Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOObostrich ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTION AND DECORATION IN THE PUBLIC LI BRARY 'i' THE CITY OF BOSTON Second Edition wiih an additional Section on CITY PLANN I NG BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1914. TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY jOSi BENTON, President WILI ^ ICENNEY, Vice-President JOHN A. BRETT. SAMUEL CARR. AT irv A vnF-R MANN. Librarian- VADLIN. Cpntrnl library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. .D Branch, 3a North Bennet St. oxBURY Branch, 46 Millmont St. lUTH Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. . iM End Branch, 397 Shawmut Vve. m's Corner Branch, Columbia Road, cor. Bird St. , EST End Branch, Cambridge, cor. Lynde St. Vest Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Mt. Vernon St. Reading Rooms. tation p. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. on R. Warren St. Reading Room, 390 Warren St. ON S. Roxbury Crossing Read- ing Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. ON T. Boylston Station Read- ing Room, The Lamartine, Depot Square. LON Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, 396 Dorchester St. iON Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. ION 23. City Point Reading Room, Broadway, near H St. ION 24. Parker Hill Reading Room, 1 5 18 Tremont St. ION 25. Faneuil Reading Room, 100 Brooks St. BOOKS ON ARCHITECTURE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTION AND DECORATION IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON Second Edition with an additional Section on CITY PLANNI NG BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1914. catalogue; but after the titles in a catalogue preparing for the press have once been classified, it is difficult to provide means by which the name of an author already represented shall be kept uniform throughout the work, and at the same time made to correspond with the form in the card catalogue, based upon the latest information. In the index to this catalogue, however, references from one form of name to another have been made freely, and it is hoped that these may obviate any confusion. Collections of architectural views relating to a special country, city or period, have been grouped under the heading "Views" in their appropriate section. It should be said that many of the mounted photographs and other pic- tures in the Fine Arts Department of the Library illustrate architectural or decorative subjects, and some of these, as well as a limited collection of lantern slides covering similar subjects, are loaned by the Library under conditions, which may be ascertained from those in charge of the Department. No books received after March 31, 1914, could be included in this catalogue. Boston Public Library, May IS, IP14. SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIOGRAPHY DICTIONARIES HISTORY AND THEORY PERIODICALS PERIODS AND STYLES Classic Mediaeval Byzantine Gothic Romanesque Saracenic Renaissance Modern ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES page I 4 1=; 30 45 65 71 80 83 l^ 87 93 The East Asia China and Japan India and the Pacific Islands Persia, Assyria, Chaldaea, etc. Syria and Palestine Africa. Algeria, Tunis, etc. Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia Europe Austro-Hungary Vienna France Paris Germany. Berlin Great Britain England and Wales Cambridge and Oxford London. Ireland Scotland Italy Florence Rome Venice Sicily and Malta Netherlands Russia and Poland Scandinavia Spain and Portugal Switzerland Turkey and the Balkan States America Central and South America, Mexico 208 United States and Canada New England New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey 216 Central and Southern States 217 Western States 217 99 102 103 106 107 109 no 115 118 119 132 135 146 147 149 165 167 171 172 184 185 190 191 193 196 197 199 204 206 209 213 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITEC- TURE. Amphitheatres Asylums, Hospitals, etc. Baths Business Buildings Castles and Palaces Club Houses, Hotels, Restaurants Commemorative Monuments Conservatories and Greenhouses Domestic Architecture Country Houses and Rural Archi- tecture Houses for Workingmen Ecclesiastical Architecture and Decoration Educational Buildings Fountains Galleries and Museums Government and Municipal Build- ings Landscape Architecture and Gar- dens Libraries Lighthouses Military Architecture Prisons Railroad Stations and Buildings Theatres and Public Halls ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Domes and Towers Fireplaces and Chimneypieces Gates, Doors and Windows Roofs Staircases TECHNICAL DETAILS Architectural Drawing Construction Applied Mechanics Building Materials Carpentry and Joinery Concrete Construction Fireproof Construction Masonry Sanitation Stereotomy 218 219 222 223 225 233 233 241 242 249 257 258 294 298 299 300 303 313 317 318 320 320 321 324 332 zzz 333 335 336 337 341 345 349 352 354 356 360 362 369 DECORATION Carpets, Hangings, etc. Floral Design Frescoes, Mural Painting, Furniture Metal Work Mosaics and Tiles Painting, Paper-Hanging, Stained Glass Woodwork HANDBOOKS 369 386 390 Ceilings 391 397 403 406 ETC. 408 409 412 413 vu PAGE PAGE RELATED TOPICS Architectural Competition 417 Architectural Schools 418 Architectural Societies and Con- gresses 420 Directories and Yearbooks 421 Expositions and Exhibitions 421 Restoration op Buildings 426 CIJY PLANNING General Works 427 Bibliography 427 Periodicals 428 Society Publications 429 ' History 43o Preservation of Antiquities 431 Growth of Cities 432 Promotion of Town Planning 432 Reports op Experts and Commis- sions 433 ' Design and Construction 436 (Continued.) Tocography Village Improvement ' Garden Cities Housing Housing Problem and Social Surveys • Housing Reform '*"' Housing Laws '"Ports and Waterfronts Railways and Transportation '' Rapid Transit Subways and Tunnels »'i Terminals ' '^Streets pi Street Construction Bridges 437 437 438 438 440 443 445 445 449 450 451 452 452 454 454 and Recreation 456 462 463 464 4( 466 466 467 467 468 468 469 470 470 470 CITY PLANNING. Parks Playgrounds Centres Squares and Civic Centres Cemeteries Sanitation and Safety Public Works Waste Disposal Sewage Disposal Street Cleaning Smoke Prevention Light and Air Civic Art Street Furniture and Decoration Street Lighting Street Trees Outdoor Advertising. Billboards Taxation, Land Valuation and Development 470 Building and Cooperative Associa- tions 472 Legislation Building Law and Contracts 473 Building Regulations and Restric- tions 473 Town Planning Laws 474 Building Codes 474 SUPPLEMENTARY TITLES Architecture City Planning INDEX OF AUTHORS INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND PLACES 51S 476 480 481 viu- ERRATA, When the column is broken by a subject heading, the line or lines occupied by the heading have beeen disregarded in counting. The sign (b) indicates that the count has begun at the bottom of the page. CORRECTION for Contour, read Contour, for Lassu, read Lassus. for Seeman, read Seemann. for Beaudot, read Baudot. for Loudon, Z. C, read Loudon, J. C. for Lesley, R. N., read Lesley, R. W. for Cagnot, read Cagnat. for 6730.4, read *Cab.6o. 197.2. for *6740.5, read *Cab.6o.i97.i. for Homolle, J. J., read Homolle, J. T. for 2963.51, read 2963.81. for Clark, J. T., read Clark, G. T. for Rohault de Fleury, G., read Rohault de Fleury, C. author should be Rohault de Fleury, G. for *4ioo.27, read *4ioo.72. for Allorn, read Allom. for 4072.48, read 4072.46. for Procopins, read Procopius. for *Cab.6o.i39.9, read *8o9oa.i35.i,2. for Shepard, read Shepherd. for Gellin, read Sellin. for Zengis, read Zeugis. for Grasel, read Grassl. for Steirmaerkisches, read Steiermaerkisches. for Newmann, read Neumann. for Wein, read Wien. for Champollion-Figerac, read Champollion-Figeac. for Joliment, read Jolimont. for cwils, read civils. for Noil, read Nail. for emer read einer, for auglaises, read anglaises. for Beuharnais, read Beauharnais. for *8o85.4, read *Cab.6o.i99.i. for Pythian, read Phythian. for *2470.7, read *Cab. 24.51.1. for Addison, C. J., read Addison, C. G. for Wallcott, read Walcott. for *2750.i, read *Cab.27.47.2. for Hofman, read Hofmann. author of this and the following title should be Rossi, G. G. de'. for Sicilie, read Sicile. author of this, and the two following titles on page 197 should be Neumann, W. for Sandiago, read Santiago, for Quirigno, read Quirigua. for Morgan, L. A., read Morgan, L. ^. for 8092.120, read 8092.129. for Worth, H. B., read Maffei, F. S. for von Haenel und A. und C. Gurlitt, read von Haenel u. Adam und C. Gurlitt. author should be Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de. for Aveling, J. K., read Aveling, J. H. for Chamberlain, read Chamberlin. PAGE COLUMN LINE 14 I 5 14 2 2 (b) 27 34 29 8 33 37 36 36 47 26 48 2 7 50 2 17 54 2 28 61 2 3 (b) 67 I 39 74 I 2 (b) 74 2 4 75 2 29 77 I 20 (b) 77 2 6 (b) 79 I 9 92 I 16 (b) 95 I 20 (b) 108 I 32 no I 3 116 I 2 (b) 118 2 5 119 I I 119 I 29 121 2 9 125 I 25 127 2 19 127 2 38 129 I 26 (b) 131 2 32 133 2 5 (b) 138 1 12 (b) 148 2 17 150 2 31 167 I 19 173 2 40 185 2 28 (b) 187 I 3 (b) 189 I 9 192 I 15 196 2 5 (b) 203 I 8 209 I 28 211 2 15 (b) 212 2 9 (b) 219 I I 228 I 8 228 2 30 (b) 259 2 13 267 2 4(b) ;x PAGE COLUMN LINE CORRECTION for Le Seur, T. F. J., read Le Seur, T., F. Jacquier. for Wolnoth, read Woolnoth. for *6740.6, read *Cab.6o. 197.3. for Sonderhausen, read Sondershausen, for Lambert, read Lambeth. for Rohault de Fleury, S., read Rohault de Fleiiry, G. for *4oo8.ioi, read *4098.ioi. for ♦6720.6, read *Cab.6a34.6. for 4905.125, read 4095-125. for Middleton, G., read Middleton, C. author should be Dennis, H. J. for Mehrtens, C, read Mehrtens, G. for Ashpitel, H., read Ashpitel, A. author should be Denton, J. B. for *4090.42, read *Cab.6o. 166.3. for Ward, J., read Ward, John. for Ward, J., read Ward, James. for Malpaca, read Malpaga. for Berg, read Bergh. 278 I I 293 2 36(b) 298 2 21 (b) 305 2 22 (b) 309 I 29 319 2 27 322 I 4 329 I 16 332 2 8 (b) l^ 2 32(b) I 5 (b) 351 I 37 356 I 22 363 2 18(b) .178 J 24 ^5 \ 24(b) 385 I 28 (b) 396 I 16 411 I 23 ARCHITECTURE Bibliography. Alphabetical list of papers contributed to archaeological journals prior to 1886. {hi Archaiological Review. Vol. 1-3, Supple- ment. London. 1888, 89.) *225oa.55.i-3 American Institute of Architects. Quarterly bulletin, containing an index of litera- ture from the publications of archi- tectural societies and periodicals on architecture. Washington. [1900] to date. ♦4092.204 Architectural Association, London. Library. Catalogue. London. 1895. *6i78.23 Boston Public Library. Catalogues. Civic architecture. A list of references. Bos- ton. 1899. *2i5oa.i36 Same. [Revised edition.] (In Boston Pub- lic Library. Bulletin. March, 1899.) ♦6202.60.1899; **6202.59.i89Q This list was prepared at the time of C. if. Walker's Lecture on civic architecture in the course of Free municipal lectures, Boston, 1899. Catalogue of the books relating to archi- tecture, construction and decoration in the library, Nov. i, 1894. With an ap- pendix. Boston. 1894. ♦21503.115 The Codman collection of books on land- scape gardening; also, a list of books on trees and forestry. Boston. 1899. ♦4074.114 Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletins, Oct. and Nov., 1898 [*6202.6o.3]. Monastic architecture. [Boston. 1899.] ♦31503.137 This list was prepared at the time of Prof. EL A. Rice's lectures on Monastic architecture be- fore the Lowell Institute. Butte, Montana. Free Public Library. List of books for engineers and architects. [Type-written. Butte. 1897.] ♦2170.46 Carnegie Library, Pittsburg. Catalogue of the J. D, Bernd Department of Archi- tecture. Pittsburg, 1898. ♦2176.128 Catalogues, Booksellers'. [Architecture, engineering, etc. English and French booksellers' catalogues.] London and Paris. 1861-68. ♦6176.1 Cicognara, L., Conte. Catalogo ragionato dei libri d'arte e d'antichita posseduti dal Conte Cicognara. Pisa. 1821. 2 v. ♦2171.20 Cockerell, C. R. Rough list of valuable books, comprising [his] architectural and fine art library . . . London. [1879.] ♦6147.193 Codman, H. S. A list of works on the art of landscape gardening. [New York. 1890.] ♦2170.54; ♦L.io.i Cut from Garden and Forest. Vol* 3, pp. 131- 13s [•8oooa,so.3]. Columbia College. Catalogue of the archi- tectural library in the School of Mines. New York. 1890. ♦2171.21 Catalogue of the Avery architectural li- brary. Architecture, archaeology, and decorative art. New York. Columbia College Library. 1895. Plates. ♦2171.12 Congress of archaeological societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries. Index of archaeological papers published, 1665-1908. [London.] 1892-1912. 19 v. in 5. ♦2172.49 Same. 1901. No. 3 in ♦25o8.i.54(N.S.i8) Same. 1903. No. 2 in ♦2508.1.55, 56(N.S.i9, 20) Same. 1904. No. 3in *25o8.i.57(N.S.2i) Same. 1905. No. 2 in ♦25o8.i.58(N.S.22) Davioud, G. J. A. Catalogue des livres d'ar- chitecture et autres composant [sa] bi- bliotheque. Paris. 1881. No. 2 in ♦6174.52 Duplessis, G. Essai d'une bibliographic generale des beaux-arts. Paris. 1866. 2171.16 Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. List of books &c. relating to architec- ture, in the Library of the Museum. Edinburgh. 1888. ♦4097.152 Farrar, C. S. Art topics in the history of sculpture, painting and architecture, with references to most of the English standard works on art. 3d edition. Chi- cago. 1890. 4076.84 List of works referred to, pp. 187-203. History of sculpture, painting and archi- tecture. Topical lessons, with refer- ences to valuable books. Chicago. 1881. An earlier edition of the preceding. 4077*74 Ferri, N. Indice geografico-analitico dei disegni di architettnra civile e militare esistente nella R. galleria degli Uffizi in Firenze. Roma. 1885. ♦2141.40; ♦6171.33 Furchheim, F. Bibliografia di Pompei, Er- colano e Stabia. 2a edizione. Napoli. 1891. ♦2176.111 Gerold & Co., Vienna. Die Literatur der letzten sechs Jahre (1877-1882) aus dem Gesammt-Gebiete des Bau- und Inge- nieurwesens. [In German. French and English.] Wien. 1884. ♦2176.54 BIBLIOGRAPHY GoAi^,. J..* -Qajtllctgtiefraisenn^ 4'unc collec- tion de livres, pieces ' et documents, manuscrits et autographes relatifs aux arts de peinture, sculpture, gravure et architecture . . . Paris. 1850. *2i38.22;*2i38.4 There are 36 additional pages in the copy on •helf number •2138.22, which contain an index. Gourlier, C. P. Catalogue de dessins d'archi- tectes d'estampes . . . et recueils sur I'architecture et les beaux-arts . . . qui composaient le cabinet et la biblio- theque de M. Gourlier. Vente, r6 et 17 mars 1857, Paris. 1857. 4098.129 Gracklauer, O. Verzeichniss der besten Schriften uber Kunstliteratur, welche von 1866-81 im deutschen Buchhandel erschienen sind. Leipzig. 1881. *2i76.63 Guppy, Hf, and G. Vine. A classified cata- logue of the works on architecture and the allied arts in the principal libraries of Manchester and Salford, with alpha- betical author list and subject index. Manchester. 1909. *4074.ii5 Subject index by M. H. Hunter. Haendcke, B. Architecture, sculpture et peinture [de la Suisse]. Berne. 1892. I Bibliographie nationale Suisse. Fasc. V, 6 a-c.] *2i 52.58, 6a-c Haferkorn, H. E. Handy lists of books on fine arts and architecture. Milwaukee. 1893. [Handy lists of technical litera- ture. Part 5, 6.] *6i73.28.5, 6 Hiersemann, C. W. Catalogue 328. Archi- tecture. Leipzig. [1906.] *4096.iii New series of catalogues. [No. 108-115.] The fine arts, architecture, archaeology, costume. Books and prints. Leipzig. , 1893. *6i75.78 Internationale Bibliographie der Kunstwis- senschaft. [Zweimonatlich.] Herausge- geben von A. L. Jellinek [etc.]. Jahr- gang 1-5. 1902-06. Berlin. 1903-1909. 5 V. *4072.278 Joseph, D. Bibliographie de I'histoire de lart de la premiere renaissance (tre- cento et quattrocento) en Italic. Bruxelles. 1898. [Universite nouvelle de Bruxelles. Facult6 de philosophic et lettres.] *4074.io5 Kaiserlich-deutsches archiiologisches Insti- tut. Rome. Katalog der Bibliothek. Von August Mau. Band i, 2. Rom. 1900, 02. 2 V. *2 163.64 Kaiaerhch-koenigliche Akademie der bilden- den Kunste, Vienna. Katalog der Bi- bliothek. Wien. 1876. *2205.38 Koditek, J. Repertorium der wichtigsten /eitschriften des Hochbauwesens. Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig. 1887. *2i74.7i KoemgUche Museen, Berlin. Bibliothek Hauptwerke der Bibliothek des Kunst- gewerbe-Museums. Berlin. 1896-08 6 parts in 1 v. *2i79;85 Contents. — ,. Mobel und Holzarbeiten. ^ Dekorative Malerei. .1. Dekorative Plastik , Ornament. 5. Metall. 6. Buchgewerbe Kraus F X. Ober Begriff. Umfang, Ge- schichte der christlichen Archaologie Kraus, F. X. (Continued.) Akademische Antrittsrede. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1879. *ai79.3 A bibliography ot Christian art, including works on the catacombs. Lacroix, E. Bibliographie des ing6nieurs, des architectes [etc.]. Paris. 1863, 66. 2 V. *a 1 70.33 Liverpool, England. Free Public Library, Museum and Walker Art Gallery. Hand-list of books on architecture in the Reference Department. Liverpool. 1894. *6i87.23 Los Angeles, California. Public Library. A selected list of books for workers in the building and wood-working trades. Los Angeles. 1913. *4039.29 Lyell, A. H. A bibliographical list descrip- tive of Romano-British architectural re- mains in Great Britain. Cambridge. 1912. *4097.67 Malberg, A. Die Literatur des Bau- und In- genieur-Wesens der letzten 30 Jahre. Berlin. 1852. 2172.13 Morel & cie. Catalogue de la librairie Mo- rel. Architecture, archeologie, beaux- arts, arts industriels. Paris. 1876. Plates. 4075.168 Muentz, L. F. E. Bibliothek Eugen Muentz. Hervorfagende Sammhmg von Werken zur Geschichte und Theorie der Kunst. Frankfurt a. M. 1903. 3 v. in i. [Lager- kataloge 477-479.] *2i72.i6i Contents. — i. Schriften von E. Muentz. 2. Die Kunst des Mittelalters. 3. Die Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. 1420-1600. New York, City. Public Library. A hand- book of the S. P. Avery collection of prints and art books in the Library. [New York.] 1901. 2 plates. *8o68.92 List of works relating to furniture and interior decoration. [New York. [908.] ^ *6i56.i49 Reprinted from the Bulletin of the New York Public Library for September, 1908 (*6 157.43. - 12]. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Public Libraries. Catalogue of books on the fine arts, viz: architecture, sculpture, carving, coins, pottery fete.]. Compiled by T. A. Onions. Edited by [B. Andertun]. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1900. *4074.io8 List of the more important architectural works in the Library. [Newcastle. 1895.] T> *6i 50.37 Polem, G. Exercitationes Vitrvvianae primae. Commentarivs oriticvs de M. Vitrvvii Polliunis x. librorvni editioni- bvs, necnon de eorvndem editoribvs. t»- 1 vJ"- ^''^9- *409i.5 Kicker, N. C. An extension of the Dewey decimal system of classification applied to architecture and building. Urbana. [1906. University of Illinois. Engineer- mg Experiment Station. Bulletin.] *4496.363.4.No 1% Royal Academy of Arts, London. A cata logue of books added to the library between 1877 and 1900. [London.] 1901." *4074.i2a BIBLIOGRAPHY Royal Institute of British Architects. Cata- logue of the library and collection, ^.ondon. [1847?! 8097.25 Scott, T. A bibliography of the works of William Morris. London. 1807. *2i72.94 Also to be found in Vallance's The art of Wil- liam Morris t*407o.io8]. Scribner's, Charles. Sons. Catalogue of hooks on art. architecture, furniture, decoration, arts and crafts, and minor arts. New York. [190-?! *4074.iii This copy is marked with the shelf-numbers of such works as are contained in this Library. Sepp, H. Bibliographic der bayerischen Kunstgeschichte bis Ende 1905. Strass- burg. 1906. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] *4074.379 Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. A catalogue of books in the library of the Society. London. 1903. ♦2171. 103 South Kensington Museum, London. The fir.st proofs of the Universal catalogue of books on art. [With Supplement.! London. 1870, 77. 3 v. *6i73.2 A list of books and pamphlets. Namely: Architecture of the Renaissance and later periods to the close of the i8th century. London. 1888. *2i53.57 Biographies of artists. London. 1887. *2i53.59 Construction, engineering, and machin- ery. London. 1889. *2i53.6i Drawing, geometry and perspective. London. 1888. *2i53.63 Furniture. London. 1878. 6174.70 Same. 2d edition. 1885. *2i53.64 Glass. London. 1887. *2i53.66 Metal work. London. 1883. *2i53.69 Ornament. 26. edition. London. 1883. *2 1 53.7 1 Sculpture. 2d edition. London. 1886. *2i 53-74 Textile fabrics. London. 1888. *2i53.76 National art library. [Additions.] Sept. 1890-Dec. 1900, Jan. to Dec. 1902. [Lon- don. 189O-I902.] *2I70.42 Published irregularly. The weekly additions arc on shelf-number *2 170.43. Japanese art in the National Art Library. [Compiled by E. F. Strange.] Lon- don. 1893, 98. 2 V. [Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education.] 6185.39 Contents. — i. Japanese books and albums of prints in color. 2. Books relating to Japanese art South Kensington Museum. (Continued.) Topographical index to measured draw- ings of architecture which have appeared in the principal British archi- tectural publications. London. 1908. [Phene .Spiers Memorial Committee. Publications.] ♦2153.78 Steiger, E. Architektonische Bibliothek. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss deutscher Werke aus dem Gebiete der Architek- tur, des Kunstgewerbes und verwandter Zweige. New York. T874. No. s in *6i68.i9 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir W. An essay towards a collection of books relating to the arts of design, being a catalogue of those at Keir. London. 1850. **D. 186.9 Sturgis, R., Jr. Annotated bibliography of fine art: painting, sculpture, architec- ture, arts of decoration and illustration. Boston. 1897. [American Library Asso- ciation annotated lists.] *6i7i.43 Ter Bruggen, E. Catalogue de [sa] biblio- theque sur les beaux-arts. Amsterdam. 1877. No. 7 in *6i5oa.i7 Vinet, E. Bibliographic methodicue et rai- sonnee des beaux-arts. le, 2e livraison. Paris. 1874-77. *6i72.i7 VioUet-le-Duc, E. E, Catalogue des livres composant [sa] bibliotheque. Paris. 1880. No. 5 in *6i7i.6i; 6173.17 Virginia. State Library. A finding list of books relating to music, fine arts and photography in the Virginia State Li- brary. Compiled under direction of Earl G. Swem, Assistant Librarian. Richmond, Va. 1912. [Bulletin. Vol. 5, no. 3.] *6i57.362.5.No.3 Wasmuth, E. Verlags-Katalog. Berlin. 1903. Plates. *4074.i28 Weale, J. Catalogue of books on architec- ture and engineering. London. 1854. ♦2173. 1 Same. 1861. No. 2 in 3767.12 Weigel, R. Kunstlager Catalog. Abtheilung 1-35. Leipzig. 183&-66. 6 v. *2i7i.i7 Willis, R., F.R.S. A catalogue of [his] li- brary, comprising rare early printed books, ancient and modern works on architecture, &c. [London.] 1872. *6i42.43 Woodward, G. E. Woodward's Architec- ture. New York. 1870, 71. 8104.1 Contains a priced catalogue of books on archi- tecture and agriculture. Biography. See aUo History and Theory. Anonymous biographies are entered under the name of the subject of the biography. Acad^mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels. Biographic nationale. Tome 1-20. Bruxelfcs. 1866-1910. 20 v. *C.R.i73-2 Aitchison, G. A notice of Mr. Pullan, F.S.A. (In Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. Transactions. New series, vol. 6, pp. 249-254. London. 1890.) *4iooa.50.N.S.6 Alcahali y de Mosquera, J. M. Ruiz de Li- horcy y Pardines, Bar6n de. Diccionario biogrifico de artistas valencianos. Valencia. 1897. 4083.85 Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kiinst- Icr von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Band 1-6. Leipzig. 1907-12. 6 v. ♦4083.243 ConStnU. — X. Aa— Antonio de Miraguel. 2. An- tonio da Monza — Bassan. 3. Bassano — Bickham. 4. Bid*— Brevoort. 5. Brewer— Carlingen. 6. Carlini — CiocL Amanton, C. N. Notice sur Andre Colom- ban, architecte. Bourg. 1840. 4097.101 Ashbee, C. R. Frank Lloyd Wright: eine Studie zu seiner Wiirdigung. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093-155 Sonderheft 8 of Architektur des xx, Jahr- hnnderU. B., C. La vita di scultore, pittore ed archi- tctto . . . Michelangelo . . . Firenze. 1875. 4o8ga.i3i Baglione, G. Le vite de' pittori, scvltori et architetti dal pontificate di Gregorio xni. sino a tutto quelle d'Vrbano Ot- tauo. 2a impressione. Roma. 1649. ♦4084.40 Le vite de' pittori, scultori, architetti, dal pontificato di Gregorio xiii. del 1572, fine a' tempi di papa Urbano viii. nel 1642. Napoli. 1733. *4o6i.i3 Baldinucci, F. Vita des Gio. Lorenzo Ber- nini. Mit Obersetzung und Kommentar von A. Riegl, aus seinem Nachlasse her- ausgegcbcn von A. Burda und O. Pollak. Wien. T912. Plates. 8085.134 Principally descriptions of architecture and tculptare in Rome. Vita di Filippo di Ser Brunellesco. Fi- renze. i8i2. 2748.16 Barry, A. Memoir of the life and works of Sir Charles Barry. London. 1867. TIlus. 4546.6 Same. 2d edition. London. 1870. 4546.32 Bauchal, C. Notre-Dame et ses premiers architectes. [Paris.] 1882. 4107.20 Nouveau dictionnaire biographique et cri- tique des architectes frangais. Paris. 1887. ♦8092.123 Baum, J. Die Bauwerke des Elias Holl. Strassburg. 1908. 33 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.461 Baxter, L. E. Filippo di Ser Brunellesco. By Leader Scott [pseud.]. London. 1901. Plates. [Great masters in paint- ing and sculpture.] 4077.1 11 Bibliography, pp. xii, xiii. Ghiberti and Donatello, with other early Italian sculptors. London. 1882. [Illus- trated biographies of the great artists.] 4077.81 Same. New York. 1882. 40793.82 Baxter, S. A great Mexican architect [Fran- cisco Eduardo de Tresguerras. Boston. 1897.] Plates. 4iooa.io Gut from The American Architect and Building News, Vol. 55 1*4097.201.55]. Bayet, C. M. A. L. Giotto. Paris. [1907. Les maitres de Tart] 4088.153 Bibliographic, pp. 162-165. Bazot, A., and A. Janvier. Nicolas Blasset architecte amienois, sculpteur du roy, 1600-1659. Cinquante dessins auto- graphies de L. Duthoit. Amiens. 1873. 4092.102 Beaumont, C. F. fi., Comte de. Pierre Vigne de Vigny, architecte du roi. 1690-1772. Paris. 1894. Portrait. Plate. 4084.155 Behrcndt, W. C. Alfred Messel. Mit einer einleitenden Betrachtung von K. Schef- fler. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Portrait. Plates. 4091.129 Bell, N. R. E. Raphael. By N. D'Anvers [pseud.]. London. 1879. Plates. [Illus- trated biographies of the great artists.] 4069.66 Same. 1880. 4069.98 Same. 1891. 4076.37 Bellier de la Chavignerie, J. B. E. Diction- naire general des artistes de Tecole fran- qaise depuis I'origine des arts du dessin jusqu'a nos jours. Architectes, peintres, sculpteurs. [Avec Supplement et table topographique.] Paris. 1882-87. 3 v. *C.R.7i.7 Bellori, G. P. Vite dei pittore, scultori ed architetti moderni. Pisa. 1821. 3 v. o, *4796.n Berard, A. Catalogue de I'oeuvre de Cuvil- lies pere et fils. Paris. 1859. 4075.132 Extrait de La revue universelle des arts t*4o6o.2io.9]. Dictionnaire biographique des artistes frangais du xiie au xviie siecle. Paris. ^^72. 2647.58 hiuuKJi'jn Beringer, j. A. Peter A. von Verschaffclt : sein Leben und sein Werk aus den Quel- len dargestellt. Strassbiirg^. 1902. Por- traits. Plates. fStudien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074-350 Bernasconi, C. Intorno la vita e le opere di Antonio Rizzo, architetto e scultore Veronese del secolo xv. Verona. 1859. No. I in 4093.108 Same. Appendice e memorie d'altri archi- tetti siioi concittadini del medisimo se- colo. Verona. 1868. No. 2 in 4093.108 Bertolotti, A. Architetti, ingegneri e mate- matici in relazione coi Gonzaga, signori di Mantova, nei secoli xv, xvi e xvii. Genova. 1889. 8094.64 Artisti belgi ed olandesi a Roma nei secoli XVI e XVII. Notizie e documenti rac- colti negli archivi romani. Firenze. 1880. 40»8.8 Artisti bolognesi, ferraresi ed alcuni altri del gia Stato pontificio in Roma nei se- coli XV, XVI e xviT. [Bologna. 1886.] No. 2 in 2712. 59.1 Artisti francesi in Roma nei secoli xv, xvi, XVII. Ricerche e stiidi negli archivi ro- mani. Mantova, 1886. 8062.100 Artisti lombardi a Roma nei secoli xv, xvi, e xvii. Studi e ricerche negli archivi romani. Milano. 1881. 2 v, 8088.55 Artisti modenesi, parmensi e della Luni- giana in Roma nei secoli xv, xvi e xvii. Modena. 1882. 4085.133 Artisti subalpini in Roma nei secoli xv. xyi e xvii.^ Mantova. 1884. 4084.9 Artisti veneti in Roma nei secoli xv, xvi. e XVII. Studi e ricerche negli archivi romani. Venezia. 1884. No. T in *27ioa.5o.3 Bcrty, A. Les Androtiet Du Cerceait et leiir maison du Pre aux Clercs. (1549-1645.) Paris. 1857. 2635.82 Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe de rhistoire du protestantisme frangais C*7S2i.so.5]. Les grands architectes frangais dc la renaissance. Paris, i860. 4099.43 Biais, fi. Les Pineau, sculpteurs, dessina- teurs des batiments du roy, graveurs, architectes (1652-1686). Paris. 1892. Plates. *8o7o.i45 Black, C. C. Michael Angelo Buonarroti. The story of his life and labours. Lon- don. 1875. *4072.66 Blomficld, R. T. Architectural drawing and draughtsmen. London. 1912. Plates. Map. Plans. 80603.137 Studies in architecture. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4095.162 Contents.— Byzantium or Lombardy. — Palladto. — The architect of Newgate. — A hundred years of the French Renaissance. — De TOrme. — The Italians at Fontainebleau. Boito, C. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Andrea Palladio. 2a edizione. Milano. 1883. 8088.56 Boni, F. de. Biografia degli artisti. 2a edi- zione. Venezia. 1852. 4081.4 Bonnar, T. Biographical sketch of George Meikle Kemp. Edinburgh. 1892. Por- trait. a545'i23 Bonucci, A. Delia vita r delle opere de L. B. Alberti. Portrait. {In Alberti. Opere volgari, t. i. Firenze. 1843.) 2796.1. i Bortier, P. L. A. Cobergher, peintre, archi- tecte, ingenieur. 4e edition Bruxelles. 1875- Plate. 4083.155 Bourquelot, L. F. Histoire des arts plas- tiques et des arts du dessin [en France]. Paris. 1846. 4079.157 Same. {In Patria. Col. 2201-2296. 1847.) 4626.11 Contains short biographical notices of French sculptors, some of whom were also architects. Brach, A. Nicola und Giovanni Pisano und die Plastik des xiv. Jahrhunderts in Siena. Strassburg. 1904. 28 plates. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.129 Brault, £. Les architectes par leurs oeuvres. Ouvrage redige sur les manuscrits de feu Al. Du Bois. Paris. [1892, 93.] 3 v. Portraits. *8o9oa.6o Breton, F. P. H. E. Notice sur la vie et les peintures a fresque d'Ambrogio Bon- done dit le Giotto. St.-Germain-en- Laye. 1851. 4084.122 Brockhaus, H. Michelangelo und die Medici- Kapelle. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. 4105.49 Brunn, H. Geschichte der griechischen Kiinstler. Stuttgart. 1857, 59. 2 v. 4079.52 Contents. — i. Die Bildhauer. 2. Die Maler, die Architekten, die Vasenmaler. Same. 2. Auflage. 1889. 8071.58 Buonarroti, Michelangelo. Michelangelo: a record of his life as told in his own let- ters and papers. Translated and edited by R. W. Garden. Boston. 1913. Por- traits. Plates. 4087.72 Busiri-Vici, A. Quarantatre anni di vita artistica. Memorie storiche di un archi- tetto. 1890. [Roma. 1891.] 3 plates. *8o9i.ii5 C, J. Notice rapide sur la vie et les ouvrages de Claude-Nicolas Ledoux. [Paris. 18—?] 4087.147 Cadorin, G. Pareri di xv architetti e notizie storiche intorno al Palazzo ducale di Venezia. Venezia. 1838. Plates. 4097.108 Callet, — ^ — . Notice historique sur la vie artistique et les ouvrages de quelques architectes frangais du seizieme siecle. Un volume orne de figures representant les principaux edifices qu'ils ont con- struits. Paris. 1842. Plates. 4094.103 Calvi, G. L. Notizie sulla vita e sulle opere dei principali architetti, scultori e pittori che fiorirono in Milano durante il go- verno dei Visconti degli Sforza. Milano. 1859. 4084.37 Campori, G. Memorie biografiche degli scultori, architetti, pittori ec, nativi di Carrara. Modena. 1873. 2746.58 Garden, R. W. The life of Giorgio Vasari. A study of the later Renaissance in Italy. London. 1910. Portraits. Plates. 4088^1 BIOGRAPHY Castan, A. L'"architecteur" Hugues Sambm Notice biographique. BesanQon. i»9i- 5 plates. 8096.105 Cauwenbcrghs. C van. La corporation des Quatre couronnes d'Anvers, ou les ar- chitectes anversois du moyen age (1324- 1542). Anvers. 1889. 8^5-70 CavaUucci, C. J. Vita ed opere del Dona- tello. Milano. 1886. Illus. SO^l^tes.^^ Cazalis, H. W. Morris et le mouvement nouveau dc I'art decoratif. Geneve. [1897.1 Portrait. Plate. 4099."3 Cean Bermtidex, J. A. Diccionario hist6rico dc los mas ilustres profesores de las bellas artes en Espafia. Madrid. 1800. 5y, **D.204.io Same. Adicioncs al Diccionario historico, nor el Condc dc la Vinaza. Madrid. ^889-94. 4v. **D.206.4 Chancellor, E. B. The lives of the British architects from William of Wykeham to Sir William Chambers. London. 1909- Portraits. Plates. 4087.179 XAtt of some of the authorities consulted, pp. Chardon, E. H. Les artistes du Mans itisqira la renaissance. Paris. [1878.1 4084.128 Reprinted from the Comptes rendus du Congr^s tenu par la Soci^t6 frangaise d'arch^ologie en mai. 1878. Les freres Fr^art de Chantelou. Le Mans. [1867. Amateurs d'art et collectionneurs manceaux.] 4085.131 Charles, R., Abbi. Les artistes manceaux de rf^glise de Saint-Pierre-de-Ia-Cour au Mans d'apres des documents inedits (1471-1574). Le Mans. [1881.I Illus. 4108.81 Reprinted from the Bulletin monumental, 1880 [%090.341.46]. Charvet, fi. L. G. Les De Royers de la Val- feni^rc. Lyon. 1870. Plates. 4093.119 fetienne Martcllange, 1569-1641. Lyon. 1874. Plates. Plans. 4093.118 Jehan Perreal, Clement Trie et fidouard Grand. Lyon. 1874. Plates. Plans. 4093.117 Philibcrt de I'Orme i Saint-Denis. Paris. 1891. Photograph. 4103.35 Extrait de la Revue de Tart frangais, 189 1 [*406o.3oi, je s^., t 7]. Rene Dardel. 1796-1871. Lyon. 1873. Plate. 4093.120 S^bastien Serlio. I475-IS54. Lyon. 1869. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 4093.116 All the foregoing works by Charvet belong to the series: Biographies d'architectes. CittadcUa, L. N. Documenti ed illustrazioni risguardanti la storia artistica ferrarese. Ferrara, 1868. 4082.20 Clarac, C. O. F. J. B., Comte de. Artistes de I'antiquite, ou table alphabetique con- tenant jusqu'au vie siecle de notre ere, tous les statuaires, les sculpteurs, les peintres, les architectes. Toulouse. 1829. 4087.171 Clausse, G. Les cathedrales de Come et Ber- nardino Luini. Paris. 1904. Portrait. Plates. rSociete d'etudes italiennes.] 4104.23 Les San Gallo. Architectes, peintres, sculpteurs, medailleurs. xve et xvie siecles. Paris. 1900-1901. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 4081.118 Clement, C. Michel-Ange, Leonard de Vinci, Raphael; . . . Paris. 1861. 4067.31 Same. 3^ edition augmentee. 1875. 4069.7 Michelangelo, Lionardo da Vinci and Ra- phael . . Translated by L. Corkran. London. 1880. Plates. 4078.14 Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, archi- tects engravers, and their works. New York. 1874. Plates. 4079.71 Same. 2d edition. 4079-73 Same. 13th edition. 1895. 4079-?2 Clouzot, H. Philibert de I'Orme. Pans. [1910.] Portrait. Plates. Plans. [Les maitres de I'art.] 4088.153 Bibliographie, pp. 182-185. Colomb, L. C. Philibert de I'Orme. Paris. 1882. Illus. Portrait. Plates. [Biblio- theque des ecoles et des families.] 40893.124 Comitate milanese per le onoranze a Giu- seppe Piermarini, architetto. Publica- zione a cura della Rassegna d'arte. Mi- lano. 1908. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 409oa.i39 La bibliografia del Piermarini, pp. 39-41- A collection of articles by various authors. Shows many examples of architecture in Milan. Cortissoz, R., and others. McKim. Plates. Plans. (In the Brickbuilder. Vol. 19, no. 2. Boston. 1910.) *4090.iii.i9 Contents. — Some critical reflections on the archi- tectural genius of C. F. McKim By R. Cortis- soz. — Charles Follen McKim, a character sketch. By H. Bacon. — The influence of McKim. By C. H. Walker. — A tribute. By R. S. Peabody. Excerpts from addresses delivered at the memo- rial meeting in New York, November 23, 1909. Courajod, L. C. L. Une oeuvre inedite de Jean Bullant ou de son ecole. Paris. 1880. Illus. 4094.129 Attempts to prove that Jean Bullant was the architect of a certain house in Magny-en-Vexin, France. Reprinted from L'art, vol. 22, pp. 41- 46 [*406l.201.22]. Courajod, L. C. L., and H. de Geymiiller, Les estampes attribuees a Bramante au3< points de vue iconographique et archi- tectonique. Paris- 1874. Illus. Plates 4082.122 Crastre, F. Puvis de Chavannes. New York [1912.] Portrait. Colored plates. [Mas- terpieces in colour.] 4089.20] Puvis de Chavannes. [Anon.] Paris [1912.] Portrait. Colored plates. [Le; peintres illustres.] 4089.201 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Ra phael: his life and works. London, 1882 85. 2 V. 4076.8I Cruttwell, M. Donatello. London. [1911. 81 plates. 4083.271 Bibliography, pp. 150, 151. BIOGRAPHY Cunningham, A. The lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors, and architects. London. 1829-37. 6 v. Por- traits. 4089.57 Contents. — i, 2, 5, 6. Painters. 3. Sculptors. 4. Architects. Cunningham, P. Inigo Jones. A life of the architect. London. 1848. Portrait. No. 2 in *4596.i6; **G.3727.i5 Dargenty, G. Antoine Watteau. Paris. [1891.] Plates. [Les artistes celebres.] 4082.10 Davies, G. S. Michelangelo. London. [1909.] Plates. [Classics of art.] 8073.404 Day, L. F. Decorative art of William Mor- ris and his work. London. [1899.] Plates. [Easter Art annual. 1899.] No. 2 in *8o6o.i26; No. 2 in *4o8o.70 Demaison, L. Les architectes de la cathe- drale de Reims. (In Bulletin archeolo- gique du Comite des travaux historiques. Annee 1894, PP- i-40- Paris. 1894.] *469oa.53(i894) Desjardins, A. La vie et I'oeuvre de Jean Bologne. Paris. 1883. Illus. 32 plates. *Cab.8o.30.7 Destailleur, H. A. W. Notices sur quelques artistes frangais: architectes, . . . du xvie au xviiie siecle. Paris. 1863. 4083.108 Extrait de Touvrage intitule: Recueil d'es- tampes . . . [*Cab.8o. 10.2]. Deville, J. A. Revue des afchitectcs de la Cathedrale de Rouen jusqu'a la fin du xvie siecle. Rouen. 1848. Plate. 4095.116 Dilke, E. F., Lady. French architects and sculptors of the xviiith century. Lon- don. 1900. Portraits. Plates. *409i.39 Doering, P. O. Michael Pacher und die Seinen: eine Tiroler Kunstlergruppe am Ende des Mittelalters. M. Gladbach, [1913.] Illus. Plates. [Monographien zur Geschichte der christlichen Kunst.] 4075.342 Dohme, R. Andreas Schliiter. Illus. (In Dohme. R., editor. Kunst und Kiinst- ler . . . Band 2. Leipzig. 1878.) No. 15 in 8072.55.2 Jules Hardouin-Mansart. Illus. Portrait. Plans. (In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler . . . Band 3. Leipzig. 1880.) No. 5 in 8072.57.3 Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Illus. Portrait. Plates. (In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler . . . Band i. Leipzig. 1886.) No. I in 8072.58.1 Kunst und Kiinstler Italiens bis um die Mitte des T8ten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1878. 79. 3 V. Illus. Portraits. [Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit.l 8072.56 Vol. I includes Giotto, Brunellesco, Ghiberti, Donatello, Alberti, Bramante, Peruzzi ; Vol. 2, Michelangelo and Raphael ; Vol. .3, Palladio, Bernini. Dominici, B. de. Vite dci pittori, scultori ed architetti napoletani. Napoli. 1840-46. 4 V. 4087.7 Donaldson, T. L. A review of the profes- sional life of Sir John Soane. London. 1837. 6541.22 Douglas, H. Some old masters of Greek architecture. Great Barrington, Mass. 1899. Plates. 4095.88 Du Seigneur, M. Liste des principaux monuments de Paris, avec I'historique de leur construction, les noms de leur architectes, et les dates auxquelles ils ont ete construits. Paris. 1888. 4094.116 Dussieux, L. Les artistes frangais a I'etran- ger. Paris. 1852. *8o79,54 Eliot, C. W. Charles Eliot, landscape archi- tect. Boston. 1902. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. Facsimiles. 399oa.i3;*L.66.4 Same. 1903. 399oa.i4 Elmes, J. Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren. London. 1823. Plates. *409i.8 Sir Christopher Wren and his times. Lon- don. 1852. Portrait. 4097.28 Fabriczy, C. von. Filippo Brunelleschi: sein Leben und seine Werke. Stuttgart. 1892. 8063.102 Fechheimer, S. S. Donatello und die Relief- kunst. Eine kunstwissenschaftliche Studie. Strassburg. 1904. 16 plates. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 8081. 131 Federici, N. G. Gli artisti italiani e le loro opere [per Nino d'Althan, pseud.]. Torino. 1902. 4089.133 Felibien, A. Recueil historique de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres archi- tectes. Paris. 1890. No. 2 in *4o6i.i7.2 Ferand, L. [Biographic de] Constant-Du- feux. (In Revue generate de I'architec- ture et des travaux publics. Annee 29, col. 81-91, 132-137, 177-181, 251-255. Paris. 1872.) *409i.2o6.29 Ferree, B. Richard Morris Hunt: his art and work. New York. 1895. Illus. Plate. ♦4080.49 From Architecture and Building, December, 1895 [*4I02.2I0.23]. Ferrey, B. Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin, an'd his father. London. 1861. Plates. 4095.8 Fitzgerald, P. H. Robert Adam, artist and architect: his works and his system. London. 1904. Illus. Portrait. 4093.153 Fletcher, B. F. Andrea Palladio: his life and works. London. 1902. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 4093.143 Bibliography, pp. 129-132. Foerster, E. Raphael. Leipzig, 1867, 68. 2 V. 8065.110 Fontenay, L. A. de B., Abbe. Dictionnaire des artistes . . . des architectes, peintres . . . Paris. 1776. 2 V. *8o89.4 Fouche, M. Percier et Fontaine: biographic critique. Paris. [1904.] Plates. [Les grands artistes.] 4083.345 Franceschi-Marini, Signora — . Piero della Francesca: "monarca della pittura ai suoi di," [di] Evelyn [pseud.]. Citta di Castello. 1912. Portraits. Plates. -L.61 8 BIOGRAPHY Gabct, C Dictionnaire des artistes de I'ecole frangaise, au xixe siecle. Pans. 1831- Vignettes. ^. „. 4f 8-i03 Gallo, A. Elogio storico di Pietro Novelli da Monreale. fColl' elenco ragionato delle sue opere.] 2a edizione. Palermo ,828. , ^ ^ 4075.118 The catalogue includes works of Rosalia and Pietro Antonio Novelli, and other Sicilian artists. Gauthicr, M. J. Dictionnaire des artistes franc-comtois anterieurs au xix siecle. Rcsanqon. i8g2. 4084.130 Gaye, G., editor. Carteggio inedito d artisti dei secoli xiv, xv, xvi. Firenze. 1839, 40. •? V. rDociimenti di storia italiana.] ^ -^ ^ 4085.26; **G.302.3 Geymucller, H. von, Baron. Les Du Cer- ceau: leur vie et leur oeuvre. Paris. 1887. Jllus. 4080.47 Ribliography, pp. 283-326. 34 1- Raffaello Sanzio studiato come architetto. Milano. 1884. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.69.2 Gicseckc, A. Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Leipzig. [1912.] Plates. [Meister der Graphik. Band 6.] 40803.136 Giraudet, E. Les artistes tourangeaux. Tours. 1885. IlHis. *4o83.4 Gould, J. Biographical dictionary of paint- ers, sculptors, engravers, and architects. New edition. London. 1838. 2v. 4089.10 Gout, P. L'neuvre de Viollet-le-Duc. Paris. 1880. Illus. 4092.56 Extrait de la Gazette des beaux-arts [^oei.aai. ae pir., t. 21, 22]. Grands maitrcs, Les, de la renaissance. Les arts en Italic. Iconographie des chefs d'npuvrc dc la peinture, la sculpture, et I'architecture italienne. Paris. 1888. *Cab.8o.38.4 Granges de Surgeres, L. R., Marquis de. Les dessins de M. Bourgerel. Nantes. 1883. *4077.2oi Grimm, H. Das Leben Michelangelo's. 3te Auflage. Hannover. 1868. 3 v. 8067.11 Das Leben Raphaels. Berlin. 1886. 4084.14 The life of Michael Angelo. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Boston. 1865. 2 v. 4085.41; ♦♦K.I26.I4; **K.223.6; **K.304.i2 Same. 4th edition. 1869. Plates. 8067.12 The life of Raphael. Translated by Sarah H.Adams. Boston. 1888. Plate. 8067.54 Same. New edition. 1896. 4085.33 Schinkcl als Architekt der Stadt Berlin. Berlin. 1875. 2873.8.2 Gronau, G. Michael Angelo. London. [1906.] 49 plates, f Newnes Art library.] 4084.190 Gruycr, F. A. Raphael et I'antiquite. Paris. 1864. 2 v. 8065.60 Gubematis, A. de, editor. Dizionario degli artisti italiani viventi, pittori, scultori e architetti. Firenze. 1889. *8o82.ioo Guiffrey, J. M. J. Andre Le Nostre: etude critique. Paris. [1912.] Illus. Plates. [Les grands artistes: leur vie — leur ceuvre.] 4083.352 Les De Brosse et les Du Cerceau, archi- tectes parisiens. [Nogent-le-Rotrou. 1882.] 4084.107 Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societe de ITiistoire de Paris et de I'lle-de-France 1*5339.2.9] Guiffrey, J. M. J. (Continued.) Lettres de noblesse accordees aux artistes frangais (xviie et xviiie siecles), suivies de la liste des artistes nommes cheva- liers de I'ordre de Saint-Michel. [Anon.] Paris. 1873. *4o83.i67 Extrait de la Revue historique nobiliaire et bio- graphique, tome 8 [*463S.52.8]. Gurlitt, C. Andreas Schliiter. Berlin. 1891. Illus. Plates. 8061.124 Hahr, A. Die Architektenfamilie Pahr. Eine fiir die Renaissancekunst Schlesiens, Mecklenburgs und Schwedens bedeu- tende Kunstlerfamilie. Strassburg. 1908. Illus. Plans. Facsimiles. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.465 Hanfstaengl, E. Hans Stethaimer: eine Studie zur spatgotischen Architektur Altbayerns. Leipzig. 191 1. Plates. Plans. [Kunstgeschichtliche Monogra- phien.] 4084.231 Benutzte Special-Literatur, p. (i). Haupt, A. Peter Flettner, der erste Meister des Otto-Heinrichsbaus zti Heidelberg. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Kunstgeschichtliche Monographien.] 4084.185 Havard, H. Les Boulle. ^ Paris. [1893.1 Illus. [Les artistes celebres.] 4083.32 Essai de bibliographic, p. 91. Herbet, M. P. F. Extraits d'actes & notes concernant des artistes de Fontaine- bleau. Fontainebleau. 1901. Portrait. Facsimiles. 4083.178 Herluison, H, Artistes nrleanais. Par H. H***. Orleans. 1863. Portrait. 4088,129 Hermant, A. P. A'. Abel Blouct. Paris. 1857. 4088.148 Hevesi, L. Rudolf Alt: sein Leben und sein Werk. Wien. 191 1. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *Cab.6o.i83.2 Contains studies of German architecture. Hildebrandt, H. Die Architektur bei Al- brecht Altdorfer. Strassburg. 1908. 17 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.467 Literatur-Verzeichnis, pp. 108-111. Hinrichs, W. T. Carl Gotthard Langhans, ein schlesischcr Bannicistcr. 1733-1808. Strassburg. T909. Portrait. 33 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.512 Hittorff, J. I. Notice historique et biogra- phiquc sur la vie et les opiivres de Sir Charles Barry. Paris. 1860. 8092. t20 Hofmann, T. Raffael in seiner Bcdeutung als Architekt. Band 1-4. Zittau. 1900- II. 4 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i45.i Contents. — i. Villa Madania zu Rom. 2. Werdc- gang und Besitzungen. 3. Palast- und Wohn- bautcn. 4. Vatikanischcr Palast. Holroyd, C. Michael Angelo Buonarroti . . . with translations of the Life of the mas- ter by . . . Ascanio Condivi. London. 1903. Portrait. Plates. 4084.140 Hyett, F. A. Florence: her history and art to the fall of the Republic. London. 1903. 4074.322 Authorities, pp. xxviii-xxxi. Chronologicnl table of Florentine artists and authors from 1232-1564, p. xxxii. BIOGRAPHY Immerzeel, J., Jr. De levens en werken der hollandsche en vlaamsche knnstschil- ders, beeldhoiiwers, graveurs en bouw- meesters, van hat begin der vijftiende eeuw tot heden. Uitgegeven door Mr. C. H. Immerzeel en C. Immerzeel. Am- sterdam. 1842, 43. 3 V. in T. Portraits. ♦4084.144 Janitsch, J. Jacques Androiiet Diicerceau. Illns. (In Dohme, R., editor. Kimst und Kunstler . . . Leipzig. tSSo."* No. 3 in *8o72.57.3 Justi, C. Michelangelo. Beitrage zur Erkla- rung der Werke und des Menschen. Leipzig. 1900. Pis. 4082.87 Michelangelo. Neue Beitrage zur Erkla- rung seiner Werke. Berlin. 1909. Por- traits. Plates. ' 4084.82 Keane, A. H., editor. Einhart. — Tuotilo of St. Gall. — -Saint Bernward. — The Ger- man minsterbuilders. (Translated from the early Teutonic, Italian and French masters by R. Dohme.) London. t88o. Illus. **K.29o.i6; 8072.60 The German original is on shelf-no. 8072.55.1. Ker, C. H. B. Sir Christopher Wren: with some general remarks on the origin and progress of architecture. [Anon.] Lon- don. 1828. Plate. Plans. 4097.158; No. T2 in **E.2T2.8; No. 8 in *B.4275.i5; No. 14 in *5963.62 Kloeden, K. F. von. Andreas Schliiter. Ein Beitrag zur Kunst- und Bau-Geschichte des t8. Jahrhunderts. 2. Ausgabe. Ber- lin. 1862. CBiographieen beriihmter Baumeister und Bildhauer.l 8096. log Knackfuss, H. Michelangelo. 9 Auflage. Bielefeld. 1907. Illus. Portraits. TKiinstler-Monographien.] 4082.25 Raphael. Translated by C. Dodgson. Biele- feld. 1898. Illus. Portraits. Plates. [Monographs on artists, i.] 4082.70 Knapp, F. Michelangelo. Des Meisters Werke. Mit einer biographischcn Ein- leitung. Stuttgart. 1906. Illus. Por- trait. Plates. [Klassiker der Kunst in . Gesamtausgaben.] 4083.203 Most of the pages are plates. Verzeichnis der Werke, pp. 173-181. Knobelsdorff, W. von. Georg Wenceslaus V. Knobelsdorff der Baumeister und Freund Friedrichs des Grossen. Berlin. t86i. [Biographieen beriihmter Bau- meister und Bildhauer.l *8o88.i6 Kramm, C. De levens en werken der hol- landsche en vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhouwers ... en bouwmeesters, van den vroegsten tot op onzen tijd. [Met anhangsel.] Amsterdam. 1857-64. 7 v. in 4- *4o84.i43 Lacroix, L. P. B. P. L'architecture et les architectes. Plates. (In xviie siecle: lettres, sciences et arts. France. 1590- 1700. Pp. 401-437. Paris. T882.) 22203.58 Sculpteurs et architectes. [Anon.] Paris. t888. Plates. [Bibliotheque historique illustree. L'ancienne France.] 2624.130 Contents. — [i.] L'architecture. [2.] La sculp- ture. [3.] L'academie d'architecturc. Part I is on French architecture witli sonic account of French architects. Lafforguc, P. Recherches sur les arts et les artistes en Gascogne au seizieme siecle. Paris. 1868. 4074.197 Laforge, fi. Des arts et des artistes en Es- pagne iusqu'a la fin du dix-huitieme sie- cle. Lyon. 1859. 4075.190 Lagrange, L. Pierre Puget: peintre, sculp- teur, architecte, decorateur de vaisseaux. Paris. 1868. 4087.109 Lance, ft. A. Abel Blouet, architecte, membre de ITnstitut: sa vie et ses tra- vaux. Paris. 1854. 4098.136 A'dolphe Lance: sa vie, ses neuvres. son tombeau. Paris. 1875. Plate. 4086.113 Dictionnaire des architectes frauQais. Paris. 1872. 2 V. *4o85.37 Contents. — i. A — K. 3. L — Z. Jules Bouchet, architecte. Notice sur sa vie et ses travaux. [Paris, i860.] 4087.155 Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Achille Leclere, architecte, membre de ITnstitut. Paris. 1854. 4086.1 11 Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Paul Marie le Tarouilly, architecte. Paris. 1855. . 4089.127 Landon, C. P. Vie et oeuvre complete de Raphael Sanzio. Paris. 180S--9. 4 v. Plates. 8061.22 This work also forms Vols. 3-5 of his Vies et oeuvres des peintres les plus celebres [*8o6i.8. 3-S]. Legre, L. Une question de propriete artis- tique. Paris. 1884. 4098.130 A vindication of Esperandieu, as architect of the Palais de Longchamps, against the claims of Bartholdi. Leosini, A. Monumenti storici artistici della citta di Aquila e suoi contorni, Colle notizie de' pittori, scultori [ed] archi- tetti. Aquila. 1848. Plates. 4085.27 Lilienthal, S. Schinkel. Mit Text von F. Stahl [pseud.]. Berlin. 1912. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. [Berliner Archi- tekturwelt.] 409i-i33 Lindsay, D. A. E., Lord Balcarres. Donatello. London. 1903. Portrait. Plates. 8085.131 Bibliography, pp. 204, 205. Lipsius, C. Gottfried Semper, in seiner Be- deutung als Architekt. Berlin. 1880. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 8096.100 Liste des artistes recompenses, frangais et etrangers, vivant au ler avril, 1878. Paris. 1878. 4087.125 Lister, R. Jean Goujon; his life and work. London. 1903. Plates. 8082.72 Llaguno y Amirola, E. Noticias de los arquitectos y arquitectura de Esparia. Madrid. 1829. 4 v. 4093.13 Loftie, W. J. Inigo Jones and Wren; or, the rise and decline of modern architecture in England. London. 1893. Plates. 4091.69 Loiseau, Mile A. Notice sur Frangois Jo- seph Belanger, architecte. [Paris. 1865.] No. 3 in 4088.Z12 Cut from Revue universelle des arts, vol. 22 [*4060.2I0.22]. Londi, E. Leon Battista Alberti, architetto. Firenze. 1906. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 4085.185 10 BIOGRAPHY Lucas C L'empereur-architecte .Adrjen (Publius ^lius Adrianus). Pans 1869^ '^ 4091.124 Luebkc, W. Lionardo da Vinci als Archi- tekt. (In Kunstwerke und Kunstler Pp. 210-229. Breslau. [18864)^^^.^8062.73 Rafa^-Werk. Sammtliche Tafelbilder und Fresken des Meisters in Nachbildungen nach Kupferstichen und Photographien herausgegeben von A. Gutbier Mit erlautemdem Text. Dresden. 1875. 5 v. *Cab.8o.249.5 Contents. — i. Madonnen und heilige Familien. 2 Bildnisse und verschiedene Tafelbilder. 3. Die Stanzcn und Loggien des Vatikans. 4. Die Farncsina. Verschiedene Fresken und Tapeten. 5. Rafacls Leben und Entwicklungsgang. — Die Werke Rafaels. Maffei, G. Dell' architetto Mariano Falcini. Note artistiche. Firenze. 1888. 8095.106 MaerinL A. Memorie intorno la vita e le opere di Palladio. Padova. 1845. Por- trait. Plate. ^ , . ^.*674p.8 Malaguzzi Valeri, F. I Solan, architetti e scultori lombardi del xv secolo. Studio storico critico. Illus. Plates. {In Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence. Italienische Forschungen. Vol. i, pp. 55K168. Berlin. 1906.) *4073.3i6.i Mangcant, P. fi. Antoine fitex, pemtre, sculpteur et architecte, 1808-1888. Paris. 1894. 4084.158 Marchesc, V. F. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors & architects of the order of S. Dominic. Translated by C. P. Meehan. Dublin. 1852. 2 v. 4088.15 Memorie dei piti insigni pittori, scultori e architetti domenicani. Firenze. 1845, 46. 2 V. 4087.2 Same. 2a edizione. 1854. 2 v. 4087.14 Same. 4a edizione accresciuta e miglio- rata. Bologna. 1878, 79. 2 v. 4088.10 Marionneau, C. C. L'architecte Louis. — Le [peintre] Frere Andre. Paris. 1879. 4095.147 Contains also letters of Louis and Frere Andre. Une nomination a I'ancienne Academic royale d'architecture en 1767. Paris. 1894. 4084.132 On the nomination of M, de Wailly. Victor Louis, architecte du theatre de Bordeaux: sa vie, ses travaux et sa cor- respondance, 1731-1800. Bordeaux. 1881. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 4094.63 May, E. von. Hans Blum von Lohr am Main. Ein Bautheoretiker der deut- schen Renaissance. Strassburg. 1910. Illus. Plate. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.520 Hihiiographie, t>P- 76-85. Menard, R. L'art en Alsace-Lorraine. Paris. 1876. Illus. 4073.53 Contains also biographical notices of artists (including architects) belonging to Alsace-Lor- raine. Meusel, J. G. Teutsches Kiinstlerlexikon Oder Verzeichniss der jetztlebenden teut- schen Kiinstler. 2. Ausgabe. Lemgo. 1808-1 81 4. 3 V. *4o88.44 Contains a few names of architects. Meyer, A. G. Donatello. Translated by P. G Konody. Bielefeld. 1904. I^us. Portraits. Plates. [Monographs on artists.] . 4082.77 Lombardische Denkmaler des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Giovanni di Balduccio da Pisa und die Campionesen. Stuttgart. 1893. Illus. Plates. *8o7i.i37 Michel, A. Francois Boucher. Pans. t886. Illus. [Les artistes celebres.] 4083.11 Milizia, F. Lives of celebrated archi- tects, with observations on their works and on the principles of their art. Lon- don. 1826. 2 V. 4085-3 Memorie degli architetti antichi e mo- derni. 4a edizione. Bassano. 1785. 2 v. 4085.28 Same. Bologna. 1827. [Opere. Vol. 4, 5.] *4072.i5.4, 5 Vite de' piv celebri architetti d'ogni na- zione e d'ogni tempo. [Anon.] Prece- dute da vn Saggio sopra I'architettvra [per G. A. Monaldini]. Roma. 1768. Diagrams. *4o8i.40 Milman, L. Sir Christopher Wren. London. 1908. Portrait. Plates. 4087.178 Mina, L. Del Palazzo reale in Alessandria e del suo architetto. Alessandria. 1904. Plates. Plan. 4097.156 Bibliography, pp. 13. i4- Includes a biography of the architect Benedetto Alfieri. Missirini, M. Celebrita italiane nell' archi- tettura e pittura. Firenze. 1847. 4087.10 Montaiglon, A. de C. de. Jean Goujon. [Paris. 1885.] 2 parts in i v. Illus. 4082.121 Cut from Gazette des beaux-arts [*4o6i. 221.26 per., t.30, 3i3. Mordani, F. Degli uomini illustri della citta di Ravenna. Torino. 1879. [Biblioteca della gioventu italiana.] 477ob.67 Includes the architects C. Morigia and L. Dancsi. Mosler, H. Klassiker der Baukunst . . . Leipzig. [1885.] Plates. [Klassiker- Bibliothek der bildenden Kiinste. Bau- kunst.] 8066.109 Contents. — Jacopo Tatti gen. Sansovino. — Palladio. — Die Peterskirche in Rom. — Gale- azzo Alessi. — Giorgio Vasari. — G. Barozzi gen, Vignola. — Scamozzi. — Maderno. — Boro- mini. — Bernini. — Schliiter. — Schinkcl. Mueller, F., and others. Die Kiinstler aller Zeiten, oder Leben und Werke der bc- riihmtesten Baumeister. Stuttgart. 1857- 1870. 4 V. *4o85.8 Muentz, L. F. E. Les arts a la cour des Papes Innocent viii., Alexandre vi., Pie III. (1484-1503.) Paris. 1898. Plates. Gives names of architects. 4073*^8 Les arts a la cour des papes pendant le xve et le xvie siecle. Paris. 1878-82. 3 V. Plates. [Bibliothequc des ecoles frauQaises d'Athenes et de Rome. Fasci- cule 4, 9, 28.] *2953.6i.4, 9, 28 Each volume gives names of architects. Donatello. Paris. [1885.] Illus. Plates. [Les artistes celebrcs.] 8062.64 Giovannino de' Dolci, I'architetto della Capella sistina. Roma. 1880. 8071.127 BIOGRAPHY 11 Muentz, L. F. E (Continued.) Leonardo da Vinci. London. 1898. 2 v. Plates. *4o8i.59 Raphael: his life, works and times. Edited by W. Armstrong. London. 1882. Illus. Plates. *8o72.64 Same. New edition, revised. 1896. *8o72.78 Raphael: sa vie, son oeuvre et son temps, Paris. 1881. Illus. Plates. *8o72.62 Same. Noiivelle edition. 1886. 4081.58 Musees royaux des arts decoratifs et indus- triels, Brussels. Exposition d'oeuvres de Lucien Magne et de Marcel Magne. Catalogue et notes explicatives. Bruxelles. 1901. Illus. Plates. 4097.150 Mylne, R. S. The master masons to the crown of Scotland and their works. Edinburgh. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o90.io9 Napione di Cocconato, G. F. G., Conte. Vita di Andrea Palladio. (In his Vite ed elogi d'illustri Italian!. Tomo 3, pp. 114- KT J^^;^ ^i^^- ^?^^-^ 4743.25.3 Nelli, G. B. Discorsi di architettura del senatore G. B. Nelli con la vita del medesirno [descritta da G. B. Clementc suo figlio] e due ragionamenti sopra le cupole di A. Cecchini. Firenze. 1753. Plans. *4094.i04 Contents. — Del fabbricarsi i ponti ne' fiumi della Toscana. — Ragionamento sopra la maniera di voltar le cupolc senza adoperarir !e ccntine. Niemann, G. H. L., and F. Feldegg, Ritter von. Theophilos Hansen und seine Werke. Wien. 1893. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. *8o90.i37 Nonn, C. Christian Wilhelm Tischbein, Ma- ler und Architekt. 1751-1824. Strass- burg. 1912. Portraits. Plates. [Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.544 Normand, C. P. J. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de C.-P.-J. Normand, archi- tecte, dessinateur et graveur. [Paris. 1842.] Portrait. Plate. 4086.106 Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de MM. Molinos et Le Grand. [Paris? t8— ?] 4083.145 Nouvelles archives de I'art frangais. Serie I, 2; 3, tome 1-14. Paris. i872-[98]. 26 V. in 27. *4o6o.20i Oppe, A. P. Raphael. London. [1909.] Plates. [Classics of art.] 8073.405 Orlandi, P. A. Abecedario pittorico. Con- tenente le notizie de' professori di pit- tura, scoltura, ed architettura in questa edizione corretto da P. Guarienti. Venezia. 1753. *4073.i02 Parrocel, fi. A. L'art dans le Midi: cele- brites Marseillaises. Marseille et ses edifices, architectes et ingenieurs du XTxe siecle. Marseille. 1881-84. 4 v. Illus. 4079.174 A resume of the first two volumes is on shelf- number 4074.222. Pascoli, L. Vite de' pittori, scultori ed ar- chitetti moderni. Roma. 1730, 36. 2 v. *4o85.i38 Vite de' pittori, scultori ed architetti peru- gini. Roma. 1732. *4o85.i39 Passavant, J. D. Raffaello d'Urbino e il padre suo Giovanni Santi. Opera tra- dotta da Gaetano Guasti. Firenze. 1882- 91. 3 v. 8069.73 Raphael d'Urbin et son pere, Giovanni Santi. Paris, i860. 2 v. Plate. 4068.11 Raphael of Urbino and his father, Gio- vanni Santi. London. 1872. Plates. ♦4084. 1 3 Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater, Gio- vanni Santi. Leipzig. 1839. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 14 plates. F". *Cab.8o.ii6.3 Passeri, G. Vite de' pittori, scultori cd architetti che anno lavorato in Roma morti dal 1041 fino al 1673. la edizione. Roma. 1772. 8063.1 Passeron, J. S. Philibert de Lorme, archi- tecte. [Lyon. 1858? Biographic dcs artistes lyonnais.] 4088.128 Paulus, R. A. L. Der Baumeister Henrico Zuccalli am kurbayrischen Hofe zu Munchen. Strassburg. 1912. Plates. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.552 Pecht, A. F. Deutsche Kiinstler des i9ten Jahrhunderts. Reihe 1-4. Nordlingen. 1877-85. 4 V. 8067.59 Same. 2. Reihe. 2. Auflage. 1887. 8068.71 Perkins, C. C. Ghiberti et son ecole. Paris. 1886. Plates. [Bibliotheque interna- nationale de l'art.] *8o84.69 Perkins, F. M. Giotto. London. 1902. Plates. [Great masters in painting and sculpture.] 4077.105 Bibliographie, p. xi. Phillimore, L. Sir Christopher Wren, his family and his times. 1585-1723. Lon- don. 1 88 1. 2540.52 Same. 1883. **K.i56.i Pittoni, L. Jacopo Sansovino, scultore. Venezia. 1909. Portrait. Plates. 8086.122 Pons, A. T. Z. Essai sur la vie et les ou- vrages de Pierre Puget. Paris. 1812. 4088.132 Port, F. C. Les artistes angevins. Paris. 1881. [Societe de I'histoire de l'art fran- ?ais.] 4083.123 Pozzo, B., Conte dal. Le vite de pittori, degli scultori, et architetti veronesi. Ve- rona. 1718. *4o85.25 Same. Con aggiunta. *4o87.ii7 Prior, E. S. The cathedral builders in Eng- land. London. 1905. Plates. [The Portfolio. Monographs on artistic sub- jects.] 8082.168 Prost, A. J. F. Blonde! et son oeuvre. Metz. i860. Plan. 4095.129 Prost, P. H. B. Une nouvelle source de documents sur les artistes dijonnais, xve siecle. [Sceaux. 1891.] Plates. 4073.209 Reprinted from the Gazette des beaux-arts, 1890, 91 [*4o6i.22i.3e p6r. t.4, 5, 6]. Le veritable architecte de I'ancien Hotel de ville de Paris. [Sceaux. 1891.] 4091.125 Reprinted from the Gazette des beaux-arts, June, 1891 [*4o6i.22i.3e per.,t.6]. Evidence in favor of Domenico Bernabei de Cortone, as the archi- tect. 12 Puget, P. filoge historique de Pierre Puget, sculpteur, peintre et architecte. Pans. 1807. No. 3 »n 4088.101 Pungileoni, L. Memoria intorno alia vita ed alle opere di Donate o Donnino Bra- mante. Roma. 1836. Portrait. 4095-23 Quast, A. F. W. R. von. Schinkel und die Gegenwart. Festrede. Berlin. 1872. [Architekten-Verein zu Berlin.] 8095.102 Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Michel-Ange Bonarroti. Paris. 1835. 4065.2 Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Ra- phael. 3e ed. Paris. 1835. 4005.i Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus c^lebres architectes du xie siecle jusqu a la fin du xviiie. Paris. 1830. 2 v. 47 plates. 4094.57 History of the life and works of Raffaello. Translated ... by W. Hazlitt. London. 1870. Portrait. Plates. 8068.32 Quilter, H. Giotto. London. 1880. Plates. [Illustrated biographies of the great artists.l **K-73-9 Same. 1881. 4078.38 Same. New York. 1881. 4078.93 Raccolta d'elogi d'uomini illustri toscani. 2a edizione. Lucca. 1770. 4 v. 4747.4 Includes Brunelleschi, Michael Angelo, Cimabue, Donatello, Giotto, Orcagna, Delia Robbia and Da Vinci. Raczynski, A., Graf. Dictionnaire d'artistes pour servir a L'histoire de I'art moderne en Allemagne. Berlin. 1842. 4073.106 Includes names of architects. The work re- ferred to is on shelf -number *Cab.8o.204.i. Raggi, P. Delia vita e delle opere di Luigi Canina. Casal^Monferrato. 1857. Por- trait. 4103.11 Rca, H. The Tuscan & Venetian artists: their thought & work. London. 1904. Plates. 4088.151 Redgrave, S. A dictionary of artists of the English school: . . . architects . . . with notices of their lives and works. Lon- don. 1874. *8o83.3 Redtenbacher, R. Baldassare Peruzzi und seine Werke. Karlsruhe. 1875. Plates. The plates are colored. '''Cab.60.14.4 Renouvier, J., et G. Sandre. Des maitres de pierre et des autres artistes gothiques de Montpellier par J. Renouvier et Ad. Ricard [pseud.]. Montpellier. 1844. Plate. 4092.108 Richter, J. P. Leonardo. London. 1880. [Illustrated biographies of the great artists.] 4078.17 Same. New York. 4078.122 Same. London. 1884. 4076.40 Richl, B. Deutsche und italienische Kunst- charaktere. Frankfurt a. M. 1893. Plates. 8073.123 Rmtelen, F. Giotto und die Giotto-Apo- kryphen. Miinchen. 1912. Plates. 4084.79 Rodriguez Ayuso, E. Biografia y obras ar- quitectonicas. Madrid. 1892. Illus. 5 plates. *8o9oa.ii2 BIOGRAPHY Romagnoli, E [Documenti senesi. Vite dei architetti, scultori e pittori di Siena. 1 100-1600.] Manuscript. [1840?] 2 v. *4o8oa.54 Rondelet, A. Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de J. N. L. Durand. Paris. 1835. Portrait. 4086.110; No. 6 in *4o88.ii2 Saint-Paul, A. Viollet-le-Duc: ses travaux d'art et son systeme archeologique. 2e edition. Paris. 1881. 4094-75 Reprinted from the Bulletin monumental, vol. 46, 47 [*4i09.so.46, 47]- Sambin, H. Hugues Sambin de Dijon. N. p. N. d. No. I in 4088.112 Samuel, A. Piranesi. London. 1910. 25 plates. 4087.73 Bibliography, pp. 194-197- Sandrart, J. von. Von den beriihmtesten neuern italienischen . . . Baumeistern. — Nachrichten von niederlandischen und teutschen Malern. Plates. {In Teutsche Academie der Bau- Bildhauer- und Maler-Kunst . . . Vol. 7, parts 2 and 3. Niirnberg. i774-) **K.5o.i.7 Sauerlandt, M. Uber die Bildwerke des Giovanni Pisano. Diisseldorf. 1904. Plates. 8082.164 Sauvageot, C. Viollet-le-Duc, et son oeuvre dessine. Paris. 1880. Illus. 4100.80 Schinkel, C. F. Aus Schinkel's Nachlass. Reisetagebiicher, Briefe und Aphoris- men mitgetheilt von Alfred Freiherrn v. Wolzogen. Berlin. 1862. 2 v. Por- traits. Illus. 2844*5 Schoenfeld, P. Andrea Sansovino und seine Schule. Stuttgart. 1881. Plates. *8o6o.64 Schubring, P. Donatello. Stuttgart. 1907. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4o83.24i Urbano da Cortona. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schule Donatellos und der Sieneser Plastik im Quattrocento. Nebst einem Anhang: Andrea Guardi. Strassburg. 1903. Illus. [Zur Kunst- geschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.128 Schultz, A. Die deutschen Dombaumeister. {In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler . . . Band i. Leipzig. 1887.) No. 4 in 8072.55.1 Tuotilo von St. Gallen. — Der heilige Bernward. {In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler. Band i. Leipzig. 1887.) Nos. 2, 3 in 8072.55.1 Schumacher, F. Leon Battista Alberti und seine Bauten. Berlin. [1899.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.160 Schuyler, M. The works of the late Richard M. Hunt. Illus. Plates. {In the Archi- tectural Record. Vol. 5, PP- 97-i8o. New York. 1895.) *4090.273.5 Scolari, F. Delia vita e delle opere dell' architetto Vincenzo Scamozzi commen- tario. Giuntevi le notizie di Andrea Palladio. Treviso. 1837. No. i in*4o86.ii Scott, Sir G. G. Personal and professional recollections. London. 1879. Portrait. 2452.66 Selincourt, B. de. Giotto. London. 1905. Portrait. Plates. [The library of art.] 4086.136 BIOGRAPHY 13 Semper, H., and W. Barth. Hervorragende Rildhauer-Architekten der Renaissance. Dresden. [1880.] Plates. *Cab.6o.i4.8 Serie degli iiomini i pin' illitstri nella pittura, scultura, e architettura. Tomo 5. Fi- renze. 1772. Portraits. *4o8i.38 The portraits are by Ignazio Hugford, engraved by C. Colombini and G. B. Cecchi-Conti. Sillig, C. J. Catalogus artificum sive archi- tecti, statuarii, sculptores, pictores, cae- latores et scalptores Graecorum et Romanorum. Dresdae. 1827. Tables. 4088.22 Smirke, S. Some acconnt of the professional life and character of C. R. Cockerell. [London. 1863.] Plate. No. 2 in 2221.78 Same. (In Royal Institute of British Architects. Papers. London. 1864.) *4iooa.5o( 1863-4) Societe archeologique de Bordeaux. [Bulle- tin,] Table systematique des matieres et table alphabetique des noms des vingt-cinq premiers volumes (1873-1894) par E. Labadie. [Bulletin. T. 26.] Contains many names of architects.*4630a.I.26 Societe nationale des beaux-arts. Catalogue des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, des- sins, ^ gravure, architecture et objets d'art, exposes au Champ-de-Mars. Paris [etc. 1890-94]. 5 V. Plans. *4079a.i52 Volumes 4 and 5 contain the lists of architects and architectural works. Soprani, R. Le vite de' pittori, scoltori, et architetti genovesi. E de' forastieri, die in Genoua operarono con alcuni ritratti de gli stessi. Genova. 1674. 4081.41 Same. 2a edizione da C. G. Ratti. Ge- nova. 1768, 69. 2 V. Portraits. 4081.39 Spooner, S. A biographical history of the fine arts; or memoirs of the lives and works of eminent . . . architects. New York. 1865. 2 V. 8081.5 Same. 5th edition. Philadelphia. 1873. 2 V. Plates. 8081.6 Springer, A. H. Raffael und Michelangelo. Leipzig. 1878. Illus. Portraits. 8072.56.2 Same. Illus. *4o6i.39 Same. 2. Auflage. 1883. 2 v. 4071.76 Stein, F. A. H. Les architectes des cathe- drales gothiques. fitude critique. Paris. [1910.] Plates. [Les grands artistes.] 4083.63 Jean Auxtaboues, architecte de la cathe- drale de Chartres. (In Bulletin monu- mental. Tome 71, pp. 325-334. Paris. 1907-) *409o.24i.7i Stirling-Maxwell, Sir W., Baronet. Annals of the artists of Spain. London. 1848. 3 V. Illus. *8o65.7;**D.2ioa.6;**K.3i2.2 Same. New edition. 1891. 4 v. [Works. Vol. 1-4.] *46oi.i2o.i-4 Stone, E. M. The architect and monetarian; a brief memoir of Thomas Alexander Tefft. Providence. 1869, No. 8 in *4444.28; No. 31 in *B.6242.52 Strachey, H. Raphael. London. 1900. Plates. [Great masters in painting and sculpture.] 4077.118 Straeten, E. van der. Artistes beiges du xve et xviie siecles mentionnes dans les Straeten, E. van der. (Continued.) archives de I'hopital de Notre-Dame a Audenarde. Plate. (In Academic d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. 9, pp. 368-390. Anvers. 1852.) *3389.5-9 Same. Notes supplementaires. Vol. 11, pp. 231-237. Anvers. 1854.) *3389.5.ii Stratton, A. The life, work, and influence of Sir Christopher Wren. Liverpool. 1897. Plates. Plans. *409i.i3 Street, A. E. Memoir of George Edmund Street, r.a. London. 1888. Portrait. 4543.103 Sturgis, R., Jr. A critique of the works of Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, and Pea- body & Stearns. New York. 1896. Plates. Plans. [Architectural Record. Great American architects series. 3.] 4092.66 The work of McKim, Mead & White. New York. 1895. Illus. [Architectural Record. Great American architects series, i.] ^4092.64 Sweetser, M. F. Raphael. Boston. 1877. [Artist biographies.] 4069.46 Symonds, J. A. The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. New York. 1893. 2 v. Illus. Portrait. Plates. *8o6i.ii2 Same. London. 8061. 115 Taillandier, A. H. Notice sur Daniel Git- tard, architecte du temps de Louis xiv. Suivie d'un appendice par E. Gresy. Meaux. 1866. Portrait. Facsimile. 4095.127 Tassi, F. M. Vite de' pittori, scultori e ar- chitetti bergamaschi. Bergamo. 1793. Portrait. 4081.37 Taylor, G. L. The auto-biography of an octogenarian architect. London. 1870, 72. 2 V. Plates. *4ioo.5i Temanza, T. Vita di Alessandro Vittoria. Ora riprodotta con note ed emende. Venezia. 1827. Portrait. 4085.112 Vita di Andrea Palladio Vicentino egregio architetto. Agginntevi in fine due scrit- ture dello stesso Palladio finora inedite. Venezia. 1762. Plate. 4092.107 Vita di Jacopo Sansovino, fiorentino scul- tore et architetto chiarissimo. Venezia. 1752. 4082.143 Vita di Vincenzio Scamozzi Vicentino, ar- chitetto. Venezia. 1770. Illus. 4091. 121 Vite del piu celebri architetti, e scultori veneziani, che fiorirono nel secolo deci- mosesto. Venezia. 1778. 4082.16 Ticozzi, S. Dizionario degli architetti, d'ogni eta e d'ogni nazione. Milano. 1830-33. 4 V. 4081.16 Triggs, H. I., and H. Tanner, Jr. Some ar- chitectural works of Inigo Jones. A series of measured drawings and other illustrations, with descriptive notes, a biographical sketch, and list of his au- thentic works. London, tqot. Tllus. Portrait. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i48.4 Tuthill, L! C. History of architecture: its present condition in Europe and the United States; with a biography of emi- nent architects. Philadelphia. 1848. Plates. 4093-49 14 BIOGRAPHY Ulin, . Lettre a un ami sur un monu- ment public. [Publiee par Contant, veuve d'Olin. Paris? 178-?] Plans. 4083.176 A comparison of the relative merits of Contant d'lvry and Contour, architects of the Church of the Madeleine, Paris. Ungewitter, G. G. Georg Gottlob Ungewit- ter und sein Wirken als Baumeister, zu- meist aus Briefen desselben dargestellt von August Reichensperger. Leipzig. 1866. 8098.100 Vachon, M. L'ancien Hotel de ville de Paris. Le Boccador et Pierre Cham- biges. [Paris. 1881.] 2635.19 Cut from La nouvelle revue, vol. 13 [*5364- 5-133 • Une famille parisienne de maistres- magons aux xv, xvi, xvii siecles. Les Chambiges, maistres des oeuvres, archi- tectes des cathedrales de Beauvais, Sens, Troyes, Senlis, des chateaux de Fon- tainebleau, Chantilly, Saint-Germain-en- Laye, etc., de l'ancien Hotel de ville de Paris, et du Louvre. Paris. [iQO?-] Plates. *409i.i86 Philibert de I'Orme. Paris. [1887.] Ulus. [Les artistes celebres.] 4083.21 La renaissance frangaise: I'architecture nationale — les grands maitres magons. Preface de H. Daumet. Paris. [1910.] Plates. *409i.42 Valentin, V. Cornelius. Overbeck. Schnorr. Veit. Fiihrich. Illus. Portraits. Plates. (In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kunstler . . . Leipzig. 1886.) No. 7, 8 in 8072.58 Van Rensselaer, M. Henry Hobson Rich- ardson and his works. Boston. 1888. Plates. *8ioo.22 Vanvitelli, L., the younger. Vita dell' archi- tetto Luigi Vanvitelli [ed una descri- zione delle reali delizie di Caserta]. Napoli. 1823. Portrait. Plates. Fac- simile. 4095.104 Vasari, G. Leben der ausgezeichnetsten Maler, Bildhauer und Baumeister, vom Cimabue bis zum Jahre 1567. Aus dem Italienischen. Stuttgart. 1832-49. 6 v. in 8. Illus. *8o76.9 Lives of eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. Translated, with notes, by Mrs. Jonathan Foster. London. 1878- 85. 6 V. 8086.52 Same. 1851-91. 6 v. 8086.48 Lives of seventy of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. Ed- ited and annotated by E. H. and E. W. Blashfield and A. A. Hopkins. New York. 1896. 4 V. Plates. 4081.47 With bibliographies. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculp- tors and architects. Newly translated by Gaston Du C. De Vere. Vol. i. Lon- don. 1912. Plates. Vignette. *4o8i.53 Contents. — i. Cimabue to Agnolo Gaddi. The lives of the painters, sculptors and architects. [Translated by A. B. Hinds.] Vol. 1-6. London. 1900. Portraits. [The Temple Vasari.] *4079a.i88 Vasari, G. (Continued.) Vita di M. Jacopo Sansovino, scultore e architetto. 2a edizione. Venezia. 1789. *409i.ii3 Vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architetti. Edizione arricchita di note oltre quelle dell' edizione illustrata di Roma. Firenze. 1767-72. 7 v. Por- traits. Plates. 4086.13 Same. Milano. 1807-11. 16 v. [Classici italiani.l *48o5.3 Same. Firenze. 1822, 23. Portraits. [Opere. Vol. 3-5-] 4087.8.3-5 Vol. 14 is an index to the lives, and a duplicate of it may be found on shelf-number *4079.4. Same. 1846-70. 14 v. Portraits. 8068.50 Same. Scelte ed annotate. Torino. 1871- 78. 4 V. [Biblioteca della gioventu ita- liana.] 477ob.97 Same. 1878. 4088.17 Same. Con nuove annotazioni e com- menti di G. Milanesi. Firenze. 1878- 81. 7 V. [Opere. Tome 1-7.] 8073.144.1-7; *8o75.57.i-7 Vol. 9 of the copy on shelf-number 8075.57 con- tains an index to the above, with additions and corrections. Same. Nuova edizione con note e arric- chita dei ritratti degli artisti. . Firenze. 1889. Portraits. 8066.79 An abridged edition. Le vite di alcuni artefici fiorentini. [Fi- renze. 18060,62.] No. 3, 4 in *4o86.ii Cut from Giornale storico degli archivi toscani. Vol. 4, pp. 177-210; vol. 6, pp. 1-18 P5265.39.4, 6]. Vedriani, L. Raccolta de' pittori, scvltori, et architetti modonesi piii celebri, nella quale si leggono I'opere loro insigni, e doue I'hanno fatte. Modona 1662. *4079.i6i Villard de Honnecourt. Album de Villard de Honnecourt architecte du xiiie siecle. Paris. 1858. Plates. Plans. *409i.48 Facsimile of the sketch-book of Wilars de Honecort, an architect of the thirteenth century. Translated, edited, and aug- mented with many new articles and notes, and with the remarks of J. Qui- cherat, by R. Willis. London. 1859. *409i.54 Ward, W. H., editor. French chateaux and gardens in the xiyth century. A series of drawings hitherto unpublished, by Jacques Androuet du Cerceau. With an account of the artist and his works. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i56.4 Waring, J. B. A record of my artistic life. London. 1873. 4079-72 Waterhouse, A. Architects. (In Pitcairn, E. H., editor. Unwritten laws and ideals of active careers. Pp. 342-358. London. 1899) 7593-40 Wessely, L E. Klassiker der Malerei. Raphael Santi. Leipzig. [1884.] Plates. [Klassiker-Bibliothek der bildenden Kiinste.] 8066.107 Wilbert, A. Jean Baptiste Antoine Lassu, architecte. N. p. N. d. No. 7 in 4088.112 BIOGRAPHY IS Williamson, G. C. Bernadino Luini. Lon- don. 1899. Plates. [The great mas- ters in painting and sculpture.] 4077.114 Wilson, C. H. Life and works of Michel- angelo Buonarroti. London. 1876. Por- trait. Plates. 4074.68;**K.64.i5 Wilson, H. Memorial of the late J. D. Bed- ding, being illustrations from some of his works, compiled by the Architec- tural Association. With a sketch of his life by H. Wilson. London. 1892. 33 plates. *Cab.6o.ii4.4 Many of these plates show church interiors. Wolzogen, C. A. A., Freiherr von. Raphael Santi. His life and his works. Trans- lated by F. E. Bunnett. London, 1866. 8069.150 Raphel Santi. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Leipzig. 1865. 4069.5 Schinkel als Architect, Maler und Kunst- philosoph. Berlin. 1864. Portrait. 8096.101 Wood, W., editor. The hundred greatest men. Vol. 2: Architects and sculptors. London. 1879. Portraits. *224o.5o.2 Wren, Christopher, compiler. Life and works of Sir Christopher Wren. From the Parentalia or memoirs by his son Chris- topher. [Campden. 1903.] Tlhis. Plans. *4ioi.4i Wurzbach, A., Ritter von Tannenherg, editor. Niederlandisches Kiinstler - Lexikon. Leipzig. 1904, 10. 2 V. and Supple- ment. *4072.iio Yriarte, C. £. Matteo Civitali: sa vie et son oeuvre. Paris. 1886. lUus. Plates. [Sculp- ture italienne. xv^ siecle.] *4o8o.46 Pp- 135, 136 contain a catalogue of Civitali's works. Ziller, H. Schinkel. Bielefeld. 1897. Plates. Plans. [Kiinstler-Monographien.] 4082.52 Dictionaries. Adeline, J. Adeline's Art dictionary. Trans- lated and enlarged. London. 1891. Illus. *8o88.i4 Same. New York. 1891. *8o88.i8 Lexique des termes d'art. Paris. [1884?] Illus. [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] *8o87.i7 Architectural Publication Society, London. The dictionary of architecture. London. [t853-]i892. Text, 8 v.; Plates, 3 v. *8i03.5o Atkinson, T. D. A glossary of terms used in English architecture. London. [1906.] Plates, Plans. 40993.130 List of authorities, pp. xxii, xxiv. Audsley, W. J. and G. A. Audsley. Popular dictionary of architecture and the allied arts. Liverpool. [1878-84.] 3 v. Illus. 4092.52 Aviler, A. C. d'. Dictionnaire d'architecture. Paris. 1694. 8094.40.2 Baumeister, A., editor. Denkmaler des klas- sischen Alterthums. Miinchen. 1885- 88. 3 V. Illus. Plates. *297i.65 Same, 1885-89. *297i.47 Bosc, E. Dictionnaire raisonne d'architec- ture. Paris. 1877-80. 4 V. Illus. Plates. *8o92.7 Contents. — i. A— C. 2. D— I. 3, J— Pont. 4- Pontceau — Z. Same. Derniere edition. [1910?] *8o92.8 Bourasse, J. J., Ahhe. Dictionnaire d'archeo- logie sacree, contenant, par ordre alpha- betique, des notions sur les antiquites et les arts ecclesiastiques. Public par M, I'abbe Migne. Paris. 1862, 63. 2 v. [Nouvelle encyclopedic theologique.] *7495.64 Boutard, J. B. B., Marquis. Dictionnaire des arts du dessin . . . et I'architecture. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1838. *8o85.5i Britton, J. Dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the Middle Ages. Illustrated by J, Le Keux. London. 1838. 36 plates. *409o.28 Brodrick, M., and A. A. Morton. A concise dictionary of Egyptian archae- ology. London. 1902. Illus. 3059.205 Bibliography, pp. 195-198. Builder's dictionary. The: or, gentleman and architect's companion. London. 1734. 2 V. Illus. 33 plates. *8o95.72 Chabat, P. Dictionnaire des termes em- ployes dans la construction. 2e edition. Paris. 1881. 4 V. Illus. *8o9oa.6i Cornish, F. W. A concise dictionary 01 Greek and Roman antiquities. London. 1898. Illus. *4935-3o Demmin, A, F. Encyclopedic historique . . . des beaux-arts plastiques, architecture [etc.], Paris. [1872-75.] 3 v. Illus. *8o8i.2 Dictionary of the leading technical and trade terms of architectural design and build- ing construction. London. 1888. *8o35.io Same. [189-?] ^ ^ *8o35.i5 Dictionnaire des antiquites grecques et ro- maines. Redige sous la direction de Ch. Daremberg, Edm. Saglio [et Edm. Pottier.] Paris. 1877 [etc.]. Illus. In progress. *2970.50 Elmes, J. A general and bibliographical dictionary of the fine arts. London. 1826. 4082.1 Encyclopedie de I'architecture et de la con- struction. Directeur: P. Planat. Paris. [1890-93.] 6 V. Illus. [Bibliotheque de la construction moderne.] *4io2.57 Contents. — 1. Ab — Art. 2. Asc — Cav. 3- Cec — Cons. 4. Cont — Gode. 5. Godw — Myl. 6. Nai— Z. 16 DICTIONARIES Forrer, R. Reallexikon der prahistorischen, klassischen und friihchristlichen Alter- tiimer. Berlin. [1907-] Plates. *2232.4i Fosbrooke, T. D. Encyclopedia of antiqui- ties and elements of archaeology, classi- cal and mediaeval. New edition. London. 1843. 2 V. Plates. *2232.7;*K.23i.i A treatise on the arts, manufactures, man- ners and institutions of the Greeks and Romans. [Anon.] London. 1833, 35- 2 V. Illus. [Cabinet cyclopaedia. His- tory.] , 4959a.32 Garnsey, G. O. The American glossary of architectural terms. Chicago. [1892.] Illus. *4093.i9 Grapaldi, F. M. De partibvs aidivm, lexicon utilissimum. Basileae. i54i- *8o94.37 Guenebault, L. J. Dictionnaire iconogra- phique des monuments de I'antiquite chretienne et du moyen age. Paris. 1843, 45. 2 V. in 5- *4076.i53 Contents. — i. A— Brescia. 2. Bretagne -Cou- ronnes. 3. Courriers— Futs. 4. Gabaon- Nimbe. 6. Niines — Zurich. Gwilt, J. An encyclopaedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and practical. London. 1842. Illus. *4ig7.6 Same. New edition, with alterations and additions. 1867. *4i07.2 Same. 1872. *4io7.3 Same. 1876. *4io7.4 Same. 1894. *4i07.5 Institut de France. Dictionnaire de I'Acade- mie des beaux-arts. Tome 1-6. Paris. i858-[i90o]. 6 V. Illus. Plates. *8o82.i In progress. Contents. — i. A — Amateur. 2. Amazones — Cais- sons. 3. Calcedonie-Charegique. 4. Chorogra- phie-Cour. 5. Courante— Exv. 6. Fab— Gyp. Longfellow, W. P. P., editor. A cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. New York. 1895. Plates. *8o9i.68 Luebker, F. H. C. Reallexikon des klassi- schen Altertums. 7. Auflage. Leipzig. 1891. Illus. *207oa.66 Martigny, J. A., Abbe. Dictionnaire des an- tiquites chretiennes. Paris. 1877. Illus. *353i.52 Milizia, F. Dizionario delle belle arti del disegno. Bologna. 1827. 2 v. [Opere. Vol. 2, 3.] *4072.i5.2, 3 Millin de Grandmaison, A. L. Dictionnaire des beaux-arts. Paris. 1806. 3 v. *L.54.i8 Contents. — i. A— G. 2. H— O. 3. P— Z. MoUett, J. W. An illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archaeology. Lon- don. 1883. *4o85.io Same. Boston. 1883. *4o85.2; **K.i74.7 Montfaucon, B. de. Antiqvitates Graecae et Romanae. [Norimbergae.] mdcclvii. 150 plates. *494o.i4 Mothes, O. lUustrirtes Bau-Lexikon. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1863-68. 3 v. *8oii.ii6 Mueller, H. A. Lexicon der bildenden Kiinste. Leipzig. 1883. Illus. *8o86.53 Mueller, H. A., and O. Mothes. Illustrirtes archaologisches Worterbuch der Kunst des germanischen Alterthums, des Mit- telalters und der Renaissance. Leipzig. 1877, 78. 2 V. Illus. *8o82.5i Nicholson, P. Nicholson's Dictionary of the science and practice of architecture, building, carpentry, etc. New edition. Edited by E. Lomax and T. Gunyon. London. [1857-62.] 2 v. 2 portraits. 214 plates. *8o92.37 List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. (6-8). Encyclopaedia of architecture. London. [1852.] 2 V. (231) plates. *8o92.i4 This work is another edition of the preceding. List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. (6-8). Parker, J. H. A concise glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. 4th edition. Ox- ford. 1866. Illus. 4099-15 Same. 1869. 4099-139 Same. 1875. 4099.48 A glossary of terms used in Grecian, Ro- man, Italian, and Gothic architecture. 2d edition, enlarged. London. 1838. Plates. 4093-17 Same. Oxford. 1850. 2 v. Plates. 4093-3 Peck, H. T., editor. Harper's Dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. New York. 1897. Illus. Maps. *293oa.5i Same. 1898. *293oa.52 Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Architecture. [Paris.] 1788-1825. j V. [Encyclo- pedic methodique.] *7405-5 Contents. — i. Aba — Col. 2. Col — Mut. 3. Nac — Zot. Ramee, D. Dictionnaire generale des termes d'architecture en frangais, allemand, anglais et italien. Paris. 1868. 8094.16 Ramsay, W. Manual of Roman antiquities. London. 1859. Illus. 2737-52 Same. 2d edition, i860. 2737.56 Same. Revised and partly rewritten by Rodolfo Lanciani. 15th edition. Lon- don. 1894. Plates. Plans. 2736.58 Same. 17th edition. 1901. 2736.62 Rich, A. A dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities. 3d edition. London. 1873. Illus. *4968.6 Dictionnaire des antiquites romaines et grecques. Traduite sous la direction de M. Cheruel. Paris. 1859. Illus. 2967.51 The illustrated companion to the Latin dictionary and Greek lexicon: forming a glossary of the words representing visi- ble objects connected with the arts [etc.] of the Greeks and Romans. Lon- don. 1849. Illus. *B.6i03.5fi Roland le Virloys, C. F. Dictionnaire d'ar- chitecture. Paris. 1770, 71- 3 v- 95 plates. *8o9oa.52 Rouaix, P. Dictionnaire des arts decoratifs, Paris. [1885.] Illus. *8o8i.5a Schreiber, G. T. Atlas of classical antiqui- ties. Edited by W. C. F. Anderson, Preface by P. Gardner. London. 1895 100 plates. 4070.88 Schulze, H. Vademecum des Ornament- zeichners. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1886 Plates. 8038.3a DICTIONARIES 17 Seyffert, A. O. A dictionary of classical antiquities. From the German. Revised by PI. Nettleship [and] J. E. Sandys. London. 1891. lUus. *297i.70 Same. 3d edition. 1895. *297i.49 Same. [7th edition.] 1902. *297i.9o Same. Abridged by E. Reich. 1908. [New classical library. 11.] 29493.16 Lexikon der klassischen Altertumskundc. Leipzig. 1882. Illus. *297i.45 Smith, Sir W., editor. A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities, ist American edition, revised by Charles Anthon. New York. 1843. *4962.i6; ♦*G.292.52 Same. 2d edition. 1849. *B.42oi.5 Same. 3d edition. 1850. *4962.3o Same. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. London. 1890, 91. 2 v. *2983.i4 Smith, Sir W., and S. Cheetham, editors. A dictionary of Christian antiquities. Lon- don. 1875, 80. 2 V. Plates. *B.H.Re£.i32.2(*3535.io) Stuart, R. A dictionary of architecture. Philadelphia. 1851. 2 v. in i. 4093.18 Sturgis, R., Jr., and others. A dictionary of architecture and building. New York. r90i, 02. 3 V. Plates. Plans. *4093.22 Contents. — i. A—E. 2. F— N. 3. O— Z. Sulzer, J. G. Allgemeine Theorie der schonen Kiinste in einzeln, nach alpha- betischer Ordnung der Kunstworter auf einander folgenden Artikeln abgehan- delt. Neue vermehrte Auflage. Leip- zig. 1792-94. 5 V. Plates. ♦4082.4; *L.63.i Contents. ■— i. A— D. 2. E— I. 3. K—Q. 4. R — Z. 5. Register. Theophilus, presbyter. An essay upon vari- <:>us arts . . . forming an encyclopaedia of Christian [industrial] art of the elev- enth century. Translated, with notes Theophilus, presbyter. (Continued.) by R. Hendrie. London. 1847. Plates. 4075-131 The Latin text is given in full, with the English on the opposite page. The cover title is Arts of the Middle Ages. A French version of this work is in Bourasse's Dictionnaire d'archeologie sacree [*749S-64]. Schedula diversarum artium. Revidirter Text, Ubersetzung und Appendix von Albert llg. Wien. 1874. [Quellen- schriften fiir Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Vol. 7.] *8o66.5i.7 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture franqaise du xie au xvie siecle. Paris. 1859. to v. Illus. *4i05.i4 Same. Table. Paris. 1889. *4i05.i3 Walcott, M. E. C. Sacred archaeology: a popular dictionary of ecclesiastical art and institutions from primitive to mod- ern times. London. 1868. 5430.7 Weale, J. A dictionary of terms used in architecture. Edited with additions by R. Hunt. 5th edition, revised. London. 1876. Illus. [Weale's Rudimentary se- ries.] 8038.12 Pp. ix-xii contain a List of works consulted. Same. 6th edition. 1891. 8038.36 Rudimentary dictionary of terms used in architecture. London. 1849-50. 3 v. Plates. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8039.32 Same. 2d edition, i860. 8039.35 Willis, R. Architectural nomenclature of the Middle Ages. Cambridge. 1844. 3 plates. *4092.3 Reprinted from the Publications of the Cam- bridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. i [*2Soo.i20.i]. Zani, P. Enciclopedia metodica, critico- ragionata delle belle arti. Parma. 1817- 24. 28 v. *4077.98 History and Theory. See also Architecture of Countries; Periods and Styles. Abbraccio fraterno, L', della pittura, scul- tura, ed architettura ossia scioglimento del problema quale delle tre arti debba avere il primato: manuscritto inedito, che si attribuisce o ad Eustachio Man- fredi o a Francesco Maria Zanotti. Cen- to. 1802. 4078.148 Adamy, R. Architektonik auf historischer und aesthetischer Grundlage. Han- nover. 1881-96. 3 V. in 5. Plates. Namely: 1. Architektonik des Alterthums. 8093.3 2. Architektonik des Mittelalters. 3 v. 8093.4 3. Architektonik der Friihrenaissance. 8093.5 Adler, Felix. Die Weltstadte in der Bau- kunst. Berlin. 1868. [Sammlung ge- meinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage.] No. 22 in *59i4.50.2 Alberti, L. B. Architecture. London. 1726. 3 V. Plates. *4o8o.4 The text is in Italian and English. Delia architettura libri dieci. Milano. 1833. 30 plates. 4093«" I cinque ordini architettonici. (in his Opere volgari. Tomo 4, pp. :i72,-Z^7. Firenze. 1847.) 2796.1.4 Kleinere kunsttheoretische Schriften, im original Text. Wien. 1877. [Quellen- schriften fiir Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance.] 8066.51. 11 Algarotti, F., Conte. Lettere sopra I'architet- tura. {In his Opere. T. 6, pp. 169-278. Livorno. 1765.) *B.4209.i3.6; 2789.3.3 Same. {In his Opere. T. 8, pp. 209-349. Venezia. 1792.) **G.i7.56.8 Same. {In his Opere scelte. Vol. 3, pp. 291-387. Milano. 1823.) *28oi.5i.3 18 HISTORY AND THEORY Algarotti, F., Conte. (Continued.) Saggio sopra I'architettura. {in his Opere scelte. Vol. i, pp. 3-38. Milano. 1823.) *28oi.5i.i Versuche uber die Architectur, Mahlerey unci mnsicalische Opera. Cassel. 1769- *4059.9 American Vignola, The. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. [International Library of Technol- ogy.] No. 7 in *8o27.i32.57 Andersen, H. C. Creation of a world centre of communication. Paris. 1913. 2 parts in I V. Illus. Plates. Plans. Maps. Vignettes. *Cab.6o.l89.2 A history of architecture in general followed by a plan for a city which shall be a world centre. Androuet du Cerceau, J. Livre d'architec- tvre de laqves Adrovet [sic] dv Cer- ceav. A Paris, 161 1. (69) plates. *8o8o.3i Antolini, G. A. Idee elementari di architet- tura civile. Bologna. 1813. 24 plates. *4ioo.25 Osservazioni ed aggiunte ai Principii di architettura civile di Francesco Milizia. Milano. 1817. 4072.17 Milizia's work may be found on shelf-number 8097.60. Architectural design. [Scranton. 1903.] 2 parts. Plates. Plans. [International Library of Technology.] No. 2, 3 in *8o27.i32.33 Architectural proportion. [Scranton. 1902.] illus. Plans. [International Library of Technology.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.io Architectural Publication Society, London. Detached essays and illustrations, 1848- 52. London. 1853. Text, i v.; Plates, I V. *8i03.5i Architectural studies: International. The world's best architecture. Selection of plates, description and criticism by Rus- sell Sturgis. Vol. I, 2; 3 (no. 1-6). 1890- 1900. Chicago. 1899, 1900. 3 V. in 2 parts. Plates. ^4090.331 Ashpitel, A., editor. Treatise on architecture. Edinburgh. 1867. 55 plates. *8o9i.3 Aviler, A. C. d'. Cours d'architecture qui comprend les ordres de Vignole, avec des commentaires, les figures & descrip- tions de ses plus beaux batimens, & de ceux de Michel-Ange. Paris. 1693, 94. 2 V. in I. Plates. 8094.40 Vol. 2 is entitled Dictionnaire d'architecture. Ball, J. T. Detailed working drawings of the five orders of architecture. [New York. 1908.] 17 plates in portfolio. *Cab.6o.i69.4 Baltard, L. P. Apergu ou essai sur le bon gout dans les ouvrages d'art et d'archi- tecture. Paris. 1841. 4078.231 Barberot, E. Histoire des styles d'architec- ture. Paris. 1891. 2 v. Illus. *4io3.6o Barca, A. Saggio sopra il bello di propor- zione in architettura. Bassano. 1806. Plates. • 8102.4 Barozzi, G. I cmque ordini d'architettura. Firenze. 1806. 30 plates. 8103.69 The five-orders of architecture. Added the Barozzi, G. (Continued.) Greek orders. New York. 1891. 82 plates. *8o9i.ioi The five orders of architecture, the cast- ing of shadows and the first principles of construction based on the system of Vignola. 76 plates, drawn and arranged by Pierre Esquie. Boston. [1910.] 8092.47 Regola delle cinque ordini d'architettura. Roma. 1602. 43 plates. *4ioo.i7; **Adams 101.3 Vignole. Traite elementaire pratique d'ar- chitecture ou etude des cinq ordres. Nouvelle edition. Paris. [1891?] 72 plates. *4ioi.56 Le Vignole des architectes et des eleves en architecture; nouvelle traduction des Regies des cinq ordres d'architecture. Suivie d'une methode abregee du trace des ombres dans I'architecture. Par C. Normand. Paris. 1827. 42 plates. 8092.46 Barry, E. M. Lectures on architecture. London, i88r. Illus. 4094.70 Batissier, L. Histoire de I'art monumental dans I'antiquite et au moyen age, suivi d'un traite de la peinture sur verre. 2^ edition. Paris, i860. Illus. 4074.66 Four of the plates are colored. Beale, S. Sophia. The amateur's guide to architecture. London. 1887, Illus. 4097.65 Beckett, Sir E., Baron Grimthorpe. A book on building, civil and ecclesiastical; with the theory of domes, and of the Great Pyramid; and a catalogue of sizes of churches and other large buildings. London. 1876. Illus. 4099.17 Belcher, J. Essentials in architecture. An analysis of the principles and qualities to be looked for in buildings. London. 1907. Plates. 4097.178 Bell, N. R. E. (N. D'Anvers.) An elemen- tary history of art. New York. 1875. Illus. 4078.59 Same. 2d edition. 1882. Plates. 4074.25 Same. London. 4077.83 Same. 3d edition. 1889. Illus. 8068.72 Same. 4th edition. London. 1895. [The student's handbook of art.] 8068.78 Same. New York, 1895. 8068.81 Bergmann, L. Die Baustyle und die Saulen- Ordnungen. Abtheilung i, Leipzig. 1854, Plates. Diagrams. [Die Schule der Baukunst. Band i. Abtheilung 3.] ^ . . ^ . 40i9a.22 Contents. — i. Gnechischer und romischer Styl. — Die Ordnungen der neueren Meister. This work was not finished, but much of the ma- terial prepared for its illustration was used by Busch in his Die Baustile [8097.1]. Billington, J. The architectural director. 2d edition. London. 1834. Plates. 4082.2 Bischof, M. Architektonische Stilproben. . Leipzig. 1901. 50 plates. 4093.45 Contents. — Das Alterthum. — Die Architektur des Islam. — Das Mittelalter, — Die Neuzeit. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Grammaire des arts du dessin: architecture, sculpture, peinture, jardins, gravure. Paris. 1867. Illus. ♦8063.12 HISTORY AND THEORY 19 Blomfield, R. T. The mistress art. Lon- don. 1908. 4098.155 Lectures on architecture. Studies in architecture. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4095.162 Contents. — Byzantium or Lombardy. — Andrea Palladio. — The architect of Newgate. — A hun- dred years of the French Renaissance. — Phili- bert de rOrme. — The Italians at Fontainebleau. — Appendix i : List of Italians employed at Fontainebleau. — Appendix 2 : De I'Orme's method of forming built-up ribs for roofs. — Index. These essays appeared originally in the Quarterly Review and in the Architectural Review. Blondel, F. Cours d'architecture. 2e edi- tion. Paris. 1698. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.i9 Boileau, L. A. Histoire critique de I'inven- tion en architecture. Paris. 1886. 20 plates. *8o8o.67 Borrmann, R., and J. Neuwirth. Geschichte der Baukunst. Band i, 2. Leipzig. 1904. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4092.127 Contents. — i. Die Baukunst des Altertums und des Islam im Mittelalter, von R. Borrmann. 2. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters, von J. Neuwirth. Bottari, G. G., and S. Ticozzi. Raccolta di lettere sulla pittura, scultura ed archi- tettura, scritte [negli] secoli xv-xvii. Milano. 1822-25. 8 v. 4089.43 Bourasse, J. J., Abbe. Archeologie chre- tienne, ou precis de I'histoire des monu- ments religieux du moyen age. Tours. 1841. Illus. Plans. [Bibliotheque de la jeunesse chretienne.] 4103.6 Bourgerel, G. Fragments d'architecture ct de sculpture. Paris. 1863. iot plates. *Cab.6o.98.i Brault, fi. Les architectes par leurs oeuvres. Paris. [1892, 93.] 3 V. Portraits. 8o9oa.6o Braun, J. Geschichte der Kunst. 2. Aus- gabe. Wiesbaden. 1873. 2 v. 4075.69 Briseux, C. £. Architecture moderne; ou, I'art de bien batir pour toutes sortes de personnes. [Anon.] Paris. 1728. Text, I V. 3 plates; Atlas, 143 plates. *8o93.66 Brooks, A. M. Architecture: Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic. Jllus. Plates. Plans. (In Progress. Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 155-189. Chicago. fT<)oo.l) *4072. 209.6 Brown, F. C., and others. Study of the orders [by] F. C. Brown, F. A. Bourne, and H. V. von Hoist. Adviser, J. R. Coolidge, Jr. Editor, A. E. Zapf. Com- piled from the instruction papers in the architectural course of the American School of Correspondence, Chicago. [Chicago. 1906.] Plates. Plans. ISibliography, pp. 276-281. *Cab.6o.I35.II Buckmaster, M. A. Elementary architec- ture. Oxford. 1898. 4098.23 Buehlmann, J. Die Architektur des classi- schen Alterthums und der Renaissance. Stuttgart. 1872-88. 75 plates. 8080.45 Die Bauformenlehre. Darmstadt. 1896. Illus. Plates. [Handbuch der Archi- tektur.] *8o92.49.2 Bullock, J., editor. The history and rudi- ments of architecture. New York. 1853. Illus. 4096.72 The rudiments of architecture and build- ing. New edition. New York. 1855. Illus. Plates. 4096.71 Same. Philadelphia. 1872. 4095.66 Burckhardt, J. C, and others. Geschichte der neueren Baukunst. Von J. Burckhardt, W. Liibke und C. Gurlitt. Stuttgart. 1887-1911- 4 V. in 6. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4095.37 Contents. — i. Geschichte der Renaissance in Italien, von J. Burckhardt. 5. Geschichte des Ba- rockstiles, des Rococo und des Klassicismus, von C. Gurlitt. 8. Geschichte des Barock in Spa- nien, von O. Schubert. 9. Von Palladio bis Schinkel, von P. Klopfer. Earlier editions of Vol. 1-5 were published in the series Geschichte der Bankunst C*409S.36]. Burn, R. S. The grammar of house plan- ning. Edinburgh. 1864. Illus. Plans. 4099.20 Bury, T. T. Rudimentary architecture for beginners. Illus. London. 1849. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] No. 2 in 8099.12 Same. 2d edition with additional illustra- tions. 1853. 8099.2 Same. 4th edition. 1857. 8099.34; No. 2 in B.6107.56 Same. 6th edition. 1874. No. 2 in 4109.7 Busch, C. Die Baustile. Leipzig. 1868-82. 3 V. Illus. Plates. [Die Schule der- Baukunst. i.] 8097.1 Part I is of the third edition. Contents. — i. Der griechische und romische Baustil. 2. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters. 3. Die Renaissance und die Bauweise der Neuzeit. Capitales, Les, du mon'de. Paris. 1892. Illus. Plates. *226o.ioi A series of articles by different writers. Same. The capitals of the world. [Trans- lated and] edited by Nancy Bell and H. D. Traill. London. 1892. 2 v. Plates. 2260.102 This translation contains an article on the city of Washington, which does not appear in the French edition. Capra, A. La nvova architettvra famigliare: diuisa in cinque libri corrispondenti a' cinque ordini, ... In Bologna. 1678. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Diagrams. *4098.i7 Carotti, G. A history of art. Revised by Mrs. Arthur Strong. Vol. i; 2 (part i). New York. 1908, 09. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4078.363 Contents. — i. Ancient art. 2, The Middle Ages. Cataneo, P. [L'architettura.] I qvattro primi libri di architettura. [Venegia. 1554.J Illus. *8o90.ii9 Same. [Libro 1-8. Venetia. 1567.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o9oa.i2i Caumont, A. de. Abecedaire ou rudiment d'archeologie. (Architecture civile et militaire.) Paris. 1853. Illus. Plates. 4095.3 Same. (Architecture religieuse.) 3e edi- ^ tion. Paris. 1854. Illus. 4095-2 Cours d'antiquites monumentales professe a Caen. Histoire de Tart dans I'ouest de 20 HISTORY AND THEORY Caumont, A. de. (Continued.) la France jusqu'au xviie siecle. Paris. 1830-41. Text, 6 V. Illus.; Atlas, 106 plates. *263i.i04 Chabat, P. Fragments d'architectiire. Paris. 1868. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.48.2 Chadwick, J. W. The evolution of architec- ture. (In Brooklyn Ethical Association. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art. New York. 1891.) 3606.111 Also published separately as No. 12 of the Evo- lution series [•3816.93.12]. Chambers, Sir W. Treatise on civil archi- tecture. Lon'don. I759- 5o plates. *Cab.6o.64.4 A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. With notes, and an ex- amination of Grecian architecture, by J. Gwilt. London. 1825. 2 v. Portrait. Plates. 4092-1 Chambray, R. F., Sieur de. A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern, in a collection of ten principal authors who have written upon the five orders. Added, An account of architects and architecture. With Alberti's Treatise of statues. By John Evelyn. 3d edition, with the addition of The elements of architecture; collected by Sir Henry Wotton; and also other additions. Lon- don, 1723. Illus. *4090.ii Chart showing the chronological sequence and periods of Italian, French, English, German and Byzantine architecture. N. p. N. d. *Cab.8o.i69.2 Choisy, F. A, Histoire de I'architecture. Paris. 1899. 2 V. 4092.72 Clement, C E. An outline history of archi- tecture for beginners and students. With indexes and illustrations. New York. 1886. Illus. Plates. 4096.68 Same. 4th edition. 1893. 4095.71 ; Z.i2oa 6.1 Coi, G. Ragionamento sopra i principj d'architettura di Francesco Maria Preti. Padova. 1795- Plate. *409i.iio Comelli, F. L'arte monumentale ed il po- polo. Milano. [186-?] No. 7 in *4o86.ii Cut from Tl Politecnico, Vol. 13. Congresso interiiazionale di scienze sto- riche, Roma. 1903. Storia dell' arte. Roma. 1905. Illus. [Atti, Vol, 7. Se- zione 4,] *4074-433 Cook, C. History of house architecture and decoration. Plates. (/« Gately. World's progress. Pp. 939-973- Boston. 1886.) ♦2210.56 Cook, T. A. Spirals in nature and art. A study of spiral formations based on the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, with special reference to the architecture of the open staircase at Blois, in Touraine. With a preface by E. Ray Lankester. New York. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4076.142 Coussin, J. A. Du genie de I'architecture. Paris. 1822. 60 plates. *8o9oa.i09 Daub, H. Die Vergangenheit des Hoch- baues. Wien. 1911. Illus. Plate. Plans. Literatur tind Quellcn, pp. 3, 4. 4094.132 Delorme, P. Le premier tome de I'architec- ture de Philibert de TOrme, [Livre 1-9.] Paris. 1568. Illus, Plates, *8o9o.i25 De Wette, W. M. L. Gedanken iiber Male- rei und Baukunst, besonders in kirch- licher Beziehung, Berlin. 1846. B.i7ob.87 Dietterlin, W. Le livre de I'architecture. Liege. 1862. 5 parts in 2 v. 209 plates. A reprint of the edition of 1598. *Cab.6o.99.5 Doderer, W., Ritter von. Architektonische Formenlehre. Fiir die K. k. Genie Akademie. Wien. 1866, 67. 2 v. in i. 35 plates. *8o9o.i29 Contents. — i. Die Architektursysteme der Grie- chen und Romer. 2. Darstellung der Architek- tursysteme des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Durand, J. N. L.^ Precis des legons d'archi- tecture donnees a I'ficole polytechnique. Paris. 1802-5. 2 V. Plates. *409O.2i Recueil et parallele des edifices de tout genre, anciens et modernes. Paris. [1800,] 90 plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.i Ebe, G, Abriss der Kunstgeschichte des Alterthums. Diisseldorf. 1895. Plates. 4072.84 Die Entwickelung der Baukunst im Zu- sammenhange mit Plastik und Malerei. Illus. Plates. (In Buch der Erfindun- gen. Band i, pp. 67-360. Leipzig. 1896.) *4033.i3.i Eidlitz, L. The nature and function of art, more especially of architecture. New York. 1881. 4094.72 Same. London. *L.54.7 Elmes, J. Lectures on architecture. 2d edi- tion. London. 1823. Illus. 4103.10 Enlart, D. L. C. Relations of modern archi- tecture to the study of other periods of the art. (In Congress of Arts and Sci- ence, St. Louis. 1904. Vol. 3, pp. 622- 637. Boston. 1906.) *79i6.io2.3 Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Architecture. Translated" from the German. [En- larged.] Philadelphia. 1888. Plates, ficonographic encyclopaedia. Vol. 4.] 7345-16 Einleitung. (Theoretische und historische Uebersicht.) (In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Theil i. Band i, pp. i-5o.Darm- stadt. 1883.) 8092.49.1 Literatur, p. 50. Faeh, A. Grundriss der Geschichle der bil- denden Kiinste. Freiburg im B. 1887-- 90. Illus. *8o7i.io7 Faure, P. Le canon des proportions en ar- chitecture. Grece. Tableau 1. Paris. [1895] V. *Cab.6o.i3i.i Contents. — i. Le Parthenon ou temple dc Minerve a Athenes. Theorie des proportions en architecture d'apres I'analyse des monuments. i^ etude: La Grece et ses colonies. Paris. 1893. Plates. *8o8oa.20 Publication discontinued. Ferguson, Sir S. Our architecture. (In Afternoon lectures on literature and art. Vol. 2, pp. 27-65, London. 1864.) 4559.10.2 HISTORY AND THEORY 21 Fergusson, J. An historical inquiry into the principles of beauty in art. Part i. London. 1849. Plates. 4092.4 History of architecture. London. 1865, 67. 2 V. Illus. 4103-9 Same. 2d edition. London. 1873-76. 4 v. Illus. 4103.22 Same. 3d edition. 1891-93. 5 v. 4i03-54 Contents. — i, 2. Ancient and mediaeval archi- tecture. Edited by R. P. Spiers. 3. Indian and Eastern architecture. 4, 5. Modern architecture. By R. Kerr, The illustrated handbook of architecture. London. 1855. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. 4103.24 Same. 2d edition. 2 v. in i. *B.6io5.62 Filarete, A. Tractat uber die Baukunst nebst seinen Biichern von der Zeichen- kunst und den Bauten der Medici. Wien. 1890. [Quellenschriften fitr Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Neuzelt. Neue Folge. Band 3.] *8o66.5i.N.F.3 Fine arts, The. A course of university les- sons on sculpture, painting-, architecture and decoration . . . Chicago. 1900. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. F. *4072.209 Fine arts, The. A university course in sculp- ture, painting, architecture and decora- tion. Chicago. [1907.] Illus. Plans. [National Art Society.] 4073-391 A collection of articles by various writers, in- cluding: Technique and principles of art, by R. Sturgis ; Pre-Greek art, by J. Pickard ; Archi- tecture, by A. M. Brooks; Architecture, by H. T>. Warren ; Oriental art, by E Buckley. Twelve study brochures, prepared to nccompany this work, are on shelf-number 4079a.35o. Five orders, The, of architecture, displayed and illustrated. London. [1844.] *4092.2 Fletcher, B., and B. F. Fletcher. A history of architecture for the student, crafts- man, and amateur. London. 1896. Plates. Plans. ^ 4106.16 Same. 4th edition. 1901. ' 4106.21 Same. 5th edition, revised. 1905. 4106.40 Fletcher, B. F. The influence of material on architecture. London. 1897. Plates. 80903.68 Foerster, E. Vorschule der Kunstge- schichte. Leipzig. T862. Illus. 4084.2 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architek- tur. Erganzungshefte zum Handbuch der Architektur. Darmstadt. 1894-1902. 12 V. and unbound parts. Illus. Plans. *8o9oa.i32 The Handbuch is in 4 parts, to be found re- spectively on shelf-numbers *8o92.4<7, *8o92.5o, *8oo2.5i and *8o92.52. r^'oucart, P. F. Du role et de Tinfluence de I'imitation en matiere d'art et d'indus- trie. Valenciennes. 1894. 4095.131 Deals chiefly with architecture. Freeman, K. A. A history of architecture. London. 1849. 4095.67 Furno, F. Notes scicntifi(|ues de vo3''age. Heresies archeologiques: Les tours pen- checs. — La routine: Notes sur Ic chauf- fage ct la ventilation, autrefois et au- iourd'hui. Paris. 1875. Hhis. 4099.61 Gailhabaud, J., editor. Cahiers d'instructions sur I'architecture, la sculpture, les meubles [etc.]. Paris. 1846. Illus. [Bibliotheque archeologique.] 8061.100 Monuments anciens et modernes. Collec- tion formant une histoire de I'architec- ture. Paris. 1855. 4 V. 399 plates. ♦4100.57 Contents. — i. Temps anciens. 2, 3. Moyen age. 4. Periode moderne. Gallaccini, T. Trattato sopra gli errori degli architetti. Venezia. 1767. Illus. No. I in *8ioo.50 Same. Continuazione al Trattato [per A. Visentini]. Venezia. 1771. Illus. No. 2 in *8ioo.5o Garbett, E. L. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture as exemplified in the works of the Greek and Gothic architects. London. 1850. Illus. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] *B.4277.9; 4099.120 Geymueller, H. A. von, Baron, Architektur und Religion: Gedanken iiber religiose Wirkung der Architektur. Anhang: Biographische Notiz und Bibliographic der Werke und Aufsatze des Verfassers von O. P. Tiocca. Basel. 191 1. Por- trait. [Nachgelassene Schriften. Heft I.] 4108.115 Gibbs, J. A book of architecture, containing designs of buildings and ornaments. London. 1728. 150 plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.9 Contains designs for monuments. Gietmann, G. Asthetik der Baukunst. Frei- burg im Breisgau. 1903. Plates. Plans. [Kunstlehre. Band 5.] 4074.304 This volume contains a general index to the five parts of Kunstlehre. Godfrey, W. H. A history of architecture in London arranged to illustrate the course of architecture in England until 1800, with a sketch of the preceding European styles. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4098.159 Goeller, A. Die Entstehung der architekto- nischen Stilformen. Stuttgart. 1888. 4103.52 Goodyear, W. H. A history of art. New York. 1888. Illus. Plates. 4084.24 Same. 2d edition with new illustrations. [1889?] *L.54.i Same. 8th edition, enlarged. 1896. 4084.44 Same. loth edition. Revised and en- larged. [1898.] 4084.49 Same. T2th edition. [1900.] 4084.52 Same. 17th edition. Revised and enlarged. [1909?! 4084.58 Syllabus of a course of six lectures on representative nations, illustrated by their architecture and decorative arts. Philadelphia. 1898. Illus. [University extension lectures. Series H., no. 2.] No. T2 in *3592.i63 Guadet, J. Elements et theorie de I'archi- tecture. Cours prof esse a I'ficole natio- nale et specialc des beaux-arts. Paris. [1902, 03.] 4 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. Tables. *409i.i36 Contents. — i. Les etudes preparatoires. — Prin- 22 HISTORY AND THEORY Guadet, J. (Continued.) cipes generaux. — elements de I'architecture. a. Les elements de la composition: dans I'habita- tion ; dans les edifices d'enseignement et d'in- struction publique; dans les edifices administra- tifs, politiques, judiciaires, penitentiaires ; dans les edifices hospitaliers ; dans les edifices d'usage public. 3. Les elements de la composition dans les edifices religieux. — Table alphabetique des matieres. — Table alphabetique des figures. [4.] Additions. Gualandi, M., editor. Nuova raccolta di let- tere siilla pittura, scultura ed architet- tura. Bologna. 1844-56. 3 v. Plate. 4077.36 Guillon, A. I. Sigles ou marques de tache- rons tailleurs de pierre. Auxerre. 1893. 5 plates. 8086.33 Gwilt, J. Elements of architectural criti- cism for the use of students, amateurs, an-d reviewers. London. 1837. Plates. 4097.25 Rudiments of architecture, practical and theoretical. 2d edition. London. 1839. Plates. 4097.26 Haendcke, B. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Stilarten: ein Handbuch. Leipzig. 1913. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 8073.193 Halfpenny, W. A new and compleat system of architecture, delineated in a variety of plans and elevations. London. 1759- 47 plates. *8o93.76 Hamlin, A. D. F. History of architectural styles. [Syllabus.] Albany. 1894. ♦3596.144.49 A text-book of the history of architecture. New York. 1896. Plates. [College his- tories of art.] 4097.16 Same. 1897. 4097-i9 Same. 1898. 4097.20 Same. 8th edition. 1909. 4097.22 Handbuch der Architektur. Darmstadt. 1881-1906. 28 V. in 51. Illus. Plates. Namely: — Theil I. Allgemeine Hochbaukunde. Band 1-5. *8o92.49 Theil 2. Die Baustile. Band 1-7. 7 v. in 12. *8o92.5o Theil 3. Die Hochbau - Constructionen. Band 1-6. 6 v. in 12. *8o92.5i Theil 4. Entwerfen, Anlage und Einrich- tung der Gebaude. Halb-Band i; 2 (Heft 1-3); 3-5; 6 (Heft 1-6); 7; 8 (Heft 1-3) ; 9, 10. ID V. in 22. *8o92.52 Each part contains valuable bibliographies. Harding, J. D. Sketches at home ^ and abroad. [London. 1836.] 50 plates. *Cab.8o.72.4 Hartmann, C. O. Die Baukunst in ihrer Entwicklung von der Urzeit bis zur Ge- genwart. Eine Einfiihrung in Ge- schichte, Technik u Stil. Band 1-3. Leipzig. [1910, 11.] 3 V. Illus. Plans. 4097.71 Contents. — i. Die Baukunst des Altertums u. des Islam. 2. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. 3. Die Baukunst des Barocks u. der Neuzeit. In progress. Havard, H. L'art a travers les moeurs. Paris. 1882. Plates. *4o8i.22 Havard, H. (Continued.) Histoire et philosophic des styles (ar- chitecture, ameublement, decoration). _ Paris. 1899, 1900. 2 v. Plates. Plans. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.8o.245.3 Les styles. Paris. [1897.] Illus. [Les arts de I'ameublement.] 8087.102 Hebrard, A. Architecture. Paris. 1897. Illus. Plans. [Bibliotheque du conduc- teur de travaux publics.] 4095-72 Heck, J. G., editor. Architecture, mythology, the fine arts [etc.]. Translated by S. F. Baird. New York. 1851. Text and atlas. [Iconographic encyclopaedia. Vol. 4.] Text, 738oa.25.4; Atlas, vol.2 Heideloff, C. A. von. Die Lehre von Vign- ola's Saulenordnungen in Zusammen- stellung mit jenen des Palladio, Serlio . . . und einigen romischen Antiken. Nurnberg. [1853.] Atlas, 10 plates. fCab.60.158.4 The principal designs are from Vignola. Helbig, J. L'art mosan depuis I'introduc- tion du christianisme jusqu' a la fin du xviiie siecle. Bruxelles. 1906. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *407i.40 Herder, B., publisher. Herders Bilderatlas zur Kunstgeschichte. Freiburg im B. [1906.] 146 plates. *Cab.8o.249.7 The text is in German and French. Hermann, E. Saulenordnungen der Grie- chen und Romer, fiir Architekten, Bild- hauer, Maler, fiir Kunst- und Bauhand- werker, etc. . . . Dresden. [190T?] 18 plates. *Cab.6o.i36.3 There is no text, excepting an introductory note. History of architecture. [Scranton. 1903.] Plates. Plans. [International Library of Technology. Vol. 33, section i.] No. I in *8o27. 132.33 History of architecture and ornament. Scranton. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Charts. [International Library of Tech- nology. Vol. 100, loi.] *8o27.i 32.100, loi Hope, T. An historical essay on architec- ture. Illustrated from drawings made in Italy and Germany. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1835. Text, I v.; Atlas, 97 plates. *4092.62 Same. 3d edition. 1840. 4092.8 An analytical index by Edward Cresy, published in 1836, is on shelf-numbers *4092.i5; **G. 154-5. Hopkins, J. F. Outlines of art history. Vol. i: Architecture. Boston. [1900.] Illus. ♦4096.45 Horton, C. W. Architecture for general stu- dents. New York. 1874. Plates. 4099.16 Hosking, W., and others. Treatises on ar- chitecture, building, masonry, joinery, and carpentry. New York. 1852. Plates. *4ioi.24 Huet, J. C. Essai sur cette question: quels ont ete les progres de I'architecture de- puis son origine jusqu'a nos jours? Paris. 1805. 4098.128 Huggins, S. A chart of the history of archi- tecture: showing . . . the rise, chrono- logical sequence ... of the various known styles of all countries and ages. London. 1863. 8o9oa.35 HISTORY AND THEORY 23 Huggins, S. (Continued.) The course and current of architecture. London. 1863. Illus. 8094.25 Designed to accompany his Chart of the history of architecture. Illustrations of the history of art. Published under supervision of S. R. Koehler. Boston. [1879.] 246 plates. *8o6oa.i4 Issfbelle, C. fi. Les edifices circulaires et les domes, classes par ordre chronologique. Paris. 1855. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.34.i Jackson, T. G. Reason in architecture. Lec- tures delivered at the Royal Academy of Arts. London. 1906, Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 4097.166 Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. Architecture, sculp- ture, and painting. New York, 1855. 8069.75 Joseph, D. Geschichte der Baukunst vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit. Berlin. [1902.1 3 V. in 4. Plates. Plans. 4094.133 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. xxx-xxxv. Contents. — i. Das Altertum. — Das Mittelalter. 2. Das Mittelalter. — Die Neuzeit. 3. Die Bau- kunst des Neuklassizismus und der Friihroman- tik. — Eklektizismus und Romantik. — Archais- mus, Subjektivismus und Moderne. Jouin, H., editor. Les chefs-d'oeuvre: pein- ture, sculpture, architecture. Paris. [1895-99] 5 V. Plates. *Cab.8o.98.i No more was published. The plates illustrating architecture are few in number and scattered through the volumes. Ker, C. H. B. Sir Christopher Wren; with some general remarks on the origin and progress of architecture. [Anon.] Lon- don. 1828. Plate. Plans. 4097.158; No. 12 in **E.2i2.8; No. 8 in B.4275.15; No. 14 in *5963.62 Kirby, H. P. Architectural compositions. Boston. 1892. 50 sketches. *Cab.6o.i32.i Klopfer, P. Von Palladio bis Schinkel: eine Charakteristik der Baukunst des Klassizismus. Esslingen a. N. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der neueren Baukunst. Band 9.] *4095.37.9 Knackfuss, H., and M. E. Zimmermann. Allgemeine Kunstgeschichte. Bielefeld. 1897-1903. 3 V. Illus. Plates. *4072.35 Contents. — 1. Kunstgeschichte des Altertums und des Mittelalters, bis zum Ende der romani- schen Epoche. 2. Kunstgeschichte der Gotik und Renaissance. 3. Kunstgeschichte des Ba- rock, Rokoko, und der Neuzeit. Vol. 3 is by H. Knackfuss, M. E. Zimmermann and W. Gensel. Kugler, F. T. Handbuch der Kunstge- schichte. Stuttgart. 1842. B.4277.3 Same. 4. Auflage. Bearbeitet von W. Liibke. 1861. 2 v. Illus. 4075.9 Same. 5. Auflage. 1872. 4074.21 Kleine Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte. Stuttgart. 1853, 54. 3 V. Illus. Plates. *4075.io Kugler, F. T., editor. Geschichte der Bau- kunst. Stuttgart. 1859-72. 5 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4095.36 Contents. — i. Geschichte der orientalischen und antiken Baukunst, von F. Kugler. 2. Die Archi- tcktur des romanischcn Styles, von F. Kugler. Kugler, F. T., editor. (Continued.) 3. Geschichte der gothischen Baukunst, von F. Kugler. 4. Die Renaissance in Italien; Die Re- naissance in Frankreich, von J. Burckhardt und W. Liibke. 5. Geschichte der deutschen Renais- sance, von W. Lubke. Kuhn, A. Allgemeine Kunst-Geschichte. Die Werke der bildenden Kiinste. Band 1-3. Einsiedeln und Waldshut. 1891- 191 1. 3 V. in 12. Illus. Plates. *8o82.i49 The last volume contains an index to Vols. 1-3. Kuss, J. Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in der Kunstgeschichte. 2. Auflage. Stutt- gart. 1870. Illus. 8088.71 Same. 3. Auflage. 1874. 4066.40 Labrouste, L. Esthetique monumentale. Paris. 1902. [Philosophic des beaux- arts.] 4093.141 Lafever, M. Architectural instructor. New York. 1856. Plates. *8o90.8 La Font de Saint-Yenne, de. Examen d'un Essai sur I'architecture [par Marc- Antoine Laugier] : avec quelques re- marques sur cette science traitee dans I'Esprit des beaux arts. [Anon.] Paris. 1753. Illus. *4099a.ioo Langley, B., and T. Langley. The builder's jewel. TOth edition. London. 1763. Plates. *8o99.io Laugier, M. A. Essai sur I'architecture. [Anon.] Paris. 1753. 40993.104; *L.55.i8 Laureys, F. Kursus der klassischen Bau- kunst. 2. Auflage. Berlin. [1889.] 70 plates. *Cab.6o.49.i Lebrun, L. Theorie de I'architecture grecque et romaine, deduite de I'analyse des monumens antiques. Paris. 1807. 26 plates. *8o9oa.i29 Le Comte, F. Cabinet des singularitez d'ar- chitecture . . . Paris. 1699. 3 v. Por- trait. Plates. Facsimiles. *4079a.i24 Leeds, W. H. Rudimentary architecture. London. 1848. No. t in 8099.12 Same. 2d edition. 8099.30 Same. 3d edition. 1854. 8099.4; No. I in B.6107.56 Same. loth edition. 1874. No. i in 4109.7 Lefevre, A. Les merveilles de I'architecture. Paris. 1865. Illus. [Bibliotheque des merveilles.] 4099.14 Same. Wonders of architecture. Trans- lated from the French. Added, a chap- ter on English architecture by R. Don- ald. New York. 1870. Plates. [Illus- trated library of wonders.] 4099.116 Legrand, J. G. Collection des chefs-d'oeuvre de I'architecture des differens peuples, executes en modeles, sous la direction de L. F. Cassas, decrite et analysee par J. G. Legrand. Paris. 1806. 4098.116 The models here described were made by Cassas for the £cole des beaux-arts. Leixner-Gruenberg, O. von. Die bildenden Kunste in ihrer geschichtlichen Ent- wicklung bis auf die Neuzeit. Stuttgart. 1880. [Frauen-Bibliothek.] 8067.131 Lchrbuch der Baustile mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des architektonischen und technischen Details. Band i, 2. 24 HISTORY AND THEORY Leixner-Gruenbcrg, O. von. (Continued.) Leipzig. [1900, 05?] 71 plates. Contains bibliographies. 40903.115 Contents. — 1. Die Baukunst des Altertums. a. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters. Le Muet, P. Maniere de bien bastir pour toutes sortes de personnes. Reveue & enrichie de pliisieurs figures des plus beaux bastimens de France. Paris. 1681. 2 V. in I. Plates. *8o90.i30 Leroux, G. Les origines de I'edifice hypo- style en Grece, en Orient et chez les Ro- mains. Paris. 1913- IHus. [Bibliotheque des ficoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome.] *2953.6i.io8 Lesueur, J. B. C. Histoire et theorie de I'architecture. Paris. 1879. Plates. Plans. 4091.63 Lethaby, W. R. Architecture: an introduc- tion to the history and theory of the art of building. New York. [1912?] Illus. Plans. [Home university library of modern knowledge. 38.] 22593.138 Bibliography, pp. 253, 254. Architecture, mysticism, and myth. Lon- don. 1892. Illus. 3494.70 Levy, E. fitude philosophique sur I'archi- tecture. Bruxelles. 1859. [Academic royale de Belgique. Memoires couron- n^s.] No. 5 in *3398.i.9 Lewis, T. H., and G. E. Street. Architec- ture. [London? 187-?! Plates. No. 2 in 4101.52 From the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Lichtenberg, R., Freiherr von. Haus, Dorf, Stadt: eine Entwickekings-Geschichte des antiken Stadtebildes. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4094.179 Litcraturverzetchnis, pp. 276-280. Liechtenstein, C. E., Fiierst von. Des Fiir- sten Karl Eusebius von Liechtenstein Werk von der Architektur. (In Flei- scher, V. Fiirst Karl Eusebius von Liechtenstein als Bauherr und Kunst- sammler. Pp. 87-209. Wien. 1910.) 4825.108 Lineham, R. S. The street of human habita- tions. London. 1894. Ulus. Plates. 2236.112 This refers to the "Habitations" section of the International P^xhibition, Paris, 1889. Lockington, W. N., editor. Architecture. Translated from the German of A. O. Essenwein and amplified by a continua- tion of modern European architecture and by an addition on American archi- tecture. Philadelphia. 1888. 70 plates. [Iconographic encyclopaedia. Vol. 4.] *7345.i6.4 Lomazzo, G. P. Trattato dell' arte della pit- tura, scoltura ed architettura. Milano. 1585. *4077.i63 Same. Roma. 1844. 3 v. [Biblioteca artistica.] 4072.3 Longfellow, W. P. P. The column and the arch. Essays on architectural history. New York. 1899. Plates. 4098.25 Loring, S. E., and W. L. B. Jenney. Princi- ples and practice of architecture. Chi- cago. 1869. 46 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.2 Lowth, T. H. On architecture. {In Oxford English prize essays. Vol. i, pp. 35-58. London. 1836.) *4556.52.i Written in 1776. Loveridge, B. G. Appreciation of art. Gran- ville, Ohio. 1912. Colored plates. Pages 51 to 98 treat of architecture. 4079^.259 Luebke, W. Geschichte der Architektur. Leipzig. 1870. 2 V. Illus. 8102.50 Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte. 3. Auf- lage. Stuttgart. 1866. Illus. 8074.5 Same. 5- Auflage. 1871. 2 v. 8074.32 Same. 12. Auflage, vollstandig neu bear- beitet von M. Semrau. 1899-1905. 5 v. Portraits. Plans. 4073.286 History of art. London. 1868. 2 v. Illus. ♦4074.16 Same. 2d edition. 1869. 2 v. 4074.23 Kunsthistorische Studien. Stuttgart. 1869. 8075.3 Kunstwerke und Kiinstler. Breslau. [1886.] Illus. 8062.73 Outlines of the history of art. A new translation from the 7th German edi- tion. Edited by C. Cook. New York. 1878. 2 V. *4o63.37;**K.29o.i8 Same. Edited, minutely revised and largely rewritten by Russell Sturgis. New York. 1904. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *8o73.2i2 Luebke, W., and C. F. A. von Luetzow. Denkmaler der Kunst, zur Uebersicht ihres Entwickelungsganges. Herausge- geben von E. Guhl und J. Caspar. Stutt- gart. 1851, S3' 3 V. Plates. *B.6ioo.54 Monuments of art. New York. N. d. 3 v, *8o6i.20 Marks, P. L. The principles of architectural design. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4094.185 The principles of planning. An analytical treatise for the use of architects and others. London. 1901. Plans. 4096.14 The principles of planning buildings: an analytical treatise for the use of archi- tects and others. Being the 3d edition of "The principles of planning," en- larged. London. 1911. Plans. 4094.186 Mathews, C. T. The story of architecture. New York. 1896. Plates. Plans. 4097-59 Contains bibliographies. Memes, J. S. History of sculpture, painting, and'architecture. Edinburgh. 1820. 8079.51 Same. Boston. 1831. 8078.108 Same. 1834. 8077.13 Menard, R. Histoire des beaux-arts. Paris. 1875. Ill"'^- 4072.70 Merian, M., and M. Zeiller. Topographia. Das ist, Beschreibung und Abbildung der furnembsten Statt und Pliltz. [Mit] Haupt-Register. Frankfurt. 1643-88. 1726. II V. Plates. *B.426i.3 Michel, A. Histoire d€ I'art dcpuis les pre- miers temps Chretiens jusqu'a nos jours. Paris. 1905-08. 3 V. in 6. Plates. Plans. *4073-388 Bibliographie, vol. i (part 2); 2 (i); 3 (i). Contents. — i. Des debuts de I'art chretien a la fin de la periode romanc. 2. L'art gothique. 3. Lc realisme. — Les debuts dc la renaissance. HISTORY AND THEORY 25 Milizia, F. de. Opere complete risguardanti le belle arti. Bologna. 1826, 27. 9 v. Plates. *4072.i5 Principj di architettura civile. 3a edizione, accresciuta da G. B. Cipriani. Bassano. 1813. 3 V. Plates. 8097.60 Also in his Opere complete risguardanti le belle arti. Observations on this work, and additions to it, by G. A. Antolini may be found on shelf- number 4072.17. Mills, F. W. Photography for architects. London. 1890. lUus. 3976.103 Mitchell, T. A rudimentary manual of archi- tecture. London. 1870. Plates. 4098.15 The stepping-stone to architecture. Con- sisting of a series of questions and an- swers explaining the principles and pro- gress of architecture from the earliest times. New edition, London. [1869.] Plates. 4098.61 Mitford, W. Principles of design in archi- tecture traced in observations on build- ings primeval, Egyptian, Phenician [etc.]. 2d edition. London. 1824. 4095.1 Moore, C, compiler. The promise of Ameri- can architecture. Addresses at the an- nual dinner of the American Institute of Architects, 1905. Washington. 1905. Plates. 4095.160 Contents. — Art and the Republic, by Theodore Roosevelt. — The place of art in civilization, by N. M. Butler. — The place of art in civilization, by J. Jusserand. — Art and religion, by Cardinal Gibbons. — The simple life, by E. Root. — The painters, by J. La Farge. — The sculptors, by A. Saint-Gaudeus. — The higher law, by J. Harlan. Architecture and appropriations, by J. G. Can- non. — Congress and the architects, by J. T, McCleary. Morris, W. Architecture, industry & wealth. Collected papers. London. 1902. 4095.150 Three of the eleven papers are on architecture or related subjects. Mortet, F. J. V., editor. Recueil de textes relatifs a I'histoire de I'architecture et a la condition des architectes en France, au moyen age, xie-xii^ siecles. Pu- blic avec une introduction, des notes, un glossaire et un repertoire archeologique. Paris. 1911. [Collection de textes pour servir a I'etude et a Tenseignement de I'histoire.] 4097.60 Mueller, C. O. Ancient art and its remains. New edition. London. 1852. 4072.9 Handbuch der Archaologie der Kunst. Breslau. 1835. B.4277.2 Same. 1848. 4076.68 Nouveau manuel complet d'archeologie. Paris. 184T, 42. Text, 3 v.; Plates, i v. 8089.6 Nelli, G. B. Discorsi di architettura. Fi- renze. 1753. Portrait. Plans. *4O94.i04 Contents. — • Del fabbricarsi i ponti ne' fiumi della Tcscana. — Ragionamento sopra la maniera di voltar le cupole senza adoperarvi le centine. Nicholson, P. Principles of architecture. 4th edition. London. 1836. 3 v. Plates. 4096.3 Same. 6th edition, revised and corrected by J. Gwilt. London. 1848. Plates. 4094.66 Noire, L. Die Entwicklung der Kunst. Leipzig. 1874. 4065.46 Normand, C. P. J. [New parallel of the or- ders of architecture. Translated from the French, with notes and additional plates, by A. Pugin. London. 1829.] 64 plates. *4ioo.i5 Noyes, I. P. The evolution of style and order in architecture. [Washington. 1898.] 4094-45 Observations on the varieties of architec- ture used in the structure of parish churches. To which is added a descrip- tion of the characteristics of the Saxon, Norman, and Pointed arch styles; list of churches now remaining, built by the Saxons; an account of bishops and others who were architects; and the contemporary architecture of the vari- ous periods. London. 1812. 4107.70 Painting and interior decoration. History of architecture and ornament. Scran- ton. [1909.] 2 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [International Library of Tech- nology. Vol. 100, loi.] *8o27.i32.ioo, loi Contents. — 100. Painting and interior decoration. History of architecture and ornament. 10 1. His- tory of architecture and ornament (continued). Palladio, A. CEuvres completes. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1842. 2 v. Plates. *4ioo.i6 First book of architecture; with an appen- dix by LeMuet. 6th edition. London. 1700. Plates. *4096.9 I qvattro libri dell' architettvra di Andrea Palladio. Venetia. 1570, Plates. *8o9o.62 Same. [1765?] *8o90.63 The title-page has the date 1570, but the work was printed much later, probably in 1765. The second [and third] book of Palladio's .A^rchitecture. . . . Translated from the Italian, and the designs carefully copied by B. Cole, engraver. London. 1733. 2 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. *L.4i.i4 Patte, P. Memoires sur les objets les plus importans de I'architecture. Paris. 1769. 27 plates. *409i.45 Peabody, R. S. An architect's sketch book. Boston. 1912. Plates. *409i.i49 Contents. — A Venetian day. — The Italian Re- naissance. — Rural England. — French and Eng- lish churches. - - The five orders of architecture. — On the design of houses. — By the sea. Note book sketches. [Europe.] Boston. 1873. Plates. 8102.10 Phillipps, L. M. Art and environment. New York. 191 1. Plate. 4097-64 Bibliography, pp. 328-343. The works of man. London. 1911. Plate. 4099-155 Bibliography, pp. 328-343. A history of the fine arts with special reference to architecture. Picturesque Europe. London. [1876-79. J 4 V. Illus. Plates. *227o.5i Contents. — i, 2. The British Isles. 3, 4. The continent. Plinius Secundus, Caius. The Elder Pliny's chapters on the history of art. Trans- lated by K. Jex-Blake. With historical 26 HISTORY AND THEORY Plinius Secundus, Caius. (Continued.) introduction by E. Sellers. London. 1896. 4074-38 Latin text and English translation Bibliogra- phy, pp. xcv-c. Plo y Camin, A. El arquitecto practico, civil, militar y agrimensor, dividido en tres libros ... 3a impresion. Madrid. 1819. Plates. *4099a.i43 Preston, W. G., compiler. [A collection of plates and plans of buildings, interiors & furniture.] New York. 1870-95. 10 v. Plates. Plans. *4i04.202 Cut from various architectural periodicals. Some of the plates are colored. Pugin, A. N. Welby. Contrasts : or, a parallel between the noble edifices of the Middle Ages, and corresponding buildings of the present day. London. 1841. Plates. *4ioi.54 Another edition (1836) is on shelf-no. * 4101.22. Pullan, R. p. Studies in architectural style. London. 1883. 96 plates. *8iooa.47 Many of the plates are plans. Putnam, J. P. Architecture under national- ism. Boston. 1890. Tllus. 8097.7 Same. 2d edition. 1891. 8097.26 The outlook for the artisan and his art. Chicago. 1899. Illus. [Unity library.] 4098.29 Chiefly on nationalism and its influence on ar- chitecture. Puys de Labastie, J. L. O. Des grandes lignes architecturales. Rapports harmo- nique? avec les climats et I'esprit des diverses epoques. 20 edition. Paris. 1880. 84 plates. *8iooa.55 Raccolta di lettere suUa pittura, scultura, ed architettura scritte da' piu celebri pro- fessori che in dette arti fiorirono dal sc- colo XV al XVII. Roma. 1754-73- 7 v. *4077-i52 Vol. I was edited by C. Barbiellini ; vol. 2 by X. and M. Pagliarini ; vol. 4-7 by M. Pagliarini. Ramee, D. L'architecture et la construction pratiques. Paris. 1868. Illus. 8094.24 Histoire generale de Tarchitecturc. Paris. 1860-85. 3 V. Illus. 4102.13 Contains bibliographies. Ravcnscroft, W. The Comacines: their * predecessors and their successors. Lon- don. 1910. Illus. Plates. Map. 4099a.i46 Rayet, O. fitudes d'archeologie et d'art. Paris. 1888. Illus. [Bibliotheque ar- cheologique.] 4103.53 Raymond, G. L. Painting, sculpture, and architecture as representative arts. New York. 1895. 8065.145 Read, S. Leaves from a sketch-book. Lon- don. 1875. Plates. *226o.55 Reinach, S. The story of art throughout the ages. From the French by Florence Simmonds. New York. 1904. Illus. Contains bibliographies. 4077.30I Apollo. An illustrated manual of the his- tory of art throughout the ages. From the French by Florence Simmonds. New edition, revised by the author. London. 1907. Illus. 4078.367 Reymond, W. Architecture, sculpture, pein- ture. Histoire de Tart. Paris. i874- Illus. 4076.54 Reynaud, F. L. Traite d'architecture. 4e edition. Paris. 1894. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 2 V. *Cab.6o.i27.i Contents. — i. Art de batir. 2. Composition des Edifices. Richardson, T. A. The art of architectural modelling in paper. London. 1859. Illus. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8099.22 Ricci, A., Marchese. Storia dell' architettura in Italia dal secolo iv al xviii. Modena. 1857-59. 3 V. 4106.15 Rieth, O. Architektur-Skizzen, Berlin. 1891. 120 plates. *8o9oa.iii Skizzen. Eine neue Folge architectoiii- scher und decorativer Studien und Ent- wiirfe. Berlin. 1892. 20 plates. *8o9oa.ii8 Rivoira, G. T. Lombardic architecture: its origin, development and derivatives. Translated by G. M'N. Rushforth. Lon- don. 1910. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409i.i58 The Italian original is on shelf-number *4ioi.37. Robinson, J. B. Architectural composition. London. 1908. Plates. Plans. 4095.176 Principles of architectural composition. With an introduction by R. Sturgis. New York. 1899. Plates. Plans. Dia- grams. [The architectural record se- ries.] 4093.83 Rosengarten, A. Die architektonischen Stylarten. 3. Auflage. Braunschweig. 1874. Illus. 4094.55 A handbook of architectural styles. Trans- lated from the German by W. Collett- Sandars. London. 1876. Plates. 4095.63 Same. [1878.] 4097-9 Same. A new edition. New York. [1912?] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4097.29 Rosenthal, C. A. Uebersicht der Geschichte der Baukunst. Berlin. 1841-50. 3 v. ♦8092.125 Ross, W. T. The fine arts. Glasgow, 1885. 8067.35 Ruskin, J. Studies in both arts: being ten subjects drawn and described. Orping- ton. 1895. 10 plates. *4090.34 Sandrart, J. von. Teutsche Academic der Bau-Bildhauer- und Maler-Kunst. Niirn- berg. 1768-75. 8 v. Plates. Plans. **K.5o.i Sauvageot, C. Viollet-le-Duc et son oeuvre dessine. Paris. 1880. Illus. 4100.80 Extrait de TEncyclopWie d'architecture, aout et septembre, 1880. Scamozzi, V. Architettura universale. Perugia. 1803. Plates. 4093.16 Schaefer, C. Die Baukunst des Abend- landes. Neudruck. Leipzig. 1901. Plates. [Sammlung Goschen. 74.] 73893.74 Schnaase, C. Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste. 2. Auflage. Diisseldorf. 1866- 79. 8 V. Illus. *4076.i3 Contents. — i, 3. Bei den Alten. 3-7. Im Mittel- . alter. 8. Im 15. Jahrhundert. Vol. 8 is devoted mostly to painting, but con- tains a chapter on Filippo Brunellesco, pp. 564- 590. HISTORY AND THEORY 27 Schnatter, J. Synchronistische Geschichte der bildenden Kunste. Berlin. 1870, 71. 8073.68 Schneider, J., and O. Metze. Hauptmerk- male der Baustile. Leipzig. [1902.] Text, I v.; Atlas, 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i54.2 Schultz, A. Einfiihrung in das Studium der neueren Kunstgeschichte. Prag. 1887. Tllus. *8o7i.8 Das hausliche Leben der europaischen Kulturvolker vom Mittelalter bis zur zweiten Halfte des xviii. Jahrhunderts. [Teil i:] Die Wohnung. Miinchen. 1903. lUus. [Handbuch der mittelalter- lichen iind neueren Geschichte.] No. I in2215.11 "Relates principally to Germany and France. Schultz, W. Die Harmonic in der Baukunst. Nachweisung der Proportionalitat in den Bauwerken des griechischen Alter- tums. Teil i. Hannover-Linden. 1891. Tllus. 8091.107 Schuyler, M. Architecture. Portrait. (In Union College practical lectures. Vol. I, pp. 169-194. New York. [1895.]) *4484.i23 Same. (In Success and how to attain it. Pp. 171-194. New York. 1895.) 3588.123 Schweinfurth, J. A. Sketches abroad made during a nine months tour through a part of Spain, Italy, France and the South Kensington Museum. Boston. 1888. 31 plates. *Cab.6o.45.5 Seeman, E, A. Kunsthistorische Bilderbo- gen. Band i, 2. Supplement 1-3. Leip- zig. 1880-87. 5 V. *Cab.8o.83.5 Seemanns Wandbilder. Meisterwerke der bildenden Kunst. Baukunst, Bildnerei, Malerei. Leipzig. [1899,] 1900. 93 heliotypes. *Cab.8o.i7o.4 Selvatico, P., Marchese. Scritti d'arte. Fi- renze. 1859. 4079.89 Contents. — Pittura. — Architeltura. — Arti in genere. Storia estetico-critica delle arti del di- segno. Venezia. 1852, 56. 2 v. 8085.81 Semper, G. Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Kiinsten. Frankfurt, i860, 63. 2 V. Illus. *40i4.64 Some of the plates are colored. Serlio, S. II primo-settimo libro d'architet- tura. Paris. 1540-75. 7 parts in 2 v. Illus. Plates. *8o8oa.24 Shaw, E. Civil architecture: or, a complete system of building. Vol. i, part i, 2. Boston. 1830. Plates. *8o9oa.34 Shaw, R. N., and T. G. Jackson, editors. Ar- chitecture a profession or an art? Thir- teen essays on the qualifications and training of architects. London. 1892. ♦4102.61 Shepp, J. W., and D. B. Shepp. Photo- graphs of the world. Boston. [1891.] 523 photographs. *226i.i04 Shute, J. The first & chief groundes of architecture . . . first printed in 1563. A facsimile of the first edition with an Shute, J. (Continued.) introduction by Lawrence Weaver. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Facsimile. One of an edition of 1000 copies. 4090-I03 Silsbee, E. A. An informal talk on archi- tectural and art topics. Salem. 1880. No. 18 in *5883.5 Also to be found in the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. 12, [*445i.i.i2]. Simpson, F. M. A history of architectural development. London. 1905-11. 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The architect's library.] 4094.156 Contents. — i. Ancient, early Christian and By- zantine. 2. Mediaeval. 3.. The Renaissance in Italy, France and England. List of books of reference, vol, i, pp. xv, xvi. Sittl, C. Archaologie der Kunst. Munich. 1895. Text, I v.; Atlas, 450 plates. [Handbuch der klassischen Altertums- wissenschaft.] *2973.5o.6 Contents. — Denkmalerkunde. — Geschichte der alteu Kunst. (This includes early Christian art.) The text is accompanied by a full list of refer- ences. Smirke, Sir R. Specimens of continental architecture. London. 1806. 8 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.27.io.4 Mostly views and plans of palaces. Smirke, S., and R. Smirke. [Papers on ar- chitecture, ornament, &c., written be- tween 1827 and 1863.] Plates. *222i.78 Smith, T. R., and J. Slater. Architecture, classic and early Christian. London. 1882. Illus. Plate. [Illustrated hand- books of art history.] 4099*7i Same. New York. 1882. 4099.129 Same. London. 1896. 4099.107 Smith, V. A. A history of fine art in India and Ceylon. Oxford. 191 1. Illus. Plates. *8o73.296 Smith, W. J. A synopsis of the origin and progress of architecture. London. 1831. Plates. 8094.12 Soyer, L. C. Traite des cinq ordres d'archi- tecture et des premiers elements de construction. Paris. 1840. 54 plates. *409i.65 Spearing, H. G. The childhood of art, or the ascent of man: a sketch of the vicissi- tudes of his upward struggle, based chiefly on the relics of his artistic work in prehistoric times. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Map. Chart. 8073.309 Bibliography, pp. 537-540. Some of the plates are colored. Spiers, R. P. The orders of architecture, Greek, Roman, and Italian. London. 1890. 20 plates. *8o90.ii3 Spring Gardens Sketching Club, London. The Spring Gardens sketch-book. Lon- don. [1867-90?] 8 v. 577 plates. *Cab.6o.ii8.i Same. Topographical index, and index of subjects. With a brief account of the origin and objects of the club. Lon- don. 1891. Plate. *Cab.6o.ii8.2 28 HISTORY AND THEORY Springer, A. H. Handbuch der Kunstge- schichte. Stuttgart. 1855. IHus. 4087.15 Same. 4, Auflage. Leipzig. 1895-1906. 5 V. Plates. 4072.83 Contents. — x. Das Altertum. 2. Das Mittelalter. 3. Die Renaissance in Italien. 4. Die Renais- sance im Norden und die Kunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. 5- Das 19. Jahrhundert. Stade, P. Ueber den Einfluss des Klimas und der geographischen Verhaltnisse auf die Bauthatigkeit der Menschheit. Hamburg. 1887. No. 17 in *5924.€o.22 Stark, C. B. Systematik und Geschichte der Archaologie der Kunst. Leipzig. 1880. [Handbuch der Archaologie der Kunst. I.] *8o64.5i Statham, H. H. Architecture for general readers. New York. 1895. lllus. Plates. Plans. 8095.108 Same. 2d edition. 1896. 8095.1 11 A short critical history of architecture. London. [1912.] lllus. Plates. Plans. Tables. 4098.161 Stoddard, J. L. Glimpses of the world. Bos- ton. 1892. 268 photographs. *226oa.ioo Same. New York. 1899. 226oa.ii3 Same. 1901. 226oa.ii4 Sturgis, R. European architecture. An his- torical study. New York. 1896. Plates. 4095.14 A history of architecture. New York. [1906,09.] 2v. Plates. Plans. *4094.i58 Contents. — i. Antiquity. 2. Romanesque and Oriental. How to judge architecture. New York. [1903.] Plates. Plans. 4094.127 The interdependence of the arts of design. The Scammon Lectures for 1904. Chi- cago. 7905. Portraits. Plates. 4073.366 The last two lectures deal with sculpture and painting as used in architecture. A short history of architecture. Europe. New York. 1908. Plates. Plans. 4098.150 The technique and principles of visual art. [Chicago. 1900.] Plates. [Progress. Vol. 6, no. I.] 4072.209.6 Sybel, L. von. Weltgeschichte der Kunst bis zur Erbauung der Sophienkirche. Marburg. 1888. Plates. 8061.71 Weltgeschichte der Kunst im Altertum. 2. Auflage. Marburg. 1903. lllus. Por- traits. Plans. 8061.89 This is a later edition of his Weltgeschichte der Kunst. Taccani, F. Storia dell' architettura in Eu- ropa fino al secolo xvii. Milano. 1855. 4093.58 Tarver, E. J. A guide to the study of the history of architecture. London. 1888. Plans. 4099.105 Taylor, H. Notes on sketching tours. Lon- don. [1880.] Plates. 4094.60 Thiersch, H. Pharos: antike Islam und Occident: ein Beitrag zur Architektur- geschichte. Leipzig. 1909. lllus. Plates. Maps. Plans. ^4090.120 An architectural history of lighthouses and tow- ers. Thumeloup, N. A. Legons elementaires d'architecture. Paris. 1842. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *8o8oa.29 Toussaint, C. J. Traite de geometric et d'architecture theorique et pratique, simplifie. Paris. 181 1, 12. 2 v. Plates. 4090.22 Contents. — i. Architecture. 2. Geometric, Tubeuf, G. Cours de construction. 7e par- tie: Traite d'architecture theorique & pratique. Paris. [1890,] 2 v. lllus. Plates. [Encyclopedic theorique & pra- tique des connaissances civiles & mili- taires. Partie civile.] *8oio.i36.7 Contents. — i. Histoire de I'architecture. 2. Par- tie pratique. Tuckerman, A. L. A short history of archi- tecture. New York. 1887. Plates. 4097.13 Turner, F. C. A short history of art. Lon- don. 1886. lllus. Plates. 8064.119 Turner, J. M. W. Liber studiorum. Repro- duced in autotype from the original etchings. [Vol. i.] Architectural and historical subjects. London. 1871. *8o7o.5o.i Same. [Introduction by C.F.Bell. 190-?] Plates. *8o7o.49 Tuthill, L. C. History of architecture, from the earliest times; its present condition in Europe and the United States; with a biography of eminent architects. Phila- delphia. 1848. Plates. 4093.49 Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Greek and Gothic. Progress and decay in the three arts of architecture, sculpture, and painting. London. 1881. 8064.60 Uhde, C. Die Konstruktionen und die Kunstformen der Architektur. Band 1-4. Berlin. 1902-11. 4 v. in 5. Hlus. Plates. Plans. 409oa,io5 Van Brunt, H. Greek lines and other archi- tectural essays. Boston. 1893. Plates. 4097-58 Vanmni, G. Elementi di architettura civile. 2a edizione. Firenze. 1850. Text, i v.; Plates, I V. *4i03.i5 Van Pelt, J. V. A discussion, of composition, especially as applied to architecture. New York. 1902. Plates. Diagrams. 4097.32 Van Rensselaer, M. G. Client and architect. Chicago. 1891. *L.52.9 Reprinted from the North American Review, Sept., 1890 [*3ii3.2.i89o]. Vasari, G. Vasari on technique: being the introduction to the three arts of design, architecture, sculpture and painting . . . Translated by Louisa S. Maclehose. Ed- ited by G. B. Brownf New York. 1907. lllus. Plates. Plans. 4077.239 Some of the plates are colored. Venturi, A. Storia dell' arte italiana. [Vol.] 1-6. Milano. 1901-08. 6 v. Plates. 4074.143 Contents. — i. Dai primordi dell' arte cristiana al tempo di Giustiniano. 2. Dall' arte barbarica alia romanica. 3. L'arte romanica. 4. La scul- tura del trecento e le sue origini. 5. La pittura del trecento e le sue origini. 6. La scultura del quattrocento. HISTORY AND THEORY 29 Viel de Saint-Maux, C. F. Lettres sur I'ar- chitecture, 1^-6^. Bruxelles [&] Paris. 1779-84. 6 parts in i v. 4098.119 Vinci, Leonardo da. Literary works, com- piled by J. P. Richter. London. 1883. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *8o84.59 Mannscrits. Paris. 1881-90. 5 v. *Cab.27.25.i Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dessins inedits. Pu- blics par les soins de A. de Beaudot [et] J. Roussel. Paris. [1895, 96.] 2 v. 286 plates. [Archives de la Commission des monuments historiqucs. Musee de sculpture comparee.] *4ioo.4i Vol. I is devoted to architectural ornament ; vol. 2 to plans and elevations. Discourses on architecture. Boston. 1875, 81. 2 V. Plates. 4093.54 Entretiens sur I'architecture. Paris. 1863- 72. Text, 2 V. Illus.; Atlas, i v. *8o92.26 Rational building. A translation of the article "Construction" in the Diction- naire raisonne de I'architecture fran- gaise, by G. M. Huss. New York. 1896. Illus. 8093.123 Vischer, F. T. Aesthetik, oder Wissenschaft des Schonen. Theil 3, Abschnitt 2, Heft 1: Die Baukunst. Stuttgart. 1852. *B.6ioi.2.3 Vitruvius Pollio, M. Architectura. Utini. 1825-30. 8 V. in 4. Plates. *8i03.52 Architectvre ov art de bien bastir, mis de Latin en Francoys, par I. Martin. A Paris. 1572. Illus. Plates. Plans. **G.403.3i L'architettura. Udine. 1830-33. 11 v. Plates. *4096.i Celse, Vitruve, Censorin (CEuvres com- pletes). Frontin (Des aqueducs de Rome), avec la traduction en frangais. Paris. 1857. [Collection des auteurs latins publiee sous la direction de M. Nisard.] 4093-i39 This volume contains only Vitruvius and Fron- tinus ; the translation of the former is by Per- rault ; of the latter, by Rondelet. Civil architecture. London. 1812. Plates. ♦4090.1 M. Vitrvvivs [De architectvra libri de- cern]. Colophon. Impressum Venetiis sumptu loannis de Tridino alias Ta- cuino. Anno Domini m.d.xi. Illus. Plates. No. 2 in **E.5i27.49 M. Vitrvvii De architectura libri decem . . . [Tours?] 1523. Illus. Plans. Dia- grams. '''4o89a.io2 M. Vitrvvii, De architectvra libri decem, ad Avgvstum Csesarem accuratiss. con- scripti: i nvnc primvm in Germania qva potuit diligentia excusi, atq3 hinc inde schematibus non iniucundis exor- nati. Adiecimvs etiam propter argu- menti conformitatem Sexti Ivlii Fron- tini De aquaedvctibvs vrbis Romae libellum, item ex libro Nicolai Cvsani card, de staticis experimentis,^ frag- mentum. Cum indice copiosissimo. Argentorati. Anno, m.d.xliii. No. I in **Q.405.2i Vitruvius Pollio, M. (Continued.) De architectura. Recensuit lo. G. Schneider. Lipsiae. 1807, 8. 3 v. 2945.16 Los diez libros de architectura de M. Vi- truvio Polion. Madrid. 1787. Plates. **D.2ooa.5 Vitruve. [fidite par] Auguste Choisy. Paris. 1909. 4 V. Plans. *8i03.49 Contents. — i. Analyse. 2, 3. Texte et traduc- tion. 4. Figures. Chiefly on architecture. In vols. 2 and 3, the Latin text of Vitruvius's work is given with a French translation in parallel columns. Vitruuius teutsch. Nemlichen des aller namhafftigsten vn hocherfarnesten ro- mischen Architecti vnd kunstreichen Werck oder Bawmeisters Marci Vi- truuij Pollionis zehen Biicher von der Architectur vnd kunstlichem Bawen . . . Zu Niirnberg. 1548. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. No. i in *Cab.6o.i6o.i Vocation Bureau, Boston, Mass. The archi- tect. Boston. 1911. [Bulletin. No. 5.] Bibliography, pp. 8, 9- *5587.220.5 Wagner, H. Allgemeine Grundzuge [der architectonischen Composition]. (/« Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band i, pp. 11-37. Darmstadt. 1883.) *8o92.52.i Die Anlage des Gebaudes. Illus. Plans. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band i, pp. 78-119. Darmstadt. 1883,) ♦8092.52.1 Walker, T, L. An essay on architectural practice. [Section t. London. 1841.] Illus. Plates. No. 2 in 8093.68 Wallis, F. E. How to know architecture. The human elements in the evolution of styles. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. 