e o The Very Remarkable Thackeray Collection UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA No. 11251915 Cfmcfeerap Collection <3uteriberj ant) man? fine 13001$ To be sold Thursday Afternoon, February 4, 1915 at 2:30 o'clock No. 1125 THE VERY REMARKABLE THACKERAY COLLECTION MADE BY 33. a. Befjrenti OF BROOKLINE, MASS. FINE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FROM Barton OF PHILADELPHIA AND OTHER CONSIGNORS TO BE SOLD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 4, 1915 AT 2:3O O'CLOCK AT Slnticrgon !5aHerieg anljerson auction Company MADISON AVENUE AT FOBTIETH STREET NEW YORK Conditions of Sale. 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 8. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on accounts as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and this Company will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. 6. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-liaiitl condition. If material defects are found, not men- tioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are without recourse. 7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our custom- ers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Material on Exhibition three days before the sale. Priced copy of this Catalogue may be secured for 50 cents. Auction Company MADISO.V AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEW YORK. TELEPHONE, MURRAY HII^L 7680. - . " -,.- V : i* ; : ' : NOTE. remarkable collection of Thackerayana made by Mr. B. A. Behrend of Brookline, Mass., is now offered for sale. It contains many great rarities of the highest interest, including original drawings, manuscript poems, the Epilogue to Dr. Birch and MS. of the book, the original manuscript ^s of the Pinner speech, letters written by Thackeray to Miss ^ Holmes, and very scarce First Editions of Thackeray *s works, some of which contain letters and manuscripts. Catalogued with the Thackeray material are a few miscel- t*\ laneous books from Mr. Behrend 's Library. Beginning with , Lot 70 the Catalogue consists of fine books consigned by Mrs. i Rebecca Wharton Gaw of Philadelphia and by other owners. fy Among the miscellaneous books are First Editions of Dickens, Lever, Poe, and others; a fine collected set of the writings of XJ William Watson, Original Musical Manuscripts by Gounod, g^Haydn, Liszt, Meyerbeer, Mozart, and Wagner, and other ^ highly desirable items. , 'U)736,'i MANUSCRIPT OF BRONTK'S PREFACE TO "JANE EYRE." (See No. 4.) THE THACKERAY COLLECTION OF BROOKLINE, MASS. AND A FEW OF HIS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Thursday Afternoon, February 4, 1915, at 2:30 o'clock 1. JESOP. The Fables of ^Esop, with a Life of the Author. Embellished with 112 plates. 2 vols. 8vo, old mottled calf. * The handsome Stockdale edition. Lond. 1793 2. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). Jane Eyre: An Autobiog- raphy. By Currer Bell. 3 vols. 8vo, half dark red morocco, gilt tops (name on half titles). Lond. 1848 * Third Edition, with the note, published here for the first time. 3. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). A. L. S., 4 pp. 12mo. London, December, 1849. * A fine letter to her friend Ellen Nussey, telling of her impression of London, reading in part: "/ came to this big Babylon last Thursday, and have been in what seems to me a sort of whirl ever since, for changes, scenes and stimulus which would be a trifle to others are much to me." The letter gives her experiences at the home of Mr. Smith, of Smith & Elder, and her likes and dislikes are frankly written down. At the close she mentions meeting Thackeray, in the words, "I have seen Thackeray!" Partly unpublished. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE'S PREFACE TO "JANE EYRE." 4. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). Manuscript of the Preface to the Second Edition of "Jane Eyre," in which she dedi- cates 1 the book to Thackeray and eulogizes his Literary work. Written on 6 pages of blue paper of 12mo size, and signed * ' Currer Bell. ' ' Bound in brown levant morocco. * Thackeray was both surprised and deeply touched when Charlotte Bronte published this preface, for it was the first definite tribute to his genius from an authoritative source. The tribute was so graceful and at the same time so con- vincing that he was conscious of its sincerity at once and, as he writes to his friend Williams at the time: "I am quite vexed that by some blundering I sh'd have delayed answering Currer Bell's enormous compliment so long. I didn't Jcnow what to say in reply: it quite flustered and upset me is it true I wonder?" (See Illustration.) 5. BROOKFIELD (CHARLES H. E.). Random Reminis- cences. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. 8vo, crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond. 1902 * He mentions Thackeray, the friend of his father and mother. 6. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. 40 illustrations by "Phiz." FIRST EDI- TION. 20 parts in 19, 8vo, original wrappers (backs, few covers and leaves repaired), uncut, with all the advertise- ments, in a morocco slip case. Lend. 1843-44 7. DICKENS (CHARLES). Complete Set of the Christ- mas Books, including : A Christmas Carol, 5th edition, colored plates by Leech, 1844; The Chimes, FIRST EDITION, First Issue, 1845 ; The Battle of Life, third issue, 1846 ; The Cricket on the Hearth, FIRST EDITION, 1846; The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain, second issue, 1848. Illustrations by Leech, Doyle, Tenniel, Maclise, etc. Together 5 vols. 16mo, blue polished morocco, floral inlays on front cover and backs, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Root, in a cloth case. Lond. 1844-8 8. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Personal History of David Copperfield. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. FIRST EDITION. 20 parts in 19, original wrappers (few backs re- paired, name on 2 covers), uncut, in cloth wrapper and slip ease. Lond. 1849-50 * FINE COPY, with all the advertisements. 9. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Tale of Two Cities. 16 plates by "Phiz." FIRST EDITION. FIRST ISSUE. 8 parts in 7, 8vo, original blue wrappers (name on one back), uncut, in cloth wrapper and slip case. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1859 * VERY FINE COPY OF THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST ISSUE, with all the wrappers and advertisements in good clean condition. But very few copies of this earliest issue were printed before the number of page 213 was corrected, and after a very few impressions of the plates were made the hair line captions be- come indistinct. In this copy the captions are bold and clear. Next to Pickwick Papers this is the most difficult of all Dickens ' works to find absolutely perfect and of the first issue. 10. GAY (JOHN). Fables by John Gay. With a Life of the Author and embellished with 70 plates. Twelve of the plates are by Wm. Blake. 2 vols. 8vo, old mottled calf. Lond. 1793 * The beautifully printed Stockdale edition, with the plates after William Blake. 11. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Vicar of Wakefield. A Tale by Doctor Goldsmith. With 24 colored illustrations by Thomas Rowlandson. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1904 6 12. MCCARTHY (JUSTIN). Reminiscences. Portrait. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Presentation copy to Dr. Eobson Eoose, with a signed auto- graph inscription by the author. 13. MELVILLE (LEWIS). The Life of William Make- peace Thackeray. With 25 portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops (label removed from covers). Lond. 1899 14. MELVILLE (LEWIS). William Makepeace Thack- eray. A Biography including hitherto uncollected Letters and Speeches and a Bibliography of 1300 Items. With 2 photogravure portraits and numerous other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1910 15. PLUTARCH'S LIVES AND WRITINGS. Edited by A. H. Clough and Prof. William W. Goodwin. With an In- troduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Illustrated with photo- gravure reproductions of paintings and sculptures. 10 vols. 8vo, half green polished morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1905 * Edition de Grand Luxe, limited. 16. SWIFT (JONATHAN). The Works. Containing Additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems not hitherto published. With Notes and a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait and facsimile. 19 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, un- cut. Lond. 1883-84 * Limited edition. 17. TAYLOR (THEODORE). Thackeray the Humourist and the Man of Letters. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth (name stamped on title) . N. Y. 1864 * Laid in is a 4-p. A. L. S. of J. C. Hotten, publisher of the first edition, regarding Thackeray. 18. TENNYSON (ALFRED). The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate. Portrait. 10 vols. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond.: Macmillan, 1884-1893 * Inserted is a one-page A. L. S. from the author, extending an invitation to dinner. Original Drawings by W. M. Thackeray. Charlotte Bronte wrote to W. S. Williams, on March llth, 1848, a letter, from which we quote: "You will not easily find a second Thackeray. How Tie can render, with o few black lines and dots, shades of expression so fine, so real: traits of character so minute, so subtle, so difficult to seize and fix, I cannot tell I can only wonder and admire. Thackeray may not be a painter, but he is a wizard of a draughtsman; touched with the pencil, the paper lives. And then his drawing is so refresh- ing : after the wooden limbs one is accustomed to see portrayed by commonplace illustrators, his shapes of bone and muscle clothed with flesh, correct in proportion and anatomy, are a real relief. All is true in Thackeray. If Truth were again a goddess, Thackeray should be her high priest." "The pictures tell their own story. They are the contents of some of our old portfolios $ scrap books where they have been all these years. Anne Ritchie. ' ' [Lady Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie] 19. THACKERAY (W. M.). Two ORIGINAL PENCIL SKETCHES of "Miss Raiby," the Doctor's niece, evidently pre- liminary studies of the illustration which finally appeared in "Doctor Birch." One on each side of a 4to sheet, mounted on a mat, and bound in red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. * This is the original of the delightful drawing published for the first time in Lady Ritchie's Biographical Edition of her Father 's Works, and called there, ' ' Rough Study of Mother & Child." 20. THACKERAY (W/ M.). FIVE PENCIL AND WATER- COLOR DRAWINGS, forming the original illustrations of Doctor Birch, neatly mounted in sunk mounts, and bound in. 4to, in dark red levant morocco, by Riviere. * The pictures illustrate: (1) The "Dear Brothers," with five lines in pencil. (2) The drawing for "The Pirate," showing Duval, one of the older pupils, holding up the small boy with the tarts. (3) Original pencil drawing by Thackeray of the plate, "Home, Sweet Home," ilustrating how "Hewlett" compels little "Nightingale" to sing him to sleep to the strains of ' ' Home, Sweet Home. ' ' (4) A sketch for Miss Birch's Flower Garden. (5) "Miss Birch's Flower Garden," a highly finished and carefully executed drawing, showing interesting differences from the published plate. Beneath, written in Thackeray's autograph, is a description, which also differs from that in the printed text, as follows: Miss Joper (known as Miss Birch in the published version), The Honorable Fluke Plantagenet (Plantagenet Gaunt in the book). (In the flower garden where only the Par- lour Boarders go.) Plantagenet (gives a poke with his stick to Miss J. who happens to be watering her plants and of course does not see him come) "Crck rck!" Miss J. "Lor Plantagenet! get away you troublesome creature ! ' ' Plantagenet. "He He!" 8 f - A : N *& < 01 ; .o 02 21. THACKERAY (W. M.). A COLLECTION OF 10 ORIGI- NAL DRAWINGS. These drawings are executed in water-color, pen-and-ink, and pencil. Placed in sunk mounts, large 4to size, and bound 'by Riviere, in crimson levant morocco, gilt edges. * This collection comprises: 1. Authors' Miseries, No. IV (in pencil, size 5*4 by 4% inches). Illustrating the passage: "As you are labouring on your great work, Lady Anna Maria Tomnoddy's Compliments arrive, and she requests you will cast your eye over the accompanying manuscript in six volumes, correct the errors, if any, and find a publisher for the same." 2. Mr. Punch being interviewed by a Clerical Contributor (de- signed for a large initial "D"), in sepia and light wash. Size 3% by 3 in. (See Illustration.) 3. A Clergyman in his pulpit, leaning on the cushion, face buried in his hands, leaving his eyes free. (In water-color. Size 3% by 4y 2 in.) 4. Snobs. A pen and ink study. (Size 4^ by 3 in.) 5. Man and Boy looking into window of Moses, the Tailor (to illustrate ballad, "Mr. Smith and Moses"). (Sepia. Size 4y 2 by 3 in.) 6. Bucks (for Book of Snobs). (Beproduced in Biographical Ed., pp. XXX.) (Pen and ink. Size 4% by 3% in.) 7. Drawing of "Stenson," a character in the Punch contribu- tions. 8. Punch in his office receiving some clerical visitors. 9. Study for ' ' Authors ' Miseries, ' ' No. VI, showing Douglas Jerrold in a railway carriage listening to two fellow- travelers discussing the wickedness of ' ' Punch. ' ' On the reverse Thackeray has written in ink: "My dear Mrs. Onslow, I will be at your house before 9 to-morrow morn- ing and will gladly go down with you to Gravesend, and see you safe on board your ship. I did not Tcnow what was your day of sailing and am sorry that we cannot . . . ." 10. Children looking in shop windows, figure studies, etc. Re- produced afterwards in Lady Ritchie's introduction to the "Roundabout Papers." 22. THACKERAY (W. M.). ORIGINAL DRAWING IN PENCIL for ' ' Our Street. ' ' Mounted to large 4to and bound in crim- son levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. * The above is reproduced by Lady Ritchie in the Biograph- ical Edition of Thackeray 's works with the caption ' ' an appeal ' ' (p. LVII of Christmas Books). It is an early sketch for the illustration in "Our Street" of Clarence Bulbul, called "The Lion of the Street, ' ' showing him standing, with legs crossed, one hand in pocket, the other to chin, looking at a young lady who is gazing at him appealingly. In sunk mount. (Size 7 by 6.) 9 23. THACKERAY (W. M.). EIGHT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS for "Mrs. Perkins's Ball." Mounted to large 4to, each draw- ing carefully placed in a sunk mound and bound by Riviere in red levant morocco. (1) Pictorial Title-page Thackeray's first drawing, which he subsequently altered. On the tablet below he has pencilled, ' ' London, Chapman. ' ' This is of especial interest, showing that he even then intended to publish the volume through Chapman & Hall. (Size 8 by 6.) (See Illustration.) (2) The Musicians (forming the center picture on title-page). This drawing varies from the published one. (Size 9 by 7.) (3) Another sketch of the musicians, in pencil; on the same sheet a sketch of the doorway through which the Musicians are seen. (Size 9 by 7.) (4) Lord Methuselah & Miss Trotter. Eeproduced in Lady Eitchie's introduction to the "Christmas Books." Bio- graphical Edition of her Father's works. (Size 5 by 6 1 X>.) (5) Sketch of Miss Mullins, Mr. Winter, Mr. Toop, and Miss Eanville. This drawing varies from the published one. (Size 7 by 5.) (6) Sketch of Mr. Joy & Miss Joy. (Size 7 by 5.) (7) Tom Tozer. Unpublished. (Size 7 by 5.) (8) M. Canaillard. Unpublished. (Size 5 by 4^.) 24. THACKERAY (W. M.). EIGHT ORIGINAL PEN-AND- INK AND PENCIL DRAWINGS for the "Book of Snobs." Being sketches of initial vignettes, tail-pieces, and illustrations. All in sunk mounts, bound in 4to, green levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. * The following is a list of the drawings, with the pages . where the reproduced illustration may be found in the "Book of Snobs": 1. Page 35 "Design for a Bas-Eelief over the House of Lords." (Britannia kissing the toe of a Peer.) 2. Page 70 Snob dressing for Dinner. 3. Page 99 Sir John & Lady Hawbuck in the Garden. 4. Page 125 Knight in full Armour saying Farewell. In the drawing he is shown on foot, in the printed illustration he is on horseback. 5. Page 136 Polly with the Pot of Beer. 6. Page 145 Elderly Spinster at her Toilet. 7. Page 156 Wiggle and Mary. (See Illustration.) 8. Chapter X (Unpublished) Drawing of a Big Drummer of the Guards. The sizes vary from 4% by 2% inches to 2% by 1% inches. All neatly arranged in sunk mounts, each drawing bearing Thack- eray's monogram, "W. T., " (like his drawings for "Flore et Zephyr"). A very interesting volume, unique and naturally of great importance. 25. THACKERAY (W. M.). ORIGINAL DRAWING for "Vanity Fair" in Sepia and pencil. Mounted to large 4to> and bound in crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. * The drawing represents Amelia and her Baby, and differs materially from any illustration appearing in the published work. 10 ONE OF EIGHT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS FOR "MRS. PERKINS'S BALL." (See No. 23.) THACKERAY'S SKETCHES FOE THE "BOOK OF SNOBS." (See No. 24.) 26. THACKERAY (W. M.). A COLLECTION OF 10 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. These drawings illustrate several of his important books. Executed in water-color, pen-and-ink, and pencil. The drawings are placed in sunk mounts, and bound to 4to size, by Riviere, in crimson levant morocco, gilt edges. * This collection comprises : 1. Soldier and Peasant Girl seated on bench in a Park Water Colour (reproduced in Biographical Ed., Miscellanies, pp. XXXII). (Size 4 by 4 inches.) 2. Dutch Woman and Child (inscribed by Thackeray "Hague") Water-Colour. (Size 3^ by 2% inches.) 3. Mohammedans at a Mosque (to illustrate "Cornhill to Cairo," unpublished) Pencil. Size 3% by 6 inches. 4. Female Figure, standing a preliminary sketch for "Vir- ginians" Heading to Chapter XXVI Pencil. (Size 3% by 3 inches.) 5. An Angel weeping over a Funeral Urn. The Sketch for ' ' Vir- ginians ' ' heading of Chapter XXVI, ' ' News from Canada ' ' Pencil. (Size 3% by 3 inches.) 6. Irish Peasants (Man and Woman with Basket) Unpub- lished Sketch for Irish Sketch Book Pen and Ink. (4% by 4% inches.) 7. A Group Probably a Sketch for "The Virginians" Pencil. (3 by 5 inches.) 8. Vanity Fair A Study of Miss Osborne Pencil. (4% by 4% inches.) 9. Virginians The Drawing for Illustration to Heading of Chapter XXXVI, but with various variations In Pencil. (4 by 4 inches.) 10. Priest and Peasant Illustration for Paris Sketch Book (reproduced in Biographical Edition, pp. XXXIV). In Pencil. (3% by 5% inches.) 