imp. 8vo, boards, uncut; numerous PORTRAITS and ILLUSTRATIVE PLATES, many of them upon INDIA PAPER ; a spotless copy. The dialogue is cleverly sustained, and the occasional socratic form affords opportunity for numerous sallies of wit, while the information conveyed is of more value than that contained in any other of the Doctor's works which affect greater sincerity. "This work may be considered as a continuation of the "Bibliomania," the same characters being introduced in the dialogues. From the information which it contains, and the splendor of the decorations and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and good taste in typography and the arts. Both the copperplates and the woodcuts which embellished the work have been destroyed." LOWNDES. 571 DIBDIN. The Bibliomania; or, Book Madness, Con- ^ taining some Account of the History, Symptoms, and / Cure of this Fatal Disease. In an Epistle addressed to Richard Heber, Esq. London. 1809. 8vo, boards, uncut; first edition. 572 DIBDIN. [The same.] Privately Reprinted for the Club of Odd Sticks. 1864. LARGE PAPER ; only forty copies printed. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. This copy is beautifully illustrated with RARE PORTRAITS of the Duke of Roxburghe, L. Sterne, Joseph Ames Ahp. Cranmer, Lord Burleigh, Lady Jane Gray, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Anne, Holbein, Addison, Earl Spencer, Bp. Burnet, Lord Clarendon, W. Roscoe, and Wm. Lambarde ; VIEWS of St. Alban's Abbey, British Museum, Venice, and the Bodleian Library. These PLATES are beautifully inlaid by George Trent. DIBDIN. 119 573 DIBDIN. Bibliomania; or Book Madness: A Biblio- graphical Romance, in Six Parts. Illustrated with Cuts. London. 1811. 2 vols. in I , old calf; good copy. 574 DIBDIN. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness; A Biblio- graphical Romance. Illustrated with Cuts. By Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. New and Improved Edition ... including a Key to the assumed characters in the Drama. London: H. G. Bohn. MDCCCXLII Rl. 8vo, boards, uncut. This celebrated work, which unites the entertainment of a romance with the most valuable information on all bibliographical subjects, has long been scarce. This edition was undertaken by Mr. Walmsly. It contains a Key to the characters, etc., and a supplement, edited by Dr. Dibdin himself. Mr. Allan's copy sold for $100. " You have contrived to strew flowers over a path which, in other hands, would have proved a very dull one ; and all Bibliomanes must remember you long, as he who first united their antiquarian details with good-humored raillery and cheerfulness." SIR WALTER SCOTT TO DR. DIBDIN. " The ' Bibliomania ' is evidently formed, in the first instance, on the plan of honest Isaac Walton's ' Complete Angler ; ' with conspicuous marks of the author's being deeply versed in the ' Battle of the Books,' and a familiar acquaintance with old English literature, and occasionally with the digres- sions of Torick. Under the shape of dramatic dialogue, the reader is equally entertained and instructed ; the abstruser parts, with the historic details, being thrown into the form of notes. It would now be useless to pass an encom- ium on this work, as its merits are so fully established as to have more than doubled the original price of a volume now with difficulty to be obtained." Gtnft Mag. 575 [DIBDIN.] Bibliophobia. Remarks on the Present Languid and Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade. In a Letter addressed to the Author of the Bib- liomania. By Mercurius Rusticus. With Notes by Cato Parvus. London. 1832. Imp. 8vo, boards, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. I2O DrBDIN. S? Manual of the Currency, or Money of the Aborigines, and Colonial State, and United States Coins. ... Illus- trated by 30 plates ... Second Edition. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1860. 4to, cloth ; 30 PLATIS. 590 DICKINSON (D. S.) Speeches, Correspondence, &c. New York. 1867. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 591 DOBSON (Mr.) Chronological Annals of the War; from its Beginning to the present time. With an Intro- duction. Oxford. 1763. 8vo, old calf"; -very scarce. AUTOGRAPH of W. L. Stone. Contains full particulars of the French and Indian war in America, as well as the events which took place in Europe. 592 DOCTRINE (The) of Christianity, as held by the People called Quakers, Vindicated: In Answer to Gilbert Ten- nant's Sermon on the Lawfulness of War. Philadelphia: Printed by Benjamin Franklin and D. Hall. MDCCXLViu. 8vo, panneled calf, antique style. 593 DONKIN. Military Collections and Remarks. Pub- lished by Major Donkin. New York: Printed by H. Gaine, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover- Square. M,DCC,LXXVII. 8vo, 16 1., pp. 264, brown polished calf, uncut, by F. Bedford. I2 4 DORCHESTER. 594 DONNE (John). Letters to Severall Persons of Hon- our ; Written by John Donne Sometime Dean of S l Pauls. London. 1651. 410, old calf; extremely rare. 2 595 DONNE. Devotions. London: W.Pickering. 1841. Fcap 8vo, calf antique, red edges. /cTfe 596 DONOVAN (E.) The Natural History of British Quad- rupeds. London. 1820. 3 vols. in I, rl. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt edges; many beautifully COLORED PLATES. 597 DOOLITTLE (M.) Historical Sketch of the Congre- gational Church, in Belchertown, Mass., from its organi- zation ; and Early History of the Place, By Hon. Mark Doolittle. Northampton. 1852. I2mo, pp. 264, cloth. 598 DORAN (Dr.) Annals of the English Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean, Actors, Authors, Audiences. New York. 1865. 2 Toll., imp. 8vo; LARGE PAPER; 161 copies printed. The 2 vols. extended to five vols., rl. 8vo, by numerous plates inserted ; half polished levant morocco extra, gilt top. This UNIQUE copy contains some six hundred portraits and character illustrations, extend- ing from the days of Betterton to Charles Matthews. No English actor or actress of celebrity is omitted from this collection, and of the most cele- brated there are various portraits and representations in their best parts on the stage. Many of the impressions of the plates are choice proofs, and all, at the present day, are difficult to be procured. The preparation of the work in London, with the best facilities and opportunities of an experienced collector, occupied the leisure hours of over two years. The limited number of good impressions capable of being struck off from a copperplate engraving the only means in use when most of these designs were made render the present work of unusual rarity and value. 599 DORCHESTER. History of the Town of Dorchester, DRAKE. 125 Massachusetts. By a Committee of the Dorchester An- tiquarian and Historical Society. Boston: Ebenezer Clapp, Jr. 1859. 8vo, pp. xxi, 672, half calf, gilt. 600 DOUCE (Francis). Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners: with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare ; on the Collection of Popular Tales entitled Gesta Romanorum ; and on the English Morris Dance. London: Longmans. 1807. a vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut; the ENGRAVINGS on Wood, by J. Berryman ; best edition, with numerous FACSIMILES. Douce figures in Dibdin's "Bibliomania" and in his "Biographical Decameron," under the name of Prospero. " I look upon this work as a sort of Hortus SAakspcarianus ; the research and learning bestowed on it are immense." DIBDIN. "Of this literary writer, notices are copiously strewed over the three volumes of the ' Bibliogr. Decam.' The work itself, amidst an infinite variety of curious matter, discusses the man in the moon, whom Ritson has endeavoured to identify with the stick-gathering Sabbath-breaker of 'Numb.' xv, p. 32, and Chaucer conceived to have stolen the sticks in question, the weight of which kept him from climbing nearer to heaven than the moon. The Italians deem him to be Cain, and Dante, in his 'Inferno,' periphrases that planet accordingly by Caino e le spine. The Jews find in him their Jacob ; the Ceylonites call the animal, there imprisoned, a hare; and, among the Chinese, the moon is represented by a rabbit pounding rice in a mortar." WRANGHAM. 60 1 DOWSE. The Dowse Library. Boston: Printed for Private Distribution. 1869. 8vo, pp. 80, cloth ; 3 PLATES. 602 DRAKE (Sir F.) The Life of the Celebrated Sir Francis Drake. London. 1828. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Reprinted from the " Biographia Britannica." See Clarke (W.), No. 425. 126 DRAKE. 603 [DRAKE.] The English Heroe ; or Sir Francis Drake Revived. London. 1687. i6mo, calf; PORTRAIT of Drake ; first edition ; -very rare. See Sabin's "Dictionary," Vol. HI, No. 9500. 604 DRAKE (J. R.) The Culprit Fay, and other Poems. New York. 1835. 8vo, morocco, uncut; newspaper cuttings inserted. W : . 617 DRAPER (James). History of Spencer, Massachusetts, from its Earliest Settlement to the year 1860: Including j^ J^ I/* a Brief Sketch of Leicester to the year 1753. Second edition enlarged and improved. Worcester, [n. d.] 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Brads tree t; PORTRAITS. 618 DRAPER (J. W.) History of the American Civil War. New York. 1868. " f\f OtJft M /)* T X T\ X 2 vols., half purple morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. DRYDEN. 129 619 DRAYTON (John). Memoirs of the American Revolu- tion, from its Commencement to the year 1776, inclu- sive; as relating to the State of South Carolina; and occasionally referring to the States of North Carolina and Georgia. Charleston. 1821. z vols., 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PORTRAIT. MorrelFs copy sold for $22 in boards. 620 DRAYTON. A View of South Carolina, as Respects her Natural and Civil Concerns. By John Drayton. Charleston: Printed by W. P. Young. 1802. 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; scarce. 621 DRING (T.) Recollections of the Jersey Prison-Ship, from the manuscript of the late Capt. Thos. Dring, of Providence. New Edition with Notes and Introduction by Henry B. Dawson. Portraits and Plans. Morrisania. 1865. Folio, uncut; LARGE PAPER; fifty copies printed. See Greene (A. G.) 622 DRUMMOND. Origines; or, Remarks on the Origin of Several Empires, States, and Cities. By the Right ^ Honorable Sir W. Drummond. London: Baldwin & Co. 1824. 4 vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt; fine copy. "The subjects of investigation in these erudite volumes are, the early state and history of the Babylonian and Assyrian Empires, Iran, Egypt, Phoenicia, Arabia, and Asia Minor. His disquisitions on hieroglyphics are particularly interesting, and he has brought much learning to bear in his attempt to unclose those sealed books of the Egyptians." British Critic. 623 DRYDEN (John). The Fables of John Dryden, orna- mented with Engravings by Beauclerc. London. 1797. Folio, calf; fine copy. 11 When I name Dryden, I comprehend every varied excellence of our poetry. In harmony, strength, modulation, rhythm, energy, he first displayed the full power of the English language." Purs, of Lit. See " Brit. Plut.," iv, p. 467, and Burnett's " Specimens," in, p. 467-477. I? 130 DUGDALE. 624 DU BARTAS, his Divine Weekes andWorkes: With A Complete Collection of all the other most delightfull Workes, Translated and Written by that famous Philomusus Josuah Sylvester, Gent. With Additions. London. 1 64 1 . Folio, old calf; PORTRAIT. This work contains the prima stamina of Milton's " Paradise Lost." See Dunster on " Milton's Early Reading." " Both the version of Sylvester, and his original poems, published with it," says Dr. Drake, " are remarkable for their inequality ; for great beauties and glaring defects. His versification is sometimes exquisitely melodious, and was recog- nised as such by his contemporaries, who distinguished him by the appella- tion of silver-tongued Sylvester." 625 DUBOURG (M.) Views of the Remains of Ancient // Buildings in Rome and its Vicinity. London. 1820. _4to, cloth, 26 PLATES, beautifully finished like drawings. 626 DUCH (J.) Human Life a Pilgrimage; Or the Christian a Stranger and Sojourner upon Earth : A Sermon, Occa- sioned by the Death of the Hon. Richard Penn, Esq; One of the Proprietarries of the Province of Pennsylva- nia: By the Reverend Jacob Duche, M.A. Philadelphia: Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers. MDCCLXXI. 8vo, 2 1., pp. 19; half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. ^ 627 DUER (William A.) Reminiscences of an Old Yorker. j *& % t ^ ie k* te William A. Duer, LL.D., President of Co- lumbia College, etc. New Tork. 1867. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; privately printed for W. L. Andrews, Esq.; only 35 copies. These articles on Old New York originally appeared in the " American Mail," 1847, and have become so scarce that but one copy could be obtained, from "which to reprint this -work. 628 DUGDALE (Thomas). England and Wales Delineated. Historical, Entertaining and Commercial. London. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth; many hundreds of STEEL PLATE ILLUSTRATIONS. DUPORTAIL. 131 629 DUNLAP (William.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. New York. 1834. z vols., 8vo, half green morocco, uncut; scarce; very fine copy. 630 DUNLAP. Life of Charles Brockedon Brown. Philadelphia. 1815. 2 vols., 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; scarce. 631 DUNTON (J.) >The|Life and Errors | of | John Dunton] Late Citizen of London ; Written by Himself in Soli- tvde. With an Idea of a New Life ; I Wherein is Shewn / ** * | How he'd Think, Speak, and Act, might he | Live over his Days again : | Intermix'd with the | New Discoveries The Author has made In his Travels Abroad, | And in his | Private Conversation at Home. | Together with the Lives and Characters of a Thou- | sand Persons now Living in London, &c. Digested into Seven Stages with their Respective Ideas. London: Printed for S. Malthus. 1705. Sm. 8vo, old calf; very scarce. " This curious work abounds with interesting literary history, anecdotes of Bostonians, &c." Bladnaooft Magazine^ vi, p. ^6. See Prince Society. 632 DUNTON. John Dunton's Letters from New Eng- land. Boston: Printed for the [Prince] Society. 1867. 410, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. Publications of the Prince Society ; only twenty copies printed in this size. , 9VT 6 33 DUNTON. [The same.] Boston. 1867. Fcap 410, uncut ; 1 20 copies printed. 634 DUPORTAIL. Love and Patriotism ! or, the Extraor- dinary Adventures of M. Duportail, Late Major-General in the Armies of the United States. Interspersed with 132 D'URFREY. many Surprising Incidents in the Life of the Late Count Pulaski. Phila.: Printed by Carey & Mackland, 1797. izmo, half brown morocco; scarce and curious. 635 DURER (A.) Passio Christi. The little Passion. A ^f 00 Complete Set of the Thirty-seven Wood-cuts by Albert Durer Reproduced in Fac-simile. Edited by W. C. Prime. New York. 1868. Rl. 410, half morocco; an elegant tftcimen of typography. 636 D'URFEY. Wit and Mirth ; or Pills to Purge Melan- choly ; Being A Collection of the best Merry Ballads and Songs, Old and New. Fitted to all Humours, having each their proper Tune for either Voice, or In- strument: Most of the Songs being new Set. In Five Volumes. The Fourth Edition. To which is added all Mr. D'Urfey's Songs, above One Hundred of which were Never before Printed: Together with his several Ora- tions spoken by himself on the Stage. London: Printed by W. Pear son, for J. Tonson. jjiq.-2O. 6 vols., izmo, sprinkled calf, gilt, red edges; very fine copy ; scarce ; a perfect set, having the sixth -volume, which is often wanting, or replaced by " Pills to Purge State Melancholy," which has no connection with the work The richest collection of old English songs. The music to each song is by Blow, Purcell, etc. " The Pieces of this author are remarkable for licentiousness, looseness of sentiment, and indelicacy of wit, yet are very far from being devoid of merit." " Poor Tom Durfey ! who would have expected to have seen his witty works enshrined in the martyrology of books, a punishment no doubt owing to his attach- ment to the Tory interest. It appears that the members of the renowned Kit Cat Club requested their founder to bake some mutton pies with Dur- fey's works under them." J. T. 637 DURRIE (D. S.) Alphabetical Index to American Gene- alogies and Pedigrees. Albany. 1868. 8vo, pp. xii, 5-296, cloth. Indiapensable to the genealogist. DWIGHT. 133 638 DUYCKINCK. Cyclopedia of American Literature; **y embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and selections from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day. By Evart A. and George L. Duyckinck. New York. 1866. 5 vols., Rl. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only loo copies printed ; UNIQUE COPY, with 297 PORTRAITS, VIEWS and AUTOGRAPHS in- serted ; also copy of the Ne-w York Mirror, printed by Hugh Gains, water- color -view of the residence of G. C. Verplank, and water-color portrait of T. Romeyn Beck. One of the most interesting books in this collection. The autographs are peculiarly appropriate, being, generally, letters to the Messrs. Duyckinck on the subject of the identical articles in the " Cyclopedia." DU PRATZ. See Le Page du Pratz. DWIGHT (Jasper), pseudon. See Washington (G.) 639 [DWIGHT.] Remarks on the Review of Inchiquin's Letters. Boston. 1815. 8vo, half calf; scarce. 640 DWIGHT (T.) History of the Hartford Convention with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government which led to the War of 1812. ... New York: N. and J. White. 1833. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. 641 DWIGHT. An Oration spoken at Hartford, on the State of Connecticut, on the Anniversary of American Inde- pendence, July 4th, 1798. By Theodore Dwight. Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1798. 8vo, pp. 31, and two other Orations. 642 DWIGHT. Travels in New-England and New- York. By Timothy Dwight, ... Illustrated with Maps, &c. London: W. Bayrus & Son. 1823. 4 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Highly commended by the "Quarterly Review." '34 ECCENTRIC. j^J' (S.) Further Quries upon the Present State of the New-English Affairs. By S. E. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1865. 4to, half morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; only fifty copies printed. 644 E. (S.) [The same.] New York. 1865. 410, uncut; small paper. Sabin's Reprints, Quarto Series, No. vm. EASTON (John). See Munsell (J.) 645 EATON (J. H.) The Life of Andrew Jackson, ... A History of the War in the South, from the Commence- J ment of the Creek Campaign to the Termination of Hostilities before New Orleans. Philadelphia. 1824. Rl. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAIT. 646 EBERT (F. A.) A General Bibliographical Dictionary, r >. tf from the German of Frederic Adolphus Ebert, Librarian to the King of Saxony, &c. Oxford: at the University Press. MDCCCXXXVII. 4 vols., 8vo, half blue morocco. A valuable and well-executed work (on the plan of Brunet), necessary to all who cultivate bibliography. 647 ECCENTRIC (The) Magazine; or Lives and Portraits of Remarkable Characters. With 18 Portraits. London. 1812-13. a vols., lamo, calf, gilt edges, by Hayday. Contains an account of James Aitken; also Jack the Painter. EDWARDS. 135 648 ECKFELDT (J. R.) and DU BOIS (W. E.) A Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations. Illustrated by numerous Engravings of Coins by Joseph Saxton. Philadelphia: Published at the Assay Office of the Mint. 1862. 4to, pp. 220, cloth ; -very icarcc ; 1 6 PLATES. 649 EDDIS (William). Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive, Comprising Occurrences from 1769 to 1777, inclusive. London. MDCCXCII. 8vo, boards, uncut fine copy ; scarce. Valuable as indicating the state of public feeling unknown to the Revolution. 650 EDGEWORTH (M.) Tales and Novels. By Maria Edgeworth. ... With Engravings on Steel. London: Simpkin. 1857. 10 vols., fcap 8vo, calf, gilt. Includes " Moral Tales," " Popular Tales," " Belinda," " Castle Rackrent," " Irish Bulls," " Self- Justification," " Tales of Fashion- able Life," " Patronage," " Ormond," etc. EDMUNDS (C. R.) See Washington (G.) 651 EDWARDS (Bryan). The History of the British West Indies. London. 1704-1801. Z. *-? 3 vols., 410, russia ; fine copy ; PLATES by Bartolozzi. "Obtain, by all means, the History of those Islands, by Bryan Edwards, the 'facile princepi' of writers in his department." DIBDIN. 652 EDWARDS. An Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Island of St. Domingo, etc. London. 1801. 410, boards, uncut ; best edition. " Very full and minute on almost every topic con- nected with this island." STEVENSON. 653 EDWARDS (Ed.) Chapters of the Biographical History of the French Academy. New York: [i. e. London] 1864. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 136 EFFIGIES. 654 EDWARDS. Memoirs of Libraries; Including a Hand Book of Library Economy by Edward Edwards. London: Trubner & Co. 1859. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut; contains Engravings from early MSS., Facsimiles of Types, Bookbinding, etc. This important work was in preparation thirteen years. Neither France nor Germany can boast of a work treating the subjects with similar comprehensiveness, and in England the work has certainly had no predecessor. 655 EDWARDS. Libraries and Founders of Libraries. By Edward Edwards. New York: G. P. Philes and Co. [i. e. London: Trubner & Co.'] 1865. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 656 EDWARDS (J.) An | Account of the | Life) Of the late Reverend | Mr. David Brainard, | Minister of the Gospel, | Missionary to the Indians, from the | honourable Society in Scotland, for | the Propagation of Christian Know-] ledge, and Pastor of a Church of [Christian Indians in New Jersey.]... By Jonathan Edwards, A.M. Minister of the Gospel at Northampton. | Boston, N. E. : Printed for and Sold by D. Henchman. 1740. 8vo, 16 1., pp. 316, half brown morocco. 657 EDWARDS. [Another Edition.] New-Haven. 1822. 8vo, sheep ; fine copy. 658 EFFIGIES POETICS; or The Portraits of the British ^ Poets illustrated by Notes Biographical, Critical and ^^ .* Poetical. London: James Carpenter. MDCCCXXIV. 2 vols., folio ; Large Paper ; Proof Impressions on India Paper. This beautiful work was published at no less a sum than 32. It is the only com- plete series in an elegant form, and is adapted to illustrate all editions of the poets, from octavo to folio size. ELIOT. 137 659 EGAN (Pierce). Life in London, or the Day and Night scenes of Jerry Hawthorne, Esq., and Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Ram- bles and Sprees through the Metropolis. With 36 Colored Plates by Cruikshank. London, [n. d.] Rl. 8vo, half morocco, guilt top, uncut. 660 EGAN. Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their pursuits through Life in and out of London ; Illustrated by 36 Scenes from Real Life, drawn and engraved by Robert Cruikshank. London, [n. d.] Rl. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 66 1 EGAN. The Life of an Actor. By Pierce Egan. The J-P Poetical Descriptions by T. Greenwood. London. 1825. 8vo, russia ; 27 Colored Plates. 662 ELIOT (John). The] Holy Bible:] containing the (Old Testament (and the New. Translated into the (Indian Language, | and | Ordered to be Printed by the Commis- f J"V sioners of the Vnited Colonies in New-England, | At the Charge, and with the Consent of the | Corporation in England | For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians | in New-England. Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. \ MDCLXIII. | Sm. 410, old blue morocco, gilt edges. Duplicate from the Bodleian Library. Collation : Title, I 1. ; Dedication to King Charles II., 2 1 ; List of Books, I 1. ; Text, A to M m m m m in 45. Title: Wusku | Wuttestamentum, | Nul- Sordumum | Jesus Christ | Nuppoquohwutiuaeneumun. | Cambridge : \ Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. | MDCLXI. | I 1. ; verso, blank ; Text : Matthew to the end of Luke, sigs. A* to -verso of L 4 j John to Rev. Aa to verso of Xx 3 , all in 43 ; i leaf blank. Warne Ketoohomae uketoo- homaongash | DAVID, u to N in 4$ Noowomoo, I 1. Size of printed page in full, 6| inches by 4! inches, or THE LEAF, yf BY 5$ INCHES. 18 138 ELIOT. Thii is, without doubt, the/n/ copy that has, for many years, been offered for sale and is believed to be the best, in point of size, preservation, and internal condition (if we except the Bodleian Library stamp, on the reverse of the titles) of any on this side of the Atlantic. The Allan copy was one-eighth of an inch shorter. In this copy PROOF LEAVES are to be met with at every few pages, while in the Allan copy there were few or none. The binding, which is, perhaps, the original, it in fine order. In short, it is a MATCHLESS COPY. Since its purchase, in Jan. i868,/0r MR. RICE, the LEAF OF CONTENTS has been supplied from another copy, and it is now absolutely complete. It brought $1130 at the Bruce Sale. Among the many points of interest which this book possesses, not the least is the fact, that it is the language of a nation no longer in existence, and is almost the only monument of the race ; another, that it is the frst BIBLE pub- lished in this country. The very sight of it caused the quaint Cotton Mather to exclaim : " Behold, ye Americans, the greatest honor that ever you were partakers of! This is the only BIBLE that ever was printed in all America, from the -very foundation of the World." The names of the Books are retained as in the English versions, and such words as were unknown to the Indians are retained with an Indian termination, such as cherubim/a^, etc. The longest word is (Mark, i, 40) : Wutteppesit- tukqussunnoowehtunkquoh, signifying " kneeling down to him." According to Thomas ("Hist, of Printing"), Twenty Copies only of the Dedication to King Charles ivere printed) but Dr. O'Callaghan expresses some doubts on this point. JOHN ELIOT, the celebrated missionary among the Indians, was nearly sixty years pastor of the church at Roxbury, in Massachusetts. He is usually called. " The Apostle of the Indians." He made every exertion to promote the welfare of the Indian tribes he stimulated many clergymen to engage in the missionary work ; and, although he mourned over the stupidity of many, who preferred darkness to light, yet he lived to see twenty-four of the cop- per-colored aborigines fellow-preachers of the Gospel of Christ. He pos- sessed an influence over the Indians which no other missionary could obtain, and was their shield in 1675, during King Philip's war, when some of the people of Massachusetts, actuated by the most infuriate spirit, intended to have destroyed them. He suffered every abuse for his friendship to them; but nothing could quench the divine charity which glowed in his heart. His firmness his zeal his benevolence at this period, increased the pure lustre of his character. ELIOT'S great work was this INDIAN BIBLE. It was three years in the press, and is a ELIOT. 139 very great TYPOGRAPHICAL CURIOSITY ; and, it is said, that there are not now more than two persons living who can read the language in which it is written. Cotton Mather, in his " Magnalia," mentions that Eliot wrote the whole of this great work wirh one pen. Thomas, in his "History of Printing," supposes, if this was so, it must have been a metal pen, and not a goose quill. That, however, by no means follows. The Corporation for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians seem to have felt great interest in the publication of this BIBLE. In 1660, they engaged Mar- maduke Johnson, and sent him to America to assist in printing that BIBLE. And, in a letter dated "Cooper's Hall in London, April 28. 1660," and directed to the Commissioners of the United Colonies, they write : " Wee have out of our desire to further a worke of soe greate consernment, agreed with an atle printer for three yeares upon the tearmes and conditions en- closed. Wee desire you at the earnest request of Mr. Johnson, the printer, and for his incourragement in this undertaking of printing the Bible in the Indian language, his name may bee mentioned with others as a printer and person that hath been instrumentall therein ; for whose diet, lodging and washing wee desire you to take care of." The Commissioners, in their answer, say : " The printers doubt not but tD print a sheete every weeke, and compute the whole to amount to a hundred and fifty sheets," which the collation shows to be nearly the fact. 663 ELIOT. Mamvsse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinncumoh Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu outchetot Printeuoomuk. Cambridge: Printcuoop nashpe Samuel Green. MDCLXXXV. This second edition, unfortunately, lacks the pages before Genesis, Chap, ix, 28, and the title-page is copied from another source. It is otherwise perfect, and a fair copy, with a prefatory note by Gabriel Furman, from which we have made extracts in the note to Lot 662. Mr. Eliot also had the superintendence of this edition ; and, in his letter to the Hon. Robert Boyle, President of the Corporation, he acknowledges the reception of nine hundred pounds sterling, in three payments, for carrying it through the press. Eliot, however, had to give part of his salary towards printing the work. 1 4 o ELLICOTT. This edition went to press in the year 1680, and was not completed till the beginning of 1686. Eliot died, May zo, 1690, aged about eighty six years, saying his labors were poor and small, and exhorting those who surrounded his bed to pray. His last words were, " Welcome, joy." For furthe* particulars concerning this BIBLE, the reader may consult " O Callaghan's "List of Bibles," and Sabin's "Catalogue of Allan's Library," No. 1013, 664 ELIOT. Tears of Repentance : | Or, A further | Narra- tive of the Progress of the Gospel | Amongst the [Indians | in | New-England: | Setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry Confessions of sin] by diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon (by the saving Power of the Gospel; Together | with tne manifestation of their Faith and Hope [in Jesus Christ, and the Work of Grace upon [their Hearts. | Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two Faithful Laborers [in that Work of the Lord. [Published by the Corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the | Satisfaction and Comfort of such as wish well thereunto. [[Motto.] London: Printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, ana are to be Sold at j his Shop, at the Sign of the Printing- Press in Cornhill,\near the Royal Exchange. 1653.) Sm. 410, 1 8 1., pp. 47, polished calf, by W. Pratt; an extremely rare volume. 665 ELIOT. A Biographical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New-England. Salem. 1809. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. 666 ELLICOTT (A). Journal of Andrew Ellicott, late /CO - the Possessions of his Catholic Majesty in America. Philadelphia. 1814. 4to, boards, uncut; MAPS; scarce in this condition. One of the earliest books by an an American author, which describes the vast regions traversed by the Com- P ao Commissioner on behalf of the United States for De- termining the Boundary Between the United States and mission. EMANUEL. 141 667 ELLIOT (D. G.) The Birds of North America. By D. G. Elliot, F.L.S. F.Z.S. New York: Published by the Author. 1866. 15 parts, folio, in boards. Thisjinc work describes the birds which are not included in the works of Audubon or Wilson, and this is the frst set ever offered for sale by auction. 668 ELLIOT (J.) The Debates in the Several State Con- tions, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, as Recommended by the General Convention at Philadel- phia, in 1787. Together with the Journal of the Fed- eral Convention, Luther Martin's Minutes, Yates's Minutes, Congressional Opinions, Virginia and Ken- tucky Revolutions of 'gS-'QQ. Philadelphia. 1866. 5 vols., 8vo, sheep ; bttt edition. 669 ELLIOTT (S.) A Sketch of the Botany of South Caro- lina and Georgia. Charleston, S. C. : J. R. Schenck. 1821. 1 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut; 12, PLATES; very scarce. 670 ELLIS. Polynesian 'Researches, ... in the Society and Sandwich Islands. New York. 1833. 4 vols., izmo, half calf. f ^67 1 ELSEMORE (Moses). Life of Rev. John N. Maffitt. New York. 1848. 8vo, pp, 31. (i); PORTRAIT. ^ ^672 [ELY (Rev. J.)] Journal of the Stated Preacher of the Hospital and Almshouse, in New York, for 1811. New York. 1812. I xmo ; very scarce. 673 EMANUEL (H.) Diamonds and Precious Stones : Their History, Value, and Distinguishing Characteristics. With simple tests for their Identification. London. 1865. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut; PLATES. 142 ENGLAND S 674 EMERSON (W.) An Historical Sketch of the First S Church in Boston. Boston. 1812. 8vo, pp. 254, boards, uncut. 675 EMMONS (Richard). The Fredoniad or Independence Preserved, An Epick Poem on the War of 1812. Second Edition. Philadelphia. 1830. 4 vols., iamo, half morocco, gilt top; PORTRAIT of Lafayette inserted. ^ & 676 EMMONS (Col. William.) The Battle of Bunker Hill, or the Temple of Liberty. Sixth Edition. Boston. 1842. izmo, boards; PORTRAIT of the author. '60 6 77 EMORY (William H.) Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, made under the Direction ot the Secretary of the Interior. Washington. 1857. 2 vols., 410, cloth ; Vol. ii is comparatively scarce. Contains the natural history of the region. 678 ENGEL (E. B. d'). Essai sur cette Question: Quand et Comment 1'Amerique a-t-elle etc peuplee d'hommes d'animaux? Amsterdam. 1767. 4to, calf; a curious book. The author declares the theories of Grotius, De Laet, Hornius, and other writers on the origin of the Americans untenable that America was peopled (before the Deluge) by a race superior to the present that the Deluge did not extend to America, and that the principal theories of the Deluge are errone- ous, particularly that of Whiston. He gives his own theories on all these points, as well as upon many others of equally high interest, not excluding the Origin of the Negro. 679 ENGLAND'S WORTHIES: Under whom All the Civill and Bloody Warres, since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647, are Related, wherein are Described, the Severall Battails, Encounters, and Assaults, of Cities, Townes, ESqUEMELING. 143 and Castles, as also Several Victories by Sea, by the Noble Admiral, Robert Earle of Warwick. London: Printed 1647. Reprinted. 1819. 410, half red morocco. Each biographical sketch illustrated by a FINK PORTRAIT. ENGLISH DRAMA. See Roxburghe Library. 680 ENGLISHMAN'S (An) Answer,) to the | Address, | from the Delegates, | to the | People of Great-Britain, | in | A Letter | To | The Several Colonies, | which were | Repre- sented Jin the late | Continental Congress.] New-York: Printed by James Rivington. M,DCC,LXXV. 8vo, pp. 26, half morocco, uncut. Perhaps by Dr. Linde. 68 1 ERSKINE (J. E.) Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific. London. 1853. 8vo, half calf, gilt; COLORED PLATES. The first British expedition for officially in- specting the great group of islands in the Western Pacific. 682 [ESQUEMELING (J.)] Piratas de la America. Tradu- cida per el D or de Buena-Maison. Col. Agr. 1681. ^ 4to, half calf. From the Emperor Maximilian's Library, wth his Boor PLAT* ; a rare Spanish -version. 683 ESQUEMELING. Bucaniers | of] America:) Or, a true | Account | of the | Most remarkable Assaults | Committed of late years upon the Coasts of [The West-Indies, | By the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, | both English and French. | Wherein are contained more especially,) the unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our En- 1 glish Jamaican Hero, who sack'd Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, &c. | Written originally in Dutch, by John Es- quemeling, one of the | Bucaniers, who was present at those Tragedies: and thence translated into Spanish by Alonso de Bonne-Maison, Doctor of | Physick, and Prac- 144 EVANS. titioner at Amsterdam | Now faithfully rendered into English. London : \ Printed for William Crooke y at the Green Dragon with~\out Temple. 1684. 2 vols., 410, panneled calf; fine copy. 684 ESTAING (Comte a"). Le Plaisir, Poeme en VI chants Par feu le Comte D'Estaing. Nouvelle Edition. A Paris: Chez C. Mercier ... M.DCC.XCVI. 31010, beautifully bound in morocco, extra gilt ; LETTER signed by D'Estaing, introduc- ing a friend to Hon. John Hancock, June lath, 1783, inserted; scarce. 685 ETLICHE|Zu dieser Zeit nicht unnutze | Fragen | Uber Einige | Schrift-Stellen, | Welche | Von den Liebhabern der ^ ^-fc lautern Wahrheit j Deutlich erortert zu werden gewun- schet hat | Ein | Wahrheit-forschender in America, | im jahr 1742 : | So deutlich und einfaltig erortert als es ihm moglich gewesen ist ; und | in folgender klaren und bequemen Form herausgegeben | Von einem | Knecht Jesu Christi. | Philadelphia : Gedruckt und zu haben bey B. Franklin. \ [n. d.] 4to, pp. 14, half calf, uncut. ETOURNEAU (M.) See Washington (G.) 686 EULOGIES on Calhoun, Clay, and Webster. Washington . 1853. 8vo, pp. 63, 103, 48, cloth; THREE PORTRAITS. v^ /JTo 687 EVANS (G. W. D.) The Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily. London. 1835. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Ably compiled from all preceding publications on the subject, including Eustace and Hoare, completed by the travels of the editor himself. j*y 688 EVANS (I.) A | Discourse | Delivered | Near York in Virginia, | on the | Memorable Occasion | of the | Surrender EVANS. 145 > of the British Army (to the (Allied Forces of America and France, | before | The Brigade of New-York Troops and the Division of | American Light-Infantry, under the Command of the | Marquis de la Fayette. | By Israel Evans, A.M. (Chaplain to the Troops of New-Hamp- shire.) Philadelphia : \ Printed by Francis Bailey. M.DCC.LXXXII. 8vo, pp. 45, half red morocco; scarce. 689 EVANS (J.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. William Richards, LL.D. Who Died at Lynn, Sep- tember 13, 1819, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. With some Account of the Rev. Roger Williams. By John Evans, A.M. Chiswick: Printed by Charles Wittingham, College Home. 1819. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 396, boards, uncut ; PORTRAIT. 690 EVANS (L.) Geographical, Historical, Political, Philo- sophical, and Mechanical Essays. The First, Containing an Analysis Of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America; And of the Country of the Con- federate Indians : A Description of the Face of the Country; The Boundaries of the Confederates; And the Maritime and Inland Navigations of the several Rivers and Lakes contained therein. By Lewis Evans. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. MDCCLV. 4to, pp. iv, 32, calf, antique ; fine copy with the MAP, usually deficient. 691 EVANS (Nathaniel). Poems on Several Occasions, with some other Compositions. Philadelphia. 1772. 8vo, sheep. Among the subscribers to this rare volume of early American poetry were Gov. Franklin, of New Jersey; Governor Eden, of Maryland; Hugh Gaine, Joseph Galloway, Dr. Duche, Gen. Wayne, Wm. Paca, etc. 19 146 EVERETT. ^oo 692 EVANS (R. H.) Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative. London. l8lO. 4 vols., crown 8vo, boards, uncut; scarce in this condition. - of Ancient, Mediaeval and Renaissance Remains in the possession of Lord Londesborough. Drawn, Engraved and Described by F. W. Fairholt, with Historical Intro- duction by Thomas Wright. London. 1857. Rl. 4to, cloth ; 44 STEEL ENGRAVINGS, many illuminated in gold and colors, and numer- ous WOOD ENGRAVINGS. A beautiful and interesting volume, illustrating an extensive and unique collection of ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL, and RENAISSANCE REMAINS. x^^ 713 FANNING (David). The Narrative of Col. David Fan- ning, (a Tory in the. Revolutionary war With Great Britain;) Giving an Account of his Adventures in North Carolina, From 1775 to 1783, as written by himself, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. Richmond^ Va. : Printed for Private Distribution only. 1866. In the first year of the Independence of the Confederate States of America. 410, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; 50 copies, privately printed, on thin writing paper ; -very scarce. 714 FANNING. [The same. Reprinted.] New York. 1865. Rl. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed in this size. Sabin's Reprints, Second Series, No. I. 715 FANNING. [The same.] New York. 1865. 8vo, uncut; SMALL PAPER (2, copies). 716 FARNHAM (Luther). A Glance at Private Libraries. Boston. 1855. 8vo; scant. The principal collections mentioned in the above work are those of Webster, Ticknor, Livermore, Hosmer, Lawrence, Prescott, Everett, Choate, Crowninshield, Sparks, Parker, and Adams. ^ 717 FAURIEL (C.) History of Proven9al Poetry. Translated from the French, by G. S. Adler. New York. 1860. 8vo, pp. xl, 496, cloth, uncut. FELTHAM. 15! 718 FEDERALIST (The):) A Collection j of | Essays, | written in favour | of the (New Constitution,) as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, | September 17, 1787.) New-York: S. ff A. McLean. MDCCLXXXVIII. 2 vols., izmo, richly bound in levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford; first edition, of great rarity in this condition. Sold at Morrell's sale for $32. Vol. H is printed on paper somewhat larger than that of Vol. i ; in this copy, Vol. i is stilted to range in height with Vol. n. 719 FCEDERALIST: A Collection of Essays, written in favor of the New Constitution, as Agreed upon by the Foederal Convention, September 17, 1787. Reprinted from the original text, with an Historical Introduction and Notes by H. B. Dawson. Morrisania, N. Y. 1864. Imp. 8vo, Vol. i; LARGE PAPER; only 250 copies printed; PORTRAIT of Hamilton on INDIA PAPER. Vol. H is not yet (and probably never will be) published ; but the entire text is included in this volume. 720 FEDERALIST (The) ; a Commentary on the Constitu- tion of the United States. A Collection of Essays by Alexander Hamilton, Jay, and Madison. Also the Con- tinentalist, and other Papers, by Hamilton, Edited by John C. Hamilton. Philadelphia. 1865. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges; LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. 721 FELLOWS (John). The Veil Removed; or, Reflec- 2 tions on David Humphey's Essay on the Life of Israel Putnam, etc. New York. 1843. I2mo, pp. 331. 722 FELTHAM (Owen). Resolves, Divine, Moral, Political. London. 1840. * * g^ Female Soldier in the War of the Revolution, with an Introduction and Notes by Jno. A. Vinton. Boston. 1866. Sm. 410, uncut; PORTRAIT; only two hundred and fifty copies printed. 726 FEMALE REVIEW. [The same.] Boston. 1866. > > ^y O Rl. 410, uncut ; LARGE PAPER; only thirty-five copies printed. For the original edition, see [Sampson (Deborah)]. 727 FENELON. Les Avantures de Telemaque fils d'Ulysse Par la Mothe Fenelon ... Nouvelle Edition ... avec des Notes ... Le tout enrichi de Planches & de Vignettes qui ont rapport au sujet. A Leide cbez y. de Wetstein. MDCCLI. Folio, morocco extra, gilt edges over marble; splendid copy $ EARLY and BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS of the PLATES. 728 FERGUSON (A.) Biographical Sketch] or (Memoir) of) ,-*y Lieutenant-Colonel | Patrick Ferguson: | originally in- tended for the | British Encyclopedia. | By Adam Fergu- son, LL.D. |... Edinburgh : \ Printed by John Molr. 1817.) 8vo, pp. 36; PORTRAIT; -very rare. Ferguson was killed at the battle of King's Mountain, S. C., Oct. 7, 1780. 729 FERRIAR. Illustrations of Sterne, with Miscellaneous y^ . Essays and Verses. London. 1812. 2 vols., post 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. " Dr. Ferriar, with most singular patience, has traced Sterne through the hidden sources whence he borrowed most of his learning, and many of his more striking and peculiar expressions." SIR W. SCOTT. FINCH. 153 730 [FESSENDEN (T. G.)] Terrible Tractoration ! a Poeti- cal Petition against Galvanistic Trumpery, and the Per- kinistic Institution. In Four Cantos. New York. 1804. izmo, calf. FESTIVAL of Song. See [Saunders (F.)] 731 FEUCHTWANGER (G.) A Popular Treatise on Gems, in reference to their Scientific Value: ... With Elegant Illustrations. New York. 1859. iamo, cloth. 732 FIELDING (H.) Tom Jones; ou histoire d'un enfant trouve. Paris: Didot. 18??. \j o 735 FINDEN. Landscape Illustrations of the Bible, consist- ing of Views of the most remarkable mentioned in the Old and New Testaments from Original Sketches taken on the Spot. Engraved by W. and E. Finden. With Descriptions by the Rev. Thomas H. Thorne. London : John Murray. MDCCCXXXVI. a vol., 4to; BRILLIANT PROOK IMPRESSIONS. See also Byron (Lord), Lot No. 325. 736 FINDLEY (William). History of the Insurrection, in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania; in the year MDCCXCIV, with a Recital of the circumstances specially connected therewith ; and an Historical View of the Pre- vious situation of the country. Philadelphia. MDCCXCVI. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; tcarce in this condition. Morrell's copy sold for $19.50. See Brackenridge (H. M.) 737 FINLEY (G.) A Complete Series of the Historical Works of George Finley.- London. 1844-61. 7 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Comprising, Greece under the Romans, 1844 Mediaeval Greece and Trebirond, 1851 History of the Byzantine Empire, from 716 to 1057 History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires, from 1057 to 1454 History of Greece under Othoman and Venetian dominition His- tory of the Greek Revolution, 2 vols. 73 8 [FISCHER.] Bibliotheca Mejicana. London. 1869. X ~ 8vo, uncut. Father Fischer was chaplain to the Emperor Maximilian. 739 FISHER (Charles F.) Catalogue of the Library of J. B. Fisher, Containing many Choice and Curious Books', mostly in Elegant and Substantial Bindings, Sold at Auc- tion, March 5, 1866. Philadelphia. 1866. 4to, paper, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only fifteen copies printed. The cover title reads, " A Private Gentleman's Library," which will, doubtless, distinguish it from the " rest of mankind." * ^ 740 FISKE (Dr. Oliver). An Oration, Worcester, ...-July 4. 1797. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas^ Jr. [1797.] 4to ; very scarce. FORD. 155 741 FLEMING and TIBBINS. Royal Dictionary English and French and French and English. Paris: Didot. 1863. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco extra, gilt backs and tops ; best edition ; splendid copy. Com- piled from the dictionaries of Johnson, Todd, Ash, Webster, and Crabbe, from the last edition of Chambaud, Garner, and J. Descarrieres, the sixth edition of the grammatical dictionary of Laveaux, Boiste's "Lexicon," etc. ',. 742 FOOTE (S.) The Works of Samuel Foote, Esq. London. 1799. a vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt; best edition. 743 FORCE (P.) American Archives; consisting of a Col- lection of Authentick Records, State Papers, and Letters # * and other notices of Public Affairs ; the whole forming A Documentary History of the Origin and Progress of the Notrh American Colonies ; of the Causes and Accom- plishment of the American Revolution, and of the Con- stitution of Government for the United States to the Final Ratification Thereof. Washington. 1837. Fourth Series, 5 vols., Fifth Series, 4 vols. ; together, 9 vols., folio, half russia. The great fountain-head of historical documents. The other series have not been published. See also " State Papers." 744 FORCE. Tracts and other Papers, relating principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in * North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776. Collected by Peter JForce. Washington: Peter Force. 1836. 4 vols., 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. A most valuable collection, now scarce. 745 FORD (John). Fame's Memorial; An Elegy upon the / * ,. Earl of Devonshire. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. Kent: Printed at the private press of Lee Priory. 1819. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. 156 FOSBROOKE'S. 746 FOREIGN Field Sports, Fisheries, Sporting Anecdotes, &c., from Drawings by Howitt, Atkinson, Clark, &c. Containing 100 Plates. London. 1814. 4to, half green morocco, gilt edges; 100 FINE COLORED PLATES. / 747 FORM (A) of Prayer, ... for a General Fast. T 779- 410, half morocco. The prayer for our enemies relates to the American Revolution. S 748 FORREST (E.) Catalogue of the Library of Edwin Forrest. Compiled by Joseph Sabin. Philadelphia. 1863. 8vo, uncut; FINE PORTRAIT; 175 copies privately printed ; scarce. 749 FORSYTH (J. S.) The Antiquary's Portfolio, or Cabinet + Selection of Historical & Literary Curiosities, on Subjects principally connected with the Manners, Customs, and Morals ... of Great Britain, during the Middle and Later Ages. By J. S. Forsyth. In Two Volumes. London: George Wightman. MDCCCXXV. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 750 FORT CHARTRES. Affairs at Fort Chartres. 1768-1781. Many. 1864. 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. ' 751 FORT PILLOW Massacre. Washington. 1864. 752 FOSBROOKE (T. D.] Encylopsedia of Antiquities, [also] Foreign Topography, or an Encyclopedick Ac- count, alphabetically arranged, of the Ancient Remains in Africa, Asia, and Europe, forming a Sequel to the Encylopasdia of Antiquities. London. 1825-28. 3 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. " A work as original as it is important elegantly written and full of interesting infor- mation, with which every person of liberal education ought to be acquainted. No good library should be without it." Literary Chronicle. FOX. 157 753 FOSTER (D.) A Sermon preached before His Excel- lency John Hancock, Esq. Governour; His Honor Samuel Adams, Esq. Lieutenant-Governour; The Hon- ourable the Council, Senate, and House of Representa- tives, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 26, 1790. Being the day of General Election. By Daniel Foscer, A.M. Pastor of the church in New-Braintree. Boston, Mass. : Printed by Thomas Adams. M,DCC,XC. 8vo, pp. 35, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 754 FOUCQUET (J.) GEuvres de Jehann Foucquet. Paris: L. Curmer. 1866. 2 vols., 4to, half crushed levant morocco, polished, gilt top, uncut; three hundred copies only published, for subscribers. This exquisite reproduction of the works of Foucquet is no less a monument to the 1 5th century illuminator and painter than to the beautiful art of chromo- lithography an art which Curmer has done as much to refine as any man in Europe witness the " Hours of Anne of Britanny," " Imitation of Christ," etc. Foucquet was painter to Charles VII and Louis XI, Pope Eugene IV, and miniaturist to Stephen Chevalier, Treasurer of France, etc., and his works extended from about 1443 to 1520. These works consist either of entire pages of illuminated miniatures or of beautiful floriated borders, FACSIMILES of the original, in gold and colors. Vol. 11 con- tains a complete exposition of the illuminations, etc., and a life of Foucquet, with additional ILLUMINATIONS, and many WOODCUTS. 755 FOWLE (W. F.) Catalogue of the Choice Collection of Books belonging to William F. Fowle, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Riverside Press. 1865. Imp. 8vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only 85 copies printed, chiefly for presentation ; ruled and priced ; very scarce. This library, although it contained but 1614 volumes, realized $17,5x2.19, an average of almost $11 per volume, the highest, probably, ever realized in Boston. 756 [FOX (Charles James).] An Essay upon Wind, with curious Anecdotes of Eminent Peteurs. Humbly Dedi- cated to the Lord Chancellor. [n. p. n. d.] 8vo, half morocco; only 50 copies printed. 158 FRANCIS. FOX (Charles). See Washington (George). t -f ^ 757 FOX (E.) The Revolutionary Adventures of Ebenezer Fox, of Roxbury, Mass. Boston. 1838. i6mo, pp. a38, cloth; PORTRAIT. 758 FOXE (L.) North-VVest Fox, | or, | Fox from the North- west passage. | beginning] With King Arthvr, Malga, /Octhvr, | the two Zeni's of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia ; | Following with briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, | Frobisher, Davis, VVaymouth, Knight, Hud- son, Button, Gib- jbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge:| ... M r - lames Hall's three Voyages to*Groynland, with aj Topographicall description of the Countries, the Salvages | lives and Treacheries, how our Men have beene slayne] by them there, with the Commodities of all those | parts. | By Captaine Lvke Foxe of Kingstone vpon Hull, Capt. | and Pylot for the Voyage, in his Majesties Pinnace Ithe Charles. | London, \ Printed by B. Alsop and Tho. Favvcet) dwelling in Grubstreet.\ 1635.) 4to, sphere, I 1., 5 1., pp. 276, old vellum; MAP in facsimile ; fine large copy, with many rough leaves. This very rare collection of early voyages towards making a discovery of the north-west passage, 'contains many important facts and judicious observations on the ice, tides, compass, northern lights, etc. 759 FRANCIS (J. W.) Old New York : or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. By John W. Francis, M.D., LL.D. With a Memoir of the Author, by Henry T. Tuckerman. New York: W. J. Widdleton. MDCCCLXV. Imp. 8vo, cloth; pp. cxxxvi, 400; ^ PORTRAITS, and PLATE. 760 FRANCIS. Reminiscencs of the late Samuel Latham Mitchell. New Tork, 1859. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. A UNIQUE volume, inlaid on rl. 410, and con- taining an ILLUMINATED TITLE-PAGE and 25 PLATES. FRANKLIN. 159 761 FRANCIS (S. W.) Memoir of the Life and Character of Prof. Valentine Mott, Facile Princeps. By Dr. Samuel W. Francis, (Fellow of the New-York Academy of Medicine). Second Edition. New York: W. J. Widdleton, Publisher. 1865. Rl. 8vo, uncut; PORTRAIT ON INDIA PAPIRJ L. S. of Dr. Mott inserted. 762 FRANKLIN (B.) Autobiography of Dr. B. Franklin. Edited by John Bigelow. Philadelphia. 1868. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 763 FRANKLIN. The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Relative to the Repeal of the American Stamp Act, In MDCCLXVI. [n. p.] MDCCLXVII. 8vo, title, I 1., pp. 50, half calf. 764 [FRANKLIN.] An Historical Review of the Constitu- tion and Government of Pennsylvania, From its Origin ; j 6* So far as regards the several Points of Controversy, which have, from Time to Time, arisen between the several Governors of that Province, and Their several Assemblies. London. MDCCLIX. 8vo, old calf. This copy is printed on very thick paper, and is, perhaps, unique. 765 FRANKLIN. [Another copy.] London 1759. 8vo, half calf, on ordinary paper. 766 FRANKLIN. Letters to Benjamin Franklin from his Family and Friends, 1751-179. oNew Tork. 1859. Rl. 8vo, half red morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet ; PORTRAITS of Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Bache. 767 FRANKLIN. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D., F.R.S., etc., Minister Plenipo- i6o FRANKLIN. /->{ tentiary from the United States of America, at the Court of France, etc., etc. Now first published from the Original MSS., etc. London. 1817-1818. 2 volt., 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; FINE PORTRAIT, engraved by Pye, and FACSIMILE; RARE PORTRAIT inserted. 768 FRANKLIN. Poor Richard Improved. Being an Al- manack for 1752, [and] 1753, 1754, 1755, and 1756. Philadephia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, [v. d.] 5 vols,, izmo. These almanacs are extremely rare, and are priced at $2 2s. each in the " Nuggets." The buyer will have the privilege of taking all or one of the volumes. 769 FRANKLIN. A Pocket Almanac For the Year 1758, [and] 1763, 1764, 1765, and 1766. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin and D. Hall. [v. d.] f 5 vols., 24010; clean copies. More rare than the preceding lot; sold with the same privilege. 770 [FRANLIN.] Some Observations on the Proceedings against the Rev. Mr. Hemphill ; with a Vindication of his Sermons. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin. 1735. I2mo, morocco extra; title repaired. 771 FRANKLIN. Works of the late Dr. Benjamin Frank- lin : Consisting of Memoirs of his Early Life, Written by Himself; together with a collection of his Essays. Humorous, Moral and Literary, chiefly in the manner of the Spectator. A new edition revised and enlarged. Easton: Published by Henry IV. Gibbs. 1810. I2mo, pp. 274, calf. 772 FRANKLIN. The Works of Benjamin Franklin; con- J taining Several Political and Historical Tracts not in- cluded in any Former Edition, and many Letters official FRENEAU. l6l and private not hitherto published; with Notes and a Life of the Author. By Jared Sparks. Boston: Milliard, Gray W Co. 1840. 10 volt., imp. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; LARGE PAPER ; a splendid copy, with numerous ILLUSTRATIONS and CUTTINGS in- serted. Formerly Mr. E. D. Ingraham's copy. 773 FRANKLINIANA, ou Recueil d'Anecdotes, bons mots, Reflexions, Maximes et Observations de Benjamin Frank- lin ; Par un Americain. A Paris: chez Tiger, [n. d.] i8mo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; 2 PORTRAITS inserted. 774 FREEMAN (Frederick). The History of Cape Cod, the Annals of Barnstable County, including the District of Marshpee. Many Portraits. Boston. 1858. z vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. FREE THOUGHTS. See Rivington (James). 775 [FRENCH (James Clark).] The Trip of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C., April I4th, 1865. Brooklyn, 1865. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 776 FRENEAU (P.) Freneau's Poems, Written between the years 1768 and 1794, by Philip Freneau of New Jersey. A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author ; o o Including a considerable number of Pieces never before Published. Monmouth, (N. J.} printed at the press of the Author, at Mount Pleasant, near Middletown Point; M,DCC,XCV ; and of American Independence xix. 8vo; a most beautiful copy, in crushed red levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 777 FRENEAU. The] Poems] of (Philip Freneau. | Written 21 1 62 FRIAR. chiefly during the late War. | Philadelphia : \ Printed by Francis Bailey, at\Yorick's Head, in Market Street. M DCC LXXXVI. izmo, calf, gilt edges, by Pratt; clrgant copy. 778 FRENEAU. The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. Philip Freneau, containing his Essays and Additional Poems. Philadelphia: F. Bailey. MDCCLXXXVin. izmo, pp. ii, 429, polished calf, by W. Mathews. 779 FRENEAU. Poems Written and Published during the American Revolutionary War, and now Republished from the Original Manuscripts, interspersed with Translations from the Ancients, and other pieces not heretofore in Print. By Philip Freneau. Third edition. Philadelphia : From the Press of Lydia R. Bailey. 1809. 2 vols., I2mo, polished calf, by W. Mathews. 780 FRENEAU. Poems on Various Subjects, but chiefly illustrative of the Events and Actors in the American *~ J? ^^ War of Independence. By Philip Freneau. Reprinted ... with a Preface. London: J. R. Smith. 1861. Fcap 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews. 781 FRENEAU. Poems Relating to the American Revolu- tion by Philip Freneau. With an Introductory Memoir and Notes, by Evert A. Duyckinck. New York: Widdleton. 1865, Rl. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only 100 copies printed. 54 PLATES, and AUTOGRAPH LETTER by the editor, inserted. The plates consist of Revolutionary Portraits, etc., and are of especial rarity, many of them (Gens. Reed, Gage, Greene, Cornwallis, etc., etc.) being choice impres- sions of VERY SCARCE ENGRAVINGS. A fine drawing in India ink of the old *J Jersey prison-ship is also included in the illustrations. 782 FRIAR RUSH. The Historic of Friar Rvsh : how he FURMAN. 163 came to a house of Religion to seek service, and being entertained by the Priour, was first made vnder Cooke. Being full of pleasant mirth and delight for young people. Imprinted at London by Edw. All-de, dwelling near Christ- Church. 1620. London: reprinted for Robert Triphook. 1810. 410 ; one of four copies printed on vellum. This was Mr. J. B. Elliott's copy, No. 4. One copy is in the British Museum. 783 FROTHINGHAM (R.) History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Also, an Account of the Bunker Hill Monument. Boston. 1849. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top ; scarce ; MAPS and PLANS. 784 FROTHINGHAM. Life and Times of Joseph Warren, 4^*0 by Richard Frothingham. Portrait and fac-simile. Boston: Little^ Brown & Co. 1865. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. FULL VINDICATION of the Measures of the Congress from the Calumnies of their Enemies. See [Hamilton (Alexander)]. 785 FULLER (T.) Gnomologia; Adages and Proverbs, Wise Sentences, and Witty Sayings. ... Compiled by Thomas Fuller, M.D. A New Edition. London: Oilman. 1816. izmo, half morocco, uncut. 786 FULLER. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, and Other f Papers. Boston: Ticknor and Fields. 1863. 8vo, blue levant morocco, extra tooled, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews ; with a FINE PORTRAIT (India proof before letters)) LARGE PAPER; only 30 copies printed 787 FURMAN (Gabriel). Notes, Geographical and Histori- 164 FURTHER. cal, Relating to the Town of Brooklyn, in Kings County, on Long Island. Brooklyn. 1824. izmo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; fine copy of the scarce original edition. 788 FURMAN. [The same.] With Notes and a Memoir of the Author. Brooklyn. 1865. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; LARGE PAPER; 20 copies only printed for the Faust Club. 789 [FURMAN.] Rural Hours: A Poem. Afaspetb. 1824. x *- 8vo, boards, uncut ; 3 PLATES; a very rare volume of American poetry. * 790 FURTHER (A) Manifestation of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England. New York. 1866. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; 50 copies printed. 791 FURTHER QUERIES upon the Present State of the New-English Affairs. By S. E. New York. 1866. 410, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; 200 copies printed. GAGE. i6 5 AGE (T.) The English-American his Travail by Sea and Land ;| or, |A New Svrvey | of the | West-India's, | contain- ing | A Journall of Three thousand and Three hundred | Miles within the main Land of America. | Wherein is set forth his Voyage from Spain to St. John de Vlbus;|and from thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angeles, and | forward to Mexico; With the de- scription of that great City, | as it was in former times, and also at this present. | Likewise his Journey from Mexico through the provinces of Guaxaca, | Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagna ; with his| abode Twelve years about Guatemala, and especially in the) Indian-towns of Mixico, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. | ... By the true and painfull endevours of Thomas Gage, now Preacher of the Word of God at Acris in the County of Kent, Anno Dom. 1648. London: Printed by R. Cotes, etc. 1648. Folio, half brown morocco, gilt top; ORIGINAL EDITION. "This work appears to have been much celebrated in its time, having been frequently reprinted, and translated into French, Dutch, German, etc." RICH. ' The author of this work was probably ' Parson of Deale." In the second and third editions, after expurging from the dedication certain passages in honor of Fairfax, the remainder were dexterously converted into a preface; and the zzd chapter, as containing particulars relative to the artifices used by the * Pafulins * to convert the writer, totally omitted. It was afterwards printed separately." WRANGHAM. ^*^ ' Sout hey informs us that part of the _book' is taken verbatim tt literatim from an old translation of Gomara. l66 GALT. 793 GALLERY of British and Foreign Portraits, with Me- ^ s* + moirs by Distinguished Biographers. London: Charles Knight , 1833-38. 7 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; original and brilliant impressions; 1 68 PORTRAITS. A very interesting scries, engraved in the highest style of the art, in the same manner as Lodge's Portraits, to which it forms an excellent companion, the portraits being different. 794 GALLOWAY (J.) The Examination of Joseph Gal- _,, loway, Esq. By a Committee of the House of Com- mons. Edited by Thomas Balch. Two hundred and fifty copies Printed. Philadelphia: Printed for the Seventy-Six Society. 1855. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 795 [GALLOWAY.] Letters to a Nobleman, on the Con- duct of the War in the Middle Colonies. The Fourth Edition. London. 1780. 8vo, half morocco. 796 [GALLOWAY.] A Reply to the Observations of Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Howe, on a Pamphlet Entitled Letters to a Nobleman, etc. Second Edition. London: Wilkle. M,DCC,LXXX. 8vo, pp. 1 57, half morocco, gilt top. "Mr. Galloway was a member of Congress (and Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania); he went over to the Royal Army in December, 1776, and continued with it till the evacuation of Philadelphia, in June, 1778, aban- doning his estate and property to the value of above forty thousand pounds sterling." 797 GALT (J.) The Life, Studies, and Works of Benjamin West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy of London, composed from materials furnished by himself, By John Gait, Esq. London : Printed for T. Cadell ana W. DavieS) Strand, and W. Blackwood^ Edinburgh. 1820. a vols., 8vo, half green morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. See [Graydon (J.)] GARDEN. 167 GANG (Stephen). See Washington (G.) 798 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire des guerres Civiles des Espagnols, dans les Indes. Amsterdam, 1706. ^ vols., izrno, calf. 799 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. The | Royal | Com- mentaries | of | Peru, | in | Two Parts. (The First Part.) Treating of the Original of their Incas or Kings;) Of their Idola-|try: Of their Laws and Government both in Peace and War: Of the Reigns | and Conquests of the Incas; ... | The Second Part, | Describing the man- ner by which that new World was conquered | by the Spaniards. ... | Illustrated with Sculptures. | Written orig- inally in Spanish, | By the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, | and rendered into English, by Sir Pavl Rycavt, K c - | London: ... | Christopher Wilkinson. ... | MDCLXXXVIII. | Folio, calf, gilt; very fne copy ; scarce. " A gentle and trusting spirit, rather than a wise one, proud of being a son of one of the unscrupulous conquerors of Peru, but always betraying the weaker nature of his mother, who was of the blood royal of the Incas, and never entirely forgetting the glories of his Indian race, or the cruel injuries they had suf- fered at the hands of Spain. The ' Commentaries * are a striking and interesting book, showing much of the spirit of the old Chronicles." TJCKNOK. 8oo GARDEN (Alexander). Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, with Sketches of Character of Persons the most distinguished, in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Services. Charleston. 1822. Also, Anec- dotes of the American Revolution, illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots, who acted the most conspicuous parts therein. Second Series. Charleston. 1828. a vols., ist Series 8vo, ad Series izmo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; a most beautiful set. 168 GAY. , 801 GARDEN. [The same.] Reprinted, Brooklyn, N. T. 1865. 3 vols., 4to, boards, uncut. 802 GARDEN. [The same.] Brooklyn. 1865. 3 Yols., folio ; LARGE PAPER. This edition contains additional notes by the editor Thomas W. Field. / co 803 [GARDINER versus DIBDIN.] Catalogue of Ancient /^ c and Modern Books, many of which are rare and valuable, etc. London: W. Gardiner. 1812. 8ro, half calf; -very scarce. The last lot (812) of this catalogue describes a copy of Dibdin's "Bibliomania," which is followed by a smart answer to the critic on Gardiner and his catalogues, by Gardiner, on page 1 62. 804 GARDINER (Capt.) An Account of the Expedition to ^fc/Tp the West Indies, against Martinico, With the Reduction of Guadelupe, And other the Leeward Islands ; ... The Third Edition. Birmingham: Printed by John Baskeruille. 1762. 4to, half calf; a beautiful specimen of typography } rare. 805 GARNEAU (F. X.) History of Canada. Translated by Andrew Bell. Montreal. 1862. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth; PORTRAIT of Jacques Cartier. S . \jTtf 8 6 GARRARD (L. H.) Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution. Philadelphia. 1856. 8vo, cloth. 807 GAY (].) Fables by John Gay, with a Life of the Author, and embellished with Seventy Plates. London : Printed for "John Stockdale. [n. d.] i vols., imp. 8vo, handsomely bound in polished calf, by W. Mathews; a LARGE PAPER copy of this FINE EDITION, printed in large type, with 70 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS, by Blake, Stothard, Wilson, Audinet, etc. ; brilliant impressions. Of the 70 engravings in the above work, some 20 are by the celebrated Blake, "Pictor Ignotus." This is uniform, in size and binding, with the copy of ^Esop's Fables, forming lot 17. GESTA. l6g c " 808 GEBHARD (F.) Illinois as it Is. Chicago. 1857. I zmo, cloth ; MAPS. / 809 GEE (J.) Letters Against Several Errors and Disorders in the Land. Boston. 1743- 8vo, half morocco. ? 8 JO GEORGIA. Collection of the Georgia Historical Society. Savannah. 1862. 3 vols., 8vo. This set includes Vol. in, Part I, all published; also Judge Laws* Oration, Dr. Arnold's Oration, and 5 other tracts published by the Society, and is probably the only complete set that has been offered for sale. 811 GEORGIA. An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia. London. MDCCXLI. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstrcet. GEORGIA. Reasons For Establishing the Colony of Georgia. See [Martyn (Benjamin)]. > 812 GERSON de 1'Imitation de Jesus-Christ. Paris. 1869. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut j a beautiful copy on thick paper; illustrated by WOODCUT BORDERS. 813 GESTA ROMANORUM : or, Entertaining Moral Stories ; Invented by the Monks as a Fire-Side Recrea- tion ; and Commonly Applied in their Discourses from the Pulpit : whence the most Celebrated of our Own Poets and Others, from the Earliest Times, have extracted their Plots. Translated from the Latin, with Prelimi- nary Observations and Copious Notes. By the Rev. Charles Swan. [Motto]. In Two Volumes. London : Rivington. M,DCCC,xxiv. 2 vols., I zmo, half morocco, uncut; scarce. One of the oldest story books extant, from which our early English poets, especially Gower, Chaucer, and Shakespeare, borrowed largely. 22 IO7 GILLIES. "The foundation of Shakespeare's story of the Three Caskets, in the 'Merchant of Venice,' and of the Jew's Bond, is to be found in this favorite collection; and it must be confessed that there is a much greater and more beautiful variety in the original, which Shakespeare has followed, than in Gower." WARTON'S " History of English Poetry." v GIBBON (Edward). See Oxford Classics. 814 GIFFORD (J.) A History of the Political Life of the Right Honourable William Pitt ; including Some Ac- count of the Times in which he Lived. By John Gifford, Esq. In Three Volumes. London: T. CadelL 1809. 3 vols., imp. 410, half russia, gilt top, uncut. One of a few copies printed on DRAW- ING PAPER. 815 GILBERT (B.) A Narrative of the Captivity and Suf- ferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family ; who were Surprised by the Indians, and taken from their Farms, on the Frontier of Pennsylvania. London, 1785. I2mo, pp. 1x3. 816 GILLESPY (Geo.) A Letter to the Rev. Brethren of the Presbytery of New York, or of Elizabeth Town, etc. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin for the Author. 1740. Sm. 8vo; an extremely rare and very early Franklin imprint. Unusually FINE COPY, totally uncut. 817 GILLIES (J.) Memoir of the Life of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. ... To which are added, A ' /> particular Account of his Death and Funeral ; and Ex- tracts from the Sermons, which were preached on that Occasion. Compiled by the Rev. John Gillies, D.D. New York: Printed by Hodge and Sbober, ... M.DCC.LXXIV. i amo, old calf; PORTRAIT. GODWYN. 171 818 [GILPIN (Thomas).] Exiles in Virginia with Observa- tions on the Conduct of the Society of Friends during the Revolutionary War, comprising the official papers of the government relating to that period, 1777-1778. Philadelphia: Published for the Subscribers. 1848. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut; AUTOGRAPH of Timothy Matlock inserted. 819 GIRARD (C.) Contribution to the Natural History of ^-fc the Fresh Water Fishes of North America. Washington. 1850. 410, half calf, pp. 80; 3 PLATES. See United States Exploring Expedition. 820 GLAZIER (L.) History of Gardner, Massachusetts, from its earliest settlement to 1860. Worcester. 1860. . I2mo, pp. 163, cloth. 821 [GLEIG (G. R.)] A Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army, at Washington, Baltimore, and New Or- leans, ... in the years 1814 and 1815 ; ... By an Officer who served in the Expedition. London. 1821. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 822 GODWYN (Morgan). The Negro's and Indian's Advo- cate, suing for their Admission into the Church ; or a Persuasive to the Instructing and Baptizing of the Negro's ' - .^^ and Indians, in our Plantations, etc. London. 1680. Sm. 8vo, 7 1., pp. 174, calf. In the same volume: "Primitive Liturgy, for the use of the Oratory." London. 1726. BLACK LETTER, nice copy, pp. 63. "A Letter from Fort St. George, Concerning the Protestant Mission in those Parts." London. 1721. pp. 29. "A Collection of Aphorisms, written by Dr. Henry More." London. 1704. pp. 28. "The Wife: an Excellently Considerate Young Virgins' Cautionary Reflections upon Beauty, et*., with the Truly Vertuous English Woman's Mirrourj a Poem." [London.] 1720. pp. 1 6. " An Address to the Unmarried Women, on the behalf of Vertuous Men." London, i-j ii. And other rare tracts. Some of the lines cut off in binding the last-named tract. 172 GOODHUGH. 823 GOETHE. Faust. Mit Zeichnungcn von Engelbert Sei- bertz. Stuttgart. 1854. A*/ fcX Folio, cloth extra, gilt edges; illustrated with the BEAUTIFUL PLATES engraved by Adrian Schleick, after the designs of Engelbert Seibertz; SPLENDID EDITION, two parts in one volume. 824 GOETHE. Faust, a Tragedy, in Two Parts. By Gothe. Rendered into English Verse. London: Printed by Arthur Taylor. 1838. 2 vols., crown 8vo, blue morocco, gilt edges ; 50 copies [privately] printed. 825 GOFFE (W.) Plan for seizing and carrying to New York Col. Wm. Goffe the Regicide, As set forth in the Affidavit of John Lindon, Ap. 20, 1678. Published from the Original in the office of the Secretary of State of New- York by Franklin B. Hough ... Albany. M. DCCC LV. 8vo, pp. 17, half morocco; 50 copies printed. 826 GOLDSMITH (O.) The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Peter Cunningham. ... London: John Murray. 1854. 4 vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt; BEST EDITION; now scarce. " Goldsmith was a man who, whatever he wrote, did it better than any other man could do." DR. JOHNSON (in Boswell.) 827 GOLDSMITH. A History of the Earth and Animated Nature. Glasgow. 1860. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, half morocco ; COLORED PLATES. " It presents to the reader a general and interesting view of the subject, couched in the clearest and most beautiful language, and abounding with excellent reflections and illustrations." SIR WALTER SCOTT. 828 GOODHUGH (W.) The English Gentleman's Library Manual. London. 1827. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. GORDON. 173 829 GOODRICH (F. B.) The Court of Napoleon; or, So- ciety under the first Empire. With Portraits of its Beauties, Wits, and Heroines. ... Third Edition. Philadelphia. 1864. Imp. 8vo, morocco, antique ; COLORED PLATZ. 830 GOODRICH. The Tribute Book. A Record of the Munificence, Self-Sacrifice and Patriotism of the Amer- ican People during the War for the Union. Illustrated. New York. 1865. Rl. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt. 831 GOODRICH (S. G.) Illustrated Natural History of the Animal Kingdom, ... With 1400 Engravings. New York: Derby &? Jackson. 1859. a vols., imp. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges; scarce. 832 GORDON (T. F.) The History of Pennsylvania, from its Discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Inde- pendence in 1776. Philadelphia, 1829. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 833 GORDON (W.) The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America; Including an Account of the late War, and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their Origin to that Period. By William Gordon, D.D. MifccLxxxvin. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Dr. Gordon went to Amerka in 1770, and remained there until 1796, and wrote most of his work on the spot, and is deservedly reckoned as one of the most im- partial of the numerous historians of the American Revolution. " The work is an immense assemblage of facts presented with great impartiality." POF. SMYTH. 174 COWER. 834 GORTON (J.) A General Biographical Dictionary. By John Gorton. A New Edition. To which is added a SA ^ d Supplementary Volume, completing the work to the Present Time. London. 1851. 4 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt. 835 [GORTON (Samuel).] Simplicities Defence | against | Seven-headed Policy. | Or | Innocency Vindicated, being unjustly Accused, | and sorely Censured, by that] Seven- headed Church-Government | United in | New-England:] or | That Servant so Imperious in his Masters Absence | Revived, and now thus re-acting in New-England | London. \ Printed by John Macock, and are to be sold by Luke Favvne, \ at his shop in Pauls Church yard, at the sign of the Parrot. 1646.) 4to, 8 1., pp. in, red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by W. Pratt; FINE COPY, extremely rare. This work was reprinted for the Rhode Island Historical Society, but their edition is dated 1647, and the title differs. Concerning this work, see a note in Bartlett's " Bibliography of Rhode Island," p. 137. 836 [GOWAN (W.)] The Phoenix: A Collection of Old and rare Fragments. New York: William Gowan. 1835. I2mo, boards, uncut. This volume, completed by the well known bookseller of Nassau Street, is now very scarce. See Allan (John), Lot No. 2.2. 837 GOVERNMENT SALE. Catalogue of Books, etc., to _ ^ be sold at Auction By Order of Hiram Barney, Esq., Collector of N. Y., Nov. lyth, 1862, etc. New York. 1862. 8vo; tcarce. Sale countermanded, and catalogue suppressed. This was the Public ^_ Library at Beaufort, S. C., seized during the rebellion. 838 GOWER (J.) Confessio Amantis of John Gower. Edited and Collated with the best Manuscripts by Dr. Reinhold Pauli. London. 1857. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut j an elegant reprint. GRASSE. 175 839 GRAHAM. Memoir of General Graham with Notices of the Campaigns in which he was engaged from 1779 to 1 80 1. Edited by his Son. Edinburgh. 1862. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut; PORTRAIT. Includes a plan of Yorktown, 1781. A few copies only privately printed. The story of Captain Asgill and the Guards U graphically related. 840 GRAHAME (James). The History of the United States of North America, to their Independence.. London. 1836. 4 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. " Mr. Grahame has published the best book that has anywhere appeared upon the His- tory of the United States. He has corrected the mistakes, whether of error or malignity, which his predecessors in the same labors had committed." North American Review. GRAM MO NT'S Memoirs. See Hamilton (Anthony). 841 [GRANT (Mrs.}~\ Memoirs of an American Lady; with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. London. 1808. 2 vols., izmo, half calf, gilt. 842 GRANT (U. S.) Public Honors to Lieutenant-General Grant, by the Citizens of New-York. Fifth Avenue Hotel, November 2Oth, 1865. Printed for the Citizen's Committee. New-York: Geo. F. Nesbit & Co. 1865. Imp. 8vo, pp. 39, uncut. 843 [GRASSE (Count de).] Journal D'un Officier de 1'armee navale en Amerique en 1781 & 1782. A. Amsterdam. M.DCC.LXXXIII. 8vo, pp. 71, half calf. Count de Grasse's Journal translated for the Bradford Club. Only one other copy is known to be in this country. 176 GRAYDON. 844 GRASSE. The Operations of the French Fleet under \f Count de Grasse in 1781-2. New York. 1864. Rl. 8vo; 150 copies printed for the Bradford Club; illustrated with 27 EXTRA PLATES; RARE PORTRAITS of Ct. D'Estaing, Ct. De Grasse, De Suffren, Washington, Cornwallis, Saumarez, Lord Rodney, and View of Boston. Bound in the best style of Pawson & Nicholson, with elaborate toolings on the inside covers, which are entirely lined with green and crimson levant morocco, crushed, polished, and ornamented, gilt top, uncut. 845 GRAY (T,) Odes by Mr. Gray. Printed at Strawberry Hill. MDCCLVII. 4to; also several other poetical pieces in the same volume. 846 GRAVES (W.) Two Letters from W. Graves, Esq., Respecting the Conduct of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves in North America, during his Accidental Command there for Four Months in 1781. London. 1782. 410, morocco, gilt back, and richly tooled inside borders, by Mathews; PLAN OF TH SEA FIGHT between Admiral Graves and Count de Grasse; FINE PORTRAITS of Admiral Graves and Count de Grasse inserted ; ORIGINAL EDITION, very 847 GRAVES. [The same.] Morrisania, N. Y. 1865. 4:0, uncut; only 100 copies reprinted. GRAY (F. C.) See Washington (G.) 848 [GRAYDON (A.)] Memoirs of a Life, Chiefly Passed in Pennsylvania, 'within the last Sixty Years. With Occasional Remarks upon the General Occurrences, Character and Spirit of that Eventful Period. Harrisburgb : Printed by John Wyetb. 1811. izmo, pp. 378, levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. We have never met with another uncut copy. 849 GRAYDON. [Another copy.] Harrhburg. 1 8 r I . I2mo, sheep. GREENE. 177 850 [GRAYDON.) Memoirs of a Life, Chiefly Passed in Pennsylvania, within the Last Sixty Years. Edinburgh. 1822. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. This edition was edited by John Gait. "Graydon was a captain in the navy during the Revolutionary War." ALLEN. " Perhaps the best personal narrative that has yet appeared relative to that great conflict which terminated in establishing the independence of the United States." GALT. 851 GREELEY (H.) The American Conflict; A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, i86o-'64: Its Causes, Incidents, and Results : ... By Horace Greeley. Hartford: O. D. Case fcf Co. 1865-66. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, half calf. 852 GREEN BOX (The) of Monsieur de Sartine. The Fifth Edition. London : A Becket. MDCCLXXIX. 8vo, 2 1., pp. 71, calf. 853 [GREEN (Jos.)] Entertainment for A Winter's Even- ing: ... By Me, the Hon. B. B. Esq; ... . Boston: Printed in the Tear 1750. Reprinted I 795- 8vo, pp. 12, uncut; a -very rare poem. 854 GREENE (Albert G.) Recollections of the Jersey Prison- Ship; taken, and prepared for publication, from the Orig- inal Manuscript of the late Captain Thomas Dring, of Providence, R. I., One of the Prisoners. Providence: H. H. Brown. 1829. I2mo, pp. 167, blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; PLATE of the Prison Ship; beautiful copy. Greene's copy sold for $21. ! 855 GREENE. [The same.] Edited by Henry B. Dawson. Morrisania, N. T. 1865. Rl. 8 vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1 7 8 GRIFFITH. ;/ > 856 GREENE. [Another copy.] Morrisania. 1865. Folio, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; 30 copies printed. - / 857 GREENE. Catalogue of the Library of Albert G. Greene [Old Grimes]. New York. 1869. 8vo, pp. 521, uncut. Rich in American Poetry. 858 GREENLEAF (M.) A Statistical View of the District of Maine. Boston. 1816. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 859 GREENWOOD (F. W. P.) A History of King's Chapel, in Boston. Boston. 1833. izmo, pp. xii, 215, boards, uncut; PLATE. 860 GREENWOOD ILLUSTRATED. In a Series of Pic- j t/'/O turesque and Monumental Views, in highly finished Line Engravings. From Drawings taken on the Spot, by James Smillie; the Literary Department by N. Cleave- land. New York. [1847.] 410, half morocco, gilt edges ; BEAUTIFUL STEEL PLATES; early impressions ; published by subscription only. 861 GRESSWELL (E.) View of the Early Parisian Greek Press, Lives of the Stephani, Notices of other Greek is Printers of Paris, and Literary History of their Times. Oxford. 1833. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut; fine copy. 862 [GRIFFITH (A. F.)] Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, ^y A Descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich Collection of Early English Poetry : in the Possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Illustrated by occasional Extracts and Remarks, Critical and Biographical. London: Printed for the Proprietors of the Collection. 1815. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut ; NUMEROUS PORTRAITS, INITIAL LETTERS, etc. GRISWOLD. 179 This catalogue describes 956 items, and does great credit to the diligence and accuracy of its compiler, and deserves a place in every good library, from the interest- ing information which it affords of the works of our early poets 'JLT 863 GRIFFITH (T. W.) Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. Baltimore. 1821. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. 864 GRIFFITH. Sketches of the Early History of Maryland and Annals of Baltimore. Baltimore. 1821-24. 2 vols. in i, 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 865 GRIFFITH (W.) Historical Notes on the American Colonies and Revolution from 1754 to 1775. Burlington^ N. J. 1843. J8vo, pp. 300, Note, 3 leaves, boards; scarce ." "- 866 GRIGG (John W.) Catalogue of the Private Library of John W. Grigg of Philadelphia. Privately Printed. 1867. Imp. 8vo, pp. 50, half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet; ten copies printed. -' 867 GRIGSBY (Hugh Blair). A Discourse on "The Vir- ginia Convention of 1776," delivered ... July 3, 1855. Richmond. 1855. 8vo, pp. 206, cloth. 868 GRIMKfi (Thomas S.) An Oration ... Fourth of July, 1809, ... South Carolina State Society of Cincinnati, ... Charleston. 1829. 8vo, pp. 129, uncut; scarce. 869 GRISWOLD (R. W.) The Republican Court or Ameri- /V ou can Society in the Days of Washington. By Rufus Wilmot Griswold. With Twenty-one Portraits of Dis- tinguished Women, engraved from Original Pictures by l8o GRUNDLICHE. Woolastan, Copley, Gainsborough, Stuart, Trumbull, Pine, Malbone, and other contemporary Painters. New York: D. Appleton and Company. M. DCCC. LV. Extended to 2 vols., imp. 8vo, half purple morocco extra, gilt, uncut. This copy is illustrated with 74 EXTRA PLATES and 2 TITLE-PAGES in water colors. See Washington (G.) 870 [GROSE (F).] Advice to Officers of the British Army. A Fac Simile reprint of the Sixth London Edition. )fj ^* With Introduction and Notes. New York: Agatbynian Club. 1867. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet ; 120 copies printed. A FACSIMILE RE- PRINT of the 6th London edition. One of three copies printed on thin paper. An imitation of Swift's " Advice to Servants," which was probably derived from a German source, " Dedekinders de Morum Simplicitate." 871 GROTE (George). History of Greece : i. Legendary Greece, n. Grecian History to the Reign of Peisistratus at Athens. London: J. Murray. 1854-56. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut ; FOURTH AND BEST EDITION; scarce. 11 A great literary undertaking, equally notable whether we regard it as an accession to what is of standard value in our language, or as an honorable monument of what English scholarship can do." Athenaum. 872 GRUNER (Lewis). Specimens of Ornamental Art, selected from the "best Models of Classical Epochs. Illustrated by 80 Plates. With Descriptive Text by Emil Braun. London. 1850. Imp. folio Atlas of PLATES, and 410 Text, bound in half morocco, gilt top, uncut. This magnificent work is illustrated with designs from the most beautiful specimens of ORNAMENTAL ART in Europe, many of them elaborately colored, and on a ^ scale never before attempted. The names of Raphael, Romano, Holbein, Giotto, Bramante, and Luini, give the work the highest classical character. It is the most elegant work on DECORATIVE ART ever published. 873 GRUNDLICHE | An-und aufforderung | an die | Ehmahlig GUTCH. l8l erweckte hier und dar zerstreuete|Seelen dieses Landes, | In oder ausser Partheyen, | zur | Neuen Umfassung, | Glied- licher Vereinigung, | und | Gebets-Gemeinschaft ; | Dar- gelegt aus dringendem Herzen eines um Heilung|der Bruche Zions angstlich bekummerten Gemuths, |im jahr 1736. | Philadelphia^ Gedruckt lind zu haben \ bey B. Franklin, \ M DCC XLII. | 410, pp. 14, uncut; fine clean copy. 874 [GRYNEUS.] Novvs orbis re-|gionvm ac Insvlarvm ve-|teribus incognitarum, una cum tabula cosmographica, & | aliquot aliis consimilis argumenti libeliis, quorum] omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina. | His accessit copiolus rerum memorabilium index. | [Printer's arms.] Parisiis apvd loannem \ Paruum sub flore Lilio, uia ad sanctum Iacobum.\ [1532.]] Folio, 1.6 1., pp. 502, (i), old vellum ; LARGE MAP, in ^ sections. A valuable collection of early voyages to America, respecting which, see [Harrisse] " Bibliotheca Americana." GUARD (Theodore de la). See [Ward (Nathaniel)]. 875 GUILD (Reuben A.) The Librarian's Manual : a Treat- ise on Bibliography, comprising a Select and Descriptive ^^ ^^Q List of Biographical Works; to which are added Sketches of Public Libraries, Illustrated with Engravings. New York : Printed by Munsell. MDCCCLVIH. Fcap 410, boards, uncut. GUIZOT (M.) See Washington (G.) GULLIVER (Lemuel). See [Swift (J.)] 876 GUTCH (J. M.) A Lytell Geste of Robin Hode. In Jf 00 l82 GUTCH. eight Fyttes. With other Ancient and Modern Ballads and Songs relating to this celebrated Yeoman. To which is prefixed his History and Character, grounded upon other Documents than those made use of by his former biographer, " Mister Ritson." Adorned with Cuts by F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. London: Longman. 1847. 2 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews; fnt copy. Appended are " Dissertations upon the Morris Dance and Maid Marian, etc., by Mr. Hone and F. Douce, Esq." HAKLUYT. '83 1 AKEWELL (James). The History of Windsor, and its Neighbourhood. By James Hakewell. London. 1813. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; numerous FINE STEEL PLATES. From Daniel O'Connell's library, with his BOOK PLATE. 878 HAKLUYT (R.) The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoueries of the English nation, made by Sea or ouer Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quar- ters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres: Deuided into three seuerall parts, ac- cording to the positions of the Regions whereunto they were directed. ... Including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America, etc. Imprinted at London by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie^ Deputies to Christopher Barker, printer to the hteenes most excellent Majestic. 1589. Folio, calf, antique, gilt edges ; very rare. Title-page mounted, otherwise a fine copy, containing the six inserted leaves between pp. 643 and 644, with the account of Sir Francis Drake's voyage to the south. " Every reader conversant in the annals of our naval transactions will cheerfully ac- knowledge the merit of Richard Hakluyt, who devoted his studies to the investigation of those periods of English history which regard the improve- ment of navigation and commerce. To him we are principally indebted for a clear and comprehensive description of those noble discoveries of the Eng- lish nation, made by sea or overland, to the most distant quarters of the earth. His volumes contain an invaluable treasure of nautical information, which, even at this day, affix to the name of Hakluyt a brilliancy of reputa- tion, which a series of ages can never efface or obscure." ZOUCH'S " Life of Sir Philip Sydney." ,g 4 HALL. I 870 HALE (H.) Ethnography and Philology. Philadelphia. 1846. 410, cloth, uncut ; 150 copies only printed ; very scarce. Forms Vol. 7 of the " United States Exploring Expedition." ^ joe 880 HALIBURTON (Thomas C.) An Historical and Sta- tistical Account of Nova Scotia. Halifax. 1829. 2 yols., 8vo, boards, uncut; MAP of the Province, and several ENGRAVINGS. The author is better known as " Sam Slick." 88 1 HALL (B.) Forty Etchings from Sketches made with the Camera Lucida, in North America, in 1827 and 1828. Captain Basil Hall, R.N. Edinburgh: Cadell& Co. 1829. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 882 HALL (B. H.) History of Eastern Vermont, from its /s-,00 earliest settlement to the close of the eighteenth century. With A Biographical Chapter and Appendixes. Albany: Munsell. 1865. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. %jf 883 [HALL (Capt.y] The History of the Civil War in America. Map. Vol I. London. 1780. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. No more volumes printed. 884 HALL (David). A Mite into the Treasury; or, Some serious Remarks on that solemn and indispensable Duty i? " of duly attending Assemblies for divine Worship, incum- bent upon all Persons come to Years of Understanding (especially the Professors of Truth) whilst favoured with Health, Strength, and Liberty. ... To which is subjoined, an Epistle to Friends of Knaresborough Monthly-Meet- ing. London, Printed. Philadelphia: Re-printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1758. 8vo, pp. x, 53, half calf. HALL AM. 185 885 HALL (Hiland). The History of Vermont from its Dis- covery to its Admission into the Union in 1791. Many. 1868. 8 vo, cloth, uncut. 886 HALL (M.) The Queens before the Conquest. London. 1854. a vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 887 HALL (S. C.) The Baronial Halls and Ancient Pic- turesque Edifices of England. From Drawings by J. D. ** Harding, G. Cattermole, S. Prout, ... and other emin- ent Artists. The Text by S. C. Hall, F.S.A. ... In Two Volumes. London: Willis and Souther an. MDCCCLVin. 2 vols., folio, green morocco extra, by Wright. The drawings of this attractive work are executed in the highest style of" art, by the mot eminent living artists, and comprise the most ancient castles and mansions now existing in England. The small paper issue was published at 14 141. 888 HALL. Ireland: its Scenery, Character, &c. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. London, [n. d.] 3 vols./ imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; many PLATES. HALL-STEVENSON (J.) The Works of John Hall- Stevenson, Esq. ... Corrected and enlarged. With Several Original Poems, now first printed, and Explana- tory notes. London. MDCCXCV. Post 8vo, 3 vols., half red morocco. Includes Crazy Tales, Fables, Monkish Epi- taphs, etc. 890 HALLAM (Henry). Works, complete. Reprinted from the last London edition, revised and corrected by the / * Q Author. Boston, [v. d.] 10 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. "He has great industry and great acuteness his knowledge is extensive, various, and profound his mind is equally distinguished by the amplitude of its grasp, and by the delicacy of its touch." Edinburgh Review. 24 1 86 HALLIWELL. '6z 89 1 [HALLECK (Fitz Greene).] Alnwick Castle, with other Poems. New York. 1827. lamo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; FIRST EDITION; very scarce ; with PORTRAIT and 9 ILLUSTRATIONS, including an ENGRAVING of Drake's grave, with a description, etc., and an AUTOGRAPH LETTER by Halleck inserted. 892 HALLECK. Fanny, Second Edition. New York. 1821. Inlaid in 410, bound in half morocco extra ; INDIA PROOF PORTRAIT of Halleck in- serted, also nnmerous PORTRAITS, VIEWS, etc., inserted. 893 HALLECK. Fanny : a Poem. With Notes. New York: Privately Printed for Mr. W. L. Andrews. 1866. 4to, cloth, uncut ; PROOF PORTRAIT on INDIA PAPER, of Halleck, engraved by Burt after miniature by Rogers. One of only 5 copies printed on INDIA PAPER. 894 HALLECK. Recorder. Fanny : A Poem. Also, Lines to the New York: W. L. Andrews. 1866. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, uncut; FINE PORTRAIT of Halleck on India paper, engraved by Burt; privately printed, 70 copies only. These beautiful reprints were edited by the author, and will always be valuable as being probably the last publications containing Mr. Halleck's annotations. The portrait was engraved from an original miniature by Rogers, especially for this edition. 895 HALLECK. Fanny and the Recorder. New York. 1866. a vols. in I, rl. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. This UNIQUE set is printed on paper of various colors, and has proofs of the PORTRAIT of Halleck in four different states, all on India paper. New York. 1869. 896 HALLECK. Poetical Writings. iamo, pp. 389, half morocco, uncut. 897 HALLIWELL (J. O.) A Brief List of some of the Rare and most Curious Old Book Rarities in the Library of J. O. Halliwell, Esq. Illustrative chiefly of Early English Popular Literature. West Brompton, For Private Circulation only. 1862. Sq. 8vo, half morocco, uncut; scarce; 25 copies privately printed HALLIWELL. 187 HALLIWELL. The Defence of Coney Catching, A.D. 1592. Being a Reply to Works by R. Greene on the same Subject. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London: J. E. Adlard. 1859. 8vo, cloth, uncut ; 2,6 copies privately printed. 899 HALLIWELL. A Dictionary of Old English Plays, existing either in Print or in Manuscript, from the earliest times to the close of the seventeenth century ; including also, notices of Latin Plays written by English Authors during the same period. London. 1860. 8vo, polished calf extra, by Riviere. 900 HALLIWELL. A Hand-list of upwards of a Thousand Volumes of Shakespeariana, added to the Three previous Collections of a similar kind formed by J. O. Halliwell, and of which lists have been previously printed. London. 1862. Sq. 8vo, half morocco, uncut; 25 copies, privately printed by Whittingham. 901 HALLIWELL. An Historical Sketch of the Provincial Dialects of England, Illustrated by Numerous Examples. Albany: Munsell. 1863. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 902 HALLIWELL. The Jokes of the Cambridge Coffee Houses in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge. 1842. izmo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 903 HALLIWELL. The Metrical History of Tom Thumb the Little, as Issued early in the Eighteenth Century, in Three Parts. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, F.R.S. London: Printed for the Editor. 1860. Sm. 410, pp. 80, half morocco, uncut ; 30 copies, privately printed by Whittingham. l88 HAMILTON. 904 HALLIWELL. Nuga Peticae. Select Pieces of Old English Poetry illustrating the Manners and Arts of the Fifteenth Century. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London. 1 844. Green morocco, gilt edges. INSCRIBED : " Thick paper, only 6 copies printed ; No. 4; Nov. 23, 1844; John Russell Smith." J 905 H ALPINE (C. G.) Poetical Works. New York. 1869. izmo, cloth. The author was better known by his pseudonym "Miles O'Reilly." 906 [HAMILTON (A).] A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress, from The Calumnies of their Enemies, In Answer to a Letter, under the Signature of A. W. Farmer, whereby His Sophistry is exposed, his Cavils confuted, his Artifices detected, and his Wit ridiculed; in A General Address To the Inhabitants of America, and A Particular Address To the Farmers of the Province of New- York. New-York: Printed by James Rivington. 1774. 8vo, purple morocco extra, gilt edges, by W. Mathews. Written by Alexander Hamil- ton when eighteen years old. See Rivington (James). 907 HAMILTON. Letter from Alexander Hamilton, con- /\jfV cerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States. New York. j8oo. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. 908 HAMILTON. [Another Edition.] New York : Printed for John Lang^ by George F. Hopkins. 1 800. Philadelphia : Re-printed Pro Bono Publico. 8vo, pp. 54, 8, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford j PORTRAIT of Adams inserted. .- ' 3~& to the year 1796; including the Boundaries of the State. By John Hay wood. Knoxville. 1823. 8vo, sprinkled calf, by F. Bedford; REMARKABLY FINE Copy; extremely scarce. 965 HAZARD (E.) Historical Collections j consisting of State Papers and other Authentic Documents, intended as Materials for an History of the United States of Amer- ica. By Ebenezer Hazard, A.M. Philadelphia. Moccxcii-iv. z vols., 410, half calf; -very uarce. Sets of this valuable work are rarely found com- plete ; the second volume is usually wanted. 2OO HEARNE. /" 066 HAZARD. Historical Collections. Vol. i. 7 Philadelphia. 1792. 410, boards, uncut. Many of the documents are here printed for the first time, par- ticularly the records of the United Colonies of New England, from 1643 to 1678, which occupy nearly the whole of the second volume. / f** r 967 HAZARD (Samuel). Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware. Philadelphia. 1850. 8vo, cloth. 968 HAZLITT (William Carew). Hand-Book to the Popular, / %,J~ Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. London. 1867-68. 12 parts, rl. 8vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER COPY. 969 HAZLITT. Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England; Collected and Edited, with Introductions and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt.' London. 1864. Crown 8 vo, tree calf, gilt edges, by Riviere; LARGE PAPER; fe-w copies printed. HEADLEY (]. T.) See Washington. 970 HEADS of the People; or, Portraits of the English; Drawn by Kenny Meadows. London. 1841. a vols., 8vo, cloth ; MANY HUMOROUS PLATES. 971 HEARD (F. F.) The Legal Acquirements of William Shakespeare. By Franklin Fiske Heard. Boston: J. K. Wiggin. 1865. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet; RUBRICATED TITLE; only 64 copies printed; a fine specimen of typography. 972 HEARNE ( S A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean. Undertaken HEEREN. 2OI By Order of the Hudson's Bay Company for the Dis- covery of Copper Mines, at North West Passage, &c. In the years 1769, 1770, 1771 & 1772. By Samuel Hearne. London: Printed for A. Strahan. 1795. 410, boards, uncut. This valuable work contains an account of the first European who penetrated to the ocean north f America. 973 HEATH (William). Memoirs of Major-General Heath. */0 Containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events, during the American War. Written by Himself. Printed at Boston, By J. Thomas and E. T. Andrews. Aug. 1798. 8vo, pp. 388, morocco, uncut. PROBABLY UNIQUE. We have never seen or heard of another copy which is absolutely uncut. 974 HEBER(R). Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the Li- brary of the late Richard Heber, Esq. London. 1834-36. 13 parts in 4 vols., 8vo, half calf. Mr. Heber's library was probably the largest collec- tion ever gathered by one individual, and contains titles of many very rare books relating to America. 975 HECKEWELDER (John). Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from 1740 to 1808. Interspersed with Anec- dotes, Historical Facts, Speeches of Indians, and other Interesting Matter, etc. Philadelphia. 1820. 8vo, half calf, gilt ; PORTRAIT. MorreU's copy sold for $9. 976 HEDGE (Frederic H.) An Oration ... Bangor, on the Fourth of July, 1838. ... Bangor. 1838. 8vo, pp. 38. 977 HEEREN. [A Collection of the Works of A. H. L. Heeren translated from the German.] London: H. G. Bohn. MDCCCXLVII. 6 vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt extra. Contents : Ancient Greece, Manual of Ancient History, Researches into the Politics of Ancient Africa, Asia, etc. 26 202 HENLEY. " He is the equal of Niebuhr, Miiller, and of Boeck, in learning and talent, and sur- passes them all in shrewdness and sagacity." Athenaum. HELDERBERGIA. See [Schoolcraft (H. R.)] 978 HELICONIA. Comprising A Selection of English Poetry jt of the Elizabethan Age, Written or Published between 1575 and 1604. Edited by T. Park. London: From the Private Press of Longman, Hunt, etc. 1815. 9 parts in 6 vols., 410, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. From W. E. Burton's library, with some. manuscript notes by him. 250 copies only printed. CONTENTS : Vol. I. Breton's Small Handfull of Fragrant Flowers Proctor's Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions Breton's Flourish upon Fancie. Vol. II. Handefull of Pleasant Delites, edited by C. Robinson Whetstone's Life and Death of Francis, Earle of Bedford Phoenix Nest, edited by R. S. Barnes" Spiritual! Sonnets, by H. C Churchyard's Funeral Storer's Cardinal Wolsey. Vol. III. England's Parnassus's Churchyard's Goodwill Sad Verses for the Losse of Archbp. Whitgift. 979 HELPS (Arthur). The Life of Las Casas, "the Apostle of the Indies." London. 1868. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut; MAP. 980 HELPS. The Spanish Conquest in America. London. 1855-61. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut : BEST EDITION. 981 HELVETIORVM RESPVBLICA. Lugd. Bat. Ex officina Elzevir iana. Anno CIDIDCXXVII [1627]. 321110, vellum j 'finely printed. 982 HENLEY (D.) Proceedings of a Court-Martial, held at Cambridge by order of Maj.-Gen. Heath, Com. Am. Troops, for the Trial of Col. David Henley, accused by Gen. Burgoyne of 111 Treatment of the British Soldiers. Second Edition. London: Almon. 1778. 8vo, pp. 155 5 clean copy j very scarce. HERBERT. 203 983 HENNEPIN (Lewis). A | New Discovery! of a | Vast Country in America, | Extending above Four Thousand Miles, | between | New France and New Mexico. | With a | Description of the Great Lakes, Cata-|racts, Rivers, Plants and Animals; ... With a | Continuation : (Giving an Account of the (Attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the | Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The Taking of| Quebec by the English ; with the Advantages | of a Shorter Cut to China and Japan. ( Both Parts illustrated with Maps and Figures, |... | By L. Hennepin, now Resi- dent in Holland. (... London. 1698.) 8vo, rich green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and edges, inside borders, by F. Bedford ; PLATES, including the rare view of Niagara Falls ; fine, tail, and spotless copy , very rare. Father Hennepin was commissioned by La Salle to explore the upper course of th'e Mississippi to its source, and ranks as the discoverer of the immense region watered by that river. 984 HENRY (John P.) An Accurate and Interesting Ac- count of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who Traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1795. Lancaster. 1812. iSmo, pp. 225, sheep. 985 HENRY. Campaign against Quebec. IVatertown. 1844. i8mo, sheep. 986 HENRYSON (R.) The Moral Fables of Robert Hen- ryson. Reprinted from the Edition of Andrew Hart. Edinburgh. M.DCCC.XXXII. 410, half calf, uncut; only a few copies privately printed for the Maitland Club; vtry scarce. HERBERT (C.) A Relic of the Revolution, containing a Full and Particular Account of the Sufferings and Pri- 2O4 HERCULANUM. vations of all the American Prisoners captured on the High seas, and Carried into Plymouth, England, during the Revolution of 1776, etc. Boston. 1847. izmo, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; PLATE. 0 ' Mr. Higgeson, a reuerend Diuinejnow there resident.) Wherevnto is added a Letter, sent by M r - Grauesjan Enginere, out of New-England, | The third Edition, enlarged. | London, \ Printed by T. and R. Cotes, for Michael Sparke, dwelling\at the Signe of the Blue Bible in Greene- \ Arbor. 1630.) 4to, red crushed levant morocco, by Bedford. On the reverse of the title, " To the Reader," 18 lines in italics, signed "M.S." Text, 12 leaves, without pagination, with signatures B, C f D, in fours. " Finis " on the recto of the lath leaf. A volume of extreme rarity. _ 1002 HILDRETH (R.) The History of the United States of America. By Richard Hildreth. New York. 1863. 6 vols., 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut. i/ / 1003 HILL (Isaac). An Address ... Portsmouth ... July 4, 1828. Concord. 1828. 8vo, pp. 13, uncut; and Joseph Healy's "Appeal," 8vo, pp. 38. HISTORICAL. 2O7 tf 1004 HILLARD (George S.) An Oration ... Boston, July the fourth, 1835. Boston. 1835. 8vo, pp. 30, uncut; and 3 others. 1005 HILLIARD D'AUBERTEUIL (M.) Essais Histor- iques et Politiques sur les Anglo-Americains Vol. II. ' sur la Revolution de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. jtruxelles. 1782. 2 vols., 410, old calf; fine clean copy, with MAPS of all the States, and, amongst others, the following PLATES, by Le Barbier and others : First Assembly of Con- gresss, Portraits of Hancock and Washington, Death of Warren, Mont- gomery, Fire in New York, Portraits of Franklin and Pitt, Plan of the Battle of Monmouth, etc. At the end of Vol. 11 are a number of EPI- TAPHS upon American officers. We never saw another copy of this work in 4to. 1006 HILLIARD D'AUBERTEUIL. Miss Mac Rea, Ro- man Historique. A Pbiladelphie. M.DCC.LXXXIV. 241110, pp. xii, 131, old calf; very scarce. 1007 HINTON (J.) The History and Topography of the United States: edited by John Howard Hinton, A.M. Assisted by several Literary Gentlemen in America & England. Illustrated with a Series of Views Drawn on the spot, and Engraved on Steel, Expressly for this Work. London. 1830-1832. 2 vols., 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; ORIGINAL EDITION. The PLATES include beautiful views of the New York Battery, Columbia Col- lege, Fort Ticonderoga, Lake George, the Palisades, Chestnut Street Theatre, Phila., Walnut Street Theatre, Phila., Masonic Hall, Broad- way, etc. " Written with great spirit and accuracy, and is not only full of valuable and general information, but is illustrated with splendid engravings of the architecture, scenery, and local improvements of this flourishing republic." Morning Chronicle. 1008 HISTORICAL ANECDOTES, Civil and Military; /A/ * * * 208 HISTORY. in a Series of Letters, written From America, in the years I777> and 1778, to different Persons in England ; containing Observations on the General Management of the War, and on the Conduct of our Principal Com- manders in the Revolted Colonies, During that Period. London: J. Bew. M.DCC.LXXIX. 8vo, z 1., pp. 85, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. 1009 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE and Notes and Queries ^ ^y < ~' Edinburgh . 1863. 8vo, uncut; COLORED PLATE. 1037 HOOKE (W.) New-Englands Sence,| of | Old-England |and|Jrelands|Sorrowes. | A Sermon Preached upon a day of | generall Humiliation in the Churches of [New- England. | In the behalfe of Old-England and Jrelands) Sad condition. | By William Hooke, Minister of [Gods Word at Taunton in | New-England. | London : \ Printed for John Rothwell at the Signe of the Sunne \ in Pauls- Church- Yard, 1 645 . | Sm. 4to, title i 1., pp. 34, half morocco. 1038 HOOKE. New|Englands[Teares,|for Old | Englands | Feares. | Preached in a Sermon on July 23. 1 1640 being a day of Publike Humiliation, [appointed by the Churches in behalfe of our [native Countrey in time of [feared dangers. | By William Hooke, Minister of Gods | Word ; sometimes of Axmouth in Devonshire, | now of Taun- ton in New England. | Sent over to a worthy Member of the honourable] House of Commons, who desires it may be for|publick good.] London, \ Printed for E. G. for lohn Rothwell and Henry Overton, and\are to be sould at the Sunne in Pauls Church- \yard, and in Popes-head Alley. 1641. | 410, polished calf, by W. Pratt ; fine copy. There appears to have been two editions printed in the same year. 214 HORRY. 1039 HOOKER (W. J.) Botanical Miscellany; containing Figures and Descriptions of such Plants as recommend themselves by their Novelty, Rarity, or History. London. 1830. 3 vols., rl. 8vo, cloth, uncut; contains 150 beautifully coltrtd PLATES. 1040 HOPE (T.) Costume of the Ancients. By Thomas Hope. A New Edition, much enlarged, ... 321 Plates. London. MDCCCXLI. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, tree calf, gilt. An indispensable book to artists ; the best on the subject. : 1041 HOPKINS (Albert). A Sermon ... State Fast, March 28, 1830. Troy, N. Y. 1831. 8vo, pp. 21 ; also, Hill on Bancroft and Thayer. 3 tracts. Af- '1042 HOPKINSON (J.) Speeches of Joseph Hopkinson and Charles Chauncy, on the Judicial Tenure. Philadelphia. 1838. 8vo, pp. 68. 1043 HORACE. Quinto Horatii Flacci Opera. Cura H. Milman, D.D. Londini : Apud Joannem Murray. MDCCCLIII. 8vo, calf, gilt; FINE PLATES; scarce. 1044 HORNE (T. H.) An Introduction to the Study of // j0 Bibliography. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Antients. Illustrated with Engravings. London. 1814. 2 vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt. On page 92, et scq., is a chapter on Mexican and North American picture- writing.) *t 1045 HORRY and WEEMS. The Life of General Francis Marion, a Celebrated Partisan Officer in the Revolu- HOSACK.. 215 tionary War, against the British and for Us, in South Carolina and Georgia. Philadelphia. 1818. izmo, sheep; CURIOUS PLATES. 1046 HORSFELD (T.) Zoological Researches in Java, and the neighbouring Islands. London. 1821. 4to, calf ; many beautifully colored PLATES. " This is a valuable work. The plates, by Mr. W. Daniell, are in his best manner, and those containing the anatomical details are superior to any hitherto published in this country." Philadelphia Magazine. 1047 [HORSMANDEN.] A | Journal] of the | Proceedings | in (The Detection of the Conspiracy | formed by | Some White People, in Conjunction with Negro and other Slaves, | for (Burning the City of New- York in Amer- ica, | And Murdering the Inhabitants. | Which Con- spiracy was partly put in Execution, by Burning His Majesty's House in Fort George, ... [With] An Ap- pendix. By the Recorder of the City of New-York. New-Tor k : Printed by James Parker, at the New Printing- Office. 1744. 410, pp. zo6 and 16, red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges; excessively rare. This copy of the very rare original edition was water-stained, but has been restored by F. Bedford j see his note inserted. Parker (the printer of this volume) was an apprentice to Bradford, and succeeded to the business in 1742. 1048 HORSMANDEN. Negro Plot. [Another Edition.] New York. 1810. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstrcet. 1049 HOSACK (David). Memoir of DeWitt Clinton : with an Appendix, containing numerous Documents, Illus- trative of the Principal Events of his Life. Plates. New York. 1829. 410, halt" green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2l6 HOUSE. 1050 HOSMER. Catalogue of the Valuable and Choice Library of Zelotes Hosmer, Esq. of Cambridge, Mass. Boston. 1 86 1 . Rl. 8voj LARGI PAPER priced. This collection was particularly rich in early English literature, bibliography, and rare editions of the Greek, and Latin classics. HOUDIN (M. G.) See Washington (G.) 1051 HOUGH (F. B.) History of Duryea's Brigade, during the Campaign in Virginia under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland under Gen. McCIellan, in ... 1862. Por- trait. Albany. Munsell. 1864. Rl. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; 300 copies printed. 1052 HOUGH. History of St. Laurence and Franklin Coun- ties, N. Y. Many. 1853. 8vo, uncut ; one of 25 copies printed on thick paper. 4 1053 HOUGH. Washingtoniana : Or Memorials of the Death )f 4 j~4 of George Washington, giving an Account of the Fu- neral Honors paid to His Memory, with a List of Tracts and Volumes Printed upon that occasion. Roxbury. 1865. z vols., 410, paper, uncut; a PORTRAITS; 91 copies privately printed. See, also, Nan- tucket and Pemaquid. 1054 " HOURS" (The) of Anne of Brittany, and the " Hours" of the Duke of Anjou. London. 1845-50. Z vols. in I, imp. 8vo, half green morocco; mat beautifully printed in red and black on thick DRAWING PAPER ; each page ornamented with MINIATURES in gold and colors, by Owen Jones. The " Hours " of the Crusading King of Jeru- salem is exceedingly interesting, as affording an example of art at a period when decorated examples are very rare. 1055 HOUSE (The) of Wisdom in a Bustle; A Poem, descrip- tive of the Noted Battle, Lately fought in C ng ss. By Geoffrey Touchstone. Philadelphia. 1798. 8vo, pp. zy, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. HOWITT. 217 1056 HOUSEHOLD BOOKS. Edited by Bp. Percy, Sir F. Madden, and Sir Harris Nicolas. London: W. Pickering. 1826, 7. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Comprising "Earl of Northumberland's Household Book," "Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII," " Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII," " Privy Purse Expenses of Princess Mary, daughter of Henry VIII, afterwards Queen Mary." 1057 HOW (D.) Diary of David How, a Private in Colonel / Paul Dudley Sargent's Regiment of the Massachusetts Line in the Army of the American Revolution. Notes by Henry B. Dawson. Morrisania^ N. T. 1865. Rl. 8vo, uncut; 250 copies p inted. Forms No. iv of Dawson's "Gleanings." 1058 HOWARD (H.) The Laugher's Companion; or, A Cure for the Spleen. A Collection of Original Songs. London. 1762. l6mo, half calf. From Delaware Lewis' collection. 1059 HOWE (Henry). Historical Collections of Virginia. Its History and Antiquities. Illustrated by over 100 Engravings. Charleston^ S. C. 1856. 8vo, morocco. 1060 HOWE (W.) The Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe, in a Committee of the House of Commons, on the igth of April, 1779, relative to his conduct, during his late command of the King's Troops in North Amer- ica: To which are added, some observations upon a phamphlet, entitled, Letters to a Nobleman, &c. 2d Edition. London. MDCCLXXX. 410, pp. no, half morocco, uncut. 1061 HOWITT (M.) Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons. London. 1854. Pott 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. 28 218 HUBBARD. 1062 HOYT (b.) Antiquarian Researches, comprising a His- tory of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering Con- necticut River, and Parts Adjacent. Greenfield. 1824. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 1063 HUBBARD (J. N.) Sketches of Border Adventures in the Life and Times of Major Moses Van Campen, a surviving Soldier of the Revolution, By his Grandson, John N. Hubbard. Bath, N. T. 1841. 8vo, pp. 310, sheep; scarce, 1064 HUBBARD (William). A | Narrative | of the Troubles with the | Indians | in New-England, from the first plant- ing thereof in the (year 1607, to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late | Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676. | To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the| Pequodsjln the year 1637. [By W. Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich. | Published by Au- thority. | [With the Election Sermon.] Boston : \ Printed by "John Foster , in the year 1677.! a vols in i, 410, red morocco, gilt edges; MAP. Inserted is an original Marriage Cer- tificate, eight lines, being the AUTOGRAPH, with SIGNATURE of the Rev. William Hubbard (Sept. 5, 1700); also SIGNATURE of John Appleton. The autograph of William Hubbard is of the AigAcst rarity. A letter written by him was sold, a few years since, for upwards of $50. 1065 HUBBARD. The | Present State | of | New England, j being a | Narrative | Of the Troubles with the | Indians | in | New-England, from the first planting) thereof, in the year 1607, to tn ' s present year, 1677. | But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last | years, 1675 and 1676. | To which is added, a Discourse about the War | with the Pequods, in the year 1637. | By W. Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich. | London. 1677. | HUBBARD. 219 Sm. 4to, maroon morocc~o extra, gilt edges. A few of the leaves which were torn, have been neatly restored, and some missing words supplied in manuscript. The margin is unusually large, and this is a fair cofy, but the MAP is in FACSIMILE. 1066 HUBBARD. Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from the first Planting thereof in the year 1607 to the year 1677 ; Containing the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the Indians, etc. Worcester. 1801. izmo, crimson morocco, gilt back and edges, by Mathews. 1067 HUBBARD. A | Narrative of the | Indian Wars | in New- England, [from the first Planting there-] of, in the year 1607, to | the year 1677. (Containing | The Occasion, Rise and Progress) of the War with the Indians, | in the Southern, Western, | Eastern and Northern Parts) of said Country. | By William Hubbard, A.M.] Danbury: Printed by Stiles Nichols. 1803.) izmo, pp. 274, half morocco, gilt edges, by Bradstreet. 1068 HUBBARD. [Another Edition.] Brattleboro' : William Fessenden. [n. d.] izmo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1069 HUBBARD. A General History of New England, from the Discovery to 1680 by the Rev. Wm. Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich, Mass. Second Edition, Collated with the Original MS. Boston. 1848. 8vo, Roxburghe binding, gilt top, uncut. 1070 HUBBARD. The History of the Indian Wars in New- England, From the First Settlement to the Termina- tion of the War with King Philip, in 1677. From the 22O HUDSON. Original Work by the Rev. William Hubbard. Care- fully Revised ... By Samuel G. Drake. Printed for W. Eliot Woodward, Roxbury. MDCCCLXV. i vols., 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. Forms Nos. in and iv of Woodward's Historical Series. 1071 HUBBARD. [The same.] Albany: J. Munsell. MDCCCLXV. a voli., imp. 8vo, tinted paper, uncut; 100 copies only printed in this size. 1072 HUBBARD. [The same.] Albany : J. Munsell. MDCCCLXV. 2 vols., fcap 4to, uncut. 1073 HUBLEY (Benrard). The History of the American Revolution, including the most important events and Resolutions of the Honourable Continental Congress during that Period. Northumberland, Pa. 1805. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; Vol. i all published ; scarce. 1074 HUDSON (C.) History of the Town of Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its first Settle- ment to 1848, and a Genealogical Register of Lexing- ton Families. Boston. 1868. 8vo, pp. 449, 296, cloth, uncut ; PLATES. 1075 HUDSON. History of the Town of Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its first set- tlement in 1657 to 1861 ; with a Brief Sketch of the Town of Northborough, A Genealogy of the Families in Marlborough to 1800, and an Account of the Four hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. By Charles Hudson ... Boston: Press of T. R. Marvin and Son. 1862. 8vo, pp. xvi, 544, Note, i 1., half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. HUMBOLDT. 221 1076 HUGO (T.) The Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick ; including cuts, in various states, for Books and Pam- phlets, ... . The whole described from the Originals and illustrated with a hundred and twelve cuts. ... London : Love// Reeve. MDCCCLXVI. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 1077 HUMBLE (The) Petition] and] Address [Of the General Court Sitting at (Boston in New-England, | unto [The High and Mighty ) Prince | Charles) The Second. | And presented unto His Most-Gracious | Majesty Feb. II, 1660. | Printed in the Year 1660. | Signed John Endecot Gov r - In the Name, and with the consent of the General Court. Sm. 4-to, brown calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; fine copy of a most rare book relating to the early history of New England. It was severely criticised in a tract, entitled : " Address of the Publicains of New- England, To which King you please. With Some Remarks upon it." 1078 HUMBOLDT (A. von). Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799 - 1804. Maps, Plans, &c. Translated by H. Maria Williams. London. 1814. 7 vols. in 6, 8vo, half calf; BEST EomoN. 1079 HUMBOLDT. Researches on the Institutions & Monu- ments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America. Trans- lated. London. 1804. z vols., 8vo, half calf, uncut ; icarce. 1080 HUMBOLDT. Atlas Pittoresque, ou Vues de Cordil- leres et Monuments des Pueples Indigenes de 1'Amer- ique. Paris. 1810. Large folio, half morocco, uncut ; printed on vellum paper, and ILLUSTRATED with 69 ELEGANT PLATES, PROOF IMPRESSIONS, many of which are colored. From 222 HUMPHREYS. the library of the Emperor Maximilian, with his BOOK PLATE. Published at 756 francs. The most beautiful and generally interesting of Humboldt'a works, rarely found perfect. Humboldt traced, with the hand of a master, the outline of a vast picture, which present and future travellers can only assist in filling up. In this work the picture-writing of the Mexicans first received the attention and the ample treatment which are due to a literature as strange and important in the records of the new world, as that of Egypt in the old. HUME (David). See Oxford Classics. 1081 HUMPHREY (D.) An Historical Account of the So- ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. London. 1730. 8vo, old calf; MAPS; scarce. Relates to the proceedings of the missionaries indifferent parts of North America, together with the state of religion there, with maps of Carolina and New England, by Moll. 1082 HUMPHREYS (D.) An | Essay] on the | Life) of the] Honorable Major-General | Israel Putnam : [Addressed to the State Society of the Cincinnati | in Connecticut. | By Col. David Humphreys. | Hartford: \ Printed by Hudson and Goodwin^ [M.DCC.LXXXVIII. izmo, pp. 187, brown morocco; PLATI inserted. 1083 HUMPHREYS. [Another Edition.] With an Appen- dix. By S. Swett. Boston. 1818. izmo, cloth. t ' 1084 HUMPHREYS. Life and Heroic Exploits of Israel Putnam . . Hartford. 1847. izmo, pp. 190, cloth; PORTRAIT. 1085 HUMPHREYS. The Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys. New York. 1804. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford ; PORTRAIT. Contains a " Poetical Eulogy" on Washington in 860 lines. HUTCHINSON. 223 1086 HUMPHREYS. Poems by Col. David Humphreys, late Aid-de-Camp to his Excellency General Washing- ton. Second Edition: With Several Additions. Philadelphia : Printed by Mathew Carey. M,DCC,LXXXIX. izmo, pp. 91, (i), sheep. 1087 HUNT (C. H.) Life of Edward Livingston. With an Introduction by George Bancroft. New York. 1864. Imp. 8 vo, cloth, uncut ; PORTRAITS of Livingston and General Jackson ; LARGI PAPER; only 50 copies printed. 1088 [HUNT (Freeman).] American Anecdotes. Original and Select. By an American. Boston. 1830. a vols., izmo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut; ILLUSTRATED COPY, having 47 PLATES inserted, consisting of PORTRAITS, VIEWS, etc., many very rare ; fine cofy ; scarce. These volumes contain 487 anecdotes, nearly all relative to the American Revolution. 1089 [HUNT (Leigh).] The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South. London. 1822. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Includes some Shakespeariana. Lord Byron assisted in the work. 1090 HUNTER (Joseph). Founders of New-Plymouth. London. M.DCCCLIV. 8vo, cloth, pp. xvi, 205, Errata, i slip, cloth, uncut. 1091 HUTCHINSON (F.) An Historical Essay concerning Witchraft. The Second Edition, with considerable Additions. London: R. Knaplock. MDCCXX. 8vo, 16 1., pp. 336, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. " This work contains much interesting matter, and developes many celebrated impos- tures. In it is a curious chronological table of the number of poor wretches burnt as witches." LOWNDKS. ' 1092 HUTCHINSON (Mr.) The History of the Colony of 224 HUTCHINSON. " Massachusetts Bay. 1628 to 1691. Second edition. London. MDCCLX. From 1691 to 1750. Boston. MDCCLXVII, and The History of the Province of Mas- sachusetts Bay, from The Year 1750 until June, 1774. London. MDCCCXXVII. Together, 3 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, edges uncut; extremely scarce in this condition. "The reputation of Governor Hutchinson's History rests on the solid basis of utility and truth." JODGE DAVIS. 1093 [HUTCHINSON.] A Collection of Original Papers Relative to the History of the Colony of Massachu- setts-Bay. Boston^ New England. 1769. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, by W. Mathews; scarce. This collection of papers was published by Lieut.-Gov. Hutchinson, "to support and elucidate the principal facts related in the first part of the History of Mas- sachusetts Bay, and may serve as an appendix to it." " The author of that History was possessed of many other ancient and very curious original papers, which are irrecoverably lost by an unfortunate event sufficiently known " (alluding to the destruction of his papers by a mob, at the time of the riots in Boston on the account of the stamp act, in 1765). See Prince Society. 