4095.186 Ware, I. A complete body of architecture, adorned with plans and elevations from original designs. Interspersed, some designs of Inigo Jones. London. 1756. T22 plates. *4090.87 Ware, W. R. The American Vignola. 3d edition. Part i. Scranton. 1904. v. Plates. No. 6 in *8o27.i32.57 Contents. — i. The five Orders. Same. 4th edition. 1905. 4097-36 Waring, J. B. Stone monuments, tumuli, and ornament of remote ages. London. 1870. Plates. ^ 8080.3 Warren, H. L. Architecture: renaissance and modern. Illus. {In Progress. Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 190-234. Chicago. [1900.]) Bibliography, p. 234. *4072.209.6 Waterhouse, P. L. The story of the art of building. With an account of architec- ture in America. New York. 1901. Plates. [The library of useful stories.] Selected list of books, p. 210. 4099a.Il7 Weale, J., editor. Quarterly papers on archi- tecture. London. 1844, 45. 4 v. Plates. Plans. *409i.6 Principally on church architecture. Some of the plates are colored. White, W. The principles of art as illus- trated by examples in the Ruskin Mu- seum at Sheffield. London. 1895. Plates. 4073.72 30 HISTORY AND THEORY Wiebeking, C. F. von. Analyse descriptive, historique et raisonnee des monumens de I'antiquite en Europe. Munich. 1838- 40. Text, 5 V. Plates; Atlas, 5 v. 167 plates. *Cab.22.i7.i Contents. — i, a. L'ltalie. 3. La France. 4. La Hollande et la Grande Bretagne. 5. La Bel- gique, la SuMe, le Dannemark, la Russie et la Pologne. Von dem Einfluss der Baukunst. Miin- chen. fi8i7,] 18. 3 v. Plates. *4092.6 Wightwick, G. Hints to young architects. With notes by A. J. Downing. ist American edition. New York. 1847. Illus. 8094.23 Same. 2d American edition. 1851. 8094.103 Same. 3d American edition. 1859. 8094.32 Same New edition, revised by G. H. Guil- laume. London. 1875- [Weale's Rudi- mentary series.] 8094.48 Same. 6th edition, revised and enlarged. 1895. 8094.44 The palace of architecture: a romance of art and history. London. 1840. Plates. *8o9i.2 Winckelmann, J. J. Werke. Dresden. 1808- 20. 8 V. Plates. *8o89.50 Band i, 2 herausgegeben von C. L. Fernow ; Band 3-7, von Heinrich Meyer und Johann Schulze. Vol. 8 contains an index. Same. 1808-17. 7 v. in 8. 8088.101 Histoire de I'art chez les anciens. Tra- duite . . . par M. Ruber. Nouvelle edi- tion. A Paris. Barrois. 1789. 3 v. Plates. 4079.128 The history of ancient art, translated . . . by G. H. Lodge. Boston. 1856. 2 v. Portrait. Plates. 8072.53 Same. 1872. 4 v. 8072.70 Same. 1872, 73. 8072.71 Same. 1880. **K.i96.2 Storia delle arti del disegno presso gli antichi. Tradotta da C. Fea. Tomo 2, 3. Roma. 1783, 84. 2 V. Illus. Plates. ♦4071.81 Woermann, C. Geschichte der Kunst aller Zeiten und Volker. Band i, 2. Leipzig. Woermann, C. (Continued.) igoo, 05. 2 V. Illus. Plates. ♦4074.164 Contents. — i. Die Kunst der vor- und ausser- christlichen Volker. a. Die Kunst der christli- chen Volker bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts. Wolff, J. H. Beitrage zur Aesthetik der Baukunst. Leipzig. 1834. Plates. 4093-2 Wolfram, L. F. Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der gesammten Baukunst. Stuttgart. 1833-38. 3 V. Plates. 8091.10 Wood, W. The twenty styles of architec- ture. London. i88t. Plates. *4092.55 Woodley, W. The design of buildings: being elementary notes on the planning, sani- tation and ornamentative formation of .structures based on modern practice. London. 1894. 9 folded plates. 8095.104 Woods, J. Letters of an architect from France, Italy, and Greece. London. 1828. 2 V. Plates. ^4090.20 World, The; its cities and peoples. London. [1894.] 10 V. Illus. Plates. 22608.102 Wotton, Sir H. The elements of architec- ture. [Springfield, Mass. 1901.] 4098.47 This is a facsimile reprint of the title-page and a portion of the 1651 edition of the Reliquiae Wottonianae C*2569.4]. Wurm-Arnkreuz, A. M. von. Sieben Biicher iiber Stil und Mode in der Architektur. Wien. 1913, 70 plates. 4095.188 Wyatt, Sir M. Digby. Fine art. London. 1870. 8062.6 Same. 1877. 8062.14 Zamarski, L. C. Bauschatz. Eine Samm- lung hervorragender Bauwerke, Details, etc. Wien. [1879, 81.] 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i4.7 Zerffi, G. G. Manual of the historical de- velopment of art. London. 1876. Illus. 4079-29 Ziegler, J. Etudes ceramiques. Recherche des principes du beau dans I'architec- ture, et la forme en general. Paris. 1850. Illus. 4025.73 Zoega, J. G. De origine et vsv obeliscorvm. Romae. 1797. Plates. ♦8090.21 Periodicals. Academic celtique, Paris. Memoires, ou recherches sur les antiquites celtiqnes, gauloises et frangaises. Paris. 1807-12. 6 V. in 5. Plates. ^ *5275.3 Same. Tome 1-5. 1807-10. Sv. in 4. Publication discontinued. ♦B.4164.3 Same. Tables des articles dans les quinze premiers cahiers. [Paris. 1811?] *5275.5 Academic royale d'archeologie de Belgique, Antwerp. Annales. Tome i, 1843, to date. Anvers [etc.]. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *3389.5 Bulletin. [1898,! to date. Anvers. Por- traits. ♦4823.45 Academy Architecture and Architectural Review. Vol. [i,] 1889, to date. Lon- don, etc. Plates. ♦4090.215 Same. Classified index to volumes 1-21. (1889-1902.) London. 1902. ♦4090.216 Album pratique de Tart industriel et des beaux-arts; recueil d'ornements et d'ac- cessoires decoratifs. Tome i-io. Paris. 1857-66. 10 V. Plates. ^4070.202 Publication discontinued. AUgemeine Bauzeitung. Jahrgang 1, 1836, to date. Wien. Plates. ^4090.201 Same. Inhalts-Verzeichniss. 1836-55; 1874- 94. Wien. 1857, [95]. 2 V. ♦4090.200 PERIODICALS 31 American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Vol. I, 1878, to date. Edited by S. D. Peet. Chicago. Illus. Plates. Per. Room *44i5.52 American Archaeologist. A monthly jour- nal . . . Dr. J. F. Snyder, editor-in-chief. Vol. I, 2; 3 (no. i). Columbus, Ohio. 1897-99. 3 V. in 2. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *2230a.Io6 American Architect, The. [Weekly.] Vol. 27, 1890, to date. Boston. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4097.205 Previous to January, 1909, the title of this peri- odical was American Architect and T?uilding News, International edition ; then the Inland Architect and News Record [*8o93.2oi] became merged in it and the above title was adopted. American Architect and Builders' Monthly. Conducted by Ben Linfoot. Vol. i (no. 1-7,9-11). Philadelphia. 1870,71. Plates. Plans. *4094.20i American Architect and Building News. [Weekly.] Vol. 19-26. Imperial edi- tion. Boston. [1886-89.] 8 V. Illus. Plates. *4og7.203 Subscription discontinued. Same. Mid-week edition. Vol. 19; 20 (no. 27-45). [Boston.] 1886. I v., and un- bound parts. Illus. Plates. *4090.292 Same. Regular edition. Vol. 1-29, 31-52, 54-58. Boston. 1876-97. 55 V. in 58. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4097.20i Publication discontinued. Same. Decennial index of the photolitho- graphic and other illustrations . . . 1876- 85. Vol. I. Boston. 1888. *4097.202 American Art. A monthly magazine, de- voted to the fine arts, graphic and ap- plied. [Edited by L. H. Weeks.] Vol. i. [Oct., 1886-Sept., 1887.] Boston. 1887. Illus. Plates. *4070.207 Also, unbound, vol. 2, no. i, 2, 6, Nov. 1887, March, Dec, 1888. American Art in Bronze and Iron. Com- piled and edited by W. D. Mitchell. Vol. I, no. 1-6. New York. 1903-10. Illus. Portraits. Plates. '''8091.202 No. I is reissued in separate sheets in portfolio form. American Art Review. Vol. i, 2. Boston. 1880, 81. Illus. Plates. 2 V. in 3. Publication discontinued. *406o.204 American Builder, The. A journal of indus- trial art. Vol. 2-15. New York. [1870- 79] 14 V. in 10. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4098.20i Vol. I is out of print. It may be found in the Massachusetts State Library. American Contractor, The. Vol. 13-23. Chicago. 1892-1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. *40i2.237 Current numbers of this periodical are taken, but are no longer bound. American Furniture Gazette. [Monthly.] April, 1883-ApriI, 1902. Chicago. 1883- T902. 25 V. in 17. Illus. *4ioo.20i A few of the volumes lack various numbers. Publication discontinued. American Homes. [Monthly.] Vol. 1-15. Knoxville, Tenn. [etc.]. 1895-1902. 15 V. in 10. Illus. Plans. *8o9o.i65 Vol. I was issued quarterly. Publication dis- continued. American Homes and Gardens. Vol. i, 1905, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. *409i.2io A new series of Scientific American Building Monthly. American Institute of Architects. Journal. Vol. I, 1913. Harrisburg. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4092.2o8 The Journal is the successor of the Quarterly Bulletin of the Institute [*4092.204]. Current numbers are in the Fine Arts Department. Proceedings at the . . . annual convention, 1868, to date. New York [etc.]. Illus. Portraits. ^4090.210 Vols. II and 12 (1876 and 1878) are lacking. American Journal of Archaeology and of the history of the fine arts. [Quarterly.] Vol. I, 1885, to date. [Also] Supple- ment, 1900, to date. Baltimore [etc.]. Plates. Per. Room *6236.59 This work is published in series. Same. Index to volumes i-ii, with an appendix for volume 11. 2d series, in- dex to volumes i-io, 1897-1906. Prince- ton [etc.]. i899-[i9o8]. 2 v. Per.Room *6236.6o Ami, L', des monuments et des arts. Tome I, 1888, to date. Paris. Plates. *4090.220 Annales archeologiques. Tome 1-28. Paris. 1844-^1. Plates. *336i.i Vol. 28 is an index. Publication discontinued. Annales des batimens, des ponts et chaus- sees, de I'industrie et de la litterature. No. 10, II, 20. Paris. 1818. 3 nos. in I V. Plate, *4098.i34 Annuaire de I'archeologue frangais. Public par A. Saint-Paul. Paris. [1877-79.] 3 v. Plates. *4639a-53 Publication discontinued. Annuaire des chateaux et des villegiatures. 1890/91, 91/92, 96/97, 1902/03-04/05, 06/ 07, 08/09. Annee 4, 5, 10, 16-18, 20, 22 (tome i). Paris. [1890-1908.] 8 v. in 9. Illus. *6636.54 Subscription discontinued. Annual Retrospect of Engineering and Architecture. Edited by G. R. Burnell. Vol. I. London. 1862. 8026.1 Publication discontinued. Antiquarian Itinerary, comprising specimens of architecture . . . with other vestiges of antiquity in Great Britain. London. 1815-18. 7 V. Illus. Plates. **K.i63.4 Antiquarische Gesellschaft, Zitrich. Mit- theilungen. Band 1-26. Ziirich. 1841- 1902. 26 V. in 15. Illus. Plates. Plans. Subscription discontinued. *48lI.6o Antiquary, The. [Monthly.] A magazine devoted to the study of the past. Vol. I, 1880, to date. London. Illus. Per.Room *2502.5o Antiquary, The. A medium of communica- tion for men of letters, the archaeologist, and the reading public. Vol. 1-4. 32 PERIODICALS Antiquary, The. (Continued.) [London. 1871-73.] 4 v. Per. Room *6237.i7 Previous to July, 1871, the title was the Anti- quarian. Publication discontinued, the periodical having been incorporated with Long Ago. Ape italiana, L', delle belle arti. Anno 1-5. Roma. [1835-39.] Sv. Plates. *4o6i.2ii Publication discontinued. Archaeologia Oxoniensis. Part 1-5. Oxford. 1892-95. Illus. Plates. *249oa.ii4 Publication discontinued. Archaeologiai ertesito. A M[agyar] tud [omanyos] akademia . . . kozlonye, K6- tet I, 1869, to date. [Archaeological in- dex. Hungarian Academy of Science . . . gazette.] Pest [etc.]. Illus. Plates. This work has been published in series. *2854.52 Archaeological Institute of America. An- nual report, ist-i7th, 1879/80-95/96. Cambridge [etc.]. 1880-96. 6 v. *42i6.5o Beginning with the i8th, 1896-97, the annual re- ports of this Society have been published in the 2d series of the American Journal of Archaeology [*6236.59, 2d ser., vol.1, etc.]. Bulletin, i, 1883. [New series. Quar- terly.] Vol I, 1909/10. Boston [etc.]. 1883, 1910. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *42i6.56 No more of the ist series was published. The new series takes the place of the Supplement to the American Journal of Archaeology [ Per. Room *6236.59]. Index to publications. 1879-^. Cam- bridge. 1891. *42i6.57 Papers. American series. 1-5. Boston. 1881-92. 5 V. Illus. Maps. *42i6.55 Papers. Classical series. [Vol.] i, 2; 3 (no. i). Boston [etc.]. 1882-98. 2 v. & unbound parts. Maps. *2963.5o American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Annual report, ist-8th, loth- 15th; 1881/82-88/89, 90/91-95/96. Cam- bridge. 1886-96. 14 V. in 2. *2963.5i Beginning with 1896-97 the annual reports of this Society have been published in the 2d series of the American Journal of Archaeology [*6236.S9, 2d ser.,vol.i, etc.]. Bulletin. No. 1-5. Boston [etc.]. 1883- 1902. 5 V. in 3. Plates. Plans. *2963.52 Publication discontinued. Papers. Vol. 1-5. 1882-90. Boston. 1885-92. 5 V. Illus. *2963.62 American School of Classical Studies in Rome. Annual report. The annual reports of this Society, beginning with the first, 1895/96, have been published in the 2d series of the American Journal of Ar- chaeology [*6236.59, 2d ser., vol.i, etc.]. Supplementary papers. Vol. i, 2. New York. 1905, 08. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Charts. Table. Facsimiles. *2963.iio American School of Oriental Study and Research in Palestine. The annual reports of this Society, beginning with the ist, 1901/02, are contained in the 2d series of the American Journal of Archaeology ['6236.59, 2d ser.,vol.6, Suppl. etc.]. Archaeological Journal, The. [Quarterly.] Published under the direction of the council of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland . . . Vol. I, 1845, to date. London. Illus. *2238.5o Index to vols. 1-25. London. 1878. *2238.5S Archaeological Journal, The. Published under the direction of the Central Com- mittee of the British Archaeological Association. Vol. i. London. 1845. Illus. ^4217.51 This publication was continued vmder the title of Journal of the British Archaeological Asso- ciation [*43i7.52]. Archaeologische Zeitung. Herausgegeben vom Archaologischen Institut des deut- schen Reichs. Jahrgang 1-43. 1843-85. Berlin. 1843-86. 43 v. in 26. Plates. *22ioa.50 Publication discontinued. The Jahrbuch des Kai- serlich deutschen archaologischen Tnstituts [*22ioa.55] is issued in its place. Archaeologist, The. [Monthly.] Vol. 1-3. Waterloo, Ind. [1893-95.] 3 v. Illus. Publication discontinued. *2233.IQ4 Architect, The. See Architect and Con- tract Reporter, The. Architect and Contract Reporter, The. A weekly illustrated journal of art, civil engineering and building.- Vol. i, 1869, to date. London. Illus. Plates. *4I0I.20I Architect, Builder and Woodworker. An illustrated monthly. Vol. 16-28 (1880- 1892); 29, part 3 (March, 1893); 30 (1894); 31, part 3-9 (March-Sept., 1895). New York. [1880-95.] 14 v. & unbound parts. Illus. *8o9i.20i Previous to Dec, 1894, this periodical was en- titled the Builder and Woodworker, which was consolidated at that time with the Architectural and Building Monthly [*409i.26i] under the above title. Publication discontinued. Architecte, L'. Revue mensuelle de I'art architectural ancien et moderne. Pu- bliee sous les auspices de la Societe des architectes diplomes par le Gouverne- ment et sous la direction de E. Vaudre- mer [et autres]. Annee i, 1906, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. *409O.3i9 Architects* and Builders' Magazine. [Monthly.] Vol. i, 1899, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4i02.2ii After August, 1899, Architecture and Building [*4io2.2io] and the Builders' Magazine were consolidated under the above title. Architects* and Mechanics' Journal. Vol. i (no. 1-3, 5, 9, 12-20); 2, 3; 4 (no. i, 2). New York. 1859-61. 4 v. Illus. *4090.262 Architects* Magazine. The journal of the Society of Architects. Vol. 1-7. Nov., 1900-Oct., 1907. London. [1901-07.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Facsimile. *40Q0.272 A continuation of the Journal of the Society of Architects, London [*409o.27i]. After 1907 it resumed its original title. PERIODICALS 33 Architects' Register. Compiled ... [by W. Pope]. Issued half-yearly. Vol. 1-3. London. 1887, 88. 3 v. Plates. *8o99.i5 Publication discontinued. Architectural and Building Monthly. Vol. i. New York. [1890.] lUus. Plates. *409i.26i In Dec, 1894, this was consolidated with the Builder and Woodworker under the title Archi- tect, Builder and Woodworker [*8o9i.2oi]. Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society for the County and City of Chester, and North Wales. Journal. Vol. I, 1857, to date. Chester. Illus. Plates. Facsimiles. *24i5.55 This work has been published in series. Vols. 1-4, new series, are entitled Journal of the Ches- ter Archaeological and Historic Society. Some of the volumes are missing. Architectural Association of Boston. See Boston Architectural Club. Architectural Association Sketch Book. Vol. I, 1867, to date. London. Plates. *Cab.6o.i4Q.i This work has been published in series of twelve volumes each. Same. Topographical index. Vol. 1-12. 1867-80. New series. Vol. 1-12. 1881- 93. [London. 1883,93.] 2 v. *C^b.6o.i49.2 Architectural League of America. The architectural annual. Edited by Albert Kelsey. Issue for 1900, 1901. Philadel- phia. [1900, 01.] 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4ogi.232 Architectural Magazine, The, and journal of improvement in architecture, building and furnishing. Conducted by Z. C. Loudon. Vol. 1-5. Loudon. 1834-38. 5 V. Illus. *4090.2g6 Publication discontinued. Architectural Quarterly of Harvard Univer- sity. Published . . . under the direc- tion of the School of Architecture. [Vol. i], 1912, to date. Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. Some of the plates are colored. *4091.272 Architectural Record, The. Published quar- terly. Vol. I, 1892, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. *4O90.273 Architectural Review, The. Vol. i, 1908, to date. Boston. Plates. *4io2.205 Succeeds the Technology Architectural Review [*4102.20l]. Architectural Review, The. A magazine of architecture & the arts of design. Vol. I, 1897, to date. London. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. *4090.326 Architectural Review and American Build- ers' Journal. Vol. i, 2. By Samuel Sloan. Philadelphia. 1869, 70. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *4090.294 Architectural Sketch-Book. Edited by the Portfolio Club. Boston. 1873-76. 4 v. in 3. . . *8o90.5i Publication discontinued. Architectural Society of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Architec- tural Annual. 1900/01-04/05. Boston. 190T-06. 4 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. Publication discontinued. *4091.270 Architecture. A monthly journal edited by A. H. Forbes. Vol. i, 1900, to date. New York. Plates. Plans. Vol. 12 contains an index to vols. ^090.313 12; vol. 15 contains the index to vols. 15, 16. Volumes 3-8 are missing. Architecture, L'. Cours des materiaux de construction. 1895, to date. Paris. *4094,2O3 This is the supplement to the journal L'architec- ture. Previous to 1906 the title was: Bulletin des constructeurs. Some of the volumes are missing. Architecture, L'. Journal hebdomadaire de la Societe centrale des architectes fran- Qais. Annee t, 1888, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409i.25i The index to the first seven years of the mono- graphs is in vol. 7. Architecture and Building. [Weekly.] De- voted to art, architecture, archaeology, engineering and decoration. Vol. 3-31. New York. [1886-99.I 29 v. in 31. Tllus. Plates. Plans. *4io2.2io Previous to 1890 called Building. A journal of architecture [etc.]. August 5, 1899, this pub- lication was consolidated with the Builders* Magazine under the title Architects' and Builders' Magazine [*4i02.2ii]. Architecture & sculpture: France, Pays-Bas, Italic, Espagne, etc. Documents sur les styles du ixe au xixe siecle. 100 planches par annees avec table analy- tique publiees et dessinees par L. Noe. Annee 1-4. Paris. [1891-95.] Plates. ♦409 1. 22 7 Published monthly. Publication discontinued. Architecture, L', pour tous. Par N. Gateuil & C. Daviet. Annee 1-16. Dourdan. [1877-92.1 2 V. Plates. *4O90.264 Architektonische Rundschau: Skizzenblat- ter aus alien Gebieten der Baukunst. Herausgegeben von L. Eisenlohr und C. Weigle. Jahrgang 1-5. Stuttgart. 1885-89. 5 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4090.3i7 Architektonisches Skizzen-Buch. Heft t- 200. Berlin. 1863-86. 17 v. Illus. Plates. *409i.2i3 Same. Inhalts - Verzeichniss. Berlin. [1887.] *409I.2I2 Publication discontinued. Archivio storico dell' arte. Diretto da D. Gnoli. Anno 1-7. 1888-1894; 2^ serie, anno 1-3. 1895-1897. Roma. 1889-97- 10 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. Succeeded by L'arte [*4072.227]. *4072.225 Art, L'; revue mensuelle illustree. Annee 1-27. Tome 1-68. Paris. 1875-1907. 68 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4o6i.20i Publication discontinued. Art Amateur, The, devoted to art in the household. Vol. 1-24, 27-40, 43-48, 49 (no. I, 2, 4). 1879-1903. New York. 1880-1903. 45 V. in 23. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *4o6l.225 Art and Decoration. Vol. i [-71- New York. 1894-1901. 7 V. Illus. Portraits. 34 PERIODICALS Art and Decoration. (Continued.) Plates. Diagrams. *4o6i.243 Previous to April, 1901, the title was: Art Edu- cation. Publication discontinued. Art and Letters: an illustrated monthly magazine. Conducted by J. Comyns Carr. Vol. i, 2; 3 (no. i, 2). London. 1882-83. 3 V. *695o.is Art and Progress. [Monthly.] Vol. i, 1910, to date. Washington. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *4072.3i2 Art Education. See Art and Decoration. Art, L', et I'idee. Revue contemporaine illustree. Publiee par O. Uzanne. Tome I, 2. Paris. 1892. 2 V. Portraits. Plates. *8o63.72 This publication succeeds Le livre moderne [*6i46.8o]. Publication discontinued. Art flamand, L', & hoUandais. Revue men- suelle illustree, editee par J.' E. Busch- mann. Annee 5, 6. Vol. 9-12. Bruxelles. [1908-09.] 4 V. Illus. Portraits. ♦4072.306 The issues previous to 1908 may be found in the Dutch edition of this work entitled Onze Kunst [*407o.24i]. Art Interchange. Monthly magazine. Yo\. 1-28, 34-52; S3 (no. 1-5). New York. 1878-1903. 50 V. in 32. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4o6i.230 Vol. 28 is imperfect. Publication discontinued. Art Journal, The. [Monthly.] 1849, to date. London. Illus. Plates. *4072.205 The successor of the Art-Union [*4072.204]. Art Journal, The. New series, vol. 1-6. New York. [1875-80.] 6 v. Plates. Publication discontinued. *4o6o.238 Art omemental, L*. Revue hebdomadaire illustree. Annee 1-4. Directeur, G. Dargenty. Paris. 1883-87. 4 v. in i. Publication discontinued. *4070.203 Art, L', pour tons. Encyclopedie de Tart industriel et decoratif. Annee 1-45. Paris. 1861-1906. 45 V. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *406l.205 Art pratique, L'. See Formenschatz. Art Review. Vol. i, 2; 3 (no. i). Novem- ber, T886-August, 1888. New York. 1886-88. 3 V. in 2. Plates. *4o6i.242 Publication discontinued. Art Review. Vol. i. London. 1890. Illus. Portraits *726o.6o Publication discontinued. Art Review, The; a record of art-progress in America. E. H. Trafton, editor. [Vol. I.] April, 1870-August, 1871. New York. [1870-71.] Illus. Plates. *5290.5 Art Student, The. Published by the Boston Art Students' Association, Museum of Fine Arts. Vol. i, no. 2-4. Dec, 1882, May, Dec, 1884. Boston. 1882-84. Un- bound. Plates. • *8o7i.7i Publication discontinued. Art-Union, The. A monthly journal of the arts. Vol. I, 3, 5-10. 1839, 41, 43-48. London. 1839-48. 8 v. Illus. Plates. ♦4072.204 Succeeded by the Art-journal ['4072. 205]. Art-Worker, The. A journal of design de- voted to art-industry. Vol. i. Jan.- Dec, 1878. New York. 1878. 94 plates. Publication discontinued. ^4070.208 Art-Workman, The. A monthly journal for the artist, artificier [sic] and manufac- turer. Edited by J. Schnorr and others. 2d series. London. [1876.] Plates. 5271.10 The same as vol. 9 of the Workshop [*649i.i], published in New York by Steiger ; both periodi- cals are reproductions in English of the Gewer- behalle [*40 12.345], published at Stuttgart. Art Workmanship. A monthly magazine of design to illustrate the masterworks of all periods. [Edited by B. Bucher and A. Gnauth.] Vol. i, 2. London. 1874. 2 V. in I Plates, with explanatory text. Publication discontinued. *4070.209 Arte, L', (gia Archivio storico dell* arte). Diretta da A. Venttiri e D. Gnoli. Anno I, 1898, to date. Roma. Illus. Pur- traits. Plates. *4072.227 Archivio storico dell' arte is on shelf-number *4072.22S. Arte italiana, decorativa e industriale. Anno 1, 1890, to date. Roma. Illus. Plates. Accompanied by atlases. *Cab.8o.58.I Artist, The. An illustrated monthly record of arts, crafts, and industries. Vol. 1-33. New series, vol. i. London [and New York]. 1880-1902. '34 V. in 31. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4o6oa.23o Vols, i-is are entitled the Artist and Journal of Home Culture; vol. 16, the Artist, Photogra- pher and Decorator. Publication discontinued. Arts, Les. Revue mensuelle des musees, collections, expositions. 1902, to date. Paris. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *407o.224 Arts anciens, Les, de Flandre. Publication periodique sous la direction de C. Tul- pinck. Vol. I, 1905, to date. Bruges. Portraits. Plates. Facsimiles. [Asso- ciation pour la publication des monu- ments de I'art flamand.] *Cab.8o.287.i Arts and decoration. [Monthly.] Vol. 2, 191 1, to date. New York. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. *407i.3i5 Vol. I is out of print. Arts decoratif s pratiques, Les. Annee i. Sous la direction de J. J. Storck. Paris. . 1883. 72 plates. *4O70.2O4 Publication discontinued. Associated Architectural Societies. Reports and papers. Vol. i, 1850, to date. Lon- don. Plates. *4O90.25i Vol. 8 contains an index to vols. 1-8. Same. Index to vols. 1-25 (1850-1900). Lincoln. [i867-]i905. 4 v. in 3. ♦4090.250 The index to vols. 1-8 is by G. Rowe; to vols. 9-19 by G. T. Harvey. Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland. Journal . . . Vol. 2, 1892, to date. [Dub- lin.] Plates. *25o8.i25 Vol. I is out of print. PERIODICALS 35 Association nationale pour favoriser les arts en Belgique, Brussels. La renaissance. Chronique des arts et de la litterature. Bruxelles. 1839/40 [-51]. 13 v. Plates. Publication discontinued in i8S4- *4O6l,2I0 Athenaeum frangais. Bulletin archeolo- gique. No. 1-12, 1855; i-io, 1856. Paris. 1855,56. 2v.ini. Illus. Map. *6220.6o Publication discontinued. Ausonia. Rivista della Societa italiana di archeologia e storia dell' arte. Anno i. 1906. Roma. 1907. Illus. Plate. ♦4072.310 Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation. Archaeological and historical collections. Vol. i-io. Edinburgh. 1878-99. 10 V. Illus. Plates. Facsim- iles. *25OO.I00 Bayrisches Gewerbemuseum, Nuremberg. Kunst und Gewerbe, Wochenschrift zur Forderung deutscher Kunst-Industrie. Redigirt von Otto von Schorn. Jahrg. 9-12. Niirnberg. 1875-78. 4 v. Illus. Plates. *407i.28o Belgium. Ministere de I'interieur. Com- missions royales d'art et d'a.rcheologie. Bulletin. Annee t-2t, 27-37, 39. Bruxelles. 1862-1000. 32 v. Plates. Plans. *34o8.5P Also Annee ^5, Supplement: Tal)lc onomatiquc Hes antiees 1871-86. Berks Archaeological and Architectural So- ciety. Quarterly journal. Vol. 1-3. Reading. [ 1^^1-95. 1 3 v. *2503.i2O This periodical ceased publication in January, 1895, and was continued by Berks, Bucks and Oxen Archaeological Journal. Berks, Bucks & Oxon Archaeological Jour- nal. Vol. T, 1895, to date. Reading. Plates. *2503.i2i Berliner Architekturwelt. Zeitschrift fur Baukunst, Malerei, Plastik und Kunst- gewerbe der Gegenwart. Jahrgang t, 1898, to date. Berlin. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4090.233 Beton & Eisen: Internationales Organ fur armierten Beton. Jahrgang 2, 1903, to date. Wien. Illus. Portraits. Plans. Tn Herman, French and English. ♦4010.268 Blaetter fiir Kunstgewerbe. Band 1-27. Wien. i872-[i90o]. Portraits. Plates. Publication discontinued. ♦8065.215 Boston Architectural Club. Sketch book, ist issue. [Boston.! 1883. 30 plates. ♦Cab.60.76.2 Same. Issue of 1890. [1891.] 30 plates. ♦Cab.60.76.3 Boston Society of Architects, Boston, Mass. Transactions. [Boston.] 1891. i v. Tllns. Plans. *8o93.70 Brickbuilder, The. An illustrated monthly devoted to the advancement of archi- tecture in materials of clay. Vol. i, 1892, to date. Boston. Plates. ♦4091.240 Brickmaker, The. A semi-monthly journal. Vol. 2 (no. 2-6); 3-21; 22, no. 1-5. Jan. I, 1890-Feb. 15, 1895. Chicago. 1890- 95- 20 v. in 12. Illus. ♦4012.325 Publication discontinued. British Archaeological Association. Collec- tanea archaeologica. London. 1862, 71. 2 v. in I. Plates. ♦2220.61 Journal. Vol. i, 1845, to date. London. Illus. ♦4217.52 This work has been published in series. Same. General index to Vols. 1-30. Lon- don. 1875. ♦4217.50 A report of the proceedings at the sth annual meeting, 1848. London. 1851. Plates.^ ♦4216.61 Transactions at its 2d, 3d annual congress, 1845, 46. London. 1846, 48. 2 v. Plates. ♦4216.60 British Architect, The. A journal of archi- tecture and its accessory arts. [Month- Ty.] Vol. I, 1874, to date. London. Illus. Plates. ♦4103.201 Vols, s-24 are entitled the British Architect and Northern Engineer. British School at Athens. Annual. No. i, 1894, to date. London. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦296oa.53 British School at Rome. Papers. Vol. t, 1902, to date. London. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. ^2732.25 Brochure series. No. [i-]i2. Boston. [1889- 92.] 12 nos. in t v. Illus. ^8068.59 In 1895 this was succeeded by the Brochure series of architectural illustration [*8o93.i24]. Brochure series of architectural illustra- tion. [Monthly.] Vol. 1-9. Boston. 1895-1903. 9 V. in 8. Plates. ♦8093.124 Publication discontinued. Builder, The. An illustrated wreekly maga zine for the architect . . . Vol. i, 1843, to date. London. Illus. Plates. ♦4104.201 Builder and Woodworker. See Architect, Builder and Woodworker. Building. See Architecture and Building. Building Age. Formerly Carpentry and Building. A progressive monthly de- voted to modern practical building con- struction. Vol. I, 1879, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4090.230 Volumes 1.3-17 are missing. Vols. 1-31 have the title : Carpentry and Building. Building News and Engineering Journal. Vol. 15, 1868, to date. London. Plates. ♦8090.201 Bulletin de correspond'ance hellenique. An- nee I, 1877, to date. Paris. Plates. ♦29903.50 Same. Table generale. 1877-86. Paris. 1889. ♦29903.51 Bulletin monumental, public sous les aus- pices de la Societe frangaise d'archeolo- gie. Tome i, 1834, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. ♦4090.241 Same. Table generale analytique et rai- sonnee des matieres contenues dans les [39] volumes formant la 1^-4^ serie. Paris. 1846-73. 4 v. ^4090.240 Bullettino di archeologia cristiana del com- mendatore G. B. de Rossi. Serie i, anno 5-7; serie 2a-4a; 5a, anno 1-3; 4 (no. 36 PERIODICALS BuUettino di archeologia. (Continued.) 1-3). Roma. 1867-94. 24 v. in 9. lUus. *32ioa.50 Publication discontinued. Succeeded by Nuova bullettino di archeologia cristiana [*32ioa.si]. Same. Indici generali, 1870-59. Roma. 1876-91. 3 V. in I. *32ioa.6o Burlington Magazine, The, for connois- seurs. Monthly. [Edited by C. J. Holmes and R. Dell.] Vol. i, 1903, to date. London. Illus. Plates. *407o.27i Cambrian Archaeological Association. Ar- chseologia Cambrensis, the journal of the association. Vol. i, 1846, to date. London. Illus. Portraits. *24i8.55 This work has been published in series. Same. Alphabetical index to the ist-5th series, 1846-1900. London. 1892, 1902. 2 V. *24i8.53 Cambrian Journal, The. Published under the auspices of the Cambrian Institute. Vol. i-ii. London. 1854-64. 11 v. Illus. Publication discontinued. *2504.I03 Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Cambridge, England. Proceedings, with communi- cations made to the Society. [Nov. 4, 1850], to date. Cambridge. Plates. ♦2506.6 Pevious to vol. 7 entitled Antiquarian communi- cations. Publications [Quarto]. Vol. i, 2. Cam- bridge. 1846. Illus. Plates. Facsim- iles. ♦2500.120 Carpentry and Building. See Building Age. Cement Age, The, A magazine devoted to the uses of cement. Edited by R. N. Lesley. Vol. 2, 1906, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4012.378 Cement World: devoted to the interests of the cement industry. Vol. i, 1907, to date. W. A. Radford, editor-in-chief. Chicago. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. *40i2.396 Nos. 10, n of vol. 1 are lacking. Chester Archaeological and Historic Soci- ety. See Architectural, Archaeologi cal, and Historic Society for the County and City of Chester, and North Wales. Christian Art. An illustrated monthly magazine devoted to current church building, American and foreign, and the allied ecclesiological arts, with expert discussions of all topics relating to Christian archaeology. Editor-in-chief, R. A. Cram. Vol. 1-4. 1907-Dec., 1908. [Philadelphia, etc.] 1907-08. 4 v. in 3. Tlhis. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.2o8 The title on the cover is: The Magazine of Christian Art. Publication discontinued. Church Builder, The. A quarterly journal of Church extension in . England and Wales. 1864. London. [1865.] Illus. Plates. ♦4107.11 Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. Vol. 1-3 1. London. 1837-67. 31 v. *4oio.22o Publication discontinued. Civilingenieur, Dor. Organ des Sachsischen Ingenieur- und Architekten - Vereins. Jahrgang [i853-]96. Neuc Folge, Band Civilingenieur, Der. (Continued.) 1-42. Leipzig. 1854-96. 42 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. ♦4010.244 Publication discontinued. Clay Record, The. Vol. 6, no. 7, 9-i i ; vol. 7, no. 4-12; vol. 8, no. 1-12. [Chicago. 1895, 96.] I V. Illus. ♦4012.320 Clifton Antiquarian Club. Proceedings. Vol. I, 1884, to date. Bristol. Plates. ♦2502.110 Collegio toscano degli ingegneri ed archi- tetti, Florence. Atti. Anno 1-23. Firenze. 1896-1905. 29V. in 10. Por- trait. Plans. Maps. Tables. ^4010.224 From 1876 to 1898 the title was Collegio degli architetti ed ingegneri in Firenze. Comite archeologique de Senlis. Comptes rendus et memoires. [Serie i.] Annee 1862-74. Serie 2, tome 1-5; annee 1875- 79. Senlis. 1863-80. 5 v. *2636.io Concrete. [Monthly.] Vol. to, F910, to date. W. G. Boynton, editor. Detroit, Mich. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. ♦4012.380 Concrete-Cement Age. Devoted to the man- ufacture and uses of Portland cement. Vol. I, July, 1912, to date. Detroit. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4012.379 Concrete-Cement Age is a combination of Con- crete [*40i2.38o], Cement Age [*4oi2.378], and Concrete Engineering. Connoisseur, The. Bailey, Banks & Biddle's illustrated quarterly of art and decora- tion. Vol. I (no. 3, 4); 2, 3; 4 (no. i). March, ■ 1887-Sept., 1889. Philadelphia. 1887-89. 2 v., and unbound parts. Tllus. Plates. ♦4o6oa.203 Construction moderne. La. Directeur: P. Planat. Annee i, 1885, to date. Paris. Illus. ♦4092.201 Accompanied by atlases. Cours officiels des materiaux de construc- tion, et bulletin des adjudications du Departement de la Seine. [Supplement i-ii, 13-52.] Paris. 1906. I v. ^4092.202 Cottage Improvement Review. No. 1, 2. Jan., 1864, 65. London. [864, 65. 2 nos. No. T in ♦8102.2 Country Calendar, The. Published monthly. Vol. I, no. 1-8. May-December, 1905. Harrisburg. 1905. Illus. Portraits. ♦8000.37 Publication discontinued. In January, 1906, this magazine was merged in Country Life in Amer- ica [*8ooo.38]. Country Life in America. L. H. Bailey, editor. Vol. i, 1901, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. *8ooo.38 Country Life: the journal for all interested in country life and country pursuits. Vol. I, 1897, to date. London. Illus. Portraits. ♦8000.35 Vol. 30 is imperfect. Craftsman, The. Vol. i, 1901, to date. Syra- cuse [etc.]. Illus. Portraits. Plans. ♦402oa.2i5 Crayon, The. Vol. 1-7. New York. 1855- 60. 7 V. ♦4071.297 The volumes are incomplete. Publication dis- continued, 1861. PERIODICALS 37 Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Vol. I, 1866, to date. Kendal. Plates. Portraits. Plans. Maps. *24i5.65 This work has been published in series. Same. Catalogue-index. Vol. i (1866) to vol. 16 (1900). 1901. *24i5.66 Decoration, ist series. 1880. New series, vol. 1-17; 18 (no. i). 1881-1889. Lon- don. 1880-89. 18 V. in II. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *406o.237 Decorator and Furnisher. See Home Deco- rator AND Furnisher. Dekorative Vorbilder. Jahrgang 13, 1901, to date. Stuttgart. Colored plates. *4O70.263 Designer, The. Edited by Klimsch & Co. All kinds of ornament for lithographers, architects . . . Part 1-16. London, 1877. Publication discontinued. *406l33 Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration. Illustrirte Monatshefte. [Herausgegeben und redi- girt von A. Koch.] Band 1-14, Okt. i8p7-Sept. 1904. Darmstadt. 1897-1904. 14 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *407i.294 Some of the plates are colored. Deutsches Kunstblatt. Zeitschrift fiir bil- dcnde Kunst, Baukunst und Kunsthand- werk. Redigirt von F. Eggers. Jahr- gang 1-9. Leipzig [etc.]. 1850-58. 9 v. Illus. Plates. *4o6i.2i3 Dietsche warande. Tijdschrift voor schoone- kunst, letteren . . .Deel i[-i5]; nieuwe reeks, jaarg. T-12. Amsterdam. 1855- 99, 27 V. Illus. Plates. *4o6oa.225 Publication continued under the following title: Dietsche warande en Belfort. Gent [etc.]. 1900-07. 10 V. in 16. Portraits. Plates. Subscription discontinued. *4o6oa.226 Dome, The: an illustrated [quarterly] magazine ... of literature, music, ar- chitecture and the graphic arts. [Edited by Gordon Craig.] Vol. 1-5; new se- ries, vol. 1-7. London. 1897-1900. 12 v. Illus. Plates. *4072.256 Vol. 1 is no. 18 of an edition of 100 copies. Publication discontinued. Edinburgh Architectural Association. Sketch book. Vol. 1-3; new series, vol. I, 2. Edinburgh. [1878-94.] 5 v. in 3. Plates. *8ioo.72 Publication discontinued. Transactions. Vol. i, 1891, to date. [Edin- burgh.] Plate. ^ ^ *8o95.69 Egypt. Service des antiquites. Annales. [ Publics sous la direction de G. Mas- pero.] Tome i, 1900, to date. Le Caire. Illus. Plates. Plans. Maps. *3O50a.i93 Encyclopedie d'architecture et des arts qui s'y rattachent. Tome 1-12; 2e serie, tome i-To; 3e serie, tome 1-6; 4e serie, tome 1-4. Paris. 185 1 [-92]. 32 v. Plates. *409o.225 The volume for 1876 contains an index to the volumes for 1872-1875. In 1893 this publication was merged in L'ami des monuments et des arts [*4090.220]. Same. Tables generales . . . (1872-81). Paris. [1881?] *409o.224 12, '4010.205 Engineering News. [Weekly.] Vol. 1884, to date. New York. *i Vol. 17 is lacking. Same. Index . . . for the years 1890- 1904. New York. 1900,05. 2 v. 4010.206 Engineering Record, Building Record and the Sanitary Engineer. Vol. i, 1877, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8og2.20i Vols. 1-3 are entitled the Plumber and Sanitary Engineer; vols. 4-16, the Sanitary Engineer; vols. 17-21, the Engineering and Building Record and the Sanitary Engfineer. Floral Life. Devoted to nature and orna- mental gardening. Vol, 1-12; new se- ries, vol. 1-3. Germantown [etc.]. 1891- 1905. 15 V. in 12. Illus. Plates. *799oa.8o Previous to 1903 this publication was entitled Meehan's Monthly. Formenschatz, Der. Eine Quelle der Be- lehrung und Anregung fiir Kunstler und Gewerbtreibende. Jahrgang [1877-] 1895. Leipzig. [i877-]95. IQ v. Plates, *4072.2i5 vSince 1895 this periodical has not been bound, but the plates may be found in the half-tone collection in the Fine Arts department. From 1895 to 1910, the work was published with an English title — Practical Art Gallery — and a French title — L'art pratique — as well as with the above German title. Fortschritte auf dem Gebietc der Architek- tur. Erganzungshefte zum Handbuch der Architektur. Nr. i, 1894, to date. Darmstadt. Illus. Plans. *8o9oa.i32 Each number is catalogued separately. France. Ministere d'etat. Commission des monuments historiques. Archives. Paris. 1855-72. 4 v. Plates. *Cab.26.i4.i France. Ministere de I'instruction publique. Comite des travaux historiques et scien- tifiques. Bulletin archeologique. An- nee 1893, to date. Paris. *469oa.53 Previous to 1885 entitled Bulletin du Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques. "Archeolo- gie. France. Ministere de I'instruction publique. Comites historiques. Bulletin du Co- mite historique des arts et monuments. Archeologie, beaux-arts. Paris. 1849- 53. 4 v. Plates. *46ioa.27 Bulletin du Comite de la langue, de I'his- toire, et des arts de la France. [1852- 57.] Paris. 1854-60. 4 V. Plates. ^"46203.2 Bulletin archeologique public par le Co- mite historique des arts et monumens. [1840-48.] Paris. 1843-48. 4 V. Illus. Plates. 46203.25 Furniture and Decoration. With which is incorporated the Furniture Gazette. Vol. 5, 32-35; Z^ (no. 787-789). London. 1894-99. 6 V. Illus. Plates. *4ioo.205 In March, 1894, the Furniture Gazette [•8092.210] was merged in this periodical, but in 1895 the volume number of the Furniture Gazette was adopted, so that these volumes are consecutive. No more was published, but in June, 1899, this was merged in the Furniture Record [*409i. 265!. 38 PERIODICALS Furniture Gazette. New series. Vol. 2-28. London. [1874-90.] 27 v. Illus. Plates. ^8092.210 Vol. 6 contains Bibliography of furniture and decoration. In March, 1894, this periodical was merged in Furniture and Decoration [*4 100.205]. Furniture Journal, The. A newspaper of the furniture trade. Published semi- monthly. [Edited by] J. N. Nind. Vol. 20, 1904, to date. Chicago. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *409i.275 Furniture Record, The. New series, vol. i- 9. London. 1899-1903. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *4091.265 Gazette archeologique. Annee 1-14. Paris. [1875-89.] 14 V. Illus. Plates. *62io.50 Same.^ Tables. 1875-93. Paris. 1894. Subscription discontinued. ♦621O.49 Gazette des architectes et du batiment . . . Revue hebdomadaire. Annee 1-7; 2e serie, annee 1-15. Paris. 1863-86. 22 v. Publication discontinued. *4091.225 Gazette des beaux-arts. Tome t, 1859, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. *4o6i.22i This work has been published in series. Same. Table alphabetique . . . [Tome i- 4.] Paris. 1866-^5. 4 v. *4o6i.220 Gesellschaft fur Erhaltung der geschicht- lichen Denkmaler im Elsass. Mitthei- lungen. See Soci^t^ pour la conserva- tion des monuments historiques d' Al- sace. Bulletin. Gewerbehalle. Organ fiir den Fortschritt in alien Zweigen der Kunstindustrie. 1863-65, 67-81. [Mit Beilagen, 1863, 64, 67-76.] Stuttgart. T863-81. Text, t8 v.; Plates, 12 v. *40i2.345 From 1863 to 1870 the periodical was edited by Wilhelm Bautner and Julius Schnorr; 1871-76, hy Julius Schnorr; 1877-80, by Adolf Schill; 1 88 1- by Ludwig Eisenlohr and Carl Weigle. Subscription discontinued. Granite, Marble & Bronze. Successor to Granite. [Monthly.] Vol. 5, 1895, to date. Boston. Illus. Plates. *4094.202 Vol. 13 is incomplete. Harvard Engineering Journal, devoted to the interests of engineering and archi- tecture at Harvard University. Vol. i, T902, to date. Cambridge. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. *40i4.2i7 Published four times during the college year by the Harvard Engineering Society. Historic Society of Lancashire and Che- shire. Transactions. Vol. i, 1848, to date. Liverpool. Illus. Plates. *25o8.i Vol. 54 contains an index to vols. 1-5 1. Home Decoration: a journal devoted to artistic house furnishing and the minor branches of decorative work. Vol. i (no. I); 3 (no. i); 4 (no. 5-13); 5-7- New York. 1886-89. 6 v. in 3. Illus. Publication discontinued. *4o6l.2l2 Home Decorator & Furnisher. [Monthly.] Vol. 1-30; new series, vol. 1-2. Octo- ber, 1882-October, 1898. New York. 1882-98. 32 V. in 17. *8o65.2io Previous to April, 1898, the title was Decorator and Furnisher. Publication discontinued. House & Garden. [Edited by W. Eyre, F. M. Day, and H. C. Wise.] Vol. i, 1901, to date. [Philadelphia.] Illus. Plates. ♦4092.207 House Beautiful, The. Vol. i, 1896, to date. Chicago. Illus. Plates. *4094.204 Hrvatsko arheolosko drustvo, Agram. Vjesnik. Organ arheoloskoga odjela narodnoga muzeja u Zagrebu. Nove serije, sveska 5, 1901. Zagreb. 1901. Illus. *222oa.78 Hull and East Riding Portfolio. Vol. 1-3. Hull. 1884-87. 3 V. in 2. Plates. ♦2502.128 Illustrated Archaeologist, The. Edited by J, R. Allen. Vol i ; 2 (no. 1-6). Lon- don. 1894. 2 V. Illus. *6232.57 In January, 1895, this periodical united with the Antiquary [*6246,3] under the title of the Reli- quary and Illustrated Archaeologist [Per. Room *2232.59]. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder. London. 1877-79. 3 V. *4O90.227 Illustrated Magazine of Art: containing se- lections from the various departments of painting, sculpture, architecture . . . Vol. T-4. New York. 1853-54. 4 v. in 3. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4072,268 Same. Vol. i. London. 1853. Illus. Portraits Plates. *4072.269 Indoors and out. A monthly magazine de- voted to art and nature. Vol. 1-5. Boston. 1905-07. 5 V. in 4. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4090.323 Publication discontinued under this title. Com- bined with the House Beautiful, January, 1908. Inland Architect and News Record. [Monthly.] Vol. 5-52. Chicago. 1885- 1908. 48 V. in 37. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o93.2oi Vols. 5-8 are entitled The Inland Architect and Builder. In January, 1909, this periodical was merged in the American Architect and Building News, In- ternational edition, under the title, The Ameri- can Architect [*4097.2o5]. Institut archeologique liegeois. Bulletin. Tome I, 1852, to date. Liege. Plates. Maps. *48i7.50 Volumes 23-27, 31 are missing. Institut de France. Academic des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres. Coniptes rendus . . . Tome I, 1857, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. *3236.50 This work has been published in series. Memoires. 2e serie, tome 1-6: Antiquites de la France. Paris. 1843-65. 6 v. in 9. Plates. *3302.2.serie 2 Publication discontinued, Institut de France. Academic des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres. Monuments et memoires. Paris. 1894, to date. Plates. [Fondation Eugene Piot.] *2220.io2 Generally known as Monuments Piot. Institute di corrispondenza archeologica, Rome. Annali. Roma. 1829-85. 57 v. Plates. *5256.3 Publication discontinued. Bulletino. Roma. 1829-85. 57 v. *5276.i Publication discontinued. PERIODICALS 39 Institute di corrispondenza archeologica. (Continued.) Monumenti inediti. Vol. 1-12 [e] Supple- mento. Roma. 1829-91. 13 v. in 12. Plates. *Cab.27.27.i Publication discontinued. International Studio. [Monthly.] Vol. i, 1897, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. Facsimiles. *407i.226 Intime Club, Paris. Croquis d'architecture. Annee 1-25. [Paris.] 1866-98. *Cab.6o.67.i This work has been published in series. Same. Table generale. Vol. i-io. (1886- 76.) Paris. 1878. *Cab.6o.67.2 Italy. Ministero della pubblica istruzione. Bollettino d' arte. Notizie delle gallerie dei musei e dei monumenti. Anno i, 1907, to date. Roma. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4072.207 Jahrbuch der Koeniglich - preussischen Kunstsammlimgen. Band i, 1880, to date. Berlin. Illus. Plates. *4o6i.2i4 Same. Register. Band 1-20. Berlin. 1891, 1900. 2 V. *4o6i.2i5 Same. Amtliche Berichte aus den konig- lichen Kunstsammlungen. Monatlich erscheinendes Beiblatt zum Jahrbuch der Kgl. preussischen Kunstsamm- lungen. Jahrgang 29, 1907/08, to date. Berlin. Illus. *4072.i69 Jahrbiicher fiir Kunstwissenschaft, heraus- gegeben von A. von Zahn. Jahrgang 1-6. Leipzig. 1868-73. 6 v. Illus. Publication discontinued. *4o6oa.209 Japanischer Formenschatz. Gesammelt von S. Bing. Jahrgang 1-3. Leipzig. [1888- 91.] 6 V. in 3. Illus. Plates. *407i.3oo Publication discontinued. Japon artistique, Le. Documents d'art et d'industrie reunis par S. Bing. Annee 1-3. Paris. [1888-91.] 6 v. in 3. Illus. Plates. *407o.2O5 This is a French edition of the preceding. Publication discontinued. Journal beige de I'architecture et de la sci- ence des constructions. Annee 1-8. Bruxelles. 1848-54. 8 v. Plates. *4ogo.29i Publication discontinued. Annees 1-4 bear the title: Journal de I'architecture . . . Revue des travaux executes en Belgique. Journal de menuiserie specialement destine aux architectes, aux menuisiers et aux entrepreneurs. Annee 1-22. Paris. 1863-85. 22 v. Plates. *40i2.264 Publication discontinued. Journal de serrurerie. Revue mensuelle. Annee 1-9. Paris. 1874-83. 9 v. Plates. 8oioa.i25 Journal fiir die Baukunst. Herausgegeben von A. L. Crelle. Band 1-30. Berlin. 1829-51. 30 v. Plates. *4ogo.26i Publication discontinued. Journal manuel de peintures appliquees a la decoration des monuments, apparte- ments, etc. Annee 1-55. Paris. 185a- 1906. 55 V. in 27. Plates. *Cab.8o.i20.i Publication discontinued. Journal of the Society of Architects. See Society of Architects. Journal. Journal of Indian art. Vol. i, 1885, to date. London. Plates. *407o.230 Kaiserlich-Deutsches Archaeologisches In- stitut. Antike Denkmaeler. Band i, 1891, to date. Berlin. Plates. *Cab.27.28.2 Archaeologische Zeitung. Jahrgang 1-43. Berlin. 1843-86. 43 v. in 26. Plates. Publication discontinued. *22Ioa.50 Same. Register, Jahrgang r-43. Berlin. 1886. ^22ioa.54 Jahrbuch. Band i, 1886, to date. Berlin. Illus. Plates. *22ioa.55 Same. Register zu Band 1-20, 1886-1905. Berlin. 1904, 08. 2 v. *22ioa.56 Mittheilungen. Athenische Abtheilung. Band i, 1876, to date. Athen. Illus. *297oa.5o Same. Register . . , Band 1-20. Athen. 1881-97. 4 v. in I. *297oa.55 Mittheilungen. Roemische Abtheilung. Band i, 1886, to date. Rom. Illus. Plates. *5276.5 Kaiserlich-koenigliche Zentral-Kommission fiir Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst- und historischen Denkmale, Vienna. Jahrbuch. Band i, 1856, to date. Wien. Illus. Plates. *483i.53 An index to Band 1-5, 1856-61, is on shelf- number *409o.285.2o. This work has been pub- lished in series. Mittheilungen. Band 1, 1856, to date. Wien. Illus. Plates. *4090.285 The Commission was originally called: Kaiser- lich-koenigliche Central-Commission zur Erfor- schung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale. This work has been published in series. Personen-, Orts- und Sachregister sammtlicher Jahrbiicher und Mitthei- lungen. Wien. 1874. [Mittheilungen. Band 20.] *4O90.285.20 Kaiserlich - koenigliches oesterreichisches Museum fiir Kunst und Industrie, Vienna. Mittheilungen. Band 5 [2. Halfte]; 6-10. Neue Folge. Band 1-6. Wien. 1875-97. 12 V. *407i.22o Publication discontinued. Kent Archaeological Society. Archaeologia Cantiana. Vol. i, 1858, to date. Lon- don. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Vol. 19 is a general index. *2439a.56 Kind und Kunst. Herausgeber, A. Koch. Band i. Oktober, 1904-September, 1905. Darmstadt. [1904, 05.] Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *407i.29i Kirchenschmuck. Sammlung von Vorlagen fiir kirchliche Stickereien, Holz- und Metallarbeiten und Glasmalereien. Her- ausgegeben von G. Dengler. Band i- 27; neue Folge, Band 1-4. Stuttgart [etc.]. i857[-89]. 31 v. in 11. 480 plates. *4o6oa.220 Band 27 contains an index. Publication dis- continued. Kunst, Die. Monatshefte fiir freie und angewandte Kunst. Band i, 1899, to date. Mtinchen. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *4072.276 Some of the plates are colored. 40 PERIODICALS Kunst und Kunsthandwerk. Jahrgang 2, 1899, to date. Wien. Illus. Plates. ♦4071.221 Kunst, Die, iinserer Zeit. Eine Chronik des modernen Kunstlebens. 1889, to date. Miinchen. Plates. *407i.2io Kunstchronik. Jahrgang 20, 1884, to date. Leipzig. Plates. *4o6i.235 This work has been published in series. Kunstgewerbeblatt. Jahrgang i, 1885, to date. Leipzig. Illus. Plates. *407i.255 This work has been published in series. Is- sued with the Zeitschrift fur bildende Kunst [•8065. 221]. Kunstwart. Herausgeber, F. Avenarius. Jahrgang 20, 21. Oktober, 1906-Decem- ber, 1907. Miinchen. [1907.] 2 v. in 3. Plates. *4O72.300 Subscription discontinued. Landscape Architecture. A quarterly maga- zine. Official organ of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Vol. 1, 1910, to date. Harrisburg, Pa. Plates. Plans. *4090.329 Leicestershire and Rutland Notes and Que- ries, and antiquarian gleaner. Vol. 1-3. Leicester. 1891-95. 3 v. Illus. Publication discontinued. *2503.I25 Lettres, Les, et les arts. Revue illustree. Annee 1-3. Paris. [1886-88.] 12 v. Portraits. Plates. *7385.5 Subscription discontinued. London & Middlesex Notebook. Vol. i. London. 1891, 92. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *2503.I32 Magasin pittoresque. Annee i, 1833, to date. Paris. Illus. *729i.52 Same. Table alphabetique et methodique. J 833-72. Paris. 1886. *729o.55 Magazine of art. [Monthly. Vol. 1-28.] London. [i878-]i904. 28 v. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *4072.220 Manufacturer and Builder, [Monthly.] Vol. 1-26. New York. [1869-94.] 26 v. Plates. *8o94.20i Current numbers are kept in the Periodical Room. Materiaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture, classes par ordre alphabe- tique. Annee i, 1872, to date. A. Ra- guenet directeur-fondateur. Dourdan (Seine-et-Oise) [etc.]. Plates. Decorative details cabinet. Since 1896 this periodical has not been bound. The current numbers have been taken apart and kept in a case. Materiaux et documents d'art espagnol. Re- vue mensuelle publiee sous la direction de Mira Leroy. Seule publication d'art, architecture, archeologie et decoration en Espagne. Annee i, 1901, to date. Barcelona. Plates. Fine Arts Department The title of the first six volumes is Materiales y documentos de arte espanol. Vol. 7 begins a second series. The plates have been separated according to sub- jects and placed with photographs and decorative details. Some of the plates are colored. Melanges d*archeologie et d'histoire. An- nee I, 1881, to date. Paris [etc.]. Plates. Facsimiles, [ficole frangaise de Rome.] *294oa.55 Menuiserie ebenisterie. Publication men- suelle. Paris. 1882 [-97]. 16 V. in 15. Plates. • *4090.279 Subscription discontinued. Messager des sciences historiques, ou ar- chives des arts et de la bibliographic de Belgique. Gand. [i833-]88. 56 V. Plates. *33i9.i Same. Tables generales, 1823-30, 33-53- Gand. 1854. *33i9-2 Metaux ouvres, Les. Annee i[-22]. Paris. 1882-1903. 22 V. in 20. Plates. *40i3.220 Publication discontinued. Mission archeologique frangaise, Cairo, Egypt. Memoires. Paris. 1884, to date. Plates. *507o.ii Modern Architecture and Shoppell's Mod- ern Houses. [Quarterly.] No. 1-80, 85. Jan., 1886-Oct., 1903, Mar., 1907. [New York. 1886-1907.] 9 V. and unbound parts. Illus. Plans. *8iooa.i4 Nos. 1-80 have the title: Shoppell's Modern Houses. Modern Art. [Quarterly.] Edited by J. M. Bow^les. Vol. 1-4; 5 (no. i). Boston. 1893-97. 4 V. *4o6i.2i7 Vols. 1-2 were published at Indianapolis. Pub- lication discontinued. Modeme Bauformen: Monatshefte fiir Architektur. Herausgegeben von P. Klopfer. Jahrgang 9, 1910, to date. Stuttgart. Illus. Plates. Plans. Some of the p^^tes are colored. *4092.2IO Moniteur des architectes. Nouvelle serie, vol. 1-20; [2^] nouvelle serie, vol. T-14 (216-346 annee de la collection). Paris. 1866-1900. 34 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Publication discontinued. 8095'20I Monumental News, The. An illustrated monthly monumental journal. R. J. Haight, J. W. Weston, editors. Vol. 10-13 (1898-1901); 21, 1909, to date. Chicago. Portraits. Plates. *4090.302 Monumental Records. [Monthly.] H. M. Baum, editor. July, November, 1897; January, 1899; January-July, 1900. New York. 1897-1900. 4 v. Portrait. Plates. Publication discontinued. *2230.8o Moring*s Quarterly. Vol. 3, no. 17-20. Lon- don. 1901. Illus. Plates. *4072.26o Subscription discontinued. Mosaique, La. Revue pittoresque illustree de tous les temps et de tbus les pays. Annee 1-12. Paris. 1873-84. 12 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4o6o.236 Publication discontinued. Muenchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst. Herausgegeben von L. von Buerkel. Band i, 1906, to date. Miinchen. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4072.i68 Musees royaux des arts decoratifs et indus- triels, Brussels. Bulletin. Vol. i, 1901, to date. Bruxelles. Illus. Plans. Fac- similes. *40i 1.249 This work has been published in scries. PERIODICALS 41 New- York Ecclesiologist, The. Published by the New-York Ecclesiological So- ciety. Vol. 1-5. 1848/49-1853. New York. [1848-53.] 5 V. in 3. Plates. Plans. *7536.64 Publication discontinued. New York Sketch-book of architecture. Vol. 1-3. Boston. 1874-76. 3 V. Plates. *8o90.52 Nord contemporain, Le. [Lille.] 1882, 83. 3 V. Photographs. *7240.55 Nordiske Fortidsminder ndgivne af det Kgl. nordiske Oldskriftselskab. Avec des resumes en frangais. Heft i, 2. [Kj0- benhavn.] 1890-93. Tllus. Plates. . *4833-i.5 Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Soci- ety. Norfolk archaeology. Norwich. 1847, to date. Illus. *25o6.5o Northamptonshire Notes & Queries. Vol. [-6; new series, vol. t. Northampton. 1886-1906. 7 V. Illus. *2503.iio Publication discontinued. Nouvelles annales de la construction . . . franqaise et etrangere. Tome i, 1855, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. *40i2.2o8 This work has been published in series. Same. [Table des matieres.] 1855 a 1887. Paris. [1876, 88.] 2 parts in i v. No. I, 2 in *40i2.207 Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicato da M. S. de Rossi, M. Armel- lini, O. Marucchi, E. Stevenson. Anno T, 1895, to date. Roma. Plates. *32ioa.5i This succeeded the Bullettino di archeologia cristiana [*32ioa.5o]. Several volumes are miss- ing. Old Yorkshire. Edited by W. Smith. [Vol. 1-5;] new series [vol. T-3]. London. 1881-91. 8 v. Illus. Plates. *2495.54 Ongania, F., publisher. Portafoglio delle arti decorative in Italia. Anno i. [Ve- nezia.] 1890, 91. 96 plates. *Cab.8o.i7.i Plates forming an incomplete volume 2 have been distributed in the Decorative details Cabinet in the Fine Arts Department. Publication discontinued. Onze Kunst. Jaargang 1-6. Antwerpen. 1902-07. 6 V. in II. Illus. Plates. ♦^070.24 1 On Flemish art including interiors and nirniture. Subscription discontinued. This publication succeeded De vlaamse School [*407o.24o]. Since 1904 a French edition entitled r/art flamand & hollandaise has been published, (he issues of which since 1908 may be found on shelf-number *4072.3o6. Orientalisches Archiv. lUustrierte Zeit- schrift fiir Kunst, Kulturgeschichte und Volkerkunde der Lander des Ostens. Herausgegeben von H. Grothe. Band I, 1910-11, to date. Leipzig. Illus. Plates. Plans. *407o.232 Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly statement, 1869, to date. London. Illus. Plans. *5077.5O Same. Index. 1869-92. London. 1892. *5077-49 PamStky archaeologicke a mistopisne. Organ archaeologicke . . . Redaktor, J. L. Pic. Dil 15, 1890, to date. V Praze. Illus. Plates. *3820.38 Petits edifices historiques recueillis par A. Raguenet, avec notices descriptives facilitant I'etude des styles. [Publica- tion mensuelle.] Annee 1-9. Paris. 1891-1902. Plates. 9 v. in 4. *8o9o.io2 Publication discontinued. Portefeuille des arts decoratifs. Annee i- 8. Paris. 1889-96. 8 v. Plates. Subscription discontinued. *Cab.8o.64.I Portfolio, The. An artistic periodical. Ed- ited by P. G. TTamerton. London. 1870-93. 24 V. Illus. Plates. *4o6o.23i Same. 1877. **K.7i.2 Succeeded by The Portfolio. Monographs on artistic subjects. Practical Art Gallery. See Formenschatz. Der. Praktisches Skizzen-Buch fiir Fassaden- und Innen-Decoration. Herausgegeben von Jean Pape. Dresden. [1892, 93.] 2 v. 120 plates. *8o8o.28 Publication discontinued. Quest, The. November -1894; March 1895. No. I, 2. ^'^ [Birmingham.] 1894, 95. Plates. *4o64.39 Publication discontinued. Rassegna d'arte. Diretta da G. Cagnola, F. Malaguzzi-Valeri. Anno 5, 1905, to date. Milano. Illus. Plates. *4070.274 Reale accademia dei lincei, Rome. Monu- menti antichi. Vol. i, 1889, to date. Milano. Illus. Plates. *33oo-5o Notizie degli scavi di antichita. 1876, to date. Roma. Plates. *330i.50 Same. Indici epigrafici. 1876-85. Roma. 1886. *330i.6i Same. Indici generali. 1876-1900. Mi- lano. 1904. *330i.62 Records of the Past. [Edited by] H. M. Baum [and] F. B. Wright. Vol. i, 1902, to date. Washington. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. *222oa.45 Recueil, Le, d'architecture. Choix de docu- ments pratiques. Publication mensuelle sous la direction de Wulliam & Farge. Annee 1-4; 5 (plates 1-60). Paris. [1874-79?] 5 V. in 3. 348 plates. *Cab.6o.i6o.i Reliquary, The; quarterly archaeological journal and review. London, [i860-] 94. 34 V. Illus. Plates. *Per. Room *6246.3 In January, 1895, this periodical united with the Illustrated Archaeologist [*6232.57] under the title of the Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeolo- gist 1*2232.591. Reliquary, The, and Illustrated Archaeolo- gist. A quarterly journal and review. Edited by J. R. Allen. New series, vol. 1-14; 15 (no. 1-4). London. 1895-1909. 15 V. Illus. Plates. Per Room *2232.5g Publication discontinued. Renaissance illustree, La. Chronique des beaux-arts et de la litterature. Tome 42 PERIODICALS Renaissance illustree, La. (Continued.) 1-13. Bruxelles. i839[-i85i]. 13 v. lUus. Portraits. Plates. *4o6i.2io Vols. 1-9 have the title La renaissance. Pub- lication discontinued in 1854. Repertorium fUr Kunstwissenschaft. [Jahr- gangrl 1-31. Stuttgart [etc.]. 1876-1908. 31 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. ♦4061.223 Bibliographic at end of vols. 1-26. Bound with vol. 16 is Generalregister zu Band 1-16. Revue archeologique. Tome i, 1844, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. *22i7.5i This work has been published in series. Same. Table generale des matieres. An- nee i-io. *22i7.5i.io Same. Annee 11-16. *22i7.5i.i6 Same. Table decennale. Nouvelle serie. 1860-69. *22I7.52 Same. Tables des annees 1870 a 1890. *22i7.5i.serie 3, vol. 23 Revue de Tarchitecture en Belgique. Publi- cation mensuelle. Annee i, 2. Liege. 1882, 83. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.37.i Publication discontinued. Revue de I'art chretien, publiee sous la direction d'un comite d'artistes et d'ar- cheologues. Annee i, 1857, to date. Paris [etc.]. Illus. PMtes. *4072.20i Same. Table methodique, . . . 1857-81. Arras. 1882. *4072.2oo Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orien- tale. Publiee sous la direction de J. Oppert et E. Ledrain. Vol. i, 1886, to date. Paris. *3050.ii5 Revue, des arts decoratifs. Tome 1-22. Paris. 1881-1902. 22 V. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. *4O70.2I0 Revue generale de I'architecture et des tra- vaux publics. Sous la direction de C. Daly. Vol. 1-45. Paris. fi840-]95- 45 V. Plates. *4ogi.2o6 Publication discontinued. Same. Table generale des volumes i a 30. Paris. [1876.] '4091.205 Rome. Commissione archeologica comunale Bullettino. Anno i, 1872, to date. Roma. Illus. Plates. *3263.i Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. Vol. i, 1834, to date. London. Plates. Maps. *5058.55 This work has been published in series. Royal Institute of British Architects, Lon- don. Journal. Vol. i, 1893, to date. London. Illus. Portraits. Plates. ♦4090.290 Continues the Transactions [*409o.289]. Transactions. Vol i, part i, 2 [1835-41]; 1853-83/84; new series, vol. 1-8 [1884/ 85-92]. London. 1836-92. 40 v. Illus. Portraits. ♦4090.289 Continued as Journal on shelf-number '4090.290. Royal Sanitary Institute. Journal. 1879 to date. London. Illus. Plates. ♦5764.62 Vol. 1-14 entitled Transactions. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Journal. Vol. i, 1849, to date. Dublin. Illus. Plates. ♦3305.50 This work has been published in scries. Series 5, vol. II, is missing. Royal Society of Antiquaries. (Continued.) Same. Index. Vols. 1-20. 1849-89. Part i: A-K. [Dublin. 1901. Journal. Vol.20.] *33O5-50.20 Sanitary News. Healthy homes and healthy living. Vol. 3-19. Chicago. 1884-92. Plates. Plans. ♦8096.201 Publication discontinued. Scientific American Building Monthly. Vol. 1-39. November i88s-June 1905. New York. 1885-1905. 39 v. in 30. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4091.21 1 Vols. 1-18 are entitled: Scientific American. Architects and builders edition ; vols. 19-32, Scientific American. Building edition. Publica- tion discontinued. Scientific American Building Monthly. New series. See American Homes and Gar- dens. Scottish Art Review, The. Vol. i. Glasgow. 1889. Illus. Plates. ♦8070.141 Publication discontinued. Scottish Notes and Queries. Vol. 1-12; 2d series, vol. 1-8. Aberdeen. 1887-1907. 20 V. in 15. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. Per. Room *3I77.50 Semaine des constructeurs. Paris. 1877- 98. 20 V. Illus. ♦8098.201 Subscription discontinued. Shoppell's Modern Houses. See Modern Architecture and Shoppell's Modern Houses. Smith, C. R., editor. Collectanea antiqua. London. 1848-80. 7 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *222S.6i Publication discontinued. Smith, F. L., editor. Homes of to-day; or, modern examples of moderate cost houses. Vol. I, 2. Boston. 1888, 89. 2 V. in I. ♦8094.33 Publication discontinued. Societa degli ingegneri e degli architetti italiani. Annali. Anno 1886, to date. Roma. Plates. ♦4010.260 Societe archeologique de Bordeaux. [Bul- letin.] Tome I, 1874,- to date. Bor- deaux. Illus. Plates. Maps. ♦46303.1 Same. Table systematique des matieres et table alphabetique des noms des 25 premiers volumes [1873-94]. Par E. Labadie. Bordeaux. 1906. [Bulletin. Tome 26.] ♦46303.1.26 Societe archeologique du Departement de Constantine. Recueil des notices et me- moires. Vol. [i-] 39. 1853-1905. Con- stantine. 1 853-1906. Plates. ♦3057.110 The volume for 188 1 contains an index to vol. 1-20 (1853-80). This work has been published in series. Societe archeologique du midi de la France. Memoires. Tome 1-14. 1832/33-89. Toulouse. 1833-89. 14 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Facsimiles. ♦4691.15 Same. Tables generales. 1831-71. (i^ Vol. 10 begins a second series. serie.) Toulouse. 1875. No. 2 in ♦4691. 15.9 PERIODICALS 43 Societe ides amis des monuments parisiens. Bulletin. Vol. 1-7. Paris. [1887-93.] 7 V. Plates. Plans. *4i04.55 Societe des antiquaires de I'Ouest. Bulletin et memoires. Tome i, 1835, to date. Poitiers. Portraits. Plates. Facsimiles. *6696.50 This work is published in series. Previous to 1894 the Bulletins [*6695.so] and the Memoires were published separately. Same. Tables generales. 2^ serie, 1877- ' 1906. Poitiers. 1909. *6695.5i Bulletins. Tome [i-]'i4. Annees 1834- y6. 2^ serie, tome 1-6. Annees 1877-94. Poitiers. 1841-95. 20 v. Illus. Plates. Maps. *6695.5o Vol. I is of the second edition. Since 1894 the Bulletins and Memoires have been issued as a single publication, which may be found on shelf- number *6696.50. Memoires. See Soci6t6 des antiquaires de I'Ouest. Bulletin et memoires. Societe frangaise d'archeologie. Congres archeologique de France. Session 23, 1856, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. Plans. Maps. *2638.6o Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. Bulletin. 1888, to date. Paris. Illus. *5275.2 Previous to 1888 the Bulletin was bound with the Memoires for the same year. Memoires. Tome i, 1817, to date. Paris. Illus. Plates. *5275.i Tlie Bulletin of the Society was bound with the Memoires of the same year from 1857-87. Societe pour la conservation des monu- ments historiques d'Alsace. Bulletin. [Serie i.] Vol. 1-4; serie 2, vol. 1-20. Paris [etc.]. 1857-1902. 24 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *6636.6i Vol. 14 et seq. have a second title-page: Mit- theilungen der Gesellschaft fiir Erhaltung der ge- schichtlichen Denkmaler im Elsass. Society of Antiquaries, London. Arclueolo- gia. Vol. I, 1770, to date. London. Illus. Plates. Per. Room(*33ii.i) Beginning with vol. 38, each volume is published in two parts. Same. Vol.20. *Harris7ii.i7 An index to vols. 1-30 may be found on shelf- number *33ii.2; to vols. 1-50, on shelf-number *332i.io. Proceedings. 2d series, vol. i, 1859, to date. London. Illus. Plates. *33i8.5o Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeo- logia Scotica. Vol. T-5. Edinburgh. 1 792-1890. 5 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Publication discontinued. *4510a.IOI Proceedings. Vol. i, 1851, to date. Edin- burgh. Illus. Plates. *4523.i04 Same. General index and index of illus- trations. Vol. 1-24. 1851-90. Edin- burgh. 1892. 45ioa.iio Society of Architects, London. Journal. Including Transactions and architec- tural notes. Vol. i, 1894, to date. London. Portraits. Plates. Plans. Fac- simile. *4090.a7i This work is published in series. From Novem- ber, 1900-October, 1907 the Journal was issued Society of Architects, London. (Continued.) under the title: The Architects' Magazine [*409o.272]. Proceedings. Vol. 1-5. London. 1888-93. 5 v. in 2. Plates. *409i.7i The Proceedings are continued in the Journal of the Society [*4090.27i]. Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural History Society. Proceedings. Vol. i, 1849, to date. Taunton. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. *2507.ioo Same. General index to vols. 1-20. Bris- tol. 1876. No. I in*2507.iio Studio, The. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. Vol. i, 1893, to date. London. Illus. Plates. Plans. *407 1.225 Studio, The. Journal of the fine arts. Vol. I, 2; 3 (no. 53-67)- New York. 1883- 91. 3 v., and unbound parts. Illus. *4o6i.24o "Studio" year-book, The, of decorative art. 1906, to date. London. Illus. Plates. *8o72.i7i Suburban Life. New series. Vol. i, 1904, to date. Boston. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *7990.38 The numbers for December, 1904, and January, 190S, are called Suburban Country Life. Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History. Proceedings. Vol. i, 1849-53, to date. Bury St. Edmunds. Illus. Plates. *2509.57 Sun & Shade: an artistic periodical. No. i- 27, 36-69. Vol. I, 2; 3 (no. 25-27, 36); 4-6. New York. 1888--93. 6 v. in 7. Plates. *4G7o.267 Consists wholly of photogravure plates without text, and advertisements. Sussex Archaeological Society. Sussex ar- chaeological collections. Vol. 5-39. Lon- don [etc.]. 1852-94. 35 V. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *2504.6i Same. General index to vol. 1-25. Sus- sex. 1874. *2504.6o Technograph, The. Published annually by the Association of Engineering Socie- ties of the University of Illinois. No. 7-10. 1892/93-95/96. Champaign, 111. 1893-96. 4 parts in i v. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. Charts. *40i4.2i5 Technologist, The; or. Industrial Monthly. Vol. 1-7; 8 (no. 1-6). New York. 1870- 77. 8 v. Illus. *8o98.2io Consolidated with the Young Scientist [*79i3-6o]. Technology Architectural Record, The. Published quarterly by the M. I. T. Architectural Society. Vol. i, 1907, to date. [Boston.] Plates. Plans. *4ioo.2ii Technology Architectural Review. Vol. 1-3. Nov. 1887-Nov. 1890. Boston. 1887-90. 3 v. in I. Plates. *4i02.20i Succeeded in 1891 by the Architectural Review [•4102.205]. Tegninger af seldre Nordisk Architektur. Kjj2Jbenhavn. 1872, to date. Plates. ♦Cab.6o.88.i 44 PERIODICALS Textile Recorder. Vol. i, 1883, to date. Manchester. Plates. ♦4012.298 Topical Architecture. Classified architec- tural motives and details. Published monthly by the American Architect. Boston. 1900-04. 60 V. Plates. *8ogoa.i35 There is no text. Publication discontinued. Tour du monde. Nouveau journal des voya- ges, publi6 sous la direction de M. fi. Charton. Annee i, i860, to date. Paris. Illus. *62gi.i This work is published in series. An index is in the Biblioth^que cardinale, col. 170-176 [*C.R. 12.4.9]- Same. Table decennale. 1860-70. Paris. 1870. ♦6291.10 Travaux simples de menuiserie, charpente, ebenisterie, pour petites villes et cam- pagnes. Publication mensuelle. Paris. 1893-1901. 7 V. Plates. ♦4012.262 Subscription discontinued. Travaux simples de serrurerie, et petite construction en fer pour petites villes et campagnes. Publication mensuelle. Paris. 1893-1901. 6 v. in 5. Plates. Subscription discontinued. *40I2.26o Ulster Journal of Archaeology. Vol. i, 1853, to date. Belfast. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. Facsimiles. *24i4.30 This work has been published in series. University of Pennsylvania. Department of Archaeology. Free Museum of Science and Art. Bulletin. Vol. 1-3. Phila- • delphia. 1897-1901. Illus. Plates. ♦7918.60 Superseded by the Transactions of the Depart- ment. Transactions. Vol. i, 1904, to date. Phila- delphia. Illus. Plates. Plans. ^2230.73 Verein fiir Geschichte des Bodensee's und seiner Umgebung, Lindau. Schriften. Heft I, 1869, to date. Lindau. Plates. Maps. *682i.i5 Verein fur Geschichte und Alterthum Schle- siens. Zeitschrift. Band 1-24. Breslau. 1855-92. 24 V. in 15. Plates. ♦4864.50 Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Rhein- lande. Bonner Jahrbiicher. Heft i, 1842, to date. Bonn. Illus. Plates. ♦2851.5* Vol. 6s is an index to vols. 1-60. Accompanied by atlases. Vlaamse School, De. [i855-]i90i. Ant- werp. 1855-1901. 47 v. in 25. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. ♦4070.240 Succeeded by Onze Kunst [•4070.241]. Western Antiquary; or, notebook for Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. Vol. 1-12 [with supplements]. Edited by W. H. K. Wright. Plymouth. 1882-93. 12 V. Portraits. Plates. ♦2503.60 Publication discontinued. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural His- tory Magazine. Vol. i, 1854, to date. De- vizes. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. ♦2509.125 Woodward's Architecture with hints and notes on building. No. 1-5. January Woodward's Architecture. (Continued.) 1870-February 1871. New York. 1870, 71. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦8104.1 Workshop, The. A monthly journal de- votea to progress of the useful arts. Vol. i-io. New York. [1868-77.] 10 v. Plates. *40i2.346 This periodical is a reproduction of Gewerbc- halle [*4oi2.345]. Subscription discontinued. Year's Art, The. An epitome relating to painting, sculpture and architecture. 1880, to date. London. Illus. Portraits. Plates. ♦4060.205 Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. Vol. i, 1870, to date. London [etc.]. Illus. Plates. *25o8.65 Same. Index of the papers contained in vol. 1-17 of the Journal, and of the "Excursions," 1867-1903. Leeds. [1904.] ♦2508.66 Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Excur- sion [s] . . . 27th July, 1887, to date. Worksop [etc.]. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Facsimile. *4095.i3 Yorkshire Notes and Queries. Edited by J. H. Turner. Bingley. 1888, 90. 2 v. Plates. ♦2506.12 Zeitschrift des deutschen Palaestina-Ve- reins. Band i, 1878, to date. Leipzig. Plates. Maps. ^5074.66 Same. Register zu Band 1-15. Leipzig. 1883-93- 3 V. in I. *5074-^5 Zeitschrift fiir Architektur und Ingenieur- wesen. Organ des Sachsischen In- genieur- und Architekten-Vereins und des Architekten- und Ingenieur-Vereins zu Hannover. Heft-Ausgabe. Band i, 1855, to date. Hannover [etc.], Illus. Plates. Maps. ♦4091.201 Same. Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis, 5., zu Banden 28-37. Jahrgang 1882- 91. Hannover. 1893. ♦4091.201.39 Same. Wochen-Ausgabe. Band [42-] 46. (N. F. Band i-S.) Hannover [etc.]. [i896-]i9oo. 5 V. Illus. Plates. Publication discontinued. ♦4091.203 Zeitschrift fur Bauwesen. Herausgegeben im Ministerium der offentlichen Arbei- ten. Jahrgang t, 1851, to date. Berlin. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦8100.201 Accompanied by atlases. Same. Inhalts-Verzeichniss, Jahrgang i bis 50 (1851-1900). Berlin. 1881, 1904. 2 V. ♦8100.200 Zeitschrift fiir bildende Kunst. Mit dem Beiblatt Kunstchronik. Jahrgang i, 1866, to date. Leipzig. Illus. Plates. ♦8065.221 Same. Register. Jahrgang 20-24. 1885- 89. Neue Folge, Jahrgang 1-6. 1890-95. Leipzig. 1890-96. 2 V. ^8065.220 Zeitschrift fiir christliche Kunst. Heraus- gegeben von A. Schniitgen. Jahrgang I, 1888, to date. Diisseldorf. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4071.260 Same. General-Register zum i.-io. Jahr- gange. 1898. ♦4071.261 Same. General-Register zum 1.-20, Jahr- gange. 1909. ♦4071.262 Periods and Styles. Classic. (Greek, Roman, Etruscan.) Abbott, H. Antiquities of Rome. London. 1820. Plates. *Cab.49.i9-8 Abeken, W. Mittelitalien vor den Zeiten romischer Herrschaft. Stuttgart. 1843. Text, I v.; Atlas, 11 plates. 2735.54 Academic de France a Rome. Les envois de Rome. Restaurations des monu- ments anciens, reproduites d'apres les dessins originaux de MM. les architectes pensionnaires de I'Academie. Partie i: architecture grecque. Paris. [1897.] Plates. *4090.96 Fragments d'architecture antique d'apres les releves & restaurations des anciens pensionnaires de I'Academie. Publics sous la direction de H. d' Espouy. Paris. [1896-1905.] 2 V. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.i54.i Restaurations des monuments antiques. Paris. 1877-90. Plates. Namely: La basilique Ulpienne. Restauration par M. Lesueur. *Cab.49.i9.7 La colonne Trajane (Rome). Restaura- tion executee en 1788, par Percier. *Cab.49.i9.3 Temple de Jupiter Panhellenien a figine. Par C. Garnier. *Cab.29.i6.2 Le temple de la Pudicite. Restaura- tion executee en 1801 par L. A. Dubut. No. I in *Cab.49.i9.6 Le temple de Marc-Aurele. Restaura- tion par A. Villain. *Cab.49.i9.4 Le temple de Vesta. Restauration par J. A. Coussin. No. 2 in *Cab.49.i9.6 Les temples de Paestum. Restauration par H. Labrquste. *Cab.27.i6.2 Thermes de Diocletien, par E. Paulin. Paris. 1890. 25 plates. *Cab.49.i9.5 Adam, R. Ruins of the palace of Diocletian at Spalatro. [London. 1764.] Plates. *Cab.49.io.i Adams, W. H. D, The buried cities of Campania; or, Pompeii and Hercu- laneum . . . London. 1873. Plates. Plans. 2739.56 Temples, tombs, and monuments of an- cient Greece and Rome. London. 1872. Plates. 2969.47 Triumphs of ancient architecture: Greece and Rome. [Anon.] London. 1866. Plates. 4098.58 Adamy, R. Architektonik der Hellenen. Hannover. 1882. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Architektonik des Alterthums. Theil 3] *8o93.3.3 Architektonik der Romer. Hannover. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Archi- tektonik des Alterthums. Theil 4.] *8093.3.4 Adler, P., and others. Die Baudenkmaler von Olympia. Berlin. 1892. Text, i v.; Atlas, 72 plates. *Cab.29.i7.i.2 Aikin, E. An essay on the Doric order of architecture. London. 1810. 7 plates. *Cab.6o.49.4 AUason, T. Picturesque views of the an- tiquities of Pola in Istria. London. 1819. Plates. *Cab.29.i7.2 Aloe, S. d'. Les ruines de Pompei. Avec un plan et la restauration des monu- mens publics. Naples. 1852. 47393.21 Die Ruinen von Pompei. Aus dem Fran- zosischen iibersetzt von E. von Lossow. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1857. Plan. 47393.32 Alte Rom, Das. 20 Blatter in Farbendruck. Mit begleitendem Texte. Leipzig. [1884.] 2751.17 The text is adapted from F. Reber. Amelio, P. d', editor. Nuovi scavi di Pom- pei. Casa dei Vettii. Appendice a di- pinti murali. Napoli. [1904.] 8 colored plates. Plan. *Cab.8o.i47.6 The text is in Italian and English. Amelung, W., and H. Holtzinger. The museums and ruins of Rome. English edition revised by the authors and Mrs. S. A. Strong. New York. 1906. 2 v. Plates. Map. Plans. 4079.324 Contents. — 1. The museums, by W. Amelung. 2. The ruins, by H. Holtzinger. Anderson, J. C. The Roman city of Urico- nium at Wroxeter, Salop. London. 1867. Plates. Plans. 2468.30 Anderson, W. J., and R. P. Spiers. The architecture of Greece & Rome. A sketch of its historic development. London. 1903. Plates. Plans. 4106.23 Bibliography, pp. 283-288. Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1907. Maps. *4io6.29 List of selected books relating to classic archi- tecture, pp. 333-339. Angeli, D. Roma. Bergamo. 1908. 2 v. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073419 Contents. — i. Dalle origini al regno di Costan- tino. 2. Da Costantino al rinascimento. Angelini, G., and A. Fea. II Foro romano. — La Via Sacra. — II Clivo Capitolino dal MDcccix al mdcccxxxvii. [Pianta. Roma. 1837?] No. 1-3 in *Map 86.7 3 sheets. Profiles of buildings. Antiquities of Herculaneum; translated from the Italian by T. Martyn and J. Lettice. London. 1773. Plates. ♦4751.16 The plates are engravings of the wall paintings. 46 PERIODS AND STYLES Antolini, G. A. II tempio di Minerva in Assisi confrontato colle tavole di An- drea Palladio . . . Milano. [1803.] Plates. ♦4091.1 1 1 Archaeological Institute of America. Ex- pedition of the Archaeological Institute of America. Investigations at Assos. Drawings and photographs of the buildings and objects discovered during the excavations of 1881-1882-1883 bv J. T. Clarke, F. H. Bacon, R. Koldewey; edited with explanatory notes by F. H. Bacon, Part i. Cambridge, Mass. 1902. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. *Cab.29.3i.i American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Excavations at Eretria in 1891. Boston. [1891?] Illus. Plan. 2962.89 Reprint no. s of the American Journal of Archaeology 1*6236.59.7!. * Agxoiio'KoyMi] i(pr\\i£Qi(;. 'ExSifiofi^vn vko xfig Iv *AdT|vai5 'Aoxaio^oY''*'^? Haigiaq. Tle- 010805 B'. Teuxo? A'-IA'. 'Ev 'Adrivaig. 1862-70. Plates. *496o.5i Edited by Ath. S. Rousopoulos. Ashdown, C. H. St. Albans, historical and picturesque. With an account of the Roman city of Verulamium. Illustrated by F. G. Kitton. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. ^24903.118 Atkinson, T. D. The architecture. Illus. Plans. (In British School at Athens Excavations at Phylakopi in Melos. Pp. 25-69. London. 1904.) *296o.8i.4 Aures, A. Etude des dimensions du grand temple de Paestum au double point de vue de I'architecture et de la metrologie. Nimes. 1868. 5070.2 Avellino, F. M. Descrizione di una casa pompejana, disotterrata negli anni 1831-33. Napoli. 1837. ID plates. 2731.51 Baddeley, W. St. C. Recent discoveries in the Forum, 1898-1904. New York. 1904. Plates. Maps. 47393.36 Ballin, A, G. Notes sur les obelisques de Rome. Rome. 1844. Plate. 4738.33 Barker, E. R. Buried Herculaneum. Lon- don. 1908. Plates. Plans. 2735.31 Bibliography, pp. 197-238. Barre, L. Herculanum et Pompei. Recueil general des peintures, bronzes, mo- saiques, etc. Paris. 1839, 40. 8 v. Plates. **K.i36.4 Bartoli, P. S. Admiranda Romanarvm an- tiqvitatvm ac veteris scvlptvrae vestigia ... a P. S. Bartolo delineata incisa . . . notis lo. Petri Bellorii illvstrata . . , RomjE 1693. 83 plates. *Cab.29.i9.i Gli antichi sepolcri, owero mausolei ro- mani ed etruschi. Roma. 1768. 113 plates. *4940.6 Colonna Trajana. Roma. [1672.] 127 plates. *Cab.49.io.3 Same. [Nuova edizione.] 126 plates. **Tosti, C.7.3 Columna cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata. Romae. 1704. yy plates. **Tosti, C.7.2 Picturae antiquae cryptarum Romanarum et sepulcri Nasonum, delincatac, et cx- Bartoli, P. S. (ConUnmd.) pressae ad archetypa a Petro Sancti Bartholi et Francisco ejus filio descrip- tae vero, & illustratae a J. P. Bellorio et M. A. Causseo . . . Romae. 1750. 94 plates. *Cab.29.i9.2 Same. 1791. *Cab.49.io.4 Same. 1819. **Tosti, D.1.6 Recueil de peintures antiques. Paris. 1757. 60. 2 v. in I. 34 colored plates. *Cab.8o.93,2 Veteres arcvs Avgvstorvm trivmphis in- signes ex reliqviis qvae Romae adhvc svpersvnt. Romae. 1824. 46 plates. **Tosti, D.1.2 Veterum sepolcra, sev maysolea Romano- rvm et Etrvscorvm, inventa in vrbe Roma aliisque locis celebribvs, coUecta & delineata. Cvm explicationibvs J. P. Bellorii. Lvgdvni Batavorvm. 1710. [Thesavrvs Graecarvm antiquitatvm.] No. I in *B.4iio.2.i2 Basile, G. B. F. Curvatura delle linee dell' architettura antica. Epoca dorico-sicula. Palermo. 1884. Text, i v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.6o.24.3 Bates, W. N. Ionic capitals in Asia Minor. Plate. {In Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Vol. 10, pp. 29-31. Boston, 1899) *4957-i5-io Baumeister, C. A., editor. Denkmaler des klassischen Alterthums. Munchen, 1885- 88. 3 V. Illus. Plates. *297i.65 Same. 1885-89. 3 v. Illus. Maps. *297i.47 Bellows, J. Survivals of Roman architec- ture in Britain. [Gloucester, Eng. 1901.] Plates. Plans. *4094.39 Bender, H. Rom und romisches Leben in Alterthum. Tubingen. [1879.] Illus. 2752.54 Benndorf, F. A. O., and G. H. L. Niemann. Das Heroon von Gjolbaschi-Trysa. Wien. 1889. Text, i v. Illus. Plates; Atlas. 34 plates. *Cab.29.ii.5 Reprinted from Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhochsten Kaiserhauses [*8o6s.20i.9, II, 12]. The plates accompanying these articles are on shelf-number *Cab.8o.i37.i. Reisen in Lykien und Karien. Wien. 1884. 49 plates. [Reisen im siidwestlichen Kleinasien.] *Cab.30.43.3 Bernhardi, C. Textbuch zu Th. Schreibers Kulturhistorischem Bilderatlas des klas- sischen Altertums. Leipzig. 1888. Text, 6228.61 ; Atlas, *622o.7o Berthier, J. J. La porte de Sainte-Sabine a Rome, fitude archeologique. Fribourg. 1892. Illus. Plates. 2751.70 Besnier, M. L'ile tiberine dans I'antiquite. Paris. 1902.^ Plates. Plans. [Biblio- theque des ecoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome. Fascicule 87.] *2953.6i.87 Betham, Sir W. Etruria-Celtica. Etruscan literature and antiquities investigated. Dublin. 1842. 2 V. Plates. 2730.12 The chapters on architecture are in vol. 2. Beule, E. L'Acropole d'Athenes. Paris. 1853. 54. 2 V. Plates. Plans. 3075.2 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 47 Bianchini, F. Camera ed inscrizioni sepul- crali della casa di Augusto scoperta nella Via Appia. Roma. 1727. Plates. Plans. *4940.io Blanchet, J. A. Les enceintes romaines de la Gaule. £tude sur I'origine d'un grand nombre de villes frangaises. Paris. 1907. Plates. Plans. *4632.66 Blouet, G. A. Expedition scientifique de Moree. Paris. 1831-38. 3 v. Plates. *Cab.29.2i.i Restauration des Thermes d'Antonin Caracalla a Rome. Paris. 1828. 15 plates. *Cab.49.i5.3 Bluemner, H. Technologie und Terminolo- gie der Gewerbe und Kiinste bei Grie- chen und Romern. Leipzig. 1875-87. 4 V. in 2. Illus. 8083.10 Bodensteiner, E. Das antike Theater. Leip- zig. 1902. Text and 2 colored plates. [Tabulae quibus antiquitates Graecae et Romanae illustrantur. Tafel 12, 13.] No. 12, 13 in *Cab.29.32.i Boeswillwald, %, and others. Timgad, une cite africaine sous I'empire romain. Par £. Boeswillwald, R. Cagnot, Alb. Ballu. Paris. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. Dia- grams. 3050.114 Boetticher, A. Die Akropolis von Athen. Berlin. 1888. Plates. *297oa.6o Olympia: das Fest und seine Statte. Ber- lin. 1883. Illus. Plates. 2961.56 Boetticher, C. Die Tektonik der Hellenen. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. 1862, 74. Text, 2 V. in I ; Atlas, 45 plates. *Cab.6o.i82.5 Same. 1874, 81. *Cab.6o.i82.6 Bogner, H. Die Grundrissdispositionen der zweischiffigen Zentralbauten von der iiltesten Zeit bis zur Mitte des ix. Jahr- hunderts. Strassburg. 1906. 7 plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- Schichte.] 4074.440 Bohn, C. T. R. Altertumer von Aegae. Ber- lin. 1889. Illus. Plates. [Kaiserlich- deutsches archaologisches Institut, Ber- lin. Jahrbuch. Erganzungsheft 2.] ♦3042.103 Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Nike- phoros. Berlin. 1885. Text, i v. Plates; Atlas, 50 plates. [Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Altertiimer von Pergamon. Band 2.] *Cab.29.2o.i.2 Die Propylaeen der Akropolis zu Athen. Berlin. 1882. Plates. *Cab.29.i8.2 Der Tempel der Athena Polias zu Per- gamon. Illus. Plates. {In Koniglich- preussische Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen. 1881. Berlin. 1882.) *3322.2(i88i) Der Tempel des Dionysos zu Pergamon. Illus. Plate. {In Koniglich-preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen. 1884. Berlin. 1885.) *3322.2(i884) Die Theater - Terrasse. Berlin. 1896. Text, I V. Plates; Atlas, 46 plates. [Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Alter- tiimer von Pergamon. Band 4.] *Cab.29.2o.i.4 Boissier, M. L. A. G. L'Afrique romaine. Promenades archeologiques en Algerie et en Tunisie. Paris. 1895. Plans. W 3058.143 Promenades archeologiques. Rome et Pompei. Paris. 1880. 7 plans. 2759.63 Borrmann, R. Die Bauknnst des Altertiims und des Islam im Mittelalter. I^eipzig. 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. Band i.] 4092.127 Contents. — Agypten. — Babylonien und Assy- rien. — Vorderasien. — Persien. — Griechen- land. — Etrurien. — Die Baukunst der Romer. — Die Neupersische Baukunst. — Die Bau- kunst des Islam im Mittelalter. Der dorische Tempel der Griechen. Ber- lin. [1900.] Plates. Plans. [Die Bau- kunst.] 4090.163 Borsari, L. The Roman forum in the light of recent discoveries. Rome. 1900. Plan. 4738.38 Boutmy, fi. G. Le Parthenon et le genie grec. Paris. 1897. Plates. Plans. 4098.141 Philosophic de I'architecture en Grece. Paris. 1870. [Bibliotheque de philoso- phic contemporaine.] 4099.7 Breton, E. F. P. H. Athenes decrite ct des- sinee. Suivie d'un voyage dans le Pelo- ponese. Paris. 1862. Plates. *296i.5 Pompeia decrite et dessinee. Suivie d'une notice sur Herculaneum. 3e edition revue. Paris. 1870. Plates. Plan. ♦2751.28 Briggs, R. A. Pompeian decorations. Lon- don. [1911] (25) plates. ♦4090.122 Mostly mural decorations. Some of the plates are colored. British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. A guide to the ex- hibition illustrating Greek and Roman life. London. 1908. Illus. Plans. Fac- similes. *8o79.30i Broughton, A. M. A. D. Hand book to the antiquities of Athens. Athens. 1896. Illus. 2969.48 Brown, E. B. Recent excavations in the Roman Forum, 1898-1905. 2d edition. London. 1905. Plates. Maps. 4735.13 List of reference books, pp. 215, 2x6. Brueckner, A. Ornament und Form der attischen Grabstelen. Strassburg. 1886. 2 plates. 4083.15 Brunn, H. Griechische Kunstgeschichte. Miinchen. 1893, 97, 2 v. Illus. 8082.107 Contents. — 1. Die Anfange und die alteste deco- rative Kunst. 2. Die archaische Kunst. Kieine Schriften. Leipzig. 1898-1906. 3 V. Plates. 2732.69 Contents. — i. Romische Denkmalcr. -- Altita- lische und etruskische Denkmaler. 2. Zur griechischen Kunstgeschichte. 3. Interpretation. — Zur Kritik der Schriftquellen. — Allgemeines. — Zur neueren Kunstgeschichte. — Nachtrag. — Verzeichnis sammtlicher Schriften. Bruton, F. A., editor. The Roman fort at Manchester. Manchester. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Classical Association of England and Wales. Manchester 48 PERIODS AND STYLES Bniton, F. A , editor. (Continued.) and District Branch. Annual report, 2d.] 2964.127 A collection of articles by various writers. Buehlmann, J. Die Architektur des classi- schen Alterthums und der Renaissance. Stuttgart. 1872-88. 3 V. in I. 75 plates. *8o8o.45 Der romische Tempelbau. Berlin. [1902.] Illus. 6 plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.168 Burgess, R. Description of the circus on the Via Appia near Rome. London. 1828. Plates. 2736.12 The topography and antiquities of Rome. London. 1831. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 2736.6 Burn, R. Old Rome. London. 1880. Illus. 2755-52 Roman literature in relation to Roman art. London. 1888. Plates. 4078.85 ; 4077.9 The copy on shelf-number 4077.9 is undated. Rome and the Campagna. Cambridge. 1871. Illus. Plates. Plans. *275i.5 Burnouf, E. Memoires sur I'antiquite. Paris. 1879. 4065.48 Burrow, E. J. The Elgin marbles: with his- torical and topographical account of Athens. London. 1817. 40 plates. ♦8075.65 Burrows, R. M. The discoveries in Crete, and their bearing on the history of an- cient civilisation. London. 1907. Plates. Map. Folded plan. 3084.124 Bibliography, pp. 231-236. Burton, E. A description of the antiquities and other curiosities of Rome: from personal observation in 1818-19. 2d edi- tion. London. 1828. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 4737.20 Busch, M. Bilder aus Griechenland. Nach der Natur gezeichnet von A. Loffler, mit beschreibendem Text. Triest. 1870. *296o.59 Butler, H. C. Architecture and other arts [in Syria. Sculpture, mosaic and wall- painting in northern Central Syria and the Djebel Hauran]. New York. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [American Ar- chaeological Expedition to Syria. 1899- 1900. Part 2.] *Cab.5o.36.3.2 The story of Athens. A record of the life and art of the City of the Violet Crown, read in its ruins and in the lives of the great Athenians. New York. 1902. Plates. Maps. Plans. 2968.23 Bibliography, p. 522. Cagnat, R. L. V. Les bibliotheques munici- pales dans I'Empire romain. Paris. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. *6200.74 Extrait des Memoires de I'Academie des in- scriptions et belles-lettres [*3292.2.38, part i]. Carthage, Timgad, Tebessa et les villes antiques de I'Afrique du Nord. Paris. 1909. Illus. Map. Plans. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073'37i Bibliographic, p. 158. Canina, L. L'architettura antica. Roma. 1834-44. Text, 9 v.; Atlas, 3 v. *Cab.6o.8o.8 Contents. — 1-3. Architettura egiziana. 4-6. Architettura greca. 7-9. Architettura romana. Descrizione dell* antico Tuscolo. Roma 1841. Plates. 6730.4 Descrizione di Cere antica. Roma. 1838 10 plates. *6730.6 Gli edifizj di Roma antica. Roma. 1848- 56. 6 v. Plates. *Cab.49.i2.3 Esposizione storica e topografica del Foro romano e sue adiacenze. Edizione 2a. Roma. 1845. 2 v. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *475o.8 Esposizione topografica di Roma antica. Roma. 1842. 19 plans. *Cab.49.i5.5 Indicazione topografica di Roma antica in corrispondenza dell' epoca imperiale. 4a edizione. Roma. 1850. 4752.2 Monumenti aggiunti all' opera sugli edi- fizi antichi di Roma dell' architetto A. Desgodetz. 24 plates, (/n Desgodetz, A. Les edifices antiques de Rome. Supplement, partie 2. Roma. 1843.) *6740.5 Particolare genere di architettura domes- tica decorato con ornamenti di svelte forme. Roma. 1852. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.7o.2 La prima parte della Via Appia, della Porta Capena a Boville, descritta e dimostrata con i monumenti superstiti Roma. 1853. Text, i v.; Atlas, 50 folded plates. *674oa.6 Sugli antichi edifizj gia esistenti nel luogo era occupato dalla chiesa di S. Martina e dair annessa fabbrica di proprieta deir Accademia di San Luca. Roma. 1840. 3 plates. *275i.74 Tavole per servire alia dimostrazione di quanto fu dichiarato nella Esposizione storica e topografica del Foro romano e sue adiacenze. Edizione 2a. Roma. 1845. Text, I v.; Atlas, i v. *475o.a Cara, C. A. de. Gli Hethei-Pelasgi. Ri- cerche di storia e di archeologia urien- tale, greca ed italica. Roma. 1894-1902. 3 V. Illus. 3043.166 Contents. — 1. Siria, Asia Minore, Ponte Eus- sino. 2. Le migrazioni alle isole dell' Egeo, e al continente ellenico. 3. Le migrazioni in Italia. Carelli, F., editor. Dissertazione esegetica intorno all' origine ed al sistema della sacra architettura presso i Greci. Napoli. 1831. Plates. *Cab.27.33.3 Brunet designates this work as vol. 10 of Le antichita di Ercolano esposte [*Cab. 27.34. 1] and ascribes it to F. Carelli. Caristie, A. N. Monuments antiques a Orange: Arc de triomphe et theatre. Paris. 1856. 54 plates. *Cab.26.i6.4 Notice sur I'etat actuel de I'Arc d'Orange et des theatres antiques d'Orange et d'Arles. Paris. 1839. Plates. Plans. 2632.76 Carotto, G. Antichita di Verona. Verona. 1764. Plates., *Cab.27.i7.5 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 49 Castell, R. The villas of the ancients illus- trated. London. 1728. Plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.42.i Refers wholly to Roman architecture. Caton, R. The temples and ritual of Asklepios at Epidaurus and Athens. [London.] 1899. Illus. Plans. 29703.10 Cavallari, F. S. Sulla topografia di talune citta greche di Sicilia e dei loro monu- menti. Palermo. 1879. Maps. 2735.80 Cean Bermudez, J. A. Sumario de las anti- giiedades romanas que hay en Esparia. Madrid. 1832. **D.i3o.io Chambers, Sir W. A treatise on the deco- rative part of civil architecture. With illustrations, notes, and an examination of Grecian architecture, by Joseph Gwilt. London. 1825. 2 v. Portrait. Plates. 4092.1 Chatelain, L. Les monuments remains d'Orange. Paris. 1908. Tllus. Map. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes,] 2622.194 Chipiez, C. Histoire critique des origines et de la formation des ordres grecs. Paris. 1876. Illus. 4091.59 Le systeme modulaire et les proportions dans Tarchitectiire grecque, Paris. 1891. Plates. 4103.65 Also to be found in Revue archeologique. 3e serie [*2237.5o.s6rie 3, t. 19]. Choiseul-Gouffier, M. G. F. A., Comte de. Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. [Anon.] Paris. 1782-1822. 3 V. in 2. Plates. *Cab.29.22.i Choisy, A. L'art de batir chez les Romains. Paris. 1873. Plates. *4090.56 fitudes epigraphiques sur I'architecture grecque. Paris. 1883, 84. Plates. *8o9oa.32 Cichorius, C. Die Reliefs der Traianssaule. Berlin. 1896-1900. Text, 2 v. Illus.; Atlas, 2 V. *Cab.49.io.5 Vol. I of the text is lacking. Clarke, J. T. A Doric shaft and base found at Assos. Baltimore. 1886. Illus. [Ar-9i. With an archi- tectural description by R. W. Schultz. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies. Supplementary papers.] ♦2960.81.1 Gardner, P. A grammar of Greek art. New York. 1905. Plates. [Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities.] 4078.329 A manual of Greek antiquities. Books 1-5 by P. Gardner; Books 6-9, by F. B. Jevons. London. 1895. Ulus. 2965.49 Same. 2d edition. 1898. 2965.43 New chapters in Greek history. Histori- cal results of recent excavations in Greece and Asia Minor. London. 1892. Illus. 2972.82 Sculptured tombs of Hellas. London. i89d Plates. 8084.78 Gatteschi, G. Restauro grafico del Monte capitolino, Foro romano e monumenti circostanti nell' anno 300 D.C. 2a edi- zione. Roma. 1906. 4739a.55 Gauckler, P. Le sanctuaire syrien du Jani- cule. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3514.40 Gell, Sir yf. The topography of Troy, and its vicinity; illustrated and explained by drawings and descriptions. London. 1804. 43 plates. 2 maps. *Cab.5o.38.i All but 2 of the plates are colored. Gell, Sir W., and J. P. Gandy. Pompeiana. London. 1817-19. 82 plates. *2735.65 The drawings are by Gell; the text, by Gandy. Same. 2d edition. 1821. 81 plates. 2732.15 Same. 1832. 2 v. 84 plates. **G.i4.57 Same. 3d edition. 1852. 79 plates. *2735.i; **K.i53.5 Gerhard, F. W. E. Pitture tarquiniensi. Roma. 1831. 2 folded plates. 8075.155 Also to be found in Annali dell' Istituto di cor- rispondenza archeologica. Vol. 3 r*52s6.3.3]. Gerlach, M. Five beautiful plates of Pom- peii. Berlin. [187-?] Colored plates. *Cab.27.ig.3 The plates are of wall decoration. Gerola, G. Monumenti veneti nell' isola di Greta: ricerche e descrizione. Vol. i, 2. Venezia. 1905-08. 2 v. in 3. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [R. istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti.] *409oa.ii6 Contents. — i, parte [i], 2. [Centri abitati c fortificazioni]. 2. Le chiese. Geymueller, H. von, Baron. Documents in- edits sur les Thermes d'Agrippa, le Pantheon et les Thermes de Diocletien. Lausanne. 1883. Plates. *4750.62 Gilles, I. Glanum, Saint-Remy de Provence; son existence dans I'antiquite et aux premiers siecles de I'ere chretienne. Avignon. 1891. Plates. 2635.36 Giovannoli, A. Vedute degli antichi vestigj di Roma. Roma. [1616.] 2 v. 106 plates. Plan. **K.50.3 Contents. — i. Mausolei, archi, colonne, e fab- briche pubbliche. 2. Terme, anfiteatri, teatri c tempj. CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 53 Girard, P. L'Asclepieion d'Athenes d'apres dc recentes decouvertes. Paris. i88t. Plates. [Bibliotheque des ficoles fran- caises d'Athenes et de Rome.] No. 3 in 2953.61.23 Gironde, L., Comte de. Quelques mots sur la statiiaire grecque a propos des marbres d'figine. Montauban. 1893. Plates. 8086.43 Go'odyear, W. H. Roman and mediaeval art. Meadville. 1893. Illus. Plates. 8086.64; 8086.73 The copy on shelf-number 8086.64 belongs to the series Chautauqua reading circle literature. Gordon, G. H., 4th Earl of Aberdeen. An in- quiry into the principles of beauty in Greek architecture, with an historical view of the rise and progress of the art in Greece. London, i860. fWcale's Rudimentary series.] 4099.154 Gori, A. F. Etrurische Alterthiimer. Niirn- berg. T770. 58 plates. *47 30-55 Abridged from the third Italian edition by N. Schwebel. Gozzadini, G., Conte. Di un' antica necropoli a Marzabotta nel Bolognese. Bologna. 1865. Plates. 4730.56 Di ulteriori scoperte nell' antica necropoli a Marzabotta. Bologna. 1870. Plates. *4730.57 Graevius, J. G., editor. Thesavrvs antiqvi- tatvm el historiarvm Italiae Neapolis, Siciliae, Sardiniae, Corsicac, Melitac, atque adjacentium terrarum insuia- rumque . . . I^vgdvni Batavorvm. 1704- 1725. 45 v. in 31. Plates. *47io.i Thesavrvs antiqvitatvm Romanarvm. Tra- jecti ad Rhemini. 1694-99. 12 v. Plates. *2950.i Graham, A. Roman Africa. Based chiefly ifpon inscriptions and monumental re- mains in that country. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. 3054.210 Gray, Elizabeth C. Tour to the sepulchres of Etruria, in 1839. 2d edition. London. 1841. Plates. 2737.23 Greenough, J. B. The fauces of the Roman house. Plan. {In Harvard studies in classical philology. Vol. i. Boston. 1890.) *4957.i5.i Grenier, A. Habitations gauloises et villas latines dans la cite des Mediomatrices. Paris. 1906. Illus. Plans. [Bibliotheque de rficole des hautes etudes. Sciences historiques et philologiques.] 2622.186 Grifi, L. Monumenti di Cere antica. Roma. 1841. 13 plates. *2750.58 Gsell, S. Les monuments antiques de I'Al- gerie. Ouvrage public sous les auspices du Gouvernement general de I'Algerie. Paria. 1901. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Service des monuments historiques de I'Algerie.l *305i.2i5 Musee de Philippeville. Paris. 1898. Illus. II plates. [Musees et collections arche- ologiques de I'Algerie et la Tunisie.] *Cab.30.47.5 Includes fragments of classical architecture. Philippeville is built on the site of Rusicade, Algeria. Guadet, J. fitude sur la construction & la disposition du Colisee, amphitheatre Flavien. Paris. 1878. 12 plates. . *Cab.49.ii.i Guattani, G. A. Monumenti antichi inediti ovvero notizie sulle antichita' e belle arti di Roma. Roma. 1784-39. 6 v. in 3. Plates. Plans. *3735.4 Roma descritta ed illustrata. 2a edizione. Roma. 1805. 2 v. in i. Folded plates. ♦4751.2 Guhl, E. C., and W. D. Koner. Das Leben der Griechen und Romer. Halfte i: Griechen. Berlin, i860. Illus. *296o.23 Same. 5. Auflage. 1882. 2960.27 Contents. — Griechen. — Romer. Same. 6. Auflage, herausgegeben von R. Engelmann. 1893. Illus. Plates. 2952.36 The life of the Greeks and Romans, de- scribed from antique monuments. Translated from the 3d German edition by F. Hueffer. London. 1875. Illus. 2962.9 Same. New York. 1876. 2962.38 Same. London. 1889. 2962.36 La vie antique. Manuel d'archeologie grecque et romaine. Traduit sur la 4e edition. Paris. 1884-85. 2 v. Illus. Contents. — i. La Grece. 2. Rome. 2g6l.68 Gulick, C. B. The life of the ancient Greeks. With special reference to Athens. New York. 1902. Plates. Plans. [Twentieth Century text-books.] 2969.35 Same. 1907. 2969.33 Gusman, P. Pompei: la ville, les moeurs, les arts. Preface de Max. Collignon. Paris. [[899.] Illus. Plates. *Cab.27.22.2 La villa d'Hadrien pres de Tivolt. Guide et description. Suivi d'un catalogue des ncuvres d'art. Paris. 1908. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4079.226 Bibliographic, p. (5). La villa imperiale de Tibur (Villa Ha- driana) . . . Preface de G. Boissier. Paris. 1904. Plates. Plans. 40903.109 Rtbliographie, pp xi, xii. Haigh, A. E. The Attic theatre. Oxford. T889. II his. 2963.71 Same. 2d edition. [898. Plates. 2963.45 Same. 3d edition. 1907. 2964.105 Hamdy-Bey, O., and T. Reinach. Une ne- cropole royale a Sidon. Fouilles de Hamdy Bey. Paris. 1892. Text, i v.; Atlas, 46 plates. *Cab.5o.24.i Hanriot, C. Nouvclles observations sur le Tholus d'Athenes. [Napoleon-Vendee. t8551 2963.47 Harrison, J. E. Mythology & monuments of ancient Athens. Being a translation of a portion of the 'Attica* of Pausanias by Margaret de G. Verrall. With introduc- tory essay and archaeological commen- tary by Jane E. Harrison. London. 1890. Illus. Folded plans. 2968.64 Hasluck, F. W. Cyzicus. The history and antiquities of that city, and of the dis- trict adjacent to it, with the towns of Apollonia ad Rhyndacum, Miletupolis, Hadriamutherae, Priapus, Zeleia, etc. Cambridge. 1910. Illus. Plans. 3078.95 54 PERIODS AND STYLES Haudebourt, L. P. Le Laurentin, maison de campagne de Pline le Jeune, restituee d'apres la description de Pline. Paris. 1838. Illus. Plan. 2732.31 Haugwitz, E., Graf. Der Palatin. Seine Geschichte und seine Ruinen. Mit einem Vorwort von C. Hiilsen. Rom 1901. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 47693.21 Headlam, A. C. Ecclesiastical sites in Isauria (Cilicia Trachea). London. 1892. Illus. Plans. [Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies. Supple- mentary papers. 2.] *296o.8i.2 Hebcrdey, R., and others. Das Theater in Ephesos. Bearbeitet von R. Heberdey, G. Niemann, W. Wilberg. Wien. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. [5s- terreichisches archaeologisches Institut, Vienna. Forschungen in Ephesos. Band 2.] *Cab. Helbig, C. F. W. Fuhrer durch die offent- lichen Sammlungen klassischer Alter- thiimer in Rom. Leipzig. 1891. 2 v. Illus. 80793.114 Same. 2. Auflage. 1899. 80793.307 Helbig, C. F. W., and E. Reisch. Guide to the public collections of classical an- tiquities in Rome. Translated by J. F. and F. Muirhead. Leipsic. 1895, 96. 2 V. Illus. 2739-78 Helbum, W.. publisher. Architectural de- tails from the classic and Renaissance periods. New York. [190-?] 76 pfates. ♦4090.187 Hcuzcy, L. A., and H. Daumet. Mission archeologique de Macedoine. Paris. 1876. Illus. Plates. Maps. *296o.6o Hiller von Gaertringcn, J. F. W., Freiherr, editor. Thera: Untersuchungen, Ver- messungen und Ausgrabungen, 1805- 1902. Unter Mitwirkungen von W. Dorpfeld, H. Dragendorff [und An- dere]. Band 1-3. Berlin. i89(>-i904. Text, 3 v., Illus.; Atlas. *Cab.29.26.i Some of the plates are colored. Hirschfeld, O. G. Paphlagonische Felsen- graber. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstge- schichte Kleinasiens. Plates. {In Koenig- lich-preussische Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. 1885, Nichtmitglieder Abhand- lung I. Berlin. 1886.) *3322.2.i885 Hirt, A. L. Die Baukunst nach den Grund- satzen der Alten. Berlin. 1809. 2 v. Plates. *8ioo.8 Geschichte der Baukunst bei den AUen. Berlin. 1821-27. Text, 3 v.; Atlas, 33 Plates. ♦8090.156 Same. Vol. 3: Die Lehre der Gebaude bei den Griechen und Romern. Berlin. 1827. Text, I v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.6o.io7.2 Ueber das Pantheon. 3 folded plates. {In Wolf, F. A., and Buttman, P. C., edit- ors. Museum der Alterthums-Wissen- schaft. Vol. I, pp. 147-294. Berlin. 1807.) *4955.9i Hittorff, J. I. Restitution du temple d'Em- pedocle a Selinonte, ou I'architecture polychrome chez les Grecs. Paris. 1851. Text, I v.; Atlas, 25 plates. *Cab.5o.i4.3 Hittorff, J. I., and C. L. W. von Zanth. Architecture antique de la Sicile. Paris. [1827?] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.2i.2 Hodgkin, T. The walls, gate and aqueducts of Rome. London. 1899. Maps. 4738.23 Hogarth, D. G. Excavations at Ephesus, the archaic Artemisia. With chapters by C. H. Smith, A. H. Smith, B. V. Head, and A. E. Henderson London. 1908. Text, I v. Plates; Atlas, 38 plates. [British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman antiquities.] *Cab.5o.39.4 Holleaux, M. Rapport sur les travaux exe- cutes dans rile de Delos par I'ficole frangaise d'Athenes pendant I'annee 1905. Paris. 1905. Plates. 2961.19 Reprinted from Comptes rendus des seances de r Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 1905 ['3236.50.1905]. Holtzinger, H. The ruins [of Rome]. English edition revised by the authors [H. Holtzinger and W. Amelung] and Mrs, S. A. Strong. New York. 1906. Plates. Plans. [The museums and ruins of Rome. Vol. 2.] 4079.324.2 Bibliography, pp. ii, 12. Homolle, J. J. Les dernieres fouilles de Delphes: le temple d'Athena Pronaia. Illus. Plate. Plan. {In Revue generale de Tart ancien et moderne. Tome 10, pp. 361-377. Paris. 1901.) *8o65.225.io Rapport sur une mision archeologique dans rile de Delos. Paris. 1887. Plan. 3072.121 Extrait des Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires 1*6224.51, serie 3, vol. 13]. Hoppin, J. M. Greek art on Greek soil. Boston. 1897. Plates. 4074.26 Huelsen, C. C. F. Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Forum Romanum. 1898-1902. 2. Abdruck. Rom. 1903. Illus. Plans. 2733.3 Reprinted from Mitteilungen des Kaiserlich- deutschen archacologischen Instituls, Romische Abteilung, Band 17 1*5276.5.17]. Das Forum Romanum. Rekonstniktion. Rom. 1892. 2 plates. Plans. 2751,79 Das Forum Romanum; seine Geschichte und seine Denkmaler. Rom. 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. 2739a.74 Same. 2. Auflage. 1905. 2739a.73 Same. The Roman forum: its history and its monuments. Translated from the 2d German edition by J. B. Carter. Rome. 1906. Plates. Plans. 2739a.75 Same. Enlarged. 1909. 2739a.79 La Roma antica di Ciriaco d'Ancona. Di- segni inediti del secolo xv, pubblicali ed illustrati da Christian Huelsen. Roma. 1907. Plates. Facsimiles. 4751.28 Humann, C. Magnesia am Maeander. Be- richt uber die Ergebnisse der Ausgra- bungen der Jahre 1891-1893, von C. Hu- mann. Die Bauwerke bearbeitet von J. Kohte, die Bildwerke bearbeitet von C. Watzinger. Berlin. 1904. Illus. Plates Plans. *3040.i85 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 55 Illustrated guide to Athens and the envi- rons, from the handbooks of Baedeker, Joanne, etc. Athens. [1906?] Plates. Folded map. 30793.105 Inwood, H. W. The Erechtheion at Athens. Fragments of Athenian architecture and remains in Attica, Megara and Epirus. London. 1831. Plates. *Cab.6o. 100.3 Isham, N. M. The Homeric palace. Provi- dence. 1898. Plates. Plans. 2963.32 Italy. Ufficio tecnico degli scavi delle pro- vince meridionale. Pompei e la regione sotterrata dal Vesuvio nell' anno 79. Napoli. 1879. 2 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. ^4731-50 Ivanof, S. A. Architektonische Studien. Berlin. 1892. Text, i v.; Atlas, 44 plates. *Cab.6o.io7.i In German and Russian. Jones, O. Apology for the colouring of the Greek court in the Crystal Palace. Lon- don. 1854. Illus. 4089.30 Jordan, H. Der Tempel der Vesta und das Haus der Vestalinnen. Berlin. 1886. Plates. *275i.i4 Same, {hi Historische und philologische Aufsatze E. Curtius gewidmet. Pp. 209-220. Berlin. 1884.) *2962.77 Topographic der Stadt Rom im Alter- thum. Band i (Abtheilung 1-3); 2. Berlin. 1871-1907. 2 v. in 4. 2738.3 Jorio, A. di. Metodo per rinvenire e frug- gare i sepolcri degli antichi. Napoli. 1824. Plates. Plan. 4105.109 Plan de Pompei et remarques sur ses edi- fices. Naples. 1828. Plates 2735-7 Joseph, D. Die Palaste des homerischen Epos, mit Riicksicht auf die Ausgrabun- gen Heinrich Schliemanns. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1894. Plan. 299770 Bibliographie, pp. vn, viii. Julliot, G. Notice sur I'aqueduc remain de Sens. Par Julliot et Belgrand. Paris. 1875. Illus. Folded map. 2632.24 Kabbadias, P. Fouilles d'fipidaure. Vol. i. Athenes. 1891. Plates. *Cab.29.ii.2 Publication discontinued. To legov xou 'Aox^Timovj ev 'Ejiifiaugci), xal in ©EQajtEia Twv dadEvaJv. 'AOrivnaiv. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. ['Aoxaio^oyixTi 'ExaiQeia. 'A^vnaiv. Bi- pX.iofhix'n.] *296oa.69 Kabbadias, P., and G. Kawerau. Die Aus- grabung der Akropolis vom Jahre 1885 bis zum Jahre 1890. Athen. 1906. Plates. *Cab.29.22.5 The text is in Romaic and German, printed in parallel columns. Kastromenos, P. G. The monuments of Athens. Translated by Agnes Smith. London. 1884. 2 plans. 3078.28 Kekule, R. Die antiken Bildwerke im The- seion zu Athen. Leipzig. 1869. 8087.J15 Die Balustrade des Tempels der Athena- Nike in Athen. Leipzig. 1869. 4 plates. 8087.117 Keller, F. Die romischen Gebaude bei Kloten. Zurich. 1841. 4 plates. [Mit- teilungen der antiquarischen Gescil- schaft in Ziirich.] No. 2 in *48ii.6o.i 5 Knackfuss, H. Das Rathaus von Milet. Ber- lin. 1908. Plates. [Weigand, T., editor. Milet. Heft 2.] *304o.i88.2 Koch, H. Dachterrakotten aus Campanien mit Ausschluss von Pompei aufgenom- menund beschrieben. Berlin. 1912. Illus. 35 plates. Plans. [Kaiserlich deutsches archaologisches Institut.] *4iooa.i7 Some of the plates are colored. Koenigliche Museen, Berlin. Altertiimer von Pergamon. Berlin. 1885-1908. Text, 6 V. in 8. Plates. Maps; Atlas, 5 v. *Cab.29.2o.i Beschreibung der Skulpturen aus Perga- mon. I. 3. Auflage. Berlin. 1904. Plates. 8086.102 Written by O. Puchstein and revised by him and H. Winnefeld. Contents. — i. Gigantomachie. Beschreibung der pergamenischen Bild- werke. 4. Auflage. Berlin. 1881. Plate. 80793.249 Koerte, C. E. G., and others. Archaolo- gische Studien ihrem Lehrer Heinrich Brunn zur Feier seines fiinfzigjahrigen Doctorjubilaums Verehrung darge- bracht. Berlin. 1893.' Illus. Plates. Plan. 8082.79 Contents. — Ueber eine altgriechische Statuette der Aphrodite aus der Necropole von Volsinii (Orvieto) von G. Korte. — Zu griechischen Kunst- lem, von A. Milchhoefer. — Zu den olympischen Skulpturen, von A. Furtwlngler. Koldewey, R. Die antiken Baureste der Insel Lesbos. Berlin. 1890. Plates. ♦2960.77 Neandria. Sites Programm zum Win- ckelmannsfeste der archaeologischen Ge- sellschaft zu Berlin. Berlin. 1891. Illus. Plates. *296o.82 Koldewey, R., and O. Puchstein. Die griechi- schen Tempel in Unteritalien und Sici- lien. Berlin. 1899. Text, i v. Illus.; .'\tlas. 29 plates. *Cab.6o.i37.2 Krell, O. Altromische Heizungen. Miin- chen. 1901. Illus. Plans. 2752.81 Kugler, F. T. Geschichte der orientalischen und antiken Baukunst. Stuttgart. 1859. Illus. Plans. [Geschichte der Bau- kunst. I.] 4095.36.1 Ueber die Polychromie der griechischen Architektur. Berlin. 1835. Plate. 4062.34 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de. Documents inedits ou peu connus sur I'histoire et les antiquites d'Athenes. Paris. 1854. Plate. Plans. *5073.i6 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de, and A. Paccard. Le Parthenon. Documents pour servir a une restauration. Paris. 1848. 31 plates. *Cab.29.27.i Incomplete. Contains the eighteen drawings made by J. Carrey in 1674. Labrouste, P. F. H. Les temples de Paes- tum; restauration en 1829. Paris. 1877. 21 plates. [Academie de la France a Rome. Restaurations des monuments antiques.] *Cab.27.i6.2 Lagreze, G. B. de. Pompei, les catacombes, rAlhambra. Paris. 1872. Illus. Plates. ♦2233.106 56 PERIODS AND STYLES Laloux, V. L'architecture grecque. Paris. [1888.] Illus. 8087.32 Laloux, v., and P. Monceaux. Restaiiration d'Olympie. L'histoire, les monuments, le culte et les fetes. Paris. 1889. Plates. *Cab.6o.][66.4 Laloux, v., and others. Grecian architec- ture and ornament, including the prin- cipal Pompeian subjects of recent dis- covery. Boston. [189-?] 57 plates. *Cab.6o.i66.3 Lanciani, R. A. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. Boston. 1888. Illus. 2751.58 Same. [4th edition.] 1889. 2751.77 Same. 1892. *L.52.3 L'aula e gli uffici del Senato romano. Roma. 1883. 4 plates. [Reale acca- demia dei lincei.] 2750.27; *3295.50.ii The destruction of ancient Rome. A sketch of the history of the monuments. New York. 1899. Plates. [Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities.] 2758.71 L'itinerario di Einsiedeln e I'ordine di Benedetto canonico. Memoria. Roma. 1891. 4 plates. *2750.66 Estratto dai ]\^onumenti antichi pubblicati per cura della R. accademia dei lincei [*33oo.5o. i]. A comparison of two descriptions of the city of Rome. New tales of old Rome. Boston. 1901. Plates. 4732.14 Pagan and Christian Rome. Boston. 1893. Illus. Plates. 2752.67 Same. 1899. . 2752.78 The ruins and excavations of ancient Rome. Boston. 1897. Illus. Plans. 2758.69 Wanderings in the Roman Campagna. Boston. 1909. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4075.295 An account of the antiquities of the Campagna. Lanckoronski-Brzezie, Carl, Graf. Stadte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens. Unter Mit- wirkung von G. Neumann und E. Peter- sen. Wien. 1890, 92. 2 V. Plates. ♦3040.111 Lange, J. C F. W. von. Haus und Halle: Studien zur Geschichte des antiken Wohnhauses und der Basilika. Leipzig. 1885. Plates. Plans. 4106.33 Lange, W. Das antike griechisch-romische Wohnhaus. Leipzig. 1878. Plates. 4096.59 Layard, Sir A. H. Monuments of Nineveh, fist], 2d series. London. 1849, 53. 2 V. 171 plates. *Cab.50.i8.i Lc Bas, P. Monuments d'anti(iuite figures, recueillis en Grece par la Commission de Moree . . . ler cahier: Bas-reliefs du temple de Phigalie. Paris. 1835. Plates. 4087.110 Voyage archeologique en Grece et en Asie mineure (1842-44). Paris. 1888. Plates. [Bibliotheque des monuments figures grecs et romains.] 3071.100 Lebrun, L. Theorie de Tarchitecture grecque et romaine, deduite de I'analyse des monumens antiques. Paris. 1807. 26 plates. *8o9oa.i29 Lechat, H. Au musee de TAcropole d'Athenes. fitudes sur la sculpture en Attique ayant la ruine de I'Acropole lors de I'invasion de Xerxes. Lyon. 1903. Plates. [Universite de Lyon. Annales. Nouvelle serie.] 4094.135 fipidaure. Restauration & description des principaux monuments du sanctuaire d'Asclepios. Releves et restaurations par A. Defrasse. Paris. 1895. Plates. Plans. *297oa.8 La sculpture attique avant Phidias. Paris, 1904. Illus. [Bibliotheque des ficoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome.] *2953.6i.92 Le temple grec; histoire sommaire de ses origines et de son developpement jusqu' au ve siecle avant Jesus-Christ. Paris. 1902. Plates. [Petite bibliotheque d'art et d'archeologie.] 4099.142 Leger, A. Les travaux publics aux temps des Romains. Paris. 1875. Text, i v.; Atlas, 12 folded plates. 4012.54 Leoni, U. Villa Adriana e Tivoli. Roma. [1912?] Plates. Map. [I monumenti d'ltalia.] 4099a.i42 Leroux, G. Les origines de I'edifice hypo- style en Grece, en Orient et chez les Romains. Paris. 1913. Illus. [Biblio- theque des ficoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome. Fascicule 108.] *2953.6i.io8 Levy, L. Das Forum Romanum der Kaiser- zeit. [Bird's eye view and ground plan.] Miinchen. 1894. *Cab.49.i6.2 Light, W. Views of Pompeii. London. T828. Plates. **K.5i.2 Loeper, R. Das alte Athen. Leipzig. 1905. Text and 2 colored plates. [Tabulae qui- bus antiquitates Graecae et Romanae il- lustrantur. Tafel T4a, 14 b.] No. 14 in *Cab.29.32.i Lucangeli, C. Modele qui offre la restaura- tion du Colisee de Rome tel qu'il etoit originairement; de la soixantieme partie de la realite mesure lineaire. Rome. 1821. No. I in 4099.145 Lucas, C. L'architecture au temps d'Ho- mere. Le palais d'Ulysse a Itha^iue. Paris. 1881. Illus. 2960.68 Luckenbach, H. Die Akropolis von Athen. Munchen. 1905. Plates. Plans. 2962.48 Luebke, W. Heinrich Schliemann und seine Entdeckungen. Illus. (In his Kunst- werke und Kiinstler. Pp. 1-68. Bres- lau. [1886.]) 8062.73 Lumisden, A. Remarks on the antiquities of Rome and its environs. 2d edition. London. 1812. Plates. Plans. 2732.1 Mackenzie, W. M. Pompeii. Painted by Alberto Pisa. London. 1910. . Plates. Plans. 2758.33 Maes, C. II Pantheon; le espropriazioni e le demolizioni alia Terme di Agrippa. Roma. 1881. 3 colored plates. 4092.126 Magne, L. Le Parthenon. £tudes faites au cours de deux missions en Grece (1894- 95). Paris. 1895. Plates. [France. Ministere de ['instruction publique.] 4091.12 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE S7 Major, T. The ruins of Psestum, otherwise Posidonia in Magna Graecia. London. 1768. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.77.2 Malosse, P. Monumens antiques de Saint- Remy, decrits et expliques. Avignon. 1818. 2635.83 Marchal, C. L. J. B. Le Parthenon. Pans. 1864. 4093.136 Marchese, V. F., editor. Manuale storico deir arte greca. Firenze. 1846. [Rac- colta artistica.] 4079.185 Marliani, B. Ritratto di Roma antica, nel quale sono figurati i principi tempii, teatri, anfiteatri, circhi, ecc. Roma. 1645. IIlus. 27593.68 Marot, J. [Plan geometral du temple de Balbec, scitue en Grece. Paris. 1680?] T7 plates. *Cab.6o.45.i Marquand, A. Ancient art. Philadelphia. 1887. Plates. [Iconographic encyclo- paedia. Vol. 3, part I.] No. i in 7345.16.3 Includes sculpture and painting only. Greek architecture. New York. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4098.156 Bibliography, pp. 377-388. Marriott, H. P^ F. Facts about Pompei: its masons' marks, town walls, houses, and portraits. London. 1895. Illus. Plates. Plan. *409i.22 Marshall, F. H. Tombs of Hellenic date at Praesos. Illus. (In British School at Athens. Annual. No. 12. Session 1905/06, pp. 63-70. London. [1906.I) ♦29603.53. 12 Martha, J. L'art etrusque. Paris. 1889. Tllus. Plates. *8o7i.io5 Manuel d'archeologie etrusque et romaine. Paris. [1884?] Illus. Plates. [Biblio- theque de I'enseignement des beaux- arts.] 8087.14 Marucchi, O. The Roman Forum and the Palatine, according to the latest dis- coveries. Rome. 1906. Plates. Plans. Bibliography, pp. 379-381. 2734.23 Mau, A. Fiihrer durch Pompeji. 4. ver- mehrte Auflage. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. 27693.24 Pompeii: its life and art. Translated by Francis W. Kelsey. New York. 1899. Plates. 2751.24 Same. 1902. Maps. Plans. 2751.25 Mauch, J. M. von. Die architektonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Romer. 7. Auflage mit Text von L. Lohde. [Nebst einem] Nachtrag. Berlin. 1875. 2 parts in i v. 102 plates. *8ioi.53 The author's Detailbuch is inserted. Same. Erganzungsheft zu den friiheren Auflagen nach dem Text der achten Auflage zusammengestellt von R. Borr- mann. Berlin. 1896. Plates. *8ioi.6o Mazois, F. Le palais de Scaurus, ou de- scription d'une maison romaine. 2e edi- tion. Paris. 1S22. Illus. *2950.37 Les ruines de Pompei. Ouvrage continue par M. Gau. Paris. 1812-38. 4 v. 192 plates. *Cab.27.44.4 Menard, L. Histoire des antiquites de la ville de Nismes et de ses environs. Menard, L. (Continued.) Nismes. 1814. Plates. 6628.37; No. 6 in *6622.24 Same. 8e edition, augmentee du resultat des fouilles faites depuis 1821 jusqu'a ce jour; ornee de gravures par J. F. A. Perrot. Nismes. 1840. 6662.5 Michaelis, A. T. F. Die archaologischen Entdeckungen des neunzehnten Jahr- hunderts. Leipzig. 1906. 2232.39 Same. A century of archaeological dis- coveries. Translated by Bettina Kahn- weiler. London. 1908. Plates. Plans. 2232.40 Hallenformige Basiliken. {In Melanges Perrot. Pp. 229-2^6. Paris. 1903.) 29603.77 Der Parthenon. Leipzig. 1870, 71. Text, I v.; Plates, i v. *C3b.29.24.i Michon, fi. Les fragments du Parthenon conserves au Musee du Louvre. Paris. 1894- 4095-135 Reprinted from the Revue archeologrique, 1894 P2237.50.24]. Middleton, J. H. Ancient Rome in 1885. Edinburgh. 1885. Illus". 2758.58 Same. Ancient Rome in 1888. Edinburgh. 1888. Illus. 2755.59 Plans and drawings of Athenian buildings. Edited by E. A. Gardner. London. 1900. Plans. [Society for the Promo- tion of Hellenic Studies. Supplemen- tary papers. No. 3.] *296o.8i.3 The remains of ancient Rome. London. 1892. 2 V. Illus. 2754.64 Middleton, J. I. Grecian remains in Italy. London. 1812. Plates. *47503.4 Millin de Grandmaison, A. L. Descriptions des tombeaux decouverts a Pompei dans I'annee 1812. Naples. 1813. Plates. 4095-m Montiroli, G. Osservazioni sulla topografia della parte meridionale del Foro ro- mano, e de' suoi piu celebri monumenti. Roma. 1859. 5 folded plates. No. 2 in *2755.66 Mosso, A. The palaces of Crete and their builders. New York. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3084.129 Mueller, G. A. Die Tempel zu Tivoli bei Rom, und das altchristliche Privathaus auf dem Monte Celio. Archaologische Studien. Leipzig. 1899. Plates. 4095.49 Muenter, F. Der Tempel der "himmlischen Gottin zu Paphos. Mit einer architec- tonischen Erklarung von G. F. Hetsch. Kopenhagen. 1824. 4 plates. 2964.62 Murray, A. S. Handbook of Greek archaeol- ogy. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. 2977.66 A history of Greek sculpture London. 1880, 83. 2 V. Plates. 4075.22 Same. Revised edition. 1890. 8073.109 The sculptures of the Parthenon. Lon- don. 1903. Plates. 8085.113 Museo bresciano illustrato. [Vol. i.] Bres- cia. 1838. 60 plates. *6720.6 A collection of articles by different writers. The plates are largely of classic architecture and architectural details. 58 PERIODS AND STYLES Museo nazionale, Naples. Le antichita di Ercolano esposte. [Napoli. 1757-92.] 8 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.27.34.i Contents. — 1—4, 7* Le pitture antiche d' Erco- lano e contorni incise con qualche spiegazione. 5, 6. De' bronzi d'Ercolano e contorni. 8. Le lucerne ed i candelabri d'Ercolano e contorni. Another copy in which some of the engravings are omitted or printed from new plates, others are added, and the arrangement of the plates is different, may be found on shelf-number *Cah. 27.46.2. Catalogo clegli antichi monumenti dissot- terrati dalla discoperta citta di Erco- lano . . . composto e steso de Ottavio Antonio Bayardi. [Tomo i.] In Na- poli. 1755. Vignettes. *Cab.27.33.i Brunet designates this work as vol. 9 of Le antichita di Ercolano esposte [*Cah. 27. 34.1']. Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanen- sivm volvminvm explanationem pars i. Neapoli. 1797. 20 plates. Maps. *496o.8 Relates to Vesuvius and to the antiquities of Herculaneum and Pompeii. Edited by C. M. Rosini. Publication discontinued. Dissertazione esergetica intorno all' ori- gine ed al sistema della sacra architet- tura presso i Greci. Napoli. 1831. Plates. *Cab.27.33.3 The dedication is signed Gli accademici ercola- nesi. Brunet designates this work as vol. 10 of Le antichita di Ercolano esposte [*Cab.27.34. 1], and ascribes it to Francesco Carelli. Raccolta de' piu belli ed interessanti di- pinti, musaici ed altri monumenti rin- venuti negli scavi di Ercolano, di Pom- pei, e di Stabia che ammiransi nel Mu- seo nazionale. Napoli. 1874. 165 plates. *407i.26 Napione di Cocconato, G. F. G., Conte. Monumenti dell' architettura antica. Lettere al Conte Giuseppe di Pont. Pisa. 1820. 3 V. 4108.10 Nardini, F. Roma antica. Edizione 4a. Roma. 1818-20. 4 V. Plates. Plans. 2736.3 Newton, C. T. Travels & discoveries in the Levant. London. 1865. 2 v. Illus. 3071.51 Vol. 2 is an abridgment of his History of dis- coveries at Halicarnassus [etc. * Cab. 70. 12.2]. Newton, C. T., and R. P. Pullan. A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidse. London. 1862, 63. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.7o.i2.2 Nibby, A. Del circo di Caracalla. Roma. 1825. 2751.80 Del Foro romano, della Via sacra, dell' Anfiteatro Flavio e de' luoghi adjacenti. Roma. 1819. Plans. *2737.9 Del Tempio della Pace e della Basilica di Costantino. Roma. 1819. Plate. 2754.13 Descrizione della villa Adriana. Roma. 1827. Plate. Plan. 4755-7 Niccolini, A. Descrizione della gran terma puteolana volgarmente detta Tempio di Serapide. Napoli. 1846. Plates. Maps. *4ogi.io2 Niccolini, A. (Continued.) Quadro in musaico scoperto in Pompei a di 24 Ottobre 1831 . . . Napoli. 1832. Plates. 4093-131 Niccolini, Fausto, and Felice Niccolini. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei. Napoli. 1854-90. 3 V. Colored plates. *Cab.27.i4.i Nichols, F. M. Notizie dei rostri del Foro romano e dei monumenti contigui. Roma. 1885. 8 plates. *275i.69 The Roman forum. London. 1877. Illus. 2752.53 Niemann, G. W. L. Der Palast Diokletians in Spalato. Wien. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [K. k. osterreichisches archaolo- gisches Institut.] *Cab.30.39.7 Nispi-Landi, C. Marco Agrippa. I suoi tempi e il suo Pantheon attualmente tomba 'dei re d'ltalia Vittorio Emanuele ii-Umberto i di Savoia. 4a edizione. Roma. 1901. Plates. Plan. 4092.123 Bibliography, pp. 141, 142. Nissen, H. Das Templum. Antiquarische Untersuchungen. Berlin. 1869. Plans. 4945-1 Pompeianische Studien. Leipzig. 1877. 2735.10 Noack, F. Die Baukunst des Altertums. Berlin. [1910.] Plates. [Geschichte der Kunst] *409i.i47 Homerische Palaste: eine Studie zu den Denkmalern und zum Epos. Leipzig. 1903. Plates. Plans. 4095.152 Die romische Campagna. Rom. 1910. Illus. Plates. 2763.71 JJibliographie, p. 187. Some of the plates are colored. Normand, C. Corpus des monuments grecs. Livre[i],2. Paris. [1892.] 2 v. Plates. [Ami des monuments et des arts. Al- bum I, 5.1 *297o.66 Essai de bibliographie troyenne, vol. i, pp. 97- 104. Contents. — [i.] La Troie d'Homere. 2. Lyco- soura. Excursion a Olympic. Paris. 1893. {In Tour du monde. Vol. 66, pp. 129-144.) 629 1. 1. 66 Grande Grece: les dernieres decouvertes a Metaponte. Plates. (In L'ami des monuments. Tome 3, pp. 356-367. Paris. 1889.) 4090.220.3 Norton, C. E. The dimensions and propor- tions of the temple of Zeus at Olvmpia. [Boston. 1878.] 4096.81 Cut from the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 13 1*3370.6.131. Oehmichen, G. Das Biihnenwesen der Grie- chen und Romer. 3 plates. (In Hand- buch der classischen Altertumswissen- schaft. Band 5, Abteilung 3, pp. 179- 304. Miinchen. 1890.) 2973.50.5.3 Oesterreichisches archaeologisches Institut, Vienna. P'orschungen in Ephesos. Band i. Wien. 1906, 12. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.30.39.6 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 59 Olympia. Die Ergebnisse der von dem deut- schen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung. Textband 1-5. Tafelband 1-4. Berlin. 1890-97. Text, 5 V. Illus.; Atlas, 4 v. *Cab.2g.i7.i Omont, H, editor. Athenes au xviie siecle. Dessins des sculptures du Parthenon, attribues a J. Carrey et conserves a la Bibliotheque nationale. Viies et plans d'Athenes et de I'Acropole. Paris. 1898. 45 plates. Plans. *Cab.8o.i66.2 Orsi, P. Rapporto preliminare sulla quinta campagna di scavi nelle Calabrie du- rante I'anno 1910. Milano. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Reale accademia dei Lincei. Rome. Notizie degli scavi di antichita. Supplemento. Anno 191 1.] *330i-50'i9ii-Supp. Overbeck, J. A. Geschichte der griechischen Plastik. Leipzig. 1857, 58. 2 v. Plates. 4074.31 Same. 4. Auflage. Band i, 2. Leipzig. 1893, 94. 2 V. 4071-77 Pompeji in seinen Gebauden, Alterthii- mern und Kunstwerken dargestellt. Leipzig. 1856. Illus. *B.6io5.68, Same. 2. Anflage. 1866. 4738.1 Same. 4. Auflage. 1884. 30 plates. 2735.56 2735.56 Paoli, P. A. Antichita di Pozzuoli. [Firenze. 1768.] Plates. *Cab.27.i7.3 Italian and Latin. Paesti qvod Posidoniam etiam dixere rvdera. Romae. 1784. Plates. Plans. *Cab.27.33.2 Paris, M. J. P. Elatee: la ville, le temple d'Athena Cranaia. Paris. 1891. Plates. 2074.72 Same. 1892. [Bibliotheque des Ecoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome.] 2953.61.60 Parker, J. LI. The archaeology of Rome. Oxford, 1874-77. 12 parts in 8 v. Plates. 2754.6 Contents. — 1-3. The primitive fortifications ; The walls and gates ; The historical construction of walls. 4. The Egyptian obelisks. 5, 6. The Forum Romanum ; The Via sacra. 7. The Flavian amphitheatre. 8. The aqueducts. 9, 10. Tombs in and near Rome. 11. Church and altar decorations and mosaic pictures. 12. The cata- combs. Excavations in Rome, from 1438-1882. Oxford. 1883. No. 2 in 2754.16 A sketch of the early history of Roman architecture (as illustrated by recently discovered mural remains). [London. 1869.] 8092.32 From Papers read at the Royal Institute of Brit- ish Architects, session 1869-70 [*4 1003.50. 1869]. The Via sacra in Rome. 2d edition. Ox- ford. 1883. Illus. No. I in 2754.16 A portion of this volume may be found in his Archaeology of Rome. Passow, W. Studien zum Parthenon. Ber- lin. 1902. Illus. [Philologische Unter- suchungen.] *2954.68.Heft 17 Pausanias. Description of Greece. Trans- lated with a commentary by J. G. Pausanias. (Continued.) Frazer. London. 1898. 6 v. Maps. *2975.83 Same. Translated with notes and index by A. R. Shilleto. London. 1886. 2 v. 2978.69 Same. Translated [by T. Taylor]. New edition. London. 1824. 3 v. Plates. 3993.1 Des Pausanias Beschreibung von Grie- chenland. Mit erklarenden Anmer- kungen versehen von H. Hitzig und H. Bliimner. Berlin. 1896-1904. 4 v. Plates. 2962.81 Peigne-Delacourt, A. Le theatre de Champ- lieu. Noyon. 1858. 8 plates. Plan. No. I in 4098.118; **T.76.42 Supplement a la notice sur le theatre de Champlieu. Noyon. 1859. Colored plates. No. 2 in 4098.118; **T.76.43 This relates to the ruins of a Roman theatre. Pelet, A. Description de I'amphitheatre de Nimes. Nimes. 1853. Plates. 4094.102 Pennethorne, J. The geometry and optics of ancient architecture. London. 1878. Plates. *Cab.6o.4i.4 Penrose, F. C. Architecture [Greek]. Re- vised by E. A. Gardner. Plates. Plan. (In Whibley. A companion to Greek studies. Pp. 208-228. Cambridge. 1905.) Bibliography, p. 228. *2963.46 An investigation of the principles of Athenian architecture. London. 1851. Plates. [Society of Dilettanti.] Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.I00.I Same. 1888. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.i5o.i On the results of an examination of the orientations of a number of Greek tem- ples with a view to connect these an- gles with the amplitudes of certain stars at the time the temples were founded, and an endeavour to derive therefrom the dates of their foundation by con- sideration of the changes produced upon the right ascension and declination of the stars by the precession of the equi- noxes. Diagrams. (In Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions. Series A, Vol. 184, pp. 805-834. London. 1894.) *32io.i.i84A Same. Supplement. Diagrams. (In Same. Series A, Vol. 190, pp. 43-65. London. 1898.) *32io.i.i9oA Perrot, G, and C. Chipiez. Histoire de Tart dans I'antiquite. Tome 1-8. Paris. 1882- 1903. 8 V. Plates. *8o84.50 Contents. — i. L'£gypte. 2. Chaldee et Assyria. 3, Phenicie. — Cypre. 4. La Sardaigne. — La Judee. — Les Heteens, La Syrie septentrionale et la Cappadoce. 5. Perse. — Phrygie. — Lydie et Carie. — Lycie. 6. La Grece primitive. — L'art mycenien. 7. La Grece de I'^popee. — La Grece archaique (Le temple). 8. La Gr^ce archaique (La sculpture). History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria and Lycia. London. 1892. Illus. ♦8084.64 History of art in primitive Greece. My- cenian art. London. 1894. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *8o84.76 60 PERIODS AND STYLES Pcrrot, G., and others. Exploration archeo- logique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie [etc.]. Paris. 1862. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *Cab.50.ii.i Perrot, J. F. A. Lettres sur Nismes et le Midi: monumens antiques du midi de la France. Nismes. 1840. 2 v. Plates. 4097.109 Supplement a I'edition de 1829, de I'His- toire des antiquites de la ville de Nimes et de ses environs, de Menard, avec de notes sur les fouilles faites en 1830. Nimes. 1830. Plates. 6628.40 Menard's work is on shelf-numbers 6628.37; No. 6 in *6622.24. Pervanoglu, P. Die Grabsteine der alten Griechen. Leipzig. 1863. Plates. 2962.67 Petersen, E. Ara pacis Augustae. Mit Zeichnungen von G. Niemann. Wien, 1902. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 8 plates. [Oesterreichisches archaeologisches In- stitut, Vienna.] 4731-6 This altar was dedicated at Rome, in the year 9 B.C. Athen. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. [Be- riihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.484 Die Burgtempel der Athenaia. Berlin. 1907. Illus. 2968.1 1 1 Vom alten Rom. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1900. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.245 Petersen, E., and F. von Luschan. Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis. Wien. 1889. Illus. Plates. *Cab.30.43.4 Petersen, E., and others, editors. Die Mar- cus-Saule auf Piazza Colonna in Rom. Herausgegeben von E. Petersen, A. von Domaszewski, G. Calderini. Miinchen. 1896. Text, I v. Illus.; Atlas, 2 v. 128 plates. *Cab.6o.i39.i Petit, V. Esquisses des monuments re- mains de Frejus. Illus. {In Bulletin monumental. Vol. 30, pp. 560-612, 681- 704, 761-794; vol. 31, pp. 209-248. Paris. 1864, 65.) *4i09.50.3o, 31 Piranesi, G. B, and F. Piranesi. [Works.] Paris. 1835-39. 29 V. in 27. Plates. **Tosti, D.4 For the contents of these volumes consult the Bates Hall catalogue. ♦ Piroli, T. Gli edificj antichi di Roma. [Roma. 1810?] Plates. *8o94.i8 Pistolesi, E. Antiquities of Herculaneum and Pompeii. Naples. 1842. 2 v, 120 plates. **K.5i.ii Text in Italian, French and English. Platner, S. B. The topography and monu- ments of ancient Rome. Boston. 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. [AUyn and Bacon's College Latin series.] 2738.35 Ponce, N. Description des Bains de Titus, ou collection des peintures trouvees dans les mines des thermes de cet em- pereur. Paris. 1786. 60 plates. *Cab.8o.2io.2 Pontremoli, E., and M. CoUignon. Pergame: restauration et description des monu- ments de I'Acropole. Paris. 1900. Plates. Plans. *Cab.29.28.3 Pontremoli, E., and B. HaussouUier. Didy- mes. Fouilles de 1895 et 1896. Paris. 1904. Plates. Plans. Map. *Cab.29.2i.2 Porter, M. W. What Rome was built with. A description of the stones employed in ancient times for its building and deco- ration. London. 1907. 40i9a.299 Works of reference, pp. 103, 104. Prang, L., and Company. Notes on Greek architecture and ornament. To accom- pany the Prang examples of historic ornament, in the Greek style. Boston. [1890.] Text, I V. Illus. Map. Plate; Atlas, 9 plates. *4o6o.8o Presuhn, E. Pompeji. Die neuesten Aus- grabungen von 1874 bis 1878, Leipzig. 1878. 60 colored plates. *2730.50 Same. 1874 bis 1881. 2. vermehrte Auf- lage. 1882. 80 colored plates. *2730.54 Price, J. E., and F. G. H. Price. A guide to the Roman villa recently discovered at Morton, between Sandown & Brading, Isle of Wight. 2d edition. Ventnor. 1881. 6 plates. No. 5 in *6269a.63 Prost, A. Le monument de Merten. [Paris. 1879.] Illus. 2635.25 A Roman monument found at Merten, near Metz. Reprinted from the Revue archeolo gique, Jan. et fev., 1879 1*2217. 51. 2e ser., t. 37]. Puchstein, O. Die griechische Biihne. Eine architektonische Untersuchung, Berlin. 1901. Illus. 4093-87 Das ionische Capitell. Berlin. 1887. Illus. 4101.60 Pullen, H. W. Handbook of ancient Roman marbles. London. 1894. 2759a.7o Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Le Jupiter olympien, ou I'art de la sculpture an- tique. Paris. 1814. Plates. *4070.3 Restitution des deux frontons du Temple de Minerve a Athenes. Paris. 1825. Plates. Plan. *4090.ii4 Ravioli, C. Raggionamento del Foro ro- mano e de' principali suoi monumenti. Roma. 1859. No. i in 2755.66 Rayet, O. L'architecture ionique en lonie. Le temple d'Apollon Didymeen. [Paris. 1876.] Plates. 4091.119 Extrait de la Gazette des beaux-arts, avril, juil- let et septembre, 1876 [*4o6i.22i, ae per., t. 13, 14]. Same. (In his fitudes d'archeologie et d'art. Paris. 1888.) 4103-53 Reber, F. von. Album der Ruinen Roms. Leipzig. 1883. 42 plates. *275i.ii Geschichte der Baukunst im Alterthum. Leipzig. 1866. Illus. 4105-50 History of ancient art. Translated by J. T. Clarke. New York. 1882. Illus. 4076.87 ; 4076.49 Kunstgeschichte des Alterthums. Leipzig. 1871. Illus. 8064.110 Rom mit dem Triumphzuge Constantins im Jahre 312. Rundgemalde von J. Biihlmann und A. Wagner. Beschrieben von F. von Reber. Miinchen. 1892, 94. 2 v. *8o95.8o Die Ruinen Roms. 2. Ausgabe. Leipzig. 1879. Plates. 2751.62 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 61 Reinhardt, R. Die Gesetzmassigkeit der griechischen Baukunst dargestellt an Monumenten verschiedener Baupe- rioden. Theil i. Stuttgart. 1903. 13 plates. *Cab.6o.i53.2 Contents. — I. Der Theseustempel in Athen. Rem-Picci, A. Monumenti e ruderi antichi della Via Appia. Roma. 1843. 25 plates. **Tosti, C.4.2 Revoil, H. A. Conference sur le theatre an- tique d'Orange faite devant le Congres de la Societe fran<;aise d'archeologie. Tours. 1883. 2636.71 Rhizos Rhankabes, A. 'AgxaioXovia. 'loxoQia xfig agxaia^ TiaXXitexyiaq. [Archaeology. History of the fine arts among the an- cients, Athens.] 1865-66. Text, 2 v.; Plates, I V. 8074.1 Rhomai'des, K., editor. Les musees d'Athenes en reproduction phototypique de Rhomai'des freres. Publication de C. Rhomai'des. Liv. i, 2. Athenes. 1886, 87. 16 plates. *296o.74 Contents. — ■ Fouilles de I'AcropoIe, texte de- scriptif de P. Cavvadias [et] Th. Sophoulis. Publication discontinued. The text is in Ro- maic, with translation in German, French and English. Ricci, S. Tl teatro romano di Verona. Venezia. 1895. Plates. [Regia depu- tazione veneta di storia patria. Miscel- lanea.] No. I in *27ioa.5o.ser.2, v.3 Rivela, A., and H. von PernuU. The dead cities of Sicily. Palermo. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4735.15 Robert, C. Die antiken Sarkophag- Reliefs. Band 2; 3 (Abt. i, 2). Berlin. 1890- 1904. 2 V. in 3. Plates. *Cab.8o.88.3 Rochas d'Aiglun, A. de. Principes de la for- tification antique. IIlus. Plates. (In Revue generale de rarchitecture et des travaux publics. Vol. 37, col. 6-13, 49- 60, 97-103, 145-150, 193-199, 241-246; vol. 38, col. 49-55, 97-104, 145-150. Paris. 1880, 81.) *409i.2o6.37, 38 Rcessler, Ch. Le tombeau de Mausole. Paris. 1870. Plates. 5074.27 Romanis, A. de. Le antiche camere esqui- line dette comunemente delle Terme di Tito disegnate ed illustrate. Roma. 1822. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i46.2 Ronczewski, C. Gewolbeschmuck im romi- schen Altertum. Studien und Aufnah- men. Berlin. 1903. Plates. ^4073.360 Ross, L., and others. Die Akropolis von Athen nach den neuesten Ausgrabtm- gen. Von L. Ross, E. Schaubert, und C. Hansen. Abtheilung i. Berlin. 1839. T3 plates *Cab.6o.i30.3 Contents. — Der Tempel der Nike Apteros. Publication discontinued. Rossi, F. de. Ritratto di Roma antica, nel quale sono figurati i principali tempij, teatri [etc.] . . . Roma. 1645. Plates, t^ . ^ ^ 27593.68 Rossi, G. G. de'. Insignivm Romae templo- rvm prospectvs exteriores interioresque. [Romae.] 1683. (39) plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.76.6 Rossi, G. G. de'. (Continued.) Same. [Romae.] 1684. 69 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.76.5; **Tosti, D.1.3 This is a different collection from the preceding. The copy on shelf -number **Tosti D. 1.3 has one extra plate. Nova racolta degl' obelischi et colonne antiche dell' alma citta di Roma, con le sve dichiaratione. Roma. [1651?] 10 plates. No. 3 in *8o9oa.37 Rossini, L. Le antichita dei contorni di Roma, ossia le piia famose citta del Lazio. Roma. [1826.] 73 plates. *Cab.49.i3.i Le antichita di Pompei. Roma. [1831.] Plates. ^ *Cab.27.i8.i Le antichita romane, ossia raccolta delle pill interessanti vedute di Roma antica. Roma. 1829. loi plates. *Cab.49.i3.2 Gli archi trionfali, onorarii e funebri degli antichi Romani sparsi per tutta Italia. Roma. 1836. Plates. **Tosti, C.5.1 Rostovtsev, M. L Das alte Rom. Leipzig. 1902. Text and 2 colored plates. [Tabu- lae quibus antiquitates Graecae et Ro- manae illustrantur. Tafel 15a, 15b.] No, 15 in *Cab.29.32.i Roux, H., and L. Barre. Herculanum et Pompei. Recueil general des peintures, bronzes, mosa'iques, etc. Paris. 1840- 63. 8 v. Plates. **K.i36.4 Rucca, G. Capua vetere o sia descrizione di tutti i monumenti di Capua antica e par- ticolarmente del suo nobilissimo anfi- teatro. Napoli. 1828. 2 plates. 2738.25 Ruggiero, M. Storia degli scavi di Rrcolano. Napoli. 1885. Plans. *273i.55 Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. Les arenes de Lutece. Paris. 1875. Plate. Plans. 2631.62 Sadeler, G. Vestigi delle antichita di Roma, Tivoli, Pozzvolo et altri Ivochi. Praga. 1606. 50 plates. No. 3 in *4940.9 Same. Roma. 1660. No. 4 in *8o9oa.37 Sandrart, J. von. Haumatcrialen, die fiinf Ordnungen und deren Regeln. Plates. {In Teutsche Academic der Bau- . . . . Kunst. Vol. I. Niirnberg. 1768.) **K.5o.i.i Sartiaux, F. Villes mortes d'Asie Mineuree Pergame, fiphese, Priene, Milet, le Didymeion, Hierapolis. Paris. 191 1. Plates. Maps. Plans. 3049.203 Sauer, B. VV. Die Metopen des Apollontem- pels von Phigalia. [Leipzig.] 1895. Illus. 4967.28 Das sogenannte Theseion und sein plasti- scher Schmuck. Leipzig. 1899. Illus. 6 plates. *8o8o.88 Der Weber-Laborde'sche Kopf und die Giebelgruppen des Parthenon. Berlin. 1903. Plates. 296oa.8i Scharf, G. The Pompeian court in the Crystal palace. London. 1854. IHus. No. I in 4089.32 Schliemann, H. Bericht iiber die Ausgra- bungen in Troja im Jahre 1890. Leipzig. 1891. Plates. 2963.51 Ilios. New York. 1881. Plates. 2962.62 Same. London. 1880. Plates. 2962.63 62 PERIODS AND STYLES Schliemann, H. (Continued.) Ithaque, le Peloponnese, Troie. Recher- ches archeologiques. Paris. 1869. 83 plates. 2964.51 Ithaka, der Peloponnes und Troja. Leip- zig. 1869. 2962.6 Mycenae. New York. 1878. Plates. 2962.19 Same. London. 1878. 2962.55 Tiryns. New York. 1885. Plates. 29703.69; *296i.72 Same. London. 1886. Plates. *296i.73 Tirynthe. Paris. 1885. Plates. 2961.74 Troja. London. 1884. Plates. 2962.73 Trojanische Alterthiimer. Leipzig. 1874. Text, I v.; Atlas, 218 plates. *3040.53 Troy and its remains. Translated by L. Dora Schmitz. London. 1875. Plates. 2962.7 Schmidt, O. E. Ciceros Villen. Leipzig. 1899. Illus. Map. Plans. 2725.33 Reprinted from Neue Jahrbiicher fur das klas- sische Altertum , . . Vol. 2 [*4962.6o.2]. Schneider, A. A. Das alte Rom. Entwicke- lung seines Grundrisses und Geschichte seiner Bauten. Leipzig. 1896. 14 plates. 12 maps. Plan. *Cab.49.i9.9 Schoenborn, A. Die Skene der Hellenen. Leipzig. 1858. 2964.58 Schreiber, G. T. Kulturhistorischer Bilder- atlas. i: Altertum. 100 Tafeln mit erklarendem Text. Leipzig. 1885. 6220.65 Same. 2. Auflage. Mit einem Textbuche von K. Bernhardi. 1888. 6220.70 The text is on shelf -number 6228.61. Schuchhardt, C. Schliemann's Ausgrabun- gen in Troja, Tiryns, Mykena, Orcho- menos, Ithaka im Lichte der heutigen Wissenschaft. Leipzig. 1890. Illus. Plans. 3963.75 Schliemann's Excavations. Translated by Eugenie Sellers. With an appendix on the recent discoveries at Hissarlik by Dr. Schliemann and Dr. Dorpfeld. Lon- don. 1891. Illus. Plans. 2965.83 Schultz, G. Tivoli und die villa Hadrians. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Plan. 2732.29 Schultz, W. Das Farbenempfindungssys- tem der Hellenen. Leipzig. 1904. Plates. 8064.29 The plates are colored. Verzeichnis der Quellen, pp. 199-205. Literatur, pp. 206-214. Die Harmonic in der Baukunst. Nach- weisung der Proportionalitat in den Bauwerken des griechischen Altertums. Teil I. Hannover-Linden. 1891. Illus. 8091.107 Schwalb, H. Romische Villa bei Pola. Wien. 1902. 15 colored plates. [Kaiser- liche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Balkan Kommission. Schriften. Antiquarische Abteilung. 2.] *3o8oa.73 Semper, G. Vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber bemalte Architectur und Plastik bei den Alton. Altona. 1834. No. i in 4098.104 Serradifalco, D. Lo F. Pietrasanta, Duca di. Le antichita della Sicilia. Palermo. 1834-42. 5 v. Plates. *475o.6 Scynes, A. de. Essai sur les fouilles faitcs en 1821 et en 1822 autour de la Maison- Seynes, A. de. (Continued.) Carree [Nimes]. Nimes. 1823. Plates. Plan. 4098.133 Monuments romains de Nimes. Paris. 1818. 15 plates. ^4090.40 Simonsen, D. J. Sculptures et inscriptions de Palmyre a la Glyptotheque de Ny Carlsberg, decrites et expliquees. Avec 8 planches dessinees par M. le Dr. J. Euting. Copenhague. 1889. Plates. 8085.137 Bibliography, pp. 5, 6. "Les sculptures com- prises dans cette collection sont, surtout, des monuments funeraires." Sittl, K. Archaologie der Kunst. Miin- chen. 1895. Text, i v.; Atlas, i v. [Handbuch der klassischen Altertums- Wissenschaft. Band 6.] *2973.5o.6 Smith, A. H. The sculptures of the Parthe- non. London. 1910. Text, i v. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 95 plates. [British Mu- seum. Department of Greek and Ro- man antiquities.] *Cab.8o.28o.i Smith, C. R. Collectanea antiqua. London. 1848-80. 7 v. Plates. *2225.6i Smith, F. W. Hand book of the Pompeia. A grand Roman house. Saratoga Springs. N. Y. [1894.] Plates. Plan. 2737.59 A building on the model of a Roman house. Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. [Views of ancient Athens.] London. [1886.] 25 mounted photo- graphs. *Cab.29.28.i Society of Dilettanti. Antiquities of Ionia. London. 1797-81. 4 v. Plates. ♦Cab.29.18.1 Unedited antiquities of Attica, comprising the architectural remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium, and Thoricus. Lon- don. 181 7. 78 plates. *Cab.6o.ioo.2 Sogliano, A. Platone nell* Accademia. Mu- saico pompeiano. Napoli. 1900. Col- ored plate. 4071.90 Spon, J., and G. Whelcr. Voyage d'ltalie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant, fait aux annees 1675 & 1676. Amsterdam. 1679. 2 V. Plates. *2766.8 Stackclberg, O. M., Baron von. Die Graebcr der Hellenen. Berlin. 1837. 70 plates. *Cab.29.i8.3 Stancovich, P. Dello anfiteatro di Pola. Venezia. 1822. 8 plates. *2758.68 Stevens, G. P. Architecture. Plates. IMans. (/n Fowler, H. N. A handbook of Greek archaeology. Pp. 96-192. New York. [1909.]) 4075.293 Stevenson, J. J. A restoration of the mauso- leum at Halicarnassus. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4094.178 Stieglitz, C. L. Archaeologie der Baukunst der Griechen und Romer. Weimar. 1801. 2 V. in 3. 4096.8 Stiller, H. Das Traianeum. Berlin. 1895. Text, I V. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 34 plates. [Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Alter- tiimer von Pergamon. 5.] *Cab.29.20.i.5 Stillman, W. J. The Acropolis of Athens illustrated picturesquely and architectur- ally in photography. London. 1870. 25 plates. ♦Cab.29.10.3 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 63 Stobart, J. C. The glory that was Greece: a survey of Hellenic culture & civilisa- tion. Philadelphia. 1911. Illus. Plates. Maps. *4072.i83 Bibliography, pp. 270-273. Some of the plates are colored, Strack, H. Baudenkmaeler des alten Rom. Berlin. 1890. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.8o.2 Strack, J. H. Das altgriechische Theaterge- biiude. Potsdam. 1843. 9 plates. *Cab.6o.i38.3 Stratico, S., Confc. Dell' antico teatro di Padova. Padova. 1795. 6 plates. 4091.100 Strcit, A. Das Theater. Untersuchungen iiher das Theater-Bauwerk bei den klas- sischen und modernen Volkern. Wien. 1903. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.i55.3 Strena Helbigiana. Sexagenario obtvlervnt amici A. D. ini non Febr. A. ctd id ccc- LxxxxviTTT. Lipsiae. mcm. Plates. Plans. *407i.ii9 Strong, E. Roman sculpture from Augustus to Constantine. London. 1907. Plates. 8086.108 Struck, A. Griechenland: Land, Leute und Denkmaler. Band i. Wien. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4094.159.1 Contents. — i. Athen und Attika. Literatur, Band i, p. 200. Strzygowski, J. Spalato: ein Markstein der romanischen Kunst bei ihrem t)ber- gange vom Orient nach dem Abend- lande. Plates. Plan. (In Studien aus Kunst und Geschichte Friedrich Schnei- der gewidmet. Pp. 323-336. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1906.) *4072.i67 Contains a discussion of the architecture of Dio- cletian's Palace. Stuart, J., and N. Revett. The antiquities of Athens measured and delineated. Lon- don. 1762-1830. 5 V. Plates. *Cab.29.23.i Same. 3d edition, with additions. Lon- don. 1858. [Bohn's Illustrated library.] 4076.108 Same. New edition. London. 1893. 4076.48 Sturgis, R., Jr. Classical architecture on the shores of the Mediterranean. Rochester. [1898?] Plates. *4092.29 Tarbell, F. B. A history of Greek art. With an introductory chapter on art in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Meadville. 18^. Illus. [Chautauqua reading circle litera- ture.] 4077.21 Taylor, G. L. The stones of Etruria, and marbles of antient Rome. London. 1859. Plates. No. 2 in *4ioo.5i.i Taylor, G. L., and E. Cresy. The architec- tural antiquities of Rome measured and delineated. London. 