27. THACKERAY (W. M.). A COLLECTION OF 6 VERY FINE AND ELABORATE WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS FOR THE "PARIS SKETCH BOOK." Placed in sunk mounts, large 4to size, and bound by Riviere in crimson levant morocco, gilt edges. * This collection comprises : 1. The Artist at Work. His portrait, by himself, full length, seated at an easel. (First Published in the Biographical Edition, page XXXI.) Size 6% by 5 in. This is Thack- eray's picture of himself. 2. The Devil's Wager. The Demon with his arm around the Friar's neck (pen and ink and colour). (First Published in Biog. Ed., page XXI.) 7 by 5 in. 3. Paul and Peter (with the names written below by W. M. T.). 5% by 4% in. (First Published in Biog. Ed., page XX.) (See Illustration.) 4. O'Eeilly and Mary Ancel (with title written below by W. M. T.). 5y 2 by 4% in. (First Published in Biog. Ed., page XIX.) (See Illustration.) 5. Diligence Driver (unpublished). 5 l /2 by 3 inches. 6. Priest reading, full length. (The bust only was incorporated into Frontispiece of First Edition.) 5% by 3 in. 11 28. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Paris Sketch Book: by Mr. Titmarsh. With numerous designs by the author, on copper and wood. 2 vols. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt backs and side borders, gilt tops, uncut, parts of the original covers bound in, by Grieve-Edine (a few pages waterstained). * FIRST EDITION. Scarce. . Lond. 1840 29. THACKERAY (W. M.). An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. With numerous illustrations of his works. (From the Westminster Review, No. LXVI.) With additional etchings. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1840 30. THACKERAY (W. M.). Comic Tales and Sketches. Edited and Illustrated by Mr. Michael Titmarsh. 12 tinted full-page plates by the author. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (name erased from titles). Lond. : Hugh Cunningham, 1841 * FIRST EDITION. Very scarce, with the correct titles. Extra- illustrated by the insertion of 2 of the etched plates by Geo. Cruikshank for ' ' Stubb 's Calendar. ' ' In fine condition. 31. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Second Funeral of Na- poleon, in Three Letters to Miss Smith of London, and the Chronicle of the Drum. Illustrated. Square 16mo, original gray wrappers. In a red levant ease by Riviere. Lond. 1841 * Remarkably fine copy of the FIRST EDITION, in the original covers, with the etching of Napoleon lying in state, which has never been reprinted in any of his works. This pamphlet appeals to both the collectors of Thackerayana and Napoleona. The above copy is a specially fine one, without fox marks, and with the back intact, no copy in this condition having been offered for sale for many years: the Lambert copy having been without a back. It has been carefully compared with the copy in the Library of the British Museum in London. It contains the inscription, ' ' Tomb in the Chapel of the Invalides ' ' in full under the frontispiece, usually missing, as, for instance, in the facsimile contained in this collection. Thackeray had not yet become famous at the time he wrote this pamphlet. He had gone to Paris in December, 1840, to witness the ceremonies in connection with the interment of the remains of Napoleon brought from St. Helena to rest in the Hotel des Invalides. The little book was bitterly criticised by "The Times." Thackeray replied, "There now is the Times newspaper, which the other day rated your humble servant for publishing an account of one of the great humbugs of modern days, viz., the late funeral of Napoleon Well then, the funeral of Napoleon was a humbug, as Titmarsh wrote; and a still better proof that it was a humbug was this, that nobody bought Titmarsh's book ..." Edward Fitzgerald wrote, in 1841, ' ' Have you read Thackeray 's litle book, ' The Second Funeral of Napoleon?' If not pray do, and buy it, and ask others to buy it; as each copy sold puts 7%d in T.'s pocket, which is very empty just now, I take it. I think this book is the best thing he has done." 32. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Second Funeral of Na- poleon : and The Chronicle of the Drum. Illustrations. Square 16mo, wrappers. * Facsimile of the First Edition. 12 33. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Irish Sketch-Book. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With numerous woodcuts, drawn by the author. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Ixmd. 1843 * FIRST EDITION. Scarce. 34. THACKERAY ( W. M. ) . VANITY FAIR. A Novel with- out a Hero. With illustrations on steel and wood by the Author. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, 20 ORIGINAL PARTS in 19, as issued, with all the wrappers and advertisements; enclosed in two red morocco slip-cases with inner cloth wrappers. Lond. : Bradbury and Evans, 1847-8 * One of the finest copies ever offered for sale, with every part as clean as when issued by the publisher, all the backs per- fect, and (with the following exceptions) each part of the FIRST ISSUE, and agrees with the collation published in the Boston Evening Transcript, Sept. 2, 1908. Part I. Page 2 of cover. The collation calls for "Contents of No. I [etc.]," while thia copy has only "Contents" on the first line. The Bradbury & Evans catalogue at the end of No. I agrees perfectly with the collation, but has a pencil note at the top ' ' 2nd State of this Advertisement. " It is printed on pink tinted paper. No. XVI has " [Price, Is." for "Price, Is." as required by the collation. Nos. XVII, and XIX & XX have no dates below the imprint. No. XVII, the first line of the advertisement on p. 3, reads ' ' To Ladies," according to the collation this should be on page 4, but this is a printer's error in the collation. This copy contains all other points of the first issues; the "Vanity Fair" on p. 1 in rustic type, the suppressed woodcut of the Marquis of Steyne, the advertisement of ' ' The Great Hoggarty Diamond," etc., etc. Four numbers contain the origi- nal tissue paper between the plates, showing an offset from the plates. A few plates slightly foxed as usual. 35. THACKERAY (W. M.). Mrs. Perkins's Ball. By M. A. Titmarsh. 22 colored plates by the author. Small 4to, original boards, gilt edges. In a handsome maroon straight- grain morocco case, by Riviere. Lond. [1847] * FIRST EDITION, in particularly fine condition. The covers are in remarkably fresh shape. 36. THACKERAY (W. M.). Our Street. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 16 colored plates by the author. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, original pink boards, gilt edges (lower portion of back missing, otherwise immaculate). Lond.: Chapman & Hall, 1848 37. THACKERAY (W. M.). "OUR STREET." By M. A. Titmarsh. 16 colored plates by the author. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Riviere. Lond. : Chapman and Hall, 1848 * INSERTED is AN ORIGINAL COLORED DRAWING BY THACKERAY of "A Street Ceremony" which shows minor but interesting variations from the plate as it was published in the above volume. 13 38. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Book of Snobs. Illus- trated by the author. 12mo, original green wrappers, with the advertisements. Lond. 1848 * FIRST EDITION. The illustration on the front cover was never reprinted in his collected works. In very fine condition, excepting an ink blot on the front cover. 39. THACKERAY (W. M.). THE HISTORY OF PENDENNIS. His Fortunes and Misfortunes, his Friends, and his Greatest Enemy. Illustrations on steel and wood by the author. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, all the original wrappers and advertisements bound in. Lond.: Bradbury and -Evans, 1848-50 * INSERTED is AN INTERESTING 1 PAGE A. L. S. FROM THE AUTHOR TO DR. ELLIOTSON (ix> whom Thackeray dedicated the second volume of the above work), dated at Kensington, Tues- day Evening: "How can you ask such a Touck as I am to eat a mere % buck? and the worst of it is that I am going to refuse even that. I want to go out of town for my health's sake, and try Dr. Air and Dr. Thalassa. You are a good doctor 'but I want, I say, to try the latter," etc. THERE ARE INSERTED, ALSO, ONE PAGE OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF ' ' PENDENNIS, ' ' AS IT WAS PRINTED ON P. 31 OF VOL. 2, AND THE ORIGINAL PEN AND INK DRAWING OF THE WOODCUT WHICH HEADS CHAPTER V, VOL. 2, AND A PENCIL DRA'WING. Thackeray referred twice to Dr. Elliotson in his published works. In "Eebecca & Eowena, " he says: "But passing many hours on a sofa of late, recovering from a fever and ordered ~by Dr. Elliotson (whose skill fy friendship rescued me from it) on no account to put pen to paper, I, of course, wished to write immediately " And again, I know of a kind physician (who tends his patient without ever thinking of a fee) "but I won't do him the ill service of mentioning his name here." 40. THACKERAY (W. M.). The History of Samuel Tit- marsh, and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. 9 illustrations by the author. 12mo, original boards. Lond. 1849 * First Edition, a good copy; now very scarce. In the preface, which has never been reprinted in his works, Thackeray says, ' ' The tale, which, was always a favourite with its writer, was not particularly well received at the time of its* first appearance. ' ' It was written at the time of great domestic troubles, his wife having become afflicted with a mental dis- order. 