1094 HUTCHINSON. (T.) Copy of the Letters Sent to Great Britain by his Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, the Hon. Andrew Oliver, and several other Persons, born among and educated among us. Which Original Letters have been returned to America, and laid before the honorable House of Representatives of this Prov- ince. London. MDCCLXXIV. 8vo, z 1., pp. 142, half morocco. *' These letters were procured by Dr. Franklin, and sent to Boston to his friend Dr. Samuel Cooper, with strict injunctions not to allow them to be published. They were, however, printed in Boston, and made a great noise at the time." RICH. IMPARTIAL. 225 CELANDIC POETRY, or, The Edda of Saemund. Translated. Bristol. 1797. 8vo, boards, uncut; scarce. 1098 ILLINOIS in 1837. Phila. 1837. 8vo, boards j MAP. Sometimes attributed to S. A. Mitchell. 1099 ILLINOIS. Geological Survey of Illinois. A. H. Werthen, Director. Chicago. 1866. 3 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth. i ioo ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of the Great Exhi- bition. London. 1851. 410, cloth ; many hundred WOODCUTS. i ioi LIMITATION de Jesus-Christ. Traduction Nouvelle par F. de La Mennais. Nouvelle edition. Paris: Didot. 1825. Imp. 410, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER; fine copy, on vellum paper, with Psoon of the PLATES before letter. Only 50 copies printed in this style. 1102 IMLAY (George). A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America, ... to which are added, The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky, ... By John Filson, etc. London: J. Debrett. MDCCXCIII. 8vo, half calf; MAP; third and best edition. 001103 IMPARTIAL | (An) Relation | of the | First Rise and Cause | of the | Recent Differences! in |Publick Affairs 29 226 IMPARTIAL. j In the Province of North-Ca-| rolina ; and of the past Tu-|mults and Riots that lately | happened in that Province. | Containing most of the true and genuine | Copies of Letters, Messages and Remonstrances, | be- tween the Parties contending! By which] any impartial Man may easily gather and see the | true Ground and Reasons of the Dissatisfaction | that uni- versally reigns all over said Province inja more or less Degree. Printed for the Compiler. 1770. l8mo, pp. 104, polished levant morocco extra, by F. Bedford. A volume of extreme rarity, which has been attributed to Harmon Husband. 1104 IMPARTIAL History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commence- y ^ 0o ment to the Year 1779 Illustrated with a variety of beautiful Copper-Plates, representing real and ani- mated Likenesses of those celebrated Generals who have distinguished themselves in the important contest. Carlisle. 1780. 8vo, pp. 608, 44, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; MAP, and 13 full- length PORTRAITS of American and British Generals, being those of Gen- erals Washington, Gates, Arnold, Wooster, Putnam, Charles Lee, Com. Hopkins, Samuel Adams, Hancock, Franklin, Gen. Howe, Admiral Howe, American Rifleman. 1105 IMPARTIAL History of the War. [n. p. n. d.] 8vo, pp. 64. r 1106 IMPARTIAL Observation, To be considered on by 4 , The King, His Ministers, and the People of Great Britain. [n. p. n. d.] 4to, pp. ay. Relates entirely to America. 1107 IMPARTIAL (An) Relation of the Hail-Storm ... and Tornado ... which appeared in the Towns of Boz- rah, Lebanon and Franklin, ... Norwich. 1799. 8vo, pp. 30, uncut. 'INDIANS. 227 1108 INDIAN ATROCITIES. Narratives of the Perils and 2 4, - Sufferings of Dr. Knight and John Slover, among the Indians during the Revolutionary War. Nashville. 1 843. izmo, pp. 965 very scarce. 1109 INDIAN NARRATIVES: 1620-1794. Claremont, N. H. 1854. I2mo, pp. 276, cloth. mo INDIANS. Graphic Sketches of the Aborigines of America. New York. 1841. 8vo; 24 PLATES, after Wythe's designs. 1 1 1 1 INDIANS. A Further Accompt of the Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, and of the means used effectually to advance the same. Set forth in certaine Letters sent from thence declaring a purpose of Printing the Scriptures in the Indian Tongue into which they are already Translated. With which Letters are likewise sent an Epitome of some Exhor- tations delivered by the Indians at a fast, as Testimo- nies of their obedience to the Gospell. As also some helps directing to the Indians how to improve naturall reason unto the knowledge of the true God. London : Printed by M. Simmons for the Corporation of New- England. 1659. . 4to, dark blue morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford } very icaree. 1 1 12 INDIANS. Of the Conversion of Five Thousand and Nine Hundred East Indians, in the Isle Formosa, by means of M. Ro: Junius. Related by his friend M. C. Sibellius. With a Post-Script of the Gospel's good Success amongst the West-Indians, in New England. London: "John Hammond. 1650. 228 IRELAND. 4to, 4 1., pp. 38, I ; fine copy, lulth broad margint. The postcript to this rare -volumt forms a large portion of the work, and is exceedingly interesting. It teems to be compiled from the three tracts : I. Good Newes of the Day- Breaking. II. Of the Sunshine. III. Of the Glorious Progresse of the Gospel, etc. ; and from Letters by John Eliot (the Indian apostle), dated Roxbury, 1 648-49, about ten years before the publication of his Bible. ill? INDIANS. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, appointed by law for the Extinguishment or Indian Titles in the State of New York, With an In- troduction and Notes, By Franklin B. Hough. Albany: Joel Munsell. MDCCCLXI. 4*0, pp. 498, half morocco ; 3 MAPS ; LARGE PAPER. Published from the original manuscript in the library of the Albany Institute. 1114 INDIANS. An Inquiry into the Causes of the Aliena- tion of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the ^^ a British Interest, and into the measures taken for re- covering their friendship. Together with the remark- able Journal of Christian Frederic Post, &c. London. 1759. 8vo, pp. 184, half morocco. By Charles Thomson, Secretary to the Congress. 1115 INGELOW (J.) Poems by Jean Ingelow. With Illus- fj'e trations by Pennell [and others]. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. Boston [i. e. London]. 1867. 4to, morocco extra. 1116 [INGRAHAM (Edward D.)] Sketch of the Events 4 6 which preceded the Capture of Washington, by the British, on the twenty-fourth of August, 1814. Philadelphia. 1849. STO, half morocco, uncut ; MAP, with AUTOGRAPH of the author inserted 5 privattly printed. Allan's copy sold for $8 ; Wight's, $6 50. i 0t> 1117 IRELAND (J. N.) Records of the New York Stage, from 1750 to 1860. By Joseph N. Ireland. New York: T. H. Morrell. 1866. IRVING. 229 vols., 410; ONE or Two COPIES PRINTED ON WHATMAN'S DRAWING PAPER. A few FINE PORTRAITS inserted. Vol. i is bound in morocco, uncut; Vol. 11 is in paper covers. 1118 IRELAND. Mr. Ireland's Vindication of h'is Conduct, ^f respecting the Publication of the Supposed Shakspeare MSS. London, 1796. 8vo, pp. iv, 48, uncut ; -very scarce. 1119 IRVING (D.) The Lives of the Scottish Poets, with Preliminary Dissertations on the Literary History of Scotland, and the Early Scottish Drama London: Longman. 1810. 2 vols., 8vo, 3 1., pp. 447; 3 1., pp. 507, half morocco; scarce, 1 1 20 IRVING ( W.) A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. London. 1829. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. 1 1 21 IRVING (W.) History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. London. 1828. 4 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut; MAPS; FINE PORTRAITS of Irving and Columbus inserted. Murray's fine large type edition. 1122 [IRVING.] A History of New York. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. London. 1821. 2 vols., post 8vo, pp. 341 ; 4 1., 282, boards, uncut. 1123 IRVING. [Another Edition.] Philadelphia. 1 830. 2 vols., I2mo, sheep. 1124 IRVING. Knickerbocker's History of New York. With Designs by Darley. New York: Putnam. 1867. Imp. 8vo, pp. 459, half purple levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; PLATES, VIGNETTES, etc., by Allston and Darley ; LARGE PAPER ; best edition. 230 IRVINGIANA. 1125 IRVING. The Life of George Washington. New York. 1856. 5 vols., 410, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPER, of which only 100 copies were printed, con- taining NUMEROUS PORTRAITS and VIEWS on INDIA PAPER. 1126 IRVING. Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Artist's Edition. Illustrated with 120 Engravings on Wood, from Original Designs. New York: G. P. Putnam. M.DCCC.LXV. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Mathews. 1127 IRVING. Edition. The Works of Washington Irving. New Revised. [Also, The Life of Washington.] New York: G. P. Putnam. 1861. a8 vols., sq. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; the ELEGANT LARGE PAPER EDITION, printed on t lightly tinted paper. "It seems probable to us that Mr. Irving might prove no contemptible rival to Gold- smith, whose turn of mind he very much inherits, and of whose style he particularly reminds us. Like him, too, Mr. Irving possesses the art of setting ludicrous perplexities in the most irresistible point of view, and, we think, equals him in the variety of his humor." {Quarterly Review. 1128 IRVINGIANA. A Memorial of Washington Irving. New York. 1860. 4to, morocco extra, beveled, gilt top, uncut; 4 PORTRAITS on INDIA PAPER; no copies only printed on LARGE PAPER. In addition to the 4 PLATES belonging to the book, this volume has been illustrated with 45 EXTRA PLATES, and a page of MANUSCRIPT in Irving's own hand. Nearly all the plates are in beautifnl condition, being mostly proofs on India and large paper prints, all rare in this condition. Morrell's copy, inferior to this, sold for $65. 1129 IRVINGIANA. A Memorial of Washington Irving. New York. 1860. 410, boards, uncut; LARGE PAPER. See Washington (G.) JAMES. 231 A C K S O N (John). A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical & Practi- cal. With upwards of Three hundred Illustrations Engraved on Wood by John Jackson. London:- Charles Knight & Co. 1839. Rl. 8vo, half morocco, uncut; ORIGINAL AND BEST EDITION. From Mr. E. B. Cor- win's library. 1131 JACKSON. A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Histori- cal and Practical, with Upwards of 300 Illustrations ... on Wood By John Jackson. The Historical Portion by W. A. Chatto. Second Edition with a New Chapter ... By H. G. Bohn and 145 additional Wood Engravings. London. M.DCCC.LXI. Rl. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. 1132 JACOB (J. J.) A Biographical Sketch of the Life of the Late Captain Michael Cresap. Cincinnati. 1866. 00 4to, half morocco, uncut. JAMAICA. History of Jamaica. See [Long (Edward)]. 1133 JAMES (W.) Military Occurrences of the Late War. London. 1818. a vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt backs; PLATES AND MAPS. 1134 JAMES (Wm. Dobein). A Sketch of the Life of Brig.- _ ffj Gen. Francis Marion, and A History of his Brigade, from its Rise in June, 1780, until Disbanded in De- cember, 1782; With Descriptions of Characters and JANSON. Scenes not heretofore published, Containing also an Appendix. Charleston^ S. C. 1821. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt sides and edges, by F. Bedford ; a SUPERB COPY of one of the rarett of all revolutionary biographies. 1135 JAMESON (J. A.) Responsibility of American Merch- ants. New York. 1855. 12010, pp. 47, cloth. 1136 JAMESON (Mrs.} Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second, with their Portraits, after Sir Peter Lely and other eminent Painters. Illustrating r r the Diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clarendon and other ... writers. By Mrs. Jameson. Fourth Edition. London: H. G. Bobn. MDCCCLXI. Imp. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. 1137 JAMESON. [A Series of Hand Books of Christian * Art.] London, 6 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. CONTENTS : Sacred and Legendary Art, Legends of the Madonna, Legends of the Monastic Orders, History of our Lord. " Mrs. Jameson has done much to familiarize her countrymen with the noble works of early Italian art, and with the origin and progress of the great revival now going on in Germany." LORD LINDSAY'S " Christian Art." 1138 JAMISON (D. F.) The Life and Times of Bertrand du Guesclin. Charleston [i. e. London^. 1864. a vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut; PORTRAIT. The author, Jamison, was President of the Convention in Charleston, S. C., which passed the ordinance of secession. This book was printed in London, and 90 copies were taken in a blockade runner. It is a fine specimen of typography , and is somewhat scarce. 1139 JANSON (C. W.) The Stranger in America j contain- ing Observations made during a long residence in that Country, on the Genius, Manners and Customs of the People of the United States; with Biographical Particu- JAY. 233 lars of Public Characters ; Hints and Facts relative to the Arts, Sciences, Commerce, Agriculture, Manufac- tures, Emigration, and the Slave Trade. By Charles William Janson, Esq. Late of the State of Rhode Island, Counsellor at Law. Illustrated by Engravings. Albion Press: Printed for James Cundee. 1807. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. 1140 JARDINE (Sir W.) and SELBY. Illustrations of Ornithology, with 150 colored Plates of New, Interest- ing, or Rare Birds ; also, a duplicate set of the plates, uncolored. Edinburgh. 1829. 3 vols., rl. 4to, half morocco, uncut, gilt tops ; a most beautiful and interesting work. Among the contributors to this work are J. E. Bicheno, J. G. Children, Dr. Horsfield, R. Jameson, Sir Stamford Raffles, J. Gould, N. A. Vigor*, etc. Published at 25. 1141 JARVIS (J. J.) The Art-Idea: Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture in America. New York. 1866. i6mo, cloth, uncut. 1142 JARVIS (W. C.) An Oration delivered at Pittsfield, before the Washington Benevolent Society of the County of Berkshire, on the 4th July, 1812. Pittsfield. 1812. 8vo, pp. 22, uncut. 1143 JAY (Sir James). A Letter to the Governors of the College of New York; respecting the Collection that was made for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York. London. 1770. 8vo, pp. vi, 42, uncut; Jine copy ; rare. 1144 JAY (William). The Life of John Jay, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. New York. 1833. ^ vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PORTRAIT. 3 234 JEFFERYS. 1145 JEAFFRESON and POLE. The Life of Robert Ste- phenson. By Jeaffreson and Pole. With descriptive chapters on some of his most important professional works. London. 1 866. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 1146 JEANNE DE ARC. Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc sur- named La Pucelle D'Orleans; with the History of Her Times. London. 1824. a vols., rl. 8vo, boards, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies only printed. A translation from the French by W. H. Ireland. The second volume contains an ex- tensive bibliography of books relating to Joan of Arc. 1147 JEFFERSON (T.) Notes on the State of Virginia. Written by Thomas Jefferson. London: John Stockdale. M.DCCLXXXVII. 8vo, blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; LARGE MAP. 1148 J[EFFERSON]. Observationes sur la Virginie, Par M. J * * *. Traduite de 1'Angloise. A Paris: chez Barrois. 1786. 8vo, title, I, pp. viii, 289, half calf; MAP; extremely scarce. 1149 JEFFERSON. Memoirs, Correspondence and Miscel- Af 4 lanies of Thomas Jefferson, Edited by Thomas Jeffer- son Randolph. Ckarlottesville. 1829. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Contains FACSIMILE of Declaration of Independence. See [Lee (H.)] 1150 JEFFERSON. Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Being his Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Mes- sages, &c. Washington. 1853. 9 vols., 8vo, cloth. The only complete edition. 4 tj-'J 1151 JEFFERYS (Thomas). The American Atlas; or a Geographical Description of the Whole Continent of JESUITS. 235 America; wherein are delineated at large its Several Regions, Countries, States and Islands ; and chiefly the British Colonies, Composed from numerous Surveys, several of which were made by Order of Government, etc. Engraved on Forty-nine Copper Plates.* London. 1776. Folio, half calf. This valuable collection is composed of separate MAPS, mostly exe- cuted by the surveyors of the various States on a large scale. New Eng- land, 1774, by Hazzen, etc.; New York and New Jersey, by Major Holland, 1776; Pennsylvania, by Wm. Scull, 1770; Virginia and Mary- land, by Fry and Jefferson, 1775; North and South Carolina, by Henry Mouzon, 1775; Lake Champlain, by Wm. Braasier, I76z, etc. 1152 JEFFRIES (D.) A Treaties on Diamonds and Pearls. London, [n. d.] I2IDO, Cloth. /"53 JENNINGS (Paul). A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison. Brooklyn. 1865. 4to; LARGE PAPER; 75 copies printed. 1154 JERDAN. Autobiography of William Jerdan. With his Literary, Political and Social Reminiscences. London. 1852. 4 vols., I2mo, half morocco. Comprising the most interesting anecdotes, sketches, and correspondence of the principal statesmen, poets, authors, artists, etc., of the age. . 1155 JERROLD(.D.) Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. By Douglas Jerrold. Illustrated by Charles Keene. New York [i. e. London:'} D. Appleton fcf Co. 1866. Sm. 410, cloth, gilt. 1156 JESUITS. Lettres difiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des missions Etrangeres. Nouvelle Edition. Toulouse. 236 JOHNSON. 1810. Also, Nouvelles Lettres fidifiantes des missions de la Chine, et des Indes Orientales. 34 vols., I2mo, half morocco, gilt top. When we consider that the missionaries and colonists of Gaul found their way to the Kcnnebec, the Mohawk, Central New York, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin, in the period embraced in these volumes, their great importance to our early history is at once evident. This interesting work contains the principal letters written by the French missionaries from America, giving an account of adventures and proceedings in establishing the Catholic religion. Fontenelle remarks that he had never read a work which answered better to its title. Stc Dibdin's "Library Companion." 1157 JOE MILLER'S JESTS: or, the Wits Vade-Mecum. Being A Collection of the most Brilliant Jests ; the Politest Repartees ; the most Elegant Bons Mots, and most pleasant Short Stories in the English Lan- guage ... London: T. Read. MDCCXXXIX. [Reprinted 1864.] 8vo, half morocco, uncut. An exact FACSIMILE of the ORIGINAL EDITION, with the original joket. 1158 JOGUES (Isaac.) Novutn Belgium: An Account of New Netherland in 1643-4, With a Facsimile Por- trait, a Map, and Notes, by J. G. Shea. New York: Privately Printed. 1862. 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt top. * * 1159 JOHNSON (Andrew), Trial of. Philadelphia. 1867. 1160 JOHNSON (John). Typographia; or the Printers' In-" structor ; including an Account of the Origin of Print- ing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of Eng- land, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century : A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets and Domesday Characters ; etc. By J. Johnson, Printer. London. 1824. JOHNSTONE. 237 2 vols., 8vo, 7 1., pp. xii, 610, index, 5 1. ; 4 1., pp. iv, 664, index, 8 1. ; green morocco extra; PORTRAITS of Caxton, VIGNETTES, and ORNAMENTAL BORDERS; LARGEST PAPER, " Roxburghe edition ;" very fev> printed. Contains the essence of Dibdin's " Typographical Antiquities," and other valuable . works; a "History of Printing and Printers," etc. 1161 JOHNSON (J.) Traditions and Reminiscences chiefly of the American Revolution in the South ; including J^ Q Biographical Sketches, Incidents and Anecdotes, Few of which have been published, Particularly of Residents in the Upper Country. Charleston: S. C. 1851. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top; MAPS, etc ; -very icarce. Morrell's copy sold for $13. 1162 JOHNSON (S.) Graphic 'illustration of the Life and Times of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London: John Murray. 1836. 4 parts, imp. 8vo; a series of BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS AND PLATES. JOHNSON (Samuel). See Oxford Classics. 1163 JOHNSON (W.) Sketches of the Life and Corres- pondence of Nathaniel Greene, Major-General of the Armies of the United States, in the War of the Revo- lution. Compiled chiefly from Original Materials. Charleston. 1822. a vols., 410, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PORTRAIT of Greene, and MAPS; scarce. Morrell's copy sold for $15 ; Whitmore's for $23. 1164 JOHNSTON (C.) Narrative of the Incidents attending the Capture, Detention, and Ransom of Charles John- ston, of Botetourt County, Virginia, who was made Prisoner by the Indians, on the River Ohio, in the year 1790. New York: Harpers. 1827. iamo, boards, uncut; fne clean copy. , /** 1165 JOHNSTONE. Remarks on Governor Johnstone's 238 JONES Speech In Parliament; with a Collection of all the Letters and Authentic Papers, Relative to His Propo- sition to engage the Interest of one of the Delegates of the State of Pennsylvania, in the Congress of the States of America to promote the Views of the British Con- stitution . Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Bailey. M.DCC.LXXIX. 4to, pp. 61, half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 1166 JONES (C. C.), Jr. Historical Sketch of Tomo-chi- chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. Albany. 1868. 8vo, boards, uncut. 1167 JONES. Monumental Remains of Georgia. Savannah. 1861. 1168 JONES (D.) A Discourse upon the Great Fire of Lon- don, 1666. Boston. M.DCC.LX. 8vo, pp. 24; with a SINGULAR WOODCUT. 1169 JONES. A Journal of Two Visits made to some Na- tions of Indians on the West Side of the River Ohio, in the Years' 1772 and 1773. By ^ e R CV - David Jones ... With a Biographical Notice of the Author. By H. G. Jones. New York: Reprinted for 'Joseph Sabin. 1865. Rl. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; 250 copies printed. No. H of Sabin's reprints. fl 1170 JONES. [Another copy.] New York. 1865. 8vo, uncut; only 200 copies printed. & oc 1171 JONES (H.) The | Present State | of | Virginia. | Giving | A particular and short Account of the In- 1 dian, English, JONES. 239 and Negroe Inhabitants of that | Colony. | Shewing their Religion, Manners, Government, | Trade, Way of Liv- ing, &c. with a Description of | the Country. | From whence is inferred a short View of | Maryland and North Carolina. | To which are added, | Schemes and Propositions for the better promotion of | Learning, Re- ligion, Inventions, Manufactures, and Trade in | Vir- ginia, and the other Plantations. | For the Information of the Curious, and for the Service of such | as are en- gaged in the Propagation of the Gospel and Advance- ment | of Learning, and for the Use of all Persons concerned in the | Virginia Trade and Plantation. J [Motto.] By Hvgh Jones, A.M. Chaplain to | the Hon- ourable Assembly, and lately Minister of | James-Town, &c. in Virginia.) London :\ Printed for J. Clarke, at the Bible^ under the Royal- \ Exchange. M DCC XXIV. | 8vo, a 1., pp. viii, 151, (i), crushed red levant morocco, by F. Bedford. Mr. Rich pronounces this to be one of the scarcest books relating to Virginia. 1 1 72 JONES. The Present State of Virginia. By Hugh Jones, A.M. New Tork: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1865. Rl. 8 vo ; half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER COPT. & 1173 JONES. [Another.] New York. 1865. 8 vo, uncut ; 200 copies printed. No. v of Sabin's reprints. 1174 JONES. A Defence of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina from the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. By Jo. Seawell Jones, of Shocco, North Carolina. Boston: Published by Charles Brown. 1834. izmo, cloth, uncut. ' 1175 JONES (J. P.) The Interesting | Life, Travels, Voyages, | and daring | Engagements, | of the celebrated | Paul 240 JONES. Jones : | Commodore in the American Navy during the late | Revolutionary War : | containing | Numerous Anec- dotes | of Undaunted Courage, | in the prosecution of) his Undertaking. | Hudson : \ Published by William E. Norman, No. 2, | Warren Street. \ N. Elliot, Printer, Cats kill. 1 1809. | i8mo, pp. 46, red crushed levant morocco, by Bedford; PORTRAIT inserted. 1176 JONES. The Interesting | Life, Travels, Voyages, | and ^ | Daring Engagements | of that | Celebrated and Justly Renowned Commander | Paul Jones. | Containing | Nu- merous Anecdotes of Undaunted Courage, in) the Pro- secution of his various Enterprises. | Written by Him- self. | [The first Philadelphia from the fourth London Edition.] | Philadelphia : \ Published by William M'Carty. \ James Maxwell, printer, 50 S. 5. St. \ 1812. | 8vo, pp. 36, crushed levant morocco, uncut, by Mathews; BROAD BORDER OF GOLD INSIDK. 1777 JONES The|Life, Travels, Voyages, | and daring) En- gagements | of | Paul Jones : | containing | Numerous Anecdotes of Undaunted Courage. | To which is pre- fixed | the Life and Adventures | of | Peter Williamson, | Who was kidnapped, when an Infant, from his | Native Place, Aberdeen, | and | sold for a Slave in America. | Albany : Printed by H. C. Southwick. \ 1813. | iSmo, pp. 108, red crushed levant morocco, by Bedford; PORTRAIT inserted. 1178 JONES. The Life of Paul Jones, from Original Doc- ** 00 uments in the possession of John Henry Sherburne, Esq. Register of the Navy of the United States. London : John Murray. MDCCCXXV. Post 8vo, pp. xii, 320, half calf. JONSON. 241 1179 JONES. Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, including his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. New York. 1830. Rl. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 1180 JONES (Owen). Grammar of Ornament. Illustrated by Examples from various Styles of Ornament. London, [n. d.] Imp. 410, morocco, gilt edges; one hundred and twelve PLATES in gold and colors, containing 3000 EXAMPLES. This work of the great illuminator is the only cyclopedia of the ornament of all ages and nations. Editions have been published in English, French, and German, and it is used as a text- book in all the principal schools of art in Europe. The principal classes of ornament, as arranged in the work, are as follows : Ornament of Savage Tribes, Egyptian Ornament, Assyrian and Persian, Greek, Pompeian, Roman, Byzantine, Arabian, Turkish, Moresque, Persian, Indian, Hindoo, Chinese, Celtic, Mediaeval, Renaissance- Elizabethan, Italian, and Lea vet and Flowers from Nature. 1181 JONES. Examples of Chinese Ornament. London. 1867. Imp. 410, cloth extra, gilt edges; 100 BEAUTIFUL PLATES in rich colors, executed in CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHY, comprising nearly 1000 OBJECTS in the South Kensington Museum, and other collections. The companion or second series of the standard work, " The Grammar of Ornament." Only a small number of copies were printed, and no new edition will ever appear. 1182 JONES. One thousand and one Initial Letters, De- signed and Illuminated. London. 1864. Folio, cloth, gilt ; a beautiful volume. 1183 JONES. The Psalms of David Illuminated by Owen Jones. [London. 186-.] Folio, elegantly printed in gold and colors, and bound in embossed calf. Also called the "Victoria Psalter." 1184 JONSON (B.) The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. London. 1640. 3 1 242 JOSSELYN. Folio, old calf; ENGRAVED TITLE and PORTRAIT by Vaughan ; LARGE Corr. " Jonon, we are told, was the first who gave his plays the title of ' Works,* which was thus excused : ' The author's friend thus for the author says Ben's plays are works, when other's works are plays' " WRANGHAM. 1185 JOSSELYN (J.) An | Account | of two | Voyages | to | New-England. | Wherein you have the setting out of a Ship, (with the charges ;| The prices of all necessaries for [furnishing a Planter and his Family at his first com- 1 ing; A Description of the Countrey, Natives and | Creatures, with their Merchantil and Physical use; The Government of the Countrey as it is now pos-| sessed by the English, &c. A large Chronological Ta-|ble of the most remarkable passages, from the first dis- 1 covering of the Continent of America, to the year 1 1673. By John Josselyn Gent. | London, Printed for Giles Widdows, at the Green-Dragon \ in S' Paul's- Church- Yard, 1674.! i 6mo, crushed red levant morocco, by Pratt; ORIGINAL EDITION; fine copy ; very rare. Allan's copy, much inferior to this, sold for $40. 1186 JOSSELYN. An Account of Two Voyages to New- *-6o England, Made during the years 1638, 1663. By John Josselyn Gent. Boston: William Feazie. MDCCCLXV. Medium 410, half blue levant morocco, uncut; 35 copies printed. *&T. 1187 JOSSELYN. [The same.] Boston. 1865. 410, cloth, uncut; SMALL PAPER. 1188 JOSSELYN. New-Englands | Rarities | Discovered:) in | Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, | and Plants of that Country. | Together with | The Physical and Chyrurgi- cal Remedies | wherewith the Natives constantly use to | Cure their Distempers, Wounds, | and Sores. | Also | JOURNAL. 243 A Perfect Description of an Indian Sqva,|in all her Bravery ; with a Poem not | improperly conferr'd upon her. (Lastly A Chronological Table (of the most re- markable Passages in that | Country amongst the Eng- lish. | Illustrated with Cvts. (By John Josselyn, Gent. | London, \ Printed for G. Widdowes at the \ Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church yard, 1672.! I2mo, old morocco; fine copy. 1189 JOSSELYN. New-England's Rarities discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country. By John Josselyn, Gent. With an Intro- duction and Notes By Edward Tuckerman, M.A. Boston: William Veazie. MDCCCLXV. Medium 410, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; MAP; LARGE PAPER; only 25 copies printed. 1190 JOSSELYN. [Another copy.] Boston. 1865. & 3 410, cloth, uncut; SMALL PAPER. 1191 JOURNAL of a Young Man of Massachusetts, late a Surgeon on board an American Privateer, who was captured in May, 1813, and confined at Halifax; then at Chatham, in England, and last at Dartmoor Prison, etc. Written by himself. Boston. 1816. iamo, sheep; MAP damaged. Dedicated to "the Common Sense and Humane Feel- ing of the People of America." 1192 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. Philadelphia. M.DCC.LXXV. 8vo, pp. iv, 239, uncut. 1193 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775 ... September 5, 1775, to 244 JUNIUS. April 30, 1776. Constitutions of the Independent States of America. London. 1776-1782. 3 vols. in I, 8vo, calf; a scarce collection. 1194 JOURNAL of the Voyage of the Sloop Mary, from Quebeck, Together with an Account of her Wreck off Montauk Point, L. I., Anno 1701. With Intro- duction and Notes by E. B. O'Callaghan. Munsell. 1866. Sm. 410, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; RUBRICATED TITLE; only 100 copies privately printed. 1195 JOUTEL. Journal Historique du dernier Voyage feu M. de la Sale dans le Golfe de Mexique j [et] Louis- iane. A Paris. MDCCXIII. I2mo, pp. xxxiv, 386, old calf. 1196 JUNIUS: Including Letters by the Same Writer, under &f** * other Signatures, (Now first collected) To which are added, The Confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his Private Letters addressed to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. With A Preliminary Essay, Notes, Fac- Similes, &c. In Three Volumes. [Motto.] London: Printed by G. Woodfall. 1812. 3 vols., rl. 8vo, half russia, uncut ; FACSIMILES ; LARGE PAPER ; best edition ; very rare in this condition. 1197 [JUNIUS.] An Enqviry into the Condvct of a late Right Honovrable Commoner. London : J. Almon. [n. d.] 8vo, pp. 72 ; ORIGINAL EDITION ; -very scarce ; with other rare tracts. Relates to Earl Chatham and the American Revolution. y ' / 40 1198 JUNIUS. "A Letter to an Honorable Brigadier Gen- JUVENILE. eral, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Canada." Edited by N. W. Simms. London: W. Pickering. 1847. Fcap 8vo, pp. xxiv, no, cloth, uncut. Lord George Townshend is the honorable brigadier general referred to. " 1199 JUVENAL et PERSIUS. London: W. Pickering. 1826. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. 1200 JUVENILE BIOGRAPHY. Worcester: Israel Thomas, [n. d.] 32010, green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. 1201 JUVENILE MISCELLANY, including some Natural History, for the use of Children. Philadelphia: Jacob Johnson. 1808. 24010, calf, gilt, by W. Pratt; ornamented with 18 ENGRAVINGS. 246 KEITH. y-- ''- APP (Friedrich). Life of Frederick Wil- liam Von Steuben, Major-General in the Revolutionary Army. With an Introduc- tion by George Bancroft. New York. 1859. 8 vo, half" calf; PORTRAIT; AUTOGRAPH of Steuben inserted. 1206 KEBLE (John). The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the Year. Elegantly illustrated by S. G. Schmolze. Philadelphia. 1864. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. 1207 KEITH (G.) An | Answer | to | Mr. Samuell Willard] (One of the Ministers at Boston in New-England)) his | Reply | To my Printed Sheet, called, A Dangerous , and | hurtful Opinion maintained by him, viz. (That the Fall of Adam, and all the Sins of Men necessarily | come to pass by virtue of Gods Decree and his Deter- min-|ing both of the Will of Adam, and of all other Men to | Sin. | By George Keith, M.A. | Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible \ in New-Tor k, 1704.] 410, 2 1., pp. 41, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; fine copy. 1208 KEITH. The | Doctrine | of the Holy | Apostles & Prophets the Foundation] of the | Church of Christ] As it was Delivered in a | Sermon | At Her Majesties Chap- pel, at | Boston in New-England, the | I4th of June 1702. | By George Keith M.A. | Boston. \ Printed for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop. 1 702. | 4to, tide, pp. 17. KEITH. 247 1209 KEITH. The | Presbyterian and Independent | Visible Churches | in | New-England | And else-where, | Brought to the Test, and examined accor-|ding to the Doctrine of the holy Scriptures, | in their Doctrine, Ministry, Worship, Consti-jtution, Government, Sacraments and Sabbath | Day, and found to be No True Church of | Christ. | More particularly directed to these in New- Eng-|land, and more generally to those in Old-] Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, &c. | With | A Call and Warning from the Lord to the People | of Boston and New-Eng- land, to Repent, &c. And two | Letters to the Preachers in Boston; | and an Answer to the | Gross Abuses, Lyes and Slanders of Increase Mather and Samuel Norton, &c. | By George Keith. | Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by Will. Bradford, \ Anno 1689. | Sm. 8vo, 6 1., pp 232, blue morocco extra; most rare. The first leaf consists of pas- sages from Revelations. 1210 KEITH. The | Spirit | of | Railing Shimei|and of | Baal's Four Hundred Lying Prophets | Entered into | Caleb Pusey | and his | Quaker-Brethren in Pennsilvania, | who Approve him. Containing an Answer to his and their Book, falsly j called, Proteus Ecclesiasticus, Detecting many of their gross |Falshoods| Lyes, Calumnies, Per- versions and Abuses, as well] as his and their 'gross Ignorance and Infidelity contained in | their said Book. | George Keith, A.M. | Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible \ in New-Tor k, 1 703. | 4 to 3 ' PP- 61, red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges ; FINE LARGE COPY, with rough leaves. Keith is the same person who, some years before, defended the Quakers against In- crease and Cotton Mather, but afterwards turned against them himself, and became a Baptist." RICH. ' ' 121 1 KEITH (Sir William). The | History] of the | British 2 4 8 KENDALL. Plantations in America. | With | A Chronological Ac- count of the most remarkable [Things, which happen'd to the first Adventurers in their several Discoveries of that New World. [Part I. [Containing the History of Virginia; with Remarks on the [Trade and Commerce of that Colony. | London. M.DCC.XXXVIII. Sm. 410, 4 1., pp. 187, blue crushed levant morocco, rich gilt back, and inside borders, gilt edges, by W. Mathews ; 2 large folded MAPS; very _fine copy; rare. The first of an intended series of COLONIAL HISTORIES, which was not con- tinued. Sir William Keith was Governor of Pennsylvania from 1717 to 1726. Morrell's copy sold for $22.50. 1212 [KEMPIS (T. A).] Limitation de Jesus-Christ. Paris : Curmer. 1858. a vols., imp. 8vo, red morocco, silk linings, gilt edges; SUPERB EDITION, every page decorated with beautiful miniature 'vignettes and borders, in gold and colors. All the ornaments have been copied from the most beautiful old manu- scripts, and executed by the process of chromo-lithography. Every page has a different design, and the work forms at once the most SUMPTUOUS EDI- TION, and a complete history of illumination, the subjects being arranged, as nearly as possible, in chronological order. Vol. n is an appendix, and is also illustrated with PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS of the supposed authors, and several hundred WOODCUTS, including the series known as the DANCE OF DEATH. 1213 KEMPIS (T. A). Of The Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated from the Latin. Originally ascribed to Thomas a Kempis: with an Introduction and Notes by the Reverend Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. London: William Pickering. MDCCCXXVIII. 8vo, cloth, uncut; scarce. 1214 KEMPIS. [The same.] London. 1828. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; FINE PLATES; LARGE PAPER COPY; extremely scarce. *J 1215 KENDALL (G. W.) The War between the United States and Mexico Illustrated, embracing Pictorial KERR. 249 Drawings of all the Principal Conflicts, by Carl Nebel, ... with a Description of each Battle, by Geo. Wilkins Kendall, ... New York: D. Appleton fcf Company. 1851. Folio, pp. iv, 52; I a beautifully colored PLATES. This work has long been out of print ; this copy is as clean as the day it was issued ; it was really printed in Paris. 1216 KENNEDY (W.) Texas; the Rise, Progress, and Prospects of Texas. London. 1841. z vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. The best work on Texas. 1217 [KENNETT (White).] Bibliothecae Americana Pri- mordia. An Attempt Towards laying the Foundation of an American Library, In several Books, Papers, and Writings, Humbly given to the Society for Propoga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, etc. By a Mem- ber of the said Society. London. 1713. Sm. 410, half morocco, uncut ; FINE COPY ; -very scarce in this condition. Contains copious accounts of the earliest books relating to America. Up to its date the best work on the subject. 1218 KENTUCKY. A Description of Kentucky in North America, to which are prefixed Miscellaneous Obser- vations Respecting the United States. London. 1792. 8vo, half calf j with the following tracts : " Burke's (E.) Letter to ... on the affairs of America. London. 1787." " French Arrogance or the Cat let out of the Bag : A poetical dialogue between the Envoys of America and X Y Z and the Lady. Philadelphia. 1798." "Smith's (of South Carolina) Speeches. 1 794-" " Correspondence of Pinckney, Marshall and Gerry, ministers to France. 1798." "Cooper. Some Information respecting America. 1794." etc. 1219 KERR (R.) History of Scotland during the Reign of Robert the Bruce. Edinburgh. 1811. a vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt } KM ce 3 2 250 KIMBALL. 1220 KETTELL (S.) Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical And Biographical Notices. Boston. MDCCCXXIX. 3 voU., nmo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. The third volume contains a biblio- graghical and chronological list of American poets. 1 221 KIDD. A Full Account of the Proceedings In Relation to Capt. Kidd. In two Letters. Written by a Per- son of Quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellamont in Ireland. London : Printed and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster. MDCCI. Sm. 410, 4 1., pp. 5!) red morocco, uncut; very fine copy. The Earl of Bellamont, Governor of New York, was suspected, in popular opinion, to be implicated in the proceeding of Captain Kidd, who sailed under his license, etc., and was afterwards disowned by him. 1 222 KIDDER (F.) The Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell, and his Encounters with the Indians ; including a Par- ticular Account of the Pigwaket Battle, with a History of that tribe ; and a Reprint of Rev. Thomas Symmes' Sermon. By Frederick Kidder. Boston: Bartlett and Halliday. 1865. 410, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 1223 KIDDER. Military Operations in Eastern Maine and ^ Nova Scotia, during the Revolution, chiefly compiled from the Journals and Letters of Colonel John Allan, with Notes and a Memoir of Col. John Allan. Albany. 1867. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 1224 KIMBALL (David T.) A Sketch of the Ecclesiastical History of Ipswich. ... Haverhil^ Mass. 1823. 8vo, pp. 44, uncut. KINGSBOROUGH. 25! 1225 KING (C. W.) The Handbook of Engraved Gems. With numerous Illustrations. London. 1866. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1226 KING. The Natural History, Ancient and Modern, of Precious Stones and Gems, and of the Precious Metals. London. 1865. Rl. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. " A splendid contribution to archzology and mineralogical science." READER. 1227 KING (W.) The Original Works of, in Verse and Prose. (Edited by Nicolas & Reed.) London. 1776. 3 vols., 8vo, half vellum, uncut; PORTRAIT. " His eye was keen, With sweetness aptly mixed." " Certes, he was a most engaging wight, Of social glee, and wit humane though keen; Turning the night to day, and day to night." 1228 KINGMAN (B.) History of North Bridgewater, Ply- . ^ mouth County, Massachusetts, from its First Settle- ment to the Present Time, with Family Registers. Boston: Published by the Author. 1866. 8vo, pp. 696, half purple morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PLATES. 1229 KINGSBOROUGH. Antiquities of Mexico; com- prising Fac-Similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden ; in the Imperial Library of Vienna; in the Vatican Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute at Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Together with the Monuments of New Spain. By M. Dupaix: with their respective Scales of Measure- ment and accompanying Descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable Inedited Manuscripts. By KNIGHT. Lord Kingsborough. The Drawings on Stone, by A. Aglio. In Nine Volumes. London: Henry G. Bohn. M.DCCC.XLVIII. Folio, half green morocco, gilt top. A vast store-house of invaluable materials for the history of Mexico. When, some four centuries ago, the enterprise of Spanish navigators opened the vast continent of America to the admiration of Europe, the civilization of the New World was found to be concentrated in two spots, and two only, of that enormous territory. One of these favored regions was Peru; the other was Mexico. It was in Mexico, especially, that art, politics, and science, had received their greatest develop- ment. There the Spaniards found an organized state, an ancient polity, an opulent capital, an exalted dynasty, a formidable priesthood, and a people well skilled in mechanical and decorative arts. So great, in fact, was the proficiency of the Mexican workmen, so elaborate the system of govern- ment, and so impressive the whole evidence of wealth and grandeur, that for some time the civilization of Mexico was regarded as superior to that of Europe. 1230 KIRKLAND (T.) Cyclopedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes. New York. 1864. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 779, cloth ; PORTRAITS and PLATES. 1231 KNAPP (S. L.) Life of Timothy Dexter; Embracing Sketches of the Eccentric Characters that Composed his Associates. Boston. 1838. iSmo, pp. 108, half morocco; PLATE; PORTRAIT inserted. 1232 [KNAPP.] Extract from a Journal of Travels in North America, consisting of an Account of Boston and its Vicinity. By Ali Bey, &c. Boston. 1819. izmo, pp. 124, boards, uncut. 1233 KNIGHT (C.) Cabinet Portrait Gallery of British Worthies. London, [n. d.] iz vols. in 6, izmo; 7Z PORTRAITS. Written by Lord Brougham, De Morgan, and others. 'tf KNIGHT. 253 1234 KNIGHT. London, Illustrated by 650 wood engrav- ings. London. i84i-'44. 3 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth. The most elegant, original, and interesting of all the picto- rial works produced by this enterprising publisher. 1235 KNIGHT. Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature; and Companion for the Zoological Gardens. Illustrated with Four Thousand Wood Engravings. London, [n. d.J 2 vols. in I, folio, half morocco. 1236 KNIGHT. Pictorial Gallery of the Fine and Useful r O * Arts. Several hundred plates. London, [n. d.] a vols. folio, half morocco. See Shakespeare (W.) 1237 KNIGHT (-Dr.) Indian Atrocities. Narratives of the Perils and Sufferings of Dr. Knight and John Slover, among the Indians, during the Revolutionary War. Cincinnati. 1867. 12,1110, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 1238 KNIGHT. Journals of Madam Knight and Rev. Mr. Buckingham. From the original Manuscripts, written in 1704 and 1710. New York. 1825. nmo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; ORIGINAL EDITION; tcarce. The former relates to the expedition against Fort Royal in 1710. 1239 KNIGHT. The Private Journal of a Journey from Boston to New York, in the Year 1 704. Kept by Madam Knight. Many: Frank H. Little. 1865. 4to, half morocco, uncut ; 300 copies printed. 1240 KNIGHT (R. P.) A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus, and its Connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients. By Richard Payne Knight, Esq. (a 254 KNOX. new edition). To which is added an Essay on the Worship of the Generative Power during the Middle Ages of Western Europe. London: Privately Printed. 1865. 410, half morocco, uncut. A singularly curious and scholarly production. The extreme rarity of the original edition of Payne Knight's curious essay on the mystic theology of the ancients is well known to collectors, copies having been recently sold at $150 in this city. This new and elegant edition, edited by two very distinguished English scholars, embraces the original work entire, with much highly important additional matter. 1241 KNOLLES (R.) The Turkish History, from the Original of that Nation, with a Continuation By Sir Paul Rycawt. London. 1787. 3 vols., folio, calf; NUMEROUS FINE PORTRAITS. " Dr. Johnson, in his brief criticism upon the English historians (' Rambler,' No. 122), after a short character of Raleigh and Clarendon, adds : ' But none of our writers can, in my opinion, justly contest the superiority of Knolles, who, in his " History of the Turks," has displayed all the excellency that nar- ration can admit.' ' Nothing could have sunk this author in obscurity but the remoteness and barbarity of the people whose story he relates.' " WRANGHAM. */** 1242 KNOWLES (J. D.) Memoirs of Roger Williams of Rhode-Island. Boston. 1834. I2ir.o, pp. 437, sheep; FACSIMILE. 1243 KNOX (Captain John). An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for The Years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760: containing The Most Remark- able Occurrences of that Period ; particularly The Two Sieges of Quebec, &c. London: Printed for the Author. MDCCLXIX. 2 vols., 410, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet : FINE PORTRAITS of Generals Wolfe and Amherst, with MAP; Jine clean copy ; -very scarce in this condition. Whitmore's copy sold for $24. Highly commended in the "Monthly Review," xu, 395. Set Rich, i, 169. KORAN. 255 A valuable collection of materials towards a history of that period, with a description and natural history of those parts in which Knox personally served. 1244 KOHL (J. G.) A Popular History of the Discovery of America, from Columbus to Franklin. London. 1862. 2 vols., post Svo, cloth, uncut. 1245 KORAN (The), commonly called the Alcoran of Mo- hammed ; translated from the Original Arabic, with Explanatory Notes ... By George Sale. A New Edition ... London. 1836. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt; bett edition. 256 LA FONTAINE. AGO. Ten Chapters in the Life of John Hancock. The Writings of Laco, as published in the Massachusetts Centinel, in the months of February and March, 1789, with the addition of No. VH, which was omitted. New York. 1857. 8vo, cloth. A reprint of the edition printed at Boston in 1789. These attacks on Hancock are of an extremely bitter character. 1249 LA FONTAINE. Fables de La Fontaine precedees d'une notice par C. A. Sainte-Beuve ... Gravures par T. Johannot. Paris: Fume et O< 1858. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges; FINE PLATES. 1250 LA FONTAINE. The Loves of Cupid and Psyche ; in Verse and Prose. From the French, and a Version of the same Story from Apuleius. London. 1 744. 8vo, calf; fine copy ; scarce. 1251 LA FONTANE. Tales and Novels in Verse. From the French of La Fontaine. By Several Hands. Adorned with Cuts. London. 1735. 8vo, calf; fine copy. The only translation of the " Contes." 1252 LA FONTAINE'S Tales: imitated in English Verse. In Two Volumes. London: C. Chappie. 1814. 2 vols., I2mo, calf; very scarce. - 1253 LA FONTAINE. The Fables of La Fontaine, trans- LAMBERT. 257 lated from the French by EHzur Wright, with 240 Illustrations by J. J. Grand ville. Boston. 1841. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, by W. Mathews; with Trrxts and FRONT- ISPIECES upon INDIA PAPER ; very scarce. 1254 LA FONTAINE. [The same.] Translated from the French by Robert Thomson. Paris. 1806. 4 parts, 8vo, boards, uncut. , j f 1255 LAHONTAN (Baron de]. Dialogues d'un Sauvage dans 1'Amerique. Amsterdam. 1704. i8mo, calf. A volume of much rarity, with many PLATES. See Stevens' "Nuggets," No. 1624. 1256 LAHONTAN. Memoires de 1'Amerique Septentrionale ou La Suite des Voyages. Illustrated. I 7^5> 2 vols., I2mo, calf. 1257 LAHONTAN. Nouveau Voyages dans 1'Amerique. La Hague. 1703. 2 vols., 1 2mo, calf; many PLATES. First and best edition of these rare voyages. , 1258 LAMB (C.) The Works of Charles Lamb. A New Edition ... Boston: William Veazie. 1865. 5 vols., crown 8vo, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. 1259 LAMB (R.) Memoir of His Own Life, by R. Lamb. Dublin. 1811. * 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. ,- oc , 1260 LAMB. An Original and authentic Journal of Occur- rences during the late American War, from its com- mencement to the year 1783. Dublin. 1809. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet ; very fine copy. 1261 LAMBERT (John). Travels through Lower Canada, 33 2 5 8 LANSDOWNE. and the United States of North America, in the Years 1806, 1807, and 1808. London. 1810. a vol., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top; 18 PLATM and MAPS. 1262 LANCASTER (D.) The History of Gilmanton, from the first settlement to the present time, including what is now Guilford, to the time it was disannexed. Gilmanton. 1845. 8 vo, boardt ; MAP ; scarce. 1263 LANGDON (S.) A Sermon ... Before the ... Congress of the Colony of Massachussetts-Bay In New-England, Assembled at Watertown, 3151 Day of May, 1775. Watertown: Benjamin Edes. M,DCCLXXV. fro, pp. 29, half morocco. In the same volume, Price on Civil Liberty, Button, 1776, and Chauncy's sermon at the Thursday lecture in Boston, September 3, 1778 ; 8vo, pp. 17 ; a rare revolutionary sermon ; and another tract. . "> * 1264 LANGEL (A.) The United States during the War. By Auguste Langel. New York: Bailliere Brothers. 1866. 8 vo, cloth ; uncut. ^ *_? 1265 [LANGWORTHY.] Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, Esq., Second in Command in the Service of the United States of America. London. 1792. 8vo, calf. 1266 LANGWORTHY. [Another Edition.] N. Y. 1792. 1267 LANGWORTHY. [Another Edition.] N. Y. 1813. pp. 352, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; extremely rare in this con- dition. 1268 LANSDOWNE. A Catalogue of the Library of the Marquis of Lansdowne. London. 1806. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Prices and names. LATOUR. 259 1269 LAPPENBERG (J. M.) A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Translated from the German, by Benjamin Thorp, F.S.A. With Additions and Cor- rections by the Author and Translator. London: John Murray. 1845. a vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1270 LARWOOD (J.) The History of Sign Boards, from the earliest times to the present day. By Jacob Lar- wood and J. C. Hotten. 1867. 4to, half morocco, gilt top; with 100 ILLUSTRATIONS IN FACSIMILE by J. Larwood ; LARGE PAPER. Of the large paper edition, only one hundred copies have been printed, containing, besides the whole of the text and pictures given in the small paper edition, seventy-two additional illustrations of ancient sign-boards, with other reminiscences of Old London. 1271 LATIMER (H.) Fruitfull Sermons Preached by the Reuerend Father, and constant Martyr of lesus Christ. Mr. Hugh Latimer, etc. At London : Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1607. 4to, calf; BLACK LETTER ; very scarce. 1772 LATROBE. The History of Mason and Dixon's Line ; contained in an Address delivered by John H. B. La- trobe, of Maryland, November 8, 1854. Philadelphia. 1855. 8vo, pp. 52, unbound. 1273 LATOUR (Major A. Lacarriere). Historical Memoirs of The War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-' 15. With an Atlas: written originally in French, and Translated for the Author by H. P. Nugent, Esq. Philadelphia : Conrad. 1 8 1 6 . i vols. in i, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. " Major Latour's narrative of the military events is minute and interesting, and the appendix contains an invaluable collection of state papers." North , lean Review. LAWSON. 1274 LAVATER (J. C.) Essays on Physiognomy, designed to promote the Knowledge and Love of Mankind. By John Caspar Lavater, Citizen of Zurich and Min- ister of the Gospel. Illustrated by more than Eight Hundred Engravings, Accurately Copied ; and some duplicates added from Originals, Executed by or under the Direction of Thomas Holloway, Translated from the French by Henry Hunter, D.D. [Motto.] London. 1810. 5 voli., imp. 4to, russia extra, marbled leaves ; BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS, by Holloway, Bartolozzi, and others ; original and brilliant impressions. So fine a copy of this splendid work as the above seldom occurs. The ordinary copies, with the worn plates, are hardly worth possessing. 1275 LAW (William). An | Extract | from a (Treatise | By Wil- liam Law, M.A. (called, | The Spirit of Prayer ;| or, | The Soul rising out of the Vanity of | Time, into the Riches of Eternity. | Discovering the True Way of turning to God, | and of finding the Kingdom of Heaven | the Riches of Eternity in our Souls. | Philadelphia : \ Printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1 760. j 8vo, pp. 47, calf. 1276 LAWS MADE, Manufactures Set up, and Trade Car- ried on in America, 1733-4. J 749- Folio, half morocco. 1277 LAWSON (J.) The | History | of | Carolina ; | containing the | Exact Description and Natural History) of that) Country : | Together with the Present State thereof. | And | A Journal | Of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd thro' several | Nations of Indians. | Giving a particular Ac- count of their Customs, [ Manners, &c. | By John Law- son, Gent. Surveyor-General | of North-Carolina. | LECHFORD. 26l London : \ Printed for W. Taylor at the Ship, and J. B. Baker at the Black- \ Bay, in Paternoster- Row. 1714.! Sm. 410, 3 1., pp. 258, old calfj MAP; goodctpy. 1278 LAWSON. The History I of I Carolina; I containing the] Exact Description and Natural History (of that | Coun- try ; | Together with the Present State thereof. | And | A Journal | Of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd thro' several | Nations of Indians. | Giving a particular Account of their Customs, | Manners, &c. | By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor-General | of North-Carolina. | London : \ Printed for T. Warner. ... j ... 1718. | 4to, 3 1., pp. 2,58, (i), old calf; MAP AND ENGRAVING; a very large and fine copy. 1279 LAWSON. [Another Edition.] Raleigh^ N. C. 1860. I2mo, cloth. 1280 LAYS of the Western World. Illuminated by T. W. Gwilt Mapleson. New York: Putnam, [n. d.] 4to, beveled morocco extra, gilt edges; each leaf 'illuminated and mounted on linen guards. 1281 LEAKE (Isaac Q.) Memoir of the Life and Times of Genl. John Lamb, an officer of the Revolution, who commanded the post at West Point, at the time of Arnold's defection. Albany. 1857. Rl. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews ; 48 PORTRAITS and PLATIS inserted. 1282 LE BLANC (Vincent). The World Surveyed: Or, The Famous Voyages & Travels of Vincent le Blanc. London. 1660. Folio, 6 1., pp. 407, Table, 6 1., old calf. *0& 1283 LECHFORD (T.) Plain Dealing; or, News from 262 New England. By Thomas Lechford. With an Introduction and Notes by J. Hammond Trumbull. Boston: JViggin & Lunt. MDCCCLXVII. 410, half blue levant morocco, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. 1284 LECHFORD. [The same.] Boston. MDCCCLXVII. 4to, uncut; SMALL PAPER. 1285 LE CONTE (J. L.) The Coleoptera of Kansas and New Mexico. Washington. 1858. 4to, pp. 58, half calf; MAP and a PLATES. ^ ^ 1286 LEDRU (Oscar). Les Maris Celebres anciens et modernes. A. Paris: I'au d* Adam, premier mart c'elebre. 5868. No. 115 of 125 copies printed. A curious volume, printed on tinted paper. - 1287 LEE (C.) Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, Esq., Second in Command in the Service of the United States of America during the Revolution ; also Letters to and from Many Distinguished Characters, both in Europe and America. London. M,DCC,XCII. 8 vo, calf, gilt edges; PORTRAIT inserted ; superb copy. 1288 LEE. Proceedings of a General Court-Martial, held at ^f Brunswick, in the State of New Jersey, by Order of His Excellency General Washington, Commander-in- Chief of the Army of the United States of America, for the Trial of Major-General Lee, July 4th, 1778. Major-General Lord Stirling, President. Cooperstown (N. Y.}: Printed for the Publisher, by J. H. Prentiss. 1823. 8vo, half morocco. FINE COPY, in nearly uncut condition, of the -very rare reprint of the trial of General Lee, and of which but few copies were published. LEE. 263 1289 LEE. [The same, reprinted.] New Tork. 1864. Rl. 8 vo, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; only 20 copies printed. 1290 LEE (H.) The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas; with Remarks, Historical and Critical, on Johnson's .Life of Greene. To which is added an Appendix of Original Documents, relating to the History of the Revolution. Philadelphia. 1824. 8vo, brown polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. 1291 LEE. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. By Henry Lee, Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of the Partisan Legion during the American War. Phila. : Bradford and Inskeep. 1819. 2 vols., 8vo, 2 1., 426; 2 1., 486, brown polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. 1292 LEE. [The same.] A New Edition, with Corrections left by the Author, and with Notes and Additions by H. Lee, the Author of the Campaign of '81. Washington: Peter Force. 1827. 8vo, pp. 466, boards, uncut. 1293 LEE. Memoir of the Life of Richard Henry Lee and his Correspondence with the most distinguished Men in America and Europe; illustrative of the Events of the American Revolution. Philadelphia. 1825. 2 vols., 8 vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; PORTRAIT. 1294 LEE. Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jef- f + ferson, with Particular Reference to the Attack they contain on the Memory of the Late Gen. Henry Lee. In a Series of Letters by H. Lee, of Virginia. New York. MDCCCXXXII. 8vo, pp. 237, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; uniform with Jefferson, Lot No. 1149. Ste Washington (O.) 264 LENDRUM. 1295 LEE (R. H.) Life of Arthur Lee, LL.D., Joint Com- missioner of the United States to the Court of France, and sole Commissioner to the Courts of Spain and Prus- sia, During the Revolutionary War. Boston. 1829. a vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut; remarkably fne copy. 1296 LEECH (John). 51 Etchings from Jack Bragg, Chris- topher Tadpole, and Hector O'Halloran London, [n. d.] 4to, boards j new. j-t 1297 LEGGETT (A.) The Narrative of Major Abraham Leggett, of the Army of the Revolution, ... With an Introduction and Notes by Charles I. Bushnell. New York. 1865. Sm. 8vo, title, pp. 72; PORTRAIT. 1298 LE GRAND. Fabliaux, or Tales. Abridged from French Manuscripts of the xiith and xinth Centuries, / by M. Le Grand. Selected and translated into Eng- lish Verse, by the late G. L. Way, Esq. With A Preface, Notes, and Appendix, by the late G. Ellis, Esq. A New Edition, corrected. London: Printed for J. Rodwell. 1815. 3 vols. in i, post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 1299 LEIGHTON. The Life of Man, Symbolized by the Months of the Year in a Series of Illustrations by John Leighton, F.S.A. and Pourtrayed In their Seasons and Phases, with Passages selected from Ancient and Mo- dern Authors. By Richard Pigot. London: Longmans. 1866. 4to, green morocco extra, gilt edges. / *0 1300 LENDRUM (J.) A Concise and Impartial History of the American Revolution, to which is prefixed, a Gen- LESLIE. 265 eral History of North and South America, ... and a View of the Progress, Character, and Political State of the Colonies previous to the Revolution. From the best Authorities. By John Lendrum. Boston : Printed. Trenton: Re- Printed and Published by James Oram. l8n. a vols., lamo, pp. 415; 371, old calf; MAP. 1301 LENOIR (A.) Museum of French Monuments. Vol. i. [all published]. Paris. 1865. Rl. 8vo, half calf ; 35 FINE PLATES. 1302 [LEONARD (Daniel).] Massachusettensis i or, a Series of Letters, containing a Faithful Statement of many im- portant and striking Facts, which laid the foundation of the Present Troubles in the Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay Boston : Printed. London: Re-printed for J. Mathews. MDCCLXXVI. 8vo, pp. viii, 1 1 8, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1303 LE PAGE DU PRATZ (M.) History of Louisiana, Virginia and Carolina. Translated. London. 1774. 8 vo, sheep j good copy ; very scarce. 1304 LE SAGE. The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. Translated from the French of Le Sage, by Benjamin Heath Malkin, Esq. London. 1809. 4 vols., rl. 8vo, calf; LARGE PAPER. This splendid edition is printed in LARGE TYPE, and illustrated with 24 HIGHLY FINISHED ENGRAVINGS, from Smirke'i celebrated designs. " How would that beatitude be enhanced, could human genius afford us another Gil Bias." SIR WALTER SCOTT. 1305 [LESLIE (Charles).] A Short and Easie Method with * the Deists; ... In a Letter to a Friend. London: Printed by J. Applebee and Sold by John Checkley, at the 34 266 LETTERS. Sign of the Crown and Blue-Gate, over against the IVest- End of the Town-House in Boston, 1723. [Followed by] The Speech of Mr. John Checkley upon his Tryal At Boston in New-England, For Publishing the Short and Easie Method ... and A Specimen of a True Dis- senting Catechism. London. 1730. Together, 3 vols. in I, 8vo, blue levant morocco, by F. Bedford. Very fine copy of a book of the highest interest in connection with the liberty of the press in New England. Stevens, in his "Nuggets," Nos. 535-538, gives a long account of the work, and prices the three at 6 los. 6d. "Leslie is said to have brought more persons, from other persuasions, into the Church of England, than any man ever did." BISHOP HORNE. /J-& 1306 [LESLIE.] A Short and Easy Method, &c. First American, from the Eighth London Edition. Windsor, Ft. 1812. izmo, pp. 1 68, sheep; fine copy, A reprint of the preceding. 1307 L[ETCHWORTH] (T[homas]). A | Morning and Eve- ning's | Meditation,) or, a (Descant] on the j Times. | A | Poem. | London, Printed. \ Philadelphia, Re-printed and Sold by B. \ Franklin and D. Hall. 1766. 8vo, 3 1., pp. 5-58, half calf. /J? J 3 8 LETTER (A) on American History. Phila. 1847. 8vo, pp. 39; a rare, privately printed -volume. Perhaps by W. B. Reed. 1309 LETTERS | between | Theophilus and Eugenio, Jon the| Moral Pravity of Man, j and the | Means of His Restor- ation. | Wrote in the East- Indies,] and now First Pub- lished from the Original Manuscript. | Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by B. Franklin. \ MDCCXLVI. | Sm. 410, pp. iv, 64, smooth morocco, gilt edges ; very fine copy. Morrell's copy sold for $15. LEWIS. 267 1310 LETTSOM (J. C.) Memoirs of John Fothergill, M.D. &c. The Fourth Edition. Lond.:C.Dilly.ij%6. 