1821, 22. 2 v. 129 plates. *Cab.6o.i6.2 Same. New edition [by Rev. Alexander Taylor]. 1874. 130 plates. *Cab.6o.35.i Ternite, W. Wandgcmalde aus Pompeji und Herculanum. Text von C. O. Muller I und F. G. Welcker]. Berlin. [1839- 60?] 3 V. 80 plates. *Cab.27.i9.i Texier, C. The principal ruins of Asia Minor. London. 1865. 51 plates. *Cab.5o.2o.3 Thedenat, M. H. Le Forum romain et les forums imperiaux. 46 edition. Paris. 1908. Plates. Maps. 4738.40 Pompei. Paris. 1906. 2 v. in i. Plates. r, > 2731.10 Rome a travers les ages. Le Forum ro- main et la Voie sacree. Aspects succes- sifs des monuments depuis le ive siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris. 1905. Plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab 60.157.3 Thomas, J. The Pantheon at Rome: who built it? London. 1901. Plates. 4099a. 1 20 Tocco, E. L. Ripristinazione del Foro ro- mano, e sue adiacenze. Roma. 1858. folded plates. 2751.73 Tolman, H. C, and G. C. Scoggin. Myce- naean Troy. Based on Dorpfeld's ex- cavations in the sixth of the nine buried cities at Hissarlik. New York. [1903.] Illus. Plans. [The Vanderbilt Oriental series.] 2969a.i48 Dorpfeld's Troja und Ilion is on shelf-number *296oa.75. Treu, G. Die Bildwerke von Olympia in Stein und Thon. Berlin. 1897. Illus. [Olympia. Band 3.] *Cab.29.i7.i.3 Tsountas, C. 'H 'Axq6jioA,i5 xtov 'A^t^vcov. 'Ev 'A^vaig. 1900. Plates. Plan. [2ijA.>.OYog jiQog 8id8oaiv dxpEXijitov PipA.icov. 'Ex- boaeiq. 12.] 5079a.i35 Same. "Exfioms 2. 50793.268 The Mycenaean age. A study of the monuments and culture of pre-Homeric Greece. By C. Tsountas and J. I. Ma- natt. With an introduction by Dr. Dorpfeld. Boston. 1897. Plates. Plans. 2962.84 This work is a translation of Dr. Tsountas's MvKrjpai Kat MvKriuaios TJoXirtafio^^ largely re- written by Mr. Manatt. Tupper, G. An account of the remains of a Roman villa discovered at Bignor, in the County of Sussex in the year 181 1, and four following years. [Anon.] London. 1839. 5 plates. Plan. 2499.113 Uggeri, A. Delia Basilica Ulpia nel Foro traiano istoria e ristaurazione. [Roma. 1840?] 51 plates. **Tosti, D.2.5 Giornate pittorrche degli edificii suburbani di Roma antica. Roma. 1806. 14 plates. Title and text in French also. 2761.12 Uhde, C. The architectural forms of the classic ages; giving special attention to columns and cornices. English by M. W. Boehm. Berlin. [1896?] 70 plates. *Cab.6o.96.8 Ussing, J. L. Pergamos: seine Geschichte und Monumente. Nach der danischen Ausgabe neu bearbeitet. Berlin. 1899. Plates. Plans. *8o8o.i26 Vaglieri, D. Gli scavi recenti nel Foro ro- mano [e] Supplemento i. Roma. 1903. 2 V. in I. Plates. Plans. 2731.6 Reprinted from Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma, Vol. 31 [*3263.i.3i]. Valadier, G. Aggiunte e correzioni all' opera sugli edifizi antichi di Roma dell' architetto A. Desgodetz procurate in 64 PERIODS AND STYLES Valadier, G. (Continued.) parte dal cav. Giuseppe Valadier com- pite e dichiarate dal cav. Luigi Canina. 69 plates. {In Desgodetz, A. Les edi- fices antiques de Rome. Supplement, partie i. Roma. 1843.) *6740.5 Vatican, Rome. Museo etrusco. Mvsei Etrvsci quod Gregorivs XVI. Pont. Max. in aedibus Vaticanis constitvit monimenta, linearis pictvrae exemplis expressa. . . . [Roma.] 1842. 2 v. *Cab.8o. 190.4 Vaudoyer, A. L. T. Description du theatre de Marcellus a Rome, retabli dans son etat primtif, d'apres les vestiges qui en restent encore. Memoire joint aux plans, coupes, elevations et details. Paris. 181 2. 4093.134 Venuti, R. Accurata e succinta descrizione topografica delle antichita di Roma. Roma. 1763. Plates. *4732.8 Same. Edizione 3a. 1824. 2 v. Illus. *4732.2 Vermiglioli, G. B. Di Giambattista Vermi- glioli, de' monumenti di Perugia etrusca e romana [etc.]. Per cura del Conte Giancarlo Conestabile. Perugia. 1855- 70. Text, 4 V. in 2; Atlas, i v. *274o.ii II sepolcro dei Volunni scoperto in Peru- gia, ed altri monumenti inediti etruschi e romani. Perugia. [1840.] 9 plates. 2750.3 Vicentino, G. R. Dei cavedj degli atrj e di alcuni altri principali membri nelle case degli antichi Romani. Con un nuovo commento sopra Vitruvio. Vicenza. 1828. 9 plates. 2751.72 Views. [Engravings of antiquities, chiefly architectural, of Athens, etc.] 191 plates. **Tosti, B.3.1 [Forty photographic views of temples, etc., in Greece and Athens.] *Cab.29.29.2 One hundred and forty-nine photographs of antiquities, etc., in Greece. *Cab.2g.2o.4 Select collection of views and ruins in Rome and its vicinity, from drawings made in 1791. London. [1798?] *L.50.8 Sixty-two colored plates with description in Eng- lish and French. Same. 1797, 99. 2 v. in i. *K.72.5 Vitet, L. :fitudes sur Thistoire de I'art. le serie, Antiquite: Grece. — Rome. — Bas-Empire. Paris. 1864. 4088.18 Wagner, C. F. C. Commentationis de Flavii amphitheatro part. i. Marburgi. 1829. 4759.41 Wagner, G. M. Bassorilievi antichi della Grecia o sia fregio del tempio di Apollo Epicurio in Arcadia. Inciso da F. Ruschweyh. Roma. 1814. 25 plates. ♦8060.50 Waldstein, C. Excavations of the American school of Athens at the Heraion of Ar- gos. No. I. London. 1892. Plates. ♦2970.67 The newly discovered head of Iris from the frieze of the Parthenon. Boston. Waldstein, C. (Continued.) 1889. Plates. [Archaeological Institute of America.] 2962.85 Reprint No. i of the American Journal of Archae- ology [*6236.59.5]. Waldstein, C, and L. K. H. Shoobridge. Herculaneum, past, present & future. With appendixes. London. 1908. Plates. Plan. Map. *275i.30 Bibliography, pp. 306-318. Waldstein, C, and others. The Argive Heraeum. By C. Waldstein. With the cooperation of G. H. Chase, H. F. De Cou. Boston. 1902, 05. 2 V. Plates. [Archaeological Institute of America.] ♦3070.27 Walters, H. B. The art of the Romans. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plans. 4071.124 Weber, G. Guide du voyageur a Ephese. Smyrna. 1891. Plates. Plans. 3044.188 Weichardt, C. Pompeji vor der Zerstoerung. Reconstructionen der Tempel und ihrer Umgebung. Leipzig. [1897.] Plates. ♦Cab.27.22.1 Das Schloss des Tiberius und andere Romerbauten auf Capri. Leipzig. [1900.] Plates. Plans. ♦Cab. 27. 37. 2 Litteratur, p. iv. West, W. R. Grecian temples: how roofed and lighted? Philadelphia. 1866. 3 plates. No. 13 in ^4962.13 On the hypaethral question. Whibley, L., editor. A companion to Greek studies. Cambridge. 1905. Plates. Maps. Plans. ^2963.46 Same. 2d edition. 1906. *2963.43 Wickoff, F. Roman art. Some of its prin- ciples and their application to early Christian painting. Translated and edited by Mrs. A. Strong. London. 1900. Plates. ♦4071.125 Wiegand, T., and H. Schrader. Priene. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895-98. Berlin. 1904. Plates. , Plans. [Konigliche Museen. Berlin.] 3040.186 Wiegand, T., and others. Die archaische Poros-Architektur der Akropolis zu Athen. Cassel. 1904. Text, i v. Plates. Plans; Atlas, 17 plates. ♦Cab.60.90.4 Fifteen plates are colored. Wieseler, F. Theatergebaude und Denk- maler des Biihnenwesens bei den Grie- chen und Romern. Gottingen. 1851. 14 plates. ♦2960.66 Wightwick, G. A selection from the museum of the Vatican, consisting of antique vases, altars, chairs, and various architectural fragments. London. 1837. 13 plates. ♦8080.56 Wilkins, W. Prolusiones architectonicae ; or, essays on subjects connected with Greek and Roman architecture. Lon- don. 1837. 17 plates. ♦4090.8 Winnefeld, H. Die Villa des Hadrian bei Tivoli. Berlin- 1895. Illus. Plates. [Kaiserlich- deutsches archaologisches Institut, Berlin. Jahrbuch. Erganzungs- heft 3.] *275i.75 CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE 65 Winter, F. Die Skulpturen mit Ausnahme der Altarreliefs. Mit einem Beitrage von Jakob Schrammen. Berlin. 1908. Text, 2 V. Illus. Plates; Atlas, i v. [Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. Alter- tiimer von Pergamon.] *Cab.29.20.i.7 Wolff, J. H. Beitrage zur Aesthetik der Baukunst, oder die Grundgesetze der plastischen Form, nachgewiesen an den Haupttheilen der griechischen Architek- tur. Leipzig. 1834. IHus. 4093.2 Wolters, P. Griechische Grabmaler in Miin- chen. Illus. (In Miinchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst. Vol. 4, pp. 1-21. M line hen. 1909.) *4072. 168.4 Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Ephesus, includ- ing the site and remains of the great temple of Diana. Boston. 1877. Plates. *2962.i6 Modern discoveries on the site of ancient Ephesus. [London.] 1890. Plates. [By-paths of Bible knowledge.] 2968.72 Wright, T. The ruins of the Roman city of Uriconium at Wroxeter, near Shrews- bury. Shrewsbury. 1868. Plates. Plans. 24693.197 Uriconium: a historical account of the an- cient Roman city. London. 1872. Illus. 2463.9 Zahn, W. Ornamente aller klassischen Kunstepochen. Berlin. 1843, 48. 2 v. 100 colored plates. *4o6i.47 Die schonsten Ornamente und merkwiir- digsten Gemalde aus Pompeji, Hercu- lanum und Stabiae. 2, Folge, Heft 1-5. Berlin. 1842. 2 v. Colored plates. *Cab.8o.2oo.i Zoega, J. G. Le bassirilievi antichi di Roma, incisi da Tommaso Piroli. Roma. 1808. 2 V. 115 plates. *8o7o.i5o Mediaeval. Academic de France a Rome. Fragments d'architecture du moyen age et de la renaissance, d'apres les releves & res- taurations des anciens pensionnaires de I'Academie. Publics sous la direction de H. d' Espouy. Paris. [1899.] 100 heliogravures. *Cab.6o.i37.i Adamy, R. Architektonik der altchristli- chen Zeit. Hannover. 1884. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Architektonik des Mittelalters. Theil I.] *8o93.4.i Adler, F. Mittelalterliche Backstein-Bau- werke des preussischen Staates. Berlin. 1862, 98. 2 V. Illus. 120 plates. Contains church architecture. *Cab.6o.l5l.5 AUier, A. L'ancien Bourbonnais. Par Achille Allier, continue par A. Michel et L. Ba- tissier. Moulins. 1833-38. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 136 plates. *Cab.26.27.i Allmers, H. Die altchristliche Basilika als Vorbild des protestantischen Kirchen- baues. Oldenburg. 1870. 4109.12 Amico, B. Trattato delle piante & immagini de sacri edifizi di Terra Santa, disegnate in lerusalemme. Aggiuntoui la Strada Amico, B. (Continued.) dolorosa & altre figure. Firenze. 1620. 47 plates. *8o93.67 The date on the title-page appears to have been changed with a pen from 1620 to 1610. The colophon bears the date 1619. Anderson, R. Examples of the municipal, commercial and street architecture' of France and Italy, from the 12th to the 15th century. London. [1870-75.] 103 plates. *8o9o.72 Andreae, C. Monumente des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus dem saechsi- schen Erzgebirge: die Klosterkirche Zschiller, oder Wechselburg und die Rochlitzer Kunigunden-Kirche. Dres- den. 1875. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.78.3 Appall, J. W. Monuments of early Chris- tian art. Sculpture and catacomb paint- ings. Illustrative notes. London. 1872. 4075-62 Archives de la Commission des monuments historiques. Publiees par le Ministre d'etat. Paris. 1855-72. 4 v. in 2. Plates. *Cab.26.i4.i Arnaldi, E. Delle basiliche antiche e special- mente di quella di Vicenza. Vicenza. 1767. 8 folded plates. 8093.6 Arnaud, A. F. Voyage archeologique et pit- toresque dans le departement de I'Aube et dans l'ancien diocese de Troyes. Troyes. 1837. Plates. Plans. *266o.io8 Auber, C, A., Abbe. De Tan mille et de son influence pretendue sur I'architecture religieuse. Paris. 1861. 4097.100 Aufleger, O. Mittelalterliche Bauten Re- gensburgs photographisch aufgenom- men. Einleitung von G. Hager. Miin- chen. 1896, 97. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.84.4 Ayer, J. C, Jr. The rise and development of Christian architecture. Milwaukee. 1902. Illus. Plans. 4iooa.3i Back, F. Mittelrheinische Kunst. Beitr?ege zur Geschichte der Malerei und Plastik im vierzehnten & fiinfzehnten jahrhun- dert. Frankfurt a. M. 1910. Illus. 68 plates. [Historischer Verein fiir das Grossherzogtum Hessen.] 4071.169 Barbet de Jouy, J. H. Les mosaiques chre- tiennes des basiliques et des eglises de Rome. Paris. 1857. 4098.124 Index gives lists of basilicas and early mosaics in Rome. Barnard, F. P., editor. Companion to English history: Middle ages. Oxford. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. 45i7-4o pp. 1-25, Ecclesiastical architecture, by A. Galton; pp. 26-52, Domestic architecture, by J. A. Gotch; pp. 53-89, The art of war and mili- tary architecture, by C. W. C. Oman. Batissier, L. Elements d'archeologie na- tionale, precedes d'une histoire de I'art monumental chez les anciens. Paris. 1843. Illus. *4637.i2 Baudot, J. E. A. de. La sculpture frangaise au moyen age et a la renaissance. Paris. 1884. 120 plates. *Cab.8o.i22.2 Baxter, L. E. The castle of Vincigliata. By Leader Scott [pseud.]. Florence. 1897. 66 PERIODS AND STYLES Baxter, L. E. (Continued.) fMates. 2761.55 This is mainly a reprint of the author's Vinci- gliata and Maiano [*276i.53]. Tlie cathedral builders. The story of a great masonic guild [Comacines]. Lon- don. 1899. Plates. 4102.77 Beaudoire, T. Genese do la cryptographic apostolique et dc I'architecture rituelle du premier au seizieme siecle. Paris. 1902, Illus. Map. 4102.44 Beaurain, G, Le portail de I'eglise de Mimi- zan, etudie dans ses rapports avec I'his- toire du costume et du mobilier au moy en-age. Dax. [1903?] Plates. 4104.25 Benham, W., and C. Welch. Mediieval Lon- don. London. 1901. Plates. [The Portfolio. Monographs on artistic sub- jects.] 8082.152 .Some of the plates are colored. Bennett, C. W. Christian archaeology. New York. 1888. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Library of Biblical and theological literature. Vol. 4.] 3503.27 Chapters 1-6 are on Christian art. Benoist, F., and H. Lalaisse. La Normandie illustree. Nantes. i8s2. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.26.i8.i Berchem, M. van, and J. Strzygowski. Amida. Heidelberg. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Facsimiles. *409oa.ii8 Contents. — Materiaux pour I'epigraphie et I'his- toire nnisulmanes du Diyar-Bekr. — Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte dcs Mittclalters von Nord- niesopotamien, Hellas und dem Abendlande. Berghe, O. C. J. M. van den. L'unite artis- tique dans les cathedrales du xiiie sie- cle. {In Academic d'archeologie de Bel- gique. Annales. Vol. 14, pp. 437-462, Anvers. 1857.) *3389.5.i4 Bertaux, P:. L'art dans I'ltalie ineridionale. Tome I : De la fin de TEmpire romain a la conquete de Charles d'Anjou. Des- sins et photographies de I'auteur. Paris. 1904, Plates. Plans, [ficole frangaise de Rome.] *Cab.8o.io6.3 Bishop, H. H. Pictorial architecture of France. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. ♦4091.68 Blavignac, J. D. Histoire de Tarchitecture sacree du quatrieme au dixieme siecle dans les eveches de Geneve, Lausanne et Sion. Paris. 1853. Plates. 8094.14 Bock, V. de. Materiaux pour servir a I'ar- cheologie chretienne. St. Petersbourg. 1901. Plates. 3050.247 The title and text are printed in Russian and French in parallel columns. Boerger, H. Grabdenkmaler im Maingebiet vom Anfang des xiv. Jahrhunderts bis zuni Eintritt der Renaissance. Leipzig. [1907.] 28 plates. [Kunstgeschichtiiche Monographien.] *4o84.22o Boetticher, C. Die Holzarchitectur des Mit- tclalters. Theil I, Heft 1-4. Berlin. 1836-42. Plates. *8ioo.2i Publication discontinued. Bogner, H. Die Grundrissdispositionen der zweischiffigcn Zentralbauten von der altesten Zeit bis zur Mitte des ix, Jahr- hunderts. Strassburg. 1906. 7 plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgc- schichte.] 4074.440 Boinet, A. Les edifices religieux. Moyen age — renaissance. Paris. 1910. Plates. [Les richesses d'art de la ville de Paris.] Bibliography, pp. 191-197. 4075.302 Boito, C. L'architettura Cosmatesca. Ri- cerche storiche. Milano. i860. No. 8 in *4043.74 Architettura del medio evo in Italia. Milano. 1880. Illus. 4094.71 Borrel, E. L. Les monuments anciens de la Tarentaise (Savoie). Paris. 1884. Text, I v.; Atlas, 95 plates. *46io.io Borrmann, R. Monumentale Wasserkunst- anlagen im Stadtebau des Altertums und der neueren Zeit. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage.] No. 5 in 4092.178.3 Bourasse, J. J. Archeologie chretienne; ou. precis de I'histoire des monuments re- ligieux du moyen age. Tours. 1841. 4103.6 La Touraine: histoire et monuments. Tours. 1856. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦2620.105 Brandon, J. R., and J. A. Brandon. The open timber roofs of the Middle Ages. Lon- don. 1849. 43 plates. *409o.io Braun, J. Die belgischen Jesuitenkirchen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kampfes zwischen Gotik und Renaissance. Frei- burg im Breisgau. 1907. Illus. Plans. [Stimmen aus Maria- Laach.] 4106.45 Britton, J. Chronological history and graphic illustrations of Christian archi- tecture in England. London. 1835. Plates. *4ogi.7 This is Vol. 5 of his Architoclural antiquities of (ireat Britain [*4ioi.7]. Brown, G. B. The arts in early England. London. 1903. 2 v. Illus. Maps. 4094.20 Contents. — i. The life of Saxon England in its relation to the arts. a. Ecclesiastical architecture in luigland from the conversion of the Saxons to the Norman Conquest. From schola to cathedral. A study of early Christian architecture. Edinburgh. 1886. Plates. 4094.69 Brutails, E. J. A. L'archeologie du moyen age et ses methodes. Paris. 1900. Plates. 4095.45 Precis d'archeologie du moyen-age. Tou- louse. 1908. Plates. 4095.46 Buchner, O. Die mittelalterliche Grabplas- tik in Nord-Thiiringen mit bcsondcrer Beriicksichtigung der Erfurter Denk- maler. Strassburg, 1902. Illus. [Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] Literatur, pp. ix, x. 4074.347 Bunsen, C. C. J., Freiherr von Die Basiliken des christlichen Roms. Text von Guter- sohn und Knapp. Miinchen. [1843.] Text and atlas of 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.4 MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 67 Butler, H. C. Architecture and other arts [in Northern Central Syria and the Djebel-Hauran]. New York. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [American Archaeologi- cal Expedition to Syria, 1899-1900. Part 2.] *Cab. Buzonniere, L. de. Histoire architecturale de la ville d'Orleans. Paris. 1849. 2 v. *8o95.63 Canina, L. Ricerche sull' architettura piij propria dei tempj cristiani. Edizione 2a. Roma. 1846. 145 plates. *Cab.6o.38.i Carter, J. The ancient architecture of Eng- land. A new edition, with notes and in- dexes, by J. Britton. London. 1845. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.8 Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in England from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII. New and improved edi- tion. London. 1887. 120 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.8o.92.2 Cattaneo, R. Architecture in Italy from the 6th to the nth century. London. 1896. Plates. 4091.77 L'architettura in Italia dal secolo vi al mille circa. Venezia. 1888. Illus. 4103.61 Caumont, A. de. Histoire sommaire de I'ar- chitecture religieuse, militaire et civile au moyen age. Caen. 1836. Plates. [Bulletin monumental. Vol. 2.] *4io9.5o.2 Chapuy, N. M. J. Moyen-age pittoresque. Paris. 1837-40. 180 plates. *Cab.8o.2i.i Chart, D. A. The story of Dublin. London. 1907. Plates. [Mediaeval towns.] 24793.144 Clark, J. T. Mediaeval military architecture in England. London. 1884. 2 v. Illus. 4096.65 Clausse, G. Basiliqaies et mosaiques chre- tiennes: Italie-Sicile. Paris. 1893. 2 v. Plates. [Les monuments du christian- isme au moyen-age.] *4ioi.63 Clayton, J. A collection of the ancient tim- ber edifices in England. London. 1846. 26 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.6 Clement, J. H. Inventaire archeologique et bibliographique des communes du de- partement de I'Allier. Canton de Bour- bon - I'Archambault. Moulins. 1890. Plates. 4636.8 Largely architectural. Clutton, H. Remarks, with illustrations, on vhe domestic architecture of France from Charles vi. to Louis xii. London. 1853. 16 plates. *8o8o.i04 Cochet, J. B. D., Abbe. Le tombeau de Chil- deric i^i, roi des Francs, restitue a I'aide de Tarcheologic. Paris. 1859. Illus. 4613-9 Colinet, E. C. fi. Recueil des restes de notre art national. Verzameling der overblijf- sels onzer nationale kunst der xiste tot de xviide eeuw. Brussels. 1873-77. 3 parts in i v. 214 plates. *4090.88 Coney, J. Engravings of ancient cathedrals and other public buildings in France, Coney, J. (Continued,) Holland, Germany and Italy. London. 1832. 32 plates. *Cab.6o.82.i The text is in English, French, Italian and C.cr- man. Conway, Sir W. M. Early Tuscan art, from the I2th to the 15th centuries. London. 1902. Plates. 4075.198 Cotman, J. S. Specimens of architectural remams in England. London. 1838. 2v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.i Cougny, G. L art au moyen-age. Paris. 1894. Plates. 4075.30 Creeny, W. F. Illustrations of incised slabs on the continent of Europe from rub- bings and tracings. London. 1891. 71 plates. *8o7o.i2o Cresy, E., and G. L. Taylor. Architecture of the Middle Ages in Italy: illustrated by views, plans of the Cathedral, Baptis- tery, Leaning Tower or Campanile, and Campo Santo, at Pisa. London. 1829. 30 plates. *4090.27 Crosnier, A. ].,Abbe. Iconographie chre- tienne, ou etude des sculptures, pein- tures, etc , qu'on rencontre sur les monuments religieux du moyen age. Paris. 1848. Illus. B.4277.5 Same. Tours. 1876. 4078.1 Extrait du Bulletin monumental, Vol. 14 ['4090.241.14]. Cutts, E. L. History of early Christian art. London. 1893. IHus. Plates. [Side- lights of church history.] 8065.137 A manual for the study of the sepulchral slabs and crosses of the Middle Ages. London. 1849. 83 plates. *4074.i2 Dallaway, J. A series of discourses upon architecture in England from the Nor- man a^ra to the close of the reign of Elizabeth. London. 1883. *4092.io William Wyrcestre redivivus. Notices of ancient church architecture in the fif- tenth century, particularly in Bristol, with hints for practical restoration. Bristol. [1823.] Illus. *4ioi.64 Darcel, A. Les etudes archeologiques sur le moyen-age, de 1830-1867. Paris. 1873. Plates. 4073.210 Davie, W. G. Architectural studies in France. London. 1877. 89 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.44.3 Dehaisnes, C. Histoire de I'art dans la Flandre, I'Artois & le Hainaut avant le xyesiecle. Lille. 1886. Plates. *8o7o.ioi Dehio, G., and G. von Bezold. Die kirch- liche Baukunst des Abendlandes. Stutt- gart. 1887-1901. Text, 2 V. Illus.; At- las, 5 V. 494 plates. *8ioo.52 Delsaux, J. C. L'architccturc et les monu- ments du moyen-age a Liege. [Le pa- lais des princes-eveques.] Liege. 1847. 4097.139 Documents classes de I'art dans les Pays- Bas du xe au xixe siecle. Serie 1-3; nouvelle serie, Hvraison 1-17. Anvers [etc.]. i88o[-i909]. 3 v. in 5 and un- bound parts. Plates. *Cab.8o.i6o.i Series 1-3 were compiled by J. J. van Ysendyck; the new series by A. W. Weissman, 68 PERIODS AND STYLES Doering, P. O. Deutschlands mittelalter- liche Kunstdenkmaler als Geschichts- quelle. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Hiersemanns Handbiicher.] 4075.239 Dohme, R. Die Kirchen des Cistercienser- ordens in Deutschland, Leipzig. 1869. Illus. Plans. 8096.26 Dohme, R., editor. The early Teutonic, Italian and French masters. Translated and edited from the Dnhm.» series by A. H. Keane. London. 1880. Illus. **K.290.i6;*8o72.6o Contains four chapters on early German archi- tecture. Dugdale, Sir W. Monasticon Anglicanum. New edition, London. 1817-30. 8 v. Plates. *252o.4 'buhamel-Decejean, — . Description archeo- logique du canton de Nesle. Peronne. 1884. 45 plates. 2615.104 Du Sommerard, A. Les arts au moyen age en ce qui concernent principalement I'Hotel de Cluny. Paris. 1838-46. Text, 5 V. in 2; Atlas, 4 v. *Cab.8o.iio.4 Notices sur I'Hotel de Cluny et sur le Palais des thermes, avec des notes sur la culture des arts, principalement dans les xye et xvi^ siecles. [Anon.] Paris. 1834. 4095.113 Ebhardt, B. H. J. Die Burgen Italiens. Baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung des mittelalterlichen Wehrbaues und die Bedeutung der Wohnbaukunst im Mittelalter. Band i. 2: Oberitalien. Berlin. 1909, 10. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i73.2 Eitelberger von Edelberg, R. Die mittelal- terlichen Kunstdenkmale Dalmatiens. Wien. 1884. Illus. 8066.62.4 Enlart, D. L. C. Manuel d'archeologie frangaise depuis les temps merovingiens jusqu'a la renaissance. Premiere par- tie: architecture. Paris. 1902, 04. 2 v. Illus. Plans. 4106.24 Contents. — i. Architecture religieuse. 2. Archi- tecture civile et militaire. Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Kulturhisto- rischer Bilderatlas. [Band] 2: Mit- telalter. Leipzig. 1883. 120 plates with descriptive text. *6220.65.2 Die romanische und die gotische Baukunst. Darmstadt. 1889, 92. 2 v. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.4.i, 2 Contents. — i. Die Kriegsbaukunst. a. Der Wohn- bau. Ewerbeck, F. Architectonische Reiseskiz- zen aus Deutschland, Frankreich und Spanien. Eine Sammlung mittelalter- licher Baudenkmaler, nebst Details. Hannover. 1865. 60 plates. *8ioo.6i Fabricius, M. P. Le Kremlin de Moscou; esquisses et tableaux, autrefois et au- jourd'hui. Moscou. 1883. Plates. A list of works cited is appended. 3061.14 Falke, J. von. Geschichte des Geschmacks im Mittelalter. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1892. 8028.144 Fergusson, J. [Ancient and mediaeval ar- chitecture.] 3d edition by R. P. Spiers. London. 1893. 2 v. Plates. Plans. [History of architecture, i, 2.] 4103.54.1, 2 A large part of this work will also he lound in vols. I and 2 of earlier editions of his History [4103.9; 4103.22]. The temples of the Jews. London. 1878. Plates. *4092.5o Fett, H. Norges Kirker i Middelalderen. Kristiania. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Gammel Norsk Kultur i Tekst og Bil- leder.] 4102.111 Fisenne, L., Freiherr von. Kunstdenkmale des Mittelalters. Aachen. 1880-86. 3 v. 353 plates. *8io7.i2 Title and text repeated in French. Fleury, fi. Antiquites et monuments du Departement de I'Aisne. Paris. 1877, 78. 2 V. Illus. *2620.56 Flottwell, E. von. Magdeburgs Bau- und Kunstdenkmaler. Serie i, 2. [Magde- burg, etc. 1892, 96.] 2 V. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.5 Contents. — i. Mittelalterliche Bau- und Kunst- denkmaler in Magdeburg. 2. Bau- und Kunst- denkmaler der Renaissance und des Barock. Forrer, R. Die friihchristlichen Alterthiimer aus dem Graberfelde von Achmim- Panopolis. Strassburg i. E. 1893. Illus. 18 colored plates. *407i.i2i Fort, G. F. A critical inquiry into the con- dition of conventual builders and their relations to secular guilds in the Middle Ages. New York. 1884. 4099.78 Franck-Oberaspach, C. Der Meister der Ecclesia und Synagoge am Strassburger Miinster. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Bildhauerkunst des dreizehnten Jahr- hunderts in Deutschland. Diisseldorf. 1903. 12 plates. 8085.123 Freeman, E, A. The ••architecture of the Middle Ages and its spire growth. [Anon.] (/w Wickes, C. Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediae- val churches of England. Vol. i, pp. 1-12. London. 1853.) *Cab.6o.39.i.i Historical and architectural sketches: chiefly Italian. London. 1876. Illus. 2769.69; **K.i78.i I Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice. London. 1881. Plates. 2769.74; **K.i78.i2 Frothingham, A. L. The monuments of Christian Rome from Constantine to the Renaissance. New York. 1908. [Hand- books of archaeology and antiquities.] 4757.37 Fumagalli, C. 11 castello di Malpaga e le sue pitture. Milano. 1893. 25 plates. 4092.19 Fumigalli, A. Delle antichita longobardico- milanesi. Milano. 1792, 93. 4 v. Plates. *472i.72 Gabelentz, H. G. C. von der. Die kirchliche Kunst im italienischen Mittelalter. Strassburg. 1907. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.169 Mittelalterliche Plastik in Venedig. Leip- zig. 1903. Plates. 8082.160 MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 69 Gailhabaud, J. L'architecture du vn^e au xv[i"ie siecle et les arts qui en depen- dent. Paris. 1858. Text, 4 v.; Atlas, 43 plates. *Cab.6o.i87.i Gardner, J. E. G. The story of Florence. London. 1900. Illus. Maps. [Mediae- val towns.] 2769.88 Garrucci, R. Storia della arte cristiana nei primi otto secoli della chiesa. Prato. 1873-81. 6 V. 502 plates. *Cab.8o.85.i Contents. — i. Teorica. 2. Pitture cimiteriali. 3. Pitture non cimiteriali. 4. Musaici cimiteriali e non cimiteriali. 5. Sarcofagi ossia sculture cimi- teriali. 6. Sculture non cimiteriali. Vetri ornati di figure in ore trovati nei cimiteri cristiani di Roma. Edizione 2a, accresciuta. Roma. 1864. 2 v. Text, I v.; Atlas, 42 plates. *2750.54 Gayet, A. J. L'art copte. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. *4073.254 Giulini, G., Conte. Memorie spettanti alia storia, al governo ed alia descrizione della citta e della campagna di Milano, ne' secoli bassi [e Continuazione]. Mi- lano. i76o[-7i]. 12 V. Plates. Maps. *47ioa.i Godard-Faultrier, V. Peintres murales du xne siecle a la Haie des bons hommes. [Un peu de tout a propos d'archeolo- gie. Angers. 1846.] Plates. 4097,125 Describes the antiquities of Anjou. Goodyear, W. H. Roman and medieval art. Meadville. 1893. Illus. Plates. 8086.73; 8086.64 The copy on shelf-number 8086.64 belongs to the series: Chautauqua reading circle literature. Vertical curves and other architectural re- finements in the Gothic cathedrals and churches of northern France and in early Byzantine churches at Constanti- nople . . . New York. 1904. Plates. [Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci- ences. Memoirs of art and archaeol- ogy.] 4093.147 Contains a bibliography of the author's works on architectural refinements, etc. Gotch, J. A. The homes of the Cecils. Plates. Map. Plans. {In Historical monograph. William Cecil, Lord Burghley. Pp. 41-90. London. 1904.) *4520.I2I Grille de Beuzelin, E. L. H. T. Statistique monumentale. (Specimen.) Rapport sur les monuments historiques de Nancy et de Toul. Paris. 1837. Text, i v.; Atlas, 37 plates. [Collection de docu- ments inedits sur I'histoire de France. 3e serie.] *Cab.6o.32.3 Grimm, D. I. Monuments d'architecture en Georgie et en Armenie. St. Peters- bourg. 1864. 48 plates. *8o8oa.26 Grisar, H. Geschichte Roms und der Papste im Mittelalter. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung von Cultur und Kunst. Band I. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1901. Plates. Plans. *555oa.6 Contents. — I. Rom beim Ausgang der antiken Welt. Publication discontinued. Continued in his Ana- Iccta Romana [*55Soa.7]. Grisar, H. (Continued.) II Sancta Sanctorum ed il suo tesoro sacro. Scoperte e studii dell' autore nella Capella palatina lateranense del medio evo. Roma. 1907. Plates. Plan. 346oa.62 Gruner, L., editor. The terra cotta architec- ture of North Italy (xiith_xvth cen- turies). London. 1867. Plates. *8o90.5o Guleke, R. Alt-Livland. Mittelalterliche Baudenkmaler Liv-, Est-, Kurlands und Oesels. Leipzig. 1896. 320 plates. 4101.27 Gurlitt, C. Klassiker der Baukunst. Bau- kunst des Mittelalters. Leipzig. 1884. Plates. No. i in 8066.106 Guyer, S. Die christlichen Denkmaler des ersten Jahrtausends in der Schweiz. Leipzig. 1907. Plates. [Studien iiber christlichen Denkmaler.] 4074.404 Habershon, M. The ancient half-timbered houses of England. London. 1836. Plates. *4ioo.22 Hadfield, J. Ecclesiastical architecture of the County of Essex from the Norman era to the sixteenth century. New edi- tion. London. 82 plates. *8o8oa.i5 Hartel, A. Altare und Kanzeln. Eine Sammlung von Aufnahmen aus den be riihmtesten Kirchen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [1911.] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i83.i Architektonische Details und Ornamente der kirchlichen Baukunst, in den Stylnr- ten des Mittelalters. Berlin. [1891.] 2 v. no plates. *Cab.6o.i9.4 Vol. I is of the second edition. Coin: Bauwerke des Mittelalters. Leip- zig. [1887?] Plates. *Cab.6o.66.i.2 Hartshorne, C. H. Feudal and military an- tiquities of Northumberland and the Scottish borders. London. 1858. Plates. [Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Memoirs. 1852.] *2259.57.2 Hartung, H. Motive der mittelalterlichen Baukunst in Deutschland. Berlin. [1896] -1905. 3 V. in 4. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i25.2 Hasak, M, Geschichte der deutschen Bild- hauerkunst im xrii. Jahrhundert. Ber- lin. 1899. Plates. *Cab.8o.2i5.2 Hase, C. W., editor. Die mittelalterlichen Baudenkmaler Niedersachsens. Han- nover. 1861-83. 3 V. in 2. Illus. 159 plates. *8ioo.ioi Haupt, A. Die alteste Kunst insbesondere die Baukunst der Germanen von der Volkerwanderung bis zu Karl dem Gros- sen. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4105.105 tlberblick der wichtigen Quellen, pp. 278-281. Headlam, C. The story of Chartres. Illus- trated by Herbert Railton. London. 1902. Illus. Map. [Mediaeval towns.] 46393.40 The story of Nuremberg. London. 1899. Illus. [Mediaeval towns.] 4869.38 70 PERIODS AND STYLES Hearne, T. Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in views of monasteries, castles, and churches, now existing. London. 1807. 2 v. 83 plates. **K.403.2 Heider, G. Mittelalterliche Kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Herausgegeben von G. Heider, Rud. v. Eitelberger und J. Hieser. Stuttgart. 1858, 60. 2 V. in I. Illus. 72 plates. ♦80903.124 Helbig, J. La sculpture et les arts plas- tiques au pays de Liege et sur les bords de la Meuse. 2e edition. Bruges. 1890. Illus. Plates. *8o7o.i52 Deals especially with mediaeval sculpture. Henszlmann, L Die Grabungen des Erz- bischofs von Kalocsa Dr. L. Haynald. Leipzig. 1873. Illus. Plates. Plans. *2830.59 Hessling, E., editor. Alt-Paris. Historische Bauten in Gesamtansichten und in ihren Einzelheiten. Photographische Auf- nahmen nach der Natur mit illustrier- tem Text. Band i, 2. Berlin. [1904?-] 07. 2 V. Illus. [Architektur und Skulp- turschatze aus vergangener Zeit. Serie I.] *Cab.26.54.3 Contents. — i. Romanische-gotische Periode. 2. Baudenkmalcr der Frtihrenaissance sowie Stu- dien rber das Ch?teau de Gaillon und die Maison Frangois I. de Moret. Hildebrandt, H. Die Architektur bei Al- brecht Altdorfer. Strassburg. 1908. 17 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.467 Literatur-Verzeichnis, pp. 108-111. Hill, A. G. The architectural history of the Christian church. London. [1908.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [The arts of the church.] 41093.33 Hirth, G. Das deutsche Zimmer der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock-Rococo- und Zopfstils. 3. Auflage. Miinchen. 1886. Plates. *4ioi.6i Hittorff, J. I., and C. L. W. von Zanth, Ar- chitecture moderne de la Sicile. Paris. 1835. 76 plates. *Cab.6o.2i.i Hoare, Sir R. C., Baronet. Progress of archi- tecture from a period nearly coeval with the Conqueror, to the sixteenth cen- tury. Illus. {In Giraldus Cambrensis. The itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales. Vol. 2, pp. 411-432. London. 1896.) **G.3759.5 Hodges, C. C. The sepulchral slabs, grave covers of the Middle Ages, now in the County of Durham. Part i, 2. [Lon- don?] 1884. Plates. *453oa.io7 Hodges, G. Fountains Abbey. The story of a mediaeval monastery. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. 2468.93 Holtzinger, H. Die altchristliche Architek- tur in systematischer Darstellung. Stuttgart. 1889. Illus. 8093.63 Altchristliche Basiliken in Rom und Ra- venna. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.151 Huebsch, H. Die altchristlichen Kirchen nach den Baudenkmalen und alteren Huebsch, H. (Continued.) Beschreibungen. Carlsruhe. 1862. 63 Plates. *Cab.6o.75.2 Monurnents de rarchitecture chretienne, depuis Constantin jusqu'a Charlemagne. Paris. 1866. 63 plates. *Cab.6o.74.i Hunnewell, J. F. The historical monuments of France. Boston. 1884. Plates. 8093.1 ;**K.i57.3 Inkersley, T. An inquiry into the chrono- logical succession of the styles of Ro- manesque and Pointed architecture in France. [Anon.] London. 1850. 4097.184 On church architecture. Jackson, F.^ H. The shores of the Adriatic: the Austrian side. New York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4095.169 Same. The Italian side. New York. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4095.168 Jackson, T. Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria, with Cettigne in Montenegro, and the islands of Grado. Oxford. 1887. 2 V. Illus. Plates. 3081.21 Johnson, J. Reliques of ancient English architecture. [London. 1857.] 81 plates. *4ioo.7o Johnson, R. J. Specimens of early French architecture, selected chiefly from the churches of the lie de France. New- castle-upon-Tyne. 1864. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.4 Kaufmann, C. M. Ein altchristliches Pom- peji in der libyschen Wiiste. Die Ne- kropolis der "grossen Oase." Mainz. 1902. Plates. Plan. Map. 4739a.27 Die sepulcralen Jenseitsdenkmaler der Antike und des Urchristentums. Mainz. 1900. Illus. [Forschungen zur monu- mentalen Theologie und vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft.] *4090.i25 "Litteraturverzeichniss," pp. xi-xix. Kemmerich, M. P. A. Die fruhmittelalter- liche Portratplastik in Deutschland bis zum Ende des xiii. Jahrhunderts. Leip- zig. 1909. Plates. 8084.108 Kinkel, J. G. Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste bei den christlichen Volkern. Bonn. 1845. Plates. 4095.5 Kleinpaul, R. A. R. Das Mittelalter. Leip- zig. [1893-95-] 2v.ini. Illus. Plates. *226l.6l Knight, H. G. An architectural tour in Nor- mandy. London. 1836. Plates. 4105.21 Same. 2d edition. 1841. 4105.18 Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy frorn the time of Constantine to the 15th cen- tury. London. 1842, 43. 2 v. Plates. **G.2o.3 Kraus, F. X. Geschichte der christlichen Kunst. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1896, 1908. 3 V. Plates. Plans. *407i.i44 Contents. — i. Die hellenistisch-romische Kunst der alten Christen. — Die byzantinische Kunst. — Anfange der Kunst bei den Volkern des Nordens. 2. Mitttlaitcr. 3. Italicnische Renaissance. Kunstdenkmaler, Die, des Grossherzog- thums Baden. B. 1-5; 6 (Abt. i); 7; 8 (Abt. I, 2); 9 (Abt. i). Freiburg i. B. [etc.]. 1887-1913. Text, 9 V. in 12. Illus^ MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 71 Kunstdenkmaler, Die. (Continued.) Plates. Plans; Atlas, i v. *8o92.ii9 Contents. — I. Konstanz. 2. Villingen. 3. Walds- hut, 4. Mosbach. 5. Lorrach. 6. Freiburg. 7. Offenburg. 8. Heidelberg. 9. Karlsrube. The Atlas, which is a supplement to vol. 3, con- tains Der Kirchenschatz von Sanct Blasien, jetzt zu S. Paul in Kamten., F. X. Kraus was editor- in-chief until his death in 190 1. In progress. Kunstdenkmale, Die, des Konigsreiches Bayern vom elften bis zum Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Beschrieben und aufgenommen im Auftrage des Kgl. Staatsministeriums des Innern ftir Kirchen- und Schulangeljegenheiten. Band i; 2 (Heft 1-19, 21); 3 (1-6); 4 (i). Miinchen. 1895-1912. Text, 4 v. in 29; Atlas, I V. and unbound parts. 274 plates. *8o9o.i45 Contents. — Die Kunstdenkmale des Re^erungs- bezirkes Oberbayern, bearbeitet von G. von Bezold und Berthold Riehl. 2. Oberfals & Re- gensburg. 3. Unterfranken & Aschaffenburg. 4. Niederbayern. Labande, H. L. fitude historique et arche- ologique sur Saint-Trophime d'Arles du ive au xiiie siecle. Caen. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4107.45 Laborde, A. L, J., Comte de. Monumens de, la France. Paris. 1816-36. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.26.io.2 Lacroix, L.^ P. B. P. Les arts au moyen age et a Tepoque de la renaissance. Paris. 1869. Illus. *8o8oa.2 Les arts et metiers au moyen age. Paris. 1889. Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque his- torique illustree. L'ancienne France.] 2624.127 The arts in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance. London. 1870. Plates. **K.23o.io Le moyen age et la renaissance; histoire et description. Direction artistique de F. Sere. Tome 5. [Beaux-arts.] Paris. 1851. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o6t.i5.5 Lampakis, G. Memoire sur les antiquites chretiennes de la Grece presente au Congres international d'histoire com- paree, Paris, 1900. Athenes. 1902. Plates. Plans. 296oa.79 Lamperez y Romea, V. Historia de la arqui- tectura cristiana espanola en la edad media segun el estudio de los elementos y los monumentos. Madrid. 1908, 09. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409oa.i37 Larned, W. C. Churches and castles of mediaeval France. New York. 1895. Plates. 4104.57 Leclercq, H. Manuel d'archeologie chre- tienne depuis les origines jusqu'au vine siecle. Paris. 1907. 2 v. Plates. 4074.392 Chronologic [des livres] et sources litteraires, vol. I, pp. 34-59, 66-78. Le Conte, R. £tudes historiques et archeo- logiques sur les abbayes de Benedictins en general, et sur celle de Hambye en particulier. Bernay. 1890. 6 plates. 2634.53 Lefevre-Pontalis, E. A. L'architecture re- ligieuse dans Tancien diocese de Sois- sons au xie et au xiie siecle. Paris. 1894, 96. 2v. 65 plates. *8ioo.io4 Lehmgruebner, P. Mittelalterliche Rathaus bauten, in Deutschland. Berlin. 1905 Illus 34 plates. [Konigliche technische Hochschule zu Berlin.] *Cab.6o.i52.7 Literatur und Quellen, p. (4). Leibnitz, H. Die Organisation der Gewolbe im christlichen Kirchenbau. Leipzig. 1855. Illus. 8095.23 Lenoir, A. A. Architecture monastique Pans. 1852-56. 3 parts in i v. Illus. c^ .' .• *265o.i6 btatistique monumentale de Paris. Paris. 1867. Text, I v., -Atlas, 2 v. *Cab.26.ii.i Lenoir, M. A. Monumens des arts liberaux, mecaniques et industriels de la France, depuis les Gaulois jusqu'au regne de Frangois ler, Paris. 1840. 45 plates. T 1- ,- T,r ^ *Cab.6o.46.2 l^ethaby, W. R. Mediaeval art from the peace of the Church to the eve of the Renaissance. 312-1350.' London. 1904 Plates. Plans. 4108.88 Westmmster Abbey & the Kings' crafts- men: a study of mediaeval building. New York. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4097.176 Lind, K. Mittelalterliche Baudenkmale Wiens aus der Zeit vor den Habsburgen. Plates. Plans. (In Alterthumsverein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band i, pp. 488-523. Wien. 1897.) Some of the plates are colored. *4830.26.I Lindsay, A. W. C, Earl of Crawford and Bal- carres. Sketches of the history of Chris- tian art. London. 1847. 3 v. 8077.29 Same. 2d edition. 1885. 2 v. 8085.59 The first edition is reproduced without altera- tions. Lowrie, W. Monuments of the early church. NewT York. 1901. Illus. Plans. [Hand- books of archaeology and antiquities.] e ^ 4079.125 oame. 1900. 4079.213 Luebke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the Middle Ages. London. 1870. Plates. *8o6i.6 Same. 2d edition. Edinburgh. 1873. **K.i65.5;**K.29o.io Ein Mausoleum des Mittelalters. Illus. (In Kunstwerke und Kiinstler. Pp. 267-302. Breslau. [1886.]) 8062.73 On the church at Brou, France. Die mittelalterliche Kunst in Westfalen. Leipzig, 1853- Text, i v.; Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.28.is.i Luetzow, F. H. V., Graf von. The story of Prague. Illustrated by Nelly Erichsen. London. 1902. Plates. Plan. [Mediae- val tovvrns.] 4869.41 Lundy, J. P. Monumental Christianity, or the art and symbolism of the primitive church. Nev^r Ycrk. 1876. Illus. 4074.60 Same. London. 1889. 4104.50 Lynch, Hannah. Toledo; the story of an old Spanish capital. London. 1898. Illus. Map. 3099a.i9o 72 PERIODS AND STYLES Macarius, J. Hagioglypta, sive picturae et sculpturae sacrae antiquiores praesertim quae Romae reperiuntur explicatae a Joanne I'Heureux (Macario). [Edidit Raphael Garrucci, s. j.] Toulouse. 1856. Illus. 4075-151 Macgibbon, D. The architecture of Prov- ence and the Riviera. Edinburgh. 1888. Illus. Plates. 4103.51 Macgibbon, D., and T. Ross. The castel- lated and domestic architecture of Scot- land. 1887-92. 5 V. Illus. Plates. 4102.52 The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest Christian times to the xviith century. Edinburgh. 1896. 2 v. Plates. 4102.73 Maestri, V. Di alcune costruzioni medioe- vali dell* Appennino modenese. i-io. Plates. Plans. {In Regia accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Modena. Se- zione di arte. Memorie. Serie 2, vol. 10, pp. 67-83; II, pp. 3-21, 39-55; 12, pp. 3-54; serie 3, vol. i, pp. 3-75; 2, pp. 3-^7; 3, pp. 3-61. Modena. 1894-1901.) *525i.5o.ser.2.io-i2; ser. 3.1-3 Magna, L. Le Palais de Justice de Poitiers, fitude sur I'art frangais au xive et au xye siecles. Paris. 1904. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii4.7 Male, E. L'art religieux de la fin du moyen age en France. Paris. 1908. Plates. 4071.177 L'art religieux du xiiie siecle en France. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1902. Plates. Index bibliographique, pp. 451-454. 4073.227 Mandelgren, N. M. Monuments scandinaves du moyen age. Avec les peintures et autres ornements qui les decorent. Paris. 1862. 40 plates. *Cab.28.i5.4 Marchi, G. Monumenti delle arti cristiani primitive nella metropoli del cristiane- simo. Roma. 1844. Plates. 4940-7 Contains an account of the catacombs. Marriott, W. B. The testimony of the cata- combs and of other monuments of Christian art, from the second to the eighteenth century. London. 1870. Plates. 7453-27 Martin, C. W. Mediaeval houses and castles in England. {In Academic d*archeolo- gie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. 19, pp. 1 13-125. Anvers. 1862.) *3389.5.i9 Martini, G. Les grands edifices de Pise: Dome, Baptistere, Campo-Santo, Tour penchee. Notes par G. Lejeal. Paris. 1878. Plates. *Cab.27.i7.2 Marucchi, O. Le catacombe romane secondo gli ultimi studi e le piii recenti scoperte. Roma. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2754.79 fi 1 e m e n t s d'archeologie chretienne. [Tome] 3: Basiliques et eglises de Rome. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4105.77.3 Bibliography. Catalogue alphabdtique de toutes les eglises de Rome. The book treats of monu- ments anterior to the sixteenth century. Masso, A. Album de Poblet. Barcelona, [1895.1 19 plates. 4109.14 Photographs of the monastery. Maxe-Werly, L. £tude sur les carrelages au moyen-age. Paris. 1894. Illus. No. I in 801Q.207 Extrait des Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, tome 53 [*S275.i.53l. Mediaeval architectural refinements. [Lon- don. 1904.] Illus. 4091.148 Cut from The Architect & Contract Reporter, Feb., 1904 [*4ioi.2oi.7i]. On vertical curves in church architecture. A discussion of Mr. Good- year's lecture on The asymmetry of French cathe- drals. The lecture referred to is on shelf-number 4093.147. Menard, R. Histoire des beaux arts. Moyen age. Paris. [1870. Bibliotheque de I'echo de la Sorbonne.] 4079.61 Merimee, P. fitudes sur les arts au moyen age. Paris. 1875. 4079.12 Messmer, J. A. Ueber den Ursprung, die Entwickelung und Bedeutung der Ba- silika in der christlichen Baukunst. Leipzig. 1854. 8105.19 Meyer, A. G. Lombardische Denkmaler des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Giovanni di Balduccio da Pisa und die Campionesen. Stuttgart. 1893. Illus. Plates. *8o7i.i37 Michiels, J. A. X. L'architecture et la pein- ture en Europe, depuis le ive siecle jusqu'a la fin du xvie, 36 edition. Paris. 1873. 4096.61 Michiels, J. A. X., and J. B. A. Lassus. Architecture religieuse et civile. Plates. Plans. {In Le moyen-age et la renais- sance. Tome 5, fol. i-xviii. Paris. 1851.) Bibliographic, ff. xvii, xviii. *8o6l.l5.5 Monasticon Gallicanum. Collection de 168 planches de vues topographiques repre- sentant les monasteres de I'ordre de Saint-Benoit, congregation de Saint- Maur. Paris. 1882. Text, i v.; Atlas, 2 v. 46303.56 From an unpublished work by Michel Germain. Moore, C. H. The mediaeval church archi- tecture of England. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.79 Mortet, F. J. V., editor. Recueil de textes relatifs a I'histoire de l'architecture et a la condition des architectes en France, au moyen age, xie-xije siecles. Public avec une introduction, des notes, un glossaire et un repertoire archeologique. Paris. 1911. [Collection de textes pour servir a I'etude et a I'enseignement dc rhistoire.] 4097.60 Moscioni, R. Apulia monumentale. [Views of mediaeval architecture in Bari and the adjoining provinces.] 4 v. 236 photo- graphs. *Cab.6o.i30.i Mothes, O. Die Basilikenform bei den Christen der erstcn Jahrhunderte: ihre Vorbilder und ihre Entwickelung. Leip- zig. 1865. 8105.17 Die Baukunst des Mittelalters in Italien. Jena. 1884. 2 v. Plates. 8093.2 Muentz, L. F. E. Les antiquit^s de la villc de Rome aux xiye, xye, et xvi* siecles. Paris. 1886. Plates. 2753.6 Les monuments antiques de Rome au xve siecle. [Paris. 1876?] 4737.i8 Reprinted from Revue archeologique, 2c s6rie, tome 32 [*22i7.si, serie 2, tome 32]. MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 73 Muentz, L. F. E. (Continued.) Les precurseurs de la renaissance. Paris. 1882. Plates. *8o84.68 Mummenhoff, E. Altniirnberg. Schilderun- gen aus der alteren reichsstadtischen Zeit bis zum Jahre 1350. Bamberg. 1890. Illus. [Bayerische Bibliothek.] 4868.60 Mylne, R. W. A brief account of the ancient basilicae with a description of the Church of San Clemente, at Rome. 4 plates. (In Weale, J., editor. Quarterly papers on architecture. Vol. 4. London. 1845.) No. ID in *409i.6.4 Myskovsky, V. Kunstdenkmale des Mittel- alters und der Renaissance in Ungarn. Wien. 1885. 100 plates. *8o8o.59 Nash, J. Architecture of the Middle Ages. London. 1838. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.49.5 Nesfield,^ W. E. Specimens of mediaeval architecture, chiefly selected from ex- amples of the I2th and 13th centuries in France & Italy. London. 1862. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i29.i Neumann, W. Kleinkiinste wahrend des Mittelalters. Illus. Plates. (In Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band 3, part 2, pp. 557- 609. Wien. 1907.) *483o.26.3.part 2 Das mittelalterliche Riga. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der nordischen Bau- kunst. Berlin. 1892. 27 plates. *286o.42 Neuwirth, J. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. Band 2.] 4092.127.2 Mostly examples of church architecture. Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church- building in the Middle Ages: Venice, Siena, Florence. New York. 1880. ^, rr. ^, 4096.55; **K.i57-i7 Okey, T. The story of Venice. Illustrated by Nelly Erichsen. London. 1905. Illus. Portrait. Maps. [Medieval towns.] 2769a.9o Opderbecke, A. Die Bauformen des Mittel- alters in Sandstein. 2. Auflage. Wei- mar. 1885. 36 plates. *Cab.6o.27.3 Osten, F. Die Bauwerke in der Lombardei vom 7. bis 14. Jahrhundert. Darmstadt. [1846-54.] 48 plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.96.i Otte, H. Abriss einer kirchlichen Kunst- Archaologie des Mittelalters, mit aus- schliesslicher Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Lande. 2. umgearbeitete und erweiterte Ausgabe. Nordhausen. 1845. Plates. Plan. 4095.121 Archaologischer Katechismus. Kurzer Unterricht in der kirchlichen Kunst- Archaologie des deutschen Mittelalters. 3. Auflage. neu bearbeitet von Dr. H. Bergner. Leipzig. 1898. Illus. 4103.74 Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunst-Archao- logie des deutschen Mittelalters. 5. ^ Auflage. Leipzig. 1883, 85. 2 v. Plates. 4104.61 Palmer, W. An introduction to early Chris- tian symbolism. Edited by J. S. North- cote and W. R. Brownlow. London. 1885. Colored plates, *8o7o.i82 Parker, J. H., editor. Photographs of early Christian art. London. [1879.] *407i.72 The examples are of mosaics, catacomb pictures, etc., in Rome. Parkyns, G. J. Monastic and baronial re- mams m England, Wales and Scotland. London. 1816. 2 v. Plates. ^ ., **K.2oi.5;**G. 374^.5 Partndge, W. O. Sculpture: medieval, renaissance and decadence. Illus. (In Progress. Vol. 6, no. 4. Chicago. [1901-]) *4072.209.6 Bibliography, p. ii. Pavlinof, A. M., and others. XpHCTiancKie naMHTHHKH. [Christian monuments.] MocKBa. 1893- Illus. Plates. Plans. [Uvarof. Maiepiajibi no apxeojioriH KaBKaaa. 3.] *3o6o.io6.3 Perate, A. L'archeologie chretienne. Paris. [1892.] Illus. [Bibliotheque de I'en- seignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.42 Bibliographic, p. (8). Perrens, F. T. La civilisation florentine du xiiie au xvie siecle. Paris. [1893.] Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque d'histoire illus- tree.] 2735.77 Perry, J. T. The chronolgy of mediaeval and renaissance architecture. London. 1893. Illus. *8o93.io7 Perry, J. T., and C. Henman, Jr. Illustra- tions of mediaeval antiquities in the County of Durham. Oxford. 1867. 51 plates. *Cab.6o.76.i Peyre, J. F. A. Manuel d'architecture re- ligieuse au moyen age. Paris. 1848. Plates. 8099.9 Pillion, L. Les portails lateraux de la Ca- thedrale de Rouen. Bas-reliefs de la fin du xiiie siecle. Paris. 1907. Plates. Index bibJiographique, pp. 246-248. 8086.IIO Pinder, G. M. W. Deutsche Dome des Mittelalters. Dusseldorf. [1912.] Illus. 96 plates. Plans. [Die blauen Biicher.] 4101.112 Pokryshkin, P. P. npaBocjiaBHaa uepKOBHaa apxHTCKiypa xii-xviii ctoji. e-b HbiHtiu- HCM-b Cep6cK0M'b KopojiCBCTB-fe. [Ortho- dox ecclesiastical architecture of the I2th-i8th century in the modern King- dom of Servia.] C.-nexepdypr-b. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4105.74 Polaczek, E. Der Ubergangsstil im Elsass. Ein Beitrag zur Baugeschichte des Mit- telalters. Strassburg. 1894. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4047.168 Poole, S. L. The story of Cairo. London. 1902. Plates. Map. [Mediaeval towns.] _ 30593.113 Porter, A. K. The construction of Lombard and Gothic vaults. New Haven. 1911. Illus. Plates. 4103.107 Medieval architecture: its origins and de- velopment. With lists of monuments and bibliographies. New York. 1909. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4093.46 Contents. — i. The origins. 2. Normandy and the He de France. 74 PERIODS AND STYLES Potter, J. Specimens of antient English architecture: Ecclesiastical. London. 1848. 42 plates. *4ioo.68 Pullan, R. P. Elementary lectures on Chris- tian architecture. London. 1879. Plates. 409965 Puttrich, L. Denkmale der Baukunst des Mittelalters in Sachsen. Leipzig. 1836- 50. 4 V. Plates. *8o86.49 Quicherat, J. £. J. Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire. Archeologie du moyen age. Paris. 1886. Illus. Plates. 4103.50 Rahn, J. R. Uber den Ursprung und die Entwicklung des christlichen Central- und Kuppelbaus. Leipzig. 1866. Illus. 4105.57 Ramee, D. Le moyen-age monumental et archeologique. Paris. 1843. 4 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.ii4.6 Consists of 444 plates with an introduction. Rauda, F. Die mittelalterliche Baukunst Bautzens. Gorlitz. 1905. Plates. Plans. Bibliography, pp. vi-viii. 4093*177 Reber, F. von. History of mediaeval art. Translated by J. T. Clarke. New York. 1887. Illus. 4084.16; *L.54.i2 Redtenbacher, R. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Architektur des Mittelalters in Deutschland. Frankfurt am. M. [1872- 78.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.49.3 Ree, P. J. Niirnberg. Entwickelung seiner Kunst bis zum Ausgange des 18. Jahr- hunderts. Durchgesehener Neudruck. Leipzig. 1900. Illus. Plates. [Be- riihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.247 Nuremberg and its art to the end of the i8th century. Translated by G. H. Palmer. London. 1905. Illus. Por- traits. [Famous art cities.] 4074.312 Rey, A. E. G. £tude sur les monuments de I'architecture militaire des croises en Syrie et dans Tile de Chypre. Paris. 1871. Illus. *6640.52 Ricci, A., Marchese. Storia dell' architettura in Italia dal secolo iv al xviii. Modena. 1857-59. 3 V. 4106.15 Richter, F. F. HaMHHHKH ApesHfiro PyccKaro 30A^ecTBa. [Monuments of ancient Rus- sian architecture.] MocKBa. 1850- 53 plates. *Cab.6o.io5.5 Richter, J. P. Der Ursprung der abend- landischen Kirchengebaude. Wien. 1878. Illus. 8105.18 Riehl, B. Denkmale friih-mittelalterlicher Baukunst in Bayern, bayerisch Schwa- ben, Franken und der Pfalz. Miinchen. 1888. 6 plates. 4105.61 Riolo, G. La porta arabo-normanna esis- tente nell' ex monastero della Marto- rana in Palermo. Disegnata ed incisa da Andrea Terzi. Palermo. 1871. 39 plates. 4091.108 Robida, A. La vieille France. Paris. 1890- 93. 4 V. Illus. Plates. Namely: Normandie. *666o.58 Bretagne. *666o.59 La Touraine. *666o.6o Provence. *666o.6i Rohault de Fleury, G. L'fivangile; etudes iconographiqucs et archeologiques. Rohault de Fleury. (Continued.) Tours. 1874. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plan. On early Christian art. *4070.I4I Les monuments de Pise au moyen age. Paris. 1866. Text, i v. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 66 plates. *8o8o.32 La Toscane au moyen age. Paris. 1870, 7Z' 2 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii2.2 This is a different work from the octavo edition on shelf-number 4093.56, which has fuller text but no plates. Same. 1874. 2 v. Illus. 4093.56 Roosval, J. Die Kirchen Gotlands. Ein Beitrag zur mittelalterlichen Kunstge- schichte Schwedens. Leipzig. [191 i-l Illus. Plates. Plans. 4102.108 Rossini, L. I monument! piti interessanti di Roma dal xo secolo sino al xviiio. Roma. [1818.] Plates. *Cab.49.i4.i Scenografia degl' interni delle piu belle chiese e basiliche antiche di Roma. Roma. 1843. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.4o.3 Rostan, L. Etude d'archeologie comparee. Trois abbayes de Tordre de Citeaux. {In Bulletin monumental. Vol. 18, pp. 107-138. Paris. 1852.) *4i09.50.i8 Rott, H., and others. Kleinasiatische Denk- maler aus Pisidien, Pamphylien, Kappa- dokien und Lykien. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. Map. [Studien iiber christliche Denkmaler.] 4074.405 Runge, L. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Backstein-Architectur Italiens. Neue Folge. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. 1852. Plates. *8ioo.20 Salazaro, D. Studi sui monumenti della Italia meridionale dal iv al xiii secolo. Parte la, 2a. [Con] Appendice: L'arte romana al medio evo. Napoli. 1871- 81. 3 V. 64 plates. *Cab.27.i2.i Schaefer, C. Die Holzarchitektur Deutsch- lands, vom xiv. bis xvii. Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben vom Verbande deut- scher Architekten- und Ingenieur-Vc- reine, unter Leitung von C Schafer. Berliii. 1886, 89. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.i24.4 Some of the plates are colored. Mauern und Thore des alten Niirnberg. Berlin. [1902.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.167 Literaturnachweise, p. 17. Die mustergiltigen Kirchenbauten des Mittelalters in Deutschland. Lief, i, 2. Berlin. 1892. Plates. [Romanische und gothische Baukunst.] *Cab.6o.76.4 Schaefer, C, editor. Bauornaniente der 10- manischen und gothischen Zeit. Berlin. [1889-] 1903. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i50.3 Schiemann, T. Russland, Polen und Liv- land, bis ins 17. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1886, 87. 2 V. Illus. 3o6oa.29 Schlosser, J., Ritter von. Die abendlandi- sche Klosteranlage des friiheren Mittel- alters. Wien. 1889. 4 plans. 3516.79 Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte aus den Schriftquellen des friihen Mittelalters. Wien. 1891. [Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- schaften.] No. 2 in *3340.3.i23 MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 75 Schlosser, J., Ritter von, editor. Schrlftquel- len zur Geschichte der karolingischen Kunst. Wien. 1892. [Quellenschriften des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit.] *8o66.5i.N.F.4 Schmid, A. Christliche Symbole aus alter und neuer Zeit. 2. Auflage. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1909. Illus. Plate. 3489.163 Schmidt, C. W. Baudenkmale der roemi- schen Periode und des Mittelalters in Trier und seiner Umgebung. Trier. 1836-45. Text, 5 parts in 2 v.; Atlas, 2 V. 44 plates. *Cab.6o.io2.2 Schmidt, H. Klassiker der Baukunst. Bau- kunst des Mittelalters. Leipzig. [1885.] Plates. [Klassiker-Bibliothek der bil- denden Kiinste. Baukunst.] No. 2 in 8066.106 Schotte, E, Bilder aus Niirnbergs Mauern. SO Photogravuren nach Original-Zeich- nungen. Mit erlauterndem Vorwort von Hans Bosch. Niirnberg. [1894.] 50 plates. *48eoa.24 Schubring, P. Die Plastik Sienas im Quat- trocento. Berlin. 1907. Illus. Por- traits. 8086.112 Schultz, A. Deutsches Leben im xiv. und XV. Jahrhundert. Wien. 1892. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *482oa.5i Die Wohnung. Miinchen, 1903. Illus. [Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte.] No. i in 2215.11 This forms the first part of his Das hausliche Leben der europaischen Kulturvolker vom Mittelalter bis zur zweiten Halfte des xviii. Jahrhunderts, and relates principally to Ger- many and France. Schultze, M. V. Archaologische Studien iiber altchristliche Monumente. Wien. 1880. Illus. 4074.84 Die Katakomben von San Gennaro dei Poveri in Neapel. Jena. 1877. 10 plates. 8105.16 Schuiz, F. T. Alt-Nurnbergs Profanarchi- tektur. Ein Bild ihres geschichtlichen Werdeganges. Wien. [1906.] Illus. 113 plates. *Cab.6o.i35.9 Schuiz, H. W. Denkmaeler der Kunst des Mittelalters in Unteritalien. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von F. von Quast. Dresden, i860. Text, 1 v. in 3. Illus.; Atlas, 100 plates. *Cab.6o.73.i Schweitzer, H. Die mittelalterlichen Grab- denkmaler mit figiirlichen Darstellun- gen in den Neckargegenden von Heidel- berg als Heilbronn. Strassburg. 1899. Illus. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] *4074.i78 Scott, G.^ G. An essay on the history of English church architecture prior to the separation of England from the Roman obedience. London. 1881. Plates. 8ogoa.27 Lectures on the rise and development of mediaeval architecture. London. 1878. 2 V. Illus. 4096.54 Seesselberg, F. Die friih-mittelalterliche Kunst der germanischen Volker. Unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der skan- Seesselberg, F. (Continued.) dinavischen Baukunst. Berlin. 1897. Text, I V. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 26 plates. [Konigliche technische Hochschule zu Berlin.] *Cab.8o.ioo.3 Seroux d'Agincourt, J. B. L. G. Histoire de I'art par les monumcns, depuis sa deca- dence au ive siecle jusqu'a son renou- vellement au xvie. Paris. 1823. 6 v. 325 plates. *Cab.8o.i30.3 History of art by its monuments, from its decline in the fourth century to its res- toration in the sixteenth. London. 1847. 3 V. in I. 328 plates. *Cab.8o.38.2 Sharpe, E. Architectural parallels; or, the progress of ecclesiastical architecture in England, through the 12th and 13th centuries. London. 1848. 121 plates. *Cab.6o.37.4 Illustrated papers on church architecture. London. 1874, 76. 3 nos. in i v. Plates. *4ioo.64 Contents. — 1,2. The architecture of the Cister- cians. 3. The ornamentation of the transitional period in central Germany. Sharpe, E., and others. The churches of the Nene valley, Northamptonshire. By Edmund Sharpe, and J. Johnson and A. H. Kersey. London. 1880. 112 plates. *4ioo.27 Soldi, fi. Les arts meconnus. Les nouveaux musees du Trocadero. Paris. 1881. Illus. *4073.7o The chapters upon mediaeval and oriental art con- tain much architectural matter. Springer, A. H. Die Baukunst des christ- lichen Mittelalters. Bonn. 1854. Plates. 4096.5 Die mittelalterliche Kunst in Palermo. Bonn. 1869. 2 plates. 8090.18 Stegmann, H. Das germanische National- Museum zu Niirnberg in seinen Raumen und Gebaulichkeiten, nach 50 Original- aufnahmen von Rudolf Albrecht. Mit Text. Niirnberg. [1896.] 50 plates. *Cab.40.49.4 Steinbrecht, C. Thorn im Mittelalter. Ber- lin. 1885. Plates. [Die Baukunst des deutschen Ritterordens in Preussen.] *8o8oa.i7 Stiehl, O. Das deutsche Rathaus im Mit- telalter in seiner Entwickelung geschil- dert. Leipzig. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4093.181 Stockbauer, J. Der christliche Kirchenbau in den ersten sechs Jahrhunderten. Regensburg. 1874. 5 plates. 8105.14 Stokes, M. Early Christian architecture in Ireland. London. 1878. Plates. Map. ♦4092.51 Early Christian art in Ireland. [London.] 1887. Illus. [South Ke.nsington Mu- seum Art handbooks.] 8085.61 Same. 1894. 2 parts in i v. 8085.80 Storer, J. S. Antient reliques: or delinea- tions of monastic, castellated and do- mestic architecture. London. 1812, 13. 2 V. Plates. **K.68.5 Strack, H. Ziegelbauwerke des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1889. 50 plates. ♦Cab.60.39.3 76 PERIODS AND STYLES Street, G. E. Architecture in the thirteenth century. {In Afternoon lectures on lit- erature and art. 4th series, pp. 1-45. London. 1867.) 4559.10.4 Brick and marble in the Middle Ages. Notes of a tour in the north of Italy. London. 1855. Plates. 4095.4 Same. 2d edition. 1874. 4095.61 Stroganof, S. G., Count, editor. ApeBHOCXH PocciflCKaro rocyjiapcxBa. [Antiquities of the Russian empire.] Moscow. 1849- 53. Text, 6 V. in I ; Atlas, 6 v. in 7. 515 colored plates. *Cab.7o.i4.i Contains many exampes of Byzantine art and of ornamentation of the isth and i6th centuries. Strzygowski, J. Orient oder Rom. Bei- trage zur Geschichte der spatantiken und friihchristlichen Kunst. Leipzig. 1901. Plates. Plans. 4073.276 Suardi, B. Le rovine di Roma al principio del secolo xvi. Studi del Bramantino (B. Suardi). Da un manoscritto dell' Ambrosiana di 80 tavole fotocromolito- grafate. 2a edizione. Milano. 1880. *409i.37 Taylor, L J. S., Baron, and others. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans I'an- cienne France. Paris. 1820-77. 20 v. Plates. Plans. Namely: Champagne. 1857. 3 v. *L.4o.i Bretagne. 1845, 46. 2 v. *L.40.2 Dauphine. 1854. *L.40.3 Picardie. 1835-45. 3 v. *L.40.4 Languedoc. 1833-37. 4 v. *L.40.5 Auvergne. 1829, 33. 2 v. *L.40.6 Franche-Comte. 1825. *L.40.7 Normandie. 1820-27. 3 v. *L.40.8 Bourgogne. 1863. *L.40.9 Theophilus, Presbyter. An encyclopaedia of Christian [industrial] art of the eleventh century. Translated, with notes by R. Hendrie. London. 1847. Plates. 4075.131 The Latin text is given in full, with the English on the opposite page. This work, in German, is on shelf-number 8066.51.7, and in French, on shelf-number *749S.64.2. Tholin, E. G. Etudes sur I'architecture re- ligieuse de I'Agenais. Agen. 1874. Plates. 4097.3 Tolstoi, I. I., Count, and N. P. Kondakof. Antiquites de la Russie meridionale. (Edition frangaise des Rousskia drev- nosti.) Par N. Kondakof, J. Tolstoi et S. Reinach. Paris. 1891, 92. 3 v. in i. Illus. *3o6o.ii4 PyCCKifl ApeBHOCTH B-b naMHTHHKax-b HCKyc- CTBa. BbinycK'b 4. [Russian antiquities. Vol. 4.] C-nexepdypr-b. 1891. Illus. *3o6oa. 100.4 Toumier, C. Recueil d'archeologie lyon- naise. Lyon. 1891. 25 plates. *Cab.26.i3.2 Turner, D. Account of a tour in Normandy for the purpose of investigating [its] architectural antiquities. London. 1820. 2 V. Illus. *K.i65.i7;*K,20i.2 Twining, Louisa. Symbols and emblems of early and mediaeval Christian art. Lon- don. 1852. Plates. *407i.5i Four pages of bibliography at the end of the book. Vedute e monument! classici di Venezia e suoi contorni. Venezia. [1836?] 25 colored plates. *4738.i8 Verdier, A., and F. P. Cattois. Architecture civile et domestique au moyen-age et a la renaissance. Paris. 1855, 57. 2 v. Plates. *8o9i.io5 Villard de Honnecourt. Album de Villard de Honnecourt architecte du xiiie sie- cle. Paris. 1858. Plates. Plans. *409i.48 Facsimile of the sketch-book of Wilars de Honecort, an architect of the thir- teenth century. Translated, edited and augmented with many new articles and notes, and with the remarks of J. Qui- cherat, by R. Willis. London. 1859. Plates. *409i.54 Villeneuve-Bargemont, L. F., Vicomte de. Monumens des grands-maitres de I'ordre de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem. Paris. 1829. 2 V. Plates. 2232.5 Vitry, P., and G. Briere. Documents de sculpture frangais du moyen age. Paris. [1904.] 140 plates. *Cab.8o.i47.5 Voege, W. Die Anfange des monumen- talen Stiles im Mittelalter. Eine Unter- suchung iiber die erste Bliitezeit franzo- sischer Plastik. Strassburg. 1894. IHus. Plates. 8073.138 Vogiie, C. J. M., Marquis de. Les eglises de la Terre Sainte. Paris, i860. Plates. 3042.54 Wackemagel, M. Die Plastik des xi. und XII. Jahrhunderts in Apulien. Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Koniglich-preus- sisches historisches Institut, Rome. Kunstgeschichtliche Forschungen.] *807I.2I2 Waern, C. Mediaeval Sicily: aspects of life and art in the Middle Ages. New York. 1911. Plates. Plans. 4093.48 List of books recommended, pp. 345-348. Waring, J. B. Architectural, sculptural & picturesque studies in Burgos and its neighbourhood. London. 1852. 42 plates. *Cab.7o.i8.7 Illustrations of architecture and orna- ment. London. 1871. 70 plates. *8o8oa.28 Waring, J. B., and T. R. Macquoid. Exam- ples of architectural art in Italy and Spain. London. 1850. Plates. * Cab. 60. 1 13.2 Waterfield, L. D. G. The story of Assisi. London. 1900. Illus. Map. [Mediae- val towns.] 2769a.85 Watkins, C. F. The Basilica; or, palatial hall of justice and sacred temple.* Lon- don. 1867. Plates. Plans. 4106.19 Weingaertner, W. Ursprung und Entwick- lung des christlichen Kirchengebaudes. Leipzig. 1858. 8105.15 Wickes, C. Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of England; preceded by observations on the architecture of the Middle Ages and its spire growth [by E. A. Freeman]. London. 1853-59. 3 v. Plates. ♦Cab.60.39. 1 Wickhoff, F. Roman art. Some of its prin- ciples and their application to early MEDIAEVAL ARCHITECTURE 77 Wickhoff, F. (Continued.) Christian painting. Translated and edited by Mrs. S. Arthur Strong. Lon- don. 1900. Plates. *407i.i25 Wicl, Alethea. The story of Verona. Lon- don. 1902. Illus. Plans. [Mediaeval towns.] 2769.96 Wild, C. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany and France. 24 sketches etched by John Le Keux and other artists. London. 1843. *8o9oa.i03 Willemin, N. X., and A. A. Pettier. Monu- ments frangais inedits pour servir a rhistoire des arts depuis le vie siecle jusqu'au commencement du xviie. Paris. 1839. 2 V. Plates. *4630.5o Willis, R. Remarks on the architecture of the Middle Ages. Cambridge. 1835. 15 plates. 4092.14 Wills, F. Ancient ecclesiastical architecture. New York. 1850. Plates. *4i03.67 Wyatt, M. D., and J. B. Waring. Mediaeval court in the Crystal palace. London. 1854. Illus. 4089.34 Young, N. The story of Rome. London. 1901. Illus. Maps. [Mediaeval towns.] 27693.86 Zeller-Werdmueller, H. Mittelalterliche Burganlagen der Ostschweiz. Leipzig.. 1893. 4 plates. [Mittheilungen der an- tiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. ] No. 5 in *48i 1.60.23 Zestermann, A. C. A. De basilicis libri tres. Bruxelles. 1847. Plates. *4i02.5 Zimmermann, M. G. Giotto, und die Kunst Italiens im Mittelalter. Band i : Voraus- setzung und erste Entwickelung von Giotto's Kunst. Leipzig. 1899. Plates. Plans. 4084.60 Oberitalischc Plastik im fruhen und hohen Mittelalter. Leipzig. 1897. Illus. 8080.122 Byzantine. Aitchison, G. Byzantine architecture. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Royal Institute of British Architects. Transactions. Vol. 8, new series, pp. 221-264. London. 1892.) *4ogo.289.n.s.8 AUom, T. Constantinople and the scenery of the Seven churches of Asia Minor illustrated. With an historical account of Constantinople, and descriptions of the plates by R. Walsh. London. [1839?] 2 v. 96 plates. *304o.i6 Barozzi, S. Pianta e spaccato della celebre chiesa di S. Vitale di Ravenna. Bologna. 1782. Plctes. 4101.84 Barth, H. Konstantinopel. Leipzig. 1901. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ^ ten.] 4074-253 Bayet, C. M. A. L. L'art byzantin. Paris. [1883.] Plates. [Bibliotheque de I'en- seignement des beaux-arts. ] 8087.82 Same. Nouvelle edition. [188-?] 8087.13 Beltramelli, A. Ravenna la taciturna. Fi- renze. 1907. Illus. Plates. 47693.82 Bernard, J. H., editor. The churches of Con- stantine at Jerusalem. Translations Bernard, J. H., editor. (Continued.) from Eusebius and the early pilgrims. London. 1891. Plates. Plans. [Pales- tine Pilgrims' Text Society.] *5074.55.i5 Beylie, L. M. E. de. L'habitation byzantine. Grenoble. 1902, 03. Plates. Plans. ♦8091.125 Boito, C, editor. La Basilica di San Marco in Venezia, illustrata nella storia e nell' arte da scrittori veneziani. Venezia. 1888. Illus. Portrait. Plans. Facsimiles. *Cab.6o.62.i Same. The Basilica of S. Mark in Venice illustrated from the points of view of art and history by Venetian writers. Trans- lated by W. Scott. [Venice.] i888[-95]. 3 parts in i v. Illus. *8o73.ii2 Parts 2 and 3 were translated by F. H. Rosen- berg. Brockhaus, H. Die Kunst in den Athos- Klostern. Leipzig. 1891. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8061.108 Choisy, A. L'art de batir chez les Byzan- tins. Paris. 1883. 25 plates. *8o8oa.i3 Couchaud,^ A. Choix d'eglises byzantines en Grece. Paris. 1842. 37 plates. *4ioo.96 Coufopoulos, D. G. A guide to Constanti- nople. London. 1906. Colored plates. Plan. 3089.189 Dalton, O. M. Byzantine art and archaeol- ogy. Oxford. 191 1. Illus. Plates. 4075,292 Dartein, F. de. fitude sur I'architecture lom- barde et sur les origines de I'architec- ture romano-byzantine. Paris. 1865- 82. Text, I v.; Atlas, 100 plates. *Cab.6o.36.i Dehli, A. Selections of Byzantine orna- ment. New York. 1890. 2 v. in i. 100 plates. *4090.76 Diehl, M. C. L'Afrique byzantine. (533- 709.) Paris. 1896. Plates. 3053.204 L'art byzantine dans I'ltalie meridionale. Paris. [1894.] Illus. [Bibliotheque internationale de l'art.] 8072.141 En Mediterranee: promenades d'histoirc et d'art. Paris. 1901. 2279a.85 £tudes byzantines. Paris. 1905. Illus. Plates. 3084.167 Etudes d'archeologie byzantine. L'eglise et les mosaiques du convent de Saint- Luc en Phocide. Paris. 1889. Illus. Plan. [Bibliotheque des ecoles fran- gaises d'Athenes et de Rome.] *2953.6i.55 Justinien et la civilisation byzantine au vie siecle. Paris. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Monuments de l'art byzantin.] 3081.144 Liste des principaux ouvrages et articles con- suites, pp. 667-670. Manuel d'art byzantin. Paris. 1910. Illus. Plans. 4075.294 Ravenne. fitudes d'archeologie byzantine. Paris. 1886. Illus. 4072.48 Diez, E., and others. Ursprung und Sieg der altbyzantinischen Kunst. VVien. 1903. Plates. [Byzantinische Denk- maler.] 4073-272 Schriftenverzeichnis, pp. 1-19-122. 78 PERIODS AND STYLES Djelal Essad. Constantinople de Byzance a Stamboul. Traduit du turc par I'auteur. Preface de C. Diehl. Paris. 1909. Plates. [Les etudes d'art a I'etranger.] 4083.56 Bibliographic, pp. 279-284. Ebersolt, J. Le grand palais de Constanti- nople et le Livre des ceremonies, avec nn avant-propos de C. Diehl. Paris. 1910. Plan. 3084.214 Principaux ouvrages cites, pp. vii-ix. Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Die Ausgange der classischen Baukunst (christlicher Kirchenbau); Die Fortsetzung der classischen Baukunst im ostromischen Reiche (byzantinische Baukunst.) Darm- stadt. 1886. Illus. Plates. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.3 Forchheimer, P., and J. Strzygowski. Die byzantinischen Wasserbehalter von Konstantinopel. Wien. 1893. Illus. Plates. [Byzantinische Denkmaler.] *807I.I20.2 Fossati, G. Aya Sofia, Constantinople. London. 1852. 25 colored plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.i Gardner, A. Theodore of Studium: his life and times. London. 1905. Plates. 3557.154 The plates illustrate the Church of St. John of the Studium, Constantinople. Gayet, A. J. L'art byzantin d'apres les monuments de I'ltalie, de I'lstrie et de la Dalmatic, releves et dessines par C. Errard. Paris. [1901-07.] 3 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.8o.62.5 Many plates are colored. Contents. — i. Venise. La basilique de Saint Marc. 2. Parenzo. 3. Ravenne et Pompose. Saint-Vital et I'abbaye des Benedictins. George, W. S. The church of Saint Eirene at Constantinople. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Byzantine Research & Publication Fund.] *4ioo.i05 Goetz, W. Ravenna. Leipzig. 1901. Illus. Plates. [Beruhmte Kunststatten.] 4074.252 Grosvenor, E. A. Constantinople. Boston. 1895. 2 V. Illus. Plates. 3081. 118 Gurlitt, C. Die Baukunst Konstantinopels. Berlin. 1907. Plates. *Cab.6o.i3i.6 In progress. Hammer-Purgstall, J., Freiherr von. Con- stantinopolis und der Bosporos. Pesth. 1822. 2 V. Plates. *3o84.6 Heisenberg, A. Grabeskirche und Apostel- kirche. Zwei Basiliken Konstantins. Leipzig. 1908. 2v. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4102.101 Contents. — i. Die Grabeskirche in Jerusalem. 2. Die Apostelkirche in Konstantinopel. Holtzinger, H. Die Sophienkirche und ver- wandte Bauten der byzantinischen Ar- chitektur. Berlin. [1898.I Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.157 Litteraturnachweise, p. 14. Jackson, T. G. Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. Cambridge. 1913. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.148 Kanitz, P. F. Serbiens byzantinische Monu- mente. Wien. 1862. 11 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.70.l8.3 Kondakoff, N. P. Histoire de Tart byzantin. Paris. 1886, 91. 2 V. [Bibliotheque in- ternationale de l'art.] 4080.41 riaMJiTHHKH xpHCTiancKaro HCKyccxBa na AeoHt. [Monuments of art on Mount Athos,] C.-neiepdypr-b. 1902. Illus. Plates. 4101.45 Kurth, J. Die Mosaiken der christlichen Ara. Teil i: Die Wandmosaiken von Ravenna. Berlin. 1902. Plates. 4091.132 Labarte, J. Le palais imperial de Con- stantinople et ses abords: Sainte-Sophie, le Forum Augusteon et I'Hippodrome, tels qu'ils existaient au dixieme siecle. Paris. 1861. Plans. *8o9i.i02 Lampakis, G. Memoire sur les antiquites chretiennes de la Grece. Presente au Congres international d' histoire com- paree, Paris, 1900. Athenes. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2g6oa.7g Lethaby, W. R., and H. Swainson. The church of Sancta Sophia, Constantino- ple. A study of Byzantine building. London. 1894. Plates. Plans. 4102.68 Millet,^ G. Le Monastere de Daphni: his- toire, architecture, mosaiques. Paris. 1899. Plates. Plan. [Monuments de Tart byzantin.] *4090.i40 Bibliographic, pp. xiii-xv Millet, G., and others. Monuments byzan- tins de Mistra. Materiaux pour I'etude de I'architecture et de la peinture en Grece aus xiye et xye siecles. Paris. 1910. 152 plates. [Monuments de l'art byzantin.] *4090.i90 Millingen, A. Byzantine Constantinople. London. 1899. Plates. 3081.120 Millingen, A., and others. Byzantine churches in Constantinople: their history and architecture. By A. Van Millingen, assisted by R. Traquair, W. S. George, and A. E. Henderson. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4106.55 Books consulted in the preparation of this work, PP- 337-339- A sequel to Byzantine Constan- tinople . . . [3081.120]. Mordtmann, A. D. Die letzten Tage von Byzanz. Konstantinopel. 1893, [95]. Map. No. I in 4096.13 Cut from Mitteilungen des deutschen Exkursions- Klubs in Konstantinopel, 1893, Heft i, and Neue Folge, Heft 2. Mutioz, A. L'art byzantin a I'Exposition de Grottaferrata. Rome. 1906. Illus. Plates. *4072.i65 Naville, H. E. Ahnas el Medineh (Heracle- opolis Magna). [Added an] Appendix on Byzantine sculptures by T. Hayter Lewis. London. 1894. 18 plates. [Egypt Exploration Fund.] No. I in *305o.i52 Neumann, W. A. Der Dom von Parenzo. Wien. 1902. Text, i v.; Atlas, 52 pho- tographs. 2 plans. *Cab.6o.i5i.2 Ongania, F., publisher. La Basilica di San Marco in Venezia. Venezia. 1881-88. Text, 3 v.; Atlas, 9 v. *Cab.6o.6i.i-*Cab.6o.64.2 Paluka, B. Ruinen eines byzantinischen Baues aus dem x. Jahrhundert. Kon- BYZANTINE ARCHITECTURE 79 Paluka, B. (Continued.) stantinopel. [1895] Plate. Plans. No. 2 in 4096.13 Cut from Mitteilungen des deutschen Exkursions. Klubs in Konstantinopel, Neue Folge, Heft 2. Paspates, A. G. The great palace of Con- stantinople. Translated by W. Met- calfe. London. 1893. 3082.100 Procopins Caesariensis. Avexfioxa ou His- toire secrete de Justinien. Paris. 1856. 2994.32 The Greek original may be found on shelf-num- ber ^2969. 1.20. De Justinianis Caesaris aedificiis orationes sex, Arnoldo Vesaliensi interprete. (In Zosimus. Historiarum libri VI. Pp. 422-456. Aureliae Allobr., mdcv.) ** Adams 22.1 Of the buildings of Justinian. Translated by A. Stewart, and annotated by Sir C. W. Wilson and H. Lewis. London. 1886. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Palestine Pil- grims' Text Society.] *5074.55.3 Pulgher, D. Les anciennes eglises byz.in- tines de Constantinople. Vienne. 1878, 80. Text, 2 V. in i; Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.6o. 104.6 Quast, A. F. W. R. von. Die alt-christlichen Bauwerke von Ravenna vom fiinften bis zum neunten Jahrhundert historisch geordnet und durch Abbildungen er- lautert. Berlin. 1842. 10 plates, some colored. *Cab.6o.i5i.6 Quellen der byzantinischen Kunstge- schichte. Wien. 1878, 97. 2 v. [Quel- lenschriften fur Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance.] Namely: Ein Blick auf die byzantinische Ge- schichte [etc.]. — Baugeschichte von Constantinopel. — Stadtische Anlagen in Constantinopel. Ausgezogen und ubersetzt von F. W. Unger. *8o66.5i.i2 Verzeichniss der benutzten Schriften, pp. xiv- XXV. Ausgewahlte Texte iiber die Kirchen, Kloster, Palaste, Staatsgebaude und an- dere Bauten von Konstantinopel. Her- ausgegeben von J. P. Richter. ^r -u - . . *8o66.5i.N.S.8 Verzeichms der benutzten Schriftsteller, pp. xxv-xxxix. Same. Sonder-Ausgabe. 8008.104 Ramsay, Sir W. M., and G. L. Bell. The thousand and one churches. London. ^1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.104 Keber, F. von. Der karolingische Palastbau. Miinchen. 1891, 92. 2 v. Plan. 4101.59 Contents. — i. Die Vorbilder. a. Die Palast zu Aachen, Ricci, C. Ravenna. Bergamo. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Collection of illustrated monographs. Series i: Artistic Italy.] 4073.34 Richter, J. P. Die Mosaiken von Ravenna. Wien. 1878. Illus. 4078.129 Riley, A. Athos, or the mountain of the monks. London. 1887. Illus. Plates. Plans. 5513.56 Rios, J. A. de los. El arte latino-bizantino en Espaiia. Madrid. 1861. 6 plates. [Memorias de la real academia de San Fernando.] *4092.i04 Romstorfer, C. A. Die moldauisch-byzan- tinische Baukunst. Wien. 1896. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i3i.7 Reprinted from Allgemeine Bauzeitung, Heft 3, 1896 [*409o.20i.6i]. Rott, H., and others. Kleinasiatische Denk- maler aus Pisidien, Pamphylien, Kappa- dokien und Lykien. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Studien iiber christliche Denkmaler.] 4074.405 Salzenberg, W. Alt-christliche Baudenk- male von Constantinopel. Berlin. 1854, 55. Text, I v.; Atlas, 39 plates. ♦Cab.60.53.1 i^schlumberger, L. G. Melanges d'archeolo- gie byzantine. Serie i. Paris. 1895. Plates. 4073.75 Some of the plates are colored. Schultz. R. W., and S. H. Bamsley. The Monastery of Saint Luke of Stiris, in Phocis, and the dependent Monastery of Saint Nicolas in the Fields, near Skri- pou, in BcEotia. London. 1901. Illus. Plans. 61 plates. [British School at Athens. Byzantine architecture in Greece.] *4ioo.97 Bibliography, pp. 73, 74. Many of the plates are colored. Sepp, J. N., and B. Sepp. Die Felsenkuppel: eine justinianische Sophienkirche, und die iibrigen Tempel Jerusalems. Miin- chen. 1882. Illus. 3042.72 Sharpe, E. A visit to the domed churches of Charente, France, by the Architec- tural Association of London, 1875. Lon- don. [1882?] 59 plates. *4ioi.65 Examples of Romano-Byzantine architecture. Spiers, R. P. Saint-Front of Perigueux, and the domed churches of Perigord and La Charente. London. 1896. Illus. 4101.69 Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Insti- tute of British Architects [*4iooa.50.i89]. Struck, A. Mistra. Eine mittelalterliche Ruinenstadt. Streifblicke zur Geschichte und zu den Denkmalern des frankisch- byzantinischen Zeitalters in Morea. Wien. 1910. Illus. Map. Plans. 2965.18 Literatur, pp. 151-154. Strzygowski, J. Das Etschmiadzin-Evan- geliar. Wien. 1891. Illus. Plans. [By- zantinische Denkmaler.] *8o7i.i2o Kleinasien, ein Neuland der Kunstge- schichte. Kirchenaufnahmen von J. W. Crowfoot und J. I. Smirnow. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Plans. 4101.80 Texier, C, and R. P. Pullan. Byzantine ar- chitecture. London. 1864. Plates. *Cab.6o.24.4 Unger, F. W. Die Bauten Constantin's des grossen am heiligen Grabe zu Jerusa- lem. (In Benfey, T., editor. Orient und Occident. Band 2, pp. 177-232, 385-4S6. Gottingen. 1864.) *3027.ioo.2 80 PERIODS AND STYLES Ursprung und Sieg der altbyzantinischen Kunst. Beitrage von E. Diez und J. Quitt, mit einer Einleitung von J. Strzy- gowski [und einem Anhang von H. Schenkl]. Wien. 1903. Illus. [Byzan- tinische Denkmaler.] 4073.272 Schriftenverzeichnis, pp. 1 19-122. Vemeilh-Puiraseau, F. de. L'architecture byzantine en France. Saint-Front de Perigueux et les eglises a coupoles de I'Aquitaine. Paris. 1851. 16 plates. ♦4103.64 Des influences byzantines. Paris. 1855. Plate. *409i.66 Vogiie, C. J. M., Marquis de. Byzantine ar- chitecture and ornament. Boston. fiSgo.l 52 plates. *4090.4i Many of these plates represent details of St. Mark's in Venice. Syrie centrale. Architecture civile et re- ligieuse du i^r au vii^ siecle. Paris. 1865-77. 2 V. Plates. *4090.52 Weigand, E. Die Geburtskirche von Beth- lehem: eine Untersuchung zur christ- lichen Antike. Leipzig. 191 1. Plates. Plans. [Studien iiber christliche Denk- maler.l 4074.410 Wilde, H. Brussa: eine Entwickelungs- statte tiirkischer Architektur in Kleina- sien unter den ersten Osmanen. Berlin, 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Beitrage zur Bauwissenschaft.] 4092.68 Litteraturverzeichnis, p. (i). Some of the plates are colored. Wulff, O. Das Katholikon von Hosios Lukas und vcrwandte byzantinische Kirchenbauten. Berlin. [1904.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] *4090.i7o Die Koimesiskirche in Nicaa und ihre Mosaiken; nebst den verwandten kirch- lichen Baudenkmalern. Eine Unter- suchung zur Geschichte der byzantini- schen Kunst im i. Jahrtausend. Strass- burg. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes]. 4102.113 Die umgekehrte Perspektive und die Nie- dersicht. Eine Raumanschauungsform der altbyzantinischen Kunst und ihre Fortbildung in der Renaissance. Illus. {In Kunstwissenschaftliche Beitrage August Schmarsow gewidmet. Pp. 1-40. Leipzig. 1907.) *4072.i7i Wyatt, Sir M. D., and J. B. Waring. The Byzantine and Romanesque court in the Crystal palace. London. 1854. Illus. 4089.35 Gothic. Adams» L. G. Recueil de sculptures go- thiques en France depuis le onzieme jusqu' au quinzieme siecle. Paris. 1866. 2 V. Plates. *4073.50 There is no text. Adamy, R. Architektonik des gothischen Stils. Hannover. 1889. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Architektonik des Mittelalters. Theil 3.] *8o93.4.3 Arnot, D. H. Gothic architecture applied to modern residences. New York. 1851. Plates. *4ioi.23 B * * * , C. F. Preface d'un nouvel ouvrage sur l'architecture gothique. {In his Opuscules sur les beaux-arts. Pp. 7-1 1. Paris. 1829.) 4097.128 Baye, J., Baron de. De I'influence de I'art des Goths en Occident. Paris. 1891. 6 plates. *8o7i.ii6 Billings, R. W. An attempt to define the geometric proportions of Gothic archi- tecture as illustrated by the cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester. London. 1840. 5 plates. *4ioi.57 Bloxam, M. H. Companion to The princi- ples of Gothic architecture. London. 1882. Illus. 4098.11 The principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture, nth edition. London. 1882. 2 V. Illus. 4098.10 Bond, F. Gothic architecture in England. An analysis of the origin & development of English church architecture from the Norman conquest to the dissolution of the monasteries. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. *4i04.2i Bibliography, pp. viii-xii. Bowman, H., and J. S. Crowther. The churches of the Middle Ages; being specimens of Early and Middle pointed structures, with a few of the purest Late pointed examples. London. [1857.] 2 V. 121 plates. *Cab.6o.i04.i Brandon, R., and J. A. Brandon. Analysis of Gothic architecture. London. 1847. Plates. *4ioi.3 Browne, Edith A. Great buildings, and how to enjoy them. Gothic architecture. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4097.162 Buteux, C. J. Observations sur l'architec- ture ogivale et I'application de I'architec- ture grecque aux eglises. Paris. 1862. Lithograph script. 4096.4 Caveler, W. Select specimens of Gothic architecture. 2d edition. London. 1839. 80 plates. *8o9i.53 Coifs, J. F. La filiation genealogique de toutes les ecoles gothiques. Paris. 1882- 92. 4 V. in 3. Plates. 4102.51 Contents. — i. £cole-mere gothique. 2. £coIe - gothique allemande. 3. ficole gothique frangaise. 4. ficole flamboyante, religieuse et civile. Colling, J. K. Examples of English me- diaeval foliage and coloured decoration, taken from buildings of the I2th-isth century. Boston. 1875. y6 plates. ♦4091.52 Gothic ornament. London. 1848-50. 2 v. Plates. *8o90.ii Many of the plates are colored. Corroyer, £. J. L'architecture gothique. Paris. [1891.] Illus. [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.39 Gothic architecture. Edited by W. Arm- strong. London. 1893. Plates. 4097.57 Cram, R. A. The Gothic quest. New York. 1907. 40993.139 Day, E. H. Gothic architecture in England. London. [1909.] Plates. [The arts of the church.] 41090.35 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE 81 Dearmer, P. Fifty pictures of Gothic altars. London. 1910. Plates. [Alcuin Club collections.] *2502.i84 Dehio, G. Untersuchungen iiber das gleich- seitige Dreieck als Norm gotischer Bau- proportionen. Stuttgart. 1894. 22 plates. 8103.104 Eastlake, C. L. A history of the Gothic re- vival. London. 1872. Plates. *4i03.2i Enlart, D. L. C. L'art gothique et la renais- sance en Chypre. Paris. 1899. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4092.86 Origine anglaise du style flamboyant fran- gais. Illus. Plates. (In Archaeological Journal. Vol. 63, pp. 51-96. London. 1906.) *2238.50.63 Les origines d I'architecture gothique en Espagne et en Portugal. Paris. 1894, Illus. Plates. 4095.172 Reprinted from the Bulletin arch6ologique, 1894 [*469oa.S3.i894]. Les premiers monuments gothiques d'lta- lie. Caen. 1892. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4096.104 Essays on Gothic architecture, by T. War- ton [etc.]. 2d edition. Added, a list of the cathedrals of England. London. 1802. Plates. *8o93.58 Fourcaud, L. de B. de. Les origines de I'architecture gothique et la question de Saint-Front de Perigueux, a propos des ouvrages de M. Corroyer. Paris. 1892. 4091.116 Freeman, E. A. Remarks on the nomencla- ture of Gothic architecture, communi- cated to the Oxford Architectural So- ciety. Oxford. 1849. 8097.55 Frisi, P. Versuch iiber die gothische Bau- kunst. (In Von deutscher Art und Kunst. Pp. 93-109. Stuttgart. 1892.) ♦2890b.50.40, 41 Frova, A. Chiese gotiche cadorine. Milano. 1908. Plates. 4106.50 Gibbs, J. Designs for Gothic ornament & furniture, for ecclesiastical and domestic purposes. London. 1853. Plates. ♦4090.19 English Gothic architecture. Manchester. 1855. 20 plates. *4ioo.2i Gottlob, F. Formenlehre der norddeutschen Backsteingothik. Leipzig. 1900. 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i32.2 Graf, H. Opus Francigenum. Studien zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge der Gothik. Stuttgart. 1878. 9 plates. 8101.52 Gonse', L. L'art gothique. Paris. [1890.] Plates. *Cab.8o.6o.5 Hall, Sir J. Essay on the origin, history, and principles of Gothic architecture. Lon- don. 1813. 60 plates. *4ioo.62 Hanfstaengl, E. Hans Stethaimer: eine »Studie zur spatgotischen Architektur Altbayerns. Leipzig. 1911. Plates. Plans. [Kunstgeschichtliche Monogra- phien.] 4084.231 Kenutztc Spezial-Literatur, p. (i). artung, H. Ziele und Ergebnisse der italienischen Gotik. Berlin. 1912. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4094.128 Hopkins, J. H. Essay on Gothic architec- ture. Burlington. 1836. Plates. 4091.55 I Hoppin, J. M. French Gothic architecture. Plates. (In Great epochs in art history. Boston. 1901.) 4077.131 Same. 2d edition. 1903. 4077.242 Jackson, T. G. Modern Gothic architecture. London. 1873. 4099.52 Kendall, J. An elucidation of the principles of English architecture, usually denomi- nated Gothic. London. 1842. Plates. 4096.16 King, T. H. The study-book of mediaeval architecture and art. London. [1858-] 68. 4 v. Plates. *4ioo.58 Kugler, F. T. Geschichte der gothischen Baukunst. Stuttgart. 1859. Illus. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. 3.] *4095.36.3 Lambin, £. La flore gothique. Paris. 1893. 2 plates. *8o9oa.ii3 Langley, B., and T. Langley. Gothic archi- tecture, improved by rules and propor- tions. Added, An historical dissertation on Gothic architecture. London. [1742.] 62 plates. *8o9o.i04 Lasteyrie du Saillant, R. C, Comte de. L'ar- chitecture gothique. (In Bulletin monu- mentale. Serie 6, tome 8, pp. 523-537- Paris. 1893.) 4109.50.58 Lind, K., and W. A. Neumann. Die Kirch- lichen Bauten ausser St. Stephan in Wien. — Gothische Profanbauten. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Alterthums Verein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band 3, part 2, pp. 499-556. Wien. 1907.) ♦4830.26.3, part 2 Some of the plates are colored. Luebbecke, F. Die gotische Kolner Plastik. Strassburg. 1910. 44 plates. ^4074.529 Mackenzie, F., and A. Pugin. Specimens of Gothic architecture from ancient build- ings at Oxford. London. [1825?] Plates. ♦4102.6 Martin, C. L'art gothique en France: I'ar- chitecture et la decoration. Partie i. Paris. [191 1.] Plates. ♦Cab.60.187.3 There is no text. Moller, G. An essay on the origin and prog- ress of Gothic architecture. London. 1824. 4099.33 Memorials of German-Gothic architec- ture; with additional notes, by W. H. Leeds. Added, Tables of continental lineal measures, by W. S. B. Woolhouse. [London.] 1836. 4093-5 The plates described in this volume are on shelf- number •4100.14. Moore, C. H. Development & character of Gothic architecture. London. 1890. Illus. Plates. 4103.59 Same. 2d edition, rewritten and enlarged. New York. 1899. 4103.78 Morris, W. Gothic architecture: a lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition So- ciety. [London. 1893.] ♦8o99a.ioo Muelbe, W. H. von der. Die Darstellung des jiingsten Gerichts an den romanischen und gotischen Kirchenportalen Frank- reichs. Leipzig. 191 1. Plates. [Kunst- wissenschaftliche Studien.] 4095.210 Neuwirth, J. Studien zur Geschichte der Gothik in Bohmen. Prag. 1892-99. 5 82 PERIODS AND STYLES Neuwirth, J. (Continued.) parts in i v. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4097.62 Contents. — Der Bau der Stadtkirche in Brux von 1517 bis 1532. — Der Baubeginn der Frohn- leichnams- und Barbarakirche in Kuttenberg. — Die Junker von Prag. — Der verlorene Cyklus bohmischer Herrscherbilder in der Prager Konigsburg. — Die Wandgemalde in der Wenzels- kapelle des Prager Domes und ihr Meister. Reprinted from Mittheilungen des Vereines fur die Geschichte der Deutschen in Bohmen, Jahr- gang 30, 31, 33, 35 and 38. Paley, F. A. A manual of Gothic moldings. 3d edition. With additions by W. M. Fawcett. London. 1865. Illus. 21 plates. 8095.64 Same. Sth edition. 1891. 8095.73 Same. 6th edition. 1902. 8095.78 Parker, J. H. A B C of Gothic architecture. Oxford. 1882. Illus. 4099-45 Same. 9th edition. 1896. Plates. Plan. 4099-114 Introduction to the study of Gothic archi- tecture. 2d edition. Oxford. 1861. Illus. 4099.25 Same. 3d edition. 1867. 4099-34 Parkes, S. T. H. A short study in Gothic architecture. [3d edition.] London. [190-?] Illus. 8068.238 Paukert, F. Die Zimmergotik in Deutsch- Tirol. Leipzig. 1892-94. 192 plates. ♦4090.48 Plassmann, E. A collection of modern Gothic ornaments for architects, &c. New York. 1875. 33 Plates. *Cab.8o.3i.7 Popp, J., and T. Buelau. Les trois ages de I'architecture gothique; representes par des exemples choisis a Ratisbonne. Paris. 1841. Plates. *Cab.6o.34.4 Prior, E. S. The cathedral builders in Eng- land. London. 1905. Plates. [The Portfolio. Monographs on artistic sub- jects.] 8082.168 Some of the plates are colored. A history of Gothic art in England. With illustrations by G. C. Horsley. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4091.82 Pugin, A. C. Gothic ornaments from ancient buildings in England and France. Lon- don. 1854. Plates. *409i.i A series of ornamental timber gables, from existing examples in England and France, of the sixteenth century. 2d edition. London. 1854. Plates. *4ioi.2 Specimens of Gothic architecture; from ancient edifices in England. London. 1821, 22. 2 V. Plates. *4ioi.5 Pugin, A. C., and A. N. W. Pugin. Exam- ples of Gothic architecture; from an- cient edifices in England. London. 1850. 3 V. Plates. *409i.2 Pugin, A. N. W. An apology for the revival of Christian architecture in England. London. 1843. Plates. *4io2.7 This work relates in part to Roman Catholic churches in England, built and furnished in the Gothic style, by Pugin and others. Details of antient timber houses of the 15th & i6th centres. London. 1836. Plates. ♦4101.1a; No. i in **G.i54.i Pugin, A. N. W. (Continued.) The true principles of pointed or Christian architecture. London. 1853. Illus. Plates. *4io2.8 Renouvier, J. Notes sur les monuments go- thiques de quelques villes d'ltalie: Pise, Florence, Rome, Naples. Caen. 1841. 4095.112 Rickman, T. An attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reformation. 5th edition. London. 1848. Illus. 4093.4 Same. 7th edition, with additions by J. H. Parker. Oxford. 1881. 4094.76 Ruskin, J. The nature of Gothic: a chapter from The stones of Venice. With a preface by William Morris. Orpington. 1899. Illus. 4098.27 Samson, G. W. Gothic architecture. Balti- more. 1868. No. 3 in *4485.55 From Southern Review 1*5392.62.3]. Savy, C. fitudes sur les pignons gothiques des eglises a toiture basse a propos des travaux entrepris a la cathedrale de Lyon en 1861. Lyon. 1869. Illus. 4103.34 Schaefer, C, editor. Bauornamente der ro- manischen und gothischen Zeit. Berlin. 1903. 93 plates. *Cab.6o.i5o.3 Schayes, A. G. B. A treatise on the pointed style of architecture in Belgium. Trans- lated by H. Austin. Portion 1-3. 3 plates. (In Weale. Quarterly papers on archi- tecture. Vol. I, 2. London. 1844.) ♦4091.6.1, 2 Schlegel, C. W. F. von. Principles of Gothic architecture. (In his A.esthetic and mis- cellaneous works. Pp. 149-199. Lon- don. 1849.) 4079.140 Seeker, H. F. Die friihen Bauformen der Gotik in Schwaben, insbesondere ihr Zusammenhang mit Details aus der Strassburger Miinster-Bauhiitte. Strass- burg. 191 1. 10 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.534 Shaw, H. A series of details of Gothic ar- chitecture, selected from various cathe- drals, churches, &c. London. 1823. 21 plates. *Cab.6o.89.5 Smirke, Sir R. Account of some remains of Gothic architecture in Italy and Sicily. With observations thereon by Sir H. C. Englefield. [London. 1806.] 6 plates. No. 4 in *222i.78 Same. (In Society of Antiquaries.. Ar- chaeologia. Vol. 15, PP- 3^3-379- Lon- don. 1806.) 3311.1.15 Smith, T. R. Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance. London. 1880. Illus. [Text books of art education.] 4099.66 Same. New York. 1880. 4099.127 Same. London. 1896. 4099.106 Statz, v., and G. G. Ungewitter. Gotisches Musterbuch. 2. Auflage. Neu bearbei- tet von K. Mohrmann. Leipzig. 1905. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.4 Examples of Gothic ornament. Street, G. E. Some account of Gothic archi- tecture in Spain. 2d edition. London. 1869. Plates. *8o9i.5 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE 83 Street, G. E. (Continued.) The study of foreign Gothic architecture, and its influence on English art. {In Shipley. The Church and the world. Vol. I, pp. 368-382. London. 1867.) 5452.9.1 Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Greek and Gothic prog- ress and decay in the three arts of archi- tecture, sculpture, and painting. Lon- don. 1881. 8064.60 Ungewitter, G. G. Details fur Stein- und Ziegel-Architektur im romanisch-gothi- schen Style. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [1890.] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.i Gothische Holz-Architektur. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [1890.] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.2 Gothische Stadt- und Landhauser. 3. Auf- lage. Berlin. [1892?] 2 v. 108 plates. *Cab.6o.i2.4 Lehrbuch der gothischen Konstruktionen. 3. Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von K. Mohr- mann. Leipzig. 1890, 92. 2 v. lUus. 147 plates. *8o92.ioo Voisin, A. Principaux monuments go- thiques de I'Europe, dessines sur les lieux. Accompagnes d'un texte histo- rique. Bruxelles. 1843. 25 plates. *Cab.8i.22.i The plates are accompanied by twenty-four sheets of descriptive text in French, English and German. Waldmann, E. Die gotischen Skulpturen am Rathaus zu Bremen und ihr Zusam- menhang mit kolnischer Kunst. Strass- burg. 1908. Plates. [Studien zur dcut- schen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.464 Wallace, H. B. The law of the development of Gothic architecture. {In his Art, scenery and philosophy in Europe. Pp- 59-77- Philadelphia. 1855.) *B.4267.7 West, G. H. Gothic architecture in England & France. London. 1911. Illus. Plates. Plan. Table. 4109.56 List of works consulted, pp. xi-xiv. Whittington, G. D. Historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France, to illustrate the rise & progress of Gothic architecture in France. 2d edition. Lon- don. 181 1. Illus. **K.69.3 Wightwick, G. Ancient English Gothic ar- chitecture. 3 plates. {In Weale. Quar- terly papers on architecture. Vol. 2, 3. London. 1844.) *409i.6.2, 3 Modern English Gothic architecture. Lon- don. 1845. Plates. *4ioi.i3 Same. {In Weale. Quarterly papers on architecture. Vol. 3, 4. London. 1844. 45.) *409i.6.3, 4 Wytsman, P. Choix d'interieurs beiges (styles gothique & renaissance). Bruxelles. 1902. 28 plates. 8o90a.78 Romanesque. (Including Norman and Lombard.) Adamy, R. Architektonik des muhamedani- sclien und romanischen Stils. Hannover. 1887. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Architek- tonik des Mittelalters. Theil 2.] *8o93.4.2 Armitage. E. S. The early Norman castles of the British Isles. New York. 1912. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4096.23 Bartolo, S. di. Monografia sulla cattedrale di Palermo. Palermo. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4iooa.27 Bibliography, p. iii. Baum, J. Romanesque architecture in France. London. 1912. 226 plates. Plans. *409oa.i43 Bibliography, p. xviu. Romanische Baukunst in Frankreich. Stuttgart. 1910. 226 plates. Plans. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i46 Literatur, p. xix. Bouet, G. Analyse architecturale de I'abbaye de Saint-fitienne de Caen. Caen. 1868. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4095.100 Browne, E. A. Great buildings, and how to enjoy them. Romanesque architecture. London. 1910. Plates. 4097.165 Great buildings, and how to enjoy them. Norman architecture. London. 1907. Plates. 4097.163 Most of the examples are churches. Butterworth, G. Deerhurst, a parish of the vale of Gloucester. Tewkesbury. [1887.] Plates. Plans. 2469.109 Same. 2d edition. [1890.! 2469.128 Carter, J. Ancient architecture of England. London. 1845. Plates. *4ioo.8 Chalvet de Rochemonteix, A., Vicomte de. Les eglises romanes de la Haute-Au- vergne. Paris. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. Map. *4i03.43 Clericetti, C. Ricerche sull* architettura re- ligiosa in Lombardia dal secolo v. all' XI. [Milan. 186-?] No. 5 in *4o86.ii Cut from II politecmco. Vol. 14. Cordero, G. Dell' italiana architettura du- rante la dominazione longobarda. Bres- cia. 1829. Plate. 4097.106 Corroyer, £. L'architecture romane. Paris. [1888.] Illus. 8087.30 Dartein, F. de. £tude sur l'architecture lom- barde, et sur les origines de I'architec- ture romano-byzantine. Paris. 1865- 82. Text, T v.; Atlas, 100 plates. *Cab.6o36.i Dehli, A., and G. H. Chamberlin. Norman antiquities of Palermo and environs. Boston. [1892.1 Illus. 75 plates. *Cab.27.ii.5 Ducarel, A. C. Anglo-Norman antiquities considered, in a tour through part of Normandy. London. 1767. Plates. *Cab.26.27.2 Emden, H. Der Dom zu 'Mainz und seine bedeutendsten Denkmaler. Mit histo- rischem und erlauterndem Texte. Mainz. 1858. 36 photographs. *8o9oa.T02 Title and text are repeated in French. Enlart, D. L. C Monuments religieux de l'architecture romane et de transition dans la region picarde. Amiens. 1895. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i67.9 This is an unnumbered Memoire of the Soci^te des antiquaires de Picardie. Fowler, J. T. Durham cathedral. Illustrated by Herbert Railton. London. 1898. 4108.32 84 PERIODS AND STYLES Geicr, F. X., and R. Goerz. Denkmale ro- manischer Baukunst am Rhein. Frank- furt a. M. 1846, 47. Plates. *Cab.6o.4i.i Hasak, M. Die Kirchen Gross St. Martin und St. Aposteln in Koln. Berlin. [1899.] lUus. 7 plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.158 Humann, G. Die Beziehungen der Hand- schriftornamentik zur romanischen Bau- kunst erlautert. Strassburg. 1907. Illus. fStudien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.T 4074.454 An attempt to show the influence of the illumi- nated manuscripts on Romanesque architecture. Huppertz, A. Die Abteikirche zu Laach und der Ausgang des gebundenen romani- schen Systems in den Rheinlanden. Strassburg. 1913. 22 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.561 Jackson, T. G. Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. Cambridge. 1913. 2 v. Tllus. Plates. Plans. 4093.148 Keyser, C. E. A list of Norman tympana and lintels, with figure or symbolical sculpture still, or till recently existing in the churches of Great Britain. Lon- don. 1904. Plates. *409i.i62 Knight, H. G. The Normans in Sicily. London. 1838. 4105.19; **K.58.ii Saracenic & Norman remains, to illustrate the Normans in Sicily. London. 1830. Plates. *Cab.27.i7.4 Kugler, F. T. Die Architektur des romani- schen Styles. Stuttgart. 1858. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Bau- kunst. 2.1 4095.36.2 Lasteyrie du Saillant, R. C, Comte de. L'architecture religieuse en France a I'epoque romane. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4i02.43 Lindner, A. Die Easier Galluspforte und an- dere romanische Bildwerke der Schweiz. Strassburg. 1899. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] *4074.i8i Luthmer, F. Romanische Ornamente und Baudenkmaler aus kirchlichen und pro- fanen Baudenkmalern des xi. bis xiii. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt a. M. 1896. 30 plates. *Cab.8o.i22.4 Mallay, J. E. B. Essai sur les eglises ro- manes et romano-byzantines du De- partement du Puy-de-D6me. Moulins. 1841. 52 plates. *4ioo.34 Martin, C. L'art roman in France: l'archi- tecture et la decoration. Paris. 1910. 2 V. Illus. Tlates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i87.6 Meyer, A. G. Lombardische Denkmaler des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart. 1893. Plates. *8o7i.i37 Meyer-Schwartau, W. Der Dom zu Speier und verwandte Bauten. Berlin. 1893. Illus. 32 plates. [Koenigliche tech- nische Hochschule zu Berlin.] *4ioo.73 Minutoli, A., Freiherr von. Der Dom zu Drontheim, und die mittelalterliche christliche Baukunst der scandinavi- schen Normannen. Berlin. 1853. 12 plates. *Cab.6o.96.2 Modern Romanesque. Executed examples of carving and sculpture as applied to architecture and the accessory arts. New York. 1892. 20 plates. *8o8o.io3 Monneret de Villard, U. L'architcttura ro- manica in Dalmazia. Milano. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4099.153 Muelbe, W. H. von der. Die Darstellung des jiingsten Gerichts an den romani- schen und gotischen Kirchenportalen Frankreichs. Leipzig. 1911. Plates. [Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien.] 4095.210 Nodet, V. Notes sur quelques eglises de la Drome. Illus. Plates. Plan. {In Con- gres archeologique de France. Session 76, 1909, tome 2, pp. 243-250. Paris. 1910.) *2638.6o.i9092 Normandie monumentale et pittoresque. La. Heliogravures d'apres les photographies de E. Letellier. Texte par J. Adeline [etc.]. Havre. 1893-99. 5 v. in 10. Plates. Namely: Seine Inferieure. i v. in 2 parts. *Cab.6o.49.6 Calvados, i v. in 2 parts. *Cab.6o.49.7 Eure. I V. in 2 parts. *Cab.6o.49.8 Orne. i v. in 2 parts. *Cab.6o.49.9 Manche. i v. in 2 parts. *Cab.6o.49.io Otte, H. Geschichte der romanischen Bau- kunst in Deutschland. Leipzig. 1874. Illus. 4094.50 Pinder, G. M. W. Einleitende Vorunter- suchung zu einer Rhythmik romanischer Innenraume in der Normandie. Strass- burg. 1904. Plates. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.136 Pugin, A. C. Pugin and Le Keux's specimens of the architectural antiquities of Nor- rnandy. [Also Historical and descrip- tive essays. Edited by John Britton.] London. 1827. 80 plates. *4ioi.4 Puig y Cadafalch, J., and others. L'arqui- tectura romanica a Catalunya. Per J. Puig Cadafalch, Antoni de Falguera, J. Goday y Casals. Volum i, 2. Barcelona. [1909,] II. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Institut d'estudis Catalans.] In progress. 4094.173 Quast, A. F. W. R. von. Die romanischen Dome des Mittelrheins zu Mainz, Speier, Worms. Berlin. 1853. 6 plates. 4103.66 Revoil, H. A. Architecture romane du midi de la France. Paris. 1873. 3 v. 212 plates. *Cab.6o. 100.6 Rivoira, G. T. Le origini della architettura lombarda, e delle sue principali deriva- zioni nei paesi d'oltr' Alpe. Roma. 1901, 07. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *4ioi.37 Robuchon, J., editor. Paysages et monu- ments.: Poitou. Avec notices publiees sous les auspices de la Societe des anti- quaires de I'Ouest. Paris. 1884-1895. II V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.26.5o.i Many examples of Romanesque architecture. Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. L'architecture normande aux xje et xiie siecles en Nor- mandie et en Angleterre. Paris. [1885, 87.] 2 V. 175 plates. *8o90.66 ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE 85 Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. (Continued.) JLe chapiteau normand au xie & xiie sie- cles. Macon. [i88-?] Illus. 4091.127 A reprint from his L'architecture normande. Schaefer, C, editor. Bauornamente der ro- manischen und gothlschen Zeit. Berlin. 1903. 93 plates. *Cab.6o.i5o.3 Serradifalco, D. Lo F., Duca di. Del duomo di Monreale e di altre chiese siculo-nor- manne. Palermo. 1838. Plates. 8100.4 Sharpe, E. A visit to the domed churches of Charente, France, by the Architectural Association of London, 1875. London. [1882?] 59 plates. *4ioi.6s Examples of Romano-Byzantine architecture, Simon, C. Studien zum romanischen Wohn- bau in Deutschland. Strassburg. 1902. 7 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.346 TJtteratur, pp. 264-27 S- Stiehl, O. Der Backsteinbau romanischer Zeit, besonders in Oberitalien und Nord- deutschland. Leipzig. 1898. Plates. *Cab.6o.i36.i Truchis, P., Vicomte de. L'architecture lom- barde: ses origines, son extension dans le centre, Test et le midi de TEurope. Illus. Plates. (In Congres archeolo- gique de France. Session 76, 1909, tome 2, pp. 204-242. Paris. 1 910.) *2638.6o.i9092 L'eglise romane de Bussy-Le-Grand. 2 plates. Plan. (In Congres archeolo- gique de France. Session 74, 1907, pp. 501-512. Paris. 1908.) *2638.6o.i907 Les influences orientales dans l'architec- ture romane de la Bourgogne. Illus. Plates. Plan. (In Congres archeolo- gique de France. Session 74, 1907, pp. 459-500. Paris. 1908.) *2638.6o.i907 Turner, D. Architectural antiquities of Normandy, by John Sell Cotman; ac- companied by historical and descriptive notices by Dawson Turner. London. 1822. 2 V. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.2o.2 Virey, J. L'architecture romane dans I'an- cien diocese de Macon. Paris. 1892. Plates. Map. Plans. 4094.105 Les edifices religieux de I'epoque romane .en Saone-et-Loire. Plates. Plans. (In Congres archeologique de France. Ses- sion 66, 1899, PP- 237-264. Paris. 1901.) ♦2638.60.1899 Woillez, E. J. Archeologie des monuments religieux de I'ancien Beauvoisis, pendant la metamorphose romane. Paris. 1839- 49. 129 plates. *409o.26 Zeller, A. Die romanischen Baudenkmaler von Hildesheim. Berlin. 1907. Illus. 50 plates. .[Konigliche technische Hoch- schule zu Berlin.] *Cab.8o.25i.3 Saracenic. (Including Moorish, Mohammedan, Ara- bian.) Adamy, R. Architektonik des muhamedani- schen und romanischen Stils. Hannover. Adamy, R. (Continued.) 1887. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Architek^ tonik des Mittelalters. Theil 2.] *8o93.4.2 Berchem, M. van. Une mosquee du temps des Fatimites au Caire. 4 plates. Plan. (In Institut egyptien. Memoires. Vol. 2, pp. 605-619. Caire. 1889.) *3050.ii7.2 Notes d'archeologie arabe. Monuments et inscriptions fatimites. Paris. 1891. Plate. 3023,110 Extrait du Journal asiatique 1*3327. 50, serie 8, tome 17]. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Voyage de la haute figypte. Observations sur les arts egyp- tien et arabe. Paris. 1876. Plates. 3054.54 Borrmann, R. Die Alhambra zu Granada. [Berlin. 1900.] Illus. Plans. [Die Bau- kunst.] 4090.162 Die Baukunst des Altertums und des Islam im Mittelalter. Leipzig. 1904. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Geschichte der Bau- kunst. Band i.] 4092.127 Contents. — Agypten. — Babylonien und Assy- rien. — Vorderasien. — Persien. — Griechen- land. — Etrurien. — Die Baukunst der Romer. — TMe Neupersische Baukunst. — Die Bau- kunst des Islam im Mittelalter. Bourgoin, J. Les arts arabes. Paris. 1873. 92 plates. *Cab.8o.no.2 Les elements de I'art arabe. Le trait des entrelacs. Paris. 1879. 190 plates. 4071-71 Precis de I'art arabe, et materiaux pour servir a I'histoire, a la theorie et i la technique des arts de I'Orient musul- mane. Paris. 1889-91. 3 parts in i v. Plates. [Mission archeologique fran- Qaise. Cairo.] *507o.ii.7 Burgess, J. The Muhammadan architecture of Ahmadabad. London. 1900, 05. 2 v. Plates. Plans. [Archaeological Survey of Western India.] *304o.i62 Calvert, A. F. The Alhambra. London. 1904. Illus. Plans. *4094.i43 Some of the plates are colored. Moorish remains in Spain: with a particu- lar account of the Mohammedan archi- tecture and decoration in Cordova, Se- ville & Toledo. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. *4093.i69 Many of the plates are colored. Cole, H. H. Illustrations of buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the mixed Hindu-Mahomedan style of Upper India. London. 1873. 12 plates. 42 photo- graphs. *3040,i29 Published in connection with the operations of the Archaeological Survey of India. Contreras, R. Del arte arabe en Espana. Granada. 1875. Illus. **D.2io.29 Estudio descriptivo de los monumentos arabes de Granada, Sevilla, y Cordoba, 6 sea la Alhambra, el Alcazar, y la Gran mezquita de occidente. 2a edicion. Madrid. 1878. Plate. Plans. 4095.106 The first edition has the title: Del arte arabe en Espana [••D.210.29I. Coste, P. X. Architecture arabe, ou monu- mens du Kaire. Paris. 1837, 39. Text, I v.; Atlas, 98 plates. *Cab.6o.34.3 86 PERIODS AND STYLES Coste, P. X. (Continued.) Monuments modernes de la Perse. Paris. 1867. Illus. 71 plates. *Cab.6o.87.2 Diercks, G. Das arabische Ornament. Leip- zig. 1883. [Sammlung kunstgewerbli- cher und kunsthistorischer Vortrage.] No. 9 in 8069.114 Egypt. Comite de conservation des monu- ments de Tart arabe. Catalogue rai- sonne des monuments exposes dans le Musee national de I'art arabe, precede d'un apergu de I'histoire de I'architec- ture et des arts industriels en figypte, par Max Herz Bey. 2e edition. Le Caire. 1906. Illus. Plates. 8089.44 La mosquee du Sultan Hassan au Caire. Par M. Herz Bey. Le Caire. 1809. Illus. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.i46.3 Fago, V. Arte araba. Vol. i. Roma. 1909. Plates. *407i.i26 Contents. — i. L'arte araba nella Siria e in Egitto. Bibliography, vol. i, pp. xlviii-lxxiv. Falke, J. von. Die arabische Kunst. (In Aus dem w^eiten Reiche der Kunst. Berlin. 1889.] No. I in 4078.331 Fitzgerald, S. In the track of the Moors: sketches in Spain and Northern Africa. London. 1905. Illus. Colored plates. *309oa.ii9 Flury, S. Die Ornamente der Hakim- und Ashar-Moschee. Materialen zur Ge- schichte der alteren Kunst des Islam. Heidelberg. 1912. Plates. 4102.117 Franz, J., Pasha. Die Baukunst des Islam. Darmstadt. 1887. Illus. Plates. [Hand- buch der Architektur.] 8092.50.3.2 Die Grab-Moschee des Sultans Kait-Bai bei Kairo. Berlin. [1898.] Illus. 7 plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.150 Literatumachweise, p. 12. Gaillard, H. Une ville de I'lslam: Fes. Paris. 1905. Illus. Plates. 3059.246 Gallichan, C. G. Moorish cities in Spain. New York. 1906. Plates. [The Lang- ham series of art monographs.] Toledo. iS.^1? Contents. — Cordova, Granada. Gayet, A. J. L'art arabe. Paris. [1893.] Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque de I'en- seignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.46 L'art persan. Paris. 1895. Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.49 Girault de Prangey, M. Souvenirs de Gre- nade et de I'Alhambra. Paris. 1837. 30 plates. *Cab.70.i8.2 Gomez-Moreno M., M. Arte cristiano entre los Moros de Granada. Illus. (In Co- dera y Zaidin. Homenaje. Pp. 259-270. Zaragoza. 1904.) *309i-i53 Herz, M. [Des maisonettes arabes anciennes disseminees dans la ville indigene du Caire.] Plates. (In Egypt. Comite de conservation des monuments de l'art arabe. Proces-verbaux des seances. . . . Exercice 1909. Fascicule 26, pp. 157- 179. Le Caire. 1910.) ^8089.89 Herz, M. (Continued.) La polychromie dans la peinture et I'architecture arabes en figypte. Plates. (In Institut egyptien. Annee 1893, PP- 49-58; Annee 1894, PP- 387-392.) XT ri^ T^ o *5053.55- 1893, 1894. Herzteld, E. Samarra. Aufnahmen und Untersuchungen zur islamischen Ar- chaeologie. Berlin. 1907. Plates. Plan. Map. 4092.134 Literaturnachweis, pp. 87, 88. Jones, O. The Alhambra court in the Crys- tal Palace. London. 1854. IHus. 4089.37; No. 8 in 4089.32 Plans, elevations, sections and details of the Alhambra. London. 1845. 2 v. loi plates. *Cab.8o.i22.i Knight, H. G. Saracenic & Norman remains, to illustrate the Normans in Sicily. Lon- don. 1830. Plates. *Cab.27.i7.4 The Normans in Sicily is on shelf-numbers 4105.19; *»Ks8.ii, Kutschmann, T. Meisterwerke saracenisch- normannischer Kunst in Sicilien und Unteritalien. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstge- schichte des Mittelalters. Berlin. [1900.] 38 plates. *Cab.6o.i46.i Langenegger, F. Die Baukunst des Iraq (heutiges Babylonien) : Bautechnik, Baukonstruktionen und Aussehen der Baugegenstande unter teilweise Bezug- nahme auf die Baukunst der Vergangen- heit des Landes sowie auf die gesamte Baukunst des Islam. Dresden. 1911. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4091.143 Le Bon, G. La civilisation des Arabes. Paris. 1884. Illus. Plates. *3040.69 Bibliographic methodique, pp. 679-686. Lozano, P. Antigiiedades arabes de Espaiia. Madrid. 1804. 60 plates. *Cab.7o.i5.2 Margais, W., and G. Margais. Les monu- ments arabes de Tlemcen. Paris. 1903. Illus. Plans. [Algeria. Service des monuments historiques.] 3051.172 Migeon, G. Les arts plastiques et indus- triels. Paris. 1907. Illus. Plates. [Manuel d'art musulman.] *4076.226 Contains bibliographies. Le Caire, le Nil et Memphis. Paris. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073-373 Bibliographic, pp. 153, 156. Migeon, G., editor. Exposition des arts musulmans au Musee .des arts decora- tifs. Paris. [1903] 100 plates. *Cab.8o.7o.4 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espaiia, publicados a expensas del estado. Edi- tor: J. G. Dorregaray. Madrid. 1859- 81. 23 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.96.i-*Cab.6o.95.4 For the contents of these volumes see this title under the section Spain and Portugal. Mueller, F. A. Der Islam im Morgen- und Abendland. Berlin. 1885, 87. 2 v. Plates. [Allgemeine Geschichte in Ein- zeldarstellungen.] 3490.51 Murphy, J. C. The Arabian antiquities of Spain. London. 1813. 99 plates. **G.5oa.i SARACENIC ARCHITECTURE 87 Nizet, C. La mosquee de Cordoue. Illus. Plans. (/« L'architecture. Vol. i8. Paris. 1905.) *409i.25i.i8 Oliver Hurtado, J., and M. Oliver Hurtado. Granada y sus monumentos arabes. Malaga. 1875- Plans. 3096.231 Parvillee, L. Architecture et decoration turques au xv^ siecle. Avec une preface par E. Viollet-le-Duc. Paris. 1874. 50 plates. *8o8o.26 Poole, S. L. The art of the Saracens in Egypt. London. 1886. Plates. [South Kensington Museum art handbooks.] 4084.10 Same. 2 parts in i v. 4084.39 Prisse d'Avennes, E. L'art arabe, d'apres les monuments du Kaire depuis le viie siecle jusqu'a la fin du xviiie. Paris. 1877. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 3 v. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.4i.i Includes architectural details, furniture, tapestry and metal work. Many of the plates are colored. Saladin, H. L'architecture [musulmane]. Paris. 1907. Plates. Plans. [Manuel d'art musulman. i.] *4076.225 Bibliographic, pp. xv-xxiii. La mosquee de Sidi Okba a Kairouan. Paris. 1899. Plates. Plan. [Tunis. Direction des antiquites et arts. Serie 2: Les monuments arabes. Partie i.] ♦5050.33 Sarre, F. Denkmaler persischer Baukunst. Geschichtliche Untersuchung und Auf- nahme muhammedanischer Backstein- bauten in Vorderasien und Persien. Berlin. 1901, 10. Text, 2 v. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 90 plates. *Cab.6o.i45,4 A number of the plates are colored. Reise in Kleinasien, Sommer 1895. For- schungen zur seldjukischen Kunst und Geographic des Landes. Berlin. 1896. Plates. 4092.67 Transkaukasien — Persien — Mesopota- mien — Transkaspien. Land und Leute. 85 photographische Aufnahmen und Uebersichtskarte einer in den Jahren 1897/1898 unternommenen Reise. Ber- lin. 1899. 85 plates. Map. *3044.i84 Contains a few examples of Mohammedan archi- tecture. Sarre, F., and E. Herzfeld. Archaologische Reise im Euphrat- und Tigris-Gebiet. Band I, 3. Berlin. 1911. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Forschungen zur islamischen Kunst. i.] *4090.i7i Schack, A. F., Graf von. Poesia y arte de los Arabes en Espafia y Sicilia. Traduc- cion por J. Valera. 2a edicion. Madrid. 1868-72. 3 v. **D.i7ob.ii5 Same. 3 v. in i. 5029.9 Poesie und Kunst der Araber in Spanien und Sicilien. Berlin. 1865. 2 v. in i. 5029.1 Smith, E. W. Moghul colour decoration of I Agra. Part i. Allahabad. 1901. 103 plates. Plans. [Archaeological Survey of India.] *3040.i68 Many of the plates are colored. Spiers, R. P. The great mosque of the Omeiyades, Damascus. London. 1896. Illus. Plan. 4102.82 Extracts from the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 3d series, vol. 4 [•4090.290.4]. Uhde, C. Baudenkmaeler in Spanien und Portugal. Berlin. 1892. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.98.4 Whishaw, B., and E. M. Whishaw. Arabic Spain: sidelights on her history and arts. London. 1912. Plates. Genealogical charts. 3098.242 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xv. Zmigrodzki, M. von. Geschichte der Bau- kunst der Araber und der Bauweise der Mauren in Spanien. Krakau. 1899. "Litteratur," pp. (7, 8). 4095*30 Renaissance. Academic de France a Rome. Fragments d'architecture du moyen age et de la renaissance, d'apres les releves & res- tailrations des anciens pensionnaires de I'Academie. Publics sous la direction de H. d'Espouy. Paris. [1899.] 100 heliogravures. *Cab.6o.i37.i Adamy, R. Architektur der Friihrenais- sance. Hannover. 1896. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Architektonik der Renaissance und Neuzeit. Teil i.] *8o93.5 Anderson, W. J. The architecture of the Renaissance in Italy. London. 1897. Plates. 4106.20 Same. 4th edition. 1909. 4106.31 List of selected books, pp. 186-189. Andreae, C. Monumente des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus dem saechsi- schen Erzgebirge, die Klosterkirche Zschillen, jetzt Wechselburg, und die Rochlitzer Kunigunden-Kirche. Dres- den. 1875. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.78.3 Androuet du Cerceau, J. Les plus excel- lents bastiments de France. Sous la direction de H. Destailleur. Graves en fac-simile par Faure Dujarric. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1868,70. 2 v. 136 plates. *Cab.6o.i5.i Angeli, D. Mino da Fiesole. Florence. 1905. Illus. Portraits. 4086.128 Aviler, A. C. d'. Cours d'architecture qui comprend les ordres de Vignole, avec des commentaires, les figures & descrip- tions de ses plus beaux batimens, & de ceux de Michei-Ange. Paris. 1693, 94. 2 V. in I. Plates. *8o94.40 Bach, M. Die Renaissance im Kunstge- werbe. Stuttgart. [1884.] 72 colored plates. 8070.119 Baltard, L. P. Essai sur la fortification; precede de considerations sur I'etat de l'architecture a I'epoque de la renais- sance. Paris. 1831. Plates. 7955-2a Bankart, G. P. The art of the plasterer: an account of the decorative development of the craft chiefly in England from the xvitb to the xviii*h century, with chap- 88 PERIODS AND STYLES Bankart, G. P. (Continued.) ters on the stucco of the classic period and of the Italian renaissance. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plan. *409i.32 Barbier de Montault, X. Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la sculpture religieuse a Rome, a I'epoque de la renaissance. Rome. 1870. 146 plates. *Cab.8o.24o.5 Many of the examples are sepulchral monu- ments. Baxter, L. E. The cathedral builders. The story of a great masonic guild [Coma- cines]. By Leader Scott [pseud.]. London. 1899. Plates. 4102.77 The renaissance of art in Italy. London. 1883. Illus. **K.i62.3; 8083.53 Belcher, J., and M. E. Macartney. Later Renaissance architecture in England. London. 1897-1901. Text, 2 v. in i; Atlas, 165 plates. *Cab.6o.i36.5 Beloe, E. M. Our borough: our churches: (King's Lynn, Norfolk). With an after-work, the art of the Renaissance in King's Lynn. Cambridge. 1899. Plates. Maps. 2463.42 Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Motive der deutschen Architektur des xvi., xvii. und XVIII. Jahrhunderts in historischer Anordnung. Herausgegeben von A. Lambert und E. Stahl. Stuttgart. 1890, 93. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i88.6 Contents. — i. Fruh- und Hochrenaissance. 1500- 1650. 2. Barock und Rokoko. 1650-1800. Bcrmejo, D. Descripcion artistica del Real monasterio de S. Lorenz del Escorial. Madrid. 1820. 3i05«" Berty, A. La renaissance monumentale en France. Paris. 1864. 100 plates. *8o85.76 Les grands architectes frangais de la renaissance. Paris, i860. 4099-43 Bezold, G. von. Die Bau,kunst der Renais- sance in Deutschland, Holland, Belgien und Danemark. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Archi- tektur.] *8o92.5o.7 Literatur, p. 268. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Histoire de la renais- sance artistique en Italic. Paris. 1889. *8o73.76 Blandot, L. Maisons et ecoles communales de la Belgique. Accompagnees d'un texte descriptif & explicatif. Paris. 1867. 120 plates. *Cab.6o.79.3 Blomfield, R. T. A history of French archi- tecture from the reign of Charles viii. till the death of Mazarin. London. 1911. Plates. Plans. *409i.i8 A history of Renaissance architecture in England. 1 500-1800. London. 1897. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *409i.i7 Blondel, J. F. Architecture frangoise. Paris. 1752-56. 4 v. 498 plates. *Cab.6o.58.i De la distribution des maisons de plai- sance et de la decoration des edifices en general. Paris. 1737, 38. 2 v. 155 plates. *8o9oa.59 Bode, W. Florentine sculptors of the Renaissance. New York. 1909. Plates. ♦8084.101 Bode, W. (Continued.) Die italienischen Hausmobel der Renais- sance. Leipzig. [1902.] Illus. [Mono- graphien des Kunstgewerbes.] 4021.20 Bode, W., editor. Denkmaler der Renais- sance-Sculptur Toscanas in historischer Anordnung. Miinchen. 1892-1905. Text, IV.; Atlas, 6 v. *Cab.8o.i65.i Boinet, A. Les edifices religieux. Moyen age — renaissance. Paris. 1910. Plates. [Les richesses d'art de la villa de Paris.] Bibliography, pp. 191-197. 4075.302 Bonucci, A. Delia vita e delle opere di L. B. Alberti. Portrait. (In Alberti. Opere volgari, t. i. Firenze. 1843.) 2796.1.1 Borromini, F. Opera cavata da suoi origi- nali, cioe la chiesa e fabrica della Sapi- enza di Roma. Roma. 1720. 45 plates. *Cab.6o.87.4 Brandi, C. Die Renaissance in Florenz und Rom. Leipzig. 1900. 4077.143 Same. 2. Auflage. 1903. 4077.244 Buehlmann, J. Die Architektur des classi- schen Alterthums und der Renaissance. Stuttgart. 1872-88. 75 plates. *8o8o.45 Burckhardt, J. C, and W. Luebke. Die Re- naissance in Frankreich. [Stuttgart. 1867.1 Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. 4.] No. 2 in 4095.36.4 Die Renaissance in Italien. [Stuttgart. 1867.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. 4.] No. i in 4095.36.4 Same. 4. Auflage. Bearbeitet von H. Holtzinger. 1904. [Geschichte der neueren Baukunst. i.] 4095.37.1 Garden, R. W. The life of Giorgio Vasari: a study of the later Renaissance in Italy. London. 1910. Portraits. Plates. 4088.41 Cicognara, L., Conte. Le fabbriche e i monu- menti cospicui di Venezia. Edizione con^ note ed aggiunte di F. Zanotto. Arrichita di nuove tavole e della ver- sione francese. Venezia. 1858. Text, 2 V. in I ; Atlas, 259 plates. *Cab.27.i2.2 Clausse, G. Les Sforza et les arts en Mila- nais. 1450-1530. Paris. 1909. Plates. *4074.396 Clochar, P. Palais, maisons et vues d'ltalie. Paris. 1809. Plates. "4100.12 Cornelius, C. Jacopo della Quercia. Eine kunsthistorische Studie. Halle a. S., 1896. Plates. 4103.69 The plates are of Renaissance sculpture. Cougny, G. L'art moderne. Paris. 1895, 96. 2 V. Illus. 8062.84 Contents. — x. La renaissance : Italic, France, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Espagne. 2. xviie, xviiie ct xixe siecles. Courajod, L. C. L. La part de la France du Nord dans I'oeuvrre de la renaissance. Paris. 1890. Illus. [Conferences de I'Exposition universelle internationale de 1889.] 8086.36 Courajod, L. C. L., and H. dc Geymuellcr. Les estampes attribuees a Bramante, aux points de vue iconographique ct architectonique. Paris. 1874. Plates. 4082.122 Extrait de la Gazette des beaux-arts, ae pei iodc, t. 10 [*4o6i. 221.2c per., t.io]. RENAISSANCE ARCHITECTURE 89 Cunningham, P. Inigo Jones. A life of the architect. London. 1848. Portrait. No. 2 in *4596.i6; **G.3727.i5 Daly, C. Choix de fragments empruntes a des monuments frangais du commence- ment de la renaissance a la fin de Louis XVI. Paris. 1870. 2 v. 192 plates. *Cab.6o.74.3 Day, E. H. Renaissance architecture in England. London. [1910.] Plates. [The arts of the church.] 4i09a.36 Decker, P. Furstlicher Baumeister oder: Architectura civilis, wie grosser Fiirsten und Herren Pallaste mit ihren Hofen, Lust-Hausern, Garten, Grotten, fuglich anzulegen und nach heutiger Art auszu- zieren. Verlegt von J. Wolff. Augs- purg. 1 71 1, 16. 2 V. *8o90.io6 Details of decorative sculpture. French Renaissance. Boston. [1893.] 50 plates. *8o74.i62 Italian Renaissance. Boston. [1891.] 50 plates. *8o74.io7 Dilke, E. F. S., Lady. The renaissance of art in France. London. 1879. 2 v. Illus. 4065.47 Dohme, R. Kunst und Kunstler Italiens bis gegen die Mitte des i8ten Jahrhun- derts. Leipzig. 1878, 79. 3 v. Illus. [Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 2.] 8072.56 Vol. I includes Giotto, Brunellesco, Ghiberti, Donatello, Alberti, Bramante, Peruzzi. Vol. 2 is on Michelangelo and Raphael. Vol. 3, Pal- ladio, Bernini. Durm, J. Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Italien. Stuttgart. 1903. Plates. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.5 Ebe, G. Die Spat-Renaissance. Berlin. 1886. 2 V. Illus. Plates. 4083.6 Elmes, J. Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren. London. 1823. Plates. *409i.8 Enlart, D. L. C. L'art gothique et la renais- sance en Chypre. Paris. 1899. 2 v. Illus. Maps. 4092.86 Ewerbeck, F., and others. Die Renaissance in Belgien und Holland. Leipzig. 1883- 89. 4 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.44.i In French and German. Flemish Renaissance. Exteriors and ex- terior details. New York. [190-?] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i73.3 The plates contained in this volume were evidently selected from the preceding work. Fabbriche scelte del 1500. 28 plates. **Tosti, C.4.1 Faesch, J. R. Anderer Versuch seiner archi- tect: Wercke bestehend in allerhand Griind-Haupt-Rissen und Profile unter- schiedener Gebauden. Niirnberg. [1738.] 5 parts in i v. 125 plates. *Cab.6o.89.2 Feoli, V. [Camere del Museo Vatican©. Roma.] 26 plates. **Tosti, B.2.1 **Tosti, B.2.2 has all these plates but the last; **Tosti,B.2.3 all but the last two. Fletcher, B. F. Andrea Palladio: his life and works. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4093-143 Bibliography, pp. 129-132, Flottwell, E. von. Magdeburgs Bau- und Kunstdenkmaler. Serie i, 2. [Magde- burg, etc. 1892, 96.] 2 v. 80 plate.^ Contents. — i. Mittelalterliche Bau-^nd^K^nsf- denkmaler in Magdeburg. 2. Bau- und Kunst- denkmaler der Renaissance und des Barock. Fontana, C. Templum Vaticanum et ipsius ongo, cum aedificiis maxime conspicuis antiquitus, & recens ibidem constitutis Romae. 1694. Plates. *4750.6i In Latin and Italian. Freeman, L. J. Italian sculpture of the Renaissance. New York. 1901. Plates. Friedlaender, W. Das Kasino Pius desVter- ten. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Koeniglich-preussisches historisches Institut, Rome. Kunstgeschichtliche Forschungen.] *8o7i.2i3 Fritsch, K. E. O. Denkmaeler deutscher Renaissance. Berlin. 1891. 4 v. 300 plates *Cab.6o.28.i Fnzzom, G. Arte italiana del rinascimento: saggi critici. Milano. 1891. Plates. 8063.69 Galland, G. Die Renaissance in Holland. Berlin. 1882. Plates. 8065.19 Garner, T., and A. Stratton. The domestic architecture of England during the Tu- dor period. London. [1908-I 11. 3 v. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i35.i2 Gauthier, M. P. Les plus beaux edifices de la ville de Genes et de ses environs. Paris. 1818. 108 plates. *Cab.6o.2i.4 Geymueller, H. von, Baron. Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Frankreich. Heft i, 2. Stuttgart. 1898, 1901. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Archi- tektur.] *8o92.5o.6, part i, 2 Friedrich II. von Hohenstaufen und die Anfange der Architektur der Renais- sance in Italien. Munchen. 1908. 8092.62 Raffaello Sanzio studiato come architetto. Milano. 1884. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.69.2 Geymueller, H. von, Baron, editor. Die Ar- chitektur der Renaissance in Toscana nach den Meistern geordnet. Miin- chen. 1885-1908. Text, II V. in 6. Illus. Plans; Plates, 11 v. *Cab.6o.i79.i Goetghebuer, P. J. Choix des monumens, edifices et maisons les plus remarqua- bles du royaume des Pays-Bas. Gand. 1827. 116 plates. *Cab.28.i6.i Goodyear, W. H. Renaissance and modern art. Meadville, Pa. 1894. Plates. [Chautauqua reading circle literature.] 4068.42 Gooyaerts, A. J. M. A. Construction et inauguration d'un hotel de ville pendant la premiere moitie du xvi^ siecle (1526- 1538). L'hotel de ville de Lean et son perron. Bruxelles. 1890. 2 plates. 8093.103 Gotch, J. A. Architecture of the Renais- sance in England. London. 1894. Text, 2 V. in i. Illus.; Atlas, 145 plates. *Cab.6o.47.i A complete account of the buildings erected in Northamptonshire by Sir 90 PERIODS AND STYLES Gotch, J. A. (Continued.) Thomas Tresham, 1 575-1605. North- ampton. 1883. Plates. Plans. Siooa.io Early Renaissance architecture in Eng- land. London. 1901. 4094-35 Bibliography, pp. 267-270. Grandjean de Montigny, A. H. V., and A. Famin. Renaissance italienne. Archi- tecture toscane principalement des xv^, xvie et xviie siecles. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1874. 109 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.3 Grands maitres, Les, de la renaissance. Les arts en Italie. Paris. [1888.] Plates. *Cab.8o.38.4 Grunow, C. editor. Plastische Ornamente der italienischen Renaissance. Liefe- rung 1-3. Berlin. [i883-93-l Plates. ♦Cab.60.150.2 Gurlitt, C. Andreas Schliiter. Berlin. 1891. Illus. Plates. 8061.124 Haupt, A. Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Portugal von den Zeiten Emmanuel's des GHtcklichen bis zu dem Schlusse der spanischen Herrschaft. Frankfurt a. M. 1890, 95. 2 V. 8093.55 Portugiesische Friihrenaissance. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.152 On church architecture. Literaturnachweise, p. 20. Zur Baugeschichte des Heidelberger Schlosses: neue Forschungsergebnisse itber die Heidelberger Renaissance- bauten. Frankfurt a. M. 1902. Illus. Plates. 4094.177 Helbum, W., publisher. Architectural details from the Classic and Renaissance pe- riods. New York. [190-?] 76 plates. ♦4090. 1 87 Hessling, E., editor. Alt-Paris. Historische Bauten in Gesamtansichten und in ihren Einzelheiten. Photographische Auf- nahmen nach der Natur mit illustrier- tem Text. Band i, 2. Berlin. [1904?-] 07. 2 V. Illus. [Architektur und Skulp- turschatze aus vergangener Zeit. Serie I.] *Cab.26.54.3 Contents. — i. Ronianisch-gotische Periode. 2. Baudenkmaler der Fruhrenaissance sowie Stu- dien iiber das Chateau de Gaillon und die Mai- son Frangois I. de Moret. Hirschvogelsaal, Nuremberg. Der Hirsch- vogelsaal zu Nurnberg. Ein Meister- werk der deutschen Renaissance, ausge- fiihrt von P. Flotner, 1534, Nurnberg. [1903?] 8 plates. *Cab.8o.i39.3 Hoffmann, J. Baukunst und dekorative Skulptur der Renaissance in Deutsch- land. Mit einer Einleitung von P. Klop- fer. Stuttgart. 1909. Plates. [Bau- formen Bibliothek.] *409oa.i44 Hofmann, T. Bauten des Herzogs Federigo di Montefeltro als Erstwerke der Hoch- renaissance. [Leipzig. 1905.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i22.2 Einschlagige Schriften, pp. 29, 30. Huber-Liebenau, T. von. Das deutsche Haus zur Zeit der Renaissance. Berlin. 1882. [Sammlung gemeinverstandli- cher . . . Vortrage.] No. 2 in *59i4.50.i7 Hunt, T. F. Designs for parsonage houses, alms houses, etc., with examples of gables and other curious remains of old English architecture. London. 1827. 22 plates. 4100.85 Exemplars of Tudor architecture, applied to modern habitations. London. 1841. 37 plates. *8o9o.28 Jones, I. Designs, consisting of plans and elevations for public and private build- ings. Published by W. Kent, with some additional designs. London. 1770. 2 v. in I. 139 plates. *Cab.6o.59,3 Jones, I., and others. Designs, published by I. Ware. [London. 1756.] Plates. *4I02.27 Kinross, J. Details from Italian buildings, chiefly Renaissance. Edinburgh. 1882. Plates. *8o8o.37 Klaczko, J. Rome and the Renaissance. The pontificate of Julius II. From the French . . . Translation by J. Dennie. New York. 1903. Plates. 4076.116 Rome et la renaissance. Paris. 1898. Plates. 4076.1 1 1 Lacroix, L. P. B. P. L'art decoratif et I'ameublement. Plates. (/« xviie sie- cle: lettres, sciences et arts. France. 1 590-1 700. Pp. 545-568. Paris. 1882.) 22203.58 Les arts au moyen-age et a I'epoque de la renaissance. 2e edition, revue. Paris. 1869. Illus. *8o8oa.2 The arts in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance. London. 1870. Illus. Plates. **K.23o.io Lacroix, L. P. B. P., editor. Le moyen age et la renaissance; histoire et descrip- tion. Direction artistique de F. Sere. Tome 5. [Beaux-arts.] Paris. 1851. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o6i.i5.5 Laspeyres, P. Die Kirchen der Renaissance in Mittel-Italien. Berlin. 1882. Plates. ♦8080.40 Lauterbach, A. Die Renaissance in Krakau. Miinchen. 191 1. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 4105.114 Literatur, pp. 90, 91. Contents. — Kulturhistorische Vorbedingungen. — Architektur. — Grabmaler. Leixner-Gruenberg, O. von. Der Kirchen- bau der Hoch- und Spatrenaissance in Venedig. Berlin. [1901.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.165 Lenormant, C. Rabelais et I'architecture de la renaissance. Restitution de I'abbayc de Theleme. Paris. 1840. 2 plates. 4096.52 Letarouilly, P. M. fidifices de Rome mo- derne. Paris. 1868-74. Text. 3 v. in i. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, 3 v. *Cab.8o.i2o.i; *L.7o.i7 Luebke, W. Die Cultur der Friihrenais- sance in Italien. Breslau. [1882? Deutsche Biicherei.] No. 17 in *487i.39 Geschichte der deutschen Renaissance. Stuttgart. 1872. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. 5.] 4095.36.5 Die Renaissance in Frankreich. Stutt- gart. 1867. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Ge- RENAISSANCE ARCHITECTURE 91 Luebke, W. (Continued.) schichte der Baukunst.] No. 2 in 4095.36.4 Zur franzosischen Renaissance. JBreslau. [1884. Deutsche Biicherei.] No. 35 in 4871.39 Luthmer, F. Das deutsche Wohnhaus der Renaissance. Berlin. [1897.] Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.148 Mariejol, J. H. L'Espagne sous Ferdinand et Isabelle. Paris. [1892.] Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque d'histoire illustree.] 3092.115 Marot, J. and D. Marot. [L'architecture frangoise, ou recueil des plans des eglises, palais [etc.] de Paris. Paris. 1751?] 199 plates. *8ioo.65 Mathews, C. T. The Renaissance under the Valois. A sketch in French archi- tectural history. New York. 1893. Illus. 41 plates. Plans. *8o90.i32 May, E. von. Hans Blum von Lohr am Main. Ein Bautheoretiker der deut- schen Renaissance. Strassburg. 1910. Illus. Plate. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.520 Bibliographie, pp. 76-85. Meldahl, F. Denkmaeler der Renaissance in Daenemark, ausgewaehlt von Fred. Skjold Neckelmann, mit beschreiben- dem Text von F. Meldahl. Berlin. [1888.] 47 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.i Meurer, M. Italienische Flachornamente aus der Zeit der Renaissance. Karls- ruhe. [188-?] 120 plates. *Cab.8o.92.4 Meyer, A. G. Oberitalienische Fruhrenais- sance. Bauten und Bildwerke der Lombardei. Berlin. 1897, 1900. 2 v. Plates. *409T.88 Contents. — i. Die Gothik des Mailander Domes und der tJbergangsstil. 2. Die Bluthezeit. Middleton, G. A. T., and R. W. Garden. Ornamental details of the Italian Re- naissance measured and drawn. London. 1900. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.5o.6 Moore, C. H. Character of Renaissance architecture. New York. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4095.156 Moreni, D. Memorie intorno al risorgi- mento delle belle arti in Toscana. {In Baldinucci. Vita di Filippo di Brunel- lesco. Firenze. 1812.) 2748.16 Mosler, H. Klassiker der Baukunst. Leip- zig. [1885.] Plates. [Klassiker-Biblio- thek der bildenden Kiinste. Baukunst.] 8066.109 Contents. — Jacopo Tatti gen. Sansovino. — Palladio. — Die Peterskirche in Rom. — Galeazzo Alessi. — Giorgio Vasari. — G. Barozzi gen. Vignola. — Scamozzi. — Maderno, — Boromini. — Bernini. — Schliiter. — Schinkel. Mueller, W. Sketches of the age of Francis I. London. 1841. 27 plates. *Cab.26.i.7.2 Muentz, L. F. E. Les antiquites de la ville de Rome aux xiv^ xye et xvi^ siecles. Paris. 1886. Plates. 2753.6 Histoire de I'art pendant la renaissance: Italic. Paris. 1889, 95. 3 v. Plates. ♦8071.103 Les monuments antiques de Rome a I'epoque de la renaissance. Nouvelles Muentz, L. F. E. (Continued.) recherches. Fascicule i. Paris. 1885. Reprinted from Revue archeologique 3e serie, tome 3 [*2237.so. serie 3, tome 3]. This work is incorporated in his "Antiquites de la ville de Rome au xive, xve et xvie siecles C2753.6]. No more was published in this form. La renaissance en Italic et en France a I'epoque de Charles viii. Paris. 1885. Illus. Plates. *8o6oa.53 Myskovszky, V. Kunstdenkmale des Mit- telalters und der Renaissance in Un- garn. Wien. 1885. 100 plates. *8o8o.59 Nash, J. The mansions of England in the olden time. London. 1839-49. 4 v. 104 plates. *8ioo.i5;**K.407.i Same. With the illustrations reduced. 1869-72. 8090.14; *L.6o.io Same. New edition. Edited by C. Holme. 1906. 104 plates. [The Studio.] 8072.175 Principally interiors. Niven, W. Monograph of Aston Hall, Warwickshire. London. [1881?] 15 plates. *8iooa.8 Orbaan, J. A. F. Sixtine Rome. New York. 191 1. Plates. 4097.177 Ortwein, A. Deutsche Renaissance. Eine Sammlung von Gegenstanden der Ar- chitektur, Dekoration und Kunstge- werbe in Original-Aufnahmen. Leipzig. [i87i-]88. 9 v. Plates. *8o7o.io3 Volumes 1-8 include Switzerland. Vol. 9 is on Austria. For index of places and classified list of details see vol. i, p. [i]. Each volume con- tains an index of its contents. The text is little more than a description of the plates. Palladio, A. Fabbriche e disegni, raccolti ed illustrati da O. B. Scamozzi. 2a edi- zione. Vicenza. 1786. 4 v. Plates. *Cab.8o.ii6.i Palustre de Montifaut, L. L'architecture de la renaissance. Paris. [1892.] Illus. [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.41 La renaissance en France. Paris. 1879- 85. 3 V. Plates. *8ioo.58 Paoletti, P. L'architettura e la scultura del rinascimento in Venezia. Venezia. 1893, 97. 2 V. in 3. 148 plates. *Cab.6o.6o.i Paravicini, T. V. Die Renaissance-Archi- tektur der Lombardei. Dresden. [1878?] Illus. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.5 Partridge, W. O. Sculpture: medieval, renaissance and decadence. Illus. (/w Progress. Vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 276-296. Chicago. [1901.]) *4072.209.6 Bibliography, p. ii. Patzak, B. Die Villa Imperiale in Pesaro. Studien zur Kunstgeschichte der ita- lienischen Renaissancevilla und ihrer Innendekoration. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. Plans. [Die Renaissance- und Barock- villa in Italien.] *4072.i87 Percier, C, and P. F. L. Fontaine. Choix des plus celebres maisons de plaisance de Rome et de ses environs. Paris. 1809. 75 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.i Same. 2e edition. 1824. *L.70.6 92 PERIODS AND STYLES Percier, C, and others. Palais, maisons, et autres edifices modernes dessines a Rome. Paris. [1798.] 100 plates. *4ioo.i8 Perry, J. T. The chronology of mediaeval and renaissance architecture: a date book of architectural art, from the building of S. Peter's. London. 1893. Illus. *8o93.io7 Petit, V. Chateaux de France des xv^ et xvi^ siecles. Paris, [i860?] 100 plates. ♦4660.6 Chateaux de la vallee de la Loire, des xv^ xvie et xvii« siecles. Paris. 1861. 100 plates. ♦Cab.60.69.1 Phihppi, A. Die Kunst der T^enaissance in Italien. Leipzig. 1897. 5 v. in 2. Illus. [ Kunstgeschichtliche Einzeldarstellun- gen. Band i, 2.] 4075.45.1, 2 Contents. — 1. Vorrenaissance und Fruhrenais- sance. 2. Die Hochrenaissance. Pontani, C. Opere architettoniche di Raf- faello Sanzio misurate ed illustrate. Roma. 1843-45. Plates. *8o90.i55 Prentice, A. N. Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain. Examples from the purest works executed between 1500-1560. London. [1893.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io8.5 Raschdorff, J. C. Toscana. Berlin. 1888. 100 plates. [Palast-Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana vom xv. bis XVII. Jahrhundert.] *Cab.6o.75.3 Raschdorff, O. Venedig. Berlin. [1894-] 1903. Text, I v.; Atlas, 2 v. [Palast- Architektur von Ober-Italien und Tos- cana vom XIII. bis xvii. Jahrhundert.] *Cab.6o.88.5 Redtenbacher, R. Die Architektur der ita- lianischen Renaissance. Frankfurt a. M. 1886. 4094.78 Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung archi- tektonischer Handzeichnungen in der Gallerie der Uffizien zu Florenz. Theil I : Baldassare Peruzzi und seine Werke. Karlsruhe. 1875. 20 colored plates. *Cab.6o.i4.4 Reinhardt, R. Genua. Berlin. 1886. 100 plates. [Palast-Architektur von Ober- Italien und Toscana vom xv. bis xvii. Jahrhundert.] *Cab.6o.24.i Renaissance doorways. Italian. [Vol.] i. Boston. 1901. Plates. [Topical archi- tecture.] *Cab.6o,i39.9 There is no text. Richardson, C. J. Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James i. London. 1838. 13 plates. *Cab.6o.ii9.i Same. 1840. 32 plates. *Cab.6o.ii4.i Observations on the architecture of Eng- land during the reigns of Queen Eliza- beth and King James i. London. 1837. 49 plates. *8o90.io5 Robida, A. La vieille France. Paris. 1890- 93. 4 V. Illus. Plates. Namely: Normandie. *666o.58 Bretagne. *666o.59 La Touraine. *666o.6o Provence. *666o.6i Robinson, P. F. Domestic architecture in the Tudor style. London. 1837. 17 plates. *8o90.io3 Rossi, G. G. de'. Disegni di vari altari e cappelle nelle chiese di Roma con le loro facciate fianchi, piante e misure de piv celebri architetti. [1713.] 50 plates. **Tosti, D.I.I These are also in a collection of plates by Rossi [No. 2in*Cab.6o.76.5]. Rossini, L. I monumenti piu interessanti di Roma dal xo secolo sino al secolo xviiio. Roma. [1818.] Plates. *Cab.49.i4.i Rouyer, E. L'art architecturale en France depuis Frangois i^r jusqu'a Louis xvi. Paris. 1863, 66. 2 v. Plates. *8o90.3 Sandrart, J. von. Die romischen Pallaste und einige Gebaude des Palladio im venezianischen Gebiete, und die merk- wiirdigsten Springbrunnen in Rom. Niirnberg. 1770. Plates. [Teutsche Academic der Bau- Bildhauer- und Maier- Kunst. 3.] No. 2 in **K.5o.i.3 Sangiorgi, G. Florence. Collection Car- rand au Bargello. Rome. 1895. 88 plates. *8o77.44 Sauvageot, C. Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du xye au xviiie sie- cle. Paris. 1867. 4 v. Plates. *8ioo.6 Schaefer, C. Die Holzarchitektur Deutsch- lands, vom xiv. bis xvii. Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben vom Verbande deut- scher Architekten- und Ingenieur- Vereine, unter Leitung von C. Schafer. Berlin. 1886, 89. 80 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.l24.4 Schneeli, G. Renaissance in der Schweiz. Munchen. 1896. Illus. 4073.79 Schoy, A. Histoire de I'influence italienne sur I'architecture dans les Pays-Bas. Bruxelles. 1879. 8091.59 Schubring, P. Das italienische Grabmal der Friihrenaissance. Berlin. 1904. Illus. Portraits. 40 plates. *8o8i.i27 Urbano da Cortona. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schule Donatellos und der Sieneser Plastik im Quattrocento. Nebst einem Anhang: Andrea Guardi. Strassburg. 1903. Illus. [Zur Kunst- geschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.128 Bibliography, pp. 72-78. Schuetz, A. Die Renaissance in Italien. Hamburg. 1891. 4 v. 331 plates. Plates only. *Cab.6o.I3.l Schumacher, F. Leon Battista Alberti und seine Bauten. Berlin. [1899.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.160 Semper, H. Hervorragende Bildhauer- Architekten der Renaissance. Dresden. [1880.] Plates. *Cab.6o.i4.8 Semper, H., and others. Carpi: ein Fiirsten- sitz der Renaissance. Dresden. 1882. Illus. Portrait. 27 plates. Plans. Il- luminated title-page. *Cab.6o.i68.6 Contents. — Geschichtlich-literarischer Theil, von H. Semper. — Kunst-geschichtlicher Theil, von F. O. Schulze und W. Barth. RENAISSANCE ARCHITECTURE 93 Smith, T. R. Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance. London. 1880. Illus. [Illustrated handbooks of art history.] 4099.66 Same. 1896. 4099.106 Same. New York. 1880. 4099.127 Stegmann, C. M. von. Ornamente der Renaissance aus Italien. Weimar. 1861. 24 plates. *Cab.8o.T88.3 Steinmann, E. Rom in der Renaissance, von Nicolaus v. bis auf Leo x. 2. Auf- lage. Leipzig. 1902. Illus. Portraits. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.244 Litteratur-Verzeichniss, pp. 210, 211. Strack, H. Baudenkmaeler Roms des xv.- XIX. Jahrhunderts. Berlin. 1891. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.2 This is published as a supplement to Letarouilly's Edifices de Rome moderne [*Cab.8o. 120.1]. Central- und Kuppelkirchen der Renais- sance in Italien. Berlin. 1882. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i23.2 Ziegelbauwerke des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1889. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.39.3 Stroobant, F. Monuments d'architecture et de sculpture en Belgique. Nouvelle edi- tion. Bruxelles. 1878. 36 plates. *8iooa.5 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: the fine arts. London. 1877. 2722 51.3 Same. 2d edition. 1882. 2722.54.3 Same. New edition. 1898. 2722.67.3 Taylor, I. J. S., Baron, and others. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans I'an- cienne France. Par J. Taylor, Ch. No- dier et Alph. de Cailleux. Paris. 