41. THACKERAY (W. M.). Doctor Birch and his Young Friends. Engraved title and 15 colored plates. FIRST EDI- TION. Small 4to, original pictorial boards, gilt edges. In very fine condition. Lond. 1849 * A scarce book in this shape. 42. THACKERAY (W. M.). An Interesting Event. By M. A. Titmarsh. THE EXTREMELY SCARCE FIRST AND ONLY SEPARATE EDITION. Small 8vo, sewed, uncut and unopened. Lond. : David Bogue, 1849 * FINE COPY, clean as when issued. One of the scarcest of the small pieces by the great novelist. It was originally pub- lished in the "Keepsake," for 1849, and Thackeray evidently had a few copies separately issued for his friends. The type was reset for the issue and a few printer's errors corrected. 14 43. THACKERAY (W. M.). Rebecca and Rowena. A Romance upon Romance. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With illus- trations })y Richard Doyle, in colors. Small 4to, original glazed boards, gilt edges. Lond. 1850 * FIRST EDITION, in remarkably fine condition, the covers being intact. Trollope says of it, "And so there came forth Rebecca $ "Rowena, all broad fun from beginning to end, but never without a purpose the best burlesque, as I think, in our language. ' ' 44. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Kickleburys on the Rhine. By M. A. Titmarsh. Illustrations in color lay the author. Small 4to, original glazed boards, gilt edges. In a cloth case. Lond. 1856 * FIRST EDITION, in particularly fine condition. Scarce. This little book was severely reviewed by The Times, eliciting from Thackeray a reply to the ' ' Great Thunderer. ' ' 45. THACKERAY (W. M.). Sketches after English Land- scape Painters by L. Marvy. With short notices by W. M. Thackeray. 20 beautiful plates after Turner, Harding, Con- stable, and others. FIRST EDITION. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. [1850] * The entire text written by Thackeray. 46. THACKERAY (W. M.). THE HISTORY OF HENRY ESMOND, ESQ., a Colonel in the Service of her Majesty Q. Anne. Written by Himself. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, with paper labels. Lond. : Smith, Elder & Co., 1852 * INSERTED is A VERY FINE 4 PP. A. L. S. FROM THACKERAY TO MRS BAYNE, written during his lecture tour in the United States, dated, Clarendon Hotel, New York, April 5, 1853; to- gether with the original envelope, and a visiting card "Mr. Thackeray, Miss Thackerays, 36 Onslow Sqr., Brompton," with ' the words ' ' So sorry ' ' marked in pencil. Mr. Thackeray writes: "I received your kind letter at Washington, where I passed some three weeks pleasantly enough among the ' great folks of the Eepublic .... 7 saw the two presidents (they came together to my lecture) and dined at the White House in the reign of the late sovereign, Mr. Fillmore. Then I went away into Virginia, crossing the pretty Eappahanna (where you know the Esmond family had their large estates). It gave me a queer sensation to see the place, and I fancied the story was actually true for a minute or two and that one might ride over yonder hills and come upon the old Mansion House, where the little Colonel lived with his jealous wife .... 7 have come away from the South not so horrified as perhaps I ought to be with slavery, .which in the towns is not by any means a horrifying institiition . ... It is the worst economy, slavery, that can be, the clumsiest and most costly domestic and agricultural machine that ever was devised. Uncle Tom's Cabin and the tirades of the Abolitionists mayn't destroy it, but common sense infallibly will before long .... The luxury of this city is prodigious; and surely Solomon in all his glory or the Queen of Sheba when she came to visit him wa$ not arrayed so magnificently as these New York damsels, ' ' etc. 15 47. THACKERAY (W. M.). THE NEWCOMES. Memoirs of a most Respectable Family. Edited by Arthur Pendennie, Esq. Illustrations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle. FIRST EDITION. Bound from the original parts in 2 vols. 8vo, red morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers and adver- tisements bound in. Lond. : Bradbury and Evans, 1863-55 'INSERTED ARE TWO AUTOGRAPH LETTERS FROM THE AUTHOR, each of 1 p. 12 mo, one refusing to support a candidate of the Secretaryship of the Eeform Club; the other, without date, signed with initials: "They sent me the April Newcomes by mistake $ I only saw May % days ago. I think the Colonel's Farewell is capital," etc. ALSO, A 12MO PAGE OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF "The Newcomes" as it was printed on p. 325. 48. THACKERAY (W. M.). Novels by Eminent Hands, and Character Sketches. 12mo, original yellow wrappers, un- cut. Lond. 1856 * FIRST EDITION. 49. THACKERAY (W. M.). THE VIRGINIANS. A Tale of the Last Century. Illustrations on steel and wood by the author. FIRST EDITION. Bound from the original parts in 2 vols. 8vo, red morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, with all the wrappers and advertisements. Lond.: Bradbury & Evans, 1857-59 * INSERTED ARE TWO A. L. S. FROM THE AUTHOR TO MRS. HEATH, 36 Onslow St. S. W., Aug. 19 and Aug. 20, thanking Mrs. Heath for her invitation to the Eegatta. The second let- ter was sent because the first had been mislaid. ALSO, 1 PAGE 8VO, OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF ' ' THE VIRGINIANS, " AS IT . WAS PRINTED ON PP. 14 AND 15 OF VOL. 2 ; AND A SHORT PARA- GRAPH OF 6 LINES IN THACKERAY'S AUTOGRAPH GIVING ANOTHER VERSION OF THE VISIT OF THE HUNTER TO FORT DUQUESNE. (Pages 28 and 29.) 50. THACKERAY (W. M.). LOVEL THE WIDOWER. With illustrations by the author. (From the Cornhill Magazine, January- June, 1860.) 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers and a specially printed title-page bound in. Lond. 1860 * INSERTED is AN ORIGINAL SIGNED MANUSCRIPT STORY, writ- ten by THACKERAY on Cornhill stationery, 1 p. 12mo, "The Syrens and their Mothers, ' ' which does not appear to have been printed. ' ' When the young Syrens set their green caps at the old Greek captain and his crew, waving and beckoning him with their sweetest pipes I make no doubt, that the Mother Syrens were behind the rocks (with their dyed fronts and cheeks painted so as to resist the wet) and catting out 'Now Halcyone, my child, that air from the Pirata! Now Glankopis, dear f look well at that old gentleman at the helm! Salhykolpos love! there's a young sailor on the maintop, who will tumble right down into your lap if you beckon him!' And so on and on. And I laughed a wild shrieTc of despair. For I too have been on the dangerous island, and came away thence mad furious want- ing a strait waistcoat." A delightful Thackeray item. 16 51. THACKERAY (W.M.). THE FOUR GEORGES. Sketches of Mariners, Morals, Court and Town Life. Illustrations 'by the author. (From the Cornhill Magazine, July-October, 1860.) 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers and a new title-page bound in. * INSERTED ARE TWO A. L. S. FROM THE AUTHOR TO WM. MACREADY, one in pencil, arranging for a lecture, the first dated Feb. 20 (1858), the second Feb. 22. "Instead of writing to you on Saturday I was sent to bed with one of those fits of spasms that assail me about a dozen times a year, and am still on my ~bacTc," etc. The pathos of this letter is deepened by the fact that, five years later, the master succumbed to a similar attack, being found lifeless in bed on the Christmas morning of 1863. 52, [THACKERAY (W.M.).] [Perry (Kate).] Reminis- cences of a London Drawing Room. Chesham Place, 1849. 8vo, original blue wrappers. [Privately printed, ca. 1860] * A few copies were made for presentation. Miss Perry was a very firm friend of Thackeray's and this little book contains references to him on almost every page, including her accounts of the selection of the name for "Vanity Fair." 53. THACKERAY (W.M.) . LOVEL THE WIDOWER. Illus- trated. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. 12mo, green levant mo- rocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in at the end, by Riviere. Lond. 1861 * INSERTED is A PORTION OF THACKERAY 's ORIGINAL MANU- SCRIPT OF " LOVEL THE WIDOWER," 1 p. 12mo; together with an A. L. S. from Leslie Stephen sending this manuscript at the request of Miss Thackeray to George Barnett Smith; and a short note signed by Mr. Smith. 54. THACKERAY. (W. M.). The Adventures of Philip on his way through the World. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1862 * 'FIRST EDITION, in especially choice condition, being uncut and unopened. 65. THACKERAY (W. M.). DENIS DUVAL. To which are appended, In Memoriam by Charles Dickens, Historical Con- trast by Lord Houghton, W. M. Thackeray by Anthony Trol- lope, A Memorial of Thackeray's School Days by J. F. Boyes. Portrait and illustrations. [Cornhill Magazine for February- June, 1864, January, 1865.] 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in with a specially printed title-page. Lond. 1864-65 * INSERTED is A ONE PAGE A. L. S. FROM THE AUTHOR TO MR. HEATH, Palace Green, Kensington, June 13, 1863; a letter of condolence. 17 '56. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Orphan of Pimlico and other Sketches, Fragments and Drawings. With some Notes by Anne Isabella Thackeray. Portrait and facsimiles. 4to, boards, leather back, gilt top. Lond. 1876 57. THACKERAY (W. M.). Etchings by the late William Makepeace Thackeray while at Cambridge, Illustrative of University Life, etc., etc. Now first published from the origi- nal plates. 