8vo, boards, uncut; RARE PORTRAIT of Franklin inserted. 1311 LEWIS (A.) The Orderly Book of that Portion of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburgh, Va., under the command of General Andrew Lewis, ... With Notes ... by Charles Campbell, Esq. Richmond. Va. 1 860. Sm. 410, half red levant morocco, uncut; only 100 copies privately printed, by Joel Munsell, Albany. Uniform with Munsell's Series. Fowle's copy sold for $47.50. 1312 LEWIS (F. C.) Scenery of the Rivers of England and Wales. London, [n. d.] Folio, half morocco, gilt edges ; 68 COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS, by one of the most eminent painters and engravers of the present day, and unrivalled of their kind. They are scarcely known to the public, only a few copies having been privately distributed among the author's friends. 1313 LEWIS. Scenery on the Devonshire Rivers. London. 1845. Folio, half morocco; 26 ARTISTIC PLATES. "These etchings are altogether the most beautiful and instructive of their kind we have yet seen. Some are mellow and beautiful etchings ; others amount in value of execution to effective and finished engravings." Art Journal. 1314 LEWIS. [A Collection of Etchings of Animals, by F. C. Lewis, Esq.] Folio; I a PLATES. 1315 LEWIS (G.) A Series of Groups, illustrating the Physiog- nomy, Manners, and Character of the People of France and Germany. By George Lewis. London: J. fcf A. Arch. 1823. Medium 410 ; proofs on India paper ; LARGE PAPER. Adapted to illustrate Dibdin's " Bibliographical Tour." 268 LIBRI. /0 1316 LEWIS and CLARK. Message from the President of the United States communicating Discoveries made in Exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Capts. Lewis & Clark, Dr. Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar, etc. Washington. 1 806. 8vo ; very scarce. This message forms the first published account of the explorations of Lewis and Clark. A copy of this work sold at auction, in London, last June, for over a. ^ ** 1317 LEWIS and CLARK. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed during the years 1804-5-6. Philadelphia. 1809. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep ; very scarce. " This interesting work exhibits not only some valuable geographical notices, but very copious and amusing details respecting the manners, habits, and diversions of the North American tribes." Critical Review. ^fc 1318 LEWIS (M. G.) The Monk, a Romance. Lond. 1796. 3 vols., iimo, half calf extra; ORIGINAL EDITION; fine eofy; very scarce. The later editions are all more or less castrated. An extremely seductive and dan- gerous romance, the outline of which is taken from the story of the Santon Barissa, related in the " Guardian," No. 48. " I'd give a world of sugar-cane, Mat Lewis were alive again." BYRON. 1319 LIBRARIES. Report from the Select Committee on Public Libraries. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed. 1849. Folio, half morocco, gilt top. / j a 1320 LIBRI (G.) Catalogue of the Celebrated Library of M. Guglielmo Libri. London. 1861. z vols., imp. 8vo, uncut. LINCOLN. 269 1321 LILLY (J.) The Dramatic Works of John Lilly, (the Euphuist). With Notes and Some Account of His Life and Writings By F. W. Fairholt. In Two Volumes. London: John Russell Smith. 1858. 2 vols., crown 8vo, tree calf, gilt edges, by Riviere; LARGE PAPER. The Euphues of Lilly deserve notice on account of the influence it had upon the court of Elizabeth and the public taste, which is manifested in the literature of the age. + a vols.-, 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top; fine copy ; rare. 1411 MARTIN (lohn). The Insatiate Countesse. A Trage- die; Acted at White Fryers. London. 1671. ^Kr 410, half morocco. See Lamb's " Eng. Dramatic Poets." 1412 MARTIN (R. M.) The Indian Empire. London, [n. d.] 3 vols., imp. 8vo; illustrated with MAPS, PORTRAITS, and VIEWS. 1413 MARTIN. China, Political, Commercial and Local. London. 1847. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. 1414 [MARTYN (Benjamin).] Reasons For Establishing the Colony of Georgia, With Regard to the Trade of Great Britain, The Increase of our People, and the Employment and Support it will afford to great Num- bers of our own Poor, as well as foreign persecuted Protestants. With some Account of the Country, and the Design of the Trustees. London : Printed for IV, Meadows. Moccxxxili. 410, pp. 48, half morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet ; MAP and PLATE. 1415 MARTYRS to the Revolution in the British Prison Ships /^ * in the Wallabout Bay. New York. 1855. 8vo, pp. 60, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet; PLATK. 2 86 MARYLAND. 1416 MARYLAND. Papers relating chiefly to The Mary- land Line during the Revolution. Edited by Thomas Balch. One Hundred and Fifty Copies Printed. Philadelphia: Seventy-Six Society. 1857. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1417 MARYLAND. Proceedings of the two Houses of As- sembly of Maryland, on the Subject of Confiscation of British Property, &c. Annapolis: Fred. Green^ clerk. [1780.] 8vo, uncut; clean and fine. ' y 1418 MARYLAND. A Relation of The Successefull begin- nings of the Lord Baltemore's Plantation in Mary- Land. Being an Extract of certaine Letters written from thence, by some of the Adventurers to their friends in England, Anno Domini 1634. {NewYork: Reprinted by J. G. Shea. 1866.] 410, half brown morocco, gilt top ; LARGE PAPER ; 50 copies printed. 1419 MARYLAND. A Relation of Maryland, Reprinted from the London Edition of 1635, With a Prefatory Note and Appendix. By Francis L. Hawks, D.D. LL.D. New York: Joseph Sabin. 1865. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; 50 copies printed. +>> ^ 1420 MARYLAND. [The same.] New York. 1866. 410, uncut. Forms No. n of Sabin's Reprints, 4to Series. 1421 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [A Com- /%, / plete Series of The Tracts published by the Maryland Historical Society.] Baltimore, [v. d.] 8vo, 43 tracts. This is the most complete set ever sold. It was formed by a literary gentleman resident in Maryland, who guarantees it to be perfect. It would be very difficult to find another set. MASSACHUSETTS. 287 1422 [MASERES.] An Account of the Proceedings of the British And other Protestant Inhabitants, of the Prov- ince of Quebeck, In North-America, In order to obtain An House of Assembly In that Province. London. MDCCLXXV. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 394, 1 6, 24, 74, Additional Papers, pp. 510, calf. 1423 MASON (J.) Brief History of the Pequot War. New York. 1869. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1424 MASONRY. Proceedings of the United States Anti- Masonic Convention. Philadelphia, September u, 1830. Philadelphia. 1830. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 1425 MASSACHUSETTS. Acts and Laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province Of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England, from 1692 to 1719. To which is Prefix'd the Charter granted by King William and Queen Mary, A.D. 1691. London: John Baskett. MDCCXXIV. Folio, old calf. From the library of the late Sir James Stuart, Chief Justice of Lower Canada, with his AUTOGRAPH. 1426 MASSACHUSETTS. An Address of the Convention, For Framing a new Constitution of Government, for the State of Massachusests-Bay, to their Constituents. Boston: Printed by White and Adams. M,DCC,LXXX. 8vo, pp. 1 8. Signed by James Bowdoin. 1427 MASSACHUSETTS. The (Charter [Granted by Their Majesties | King William | and | Queen Mary, (to the) Inhabitants J of the | Province | of the | Massachusetts- Bay | in ( New-England. | Boston in New-England: \ Printed by B. Green^ ... 1726.! Folio, Title, I 1., pp. 14, iy 4*9 old calf - 2 88 MASSACHUSETTS. 1428 MASSACHUSETTS. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. From 179210 1867. Boston, [v. d.] 38 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. AJine copy, very seldom found complete. A most important collection, containing the only reprints of many of the earliest and most rare tracts and books relating to the history of this country. Vol. x, 1st series, Vol. iv, 3d series, are cut. 1429 MASSACHUSETTS. Proceedings of the Massachu- setts Historical Society, 1855-1865. Selected from the Records. Boston. M.DCCC.LIX-LXVI. 6 vols., 8vo, cloth. 1430 MASSACHUSETTS. Debates of the Convention Con- vened at Boston gth of January 1 788, for the purpose ' of assenting to and ratifying the [Federal] Constitution. Boston. 1788. izmo, sheep; very scarce. 1431 MASSACHUSETTS. A Defense of the Legislature of Massachusetts, or the Rights of New England Vindi- cated. Boston. 1804. 8vo, pp. z8, uncut. 1432 MASSACHUSETTS. Journal | Of the Honourable House of|Representives, | Of his Majesties Province of *' the Massachusetts-Bay, (in | New-England, (begun and held at Boston, in the County of Suffolk, on | Wednes- day the Thirty-first day of May, Annoque| Domini, Boston^ N. E., | Printed by Samuel Kneeland, 1758. | Sm. folio, pp. 360, half olive morocco extra, gilt top. 1433 MASSACHUSETTS. Papers relating to Public Events \f s^* 4 I n Massachusetts preceding the American Revolution. Philadelphia: Seventy-Six Society. 1856. 8vo, cloth, uncut. MATHER. 289 1434 MASSACHUSETTS. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Printed by Order of the Legislature. Edited by Na- thaniel B. Shurtleff, M.D. Boston. i853~'4. 6 vols., 410, cloth. 1435 MASSACHUSETTS. Reports of the Commissioners on the Zoological Survey [of the State]. Boston. 1838. 8vo, pp. 107. 1436 MASSACHUSETTS. Result of the Convention of Delegates Holden at Ipswich in the County of Essex, S. who were deputed to take into Consideration the Con- stitution and Form of Government, proposed by the Convention of the State of Massachusetts-Bay. Newbury-Port : John My call. 1778. 8vo, pp. 68, brown polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. Signed, Peter Coffin. 1437 MASSACHUSETTS. Speeches of the Governors of Massachusetts, 1765-1775. Boston. 1818. 8vo, pp. 424, boards, uncut. Edited by Alden Bradford. 1438 MASSINGER. The Plays of Philip Massinger, in Four Volumes. With Notes Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford, Esq. The Second Edition. London: Nichol. 1813. 4 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt ; scarce. A more perfect edition of an old poet than this never issued from the press. "This is the best edition of an English dramatist that we have ever seen; the editor has done everything which was necessary, and nothing more." Annual Review. 1439 MATHER (C.) India Christiana. | A Discourse | De- livered unto the | Commissioners, | for the | Propagation of the Gospel among) the American Indians | which is| Accompanied with several Instru-| ments relating to the 37 290 MATHER. Glorious | Design cf Propagating our Holy | Religion, in the Eastern | as well as the Western, Indies. | An Enter- tainment which they that are) Waiting for the Kingdom of God | will receive as Good News | from a far Coun- try.) By Cotton Mather, D.D. (and F.R.S. | Boston in New England :\ Printed by B. Green. 1721.) Sm. STO, pp. (a), II, 94, Corrigenda, I 1., polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 1440 MATHER. The Life and Death of the Rev. Mr. John Eliot, who was the First Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. With an Account of the Won- derful Success which the Gospel has had amongst the Heathen in that Part of the World : And of the many strange Customs of the Pagan Indians, in New-Eng- land. The third Edition carefully corrected. London : printed for "John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey. 1694. Sm. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; Jine copy, with AUTOGRAPH of the author inserted. 1441 MATHER. Magnalia Christi Americana; or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England, From Its First Planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of our /^ oc Lord, 1698. In Seven Books. By the Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, M.A. and Pastor of the North Church in Boston, New-England. Map of New- England and New York. London, 1702. Folio, calf; with the advertisements. 1442 MATHER. The Wonders of the Invisible World :| Being an Account of the | Trvals | of Several Witches, | Lately Executed in | New England : | And of several re- markable Curiosities therein Occurring. | Together with, 1 1. Observations upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils. |ii. A short Narrative y^. MATHER. 291 of a late outrage committed by a knot of Witches in) Swede-Land, very much resembling, and so far explain- ing, that under which | New-England has laboured. | in. Some Councels directing a due Improvement of the Terrible things lately (done by the unusual and amazing Range of Evil-Spirits in New-England. | iv. A brief Discourse upon those Temptations which are the more ordinary Devi- 1 ces of Satan. | By Cotton Mather. | Pub- lished by the Special command of his Excellency the Governour of [the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. | Printed first, at Boston in New-England: and Reprinted at Lon- \ don, for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry. 1693. | 410, Title, pp. 98, half morocco ; fine copy. 1443 MATHER. A Sermon in the Autograph of Cotton Mather. 1701. 8vo, antique morocco extra ; PORTRAIT inserted ; an extraordinary rarity. Two leaves slightly imperfect. 1444 MATHER (Increase). Burnings Bewailed; In a Ser- mon Occasioned by the Lamentable Fire Which was in Boston, October 2d, 1711. ... The Second Edition. Boston. 1712. o, pp. 36. A -very rare historical sermon. 1445 MATHER. A | Discourse | Concerning | the Subject of Baptisme | Wherein the present Controversies, that are agitated in (the New English Churches are from [Scrip- ture and Reason modestly enquired into [By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church | in Boston in New-Eng- land. | Cambridge \ Printed by Samuel Green. 1675. | 4to, 2 1., pp. 76, blue morocco, gilt edges. 1446 MATHER. The | Divine Right | of | Infant-Baptisme | MATHER. Asserted and Proved from | Scripture | And |Antiqvity. | By Increase Mather, | Teacher of a Church of Christ in Boston in New-England | [Mottoes.] Boston, | Prin ted by John Foster, in the Tear 1680. 4*0, 4 1., pp. *7, blue crushed levant morocco, by F. Bedford. 1447 MATHER. Early History of New England; being a Relation of Hostile Passages between the Indians and European Voyagers and First Settlers: ... By Increase Mather. With an Introduction and Notes. By Samuel G. Drake. Boston. 1864. Sm. 410, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; only 250 copies printed this size. 1448 MATHER. An | Essay | for the j Recording | of | Illustri- ous Providences: | wherein | An Account is given of many Re-|markable and very Memorable Events,) which have happened in this last Age; (Especially in| New-England. | By Increase Mather, | Teacher of a Church at Boston in New- 1 England. | Printed at Boston in New-England, and are to \ be sold by George Calvert at the Sign of the \ Half-moon in Pauls Church yard, London 1684. 1 8 mo, 10 1., pp. 372, Contents, 4 1., green morocco, gilt edges, by T. Aitkin. 1449 MATHER. The History of King Philip's War; also, a History of the same War, By the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D., to which are added an Introduction and Notes by S. G. Drake. Portraits and Pedigree of the Family of Mather. Boston. 1862. Fcap 410, half red levant morocco, uncut; 250 copies printed. 1450 MATHER. The | Mystery | of | Israel's Salvation, | Ex- plained and Applyed : | Or, | A Discourse | Concerning the General Conversion of the | Israelitish Nation. | Wherein is Shewed, Ji. That the twelve Tribes shall MAUDUIT. 293 be saved. 1 2. When this is to be expected. (3. Why this must be. (4. What kind of Salvation the Tribes of Israel | shall partake of. (viz.) A Glorious, Wonder- j ful, Spiritual, Temporal Salvation. | Being the Substance of several Ser-|mons Preached. | By Increase Mather, M.A. (Teacher of a Church in Boston in New-England.) London, Printed for John Allen in JPentivorth-street, near \ Bell-Lane, 1669.! Sm. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 1451 MATHER. Remarkable Providences Illustrative of the Earlier Days of American Colonization, with Introduc- " tory Preface, by George Offbr. London. 1856. Fcap 8vo, half morocco ; PORTRAIT. 1452 MATHER. A Sermon shewing that the present Dis- pensations of Providence, declare that wonderful Revo- lutions in the World are near at hand; with an Appendix, etc. Edinburgh. 1710. 410, pp. jz ; very fine clean copy ; some rough leaves. 1453 MATHER (S.) The | Life | of the | Very Reverend and Learned | Cotton Mather, |D.D & F.R.S. |Late Pastor of the North Church in Boston. | Who Died, February 13. 1727, 8. | By Samuel Mather, M.A. | Boston, New-England: \ Printed for Samuel Gerrish, in Cornhill. \ MDCCXXIX. | 8vo, ia 1., pp. 1 8 6, polished calf, gilt edges, by Bedford. 1454 [MAUDUIT (Israel).] Governor Hutchinson & Oli- ver's Letters and Remarks thereon, with other Rare Tracts. London. 1774. 8vo, half calf. Very important for the Revolutionary history. 294 MEIGS. lated, with Notes, by Thos. Gordon. Oxford. 1840. 4 vols., crown 8vo, brown morocco, uncut. "There is no higher name in the living literature of his country than Menzel ; he is eloquent and popular at the same time." Blackvoood's Magazine. 2 g6 MEYRICK. 1468 MERCURI (Paul). Costumes Historiques des xne, xme, xive, et xve Siecles. Paris: Levy. 1860. a rols., 410, half crushed levant polished morocco, gilt top, uncut; two hundred elegantly COLORED PLATES of costumes. A most beautiful work, from the most authentic monuments of painting and sculpture. Historical and descriptive text by C. Bonnard. 1469 MERCURIUS. La Commare oricogli hice Del Ecc. S. ^/ Scipion Mercurii. Ventio. 1604. 410, calf. One of the earliest treatises in midwifery ; the WOODCUTS are numerous and curious. 1470 MEREDITH (L. A.) Some of My Friends in Tas- mania. London. 1860. 14 elegantly colored PLATES of flowers, fruits, insects, and ELEGANT BORDERS surrounding the text. " A triumph of floral taste and lithographic skill." Athcnttum. ^ a 1471 METCALF. A Collection of some of the most inter- esting Narratives of Indian Warfare in the West, Containing an Account of the Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone, one of the first Settlers of Kentucky, to which is added, An Account of the Expeditions of Gen'ls T. Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St Clair and Wayne. By Samuel L. Metcalf. Lexington, Ky. 1821. 8vo, brown polished calf, gilt top, by F. Bedford. 1472 MEXICO. Landscapes and Popular Sketches. By C. Sartorious. Edited by Dr. Gaspey. With Steel En- gravings by distinguished Artists, from original Sketches by Moritz Rugendas. New York. [n. d.] 410, in 9 parts. Each part contains two BEAUTIFUL STEEL ENGRAVINGS, accompanied by upwards of az pages of descriptive text. 1473 MEYRICK (S.) A Critical Inquiry into Antient Arm- >-/ ao our, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of MIDDLETON. 797 King Charles II. Illustrated by a Series of illuminated Engravings. With a Glossary of Military Terms of the Middle Ages, By Sir Samuel Meyrick ... In Three Volumes. Second Edition Corrected and Enlarged. London: Henry G. Bohn. MDCCCXLII. 3 vo!s., 410, half red morocco, gilt top ; fine copy ; the PLATES heightened with gold and colors. Sir Walter Scott justly describes this collection as "the in- comparable armory." tl This most superb archaeological work is animated with numerous novelties, curious and historical disquisitions, and brilliant and recondite learning learning going to court in the full, rich costume of the Order of the Garter. Plates as fine as the monuments of Westminster Abbey. We see the haughty nobles and the impetuous knights we are present at their arming assist them to their shields enter the well-appointed lists with them and partake the hopes and fears, the perils, honors, and successes of the manly tournaments. Then we are presented to the glorious damsels, all superb and lovely, ' in velours and clothe of golde, and dayntie devyces, bothe in pearls and emerawds, sawphires and dymondes," and the banquet, with the serving men and bucklers, servitors and trenchers kings and queens pageants, etc." Edinburgh Re-view. 1474 MICHAUX and NUTTALL. The North American Sylva ; or, a Description of the Forest Trees of the '3d ~* United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. ... Trans- lated from the French of F. A. Michaux. With Notes by J. J. Smith. ... Philadelphia. 1859. [Also,] The North American Sylva; or, a Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. A. Michaux ... By Thomas Nuttall ... Philadelphia. 1865. Together, 6 vols., imp. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges; nearly 300 FINELY COLORED ENCAT- INGS. With a description of the most useful of the European forest tree. 1475 MIDDLETON (T.) The Works of Thomas Middle- s'^ " ton, Now first collected, with Some account of the Author, and Notes by the Reverend Alexander Dyce. ... London: E. Lumley. 1840. 38 298 MILMAN. 5 vols., crown 8vo, calf, gilt, uncut; scarce. The author was a contemporary with Shakespeare, and some of his pieces are only inferior to him. tl Humor, wit, and character are to be found in the comedy of Middleton, and, occa- sionally, a pleasing interchange of elegant imagery and tender sentiment." DRAKE. 1476 MILBERT (J.) Itineraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties laterales de 1'Amerique du Nord. [From Original Designs, J. Milbert.] Paris. 1828. 2 vols., 410, of Text, and I vol., folio, of Plates, boards, uncut ; scarce ; 54 LITHO- GRAPHIC VIEWS on the Hudson, in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Falls of Niagara, etc., on INDIA PAPER. 1477 MILES (H. A.) Lowell, as it was, and as it is. Second Edition. Lowe!!. 1847. l8mo, cloth ; MAP. 1478 MILITARY JOURNALS, (The) of Two Private ^ Soldiers, 1758-1775, with numerous Illustrative Notes, to which is added A Supplement, containing official Papers on the Skirmishes at Lexington and Concord. Poiigkkeepsie. 1855. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; PLATE; a limited edition only printed. 1479 MILLER (G.) History, Philosophically illustrated from the Fall of the Roman Empire, to the French Revo- lution. London. 1832. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. 1480 MILLER (John) A Description of the Province and ,* 4 4 City of New York, with Plans of the city and several Forts, as they existed in the year 1695. With Notes by John G. Shea, LL.D. New Tork. 1862. 4to, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. Cowans' " Bibliotheca Amer- icana," No. 3. t 1481 MILMAN (H. H.) Life of Horace. London. 1854. 8vo, cloth ; beautifully printed -with COLORED BORDERS. See Horace. MINOT. 299 1482 MILTON (John). Poems, &c., upon Several Occasions. By Mr. John Milton; Both English and Latin, &c. Composed at Several times. With a Small Tractate of Education To Mr. Hartlib. London. 1673. 8vo, old calf; good sound copy , FIRST COMPLETE EDITION; extremely scarce. 1483 MILTON. Paradise Lost. Illustrated by Dore. With Notes by R. Vaughan, D.D. London, [n. d.] Folio, half morocco, gilt top. 1484 MILTON. Le Paradis Perdu. Traduction de Chateau- briand, precede de reflexions sur la vie et les ecrits de Milton par Lamartine. Paris. 1855. Folio, cloth , 2.5 MAGNIFICENT STEEL PLATES on India fafer, including fine PORTRAITS of Milton, Chateaubriand and Lamartine; LARGE PAPER. Burnct pro- nounced the " Paradise Lost " " the beautifullest and perfectest poem that ever was wrote, at least in our language." " A mistake," was the sar- castical gloss of the bitter Dean of St. Patrick's, " for it is in English." 1485 MILTON. L' Allegro and II Penseroso. Illustrated with Etchings on Steel by Birket Foster. Land. 1859. Imp. 8vo, green morocco, gilt edges. 1486 MILTON. The Works of John Milton, in Verse and Prose. Printed from the Original Editions, with a Life *~0 ^ of the Author. By the Rev. John Mitford. London: William Pickering. 1851. 8 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut; only 500 copies printed; Milton's peculiar ortho- graphy is preserved in this valuable and beautiful edition, now -very scarce. Warburton characterizes Milton's prose works as discovering " A prodigious spirit of poetical enthusiasm ; frequently breaking out into strains as sublime, or, if possible, more so than any in his higher poetry." 1487 MINOT (G. R.) Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from the year 1748. 300 MINUTES. With an Introductory sketch of Events from its Original Settlement. Boston. 1798-1803. 1 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. The second volume was published after the author's death in 1803 ; it brings the history down to 1765, and was apparently intended as a continuation of Hutchinson's. 1488 MINOT. The History of the Insurrections in Massa- chusetts, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, *s and the Rebellion consequent thereon, by George Richards Minot, A.M. Second edition. Boston. 1810. 8vo, boards, uncut; fine copy. 1489 MINUTES of Conferences held with the Indians, at Easton, in the Months of July and November, 1756; Together with Two Messages sent by the Government to the Indians residing on Susquehannah ; and the Re- port of the Committee appointed by the Assembly to attend the Governor at the last of the said Conferences. Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franklin and D. Hall, at the New-Printing-Office, near the Market, MDCCLVII. Folio, pp, 32, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 1490 MINUTES | of | Conferences, | held with the | Indians,] at | Easton, | In the Months of July, and August, 1757.) Philadelphia: \Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall, at the | New-Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCLVII. | Folio, pp. 24, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 1491 MINUTES] of | Conferences, | held at] Easton,] In Octo- ber, 1758, | With the Chief Sachems and Warriors of the Mohawks, | Oneidoes, Onondagoes, Cayugas, Sen- ecas, Tuscaroras, Tuteloes, Skaniada- 1 sadigronos, con- sisting of the Nanticokes and Conoys, who now make one | Nation: Chugnuts, Delawares, Unamies, Mahick- MIRICH. 3OJ anders, or Mohickons : | Minisinks, and Wapingers, or Pumptons. | Philadelphia: \ Printed and Sold by B. Frank- lin, and D. Hall, at the\New-Printing-Office, near the Market. \ MDCCLVIII. | Folio, pp. 31, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 1492 MINUTES of Conferences, Held at Lancaster, In August 1762, With the Sachems and Warriors of Sev- **, eral Tribes of Northern and Western Indians. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by B. Franklin & D. Hall, at the NeW'Printing-Office, near the Market. MDCCLVIII. Folio, pp. 36, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 1493 MINUTES | of the | Trial and Examination | of | certain Persons, | in the | Province of New York, | charged with 10 being engaged in a [Conspiracy against the Authority,) of the Congress, | and | '('he Liberties of America. | London : Printed for "J. Bew. M DCC LXXXVI. | 8vo, pp. iv, 45, half morocco. This extremely rare tract contains some charges affecting the personal character of General George Washington. It was reprinted with the following title : 1494 MINUTES of a Conspiracy against the Liberties of America. Philadelphia: John Campbell. MDCCCLXV. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1495 MINUTES of a Conspiracy. Philadelphia. 1865. 8vo, uncut; 200 copies printed. <.*496 MIR ABE AU (Comte de). Considerations sul 1'ordre de Cincinnatus. Londres. 1784. 8vo, boards, uncut; -very scarce. Concerning this, tee Rich's " Bibliotheca Americana." 1497 MIRICH (B. L.) The History of Haverhill, Massa- chusetts. Haverhill. 1832. iamo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Brads treet; PLATE inserted. 302 MITCHEL. X 1498 MIRROR for Magistrates. Edited by Joseph Hasle- wood. London. 1815. *? ** ' 3 vols., sm. 410, half calf; 150 copies printed. This work suggested scenes to Shake- speare, and was the origin of our historical plays. See " Bibliogr. Poet. ;" Drake's "Shakespeare and his Time;" Wood's " Ath. Oxon.," by Bliss, j, 343 ; Warton's " Eng. Poet. ;" Brydges' " Cens. Lit. ;" " Restituta ;" "Brit. Bibliog. j" and "Bib. Ang. Poet.," 437-448. "Best edition of this popular production of the reign of Elizabeth, collated with the various editions and historical notes." LOWNDES. 1499 MISCELLANEA CURIOSA. A Collection of Curious Travels, Voyages, and Natural Histories, as delivered to the Royal Society. London. 1726. 3 vols., 8vo, call ; MAPS, PLATES, etc. The third volume contains Clayton's account of Virginia, and other papers on America. ^ 1500 MISCELLANIES selected from the Public Journals. Boston. 1822. a vols., I2mo, half morocco. Mostly original articles by American writers, in prose and verse. Contains an extract from the National Gazette, published in Philadelphia, on Major Andre. 1501 MISSALE ROMANUM. With numerous Colored Initials and Ornaments. Vindobonce. [n. d.] Folio. Brunet calls this one of the most beautiful productions of the xylographic process of printing in colors. See Manuscripts. 1502 MITCHEL (J.) Nehemiahjon the | Wall | in Trouble- som Times; | or, | A Serious and Seasonable Improve- ment of that great | Example of Magistratical Piety and Prudence, Self-denial | and Tenderness, Fearlesness and Fidelity, unto In-| struction and Encouragement of present and succeeding Rulers in our Israel, j As it was delivered in a Sermon Preached at | Boston in N. E. May 15, 1667, being the (Day of Election | there. | By that faithful Servant of Christ, | Mr. Jonathan Mitchel, MONARDES. 303 late Pastor of | the Church of Christ at Cambridge. | Cambridge: \ Printed by S. G. and M. J. 1671.! Sm. 4to, a 1., pp. 34, red crushed levant morocco, by W. Pratt ; very tcarce. One of the earliest Massachusetts election sermons. Fine specimen of early colonial printing by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. 1503 MOHAWK. The Book of Common Prayer, And ~ Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : Together with a Collection of Occasional Prayers, and divers Sentences of Holy Scripture, necessary for Knowledge and Practice. Formerly collected, and translated into the Mohawk Language under the direction of the Missionaries of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the Mohawk Indians. A New Edition: To which is added The Gospel according to St. Mark, Translated into the Mohawk Language, by Capt n - Joseph Brant, An Indian of the Mohawk Nation. London: C. Buck ton. 1787. 8vo, levant morocco extra, by F. Bedford. The frontispiece represents the reception of the Mohawk delegation by George III. 1504 MONARDES. Joyfvll|Nevves ovt of | the newe founde worlde, wherein is (declared the rare and singular ver- tues of diuerse | and sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, with (their aplications, as well for Phisicke as Chirurgerie, the saied be-|yng well applied bryngeth suche present remedie for | all deseases, as maie seme altogether incredible : | notwithstandyng by prac- tize founde out, | to bee true: Also the portrature of| the saied Hearbes, very apt- |ly discribed : Engli-|shed by jhon Framp- 1 ton. | Marchaunt. | Imprinted at London in \ Poules Churche-yarde, by \ Willy am Norton. \ Anno Domini \ 1577. 1 34 MONROE. Sm. 410, 3 1., pp. 109, Table I 1., brown morocco, gilt edges, by T. Aitkin ; BLACK LETTER ; fine copy of this rare work. This is the first edition, and is more rare than the following : 1505 MONARDES. loyfvll NewesjOut of the New-found | VVorlde. | Wherein are declared, the rare and jsinguler vertues of diuers Herbs, Trees, | Plantes, Oyles & tx^/"" Stones, with their ap-| plications, as well to the vse of Phisicke, as of|Chirurgery: (which being well applyed, bring | such present remedie for all diseases, as mayj seeme altogether incredible: notwith- [standing by prac- tice found out | to be true. | Also the portrature of the said Herbs, | verie aptly described : | Englished by John Frampton Marchant. | Newly corrected as by conference with | the olde copies may appeare. Wher- 1 vnto are added three other bookes treating of the Bezaar stone, the herb | Escuerconere, the properties of Iron | and Steele in Medicine, and the be-|nefit of Snow. | London, \ Printed by E. Allde, by the Assigne of\ Bonham Norton. \ 1596. | 8vo, 3 1., Text, 187 1., crushed red levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Fine copy of this rare work, which, among other curious matter, contains a long article on tobacco. 1506 MONROE (J.) The Memoir of James Monroe, Esq. relating to his Unsettled Claims upon the People and Government of the United States. Charlottesville, Va. : Gilmer, Davis and Co. 1828. 8vo, pp. 60, uncut. 1507 MONROE. A View of the Conduct of the Executive, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, connected -,6 with the Mission to the French Republic, During the years 1794-5 & 6. Philadelphia. MDCCXCVII. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. MONTANUS. 305 1508 MONTAGUE (M. W.) The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortly Montague. Edited by her Great- grandson, Lord Wharncliffe. Third Edition, with ... Notes ... By W. M. Thomas. ... London: H. G. Bohn. M DCCC LXI. 2 vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt. " This lady, who has been called ' the English Sevigne,' seems to have anticipated her title ; for, in a letter to Lady Mar, she says : ' The last pleasure that fell in my way, was Mme. Sevigne's "Letters;" very pretty they are; but I assert, 'without the least vanity, that mine will be full as entertaining forty years hence.' For an article relative to their authenticity, tee ' Walpole,' n, 180-182, App. No. iv." WRANGHAM. 1509 MONTAIGNE (M. de). Works of Michael de Mon- taigne, comprising his Essays, Journey into Italy, and j(~6 Letters, with Notes from all the Commentators, Bio- graphical and Bibliographical Notices, etc., by W. Hazlitt. A new and carefully revised edition by O. W. Wight. Cambridge: Riverside Press. 1864. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, by Wm. Mathews; LARGE PAPER; only 75 copies printed; tcarce, " No prose writer of the sixteenth century has been so generally read, nor probably given so much delight. There can be but one opinion of the felicity and brightness of his genius." HALLAM'S " Literature of Europe." " See ' Retrosp. Rev.,' n, 207-217. With Montaigne, says Mosheim, many have classed Pomponatius, Bodinus, Rabelais, Des Perieres, Doletus, Charron, Leo X., Bembo, Politian, Bruno, Ochinus, Paracelsus, and Taurellus as enemies to all religion. But many of those thus charged, he adds, were ' either innocent, or profane to a less degree.' Montaigne's characteristic it is, to be simple. Pope speaks of showing himself ' as plain As downright Shippen, or as old Montaigne." Montaigne, however, cannot be acquitted of great vanity and great inde- cency, not to add some scepticism." WRANGHAM. 1510 MONTANUS (Arnoldus). De Nieuwe en Onbekende 39 306 MOORE. /^. * Weereld : of Beschryving von America en 'tZuid- Land, etc. ? Amsterdam. 1671. Folio, calf; LARGE PAPER. Good imprcstiont of the NUMEROUS PLATES. FINE POR- TRAITS of Maurits, Columbus, Vespucius, Magellan, Ashabalipa (Peruvian), Montezuma, Pizarro, and EARLIEST VIEWS of New Amsterdam, /". e. New York, in 1670. 1511 MONTESQUIEU. The Spirit of Laws. By M. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. Translated from the French By Thomas Nugent. ... London: J. Collingwood. 1823. z vols., 8vo, calf; PORTRAIT; fine copy. 1512 MOODY (J.) Narrative of the Exertions and Sufferings of Lieut. James Moody in the Cause of Government, ^ * since the Year 1776. Written by Himself. With Notes, by Charles I. Bushnell. New York. 1865. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; 100 copies privately printed. Lieut. Moody, an American farmer, was so harrassed by mobs, associations, and com- mittees, that, driven into the British lines, he became an active, and, in some instances, successful partisan against his countrymen. 1513 MOORE (F.) American Eloquence; A Collection of Speeches and Addresses, by the most Eminent Orators of America; with Biographical Sketches and Illustra- tive Notes, By Frank Moore. New York: D. Appleton fcf Co. 1864. a vols., imp. 8vo, half morocco. 1514 MOORE. Diary of the American Revolution. From Newspapers and Original Documents. By Frank Moore. New York: Privately Printed. 1865. z vols., imp. 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut; PLATES ON INDIA PAPER; 100 copies /printed. y 1562 MURRAY (C. A.) Travels in North America, includ- MUSEE. ing a Summer Residence with the Pawnee Tribe of Indians, *in the Remote Prairies of the Missouri. London. 1839. a voU., 8vo, half calf, gilt; PLATES. 1563 MURRAY (Hugh). Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, Asia, and Africa. Edinburgh. 1820-1829. 7 volt., 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. The volumes relating to America comprise copious details of the voyages in search of a North-west Passage, and the series includes a large amount of information concerning all parts of the world. " I strongly recommend these volumes to a place in every library." DIBDIN. 1564 MURRAY (J.) An Impartial | History | of the Present | ^ War in America; I Containing I An Account of its Rise / JS VO ' ... and Progress, | The Political Springs thereof, | with its various | Successes and Disappointments, Jon Both Sides. | By the Rev. James Murray, of Newcastle. | Newcastle upon Tyne:\ ... T. Rob son .. [n. d.j 3 vols., 8vo; PORTRAITS and MAPS; very fine impressions of the PLATES. The title of Vol. in, after " The Political Springs," reads : " Of the War now carrying on | between | Great-Britain | And the United Powers of | France, Spain, and America," and ends abruptly at page 332, and is of extreme scarcity. 1565 MURRAY. [Another copy.] **S Newcastle Upon Tyne. [i779--'8o.] x vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAITS, etc. Bound up from the original numbers, with the wrappers. 1566 MUSE de Versailles avec un texte historique par M. 4 *j T. Burette. Paris. 1844. 3 vols., 410, morocco extra. From the library of the Emperor Maximilian, with his BOOK PLATE. Contains upwards of 160 highly fniihed ENGRAVINGS from paintings and sculpture by French artists, and illustrates the history of France from A.D. 41 z to 1840. MUSEUM. 317 1567 MUSEE FRANCAIS ET MUSfcE ROYALE Re- cueil des plus beaux Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-Reliefs ^f qui existaient au louvre avant 1813, avec PExplication des sujets, et des discours historiques sur la peinture, la sculpture, et la gravure. Par Duchesne Aine. A Paris : A. et W. Galignani. [n. d.] 6 vols., folio, half bound. One of the most magnificent works that ever issued from the Parisian press, representing the matchless collection which formerly graced the Louvre, combining, as it did, nearly all the excellence of which the various countries on the continent could boast in painting and sculp- ture, and is, unquestionably, the grandest production of modern times. It exhibits a series of engravings (by the most distinguished artists) of such a collection of paintings as can never again be united. It is almost un- necessary to observe that this work is not a mere collection of prints, as it contains many luminous and masterly dissertations upon the state of the arts in different ages, observations upon the style, excellence, and defects of the various schools of painting, a minute description of every painting, etc., drawn with extreme care and correctness. The present is an early copy, much superior to some of a later issue. 1568 MUSES' LIBRARY; (The) or, a Series of English Poetry. Being a General Collection of almost all the old valuable Poetry extant. London: Hodges. 1741. 8vo, calf ; clean eopy ; scarce. 1569 MUSEUM DISNEIANUM, being a Description of a Collection of Ancient Marbles, Specimens of Ancient Bronze and various Ancient Fictile Vases in the pos- session of John Disney, Esq. London. 1849. Rl. 410, half morocco, uncut, 127 PLATES, some tinted. A very splendid and valua- ble work ; the marbles, etc., were chiefly collected in Italy. A very limited number was printed, chiefly for private distribution. 1570 MUSEUM WORSLEYANUM; or, a Collection of Antique Basso-Relievos, Busts, Statues, and Gems, formerly in the possession of Sir R. Worsley, with Views of Places in the Levant. London. 1824. 3 i8 MYSTERY. a vols., imp. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; above 1 50 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. " Ce livre deja tres recommendable par son merite reel, devient surtout precieux aux yeux des curieux a cause de son extreme rarete car 1'edition n'a ete tiree qu'a cinquante exemplaires et elle n'a pas ete mise dans le commerce." BRUNET. 1571 MUSPRATT (S.) Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, & Analytical, as applied and Relating to The Arts and Manufactures. By Dr S. Muspratt. William Mackenzie: Glasgow, [n. d.] 2 vols., imp. 8vo, half russia. 1572 MYSTERY (The) Reveal'd, or Truth brought to Light. Being a Discovery of Some Facts, in Relation to the Conduct of the late M y, ... By a Patriot. London. 1 759. 8vo, half calf. Respecting this work, see Rich's " Bibliotheca Americana." . NAPOLEON. 3'9 AGLEE (H. M.) Report of the Con- duct of the Advance for the Relief of Little Washington, N. C., 1863. Philadelphia. 1863. 8vo, uncut. A -very rare pamphlet, relating to the Rebellion. 1584 NANTUCKET. Papers relating to the Island of Nan- tucket With Documents relating to the Original Set- tlement of that Island, Martha's Vineyard, and other Islands adjacent, known as Duke's County, while under the Colony of New York. Compiled from official Records. With Notes by Franklin B. Hough. Albany: Munsell. 1856. Fcap 410, half morocco; 100 copies privately printed. Uniform with Munsell's Series. 1585 NAPHEGYI. The Album of Language. Illustrated by the Lord's Prayer in One Hundred Languages. Philadelphia. 1869. 410, cloth extra, gilt edges. 1586 [NAPOLEON.] History of Julius Caesar. Vol. i. London : Cassell^ Petter & Galpin. \ 866. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPIR. 1587 [NAPOLEON.] History of Julius Caesar. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1866. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1588 NAPOLEON GALLERY. Galerie du Musee Na- poleon, publiee par Fihol et Lavallee. Paris, [n. d.] 320 NARRATIVE. ii vol., imp. gvoj OPEN LETTER PRINTS ;/ imfretsioni. This set includes the supplemental volume, and contains upwards of 700 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAV- INGS, by the best French artists, of paintings by the great masters, ancient sculptures, etc. This fine work is the only one which contains engravings of all the magnificent paintings and sculptures, etc., concentrated by Bona- parte from Italy, Spain, and other countries, before they were again dispersed. 1589 NARRAGANSET CLUB. Publications of the Nar- raganset Club. (First Series.) Providence, R. I. MDCCCLXVI-VH. 3 vols., 4*0, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed. Contents: Vol. i. Wil- Hams' Key unto the Language of America, n. Cotton's Answer to Roger / ^ Williams, and Queries of Highest Consideration, in. The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution. Edited by S. L. Caldwell. 1590 NARRATIVE (A) of some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of a Revolutionary Soldier ; interspersed Jj with Anecdotes of Incidents that occurred within his ^ *" own Observation. Written by himself. Hallowell: Printed by Glazier, Masters & Co. 1830. izmo, pp. 113, half blue morocco, gilt top. 1591 NARRATIVE) (A) | of the | Proceedings | Subsequent to the | Royal Adjudication, | Concerning the | Lands |To the Westward of Connecticut River, lately usurped by (New-Hampshire, | With | Remarks | On the | Claim, Behaviour, and iMisrepresentations, | of the | Intruders under that Government: Intended as an Appendix to the General Assembly's State of the Right of the Co- 1 lony of New-York (with Respect to its Eastern Boun- dary, on Connecticut | River, so far as Concerns the late Encroachments under the Government of | New- Hampshire) Published at their Sessions 1773. | New-Tor k : \ Printed by John Holt, . .. | M,DCC,LXXIII. | Folio, pp. 28, Appendix, 34 1., half blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by W. Mathews ; very scarce. See, alto, Lot No. 1644. NATURALISTS' 321 1592 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN. Cere- monies on the Occasion of Laying the Corner Stone, October 21, 1863. And the Inauguration of the Building, April 27th, 1865. New York. 1865. Rl. 8vo, uncut ; PLATE of the Academy and a ILLUSTRATIONS ; only 200 copies printed. 1593 NATIONAL GALLERY. Engravings from the Pic- tures of the National Gallery. London : Published for the Associated Engravers. 1 840. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; 29 PLATES, engraved by Finden, Le Keux, Pye, Goodall, etc. ; LARGE PAPER ; a magnificent collection. 1594 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Distin- guished Americans, conducted by James B. Longacre and James Herring. Philadelphia. 1836. 4 vols., 410, cloth, uncut ; brilliant impressions of the numerous PORTRAITS ; LARGE PAPER. Contains 144 portraits, accompanied by biographies written by J. Q. Adams, Prof. Ticknor, Dr. Francis, etc. Up to this date nothing had came from the hands of American engravers to equal in delicacy of handling, and beauty of finish, these fine portraits. 1595 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Illustrious and Eminent Persons of the igth Century, with Me- moirs by Jerdan and Stebbing. London. 1830. 5 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt; 184 finely engra-ved PORTRAITS. Uniformly printed with, and forming a most desirable continuation to, Lodge's " Por- traits." 1596 NATURALISTS' LIBRARY. [A Collection of works by the following Authors.] London. 1863, etc. Together, 29 vols., rl. 8vo, half green morocco uniform. A BEAUTIFUL SET or / BOOKS, consisting of I. BREE. History of the Birds of Europe, not Observed in the British Isles. 4 vols. ; illustrated -with 1 82 beautifully colored engravings. II. COUCH. A History of the Fishes of the British Islands. 4 vols., STO. 41 322 NEAL. III. LOWE (N.) Beautiful Leaved Plants ; being a Description of the Most Beautiful Leaved Plants in Cultivation in this Country : To which is added an Extended Catalogue. With 60 colored illustrations. IV. Lowi. Ferns ; British and Exotic, 8 vol. V. LOWE. A Natural History of New and Rare Ferns ; containing many Species and Varieties, none of which are contained in ... "Ferns; British and Exotic." VI. LOWE. A Natural History of British Grasses. VII. MORRIS. A History of British Birds. 6 vols. VIII. MORRIS. A History of British Butterflies. With 71 colored plates. IX. MORRIS. A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. 3 voU. 1597 NAUNTON (Sir Robert). Fragmenta Regalia. Me- moirs of Elizabeth, her Court, and Favorites. By Sir 7 . London. 1712. / *? 8vo, calf; many fine PLATES. 1691 OWEN (D. D.) Report of a Geological Survey of Wis- J consin, Iowa, and Minnesota ; and Incidentally of a '^f*ii Portion of Nebraska Territory, made under Instructions from the United States Treasury Department. Philadelphia. 1852. 4to, cloth ; and Atlas of PLATES. 1692 OXFORD CLASSICS. [A complete set of the ele- gantly printed series of books known as the Oxford 4 . / Classics, consisting of the following works] : Oxford. 1825-6. I. Johnson (S.) The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. [including the Parliament ary Debates], n vols., 8vo. II. Boswell (J.) The Life of Samuel Johnson, with Additional Notes and Illustra- tions by F. P. Walesby, Esq. 4 vols. III. Gibbon (E.) The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 8 vols. IV. Hume (D.) The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to ... 1688. [And] The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second ... By T. Smollett, M. D. 8 vols., 8vo. OXFORD. 341 V. Robertson (W.) Works, viz, : History of Scotland ; Reign of the Emperor Charles V. ; History of America. 8 vols., 8vo. VI. Smyth (W.) Lectures on Modern History [and] on The French Revolution. By William Smyth. London: William Pickering. 1840. 5 vols., 8 TO. No historical works have ever given more enlightened and perspicuous views of the course of great events than these celebrated Lectures. The last-named work is not one of the series ; but being uniform in size, style and binding with the others, it is regarded as a desirable adjunct, and will be sold with the set. Together they make a series of 49 vols., 8vo, beautifully bound in polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by W. Matthews ; and forms one of the finest sets of books in this Catalogue. 1693 OXFORD SAUSAGE (The) : or, Select Poetical Pieces, j~ . ft e written by the most Celebrated Wits of the University of Oxford. London. 1815. Royal 8vo, half moroeco, gilt top j LARGE PAPER. New edition, with numerous Curs from ORIGINAL DESIGNS by Bewick. 342 PAINE. P***** (J***). The I Life I of I Gen- eral James Wolfe, | The j Conqueror of Canada ; | or, the | Eulogium of that Renowned | Hero, | Attempted accord- ing to the | Rules of Eloquence. | With a | Monumental Inscription, | Latin and English, | To perpetuate his Memory. | J Boston : Reprinted. MDCC,LX. 8vo, pp. 36, brown calf, uncut edges, by F. Bedford. Rare plate of the Death of Wolfe- inserted. A book of much rarity. Morrell's copy sold for $30. 1695 PACIFIC RAILROAD. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to Ascertain the most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Washington. 1855. 13 vols., 410, cloth. The title fails to give an idea of the value of this great work, which is an elaborate report upon the Natural and Physical History of the vast country traversed by this great railroad. 1696 PAINE (Nathaniel). Remarks on the Early Paper Currency of Massachusetts. Cambridge: Press of "John Wilson and Sons. 1866. Imp. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet; with PROOF PLATKS on vellum inserted. 1697 PAINE (R. T.) The Works in verse and prose of the Late Robert Treat Paine, Jr., Esq., with Notes. To which are Prefixed Sketches of his Life, Character and Writings. Boston. 1812. 8vo, half morocco, uncut; PORTRAIT. PAINTER. 343 1698 PAINE (T.) The|American Crisis, | and | a Letter to| Sir Guy Carleton, |on the Murder of (Captain Huddy,| and the Intended Retaliation on | Captain Asgill, of the Guards, j and other tracts. London. [1788.] 8vo, Title, pp. 293 ; -very rare. 1699 PAINE. Common Sense ; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. The sixth edition. f vrm* Philadelphia : Printed. Providence : Reprinted and sold by John Carter. M,DCC,LXXVI. 4to, pp. 33, half calf. A very rare and fine edition. 1700 [PAINE.] A Dialogue between the Ghost of General Montgomery and an American Delegate in a Wood near Philadelphia. [Philadelphia'}: 1796. [New York : Reprinted 1867.] 8vo, pp. 1 6, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAIT inserted. One of 20 copies. 1701 PAINE (T.) Tom Paine's Jests :| being an entirely | New and Select Collection) of | Patriotic Bon Mots, Re- partees, Anecdotes, | Epigrams, Observations, etc., | on | Political subjects. | By Thomas Paine, | and other (sup- porters of the rights of man. | To which is added, | A Tribute to the Swinish Multitude, ] Being a choice col- lection of ( Patriotic Songs. | Philadelphia : \ Printed for Matthew Carey. MDCCXCVI. 8vo, pp. 72, polished calf, extra, by Bedford; PORTRAIT inserted. 1702 PAINTER (W.) The Palace of Pleasure, beautified, adorned, and furnished with Pleasant Histories and ex- cellent Novels. Edited by Joseph Haslewood, from the edition of 1575. London. 1813.' a vols. in 3, 410, calf, gilt edges; only 165 copies printed; tearce. Best edition of a work to which Shakespeare and several others of our old Dramatists were greatly indebted. 344 PALMER. 1703 PALFREY. History of New England. Boston. 1865. 3 voli., imp. 8vo. cloth, uncut; MAPS and ILLUSTRATIONS; LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. 1704 PALLISER (Mrs. B.) History of Lace. By Mrs. Bury Palliser. London. 1865. Square 8vo, blue calf, gilt edges ; profusely illustrated with several hundred beautiful ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD, many of which are printed in tints. 1705 PALISSEY, THE POTTER. Monographic del'CEuvres de Bernard Palissey suivie d'un choix de ses continua- /, - * t> teurs ou imitateurs dessinee par MM. Carle Delange et C. Borneman et accompagnee d'un Texte par M. Sauzay et M. Henri Delange. Paris. 1862. Folio, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top; 100 splendidly colored PLATES, and a fine PORTRAIT of Palissy. No. 96 of only 300 copies printed, nearly all of which were subscribed for. A magnificent "volume. 1706 PALISSEY. QEuvres completes de Bernard Palissey. Paris. 1846. iamo, uncut. 1707 PALMER, (John.) An | Impartial Account (of the] State of New England | or, the | Late Government there, Vindicated | In answer to the | Declaration | Which the Q Faction set forth, when they Over- 1 turned That Gov- ernment|With a Relation | Of the Horrible Usage they treated the Cover- jnour with, and his Council ; and all that had His Majesty's Commission. |In 7 a Letter to the Clergy there. | By John Palmer. London : Printed for Edward Poole at his Shop over against the Roy al\ Exchange in Cornhill, 1690. 4to, pp. 40, morocco, antique. A very fine copy of this rare tract, relating to the A- dros affair. PARIS AND VIENNE. 1708 PALMER (John). Travels in North America and in Lower Canada. 1817. London. 1818 y 8vo, half calf; MAP. Includes copious details of the West, etc. 1709 PALMER (J. W.) Folk Songs. Illustrated from ori- ginal designs. New York. 1861. Imp. 8vo, smooth green morocco, gilt edges; jint early copy. 1710 PALMER (P. S.) History of Lake Champlain, from its First Exploration by the French in 1 609, to the close of the Year 1814. Albany. 1866. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER copy, illustrated by the insertion of 15 very rare PLATES, beautifully inlaid by Trent. 1711 PALMER (Ray). Hymns and Sacred Pieces, with Mis- cellaneous Poems. Albany: y. MumelL 1865. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed. 1712 PALMER (S.) The General History of Printing. London. 1772. ? -V* 4to, boards, uncut. A valuable and rare book on the subject. 1713 A|PARAENETICKjor|Humble Addresse|to the Par- liament j and Assembly \ for (not loose, but) | Christian / * # Libertie. | The second Impression. | Perused and allowed according to Order. | London : \ Printed by Matthew Simmons, for Henry Overton \ in Pope' s-Head- Alley. 1644. | Sm. 410, P. 1. I, pp. 14, blue crushed levant morocco, by F. Bedford; relates to the Puritans and New England. PARIS AND VIENNE. See Roxburghe Library. 44 340 PARRY. 1714 PARKER (J. H.) An Introduction to the Study of Gothic o Architecture. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Oxford. 1867. Sm. 8vo, cloth ; nearly aoo Woodcut ILLUSTRATIONS. 1715 PARKER (P.) A Biographical Memoir of the late Sir Peter Parker, Baronet, Captain of His Majestie's ship Menelaus, of 38 guns, killed in action while storming the American camp at Bellair, near Baltimore, on the thirty-first of August, 1814. London: Published by Longman (etc.] 1815. 4:0, Title and pp. in, half morocco. 1716 PARKMAN (F., Jr.) France and England in North America. A Series of Historical Narratives. Part First : /* ^ ' * Pioneers of France in the New World. Part Second: Cx" The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Cen- tury. Boston. 1 866. 2 >ol., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut; PORTRAITS on India paper; LARGE PAPER; only 75 copies printed. 1717 PARKMAN (J.) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies after the Conquest of Canada. Boston. 1866. Royal 8 vo, cloth, uncut; MAPS; PLATE; LARGE PAPER; 75 copies printed. 1718 PARR (S.) A Catalogue of the Library of Samuel Parr, LL.D. London. 1827 8 vo, cloth, uncut. 1719 PARRY (W. E.) Voyage for the Discovery of the North- West Passage. London. 1821. (S 410, half morocco ; many PLATES by Wcstall. PATTERSON. 347 1720 PARSONS (U.) The Life of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart - Boston. 1856. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet 5 PORTRAIT and DOCUMENT inserted. 1721 PARTON. (J.) Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. By James Parton. New York: Mason Brothers. 1865. Imp. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; LARGE PAPER; only 100 copies printed. 1722 PARTRIDGE (J. A.) On Democracy. By J. Arthur Partridge. London: Triibner & Co. 1866. 8vo, half calf, gilt. 1723 PARTRIDGE. The Making of the American Nation ; or, the Rise and Decline of Oligarchy in the West. By J. Arthur Partridge. London : Edward Stanford. 1 866. gvo, half calf, gilt. 1724 [PATRICK (J.)] Quebec: A Poetical Essay, in Imita- tion of the Miltonic style : being a regular Narrative of the Proceedings and Capital Transactions performed by the British Forces under the Command of Vice-Admiral Saunders and Major-General Wolfe, in the glorious Ex- pedition against Canada, in the year 1759. The Per- formance of a Volunteer on board His Majesty's ship Somerset, during the Passage Home from Quebec. The whole embellished with entertaining and explana- tory notes. London: T. IVbitrldge. MDCCLX. 410, pp. 30, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet ; MAP of Quebec inserted. 1725 PATTERSON (J. W.) Responsibilities of the Founders / ^ % of Republics : An Address on the Peninsula of Sabino, PAULDING. on the Two Hundred and Fifty-eighth Anniversary of the Planting of the Popham Colony, August 29, 1865. Boston. 1865. gvo, pp. 38, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; only 250 copies printed. 1726. PATTERSON (R.) A Narrative of the Campaign - * ? in the Valley of the Shenandoah in 1861. Philadelphia. 1865. Imp. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet; LARGE and THICK PAPER; 100 copies printed. 1 72? TPATTERSON (Samuel).] Another Traveller ; or Cur- sory Remarks and Critical Observations made upon a Journey through the Netherlands. By Coriat, Jr. London. 1 767. 2 vols. in 3, half morocco. Dr. Johnson said this was in imitation of Sterne; but the author produced evidence to show it was written before the "Sentimental Journey." The author of these volumes was distinguished for his ability in drawing up catalogues of libraries, and as an auctioneer. See NICHOLS" Lit. Anecdot., iii., 448, 734. 1728 PATTIE (J. O.) Personal Narrative of James O. Pat- tie, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, in which he and his Father, who // i accompanied him, Suffered unheard-of Hardships and Dangers, had various Conflicts with the Indians, etc. Edited by Timothy Flint. Cincinnati. 1833. 8vo, sheep; scarce. Wight's copy sold for $6.00. 1729 [PAULDING (J. K.)] The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan. By Hector Bull-us. New York: Inskeep &f Bradford. 1812. (/ lamo, pp. 135, half morocco, uncut j rare. PEMBERTON. 349 1730. PAULDING. Report of the Select Committee on Erecting a Monument to the Memory of John Pauld- ing, with an Address by the Mayor of the City of New York. New Yor.k 1827. 8vo, pp. 47, roan ; PORTRAIT of John Paulding inserted. Presentation copy from Major Paulding, with AUTOGRAPH. 1731 P[AUW]. Recherches Philosophiques sur les Ameri- cains. Berlin. MDCCLXX. 3 vols., izmo, calf; tcarce. 1732 PEABODY. An Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans, at the London Coffee House, 27th October, 1851. London : W. Pickering. MDCCLI. 8vo, cloth ; 2 PORTRAITS. 1733 PEABODY. [The Same.] London : W '. Pickering. 1851. 1 f Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt ; LARGE PAPER ; printed for private distribution. A Presentation copy from Mr. Peabody, with AUTOGRAPH. 1734 PEABODY. Proceedings at the Reception and Dinner in honor of George Peabody, Esq. By the Citizens of Danvers, Oct. 9, 1856, with Historical Sketch of the Peabody Institute. Boston. 1856. 8vo, pp. 195, cloth, gilt; PORTRAIT and PLATES. 1735 PEMAQUID. Papers Relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in the present State of Maine, known as Corn- wall County, when under the Colony of New York. Albany. 1856. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut ; thick paper copy. 1736 PEMBERTON (Ebenezer). Heaven the Residence of the Saints. A Sermon occasioned by the sudden and much lamented Death of the Rev. George Whitefield, 350 A. M., Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntington. Delivered at the Thursday Lecture at Boston, in America, October n, 1770. By Ebenezer Pemberton, D. D. Pastor of a Church in Boston. To which is added, An Elegiac Poem on his Death. By Phillis, a Negro Girl, of Seventeen Years of Age, Be- longing to Mr. J. Wheatley of Boston. Boston : Printed. London : Reprinted for E. df? C. Dilly. M.DCC.LXXI. 8vo, pp. 31. 1738 PENH ALLOW (Samuel). The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians, or a Narra- tive Of their continued Perfidy and Cruelty > from the loth of August, 1703, To the Peace renewed I3th of July, 1713. And from the 25th of July, 1722, To their Submission I5th. December, 1725, Which was ratified August 5th. 1726. Cincinnati: Reprinted. 1859. 4*0, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 1 50 copies printed. Contains also " Love well's Fight," Gardener's Account of the " Pequot Warres," and " The Gospel in New England." J ^ 1738 PENLEY (Aaron). The English School of Painting in Water-Colours : its Theory and Practice. With the Several Stages of Progression accompanied with 47 Il- lustrations in the First Style of Chromo-Lithography. New and revised edition. London: Day & Son. 1869. Large folio, cloth ; a splendid and useful work. 1739 PENN [(W.)] A | Further Account | Of the Province of j Pennsylvania | and its Improvements. | For the Satisfaction of those that are Adventurers, and | enclined to be so. | London. 1685. PENN. 35' 4to, pp. 30, polished calf, by W. Pratt ; signed at the end, William Pean. An ex tremely scarce volume. 1740 PENN. A | Letter | from | William Penn | Poprietary (sic) and Gouvernour of) Pennsylvania | In America, | To the | Committee I of the I Free Society of Traders, I of that _f~ fi o Province, residing in London. | Containing | A General Description of the Said Province, its Soil, Air, Water, Seasons and Produce, | both Natural and artificial, and the good Encrease thereof. | . . . To which is added, an Account of the City of (Philadelphia, newly laid out.) Its Scituation between two Navigable Rivers, Dela- ware and Skulkill, | with a | Portraiture or Plat-form thereof. London, Printed and Sold hy Andrew Sowle, . . 1683. Folio, pp. 10 ; PLAN of the city of Philadelphia. This is one of the first printed ac- counts of Philadelphia by the founder of the Colony, and is of the high- est interest to a Pennsylvania collector. I am unable to trace the sale of any copy in this country with the PLAN, which is usually deficient. The title, at length, will be found in Rich's Catalogue, page 108. 1741 PENN. Missive Van William Penn, [a translation of g j-fc the preceding Title, with additions.] f Amsterdam. 1684. 410, pp. 28. The same MAP as in the London edition, but reduced and with slight variations. 1742 PENN. A | Letter) to | Mr. Penn ; | with | his Answer. | London : Printed for Andrew Wilson . . . 1 1688. 4to, pp. 40. Relates to Pennsylvania. 1743 PENN. The People's Antient and Just Liberties asserted in the Tryal of William Penn, and William Mead. Printed in the Year 1670. 410, pp. 6a; vtry Kara, 352 PENNSYLVANIA. 1744 [PENN.] Some Fruits of Solitude, in Reflections and < Maxims. Newport: James Franklin. 1749. tamo, morocco, extra, gilt edges; good copy. James Franklin (eldest brother of Ben.) was the first printer in Newport. 1745 PENNSYLVANIA. An Answer to an invidious Pam- phlet, intituled, A Brief State of the Province of Penn- sylvania, wherein are exposed The many false Assertions S 2 ^* f tne Author or Authors of the said Pamphlet, with a View to render the Quakers of Pensylvania and their Government obnoxious to the British Parliament and Ministry; and the Several Transactions, most grosly misrepresented therein, set in their true light. London. MDCCLV. 