1820- 77' 20 V. Plates. Plans. Namely: Champagne. 1857. 3 v. *L.40.i Bretagne. 1845, 46. 2 v. *L.40.2 Dauphine. 1854. *L.40.3 Picardie. 1835-45. 3 v. *L.40.4 Languedoc. 1833-37. 4 v. *L.40.5 Auvergne. 1829, 33. 2 v. *L.40.6 Franche-Comte. 1825. *L.40.7 Normandie. 1820-77. 3 v. *L.4o.8 Bourgogne. 1863. *L.40.9 Thode, H. Franz von Assisi und die An- fange der Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1885. Illus. 4083.15 Same. 2. Auflage. 1904. 39 plates. Plans. 4083.54 Tipping, H. A. English homes of the early Renaissance: Elizabethan and Jacobean houses and gardens. London. [1913.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.69.9 The examples are of country houses. This work supplements and completes the volumes already issued In English homes [*Cab.6o.69.6], and Gardens old and new [*L.si.23]. Triggs, H. I., and H. Tanner, Jr. Some ar- chitectural works of Inigo Jones. Lon- don. 1901. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i48.4 Upmark, G. H. V. Die Architektur der Renaissance in Schweden (1530-1760). Berlin [etc.]. 1897 [-1900]. Text, i v.; Atlas, 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i24.i Vachon, M. Philibert de I'Orme. Paris. [1887.] Illus. [Les artistes celebres.] 4083.21 La renaissance francaise: I'architecture Vachon, M. (Continued.) nationale — les grands maitres magons. Preface de H. Daumet. Paris. 11910.! Plates. *409i.42 Verdier, A., and F. P. Cattois. Architecture civile et domestique au moyen age et a la renaissance. Paris. 1855, 57. 2 v. Plates. " *8o9i.io5 Verschelde, C. The ancient domestic edi- fices of Bruges. Bruges. 1875. 40 plates. 4091.57 Vincenti, C. von. Wiener Kunst-Renais- sance. Wien. 1876. *4077.88 Vitry, P. Hotels & maisons de la renais- sance frangaise: rccueil de documents sur rarchitecture privee des xve & xvie siecles avec une introduction et des notices. Tome i, 2. Paris. [1911, 12?] 2v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i72.6 Bibliographie generate, Tome i, p. 8. Ward, W. H. The architecture of the Re- naissance in France. London. [1911.! 2 v. Illus. Plans. 4094.167 Waring, J. B., and T. R. Macquoid, Exam- ples of architectural art in Italy and Spain, chiefly of the 13th and i6th cen- turies. London. 1850. 61 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.2 Warren, H. L. Architecture: renaissance and modern. Illus. Plate. (In Prog- ress. Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 190-234. Chi- cago. [1900.]) *4072.209.6 Bibliography, p. 234. Woelfflin, H. Renaissance und Barock. Eine Untersuchung iiber Wesen imd Entstehung des Barockstils in Italien. Miinchen. 1888. Illus. Plates. 4092.59 Wyatt, Sir M. D., and J. B. Waring. Italian court in the Crystal Palace. London. 1854. Illus. 4089.25 The Renaissance court in the Crystal Pal- ace. London. 1854. IHus. Plates. 4089.33 Wytsman, P. Choix d'interieurs beiges (styles gothique & renaissance). Brux- elles. 1902. 28 plates. 80903.78 Modern. Adam, R., and J. Adam. Works in architec- ture. London. 1773-1822. 3 v. in i. Plates. *Cab.6o.84.i In French and English. Adams, M. B., editor. Modern cottage archi- tecture. London. 1904. 50 plates. *8iooa.3i Adams, W. H. D. Triumphs of modern architecture: a description of some of the celebrated edifices of modern Eu- rope. [Anon.] London. 1866. Plates. 4098.59 Albert, J. Miinchener Neubauten. Miin- chen. [1896.] so plates. *Cab.6o.i23.i Ntirnberger Neubauten. Miinchen. [1896.] 50 plates. *4090.39 Alexandre, A. Histoire de I'art decoratif du xvie siecle a nos jours. Ouvrage orne de 48 planches en couleurs, 12 eaux-fortes, 526 dessins. Paris. [1891.] ♦4070.102 94 PERIODS AND STYLES Architectural precedents; consisting of plans, elevations, specifications, esti- mates and forms of contracts of build- ings actually executed. 3d edition. Accompanied by Section i of an Essay on architectural practice, by J. L. Walker. London. 1841. 8093.68 Architectural studies. F. A. Wright, editor. New York. 1886, 87. 2 v. Plates. ♦8103.61 Ashbee, C. R. Frank Lloyd Wright: eine Studie zu seiner Wiirdigung. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.i55 Sonderheft of A'rchitektur des xx. Jahrhunderts. Aufleger, O. Siiddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im xviii. Jahrhundert. Munchen. 1891-95. 10 v. in 7. Namely: I, 2. Die Klosterkirchen in Ottobeuren. 1891, 92. 2 V. in I. 55 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.i 3, 4. Miinchener Architektur des xviii. Jahrhunderts. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. 1892. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.2 5. Innen-Decorationen des koniglichen Lustschlosses Schleissheim. Einleitung von J. Mayerhofer. 1891. 30 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.io6.3 6. Altare und Sculpturen des Munsters zu Salem. 1892. 26 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.io6.3 7. 8. Die reichen Zimmer der Konigl. Residenz in Miinchen. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. 1893. Plan. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.4 9. Die Kgl. Hofkirche zu Fiirstenfeld. Die Klosterkirche zu Diessen. Einlei- tung von K. Trautmann. 1894. Plates. *Cab.6o. 106.9 10. Die Amalienburg im Konigl. Schloss- garten zu Nymphenburg. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. 2 Auflage. 1895. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.io Austria. Landesregierung fiir Bosnien und Hercegovina. Das Bauwesen in Bos- nien und der Hercegovina vom Beginn der Occupation durch die osterr.-ung. Monarchic. Wien. 1887. 12 plates. *8o9oa.ii5 Barqui, F. L'architecture moderne en France. Maisons les plus remarquables des principales villes des departements. Paris. [1871.] 120 plates. *Cab.6o.45.3 Barry, A. Memoir of the life and works of Sir Charles Barry. London. 1867. Illus. 4546.6 Same. 2d edition. 1870. Illus. 4546.32 Baumeister, E. Rokoko-Kirchen Ober- bayerns. Strassburg. 1907. 31 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.460 Beyaert, • H. Travaux d'architecture, exe- cutes en Belgique. Bruxelles. [1891, 92.] 100 plates. *Cab.6o.io8.2 Bicknell, A. J., & Co. Specimen book of one hundred architectural designs. New York. 1878. 4096.51 Wooden and brick buildings. New York. 1875. 2 V. 160 plates. *40Q0.6o Birch, G. H. London churches of the xviit^ and xyiii*b centuries. From the designs of Inigo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor and James Gibbs. London. 1896. Illus. 64 plates. . Cab.60.118.3 Boileau, L. A. Histoire critique de I'inven- tion en architecture. Classification methodique au point de vue du progres et de son application a la composition de nouveaux types architectoniques derivant de I'usage du fer. Paris. 1886. 20 plates. *8o8o.67 Les preludes de l'architecture du xxe sie- cle. Un demi-siecle d'etudes architec- turales dans le sens du progres. Nou- velle edition. Paris. 1893. 3 folded plates. 8092.121 On the use of metal in construction. Boito. C. L'architettura odierna e Tinsegna- mento di essa. Milano. i860. No. 5 in *4043.74 Borrmann, R. Die Bau- und Kunstdenk- maler von Berlin. Berlin. 1893. Plates. *8o9oa.66 Briseux, C. £. Architecture moderne; ou, I'art de bien batir pour toutes sortes de personnes. [Anon.] Paris. 1728. Text, 1 v. 3 plates; Atlas, 143 plates. *8o93.66 Buck, C. C. Designs in architecture. Brook- lyn. [188-?] Illus. 8094.36 Burges, W. Architectural designs. Lon- don. 1883, 87. 2 V. Plates. *8i03.62 Vol. 2 contains details of stone work. Architectural drawings. London. 1870. • *Cab.6o.ii6.4 Burn, R. S. Modern building and architec- ture: a series of working drawings and practical designs; including examples from the Paris and Havre international exhibitions, with papers on technical subjects. Edinburgh. [187-?] Illus. 52 folded plates. *Cab.6o.55.2 Calliat, V. Parallele des maisons de Paris construites depuis 1830. Paris. 1857, 64. 2 V. 246 plates. *Cab.6o.i6.i Vol. I is of the second edition. Campbell, C. Vitruvius Britannicus, or the British architect, containing the plans, elevations and sections of the regular buildings in Great Britain. [London. 1724?-] 1771. 5 v. *Cab.6o.83.i The title is repeated in French. Same. 1715-25. 3 v. 300 plates. *8ioo.66 Castermans, A. Parallele des maisons de Bruxelles et des principales villes de la Belgique, construites depuis 1830. Paris. 1852-64. 2 V. 237 plates. *Cab.6o.64.5 Chabat, P. La brique et la terre cuite. Paris. 1881, [189-?] 2 V. 161 plates. *Cab.6o.23.3 Child, E. S. Colonial houses for modern homes ... A collection of sketches, perspectives and plans. New York. 1903. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.i52.2 Comstock, W. T. Modern architectural designs and details. New York. 1881. 80 plates. *8i03.55 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 95 Comes, J. Modern housing in town and country illustrated by examples of mu- nicipal and other schemes of block dwellings, tenement houses, model cot- tages and villages . . . London. 1905. Illus. Plans. *8o9i.i27 Cougny, G. L'art moderne. Partie 2: xviie, xviiic et xixe siecles. Paris. 1896. Illus. 8062.84.2 Cyclopaedia of architectural illustration. Comprising 1000 full-page plates, en- graved on steel. Boston. [1892.] 5 v. *8i04.5o Daly, C. L'architecture privee au xix^e siecle. Serie 1-3. Paris. 1864-77- 8 v. 576 plates. *Cab.6o.i94.2 Contents. — Serie i, 2. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs. 6 v. — Serie 3. Decora- tions interieures peintes. 2 v. Davison, T. R. Modern homes. Selected examples of dwelling houses. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. ^ 8103.105 Deshairs, L. Bordeaux: architecture et decoration au dix-huitieme siecle. Paris. [1907.] Illus. 104 plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i72.3 Dijon: architecture et decoration aux dix- septieme et dix-huitieme siecles. Paris. [1909?] Illus. 120 plates. *Cab.6o.i69.6 Dohme, R. Barock- und Rococo-Architek- tur. Berlin. 1892. 3 v. Illus. 200 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.io2.i Domenech y Montaner, L. Arquitectura moderna de Barcelona. [Partie i.] Barcelona. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Espaiia artistica arqueologica monu- mental.] *8o90.i68 Dow, J. W. American renaissance: a review of domestic architecture. New York. 1904. 96 plates. *4092.i25 A series of papers reprinted from the Architects and Builders' Magazine with slight modifica- tions. Eckardt, A. Die Baukunst in Salzburg wahrend des xvii. Jahrhunderts. Strass- burg. 1910. Illus. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] Quellen-Verzeichnis, pp. ix, x. 4074.523 Elmes, J. Metropolitan improvements; or, London in the nineteenth century. From drawings by T. H. Shepard. Lon- don. 1828, 79 plates. **K.i2i.3.2 Same. [London. 1847.] 44 plates. 6536.12 Embury, Aymar, 2d. One hundred country houses. Modern American examples. New York. 1909. Plates. Plans. ♦8091.79 Ende, H., editor. Architektonische Studien- Blatter. Photographische Original-Auf- nahmen von H. Ruckwardt. Berlin. [1884-95.] 4 V. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i7.i Enlart, D. L. C. Relations of modern archi- tecture to the study of other periods of the art. {In International Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 1904. [Re- port.] Vol. 3, PP- 622-637. Boston. 1906.) 7916.102.3 ntwuerfe zu Kirchen, Pfarr- und Schul- Hausern. Zum amtlichen Gebrauche ■ Entwuerfe zu Kirchen. (Continued.) bearb. und herausg. von der Konigl. preuss. Ober-Bau-Deputation. Pots- dam. 1852. 72 plates. *Cab.6o.7o.i Ewerbeck, F. Architektonische Entwiirfe und Bauausfiihrungen. Berlin. [1890?] 36 plates. *Cab.6o.88.2 Examples of modern architecture, ecclesi- astical and domestic. London. 1870. Plates. *8i02.8 Falke, J. von. Geschichte des modernen Geschmacks. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1880. 4077.368 Farge, L. Expositon universelle de 1889, a Paris. Les constructions frangaises et etrangeres. Paris. [1890.] 80 plates. *8o90.7i Fergusson, J. History of the modern styles of architecture. London. 1862. Illus. 4095-18 Same. 2d edition. 1873. [History of ar- chitecture. 4.] 4103.22.4 Same. 3d edition, revised. By R. Kerr. 1891. 2 V. Illus. [History of architec- ture. 4, 5.] 4103.54.4, 5 Same. New York. 1891. 2 v. Plates. *L.54.i4 Ferrey, B. Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin, and his father. London. 1861. Plates. 4095-8 Field, H., and M. Bunney. English domes- tic architecture of the xvii. and xviii. centuries. London. 1905. 138 plates. ♦4090a. 1 19 Field, M. City architecture. New York. 1853. Plates. 4106.3 Fitzgerald, P. H. Robert Adam, artist and architect: his works and his system. London. 1904. Illus. Portrait. Plates. 4093.153 Fuchs, C, publisher. Hamburgs Neubau. Sammlung sammtlicher Fagaden der Ge- baude an den neubebauten Strassen. Hamburg. [1844-48.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i6o.4 Gelis-Didot, P., and Th. Lambert. La con- struction privee a la fin du xixe siecle. Hotels et maisons de Paris, fagades et details. Paris. 1893. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.24.2 Gibbs, J. A book of architecture, containing designs of buildings and ornaments. London. 1728. 150 plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.9 Goodyear, W. H. Renaissance and modern art. Meadville, Pa. 1894. Plates. [Chautauqua reading circle literature.] 4068.42 Gourlier, C. P., and others. Choix d'edifices publics projetes et construits en France depuis le commencement du xix^e sie- cle; public, avec I'autorisation du Mi- nistre de I'interieur, par MM. Gourlier, Biet, Grillon, et Tardieu. Paris. 1825- 50. 3 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i70.i Graef, P., compiler. Neubauten in Nord- amerika. Berlin. [1897-1904.] 165 plates. *Cab.6o.i92.3 Green, M. A. The eighteenth century archi- tecture of Bath. Bath. 1904. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii4.8 96 PERIODS AND STYLES Gurlitt, C. Die deutsche Kunst des neun- zehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin. 1899. Plates. [Das Neunzehnte Jahrhundert in Deutschlands Entwicklung. Band 2,] *28i6.32 The plates include a few of architecture. Geschichte des Barockstiles, des Rococo und des Klassicismus. Stuttgart. 1887- 89. 3 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Ge- schichte der neueren Baukunst. Band 5.] 4095.37-5 Contents. — i. Geschichte des Barockstiles in Ita- lien. a. Geschichte des Barockstiles und des Rococo in Deutschland. 3. Geschichte des Ba- rockstiles, des Rococo und des Klassicismus in Belgien, Holland, Frankreich, England. Haack, F. Die Kunst des xix. Jahrhun- derts. Stuttgart. 1905. Illus. [Grund- riss der Kunstgeschichte.] 4073.286.5 Haenel, E., and H. Tscharmann. Das Ein- zelwohnhaus der Neuzeit. Achtes Tau- send. Leipzig. 1907. Plates. Plans. Six of the plates are colored. 8105.43 Die Wohnung der Neuzeit. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. 8107.37 Hamlin, A. D. F. The problems of modern architecture. {In International Con- gress of Arts and Sciences. St. Louis. 1904. [Report.] Vol. 3, pp. 638-649. Boston. 1906.) *79i6.i02.3 Hantich, H. L'art tcheque au xixe siecle. (Peinture — sculpture — architecture.) Preface de C. Normand. Paris. [1904.] Illus. 4070.158 Ouvrages a consulter, p. 50. Hartel, A. Coin: Bauwerke der Neuzeit. Leipzig. [1887?] 50 plates. *Cab.6o.66.i.i Heinzerling, J. G. E. F. [Der Eisenhoch- bau der Gegenwart.] Leipzig. 1882-89. 3 parts in i v. *8ioo.59 Hittorff, J. I. Notice historique et biogra- phique sur la vie et les oeuvres de Sir Charles Barry. Paris, i860. 8092.120 Hitzig, F. Ausgefiihrte Bauwerke. Berlin. [1852, 66.] 2 V. in I. 68 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.2 Hofmann, F. H. Bayreuth und seine Kunst- denkmale. Miinchen. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4073.264 Die Kunst am Hofe der Markgrafen von Brandenburg. Frankische Linie. Strass- burg. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.342 Holme, C, editor. Modern British domestic architecture and decoration. London. 1901. Plates. [The Studio.] *8o72.90 Many of the plates are colored. Huebsch, H. Bau-Werke. 2. Folge. Carls- ruhe. [1859.] Plates. *Cab.6o.4i.5 Plans of German buildings with explanatory text. Jackson, T. G. Modern Gothic architecture. London. 1873. 4099.52 Jaffe, F. Neubauten in Grossbritannien. Lief. I, 2. Berlin. [1892.] Plates. Publication discontinued. *Cab.6o.78.2 Jessen, P. Italienische Barock- und Rococo- Decken. Berlin. 1893. 12 plates. [Koenigliche Museen, Berlin. Kunst- gewerbe Museum. 16.] ♦Cab.80.81.2 Keller, H., publisher. Danziger Barock. Frankfurt a. M. 1909. Plates. T, , . , *Cab.6o.i6i.3 Kerckennck zur Borg, E., Freiherr von, and R. Klapheck. Alt-Westfalen: die Bauentwicklung Westfalens seit der Renaissance. Stuttgart. [1912.] Illus 232 plates. Plans. [Westfalische Kom- mission fiir Heimatschutz. Veroffent- lichung I.] *4093.i82 Klasen, L. Grundriss-Vorbilder von Ge- bauden aller Art. Mit Textfiguren und Tafeln in Photolithographic. Leipzig. 1884-96. 15 parts in 21 v. Plates. *4i 03.58 Contents. — i. Wohn- und Geschaftshauser, 2. Gasthauser, Hotels und Restaurants. 3. Schul- gebaude. 4. Gebaude fiir Gesundheitspflege und Heilanstalten. 5. Viehmarkte, Schlacht- hofe und Markthallen. 6. Gebaude fiir Han- delszwecke. 7. Gebaude fur Vereine, fur Con- ctrte und Vergniigiingon. 8. Wohlthatigkeits- anstalten. 9. Gebaude fur Verwaltungszwecke. 10. Gebaude fiir Kunst und Wissenschaft. 11. Gebaude fiir kirchliche Zwecke. 13. Gebaude fiir Justizzwecke. 14. Gebaude fiir die Zwecke der Land-, Garten- und Forstwirthschaft. 15. Fabriken. Klenze, L. von. Sammlung architectoni- scher Entwiirfe fiir die Ausfiihrung be- stimmt Oder wirklich ausgefiihrt. 2. Ausgabe. Miinchen. 1847-50. 60 plates. *Cab.6o. 103.2 Klopfer, P. Von Palladio bis Schinkel: eine Characteristik der Baukunst des Klassi- zismus. Eszlingen a. N. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der neueren Baukunst. Band 9.] *4095.37.9 Korsak, A. de. Les grands architectes fran- gais. Dourdan. 1884. 220 plates. *8o9oa.ii6 Architecture and decoration of the time of Louis XV and xvr. Lacroux, J. Constructions en briques. La brique ordinaire au point de vue deco- ratif. Texte par C. Detain. Paris. 1878, 86. Illus. 155 plates. *Cab.6o.39.2 Lafever, M. The beauties of modern archi- tecture. A new edition. New York. 1855. Plates. 4092.76 Lambert, A., and E. Stahl. Moderne Archi- tektur. Stuttgart. [1891.] 100 colored plates. *Cab.6o.i5.2 Larroumet, L. B. G. P. L'art decoratif au xixe siecle. (/n :fitudes de litterature et d'art. Vol. 3, pp. 297-322. Paris. 1893- 96.) 26793.183.3 Leeds, W. H. An essay on modern English architecture. (/m Barry, Sir Charles. The Traveller's Club House. London. 1839.) *4ioo.i8 Licht, H. Architektur der Gegenwart. Mit Text von A. Rosenberg. Berlin. [1892-] 1900. 5 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.75.i Architektur Deutschlands. Ubersicht der hervorragendsten Bauausfiihrungen der Neuzeit. Mit Text von A. Rosenberg. Berlin. 1882. 2 v. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.55.i Lipsius, C. Gottfried Semper, in seiner Be- deutung als Architekt. Berlin. 1880. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 8096.100 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 97 Loftie, W. J. Inigo Jones and Wren; or, the rise and decline of modern architecture in England. London. 1893. Plates. ♦4091.69 Loring, S. E., and W. L. B. Jenney. Princi- ples and practice of architecture. Chi- cago. 1869. 46 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.2 Luthmer, F. Malerische Inneraume mo- derner Wohnungen. Serie i, 2. Frank- furt am Main. 1885, 86. 2 v. in i. 50 plates. *Cab.8o.ii.2 Lux, J. A. Das neue Kunstgewerbe in Deutschland. Leipzig. 1908, 82 plates. 4094.176 Refers mainly to architecture and decorative art in architecture. Magne, L. L'architecture frangaise du sie- cle. Paris. 1889. Illus. 24 plates. 8090a. 107 L'art dans I'habitation moderne. Paris. 1887. Illus. 24 plates. *8o9oa.io6 Maquet, A. Paris sous Louis xiv. Monu- ments et vues. Paris. 1883. Illus. Plates. *462o.i2 Moderne kirchliche Kunst in 5sterreich-Un- garn. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von A. R. Hecht. Heft 1-3. Wien. [1912.] Plates. *Cab.8o.286.i In progress. There is no text. Moderne Staedtebilder. Abth. i, 2. Berlin. 1900. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i39.3 Contents. — i. Neubauten in Briissel. 2. Neu- bauten in Holland (Amsterdam, Haag, Rotter- dam). Muthesius, H. Die englische Baukunst der Gegenwart. Beispiele neuer englischer Profanbauten. Leipzig. 1900. 4 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i46.4 Die neuere kirchliche Baukunst in Eng- land. Berlin. 1901. Plates. 4101.86 Neubauten in Oesterreich. Fagaden, De- tails, Haustore, Vestibule, etc., etc. [Tafeln.] Serie 2: Modernes Barock, etc. Wien. [1908. J 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i72.2 Neubauten in Wien, Prag, Budapest. Faga- den, Details, Haustore,Vestibule. Wien. 1904. 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.5 Nicole, D. Architecture pratique. De I'em- ploi des briques ordinaires dans la con- struction et la decoration des edifices. Paris. 1877. 30 [25] colored plates. *8oio.i32 Niemann, G. H. L., and F. Ritter von Fel- degg. Theophilos Hansen und seine Werke. Wien. 1893. Portrait. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o90.i37 Osborne, G. F., editor. Country homes and gardens of moderate cost. Philadelphia. [1907.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8103.76 A collection of designs by well-known architects. Parrocel, E. A. L'art dans le Midi: cele- brites marseillaises. Marseille et ses edifices, architectes et ingenieurs du xixe siecle. Marseille. 1881-84. 4 v. Illus. 4079.174 A resum6 of the first two volumes is on shelf- number 4074.222. Petit, V. Architecture nouvelle: recueil de constructions modernes executees en Petit, V. (Continued.) France, en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Italic. Paris. [1863.] 50 plates. ^ , , *Cab.6o.i26.2 Petits dessms. Paris. [186-?] 100 col- ored plates. *8o6oa.3 Petits modeles d'architecture. Paris. [1863.] 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i26.i Philippi, A. Die Kunst der Nachbliite in Italien und Spanien. Leipzig. 1900. Illus. Portraits. [Kunstgeschichtliche Einzeldarstellungen. Band 4.] 4075.45.4 Contents. — Im Zeitalter des Barock. — Die neue Malerei in Spanien. Phillimore, Lucy. Sir Christopher Wren: his family and his times. 1 585-1 723. London. 1881. 2540.52 Same. 1883. **K.i56.i Pickett, W. V. New system of architecture, developing the properties of metals. London. 1845. 4092.13 Quast, A. F. W. R. von. Schinkel und die Gegenwart. Festrede. Berlin. 1872. [Architekten-Verein zu Berlin.] 8095,102 Quennell, C. H. B. Modern suburban houses. Examples erected at Hamp- stead & elsewhere. London. 1906. 43 plates. *8i03.78 Raczynski, A., Graf. Histoire de l'art mo- derne en Allemagne. Paris. 1836-41. Text, 3 v.; Plates, 2 v. *Cab.8o.204.i A brief resume of this work, with an index of artists, is on shelf-number 4073.106. [Recueil de travanx d'architectes russes. Moscou.] 1890, 91. Illus. Plates. In Russian. *Cab.6o.59.I Rehme, W. Die Architektur der neuen freien Schule. Leipzig. [1901.I 100 plates. *Cab.6o.50.8 Same. Erganzungsband i. [1902.] Plates. Principally doors and windows. *Cab.6o.50.9 Ricci, C. Baukunst und dekorative Skulp- tur der Barockzeit in Italien. Stuttgart. 1912. Plates. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i48 Baroque architecture and sculpture in Italy. London. 1912. Plates. *409i.30 Riegl, A. Die Entstehung der Barockkunst in Rom. Herausgegeben von Arthur Burda und Max Dvorak. Wien. 1908. 4074.439 Rodriguez Ayuso, E. Biografia y obras ar- quitectonicas. Madrid. 1892. Illus. 5 plates. *8o9oa.ii2 Rueckwardt, H. Architektur der Neuzeit. Eine ausgewahlte Sammlung moderner Fagaden und Details. Berlin. 1882-96. 3 V. 300 plates. *Cab.6o.7i.i Berliner Neubauten. Berlin. [1892.] 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.i Villen-Neubauten der Umgebung von Berlin. Serie 1-3. Berlin [etc.]. 1892- 98. 3 V. in 2. Plates. *Cab.6o.88.3 Saint-Paul, A. Viollet-le-Duc: ses travaux d'art et son systeme archeologique. 2e edition. Paris. 1881. 4094-75 Viollet-le-Duc et son systeme archeolo- gique. {In Bulletin monumentale. Vol. 98 PERIODS AND STYLES Saint-Paul, A. (Continued.) 46, pp. 409-463, 716-778; vol. 47, pp. 5- 54, 187-234, 349-417, 445-502. Paris. 1880, 81.) *4i09.50.46, 47 Sauvageot, C. Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du xv^ au xviiie sie- cles. Paris. 1867. 4 v. Plates. *8ioo.6 Scheffler, C. Moderne Baukunst. [2. Auf- lage.] Leipzig. 1908. Plates. 4097.72 The examples are of architecture in Berlin. Schinkel, C. F. [Sammlung architektoni- scher Entwurfe. Berlin. 1819-40.] 156 plates with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.87.i Same. [5. Ausgabe.] 1866. 174 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.4 The plans are taken from buildings in Germany, especially in Berlin. Schoenermark, G., editor. Die Architektur der hannoverschen Schule. Jahrgang 1-7. Hannover. 1889-95. 7 v. Plates. [Moderne Werke der Baukunst und des Kunstgewerbes in mittelalterlichem Stil.] *409i.2i5 Publication discontinued. Schubring, P. Die protestantische Kirchen- bau im xix. Jahrhundert. lUus. Plate. (In Werckshagen. Der Protestantis- mus am Ende des xix. Jahrhunderts. Band 2, pp. 854-864. Berlin. [1902.]) *3520.6o.2 Scott, Sir G. G. Personal and professional recollections. London. 1879. Portrait. 2452.66 Remarks on secular & domestic architec- ture, present & future. London. 1857. 4102.80 Seidel, P. Der Kaiser und die Kunst. Ber- lin. 1907. Plates. 4070.184 On modern German art including architecture. Selfridge, R., compiler. Modern French ar- chitecture. 100 views. Boston. 1899. *409i.27 Series of executed examples of ecclesiastical and domestic structures, from the de- signs of modern architects. London. 1858. 26 plates. *8i03.i8 Shepherd, T. H. London and its environs in the nineteenth century. Illustrated by a series of views. Series i. London. 1829. 81 plates. **K.i2i.3.i Singleton, E., compiler. Historic buildings of America as seen and described by famous writers. New York. 1906. Plates. 4097.170 Sloan, S. City and suburban architecture. Philadelphia. 1859. 136 plates. *8ioi.i City houses, country houses and church architecture. Philadelphia. 1871. Illus. 8092.5 Soane, Sir J. Designs for public and private buildings. London. 1828. 55 plates. *4ioo.ii Designs in architecture for temples, baths, etc. London. 1778. Plates. *8o92.io Societe centrale d'architecture de Belgique. Belgische Neubauten. Berlin. [1886.] 50 plates. [Maisons particulieres et hotels.] *Cab.6o.io8.i Sparrow, W. S., editor. The British home of today. A book of modern domestic Sparrow, W. S., editor. (Continued.) architecture & the applied arts. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. [The art and life library.] 8103.82 Some of the plates are colored. A collection of articles by several writers. Statham, H. H. Modern architecture. New York. 1898. Plates. Plans. 4095.74 Strack, H. Baudenkmaeler Roms des xv.- XIX. Jahrhunderts. Berlin. 1891. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.2 Published as a supplement to Letarouilly's Edi- fices de Rome moderne [*Cab.6o.43.i]. Sturgis, R., Jr. A critique of the works of Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, and Peabody & Stearns. New York. 1896. Plates. Plans. [Architectural record. Great American architects series. 3.] 4092.66 The work of McKim, Mead & White. New York. 1895. Plates. [Architec- tural record. Great American architects series, i.] *4092.64 T. W. Harvey Lumber Co., Chicago. Archi- tectural designs. [Chicago.] 1889. ♦8090.67 Taylor, G. L. The auto-biography of an octogenarian architect. London. 1870, 72. 2 V. Plates. *4ioo.5i Thomas, W. [Original designs in architec- ture. London. 1783.] 18 plates. *Cab.6o.8o.7 Ungewitter, G. G. Details fiir Stein- und Ziegel-Architektur im romanisch-gothi- schen Style. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [1890.] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.i Van Rensselaer, Mariana. Henry Hobson Richardson and his works. Boston. 1888. Plates. *8ioo.22 Vesly, L. de. L'architecture pittoresque au xixe siecle. Paris. 1877. 60 colored plates. *8ioo.64 Views of the city of Sydney, New South Wales. [Sydney. 1886.] 21 photo- graphs. *Cab.7o.i3.i Villa and cottage architecture: select exam- ples of [English] country and suburban residences recently erected. With no- tice of each building. London. 1868. 80 plates. *8o9oa.82 Warren, H. L. Architecture: renaissance and modern. Illus. Plate. (In Prog-- ress. Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 190-234. Chi- cago. [1900.]) *4072.209.6 Bibliography, p. 234. Weigmann, O. A. Eine Bamberger Bau- meisterfamilie um die Wende des 17. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Dientzenhofer. Strassburg. 1902. Illus. Plans. [Studien zur deut- schen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.344 Wiener Fagadenbuch, 1860-90. 75 Fagaden von Palais, Wohn-, Zins-, und Geschafts- hausern. Wien. 1892. 20 plates. [Wie- ner Neubauten. Serie A. Privatbauten.] *Cab.6o.io9.3 Willard, A. R. History of modern Italian art. London. 1898. Plates. 4084.53 Contents. Part i. Sculpture, 2. Painting. 3. Architecture. Same. 2d edition. 1900. 2 parts in i v. 4084.54 MODERN ARCHITECTURE 99 Wolzogen, C. A. A., Freiherr von. Schinkel als Architect, Maler iind Kunstphilo- sopli. Berlin. 1864. Portrait. 8096.101 Wren, Sir C. Works. Dimensions, plans and sections of [his] churches. London. 1848,49. Plates. *Cab.6o.4i.2 Architecture of Countries, The East. Adamy, R. Architektonik des orientali- schen Alterthums. Hannover. 1881. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Architektonik des Alterthums. Theil 2.] *8o93.3.2 Babelon, E. Manuel d'archeologie orientale. Paris. [1888.] Illus.^ ^ ^ 8087.31 Manual of oriental antiquities. London. 1889. Illus. 8088.11 Badia y Leblich, D. Travels of Ali Bey [pseud.] in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, 1803- 7. London. 1816. 2 v. Plates. Plans. ♦3040.13 Benndorf, F. A. O., and G. H. L. Niemann. Das Heroon von Gjolbaschi-Trysa. Wien. 1889. Text, i v. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 34 plates. *Cab.29.ii.5 Reprinted from Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des allerhochsten Kaiserhauses [*8o65.20i, 9, II, 12]. The plates accompanying these articles are on shelf-number *Cab.8o. 137. i. Reisen in Lykien und Karien. Wien. 1884. 49 plates. [Reisen im stidw^estlichen Kleinasien.] *Cab.30.43.3 Bohn, C. T. R. Altertiimer von Aegae. Berlin. 1889. Illus. Plates. [Kaiserlich-deutsches archaologisches Institut, Berlin. Jahr- buch. Erganzungsheft 2.] *3042.i03 Brown, R., Architect. Sacred architecture, . . , embracing the Babylonian, Indian, Egyptian, Greek . . . Also, the ele- ments of church design. London. [1845.] Plates. 4092.82 Cassas, L. F. Voyage pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phoenicie, de la Palestine, et de la Basse figypte. Paris. 1799. 3 v. 180 plates. *Cab.50.i4.i The work was never completed. The above copy contains no text. Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus: its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. London. 1877. Illus. Plates. 2962.54 Same. New York. 1878. 2962.53; **K.52.4 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Recueil d'archeolo- gie orientale. Paris. 1888-1906. 7 v. Plates. 3043.106 Cougny, G. L'art antique. Partie [i,] 2. Paris. 1892, 93. 2 v. Illus. 8085.74 Contents. — [i.] figypte. — Chaldee. — Assyrie. — Perse. — Asie Mineure. — Phenicie. 2. La Grece. — Rome. Doerpfeld, W. Troja und Ilion. Ergeb- nisse der Ausgrabungen in den vorhis- torischen und historischen Schichten von Ilion. 1870-1894. Athen. 1902. I V. in 2. Illus. Plates. Colored maps. Plans. *296oa.75 Dubois de Montpereux, F. Voyage autour du Caucase, chez les Tcherkesses et les Abkhases en Colchide, en Georgie, en Armenie et en Crimee. Paris. 1839-43. Text, 6 v.; Atlas, 194 plates. *Cab.5o.2o.2 Enlart, D. L. C. L'art gothique et la re- naissance en Chypre. Paris. 1899. 2 v. Plates. Maps. 4092.86 Falke, J. von. Aus dem weiten Reiche der Kunst. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1889. 4078.331 Contents. — Die arabische Kunst. — Die Kunst in Indien. — Wohnung und Palast im Orient. — Metall- und Schmuckarbeiten des Orients. Die Gewebe des' Orients. — Geschichte des Por- zellans.^ Der franzosische Geschmack.— Wand- decoration und Wandmalerei in der Kirche. Fellows, Sir C. An account of discoveries in Lycia. London. 1841. Illus. *307i.i2 A later edition, abridged, is on shelf-number 3049.177. Account of the Ionic trophy monument excavated at Xanthus. London. 1848. 4 plates. *307i.i3 Fergusson, J. History of Indian and East- ern architecture. London. 1876. ♦4103.22.3 Same. 1891. Illus. Plates. Plans. [His- tory of architecture. Vol. 3.] 4103.54.3 The mausoleum at Halicarnassus restored in conformity with the recently discov- ered remains. London. 1862. Plates. *307i.i03 Gel], 5'iV W. The topography of Troy, and its vicinity; illustrated and explained by drawings and descriptions. London. 1804. 43 plates. 2 maps. *Cab.5o.38.i All but two of the plates are colored. Grimm, D. I. Monuments d'architecture en Georgie et en Armenie. St. Peters- bourg. 1864. 48 plates. *8o8oa.26 Hamilton, W. J. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia. London. 1842. 2 V. Illus. Plates. 3088.124 Hasluck, F. W. Cyzicus. The history and antiquities of that city, and of the dis- trict adjacent to it, with the towns of Apollonia ad Rhyndacum, Miletupolis, Hadriamutherae, Priapus, Zeleia, etc. Cambridge. 1910. Illus. Plans. 3078.95 Headlam, A. C. Ecclesiastical sites in Isau- ria (Cilicia Trachea). London. 1892. Illus. Plans. [Society for the Promo- tion of Hellenic Studies. Supplement- ary papers. 2.] *296o.8i.2 Heuzey, L., and H. Daumet. Mission ar- cheologique de Macedonie. Paris. 1876. Plates. *296o.6o Hirschfeld, O. G. Paphlagonische Felsen- graber. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstge- schichte Kleinasiens. Plates. (In 100 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Hirschfeld, O. G. (Continued.) Koeniglich-pretissische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-histori- sche Klasse. 1885. Berlin. 1886.) *3322.2.i88s Hogarth, D. G. Devia Cyprus. Notes of an archaeological journey in Cyprus in t888. London. 1889. Plates. 3082.66 Excavations at Ephesus, the archaic Arte- misia. With chapters by C. H. Smith, A. H. Smith, B. V. Head and A. E. Henderson. London. 1908. Text, i v. Illus. 52 plates; Atlas, 38 plates. *Cab.50.39.4 Holleaux, M. Rapport sur les travaux exe- cutes dans rile de Delos par I'Ecole frangaise d'Athenes pendant I'annee 1905. Paris. 1905. Plates. 2961.19 Reprinted from Comptes rendus des seances de rA'cademie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 1905 [*3236.50.i90Sl. HomoUe, J. T. Rapport^ sur une mission archeologique dans Tile de Delos. Paris. 1887. Plan. 3072.121 Extrait des Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires [*6224.Si.serie 3, vol. 13]- Humann, C. Reise in Kleinasien und Nord- syrien. Berlin. 1890. Text, i v.; Atlas, 53 plates. *Cab.50.27.3 FAnson. Mediaeval and other buildings in the island of Cj'prus. With notes by S. Vacher. London. 1883. 20 plates. 3081. 1 14 From the Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Archiects. 1882-83 [*4090.289. 1882-83]- Isambert, fi. Itineraire descriptif, histo- rique et archeologique de TOrient. Paris. 1873, 87. 2 V. Illus. Plans. 3089.11 Joseph, D. Die Palaste des homerischen Epos, mit Riicksicht auf die Ausgrabun- gen Heinrich Schliemanns. 2. ver- mehrte Auflage. Berlin. 1894. Plan. Bibliography, pp. vii, viii. 2997.70 Kelman, J. From Damascus to Palmyra. London. 1908. Plates. 5043-45 Most of the plates are colored. Knackfuss, H. Das Rathaus von Milet. Berlin. 1908. Plates. [Wiegand, T., editor. Milet. Heft 2.] *3040.i88.2 Koldewey, R. Neandria. Sites Programm zum Winckelmannsfeste der archseolo- gischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Berlin. 1891. Illus. Plates. *296o.82 Die Tempel von Babylon und Borsippa, nach den Ausgrabungen durch die deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plans. *3030.78 Kugler, F. T. Geschichte der orientalischen und antiken Baukunst. Stuttgart. 1859. Illus. Plans. [Geschichte der Bau- kunst. i.l ♦4095.36.1 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marqms de. Voyage de I'Asie mineure. Paris. 1838. Plates. *Cab.5o.22.2 Journey through Arabia Petraea to Mount Sinai, and the excavated city of Petra. London. 1836. Illus. 5045-73 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de. (Continued.) Same. 2d edition. 1838. 5075.57 Voyage de I'Arabie Petree. Paris. 1830. Plates. *Cab.5o.29.7 Lanckoronski-Brzezie, C, Graf. Stadte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens. Unter Mit- M^irkung von G. Neumann und E. Peter- sen. Wien. 1890, 92. 2 V. Plates. ♦3040.1 1 1 Le Bas, P. Voyage archeologique en Grece et en Asie mineure (1842-44). Paris. 1888. Plates. [Bibliotheque des monu- ments figures grecs et romains.] 3071.100 Le Bon, G. Les premieres civilisations. Paris. 1889. Illus. Plates. [Biblio- theque C. Flammarion.] 2210.57 Lechat, H. fipidaure. Restauration & de- scription des principaux monuments du sanctuaire d'Asclepios. Releves et res- taurations par A. Defrasse. Paris. 1895. Illus. Plans. ♦297oa.8 Leroux, G. Les origines de I'edifice hypo- style en Grece, en Orient et chez les Romains. Paris. 1913. Illus. [Bibli- otheque des ficoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome. Fascicule 108.] ♦2953.61.108 Longfellow, W. P. P., editor. A cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. New York. 1895. Plates. ♦8091.68 Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria and Tuscany. Levkosia die Hauptstadt von Cypern. Prag. 1873. Plates. ♦3081.16 Levkosia the capital of Cyprus. London. 1881. Plates. 3081.14 Maspero, Sir G. C. C. The dawn of civiliza- tion. Egypt and Chaldaea. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. Mc- Clure. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. ♦3052.141 Mayer, L. Views of the Ottoman empire, chiefly in Caramania, a part of Asia Minor hitherto unexplored; with some curious selections from the islands of Rhodes and Cyprus, and the cities of Corinth, Carthage, and Tripoli. Lon- don. 1803. 24 colored plates. No. 2 in ♦Cab.50.29.5 Title and text also in French. Michaelis, A. T. F. A century of archaeo- logical discoveries. Preface by P. Gard- ner. London. 1908. Plates. Plans. 2232.A0 The German original may be found on shelf- number 2232.39. Moser, H. A travers I'Asie centrale. Paris. [1885.] Illus. 3071.61 Durch Central-Asien. Leipzig. 1888. Plates. ^3070.62 Mueller- Simonis, P. Relation des missions scientifiques de MM. H. Hyvernat et P. Miiller-Simonis (1888-89). Du Caucase au Golfe persique, a travers I'Armenie, le Kurdistan et la Mesopotamie, par P. Miiller-Simonis. Suivie de notices sur la geographic et I'histoire ancienne de I'Armenie et les inscriptions cunei- formes du bassin de Van, par H. Hyver- nat. Paris. 1892. Plates. ♦3081.108 THE EAST lot Newton, C. T. Travels & discoveries in the Levant. London. 1865. 2 v. lUus. 3071.51 Newton, C. T., and R. P. PuUan. A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidas. London. 1862, 63. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.7o.i2.2 Oesterreichisches archaeologisches Institut, Vienna. Forschungen in Ephesos. Band I. Wien. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.3o.39.6 Contents. — Die seldschukischen Bauwerke in Ajasoluk, von G. Niemann. — Die Viersaulenbau auf der Arkadianestrasse von W. Wilberg und R. Heberdey. — Der Rundbau auf dem Panajirdagh : Reconstruction des Aufbaues von G. Niemann; Entstehungszeit, Bedeutung, spatere Schicksale von R. Heberdey. — Der alte Tempel, von W. Wilberg. Olufsen, O. The second Danish Pamir- exped'tion. Old and new architecture in Khiva, Bokhara and Turkestan. Copenhagen. 1904. 26 plates. *Cab.6o.69.5 Oppert, J. Expedition scientifique en Meso- potamie. Paris. 1859, 63. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, I V. *Cab.5o.28.2 Perrot, G., and C. Chipiez. Histoire de Tart dans I'antiquite. Paris. 1882-1903. 8 v. Plates. *8o84.50 Contents. — I. L'figyptc. 2. Chaldee et Assyric. 3. Phenicie. — Cypre. 4. La Sardaigne. — La Tudee. — Les Heteens, la Syrie septentrionale et /a Cappadoce. 5. Perse. — Phrygie. -— Lydie et Carte. — Lycie. 6. La Grece primitive. — L'art mycenien. 7. La Gr^ce de I'epopee. — La Grece archaique (Le temple). 8. La Grece archaique (La sculpture). History of art in Phoenicia and its depen- dencies. Translated by W. Armstrong. London. 1885. 2 v. Illus. 8084.61 History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. London. 1892. Illus. 8084.64 History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. Translated by I. Go- nino. London. 1890. 2 v. Illus. 8084.62 Perrot, G., and others. Exploration archeo- logique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie [etc.]. Paris. 1862. Text, t v.; Atlas, I V. *Cab.5o.ii.i Petersen, E., and F. von Luschan. Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis. Wien. 1889. Illus. Plates. *Cab.30.43.4 Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in Georgia, Per- sia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, etc., 1817-20. London. 1821, 22. 2 v. Plates. *304i-S2 Preusser, C. Nordmesopotamische Baudenk- maler altchristlicher und islamischer Zeit. Leipzig. 191 1. Text, i v. Illus. Map; Atlas, 82 plates. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] *3030.8o Puchstein, O. Boghaskoi: die Bauwerke unter Mitwirkung von H. Kohl und D. Krencker. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Deutsche Orient- gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Ver- offentlichung.] *3030.82 PuUan, R. P. Eastern cities and Italian towns. London. 1879. 2267.58 Ramsay, A. M. Isaurian and East-Phry- gian art in the third and fourth centuries after Christ. Illus. (In Studies in the history and art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman empire. Pp. 1-92. Lon- don ^ 1906.) 3041.210 Kaczynski, E., Count. Malerische Reise in einigen Provinzen des osmanischen Reichs. Aus dem Polnischen libersetzt von Friedr. Heinr. von der Hagen. Breslau. 1824. Plates. Plans. Maps. _ , ^ ^ *Cab.7o.i3.6 Keber, F. von. Geschichte der Baukunst im Alterthum. Leipzig. 1866. Illus. 4105.50 History of ancient art. Translated by J. T. Clarke. New York. 1882. Illus. 4076.87 Same. [1882.] 4076.49 Kunstgeschichte des Alterthums. Leip- zig. 1871. Illus. 8064.110 Renan, E. Mission de Phenicie. Paris. 1864. Text, I v.; Atlas, 70 plates. *Cab.50.36.i Roessler, Ch. Le tombeau de Mausole. Paris. 1870. Plates. 5074.27 Rott, H., and others. Kleinasiatische Denk- maler aus Pisidien, Pamphylien, Kappa- dokien und Lykien. Darstellender Teil. Nebst Beitragen von K. Michel, L. Mes- serschmidt und W. Weber. Mit Unter- stutzung der Cunitz-Stiftung in Strass- burg. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. Map. [Studien uber christliche Denkmaler.] 4074.405 Sarre, F. Transkaukasien — Persien — Meso- potamien — Transkaspien. Land und Leute. 85 photographische. Aufrahmen und Uebersichtskarte einer in den Jahren 1897-1898 unternommenen Reise. Berlin. 1899. 85 plates. Map. *3044.i84 Contains a few examples of Mohammedan archi- tecture. Sarre, F., and E. Herzfeld. Archaologische Reise im Euphrat- und Tigris- Gebiet. Band i, 3. Berlin. 1911. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Forschungen zur islamischen Kunst.] *4090.i7i Sartiaux, F. Villes mortes d'Asie mineure. Pergame, %hese, Priene, Milet, Le Didy- meion, Hierapolis. Paris. 191 1. Plates. Maps. Plans. 3049.203 Schliemann, H. Bericht iiber die Aus- grabungen in Troja im Jahre 1890. Leipzig. 1891. Plates. 2963.81 Ilios. New York. 1881. Plates. 2962.62 Same. London. 1880. Plates. 2962.63 Ithaque, le Peloponnese, Troie. Re- cherches archeologiques. Paris. 1869. 83 plates. 2964.51 [thaka, der Peloponnes und Troja. Leip- zig. 1869. 2962.6 Mycenae. New York. 1878. Plates. 2962.19 Same. London. 1878. 2962.55 Tiryns. New York. 1885. Plates. ♦2961.72 Same. London. 1886. Plates. *296i.73 Tirynthe. Paris. 1885. Plates. 2961.74 X02 ^ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Schliemann, H. (Cbntitiued.) Troja. London. 1884. Plates. 2962.73 Trojanische Alterthiimer. Leipzig. 1874. Text, I v.; Atlas, 218 plates. *3040.53 Troy and its remains. Translated by L. Dora Schmitz. London. 1875. Plates. 2962.7 Schubert von Soldcm, Z., Ritter. Die Bau- denkmale von Samarkand. Architek- tonischer Reisebericht. Wien. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.39 Reprinted from Allgemeine Bauzeitung. Band 63 [*4090.20i.63.] Bochara. Architektonische Reiseskizzen. Wien. 1899. Illus. Plates. 4094.49 Separat-Abdruck aus der Allgemeinen Bauzeit- ung, Band 64 [*409o.2oi.64]. Schuchhardt, C. Schliemann's Ausgrabun- gen in Troja, Tiryns, Mykena, Orcho- menos, Ithaka im Lichte der heutigen Wissenschaft. Leipzig. 1890. Illus. Plans. 2963.75 Schliemann's excavations. Translated by Eugenie Sellers. With an appendix on the recent discoveries at Hissarlik by Dr. Schliemann and Dr. Dorpfeld. London. 1891. Illus. Plans. 2965.83 Soldi, £. Les arts meconnus. Les nouveaux musees du Trocadero. Paris. 1881. Illus. *4073.70 The chapters upon mediaeval and oriental art contain much architectural matter. Spon, J., and G. Wheler. Voyage d'ltalie, dc Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant, fait aux annees 1675 & 1676. Amsterdam. 1679. 2 V. Plates. *2766.8 Stasof, V. L'ornement slave et oriental. St. Petersbourg. 1887. 156 plates. *Cab.8o.36.3 Steuart, J. R. A description of some ancient monuments still existing in Lydia and Phrygia. London. 1842. Plates. *Cab.50.23.3 Stiller, H. Das Traianeum. Berlin. 1895. Text, I V. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 34 plates. [Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Alter- tiimer von Pergamon. Band 5.] *Cab.29.20.i.5 Strzygowski, J. Kleinasien: ein Neuland der Kunstgeschichte. Kirchenaufnah- men. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Map. Plans. 4101.80 Texier, C. Asie mineure. Paris. 1882. Plates. [L'univers.] 3087.58 Description de I'Armenie, la Perse et la Mesopotamie. Paris. 1842, 52. 2 v. 151 plates. *Cab.5o.io.3 Description de I'Asie Mineure, fait par ordre du gouvernement frangais, 1833- Z7' Paris. 1839, 49. 3 v. 241 plates. *Cab.5o.30.i The principal ruins of Asia Minor. Lon- don. 1865. 51 plates. *Cab.5o.2o.3 Tolman, H. C, and G. C. Scoggin. Myce- naean Troy. Based on Dorpfeld's exca- vations in the sixth of the nine buried cities at Hissarlik. New York. [1903.] Illus. Plans. [The Vanderbilt Oriental series.] 2969a.i48 Dorpfeld's Troja und Ilion is on shelf-number *296oa.7S. Walsh, R. Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor illustrated. Drawings by T. Allom. London. [183-?] 2 v. Plates. *304o.i6 Wiegand, T., and H. Schrader. Priene. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen ... in den Jahren 1895-^8. Berlin. 1904. Plates. Plans. [Konigliche Museen. Berlin.] 3040.186 Wilde, H. Brussa: eine Entwickelungs- statte tiirkischer Architektur in Klein- asien unter den ersten Osmaneh. Ber- lin. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bei- trage zur Bauwissenschaft.] 4092.68 Litteraturverzeichnis, p. (i). Some of the plates are colored. Willyams, C. Selections of views in Egypt, Palestine [etc.]. London. 1822. 30 colored plates. *Cab.30.i4.2 Zippelius, A. Priene: nach den Ergebnissen der Ausgrabungen der K. Preuss. Museum. 1895-1898. [Bird's eye view.] Leipzig. 1910. Colored lithograph. Accompanied by Priene: ein Beigleit- wort zur Rekonstruktion . . . von Theo- dor Wiegand. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. *Cab.8i.25.5 Asia. China and Japan. Baltzer, F. Das japanische Haus. Eine bautechnische Studie. Berlin. 1903. Illus. Plate. Plans. *Cab.6o.5i.4 Boerschmann, E. Die Baukunst und re- ligiose Kultur der Chinesen: Einzel- darstellungen auf Grund eigener Auf- nahmen wahrend dreijahriger Reisen in China. Band i. Berlin. 1911. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *4i02.iio Contents. — i. P'u t'o shan, die heilige Insel der Kuan Yin, der Gottin der Barmherzigkeit. Literatur uber P'u t'o shan, Band i, p. (i). Some of the plates are colored. Cram, R. A. Impressions of Japanese archi- tecture and the allied arts. New York. [1905.] Plates. 4095.158 Decker, P. Chinese architecture, civil and ornamental. [Part i,] 2. London. 1759. 2 V. in I. 36 plates. No. i in *L.5i.26 The plates are of Chinese pagodas and ornament. Dresser, C. Japan: its architecture, art, and art manufactures. London. 1882. Illus. ♦4025.87 Edkins, J. Chinese architecture. Shanghai, 1890. 8093.61 Reprinted from the Journal of the China branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1889-90 [•5019.1, N. S. 24]. Fonssagrives, E. J. P. M. Si-ling, fitude sur les tombeaux de I'ouest de la dy- nastic des Ts'ing. Paris. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Musee Guimet, Paris. Annales. Tome 31.] *3490.55.3i Gruenwedel, A. Altbuddhistische Kult- statten in Chinesisch-Turkistan. Bericht liber archaologische Arbeiten von 1906 CHINA AND JAPAN 103 Gruenwedel, A. (Continued.) bis 1907 bei Kuca, Qarasahr und in der Oase Turfan. Berlin. 1912. lUus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Koniglich-preussische Tiirfan-Expeditionen.] *304oa.202 Hildebrand, H. Der Tempel Ta-chiieh-sy (Tempel des grossen Erkennens) bei Peking. Berlin. 1897. Illus. *409i.i9 Hitchcock, R. The ancient burial mounds of Japan; Some ancient relics in Japan. Plates. {In Smithsonian Institution. Annual report, 1891, pp. 511-526. Wash- ington. 1892.) *7g28.5o(i89i) Humbert, A. Le Japon. 1863-64. Illus. (In Tour du monde. Vol. 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20.) *629i.i.i4-2o Lowell, P. Choson. A sketch of Corea. Boston. 1886. Illus. 3012.65 Matignon, J. J. Moukden et ses tombes. Illus. Plates. {In Musee Guimet, Paris. Annales. Bibliotheque de vulgarisa- tion. Tome 29, pp. 189-244. Paris. 1908.) 3496.97.29 Morse, E. S. Glimpses of China and Chi- nese homes. Boston. 1902. Plates. 3018.220 Japanese homes and their surroundings. Boston. 1886. Illus. 3012.64 Muensterberg, O. Chinesische Kunst- geschichte. Esslingen a. M. 1910, 12. 2 V. Illus. Plates. 4075.270 Many of the plates are colored. Contents. — i. Vorbuddhistische Zeit. Die hohe Kunst ; Malerei und Bildhauerei. 2. Die Bau- kunst. — Das Kunstgewcrbe. Preussische Expedition, Die, nach Ost- Asien. Ansichten aus Japan, China und Siam. Berlin. 1864-73. Plates. *Cab.5o.i3.i Stein, M. A. Ancient Khotan. Detailed re- port of archaeological explorations in Chinese Turkestan. Oxford. 1907. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. Contents. — i. Text. 2. Plates. *3040a.203 Tokio, Japan. Imperial Museum. Photo- graphs of palace buildings of Peking, collotyped from the negatives taken by K. Ogawa. With notes in Japanese by C. Ito, English by T. Tomiogi, Chinese by A. Aoyagi. Tokyo. 1906. 2 v. 172 plates. *Cab.6o.i69.3 Wright, G. N. The Chinese empire illus- trated: views displaying the scenery, architecture, &c. With descriptive let- terpress. London. [1858, 59.] 2 v. Plates. 3011.54 Yamanaka and Co. A brief history of the glyptic art and architecture of Japan. Boston. 1902. 40793.227 Catalogue of a rare and magnificent col- lection of metals and antique carvings from temples and palaces of Japan, to be sold at public auction. Boston. [1903.] Plates. *4079.282 India and the Pacific Islands. Architecture indienne. Supplement a la Revue de I'architecture en Belgique. Architecture indienne. (Continued.) Livraison i, 2. Liege. [1882, 83.] 10 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.37.i.i [Architecture of Dharwar and Mysore. 72 photographs by Dr. Pigou and others. ^^^] *Cab.5o.27.5 Ballardie, J. de C. Buildings in connection with coffee cultivation. London. 1879. Illus. Plans. [Ceylon Planters' Asso- ciation. Prize essays. Buildings.] No. 1 in 4097.74 Burgess, J. The Buddhist Stupas of Amara- vati and Jaggayyapeta, surveyed in 1882. London. 1887. Illus. Plates. [Ar- chaeological Survey of Southern India.] T ,. , *304o.8o Indian architectural details. 15 plates. {In Journal of Indian art. Vol. 3, pp. 49-58. . London. 1890.) 8o7oa.ioo.3 The plates are from S. S. Jacob's Jeypore port- folio of architectural details [*Cab.6o.ii.i]. The Muhammadan architecture of Ah- madabad. London. 1900, 05. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *304o.i62 Notes on the Bauddha rock-temples of Ajanta, their paintings and sculptures. Bombay. 1879. 30 plates. *3040.i27 On the Muhammadan architecture of Bha- rock, Cambay, Dholka, Champanir, and Mahmudabad in Gujarat. London. 1896. Plates. *3040.i6i Photographs of architecture and scenery in Gujarat and Rajputana. Calcutta. 1874- *Cab.5o.i9.6 Report of the operations in the Belgam and Kaladgi districts. London. 1874. Illus. Plates. Plans. *3040.75, Report on the antiquities in the Bidar and Aurangabad districts, in the territories of the Nizam of Haidarabad, 1875-76. London. 1878. Plates. Plans. *3040.77 Report on the antiquities of Kathiawad and Kachh, 1874-75. London. 1876. Illus. Plates. Plans. *3040.76 Report on the Buddhist cave temples and their inscriptions, 1876-79. Supplemen- tary to the volume on "The cave tem- ples of India." London. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. *3040.78 Report on the Elura cave temples and the Brahmanical and Jaina caves in West- ern India. Supplementary to the volume on "The cave temples of India." Lon- don. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦3040.79 Of the last nine works here listed all but one (Photographs of architecture) were issued in connection with the Archaeological Survey of Western India. Burgess, J., and H. Cousens. The architec- tural antiquities of northern Gujarat, more especially of the districts included in the Baroda State. London. 1903. Illus. Ill plates. Map. Plan. [Archaeo- ^ logical Survey of Western India.] ♦3040. 1 70 Caine, W. S. Picturesque India. London, 1890. Illus. Plates. 3042.109 Same. 1899. 3042.203 Clarke, C. S. A list of the principal exist- ing monuments in India upon which 104 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Clarke, C. S. (Continued,) tile-work decoration appears, (/n Fur- nival, W. J. Leadless decorative tiles. Pp. 1 21-126. Stone. 1904.) *4023.45 Cole, H. H. Illustrations of ancient build- ings in Kashmire. London. 1869. 57 plates. *3040.i33 Illustrations of buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the mixed Jdindu-Ma- homedan style of Upper India. London. 1873. 12 plates. 42 photographs. ♦3040. 1 29 Commaille, J. Guide aux mines d' Angkor. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4098.175 Coomaraswamy, A. K. Mediaeval Sinhalese art. Being a monograph on mediaeval Sinhalese arts and crafts mainly as sur- viving in the eighteenth century, Broad Campden. 1908. Illus. Plates. 40203.70 Cousens, H. An account of the caves at Nadsur and Karsambla. Bombay. 1891. 7 plates. [Archaeological Survey of Western India.] *304oa.i34 Croizier, E. C, Marquis de. L'art khmer. fitude historique sur les monuments de I'ancien Cambodge. Avec un apergu general sur I'architecture khmer. Paris. 1875. 2 plates. 3057.24 Cunningham, Sir A. Archaeological survey of India. Simla [etc.]. 1871-88. 23 v. Plates. *3072.55 The contents may be found in the Bates Hall catalogue. Same. General index. Vol. 1-23. Cal- cutta. 1887. *3072.6o The Bhilsa topes; or, Buddhist monu- ments of central India. London. 1854. Plates. 3044.11 The Mahabodhi or the great Buddhist temple under the bodhi tree at Buddha- Gaya. London. 1892. 31 plates. ♦3040.126 yThe Stupa of Bharhut: a Buddhist monu- ment. London. 1879. 57 plates. *3040.i23 Daniell, T. and W. Daniell. Oriental scen- ery. 150 views of the architecture, antiquities, and landscape scenery of Hindoostan. London. 1816. 6 parts in I V. *3040.i32 A reprint of a much later date. De Forest, L. Indian domestic architecture. [Boston. 1885.] 25 plates. *8i03.57 Delaporte, L. Voyage au Cambodge. L'ar- chitecture khmer. Paris. 1880. Illus. Plates. 307oa.5i Doudart de Lagree, E. M. L. de G. Archeo- logie du Cambodge. Explorations et decouvertes des monuments khmer. 2 plates. Plan. (In Explorations et mis- sions. Pp. 199-293- Paris. 1883.) 3070.56 Falke, J. von. Die Kunst in Indien. (In his Aus dem weiten Reiche der Kunst. *. Auflage. Pp. 85-135. Berlin. 1889.) . 4078.331 Fergusson, J. Archaeology in India. Lon- don. 1884. Illus. 3076.57 [Collection of photographs of Indian architecture, alphabetically arranged Fergusson, J. (Continued.) according to places. London. 1860-70.J 10 V. 1 1 72 photographs. *4o8i.2i History of Indian and Eastern architec- ture. London. 1876. Illus. Plates. Plans. [History of architecture. Vol. 3] 4103.22.3 Same. 1891. 4103.54.3 Illustrations of the rock-cut temples of India. London. 1845. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *Cab.5o.28.3 Picturesque illustrations of ancient archi- tecture in Hindostan. London. 1848. Colored plates. *Cab.5o.28.4 Tree and serpent worship. London. 1868. Plates. *548o.2 Fergusson, J., and J. Burgess. The cave temples of India. London. 1880. Plates. ♦5040.27 Foucher, A. L'art greco-bouddhique du Gandhara. fitude sur les origines de I'influence classique dans l'art boud- dhique de I'lnde et de I'Extreme-Orient. Tome I. Paris. 1905. v. Plates. Plans. Map. [ficole frangaise d'Ex- treme-Orient.] *4072.i5i Bibliographic, pp. ix-xii. Fournereau, L. Le Siam ancien." Pa\is. 1895, 1908. 2 v. Plates. Maps. [Musee Guimet. Annales. Tome 27, 31 (pte. 2).] *349o.55.27, 31 (pte. 2) Fournereau, L., and J. Porcher. Les mines d' Angkor: etude artistique et historique sur les monuments khmers du Cam- bodge. Paris. 1890. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4090.i05 France. Ministere de la marine et des colo- nies. Voyage d'exploration en Indo- Chine effectue pendant les annees 1866, 1867 et 1868 par une commission fran- gaise. Paris. 1873. Text, 2 v. Illus. Plates. Maps; Atlas, 2 parts in i v. Plates. Maps. Plans. *Cab.50.37.3 Many of the plates are colored. Frobenius, H. Oceanische Bautypen. Ber- lin. 1899. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i88.3 Fuehrer, A. Monumental antiquities and inscriptions in the North-western prov- inces and Oudh. Allahabad. 1891. [Archaeological Survey of India.] ♦3040.150 The Sharqi architecture of Jaunpur; with notes on Zafarabad, Sahet-Mahet and other places in the North-western prov- inces and Oudh. With drawings and architectural descriptions by E. W. Smith. Calcutta. 1889. 74 plates. [Archaeological Survey of India.] ♦3040.114 Gamier, M. J. F. Voyage d'exploration en Indo-Chine. Paris. 1885. Plates. 30ioa.5i Griffin, Sir L. H. Famous monuments of Central India. London. [1886.] 89 plates. *Cab.5o.35.i Grindlay, R. M. Scenery, costumes and ar- chitecture chiefly on the western side of India. London. 1830. 36 colored plates with descriptive text. *Cab.5o.i8.3; *L.5o.2i INDIA AND THE PACIFIC ISLANDS 105 Growse, F. S. Mathura: a district memoir. 2(i edition, revised and enlarged. Oudh. 1880. Plates. *507i.52 Gruenwedel, A. Buddhist art in India. Translated by Agnes C. Gibson. Re- vised and enlarged by J. Burgess. Lon- don. 1901. Illus. Map. 4073.218 Bibliography, pp. 215-218. Havell, E. B. A handbook to Agra and the Taj, Sikandra, Fatehpur-Sikri and the neighbourhood. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. 3049-234 Hein, A. R. Die bildende Kiinste bei den Dyaks auf Borneo. Wien. 1890. Illus. 8072.113 Hope, T. C. Architecture at Ahmedabad, the capital of Goozerat, photographed by Colonel Biggs. With an historical and descriptive sketch by T. C. Hope, and architectural notes bv Tames Fer- gusson. London. 1866. Text, i v. 120 photographs; Atlas, 50 photographs. *Cab.6o.36.2 Hunter, W. W. Orissa. London. 1872. 2 v. Illus. 3044-50 Ijzerman, J. W. Beschrijving der oudheden nabij de grens der residentie's Soera- karta en Djogdjakarta. Batavia. 1891. Text, I V, 9 plates; Atlas, 32 plates. ♦3040.135 Indian architecture. [23 colored sketches of Indian buildings and decorations, in- cluding Taje Mahel. Accompanied by two pages of text in manuscript. 1830?] ♦8090a. 1 08 Jacob, S. S. Jeypore portfolio of architec- tural details. London. 1890, 94. 7 v. *Cab.6o.ii.i Contents. — i. Copings and plinths. 52 plates. 2. Pillars, caps and bases. 79 plates. 3. Carved doors. 68 plates. 4. Brackets. 69 plates. 5. Arches. 58 plates. 6. Balustrades. 50 plates. 7. String and band patterns. 64 plates. Langles, L. M. Monuments de THindou- stan. Paris. 1821. 2 v. Plates. *30io.4 Le Bon, G. Les civilisations de I'lnde. Paris. 1887. Illus. *307o.58 Les monuments de I'lnde. Paris. 1893. Plates. *304o.i34 Leemans, C, editor. Boro-Boedoer op het eiland Java. Leiden. 1873, 74- Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 4 v. *Cab.6o.85.i Maindron, G. R. M. L'art indien. Paris. [1898.] Illus. [Bibliotheque de I'en- seignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.58 Maisey, F. C. Sanchi and its remains. A description of the ancient buildings, » sculptures, and inscriptions. London. 1892. 41 plates. *304o.i28 szkowski, M. Beitrage zur Entwicke- lungsgeschichte des Wohnhauses in Ostsumatra. Illus. {In Archiv fiir Anthropologic, Neue Folge, Band 9, pp. 1-17. Braunschweig. 1910.) ♦2230.104.9 Moura, J. Le royaume de Cambodge. Paris. 1883. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 3011.107 Nieuwenhuis, A. W. Huisvesting. Platea {In Schetsmatige beschrijving der he- Idendaagsche nederlandsche kolonien. Deel I, pp. 51-69. Haarlem. 1912.) ■ Oakeley R. B. The pagoda of Hallibeed. London. 1859. 56 plates with descrip- tive text. *Cab 50 27 2 Oldfield, H. A. Sketches from Nipal.' Loii- don. 1880. 2v. Plates. 3071.54 Owen, T. C. Essay on buildings in connec- tion with coffee cultivation. London. 1879. Plans. [Ceylon Planters' Asso- ciation. Prize essays. Buildings.] •r^ ,« ^ No. 2 in 40Q7.74 Raffles, ^-ir T. S. History of Java. London 1817. 2 v. Plates. *304i.i4 Rajendralala Mitra. The antiquities of Onssa. Calcutta. 1875, 80. 2 v. 97 plates. *504ob 50 Indo-Aryans. Vol. i. London. 1881. The first three chapters, which relate to* the Origin of Indian architecture, the Principles of Indian temple architecture and Indian sculpture, are taken from his Antiquities of Orissa. Ram Raz. Architecture of the Hindus London. 1834. Plates. [Oriental Trans- lation Fund.] *30ii.3 Ravenshaw, J. H. Gaur: its ruins and in- scriptions. London. 1878. 58 plates. _ *504o.i9 Rea, A. Chalukyan architecture. Madras. 1896. Plates. *3040.i59 Dravidian architectural details. 6 plates. {In Journal of Indian art and industry. Vol. 5, pp. 57-58. London. 1894.) *8o7oa.ioo.5 List of architectural and archaeological re- mains in Coorg. Madras. 1894. ♦3040. 1 55 Monumental remains of the Dutch East India Company in the Presidency of Madras. Madras. 1897. ^3 plates. ♦3040. 1 63 South Indian Buddhist antiquities, with notes on dome construction. Madras. 1894. Plates. *3040.i53 These works, with the exception of that on Dravidian details, were issued in connection with the Archaeological Survey of India. Rew, H. C. Address on the Taj Mahal. Buf- falo, New York. 1906. Illus. 8094.63 Rousselet, T. L. India and its native princes. London. 1876. Illus. Plates. *3040.58 L'Inde des Rajahs. Paris. 1875. IHus. Plates. *304o.54 Samuelson, J. India past and present: his- torical, social, and political. London. 1890. Plates. 3046.115 Bibliography, pp. 361-374. Scheltema, J. F. Monumental Java. Lon- don. 1912. Illus. Plates. 3048.93 Bibliography, pp. 285-288. Smith, E. W. The Moghul architecture of Fathpur-Sikri. Allahabad. 1894, 98. 4 parts. Plates. Plans. *3040.i56 Moghul colour decoration of Agra. Part I. Allahabad. 1901. Plates. Plans. Many of the plates are colored. *3040.l68 Portfolio of Indian architectural draw- ings. Part I. Issued by the govern- ment, North-west provinces and Oudh. London. 1899. *Cab.50.34.i These three works were published in connection with the Archaeological Survey of India. 106 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Smith, V. A. A history of fine art in India and Ceylon. Oxford. 191 1. Illus. Plates. *8o73.296 Smither, J. G. Architectural remains, Anu- radhapura, Ceylon; comprising the da- - gabas and certain other ancient ruined structures. Measured, drawn and de- scribed. [London. 1894.] Plates. Map. *Cab.5o.33.4 Sommerville, M. Monograph of the Bud- dhist temple in the Free Museum of Science and Art, University of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia. 1904. Plates. 4075.246 Technical art series of illustrations of Indian architectural decorative work. 1886-96, 98, 1903-05. Calcutta. 1887-1905. 6 v. [Archaeological Survey of India.] ♦4070.48 Tod, J. Annals and antiquities of Rajast'han, or the central and western Rajpoot states of India. London. 1829, 32. 2 v. Plates. *3040.i3i Travels in western India. [With a mem- oir of the author.] London. 1839. Plates. ♦3040.130 Vclde, C. W. M. van de. Gezigten uit Neer- lands Indie. Amsterdam. [1846.] Plates. ♦Cab.50.13.2 Persia, Assyria, Chaldaea, etc. Andrae, W. Der Anu-Adad-Tempel in Assur. Leipzig. 1909. Plates. Maps. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissen- schaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] *3030.73 Hatra. Nach Aufnahmen von Mitgliedern der Assur-Expedition der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. Leipzig. 1908, 12. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] 3030.72 Banks, E. J. Bismaya; or, the lost city of Adab. A story of adventure, of ex- ploration, and of excavation among the ruins of the oldest of the buried cities of Babylonia. New York. 1912. Illus. Map. 3048.300 Bonomi, J. The buried city of the East: Nineveh. A narrative of the discoveries of Mr. Layard and M. Botta at Nim- roud and Khorsabad. [Anon.] London. [1851.] Plates. [National illustrated library.] 3046.173 Botta, P. E., and E. Flandin. Monument de Ninive. Paris. 1849, 50. 5 v. Plates. *Cab.5o.26.i Contents. — i, 2. Architecture et sculpture. 3, 4. Inscriptions. 5. Texte. British Museum, London. Guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian antiquities. [By E. A. W. Budge. London.] 1900. Plates. 8079304 Same. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. 1908. 8079-305 Clive, R. Sketches between the Persian Gulf & Black Sea. [London.] 1852. 24 colored plates. *Cab.5o.38.2 A few of the plates illustrate architecture. Cloquet, L. L'art monumental des figyp- tiens et des Assyriens. [Paris. 1^6.] Plates. [Tracts artistiques.] 8084.80 Coste, P. X. Monuments modernes de la Perse. Paris. 1867. 71 plates. *Cab.6o.87.2 Curzon, G. N, Persia and the Persian ques- tion. London. 1892. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 3041.130 Dieulafoy, Jane. La Perse, La Chaldee et la Susiane. Paris. 1887. Illus. ♦5o7oa.6 Originally published as a serial in Tour du monde [*629i. 1.45-47]. Dieulafoy, M. L'art antique de la Perse. Achemenides, Parthes, Sassanides. Paris. 1884-89. 5 V. Plates. *Cab.5o.io.i L'acropole de Suse d'apres les fouilles ex- ecutees en 1884, 85, 86, sous les auspices du Musee du Louvre. Paris. 1890. Plates. *3040.ii9 Fergusson, J. Chapter on the Persian pal- ace of Mashita. (In Tristram. The land of Moab. Pp. 367-385. London. 1873.) 3046.52 Same. (In Same. Pp. 37^395. New York.) 3046.49 The palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis re- stored. London. 1851. Illus. 3049.125 Flandin, E., and P. Coste. Voyage en Perse, 1840-41. Paris. [1844-54.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 5 V. *Cab.5o.23.i Gayet, A. J. L'art persan. Paris. 1895. Plates. [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.49 Heuzey, L. A. Les orlgines orlentales de l'art. [Antiquites chaldeo-assyriennes.] Paris. 1 891. Plates. *8o82.29 Un palais chaldeen, d'apres les decou- vertes de M. de Sarzec. Paris. 1888. Plan. 8089.28 Hommaire de Hell, I. X. M. Voyage en Tur- quie et en Perse, execute par ordre du gouvernement frangais, 1846-48. Paris. 1854-60. Text, 4 V. ; Atlas, 100 plates. *Cab.50.i8.2 Kiash, K. D. Ancient Persian sculptures: or the monuments, buildings, bas-reliefs, &c., belonging to the kings of the Achse- menian and Sassanian dynasties of Per- sia. Bombay. 1889. Plates. 3042.118 Layard, Sir A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. Abridged from the larger work. New York. 1853. Plates. 3046.181 Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. London. 1853. Illus. Plans. **K.i95.ii Same. New York. 1853. 3046.171 Same. 1871. 3046.176 The monuments of Nineveh. London. 1853. 2 V. 171 plates. *Cab.5o.i8.i Nineveh and its remains; and an inquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians. 3d edition. Lon- don. 1849. 2 V. Illus. Plans. **K.i95.i2 Same. New York. 1849. B.4253.2; 3046.168 Same. 1850. 3049-84 Same. 1851. 3049.85 Same. New edition. 1852. 2 parts in i. 3049.92 PERSIA, ASSYRIA, CHALDJEA lo; Layard, Sir A. H. (Continued.) Same. 1854. 2 v. in i. 3049-86 Nineveh and its remains. A narrative of an expedition to Assyria, 1845, 46 & 47. Abridged by the author from his larger work. London. 1852. Illus. Plates. 3049-77 Same. New York. 1854. 3049-78 Same. London. 1867. 3049-79 The Nineveh court in the Crystal Palace. London. 1854. Illus. No. 4 in 4089.32 ; 4089.36 On Assyrian antiquities. Loftus, W. K. Travels and researches in Chaldsea and Susiana. London. 1857. Illus. Plates. 3042.18 Same. New York. 1857. *5042.6.8 Morgan, J. de, and others. Recherches ar- cheologiques. Serie 1-3. Fouilles a Suse. Paris. 1900-5. 3 v. Illus. Maps. [France. Ministere de I'instruction pu- blique et des beaux-arts. Delegation en Perse.] *3040.i8i.i, 7, 8 Some of the plates are colored. Perrot, G., and C. Chipiez. L'histoire de I'art dans I'antiquite. Tome 2: Chaldee et Assyrie. Paris. 1884.- Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o84.5o.2 Same. Tome 5: Perse. Paris. 1890. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o84.5o.5 History of art in Chaldsea & Assyria. London. 1884. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8084.53 Some of the plates are colored. History of art in Persia. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8084.63 fSome of the plates are colored. ce, V. Ninive et I'Assyrie. Avec des essais de restauration par F. Thomas. Paris. 1867. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.5o.i2.i Rassam, H. Asshur and the land of Nim- rod: being- an account of the discoveries made in the ancient ruins of Nineveh, Asshur, Sepharvaim, Calah, . . . Cin- cinnati. 1897. Portrait. Plates. Map. Plans. 3043.223 Sarre, F., and E. Herzfeld. Iranische Fels- reliefs und Altertumer. Berlin. 1902, 10. Text, I v. Illus.; Atlas, 51 plates. ♦Cab.80.241. 3 Sarre, F., and others. Denkmaler persi- scher Baukunst. Geschichtliche Unter- suchung und Aufnahme muhammedani- scher Backsteinbauten in Vorderasien und Persien. Berlin. 1901, 10. Text, 12 v. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 90 plates. Some plates arc colored. *Cab.6o.I45.4 zee, E. de. Decouvertes en Chaldee. Livraison 1-4. Paris. 1884-1900. Plates. *Cab.5o.29.i irke, S. Some remarks on the style of ornamentation prevalent in the Assyrian sculptures recently discovered by Dr. Layard, and on some peculiarities of Assyrian architecture, as exhibited thereon. [London. 1850.] No. I in *222i.78 Smith, Sir R. M. Persian art. 3d edition. London. ri8&-?l Plates. [South Ken- I Smith, Sir R. M. (Continued.) sington Museum art handbooks.] 4026.44 Same. 2d edition. 4026.38 Spiers, R. P. Sassanian architecture. Lon- don. 1891. Illus. 4091.74 From the Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects for 1891 [*4iooa.5o.i89i]. Stolze, F. Persepolis. Berlin. 1882. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.5o.35.3 Tristram, H. B. The land of Moab. With a chapter on the Persian palace of Ma- shita by Jas. Fergusson. London. 1873. Illus. 3046.52 Same. New York. 3046.49 Syria and Palestine. Albouy, A. Jerusalem et les sanctuaires de la Judee. Paris. 1894. Illus. Plates. *3043-i63 Amico, B. Trattato delle piante & immagini de sacri edifizi di Terra Santa, disegnate in lerusalemme. Aggiuntoui la Strada dolorosa & altre figure. Firenze. 1620. 47 plates. *8o93.67 The date on the title-page appears to have been changed with a pen from 1620 to 1610. The colo- phon bears the date 16 19. Baehr, C. C. W. F. Der salomonische Tem- pel mit Beriicksichtigung zur heiligen Architectur iiberhaupt. Karlsruhe. 1848. 6073.11 Bernard, J. H., editor. The churches of Con- stantine at Jerusalem. Translations from Eusebius and the early pilgrims. London. 1891. Plans. [Palestine Pil- grims' Text Society.] *5074.55.i5 Besant, Sir W., and E. H. Palmer. Jerusalem, the city of Herod, and Saladin. Lon- don. 187 1. 5049.14 Same. New edition. 1888. Illus. 5074.76 Butler, C. A. The Temple in the time of Christ, as restored by Herod. From a model by Carlos A. Butler. New York. 1900. *8o92.39 With two photographs of the model. Butler, H. C. Ancient architecture in Syria: Section A, Southern Syria; Section B, Northern Syria. Leyden. 1908-10. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Princeton Uni- versity Archaeological Expedition to Syria, 1904-1905 and 1909.] *409oa.2 In progress. Architecture and other arts [in Syria]. New York. 1903. Illus. Plans. [Ameri- can Archieological Expedition to Syria.] *Cab.5o.36.3.2 Caldecott, W. S. Solomon's Temple: its history and its structure. 2d edition. London. 1908. Illus. Plans. 2299.113 Canina, L. Ricerche sul genere di architet- tura proprio degli antichi Giudei, ed in particolare sul Tempio di Gerusalemme. Roma. 1845. 14 plates. *Cab.6o.i67.3 Chipiez, C, and G. Perrot. Le temple de Jerusalem. Paris. 1889. 10 plates. *Cab.5o.24.2 Clermont- Ganneau, C. S. Archaeological researches in Palestine, 1873-74. Lon- don. 1896, 99. 2 V. Illus. *3040.iio 108 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Conder, C. R. The survey of Eastern Pales- tine. Vol. i: The 'Adwan country. London. 1889. lUus. Plates. [Pales- tine Exploration Fund.] *3040.ioi Conder, C. R., and H. H. Kitchener. The survey of Western Palestine. Memoirs of the topography and archaeology. London. 1881-83. 3 v. Plates. [Pales- tine Exploration Fund.] *5070.52 Contents. — i. Galilee. 3. Samaria. 3. Judaea. Dalman, G. H. Petra und seine Felsheilig- tumer. Leipzig. 1908. lUus. Plates. Plans. 3043-304 Pergusson, J. An essay on the ancient to- pography of Jerusalem. London. 1847. Plates. 3421.28 The temples of the Jews and the other buildings in the Haram area at Jerusa- lem. London. 1878. Plates. *4092.50 Franklin, G. E. Palestine depicted and de- scribed. London. 191 1. Plates. Maps. 3043.256 Frauberger, H. Die Akropolis Baalbek. Frankfurt a. M. 1892. 22 plates. *Cab.5o.2o.4 Friedrich, T. Tempel und Palast Salomo's, Denkmaler phonikischer Kunst. Inns- bruck. 1887. 5 plates. 8092.28 Frith, F. Egypt and Palestine photographed and described. London. [1859.] 2 v. *Cab.30.44.5 Gellin, E. F. M., and C. Watzinger. Jericho. Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. Leipzig. 1913. lUus. Plates. Plans. Map. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] ♦3030.85 Great Britain. Ordnance Survey. Ordnance survey of Jerusalem. By Charles W. Wilson. Under the direction of Sir Henry James, Director of the Survey. [London.] 1865. 3 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.30.44.3 Contents. — x. Notes, a. Photographs. 3. Maps. Guerin, H. V. Jerusalem: son histoire, sa description, ses etablissements religieux. Paris. 1889. 3048.118 La Terre Sainte. Paris. 1882, 84. 2 v. Plates. *3040.65 Hamdy-Bey, O., and T. Reinach. Une necro- pole royale a Sidon. Paris. 1892. Text, I v.; Atlas, 46 plates. *Cab.50.24.i Harvey, W., and others. The church of the Nativity at Bethlehem. Edited by R. W. Schultz. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Byzantine Research Fund.] Some of the plates are colored. *4I00.I04 Heisenberg, A. Grabeskirche und Apostel- kirche. Zwei Basiliken Konstantins. Leipzig. 1908. 2 v. Plates. Plan. ♦4102.101 Contents. — i. Die Grabeskirche in Jerusalem. 2. Die Apostelkirche in Konstantinopel. Jaussen, A., and R. Savignac. Mission ar- cheologique en Arabic (mars-mai 1907) de Jerusalem au Hedjaz, Medain-Saleh. Paris. 1909. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Societe frangaise des fouilles archeolo- giques,] ♦22203.92 Kondakov, N. P. ApxeojiorHqecKoe nyxe- mecTBie no ChpIh h riajiecTHH'b. [Archae- ological journey to Syria and Palestine.] Hsjianie HMnepaxopcKofi AKa^eMiH HayKt. CaHKineiepfiypr-b. 1904. Illus. 72 plates. Plans. 4101.46 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de. Voyage de la Syrie. Paris. 1837. Plates. *Cab.5o.22.i Marot, J. [Plan g^ometral du temple de Balbec, scitue en Grece. Paris? 1680?] 17 plates. ♦Cab.60.45.1 Mayer, L. Views in Palestine. London. 1804. Colored plates. *Cab.5o.29.5 Musil, A. Arabia Petraea. [Band] i. Wien. 1907. Illus. Plates. [Kaiserliche Akade- mie der Wissenschaften, Vienna.] 3043.250.1 Contents. — i. Moab. Topographische Reise- berichte. Kusejr 'amra und andere Schlosser ost- lich von Moab. Topographischer Reise- bericht. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Kaiser- liche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Philosophisch-historische Classe. Sitzungsberichte. Band 144, Abhandlung 7. Wien. 1902.) ♦3340.3.144 Musil, A., and others. Ku§ejr *amra. Wien. 1907. 2 V. Plates. [Kaiserliche Akade- mie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Nord- arabische Kommission.] ♦Cab.6o.i69.a Contents. — i. Textband. 2. Tafelband. 41 plates, mostly in colors. Kusejr 'amra is a deserted castle in the desert of Arabia Petraea. Pailloux, X. Monographic du temple de Salomon. Paris. 1885. Plates. ♦Cab.60.106.5 Paine, T. O. Solomon's temple and capitol. Boston. 1886. Plates. *342o.49 Solomon's temple; including the taber- nacle. Chicago. 1868. 20 plates. 8091.19 Some of the plates are colored. A different work from the preceding. Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly statement. London. [1896] to date. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦5077.50 Parry, O. H. Six months in a Syrian monas- tery [Deir-el-Za*aferan]. London. 189S. Plates. Plans. 3085.1 11 Perrot, G., and C. Chipiez. Histoire de I'art dans I'antiquite. Tome 4: ... La Judee ... la Syrie septentrionale et la Cappa- doce. Paris. 1887. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦8084.50.4 History of art in . . . Judaea, Syria and Asia Minor. Translated by I. Gonino. London. 1890. Plates. 8084.62 Pierotti, E. Jerusalem explored: being a description of the ancient and modern city. With illustrations consisting of views, ground plans, and sections. Translated by T. G. Bonney. London. 1864. Text, I v.; Atlas, 63 plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.50.37.2 Prado,^ G., and J. B. Villalpando. In Eze- chielem explanationes et apparatvs vr- bis, ac templi Hierosolymitani. Romae. 1 596-1604. 47 plates. ♦♦Tosti, C.6.2 SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 109 Prestcl, J. Die Baugeschichte des jiidischen Heiligthums und der Tempel Salomons. Strassburg. 1902. Plans. [Zur Kunst- geschichte des Auslandes.] 8093.43 Bibliography, pp. 55, 56. Rcy, A. E. G. fitude sur les monuments de I'architecture militaires des croises en Syrie et dans Tile de Chypre. Paris. 1871. Illus. *664o.52 Roberts, D. The Holy Land. London. 1842-49. 3 V. Plates. *Cab.50.i5.i Vol. I is bound with vol. 3 of his Egypt and Nubia. Robins, E. C. The temple of Solomon. London. 1887. Plates. 8094.28 Schumacher, G. The Jaulan. London. 1888. Illus. [Palestine Exploration Fund.] *5077.55 Sepp, J. N., and B. Sepp. Die Felsenkuppel: eine justinianische Sophienkirche, und die iibrigen Tempel Jerusalems. Miin- chen. 1882. Illus. 3042.72 Jerusalem und das Heilige Land. 2. Auf- lage. Schaffhausen. 1873, 76. 2 v. Illus. 5044.51 Spiers, R. P. The architectural remains of Palestine. (In Wilson, Sir C. W. The recovery of Jerusalem. Pp. 388-409. London. 1871.) 5042.8 Same. {In Same. Pp. 302-318. New York.) 5042,23 Tristram, H. B. Pathways of Palestine. London. [1881,82.] 2 v. Photographs. ♦3040.64 Unger, F. W. Die Bauten Constantin's des Grossen am heiligen Grabe zu Jerusa- lem. (In Benfey, T., editor. Orient und Occident. Band 2, pp. 177-232, 385-456. Gottingen. 1864.) 3027.100.2 Viaggio a Venetia, al Santo Sepolchro. Et al Monte Sinai. Piv copiosamente descritto de gli altri: con disegni de paesi, citta, porti, & chiese, & li santi luoghi. In Venetia. 1583. Illus. Plates. In the form of a guide book. **G.409.43 Vogiie, C. J. M., Marquis de. Les eglises de la Terre-Sainte. Paris, i860. Plates. 3042.54 Syrie centrale. Architecture civile et re- ligieuse du i^r au vii^ siecle. Paris. 1865-67. 2 V. Plates. *4090.52 Le temple de Jerusalem. Paris. 1864. Plates. *Cab.6o.iio.i On the temples of Solomon and Herod. Con- tains colored plates of wall decoration. Warren, Sir C. Plans showing the results of the excavations at Jerusalem, 1867-70. [London?] 1884. 50 plates. *Cab.50.i7.2 arren. Sir C, and C. R. Conder. The sur- vey of Western Palestine. Jerusalem. London. 1884. Illus. Plates. [Pales- tine Exploration Fund.] *507o.53 Weigand, E. Die Geburtskirche von Bethle- Phem: eine Untersuchung zur christ- lichen Antike. Leipzig. 191 1. Plates. Plans. [Studien iiber christliche Denk- maler.] 4074.410 Williams, G. The Holy city. 2d edition, in- K eluding an architectural history of the t Williams, G. (Continued.) Willis. London. 1849. 2 v. Plates. 5043.50 Wilson, Sir C. W. Ordnance survey of Jeru- salem. Made under the sanction of the Secretary of State for War. [London.] 1865. 3v. *Cab.30.44.3 Vol. I contains notes on the survey and on some of the localities and buildings; vol. 2, photo- graphs; vol. 3, folded plans. Wilson, Sir C. W., editor. Picturesque Pales- tine, Sinai and Egypt. New York. [1881-83.] 2 V. in 4. Illus. Plates. •3040.68 Wilson, Sir C. W., and H. S. Palmer. Ord- nance survey of the peninsula of Sinai. Southampton. 1869. 3 v. 153 photo- graphs. *Cab.3o.44.i Wilson, Sir C. W., and others. The recovery of Jerusalem. London. 1871. Plates. Plans. 5042.8 Same. New York. 5042.23 Wolff, O. Der Tempel von Jerusalem und seine Maasse. Graz. 1887. Illus. Plates. 8093.20 Literatur-Verzeichnis, pp. 99-102. An account of three temples at Jerusalem. Wood, R. Les ruines de Baalbec. Londres. 1757- 46 plates. *Cab.5o.io.2 The ruins of Palmyra and Balbec. Lon- don. 1827. 114 plates. *Cab.5o.ii.3 Africa. Algeria, Tunis, etc, Algeria. Service' geographique de I'armee. Atlas archeologique de TAlgerie. Alger. 191 1. Maps. *Cab.3o.i7.5 Ballu, A. Les ruines de Timgad (antique Thamugadi). Paris. 1897, 1903. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3053.211 Vol. 2 has the sub-title: Nouvelles d^couvertes. BoeswiUwald, fi., and others. Timgad, une cite africaine sous I'empire romain. Par fi. BoeswiUwald, R. Cagnat, Alb. Ballu. Paris. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 3050.114 Boissier, M. L. A. G. L'Afrique romaine. Promenades archeologiques en Algerie et en Tunisie. Paris. 1895. Plans. 3058.143 Cagnat, R. L. V. Carthage, Timgad, Te- bessa et les villes antiques de I'Afrique du Nord. Paris. 1909. Illus. Plans. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073.371 Cagnat, R. L. V., and P. Gauckler. Les monuments antiques. Avec des plans executes par E. Sadoux. [Fascicule i.] Paris. 1898. Plates. Plans. [Tunis. Direction des antiquit^s et arts. Les monuments historiques de la Tunisie. Partie i.] *5050.33.i Contents. — i. Les temples paiens. Cagnat, R. L. V., and H. Saladin. Voyage en Tunisie. Illus. (In Tour du monde. Vol. 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, ."^6, 66. Paris. 1884-93.) *629i.i.47-66 Bibliographic, p. 158. 110 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Daux, A. Recherches sur rorigine et Tem- placement des emporia pheniciens dans le Zengis et le Byzacium (Afrique sep- tentrionale). Paris. 1869. 9 plates. 5051.11 Delamare, A. H. A. Archeologie [de I'Alge- rie]. Paris. 1850. 2 v. 193 plates. [Exploration scientifique de I'Algerie.] ♦3050.5.1, 2 Diehl, M. C. Rapport sur deux missions archeologiques dans TAfrique du nord (avril-juin 1892 etmars-mai 1893). Plates. Plans. {In Nouvelles archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires . . . Tome 4, pp. 285-434, (2). Paris. 1893.) *6224.55.4 Fitzgerald, S. In the track of the Moors: sketches in Spain and Northern Africa. London. 1905. Illus. Colored plates. *309oa.ii9 France. Ministere de I'instruction publique. Comite des travaux historiques et scien- tifiques. Recherche des antiquites dans le nord de I'Afrique. Conseils aux ar- cheologues et aux voyageurs. Paris. 1890. Illus. Plates. Plans. *305oa.i03 Frobenius, H. Die Erdgebaude im Sudan. Hamburg. 1897. Illus. [Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaft- licher Vortrage.] No. 21 in 5914.50.N.F.9 Gaillard, H. Une ville de I'Islam: Fes. Paris. 1905. Illus. Plates. 3059.246 Graham, A. Roman Africa: an outline of the history of the Roman occupation of North Africa, based chiefly upon in- scriptions and monumental remains in that country. London. 1902. Plates. Maps. Plans. 3054.210 Graham, A., and H. S. Ashbee. Travels in Tunisia. London. 1887. Illus. *3o8oa.6o Gsell, S. Exploration scientifique de I'Algerie pendant les annees 1840-1845. Archeologie. Texte explicatif des planches de Ad.-H.-Al. Delamare. Paris. 1912. [France. Ministere de I'instruc- tion publique.] *3050.6 Les monuments antiques de I'Algerie. Paris. 1901. 2 V. Plates. [Service des monuments historiques de I'Algerie.] 3051.215 Recherches archeologiques en Algerie. Paris. 1893. Illus. Plans. [France. Ministere de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts.] 3051.130 Kuehnel, E. Algerien. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. Map. [Statten der Kul- tur.] 40993.28 Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria and Tuscany. Bizerta und seine Zukunft. Prag. 1881. Plates. 50593.50 Mansfield, M. F. In the land of mosques & minarets. With illustrations by Blanche McManus. Boston. 1908. Plates. Maps. 3054.252 A description of North Africa. Some of the plates are colored. Marcel, J. J., editor. Algerie, par MM. Rozet et Carette; £tats tripolitains par F. Hoefer; Tunis, par L. Frank. Paris. 1850. Plates. [L'univers.] *2266.3 Nugent, Hon. Emma E. G. A land of mosques and Marabouts. London. 1894. Plates. 3053.15s Travels in Algeria and Tunis. Playfair, R. L. Travels in the footsteps of Bruce in Algeria and Tunis. London. 1877. Plates. *505o.i4 Ravoisie, A. Beaux-arts: architecture et sculpture [de I'Algerie]. Paris. 1846- 58. 3 v. 195 plates. [Exploration scien- tifique de I'Algerie.] *Cab.30.i7.i This publication was never completed. Saladin, H. La mosquee de Sidi Okba a Kairouan. Paris. 1899. Illus. 28 plates. Plan. [Les monuments arabes.] *5050.33 Bibliography, p. 13. Rapport sur la mission accomplie en Tunisie, 1885. Illus. Plates. (In Nou- velles archives des missions scienti- fiques et litteraires. Tome 2, pp. 377- 561. Paris. 1892.) *6224.55.2 Wrigley, M. Algiers illustrated. London. 1889. 100 plates. *305o.iii Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia. See also Saracenic Architecture. Abney, Sir W. de W. Thebes and its five greater temples. London. 1876. 40 photographs. Plans. *505o.i2 Auge de Lassus, L. L'art egyptien. Paris. [1898.] Plates. [Petite bibliotheque de vulgarisation artistique.] 4075.85 Ayrton, E. R., and others. Abydos. Part 3. See Petrie, W. M. F. Ball, E. A. R. The city of the caliphs. A popular study of Cairo and its environs and the Nile and its antiquities. Bos- ton. [1897.] Plates. 3055.147 Baring, Sir T. Bibliographical account of La description de I'Egypte. London. 1838. *Cab.30.i4.3 La description de I'ftgypte may be found on shelf- numbers *Cab.3o.i2.i — *Cab.3e. 14.1. Bechard, £. L'figypte et la Nubie. Paris. 1887. 150 plates. *Cab.30.i6.3 Belzoni, G. B. Atlas des voyages en figypte et en Nubie. Paris. 1821. *Cab.30.i8.5 Plates illustrative of researches and ope- rations in Egypt and Nubia. London. 1820. *Cab.30.i6.2 Binion, S. A. Ancient Egypt; or, Mizraim. New York. [1887.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 2 V. 72 plates. *Cab.30.i6.i;*Cab.30.40.i The copy on shelf-number *Cab. 30.40.1 is bound in two volumes. Bissing, F. W., Freiherr von, editor. Denk- maler agyptischer Sculptur. Miinchen. 1906. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.30.49.3 Blanc, A. A. P. C. Voyage de la haute figypte. Observations sur les arts egyp- tien et arabe. Paris. 1876. Plates. 3054-54 Bock, V. de. Materiaux pour servir a I'ar- cheologie de I'figypte chretienne. St. Petersbourg. 190T. Plates. 3050.247 Title and text in Russian and French. EGYPT, NUBIA, ABYSSINIA 111 Boeser, P. A. A. Beschreibung der ae- gyptischen Sammlung des niederlan- dischen Reichsmuseums der Altertiimer in Leiden. Die Denkmaler des neuen Reiches. Abteilung i : Graber. Haag. 1911. Plates. [Rijks-Museum van Oud- heden. Leyden.] *Cab.6o.48.4 Borchardt, L. Die aegyptische Pflanzen- saule. Berlin. 1897. Illus. 4091.21 Das Grabdenkmal des Konigs Nefer-ir- ke'-re. Leipzig. 1909. Plates. Maps. Plans. *303O.74 Several of the plates are colored. Das Grabdenkmal des Konigs Ne-user- re'. Leipzig. 1907. Plates. Plans. *3030.7o Das Grabdenkmal des Konigs Sahu-re'. Band i: Der Ban. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *3030.77 These three works belong to the series : Wissen- schaftliche Veroffentlichungen der deutschea Orientgesellschaft. Brimmer, M. Egypt. Three essays on [its] history, religion and art. Cambridge. 1892. Plates. 3054.150 Brodrick, M., and A. A. Morton. A concise dictionary of Egyptian archaeology. London. 1902. Illus. 3059.205 Bibliography, pp. 195-198. Brugsch, H. C, called Brugsch-Bey. Monu- mens de I'figypte decrits, commentes et reproduits. Berlin. 1857. • 18 plates (2 colored). *Cab.30.47.4 The two colored plates are of Egyptian orna- ment. The others are mostly of hieroglyphics. Reise nach der grossen Oase El Khargeh in der libyschen Wiiste. Leipzig. 1878. Plates. Plans. *305o.53 Budge, E. A. T. W. A guide to the Egyptian collections in the British Museum. [London.] 1909. Plates. Maps. Plans. ♦8079.303 A guide to the Egyptian galleries. (Sculp- ture.) [London.] 1909. Illus. *8o79.302 A British Museum guide. Butler, A. J. The ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. Oxford. 1884. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 3521.58 Cailliaud, F. Voyage a I'oasis de Thebes. Paris. 1821. Plates. *Cab.30.i8.8 Voyage a Meroe. [Paris.] 1823-27. Text, 4 v.; Atlas, 2 v. in i. 150 plates. *Cab.30.i8.i Canina, L. L'architettura egiziana. Roma. 1839-44. Text, 3 v.; Atlas, 200 plates. [L'architettura antica. 1-3.] *Cab.6o.8o.8.i-3 Capart, J. Abydos. Le temple de Seti ler. fitude generale. Bruxelles. 1912. Illus. 50 plates. Plans. *3050.2i2 L'art egyptitn. Choix de documents ac- compagnes d'indications bibliogra- phiques. Bruxelles. lyoy. 100 plates. 4077.395 Recueil de monuments egyptiens. 50 planches avec texte explicatif. Bruxelles. 1902. *Cab.30.56.4 -_ Une rue de tombeaux a Saqqarah. ^K Bruxelles. 1907. 2 v. Plates. *3050.239 I'" ~~ "■ Capart, J. (Continued.) ments funeraires de I'ancien empire egyptien. a. Planches: (107) photographies executees par I'auteur en collaboration avec le Dr. Ch. Mathien. Casey, C. Philitis: being a condensed ac- count of the recently discovered solu- tion of the use and meaning of the Great Pyramid ... 4th edition, enlarged. Dublin. 1877. Plans. 3056.55 Chalvet, M. de, Marqius de Rochemonteix. ffiuvres diverses. Publiees par G. Mas- pero et E. Chassinat. Paris. 1894. Plates. [Bibliotheque egyptologique.] ^ . . , *3052.256 Contams articles on Egyptian architecture. Champollion, J. F. Lettres ecrites d'figypte et de Nubie, en 1828 et 1829. Paris. 1833. , „^ *3053.9;*B.4245.io Monuments de lEgypte et de la Nubie. Paris. 1835 [-72]. Text, 2 V. in 5; Atlas, 4 V. *Cab.30.i5.i Choisy, F. A. L'art de batir chez les figyp- tiens. Paris. 1904. 24 plates. 4093.138 Clark, E. L. Daleth, or the homestead of the nations. Egypt illustrated. Boston. 1864. 3052.16; **K.i47.7 Clarke, S. Christian antiquities in the Nile valley: a contribution towards the study of the ancient churches. Oxford. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 41003.40 Cloquet, L. L'art monumental des £gyp- tiens et des Assyriens. [Paris. 1896.] Plates. [Tracts artistiques.] 8084.80 Cooper, W. R. A short history of the Egyptian obelisks. London. [1877.] 3059.59 Crum, W. E. Coptic monuments. Le Caire. 1902. Plates. [Musee du l-.aire. Cata- logue general des antiquites- egyp- tiennes. Nos. 8001-8741.] *505oa.8i Daressy, G. Statues de divinites. Le Caire. 1905, 06. 2 v. Plates. [Musee du Caire. Catalogue general des antiquites egyp- tiennes. Nos. 38001-39384.] *505oa.97 Contents. — i. Texte. 2. Planches. Davies, N. de G. The mastaba of Ptahhetep and Akhethetep at Saqqareh. Part i, 2. London. 1900, 01. 3 v. [Archaeologi- cal Survey of Egypt. 8th, 9th memoir.] *305o.i65 Contents. — i. The chapel of Ptahhetep and the hieroglyphs. Text and plates. 2. The mastaba. — The sculptures of Akhethetep. The rock tombs of Deir el Gebrawi. Part I, 2. London. 1902. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *305o.i67 Contents. — i. Tomb of Aba and smaller tombs of the southern group. 2. Tomb of Zau and tombs of the northern group. The rock tombs of El Amarna. London. 1903-08. 6 v. Plates. 3050.185 The rock tombs of Sheikh Said. London. 1901. 35 plates. *305o.i69 These three works on the rock tombs were issued as Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Egypt. Davis, C. H. S., and C. M. Cobern. Ancient Egypt in the light of modern discov- eries. Meriden. [1894.] Plates. Dia- grams. [Biblia. Illustrated edition. Vol. I.] *Cab.30.52 I m ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Davis, T. M., and others. The tomb of Hatshopsitu. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. [T. M. Davis' excavations: Liban el Moluk.] *5050.7o Of the fifteen plates, seven are colored, and are mostly portrait heads in relief. The tomb of louiya and Touiyou. Lon- don. 1907. Plates. Plan. [T. M. Davis* excavations: Liban el Moluk.] *Cab.30.49.5 Of the forty-four plates, fourteen are colored. Denon, D. V., * Baron. Egypt delineated. London. 1825. Plates. *Cab.30.37.2 Travels in upper and lower Egypt. Trans- lated from the French. New York. 1803. 2 V. Plates. 3048.13 Same. (In Mavor. Voyages and travels. Vol. 22, pp. 181-296. London. 1813.) ♦6267.I.22 Voyage dans la basse et la haute figypte. Paris. 1802. Text, i v. Plates; Atlas, 141 plates. *Cab.30.33.i Same. [Text only.] 4e edition. 1803. 3 V. 3059.2 Description de I'figypte. Publiee par les ordres de Napoleon le Grand. Paris. 1809 [-30]. Text, II v.; Plates, 11 v. *Cab.30.i2.i-*Cab.30.i4.i Du Barry de Merval, Comte. fitudes sur I'architecture egyptienne. Paris. 1873. Plates. 3046.50 Duemichen, J. Altagyptische Tempelin- schriften. Leipzig. 1867. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.30.45.3 Vol. I contains a plan of the Temple at Edfou ; vol. 2 contains one of that at Denderah. Ebers, G. Aegypten in Bild und Wort. Stuttgart. 1879, 80. 2 V. Plates. *505oa.3 Cicerone durch das alte und neue Aegyp- ten. Stuttgart. 1886. 2 V. in I. lUus. 3050.59 Egypt: descriptive, historical and pictur- esque. Translated by Clara Bell. Lon- don. [1881.] 2 V. Plates. *Cab.30.29.2 L'figypte. Traduction de G. Maspero. Paris. 1880, 81. 2 V. Plates. *505o.i7 Egypt. Comite de conservation des monu- ments de Tart arabe. Catalogue raisonne des monuments exposes dans le Musee national de I'art arabe, precede d'un apergu de I'histoire de I'architecture et des arts industriels en figypte, par Max Herz Bey. 2^ edition. Le Caire. 1906. Illus. Plates. 8089.44 La mosquee du Sultan Hassan au Caire. Par Max Herz Bey. Le Caire. 1899. * Illus. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.i46.3 Egypt. Service des antiquities. Annales. [Publics sous la direction de G. Mas- pero.] Le Caire. 1900-07. 8 v. Plates. Plans. *305oa.i93 Elson, A. W., & Co., publishers. Masterpieces in art. Egypt. (Architecture.) Bos- ton. [1900.] 10 plates, with pamphlet containing descriptive notes. *407i.95 Falls, J. C. E. Drei Jahre in der libyschen Wiiste: Reisen, Entdeckungen und Aus- grabungen der Frankfurter Menasexpe- dition (Kauffmannsche Expedition). Falls, J. C. E. (Continued.) Freiburg i. B. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3054.75 Ferrer, R. Die friihchristlichen Alter- thiimer aus dem Graberfelde von Ach- mim-Panopolis (nebst Analogen une- dirten Funden aus Koln, etc.). Strass- burg i. E. 1893. Illus. 18 colored plates. ♦4071. 121 Foucart, G. Histoire de I'ordre lotiforme. Paris. 1897. Illus. 4091.79 Franz, J., Pasha. Die Grab-Moschee des Sultans Kait-Bai bei Kairo. Berlin. [1898.] Illus. 7 plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.150 Literaturnachweise, p. 12. Kairo. Leipzig. 1903. Plates. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.265 Frith, F. Egypt and Palestine photo- graphed and described. London. [1859.] 2 v. *Cab.30.44.5 Garstang, J. The burial customs of ancient Egypt as illustrated by tombs of the Middle Kingdom. Being a report of excavations made in the necropolis of Beni Hassan during 1902-3-4. London. 1907. Plates. Colored frontispiece. [University of Liverpool. Institute of Archaeology.] 3052.75 Mahasna and Bet Khallaf. With a chap- ter by Kurt Sethe. London. 1903. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Egyptian Re- search Account. 1901.] *3050.225 Relates to Third Dynasty tombs near Abydos. Meroe, the city of the Ethiopians. Being an account of a first sea- son's excavations on the site, 1909-1910. Oxford. 191 1. Plates. Map. Plans. 3051.266 Gau, F. C. Neu entdekte Denkmaler von Nubien. Stuttgart. 1822. Plates. *Cab.3o.i4.6 Gayet, A. J. L'art copte. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. *4073-2^4 Le temple de Louxor. Fascicule i. Pans. 1894. 64 plates. [Mission archeolo- gique frangaise au Caire. Memoires.J 5070.11. 15 Goodyear, W. H. The grammar of the lotus. A new history of classic orna- ment. London. 1891. Illus. Plates. ♦8070.112 Gorringe, H. H. Egyptian obelisks. New York. [1882.] Plates. *5050.6o Herbert, G. E. S. M., 5th Earl of Carnarvon, and H. Carter. Five years' explorations at Thebes. Oxford. 1912. Illus. Fac- similes. *3050.78 Herz, M. [Des maisonettes arabes anciennes disseminees dans la ville indigene du Caire.] Plates. (In Egypt. Comite de conservation des monuments de Tart arabe. Proces-verbaux des seances. . . . Exercice. 1909. Fascicule 26, pp. 157-179- Le Caire. 1910.) *8o89.89 Hichens, R. S. Egypt and its monuments. New York. 1908. Plates. 3052.181 Hoelscher, U. Das hohe Tor von Medinet Habu. Eine baugeschichtliche Unter- suchung. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. EGYPT, NUBIA, ABYSSINIA 113 Hoelscher, U. (Continued.) Plans. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] ♦3030.75 Hoskins, G. A. Travels in Ethiopia. Lon- don. 1835. Plates. *3050.i24 Jequier, G. Decoration egyptienne. Pla- fonds et frises vegetales du nouvel em- pire thebain (1400 a 1000 avant J. C). [Partie i.] Paris. [iQU-]. , Plates. [L'art decoratif dans I'antiquite.] Contents. — i. Plafonds. *8o70.255 Jones, O., and J. Bonomi. Description of the Egyptian court erected in the Cry- stal Palace. London. 1854. Illus. 4089.40; No. 2 in 4089.32 Kaufmann, C. M. Bericht, [i-]3» iiber die Ausgrabung der Menas-Heiligtiimer in der Mareotiswiiste. Cairo. 1906-08. 3 V. Plates. 3052.249 Koenigliche Museen, Berlin. Aegyptische und vorder-asiatische Alterthumer. Mit erklarendem Text. Berlin. 1895, 97. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 138 photographs. *Cab.30.i9.5 Lange, H. O., and H. Schaefer. Grab- und Denksteine des mittleren Reichs im Museum von Kairo. Theil i, 2, 4. Ber- lin. 1902-08. 3 V. Illus. [Musee du Caire. Catalogue general des antiquites egyptiennes. No. 20001-20780.] Vol. 4 contains the plates. *5050a.82 Lebas, J. B. A. L'obelisque de Luxor. His- toire de sa translation a Paris. Paris. 1839. IS plates. *305o.i74 Lefebvre, T. Voyage en Abyssinie, 1839- 43. Paris. [1845-54.] Text, 6 v.; Atlas, 3 V. *Cab.30.54.i Lepsius, C. R. Auswahl der wichtigsten Ur- kunden des segyptischen Alterthums. Tafeln. Leipzig. 1842. 23 plates. *Cab.30.i8.6 Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethio- pien. Berlin. 1859, 60. 6 parts in 12 v. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.30.20.I Denkmaler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien. Text herausgegeben von E. Naville. Band 1-4 [und] Erganzungsband. Leip- zig. 1897-1904. Text, 4 V. Illus.; Atlas, 48 plates. *Cab.30.30.i The Erganzungsband forms the atlas. Maciver, D. R. El Amrah and Abydos. i899-;i90i. With a chapter by F. LI. Griffith. London. 1902. Plates. [Egypt Exploration Fund. Special extra publi- cation.] *3050.2i4 Manning, S. The land of the Pharaohs: Egypt and Sinai. [London. 1875.] Illus. 3050.24 Same. New edition, revised and partly rewritten by R. Lovett. [London.] 1887. Illus. 3050.43 Same. 1897. Plates. 3050.44 Same. With a supplementary chapter on recent discoveries by Flinders Petrie. 1897. ^ 3050.45 Marcel, J. J., and others. Egypte. Paris. 1848. Plates. [L'univers.] *2266.i7 Same. 1872. 3054.116 Marietta, F. A. F., called Mariette-Bey. Abydos; description des fouilles exe- cutees sur I'emplacement de cette ville. Paris. 1869, 80. 2 v. Plates. ^ , , , , , , *Cab.30.45.4 Catalogue generate des monuments d'Abydos. Paris. 1880. *Cab.30.45.5 Deir-el-Bahari. Leipzig. 1877. Text, I v.; Atlas, 16 plates. *Cab.30.47.3 Denderah. Description generale du grand temple de cette ville. Paris. 1870-80. Text, I v.; Atlas, 5 v. *Cab.30.49.i Monuments divers recueillis en figypte et en Nubie. Texte par G. Maspero. Paris. 1889. 107 plates. *Cab.30.27.4 The monuments of Upper Egypt. A translation by Alphonse Mariette. Alexandria. 1877. Map. Plans. 50593.65 Same. Revised with notes and additions by L. Dickerman. Boston. 1890. Plates. Plans. 5059.46 Le Serapeum de Memphis. Publie d'apres le manuscrit de Tauteur par G. Maspero. Tome I. Paris. 1882. Text, i v. 2 maps; Atlas, 5 plates. *Cab.3o.48.3 Publication discontinued. Same. Paris. 1857 [-64]. 36 plates. *Cab.3o.3i.i Traite pratique et raisonne de la construc- tion en figypte. Alexandrie. 1875. 3057.25 Voyage dans la Haute-figypte. 2e edition. Paris. 1893. 2 V. 83 plates. *Cab.30.27.5 Marucchi, O. Gli obelischi egiziani di Roma. Edizione ampliata e preceduta da una lettera del prof. E. Scniaparelli. Roma. 1898. Plates. *505i.30 Maspero, Sir G. C. C. L'archeologie egyp- tienne. Paris. [1887.] Illus. [Biblio- theque de I'enseignement des beaux- arts.] 8087.27 Art in Egypt. New York. 1912. Illus. Colored plates. Plans. [Ars una: species mille. General history of art.] 40793.407 Bibliographies interspersed in the text. The dawn of civilization. Egypt and Chal- daea. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Trans- lated by M. L. M'Clure. London. 1894. Plates. *3052.i4i Egypt: ancient sites and modern scenes. Translated by Elizabeth Lee. New York. 191 1. Plates. 3052.246 Egyptian archaeology. Translated by Amelia B. Edwards. London. 1887. Illus. 5056.57 Same. New York. **K.263.i Manual of Egyptian archaeology and guide to the study of antiquities in Egypt. Translated by Amelia B. Ed- wards. New edition. New York. 1895. Illus. 3057.108 A new edition of his Egyptian archaeology. Same. London. 3057*109 Same. 5th edition, with supplementary chapter by the English editor. 1902. Plans. . 3057.113 Les temples immerges de la Nubie. Rap- ports relatifs a la consolidation des tem- 114 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Maspero, Sir G. C. C. (Continued.) pies. Tome i, 2. Le Caire. 191 1. 2 v. Illus. Plates. [Egypt. Service des an- tiquites.] '5050a- 109 Menzies, J. Egyptian architecture. [Lon- don. 1884.] 3 plates. No. 2 in 5059.77 Migeon, G. Le Caire, le Nil et Memphis. Paris. 1909. Illus. Plates. Map. Plan. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073.373 Bibliographic, pp. 153, 154. Milehan, G. S. Churches in Lower Nubia. Edited by D. Randall-Maciver. Phila- delphia. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Eckley B. Coxe Junior expedition to Nubia. 2.] *305i.267.2 Minutoli, H. C. M., Freiherr von. Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Ammon in der liby- schen Wiiste, und nach Ober-Aegypten, 1820-21. Berlin. 1824. Text, i v.; At- las, 38 plates. *Cab.5o.i4.4 Mission archeologique frangaise, Cairo. Memoires publics par les membres de la Mission. Tome i-io; 11 (fasc. i); 12 (i); 13, 15 (i); 17, 18 (i); 19. Paris. 1884-1903. 16 V. in 27. Plates. *507o.ii Moldenke, C. E. The New York obelisk, Cleopatra's needle. With a preliminary sketch of the history, erection, uses and signification of obelisks. New York. 1891. Illus. Plates. 3053.106 Murray, M. A. The Osireion at Abydos. London. 1904. Plates. [Egyptian re- search account.] *3050.226 Musee 6gyptien, Le. Recueil de monuments choisis et de notices sur les fouilles en figypte. Public par E. Grebaut [etc.]. Tome I, 2; 3 (fascicule i). Le Caire. 1890-1909. Plates. *3050.75 Some of the plates are colored. Naville, H. E. Ahnas el Medineh (Herac- leopolis Magna), with chapters on Mendes, the nome of Thoth, and Leon- topolis. [Added an] appendix on By- zantine sculptures by T. Hayter Lewis. London. 1894. 18 plates. [Egypt Ex- ploration Fund.] No. I in *3050.i52 L'aile nord du Pylone d'Amenophis iii. a Karnak. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. [Musee Guimet, Paris. Annales. Vol. 30.] *3490.55.30.Part i Bubastis. (1887-89.) London. 1891. 54 plates. *3050.i26 The xith dynasty temple at Deir El- Bahari. By fidouard Naville . . . With chapters by H. R. Hall and E. R. Avrton. London. 1907-10. 2 v. Plates. *3050.i6i The festival-hall of Osorkon 11., in the great temple of Bubastis (i 887-1 889). London. 1892.' 40 plates. *3050.i43 The Mound of the Jew and the city of Onias. Belbeis, Samanood, Abusir, Tukh el Karmus. 1887. By fidouard Naville. The antiquities of Tell el Ya- hudiyeh, and miscellaneous work in lower Egypt, 1887-88. By F. LI. Grif- fith. London. 1890. 26 plates. *3050.i2o The shrine of Saft el Henneh and the land of Goshen (1885). London. 1887. n plates *505oa.68 Naville, H. E. (Continued.) The temple of Deir el Bahari: its plan, its founders and its first explorers. Intro- ductory memoir. London. 1894. 15 plates. *3050.i75 The temple of Deir el Bahari. London. 1896-1908. 6 V. Plates. *Cab.30.92.2 The last seven works here listed were issued by the Egypt Exploration Fund, Newberry, P. E., and H. Carter. The tomb of Thoutmosis iv. Westminster. 1904; Plates. [Musee du Caire. Catalogue general des antiquites egyptiennes. Nos. 46001-46529.] *505oa.9o Norden, F. L. Voyage d'figypte et de Nubie. Copenhague. 1755. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.3o.3i.4 Parker, J. H. The twelve Egyptian obelisks in Rome. 2d edition. Oxford. 1879. Plates. 5054.88 The first edition may be found in his Archseol- ogy of Rome, part 4 [2754.6,4.1]. Parthey, G. F. C. Wanderungen durch Sicilien und die Levante. Vol. 2: Das Nilthal. Berlin, 1840. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *473o.6 Perring, J. S. The pyramids of Ghizeh. Sketches by E. J. Andrews. London. [1839-42.] 3 V, Plates. *Cab.30.36.i Perrot, G., and C. Chipiez. Geschichte der Kunst im Alterthum: Aegypten. Leip- zig. 1884. Illus. ^ *8o84.5i Histoire de Tart dans I'antiquite. Tome i: L'figypte. Paris. 1882, Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o84.5o.i History of art in ancient Egypt. London. 1883. Illus. 8084.52 Petrie, W. M. F. Abydos. Part 1-3. London. 1902-04. 3 v. Plates. Plans. [Egypt Exploration Fund.] *3050.i84 Part 3 is a special extra publication of the Egypt Exploration Fund, written by E. R. Ayrton, C. T. Currelly, A, E. P. Weigall and A. H. Gardiner. Les arts & metiers de I'ancienne figypte. Traduit de I'anglais et precede d'une preface par Jean Capart. Bruxelles. 1912. Illus. Plates. 4028.137 Egyptian decorative art. London. 1895. Illus. 8089.43 Ehnasya, 1904. London. 1905. Plates. [Egypt Exploration Fund.] *3050.2i8 Supplementary text and plates with title : Roman Ehnasya (Herakleopolis Magna) may be found on shelf-number *3o5o.2i9. Koptos [Egypt]. London. 1896. 28 plates. 30503.141 The pyramids and temples of Gizeh. Lon- don. [1883.] Plates. 30503.52 Same. New [2d] edition. London. [1885.] 9 plates. 30503.61 The royal tombs of the First dynasty. Part I, 2. London. 1900, 01. 3 v. Plates. Plans. [Egypt Exploration Fund.] *3050.i83 Vol. I, 2 consist of text, plates and plans ; vol. 3 is a special extra publication of plates only. A season in Egypt, 1887. London. 1888. Illus. 50503.70 Two of the 32 platts an* on architecture. EGYPT, NUBIA, ABYSSINIA 115 Petrie, \V. M. F. (Continued.) Six temples at Thebes. 1896. London. 1807. 26 plates. 30403.178 Petrie, W. M. F., editor. A history of Egypt. London. i894[-i905]. 6 v. Plates. Maps. 3059.175 Contents. — i. From the earliest times to the xvith dynasty, by W. M. Flinders Petrie. 2. The xviith and xviiith dynasties, by W. M. Flinders Petrie. 3. From the xixth to the xxxth dynas- ties, by W. M. Flinders Petrie. 4. The Ptolemaic dynasty, by J. P. Mahaffy. 5. Roman rule, by J. G. Milne. 6. In the Middle Ages, by S. Lane- Poole. Vol. I, 4th edition, 1899, and vol. 2, 2d edition, 1897, may be found on shelf-no. B.H.Ref.74.5. Petrie, W. M. F., and J. E. Quibell. Naqada and Dallas, 1895. London. 1896. 86 plates. *305oa.i40 Poole, S. L. The art of the Saracens in Egypt. London. 1886. Plates. 4084.10; 4084.39 Cairo. London. 1892. lUus. 3052.117 The story of Cairo. London. 1902. Plates. Map. [Mediaeval towns.] 30593.113 Prang, L., and Company. Notes on Egyp- tian architecture and ornament. To accompany the Prang examples of his- toric ornament in the Egyptian style. Boston. [1899.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 9 plates. *4o6o.8o Prisse d'Avennes, E. Histoire de I'art egyptien d'apres les monuments, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a la domination romaine. Texte par P. M. de la Faye. Paris. 1879. Text and atlas of 159 plates. *Cab.8o.65.2 Monuments egyptiens, bas-reliefs, pein- tures, etc. Paris. 1847. Plates. *Cab.30.34.2 Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. De I'architec- ture egyptienne. Paris. 1803. Plates. *4093.i5 Quibell, J. E. Excavations at Saqqara. 1905-10. Le Caire. 1907-12. 4 v. Illus. Plates. [Egypt. Service des antiquites.] Some of the plates are colored. *3050'250 Raffray, A. Les eglises monolithes de la ville de Lalibela (Abyssinie). Paris. 1882. 20 plates. 8090.118 Reisner, G. A., editor. The early dynastic cemeteries of Naga-ed-Der. Leipzig. 1908, 09. 2 V. Illus. Plates. [Univer- sity of California. Publications. Egyp- tian archaeology.] *3050.254.2, 3 Rhone, A. Coup d'ceil sur I'etat du Caire, ancien et moderne. Paris. 1882. Illus. 3050.38 L'figypte a petites journees. Le Kaire et ses environs. Paris. 1877. Illus. 3052.59 Roberts, D. Egypt and Nubia. London. 1846-49. 3 V. Plates. *Cab.30.27.i Rosellini, N. F. I. B. I monumenti dell* Egitto e della Nubia, disegnati dalla spedizione scientifico-letteraria tos- cana. Pisa. .1832-44. Text, 9 v.; Atlas, 3 V. 398 plates. *Cab.30.28.i Ryan, C. Egyptian art. An elementary handbook for the use of students. Lon- don. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8089.41 Schaefer, J. H. Priestergraber und andere Grabfunde vom Ende des Alten Reiches bis zur griechischen Zeit vom Toten- tempel des Ne-user-re. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. Plans. [Deutsche Orientge- sellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Verof- fentUchungen.] *3030.7i Smyth, C. P. Life and work at the Great Pyramid, 1865. Edinburgh. 1867. 3 v. Plates. 5055-20 Spiers, R. P. Egypt. London. 1887. 36 plates with a short description of each. ♦50503.13 Steindorff, G. Die Bliitezeit des Pharaonen- reichs. Bielefeld. 1900. Illus. Plates. Map. [Monographien zur Weltge- schichte.] 6252.29 Durch die Libysche Wiiste zur Anions- oase. Bielefeld. 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Map. Plan. [Land und Leute. Monographien zur Erdkunde.] 4862.61 Literatur, pp. 156, 157. Contains an account of the ancient ruins in the oasis. Sybel, L. von. Kritik des aegyptischen Ornaments. Archaeologische Studie. Marburg. 1883. 2 plates. 8073.51 Thiersch, H. Zwei antike Grabanlagen bei Alexandria. Berlin. 1904. Illus. 6 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i57.i Five plates are colored. Tyndale, W. Below the cataracts. Written and illustrated in colour by Walter Tyn- dale. Philadelphia. 1907. 3052.251 Vyse, H. Operations carried on at the pyra- mids of Ghizeh in 1837. London. 1840, 42. 3 V. Plates. 5050.4 Ward, J., F.S.A. Pyramids and progress. London. 1900. Plates. 3055.163 Contains many illustrations Of Egyptian archi- tecture. Wilkinson, Sir G. Architecture of ancient Egypt. London. 1850. Text, i v.; Plates, I V. *Cab.6o.32.2 Topography of Thebes and view of Egypt. London. 1835. Plates. 3053.2 Woolley, C. L. Karanog, the town. Phila- delphia. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Nubia. 5.] *305i.267.5 Europe. Austro-Hungary. See also Turkey and the Balkan Peninsula. Allason, T. Picturesque views of the an- tiquities of Pola in Istria. London. i8j9. Plates. *Cab.29.i7.2 Ambros, A. W. Der Dom zu Prag. Prag. 1858. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plan. Music. 41093.2 Anheisser, R. Malerische Baukunst in Tirol. Frankfurt a. M. 1909. 50 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.l72.I Atz, C. Kunstgeschichte von Tirol und Vorarlberg. Bozen. 1885. 8071.130 116 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Atx, C (ComHmmed.) 5>ame. 2. Termehrte Atiflage. Innsbmck. 1909. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. 8071.146 B41mt» Z. Budapest. Mfllenitim. Die Architektur der Milleniums-Ausstelluiig. Wien- [1897.] 35 plates. ^4090.101 Bridges, L. Report on the buildings of the [Vienna] ^chibition, and on railroad stmctnres. Washington. 1876- Illus. [Reports of the Commissioners of the United States.] No. i in ^8035.59.4 Bmckner, W. Hermannstadt in Sieben- burgen. Leipzig. [1909-I Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a«33 Budapest. Die historischen Denknaler Ungams in der i896er Millennium- Landesausstellung. Redigrirt: der erste Theil von Bela Czobor; der zweite Thefl von Emerich v. Szalay. Buda- pest- 1896. 2 V. Illus. Colored plates. *4090.iO4 X. Knlritwng — Ites Zettaher do- Das Zritalter der SSnige ans den a. Das Zeitakcr der Konlge - Das Zcitaker der Tf a h dwgger. — Urbcadiafkigviiiccn. — Sdifans- Deimiiga; J. W. Das Bauemhaus in Tirol und Vorarlberg. Wien. [1893.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i93.z This work is divided into four parts of variovs miwih ered snb-secHons^ each, ptefaced tfj PT* (rf czplanatoiy text . Most of tiie {dates are "Dethy, N. L. Report on architecture and the materials of construction. Washington. 1875. 8025.7a Fran tlie Reports of the Conunissioaers to the Vienna Interoatioaa] Kihitw lhwi, 1873. voL 4 [*8o3S-59l4]- Eckardt, A. Die Bauktmst in Salzburg wah- rend des xvn. Jahrhunderts. Strass- burg. 1910. Plates. Plans. fStudien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] Qnellen- Verifirh ni*, pp. ix, x. 4074*5^3 Rigl, J. Oesterreichische Holzarchitektur. Das Salzburger Gebirgshaus (Pinzgauer Typus). Wien- 1894. lUns. 37 plates. *8o6o.6i F^izhoffer, D. Monasteriologia regni Hun- gariae. Weszprimii 1803. 2 v. in i. Plates. *75iai3 Gayct, A. J. L'art byzantin d'apres les montunents de I'ltalie, de I'lstrie et de la Dalmatie, releves et dessines par C. Errard. Texte par Al Gayet. Paris. [1901-07.] 3 V. Plates. Plans. Many plates are colored. H^ab.80.62.5 ComUmts. — z. Vcnise. La basifiqae de Saint Marc a. Parenzo. s- Savenne et Pon^ose. Saint- Vital et Tabbaye des B^i^dactins. Gcriach, IL, editor, Volkstomliche KonsL Ansichten von alten heimatlichen Bau- formra. Land- und Bauemhausem, Hofen, Garten, Wohnraumen, Hausrat, etc Wien. [1904?] Plates. [Die Quelle.] *409ias2 Grasel, P. Geschichte der deutsch-bomi- scben Ansiedelungen im BanaL Prag. Grasel, P. (CotUmmed.) 1905- Plates. [Beitrage zur deutsch- bomischen Volkskunde.] No. 2 in 2904.65.5 Habeiield, H. Modem plastic work in Aus- tria. The architectural revival in Aus- tria, Plates. (Ik Holme, C, editor. The art-revival in Austria. Parts 2, 3. London. 1906.) No. 2, 3 in 8072.177 Haberlandt, M. Das Bauemhaus in 6ster- reich-Ungam und in seinen Grenzge- bieten. Herausgegeben vom Osterr. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein. Wien. 1901-06. Text, i v. Illus. Plans; .\t1as, 60 plates in 4 v. *Cab.6o.i39.6 Hantich, H. L'art tcheque au xixe siecle. (Peinture — sculpture — architecture.) Preface de C. Normand. Paris. [1904.] Illus. 4070.158 Oorrages a consolter, p. 50L Heider, G. Mittelalterliche Kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Herausgegeben von G. Heider, Rud. v. Eitelberger und J. Hieser. Stuttgart. 1858, 60. 2 V. in I. Illus. 72 plates. *8o9oa.i24 Hcnszlmann, J. Die Grabungen des Erz- bischofs von Kalocsa Dr. L. Haynald. Leipzig. 1873. Illus. Plates. Plans. „ ♦2830.59 Hevesi, L. Oesterreichische Kunst im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Leipzig. 1903. Plates. 4072.100 A few of the plates ilhistrate architecttire. Ifintraeger, C. Die Volksschulhauser in Oesterreich-Ungara, Bosnien und der Hercegovina. Stuttgart. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur.l ♦8090a.132.12 Holme, C, editor. Peasant art in Austria and Hungary. London. 191 1. Plates. 8072.199 Ilg, A-, editor. Kunstgeschichtliche Charak- terbilder aus Osterreich-Ungarn. Prag. 1893- Illus. Portraits. Plates. ♦2861.80 Contents. — Die Urrdt, ron M. Hoernes. — Drei rondsche Stadte, too R, Hitter ron Schndder. — Das frahe und das hohe Mittdalter, von J. Strzy- gowslcL — Das qnte Mittelalter. Ton J. Neo- wirth. — Die KenaisBaiicc^ van H. ^^—T m ann , — Die Barocke; Die Rococoreit, von A. Ilg. — Das nennzdmte Jahrhundert, von A. Nossigr. Jackson, F. H. The shores of the Adriatic: the Austrian side. The Kiistenlande, Istria, and Dalmatia. New York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4095.169 Jackson, T. G. Dalmatia, the Quaraero and Istria, with Cettigne in Montenegro and the island of Grado. Oxford. 1^7. 3 v. Illus. 306Z.21 JoricoviS, D. Price lidu naseho. Lidove stavby, zarizeni a vyzdoba obydli, drobne price. Viden. [1905.] 60 plates. ♦8090.169 Kaiserlich- koenigliche Zentral-Kommission fiir Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst-und Historischen Denkmalen, Vienna. Kunst- Topographic des Her- zogthtims Karnten. Wien. 1889. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Vignette. [Oster- reichische Kunst-Topographie.] 4091.153 I AUSTRO-HUNGARY 117 Kalvoda, A. Burg Buchlau, gemalt von A. Kalvoda. Prag. [iQO-?] i/ plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.59.7 Kick, F., editor. Alt-Prager Architektur- Detaile. Wien. [1908.] 80 plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.3 Lauterbach, A. Die Renaissance in Krakau. Miinchen. 191 1. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 4105.114 Literatur, pp. 90, 9 1- Cfmtents. — Kultnrhistorische Vorbedingtmgen- — Architektur. — Grabmalcr. Lcpszy, L. Krakau. Leipzig. 1906. Illus. Portraits. [Beruhmte Kunststatten.] 4074-335 Lessing, O. Ausgefuhrte Bauornamente der Neuzeit. Samralung hervorragender Ornamentausfiihrungen in Deutschland Jtm and Oesterreich. Berlin. 1884, 90. 2 v. P 200 plates. *Cab.8o.i6.3 No text L^towski, L., Bishop of J op pa. Katedra Krakowska na Wavalu. W Krakowie. 1859. Colored plates. *Cab.6o.i22.3 Lippert, J. Das alte Mittelgebirgshaus in Bohmen und sein Bautypus. Prag. 1898. 6 plates. [Beitrage zur deutsch- bohmischen Volkskunde.] No. 3 in *2904-65.i Hausbaustudien in einer Kleinstadt ( Braunau in Bohmen). Prag. 1903. Plates. [Beitrage zur deutsch-bohmi- schen Volkskunde.] No. i in *2904.65.5 Lossnitzer, M. Veit Stoss: die Herkunft seiner Kunst, seine Werke und sein Leben. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. Plates. 8086.113 Abkorzungen der haufiger angefuhrten Literatur, pp. Ixxvi, IxxriL Mainly examples of sculpture in Nuremberg and Cracow. Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria and Tuscany. Der Golf von Buccari-Porto Re. Bilder und Skizzen. Prag. 1871. Plates. *286i.54 Luetzow, F. H. V., Graf von. The story of Prague. Illustrated by Nelly Erichsen. London. 1902. Plates. Plan. [Mediae- val towns.] 4869.41 Maw, W. H., and J. Dredge. A record of the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873. London. 1874. Plates. ♦Cab4o.i8.4 These plates accompany the official report of the exhibition submitted to Parlimmcnt. Mayr, A. Die Werke des Plastikers Josef Thaddaus Stammel in Admont und anderen Orten. (ti765.) Wien. 1912. Text, I v.; Atlas, 56 plates. ♦Cab.60.124.7 Mocker, J. Prasna vez v. Praze. Der Pul- verthurm in Prag. [Praha.] 1889. 2^ plates. *Cab.6o.TOi.i Title and text in Bohemian. German and French. Modeme kirchliche Kunst in Osterreich- Ungam. Gesammelt und heraus- gegeben von A. R. Hecht. Heft 1-3. Wien. [1912?] Plates. *Cab.8o.286.i There is no text. In progress. Myskovszky, V. Kunstdenkmale des Mit- telalters und der Renaissance in Ungarn. \\ icn. 1885. 100 plates. *8o8o.59 Neubauten in Oesterreich. Fa^aden, De- tails, Haustore, Vestibule, etc., etc. [Ta- feln.] Serie 2: Modernes Barock, etc. Wien. [1908.] 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i72.2 Neubauten in Wien, Prag, Budapest. Fa- gaden. Details, Haustore, Vestibule. Wien. 1904. 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.5 Neumann, W. A. Der Dom von Parenzo. Wien 1902. Text, i v; Atlas, 52 photo- graphs; 2 plans. *Cab.6o.i5i.2 Neuwirth, J. Der Dom St. Veit zu Prag. Berlin. [1897.] Illus. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.149 Literatumachweise, p. 16. Geschichte der bildenden Kunst in Boh- men vom Tode Wenzels iii.. bis zu den Husitenkriegen. Band i. Prag. 1893. Plates. *4094.i62 Contents. — i. Allgemeine Verfaaltnisse, Baube- trieb nnd Baudenkmale. Prag. Leipzig. 1901. Plates. [Beruhmte Kunststatten.] 4074.^50 Studien zur Geschichte der Gothik in Bohmen. Prag. 1892-99. 5 parts in i v. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4097.63 Contents. — Der Bau der Stadtkircfae in Brax von 15 17 bis 1542. — Der Banbegiim der Frofan* leichnams- und Barbarakirche in Kttttenberg. — Die Junker von Prag. — Der verlorene Cyklus bohmischer Herrscherbilder in der P ra ger EJoidgs- berg. — Die Wandgemalde in der Wenzelskapdle des Pragcr Domes und ihr Mcister. Reprinted from Mittheilnngen des Vereincs far die Geschichte der Deutschen in Bohmen, Jahr* gang 30, 31, 33, 35 and 38. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architek- ten-Verein. Das Bauernhaus in Oes- terreich-Ungarn und in seinen Grenz- gebieten. Wien. 1901-06. Text, i v. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 75 plates. *Cab.6o.i39.6 Ortwein, A., and others. Deutsche Renais- sance in Osterreich. Leipzig. 1S&4S7. 2 V. in I. Plates. [Deutsche Renais- sance. 9.] *8o7o.io3.9 Pamatky archaeologicke a mistopisne. Or- gan archaeologicke komise pfi Ceske Akademii cisafe Frantiska Josefa pro vedy, slovesnost a umeni a archaeo- logickeho shorn Musea kralovstvi Ces- keho. Redaktor: Dr. Josef Lad. Pic. Dil 15-21. 1890-1905. V Praze. 1892- 1906. 7 v. Illus. *3820.38 Some of the plates show architecture in Bohemia. Paukert, F. Die Zimmergotik in Deutsch- Tirol. Leipzig. 1892-94. 192 plates. ♦4090.48 Pazaurek, G. E. Franz Anton Reichsgraf von Sporck, ein Macen der Barockzeit, und seine Lieblingsschopfung Kukus. Leipzig. 1901. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *Cab.8o.248.3 Das Nordbohmische Gewerbe-Museum 1873-98. Denk- Schrift zur Eroffnung des neuen Museums-Gebaudes. . . . Reichenberg. 1898. Illus. Portraits. Plate. Plans. ♦4093-178 Pezolt, G. Salzburg und seine Angraenzun- gen, aus dem Bereiche der Natur, Kunst und Volksgebraeuche, mit Erlaeuterun- gen begleitet. [Gezeichnet von G. 118 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Pczolt, G. (Continued.) Pezolt, lithographirt von L. Rottmann.] Salzburg. [1840?] 166 plates. *Cab.28.ii.i Pilisi, B. N. A Magyar Orszaghaz Steindle Imre alkotasa. Das imgarische Parla- menthaus von Emerich Steindl. Ver- fasst und redigirt von Bela Ney de Pilip. Budapest. [1906.] Tllus. 62 plates. *Cab.6o.i57,5 Title-page and text in Hungarian, German and French. Piper, O. Osterreichische Burgen. Wien. 1902,09. 7v. in6. Illus. Plans. 40903.111 Pollak, O. Studien zur Architektur Prags, 1520-1600. Wien. 1910. [Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlung des aller- hochsten Kaiserhauses. Band 29. Heft 2.] *8o65.2oi.29.2 Prokop, A. Die Markgrafschaft Mahren in kunstgeschichtlicher Beziehung. Grund- ziige einer Kunstgeschichte dieses Landes mit besonderer Berucksichti- gung der Baukunst. Wien. 1904. 4 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409oa.ii7 Contents. — i. Das Zeitalter des romanischen Stils. 2. Das Zeitalter der gotischen Kunst. 3. Das Zeitalter der Renaissance. 4. Das Zeitalter der Barocke. — Anhang: Beginn der Neuzeit, mahrisches Wappenbuch vom Jahre 1888 und alphabetisches General-Register. Benutzte Quellenwerk, vol. i, p. xii. Radisics, J. Le pavilion historique de la Hongrie a I'Exposition universelle de Paris en 1900. Paris. [190-?] Illus. Some of the plates are colored. *8020.I03 Reithmayer, E. Die Burg Aggstein an. der Donau in Niederosterreich. Erfor- schung und Beschreibung ihres jetzigen Zustandes und Entw^urf fiir deren Rekonstruktion nach dem mutmass- lichen Bestande zur Zeit ihrer im Jahre 1429 erfolgten Wiedererbauung. Wien. 191 1. Text, I V. Illus. Colored plates; Atlas, Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i24.8 Roth, V. Geschichte der deutschen Bau- kunst in Siebenbiirgen. Strassburg. 1905. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.376 Rueckwardt, H. Architektonische Studien- blatter aus Budapest. Berlin. [1891.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.44.2 Schmerber, H. Prager Baukunst um 1780. Strassburg. 1913. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.559 Schmidt, O. Burgen und Schlosser in ds- terreich. Wien. 1894. 50 plates. *Cab.28.28.2 Kunstschatze aus Tirol. Wien. 1891. 3 V. 90 plates. *Cab.8o.3o.4 Contents. — i. Malerische Innenraume. 2. Archi- tektur und Kunstgewerbe. 3. Malerei und Plas- tik. Schramek, J. Das Bohmerbauernhaus. Prag. 1908. Plates. Plans. [Beitrage zur deutsch-bomischen Volkskunde.] 2904.65.9 Schwalb, H. Romische Villa bei Pola. Wien. 1902. Illus. 15 colored plates. [Kaiseriiche Akademie der Wissen- Schwalb, H. (Continued.) schaften, Vienna. Balkankommission.] *3o8oa.73 Same. 4. Auflage, vermehrt. 1909. 4096.110 Steirmaerkisches Landesmuseum Joan- neum, Graz. Altsteirische Wohnraume im Landesmuseum zu Graz, herausge- geben von Karl Lacher. Leipzig. 1906. 32 plates. [Ornamentale und kunstge- werbliche Sammelmappe.] *Cab.40.30.6 Thurston, R. H., editor. Reports of the Com- missioners of the United States to the International Exhibition at Vienna, 1873. Vol. 4: Architecture [etc.]. Wash- ington. 1876. Plates. *8o25.59.4 Watson, R. W. S., editor. Slovak peasant art and melodies. London. 1911. Plates. 4048.209 Vienna. Ferstel, H., Freiherr von. Die K. k. Universi tat in Wien. Text von Max von Ferstel. Wien. 1892. 63 plates. [Wiener Monu- mental-Bauten. 4.] *Cab.6o.5o.4 Die Votiv-Kirche in Wien. Text von H. von Riewel. Wien. 1892. 27 plates. [Wiener Monumental-Bauten. 5.] *Cab.6o.5o.5 Hansen, T. von. Das K. k. Reichsraths-Ge- baude in Wien. Text von Hans Auer. Wien. 1890. 27 plates. [Wiener Monu- mental-Bauten. 3.] *Cab.6o.5o.3 Hasenauer, C, Freiherr von. Das K. k. Hof- burg-Theater in Wien. Photographic und Lichtdruck von J. Lowy. Wien. 1890. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.8o.i Ilg, A. Das Neugebaude bei Wien. Illus. Plans. (In Jahrbuch der kunsthistori- schen Sammlungen des Allerhochsten Kaiserhauses. Vol. 16, part i, pp. 81- 121. Wien. 1895.) *8o65.20i.i6 Das Palais Kinsky auf der Freiung in Wien. Wien. 1894. 30 plates. *8o8o.66 Kleiner, S. Vera et accurata delineatio omnivm templorvm et coenobiorvm quae tarn in . . . Vienna Austriae, quam in . . . suburbijs ejus reperiuntur. Wahr- haffte und genaue Abbildung aller Kir- chen und Kloster welche sowohl in Wien als auch in denen umliegenden Vorstatten sich befinden. Augspurg. 1724-37. 4 parts in i v. 132 plates. ♦4100.75 Konnerth, E. Vestibule und Stiegenhauser aus Wien vom Anfang des xviii. Jahr- hunderts bis auf die Gegenwart. Wien. 1894. Plates. *Cab.6o.88.4 Leixner-Gruenberg, O. von. Der St. Ste- phansdom zu Wien. Berlin. [1902.] Illus. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.169 Lind, K. Mittelalterliche Baudenkmale Wiens aus der Zeit vor den Habsburgen. Plates. Plans. (In Alterthumsverein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band i, pp. 488-523. Wien. 1897.) Some of the plates are colored. *4830.26.I Lind, K., and W. A. Neumann. Die Kirch- lichen Bauten ausser St. Stephan in Wien. — Gothische Profanbauten. Illus. AUSTRO-HUNGARY 119 Lind, K., and W. A. Newmann. (Continued.) Plates. Plans. (In Alterthumsverein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band 3, part 2, pp. 499-556. Wien. 1907.) *4830.26.3, part 2 Some of the plates are colored. List, C. Die Hof-Bibliothek in Wien. Zwanzig Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Wien. 1897. Plates. 4090.100 Neumann, W. A. Baugeschichte von Sanct Stephan in Wien (Gothische Periode). Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Alterthums- verein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band 3, part 2, pp. 457-498. Wien. 1907.) *4830.26.3, part 2 Niemsee, J. R. Report on the construction and embellishment of private dwellings in Vienna. Washington. 1875. Plates. Plans. [Reports of the Commissioners of the United States to the Vienna In- ternational Exhibition.] No. 2 in *8o25.59.4 Nuell, E. van der, and A. von Siccard von Siccardsburg. Das K. k. Hof-Opern- haus in Wien. Wien. 1885. 80 plates. [Wiener Monumental-Bauten. i.] *Cab.6o.5o.i Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architek- ten-Verein. Wein am Anfang des xx. Jahrhunderts. Ein Fiihrer in technischer und kiinstlerischer Richtung. Redigiert von P. Kortz. Wien. 1905, 06. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4861.37 Contents. — i. Charakteristik und Entwicklung der Stadt. — Ingenieurbauten. 2. Hochbau und Architektur. — Plastik und Kunstsammlungen. Schoenthal, O., compiler. Wettbewerbs- entwiirfe fiir ein Amtsgebaude des Reichskriegsministeriums und fiir ein Gebaude des Militarwissenschaftlichen und Kasino-Vereines in Wien. Wien. [1908.] 64 plates and plans. *Cab.6o.i7i.2 Servaes, F. T. H. Wien: Briefe an eine Freundin in Berlin. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a. 1 8 Sitte, C. Der Stadte-Bau nach _ seinen kiinstlerischen Grundsatzen. Ein Bei- trag zur Losung moderner Fragen der Architektur und monumentalen Plastik unter besonderer Beziehung auf Wien. 3. Auflage. Wien. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plkns. 4096.109 Same. 4. Auflage. 1909. 4096.110 Swoboda, H. Ein ikonographisches Pro- blem vom Wiener Stephansdom. Illus. (In Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte. Pp. 33-45. Wien. 1903.) 4073-284 Vincenti, C. von. Wiener Kunst-Renais- sance. Wien. 1876. *4077.88 Wielemans, A. von. Der K. k. Justiz-Palast in Wien. Text von Hans Auer. Wien. 1885. 40 plates. [Wiener Monumental- Bauten.] *Cab.6o.50.2 Wien vor 150 Jahren. Nach gleichzeitigen Aufnahmen von Kleiner, etc. Licht- druck von J. Lowy. Wien. 1890. 151 plates. *Cab.28.i7.3 Wiener Fagadenbuch. 1860-90. 75 Fagaden von Palais, Wohn-, Zins- und Geschafts- Wiener Fagadenbuch. (Continued.) hausern. Wien. 1892. 20 plates. [Wie- ner Neubauten.] *Cab.6o.i09.3 Wiener Monumental-Bauten. Wien. 1885- 92. 5 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.5o.i-5 Each volume is catalogued separately. Wilhelm, P. Wanderings through Vienna. Vienna. [1911.] 130 plates. 4092.303 France. Allier, A. L'ancien Bourbonnais, par Achille Allien Continue par A. Michel et L. Batissier; grave et lithographic sous la direction d'A. Chenavard. Moulins. 1833-38. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 136 plates. *Cab.26.27.i Allou, A. Notice historique et descriptive sur la cathedrale de Meaux. Meaux. 1839. Plate. 4095.101 Anderson, R. Examples of the municipal, commercial and street architecture of France and Italy, from the 12th to the 15th century. London. [1870-75.] 103 plates. *8o90.72 Androuet du Cerceau, J. Les plus excellents bastiments de France. Sous la direction de H.Destailleur. Graves en fac-simile par Faure Dujarric. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1868, 70. 2 V. 136 plates. *Cab.6o.i5.i Arcambeau, E. The cathedrals of France. New York. 1913. Plates. 41093.4 Arnaud, A. F. Voyage archeologique et pit- toresque dans le Departem.ent de I'Aube et dans l'ancien Diocese de Troyes. Troyes. 1837. Plates. Plans. *266o.io8 Arnott, J. A., and J. Wilson. The Petit Trianon, Versailles, illustrated by a se- ries of measured drawings and photo- graphs. London. 1907. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i67.2 Aube, R. Rouen illustrated. Rouen illustre. Etchings by Brunet-Debaine [sic], J. Adeline, Toussaint and Nicolle. Intro- duction by C. Deslys; notices by R. Aube. Rouen. [188-?] 20 plates. *Cab.26.39.4 Badel, fi. Nancy: architecture, beaux-arts, monuments. Paris. [1896.] 100 plates. ^4090.46 Baillarge, A. J. Album du chateau de Blois restaure. Dessins de J. Monthelier. Blois. [1851.] 8 plates. 4630.4 Barqui, F. L'architecture moderne en France. Maisons les plus remarquables des principales villes des departements. Paris. [1071.] 120 plates. *Cab.6o.45.3 Barreau, . Description de la cathedrale, des vitraux de Bourges, et des autres monuments de la ville. 2e edition. Chateauroux. 1885. Plan. 4098.114 Barron, L. La Loire. Paris. 1888. Illus. [Les fleuves de France.] 2661.15 Le Rhone. Paris. [1891.] Illus. [Les fleuves de France.] 2661.14 Batissier, L. Elements d'archeologie na- tionale, precedes d'une histoire de I'art monumental chez les anciens. Paris. 1843. Illus. *4637.i2 120 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Batty, R. - French scenery from drawings made in 1822. London. 1822. 34 plates. **K.ii6.8 Baudot, J. E. A. de. figlises de bourgs et villages. Paris. 1867. 2 v. Plates. ♦4090.66 La sculpture frangaise au moyen age et a la renaissance. Paris. 1884. 120 plates. *Cab.8o.i22.2 Baudot, J. E. A. de, and A. Perrault-Dabot, editors. Les cathedrales de France. Paris. [1869.] 2 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.i57.2 Baum, J. Romanesque architecture in France. London. 1912. 226 plates. Plans. *409oa.i43 Bibliography, p. xviii. A German edition of this may be found on shelf-number *409oa. 146. Romanische Baukunst in Frankreich. Stuttgart. 1910. 226 plates. Plans. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i46 Literatur, p. xix. Baux, J. M. J. Recherches historiques et archeologiques sur I'eglise de Brou. Paris. [1845.] Plates. 4095.124 Contains an account of Margaret of Austria. Beaurain, G. Le portail de I'eglise de Mimi- zan, etudie dans ses rapports avec I'his- toire du costume et du mobilier au moyen-age. Dax. [1903?] Illus. 4104.25 Begule, L. L'abbaye de Fontenay et I'archi- tecture cistercienne. Paris. [1913.] Illus. Plates. Plans. Coat of arms. FPetites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.117 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 123, 124. Monographic de la cathedrale de Lyon. Precedee d'une notice historique par M. C. Guigue. Lyon. 1880. Plates. *Cab.6o.i2.2 Bellouard, L. Histoire de I'Abbaye de N.-D. de Fontgombault. Paris. 1899. Plates. 5518.17 Benard, P. Collegiale de Saint-Quentin. Discussion sur la nature & sur les causes de I'inclinaison des piliers du choeur & des transepts. Paris. 1875. Plates. 4104.83 Benoist, F., and H. Lalaisse. La Normandie illustree. Nantes. 1852. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.26.i8.i Benouville, L. fitude sur la cathedrale de Bcauvais. Concours pour les fonctions d'architecte diocesain. Paris. 1892. Illus. Plates. 4103.87 Bertaux, fi. Castel del Monte et les archi- tectes frangais de I'empereur Frederic II. {In Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Serie 4, tome 25, pp. 432-449. Paris. 1897-) ♦3236.50.1897 Resume du memoire lu a I'Academie. Berthele, J. Recherches pour servir a I'his- toire des arts en Poitou. Melle. 1889. 8062.107 Mostly devoted to architecture and church bells. Barton, C. Travaux de la Cathedrale d'Amiens. Reponse a MM. les Anti- quaircs. Amiens. 1853. Illus. 4107.26 Berty, A. La renaissance monumentale en France. Paris. 1864. 100 plates. ♦8085.76 Bishop, H. H. .Pictorial architecture of France. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. ♦4091.68 Bleton, A. Aux environs de Lyons. [Par] Monsieur Josse [pseud.]. Preface de M. Coste-Lebaume. Lyon. 1892. Illus. 2661. lOI Blomfield, R. T. A history of French archi- tecture from the reign of Charles viii till the death of Mazarin. London. 1911. Plates. Plans. *409i.i8 Blondel, J. F. Architecture frangoise. Paris. 1752-56. 4 V. 498 plates. ♦Cab.60.58.1 Boilleau, L. Le chateau d'Amboise et ses environs. Tours, i860. Plates. 4095.130 Bonnard, L. Notions elementaires d'arche- ologie monumentale. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4099a.ri2i On French architecture. Bories, E. Histoire de la ville de Poissy. Paris. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4661.47 Borrel, ii. L. Les monuments anciens de la Tarentaise (Savoie). Paris. 1884. Text, I v.; Atlas, 95 plates. ♦4610.10 Boucher de Molandon, R. La salle des theses de I'Universite d'Orleans. Des- sins de Ch. Pensee. Memoire lu a la Sorbonne, avril, 1869. Orleans. 1869. Plates. Plan. 4095.133 Extrait des Memoires de la Societe archeolo- gique de I'Orleanais. Bouet, Georges. Analyse architecturale dc I'Abbaye de Saint fitienne de Caen. Caen. 1868. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4095.100 Bouillet, A., Abbe. Le chateau de Beaumes- nil (Eure). Caen. 1890. Plates. 4097.120 Une eglise disparue: Saint-Andre-des- Arcs. Paris. 1890. Plate. Map. 4105.29 Sainte-Foy de Cnnques, Saint-Sernin de Toulouse, Saint Jacques de Compostelle. Paris. 1893. 4108.73 Extrait des Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France [* 5275. 1.53]. Boulogne, France. Notre Dame de Bou- logne. Notes archeologiques et histo- riques sur la crypte ou chapelle soutef- raine de I'ancienne cathedrale recem- ment decouverte. Boulogne-sur-Mer. 1839. Plates. Plan. 4095.123 Bourasse, J. J., Abbe. Les chateaux histo- riques en France. 6e edition. Tours. 1896. Plates. ♦4091.41 La Touraine: histoire et monuments. Tours. 1856. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦2620.105 Bourasse, J. J., Abbe, and Manceau, Abbe. Notice historique et archeolo- gique sur I'eglise abbatiale de Saint Julien de Tours. [Tours. 1845.] 2 plates. Plan. 4093.106 Boussard, J. M. Conseils pratiques de con- struction. La maison frangaise. Paris. 1883. Plates. 4099.47 FRANCE 121 Brossard, C. Geographic pittoresque et monumentale de la France. Paris. 1900-03. 5 V. Illus. Plates. *266i.ii2 Bruel, F. L. Cluni: album historique et archeologique. Precede d'une etude resumee et d'une notice des planches. Matiscone. 1910. Illus. Plates. 4101.30 Bulteau, M. T. Description de la Cathedrale de Chartres, suivie d'une courte notice sur les eglises de Saint Pierre, de Saint- Andre et de Saint Aignan de la meme ville. Chartres. 1850. Plates. Plans. 4105.73 Bumpus, T. F. The cathedrals of Northern France. New York. 1910. Plates. Map. Plans. [The cathedral series.] 4108.40 The cathedrals of Southern France. New York. [1913.] Plates. 4108.49 Buzonniere, L. de. Histoire architecturale de la ville d'Orleans. Paris. 1849. 2 v. ♦8095.63 Cabinet, E. Album des edifices et maisons remarquables de Bordeaux et de quel- ques projets. Bordeaux. [1817.] 34 plates. *4i03.i6 Cahier, C, and A. Martin. Monographie de la cathedrale de Bourges. Vitraux peints du 13. siecle. Paris. 1841-44. Text, i v.; Atlas, 75 plates, mostly colored. *Cab.8o.63.3 Callet, , Architect. Notice historique sur la vie artistique et les ouvrages de quel- ques architectes frangais du seizieme siecle. Un volume orne de figures rep- resentant les principaux edifices qu'ils ont construits. Paris. 1842. Plates. 4094.103 Caneto, F. Saint-Marie d'Auch. Atlas monographique de cette cathedrale. Paris. 1855. 39 plates. *Cab.6o.59.2 Une visite a Sainte-Marie d'Auch, ou etude descriptive de cette cathedrale. Auch. 1852. Plate. 40993.110 Caristie, A. N. Notice sur I'etat actuel de I'Arc d'Orange et des theatres antiques d'Orange et d'Arles. Paris. 1839. Plates. Plans. 2632.76 Cartier, £. Les sculptures de Solesmes. Nouvelle edition augmentee d'une etude sur le plan primitif de Teglise abbatiale de Saint-Pierre. Paris. 1877. Plan. 4085. 1 24A Cathedrale Ste Cecile d'Albi: ses richesses artistiques. Toulouse. 1882. 55 photo- graphs. *Cab.8o.87.2 Cathedrales de France. Cent cinquante- sept documents en phototypie. Paris. [1897?] Plates. *4ioo.48 There is no text except a table of contents con- taining brief notes. Caumont, A. de. Cours d'antiquites monu- mentales professe a Caen. Histoire de I'art dans I'ouest de la France jusqu'au xviie siecle. Paris. 1830-41. Text, 6 v. Illus.; Atlas, 106 plates. *263i.i04 Cessac, J. M. P. R. de. figlise collegiale de Moutier-Rauseille. Gueret. 1886, 2 photographs. Plan. 4104.85 Chalvet de Rochemonteix, A., Vicomte de. Les eglises romanes de la Haute-Au- vergne. Paris. 1902. Illus. Plans. *4i03.43 Champeaux, A. de, and P. Gauchery. Les travaux d'art executees pour Jean de France, due de Berry. Paris. 1894. 44 plates. *8o9oa.i26 Champollion-Figerac, J. J. Le palais de Fontainebleau. Paris. 1866. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.4o.5 Chardon, E. H. Le sepulcre de la Cathe- drale du Mans et les iconoclastes. Le Mans. 1869. [fitudes sur la plastique mancelle.] 4104.73 Charles, R., Abbe. Notice archeologique sur les monuments de Chateau-Gontier. Paris. 1878. Illus. Plates. 4095.134 Chartraire, E., Abbe. L'autel de Salazar dans I'eglise primatiale et metropoli- taine de Sens. Sens. 1894. Plate. 4108.77 Chartres Cathedral. Notre - Dame de Chartres. Chartres. 1850. Illus. Plate. 4633.1 Charvet, fi. L. G. fitude et compte-rendu critique sur la Monographie de la cathe- drale de Lyon de M. Lucien Begule. Lyon. 1882. Illus. Plans. [fitudes historiques.] 4104.88 The work of which this is a review is on shelf- number *Cab.6o. 12.2. Chateau, L. Histoire et caracteres de I'ar- chitecture en France, depuis I'epoque druidique. Paris. 1864. Illus. 4097.52 Chatelain, L. Les monuments romains d'Orange. Paris. 1908. Illus. [Biblio- theque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] * 2622.194 Chaudruc de Crazannes, J. M. C. A., Baron de. Notice historique et descriptive sur I'ancienne cathedrale de Montauban, anterieurement Abbatiale de Saint- Theodard ou de Mont-Auriol sous I'in- vocation de Saint Martin de Tours. Montauban. [183-?] 4097.102 Chevalier, C. Les fouilles de Saint-Martin de Tours; recherches sur les six basi- liques successives elevees autour du tombeau de Saint-Martin. Tours. 1887. Plates. 4094.100 Le tombeau de Saint Martin a Tours. Tours. 1880. Plate. 4095.128 Clausse, G. Les origines binedictines: Subiaco, Mont-Cassin, Monte-Oliveto [Maggiore]. Paris. 1899. Plates. Plates. Folded plans. 4101.73 Chomton, L. Histoire de I'eglise Saint- Benigne de Dijon. Dijon. 1900. 4 plans. 30 plates. *4iooa.33 Clement, J. H. M. Inventaire archeologique et bibliographique des communes du Departement de I'Allier. Canton de Bourbon-l'Archambault. Moulins. 1890. Plates. 4636.8 Largely architectural. Nos eglises rurales. L'eglise de Saint- Pourgain de Marigny, canton de Sou- vigny (Allier). Moulins. 1893. Illus 122 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Clement, J. H. M. (Continued.) Plates. Plan. 4104.49 Reprinted from the Bulletin-Revue de la Societe d'emulation et des beaux-arts du Bourbonnais. Clerval, J. A. Guide Chartrain. Chartres: sa cathedrale, ses monuments. 3^ edi- tion. Chartres. [1905.] Plates. 41093.1 Bibliographic, p. (2). Glutton, H. Remarks, with illustrations, on the domestic architecture of France from Charles vi to Louis xii. London. 1853. 16 plates. *8o8o.io4 Commission de I'oeuvre de Saint Martin. Notice sur le tombeau de Saint Martin et sur la decouverte qui en a ete faite le 14 decembre i860. Tours. 1861. Plans. 4104.76 Cook, T. A. Old Provence. New York. 1905. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4668.45 Old Touraine: the life and history of the famous chateaux of France. London. 1892. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2669.106 Corroyer, fi. J. Guide descriptif du Mont Saint Michel. Paris. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.109 [25 photographs of Mont St. Michel.] Paris. *Cab.6o.i36.2 Most of these photographs show the abbey and church of Mont St. Michel. Courajod, L. C. L. fitudes iconographiques sur la topographic ecclesiastique de la France aux xviie et xviiie siecles. Le Monasticon Gallicanum. Paris. 1869. ♦4630.19 The Monasticon Gallicanum is on shelf-number • 46303.56. La part de la France du Nord dans I'oeuvre dc la renaissance. Paris. 1890. Illus. [Conferences de I'Exposition universelle Internationale de 1889.] 8086.36 Coutel de la Tremblaye, M. Solesmes. Les sculptures de I'eglise abbatiale, 1496- 1553. Solesmes. 1892. 38 plates. *Cab.8o.6o.6 Cros-Mayrevieille, J. P. Notice sur la cha- pelle et le mausolee de I'fiveque Guil- laume Radulphe, situes a cote de la ca- thedrale St. Nazaire dans la cite de Car- cassonne. Carcassonne. 1840. Plates. 4103.39 Les monuments de Carcassonne. Paris. 1850. Plate. 2638.70 Crosnier, A. J., Abbe. Monographic de la cathedrale de Nevers. Nevers. 1854. Illus. Plates. [Societe nivernaisc des sciences, lettres et arts.] 4093.128 Curzon, E. H. P. de. Notice archeologique sur I'eglise d'Iseure-les-Moulins. Paris. 1884. Plans. 4104.75 Extrait du Bulletin du Comite des travaux his- toriques. Archeologie, no. 3 de 1884. Daly, C. Choix de fragments empruntes a des monuments frangais du commence- ment de la renaissance a la fin de Louis XVI. Paris. 1870. 2 v. 192 plates. *Cab.6o.74.3 Decorations interieures emprunt6es a des edifices frangais du commencement de Daly, C. (Continued.) la renaissance a la fin de Louis xvi. Paris. 1880. 2 V. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.ii.3 Dardel, R. Monographic du palais du com- merce eleve a Lyon. Accompagnee d'un texte historique et descriptif. Paris. 1868. Illus. 48 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o. 193.4 Most of the plates show tlic decoration of the building. Davie, W. G. Architectural studies in France. London. 1877. 89 plates. *Cab.6o.44.3 Dehaisnes, C. Histoire de I'art dans la Flandre, TArtois & le Hainaut avant le xyesiecle. Lille. 1886. Plates. *8o7o.ioi Delaqueriere, E. Notice historique et de- scriptive sur I'ancienne eglise parois- siale de Saint-Jean de Rouen. Rouen. i860. Plates. 4094.107 Desdevises du Dezert, G. N., and L. Brehier. Clermont-Ferrand, Royat et le Puy-de- Dome. Paris. 1910. Illus. Plate. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073.375 Bibliographie, p. 142. Desforges, fi. Notice historique sur le cha- teau de St. Germain en Laye, suivie d'un guide du musee. Versailles. 1883. Illus. Plans. 8105.26 Illustrated by the author. Deshairs, L. Bordeaux: architecture et decoration au dix-huitieme siecle. Paris. [1907.] Illus. 104 plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i72.3 Dijon: architecture et decoration aux dix-septieme et dix-huitieme siecles. Paris. [1909.] Illus. 120 plates. *Cab.6o.i69.6 Deville, J. A. Comptes de depenses de la construction du chateau de Gaillon. Paris. 1850, 51. Text, i v.; Atlas, 16 plates. *Cab.26.i9.i Histoire du chateau-Gaillard. Rouen. 1829. Plates. *462o.9 Revue des architectes de la cathedrale de Rouen jusqu'a la fin du xvi^ siecle. Rouen. 1898. Plate. 4095.116 Didron, A. N. Rapport a M. de Salvandy, Ministre de I'instruction publique sur la monographic de la cathedrale de Chartres. [Paris. 1838.] 4095.122 A later edition of the monograph referred to is on shelf-number *Cab. 60. 103.1. Digonnet, F. Le Palais des Papes d'Avignon. Avignon. 1907. Illus. Plan. 4664.85 Dilke, E. F. S., Lady. The renaissance of art in France. London. 1879. 2 v. Illus. 4065.47 Dion, J. L. A., Comte de. L'eglise de Mont- fort-l'Amaury et ses vitraux. Tours. 1902. Plates. 4106.36 Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler Spaniens, Frankreichs und Englands bis gegen das Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1880. Illus. [Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neu- zeit.] *8o7a.57 FRANCE 123 Donnet, F. F. A. Monographic de Teglise primatiale de Saint-Andre [de Bor- deaux. Bordeaux]. 1851. Plate. 4104.67 Du Bout, N. Histoire de I'Abbaye d'Orbais (Marne). Paris. 1890. Plates. Plans. 2632.114 Ducarel, A. C. Anglo-Norman antiquities considered, in a tour through part of Normandy. London. 1767. Plates. *Cab.26.27.2 Duchesne, H. G., and H, de Grandsaigne. Histoire du Bois de Boulogne. Le chateau de Madrid d'apres des docu- ments inedits des archives nationales. Paris. 1912. Portrait. Plates. Plan. [Bibliotheque du vieux Paris.] 2638.125 Bibliographic, pp. 229-231. Du Cleuzion, H. L'art national, fitude sur rhistoire de l'art en France. Paris. 1882, 83. 2 V. Illus. *8o84.55 Duhamel-Decejean, . Description ar- cheologique du canton de Nesle. Pe- ronne. 1884. 45 plates. 2615.104 Dupasquier, L. Monographic de Notre Dame de Brou. Paris. [1842.] 30 plates. The text is lacking. *Cab.6o.40.2 Durand, G. Description abregee de la Cathe- drale d'Amiens. Amiens. 1904. Illus.. Plans. 4109.76 Dusevel, F. H. G. Notice historique et de- scriptive de I'eglise cathedralc de Notre- Dame d'Amiens. Amiens. 1830. 40Q8.111 Du Sommerard, A. Vues de Provins. Paris. 1822. Plates. *4620.27 Les monuments historiques de France. Paris. 1876. Map. [Exposition uni- vcrselle de Vienne en 1873. Section frangaise.] 6630.53 Dussieux, L. Le chateau de Versailles. 1881. 2 V. Plates. 2635.65 Same. 2e edition. 1885. 2635.100 Enlart, D. L. C. Manuel d'archeologie fran- gaise depuis les temps merovingiens jusqu'a la renaissance. Premiere par- tie: architecture. Paris. 1902, 04. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 4106.24 Contents. — i. Architecture religieuse. 2. Archi- tecture civile et militaire. Monuments religieux de I'architecture romane et de transition dans la region picarde. Amiens. 1895. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i67.9 This is an unnumbered Memoire of the Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. Origine anglaise du style flamboyant frangais. Illus. Plates. {In Archaeo- logical Journal. Vol. 63, pp. 51-96. Lon- don. 1906.) *2238.50.63 ^npinay, G. d'. Le logis du roi au chateau ^Bf de Loches. Tours. 1873. Plates. ■» 4097.117 Ewerbeck, F. Architectonische Reiscskiz- zen aus Deutschland, Frankreich und • Spanicn. Einc Sammlung mittelalter- licher Baudenkmaler. Hannover. 1865. 60 plates. *8ioo.6i Eyries, G., and P. Perret. Les chateaux his- Itoriques de la France. Paris. 1877, 79. .. ... ^ Farcy, L. de. Monographic de la cathedralc d' Angers. Paris. 1901-10. Text, 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles; Atlas, Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. *Cab.6o.97.6 Contents. — i. Les immeubles. 2. Les immeubles par destination. 3. Les mobilier. 4. Atlas. Farolet, , Cure. Discours prononce le jour de la fete de la Toussaint, 1840. Notes pour servir a I'histoire de I'an- cienne cathedralc de Lisicux. Lisieux. 1840. 