8vo, boards, cloth back. .Lond. 1878 58. THACKERAY (W. M.). A Collection of Unpublished Letters. With illustrations by the author. Made up of ex- cerpts from Scribner's Magazine. Large 8vo, half red mo- rocco, uncut, specially printed title-page. N. Y. 1887 59. THACKERAY (W. M.). A Collection of Letters of Thackeray. 1847-1855. Portrait and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1887 60. THACKERAY (W. M.). King Glumpus: An Inter- lude to One Act. With 3 illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1898 * Facsimile reprint of the excessively rare original edition, printed in 1837. Only 100 copies reprinted. 61. THACKERAY (W. M.). Stray Papers. Being Stories, Reviews, Verses, and Sketches (1821-1847). Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Lewis Melville. Reproductions. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1901 62. THACKERAY (W. M.). AUTOGRAPH NOTES for his Lectures on the Georges. 1 p. 12mo, on Athenasum Club paper. 41 lines, partly in verse. 63. THACKERAY (W. M.). AUTOGRAPH NOTE for his lectures on the Georges, written on a piece of writing paper of 8vo size, with a small pen-and-ink sketch. "All the glimpses which this notorious letter-writer gives us of her Aunt the Great Electress are very pleasant but we must take with reservations her account of George I," etc. 64. THACKERAY (W. M.). Original Manuscript Poem, "Dr. Luther," written' on two pages, 12mo. 25 lines entirely in Thackeray's handwriting. Published in Chapter 7 of " Adventures of Philip." Somewhat different in text. * A drinking song with the refrain : ' ' Who ivill not sing as Luther sung as Dr. Luther sung. Who loves not woman $ song he is a fool his whole life long." 18 Y" PU Wtlk* Hii JUfl \\u\t, li U* lout t !lu )Jni Jtt<y hand. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1892 122. HARTE (BRET). Poems ; A Sappho of Green Springs and other Stories; Condensed Novels, Second Series. To- gether 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1871-1902 * FIRST EDITIONS. 123. HARTE (BRET). Thankful Blossom, a Romance of the Jerseys, 1779 ; Flip and Found at Blazing Star ; By Shore and Sedge. Together 3 vols. 16mo, original cloth. * FIRST EDITIONS. Bost. 1877-85 124. HARTE (BRET). In a Hollow of the Hills: Barker's Luck and other Stories ; Stories in Light and Shadow ; Open- ings in the Old Trail. Together 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. * FIRST EDITIONS. Bost. 1895-02 126. HARTE (BRET). A Ward of the Golden Gate; Under the Redwoods; Trent's Trust and other Stories. To- gether 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1890-03 * FIRST EDITIONS. 126. HEPTAMERON. Les Nouvelles de Marguerite, Reine de Navarre. Frontispieces by Eichler after Dunker, 73 plates engraved by Halbou, Le Hoy, Guttenberg, and others, after Freudeberg, and vignettes to each tale after Dunker. 3 vols. 8vo, old green straight-grain morocco, finely gold-tooled, gilt edges. Berne, 1780-1 * The Finest of all the old illustrated editions of these famous novels, with brilliant impressions of all the charming plates. 127. HISTOIRES DEBRAILLEES. Par TAuteur de Pommes d'Eve. Illustrees par de Joyeux Artistes. 8vo, half red levant morocco, original pictorial wrapper, by "Willette bound in, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1884. * Eare and extremely curious. 128. HOSACK (JOHN). Mary Queen of Scots and Her Accusers. Portrait and folding plate. 2 vols. 8vo, half red calf, gilt tops. Edin. 1870-74 129. HOUGHTON (STANLEY). The Works of Stanley Houghton. Edited with an Introduction by Harold Brig- house. Frontispieces. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1914 * One of a limited edition. 130. HUME (DAVID) AND SMOLLETT (T.). The His- tory of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of George II. 2 portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, old tree-calf, gilt (cracked). Lond. 1848 27 131. JERROLD (CLARE). The Story of Dorothy Jordon. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1914 132. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). Mary Queen of Scots; and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Lond. 1829 133. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. Frontispieces. 4 vols. 8vo, old half calf. Lond. 1846 134. JESSE (J. HENEAGE). London. A Fragmentary Poem. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, boards, cloth back, unopened. Lond. 1847 135. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). Literary and Histori- cal Memorials of London. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1847 136. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). Memoirs of King Richard the Third, and some of his Contemporaries. With an Historical Drama on the Battle of Bosworth. Portrait and colored plate. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (loose in covers, small corner torn from frontispiece). Lond. 1862 * FIRST EDITION. Very scarce. 137. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, unopened. Lond. 1875 138. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Life of Samuel John- son, LL.D. By James Boswell. 10 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt (a few pages loose). Lond. 1846-48 139. LA FONTAINE'S Tales and Novels. A complete and unabridged translation into English of these famous novels; hitherto only accessible in an incomplete text. A beautifully printed edition, illustrated with the complete series of Eisen's eighty-five famous and characteristic plates, re-issued from the original copper-plates of the celebrated and excessively rare edition of the "Fermiers Generaux." (This edition also in- cludes the suppressed plates in unaltered condition, and the scarce extra plate of the ' ' Tableaux. ") FURTHER ILLUSTRATED by a series of 38 fine engravings after Lancret, Boucher, Pater, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, original silk cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : 520' copies only were printed for the Society of Eng- lish Bibliophilists, 1896. * A choice edition. The translation was attributed to Thomas Moore. The engravings are impressions of the original copper- plates of the marvelous illustrations of Eisen, appropriate to this masterpiece of gaiety, freedom, and humor. 28 140. LEE (NATHANIEL). The Works of Mr. Nathaniel Lee. 3 vols. 12mo, panelled calf, gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bed- ford. Lond. 1722 * Henry Thomas Buckle 's copy, with his book-plates and MS. notes for a biographical sketch of Lee. FIRST EDITIONS OF CHARLES LEVER'S NOVELS. 141. LEVER (CHARLES). The Novels of the popular Irish author as originally published: Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Illustrations by "Phiz." Dublin [1839]. Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. Illustrations by "Phiz." 2- vols. Dublin, 1841. Our Mess: Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. Illustrations by "Phiz." Dublin, 1843. Tom Burke of "Ours." Illustrations by H. K. Browne. 2 vols, Dublin [1844] . The Commissioner. Illustrations by "Phiz." Dublin, 1843. Arthur 'Leary : his Wanderings, etc. Illustrations by Cruikshank. 3 vols. Lond. 1844. St. Patrick's Eve. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1845. Nuts and Nutcrackers. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1845. Tales of the Trains. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1845. The O'Donoghue. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Dublin,. 18.45. The Knight of Gwynne. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1847. Confessions of Con. Cregan. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. 2 vols. Lond. [1849]. Maxims of Sir Morgan O'Doherty, Bart. Edin. 1849. Horace Templeton. 2 vols. Lond. 1852. Roland Cashel. Illustrations by " Phiz." 2 vols. Lond. 1853. The Daltons. Illustrations by "Phiz." 2 vols. Lond. 1852. The Dodd Family Abroad. Illustrations by "Phiz." 2 vols. Lond. 1854 (vol. 1 lacks title). Sir Jasper Carew, his Life and Experiences. Lond., n. d. The Fortunes of Glencore. 3 vols. Lond. 1857. The Martins of Cro' Martin. Illustrations by "Phiz." 2 vols. Lond. 1859. Davenport Dunn. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1859. The Nevilles of Garretstown. 3 vols. Lond. 1860 (stamp removed from titles). One of Them. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1861. Maurice Tiernay, the Soldier of Fortune. Lond., n. d. Barrington. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1863. Cornelius O'Dowd. 3 vols. Edin. 1864-65. Luttrell of Arran. Illustrations by "Phiz." Lond. 1865. 29 LEVER 's NOVELS Continued. Tony Butler. 3 vols. Edin. 1865. Sir Brook Fossbrooke. 3 vols. Edin. 1866. The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. 3 vols. Lond. 1868. Paul Gosslett's Confessions. Illustrations by Stone. Lond. 1868. That Boy of Norcott's. Illustrations. Lond. 1869. Lord Kilgobbin. 3 vols. Lond. 1872. Together 58 vols. 8vo and smaller, bound in half red polished morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, in most cases uncut. Not re- turnable because of minor imperfections in the individual volumes. * With very few exceptions the various works are first editions and in very good condition. Harry Lorrequer is not correct, as it lacks the date on title. Roland Cashel is the 1853 edition instead of the first. The Martins of Cro' Martin bears the date 1859 instead of 1856, and the Dodd Family Abroad is not quite perfect. With these exceptions, the set is composed of First Editions, and contains many scarce items seldom found in collected sets. 142. [LEVER (CHARLES).] The Commissioner; Or, De Lunatico Enquirendo. 