8vo, pp. 80, half morocco. " In Smith's ' Brief View ' this answer is said to be the production of one -f- (Cross), formerly an attorney's clerk, who was convicted of forgery, sentenced to be hanged, but after some time ob- tained the favour of transportation j and did us the honour to take up his residence in this province," etc. 1746 PENNSYLVANIA. A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, in which the conduct of their Assemblies &f 6 & for several years past is impartially examined, and the true cause of the continual encroachments of the French displayed upon the river Ohio, etc. London. 1755. 8vo, pp. 45, half moroceo. " From the answer to this pamphlet (see preceding lot) it would appear that its author was ' Parson Smith,' probably the Rev. William Smith, author of ' Discourses,' etc., 1759, assisted, according to a MS. note in a copy of the same work, by Dr. Franklin." RICH. [&e Smith, (W.)] 1747 PENNSYLVANIA. Summary of Acts of Assembly in Force For Regulating of Descents. Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin. M,DCC,XII. Folio, pp. 24, half calf. PENNSYLVANIA. 353 1748 PENNSYLVANIA. The | Articles, | Settlement and Officers | Of the Free } Society | of | Traders | in | Peimsil- vania : | Agreed upon by divers | Merchants | And Others for the better | Improvement and Government] of | Trade | in that | Province, j London, \ Printed for Benjamin Clark hi George Yard in Lombard-street, \ Printer to the Society of Pennsil- vania. MDCLXXXII. Folio, 8 leaves, polished calf, by F. Bedford. 1749 PENNSYLVANIA. A Brief History of the Charitable scheme carrying on by a society of Noblemen and Gen- tlemen of London, for the Relief and Instruction of poor Germans, and their Decendents, settled in Penn- sylvania, and the adjacent British Colonies in North America. Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1755. 4to, pp. 1 8, top edge cut, but front and lower edges uncut; good copy. 1750 PENNSYLVANIA. The Charters of the Province of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia. Also, A Col- j/,*? o o lection of all the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania, Now in Force. Published by Order of Assembly. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by B. Franklin. MDCCXLII. Folio, pp. 30 and 561 respectively, Table xi. p., calf gilt; SPLENDID COPY; VERY RAKE. Contains the 3 title-pages, each with Franklin's imprint. 1751 PENNSYLVANIA. Letters and Papers relating Chiefly 10 ,- * * to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania, with some Notices of the Writer. Philadelphia: Privately Printed. 1855. iamo, pp. cxxxvii., 312, green crushed levant morocco, by Bradstreet. Known as the Shippen Papers. PORTRAITS and CUTTINGS inserted. 1752 PENNSYLVANIA. Minutes of the Provincial Council Al *-* 45 354 of Pennsylvania, From the organization to the renuncia- tion of the Proprietary Government. Published by the State, containing the Proceedings of Council from March 10, 1683, to November 29, 1700. Phila., 1852. Also of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, from its organization to the termination of the Revolution. Published by the State. Harrisburg, 1852. 1 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 1 753 PENNSYLVANIA. Some | Account | of the | Province | of | Pennsilvania | in | America ; | Lately Granted under 2 & o the Great Seal | of | England | To | William Penn, etc. | Together with Priviledges and Powers neces-jsary to the well-governing thereof. | Made publick for the In- formation of such as are or may be | disposed to Trans- port themselves as Servants | into those Parts. | London : Printed and Sold by Benjamin Clark [ Bookseller in George-Yard, Lombard-street, 1681. Folio, pp. 10, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; splendid large copy. 1754 PENNSYLVANIA. Some] Account) of the (Pennsyl- vania Hospital ; | From its first Rise, to the Beginning) of > ^ the Fifth Month, called May, 1754. Phila: [Printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. MDCCLIV. 4to, pp. 40, calf antique. Wight's copy sold for $21.00. X 175 PENNSYLVANIA. A True and Impartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania. The whole being in full Answer to the pamphlet entitled A Brief State and A Brief View, etc., of the Conduct of Pennsylvania. Phila. : Printed by W. Dunlap, MDCCLIX. 8vo, old calf. y^-yto 1756 PEPYS. Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, PERRY. 355 F.R.S., Secretary to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. With a Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. London : Hy. Co/burn. 5 voli, 8vo, boards, uncut; test edition. "The ablest picture of the age in which the writer lived, and a work of standard im- portance in English literature." SIR WALTI* SCOTT. 1757 PERCY (Thomas). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry : Consisting of old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Earlier Poets. Together with some few of Later Date, and a Copious Glossary. London. 1845. 3 vols, red morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. "The most elegant compilation of the early poetry of a nation that has ever appeared in any age or country. Every page evinces the fine taste, the genius, and learning of the editor. EVANS'S Old Ballads. &* Lit, Anecd., Hi., 160; Bibl. Decam., Hi., 336-244. Dr. Johnson praises the Bishop for great extension of mind, and minute accuracy of inquiry. 1758 PERRING (J. E.) The Pyramids of Gizeh, from actual Survey and Measurement. With Notes and Sketches taken on the Spot, by E. J. Andrews. London. Atlas folio, half morocco. Part I. The Great Pyramids. II. The second and third Pyramids and the six other Pyramids. III. The Pyramids to the Southward of Gizeh and at Abou Roash; Campbell's Tomb, etc. Contains 58 large VIEWS and ILLUSTRATIONS of the Pyramids of Gizeh, with notes and references to Col. Vyse's great work ; also to Denon, Napoleon's Ex- pedition, Belzoni, Burkhardt, Sir G. Wilkinson and others, with Buck's Remarks on the Hieroglyphics. It was published at 15 guineas. 1759 PERRY. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command 356 PETERS. of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States. Washington. 1856. 3 vols., 410, cloth. 1760 PERRY. Inauguration of the Perry Statue, At Cleve- land, on the Tenth of September, L86o ; Including the ^d *2 U Addresses and other Proceedings, with a Sketch of Wil- liam Walcutt, | the Sculptor. Cleveland, O. 1861. 410, pp. 12,8; LARGE PAPER. Eleven copies printed on this size. 1761 PETERS (H.) A Dying Father's Last Legacy to an Only Child : or Mr. Hugh Peters' advice to his Daughter. Boston: B. Green. 1717. 1 8 mo, old morocco. After page 88, made up in MS, by Mr. Charles Deane. 1762 [PETERS (S.)] A | GeneralHistory | of | Connecticut, | from its j First Settlement under George Fenwick, Esq. | To its | Latest Period of Amity with Great Britain ; | including | a Description of the Country, | And many curious and interesting Anecdotes. | To which is added, An Appendix, wherein new and true Sources of the present j Rebellion in America are pointed out ; together with the particu- 1 lar Part taken by the People of Con- necticut in its Promotion. | By a Gentleman of the Province. | London : Printed for the Author. MDCCLXXXI. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; a sumptuous copy. Contains a wonderful account of the Upper Cohoes Falls, " where water is consolidated without frost, by pressure, by swiftness, between the pinching, sturdy rocks, to such a degree of induration, that no iron crow can be forced into it." Also a curious account of the ancient custom of courtship by " bundling," " The author was Dr. Samuel A. Peters, a refugee. He resided in England from 1774 to 1805, when he returned to America, and died in New York in 1826, at the age of 90." 357 ^7*3 PETRONIUS ARBITER. Translated by Several Hands, with other Pieces. London. 1714. 8vo, calf; best edition, adorned with CUTS; fnt copy. Includes Translations from Ca- tullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Anacreon, Sappho, etc. 1764 PETTIGREW (Thomas J.) Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A Descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by Historical and Bibliographical Notices of the Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in the Library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, K. G., D. C. L., etc., etc., in Kensington Palace. By Thomas Joseph Petti- grew. London: Printed for Longman & Co. 1827. 2 vols. (Vol. I. in 2 parts), imp. 8vo, boards, uncut. PORTRAIT and numerous elegant FACSIMILES. Uniform with ibdin's " Spcnceriana." Fine copy, com- plete, not often so found. Vol. II. being published some years aftej Vol. I. "A magnificent work. The first portion of Vol. I. is appropriated to MSS. of the Holy Scriptures, the number of which amounts very nearly to 300; the second part treats of printed editions of Polyglot and Hebrew, Greek and Latin Bibles, 499 in number." LOWNDES. 1765 PHELPS (N. A.) History of Simsbury, Granby and ,, Canton. Harftord. 1845. 8vo, pp. 175. 1766 PHELPS (Richard H.) A History of Newgate of Con- necticut, at Simsbury, now East Granby ; its Insur- rections and Massacres. Albany: Munsell. 1860. 410, pp. 151, cloth, uncut. 1767 PHILADELPHIA Directory and Register (The) : Con- taining the Names, Occupations and Places of Abode of the Citizens. By James Hardie, A. M. Philadelphia: T. Dobson. 1793. 8vo, pp. xii. and 234, half morocco. On page 151 appears the following : " Wash- ington (George), President of the United States, 190 High St." 358 PHILLIPS. 1768 PHILADELPHIA. The | Charter, Laws, (and | Cata- logue of Books | of the | Library Company | of | Philadel- phia. Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall, M,DCC,LXIV, 8vo, pp. 1 50, half morocco. 1769 PHILADELPHIA. The | Charter | of the (Library Com- pany | of) Philadelphia, j Philadelphia : \ Printed by B. Franklin, M,DCCXLVI. j [Also] Laws | of the | Library Company | of | Philadelphia. | made, in Pursuance of their | Charter, | At a General Meeting, | held in the Library, on the Third Day j of May, 1742. Philadelphia : \ Printed by B. Franklin, M,DCC,XLVI. | a vols., small 8vo, pp. 8 and 15, half morocco. 1770 PHILADELPHIA. Observations on the North Amer- ican Land Company, lately instituted in Philadelphia. London : 1 796. 8 vo, calf. This copy contains a large quantity of manuscript additions. 1771 PHILADELPHIA. A | Protestation | presented to ] the .., Synod | of | Philadelphia, | June I, 1741-! Philadelphia : Printed and Sold\ by B. Franklin. 1741. | Small 8vo, pp. 1 6, polished calf, extra, by F. Bedford. 1772 PHILLIPS (E.) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum : Containing. Brief Characters of the English Poets, down 4* to the year 1675. By Edward Phillips, the Nephew of Milton. The Third Edition. Reprinted at the ex- pense, and with the Notes, of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart., etc., etc. Geneva : from the Press of Bonnant. 1824. PICKERING. Royal 8vo, mottled calf, extra, gilt edga and uncut, by F. Bedford. One hundred copies printed. Contradictory as it may seem, this book is gilt edges and uncut in other words, the signatures were separately gilt. " The hand of Milton may be often discovered in this publication of hit nephew. Among the criticisms, those on Shakespeare and Marlowe are eminently conspicuous." "In the preface are more manifest marks of Milton's hand in the book itself." LOWNDES. 1773 PHILLIPS (H.) Historical Sketches of the Paper Cur- rency of the American Colonies, Prior to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. First and Second Series. Roxbury. 1865. a vols., 410, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; LAHGZ PAPER j only 50 copies printed. 1774 PHILOBIBLION (The). A Monthly Bibliographical Si/Ts Journal. New Tor k. 1862. z vols., 410, uncut. 4 1775 PICKELL. A New Chapter in the Early Life of Wash- ington. By John Pickell. New York. 1856. 8vo, cloth. 1776 PICKERING (W.) The Aldine Edition of the British Poets. Also, Gray's Complete Works. 5 vols. London : William Pickering. 1 839. Together 58 vols., foolscap 8vo, cloth, uncut. A clean and beautiful set, mostly of the first editions. The above is a general title for this elegant collection of the British Poets, which will always continue in the highest estimation, on account of the elegance of its typography, the correctness of its texts, aid the convenience of its size. It includes the works of Akenside, Beattie, Burns, Butler, Chaucer, Churchill, Collins, Cowper, Dryden, Falconer, Gray, Goldsmith, Milton, Parnell, Pope, Pryor, Shakspearc, Spenser, Surrey, Swift, Thomson, White, Wyatt, and Young. Many pieces by these authors appear for the first time in this edition. The Memoirs and Notes are by Sir Harris Nicolas, J. Mitford, A. Dyce, and others. Priced in Sotheran's Catalogue, December, 1869, a6. 360 PIKE. 1777 PICKERING (John). A Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America. Boston. 1816. 8vo, half purple morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Scarce in such fine condition. 1778 PICKERING (T.) A Review of the Correspondence between John Adams and William Cunningham, Be- ginning in 1803, and ending in 1812. Second Edition. Salem. 1824. 8vo, pp. 197, boards, uncut. 1779 PICKERING. CoL Pickerings Observations ... At ! p Salem, July 4, 1827. Salem. 1823. 8vo, pp. 12, uncut; and " Potter's Oration." Worcester : L Thomas, [n. d.] 1780 PICTURE (The) Exhibition. Jt TT ,~ /Z*2 34010, green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. 1781 PICTORIAL BIBLE. Illustrated with many hundred woodcuts. London. 1839. t? ~ 4 vols., 410, morocco, extra, gilt edges. This work is illustrated with real Landscapes and PLATES of the Natural Costume and Antiquities, and Original Notes. 1782 PIDGEON (W.) Traditions of De-coo-dah, and Anti- ' ^y / quarian Researches : Remains of the Mound-Builders in America. New York. 1858. 8vo, cloth. 1783 PIERPOINT (John). Airs of Palestine: A Poem. Baltimore. 1816. 8vo, pp. 57, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAIT inserted. 1784 PIKE (J.) An|Epistle|to the j National Meeting | of | , PINKERTON. 261 Friends, | in | Dublin, | concerning Good Order and Dis- cipline | in the Church. Written by Josph [sic] Pike. Philadelphia, Re-printed, and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1757. Small 8vo, pp. 23, half calf. 1785 PIKE (Major}. Expedition to the Sources of the Mis- sissippi and through the Western parts of Louisiana, etc., by Order of the Government of the U. S., in the years 1 8o5,-'6 and '7. London. 1810. 4to, boards, uncut. 1786 PILSBURY. Sketch of the Life and Public Services of Amos Pilsbury, Superintendent of the Albany Peniten- tiary, and late General Superintendent of the Metro- politan Police. Albany: Munsell & Rowland. 1860. 8vo, pp. 44, half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 1787 PINELLI (B.) Twenty-seven Etchings Illustrative of j oo Italian Manners and Costume. Rome. 1844. c? Folio, half morocco. 1788 PINKERTON (John). A General Collection of the Best and most Interesting Voyages and Travels from j _ the 1 6th Century, with maps and upwards of 200 en- gravings, by G. & W. Cooke. London. 1808. 17 vols,. 410, half morocco, gilt. "The most valuable collection of Voyages extant. The iyth volume contains a copious catalogue of Books on Voyages and Travels, and an excellent Index." DIBDIN'S Lib'y Companion. 1789 PINKERTON. The Scottish Gallery; or, Portraits of Eminent Persons, many of them after Pictures by the celebrated Jameson, etc. London. 1799. 410, boards, uncut } LARGE PAPER j 51 fine PORTRAITS. 46 362 PLATO. 1790 PITT (W.) Anecdotes of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, with his Speeches in Parliament from j -736-78. London. 1810. 3 roll., 8vo, calf. This collection was edited by John Almon, the bookseller, and contains much interesting matter relative to the American Revolution, in which Earl Chatham took an important political part. 1791 PLATFORM (A.) | Of | Church-Discipline Gathered out of the | Word of God ; | And Agreed upon j By the Elders and Messengers of the Churches | Assembled in the | Synod | At Cambridge in N. E. | To be presented to the Churches and General Court for their Consideration and Acceptance in the Lord, the 8th month, Anno 1649. | Cambridge: Printed by Marmaduke "Johnson. 1671. 4to, Title, I 1. j Preface, 5 1.; Text, 33 pp. Blue crushed levant morocco, by F. Bedford. FIRST EDITION of extreme rarity. 1792 PLATFORM (A) | of j Church-Discipline, | Gathered out of the Word of God, and Agreed upon by the (Elders and Messengers | Of the Churches assembled in the | Synod | At Cambridge, in N. E. Boston: Printed by J. Allen. 1717. 8vo, half morocco j -very rare. 1793 PLATO. The Works of Plato, viz., His fifty-five Dia- logues, and Twelve Epistles, translated from the Greek ; Nine of the Dialogues by the Late Floyer Sydenham, and the Remainder by Thomas Taylor : with Occa- sional Annotations on the Nine Dialogues, Translated by Sydenham, and Copious Notes by the Latter Trans- lator, in which is given the Substance of nearly all the Existing Greek MS. commentaries on the Philosophy of Plato, and a considerable Portion of such as are al- ready published. In five Volumes. [Mono.] London: Printed for Thomas Taylor. 1804. POETICAL. 363 5 vols., 4to, boards, uncut ; very uarce. Only a small edition printed. 1794 PLUMPTRE (J.) The English Drama Purified: being a Specimen of Select Plays, in which all the passages that have appeared to the editor to be objectionable in point of morality are omitted or altered. With Pre- faces and Notes. By James Plumptre, B. D. Cambridge. 1 8 1 2. 3 tols., iamo, calf, by Hollo way. [Miss Joanna BailUe, with the Editor *i respect*,] on the title in MS. 1795 PLYMOUTH. The First Plymouth Patent; Granted June I, 1621. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript. Edited by Charles Deane. Cambridge. MDCCCLIV. Crown 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; 100 copies privately printed. 1796 POE (E. A.) The Poetical Works of Edgar Allen Poe, with Original Memoir. Illustrated by F. R. Pickers- ^ je 8*^1 R. A., John Tenniel, Birket Foster, Felix Darley, Jasper Cropsey, P. Duggan, Percival Skelton, and A. M. Madot. New York [i. e. London :] MDCCCLVIII. 4to, morocco, extra. This copy is illuminated throughout by Mr. R. . Moors, of Chicago. 1797 POE. Poetical Works. New York. 1852. ?/ 3 vols., izrno, cloth. /* * 1798 POETIC AL.() Description of Song Birds; Inter- spersed with Entertaining Songs, Fables and Tales, Adapted to each subject ; for the Amusement of Children. The First Worcester Edition. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, By Isaiah Thomas, MDCCLXXX 31010, green levant morocco, extra, by W. Pratt. 364 POST - 1799 POLYANTHEA (The); or, A Collection of Interesting ?^ Fragments, in Prose and Verse. London. 1804. 2 vols, 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Includes most of Stiles's History of the Judges. 1800 POLYDORI VIRGILII de Rerum Inventoribus. Translated into English by John Langley, with an account of the Author and his Works. New York. 1868. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. The last publication of the Agathynian Club, izo copies printed. 1801 POOLE (J.) Hamlet Travestie, with Burlesque Anno- tations. New York. 1866. Imp. 8vo, morocco, antique, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. No. 80 of 100 copies re- printed for private distribution. Osrick. A hit, I'll bet a crown. 1802 POPHAM COLONY (The). A discussion of its His- torical Claims, with a Bibliography of the Subject. .Boston. 1866. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 1803 PORTRAITS of Eminent Conservative Statesmen, with / & o Genealogical and Historical Memoirs. London [n. d.] a vols., folio. 72 splendid PORTRAITS. Published at 8 8*. o PRESCOTT. 365 1806 POTTER (Israel R.) Life] and (Remarkable Adven- tures | of Israel R. Potter, | (a Native of Cranston, Rhode- Island,) who was a Soldier in the j American Revolution, | And took a Distinguished part in the Battle of Bunker | Hill (in which he received three wounds,) after (which he was taken Prisoner by the British, convey- |ed to England, where for 30 years he obtained a | livelihood for himself and family, by crying " Old | Chairs to Mend," through the Streets of London. Providence: Printed by Henry Trumbull. 1824. izmo, pp. 1 08, polished calf, gilt edges; PLATE. 1807 POUCHOT. Memoir upon the Late War in America, between the French and English, 1755-60. Followed by Observations upon the Theatre of Actual War, and by New Details concerning the Manners and Customs of the Indians ; with Maps. Translated and edited with Notes. By F. B. Hough. Printed for W. E. Woodward; Roxbury. 1866. a vols., imp. 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut. 143 copies printed in this tize. 1808 POWELL (Thomas). [Poetical] Works of. [London, n. d.] izmo, green morocco, gilt edges. A rare, privately printed volume, from E. D. In- graham's Library. 1809 POWNAL (T.) The Administrator of the British Colo- nies. London - '774- a vols., 8vo, calf; fine copy. Fifth and best edition. 1810 PRESCOTT (W. H.) [A Collection of the Works of William H. Prescott, Esq.] Philadelphia: ?. B. Lippincott & Co. [n. d.] 1 5 vols., 8vo, half calf, antique. Fine cofj- 3 66 PRINCE. Comprises the Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols. ; Philip the Second, 3 vols. ; Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. ; Charles Vth, 3 vols. } Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols. j and Miscellanies, I vol. " Prescott, the historian of both hemispheres, whose name will not be forgotten in either, but whose honours will always be dearest to those who have best known the discouragement under which they have been won, and the modesty and gentleness with which they are worn." TICKNOR. 1811 PRICE (R.) Observations on the Nature of Civil Lib- erty, and other Tracts. Boston. [1776.] 8vo, pp. 71, half morocco. One of the famous tracts on the American Revolution. 1812 PRIME (N. S.) A History of Long Island. New York. 1745. I2mo, pp. xii., 420, cloth. 1813 PRINCE (T.) A | Chronological History |of New-Eng- land | In the Form of | Annals : j Being] A summary and exact Account of the most | material Transactions and , & o Occurrences relating to this | Country, in the Order of Time wherein they hapjpened, from the Discovery by Captain Gosnold, in 1602, to the Arrival of | Governor Belcher, in 1730. With an Introduction, . . . Vol. I., Parts i and 2. Boston. N. E. MDCCXXXVI. Small J5vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt back and edges, by F. Bedford ; fne copy. rare. Morrell's copy sold for $25 ; Roche's for $23. 1814 PRINCE. The Salvations of God in 1746. In Part set forth in a Sermon at the South Church in Boston, Nov. 27, 1 746. Being the Day of the Anniversary Thanks- giving In the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in N. E. Wherein the most Remarkable Salvations of the Year Past, both in Europe and North-America, as far as they are come to our knowledge, are briefly consid- PRINCE SOCIETY. 367 ered. By Thomas Prince, M. A., And a Pastor of said Church. Boston : Printed for D. Henchman in Cornhill. 1 746. 8vo, pp. 35. 1815 PRINCE ... Sermon At the South Church in Boston N. E. On the General Thanksgiving, Thursday, July 1 8, 1745. Occasion'd By taking the City of Louis- bourg, On the Isle of Cape-Breton, by New-England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron. Boston: Printed f or D. Henchman. 1745. 8vo, pp. 35, half morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 1816 PRINCE. A Sermon Deliver'd at the South-Church in Boston, New-England, August 14, 1746. Being the Day of General Thanksgiving for the Great Deliver- ance of the British Nations, by the Glorious and Hap- py Victory near Culloden ... By Thomas Prince, M.A. Boston : Printed. London : Reprinted and sold by John Lewis. 1747. 8vo, pp. 39, half morocco. 1817 PRINCE. Catalogue of the American Portion of the g Library of The Rev. Thomas Prince. Boston. 1868. iamo, pp. 1 6 6, uncut; PORTRAIT. 1818 PRINCE SOCIETY. Publications of the Prince So- ciety. Boston. 1865-67. Together 4 vols., 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. This Series consists of ' . No. I. and II. The Hutchinson Papers, a vols. No. III. New England's Prospect. By William Wood. No. IV. Dunton's Letters ; Written from New England, A. D. 1686 In which are described His Voyages by Sea, His Travels on Land, etc. Now fint published from the Original Manuscript. 3 68 PROVERBES. / 1819 PRIVATE LAWS of the Confederate States of America, passed at the First Session of the First Congress, 1862. Carefully collated with the Originals at Richmond. Edited by James Matthews . . . To be continued an- nually. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1862. Royal 8vo, pp. 6. Second, 3 1.5 third, 6-n j fourth, 12-15. 1820 PROCLAMATIONS for Thanksgiving, issued by the Continental Congress, President Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, and by the Governors of New York. Albany. 1858. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut, gilt top; ao fine PORTRAITS inserted. 150 copies printed. 1821 PROLUSIONS; or Select Pieces of Antient Poetry, ... in three Parts ; containing, I. The Nutbrowne Mayde ; / j/-;? Martin Sackville's Induction ; and, Overbury's Wife. II. Edward the Third, a Play ... Ill ... Nasce teip- sum by Sir John Davis. London: J. and R. Tonson. 1760. 8vo, blue morocco, gilt edges ; fine copy ; very scarce. 1822 PROUD (R.) The History of Pennsylvania, in North /America, from the Original Institution and Settlement <^JP ^T of that Province, under the first Proprietor and Gov- ernor, William Penn, in 1681, till after the year 1742. With an Introduction, Appendix, etc. Philadelphia. 1779. 2 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, uncut, gilt top, by Bradstreet ; PORTRAIT and MAP. Wight's copy sold for $za.oo; H. A. Smith's for $23.00. 1823 PROVERBES Basques recueillis par Arnauld Oihenart, PUGIN. 369 suivis des Poesies Basques du meme Auteur. Seconde edition augmentee d'une Introduction bibliographique. Paris. 1837. Post 8vo, uncut ; scarce. 1824 PSALMS. The Whole Booke of Psalmes faithfully Translated into English Metre, whereunto is prefixed a discourse declaring not only the lawfullness, but also the necessity of the heavenly Ordinance of singing Scripture Psalms in the Churches of God. Imprinted 1640. New Tork. 1862. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt top, by W. Mathews ; thick paper ; one of twelve copies so printed. Fowle's copy sold for S6o; Whiteman's for $50. A literal reprint of the Bay Psalm Book ; being the earliest New England version of the Psalms, and the first book printed in America. 1825 PSALTER or Psalms of David, Printed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. London. 1848. 410, boards, uncut. A beautifully printed and rubricated volume, with woodcut BORDERS. 1826 PUBLIC LAWS of the Confederate States of America Passed at the First Session of the First Congress, 1862. Carefully collated with the Originals at Richmond. Edited by James Matthews ... To be continued an- nually. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1862. Royal 8vo, sheep. See Statutes. 1827 PUGIN. Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Cos- tume. Compiled from Ancient Authorities and Exam- ples, by A. Welby Pugin, Architect. Illustrated by Extracts from the works of Durandus, Georgius, Eona, Catalani, Gcrbert, Martene, Molanus, Thiers, Mabillon, Du^ansc, etc. Enlarged and revised by the Rev. Ber- 47 370 PUTNAM. nard Smith, M.A., of St. Mane's College, Oscott. Third Edition. London. 1868. Imp. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. The standard work on Ecclesiastical Orna- ment, illustrated by 73 PLATES, all splendidly printed in gold and colors, and about 50 WOODCUTS in the text, giving examples of the Costume of the Roman, English, French, and German Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, etc., etc. 1828 PURCHAS. Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas, his Pilgrimes, containing Peregrinations and Discoveries in f the remotest North and East parts of Asia, called Tar- taria and Asia, by Englishmen and others, and Voyages and Discoveries of the North parts of the World, by Land and Sea, Polar Regions and North-West of America, also English Northern Navigation, and Dis- coveries of Greenland, the North-West Passage, and other Arctic Regions ; Voyages and Travels to and in the New World, called America, and of the Seas and Islands adjacent. London, 1625-26. 5 vols, folio, russia, gilt edges. Engraved TITLE. *' We owe to the zeal and vast erudition of this laborious man, one of the most cele- brated collection of Voyages which have ever appeared valuable alike for the abundance of his materials and its importance to the history of early discoveries, especially those of the English." Biog. Universelle. Purchas says, in his preface, that he has incorporated the substance of more than twelve hundred writers of Voyages and Travels. Priced, in Quartrich's Cata- logue for 1869, 100. 1829 PURVIANCE (R.) A Narrative of Events which Oc- /tt o curred in Baltimore Town during the Revolutionary War. Baltimore. 1849. iamo, zl., pp. 331, cloth. 1830 PUTNAM (G. P.) American Facts. Notes and Sta- .>--, Its tistics Relative to the United States of America. London. 1845. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. PUTNAM. 371 1831 PUTNAM. Memoirs of the Life, Adventures, and Military Exploits of Israel Putnam, Senior Major-Gen- o * eral in the Revolutionary Army of the United States, and next in Rank to Gen. Washington. Together with memoirs of Major General Lee. Dedicated to the Youth of America. Philadelphia : Published and Sold by David Hogan. Stiles, Printer. 1808. 141110, pp. 107, red crushed levant morocco, by Matthews. 1832 PUTNAM. [Another edition.] New York. 1815. 1 8 mo, pp. 1 08, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Matthews. 372 QUINT. ~ UINCY (J., Jr.) Observations on the Act of Parliament, commonly called the Boston Post-Bill ; With thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. Philadelphia. MDCCLXXIV. 8vo, pp. 60, levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1834 QUINCY (J.) The History of Harvard University. Boston. 1 860. a vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. PLATES and WooocuTS.Thc most complete work on the subject. 1835 QUINCY. A Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston, During Two Centuries, From September 1 7, 1630, to September 17, 1830. Boston. 1852. 8vo, cloth. 1836 QUINT (A. H.) A Sermon at the Election, Jan. 3, 1866. Boston. 1866. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. RALEIGH. 373 ABELAIS (F.) The Works of Francis Rabelais. Translated from the French. With Explanatory Notes by Du Chat, Motteux, Ozell, and others. London. 1807. 4 vols., 8vo, calf, LARGE PAPER; PORTRAIT. Inserted in the above copy are 75 plates, from a French edition, all but 4 being proofs before the letters. 1838 RABELAIS. [Another Copy.] London. 1807. / jr* v 9 4 vols., 8vo, calf, sprinkled edges. " This translation is, by the best judges, accounted the most perfect version of any au- thor whatever ; as it preserves the spirit of the obscure, singular, and dif- ficult original in substantial vigor." WRANGHAM Pi 839 RAFFLES (T.) Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Raffles, particularly on the government of Java, with Details of the Commerce of the Eastern Archipelago. London. 1835. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Also an Atlas of PLATES, many of which are colored. 1840 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge. Philadelphia. 1832-1833. gvo, half calf, gilt. 1841 RALEIGH (W.) The Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh : now first collected. With a Biographical and Critical Introduction : By Sir Egerton Brydges, K. J. Printed at the Private Press of Lee Priory : by Johnson and Warwick. 1813. 4to, morocco, extra, morocco and vellum linings. 100 copies printed, ^trj team. From Dr. Morehead's Library. " A votary, of whom the Muses cannot but be proud." HEADLET. 374 RAPHAEL. 1842 RALEGH. The History of the World. A New Edi- tion, revised and corrected. To which is added Sir W. Ralegh's Voyages of Discovery to Guiana. Edinburgh. 1820. 6 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. " His style is pure, nervous, and majestic ; and much better suited to the dignity of history than that of Lord Bacon." DRAKE. 1843 RAMSAY (A.) Poetical Works, complete, with a copious Glossary ; and Life of Allan Ramsay. London. 1 800. 1 Tols., 8vo, polished calf, extra gilt, by Riviere ; fine PORTRAIT and FACSIMILE. BEST EDITION. Splendid copy. Scarce. Edited by G. Chalmers and Lord Woodhouselee. 1844 RAMSAY (D.) The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Indepen- dent State. Maps. Trenton. 1785: [Also] The History of South Carolina, from its first Set- tlement in 1670, to the year 1808. Charleston. 1809 : [And] The History of the American Revolution. Philadelphia. M.DCC.LXXXIX. Together 6 vols, 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. A SPLENDID SET. Very scarce in an uncut condition. 1845 RAMSAY. Life of George Washington. New York. 1807. 8vo, boards. See alto Washington (G.) 1846 RANTOUL (Robert, Jr.) An Oratron, ... Gloucester ...Fourth of July, 1877. Salem. 1833. 8vo, pp. 51, uncut. f 1847 RAPHAEL. Tableaux representant les faits le plus cele- /, ^ bres du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. Rome. 1788. Oblong 4to, half calf; 52 fine PLATES engraved by Bianchi. READ. 375 1848 RAPHAEL. Les Vierges de Raphael. Gravees par les premiers Artistes Francais. Paris^ Fume et Perrotin. Folio, l a beautifully engraved PLATES, and a fine PORTRAIT on India paper. 1849 RATH BUN Narrative of Jonathan Rathbun, with Accurate Accounts of the Capture of Groton Fort, the 4 Massacre that followed, and the Sacking and Burning of New London, September 6, 1781, by the British Forces, under the command of the Traitor Benedict Arnold. By Rufus A very and Stephen Hcmpstead, Eye-witnesses of the same. Together with an Interest- ing Appendix. [n. p. n. d.] iamo, Title, I 1 ; pp. 80, cloth. 1850 R[AY]. A Collection of English Proverbs. Digested into a convenient Method . . . with Short Annotations. By S. R., M. A. . Cambridge : Printed by John Hayes. 1670. l6mo, half morocco, gilt edges ; with Autograph of Archbishop Wrangham. Ran. 1851 RAYMOND (G. F.) A New, Universal and Impartial History of England, ... to the ... Year 1727. London. [1788.] Folio, half calf; lao PIATES from Drawings by Stothard, etc. Some of the Plato are illustrative of AMERICAN HISTORY, including a fine POBTAIT of A- DRE, Surrender of COUNT DE GRASSE, etc. 1852 RAYNAL (Abbe). 1'Amerique. London. 1781. * 1853 RAYNAL. The Revolution of America. Dublin. M,DCC,LXXXI. ixmo, pp. , *44 "Ifc 1854 READ (J M., Jr.) A Historical Inquiry concerning 376 REED. Henry Hudson, his Friends, Relatives and Early Life, his connection with the Muscovy Company and Dis- very of Delaware Bay. Albany. MDCCCLXVI. 4tcyhalf morocco, gilt top, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only 25 copies printed. Scarce. a PLATES and AUTOGRAPH of the Author Inserted. ' ' ^ CO '855 READ. [Another copy.] Albany. 1866. 8vo, boards, uncut, small paper. 1856 RECORD (The) of the Court at Upland, in Pennsyl- 7^ oo vania, 1675 to 1 68 1 ; and a Military Journal kept by Major E. Denny, 1781 to 1795. Philadelphia. 1860. 8vo, cloth ; PORTRAITS of MAJOR DENNY and GEN. HARMAR, etc. 1857 RECORDS of Salem Witchcraft, copied from the Ori- ginal Documents. Roxbury : Privately printed for W. Elliot Woodward. MDCCCLXIV. a vols., 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. 1858 RECUEIL d'Antiquites Egyptiennes, Etrusques,Grecques V et Romaines. A Paris. 1761-67. y jn *?\f* 7 vols., 410, calf, gilt edges ; fine set. Edited by the Comte de Caylus. Contains up- wards of 700 ENGRAVINGS. 1859 RECUEIL d'Estampes Representant les Differents Even- emens de la Guerre qui a procure 1'Independence aux Etats Unis de 1'Amerique. Paris [1790.] Oblong 410, calf, gilt. A Series of 16 STEEL ENGRAVINGS, by Godfrey and M. Ponce, illustrative of the principal events of the Revolutionary War, with descriptions, also engraved. Contains VIEWS of the Battles of Lexington and Saratoga, Surrender of Lord Corn- wallis, etc. 1860 [REED (I.)] The Repository: A Select Collection of REED. 377 Fugitive Pieces of Wit and Humour, in Prose and Verse. By the most Eminent Writers. London: Dilly. M,DCC,LXXVII. 4 vols., small 8vo, calf j scarce. Edited by Isaac Reed. 1 86 1 [REED (J.)] Remarks [on a J Late Publication | in the| Independent Gazetteer ; j with a | Short Address | to the | People of Pennsylvania, | on the many | Libels and Slan- ders (which have | lately appeared against the Author. | Philadelphia : \ Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market- \ Street. M,DCC,LXXXHI. 8vo, pp. 71. Errata i 1. [Also] A | Reply | to | General Joseph Reed's I Remarks, J on a Late Publication | in the | Independent Gazetteer, With some Observations on his | Address | to the J People of Pennsylvania. | [By John Cadwallader.] Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by T. Bradford, in Front-Street^ the Fourth | Door below the Cof- fee- House, MDCCLXXXIII. J 8vo, pp. 54. These ORIGINAL EDITIONS arc two of the rarest pieces in Pennsylvania literature. The occasion of the dispute was the assertion, by Gen. Cadwallader^ that in Dec., 1776, before the battle of Trenton, Gen. Reed was so much de- pressed by the sad state of American affairs as to meditate withdrawing from the service. This assertion Gen. Reed denies, and Gen. Cadwalla- der defends, in very heated and bitter language. The dupute was re- vived on the publication cf the ninth volume of Mr. Bancroft's history. See Reed (W. B.) The only set of which we can trace the ale was Mr. Hazewell's copy.sold May, 1859. The same volume contains Adams's History of the Dispute with America. 1784. Paine's CommonSense. 1776. Painc's Letter to Raynal. I78z. Etc. 1862 REED. A Report of the Reed and Cadwallader Pam- phlets. With an Appendix. MDCCCLXIII. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Includes the privately printed "Correspondence between Wm. B.Rccd and John Pcnnington and Son," in relation to the reprint. 4 8 378 REPORT. 1863 REED. [Another copy.] Philadelphia.. 1863. 8vo, boards, uncut. 100 copies printed. Fowle'i copy sold for $9.00. 1^64 REED (W. B.) Life and Correspondence of Joseph S Reed, Military Secretary of Washington, at Cambridge, Adjutant General of the Continental Army, etc. By his Grandson. Philadelphia. 1847. 2 voJi^Jivo, cloth; PORTRAIT inserted. Wight's copy told for $9.00 ; H. A. Smith's for $8.15. 1865 [REED] Life of Esther de Berdt, afterwards Esther } & t? Reed, of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 1853. I2mo, cloth. Privately printed. 1866 REID (J.) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica ; or, an Account of all the Books which have been printed in the Gaelic Language, with Bibliographical and Biographical Notices. Glasgow. 1832. 8vo, half calf. From John Allan's Library. 1867 REMINISCENCES of the French War ; Containing Rogers' Expeditions with the New England Rangers under his command, as published in London in 1765 ; with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added an Account of the Life and Military Services of Maj. Gen. John Stark ; with Notices and Anecdotes of other Offi- cers, distinguished in the French and Revolutionary Wars. Concord N. H.: T. H. Roby. 1831. jzmo, pp. 175, boards, uncut; PORTRAIT. / 1868 REPORT of a French Protestant Refugee in Boston, * 1687 : Translated from the French. By E. T. Fisher. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1868. 410, uncut Privately printed. Edition, 125 copies. REYKAKD. 379 1869 RETROSPECT (A) of the Boston Tea-Party. With a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, a Survivor of the little Band of Patriots who drowned the Tea in Boston Harbour, in 1773. By a Citizen of New York. Nrw York. 1834. lamo, pp. 209, boards; POUTBATT. 1870 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW (The). London : C. and H. Baldwyn. 1820. [Also] The Retrospective Review and Historical and Antiquarian Magazine. Edited by Henry Southern, Esq., . . . and N. H. Nicolas. Second Series. London: Baldwin [etc.] 1827. [Followed by] The Retrospective Review. Consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from Curi- ous, Valuable, and Scarce old Books. London : John Russell Smith MDCCCLIII. 1 8 vols., 8vo. Vols. i to 1 6 in half russia; the remainder in number*. The three series complete forming " An excellent Review of early English Literature. The Criticisms in tht first series were written by George Robinson, Esq., W. Gray, Esq., Mr. Sergeant Talfourd, Joseph Parkes, Esq., etc., the whole being under the superintendence of H. Southern, Esq. The second series was edited by Henry Southern and Nicholas Harris Nicolas. The papers in the third series were chiefly written by Thomas Wright, Esq., J. O. Halliwell, Esq., and M. A. Lower, Esq." LOWNDIS. Somerby's copy sold, in June, 1869, for $117.00. 1871 RETZSCH (M.) Outlines to Schiller's Fridolin. London. 1814. Oblong 410, in cloth case. 1872 REYNARD the Fox. After the German Version of Goethe. By Th. J. Arnold, Esq. With Illustrations from the Designs of Wilhelm von Kaulback. New York [i. e. London]. 1860, Royal 8vo, morocco, extra, gilt. 380 RICH. 1873 REYNARD the Fox; a renowned Apologue of the Mid- die A:ze, reproduced in Rhyme. Translated by S. VT i IT T j T Naylor, Esq. London : Longman. MDCCCXLV. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. A beautiful specimen of printing, all the initials being in red. Inserted in this copy arc the 12, ILLUSTRATIONS by Jos. Wolf, executed for Pickering's edition. 1874 REYNOLDS (J.) The Pioneer History of Illinois, con- taining the Discovery, in 1673, and the History of the Country to the year 1818. Belleville, III. 1852. nmo, cloth. The author was Governor of Illinois. 1875 REYNOLDS (J. N.) Voyage of the United States Frigate Potomac, 1831-34. New York. 1835. / v ^^ 8vo, cloth. Describes a Circumnavigation of the Globe. 1876 RHEES. The Altar of Peace, being the substance of a Discourse Delivered in the Council House, at Gren- ville, July 5th, 1 795, before the Officers of the Ameri- can Army, and Major General Wayne, Commander in IS Chief, and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to treat with the Indian Tribes, North- West of of the Ohio. By Morgan J. Rhees. To which is pre- fixed An Address of the Missionary Society, with their Constitution. Philadelphia : Printed by Ephraim Conrad. 1 798. 8vo, pp. 1 3, half blue morocco. 1877 RICH (O.) [A complete set of Mr. Rich's Bibliotheca Americana, consisting of the following Works.] London. 1832-1846. 3 vols., 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews; in which condi- tion utt are very rare, as most of the copies of the " Catalogue, 1832," were cut when published. j. Catalogue of Books, 1493-1700. 1832; and Bib. Am. Vet.; pp. 16 and 8. RIEDESEL. 38! II. Bibliotheca Americana Novo, 1700-1800. HI. Bibliotheca Amer- icana Nova, 1800-1844. So fine and so complete a set of this scarce and valuable work, indispensable to the American collector, is seldom to be found. 1878 RICHMOND (J. W.) Revolutionary Debt Repudiated by Rhode Island. Second Edition. Providence. 1855. 8vo, pp. ao8 ; FACSIMILES. An acrimonious assault on the State. 1879 RICRAFT (Josiah). A Survey of England's Cham- pions, with the lively portraitures of the Several Com- manders. London. 1647. 8vo, boards, uncut; many PORTRAITS. "A grand presbyterian." WOOD. This reprint was limited to 50 copies. 1880 RIDGELY (D.) Annals of Annapolis, comprising no- tices of that old city from 1649 to 1812, with various Incidents in the History of Maryland. Baltimore. 1841. I2mo, half green morocco, uncut, gilt top, by Bradstreet. Includes some letters from G. Washington. 1 88 1 RIEDESEL (Madame De.) Letters and Memoirs Re- lating to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. Trans- lated from the original German. New Tork. 1827. limo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Fine copy. 1882 RIEDESEL. [Another Edition. Translated from the Original German. By William L. Stone.] Albany. 1867. Royal 8vo; half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, elegantly tooled, by Matthews. Illustrated with numerous rare PORTRAITS and VIEWS, including the ex- tremely rare plate of Andre Hanging. LARGE PAPER ; of which only 50 were printed. See aha Munsell (J.) 382 RITSON. 1883 RIGGS (Samuel J.) Catalogue of a Remarkable Collec- lection of Books. Philadelphia. 1849. 8vo, half calf. This was a large collection of Facetiae, 908 lots. Also, another Cat- alogue of kindred books. 1884 RIKER (James, Jr.] The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New York. New York. 1852. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstrcet. yr 1885 RILEY (H. T.) Chronicle of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London. Edited by H. T. Riley. London. 1863. 4to, vellum, red edges. 1886 RIPLEY (R. S.) The War with Mexico. New York. 1849. a vols., 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut ; PORTRAITS inserted ; very fine copy now scarce. 1887 RITSON (Joseph). Robin Hood ; a Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads . . . relative to "J? that Celebrated English Outlaw, [with] Historical Anecdotes of his Life. London: Pickering. 1832. a vols., crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, by Hayday; WOODCUTS by Bewick. SECOND EDITION. " This edition contains several additions made by Ritson in his own copy, and the editor (his nephew) has added in the Appendix the Tale of Robin Hood and the Monk, which Ritson did not know was in existence. The Woodcuts are better struck off and clearer." LOWNDES. 1888 [RITSON.] Bibliographia Poetica : A Catalogue of Engleish Poets. 1300-1700. London. 1802. iimo, purple calf; rare. For additions and alterations to this volume, see Cens. Lie., v. and vi. ; and Fry's Bibliog. Mem., 71 1. ' 00 1889 RITSON. Letters. London: W. Pickering. 1833. 2, vols., post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. * ROBBINS. 383 y 1890 RITSON. Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls. London. 1827. Post, 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1891 RIVINGTON (James). [A Collection of Tory Tracts printed by James Rivington.] New York. 1774-5. 6 Tola., small 8vo. All uniformly bound in half red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. I. A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies. New York : James Rivington. M.DCC.LXXV. II. Free Thoughts, on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress Held at Philadel- phia Sept. 5, 1774: wherein Their Errors are exhibited, their Reason- ing Confuted, and the fatal Tendency of their Non-Importation, Non-Ex- portation, and Non-Consumption measures, are laid open to the plainest Understandings. By A. Farmer. Printed in the year M.DCC.LXXIT. pp. 24. III. A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress from the Calumnies of their Enemies : In answer to a Letter under the signature of A. W. Farmer. Whereby his Sophistry is exposed, his Cavils refuted, his Artifices detect- ed, and his Wit ridiculed ; In a General Address To the Inhabitants of America, and a Particular Address To the Farmers of the Province of New York. New York: 1'rinted by Junes Rivington. 1774. Written by Alex. Hamilton when only eighteen years of age. IV. The Other Side of the Question ; or, A Defence of the Liberties of North-Amer- ica. In Answer to a late Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans, on The Subject of our Political Confusions. By a Citizen. New- York i Printed by James Rivington, Hanover-Square. M.DCC.LXXIV. pp. 30. V. The Congress Canvassed ; or An Examination into The Conduct of the Delegates, at their Grand Convention, Held in Philadelphia, Sept. I, 1774, Ad- dressed, To the Merchants of New York, by A. W. Farmer, Author of Free Thoughts, etc. Printed in the year M,DCC,LXXIV. pp. 17. VI. A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies ; including a Mode of Determining their present Disputes, finally and effectually ; and of preventing all Future Contentions. New York : printed by James Rivington, M,DCC,LXXIV. ~ 1892 ROBBINS (C.) History of the Second Church in Bos ton. Boston. 1852. 8vo, pp. viii., 310; 5 PLATM. 384 ROBINSON. 1893 ROBERTE the Deuyll. A Metrical Romance from an Ancient Illuminated Manuscript. London: I. Herbert. 1792. 8vo, half red morocco* uncut. 1894 ROBERTS (W.) An Account of the First Discovery * 4 j~ and Natural History of Florida . . . Map ... By T. Jef- ferys. London. MDCCLXIII. j& - 4to, half morocco, gilt top; MAP. 1895 ROBERTS (W.) History of Letter Writing from the Earliest Period to the Fifth Century. By William Roberts, Esq., Barrister at Law. London : William Pickering. MDCCCXLIH. 8vo, cloth, uncut. A Selection of the best Epistles of Antiquity, including Cicero, Pliny, Seneca, the early Fathers, and others, translated into English. 1896 ROBERTSON (W.) The History of America. IX and X. Walpole, N. H. Books 1800. * i8mo, pp. 192, half green morocco. 1897 ROBIN (Abbe). New Travels | through | North-Ameri- ca : | In a Series of Letters ; | Exhibiting, the History of the Victorious Campaign of the Allied Armies, under His Excellency, Gen. Washington, | and the Count de tJ Rochambeau, in the Year 1781, ... Also, (Narrations of the capture of General Burgoyne, | and Lord Corn- wallis, with their Armies . . . Translated from the Origi- nal of the Abbe Robin ; | one of the Chaplains to the French Army in Ame.lca. Philadelphia. MDCCLXXXIII. 8vo, panelled calf. First edition ; very scarce. o* 1898 ROBINSON (William). Several j Epistles [Given forth by Two of the | Lords Faithful Servants, | Whom he ROGERS. 385 sent to | New-England, | to', Bear Witness to his Ever- lasting Truth, j And were there (by the Priests, Rulers, and Professors) | after cruel and long Imprisonment, and inhumane | Whippings and Banishment, put to death ; for | no other Cause, but for keeping the | Command- ments of God, and | Testimony of Jesus. | William Rob- inson. | William Leddra. | Here is also prefixed W. R. his Testimony of his call to | that Service, for obedience unto which, he under-] went the wrath of Men, but hath obtained | Everlasting Peace and Rest with God. | [Motto.] London: Printed in the Tear 1669. Small 4to, pp. 1 1, brown calf, by F. Bedford. One of the rarest of the Tracts relating to the Persecutions of the New England Quakers by the Puritans. 1899 ROBINSON (W. D.) Memoir of the Mexican Revo- lution. London. 1821. a vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt; PORTRAIT of Mina. 1900 ROCHE. Catalogue of the Library of Richard W. Roche. New York. 1867. 8vo, boards, uncut. One of a few copies printed on THICK PAPER. 1901 ROCHESTER (Earl). Arbor Vitae: or, the Natural History of the Tree of Life. London : E. Hill. MDCCXLI. Folio; LARGEST PAPER. One of five copies reprinted on this size for H. W. Smith, of Philadelphia, 1865. This facetious work is attributed to Earl Roche- tor, and is a very witty though grossly indecent work. 1902 ROGERS. A Concise Account of North America: Containing A Description of the several British Colo- nies, etc. Also, of the Interior or Westerly Parts of the Country, upon the Rivers St. Lawrence, Missis- sippi, Christino, and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined an Account of the several Nations and Tribe* 49 386 ROORBACK. of Indians residing in those Parts. London : Printed for the Author. MDCCLXV. [Also] Journals of Major Rob- ert Rogers: Containing An Account of the several Excursions he made under the Generals who com- manded upon the Continent of North America, during the Late War. London : Printed for the Author. MDCCLXV. Together, 8vo, 2 vols., polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; PORTRAIT of Rogera inserted. "Major Rogers headed, with much reputation, the provincial troops called Rangers, during the whole course of what wrre called the French wars in America. To this brave, active, judicious officer, it is, that the public are indebted for the most satisfactory account yet published of- the interior parts of America." MONTHLY REVIEW. 1903 ROGERS (S.) Italy, A Poem. 1830. [And] Poems /J ?tT By Samuel Rogers. London: T. Cadell. 1834. S ** ^ 1 vols., 8vo, calf; with the Titles of the Plates neatly written in red ink. The ORIGINAL EDITIONS, profusely illustrated with upwards of 100 beautiful ENGRAVINGS by Finden, from Pictures by Stothard and Turner. 1604 ROGERS (W. H.) Spiritual Conceits, Extracted from the Writings of the Fathers, the Old English Poets, etc. Illustrated by W. Harry Rogers. London : Griffith and Farran. MDCCCLXH. Small 410, morocco, gilt edges. V 1905 ROMANCE OF HISTORY. England, by Henry Neele. 3 vols. Spain, by Don T. De Trueba. 3 vols. France, by Leitch Ritchie. 3 vols. Italy, by C. Mac- farlane. 3 vols. India, by Rev. H. Gaunter. 3 vols. London. 1828-35. 15 vols., uniformly bound in half purple calf, gilt (except England, which is purple calf, gilt). A complete set of this very entertaining series of books. s* 1906 ROORBACK (O. A.) Bibliotheca Americana. Cata- ROXBURGHE. 387 logue of American Publications, including Reprints and Original Works, from 1820 to 1852. New York. 1852. 1907 ROSSETTA STONE. Report of the Committee ap- pointed by the Philomethean Society of the University of Pennsylvania to translate the Inscription on the Rossetta Stone. Second Edition. {Philadelphia. 1858.] Imp. 410, half morocco. UNIOJJE COPY of this curious and valuable work; the PLATES being each mounted on drawing paper, within a gilt border. In. serted is a letter in facsimile from Alex. Von Humboldt, concerning the work : the translators were Messrs. Hale Jones and Morton, and great credit is due to them for the manner in which the work is executed. 1908 ROUX DE ROCHETTE. Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris, [n. d.] 8vo, cloth. Contains upwards of 100 PLATIS; one of which represents the Capture of Andre. 1909 ROXBURGHE LIBRARY. [A Series, so far as pub- i Authors.] London. 1 868-9. lished, of this Collection of old English Authors.] 6 vols., 410, half morooco, uncut. Consisting of the following works I. Paris and Vienne. Thystorye of the Noble Ryght Valyaunt and Worthy Knyght Parys and of the fayr vigenne the Daulphyns daughter of Vyennoyt From the unique copy printed by William Caxton at Westminster in the year MCCCCLXXXV. With a Preface, Glossary, and Notes. 1868. II. Inedited Tracts: Illustrating the Manners, Opinions, and Occupations of English- men during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Now first repub- lished from the Oiiginal Copies, with a Preface and Notes. III. The Whole Works of William Browne ... now first corrected and edited, ... by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vols., 410. IV. The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664. Illustrated by a Series of documents, Treatise* and Poems. 1869. 388 RUSH 1910 ROXBURGHE. A Catalogue of the Library of John <^oo Duke of Roxburghe. London. 1812. 8vo, half morocco, uncut 1911 ROWSON. Miscellaneous Poems. By Susanna Row- son, Preceptress of the Ladies' Academy, Newton, Mass. Boston : Printed for the Author by Gilbert & Dean. 1804. izrno, pp. ~-7, old calf. 1912 ROYAL GALLERY of Pictures. Being a Selection *$ Co of Cabinet Paintings in Her Majesty's Private Collec- tion. London. 1850. 410, half morocco. The Pictures are by Rembrandt, Vandyck, Douw, Van Ostade, Cuyp, Reynolds, Potter, Titian, Teniers, Rubens, etc. 1813 RULES | and { Articles, | for the better | Government | of the) / Troops | Raised, or to be raised, and kept in pay by and at | the joint Expense of the | Twelve United English Colonies | of) North America, j Philadelphia : \ Printed by William and Thomas Bradford. 1775. | Small 4to, pp. 16, half blue morocco. 1914 RUSH (Benj.) An Account of the Life and Character of Christopher Ludvvick, Late Citizen of Philadelphia, and Baker-General of the Army of the United States during the Revolutionary War. Philadelphia. 1831. iimo, half bound. 1915 RUSH (R.) Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London. By Richard Rush, Envoy Extraordinary and .. s~ j Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, from 1817 to 1825. Second Edition, R.e- vised and Enlarged. Philadelphia. 1835. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. See Washington (George). RUTTY. 389 1816 RUSSELL. Memorials of the Life and Works of Thomas Fuller, D.D. By the Rev. Arthur T. Rus- sell, B.C.L. London. 1844. Foolscap 8vo, uncut. Contains AUTOG*AFH of Pickering. 1917 RUSSELL (John). Life of William Lord Russell. London. 1853. Crown 8 vo, tree calf, gilt. 1918 RUSSELL (W.) History of America. London. 1778. 2 vols., 410, half calf. 1919 RUSTICUS. Remarks on a Late Pamphlet entitled Plain Truth. By Rusticus. Philadelphia. M,DCC,LXXVI. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. 1920 RUTGERS. The Case of Elizabeth Rutgers versus Joshua Waddington, Determined in the Mayor's Court, in the City of New York, August 7, 1786. With an Historical Introduction by Henry B. Dawson. Morrisania^ N. T. 1866. 4to, half morocco, gilt top; LARGI PAW; No. 4 of 25 copies printed. RUTGERS. [The Same.] Morrisania, N. Y. 1866. 8vo, paper, uncut; 100 copies printed in this sue. 1921 RUTTY (J.) The | Liberty | of the | Spirit | and of the | Flesh Distinguished : | In an Address to those Captives in Spirit | among the People called Quakers, who are| commonly called Libertines. | By John Rutty, | An un- worthy Member of that Community. Dublin : Printed, Philadelphia : Re-prineed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1759. 8vo, pp. 64, calf; fat eofy. 390 SABIN. ABIN (J.) A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Waltonian Library, belonging to the Estate of Robert W. Coleman. New York. 1866. Svo, uncut. 75 copies only, privately printed. This Library was collecttd by the late Rev. Dr. Bethune. This woodcut initial is not in- tended for a portrait. J 9 2 3 [SABIN.] Bibliotheca Dramatica. Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of the Late Wil- liam E. Burton . . . Sold . . . 1860. New York. 1860. Imp. Svo, pp. viii., 463, half morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPXR copy; PORTRAIT. Priced and ruled by the compiler. 1924 [SABIN.] Catalogue of the Rare, Curious and Valuable Collection of Books, Tracts, Autographs, etc., of the late Mr. E. B. Corwin. New York. 1856. Royal Svo, pp. vii., 263, uncut; LARGE PAPER copy. 100 copies printed. 1925 SABIN. A Catalogue of the Books, Autographs, En- gravings, etc., belonging to the Estate of John Allan. New York. 1864. Royal Svo, uncut j LARGE PAPER ; with PORTRAIT, xoo copies only printed, some of which were destroyed by fire. 1926 SABIN. Catalogue of the Entire Library of Andrew Wight. New York. 1864. Royal Svo, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. Rich in Franklin imprints and other rare books. Sold by auction, 1864. The prices realized at this sale have never been exceeded at a genuine sale. 8APFORD. 39 * 1927 SABIN. Catalogue of the Library of Edwin Forrest. Philadelphia. 1863. gvo, uncut; PORTRAIT. 175 copies privately printed. Rich in Shakespearian and Dramatic Literature. 1928 SABIN. A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, From its Discovery to the Present Time. By Joseph Sabin. Fourteen parts. New York. 1867-69. Royal 8vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 100 co'pies printed. Parts I. to XIV., are now ready for delivery. The purchaser at this sale will have to assume the subscription undertaken by Mr. Rice. It is the most complete work of the kind, and indispensable to the collector of an American library. For * further particulars see the cover of this Catalogue. 1929 [SABIN]. Shakspeariana Burtonensis : being a Catalogue of the Extensive Collection of Shakspeariana of the late William E. Burton, Esq., of New York, etc. New York. 1860. Royal 8vo, pp. 72 ; LAKGZ PAFIR. 100 copies printed. 1930 SABINE (L.) Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with an Historical Essay. By Lorenzo Sabine. Boston. 1864. a vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. 1931 S AFFORD (W. H.) The Blennerhassett Papers, em- bodying the Private Journal of Barman Blennerhassett, and the hitherto unpublished correspondence of Burr, Alston, Comfort Tyler, Devereaux, Dayton, Adair, Moir, Emmett, Theodosia Burr Alston, Mrs. Blenner- hassett, and others, their Contemporaries. Cincinnati. 1864. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 392 SAINTE-CHAPELLE. 1932 SAFFORD. The Life of Harman Blennerhassett, com- * prising an Authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition ; and Containing Many Additional Facts not heretofore published. Cincinnati. 1853. ximo, pp. 239, cloth. 1933 SAGITTARIUS'S Letters j and | Political Speculations,) Extracted | From the Public Ledger. | Humbly inscribed | To the very Loyal and Truly Pious Dr. Samuel) Cooper, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Brat- tle | Street. | Boston : \ Printed by Order of the Select Men, and Sold at Dona \tion Halt, for the benefit of the distressed Patriots. MDCCLXXV. 8vo, title and pp. 127, half red morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. "A strong Tory, unti-Puritanical publication, full of hits against the Pilgrim Fathers and their descendants, with a great deal of personal gossip, and, on the whole, a book of considerable historic interest. To the New York, Philadelphia and Southern antiquarian explorers after scraps against the early New Englanders, this little volume will prove a mine, and afford salt and spice enough for many Fourth of July orations." 1934 SAINT (The) and the Sinner. A [Poetical] Tale. New York. 1854. 8vo, cloth. Somewhat facetious. 1935 SAINTE-CHAPELLE (La) Histoire Archeologique, descriptive et Graphique de, par MM. Decloux, Archi- * & tecte, et Doury, Peintre. Paris: Morel. 1865. Folio, half morocco ; 25 PLATTS, 5 on India paper, and ao beautifully executed in colors. This work is alike valuable to the architect, painter, or tourist. "La Saint-Ckapellc, cette merveille du moyen age, est remarquable par 1'unite de son ensemble, 1'elegance de sa forme, la variete et la richesse de son ornamen- tation." SAT. LUST. 393 1936 ST. CLAIR (A.) A Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in the Year 1791, was Conducted, under the Command of Major-General St. Clair, etc. Philadelphia. 1812. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. *937 ST - JOHN (J. A.) History of the Manners and Cus- ,*oo toms, Arts, Sciences, etc., of Ancient Greece. London. 1842. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. " A masterly picture of the Hellenic family, not in their political relations only, but in the still more attractive aspect of their social history and domestic life." Athttneum. 1938 ST. JOHN (J. Hector). Letters from an American Far- mer, describing Provincial Manners, Customs, &c. London. 1782. 8vo, calf; fine copy. 1939 ST. JOHN. Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain, ecrites a W. S. Ecuyer, 1770-1781. Paris. 1784. a vols., 8vo, calf $ foe eld copy. "One of the few well-written books produced by American authors." HAZLITT. 1940 SALEM WITCHCRAFT; Comprising More Won- ders of the Invisible World, Collected by Robert Calef, and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather. Together with Notes and Explanations by Samuel P. Fowler. Boston: Wm. Feazie. MDCCCLXV. 410, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAIT of Cotton Mather; LARGE PAPM ; only too copies printed. For a severe critique on thii reproduction, set [Deane (C.)], Lot No. 540. 1941 SALLUST. La Conjuracion de Catalini y La Guerra de Jugurta por Cayo Salustio Crispo. [Colophon.] En Madrid : Por 'Joachin Ibarra, Impressorde Camara del Rei Nuestro Senor. M.DCC.LXXII. 50 394 SAMPSON. Rl. 410, blue morocco, silk linings, gilt edges ; PLATES ; LARGE PAPER ; a magnificent volume, and one of the most perfect specimens of printing and embellish- ment ever produced. It contains the original Latin at the bottom of the pages, and, at the end, notes by the learned P. Bayer. Most of the copies printed were distributed as presents. Among the plates is a series of ROMAN COINS. 1942 SALT (H.) A Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels in the Interior, with an Account of the Aborigines. London. 1814. 410, half morocco ; fine copy, with THIRTY-SIX CHOICE ENGRAVINGS by Heath. Dr. Dibdin, after speaking in the highest terms of Bruce, says : " If I am asked by the economical collector, to give up Bruce or Mr. Salt, 1 shall unhesitatingly say, forego the former and secure the latter." 