4098.106 Faucon, P. J. M. Notice sur la construction de I'eglise de la Chaise-Dieu (Haute- Loire), son fondateur, son architecte, ses decorateurs (1344-1352) d'apres les documents conserves aux archives du Vatican. Nouvellc edition revue. Paris. 1904. Plates. Plan. 4104.27 Ferree, B. The chronology of the cathedral churches of France. New York. 1894. Bibliography, pp. 32-36. 8095.105 Flach, J. fitude sur les origines et les vicis- situdes historiques de I'habitation en France. {In Foville, A. de. Enquete sur les conditions de I'habitation en i^rancc. Les maisons-types. Tome 2, pp. 1-97. Paris. 1899.) 8092.40.2 Flandreysy, J. de, and E. Mellier. Valence: son histoire — ses richesses d'art — son livre d'or. Paris. 1910. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *466i.88 Bibliographic de Valence, Tome 2, pp. 565-572. Fleury, £. Antiquites et monuments du De- partement de I'Aisne. Paris. 1877, 78. 2 V. Illus. *2620.56 Fleury, M., Comte. Le palais de Saint-Cloud: ses origines, ses botes — ses fastes — ses ruines. Paris. [1901.] Plates. 4091.130 Sources bibliographiques, pp. 303-306. Fossa, F. de P. M. J. R. de. Le chateau his- torique de Vincennes a travers les ages. Paris. 1908. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *266i.ii8 Fourcaud, L. de B. de. Les origines de I'ar- chitecture gothique et la question de Saint-Front de Perigueux, a propos des ouvrages de M. Corroyer. Paris. 1892. 4091. 116 Foville, A. de. Enquete sur les conditions de I'habitation en France. Les maisons- types. Paris. 1894, 99- 2 v. Illus. Map. [France. Ministerc de I'instruction pu- blique et des beaux-arts.] 8092.40 Tome 2 avec Une etude historique 'de Jacques Flach. France. Commission temporaire des arts. Proces-verbaux publics et annotes par Louis Tuetey. Tome i. Paris. 1912. [Collection de documents inedits sur rhistoire de France] *4072.i48 France. Ministerc d'etat. Commission des monuments historiques. Archives. Paris. 1855-72. 4v. Plates. *Cab.26.i4.i Archives. Tome 1-5. Publiees par les soins de MM. A. de Baudot [et] A. Per- rault-Dabot. Paris. [1898-1903.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i35.i Contents. — i. lle-de-France. — Picardie. 2. Normandie. — Bretagne. — Anjou. — Poitou. 3. 124 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. France. Ministere d'etat. (Continued.) Champagne. — Lorraine. — Bourgogne. — Franche-Comte. — Nivernais. — Orl6anais. — Touraine. 4. Lyonnais. — Berri. — Bourbon- nais. — Auvergne. — Dauphin^. — Angoumois. — Aunis. — Saintonge. 5. P^rigord. — Langue- doc. — Provence. — Guyenne. — Gascogne. France. Ministere de I'instruction publique. Copie du rapport fait au comite [des inspecteurs generaux des travaux dioce- sains] par M. Viollet-le-Duc. [Paris. 1873.] Plate. 4101.82 On the proposed reconstruction of the Cath6- drale d'fivreux. Freeman, E. A. Sketches of travel in Nor- mandy and Maine. London. 1897. Plates. 6666.8 Furcy-Raynaud, M. Les directeurs gene- raux des batiments du Roi au xviiie siecle. {In Studien aus Kunst und Ge- schichte Friedrich Schneider gewidmet. Pp- 531-539- Freiburg im Breisgau. 1906.) *4072.i67 Gautier (de Del), T. Cathedrale de Dol. Dol-de-Bretagne. [18 — ?] 4107.16 Gelis-Didot, P., and G. Grassoreille. Le chateau de Bourbon - TArchambault. Paris. 1887. Illus. 9 plates. *266o.io5 Geymueller, H. von, Baron. Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Frankreich. Stutt- gart. 1898, 1901. 2 V. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.6, part i, 2 Gilbert, A. P. M. Description historique de I'eglise cathedrale de Notre-Dame de Chartres. Nouvelle edition. Chartres. 1824. Illus. No. 5 in *6663.4 Description historique de Notre Dame de Rouen. Rouen. 1816. Illus. No. I in *4i03.5 Same. 2e edition. Rouen. 1837. 8099.7 Gilles, I. Glanum, Saint-Remy de Provence; son existence dans I'antiquite et aux premiers siecles de I'ere chretienne. Avignon. 1891. Plates. 2635.36 Gosset, A. La basilique de Saint-Remi a Reims. Paris. 1900. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i47.2 Rapport de la commission chargee d'ex- aminer la proposition faite relativement a la conservation de la galerie qui cou- ronne la fagade septentrionale de la Cathedrale de Reims. Reims. 1878. Plates. 4103-32 Gourlier, t. P. Catalogue de dessins d'ar- chitectes, d'estampes, . . . et recueils sur I'architecture et les beaux-arts qui composaient le cabinet et la bibliotheque de M. Gourlier. Vente 16 et 17 mars 1857. Paris. 1857. 4098.129 Gourlier, C. P., and others. Choix d'edifices publics projetes et construits en France depuis le commencement du xix^e sie- cle; public, avec I'autorisation du Mi- nistre de I'interieur, par MM. Gourlier, Biet, Grillon, et Tardieu. Paris. 1825- 50. 3 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i7o.i Gout, P. L'histoire et I'architecture fran- gaise au Mont Saint-Michel. Paris. 1899. Illus. Maps. Plans. ^4095.21 Grille de Beuzelin, E. L. H. T. Statistique monumentale. (Specimen.) Rapport sur les monuments historiques de Nancy et de Toul. Paris. 1837. Text, i v.; Atlas, 37 plates. [Collection de docu- ments inedits sur l'histoire de France. 3e serie.] *Cab.6o.32.3 Gu6pin, A. Description des deux eglises abbatiales de Solesmes. Le Mans. 1876. 4108.72 Mostly taken from Gueranger's Essai historique sur I'Abbaye de Solesmes. Guerinet, A., publisher. Les cathedrales et les eglises de France. Interieurs & ex- terieurs. Phototypies d'apres nature. Paris. [1902.] 135 plates. *Cab.6o.97.3 Guignard, L. Influence de I'art gaulois sur le portail de I'eglise de Mesland. Paris. [1885.] Illus. [Association frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences.] 2636.61 Guillaumot, A. A. Chateau de Marly-le-Roi, construit en 1672, detruit en 1798. [Avec] supplement. Paris. 1865, 76. Illus. 30 plates. *Cab.26.ii.2 Gurlitt, C. Die Baukunst Frankreichs. Dresden. [1896-1900.] 4 v. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.i25.i Historische Stadtebilder. Band 5: Lyon. Berlin. 1904. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i37.4.5 Hamerton, P. G. The present state of the fine arts in France. London. 1892. Illus. *8o6o.io5 Havard, H. La France artistique et monu- mentale. Paris. [1892-94.] 6 v. Plates. [Societe de I'art frangais.] *8o83.59 Headlam, C. The story of Chartres. Illus- trated by Herbert Railton. London. 1902. Illus. Map. [Mediaeval towns.] 4639a.4o Helbig, J. L'art mosan depuis introduction du christianisme jusqu* a la fin du xviiic siecle. Bruxelles. 1906. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *407i.40 Here, E. Recueil des plans, elevations et coupes des chateaux, jardins, et depen- dances que le roy de Pologne occupe en Lorraine. Paris. [i753?J 2 v. 64 plates. *Cab.6o.56.i Hoppin, J. M. French Gothic architecture. Plates. {In his Great epochs in art his- tory. Pp. 155-195- Boston. 1901.) 4077.131 Same. 2d edition. 1903. 4077.242 Houdoy, J. Histoire artistique de la cathe- drale de Cambrai. Paris. 1880. Plate. Plan. 4092.101 Hourticq, L. Art in France. New York. 191 1. Illus. Portraits. [Ars una: species mille. General history of art.] 4079a.405 Huet, E. Promenades pittoresques dans le Loiret. Orleans. 1900. Plates. "2660.103 Hugo, A. France pittoresque. Pans. 1835. 3 V. Plates. *266i.5i Hunnewell, J. F. The historical monuments of France. Boston. 1884. Plates. 8093.1 ;**K.i57.3 IngersoU-Smouse, F. La sculpture fun^- raire en France au xviii^ siecle. Paris. [1912.] Plates. 4105.113 FRANCE 125 Inkersley, T. An inquiry into the chrono- logical succession of the styles of Ro- manesque and Pointed architecture in France. [Anon.] London. 1850. 4097.184 On church architecture. Inventaire general des richesses d'art de la France. Province: monuments reli- gieux. Tome i. Paris. 1886. [Minis- tere de I'instruction publique.] 8063.62 Ireland, S. A picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant, and a part of France, made in 1789. London. 1790. 2 v. Plates. 2862.14 Same. Vol. i. 2861.15 Jamin, E. Fontainebleau sous le roi des Frangais Louis-Philippe ler, ou compte rendu des principales additions et res- taurations. Fontainebleau. 1835. Plan. 4099.150 Johnson, R. J. Specimens of early French architecture, selected chiefly from the churches of the lie de France. New- castle-upon-Tyne. 1864. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.4 Joliment, F. G. T. B. de. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Paris, Amiens, Or- leans, Reims, Strasbourg, Sens, Auxerre, Chartres, Aries, Albi, Dijon, Autun, Sen- lis, et details remarquables de ce[s] monument[s], dessines par Chapuy. Paris. 1826-31. Text, i v.; Atlas, 115 plates. *4ioo.74 Jollivet, P. J. De la polychromie de I'archi- tecture par I'emploi des emaux. De- scription d'un exemple a Deauville. Paris. 1867. 4073.172 Jourdan, J. B. E. Les tours de La Rochelle. La Rochelle. 1886. 15 plates. *266o.64 Jourdanne, G. Carcassonne. Carcassonne. 1900. Plates. Plan. 2669.139 Jouve, E. G. Statistique monumentale de la Drome, ou notices archeologiques et historiques sur les principaux edifices de ce departement. Valence. 1867. Plates. 4094.106 Julliot, G. Notice sur I'aqueduc romain de Sens. Par Julliot et Belgrand. Paris. 1875. Illus. Map. 2632.24 Kingsley, R. G. A history of French art: 1 100-1899. London. 1890. 4073.20 Knight, H. G. An architectural tour in Nor- mandy. London. 1836. Plates. 4105.21 Same. 2d edition. 1841. Plates. 4105.18 Koechlin, R., and J. J. M. A. Marquet de Vasselot. La sculpture a Troyes et dans la Champagne meridionale au sei- zieme siecle. £tude sur la transition de I'art gothique a I'italianisme. Paris. 1900. Plates. Map. *8o84.75 Bibliography, pp. 37-400. Korsak, A. de. Les grands architectes fran- gais. Dourdan. 1884. 220 plates. *8o9oa.ii6 Architecture and decoration of the time of Louis XV and xvi. Labande, H. L. fitude historique et archeo- logique sur Saint-Trophime d'Arles du ive au xiiie siecle. Caen. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4107.45 Laborde, A. L. J., Comte de. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France, et de ses anciens chateaux. Paris. 1808. Plates. TVT . , ^ *4630.7;L.5o.6 Monumens de la France. Paris. 1816-36. 2 V. Plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.26.io.2 Lacroix, L. P. B. P. The arts in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renais- sance. London. 1870. Plates. . **K.23o. 10; 8072.3 AVTTTmc siecle. Lettres, sciences, et arts: France, 1700-1789. 2e edition. Paris. 1878. Illus. Plates. 222oa.57 Xviime siecle. Lettres, sciences, et arts: France, 1 590-1 700. Paris. 1882. Illus. Plates. *222oa.58 Sculpteurs et architectes. L'academie d'architecture. Paris. 1888. Plates. [Bibliotheque historique illustree. L'an- cienne France.] 2624.130 Contents. — L'architecture. — La sculpture. — L'academie d'architecture. Part I is principally on French architecture with some account of French architects. Lafforgue, P. Recherches sur les arts et les artistes en Gascogne au seizieme siecle. Paris. t868. 4074.197 LafoUye, A. J. Le chateau de Pau. Histoire et description. Paris. 1882. Illus. 27 plates. 4090.38 Lafon, A. J., and A. Marcel. L'hotel du Bourgtheroulde a Rouen. Paris. 1888. II plates. *Cab.6o.89.6 La Fortelle, B. de. Histoire et description de Notre-Dame de Melun. Melun. 1843. 4092.113 Lahondes, J. de. Toulouse chretienne. L'eglise Saint-fitienne, cathedrale de Toulouse. Toulouse. 1890. Plates. Plans. 4636.7 Lalanne, F. A. M. Rouen pittoresque. Rouen. 1886. Plates. *266i.9 Lansdale, M. H. The chateaux of Touraine, Illustrated with pictures by Jules Gue- rin. New York. 1906. Plates. *4095.i64 Some of the plates are colored. Larned, W. C, Churches and castles of me- diaeval France. New York. 1895. Plates. 4104.57 Larroumet, L. E. G. P. L'architecture. {In his L'art et Tetat en France. Pp. 57-89. Paris. 1895.) 4079a.i6i La Saussaye, J. F. de P. L. P. de. Le cha- teau de Chambord. ^e edition. Blois. 1 841. Plate. 4099a.iii Lassus, J. B. A. Considerations sur la renais- sance de Tart frangais au xixe siecle. {In Villard de Honnecourt. Album. Pp. 1-42. Paris. 1858.) *409i.48 Monographic de la cathedrale de Chartres. Publiee par les soins du Ministre de I'in- struction publique. Explication des planches par Paul Durand. Paris. 1867, 81. [Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 72 plates. *Cab.6o.io3.i An imperfect edition of 1842, lacking title-page, descriptive text and 33 plates, is on shelf -number •Cab.60.33.4. 126 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Lasteyrie du Saillant, R. C, Comie de. L'architecture religieuse en France a 1' epoque romane: ses origines, son de- veloppement. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4i02.43 L'eglise Saint-Martin de Tours, fitude critique sur I'histoire et la forme de ce monument du ve au xie siecle. Paris. 1891. Plan. 4103.31 Extrait des Memoires de I'Academie des in- scriptions et belles-lettres, Tome 34, partle i I* 3292.2.34} • :6tude archeologique sur Teglise Saint Pierre d'Aulnay (Charente-Inferieure). Paris. 1887. Plates. 4iooa.2i Lauzun, P. £tude sur le Chateau de Bona- guil, canton de Fumel (Lot-et-Ga- ronne). Agen. 1867. Plate. Plan. 2636.76 Lavalleye, E., and Vierset-Godin. figlise Notre-Dame a Huy. Liege. 1854. 16 plates. *Cab.6o.99.7 Lebeurier, P. F., Abbe. Note sur la cathe- drale d'fivreux lue a la seance generale de la Societe libre de I'Eure du 15 mars, 1874. fivreux. 1876. Plate. 4108.74 Le Blant, E. F. fitude sur les sarcophages Chretiens antiques de la ville d'Arles. Paris. 1878. 36 plates. *4630.8 Les sarcopifiages Chretiens de la Gaule. Paris. 1886. 59 plates. *6630.5i Lebreton, A. Une visite au Mont Saint- Michel. Paris. 1875. Plates. 26393.96 Le Carpentier, A. M. Recueil des plans, coupes et elevations du nouvel Hotel de ville de Rouen. Paris. 1758. 6 plates. *8090.I22 Lechevallier-Chevignard, E. Les styles fran- gais. Paris. [1892.] Illus. [Biblio- theque de Tenseignement des beaux- arts.] 8087.43 Le Conte, R. fitudes historiques et archeo- logiques sur les abbayes de Benedictins en general, et sur celle de Hambye en particulier. Bernay. 1890. 6 plates. [Curiosites normandes.] 2634.53 Lefevre-Pontalis, E. A. L'architecture reli- gieuse dans I'ancien diocese de Soissons au xie et au xiie siecle. Paris. 1894, 96. 2 V. 65 plates. *8ioo.io4 Les facades successives de la Cathedrale de Chartres au xie et au xiie siecle. Caen. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4107.43 Reprinted from Compte-rendu of the Congres archeologique de France, 1900 [*2638.6o.i90o]. Monographic de I'eglise de Villers-Saint- Paul. Beauvais. 1886. Plate. 4104.74 Monographies des eglises de Juziers, Meu- lan et Triel. Versailles. 1886. 4105.43 Le Hericher, E. Histoire et description du Mont Saint-Michel. Dessins de G. Bouet. Publiees par Ch. Bourdon. Avranches. [1848.] Plates. Plan. Il- luminated title-page. *Cab.6o.i36.4 Lemonnier, J. H. L'art frangais au temps de Louis xiv (1661-1690). Paris. 1911- Plates. 40793.266 L'art frangais au temps de Richelieu et de Mazarin. Paris. 1893. [fitudes d'art et d'histoire.] 8068.103 Chapter 11 is on architecture. Lemonnier, J. H. (Continued.) L'art moderne (1500-1800). Essais et esquisses. Paris. 1912. Plates. 40793.269 A study of the fine arts in France and Italy. Le Muet, P. Maniere de bien bastir pour toutes sortes de personnes. Reveue & enrichie en cette edition de plusieurs figures des plus beaux bastimens de France. Paris. 1681. 2 v. in i. Plates. ♦8090.130 Lenoir, A, A. Architecture monastique. Paris. 1852-56. 3 parts in 2 v. Illus. ♦2650.16 Lenoir, M. A. Histoire des arts en France, prouvee par les monuments. Paris. 181 1, 12. Text, I v.; Atlas, 164 plates. *Cab.26.i9.5 Monumens des arts liberaux, mecaniques et industriels de la France, depuis les Gaulois jusqu'au regne de Frangois ler. Paris. 1840. 45 plates. *Cab.6o.46.2 Musee imperial des monumens frangais. Histoire des arts en France. Paris. 1810. 8074.25 Lenormant, C. Rabelais et l'architecture de la renaissance. Restitution de I'abbaye de Theleme. Paris. 1840. 2 plates. 4096.52 Le Preux, E. F. Un album d'architecte. Paris. 1874. 70 plates. *8i05.22 Sketches made principally in France and Spain. Lex, M. L. F. L. Maisons anciennes de Macon. La maison de bois. Paris. 1893. Plate. 4094.117 Libonis, L. Les styles frangais, enseignes par I'exemple. Paris. [1896?] Plates. 4091.49 Longnon, H. Le chateau de Rambouillet. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edi- fices de la France.] 4107.104 Bibliographie sommaire, pp. 103, 104. Loriquet, H. M. F. La place Saint-Vaast et la croix dite de St. Bernard. Arras. 1884. Plate. Plan. 4103.85 The plan is of the cathedral of Saint-Vaast. Lucas, C. Architecture et archeologie. De la reconstruction des contreforts de la cathedrale d'fivreux. Paris. 1877. Plates. Plan. .4101.35 Luebke, W. Ein Mausoleum des Mittelal- ters. Illus. (In Kunstwerke und Kiinst- ler. Pp. 267-302. Breslau. [1886.]) On the church at Brou, France. 8062.73 Macgibbon, D. The architecture of Prov- ence and the Riviera. Edinburgh. 1888. Illus. Plates. 4103.51 Maffei, F. S., Marchese. Galliae antiquitates quaedam selectae. Venezia. 1790. Plate. [Opere. Vol. 20.] *2796.4.20 Magne, L. L'architecture frangaise du sie- cle. Paris. 1889. Illus. 24 plates. 80903.107 L'art dans I'habitation moderne. Paris. 1887. Illus. 24 plates. *8o9oa.io6 Le Palais de Justice de Poitiers, fitude sur l'art frangais au xiye et au xye sie- cles. Paris. 1904. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii4.7 PRANCE 127 Male, fi. L'art religieux de la fin du moyen age en France, fitude sur I'iconographie du moyen age. Paris. 1908. Plates. 4071.177 L'art religieux du xiiie siecle en France. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1902. Plates. Index bibliographique, pp. 451-454. 4073.227 Mallay, J. E. B. Essai sur les eglises ro- manes et romano-byzantines du De- partement du Puy-de-D6me. Moulin. 1841. 52 plates. *4ioo.34 Malosse, P. Monumens antiques de Saint- Remy, decrits et expliques. Avignon. 1818. 2635.83 Mansfield, M. F. Castles and chateaux of old Touraine and the Loire country. By Francis Miltoun [pseud.]. With illustrations reproduced from paintings made by Blanche McManus. Boston. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4666.84 Many of the plates are colored. The cathedrals of southern France. Illus- trations by Blanche McManus. Boston. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The ca- thedral series.] 4108.41 Royal palaces and parks of France. Bos- ton. 1910. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. Vignette. 4666.85 Marcke, fi. van. Saint Brieuc. Paris. [1855.] Plan. 12 plates. [Anciens eveches de Bretagne.] *Cab.6o.79.i Marot, J. Le magnifiqve chasteay de Riche- liev, en general et en particvlier. 19 plates. **8o92.3i Marot, J., and D. Marot. [L'architecture frangoise, ou recueil des plans des eglises, palais, etc. Paris. 1751?] 199 plates. **8ioo.65 Marriage, M. S., and E. Marriage. The sculptures of Chartres Cathedral. Cam- bridge. 1909. Plates. 8086.120 Text in English and French. Bibliography, pp. 269, 270. Marshall, H. M., and H. Marshall. Cathe- dral cities of France. Illustrations by Herbert Marshall. New York. 1907. Colored plates. 2664.121 Marsy, A. C. A., Comte de. De I'ancienne decoration de la fagade de I'Hotel de ville de Compiegne. Arras. 1874. 4095-138 Reprinted from the Revue de l'art chretien, 1874 [*8o62. no, annee 17]. L'Hotel de ville de Compiegne. Tours. [1877]. Plate. 4097.129 Extrait des Comptes rendus du congres tenu a Senlis par la Societe frangaise d'archeologie en mai, 1877 C*2638.6o.i877]. Martin, C. L'art gothique en France: 1' architecture et la decoration. Partie i. Paris. [191 1.] Plates. *Cab.6o.i87.3 There is no text. Masse, H. J. L. J. The city of Chartres: its cathedral & churches. London. [1900.] Illus. [Bell's Handbooks to Continental churches.] 4108.58 A short history & description of the Church & Abbey of Mont S. Michel. London. 1902. Illus. Plans. [Bell's Handbooks to Continental churches.] 4108.56 Mathews, C. T. The renaissance under the Valois. A sketch in French architec- tural history. New York. 1893. Illus. 41 plates. Plans. *8o90.i32 Matthaei, A. Beitrage zur Baugeschichte der Cistercienser Frankreichs und Deutsch- lands. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Abteikirche Arnsburg in der Wet- terau. Darmstadt. 1893. Illus. 8103.103 Mely, F. de. Maisons normandes. Paris. 1889. Illus. 4091.122 Extrait de la revue illustree Les lettres et les arts, 1888 [*7385.5.3]. Menard, L. Histoire des antiquites de la ville de Nismes et de ses environs. Nismes. 1814. Plates. 6628.37; No. 6 in *6622.24 Same. Be edition. 1840. 6662.5 Michel, E. Monuments religieux, cwils et militaires du Gatinais (Loiret et Seine- et-Marne) du xie au xviiie siecle. Or- leans. 1887, 107 plates. *4092.30 Bibliographie, pp. xvii-xx. Mieusement, . Catalogue de la collec- tion Mieusement, photographe attache a la Commission des monuments histo- riques et a I'administration des cultes. Documents en photographie sur la France, comprenant I'antiquite, le ro- man, les xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii^ siecles et le pittoresque. Paris. 1882. 4079a.2o8 Many of the photographs listed in this catalogue may be found in the photograph cabinets in the Fine Arts Department. Les chateaux historiques: Fontainebleau. Exterieur et interieur. Texte par E. Le Noil. Paris. 1875. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.64.3 Millin de Grandmaison, A. L. Voyage dans les departemens du midi de la France. Paris. 1807-11. Text, 4 v. in 5; Atlas, 83 plates. *6663.52 Millot, A. Le chateau de Chambord. Paris. 1868. 12 plates. *Cab.6o.89.8 [Minor French chateaux. Boston. 1908, 09.] 36 half-tones mounted on 36 cards. *Cab.6o.i7o.3 Cut from American Architect and Building iNews. Monasticon Gallicanum. Collection de 168 planches de vues topographiques repre- sentant les monasteres de I'ordre de Saint-Benoit, congregation de Saint- Maur. Reproduit par les soins de M. Peigne-Delacourt. Avec une preface par Leopold Delisle. Paris. 1882. Text, I v.; Atlas, 2 v. 463oa.56 From an unpublished work by Michel Germain. Montalembert, C. F. de T., Comte de. Ac- count of the destructive and revived pagan principle in France. {In Pugin, A. N. W. Contrasts. 2d edition. Pp. 7^ 95. London. 1841.) *4ioi.54 This article on church architecture is given in French under an English title. Mont Saint Michel, Abbaye du. [Cloitre, cote sud, cote est, cote nord, cote ouest. 4 photographs of architectural details mounted in sequence.] *4iooa.i3 [Vues. Paris? 188-?] 24 photographs. There is no Htle-page. *4097-l55 128 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Mortet, F. J. V., editor. Recueil de textes relatifs a 1' histoire de 1' architecture et a la condition des architectes en France, au moyen age, xie-xiie siecles. Public avec une introduction, des notes, un glossaire et un repertoire archeologique. Paris. 191 1. [Collection de textes pour servir a 1' etude et a Tenseignement de I'histoire.] 4097.60 Muelbe, W. H. von der. Die Darstellung des jiingsten Gerichts an den romanischen und gotischen Kirchenportalen Frank- reichs. Leipzig. 1911. Plates. [Kunst- wissenschaftliche Studien.] 4095.210 Mueller, W. J. Sketches of the age of Francis 1st, London. 1841. 26 plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.3 Views of buildings and interiors. Muentz, L. F. E. La renaissance en Italie et en France a I'epoque de Charles viii. Paris. 1885. Illus. Plates. *8o6oa.53 Mylne, R. S. The Cathedral Church of Bayeux, and other historical relics in its neighbourhood. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Handbooks to Continen- tal churches.] 4108.57 Nattes, J. C. Versailles, Paris, and Saint Denis. With historical and descriptive account. London. [1809?] 40 colored plates. *Cab.26.55.i Nesfield, W. E. Specimens of mediaeval ar- chitecture, chiefly of the 12th and 13th centuries in France and Italy. London. 1862. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.j29.i Niepce, L. Monographic de la cathedrale de Lyon par L. Begule. Lyon. 1880. Illus. 4101-33 A review of B^gule's work with extracts from journals in criticism of it. B6gule's work is on shelf-number "Cab. 60.12.2. Noe, L., editor. Architecture & sculpture: France, Pays-Bas, Italie, Espagne, etc. Documents sur les styles du ixe au xixe siecle. 100 planches par annees avec table analytique. Annee 1-4. Paris. [1891-95.] *409i.227 A monthly publication. Publication discontinued. Nolhac, A. M. P. G. de. La creation de Versailles. Versailles. 1901. Plates. Portraits. Plans. *Cab.26.53.2 Les grands palais de France. [Vol. 1-4.] Paris. [191 1?] 4 v. Plates. Plans. Illuminated title-pages. *Cab.6o.i88.5 Contents. — [i], Les Trianons. [2, 3]. Versailles. 4. Le mobilier des palais de Versailles et des Trianons. In progress. Normand, C. Geographic et inventaire illus- tres des richesses d'art ou naturclles de la France, La cote normande de la Seine i. la Somme. Paris. [1901.I 5 v. in 2. Plates. Plans. *6639a.64 Contents. — 1. Dieppe. 2. Chateau des Mes- ni^res. 3. Pourville. 4. Arques. — Archelles. 5. Environs de Dieppe. — La cote normande d'fitretat au Trdport et k la Somme. Normandie monumentale et pittoresquc, La. Heliogravures de P. Dujardin, d'apres les photographies de E. Letcllicr, etc. Normandie monumentale. (Continued.) Le Havre. 1892-99. 5 v. in 10. Plates. Namely : Seine-Infericurc. i v. in parts. *Cab.6o.49.6 *Cab.6o.49.7 *Cab.6o.49.8 '''Cab.Go.^g.g *Cab.6o.49.io Calvados, i v. in 2 parts. Eurc. I V. in 2 parts. Orne. i v. in 2 parts. Manche. i v. in 2 parts. Notice historique ct archeologique sur' le chateau de Langeais (Inde- et Loire). Paris. 1854. Plates. 4996.101 Notice historique sur I'eglise paroissiale de Notre - Dame -de - I'lmmaculee - Con- ception a Blois. Blois. 1855. 2 plates. 4107.32 Palliser, F. B. Brittany & its byways. Lon- don. 1869. Illus. 6662.2; *K.263.2 Palustre de Montifaut, L. Monographic de Teglisc Saint-Clement de Tours, Tours. 1887. Plates. 4101.66 La renaissance en France. Paris. 1879- 85. 3v. Plates. *8ioo.58 Parrocel, E. A. L'art dans le Midi: celebri- tes marscillaiscs. Marseille ct ses edi- fices, architectes et ingenicurs du xixe siecle. Marseille. 1881-84. 4 v. Illus. 4079.174 A resume of the first two volumes is on shelf- number 4074.222. Peigne-Delacourt, A. Le theatre de Cham- plieu. Noyon. 1858. Plates. No.i in 4098.118; **T.76.42 Same. Supplement. 1859. No. 2 in *4098.ii8; **T.76.43 This relates to the ruins of a Roman theatre. Pelet, A. Description de Tamphitheatre de Nimes. Nimes. 1853. Plates. 4094.102 Pellassy de I'Ousle, J. J. F. Histoire du pa- lais de Compiegne. Paris. 1862. Plates. ♦4640.27 Pennell, E. R. French cathedrals, monas- teries and abbeys and sacred sites of France. Illustrated by J. Pennell. New York. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.101 Perate, A. Versailles. Leipzig. 1906. Illus. Portraits. [Beruhmte Kunststattcn.] Bibliographic, p. (i). 4074«333 Percier, C, and P. F, L. Fontaine. Chateau de la Malmaison: texte historique et descriptif orne de 100 planches . . . Paris. [1907.] Plates. *Cab.6o.i88.7 Perelle, A. Recueille des plus belles veiies des maisons royalcs dc France. Paris. [1685?] 106 plates. *L.50.25 Perkins, Clara C. French cathedrals and chateaux. Boston. 1903. 2 v. Plates. •4097.144 Contents. — i. Cathedrals. 2. Chateaux. Perkins, T. The Cathedral Church of Amiens. A short history and descrip- tion of its fabric. London. [1902.] Illus. Plan. [Bell's Handbook to Continental churches.] 4108.55 The churches of Rouen. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Hand- books to Continental churches.] 4108.54 Perrot, A. M. Tableau comparatif des cathedrales et principales eglises de France. Paris. [184-?] *Cab.6o.i2i.3 Contains six columns of descriptive text FRANCE 129 Perrot, J. F. A. Lettres sur Nismes et le Midi: . . . monumens antiques du midi de la France. Nismes. 1840. 2 v. Plates. 4097.109 Supplement a I'edition de 1829, de I'His- toire des antiquites de la ville de Nimes . . . de Menard. Nimes. 1830. Plates. 6628.40 Menard's work is on shelf-number 6628.37; No. 6 in •6622.24; a later edition (1840) is on shelf- number 6662.5. Petit, V. Chateaux de France des xve et xvie siecles. Paris, [i860?] 100 plates. *8o9oa.45 Chateaux de la vallee de la Loire, des xve, xvie et xviie siecles. Paris. 1861. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.69.i Esquisses des monuments remains de Frejus. Tllus. (In Bulletin monumental. Vol. 30, pp. 5C>9-6i2; 681-704; 761-794; vol. 31, pp. 209-248. Paris. 1864, 65.) ♦4109.50.30, 31 Petites constructions frangaises. Par un comite d'architectes. Dourdan. [1893, 94.] 4 V. 400 colored plates. *8o9oa.i22 Petitgrand, V. Abbaye du Mont St Michel. 24 vues photographiques, avec une pre- face. Paris. [1897. Monuments histo- riques de la France.] *4iooa.i Pigeon, E. A. Nouveau guide descriptif et historique du voyageur dans le Mont Saint-Michel. Avranches. [1864.] Plates. 2639a.94 Pigeotte, L. fitude sur les travaux d'acheve- ment de la cathedrale de Troyes, 1450- 1630. Paris. 1870. Plate. Plan. 4097.104 Pillion, Louise. Les portails lateraux de la cathedrale de Rouen. £tude historique et iconographique sur un ensemble de bas-reliefs de la fin du xiiie siecle. Paris. 1907. Illus. 8086.110 Index bibliographique, pp. 246-248. Pinder, G. M. W. Einleitende Voruntersuch- ung zu emer Rhythmik romanischer Innenraume in der Normandie. Strass- burg. 1904. Plates. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.136 Poquet, A. E. Notice historique et descrip tive sur I'eglise abbatiale d'Essommes, pres Chateau-Thierry. Chateau-Thierry. 1842. Plates. 4098.109 Povillon-Pierard, £. F. X. Description his- torique de I'eglise de Notre-Dame de rfipine, . pres de Chalons-sur-Marne. Chalons. 1825. 4098.103 Description historique de I'eglise metro- politaine de Notre-Dame de Reims. Reims. 1823. 4098.105 Prioux, S. Monographie de I'ancienne ab- baye royale Saint- Yved de Braine. Paris. 1859. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii7.2 Proust, A., editor. L'art frangais. Publica- tion officielle. Paris. [1891.] Plates. *8o70.i24 Pugin, A. C. Pugin and Le Keux's Specimens of the architectural antiquities of Nor- mandy. [Also Historical and descrip- tive essays. Edited by John Britton.] London. 1827. 80 plates. *4ioi.4 Quicherat, J. E. J. Restitution de la basi- lique de Saint-Martin de Tours, d'apres Gregoire de Tours et les autres textes anciens. Paris. 1869. Plans. 4093.100 Ramee, D. Monographie de Notre-Dame de Noyon. Texte par M. Vitet. Paris. 1845. Text, I v.; Atlas, 23 plates. ^' •Cab.60.32.1 Ratel, S. Les basiliques de Saint Martin a Tours. Fouilles executees a I'occasion de la decouverte de son tombeau. Bruxelles. 1886. Plates. 4094.101 Les basiliques de Saint-Martin a Tours. Note supplementaire en reponse a une note complementaire de Mr. Chevalier sur Les fouilles de Saint-Martin de Tours. Tours. 1891. 4104.44 The memoire by Chevalier, to which this is a reply, is on shelf -number 4094.100. Les basiliques de Saint-Martin a Tours. Supplement. Quelques observations sur les dernieres fouilles executees en 1887. Tours. 1890. Illus. 4104.43 Du lieu de sepulture de Saint Martin a Tours. Tours. 1889. Plate. Plans. 4104.84 Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe archeologique de Touraine, Tome 8, 1889. Renouvier, J. M. B. Des vieilles maisons de Montpellier. [Anon.] Montpellier. 1835. Plates. ^ 46I3-.84 Revoil, H. A. Architecture romane du midi de la France. Paris. 1873. 3 v. 212 plates. *Cab.6o.ioo.6 Conference sur le theatre antique d'O- range faite devant le Congres de la So- ciete fran^aise d'archeologie. Tours. 1883. 2636.71 Extrait du Bulletin monumental, 1883 [•4090.241. 1883]. Ricci, S. de. Der Stil Louis xvi: Mobiliar und Raumkunst. Stuttgart. [1913-] IHus. (i), 25^ plates. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.J 409oa.i5i Rivoire, M. Description de I'eglise cathe- drale d'Amiens. Amiens. 1806. Plate. 8099.6 Robert, P., editor. Cathedrales de France. Cent cinquante-sept documents en pho- totypie. Paris. [1897?] 100 plates. *4ioo.48 There is no text except a table of contents con- taining brief notes. Robida, A. La vieille France. Paris. 1890- 93. 4 v. Illus. Plates. Namely: Normandie. *666o.58 Bretagne. *666o.59 La Touraine. *666o.6o Provence. ♦6660.61 Les vieilles villes des Flandres: Belgique et Flandre frangaise. Paris. [1908.] Plates. 4093-151 Robuchon, J., editor. Paysages et monu- ments: Poitou. Avec notices publiees sous les auspices de la Societe des An- tiquaires de I'Ouest. Paris. 1884-1895- II v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. Facsimiles. Vignettes. *Cab.26.5o.i One of an edition of 400 copies. Many examples of Romanesque architecture. 130 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Rochambeau, E. A. L. de V., Marquis de. L'eglise de Lavardin. Tours. [1880.] Illus. 4105.42 Extrait du Bulletin monumentale [*409o.24i (1880)]. Rose, E. W. Cathedrals and cloisters of midland France. With illustrations from original photographs by Vida Hunt Francis. New York. 1907. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 4096.20 List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. xvii-xix. Cathedrals and cloisters of the Isle de France (including Bourges, Troyes, Reims, and Rouen). With illustrations from photographs by Vida Hunt Fran- cis. New York, 1910. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 4105.103 List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. xvii-xix. Cathedrals and cloisters of the south of France. With illustrations from photo- graphs by Vida Hunt Francis. New York. 1906. 2v. Illus. Plates. 4096.18 List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. xiii-xv. Rosieres, R. L'evolution de I'architecture en France. Paris. 1804. [Petite biblio- theque d'art et d'archeologie.] 4099.140 Rostan, L. fitude d'archeologie comparee. Trois abbayes de I'ordre de Citeaux. {In Bulletin monumental. Vol. 18, pp. 107- 138. Paris. 1852.) *4i09.50.i8 Rouen photographique. [Rouen. 186-?] 18 photographs. *466i.34 A collection of views of buildings. Roussel, J. Statuaire et sculpture decora- tive. Motifs extraits des archives du Ministere de I'instruction publique et des beaux arts. Paris. [1898?] 64 plates. [Monuments historiques de la France.] *8o8o.i24 Roussel, P. D. Histoire et description du chateau d'Anet, depuis le dixieme siecle. Paris. 1875. Plates. *266o.50 . The first part of this work was reprinted in 1883 under the title : Le chateau de Diane de Poitiers a A'net [2660.53]. Vues du chateau d'Anet. Anet. 1883. 3 folded plates. 4099.151 These views are reproduced from Roussel's His- toire et description du chateau d'Anet [*266o.5o]. Roussel, R., Ahhe. Histoire de I'Abbaye des Celestins de Villeneuve-les-Soissons. Soissons. 1904. Plates. 3518.122 Contains one chapter and one plate on the Cha- teau de Villeneuve. Rouvet, M. L'eglise Saint-fitienne de Nevers. Nevers. 1886. Plans. 4103.80 Rouyer, E. L'art architectural en France depuis Frangois i^r jusqu'a Louis xvi. Paris. 1863, 66. 2 v. Plates. *8o9o.3 Royet, L. E. Notice sur I'Abbaye de Notre- Dame d'Issoudun. Paris. 1857. 8 plates. 4107.37 Extrait du Compte rendu des travaux de la So- ci6te du Berry. Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. L'architecture normande aux xie et xiie siecles en Nor- mandie et en Angleterre. Paris. [1885, 87.] 2 v. 175 plates. *8o9o.66 La cathedrale de Seez (Orne). Paris. 1885. 4104.72 Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. (Continued.) Le chateau de Falaise (Calvados). [Paris.] 1864. Illus. 4091.126 Saint-Andeol, F., Vicomte de. Une eglise cathedrale du ve siecle, et son baptis- tere. Saint-fitienne de Melas (Ardeche). Paris. 1862. Illus. Plan. 4104.79 Extrait de la Revue de l'art chretien [*4072.2oi. 1862]. Saint-Paul, A. Histoire monumentale de la France. 3e edition. Paris. 1888. Illus. [Bibliotheque des ecoles et des fa- milies.] 4103.55 Salin, P. L'eglise de Saint-Sulpice de Fa- vieres. Paris. 1865. Plates. Facsimiles. 4092.110 Sanderus, A. Le grand theatre du Duche de Brabant. La Haye. 1729. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.28.i8.i On the architecture of Brabant, including churches. Sauvageot, C. Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du xye au xviiie sie- cle. Paris. 1867. 4 v. Plates. *8ioo.6 Sauvageot, C, and L. Sauvageot. Mono- graphic de la chapelle de Notre-Dame de la Roche. Paris. 1863. 27 plates. ♦4100.88 Schaefer, C. Die Kathedrale von Reims. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.156 Seine, Prefecture du Departement de la. Direction des travaux. Inventaire gene- ral des oeuvres d'art decorant les edifices du Departement de la Seine. Paris. 1879-83. 3 V. Plans. *8o94.68 Contents. — i. Arrondissement de Saint-Denis. 2. Arrondissement de Sceaux. 3. Edifices departe- mentaux dans Paris, et hors du Departement de la Seine. Selfridge, R., compiler. Modern French ar- chitecture. 100 views. Boston. 1899. ♦409 1. 27 Seynes, A. de. Essai sur les fouilles faites en 1821 et en 1822 autour de la Maison- Carree [Nimes]. Nimes. 1823. Plates. Plan. 4098.133 Monuments romains de Nimes. Paris. 181 8. 15 plates. *4090.4o Sharpe, E. A visit to the domed churches of Charente, France, by the Architec- tural Association of London, 1875. Lon- don. [1882?] 59 plates; *4ioi.65 Examples of Romano- Byzantine ^chitecture. Shaw, R. N. Architectural sketches from the continent. London. 1872. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.i Views and details from France, Italy and Ger- many. Societe des Pretres de la Misericorde. Notice sur l'eglise Saint-Euverte d'Or- leans. [Anon. Orleans.] 1855. Plates. 4105.40 Societe philotechnique, Paris. Rapport sur la candidature au titre de membre resi- dant de M. fidouard Corroyer. Meulan. [1878.] 4098.127 On M. Corroyer's work in connection with the restoration of Mont Saint-Michel. FRANCE 131 Spiers, R. P. Saint-Front of Perigueux, and the domed churches of Perigord and La Charente. London. 1896. Illus. 4101.69 Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Insti- tute of British Architects [*4iooa.so.i896.] Stein, H. Jean Goujon et la maison de Diane de Poitiers a fitampes. Paris. 1890. Illus. 4092.60 Suisse, C. Architecture militaire bourgui- gnonne. Restauration du chateau de Dijon. Paris. 1876. Plates. '3950.57 Tarbe, P. Notre-Dame de Reims. Reims. 1845. Plates. 4098.112 Taylor, I. J. S., Baron, and others. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans I'an- cienne France. Par J. Taylor, Ch. No- dier et Alph. de Cailleux. Paris. 1820- yy. 20 V. Plates. Plans. Namely: Auvergne. 1829, 2>Z- 2 v. *L.40.6 Bourgogne. 1863. *L.40.9 Bretagne. 1845, 46. 2 v. *L.40.2 Champagne. 1857. 3 v. *L.40.i Dauphine. 1854. *L.40.3 Franche-Comte. 1825. *L.40.7 Languedoc. 1833-37. 4 v. *L.40.5 Normandie. 1820-77. 3 v. *L.40.8 Picardie. 1835-45. 3 v. *L.40.4 Thibault, J. A. (Anatole France). Le cha- teau de Vaux le Vicomte, dessine et grave par R. Pfnor. Paris. 1888. Plates. *Cab.26.29.5 Tholin, E. G. £tudes sur I'architecture re- ligieuse de I'Agenais du loe au i6e sie- cle, suivies d'une notice sur les sepul- tures du moyen age. Agen. 1874. Plates. 4097-3 Tholin, E. G., and P. L. A. Benouville. Un chateau gascon au moyen age. fitude archeologique sur le Chateau de Madail- lan (Lot-et-Garonne). Paris. 1878. 6 plates. 4091.128 Tiersot, E. P. L. Histoire et description de I'eglise de Brou. 2e edition. Bourg. 1874- Plate. 4108.75 Tournier, C. Recueil d'archeologie lyon- naise. Lyon. 1891. 25 plates. *Cab.26.i3.2 Trocadero, Palais du. Album de Musee de sculpture compar^e (Palais du Troca- dero). Public sous la direction de P. F. Marcou. Paris. [1898.] Plates: *Cab.8o.i76.i Contents. — Serie i. Epoque gallo-romaine. xiie siecle. 76 plates. 2. xine siecle. 85 plates. 3. XI ve & xve siecles. 56 plates. 4. xvie siecle. 86 plates. 5. xviie-xixe siecles. 54 plates. Catalogue des moulages de sculptures ap- partenant aux divers centres et aux di- verses epoques d'art. Suivi du catalogue des dessins de VioUet-le-Duc. Paris. 1890. [France. Ministere de I'instruc- tion publique et des beaux-arts.] 8085.143 Turner, D. Account of a tour in Normandy. London. 1820. 2 v. Plates. **K.2oi.2;**K.i65.i7 Architectural antiquities of Normandy, by J. S. Cotman; accompanied by histori- cal and descriptive notices by D. Turner. London. 1822. 2 v. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.2o.2 Vachon, M. Une famille parisienne de maistres-magons aux xv, xvi, xvn sie- cles. Les Chambiges, maistres des oeuvres, architectes des cathedrales de Beauvais, Sens, Troyes, Senlis, des cha- teaux de Fontainebleau, Chantilly, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, etc., de I'ancien Hotel de ville de Paris, et du Louvre. Pans. [1907.] Plates. *409i.i86 La renaissance frangaise: 1' architecture nationale— les grands maitres magons. Preface de H. Daumet. Paris. [1910.] Plates. *409i.42 Vacquer, T. Batiments scolaires recemment construits en France. Paris. 1862. 27 plates. *4ioo.79 Vasseur, C. Trois jours a travers champs. Caen. 1866. Plates. Plan. 4097.122 An account of visits to churches in the vicinity of St. Germain. Vaudremer, £. Monographic de Teglise St. Pierre de Montrouge. Paris. 1874. 17 plates. *4ioo.87 Verneilh-Puiraseau, F. de. L'architecture byzantine en France. Saint-Front de Perigueux et les eglises a coupoles de I'Aquitaine. Paris. 185 1. 16 plates. *4i03.64 Vesly, L. de. La Madona del Poggio a Saorge (Alpes-Maritimes). Rouen. 1878. Plates. Plan. 4075.185 Villas normandes & auglaises. Paris. [1912?] 54 plates. *Cab.6o.i72.8 Viollet-Ie-Duc, E. E. L'architecture fran- gaise. Paris. 1877. [L'Union centrale des beaux-arts. Conferences.] 40993.113 Chateau de Pierrefonds. 22 vues photo- graphiques, avec une preface. Paris. [1897. Les monuments historiques de la France.] *4iooa.2 La cite de Carcassonne (Aude). Nou- velle edition. Paris. [1900?] Illus. Plans. 4661.44 Description du chateau de Coucy. 2^ edi- tion, augmentee. Paris. 1861. Plates. Plans. 4096.Z00 Description et histoire du chateau de Pierrefonds. 5e edition. Paris. 1869. 2635.68 Same. 7e edition. 1874. 2635.54 Same. I3e edition. 1891. 2635.67 Dictionnaire raisonne de Tarcliitecture frangaise du xie au xvie siecle. Paris. 1859. 10 V. Illus. *4io5.i4 Same. Table. Paris. 1889. *4io5.i3 Histoire d'un hotel de ville et d'une cathe- drale [Clusy]. Paris. [1878.] Plates. 4614.53 Rumes de ChampHeu (Oise). Paris, i860. Illus. Plan. 2635.40 Virey, J. L'architecture romane dans I'an- cien diocese de Macon. Paris. 1892. Plates. Map. Plans. 4094.105 Vitry, P. Hotels & maisons de la renais- sance frangaise: recueil de documents sur r architecture privee des xve & xvi^ siecles avec une introduction et des notices. Tome i, 2. Paris. [191 1, 12?] 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i72.6 Bibliographie g6n6rale, Tome i, p. 8. 132 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Vitry, P. (Continued.) Tours et les chateaux de Touraine. Paris. 1905. Illus. Portraits. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073.370 Note bibliographique, p. 6. Vitry, P., and G. Briere. Documents de sculpture frangaise du moyen age. Paris. [1904.] 140 plates. *Cab.8o.i47.5 Voege, W. Die Anfange des monumentalen Stiles im Mittelalter. Untersuchung iiber die erste Bliitezeit franzosischer Plastik. Strassburg. 1894. Plates. 8073.138 Voiart, J. P. Monumens des victoires et couquetes des Frangais. Recueil de tous les objets d'art consacres a celebrer les victoires des Frangais de 1792 a 1815. [Anon.] Paris. 1822. 100 plates. ♦4640.1 Voisin, A., Ahhe. Notre-Dame du Mans, ou cathedrale de Saint- Julien. Paris. 1866. 4101.29 Ward, W. H. The architecture of the Renaissance in France: a history of the evolution of the arts of building, decora- tion and garden design under classical influence from 1495 to 1830. London. [191 1.] 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4094.167 Bibliographical note. Vol. 2, pp. 495-500. West, G. H. Gothic architecture in England & France. London. 1911. Illus. Plates. Plans. Table. 4109.56 List of works consulted, pp. xi-xiv. Whittington, G. D. Historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France, to illustrate the rise & progress of Gothic architecture in France. 2d edition. London. 181 1. Plates. **K.69.3 Wild, C. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany and France. 24 sketches etched by John Le Keux and other artists. London. 1843. *8ogoa.io3 Willemin, N. X., and A. A. Pettier. Monu- ments frangais inedits pour servir a rhistoire des arts depuis le vie siecle jusqu'au commencement du xviie. Paris. 1839. 2 V. Plates. *4630.50 Wilson, W. E. Cathedrals of France. Popu- lar studies. New York. 1900. Plates. ♦4100.98 Winkles, B. French cathedrals. From drawings by R. Garland. London. 1837. Plates. ♦8092.11 Witting, F. Kirchenbauten der Auvergne. Strassburg. 1904. Plates. [Zur Kunst- geschichte des Auslandes.] 8093.44 Woillez, E. J. Archeologie des monuments religieux de Tancien Beauvoisis, pendant la metamorphose romane. Paris. 1839- 49. 129 plates. ♦4090.26 Wright, G. N. France illustrated. Drawings by T. Allom. London. [1847.] 4 v. ♦6661.1 Vol. 4 is supplementary, with descriptions by Jules Janin and drawings by Eugene Lami. Paris. Alphand, J. C. A. Les promenades de Paris. Paris. 1867-73. Text, i v.; Atlas, i v. ♦Cab.26.13.1 ; ♦Cab.26.22.1 ; *L.7o.i5 B., E. La chapelle Saint-Jean dans I'eglise Saint-Severin. [Paris. 1841.] No. 2 in 4083.117 A criticism of the work of M. Flandrin. Babeau, A. A. Paris en 1789. 3e edition. Paris. 1890. Plates. 26398.75 Baldus, :6. Palais du Louvre et des Tuile- ries; motifs de decoration interieure et exterieure, reproduits par les procedes .d'heliogravure. Paris. [1875.] 3 v. 300 plates. ♦Cab.80.29.1 Ballu, T. Monographie de I'eglise Saint- Ambroise, erigee par la ville de Paris. Paris. 1874. 24 plates. [Librairie gene- rale de I'architecture et des travaux publics.] ^ ♦Cab.6o.i8.6 Baltard, L. P. Paris et ses monumens. Paris. 1803-5. Plates. ♦Cab.26.17.1 An unfinished work. The plates are of the Louvre, and the chateaux of Saint Cloud, ficouen, and Fontainebleau. Baltard, V., and F. E. Callet. Monographie des Halles centrales de Paris, con- struites sous le regne de Napoleon III. Paris. 1863. 35 plates. ♦Cab.26.26.1 Barron, L. Autour de Paris. 500 dessins d'apres nature par G. Fraipont. Paris. [1891.] ♦4660.5 Les environs de Paris. Paris. [1887.] Illus. *463i.55 Paris pittoresque, 1800-1900. Paris. [1900.] Illus. Portraits. Plan. ♦Cab.26.45.2 Bauchal, C. Notre-Dame et ses premiers architectes. Notices, historiques et cri- tiques. [Paris.] 1882. 4107.20 Bazin, H. Les monuments de Paris. Sou- venirs de vingt siecles. Preface d' Andre Theuriet. Paris. [1904.] Illus. Plates. Plan. ♦4091.170 Beale, S. S. The churches of Paris from Clovis to Charles X. London. 1893. Plates. 2666.100 Berty, A. Topographic historique du vieux Paris. Paris. 1866-97. 6 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Histoire generale dc Paris.] ♦♦46208.56 Biblioth^que vSainte - Genevieve, Paris. (Three photographs.] *Cab.6o.i04.3 Bloch, F., and A. Merchlein. Les rues de Paris. Arrondissement 1-4. Dessins et illustrations sous la direction de V. A. Poirson. Paris. 1889-91. ♦2630.53 Blonde!, J. B. Plan, coupe, elevation et de- tails du nouveau marche St. Germain. Paris. 1816. II plates. ♦Cab.60.37. 3 Boinet, A. Les Edifices religieux: moyen age — renaissance. Paris. 1910. Plates. [Les richesses d'art de la ville de Paris.] Bibliography, pp. 191-197. 4075.302 Calliat, V. Hotel de ville de Paris. Avec une histoire de ce monument par Le Roux de Lincy. Paris. 1844. 28 plates. ♦Cab.60.121. 1 ; ♦Cab.6o.22.i PARIS 133 Calliat, V. (Continued.) Parallele des maisons de Paris construites depuis 1830. Paris. 1857, 64. 2 v. 246 plates. *Cab.6o.i6.i Vol. I is of the second edition. La Sainte Chapelle de Paris apres les restaurations commencees par M. Du- ban, terminees par M. Lassus. Texte historique par M. de Guilhermy. Paris. 1857. 48 plates. *Cab.6o.57.4 Champeaux, A. de, and F. E. Adam. Paris pittoresque. Ouvrage illustre par L. Gautier. Paris. 1883. Plates. *4630.9 Champier, V. Le Palais-Royal d'apres des documents inedits (1629-1900). Paris. 1900. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *407i.i52 Bibliographic, vol. i, pp. xi-xxi. Courvoisier, , artist. Views of various places in Europe, chiefly Paris. En- graved by Dubois and others. Paris. II plates in i v. *626o.io Curzon, E. H. P. de. La maison du Temple de Paris. Paris. 1888. 2 plates. 2636.56 Daly, C. L'architecture privee au xix^e siecle. Serie 1-3. Paris. 1864-77. 8 v. 576 plates. *Cab.6o.i94.2 Contents. — Serie i. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs: i. Hotels prives. 2. Maisons a 'oyer. 3. Villas suburbaines. Serie 2. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs: i. Decorations exterieures et interieures des etablissements de commerce ct des habitations. 2. Villas. — Chalets. Jardins. 3. Decorations interieures des etablisse- ments de commerce et des habitations de ville et de campagrne. Serie 3. Decorations interieures peintes. 2 v. Daly, C, and G. J. A. Davioud. Architecture contemporaine. Les theatres de la Place du Chatelet. Theatre du Chatelet. Theatre-lyrique. Paris. [1874.] 64 plates. [Bibliotheque de I'architecte.] *Cab.6o.74.2 Decloux, — , and — Doury. Historie archeo- logique de la Sainte Chapelle du Palais. Paris. 1875. 25 plates. *Cab.26.i8.2 Many of the plates are colored. Desmaze, C. La Sainte Chapelle du Palais de Justice de Paris. Paris. 1873. Plates. T> , T * XT. . , . 3549.53 JJulaure, J. A. Histoire physique, civile et morale de Paris. 4e edition. Paris. 1829. 10 V. Plates. **G.3673.3 There are earlier editions on shelf-numbers *2638.i; 4667.7; B. 158.2. Dupezard, £. Le Palais-Royal de Paris: architecture & decoration de Louis xv a nos jours. Paris. [1911.] Illus. 124 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i87.2 Du Seigneur, M. Liste des principaux monu- ments de Paris avec I'historique de leur construction, les noms de leur archi- tectes, et les dates auxquelles ils ont ete construits. Paris. 1888. [Paris. Comite des inscriptions parisiennes.] 4094.116 Du Sommerard, A. Les arts du moyen age en ce qui concerne principalement I'Hotel de Cluny. Paris. 1838-46. Text, 5 V. in 2; Atlas, 4 v. *Cab.8o.iio.4 Notices sur I'Hotel de Cluny et sur le Palais des thermes, avec des notes sur I Du Sommerard, A. (Continued.) la culture des arts, pricipalement dans les xve et xvie siecles. [Anon.] Paris. 1834. 40956. Paris. 1907.) 2634.61. i Gamier, J. L. C. Nouvel opera, Paris. [Copies of Garnier's original plans. Paris. 1867.] 4v. *Cab.6o.72.i Le Nouvel opera de Paris. Paris. 1878- 81. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 2 v. in i. 100 plates. *M.i7.i Le Nouvel opera de Paris. Bronzes, can- delabres, lustres [etc.]. Paris. 1875. I5 plates. *Cab.6o.33.2 Gelis-Didot, P., and Th. Lambert. La con- struction privee a la fin du xixe siecle. Hotels et maisons de Paris, facades et details. Paris. 1893. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.24.2 Gilbert, A. P. M. Description historique de la basilique metropolitaine de Paris. Paris. 1821. Illus. 4103.4 Guedy, H., editor. Le Palais du Louvre: exterieur et interieur. Architecture — sculpture — decoration. Ensembles et details. Dourdan. [1905.] Illus. 60 plates. *Cab.6o,i34.3 Guilhermy, R. F. M. N., Baron de. Descrip- tion de la Sainte-Chapelle. 4e edition. Paris. 1880. 6 plates. 2639.74 Halphen, L. Paris sous les premiers Cape- tiens (987-1223). Paris. 1909. 2 v. Text, I V. Tllus.; Atlas, ii plates. ♦2630.21 Hamerton, P. G. Paris in old and present times. London. 1885. Tllus. Plates. ♦4633.10 Same. Boston. 1885. 4633-19 Hessling, E.. editor. Alt-Paris. Historische Bauten in Gesamtansichten und in ihren Einzelheiten. Photographische ^ Auf- nahmen nach der Natur mit illustriertem Text. Berlin. [i904?-]o7. 2 v. Illus. [Architektur und Skulpturschatze aus vergangener Zeit. Serie i.] *Cab.26.54.3 Contents. — i. Romanisch-gotische Periode. 2. Baudenkmaler der Frtihrenaissance sowie Studien uber das Chateau de Gaillon und die Maison Frangois i. de Moret. Hiatt, C. Notre Dame de Paris. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Hand- books to Continental churches.] 4108.53 Hoffbauer, F. Paris a travers les ages. Paris. 1882. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.26.io.i Hotel Beuharnais, L*: palais de 1* ambas- sade d' Allemagne a Paris. Paris. 1907. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. [L* archi- tecture et la decoration frangaise. Style empire.] ♦Cab.60.193.3 134 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Inventaire general des richesses d'art de la France. Paris: monuments religieux. Paris. 1876-1901. 3 V. [Ministere de I'instruction publique.] 8063.51 Paris: monuments civils. Tome i, 2. Paris. 1879-1902. 3 V. *8o63.54 JoUivet, P. J. De la peinture religieuse a I'exterieur des eglises, a propos de I'en- levement de la decoration exterieure du porche de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul. Paris. 1861. No. I in 4093.101 ; 4106.34 Peinture en email sur lave. Paris. 1862. No. 2 in 4093.101 Regarding the decoration of the porch of the church of Saint Vincent de Paul at Paris. Jouin, H. Ancien hotel de Rohan affecte a rimprimerie nationale. Paris. 1889. 34 plates. *Cab.6o.89.7 JuUicn, J. L. A. Monographies parisiennes. Un vieil hotel du Marais. Paris. 1891. Illus. 2631.102 Krafft, J. C, and F. Thiollet. Choix des plus jolies maisons de Paris et de ses envi- rons. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1849. Plates. *Cab.6o.8o.6 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de. Le palais Mazarin et les habitations de ville et de campagne au I7e siecle. Paris. 1845. Plates. Plans. [De Torganisation des bibliotheques dans Paris. 4.] No. 3 in *2i7o.i4 Lassus, J. B. A. Isolement de la Sainte- Chapelle. Raoport . . . de MM. les architectes du Palais de Justice. [Paris. 1849.] Illus. 4103.38 Same. [With notes.] 184S, 46. *2i7o.33 Lassus. J. B. A., and E. E. Viollet-le-Duc. Monographic de Notre-Dame de Paris. Paris. [186-?] Plates. *Cab.6o.46.3 Projet de restauration de Notre Dame de Paris. Rapport. Paris. 1843. Illus. 4092.100 Lavergne, C. Restauration de I'eglise S.- Eustache. Paris. 1856. 4107.31 Legrand, J. G., and C. P. Landon. Descrip- tion de Paris et de ses edifices. Paris. 1806, 9. 2 v. Plates. 4103.3 Lenoir, A. A. Statistique monumentale de Paris. Paris. 1867. Text, i v.: Atlas, 2 V. *Cab.26.ii.i Leroux de Lincy, A. J. V. figlise Saint Eus- tache a Paris, mesuree, dessinee, et publiee par V. Calliat. Paris. 1850. 11 plates. *Cab.6o.35.3 Lonergan, W. F. Historic churches of Paris. New York. 1896. Plates. 2661.26 Luthereau, J. G. A. Notice historique et archeologique sur I'eglise de la Made- leine. Paris. 1842. 4104.87 Magne, A. Monographic du nouveau theatre du Vaudeville, erige par la ville de Paris. Paris. 1873. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.8i.3 Marot, J., and D. Marot. [L'architecture fran^oise, ou recueil des plans des eglises, palais [etc.] de Paris. Paris. 1751?] 199 plates. *8ioo.65 Matthews, J. B. The theatres of Paris. New York. 1880. Illus. 2639.69 Same. London. 2639.70 Menorval, E. de. Promenades a travers Paris. Paris. [1898.] Illus. Plates. ♦2630. 1 09 Morand, S. J. Histoire de la Ste-Chapelle royale du palais. Paris. 1790. Plates. ♦4093.114 Mortet, F. J. V. £tude historique et archeo- logique sur la cathedrale et le palais episcopal de Paris du vie au xiie siecle. Paris. 1888. 3 plates. 4632.3 Bibliographic, pp. ix-xi. Nansouty, M. de. La tour Eiffel de 300 metres a I'Expositon universelle de 1889. 2e edition. Paris. [1889.] Plates. [Bi- bliotheque des actualites industrielles.] 8018.109 Narjoux, Felix. Paris. Monuments eleves par la ville, 1850-1880. Paris. 1880-83. 4 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.97.i Contents. — i. fidifices administratifs. — fidifices judiciaires. 2. fidifices consacres a I'instruction publique. — fidifices d'utilite generale. 3. £di- fices religieux. — Edifices consacres aux beaux- arts. 4. fidifices decoratifs. — Edifices sanitaires. — Edifices de la force publique. Nattes, J. C. Versailles, Paris, and Saint Denis. London. [1809?] 40 colored plates. *Cab.26.55.i Niox, G. L. Napoleon et les Invalides. Paris. [1911-] Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. *265i.67 Normand, C. L'Hotel de Cluny. Paris. 1888. Plates. *8io3.8 Nouvel-itineraire-guide artistique et ar- cheologique de Paris. Vol. i. Paris. [1892.] Plates. *2634.55 Normand, L. M. Paris moderne. Paris. 1837-49. 3 V. *4090.e Consists of plates only. Paris. Municipal government. Reconstruc- tion de I'Hotel de ville. Paris. 1882. 12 plates. *Cab.26.25.i Vues des principaux monuments. [Paris? 1883?] 72 photographs. *Cab.26.25.3 Paris dans sa splendeur. Paris. 1861. 3 v. Plates. *Cab.i26.48.3 Frost, P. H. B. Le veritable architecte de I'ancien Hotel de ville de Paris, [Sceaux. 1891.] 4091.125 Evidence in favor of Domcnico Bernabei dc Cortone, as the architect. Reprinted from the Gazette des beaux-arts, June, 1891 [*4o6i.22i.3« p6r., t. 6]. Prou, J. M. Recherches sur les hotels de I'archeveche de Sens a Paris. Sens 1882. 2 plans. 8094.105 Pugin, A. C. Paris and its environs. London 1829-31. 2 V. in I. Plates. *2630.3 Rabel, J. Les antiqvitez et singvlaritez de Paris. Livre second. De la sepulture des roys, & roynes de France, princes, princesses & autres persones illustres, Paris. 1588. Plates. No. 2 in *2639.47 Riat, G. H. M. Paris. Paris. 1900. Plates [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073.167 Paris. Eine Geschichte seiner Kunstdenk- maler vom Altertum bis auf unsere Tage. Leipzig. 1900. Plates. [Be- ruhmte Kunststatten.] 4074.248 PARIS 135 Robida, A. Paris de siecle en siecle. Paris. [1895.] Illus. Plates. *2620.62 Some of the plates are colored. Paris de siecle en siecle. Le coeur de Paris. Splendeurs et souvenirs. Paris. [1896.] Illus. Plates. *466i.33 Some of the plates are colored. Sauvan, J. B. B., and J. P. Schmit. Histoire et description pittoresque du Palais de Justice, de la Conciergerie et de la Sainte Chapelle de Paris. Paris. 1825. 17 plates. *Cab.6o.35.5 Scott, J. Picturesque views of the city of Paris and its environs. The original drawings by Frederick Nash, the liter- ary department by John Scott, and P. B. de la Boissiere. London. 1823. 2 v. 57 plates. *266i.27 Text in English and French. The French trans- lation is by La Boissiere. Segard, — , and — Testard. Picturesque views of public edifices in Paris. Aqua- tinted by Mr. Rosenberg. London. 1814. 20 plates. *4633.7 Seine, Prefecture du Departement de la. Rapport sur I'isolement de la Sainte- Chapelle. Paris. 1849. Plans. 4092.106 Commission administrative des halles. Agrandissement et construction des Halles centrales d'approvisionnement. Rapport fait au Conseil municipal, 1845. Paris. 1845. Plans. *7030.4 Direction des travaux. Inventaire general des ceuvres d'art appartenant a la ville de Paris, fidifices civils. Paris. 1878, 89. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *8o94.67 Edifices religieux. Paris. 1878-86. 4 v. Plans. *8o94.66 Sudre, J. P. La chapelle de Saint Ferdinand. Paris. 1846. 20 plates. *Cab.26.i8.4 The plates represent principally the stained glass windows of the chapel. Texier, E. Tableau de Paris. Paris. 1852, SZ- 2 V. Illus. *666o.57 Some of the illustrations show the architecture of that period. Tniinet, C. L. fi. Le Nouvel opera. Paris. 1875. Illus. 2639.59; **M.i39.ii Vachon, M. L'ancien Hotel de ville de Paris: Le Boccador et Pierre Cham- biges. [Paris. 1881.] 2635.19 Cut from La nouvelle revue, vol, 13 [5364.5.13]. L'Hotel de ville de Paris, 1535-1905. Paris. 1905. Plates. Portraits. Plans. *4070.i62 Vacquer, T. Maisons les plus remarquables L de Paris, construites pendant les trois I dernieres annees. Paris. [1863.] 80 plates. *8ioo.5i Same. 1870. *4090.62 Vacquier, J. Le faubourg Saint-Honore. Notices historiques et descriptives. »Tome I. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i72.7 Contents. — 1. Decorations exterieures et interieures. Le Ministere de la marine, ancien Garde- Meuble de la couronne, construit par I Gabriel de 1762 a 1772. Decorations Vacquier, J. (Continued.) torique et descriptive. Paris. 191 1. Illus. 60 plates. Plans. *Cab.26.54.4 These two works belong to the series : Les vieux hotels de Paris. Views. Fifty-nine views of Paris and its environs. 6639.5 [Fourteen photographs of some of the public buildings and parks of Paris during the Commune.] *Cab.26.42.i 30 vues. Paris. [1889.] 30 plates. 66393.84 Villebresme, , Vicomte de. Ce qui reste du vieux Paris. Monuments, hotels par- ticuliers, maisons historiques, classes par rues. Paris. [1901.] 26393.104 Walton, W. Paris; architectural and monu- mental. Plates. (In his Paris, known and unknown. Vol. 3. Philadelphia. 1898, 1901.) *Cab. Germany. Adler, F. Mittelalterliche Backstein-Bau- werke des preussischen Staates. Berlin. 1862, 98. 2 V. Illus. 120 plates. Contains church architecture. *Cab.6o.l5l.5 Albert, J. Miinchener Neubauten. Miin- chen. [1896.] 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i23.i Niirnberger Neubauten. Munchen. [1896.] 50 plates. *4090.39 Album von Heidelberg. Heidelberg. [1844.] 17 plates. *Cab.28.io.6 AUersberger, F. X. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Pfarrei und des Miinsters in Ueber- lingen. Lindau. 1879. 2 plates. No. 2 in *682i.i5.9 Andreae, C. Monumente des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus dem saechsi- schen Erzgebirge, die Klosterkirche Zschillen, jetzt Wechselburg und die Rochlitzer Kunigunden-Kirche. Dres- den. 1875. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.78.3 Anheisser, R. Altkolnische Baukunst: 56 Tafeln mit erlauterndem Text. Diissel- dorf. [191 1.] 56 plates. *Cab.6o.i69.9 Architekten- und Ingenieurverein, Augs- burg. Augsburg. Eine Sammlung seiner hervorragendsten Baudenkmaler aus alter und neuer Zeit. Augsburg. 1902. 51 plates. *409i.i46 Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein, Bremen. Bremen und seine Bauten. Bremen. 1900. Text, I V. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, 6 maps. 4 plans. ^4092.84 Architekten- & Ingenieur Verein. Frankfort on the Main. Frankfurt a. M. und seine Bauten. [Frankfurt a. M.] 1886. Plates. Plans. Maps. 4093.179 A collection of articles by a number of writers. Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein, Ham- burg. Hamburg und seine Bauten, unter Beriicksichtigung der Nachbar- stadte Altona und Wandsbeck. . . . Hamburg. 1890. Illus. Plates. Plans. Maps. Charts. 4092.85 Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein fiir Elsass-Lothringen. Strassburg und seine Bauten. Strassburg. 1894. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o93.i22 10 136 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Arendt, C. Das monumentale Trier von der Romerzeit, in Wort und Bild. Coin. 1882. 13 plates. *Cab.6o.29.3 Aufleger, O. Mittelalterliche Bauten Re- gensburgs photographisch aufgenom- men. Miinchen. 1896, 97. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.84.4 Siiddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im xviii, Jahrhundert. Miinchen. 1891- 95. 10 V. in 7. Namely: I, 2. Die Klosterkirchen in Ottobeuren. 1891,92. 2v.ini. 55 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.i 3,4, Miinchener Architektur des xviii. Jahrhunderts. Einleitung von K. Traut- mann. 1892. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.2 5. Innen-Decorationen des Koniglichen Lustschlosses Schleissheim. Einleitung von J. Mayerhofer. 1891. 30 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.io6.3 6. Altare und Sculpturen des Miinsters zu Salem. 1892. 20 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o. 106.3 7, 8. Die reichen Zimmer der Konigl. Residenz in Miinchen. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. 1893. Plan. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.4 9. Die Kgl. Hofkirche zu Fiirstenfeld. Die Klosterkirche zu Diessen. Einlei- ' tung von K. Trautmann. 1894. Plates. *Cab.6o.io6.9 10. Die Amalienburg im Konigl. Schlossgarten zu Nymphenburg. Ein- leitung von K. Trautmann. 2. Auflage. 1895. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.io Ausschuss fiir das saechsische Volkstrach- tenfest, Dresden, 1896. Sachsische Volkstrachten und Bauernhauser. Dres- den. 1897. 40 plates. *Cab.28.20.4 Back, F. Mittelrheinische Kunst. Beitrsege zur Geschichte der Malerei und Plastik im vierzehnten & fiinfzehnten Jahrhun- dert. Frankfurt a. M. 1910. Illus. 68 plates. [Historischer Verein des Gross- herzogthums Hessen.] 4071.169 Badischer Architecten- und Ingenieur- Verein. Freiburg im Breisgau: die Stadt und ihre Bauten. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1898. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Geological scetion. 4094*34 A collection of articles by various writers. Unterrheinischer Bezirk. Mannheim und seine Bauten. Mannheim. [1907.] 2 v. Illus. Plans. Maps. *4093.i92 A' collection of articles by various writers. Baer, C. H. Deutsche Wohn- & Festraume aus sechs Jahrhunderten. Stuttgart. 1912. Illus. Plates. [Bauformen-Bibli- othek.] 4090a. 149 Batty, R. German scenery from drawings made in 1820. London. 1825. 60 plates. **K.ii6.9 Baudenkmaeler, Die, in Frankfurt am Main. Bearbeitet von C. Wolff und Dr. R. Jung [etc.]. Band i, 2; 3 (i). Frankfurt a. M. 1896-1902. 3 V. Illus. Plans. 4102.72 Baudenkmale, Die, in der Pfalz. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von der Pfalzischen Kreisgesellschaft des bayerischen Ar- chitecten- und Ingenieur-Vereins. Lud- Baudenkmale, Die, in der Pfalz. (Conlinucd.) wigshafen. 1884, 9^- 5 v. in 3. Illus. Plates. *8o9i.io8 Baum, J. Die Bauwerke des Elias Holl. Strassburg. 1908. 33 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.461 Drei Mainzer Hallenkirchen. Plates. {In Studien aus Kunst und Geschichte Friedrich Schneider gewidmet. Pp. 353- 370. Freiburg im B. 1906.) *4072.i67 Contents. — Sankt Stefan. — Sankt Quintin. — Liebfrauenkirche. Contains a description of their architectural fea- tures, also bibliographies. Ulmer Kunst. Stuttgart. 191 1. Illus. 4072.1 1 1 Die Ulmer Plastik um 1500. Stuttgart. 191 1. Plates. 8083.75 Baumeister, E. Rokoko - Kirchen Ober- bayerns. Strassburg. 1907. 31 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.460 Bayerischer Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein. Miinchen und seine Bauten. Miinchen. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4093.180 Behrend, W. Zwei Ostseestaedte: Rostock und Wismar. Leipzig. [1909.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 40993.31 Verzeichnis des hauptsachlich benutzen Ma- terials, p. (i). Behrendt, W. C. Alfred Wessel. Mit einer einleitenden Betrachtung von K. Scheff- ler. Berlin. 1911. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4091.129 Bergner, H. Handbuch der biirgerlichen Kunstaltertiimer in Deutschland. Leip- zig. 1906. 2 V. Plates. Plans. 4074.434 Literatur, vol i, pp. 1-7. Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunstalter- tiimer in Deutschland. Leipzig. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4094.i3i Gegenstand und Literatur, pp. 1-6. Some of the plates are colored. Naumburg und Merseburg. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. [Beriihmte Kiinststatten.] 4074.490 Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Motive der deutschen Architektur des xvi., xvii. und XVIII. Jahrhunderts in historischer Anordnung. Herausgegeben von A. Lambert und E. Stahl. Stuttgart. 1890, 93. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i88.6 Contents. — i. Fruh- und Hochrenaissance. 1500- 1650. 2. Barock und Rokoko. 1650-1800. Beyer, A., and F. Pressel. [Ulmer] Miinster- Blatter. Ulm. 1878-89. 6 parts in 2 v. Plates. *4ioo.7i Bezold, G. von. Die Baukunst der Renais- sance in Deutschland, Holland, Bclgien und Danemark. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.7 Literatur, p. 268. Bischof, M. Breslau und andere schlesische Orte. 70 plates. (In Ortwein, A. Deutsche Renaissance. Abtheilung 53. Leipzig. 1884.) 8090.57; No. 9 in 8070.103.6 GERMANY 137 Bischof, M, {Continued.) Same, (in Same. Schlussj. No. 4 in 8070.103.7 Rudolstadt, Saalfeld und Coburg. 20 plates. {In Ortwein, A. Deutsche Renaissance. Abtheilung 58. Leipzig. 1884-87.) No. 8 in 8070.103.7 Bock, F. Karl's des Grossen Pfalzkapelle und ihre Kunstschatze. Band i, Theil i, 2. Coin. [1866,67.] 2v.ini. Plates. Publication discontinued. 4103.84 Boegner, T. Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Miinchen. [1912.] Portrait. Plates. Map. *4092.4o Emphasizes the architectural features of the city. Boerger, H. Grabdenkmaler im Maingebiet vom Anfang des xiv. Jahrhunderts bis zum Eintritt der Renaissance. Leipzig. [1907.] 28 plates. [Kunstgeschicht- lichc Monographien.] *4o84.22o Bogner, H. Das Arkadenmotiv im Ober- geschoss des Aachener Miinsters und seine Vorganger. Strassburg. 1906. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.382 Die Grundrissdisposition der Aachener Pfalzkapelle und ihre Vorganger. Strassburg. 1906. 6 plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.441 Boisseree, S. Denkmale der Baukunst am Nieder-Rhein. 2. Ausgabe. Miinchen. 1844. Plates. *4ioo.7 Histoire et description de la cathedrale de Cologne, accompagnee de recherches sur I'architecture des anciennes cathe- drales. Stuttgart. 1821, 23. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, 17 plates. *Cab.8i.i8.i The title of the Atlas is : Vues, plans, coupes et details de la Cathedrale de Cologne. Some of the plates are colored. (Same. [Texte.] Nouvelle edition aug- mentee. Munich. 1843. Plates. Plans. *8o9i.54. liffei The first part of this edition of the text differs largely from that of the earlier one, but the second parts of both editions are identical. Braun, J. Die Kirchenbauten der deutschen Jesuiten. Ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte des 17. und 18, Jahr- hunderts. Freiburg im B. 1908, 10. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. Erganzungsheft.] 4106.46 Contents. — i. Die Kirchen der ungeteilten rheini- schen und der niederrheinischen Ordensprovinz. 2. Die Kirchen der oberdeutschen und der ober- rheinischen Ordensprovinz. Bruhns, L. Die Grabplastik des ehemaligen Bistums Wiirzburg wahrend der Jahre 1480-1540. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Renaissance. Leipzig. 1912. 13 plates. 4105.116 Bumpus, T. F. The cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and North Germany. Lon- don. [1906.] Illus. Maps. [The cathe- dral series.] 4109.73 Bibliography, pp. 355, 356. Holiday rambles among the cathedrals and churches of North Germany. Lon- don. 1903. Illus. Plates. 4105.79 Burmester, A., editor. Die grossen Speicher- bauten Hamburg's und Altona's. Ham- burg. 1890. 177 plates. *Cab.6o.45.2 Clemens, J. F.. and others. Der Dom zu Magdeburg. Gezeichnet und herausgege- ben von Clemens, Mellin und Rosenthal. Magdeburg. [1852.] Plates. Plans. n u ^.r- X. . *Cab.6o.i66.6 Cohn-Wiener, E. Alt-Nurnberg und das malensche Frankenland. 145 Bilder nach Naturaufnahmen, mit einleitendem Text. Berhn. [1912.] Plates. Vignette. [Durch ganz Deutschland: Kunst und Landschaft in Bildern.] 409oa.i7o Decker, P. Fi^rstlicher Baumeister, oder: Architectura civilis, wie grosser Fursten und Herren Pallaste . . . fiiglich anzu- legen und nach heutiger Art auszu- zieren. Verlegt von J. Wolff. Augs- purg. 171 1, 16. 2 V. *8o90.io6 Dehio, G. Handbuch der deutschen Kunst- denkmaler. Im Auftrage des Tages fiir Denkmalplege. Band 1-4. Berlin. 1905- 12. 5 V. Map. 4079.325 In progress. Delpy, E. Koln. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Portrait. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a. 2 1 Dethlefsen, R. Bauernhauser und Holz- kirchen in Ostpreussen: mit Unter- stiitzung der Koniglich preuss. Stadts- Regierung. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o9i.i5 Literatur, p. (6). Deutsche Villa, Die. Berlin. [1890, 91.] 2 v. in I. 100 plates. *8iooa.5i Dibdin, T. F. A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and Ger- many. London. 1821. 3 v. Plates. **G.i65.6 Same. 2d edition. 1829. 3 v. **K.293.i3; **K.233.3; 2114.1 Dietrich, W. Beitrage zur Entwicklung des biirgerlichen Wohnhauses in Sachsen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4091.142 Dirr, P. Augsburg. Leipzig. [1909.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Map. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.30 Doenges, W. F. Dresden. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. Coat-of-arms. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.24 Doering, P. O. Braunschweig. Leipzig. 1905. Plates. Portraits. [Beriihmte Kunst- statten.] 4074-330 Literatur, pp. 131, 132. Deutschlands mittelalterliche Kunstdenk- maler als Geschichtsquelle. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Hierse- manns Handbiicher.] 4075.239 Dohme, R. Geschichte der deutschen Bau- kunst. Berlin. 1887. Plates. 8071.56 Die Kirchen des Cistercienserordens in Deutschland. Leipzig. 1869. Illus. 8096.26 Malerische Ansichten von Niirnberg, von L. Ritter. Berlin. 1876. Plates. *486oa.i Dohme, R., editor. The early Teutonic, Ital- ian and French masters. Translated and edited from the Dohme series by A. H. 138 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Dohme, R., editor. (Continued.) Keane. London. 1880. lUus. **K.29o.i6;*8o72.6o Contains four chapters on early German archi- tecture. Dorian, A. Les transformations d'une place forte alsacienne des origines a nos jours. Histoire architecturale et anecdotique de Schlestadt. Paris. 1912. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Coats of arms. 4094.165 Dresdener Architekten-Verein. Dresdener Architektur-Album. Bauten und Ent- wiirfe. Dresden. [1874-78.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i69.7 Ebhardt, B. Deutsche Burgen. Berlin. [1899-1907.] 2v. Plates. Plans. *4090.io8 Eichholz, P. Das alteste deutsche Wohn- haus. Ein Steinbau des ix. Jahrhund- derts. Strassburg. 1907. Illus. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.452 The house in question is the Graue Haus in Winkel im Rheingau. Emden, H. Der Dom zu Mainz und seine bedeutendsten Denkmaler. Mit histo- rischem und erlauterndem Texte. Mainz. 1858. 36 photographs. Title and text repeated in French. *8o90a.I02 Ende, H., editor. Architektonische Studien- Blatter. Photographische Original-Auf- nahmen von H. Ruckwardt. Berlin. fi8o2?] 4 V. 525 plates. *Cab.6o.i7.i Ewerbeck, F. Architektonische Entwiirfe und Bauausfiihrungen. Berlin. [1890?] 36 plates. *Cab.6o.88.2 Architectonische Reiseskizzen aus Deut- schland, Frankreich und Spanien. Eine Sanimlung mittelalterlicher Baudenk- miiler. Hannover. 1865. 60 plates. *8ioo.6i Faesch, J. R. Anderer Versuch seiner archi- tect: Wercke bestehend in allerhand Grund-Haupt-Rissen und Profile unter- schiedener Gebauden. Niirnberg. [1738.] 5 parts in i v. 125 plates. *Cab.6o.89.2 Faulwasser, J. Die St. Katharinen-Kirche in Hamburg. Hamburg. 1896. Illus. 20 plates. *4ioo.46 Flottwell, E. von. Magdeburgs Bau und Kunstdenkmaler. [Magdeburg, etc. 1892, 96.] 2 V. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.5 Contents. — i. Mittelalterliche Bau- und Kunst- denkmaler in Magdeburg. 2. Bau- und Kunst- denkmaler der Renaissance und des Barock. Fischer, J. L. Ulm. Leipzig. 1912. [Be- ruehmte Kunststatten.] 4074.499 Foerster, E. J. Denkmale deutscher Bau- kunst, Bildnerei und Malerei. Leipzig. 1855-69. 12 V. Plates. Plans. *8o85.4 Die deutsche Kunst in Bild und Wort. Leipzig. 1879. Plates. *8o7o.io9 Geschichte der deutschen Kurist. Leipzig. 1851-55- 3 V. Illus. 4064.19 Same. i860. 4088.19 Franck-Oberaspach, C. Der Meister der Ecclesia und Synagoge am Strassburger Miinster. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Bildhauerkunst des dreizehnten Jahr- hunderts in Deutschland. Diisseldorf. 1903. 12 plates. 8085.123 Franck-Oberaspach, C., and E. Renard. Die Kunstdenkmaler des Kreises Heinsberg. . . . Diisseldorf. 1906. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Kunstdenkmaler der Rhein- provinz. Band 8, Abteilung 3.] *407 Frankfort on the Main. Hochbauamt. Hochbauten der Stadt Frankfurt a. M. i: Mittelschulen. Frankfurt a. M. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8091.122 Fritsch, K. E. O. Denkmaeler deutscher Renaissance. Berlin. 1891. 4 v. 300 plates. *Cab.6o.28.i Fritze, E. Frankish-thiiringische (althenne- bergische) Holzbauten, aus alter und neuer Zeit. Meiningen. 1892. 45 plates. *8i02.3i Fuchs, C., publisher. Haraburgs Neubau. Sammlung sammtlicher Fagaden der Gebaude an den neubebauten Strassen. Hamburg. [1844-48.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i6o.4 Fuessli, W. Ziirich und die wichtigsten Stadte am Rhein mit Bezug auf alte und neue Werke der Architektur, Sculptur und Malerei. 2. Ausgabe. Leipzig. 1846. 2 V. 4064.22 Gebbie & Husson Co. Twenty-eight photo- gravures [of buildings &c., in Nurem- berg, illustrating Longfellow's poem of that name]. Philadelphia. 1888. *45oo.44 Geier, F. X. L., and R. Goerz. Denkmale romanischer Baukunst am Rhein. Frankfurt a. M. 1846, 47. Plates. *Cab.6o.4i.i Gerlach, M. Niirnbergs Erker, Giebel und Hofe. Photographische Aufnahmen. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Wien. [1897.] 55 plates. *407o.io5 Gerland, O. G. C. Hildesheim und Goslar. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. Plan. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.327 Verzeichnis der hauptsachlichst benutzten Schrif- ten, pp. 123, 124. Giesenberg, E. Das Opernhaus zu Frank- furt a. M. Berlin. 1883. 13 plates. *Cab.6o.96.7 Goebel, O. H. Das siiddentsche Biirgerhaus. Dresden. 1908. Text, i v. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i62.2 Goeck, C. Die gewerblichen Fortbildungs- schulen und verwandten Anstalten in Deutschland, Belgien und der Schweiz. Wien. 1882. Maps. Plans. 8022.148 Goethe. Von deutscher Baukunst. (In his Von deutscher Art und Kunst. Pp. 81- 92. Stuttgart. 1892.) *289ob.5o.4o/4i Gottlob, F. Formenlehre der norddeutschen Backsteingothik. Leipzig. 1900. 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i32.2 Gramm, J. C. Der Architekt fiir Freunde der schoenen Baukunst. Fagaden, Grundrisse und Details. Frankfurt am Main. 1854. 25 colored plates. *Cab.6o.i6o.2 Designs for German country houses. Grautoff, O. N. Liibeck. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 40993.1 Die wichtigste Literatur . . . pp. i6i, 162 GERMANY 130 GrcHier, A. Habitations gauloises et villas latines dans la cite des Mediomatrices. Paris. 1906. Plans. [Bibliotheque de I'ecole des hautes etudes. Sciences his- toriques et philologiques.] 2622.186 Grille de Beuzelin, E. L. H. T. Essai his- torique et archeologique sur I'eglise et le couvent de Saint-Jacques ou Saint- Jacob des ficossois a Ratisbonne. Paris. 1835. Plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i3i.3 Grisebach, A. Danzig. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. Illuminated title-page. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.i6 Das deutsche Rathaus der Renaissance. Berlin. 1907. Illus. Plans. 4094.166 Literatur, p. (2). Gropius, P., and H. Schmieden. Das neue Gewandhaus in Leipzig. Berlin. 1887. 16 plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.5 Gurlitt, C. Das Barock- und Rococo-Orna- ment Deutschlands. Berlin. 1885-89. 4 v. 80 plates. [Dohme, R., and C. Gurlitt. Die Architektur und das Kunstgewerbe des XVII. und xviii. Jahrhunderts.] *Cab.8o.36.i Die deutsche Kunst des neunzehnten Jahr- hunderts. Berlin. 1899. Plates. [Das neunzehnte Jahrhundert in Deutsch- lands Entwicklung.] *28i6.32 The plates include a few of architecture. Historische Stadtebilder. Band 1-3, 6, 8, 10, II. Berlin. 1901-09. 7 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i37.4 Contents. — i. Erfurt. 2. Wurzburg. 3. Tanger- munde. — Stendal. — Brandenburg. 6. Ulm. 8. Breslau. 10. Potsdam. 11. Dantzig. Haenel, C. M. Sachsische Herrensitze und Schlosser. Herausgegeben von Haenel u. Adam und Cornelius Gurlitt. Dres- den. [1885?] Illus. 69 plates. Plans. *L.5o.i5 Haghe, L. Sketches in Belgium and Ger- many. London. 1840-50. 3 v. 73 plates. *Cab.6o.i2i.2 Halm, P. Ornamente & Motive des Rococo- Stiles aus deutschen Kunstdenkmalen. Frankfurt a. M. 1887. 40 plates. *8o6o.io4 Hampe, T. Das germanische Nationalmu- seum [Niirnberg] von 1852 bis 1902. Leipzig. [1902.] Plates. Plans. Some of the plates are colored. *4070.I48 Hanfstaengl, E. Hans Stethaimer: eine Studie zur spatgotischen Architektur Altbayerns. Leipzig. 191 1. Plates. Plans. [Kunstgeschichtliche Monographien.] Benutzte Spczial-Literatur, p. (i). 4084.23I Hanftmann, B. Hessische Holzbauten. Marburg. 1906, 07. Text, i v. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans; Atlas, 50 plates. ♦4090.178 Hartel, A. Coin. Leipzig. [1887?] 100 plates in 3 v. *Cab.6o.66.i t. Contents. — i, 2. Bauwerke der Neuzeit. 3. Bau- f werke des Mittelalters. artig, E., editor. Die Ruhmeshalle in Bar- men. Berlin. 1902. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.iso.5 Hartmann, P., and E. Renard. Die Kunst- denkmaler des Kreises Diiren. Diissel- dorf. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. Bird's eye views. [Kunstdenkmaler der Rhein- provinz. Band 9, Abteilung i.] ♦4071.265.9.1 Hartung, H. ^ Motive der mittelalterlichen Baukunst in Deutschland. Berlin. [1896- 1905] 3 V. in 4. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.i25.2 Hasak, M. ' Geschichte der deutschen Bild- hauerkunst im xiii. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1899. Plates. *Cab.8o.2i5.2 Die Kirchen Gross St. Martin und St. Aposteln in Koln. Berlin. [1899.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.158 Hase, C. W., editor. Die mittelalterlichen Baudenkmaler Niedersachsens. Heraus- gegeben von dem Architecten- und In- genieur-Verein zu Hannover. Hannover. 1861-83. 3 V. in 2. Illus. 159 plates. *8ioo.ioi Haupt, A. Zur Baugeschichte des Heidel- berger Schlosses: neue Forschungs- ergebnisse uber die Heidelberger Re- naissancebauten. Frankfurt a. M. 1092. Illus. Plates. 4094.177 Hausmann, S., and E. Polaczek. Denkmaler der Baukunst im Elsass. Strassburg. 1906. Text, I V. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i65.i Hauttmann, M. Der kurbayerische Hofbau- meister Joseph Effner: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der hofischen Kunstpflege, der Architektur und Ornamentik in Deutschland zu Anfang des . 18. Jahr- hunderts. Strassburg. 1913. Portrait. 30 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.560 Literatur, pp. 211-215. Headlam, C. The story of Nuremberg. London. 1899. Illus. [Mediaeval towns.] 4869.38 Heffner, C. Wurzburg und seine Umgebun- gen. 2. Ausgabe. Wiirzburg. 1871. Plates. 2826.56 Helmken, F. T. The Cathedral of Cologne: its history, architecture, decorations, art-treasures and legends. Translated from the German by J. W. Watkins. 3d revised edition. Cologne. 1889. Illus. Portraits. 4108.87 List of principal works consulted, p. 126. Henning, R. Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischen Entwickelung. Strassburg. 1882. Illus. *2902.50.47 Die deutschen Haustypen. Strassburg. 1886. *2902.5o.55.2 These two works belong to the series Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturge- schichte der germanischen Volker. Hevesi, L. Rudolf Alt: sein Leben und sein Werk. Wien. 191 1. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *Cab.6o.i83.2 Contains studies of German architecture. Heyer, R. Alt-Hildesheim. Sammlung i. Wolfenbiittel. 1898. 10 plates. ♦Cab.60.134.1 Two pages of text. Some of the plates are colored. 140 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Hirschvogelsaal, Nuremberg. Der Hirsch- vogelsaal zu Niirnberg. Ein Meister- werk der deutschen Renaissance, ausge- fiihrt von P. Flotner, 1534. Niirnberg. [1903?] 8 plates. *Cab.8o.i39.3 Hirth, G. Das deutsche Zimmer der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock-, Rococo- und Zopfstils. 3. Auflage. Miinchen. 1886. Illus. Plates. *4ioi.6i Hoffmann, J. Baukunst und dekorative Skulptur der Renaissance in Deutsch- land mit einer Einleitung von P. Klopfer. Stuttgart. 1909. Plates. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i44 Hofmann, F. H. Bayreuth und seine Kunst- denkmale. Miinchen. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4073.264 Die Kunst am Hofe der Markgrafen von Brandenburg, frankische Linie. Strass- burg. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.342 Hope, T. An historical essay on architec- ture. Illustrated from drawings made in Italy and Germany. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1835. Text, I v.; Atlas, 97 plates. *4092.62 Same. 3d edition. 1840. 2 v. 4092.8 An analytical index, by Edward Cresy, published in 1836, is on shelf-numbers *4092.is; **G.iS4-5' Huber-Liebenau, T. von. Das deutsche Haus zur Zeit der Renaissance. Berlin. 1882. [Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage.] No. 2 m *59i4-50-i7 Huebsch, H. Bau-Werke. 2. Folge. Carls- ruhe. [1859-] *Cab.6o.4i.5 Plans of German buildings, with explanatory text. Humann, G. Zur Geschichte der karolingi- schen Baukunst. Strassburg. 1909, 11. 2 V. Illus. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.516 Huppertz, A. Die Abteikirche zu Laach und der Ausgang des gebundenen romani- schen Systems in den Rheinlanden. Strassburg. 1913. 22 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.561 Jaeger, J. Die Klosterkirche zu Ebrach. Ein kunst- und kulturgeschichtliches Denk- mal aus der Bliithezeit des Cistercien- ser-Ordens. Wiirzburg. 1903. Plates. Plans. 4101.88 Quellen- und Litteraturangabe, pp. 142-144. Joseph, D. Architektonische Meisterwerke alter und " neuer Zeit in Deutschland, Belgieh, Holland und der Schweiz. 2. Auflage. Berlin. [1896.] 96 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.8 Jousset, P. L'AUemagne contemporaine illustree. Paris. [190T.] Illus. *286o.24 Jung, W. Die Klosterkirche zu Zinna im Mittelalter. Ein Beitrag zur Bauge- schichte der Zisterzienser. Strassburg. 1904. Illus. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.368 Keane, A. H., editor. Einhart. — Tuotilo of St. Gall. — Saint Bernward. — The Ger- man minsterbuilders. (Translated from Keane, A. H., editor. (Continued.) The early Teutonic, Italian and French masters by R. Dohme.) London. 1880. Illus. No. 1-4 in **K.290.i6; 8072.60 The German original is on shelf-no. 8072.55.1. Keller, H., of Frankfort-on-the-Main, pub- lisher. Danziger Barock. Aufnahmen von Werken der Bildnerei und des Kunstgewerbes aus offentlichem und privatem Besitze in Danzig. Frankfurt a. M. 1909. 48 plates. *Cab.6o.i6i.3 Kerckerinck zur Borg, E., Freiherr von, and R. Klapheck. Alt- Westfalen: die Bauentwicklung Westfalens seit der Renaissance. Stuttgart [1912.] Illus. 232 plates. Plans. [Westfalische Kom- mission fiir Heimatschutz. Veroffent- lichung I.] *4093.i82 Kerp, H. Am Rhein. Bielefeld. 1908. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Land und Leute. Monographien zur Erdkunde.] 4862.37 Klasen, L. Grundriss- Vorbilder von Ge- bauden aller Art. Mit Textfiguren und Tafeln in Photolithographie. Leipzig. 1884-96. 15 parts in 21 v. Plates. *4i03.58 Contents. — i. Wohn- und Geschaftshauser. 2. Gasthauser, Hotels und Restaurants. 3. Schul- gebaude. 4. Gebaude fur Gesundheitspflege und Heilanstalten. 5. Viehmarkte, Schlacht- hofe und Markthallen. 6. Gebaude fiir Han- delszwecke. 7. Gebaude fiir Vereine, fur Con- certe und Vergnugungen. 8. Wohlthatigkeits- anstalten. 9. Gebaude fiir Verwaltungszwecke. 10. Gebaude fur Kunst und Wissenschaft. 11. Gebaude fiir kirchliche Zwecke. 12. Gebaude fiir militarische Zwecke. 13. Gebaude fiir Jus- tizzwecke. 14. Gebaude fur die Zwecke der Land-, Garten- und Forstwirthschaft. 15. Fa- briken, Klenze, L. von. Sammlung architectoni- scher Entwiirfe fiir die Ausfuhrung be- stimmt oder wirklich ausgefiihrt. 2. Ausgabe. Miinchen. 1847-50. 60 plates. *Cab.6o. 103.2 Klinkenberg, J. Koln und seine Kirchen nebst einem Fiihrer durch die Stadt. Koln. 1903. Illus. Map. 2864.30 Klinkenberg, J., and J. Krudewig. Die Kunstdenkmaler der Stadt Koln. Band I, Abteilung i, 2, Diisseldorf. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Kunstdenkmiilcr der Rheinprovinz. Band 6, Abteilung i, 2.] *407i.265.6 Contents. — i. Quellen. Bearbeitet von J. Kjude- wig. 2. Das romische Koln. Bearbeitet von J. Klinkenberg. The second volume (ist part) of this work may be found under Rahtgens. Knackfuss, H. Deutsche Kunstgeschichte. Bielefeld. 1888. 2 v. Illus. 8061.75 Koeniglicher saechsischer Altertumsverein, Dresden. Die Sammlung des Konigl. sachsischen Altertumsvereins zu Dres- den in ihren Hauptwerken. 100 Blatt in Lichtdruck. Herausgegeben von Otto Wanckel. Text von Eduard Flechsig. Dresden. 1900. Plates. ♦4071.148 GERMANY 141 H Koeniglich - preussische Messbildanstalt. Grossbilder-Katalog. [Berlin.] 1906. (30) plates. *4092.i5o Each plate contains 35 photographs of buildings, principally German, which in the text are classi- fied alphabetically by cities and towns. [Photographs of German church architec- ture. Berlin. 1908.] 471 mounted pho- tographs in 14 portfolios. Silver prints. *Cab.6o.i8o.i For the contents of these volumes see this title under Ecclesiastical architecture. Kossmann, B. Der Ostpalast sogenannter "Otto Heinrichsbau" zu Heidelberg. Strassburg. 1904. Plates. Plans. [Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.361 Kroker, E. Leipzig. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4ogga.i5 Kuehn, P. Weimar. Leipzig. [1908.] Por- traits. Plates. Map. [Statten der Kul- tur.] 4099a.23 Kuhlow, K. Das konigliche Schloss Char- lottenhof bei Potsdam baugeschichtlich und kunstgeschichtlich dargestellt. Ber- lin. 1912. Plates. Plans. 4091.36 Kunstdenkmaler, Die, der Rheinprovinz. Im Auftrage des Provinzialverbandes her- ausgegeben von Paul Clemen. Band 1-4, 5 (Abteilung 1-4), 6 (i, 2), 7 (i), 8 (1-3), 9 (i, 2). Diisseldorf. 1891-1912. 10 V. in 25. Illus. Plates. Plans. Tn progress. *4071.265 Kunstdenkmaler, Die, des Grossherzog- thums Baden. Band 1-6 (Abtheilung i), 7, 8 (i), 9 (i). Freiburg i. B. [etc.]. 1887-1913. Text, 9 V. in 12. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, i v. *8og2.ii9 Kunstdenkmale des Konigreiches Bayern, vom iiten bis zum Ende des i8ten Jahr- hunderts. Band i, 2 (Heft 1-19, 21), 3 (1-6), 4 (i). Miinchen. 1895-1912. Text, 4 V. in 29; Atlas, i v. and unbound' parts. 274 plates. *8o90.i45 Lachner, C. [Geschichte der Holzbaukunst in Deutschland.] Leipzig. 1885. 2 v. Illus. Colored plates. *8o9i.ii9 Lambert, A., and E. Stahl. Deutsche Resi- denzen und Garten des xviii. Jahrhun- derts. Teil i. Leipzig. [1909.] Plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i6i.4 Contents. — 1. Nymphenburg. — Schleissheim. Lampe, F. Berlin und die Mark Branden- burg. 2. Auflage. Bielefeld. 1909. Illus. Plates. [Land und Leute. Monogra- phien zur Erdkunde.] 4862.41 Literatur, p. 201. Lasius, O. Das friesische Bauernhaus in seiner Entwickelung wahrend der letz- ten vier Jahrhunderte. Strassburg. 1885. Illus. Plans. [Quellen und For- schungen zur Sprach- und Culturge- schichte der germanischen Volker. 55, i] *2902.5o.55.i aske, F. Schloss Wilhelmsburg bei Schmalkalden. Unter Beigabe geschicht- licher Forschungen von Otto Gerland. Berlin. 1895. 34 plates. *Cab.6o.84.5 Lehfeldt, P. Bau- und Kunst-Denkmaler Thiiringens. Jena. 1888-1913. 20 v. in Lehfeldt, P. (Continued.) 24. Illus. Plates. Plans. Namely: Grossherzogthum Sachsen-Weimar-Eise- nach. 1888-1913. 4 V. in 5. *8o92.io2 Herzogthum Sachsen-Altenburg. Band i, 2. 1888, 95. 2 V. *8o92.io3 Herzogthum Sachsen-Meiningen. Band 1-4. 1892-1909. 4 V. in 5. *8o92.io4 Vol. I, which is in two parts, was published in 1909. Fiirstenthum Schwarzburg - Rudolstadt. Band i, 2. 1889, 94. 2 v. in 3. *8o92.io5 Fiirstenthum Reuss alterer Linie. 1891. *8o92.io6 Herzogthum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. 1891-1907. 4 v. in 6. *8o92.io7 Furstenthum Reuss jiingerer Linie. 1891. 96. 2 v. *8o92.io8 Lehmann, J. G. C, and C. Petersen. Ansich- ten und Baurisse der neuen Gebaude fiir Hamburgs offentliche Bildungsanstal- ten. Hamburg. 1840. 9 plates. *2iii.3o Lehmgruebner, P. Mittelalterliche Rathaus- bauten in Deutschland. Berlin. 1905. Illus. 34 plates. [Konigliche tech- nische Hochschule zu Berlin.] Literatur und Quellen, p. (4). *Cab.6o.l52.7 Leitschuh, F. F. Strassburg. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Portraits. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ten.] 4074.262 Wiirzburg. Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.497 Lersch, J. H. L., editor. Niederrheinisches Jahrbuch fiir Geschichte, Kunst und Poesie. Bonn. 1843, 44. 2 v. 5 plates. 6878.41 Lessing, O. Ausgefiihrte Bauornamente der Neuzeit. Sammlung hervorragender Ornamentausfiihrungen in Deutschland und Oesterreich. Berlin. 1884, 90. 2 v. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.i6.3 Plates only. Leybold, L. Das Rathhaus der Stadt Augs- burg. Erbaut 1615 bis 1620 von Elias Holl. 2. Auflage. Berlin. [1892?] 93 plates. *Cab.8o.30.2 Die Renaissance-Denkmaler in Augsburg und im Kreis Schwaben. Leipzig. 1878. [Ortwein, A. Deutsche Renaissance.] 50 plates. *8o7o.i03.i, 4 Plates 1-40 are on shelf-number No. 2 in 8070. 103. 1 ; plates 41-50 on shelf-number No. i in *8o70. 103.4. Licht, H. Architektur der Gegenwart. Mit Text von A. Rosenberg. Berlin. [1892-] 1900. 5 V. 500 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.75.i Architektur Deutschlands. Mit Text von A. Rosenberg. Berlin. 1882. 2 v. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.55.i Lindner, A. Danzig. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Portraits. Map. [Beriihmte Kunst- statten.] 4074.263 Linse, E. Aus meiner Praxis. Band i : Ein Wohnhaus in Aachen. [Aachen. 1892.] 76 plates. *4090.8i Lossnitzer, M. Veit Stoss: die Herkunft seiner Kunst, seine Werke und sein Leben. Leipzig, 1912. Illus. Plates. 8986.113 Abkiirzungen der haufiger angefiihrten Literatur, pp. Ixxvi, Ixxvii. Mainly examples of sculptur** in Nuremberg and Cracow. I 142 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Luebbecke, F. Die gotische Kolner Plastik. Strassburg. 1910. 44 plates. *4074.529 Luebke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the Middle Ages. London. 1870. Plates. *8o6i.6 Same. 2d edition. Edinburgh. 1873. **K.i65.5;**K.29o.io Geschichte der deutschen Kunst. Stutt- gart. 1890. Illus. 8071.27 Geschichte der deutschen Renaissance. Stuttgart. 1872. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst.] 4095.36.5 Die mittelalterliche Kunst in Westtalen. Leipzig. 1853. Text, i v.; Atlas, 30 plates. ♦Cab.28.15.1 Luthmer, F. Das deutsche Wohnhaus der Renaissance. Berlin. [1897.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.148 Plastische Decorationen aus dem Palais Thurn und Taxis zu Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt a. M. 1870. 20 plates. *Cab.8o.72.i Lux, J. A. Das neue Kunstgewerbe in Deutschland. Leipzig. 1908. 82 plates. 4094.176 Refers mainly to architecture and decorative art in architecture. MacLean, L., and M. C. Walther. Deutsches Bauhandwerk vor 100 Jahren: massstab- liche Aufnahmen von Toren, Tiiren, Fenstern, Treppen, Gittern, Kaminen, Of en, Grabsteinen. Berlin, W. [1911-] Illus. 54 plates. *Cab.6o.i73.5 Some of the plates are colored. Marriott, C. The romance of the Rhine. London. 191 1. Colored plates. 2864.83 Mostly church architecture. Matthaei, A. Beitrage zur Baugeschichte der Cistercienser Frankreichs und Deutschlands. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Abteikirche Arnsburg in der Wetterau. Darmstadt. 1893. Illus. 8103.103 May, E. von. Hans Blum von Lohr am Main. Ein Bautheoretiker der deut- schen Renaissance. Strassburg. 1910. Illus. Plate. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.520 Bibliographic, pp. 76-85. Mayer, F. Vollstandige Sammlung aller Baudenkmale, Monumente und anderer Merkwiirdigkeiten Niirnberg's, von J. G. Wolff. Niirnberg. [1843, 50.] 2 v. Plates. *B.6io6.6o Mebes, P. Um 1800. Architektur und Hand- werk im letzten Jahrhundert ihrer tradi- tionellen Entwicklung. Miinchen. 1908. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 4091.156 Plates, with introduction in each volume, relating principally to Germany. Meier, P. J. Braunschweig. Leipzig. [1910?] Illus. Plates. Coat of arms. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.37 Menard, R. L'art en Alsace-Lorraine. Paris. 1876. Illus. *4073-53 Merlo, J. J. Kolnische Kiinstler in alter und neuer Zeit. Herausgegeben yon E. Fir- menich-Richartz unter Mitwirkung von H. Keussen. Dusseldorf. 1895. Illus. Plates. [Publikationen der Gesellschaft Merlo, J. J. (Continued.) fur rheinische Geschichtskunde.] *8o6i.85 Metzger, M. Die alte Profanarchitektur Liibecks. Liibeck. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Literatur-Nachweis, p. 36. *Cab.6o.l69.8 Metzger, M., editor. Moderne schmiedeei- serne Schaufensterkonstruktionen. Aus- gefiihrte Entwiirfe tuchtiger Fachman- ner gesammelt und herausgegeben. 25 Tafeln . . . nebst kurzgefasstem Text. Lubeck. [1910.] *Cab.4o.4i.4 Metzsch-Reichenbach, C. von. Die interes- santesten alten Schlosser, Burgen und Ruinen Sachsens. Dresden. 1902. Illus. 2864.41 Meyer-Altona, E. Die Sculpturen des Strassburger Miinsters. Theil i. Strass- burg. 1894. Plates. [Studien zur deut- schen Kunstgeschichte.] *4074.i66 Meyer- Schwartau, W. Der Dom zu Speier und verwandte Bauten (die Dome zu Mainz und Worms, die Abteikirchen zu Limburg a. Hardt, Hersfeld und Kauf- fungen, etc.). Berlin. 1893. Illus. 32 plates. [Koenigliche technische Hoch- schule zu Berlin.] *4ioo.73 Mielke, R. W. Das Dorf: ein Handbuch der kiinstlerischen Dorf- und Flurgestal- tung. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.62 Miller, M. Biirgerliche und landliche Bau- werke in der Rheinpfalz. Frankfurt a. M. 1905, 08. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.i57.4 Moller, G. Denkmaler d'er deutschen Bau- kunst. 2. Auflagje. Leipzig. [1852?] 145 plates. *4ioo.i4 An essay on the origin and progress of Gothic architecture, traced in the an- cient edifices of Germany. London. 1824. 4099.33 Memorials of German-Gothic architec- ♦ ture; with additional notes, by W. H. Leeds. [London.] 1836. 4093-5 The plates described in this and the preceding volume are on shelf-number *4ioo.i4. Morison, D. Views of the ducal palaces and hunting seats of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. [London.] 1846. 20 plates. **K.405.5 Mummenhoff, E. Altniirnberg. Schilderun- gen aus der alteren reichsstadtischen Zeit bis zum Jahre 1350. Bamberg. 1890. Illus. [Bayerische Bibliothek.] 4868.60 Narjoux, F. Notes & sketches of an archi- tect in the northwest of Europe. Lon- don. 1876. Plates. 4097.6 Same. Boston. 1877. 4097.8 Notes de voyage d'un architecte dans le nord-ouest de I'Europe. Paris. 1876. Plates. 4093.57 Neue Rathhaus, Das, in Hamburg. Ham- burg. 1896. 24 plates. *4090.90 Neuwirth, J. Das Miinster zu Ulm. Berlin. [1899.] Plates. Portrait. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.159 Litteraturnachweise, p. 24. Noehring, J. Liibeck. Seine Bauten und Kunstwerke. Liibeck. [1897.] 37 plates. *Cab.6o.i24.5 GERMANY 143 Nowak, C. F. Sanssouci. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4ogga.25 Ortwein, A. Deutsche Renaissance. Leipzig. [i87i-]88. 9 V. Plates. *8o7o.i03 Vol. 9 has also the title: Deutsche Renaissance in Osterreich. Vol. 1-4 are by A. Ortwein, vol. S-9 by A. Scheffers. Osborn, M. Die deutsche Kunst im neun- zehnten Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1901. [Das deutsche Jahrhundert in Einzel- schriften.] 4074.274 Otte, H. Abriss einer kirchlichen Kunst- Archaologie des Mittelalters, mit aus- schliesslicher Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Lande. 2. Ausgabe. Nord- hausen. 1845. Plates. Plans. 4095.121 Archaologischer Katechismus. Kurzer Unterricht in der kirchlichen Kunstar- chaologie des deutschen Mittelalters. 3. Auflage, neu bearbeitet von Dr. H. Bergner. Leipzig. 1898. Illus. 4103.74 Geschichte der romanischen Baukunst in Deutschland. Leipzig. 1874. Illus. 4094.50 Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunst-Archao- logie des deutschen Mittelalters. 5. Auf- lage. Leipzig. 1883, 85. 2 V. Plates. 4104.61 Pauli, G. Das Bremer Rathaus. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] Literaturnachweise, p. 18. 409O.153 Paulus, E. Die Cisterzienser-Abtei Beben- hausen. Stuttgart. 1886. 20 plates. *4ioo.59 Die Cisterzienser-Abtei Maulbronn. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart. 1889. Illus. 2 plans. 9 plates. *4ioo.6o Pessler, W. Das altsachsische Bauernhaus in seiner geographischen Verbreitung. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Landes und Volkskunde. Braunschweig. 1906. Illus. Plates. Maps. 8094.86 Literatur, pp. 27-102. Pfaff, C. Heidelberg und Umgebung. 2. erweiterte Auflage. Heidelberg. 1902. Plates. Maps. 2863.71 Pfleiderer, R. Miinsterbuch. Das Ulmer Miinster in Vergangenheit und Gegen- wart. Ulm. 1907. Plates. Plan. 4109.89 Pinder, G. M. W. Deutsche Dome des Mittelalters. Diisseldorf. [1912.] Illus. 96 plates. Plans. [Die blauen Biicher.] 4101.112 Polaczek, E. Der Ubergangsstil im Elsass. Ein Beitrag zur Baugeschichte des Mit- telalters. Strassburg. 1894. Plates. [Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.168 Popp, H. Die Architektur der Barock- und Rokokozeit in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Stuttgart. 1913. Illus. Plates. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i5o Verzeichnis der Literatur, pp. 275-279. PopP» J-, and T. Buelau. Les trois ages de I'architecture gothique: representes par des exemples choisis a Ratisbonne. Postbauten des deutschen Reichs. Leipzig. [1887.] 30 photographs with text. *Cab.6o.i38.4 Puttnch, L. Denkmale der Baukunst des Mittelalters in Sachsen. Leipzig. 1836- 50. 4 V. Plates. *8o86.49 Quast, A. F. W. R. von. Die romanischen Dome des Mittelrheins zu Mainz, Speier, Worms. Berlin. 1853. 6 plates. 4103.66 Schinkel und die Gegenwart. Festrede. Berlin. 1872. [Architekten-Verein zu Berlin.] 8095.102 Raczynski, A., Graf. Histoire de I'art mo- derne en Allemagne. Paris. 1836-41. Text, 3 v.; Plates, 2 v. *Cab.8o.204.i A brief resume of this work, with an index of artists, is on shelf-number 4073.106. Rahtgens, H. Die kirchlichen Denkmaler der Stadt Koln: St. Gereon — St. Johann Baptist — Die Marienkirchen — Gross St. Martin. Mit Quelleniibersichten von J. Krudewig. Dusseldorf. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Kunstdenkmaler der Rheinprovinz. Band 7, Abteilung i.] 4071.265.7.1 Rauch, C. Die Kirche zu Segeberg. Preetz. 1903. Plans. 4107.57 Rauda, F. Die mittelalterliche Baukunst Bautzens. Gorlitz. 1905. Plates. Plans. Bibliography, pp. vi-viii. 4093«I77 Reber, F. von. Geschichte der neueren deut- schen Kunst. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1884. 3 V. in 2. 8067.62 Reber, F. von, editor. Bautechnischer Fiihrer durch Munchen. Miinchen. 1876. Plates. Plans. 2839.74 Redtenbacher, R. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Architektur des Mittelalters in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main. [1872-78.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.49.3 Ree, P. J. Nuremberg and its art to the end of the i8th century. Translated from the German by G. H. Palmer. London. 1905. Illus. Portraits. [Famous art cities.] 4074.312 Nurnberg. Entwickelung seiner Kunst bis z'um Ausgange des 18. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1900. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.247 Reiners, H. Die Kunstdenkmaler der Land- kreise Aachen und Eupen. Diisseldorf. 1912. Illus. Plates. [Kunstdenkmaler der Rheinprovinz. Band 9, Abteilung 2.] *407i.265.9.2 Literatur, pp. 9-16. Renard, E. Koln. Leipzig. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ten.] 4074.481 Die Kunstdenkmaler des Siegkreises. Diisseldorf. 1907. Plates. Plans. [Kunst- denkmaler der Rheinprovinz. Band 5, Abteilung 4.] *407i.265.5.4 Literatur, pp. 8-11. Die Schlosser zu Wiirzburg und Bruchsal. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.i54 Literaturnachweise, p. 20. Retberg, R. L. von. Niirnberg's Kunstle- ben In seinen Denkmalen dargestellt. Stuttgart. 1854. Illus. Plate. 4076.181 144 ARCHITECTURE OP COUNTRIES. Rhine Province. Bericht der Provinzial- kommission . . . und der Altertums- und Geschichtsvereine. Bonn. 1910-13. 3 v. lUus. Plates. Plans. 40903.138 Riehl, B. Augsburg. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Portrait. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunst- statten.] 4074.266 Denkmale friihmittelalterlicher Baukunst in Bayern, bayerisch Schwaben, Franken und der Pfalz. Miinchen. 1888. 6 plates. 4105.61 Rimmer, A. The early homes of Prince Al- bert. Edinburgh. 1883. 13 plates. 2862.68; **K. 167.7 Rott, H. Kreis Karlsruhe. Abteilung i. Tubingen. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Die Kunstdenkmaler des Gross- herzo^tums Baden. Band 9, Abteilung I.] 8092.119.9.1 Contents. — Die Kunstdenkmaler der Amtbezirks Bretten. Quellen und .Literatur, Abteilung i, p. 8. Schaden, A. von. Neuester Wegweiser durch die Haupt- und Residenzstadt Miinchen und deren Umgebungen. Miinchen. 1835. Illus. 2834.28 Schaefer, C. Bremen. Leipzig. [1907.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.i3 Die Holzarchitektur Deutschlands, vom XIV. bis XVII. Jahrhundert. Herausge- geben vom Verbande deutscher Archi- tekten- und Ingenieur-Vereine, unter Leitung von C. Schafer. Berlin. 1886, 89. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.i24.4 Some of the plates are colored. Mauern und Thore des alten Niirnberg. Berlin. [1902.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.167 Literaturnachweise, p. 17. Die mustergiltigen Kirchenbauten des Mittelalters in Deutschland. Berlin. 1892. 100 plates. [Romanische und gothische Baukunst.] *Cab.6o.76.4 Schauffler, R. H. Romantic Germany. New York. 1909. Plates. 2866.48 Schilling, B. Die neue Hauptmarkthalle in Koln. Berlin. 1906. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. *Cab.6o.i88.2 Schinkel, C. F. [Sammlung architektoni- scher Entwiirfe.] Heft 1-25. [Berlin. 1820-36.] 156 plates with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.87.i The plans are taken from buildings in Germany, especially in Berlin. Same. [5. Ausgabe.] 1866. 174 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.4 Schmerber, H. Studie iiber das deutsche Schloss und Biirgerhaus im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Strassburg. 1902. Illus. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.345 Bibliography, pp. 140-144. Schmid, W. M. Passau. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.503 Schmidt, C. W. Baudenkmale der romischen Periode und des Mittelalters in Trier und seiner Umgebung. Trier. 1836-45. Text, 5 parts in 2 v. Plate; Atlas, 2 v. 44 plates. *Cab.6o.io2.2 Schmidt, P. F. Frankfurt a. M. Leipzig. [1907.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 40993.12 Wichtigste Literatur, p. 151. Maulbronn. Die baugeschichtliche Ent- wicklung des Klosters im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. und sein Einfluss auf die schwabische und frankische Architektur. Strassburg. 1903. 11 plates. Map. IStudien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074-357 Literatur, pp. 1 16-125. Schmitz, H. Miinster. Leipzig. 1911. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.496 Literatur, pp. 223-225. Soest. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.488 Literatur, pp. 139-141, Schneider, J. C. F. Der Dom zu Mainz. Berlin. 1886. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.3 Schoenermark, G., editor. Die Architektur der hannoverschen Schule. Hannover. 1889-95. 7 V. Plates. [Moderne Werke der Baukunst und des Kunstgewerbes in mittelalterlichen Stil.] *8o92.75 Publication discontinued. Schotte, E. Bilder aus Niirnbergs Mauern. Mit erlauterndem Vorwort von H. Bosch. Niirnberg. [1894.] So plates. *486oa.24 Schultz, A. Die deutschen Dombaumeister. Illus. (In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kunstler des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Vol. i, no. 4. Leipzig. 1887.) No. 4 in 8072.55.1 Deutsches Leben im xiv. und xv. Jahrhun- dert. Wien. 1892. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *482oa.5i Tuotilo von St. Gallen. — Der heilige Bernward. Illus. {In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Vol. i, nos. 2, 3. Leipzig. 1887.) No. 2, 3 in 8072.55.1 Schultz, J. C. Danzig und seine Bauwerke. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. 1872. Text, i v.; Atlas, 2 V. in I. 54 plates. *Cab.6o.ii4.5 Schulz, F. T. Alt-Niirnbergs Profanarchi- tektur. Wien. [1906.] Illus. 113 plates. *Cab.6o.i35.9 Der Hirschvogelsaal zu Niirnberg. Eine bau- und kunstwissenschaftliche Ab- handlung. Niirnberg. 1905. Plates. 4098.144 Niirnbergs Biirgerhauser und ihre Aus- stattung. Lieferung 1-9. Wien. [1909- 13.] Illus. Plates. *4092.36 In progress. Die Rundkapelle zu Altenfurt bei Niirn- berg, ein Bauwerk des xii. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg. 1908. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgescnichte.] 4074.462 Die St. Georgenkirche in« Kraftshof. Strassburg. 1909. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.475 Schulze-Kolbitz, O. Das Schloss zu Aschaf- fenburg. Strassburg. 1905. 26 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.377 Verzeichnis der beimtzten Literatur, pp. ix xi. GERMANY 14S Schumann, P. T. Dresden. Leipzig, tqoq. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.489 Schwartzenberger, A. Der Dom zu Speyer, das Miinster der frankischen Kaiser. Neustaat a. d. Haardt. 1903. 2 v. Plates. 4101.111 Schweighaeuser, J. G. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Strasbourg, et details remarquables de ce monument, dessines par Chapuy. Strasbourg. 1827. 15 plates. No. 5 in *4ioo.74 Seeker, H. F. Die friihen Bauformen der Gotik in Schwaben, insbesondere ihr Zusammenhang mit Details aus der Strassburger Munster-Bauhiitte. Strass- burg. 191 1. 10 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.534 Seidel, G. F. Baugeschichte des Domes und Klosters Ettal im bayerischen Gebirge bei Oberammergau. Berlin. 1890. lUus. 3 plates. *8o8o.24 Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift fur Bauwesen, 1890 [*8ioo.20i.4o]. Die koenigliche Residenz in Miinchen. Leipzig. 1880. 35 plates. *Cab.6o.84.2 The text which accompanies these plates is by Christian Haeutler. It was published in 1883 under the title : Geschichte der Residenz in Miinchen [*Cab.6o.84.3L Seidel, P. Die Kaiser und die.Kunst. Berlin. 1907. Plates. 4070.184 On modern German art including architecture. Seidl, G. von, editor. Der Neubau des bayeri- schen Nationalmuseums in Miinchen. Munchen. 1902. Illus. 82 plates. *Cab.6o.i5i.i Semper, G. Das konigliche Hoftheater zu Dresden. Braunschweig. 1849. Illus. 12 plates. *Cab.6o.99.3 Shaw, R. N. Architectural sketches from the continent. London. 1872. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.i Views and details from France, Italy and Ger- many. Simon, C. Studien zum romanischen Wohn- bau in Deutschland. Strassburg. 1902. 7 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.346 Litteratur, pp. 264-275. Smith, Bernard. Sketches abroad: Ger- many and Switzerland. London. 1880, 83. 32 plates. 4090.77 Sohnrey, H., editor. Kunst auf dem Lande. Ein Wegweiser fiir die Pflege des Schonen und des Heimatsinnes im deut- schen Dorfe. Leipzig. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4093.163 Some of the plates are colored. Steche, R., and C. Gurlitt. Beschreibende Darstellung der alteren Bau- und Kunst- denkmaler des Konigreichs Sachsen. Herausgegeben vom K. sachsischen Alterthumsverein. Dresden. 1882-97. 19 parts in 5 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4102.63 Parts 1-15 are by R. Steche; parts 16-19 by C. Gurlitt. Stegmann, H. Das germanische National- Museum zu Niirnberg in seinen Raumen Stegmann, H. (Continued.) und Gebiiulichkeiten, nach Original- aufnahmen von Rudolf Albrecht. Mit Text. Nurnberg. [1896.] 50 plates. « . . *Cab.4o.49.4 Stembrecht, C. Thorn im Mittelalter. Ber- lin. 1885. Plates. [Die Baukunst des deutschen Ritterordens in Preussen.] „ . *8o8oa.i7 Stemhart, F. X. Einzelheiten alter Bauern- bauten. Leipzig. [1906.] Illus. 48 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i62.i Stephani, K. G. Der alteste deutsche Wohn- bau und seine Einrichtung. Leipzig. 1902, 03. 2 V. Illus. Plans. 4094.28 Stiehl, O. Der Backsteinbau romanischer Zeit, besonders in Oberitalien und Nord- deutschland. Leipzig. 1898. 27 plates. *Cab.6o.i36.i Das deutsche Rathaus im Mittelalter in seiner Entwickelung geschildert. Leip- zig. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4093.181 Stieler, C, and others. The Rhine from its source to the sea. Translated by G. C. T. Bartley. London. 1878. Plates. *286o.6 The German edition under the title Rheinfahrt is on shelf-number *286o.4. Stiilfried- Alcantara, R. M. B., Graf von. Kloster Heilsbronn. Ein Beitrag zu den Hohenzollerischen Forschungen. Ber- lin. 1877. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4104.39 Streiter, R. Die Schlosser zu Schleissheim und Nymphenburg. Berlin. [1901.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] Literaturnachweise, p. 18. 4090.166 Strzygowski, J. Der Dom zu Aachen und seine Entstellung. Ein kunstwissen- schaftlicher Protest. Leipzig. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4092.124 Thraen, G. C. F. Miinster in Ulm, . . . Ulm. [18—?] Plate. Plan. 4107.21 Tombleson, W. Views of the Rhine. Ed- ited by W. G. Fearnside. London. 1832. 2862.21 Tombleson's Upper Rhine. [Descriptive text in German.] London. [1833?] Plates. **K.i63.ii Uhde, C. Braunschweigs Bau-Denkmaler. Braunschweig. 1895, 96. 3 parts in i v. 145 plates. *8o93.iio Uhde-Bernays, H. Nuremberg. New York. 1904. Illus. Portrait. [Langham series of art monographs.] 4079a.282 Rothenburg ob der Tauber. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Coat of arms. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.i4 Literaturnachweis, pp. iio-n6. Ulbrich, A. Die Wallfahrtskirche in Heilige- linde. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des XVII. und xviii. Jahrhunderts in Ost- preussen. Strassburg. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074*339 Verband deutscher Architekten- und In- genieur-Vereine. Das Bauernhaus im deutschen Reiche und in seinen Grenz- gebieten. Dresden. IQ01-06. Text, i v. Plates; Atlas, i v. *Cab.6o.i52.4 146 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Views. Collection int^ressante de vues de Baden. 22 plates. *4867.i5 [Views of German buildings, &c.] **K.i8i.6 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Lettres adressees d'Allemagne a M. Adolphe Lance, archi- tecte. Paris. 1856. 4097.119 Extrait de 1' Encyclopedic d'architecture, 1856 [♦4090.225. 1856]. Vischer, E. Die Schloss-(Sti£ts-) Kirche zum heiligen Michael in Pforzheim. Strassburg. 191 1. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.537 Wadleigh, H. R. Munich. History, monu- ments, and art. New York. [1910.] Plates. Map. 2868.30 Waldmann, E. Die gotischen Skulpturen am Rathaus zu Bremen und ihr Zusam- menhang mit kolnischer Kunst. Strass- burg. 1908. Plates. 4074.464 Wartburg, Die. Ein Denkmal deutscher Geschichte und Kunst. Berlin. 1907. Illus. 54 plates. Plans. *Cab.28.28.4 Weese, A. Die Bamberger Domsculpturen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deut- schen Plastik des xiii. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg. 1897. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.174 Miinchen. Eine Anregung zum Sehen. Leipzig. 1906. Plates. Plans. [Be- riihmte Kun§tstatten.] 4074*334 Weigmann, O. A. Eine Bamberger Bau- meisterfamilie um die Wende des 17. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Dientzenhofer. Strassburg. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.344 Weiss, F. G. A. Chronik der Stadt Breslau. Breslau. 1888. Plates. 2821.66 Westpreussischer Architekten- und Inge- nieur-Verein, Danzig. Charakteristische Giebelbauten und Portale in Danzig aus der Zeit vom 14. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Danzig. 1901. 60 plates. *4092.i36 Whewell, W. Architectural notes on Ger- man churches; with notes written in Picardy and Normandy. 3d edition. Added, Notes on the churches of the Rhine, by J. C. de Lassaulx. Cambridge. 1842. Plates. 4102.18 Wiethase, H. Der Dom zu Coin. Frankfurt a. M. 1889. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.5 Wild, C. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany and France. London. 1843. 24 plates. *8o9oa.io3 Wilmowsky, J. N. von. Der Dom zu Trier in seinen drei Hauptperioden. Trier. 1874. Text, I v.; Atlas, 26 plates. *Cab.28.i4.2 Wyttenbach, J. H. The stranger's guide to the Roman antiquities of the city of Treves. London. 1839. Plates. 4824.2 Zell, F. Bauern-Hauser und volkstumliche Hausmalereien im bayerischen Hoch- land. Frankfurt am Main. 1900. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i44.2 Zeller, A. Die romanischen Baudenkmaler von Hildesheim. Berlin. 1907. Illus. 50 plates. [Konigliche technische Hoch- schule zu Berlin.] *Cab.8o.25i.3 Zimmermann, M. G. Die bildenden Kiinste am Hof Herzog Albrecht's V. von Bay- ern. Strassburg. 1895. Portraits. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.169 Zingeler, C. T., and W. F. Laur. Die Bau- und Kunst-Denkmaler in den Hohen- zollern'schen Landen. Stuttgart. 1896. Plates. 4102.74 Berlin. Architekten-Verein, Berlin. Berlin und seine Bauten. Berlin. 1896. 3 v. in 2. Illus. Plans. *409i.ii Architektonische Details vom Reichstags- Gebaude in Berlin. Berlin. [1897, 98.] 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i23.3 Bieber, R. Details Berliner Neubauten. Berlin. [1893.] 25 plates. *8o94.io6 Borrmann, R. Die Bau- und Kunstdenk- maler von Berlin. Berlin. 1893. Plates. *8o9oa.66 Clemen, P. Das Kaiser Friedrich Museum zu Berlin: der Bau und seine Geschichte. Leipzig. 1904. Plates. Plans. No. I in 8070.237 Consentius, E. Alt-Berlin. Anno 1740. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 191 1. Plates. Plans. 4837.29 Cremer, A. Das neue Anatomic- Gebaude zu Berlin. Berlin. 1866. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i6i.i The building belongs to the Koniglich-preussische Friedrich Wilhelms Universitat. Dohme, R. Das konigliche Schloss in Ber- lin. Leipzig. 1876. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, 40 plates. *Cab.8o.i54.i Germany. Reichstag. Das Kunstgewerbe im Reichstags-Gebaude in Berlin. Eine Sammlung der hervorragendsten Ar- beiten in Stein, Holz u. Metall. Berlin. [1897.] 3 parts. *Cab.6o.i24.2 Contents. — i. Arbeiten in Stein. 2. Arbeiten in Holz. 3. Arbeiten in Metall. Gerstenberg, A. Die stadtischen Schulbau- ten Berlins. Berlin. 1871. 15 plates. *Cab.6o.42.3 Kaemmerling, H. Das Krollsche Etablis- sement zu Berlin. [Berlin. 1861.] 12 plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.i44.5 Das Victoria Theater zu Berlin. [Berlin. i860.] 25 plates with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.i44.6 Das Wallner-Theater zu Berlin. Berlin. 1868. 12 plates with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.i44.7 These three works form part of E. Titz's Ent- wiirfe zu ausgefiihrten offentlichen und privat- Gebaude. Knoblauch, G., and F. Hollin. Die neue Synagoge in Berlin, entworfen und ausgefiihrt von E. Knoblauch, vollendet von A. Stiller. Herausgegeben von G. Knoblauch und F. Hollin. Berlin. 1867. Illus. 7 plates. *Cab.6o.i58.3 Lampe, F. Berlin und die Mark Branden- burg. 2. Auflage. Bielefeld. 1909. Illus. Plates. [Land und Leute. Monographien zur Erdkunde.] 4862.41 Literatur, p. 201. BERLIN 147 Lessing, O. Ausgefuhrte Bauornamente Berlins. Berlin. 1880. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.i6.i Oetlingen, W. von. Berlin. Leipzig. [1907.] Illus. Plates. Map. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.11 Osborn, M. Berlin. Leipzig. 1909. Plates. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.486 Raschdorff, J. C. Dom zu Berlin. Unter Mitwirkung von O. Raschdorff. Berlin. 1896. 9 plates. *Cab.6o.i52.i Rueckwardt, H. Berliner Neubauten. Photo- graphische Originalaufnahmen in Licht- druck, im Anschluss an Die architek- tonischen Studien - Blatter. Berlin. [1892.] 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.i Details aus dem Koniglichen Schlosse zu Berlin. Berlin. [1893.1 48 plates. [Architektur der deutschen Schlosser.] *Cab.8o.i32.i Villen-Neubauten der Umgebung von Ber- lin. Berlin. [1892-98.I 3 v. in 2. Plates. *Cab.6o.88.3 Scheffler, C. Moderne Baukunst. [2. Auf- lage.] Leipzig. 1908. Plates. 4097-72 Engraved title-page. The examples are of archi- tecture in Berlin. Schirmer, R. Berliner Bildhauerarbeiten: eine Sammlung neuer Aussen- und In- nenarbeiten an Staats , Geschafts- und Privatbauten in Berlin. Berlin. [1911-] 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i88.4 Schneider, L. Geschichte der Oper und des koeniglichen Opernhauses in Berlin. Mit den architektonischen Planen des 1740 vom Freiherrn von Knobelsdorf, und des 1844 vom koniglichen Ober- Bau-Rath Langhans neuerbauten Ber- liner Opernhauses. Berlin. 1852. Illus. II plates. *Cab.8o.i83.3 An octavo edition without plates is on shelf- number **M.2is.i9. Streiter, R. Das neue Reichstagshaus in Berlin von Paul Wallot. Eine bauge- schichtliche Darstellung. Berlin. 1894. Plates. Plans. 4090-36 Wasmuth, E., publisher. Geschafts- und Warenhauser. Berlin. 1898. 25 plates. The examples are from Berlin. *Cab.6o.l68.3 Woltmann, A. F. G. A. Die Baugeschichte Berlins bis auf die Gegenwart. Berlin. 1872. Plates. 4107.40 Great Britain. Adam, R., and J. Adam. Works in archi- tecture: containing plans [etc.] of the principal buildngs erected in Great Bri- tain in the reign of George the Third. London. 1773-1822. 3 v. in i. Plates. In French and English. *Cab.6o.84.I Allen, J. R. The monumental history of the early British church. London. 1889. Illus. ^ 5518.51 AUom and Leitch. Seventy-five steel en- gravings of cathedrals, abbeys & castles. [London. 18—?] **K.73.6 About half the plates are views of British castles and cathedrals. Antiquarian itinerary, The; comprising specimens of architecture in Great Bri- tain. Accompanied with descriptions. London. 1815-18. 7 v. Plates. **K.i63.4 Armitage, E. S. The early Norman castles of the British Isles. New York. 1912. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4096.23 Armstrong, Sir W. Art in Great Britain and Ireland. New York. 1909. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. [Ars una: species mille. General history of art.] 4079a.403 There is a bibliography at the end of each chap- ter. Some of the plates are colored. Ashdown, C. H. British castles. London. 1911. Illus. Colored plates. 2462.57 Bellows, J. Survivals of Roman architec- ture in Britain. [Gloucester. 1901.] Plates. Plans. *4094.39 Bishop, H. H. Pictorial architecture of the British Isles. London. [1883.] Illus. 8092.16 Boutell, C. A manual of British archaeology. London. 1858. Colored plates. 2520.33 Same. 2d edition. 1897. 2539.32 Britton, J. The architectural antiquities of Great Britain. London. [i8o7-]i835. 5 V. Plates. *4ioi.7 Same. 1807-26. **K.200.2 Campbell, C. Vitruvius Britannicus, or, the British architect; containing plans, ele- vations and sections of buildings in Great Britain. London. 1715-25. 3 v. 300 plates. *8ioo.66 Same, [i 725-] 71. 5 v. *Cab.6o.83.i Cram, R. A. The ruined abbeys of Great Britain. New York. [1905.] Plates. 4105.83 Dibdin, T. F. A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in the northern counties of England and in Scotland. London. 1838. 2 v. Plates. *2464.i Same. 3 v. **G.i75.3 Ditchfield, P. H. The cathedrals of Great Britain. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4108.48 Dixon, H. C. The abbeys of Great Britain. London. [1911.] Plates. [The cathe- dral series. Laurie's.] 4x08.38 DoUman, F. T., and J. R. Jobbins. An analy- sis of ancient domestic architecture, exhibitng the best examples in Great Britain. London. [1861, 63.I 2 v. Plates. *4ioo.6i Gomme, Sir G. L., editor. Architectural an- tiquities. London. 1890,91. 2 v. [Gentle- man's magazine library. Vol. 10, 11.] ♦2550a. 50.10, II Articles originally contributed to the Gentle- man's Magazine, principally by John Carter. Grose, F., and others. The antiquarian repertory. Vol. 1-3. London. 1775- 80. 3 V. in I. Portraits. Plates. *65ii.i5 Same. 1775-84- 4 v. in 2. **K.64.2 Same. 1807-09. 4 v. **K.i5i.6; **K.i2i.2 Heame, T. Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in views of monasteries, cas- tles, and churches, now existing. Lon- don. 1807. 2 V. 83 plates. **K.403.2 Historic houses of the United Kingdom, Descriptive, historical, pictorial. Lon- don. 1891. Illus. Plates. *246oa.iio 148 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Holme, C, editor. Modern British domestic architecture and decoration. London. 1901. Plates. [The Studio. Special summer number, 1901.] *8o72.90 Many of the plates are colored. Howitt, W. Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain and Ireland. Second series. London. 1864. lUus. *2465.22.2 Howitt, W., and M. Howitt. Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain. London. 1862. IlluS. *2465.22.I Jaffe, F. Neubauten in Grossbritannien. Lieferung i, 2. Berlin. [1892.] Plates. Publication discontinued. *Cab.6o.78.2 Jones* views of the seats, mansions, castles, etc., of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. With descriptions. Series [i], 2, 4. London. 1829. 3 v. *L.4i.ii Contents. — i, 2. England. 4. Scotland. Same. [Series i.] **K.i82.4 King, E. Munimenta antiqua, or observa- tions on antient castles. Including re- marks on the progress of architecture in Great Britain. London. 1799-1806. 4 v. 162 plates. *455o.5 Lysons, D., and S. Lysons. Magna Britan- nia. London. 1806-22. 6 v. Plates. ♦2461.1 Contents. — i. Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Bucking- hamshire. 2. Cambridgeshire, Cheshire. 3. Cornwall. 4. Cumberland. 5. Derbyshire. 6. Devonshire. Publication discontinued. Malan, A. H., editor. More famous homes of Great Britain and their stories. New York. 1902. Plates. *4093.i46 Miller, T., editor. Turner and Girtin's Pic- turesque views of English, Scotch & Welsh scenery a hundred years ago. London. 1873. Plates. *249oa.50 Moore, J. A list of the principal castles and monasteries in Great Britain. Lon- don. 1798. 2485-3 Morris, F. O. A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. With de- scriptive and historical letter-press. London. [1866-80.] 6 v. 200 colored plates. *246oa.ii9;*L.4i.8 Neale, J. P. Views of the seats of noble- men and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. [ist series.] London. 1818-23. 6 v. Plates. *L.4i.9 Neale, J. P., and J. Le Keux. Views of the most interesting collegiate and paro- chial churches in Great Britain. Lon- don. 1824, 25. 2 v. in I. Plates. **K.64.i3; Our national cathedrals. London. 1887-89. 3 V. Plates. *4i02.53 An imitation, in color, of the plates in Winkles's Cathedral churches of England and Wales [*4i02.i; **K.iS3.6] with the text of the same work with additions. Our own country. London. 1882 [-86]. 6 v. Illus. 2461.62 Parkyns, _G. I., editor. Monastic and baronial remains, with other interesting frag- Parkyns, G. L, edilor. (Continued.) ments of antiquity, in England, Wales, and Scotland. London. 1816. 2 v. Plates. **G.3743.5 ; *K.20i.5 Enlarged from an edition entitled: Monastic re- mains and ancient castles in England and Wales, drawn by J. Moore, F. A. S., finished and etched by J. Schnebbelie, aquatinted by G. J. [sic] Parkyns [*2437.32]. Portfolio, The; a collection of engravings from antiquarian, architectural & topo- graphical subjects. London. 1823, 24. 4 V. Plates. **K.i63.2 A continuation of S'torer and Greig's Anti- quarian and topographical cabinet [**K. 1793.6; **K.i63.i]. Pythian, J. E. History of art in the British Isles. New York. 1901. Plates. 4079a.86 List of books, pp. 215-216. Ross, F. The ruined abbeys of Britain. London. [18 — ?] Plates. *246o.ii2 Schnebbelie, J., and G. I. Parkyns, editors. Monastic remains and ancient castles in England and Wales. Drawn by J. Moore, F. A. S. Finished and etched by J. Schnebbelie. Aquatinted by G. J. Parkyns. Vol. i. London. 1791. Plates. ♦2437.32 Publication discontinued. A later enlarged edi- tion, entitled Monastic and baronial remains . . . [edited] by G. J. [sic] Parkyns, may be found on shelf-numbers **G.3743.s, **K.20i.5. Scott, Sir W. The border antiquities of England & Scotland. [Anon.] Lon- don. 1814, 17. 2 V. in 3. 91 plates. *K.7o.6 Same. [1816.] 2 v. Plates. **K.i62.5 Sparrow, W. S., editor. The British home of today. A book of modern domestic ar- chitecture & the applied arts. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. [The art and life library.] 8103.82 Some of the plates are colored. A collection of articles by several writers. Storer, J. S. Antient reliques: or delinea- tions of monastic, castellated & do- mestic architecture, with descriptive sketches. London. 1812, 13. 2 v. **K.68.5 History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain. London. 1814-19. 4 v. Plates. **G.3743.4;**K.2oi.4 Storer, J. S., and J. Greig. Antiquarian and topographical cabinet. London, 1807- II. 10 V. Plates. **K.i79a.6 Same. 1817-19. 6 v. **K.i63.i An earlier and incomplete edition of this work may be found on shelf-number *246i. 58. A continuation, with the title The portfolio, a collection of engravings, is on shelf-number **K 163.2. Taylor, W. B. S. The origin, progress, and present condition of the fine arts in Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1841. 2 V. 4067.30 Uhde, C. Baudenkmaler in Grossbritannien. Berlin. 1894.. 2 v. 175 plates. *Cab.6o.iii.i GREAT BRITAIN 149 [Views in Great Britain.] 4 v. 692 plates in scrap-books. **K.62.4 Villa and cottage architecture; select exam- ples of country and suburban residences recently erected. With notice of each building. London. 1868. 80 plates. *8o90^,82 Villars, P. England, Scotland & Ireland. A picturesque survey of the United King- dom. London. 1887. Illus. *246o.74 Walcott, M. E. C. The cathedrals of the United Kingdom: . . . and a popular introduction to church architecture. London, i860. Plate. 4109.80 Warrack, J. The cathedrals and other churches of Great Britain. New York. I1913?] (100) plates. 4103.102 Books recommended, p. vi. Wheatley, R. Cathedrals and abbeys in Great Britain and Ireland. New York. 1890. Plates. *Cab.6o.25.2 Wilson, S. The romance of our ancient churches. New York. [1899.] Plates. 4108.12 England and Wales. Acton, F. S. The castles & old mansions of Shropshire, [i 142-1660. Anon.] Shrews- bury. 1868. Plates. *4i02.36 Adams, M. B. Examples of old English houses and furniture. London. 1888. 36 plates. *Cab.6o.25.4 Addington, H. Some account of the Abbey Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, at Dorchester, Oxfordshire. [Anon.] Ox- ford. 1845. Illus. Plates. Plan. *4io6.32 Addleshaw, W. P. The Cathedral Church of Exeter. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.30 Addy, S. O. Church and manor. A study in English economic history. London. 1913. Plates. Plans. 2509.62 Several chapters relate to architecture. The evolution of the English house. Lon- don. 1898. Plates. Plans. [Social Eng- land series.] 4099.122 Allen, T. The history and antiquities of the parish of Lambeth, and the archiepis- copal palace, in the County of Surrey. London. 1826. Plates. *2503.9 The history of the County of Lincoln. London. 1834. 2 v. Plates. *249i.6 Lancashire illustrated, London. 1832. Plates, *246i.22 A new and complete history of the County of York. Illustrated from drawings by N, Whittock, London, 1828-32. 6 v. Plates. *2505.i5 Anderson, J. C. Chronicles of the parish of Croydon, Surrey. [Croydon?] 1874-79. Plates. *25ooa.55 Same, revised and condensed. [Edin- burgh.] 1882. Illus. 25003.73 The Parish Church of Saint John the Bap- tist, at Croydon, Surrey as . . . rebuilt . . . 1867-9, after the designs of G. G. Scott. [London.] 1871. Plates. Plan. ♦8100.105 Anderson, J. C. (Continued.) The Roman city of Uriconium at Wroxe- ter, Salop. London. 1867. Plates, Plans. 2468.30 Shropshire; its early history and antiqui- ties. London. 1864. Plates. *25ooa.69 Andrews, W. Old English towns. London, [191 1.] Plates. 4108.39 Arbuthnot, G. A guide to the Collegiate Church of Stratford-on-Avon. Strat- ford-on-Avon. [1899?] Plates. 4593.165 Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Northampton. Architectural notices. Deaneries of Higham Ferrers and Had- don. London. 1849. Plates. *4i02.56 Armitage, E. S. A key to English antiqui- ties: with special reference to the Shef- field and Rotherham district. Sheffield. 1897. Illus. Plates. 2534.25 Ashbee, C, R, A book of cottages and little houses: for landlords, architects, build- ers and others. [Illustrated by F. L. Griggs. London. 1906.] Plates. Plans. A description of English cottages. 4097.78 Ashdown, C. H. St. Albans, historical & picturesque. With an account of the Roman city of Verulamium. Illustrated by F. G. Kitton. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. *249oa.ii8 Ashpitel, A. Remarks on the architecture of Newstead Abbey. (In The home and grave of Byron, Pp, 70-80. London. [1852?]) 4539.19 Atkinson, T. D. English and Welsh cathe- drals. Boston. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4107.60 Some of the plates are colored. Auvergne, E. B. d'. The English castles. London. [1910,]^ Plates. [The cathe- dral series. Laurie's,] 4108.37 Aveling, J, H, The history of Roche Abbey. London, 1870, Plates. *4550.2 Baddeley, M. J. B. Bath and Bristol and forty miles round. London. 1908, Maps, Plans. Charts. [Thorough guide series,] 24693.200 Baines, E. History of the County of Lan- caster. London. 1836. 4 v. Plates. *457oa.39 Same. New edition by J. Harland. 1868. 70. 2 v. *457oa.40 Same. New edition, edited by J. Croston. Manchester. 1888-93. 5 v, *457oa.4i Baines, T, Yorkshire, past and present. London, [1871-77,] 2 v. in 4. Plates. ♦2460.27 Baird, N. H. J, Picturesque antiquities of the city of Exeter, Exeter. 1894. 24 etchings. *8o8o.57 Baker, A,, and H. Baker. Plas Mawr, Con- way, N, Wales, London, 1888, Plates, Plans. ^ ^ 8090.80 Baker, G, The history and antiquities of the County of Northampton. London, 1822- 41, 2 V. Illus. Plates, *2490.i3 Baker, H, The Collegiate Church of Strat- ford-on-Avon & other buildings of inter- est in the town & neighbourhood. Lon- don. 1902. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109-65 150 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Balch, E. Glimpses of old English homes. London. 1890. Illus. Portraits. *L.42.i Baldwin, F. The old churches of our land. London. 1894 Illus. 8107.16 Ball, J. L Strongholds of the barons. Lon- don. 1906. Plates. 4097.174 Authorities, p. 8. Barclay, E. The ruined temple Stonehenge: its history and a short account of ques- tions associated with it. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. 2539.56 Barr, J. Anglican church architecture, with some remarks upon ecclesiastical furni- ture. 2d edition. Oxford. 1843. 25 plates. 4105.24 Barrett, C. R. B. Essex: highways, byways, and waterways, [ist,] 2d series. Lon- don. 1892, 93. 2 V. Illus. *246i.i04 Somersetshire: highways, byways, and waterways. London. 1894. IHus. Plates. *246i.io8 Bates, C. J. The border holds of Northum- berland. Vol. I. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1891. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1 ♦2492.121 Bateson, E. The parish of Bamburgh, with the chapelry of Belford. Newcastle- upon-Tyne. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. [History of Northumberland, i.] ♦2490a. 1 1 7. 1 The parishes of Embleton, Ellingham, Howick, Long Houghton and Ledbury. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1895. Illus. Plates. Maps. [History of Northum- berland. 2.1 ♦249oa.ii7.2 Bax, P. B. I. The Cathedral Church of Ban- gor. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.61 The Cathedral Church of St. Asaph. Bournemouth. 1896. Plates. 2468.151 Same. London. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series. ] 4109.79 Bayne, A. D. Royal illustrated history of eastern England. Great Yarmouth. [1873?] 2 V. Plates. ♦2490.73 Beaumont, W. A history of the castle of Halton, and the Priory or Abbey of Norton. Warrington. 1873- Plates. 2461.13 History of Warrington Friary. [Man- chester.] 1872. Plates. [Chetham mis- cellanies. Vol. 4.] No. 4 in ♦2415.10.4 Beattie, W. The castles and abbeys of Eng- land. London. [1843, 50.] 2 v. Illus. ♦2461.53 Same. [1851.] ♦♦K.191.2 Beaver, A. Memorials of old Chelsea: a new history of the village of palaces. Lon- don. 1892. Illus. Plates. ♦246oa.ii2 Bibliography, pp. 389-402. Beck, T. A. Annales Furnesienses. His- tory and antiquities of the Abbey of Furness. London. 1844. Plates. Plan. ♦2500.52 Bedford, F., Jr. Sketches in York. York. [1843?] 14 plates. 4090.31 Beedham, L. E. Ruined and deserted churches. London. IQ08. Plates. 4538.43 Devoted almost entirely to English churches. Belcher, J., and M. E. Macartney. Later Renaissance architecture in England. London. 1897-1901. Text, 2 v. in i; At- las, 4 V. 165 plates. ♦Cab.60.136.5 Beloe, E. M. Our borough: our churches: (King's Lynn, Norfolk). With an after- ^ work, the art of the Renaissance in King's Lynn. Cambridge. 1899. Plates. Maps. 2463.42 Benham, W. Winchester Cathedral. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.22 Bennett, J. The history of Tewkesbury. Tewkesbury. 1830. Plates. ^2504.8 Bentham, J. The history and antiquities of the Conventual & Cathedral Church of Ely: . . . 673 to 1771. Cambridge. 1771. Plates. Plans. *4io2.48 Same. 2d edition by the Rev. J. Bentham. Norwich. 1812. [1817.] Portrait. ♦4iooa.25 Bidlake, W. H. The home from outside. Plates. Plans. (In Sparrow, W. S., editor. The modern home. New York. [1906.]) ♦8092.86 On English architecture. Many of the plates are colored. Bigland, R. Historical, monumental and genealogical collections relating to the County of Gloucester. Londoh. 1786, 92, [188-?] 2 V. Plates. ^2470.7 Billings, R. W. Architectural antiquities of the County of Durham. Edinburgh. 1847. 64 plates. ♦4102.75 Architectural illustrations and description of Kettering Church, Northamptonshire. London. 1869. 20 plates. ♦Sogoa.ios An attempt to define the geometric pro- portions of Gothic architecture as illus- trated by the cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester. London. 1840. 5 plates. ♦4101.57 The geometric tracery of Brancepeth Church. London. 1845. Plates. ♦4101.15 Illustrations of geometric tracery, from the paneling belonging to Carlisle Ca- thedral. London. 1842. 20 plates. *4ioi.55 Birch, W. de G. A history of Margam Abbey [Glamorganshire, Wales]. Lon- don. 1897. Plates. Plans. 2473.14 Blanch, W. H. Y^ parish of Camberwell. London. 1877. Plates. ^2493.56 Blight, J. T. Ancient crosses and other an- tiquities in the east of Cornwall. Lon- don. 1858. Illus. ♦2470.16 Blomfield, R. T. A history of Renaissance architecture in England, 1500-1800. London. 1897. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4091.17 Bloom, J. H. Shakespeare's Church, other- wise the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity of Stratford-upon-Avon. Lon- don. 1902. Plates. 4108.84 Bodington, C. Lichfield Cathedral. Lon- don. 1899. Plates. Plan. 4109.53 Bond, F. The cathedrals of England and Wales: being a fourth edition of Eng- lish cathedrals illustrated. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4108.15 Bibliographies at the end of the chapters. ENGLAND 151 Bond, F. (Continued.) English cathedrals. London. 1899. 180 illustrations. 4108.14 Gothic architecture in England. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4104.21 Bibliography, pp. viii-xii. Same. 1906. 4104.22 Screens and galleries in English churches. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. 4095.178 Bibliography, pp. xi, xii. Bond, T. History and description of Corfe Castle, in the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. London. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2495.144 Bonney, T. G., editor. Abbeys and churches of England and Wales. London. 1887. Illus. *246i.64 Bonney, T. G., and others. Cathedral churches of England and Wales. Lon- don. 1884. Illus. *8o9i.6o Boutell, C. A manual of British archaeol- ogy. London. 1858. Colored plates. 2520.33 Same. 2d edition. 1897. 2539.32 Bowman, H., and J. S. Crowther. The churches of the Middle Ages; being select specimens of early and middle Pointed structures, with a few of the purest late Pointed examples. Lon- don. [1857.] 2 V. 121 plates. *Cab.6o.i04.i Bowman, W., and others. Reliquiae anti- quae Eboracenses, or remains of an- tiquity relating to the County of York. Leeds. 1855. Plates. 2431.29 Boyd, E. W. English cathedrals. 3d edi- tion. New York. 1888. Illus. 4099.49 Boyle, G. D. Salisbury Cathedral. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.25 Boyle, J. R. Vestiges of old Newcastle and Gateshead. Illustrated by W. H. Knowles. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1890. Plates. *246o.ii8 Bradbury, E. Architectural sketches in and around Northampton. With introduc- tion by J. C. Cox. London. 1894. 6 plates. *8o9oa.63 Bradley, A. G. In the march and borderland of Wales. Boston. 1905. Illus. Plates. 2462.134 Brakspear, H. Waverley Abbey. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Survey Archaeological Society.] *2492.7i Brandon, R., and J. A. Brandon. Parish churches; being perspective views of English ecclesiastical structures. Lon- don. 1858. 2 V. Plates. *4i02.ii Brayley, E. W. Topographical history of Surrey. London. 1850. 5 v. Illus. *2502.2 Brayley, E. W., and J. Britton. The beau- ties of England and Wales. London. 1801-16. 18 V. in 25. Plates. *L.44.i Brecon, Wales. The Priory Church of S. John the Evangelist (or. The Holy Rood) at Brecon. [Brecon? 1903.] Illus. Plan. 4109.68 Bridgens, R. Sefton Church, with part of the interior decoration. London. 1822. 31 plates. 4080.9 Bridges, J. The history and antiquities of Northamptonshire. Oxford. 1791. 2 v. Plates. 2490.5 Bntton, J. Bath and Bristol, with the Coun- ties of Somerset and Gloucester, dis- played in a series of views. From original drawings by T. H. Shepherd. London. 1829. 24 plates. No. 2 in *246oa.54.2; 24603.45 Cathedral antiquities of England. London. 1814-35. 13 V. in 6. Plates. **K.2oo.3 Contents. — 1. Salisbury. — Norwich. 2. Win- chester. — York. 3. Lichfield. — Oxford. — Canterbury. 4. Wells. — Exeter. 5. Peter- borough. — Gloucester. 6. Bristol. — Hereford. — Worcester. Same. London. 1836. 5 v. Plates. *4ioi.6 The contents are differently arranged in the two sets. Chronological history and graphic illus- trations of Christian architecture in England. London. 1835. Plates. *409i.7 This is vol. 5 of his Architectural antiquities of Great Britain t*4ioi.75]. Graphic illustrations of Toddington, Gloucestershire. London. 1840. Plates. *25oi.9 An historical and architectural essay re- lating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol. London. 1813. Plates. *4i02.3; No. 2 in *249i.io6 History and antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. London. 1825. Plates. No. I in *249i.io6 Same. Bath. 1887. *249i.i62 The history and antiquities of the Cathe- dral Church of Exeter: . . . including biographical anecdotes of the Bishops of the See. London. 1826. Plates. Plans. *4ioi.43 The edition of 1836 is in vol. 4 of his Cathedral antiquities [*4 10 1.6.4]. History and antiquities of the Metropo- litical Church of York. London. 1819. Plates. *246o.76 Picturesque antiquities of the English cities. London. 1830. 60 plates. *246o.i22 Britton, J., and E. W. Brayley. Devonshire and Cornwall illustrated. London. 1832. Plates. **K.i63.3 Brock, A. C. The Cathedral Church of York. London. 1899. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.40 Brown, G. B. The arts in early England. London. 1903. 2 v. Illus. Maps. 4094.20 Contents. — i. The life of Saxon England in its relation to the arts. 2. Ecclesiastical architec- ture in England from the conversion of the Saxons to the Norman Conquest. Browne, J. The history of the Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York. London. 1847. Text, I v.; Atlas, 150 plates. *Cab.6o.27.i Bryant, T. H. Norfolk churches. Illustrated by C. A. Cormick. Norwich. 1898. 3 v. Plates. 4107.8 Buckler, G. Twenty-two of the churches of Essex architecturally described and il- lustrated. London. 1856. Plates. **K.i54.i II 152 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Buckler, J. C. A description and defence of the restorations of the exterior of Lin- coln Cathedral. Oxford. 1866. *2494.i39 Bumpus, T. F. The cathedrals of England and Wales. London [etc.]. 1905, 06. 3 V. Plates. [The cathedral series.] Each volume contains a bibliography. 4109.82 Contents. — i. Introductory sketch. — Durham. — Ely. — Lincoln. — Salisbury. — Worcester. — Hereford. — Chichester. — Chester. — Bris- tol. 2. Canterbury, — York. — St. Paul's. — Winchester. — Norwich. — Peterborough. — Exeter. — Wells. 3. Lichfield. — Gloucester. — Rochester. — Carlisle. — Oxford. — Llandaff, Bangor, St. Asaph. — St. David's. — St. Al- ban's, Ripon, Manchester, Truro. — Southwell, Newcastle, Wakefield, Liverpool, Birmingham and Southwark. Butterfield, W. Elevations, sections, and details of Saint John Baptist Church, at Shottesbroke, Berkshire. Oxford. 1844. 10 plates. *4ioo.67 Butterworth, G. Deerhurst, a parish of the vale of Gloucester. Tewkesbury. [1887.] Plates. Plans. 2469.109 Same. 2d edition. [1890.] 2469.128 Bygate, J. E. The Cathedral Church of Durham. London. 1899. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.41 Calverley, W. S. Notes on the early sculp- tured crosses, shrines and monuments in the present Diocese of Carlisle. Edited by W. G. Collingwood. Kendal. 1899. Illus. Plates. Maps. Facsimiles. [Cumberland and Westmorland Anti- quarian Society. Extra series. Vol. 11.] ♦2415.80 Cambridge Camden Society. Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Cambridge. 1845. Plates. **K.i72.i3 Camm, C. B. Forgotten shrines. An account of some old Catholic halls and families in England and of relics and memorials of the English martyrs. Lon- don. [1910.] Portraits. Plates. Coats of arms. Map. Plan. *4i02.i04 Caroe, W. D., and E. J. A. Gordon. Sefton: a descriptive and historical account comprising the collected notes and re- searches of the late Rev. E. Horley. London. 1893. IHus. Plates. 2491.138 Carter, J. Ancient architecture of England. New edition. London. 1845. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.8 Some account of the Cathedral Church of Durham [by Sir H. C. Englefield]. Plans, elevations, and sections [by J. Carter]. London. 1801. 11 plates. [So- ciety of Antiquaries.] No. I in *Cab.6o.io.2 Some account of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester [by Sir H. C. Englefield]. Plans, elevations and sections [by J. Carter]. London. 1809. 17 plates. [Society of Antiquaries.] No. 2 in *Cab.6o.io.2 Cartwright, J. M. The Pilgrims* way: from Winchester to Canterbury. London. 1893. Illus. 2461.109 Cathedral churches, The, of England. Lon- don. [1901?] 32 plates with text. 4102.40 Cathedral series. Plates illustrating Eng- lish cathedrals, cut from various archi- tectural periodicals, principally from The Architect and Contract Reporter [*4ioi.2oi], and The American Archi- tect and Building News [*4097.205]. Mounted. 7 v. *Cab.6o.i40.i Cathedrals, The, of England and Wales. London. 1894. Illus. Plans. [The "Builder" series.] *Cab.6o.i66.i The descriptions of the cathedrals are by various writers. Caveler, W. Architectural illustrations of Warmington Church, Northampton- shire. Oxford. 1850. 19 plates. *8ioo.68 Champneys, B. A quiet corner of England. Studies of landscape and architecture in Winchelsea, Rye, and the Romney marsh. London. 1875. Illus. 2463.13 Charles, C. J. Elizabethan interiors. Lon- don, [ipii-] Plates. *Cab.6o.i73.6 One of an edition of 800 copies. Printed on one side only of the leaf. Chester in 1893. Chester. [1893.] lUus. 245oa.75 Christian, E. Architectural illustrations of Skelton Church, Yorkshire. London. 1846. 17 plates. *Cab.6o.i2.5 Chudleigh, J, Devonshire antiquities. 2d edition. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. 2493.147 Church, C. M. Wells Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [Eng- lish cathedrals.] 4108.30 Church bells* album of notable Yorkshire, Lancashire [and] Midland churches. London. [1886-88.] Plates. *249i.ii9 Chute, C. W. A history of the Vyne in Hampshire: a short account of the build- ing and antiquities of that house. *249i.i03 Clark, G. T. Mediaeval military architecture in England. London. 1884. 2 v. Illus. 4096-65 Clayton, J. A collection of the ancient tim- ber edifices of England. London. T.846. 26 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.6 Clifton, A. B. The Cathedral Church of Lichfield. London. 1898. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.31 Clinch, G. The Isle of Wight. London. [1905.] Plates. Plan. [The little guides.] 2469a.242 Kent. London. [1905.] Plates. Plans. [The little guides.] _ 2469a.24i Old English churches: their architecture, furniture, decoration, and monuments. London. 1900. Illus. 4108.6 Clutterbuck, R. The history and antiquities of the County of Hertford. London. 1815-27. 3 V. Plates. *Cab.24.5i.5 Cockerell, C. R. Iconography of the west front of Wells Cathedral, with an ap- pendix on the sculptures of other medieval churches in England. Oxford. 1851. Plates. 4102.42 Colling, J. K. Details of Gothic architec- ture (in England). London. 1846. 2 v. 190 plates. *8o9i.ii4 ENGLAND 153 Collinson, J. The history and antiquities of the County of Somerset. Bath. 1791. 3 V. Plates. *25oi.6 Same. Index. Taunton. 1898. 25oi.6(Index) Combe, W. The history of the colleges of Winchester, Eton, and Westminster; with the Charter-house [etc.]. London. 1816. Colored plates. *254o.i This work was published by Rudolph Ackermann. Conder, E. L. Church of the Holy Trinity, Long Melford, Suffolk. London. 1887. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.95 Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kensing- ton. With notes on decorative art and architecture in England. London. 1882. Illus. 4102.50 Same. New York. 1882. 4102.49 Conway, R. S., editor. Melandra Castle. With an introduction by E. L. Hicks. Manchester. 1906. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Classical Association. Man- chester and District Branch. Report, 1905.] 2468.260 A collection of articles by various authors. Cooke, W. B., and G. Cooke. Views on the Thames. London. 1818, 22. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *4570.ii Cooper, T. P. York: the story of its walls, bars, and castles. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. Maps. 2463.151 Bibliography, pp. 347-350. Cope, Sir W. H., Baronet. Bramshill: its history and architecture. London. [1883.] Illus. Plans. *2464.92 Corlette, H. C. The Cathedral Church of Chichester. London. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.63 Comer, S. Rural churches: their histories, architecture and antiquities. London. [i860.] 18 colored plates. *4ioo.32 English churches only. Cotman, J. S. Specimens of architectural remains in England. London. 1838. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.i Cottingham, L. N. Plans, elevations, sec- tions, details and views of the chapel of King Henry vii. at Westminster Abbey church. London. 1822-29. 2 v. 72 plates. *Cab. 60.68.3 Cox, J. C. Derbyshire. New issue. Lon- don. [1905.] Plates. [The little guides.] 24693.246 Hampshire. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. [The little guides.] 24693.249 Bibliography, pp. 59, 60. Isle of Wight: its churches and religious houses. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plan. [County churches.] 41093.10 Notes on the churches of Derbyshire. Chesterfield. 1875-79. 4 v. Plates. 