28 illustrations on steel by Phiz. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Dublin, 1843 143. LEVER (CHARLES JAMES). Paul Gosslett's Con- fessions in Love, Law, and the Civil Service. With an illus- tration by Marcus Stone. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth (binding poor). Lond. 1868 144. LITERATURES OF THE WORLD. History of Bohemian Literature (Lutzow), N. Y. 1899; Japanese 'Litera- ture (Aston), N. Y. 1899; Hungarian Literature (Riedl), N. Y. 1906 ; and others. Together 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. 145. LONDON CHARACTERS: Illustrations of the Humour, Pathos, and Peculiarities of London Life (May- hew), Illustrations by Gilbert and others. Lond. 1874; The Wilds of London (Greenwood), 12 illustrations by Concanen. Lond. 1874. Together 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. 146. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). The Song of Hiawatha; The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems. FIRST EDITIONS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1855-58 147. LOUYS (PIERRE). Les Chansons de Bilitis. Tra- duites du Grec pour la premiere fois. 8vo, vellum boards, uncut, the sides decorated with water-color drawings by Andre des Cachons. In a half morocco case. Paris, 1895 * SUPERBLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 100 ORIGINAL WATER- COLOR DRAWINGS .BY ANDRlS DES CACHONS. 148. MACREADY (W. C.). Reminiscences, and Selec- tions from his Diaries and Letters. Portraits and engraved titles. Edited by Sir Frederick Pollock. 2 vols. 8vo, green polished calf, gilt (binding of one vol. slightly damaged). Lond. 1875 30 149. MAHONY (FRANCIS). The Reliques of Father Prout, late P. P. of Watergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ireland. Collected and arranged by Oliver York, Esq. Illus- trated by Alfred Croquis [Maclise]. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by Riviere (one plate slightly damaged). Lond. 1836 150. McKENNEY (THOMAS L.) & HALL (JAMES). History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Bio- graphical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. 120 finely colored portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War at Washington. 3 vols. royal 8vo, con- temporary red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Phila. 1854 * Fine copy of one of the early octavo editions, with the same vivid coloring of the plates as is found in the folio edition. 151. MEMOIRS. Secret Court Memoirs: Empress Jose- phine; Louis 14th, 15th, and 16th; Court of Saint Cloud; Court of Berlin. Portraits and other illustrations. Together 10 vols. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bost., n. d. * Limited to 100 copies, with the plates in duplicate. 152. MEREDITH (OWEN, Robert, Lord Lytton). The Poetical Works. Portrait. 8vo, half calf, gilt (rubbed). Bost. 1877 153. MOLIERE (JEAN BAPTISTS POQUELIN DE). (Euvres de Moliere. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee de la Vie de 1'Auteur et des Remarques Historiques et Critiques, par M. de Voltaire. Frontispiece and vignettes on title-pages by Frankendaal, fine portrait of Moliere, and 32 plates, engraved by J. Punt. 6 vols. 12mo, old half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. A Amsterdam et a Leipzig chez Arkstee et Merkus, 1765. * Extremely scarce in uncut condition. The beautiful illustra- tions were designed by Boucher. 154. MUSEE FRANCAIS, ou Collection complete des Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs, qui composent la Collection Nationale, avee Implication des sujets, et des discours sur la Peinture, la Sculpture et la Gravure, par S. C. Croze Magnan, Visconti et David, publiee par Robillard Peronville et Laurent, 344 plates, all fine impressions, 4 vols. ; MUSEE ROYAL, Recueil de Gravures d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas- Reliefs, de la Collection Roy ale, par Laurent, 1Q1 beautiful plates, 2 vols. Together 6 vols. atlas folio, uniformly bound in blue morocco, gilt (slightly rubbed). Paris: F. Didot, n. d. and 1816-18 * These two sumptuous works were published unbound at 5560 francs, or about $1100.00. 31 Musical Autographs. A Musical Score by Mozart, presented by Andre of Frankfurt, th'e inheritor of all of Mozart's musical properties; the complete score of Haydn 's ' ' Second Symphony ' ' entirely in the hand of Eichard Wagner when a student in 1831 and presented by Wagner; letters of Wagner and Liszt, to Prof. V. Hamm of Wiirzburg, a well-known musician and com- poser of his day, 1811-1874. Consigned by Mr. Carl Hamm, one of the oldest members of the Metropolitan Opera & Philharmonic Orchestra, who inherited them from Professor Hamm, his father, etc. 155. GOUNOD (CHARLES F. Composer of ''Faust"). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Feb. 3, 1876. * An indignant letter of protest, refusing to be a party to a ' ' partial restitution which is irsulting and ridiculous. ' ' 156. HAMM (PROF. VALENTIN Conductor) . A. N. S. in pencil, introducing Mr. Emmert to Conductor Topler and Franz Lussert; 16mo; JOSEF GUNGL, Orchestra leader in Berlin, U. S., Petrograd, Brunn and Munich, two A. L. S. 1861 and 1865 to Prof. Hamm, on a potpourri of dances dedi- cated to Professor Hamm, and complaining of demoniacal persecutions from musicians at Munich, so that he had to import musicians which answered very well. Writes that Wagner is no longer what he used to be since he has a ' ' Royal friend," that he has "swelled head," and has denied himself to Gungl, his old-time chum, three times. He asks for new compositions which he promises to play. 3 pieces. 157. HAYDN'S SECOND SYMPHONY: COMPLETE MANUSCRIPT SCORE. MANUSCRIPT ENTIRELY IN THE HAND OF RICHARD WAGNER. (1813-1883.) "Joseph Haydn's Sinfonien. Partitur. Zweite Sinfonie (Dmoll). Richard Wagner. Leipzig, 1831." Small folio, boards, the leaves un- cut, 111 pages, in fine condition, Wagner's signature on the title page. * A MANUSCRIPT OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE such as has not appeared in the auction room since the Moscheles and Bovet sale in Berlin in 1911. There is a full orchestral arrangement for wind and string instruments. It was copied by Wagner in Leipzig at the age of 18 years, is in contemporary binding and PRESENTED BY WAGNER TO PROF. J. V. HAMM, IN WtJRZBURG, a well-known musician and composer of his day, 1811-1874, and consigned to us by his son. A MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT OF THE UTMOST ASSOCIATION INTEREST. Haydn 's period, 1732- 1809, immediately preceded that of Wagner. In 1831 Wagner was studying in Leipzig and this is one of the Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven Symphonies produced by him for the purpose of study. Ten years after copying this manuscript, Wagner produced his " Tannhauser. " 158. LISZT (FRANZ Eminent Pianist and Composer). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Weimar, Apl. 27, 1857. To Conductor Valentin Hamm, Wiirzburg. With original envelope. * Accepting the dedication of ' ' Orchester Presentation iiber motif aus Lohengrin," which Hamm offered to Liszt, reserv- ing the right of production on publication. MUSICAL AUTOGRAPHS Continued. 159. LISZT (FRANZ) . A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, Weimar, Feb. 1, 1858, to the same. With the original envelope. * Thanking him for the dedication of the ' ' Lohengrin Phan- tasy" and suggesting changes (these changes cover nearly a page), material for two pieces, etc. 160. MEYERBEER (GIACOMO, 1794-1864, Composer of "Robert le Diable," etc.). Short A. L. S., 8vo, Paris, Jan. 3, 1863. * Sending 20 francs subscription for ' ' la petite Eugenie. ' ' 161. MOZART (J. G. WOLFGANG A., 1756-1791 The celebrated composer of "The Magic Flute," "Marriage of Figaro," etc.). ORIGINAL SHEET OF MUSIC (2 pages) WRITTEN BY THE GREAT COMPOSER IN 1787, SIGNED AND DATED. Presented to Professor Valentin Hamm by C. A. Andre, who inherited all of Mozart's musical properties. ATTESTED AS ORIGINAL BY C. A. AND JULIUS ANDRE, Music Publishers of Frankfurt A. M., with their seal. Folded and laid in a red morocco portfolio, small folio, lettered "Ein Originalblatt W. A. Mozart's als Weihnachtsangebinde dem wiirdigen Reprasentanten der edeln Kunst, Herrn Musikdirektor Valentin Hamm gewidmet von C. A. Andre ("An original sheet, W. A. Mozart's, as Christ- mas Gift to the esteemed representative of the noble Art, Con- ductor Valentin Hamm, by C. A. Andre). * Accompanied by an A. L. S. of C. A. Andre, with Christ- mas Greetings, Frankfurt, Dec. 23, 1869. A MUSICAL MANU- SCRIPT OF GREAT IMPORTANCE AND RARITY SUCH AS HAS NOT HITHERTO BEEN OFFERED BY AUCTION IN THIS COUNTRY. 162. NEW YORK. RUBINSTEIN-GRAU CARICATURE. "At Steinway Hall, 1872, ' ' Photograph of an amusing Caricature by Keppler, showing the stage of Steinway Hall, Rubinstein at the piano, Grau and various members of his company grouped around, the audience in various stages of ecstasy. Sm. 4to. 163. WAGNER (RICHARD Eminent German Composer of ' ' Tannhauser, " " Lohengrin, " " Parsival, ' ' etc. ) . A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Zurich, Switzerland, Feb. 8, 1855, to Prof. V. Hamm. * Thanks him for a letter sent by a friend ; has not forgotten Zurich, where his "Tannhauser" was so well produced, but he cannot imagine how it was arranged for so small a stage. He mentions friends, and says he expects to go to London, but has no prospects there, only goes for a little change, and likes Switzerland best. 164. WAGNER (RICHARD). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Apl. 18, 1856, Zurich. * Asking assistance in collecting his royalties for the pro- duction of "Lohengrin" (ten Louis d'Or) from Director Spielberger at Wiirzburg; and doubts the success of Lohengrin in Wiirzburg. 33 MUSICAL AUTOGRAPHS Continued. 165. WAGNER (RICHARD). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Mornex near Geneva, August 3, 1846, to Prof. V. Hamm, INCORPORAT- ING A MOTIF. * IMPORTANT LETTER SENDING HIM A ' ' MOTIF ' ' OP six BARS OP MUSIC; he is at Mornex for a cure, and asks Hamm to help discount a note of Conductor Spielberger because he had counted on its payment; if no banker will take the note, his friends in Wurzburg ought to take it up. The bars of music suggest part of the strain of the "Pilgrim's March." 166. NAPOLEON. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. By M. de Bourrienne, his Private Secretary. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt. Lond. 1836 167. NAPOLEON. History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena; from the Letters and Journals of the late LT. GEN. SIR HUDSON LOWE, and Official Documents not be- fore made public. By WILLIAM FORSYTHE. Portrait and Map. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1853 * Best and most impartial account of the imprisoning of Napoleon: Severely condemns O'Meara's published statements. 168. NEW YORK. An Index to Illustrations in the Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York. 1841- 1870. 8vo, boards. N. Y. 1906 * Only 170 copies printed for sale. 169. O'SHAUGHNESSY (ARTHUR W. E.). An Epic of Women, and other Poems. Engraved title-page. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1870 * First Issue of the First Edition. Scarce. 170. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1867 * FIRST EDITION. Author 's presentation copy, inscribed on fly-leaf ' ' Compliments of F. Parkman. ' ' 171. [PARNY (EVARISTE).] Poesies Erotiques, par M. le Chevalier deParny. 8vo, damask silk binding, uncut, by The Club Bindery. A I 'isle de Bourbon, 1778. * First Edition of Parny 's famous love poems, in beautiful binding. 172. PAYNE (JOHN). The Masque of Shadows, and other Poems; Songs of Life and Death. FIRST EDITIONS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1870-72 173. PENN (RICHARD). Maxims and Hints on Angling, Chess, Shooting, and other Matters ; also Miseries of Fishing. With woodcuts. 12mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt top, by Tout. Lond. 1842 174. PEPYS (SAMUEL). Diary and Correspondence of Pepys. With a Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Engraved portraits and facsimiles. 4 vols. 12mo, half maroon calf (backs slightly faded). Lond. 1875 34 175. PERCY (SHOLTO AND REUBEN). The Percy Anecdotes, Original and Selected. Engraved frontispieces. 40 vols. bound in 20, 16mo, olive calf, gilt (slightly foxed). Lond., v. d. 176. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth. Phila. 1840 * FIRST EDITION OF THIS VERT SCARCE POE ITEM. A fine copy in the original binding, with the paper labels intact. 177. POETICAL WORKS OF SHELLEY. Lond. 1912; Poems of John Keats. Lond. 1912. Together 2 vols. 12mo, limp calf, gilt tops. 178. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Works of Alexander Pope. Complete with his last Corrections and Additions, and Improvements; together with the Commentary and Notes of his Editor. To which is annexed the Life of the Author, compiled from Original Manuscripts, with a Critical Essay on his Writings and Genius. By Owen Ruffhead. 6 vols. 4to, fine old russia, gilt, tooled backs. Lond. 1769 * One of the best of the collected editions. The fifth volume contains the Life of Pope, with splendid portrait by Ravenet after Kneller, and the rare bust profile by W. Hoare. The rare supplementary volume 6, published in 1807, contains "A Collection of Letters now first Published" supplied by W. L. Bowles and others, and is illustrated with 19 very choice por- traits of Pope and his contemporaries. Very handsome set. 179. RABELAIS. Les Quatre Livres de Maistre Francois Rabelais, suivis du cinquieme Livre, publics par les soins de MM. A. de Montaiglon et Louis Lacour. With very fine por- trait and 10 very spirited etchings, signed proofs on India paper. 3 vols. 8vo, light brown levant, tooled and inlaid on' sides and back in the manner of Le Gascon, doublures of olive brown levant, gilt, rough edges gilt, by Brany and Marius Michel. Paris: Academie des Bibliophiles, 1868-72 * Unquestionably the -best edition of Rabelais extant. One of 30 copies on Whatman paper ; in a magnificent binding. 180. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Poems. Small 8vo, gilt cloth, uncut (writing on half-title). Lond. 1881 * Contains matter not printed previously. 181. ROWLANDSON COLORED PLATES. Combe (William). Tours of Dr. Syntax (1) In Search of the Pic- turesque; (2) In Search of Consolation; (3) In Search of a Wife. 3 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1820-21, &c. * FIRST EDITIONS of Second and Third Tours; Sixth Edition of First. FINE COPIES. 182. RUSKIN (JOHN). Works. Illustrated. 17 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1871-74 183. SAINT-SIMON. The Memoirs of the Duke of Saint- Simon on the Reign of Louis XIV and the Regency. Trans- lated from the French by Bayle St. John. 3 vols. 8vo, yellow calf, gilt. Lond., n. d. 35 184. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Waverley Novels. Illustrated with frontispieces and titles engraved on steel. 48 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1830-34 * The Original Cadell Edition, in fine condition. 185. SHADWELL (THOMAS). The Amorous Bigotte: "With the Second Part of Tegue Divelly. A Comedy, Acted by their Majesty's Servants. 4to, half red morocco, some pages uncut. Lond. : James Knapton, 1690 * FIRST EDITION. Fine Copy. 186. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Dramatick Works of Shakespeare. Printed complete with Dr. John- son's preface and notes. To which is prefixed the life of the author. Engraved title-pages with medallion portraits of Shakespeare by Gridley. 8 vols. small 8vo, original sheep, gilt (foxed). ' Bost.: Munroe & Francis, 1802-1804 * Second American Edition, and very scarce. 187. STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. Frontispieces. 6 vols. 12mo, half red polished morocco, gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1883-84 188. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Songs of Two Nations; Songs of the Springtides; Astrophel and other Pomes. Together 3 vols. 1'tmo, original cloth, uncut. * FIRST EDITIONS. Lond. 1875-94 189. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). A Study of Victor Hugo; Miscellanies; A Study of Ben Jonson. To- gether 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886-89 * FIRST EDITIONS. 190. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). The Sisters: A Tragedy; The Tale of Balen; Love's Cross- Currents; Selections from the Poetical Works. Together 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887-1905 * FIRST EDITIONS. 191. [SURTEES (ROBERT SMITH).] "Ask Mamma"; or, The Richest Commoner in England. Illustrations by John Leech, colored and plain. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half polished calf (some pages spotted). Lond. 1858 192. TAINE (H. A.). History of English Literature. Translated from the French by H. Van Laun. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. Lond. 1877 THE DAUPHIN OF FRANCE'S TELEMACHUS. 193. TELEMACHUS. Avantures de Telemaque fils d'Ulysse. Par feu Messire Francois de Salignac, La Mothe Fen^lon. Illustrated with portrait of Fenelon engraved by Drevet, frontispiece, 24 full-page plates, and head- and tail- pieces to each book, engraved by Tanje, Bernard, Folkema, 36 Duflos, etc., after Dubourg and Debrie. Folio, red morocco, gilt borders, gilt edges (rebacked). Amsterdam: Weistein and Smith., 1734 * In the gilt borders on the sides are introduced the initials "L" the Crown and the Dolphin, marks of the Dauphin of France, and the volume is from the library of the son of Louis XV and father of Louis XVI. Large Paper issue, of which only 150 copies were printed, and contains the "Ode" at the end, omitted in some copies. One of the finest illustrated books of the 18th Century. 194. TENNYSON (CHARLES). Sonnets. By the Rev. Charles Turner. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1864 195. TENNYSON (CHARLES). Small Tableaux. By the Rev. Charles Turner. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth (inscrip- tion on half-title). Lond. 1868 196. TENNYSON (ALFRED). Gareth and Lynette, etc.; Becket ; Tiresias and other Poems ; Dementer and other Poems ; The Death of CEnone, etc. One of 200 copies. Together 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. and N. Y. 1872-92 * FIRST EDITIONS. 197. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] Heads of the People; or, Portraits of the English. Drawn by Kenny Meadows, with, original essays by distinguished writers. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut (shaken, name on one page) . Lond. 1840-41 * Contains Thackeray 's ' ' Captain Book and Mr. Pigeon, ' ' and other pieces. 198. THACKERAY (W. M.). Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, etc. Colored frontispiece and other illustrations. 