1943 [SAMPSON (Deborah).] The Female Review ; | or, | Me- moirs] of an | American Young Lady :| whose Life and Q^\^" Character are Peculiarly Distin-|guished being a Con- tinental Soldier, for nearly | Three Years, in the late American War. | During which time, | she performed the duties of every department, [into which she was called, with punctual exactness, | fidelity and honor, and pre- served her chastity in- 1 violate by the most artful con- cealment of her sex. j ... By a Citizen of Massachusetts. Dedham. M,DCC,XCVII. tamo, pp. 159, (4), red crushed levant morocco, gilt ed^es, by F. Bedford; PORTRAIT; with a receipt for a pension, signed "Deborah Gaunett," inserted. This rare volume usually lacks the portrait of Deborah. 1944 SAMPSON. The Female Review. Life of Deborah Sampson, the Female Soldier in the War of the Revolu- tion. With an Introduction and Notes by John Adams Vinton. Boston: J. K. Wiggin. MDCCCLXVI. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 35 copies printed. 1945 SAMPSON. [Another copy.] Boston. MDCCCLXVI. Fcap 410, uncut ; 250 copies printed. SARCASTIC. 395 1946 SAMUELS (E. A.) Ornithology and Oology of New England : containing Full Description of the Birds of New England, and adjoining States and Provinces. With Illustrations of many Species of the Birds, and accurate Figures of their Eggs. Boston. 1868. 4to, cloth, uncut ; a beautiful volume. 1947 SANDERSON (J.) Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. By John Sanderson, [and others]. Phila.: Joseph M. Sanderson. 1820. 9 vols., 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut ; fine copy, with all the POTAITJ Fowle't copy sold for $81. 1948 SANDERSON. [Another copy.] Philadelphia. 1820. 9 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut ; fine copy. t? 1949 SANDERSON. [Another Edition.] Phila. 1860. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. % Co '950 SANDYS (George). Christ's Passion. A Tragedy; with Annotations. The Second Edition, Illustrated with Scvlptvres. London. 1687. Sm. 8vo, calf; fne copy. This tragedy is much praised by Langbaine. The author was Secretary to the Colony of Virginia. See Ovid, Lot No. 1689. 1951 SANNAZARIIS. laobi Sannazarii Opera Omnia, Lat- ine Scripta. Ex Bibliotbeca Aldlna Venetlis. M.D.LXX. Sm. 8vo, red morocco; PORTRAIT. One of the earliest books on the art of angling, printed by Aldus. A beautiful and rare edition. 1952 SARCASTIC NOTICES of the Long Parliament; A List of the " Members that Held places, both Civil and Military, Contrary to the Self-Denying ordinance of April 3rd, 1645; with the Sums of Money and Lands which they Divided among themselves." London. 1863. Sm. 410, half morocco, uncut. Gives many curioui particulars about this famoui assembly not mentioned by historians or biographers. 396 SAVAGE. 1953 SARGENT (Gw.) Papers in Relation to the Official tj^^9 Conduct of Governour Sargent. Boston, 1801. 8vo, pp. 64, uncut. 1954 SARGENT (Major W.) A Journal of the General Meeting of the Cincinnati, in 1784. By Major Win- throp Sargent, Edited by Winthrop Sargent. Thirty- nine Copies Reprinted. Philadelphia. 1859. 8vo, pp 59. 1955 SARGENT (W.) The History of An Expedition against ^ Fort du Quesne, in 1755; under Major General Ed- ward Braddock, Generalissimo of H. B. M. Forces in America. Edited from the original Manuscripts, by Winthrop Sargent. Philadelphia. 1856. 8vo, cloth ; PLATES and MAPS. 1956 SARGENT. Life and Career of Major John Andre, oo Adjutant General of the British Army in America. Boston. 1 86 1. 8vo, cloth, uncut; PORTRAIT; LARGE PAPER; only 75 copie* printed. A work of great merit, now scarce. 1957 SARGENT. The Loyalist Poetry of the Revolution, ^ ^ Edited by Winthrop Sargent. Phila. MDCCCLVII. Sm. 410, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut ; 99 copies printed ; of great rarity. Fisher's copy sold for $85. 1958 [SAUNDERS.] Festival of Song; a series of Evenings / . with Poets. With Seventy-three Pictures by members of the National Academy of Design. Engraved by Robbett and Hooper. New Tork. 1866. Imp. 8vo, green morocco, gilt edges. 1959 SAVAGE (J.) An Oration ... July 4, 1811. ... Boston. v{/* Second Edition. Boston. 1811. 8vo. pp. ii, uncut. SCHEDEL. 397 1960 SAVANNAH. The Siege of Savannah, by the Com- bined American and French Forces, under the Com- mand of Gen. Lincoln, and the Count D'Estaing, in the Autumn of 1779. Albany: J. Munsell. 1866. 410, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; 100 copies printed. See Lot No. 391. 1961 SAVERIEN (M.) Histoire des Philosophes Modernes avec leur portrait grave dans le gout du crayon, d'apres les desseins des plus grands peintres. Paris. 1763. 7 vols., 4to, half calf. A series of very rare PORTRAITS and PLATE*, with biographies. 1962 SCHEDEL (H.) Chronicon Nurembergense, auctore Hartmanno Schedel. Registrum hujus operis libri cronicarum cu figuris et ymagibus ab inicio mudi. Nuremberge : Anthonius Koberger. 1493. Folio, in the original binding; GOTHIC LETTER. This copy measurei 18^ inches in height by 12^ inches in width, which renders it, probably t ONE or THE LARGEST ever offered for sale Acre. It has always been styled, by way of distinction, the " NUREMBERG CHRONICLE," and scarcely any volume has been so cele- brated for a long series of years. The ENGRAVINGS, which art ufivardt of aaoo in number, are in WOOD, and were executed by Michael Wolgemut and Pleydenwurf, the former of whom was the master of Albert Diirer ; the subjects are PORTRAITS or ILLUSTRIOUS CHARACTERS, VIEWS or TOWNS, etc. This volume contains the supplemental leaves, which are often deficient. The original edition of one of the most extraordinary and curious productions of the fifteenth century, which can never fail to be highly interesting to the lover of ancient engraving and printing. The fine woodcuts present the first successful imitation of the cross-hatchings of a pen drawing. If Koberger had printed only this chronicle, he would have done enough to place his name among the most distinguished of his typographical brethren ; but he has other and nearly equal claims to a very marked celebrity. See the " Bibliotheca Spenceriana," where no less than twenty-six pages are devoted to an account of the work, accompanied by facsimiles of many of the very singular woodcuts. Hearne, in the preface of M Robert of Gloucester," says : " For my part, the oftener I consult this chronicle, the more I won- der at the things in it, and I cannot but esteem the book a* extremely pleasant, useful, and curious, by reason of these very odd cuts." SCOTT. 1963 [SCHOOLCRAFT (Henry R.)] Helderbergia : or the / Apothesis of the Heroes of the Anti-Rent War. Albany: Munsell. 1865. 8vo, pp. 54, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Anonymously printed for the author. 1964 SCHOOLCRAFT. Notes on the Iroquois : or Con- tributions to American History, Antiquities and Gen- eral Ethnology. New York. 1846. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 1965 SCOTCH Presbyterian Eloquence displayed ; or, the X' Foolishness of their Teaching discovered from their ^ & & t? Books, Sermons, and Prayers, interspersed with some genuine Adventures in Love, etc. J 73 r - 8vo, .calf; curious FRONTISPIECE in the style of Hogarth. 1966 SCOTLAND ILLUSTRATED, in a series of Views taken exclusively for this work, by Bartlett, Allom, &c. London. 1838. 2 vols., 410, morocco, gilt edges ; FIRST EDITION. 1967 SCOTT (Sir W.) Waverley Novels. Edinburgh: A. fcf C. Black. 1856. 25 vols., 8vo, red morocco extra, gilt sides and edges; SUPERB COPY; best library edition, containing all the latest corrections and additions of the author, beautifully printed in large type, "with an extensive and beautiful series of EXTRA ENGRAVINGS. An elegant copy of this edition, illustrated with upwards of 150 extra and highly finished engravings, from pictures by C. Stanfield, Leslie, Nasmyth, etc., and including numerous portraits. / 1968 SCOTT. The Vision of Don Roderick; A Poem. Edinburgh. 1811. 410, calf; FIRST EDITION. 1969 SCOTT. Rokeby, A Poem. Illustrated Edition. London. 1841. 1 8mo, morocco, gilt edges ; numerous STEEL PLATES ; good impressions. SCULPTURE. 399 1970 SCOTT. A Series of Illustrations of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott from Paintings by R. Smirke. London. 1823. izmo; 10 PLATES. 1971 SCOTT. Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scenery of Scotland, with Descriptive Illustrations by Sir Walter Scott. London. 1826. ^ vols. in i ; 53 PLATES, after Turner, Calcott, Nasmyth, Blore, Thompson, etc., en- graved by Le Keux, Cooke, Blore, etc., some of them stained; proof im- pressions of the plates , LARGE PAPER . 1972 SCOTT (W.) Memoirs of Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, LL.D. Written by Himself. New York. 1864. Rl. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, by W. Mathews; LARGE PAPER'; only 100 copies printed. This elegant copy contains 70 rare PORTRAIT* and PLATES inserted. 1973 SCOTT. [Another copy.] New York. 1864. Rl. 8 vo, cloth, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. 1974 [SCOVILLE (Joseph).] Old Merchants of New York City. New York. 1863. 4 vols., iimo, cloth. Complete sets are scarce. 1975 SCRAPIANA; or Elegant Extracts of Wit. , 09 London. 1818. a vols. in I, i8mo, half green morocco, uncut. A scarce and curious collection of 1 365 articles. 1976 SCULPTURE (The) Gallery. A Series of Eighty one Engravings. Accompanied with Descriptive Prose and Illustrated Poetry by James Daffbrne, Esq., J. K. Hervey, Esq., and other Living Authors. Preceded by An Historical and Critical Essay on Sculpture, Ancient and Modern. London: Virtue and Co. [n. d.] 4OO SELDEN. 1977 SEAFIELD(F.) The Literature and Curiosities of Dreams. A common-place book of Speculations con- cerning the Mysteries of Dreams and Visions. London. 1 866. 2 vols., post 8vo, half calf, gilt. 1978 SECOND APPEAL (A) to the Justice and Interests of / f the People, on the Measures respecting America. By the Author of the First. London. .1775. 8vo, half bound, uncut. 1979 SECRET HISTORY of the Calves-Head Club." London. 1706. 8vo, calf; scarce. 1980 SECRET JOURNALS of the Acts and Proceedings of &> 0o Congress, from the first meeting thereof to the Disso- lution of the Confederation. Boston. 1826. 4 vols., 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1981 SECUNDUS (J. N.) The Epithalamium ; or, Nuptial Song. By Joannes Nicolaius Secundus. Translated by Dr. John Nott. Pbila. : Privately Printed. 1856. 4to, half blue morocco; 20 copies printed. 1982 SEDGWICK (Theodore). A Memoir of the Life of f William Livingston, Member of Congress in 1774, J^ GO C? J 775i an d 1776, Governor of New Jersey from 1776 to 1790, &c. New York. 1833. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1983 SELDEN (J.) The Table Talk of John Selden. With a Biographical Preface and Notes by S. W. Singer. London. 1860. Crown 8vo, tree calf, gilt edges, by Riviere; PORTRAIT; LARGE PAPER; few printed. "There is more weighty bullion sense in this book than I ever found in the same number of pages of any uninspired writer." COLERIDGE. SEVENTY. 401 1984 SERIES (A) of Small Episodes in the Life of a Recluse. London. Pickering. 1851. Fcap 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1985 [SERLE (Ambrose).] Americans against Liberty; or an Essay on ... True Freedom, ... [n. p. n. d.] 8vo, pp. 64, half morocco, gilt top. ' 1986 SENTER (I.) The Journal of Isaac Senter ; ... on a Secret Expedition against Quebec, under the Command of Col. Benedict Arnold, in September, 1775. Philadelphia. 1846. 8vo, pp. 40, uncut. 1987 SEROUX D'AGINCOURT. History of Art by its Monuments from its Decline in the 4th Century to its Restoration in the i6th. Translated from the French, by Owen Jones. London. 1847. 3 vols. in I, folio j contains 328 PLATES, including 3335 subjects on architecture, sculpture, and painting. This fine work was the first in which the idea of exhibiting the progress of art, by a series of its noblest monuments, was perfectly carried out. By a series of accurate engravings from celebrated monuments, we trace the transitions of art from the classic period to our own times. Sculpture, painting, the art of illumination, and the art of engraving on wood, on gems, and on medals, ate similarly represented. 1988 SEVENTY SIX SOCIETY. [The Publications of the Seventy Six Society, consisting of the following works.] Philadelphia. 1 8 5 5-5 7 . Together, 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; only 150 sets printed. I. Papers in relation to the Case of Silas Deane. Now first Published from the Original Manuscripts. II. The Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq., by a Committee of the House of Commons. Edited by Thomas Balch. III. Papers relating to Public Events In Massachusetts preceding the American Rero- lution. IV. Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland Line during the Revolution. Edited by Thomas Balch. 5' 4O2 SEWARD. , 1989 SEWALL (J. M.) Miscellaneous Poems. & Portsmouth. 1801. i8mo, pp. 304, sheep; fne copy ; scarce. See Washington (G.) 1990 SEWALL (S.) The History of Woburn, ... Mass, from 1640, ... to 1860. Boston. 1868. 8vo, pp. 657, cloth, uncut; PORTRAIT. 1991 SEWALL (S.) Phenomena quzedam) Apocalyptica| Ad Aspectum Novi Orbis configurata. | Or, some few Lines ' at towards a description of the New | Heaven. | As It makes to those who stand upon the [New Earth.) By Samuel Sewall, A.M. and sometimes Fellow of Harvard | College at Cambridge in New-England. [The Second Edition,) [In the same Vol.] The j Fountain Opened, | or) The Admirable Blessings plentifully to) be Dispensed at the National | Conversion of the Jews, j by Samuel Willard. With Appendix by Samuel Sewall. j Massa chvset ; | Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green; ... 1727.) 410, 4 1., pp. 64, 24, morocco, gilt top. A very rare work, relating in great part to New England History and the Indians. 1992 SEWARD (A.) Monody j on | Major Andre. | By Miss s~oo Seward. j (Author of the Elegy on Capt. Cook. )| To which are added | Letters Addressed to her j by Major Andre, (in the year. 1769. (The Second Edition. | Licbfield ,- | Printed and Sold by J. Jackson, for the Author ;\ ... M.DCC.LXXXI. 4to, pp. vi, 47, half calf, by Bedford ; very rare. 1993 SEWARD. Monody | on | Major Andre, | (Who was exe- <^J~0 cuted at Tappan, November 1 780.) | By | Miss Seward. j To which are added, J Major Andre's | Letters, | Ad- dressed to Miss Seward, when at his 1 8 Year. | Philadelphia : \ Printed and Sold by Enoch Story, [n. d.] izmo, pp. 56, brown crushed levant morocco, by Mathews. SHAKESPEARE. 403 1994 SEWARD. [The Same.] Tenth Edition. Lond. 1817. i8mo, Title, pp. 178, old calf. '*S- J 995 SEWARD. [The same.] A New Edition, with En- gravings. London: Otrldge and Rackham. 1821. l8mo, pp. 178, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradttreet; PIATK. ^ & 1996 SEYMOUR (Horatio). A Lecture on the Topography and History of New-York. Utica. 1856. 8 vo, pp. 41 ; tearte. 1997 SEYMOUR'S Humorous Sketches, Comprising 86 Cari- cature Etchings, Illustrated in Prose and Verse, by Alfred Crowquill. New Edition ... London: H. G. Bohn. 1866. Rl. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. 1998 SHAFTESBURY. Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. By the Right Honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. The Fifth Edition. Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville. M.DCC.LXXIII. 3 vols., rl. 8vo, calf; printed in large and beautiful ty ft, with POTAIT and VIGNITTW, by Grignon. 1999 SHAKERS. Peculiarities of the Shakers. Origin, Worship and Doctrines. New York. 1832. Iimoj tcarcc. 2000 SHAKERS. Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing. Many. 1810. 8vo, sheep; very tcarce. This ia known as the Shaker Bible. 2001 SHAKESPEARE. Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare, Being the whole Number printed in Quarto, During his Lifetime, or before the Restoration, Collated where 404 SHAKESPEARE'S there were different Copies, and Publish'd from the Originals, by George Steevens, Esq. Land, M.DCC.LXVI. 4 volt., 8vo, calf, gilt. Sold at Nassau's sale for z 7$.; White Knight's, a 8s. 2002 SHAKESPEARE As put forth in 1623. A Reprint of Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. London ... L. Booth. 1864. Folio, red morocco, gilt extra ; LARGEST PAMR. 2003 SHAKESPEARE. The Works of William Shakespeare, The plays edited from the Folio of MDCXXIII., with Various Readings from all the Editions and all the /^ a o t> Commentators, Notes, Introductory Remarks, A His- torical Sketch of the Text, An Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama, A Memoir of the Poet, and An Essay upon his Genius. By Richard Grant White. Boston. 1857. 12 vol., 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAITS AND WOODCUTS; LARGE PAPER ; only 48 copies printed ; -very scarce. " Each play is preceded by an introduction, remarkably weli digested and condensed, giving an account of the text, and of the sources from which Shakespeare helped himself to plots or incidents. His notes prove him to be capable of profound as well as delicate and sympathetic exegesis, and we think that a careful collation justifies us in saying that in acute discrimination of acsthetic shades of expression, and often of textual niceties, Mr. White is superioj to any previous editor." LOWELL. The buyer of this lot will have the privilege of purchasing the three following works at the same rate per volume. It is unnecessary to observe that they form a desirable adjunct to the foregoing. 2004 SHAKESPEARE'S SCHOLAR; being Historical and ^ to Critical Studies of his Text, Characters, and Commen- tators, with an Examination of Mr. Collier's Folio of 1632. By Richard Grant White. Ntw To:k. 1854. 8vu, cloth, uncut. SHAKESPEARE. 405 2005 SHAKESPEARE. Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare, with an Essay toward the Expression of his Genius, and an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama. By Richard Grant White. Boston. 1866. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; only 100 copies printed. 2006 SHAKESPEARE. An Essay on the Authorship of the Three Parts of King Henry the Sixth. By Richard Grant White. Riverside Press: Cambridge. 1859. 8o, half morocco, uncut, by W. Mathews; 15 copies privately printed; very icarct. 2007 SHAKSPEARE. Mr. William Shakspeare his Com- edies, Histories, and Tragedies, set out by himself in quarto or by the Players his Fellows in folio, and now faithfully republish'd from those Editions in ten Volumes octavo, with an Introduction, etc. London: J. fcf R. Tonson. [1767-68.] 10 vols., 8vo, boards, vellum backs ; fine margins. Capell was, according to Steeveni, forty years in editing and printing his edition. " Capell was a careful and industrious editor, and is praised for the purity of his colla- tions. The notes and various reading promised in the title-page were not printed till 1779-80, and then only in 410." LOWNDEI. 2008 SHAKESPEARE'S Plays, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, to which are added Notes by Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens. London. 1803. zi vols., 8vo, calf, gilt. This, the first of the variorum editions, was edited by Isaac Reed. North's copy sold for 18 75. 6d. 2009 SHAKESPEARE. The Pictorial Edition of the Works e afae> of Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. London : Charles Knight & Co. [n. d.] 8 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; brilliant imprettioni of the many hundred beautiful WOODCUTS ; ORIGINAL EDITION THROUGHOUT ; includes the poems, doubtful plays, and biography^ perhaps the matt elegant edition extant. 406 SHAKESPEARE. 2010 SHAKESPEARE. The Plays of Shakespeare, In Nine Volumes. London: ff^illiam Pickering. MDCCCXXV. 9 roll., 32010, half morocco, gilt top. 201 1 SHAKESPEARE. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. The Text carefully revised, with Notes by Samuel Weller Singer, F.S.A. The Life of the Poet and Critical Essays on the Plays, by William Watkins Lloyd. London: Bell & Daldy. 1856. 10 vols., fcap 8vo, tree calf; PORTRAIT on India paper, and WOODCUTS; a beautiful copy. Mr. Singer has produced a text, the|accuracy of which cannot be surpassed in the present state of antiquarian and philological knowledge. 2012 SHAKESPEARE JEST BOOKS. Being reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest Books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare. Edited with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. London. 1864. 3 vols., fcap 8vo, half morocco, uncut. The originals of the above curious "Jest Books " are so excessively rare, that, however ardent in his search, or prodigal of his money, the book collcctorjwould find it next to impossible to procure all that are assembled together in these volumes. 2013 SHAKESPEARE JEST BOOK. A Hundred iMery y 4 Talys, from the only perfect copy known. Edited, """ with Introduction and Notes, by Dr. Herman Oester- ley. London. 1866. Fcap 8vo, half morocco, uncut. The original, from which the above was taken, wai printed in 1526, by John Rastell. 2014 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. [Complete from the commencement of the Society to /& J its dissolution in 1853.] London. 1841-53. 47 parts in 18 vols., 8vo, elegant tree calf, by Riviere; NUMEROUS FACSIMILES, etc. A collection of great importance, consisting principally of reprints of rare old pieces of dramatic poetry, printed before the publication of Shakespeare's plays, with annotations by Collier, Halliwell, Dyce, and others. SHAKESPEARE. 407 2015 SHAKESPEARE. A Collection of Prints, from Pic- tures painted for the Purpose of Illustrating the Dra- matic Works of Shakespeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. Land. : published by John & Josiab Boydell. 1803. 2 vols. in i, large folio, half morocco,marbled edges j -wide margins ; 94 very largt and beautifully executed PLATES, from paintings by Northcote, Smirke, Westall, Reynolds, Opie, Fuseli, Stothard, West, etc.; 3 or 4 of the PLATXS MOUNTED; brilliant impressions. 2016 SHAKESPEARIANA. A Catalogue of the Early Edi- tions of Shakespeare's Plays, &c., by J. O. Halliwell. London. 1845. 8vo, boards, uncut ; scarce. 2017 SHAKSPEARE TERCENTENARY. Celebration of the Birth of Shakspeare by the New England Historic- Genealogical Society, at Boston, April 23d, 1864. Boston. 1864. Folio, uncut ; LARGE' PAPER ; zo copies printed. This volume is illustrated with a large collection of BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS of Shakespeare, and other PLATES, mostly proofs on India paper ; a splendid -volume. 2018 SHAKSPEARE TERCENTENARY. [The same.] Boston. 1864. 8vo, paper, uncut ; 175 copies printed. 2019 SHAKESPEARE. A Series of Ancient, Allegorical, His- torical and Legendary Paintings, which were discovered at Stratford-upon-Avon. From Drawings by Thomas Fisher, Described by J. G. Nichols. London. 1838. Folio, half morocco, uncut. Alike interesting to the antiquary, the topographer, the furious in early English art, and the collector of what relates to the birth- place of our immortal bard. ' Thesv ancient fresco paintings are especially curious, as having been executed in Eng- land in an age of which, according to the opinion of Walpole, in his 'Hii- tory of Painting/ no specimens of the art existed. Only 150 copies were " printed." Gentleman's Magazine. 408 SHARP. 2020 SHALLUS (Francis). Chronological Tables for Every Day in the Year, Compiled from the most Authentic Documents. Philadelphia. 1817. a vols., lamo, half morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet ; tcarcc. 2021 SHARP (T.) A Dissertation on the Pageants or Dram- atic Mysteries anciently performed at Coventry, by the / ^^ Trading Companies of that City. To which are added, the Pageant of the Shearmen and Taylor's Company, and other Municipal Entertainments. Coventry. 1825. 4to, cloth; 10 CURIOUS PLATES. Highly commended in the "Retrospective Review." To show the interest and importance attached to these ancient mysteries, it may be observed that a manuscript volume of them, at the tale at Strawberry Hill, sold for no less than 250 IDS. 2022 SHARPE (S.) The History of Egypt from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs A.D. 540. The Fourth Edition. London. 1859. a vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt. 2023 SHARP (J.) A Sermon Preached at Trinity-Church in New- York, in America, August 13. 1706. At the Funeral Of the Right Honourable Katherine Lady Corn- re bury, Baroness Clifton of LeigTiton Bromswold, &c. Heiress to the most Noble Charles Duke of Richmond and Lenox, and Wife to his Excellency Edward Lord Viscount Cornbury, Her Majesty's Captain General, and Governor in chief of the Provinces of New-York, New-Jersey, and Territories depending thereon in America, &c. By John Sharp, A.M. Chaplain to the Queen's Forces in the Province of New-York. London: H. Hills, [n. d.] 8vo, pp. 1 6, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. There is a story about this sermon of this kind : Some of the state dignitaries, having been invited by Lord Cornbury to attend this funeral, replied that they would be very happy, indeed, to attend his lordihip't funeral. SHEPARD. 409 2024 SHAW (G.) The Naturalists' Miscellany; or Colored Figures of Natural Objects drawn from Nature. London. 5 vols., 8vo, old calf. Contains many hundred FINELY COLORED PLATES. 2025 SHAW. Zoological Lectures. London. 1809. 2 vols., rl. 8vo, half calf; many FINE PLATES. 2026 SHAW (H.) Examples of Ornamental Metal Work. Drawn and Engraved by Henry Shaw. London: Pickering. 1836. 2027 SHAW. A Hand Book of the Art of Illumination, as practiced during the Middle Ages. With a description of the Metals, Pigments, and Processes employed by the Artists at different Periods. By Henry Shaw, F.S.A. London. 1866. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges ; LARGE PAPER. 2028 SHEA (J. G.) Discovery and Exploration of the Missis- sippi Valley: with the original narrative of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. With a facsimile of the newly discovered Map of Mar- quette. Redfield: New Tork. 1852. 8 vo, half green morocco, gilt top. Forms Vol. iv of French's " Hist. Col. of Louisiana." 2029 SHELVOCKE (G.) A Voyage round the World. By the Way of the Great South Sea. 1719-22. London. 1726. 7 8o, calf, gilt ; fine copy. Contains the fullest account of California, the natives, &c., of any of the old voyagers. Gold dust was discovered by the party in such abundance, that they were " prejudiced against the thoughts that this metal should be so promiscuously and universally mingled with the common earth," but the specimens they brought away were loit. S 2030 SHEPARD. The | Church Membership | of Children, 5* 410 SHEPARD. and their Right to | Baptisme, j According to that holy and everlasting Covenant of God, | established between Himself, and the Faithfull and their seed after | them, in their Generations : j Cleared up in a Letter sent unto a worthy Friend of the | Author, and many Yeares ago written touching that subject ; By Thomas Shepard, sometime Pastor of the Church | of Christ at Cambridg [sic] in New-England. | Published at the earnest request of many ; for the Consolation | and Encouragement, both of Parents and Children in the Lord. | [Mottoes.] Cambridg j [sic] Printed by Samuel Green. 1663.) 4to, ii 1., pp. 26, blue crushed levant morocco, by F. Bedford. 203 1 SHEPARD. The j Clear Sun- 1 shine of the Gospel Break- ing forth | upon the | Indians | in New-England. | Or, | An Historicall Narration of Gods | Wonderfull Workings ^ "& upon sundry of the) Indians, both chief Governors and Common-people, | in bringing them to a willing and de- sired submission to [the Ordinances of the Gospel; and framing their | hearts to an earnest inquirie after the knowledge | of God the Father, and of Jesus Christ | the Saviour of the World. | By Mr. Thomas Shepard Min- ister of the Gospel of | Jesus Christ at Cambridge in New-England, j London, Printed by R. Cotes for John Bellamy at the three Golden\ Lions in Cornhill near the Roy all Exchange, 1648. | 410, 7 1., pp. 38, calf, by W. Pratt 5 ORIGINAL EDITION; very rare. 2032 SHEPARD. [The same.] j \T4 New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1865. 410, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ; LARGE PAPER j 50 copies printed. 6 2033 SHEPARD. [The same.] New York. 1865. Fcap 410, uncut. Forms No. x of Sabin's Reprints, Quarto Series. SHIRLEY. 411 2034 SHEPARD. Eye-Salve, | Or A | Watch- Word | From our Lord Jesus Christ unto his Churches: | Especially those within the Colony of the Massachusets|In New-Eng- land. | To take heed of Apostacy : | or | A Treatise of Remembrance of what God hath been to us, as also| what we ought, and what we ought not to be to him, as we de- j sire the prolonging of our Prosperous Dayes in the Land which j the Lord our God hath given us.) By Thomas Shepard, Teacher of the Church of Christ in | Charles-Town: | Who was appointed by the Magis- trates, to Preach on the day of (Election] at Boston, May 15, 1672. | Cambridge, Printed by Samuel Green, 1673. Sm. 410, 2 ]., pp. 52, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Fine specimen of early colonial printing, of extreme rarity. 2035 SHERBURNE (A.) Memoirs of Andrew Sherburne; a Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Written by Himself. Utiea. 1828. izmo, sheep. 2036 SHERBURNE (Jno. H.) Life and Character of John Paul Jones, Captain in the United States Navy during the Revolutionary War. Washington. 1851. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. PORTRAIT and FACSIMILE. 2037 SHIRLEY (E. P.) The Noble and Gentle Men of Eng- _ land, the Arms and Descents, &c. London. 1866. 4to, cloth ; THIRD EDITION, corrected. 2038 SHIRLEY (J.) The Dramatic Works and Poems of James Shirley, now first collected; with Notes by the l /2 late William Gifford, Esq., and Additional Notes, and some Account of Shirley and his Writings, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London. MDCCCXXXIII. 6 vol., rl. 8vo, cloth, uncut; LAKGI PAPER; fine clean cofjf -very tcarce. The moit complete and best edition of Shirley, now quite scarce in this condition. 412 SIDNEY. 2039 SHORTER CATECHISM, (The) agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Fran&Iin. M.DCC.XLV. 8vo, half calf. 2040 SHURTLEFF (N. B.) A Decimal System, for the ^ n Arrangement and Adminstration of Libraries. Boston: Privately Printed. MDCCCLVI. 4to, cloth. 2041 SIBBALD (J.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetry; from the Thirteenth Century, to the Union of the Crowns. Edinburgh. 1802. 4 vols., crown 8vo, boards, uncut ; extremely scarce. Has the scarce cancelled sheet on page 1 20. Vol. iv contains the glossary. 2042 SIBLEY (John L.) Notices of the Triennial and An- 4 nual Catalogues of Harvard University : with a Reprint of the Catalogues of 1674, 1682 and 1700. Boston: John Wilson & Son. 1865. 4to, uncut ; 30 copies printed on LARGE PAPER. Separately printed from the proceed- ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 2043 SIDDONS (Henry). Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical 4$ Gesture and Action; Embellished with Sixty-nine en- gravings. London. 1822. 8vo, boards, uncut ; scarce. 2044 SIDNEY (P.) The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, Written by Sir Philip Sidney, Knight. Now the ninth *f time published, with a twofold Supplement of a defect in the third book ... Whereunto is also added a Sixth Booke, By R. B. ... London: J. Waterson. 1638. Folio, calf. See Beloe's "Anecdotes," m, 364; " Bibl. Poet.," 331; and Harvey's " Pierce 's Supererogation." "There is no work in the department of prose fiction which contains more apophthe- gamic wisdom than the ' Arcadia ' of Sidney." DRAKE. SIMMS. 413 2045 SIDNEY. The Miscellaneous Works of Sir Philip Sid- ney, with a Life of the Author, and Illustrative Notes, by Wm. Gray. Boston. 1860. 8vo. Contains several letters by Sidney, now first published, from the original MSS. 2046 SILLIMAN (B.) Remarks made on a Short Tour, be- tween Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn of 1819. New Haven. 1820. izmo, boards, uncut; ENGRAVED TITLE, VIEWS OF LAKE GEORGE, QUEBEC, etc. 2047 SIMCOE. A Journal of the Operations of the Queens Rangers, from the End of the Year 1777. to the Con- clusion of the late American War. by Lieutenant- Colonel Simcoe, Commander of that Corps. Exeter: Printed for the Author. [1782.] 410; red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges over marble; with ten large FOLDED MAPS and PLANS of military operations. A SUPERB COPY of the excetsivcly rart ORIGINAL EDITION, and is, in all respects, in as good condition as when issued. 2048 SIMCOE. [The same reprinted, with a Memoir of the Author.] New Tork. 1844. 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut. This copy is txtentlvtly illustrated with 26 EXTRA PLATES, some of which are of extreme rarity, including Lord Rawdon, Major Robert Rogers, Sir Henry Clinton, General Charles Lee, General Gates, Earl Cornwallis, General Washington, Lafayette (3), Steuben, Tarleton, and Dr. Franklin. *' This book was first printed soon after the termination of the War of Independence, but apparently not published, and was almost unknown to exist, until a few years ago, when a copy turned up in a sale (I believe of Mr. Chalmers' library), and from that copy the edition (of 1844, New York) was printed." RICH. 2049 SIMMS (J. R.) The American Spy, or Freedom's early Sacrifice: A Tale of the Revolution, Founded upon Fact. Albany. 1857. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; PLATE; LARGE PAPER; 28 copie printed. 414 SINGER. 2050 SIMMS. Trappers of New York, or a Biography of p Nicholas Stiner & Nathaniel Foster; together with OQ Anecdotes of other celebrated Hunters and some ac- count of Sir William Johnson and his style of living. Albany. 1860. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstieet; PORTRAIT. 2051 SIMMS (W. G.) Lyrical and other Poems. Charleston. 1827. / 0? lamo, pp. 198, (6), half red morocco, uncut; FINE EDITION; tcarce. 2052 [SIMMS.] South-Carolina in the Revolutionary War: being a reply to certain misrepresentations and mistakes of recent writers, in relation to the course and conduct of their State, by a Southron. Charleston: Walker and James. 1853. Half green morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet; PORTRAIT of W. G. Simms inserted. 2053 SIMS (Clifford S.) The Origin and Signification of Scot- tish Surnames. With a Vocabulary of Christian Names. Albany. 1862. Imp. 8vo, uncut. 2054 SINGER (S. W.) Researches into the History of Play- 4^ ~ tfu ing Cards; with Illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving on Wood. London. 1816. 410, calf extra ; fne copy ; NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS ON COPPER AND WOOD, FACSIMILES OF EARLY PRINTS AND CARDS, some in colon, and many on India fafer , only 250 copies printed ; very scarce. "It is seldom that the public have seen a more beautifully planned and executed work than the present. The facsimile engravings upon wood cannot be sur- passed. The entire impression is limited to 250 copies; so that, when its intrinsic worth and extrinsic beauty be considered, the curious will not fail to secure copies whenever they make their appearance." DIBDIN. 2055 [SINGER (S. W.)] Some Account of the Book Printed SLOANE. 415 at Oxford in MCCCCLXVIII., under the title of Exposicio Sancti Joronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum. In which is examined its claim to be considered the First Book printed in England. London. MDCCCXII. 8vo, half' morocco extra, gilt top, uncut; only 50 copies printed. Concerning this, tee Johnson's " Typographia," I, p. 83. 2056 SLANG DICTIONARY ; or the Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and Fast Expressions of High and Low So- ciety, Many with their Etymology and a few with their History traced. London. 1865. i zmo, cloth ; BEST EDITION. 2057 SLAVERY. Reflexions d'un Cultivateur Americain sur le projet d'aboler 1'Esclavage & la Traite des Negres. Ouvrave traduite de 1'Anglais. A Londres: Et setrouvea Paris Chez Lagrange. 1788. 1 8 mo, z 1. pp. 99, uncut. 2058 SLAVERY. A Collection of rare tracts on Slavery, L, &c., published in the West Indies. [v. d.] 4to, half calf. 2059 SLEEMAN (W. H.) Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. London. 1844. a vols., rl. 8vo ; MANY COLOR ID PLATKS. 2060 SLEIDAN. J. Sleidani de Qvatver Svmmis Imperiis Libri tres. Lugd. Batavorum Ex officina Elzeviriana. A 9 CID.IDC.XXXI. 3imo, vellum, and another Elzevir imprint. 2061 SLOANE (H.) A Voyage to the Island of Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the Natural History, Illustrated with Figures of the Things describ'd, In large Copper-Plates as big as the Life. Land. 1707. 416 SMITH. 2 vols., f< >lio, half calf; contains 274 PLATES, which, in this copy, are MOUNTEO ON GUARDS ; fine copy ; scarce. "A rich mine of natural history. Heath's copy sold for 10 93.5 Dent's, 17 178.5 Willett's 16 6s." LOWNDES. Sir Hans Sloane went to Jamaica, as physician to the Duke of Albemarle, where he remained fifteen months, and made an extensive botanical collection, which formed the materials from which he wrote his great work. 2062 SMETS (A. A.) Catalogue of the Library, Autographs, . Smets. 3 vols., 8vo, paper, uncut. * &c., of A. A. Smets. New York. 1858. 2063 SMITH (B.) An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Docu- ments concerning a Discovery in North America claimed to have been made by Verazzano. New York. MDCCCLXIV. 4to, pp. 31, paper, uncut; MAP; LARGE PAPER; izo copies printed. See Bradford Club. 2064 SMITH (Charlotte). Elegaic Sonnets. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas, [n. d.] 24m o, red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. 2065 SMITH (Henry B.) An, Oration ... Dorchester ... Fourth of July, 1822. Boston. 1822. 8vo, pp. 1 8, uncut; also, J. R. Williams' oration. 2066 SMITH (H. W.) Nuts for Future Historians to Crack. Containing the Cadwallader Pamphlet, Valley Forge Letters, &c. Philadelphia. 1856. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. This copy contains an extra title-page. 2067 SMITH (J.) Advertisements | For the unexperienced Planters of | New-England, or any where. | Or, | The Path-way to experience to erect a | Plantation. | With the yearely proceedings of this Country in Fishing (and Planting, since the yeare 1614. to the yeare 1630. jand their present estate. | Also how to prevent the greatest SMITH. inconveniences, by their | proceedings in Virginia, and other Plantations,) by approved examples. | With the Countries Armes, a description of the Coast, | Harbours, Habitations, Land-markes, Latitude and | Longitude: with the Map, allowed by our Royall|King Charles. | By Captaine lohn Smith, sometimes Governour of Virginia, and Admirall of New-England.) London^ Printed by lohn Haviland^ and are to be sold by \ Robert Milbovrne^ at the Grey-hound '( in Pauls Church-yard. 1631. | 4to, green morocco, gilt top, uncut. 2068 SMITH. Advertisements For the Unexperienced Planters Of New England, or anywhere ; or, The Pathway to erect a Plantation. Boston^ Reprinted. 1865. Imp. 410, half levant morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; only 25 printed. 2069 SMITH. [Another copy.] Boston. 1865. Sm. 4to, cloth, uncut ; FACSIMILE OF SMITH'S MAP or NEW ENGLAND (1635). 2070 SMITH. A Description of New England; or Observa- tions and Discoveries in the North of America in the Year of our Lord 1614. With the Success of Six Ships that went the next year, 1615. By Captain John Smith. (Admiral of that Country.) With a Fac- simile of the Original Map. Boston : Will. Veazle. MDCCCLX. 4to, half levant morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 2071 SMITH. [Another copy.] Boston. 1865. 4to, cloth ; SMALL PAPER. 2072 SMITH. The Generall | Historic | of | Virginia, New- England, and the Summer | Isles : with the names of the Adventurers, | Planters, Governours from their | first beginning An. 1584 to this | present 1624. | With the 53 4l8 SMITH. Proceedings of those Several Colonies) and the Acci- dents that befell them in all their) Journeyes and Dis- coveries. Also the Maps and Descriptions of all those | Countryes, their Commodities, people, | Government, Customes, and Religion) yet knowne. j Divided into Sixe Bookes. | By Captaine lohn Smith sometymes Gover- nour|in those Countryes & Admirall|of New England. | London. \ Printed by I. D. and I. H. for Michael Sparkes. 1624.) Folio, old calf; MAP AND PLATES. 2073 SMITH. The | Trve Travels, | Adventvres, | and | Obser- vations j Of | Captaine lohn Smith, | In Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno) Domini 1593. to 1629. | His Accidents and Sea-fights in the Straights ; his Service | and Stratagems of warre in Hungaria, Transil- vania, Wallachia, and) Moldavia, against the Turks, and Tartars; his three single combats | betwixt the Christian Annie and the Turkes. | After how he was taken prisoner by the Turks, sold for a Slave, sent into jTartaria; his description of the Tartars, their strange manners and customes of) Religions, Diets, Buildings, Warres, Feasts, Ceremonies, and [Living; how hee slew the Bashaw of Nalbrits in Gambia, | and escaped from the Turkes and Tartars. [Together with a con- tinuation of his generall History of Virginia, ) Summer- lies, New England, and their proceedings, since 1624. to this [present 1629; as also of the new Plantations of the great (River of the Amazons, the lies of S'- Chris- topher, Mevis, [and Barbados in the West Indies. [All written by actuall Authours, whose names [you shall finde along the History. | London, Printed by jf. H. for Thomas Slater, and are to bee\ sold at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbour. 1630. | Folio, purple morocco extra, by W. Mathews ; PORTRAIT inserted. SMITH 419 * 2074 SMITH. [The two preceeding works reprinted.] Richmond. 1819. 2, vols., 8vo, brown polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. ^ 2075 SMITH. A True Relation of Virginia, by Captain John Smith, With an Introduction and Notes, by Charles Deane. Boston. MDCCCLXVI. 410, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; MAP IN FACSIMILE; LARGE PAPER; 35 copies printed. A reprint from the original black letter volume the earliest published work relative to the colony of Jamestown. 2076 SMITH. [The same.] Boston. MDCCCLXVI. Fcap 4to, uncut; 280 copies printed. 2077 SMITH (J.) Catalogue Raisonne of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish and French Painters; in c which is included a short Biographical Notice of the Artists, with a copious Description of their Principal Pictures, a Statement of Prices, a Reference to the Galleries and Private Collections, the names of Artists by whom they have been engraved, and a Brief Notice of the Scholars and Imitators of the grqat Masters of the above Schools, etc., etc., By John Smith. London. 1829. 9 vols., 7 in half morocco, gilt top, uncut, and z in cloth, uncut ; PORTRAITS of some of the masters in these schools. But few copies printed, which are now quite scarce, especially in uncut condition. From W. E. Burton's library. This elaborate work is indispensable to the collector of paintings. 2078 SMITH (J. J.) American Historical and Literary Curi- osities; consisting of Fac-Similies of some Plates, &c. Relating to Columbus, and Original Documents of the Revolution, &c., with a Variety of Reliques, Antiqui- ties, and Autographs. Edited by John Jay Smith. Second Series. New York. 1860. Folio, half green levant morocco, gilt top; 64 PLATES; LARGE PAPER. Complete in itself. 420 SMITH. 2079 SMITH (J. R.) Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of Books Relating to America. London. MDCCCLIII. 8vo, half morocco. 2080 SMITH (J. R.) An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre, Adjutant- S^^c+ General of His Majesty's Forces in North America. By Joshua Hett Smith. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre by Miss Seward. London. 1808. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; 53 PORTRAITS and PLATES inserted ; some -very fine. 2081 SMITH. Record of the Trial of Joshua Hett Smith, Esq., for alleged complicity in the Treason of Benedict x 1 * & o Arnold, 1780. Edited by Henry B. Dawson. Morrisania. 1866. 8vo, 3 1., pp. r 1 6, half" blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. No. 24 of 50 copies printed. Inserted in this copy are FINE AND RARE PORTRAITS of Arnold by Du Simitier, Andre, Hamilton, Sir Henry Clinton, Capture of Andre, Lafayette, Washington, Putnam. Very rare. 2082 SMITH (J.) A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books or Books written by Members of the Society of Friends * commonly called Quakers, From their first Rise to the Present Time, interspersed with Critical Remarks and Occasional Biographical Notices, and including all writings by Authors before Joining and by those after having left the Society, whether averse or not, as far as known, compiled by Joseph Smith. London. 1863. 2, vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPER; -very scarce. The best work on the subject. The collector of early American imprints will find the titles of many books in this work which are comparatively unknown. 2083 SMITH (P.) A History of the World, from the Earliest SMITH. 421 Records to the Present Time. . By Philip Smith, B.A. ... Illustrated by Maps, Plans, and Engravings. New York. 1865. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 2084 SMITH (S.) The | History | of | the Colony | of | Nova- Caesaria, or New-Jersey ;| Containing, an Account of its First Settlement, | Progressive Improvements,) the Original and Present Constitution, [and other Events, | to the Year iJ2i.\ With some Particulars Since j and| a Short View of its present state, | By Samuel Smith. | Burlington^ in New- Jersey : \ Printed and sold by James Parker : Sold also by \ David Hall^ in Philadelphia. MDCCLXV. | 8vo, morocco, gilt top, uncut, by T. Aitkin. TAis it the only copy * p tiquities. Edited by William Smith, LL.D. ... Second Edition. Boston [i. e. London], MDCCCLXV. Medium 8vo, half calf. 2100 SMITH. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography ' ^ / anc * Mythology. Edited by William Smith, LL.D. ... Boston [i. e. London\. 1859. 3 vols., medium 8vo, half calf. 2101 SMITH. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Edited by William Smith, LL.D. Illustrated by nu- merous Engravings on Wood. Boston [i. e. London^. 1854. 2 vols., medium 8vo, half calf. SMYTH. 4.25 2102 SMITH. A Dictionary of the Bible, comprising its An- tiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History. Edited By William Smith, LL.D. London: John Murray. 1863. 3 vols, medium 8vo, half calf. The above four lots are uniformly bound. 2103 SMOLLETT (T.) History of England from the Revo- ^ lution to George II. London. 1841. [Also], History of the Reign of George III. By R. Bissett. London. 1820. Together, 10 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt; fne copy. These form a pendant to Hume's " His- tory." See " Oxford Classics." 2104 SMOLLETT. The Miscellaneous Works of Tobias * 0& Smollett, M.D. With Memoirs of the Life and Writ- ings of R. Anderson, M.D. The Sixth Edition. Edinburgh. 1820. 6 vols., 8vo, polished calf; an elegant set. "Smollett inherited from nature a strong sense of ridicule, a great fund of original humor, and a happy versatility of talent, by which he could accommodate his style to almost every species of writing. He could adopt, alternately, the solemn, the lively, the sarcastic, the burlesque, and the vulgar. To these qualifications, he joined an inventive genius, and a vigorous imagina- tion." TYTLER. " Perhaps no books ever written excited such peals of inextinguishable laughter as Smollett's." SIR WALTER SCOTT. 'His ' Count Fathom,' however (as well as his other novels), is affirmed, on the prin- ciple of the " ' Ridenttm dicert veruai S^uid vetat ?' to have contained some historical truths ; where he speaks of persons of mean parentage, self-raised (' highly to their honor ') to power and fortune : ' One sprung from the loins of an obsure attorney ; another was the grand- son of a valet-de-chambre : a third the issue of an accountant ; and a fourth, the offspring of a woolen draper ' alluding to the Yorkes, the Foxes, the Aislabies, and the Manns." WRANGHAM. 2105 SMYTH (Sir James). Precis of the Wars in Canada, 54 426 SNOWDEN. from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. With Military and Political Reflections. London: Privately Printed for Official People only. 1826. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2106 SNOW (Caleb H.) History of Boston, the Metropolis '/7f7t/~ of Massachusetts, from its Origin to the Present Period ; /t with Some Account of the Environs. Second edition. Boston. 1828. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; MAPS, and 18 PLATES of PROMINENT BUILDINGS, etc., in Boston and vicinity ; scarce. 2107 [SNOWDEN.] The American Revolution; Written in the Style of Ancient History. In two volumes. Philadelphia: Printed by Jones, Hojf& Derrick. M,DCC,xcni. izmo, pp. xii, 225, xii, 216, old sheep. 2108 [SNOWDEN.] The | History | of the | American | Revo- lution; | In Scripture Style. | To which is added, | the Declaration | of Independence, [the [Constitution of the United States of| America, | and the | interesting Fare- well Address | of | General Washington. | Frederick County, Md.,\ ... Matthias Bartges. \ 1823. | I2mo, pp. xii, 300, half calf, uncut; CURIOUS WOODCUT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON; scarce. 2109 SNOWDEN. The American Revolution Written in 0? ^ Scriptural, or Ancient Historical Style. By Richard Snowden. Baltimore: Printed by W. Pechin, ... [n. d.] I2tno, pp. 360, Columbiad, 44, old calf. 21 10 SNOWDEN (J. R.) A Description of the Medals of Washington, of National and Miscellaneous Medals ; and of other Objects of Interest in the Museum of the Mint ... By J. R. Snowden. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincotttf Co. 1861. 4to, cloth, gilt. SOTHEBY. 4.27 21 1 1 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. To which is Prefixed, the General Institution of the Order, as originally framed, and afterwards altered at the gen- eral meeting in May, 1784. Published by direction of that State Society. Philadelphia: Printed by John Steele. 1785. 8vo, half green morocco, by Bradstreet j FRONTISPIECE inserted. 21 1 2 SOCIETY. A | Gratulatory Address) delivered July 5 th 1790. before the [Society of the (Cincinnati, | of the | ^ > Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Published by their Order. | Printed in Boston, \ By Benjamin Russell, near the State-House, \ M,DCC,XC. | Sm. 4:0, pp. 14, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2113 SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society of the Cincin- nati. Philadelphia. 1847. Imp. 8 vo, half morocco, uncut. 2114 SOCIETY. Institution of the Society of the Cincin- nati in New Jersey. Albany N. T. 1866. 8vo, uncut. 2115 SOME Observations, Shewing The Danger of Losing the Trade of the Sugar Colonies. Humbly Offer'd To the Consideration of the Parliament. By a Planter. London : Printed' in the Tear, Moccxiv. 8vo, pp. 15 ; and three other rare tracts on the tame subject. 2116 SOMERBY (G. A.) Catalogue of the Library of G. A. Somerby. Boston. 1 869. 8vo, uncut; priced. >0. 2117 SOTHEBY (S. L.) Ramblings in the Elucidation of the 428 SOUTH. Autograph of Milton. Illustrated by Photographs of Milton, and fac-stmiles. London. MDCCCLXI. Folio, morocco, with characteristic designs inlaid on sides, gilt top. The subject thoroughly treated, and the illustrations produced at great expense. 21 18 SOUL (J. H.) The Annals of San Francisco, containing a Summary of the History of the First Discovery, Set- tlement, Progress, and Present Condition of California. New York. 1865. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. 2119 SOUTH CAROLINA. Collections of the South-Caro- lina Historical Society. Charleston. 1857-59. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Complete sets are scarce. 2120 SOUTH CAROLINA. Historical Collections of South Carolina; embracing many Rare and Valuable Pam- phlets, and other Documents relating to the History of that State. Compiled by B. R. Carroll. N. T. 1836. 2 vols., 8vo, half roan; MAP. See [Young], Lot No. 2642. 2121 [SOUTHEY (R.)] The Doctor. London. 1835-1847. 7 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut; BEST EDITION. J / &J> 2122 [SOUTHEY.] The Annual Anthology. Bristol. [1800.] 2 vols., fcap 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 2123 SOUTHEY. Sir Thomas More; or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society. London. 1829. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. " Full of wisdom and devotion, of poetry and feeling conceived altogether in the spirit of other times, such as Evelyn, or Isaac Walton, or George Herbert, would have delighted in." {Quarterly Review. / 2124 SOUTH SEA COMPANY. An Examination of the Scheme, &c. London. 1720. 8vo ; three rare tracts. SPARKS. 429 2125 SOUTHWELL (R.) Maiic Magdalen's Funerall Tears for the Death of our Saviour. London. 1823. Sq. 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. " Never must be forgotten those serious poems said to be Father Southwell's ; the English whereof as it is most proper, so the sharpness and light of wit is very rare in them." BOLTON. &* "Cens. Lit.,"vij Bibl. Ang. Poet.," Nos. 672-677; "Gents. Mag.," Nov., 1798 ; " Ret. Rev.," iv, 267-280. The author was executed at Tyburn in 1595, at. 35. 2126 SPARKS (J.) The Library of American Biography. Conducted by Jared Sparks. [First and Second Series.] New York and Boston. 1 860, etc. 25 vols., izmo, boards, uncut. 2127 SPARKS. The Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Se- lections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers; Detailing Events in the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and in the Political History of the United States. Boston: Gray fcf Bowen. 1832. 3 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PORTRAIT. 2128 SPARKS. A Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, in the Mode of Editing the Writings of Washington. Cambridge. 1852. 8vo, pp. 35 ; scarce. 2129 SPARKS. The Life of Washington. Boston. 1839. 2 vols., 8vo, elegantly bound in morocco, with tooled sides and inside edges, gilt top, uncut. This work has been extended, by the insertion of 114 ILLUS- TRATIONS, to two volumes. Each has an EXTRA TITLE-PAGE, beautifully fainted in water colon, and illustrating the birth-place (2 views), Mount Vernon, Pohick Church, first head-quarters, New York, Valley Forge, Newburg, Richmond Hill, Morristown, and Washington's grave. All the INSERTED PLATES are_/SW, and many rare, especially the following : Arnold, Lafayette, De Vergennes, Wm. Elden, Silas Deane, Franklin, Mount Vernon, etc. A very singular PORTRAIT of Charles Lee is included. All the plates which were not as large as the page have been inlaid in the most exquisite manner by Trent. See, alto, Washington (G.) 43 SPOONER. 2130 SPENCE (J.) Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the Conversation yhMV & of Mr. Pope, and other Eminent Persons of his Time. With Notes, and Life of the Author. By Samuel Weller Singer. London. 1858. Crown 8vo, tree calf, gilt edges, by Riviere; PORTRAIT; LARGE PAPER; few printed $ SECOND AND BEST EDITION. " Who censured with respect, and praised with alacrity." DR. JOHNSON. 2131 SPENSER (G.) Calendarium Pastorale. The Shep- , 00 herds Calendar. London, [n. d.] 8 vo, half bound, uncut; MANY FINE PLATES. In Latin and English. FIRST EDITION, containing the suppressed caricature PORTRAIT of Dr. Cooke, Provost of Eton, as an ass, teaching. See Pickering (W.) 2132 SPOONER (S.) A Biographical History of the Fine Arts; or, Memoirs of the Lives and Works of Em- inent Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects. ^^*^r & o ^r From the earliest ages to the present time. Alphabeti- cally arranged, and condensed from the best authorities, including the works of Vasari, Lanzi Kugler, Dr. Waa- gen, Bryan, Pilkington, Walpole, Sir Charles East- lake, and Mrs. Jameson. With Chronological Tables of Artists and their Schools, Plates of Monograms, etc. By S. Spooner, M.D. New York. 1865. z vols. extended to 10 vols., stout 4to, by the insertion of OVER ONE THOUSAND ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, LANDSCAPES, ETCHINGS, DRAWINGS, WOODCUTS, etc., . half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops ; LARGE PAPER. Of all the works usually illustrated, there is scarcely one which offers more scope for instruc- tive amusement than this dictionary, and we cannot do better than print, with some verbal alterations, the description in Mr. Bouton's catalogue : " The illustrations in these volumes are of great variety, and possess unusual excellence, being the gleanings of many years by a diligent collector from the London print emporiums, reinforced by numerous additions of rare plates from the continent. No prominent subject has been neglected, while of many there are various illustrations. The variety of design of which such a work admits is very great, permitting not only portraits of the artists, but exhi- SQUIER. 431 bitions of their works, and specimens of engravers and peculiar style* of art. All of these various sources of interest have been provided for in these richly decorated volumes. They have been prepared in London with great care, are all, when necessary, tastefully and carefully inlaid, and ex- hibit, as a whole, a comprehensive view of the fine arts, embracing different countries and eras, from the revival of painting to the present day. The cost of the preparation of such a work can be properly estimated only by those who have made similar attempts at illustration. In this country it would be impossible to procure the engravings, but, wherever procured, the expense in the destruction of costly works, to say nothing of the long- continued search for the material, must be very great. The work, as now perfected, invites careful examination, and will well repay the attention of students of art." The work is based on Bryan's " Dictionary," concerning whom a writer in the Literary Gazette justly remarks : " No private individual has been more conspicuous in the annals of British art than the late Michael Bryan, Esq. j and very few, if any, of his contemporaries have had so much influence in all mat- ters of refined connoisseurship as he exercised for a number of years. His skill and judgment in pictures were looked up to as decisive of the merit or demerit of paintings, whether derived from ancient masters or from the easels of modern genius, and many hundred thousand pounds have been expended upon his dicta in affairs of this kind. His valuable publication, the ' Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Engravers,' is a great improve- ment as well as enlargement of Pilkington's design, and is an evidence of the diligence and talents of the author, which will hand down his name with distinction to the latest posterity." 2133 SPRECNERUS. F. Sprecheri Rhetia, vbi Eius verus situs Politia, bella, foedara, et alia memorabilia accura- r^ * tissime describunter. Lvgd. Batavorum, Ex officina Elzeviriana Anno 1633. 321110, vellum. A neat specimen of an Elzevir imprint. 2134 SPRY (H. H.) Modern India. London. 1838. a vols., post 8vo, half calf. 2135 SQUIER (E. G.) Collection of Rare and Original Docu- ments and Relations, concerning The Discovery and 43 2 STARK. Conquest of America. Published in the Original, with Translations, Illustrative Notes, etc. New York. MDCCCLX. 410, half morocco, uncut ; 100 copies printed. 2136 SQUIER. Monograph of Authors who have Written on the Languages of Central America, and Collected Vocabularies or Composed Works in the Native Dia- lects of that Country. By E. G. Squier. London: Trubner & Co. M.D.CC.LXI. 4to, pp. 70, uncut; 100 copies printed. 2137 STANLEY (Thos.) History of Philosophy, containing the Lives, Opinions, Actions and Discourses of the Philosophers of every Sect. London. 1701. Folio, calf j PORTRAITS by Faithorne. " Stanley's ' History of Philosophy ' is, in a great measure, confined to biography ; he brought a good deal from an almost untrodden field." H.LLAM. 2138 STAMP ACT. Rights of Parliament Vindicated, On Occasion of the late Stamp-Act. [Dulany] Considera- tions on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes, 1766. Pro- test against the Bill To repeal the American Stamp- Act, 1776. London, [v. d.] 3 rare tracts on the Stamp Act in I vol., 8vo, half russia. 2139 STANSBURY (H.) Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a ^ Reconnoissance of a New Route through the Moun- tains. Washington. 1853. 2 vols., 8vo, one being an atlas, cloth. 2140 STARK (J.) Reminiscences of the French War; Con- taining Rogers' Expeditions with the New-England Rangers, under his Command, as published in London STATE. 433 in 1765; with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added an Account of the Life and Military Services of Maj. Gen. John Stark; with Notices and Anecdotes of other Officers distinguished in the French and Revolu- tionary Wars. Concord, N. H. : Luther Roby. 1831. izmo, pp. 175, boards, uncut; PLATE. 2141 STATESMAN'S MANUAL (The). Containing the Presidents' Messages, Inaugural, Annual and Special, from 1789 to 1858, with their Memoirs and Histories of their Administrations. Together with a very,valu- able collection of National and Statistical Documents, &c. By E. Williams and B. J. Lossing. Revised Edition. New York. [1866.] 4 vols., large 8vo, cloth ; STEEL PORTRAITS of the PRESIDENTS. 2142 STATE PAPERS, Documents, Legislative and Execu- tive, of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First, to the Second Session of the Twenty Second Congress, Inclusive. Commencing March 3, 1789, and ending March 3, 1833. Selected and Edited, under the Authority of Congress, by Wal- ter Lowrie, Secretary of the Senate, and M. St. Clair Clarke, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Washington: Published by Gales & Beaton. 1833. In zi vols., folio, half russia. This great historical work was printed by order of the United States government, and was distributed through the members of Congress, but was never for sale. It has been long out of print, and com- plete copies are not common. It contains reprints, not only of all the early irregular publications of the Congress that could be found, but many important papers from the archives of the government never before pub- lished. 2143 STATE PAPERS and Publick Documents of the United States from the Accession of George Washington to the Presidency, Exhibiting a complete view of our 55 434 STATUTS. Foreign Relations since that time. Second Edition Published under the Patronage of Congress. Including Confidential Documents, now first published. Boston. 1817. 12 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. 2144 STATE PAPERS. Register of Debates in Congress. Comprising leading Debates and Incidents. ... Washington. 1825-35. V] vols., imp. 8vo, sheep. This, with the succeeding lot, forms a complete Official Register of the Debates in Congress, from 1824 to 1867. Their im- portance is well indicated by De Tocqueville, who truly remarked that * " the Literature and Science of the Great Republic lies buried in her public papers." 2145 STATE PAPERS. Congressional Globe: Containing oo Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings of the Con- m * gress. City of Washington. 1 834- 1867. 60 vols., 4to, half bound. So extensive a series, complete from the commencement, is rarely to be found. 2146 STATISTICS (The) at Large of the Provisional Gov- / Q ernment of the Confederate States of America, from the Institution of the Government, February 8, 1861, to its Termination, February 18, 1862, inclusive. Ar- ranged in Chronological Order. Together with the Constitution for the Provisional Government, and the permanent Constitution of the Confederate States, and the Treaties concluded by the Confederate States with Indian Tribes. Edited by James M. Mathews, ... Richmond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1864. Rl. 8vo, pp. xvi, 411, xlviii. See "Public Laws." - 2147 STATUTS DE L'ORDRE DU SAINT-ESPRIT au _. 04t droit desir ou noeud Institue a Naples en 1352 par Louis d'Anjou, Premier du nom, Roi de Jerusalem, de Naples et de Sicile. Manuscrit du xivme Siecle con- STEDMAN. 4.35 serve au Louvre. Avec une Notice Sur la Peinture nes Miniatures et de la Description du Manuscrit par M. le Comte Horace de Viel-Castel. Paris: Engelman et Graf. 1853. Folio, beautifully bound in crushed levant morocco, with inside toolings and ornamental paper, gilt edges, by Gruel; 17 SPLENDID PLATES in gold and colon ,- one of the most BEAUTIFUL VOLUMES extant. 