4094.65 Coxe, W. An historical tour in Monmouth- shire. London. 1801. Plates. *25ooa.io6 Cram, R. A. English country churches. One hundred views. Boston. 1898. *4ioo.92 No text Cranage, D. H. S. Architectural account of the churches of Shropshire. The hun- dred of Brimstree. Wellington. 1894- 1912. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *4ioi.67 Crowther, J. S. An architectural history of the Cathedral Church of Manchester, dedicated to St. Mary, St. George and St. Denys. Edited by F. Renaud. Man- chester. 1893. 40 plates. *8ioo.i03 Cust, A. P. P. Walks round York Minster. Leeds. 1907. Plates. 4103.82 York Minster. Illustrated by A. Ansted. London. 1897. Illus. [English cathe- drals.] 4108.21 Dallaway, J. A history of the western divi- sion of the County of Sussex. London. 1815-32. 2v. in3. Plates. Plans. 2460.11 The second volume was completed by E. Cart- wright. A series of discourses upon architecture in England from the Norman sera to the close of the reign of Elizabeth. London. 1883. *4092.io William Wyrcestre redivivus. Notices of ancient church architecture in the fif- teenth century, particularly in Bristol, with hints for practical restorations. Bristol. [1823.] Illus. *4ioi.64 Pan, H., and E. C. M. Willmott. English shop-fronts old and new. London. 1907. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. *4095.i74 Refers to England and Scotland. Banks, W. Ripon Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1899. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4109.52 Darby, J. L. Chester Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1898. Plates. Plan. 4109.23 Davie, W. G. Old cottages and farmhouses in Kent and Sussex. 100 plates printed in collotype.' With some descriptive notes and sketches by E. G. Dawber. London. 1900. Illus. 4093.85 Old cottages & farm-houses in Surrey. With an introduction and numerous sketches by W. C. Green. London. 1908. Illus. 100 plates. Plans. *4093.i58 Old cottages, farmhouses and other stone buildings in the Cotswold district . . . with an account of the architecture of the district by E. G. Dawber. London. 1905. 100 plates. *4093.i56 Day, E. H. Gothic architecture in England. London. [1909.] Plates. [The arts of the church.] 41093.35 Renaissance architecture in England. London. [1910.] Plates. [The arts of the church.] 41093.36 Desns, J. Melbourne Church. London. 1843. Plates. Plans. *2493-i35 Dearmer, P. The Cathedral Church of Wells. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.37 Denton, J. B. The farm homesteads of Eng- land. 2d edition. London. 1865. Plates. 5990.1 Dick, S. The cottage homes of England. New York. 1909. Colored plates. ♦8107.33 I 154 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Dickinson, W. Antiquities, historical, archi- tectural, chorographical, and itinerary, in Nottinghamshire and the adjacent counties; comprising the histories of Southwell (the ad Pontem) and of Newark (the Sidnacester, of the Ro- mans). Newark. 1801-16. 4 parts in 2 V. Plates. Namely: Southwell. 2490.145 Newark. 2490.146 A large part of vol. i was published in 1787 under the title: A history of the antiquities of the town and church of Southwell [*2Soi.7]. A later edition of vol. 2 (1819) is on shelf-number 2490.147. Dickson, W. E. Ely Cathedral. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.27 Dimock, A. The Cathedral Church of South- well. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.38 Ditchfield, P. H. The charm of the Eng- lish village. Illustrated by S. R. Jones. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. 4094.170 The cottages and the village life of rural England. London. 1912. Illus. Colored plates. Plan. *8i03.ii4 The counties of England: their story and antiquities. London. 1912. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 2526.34 English villages. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. 2469.161 Vanishing England. The book by P. H. Ditchfield. The illustrations by F. Roe. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. Map. Treats of antiquities. 2463. 1 69 Ditchfield, P. H., editor. Memorials of old Gloucestershire. London. 1911. Illus. Portraits. Plates. [Memorials of the counties of England.] 2464.207 Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler Spaniens, Frankreichs und Englands bis gegen das Ende des i8ten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1880. Illus. [Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neu- zeit.] *8o72.57 DoUman, F. T. The Priory of St. Mary Overie Southwark; . . . the church and conventual buildings. London. 1881. Plates. *4ioo.37 Downing, H. P. B. Notes on architectural relics in Cornwall. 3d edition. London. 1889. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8091.111 Drake, F. Eboracum; or the history and antiquities of the City of York. Lon- don. 1736. Plates. ^ *25oo.ii Dryden, A., editor. Memorials of old Leices- tershire. London. 191 1. Plates. Map. 2464.200 Ducarel, A. C. History of the Royal hospi- tal and Collegiate Church of St. Katha- rine, near the Tower of London, from its foundation in 1273, to the present time. [Anon.] London. 1782. Plates. Plan. [Bibliotheca topographica Brit- tanica.] 6521.18 Dugdale, T., and W. Burnett. England and Wales delineated. London. [1854?] II V. Plates. [Curiosities of Great Bri- tain.] *2466.ii4 Dugdale, Sir W. The antiquities of War- wickshire illustrated. London. 1656. Dugdale, Sir W. (Continued.) Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. **G.4050.6 Same. 2d edition, augmented ... by W. Thomas. 1730. *25oo.9 Monasticon Anglicanum. New edition. London. 1817-30. 8 v. Plates. *252o.4 Duncan, J. H. E. Country cottages and week-end homes. New York. 1907. Plates. Plans. 4093.183 The cottages are English. Earwaker, J. P. East Cheshire: past and present. London. 1877, 80. 2 v. Plates. *25oo.54 Edmonds, W. J. Exeter Cathedral. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. 1897. Plates. [English cathedrals.] 4108.31 Eley, C. K. The Cathedral Church of Car- lisle. A description of its fabric and a brief history. London. 1900. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.24 Ellacombe, H. T. The history of the parish of Bitton, in the County of Gloucester. Exeter. 1881, 83. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *249oa.i20 Eller, G. Memorials, archaeological and ecclesiastical, of the west Winch man- ors. King's Lynn. 1861. Illus. Plates. *2492.ii7 Elwes, D. G. C, and C. J. Robinson. A his- tory of the castles, mansions, and man- ors ojf western Sussex. London. 1876. Plates. *246oa.59 Ely Cathedral. Architectural gems from Ely Cathedral and the monastic build- ings. Ely. [18 — ?] 9 plates. Plan. 4094.68 Elyard, S. J. Some old Wiltshire homes. With notices on their architecture [etc.]. London. 1894. Illus. 26 plates. *249o.i39 English country houses. Boston. 1898. 100 plates. *4ioo.93 Without text. Essays on Gothic architecture, by T. War- ton [etc.]. 2d edition. Added, a list of the cathedrals of England. London. 1802. Plates. *8o93.58 Evans, H. A. Castles of England and Wales. London. [1912.] Plates. Maps. Plans. 4097.175 Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cotswolds. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. [Highways and byways series.] 2468.205 Famous buildings and celebrities, The, of Bath and district. Bath. 1900. 16 plates. *246oa.79 Farrar, F. W. Our English minsters. Lon- don. [1893.] Plates. 4105.58 Reprinted in New York with the title Cathedrals of England [4105.591- Westminster Abbey, with a chapter on the Poets* corner by A. P. Stanley. New York. [1897?] Portrait. Plates. 4108.19 Same. Illustrated by H. Railton. Lon- don. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.20 Farren, R. Cathedral cities: Ely and Nor- wich. Drawn & etched by R. Farren. With introduction by E. A. Freeman. Cambridge. 1883. 35 plates. *Cab.6o.23.2 ENGLAND 155 Farren, R. (Continued.) Same. Peterborough. With the Abbeys of Crowland & Thorney. Cambridge. 1888. Plates. *Cab.6o.23.6 Fea, A. Old English houses. The record of a random itinerary. London. 1910. Plates. 8107.26 Picturesque old houses, being the impres- sions of a wanderer off the beaten track. London. [1902.] Plates. 8107.25 Fenton, R. A historical tour through Pem- brokeshire. London. 181 1. Plates. ♦2460.23 Field, H., and M. Bunney. English domes- tic architecture of the xvii. and xviii. centuries. London. 1905. 138 plates. *409oa.ii9 Field, W. An historical and descriptive ac- count of the Town & Castle of Warwick. Warwick. 1815. Plates. *2502.7 Same. Abridged. 1817. 2486.27 Firth, J. B. Highways and byways in Derby- shire. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. [Highways and byways series.] 2468.193 Fisher, A. H. The Cathedral Church of Hereford. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.35 Fisher, T. Collections, historical, genealogi- cal and topographical, for Bedfordshire. London. 1812-36. 115 plates. *Cab.24.26.4 Footman, J. History of the Parish Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, Chip- ping Lambourn. London. 1894. Hlus. Plates. *2503.i22 Fordyce, W. The history and antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham. New- castle-upon-Tyne. [1857.] 2 V. Plates. ♦2491.56 Fosbrooke, T. D. Abstracts of records and manuscripts respecting the County of Gloucester. Gloucester. 1807. 2 v. Plates. *2472.2 The original history of the city of Gloucester. London. 1819. Plates. *2472.I Foster, M. B. Some places of note in Eng- land: a series of twenty-five drawings, with short descriptions by the artist. London. [1890.] Plates. *Cab.24.37.4 Foster, W. E. All Saints' Parish Church, Moulton, County Lincoln. Lincoln. 1891. 7 plates. 2498.123 The Parish Church of St. Mary, Whap- lode, in the County of Lincoln. London. 1889. Plates. Plan. 2498.111 Foulston, J. The public buildings erected in the west of England, as designed by Foulston. London. 1838. 117 plates. ♦8090.141 Fowler, J. T. Durham Cathedral. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. 1898. [English cathedrals.] 4108.32 Fowler, J. T., editor. Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, Ripon. Durham. 1882-1908. 4 v. Plates. [Sur- tees Society.] *2427.65 Freeman, E. A. The architecture of the Middle Ages and its spire growth. [Anon.] {In Wickes, C. Illustrations I Freeman, E. A. (Continued.) of the spires and towers of the mediae- val churches of England. Vol. i, pp. i- 12. London. 1853.) *Cab.6o.39.i.i English towns and districts. A series of addresses and sketches. London. 1883. Illus. 2463.74 Papers reprinted, with many changes, from the Saturday Review, Archaeological Journal, etc. History of the Cathedral Church of Wells as illustrating the history of the cathe- dral churches of the old foundation. London. 1870. Plan. *2499.ii4 On the architecture of the church and hos- pital of the Holy Cross [Winchester, England]. London. 1846. Illus. [Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. Proceedings. 1845.] No. II in*2259.5o Remarks on the architecture of Llandaff Cathedral. London. 1850. 11 plates. ♦4105.52 Freeman, P. The architectural history of Exeter Cathedral. New edition. Exe- ter. 1888. Illus. 4097.53 Fremantle, W. H. Canterbury Cathedral. London. 1897. Illus. [English cathe- drals.] 4108.24 Gage, J. The history and antiquities of Suf- folk. Thingoe Hundred. London. 1838. Plates. ♦2501.8 Galton, A. Ecclesiastical architecture [in England]. Plates. (In Barnard, F. P., editor. Companion to English history (Middle Ages). Pp. 1-25. Oxford. 1902.) 4517.40 Garner, T., and A. Stratton. The domestic architecture of England during the Tudor period. London. [i9o8-]ii. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 3 v. Illus. Plates. ♦Cab.60.135.12 Gasquet, F. A. The greater abbeys of Eng- land. With illustrations in colour after W. Goble. New York. 1908. 4107.67 Gibbs, J. A book of architecture, contain- ing designs of buildings and ornaments. London. 1728. 160 plates. ♦Cab.60.101.9 English Gothic architecture. Manchester. 1855. 20 plates. ♦4100.21 Gilbert, G. Cathedral cities of England. Illustrated by W. W. Collins. New York. 1905. Colored plates. ^4107.59 Gilchrist, J. G. An itinerary of the English cathedrals. Revised by T. Perkins. London. 1901. Illus. Map. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.22 Glynne, Sir S. R., Baronet. Notes on the churches of Kent. London. 1877. Plates. 4107.61 Gostling, W. A walk in and about the city of Canterbury. 2d edition. Canterbury. 1777. Plates. 2496.6 Same. New edition. 1825. 2496.1 Gotch, J. A. Architecture of the Renais- sance in England. London. 1894. Text, 2 V. in I. Illus.; Atlas, 3 v. 145 plates. *Cab.6o.47.i A complete account of the buildings erected in Northamptonshire by Sir T. 156 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES, Gotch, J. A. (Continued.) Tresham, 1575-1605. Northampton. 1883. Plates. Siooa.io Domestic architecture [in England]. Plates. Plans. (In Barnard, F. P., ed- itor. Companion to English history (Middle Ages). Pp. 26-52. Oxford. 1902.) 4517-40 Early Renaissance architecture in Eng- land. A historical & descriptive account of the Tudor, Elizabethan, & Jacobean periods, 1500-1625. London. 1901. Bibliography, pp. 267-270. 4094'35 The growth of the English house. A short history of its architectural development from 1 100 to 1800. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 8107.35 The homes of the Cecils. Plates. Map. Plans. (In Historical monograph. Wil- liam Cecil, Lord Burghley. Pp. 41-90. London. 1904.) *452o.i2i Goulbum, E. M., and others. The ancient sculptures in the roof of Norwich Ca- thedral. London. 1876. Plates. *4ioo.82 Grainge, W. The castles and abbeys of York- shire. York. 1855. Plates. *2438.i4 Graphic illustrations of Warwickshire. Bir- mingham. 1829. lUus. 32 plates. ♦2460.17; **G.6o.28 Great Britain. Royal Commission on His- torical Monuments. An inventory of the historical monuments in Bucking- hampshire. Vol. i. London. 1912. Plates. Maps. Plans. *4i02.i2i An inventory of the historical monu- ments in Hertfordshire. 2d thousand. London. 1910. Plates. Maps, Plans. *4I02.I20 Green, H. J. Church of St. Martin, Thomp- son, Norfolk. Norwich. 1891. 6 plates. *Cab.6o.78.i These plates were published as part of the illus- trations of Some materials for a history of the parish of Thompson, by George Crabbe [*250i.i39]. Green, M. A. The eighteenth century archi- tecture of Bath. Bath. 1904. lUus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii4.8 Green, V. The history and antiquities of the city and suburbs of Worcester. Lon- don. 1796. 2 V. in I. Plates. *250i.i2 Greenweil, W. Durham Cathedral. An ad- dress delivered September 24, 1879. 3d edition. Durham. 1889. Illus. Plan. 4108.59 Greenwood, C. An epitome of county his- tory. Vol. i: Kent. London. 1838. Plates. *249i.3 Gregson, M. A portfolio of fragments rela- tive to the history and antiquities of the County of Lancaster. Liverpool. 1824. Plates. Portraits. 2460.3 Same. 3d edition with additions by J. Harland. London. 1869. *246o.52 Griffith, S. Y., & Company. New historical description of Cheltenham and its vicin- ity. Cheltenham. 1826. Plates. *2462.8 Grindon, L. H. Lancashire: brief historical and descriptive notes. London. 1882. Etched plates. *246o.6o Same. 1892. 2467.119 Grose, F. Antiquities of England and Wales. New edition. London. [1738.] 8 v. Plates. *252o.38;**Harris7i2.i Guest, J. Historic notices of Rotherham. Worksop. 1879. Plates. Plans. *2Soo.f7 Guillaume, G. Architectural views and de- tails of Netley Abbey. Southampton. 1848. Plates. 8101.56 Habershon, M. The ancient half-timbered houses of England. London. 1836. Plates. ^ *4ioo.22 Hadfield, J. Ecclesiastical architecture of the County of Essex from the Norman era to the sixteenth century. New edi- tion. London. [1848.] 82 plates. *8o8oa.i5 Hall, P. Picturesque memorials of Salis- bury. Salisbury. 1834. Illus. 28 plates. ♦2461. 116 Hall, S. C. The baronial halls, and ancient picturesque edifices of England. Lon- don. 1856. Plates. 4090.91 Same. 1858. 2 v. **K.i40.ii Hallett, C. W. C. The Cathedral Church of Ripon. London. 1901. Illus. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.55 Hancock, F. Dunster Church and priory. Their history and architectural features. Taunton. 1905. Plates. Plan. *4io7.63 Hand, C. R. Liverpool Castle and its builders. Liverpool. 1909. Portrait. Plates. 24693.174 Harris, T. Three periods of English archi- tecture. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8092.124 Harrison, F. Annals of an old manor-house, Sutton Place, Guildford. London. 1893. 68 plates. *246o.i29 Harrison, J. P. An account of the discovery of the remains of three apses at Oxford Cathedral. London. 1891. Plates. *4097-56 The pre-Norman date of the design and some of the stone-work of Oxford Ca- thedral. London. 1891. Plates. *4097.55 Hartshorne, C. H. Feudal and military an- tiquities of Northumberland and the Scottish borders: illustrated by the baronial histories of Alnwick, Prudhoe, and Wark. Plates. (In Royal Archaeo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Memoirs . . . 1852. Vol. 2. London. 1858.) ^2259.57.2 The history and architecture of Porches- ter Castle. Illus. (In Royal Archaeo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings . . . 1845. Lon- don. 1846.) No. 14 in *2259.5o Harvey, A. The castles and walled towns of England. London. [191 1.] Illus. Plates. Maps. [The antiquary's books.] 2462.56 Hasted, E. The history and topographical survey of the County of Kent. Canter- bury. 1778-99. 4 V. Plates. *248o.i Same. Edited by H. H. Drake. Part i. London. 1886. Plates. *2490.ioo Hatton, W. H. The churches of Yorkshire. Vol. I. London. 1880. Plates. *8o9i.5i Publication discontinued ENGLAND 157 Heath, S. Old English houses of alms. A pictorial record. With architectural and historical notes. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8103.109 Our homeland churches and how to study them. London. 1907. Plates. [The homeland handbooks.] 41093.105 Hemingway, J. History of the city of Chester. Chester. 1831. 2 v. Plates. *25ooa.68 Hereford Cathedral. Ground plan with references; also, list of monuments, win- dows, brasses, miscellaneous objects of interest. Hereford. [1897?] 4104.29 Hiatt, C. Beverley Minster: its history and fabric. London. 1898. Illus. Plan. 4109.47 The Cathedral Church of Chester. Lon- don. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.27 Hill, A. G. Architectural and historical no- tices of the churches of Cambridgeshire. London. 1880. *2469.i8i Hine, T. C. Nottingham: its castle [etc.]. London. 1876. Illus. *246o.26 Historical, antiquarian, and picturesque ac- count, An, of Kirkstall Abbey. London. 1827. Plates. Plan. 24693.209 History and description of the restored Par- ish Church of Saint Mary, Wymeswold, Leicestershire. London. [1847?] Plates. *8o9i.i2 Hoare, Sir R. C, Baronet. The modern his- tory of South Wiltshire. London. 1822- 43. 6 V. Plates. 2500.3 Progress of architecture from a period nearly coeval with the Conqueror, to the sixteenth century. Illus. {In Giraldus Cambrensis. The itinerary of Arch- bishop Baldwin through Wales. Vol. 2, pp. 411-432. London. 1806.) **G.3750.5 Hodges, C. C. The Abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham: a monograph. [Edinburgh.] 1888. Plates. Plans. *Cab.24.25.2 Hodges, G. Fountains Abbey. The story of a mediaeval monastery. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. 2468.93 Hodgson, J. A history of Northumberland. Newcastle. 1820-58. 3 parts in 7 v. Plates. *25oi.2 Holme, C. Old English country cottages. London. 1906. Plates. [The Studio. Special winter number. 1906-7.] Some of the plates are colored. 8072.178 Home, P. The cathedral churches of Eng- land and Wales. With notes by P. Home. 2d edition. London. [1902.] 35 plates. 4105.81 A short description accompanies each plate. Hope, W. H. St. J. Architectural descrip- tion of Kirkstall Abbey. Leeds. 1907. Illus. Plans. [Thoresby Society.] *2505.i25 The architectural history of the Cathedral Church and Monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester. London. 1900. Illus. 4105.69 Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire. Leeds." 1900. Illus. Plans. *4i04.48 I Reprinted from the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, Vol. 15 [*25o8.6s.i5]. Horsfield, T. W. The history and antiqui- ties of Lewes and its vicinity. Lewes. 1824, 27. 2 V. Plates. *2472.i3 The history, antiquities, and topography of the County of Sussex. Lewes. 1835. TT ^1^- Pl^^es. *2460.20 Howlett, B., engraver. Selection of views in the County of Lincoln, with accounts. London. i8oi. Plates. *25ooa.5Q Howson, J. S. The river Dee. London. [1875.] Illus. 2462.19; **K.63.8 Hughes, T. Ancient Chester. London. 1880. 28 plates. *456oa.25 Hulbert, C. History and description of the County of Salop. Providence Grove. 1837. Plates. *2492.9 Also published as vol. 2 of The history and antiquities of Shrewsbury by T. Phillips [*25oi.77.2]. Hulbert, C, editor. Cheshire antiquities, Roman, baronial and monastic. Shrews- bury and Providence Grove. 1838. Plates. *457oa.i3 Hunnewell, J. F. The imperial island: Eng- land's chronicle in stone. Boston. 18^. Plates. 8093.9; **K.262.2 On English historical monuments, including churches, monasteries and palaces from the time of the Britons. Hunt, T. F. Designs for parsonage houses, alms houses, etc., with examples of gables and other curious remains of old English architecture. London. 1827. 22 plates. . 4100.85 Hunter, J. Hallamshire. The history and topography of the parish of Sheffield. New edition. London. 1869. Plates. ♦4520.25 Same. New edition, with additions. **K.4oi.i South Yorkshire. The history and to- pography of the deanery of Doncaster. London. 1828, 31. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.24.i8.i Hurry, J. B. Reading Abbey. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. *4Z04.4i Hussey, A. Notes on the churches in the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. London. 1852. Plates. *25o6.73 Hutchins, J. The history and antiquities of the County of Dorset. London. 1774. Plates. *2450.9 Same. 3d edition. Westminster. 1861- 70. 4 V. *2490.ioi Hutchinson, W. The history and antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham. Newcastle. 1785-94. 3 v. Plates. *247i.5 Hutton, E. Highways and byways in Som- erset. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Map. [The highways and byways series.] 2468.177 Hutton, W. The history of Derby. 2d edi- tion. London. 181 7. Plates. *2494.2 Hutton, W. H. Hampton Court. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. 1897. Plates. 2464-135 Ireland, S. Picturesque views on the upper, or Warwickshire Avon. London. 1795. 30 plates. **K.i8g.9; **G.50.8; **G.3952.3 Picturesque views on the river Thames. London. 1801,02. 2 v. Plates. **K.i62.4 158 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Jewitt, L., and S. C. Hall. Stately homes of England. London. [1874, 77-1 2 v. Illus. Plates. *L.42.4 Same. 1881. Plans. 2465.28 Johnson, J. Reliques of ancient English architecture. [London. 1857.] 81 plates. *4ioo.7o Johnson, W, Byways of British archae- ology. Cambridge. 1912. Illus. 2535.37 Jones, 1. Designs, consisting of plans and elevations for public and private build- ings. Published by W. Kent, with some additional designs. London. 1770. 2 v. in I. 139 plates. *Cab.6o.59.3 The title and the description of the plates are repeated in French. Jones, L, and others. Designs published by L Ware. [London. 1756.] Plates. *4i02.27 Jones, S. R. The village homes of England. . . . Edited by C. Holme. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. 8103.112 Some of the plates are colored. Jones, T. A history of the County of Breck- nock. Brecknock. 1805, 09. 2 v. in 3. Plates. *246i.5 Jones, W. B., and E. A. Freeman. The his- tory and antiquities of Saint David's. London. 1856. Plates. *249o.i2i Kendall, J. An elucidation of the principles of English architecture, usually denomi- nated Gothic. London. 1842. Plates. 4096.16 Kendrick, A. F. The Cathedral Church of Lincoln. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.36 King, R. J. Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern division. London. 1862. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4098.3 Contents. — Oxford. — Peterborough. — Nor- wich. — Ely. — Lincoln. Same. Northern division. 1869. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4098.2 Contents. — i. York. — Ripon. — Carlisle. 2. Durham. — Chester. — Manchester. Same. Southern division. 1861. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 4098.5 Contents. — i. Winchester. — Salisbury. — Exe- ter. — Wells, a. Chichester. — Canterbury. — Rochester. Same. Western division. 1864. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4098.4 Contents. — Bristol. — Gloucester. — Hereford. — Worcester. — Lichfield. Same. 1867. 4098.1 The three choirs. A handbook of Glouces- ter, Hereford and Worcester. London. 1866. 3 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. **M.i26.23 Knight, C. Old England: a pictorial mu- seum of regal, ecclesiastical, municipal, baronial and popular antiquities. Lon- don. [1845, 46.] 2 V. ♦4520.7 Knights, M. Peeps at the past; or, rambles among Norfolk antiquities. London. 1892. 16 plates. 2461.105 Krausse, A. S. A pictorial history of the Thames. London. 1889. Illus. 2469.124 Lang, E. M. Old English towns. 2d series. New York. [1912.] Plates. 2499.170 Same. London. [1912. The Cathedral series. Laurie's.] 4108.39.2 Latham, C. In English homes. The inter- nal character, furniture & adornments of some of the most notable houses of England . . . London. [1904, 07.] 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.69.6 Law, E. P. A. The history of Hampton Court palace. London. 1885-91. 3 v. Plates. 249oa.58;**K.i26.2o An abridged edition, compiled from the preceding, and entitled A short history of Hampton Court, may be found on shelf-number 2499.123. Laws, E. The history of Little England be- yond Wales. London. 1888. Plates. *25ooa.iii Leach, F., editor. The county seats of Shrop- shire. Shrewsbury. 1891. Illus. Plates. Plans. *246o.io5 Lee, F. G. The history, description and an- tiquities of the prebendal Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Thame, in the County and Diocese of Oxford. Lon- don. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. *247o.52 Lee, S. L. Stratford-on-Avon, from the ear- liest time to the death of Shakespeare. London. 1885. Plates. *246o.72 Same. New edition. 1902. 2469.162 This edition lacks the plates. Same. New edition. Philadelphia. 1907. Plates. 2469.191 Leeds, W. H. An essay on modern English architecture. (In Barry, Sir C. The Traveller's Club House. Pp. 1-28. Lon- don. 1839.) *4ioo.i8 Leeds, England. [Eleven photographs of different parts of the municipal build- ings. Leeds. 1886.] *Cab.6o.74.4 Lefroy, W. Norwich Cathedral. London. 1897. Illus. [English cathedrals.] 4108.26 Lefroy, W. C. The ruined abbeys of York- shire. London. 1883. Plates. *4iooa.29 Leigh, J. W. Hereford Cathedral. Illus- trated by H. Fitton. London. 1901. Plates. Plan. 4109.51 L*Estrange, A. G. K. Royal Winchester. London. 1889. Plates. 2496.120 Lewis Brothers, publishers. Bath: the Eng- lish Rome. Bath. [190-?] Colored plates. *4090.i77 Liddell, E. T. St. Alban's Abbey. Illus- trated by F. G. Kitton. London. 1897. Illus. [English cathedrals.] 4108.23 Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, England. Lin- coln Minster. [Architectural & histori- cal notes. Ground plan.] Lincoln. [189-?] 4107.13 Lipscomb, G. The history and antiquities of the County of Buckingham. London. 1847. 4 V. Plates. *246i.9 Loftie, W. J. The cathedral churches of England and Wales: their history, architecture and monuments. London. 1892. 29 plans. 4097-54 Inigo Jones and Wren; or, the rise and de- cline of modern architecture in England. London. 1893. Plates. *409i.69 Windsor Castle. London. 1887. Illus. - 2494.100 Longstaffe, W. H. D. The history and antiquities of the Parish of Darlington. Darlington. 1854. H^^s. Plates. ♦2490.127 ENGLAND 150 Lucas, C. Les temples et eglises circulaires d'Angleterre. Precede d'un essai sur I'histoire de ces monuments, et suivi de quelques eglises du Saint - Sepulcre. Paris. 1871. 4094.118 Extrait de la Revue de I'art chretien [•4072.201.14]. Lucas, E. V. Highways and byways in Sussex. London. 1904. Illus. Plates. [Highways and byways series.] 2462.133 Lysons, D. An historical account of those parishes in the County of Middlesex which are not described in the Environs of London. London. 1800. Plates. *457o.iS Macartney, M. E. English houses and gar- dens in the 17th and i8th centuries. London. 1908. 61 plates. Plans. *L.35.9 Macartney, M. E., editor. Recent English domestic architecture. London. 1908- 13. 5 V. Plates. Plans. [The Archi- tectural Review. Special issue.] 4091.188 The text is in English, French and German ar- ranged in parallel columns. In progress. Mackenzie, E. A descriptive and historical account of . . . Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle upon Tyne. 1827. Illus. Plates. 246oa.47 Mackenzie, E., and M. Ross. An historical, topographical, and descriptive view of the County Palatine of Durham. New- castle-upon-Tyne. 1834. 2 v. Plates. *247i.4 Mackenzie, Sir J. D., Baronet. The castles of England: their story and structure. New York. 1896. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 4091.76 Manby, G. W. The history and antiquities of the parish of Saint David, South Wales. London. 1801. Plates. *2473.5 Manning, O. The history and antiquities of the County of Surrey. London, 1804- 14. 3 V. Plates. *2490.6 Manship, H. The history of Great Yar- mouth. Edited by C. J. Palmer. Great Yarmouth. 1854. Plates. *2503.23 Same. Continuation, by C. J. Palmer. Great Yarmouth. 1856. Plates. *2503.24 Markham, C. A. The stone crosses of the County of Northampton. London. 1901. Plates. *243i.72 Markland, J. H. Remarks on English churches and . . . sepulchral memorials. 4th edition. London. 1847. Plates. 40993.102 Marson, C. L. Glastonbury: the historic guide to the "English Jerusalem." Bath. 1909. Illus. Plates. Map. Plan. Coat of arms. 41093.114 Mainly a history of the Abbey. Martin, C. W. The history and description of Leeds Castle, Kent. Westminster. 1869. Plates. *246o.i30 Mediaeval houses and castles in England. {In Academic d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. 19, pp. 1 13-125. Anvers. 1862.) *3389-5'i9 Masse, H. J. L. J. The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury, with some account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst, Glouces- tershire. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. 4109.42 The Cathedral Church of Bristol. Lon- don. 1901. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral se- ries.] 4109.48 The Cathedral Church of Gloucester. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.39 Medcalf, T. On the architecture of the two churches [of Aughton]. Plates. {In Newstead, G. C. Gleanings towards the annals of Aughton. Pp. 153-165. Liver- pool. 1893.) *2469.i7i Meehan, J. P. Famous houses of Bath and district. Bath [England]. 1901. Por- traits. Plates. *2463.45 More famous houses of Bath and district. Being the second series of that work. With an introduction by E. Castle. Bath. 1906. Illus. Portraits. 2463.46 Meyrick, S. R. The history and antiquities of the County of Cardigan. London. 1810. Plates. *25oi.s8 Milner, J. The history, civil and ecclesiasti- cal, & survey of the antiquities of Win- chester. 2d edition. Winchester. 1809. 2 v._ Plates. *2502.i3 Monasticon Anglicanum: aedes Benedic- tinae. [Houses of the Black Monks, Benedictines and Cluniacs. London. 188-?] 74 photographs, with index. Map. *Cab.6o.iio.4 Moore, C. H. The mediaeval church archi- tecture of England. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.79 Moore, T. The history of Devonshire. Illus- trated by a series of views. London. 1829. *247i.3 Morant, P. The history and antiquities of the County of Essex. London. 1768. 2 V. Plates. *246o.i Morrell, W. W. The history and antiqui- ties of Selby. Selby. 1867. Plates. 2507.15 Morris, J. E. The East Riding of Yorkshire. London. [1906.] Plates. Plans. [The little guides.] 2469a.248 The North Riding of Yorkshire. London. [1905.] Plates. Plans. [The little guides.] 2469a.247 Moss, F. The fourth book of Pilgrimages to old homes [in England]. Didsbury. 1908. Illus. Plates. 2462.169 The fifth book of Pilgrimages to old homes [in England]. Didsbury. 1910. Illus. Plates. 2462.171 Pilgrimages to old homes [in England]. Didsbury. 1906. Illus. Portraits. Plates. 2464.179 Pilgrimages to old homes, mostly on the Welsh Border. Didsbury. 1903. Illus. Plates. 2462.170 Muthesius, H. Die englische Baukunst der Gegenwart. Beispiele neuer englischer Profanbauten. Leipzig. 1900. 4 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i46.4 Die neuere kirchliche Baukunst in Eng- land. Berlin. 1901. Illus. Plates. 4010.86 160 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Nail, J. G. Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. London. 1867. Photographs. *2Sooa.67 Nash, J. The mansions of England in the olden time. London. 1839-49. 4 v. 104 plates. **K.407.i Same. With the illustrations reduced. 1869-72. *L.6o.io Same. New edition, edited by C. Holme . . . 1906. [The Studio. Special winter number. 1905-06.] 8072.175 Principally interiors. Views of the interior and exterior of Windsor Castle. London. 1852. 26 plates. **K.407.2 Nash, T. R. Collections for the history of Worcestershire. 2d edition. [London.] 1799. 2 V. Plates. *2500.7 Nelson, J. The history, topography and antiquities of St. Mary, Islington. Lon- don. 181 1. -Plates. *2472.9 Nevill, R. Old cottage and domestic archi- tecture in South-West Surrey. Guild- ford. 1889. Plates. *8o93.23 Newbolt, W. C. E. St. Paul's Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.28 Nichols, J. History of the County of Leices- ter. London. 1795-1811. 4 v. in 7. Plate's. *Cab.24.5i.4 Niven, W. Illustrations of old Warwick- shire houses. London. 1878. Plates. Plan. *8ioGa.46 Illustrations of old Worcestershire houses . . . with notes, historical and descriptive. London. 1873. Plates. *8iooa.45 Monograph of Aston Hall, Warwickshire. London. [1881?] 15 plates. *8iooa.8 North, H. L. The old churches of Arllech- wedd. Bangor. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4109.88 Notes on the cathedrals. Ely. London. [1904?] Plates. 4109.74 Books to be consulted, p. 19. Noyes, E. Salisbury Plain: its stones, cathedral city, villages and folk. Illus- trated by D. Noyes. London. 1913. Illus. Colored plates. Map. 2468.220 Oldfield, E. A topographical and historical account of Wainfleet and the Wapen- take of Candleshoe, in the County of Lincoln. London. 1829. Illus. *457oa.i4 Oliver, B. Old houses and village buildings in East Anglia, Norfolk, Suffolk & Es- sex. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *8io7.34 Treats largely of interiors and decoration. Ormerod, G. History of Cheshire. New and enlarged edition ... by T. Helsby. London. 1882. 3 v. in 6. Illus. Por- traits. *6520.33 The history of the County Palatine and City of Chester. London. 1819. 3 v. Portrait. Plates. Map. *2450.4 Ornsby, G. Sketches of Durham. Durham. 1846. Illus. Plates. *2504.7i Ould, E. A. Old cottages, farm houses, and other half-timber buildings in Shrop- shire, Herefordshire and Cheshire. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. *4093.i57 Owen, E. Old stone crosses of the vale of Clwyd and neighbouring parishes. Lon- don. [1886.] Illus. *247o.56 Owen, H., and J. B. Blakeway. A history of Shrewsbury. London. 1825. 2 v. Plates. ♦2492.13 Oxford, A. W. The ruins of Fountains Ab- bey. With illustrations and photographs by J. R. Truelove. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4i09a.ii3 Palmer, G. H. The Cathedral Church of Rochester. London. 1897. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.29 Parker, E. Highways and byways in Sur- rey. London. 1908. Illus. Plate. [Highways and byways series.] 2468.175 Parker, G. Studley Royal and Fountains Abbey. Revised and enlarged edition. Ripon. [1895.] Plates. No. 2 in *2467.3i Parker, J. H. Architectural notes of the churches and other ancient buildings in the city and neighbourhood of Winches- ter. Illus. {In Royal Archaeological In- stitute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings . . . 1845. London. 1846.) No. 4 in *2259.5o Architectural notes of the churches of Norwich. Norwich. 1847. No. 8 in *2465.i04 Same. {In Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Memoirs. Pp. 157-197. London. 1851.) *2259.52 Peet, H. Architectural and ecclesiological notes on Holbeach Church. Holbeach. 1890. Illus. Plates. *2493.i29 Perkins, T. The abbey churches of Bath & Malmesbury, and the Church of Saint Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. London. 1901. Illus. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.43 The Cathedral Church of Manchester, . . . and the collegiate buildings now known as Chetham's Hospital [and Library]. London. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.21 The Cathedral Church of Saint Albans with an account of the fabric & a short history of the Abbey. London. 1903. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral se- ries.] 4109.77 A short account of Romsey Abbey: a de- scription of the fabric and notes on the history of the convent of SS. Mary and Ethelfleda. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.70 Wimborne Minster and Christ-church Priory. London. 1899. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.44 Perry, J. T., and C. Henman, Jr. Illustra- tions of mediaeval antiquities in the County of Durham. Oxford. 1867. 51 plates. *Cab.6o.76.i Peterborough, England. City and borough of Peterborough. Views in the city and neighbourhood. 16 photographs. ♦24603.113 Phelps, W. History and antiquities of Somersetshire. London. 1836-39. 2 v. Plates. ♦4521.6 Philips, N. G. Views of the old halls of Lancashire and Cheshire. London. 1893. Illus. 28 plates. *246o.i33 ENGLAND 161 Phillips, G. S. The new guide to the Cathe- . dral Church of Peterborough. Revised by W. D. Sweeting. Peterborough. [1897?] Plates. 6538.74 Phillips, T., and C. Hulbert. The history and antiquities of Shrewsbury; with appen- dix containing particulars relative to Shropshire. 2d edition, including the history and description of the County of Salop by C. Hulbert. Providence Grove. 1837. 2 v. Plates. *25oi.77 Another edition of Vol. 2 entitled History and description of the County of Salop, may be found on shelf-number *24g2.g. Polwhele, R. The history of Devonshire. London. 1793, 97. Plates. *245o.7 Poole, G. A., editor. Churches of Yorkshire. Leeds. 1844-55. 7 parts in i v. Illus. Plans. *4i04-35 Poole, G. A., and J. W. Hugall. The churches of Scarborough, Filey, and the neighbourhood. London. 1848. Illus. Plates. *2469a.34 An historical & descriptive guide to York Cathedral and its antiquities. York. [1850.] Plates. Plans. **K.i35.2 Pooley, C. An historical and descriptive account of the old stone crosses of Somerset, London, 1877. Plates. 2463.21 Notes on the old crosses of Gloucester- shire. London. 1868. Illus. *2502.i30 Potter, J. Remains of ancient monastic architecture in England. With histori- cal and descriptive accounts. London. [1847.] 79 plates, *Cab.6o.i5.3 Contents. — Buildwas Abbey. — Tintern Abbey, Specimens of antient English architec- ture: Ecclesiastical. London. 1848. 42 plates. *4ioo.68 Poulson, G. Beverlac; or, the antiquities and history of Beverley; with a descrip- tion of the present minster and the Church of St. Mary. London. 1829. 2 v. Plates. *2505.i2 Pratt, H. M. The cathedral churches of England. Their architecture, history and antiquities. With bibliography, itinerary & glossary. A practical hand- book for students and travellers. New York. 1910. Plates. 4108.102 Bibliography, pp. 585-593, Price, J, E., and F. G. H. Price. A guide to the Roman villa recently discovered at Morton, between Sandown & Brading, Isle of Wight. 2d edition. Ventnor. 1881. 6 plates. No. 5 in *6269a.63 Prior, E. S. The cathedral builders in Eng- land. London. 1905. Plates. [The Portfolio. Monographs on artistic sub- jects.] 8082.168 Some of the plates are colored. On Gothic architecture, A history of Gothic art in England, Lon- don, 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4091.82 Pugin, A, C. Specimens of Gothic archi- tecture; from ancient edifices in Eng- land. London. 1821, 22. 2 v. Plates. *4ioi.5 Pugin, A. C, and A. N. W. Pugin. Examples of Gothic architecture; from ancient Pugin, A. C, and A. N. W, Pugin. (Continued.) edifices in England. London. 1850. 3 v. Plates. *409i.2 Pugin, A. N. W. An apology for the revival of Christian architecture in England. London. 1843. Plates. *4i02.7 Contrasts: or, a parallel between the noble edifices of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and similar buildings of the present day. London. 1836. Plates. ♦4101.22 Same. [Second edition. With enlarged Appendix.] London. 1841. Plates. ♦4101.54 The present state of ecclesiastical archi- tecture in England. London. 1843. Plates. 4093.12 Quennell, C. H. B. The Cathedral Church of Norwich. London. 1898. ■ Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.33 Modern suburban houses. Examples erected at Hampstead & elsewhere. London. 1906. 43 plates. *8i03.78 Raine, James. Catterick Church, in the County of York. A correct copy of the contract for its building, dated in 1412, illustrated with remarks and notes. London. 1834. Plates. Plans. *4i03.45 Raine, John. The history and antiquities of the parish of Blyth. Westminster, i860 8 plates. 2491.15 Rait, R. S., editor. English Episcopal palaces. (Province of York.) New York. 191 1. Plates. 249oa.i44 Royal palaces of England, New York. 1911. Plates. 2498.171 Rastall, W. D. A history of the antiquities of the Town and Church of Southwell, in the County of Nottingham. London. 1787. Plates. ♦2501.7 Rawlinson, R. The history and antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, and the Abbey Church of Bath. [Anon.] London. 1723. Illus, Plates. No. I in ♦4108.45 Rayner, S. The history and antiquities of Haddon Hall, Derby. 1836, 37. 3 v. 39 plates. 4091.10 Read, D. H. M. Highways and bywaj-'s in Hampshire. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. [Highways and byways series.] 2468.237 Rendle, W., and P. Norman. The inns of old Southwark. London. 1888, Illus. ♦2491.71 Repton, H., and others. Designs for the Pavilion at Brighton. London. [1808,] Colored plates. Plan. ♦L.50.5 Richardson, C. J. Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. London. 1838. 13 plates. ♦Cab.60.119.1 Same. 1840. 32 plates. ♦Cab.60.114.1 Observations on the architecture of Eng- land during the reigns of Queen Eliza- beth and King James I. London. 1837. 49 plates. ♦8090.105 Richardson, W. The monastic ruins of Yorkshire. York. 1843. IHus. 56 plates. ♦Cab.6o.i22.i Rickman, T. An attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England, from 162 ARCHITECTURE OP COUNTRIES. Rickman, T. (Continued.) the Conquest to the Reformation. 5th edition. London. 1848. Illus. 4093.4 Same. 7th edition, with additions by J. H. Parker. Oxford. 1881. 4094.76 Rickman, T., and D. Turner. Specimens of architectural remains in various coun- ties in England, but principally in Nor- folk. London. 1838. 2 v. Plates. ♦Cab.60.171. 1 Rider, W. Views in Stratford-upon-Avon and its vicinity. Warwick. 1828. 5 plates. 6591.4 Rimmer, A. Ancient stone crosses of Eng- land. London. 1875. Illus. 2462.75; **K.i67.6 Ancient streets and homesteads of Eng- land. London. 1877. Illus. 2465.18; **K,i65.9; **K.232.6 Our old country towns. London. 1881. Illus. 2467.73; **K.i67.i3; **K.69.i2 Robertson, T. S. The progress of art in English church architecture. London. 1897. Plates. Plans. 410Q.20 Robinson, C. J. A history of the castles of Herefordshire and their lords. London. 1869. Plates. *246o.i8 Robinson, P. F. An attempt to ascertain the age of the Church of Mickleham, in Surrey, with remarks on [its] architec- ture. London. 1824. Plates. *247o.2 Domestic architecture in the Tudor style. London. 1837. 17 plates. *8o9o.i03 Robinson, P. F., and J. Britton. Vitruvius Britannicus. History of Woburn Ab- bey, Hatfield House, Hardwicke Hall and Cassiobury Park. London. 1847. 44 plates. **K.405.4 Robson, P. A. The Cathedral Church of Saint David's. London. 1901. Illus. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.45 Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. Annual meeting at Lincoln. General notes upon the places visited during the meeting. London. 1880. Plates. Plans. *2259.7o Manual for use at the Ripon meeting. Ripon. 1874. Plate. Plans. ♦2250.64 Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities [of the several places in which meetings were held]. London. 1846-1880. Illus. Plates. Namely: Bristol. *2259.56 Chichester. *2259.58 Lincoln. *2259.53 Norfolk and Norwich. *2259.52 Northumberland. 2 v. *2259.57 Oxford. *2259.55 Wiltshire and city of Salisbury. ♦2259.54 Winchester. ^2259.50 York. ^2259.51 Rudder, S. A new history of Gloucester- shire. Cirencester. 1779. Plates. *Cab.24.5i.3 Salisbury: George Herbert's Church, Bemer- ton. Byzantine Church, Wilton. Ames- bury. Stonehenge. Plan of Old Sarum. London. [1897.] Plates. 4103.72 Sanders, W.-B. Half-timbered houses and carved oak furniture of the i6th and 17th centuries [in England]. London. 1894. 30 plates. ♦8080.113 Scott, Sir G. G. An essay on the history of English church architecture, prior -to the separation of England from the Ro- man obedience. London. 1881. Plates. 8o9oa.27 Sergeant, P. W. The Cathedral Church of Winchester. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.32 Sharpe, E. An account of the churches visited during the Lincoln excursion of the Architectural Association. London. 1871. Plates. ♦4103.19 Architectural parallels; or, the progress of ecclesiastical architecture in England, through the twelfth and thirteenth cen- turies. London. 1848. 121 plates. ♦Cab.60.37.4 The seven periods of English architecture defined and illustrated. London. 1851. Plates. 4102.16 Sharpe, E., and others. The churches of the Nene Valley, Northamptonshire. Lon- don. 1880. 112 plates. ♦4100.72 Shaw, H. Details of Elizabethan architec- ture. London. 1839. 60 plates. ♦♦K.101.2 The history and antiquities of the chapel at Luton Park, a seat of the Marquess of Bute. London. 1829. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.57.2 Shaw, S. History and antiquities of Staf- fordshire. London. 1798, 1801. 2 v. in I. Plates. ♦2490.10 Shelley, H. C. Royal castles of England . . . Boston. 1913. Plates. 2466.144 Bibliography, pp. 341-343. Shoberl, F. Sussex; delineations of that county. London. 1818. Plates. ♦2503.20 This is also in the Beauties of England and Wales, vol. 14 [*2466.i.i4]. Shore, T. T. Worcester Cathedral. Illus- trated by H. Fitton. London. 1899. 4109.54 Simpson, H. T. Archasologia Adelensis, or a history of the parish of Adel in the West Riding of Yorkshire. London. 1879- Plates. ♦2491.53 Singleton, E. How to visit the English cathedrals, i^ew York. 1912. Plates. 4108.85 Skelton, J. Engraved illustrations of the principal antiquities of Oxfordshire. From drawings by F. Mackenzie. Ox- ford. 1823. Plates. ^2490.8 Smith, H. E. The history of Conisborough Castle. Worksop. 1887. Illus. ♦2491.100 Reliques of the Anglo-Saxon churches of St. Bridget and St. Hildeburga, West Kirkby, Cheshire; with some of their sepulchral monuments. Liverpool. 1870. Plates. ♦2431.78 Reprinted from Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1870 [*2S08.I.23]. Smith, W. The history and antiquities of Morley, in the West Riding of the County of York. London. 1876. Illus. 2465.15 Morley: ancient and modern. London. 1886. Plates. 2467.165 A new & compendious history of the County of Warwick. Birmingham. 1830. Plates. 2502.6 ENGLAND 163 Smith, W., editor. Old Yorkshire. [Vol. i- 5]; N.S. [Vol. 1-3.] London. 1881-91. 8 V. Illus. 2495.54 Sparrow, W. S. The English house. How to judge its periods and styles. New York. 1909. Plates. 4098.158 Sparrow, W. S., editor. The modern home. A book of British domestic architecture for moderate incomes. New York. [1906.] Plates. Plans. [The art and life library.] *8o92.86 Some of the plates are colored. Spence, H. D. M. Cloister life in the days of Coeur de Lion. With illustrations by H. Railton and A. Quinton. London. 1892. *2490.i25 Dreamland in history. Part 2: The story of a Norman abbey [Gloucester]. Lon- don. 1891. 4521.T09.2 Gloucester Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English ca- thedrals.] 4108.29 The white robe of churches of the xith century. Pages from the story of Gloucester Cathedral. New York. 1900. Plates. Plan. 4108.8 Stanley, A. P. Historical memorials of Canterbury. 3d edition. London. 1857. Illus. 2490.24 Same. 4th edition. 1865. 2496.12 Same. 5th edition. 1868. **K.27i.i8 Same. 2d American from the nth Lon- don edition. New York. 1889. Plates. Plan. 2496.21 Historical memorials of Westminster Ab- bey. London. 1868. 4538.21 Same. 2d edition. 1868. **K.65.23 Same. 3d edition. 1869. 2493.50 Same, ist American, from the 6th London edition. New York. 1888. 3 v. Illus. 2494.103 Staunton, H. The great schools of England. London. 1865. Illus. 2470.13 Stone, J. B. A history of Lichfield Cathe- dral. London. 1870. Plates. *25o6.5 Storer, J. S., and H. S. Storer. Delineations, graphical and descriptive, of Fountains' Abbey, York. London. [1820?] Illus. Plan. *2463.82 Storer, J. S., and others. History and des- cription of the parish of Clerkenwell. [London. 1828.] Plates. *2494.29 Strange, E. F. The Cathedral Church of Worcester. A descriptioh. London. 1900. Illus. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.62 Street, G. E. The study of foreign Gothic architecture, and its influence on Eng- lish art. {In Shipley, O., editor. The church and the world. 3d edition. Vol. I, pp. 368-382. London. 1867.) 5452.9.1 Stubbs, C. W. Historical memorials of Ely Cathedral. New York. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4108.18 Suckling, A. The history and antiquities of the County of Suffolk. London. 1846, 48. 2 V. Colored plates. *2502.i Publication discontinued. Suckling, A. (Continued.) Memorials of the antiquities and architec- ture ... of the County of Essex. Lon- don. 1845. Plates. *247i.io Surtees, R. The history and antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham. Lon- don. 1816-40. 4 V. Plates. *245o.8 Sweeting, W. D. The Cathedral Church of Ely. London. 1901. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.49 The Cathedral Church of Peterborough. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.34 Sympson, E. M. Memorials of old Lincoln- shire. London. 191 1. Plates. Plans. ^ 2464.204 Taber, M. J. The cathedrals of England. With brief sketches of their most noted bishops. Boston. 1905. Plates. [The cathedral series.] 4108.42 Bibliography, p. 277. Tanswell, J. The history and antiquities of Lambeth. London. 1858. Illus. Plates. *2495.i77 Tate, G. The history of the Borough, Castle, and Barony of Alnwick. Alnwick. 1866- 69. 2 V. Illus. Portrait. Plans. ♦2466.46 Taylor, H. Old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire. Manchester. 1884. 33 plates. ♦2460.70 Taylor, J. E. In and about ancient Ipswich. Norwich. 1888. Plates. *246oa.i04 Taylor, M. W. The old manorial halls of Westmorland & Cumberland. Kendal. 1892. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦2415.76 Taylor, R. V. The ecclesiae Leodienses; or, historical and architectural sketches of the churches of Leeds and neighbour- hood. . . . London. 1875. ^2509.68 Thompson, A. H. The ground plan of the English parish church. Cambridge. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The Cambridge manuals of science and literature.] 41093.20 Tierney, M. A. The history and antiquities of the castle and town of Arundel. London. 1834. 2 v. Illus. ♦2503.21 Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. London. [1870.] 2 V. 2 plates. 2539.9 Same. [2d edition.] Revised and enlarged by A. Gunn. London. [1872.] 3 v. Plates. 2468.9 Same. [Chandos library.] 2468.31 Timmins, H. T. Nooks and corners of Herefordshire. London. 1892. Plates. 2461.106 Nooks and corners of Pembrokeshire. London. 1895. Plates. 2473.28 Nooks and corners of Shropshire. Lon- don. 1899. Plates. 2462.32 Tipping, H. A. English homes of the early Renaissance: Elizabethan and Jacobean houses and gardens. London. [1913-] Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦Cab.60.69.9 The examples are of country houses. This work supplements and completes the volumes already issued. In English homes [*Cab.6o.69.6], and Gardens old and new [*L.Si.33]. 164 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Tompkins, H. W. Highways and byways in Hertfordshire. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. [The highways and byways series.] 2468.170 Tristram, W. O. Moated houses. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. [1910.] Plates. 2463.173 Troutbeck, G. E. Westminster Abbey. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. 4109.60 Tupper, G. An account of the remains of a Roman villa discovered at Bignor, in the County of Sussex, in the year 181 1, and four following years. [Anon.] London. 1839. 5 plates. Plan. 2499.113 Turner, T. H., and J. H. Parker. Some ac- ♦count of domestic architecture in Eng- land . . . Oxford. 1851-59- 3 V. m 4. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4095-i2 Contents. — i. From the Conquest to the end of the thirteenth century. 2. From Edward i. to Richard 11. 3. From Richard 11 to Henry viii. Twycross, E. The mansions of England and Wales. London. 1847-50. 5 v. Plates. *246o.36 Contents. — i, 2. The County Palatine of Lan- caster. Northern division. 3. The County Pala- tine of Lancaster. Southern division. 4, 5. The County Palatine of Chester. Vallance, A. Art in England during the Elizabethan and Stuart periods, with a note on the first century of English en- graving by M. C. Salaman. Edited by C. Holme. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. Map. 8072.182 Many of the plates are colored. A special spring number of The Studio [*407 1.225]. Van Rensselaer, M. G. English cathedrals. Illustrated by J. Pennell. New York. 1892. 4102.54 Same. 1893. 4102.64 Venables, E., Canon of Lincoln. Architecture of the cathedral churches of England, considered historically. (In Howson, J. S., editor. Essays on cathedrals. Pp. 307-363- London. 1872.) 3.526.51 Episcopal palaces of England. New York. 1896. Illus. Plates. ^ 249oa.i25 Villas normandes & anglaises. Paris. [1912?] 54 plates. *Cab.6o.i72.8 Vincent, J. E. Highways and byways in Berkshire. London. 1906. Illus. Plates. [The highways and byways series.] 2468.173 Virtue, G. Picturesque beauties of Great Britain. [Kent.] London. 1835. Plates. ♦24603.102 W., H. The Cathedral Church at Canter- bury. London. 1896. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.25 Walcott, M. E. C. Church work and life in English minsters. London. 1879. 2 v. Plans. 3529-71 Contents. — i. Cathedral churches of England and Wales. 2. The English student's Monasticon. Wallen, W. The history and antiquities of the Round Church at Little Maplestead, Essex, formerly belonging to the Knights Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem. London. 1836. Plates. ♦2493.124 Waller, F. S. A general architectural de- scription of the Cathedral Church at Gloucester. London. 1856. 6 plates. *Cab.6o.96.5 Ward, J. Dale & its Abbey, Derbyshire. [2d edition.] Derby. 1891. Illus. Plates. ♦2491.144 Ware, S. H. History of the foundations in Manchester of Christ's College, Chet- ham's Hospital, and the Free Grammar school. London. 1833-48. 3 v. Plates. ♦25003.56 Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeo- logical Society. Architectural Commit- tee. Notices of the churches of War- wickshire. Deanery of Warwick. War- wick. 1847, 58. 2 V. in I. Illus. Plans. ♦250T.45 Watkins, C. F. The basilica; or, palatial hall of justice and sacred temple. A descrip- tion of the basilican church of Brix- worth. London. 1867. Plates. Plan. 4106.19 Weaver, L. The "Country Life" book of cottages costing from £150 to £600. London. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. Illustrations of English building. 8108.24 West, G. H. Gothic architecture in England & France. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Table. 4109.56 List of works consulted, pp. xi-xiv. West, W. Picturesque views in Shropshire. Birmingham. 1831. 33 plates. 2492.18 Picturesque views in Staffordshire. Bir- mingham. 1830. 38 plates. 2492.17 Wheater, W. Some historic mansions of Yorkshire and their associations. Leeds. 1888, 89. 2 v. Plates. ♦24603.72 Whitaker, J. The ancient Cathedral of Corn- wall historically surveyed. London. 1804. 2 V. Plates. ^2462.12 Whitaker, T. D. The history and antiqui- ties of the deanery of Craven, in the County of York. 3d edition, with addi- tions by A. W. Morant. London. 1878. Plates. Plans. ♦2500.51 History of Richmondshire, in the North Riding of York. London. 1823. 2 v. ♦2490.9 History of the original parish of Whalley. 4th edition enlarged. London. 1872, 76. 2 v. Plates. ^2500.50 Loidis and Elmete; an attempt to illustrate . . . the lower portions of Aredale and Wharfdale, together with the entire Vale of Calder. Leeds. 1816. Plates. Running title, History of Leeds. *2490.I The new history of Yorkshire, commenc- ing with Richmondshire. Part i. Lon- don. 1872. Plates. ♦6520.41 Parish of Dewsbury. Illus. Plate. (In Greenwood, J. B. The early ecclesiasti- cal history of Dewsbury. Pp. 145-178. London. 1859.) ^2506.74 Reprinted from his Loidis and Elmete [2490.1]. White, C. H. E. Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. London. 191 1. Plates. [County churches.] 41093.1 1 ENGLAND 165 White, J. W. G. The Cathedral Church at Salisbury. London. 1896. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.26 Whitefield, E. Homes of our forefathers in Boston, Old England, and Boston, New England. Boston [Mass. J. 1889. Col- ored plates. *8io2.45 Same. [Enlarged edition.] *8i02.39 Wightwick, G. Ancient English Gothic ar- chitecture. 3 plates. (/« Weale, J., editor. Quarterly papers on architec- ture. Vol. 2, 3. London. 1844.) *409i.6.2,3 Modern English Gothic architecture. Lon- don. 1845. Plates. *4ioi.i3 Same. {In Weale, J., editor. Quarterly papers on architecture. Vol. 3, 4. Lon- don. 1844-45.) *409i.6.3, 4 Wildridge, T. T. Holderness and HuUshire historic gleanings. Hull. 1886. Illus. *249i.ii3 Old and new Hull. Hull. 1889. Plates. ♦2500a. 1 18 Northumbria: . . . antiquities of Nor- thumberland, Cumberland, Westmor- land, Durham, Yorkshire, Lancashire, and the borders of Scotland. London. 1888. Plates. 2502.120 Wilkinson, W. English country houses. 2d edition. London. 1875. Plates. 4094.74 Willement, T. An account of the restora- tions of the Collegiate Chapel of St. George, Windsor. London. 1844. 2 plates. *8o9i.57 Willett, R. A description of the library at Merly in the County of Dorset. London. 1785. 23 plates. *Cab.8o.i83.4 Title and text repeated in French. Williams, D. The history of Monmouth- shire. London. 1796. Plates. *249i.i3 Williams, R. L., and M. Underwood. The village churches of Denbighshire. Den- bigh. 1872. 73 plates. *8o9i.7o Willins, E. P. Quaint old Norwich. Nor- wich. [1884.] 50 plates. *409o.i45 Examples of ecclesiastical and domestic architec- ture. Willis, R. The architectural history of Can- terbury Cathedral. London. 1845. Plates. 4102.17 The architectural history of Glastonbury Abbey. Cambridge. 1866. Illus. Plan. 4105.65 The architectural history of Winchester Cathedral. Illus. {In Royal Archaeo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings . . . 1845. Lon- don. 1846.) No. I in *2259.5o A description of the Sextry barn at Ely, lately demolished. Cambridge. 1843. 4 plates. [Cambridge Antiquarian So- ciety.] *2500.I20.I Willmott, E. C. M. The Cathedral Church of Llandaff. A description of the build- ing and a short history of the See. Lon- don. 1907. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathe- dral series.] 4109.71 English house design: a review. London. 191 1. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 8107.36 Wilson, S. The romance of our ancient churches. New York. [1899.] IHus. „ . , 4108.12 Wmkles, H., and B. Winkles. Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the ca- thedral churches of England and Wales. London. 1835-42. 3 v. Plates. Plans. *4i02.i;**K.i53.6 Woodward, B. B. A history and description of Winchester. Winchester. [187-?] Plates. *249i.i56 Reprinted from his A general history of Hamp- shire, vol. I [*4S7o.8.i]. Woodward, B. B., and others. A general history of Hampshire. London. [1870.] 3 V. Plates. *457o.8 Woolnoth, W. A graphical illustration of the Cathedral of Canterbury. London. 1816. Plates. ♦4101.8 Worth, T. B. Exeter Cathedral and its restoration. Exeter. 1878. 2 photo- graphs. Plan. '2495.133 Wren, Sir C. Works. Dimensions, plans and sections of [his] churches. London. 1848, 49. Plates. ♦Cab.60.41.2 Wright, T. The history and topography of the County of Essex. London. 1836. 2 V. Plates. *247i.8 The ruins of the Roman city of Uri- conium at Wroxeter, near Shrewsbury, 5th edition. Shrewsbury. 1868. Plates. Plan. 24693.197 Uriconium: a historical account of the an- cient Roman city. London. 1872. Illus. 2463.9 Wymeswold, Eng. History and description of the restored Parish Church of St. Mary, Wymeswold, Leicestershire. Lon- don. [1847.] Plates. *8o9i.i2 Yates, R. History and antiquities of the Abbey of St. Edmund's Bury. 2d edition. London. 1843. Plates. *246i.io Yorkshire Archaeological and Topogranhical Association. Excursion to Roche Abbey and Conisborough Castle. Worksop. 1887. Illus. *2493.iio Cambridge and Oxford. Acland, Sir H. W. D., and J. Ruskin. The Oxford Museum. [With letters from J. Phillips, etc.] London. 1859. Illus. Folded plan. 4095.24 Same. 2d edition. Oxford, i860. No. 3 in *6529.8; 8oqg.26 Same. [4th edition.] London. 1893. Por- trait. Plate. Folded plan. 4095.70 Allfrey, E. W. The architectural history of [Brasenose] College. Plates. Plans. {In University of Oxford. Brasenose College. Brasenose quater-centenary monographs. Vol. i. [Oxford.] 1909-) 2497.198 Archaeologia Oxoniensis. Part 1-5. Ox- ford. 1892-95. Plates. *249oa.ii4 Publication discontinued. Arnold, F. Oxford and Cambridge: their colleges, memories and associations. London. [1873.] Plates. 2463.12 I 166 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Atkinson, T. D. Cambridge described and illustrated. London. 1897. Plates. Plans. 2493.160 Bodleian Library, Oxford. Six views of the Library buildings, exterior and interior. [Oxford. 1900.] Photographs. *6i9oa.i59 Brewer, H. W. Mediaeval Oxford. London. [1898.] Bird's eye view. *Cab.6o.i33.3 Reprinted from The Builder, Vol. 60, June, 189 1 [*4i04.20i.6o]. Cantabrigia depicta. Cambridge. [1663.] Plates. *2490.26 Chalmers, A. A history of the colleges, halls, and public buildings attached to the University of Oxford. Illustrated by Storer and Greig. Oxford. 1810. 2 v. Plates. ^ *2492.5 Clark, J. W. Cambridge; brief historical and descriptive notes. London. 1881. Plates. *246o.57 Same. 1890. 2499.62 Same. 1893. 2499.70 Combe, W. A history of the University of Cambridge. [Anon.] London. 1815. 2 V. Colored plates. *Cab.24.49.4 A history of the University of Oxford. [Anon.] London. 1814. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 80 colored plates. ^ *247o.53 These two works were published by Rudolph Ackermann. Dallaway, J. Anecdotes of the arts in Eng- land, chiefly illustrated by specimens at Oxford. London. 1800. 4074.11 Part 1 is on architecture. Dearmer, P. The Cathedral Church of Ox- ford. London. 1897. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] ^ 4109.28 Dyer, G. History of the University and col- leges of Cambridge. London. 1814. 2 v. Plates. *2462.5 Evans, H. A. Highways and byways in Ox- ford and the Cotswolds. London. 1905. Plates. [The highways and byways se- ries.] 2468.205 Ffoulkes, E. S. A history of the Church of S. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, the Uni- versity Church; from Domesday to [1834.] London. 1892. Illus. *2497.i2i Fletcher, H., illustrator. Oxford and Cam- bridge. Delineated by H. Fletcher. With introduction by J. W. Clark, and notes by various writers. London. 1910. 61 plates. *249oa.i52 Foster, J. Oxford men and their colleges. Oxford. 1893. Plates. *2490.i36 Fulleylove, J. Oxford. With notes by T. H. Ward. London. 1889. 30 plates. *2490.i38 Gibbs, J. Bibliotheca Radcliviana; or, a short description of the Radcliffe Li- brary at Oxford. London. 1747- 21 plates. *8o90.i42 Glasgow, E. Sketches of Magdalen College, Oxford. London. 1901. Plates. 4103.41 [The text is merely to] "give order and an interest to the drawings." — Preface. Godley, A. D. Oxford in the eighteenth century. New York. 1908. Plates. 2497.212 Gurlitt, C. Cambridge. Berlin. 1905. [His- torische Stadtebilder. 7.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i37.4.7 Consists mainly of church architecture. Headlam, C. Oxford. London. 1904. Plates. ♦2491.26 The story of Oxford. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1907. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. [Mediaeval towns.] 2497.200 Ingram, J. Memorials of Oxford. Engrav- ings by J. Le Keux. Oxford. 1837. 3 v. **K.i24.i3; **G.37Si.4 Memorials of the churches and parishes of Oxford. 2d edition. Oxford. 1848. Illus. Plates. *2507.ii9 Memorials of the public buildings of Ox- ford. New edition. Oxford. 1848. 9 parts in i v. Illus. Plates. Map. *2494.83 Jackson, T. G. The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford. Oxford. 1897. Illus. *4ioi.72 Wadham College, Oxford: its foundation, architecture and history. Oxford. 1893. Illus. Plates. *249o.i33 Lamborn, E. A. G. The story of architec- ture in Oxford stone. Oxford. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4099a.i3i Lang, A. Oxford. London. 1880. Plates. *246o.55 Same. 1890. 2499.63 Mackenzie, F., and A. C. Pugin. Specimens of Gothic architecture from ancient buildings at Oxford. London. [1825?] Plates. *4i02.6 Masse, H. J. L. J. Oxford. New York. 1906. Plates. Plan. [The Langham series of art monographs.] 40793.341 Nelson, T., & Sons, publishers. City of Ox- ford. [Views.] London. [185-?] 12 plates. 6539.155 Parker, J. H. A handbook for visitors to Oxford. Oxford. 1847. Illus. 2494.53 Richards, F. Oxford: a sketch-book. Lon- don. [1913-] (24) plates. 4097.159 Sabatini, F. L. Pictures in colour of Cam- bridge, with its university and colleges. With descriptive notes. London. [1905?] Colored plates. 2499.155 Skelton, J. Oxonia antiqua restaurata. Ox- ford. 1823. 2 V. Plates. *246o.8 Pietas Oxoniensis; or, records of Oxford founders. Oxford. 1828. Plates. *2490.7 Slatter, H., publisher. Views of all the col- leges, halls, and public buildings in the University and City of Oxford. Oxford. [1824.] 42 plates. *2499a.i64 Storer, J. S., and H. S. Storer. Illustrations of the University of Cambridge. Cam- bridge. N. d. 32 plates. **K.i82.i Thomas, E. Oxford. London. [1903.] Colored plates. 2492.147 Vallance, A. The old colleges of Oxford: their architectural history illustrated and described. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Engraved title- page. *Cab.24.49.2 Views. Views in Cambridge. Cambridge. [184-?] (30) plates. Engraved title- page. 24993.194 Views in the University and City of Oxford. Oxford. [1824.] 24693.54 Wade, W. M. Walks in Oxford. Oxford. 1817. 2 V. in I. Plates. 2497.188 CAMBRIDGE AND OXFORD 167 Whittaker, T. Sights and scenes in Oxford City and University. London. 1898. loi plates. 246oa.i26 Willis, R. The architectural history of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge. 1886. 4 V. Illus. *8o9i.62 Wilson, J. Memorabilia Cantabrigise: or, an account of the different colleges in Cam- bridge. London. 1803. Illus. **K.ii9.9 Wright, T., and H. L. Jones. Memorials of Cambridge. New edition, by C. H. Cooper. Cambridge. 1860-66. 3 v. Plates. *457i-i The universities. Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge. London. 1841, 42. Illus. Plates. Plan. **K.i46.5 This is an earlier edition of the preceding. London. Addison, C. J. The Temple Church. Lon- don. 1843. 4 plates. *2498.77 Archer, J. W. Vestiges of old London. London. 1851. Plates. **K.7o.9 Ashbee, C. R. The Trinity Hospital in Mile End. London. 1896. Plates. Plans. [Committee for the Survey of the Me- morials of Greater London.] *409d.i3i Bibliography, p. 34. Barry, Sir C. The Travellers' Club House: illustrated by drawings made by Mr. J. H. Le Keux. Accompanied by an essay on the present state of architectural study and the revival of the Italian style, by W. H. Leeds. London. 1839. 10 plates. [Studies and examples of the modern school of English architecture.] No more of this series was published. *4IOO.l8 Bayley, J. The history and antiquities of the Tower of London. London. 1821, 25. 2 V. Plates. *249i.7 Beavan, A. H. Imperial London. London. 1901. Plates. *2492.i39 Belcher, J. The Institute of Chartered Ac- countants in England and Wales, Moor- gate Place, E. C. London. 1893. 20 plates. *4090.83 Bell, N. R. E. The skirts of the great city [London]. London. [1907.] Plates. Some of the plates are colored. 2499.173 Some account of the great buildings of London. London. 1879. 13 plates. 3491.52 Benham, W. Old St. Paul's Cathedral. Lon- don. 1902. Plates. [The Portfolio. No. 43.] 8082.153 Some of the plates are colored. Benham, W., and C. Welch. Mediaeval Lon- don. London. 1901. Plates. [The Portfolio. No. 42.] 8082.152 Besant, Sir W. Early London: prehistoric, Roman, Saxon, and Norman. London. 1908. Plates. *249i.i5g London city. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. ♦2491.160 London in the eighteenth century. Lon- don. 1903. Plates. *249i.i58 London in the nineteenth century. Lon- don. 1909. Plates. *249i.i6i London in the time of the Stuarts. Lon- don. 1903. Plates. *249i.i57 I Besant, Sir W. (Continued.) London in the time of the Tudors. Lon- don. 1904. Plates. Plans. *249i.i53 London north of the Thames. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. *249i.i63 London south of the Thames. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. *249i.i65 Mediaeval London. Vol. i, 2. London. 1906. 2 V. Plates. *249i.i55 These nine works belong to the series: The sur- vey of London. London. New York. 1892. Illus. 2493.133 Same. London. 1892. 2493,153 South London. New York. [1898.] Plates. 2496.83 Same. London. 1901. Plates. 2496.84 Billings, R. W. Architectural illustrations and account of the Temple Church, Lon- don. London. 1838. 30 plates. *8o9oa.iio Birch, G. H. London churches of the xviith and xviiith centuries. London. 1896. 64 plates. *Cab.6o.ii8.3 London on Thames in bygone days. Lon- don. 1903. Plates. [The Portfolio. No. 44.] 8082.154 Some of the plates are colored. Brayley, E. W. History and antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, West- minster. London. 1818, 23. 2 v. Plates. *250I.IO Londiniana; or, reminiscences of the Brit- ish metropolis. London. 1829. 4 v. Plates. 2498.16 London and Middlesex. London. 1810-16. 4 V. in 5. Plates. [The beauties of Eng- land and Wales. Vol. 10.] *L.44.i.io Brayley, E. W., and J. Britton. History of the ancient palace and late houses of Parliament at Westminster. London. 1836. Illus. *2463.7S Bumpus, T. F. London churches, ancient and modern. London. . [1908.] 2 v. Plates. [The cathedral series.] 4108.43 Contents. — i. Mediaeval and early Renaissance. 2. Classical and modern. Campbell, W. S. The 'passer by' in London. A tribute to Wren, Gibbons & J. Stow. . . . London. 1908. Plates. Plan. 2497.208 Capes, J. M. The old and new churches of London. . . . London. 1880. Plates. 4iooa.23 Chamberlain, H. A new and compleat his- tory and survey of the cities of London and Westminster. London. 1769. Plates. *4530.5 Chancellor, E. B. The private palaces of London, past and present. Philadelphia. 1909. Plates. *249i.i66 Clarke, C. Architectura ecclesiastica Lon- dini; the cathedral, collegiate and pa- rochial churches in London, Southwark, Westminster [etc.]. London. 1820. 122 plates. *4090.2 Clarke, H. G. Westminster Abbey: its his- tory, antiquities and tombs. London. 1846. 2499a. 1 74 Same. 1850. Illus. Plans. 2499a.i75 Same. 1865. 24993.123 Same. [1874-] 2499a.i76 12 168 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Clinch, G. St. Paul's Cathedral, London. London. [1906.] Plates. Plans. [The little guides.] 2469a.232 Cole, Sir H. A hand-book for the architec- ture, sculptures, tombs, and decorations of Westminster Abbey ... By F. Sum- merly [pseud.]. London. [184-?] Plates. No. I in *4539-4 Same. 1870. No. 6 in *6529.6 Same. 1875. No. 7 in *6529.6 Same. [1882.] 2499a.i25 Same. [189-?] 2499a.i87 Combe, W. The history of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, London. 1812. 2 v. 81 colored plates. **K.83.2 Combe, W., and W. H. Pyne. The micro- cosm of London; or London in minia- ture. London. [1808-11.] 3 v. Colored plates. *2490.i5i The plates are by Pugin and Rowlandson. This and the preceding work were published by Rudolph Ackermann. Cooke, G. Views in London and its vicinity. London. [1834.] 48 plates. *L.50.22 There is no text. Cottingham, L. N. Plans, elevations, sec- tions and details of Westminster Hall. London. 1822. 4 folded plates. *Cab.6o.io.4 Cox, J. E., editor. The annals of St. Helen's, Bishopgate, London. London. 1876. Plates. Plan. *242i.53 Cromwell, T. Walks through Islington. London. 1835. Plates. 2495.16 Crull, J. The antiquities of St. Peter's, or the Abbey Church of Westminster. 3d edition. London. 1722. 2 v. Illus. **K.235.2 Cummings, E. M. The companion to St. Paul's Cathedral: ... a description of the various objects worthy attention. 15th edition. London. 1851. Plates. Plan. 4539a.23 Same. 17th edition. 1854. 45393.22 Same. 23d edition. 1859. 2469.141; No. 2 in *2469.ii4 Daniell, A. E. London city churches. West- minster. 1895. Plates. 4105.62 London riverside churches, Westminster. 1897. Plates. 4105.64 Dart, J. Westmonasterium; or the history and antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. London. [1723.] 2 V. 148 plates. *65io.ii Davey, R. P. B. The pageant of London. London. [1906.] .2 v. Colored plates. 2499.169 Dimock, A. The Cathedral Church of Saint Paul. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.46 Diprose, J. Some account of the parish of Saint Clement Danes (Westminster), past and present. London. 1868, 76. 2 v. Plates. *2507.25 Ditchfield, P. H. The city companies of London. London. 1904. Illus. Plates. *249oa.68 Dugdale, Sir W. The history of Saint Paul's Cathedral, in. London. London. 1818. 69 plates. **G.375o.2 Elmes, J. Metropolitan improvements; or, London in the nineteenth century. From drawings by T. H. Shepherd. London. 1828. 79 plates. ♦*K.i2i.3.2 Same. [London. 1847.] 44 plates. 6536.12 Erskine, M. G. Z. C. London as an art city. New York. 1904. Portraits. Plates. [The Langham series of art mono- graphs.] 40793.281 Farrar, F. W. Westminster Abbey. Illus- trated by H, Railton. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.20 Same. With a chapter on the Poet's corner by A. P. Stanley. New York. [1897?] Plates. 4108.19 Fearnside, W. G., and T. Harrall, editors. The history of London: illustrated by views in London & Westminster, en- graved by J. Woods. London. [1838.] 30 plates. **K.262.i Feasey, H. J. Westminster Abbey histor- ically described. With an account of the Abbey buildings by J. T. Micklethwaite. London. 1899. 75 plates. *4ioo.94 Fitzgerald, P. H. Picturesque London. Lon- don. 1890. Plates. 2491.82 Fletcher, H. London, passed and passing. A pictorial record of destroyed & threat- ened buildings. London. 1908. Plates. *249oa.i49 Godfrey, W. H. A history of architecture in London arranged to illustrate the course of architecture in England until 1800, with a sketch of the preceding European styles. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4098.159 Godman, E. The Old Palace of Bromley-by- Bow. [London. 1901?] 37 plates. [Com- mittee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] *4090.i34 Godwin, G., Jr., and J. Britton. The churches of London. London. 1839, Plates. **K.i33.2o; *2493.i40 Gordon, C. Old time Aldwych, Kingsway, and neighbourhood. London. 1903. Plates. 2495.172 Gower, Lord R. C. S. L. The Tower of Lon- don. London. 1901, 02. 2 v. Portraits. Plates. 2493.173 Gunn, E. The Great House, Leyton, [Lon- don. 1903.] Plates. Plans. [Commit- tee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] *4090.i35 Bibliography, p. 25. Harrington, J. Abbey and Palace of West- minster. London. 1869. 40 photographs. ♦2460.19 Harrison, W. Memorable London houses. London. 1889. Illus. 2496.119 Same. 3d edition, enlarged. London. 1890. 2499.T09 Harwood, J. Illustrations of London. Lon- don. [1841-51.] 50 plates. *4092.342 Headlam, C. The Inns of Court. London. 1909. Colored plates. 2493.187 Chief authorities referred to, pp. 203, 204. Hiatt, C. Westminster Abbey: a short his- tory and description of the Church and conventual buildings, with notes on the monuments. London. T002. Illns. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.64 LONDON 169 HUls, O. C. Saint Mary Stratford Bow. [London. 1900.] Illus. Plans. [Com- mittee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] *4090.i4i Hunt, V. Brooke-. The story of Westmin- ster Abbey. New York. 1902. Plates. 2498.38; *P.84.435-i Knight, C, editor. [Knight's Cyclopaedia of London. London. 1851.] Plates. 2491.21 London. London. 1841-44. 6 v. Illus. *B.4i7i.ii;**K.i36.5 The copy on shelf-number *B.4i7i.n is bound in three volumes. Same. 1851. Plates. 2491.20 Lambert, B. The history and survey of London and its environs. From the ear- liest period to the present time. London. 1806. 4 V. Plates. Plans. *2498.i58 Lethaby, W. R. Westminster Abbey & the kings* craftsmen: a study of mediaeval building. New York. 1906. Illus. Por- trait. Plans. 4097.176 Loftie, W. J. A history of London. London. 1883, 84. 3 V. Illus. 2496.71 The Inns of court and chancery. With illustrations by H. Railton. London. 1893. *2460.I2I Same. New edition. 1895. Plates. 2467.137 Kensington, picturesque & historical. London. 1888. Illus. *249i.i2i London City: its history, streets . . . buildings . . . Illustrated by W. Luker, Jr. London. 1891. *249o.iii Memorials of the Savoy: the palace, the hospital, the chapel. London. 1878. Illus. 2498.55 Rambles in and near London. London. 1903. Plates. 2497.214 Westminster Abbey. With illustrations chiefly by H. Railton. London. 1890. Illus. Plates. *246o.io6 Same. New edition. 1891. 2498.118 Same. New edition. Philadelphia. 1914. 2498.143 Whitehall: historical and architectural notes. London. 1895. Plates. [The Portfolio. 16.] *8o82.i24 London. County Council. The survey of London: . . . containing the parish of Bromley-by-Bow. Edited by C. R. Ash- bee. London. ^ [1900.] Plates. Map. Plans. [Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] ♦4090.132 Longman, W. History of the three cathe- drals dedicated to St. Paul in London. London. 1873. Plates. 2493.4; **K.i22.i Lysons, W. The environs of London. Lon- don. 1795, 96. 4 v. Plates. Plan. Some of the plates are colored. '''2491.164 Same. 2d edition. 181 1. 2 v. in 4. *4570.3 McCarthy, J. Charing Cross to St. Paul's. . . . [Illustrated] by J. Pennell. Lon- don. 1891. *2490.ii6 Mackenzie, 'P. Architectural antiquities of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster. London. 1844. 18 plates. *Cab.6o.iio.2 Maitland, W. The history and survey of London, London. 1756. 3 v. Text, v.; Plates, i v. *4S30.2 I Malcolm, J. P. Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London during the eight- eenth century. Added, a sketch of the domestic architecture [etc.]. 2d edition London. 1810. 2 v. Plates. *2496.io6 Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London from the Roman invasion to the year 1700. 2d edition. London. 181 1 3v. Illus. 2496.105 Londinium redivivum. London. 1802-07 4 V. Plates. *2472.ii Mann, E. A. Brooke House, Hackney [London. 1904.] Portraits. Plates. Plans. [Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] *4090.i'^6 List of the chief books and mss., p. 39. Milman, H. H. Annals of S. Paul's Cathe- dral. London. 1868. Illus. 4521.25 Morris, W. Architecture and history, and Westminster Abbey. [Colophon: Printed at the Chiswick Press . . . London. 1900.] *4097.63 Needham, R., and A. Webster. Somerset House past and present. London. 1905. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 2497.157 Newbolt, W. C. E. St. Paul's Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.28 Newnes, G., publisher. Round London. Lon- don. 1896. Illus. *249oa.i27 The 284 plates are largely of buildings in Lon- don. Nichols, J. B. Account of the royal hospital and Collegiate Church of Saint Katha- rine, near the Tower of London. Lon- don. 1824. Plates. Plans. *246oa.67 A brief account of the Guildhall of the City of London. London. 1819. 2 plates. ♦2495.4 Niven, W. London city churches destroved since 1800; or now threatened. London. 1887. Plates. *4ioo.33 Norman, P. London vanished & vanishing. London. [1905.] Colored plates. ♦2491.74 Ogilvy, J. S. Relics & memorials of London city. London. 1910. Plates. ♦2491.168 Oldfield, E. Saint Peter's & Saint Paul's. Notes on the decoration of churches in Italy, with suggestions for proceeding with the completion of Saint Paul's. London. 1876. 4097.7 Oilier, C. Original views of London as it is. London. 1842. Plates. ♦Cab.24.30.2 The descriptions are in English and French. Partington, C. F., editor. National history and views of London and its environs. London. 1835. 2 v. Plates. *2495.i Paul, R. W. Vanishing London: a series of drawings illustrating some of the old houses, etc., in London and Westmin- ster. London. 1894. Illus. 40 plates. ♦4081.31 Pepys, Hon. W. C, and E. Godman. The Church of St. Dunstan, Stepney. [Lon- don. 1898.] Illus. Plans. [Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] ♦4090.138 170 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Perry and Reed, architects. An account of the new north wing and recent ad- ditions to University College, London, opened February i6th, 1881. London. 1881. 14 plates. 8091.71 Price, J. E. A descriptive account of the Guildhall of the city of London. Lon- don. 1886. Plates. *Cab.24.i8.2 Pugin, A. C, and J. Britton. Illustrations of the public buildings of London. 2d edi- tion, enlarged, by W. H. Leeds. London. 1838. 2 V. Plates. *4092.9 Queen's London, The. A pictorial and de- scriptive record of the streets, buildings, parks, and scenery. London. 1896. Plates. *249i.49 Richardson, A. E., and C. L. Gill. London houses from 1660 to 1820: a considera- tion of their architecture and detail. London. [191 1.] Plates. Plans. Maps. 8103.83 Robinson, J. A. The abbot's house at Westminster. Cambridge. 191 1. Plate. Plans. Map. [Notes and documents relating to Westminster Abbey.] 2503.164 Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. Old London. London. 1867. Illus. 4535.11 Saint Paul's Cathedral, London. Saint Paul's Cathedral: its history and architecture; with engravings of all the monuments. London. [1872.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4539a.ii7 Sargeant, W. Old London. London. 1900. 37 colored plates. *249oa.i4i A collection of plates of buildings, with brief descriptive titles. Lithographed by Virtue & Co., mostly from paintings by Waldo Sargeant. Schleinitz, O., Freiherr von. London. Leip- zig. 1912. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ten.] 4074.502 Scott, Sir G. G. Gleanings from Westmin- ster Abbey. Oxford. 1861. Illus. 2494.25 Same. 2d edition. Oxford. 1863. Illus. 2494.14 Shelley, H. C. Inns and taverns of old Lon- don. Boston. 1909. Plates. 2468.43 Shepherd, T. H. London and its environs in the nineteenth century. Illustrated by a series of views. Series i. London. 1829. 81 plates. **K.i2i.3.i Sinclair, W. M. Memorials of St. Paul's Cathedral. Philadelphia. [1909-] Illus. Plan. *4io7.75 Bibliography, pp. 495. 496. Smith, C. R. Illustrations of Roman London. London. 1859. Plates. *249i.67 Smith, J. T. Antiquities of London and its environs. London. 1791. 80 plates. *653i.i4 Antiquities of Westminster; the old pal- ace, St. Stephen's Chapel (now the House of Cornmons), &c. London. 1807. Plates. *2500.i2 Society for Photographing Relics of old London. [120 plates with descriptive text by A. Marks. London. 1875-86.I 2 V. *Cab.24.io.i Stanley, A. P. Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey. London. 1868. 4538.21 Same. 2d edition. 1869. 2493.50; **K.65.23 Same, ist American edition. New York. 1888. 3 V. Illus. 2494.103 Stephenson, H. T. Shakespeare's London. New York. 1905. Plates. Plans. 2495.186 Stow, J. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster; corrected and brought down from the year 1633 by J. Strypc. London. 1720. 2 v. Plates. '2490.2 Same. And the borough of Southwark. 6th edition. 1754, 55. 2 v. **G.3730.6 Taylor, W. Annals of St. Mary Overy; an historical and descriptive account of St. Saviour's Church and Parish. London. 1833. Plates. ^2492.11 Thornbury, G. W., and E. Walford, editors. Old and new London. London. [1873- 78.] 6 V. Illus. Plates. 2493.5 Topham, J. An account of the Collegiate Chapel of Saint Stephen, at Westmin- ster. London. 1834. 2495.14 Treloar, W. P. Ludgate Hill: past and pres- ent. 1st edition. London. [1881.] Illus. 2498.22 Same. 2d edition. 1892. Plates. 2498.124 Troutbeck, G. E. Westminster Abbey. London. 1900. Illus. 4109.60 Views. Select views of London and its en- virons [engraved by J. Storer and J. Greig.] London. 1804, 05. 2 v. in i. 60 plates. **K.i42.2 Views in London of remarkable build- ings,_ with description. London. N.d. 26 vignettes. 2498.51 [Views in Westminster and London.] Scrap-book. 4570.4 Way, T. R. The ancient halls of the city guilds, drawn in lithography. With some account of the history of the companies by P. Norman. London. 1903. Illus. Plates. *249oa.66 Later reliques of old London, drawn in lithography. With an introduction and descriptions by H. R. Wheatley. Lon- don. 1897. 24 plates. *249i.76 Reliques of old London, drawn in lithography, with introduction by H. B. Wheatley. London. 1896, 99. 2 v. 48 plates. *249i.72 Only those buildings are pictured which were standing before the Great Fire of 1666. Reliques of old London suburbs north of the Thames, drawn in lithography. With descriptions by H. B. Wheatley. Lon- don. 1898. 24 plates. *249i.75 Westminster Abbey. Seventy-one views. *Cab.6o.i42.i These plates are taken from various volumes of the Architect and Contract Reporter [*4ioi.2oi]. Westminster Cathedral. Guide. A brief survey of its history from 1865 to 1902. London. 1902. Portrait. Plates. Plan. 4109.67 Westminster Palace. The new Palace of Westminster. 12th edition. London. 1856. Illus. Plan. 2495.188 Same. 1867. 2498.37 Same. New edition. 1890. Plates. 2498.39 LONDON 171 Westminster Palace. (Continued.) Le nouveau palais de Westminster. Londres. 1868. Plates. Plan. 4098.132 Wheatley, H. B. Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall. London. 1870. Plates. 4535.9 The story of London. Illustrated by W. H. Godfrey, K. Kimball, H. Railton, etc. London. 1904. Illus. Map. Plans. [Mediaeval towns.] 2499.98 Wilkinson, R., publisher. Londina illustrata. London. 1819, 25. 2 v. Plates. *246o.4; *Harris 711. 13 Same. Reprint. [18 — ?] *246o.i4 Worley, G. The Church of the Knights Templars in London. London. 1907. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.59 A selection of works on the Temple Church, p. ix. Same. 2d edition. 191 1. 4109.57 A selection of works on the Temple Church, p. xi. The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew- the-Great, Smithfield . . . also . . . the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less. London. 1908. Plates. [The cathedral series.] 4109.81 Southwark Cathedral, formerly the Colle- giate Church of St. Saviour, otherwise St. Mary Overie. A short history and description. London. 1905. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.69 Wyatt, Sir M. D. Views of the Crystal Pal- ace and Park, Sydenham. London. 1854. Plates. *8o9o.7o Ireland. See also Great Britain. Archdall, M. Monasticon Hibernicum: or, a history of the abbeys, priories, and other religious houses in Ireland. Vol. i, 2. Edited by P.P. Moran. Dublin. 1873, '24200.50 76. Plates. Plans. Armstrong, Sir W. Art in Great Britain and Ireland. New York. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Ars una: species mille.] 40793.403 Bernard, J. H. The Cathedral Church of Saint Patrick [Dublin]. A history & description . . . London. 1903. Por- trait. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.66 Brash, R. R. The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland, to the close of the twelfth century. Dublin. 1875. Plates. Plans. *4i05.82 Champneys, A. C. Irish ecclesiastical archi- tecture. With some notice of similar or related work in England, Scotland and elsewhere. London. 1910. Plates. • 4102.105 Books and periodicals quoted or referred to, pp. xxiii, xxiv. Chart, D. A. The story of Dublin. London. 1907. Plates. [Mediaevaltowns.] 2479a.i44 Elliott, R. Art and Ireland. Preface by E. ^^m Martyn. Dublin. [1902.] Plates. ^^^B On modern church art in Ireland. 4079*348 I Emerald Isle Album Company, Dublin. The city and county Dublin. Dublin. [19—?] 25 plates. [The "Emerald Isle" album series.] 4092.344 Fallow, T. M. The cathedral churches of Ireland: being notes, more especially on the smaller and less known of those churches. London. [1894.] IHus. 8104.9 Gerard, F. A. Picturesque Dublin, old and new. London. 1898. Plates. 2472.83 Graves, J., and J. G. A. Prim. The history, architecture and antiquities of the Ca- thedral Church of St. Canlce, Kilkenny. Dublin. 1857. Plates. *8iooa.57 Grose, F. The antiquities of Ireland. Lon- don. 1791, 95. 2 V. Plates. 2473.3 Same. 1791. 2 v. Colored plates. **Harris 712.3 Hull, E. Early Christian Ireland. London. 1905. [Epochs of Irish history.] 45193.57 Keane, M. The towers and temples ot an- cient Ireland. Dublin. 1867. Illus. , , . , ^ , . . *247i.64; **K.i38.25 Ledwich, E. Antiquities of Ireland. 2d edi- tion. Dublin. 1803. Plates. 2473.2 McGinty, W. H. Ancient Irish art and archi- tecture. Boston. 191 1. Illus. Plates. 4076.199 The art and architecture of Ireland. Bos- ton. 1907. 40993.144 Malton, J. A picturesque and descriptive view of the city of Dublin. [London. I797-] Plates. *Cab.24.26.5 Martel, £. A. Irlande et cavernes anglaises. Paris. 1897. Illus. Plates. 2472.58 Martin, W. G. W. History of Sligo, County and Town. Dublin. 1882-92. 4 v. Illus. Plates. *247oa.ioi Pagan Ireland. An archaeological sketch. A handbook of Irish pre-Christian an- tiquities. London. 1895. Illus. Plates. Chapter vi, pp. 177-257, treats of the early archi- tectural forms in Irel^d. Mason, W. M. The history and antiquities of the Collegiate and Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, near Dublin. Dublin. 1820. Plates. Plan. *249o.ii2 Morris, F. O. A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. With descriptive and historical letterpress. London. [1866-80,] 6 v. 200 colored plates. *246oa.ii9;*L.4i.8 O'Neill, H. The fine arts and civilization of ancient Ireland. London. 1863. Plates. Some of the plates are colored. 2473.4 Petrie, G. The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Norman invasion. 2d edition. Dublin. 1845. Illus. 8o9oa.24;*329o.6.2o Quin, E. R. W., 3d Earl of Dunraven. Notes on Irish architecture. Edited by Mar- garet Stokes. London. 1875, 77. 2 v. 125 plates. *8o9o.i26 RusseU, T. O. Beauties and antiquities of Ireland. London. 1897. Illus. Plates. 2472.57 172 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Stokes, M. Early Christian architecture in Ireland. London. 1878. Illus. Plates. Map. *4092.5i Same. 1887. [South Kensington Museum art handbooks.] 8085.61 Same. 1894. 2 parts in i v. Illus. 8085.80 The high crosses of Castledermot and Durrow. Dublin. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i56.6 Street, G. E. The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. An account of the restoration of the fabric by G. E. Street. With an historical sketch of the cathe- dral by E. Seymour. . . . London. 1882. Plates. *Cab.6o.i2.i Wakeman, W. F. Archseologia Hibernica. 2d edition. Dublin. 1891. Illus. 2473.63 Handbook of Irish antiquities. 3d edition. Dublin. 1903. Plates. Plans. 2473.86 This is a later edition of the preceding work. Warburton, J., and others. History of the city of Dublin. London. 1818. 2 v. Plates. *245o.io Ware, Sir J. The history and antiquities of Ireland . . . Translated by W. Harris. Dublin. 1764. 2 V. in i. Plates. *247o.76 The whole works of Sir James Ware con- cerning Ireland. Translated by W. Har- ris. Dublin. 1764. 2 V. *2540.io Waring, J. B. Stone monuments, tumuli and ornament of remote ages; with re- marks on the early architecture of Ire- land and Scotland. London. 1870. 108 plates. *8o8o.3 Westropp, T. I. The ancient forts of Ireland. Dublin. 1902. Illus. Plates. *247i.27 Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 31 [*3290.6.3i]. Wright, G. N. Ireland illustrated. London. 1 83 1. Plates. *2472.6o Scotland. See also Great Britain. Adam, W. Vitruvius Scoticus; being a col- lection of plans, elevations, and sections of public buildings, noblemen's and gen- tlemen's houses in Scotland. Edinburgh. [1750.] 160 plates. *Cab.6o.38.3 Addis, M. E. L. Scottish cathedrals and abbeys: their history and associations. London. 1901. Plates. 4105.71 Aitken, G. S. The abbeys of Arbroath, Bal- merino, and Lindores. Dundee. 1884. 23 plates. 4102.87 Allen, J. R. The early Christian monuments of Scotland. . . . Edinburgh. 1903. 3 parts in i v. Plates. *2472.64 The plates are of gravestones and their ornamen- tation. Anderson, J. Scotland in early Christian times. Edinburgh. 1881. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 2472.67 Beattie, W. Scotland. London. 1838. 2 v. Plates. **K.i63.8; **Harris 712.5; *456i.6 Billings, R. W., and W. Burn. The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scot- land. Edinburgh. 1848-50. 4 v, Illus. 24 plates. ♦♦K.180.10 Brydall, R. Art in Scotland: its origin and progress. Edinburgh. 1889. 8066.75 Buckler, J. C, and C. A. Buckler. The Ca- thedral, or Abbey Church of lona. And some account of the early Celtic Church, by [A. Ewing]. London. 1866. Plates. 4103.49 Butler, H. C. Scotland's ruined abbeys. New York. 1899. Illus. 4105.67 Cardonnel, A. de. Picturesque antiquities of Scotland. London. 1788. 2 parts in i v. Illus. *2474.io Castles of Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen. 1887. Plates. *247o.65 Chambers, R. Edinburgh papers. Ancient domestic architecture of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Castle as before the siege of 1573. London. 1859. Illus. 2465.133 Chambers, W. Historical sketch of St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 1890. Illus. Plan. 4109.84 Drummond, J. Archaeologia Scotica. Sculp- tured monuments in lona & the West Highlands. Edinburgh. 1881. 99 plates. [Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.] ♦4520.107 Old Edinburgh. Reproduced from his original drawings. Edinburgh. 1879. Plates. *Cab.24.27.5 Edinburgh Architectural Association. Sketch book. Vol. 1-3; new series, vol. i, 2. Edinburgh. [1875-94.] 5 v. Plates. ♦8100.72 Forsyth, R. Beauties of Scotland. Edin- burgh. 1805-08. 5 V. Plates. 2467.2 Eraser, R. W. The kirk and the manse. Edinburgh. 1857. 60 plates. ♦457oa.i5 Eraser, Sir W., editor. Registrum monasierii S. Marie de Cambuskenneth. 1 147-1535. Edinburgh. 1872. Illus. ♦250oa.i32 Gowans, J. Edinburgh and its neighbour- hood. Illustrations of old and new build- ings as they appeared about 1830. Lon- don. 1886. ♦2471.61 Graham, J. G., and A. Christie. The Chapel of St. Anthony the Eremite at Murthly, Perthshire. Edinburgh. 1850. 16 plates. ♦Cab.80.69.3 Grant, J. Cassell's Old and new Edinburgh. London. [i88i?-83.] 3 v. Illus. Plates. ♦2471.58 Grose, F. The antiquities of Scotland. Lon- don. 1797. 2 V. Plates. 2473.1 Same. 1889, 91. ♦♦Harris 712.2 Harrison, W. Memorable Edinburgh houses. Revised and enlarged by O. Smeaton. London. 1898. Illus. 2478.76 Home, B. J. Old houses in Edinburgh. Edinburgh. [1907.] 55 plates. ♦Cab.60.167.1 Hunter, J. Fala and Soutra, including a his- tory of the ancient "domus de Soltre," and of other historical buildings. Edin- burgh. 1892. Illus. ♦2502.113 Irvine, H. D. Royal palaces of Scotland. Edited by R. S. Rait. New York. 191 1. Plates. 24903.143 Lamb, A. C. Dundee: its quaint and his- toric buildings. Illustrated by W. Gibb. Dundee. 1895. ♦Cab.24.24.2 SCOTLAND 173 Lang, A. St. Andrews. London. 1893. lUus. Plates. *2492.i23 Lawson, J. P. Scotland delineated in a series of views. Drawn by J. D. Harding, &c. London. 1854. 2 v. 91 plates. *Cab.24.i4.i Lees, J. C. St. Giles', Edinburgh. Church, college and cathedral. Edinburgh. 1889. Plates. 249oa.ii6 MacGibbon, D., and T. Ross. The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1887-92. 5 v. Illus. Plates. 4102.52 The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland to the seventeenth century. Edinburgh. 1896. 2 V. Plates. 4102.73 The five great churches of Galloway. [Ed- ited by H. H. Dalrymple.] Edinburgh. 1899. Plates. *25oo.ioo.io Maitland, W. The history of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 1753. Plates. *247o.ii Masson, R. O. Edinburgh. London. 1904. Colored plates. 2474.26 Historical and descriptive sketches. Morris, J. A. Remarks on the existing build- ings at Crosraguel Abbey. Plates. {In Charters of the Abbey of Crosraguel. Vol. 2, pp. 79-143- Edinburgh. 1886.) *2500.II2 Morton, J. The monastic annals of Teviot- dale: or, the history and antiquities of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros, and Dryburgh. Edinburgh. 1832. 19 plates. *2490.i23 Muir, T. S. Descriptive notices of some of the ancient parochial and collegiate churches of Scotland. London. 1848. Plates. 8094.58 Ecclesiological notes on some of the islands of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1885. Plates. 247oa.76 Notes on remains of ecclesiastical archi- tecture and sculptured memorials in the southern division of Scotland. Edin- burgh. 1855. Illus. 4094-83 Munro, A. M. Old landmarks of Aberdeen. 28 sketches of old buildings by G. G. Burr. With notes by A. M. Munro. Aberdeen. 1886. 2460.124 Mylne, R. S. The master masons to the crown of Scotland and their works. Edinburgh. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o90.io9 Napier, G. G. The homes and haunts of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Glasgow. 1897. Plates. Plans. *4093.72 Contains plates and a plan of Abbotsford. Nattes, J. C. Scotia depicta; . . . Illustrated [with] . . . etchings by J. Fittler. . . . With descriptions. London. 1804. Plates. *Cab.24.49.3 Pagan, J., and J. H. Stoddart. Relics of an- cient architecture and other picturesque scenes in Glasgow. Glasgow. 1885. 30 plates. *4090.32 Rait, R. S. The buildings [of the University of Aberdeen]. Plate. {In Studies in the history and development of the Univer- sity of Aberdeen. Pp. 369-384. Aber- deen. 1906.) *2494.I22 Robertson, J. Scottish abbeys and cathe- drals. Aberdeen. 1891. *2467.io5 Scott, Sir W. Provincial antiquities and pic- turesque scenery of Scotland. [With 52 engravings from drawings by Turner and others.] London. 1826. [Edin- burgh: reprinted . . . 1892.] 2 v. in i. ♦4520.106 Slezer, J. Theatrum Scotiae. Edinburgh. 1874- Plates. *Cab.24.i8.3 The plates are of castles, palaces, churches, etc. Small, J. W. Leaves from my sketch-books. Edinburgh. 1880. 65 plates with de- scriptive text. *409i.i84 Sketches of various architectural details, etc., mostly from Scotland. Old Stirling. Stirling. 1897. 50 plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.i48.3 Scottish market crosses. Stirling. 1900. 118 plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.i56.i Stevenson, R. L. Edinburgh. Picturesque notes. London. 1879. Illus. *246o.54 Same. New edition. 1889. 2468.112 Same. New York. 1908. Plates. 2468.243 Swarbreck, S. D. Sketches in Scotland. London. 1839. 25 plates. *Cab.24.i9.i Taylor, A. Ancient towers and doorways: masoncraft relating to Celtic and Nor- man ecclesiology in Scotland. From pen drawings by A. Galletly. London. 1896. *4ioo.44 Todd, G. Eyre-, editor. The book of Glas- gow Cathedral. A history and descrip- tion. Glasgow. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.90 Views. Six etchings of old Edinburgh. Lon- don. [188-?] 6 plates. **K.i7i.9 [Views of ruined castles and religious houses in Scotland. Edinburgh? 179-?] Illus. 2463.1 Wallcott, M. E. C. Scoti-monasticon. The ancient church of Scotland. London. 1874. Plates. Plans. 35ii-54 Walker, J. R. Pre-Reformation churches in Fifeshire. Edinburgh. 1895. Plates. *Cab.6o.i3i.2 A collection of plates and plans, each with a page or two of descriptive text. Waring, J. B. Stone monuments, tumuli and ornament of remote ages; with re- marks on the early architecture of Ire- land and Scotland. London. 1870. 108 plates. *8o8o.3 White, T. P. Archaeological sketches in Scotland. Edinburgh. 1873, 75. 2 v. 102 plates. *4520.iio Contents. — i. District of Kintyre. a. Knapdale and Gigha. Wood, L. I. Vanishing Edinburgh and Leith. Edinburgh, 1903. 32 plates with text. *8o63.36 Young, W. The municipal buildings, Glas- gow. Glasgow. 1890. Plates. *8o90.73 don. 1903.] Plates. Plans. Coats of Italy. Abeken, W. Mittelitalien vor den Zeiten romischer Herrschaft. Stuttgart. 1843. Text, I v.; Atlas, i v. 2735.54 174 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Agnelli, G. Ferrara e Pomposa. Bergamo. 1906. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073-337 Agostinoni, E. Altipiani d' Abruzzo. Ber- gamo. 1912. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.J 4073.446 Ajello, C, and others. Napoli e i luoghi celebri delle sue vicinanze. Napoli. 1845. 2 V. Plates. 2761. 1 Allen, C. G. B., and G. C. Williamson. Cities of northern Italy. Boston. 1906. 2 v. Plates. [Travel lovers' library.] 2769.120 Contents. — i. Milan. 2. Verona. — Padua. ■ — Bologna. — Ravenna. Anderson, R. Examples of the municipal, commercial and street architecture of France and Italy, from the 12th to the 15th century. London. [1870-75.] 103 plates. *8o90.72 Anderson, W. J. The architecture of the Renaissance in Italy. London. 1897. Plates. 4106.20 Same. 4th edition. 1909. 4106.31 List of selected books, pp. 186-189. Ansted, A. The Riviera. Etchings and vignettes, with notes. London. 1894. 20 plates. *276o.30 Antolini, G. A. II tempio di Minerva in Assisi confrontato colle tavole di A. Palladio . . . Milano. [1803.] Plates. ♦4091. Ill Aquaroni, A. Ponti antichi. Roma. 1836. 12 plates. *Cab.27.i3.2 Arco, C. d'. Delle arti e degli artefici di Mantova. Mantova. 1857. 2 v. Plates. *4o8o.22 Arnaldi, E. Delle basiliche antiche e spe- cialmente di quella di Vicenza. Vicenza. 1767. 8 folded plates. 8093.6 Arnold, C. F. Der herzogliche Palast von Urbino. Mit erlauterndem Texte. Leip- zig. 1857. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.22.2 Several of the plates are colored. Artaria, F. Description de la cathedrale de Milan. [Anon.] Milan. 1830. Plates. 4095-115 II duomo di Milano. Milano. 1831. 63 plates. 4102.33 Nuova descrizione del duomo di Milano con prospetti e tavole . . . [Anon.] Milan. 1820. 4095.114 Arte funeraria italiana. Serie i. Milano. [1907?] 2>(> plates. *8o8o.i36 There is no text. Audot, L. A. L'ltalia, la Sicilia, ec. la edi- zione. Torino. 1834-38. 5 v. Plates. ♦2761.6 Contents. — i. Toscana, Sicilia e Malta, a. Na- poli. 3. Roma. 4. Regno Lombardo-Veneto. 5. Stati del re di Sardegna. Aures, A. fitude des dimensions du grand temple de Paestum, au double point de vue de I'architecture et de la metrologie. Nimes. 1868. 5070.2 Auvergne, E. B. d'. Famous castles and palaces of Italy. New York. [1911.] Plates. 2763.46 Some of the plates are colored. Bacci, P. Document! toscani per la storia deir arte. Vol. i. Firenze. 1910. 4077.405 Balzano, V. L'arte abruzzese. Bergamo. 1910. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie 5. Rac- colte d'arte. 8.] 4073.508 Banchero, G. II duomo di Genova illustrato e descritto. Genova. 1855. Plate. 4109.15 Genova e le due Riviere. Genova. 1846. Plates. Plans. 4761.17 Bargagli-Petrucci, F. Montepulciano, Chiu- si e la Val di Chiana senese. Bergamo. 1907. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.413 Pienza, Montalcino, la Val d'Orcia senese. Bergamo. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Col- lezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.445 Barozzi, S. Pianta e spaccato della celebre chiesa di S. Vitale di Ravenna. Bo- logna. 1782. Plates. 4101.84 Batcheller, T. B. Italian castles and country seats. New York. 191 1. Portraits. Plates. 4092.20 Some of the plates are colored. Baxter, L. E. The renaissance of art in Italy. London. 1883. Illus. **K.i62.3; 8083.53 Beltramelli, A. Da Comacchio ad Argenta. Le lagune e le bocche'del Po. Bergamo. 1905. Illus. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.352 On the art of the cities of the lower Po V^alley. II Gargano. Bergamo. 1907. Illus. Plans. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.411 Beltrami, L. II castello di Milano sotto il dominio degli Sforza. mcccl. mdxxxv. Milano. 1885. Plates. 2735.68 La Certosa di Pavia. [Milano. 1893.] 42 plates. *Cab.27.28.3 Same. 1895. Illus. Plates. 4109.17 The first of these two works is a folio volume containing only a few pages of text; the second contains a much fuller text, but is a 16° in size, with plates of a corresponding character. Benvenuti, P., and L. de Cambray-Digny. Monumenti sepolcrali della Toscana. Firenze. 1819. Plates. *2740.9 Berlam, A. Trieste. Milano. 1911. 60 plates. Plan. [L'ltalia monumentale.] 4109a.45.15 Bertaux, £. L'art dans I'ltalie meridionale. Tome I. Dessins et photographies de I'auteur. Paris. 1904. Illus. Plans. [ficole frangaise de Rome.] *Cab.8o.io6.3 Contents. — i. De la fin de 1' Empire romain a la conquete de Charles d'Anjou. Bertoli, G. D. Le antichita d'Aquileja pro- fane e sacre, per la maggior parte finora inedite. In Venezia. 1739. Illus. Plates. Plan. ** Adams 11.5 Bianchi, C. Ville del Lago di Como e della Lombardia. Torino. [190-?] 50 plates. [Le ville moderne in Italia.] *Cab.6o.i65.3 Biermann, G. Verona. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.267 ITALY 175 BiondelU, B. Sulle antichita e sui ristauri di Milano. [Milan. i86-?] No.6,8in*4o86.ii Cut from II PoUtecnico. Vol. 12. Bishop, H. H. Pictorial architecture of Greece and Italy. London. 1887. Illus. 8092.27 Blaeu, J. Novum theatrum Pedemontii et Sabaudise. Ha^se-Comitum. m.dcc.xxvi. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.27.36.i Blanc, A. A. P. C. Histoire de la renais- sance artistique en Italic. Paris. 1889. 2 V. . • . . *8o73.76 Bode, W. Die italienische Plastik. 3. Auf- lage. Berlin. 1902. Illus. Portraits. [Koenlgliche Museen, Berlin. Hand- biicher.J 8o79a.238 Bode, W., editor. Denkmaler der Renais- sance-Sculptur Toscanas in historischer Anordnung. Miinchen. 1892-1905. Text, I v.; Atlas, 6 v. *Cab.8o.i65.i Boito, C. L'architettura Cosmatesca. Ri- cerche storiche. Milano. i860. No. 8 in *4043.74 Architettura del medio evo in Italia. Milano. 1880. Illus. 4094.71 II duomo di Milano e i disegni per la sua facciata. Milano. 1889. 85 plates. *8o9oa.5i Relazione sul progetto di restauro per la basilica di S. Maria e Donate in Murano. Milano. 1861. 2 plates. Plan. No. 3 in *4043.74 Santa Maria del Fiore e il Duomo di Mi- lano. (I giudizii artistici ne secolo xiv.) (In Vita italiana, La, nel Trecento. Pp. 374-401. Milano. 1904.) 2719.35 Bottani, G. Recente descrizione del R. Palazzo del Te e sue pitture. [Anon.] Mantova. 181 1. Plates. Plan. 4099.152 Brach, A. Nicola und Giovanni Pisano und die Plastik des xiv. Jahrhunderts in Siena. Strassburg. 1904. 28 plates. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.129 Bragdon, C. F. Minor Italian palaces. No. 1,2. Rochester. [1896.] 2 parts. Plates. *409i.75 Brambilla, C. La basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo in Pavia, ed il suo musaico. Pavia. 1876. 4 plates. *4iooa.35 Briggs, M. S. In the heel of Italy: a study of an unknown city. London. [1910.] Portrait. Plates. Maps. 4097.157 A history of Lecce, including an architectural study of the city. Bibliography, pp. 359-372. Brinton, S. J. C. Mantua. Leipzig. 1907. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.480 Bumpus, T. F. The cathedrals and churches of Northern Italy. London. [1907.] Plates. 4104.19 Bibliography, p. 365. The cathedrals of Central Italy. London. [1911.] Plates. Map. [The cathedral series. Laurie's.] 4108.46 Burckhardt, J. C. Der Cicerone. Eine Ein- leitung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens. Basel, i860. 3 v. 4099.24 Same. 2. Auflage, bearbeitet von A. von Zahn. Leipzig. 1869. 3 v. in i. 4078.276 Burckhardt, J. C. (Continued.) Same. 3. Auflage. Leipzig. 1874. 3 v. 4078.61 Same. 4. Auflage, bearbeitet von W. Bode. Leipzig. 1879. 2 V. 4099.97 Same. 6. Auflage. Leipzig. 1893. 2 v. in 4. 4099.108 Same. 7. Auflage, unter Mitwirkung von C. V. Fabriczy [etc.]. Leipzig. 1898. 2 V. in 4. 4099.126 Same. 9. vermehrte Auflage. 1904. 4099.133 Burckhardt, J. C, and W. Luebke. Die Renaissance in Italien. [Stuttgart. 1867.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. Band 4.] No. i in *4095.36.4 Same. 4. Auflage. Bearbeitet von H. Holtzinger. 1904. [Geschichte der neueren Baukunst. Band i.] *4095.37.i Butler, S. Ex voto: an account of the Sacro- Monte or New Jerusalem at Varallo- Sesia. With some notice of Tabachetti's remaining work at the sanctuary of Crea. London. 1888. Plates. 8086.69 Byrne, W., engraver. [Views of Italian buildings. London. 1798,99.] **K.54.io Caggese, R. Foggia e la Capitanata. Ber- gamo. 1910. . Illus. Plates. Plans. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073'438 Calzini, E, Urbino e i suoi monumenti. Rocco S. Casciano. 1897. Illus. Plates. *4074.i97 Canestrelli, A. L'abbazia di San Galgano. Firenze. 1896. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409i.29 Canina, L. Descrizione di Cere antica. Roma. 1838. 10 plates. *6730.6 Caprin, G. Trieste. Bergamo. 1906. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.404 Garden, R. W. The city of Genoa. With illustrations by W. Parkinson. London. 1908. Plates. 2763.65 Some of the plates are colored. List of books, pp. xi-xvi. The life of Giorgio Vasari: a study of the later Renaissance in Italy. London. 1910. Portraits. Plates. 4088.41 Carocci, G. II Valdarno da Firenze al mare. Bergamo. 1906. Illus. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.402 Carotto, G. Antichita di Verona. Verona. 1764. Plates. *Cab.27.i7.5 Cattaneo, R. Architecture in Italy from the 6th to the nth century. Translated by the Contessa I. Curtis-Cholmeley in Bermani. London. 1896. Illus. Plates. 4091.77 L'architettura in Italia dal secolo vi al mille circa. Venezia. 1888. Illus. 4103.61 Catti, A. II tempio della Beata Vergine detta del Pilastrello di Lendinara. [Venezia. 1830.] Plates. 40903.100 Cesari, C. Geneva ed alcuni portali del 1400. Milano. 1908. Plates. 8094.65 Reprinted from Rassegna d'arte, Vol. 8, 1908 [*407o.274.8]. Cibrario, G. A. L. Storia e descrizione della Reale badia di Altacomba. Torino. 1845. 53 plates. *Cab.6o.96.3 176 ARCHITECTURE 'OF COUNTRIES. Clausse» G. Basiliques et mosaiques chr^- tiennes: Italie-Sicile. Paris. 1893. 2 v. Plates. [Les monuments du christia- nisme au moyen-age.] *4ioi.63 Les origines benedictines: Subiaco, Mont- Cassin, Monte - Oliveto [Maggiore]. Paris. 1899. Plates. Folded plans. 4101.73 Les Sforza et les arts en Milanais. 1450- 1530. Paris. 1909. Plates. *4074.396 Eleven of the 72 plates illustrate monuments. Clericetti, C. Ricerche sull' architettura religiosa in Lombardia dal secolo v. all' XI. Milan. [186-?] No. 5 in*4o86.ii Cut from II Politecnico. Vol. 14. Clochar, P. Monumens et tombeaux, me- sures et dessines en Italic. Paris. 1815. 40 plates with descriptive text. *Cab.8o.i93.i Palais, maisons et vues d'ltalie. Paris. 1809. Plates. *4ioo.i2 Colasanti, A. L'Aniene. Bergamo. 1906. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di mono- grafie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artis- tica.] 4073-403 An account of the art in the cities situated on the Aniene River. Gubbio. Bergamo. 1905. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.351 Comitate milanese per le onoranze a Giu- seppe Piermarini. Giuseppe Piermarini, architetto. Publicazione a cura della Rassegna d' arte. Milano. 1908. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4ogoa.i39 La bibliografia del Piermarini, pp. 39-41*. A collection of articles by various authors. Shows many examples of architecture in Milan. Conway, Sir W. M. Early Tuscan art, from the I2th to the 15th centuries. London. 1902. Plates. 4075.198 Cordero, G. Dell' italiana architettura du- rante la dominazione longobarda. Bres- cia. 1829. Plate. 4097.106 Cornelius, C. Jacopo della Quercia. Eine kunsthistorische Studie. Halle a. S. 1896. Plates. 4103.69 The plates are of Renaissance sculpture. Corradini, E. Prato e suoi dintorni. Ber- gamo. 1905. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.350 Cresy, E., and G. L. Taylor. Architecture of the Middle Ages in Italy: illustrated by views . . . and details of the Cathe- dral, Baptistery, Campanile and Campo Santo at Pisa. London. 1829. 30 plates. *4090.27 Cummings, C. A. A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the Renaissance. Boston. 1901. 2v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.41 List of authorities consulted, pp. ix-xi. Danna, C, and G. C. Chiechio. Storia artis- tica illustrata del Santuario di Mondovi presso Vicoforte. 1595-1891. Torino. 1891. Plates. 8073.119 Dartein, M. F. de. Reponse aux observa- tions presentees par Alfred Rame sur r^glise de Saint-Ambroise a Milan. Paris. 1883. Illus. 4107.23 Descrizione del monument! e delle pitture di Piacenza, corredata di notizle istorlche. Parma. 1828. 4078.150 Diehl, M. C. L'art byzantin dans I'ltalie me- ridionale. Paris. [1894.] Illus. [Biblio- theque Internationale de l'art.] 8072.141 Ravenne. fitudes d'archeologie byzantine. Paris. 1886. Illus. 4072.46 Dodwell, E. Views and descriptions of Cy- clopian remains in Greece and Italy. London. 1833. 127 plates. *Cab.29.ii.7 Dohme, R. Kunst und Kiinstler Italiens bis gegen die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1878, 79. 3 V. Illus. [Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 2.] 8072.56 Vol. I includes Giotto, Brunellesco, Ghiberti, Donatello, Alberti, Bramante, Peruzzi. Vol. 2 is on Michelangelo and Raphael. Vol. 3, Palladio, Bernini. Douglas, R. L. A history of Siena. London. 1902. Portrait. Plates. Plans. Map. Bibliography, pp. xvii-xxvi. 2765.66 Durm, J. Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Italien. Stuttgart. 1903. Illus. [Hand- buch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.5 Eastern Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, Philadelphia. Suggestions in brickwork. With illustrations from the architecture of Italy. Philadelphia. 1895. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4091.15 Ebhardt, B. Die Burgen Italiens. Bau- geschichtliche Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung des mittelalterlichen Wehrbaues und die Bedeutung der Wohnbaukunst im MIttelalter. Band i, 2. Berlin. 1909, 10. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i73.2 Contents. — i, 2. Oberitalien. Enlart, D. L. C. Origines frangaises de I'ar- chitecture gothique en Italic. Paris. 1894. [Bibliotheque des ecoles fran- gaises d'Athenes et de Rome.] 2953.61.66 Les premiers monuments gothiques d'lta- lie. Caen. 1892. Plates. 4096.104 Errera, C. L'Ossola. Bergamo. 1908. Illus. Plan. [CoUezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.420 A description of the Ossola Valley and the art of the cities situated therein. Faluschi, G. Breve relazione delle cose notabili della citta di Siena. Siena. 1784. Plates. 4729.7 Fea, C. D. F. I. Descrizione della basilica e cappella papale di S. Francesco d'Assisi. Roma. 1820. II plates. 4750.53 Ferrario, G. Monumenti sacri e profani dell' imperiale e reale basilica di Sant' Am- brogio in Milano. Milano. 1824. 31 plates. *Cab.6o.i2.3 Ferrero, E. L'arc d'Auguste a Suse. Turin. 1901. Plates. *Cab.27.44.3 Foerster, E. Geschichte der italienischen Kunst. Leipzig. 1869-78. 5 v. 8065.6 Fogolari, G. Cividale del Friuli. Bergamo. 1906. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.405 Fontani, F. Viaggio pittorico della Toscana. 2a edizlone. Firenze. 1817, 18. 6 v. Plates. 4765.12 ITALY 177 Fontani^ F. (Continued.) Same. 3a edizione. Firenze. 1827. Text, 6 v.; Plates, 2 V. *2766.7 Franchetti, G. Storia e descrizione del duomo di Milano. Milano. 1821. Plates. 4091.107 Franciosi, G. Arezzo. Bergamo. 1909. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.423 Francogalli & compagnia, Milan. [Views.] Milano. [19 — ?] (36) plates. *4092.345 Freeman, E. A. Historical and architectural sketches: chiefly Italian. London. 1876. Illus. 2769.69 ; **K.i78.i I Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice. London. 1881. Plates. 2769.74; **K.i78.i2 Freeman, L. J. Italian sculpture of the Renaissance. New York. 1901. Plates. 8084.86 Frizzoni, G. Arte italiana del rinascimento: saggi critici. Milano. 1891. Plates. 8063.69 Fumi, L. II duomo di Orvieto e i suoi res- tauri. Roma. 1891. Plates. *8o8oa.i8 Fumigalli, A. Delle antichita longobardico- milanesi. Milano. 1792,93. 4 v. Plates. *472i.72 Gabelentz, H. G. C. von der. Die kirchliche Kunst im italienischen Mittelalter; Strassburg. 1907. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.169 Gallenga Stuart, R. A. Perugia. 2a edizione. Bergamo. 1907. Illus. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073-397 Gardner, J. E. G. The story of Siena and San Gimignano. London. 1902. Plates. Bibliography, pp. 366-372. 4077'275 Gasparoni, F. Prose sopra argomenti di belle arti. Roma. 1841. Plates. 4075.139 This work relates to architecture and sculpture in Italy. Gauthier, M. P. Les plus beaux edifices de la ville de Genes et de ses environs. Paris. 1818. 108 plates. *Cab.6o.2i.4 Gayet, A. J. L'art byzantin d'apres les monuments de I'ltalie, de I'lstrie et de la Dalmatie, releves et dessines par C. Errard. Paris. [1903.] 3 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.8o.62.5 Many plates are colored. Contents. — i. Venise. La basilique de Saint Marc. 2. Parenzo. 3. Ravenne et Pompose. Saint- Vital et I'abbaye des B6nedictins. Gerstfeldt, O. von. Umbrische Stadte: Orvieto, Narni und Spoleto. Leipzig. [1909.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.27 Bibliographic, pp. 125-132. Geymueller, H. von, Baron. Die Architektur der Renaissance in Toscana nach den Meistern geordnet. Miinchen. 1885-94. Text, II V. in 6. Illus.; Atlas, 11 v. *Cab.6o.i79.i Friedrich 11. von Hohenstaufen und die Anfange der Architektur der Renais- sance in Italien. Miinchen. 1908. 8092.62 Le passe, le present et I'avenir de la cathe- drale de Milan. Paris. [1890.] 4103.27 Giacomo, S. di. Napoli. Parte i. Bergamo. 1907. Illus. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.414 Giacosa, G. I castelli valdostani. Milano. 1903. Illus. Plates. 4768.76 Giulini, G., Conte. Memorie spettanti alia storia, al governo ed alia descrizione della citta, e della campagna di Milano, ne' secoli bassi [e Continuazione]. Mi- lano. i76o[-i87i]. 12 V. Plates. Maps. *47ioa.i Goetz, W. Assisi. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ten.] 4074.487 Ravenna. Leipzig. 1901. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.252 Goff, C. Asisi of Saint Francis. New York. [1909.] Plates. 2763.67 Many of the plates are colored. Gonnelli, G. Monumenti sepolcrali della Toscana disegnati da Vincenzo Gozzini e incisi da Giovan Paolo Lasinio . . . Firenze. 1819. Plates. 8082.76 Gonzati, B. La basilica di S. Antonio di Padova. Padova. 1852, 53. 2 v. 51 plates. *4ioo.35 Goodyear, W. H. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Department of Fine Arts. Illustrated catalogue of the Goodyear collection of photographs of Italian ar- chitecture and sculpture, and of the sur- vey of Italian mediaeval buildings. Brooklyn. 1896. Plates. Plans. 8074.182 Part I of this catalogue consists of advance sheets from the July number of the Architectural Record Quarterly Magazine [*4090.273]. Gosche, A. Mailand. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.326 Gozzadini, G., Conte. Delle torri gentilizie di Bologna. Bologna. 1875. Illus. *2742.6o Grandjean de Montigny, A. H. V., and A. Famin, Renaissance italienne. Archi- tecture toscane, principalement des xye, xvie et xviie siecles. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1874. 109 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.3 Grands maitres, Les, de la renaissance. Les arts en Italic. Paris. 1888. Plates. *Cab.8o.38.4 Grassi, R. Rappresentazione degli edifizj piti cospicui di Pisa. Edizione 3a. Pisa. 1837. 12 plates. 4093'20 Grifi, L. Intorno ad un sepolcro disotterrato della vigna del conte Lozano Argoli. Roma. 1840. 6 plates. *295o.6 Gruner, L., editor. The terra-cotta archi- tecture of North Italy (xviith-xvth centuries). London. 1867. Plates. ♦8090.50 Grunow, C, editor. Plastische Ornamente der italienischen Renaissance. Liefe- rung 1-3. Berlin. [1883.] Plates. *Cab.6o.i5o.2 Guardabassi, M. Indice-guida dei monu- menti pagani e cristiani risguardanti ristoria e I'arte esistenti nella pro- vincia dell' Umbria. Perugia. 1872. ♦2720.50 178 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Guidi, C. A. Le basiliche di S. Francesco di Asisi. Roma. 1873. 4109.13 Hartung, H. Ziele und Ergebnisse der ita- lienischen Gotik. Berlin. 1912. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4094.128 Haseloff^ A. E. G. Die Kaiserinnengraber in Andria. Ein Beitrag zur apiilischen Kunstgeschichte unter Friedrich 11. Rom. 1905. Illus. Plates. [Koenigiich- preussisches historisches Institut, Rom.] 2216.106 Hastings, G. Siena: its architecture and art. London. 1902. Plates. 4074.272 Bibliography, pp. 57, 58. Haupt, A. Palast-Architektur von Ober- Italien und Toscana vom xiii. bis xviii. Jahrhundert. Verona, Vicenza, Mantua, Padua, Udine . . . Berlin. 1908. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.i67.4 Headlam, C. Venetia and northern Italy. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. 4766.49 Many of the plates are colored. Hofmann, T. Bauten des Herzogs Federigo di Montefeltro als Erstwerke der Hoch- renaissance. [Leipzig. 1905.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *Cab.6o.i22.2 Einschlagige Schriften, pp. 29, 30. Holtzinger, H. Altchristliche Basiliken in Rom und Ravenna. Berlin, [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.151 Hope, T. An historical essay on architec- ture. Illustrated from drawings made in Italy and Germany, 2d edition. Lon- don. 1835. Text, I v.; Atlas, 97 plates. *4092.62 Same. 3d edition. 1840. 4092.8 An analytical index, by Edward Cresy, published in 1836, is on shelf-numbers *4092.is, **G. 154.5. Hutton, E. The cities of Lombardy. New York. 1912. Portrait. Plates. Map. Some of the plates are colored. 4109a. 1 10 Ravenna: a study. London. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4108.69 With special reference to the mediaeval history and fine arts of the city. Venice and Venetia. New York. 191 1. Colored plates. Map. 2769a.33 Isabelle, C. H. Parallele des sailes rondes de ITtalie. Paris. 1831. 3 plates. *Cab.6o.i7.3 Italic monumentale. Collection des edifices les plus remarquables de Rome ancienne et de Milan. Plans [etc.] accompagnes d'une etude sur I'architecture italienne par le marquis R. Pareto. Milan. 1879. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.27.24.i Italy. Ministero della pubblica istruzione. Elenco degli edifizi monumentali in Italia. Roma. 1902. 4094.123 Jackson, F. H. The shores of the Adriatic: the Italian side. An architectural and archaeological pilgrimage. New York. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4095.168 James, E. E. Bologna: its history, an- tiquities and art. London. 1909. Illus. 2764.30 Jessen, P. Italienische Barock- und Rococo- Decken. Berlin. 1893. 12 plates. [Koenigliche Museen, Berlin. Kunst- gewerbe Museum.] *Cab.8o.8i.i2 Jorio, A. di. Guida per le Catacombe di S. Gennaro de' poveri. Napoli. 1839. 6 plates. 2754.73 Joseph, D. Geschichte der Architektur Italiens von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig.' 1907. Plates. Plans. 4094.160 Bibliographic, pp. 523-550. Jousset, P. L'ltalie illustree. Paris. [1904.] Illus. Plates. Plan. *276o.45 Kinross, J, Details from Italian buildings, chiefly Renaissance. Edinburgh. 1882. 50 plates with text. *8o8o.37 Kleinpaul, R. A. R. Neapel und seine Um- gebung. Leipzig. 1884. Illus. *476o.io Knapp, F., and V. von Loga. Die italienische Plastik vom xv. bis xviii. Jahrhundert. Die spanische Plastik vom xv. bis xviii. Jahrhundert. Berlin. [1910.] Plates. *8o83.74 Knight, H. G. Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy from the time of Constantine to the 15th century. London. 1842, 43. 2 V. Plates. **G.20.3 Koch, H. Dachterrakotten aus Campanien mit Ausschluss von Pompei aufgenom- men und beschrieben. Berlin. 1912. Illus. 35 plates. Plans. [Kaiserlich deutsches archaologisches Institut.] Some of the plates are colored. *4I00a.I7 Koldewey, R., and O. Puchstein. Die griechi- schen Tempel in Unteritalien und Sici- lien. Berlin. 1899. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, 29 plates. *Cab.6o.i37.2 Kutschmann, r. Meisterwerke saracenisch- normannischer Kunst in Sicilien und Unteritalien. Berlin. [1900.] Illus. 38 plates. *Cab.6o.i46.i Labrouste, P. F. H. Les temples de Psestum. Restauration en 1829. Paris. 1877, Plates. [Academic de la France a Rome.] *Cab.27.i6.2 La Farina, G. Messina ed i suoi monumenti. Messina. 1840. Plates. 2738.31 Landi, G. A. Raccolta di alcune facciate di palazzi e cortili de piu riguardevoli di Bologna. Bologna. [i75-?] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i38.5 Landriani, G. La basilica Ambrosiana. I resti della basilica di Fausta. Milano. 1889. Plates. Plans. *Cab.27.24.3 Laspeyres, P. Die Kirchen der Renaissance in Mittel-Italien. Berlin. 1882. Plates. *8o8o.40 S. Maria della Consolazione zu Todi. Berlin. 1869. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.4 Lemonnier, H. L'art moderne (1500-1800). Essais et esquisses. Paris. 1912. Plates. 40793.269 A study of the fine arts in France and Italy. Lipparini, G. Urbino. 2a edizione. Ber- gamo. 1906. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.341 Livorno. [Raccolta delle principali vedute della citta e porto di Livorno.] Livorno. [1783?] 18 plates. No. 3 in *Cab.27.io.4 Longfellow, VV. P. P., editor. A cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. New York. 1895. Plates. *8o9i.68 ITALY 179 Lopez, M. 11 Battistero di Parma. Parma. [1864, 65.] 2 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.i93.2 Lorenz, F. Mailand. Leipzig. [1911?] Por- traits. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] Litei-aturquellcn, pp. 157, 158. 4099^.35 Lorenzo, G. de. Venosa e la regione del Vulture (La terra d'Orazio). Bergamo. 1906. Plates. Portrait. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.406 Lorenzoni, A. Cadore. Bergamo. 1907- Plates. [Collezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073-4i5 Luebke, W. Die Cultur der Friihrenaissance in Italien. Breslau. [1882? Deutsche Biicherei.] No. 17 in *487i.39 Der Dom von Aquileja. Illus. (In Kunst- werke und Kiinstler. Pp. 387-401. Bres- lau. [1886.]) 8062.73 Luetzow, C. F. A. von. Die Kunstschatze Italiens. Stuttgart. [1884.] Plates. *8o7o.ii4 Luzi, L. II duomo di Orvieto. Firenze. 1866. Illus. 47693.57 Maccari, E. II palazzo di Caprarola. Roma. [1870?] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.47.2 McCracken, L. Gubbio, past & present. London. 1905. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 27693.97 There is a preface in French by P. Sabatier. Maestri, V. Di alcune costruzioni medioe- vali deir Appennino modenese. i-io. Plates. Plans. (In Regia accademia di scienze, lettere ed artl in Modena. Sezione di arti. Memorie. Serie 2, vol. 10, pp. 67-83; II, pp. 3-21, 39-55; 12, pp. 3-54; serie 3, vol. i, pp. 3-75; 2, pp. 3-67; 3, pp. 3-61. Modena. 1894-1901.) *525i.5o.ser.2.io-i2; ser.3.1-3 Maffei, F. S., Marchese. Verona illustrata . . . Parte 2-4. In Verona. 1731, 32. 3 V. Plates. Plans. **Adams 180.1 Same. (In his Opere [pubblicate da A. Rubbi]. Vol. 6-1 1. Venezia. 1790.) *2769.4.6-ii Same. Con giunte, note e correzione in- edite dell' autore. Milano.^ 1825, 26. 5 v. [Classici italiani del secolo xviii.] ♦2804.50 Same. [Abridged.] Verona. 1771. 2 v. *4765.56 Magherini-Graziani, G. Storia di Citta di Castello. Citta di Castello. 1890. Illus. Plates. *472i.i3 Magni, B. Storia dell* arte italiana dalle origini al secolo xx. Roma. 1900-02. 3 V. 4073-324 Contents. — i. Arte antica . . . Arte medioevale. . . . Rinascimento. 2. L'arte nel quattrocento. 3. L'arte nel seicento — nel settecento — nel otto- cento. Major, T. The ruins of Paestum. London. 1768. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.77.2 Malaguzzi Valeri, F. Milano. Bergamo. 1906. 2 v. Illus. [Collezione di mono- grafie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artis- tica.] 4073407 Contains bibliographies. Mancini, G. Cortona, Montecchio Vesponi c Castiglione Fiorentino. Bergamo. Mancini, G. (Continued.) 1909. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.428 Manghi, A. La Certosa di Pisa: storia (1366- 1866) e descrizione. Pisa. 191 1. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plan. 4io9a.io8 Illuminated title-page. Bibliografia, pp. 309-312. Mariotti, C. Ascoli Piceno. Bergamo. 1913. Illus. Plates. Map. [Collezione di mono- grafie illustrate. Serie I. Italia artistica.] 4073451 Martini, G. Les grands edifices de Pise. Notes par G. Lejeal. Paris. 1878. Plates. *Cab.27.i7.2 Meomartini, A. Benevento. Bergamo. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.426 Meurer, M. Italienische Flachornamente aus der Zeit der Renaissance. Karls- ruhe. [188-?] 120 plates. *Cab.8o.92.4 Meyer, A. G. Die Certosa bei Pavia. Ber- lin. [1900.] Plates. Plans. [Die Bau- kunst.] 4090.161 Litteraturnachweise, p. 20. Lombardische Denkmaler des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Giovanni di Balduccio da Pisa und die Campionesen. Stuttgart. 1893. Illus. Plates. *8o7i.i37 Oberitalienische Friihrenaissance. Bauten und Bildwerke der Lombardei. Berlin. 1897, 1900. 2 V. Plates. *409i.88 Contents. — i. Die Gothik des Mailander Domes und der tJbergangsstil. 2. Die Bluthezeit. Micali, G. L'ltalia avanti il dominie dei Romani. Firenze. 1810. Text, 4 v.; Atlas, 1 v. *Cab.8o.i3.4 Same. 3a edizione. Milano. 1826. 4 v. B.4igga.i Middleton, G. A .T., and R. W. Garden. Or- namental details of the Italian Renais- sance measured and drawn. London. 1900. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.5o.6 Milan Cathedral. Descrizione della facciata e deir interno del duomo di Milano. Mi- lano. 1859. Plates. 2736.53 Per la facciata del duomo di Milano. [Milano. 1654?] Plates. *8o9oa.64 Opinions upon the designs of F. Castelli, F. M. Richino and others. Milano e il suo territorio. [Milano.] 1844. 2 V. Plates. *276i.4 Missirini, M. Del tempio eretto in Pos- sagno da Antonio Canova. Venezia. 1833. . . *4i02.4 Moeller van den Bruck, A. Die italienische Schonheit. Miinchen. 1913. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. 4078.413 Molmenti, P. G. Tiepolo: la villa Valma- rana. Venezia. 1880. 58 plates. *Cab.6o.35.4 A French translation of the text is inserted. Mongeri, G. L'arte in Milano. Note per servire di guida nella citta. Milano. 1872. Plates. 4078.172 Montenari, G. V., Conte. Del Teatro Olim- pico di Andrea Palladio in Vicenza. Padova. 1733. Portrait. *4095.io7 Same. 2a edizione. 1749. *8o96.io7 180 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Moreni, D. Memoria intorno al risorgi- mento delle belle arti in Toscana. (In Baldinucci. Vita di Filippo di Brunel- lesco. Firenze. 1812.) 2748.16 Moretti, G. II Castello di Milano e i suoi musei. Milano. [1903.] lUus. Plates. Plans. 4077.297 Morrona, A. da. Pisa illustrata nelle arti del disegno. 2a edizione. Livorno. 1812. 3 V. Plates. 4064.21 Moschetti, A. Padova. Bergamo. 1912. lUus. Plates. Map. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.447 Moscioni, R. Apulia monumentale. Views of mediaeval architecture in Bari and the adjoining provinces. 4 v. 236 pho- tographs. *Cab.6o.i30.i Mothes, O. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters in Italien. Jena. 1884. 2 v. Plates. 8093.2 Muentz, L. F. E. Histoire de I'art pendant la renaissance: Italie. Paris. 1889, 95. 3 v. Plates. *8o7i.i03 La renaissance en Italie et en France a I'epoque de Charles viii. Paris. 1885. Illus. Plates. *8o6oa.53 Nachtlicht, L. Turin, 1902. Berlin. 1902. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i5o.4 Contains pictures of the buildings and architec- tural exhibits at the Turin Exhibition of 1902. Nardi, L. Descrizione antiquario-architet- tonica con rami dell' arco di Augusto, ponte di Tiberio e tempio Malatestiano di Rimino. Rimino. 1813. 17 plates. *Cab.6o.70.3 Nardini Despotti Mospignotti, A. Del duomo di Milano, e della sua nuova fac- ciata. Milano. 1889. Plates. *4ioi.3i Natali, G. Pavia e la sua Certosa. Gmida artistica con introduzione storica di- Giacinto Romano. Pavia. 191 1. Illus. Map. Plans. 8o79a.379 Nava, A., Conte. Relazione dei ristauri intra- presi alia gran guglia del Duomo di Milano nell' anno 1844 ed . . . 1845 . . . Milano. 1845. 9 plans. 4093.109 Nebbia, U. La Brianza. Bergamo. 1912. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monogra- fie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.448 La scultura nel Duomo di Milano, illus- trata a cura della Amministrazione della fabbrica. Milano. 1908. Plates. Plans. [Milan Cathedral. Annali.] *4o8o.i22 Nesfield, W. E. Specimens of mediaeval ar- chitecture, chiefly of the 12th and 13th centuries in France and Italy. London. 1862. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i29.i Niccolini, A. Descrizione della gran terma puteolana volgarmente detta Tempio di Serapide. Napoli. 1846. Plates. Maps. ♦409 1. 1 02 Nicolai, H. G. Das Ornament der italieni- schen Kunst des xv. Jahrhunderts. Dresden. 1882. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.3o.8 Noack, A. Die Certosa bei Pavia. Leipzig. [1882.] Plates. *8iooa.ii Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church- building in the Middle Ages. Venice, Siena, Florence. New York. 1880. 4096.5s; ♦*K.i57.i7 Noyes, Ella. The story of Ferrara. Illus- trated by D. Noyes. London. 1904. Illus. Portrait. Maps. [Mediaeval towns.] 47693.76 Oakeshott, G. J. Detail and ornament of 'the Italian Renaissance. London. 1888. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.3i.8 Same. New York. [1888?] *8o7o.i90 Onofri, P. d'. Succinte notizie intorno alia facciata della Chiesa cattedrale napole- tana ... 2a edizione. Napoli. 1789. ^ Plates. Plan. *4094.iio Orioli, F. Dei sepolcrali edifizi dell' Etrnria media, e in generale dell' architettura tuscanica. [Fiesole.] 1826. Plates. . *275o.5 Orsini, L. Imola e la valle del Santerno. Bergamo. 1907. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.412 Orvieto Cathedral. [Plan and views of the Cathedral of Orvieto.] 38 plates. ♦♦Tosti, C.4.4 Osten, F. Die Bauwerke in der Lombardei vom 7. bis 14. Jahrhundert. Darmstadt. [1846-54.] 48 plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.6o.96.i Text in German and French, 15., C. Description de la fagade et de I'in- terieur de la cathedrale de Milan. 5e edition. Milan. [1851.] Plates. No. I in 4093.102 Palladio, A. Fabbriche e disegni, raccolti ed illustrati da O. B. Scamozzi. 2a edi- zione. Vicenza. 1786. 4 v. Plates. *Cab.8o.ii6.i Pantini, R. San Gimignano e Certaldo. Bergamo.^ 1904. Illus. Plates. [Col- lezione di monografie illustrate. Serie I. Italia artistica.] 4073'349 Paoli, P. A. Antichita di Pozzuoli. [Firenze. 1768.] Plates. *Cab.27.i7.3 Italian and Latin. Paesti qvod Posidoniam etiam dixere rvdera. Romae. 1784. Plates. Plans. *Cab.27.33.2 Paravicini, T. V. Die Renaissance-Archi- tektur der Lombardei. Dresden. [1878?] Illus. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.5 Parker, C. Villa rustica: selected from buildings in the vicinity of Rome and Florence. 2d edition. London. 1848. Plates. *409o.i5 Patzak, B. Palast und Villa in Toscana: Versuch einer Entwicklungsgeschichte. Buch I. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Renaissance und Barockvilla in Italien.] *4072.i85 Contents. — i. Die Zeit des Werdens. Die Villa Imperiale in Pesaro. Studien zur Kunstgeschichte der italienischen Renaissancevilla und ihrer Innendekora- tion. Leipzig, 1908. Plates. Plans. [Die Renaissance- und Barockvilla in Italien.] *4072.i87 Petit-Radel, P. Voyage historique . . . dans les principales villes de I'ltalie, en t8ii et 1812. Paris. 1815. 3 v. 2764.13 Pettina. G. Vicenza. Bergamo, too^^. Tlhis. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.399 ITALY 181 PhUippi, A. Die Kunst der Nachbliite in Italien und Spanien. Leipzig. 1900. Plates. [Kunstgeschichtliche Einzeldar- stellungen. Band 4.] 4075.45.4 Contents. — Im Zeitalter des Barock. — Die neue Malerei in Spanien. Die Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. Leipzig. 1897. 5 v. in 2. Illus. [ Kunstgeschichtliche Einzeldarstellun- . gen. Band i, 2.] 4075-45.i, 2 Contents. — i. Vorrenaissance und Fruhrenais- sance, 2. Die Hochrenaissance. Pontani, C. Opere architettoniche di Raf- faello Sanzio misurate ed illustrate. Roma. 1843-45- 12 parts in i v. Plates. *8o9o.i55 Pudor, H. Die Kunst im Lichte der Kunst. 2. Auflage. Dresden. 1891. Illus. Architecture and painting in Italy. 4077.337 Pulignani, M. F. Foligno. Bergamo. 1907. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illus- trate, Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.417 PuUan, R. P. Eastern cities and Italian towns. London. 1879. 2267.58 Quast, A. F. W. R. von. Die alt-christlichen Bauwerke von Ravenna vom fiinften bis zum neunten Jahrhundert historisch geordnet und durch Abbildungen er- lautert. Berlin. 1842. 10 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.l5I.6 Ranalli, F. Storia delle belle arti in Italia. Firenze. 1845. 4072.10 Same. 2a edizione. 1856. 2 v. 4077.10 Raschdorff, J. C. Toscana. Berlin. 1888. TOO plates. fPalast-Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana vom xv. bis XVII. Jahrhundert.] *Cab.6o,75;3 Redtenbacher, R. Die Architektur der ita- lianischen Renaissance. Frankfurt a. M. 1886. 4094.78 Reinhardt, R. Genua. Berlin. 1886. 100 plates. [Palast-Architektur von Ober- Italien und Toscana vom xv. bis xvii. Jahrhundert.] *Cab.6o.24.i Renouvier, J. Notes sur les monuments gothiques de quelques villes d'ltalie: Pise. — Florence. — Rome. — Naples . . . Caen. 1841. 4095.112 Resasco, F. La necropoli di Staglieno. Genova. 1892. Illus. Plates. 2733.50 Ricci, A., Marchese. Storia dell' architettura in Italia dal secolo iv al xviii. Modena. 1857-59- 3 V. 4106.15 Ricci, C. Art in northern Italy. New York. 1911. Illus. Portraits. 40793.404 Baroque architecture and sculpture in Italy. London. 1912.^ Plates. *409i.30 Baukunst und dekorative Skulptur der Barockzeit in Italien. Stuttgart. 1912. Plates. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] ♦40903.148 Raccolte artistiche di Ravenna. Bergamo. 1905. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di mono- grafie illustrate. Serie 5. Raccolte d'arte.] 4073.502 Ravenna. (Translated from the Italian.) Bergamo. 1907. Plates. [Collection of illustrated monographs. Series i. Ar- tistic Italy.] 4073.34 La repnbblica di San Marino. (2a edi- zione.) Bergamo. 1906. Plates. [Col- Ricci, C. (Continued.) lezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.340 Volterra. Bergamo. 1905. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.400 Richter, L. M. Siena. Leipzig. 1901. Plates. Plan. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.251 Rivoira, G. T. Lombardic architecture: its origin, development and derivatives. Translated by G. McN. Rushforth. Lon- don. 1910. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4091.158 Le origini della architettura Lombarda, e delle sue principali derivazioni nel paesi d'oltr* Alpe. Roma. 1901, 07. 2 v. Illus. Plans. *4ioi.37 Rohault de Fleury, G. Les monuments de Pise au moyen age. Paris. 1866. Text, I V. Plates; Atlas, 66 plates. *8o8o.32 La Toscane au moyen age. Architecture civile et militaire. Paris. 1870, 73. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii2.2 A different work from that on shelf-number 4093.56, which has fuller text but no plates. La Toscane au moyen age. Lettres sur Tarchitecture civile et militaire en 1400. Paris. 1874. 2 V. Illus. 4093-56 Rolfs, W. Neapel. Leipzig. 1905. 2 v. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.33? Contents. — 1. Die alte Kunst. a. Baukunst und Bildnerei im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit. Rosini, G. Lettere pittoriche sul Campo Santo di Pisa. Pisa. 1810. Plates. No. I in 4075.133 Ross, J. A., and N. Erichsen. The story of Lucca. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Map. [Mediaeval towns.] 4769a.78 The story of Pisa. London. 1909. Plates. Maps. [Mediaeval towns.] 47693.77 Rossi, A. Documenti inediti sopra alcune fabbriche perugine del secolo xv. Du- omo. — Ponte Felcino. — Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo. — Mercatale. Pe- rugia. 1870. 4097.114 Terraclna e la Palude Pontina. Bergamo. 1912. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.449 Rossi, L. M. The Santuario of the Madonna di Vico. Pantheon of Charles Emanuel I. of Savoy. London, 1907. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4x03.86 Books referred to, pp. 225-230. Rossini, L. Viaggio pittoresco da Roma a Napoli. Roma. [1839.] Plates. *Cab.27.i8.2 Rubens, P. P. Palazzi antichi di Genova. In Anversa. 1652. 72 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.34.2 Palazzi moderni di Genova. In Anversa. 1652. 67 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.34.2 Rucca, G. Capua vetere o sia descrizione di tutti i monumenti di Capua antica e par- ticolarmente del suo nobilissimo anfi- teatro. Napoli. 1828. 2 plates. 2738.25 Rumohr, C. F. von. Italienische Forschun- gen. Berlin. 1827, 31. 3 v. 4079.60 182 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Runge, L. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Back- stein-Architektur Italiens. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. [1852?] Plates. *8ioo.2o Rusconi, A. J. Siena. Bergamo. 1904. Illus. iPlates. [Collezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.347 Ruskin, J. Val d'Arno. Ten lectures on the Tuscan art directly antecedent to the Florentine year of victories. Orpington. 1882. Plates. [Works. Vol. 8.] *2S7o.i5.8 Same. New York. 1886. [Works. 2d series, vol. 6.] No. 2 in 4553.65 Same. Introduction by C. E. Norton. Brantwood edition. New York. 1891. Plates. 4069.95 Sadeler, G. Vestigi delle antichita di Roma, Tivoli, Pozzvolo et altri Ivochi. Praga. 1606. 50 plates. No. 3 in *4940.9 Same. Roma. 1660. No. 4 in *8o9oa.37 Salazaro, D. Studi sui monumenti della Italia meridionale dal ive al xiiie secolo. Napoli. 1871-81. 3 V. 64 plates. *Cab.27.i2.i San Marino. Album di fotografia di San Marino. Bologna. 1889. 36 photo- graphs. 4721.11 Sant' Ambrogio, D. II borgo di Castiglione Olono presso Varese. [2a edizione.] Milano. 1893. 50 plates. 4095.25 II castello di Pandino e le sue pitture. Milano. 1895. 22 plates. 4092.23 Gra Car. Carpiano, Vigano-Certosino, e Selvanesco. Milano. 1894. Plates. 4073.80 Lodi vecchio, San Bassiano. Milano. 1895. 40 plates. 4092.24 Sauerlandt, M. t)ber die Bildwerke des Giovanni Pisano. Diisseldorf. 1904. Plates. 8082.164 Scheffer, T. von. Neapel. Leipzig. [1907.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.26 Benutzte Literatur, pp. 204, 205. Schillmann, F. Viterbo und Orvieto. Leip- zig. 1911. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.498 Verzeichnis der hauptsachlich benutzten Litera- tur, pp. 169, 170. Schmarsow, A., editor. Italienische For- schungen zur Kunstgeschichte. Bres- lau. 1890, 91. 2 V. Plates. 8064.104 Contents. — i. S. Martin von Lucca und die Anfange der toskanischen Skulptur im Mittelal- ter, von A. Schmarsow. 2. Donatellos Kanzeln in S. Lorenzo, von M. Semrau. Schubring, P. Das italienische Grabmal der Fruhrenaissance. Berlin. 1904. Tllus. Portraits. 40 plates. *8o8i.i27 Pisa. Leipzig. 1902. Illus. Plates. [Beruhmte Kunststatten.] 4074.260 Die Plastik Sienas im Quattrocento. Ber- lin. 1907. Illus. Portraits. 8086.112 Schloss- und Burgbauten der Hohenstau- fen in Apulien. Berlin. [1901.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.164 Urbano da Cortona. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schule Donatellos und der Sieneser Plastik im Quattrocento. Ncbst einem Anhang: Andrea Guardi. Strass- Schubring, P. (Continued.) burg. 1903. Illus. [Zur Kunstge- schichte des Auslandes.] 8081.128 Bibliography, pp. 72-78. Urbino. Leipzig. [1909.] Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Genealogical charts. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.32 Literatur, pp. 117, 118. Schuelt, F. L. Recueil d'architecture, des- sine et mesure en Italic, 1791-93. Paris. 1821. 72 plates. *Cab.6o.38.2 Schuetz, A. Die Renaissance in Italien. Hamburg. 1891. 4 v. 331 plates. Plates only. *Cab.6o.I3.I Schultz, G. Tivoli und die Villa Hadrians. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Plan. 2732.29 Schultze, M. V. Die Katakomben von San Gennaro dei Poveri in Neapel. Jena. 1877. 10 plates. 8105.16 Schulz, H. W. Denkmaeler der Kunst des Mittelalters in Unteritalien. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von F. von Quast. Dresden, i860. Text, 4 V. in 3. Illus.; Atlas, 100 plates. *Cab.6o.73.i Schumacher, F. Leon Battista Alberti und seine Bauten. Berlin. [1899.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.160 Schumann, P. T. Der Dom zu Pisa. Ber- lin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Bau- kunst.] 4090.155 Litteraturnachweise, p. 18. Selvatico, P., and others. Le arti del disegno in Italia. Storia e critica. Milano. [i877-]i879.^ 3 V. Illus. [L'ltalia sotto I'aspetto fisico . . .] 8072.109 Contents. — i. L'arte antica, by P. Selvatico. a. II medio evo, by P. Selvatico and L. Chirtani [pseud, of L. Archinti]. 3. L'evo moderne, by T. V. Paravicini. Semper, H,, and others. Carpi: ein Fiir- stensitz der Renaissance. Dresden. 1882. Illus. Portrait. 27 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i68.6 Contents. — Geschichtlich-literarischer Theil, von H. Semper. — Kunst-geschichtlicher Theil, von F. O. Schulze und W. Barth. Scni, F. S. La villa d'Este in Tivoli. Memo- rie storiche. Roma. 1902. Portraits. Plans. 2765.70 Bibliography, pp. 229-236. Serra, L. Storia dell* arte italiana. Milano. [1907.] Plates. Plans. 4076.234 Contains bibliographies. Seymour, F. H. A. Siena and her artists. London. 1907. Plates. Folded map. 4079.329 Shaw, R. N. Architectural sketches from the continent. London. 1872. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.i Views and details from France, Italy and Ger- many. Smirke, Sir R. Account of some remains of Gothic architecture in Italy and Sicily. [London. 1806.] 6 plates. No. 4 in *222i.78 Same. (In Society of Antiquaries. Ar- chaeologia. Vol. 15, pp. 363-37()- Lon- don. 1806.) •3311.115 ITALY 183 Solitro, G. II Lago di Garda. Bergamo. 1904. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073-348 Spon, J., and G. Wheler. Voyage d'ltalie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant, fait aux annees 1675 & 1676. Amsterdam. 1679. 2 V. Plates. *2766.8 Stegmann, C. M. von. Ornamente der Renaissance aus Italien. Weimar. 1861. 24 plates. *Cab.8o.i88.3 Stiehl, O. Der Backsteinbau romanischer Zeit, besonders in Oberitalien und Nord- deutschland. Leipzig. 1898. Plates. *Cab.6o.i36.i Stieler, C, and others. Italy from the Alps to Mount Etna. Translated by F. E. Trollope. London. 1877. Plates. •♦K.140.13 Stokes, M. Six months in the Apennines; or, a pilgrimage in search of vestiges of the Irish saints in Italy. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. 3532.55 "My object is ... to find a clue to the origins of Irish art." — Preface. Strack, H. Central- und Kuppelkirchen der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1882. Text, I v. Illus.; Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i23.2 Ziegelbauv^erke des Mittelalters^ und der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1889. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.39.3 Street, G. E. Brick and marble in the Mid- dle Ages; notes of a tour in the north of Italy. London. 1855. Plates. 4095-4 Same. 2d edition. 1874. 4095.61 Suida, W. Genua. Leipzig. 1906. Illus. Facsimiles. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074-332 Supine, I. B. Arte pisana. Firenze. 1904. Plates. *4072.io8 Bibliografia, pp. 319-323. Contents. — Architettura. — Scultura. — Pittura. Pisa. Bergamo. 1905. Plates. [Col- lezione di monografie illustrate. Serie I. Italia artistica.] ^ 4073.398 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: the fine arts. London. 1877. 2722.51.3 Same. 2d edition. 1882. 2722.54.3 Same. New edition. 1897. 2722.67.3 Testi, L. Parma. Bergamo. 1905.. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.401 Thode, H. Franz von Assisi und die An- fange der Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1885. Illus. 4083.16 Same. 2. Auflage. 1904. 4083.54 Toesca, P. Torino. Bergamo. 191 1. Illus. Portraits. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Italia artistica.] 4073.444 Toll, M. Die deutsche Nationalkirche S. Maria dell' Anima in Neapel. Beitrage zu ihrer Geschichte. Freiburg im Breis- gau. 1909. Plates. Facsimiles. *4ioi.76 Ugoletti, A. Brescia. Bergamo. 1909. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di men grafie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artis- tica.] 4073.432 Valle, G. della. Storia del duomo di Orvieto. Roma. 1 791. Text, i v.; Atlas, 38 plates. *Cab.27.io.5 13 Valle, G. della. (Continued.) Same. Text only. 2761. 11 Vanvitelli, L., the elder. Dichiarazione dei disegni del reale palazzo di Caserta. Napoli. 1756. 14 folded plates. *Cab.27.28.i Vanvitelli, L., the younger. Vita dell' archi- tetto, Luigi Vanvitelli [ed una descri- zione delle reali delizie di Caserta]. Napoli. 1823. Portrait. Plates. 4095.104 Venturi, A. La basilica di Assisi. Roma. 1008. Illus. Plans. 4109a. 107 Storia dell' arte italiana. [Vol.] 1-7. Mi- lano. 1901-11. 7 V. Plates. 4074.143 Contents. — i. Dai primordi dell' arte cristiana al tempo di Giustiniano. 2. Dall* arte barbarica alia romanica. 3. L'arte romanica. 4. La scultura del trecento e le sue origini. 5. La pittura del tre- cento e le sue origini. 6. La scultura del quat- trocento. 7. La pittura del quattrocento. Ville di Torino. Facciate e piante. Torino. [1909.] 30 plates. [Le ville moderne in Italia.] *Cab.6o.i34.8 There is no text. Volkmann, L. Padua. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.325 Volpicella, S. Delle antichita d'Amalfi e dintorni. Napoli. 1859. 2734.6 Vuillier, G. Les iles oubliees: . . . la Sar- daigne. Paris. 1893. Illus. 3090.100 Wackernagel, M. Die Plastik des xi. und XII. Jahrhunderts in Apulien. Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Koniglich-preus- sisches historisches Institut, Rome. Kunstgeschichtliche Forschungen.] *807I.2I2 Waring, J. B., and T. R. Macquoid. Exam- ples of architectural art in Italy and Spain. London. 1850. Plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.2 Waterfield, L. D. G. The story of Assisi. London. 