12mo, original gilt cloth (a few pages loose). * First Edition. Scarce. Lond. 1846 199. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] Sand and Canvas; a Narrative of Adventures in Egypt, with a sojourn among the Artists in Rome. By Samuel Bevan. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1849 * FIRST EDITION : Contains the first appearance of Thack- eray 's poem "The Three Sailors," etc. 200. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Thack- eray. By Anthony Trollope. 12mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere (cracked at joints). Lond. 1882 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 50 portraits of literary persons mentioned in the text. 201. THACKERAY (W. M.). Hints to Collectors of origi- nal editions of the Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. By C. P. Johnson. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1885 * One of 25 copies on Large Paper. 37 FIRST EDITIONS OF THACKERAY'S WORKS. 202. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Set of First Editions of his writings, as follows : The Paris Sketch Book. Illustrations by the author. 2 vols. 1840. Comic Tales and Sketches. Illustrated by the author. 2 vols. 1841. The Irish Sketch-Book. Engravings by the author. 2 vols. 1843. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. 1846. Vanity Fair. A Novel without a Hero. Illustrated. 1848. The History of Samuel Titmarsh. Illustrations in color. 1849. Doctor Birch and his Young Friends. Illustrations. 1849. "Our Street." Illustrations by the author. 1848. The History of Pendennis. Illustrations. 2 vols. 1849-50, (Poor copy.) Rebecca and Rowena. Illustrations by Doyle. 1850. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Illustrations. 1850. The History of Henry Esmond. 3 vols. 1852. The English Humourists of the 18th Century. 18'53. The Newcomes. Memoirs of a most Respectable Family. 2 vols. .1854-55. The Rose and the Ring. Illustrations. 1855. Miscellanies : Prose and Verse. 4 vols. 1855-57. The Virginians. A Tale of the Last Century. 2 vols, 1858-50. Lovel the Widower. Illustrated. 1861. The Four Georges. Illustrations. 1862. The Adventures of Philip. 3 vols. 1862. Roundabout Papers. Illustrated. 1863. Thackeray, the Humourist and Man of Letters. Illustrated. 1864. Denis Duval. (Name removed from title.) 1867. The Students' Quarter. Colored illustrations. [1876.] The Orphan of Pimlico, and other Sketches. Illustrated. 1876. Etchings by the late W. M. Thackeray while at Cambridge. 1878. Together 39 vols., various sizes, all uniformly bound in half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, in almost all instances un- cut, by Bradstreet 's. The books have been examined with care, but are not returnable because of small imperfections in the individual volumes. * With the exception of ' ' The Four Georges, ' ' which is dated 1862, the volumes are the First English Editions through- out, and in many cases contain the original wrappers and ad- vertisements. Most of the copies are in very good condition, but in a few cases some of the plates are foxed, as is usual in these books. Taken altogether it is a very fine collection of these scarce books. 38 203. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Illustrated. Lond. 1866; Thackeray's London. By W. H. Rideing. Lond. 1885. Together 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 204. THIERS (M. A.). History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Translated by D. F. Campbell. Fine portraits and plates. 20 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1845-62 205. THOMSON (JAMES). Vane's Story, and other Poems ; A Voice from the Nile, and other Poems. FIRST EDI- TIONS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1881-84 206. VASSELIER (JOSEPH). Poesies de Vasselier, membre de 1 'academic de Lyon. Portrait, proof before letters. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1800 * Large Vellum Paper copy. From the Pixerecourt and Hoe collections. 207. VIRGIL. Les Bucoliques. Traduction d 'Andre Lefevre. Illustrations d' August e Leloir. 18mo, blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Amand. Paris, 1881 Japan Paper copy. 208. VONMOLTKE (COUNT HELMUTH). The Franco- German War of 1870-71. Translated by Clara Bell and Henry W. Fischer. With a map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1891 209. WAGSTAFFE (WILLIAM). Miscellaneous Works of Dr. William Wagstaffe, to which is prefixed his Life and an Account of his Writings. Portrait and two curious copper- plates. 8vo, old panelled calf. Lond. : Joseph Bowyer, 1726 * Bare. Several of the pieces in this curious collection were written by Jonathan Swift, including "A Comment on the History of Tom Thumb"; "A Letter from the Facetious Dr. Andrew Tripe to his loving Brother the profound Greshamite," etc. 210. WALLER (EDMUND). The Maid's Tragedy Al- tered. With some other Pieces. Not before Printed in the Several Editions of his Poems. 8vo, blue levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond : Jacob Tonson, 1690 * First authorized Edition. Scarce. The book was published by the friends of the author alter his death, in consequence of the unauthorized publication of a portion of the contents under the title "The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems." Fine copy. 211. WALPOLE (HORACE). A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Continued by Thomas Park. Numerous portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut (corner of one title and one cover repaired). Lond. 1806 39 WALPOLE (HORACE). The Letters; Edited by Peter Cunningham. Now first chronologically arranged. Numerous engraved portraits, and title vignettes. 9 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Loud. 1877 213. WATSON (WILLIAM). Collected Set of First Editions and Revised Editions of the Works of William Watson : The Prince's Quest and Other Poems. Lond. 1880. Epigrams of Art, Life, and Nature. Liverpool, 1884. Wordsworth's Grave and Other Poems. Lond. 1890. Wordsworth's Grave and Other Poems. Second edition, with additions and changes. Lond. 1891. Poems. 1892. Lachrymse Mnsarum and other Poems. 1892. Lachrymae Musarum and other Poems. One of 100 copies on Japan paper. Lond. : Privately printed. 1892. Lyric Love: An Anthology. Lond. 1892. The Eloping Angels. A Caprice. One of 75 copies on Japan paper. Lond. 1893. Excursions in Criticism. One of 50 copies on Large Paper. Lond. 1893. Odes and Other Poems. One of 75 copies on Large Paper. Lond. 1894. The Father of the Forest, etc. One of 75 copies on Large Paper Lond. 1895. Hymn to the Sea. New York, 1895. The Purple East. One of 75 copies on Large Paper. Lond. 1896. The Year of Shame. One of 75 copies on Large Paper. Lond. 1897. The Hope of the World. One of 75 copies on Large Paper. Lond. 1898. Collected Poems. Lond. 1898. Ode on the Day of the Coronation of Edward VII. One of 175 copies on Japan Paper. Lond. 1902. . For England. New York, 1903. For England. Lond. 1904. New Poems. One of 75 copies on Japan Paper. Lond. 1909. Sable and Purple and Other Poems. Lond. 1910. . Sable and Purple and Other Poems. N. Y. 1910. The Heralds of the Dawn. Lond. 1912. The Muse in Exile. Lond. 1913. The Poems. 2 vols. Lond. 1905. Together 27 vols., various sizes, in the original bindings. * A very large collection of FIRST EDITIONS of the writings of Watson, including the scarcer works and those printed^ on Large Paper, of which very few copies were printed. 40 214. [WILDE (OSCAR).] The Importance of Being Earnest. A Trivial Comedy for Serious People. FIRST EDITION. Square Svo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 215. WILLIAMSON (CAPTAIN THOMAS). Oriental Field Sports; being a complete, detailed, and accurate de- scription of the Wild Sports of the East. 4.0 fine full-page colored plates 'made from the designs of the author, by Samuel Howitt. 2 vols. large 4to, contemporary blue straight-grain morocco, emblematic gilt tooling on back and sides, gilt edges (name on titles, margin of one plate spotted). Lond. 1819 * Fine copy of this scarce book, with very little of the usual foxing on the plates and text. 216. WILSON (JAMES). The Rod and the Gun, being two Treatises on Angling and Shooting. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut, Edin, 1840 .19 > The Anderson Auction Company, 284 Madison Avenue, New York. Please buy for me at your Auction Sale No. on ! following lots at not exceeding the prices named, which are so much per Lot. These bids are made subject to the Conditions of Sale printed in the Catalogue of this t. Name ~ Address. ipping Directions ot First Word of Title Bid Lot First Word of Title Bid Make your bids on this sheet for one sale only, with full name and. address. &nrjerson Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York The New and Commodious Galleries afford Unequalled Facilities for Exhibitions and Sales in the World's Greatest Market. Public Sales are held almost daily. JEanuscrtpts Dates for Sales during the remainder of the season should be secured as soon as possible. Correspondence is invited with those having books, autographs, and manuscripts. Expert advice is given free of charge and catalogues of sales and pamphlets explaining our methods of doing business are mailed on application. Cfje &ntierson auction Company Telephone: Murray Hill 7680 PMITCRSITY OF CALIFORNIA Z997 B59v Behrend - The very remarkable Thackera: collection. rj? Z997 B39v