2148 STEARNS (J. E.) Historical Discourse, relating to the First Presbyterian Church in Newark. Newark. 1853. 8 vo, cloth; PORTRAITS. 2149 STEBBINGS (H.) Lives of the Italian Poets. 00 London. 1831. 3 vols., post 8vo, half calf; scarce. 2150 STEBBINS (R. T.) A Centennial Discourse ... Leo- r, September 24, 1842. Bost 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. minister, September 24, 1842. Boston. MDCCCXLIII. 2151 STEDMAN (C.) The History of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the American War. London. 1 794. 2 vols., 410, morocco, gilt top, uncut; 15 MAPS and PLANS. The work is par- ticularly valuable on account of the large and splendid MILITARY MAPS and SURVEYS, from the official originals by the British engineering staff, with which it is adorned. Fisher's copy sold for $38 ; Morrell's, $38. " Stcdman wrote a ' History of the American War,' an actor in the scene, and a sen- sible man. He served under Howe, Clinton and Cornwallis, and when the conduct of the war is to be estimated, he must be consulted." SMYTHE. 2152 STEDMAN. [Another Edition.] Dublin. 1 795. 2 vols., 8vo, old calf. 2153 STEDMAN (Capt. J. G.) Narrative of a five years' expedition, against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America j from the year 1772 to 1777 : elucidating the History of that 436 STERLINE. X country, and describing its Productions, viz. Quadru- peds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Trees, Shrubs, Fruits and Roots ; with an account of the Indians of Guiana. London. 1813. 2 vols., 410, calf; 80 PLATES. "In this work, which is as entertaining as a romance, will be found a lively picture of Surinam and its inhabitants." LOWNDES. " A very amusing and instructive work." PINKERTON. x^_ 1 783. | By Ezra Stiles, D.D. [President of Yale-College. | New- Haven : \ Printed by Thomas ff Samuel Green. \ M,DCC,LXXXIII. | Sm. 410, pp. 99, half crushed levant morocco. 2168 STILES (H. R.) Bundling; its Origin, Progress and Decline in America. Albany. 1869. l6mo, pp. 139, cloth, uncut. The only American work on this curious subject. / y /f *J* 2169 STILES. A History of the City of Brooklyn. Brooklyn. 1867. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, uncut ; LARGE PAPER ; published by subscription. / / a o 2170 STILES. Letters from the Prison-Ships of the Revolu- tion. With Notes. New Tork : Privately Printed. 1865. 410, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 35 copies printed. Forms No. i of "The Wallabout Prison-Ship Series." 2171 STILES. [The same.] N.T.: Privately Printed. 1865. t 8vo, paper, uncut; 80 copies printed, 35 of which are on LARGE PAPER. / c e 2172 STILES. Account of the Interment of the Remains of STITH. 439 American Patriots, who perished on Board the Prison- Ships During the American Revolution. With Notes and an Appendix, By Henry R. Stiles, M.D. New York: Privately Printed. 1865. 4to, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 35 copies printed. Forms No. n of 'The Wallabout Prison-Ship Series." 2173 STILES. [The same.] N.Y.: Privately Printed. 1865. 8vo, boards, uncut. /"" 2174 STILLMAN (S.) Two Sermons on the Execution of Levi Ames. Boston. M DCC LXXIII. 8vo, pp. 67, half brown morocco. L ^2175 STIMPSON (W.) Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, New Brunswick. fFash. 1853. 410, pp. 66, (i), half calf; 2 PLATES. 2176 STIRLING. Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceed- f __ ings, and other Measures, resorted to by the British Government and numerous Private Individuals, to over- power the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights. Written by Himself. Also a Genealogical Account of the Family of Alexander, Earls of Stirling, etc. Edinburgh. 1836. 4to, half green morocco; 2 PORTRAITS inserted. 2177 STITH (W.) The|History | of the | First Discovery | and | Settlement j of | Virginia : | Being | An Essay towards a General | History of this Colony. | By William Stith A.M. (Rector of Henrico Parish, and one of the Gov- ernors of | William and Mary College.'| Williamsburg: \ Printed by William Parks. M,DCC,XLVII. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; very fne and large copy. The valuable original documents from which it is compiled have been recently destroyed by fire. 44-O STONE. 2178 STITH. The History of the First Discovery and Set- tlement of Virginia. By William Stith, A.M. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1865. Rl. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. 2179 STITH. [The same.] New York. 1866. 8vo, uncut; SMALL PAPER; 200 copies printed. Forms No. vi of Sabin's Reprints, Octavo Series. 4 2180 STOBO (R.) Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regiment. Pittsburgh, 1854. i6mo, cloth; MAP. Relates to Braddock's expedition. * 21 8 1 STONE (A. L.) A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Boston. 1865. 8vo, uncut; 300 copies printed. /0v 2182 STONE (E. M.) History of Beverly, Civil and Eccle- siastical, from its Settlement in 1630 to 1842. By Edwin M. Stone. Boston: Jas. Munroe fcf Co. 1843. I2mo, pp. iv, 324, cloth, uncut. / , 2183 STONE. Rhode Island in the Rebellion. Providence. 1864. 8vo, pp. xxxviii, 398, cloth ; 3 PORTRAITS. / <4 60 2184 STONE. The Invasion of Canada in 1775, including Journal of Capt. Thayer. Providence. 1867. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. &o 2185 STONE (W. L.) Border Wars of the American Revo- lution. New York. 1854. 2 vols., 1 8 mo, half red morocco. 2186 STONE. The Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, Bart. By William L. Stone. Albany. 1865. 2 vols., half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; RUBRICATED TITLE ; PORTRAITS; tinted paper ; LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed. STORIES. 441 2187 STONE. Life and Times of Red-Jacket, or, Sa-go-ye- wat-ha, being the sequel to the History of the Six Na- tions. New York. 1841. a Yols., 8vo, half red levant red morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAIT. 2188 STONE. Life of Joseph Brant, (Thayendanegea) in- cluding the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Generals Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, and other Matters con- nected with the Indian Relations of the United States and Great Britain, from 1783 to 1795. Albany. 1864. % vols., imp. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; PORTRAITS; L/KGX PAPER; 50 copies printed. 2189 STONE. The Poetry and History of Wyoming, con- taining Campbell's Gertrude, and the History of Wy- oming. Albany: Munsell. 1864. nmo, paper, uncut. Reissue of the edition of 1845, with index, etc. 2190 STONINGTON. The Defence of Stonington (Con- f necticut) against a British Squadron August gth to 1 2th, 1814. Hartford. 1864. Sm. 410, uncut; only 125 copies printed, for private dittribution. 2191 STORER and GREIG. Antiquarian and Topographi- cal Cabinet, containing a Series of Elegant Views of the Most Interesting objects of Curiosity in Great Britain. Accompanied with Letter Press Descriptions. London: W. Clarke. 1807. I a vols., l8mo, blue morocco, gilt edges. From Dr. John Hunter's library. 2192 STORIES about General Warren, in Relation to the Fifth of March Massacre, and the Battle of Bunker Hill Boston. 1835. 1 8 mo, pp. 1 1 z, cloth; PLATI. 56 442 STRICTURES. * ~rf 2193 STORY (J.) Power of Solitude. A Poem. Boston, [n. d.] FIRST EDITION ; icarce. 2194 STORY (Isaac). An Oration ... Worcester, July 4, 1802. Worcester. 1802. 8vo, pp. 33, half red mococco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. See Washington (G.) X 2195 STRATFORD, Connecticut. A collection of Cuttings relative to Stratford. [n. p. n. d.] 4to. y>* f +j> 2196 STREET (A. B.) Frontenac. A Poem of the Iroquois. By Alfred B. Street. Albany: Joel MunselL M DCCC LXVI. 4to, cloth, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. 2197 STRICKLAND (A.) Lives of the Queens of England, From the Norman Conquest. Now first published, from Official Records ... By Agnes Strickland ... With Portraits of every Queen. ... London: H. Co/burn. 1853. 8 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt edges; BEST EDITION; scarce. 2198 STRICTURES on a Pamphlet, entitled a " Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans, on the Subject of our Political Confusions," addressed to the People of America. America ; Boston : Reprinted and sold at Greenleaf's Printing Office, op- posite the Conduit^ near the Market. M,DCC,LXX,V. 8vo, pp. 20. A very rare Revolutionary tract. 2199 STRICTURES on the Philadelphia Mischianza, or _a Triumph upon leaving America Unconquered. With Extracts, containing the principal Part of a Letter, pub- lished in the " American Crisis." In order to shew SULLIVAN. 443 how far the King's Enemies think her General deserv- ing of Public Honours. London: J. Bew. M.DCC.LXXIX. 8vo, pp. 4a, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; POT*AIT of William, Viscount Howe, inserted. 2200 STRUTT (Joseph). A Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, from the Es- * & tablishment of the Saxons to the Present Time. Illus- trated by Engravings taken from the most authentic Remains of Antiquity. New and Improved Edition by J. R. Planche. London. 1842. 2 vols., 410, half morocco, gilt top; over 100 PLATES, beautifully colored. " The amusing pages of Strutt entitle his memory to great respect, and, borrowing the idea of Dr. Johnson, I will boldly affirm that he who wishes to be informed of the curious and interesting details connected with ancient manners and customs, costume, regal and ecclesiastical antiquities, ' must devote his days and his nights* to the volumes of a Strutt." DIBDIN'S " Decameron." 2201 STUART (I. W.) Life of Captain Hale, the Martyr- Spy of the American Revolution. Hartford. 1856. iamo, cloth, a 1., pp. 130; 6 Plates; scarce. Wight's copy sold for $5.75. 2202 STUBBES (P.) The Anatomic of Abuses. Reprinted 1 o from the third Edition of MDLXXXV, under the super- intendence of William B. D. D. Turnbull, Esq. London : Pickering. 1 836. 8vo, green levant morocco extra, uncut, by W. Mathews; 100 copies printed; uarce. 2203 SUCKLING (J.) The Works of Sir John Suckling, Con- '* CQ taining The Poems, Letters and Plays. London. 1709. 8ro, blue morocco, gilt edges ; very tcarce. " This darling of the muses was worthy to be crowned with a wreath of sun." WIN- STANLEY. See Ellis' " Specimens," HI, a43 ; " Ret. Rev.," n, 19 ; " Lond. Mag.," i, 369. 2204 SULLIVAN (A. M.) A Visit to the Valley of Wy- oming. Dublin: John F. Fowler. MDCCCLXV. STO, pp. 33 ; 4 I MVC PK ed 1O *> 4 PI-ATM. 444 SUTCLIFF. 2205 SULLY. Memoires des Sages et Royalles (Economies d'estat, domestiqves, politiqves et militaires de Henry le Grand, 1'Exemplaire des Roys, le Prince des Vertvs, des Armes & des Loix, & le Pere en effet de ses Peuples Francois. Et des servitvdes vtiles, obeissances conuen- ables & administrations loyales de Maximilian de Beth- vne 1'vn des plus confidens, familiers & vtiles soldats, & Seruiteurs du grand Mars des Francois. A Amstelredam. [n. d.] 4 vols. in 2, folio, calf, first edition ; printed from the private press of the Chateau de Sully, under the author's inspection ; extremely rare. "The memoirs of Sully finish the portrait of these times, in finishing for us not only the portrait of Henry IV, but in giving us many curious particulars respect- ing the practical government of France, its finances, factions, and the whole state of its constitution and interests. His work is authentic and particularly valuable, and must be read." PROF. SMYTH. 2206 SUMMERS (J.) Rudiments of the Chinese Language. London. 1864. I2mo, cloth. 2207 SUMNER (C.) The True Grandeur of Nations, Ora- tion ... July 4, 1845. Boston. 1845. 8vo, pp. 96. SECOND EDITION. 2208 SUMNER (George). Oration ... July 4, 1859. Boston. M DCCCLIX. 8vo, pp. 69 ; also three other Orations. 2209 SUMNER (Wm. H.) A History of East Boston ; with Biographical Sketches of its Early Proprietors, and An Appendix. Boston: J. E. Tilton & Co. 1858. Rl. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. 2210 SUTCLIFF (Robert). Travels in some Parts of North ^ _ of America, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. Philadelphia: Published by B. & 1 . Kite. 1812. 8 vo, boards, uncut. The FRONTISPIECE is an old view of Niagara Falls. SYICES. 445 22 1 1 SWAN WICK (John). Poems on several Occasions, by John Swanwick, Esq., one of the Representatives in the Congress of the United States, from the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. MDCCXCVII. 24010, half morocco ; neat j tcarce. 2212 SWETT(S.) History of Bunker Hill Battle. With a Plan. By S. Swett. Third Edition. With Notes. Boston. 1827. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut; 4 PLATKS inserted. 2213 [SWIFT (J.)] Travels into Several Remote Nations of f 4j~ the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. London. 1777. 1 vols.,, calf; scarce edition. The idea of this work is supposed to have been derived from Bp. Jos. Hall's " Mundus alter et Idem." " When will the day come when 'Gulliver's Travels' shall be forgotten or unread." SIR WALTER SCOTT. 2214 SWITZERLAND Illustrated in a Series of Views taken Expressly for the Work, by W. H. Bartlett, Esq. London. 1836. Z vols., 410, half green morocco ; fne early impressions. 221$ SYKES (M. M.) A Catalogue of the Library of Sir Mark Masterman Sykes. London. 1824. 8vo, parts I and 2, half calf. 446 TARDY A L B O T. An Historical Sketch to the end of the Revolutionary War; or, the Life of Silas Talbot, Esq., of the State of Rhode-Island, lately Commander of the United States Frigate, the Constitution, and of an American Squadron in the West Indies. New York. 1803. SPLENDID COPY, in crushed blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. AUTO- GRAPH LETTER AND PORTRAIT inserted. .2218 TALBOT. An | Historical Sketch | of the | Life | of | Silas ^ .* 09 Talbot, Esq. | of the State of Rhode-Island, | late Com- mander of the United States Frigate, | the Constitution, (and of an | American Squadron in the West Indies.) London : \ Printed For T. Ostell. 1803.) lamo, 4 1., pp. 147, calf, by Bedford; -very scarce. Morrell's copy sold for $15.50. 2219 TALBOT (J.) History of North America. % Liverpool. 1821. 2 vols., 8vo. boards, uncut; MANY PLATES. y/- 2220 TALES from " Blackwood." [Edinburgh :~\ William Blackwood and Sons. [v. d.] 12 vols., fcap 8vo, half calf. 2221 TALES: Original, and Translated from the Spanish. London. 1810. Rl. 8vo, half russia; EIGHT WOODCUTS. Known as "Stockdale's Tales." 2222 TARDY GEORGE, and How McClellan took Manassas. New York. 1865. 2 vol. in I, 410, cloth, uncut; 50 copies privately printed, [By G. H. Boker.] TENNYSON. 447 2223 TARLETON. A History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North Amer- ica, By Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton, Commandant of the British Legion. London. M.DCC.LXXXVII. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. 2224 TARLETON. [Another Edition.] Dublin. 1787. 8vo, old calf. u Colonel Tarleton's history gives a minute detail of all the military operations in both Carolina?, and part of Virginia, until the surrender of Lord Cornwallit with his whole army at Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1781." RICH. 2225 TASSO (T.) La Secchia Rapita ; or, The Rape of the Bucket: an Heroi-Comical Poem. Translated from the Italian of Tasso. London. 1825. 2 vols. in i, 8vo, half morocco; PLAT*. 2226 TAYLOR. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living [and Dying]. By Jeremy Taylor, D.D. Boston: Little^ Brown & Co. [1864.] 2 vols., crown 8vo, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER. " Bishop Taylor has the eloquence of the orator, the fancy of the poet, the acuteness of the school- man, the profoundness of the philosopher, and the piety of the saint." PAKE. / 2227 TAYLOR (John W.) An Address ... Fiftieth Anni- versary of the Independence of the United States. ... Balston Spa. 1825. 8vo, pp. 21, and Kirk's Oration, 1836. 2228 TEFT (I. K.) Catalogue of Autographs. New York. 1867. 8vo, pp. 260, (a). Priced. 2229 TENNYSON (A.) Elaine, by Alfred Tennyson. Il- lustrated by Gustave Dore. London: Edward Moxon and Co. 1867. Folio, in case ; Pftoon ON INDIA PATU. 448 THACHER. 2230 TENNYSON. The Miller's Daughter. Illustrated by / L. Bond. London, [n. d.] 4to, cloth, gilt edges and sides. 2231 TERENCE. Publius Terentius Afer. Londoni: Gul. Pickering. MDCCCXXII. 3zmo, cloth, uncut. 2232 TERNAUX-COMPANS. Voyages, Relations, et Me- moires Originaux pour servir a 1'histoire de la Decouverte de 1'Amerique, publics pour la premiere fois en Fran9ois. Par Henri Ternaux. Paris : Artbus Bertrand. M. DCCC XXXVII.-MDCCCXLI. ao vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. An important and valuable collection of early voyages and relations on North and South America, Mexico, etc. The contents, at length, will be found in Rich's " Bibl. American Nova," Vol. n. 2233 TEVET. Historia dell' India America, detta altramente Francia Antartica di, M. Andrea Tevet, tradotta di Francese in Lingva Italiana, da M. Givseppa Horologgi. Vinegia: Giolito. 1561. Sm. 8vo, vellum, in the original binding; first Italian edition; beautiful cofy; very rare; also, in the same volume, and from the same press, is A fine cofy of Historia delle du Sarmatiedi Mattheo di Micheovo tradotta per Annibal Maggi. Vinegia. 1561. Both these works are BEAUTIFUL SPECIMENS or EARLY PRINTING. *S . ^^ 2234 THACHER (J.) American Medical Biography: or Me- (0 moirs of Eminent Physicians who have flourished in America. Boston. 1828. 2 YoU. in I, 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE PORTRAITS. Fisher's copy sold for $17. 2235 THACHER. A Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, describing In- teresting Events and Transactions of this Period ; with THEIRS. 449 numerous Historical Facts and Anecdotes, from the Original Manuscript. Boston. 1824. 8 vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; fiat copy; tearee. Whit- more's copy sold for $10. 00 2236 THACHER. [The same.] Second Edition. Boston. 1827. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2237 THACHER (T.) A Fast of Gods chusing, | Plainly opened, For the help of those poor in Spirit, whose | hearts are Set to seek the Lord their God (in New-Eng- land, in the solemn) Ordinance of) A Fast | Wherein is shewed I. The nature of such a Fast. 2. The | Testi- mony God will give thereunto of his gracious accepta- tion.^. The special Seasons wherein God will bear witness to such | A Fast. 4. Some helps to Faith that it shall be so. 1 5. Why such a Fast is so acceptable and successfull. 1 6. How much this concerns Gods people in New-England. | Preached on a Fast called by publick Au- | thority, On 26. 1.74. | By Thomas Thacher, | Pastor of a Church in Boston. Boston, | Printed by John Foster, 1678. 4to, 3 1., pp. 15, crushed green levant morocco extfa; fine copy; and an EARLY SPECI- MEN or PRINTING in Boston. 2238 THACKERAY. The Works of W. Makepeace Thack- eray. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1869. M vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. This edition, by its BEAUTIFUL TYPOGRAPHY and NUMER- OUS ILLUSTRATIONS, well merits the appellation of tea. 2239 THEIRS (M. A.) The History of the French Revolu- tion. By M. A. Theirs. Translated, with Notes ... by Frederick Shoberl. New Edition. ... London. 1854. 5 vols., post 8vo, calf, gilt 5 PLATES. 57 450 THOMAS. 2240 THIRTY | Important Cases, | Resolved | With Evidence of | Scripture | and | Reason. | [Mostly.] | By several Pastors of Adjacent Churches, [meeting in Cambridge, [New- England. | [With some other memorable matters.] | Now Published for [General Benefit. | Boston in New-England. \ Printed by Bartholomew Green^ fef John Allen\Sold at the Booksellers Shops. 1699.! Sm. 8vo, pp. 78, Errata, i 1., in the original sheep binding. 2241 THOMAS AQUINAS. Excimij ventatis schole pro- fessoris fratris Johannis Lapreoli ... Liber quart' defen- sionii theologie diui doctors Thoma de aquino in quarti sententiaru feliciter incipit. Venetiis. 1483. Folio, in wooden boards, with clasps, original binding. A SPLENDID SPECIMEN or PRINTING in the I5th century, \n_fine condition. 2242 THOMAS (Gabriel). An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensylvania and West-New-Jersey in America. New Tork: Reprinted for H. A. Brady. 1848. izmo, half morocco, uncut; MAP. 2243 THOMAS. In Memoriam Geo. H. Thomas, Artist. A Collection of -Engravings from his Drawings on Wood. London. 1869. 410, cloth extra, gilt top. VERY ELEGANTLY PRINTED and profusely illustrated. 2244 THOMAS (Col.} The Trial of Lieut. Col. Thomas, of the First Regiment of Foot-Guards, on a Charge ex- hibited by Lieut. Col. Cosmo. Gordon, for aspersing his Character, By accusing him of Neglect of Duty before the Enemy, as Commanding Officer of the First Battalion of Guards, on the 23d of June, 1780, near Springfield, in the Jerseys : containing the whole Pro- ceedings of a General Court-Martial, Held at New- THOMS. 451 York on the i6th of September last, and continued by several Adjournments to the 26th of the same Month. London : J. Ridley. MDCCLXXXI. 8vo, Title, pp. 118, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradttreet. 2245 THOMAS (Isaiah). The History of Printing in Amer- r t ica. With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. To which is Prefixed a Concise View of the Discovery and Progress of the Art in other Parts of the World. Worcester. 1810. z vols., 8vo, crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford; PLATES; SPLKN- DID COPY. 2246 THOMPSON (B. F.) The History of Long Island; from its Discovery and Settlement, to the Present Time. With many Important and Interesting Matters, etc. Second Edition : Revised and greatly Enlarged. Portrait and numerous Plates. New Tork. 1843. a vols., 8vo, half blue morocco; very tcarce. 2247 THOMPSON (H.) Original Ballads, By Living Authors. London. 1850. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. 2248 THOMPSON (T.) Two Missionary Voyages to New / ft- Jersey, &c. London. M DCCLVIH. 8vo, a 1., pp. 87 ; vtry tearce. 2249 THOMS (W. J.) Early English Prose Romances, with Bibliographical and Historical Introduction. Edited by William J. Thorns. Second Edition, enlarged. London. 1858. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut: LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. Includes Robert the Devyl, Thomas a Reading, Friar Bacon, Friar Rush, Virgilius, Robin Hood, George a Green, Tom a Lincolne, Helyas, Dr. Faustus, and Second Report of Dr. Faustus. 452 TICKNOR. 2250 [THOMSON (Charles).] An Enquiry into the Cause of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese In- dians from the British Interests. ... Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post. With a Map. London. MDCCLIX. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. This -very rare tract was written by Charles Thom- son, afterwards Secretary to Congress. 2251 THOMSON (R.) An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John : To which are added, the Great Charter in Latin and English ; ... By Richard Thom- son. London: John Major. M.DCCCXXIX. Rl. 8vo, calf, gilt. Printed by John Johnton. Every page of this volume is sur- rounded by an elegant and differently designed WOODCUT BORDER. cTV * 2252 THORNBURY. Songs of the Cavaliers and Round- heads, Jacobite Ballads, &c. London. 1867. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut j WOODCUTS. 2253 THORPE (B.) Northern Mythology, comprising the principal Popular Traditions and Superstitutions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and the Netherlands. London. 1851. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half morocco, uncut j PLATE. */ 2254 THORNTON (Major John). Tour in the Northern States and Canada. London. 1850. iSmo, half morocco, uncut'; one of two copies^printed on DRAWING PAPER. // 2255 TICKNOR (G.) History of Spanish Literature. By George Ticknor. ... Third ... Edition, corrected and Enlarged. Boston: Ticknor. 1866. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut j; LARGE PAPER. V / 2256 TICKNOR. History of Spanish Literature. New York. 1849. 3 vols., 8 vo, cloth, uncut j FIRST EDITION. Includes material not in the subsequent issue. TORQUEVILLE. 4.53 2257 TICKNOR. Life of William Hickling Prescott. By George Ticknor. Boston : Ticknor and Fields. 1 866. 4to, uncut ; LARGEST PAPER ; only a few cofiet printed. Alto, the Prescott " Memo- - rial." This is much larger than the ordinary quarto edition. 2258 TIFFANY (Osmond). Sketch of the Life and Services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams, read before the Maryland Historical Society, on Thursday Evening, March 6, 1851. Baltimore. 1851. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top; PORTRAIT inserted. 2259 TIMES (J.) Romance of London, Scenes and Re- markable Persons of the Great Town. By John Timbs. ... London. 1865. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2260 TIMBERLY (C. H.) A Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with the Progress of Literature, Ancient and Modern ; Bibliographical Illustrations, etc. London. MDCCCXXXIX. Imp. 8vo, boards, uncut; FINE COPY, and scarce in this condition. Contains an im- mense mass of useful and entertaining information upon literature, com- piled from every accessible source. 2261 TITFORD (W. J.) Hortus Botanicus Americanus. London. 1811. 4to ; MANY FINE CALORED PLATES or PLANTS AND FRUITS. 2262 TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis). Democracy in America. ' V"" Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. Edited with Notes. The Translation Revised and in great part Rewritten, by Francis Bowen. Cambridge. 1864. 2 vols. rl. 8vo, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPER; only 100 copies printed. "Let me earnestly advise your perusal of M. de Tocqueville's work. His testimony, as well from actual personal experience, ai on account of freedom from prejudice, is above exception." Sir Robert PetPi Speed. 454 TRACTS. 2263 TORNADO (The) of 1851 in Medford, West Cam- bridge and Waltham. Boston. 1852. izmo, pp. 72, cloth. _ 2264 TORRENT OF PORTUGAL. An English Metrical Romance, now First Published from an Unique Manu- script of the Fifteenth Century, preserved in the Chetham Library at Manchester. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, Esq. London. 1842. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. / 2265 TORREY (J.) A Portraiture of Domestic Slavery in the United States. Philadelphia. 1817. 8 vo, boards, uncut ; PLATES; very scarce. Presentation copy to President Jefferson. 2266 TRACTS relating to American History. [v. p.] 1774-1833. 16 vols., 8vo, calf, uniformly bound. This valuable and interesting collection com- prises many very rare tracts relating to the American Revolution, the French difficulties, the War of i8iz, r etc. It includes over 100 tracts, among which we notice, Journals of the First Congress ; Wesley's Calm Address ; Massachusettensis ; Dr. Prices' famous Tracts ; Galloway's Tracts Clinton and Cornwalls ; Tracts on Slavery ; The Times, a Poem ; Tracts on Lord Selkirk's Red River Settlement, and Tracts relating to Canada, the West Indies, etc. A large collection. 2267 TRACTS. A Collection of Scarce and Interesting Tracts, written by Persons of Eminence, upon the most Important, Political, and Commercial Subjects. London. MDCCLXXXVIII. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf. This important collection is necessary for the proper under- standing of the difficulties connected with the Stamp Act, the American Revolution, etc. From the library of Sir James Stuart. 2268 TRACTS. [A Collection of Acts of Parliament re- S^$r lating to the American Revolution.] 1774-7. TREATY. 455 Fifteen Acts of Parliament and icveral ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTS, relating to America viz., Act to Close the Port of Boston for Destroying the Tea, January 13, 1774; Act to Suppress the Riots in Massachusetts, Jan., 1774; Act for better Regulatrng the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Jan., 1774; Acts for Governing^the Province of Quebec, 1774; Act to Re- strain the Trade and Commerce of Massachusetts and other Province* in America, 1774; Act for Punishing Mutiny and Desertion in America, 17755 Act to Restrain the Trade and Commerce of New Jersey, Mary- land, &c., 1775; Act to Prohibit all Trade and Intercourse with the Colonies of New Hampshire and other revolting States during the present Rebellion, 1776; Act to Detain Persons suspected of High Treason in America, on the High Seas ; Act for the Sale of Prizes from the revolting Colonies, and others being FIFTEEN SEPARATE ACTS, and teveral original manuscript documcnti relating to the subject, folio, rare. The collection of ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS is highly interesting. 2269 TRACTS. [A Collection of Tracts relating to the " American Revolution.] London. 1778-85. 50 tracts, 8vo and 410. Many of these tracts are scarce, and all of them are interesting and necessary in an American collection. 2270 TRAVIS (Daniel). MDCCX. An Almanack of Celestial ?i/-S Motions and Aspects ... 1710. America: Printed in the Tear 1710. izmo, 8 leaves, half morocco. 2271 TRAVIS. An Almanack ... for 1720. Boston. 1720. iamo, 8 leaves, half calf. 2272 TREATY OF PEACE, in America, between James II. ... and Louis XIV. London. 1686. 4to, pp. 19, (i)} extremely uarce. 2273 TREATY of Amity & Commerce, and of Alliance Eventual and Defensive, between his most Christian Majesty and the Thirteen United States of America. Philadelphia. 1778. 4to, half morocco ; AUTOGRAPH of S. Adams. 456 TRUMBULL. 2274 TRIAL (The) of the British Soldiers, of the 2Qth Regi- ^* ment of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attacks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell and Patrick Carr, on Monday Evening, the 5th of March, 1770, at the Superior Court, held at Boston, the 27th Day of November, 1770, etc. Boston: Belcher and Armstrong. 1807. 8vo, pp. 120, half blue morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford; PLATE or THE MASSACRE inserted ; scarce. / 4 j-j 2275 TRIAL (The). [Another Edition.] Boston. 1824. 3/ f lamo, half morocco; PLATE or THE MASSACRE inserted; scarce. 2276 TRIAL (at large) of James Hill ; otherwise, James /4 * 9 Hind ; otherwise, James Actzen : for Feloniously, Wil- fully, and Maliciously, Setting Fire to the Rope-House, in His Majesty's Dock-Yard at Portsmouth. ... March 6, 1 777' London: G. Kearsly. [n. d.j Folio, pp. 40; EXTREMELY RARE. Important for the History of the America Revo- lution. The subject of this trial was better known as John the Painter. 2277 TRUBNER (N.) Bibliographical Guide to American "3 O ) Literature. With Notes and Index. London. 1850. 8vo, pp. cxlix, 555, half morocco. 2278 TRUMBULL (B.) A Complete History of Connecti- cut, Civil and Ecclesiastical from the Emigration of its First Planters from England, to MDCXXX to MDCCXTII. By Benjamin Trumbull D.D. Hartford: Hudson & Goodwin. 1797. 2 vols., 8vo, calf; jinc copy ; MANY PORTRAITS. 2279 TRUMBULL. A General History of the United States of America New York. 1810. 8vo, boards; Vol. i, all published. TRUMBULL. 2280 TRUMBULL (Henry). History of the Discovery of America ; of the Landing of our Forefathers at Ply- mouth, and of their most remarkable engagements with the Indians in New England. Boston. 1828. 8vo, pp. 256, boards, uncut ; FOLDID PLATE. 2281 [TRUMBULL (J.)] M'Fingal, a Modern Epic Poem. j/ In Four Cantos. [Motto.] Hartford : Printed by Hudson and Goodwin^ near the Great Bridge. 1782. Small 8vo, pp. 100, polished calf, gilt edges, by W. Pratt; FIMT EDITION; vtry 2282 [TRUMBULL.] M'Fingal. [Another Edition.] London. M DCC LXXXVI. 8ro, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2283 TRUMBULL. M'Fingal: | A Modern | Epic Poem, ^^ | in j Four Cantos. | By John Trumbull, Esq. | Embellished | with nine Copper Plates ; | designed and Engraved by E. Tisdale. | The First Edition with Plates, [and Explanatory Notes. \New York : \Printed by John Buel^ No. 132. Fly-Market. \ M,DCC,xcv. 8ro, pp. vii. and 136, polished calf, gilt edges, by Bedford. 2284 TRUMBULL. M'Fingal, a Modern Epic Poem, in Four Cantos. Embellished with nine Copper Plates designed and engraved by N. Tisdale. The Second Edition, with Plates and Explanatory Notes, New-Tork: E. Low. 1810. TO, pp. vli., 136, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 9 PLATO. 58 458 TUCKERMAN. 2285 TRUMBULL. McFingal : An Epic Poem, with In- troduction and Notes, by Benson J. Lossing. New York. 1860. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut ; LARGE PAPER; PORTRAIT. Only i ->o copies printed. 2286 TRUMBULL Poetical Works. Containing Mc- Fingal, a Modern Epic Poem, revised and corrected, with copious Explanatory Notes, etc., and a collection of Poems on various subjects written before and during the Revolutionary War. Hartford. 1820. Z vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. PORTRAIT and PLATES by Tisdale. 2278 TRUMBULL. Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters of John Trumbull, from 1756 to 1841, with an Appendix, etc. New York. 1841. 8vo, cloth. PORTRAITS and ENGRAVINGS. 2288 TUCKER (George). The Life of Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States. With parts of his Correspondence never before published. Philadelphia^ 1837. a vols., 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. PORTRAIT. -. ^ 2289 TUCKERMAN (H. T.) America and her Commen- tators. New York. 1864. 2290 TUCKERMAN. Book of the Artists. American Ar- ^ tist Life, comprising Biographical Sketches of Ameri- ^ *-? can Artists, preceded by an Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Art in America. With an Ap- pendix containing an account of notable pictures and private collections. New York : Putnam. 1867, 4to, sheets; LARGE PAPER. 15 PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS of Artists, PORTRAIT of Huntington on India paper, and PLATE, on India, of the Academy of Design. Fifty copies only printed. TWO. 2291 TUCKERMAN. The Character and Portraits of Washington. By Henry T. Tuckerman. New Turk: G. P. Putnam. 1859. 410, cloth. 2292 TUDOR. The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts. Containing also, Notices of some Contemporary Char- acters and Events, from the year 1760 to 1775. Boston. 1823. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. PORTRAIT and PLATKS. Fine copy. 2293 [TUFTS (M.)] Flowers of Vespucci; or, Romance without Fiction. Lexington Ms. 1833. izmo, pp. 240. A singular work printed by its author. 2294 TURNER (J. M. W.) Liber Fluviorum ; or, River Scenery of France. Depicted in Sixty-one Line En- gravings from Drawings by J. M. W. Turner, R. A. With Descriptive Letter-Press by Leitch Ritchie, and a Biographical Sketch by Alaric A. Watts. London : H. G. Bohn. MDCCCLVII. Imp. 8vo, green morocco, extra ; LARGE PAPER copy. PROOFS on INDIA PATEK. 2295 TURNER and RUSKIN (John). Harbours of Eng- ~ co land. London. 1856. ARTISTS* PROOFS in a Portfolio, with text. 2296 TUSCANY. Viaggio Pittorico della Toscano. Ftrenze. 1801. ~ 3 Tols., folio, half morocco. A very fine teaie* of AOJJATLNTA PLATO, with Letter- press Descriptions. 2297 TWO (The) Congresses Cut Up: | Or a | Few Remarks | ' o upon some of the | Votes and Resolutions | of the | Con- tinental Congress, | Held at Philadelphia, in September, 460 TYNDALE. | and the | Provincial Congress, | Held at Cambridge, in November, 1774. | By a Friend to Peace and good Or- der. | Boston, Printed: \ New York, Reprinted by James Rivington. | [1775] 8vo, pp. 14, crushed levant morocco, by Matthews. 2298 TOWNSEND (Joseph). Some Account of the British Army, under the command of General Howe, and of the Battle of Brandywine, on The Memorable Sep- tember nth, 1777. By Joseph Townsend, M. D. Published by Townsend Ward, Philadelphia. 1846. 8vo, pp. ii., 33. And Papers on Brandywine, etc. 2299 TYLER (J. E.) Henry of Monmouth ; or, Memoirs of Henry the Fifth. London. 1838. a vols., 8vo. half calf, gilt. PORTRAIT. i 2300 TYNDALE. Memoir of William Tyndale, who First Printed the New Testament in English, 1525. London : S. Bagster. . [n. d.] STO, pp. 98, calf j each page ruled with a red line. UNITED STATES. 4 6l NITED STATES Boundary. [A Col- lection of Documents relative to the Boundary between the U. S. and Great Britain.] Printed but not published. Washington . 1829. Folio half morocco ; very scarce. , *~ UNITED STATES EXPLORING EXPEDITION. [A Collection of the Publications bearing this title consisting of the works described below]. Philadelphia. Together 18 vols., 410, and 8 vols., folio, of PLATES. The quartos all uniformly bound in blue morocco, extra, gilt edges, and the ATLASCS in half mo- rocco. A Presentation Copy by the United States to some Public Institu- tion. THIS IMPORTANT NATIONAL PUBLICATION consists of the following works Vols. I. to V. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the yean 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. By Charles Wilkes, U. S. N., Com- mander of the Expedition. Philadelphia : Printed by C. Sherman. 1844. 410, pp. Ixvi. (i) 455 ; xvi., 505; xv., (i) 463; xvi., 574 j xv., (l) 591. Errata, 8 lines. Vol. VI. Ethnography and Philology. By Horatio Hale, Philologist to the Expe- dition. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman. 1846. 4to, pp. xii., 666. Vol. VII. Zoophytes. By James D. Dana, A. M., Geologist of the Expedition- With a folio ATLAS of Sixty-one PLATES. Phicadelphia: Printed by C, Sherman. 1846. 4to, pp. x., 7-740. Atlas 61 Plates. This is one of the scarcest of the series, 100 copies only printed. Vol. VIII. Mammalia and Ornithology. By Titian R. Peale, one of the Naturalist! of the Expedition. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Shermau. 1848. 410, pp. xxv., 17-338. Thit volume loat tuppresud, and it of the greateit rarity. Vol. VIII. bis. Mammalogy and Ornithology. By John Cassin. With a folio At- las. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman & Son. 1858. 410, pp. viii., (i) 466. ATLAS, folio, a 1., 53 PLATES. 462 UNITED STATES. Vol. IX. The Races of Man : and their Geographical Distribution. By Charles Pickering, M. D. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman. 1848. 410, pp. 447. 12 PLATES, colored. Vol. X. Geology. By James D. Dana, A. M., Geologist to the Expedition. With folio Adas of Twenty-one Plates. Philadelpia : Printed by C. Sher- man. 1849. 410, pp. xii., 766. ATLAS, pp.6; 21 PLATES. Vol. XI. Meteorology. By Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. With Twenty-five Illustra- tions. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman. 1851 Pp. Iviii. (vi.), 726 ; appendix, 12 1. Vol. XII. Mollusca and Shells. By Augustus A. Gould, M. D. With an Atlas of Plates. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman. 1852. 410, pp. xv., 510. The ATLAS "was not and probably never will be published. Vol. XIII. Crustacea. By James Dana, A.M. With a folio Atlas of Ninety-six Plates. Part I. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman. 1852. 410 viii., 685. ATLAS, 1855, pp. 27, 96 PLATES. Vol. XV. Botany. Phanerogamia. By Asa Gray, M. D. With a folio Atlas of One Hundred Plates. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Shermnn. 1854. 410, 2 1., pp. 777. ATLAS, 100 PLATE;., folio. Vol. XVI. Botany. Cryptogamia. Filices, including Lycopodiaceae and Hydrop- terides. By William D. Brackenridge. With a folio Atlas of Forty-six Plates. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman. 1856 410, pp. viii., 357. ATLAS, Philadelphia, 1855, pp. 7, 46 PLATES. Vols. XVll., XVIII., and XIX., have not, and perhaps never will be published. Vol. XX. Herpetology. Prepared under the superintendence of S. F. Band. With a folio ATLAS. Philadelphia : Printed by C. Sherman & Sons. 1858. 410, pp. xv., 492. ATLAS in folio, pp. x., 32 PLATES. The subsequent issues of this work have the following title : Vol. XX. Herpetology. By Charles Girard. With a folio Atlas. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Gf Co. Folio. 410, pp. xvii., 496. ATLAS, pp. x., 31 PLATES. Notwithstanding the comparatively recent date of this publication, we question if anjr of our public libraries contain a complete set of this GRAND SERIES or BOOKS. Strange to say, the National Library at Washington lacks some of the volumes. So the Astor Library, the Public Library at Boston, etc., are in the same con- dition. This set is complete, with the exception of one vol. of the Crus- tacea, and Pickering on the Geographical Distribution of Animals which last is not unfrequently to be found. An opportunity to procure so fine and so complete a set has never occurred since the publication of the work, and is not ilkely to occur again ; and we venture to suggest to those who now only possess part of a set, that they sh secure this and sell their duplicates. UPSHUR. 463 90 2304 UPHAM (C. W.) Lectures on Witchcraft, Comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. Boston. 1833. i6mo, morocco extra. The ablest work on the subjeit. 2305 UPHAM. Salem Wiichciuit, with an Account oi Salem Villages, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred subjects. Boston. 1867. 4 vols., 410, half maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. No. 74 of 100 copies printed on LARGJL PAPE. 2306 [UPSHUR]. A Brief Enquiry into the True Nature and Character of our Federal Government j Being a Review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the Con- stitution of the United States. Petersburg. 1840. 8vo, pp. 131. yry uarct. 464 VAKNHAGEN. ALENTINE (D. T.) History of the City of New York . . . New York: G. P. Putnam. 1853. 8vo cloth ; MAP. VALENTINE. Manual of the Cor- poration of the City of New York for the Years 1842-3. New York. 1842. 10 vols., I2mo, cloth; MAPS and FACSIMILES. 2309 VAN RENSSELAER (S.) A Narrative of the Affair of Queenstown : In the War of 1812. With a Re- view of the Strictures on that event. New York. 1836. izmo, pp. 41, 96, cloth; PLATE. 2310 VAN SCHAACK (H. C.) Henry Cruger ; the Col- league of Edmund Burke in the British Parliament. A Paper read before the New York Historical Society, January 4th, 1859. New York. 1859. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top; 10 PLATES inserted, including rare PORTRAIT of Cruger 2311 VARIN (N.) La Tresor du Fidele. Gravure par Mm. N. Varin Freres. Texte extrait des plus celebres Au- teurs Cretiens. Paris: L. Curmer. [n. d.] 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. A series of beautiful PLATES of Madonnas, etc., with letter-press description. 2312 VARNHAGEN (F. A. de). Amerigo Vespucci. Son Caractere, ses crits (meme les moins authentiques), sa vie et ses Navigations, avec une Carte indiquant les Routes, par A. de Varnhagen. Lima. 1865. Folio, a 1., pp. 119, boards, uncut; MAP and FACSIMILE. Only a few copies printed. VICTORIA. 465 2313 [VAUGHAN (William)]. The | Golden Fleece | Divided into three Parts, |Vnder which are discoured the Er- rours | of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the King- 1 dome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to | restore Trading so much com- 1 playned of. | Trans- ported from | Cambrall Colchos, out of the Southern- most (Part of the Hand, commonly called the|New- fovndland, | By Orpheus Junior, | For the generall and perpetual Good of (Great Britaine. | London, \ Printed for Francis William, . . . 1626. 4to, 14 1., pp. 149, 105, and 95, old calf. 2314 VENEGAS. A Natural and Civil History of California ; containing an accurate Description of the Country, Its Soil, Mountains, Harbours, Lakes, Rivers and Seas, its Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, and Famous Fishery for Pearls. London. 1759. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt ; MAP. Fine copy. 2315 [VERPLANCK (G. C.)] Twelfth Night at the Cen- / tury Club, January 6th, 1858. By G. C. Verplanck. New York. 1858. Small 8vo, boards. Only a few-copies printed. 2316 VERTOOGH van Niew Nederland, and Breeden Raedt aende Vereenighde Nederlandsche Provintien. x* . . Two rare Tracts printed in 1649 '50, relating to the Administration of affairs in New Netherland. Trans- latedfrom the Dutch by Henry C. Murphy. A^. T. 1854. 4to, pp. vii., 190. 125 copies privately printed for Mr. James Lour, for presentation only. See Lot 2330. 2317 VICTORIA. The Early Years of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. Compiled under the direction of the Queen. London. 1867. 8vo, cloth, uncut; fine PORTRAIT. 59 466 VIRGINIA. 2318 VINAL (W.) A | Sermon | on the] Accursed Thing) *" That hinders Success and Victory in War | Occasioned by the Defeat of the Hon. Edward Braddock, Esq ; | General of all the English Forces in North-America, who was | mortally wounded in an Engagement with the French and | Indians, near Fort Du Ouesne ; and died of his Wounds the | third Day after the Battle, which was fought July 5, 1755. | Published at the Request of the Hearers. | By William Vinal, A. M. | Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Rhode-Island. | [Mot- toes.] | Newport : \ Printed by "James Franklin, at the Printing Office at the\ Town-School- House, 1755. 4to, pp. 25, polished calf, by F. Bedford. An. -extremely rare tract relating to Braddock's Defeat. 2319 VINTON (F.) An Oration on the Annals of Rhode . Providence. 1863. Island. Poem by G. W. Curtis, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 2320 VIRGILIUS. This boke treateth of the Lyfe of Vir- f*7 o a gil' us > an d of his Deth, and many Marvayles that he dyd in his Lyfe Tyme by Whychcrafte and Nygraman- cie thorowgh the Helpe of the Devyls of Hell. An- warpe by me Johun Doesbocke, n. d. (1510.) Edited by E. V. Utterson. glarfi CetiW. London. 1812. Svo, old calf, uncut ; WOODCUTS. Opposite to the title-page is a very free COPPER PLATE, engraved by G. P. (Geo. Pencz, a pupil of Durer), about 1550. 50 copies privately reprinted. Very scarce. sf s~e 2 3 21 VIRGINIA. Nova Britannia. Offering most excellent Fruits by Planting in Virginia. New York. 1864. 410, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 50 copies only printed. One of the most elegant of modern reprints. VOYAGES. 46; 2322 VIRGINIA. Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia State Committee in 1 829^30. Richmond. 1830. 8vo, sheep. 2324 VIRGINIA. Public Good Without Private Interest, 01 A Compendious Remonstrance of the present sad State and Condition of the English Colonie in Virginia, etc. Humbly presented to His Highness the Lord Protectour, By a Person zealously devoted. London: Printed for Henry Marsh. 1657. 4to, pp. xvi., 26. Reproduced by photo-lithography. . ^ 2325 VOICE (A) from America to England. By an Ameri- can Gentleman. London. MDCCCXXXIX. 8vo, pp. xii., 321, half calf, gilt. 2326 VOLNEY (C. F.) A View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America ; To which are annexed Some Accounts of Florida, the French Colony on the Scioto, Certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages or Natives. London. 1804. 8vo, pp. vi., iii.-xxiv., 503, half calf, gilt. Gibbon calls Volney the most judicious of Travellers, and says : " I wish he could travel over the globe." ^ 2327 VOLTAIRE. The Maid of Orleans, or La Pucelle of Voltaire. Translated into English Verse, with Notes ...By W. H. Ireland. London. 1822. a vols., 8vo, old calf, gilt. The only complete translation of this extraordinary work. " The indecency, often amounting to absolute obscenity, which pervades nearly the whole composition, cannot be excused on the pica that it is only a witty licentiousness." LORD BROUGHAM. 2328 VOYAGES. Collection of Voyages by Captain Wil- liam Dampier. London, [n. d.] 4-68 VRIES. 4 Toll., 8vo, interleaved in 4to. This edition was edited by Captain Layman of the Royal Navy, and contains numerous additions, with a view to printing a new edition. The text is the best edition of Dam pier. 2329 VOYAGES and Discoveries in South America. By Christopher d'Acvgna, M. Acarete, Grillet and Bech- amel. Done into English from the Originals, being the only Accounts of those Parts hitherto extant. London. 1698. 8vo, calf. Extremely scarce. See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 152. 2330 VRIES. Voyages from Holland to America, A. D. 1632 to 1644. By David Peterson de Vries. Translated from the Dutch by Henry C. Murphy. New York. 1853. 410, pp. 199, cloth; PORTRAIT. Only 250 copies printed for presents by Mr. James Lcnor. A companion volume to Lot 2316. WALKER. 469 00 (A). A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies ; includ ing a mode of Determining their present Disputes, finally and effectually; and of preventing all Future Contentions. New York : Printed by James Riv- ington. M,DCC,LXXIV. 8vo, brown morocco extra, gilt edges. 2332 WAAGEN (Dr.) Treasures of Art in Great Britain : being an Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss., etc., etc. London: Murray. 1854. 3 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt. 2333 WACHSMUTH (W.) The Historical Antiquities of the Greeks, with reference to their political Institutions, translated from the German. Oxford. 1837. 2 vols., 8vo, doth. " With all the characteristic learning and ingenuity of his countrymen, he unites a sounder judgment, more chaste' and reasonable than their works often ex- hibit." DR. ARNOLD. 2334 WALKER (C. M.) History of Athens Co., Ohio, and - $7 incidentally of the Ohio Land Company and the First Settlement of the State at Marietta, with Personal and Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers, Narratives of Pioneer Adventures, etc. Cincinnati. 1869. 8vo, cloth, uncut. MAP and STEM. Porr*Am. 2335 WALKER (J.) Memoirs of Josiah Quincy. _ _ Cambridge: Printed by John Wihon and Son. 1867. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstrect. 47 WALPOLE. 2336 WALKER (J. C.) Memoir of Alessandra Tassoni, Author of the Rape of the Bucket. London. 1855. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. PORTRAIT. < / 2337 WALKER (J.) A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine. London. 180911. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf. Comprises an extensive variety of historical, antiquarian, and literary articles. /XT 2 33 8 WALLACE (J. W.) An Address Delivered at the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of Wil- liam Bradford, who Introduced the Art of Printing into the Middle Colonies of British America. Albany: J. Munsell. 1863. 8vo, half bound, uncut, top gilt PLATE of FACSIMILES. 2339 WALLACK (James Wm.) A Sketch of the Life of James William Wallack (Senior), Late Actor and Manager. New York. 1865. 4to, paper, uncut; LARGE PAPER; 50 copies printed. ,/ 2340 [WALN (Robert.)] American Bards. A Satire. $**-* Philadelphia . 1820. 8vo, pp. 80, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut; 12. PLATES inserted. 2341 WALN. Life of the Marquis De La Fayette ; Major- General in the Service of the United States of America, ^s in the War of the Revolution. Philadelphia. 1825. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. 2342 WALPOLE (F.) Four Years in the Pacific. 1844- 1848. London. 1829. a vols., 8vo, half morocco. WALPOLE. 471 2343 WALPOLE (F.) The Ansayrii and the Assassins, and Travels in the further East in 1850 and 1851, includ- ing a visit to Nineveh. London. 1851. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Of this remarkable people and their country little U known. "A work full of entertainment." ATHENAUM. 2344 WALPOLE (Horace). Anecdotes of Painting in Eng- land ; with some account of the Principal Artists ; and incidental Notes on other Arts ; collected by the late George Vertue ; digested by the Hon. Horace Wai- pole ; with considerable additions by the Rev. James Dallaway. London. 1828. 5 vols., royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Best edition; numerous POR- TRAITS ; INDIA PROOFS of all the plates. Very uarce. Published at 15 15*. Beautiful alike in paper, printing, and engraving; and one of the most popular of the author's works. 2345 WALPOLE. A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland and Ireland ; with Lists of their Works ; by the Late Horatio Walpole . . . En- larged and Continued ... By Thomas Park, F.S.A. London: John Scott. 1806. 5 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Hayday. " In the good old times of the Bibliomania, this work would have walked of its own accord into the mahogany book-cases of half the collectors in London." DIBDIN'S Bibliomania. " Walpole was the last surviving disciple of the school of St.Evremont, Chaulieu, etc.; a tribe of philosophers who united study with amusement, and sentiment with vivacity; but in him the levity of the French Epicureans was invig- orated by the masculine strength of the British character." WRANGHAM. 2346 WALPOLE. The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. London. 1798. 5 vols., royal 410, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by W. Mathews. Numer- . ous fine PORTRAITS and ENGRAVINGS by Heath, etc. Splendid copy. " He is the father of the frit romance, and of the last tragedy in our language, and surely worthy of a higher place than any living writer, be he who he may." LORD BYRON. 472 WALTER. This is the ORIGINAL EDITION, and is the only one containing the numerous fine PORTRAITS and ENGRAVINGS by Heath. Its contents comprise Royal and Noble Authors, Anecdotes of Painting, Catalogue of Engravers, Castle of Otranto, Description of Strawberry Hill. Historic Doubts, Correspon- dence, Miscellanies, etc. 2347 WALPOLE. Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. By William Coxe, M.A. London. 1798. 3 vols., 410, half morocco; fine copy. "A more judicious and instructive biographical work, or one more satisfactory to every natural desire for knowledge, is not found in English literature." QUAR- TERLY REVIEW 2348 [WALSH (Robert).] The American Register : or Sum- mary Review of History, etc. Philadelphia. 1817. a vols., 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut. Includes a Translation of the Complot d'Arnold, par Barbe-Marbois. 2349 WALTER (T.) The sweet Psalmist of Israel. | A | Ser- mon | Preach'd at the Lecture held in Boston, | by the Society for promoting j Regular and Good Singing, | And for Reforming the | Depravations and Debasements our Psalmody labours under, | In order to introduce the proper and true j Old Way of Singing. | Now published at the Desire of Several Ministers | that heard it, and at the Request of the Society | aforesaid. | By Thomas Wal- ter, M. A., | Minister of a Church in Roxbury . . . Boston : Printed by J. Franklin for S. Gerrish, \ near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill. 1722. Small 8vo, Title and Dedication 3 1., pp. 20, polished calf extra, by Bedford. Very 2350 WALTON (I.) The Lives of Donne, Wootton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. London : William Pickering. M.DCCC.XXVII. 32010, uncut; LARGE PAPER. WALTON. 473 2351 WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Ang- ler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation being a / Discourse of Rivers Fish Ponds Fish and Fishing writ- ten by Izaak Walton ; and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream, by Charles Cotton With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas C.M.G. London: William Pickering. 1836. ^ vols., imp. 8vo, green levant morocco extra, tooled to a superb pattern of Roger Payne's by F. Bedford. PORTRAITS, VIEWS and ENGRAVINGS of Fbh, by Stothard and Inskipp. DUPUCATIS of all the PLATIS, Arnsn* PROOFS on India paper : only 50 sets so taken off and published at 10 105. each. Very scarce in this state. A MAGNIFICENT COPY. This is, without doubt, the most beautifully illustrated edition of " Honest Izaak V charming Pastoral ever published. To the late tasteful publisher, Mr. Pickering, its production was literally a labor of love. Neither time nor expense were spared to render it worthy of the arts and the importance of the subject, and the result was a union of literary and artistic talent which has rarely been equalled and never surpassed. " A work the most singular in its kind, breathing the very spirit of contentment, of quiet and unaffected philanthropy, and interspersed with some fine relic* of old poetry, songs, and ballads." BOWLES. He exhibits a striking contrast between the force of nature and habit ; when instruct- ing you how to impale a worm for angling, he bids you " handle him tenderly withal, and treat him like a friend." 2352 WALTON. [A Set of Proof Impressions of the Plates illustrative of Pickering's Edition of Walton and Cot- ton's Angler.] London. 1836. In a portfolio. 2353 WALTON. Index to the Original and Inserted Illus- trations contained in " The Complete Angler." New York: Privately printed. 1866. 410, half morocco; 50 copies printed for private distribution. This work describes Mr. Lane's copy of Walton's Angler, illustrated with over 1000 Plata. 60 474 WAR - 2354 WALTON. The Complete Angler, or the Contempla- tive Man's Recreation of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited by John Major. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1866. 8 vo, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 100 copies printed. 2355 WANLEY (N.) The Wonders of the Little World ; or, a General History of Man. In Six Books. Dis- playing the various Faculties, Capacities, Powers and Defects of the Human Body and Mind, in several Thousand most interesting Relations of Persons re- markable for Bodily Perfections or Defects, etc. London. 1788. 410, calf; 6 STEEL PLATES. A most extraordinary and amusing common-place book of thousands of marvellous stories of former times; extracted from the Greek and Latin classics and middle-age writers, chronicles, travels, and miscellanies of every period and nation. Every story, however incredible, has its authority adjoined. 2356 WANSEY (H.) The Journal of an Excursion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. Salisbury. 1796. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; PLATES ; fine copy 2357 WANSEY. An Excursion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. Salisbury. 1798. Uncut. Rare. Second edition, wiJi ..a; ti^as. Embellished with the PROFILE of General Washington, and an AOJJA-TINTA VIEW of the State House at Philadelphia. 2358 WAR (The). Being a Faithful Record of the Transac- tions of the War between the United States of America, their Territories, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Dependencies thereof. New York. 1813-14. WARD. 475 a vols. in I, 410, half morocco ; MAP. A War Newspaper, edited by Samuel Wood- worth. Fine, clean copy. &arce. 2359 WARBURTON (Acton). Rolla and his Race: or, Footsteps of the Normans. London. 1848. a vols., post 8vo, half calf, gilt. ^ 2360 WARBURTON (E.) Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. London. 1849. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut ; numerous fine PORTRAITS. Comprises the Civil History of Charles the First, and the Military Story of the Rebellion. 2361 WARD (H. G.) Travels in Mexico during the years 1825, '26 and '27, with an account of the Mining Com- panies, and of the Political Events in that Republic. Second Edition. London. 1829. a vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt ; 2 large MAPS and numerous PLATES, some colored. Buckle's copy, with his Book-plate. "Its colors have the loveliness of truth." WESTMINSTER REVIEW. 2362 WARD (N.) The | Simple Cobbler | of |Agga warn in America. | Willing | To help 'mend his Native Coun- try, la-|mentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather) and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. | And as willing never to bee paid for his work, | by Old Eng- lish wonted pay. | It is his Trade to patch all the year long gratis. | Therefore I pray Gentlemen | Keep your purses. | By Theodore de la Guard. London: Printed by J. D. fcf R. I. for Stephen Bow- tell, at the Signe of the\ Bible in Pope' 3 Head- Alley. 1647. 410. a p. 1., pp. 80, polished calf, by F. Bedford. The popularity of this work wa to great on its publication that four edition! were published in the fame year. It is now very scarce. WASHBURN. " The wit of this tract is like a gem badly set. Like the ignis fatuus, its light shines only amidst marshy places, and that at intervals, sufficient to raise expec- tation but not to guide." 2363 WARD. The Simple Cobbler of Agawam in America. Edited by Edward Pulsifer. Boston. 1843. xamo, half morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2364 WARE (H.) Two Discourses, containing the History of the Old North and New Brick Churches . . . Boston. 1821. 8vo, uncut ; and 4 other tracts by the same author. 2365 WARREN (H. W.) Sermon . . . Annual Election. Boston. 1867. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. / /^ 2366 WARREN (Joseph). Inauguration of the Statue of Warren, ... June 17, 1857. Boston. 1858. 8vo, cloth. Printed by authority of the Committee. 2367 WARREN (Mrs. M.) History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution, Interspersed with Biographical, Political and Moral Observations. Boston. 1805. 3 vols., half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Fine copy. 2368 WARWICK. The Poets Pleasaunce ; or, Garden of all Sorts of Pleasant Flowers. Which our pleasant poets have, in past time, for pastime planted. By Eden Warwick. London: Longman. MDCCCXLVII. 4to, marbled calf, gilt. A beautiful volume. 2369 WASHBURN (Emory). Historical Sketches of the WASHINGTON. 477 Town of Leicester, Massachusetts, during the First Century from its Settlement. Boston : Printed by John Wilson W Son. 1866. 8vo, a 1., pp. 467, half morocco ; MAP and PLATE*, 2370 WASHINGTON. The Writings of George Washing- ton ; being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, / & and Other Papers, Official and Private, selected and published from the Original Manuscripts, with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations. By Jared Sparks. Boston: American Stationers' Company, John B. Russel. 1837. I a vols., imp. 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet; LARGE PAPER. A particularly fine and interesting copy, containing a number of inserted PLATES and CUTTINGS. Presented to E. D. Ingraham of Philadelphia, by Jared Sparks. The Fowle copy, cut, brought $300.00. 2371 WASHINGTON. [Another Copy.] Boston. 1837. ia vols., imp. 8vo, boards, uncut; LARGE PAPXB. 2372 WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the American Revolution ; being Letters of Eminent Men to Wash- ington, from the time of his taking Command of the Army to the end of his Presidency. Edited from the Original Manuscripts by Jared Sparks, LL.D. Boston. 1853. 4 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. 2373 WASHINGTON. Diary of Washington; from the first day of October, 1789, to the loth day of March, 1790. From the Original Manuscript, now first printed. X York ' l8 5 8 ' Royal 8vo, uncut. 100 copies printed. Very rart. 1'rivately printed. 4/8 WASHINGTON. 2374 WASHINGTON. Diary of George Washington, from . ^^ 1789 to 1791; embracing the opening of the First Congress, and his Tours through New England, Long Island, and the Southern States. Together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. Richmond: Press of the Historical Society. 1861. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2375 WASHINGTON. Epistles Domestic, Confidential, and Official from General Washington, Written about the Commencement of the American Contest. New York. London : Re-printed for F. and C. Rivington. 1 796. 8vo, pp. xvi., 303, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Fine copy. 2376 WASHINGTON. Offickil Letters to the Honorable American Congress, Written, during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain, By his Excel- lency George Washington. London. 1795. 2 vols., 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. Very scarce in such fine con- dition. / / 7tr 2378 WASHINGTON'S Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Published for the Washington Benevolent Society. New York: J. Seymour. 1808. iamo, pp. 45, polished calf, by F. Bedford ; PORTRAIT. 2379 WASHINGTON'S Farewell Address to the People of WASHINGTON. 479 the United States. Embellished with Arabesque De- signs and Illuminations. Philadelphia: Dcvereaux. [n. d.J 4to, PLATE and 12 leaves. 2380 WASHINGTON. The | Journal | of | Major George Washington, | Sent by the) Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq;|His Majesty's Lieutenant-Governor, and | Com- mander in Chief of Virginia, | To the (Commandant of the French Forces Jon Ohio. | To which are added, the) Governor's Letters] and a | Translation of the French Officer's Answer. | With | a New Map of the Country, as far as the j Mississippi. Williamsburg Printed. \ London : Reprinted for T. Jeffries, the Corner \ of St. Martin's Lane. \ MDCCLIV. | 8vo, several 1. m., pp. 32, red levant morocco, richly tooled inside, by W. Mathews; MAP. Inserted is a PORTRAIT of Washington, with his AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE beautifully inlaid by Trent. 