1900. Illus. Map. [Mediaeval towns.] 2769a.85 Waters, W. G. Five Italian shrines: an account of the monumental tombs of S. Augustine at Pavia, S. Dominic at Bologna, S. Peter Martyr at Milan, S. Donato at Arezzo and of Orcagna's tabernacolo at Florence. London. 1906. Plates. 4075-275 Weber, L. Bologna. Leipzig. 1902. Illus. Portraits. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.261 San Petronio in Bologna. Beitrage zur Baugeschichte. Leipzig. 1904. 4 plates. Plan. 4106.38 Literaturverzeichnis, pp. 92-96. Weichardt, C. Das Schloss des Tiberius und andere Romerbauten auf Capri. Leip- zig. [1900.] Plates. Plans. *Cab. 27.37.2 Wiel, Alethea. The story of Verona. Lon- don. 1902. Illus. Plans. [Mediaeval towns.] 2769.96 Willard, A. R. History of modern Italian art. London. 1898. Plates. 4084.53 Contents. — i. Sculpture, a. Painting. 3. Archi- tecture. Same. 2d edition. 1900. 4084.54 Williams, E. R., Jr. Plain-towns of Italy: the cities of old Venetia. Boston. 1911. Plates. Map. 4764.59 184 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Willis, R. Remarks on the architecture of the Middle Ages, especially of Italy. Cambridge. 1835. Plates. 4092.14 Yriarte, C. £. Autour des Borgia: les monu- ments, les portraits. Paris. 1891. Plates. ♦2740.55 Zimmermann, M. G. Voraussetzung und erste Entwickelung von Giottos Kunst. Leipzig. 1899. lUus. Portraits. Plates. [Giotto und die Kunst Italiens im Mit- telalter.] 4084.60 Oberitalische Plastik im friihen und hohen Mittelalter. Leipzig. 1897. 8080.122 Zuccagni-Orlandini, A. Atlante illustrativo, ossia raccolta dei principali monumenti italiani antichi del medio evo e moderni. Firenze. 1843-45. Text, 17 v.; Plates, 3 v.; Maps, 2 V. *Cab.27.46.i The text is entitled Corografia fisica, storica e statistica dell' Italia e delle sue isole. Florence. Alinari, V. figlises et convents de Florence. [Florence. 1905.] Plates. 4109.86 Armstrong, E. Lorenzo de' Medici, and Florence in the fifteenth century. New York. 1896. Plates. [Heroes of the nations.] 2746.26 Baxter, L. E. The castle of Vincigliata. By L. Scott [pseud.]. Florence. 1897. Plates. 2761.55 This is mainly a reprint of the author's Vincigli- ata and Maiano 1*2761. S3i- The Orti Oricellari. By L. Scott [pseud.]. Appended, an enlarged catalogue of the antiquities in Vincigliata Castle. Flor- ence. 1893. Plates. Plan. 2762.79 Beltrami, L. Storia della facciata di S. Maria del Fiore in Firenze. Milano. 1900. lUus. Plans. 4102.86 Berti, G. F. Sopra i disegni per la facciata di S. Maria del Fiore. Discorso. [Anon.] Prato. 1843. 4085.118 Biagi, G. The private life of the renaissance Florentines. Florence. 1896. Plates. 2763.26 Bode, W. Florentine sculptors of the Renaissance. New York. 1909. Plates. *8o84.ioi Florentiner Bildhauer der Renaissance. Berlin. 1902. Illus. Plates. *8o84.88 Boito, C. Santa Maria del Fiore e il Duomo di Milano. (I giudizii artistici nel secolo XIV.) (In Vita italiana, La, nel Trecento. Pp. 374-401. Milano. 1904-) 2719.35 Brandi, C. Die Renaissance in Florenz und Rom. Leipzig. 1900. 4077.143 Same. 2. Auflage. 1903. 4077.244 Brockhaus, H. Forschungen iiber Floren- tiner Kunstwerke. Leipzig. 1902. Plates. *Cab.8o.235.4 Contents. — Die Paradieses-Thur L. Ghiberti's. — Die Hauskapelle der Medici. — Andrea del Castagno's Fresko der Dreieinigkeit in der Kirche der Annunziata. — Das Familienbild der Vespucci von Ghirlandajo in der Kirche Ognissanti. Michelangelo und die Medici-Kapelle. Leipzig. 1909. lUus. Plates. 4105.49 Brown, J. W. The builders of Florence. London. [1907.] Plates. *4093.i96 The author aims to show the relation between Brown, J. W. (Continued.) Florentine life and "its chief vehicle of contem- porary and permanent expression, the Florentine building art." The Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella at Florence: a historical, archi- tectural and artistic study. Edinburgh. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4100.99 Burger, F. Geschichte des florentinischen Grabmals von den altesten Zeiten bis Michelangelo. Strassburg. 1904. Plates. ♦8081.64 Chilovi, D., and A. Papini. II nuovo palazzo per la Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Firenze. 1892. Plans. *2i4oa.67 Cocchi, A. Le chiese di Firenze dal secolo IV. al secolo xx. Quartiere di San Gio- vanni. Firenze. 1903. Illus. Plates. Contains a bibliography. 4I04>3I Del Moro, L. La facciata di S. Maria del Fiore. Firenze. 1888. Plates. *Cab.6o.4i.3 Del Rosso, G. Ricerche storico-architet- toniche sopra il tempio di San Giovanni di Firenze. Firenze. 1820. Plates. 4098.100 Frey, C. Die Loggia dei lanzi zu Florenz: eine quellenkritische Untersuchung. Berlin. 1885. 2 plans. 4094.88 Gardner, J. E. G. The story of Florence. London. 1900. Illus. Maps. [Mediaeval towns.] 2769.88 Grifi, E. Saunterings in Florence. 2d edi- tion, enlarged. London. 1898. Illus. Maps. 2739.84 Guasti, C. Santa Maria del Fiore. Firenze. 1887. 4096.64 Horner, S., and J. Homer. Walks in Flor- ence. London. 1873. 2 v. Illus. 2766.50 Same. 2d edition. **K.225.io Hutton, E. Florence and the cities of Northern Tuscany, with Genoa. Illus- trations by W. Parkinson. New York. 1907. Plates. Map. 2768.127 Some of the plates are colored. Hyett, F. A. Florence: her history and art to the fall of the Republic. London. 1903. 4074.322 Authorities, pp. xxviii-xxxi. Chronological table of Florentine artists and authors from 1232-1564, p. xxxii. Joseph, D. Architekturdenkmaler in Rom, Florenz und Venedig. Leipzig. [1904. Kennst du das Land?] 40993.126 Kleinpaul, R. A. R. Florenz in Wort und Bild. Leipzig. 1887. Plates. *476o.ii Limburger, W. Die Gebaude von Florenz. Architekten, Strassen und Platze in al- phabetischen Verzeichnissen. Leipzig. 1910. Maps. 4093.206 Literaturangaben, pp. ix-xi. Marchesc, V. F. S. Marco, convento dei padri predicatori in Firenze, illustrato e inciso principalmente nei dipinti del B. G. Angelico. Firenze. 1853. 39 plates. *Cab.35.i7.4 Mauclair, C. Florence. Paris. [1911.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. *409oa.i42 Moise, F. Santa Croce di Firenze. lllustra- zione storico-artistica. Firenze. 1845. Plate. 2766.3 FLORENCE 185 Molini, G. La metropolitana fiorentina illustrata. Firenze. 1820. Plates. *276o.9 Moreni, D. Descrizione della gran Capella delle pietre dure e della Sagrestia vec- chia eretta da Filippo di Ser Brunellesco situate ambedue nell' Imp. Basilica di S. Lorenzo di Firenze. Firenze. 1813. Plate. 4098.120 Descrizioni istorico-critica della Imp. cap- pella de' principi eretta nella Basilica di S. Lorenzo di Firenze da Michelangelo Buonarroti. Firenze. 1813. 4105.56 Muentz, L. F. E. Florence et la Toscane. Paris. 1897. Plates. *476o.i4 Nardini Despotti Mospignotti, A. II Duo- mo di San Giovanni oggi Battistero di Firenze. Firenze. 1902. Illus. Plans. 4094.125 Nelli, G. B. Piante ed alzati dell' insigne chiesa di S. Maria del Fiore, metropoli- tana fiorentina. In diversi rami inta- gliati dal Sig. B. S. Sgrilli. Firenze. 1755- 17 plates. No. i in *Cab.6o.57.i.4 Perrens, F. T. La civilisation florentine du xiue au xvie siecle. Paris. [1893.] Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque d'histoire illus- tree.] 2735-77 Philippi, A. Florence. Translated from the German by P. G. Konody. London. 1905. Illus. [Famous art cities.] 4074.313 Florenz. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Portraits. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.264 Renouvier, J. Notes sur les monuments gothiques de quelques villes d* Italic. Pise. — Florence. — Rome. — Naples. Caen. 1841. 4095.112 Raymond, M. La sculpture florentine. Florence. 1897-1900. 4 v. Plates. *8o8o.83 Contents. — [i.] Les predecesseurs de I'ecole florentine et la sculpture florentine au xive sie'- cle. [2.] Premiere moitie du xve si^cle. [3.] Seconde moitie du xve siecle. [4.] Le xvie siecle et les successeurs de I'ecole florentine. Richa, G. Notizie istoriche delle chiese florentine, divise ne' suoi quartieri. Fi- renze. 1754-61. ID V. in 5. Plates. *472oa.3 Contents. — i» a. Del quartiere di Santa Croce. 3, 4. Del quartiere di S. M. Novella. 5-8. Del quartiere di S. Giovanni. 9, 10. Del quartiere di S. Spirito. Ross, J. A. Florentine palaces & their sto- ries. London. 1905. Plates. 2768.96 Florentine villas. London. 1901. Illus. *Cab.6o.i58.2 Rossi, G. I. La libreria Mediceo-Lauren- ziana, architettura di Michelagnolo Buonarroti. Firenze. 1739. 22 plates. *Cab.6o.55.3 Same. Nuova edizione. 1755. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.57.i.4 Ruggieri, F. Scelta di architetture antiche e moderne della citta di Firenze. 2a edizione, pubblicata da G. Bouchard. Firenze. 1755. 4 v. 277 plates. *Cab.69.57.i ^^^ On the engraved title-page is given the title of ^^w the first edition: Studio d'architettura civile. ^^H Vol. 4 is an appendix in two parts, by G. B. ^^B Nelli and G. T. Rossi. I Runge, L. Der Glockenthurm des Doms zu Florenz. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. 1853. 4 plates. *8ioo.i9 Three of the plates are colored. Ruskin, J. Mornings in Florence. Part i, 2. Orpington, Kent. 1875. 4078.71 Same. New York. 1876. 2575-76 Same. 1886. [Works. 2d series. 1881- 86. Vol. I.] No. 3 in 4553.6o Contains an additional chapter: The shepherd's tower. Same. [1895.] 2553.98 Ruskin, J., editor. The shepherd's tower. Photographs of the sculptures of Giot- to's tower to illustrate part 6 of Morn- ings in Florence. [Brantwood, Eng- land.] 1881. *Cab.8o.272.3 Sangiorgi, G. Florence. Collection Carrand au Bargello. Rome. 1895. 88 plates. *8o77.44 Vaughan, H. Florence and her treasures. With notes on the pictures by M. Mans- field. New York. 191 1. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. 2769.23 Vulliamy, L. The bridge of the Ssa. Trinita, over the Arno, at Florence. Drawn and measured and accompanied by explana- tory remarks. London. 182?. 4 plates. No. I in *Cab.27.io.4 Yriarte, C. £. Florence. Paris. 1881. Plates. *Cab.27.38.i Same. [English translation.] London. 1882. *Cab.27.38.2 Same. Translated by C. B. Pitman. New edition. Philadelphia. 1897. Plates. 2761.56 Rome. See also Classical Architecture. Aringhus, P. Roma svbterranea novissima. Romae. 1651. 2 v. Plates. *275o.i Armailhacq, d*. L'eglise nationale de Saint Louis des Frangais a Rome. Rome. 1894. Plates. *8ioi.ioo Armellini, M. Le catacombe romane. Roma. 1880. Plan. 2754.17 Scoperta della cripta di Santa Emeren- ziana e di una memoria relativa alia cattedra di San Pietro nel cemeterio ostriano. Roma. 1877. 11 plates. 2732.23 Scoperta di un antico oratorio presso la Via Appia dedicato al' arcangelo Ga- briele ed ai sette dormienti. Roma. 1875. Plates. 4732.12 Artaud de Montor, A. F., Chevalier. Voyage dans les catacombes de Rome. Par un membre de I'Academie de Cortone. Paris. 1810. 2769.41 Same. Prima traduzione dal francese. Milano. 1835. 27598.67 Ashby, T., Junior. Sixteenth-century draw- ings of Roman buildings attributed to Andreas Coner. London. 1904. Illus. Plans. Facsimiles. [British School at Rome. Papers.] *2732.25.2 Baldinucci, F. Filippo Baldinuccis Vita des Gio. Lorenzo Bernini. Mit t)bersetzung und Kommentar von A. Riegl, aus 186 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Baldinucci, F. (Continued.) seinem Nachlasse herausgegeben von A. Burda und O. Pollak. Wien. 1912, Plates. 8085.134 Principally descriptions of architecture and sculp- ture in Rome. Barbier de Montault, X. Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la sculpture religieuse a Rome, a I'epoque de la renaissance. Rome. 1870. 146 plates. *Cab.8o.24o.5 Many of the examples are sepulchral monuments. Les eglises de Rome etudiees au point de vue archeologique. Arras. 1877. lUus. 2752.5 Barnes, A. S. St. Peter in Rome and his tomb on the Vatican Hill. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4iooa.i6 Berthier, J. J. Le convent de Sainte-Sabine a Rome. Roma. 1912. Portraits. Plates. Plan. 4104.12 L'eglise de la Minerve a Rome. Rome. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4104.10 L'eglise de Sainte-Sabine a Rome. Roma. 1910. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. 4104.11 Boissard, J. J. Onvphrii Panuinii, Bartholo- maei Marliani, Petri Uictoris, lani la- cobi Boissardi Topographia Romae, cum tabulis geographicis, imaginibus antiquae et nouae urbis . . . Francofurti. 1597-1628. 6 parts in 2 v. *495o.i5 Boldetti, M. A. Osservazioni sopra i cimi- terj de' santi martiri, ed antichi cristiani di Roma. Aggiuntavi la serie di tutti quelli, che sino al presente si sono sco- perti, e di altri simili, che in varie parti del mondo si trovano. . . . Roma. 1720. 3 V. in I. Illus. Plans. *4750.7 Borromini, F. Opera cavata da suoi origi- nali, cioe la chiesa e fabrica della Sa- pienza di Roma. Roma. 1720. 45 plates. *Cab.6o.87.4 Bosio, A. Roma sotterranea. Publicata dal commendatore C. Aldobrandino. Roma. 1632. Illus. Plans. *475o.5o Brandi, C. Die Renaissance in Florenz und Rom. Leipzig. 1900. 4077.143 Same. 2. Auflage. 1903. 4077.244 British School at Rome. Papers. Vol. 1-5. London. 1902-10. 5 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. *2732.25 Contents. — i. The Church of S. Maria Antiqua, by G. McN. Rushforth. — The classical topogra- phy of the Roman Campagna, Part i, by T. Ashby, Jr. 2. Sixteenth-century drawings of Roman buildings attributed to A. Coner, by T. Ashby, Jr. 3. The classical topography of the Roman Campagna, Part 2, by T. Ashby, Jr. — Notes on Roman historical sculpture, by H. S. Jones. — Fragments of Roman historical reliefs in the Vatican and Lateran Museums, by A. J. B. Wace. — Some drawings from the antique at- tributed to Pisanello, by G. F. Hill. — Pythagoras, by K. A. McDowall. 4. The classical topogn'aphy of the Roman Campagna, Part 3, by T. Ashby, Jr. — The goldsmiths of Rome under the Papal authority, by S. J. A. Churchill. — Studies in Roman historical reliefs, by A. J. B. Wace. — An ivory statuette, by A. H. S. Yeames. — The early Iron Age of Southern Italy, by T. E. Peet. 5. The text of the Odyssey, by T. W. Allen. — The Dolmens, tombs of the giants, and Nuraghi British School at Rome. (Continued.) of Sardinia, by D. Mackenzie. — Contributions to the study of the prehistoric- period in Malta, by T. E. Peet.— The reliefs in the Palazzo Spada, by A. J. B. Wace. — La Civitd in the valley of the Sabato. by C. L. Woolley. — The classical topography of the reliefs of Trajan's Column, by H. S. Jones. — The columbarium of Pomponius Hylas on the Via Latina, by F. G. Newton. In progress. Bunsen, C. C. J., Freiherr von. Die Basiliken des christlichen Roms. Text von Guten- sohn und Knapp. Miinchen. [1843.] Text, I v.; Atlas, 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.4 Camera primaria di commercio, Rome. De- scrizione del circo e del' arco onorario eretti di la da Ponte-Molle pel fausto ritorno in Roma del Sommo Pontefice Pio IX. Roma. 1858. Plates. Plan. 8092.82 Canina, L. Le nuove fabbriche della villa Borghese denominata Pinciana. Roma. 1828. 14 plates. *Cab.6o.55.4 Clement, C. E. The Eternal City. Rome: its religions, monuments, literature, and art. Boston. [1896.] 2 v. Plates. 2765.62 Donatus, A. Roma vetus ac recens utriusque sedificiis illustrata. Amstelaedami. 1695. Plates. Plans. *8o93.ii4 Donovan, J. Rome, ancient and modern, and its environs. Rome. 1842-44. 4 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. *2756.82 Dumont, G. M. Details des plus interes- santes parties d'architecture de la basi- lique de St. Pierre. Paris. 1763. Illus. Portrait. 93 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.2 Contains a catalogue of Dumont's architectural works. Egger, H. Francesco Borrominis Umbau von S. Giovanni in Lateranno. Illus. Plan. (In Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte Franz Wickhoff gev^idmet. Pp. 154-162. Wien. 1903.] 4073.284 Romische Veduten. Handzeichnungen aus dem xv.-xviii. Jahrhundert. Band i. Wien. [191 1.] 115 plates. *Cab.6o.i94.3 Fea, C. D. F. I. Description de Rome, tra- duite de I'ltalien. Rome. 1821. 3 v. Plates. Plan. , 4739a.io Feoli, V. [Camere del Museo Vaticano. Roma.] 26 plates. **Tosti,B.2.i **Tosti,B.2.2 has all these plates but the last; **Tosti,B.2.3 all but the last two. Ferabosco, M. Libro de I'architettura di San Pietro nel Vaticano finito col disegno di Michel Angelo Bonaroto et d'altri archi- tetti espressa inpiu tauole. Roma. 1620. 31 plates. No. i in *Cab.6o.76.6 Ferrerio, P. Palazzi di Roma de piv celebri architetti. [Roma. 1655.] 41 plates. 8 plans. No. i in *8o9oa.37 Ficoroni, F. de*. Le vestigia e rarita di Roma antica. Le singolarita di Roma moderna. Roma. 1744. Illus. Plates. *2732.2 Field, W. T. Rome. Boston. 1905. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Plan. 27593.84 Fleres, U. La Campagna romana. Bergamo. 1904. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Scrie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.343 ROME 187 Fontana, C. Templum Vaticanum et ipsius origo, cum gedificiis maxime conspicuis antiquitus, & recens ibidem constitutis, Romse. 1694. Plates. *475o.6i Latin and Italian. Fontana, D. Delia trasportatione dell' obe- lisco vaticano e delle fabriche di Sisto v. Roma. 1590. Plates. *4940.i3 De translatione obelisci Vaticani, alio- rumque ab equite Domenico Fontana suscepta . . . Plates. (In Contigna- tiones ac pontes Nicolai Zabaglia. Ff. 12-21. Romae. 1743) *Cab.6o.i7o.2 Latin and Italian. Tlie Italian consists of ex- tracts from Fontana's Delia trasportatione dell' obelisco vaticano [*4940.i3]. Fontana, G. Raccolta delle migliore chiese di Roma e suburbane. Tomo 1-4, 6. Roma. 1833 [-89]. 5 V. in 3. Plates. *Cab.6o.i29.2 Vol. 6 is of the second revised edition. The plates show mosaics and Cosmaten work. Franzini, F. Roma antica e moderna . . . [Anon.] Roma. 1760. Illus. *4739.23 Friedlaender, W. Das Kasino Pius des vier- ten. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Koeniglich-preussisches his- torisches Institut, Rome. Kunstge- schichtliche Forschungen.] *8o7i.2i3 Frond, V., editor. Actes et histoire du Con- cile oecumenique de Rome, 1869. Paris. [1869-71.] 7 V. in 8. Plates. *35io.5o Frothingham, A. L. The monuments of Christian Rome from Constantine to the Renaissance. New York. 1908. [Hand- books of archaeology and antiquities.] 4757.37 Gerardi, F. M. La patriarcale Basilica Lateranense. Roma. 1834, 36. 2 v. in i. Plates. Plans. *Cab.8o.258.i La patriarcale Basilica Liberiana. Roma. 1839. Plates. Plans. *Cab.8o.258.2 La patriarcale Basilica Vaticana. Roma. 1845, 55- 2 V. Plates. Plans. ♦Cab.80.258.23 These three works were edited by A. Valentini. Geymueller, H., Baron von. Les projets primitifs pour la basilique de Saint Pierre de Rome. Paris. 1875. Text, I v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.6o.20.i In French and German. Grisar, H. Analecta Romana. Disserta- zione, testi, monumenti dell' arte riguar- danti principalmente la storia di Roma e dei Papi nel medio evo. Vol. i. Roma. 1899. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. 555oa.7 Continues his Geschichte Roms und der Papste im Mittelalter [*5SSoa.6]. Geschichte Roms und der Papste im Mit- telalter. Mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung von Cultur und Kunst. . . . Band I. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1901. Plates. Plans. 555oa.6 Contents. — i. Rom beim Ausgang der antiken Welt. Publication discontinued. Continued in his Ana- lecta Romana [*S5Soa.7]. Hofman, T. Raffael in seiner Bedeutung als Architekt. Villa Madama zu Rom. Zit- tau. 1900. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i45.i Holtzinger, H. Altchristliche Basiliken in Rom und Ravenna. Berlin. [1898.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.151 Huelsen, C. C. F. La pianta di Roma dell' anonimo Einsidlense. Roma. 1907. Facsimiles. Plans. *273i.i2 Extract from Atti della Pontificia accademia ro- mana di archaeologia. Series 2, vol. 9. lozzi, O. Supplemento alia Roma sotter- ranea cristiana del Giov. Batt. de Rossi. Roma. 1898. 20 plates. *4750-52, Supplement Joseph, D. Architekturdenkmaler in Rom, Florenz und Venedig. Leipzig. [1904. Kennst du das Land?] 4099a.i26 Jovanovits, C. A. Forschungen iiber den Bau der Peterskirche zu Rom. Wien. 1877. 4092.54 Kaemmel, O. Rom und die Campagna. 2. Auflage. Bielefeld. 1906. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. [Land und Leute. Mono- graphien zur Erdkunde.] 4862.39 Literatur, p. 184. Klaczko, J. Rome and the Renaissance. The pontificate of Julius 11. From the French . . . Translation by J. Dennie. New York. 1903. Plates. 4076.116 Rome et la renaissance. Paris. 1898. Plates. 4076.111 Kleinpaul, R. Rom in Wort und Bild. Leip- zig. 1882, 83. 2 V. Plates. *476o.9 Knapp, F. Michelangelo. Des Meisters Werke. Mit einer biographischen Ein- leitung. Stuttgart. 1906. Illus. Por- trait. Plates. [Klassiker der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben.] 4083.203 Verzeichnis der Werke, pp. 173-181. Most of the pages are plates. Lagr^ze, G. B. de. Pompei, les catacombes, TAlhambra. Paris. 1872. Illus. Plates. ♦2233.106 Lanciani, R. A. Storia degli scavi di Roma e notizie intorno le collezioni romane di antichita. Vol. 1-3. Roma. 1902-07. 2752.83 Contents. — i. A. D. 1000-1530. 2. 1531-1549. 3. 1550-1565. L'Epinois, H. de. Les catacombes de Rome. Paris. 1875. 5 plates. 27593.51 Same. Nouvelle edition, augmentee. 1896. 17 plates. 2754.71 Letarouilly, P. M. fidifces de Rome mo- derne. Paris. 1868. Text, 3 v. Illus. Plans; Plates, 3 v. *Cab.6o.i20.i Same. 1868-74. *L.7o.i7 Le Vatican et la basilique de Saint-Pierre de Rome. Paris. 1882. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.52.i Ligorio, P. La villa Pia des jardins du Vati- can. Paris. 1837. 23 plates. *Cab.8o.ii4.6 Lugari, G. B. Le catacombe. Roma. 1888. 9 plates. *275o.63 M., H., and M. A. R. T. Handbook to Chris- tian and ecclesiastical Rome. London. 1897-1900. 4 V. in 3. Illus. Plans. 2739.80 Contents. — 1. The Christian monuments of Rome. 2. The liturgy iii Rome. 3. Monasticism in Rome. 4. Ecclesiastical Rome. Same. tqoo. Colored plates. 2739.94 188 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Macarius, J. Hagioglypta, sive picturae et sculpturae sacrae antiquiores praesertim quae Romae reperiuntur explicatac a Joanne I'Heureux (Macario). [Edidit Raphael Garrucci.] Lutetiae Parisio- rum. 1856. Illus. 4075.151 Magni, G. II barocco a Roma nell' architet- tura e nella scultura decorativa. , Parte la. Torino. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Engraved title-page. *Cab.6o.i85.i Contents. — i. Chiese. The text is in parallel columns of Italian and French. Marchi, P. Monumenti delle arti cristiane primitive nella metropoli del cristiane- simo. Architettura. Roma. 1844. Plates. Contains an account of the Catacombs. 4940*7 Marucchi, O. Le Catacombe romane se- condo gli ultimi studi e le piu recenti scoperte. Compendio della Roma sot- terranea. Roma. 1903. Illus. Map. Plans. 2754.79 ]&lements d'archeologie chretienrie. [Tome] 3. Basiliques et eglises de Rome. Paris. 1902. Illus. Plans. Facsimiles. 4105.77 Bibliogrphy, pp. viii-xv; Catalogue alphabetique de toutes les eglises de Rome, pp. 499-521. The book treats of monuments anterior to the six- teenth century. Massimo, C. V., Prince. Notizie istoriche della Villa Massimo alle Terme Diocle- ziane con un' appendice di documenti. Roma. 1836. Plates. Plans. 4092.105 Mirabilia Romae. [Facsimile Reproduction eines Blockbuchs. Mit Einleitung von R. Ehwald. Berlin. 190-?] Plates. [Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen.] ♦2759.109 Mirabilia vrbis Romae. An English version of the medieval guide-book, with . . . notes by F. M. Nichols. London. 1889. Plate. Plan. 2758.63 For a critical edition of the Mirabilia, see Topo- graphic der Stadt Rom, by Prof. H. Jordan 1*2738.3.21. Muentz, L. F. E. Les anciennes basiliques & eglises de Rome [an xve siecle]. Paris. 1877. 4104.42 Reprinted from the Revue archeologique, July, 1877 [*22i7.si.ser.2, t.34]. Les antiquites de la ville de Rome aux xiye, xve, et xvie siecles. Paris. 1886. Plates. 2753.6 Reprinted from Revue archeologique [*22 17. 51. ser.3, t.3]. Les arts a la cour des Papes Innocent VIII., Alexandre vi.. Pie iii. (1484-1503.) Paris. 1898. Plates. 4073.18 Les monuments antiques de Rome au xve siecle. [Paris. 1876?] 4737.i8 Reprinted from Revue archeologique [*22 17.51. 8^. 2,1.32], Nibby, A. Roma nell* anno 1838. Roma. 1838-41. 4v. Plates. *B.i42.5;**G.305.6 Contents. — i, a. Antica parte. 3, 4. Moderna parte. Northcote, J. S. Les catacombes romaines. Ouvrage traduit de I'anglais, et suivi d'extraits de Minutius Felix et de St. Northcote, J. S. (Continued.) Augustin sur Ostie. Rome. 1859. 4089.101 The Roman catacombs. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1859. Plates. 2737.13 Oberlin, J. J. Expose d'une decouverte de M. le Chevalier de Fredenheim, faite au Forum Romanum en Janvier 1789. Strasbourg. 1796. 2738.27 Panini, F. [Views in Rome. Roma. 178-?] 56 plates. **Tosti, C.5.1 Same. 49 plates. **Tosti, C.5.2 Same. 50 plates. **Tosti, C.5.3 Percier, C, and P. F. L. Fontaine. Choix des plus celebres maisons de plaisance de Rome et de ses environs. Paris. 1809. Plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.i Percier, C, and others. Palais, maisons, et autres edifices modernes, dessines a Rome. Paris. [1798.I Plates. *4ioo.i3 Ferret, L. Catacombes de Rome. Paris. 1851-55. Text, I v.; Atlas, 5 v. in 4. 321 plates. *Cab.49,i7.i Pianta della citta di Roma con la indicazione di tutte le antichita e novi abbelHmenti. Rome. 1843. *4738.i3 Sixteen views of buildings. Pistolesi, E. II Vaticano descritto ed illus- trato. Roma. 1829-38. 8 v. Plates. ♦8060.14 Platner, E., and others. Beschreibung der Stadt Rom. Stuttgart. 1830-42. Text, 6 v.; Atlas, i v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.27.39.5 Renouvier, J. Notes sur les monuments gothiques de quelques villes d'lta- lie. Pise. — Florence. — Rome. — Naples. Caen. 1841. 4095.112 Riegl, A. Die Entstehung der Barockkunst in Rom. Wien. 1908. 4074.439 Rocchi, E., editor. Le piante icnografiche e prospettiche di Roma del secolo xvi. Torino. 1902. Text, i v.; Atlas, 58 plates. *Cab.27.39.3 Rochette, D. R. Le catacombe di Roma. Prima versione . . . italiana di L. Toc- cagni. Milano. 1841. 7 plates. 2751.71 Tableau des Catacombes de Rome. Paris. 1837. Illus. 8079.219 Same. 1853. 8079.36 Rodocanachi, E. P. Le chateau Saint-Ange. Paris. 1909. Plates. *4092.i59 The Roman Capitol in ancient and modern times. Translated from the French by F. Lawton. New York. 1906. Plates. Map. 4759a.59 Bibliography, pp. 247-250. Rohault de Fleury, G. Le Latran au moyen- age. Paris. 1877. Text, i v.; Atlas, 64 plates. *475o.7o Roller, T. Les catacombes de Rome. Paris. [1881.] 2 V. 100 plates. *2750.55 Roma antica e moderna o sia nuova descri- zione di tutti gl'edifizi, antichi e mo- derni, sagri e profani. Roma. 1765. 3 v. ^4759a.i9 Plates. Rossi, D. de. Studio d'architettura civile. Opera de* ^ piu celebri architetti de' nostri tempi. Roma. 1702-21. 3 v. 280 plates. *Cab.8o.i9o.i Contents. — i. Ornamenti di porte e finestre. a. ROME 189 Rossi, D. de. (Continued.) Varj ornamenti di cappelle e diversi sepolcii tratti da piu chiese di Roma. 3. Varie chicse, capelle di Roma e palazzo di Caprarola. Rossi, G. B. de. Apergu general sur les catacombes de Rome et description du modele d'une catacombe. Paris. 1867. Plan. 4099.147 [A collection of eight engravings of Roman gardens and palaces.] *Cab.27.29.4 Disegni di vari altari e cappelle nelle chiese di Roma. Roma. [1713.] So plates. **Tosti, D.i.i These arc also in a collection of plates by Rossi Oil shelf-number No. 2 in *Cab.6o.76.s. Piante icnografiche e prospettiche di Roma anteriori al secolo xvi. Roma. 1879. Text, I V. Plates; Atlas, 12 plates. *Cab.27.39.i La Roma sotterranea cristiana. Roma. 1864-98. 7 V. in 6. Text, 4 v.; Atlas, 2 V. *4750.52 Roma sotterranea. Die romischen Kata- komben. . . . Mit Zugrundelegung des Werkes von I. S. Northcote, und W. R. Brownlow. Bearbeitet von F. X. Kraus. 2. Auflage. Freiburg im B. 1879. Illus. 13 plates. Plans. *2754.67 Roma sotterranea; or, an account of the Roman catacombs. New [2d] edition by J. S. Northcote and W. R. Brownlow. London. 1879. 2 v. Plates. 4752.26 Edition of 1869 on shelf-number *4752.25. Rossini, L. I monumenti piu interessanti di Roma dal xo secolo sino al xviiio. Roma. [1818.] Plates. *Cab.49.i4.i Le porte antiche e moderne del recinto di Roma. Roma. 1829. Plates. *Cab.49.i4.2 Scenografia di Roma moderna. Roma. 1850. Plates. *Cab.49.i4.3 I sette colli di Roma antica e moderna. Roma. 1828, 29. Plates. *Cab.49.i4.4 Salucci, G. de. [10 views of places in Rome, by Salucci and others. Engraved by Charlotte. Florence. 1827, 28.] *476o.i8 Sandrart, J. von. Die romischen Altare. Plates. (In Teutsche Academic der Bau- . . . Kunst. Vol. 2, part 2. Niirn- berg. 1769.) **K.5o.i.2 Die romischen Pallaste. Plates. (In Teutsche Academic der Bau- . . . Kunst. Vol. 3. Niirnberg. 1770.) No. 2 in **K.5o.i.3 Romae antiquae et novae theatrum. Norim- bergae. 1684. 69 plates. *4750.65 Die Vorstellung der romischen Kirchen. Plates. Plans. (In Teutsche Academic der Bau- . . . Kunst. Vol. i, part 2. Niirnberg. 1768.) **K.5o.i.i Schmidlin, J. Geschichte der deutschen Nationalkirche in Rom, S. Maria dell' Anima. Freiburg. 1906. Portrait. Plates. 2756.80 Schoener, R. Rome. Condensed and edited by Mrs. A. Bell (N. D'Anvers). London. 1898. Illus. *4090.io6 Schultze, V. Die Katakomben. Die alt- christlichen Grabstatten. Leipzig. 1882. Illus. 2752.8 Sladen, D. B. W. Old St. Peter's, and St. Peter's crypt at Rome, with a list of the popes. London. 1907. Plate. Plan. 4106.44 Snow, T. B., Abbot The home and church of St. Gregory the Great. Illus. (In Greg- ory I., Saint, Pope. Saint Gregory the Great . . . [Yeovil. 1890.]) 3518.110 Steinmann, E. Rom in der Renaissance, von Nicolaus V. bis auf Leo x. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1902. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten. 3.] 4074.244 Die sixtinische Kapelle. Miinchen. 1901, 05. Text, 2 v. Plates; Atlas, 2 v. *Cab.8o.23i.i Contents. — i. Bau und Schmuck der Kapelle unter Sixtus IV. 2. Michelangelo. Stern, G. Piante, elevazioni, profili e spac- cati degli edificj della villa suburbana di Giulio III, Pontefice massimo, fuori la porta Flaminia, misurati e delineati. In Roma. 1784. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i34.7 Stevenson, H. M. Topografia e monumenti di Roma nelle pitture a fresco di Sisto v. della Biblioteca vaticana. Memoria. 5 plates. (In Vatican Library. Al Sommo Pontefice Leone XIII omaggio giubi- lare. Roma. 1888.) *Cab.2i.27.2 Strack, H. Baudenkmaeler Roms des xv.- xix. Jahrhunderts. Nach photographi- schen Originalaufnahmen als Ergaen- zung zu Letarouilly Edifices de Rome moderne. Berlin. 1891. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.2 Letarouilly's work is on shelf-no. *Cab.6o. 120,1. Suardi, B. Le rovine di Roma al principio del secolo xvi. Studi del Bramantino (Bartolomeo Suardi). 2a edizione. Mi- lano. 1880. 80 colored plates. *409i.37 Suys, T. F., and L. P. Handebourt. Palais Massimi a Rome. Paris. 1818. 43 plates. *Cab.6o.47.3 Sybel, L. von.- Christliche Antike. Ein- fiihrung in die altchristliche Kunst. Band i. Marburg. 1906. Illus. 4 col- ored plates. 4073.228 Contents. — l. Einleitendes. — Katakomben. Thedenat, M. H. Rome a travers les ages. Le Forum romain et la Voie sacree. Aspects successifs des monuments de- puis le lye siecle, jusqu'a nos jours. Paris. 1905. Plates. Map. *Cab.6o.i57.3 Some of the plates are colored. Tosi, F. M. Raccolta di monumenti sacri e sepolcrali scolpiti in Roma nei secoli xv e XVI. Roma. 1853. 4 v. in i. Plates. *Cab.49.ig.2 of altars and other Contains many illustrations details of church interiors. Treat, J. H. The catacombs of Rome and a history of the tombs of the apostles Peter and Paul. Boston. 1907. Plates. 4732.16 Uggeri, A. Della basilica di S. Paolo. Roma. [1823?] Plan. *4ioi.9 Views. Cento vedute di Roma e sue vici- nanze. Roma. [1844?] 6109.58 [Collection of engravings giving views of buildings and ruins chiefly in and about 190 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Views. (Continued.) Rome, with architectural details.] Rome. 1738-1814. Plates. ^ fCab.49.16.1 Nuova raccolta di cento principali vedute antiche e moderne dell' alma citta di Roma e delle sue vicinanze. Roma. ,1796. *475i.5 Nuova raccolta di, no. 50 prmcipali vedute di Roma e suoi contorni. Roma. [183-?] 50 plates. *Cab.27.34.2 Raccolta delle principale vedute di Roma. Roma. 1851. 58 plates. Map. *Cab.27.i5.5 Raccolta di 50 vedute antiche e moderne della citta di Roma e sue vicinanze, in- cise da Piranesi [etc.]. *4738.io Raccolta di 40 vedute antiche e moderne della citta di Roma e sue vicinanze, in- cise da Morel [etc.]. '4750.57 Select collection, A, of views and ruins in Rome and its vicinity. London. [1798?] 62 colored plates with descriptive text in English and French. *L.50.8 Same. 1797, 99. 2 v. in i. **K.72.5 [Views and plans of buildings, etc., in Rome and elsewhere, by various artists.] Plates. 4 V. *Tosti, B.7.1, 3, 4, 5 Waal, A. de. Roma sacra. Die ewige Stadt in ihren christlichen Denkmalern und Erinnerungen alter und neuer Zeit. Miinchen. [1905.] Plates. 4076.219 Some of the plates are colored. Weibel, W. Jesuitismus und Barockskulptur in Rom. Strassburg. 1909. 10 plates. 4105.117 Verzeichnis der hauptsachlich beniitzten und zitierten Literatur, pp. 118-120. Relates largely to the influence of Bernini on baroque sculpture. Wilpert, J. Die Papstgraber und die Caciliengruft in der Katakombe des hi. Kallistus. I. Erganzungsheft zu de Rossis Roma sotterranea. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1909. Illus. Plates. *4750.56 G. B. de Rossi's Roma sotterranea, in Italian, may be found on shelf-number *47So.52; in English, on shelf-numbers *47S2.25, 4752.26; in German, on shelf-number *2754.67. Withrow, W. H. The catacombs of Rome. New York. 1874. lUus. 2959-41 Same. London. 1876. 2959.67 Young, N. The story of Rome. London. 1901. Illus. Maps. [Mediaeval towns.] 2769a.86 Venice. Albrizzi, G. B. Forestiero illuminate intorno le cose piu rare, e curiose della citta di Venezia. Venezia. 1740. Plates. *2739.47 Same. 1765. *2739.77 Alinari, V. figlises et "scuole" de Venise. Florence. 1906. Illus. Facsimiles. Bibliographic, pp. 327, 328. 4x093.109 Boito, C, editor. La Basilica di San Marco in Venezia. Venezia. 1888. Plates. Plan. [Ongania, F., publisher. La Ba- silica di San Marco.] *Cab.6o.62.i The basilica of S. Mark. Translated by W. Scott and F. H. Rosenberg. [Ven- ice.] i888[-95]. 3 parts in i v. Illus. *8o73.ii2 BoulHer, A. L'art venitien: architecture, sculpture, peinture. Paris. 1870. 4075,115 Cadorin, G. Pareri di xv architetti e notizie storiche intorno al Palazzo ducale di Venezia. Venezia. 1838. Plates. 4097.108 Cicognara, F. L., Conte. Le fabbriche e i monumenti cospicui di Venezia. Edi- zione con note ed aggiunte di F. Zanotto. Arrichita di nuove tavole e della ver- sione francese. Venezia. 1858. Text, 2 V. in I ; Atlas, 259 plates. *Cab.27.i2.2 Text also in French. Erizzo, N. Relazione storico-critica della torre dell' orologio di S. Marco in Vene- zia. Venezia. i860. 8 plates. 4093.112 fitranger, L', plainement instruit des choses les plus rares et curieuses, anciennes et modernes de la ville de Venise. Venise. 1806. Plates. 2734.20 Gabelentz, H. von der. Mittelalterliche Plastik in Venedig. Leipzig. 1903. Plates. 8082.160 Gravembroch, W. Raccolta di battitori a Venezia. Venezia. 1879. 45 plates. *8o73.ii5 Havard, H. Amsterdam et Venise. Paris. 1876. Illus. Plates. *226i.55 Hutton, E. Venice and Venetia. New York. 191 1. Colored plates. Map. 27693.33 Joseph, D. Architekturdenkmaler in Rom, Florenz und Venedig. Leipzig. [1904. Kennst du das Land?] 40993.126 Leixner-Gruenberg, O. von. Der Kirchen- bau der Hoch- und Spatrenaissance in Venedig. Berlin. [1901.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.165 Levi, C. A. I campanili di Venezia. Notizie storiche. Venezia. 1890. 8 plates. 8103.102 Lorenzi, G. B., editor. Monumenti per ser- vire alia storia del Palazzo ducale di Venezia. Parte i: 1253-1600. Venezia. 1868. *4734-4 Molinier, fi. Venise: ses arts decoratifs, ses musees, et ses collections. Paris. 1889. Plates. [Bibliotheque Interna- tionale de I'art.] *8o6oa.75 Molmenti, P. G. Venice. (Translated by A. Wiel.) Bergamo. 1905. Plates. Plans. [Collection of illustrated mono- graphs.] 4073.33 Venice. Translated by H. F. Brown. Chicago. 1906-08. 3 V. in 6. Plates. Plans. 2768.115 Contents. — 1. The Middle Ages. a. The Golden Age. 3. The Decadence. Molmenti, P. G., and D. Mantovani. Le isole della laguna veneta. Bergamo. 1904. Plates. [Collezione di mono- grafie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artis- tica.] 4073.345 Mothes, O. Baukunst und Bildhauerei Venedigs. Leipzig. 1859. Illus. 4094.59 Okey, T. The old Venetian palaces and old Venetian folk. Illustrations by T. Had- don. London. 1907. Illus. Map. Plan. *2763.59 Bibliography, pp. 311, 312. Most of the plates are colored. VENICE 191 Okey, T. (Continued.) The story of Venice. Illustrated by N. Erichsen. London. 1905. Illus. Por- trait. Maps. [Mediseval towns.] 27693.90 Ongania, F., publisher. La basilica di San Marco in Venezia. Venezia. 1881-88. Text, 3 v.; Plates, 9 v. Namely: La basilica di San Marco, illustrata nella storia e nell' arte da scrittori veneziani, sotta la direzione di C. Boito. Parte 1-3. *Cab.6o.62.i Documenti per la storia dell* augusta ducale basilica di San Marco dal nono secolo sino alia fine del decimo ottavo. [1886.] Plates. *Cab.6o.62.2 II tesoro di San Marco. Illustrato da A. Pasini. 1887. 2 v. *Cab.6o.62.3 Rappresentazione degli antichi e dei moderni musaici. [1881.] 27 plates. [Appendice:] La processione del doge nella Domenica delle Palme. Incisa per Mattio Pagan. (1556-69-) 1880. 8 plates. *Cab.6o.63.i [Tavole cromolitografiche.] 1881. 42 plates. *Cab.6o.63.2 Twenty-one of the plates forming the facade are moimted in the Fine Arts Department. Mosaici non compresi negli spaccati geo- metrici nell' interno della basilica. 126 plates. *Cab.6o.64.2 Dettagli del pavimento ed ornamenti in mosaico. 69 plates. *Cab.6o.64.i Dettagli di altari, monumenti, scultura, ecc. 4 V. 391 plates. *Cab.6o.6i.i Calli e canali in Venezia. [Con illustra- zione storiche di P. G. Molmenti e di altri scrittori veneziani.] Venezia. 1890- 99. 200 plates. *Cab.27.i7.i Calli e canali in Venice, and in the islands of the lagoons. English edition [with text] by F. Home-Rosenberg. Venice. 1899. 50 plates. *Cab.27.i7.7 Raccolta delle vere da pozzo fmarmi plu- teali) in Venezia. [Venezia.] 1889. 2 v. 260 plates. *8o7o.iii Paoletti, P. L'architettura e la scultura del rinascimento in Venezia. Venezia. 1893, 97- 2 V. in 3. Illus. 148 plates. *Cab.6o.6o.i Pauli, G. Venedig. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1900. Plates. [Beruhmte Kunststatten.] 4074.246 Venice. Translated by P. G. Konody. London. 1904. Plates. Portraits. [Fa- mous art cities.] 4074.311 Ragg, L., and L. M. Ragg. Things seen in Venice. New York. 1912. Plates. ^ 27693.35 Raschdorff, O. Venedig. Berlin. [1894-] 1903. Text, I v.; Atlas, 2 v. [Palast- Architektur von Ober-Italien und Tos- cana vom xiii. bis xvii. Jahrhundert.] *Cab.6o.88.5 Robertson, A. The Bible of St. Mark. St. Mark's Church. London. 1898. Plates. . 4108.16 Ruskin, J. [Examples of the architecture of Venice. Selected and drawn to measurement from the edifices. Part 1-3. London. 1851.] 15 plates. Publication discontinued. *Cab.6o.33.3 Ruskin, J. (Continued.) The stones of Venice. London. 1851, 53. 3 V. Plates. **G.i4i.i Same. [Vol. i.] New York. 1851. B.6105.51; 8094.8 Same. 1873. 3 v. 25793.51 Same. 1886. 3 v. in 2. [Works. Vol. 5, 6-] 4553'53 Same. [1895.] Illus. Plates. 2553.109 Same. With introduction by C. E. Nor- ton. Brantwood edition. New York. 1 89 1. 2 V. Plate. Plan. 4069.90 Schubring, P. Unter dem Campanile von San Marco. Halle a. S. 1902. Plates. H 4097.34 Selvatico, P. E. Sulla architettura e suUa scultura in Venezia. Venezia. 1847. Plates. 4073.3 Smith, F. H. Venice of to-day. New York. 1896. Plates. *C3b.27.23.i Many of the plates are colored. Urbani de Gheltof, G. M. II palazzo di Camillo Trevisan a Murano. Venezia. 1890. Illus. Plates. *8o9o.i43 Venezia dall' alto. I camini (fumajuoli). Con prefazione di E. Perodi, e 320 disegni di L. Lanza. Venezia. 1892. ♦80903.58 Vedute e monumenti classici di Venezia e suoi contorni. Venezia. [1836?] 25 colored plates. *4738.i8 [Views of Venice and Milan. Venice? 187-?] 20 plates. *Cab.6o.io8.io Vogiie, C. J. M., Marquis de, and others. Byzantine architecture and ornament. Boston. [1890.] 52 plates. *4090.4i Many of the plates represent details of St. Mark's in Venice. Yriarte, C. £. Venice. Facsimiles of [8] colored photographs, with half-tone en- gravings of drawings by F. M. Gregory. New York. 1889. *476o.i2 Venice: its history — art — industries and modern life. Translated by F. J. Sit- well. Philadelphia. 1896. Plates. 2766.69 Venise. Histoire, art [etc.]. Paris. 1878. Plates. *476o.5 Zanotto, F. II Palazzo ducale di Venezia illustrato. Venezia. 1853-61. 4 v. in 6. Plates. '4731-3 Storia di Venezia espressa in cento-cin- quanta tavole. Venezia. 1856. *Cab.27.45.i Sicily and ]\^alta. Audot, L. A. L'ltalia, la Sicilia. la edizione. Torino. 1834-38. 5 v. Plates. *276i.6 Contents. — i. Toscano. — Sicilia e Malta. 2. Napoli. 3. Roma. 4. Regno Lombardo-Veneto. 5. Stati del re di Sardegna. Badger, G. P. Description of Malta and Gozo. Malta. 1838. Illus. 47293.22 B3rtolo, S. di. Monografia sulla cattedrale di Palermo. Palermo. 1903. Illus. Plan. 41003.27 Bibliography, p. iii. Becker, H., and H. Ritter von Foerster. Die Cathedrale zu Palermo. Wien. 1866. 9 plates. *C3b.6o.io.i 192 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Bedford, W. K. R. Malta and the Knights Hospitallers. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. [The portfolio. Monographs on artistic subjects.] *8o82.io9 Casano, A. Del sotterraneo della chiesa cattedrale di Palermo. Memoria. Pa- lermo. 1849. Plates. Plan. 4091.101 Cavallari, F. S. Sulla topografia di talune citta greche di Sicilia e dei loro monu- menti. Palermo. 1879. Maps. 2735.80 Chiesi, G. La Sicilia illustrata nella storia, neir arte, nei paesi. Milano. 1892. Illus. 2760.37 Clausse, G. Basiliques et mosaiques chre- tiennes. Italie-Sicilie. Paris. 1893. 2 v. Plates. [Les monuments du christia- nisme au moyen-age.] *4ioi.63 Dehli, A,, and G. H. Chamberlin. Norman antiquities of Palermo and environs. Boston. [1892.] Illus. so plates. *Cab.27.ii.5 Diehl, M. C. Palerme & Syracuse. Paris. 1907. Illus. Plate. Maps. Plans. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073'372 Bibliographic, p. 158. Fuehrer, J., and M. V. Schultze. Die alt- christlichen Grabstatten Siziliens. Ber- lin. 1907. Plates. Plans. [Kaiserlich- deutsches archaeologisches Institut, Berlin. Jahrbuch. Erganzungsheft. 7.] 2751.82 Gravina, D. B. II duomo di Monreale illustrate e riportato in tavole cromo- litografiche. Palermo. 1859. Text, i v.; Atlas, 90 plates. *Cab.6o.54.i Haas, H. Neapel, seine Umgebung, und Si- zilien. Bielefeld. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Land und Leute. Monogra- phien zur Erdkunde.] 4862.44 Literatur, p. 194. Some of the plates are colored. Hittorff, J. I., and C. L. W. von Zanth. Architecture antique de la Sicile. Paris. [1827?] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.2i.2 Architecture moderne de la Sicile. Paris. 1835. Illus. 75 plates. *Cab.6o.2i.i Knight, H. G. The Normans in Sicily. London. 1838. 4105.19; **K.58.ii Saracenic & Norman remains, to illustrate The Normans in Sicily. London. 1830. Plates. *Cab.27.i7.4 Koldewey, R., and O. Puchstein. Die griechi- schen Tempel in Unteritalien und Sici- lien. Berlin. 1899. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, 29 plates. *Cab.6o.i37.2 Kutschmann, T. Meisterwerke saracenisch- normannischer Kunst in Sicilien und Unteritalien. Berlin. [1900.] Illus. 38 plates. *Cab.6o.i46.i Lorenz, F. Sizilien. Leipzig. [1909.] IHus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 40993.29 Lorenzo, G. de. L'Etna. Bergamo. 1907. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di mono- grafie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artis- tica.] 4073-418 Mauceri, E. Da Segesta a Selinunte. Illus. Plates. (In Rocco. Girgenti. Pp. 71- iio. Bergamo. 1903) 4073-339 Siracusa e la valle dell' Anapo. Bergamo. 1909. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di Mauceri, E. (Continued.) monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.429 Taormina. Bergamo. 1907. Plates. [Col- lezione di monografie illustrate. Serie I. Italia artistica.] 4073.410 Mayr, A. Die Insel Malta im Altertum. Miinchen. 1909. Illus. Plans. 4094.180 Morey, M. P. Charpente de la cathedrale de Messine gravee, et lithographiee par H. Roux, aine. Paris. 1841. 8 colored plates. *Cab.6o.8i.6 Ostervald, J. F. d', editor. Voyage pitto- resque en Sicile. Paris. 1822, 26. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.27.i5.2 Pancrazi, G. M. Antichita siciliane spiegate. Napoli. 1751, 52. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *2730.i Paterno-Castello, G. Nicosia, Sperlinga, Cerami, Troina, Aderno. Bergamo. 1907. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie I. Italia artistica.] 4073.416 Riggs, A. S. Vistas in Sicily. New York. 1912. Plates. Map. [The blue books of travel.] 4768.83 The best books on Sicily, p. 265. Rivela, A., and H. v. Pernull. The dead cities of Sicily. A guide-book to the remains of ancient art in the Island. Palermo. 1905. Illus. Plans. 4735.15 Roberto, F. de. Catania. Bergamo. 1907. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di mono- grafie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artis- tica.] 4073.409 Randazzo e la valle dell' Alcantara. Ber- gamo. 1909. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.431 Rocco, S. Girgenti. E. Mauceri: Da Se- gesta a Selinunte. Bergamo. 1903. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.339 Saint-Non, J. C. R. de. Voyage pittoresque ou description des royaumes de Naples et de Sicile. [Anon.] Paris. 1781-85. 4 V. Plates. Maps. *Cab.27.3i.i Schack, A. F., Graf von. Poesia y arte de los Arabes en Espafia y Sicilia. Traduccion por J. Valera. Madrid. 1868-72. 3 v. **D.i7ob.ii5 Same. 3 v. in i. 5029.9 Poesie und Kunst der Araber in Spanien und Sicilien. Berlin. 1865. 5029.1 Serradifalco, D. Lo F, Pietrasanta, Duca di. Le antichita della Sicilia. Palermo. 1834-42. 5 V. Plates. *475o.6 Del duomo di Monreale e di altre chiese siculo-normanne. Palermo. 1838. Plates. 8100.4 Sladen, D. B. W. Segesta, Selinunte, and the west of Sicily. London. 1903. Plates. 2762.85 Sicily . . . London. 1905. Illus. 2765.20 Same. New York. 1907. 2765.21 Smirke, Sir R. Account of some remains of Gothic architecture in Italy and Sicily. [London. 1806.] 6 plates. No. 4 in *222i.78 This may also be found in Archaeologia. Vol. 15 [*33"-i-iS]. SICILY AND MALTA 193 Smirke, S. Recollections of Sicily. [Lon- don. 1861.] Plate. No. 3 in *222i.78 This may also be found in the Papers of the Royal Institute of British Architects for 1861 [*4iooa.5o, 1860/61]. Springer, A. Die mittelalterliche Kunst in Palermo. Bonn. 1869. 2 plates. 8090.18 Waern, C. Mediaeval Sicily: aspects of life and art in the Middle Ages. New York. 191 1. Plates. Plans. Map. 4093.48 List of books recommended, pp. 345-348. Zimmermann, M. G. Sizilien. Leipzig. 1904, 05. 2 V. Plates. Plans. Maps. [Be- riihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.268 Contents. — i. Die Griechenstadte und die Stadte der Elymer. 2. Palermo. Netherlands. Arcadie hollandaise, ou collection choisie . . . de six-cent vues pittoresques d'an- tiquites, mines, chateaux, &c., qui sont Tornement . . . du royaume de Hol- lande . . . Amsterdam. 1807. *L.20.2 There is also a title page in Dutch. Many of the plates show Dutch gardens. Assche, A. van. Monographie de I'eglise de Notre Dame de Pamele a Audenarde. [Gand. 1881?] 47 plates. *8o8oa.io Baes, J. Theatre flamand a Bruxelles. Bruxelles. [1893.] 17 plates. *Cab.6o.7o.5 Tours & tourelles historiques de la Bel- gique. Bruxelles. [1889.] 50 colored plates. *Cab.6o.35.2 Baron, A. A. La Belgique monumentale, historique et pittoresque. Brussels. 1844. 2 V. Plates. *2862.i Batty, R. Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland. London. 1826. Plates. **K.72.6 Beyaert, H. Travaux d'architecture exe- cutes en Belgique. Bruxelles. [1891, 92.] 100 plates. *Cab.6o.io8.2 Bezold, G. von. Die Baukunst der Renais- sance in Deutschland, Holland, Belgien und Danemark. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.7 Literatur, p. 268. Biermann, C. W. G. Die Kunst von Alt- Holland. Illus. Plate. {In Lux, J. A. Alt-Holland. Pp. 96-120. Leipzig. [1908.]) 4099a.2o Blandot, L. Maisons et ecoles communales de la Belgique . . . accompagnees d'un texte descriptif & explicatif. Paris. 1867. 120 plates. *Cab.6o.79.3 Braun, J. Die belgischen Jesuitenkirchen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kampfes zwischen Gotik und Renaissance. Frei- burg im Breisgau. 1907. Illus. Plans. [Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. Ergan- zungsheft. 95.] 4106.45 Bruges. Histoire de Notre-Dame de la Po- terie. Bruges. 1843. Plates. [Societe d'emulation de Bruges. Recueil de chro- niques.] *282i.i5 Brussels. History of the Market Place of Brussels, which contains the description of the ancient hotels and houses of cor- porations. Brussels. [1897.] Plates. 4869a.59 Bumpus, T. F. The cathedrals and churches of Belgium. London. [1909.] Plates. [The cathedral series.] 4108.44 Carnegie Foundation, The Hague. Inter- national competition. The Palace of peace at the Hague. The 6 premiated and 40 other designs chosen by the Soci- ety of Architecture at Amsterdam. Lon- don. 1907. 7^ plates. *Cab.6o.i6i.2 A building for the Permanent Court of Arbitra- tion. Some of the plates are colored. Castermans, A. Parallele des maisons de Bruxelles et des principales villes de la Belgique, construites depuis 1830. Paris. 1852-64. 2 V. 237 plates. *Cab.6o.64.5 Cloquet, L. Les artistes wallons. Bruxelles. 1913- Illus. Portraits. Plates. [Col- lection des grands artistes des Pays- Bas.] 4087.191 Colinet, E. C. % Recueil des restes de notre art national. Verzameling der overblijf- sels onzer nationale kunst der xiste tot de xviiide eeuw. Brussels. 1873-77. 3 parts in i v. 214 plates. *4090.88 The text, as well as the title-page is in Dutch and French. Dehaisnes, C. Histoire de I'art dans la Flandre, I'Artois & le Hainaut avant le xyesiecle. Lille. 1886. Plates. *8o7o.ioi Delsaux, J. C. L'architecture et les monu- ments du moyen-age a Liege. [Le pa- lais des princes-eveques.] Liege. 1847. 4097-139 L'eglise St. Jacques a Lie^e. Liege. 1853. 2 V. in I. 15 plates. *Cab.6o.8i.4 De Vinne, T. L. Christopher Plantin and the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Ant- werp. New York. 1888. Portraits. Plates. Plan. *6ii4.i42 The plates are views of interiors. Documents classes de Tart dans les Pays- Bas du xe au xixe siecle. Serie 1-3. 1880-89. Nouvelle serie, livraison 1-17. [1905-09.] Anvers [etc.]. i88o[-i909]. Plates. *Cab.8o.i6o.i Series 1-3 compiled by J. J. van Ysendyck; new series compiled by A. W. Weissman. Dumont-Wilden, L. La Belgique illustree. Preface d' £. Verhaeren. Paris. [1910?] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 4091.159 Bibliographic de la Belgique, pp. 205-298. Durand, H. Hollande et Hollandais d'apres nature. Paris. 1893. Hlus. 286oa.58 Everaerts, A. Monographie de I'Hotel de ville de Louvain. Louvain. 1872. Plates. *Cab.6o.22.3 Ewerbeck, F., and others. Die Renaissance in Belgien und Holland. Leipzig. 1883- 89. 4 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.44.i In French and German. Flemish Renaissance. Exteriors and ex- terior details. New York. [190-?] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i73.3 The plates contained in this volume were evi- dently selected from the preceding work. 194 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Gailliard, J. J. Recherches historiques sur la chapelle du Saint-Sang a Bruges, avec une description detaillee de tons les monuments archeologiques. Bruges. 1846. Plates. *4i05.88 Some of the plates are colored. Galland, G. Geschichte der hollandischen Baukunst und Bildnerei. Frankfurt a. M. 1890. Illus. 8073.108 Hohenzollern und Oranien. Neue Bei- trage zur Geschichte der niederlandi- schen Beziehungen im 17. und 18. Jahr- hundert, und Anderes. Strassburg. 191 1. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.540 Die Renaissance in Holland. Berlin. 1882. Plates. 8065.19 Gallee, J. H. Das niederlandische Bauern- haus und seine Bewohner. Utrecht. 1908, 09. Text, I v.; Atlas, 32 plates. *Cab.6o,i68.5 Genard, P. Anvers a travers les ages. Bruxelles. [1888, 92.] 2 v. Plates. ♦2860.41 George, E. Etchings in Belgium. With descriptive letterpress. London. 1878. 30 plates. *286o.5 Goeck, C. Die gewerblichen Fortbildungs- schulen und verwandten Anstalten in Deutschland, Belgien und der Schweiz. Wien. 1882. Maps. Plans. 8022.148 Goetghebuer, P. J. Choix des monumens, edifices et maisons les plus remar- quables du royaume des Pays-Bas. Gand. 1827. 120 plates. *Cab.28.i6.i Goovaerts, A. J. M. A. Construction et inauguration d'un hotel de ville pendant la premiere moitie du xvi^ siecle (1526- 1538). L'Hotel de ville de Leau et son perron. Bruxelles. 1890. 2 plates. 8093.103 Gurlitt, C. Brugge. Berlin. 1Q12. Plates. Plans. [Historische Stadtebilder. 12.] *Cab.6o.i37.4.i2 Liittich (Liege). Berlin. 1906. Plates. Plans. [Historische Stadtebilder. 9.] *Cab.6o.i37.4.9 Consists mainly of church architecture. Haghe, L. Sketches in Belgium and Ger- many. London. 1840-50. 3 v. 72 plates. *Cab.6o.i2i.2. Havard, H. Amsterdam et Venise. Paris. 1876. Illus. Plates. *226i.55 La Flandre a vol d'oiseau. Illustrations par M. Lalanne. Paris. 1883. *286oa.53 La HoUande a vol d'oiseau. Eaux-fortes et fusains par M. Lalanne. Paris. 1881. *286oa.5o La Hollande pittoresque. Paris. 1874. Illus. 2869.67 Same. 1876. 10 plates. 4869.50 Same. 1878. Illus. 2869a.73 Picturesque Holland. London. 1876. Plates. 2862.52 Helbig, J. La sculpture et les arts plastiques au pays de Liege et sur les hords de la Meuse. 2e edition. Bruges. 1890. Illus. Plates. *8o7o.i52 Deals especially with mediaeval sculpture. Henne, A., and A. Wauters. Histoire de la ville de Bruxelles. Tome 3: Descrip- tion. Bruxelles. 1845. Plates. 2812.4.3 Hollande, La, illustree. Paris. [1909?] Illus. Plates. *486oa.34 Hymans, H. Briigge und Ypern, Leipzig. 1900. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ten.] 4074.249 Ghent und Tournai. Leipzig. 1902. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] Quellenwerke, p, 140. 4074*258 Hymans, S. L., and others. Bruxelles a travers les ages. Bruxelles. [1882?- 91?] 3 V. Plates. *286o.io Vol. 3 contains Bruxelles moderne, and is by H. Hymans and P. Hymans. Ireland, S. A picturesque tour through Hol- land, Brabant, and a part of France, made in 1789. London. 1790. 2 v. Plates. 2862.14 Jantzen, H. Das niederlandische Architek- turbild. Leipzig. 1910. Plates. 8062.148 Jones, S. R. Old houses in Holland. Edited by Charles Holme. London. 1913. Illus. Plates. 8107.30 Some of the plates are colored. Joseph, D. Architektonische Meisterwerke alter und neuer Zeit in Deutschland, Belgien, Holland und der Schweiz. 2. Auflage. Berlin. [1896.] 96 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.8 Kloot Meijburg, H. van der. Onze oude dorpskerken: tachtig schetsen van dorps- kerken in Nederland. Rotterdam. 1912. Plates. 4104.14 Krook, L. Architectur der Niederlande. Leipzig. [1894,95.] 2 v. Plates. ♦80903.130 Leakey, A. Ghent. Archaeological and his- torical illustrations and notes. Ghent. 1897. Plates. 48693.47 Le Grand de Reulandt, S. E. V. Memoire sur I'ancienne ville de Ghistelles. Illus. Plan. (In Academic d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. 14, pp. 82-149. Anvers. 1857.) *3389-5-i4 Sources, pp. 122, 123. Lemonnier, A. L. C. Histoire des beaux-arts en Belgique: Peinture, sculpture, gravure & architecture. Bruxelles. 1881. [Cin- quante ans de liberte. Vol. 3.] *48i5.50.3 For architecture see pp. 295-301. Le Roy, J., Baron. Brabantia illustrata, con- tinens accuratissimam omnium castel- lorum et prastoriorum nobilium Bra- bantiae . . . descriptionem et delinea- tionem. Leyden. 1705. Illus. Plates. Maps. ^4860.49 Title and text repeated in French and Flemish. Lilienthal, S. Briissel. Von F. Stahl [pseud.]. Leipzig. [1910?] Illus. Portraits. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 40993.36 Lokeren, R. van. Histoire de I'abbaye de Saint-Bavon et de la crypte de Saint- Jean a Gand. Gand. 1855. Plates. Plans. *283i.55 Lux, J. A. Alt-Holland. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 40993.20 NETHERLANDS 195 Maatschappij tot bevordering der bouw- kunst, Amsterdam. Afbeeldingen van oude bestaande gebouwen. Vieux bati- ments existants. Recueil de planches avec description; publie par la Societe pour la propagation de Tarchitecture. Aflevering 1-13, 16-47. Amsterdam. 1872-80. 45 parts in 2 v. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.8o.3 Miens, F. van, and D. van Alphen. Be- schryving der Stadt Leyden. Leiden. 1762-84. 3 V. Plates. *B.427o.5 Moke, H. G. La Belgique monumentale, historique et pittoresque. Bruxelles. 1844. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *2862.i Les splendeurs de I'art en Belgique. Bruxelles. 1848. Illus. *407i.ii MuUer, S., ArcUvaris van Utrecht. De Dom van Utrecht. Utrecht. 1906. Illus. 30 plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i67.7 Hollandische Patrizierhauser. Utrecht. 1909. Text, I V. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i82.i La maison hollandaise au temps de Louis XIV. Utrecht. 1891. Photographs. ♦Sogo.iis Namur, A. La basilique de S. Willibrord a Echternach (grand-duche de Luxem- bourg). Anvers. i860. Illus. 8094.60 From Academic d'archeologie de Belgique, An- nales. Vol. 22 [*3389.5.22]. Narjoux, F. Notes & sketches of an archi- tect in the Northwest of Europe. Lon- don. 1876. Plates. . 4097.6 Notes de voyage d'un architecte dans le nord-ouest de TEurope. Paris. 1876. Plates. 4093-57 Neck, L. van. Vieux Bruxelles illustre. Paris. 1910. Illus. Maps. 4864.55 Neubauten in Briissel. Berlin. 1900. 30 plates. 7 plans. [Moderne Stadtebil- der.] *Cab.6o.i39.3 There is no text. Neubauten in Holland (Amsterdam, Haag, Rotterdam). Berlin. 1900. Plates. Plans. [Moderne Stadtebilder.] *Cab.6o.i39.3.2 There is no text. Notices sur les tombeaux de I'ancienne ab- baye de Saint-Bavon et sur le Chateau des Espagnols a Gand. Extrait du Mes- sager des sciences historiques de Bel- gique. Gand. 1848, 51. 2 plates. No. 8 in *6637.6 The plates are: Saint-Bavon. — A gateway of the Chateau. Oltmans, A. Description de la chapelle car- lovingienne et de la chapelle romane, restes du chateau de Nimegue. Re- cherche archeologique. Amsterdam. 1847. 2 folded plates. Plans. *8o8o.64 Quellinus, A. Architecture, peinture et sculpture de la Maison de ville d'Am- sterdam. Amsterdam. 1719. 109 plates. ♦8090.154 Sculpturen im koeniglichen Palais zu Am- sterdam. Nach den Radirungen von H. Quellinus. Berlin. 1892. 36 plates. *Cab.8o.6o.3 Robida, A. Les vieilles villes des Flandres; Belgique et Flandre frangaise. Paris. [1908?] Plates. 4093.151 Rooses, M. Le vieil Anvers. Bruxelles. 1894. Plates. *2865.66 Text in Dutch and French. Some of the plates are colored. Sanderus, A. Le grand theatre du duche de Brabant. La Haye. 1729. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.28.i8.i On the architecture of Brabant including churches. Schayes, A. G. B. Histoire de I'architecture en Belgique. 2e edition. Bruxelles. 1853. 2 V. Illus. 4099.11 A treatise on the Pointed style of archi- tecture in Belgium. Translated by H. Austin. Portion 1-3. 3 plates. {In Weale, J., editor. Quarterly papers on architecture. Vol. i, 2. London. 1844.) ♦4091.6.1, 2 Schoy, A. La cheminee du Franc de Bruges et le portail de la chambre echevinale a I'Hotel de ville d'Audenarde. 2e edition. Bruxelles. 1876. 8091.103 Histoire de I'influence italienne sur I'ar- chitecture dans les Pays-Bas. Bruxelles. 1879. 8091.59 Sluyterman, T. K. L., editor. Old interiors in Holland. The Hague. 1908. 100 plates. ♦Cab.60.157.6 Smith, E. G. The story of Bruges. London. 1901. Plan. 4869.39 The story of Brussels. Illustrated by K. Kimball and G. Gilliat-Smith. London. 1906. Illus. Portraits. 4868.84 These two works belong to the series: Mediaeval towns. Societe centrale d'architecture de Belgique. Belgische Neubauten. Berlin. [1886.] 50 plates. [Maisons particulieres et hotels.] ♦Cab.6o.io8.i Steen de Jehay, X. van den. La cathedrale de Saint Lambert a Liege, et son cha- pitre de trefonciers. 2e edition. Liege. 1880. Portraits. Plates. Plans. ♦Cab.35.17.1 Notice sur I'ancienne cathedrale de Saint- Lambert a Liege. Illus. {In Academic d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. I, pp. 331-356; vol. 2, pp. 5-88. An- vers. 1843, 44.) *3389.5.i, 2 Stroobant, F. Monuments d'architecture et de sculpture en Belgiqi^e. Nouvelle edi- tion. Bruxelles. 1878. 36 plates. ♦8iooa.5 Sypesteyn, C. H. C. A. van. Oud-neder- landsche tuinkunst: geschiedkundig overzicht van de nederlandsche tuin- architectuur van de is^e tot de I9de eeuw. 's-Gravenhage. 1910. Illus. Por- trait. Plates. Plans. ♦L.34.30 Tuyn, W. J. Old Dutch tov^^ns and villages of the Zuider-Zee. London. 1901. Plates. ♦4101.34 Universite catholique de Lille. Les facultes catholiques de Lille. Plans et vues des edifices eleves de 1879 a 1887 sous le pontificat de N. S. P. le Pape Leon XIII. Lille. 1887. Plates. Plans. ♦Cab.60.110.5 Van Bemmel, E. P. P. La Belgique illus- tree: ses monuments, ses paysage«=, ses oeuvres d'art. Bruxelles. {1880, 83.] 2 V. Illus. ♦2861.20 196 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Verhaegen, A. Monographic de la cathe- drale de Saint Sauveur a Bruges. Bruges. [1886.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.ii2.i Verschelde, C. The ancient domestic edi- fices of Bruges. Bruges. 1875. 40 plates. The preface is written by J. Craandijk. 4091*57 Views. Nine photographs, including five of Antwerp and four of Brussels. *L.6o.5 Weissman, A. W. Geschiedenis der neder- landsche bouwkunst. Amsterdam. 1912. Illus. Portrait. Plates. 4103.75 Werner, H. M. Geldersche kasteelen. His- torische, oudheidkundige en genealogi- sche studien. Zutphen. 1906, 08. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *483i.72 Wild, C. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany and France. 24 sketches etched by J. Le Keux and other artists. London. 1843. ♦80903.103 Wytsman, P. Choix d'interieurs beiges. Bruxelles. 1902. 28 plates. Sogoa.yS Interieurs et mobiliers de styles anciens. Collection recueillie en Belgique. Vol. 2. Bruxelles. 1902. 57 plates. *4090.i79 Russia and Poland. Ackermann, R., publisher. Historical sketch of Moscow. London. 1813. 12 col- ored plates. *3o6o.4 Adam, J. C. A. La sainte Russe. [Par le] comte P. Vasili [pseud.]. Paris. 1890. Illus. 3061.103 Baumgartner, A. Durch Skandinavien nach St. Petersburg. 3. Auflage. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1901. Illus. Plates. [Nordische Fahrten.] 3063.155 Baye, J., Baron de. Compte-rendu des tra- vaux du neuvieme congres russe d'ar- cheologie, 1893, precede d'une etude historique sur la Lithuanie et Vilna. Paris. 1894. Plates. 3064.154 Pages 23-39 are on Vilna and its churches. Kiev, la mere des villes russes. Paris. 1896. 24 plates. 3062.127 Several plates are of church architecture. Bemoville, R. La Souanetie libre. fipisode d'un voyage a la chaine centrale du Cau- case. Paris. 1875. Plates. *3040.57 Blomstedt, Y. Karelische Gebaude und or- namentale Formen aus Zentral-Rus- sisch-Karelien . . . Erlauternder Text von Y. Blomstedt. [Ubersetzung von G.Schmidt.] Helsingfors. 1902. Plates. Plans. [Finska Fornminnesforenin- gen.] *409i.i40 Caves, A. Reconstruction du grand theatre de Moscou, dit Petrovski. Paris. 1859. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.7i.2 Chodzko, L. La Pologne historique, litte- raire, monumentale et pittoresque. Paris. 1835-42. 3 v. Illus. 5061.1 Chopin, J. M., and others. Russie. Paris. 1838. 2 V. Plates. [L'Univers. His- toire et description de tous les peuples.] ♦2276.8 Damame-Demartrait, M. F. Collection com- plete des divers jardins et points de vues Damame-Demartrait, M. F. (Continued.) des maisons de plaisance imperiales de Russie, et de celles des plus grands seigneurs de cet empire. Paris. 181 1. 16 colored plates. *Cab.8o.i4.i Fabricius, M. P. Le Kremlin de Moscou; esquisses et tableaux, autrefois et au- jourd'hui. Moscou. 1883. Plates. 3061.14 Forster, K. Historia de la Polonia. Barce- lona. 1840. Plates. [Panorama uni- versal.] **D.24oa.24 Pologne. Paris. 1840. Plates. [L'Uni- vers. Histoire et description de tous les peuples.] *2276.6 Gautier, T. Russia. Translated by F. Mad. Tyson. Philadelphia. [1905.] 2 V. Plates. 3069.41 Tresors d'art de la Russie ancienne et moderne. Paris. 1859. 3 v. in i. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.i2.i Gerrare, W. The story of Moscow. Lon- don. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Me- diaeval towns.] 3069.185 Guleke, R. Alt-Livland, Mittelalterliche Baudenkmaler Liv-, Est-, Kurlands und Oesels. Leipzig. 1896. 320 plates. 4101.27 Hautecoeur, L. »L'architecture classique a Saint-Petersbourg a la fin du xviiie siecle. Paris. 1912. Plates. [Institut frangais de Saint-Petersbourg, Biblio- theque.] 4094.13 Bibliographic, pp^ 103-108. Kiprianof, V. Histoire pittoresque de I'ar- chitecture en Russie. St. Petersbourg. 1864. 55 plates. 4101.62 La Fite de Pellepore, V., Count. La Russie historique, monumentale et pittoresque, par Piotre Artamof [pseud.]. Avec la collaboration de M. J.-G.-D. Armen- gaud. Paris. 1862-65. 2 v. in i. Illus. Maps. *Cab.7o.io.8 Lepszy, L. Cracow, the royal capital of ancient Poland: its history and anti- quities. New York. 1912. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. 4094.175 Loewis, C. von. Die stadtische Profanarchi- tektur der Gothik, der Renaissance und des Barocco in Riga, Reval und Narva. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. Taf^eln von J. Nohring. Liibeck. 1892. ^3 plates. *Cab.6o.99.2 Martinof, A. Anciens monuments des en- virons de Moscou. Dessins de N. Mar- tinow. [Moscou.] 1889. 25 colored plates. *3o6o.i04 Miller, V. F. [Archaeological excursions in the province of Terek.] Moscow. 1888. Illus. Plates. [Uvarof. Materials for the archaeology of Caucasia.] *3o6o.io6.i Montferrand, A. R. de. :6glise cathedrale de Saint-Isaac. Saint-Petersbourg. 1845. Illus. 50 plates. Plans. *Cab.7o.ii.2 Neumann, W. A. Der Dom zu St. Marien in Riga. Baugeschichtc und Baube- schreibung. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Geschichte und Alter- tumskundc der Ostseeprovinzen Russ- RUSSIA AND POLAND 197 Neumann, W. A. (Continued.) lands. Riga. 1912. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. 4101.no Literatur, pp. (1-3). Das mittelalterliche Riga. Ein Beitrag ziir Geschichte der norddeutschen Bau- kunst. Berlin. 1892. 27 plates. *286o.42 Riga und Reval. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.485 Llteraturverzeichnis, p. (1). Olufsen, O. The emir of Bokhara and his country. Journeys and studies in Bok- hara. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. 3043.83 The second Danish Pamir-expedition. Old and new architecture in Khiva, Bokhara and Turkestan. Copenhagen. 1904. 26 plates. *Cab.6o.69.5 Plates, E., publisher. Livlands zerstorte Schlosser. Riga. [1906.] 3 v. Plates. Consists of plates without text. 409ga.I4I Preobrazhenski, M. T, [Monuments of an- cient Russian architecture in the prov- ince of Kaluga. St. Petersburg.] 1891. 15 plates. *8o9oa.ioi In Russian. Reau, L. Saint-Petersbourg. Paris. 1913. Illus. Portraits. Map. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073.379 Bibliographie, pp. 189-191. Recueil de dessins pour I'art et I'industrie. Public par la Societe imperiale d'en- couragement des arts. Livraison 1-4. [Saint-Petersbourg.] 1886-89. 40 col- ored plates. *Cab.8o.65.i In French and Russian. [Recueil de travaux d'architectes russes. Moscou?] 1890, 91. Illus. Plates. In Russian. *Cab.6o.59.I Rhamm, K. Germanische Altertiimer aus der slawisch-finnischen Urheimat. Buch I. Braunschweig. 1910. Illus. Plans. [Ethnographische Beitrage zur ger- manisch - slawischen Altertumskunde. Abteilung 2.] 2832.78 Contents. — i. Die altslawische Wohnung: Das Wohnhaus der russischen Slawen . . . Richter, F. F. [Monuments of ancient Rus- sian architecture. Moscow.] 1850. 53 plates with descriptive text. In Russian. *Cab.6o.I05.5 Rigaer Technischcr Vcrein, and Rigaer Architekten-Verein. Riga und seine Bauten. Riga. 1903. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4091.139 Russia. Commission imperiale archeolo- giquc. Compte rendu . . . pour I'annee 1859-88. St. Petersbourg. 1860-93. Text, 28 v. in 13. Illus.; Plates, 3 v. *Cab.29.io.4 On excavations near Kertch, Russia. Les mosquees dc Samarcande. Fascicule I : Gour-Emir. St. Petersbourg. 1905. 18 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.6 iSiine of the plates are colored. Schiemann, T. Russland, Polen und Liv- land, bis ins 17. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1886, 87. 2 v. Illus. 3o6oa.29 Schmidtner, L. [Sammlung der vorziiglich- sten Gebaude aus Warschau. Warschau. 1824.] 2 v. 78 plates. *Cab.6o.89.3 Schubert von Soldern, Z., Ritter. Die Bau- denkmale von Samarkand, Architek- tonischer Reisebericht. Wien. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.39 Reprinted from Allgemeine Bauzeitung, Band 63 [*4O9o.20i.63]. Bochara. Architektonische Reiseskizzen. Wien. 1899. Illus. 4094.49 Stroganof, S. G., Count, editor. [Antiquities of the Russian Empire. Moscow.] 1849-53. Text, 6 V. in I ; Atlas, 6 v. in 7. 515 colored plates. *Cab.7o.i4.i In Russian. Tolstoi, I. I., and N. P. Kondakof. [Antiq- uities of southern Russia. St. Peters- burg.] 1889-99. 6 V. in 5. Illus. *3o6oa.ioo In Russian. The architectural matter is con- tained in vol. 4. A French edition of vols. 1-3, in one volume, is on shelf-number *3o6o.ii4. Vachon, M. Russian art. Plates. (In Gau- tier. Russia. Vol. 2, pp. 249-282. Phila- delphia. [1905.]) 3069.41.2 Gautier's Voyage en Russie is on shelf-number 3069.39. VioUet-le-Duc, E. E. L'art russe. Paris. 1877. Plates. *4o62.26 Zabel, E. Moskau. Leipzig. 1902. Plates. 4074.254 St. Petersburg. Leipzig. 1905. Plates. These two works belong to the series: Beruhmte Kunststatten. Scandinavia. Andersen, C. C. T. The chronological collection of the Kings of Denmark. Copenhagen. 1878. Illus. *4832.36 The illustrations are of interiors, furniture, etc., and one of Rosenborg Palace. Rosenborg. Mindeblade fra de Danske kongers kronologiske Samling. Kj0- benhaven. 1867. Illus. No. 2 in 4093.130 Rosenborg. Notes on the chronological collection of the Danish kings. Trans- lated by C. Shaw. Copenhagen. 1868. No. I in 4093.130 Baumgartner, A. Durch Skandinavien nach St. Petersburg. 3. Auflage. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1901. Illus. Plates. [Nordische Fahrten.] 3063,155 Beckett, F. K^benhavns Raadhus opfj^rt 1893-1905. [Autoriseret udgave ved F. Hendriksen. Udgivet med st^tte af Kjzfbenhavns Kommunalbestyrelse.] K0- benhavn. 1908. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Map. Plans. *Cab.6o.i8i.4 Appended is a resume of the text in German, English and French. Bezold, G. von. Die Baukunst der Renais- sance in Deutschland, Holland, Belgien und Danemark. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Hand- buch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.7 Literatur, p. 268. 198 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES. Billmark, C. J. Voyage pittoresque de Stockholm a Gothenbourg. Stockholm. 1843. Plates. 2865.30 Bumpus, T. F. The cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. New York. [1908.] Plates, some col- ored. Map. 4104.15 Curtis, W. E. Denmark, Norway and Swe- den. Akron, Ohio. 1903. Plates. 4861.29 Dahlberg, E. J. Suecia antiqva et hodierna. [Stockholm. 17 — ?] 33 plates. ♦4860a. 10 The text is lacking, A smaller collection of these plates is on shelf-number *4869a.9. Danske Turistforening. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. [Edited by F. von Jessen.] Copenhagen. 1898. Illus. 4839.40 A collection of articles by various writers. A French edition is on shelf-number 4867.35. Dietrichson, L. H. S., and H. Munthe. Die Holzbaukunst Norwegens in Vergan- genheit und Gegenwart. Berlin. 1893. Illus. 31 plates. Plans. *8o90.i34 Fett, H. Norges Kirker i Middelalderen. Kristiania. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Gammel Norsk Kultur i Tekst og Bil- leder.] 4102.111 Gaimard, J. P., and E. Robert. Histoire du voyage [en Islande et au Greenland, 1835,36]. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 2 V. *Cab.28.i9.i Hansische Wisbyfahrt. Hamburg. 1883. 28 plates. *486oa.5 Harboe, E. V., Photographer. Kj^benhavn. [Collection of photographic views.] Kjobenhavn. [188-?] 18 photographs. ♦4861.35 Heales, A. The architecture of the churches of Denmark. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. 4094.82 The churches of Gottland other than those of Wisby. London. 1888. Plates. *8iooa.55 Hintraeger, C. Die Volksschulhauser in Schweden, Norwegen, Danemark und Finnland. Darmstadt. 1895. Illus. Plans. [Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur.] *8o9oa.T32.8 Kj0benhavn og Omegn i Billeder. 3. Oplag. Kjfj^benhavn. [1909.] 30 plates. 4861.21 Lerebours, P. V. Sur d'anciennes construc- tions en bois sculpte de rinterieur de la Norvege. Par Pierre- Victor [pseud.]. Paris. 1842. 3 plates. 4092.120 Lorenzen, V. Dansk Arkitektur gennem 20 Aar. 1892-1912. Samlet og udgivet af „Arkitektens". Redaktion ved K. Var- ming. K0benhavn. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4091.157 The text is in Danish German, and English. Madsen, A. P. Afbildninger af Danske Old- sager og Mindesmserker. [Bind] 1-3; Ny Rsekke, Bind i, 2. Kjobenhavn. 1872-1900. 5 V. Plates. *4830.53 Mandelgren, N. M. Monuments scandi- naves du moyen-age. Avec les pein- tures et autres ornements qui les deco- rent. Paris. 1862. 40 plates. *Cab.28.i5.4 Marmier, X. Relation du voyage [en Scan- dinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et Marmier, X. (Continued.) aux Feroe, 1838-40]. Paris. [1848.] 2 V. Plates. [Voyages de la Commis- sion scientifique du Nord, en Scandina- vie. Tome 15, 16.] *Cab.28.io.i.i5, 16 Marryat, H. A residence in Jutland, the Danish isles, and Copenhagen. London. i860. 2 V. Plates. 4869.1 Meitzen, A. Das nordische und das alt- griechische Haus. Berlin. 1895. Illus. 8093-33 Meldahl, F. Denkmaeler der Renaissance in Daenemark. Berlin. [1888.] 47 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.i Minutoli, A., Freiherr von. Der Dom zu Drontheim, und die mittelalterliche christliche Baukunst der scandinavi- schen Normannen. Berlin. 1853. 12 plates. *Cab.6o.96.2 Narjoux, F. Notes & sketches of an archi- tect in the northwest of Europe. Lon- don. 1876. Plates. 4097.6 Same. 1877. 4097.8 Notes de voyages d'un architecte dans le nord-ouest de I'Europe. Paris. 1876. Plates. 4093-57 Nicolaysen, N. Norske Bygninger fra For- tiden. Rsekke 1-3. Kristiania. 1860-80. 3 parts in i v. 56 plates. 4100.39 Deals almost exclusively with church architec- ture and ornamentation. Nordensvan, G. Schwedische Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. Plates. [Geschichte der modernen Kunst.] 4072.138 An rtdition in Swedish is on shelf -no. *8o74.i44, Roosval, J. Die Kirchen Gotlands. Ein Beitrag zur mittelalterlichen Kunstge- schichte Schwedens. Leipzig. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4102.108 Litteraturubersicht, pp., 1-6. Seesselberg, F. Die frueh-mittelalterliche Kunst der germanischen Voelker. Un- ter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der skandinavischen Baukunst in ethnolo- gisch - anthropologischer Begruendung dargestellt. Berlin. 1897. Text, i v. Illus. Plans; Atlas, 26 plates. [Koenig- liche technische Hochschule zu Berlin.] *Cab.8o.ioo.3 The Atlas has the title, "Die skandinavische Baukunst der ersten nordisch-christlichcn Jahr- hunderte." Stoll, C, publisher. Nordischer und volks- tiimlicher Zierart. Plauen i. V. [190-?] 24 colored plates. *Cab.8o.255.4 Storck, H., and V. Koch. Kirkene i N^rre Herred i Sailing. Kjobenhavn. 1893. 38 plates. [N^rrejyllands Granitkirker.] *Cab.6o.io4.8 Sundbarg, A. G., editor. Sweden. Stock- holm. 1904. Illus. Plates. 9314.85345 Tegninger af aeldre Nordisk Architektur. Samling [i]-4. Raekke 1-4. Kjoben- havn. 1872-1906. 5 V. Plates. In progress. *Cab.6o.88.I Thomas, W. W. Sweden and the Swedes. Chicago. 1892. Illus. 28603.56 SCANDINAVIA 199 Uldall, J. F. C. R0dding Herreds Kirker. Med en Indledning om N^rrejyllands Granitkirker af Jacob Helms. Kj0ben- havn. 1884. 32 plates. [N^rrejyllands Granitkirker.] *Cab.6o.i04.7 Upmark, G. H. V. Die Architektur der Renaissance in Schweden (1530-1760). Berlin [etc.]. 1897 [-1900]. Text, i v.; Atlas, 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i24,i Spain and Portugal. Almagro-Cardenas, A. Museo granadino ed antigiiedades arabes. Coleccion de estudios arqueologicos sobre los monu- ^ mentos arabes de Granada. Granada. 1886. 38 photographs. *309oa.i30 Bermejo, D. Descripcion artistica del real monasterio de S. Lorenzo del Escorial. Madrid. 1820. 3105.11 Boehn, M. U. von. Toledo. Leipzig. [1910.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 40993.34 Literatur, pp. 181-184. Borrmann, R, Die Alhambra zu Granada. [Berlin. 1900.] Illus. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.162 Boutroue, A. Rapport a M. le Ministre de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts sur une mission archeologique en Por- tugal et dans le sud de I'Espagne. Paris. 1893. Plates. 4074.223 Bibliography, pp. 50-57- Calvert, A. F. The Alhambra. London. 1904. Illus. Plans. *4094.i43 Some of the plates are colored. Catalonia & the Balearic Isles: an his- torical and descriptive account. Lon- don. 1910. 256 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077-415 The Escorial. London. 1907. Plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.416 Granada and the Alhambra. [New edi- tion.] London. 1907. 460 plates. Plans. [The Spanish series.] 4077.418 Leon, Burgos and Salamanca. London. 1908. 462 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.419 Madrid. London. 1909. 453 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.420 Moorish remains in Spain: with a particu- lar account of the Mohammedan archi- tecture and decoration in Cordova, Seville & Toledo. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. *4093.i69 Many of the plates are colored. Royal palaces of Spain. London. 1909. 164 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.422 Sculpture in Spain. London. 191 2. 162 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.423 Seville. London. 1907. 300 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.424 Southern Spain. London. 1908. Colored plates. 3094.152 Spain. London. 191 1. 2 v. Illus. Col- Iored plates. Map. 4093.170 Toledo. London. 1907. 511 puates. [The , Spanish series.] 4077.426 Calvert, A. F. (Continued.) Valencia and Murcia: a glance at African Spain. London. 191 1. 288 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.427 ValladoHd, Oviedo, Segovia, Zamora, Avila, & Zaragoza. London. 1908. 413 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.428 Calvert, A. F., and W. M. Gallichan. Cor- dova: a city of the Moors. London. 1907. 159 plates. [The Spanish series.] 4077.429 Campaner y Fuertes, A., editor. Cronicon Mayoricense, 1229 a 1800. Palma. 1881. Plates. *3o8o.59 Carderera y Solano, V. Iconografia espa- nola. Coleccion de retratos, estatuas, mausoleos v demas monumentos in- editos . . . desde el siglo xi hasta el XVII . . . Madrid. 1855, 64. 2 v. Plates. Text in Spanish and French. *Cab.70.l7.2 Caveda, J. Geschichte der Baukunst in Spanien. t)bersetzt von P. Heyse, her- ausgegeben von F. Kugler. Stuttgart. 1858. Illus. 8094.102 Cean Bermudez, J. A. Sumario de las anti- giiedades romanas que hay en Espana. Madrid. 1832. **D.i30.io Chabret, A. Sagunto: su historia y sus monumentos. Barcelona. 1888. 2 v. Illus. Photographs. Plan. 3092.101 Chauderlot, — , and F. Festeau. Proyecto de casas pertenecientes al Sr. Don Jose de Fontagud Gargollo: Teatro Moratin. Madrid. 1871. 23 plates. *Cab.6o.82.5 Clausse, G. Espagne, Portugal. Notes his- toriques et artistiques sur les villes principales de la peninsule iberique. Paris. 1889. Plates. 3091.66 Plates 3-6 are of the Escorial. Collins, W. W. Cathedral cities of Spain. Illustrations by the author. New York. 1909. Colored plates. 4106.51 Colon y Colon, J. Sevilla artistica. Sevilla. 1841. **D.i36.i2 Condeixa, — , Visconde de. O mosteiro da Batalha em Portugal. Lisboa. [1892.] Illus. 26 plates. *8iooa.54 Title and text repeated in French. Contreras, E. M., Conde de la Oliva. Bosque- jos artisticos arqueologicos en ocasion de la exposicion historica. Madrid. 1893. 80793.137 Contents. — Berruguete y la escultura castellana. — El arte romanico-bizantino en Espana. — Venecia. Contreras, R. Del arte arabe en Espafia, manifestado en Granada, Sevilla y Cor- doba por la Alhambra, el Alcazar y la Gran mezquita. Granada. 1875. Illus. **D.2I0.29 Estudio descriptivo de los monumentos arabes de Granada, Sevilla, y Cordoba, 6 sea la Alhambra, el Alcazar, y la Gran mezquita de occidente. 2a edicion. Madrid. 1878. Plates. Plans. 4095.106 This -is a second edition of the preceding work. Denis, F. Portugal. Paris. 1846. Plates. [L'Univers.] *2276.7 Diercks, G. Das moderne Spanien. Berlin. 1908. Illus. Plates. 3094.27 200 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Dieulafoy, J. R. Aragon & Valence. Barce- lona. Saragosse. Sagonte. Valence. Les beaux-arts. Les moeurs. Les cou- tumes. Paris. 1901. lUus. *3090.ii7 Dieulafoy, M. A. Art in Spain and Portugal. New York. 1913. Illus. Portraits. Plans. [Ars una: species mille. General his- tory of art.] 40790.408 Bibliographies at the end of the chapters. The frontispiece and some of the portraits are colored. La statuaire polychrome en Espagne. Paris. 1908. Plates. *8o8o.i40 Mostly sculptural decoration of altars, tombs, etc. Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler Spaniens, Frankreichs und Englands bis gegen das Ende des i8ten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1880. Illus. [Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neu- zeit.] *8o72.57 Domenech y Montaner, L. Arquitectura moderna de Barcelona. [Parte i.] Barcelona. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Espaiia artistica, arqueologica, monu- mental.] *8o9o.i68 Enlart, D. L. C. Les origines de I'architec- ture gothique en Espagne et en Portu- gal. Paris. 1894. Plates. 4095.172 Reprinted from the Bulletin archeologique, 1894 [♦4690a.s3.1894]. Espana artistica y monumental. Con ilus- traciones por P. de Madrazo. Madrid. 1880, 90. Text, 4 v.; Atlas, 4 v. *Cab.6o.i68.8 Espana: sus monumentos y artes. Barce- lona. 1884-91. 26 V. Plates. Namely: Aragon. Por J. M. Quadrado. *3ioi.2o Asturias y Leon. Por J. M. Quadrado. ♦3101.21 Burgos. Por R. Amador de los Rios. *3ioi.34 Castilla la Nueva. Por J. M. Quadrado y V. de la Fuente. 3 v. *3ioi.23 Cataluna. Por P. Piferrer y F. Pi Margall. 2 V. *3ioi.24 Cordoba. Por P. de Madrazo. *3ioi.25 Cuba, Puerto-Rico y Filipinas. Por W. Jimenez de la Romera. *3ioi.26 Extremadura (Badajoz y Caceres). Por N. Diaz y Perez. *3ioi.22 Galicia. Por M. Murguia. *3ioi.35 Granada, Jaen, Malaga y Almeria. Por F. Pi Margall. *3ioi.27 Huelva. Por R. Amador de los Rios. *3iOT.38 Islas Baleares. Por P. Piferrer y J. M. Quadrado. *3ioi.40 Murcia y Albacete. Por R. Amador de los Rios. *3ioi.37 Navarra y Logroiio. Por P. de Madrazo. 3 V. *3ioi.28 Provincias vascongadas. Por A. Pirala. 3101.30 Salamanca, Avila y Segovia. Por J. M. Quadrado. *3ioi.3i Santander. Por R. Amador de los Rios. *3ioi.39 Sevilla y Cadiz. Por P. de Madrazo. *3ioi.32 Sofia. Por N. Rabal. ♦3101.36 Espana. (Continued.) Valencia. Tomo i. Por T. Llorente. ♦3101.33 Valladolid. Palencia y Zamora. Por J. M. Quadrado. ♦3101.29 Several of these books are republications from the series : Recuerdos y bellezas de Espana. Ewerbeck, F. Architectonische Reiseskiz- zen atis Deutschland, Frankreich und Spanien. Eine Sammlung niittelalter- licher Baudenkmaler. Hannover. 1865. 60 plates. *8ioo.6i Falcon, M. Salamanca artistica y monu- mental 6 descripcion de sus principales monumentos . . . precedida de una in- troduccion critico-historica por Alvaro Gil Sanz. Salamanca. 1867. 4091. 141 Feilchenfeld, F. W. Die Meisterwerke der Baukunst in Portugal. Band i. Wien. 1908. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i68.7 Contents. — x. Das Kloster „Dos Jeronymos" zu Belem. — Literatur. In profirress. Fitzgerald, S. In the track of the Moors: sketches in Spain and Northern Africa. London. 1905. Colored plates. *309oa.ii9 Gade, J. A. Cathedrals of Spain. Boston. 191 1. Plates. Plans. 4106.53 Gadow, H. F. In northern Spain. London. 1897. Illus. Plates. 3093.73 Gallichan, C. G. The cathedrals of southern Spain. New York. [1913.] Plates. 4109.87 Moorish cities in Spain. Illustrated by E. Hartley. New York. 1906. Plates. [The Langham series of art monographs.] 4079a.340 Contents. — Cordova. — Toledo. — Seville. — Granada. Gascon de Gotor, A., and P. Gascon de Go- tor. Zaragoza: artistica, monumental e historica. Zaragoza. 1890, 91. 2 v. Plates. *309i.i09 Girault de Prangey, M. Souvenirs de Gre- nade et de I'Alhambra. Paris. 1837. 30 plates. *Cab.7o.i8.2 Gonzalez de Leon, F. Noticia artistica, his- torica y curiosa de Sevilla. Sevilla. 1844. 2 V. **D.i2oa.i2 Grunwald, M. Portugiesengraber auf deut- scher Erde. Hamburg. 1902. Plates. 4094.26 Guillen Robles, F. Malaga musulmana. Malaga. 1880. Plates. **D.3iooa.6i Haupt, A. Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Portugal von den Zeiten Emmanuel's des Gliicklichen bis zu dem Schlusse der spanischen Herrschaft. Frankfurt a. M. 1890, 95- 2 V. Illus. 8093.55 Portugiesische Friihrenaissance. Berlin. [1898.] Illus. 8 plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.152 Church architecture. Literaturnachweise, p. 20. Hutton, E. The cities of Spain. New York. 1906. Colored plates. 3098.222 Joly, H., publisher. Meisterwerke der Bau- kunst und des Kunstgewerbes in Spanien alphabetisch nach Orten her- ausgegeben von H. Joly. Wittenberg. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 201 Joly, H., publisher. (ConUnued.) [1908.] 2 V. Plates. [Meisterwerke der Baukunst und des Kunstgewerbes aller Lander und Zeiten.] 4094.174 Jones, O. The Alhambra court in the Crys- tal Palace. London. 1854. Illus. 4089.37; No. 8 in 4089.32 Plans, elevations, sections and details of the Alhambra. London. 1845. 2 v. loi plates. *Cab.8o.i22.i Jousset, P. L'Espagne et le Portugal illus- tres. Paris. [1908.] Illus. Plates. ♦3090.135 Junghaendel, M., and C. Gurlitt. Die Bau- kunst Spaniens. Dresden. [1889, 98.] 3 V. 278 plates. *Cab.6o.ii7.i Justi, C. Miscellaneen aus drei Jahrhun- derten spanischen Kunstlebens. Berlin. 1908. 2 V. Plates. Plans. 4073.387 Knapp, F., and V. von Loga. Die italienische Plastik vom xv. bis xviii. Jahrhundert. Die spanische Plastik vom xv. bis xviii. Jahrhundert. Berlin. [1910.] Plates. Aus der Literatur, pp. 148-151. *8o83.74 Kuehnel, E. Granada. Leipzig. [1908?] Illus. Plates. Map. [Statten der Kultur.l 40993.22 Laborde, A. L. J., Comte de, and others. Voyages pittoresque et historique de. I'Espagne. Paris. 1806-20. 4 v. Plates. *Cab.7o.i2.i Laforge, E. Des arts et des artistes en Espagne jusqu'a la fin du dix-huitieme siecle. Lyon. 1859. 4075.190 Lagreze, G. B. de. Pompei, les catacombes, I'Alhambra. Paris. 1872. Plates. ♦2233.106 Lamperez y Romea, V. Historia de la ar- quitectura cristiana espanola en la edad media. Madrid. 1908, 09. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Map. *409oa.i37 Le Preux, E. F. Un album d'architecte. Paris. 1874. 70 plates. *8i05.22 Sketches made principally in France and Spain. Llaguno y Amirola, E. Noticias de los arquitectos y arquitectura de Espafia, con notas por J. A. Cean-Bermudez. Madrid. 1829. 4 v. 4093.13 Lozano, P. Antigiiedades arabes de Espafia. Madrid. 1804. 60 plates. *Cab.7o.i5.2 Lucas, C. L'architecture en Portugal. Paris. 1870. 4097.124 Bulletin bibliographique, pp. 57, 58. Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria and Tuscany. Die Balearen. In Wort und Bild geschildert. Band 5. Leipzig. 1884. I v. in 2. Illus. Colored plates. *Cab.50.39.5 Die Insel Menorca. Leipzig. 1890, 91. Plates. ♦Cab.50.39.6 Separatabdruck aus dem Werke: Die Balearen. Die Stadt Palma. In Wort und Bild ge- schildert. Leipzig. 1882. Illus. Plans. *3o8oa.i Separatabdruck aus dem Werke: Die Balearen. Lynch, H. Toledo; the story of an old Spanish capital. London. 1898. Illus. Map. 30993.190 Marden, P. S. Travels in Spain. Boston. 1909. Plates. 3094-165 Mariejol, J. H. L'Espagne sous Ferdinand et Isabelle. Paris. [1892.] Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque d'histoire illustree.] 3092.115 Masso, A. Album de Poblet. Barcelona. [1895.] 19 plates. 4109.14 Photographs of the monastery. Mayer, A. L. Toledo. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Beruhmte Kunststatten.] 4074.494 Montlaur, J. E. de V., Comte de. De l'archi- tecture en Espagne. (In De I'ltalie et de I'Espagne. Pp. 271-352. Paris. 1852.) No. 8 in 27793.107 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana, publicados a expensas del estado. Ed- itor: J. G. Dorregaray. Madrid. 1859- 81. 23 v. Illus. Plates. Namely: Alcala de Henares. Capilla de Santiago en Santa Maria, por M. de Assas. No. 3 in *Cab.6o.92.i Palacio arzobispal, por F. M. Tubino. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.92.i La universidad complutense, por P. de Madrazo. No. i in ♦Cab.60.92.1 Avila. Iglesias de San Andres y San Se- gundo; Catedral; Iglesia parroquial de San Pedro; Sepulcros de los Santos Martires Vicente, Sabina y Cristeta; Portada de la Basilica de S. Vicente, Sabina y Cristeta. No. I in ♦Cab.60.95.2 Badajoz. Parte principal de la silleria del coro (catedral de Badajoz). No. 3 in ♦Cab.60.95.2 Baiios. Seccion transversal y detalles de la iglesia de San Juan. No. 6 in ♦Cab.60.95.2 Barcelona. Iglesia y claustro de San Pedro y San Pablo. No. 5 in ♦Cab.60.95.2 Burgos. [Catedral de Burgos.] No. 4 in ♦Cab.60.94.1 Monasterio de Santa Maria la real de las Huelgas, junto a Burgos. No. 2 in ♦Cab.60.95.2 Monumentos del estilo ojival; La car- tuja de Miraflores, junto a Burgos, por M. de Assas. No. i in ♦C3b.6o.94.2 Sarcofago de Briviesca; Fachada prin- cipal, portado y detalles de la abadia de S. Quirce; Casa llamada "Del Cor- don." No. 2 in ♦Cab.60.94.1 Caceres. Casas solariegas de los condes de Adanero y de Mayorazgo. No. 12 in ♦Cab.60.91.1 Camprodon. Planta, fachadas, secciones y detalles de la iglesia benedictina de San Pedro. No. 11 in ♦Cab.60.91.1 Cordova. Mezquita y catedral. ♦Cab.60.94.3 Monumentos latino-bizantinos de Cor- doba, por J. A. y R. A. de los Rios. ♦C3b.6o.9i.2 Covadonga. Sepulcros existentes en el claustro de la Colegiata. No. 4 in ♦Cab.60.91.1 Elche. Monumentos de decadencia del arte pagano. Mosaico de Galatea, por J. A. de los Rios. ♦Cab.60.91.4 202 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Monumentos. (Continued.) Granada. Palacio arabe de la Alhambra. *Cab.6o.90.i Guadalajara. Palacio ducal del Infantado. *Cab.6o.95.i Guarrazar. Orfebreria de la epoca visi- goda. Coronas y cruces del tesoro de Guarrazar, por P. de Madrazo. *Cab.6o.95.4 Leon. San Miguel de Escalada; La catedral; San Isidoro.] *Cab.6o.93.2 Madrid. Area sepulcral de San Isidoro Labrador, que se conserva en la igle- sia parroquial de San Andres de Mad- rid, por F. M. Tubino. No. I in *Cab.6o.93.i Puerta y escalera del hospital de la Latina, y sepulcros de Francisco Ramirez y Beatriz Galindo en el monasterio de la Concepcion Je- ronima de Madrid, por F. M. Tubino. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.93.i Merida. fFragmentos arquitectonicos-l No. 4 in *Cab.6o.Q5.2 Monumentos latino-bizantinos de Me- rida, por J. A. de los Rios. *Cab.6o.9o.2 Miembros y fragmentos arquitectonicos y de pinturas murales anteriores a la invasion mahometana. No. 13 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Nave. Detalles de la iglesia parroquial de San Pedro. No. g in *Cab.6o.9i.i Notre Dame de Fresdelval. Monasterio de Fres del Val, por M. de Assas. No. I in *Cab.6o.94.i Oviedo. La camara santa de la catedral de Oviedo y sus mas antiguos monu- mentos artistico-industriales, por J. A. de los Rios. No. i in *Cab.6o.90.3 Iglesia parroquial de San Juan de priorio. No. 3 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Monumentos latino-bizantinos de la monarquia asturo-leonesa. Iglesia de San Miguel de Linio, y palacio de Ra- miro I, actualmente destinado a igle- sia parroquial, bajo el nombre de Santa Maria de Naranco, por J. A. de los Rios. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.90.3 Portadas, torre y detalles de las igle- sias de Sta Clara, S" Juan y N^^a de la Vega. No. 4 in *Cab.6o.9o.3 Sarcofago de la catedral de Oviedo, y detalles de los sepulcros de Cova- donga. No. 3 in *Cab.6o.90.3 Piedra. Monumentos de estilo mudejar. Triptico-relicario del monasterio cis- terciense de Piedra, en Aragon, por J. A. de los Rios. *Cab.6o.93.3 Pola de Lena. Monumentos latino-bizan- tinos de la monarquia asturiana. Er- mita de Santa Cristina, en el concejo de Pola de Lena (Asturias), por J. A. de los Rios. No. i in *Cab.6o.9i.i Salamanca. [La universidad, la catedral vieja, etc.] *Cab.6o.92.3 San Roman de Hornija. Restos del an- tiguo monasterio visigodo. No. 8 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Santo Domingo de Silos. Altar en que se canonizo a 5*° Domingo de Silos Monumentos. (Continued.) (incompleto); arquita y patena del monasterio de S^o Domingo de Silos. No. 3 in *Cab.6o.94.i Segovia. Iglesias parroquiales de Sego- via. No. I in *Cab.6o.92.4 Text incomplete. Seville. Conjunto y detalles del mosaico, vulgarmente apellidado El grande; Palacio llamado de las Duenas; Fa- chada de las casas consistoriales. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.94.4 Toledo. El Alcazar de Toledo, por M. de Assas. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.92.2 Antigua sinagoga, hoy iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca; y brocal de un aljibe de la mezquita aljama toledana, por M. de Assas. No. i in *Cab.6o.92.2 Monumentos del estilo mudejar. Igle- sia parroquial de Santiago del Arra- bal, por R. A. de los Rios. No. 3 in *Cab.6o.92.2 Monumentos del estilo ojival. El monasterio de San Juan de los reyes, por J. A. de los Rios [y] M. de Assas. *Cab.6o.93.4 Monumentos mahometanos: estilo mauritano. Puerta antigua de Bi- sagra, por J. A. de los Rios. No. 5 in *Cab.6o.92.2 Primeros monumentos religiosos del arte mahometano: Mezquitas llama- das del Santo Cristo de la Luz y de las Tornerias, por J. A. de los Rios. *Cab.6o.9i.3 Salon de la casai de Mesa, por M. de Assas. No. 4 in *Cab.6o.92.2 Vista general. Secciones, detalles . . . de la catedral. Detalles de la deco- racion interior de la iglesia del Tran- sito. *Cab.6o.95.5 Toro. Portadas de norte y medio-dia, planta, vista exterior, y detalles de la Colegiata. No. 16 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Tres sarcofagos cristianos, de los siglos III, IV y V, por A. Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe. No. i in *Cab.6o.94.4 Trujillo. Iglesia parroquial de Santa Maria. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.95.2 Ujo. Iglesia parroquial. No. 7 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Valencia. Monumentos del estilo ojival: la casa-lonja de Valencia del Cid, por J. A. de los Rios. No. i in *Cab.6o.95.3 Puerta llamada de Lerida en la cate- dral. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.95.2 Valladolid. Seccion longitudinal del patio principal de San Gregorio. No. 3 in *Cab.6o.92.4 Villalon. Ruinas de Santo Maria del tem- ple. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.92.4 There is no text. Villamayor. Iglesia de Santa Maria. No. 5 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Villanueva. Planta, secciones y detalles de S. Adrian de Tufion. No. 6 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Villaviciosa. Monumentos latino-bizan- tinos de la monarquia asturo-leonesa. Iglesias de San Salvador de Val-de- SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 203 Monumentos. (Continued.) Dios y parroquial de San Salvador Priesca, por J. A. de los Rios. No. 3 in *Cab.6o.95.3 Santa Maria de Valdedios; S. Juan de Amandi [y] la iglesia parroquial. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.9i.i Villena. Iglesia arcedianal de Sandiago, por M. de Assas. No. 4 in *Cab.6o.95.3 Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espana. [Nueva serie.] Namely: Toledo, por R. A. de los Rios. Madrid. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. Vignettes. *Cab.6o.i30.2 Morera y Llaurado, E. Tarragona antigua y moderna. Descripcion historico- arqueologica de todos sus monumentos y edificios publicos, civiles, ecle%iasti- cos y militares, y guia para su facil visita, examen e inspeccion. Tarragona. 1894- 3092.74 Murguia, M. Galicia. Barcelona. 1888. Illus. Plates. [Espana; sus monumen- tos y artes.] '3IOI-35 Historia de Galicia. Lugo. 1865, 66. 2 v. Plates. **D. 1303.36 Murphy, J. C. The Arabian antiquities of Spain. London. 1813. 97 plates. **G.5oa.i Plans, elevations, sections and views of the church of Batalha, in the Province of Estremadura, Portugal, with the history and description by L. de Sousa. Prefixed, an introductory discourse on the principles of Gothic architecture, by J. Murphy. [London. 1836.] 27 plates. *Cab.7o.i6.3 Museo espafiol de antigiiedades. Madrid. 1872-80. 10 V. Illus. Plates. **Ticknor Cabinet i Same. Indice general bibliografico. Por G. Callejo y Caballero. Madrid. 1889. *2i 59.35 Nizet, C. La mosquee de Cordoue. Illus. Plans. (In L'architecture. Annee 18, pp. 286-289, 296, 297, 355, 356, 392-394, 443-447. Paris. 1905.) *409i.25i.i8 Oliver Hurtado, J., and M. Oliver Hurtado. Granada y sus monumentos arabes. Malaga. 1875. Plans. 3096.231 Contains a plan of the Alhambra. O'Shea, H. La maison basque. Pau. 1887. Plates. 4094.79 Paris, M. J. P. L'architecture. — La sculp- ture. Paris. 1903. Plates. [Essai sur Tart et I'industrie de I'Espagne primi- tive. Vol. I.] 4073.307.1 Promenades archeologiques en Espagne. Paris. 1910. Plates. 3098.255 Contents. — Altamira. — Le Cerro de los Santos. — Elche. — Carmona. — Osuna. — Numance. — Tarragone. Fella y Forgas, J. Historia del Ampurdan. Estudio de la civilizacion en las comar- cas del Moresti de Cataluiia. Barcelona. 1883. Plates. **D.i32.i7 Ponz, A. Viage de Espana. Madrid. 1774- 1788. 14 V. Plates. **D.i2oa.25 Same. 1779-94. 18 v. Plates. **D.i3ob.i Prentice, A. N. Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain. Examples from the purest work executed between 1500- 1560. London. [1893.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.To8.5 Puerta Vizcaino, J. de la. El real monas- terio de San Lorenzo del Escorial. [Alarcon. 1876.] Plates. Plan. The plates are colored. *Cab.70.iO.l Puig y Cadafalch, J., and others. L'arqui- tectura romanica a Catalunya. Por J. Puig y Cadafalch, Antoni de Falguera, J. Goday y Casals. Barcelona. [1909,] II. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Institut d'estudis Catalans.] 4094.173 Quevedo, J. Historia del real monasterio de San Lorenzo, Uamado comunmente del Escorial, desde su origen y funda- cion hasta fin del afio de 1848. Madrid. 1849. 4095.109 Same. 1854. **D.i3oa.34 Recuerdos de un viage por Espafia. Madrid. 1849. Illus. **D.I20.24 Recuerdos y bellezas de Espaiia. Namely: Aragon. Por J. M. Quadrado. [Barce- lona?] 1844. Plates. **D.i30.i2 Asturias y Leon. Por J. M. Quadrado. [Madrid. 1855.] **D.i30.i9 Castilla la Nueva. Por J. M. Quadrado. [Madrid? 1850?] Plates. **D.i3o.i3 Cataluna. Por P. Piferrer y F. Pi y Mar- gall. [Barcelona? 1850?] 2 v. Plates. **D.i30.i4 Cordoba. Por P. de Madrazo. [Madrid. 1855.] Plates. **D.i30.i8 Granada. Comprende las provincias de Jaen, Granada, Malaga y Almeria. Por F. Pi y Margall. [Madrid.] 1850. **D.i30.i6 Mallorca. Por P. Piferrer. [Barcelona? 1842.] **D.3ioi.52 Salamanca, Avila y Segovia. Por J. M. Quadrado. [Barcelona. 1872.] **D.i30.2o Sevilla y Cadiz. Por P. de Madrazo. [Madrid. 1857.] Plates. **D.i30.i7 Rios, J. A. de los. El arte latino-byzantino en Espaiia. Madrid. 1861. 6 plates. [Memorias de la Real academia de San Fernando.] **D.2oob.2; *4092.i04 Sevilla pintoresca. Sevilla. 1844. Plates. **D.i2oa.i4 Toledo pintoresca. Madrid, 1845. Illus. **D.I20.26 Roberts, D. Picturesque sketches in Spain, 1832 & 1833. London. 1837. 26 plates. *Cab.7o.i8.5 Robida, A. Les vieilles villes d'Espagne. Paris. 1880. Illus, Plates. 309oa.57 Rodriguez Ayuso, E. Biografia y obras ar- quitectonicas. Madrid. 1892. Illus. 5 plates. *8o9oa.ii2 Rudy, C. The cathedrals of northern Spain: their history and their architecture. London. 1906. Plates. 4098.154 Bibliography, p. 385. S., P. Majorque artistique, archeologique, monumentale. Nouvelle edition . . . avec texte historique et descriptif. Tra- duction par A. de Nait. Barcelone. 1899. 204 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES S., P. (Continued.) Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. [Espana artistica arqueologica monumental.] *Cab.6o.i37.6 Santos, F. de los. Descripcion breve del monasterio de San Lorenzo el real del Escorial. Madrid. 1657. Plates. Plans. **D.272.7 Descripcion del real monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial por el Fr. A. Ximenez. Madrid. 1764. Plates. Plans. **D.2io.46 A description of the royal palace and monastery of St. Lawrence called the Escurial, and of the chapel royal of the Pantheon. London. 1760. Plates. *4090.i4 The Escurial. . . . Translated into Eng- lish. London. 1671. Illus. *L.52.20 Schack, A. F., Graf von. Poesia y arte de los Arabes en Esparia y Sicilia. Traduc- cion por Juan Valera. Madrid. 1868-72. 3 V. **D.i7ob.ii5 Same. 3 v. in i. 5029.9 Poesie und Kunst der Araber in Spanien und Sicilien. Berlin. 1865. 2 v. in i. 5029.1 Schmidt, C. E. Cordoba und Granada. Leip- zig. 1902. Illus. 4074.255 Sevilla. Leipzig. 1902. Plates. 4074.259 These two works belong to the series: Beruhmte Kunststatten. Schubert, O. Geschichte des Barock in Spanien. Esslingen a. N. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der neueren Baukunst. Band 8.] *4095.37-8 Smith, B. Sketches abroad. [London. 1880, 83.] 2 V. in I. 30 plates. *409O.77 Contents. — z. Germany and Switzerland, a. Spain. Soler, G., and F. Rogent y Pedrosa. Cathe- drale de Barcelone. Traduction . . . par A. G. Bertal. [Partie i.] Barcelone. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Espana artistica arqueologica monumental.] ♦4100.103 Solvay, L. L'art espagnol. Paris. 1887. Plates. [Bibliotheque internationale de l'art.] *8o6oa.66 Contains one chapter on architecture. Stirling-Maxwell, Sir W., Baronet. Annals of the artists of Spain. London. 1848. 3v. Illus. *8o65.7;**D.2ioa.6;**K.3i2.2 Same. New edition. 1891. 4 v. [Works. Vol. 1-4.] *46oi.i2o.i-4 Street, G. E. Some account of Gothic archi- tecture in Spain. 2d edition. London. 1869. Plates. 8091.5 Swinburne, H. Travels through Spain, 1775 and 1776. In which several monuments of Roman and Moorish architecture are illustrated. 2d edition. London. 1787. 2 V. 3103-5 Twiss, R. Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773. ^ London. 1775. Plates. 3100.9 Tyler, R. Spain: a study of her life and arts. New York. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4078.362 List of architects, painters, sculptors, etc., p. 547. Books recommended, p. 564-566. Uhde, C. Baudenkmaler in Spanien und Portugal. Berlin. 1892. Text, i v.; Atlas, 2 V. 120 plates. *Cab.6o.98.4 Villa-Amil, G. P. de. Espaiia artistica y monumental. Paris. 1842-50. 3 v. Plates. **D.3iooa.5o Vuillier, G. The forgotten isles. English translation by F. Breton. New York. 1896. Illus. Plates. 2762.72 Les lies oubliees: les Baleares . . . Paris. 1893. Illus. 3090.100 Waring, J. B. Architectural, sculptural & picturesque studies in Burgos and its neighbourhood. London. 1852. 42 plates. *Cab.70.i8.7 Waring, J. B., and T. R. Macquoid. Exam- ples of architectural art in Italy and Spain. London. 1850. 61 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.2 Watson, W. C. Portuguese architecture. London. 1908. Plates. Map. Plans. Books consulted, p. 272. 4094*^72 Whishaw, B., and E. M. Whishaw. Arabic Spain: sidelights on her history and art. London. 1912. Plates. Genealogical charts. 3098.242 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xv. Wigram, E. T. A. Northern Spain. London. 1906. Colored plates. 3094.151 Williams, L. Toledo and Madrid. London. 1903. Plates. Plan. 30903.117 Wood, C. W. Glories of Spain. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. 3093.168 The romance of Spain. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. 3095.153 Wyatt, Sir M. Digby. An architect's note- book in Spain, principally illustrating the domestic architecture of that coun- try. London. [1872.] Plates. 4095.54 Zmigrodzki, M. von. Geschichte der Bau- kunst der Araber und der Bauweiser der Mauren in Spanien. Krakau, 1899. Litteratur, pp. (7, 8). 4095-30 Switzerland. Anheisser, R. Altschweizerische Baukunst. Series 1. 1906/07. Neue Folge, 1910. Bern. 1906, 10. 2 v. Illus. 210 plates. Literatur, p. 54- *4090.I44 Baudin, H. Villas & maisons de campagne en Suisse. Geneve. 1909. Plates. Plans. *8i04.i6 Blavignac, J. D. Histoire de I'architecture sacree du quatrieme au dixieme siecle dans les eveches de Geneve, Lausanne et Sion. Paris. 1853. Plates. 8094.14 BuUinger, H. Heinrich Bullingers Beschrei- bung des Klosters Kappel und sein heutiger Bestand. Leipzig. 1892. 2 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquari- schen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 4 in *48i 1.60.23 Chur. Beschreibung der Domkirche von Chur. Ziirich. 1857. 14 plates. [Mit- theilungen der antiquarischen Gesell- schaft in Zurich.] No. 7 in *48ii.6o.ii Dana, W. S. B. The Swiss chalet book. New York. [1913-] IHus. Plates. Map. Plans. 8105.69 SWITZERLAND 205 Dubois de Montperreux, F. Les monuments de Neuchatel. Ouvrage posthume. Zu- rich. 1852. 60 plates. [Mittheihmgen der antiquarischen Gescllschaft in Zu- rich.] *48i 1.60.5 Durrer, R., and R. Wegeli. Zwei schweizeri- sche Bilderzyklen aus dem Anfang des XIV. Jahrhunderts. Ziirich. 1899. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Mittheilungen der anti- quarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 6 in *48i 1.60.24 Escher, H. Die Stiftung des Klosters Kap- pel. Ziirich. 1844. Plates. [Mittheilun- gen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. i in *48ii.6o.2 Faehnlein, J. Vues de Hofwyl. [Berne?] N. d. 10 colored plates. Plan. *486o.i Fuessli, W. Zurich und die wichtigsten Stadte am Rhein mit Bezug auf alte und neue Werke der Architektur, Sculp- tur und Malerei. 2. Ausgabe. Leipzig. 1846. 2 V. 4064.22 Gladbach, E. Les constructions en bois de la Suisse. Paris. 1870. Plates. *409o.7o Goeck, C. Die gewerblichen Fortbildungs- schulen und verwandten Anstalten in Deutschland, Belgien und der Schweiz. Wien. 1882. Maps. Plans. 8022.148 Goetz, W. Das nordische Wohnhans wah- rend des 16. Jahrhunderts, sonderlich in Hinblick auf das Schweizerhaus. Hamburg. 1891. [Sammlung gemein- verstandlicher wissenschaflicher Vor- trage.] No. 11 in *59i4.5o.26 Gros, J. Holzbauten, Chalets und ver- schiedene schweizer Architekturen. Stuttgart. [1902-04.] 100 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.I72.4 Gurlitt, C. Bern. — Ziirich. Berlin. 1903. Plates. Plans. [Historische Stadte- bilder. 4.] *Cab.6o. 137.4.4 Consists mainly of church architecture. Guyer, S. Die christlichen Denkmaler des ersten Jahrtausends in der Schweiz. Leipzig. 1907. Plates. [Studien iiber christliche Denkmaler.] 4074.404 Haendcke, B., and A. Mueller. Das Mun- ster in Bern. Bern. 1894. Illus. Plates. *4ioo.76 Hunziker, J. Das Schweizerhaus nach seinen landschaftlichen Formen und seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung. Aarau. 1900-08. 5 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.88 Joseph, D. Architektonische Meisterwerke alter und neuer Zeit in Deutschland, Belgien, Holland und der Schweiz. 2. Auflage. Berlin. [1896.] 96 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.8 Keller, F. Die Bauart des Grossmiinsters in Zurich. Ziirich. 1844. Plates. No. 14 in *48i 1.60.2 Der Grossmiinster in Ziirich. Abteilung 2. Architectur. Ziirich. 1841. Plates. No. 5 in*48ii.6o.i Die romischen Gebaude bei Kloten. Zu- rich. 1841. 4 plates. No. 2 in *48ii.6o.i These three works are included in the Mit- theilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. Kesser, H. Luzern, der Vierwaldstatter See und der St. Gotthard. Leipzig. [1908.] Illus. Plates. Coat of arms. [Statten der Kultur.] 409ga.i7 Literaturverzeichnis, pp. (i, 2.) Krieg von Hochfelden, G. H. Habsburgi- sche Denkmaler in der Schweiz. Heft i: Die Veste Habsburg im Aargau. Ziirich. 1857. Plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zii- rich.] No. 5in*48ii.6o.ii Lambert, A., and A. Rychner. L'architec- ture en Suisse aux differentes epoques. Geneve. [1883.] 56 plates. *Cab.6o.37.2 Lindner, A. Die Basler Galluspforte und andere romanische Bildwerke der Schweiz. Strassburg. 1899. Plate's. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] *4074.i8i Major, E. Basel. Leipzig. [191 1?] Illus. Plates. [Statten der Kultur.] 4099a.38 Literatur, pp. 137-142. Martin, C. Saint-Pierre: ancienne cathedrale de Geneve. Geneve. 191 1. 45 plates. Bibliographic, pp. 205-207. *Cab.6o.5X.9 Meyer von Knonau, G. Burg Mammerts- hofen (Kanton Thurgau), und zwei andere schweizerische megalitische Thurme. Zurich. 1871. 3 plates. [Mit- theilungen der antiquarischen Gesell- schaft in Ziirich.] No. 5 in *48ii.6o.i7 Nueschler-Usterai, A. Die Letzinen in der Schweiz. (Les retranchements des villes et vallees suisses.) Ziirich. 1872. 2 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquari- schen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. I in*48ii.6o.i8 Ortwein, A. Deutsche Renaissance: eine Sammlung von Gegenstanden der Ar- chitektur, Dekoration und Kunstge- werbe in Original-Aufnahmen. Band 1-9. Leipzig. [i87i-]88. 9 v. Plates. *8o7o.io3 Vols. 1-8 include Switzerland. Vol. 9 is on Austria. For index of places and classified list of details see Vol. i, p. [i]. Each volume con- tains an index of its contents. The text is little more than a description of the plates. Ouradou, M. La Vedette, maison de Viol- let-le-Duc, a Lausanne. Paris. 1881. 4 plates. *8o8oa.25 Popp, H. Die Architektur der Barock- und Rokokozeit in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Stuttgart. 1913. Illus. Plates. [ Bauformen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i50 Verzeichnis der Literatur, pp. 275-279. Rahn, J. R. Beschreibung des Schlosses Chillon. Ziirich. 1887, 89. 8 plates. No. 4, 5 in "'4811.60.22 Geschichte des Schlosses Chillon. Zurich. 1887. 5 plates. *48i 1.60.22 Grandson und zwei Cluniarcenserbauten in 'der Westschweiz. Ziirich. 1870. Illus. 6 plates. No. 2 in *48ii.6o.i7 The two abbeys described are those of Payeme and Romainmotier. 206 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Rahn, J. R. (Continued.) Die mittelalterlichen Kirchen des Cister- cienserordens in der Schweiz. Zurich. 1872. Illus. Plans. No. 2 in *48ii.6o.i8 These four works are included in Mittheiltingen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. Rahn, J. R., and T. von Liebenau. Die Casa di ferro (Vignaccia) bei Locarno. Eine Werbcaserne aus dem xvi. Jahrhundert und ihre Erbauer. Leipzig. 1891. Plates. Plans. [Mittheilungen der antiquari- schen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 2 in *48i 1.60.23 Rahn, J. R., and H. Zeller-Werdmueller. Das Fraumiinster in Ziirich. Zurich. 1900-02. 3 parts in i v. Illus. Plans. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Ge- • sellschaft in Ziirich.] *48i 1.60.25 Robida, A. Les vieilles villes de Suisse. Paris. 1879. Illus. Plates. 2861.19 Rodt, E. von. Bernische Kirchen. Ein Bei- trag zu ihrer Geschichte. Bern. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.70 Schneeli, G. Renaissance in der Schweiz. Miinchen. 1896. Illus. 4073.79 Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architek- ten-Verein. Das Bauernhaus in der Schweiz. Ziirich. [1903.] Illus. 62 plates. [Das Bauernhaus in Deutsch- land, Oesterreich, und der Schweiz.] Benutzte Quellen, p. (i). *Cab.6o.I3I.4 Smith, B. Sketches abroad. London. [1880, 83.] 2 V. in I. Plates. *4090.77 Contents. — i. Germany and Switzerland. 2. Spain. Toelzer, J. Architecture des Alpes. [Miin- chen. 1867-69.] 72 colored plates. ♦4100.52 Varin, A. and E. Varin. The picturesque architecture of Switzerland. American edition. Boston. 1875. Plates. 4091.51 Translation of L'architecture pittoresque en Suisse. Voegelin, A. S. Der Grossmiinster in Zii- rich. Abteilung i: Geschichte. Ziirich. 1841. Plates. No. 4 in "'4811.60.1 Der Kreuzgang beim Grossmiinster in Ziirich. Ziirich. 1841. Plates. No. 6 in "^4811.60.1 Notizen iiber das Stift zum Grossmiinster [in Ziirich]. Ziirich. 1844. Plates. No. IS in *48i 1.60.2 Voegelin, A. S., and F. Keller. Das ehemalige Kloster Kappel. Ziirich. 1846. 2 plates. Plan. No. I in 481 1.60.3 These four works are included in Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. Vulliety, H. La Suisse a travers les ages. Histoire de la civilisation depuis les temps prehistoriques jusqu'a la fin du xviiie siecle. Bale. [1902?] Illus. Plates. 486oa.22 Many plates of Swiss architecture, interiors, etc. Wackemagel, M. Basel. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.^ 4074.500 Wyss, H. G. von. Geschichte der Abtei Ziirich. Ziirich. 1851. 12 plates. [Mit- theilungen der antiquarischen Gesell- schaft in Ziirich.] *48i 1.60.8 Zeller - Werdmuellcr, H. Mittelalterliche Burganlagen der Ostschweiz. Leipzig. 1893. 4 plates. No. 5 in *48i 1.60.23 Die Pramonstratenser-Abtei Riiti. Zu- rich. 1897. Plates. Plans. No. 4 in *48i 1.60.24 Das Ritterhaus Bubikon. Ziirich. 1885. 4 plates. No. 6 in *48ii.6o.2i Zuercherische Burgen. Leipzig. 1894, 95. 2 parts in i v. Illus. 6 plates. No. 6, 7 in *48i 1.60.23 These four works are included in Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. Zurlauben, B. F. A. J. D., Baron de La Tour Chdtillon de. Tableaux topographiques, pittoresques [etc.] de la Suisse. Paris. 1780, 86. Text, 2 v.; Plates, 2 v. *Cab.28.23.i Turkey and the Balkan States. Adam, R. Ruins of the palace of Diocletian at Spalatro. [London. 1764J Plates. *Cab.49.io.i Ainalov, D. V. FlaMflTHMKH xpHCxiaHCKaro xepcoHcca. BbinycK-b 1: PasBajiHHu xpa- MOB-b. [Monuments of the Christian Chersonese. Part i: Ruins of churches.] MocKea. 1905. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4101.47 Earth, H. Konstantinopel. Leipzig. 1901. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ^ ten.] 4074-253 Berchem, M. van, and J. Strzygowski. Amida. Heidelberg. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Facsimiles. 409oa.ii8 Contents. — Materiaux pour Tepigraphie et rhistoire musulmanes du Diyar-Bekr. — Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters von Nord- Mesopotamien, Hellas und dem Abendlande. Beylie, L. M. E. de. Prome et Samara. Voyage archeologique en Birmanie et en Mesopotamie. Paris. 1907. Illus. Plates. Map. [Societe frangaise des fouilles archeologiques.] 22203.91 Ebersolt, J. Le grand palais de Constanti- nople et le Livre des ceremonies, avec un avant-propos de C. Diehl. Paris. 1910. Plan. 3084.214 Principaux ouvrages cites, pp. vii-ix. Eitelberger von Edelberg, R. Die mittel- alterlichen Kunstdenkmale Dalmatiens. Wien. 1884. Illus. 8066.62.4 Falke, J. von. Das rumanische Konigs- schloss Pelesch. Wien. 1893. Illus. Plates. *8o90.i53 Forchheimer, P., and J. Strzygowski. Die byzantinischen Wasserbehalter von Konstantinopel. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte der byzantinischen Baukunst und zur Topographic von Konstantino- pel. Wien. 1893. Illus. Plates. [By- zantinische Derikmaler. 2.] *8o7i. 120.2 Fossati, G. Aya Sofia, Constantinople, as recently restored by order of the Sultan. London. 1852. Plans. 25 colored plates. *Cab.6o.ii6.i Gardner, A. Theodore of Studium: his life and times. London. 1905. Plates. 3557.154 The plates illustrate the church of St. John of the Studium, Constantinople. TURKEY AND THE BALKAN STATES 207 George, W. S. The church of Saint Eirene at Constantinople. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Byzantine Re- search & Publication Fund.] *4ioo.i05 Gurlitt, C. Die Baukunst Konstantinopels. Berlin. 1907. Text, i v.; Atlas, 2 v. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.i3i.6 Hartleben, A., publisher. Handbook of Dal- matia, Abbazia, Lussin, etc. "The Aus- trian Riviera," including the Albanian coast, the Jonian Islands, Corfu, Patras, Athens. Vienna. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. Profile. [Illustrated guide Hartleben.] 3089.180 Herzfeld, E. Samarra. Aufnahmen und Untersuchungen zur islamischen Ar- chaeologie. Berlin. 1907. Plates. Plan. Map. 4092.134 Literaturnachweis, pp. 87, 88. Holtzinger, H. Die Sophienkirche und verwandte Bauten der byzantinischen Architektur. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.157 Litteraturnachweise, p. 14. Hommaire de Hell, I. X. M. Voyage en Turquie et en Perse, execute par ordre du gouvernement frangais, 1846-48. Paris. 1854-60. Text, 4 v.; Atlas, 100 plates. *Cab.5o.i8.2 Ivekovic, C. M. Dalmatiens Architektur und Plastik. Gesamtansichten und Details mit einera reichillustr. Text. Band i. Wien. [1910.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *Cab.6o.i74.i Jaffe, F. Die bischofliche Klosterkirche zu Curtea de Arges in Rumanien. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.i88.i In German and French. Some of the plates are colored. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Balkankommission. Antike Denkmaler in Bulgarien. Wien. 1906, Illus. [Schriften. Antiquarische Ab- teilung. 4.] *3o8oa.73.4 Kanitz, P. F. Serbiens byzantinische Monu- mente. Wien. 1862. 11 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.70.l8.3 tjber alt- und neuserbische Kirchenbau- kunst. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte. Plates. {In Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Philosophisch- historische Classe. Sitzungsberichte. Band 45, pp. 3-i3- Wien. 1864.) *3340.3-45 Kinch, K. F. L'arc de triomphe de Salo- nique. Paris. 1890. 10 plates. *3040.ii8 Kowalczyk, G. von, editor. Denkmaeler der Kunst in Dalmatien. Mit einer Ein- leitung von C. Gurlitt. Berlin. 1910. 132 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.6 The plates include examples of church architec- ture and of architectural details. Labarte, J. Le palais imperial de Constan- tinople et ses abords: Sainte-Sophie, le forum Augusteon et I'Hippodrome, tels qu'ils existaient au dixieme siecle. Paris. 1861. Plans. *8o9i.i02 Lethaby, W. R., and H. Swainson. The church of Sancta Sophia, Constantino- ple. London. 1894. Plates. Plans. 4102.68 Millingen, A. Byzantine Constantino- ple. London. 1899. Illus. Maps. 3081.120 Millingen, A., and others. Byzantine churches in Constantinople: their his- tory and architecture. By A. Van Mil- lingen, assisted by R. Traquair, W. S. George, and A. E. Henderson. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4106.55 Bookc consulted in the preparation of this work, PP- 337-339- A sequel to Byzantine Constan- tinople. Monneret de Villard, U. L'architettura romanica in Dalmazia. Milano. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4099.153 Examples of church architecture. Reprinted from Rassegna d'arte, 19 10 [*4o7o.274.io]. Niemann, G. H. L. Der Palast Diokletians in Spalato. Wien. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [K. k. osterreichisches archao- logisches Institut.] *Cab.30.39.7 Parvillee, L. Architecture et decoration turques au xye siecle. Avec une preface par E. Viollet-le-Duc. Paris. 1874. 5o plates. *8o8o.26 Paspates, A. G. The great palace of Con- stantinople. Translated by W. Met- calfe. London. 1893. 3082.100 Pokryshkin, P. P. IlpaBOCJiaBHafl uepKosnaH apxHTCKxypa xii-xviii ctoji B-b Hbint- lUHeM-b Cep6cK0M'b KopojiCBCXB-fe. [Or- thodox ecclesiastical architecture of the I2th-i8th centuries in the modern King- dom of Servia.] C.-neiepdypr-b. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4i05.74 Pulgher, D. Les anciennes eglises byzan- tines de Constantinople. Vienne. 1878, 80. 2 V. in I. Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i04.6 Quellen der byzantinischen Kunstge- schichte. Wien. 1878, 97. 2 V. [Quel- lenschriften fiir Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance.] Namely; Ein Blick auf die byzantinische Ge- schichte. — Baugeschichte von Con- stantinopel. — Stadtische Anlagen in Constantinopel. Ausgezogen . . . von F. W. Unger. *8o66.5i.i2 Ausgewahlte Texte iiber die Kirchen, Kloster, Palaste, Staatsgebaude und an- dere Bauten von Konstantinopel. Her- ausgegeben von J. P. Richter. *8o66.5i.N.S.8 Same. Sonder-Ausgabe . . . 8098.104 Raczynski, E., Count. Malerische Reise in einigen Provinzen des osmanischen Reichs. Aus dem Polnischen iibersetzt von F. H. von der Hagen. Breslau. 1824. Plates. Plans. *Cab.70.i3.6 Ramsay, Sir W. M., and G. L. Bell. The thousand and one churches. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4103.104 These churches, of which only ruins are extant, were situated in a valley now called Maden Sheher, or Black Mountain, in European Tur- key. Reuther, O. Ocheidir. Nach Aufnahmen von Mitgliedern der Babylon-Expedi- tion der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. 36 plates. Maps. 20a ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Reuther, O. (Continued.) Plans. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] 40903.103 Okheidir lies southwest of Kerbela in Asiatic Turkey. It is a rviined Mohammedan castle. Romstorfer, C. A. Die moldauisch-byzan- tinische Baukunst. Wien. 1896. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i3i.7 Reprinted from Allgemeine Bauzeitung, Heft 3, 1896 [*4090.20i.6i]. Salzenberg, W. Alt-christliche Baudenk- male von Constantinopel. Berlin. 1854, 55. Text, I v.; Atlas, 39 plates. ♦Cab.60.53. 1 Turkey. Ministry of Public Works. L'ar- chitecture ottomane. Texte par Marie de Launay. Constantinople. 1873. 189 plates. *Cab.8o.i42.2 Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Dalmatia and Montene- gro. London. 1848. 2 v. Plates. *3o65.io3 Wulff, O. Die Koimesiskirche in Nicaa und ihre Mosaiken: nebst den verwandten kirchlichen Baudenkmalern. Eine Un- tersuchung zur Geschichte der byzan- tinischen Kunst im i. Jahrtausend. Strassburg. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] 4102.113 America. Central and South America, Mexico. Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America in iiotes on American archaeology. New York. [1871.] Illus. Plates. 2318.49 Bandelier, A. F. The islands of Titicaca and Koati. New York. 1910. Plates. **D.3i04.75 A number of the plates show architectural details. Report of an archaeological tour in Mexico in 1881. Boston. 1884. Illus. [Archaeo- logical Institute of America. Papers.] ♦4216.55.2 Baxter, S. A great Mexican architect [Fran- cisco Eduardo de Tresguerras. Boston. 1897]. Plates. *4iooa.io Cut from the American Architect and Building News, February 13-March 13, 1897 [*4097.2oi. 55] . Spanish-Colonial architecture in Mexico. Boston. 1901. Text, i v.; Atlas, 9 cases containing 150 photographs. [Gomez de Mora edition.] *Cab.6o.i59.i One of an edition of 150 copies. Beuchat, H. Manuel d'archeologie ameri- caine (Amerique prehistorique — Civili- sations disparues). Paris. 1912. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4464.46 Brasseur de Bourbourg, E. C. Monuments anciens du Mexique. Vues . . . et plans dessines par M. de Waldeck. Paris. 1866. Plates. *Cab.23.io.6 Brazil at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. [St. Louis, 1904.] Illus. Plates. 8021.148 Many of the illustrations show private and public buildings In Brazil. Bresson, A. Bolivia. Sept ann6es d'explo- rations, de voyages et de sejours dans I'Amerique australe. Paris. 1886. Plates. 4360.60 Castelnau, F. de. Expedition dans les par- ties centrales de I'Amerique du Sud. Partie 2, 3. Paris. 1852. 2 v. Plates. *436o.2.2, 3 Contents. — 2. Vues et scenes. 3. Antiquites des Incas et autres peuples anciens. Chamay, D. Les anciennes villes du nou- veau monde. Paris. 1885. Illus. *23io.68 The ancient cities of the new world. 1857-82. From the French. London. 1887. Plates. 2310.75 Chile. Inspeccion jeneral de instruccion primaria. Seccion locales. Edificacion de escuelas. Especificaciones adminis- trativas, particulares i tecnicas para la edificacion de escuelas en las provincias del centro sur de la Republica. Santiago de Chile. 1910. Plans. [Boletin. Aiio 1910, no. 5.] *3593.258.i9io.No.5 Chile at the Pan-American Exposition. Brief notes on Chile. Buffalo. 1901. Illus. Plates. *402oa.i44 Decaen, — . Mexico y sus alrededores. Coleccion de monumentos, trajes y pai- sajes . . . litografiados por C. Castro, J. Campillo, L. Auda y G. Rodriguez, bajo la direccion de Decaen. Mexico. 1855, 56. 41 plates. Plan. *446o.i09 Dupaix, G. Antiquites mexicaines. Paris. 1834. Text, I v.; Atlas, 156 plates. *Cab.23.26.i Monuments of New Spain. Plates. (In King, Edward, Viscount Kingsborough, editor. Antiquities of Mexico. Vol. 4, 6. London. 1831, 48.) *Cab.23.39.i finault, L. L'Amerique centrale et meridio- nale. Paris. 1867. Plates. 4361.29 Fewkes, J. W. Certain antiquities of eastern Mexico. Illus. Plates. (In Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. An- nual report, 25, pp. 221-296. Washing- ton. 1907.) ^4490.9.25 Fuentes, M. A. Lima. Paris. 1866. Plates. 4361.6 The English edition is on shelf-number 4361.51. Gualdi, p. Monumentos de Mejico. [Meji- co.] 1840. 12 plates. *Cab.23.i9.2 Habel, S. The sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala. Wash- ington. 1878. 8 plates. [Smithsonian contributions to knowledge.] No. 2 in *334o.i.22 A French version of this work may be found in Annales du Musee Guimet, tome 10 [*3490.55.io]. Inwards, R. The temple of the Andes. London. 1884. Plates. *236o.34 Joyce, T. A. South American archaeology: an introduction to the archaeology of the South American continent with special reference to the early history of Peru. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 2311.88 Larenaudiere, P. F. de. Historia de Guate- mala y del Peru. Barcelona. 1844. Plates. [Panorama universal.] **D.24oa.39 CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, MEXICO 209 Larrainzar, M. Estudios sobre la historia de America, sus ruinas y antigiiedades. Mexico. 1875-78. 5 V. Plates. *43i2.69 The plates show the ruins at Falenque. Laso J., J. T. La exhibicion chilena en la exposicion pan-americana de Buffalo, 1901. Santiago de Chile. 1902. Plates. 40203.148 Marquez, F. Due antichi monumenti di architettura messicana. Roma. 1804. 4 plates. *8o98.ioi Maudslay, A. C, and A. P. Maudslay. A glimpse at Guatemala, and some notes on the ancient monuments of Central America. London. 1899. Plates. *446oa.i25 Maudslay, A. P. Archaeology. Vol. 1-4, and appendix. London. 1889-1902. Text, 5 V. in i. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, 16 V. Plates. [Biologia Centrali- Americana.] *Cab.23.46.i Mayer, B. Observations on Mexican his- tory and archaeology. [Washington. 1857.] Illus. Plates. [Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. Vol. 9.] No. 3 in *334o.i.9 Meye, H. The stone sculptures of Copan and Quirigno. New York. 1883. 20 plates. *Cab.23.28.4 Peiiafiel, A. Monumentos del arte mexicano antiguo. Berlin. 1890. 5 v. 317 plates. *Cab.23.2i.i Pereyra Miguez, A. Proyecto de edificio para Facultad de ingenieria. 1903. La Plata. 1904. Plans. [Universidad de La Plata. Facultad de ciencias fisico- matematicas.] 4093«i59 Prefontaine, — , Chevalier de. Maison rus- tique, a I'usage des habitans de la partie de la France equinoxiale, connue sous le nom de Cayenne. Paris. 1763. 7 folded plates. *4366.i42 Revilla, M. G. El arte en Mexico ^ en la epoca antigua y durante el gobierno vir- reinal. Mexico. 1893. 4071.83 Rickards, C. G. The ruins of Mexico. Vol. I. London. 1910. Plates. *446o.i47 Rio, A. del. Description of the ruins of an ancient city discovered near Palenque. London. 1822. Plates. *23io.i4; **G.377o.i4 Riva Palacio, V., editor. Mexico a traves de los siglos. Mexico. [i890?-92?] 5 v. Illus. Plates. **D. 250.50 Contents. — i. Historia antigua y de la conquista, por A. Chavero. a. El vireinato, 1521-1808, por V. Riva Palacio. 3. La guerra de independencia, por J. Zarate. 4. Mexico independiente, 1821- 55, por E. Olavarria y Ferrari. 5. La reforma, por J. M. Vigil. Rivero, M. E. de, and J. J. Tschudi. Anti- giiedades peruanas. Viena. 1851. Text, I v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.23.i3.2 Peruvian antiquities. Translated by F. L. Hawks. New York. 1853. Illus. 4366.6 Saint Cricq, L. de. A journey across South America. Translated by E. Rich. Lon- don. 1871. 2 V. in 4. Illus. *446o,35 Travels in South America. Translated by E. Rich. London. 1875. 2 v. Illus. *236o.55 Saint Cricq, L. de. (Continued.) Voyage a travers I'Amerique du Sud, par P. Marcoy [pseud.]. Paris. 1869. 2 v. Plates. *446o.i Saville, M. H. Cruciform structures near Mitla. [New York. 1900.] Illus. Plans. 4313.25 Seler, C. Auf alten Wegen in Mexico und Guatemala, 1895-97. Berlin. 1900. Plates. 4462.172 Only a few of the plates show architectural subjects. Seler, G. E. Die archaologischen Ergeb- nisse meiner ersten mexikanischen Reise. Illus. (/« his Gesammelte Ab- handlungen zur amerikanischen Sprach- und Alterthumskunde. Band 2, pp. 289- Z67. Berlin. 1904.) *4363.234.2 Reisewege und Ruinen. Illus. {In his Ge- sammelte Abhandlungen zur amerikani- schen Sprach- und Alterthumskunde. Band 2, pp. 105-286. Berlin. 1904.) *4363.234-2 Die Ruinen auf dem Quie-Ngola. Illus. Plates. {In Bastian. Festschrift. Pp. 419-433. Berlin. 1896.) *3822.86 Les mines de Mitla. Illus. Plates. {In his Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur amerikanischen Sprach- und Alter- thumskunde. Band 3, pp. 470-486. Ber- lin. 1908.) *4363.234-3 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Cen- tral America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. London. 1854. Plates. 4363.52 There are two earlier editions. Incidents of travel in Yucatan. New York. 1858. 2 V. Plates. 4464.13 An edition of 184S is on shelf-no. 4464.36. Stuebel, A., and F. M. Uhle. Die Ruinen- staette von Tiahuanaco im Hochlande des alten Peru. Breslau. 1892. 42 plates. *Cab.23.27.2 Tejera, M. Venezuela pintoresca e ilustrada. Tomo I. Paris. 1875. Plates. *23i9.7o Thompson, E. H. Portal at Labna, Yucatan. Worcester. 1888. Plate. *43ii.ii4 From the Proceedings of the American Anti- quarian Society, vol. 5, [*43 11.2.5]. Ruins of Xkichmook, Yucatan. Plates. Plans. {In Field Columbian Museum. Publications. Vol. 2, pp. 207-229. Chi- cago. 1898.) 7813.22.2 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Cites et mines ameri- caines. Recueillies et photographiees par D. Charnay. Paris. 1863. Text, i v.; Atlas, 49 plates. *Cab.23.i7.i Waldeck, F. von. Voyage pittoresque et archeologique dans la province d'Yuca- tan, 1834, 36. Paris. 1838. Plates. *Cab.23.i9.i United States and Canada. American Institute of Architects. Brooklyn Chapter. Catalogue. Exhibition of 1899, 1902, 09. [Brooklyn. 1899-1909.] 3 v. Plates. Plans. ♦8097.32 210 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES American Institute of Architects. (Continued.) Same. New York Chapter. Report of A. J. Bloor, delegate. [New York. 18Q3.] *4099a.i22 On the buildings at the World's Fair. Same. Philadelphia Chapter. Year book of the [5th-]i2th, I4th-i9th exhibition held by the Philadelphia Chapter, American Institute of Architects and the T Square Club. 1898-1905/06, 07/08- 13. [Philadelphia. 1899-1913.] 13 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *4092.70 Previous to 1908 this publication was issued by the T Square Club alone. The title was: Cata- logue of the annual architectural exhibition. Same. Rhode Island Chapter. Year book, igio, II. Providence. 1910, 11. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. *4092.2o6 American Unitarian Association. Types of Unitarian churches. [Boston. 1907.] Illus. 4106.47 Andrews, F. M. American architecture. (In Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. Vol. 59, pp. 729-741. London. iQii.) ♦4012.375.59 Architectural League of New York. Cata- logue of the 3d-5th, 8th, 25th annual ex- hibition. [New York.] 1887-1910. 6 v. Illus, *8o94.3i Art club, Philadelphia. Catalogue of the annual exhibition of architecture and the allied arts. [Philadelphia.] 1892, 93. 2 V. Plates. *8o75.io6 Artistic houses. Interior views of a number of homes in the United States. New Yark. 1883, 84. 2 parts in 4 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.26.i Ashbee, C. R. Frank Lloyd Wright: eine Studie zu seiner Wiirdigung. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093-i55 Sonderheft 8 of Architektur des xx. Jahrhun- derts. Atwood, D. T. Modern American home- steads. New York. 1876. Illus. 4106.11 Baillairge, C. P. Five photographs of his architectural work. [Quebec? 1899?] *4095.86 Contents. — Academy of music, Quebec. — Oriel window of dwelling-house for C. Baillairge. — Shade kiosk, Dufferin Terrace, Quebec. — Band stand, Dufferin Terrace, Quebec. — Proposed Parliament buildings for the United Provinces of Canada. Baker, J. C, editor. American country homes and their gardens. Introduction by D. Barber. Philadelphia. [1906.] Plates. 4091.138 Beuchat, H. Manuel d'archeologie arneri- caine (Amerique prehistorique — Civili- sations disparues). Paris. 1912. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4464.46 Boston Architectural Club. Catalogue, spe- cial exhibition, Allston Hall, April 5th to 17th, 1897. [Boston. 1897.] Plates. ♦8093.71 Sketch book, ist issue. [Boston.] 1883. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.76.2 Edited by R. D. Andrews, E. M. Wheelwright, Cass Gilbert, W. E. Chamberlain. Same. Issue of 1890. [Boston. 1891.] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.76.3 Boston Architectural Club. (Continued.) Yearbook. 1890, 91, 95, 99, 1902, 04, 06-12. Boston. 1890-1912. 14 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4093-78 Most of the volumes contain catalogues of the Club's regular exhibitions. Bosworth, N. Hochelaga depicta: the early history and present state of the City and Island of Montreal. Montreal. 1839. Illus. Plates. Maps. 43693.235 Same. 1846. 4368.19 Briggs, W. R. Modern American school buildings, ist edition. New York. 1899. Plates. Plans. 8093.36 Bruce, W. C. High school buildings. Mil- waukee. [1913-] Illus. Plates. Plans. Examples of American architecture. 8o93«8l Capen, O. B. Country homes of famous Americans. With an introduction by T. W. Higginson. New York. 1905. Illus. Plates. *8o9oa.8o Chamberlain, J. L., and others, editors. Uni- versities and their sons. Boston. 1898- 1900. 5 v. Illus. Plates. *449o.ii4 Vol. I is devoted to the history of Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia; vol. 2-5, to biographj' Chicago Architectural Club. Catalogue of the loth, I2th-i4th, i6th-25th, annual ex- hibition of works of architecture and the allied fine arts. 1897, 99-1901, 03-12. [Chicago. 1897-1912.] 14 V. Plates. Plans. *8o95.75 Cleaveland, G. A., and R. E. Campbell. American landmarks. A collection of pictures of our country's historic shrines. Boston. 1893. Illus. Plates. *436o.ii8 Cleveland Architectural Club. Catalogue of the architectural exhibition, ist-6th. [Cleveland. 1896-1910.] Plates. Map. Plans. Engraved title-pages. *4093-76 The catalogues for 1909 and 19 10 are unnum- bered. The catalogue for 19 10 is that of the Cleveland Chapter, American Institute of Archi- tects, and the Cleveland Architectural Club. Some of the plates are colored. Comstock, W. T., publisher. American cot- tages. New York. [1883.] 44 plates. *8o9oa.28 Cram, R. A., compiler. American country houses of today. New York. 1913. 189 plates. Vignette. *8i03.79 Collection of designs by various architects. Croff, G. B. Progressive American architec- ture. New York. 1875. Plates. *4090.63 Cummings, M. F., and C. C. Miller. Modern American architecture. Troy, N. Y. 1868. 55 plates. 8090.17 Day, F. M., editor. American country houses of today. New York. 1912. 183 plates. Plans. *8i03.75 Debray, P. Genie civil, travaux publics, architecture. (In Krantz, editor. Ex- position internationale de Chicago en 1893. Rapports. Paris. 1894.) 4091.9 Desmond, H. W., and H. Croly. Stately homes in America from colonial times to the present day. New York. 1903. Plates. *8i05.28 UNITED STATES AND CANADA 211 Detroit Photographic Company. [Historic houses in the United States. Detroit.] 1904-07. 28 photographs. *Cab.23.6i.4 Dow, J. W. American renaissance: a review of domestic architecture. New York. 1904. 96 plates. *4092.i25 A series of papers reprinted from the Architects' and Builders' Magazine with slight modifica- tions. Dresslar, F. B. American schoolhouses. Washington. 1911. Plates, Plans. [United States. Bureau of Education. Bulletin. 1910, No. 5.] *7596.63.i9io.No.5 Elliott, C. W. The book of American inte- riors. Boston. 1876. 22 plates. *Cab.8o.37.4 Embury, A., 2d. One hundred country houses. Modern American examples. New York. 1909. Plates. Plans. *8o9i.79 Ferree, B. American estates and gardens. New York. 1904. Illus. Plates. *L.6o.3i Richard Morris Hunt: his art and work. New York. 1895. lUus. Plates. ♦4080.49 From Architecture and Building, December, 1895 [*4I02.2I0.23]. Gagnon, E. Le Palais legislatif de Quebec. Quebec. 1897. Plates. 4469a.i57 French text with an English translation by C. Lindsay. "Georgian period. The": being measured drawings of colonial work. By Frank E. Wallis, David A. Gregg, [etc. Bos- ton]. 1898-1902. 12 V. in 7. *8o9oa.65 Glenn, T. A., editor. Some colonial man- sions, and those who lived in them. Philadelphia. 1898, 99 2 v. Portraits. Plates. *8i02.36 Graef, P., compiler. Neubauten in Nord- amerika. Herausgegeben von der Schriftleitung der Blatter fiir Archi- tektur und Kunsthandwerk. Mit Grund- rissen und erlauterndem Text. Mit einem Vorwort von K. Hinckeldeyn. Berlin. [1897-1904.] 16 parts in i v. 165 plates. *Cab.6o.i92.3 Grille, C. J. A., and A. J. Laborde. Les tra- vaux publics aux fitats-Unis. Paris. 1896. Text, I v.; Atlas, 11 plates. [Re- vue technique de I'Exposition univer- selle de Chicago en 1893. Partie 10.] ♦4020a.114.10 Hawkins, B. H. Picture of Quebec. Que- bec. 1834. Plates. 4468.23 Hazelton, G. C, Jr. The national Capitol: its architecture, art and history. New York. 1897. Illus. Portraits. 4371.79 Same. 1902. Plans. 4371.80 Herbert, W. Houses for town or country. New York. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.45 Examples of American domestic architecture. Historic churches of America. Philadelphia. [189-?] 2 V. Plates. Portraits. *Cab.6o.i34.4 Hoist, H. V. vc^n. Modern American homes. Chicago. 1912. 108 plates. 8103.73 Hooper, C. E. The country house. A prac- tical manual of the planning and con- struction of the American country home Hooper, C. E. (Continued.) and its surroundings. New York. 1905. Illus. Plans. 8105.39; *L.4i. 16 Reclaimmg the old house: its modern problems and their solution as governed by the methods of its builders. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8107.44 Studies of colonial architecture in the United States, including interiors. Kidder, F. E. Churches and chapels. New York. 1895. 52 illustrations. 4106.18 Same. 1906. 4106.27 Same. 4th edition, enlarged. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4106.39 Devoted exclusively to churches in the United States. Koch, T. W. A portfolio of Carnegie li- braries; being a separate issue of the illustrations from "A book of Carnegie libraries." Ann Arbor. 1907. Plates. Plans. *6i9oa.2i5 Krantz, C, editor. Exposition Internationale de Chicago en 1893. Rapports. Comite 36. Genie civil, travaux publics, archi- tecture. Paris. 1894. [France. Minis- tere du commerce.] 4091.9 Contents. — J. Hermant: L'architecture et les industries qui en dependent en Amerique et a I'Exposition de Chicago. — P. Debray: Genie civil, travaux publics, architecture. Latrobe, J. H. B. The Capitol and Wash- ington at the beginning of the present century. An address before the Ameri- can Institute of Architects. Baltimore. [1881.] 3 plates. *4377.ii2 League of Library Comissions. A collection of plans contributed by the League. In- troduction and notes by Cornelia Mar- vin. Boston. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 6i9oa.233 Le Moine, J. M. Histoire des fortifications et des rues de Quebec. Quebec. 1875. , Illus. 4317.142 Meigs, M. C. Report on the construction of the new Pension building. Washington. 1883-87. Plates. Plans. *8o9S.66 Moore, C, compiler. The promise of Ameri- can architecture. Addresses at the an- nual dinner of the American Institute of Architects, 1905. Wahsington. 1905. Plates. 4095.160 Moore, J. W. A souvenir of the American capital. Picturesque Washington: pen and pencil sketches. Providence. 1884. Illus. Plates. Plans. *437i.74 Morgan, L. A. Houses and house-life of the American aborigines. Washington. 1881. Illus. Plates. Plans. [United States. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain region. 4.] *446o.i7.4 Nelson, T., & Sons, publishers. The City of Washington and its neighborhood. [London? 185-?] Colored plates. Map. ♦44793.312 Northend, M. H. Colonial homes and their furnishings. Boston. 1912. Plates. 8107.42 Norton, M. M. Studies in Philippine archi- tecture. [Manila. 191 1.] Plate. 4095.163 212 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Owen, R. D. Hints on public architecture, containing views of the Smithsonian In- stitution. New York. 1849. *4090.7 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Catalogue of the architectural exhibi- tion, 1894/95. Philadelphia. 1894. Plates. 8095.74 Pittsburgh Architectural Club. Exhibition, 5th-7th. Pittsburgh. 1910-12. 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4093.64 Piatt, C. A. Monograph of [his] work. Introduction by R. Cortissoz. New York. [1913.] 183 plates. *L.6o.29 Preston, W. G. [A collection of plans of houses and public buildings, principally in Boston, Mass., and vicinity, and Savannah, Ga. Boston. 1865-1908.] 55 v. *F.A.Gallery Cab.i.i Rathbun, R. A descriptive account of the building recently erected for the De- partments of Natural History of the United States National Museum. Wash- ington. 1913. Plates. Plans. *3904.50.8o Reynolds, C. B. The Library of Congress: architecture and mural decorations. Washington. 1900. Illus. Plates. *4092.i53 Same. 36 plates. *Cab.8o.279.2 Richardson, C. P., and H. A. Clark, editors. The college book. Boston. 1878. Plates. ♦2382.2 Contents. — Harvard, by J. B. Ames. — William and Mary, by the editors. — Yale, by W. L. Kingsley. — College of New Jersey, by F. Vin- ton. — Columbia, by the editors. — University of Pennsylvania, by C. J. Stille. — Brown, by R. A. Guild. — Dartmouth, by the editors. — Rutgers, by T. S. Doolittle. — Williams, by W. Gladden. — Union, by W. Wells. — Bowdoin, by G. T. Packard. — West Point, by the editors. — Hamil- ton, by E North. — Amherst, by the editors. — Trinity, by W. C. Brocklesby. — University of Virginia, by the editors. — Lafayette, by F. A. March. — Wesleyan, by C. T. Winchester. — Oberlin, by J. H. Fairchild. — University of Michigan, by C. K Adams. — The Naval Academy, by the editors. — Vassar, by T. J. Backus. — Cornell, by the editors. Ross, A. R. Public libraries in the United States designed by [him]. New York. 1906. 29 plates. *6i9oa.225 Saint Louis Architectural Club. Annual ex- hibition [1899, 1900, 1902]. Illustrated catalogue. St. Louis. 1899-1902. 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4092.3i Saylor, H. H., editor. Inexpensive homes of individuality. Photographs and floor plans illustrating certain of America's best country and suburban homes of moderate size. New edition. New York. 1912. 8105.59 Schuyler, M. American architecture. Studies. New York. 1892. Illus. 4102.60 The works of the late Richard M. Hunt. Illus. Plates. {In The Architectural Record. Vol. 5» PP- 97-i8o. New York. 1895.) *4090.273.5 Singleton, E., compiler. Historic buildings of America as seen and described by fa- mous writers. New York. 1906. Plates. 4097.170 Smith, F. W. A design and prospectus for a national gallery of history and art at Washington. [Washington. 1891.] Plates. Plans. 4091.87 Smithmeyer, J. L. Our architecture and its defects. A critical essay: prepared for the Association of Architects of Wash- ington, D. C, and delivered there Dec. 22, 1879. Washington, D.C. 1880. 8098.5 Soderholtz, E. E. Colonial architecture and furniture. Boston. [1895.] 60 plates. *8ioo.76 Soule, C. C. Modern library buildings. [With supplementary photographs and plans showing recently erected libraries in the United States, or competitive de- signs therefor. Boston. 1902?] *6igo.ii7 From the Architectural Review for January, 1902 [*4I02.20S.9]. Stevens, J. C, and A. W. Cobb. Examples of American domestic architecture. New York. 1889. 59 plates. *8i03.i5 Stevens, J. L., and W. B. Oleson. Pictur- esque Hawaii. Philadelphia. 1894. Text, I v.; Atlas, 82 plates. *Cab.23.62.3 Only a small portion of the plates show archi- tectural subjects. Stoddard, J. L. Famous parks and public buildings of America. [Views, with notes.] New York. 1899. *436oa.ii2 Terhune, M. V. (Marion Harland.) Colo- nial homesteads and their stories. New York. 1912. 2 V. in i. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Coats of arms. 4366.149 Some colonial homesteads and their stories. New York. 1897. Plates. 4366.147 T Square Club, Philadelphia. American competitions. Compiled by A. B. Lacey. [Philadelphia. i907,]o8. 2 v. Plates. ♦4090. 1 88 A collection of designs for various buildings by American architects. Catalogue of the annual architectural ex- hibition. See American Institute of Architects. Philadelphia Chapter. United States. Architect of the United States Capitol. Report to the Secretary of the Interior, [for the year ending Nov. I,] 1863-72; [ending June 30,] 1873, 78, 80-92, 94-1901. Washington. 1864- 1901. 32 V. in 6. Plates. Plans. *8o95.65 United States. Supervising Architect. An- nual report for the year ending Sept., 1869-98, 1908, 09. Washington. 1869- 1909. 27 V. Illus. Folded plates. *8oq5.9 United States. Treasury Department. A his- tory of public buildings under the con- trol of the Department. [Exclusive of marine hospitals and quarantine sta- tions.] Washington. 1901. Plates. *8092.I20 Plans of public buildings in course of con- struction under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, including specifications. [Washington.] 1856. *Cab.6o.40.i Van Rensselaer, M. G. Henry Hobson Richardson and his works. Boston. 1888. Plates. *8ioo.22 UNITED STATES AND CANADA 213 Vogel, F. R. Das amerikanische Haus. Band i. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plans. Contents. — x. Entwicklung. *8l03.io6 Wallis, F. E. American architecture, deco- ration and furniture of the eighteenth century. New York. [1896.] 52 plates. *4090.35 Old colonial architecture and furniture. Boston. 1887. 60 plates. *8i03.68 Washington Architectural Club. Catalogue of the 4th, 8th exhibition. [Philadel- phia. 1904, II.] 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o74.278 Waterhouse, P. L. The story of the art of building. With an account of architec- ture in America. New York. 1901. Illus. [The library of useful stories.] 40993.117 Selected list of books, p. 210. Yeigh, F, Ontario's parliament buildings; or, a century of legislation. 1 792-1892. A historical sketch. Toronto. 1893. Plates. *43i2.i76 New England. Ames, R. C. B. Langwater. Estate of Mrs. Frederick L. Ames, North Easton, Mass. Photographed by N. L. Stebbins. 17 photographs. Mounted. *L.6i.35 Art work of Boston. [Boston.] 1891. 66 plates. *445o.ii6 A collection of views in Boston and vicinity, with a short descriptive text. Art work of Providence. Chicago. 1896. 56 plates. *4090.i24 The plates are views in and about the city. Bangs, E. M. An historic mansion: the Wadsworth-Longfellow house, Port- land. Portland, Maine. 1903. Plates. 4435.246 Reprinted from the New England Magazine, February, 1903 C*S322.55.33]- Barker, A. A., and W. B. Nourse. Illustra- tions of a few buildings erected from designs by Barker and Nourse, archi- tects, Worcester, Mass. [Worcester? 1898.] Plates. 4095.78 Baxter, S. The Hotel Cluny of a New England village [the Whipple House, Ipswich, Mass.] by S. Baxter, and An old Ipswich house by W. H. Downes. Salem. 1901. Plates. [Ipswich His- torical Society.] *4354-i63-io; *Artz Cab.'i5.2 Blaney, H. R. Old Boston. Reproductions of etchings in half tone [with text]. Boston. 1896. 35 plates. 435oa.i93 Boston, Mass. [Business houses, residences, and other buildings. Boston. 185-?] A portfolio of plates. *Cab.23.50.4 [Collection of miscellaneous views of streets, buildings, etc., in Boston, about 1860-1875.] 2 v. *Cab.23.25.6 [Collection of photographic views. Bos- ton. 1894.] 273 photographs. *Cab.23.6o.i Contents. — i. General and street views. 2. Pub- lic grounds and monuments. 3. Historic and public buildings. 4. Churches. Boston, Mass. (Continued.) [Collection of photographs of views in Boston, used as illustrations in the Globe. Boston. 190-?] 37 photographs. *Cab.23.6i.2 [Old Boston. Collection of views, maps, photographs . . . etc. Boston. 190-?] 5 V. *Cab.23.58.i Contents. — x. Old houses, a. Street views and maps. 3. Historic views and facsimiles. 4. Churches. 5. Suburbs. Shawmut Bank building. Congress, Devonshire and Water streets. Wins- low & Bigelow, architects. Boston. [1905.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i39.8 [Views of buildings, etc., in Boston. A collection of photographs and prints. Boston. i85-?-i87-?] *Cab.23.6Q.2 Views of the State House and from its dome, etc. 26 photographs. *Cab. 23.23.8 Views of Tremont Street and Church Street district. 27 photographs. *Cab.23.23.7 Boston. Architect Department. Annual report. 1891-94. Boston. 1892-95. 4 v. Plates. Plans. *4454.230 Plans submitted with report on additional accommodation for municipal depart- ments, Boston. [1892?] 14 plans. ♦8090.32 Boston. Board of Schoolhouse Commis- sioners. Annual report, ist, 1903, to date. Boston. Illus. Plates. Plans. *6349.20 Boston. Commissioners on the erection of a new court house. Plans of the new court house for Suffolk County, Mass. George A. Clough, architect. [Boston. 1886.] 4 plans. *8o8oa.30 Boston Souvenir View Book Company, pub- lishers. Glimpses of historic Boston. Containing about 160 views, including Cambridge, Lexington, Concord. Bos- ton. [1905.] 2356.131 Bradlee, N. J. Eleven plans for two houses for Moses Grant. Boston. 1856. 11 plans. No. 2 in *Cab.6o,82.4 Bryant, G. J. F. Ten plans of buildings to be erected on the corner of Union and Friend streets, Boston. Also agreement for the erection of said building. [Bos- ton.] 1857. *Cab.6o.82.4 Cambridge, Mass. First Parish and First Church in Cambridge (1636). In the matter of a new meeting-house. Ad- dress to members of the parish. Stone vs. brick. Gothic vs. Colonial. Boston. 1900. Plates. Plan. *755i.i3i Chamberlain, N. H. A paper on New-Eng- land architecture, etc. Boston. 1858. 8097.21; No. 3 in *4435-5 Channing Home, Boston. Channing Home, Longwood, Mass. [Plans of new build- ing.] Boston. 1906. *Cab.6o.i52.8 Chester, A. H. Trinity Church in the City of Boston. An historical and descrip- tive account. With a guide to its win- dows and paintings. [2d edition.] Cam- bridge. 