2381 WASHINGTON. The Journal of Major George ,_ ^ Washington, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie to the Commandant of the French Forces in Ohio. With a Map. New York : Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. 1863. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut} LARGE PAPER, 20 copies printed. Sabin'i Reprints, No. I. ~0 ^2382 WASHINGTON. [The Same.] New York. 1865. 8vo, uncut. 2383 WASHINGTON. Letters from General Washington /, 04 to several of his Friends, in June and July, 1776 ; in which is set forth An Interesting View of American Politics at that all-important Period. Philadelphia. 1785. 8vo, pp. 44, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. RARE PORTRAIT of Wah- ington inserted. 480 WASHINGTON. 2384 WASHINGTON. Letters from His Excellency George Washington, President of the United States of America, to Sir John Sinclair, Bart., M.P., on Agricnl- ture and Other Interesting Topics, etc. London. 1800. 4to, half red levant morocco, uncut. Engraved FACSIMILES. FIRST IMPRESSIONS. 2385 WASHINGTON. Letters from his Excellency George Washington, to Arthur Young, Esq., F.R.S., and Sir (^ John Sinclair, Bart., M.P., containing an Account of his husbandry, with his opinions on various questions in Agriculture ; and Many Particulars of the Rural Econ- omy of the United States. Alexandria : Printed hy Cottotn and Stewart, and sold at their Bookstores in Alexandria and Fredericksburg. 1803. 8vo, pp. 128, polished calf, by Bedford. 2386 WASHINGTON'S Monuments of Patriotism. Being _. sf, a Collection of the Most Interesting Documents, con- nected with the Military Command and Civil Adminis- tration of the American Hero and Patriot. To which is annexed, an Eulogium on the Character of General Washington. By Major William Jackson. Philadelphia. 1802. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, by Bradsteeet $ PORTRAIT. Contains the RARE PORTRAIT drawn and engraved by Savage. 2387 WASHINGTON'S Political Legacies. To which is Annexed an Appendix, Containing an Account of his ^ Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Respect paid to his Memory, with a Biographical Outline of his Life and Character. Boston. 1800. iamo, pp. ao8, xiv., half blue levant morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. WASHINGTON. ^g, 2388 WASHINGTON. President Washington's Resigna- tion, and Address to the Citizens of the United States, September 17, 1796. An invaluable Legacy to Ameri- cans. Newburyport: Printed by William Barrett. 1796. Small 8vo, pp. 19, half morocco. 2389 WASHINGTON. Selections from the Correspondence - y j of George Washington and James Anderson, LL.D., . . . Charlestown: Samuel Etberidge. 1800. 8vo, pp. 79, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. , 2390 WASHINGTON'S Speech, with a Preface by William Gilbert, and The Hurricane. A Poem. Bristol. 1796. 8vo, calf. Very rare. 2391 WASHINGTON. The | Will | of | General | George /y> Washington ; j to which is annexed, ja| Schedule of his Property, | directed to be sold. Alexandria : \ Printed from the Record of the County \ Court of Fairfax. \ M.DCCC. izmo, pp. 32, half brown morocco. 2392 WASHINGTON. The Will of General George Wash- &r ington . . . Also, The Oration delivered by Major Gen- eral Lee, at the request of Congress, at a Funeral Sol- emnity in Philadelphia, in Honour of the Memory of General Washington. London : West and Hughe*. 1800. 8*0, pp. 42, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 61 4 g 2 ANDREWS. WASHINGTONIANA. THE FOLLOWING BOOKS RELATING TO WASHINGTON ARE AR- RANGED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER : 2393 ADAMS (D.) An Oration sacred to the Memory of Gen. George Washington at Leominster, Feb. 22, 1800. Leominster. 1800. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. / 2394 ALLEN (J.) A Poem... and an Eulogy on General George Washington. HaverhilL 1800. izmo, pp. 36, half morocco, gilt top. 2395 ALSOP (R.) A Poem: Sacred to the Memory of George Washington, 22d of Feb., 1800. Hartford. 1800. 8vo, pp. 23, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Scarce. 2396 AMES (F.) An Oration on the Sublime Virtues of Gen- eral George Washington, Pronounced in Boston, Feb. 8, 1800. New York. 1800. /8v>, pp. 48. 2397 AMES. [Another copy.] Philadelphia. 1800. 8vo, pp. 51, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet / 2398 ANDREWS (J.) An Eulogy on General George Wash- ington. Delivered in Newburyport, February 22d, 1800. Newburyport. [1800.] 8vo, pp. 21, half blue morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. BIGLLOW. 2399 ARNOLD (S. G.) The Life of George Washington. New York. 1842. i8mo, polished calf, extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 2400 AUSZUG von General Washington's Circular-Schreiben . . . Die Constitution der Vereinegten Staaten und Die Constitution von Staate Pennsylvanien. President Washington's Addresse . . . Chambersburg: Gedrucht . . . by J. B. Schopflin. 1816. i8mo, pp 92, calf, by F. Bedford ; Pornuur. 2401 BALDWIN (T.) A Sermon in Boston, December 29, 1799, occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, etc. Boston. [1800.] 8vo, pp. 28, half morocco. 2402 BANCROFT (A.) An Essay on the Life of George Washington. Worcester. 1807. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. 2403 BANCROFT. [The same, another edition.] Boston. 1839. a vols., izmo, half red levant morocco, gilt top. 2404 BASCOM (J.) An Oration, Delivered Feb. 22, 1800, > the Day of Public Mourning for the Death of General George Washington. Boston. 1800. 8vo, pp. I 5, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Rare. 2405 BIGELOW (T.) An Eulogy on the Life, Character, and Services of Brother George Washington, Deceased, Pronounced before the Masons, by Request of the Grand Lodge, at Boston, Feb. n, 1800, etc. Boston. [1800.] 8vo, pp. a6, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 484 BISHOP. 2406 BIOGRAPHICAL Memoirs of the Illustrious Gen. G. Washington, late President of the United States of y *?<* America, etc., etc. Containing A History of the Prin- cipal Events of his Life, and Extracts from his Jour- nals, Speeches to Congress, and public addresses : Also A Sketch of his private Life. The Third Edition, En- larged. Philadelphia: From the Press of R. Folwell. i8oi. i8mo, polished calf, by F. Bedford. 2407 BIOGRAPHICAL Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Washington, Late President of the United States of America, and Commander in Chief of their Armies, during the Revolutionary War. Dedicated to the Youth of America. From Sidney's Press for y. Cooke & Co. . . . New Haven. 1810. * i8mo, pp. 144, calf, extra, by F. Bedford. Very rare. 2408 BIOGRAPHICAL Memoirs of the Illustrious Gen. George Washington, late President of the United States of America, and Commander in Chief of their Armies, during the Revolutionary War. Dedicated to the Youth of America. Barnard, Vt. : Published by Joseph Dlx. 1813. izmo, pp. 1 60, polished calf, gilt edges, by Matthews. PORTRAIT of Washington, angel crowning him with laurels. Very rare. 2409 BIOGRAPHICAL Memoirs of the Illustrious General /~* o George Washington. New York: Evert Duyckinck. 1815. Red crsuhed levant morocco, by W. Mathews ; PORTRAIT. 2410 BISHOP (S. G.) Eulogium on the Death of George ^ *,* Washington. Roxbury : Privately printed. 1866. Royal 8vo, uncut. 50 copies printed for presents only. COLUMBIAS's LEGACY. ,^ ^241 1 BLAKE (G.) A Masonic Eulogy on Washington. Boston. 1 800. _J 4 i2 BLAKSLEE (Solomon). An Oration at East Had- dam, Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Wash- in g ton - Hartford. 1800. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2413 CALDWELL (C.) An Elegiac Poem on the Death of General Washington. Philadelphia. 1800. 8vo, 2 1., pp. i2. V 2 4H CARROLL (Bishop John). A Discourse on General Washington, Feb. 22d, 1800. Baltimore, [n. d.] 8vo, pp. 24, half calf, uncut. AUTOGRAPH LETTM by CarroM. PoTtAir sod PLATES inserted. 2415 CELEBRATION of Washington's Birth-day, at Nrw York. New York. 1851. 8vo, pp. 113. 2416 CHAUDRON (S.) Oraison Funebre du Frere Georgr Washington, Janvier, 1800. Philadelphia. i8oi 8vo, pp. 35. 2417 COLUMBIA'S Legacy ; | or, | Washington's | Valuabli Advice to his Fellow Citizens, published by him at the| period of announcing his inten-|tion of retiring from Public Life | at the expiration of the present | Constitu- tional Term of the Prc- 1 sidency of the United States. | To which is added, | his Speech to Congress, at their) present session, which terminates) his political career. Philadelphia : Printed by H. Sweitzer & J. Borarod^ \ December i6mo, pp. 89, Original binding. PORTRAIT of Washington inserted. 486 DAVIS. 2418 CONSTANTINE and Eugene, or an Evening at Mount ~ Vernon. A Political Dialogue by Junius Secundus. Brussels : Printed for the author, by P. J. de Mat, Printer to the Academy. M,DCCC,XVIII. lamo, PLATE, 2 p. 1. pp. 252, polished calf, gilt top, by F. Bedford. Very scarce. This book is not described by any American bibliographer. 2419 CORRY (John). The Life of George Washington, late President, and Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America ; Interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes of the most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution, etc. London. 1800. Small 8vo, pp. 228, polished calf, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. RARE PORTRAIT inserted. First edition. Fine copy, and of much rarity. 2420 CORRY. [Same title.] Dublin. 1801. iamo, red crushed levant morocco, by W. Mathews; PORTRAIT inserted. 2421 CORRY. [Same title.] New York. 1809. Polished calf, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. 2422 CUSTIS (G. W. P.) Recollections and Private Memoirs of Gen. George Washington, by his Adopted Son, George W. P. Custis, with a Memoir of the Author, by his Daughter, and Illustrative and Explanatory Notes, by Benson J. Lossing. New York. 1860. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. PORTRAITS and CUTTINGS inserted. Scarce. 2423 DANA (J.) A Discourse on the Character and Death of General George Washington, delivered at Ipswich, 1800. Newburypon. 1800. 8vo, pp. 28, half morocco. 2424 DAVIS (J.) An Eulogy, on General George Washing- ton, at Boston, February xix, MDCCC. Boston. MDCCC. ETOURNEAU. 487 4to, pp. 24, half morocco, uncut. With MS. emendations and correction! ptobably the author's own copy. 2425 DEHON (T.) A Discourse [on] the Death of General George Washington. Newport. M.DCCC. 4to, pp. 17. (a) 2426 DWIGHT (Jasper), pseudon. A Letter to George Washington, President of the United States ; contain- ing strictures on his Address of the Seventeenth of September, 1796, notifying his Relinquishment of the Presidential office. Philadelphia. 1796. 8vo, pp. 20, half morocco, uncut. Duane was the real author of this pamphlet. 2427 DUNHAM (J.) A Funeral Oration on George Wash- *^ a ington, pronounced at Oxford, Massachusetts. Boston. [1800.] 8vo, pp. 48, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford ; fine PORTRAIT inserted. 2428 EARLY LIFE (The) of Washington ; designed for the Instruction and Amusement of the Young. By a Friend of Youth. Providence: Know les ^ Vote and Company. 1838. i8mo, pp. 80, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2429 EDMUNDS (C. R.) The Life and Times of General Washington. London. 1839. a vols., foolscap 8vo, uncut. This copy is illustrated with about 30 inserted ENGRAT- INGS. 2430 fiTOURNEAU (M.) Le General Washington et Ma- dame la Generate Washington Biographies. Par M. tourneau Ornees Portraits historiques graves sur acier. Paris: Bestel et cie et Grassart. 1860. gvo, 4 p. 1., pp. 96, half blue morocco, gilt top. 488 FOX. 2431 EULOGIES and Oratioas on the Life and Death of General George Washington, First President of the United States of America. [Mottoes.] Boston : Manning 3* Loring. 1 800. 8vo, pp. 304, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2432 EVERETT. The Life of George Washington. By Edward Everett. New York: Sheldon and Company. 1860. 8vo, pp. 384, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 2433 FACSIMILES of the Memorial Stones of the last Eng- lish Ancestors of George Washington, in the Parish Church of Brington, Northamptonshire, England ; per- manently placed in the State House of Massachusetts. Boston: William White, Printer to the State. 1862. Small folio, pp. 1 5, uncut. 2434 FLINT (A.) A Discourse delivered at Hartford, Feb. 22, jf if~ 1800, the Day set Apart to pay a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of General George Washington, etc. Hartford. 1800. 8vo, pp. 22, half bine morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2435 FOSTER (J.) A Discourse delivered December 29, 1799, Occasioned by the Melancholy Death of George Washington. Boston. 1800. 8vo, pp. 22, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2436 FOX (C.) A Portrait of George Washington, from an Original Drawing, as he appeared while reviewing the Continental Army on Boston Common, in 1776; A History of the Portrait and Documenarty Evidence in proof of the Correctness of the Likeness. Boston. 1851. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. HEADLEV. 2437 FRISBIE (L.) An Eulogy on the Illustrious Character j jv of the late General George Washington, etc., Deliver- ed at Ipswich, January, 1800. Newburyport. 1800. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradtre. 2438 GANG (S.) A Sermon on the Death of George Wash- *-*S~ ington ; delivered Lord's Day, January 5, 1800, before the Baptist Society in Providence. By Stephen Gano, Pastor of the Baptist Church and Congregation. Providence : Printed by John Carter, Jun. i8oo. 8vo, pp. 20 ; -very scarce. 2439 GRAY (F. C.) Oration delivered before the Legislature of Massachusetts, At their Request, on the Hundreth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington. By Francis C. Gray. Boston : Dutton and Wentwortk, Printers to the State. 1832. 8vo, pp. 80, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstrect. 2440 [GRISWOLD.] Washington and the Generals of the # ^"C American Revolution. Philadelphia. 1847. 2 vols., i2mo, half morocco; PLATE. 2441 GUIZOT (M.) Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington in the Revolution of the United States of America. By M. Guizot. Translated from the French. Second Edition. Boston and Cambridge : James Munroe ana Company. 1851. 8vo, pp. 1 60, half red morocco, gilt top. 2442 HEAPLEY (J. T.) Washington and his Generals. (Po 62 New York. 1847. 1 volt., imoj POTAITJ fine copy. 490 HOUGH. 2443 HITCHCOCK. A Discourse on the Dignity and cellence of the Human Character, Illustrated ii and Ex- in the Life of General George Washington. Providence. 1800. 8vo, pp. 35, uncut 24/14 HOLCOMBE (H.) A Sermon, Occasioned by the Death of Lieutenant-General George Washington. [Savannah. i8oo.] 410, pp. 18, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. 2445 HOLMES (A.) The Counsel of Washington Recom- mended, in a Discourse Delivered at Cambridge, Feb- ruary 22, 1800. Boston. 1800. 8vo, pp. 23, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2446 HOLMES (A.) A Sermon Preached at Cambridge, December 29, 1799, Occasioned by the Death of George Washington. And Hymn. Boston. 1800. 8vo, pp. zz, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2447 HOUDIN (M. G.) A Funeral Oration on the Death of ^ George Washington : Delivered in Albany, on the // Twenty-second of February, iSoo. By Michael Ga- briel Houdm, Major in the late Revolutionary Army of the United Stai?s. Albany. [i8oo.] Snnll 4to, half blue morocco, giu to;>, uncut, by Bradstreet; PLATE; scarce. 2448 HOUGH. Washingtoniana ; or Memorials of the Death / of George Washington, giving an account of the Funeral 4r * Honors paid to his Memory, with a List of Tracts and Volumes printed upon that occasion, and a Catalogue of Medals commemorating the event. Roxbury. 1865. a vols., 410, uncut ; LARGE PAPER. Only 9 1 copies printed in this size. IRVING. ' 2449 HUNTINGTON (J.) [Funeral Eulogy by General J. Huntington and Oration by Lyman Law, dated] New London^ Jan. 20, 1808. 8vo, pp. 175 very sear ce. ^ 2450 IRVING. The Life of George Washington. By Wash- ington Irvi|ng. Numerous Portraits and Views upon India Paper New York. 1856. 5 vols., 410, extended to 10, blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Thij SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED BOOK forms one of the roost desirable works in this Catalogue. It is the last work of the GREATEST AMERICAN AUTHOR concerning the GREATEST and most HONORED name in AMERICAN HISTORY. This copy was formerly part of the very fine library collected by Mr. W. L. Andrew* of New York, and he always regarded it as one of his CHOICEST Books, and pronounced it scarcely inferior to Morell's copy, which sold in 1 8 66 for Two Thousand Dollars; it contains about EIGHT HUNDRED (including Fifty-nine Portraits of Washington) Portrait* and Plates, In addition to the set of choice PROOF PLATES which form a part of the work itself, and it is extended from five to ten volumes in Quarto. The Portraits include almost every officer named in the text. The other Plates com- prise almost every scene made memorable by the stirring events of the American Revolution. The capture and execution of Andre, and other striking events, are illustrated by the rarest of plates. Some of the portraits are of so much rarity that one of our best known collectors, himself the owner of the finest set of the work in existence, remarked concerning one of them, that it was worth ffty dollars we do not pre- tend to say there are many of that value, but we do venture to assert that the collection of a similar lot of plates would be a work of much time, and would involve the expenditure of a very large sum. In addition to the plates there is an AUTOGRAPH LETTER entirely in the Handwriting of GEORGE WASHINGTON, and letters by other distinguished men. It is altogether a work of the highest interest, and fitted to adorn a library of the^nf magnitude. 2451 IRVING'S Life Washington. A complete set of One Hundred Engravings to Illustrate the Work. New York. 1859. 492 LIFE. 4to, BRILLIANT PROOF IMPRESSIONS ON LARGE PAPER, many of which are before the letters. 2452 KINKER (J.) Treurzang, bij het plechtig vieren der Nagedachtenis van Washington, en de maatschappij van verdiensten felix mentis, Den 21 Maart 1800. Uit- gesproken doo Mr. Johannes Kinker, . . . Te Amsterdam, bij J. ten Bruck. 1800. 8vo, 1 8 leaves, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet; PLATE. 2453 KINGSTON (John). The Life of General George Washington. Baltimore: T.Kingston. 1817. 32010, pp. 228, polished" calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford ; PORTRAIT. This is Condie's Life, with a new title-page. 2454 KIRK LAND (J. T.) A Discourse occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, Delivered Dec. 29, 1799. [Boston. 1808.] 8vo, pp. 22, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2455 LEE (H.) A Funeral Oration On the Death of George Washington, Delivered at the Request of Congress. To which is subjoined An Eulogy, By Judge Minot. London. 1800. 8vo, pp. 28, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet ; scarce. / //3 2456 LEE. [Another edition.] Edinburgh. 1800. jf 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2457 LIFE (The) and Memorable Actions of George Wash- ^L ^ ington, General and Commander of the Armies of America. A New Edition, Corrected. Fredericktown : Printed by M. Bartges. 1802. l8mo, pp. 68, index i 1., calf gilt, by Bedford; Woodcut PORTRAIT. LOSSING. 493 2458 LIFE I of | Genrral George Washington, | late President of the United States) of America,) and) Commander in Chief of their Armies, j during the | Revolutionary War. | Dedicated to the Youth of America. | Poughkeepsie : Printed hy Paraclete Potter. 1812. izmo, pp. 143, polished calf, gilt, by F. Bedford. Rare. 2459 LIFE | of | George Washington, | late President of thc| j-Jj~ United States of America, | and | Commander in Chief of their Armies, | during the j Revolutionary War. | Dedi- cated to the Youth of America. | Boston: Isaiah Thomas, Jun. 1815. izmo, pp. 144, polished calf, gilt back, by F. Bedford. Rare. 2460 LIFE of George Washington, late President of the United ^ ,o States of America ; and Commander in Chief of their Armies, during the Revolutionary War. Dedicated to the Youth of America. Bridgeport: Lawrence Lochman. 1815. izmo, pp. 107 (i), polished calf, by F. Bedford. 2461 LIFE (The) of Washington, and History of the American j jg* Revolution. Together with Washington's Farewell Address, Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States. New York : J. Slater, [n. d.] izmo, pp. 108, half blue morocco, by W. Mathewt. 2462 LOSSING. The Home of Washington and its Associa- tions, Historical, Biographical, and Pictorial, New Edi- tion, Revised, with Additions, by Benson ]. Lossing. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings. New York: IV. A. Towmend, 1866. Imp. 8vo, pp. 376, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Brad t tree c < LA*CE PAM* Only 100 copies printed. 494 MEMORY. 2463 MACCLINTOCK (S.) An Oration Commemorative of the late Illustrious General Washington, Pronounced ^y at Greenland, February 22d, 1800. Portsmouth. 1800. 8vo, pp. 26, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstrect ; very scarce. 2464 MARSH (E. G.) An Oration delivered at Wethersfield, /^V- February 22, 1800, on the Death of General George v*y Washington. Hartford. 1800. 8vo, pp. 1 6, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2465 MARSHALL. The Life of George Washington, Com- mander in Chief of the American Forces during the x *~ + o War which established the Independence of his Coun- try, and First President of the United States. Com- piled under the inspection of the Honorable Bushrod Washington, from Original Papers bequeathed to him by his deceased relative, and now in possession of the author, etc., by John Marshall. London. 1804. 5 vols., 410, half levant morocco, uncut. Fine copy. Contains all the ORIGINAL MAPS and PLATES, some of which were omitted in the American edition. 2466 MAPS and Subscriber's Names for Wayne's Philadelphia Edition of Marshall's Washington. Philadelphia: C. P Wayne. 1807 4to, uncut. 2467 MEMORY | of j Washington : | Comprising | a sketch of his | Life and Character ; | and the j National Testimonials &J of Respect. | Also, | a collection of j Eulogies and Ora- tions. | With a | copious appendix. Newport, R. /., 1800. izmo, blue levant morocco, by F. Bedford. Beautiful copy. Very scarce. Allan's copy, without the Portrait, sold for $10, in sheep. NORTHMORE. 495 2468 MINOT (G.) An Eulogy on George Washington. Delivered [at] Boston. Boston [1800.] 8vo, pp. 24, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. ,, 2469 MONUMENTS of Washington's Patriotism. [Washington."] 1841. Folio, roan; PORTRAIT . 2470 MORISON (W.) An Oration Delivered at the Request of the Officers of the Assembled Cavalry and Infantry, and Other Militia Officers, on the 22d of February, 1800, In the West Parish of Londonderry, in Com- memoration of the Death of General George Washing- ton. Newburyport. [1800.] 8vo, pp. n, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2471 MORRIS (G.) An Oration, upon the Death of Gen- eral Washington. Delivered at New York on the 3151 Day of December, 1799. New York. 1800. 8vo, pp. 24, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstrcet. 2472 MORSE. A Prayer and Sermon Delivered at Charles- / SI town, December 31, 1799, On the Death of George Washington. Charlestown. 1800. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2473 MORSE. [Another edition.] London. 1800. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2474 MYCALL (J.) A Funeral Address on the Death of the -j ,?/' late General Washington. Boston. [1800.] 8vo, pp. 27, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstrcet. 2475 NORTHMORE. Washington; or, Liberty Restored. A Poem. Baltimore. 1809. Half morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. 4.96 PICKMAN. 2476 NORTON (J. N.) Life of General Washington. New York. 1860. Small 8vo, pp. 400, half red morocco, gilt top. fj~6 2 477 OGDEN. Two Discourses occasioned by the death of General George Washington. New York. MDCCC. 8vo, pp. 48, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. PORTRAIT by Tiebout. 2478 ORATION (An) in Memory of Gen. George Washing- ton. Delivered at Lovett's Hotel on the evening of the 22d February, 1800, before a Literary Society ; and published by their Order. By a Member. New York: T. S. Arden. 1800. I2mo, pp. 23, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Very scarce. 2479 PAINE (T.) A Letter to George Washington, President of the United States of America, on Affairs Public and Private. Philadelphia: Benj. Franklin Bache. 1796. 8vo, pp. 78, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. PORTRAIT of Paine in- serted. 2480 PICKELL (J.) A New chapter in the Early Life of S* ^ //" Washington, In Connection with the Narrative History of the Potomac Company. New York. 1856. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2481 PICKMAN (B.) An Oration, pronounced, February / ao 22, 1797, Before the Inhabitants of the Town of K? Salem, in Massachusetts, assembled to Commemorate the Birth-Day of George Washington, President of the United States of America. By Benjamin Pickman, Jun. Printed at Salem by James C Gushing. 1797. 8vo, pp. 32, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Scarce. RAMSAY. 497 1482 PIERCE (J.) An Eulogy on George Washington, the m 00 Great and the Good. Delivered on the Anniversary of his Birth, At Brookline. Boston. 1800. 8vo, pp. 24, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Scarce. 2483 POETICAL (A) | Epistle | to his Excellency | George Washington, Esq. | Commander in chief of the Armies of the | United States of America, | from | An Inhabitant of the State of Maryland. | To which is annexed, | a Short Sketch of | General Washington's Life and Char- acter. | Annapolis: Printed, 1779. London: Reprinted for C Dilly. M DCC LXXX. Small 410, pp. 24, polished calf, gilt ; PORTRAIT. Very uaret. 2384 POETICAL Epistle. [The Same.] New York: Reprinted, 1865. Small 4to, half red morocco, by Bradstreet. 75 copies reprinted. 2485 PUBLIC Expressions of Grief on the Death of General George Washington at Dorchester. [n. p. n. d.] 8vo, pp. 22, sheep. Harris's Discourse, pp. 16, 30 2486 RAMSAY (D.) The Life of George Washington, Com- r *V~ mander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America. New York. 1807. 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut} PORTRAIT. 2486* RAMSAY. [The Same.] London : T. Cadtll. 1 807. ,^-r 8 vo, half red levant morocco, uncut. 2487 RAMSAY. [Another edition.] Baltimore. 1825. I2mo, pp. 248, half red morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 498 SELECTION. ^7.^-$ 2488 RAMSAY. An Oration on the death of Lieutenant General George Washington. Delivered in Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston. MDCCC. 8vo, pp. 30, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstrcet. 2489 REED (W. B.) Reprint of the Original Letters from y$ Washington to Reed, during tne American Revolution. Referred to in the Pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks. Philadelphia. 1852. 8vo, half blue morocco, by Bradstreet. 2490 REMARKS occasioned by the late conduct of Mr. Wash- ington, as President of the United States, MDCCXCXI. Philadelphia : Printed for Benjamin Franklin Bache, 1 797. 8vo, pp. vi., 84, polished calf, by F. Bedford} PORTRAIT inserted. 2491 ROGERS. The Prayer, Delivered On Saturday the 22d of February, 1800, in the German Reformed Church, Philadelphia ; Before the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, By Wm. Rogers, D.D. Philadelphia. i8oo. 8vo, pp. I a, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2492 RUSH (R.) Washington in Domestic Life. From Original Letters and Manuscripts. By Richard Rush. Philadelphia. 1858. 8vo, pp. 9.5, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. / 2493 SAVAGE (E.) An Eulogy on Gen. George Washing- ton, Delivered at St. Peter's Church, in Salem, the 22d of February, 1800. Salem. 1800. 8vo, pp. 23, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. s/ 2494. A j SELECTION j of | Orations and Eulogies, | pronounced in different parts of the | United States | in commemoration STILLMAN. 499 of the Life, Virtues,! and Pre-eminent Services of | Gen. George Washington, j Who Died, at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799 . |i n the 68th year of his Agc.j Amber it. 1 8oo. lamo, pp. 105, Index i 1,, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by W. Mathewi PORTRAIT inserted. A very rare volume. '*f 2495 SEWELL (J. M.) Eulogy on the late General Wash- ington. 3 ist December, 1799. Portsmouth. [1809.] 4to, pp. 28. 2496 [SE WALL.] A | Versification | of | President Washing- ton's | Excellent | Farewell-Address, | to the | Citizens of the | United States. | By a Gentleman of Portsmouth, N. H. Portsmouth , New-Hampshire : \ Printed and Sold by Charles Pierce, at the \ Columbian Bookstore. 1 798. 4to, pp. 52, polished calf, uncut, by F. Bedford. 2497 SMITH (S. S.) An Oration upon the Death of General George Washington, at Trenton, January. 1800. Trenton. MDCCC. 8 vo, pp. 46, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2498 SPRING (S.) A Discourse on the Death of General George Washington, Delivered in Newburyport, De- cember 29, 1799. Newburyport. [1800.] 8vo, pp. 18, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2499 STILLMAN. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of & & PP- 8 j half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstrcet. 2501 STRONG (N.) A Discourse Delivered on Friday, De- cember 27, 1799, the Day set apart by the Citizens of Hartford to Lament before God the Death of Gen. George Washington, who Died Dec. 14, 1799. Hartford. 1800. 8vo, pp. 31, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. 2502 TEXT-BOOK | (The) j of the | Washington | Benevolent Society: | Containing, | a Biography and Character | of) George Washington, | his j Farewell Address | to | the People of the United States, | and the | Federal Constitu- tion, (with the Amendments. | Portrait. | Concord : \ Published by George Hough ... 1 1 8 1 2. 8vo, pp. 106, polished calf, extra, by F. Bedford. PORTRAIT; PLATE. Very rare. 2503 THACHER (P.) A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, Feb. 22, 1800, Before the Senate and House of Representatives of Massachu- setts. Boston. [1800.] 8vo, pp. 21, half morocco, uncut. 2504 THACHER (T.) An Eulogy on George Washington, who Died December 14, 1799. Dedham. 1800. 8vo, pp. 22, half blue moroceo, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2505 TOMB of Washington at Mount Vernon. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart. 1840. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. AUTOGRAPH of B. J. Lossing. Ap- pended is Washington's Farewell Address. C 2506 TOMB of Washington. [Another copy.] Philadelphia. 1840. 8vo, cloth. WASHINGTON. 2507 TRUMBULL (B.) A Funeral Discourse, delivered at North-Haven, December 29, 1799, on the Death of George Washington. New Haven. 1800. 8vo, uncut; PORTRAIT. 2508 TUCKERMAN (Henry T.) Character and Portraits of Washington. New York. 1859. 410; PORTRAITS on INDIA PAPER; only 156 copies printed. /^ 1509 TUCKERMAN (J.) A Funeral Oration occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, Boston, 22d of February, 1800. Boston. i8oo. 8vo, pp. 24, half bound. 2510 UPHAM (C. W.) The Life of General Washington, Written by Himself, comprising His Memoirs and Cor- respondence, as prepared by him for Publication, includ- ing several original Letters now first printed. London. MDCCCLII. 2 vols., 121110, half calf, gilt ; PORTRAIT. 2511 WASHINGTON. [A Poem.] Leyden. 1789. Royal 410, half red levant morocco, gilt top; FACSIMILES, ENGRAYING* and MAP. A Poem and sundry Epistles to George Washington in the Dutch lan- guage, with his Answer. 2512 WASHINGTON at Valley Forge, together with the Duche Correspondence. Philadelphia : Published by J. M. Butler, [n. d.] I2mo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Only a few copies printed. Contains PLATS of " Washington and the Duche letter," PORTRAJT of Dr. Duche, VIEWS of Christ's and St. Peter'* Churches, and Washing- ton's Headquarters at Valley Forge. 502 WASHINGTONIANA. 2513 WASHINGTON'S Birth-Day : | an | Historical Poem,| with | notes and Appendix. | By a Washingtonian. j Albany : Printed and Published by E. and E. Hosford. \ 1812. 4to, pp. 55, app. n, polished calf, by F. Bedford; PORTRAIT inserted. 2514 WASHINGTONIANA (The); containing A Sketch of / **7 t /-i the Life and Death of the late Gen. George Washing- ton; with a collection of elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems, &c., sacred to his Memory. Also, an Appen- dix comprising all his most Valuable Public Papers, and his last Will and Testament. Lancaster. 1812. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet ; PORTRAIT engraved by F.dwin. Fine cofy. F. Johnson and W. Hamilton were the editors of this work. See Historical Magazine, Vol. II., April, 1858. 2515 WASHINGTONIANA (The); containing a Biographi- cal Sketch of the late Gen. George Washington, with ^ / J"o various outlines of his Character, From the pens of dif- ferent eminent writers, both in Europe and America ; and An Account of the various Funeral Honors devoted to his Memory. To which are annexed his Will and Schedule of his Property, Embellished with a good Likeness. Baltimore : Samuel Sower. M,DCCC. izmo, green crushed levant morocco, by F. Bedford. Very fine copy. Extremely *7 * t 25 ' 6 WASHIN GTONIANA. [The same.] Privately reprinted. New York: E- Dexter & Son. 1865. 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt top ; LARGE PAPER. 50 copies printed. / 2517 WASHINGTONIANA. [The same.] New York. 1865. 8vo, paper, uncut. !/* 2518 WASHINGTONIANA: or, Memorials of the Death of George Washington, giving an Account of the WHITING. 503 Funeral Honors paid to his Memory, with a List of Tracts and Volumes printed upon the Occasion ... By Franklin B. Hough. Printed for W. E. Woodward. 1865. a vols., 410, half blue levant morocco, uncut ; LAAGX PAFU. 2519 WEEMS (M. L.) A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits, of General George Washington. Faithfully taken from Authentic Documents, and, now, in a Second Edition, improved, respectfully offered to the perusal of his countrymen ; as also, all others who wish to see human nature in its most finished form. By the Rev. M. L. Weems, of Lodge No. 50 Dumfries. Philadelphia: Re-printed by John Bioren,for the Author. 8vo, a p. 1., pp. 82, calf, by Bedford. Very rare. 2520 WEEMS. The Life of George Washington; with Curious Anecdotes, equally honourable to himself, and Examples to his Young Countrymen. Embellished with Six Engravings. By M. L. Weems. Philadelphia: Joseph Men. 1812. gvo, pp. 228, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. 2521 WEST (S.) A Sermon occasioned by the death of George Washington. Boston. [1800.] 8vo, pp. 17, with 23 additional pages of "Farewell Addrest," half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2522 WHITING (J.) Revolutionary Orders of General Washington, issued during the years 1778, '80, '81, & '82, selected from the MSS of John Whiting and edited by his Son Lieut : Col Whiting. New Turk. 1844. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 504 WATSON. 2523 WILLARD and Tappan. An Address in Latin, by / > Joseph Willard, LL.D., President, and a Discourse in English by David Tappan, Hollis Professor of Divinity, delivered before the University in Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1800, in Solemn Commemoration of Gen. George Washington. [Boston.~] MDCCC. 4to, pp. 31, half morocco, uncut. 2524 WORD (A) to Federalists and to those who love the Memory of Washington. [No imprint.] 8vo, pp. 14, uncut. 2525 WATSON (H.) John Watson, of Hartford, Conn., V~ and his Descendants. A Genealogy. New York: Printed by the U. <^ Club. 1865. 4to, pp. 48, uncut j very scarce. 2526 WATSON (W. C.) Men and Times of the Revolu- tion ; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including Jour- nals of Travels in Europe and America from the year 1777 to 1842, ... Edited by his Son, W. C. Watson. New York. 1856. Sro, half blue morocco, gilt top. PORTRAIT and EKGRAVINGS ON WOOD. 73 POR- TRAITS and PLATES inserted. 2527 WATSON. Pioneer History of the Champlain Valley j being an Account of the Settlement of the Town of Willsborough, by William Gilliland, together with his Journal and other Papers, and a Memoir. Albany. 1863. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut; LARGE PAPER. 50 copies only printed. WEBSTER. 505 2528 WATT (R.) Bibliotheca Brittanica ; or a General In- dex of British and Foreign Literature. Edinburgh. 1824. 4 vols., 410, half morocco. Good copy. This work is of the highest utility. It con- tains a Catalogue of Authors and their Works, ancient and modern, their various editions and sizes, and a carefully arranged Index. " Let me not forget to notice that wonderful work of Dr. Watt. Both father and too fell victims to their zeal in its completion. Such a concentration of la- bour was hardly ever beheld; and it should never fail to be the LIBXAIY COMPANION of all Collectors." JIB DIN. 2529 WEBB (T.) A New, Select Collection of Epitaphs, ... . ^/- and Inscriptions. By T. Webb. A new Edition. London : S. Bladen, [n. d.] a vols., iamo, half red morocco, uncut. Scarce. Includes 1,000 EPITAPHS never before collected ; and contains the most remarkable INSCRIPTIONS in the Collections of Hackett, Jones, and Tolderoy. 2530 WEBSTER (D.) The Works of Daniel Webster. Bos- ton. 1851. The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited by Fletcher Webster . . . Boston: Lit- tie, Brown & Co. 1857. Together 8 vols., imp. 8vo ; LARGE PAPIB. Few copies printed. With AUTOG*AM of Daniel Webster. 2531 WEBSTER. Mr. Webster's Speech on... the Sub- Treasury Bill. Boston. 1833. 8vo, pp. 92. And two other Tract*. 2532 WEBSTER. Portrait and Autograph Note by Daniel Webster. l8 5- 8vo, half blue morocco. 2533 WEBSTER (J.) The Dramatic Works of John Web- ster. Edited by William Hazlitt. London: J. R. Smith. 1857. 64 5O6 WE1GEL. 4 vols,, crown 8vo, tree calf, gilt edges ; LARGE PAPER. One of the finest of the Elizabethan Dramatists, and scarcely inferior to Shakespeare. " In his picture of wretchedness and despair, he has introduced touches of expression which curdle the very blood with terror, and make the hair stand erect." DRAKE. 2334 WEBSTER (J. W.) Trial of J. W. Webster. New York. 1850. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. 2535 WEBSTER (N.) An American Dictionary of the Eng_ j& ^. lish Language. By Noah Webster, LL.D. Revised by C. A. Goodrich and N. Porter. Cambridge : for G. & C. Merriam. Springfield. 1865. a vols., folio, russia, gilt edges ; LARGE PAPER. 250 copies printed. It may not be improper to remark that many of the peculiarities which distinguished the early editions of Webster's Dictionary are omitted in this. 2536 WEBSTER. The Prompter ; a Commentary on Com- mon Sayings and Subjects, which are full of Common Sense the best Sense in the World. New York. 1793. 1 6mo, half morocco. 2537 WEDGWOOD (J.) The Life of Josiah Wedgwood, .P^f from his Private Correspondence and Family Papers. With an Intnx'uctorr Sketch of the Art of Pottery in England, by Eliza iVicteyard. London. 1866. a vols., royal 8vo, cloth. Contains :oo WOODCUTS. A most elegant work. 2538 WEIGEL(T. O.) Collectio Weigeliana: die Anfange derDrucker kunst in Bild und Schrift: an deren fruhesten Erzeugnissen in der Weigelschen Sammlung erlautert von T. O. Weigel und Dr. Ad. Zestermann. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel. 1866. WELDE. 507 a vols., folio, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; with 145 FACSIMILES, and many WOODCUTS in the text. Only 325 copies were printed of this most important publication, the necessary com- panion to "SOTHEBY'S Principia Typographica, 3 vols., folio, 1858," but executed with infinitely more critical sagacity and learning. Every distinguished collector of Books and Prints and every Public Library must hare this book as the standard work of information and reference on the sub- ject of the History of Printing before the art of printing with movable types was invented by GUTTENBERG at Mentz. The text to this grand work was written by D. August Zestermann, with the assist- ance of Mr. T. O. Weigel, and they have now placed before the world in the above work, a complete HISTORY OF THE GRAPHIC ARTS, THEIR INVENTION AND CULTIVATION DURING THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, illus- trated throughout by the Art-Monuments of the Weigel collection, thus displaying a vivid picture of the thoughts, feelings, and superstitions of the Christian world previous to the Reformation, readily understood, and fully revealing the state of mind of Christian Europe during that period. The artistic execution of the 145 Facsimiles has been accomplished with marvellous fidelity, and even the most rigid and fastidious critic would find himself compelled to acknowledge and extol their absolute correctness. Both the re-engraving and the coloring of all the facsimiles of Block prints have been effected with scrupulous accuracy, and the very spirit and quaint ex- pression of the mediaeval artists have been caught and reproduced. 2539 WELD (I.) Travels through the States of North Amer- ica, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796 and 1797. Illustrated and Embellished with Sixteen Plates. London. 1799. 4to, calf, uncut. 2540 WELDE (T.) A Short Story of the Rise, reign and ruine of the Antinomians, Familists & Libertines, that infected the Churches of New-England ; And how they were confuted by the Assembly of Ministers there : As of the Magistrates proceedings in Court against them. Together with Gods strange and remarkable judgments from Heaven upon some of the chief fomenters of these 508 WETMORE. Opinions ; and the lamentable death of Mr. Hutchin- son, &c. &c. London: Printed for Ralph Smith at the signe of the Bible in Cornhill, neare the Roy all Exchange. 164/1 Small 410, pp. 66, morocco, extra, by Aitkin. A fine copy of this rare tract. >>/* 2541 WELLS (W. V.) The Life and Public Services of Sam- uel Adams, being a Narrative of his Acts and Opinions, and of his Agency in Producing and forwarding the American Revolution. Boston. 1866. 3 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut; LARGE PAPERJ PORTRAITS and FACSIMILES. 100 copies printed. / ^ , 2542 WEST (Benjamin). Catalogue of the Pictures and Drawings of Benjamin West. London. 1826. 8vo, pp. 32. Very scarce. See Lot 797. / 2543 WESTHAMPTON. Memorial of the Reunion of the Natives of Westhampton, Mass., September 5, 1866. Waltham. 1866. 8vo, pp. 85. > *> 2544 WESTMACOTT (C.) Points of Misery; or Fables for Mankind. London. 1823. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. 20 PLATES by R. Cruikshank. / 2545 WESTWOOD (Thomas). The Chronicle of the ^Corn- pleat Angler' of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Being a Bibliographical Record of its Various Phases and Mutations. London: Willh & Sotberan. 1864. 4to, half morocco, uncut. 2546 [WETMORE (Prosper M.)] Lexington, with other Fugitive Poems. New York. 1830. 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut. WHITEHEAD. 509 2547 WHEATLEY (P.) Poems j on , Various Subjects, j Reli- gious and Moral. | By Phillis Wheatley, | Negro Ser- vant to Mr. John Wheatley, | of Boston, in New Eng- land. | London: Printed for A. Bell, Bookseller, Aldgate, and Sold by \Messrs. Cox & Berry, King St., Boston. MDCCLXXIII. o, polished calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Fine copy, with PORTRAIT. 2548 WHETSTONES (George). A Remembrance of the worthie and well imployed life of the Right Honourable Sir Nicholas Bacom, Knight ; Thomas, Earl of Sussex, and Sir Ph. Sydney. Reprinted at the Auchinleek Press, by Alexander Bonvell. 1816. 410, green morocco, by Hayday. Inserted is an AUTOGRAPH LITTER by Boswell : John Allan's copy. For some particulars concerning the anchor, itt Warton's "English Poetry," Ritson's " Bibl. Poet." 391-4, Beloe's "Anecdotes," Brydgcs' " Censura," "Br. Bibling," and Collier's "Poet- ical Decameron." -^ 2549 WHIPPLE (Edwin P.) ... Oration ... Boston, July 4, 1850. Boston. 1850. 8vo, pp. 30. Also two other Orations. ~, t?' 2550 WHITE (H.) The Early History of New England. Concord. 1842. iimo, pp. 410, sheep. '/' 2551 WHITE (R. G.) National Hymns. How they are written and not Written. A Lyric and National Study for the Times. New York. MDCCCLXI. 8vo, pp. isa, cloth ; PLATI. Set Shakespeare (W.) ,^ 2552 WHITEHEAD (W.) Plays and Poems, by William Whitehead, Esq. London. 1774. 3 vols , post 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 5IO WHITFJELD. 2553 WHITEHEAD (W. A.) Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy and Adjoining County, with sketches of Men and Events in New Jersey, during the Provincial Era. New York. 1856. 8vo, cloth; PORTRAITS and MAPS. 2554 WHITELOCK (B.) Memorials of the English Affairs. [Temp. Charles I.] Oxford. 1853. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Best edition of a most valuable historical work. See Wood's Ath. Oxon., and Censura Lit., iii., 173. 2555 WHITFIELD (H.) The Light appearing more and more To- [wards the Perfect Day. j Or,[A farther Dis- ^*}6+ covery of the present state] of the Indians | in | New- England, | Concerning the Progresse of the Gospel | amongst them | Manifested by Letters from such as preachtjto them there. | Published by H. Whitfield, late Pastor to the j Chuch [sic] of Christ at Gilford in New- England, who came j late thence. | London : Printed by T. R. fef E. M. for John Bartlet, and are to be \ sold at the Gilt Cup, neer St. Austins gate in Paul's j Church-yard. 1651. 4to, 4 p. 1., pp. 46, polished calf, by W. Pratt. This is the scarce original edition of the following- reprint : 2556 WHITFIELD. A Further Discovery of the Present State of the Indians in New England, concerning the Progress of the Gospel among them ... By Henry Whit- field. New York: Printed for J. Sabin. 1865. 4to, half morocco, gilt top; 50 copies printed. 2557 WHITFLELD. [The same.] New York. 1865. Small 410, uncut. WHITING. 511 2558 WHITFIELD. Strength | ovt of | Weakncsse, | Or a Glo- rious | Manifestation | of the further Progresse of | the Gospel amongst the Indians | in New-England. | Held ^ /SlGB. ENGER. .The|Tryal|of|John Peter Zen- ger, | of j New-York, Printer, | Who was lately Try'd and Acquitted for Printing and | Publishing a Libel against the Gov- ernment. | With the Pleadings and Argu- ments on both Sides. | London : J. Wilford, . . . 1 738. 4to, title I 1., pp. 32, half morocco, by Bradstrcct. Scarce. A very important trial for the liberty of the press, which was decided against Gov. Crosby, of New York. 2649 [ZINGENDORF]. The | Remarks, | which | The Author of the | Compendious Extract, &c., | In the Preface to his Book, | Has friendly desird of | The Rev. of Thuren- stein, | For the Time Pastor of the Lutheran Congrega- tion of J. C. in Philadelphia. Philadelphia : \ Printed and sold by B. Franklin. \ M,DCC,XLII. Small 8vo, pp. 24, calf, uncut. 2650 ZUVERLASSIGE | Beschreibung j Der Dritten | Confer- enz j Der Evangelischen Religionen | Teutscher Nation | 9 In Pennsylvania, | Welche am 9. 10. und u tcn Feb- ruarii 174-^1 In Oley an Johann de Turks Hause|ge- halten worden ; | Samt | Denen dieses mahl vcrfa Gemein-Schlussen. j Philadelphia^ Gedruckt vnd zu baben bey B. Franklin. Small 4 to, half calf. 67 ADDENDA. 2651 BOUTELL (Charles). English Heraldry. With Four Hundred and Fifty Illustrations. London. 1867. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. 2652 CLAVIGERO(F. S.) The History of Mexico. Trans- lated by C. Cullen. London. 1787. 2 vols., 410, boards, uncut; FINE COPY. " Besides natural history, there is in this work much learned research on the ancient history of Mexico." STEVENSON. 2653 COTMAN (J. S.) Liber Studiorum ; a Series of Sketches and Studies. London. 1838. Folio, half morocco ; 48 PLATES. 2654 DIAZ (B.) The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo ... containing a True and Full Ac- count of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by J. I. Lockhart. Land. 1844. a vols., 8vo, half calf,. gilt. " The quaint, simple chronicling of this old soldier is the most trustworthy of the narrators of this conquest." Athenaeum. 2655 DONOVAN (E.) Natural History of British Quadru- peds, Birds, Shells and Fishes. Illustrated by many beautiful colored plates. London. 1794-1820. 1 8 vols., rl. 8vo, in 13, half morocco, gilt edges. "One of the most valuable and important works upon natural history ever issued from the press." 2656 EXCURSION sur les Cotes el leur leu peuts de Nor- mandie. Paris, [n. d.] Folio j 37 PLATES some of them adapted to illustrate Dibdin's "Tour." ADDENDA. S3 1 2657 GALERIE BRITANNIQUE de Gravures, faites d'apres des Peintures des Ecoles Italienne, Fransaise, Flamandc, Hollandaise, et Anglaise ; avec un Historique de Chaquc Tableau ; par Edouard Forster. A Londres. 1814. Folio, half morocco, uncut; 49 PLATU ; vtry fint imfreiiitm. 2658 GALLERY of the Society of Painters in Water Colors. London. 1832. Folio, in 6 parts ; 18 INDIA PROOF PLATES. Published at an. for each part. 2659 GUIAND (J.) and HARRIS (C.) The Ruins of Man- doo, the Mahommedan Capital of Malwah, India. London. 1860. Folio; 6 FINE COLORED PLATES, with descriptive letterpress. 2660 JACKSON (A.) Proclamation, by Andrew Jackson, President of the United States. l %33- The famous Proclamation of Nullification, December 10, 1833. Beautifully frimttd on SATIN, with ORNAMENTAL BORDER. Size, 3110. x i8J. 2661 LANDON. Annales du musee et de 1'ecole moderne des beaux-arts, recueil de gravures au trait d'apres les tableaux des anciens maitres et les principaux ouvrages de peinture, sculpture ou architecture des artistes vivants, etc. Paris. 1801-1834. 44 vols., 8vo. This extensive and valuable work consists of the following subjects: Peinture : Ecole italienne, 8 vols. ; Ecole rlamande, allemande, etc., 4 vols.; Ecole franfaise ancienne, 3 vols.; Ecole francaise moderne, 4 vols. Sculpture: Sculpture antique, 2 vols.; Sculpture moderne, 3 vols. ; Architecture francaise, I vol.; Galerie Giustiniani, I vol. Galerie Mamii, I vol. Section moderne : Salons de 1808 a 1831, 15 vols. 2662 LINCOLN. Eulogies, Sermons, Orations, Poems, &c., on the occasion of his death. A Collection com- prising two hundred and seventy-seven titles in two hundred and forty-two separate pamphlets. This col- lection was in part formed by Mr. Spencer, the Editor S3 2 ADDENDA. of Lincolniania, and contains all mentioned in his list, with perhaps one or two exceptions. Since the publi- cation of that work, the present owner has made large additions, and the collection is now nearly complete, as it contains all mentioned in Bartlett's List of three hundred, with the exception of twenty-nine, together with several which he does not name. Of many of these pamphlets, but small editions were published; of Samuel Johnson's only 15 were printed, and of several of the others, only one hundred. [v. d.] NO DUPLICATES, and all in VERY FINE CONDITION. 2663 MANUSCRIPT (A) on Vellum, Having the Arms of the Barbarni Family, A.D. 1743. 410, morocco. From the Allan Collection. 2664 MISSALE ROMANUM. A Manuscript on Vellum, probably written at the end of the I5th Century. Con- tains 10 leaves with floriated borders, and numerous colored initials. Square izmo, red morocco. 2665 PRECIS. A Manuscript, probably written between the Xllth and XHIth Centuries. Elegantly written, in a minute hand, on abortive vellum. Sq. i8mo, crushed levant morocco, inlaid' colors and tooled, gilt edges, etc. This EXOJIISITE MANUSCRIPT, covering about 600 pages, and probably 600 years old, is in asjine condition as any manuscript of its age. 2666 RAPHAEL. The Cartoons of Raphael. A Series of Seven Colored Plates. 2667 REBELLION. Manuscript Maps and A Collection of the Autographs of the Federal Soldiers in the Con- & v/^ federate Prison at Portsmouth including John A. Dix, Frank E. Howe. An interesting memento of the Rebellion. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. THE FIGURES REFER TO THE PAGE OF THE CATALOGUE. AFRICA 32, 156, aoi, 394. AGRICULTURE 480, 481, 510. ALMANACS 160, 276, 455. AMERICAN COLONIES u, 19, 23,96, 145, '55. '75. '79i77, 184, 365. AMERICAN REVOLUTION 3, 6, 8, 10-13, 22-24, 16, 27, 30, 32, 33. 39, 40, 4-44, 46, 48, 60-63, 67, 71, 77, 80-85, 89-93, 95-99 'i> 10 3> '8- iii, 114, 115,123, 119,135,142- 144, 148, 150, 152, 15;;, 156, 158, 159, 161-163, 166-168, 171, 173, '75~'79> l8 4i 188, 193. '97, J9 8 2OI2O4, 207-209, 217, 22O, 222- 224, 226, 227, 2 3 I, 237, 239, 241, 243, 244, 246, 249, 250, 256-258, 26l, 264, 265, 267, 270, 273, 274, 279, 280, 284, 285, 293-295, 298, 301, 306, 307, 310, 312, 3H-3' 6 , 320, 323, 331, 336, 337, 343, 349, 364-366, 370-372, 374, 375, 377, 378, 381, 383, 384, 387, 388, 391, 391. 394, 39 6 > 4 4', 4",4'3, 414, 416, 419, 420, 423, 426, 427, 4*9. 43*, 435. 438-443. 445. 447- 45. 454-45 6 . 46o, 469, 47, 47 *, 476-489, 498, 504, 508, 514, 515, 519, 520. ANGLING 13, 68, 84, 323, 395, 473. 474, 508. ANGLO-SAXON 4, 33, 259. A NTiojnriEs 156, 197, 204, 238, 265, 3'i, 3'7, 355. 376, 387, 39*. 47 409, 414, 45. 469- ARCHITECTURE. Set Fine Art*. ARKANSAS 333. ASIA 156, 201, 313. A USTR ALIA 196. BAHAMA 78. BELLES LETTERS 3, 8, 15, 18, 22, 19, 3', 33, 41, 53, 55, 6 5, 80, 85, 94, 99, 105, 146, 152, 194, 200, 217, 223, 230, 257, 273, 278, 280, 300, 305, 306, 309, 331, 338, 342, 343, 348, 352, 361, 373, 376, 379, 382, 386, 387, 398, 400, 401, 403, 412, 4' 3, 4' 5, 4^', 4*5, 417-430, 43* 43 6 , 437i 446, 449, 45*. 466, 470, 474, 518, 520, 525. BIBLES 35, 137,139, 326,327,360,425. BIBLIOGRAPHY 8, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31, 35. 3 6 > 38. 4i, So, 56, 57. 66, 74, 88, 89, 94, 100, no, 114, 116-122, 125, 133-136, 150, 172, 178, 181, 186, 187, 196, 197, 200, 214, 229, 249, 250, 268, 275-277, 313, 315, 36. 33*. 339. 357, 35*. 359, 378, 380, 390, 391, 412, 414, 420, 432, 437, 45', 453, 45*. 47'. 55- S 6 508, 511, 512, 526. BIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE 5, 6, 26, 28-31, 38, 45, 48, 55, 58, 61, 65, 66, 69, 71, 72, 75-78, 81, 86-88, 91-93, 102, 103, 105,112, 113, 115, 124-127, 131. 141, '44-'48, '5'. 152, 158, 159. 163, 170, 174, 175, '9' '93 *95' '96. * OI ** *S, 211, 212, 214-217, 222, 223, 229- *35, i37> 139-14'. i45> *46, S a > 254, 256-258, 261-264, 267, 269, 173. 79, 181-284, 290, 293-295, 198. 37, 39> 3'9, 33 6 . 33 8 , 34, 341, 347. 349, 354, 35 8 , 359, J 6 '. 365. 366, 373, 374-376, 378. 3*. 383, 384. 388, 389- 39'. 391, 395- 397' 399, 4o. 43, 407, 4", 4*4, 429, 430, 440, 441-444, 446, 44, 453. 458-46o, 464, 465, 469, 470. 472, 478-506, 508, 509, 514. 5 '5. 517, 534 INDEX. BRADFORD (W.), Printer 112, 146, 247, 309, 470. BRITISH AMERICA 28, 61, 62, 66, 74, 7 6, 79, 82, 83, 102, 153, 168, 184, 197, 202, 103, 205, 208, 244, 250, 257, 279, 287, 295, 297, 346, 385, 4i3. 4i5 439. 44. 4S 2 > 59- BUCCANEERS IO4, 143, 250, 467. CALIFORNIA 342, 409, 428, 4^5- CANADA. See British America. CAROLINA. See, also, North and South Carolina 18, 75, 78, 260, 261, 520. CATALOGUES. See, also, Bibliography 6, '3 2 7, 35, 3 6 > 4i. 54, 66, 99, 107, 154, 157, 168, 174, 178, 179, 201, 205, 216, 258, 268, 276, 282, 310, 3'3, 3 Hi 33> 33 8 > 346, 358, 3 6 7> 382, 385, 386, 388, 390, 391, 407, 416,427, 437, 445, 447i 5 ia 57- CHEMISTRY 318. CHESS 6, 79. CHINA 199, 285, 294, 355, 444- CONFEDERATE STATES AND WORKS RELAT- ING TO THE REBELLION 14, 27, 49, 94,95, 116, 128, 146, 156, 173, 177, 195, 216, 258, 269, 274, 278, 307, 3!9 347i 348. 3* 8 . 3 6 9 434, 437. 440. CONNECTICUT 24, 40, 48, 90, 91, 197, 209, 210, 218, 226, 287, 312, 320, 33i 35 6 357. 4i3. 437, 44*, 44*, 454. 45 6 - COSTUME 214, 279, 280, 296, 297, 361, 3 6 9, 443- DELAWARE 25, 113, 353. DIAMONDS AND GEMS 141, 153, 235,251. DICTIONARIES 26, 29,40, 155, 360, 391, 415.424, 5 6 - DORE (GUSTAVE) 4, 35, 105, 299, 447. DRAMATIC LITERATURE 3, 30, 40, 60, 124, 125, 126, 155, 171, 198, 212, 228, 241, 269, 284, 285, 289, 297, 33 6 > 339. 3 6 3> 43-46, 48, 4". 43 6 > 47. 55. 59. 5*8. EGYPT 87, 355, 408. EMBLEMS 264. ENGLAND. See Great Britain. EPITAPHS 5, 505. ETHNOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY. See Nat- ural History. EUROPE 5, 114, 156, 185, 201. FABLES 4, 34, 129, 149, 168, 203, 256, *57, 264, 332, 508. FACETS 1,4, 5, 14, 17, '8, 3 2 . 5> 5 1 , 66, 67, 75, 132, 134, 137, 149, 157, 162, 163, 169, 180, 181, 187, 194, 200, 212, 217, 235, 237, 252,256, 262, 264, 268, 271, 275, 343, 357, 373, 376, 379 380, 385, 399, 40, 403, 46, 415, 4", 438, 467, 5 I2 > StS, 5*5- FICTION. See, altt. Belles Lcttres 4, 14, 15, '7, 3, 59, 79, 80, in, 112, 122, 135, 146, 152, 153, 185,253, 256, 264, 265, 268, 308, 338, 348, 398, 445, 446, 449, 45', 454, 459. FINE ARTS 27, 28, 34, 41, 50, 53, 54, 57, 59, 6 9> 9 6 97, ', I0 3 Io6 . in, 112, 116, 131, 132, 150, 154, 157, 166, 169, 180, 184, 185, 192, 194, 196, 204, 206, 210, 2l6, 221, 225, 231. 232, 233, 241, 248, 251, 253, 259, 260, 261, 267, 271, 272, 283, 296, 302, 312, 313, 316, 317, 3^9. 3 21 , 3 26 334. 337. 33 8 , 344, 346, 3 6 9. 374, 375. 379. 3 8 8, 399. 401, 407, 409, 419, 430, 434, 443, 450, 458, 459, 464, 469, 471, 506, 58, 5*5, 5^1, 5*5, 5 26 > 53 FLORIDA 28, 48, 71, 78, 122, 259, 448, 516. FOURTH OF JULY ORATIONS 2, 3, 24, 37, 38, 5 1 , 54, 56, 6l i 81, 103, 107, 33, '46, 147, 154, '79, a01 , ao6 , 207, 209, 233, 270, 283, 323, 338, 339, 3 6 , 374, 38, 39 6 , 4' 6, 437, 442, 444, 44?, 509, 518. FRANCE 13,28, 29, 67, 99, 116, 173, 267, 39 2 43 6 444, 449, 455, 459- FRANKLIN (B.), Printer 16, 21, 30. 87, 113, 123, 144, 160, 170, 180, 184, 260, 266, 272, 309, 313, 389, 472, 529. FRENCH WAR IN AMERICA 47, 77, 123, 209, 254, 271, 274, 281, 383, 3iS. 34*, 347- 3 6 5, 386, 389, 39 6 , 4^, 432, 466, 479, 525. GENEALOGY 7, 52, 81, 128, 132, 210, 33 1 . 439. 54, 5 12 - GEOGRAPHY 14, 95, 181, 424. GEOLOGY. See Natural History. GEORGIA 28, 129, 141, 169, 214, 238, 278, 285, 312, 336, 397. INDEX. 535 GERMANY and GERMAN LITERATURE 116, 117, 172, 267, 295. GREAT BRITAIN i, 4, 17, 31, 51, 55, 61,75,87,89, 114, 130, 137, 142, 149, 156, 170, 183, 185, 187, 192, 200, 217, 229, 232, 238, 244, 249, 2 53> 2 59. a6 7> *7*. *73. a ?8, 279, 297, 308, 322, 323. 330, 375, 382, 395> 39 8 > 399- 4". 4H> 4*5' 44'- 443. 45 2 > 453> 460, 469, 472, 475, 510. GREECE 5, 154, 180, 201, 214, 3^3, | 4*4,469. 5 '5. 5*4- GREEN (SAM'L), Printer 106, 291, 302, ! 334, 410, 411, 512. GREENLAND 102, 158, 183, 370. HERALDRY 88, 149, 411. HISTORY IN GENERAL 5, 8, 10, 15, 49, j 129, 185, 198, 201, 202, 208, 266, 281, 298, 340, 365, 374, 386, 397, 408, 420. ILLINOIS 85, 169, 225, 235, 295, 380. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS 80, 98,99, 487,491. INDIA i, 34, 104, 285, 415, 431, 471' 579- INDIANS i, 24, 28, 32, 39, 48, 52, 75, 78, 86, 87, 102, 122, 126, 127, 136- 240, 142, 155, 158, 164, 165, 167, 170, 171, 197, 2OI, 218-222, 227, 228, 231, 235, 237-239, 242, 243, 250-253, 257, 260, 26l, 273, 279, 280, 285, 287, 289, 290, 292, 294, 296, 300, 301, 303, 310, 311, 315, 319, 324, 325. 333, 335, 346, 348- 350, 360, 364, 393, 398, 410, 416, 417, 423, 436, 441, 442, 452, 457, j 510, 511, 515, 517, 524, 527, 530. j IOWA 340, 513. IRELAND. See, alia, Great Britain. ITALY AND ITALIAN LITERATURE 16, 41, j 105, 113, 144, 361, 435. JAMAICA. See, also, West Indies 273. JAPAN 199, 355. JAVA 215. KENTUCKY 67, 141, 153, 225, 249, 281, 296. LAKE SUPERIOR 5. LINGUISTICS. See, also, Indiana 165, 184, 187, 319. LOGIC 191. LOCAL HISTORIES. See under the name of the STATES. LOUISIANA 82, 83, 171, 259, 265, 174, 314, 361- MAINE 111,178, 250, 347, 349, 364, 518. MAITLAND CLUB 51, 282. MASONRY 256, 287, 483, 485. MARYLAND 40, 46, 50, 76, 97, 135, 171, '79' '99' 2 7, *86. 37> 3 8l 4'- MASSACHUSETTS i, 2, 7, 8, 12, 24, 16, *9. 33. 36, 4. 43-48. 5. 5*. 54, 76, 77, 81, 88, 91, no. 124, 117, 128, 142, 152, 157. 161, 163, 169, 171, 178, 192, 198, 209, 210, 220, 221, 223, 246, 247, 250-253, 258, 265, 270, 274, 282, 287-289, 291, 298-301. 307, 315, 332, 337, 342, 349. 3 6 3 3 66 > 3 6 7, 37*. 3*3. 393. 396, 402, 409, 412, 426, 435, 437, 440. 444, 445- 449. 455, 45 6 475, 507, 508, 512-514, 518, 521,^524, 527. MEXICO 63, 64, 75, 82, 99, 140, 141, 142, 154, 165, 202, 203, 221, 236, 244, 248, 251, 262, 296, 335, 366, 3 8 *, 3 8 5, 475. 5'4, 53, No - "3*- METAPHYSICS 1 9 1 . MICHIGAN 236. MINNESOTA 236, 360. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY 409. MISSOURI 236, 268. Music 82, 198, 472. MYTHOLOGY 253, 424, 452. NATURAL HISTORY i, 5, 7, 19, ao, 34, 3 6 > 5*. 55. 5 8 78, 8a, 112, 124, 141, 142, 153, I7-I73 '94, '95. 2O 9. 210, 214, 215, 217, 233, 242,243, 253, 262, 267, 281, 294, 296, 297, 303, 304, 311, 315, 321, 340, 341, 355, 384, 395, 49, 4' 5, 4*5, 439, 453, 465, 5i8, 53*. Niw ENGLAND 2, 7, 24, 6, 37, 68, 71, 85-87, ioo, 1 01, 1 06, no, 120, 128, 131. '33. '34, 137-140, 164, 174, 197, 206, 213, 218-220, 223, 227, 242, 243, 246, 247, 261, 262, 165, 266, 277, 288, 290-292, 302, 311, 313, 322-326, 332, 334, 344, 345, 362, 366, 376, 385, 409-411,416- 48, 457. 478, 5 7 > 59-5", 5*3, 541-523, 527. S3 6 INDEX. NEWFOUNDLAND 465, 522,. NEW HAMPSHIRE 5, 31, 32,0, 325, 326, 33- NEW JERSEY 24, 108, 136, 197, 310, 326, 400, 421, 435, 450, 451, 510. NEW PLYMOUTH See Massachusetts. NEW YORK CITY 40, 42, 81, 93, 103, 109, 130, 141, 158, 195. 215, 228, 22 9> 2 33> 2 53- 3 I2 > 3 a 7-3 2 9, 33 8 > 389, 464, 526, 531. NEW YORK STATE 19, 23, 24, 26, 32, 39, 40, 41, 46, 48, 52, 54-66, 74, 76, 9 2 > 93> 95. Io8 II2 > "4, "3. l6 3> 164, 178, 214, 233, 235, 236, 274, 285,295, 298, 301, 314, 315, 319, 320, 328-330, 334, 335, 337, 345, 366, 368, 381, 398, 399, 403, 408, 421, 422, 440, 451, 465, 468, 504, 523-5 2 5> 527- NORTH CAROLINA 28, 52, 68, 69, 129, 199, 225, 239, 260, 261, 285, 312, 3'9, W- NORTH AMERICA IN GENERAL i, 2, 14, 23, 27, 3 1 , S 2 , 6 3> 73, 9 8 > IIJ . Ia2 145, J 75> l8 4, 208, 209, 2", 232, 255,260, 266, 293, 305, 315, 331, 335. 345, 37, 3 8 4, 3 8 5> 3 8 9, 393, 416, 431, 444, 446, 448, 452, 454, 457>45 8 > 467, 472, 5 21 - NORTH-WEST PASSAGE 158,200, 370. NOVA SCOTIA. See British America. NUMISMATICS and CURRENCY 123, 135, 152, 205, 206, 279, 342, 359, 393, 426. OHIO 236, 238, 271, 356, 358, 364, 423, 469, 479- PACIFIC. See, also, CALIFORNIA No. 2342, 102, 104, 143, 213, 268, 470. PENNSYLVANIA 21, 25, 46, 47, 58, 73, 82, 83, 108, 130, 144, 154, 159, 1 68, 173, 176* J 77, 200, 233, 247, 272, 300, 301, 313, 335, 350-354, 357, 35 8 > 3 68 376, 377. 4", 4*3, 443, 466, 526, 529. PERU 165, 167. PHYSIOGONOM Y 2 60. POETRY n, 13, 16, 21, 23, 25, 33, 39, 49, 5i S3. 57, 63, 67, 69, 70, 73, 75. 77, 81, 8 4, 86, 90, 91, 93, 95- POETRY, continued 97, 99, 1OI 1O2 > 104-106, no, 121, 126, 129, 130, 142, 144-146, 150,151, 153, 156, 161, 162. 164, 174, 176, 177, 181, 186-188, 198- 200, 202-205, 211, 212, 214, 216, 222, 223, 225, 228, 229, 246, 250. 26l, 273, 275, 2 7 8, 279, 283, 286, 2 99, 3 8 3", 3'4. 3*7, 3"> 33 6 , 338-341, 345, 347, 355, 35 8 > 359 360, 363-365, 368, 369, 373, 374, 379, 380, 382, 384, 386, 388, 392, 395, 39 6 , 39 8 , 4o, 402, 403-406, 412, 414, 416, 428-430, 435, 436, 442, 443, 445-448, 451, 452, 454, 457-459, 467, 470, 476, 4 8 2, 4 8 5> 495, 497, 499, 5 OI > 5 8 , 59> 5 12 , 513, 518, 519, 522, 523. POLITICS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY 2, 3, 10, 12, 37, 48. 64, 65, 71, 73, 75 90, 96, 97, 103, 109, no, 123, 133, 141, 151, 155, 179, 188-191, 195, 196, 214, 234, 281, 284, 304, 347, 400, 431, 433, 453, 459, 479-4 8 i, 485, 4 8 7, 49 6 > 55, 5 8 , 5H, 5 l8 522. POLYGRAPHIC WRITERS 2, 3, 19, 22, 26, 2 9> 39. 53. 5 6 . 6a > 6 5> 77, "46, H7, 151, 156, 160, 161, 163, 172, 174, 194,212, 234, 251, 299, 364, 373, 47i) 477, 55- PORTRAITS 54, 78, 136, 166, 179, 205, 237, 252, 272, 321, 361, 364, 397, 471, 488, 491, 501, 530. PRAYER BOOKS 41, 42, 51. PROVERBS 368, 375, 506. QUAKERS 37, 40, 171, 246, 247, 360, 3 8 5 43 6 , 5"- REBELLION. See Confederate States. REGICIDES 172. RHODE ISLAND 16, 26, 27, 56, 72, 100, 174, 254, 3 10 , 3* 6 . 33 2 , 44, 466, 516, 517. ROME i, 130, 278, 319, 424. ST. DOMINGO. See, also. West Indies 135. SANDWICH ISLANDS 141, 143, 213. SCOTLAND. See Great Britain. SICILY 144. SLAVERY 232, 270, 307, 415.