1888. Plates. *4io8.6i ! 214 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Cobb, D. Old landmarks of Boston. [Bos- ton. 190-?] 6 etchings, with descriptive text. *Cab.23.i4.9 Contents. — Homestead of Paul Revere. — Fos- ter Street. — Christ (North) Church, — Mar- shall House. — Sun-Court Street. — Old house on Prince Street. Comer, J. M., and E. E. Soderholtz. Exarn- ples of domestic colonial architecture in New England. Boston. 1891. 50 plates. *8ioi.55 Cupples, J. G. Exterior and interior views, taken in 1883, of the Old Corner book- store. [Boston. 1883.] 6 photographs. *4090.95 Damrell, C. S. A half century of Boston's building. The construction of buildings, the enactment of building laws and ordi- nances [etc.! . . . Boston. 1895. Illus. Portraits. Plates. 4451. 141 Daughters of the American Revolution. Old Colony Chapter. Hingham: a story of its early settlement and life, its ancient landmarks, its historic sites and build- ings. [Hingham?] 191 1. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. 2357-24 Decrow, W. E. Yale University. New Haven. 1892. Plates. 4494-177 Same. [1896.] 4494.219 Dorchester, Mass. All Saints' Church. De- scription of the proposed church. Bos- ton. [1892.] Plates. Plan. 8096.104 Drake, S. A. Historic mansions and high- ways around Boston. Boston. 1900. Illus. Plan. 2359.120; Z,2om 1.9 A new edition of Old landmarks and historic fields of Middlesex [23 59.99 J. Another edition is entitled Historic fields and mansions of Mid- dlesex [23S9-S7]- Our colonial homes. Boston. 1894. Illus. Plates. 435I-I" Edinburgh, The. [Apartment hotel. Bos- ton. 187-?] Plates. Plans. 8090.56 Equitable Life Assurance Society. Plans, and descrintion of the Equitable Building, Boston. New York. [1875.] Plate. 10 plans. *4450.23 Francis, G. B. The South terminal station, Boston, Mass. [New York. 1900.! Plates. Plans. 7658.221 Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Dec. 1899 [*4oioa.- 268.25]. Gumey, C. S. Portsmouth [New Hamp- shire] : historic and picturesque. Ports- mouth. 1902. Plates. Maps. 4436.233 Hale, A. Old Newburyport houses. Boston. [1912.] 68 plates. *8i02.52 Each plate is accompanied by an unnumbered page of descriptive text. Hale, E. E. Picturesque Massachusetts. Boston. [1899.] Plates. [Picturesque and architectural New England. Vol. 2.] *Cab.6o.Toi.82 Contains views of natural scenery and country estates. Halliday Historic Photograph Company. [Historic houses. A collection of mounted photographs of old houses in New England, mostly in eastern Massa- Halliday Photograph Company. (Continued.) chusetts. Bostoji. 190-?] 5 v. " --^ *Cab.23.59.i Contents. — 1-4. Massachusetts. 5. Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut. [Old houses of Salem, Mass. Salem. 190-?] 83 photographs. *Cab.23.64.i Exterior and interior views. Harvard College. Medical School Building, Boylston Street. [Floor plans and ele- vations. Main building, V/are & Van Brunt, architects, dedicated 1883. Sears Laboratory Building, J. L. Whitney, architect. Boston. 1902.] 8 blue prints. *Cab.6o.i39.7 Historic houses in New England. 49 photo- graphs. *8i02.33 [Historic houses in New England. Collec- tion of photographs taken to illustrate historic articles in the Boston Globe. Boston. 190-?] 37 photographs. *Cab.23.6i.2 Hotel Huntington, Boston. [Geo. F. Mea- cham, architect.] Boston. [187-^] 7 plans. *8o9oa.4o Howe, L. L., and C. Fuller. Details from old New England houses. New York. 1913. 50 plates. *8i02.54 Hunnewell, H. H. Hunnewell estate, Wel- lesley, Mass. 16. photographs. *L.7o.i Isham, N. M., and A. F. Brown. Early Con- necticut houses: a historical and archi- tectural study. Providence. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plan. *8i02.42 Early Rhode Island houses. Providence. 1895. Plates. Plans. *4i02.7i Jones, A. L. Under colonial roofs. Boston. 1894. 40 plates. *445i.i22 These houses are all in Massachusetts. King, M. King's Boston views. Boston. 1895. *4450.i35 Kingsley, W. L. Yale College: a sketch of its history. New York. 1879. 2 v. Plates. *449o.io5 Leahy, W. A. The catholic churches of Boston and its vicinity, and St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Boston. 1892. 39 plates with descriptive text. *445oa.ii9 Little, A. Early New England interiors. Sketches in Salem, Marblehead, Ports- mouth and Kittery. Boston. 1878. 36 plates. *8iooa.2;**K.6oa.i4 Luce, W. B. Picturesque studies in Boston. [Views.] Boston. 7 photographs. *Cab.23.47.2 Mason, G. C. Newport and its cottages. Boston. [1875.] Plates. *446o.i8 Massachusetts. Board of Education. Re- port of the general agent on the condition of the schoolhouses in the Commonwealth, and giving plans and descriptions of school-houses suitable for country towns and villages. Boston. 1873- 8092.9 Massachusetts. Free Public Library Com- mission. Report. 1st, 1891 to date. Bos- ton. Illus. *6i4oa.95 Massachusetts. General Court. Reports. State House. Perspective views and NEW ENGLAND 215 Massachusetts. (Continued.) plans of the State House and grounds, showing possible extensions suggested by the Committee on State House, con- tained in their report printed as Senate Document no. 285, Massachusetts Legis- lature. 1899. [Boston. 1899.] Plates. Plans. *8o90.34 Senate. Report of the Commissioners for the enlargement of the State House. [Boston. 1854.] 17 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.6 Also Report and plans by G. J. F. Bryant. Same. Plans only. 8093.78 Massachusetts Building, 60 State Street, Boston, Mass. [Boston. 189-?] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i33.2 Monographs of American architecture. Is- sued in connection with the American Architect and Building News. Boston. 1886-98. 5 V. Plates. *8ioo.7i Contents. — i. Austin Hall, Harvard Law School. a. State Capitol, Hartford. 3. Ames Memorial Building, North Easton, Mass. 4. Memorial Hall, Harvard University. 5. Trinity Church, Boston. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Communica- tions to the Trustees [regarding the new building. i-]4. March, December 1904, January 1905, 06. [Boston.] 1904-05. 4 V. Plates. Plans. *8o74.30i Report on plans presented to the Building Committee. By R. C. Sturgis. [Bos- ton.] 1905. Plate. Plans. Diagrams. ♦4097.182 Perkins, M. E. Old houses of the antient town of Norwich. Norwich, Conn. 1895. Illus. *443i.66 Pettigrove, F. C. An account of the prisons of Massachusetts. Prepared for the Massachusetts Board of Managers for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Boston. 1904. Plates. 5573.152 Picturesque and architectural New England. Boston. [1899.] 2 V. Tllus. Plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.8 Contents. — x. Architecture in New England: Architectural features, by H. L. Warren; The Longfellow house, by E. M. Bacon; Picturesque estates and country seats, by E. M. Bacon. 2. Picturesque Massachusetts, by E. E. Hale. Porter, E. G. Rambles in old Boston. Bos- ton. 1887. Plates. *445i.59 Richardson, H. H. University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Burling- ton. The Billings library. H. H. Richardson, architect. Boston. [1894.] 15 plates. *Cab.6o.96.4 Roe, A. S. The Massachusetts State House; a sketch. Worcester. 1899. Plates. 4459.143 Salem, Mass. Old houses of Salem. 83 photographs. *Cab.23.64.i Shaw, E. Proposed plan of a custom house in Boston, drawn 8 feet to an inch. Manuscript. Boston. 1837. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i29.3 fun, G. W. Grace Church, Newton: its architecture and adornments. Boston. 1875. Plate. No. 9 in *4455.72 Small, H., compiler. Handbook of the new Public Library in Boston. Boston. 1895. Illus. 6203.60 Same. Plates. 6203.69 Same. 1908. 6203.94 Same. [1913-] Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦6203.93 Same. Revised by T. T. Bouve. 1899. Illus. 6203.76 Same. 1903. Plates. 6203.82 Smith, F. M. Boston through the photo- graphic camera: Commonwealth Avenue and its residences. Boston. [187-?] 29 photographs. *445o.i38 State Street Trust Company. [Forty of Boston's historic houses. Boston. 1912.] (41) plates, mounted in portfolio. 4097.171 ; *Cab.23.69.io Sturgis, R. C. Architecture of Portsmouth [New Hampshire]. Plates. (In The Portsmouth book. Pp. 5-8. Boston. [1898.]) 4430.163 Tolman, G. R. [Twelve sketches of old Bos- ton houses. With explanatory notes. Boston? 1882?] Photolithographs. *445o.39 Union Club, Boston. Plans of additions. [Boston. 1890.] 6 plans. Plate. 8094.47 Vaille, F. O., and H. A. Clark. The Harvard book. Cambridge. 1875. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *438o.3 Ware Hall, Cambridge. [Description and plans. Cambridge. 1894.] 8097.23 Warren Chambers, Boston, Mass. [Descrip- tion and plans. Boston. 1896?] 4095.28 Wheelwright, E. M. Municipal architecture in Boston. Edited by F. W. Chandler. Boston. 1898. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.i33.i Contents. — i. Schoolhouse architecture. 2. Hos- pitals, institutional and miscellaneous buildings. White, G. M. Salem etchings. Series i. Salem. [1886.] 10 plates. [Essex Insti- tute. Publications.] *445oa.69 Whitefield, E. Homes of our forefathers in Boston, Old England, and Boston, New England. Boston [Mass.]. 1889. Col- ored plates. *8io2.45 Same. [Enlarged edition.] *8i02.39 The homes of our forefathers in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Read- ing, Mass. 1886. Plates. *8io2.46 The homes of our forefathers in Massa- chusetts. Boston. 1879. Plates *8i02.47 Same. New edition. 1892. *8io2.48 This edition lacks 41 plates which appear in the edition of 1879 and contains 26 new plates. The homes of our forefathers in Rhode Island and Connecticut. Boston. 1882. Plates. *8i02.5i;*8io2.4g Wight, C. A. Some old time meeting houses of the Connecticut Valley. Chicopee Falls, Mass. 191 1. Portraits. Plates. 4357-149 Worth, H. B. The development of the New England dwelling house. Read before the Lynn Historical Society, March 10, 1910. Lynn. 191 1. Illus. 8107.3a From Volume 14 of the Register of the Society. 15 216 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Young, A. B. New Custom House, Boston. [Plans and sections.] Boston. 1840. ♦8080.46 New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Albany, New York. Capitol. [A collection of^ 15 photogravures illustrating the principal interior details. New York. 1891.] *8o95.i03 Albro, L. C, and H. T. Lindeberg. Domes- tic architecture. New York. 1912. Plates. ♦8104.20 The illustrations are mostly of country houses in New York. American Architect and Building News. The. The New York Public Library. [A description of the new building. New York. 1907.] Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦6190.130 Cut from The American Architect and Building Ne\\s,> Nov. 3, 1907 [*4097.205.92]. American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, New York. Suggested plan for a building. New York. 1906. Plate. Plans. 4095.166 Bryn Mawr College. Academic buildings and halls of residence.. Plans and descrip- tions. [Bryn Mawr.] 1907. Plates. Plans. 4093.142 Burrowes, T. H. Pennsylvania school architecture. A manual of directions and plans for grading, locating, con- structing, heating, ventilating and fur- nishing common school houses. Har- risburg. 1855. Illus. Colored plate. Plans. 4102.31 Caffin, C. H. Handbook of the new Capitol of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pa. 1906. Illus. Portraits. Plans. 2372.124 Gary, H. J. Description of the new Capitol at Albany, N. Y. Albany. [189-?] Plate. 4473.128 Chandler, J. E. The colonial architecture of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Boston. 1882. so plates. ♦SoSoa.ie Disosway, G. P. The earliest churches in New York and its vicinity. New York. 1865. Plates. *554i.75 Ditmas, C. A. Brooklyn's garden: views of picturesque Flatbush. [Brooklyn. 1908.] 24 colored plates. ♦L.53.121 Mostly examples of domestic architecture. Historic homesteads of Kings County [N. Y.]. 1st edition , . . Brooklyn. 1909. Colored plates. ♦4470.150 Bibliography, p. 113. Eberlein, H. D., and H. M. Lippincott. The colonial homes of Philadelphia and its neighbourhood. Philadelphia. 1912. Plates. Vignette. 8102.35 Bibliography, pp. 255, 256. Egle, W. H. Art work of Harrisburg. Chi- cago. 1892. (70) plates. ♦4470.134 Mostly plates illustrating buildings, etc., with descriptive text. Equitable Life Assurance Society, New York City. Description of the new Equitable Building. New York. 1887. Illus. Plates. ♦Cab.60.106.7 Goforth, W. D., and W. J. McAuley. Old colonial architectural details in and around Philadelphia. New York. 1890. 50 plates. ^8090.79 Hebert, M. On the Hudson. Hommage clas- sique aux maitres de la renaissance frangaise. [New York. 1905.] 48 plates, and facsimiles. 409oa.ii3 The residence of Charles M. Schwab. MacCracken, H. M. The Hall of Fame. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. 4484.121 New York, City. View, elevations, sections and floor plans of the Public Library. Carrere & Hastings, architects. [New York. 1897.] ♦Cab.2i.io.6 Court House Board. Competition for the New York Court House. New York. 1913. 88 plates. ♦Cab.60.196.1 New York, State. Department of Public In- struction. Recent school architecture. Selected reprints from the Annual re- ports of C. R. Skinner, State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. New York. 1897. Plates. Plans. ♦8092.130 Palmer, R. M., publisher. Palmer's Views of Pittsburgh and -environs. Pittsburgh. 1903. Plates. 4370.128 Pennsylvania Hall, Philadelphia. [Plaster model.] ♦♦Cab.G.3.95 This model is somewhat broken and defaced. Princeton book. The. Sketches pertaining to the College of New Jersey. Boston. 1879. Plates. ♦2380.11 Richards, J. Quaint old Germantown in Pennsylvania. Former landmarks of Germantown and vicinity. Collated and annotated by J. F. Sachse. Philadelphia. 1913. Portrait. 60 plates. ♦8102.53 Richardson, H. H. Description of drawings for the proposed new county buildings for Allegheny County, Penn. Boston. 1884. Illus. Plates. ♦8102.24 Sage Foundation Homes Company, New York, publishers. Forest Hills Gardens. New York. 1912. 24 plates. 4092.326 A collection of illustrations and plans of houses. Schenk, C, editor. The Dewey arch and its details. 12 gelatine plates. New York. [1899.] *409o.iio Semsch, O. F. A history of the Singer Build- ing construction. New York. 1908. Plates. Plans. 409oa.i35 [Seventy-two photographs of colonial archi- tecture in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia.] 2 v. ♦Cab.60.153.1 Shinn, E. Mr. Vanderbilt's house and col- lection, described by Edward Strahan [pseud.]. Boston. [1883-84.] 4 v. Illus. Plates. *Cab.8o.269.i There are lacking nine plates and pages 103 and 104. Some of the plates are colored. Smith, F. W. Catalogue of the Pompeia: a reproduction of the house of Pansa at Pompeii. Saratoga Springs. [1890.] Illus. Plans. 2737.57 Handbook of the Pompeia. Saratoga Springs. [1894.] Plates. Plan. 2737.59 The Pompeia. Saratoga Springs. 1889. Plan. 2737.58 United States. Supervising Architect. [32 working drawings for the United States NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY 217 United States. (Continued.) Court House and Post Office, New York. Washington. N. d.] Plates. *Cab.6o.99.4 Wallace, S. B., photographer. Old Phila- delphia: colonial architecture of the eighteenth century. Independence Hall, built in 1732. . . . (17) plates. (In American Institute of Architects, Phila- delphia Chapter. Year book, 19th, . . . [Philadelphia. I9I3-]) *4092.7o.i9i3 Westcott, T. The historic mansions and buildings of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. [1877.] Plates. *237oa.6o Whittemore, H., compiler. Homes on the Hudson: historical, illustrative, descrip- tive. New York. [1895?] 73 plates. *Cab.23.66.8 Wilde, E. S. The New York City Hall. [New York. 1893.] Illus. 4472.126 Wise, H. C, and H. F. Beidleman. Colonial architecture for those about to build: being the best examples, domestic, muni- cipal and institutional, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Philadelphia. 1913. Plates. 8102.55 Central and Southern States. Beesley, C. N. Beesley's Illustrated guide to St. Michael's Church, Charleston, South Carolina. [Charleston. 1898.] 4378.186 Chandler, J. E. The colonial architecture of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. ^ Boston. 1882. 50 plates. *8o8oa.i6 Chicago, Illinois. [Views of various club buildings in the city.] 15 plates. *8o8o.62 Cotton, F. A. Education in Indiana. An outline of the growth of the common school system. Prepared for the Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition. Indianapolis. 1904. Illus. Plates. 3596.224 Crane, E. A., and E. E. Soderholtz. Charles- ton, S. C, and Savannah, Ga. Examples of colonial architecture. New York. 1895. 52 plates. *8i02.32 Davies, T. F. A brief appeal in aid of the memorial to S. S. Harris, 2d Bishop of Michigan. With a description of the proposed church [St. Andrew's]. De- troit. 1894. Plates. Plan. 8096.103 Freitag, J. K. Architectural engineering, with special reference to high building construction. Including many examples of Chicago office buildings. New York. 1895. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8093.30 Same. 2d edition. 8093.41 Indiana. State Soldiers Home. Prospectus, showing plans of buildings, views of grounds and surroundings. 1895. La Fayette. [1895.] Plates. Plan. *5578.io8 Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Views of the college park and buildings. [Gam- bier?] 1910. Plates. [Bulletin.] 4492.79 Mead, E. C. Historic homes of the south- west mountains, Virginia. Philadelphia. 1899. Plates. Map. 4476.76 Minneapolis, Minnesota. Board of Court House and City Hall Commissioners. A history of the Municipal building of the Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Continued.) City of Minneapolis and the County of Hennepin. 1887-1909. A final report. [Minneapolis. 1910.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *409oa.i36 Sale, E. T. Manors of Virginia in colonial times. Philadelphia. 1909. Portraits. Plates. Coats of arms. 8102.43 Seventy-two photographs of colonial archi- tecture in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia.] 2 v. *Cab.6o.i53.i University of Illinois. Lincoln Hall. [Ur- bana? 1913?] Portrait. Plates. 4097.40 White, M. A. Book of the western suburbs: homes, gardens, landscapes, highv.^ays and byways past and present. Chicago. 1912. Illus. Plates. Vignette. 4092.307 Wisconsin. Free Library Commission. Some Wisconsin library buildings. Madison. 1904. 32 plates. 6i9oa.i36 Western States. Blackmar, F. W. Spanish institutions of the South-west. Baltimore. 1891. Plates. 4312.126 Carter, C. F. The missions of Nueva Cali- fornia. San Francisco. 1900. Illus. Plates. 3531-12 Fewkes, J. W. Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Cliff palace. Washington. 191 1. Plates. [Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bul- letin. SI.] *436o.66.5i Same. Spruce-tree house. Washington. 1909. Illus. Plates. [Bulletin. 41.] ♦4360.66.41 Antiquities of the upper Verde River and Walnut Creek Valleys, Arizona. Plates. Plans. {In Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Annual report, 28, pp. 181-220. Washington. 1912.) *4490.9.28 Archeological expedition to Arizona in 1895. Illus. Plates. (In Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. An- nual report, 17, part 2, pp. 527-742. Washington. 1898.) *4490.ii.i7.2 Casa Grande, Arizona. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Annual report, 28, pp. 25-179. Washington. 1912.) *4490.9.28 Frost, M., and P. A. F. Walter. The land of sunshine. A handbook of the resources [etc.] of New Mexico. Published by authority of the New Mexico Board of Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Santa Fe. 1904. Illus. Plates. The plates show many private and public btxim- ings in New Mexico. Hewett, E. L. Antiquities of the Jemez Pla- teau, New Mexico. Washington. 1906. Plates. [Smithsonian Institution. Bu- reau of Ethnology. Bulletin. 32.] ♦4360.66.32 Circular relating to historic and prehisto- ric ruins of the Southwest and their 218 ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRIES Hewett, E. L. (Continued.) preservation. [New edition,] Washing- ton. 1904. 6 plates. [United States. General Land Office.] 4364.29 Hildrup, J. S. The missions of California and the old Southwest. Chicago. 1907. Plates. 3531.24 Holmes, W. H. A notice of the ancient re- mains of Southwestern Colorado, exam- ined during the summer of 1875. Wash- ington. 1876. Plates. No. i in *4464.65 Extracted from Bulletin of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Vol. 2 [•7872.53.2]. Hudson, W. H. The famous missions of California. New York. [1901.] Plates. *353i.i4 Jackson, W. H. A notice of the ancient ruins in Arizona and Utah lying about the Rio San Juan. Washington. 1876. Plates. No. 2 in *4464.6,«; Extracted from Bulletin of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Vol. 2 [♦7872. 53-2] • James, G. W. In and out of the old missions of California. An historical and picto- rial account of the Franciscan missions. Boston. 1905. Plates. 3531.20 The old Franciscan missions of Cali- fornia. Boston. 1913. Plates. 3539.121 Jones, W. C. .Illustrated history of the Uni- versity of California. San Francisco. 1895. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4490.i09 Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Los Angeles and vicinity. [Los Angeles. 1904.] 100 plates. *4472.203 A collection of views. There is no text. Menken, H. Bungalowcraft. Illustrated with half-tone and line engravings of the charming bungalows of Los Angeles, Pasadena and the adjacent towns. Los Angeles. 1908. Plates. Plans. 8108.27 Homes, not houses. California bungalow homes. (Second edition of Bungalow- craft.) Los Angeles. 1910. 8108.29 Miller, J. The Montezuma Castle repair ex- pedition. Columbus. 1897. Illus. 4462.152 Mindeleff, C. Aboriginal remains in Verde Valley, Arizona. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. (In Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Annual report, 13, PP- 179-261. Washington. 1896.) *4490.9.i3 Casa Grande ruin. Plates. Maps. Plans. (I7t Same. Pp. 289-319. Washington. 1896.) *4490.9.i3 The cliff ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Ari- zona. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. (In Same. Annual report, 16, pp. 73-198. Washington. 1897.) *4490.9.i6 Navaho houses. Illus. Plates. Map. (In Same. Annual report, 17, part 2, pp. 469- 517. Washington. 1898.) *4490.ii.i7, part2 The repair of Casa Grande ruin, Arizona, in 1891. Plates. Map. Plans. (In Same. Annual report, 15, pp. 315-349. Wash- ington. 1897-) .^ ^=4490.9^5 Mindeleff, V. A study of pueblo architec- ture; Tusayan and Cibola. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Annual report, 8, pp. 3-228. Washington. 1891.) ♦4490.9.8 Old missions, California. San Francisco. 1893. 2 parts. Plates. 44793.162 Price, B. A large country house [at San Mateo, Cal.] New York. [1887.] Plates. Plans. 8103.65 Smyth, E. L. The missions of California. Chicago. 1899. Plates. *4ioi.75 United States. Interior Department. Office of the Secretary. General information regarding Casa Grande ruin, Arizona. [Washington. 1913.] Plans. *4369.258 Wilson, H. L. The bungalow book. 4th edi- tion. Los Angeles. [1908,] Plates. Plans. 8108.30 Drawings of bungalows which have been built in California. "Ye planry" bungalows. A book containing many new and attractive types of Cali- fornia homes, 4th edition. Los An- geles. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8108.32 From the Antiquarian, September, 1897. Illustrations of Architecture. Amphitheatres. See also Classic Architecture; Theatres. Alvino, F. Anfiteatro Campano. 3a edizione. Napoli. 1842. 16 plates. *Cab.27.i6.4 Burgess, R. Description of the circus on the Via Appia, near Rome. London. 1828. Plates. 2736.12 Fontana, C. L'anfiteatro Flavio. Nell' Haia. 1725. Plates. **G.3oa.6 Guadet, J. £tude sur la construction & la disposition du Colisee, amphitheatre Flavien. Paris. 1878. 12 plates. *Cab.49.ii.i Lipsius, J. Ivsti Lipsi De amphitheatris qvse extra Romam libellus. In quo formae eorum aliquot & typi. (In his De amphi- theatro liber. Pp. 57-77. Antverpiae. M.D.xcviii.) No. 2 in 2921.20 Same. (In Same. Editio vltima. m.dc.xxi.) *2920.i3.5 Maffei, F. S., Marchese. A compleat history of the ancient amphitheatres. More peculiarly regarding the architecture of those buildings, and in particular that of Verona. Made English by A. Gordon. London. 1730. Plates. **T.77.i4 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. [i735?l **T.77.i5 AMPHITHEATRES 219 Worth, H. B. (Continued.) Degli anfiteatri di Francia. Plate. (In his Opere [pubblicate da Andrea Rubbi]. Vol. 20, pp. 243-320. Venezia. 1790.) *2796.4.20 Degli anfiteatri e singolarmente del Vero- nese. In Verona. I73i- Plates. Plans. [Verona illustrata. Parte 4.] ** Adams 180. 1.4 Same. [Abridged.] (In his Verona illus- trata. Parte i, pp. 109-176. Verona. 1771) *4765.56.i Same. (In his Opere [pubblicate da Andrea Rubbi]. Vol. 10, 11, pp. 5-59- Venezia. 1790.) *2769.4.io, 11 Same. Milano. 1826. [Verona illustrata. Parte 5-] *28o4.5o.5 Manni, D. M. Notizie storiche intorno al Parlagio ovvero anfiteatro di Firenze. In Bologna. MDCCXLVI. **T.74.2o Nibby, A. Del circo volgarmente detto di Caracalla. Roma. 1825. Folded plan. 2751.80 Del Foro Romano, della Via sacra, dell* anfiteatro Flavio e de* luoghi adjacenti. Roma. 1819. Plans. *2737.9 Panvinio, O. De Ivdis circensibvs libri 11. De trivmphis liber vnvs. Venetiis. 1600. 107 plates. *4940-9 Parker, J. H. The Flavian amphitheatre, commonly called the Colosseum at Rome. Oxford. 1876. Plates. 2754.6.7 Pelet, A. Description de Tamphitheatre de Nimes. Nimes. 1853. Plates. Plans. 4094.102 Ricci, S. II teatro romano di Verona. Vene- zia. 1895. Plates. [Regia deputazione veneta di storia patria. Miscellanea.] No. I in *27ioa.50.ser.2, v.3 Rucca, G. Capua vetere, o sia descrizione di tutti i monumenti di Capua antica, e particolarmente del sue nobilissimo anfiteatro. Napoli. 1828. Plates. 2738.25 Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. Les arenes de 1^ Lutece: Conference ... a la session de fc 1873 du Congres des architectes fran- H^ Qais. Paris. 1875. Plates. Plans. ^^m 2631.62 ^^^ Reprinted from Annales de la Societe cetitrale des architectes, ser. i, vol. i. 1874. Stancovitch, P. Dello anfiteatro di Pola. Venezia. 1822. 7 plates. *2758.68 Wells, C. L. The amphitheatres of ancient Rome. Boston. [1883.] 14 plates. 2752.57 Another copy may be found on shelf-number •*T.95.79. Asylums, Hospitals, Etc. American Architect. Modern hospitals: a series of authoritative articles on plan- ning details and equipment, as exempli- fied by the best practice in this country and Europe. New York. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.193 Atkinson, W. Suggestions for hospital ar- chitecture, with plans for a small hospi- I Atkinson, W. (Continued.) tal. 9 plans. (In Worcester, A. Small hospitals. Pp. 89-114. New York. 1894.) No. 2 in 3768.141 Behnke, G. Anstalten fiir Schwachsinnige. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 5, Heft 2, pp. 96-104. Darmstadt. 1891.) *8o92.52.5.2 Literatur, p. 104. Heimstatten fur Genesende. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 5, Heft 2, pp. 72-77. Darm- stadt. 1891.) *8o92.52.5.2 Literatur, p. 77. Sonstige Versorgungs-, Pflege- und Zu- fluchtshauser. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 5, Heft 2, pp. 105-154. Darmstadt. 1891.) ♦8092.52.5.2 Bell, L. V. Design for the "Butler Hospital for the Insane" at Providence. [Provi- dence. 184-?] Plan. 8094.108 Bibby, G. H. Asylum construction and ar- rangement. London. [1894.] 8o99a.ioi Billings, J. S. Description of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore. 1890. 56 plates. [Johns Hopkins Hospital. Pub- lications.] *576o.28 Notes on hospital construction. (In Ameri- can Public Health Association. Reports. Vol. 2, pp. 384-388. New York. 1876.) *3762.5i.2 Report on heating and ventilation: pre- pared for the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Balti- more. [1878.] 8093.84 Boston, Mass. City Hospital. A history of the Boston City Hospital from its foun- dation until 1904. Boston. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 5765-94 Bradlee, N. J. State lunatic hospital at Danvers, Massachusetts. [Three plans. Danvers?] 1875. *Cab.6o.6o.2 Brandt, L. A directory of institutions and societies dealing with tuberculosis in the United States and Canada. New York. 1904. Plates. Plans. [Charity Organi- zation Society of the City of New York.] *5767.2io Brown, F. H. General principles of hospital construction. Illus. Plans. (In Buck, A. H. Hygiene and public health. Vol. I, PP- 735-792. New York. 1879.) Bibliography, pp. 787-792. ♦3764.69. 1 Bryant, G. J. F. Free City Hospital [Bos- ton]. Ground plan of first story. (In Boston. City documents. 1861. Vol. 2, no. 34. Boston. 1861.) *6356.i.i86i.2 Burdett, Sir H. C. The cottage hospital. London. 1877. Illus. 3767.65 Hospitals and asylums of the world; their origin, history, construction, etc. Lon- don. 1891,93. Text, 4 V. Illus.; Atlas, I V. *Cab.37.i8.i Vol. 2 treats of asylum construction, vol. 4, of hospital construction. Carrington, T. S. Tuberculosis hospital and sanatorium construction. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093-199 220 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Chandler, W. H. Hygiene and public chari- ties. Washington. 1893. Plates. Plans. *3764.ioi Reprinted from the Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Exposition 1889, Vol. 2 [*8o2i.iii.2; *8o2i.ii4.2]. Channing Home, Longwood, Mass. [Plans of new building.] Boston. 1906. Colored. *Cab.6o.i52.8 Clark, H. G. Outlines of a plan for a free city hospital [for Boston]. Boston. i860. Plates. Plan. 5796.9 Cowie, G. The history of Wyggeston's hos- pital, the hospital schools, and the old Free grammar school, Leicester. 1511- 1893, Leicester. 1893. Plates. 2493.141 Cowles, E. Description of the Boston City Hospital: its enlargement and recon- struction. Boston. 1877. Illus. Plans. *3764.58 Degen, L. Der Bau der Krankenhauser, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Venti- lation und Heizung. Miinchen. 1862. 10 tables. 3767.19 Demoget, A. £tude sur la construction des ambulances temporaires, suivie d'un essai sur Tapplication des baraquements a la construction des hopitaux civils per- manents. Paris. 1871. Illus. 3794-50 Depage, A., and others. La construction des hopitaux: etude critique. Par A. De- page, P. Vandervelde, V. Cheval. 2^ Edition. Bruxelles. 1912. Illus. Maps. Plans. Charts. Table. 4093.197 Dimier, L. L'Hotel des Invalides. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.108 Dogny, P. Histoire de THopital Saint- Louis depuis sa fondation jusqu* au xix^ siecle. Paris. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.195 Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children, Bos- ton. Trustees. Tentative plans of the Forsyth Dental Infirmary . . . [Boston. 191 1.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8092.131 France. Ministere de I'instruction publique. Devis pour la construction des salles d'asile, avec atlas de plans-modeles. Paris. 1861. Text, i v.; Atlas, 6 plans. 8090.19 Freeman, A. C. Hints on the planning of poor law buildings and mortuaries. Lon- don. [1912?] Plans. 4093.203 The planning of fever hospitals and disin- fecting and cleansing stations. London. [1909.] Illus. Plate. Plans. 4093.201 Freund, R., editor. Invalidenversicherung und Arbeiterwohlfahrt. Eine Festschrift aus Anlass des 25 jahrigen Jubilaums der deutschen Reichsversicherung. Heraus- gegeben von Elle, Freund, Liebrecht, von Schmid. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.37.40.i Funk, A. Entbindungs-Anstalten. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 5, Heft 2, pp. 60-72. Darmstadt. 1891.) *8o92.52.5.2 Literatur, pp. 71, 72. Irren-Anstalten. Illus. Plans. (In Hand- buch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb- Funk, A. (Continued.) Band 5, Heft 2, pp. 1-60. Darmstadt. 1891.) *8o92.52.5.2 Literatur, pp. 57-60. Galton, D. An address on the general prin- ciples which should be observed in the construction of hospitals, delivered to the British Medical Association. With the discussion which took place thereon. London. 1869. 5763.19 Healthy hospitals. Observations on some points connected with hospital construc- tion. Oxford. 1893. Illus. Plans. 3762.119 Report descriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Woolwich. Presented to both houses of Parliament. London. 1865. 32 folded plates. *579o.2o Gerhard, W. P. Final report on the new rain baths at the Utica State Hospital. [New York. 1894.] Plates. 7803.148 The plumbing, water supply and drainage of hospitals. [Albany. 1898.] 4014.122 Reprinted from the Albany Medical Annals, Vol. 19. 1898 i*7736.2i.ig]. The rain bath — ... a new method of bathing insane patients. [New York? 1895.] Plates. Plans. 7803.149 The rain-bath at the Utica State Hospital. New York. 1894. Plans. 7803.147 Reprinted from the Engineering Record, VoL 30, 31, 1894 [*8o92.20i.3o,3i]. Goecke, T. Sociale Aufgaben der Architek- tur. i: Die Architektur socialer Wohl- fahrts- Anstalten. Darmstadt. 1895. Illus. Plans. [Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur.] *8o9oa.i32.6 Green, J. City hospitals. Boston. 1861. Illus. 5792.55 Greve, M. Geleitwort zur Feier der Eroff- nung der Allgemeinen Krankenanstalten und der Akademie fiir praktische Medi- zin in Diisseldorf. Diisseldorf. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 5760.77 Heath, S. Old English houses of alms. A pictorial record. With architectural and historical notes. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8103.109 Henrici, C. Blinden-Anstalten. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 5, Heft 2, pp. 78-90. Darm- stadt. 1891.) *8o92.52.5.2 Taubstummen - Anstalten. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 5, Heft 2, pp. 90-96. Darm- stadt. 1891.) *8o92.52.5.2 Literatur, p. 96. Husson, J. C. A. fitude sur les hopitaux. Paris. 1862. 20 plans. [Paris. Adminis- ij tration generale de I'assistance pu- blique.] *8o90.64 j Illinois. Eastern Hospital for the Insane, Kankakee. Biennial report, ist-iith. Springfield. 1878-98. Map. Plates. Plans. Tables. 9362.277304 Indiana. State Soldiers Home. Prospectus, showing plans of buildings, views of grounds and surroundings. La Fayette. [1895.] Plates. Plan. *5578.io8! ASYLUMS, HOSPITALS, ETC. 221 International Congress of Chanties, Correc- tion and Philanthropy. Hospitals, dis- pensaries and nursing. Papers and dis- cussions in the International Congress, section 3, Chicago, June 12-17, 1893. Edited by John S. Billings and Henry M. Hurd. Baltimore. 1894. Plates. Plans. 3762.125 Jaquemet, H. Des hopitaux et des hospices. Paris. 1866. Plans. *576o.23 Johns Hopkins Hospital. Addresses at the opening of the Hospital. Baltimore. 1889. 3 plates. 2 plans. 3762.100 Hospital plans. Five essays relating to the construction ... of hospitals. New York. 1875. Plates. Plans. 3762.54 The essays are by J. S. Billings, N. Folsom, J. Jones, C. Morris, and S. Smith. Appended are two articles by J. R. Niernsee. Reports and papers relating to construc- tion and organization. No. 2, 4. Wash- ington [etc.]. 1876, 77. *5767.i92 [Sketch plans of the Johns Hopkins Hos- pital. Baltimore, 1877.] 14 plates. *Cab.6o.i54.5 Views of the Hospital. 8 photographs in I V. *8o94.iii Johnson, A. The almshouse. Construction and management. New York. 191 1. Plates. Plans. [Russell Sage Founda- tion.] 3563.316 Kirkbride, T. S. On the construction, or- ganization and general arrangement of hospitals for the insane. Philadelphia. 1854. Plans. 3800.57 Remarks on the construction and arrange- ments of hospitals for the insane. Phila- delphia. 1847. 2 plans. No. 14 in *5792.72 Klasen, L. Grundriss-Vorbilder von Ge- bauden fur Gesundheitspflege und Heil- anstalten. Leipzig. 1884. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4i03.58.4 Knauff, F. Das neue academische Kranken- haus in Heidelberg. Miinchen. 1879. Text, I V. Plates; Atlas, i v. *Cab.37.i9.i Kuehn, A., and H. Rohde, editors. Entwiirfe fiir Gast- und Logierhauser in Bade- und Luftkurorten. Leipzig. 1901. 26 plates. 4091.185 Kuhn, O. Krankenhauser. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band 5, Heft i. Stuttgart. 1897.) *8o92.52.5.i Lawrence, C. History of the Philadelphia almshouses and hospitals. [Philadel- phia.] 1905. Plates. 5572.178 Lenhartz, H., and F. Ruppel. Der moderne Krankenhausbau vom hygienischen und wirtschaftlichtechnischen Standpunkte, Braunschweig, 1908. Plans. 4097.179 Letchworth, W. P. The insane in foreign countries. New York. 1889. Plates. Plans. 5801.78 Same. 2d edition. 1889. 5801.84 Paper on poorhouse construction. [Al- bany? 1891.] Plans. [State Board of Charities.] 8093.73 Ludwig, A. Neue offentliche Krankenhauser und Pflegeanstalten. Stuttgart. [1897.] 21 plans. *Cab.6o.i24.6 Massachusetts. Commissioners upon the Erection of the New Hospital for the Insane [at Danvers]. Report. Boston. 1875-77. Plate. Plans. *58o5.59 State Lunatic Hospital, Danvers, Mass. [Three plans.] N. J. Bradlee, architect. [Danvers?] 1875. *Cab.6o.6o.2 Mouat, F. J., and H. S. Snell. Hospital con- struction and management. London. 1883. Plates. *376i.ioo Mylius, J., and H. Wagner. Baulichkeiten fiir Cur- und Badeorte. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 240-273. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Literatur, pp. 262, 273. New York, State. State Commission in Lunacy. Rules and suggestions as to plumbing work and drainage, sewerage and sewage disposal, water supply, and fire protection of New York state hos- pitals, adopted by the Commission Dec. I, 1898. Utica. 1899. 40ica.i39 New York Hospital. Report of the building committee . . . with a description of the building. New York. 1877. Plate. 9 plans. 7762.55 Nightingale, F. Notes on hospitals. Lon- don. 1859. Plans. 3791*23 Same. 3d edition. 1863. 379I-I9 Ochsner, A. J., and M. J. Sturm. The organi- zation, construction and management of hospitals. Chicago. 1907. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. *4093.i98 Oppert, F. Hospitals, infirmaries, and dis- pensaries. London. 1867. Plans. Bibliography, pp. xiii-xvi. 57603.22 Paris. Conseil general des hospices civils de Paris. Rapport, 13 novembre, 1822. Sur le service des alienes, traites dans les etablissemens de I'administration, 1801-22. Paris. 1823. 2 folded plates. No. 9 in *78oi.2i Planat, P. Construction et amenagement des salles d'asile et des maisons d'ecole. Paris. 1882. 2 V. in I. Plates. [Cours de construction civile. 2^ serie.] *8o9oa.ioo Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. [View and plan.] H. S. Snell [architect. Lon- don. 1894]. 2 plates. *8o9oa.i23 Ruppel, F. Anlage und Bau der Kranken- hauser nach hygienisch - technischen Grundsatzen. Jena. 1896. Plans. [Hand- buch der Hygiene.] *376oa.79.5 Each section has a bibliography. Snell, H. S. Charitable and parochial estab- lishments. London. 1881. Plates. *8zooa.9 Swete, H. Handy book of cottage hospitals. London. [1870.] Illus. Plans. 3769.74 Toilet, C. De I'assistance publique et des hopitaux jusqu'au xixe siecle. Plan d'un Hotel-Dieu attribue a Philibert Delorme. Paris. 1889. Illus. 32 plates. *4090.97 Les edifices hospitaliers depuis leur ori- gine jusqu'a nos jours. Les hopitaux au xixe siecle. Etudes, projets . . . et pro- grammes relatifs a leur construction. 222 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Toilet, C. (Continued.) Description de I'hopital civil et militaire suburbain de Montpellier. 2e edition. Paris. 1892. Illus. Plans. *4ioo.49 Verschiedene Heil- und Pflegeanstalten. Darmstadt. 1891. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] ♦8092.52.5.2 Virchow, R. L. C, and A. Guttstadt, editors. Die Anstalten der Stadt Berlin fiir die offentliche Gesundheitspflege . . . Ber- lin. 1886. Illus. Plates. Plans. *483i.78 Wheelwright, E. M. Municipal architecture in Boston. From designs by E. M. Wheelwright, city architect, 1891 to 1895. Edited by F. W. Chandler. Bos- ton. 1898. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i33.i Worcester, A. Small hospitals. Establish- ment and maintenance and Suggestions for hospital architecture ... By W. Atkinson. New York. 1894. 9 plans. 3768.141 Worid's Exposition, New Orleans, 1884-85. Medical department, United States army exhibit, class i, no. i. Descrip- tion of the models of hospitals and hos- pital tents. [By] Henry McElderry. New Orleans. 1884-85. Plans. 7755-1 1 Wylie, W. G. Hospitals: their history, organization, and construction. New York. 1877. Illus. 3764.56 Wyman, M. Experiments and observations on the summer ventilation and cooling of hospitals. [Boston. 1894.] 3764.120 Reprinted from Proceedings of American Acade- my of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 30 [*337o.6.3o]. Baths. AUsop, R. O. The hydropathic establish- ment and its baths. With plans and sections. London. 1891. 3804.100 Public baths and wash-houses. London. 1894. Plans. Diagrams. . 8096.102 The Turkish bath: its design and construc- tion. London. 1890. Illus. Plans. 8016.156 Bacci, A. De thermis veterum. (In Graevius, J. G. Thesavrvs antiqvitatvm Romana- rvm. Tomus 12, pp. 280-380. Lugduni Batavorum. m d cxcix.) *2950.i.i2 Berliner Verein fiir Volksbader. Die Thatig- keit des Berliner Vereins fiir Volks- bader. Berlin. 1896. Plate. Plans. 8094.46 Blouet, G. A. Restauration des thermes d'Antonin Caracalla a Rome. Paris. 1828. 15 plates. *Cab.49.i5.3 Buechler, C. Das Romerbad Badenweiler. Strassburg. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074-5" Literatur, pp. 81-S9. Cameron, C. Description des bains des Romains. Londres. 1772. Plates. In French and English. *Cab.49.l5.I Casalius, J. B. De thermis et balneis vetervm tractatio. Plates, (/n Gronovius, J. B. Casalius, J. B. (Continued.) Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum. Vol. 9, pp. 635-643. Lvgduni Batavorum. MDCCI.) *B.4II0.2.9 Cross, A. W. S, Public baths and wash- houses. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. 8093.130 Darmstadt, Germany. Grossherzogliche Biirgermeisterei. Das stadtische Hallen- schwimmbad. Beschreibungnebst Haus- und Badenordnung. [Darmstadt. 1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 7809.104 France. Ministere de Tinterieur, de I'agri- culture et du commerce. Bains et lavoirs publics. [Paris.] 1852. Plans. *7oio.ii Freeman, H. W. The thermal baths of Bath. London. 1888. Plates. Plans. 379ob.96 Bibliography, pp. ix-xxiii. Genzmer, F. Bade- und Schwimm-Anstalten. Stuttgart. 1899. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.5.3 Literatur, pp. 276-284. Gerhard, W. P. Final report on the new rain baths at the Utica State Hospital. [New York. 1894.] Plates. 7803.148 Modern baths and bath houses, ist edi- tion. New York. 1908. Plates. Plans. 7803.155 A bibliography on baths and bathing, pp. 275- 281. A novel hot-water apparatus for rain or douche baths. New York. 1894. Plates. 7803.144 Reprinted from American Architect, Vol. 44 [•4097.201.44]. A plea for rain-baths in the public schools. New York. 1900. Illus. Plans. 7803.143 Reprinted from the American Architect, Vol. 69 [•4097.201.69]. The rain bath — ... a new method of bathing insane patients. [New York? 1895.] Plates. Plans. 7803.149 Some recent public "rain" baths in New York City. [New York. 1901.] Plans. Diagrams. 4019.210 Reprinted from Engfineering Record, Vol. 44 [•8092.201.44]. Geymueller, H., Baron von. Documents in- edits sur les thermes d'Agrippa, le Pan- theon et les thermes de Diocletien. Lausanne. 1883. Plates. *4750.62 Hartwell, E. M. Public baths in Europe. Washington, D. C. 1901. [United States. Department of Labor. Exhibit, Pan- American Exposition, 1901. Mono- graphs on social economics.] *5573-i50.6 Kane, J. Kane's new system of public baths. Newport [England. 1895]. Plan. 8094.45 Klinger, J. H. Die Badeanstalt. Wien. 1891. Illus. 8095.77 Lassar, O. t)ber Volksbader. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Braunschweig. 1888. Illus. Plans. 7804.40 Loffredo, F., Marchese di Trevico. L'antichita di Pozzvolo, e Ivoghi convicini. Con le descrizioni de' bagni di Pozzuolo, e Tripergole, de lohanne Villano. Napoli. 1752. [Summonte, G. A. Historia della citta e regno di Napoli. Tomo 6.] ♦4723.12.6; **Adam8.222.5.6 BATHS 223 Marggraff, H. Moderne Stadtbader. Berlin. 1882. Plans. [Deutsche Zeit- und Streit- Fragen.] No. 3 in *52i6.so.ii Meyer, H. Das Merkel'sche Schwimmbad in Esslingen a. N. Esslingen a. N. [1907.] Plates. Plans. 4094.164 MuUer, fi. Habitations ouvrieres et agri- coles, cites, bains, lavoirs, societes ali- mentaires. Details de construction [etc.]. Conseils hygieniques par A. Clavel. Paris. 1855, 56. Text, i v.; Atlas, 45 plates. *Cab.6o.87.5 New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Communication on a system of municipal baths. New York. 1902. Plates. Plans. 8097.36 Osthoff, G. Die Bader und Bade-Anstalten der Neuzeit. Leipzig. 1887. Plans. 58093.64 Palladio, A. Le terme dei Romani repubbli- cate da O. B. Scamozzi. Vicenza. 1785. Plates. *Cab.8o.ii6.2 Paulin, E. Thermes de Diocletien. Paris. 1890. 25 plates. [Academic de la France a Rome. Restaurations des monuments antiques.] *Cab.49.i9.5 Peigne-Delacourt, A. L'hypocauste de Champlieu, pres de Pierrefont. IBeau- vais. 1867. Illus. Plans. 4094.108 Romanis, A. de. Le antiche camere esqviline dette comvnemente delle Terme di Tito disegnate ed illvstrate. Roma. 1822. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i46.2 Schultze, R. Bau und Betrieb von Volks- badeanstalten. Bonn. 1893. Plans. 4095.76 Volks- und Hausbader. Jena. 1894. Illus. [Handbuch der Hygiene.] *376oi 80 Wolff, C. Cffentliche Bade- und Schwimm- anstalten. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.380 Literatur, p. 5. Das stadtische Schwimmbad zu Frankfurt a. M. Stuttgart. 1897. Illus. Plans. [Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Ar- chitektur. 11.] *8o9oa,i32.ii Business Buildings. Anderson, R. Examples of the municipal, commercial and street architecture of France and Italy, from the 12th to the 15th century. London. [1870-75.] 103 plates. *8o90.72 Auer, H. Borsengebaude. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 2, Heft 2, pp. 247-. 302. Stuttgart. 1902.) *8o92.52.2.2 Literatur, pp. 300-302. Ballardie, J. le C. Buildings in connection with coffee cultivation. London. 1879. Illus. Plans. [Ceylon Planters' As- sociation. Prize essays.] No. i in 4097.74 Baltard, V., and F. E. Callet. Monographic des Halles centrales de Paris, con- struites sous le regne de Napoleon iii. Paris. 1863. 35 plates. *Cab.26.26.i Bank of Pittsburgh. The bank historical. Pittsburgh. 1906. Illus. Plates. 9332.i748a2 Barnard, A. The noted breweries of Great Britain and Ireland. London. [1889, 90.] 3 V. Illus. Plates. 3970.52 Bennett, F. P. & Co., Inc., publishers. How to build, equip and operate a cotton mill in the United States. Boston. [1913.] Illus. Plans. *8o38.i30 Blondel, J. B. Plan, coupe, elevation et de- tails du nouveau marche St. Germain. Paris. i8i6. 11 plates. *Cab.6o.37.3 Boileau, L. A. Principes et exemples d'ar- chitecture ferronniere. Les grandes constructions edilitaires en fer. La halle-basilique. Paris. 1881. 8 folded plates. 8o9oa.i04 Boston. Massachusetts building, 60 State Street. [Boston. 189-?] Plate. Plans. *Cab.6o.i33.2 Boston Merchants Association. Bulletin. Souvenir number. January, 1903. [Bos- ton. 1903.] Plates. 5658.24 A description of the new Merchants Building. Burmester, A. Die grossen Speicherbauten Hamburg's und Altona's. Hamburg. 1890. 177 plates. *Cab.6o.45.2 Colyer, F, Gas-works: their arrangements, construction, plant, and machinery. London. 1884. 31 plates. 8017.74 Corbett, L. C. Ice houses. Washington. 191 1. Illus. Plans. [United States. De- partment of Agriculture. Farmers' bul- letin 475.] *7995.40.475 Dan, H., and E. C. M. Willmott. English [and Scotch] shop-fronts old and new. Examples by leading architects with descriptive notes. London. 1907. Illus. Plans. *4095.i74 Dardel, R. Monographic du palais du com- merce eleve a Lyon . . . accompagnee d'un texte historique et descriptif. Paris. 1868. Illus. 48 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i93.4 Most of the plates show the decoration of the building. Day, C. Industrial plants: their arrange- ment and construction. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 80393.172 Dean, S. History of banking and banks. Boston. 1884. *3640.22 Nine plates representing bank buildings. Dempsey, G. D. Engineering examples. Working drawings of stations, engine houses, manufactories, &c. London. 1856. 16 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.6 Dyson, S. S., and S. S. Clarkson, Chemical works: their design, erection, and equip- ment. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4012.140 Equitable Life Assurance Society, New York City. Description of the new Equitable building. New York. 1887. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.io6.7 Plans and description of the Equitable building, Boston. New York. [1875.] Plate. 10 plans. *445o.23 Freitag, J. K. Architectural engineering, with special reference to high building construction. Including many exam- 224 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Freitag, J. K. (Continued.) pies of Chicago office buildings. New York. 1895. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8093.30 Same. 2d edition. 1901. 8093.41 Friedmann, A. Nouvelles dispositions pour la construction de halles, marches et entrepots. Paris. 1877. 29 plates. ♦Cab.60.113.5 Fuller, G. A. Co. Fireproof building con- struction. Prominent buildings erected by the Company. New York. 1904. Plates. Plans. *4090.i43 Devoted largely to office buildings. Geul, A. Brauereien, Malzereien und Bren- nereien. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 3, pp. 396-431. Darmstadt. 1884.) *8o92.52.3 Guenther, A. Entwiirfe fiir kleine Wohn- und Geschaftshauser in Farbendruck. Wien. [1909.] 73 plates. 4098.160 Hitzig, F. Die Borse in Berlin. Berlin. 1867. II plates. *Cab.6o.i32.4 Ketchum, M. S. The design of mine struc- tures. New York. 1912. Illus. Plans. Charts. 4017.407 The design of steel mill buildings, and the calculation of stresses in framed structures. ist edition. New York. 1903. Illus. Plans. 4017.123 Same. 3d edition, enlarged. 1913. Charts. Diagrams. 4017.124 Kick, P. Gebaude fiir Banken und andere Geldinstitute. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 2, Heft 2, pp. 139-246. Stuttgart. 1902.) *8o92.52.2.2 Contains bibliographies. Klasen, L. Grundriss - Vorbilder von Ge- bauden aller Art. Abtheilung i, 2, 5-10, 13. Leipzig. 1884-91. Illus. Plans. *4i03.58.i, 2, 5-10, 13 Leeuw, H., and O. Leeuw. Album van win- kelpuien. Nimegue. [18 — ?] 99 plates. *Cab.6o.i84.i National Shawmut Bank. A brochure con- taining a sketch of the bank, together with views and a brief description of the new building. [Boston. 1907.] Plates. *9332.i744a7 Shawmut Bank building. Congress, Devon- shire and Water streets, Boston. Winslow & Bigelow, architects. [Plans.] Boston, Mass. [1905.] Plate. Plans. *Cab.6o.i39.8 New England Trust Company, Boston. New building. [Boston. 1905.] 2 plates. 9332.1744325 Ogden, W. S. Studies in mercantile archi- tecture. London. 1876. 50 plates. *4ioo.53 Osthoff, G. Anlagen fiir die Versorgung der Stadte mit Lebensmitteln. Markt- hallen, Schlachthofe und Viehmarkte. Jena. 1894. IHus. Plates. [Handbuch der Hygiene.] 376oa.8o Markte im Allgemeine;i. — Markte fiir Lebensmittel. Illus. Plans. (In Hand- buch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb- Band 3, pp. 326-385. Darmstadt. 1884.) ♦8092.52.3 Osthoff, G. (Continued.) Schlachthofe und Viehniarkte. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 3, pp. 176-325. Darmstadt. 1884.) *8o92.52.3 Literatur, pp. 176-178. Osthoff, G., und H. Meyer. Geschafts- hauser fiir sonstige offentlichen und privaten Verwaltungen. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb - Band 7, pp. 138-163. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8o92.52.7 Contains bibliographies. Owen, T. C. Essay on buildings in connec- tion with coffee cultivation. London. 1879. Plans. [Ceylon Planters' As- sociation. Prize essays.] No. 2 in 4097.74 Salzmann, H. Industrielle und gewerbliche Bauten (Speicher, Lagerhauser und Fabriken). Leipzig. 1911. 2 v. Illus. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.511 Scamell, G. Breweries and makings: their arrangement, construction, machinery and plant. 2d edition enlarged by F. Colyer. London. 1880. 20 plates. 8038.63 Schiepmann, H. Geschafts-und Waren- hauser. Berlin. 1913. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.655 Quellen, Band i, p. 96. Schilling, B. Die neue Hauptmarkthalle in Koln. Berlin. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i88.2 Schwarz, O. Public abattoirs and cattle markets. London. [1901.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8017.98 Seine, Prefecture du Departement de la. Rapport sur les marches publics en Angleterre, en Belgique, en Hollande et en Allemagne. Paris. 1846. Plans. Plates. No. 2 in *7030.4 Commission administrative des ^ Halles. Agrandissement et construction des Halles centrales d'approvisionnement. Rapport fait au Conseil municipal, 1845. Paris. 1845. Plans. *7030.4 Semsch, O. F. A history of the Singer Building construction. New York. 1908. Plates. Plans. 40903.135 Snell, J. F. C. Power house design. Lon- don. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. [Longmans' Electrical engineering series.] 4012.147 Spillner, E. Besondere Constructionen fiir Eisbehalter. Plan. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 6, pp. 161- 172. Darmstadt. 1884.) *8o92.-5i.6 Literatur, p. 172. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. ... A partial list of the steam power stations designed and built by Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. [Boston. 1911.] 24 plates. Plans. 4095.171 Tyrrell, H. G. Engineering of shops and factories. New York. 1912. Illus. Plans. Bibliography, pp. 389, 394. 4016.159 Mill building construction. New York. 1901. Plans. 4016.144 A treatise on the design and construction of mill buildings and other industrial BUSINESS BUILDINGS 225 Tyrrell, H. G. (Continued.) plants. Chicago. 191 1. lUus. Plates. Plans. 4016.157 Warren Chambers, Boston, Mass. [Descrip- tion and plans.] Boston. [1896?] 4095.28 Wasmuth, E., publisher. Geschafts- und Warenhauser. Berlin. 1898. 25 plates. The examples are from Berlin. *Cab.6o.l68.3 Wiener, A. Das Warenhaus: Kaiif-, Ge- schafts-, Biiro-Haus. 2. Auflage. Ber- lin. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Lkeraturverzeichnis, p. 373. 8103.47 Wilder, F. W. The modern packing house: a complete treatise on the designing, construction, equipment and operation of a modern abattoir and packing house. Chicago. [1905.] Illus. Plates. Plan. 8015.266 Wussow, O. E. von. Geschichte und Ent- wickelung der Warenhauser, nach Mit- teilungen von Oskar Tietz. Berlin. [1906.] Illus. [Handel, Industrie und Verkehr in Einzeldarstellungen.] 938o.943ai5 Zaar, C, and A. L. Zaar. Geschafts- und Kaufhauser, Warenhauser und Mess- palaste, Passagen oder Galerien. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 2, Heft 2, pp. 2-138. Stuttgart. 1902.) Contains bibliographies. *8092. 52.2.2 Castles and Palaces. See also Mediaeval Architecture ; Military Architecture. Acton, F. S. The castles & old mansions of Shropshire, [i 142-1660. Anon.] Shrews- bury. 1868. Plates. *4i02.36 Adam, R. Ruins of the palace of Diocletian at Spalatro. [London.] 1764. Plates. *Cab.49.io.i Adams, C. L. Castles of Ireland. London. 1904. Illus. Plates. 2476.86 Each chapter contains a list of authorities con- sulted. Albert, J. Details, Wanddekorationen, M6- bel, Gerathe, etc., aus den koniglich- bayerischen Schlossern. Gesichtet und mit einleitendem Text versehen von L. Gmelin. Miinchen. [1892.] 100 plates. *Cab.8o.30.i Album von Heidelberg. Heidelberg. [1844.] 17 plates. *Cab.28.io.6 Allen, T. The history and antiquities of the Parish of Lambeth, and the archiepis- copal palace, in the County of Surrey. London. 1826. Plates. *2503.9 Andersen, C. C. T. Rosenborg. Mindeblade fra de Danske kongers kronologiske Samling. Kj0benhaven. 1867. Illus. No. 2 in 4093.130 Angus, W. The seats of the nobility and gentry in Great Britain and Wales. Islington. 1787. 63 plates. *L.52.i Architecture, L', et la decoration aux palais du Louvre & des Tuileries. Paris. [1907.] 2 V. 160 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i87.4 Armitage, E. S. The early Norman castles of the British Isles. New York. 1912. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4096.23 Arnold, C. F. Der herzogliche Palast von Urbino, gemessen, gezeichnet und her- ausgegeben. Mit erlauterndem Texte. Leipzig. 1857. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.22.2 Several of the plates are colored. Arnott, J. A., and J. Wilson. The Petit Trianon, Versailles, illustrated by a series of measured drawings and photo- graphs. London. 1907. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i67.2 Aufleger, O. Die Amalienburg im Konigl. Schlossgarten zu Nymphenburg. Ein- leitung von K. Trautmann. 2. Auflage. Miinchen. 1895. 25 plates. [Siiddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im xviii. Jahrhundert. 10.] *Cab.6o.io6.io Innen - Decorationen des Koniglichen Lustschlosses Schleissheim. Einleitung von J. Mayerhofer. Miinchen. 1891. 30 plates. [Siiddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im xviii. Jahrhundert. S] No. I in *Cab.6o.io6.3 Die reichen Zimmer der konigl. Residenz in Miinchen. Mit geschichtlicher Ein- leitung von K. Trautmann. Miinchen. 1893. Plan. 60 plates. [Siiddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im xviii. Jahrhundert. 7, 8.] *Cab.6o.io6.4 Auvergne, E. B. d'. The English castles. London. [1910.] Plates. [The cathe- dral series. Laurie's.] 4108.37 Famous castles and palaces of Italy. New York. [1911.] Plates. 2763.46 Some of the plates are colored. Baillarge, A. Album du chateau de Blois restaure. Dessins de J. Monthelier. Blois. [1851.] 8 plates. *4630.4 Baldus, fi. Palais du Louvre et des Tuile- ries; motifs de decoration interieure et exterieure. Paris. [1875.] 3 v. 300 plates. *Cab.8o.29.i Ball, J. I. Strongholds of the barons. Lon- don. 1906. Plates. 4097.174 Authorities, p. 8. Baltard, L. P. Paris et ses monumens. Paris. 1803-05. Plates. *Cab.26.i7.i Contains a description of the Louvre, and of the chateaux of St. Cloud, £couen, and Fontaine- bleau. Barucci, G. II castello di Vigevano nella storia e nell' arte. [Torino.] 1909. Plates. 4091.179 Batcheller, T. B. Italian castles and country seats. New York. 191 1. Portraits. Plates. 4092.20 Some of the plates are colored. Baxter, L. E. The castle of Vincigliata. By Leader Scott [pseud.]. Florence. 1897. Plates. 2761.55 This is mainly a reprint of the author's Vincig- liata and Maiano ["2761. 53]. The Orti Oricellari. By Leader Scott [pseud.]. Appended, an enlarged cata- logue of the antiquities in Vincigliata castle. Florence. 1893. Plates. Plan. 2762.79 226 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Bedford, J. Heidelberg, its princes and its palaces. By Elizabeth Godfrey [pseud.]. New York. 1906. Plates. 4868.65 Bell, N. R. E. The Royal Manor of Rich- mond, with Petersham, Ham and Kew. With illustrations in colour by A. G. Bell. London. 1907. 2467.185 Bibliography, p. (7). Beltrami, L. II castello di Milano sotto il dominio degli Sforza. Milano. 1885. Plates. 2735.68 Beltrami, L., and G. Moretti. Resoconto dei layori di restauro eseguiti al castello di Milano col contributo della sotto- scrizione cittadina. Milano. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. 40903.141 Bernard, L., publisher. Illustrated guide to the Trianon palaces and gardens: their history and description . . . Versailles. [1887?] Illus. Plates. Plans. 66393.82 A French edition is on shelf-number *L.57.8. Bertaux, j6. Castel del Monte et les archi- tectes frangais de I'empereur Frederic II. (In Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Serie 4, tome 25, pp. 432-449. Paris. 1897.) ♦3236.50.1897 Resume du memoire lu a I'Academie. Boilleau, L. Le chateau d'Amboise et ses environs. Tours, i860. Plates. 4095.130 Bond, T. History and description of Corfe Castle, in the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. London. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2495.144 Borrmann, R. Die Alhambra zu Granada. [Berlin. 1900.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.162 Bottani, G. Recente descrizione del R. palazzo del Te e sue pitture. [Anon.] Mantova. 181 1. Plates. Plan. 4099.152 Contains also portrait of the architect, Giulio Pippi Romano. Bouillet, A., Abbe. Le chateau de Beaumes- nil (Eure). Caen. 1890. Plates. 4097.120 Bourasse, J. J., Abbe. Les chateaux histo- riques en France. 6e edition. Tours. 1896. Plates. *409i.4i Bragdon, C. F. Minor Italian palaces. No. I, 2. Rochester. [1896.] Plates. *409i.75 Brayda, R. Stucchi ed affreschi nel Reale castello del Valentino. Torino. [189-?] Illus. Plans. *Cab.8o.i5.4 Brayley, E. W. The ancient castles of Eng- land and Wales, engraved by W. Wool- noth. London. 1825. 2 v. Plates. *L.4i.i3 Brettingham, M. The plans, elevations and sections of Holkham in Norfolk. Lon- don. 1773. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.87.3 Brown, J. B., publisher. Views of Windsor. [London. 1851.] 12 plates. *4539a-i52 Burckhardt, A. Das Schloss Vufflens. Zii- rich. 1882. 4 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. ] No. 3 in *48ii.6o.2i Calvert, A. F. Royal palaces of Spain. London. 1909. 164 plates. [The Span- ish series.] 4077.422 Camm, C. B. Forgotten shrines: an account of some old Catholic halls and families in England and of relics and memorials of the English martyrs. London. [1910.] Portraits. Plates. Map. Plan. *4i02.io4 Canina, L. Le nuove fabbriche della villa Borghese denominata Pinciana. Roma. 1828. 14 plates. *Cab.6o.55.4 Castles of Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen. 1887. Plates. *247o.65 Cave-Browne, J. Lambeth Palace and its associations. Edinburgh. 1882. Illus. 2465.67 Cazes, E. Le chateau de Versailles et ses dependances. L'histoire et Tart. Ver- sailles. 1910. Illus. Plates. 2662.122 Chaillou des Barres, — , Baron. Les chateaux d'Ancy-le-Franc, de Saint-Fargeau, de Chastellux et de Tanlay. Paris. 1845. 42 plates. *8o9oa.i28 Challice, A. E. Memories of French palaces. London. 1871. Illus. 6648.14; **K.58.i2 Chambers, R. Edinburgh papers . . . Edin- burgh Castle as before the siege of 1573. London. 1859. Illus. 2465.133 Champier, V. Le Palais-Royal d'apres des documents inedits (1629-1900). Paris. 1900. 2 V. Plates. *407i.i52 Bibliographic, Vol. i, pp. xi-xxi. ChampoUion-Figeac, J. J. Le palais de Fon- tainebleau. Paris. 1866. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.40.5 Chancellor, E. B. The private palaces of London, past and present. Philadelphia. 1909. Plates. *249i.i66 Cohn-Wiener, E. Potsdam mit den konig- lichen Schlossern und Garten. Berlin. [1912.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. 4091.163 Cook, T. A. Old Touraine: the life and his- tory of the famous chateaux of France. London. 1892. 2 v. Plates. 2669.106 Coutant, H. Le Palais-Bourbon au xviiie siecle. Paris. 1905. Plates. [Biblio- theque du vieux Paris.] 2638108 Damame-Demartrait, M. F. Collection com- plete des divers jardins et points de vues des maisons de plaisance imperiales de Russie, et de celles des plus grands sei- gneurs de cet empire. Paris. 181 1. 16 colored plates. *Cab.8o.i4.i Decker, P. Furstlicher Baumeister, oder: Architectura civiles, wie grosser Fursten und Herren Pallaste . . . fuglich anzu- legen und nach heutiger Art auszuzieren, Verlegt von J. Wolff. Augspurg. 171 1, 1 6. 2 V. *8o90.io6 Delsaux, J. C. L'architecture et les monu- ments du moyen-age a Liege. [Le palais des princes-eveques.] Liege. 1847. 4097.139 Denecourt, C. F. Le palais et la foret de Fontainebleau. 4e edition. Fontaine- bleau. [1845.] Plates. Map. 4636.10 Desforges, fi. Notice historique sur le cha- teau de St. Germain en Laye. Versailles. 1883. Plates. Plans. 8105.26 Desjardins, G. Le Petit-Trianon: histoire et description. Versailles. 1885. Illus. Plates. Plans. *462i.58;*L.5i.i3 CASTLES AND PALACES 227 Deville, J. A. Comptes de depenses de la construction du chateau de Gaillon. Paris. 1850, 51. Text, i v.; Atlas, 16 plates. *Cab.26.i9.i Histoire du chateau Gaillard. Rouen. 1829. Plates. *4620.9 Dickson, J. The ruined castles of Mid- Lothian: their position; their families; their ruins; and their history. Edin- burgh. 1894. Plates. *2497.i35 Dieulafoy, M. A. Le chateau Gaillard et 1* architecture militaire au xiiie siecle. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Academic des inscriptions et belles lettres. Memoires. Tome 36, pp. 325-386. Paris. 1898.) *3292.2.36 Digonnet, F. Le Palais des Papes d'Avi- gnon. Avignon. 1907. Illus. Plan. 4664.85 Dohme, R. Das konigliche Schloss m Ber- lin. Leipzig. 1876. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, 40 plates. *Cab.8o.i54.i Duchesne, H. G., and H. de Grandsaigne. Histoire du Bois de Boulogne. Le chateau de Madrid d'apres des docu- ments inedits des archives nationales. . . . Paris. 1912. Portrait. Plate. Plan. [Bibliotheque du vieux Paris.] 2638.125 Bibliographic, pp. 229-231. Dunstanburgh Castle, Eng. Etched copper plate. Arched gateway and ruined wall. *8o6i.39 Dupezard, fi. Le Palais-Royal de Paris: architecture & decoration de Louis xv a nos jours. Paris. [1911.! Illus. 124 plates. *Cab.6o.i87.2 Dussieux, L. E. Le chateau de Versailles. Histoire et description. Versailles. 1881. 2 V. Plates. 2635.65 Same. 2e edition. 1885. 2635.100 Ebhardt, B. Die Burgen Italiens. Bau- geschichtliche Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung des mittelalterlichen Wehr- baues und die Bedeutung der Wohnbau- kunst im Mittelalter. Band i, 2: Ober- italien. Berlin. 1909, 10. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i73.2 In progress. Deutsche Burgen. Berlin. [1898-1907.] 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4090.io8 Elwes, D. G. C., and C. J. Robinson. A his- tory of the castles, mansions, and manors of western Sussex. London. 1876. Plates. *246oa.59 Espinay, G. d'. Le logis du roi au chateau de Loches. Tours. 1873. Plates. 4097.117 Esswein, T. Heidelberg. [Eine Sammlung von Gegenstanden der Architektur, Decoration und Kunstgewerbe.] 20 Tafeln. (In Ortwein, A. Deutsche Renaissance. Abtheilung 9. Leipzig. 1871.) No. 9 in *8o7o.i03.i Same. Schluss. Tafeln 21-30. (In Same. Abtheilung 9. Leipzig. 1876.) No. I in *8o7o.i03.3 Evans, H. A. Castles of England and Wales. London. [1912.] Plates. Maps. Plans. ^ . 4097.175 Eynes, G., and P. Perret. Les chateaux his- toriques do la France. Paris. 1877, 79. 2 V. Plates. *266o.52 Fabricius, M. P. Le Kremlin de Moscou. Moscou. 1883. Plates. 3061.14 Falke, J. von. Das rumanische Konigs- schloss Pelesch. Wien. 1893. Illus. Plates. *8o9o.i53 Farmer, J . E. Versailles and the court under Louis XIV. New York. 1905. Plates. ^ Plans. 4664.18 Fergusson, J. The palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis. London. 1851. Illus. 3049.125 Ferrerio, P. Palazzi di Roma de piv celebri architetti. [Roma. 1655.] 41 plates. 8 plans. No. i in *8o9oa.37 Fleury, M., Comte. Le palais de Saint- Cloud. Paris. [1901.] Plates. 4091.130 Sources bibliographiques, pp. 303-306. Ford, R. Apsley House and Walmer Castle. London. 1853. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.8i.5 Fossa, F. de P. M. J. R. de. Le chateau de Vincennes. Paris [191 1?] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.106 Bibliographie, pp. 105, 106. Le chateau historique de Vincennes a tra- vers les ages. Paris. 1908. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *266i.n8 Fraprie, F. R. The castles and keeps of Scotland. Boston. 1907. Plates. Plans. Some of the plates are colored. 2477.142 Fumagalli, C. II castello di Malpaga e le sue pitture. Milano. 1893. 25 plates. 4092.19 Gauthier, M. P. Vestibule, Gallerien, Innen- hofe, etc., aus genuesischen Palasten. Berlin. [18 — .] 26 plates. *8io3.22 Taken from his Les beaux Edifices de la ville de Genes [*Cab.6o.2i.4]. Geffroy, G. Versailles. Paris. [1903.] Plates. [Les musees d'Europe.] 4073.295 Gelis-Didot, P., and G. Grassoreille. Le cha- teau de Bourbon- I'Archambault. Paris. 1887. Illus. 9 plates. *266o.i05 Giacosa, G. I castelli valdostani. Milano. 1903. Plates. 4768.76 Godman, E. The Old Palace of Bromley- by-Bow. [London. 1901?] 37 plates. [Committee for the Survey of the Me- morials of Greater London.] *4090.i34 Gotti, A. Storia del Palazzo Vecchio in Firenze. Firenze. 1889. Illus. Plates. *27io.56 Gottschaick, C. F. Die Ritterburgen und* Bergschlosser Deutschlands. Halle. 1815-35. 9 V. Plates. 2864.10 Grainge, W. The castles and abbeys of Yorkshire. York. 1855. Plates. *2438.i4 Guedy, H., editor. Le Palais du Louvre: exterieur et interieur. Architecture — sculpture — decoration. Ensembles et details. Dourdan. [1905.] Illus. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i34.3 Guerinet, A., editor. Le chateau de Chantilly. Reproduction phototypique des inte- rieurs des appartements et des details de sculpture ornementale et peintures deco- ratives, meubles, etc. Paris. [190-?] 64 plates. *Cab.6o.5o.7 Guillaumot, A. A. Chateau de Marly-le-Roi, construit en 1672, detruit en 1798. Paris. 1865, 76. 2 V. in I. Illus. 30 plates. *Cab.26.ii.3 228 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Gunn, E. The Great House, Leyton. [Lon- don. 1903.] Plates. Plans. [Commit- tee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] *4090.i35 Bibliography, p. 25. Haenel, C. M. Sachsische Herrensitze und Schlosser. Herausgegeben von Haenel und A. und C. Gurlitt. Dresden. [1885?] Plates. Plans. *L.5o.i5 Hand, C. R. Liverpool Castle and its build- ers. Liverpool. 1909. Portrait. Plates. 24693.174 Haeutle, C. Geschichte der Residenz in Miinchen bis zum Tahre 1777. Leipzig. 1883. *Cab.6o.84.3 This volume forms the text to Seidel's volume of plates entitled Die konigliche Residenz in Miinchen [*Cab. 60.84.2]. Hartshorne, C. H. Feudal and military an- tiquities of Northumberland and the Scottish borders: illustrated by the ba- ronial histories of Alnwick, Prudhoe, and Wark. London. 1858. Plates. [Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Memoirs. 1852. Vol. 2.] ♦2259.57.2 The history and architecture of Porches- ter Castle. Illus. (In Royal Archaeo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings . . . 1845. London. 1846.) No. 14 in *2259.5o Harvey, A. The castles and walred towns of England. London. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Maps. [The antiquary's books.] 2462.56 Haupt, A. Palast-Architektur von Ober- Italien und Toscana vom xiit. bis xviii, Jahrhundert. Verona, Vicenza, Mantua, Padua, Udine . . . Berlin. 1908. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.i67.4 Ztir Baugeschichte des Heidelberger Schlosses: neue Forschungsergebnisse iiber die Heidelberger Renaissancebau- ten. Frankfurt a. M. 1902. Illus. Plates. 4094-177 H6re, E. Recueil des plans, elevations et coupes des chateaux, jardins et depen- dances que le roy de Pologne occupe en Lorraine. Paris. [i7S3?] 2 v. 64 plates. *Cab.6o.56.i Heuzey, L. Un palais chaldeen, d'apres les decouvertes de M. de Sarzec. Paris. 1888. Plan. 8089.28 Hine, T. C. Nottingham, its castle [etc.]. London. 1876. Illus. *246o.26 Hotel, L', Beauharnais: palais de Tambas- sade d'Allemagne a Paris Paris. 1907. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. [L'architecture et la decoration fran- gaises. Style empire.] *Cab.6o.i93.3 Hutton, W. H. Hampton Court. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. 1897. Plates. 2464.135 Ilg, A. Das Palais Kinsky auf der Freiung in Wien. Wien. 1894. 30 plates. *8o8o.66 Jamin, E. Fontainebleau sous le roi des frangais Louis-Philippe ler, ou compte rendu des principales additions et res- taurations. Fontainebleau. 1835. Plan. 4099.150 Jewitt, L., and S. C. Hall. Stately homes of England. London. 1874, 77. 2 v. Plates. 2465.1 ; *L.42.4 Same. 1881. 2 v. Plans. 2465.28 Jones, O. Plans, elevations, sections and details of the Alhambra. London. 1845. 2 V. loi plates. *Cab.8o.i22.i Jones* Views of the seats, mansions, castles, etc., of noblemen and gentlemen in Eng- land, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. With descriptions. Series [i,] 2, 4. London. 1829. 3 V. *L.4i.n Contents. — i, 2. England. 4. Scottish seats. Same. [Series i.] **K.i82.4 Kalvoda, A. Burg Buchlau, gemalt von A. Kalvoda. Prag. [190-?] 17 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.69.7 King, E. Munirnenta antiqua, or, observa- tions on antient castles. Including re- marks on the progress of architecture in Great Britain. London. 1 799-1806. 4 v. 162 plates. '4550.5 Klaiber, H. Das Hoch- und Deutschmeister- schloss zu Mergentheim. Illus. Plate. Plans. (In Miinchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst. Band 7, pp. 4-27. Miinchen. 1912.) *4072. 168.7 Kossmann, B. Der Ostpalast sogenannter "Otto Heinrichsbau" zu Heidelberg. Strassburg. 1904. Plates. Plans. [Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.361 Kuhlow, K. Das konigliche Schloss Char- lottenhof bei Potsdam baugeschichtlich und kunstgeschichtlich dargestellt. Ber- lin. 1912. Plates. Plans. 4091.36 Laborde, A. L. J., Comte de. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France, et de ses anciens chateaux. Paris. 1808. Plates. ♦L.50.6 Le palais Mazarin et les habitations de ville et de campagne au I7e siecle. Paris. 1845. Plates. Plans. [De I'organisation des bibliotheques dans Paris. 4.] No. 3 in *2i7o.i4 Same. [With notes.] 1845, 46. *2i7o.33 Lafollye, A. J. Le chateau de Pau. Histoire et description. Paris. 1882. Illus. 27 plates. 4090.38 Landi, G. A. Racolta di alcune facciate di palazzi e cortili de piu riguardevoli di Bologna. Bologna. [175-?] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i38.5 Lansdale, M. H. The chateaux of Touraine. Illustrated with pictures by J. Guerin. New York. 1906. Plates. *4095.i64 Some of the p\ates are colored. Lamed, W. C. Churches and castles of mediaeval France. New York. 1895. Plates. 4104.57 La Saussaye, J. F. de P. L. P. de. Le cha- teau de Chambord. 4e edition. Blois. 1841. Plate. 4099a.iii Laske, F. Schloss Wilhelmsburg bei Schmal- kalden. Unter Beigabe geschichtlicher Forschungen von O. Gerland. Berlin. 1895. 34 plates. *Cab.6o.84.5 Lauzun, P. fitude sur le chateau de Bona- guil, canton de Fumel (Lot-et-Garonne). Agen. 1867. Plate. Plan. 2636.76 CASTLES AND PALACES 229 Law, E. P. A. The history of Hampton Court Palace. London. 1885-89. 3 v. Plates. 24903.58; **K.i26.2o A short history of Hampton Court. Lon- don. 1897- Plates. 2499.123 Le Brun, C. Grand escalier du chateau de Versailles dit Escalier des ambassa- deurs. Paris. [1725.] 24 plates. *Cab.8o.i8i.2 Lefevre-Pontalis, E. A. Le chateau de Coucy. Introduction historique de Ph. Lauer. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.102 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 98-100. Lefuel, H. M. Les appartements prives de I'imperatrice au palais des Tuileries. Publics par Engene Rouyer. Paris. 1867. 20 plates. Plan. *Cab.8o.32.i Le Roy, J., Baron. Brabantia illustrata, con- tinens accuratissimam omnium castello- rum et praetoriorum nobilium Braban- tise . . . descriptionem et delineationem. Leyden. 1705. Illus. Plates. *486o.49 Title and text repeated in French and Flemish. Ligorio, P. La villa Pia des jardins du Vati- can. Paris. 1837. 23 plates. *Cab,8o.ii4.6 Loftie, W. J. Windsor Castle. London. 1897. Illus. 2494.100 Longnon, H. Le chateau de Rambouillet. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edi- fices de la France.] 4107.104 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 103, 104. Lorenzi, G. B., editor. Monumenti per servire alia storia del Palazzo ducale di Venezia. Parte i: 1253-1600. Venezia. 1868. *4734.4 Lucas, C. L'architecture au temps d'Ho- mere. Le palais d'Ulysse a Ithaque. Paris. 1881. Illus. 2960.68 Maccari, E. II palazzo di Caprarola. Berlin. [1876.] 60 plates. [Jannoni, G. Secolo xvT. Saggi di architettura e decorazione italiana.] *Cab.6o.47.2 Mackenzie, Sir J. D., Baronet. The castles of England: their story and structure. New York. 1896. 2 V. Plates. Plans. 4091.76 Mackie, C. Castles, palaces, & prisons of Mary of Scotland. London. 1849. Illus. Plates. **K.i46.4 Mann, E. A. Brooke House, Hackney. [London. 1904.] Portraits. Plates. Plans. [Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] *4090.i36 List of the chief books and MSS., p. 39. Mansfield, M. F. Castles and chateaux of old Touraine and the Loire country. Boston. 1906. Illus. Maps. Plans. Many of the plates are colored. 4666.84 Royal palaces and parks of France. Bos- ton. 1910. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. Vignette. 4666.85 Marot, J. Le magnifiqve chasteau de Riche- liev, en general et en particvlier. 19 plates. *8o92.3i Martin, C. W. The history and description of Leeds Castle, Kent. Westminster. 1869. Plates. *246o.i3o Mazois, C. F. Le palais de Scaurus. 2^ edi- tion. Paris. 1822. Illus. *295o.37 Metzsch-Reichenbach, C. von. Die interes- santesten alten Schlosser, Burgen und Ruinen Sachsens. Dresden. 1902. Illus. 2864.41 Mieusement, — . Les chateaux historiques: Fontainebleau. Exterieur et interieur. Texte per E. Le Nail. Paris. 1875. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.64.3 Millar, A. H. The historical castles and mansions of Scotland. Perthshire and Forfarshire. Paisley. 1890. Illus. 2465.118 Millot, A. Le chateau de Chambord. Paris. 1868. 12 plates. [Les grands edifices de la renaissance.] *Cab.6o.89.8 Mina, L. Del Palazzo reale in Alessandria e del suo architetto. Alessandria. 1904. Plates. Plan. 4097.156 Bibliography, pp. 13, 14. Includes a biography of the architect Benedetto Alfieri. [Minor French chateaux. Boston. 1908, 09.] 36 half-tones mounted on 36 cards. *Cab.6o.i7o.3 Molmenti, P. G. Tiepolo; la villa Valma- rana. Venezia. 1880. 58 plates. *Cab.6o.35.4 Montelatici, D. Villa Borghese fuori di Porta Pinciana con Tornamenti che si osservano nel di lei palazzo, e con le figure delle statue piu singolari. In Roma. 1700. Plates. *4079a.75 Moretti, G. II castello di Milano e i suoi musei. Milano. [1903.] Plates. Plans. 4077.297 Morison, D. Views of the ducal palaces and hunting seats of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. [London.] 1846. 20 plates. **K.405.5 Morris, F. O. A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. London. [1866-80.] 6 V. 200 colored plates. *246oa.ii9; *L.4i.8 Mortet, F. J. V. fitude historique et archeo- logique sur la cathedrale et le palais episcopal de Paris du vie au xiie siecle. Paris. 1888. 3 plates. 4632.3 Bibliographic, pp. ix-xi. Musil, A. Kusejr 'Amra und andere Schlos- ser ostlich von Moab. Topographischer Reisebericht. Theil i. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Philosophisch- historische Classe. Sitzungsberichte. Band 144, Abtheilung 7. Wien. 1902.) *3340.3.i44 Nash, J. The mansions of England in the olden time. London. 1839-49. 4 v. 104 plates. *K.407.i Same. With the illustrations reduced. 1869-72. *L.6o.io Same. New edition. Edited by C. Holme. 1906. [The Studio.] 8072.175 Principally interiors. Views of the interior and exterior of Windsor Castle. London. 1852. 26 plates. ♦♦K.407.2 230 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Nattes, J. C. Versailles, Paris, and Saint Denis. London. [1809?] 40 colored plates. *Cab.26.55.i Neale, J. P. Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scot- land, and Ireland, [ist series.] London. 1818-23. 6 V. Plates. *L.4i.9 Needham, R., and A. Webster. Somerset House past and present. London. 1905. Portraits, Plates. Plans. 2497.157 Niemann, G. H. L. Der Palast Diokletians in Spalato. Wien. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [K. k. osterreichisches archao- logisches Institut.] *Cab. 30.39.7 Nolhac, A. M. P. G. de. La creation de Ver- sailles. Versailles. 1901. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *Cab.26.53.2 Les grands palais de France. Paris. [191 1?] 4 V. Plates. Plans. Illumin- ated title-pages. *Cab.6o.i88.5 Contents. — [i.] Les Trianons. [2, 3.] Versailles. 4. Le mobilier des palais de Versailles et des Trianons. Versailles and the Trianons. New York. 1906. Colored plates. 4663.31 Notice historique et archeologique sur le chateau de Langeais (Inde-et-Lotre). Paris. 1854. Plates. 4096.101 Okey, T. The old Venetian palaces and old Venetian folk. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plan. *2763.59 Bibliography, pp. 311, 312. Most of the plates are colored. Oncken, W. Stadt, Schloss und Hochschule Heidelberg. Heidelberg. 1869. Plate. Plans. 2862.22 Paravicini, T. V. II palazzo Marino, era sede del municipio di Milano. Dresda. [1880.] 14 plates. *Cab.6o.68.i Parker, C. Villa rustica: selected from buildings in the vicinity of Rome and Florence. 2d edition. London. 1848. Plates. ♦4090.15 Parkyns, G. I., editor. Monastic and baronial remains, with other interesting frag- ments of antiquity in England, Wales, and Scotland. London. 1816. 2 v. Plates. **G.3743.5;**K.2oi.5 Enlarged from an edition entitled: Monastic remains and ancient castles in England and Wales, drawn by J. Moore, F.A.S., finished and etched by J. Schnebbelie, aquatinted by G. J. [sic] Parkyns [*2437.32]. Paspates, A. G. The great palace of Con- stantinople. Translated by W. Metcalfe. London. 1893. 3082.100 Patzak» B. Palast und Villa in Toscana: Versuch einer Entwicklungsgeschichte. Buch I. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4072.i85 Contents. — i. Die Zeit des Werdens. Die Villa Imperiale in Pesaro. Studien zur Kunstgeschichte der italienischen Renaissancevilla und ihrer Innendekora- tion. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. Plans. ♦A072.187 These two works form respectively Band i and 3 of the author's Die Renaissance- und Barockvilla in Italien. Pellassy de I'Ousle, J. J. F. Histoire du pa- lais de Compiegne. Paris. 1862. Plates. Plans. *464o.27 Percier, C, and P. F. L. Fontaine. Chateau de la Malmaison: texte historique et de- scriptif orne de planches . . . Paris. [1907.] 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i88.7 Plans de plusieurs chateaux, palais et resi- dences de souverains de France, d'ltalie, d'Espagne et de Russie. [Anon.] Paris. [1833] 38 plates. *L.7o.7 Perelle, A. Recueille des plus belles veiies des maisons royales de France. Paris. [1685?] 106 plates. *L.5o.25 Perkins, C. C. French cathedrals and cha- teaux. Vol. 2. Boston. 1903. Plates. ♦4097.144.2 Petit, V. Chateaux de France des xv^ et xvie siecles. Paris, [i860?] 100 plates. ♦80903.45 Chateaux de la vallee de la Loire, des xve, xvie et xviie siecles. Paris. 1861. 100 Plates. *Cab.6o.69.i Pfaff, C. Heidelberg und Umgebung. 2. erweiterte Auflage. Heidelberg. 1902. Plates. Maps. 2863.71 Pfnor, R. Chateaux de la renaissance. Paris. 1859-67. Namely: Monographic du chateau d'Anet. 58 plates. ♦Cab.60.42.5 Monographic du chateau de Heidelberg. 24 plates. *Cab.6o.42.4 Monographic du palais de Fontainebleau. 2 V. 150 plates. ♦Cab.60.25.1 Piper, O. Abriss der Burgenkunde. 2. . . . Auflage. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.119, Osterreichische Burgen. Wien. 1902, 09. 7 V. in 6. Illus. Plans. 40903.111 Plates, E., publisher. Livlands zerstorte Schlosser. Riga. [1906.] 3 v. Plates. Consists of plates without text 40993.141 Pupikofer, J. A. Geschichtc der Burgfeste Kyburg. Ziirich. 1869. Plate. [Mit- thcilungcn der antiquarischen Gesell- schaft in Ziirich.] No. 3 in *48ii.6o.i6 Pyne, W. H. The royal residences of Wind- sor Castle, St. James's Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham House and Frog- more. London. 1819. 3 v. 100 colored plates. **K.i42.7; ♦♦0.3750.3 Rahn, J. R. Beschrcibung des Schlosses Chillon. Zurich. 1887, 89. 2 parts in I V. 8 plates. [Mittheilungen der anti- quarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich.] No. 4, 5 in ♦4811.60.22 Geschichtc des Schlosses Chillon. Ziirich. 1887. 5 plates. [Mittheilungen der anti- quarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 3 in ♦4811.60.22 Rahn, J. R., and T. von Liebenau. Die Casa di ferro (Vignaccia) bei Locarno. Leip- zig. 1891. 3 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] " No. 2 in ♦4811.60.23 Rait, R. S., editor. English Episcopal palaces. (Province of York.) New York. 191 1. Plates. 24903.144 CASTLES AND PALACES 231 Rait, R. S., editor. (Continued.) Royal palaces of England. New York. 191 1. Plates. 2498.171 Raschdorff, J. C. Toscana. Berlin. 1888. 100 plates. [Palast - Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana ] *Cab.6o.75.3 Raschdorff, O. Venedig. Berlin. [1894]- 1903. Text, I v.; Atlas, 2 v. 100 plates. [Palast- Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana.] *Cab.6o.88.5 Rayner, S. The history and antiquities of Haddon Hall. Derby. 1836, 37. 3 v. 39 plates. 4091.10 Reber, F. von. Der karolingische Palastbau. • Miinchen. i8qi. 92. 2 v. Plan. 4101.59 Contents. — i. Die Vorbilder. 2. Der Palast zu Aachen. Reinhardt, R. Genua. Berlin. 1886. 100 plates. [Palast Architektur von Ober- Italien und Toscana.] *Cab. 60.24.1 Reithmayer, E. Die Burg Aggstein an der Donau in Niederosterreich. Erforschung und Beschreibung ihres jetzigen Zu- standes und Entwurf fiir deren Rekon- struktion nach dem mutmasslichen Be- stande zur Zeit ihrer im Jahre 1429 erfolgten Wiedererbauung. Wien. 191 1. Text, I V. Illus. Colored pbtes: Atlas. I V. *Cab.6o.i24.8 Renard, E. Die Schlosser zu Wiirzburg und Bruchsal. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] *4090.i54 Literaturnachweise, p. 20. Reuther, O. Ocheidir. Nach Aufnahmen von Mitgliedern der Babylon-Expedi- tion der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. 36 plates. Maps. Plans. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] » 40903.103 Okheidir is a ruined Mohammedan castle in Asiatic Turkey. Robinson, C. J. A history of the castles of Herefordshire and their lords. London. 1869. Plates. *246o.i8 Rodocanachi, E. Le chateau Saint-Ange. Paris. 1909. Plates. *4092.i59 Rosenberg, M. Quellen zur Geschichte der Heidelberger Schlosse. Mit einer Ein- leitung: Das Heidelberger Schloss. Hei- delberg. 1882. 8 plates. *28io.52 The plates are mainly plans and architectural details. Ross, J. A. Florentine palaces & their sto- ries. London. 1905. Plates. 2768.96 Rossi, G. G. de'. [A collection of eight en- gravings of Roman gardens and palaces. Rome? 18 — ?] *Cab.27.29.4 Roussel, P. D. Histoire et description du chateau d'Anet, depuis le dixieme siecle. Paris. 1875. Plates. *266o.5o Vues du chateau d'Anet. Anet. 1883. 3 plates. 4099.151 ^ These views are reproduced from the preceding work. ssel, R., Abbe. Histoire de I'Abbaye des Celestins de Villeneuve - les - Soissons. Soissons. 1904. Plates. 3518.122 Contains one chapter and one plate on the Chateau de Villeneuve. Roux, A. Le chateau d'Anet. Paris. [1911?] Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plan. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.112 Bibliogrraphie sommaire, pp. 119, 120. Rouyer, E. Les appartements prives de S. M. rimperatrice au Palais des Tuileries. Decores par H. M. Lefuel. Paris. 1867. 20 plates. Plan. *Cab.8o.32.i Rubens, P. P. Palazzi antichi di Genova. In Anversa. 1652. 72 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.34.2 Palazzi moderni di Genova. In Anversa. 1652. 67 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.34.2 Rqeckwardt, H. Details aus dem konigli- chen Schlosse zu Berlin. Berlin. [1803.] 48 plates. [Architektur der deutschen Schlosser.] *Cab. 80.132. i Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. Le chateau de Falaise (Calvados). [Paris.] 1864. Illus. 4091,126 Sacchi, A., and G. Ceruti. II palazzo del comune detto "Arengario" in Monza. Con prefazione, aggiunte e disegni di L. Beltrami. Milano. 1890. Illus. 5 plates. 80Q3.116 Sandrart,. J. von. Die romischen Pallaste, und einige Gebaude des Palladio im venezianischen Gebiete und die merk- wiirdigsten Springbrunnen in Rom. Niirnberg. 1770. Plates. [Teutsche Academic der Bau- . . . Kunst. Vol. 3.] No. 2 in **K.50.i.3 Sant' Ambrogio, D. II castello di Pandino e le sue pitture. Milano. 1895. 22 plates. 4092.23 Schmerber, H. Studie iiber das deutsche Schloss und Biirgerhaus im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Strassburg. 1902. Illus. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Knnst- geschichte.] 4074-345 Bibliography, pp. 140-144. Schmidt, O. Burgen und Schlosser in Oes- terreich. Mit Text von J. Meurer. Wien. 1894. 50 plates. *L.5o.i7 Schnebbelie, J., and G. I. Parkyns, editors. Monastic remains and ancient castles in England and Wales. Drawn by J. Moore, f.a.s. Finished and etched by J. Schnebbelie. Aquatinted by G. J. Par- kyns. Vol. I. London. 1791. Plates. ♦2437.32 No more was published. A later enlarged edi- tion entitled Monastic and baronial remains . . . [edited] by G. J. [sic] Parkyns, may be found on shelf-numbers **G.3743.5; **K.2oi.5. Schubring, P. Schloss- und Burgbauten der Hohenstaufen in Apulien. Berlin. [1901.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.164 Schultze-Naumberg, P. Das Schloss. Miin- chen. 1910. Plates. Plans. [Kulturar- beiten. 6.] 40993.164.6 Schulz, B. Die Porta aurea [des Diocletians- palastes] in Spalato. Illus. (In Kaiser- lich-deutsches archaeologisches Institut. Jahrbuch. Vol. 24, pp. 46-52. Berlin. 1910.) *22ioa.55.24 Schulze-Kolbitz, O. Das Schloss zu Aschaf- fenburg. Strassburg. 1905. 26 plates. 16 232 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Schulze-Kolbitz, O. (Continued.) [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.377 Verzeichnis der benutzten Literatur, pp. ix-xi. Seidel, G. F. Die koenigliche Residenz in Miinchen. Leipzig. 1880. 35 plates. *Cab.6o.84.2 The text which accompanies these plates is by Christian Haeutle. It was published in 1883 under the title Geschichte der Residenz in Mun- chen [*Cab.6o.84.3]. Shelley, H. C. Royal castles of England. Boston. 1913. Plates. 2466.144 Bibliography, pp. 341-343- Smirke, Sir R. Specimens of Continental architecture. London. 1806. 8 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.27.io.4 Mostly views and plans of palaces. Smith, H. E. The history of Conisborough castle. Worksop. 1887. Illus. *240i.ioo Stern, G. Piante, elevazioni, profili e spac- cati degli edificj della villa suburbana di Giulio III, Pontefice massimo, fuori la porta Flaminia, misurati e delineati. In Roma. 1784. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i34.7 Streiter, R. Die Schlosser zu Schleissheim und Nymphenburg. Berlin. [1901.] Illus. 6 plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] Litteraturnachweise, p. t8. 4090.166 Strzygowski, J. Spalato, ein Markstein der romanischen Kunst bei ihrem tlber- gange vom Orient nach dem Abend- lande. Plates. Plan. (In Studien aus Kunst und Geschichte Friedrich Schnei- der . . . gewidmet . . . Pp. 323-336. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1906.) *4072.i67 Contains a discussion of the architecture of Diocletian's palace. Suisse, C. Architecture militaire bourgui- gnonne. Restauration du chateau de Dijon. Paris. 1876. Plates. 3950.57 Suys, T. F., and L. P. Haudebourt. Palais Massimi a Rome. Plans, coupes, eleva- tions, profils, voutes, plafonds, etc., des deux palais Massimi. Paris. [1818.] 43 plates. *Cab.6o.47.3 Tate, G. The history of the Borough, Castle, and Barony of Alnwick. Alnwick. 1866- 69. 2v. Illus. Portrait. Plans. *2466.46 Taylor, M. W. The old manorial halls of Westmorland & Cumberland. Kendal. 1892. Illus. Plates. Plans. *24i5.76 Thibault, A. F. Le chateau de Vaux le Vi- comte, dessine et grave par R. Pfnor. Accompagne d'un texte par Anatole France fpseud.]. Paris. 1888. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.26.29.5 Tholin, E. G., and P. L. A. Benouville. Un chateau gascon au moyen-age. fitude archeologique sur le chateau de Madail- lan (Lot-et-Garonne). Paris. 1887. 6 plates. 4091.128 Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. London. [1870.] 2 V. 2 plates. 2539.9 Same. [2d edition.] Revised and enlarged by A. Gunn. London. [1872.] 3 v. Plates. 2468.9 Same. [Chandos library.] 2468.31 Tokio, Japan. Imperial Museum. Photo- graphs of palace buildings of Peking. Tokio, Japan. (Continued.) With notes in English by T. Tomiogi. Tokyo. 1906. 2 V. 172 plates. *Cab.6o.i69.3 Tristram, H. B. The land of Moab. With a chapter on the Persian palace of Mashita by James Fergusson. London. 1873. Illus. 3046.52 Same. New York. 3046.49 Tristram, W. Q. Moated houses. London. [1910.] Plates. 2463.173 Urbani de Gheltof, G. M. II palazzo di Camillo Trevisan a Murano. Venezia. 1890. Illus. Plates. *8o9o.i43 Vanvitelli, L. Dichiarazione dei disegni del reale palazzo di Caserta. Napoli. 1756. 14 plates. *Cab.27.28.i Vanvitelli, L., the Younger. Vita dell' archi- tetto, Luigi Vanvitelli [ed una descri- zione delle reali delizie di Caserta]. Napoli. 1823. Plates. 4095.104 Venables, E., Canon of Lincoln. Episcopal palaces of England. New York. 1896. Plates. 24903.125 Versailles. Palais et jardins. 8e edition. Paris. [1852.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 2662.108 Versailles. Palais, musee, jardins. Paris. [1852?] Plates. **K.ii6.i Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Chateau de Pierre- fonds. 22 vues photographiques, avec une preface. Paris. [1897. Les monu- ments historiques de la France.] *4iooa.2 Description du chateau de Coucy. 2e edi- tion, augmentee. Paris. 1861. Plates. Plans. 4096.100 Description et histoire du chateau de Pierrefonds. 5e edition. Paris. 1869. Illus. 2635.68 Same, ye edition, 1874. 2635.54 Same. I3e edition. 1891. 2635.67 Vitry, P. Tours et les chateaux de Touraine. Paris. 1905. Illus. Portraits. [Les villes d'art celebres.] 4073.370 Note bibliographique, p. 6. Ward, W. H., editor. French chateaux and gardens in the xvith century. A series of reproductions of contemporary draw- ings hitherto unpublished, by Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i56.4 Wartburg, Die. Berlin. 1907. Illus. Plans. *Cab.28.28.4 Westminster Palace. The new palace of Westminster. 12th edition. London. 1856. Illus. Plan. 2495.188 Same. 1867. 2498.37 Same. New edition. 1890. Plates, 2498.39 Le nouveau palais de Westminster. Londres. 1868. Plates, Plan. 4098.132 Woodward, B, B. Windsor Castle: pictur- esque and descriptive. London. [1875.] 23 photographs. *Cab.24.29.2 Zanotto, F. II Palazzo ducale di Venezia illustrato. Venezia. 1853-61. 4 v. in 6. Plates. *473i-3 Zeller-Werdmueller, H. Zuercherische Bur- gen, Leipzig, 1894, 95. 2 parts in i v. Illus. 6 plates, [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich, ] No. 6, 7 in *48i 1.60.23 CLUB HOUSES, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS 233 Club Houses, Hotels, Restaurants. Automobile Club, L', de France. Concours d'installations de chambres d'hotels. Chambres a coucher et cabinets de toilette. Paris. [1905?] 24 plates. *Cab.6o.i56.2 Barry, Sir C. Studies and examples of the modern school of English architecture. The Travellers' Club house. London. 1839. 10 plates. *4ioo.i8 No more of this series was published. Belcher, J. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Moorgate place, E. C. London. 1893. 20 plates. *4090.83 Bunker Hill Monument Association. De- sign for the proposed lodge. Arthur H. Vinal and J. Sumner Fowler, architects. Boston. 1901. *409o.i27 Chicago. [Views of various club buildings in the city.] 15 plates. *8o8o.62 Ditchfield, P. H. The city companies of London. London. 1904. Tllus. Por- traits. Plates. *249oa.68 Fagan, L. The Reform Club: its founders and architect. London. 1887. Illus. 4550.15 Gebaude fur Erholungs- Beherbergungs- und Vereinszwecke. Darmstadt. 1885. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.4 Gropius, P., and H. Schmieden. Das neue Gewandhaus in Leipzig. Berlin. 1887. 16 plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.5 Guyer, E. Das Hotelwesen der Gegenwart. Zurich. 1874. Plans. 4002.55 Hatton, J. Club-land: London and provin- cial. London. 1890. Plates. 45703.101 Hude, H. von der. Hotels. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 174-220. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Literatur, pp. 218-220. Kuehn, A., and H. Rohde, editors. Entwiirfe fiir Gast- und Logierhauser in Bade- und Luftkurorten. Leipzig. 1901. 26 plates. 4091.185 New Hampshire Historical Society. Dedi- cation of the building of the Society: the gift of Edward Tuck. Concord. 1912. Portraits. Plates. *443oa.32 Rendie, W., and P. Norman. The inns of old Southwark and their associations. London. 1888. Illus. Plates. Plans. -^. *249i.7i Ricker, H., & Sons, Incorporated. Poland Spring House. [New York. 191 1. J Illus. Plates, 379ob.ii5 Schmitt, E. Gasthofe niederen Ranges, Schlaf- und Herbergshauser. Plans. (Fn Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 221-239. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Literatur, pp. 234, 239. Volkskuchen und Speise-Anstalten fur Arbeiter; Volks-Kaffeehauser. Plans. Schmitt, E. (Continued.) (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 94-106. Darmstadt. ^885.) *8o92.52.4 Literatur, pp. 105, 106. Gebaude fur Gewerbe- und Kunstge- werbevereine; — Gebaude fiir gelehrte Gesellschaften, wissenschaftliche und Kunstvereine. Illus. Plans. (In Hand- buch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb- band 4, pp. 320-323; 330-350. Darm- stadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Literatur, pp. 349, 350. Union Club, Boston. Plan of additions. [Boston. 1896.] Plate. 6 plans. 8094.47 Wagner, H. Freimaurer-Logen. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 299-309. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Literatur, p. 309. Gebaude fiir gesellige Vereine und Club- Hauser. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 275-298. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8oq2.52.4 r.iteratur, pp. 296-298. Gebaude fiir kaufmannische Vereine. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 316-319. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.'52.4 Gebaude fiir sonstige gemeinniitzigen Vereine und Wohlfahrts-Gesellschaften. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 323-329. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Literatur, p. 309. Innungshauser. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4. pp. 310-316. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Schank- und Speise-Locale; Kaffeehauser und Restaurants. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb - Band 4, pp. 3-94. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Way, T. R. The ancient halls of the city guilds, drawn in lithography. With some account of the history of the com- panies by P. Norman. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. *249oa.66 Woehler, M. Gasthauser und Hotels. Leip- zig. 191 T. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 7389a. 525 Contertts. — i. Die Bestandteile und die Ein- richtung des Gasthauses. 2. Die verschiedenen Arten von Gasthausern. Wood, W. M. Working plants for Young Men's Christian Associations. Boston. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The Brick- builder. Vol 20, No. 8.] 4091.240.20 Commemorative Monu- ments. Aegyptische Grabsteine und Denksteine aus siiddeutschen Sammlungen. Strassburg i. E. 1902-06. 3 V. in I. Plates. *3050.258 The text is by several different writers. Alizeri, F. I migliori monument! sepolcrali della Liguria. Genova. 1839. Plates. 4082.113 234 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Allen, J. R. The early Christian monuments of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1903. 3 parts in I V. Illus. [Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.] *2472.64 Bibliography, part 2, pp. 415-419, Altmann, W. Architectur und Ornamentik der antiken Sarkophage. Berlin. 1902. Illus. 8095.113 Amelineau, E. Histoire de la sepulture et des funerailles dans I'ancienne figypte. Paris. 1896. 2 V. Plates. [Musee Guimet. Annales.] *3490-55-28, 29 American Art in Bronze and Iron. Exempli- fied by work executed by Jno. Williams Bronze Foundry. Compiled and edited by W. D. Mitchell. Vol. i, no. 1-5. New York. 1903-07. 5 parts. Illus. Plates. *8091.202 No. I has been reissued in separate sheets in portfolio form. Andrews, W. F. Memorial brasses in Hert- fordshire churches. [2d edition.] Ware. 1903. 2467.168 Angeli, D. Mino da Fiesole. Florence. 1905. Illus. Portraits. 4086.128 Arte funeraria italiana. Serie i. Milano. [1907?] 36 plates. *8o8o.i36 There is no text. Association for the Preservation of the Me- morials of the Dead in Ireland. Journal, 1 892-1907. Vol. 2-6, 7 (part I, no. i). Dublin. 1895-1908. 5 V. and unbound parts. Plates. *25o8.i25 Vol. I is out of print. Auge de Lassus, L. Les tombeaux, par Lucien Auge. Paris. 1879. Plates. [Bibliotheque des merveilles.] 40893.100 Bachofen, J. J. Versuch uber die Graber- symbolik der Alten. Basel. 1859. 4 plates. 3467.5 Barbier de Montault, X. Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la sculpture religieuse a Rome, a I'e- poque de la renaissance. Rome. 1870. 146 plates. *Cab.8o.24o.5 Many of the examples are sepulchral monu- ments. Bartoli, P. S. Gli antichi sepolcri, ovvero mausolei romani ed etruschi. Roma. 1768. 113 plates. *494o.6 Colonna Trajana. Roma. [1672.] 127 plates. *Cab.49.io.3 Same. [Nuova edizione.] 126 plates. **Tosti, C.7.3 Columna cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata. Romae. 1704. 77 plates. **Tosti, C.7.2 Picturse antiquse cryptarum Romanarum et sepulcri Nasonum. Romae. 1750. 94 plates. *Cab.29.i9.2 Same. I79i- *Cab.49-io.4 Same. 1819. **Tosti, D.1.6 Veteres arcvs Avgvstorvm trivmphis in- signes ex reliqviis qvae Romae adhvc svpersvnt. Romae. 1824. 46 plates. Imperfect. **Tosti, D.I.2 Vetervm Ivcernse sepvlcrales, collectse ex cavernis et specvbvs svbterraneis vrbis Romae, figvris aeneis expressae. Editio nova. Lvgdvni Batavorum. 1728. Plates. ♦2950.4 Bartoli, P. S. (Continued.) Vetervm sepvlcra, sev mavsolea Romano- rvm et Etrvscorvm, inventa in vrbe Roma, aliisqve locis celebribvs. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm. 1702. Plates. No. I in*B.4iio.2.i2 Becker, F. Die heidnische Weiheformel D. M. (Diis manibus sc. sacrum) auf altchristlichen Grabsteinen. Gera. 1881. Illus. 2732.74 Beltrami, L. Indagini e documenti riguar- danti la torre principale del Castello di Milano ricostrutta in memoria di Um- berto I. [Milano. 1905?] Illus. Plates. 40903.140 Benndorf, F. A. O., and G. H. L. Niemann. Das Heroon von Gjolbaschi - Trysa. Wien. 1889. Text, i v.; Atlas, 34 plates. *Cab.29.ii.5 Benvenuti, P., and L. de Cambray-Digny. Monumenti sepolcrali della Toscana. Firenze. 1819. Plates. *274o.9 Beutinger, E. Handbuch der Feuerbestat- tung und ihre geschichtliche Entwick- lung von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart: technische und kiinstlerischc Anforde- rungen an neuzeitliche Krematorium. Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Literaturverzeichnis, p. 282. 6233.49 Bianchini, F. Camera ed inscrizioni senul- crali della casa di Augusto scoperte nella Via Appia. Roma. 1727. 6 plates. *494o.io Bliss, H. A., editor. Memorial art, ancient and modern. Buffalo. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4105.112 Blore, E. The monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, comprising the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain. London. 1826. 30 plates. *453i.ii6 Boerger, H. Grabdenkmaler im Maingebiet vom Anfang des xiv. Jahrhunderts bis zum Eintritt der Renaissance. Leipzig. [1907.] 28 plates. [Kunstgeschichtliche Monographien.] *4o84.220 Boissard, J. J. Onvphrii Panuinii, Bartholo- maei Marliani, Petri Uictoris, lani lacobi Boissardi Topographia Romae, cum tabulis geographicis, imaginibus anti- quae et nouae urbis, inscriptionibus. marmoribus, aedificiis sepulchris, aeri incisis. Francofurti. 1 597-1628. 6 parts in 2 v. *4950.i5 The copper-plates are by T. de Bry. Borchardt, L. Das Grabdenkmal des Konigs Sa5hur-re'. Band i: Der Bau. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissen- schaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] ♦3030.77 • No. 6 of Ausgrabungen der deutschen Orient- Gesellschaft in Abusir. 1902-1908. Boussard, J. M. fitudes sur I'art funeraire moderne dans ses conceptions les plus pratiques: chapelles, sarcophages [etc. Paris. 1870]. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.i03.2 Recueil des tombeaux les plus remar- quables executes de nos jours. Paris. [1872.] 40 plates. *407o.53 COMMEMORATIVE MONUMENTS 235 Boutell, C. Christian monuments in Eng- land and Wales: an historical and de- scriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments. London. 1854. Illus. 8064.62 The monumental brasses of England. London. 1849. Plates. *8o94.29 Brindley, W., and S. Weatherley. Ancient sepulchral monuments from various countries to the end of the 18th century. London. 1887. 212 plates. *8o8o.ii4 Brockhaus, H. Michelangelo und die Me- dici-Kapelle. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. 4105.49 Brueckner, A. Ornament und Form der attischen Grabstelen. Strassburg. 1886. 2 plates. 4083.15 Bruhns, L. Die Grabplastik des ehemaligen Bistums Wiirzburg wahrend der Jahre 1480-1540. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Renaissance. Leipzig. 1912. 13 plates. 4105.116 Buchner, O. Die mittelalterliche Grabplas- tik in Nord-Thiiringen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Erfurter Denk- maler. Strassburg. 1902. Illus. fStu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] I.iteratur, pp. ix, x. 4074-347 Burger, F. Geschichte des florentinischen Grabmals von den altesten Zeiten bis Michelangelo. Strassburg. 1904. Plates. *8o8i.64 Cabaret, P. E. A few specimens of bronze memorial tablets. New York. [1899.] Plates. 8038.82 Caldesi, L., & Co., photographers. British Museum. Mausoleum marbles. London, S. W. [186-?] 24 photographs. *Cab.8o.28o.2 Calverley, W. S. Notes on the early sculp- tured crosses, shrines and monuments in the present Diocese of Carlisle. Ed- ited by W. G. Collingwood. Kendal. 1899. Illus. Plates. Maps. Facsimiles. [Cumberland and Westmorland Anti- quarian Society.] *24i5.8o Cambridge Camden Society. Illustrations of monumental brasses. Cambridge. 1846. 40 plates. *249o.i3i Canina, L. Descrizione di Cere antica. Roma. 1838. 10 plates. ^ *6730.6 Capart, J. Une rue de tombeaux a Saqqarah. Bruxelles. 1907. Text, i v.; Atlas, 107 photographs. *305o.239 Conteuts. — i. Texte: Description de trois monu- ments funeraires de I'ancien empire egyptien, . 2. Planches: (107) photographies executees par I'auteur en collaboration avec le Dr. Ch. Mathien. Carderera y Solano, V. Iconografia espa- fiola. Coleccion de retratos, estatuas, mausoleos y demas monumentos in- editos desde el siglo xi hasta el xvii . . . Madrid. 1855, 64. 2 v. Plates. Text in Spanish and French. *Cab.70.l7.2 Casano, A. Del sotterraneo della chiesa cat- tedrale di Palermo. Palermo. 1849. Plates. Plan. 4091. loi Chabat, P. Les tombeaux modernes. Paris. 1890. 50 plates. *8o90.74 I Chacon, A. Historia vtrivsqve belli Dacici a Traiano Caesare gesti, ex simvlachris qvae in colvmna eivsdem Romae visvntvr collecta. Romae. 1576. 133 folded plates. *2300.3 Chancellor, F. The ancient sepulchral monuments of Essex. London. 1890. Plates. ^ *6530.i3 Chardon, E. H. Le sepulcre de la cathedrale du Mans et les iconoclastes. Le Mans. 1869. [fitudes sur la plastique mancelle.] 4104.73 Chassinat, E. La seconde trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari (sarcophages). Tome i, fasc. I. Le Caire. 1909. Illus. Plates. [Mu- see du Caire. Catalogue general des antiquites egyptiennes.] *505oa.iio Chevalier, C. Le tombeau de Saint Martin a Tours. Tours. 1880. Plates. 4095.128 Ciampi, S. Notizie inedite della Sagrestia pistoiese, de' belli arredi del Campo Santo pisano ed di altre opere di di- segno dal secolo xii. al xv. Firenze. 1810. 4 plates. 4061.25 Clarke, E. D. The tomb of Alexander. A dissertation on the sarcophagus now in the British Museum. Cambridge. 1805. Plates. *507i.7i Clarkson, D. A. Clarkson's monuments. Vol. I. London. [1854.] 48 plates. ♦4080.13 New designs for monuments, tombs, mural tablets [etc.]. London, [i860?] 48 plates. *407o.io Clausse, G. Les Sforza et les arts en Mila- nais. 1450-1530. Paris. 1909. Illus. Plates. *4074.396 Eleven of the 72 plates illustrate monuments. Les tombeaux de Gaston de Foix, due de Nemours, et de la famille Birago par Agostino Busti dit le Bambaja (1523)- Paris. 1912. 4105.115 Clinch, G. Old English churches: their architecture, furniture, decoration, and . monuments. London. 1900. Illus. 4108.6 Clochar, P. Monumens et tombeaux, me- sures, et dessines en Italic. Paris. 1815. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.i93.i Cochet, J. B. D., Abbe. Le tombeau de Chil- deric i^^^, roi des Francs, restitue a Taide de I'archeologie. Paris. 1859. Illus. 4613.9 Collignon, L. M. Les statues funeraires dans I'art grec. Paris. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Fondation Eugene Piot.] *8o82.77 Commission de I'oeuvre de Saint Martin. Notice sur le tombeau de Saint Martin et sur la decouverte qui en a ete faite le 14 decembre i86o. Tours. 1861. Plans. 4104.76 Conze, A. C. L., and others, editors. Die atti- schen Grabreliefs. Berlin. 1893-1906. Text, 3 V. in 4; Atlas, 3 v. in 5. *297oa.3 Corde, L. T. Les pierres tombales du De- partement de I'Eure. fivreux. 1878. Plates. *409i.i09 Cotman, J. S. Engravings of sepulchral brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk. Essay by Dawson Turner. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1838, 39. 2 V. *4070.9 236 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Courajod, L. C. L. Quelques monuments de la sculpture funeraire des xve et xvie sie- cles. Paris. 1882. Illus. 4097.113 Greeny, W. F. Illustrations of incised slabs on the continent of Europe from rub- bings and tracings. London. 1891. 71 plates. *8o7o.i2o Greeny, W. F., editor. A book of facsimiles of monumental brasses on the continent of Europe. Norwich. 1884. 53 plates. *Gab.8o.i28.i Gurrelly, C. T. The cemetery; The tomb[s] of Senusert iii., of Aahmes i.; The shrine of Teta-shera [at Abydos]. Plates. Plans. (In Ayrton, E. R. Aby- dos. Part 3, pp. 6-10; 22-38. London. 1904-) *305o. 184.3 Gurtis, C. D. Roman monumental arches. Illus. (In Archaeological Institute of America. American School of Classical Studies in Rome. Supplementary papers. Vol. 2, pp. 26-83. New York. 1908.) ♦2963.1 10.2 Gutts, E. L. A manual for the study of the sepulchral slabs and crosses of the Mid- dle Ages. London. 1849. 83 plates. [Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Archaeological manuals.] *4074.i2 Daly, C. Architecture funeraire contempo- raine. Specimens de tombeaux, cha- pelles funeraires, etc. Choisis principale- ment dans les cimetieres de Paris, Paris. 1871. 119 plates. *Gab.8o.2i.3 Dante. Dantis Alighierj sepvlcrvm. Floren- tiae. 1783. 4 plates. *Gab.27.i6.5 Davies, N. de G. The rock tombs of El Amarna. Part 1-6. London. 1903-08. 6 V. Plates. [Archaeological Survey of Egypt.] 3050.185 In progress. Davis, C. T. Gloucestershire monumental brasses. [London. 1896?] Illus. Plates. *25o6.i3o Demmler, T. Die Grabdenkmaler des wiirt- tembergischen Fiirstenhauses und ihre Meister im xvi. Jahrhundert. Strass- burg. 1910. 29 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.525 Drummond, J. Archaeologia Scotica. Sculp- tured monuments in lona & the West Highlands. Edinburgh. 1881. 99 plates. [Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.] *452o.io7 Duchesne, G. La Place de I'fitoile et I'Arc de Triomphe. Paris. 1908. Portrait. Plates. Facsimiles. [Bibliotheque du vieux Paris.] 2638.109 Bibliographic, pp. 64-66. Dunkin, E. H. W. The monumental brasses of Cornwall. London. 1882. 62 plates. **K.7i.2o Eberlein, G. Das Goethe Monument in Rom. Berlin. 1904. 30 plates. 8084.74 Edgar, C. C. Greek sculpture. Le Caire. 1903. Plates. [Catalogue generale des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire.] *505oa.88 Faulkner, T. A series of designs for mural monuments, tombs & tablets. London. 31 plates. *407i.6 Fayans, S. Bestattungsanlagen. Stuttgart. 1907. Illus. Plans. [Handbuch der Architectur.] *8o92.52.8.3 Fellows, Sir C. Account of the Ionic trophy monument excavated at Xanthus. Lon- don. 1848. 4 plates. *307i.i3 Fergusson, J. The mausoleum at Halicar- nassus restored in conformity with the recently discovered remains. London. 1862. Plates. *307i.io3 Fernandez- Guerra y Orbe, A. Tres sarcofa- gos cristianos, de los siglos iii, iv y v. [Madrid. 187-?] Plate. [Monumen- tos arquitectonicos de Espafia.] *Gab.6o.94.4 Feydeau, E. Histoire des usages funebres et des sepultures des peuples anciens. Paris. 1856, 58. 2 V. Plates. Plans. Some of the plates are colored. *2230.50 Fichot, C. Tombeaux et figures historiques de I'eglise imperiale de Saint-Denis. Paris. 1867. 2 V. 146 photographs. *Gab.8o.i8.i Fonteyne, J. Documents pratiques d'archi- tecture. ire serie: Marbrerie. Paris. [1875?] 30 plates. *Gab.6o.68.2 Forsyth, J. Book of designs for mural and other monuments. 5th edition. Lon- don. [1893.] 34 plates. 80703.145 Franz, J., Pasha. Die Grab-Moschee des Sultans Kait-Bai bei Kairo. Berlin. [1898.] Illus. 7 plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.150 Liter aturnachweise, p. 12. Freeman, A. C. Crematoria in Great Britain and abroad. London. [1906.] Illus. Plans. 6231.72 Fryer, A. C. Wooden monumental effigies in England and Wales. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries. London. [1910.] Plates. 243oa.8o Fuehrer, J., and M. V. Schultze. Die alt- christlichen Grabstatten Siziliens. Ber- lin. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Kaiserlich-deutsches archaeologisches Institut, Berlin.] 2751.82 Gardner, P. Sculptured tombs of Hellas. London. 1896. Plates. 8084.78 Gauckler, P.. Mosaiques tombales d'une chapelle de martyrs a Thabraca. Illus. Plates. Plan. (In Institut de France. Academie des inscriptions et belles- lettres. Monuments et memoires. Tome 13, PP- 175-227. Paris. 1906.) , Thabraca is in Tunis. *2220.I02.I3 Geary, S. Cemetery designs for tombs and cenotaphs. London. 1840. 21 designs. ♦4074.10 Gibbs, J. A book of architecture, contain- ing designs of buildings and ornaments. London. 1728. 150 plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.9 Contains designs for monuments. Designs for Christian memorials for churchyards and cemeteries. Oxford. 1868. 40 plates. 4092.122 Gonnelli, G. Monumenti sepolcrali della Toscana disegnati da Vincenzo Gozzini e incisi da Giovan Paolo Lasinio. Fi- renze. 1819. Plate. 8082.76 COMMEMORATIVE MONUMENTS 237 Goodwillie, E. The world's memorials of Robert Burns. Detroit, Michigan, [igii.l Portraits. Plates. 24793.154 Gorham Manufacturing Company. Gorham memorial tablets made in bronze, brass, marble, mosaic and other materials. New York. 1905. Plates. 8086.128 Graham, R. C. The carved stones of Islay. Glasgow. 1895. 32 plates. Map. Plans. ♦24303.48 Grandjean de Montigny, A. H. V. Recueil des plus beaux tombeaux executes en Italie dans les xye et xvie siecles. Nou- velle edition. Paris. 1874. 24 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.i9.3 Grandmaison, L. C. A. L. de. Le tombeau d'Agnes Sorel a Loches; destruction et restauration, 1793-1809. Tours. 1890. Plate. 4097.115 Gray, E.^ C. Tour to the sepulchres of Etru- ria, in 1839. 2d edition. London. 1841. Plates. 2737.23 Gregorovius, F. A. Die Grabdenkmaler der Papste. Marksteine der Geschichte des Papsttums. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1881. 4108.4 Same. 3. Auflage. Herausgegeben von Fritz Schillmann. 191 1. Illus. 4108.5 Grifi, L. Intorno ad un sepolcro disotter- rato nella vigna del Conte Lozano Ar- goli. Roma. 1840. 6 plates. *295o.6 Monumenti di Cere antica. Roma. 1841. 13 plates. ^ *275o.58 Gronau, G., editor. Meisterstucke der Bild- hauerkunst. 120 Musterbeispiele. Ber- lin. 1909. 2 V. in I. 8089a.11 Contains illustrations of a few fountains and sepulchral monuments. Gruendling, P. Moderne Erbbegrabnisse. Leipzig. 1903. 30 plates. 4094.18 Grunwald, M. Portugiesengraber auf deut- scher Erde. Hamburg. 1902. Illus. Plates. 4094.26 Hagger, J., publisher. Monumenta. Designs for tombs, monuments, headstones, grave-crosses, &c. With working de- tails. London. [18 — ?] 10 parts in i V. Plates. Plans. *409i.i72 Haines, H. A manual of monumental brasses remaining in the British Isles. Oxford. 1861. Plates. *2436.24 Halm, P. M. Das Stiftergrab des Klosters Seeon. Plates. (In Studien aus Kunst und Geschichte Friedrich Schneider gewidmet. Pp. 265-272. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1906.) *4072.i67 The monument was erected to Aribo I., Pfalz- graf. The artist was H. Heider. Hartig, E., editor. Die Ruhmeshalle in Bar- men. Berlin. 1902. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.i5o.5 Haseloff, A. E. G. Die Kaiserinnengraber in Andria. Ein Beitrag zur apulischen Kunstgeschichte unter Friedrich 11. Rom. 1905. Illus. Plates. [Koenig- lich-preussisches historisches Institut, Rom.] 2216.106 Haupt, A., and E. Dorovius. Kunst und Architektur im Dienste der Feuerbestat- tung. Berlin. [1901, 02.] 3 v. in i. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i37.3 Hitchcock, R. The ancient burial mounds of Japan; Some ancient relics in Japan. Plates. (In Smithsonian Institution. Annual report. 1891, pp. 511-526. Wash- ington. 1892.) *7928.5o(i89i) Hodges, C. C. The sepulchral slabs, grave covers of the Middle Ages, now in the County of Durham. Part i, 2. [Lon- don?] 1884. Plates. *453oa.io7 Hofmann, A. Denkmaler i. 11. Stuttgart. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Hand- buch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.8.2 On memorial buildings and monuments. Hunt, R. M. Yorktown Monument. [Plans. New- York. 188-?] *Cab.8i.22.2 Indian architecture. [23 colored sketches of Indian buildings and decorations, including Taje Mahel. Accompanied by two pages of text in manuscript. 1830?] *8o9oa.io8 Ingersoll-Smouse, F. La sculpture fune- raire en France au xviiie siecle. Paris. [1912.] Plates. 4105.113 Inghirami, F. Monumenti etruschi o di etrusco nome. Fiesole. 1821-26. 7 v. in 10. Plates. *275o.7 The last volume is an index. John v., of Portugal. Exequias feitas em Roma a magestade fidelissima do sen- hor rey Dom Joao v. Roma. 1751. Plates. *Cab.7o.i5.3 Jorio, A. di. Metodo per rinvenire e fru- gare i sepolcri degli antichi. Napoli. 1824. Plates. Plan. 4105.109 Kaufmann, C. M. Die sepulcralen Jenseits- denkmaler der Antike und des Urchris- tentums. Mainz. 1900. Illus. [For- schungen zur monumentalen Theologie und vergleichenden Religionswissen- schaft.] *4090.i25 Litteraturverzeichniss, pp. xi-xix. Keim, De B. R. Sherman: a memorial in art, oratory and literature by the Soci- ety of the Army of the Tennessee, with the aid of the Congress of the United States. [Washington.] 1904. Portraits. Plates. 4341.205; "*2o*h".5o.8i9.4 Contains an account of the dedication of the Sherman monument in Washington. Keller, F. AUgemeine Bemerkungen uber die Heidengraber in der Schweiz. Ziirich. 1846. 5 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 6 in *48i 1.60.3 Kermode, P. M. C. Manx crosses, from about the end of the fifth to the begin- ning of the thirteenth century. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. *243o.ii2 Kinch, K. F. L'arc de triomphe de Salo- nique. Paris. 1890. 10 plates. *3040.ii8 Kite, E. The monumental brasses of Wilt- shire. London, i860. Plates. *246oa.7o Knight, W. The Arch of Titus, and the spoils of the Temple. London. 1867. Illus. *8o95.3 Kramp, W. C, publisher. Monumental views from the cemetery of Mount Auburn, with an addition of original designs of monuments in the different styles of architecture. New York. [185-?] Plates. *Cab.6o.48.3 238 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Lacau, P. Sarcophages anterieures au nou- vel empire. Le Caire. 1904, 06. 2 v. Illus. Plates. [Musee du Caire. Cata- logue general des antiquites egyp- tiennes.] *505oa.86 Lafosse, J. C. de. Nouvelle iconologie his- torique, ^ ou attributs hieroglyphiques, cornposees & arrangees de maniere qu'ils peuvent servir a toutes sortes de decorations. Foutaines . . . medallions . . . tombeaux. Te Amsterdam. [1768?] 103 plates. *Cab.8o.io.4 Lasinio, G. P. Pitture a fresco del Campo- santo di Pisa, disegnate da Giuseppe Rossi. Firenze. 1832. Illus. 46 plates. *Cab.8o.2i.2 Lasser, M. von. Der neue ostliche Friedhof zu Miinchen, mit einer historischen Ein- leitung iiber das Miinchener Begrabnis- wesen und die alteren Miinchener Fried- hofe. Miinchen, 1902. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 6232.23 Laufer, B. Chinese grave-sculptures of the Han period. London. 1911. Illus. Plates. 41 05.1 10 Relates to sculptures of the Province of Shan- tung. Launitz, R. E. Collection of monuments and head stones. Boston. 1866. 20 plates. *Cab.8o.226.i Lauterbach, A. Die Renaissance in Krakau. Miinchen. 191 1. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 4105.114 Contents. — Kulturhistorische Vorbedingungen. — Architektur. — Grabmaler. Literatur, pp. 90, 91. Le Blant, E. F. fitude sur les sarcophages Chretiens antiques de la ville d'Arles. Paris. 1878. 36 plates. *4630.8 Les sarcophages chretiens de la Gaule. Paris. 1886. 59 plates. *6630.5i These two works belong to the Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France. 3me serie, Archeologie. Le Breton, G. Deux pierres tumulaires de I'Abbaye de I'lle-Dieu. [Paris. 1881.] Plates. 4105.27 Reprinted from the Revue des societes savantes [*S373-5.ser.7.t3]. Leonhardt, K. F. Ein Grabmalsentwurf von Hans Multscher im Bayerischen Natio- nalmuseum. Illus. Plates. {In Miinch- ner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst. Band 5, pp. 169-178. Miinchen. 1910.) *4072.i68.5 Le Preux, E. F. Un album d'architecte. Paris. 1874. 70 plates. *8io5.22 Sketches made principally in France and Spain. Some of the plates are of monuments. Lessing, J. Die Grabtafel des Erzbischofs Albrecht 11. von Mainz. Plates. {In Studien aus Kunst und Geschichte Fried- rich Schneider gewidmet. Pp. 259- 264. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1906.) *4072.i67 The artist who made the monument is thought to have been Conrat Gobel. Lichtenberg, R., Freiherr von. Das Portrat an Grabdenkmalen. Seine Entstehung und Entwickelung vom Alterthum bis Lichtenberg, R., Freiherr von. (Continued.) zur italienischen Renaissance. Strass- burg. 1902. 44 plates. [Zur Kunstge- schichte des Auslandes.] 8081.123 Lion, G. da. Antico monumento sepolcrale da pochi anni scoperto presso la citta di Padova. Padova. 1838. Plate. 4731.53 Macklin, H. W. The brasses of England. London. [1907.] Illus. [The anti- quary's books.] 2436.23 Monumental brasses. London. 1890. Plates. 8089.33 Madden, R. R. The shrines and sepulchres of the old and new world. London. 1851. 2 V. 2 plates. 6232.66 Maliphant, G. Designs for sepulchral monu- ments, mural tablets, &c. London. 1852. 31 plates. 4071.5 Manual for the study of monumental brasses. Oxford. 1848. Illus. 8094.7 Markham, C. A. The stone crosses of the County of Northampton. London. 1901. Illus. *243i.72 Markland, J. H. Remarks on English churches, and on sepulchral memorials. 4th edition. London. 1847. Plates. 4099a. 1 02 Marmottan, P. Les statues de Paris. Paris. [1886.] Illus. [Bibliotheque d'histoire et d'art.] 8067.129 Marucchi, O., editor. I monument! del Museo Cristiano Pro-Lateranense, ri- prodotti in atlante di xcvi tavole, con testo. Milano. 1910. Plates. *Cab.8o.243.5 Mason, W. S. A descriptive and architec- tural sketch of the Grace-Mausoleum, in the Queen's County. Dublin. 1819. Portraits. Plates. No. 2 in *2473.83 Maspero, Sir G. C. C. Sarcophages des epoques persane et ptolemaique. Tome I, fasc. I. Le Caire. 1908. Plates. [Musee du Caire. Catalogue general des an- tiquites egyptiennes.] *505oa.io8 Meyer, A. G. Lombardische Denkmaler des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart. 1893. Plates. *8o7i.i37 Michigan Cremation Association. Detroit Crematorium und Columbarium. [De- troit. 1910?] Illus. Plates. 62393.38 Mielke, R. Der Dorffriedhof. Illus. Plate. {In Sohnrey, H. Kunst auf dem Lande. Pp. 57-66. Leipzig. 1905.) 4093-163 Millin de Grandmaison, A. L. Descriptions des tombeaux decouverts a Pompei dans I'annee 1812. Naples. 1813. Plates. 4095.1 1 1 Montano, G. B. Diversi ornamenti capric- ciosi per depositi o altari. Roma. 1625. Plates. *8o90.55 Monumental Brass Society. Portfolio. Part 1-5. [Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1895, 96.] I V. Plates. *Cab.8o.i26.2 Monumente und Standbilder. Sammlung kuenstlerisch und geschichtlich bedeut- samer Denkmaeler. Lieferung i-ii. Berlin. [1891-1904.] Plates. *Cab.8o.i67.2 Moule, T. Antiquities in Westminster Abbey. Ancient oil paintings and sepul- chral brasses. London. 1825. Plates. ♦8102.17 COMMEMORATIVE MONUMENTS 239 Murder, A. La sepulture chretienne en France d'apres les monuments du xie au xvie siecle. Paris. 1855. Plates. 4098.110 Murray, A. S. Terracotta sarcophagi, Greek and Etruscan, in the British Museum. London. 1898. 11 plates. *Cab.8o.82.2 New York City. Art Commission. Cata- logue of the works of art belonging to the City of New York. New York. 1909. Portraits. Plates. ■^4073.304 Many commemorative monuments are included in this work. Newton, F. G. The columbarium of Pom- ponius Hylas on the Via Latina. A series of drawings by F. G. Newton. With text by T. Ashby. London. 1910. Plates. Plan. [British School at Rome. Vol. 5. No. 8.] No. 8 in *2732.25.5 Normand, L. M. Arc de triomphe des Tuile- ries erige en 1806, d'apres les dessins de MM. C. Percier et P. F. L. Fontaine. Paris. [1830.] 27 plates. *Cab.26.i9.4 Monuments funeraires choisis dans les cimetieres de Paris et des principales villes de France. Paris. 1847. 2v. 144 plates. *407o.6 Orioli, F. Dei sepolcrali edifizi dell' Etruria media e in generale dell' architettura tuscanica. [Fiesole?] 1826. Plates. *275o.5 O'Shea, H. La tombe basque, fitude des monuments et usages funeraires des Euskariens. Pau. 1889. Plates. 2632.60 Parker, C. A. The ancient crosses at Gos- forth, Cumberland. London. 1896. Plates. 2534.24 Peet, T. E. Rough stone monuments and their builders. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Illuminated title-page. [Har- per's Library of living thought.] 41093.115 Pervanoglu, P. Die Grabsteine der alten Griechen nach den in Athen erhaltenen Resten derselben besonders untersucht. Leipzig. 1863. Plates. 2962.67 Piccioni, M. [Sculpture of the Arch of Constantine and Trajan's Column.] Romae. N. d. 29 plates. No. 6 in *8o9oa.37 Picturesque sketches: comprising architec- tural sculpture, statues, monuments, tombs [etc.]. Boston. 1885. Plates. ♦80903.36 Poertner, B. Aegyptische Grabsteine und Denksteine aus Athen und Konstanti- nopel. Strassburg i. E. 1908. 13 plates. *3050.259 Poire, E. Les monuments nationaux en AUemagne. Paris. 1908. 2839.86 Prussia. Koniglich - preussisches Ministe- rium der geistlichen Unterrichts- und Medizinal-Angelegenheiten. Die Sieges- allee. Amtlicher Fiihrer durch die Standbildergruppen. Berlin. [189-?] Illus. Plates. 4079.358 Text by R. Koser and R. Sternfeld. Polero y Toledo, V. Estatuas tumulares de personajes espanoles de los siglos xiii al XVII. Con texto descriptivo. Madrid. 1902. Plates. 8084.72 Pollen, J. H. A description of the Trajan Column. London. 1874. Illus. [South Kensington Museum.] 2754.8 Quaglia, F. Les cimetieres de Paris. Re- cueil des plus remarquables monuments funebres. Paris. N. d. 24 plates. ^ ., , *8o7o.i88 Qmbell, J. E. Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu. Le Caire. 1908. 60 plates. [Musee du Caire. Catalogue general des antiquites egyptiennes.] *505oa.ii5 Quinby, F. C. The equestrian monuments of the world. New York. 1913. Plates. 8086.127 The check list of foreign monuments was com- piled by Valentine Blacque, assisted by Henry C. and Florence C. Quinby. Rabel, J. Les antiqvitez et singvlaritez de Paris. Livre second. De la sepulture des roys, & roynes de France, & autres persones illustres. Paris. 1588. Plates. No. 2 in *2639.47 Ramsay, W. M., editor. Studies in the his- tory and art of the eastern provinces of the Roman empire. London. 1906. Plates. Maps. 3041.210 The first chapter is on early Christian grave- stones. Reina, J. Description of the Arch of Peace in Milan. Milan. 1839. 2 plates. 4732.9 Reinach, S. L'arc de Titus. Paris. 1890. Plate. 8095.43 Resasco, F. La necropoli di Staglieno. Geneva. 1892. Illus. Plates. 2733.50 Richardson, E. The ancient stone and leaden coffins, encaustic tiles, etc., recently discovered in the Temple Church. London. 1845. Colored plates. Plans. *Cab.24.43.i The monumental effigies of the Temple Church. London. 1843. Plates. *Cab.24.43.2 Ridgely, H. W. Historic graves of Mary- land and the District of Columbia. New York. [1908.] Plates. [The Grafton historical series.] 4479a.290 Rijks-Museum van Oudheden, Leyden. Beschreibung der aegyptischen Samm- lung des niederlandischen Reichsmu- seums der Altertiimer in Leiden. Die Denkmaler des neuen Reiches. Von P. A. A. Boeser. Abteilung i, 2. Haag. 1910, II. Plates. *Cab.6o.48.4 Contents. — i. Graber. 2. Grabgegenstande, Statuen, Gefasse und verschiedenartige kleinere Gegenstande. Rios, J. A. de los. El area sepulcral de San Isidro Labrador, patrono de Madrid. Plate. (In Museo espaiiol de antigue- dades. T. 4, pp. 593-625. Madrid. 1875.) No. 31 in **Ticknor Cab.1.4 Monumentos funerarios. Siglo xiv. Plate. (In Museo espaiiol de antigiiedades. T. I, pp. 235-255. Madrid. 1872.) No. 21 in **Ticknor Cab.i.i Robert, C. Die antiken Sarkophag-Reliefs. Band 2; 3 (Abt. i, 2). Berlin. 1890- 1904. 2 V. in 3. Illus. Plates. *Cab.8o.88.3 Robinson, J. B. A series of designs for carved panels for headstones, crosses, etc. [Derby? 186-?] 36 plates. *8o8o.69 240 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Roessler, Ch. Le tombeau de Mausole. Paris. 1870. Illus. Plates. 5074.27 Rogers, C. Monuments and monumental inscriptions in Scotland. London. 1871, 72. 2 V. Plates. [Grampian Club.] *2472.69 Rogers, W. H. H. Antient sepulchral effi- gies and monumental and memorial sculpture of Devon. Exeter. 1877. Illus. 86 plates. *243o.io3 Rosini, G. Descrizione delle pitture del Campo Santo di Pisa, coll' indicazione dei monumenti ivi raccolti. 3a edi- zione. Pisa. 1829. 9 plates. 4067.52 Same. 4a edizione. 1837. 4067.35 Lettere pittoriche sul Campo Santo di Pisa. Pisa. 1810. Plates. 4075.133 Rossi, G. G. de'. Nova racolta degl' obelis- chi et colonne antiche dell' alma citta di Roma. Roma. [1651?] 10 plates. No. 3 in *8o9oa.37 Rossini, L. Gli archi trionfali, onorarii e funebri degli antichi Romani sparsi per tutta Italia. Roma. 1836. Plates. *Cab.8o.i3.i; **Tosti.C.5.i Roth, V. Geschichte der deutschen Plastik in Siebenbtirgen. Strassburg. 1906. 30 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.443 Ruskin, J. Monuments of the Cavalli fam- ily in the Church of Santa Anastasia, Verona. London. 1872. [Sepulchral monuments of Italy.] *Cab.8o.i2.2 The chromolithograph belonging to the work is on shelf-number Arundel 72. Saint Paul's Cathedral; its history and archi- tecture; with engravings of all the monuments. London. N. d. Illus. 4539a.ii7 Samyn, A. Monument funeraire a Court- Saint-fitienne. Un essai d'application de la symbolique comparee a I'architec- ture funeraire. Liege. 1889. Plates. *8o90.58 Sarcofago de la catedral de Oviedo, y de- talles de los sepulcros de Covadonga. [Madrid. 187-?] Plate. [Monumentos arquitectonicos de Espaiia.] No. 3 in *Cab.6o.90.3 Schaepkens, A. Tombeaux chretiens. Plates. {In Academic d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. 7, pp. 408-443. Anvers. 1850.) *3389-5-7 Schenck, C, editor. The Dewey arch and its details. New York. [1899.] 12 gela- tine plates. ^4090.110 Schmitz, B. Drei Kaiserdenkmaler. Aus- gefiihrte Architekturwerke. Berlin. [1900.] 3v. Plates. Plans. *Cab.8o.24o.i Contents. — i. Kaiserdenkmal am Deutschen Eck. 2. Kaiserdenkmal auf dem Kyffhauser. 3. Kaiser- denkmal an der Porta Westfalica. Schubring, P. Das italienische Grabmal der Friihrenaissance. Berlin. 1904. Illus. 40 plates. *8o8i.i27 Schulze, P. Original designs in monumen- tal art. Boston. 1851, 53- Plates. 8o8oa.8 Schweitzer, H. Die mittelalterlichen Grab- denkmaler mit figiirlichen Darstellun- gen in den Neckargegenden von Heidel- Schweitzer, H. (Continued.) berg als Heilbronn. Strassburg. 1899. Illus. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] *4074.i78 Seine, Prefecture du Departement de la. Direction des affaires municipales. Note sur la cremation a Paris. [Paris. 1893.] Plates. Plans. 6232.75 Simonsen, D. J. Sculptures et inscriptions de Palmyre a la Glyptotheque de Ny Carlsberg, decrites et expliquees. Avec 8 planches . . . dessinees par J. Euting. Copenhague. 1889. Plates. 8085.137 Bibliography, pp. 5, 6. "Les sculptures comprises dans cette collection sont, surtout, des monuments funeraires." Society for preserving memorials of the dead in the churches and church-yards of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. Vol. I. Norwich. [i882-]88. Plates. ♦2509.100 Sons of the Revolution. [An account of the memorial tablets and other monuments erected by the Society. Baltimore? 1905.] Plates. No. 3 in *44ioa.i2o(i9G5) Stackelberg, O. M., Baron von. Die Graeber der Hellenen. Berlin. 1837. 70 plates. *Cab.29.i8.3 Steinmann, E. Das Geheimnis der Medici- graeber Michel Angelos. Leipzig. 1907. Plates. [Kunstgeschichtliche Mono- graphien.] 4084.188 Literatur, pp. 125-127. Stevenson, J. J. A restoration of the mau- soleum at Halicarnassus. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4094.178 Stothard, C. A. The monumental effigies of Great Britain selected from our ca- thedrals and churches. [With introduc- tion and descriptions by A. J. Kempe.] London. 1817, 32. 142 plates. *4070.87 Styan, K. E. A short history of sepulchral cross-slabs, with notes and illustrations of examples found in the British Isles. London. 1902. Illus. 71 plates. 4095.148 Taj Mahal, Agra. Views of the Taje Mahel. Taken in 1789. [Prospectus? London. 1790.] Plan. 8094.61 Thiersch, H. Zwei antike Grabanlagen bei Alexandria. Berlin. 1904. Illus. 6 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i57.i Tholin, E. G. fitudes sur I'architecture re- ligieuse de I'Agenais du loe au i6e siecle, suivies d'une notice sur les sepul- tures du moyen age. Agen. 1874. Plates. 4097.3 Thompson, S. Sepulchral monuments of Italy. London. 1883. 49 plates. *Cab.8o.95.3 Thornely, J. L. The monumental brasses of Lancashire and Cheshire. Hull. 1893. Illus. *2495.i39 Tiffany Glass and Decorating Company, New York. Memorial tablets: ancient and modern, honorary and mortuary, in bronze, brass, mosaic and marble. New York. [1896.] Illus. 4029.24 Out-of-door memorials: mausoleums, tombs, headstones, and all forms of mortuary monuments. New York. [1898.] Illus. 8089.103 COMMEMORATIVE MONUMENTS Mi Tiffany Studios, New York. A few sugges- tions in text and illustrations of its work in ecclesiastical and memorial art: . . . New York. [iQii.] Plates. 41093.8 Topical architecture. No. 8, 46, 52, 56: Tombs. Boston. 1900-04. 4 parts. Plates. There is no text. 80903.135.8, 46, 52, 56 Tosi, F. M. Raccolta di monumenti sacri e sepolcrali scolpiti in Roma nei secoli xv e XVI. Roma. 1853. 4 v. in i. Plates. *Cab.49.i9.2 Trendall, E. W. Monuments, cenotaphs, tombs, and tablets. London. [1858.] 30 plates. 4071.7 Vaudin, E. Bourdin pere & fils, sculpteurs orleanais, a propos du tombeau de Saint- Valerien pres de Sens. Paris. 1883. Illus. 4084.108 Vermiglioli, G. B. De* monumenti di Peru- gia etrusca e romana. Per cura del Conte G. Conestabile. Perugia. 1855- 70. Text, 4 V. in 3; Atlas, 108 plates. *Cab.27.i2.3 II sepolcro dei Volunni scoperto in Peru- gia ed altri monumenti inediti etruschi e romani. Perugia. [1840.] 9 plates. 2750.3 Vertue, G., engraver. [The heads of the kings of England; also plates of their monuments. London. 1736.] 21 plates. **K.i32.i Villeneuve-Bargemont, L. F., Vicomte de. Monumens des grands-maitres de I'ordre de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem. Paris. 1829. 2 V. Plates. 2232.5 Vincent, W. T. In search of grave stones old and curious. London. 1896. Plates. 2539-31 Vischer, P. Die wichtigsetn Bildwerke am Sebaldusgrabe zu Nuernberg. Blatter gezeichnet und gestochen von A. Rein- del. Mit erlauternder Zugabe. Niirn- berg. [1851-56.] 59 plates. *407i.23 Vivere, E. K. J. van de. Le mausolee de Marie-Christine d'Autriche, execute par Antoine Canova, et explique par E. C. J. van de Vivere. [Traduit de I'italien par I'Abbe d'Hesmivy d'Auribeau.] Rome. 1805. 4098.121 The original essay (in Italian) precedes the translation. Voiart, J. P. Monumens des victoires et conquetes des Frangais. Recueil de tous les objets d'art consacres a celebrer les victoires des Frangais de 1792 a 1815. [Anon.] Paris. 1822. 100 plates. *4640.i Wall, J. C. The tombs of the kings of Eng- land. London. 1891. Illus. 2492.108 Waller, J. G., and L. A. B. Waller. A series of monumental brasses, from the 13th to the i6th century. London. 1864. Illus. 62 plates, with descriptive text. *Cab.8o.i92.2 Ware, W. R., and H. Van Brunt. The Me- morial Hall of Harvard University. Boston. 1887. 14 plates. [Monographs of American architecture.] *8ioo.7i.4 Waters, W. G. Five Italian shrines: an account of the monumental tombs of S. Augustine at Pavia, S. Dominic at Bo- I Waters, W. G. (Continued.) logna, S. Peter Martyr at Milan, S. Donato at Arezzo and of Orcagna's Tabernacolo at Florence. London. 1906. Plates. 4075*275 Watzinger, C. Griechische Holzsarkophage aus der Zeit Alexanders des Grossen. Leipzig. 1905. Illus. 3 colored plates. Plan. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft.] ♦3030.69 Weddigen, F. H. O. Die Ruhestatten und Denkmaler unserer deutschen Dichter. Halle a. S. 1904. Illus. Plates. 8085.124 Wettig, H. H. M. Die Leichenverbrennung und der Feuerbestattungs-Apparat in Gotha. Gotha. [1889.] Plates. 6239a.25 Same. 4. Auflage. Schmidt. [1902.] 6239a.37 Wiedemann, A., and B. Poertner. Aegypti- sche Grabreliefs aus der grossherzog- lichen Altertiimer-Sammlung zu Karls- ruhe. Strassburg i. E. 1906. 7 plates. *305o.26o Williams, J. Cast and wrought brass and bronze work. Wrought iron work. Architectural, monumental, ecclesiasti- cal, decorative. [New York.] 1899. Plates. *8o3oa.57 Wolters, P. Griechische Grabmaler in Miin- chen. Illus. {In Miinchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst. Vol. 4, pp. 1-21. Miinchen. 1909.) *4072.i68.4 Conservatories and Green- houses. Artistic conservatories, and other horticul- tural buildings. Designed to be con- structed on the system of Messenger & Co. London. 1880. Illus. 8092.13 Davidson, K. L. The unheated greenhouse. [London.] 1907. Plates. [The Coun- try Life library.] 3992.127 Fawkes, F. A. Horticultural buildings. London. [1881.] Illus. 3995-63 Hasluck, P. N., editor. Greenhouse and con- servatory construction and heating. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4099.170 Hibberd, S. The amateur's greenhouse and conservatory. London. 1873. Illus. 7999.92 Hunt, M. A. How to grow cut flowers. Also greenhouse construction. [Terre Haute.] 1893. Illus. 3998.115 Kerler, A., and E. Schmitt. Pflanzenhauser. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band 6, Heft 4. Darmstadt. 1893.) *8o92.52.6.4 Bibliography, pp. 452-454. Leuchars, R. B. A practical treatise on the construction, heating and ventilation of hot-houses. Boston. 1851. Illus. Plates. 5997.42 Same. New York. 1857. 5997-43 Messenger and Co. [Catalogue of horti- cultural buildings and appliances. Loughborough. 1887?] Illus. 8011.73 242 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Ravenscroft, B. C. Greenhouse construc- tion and heating. London. 1901. Illus. 4018.137 Rivers, T. The orchard-house. 13th edi- tion, enlarged. London. 1867. Illus. Plan. 3997-24 Same. i6th edition. London. 1879. 3997.74 Taft, L. R. Greenhouse construction. New York. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8017.163 Tallack, J. C. The book of the greenhouse. London. looi. Illus. Plates. [Hand- books of practical gardening.] 3998.174 Woodward, G. E., and F. W. Woodward. Woodward's graperies and horticultural buildings. New York. 1865. Illus. Plates. 5998.35 Domestic Architecture. See also Castles and Palaces ; Architectural Details ; Decoration, and the sub-divisions under that heading. Adams, M. B. Artists' homes. London. 1883. 31 plates. *Cab.6o.23.i Examples of old English houses and furniture. London. 1888. 36 plates. *Cab.6o.25.4 Addy, S. O. The evolution of the English house. London. 1898. Plates. Plans. [Social England series.] 4099.122 Allen, F. P. Artistic dwellings. Views and floor plans. 4th edition. Grand Rapids. [1893.] 8iooa.24 American Architect and Building News. Modern apartment houses. New York. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Special number. January 5, 1907.] 4092.132 Artistic houses, interior views of a number of homes in the United States. New York. 1883, 4. 2 parts in 4 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.26.i Atlas Portland Cement Company. Con- crete houses & cottages. New York. [1909.] 2 V. Plates. Plans. 4092.131 Contents. — i. Large houses, a. Small houses. Atwood, D. T. Modern American home- steads. New York. 1876. Illus. 4106.11 Balch, E. Glimpses of old English homes. London. 1890. Illus. Portraits. *L.42.i Bangs, E. M. An historic mansion: the Wadsworth-Longfellow house, Port- land. Portland, Maine. 1903. Plates. 4435-246 Reprinted from the New England Magazine, February, 1903 C*5322.55-33]- Barqui, F. L'architecture moderne en France. Maisons les plus remarquabJes dcs principales villes des departements. Paris. [1871.] 120 plates. *Cab.6o.45.3 Bauer, L. Das Plaus eines Kunst-Freundes. Wien. [1902.] 12 plates. [Meister der Innen-Kunst.] *Cab.6o.i58.i Some of the plates are colored. Belcher, J., and M. E. Macartney. Later Renaissance architecture in England. A series of examples of the domestic buildings erected subsequent to the Elizabethan period. London. 1897- 1901. Text, 2 V. in i; Atlas, 165 plates. *Cab.6o.i36.5 Belknap, R. R. American house building in Messina and Reggio. .A.n account of the American naval and Red Cross combined expedition, to provide shelter for the survivors of the great earth- quake of December 28, 1908. New York. 1910. Plates. Plans. 8105.68 Bevier, I. The house: its plan, decoration and care. Chicago. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The library of home eco- nomics.] 6009.191 Bidlake, W. H. The home from outside. Plates. Plans. (In Sparrow, W. S., editor. The modern home. New York. [1906.]) *8o92.86 On English architecture. Many of the plates are colored. Book, The, of a hundred houses. Chicago. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4097.i4i The illustrations include interiors. Borie, J. Aerodomes. Nouveau mode de maisons d'habitation a dix et onze etages, avec fagades retraitees et ter- rasses a hauteurs diverses. Paris. 1867. Plans. 8091.4 Boussard, J. M. Conseils pratiques de con- struction. La maison frangaise. Paris. 1883. Plates. 4099.47 Brooks, S. H. Rudimentary treatise on the erection of dwelling-houses; or the builder's comprehensive director. Added, the specification, quantities and esti- mate. London, i860. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8108.17 Brown, R. Domestic architecture. London. [1841.] Plates. *4090.i8 Bullock, J. The American cottage builder: a series of designs, plans, and specifica- tions from $200 to $20,000. New York. 1854. Plates. Plans. 8099.43 Calliat, V. Parallele des maisons de Paris construites depuis 1830. Paris. 1857, 64. 2 V. 246 plates. *Cab.6o.i6.i Canina, L. Particolare genere di architet- tura proprio degli usi domestici deco- rato con ornamenti di svelte forme. Roma. 1852. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.7o.2 Castermans, A. Parallele des maisons de Bruxellcs et des principales villes de la Belgique, construites depuis 1830. Paris. 1852-64. 2 V. 237 plates. *Cab.6o.64.5 Chamber of Commerce, Albany, New York. Committee appointed to investigate the question of moderate cost houses. Re- port. Albany. 1910. Plates. Plans. *8i03.iii Chambers, R. Edinburgh papers. Ancient domestic architecture of Edinburgh. London. 1859- I^us. 2465.133 Chandler, J. E. The colonial architecture of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Vir- ginia. Boston. 1892. so plates. *8o8o3..i6 Child, E. S. Colonial houses for modern homes. New York. 1903. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.i52.3 Clutton, H. Remarks with illustrations, on the domestic architecture of France. From the accession of Charles vr. to the demise of Louis xii. London. 1853. 16 plates. *8o8o.io4 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE 243 Coleman, O. Successful houses. Chicago. 1899. Plates. 4104.66 Comstock, W. T., compiler. Two-family and twin houses. New York. [1908.] Plates. Plans. 8105.55 Contains two detailed specifications. Co-operative Building Plan Association, publishers. The builders* portfolios. New York. 1886, 87. 3 V. 296 plates and plans. *Cab.6o.i57.7 Devoted principally to domestic architecture. How to build, furnish and decorate. New York. 1883. Illus. Plans. *8i03.56 Corner, J. M., and E. E. Soderholtz, Exam- ples of domestic colonial architecture in New England. Boston. 1891. 50 plates. *8ioi.55 Cornes, J. Modern housing in town and country. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. *8o9i 127 "Daily Mail." Architects' competition. Ideal homes. An illustrated record of the prize designs and many others. Lon- don. [1909.] Illus. Plans. 8103.88 Daly, C. L'architecture privee au xix^e siecle. Serie 1-3. Paris. 1864-77. 7 v. 576 plates. *Cab.6o.i94.2 Contents. — Serie i. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs : i. Hotels privees. 2. Maisons k loyer. 3. Villas suburbaines. Serie 2. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs: i. Decorations exterieures et interieures des etablissements de commerce et des habitations. 2. Villas. — Chalets. Jardins. 3. Decorations interieures des etablisse- ments de commerce et des habitations de ville et de campagne. Serie 3. Decorations interieures peintes. Davison, T. R. Modern homes. Selected examples of dwelling houses. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 8103.105 De Forest, L. Indian domestic architec- ture. [Boston. 1885.] 25 plates. *8io3.57 Delineator, The. The Delineator's prize $3,000 houses. New York. 1909. Plates. Plans. 8103.86 Desmond, H. W., and H. Croly. Stately homes in America from colonial times to the present day. New York. 1903. Plates. *8to';.28 Desmond, H. W., and H. W. Frohne. Build- ing a home. New York. 1908. Plates. Plans. 8107.31 Detroit Photographic Co. [Historic houses in the United States. Detroit.] 1904- 07. 28 photographs. *Cab.23.6i.4 Dietrich, W. Beitrage zur Entwickelung des biirgerlichen Wohnhauses in Sach- sen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Leip- zig. 1904. Illus. Plans. 4091.142 Ditmas, C. A. Brooklyn's garden: views of » picturesque Flatbush. [Brooklyn. 1908.] 24 colored plates. *L.53.i2i Mostly examples of domestic architecture, istoric homesteads of Kings County [N. Y.]. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1909. Colored plates. *4470.i50 Bibliography, p. 113. Dollman, F. T., and J. R. Jobbins. An analysis of ancient domestic architec- ture, exhibiting the best existing exam- r. pies in Great Britain. London. [1861, Domestic house planner and sanitary archi- tect. London. 1891. Plates. Diagrams. 8017.145 Dow, J. W. American renaissance: a re- view of domestic architecture. New York. 1904. 96 plates. *4092.i25 A series of papers reprinted from the Architects' and Builders' Magazine with slight modification. Drake, S. A. Historic mansions and high- ways around Boston. Boston. 1899. Illus. Plan. 2359.120 A new edition of Old landmarks and historic fields of Middlesex [2359.99]. Another edition is entitled Historic fields and mansions of Mid- dlesex [2359.57]. Our colonial homes. Boston. 1894. Illus. Plates. 4351. Ill Dubut, L. A. Architecture civile. Maisons de ville et de campagne de toutes formes et de tous genres. Paris. 1803. 90 plates. *Cab.6o.8i.i Ducker Portable House Co. Illustrated catalogue. New York. [1888.] Illus. 8097.20 Dustman, U. M. Construction of dwelling houses and bungalows. Chicago. 191 1. Plates. Plans. 8108.34 Eberlein, H. D., and H. M. Lippincott. The colonial homes of Philadelphia and its neighborhood. Philadelphia. 1912. Plates. Bibliography, pp. 355, 356. 8102.35 Edinburgh, The. [Apartment hotel. Boston. 187-?] Plates. Plans. 8090.56 Eichholz, P. Das alteste deutsche Wohn- haus. Ein Steinbau des ix. Jahrhun- derts. Strassburg. 1907. Illus. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.452 The house in question is the Graue Haus in Winkel im Rheingau. Essenwein, A. O., Fitter von. Der Wohn- bau. Darmstadt. 1892. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.4.2 Eye, J. L. A. von. Das biirgerliche Wohn- haus in seiner geschichtlichen Wand- lung. (In Historisches Taschenbuch. Jahrgang39, pp. 247-361. Leipzig. 1868.) *2309.i.39 Falke, J. von. Wohnung und Palast im Orient. (In Aus dem weiten Reiche der Kunst. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1889.) No. 3 in 4078.331 Field, H., and M. Bunney. English domes- tic architecture of the xvii. and xviii. centuries. London. 1905. 138 plates. ♦4090a. 1 19 Flach, J. fitude sur les origines et les vicis- situdes historiques de I'habitation en France, (In Foville, A. de.^ Enquete sur les conditions de Thabitation en France. Les maisons-types. Tome 2, pp. 1-97. Paris. 1899.) 8092.40.2 Foville, A. de. Enquete sur les conditions de I'habitation en France. Les maisons- types. Paris. 1894, 99- 2 v. Illus. Map. [France. Ministere de I'instruc- tion publique et des beaux arts.] 8092.40 Fowler, O. S. A home for all; or, the gravel wall and octagon mode of build- ing. New York. 1854. IHus. 8098.2 244 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Fraser, R. W. The kirk and the manse; sixty views of parish kirks and manses in Scotland. Edinburg, 1857. Plates. *457oa.i5 French, L. H. The house dignified: its de- sign, its arrangement and its decora- tion. New York. 1908. Plates. 4094.168 Fuller, A. W. Artistic homes in city and country. Boston. 1882. Illus. *8io2.i4 Same. Revised. 1884. *8io2.i5 Same. 1886. *8i02.2o Same. By A. W. Fuller and W. A. Wheeler. 5th edition. 1891. *8io2.23 Gardner, E. C. Homes and all about them. Boston. 1885. Illus. 4099.77 Homes, and how to make them. Boston. 1874. Illus. Plates. 4099.123 This forms Part i of Homes and all about them. Same. 1875. 4099.125 The house that Jill built, after Jack's had proved a failure. New York, 1882. Illus. 4099.73 Illustrated homes: a series of papers de- scribing real houses and real people. Boston. 1875. Plates. Plans. 8107.21 Garner, T., and A. Stratton. The domestic • architecture of England during the Tudor period. London. [ipoSj-ii. 3 v. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i35.i2 Garnier, J. L. C, and A. Ammann. L'habi- tation humaine. Paris. 1892. Illus. *223oa.63 Gelis-Didot, P., and Th. Lambert. La con- struction privee a la fin du xixe siecle. Hotels et maisons de Paris, fagades- et details. Paris. 1893. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.24.2 Geul, A. Die Anlage der Wohngebaude. Stuttgart. 1868. Plates. 4093-53 Includes apartment houses. Gibson, L. H. Beautiful houses: a study in house-building. New York. 1895. Illus. 4104.59 Includes both foreign and American domestic architecture. Convenient houses. New York. [1889.] Illus. 4104.51 Goebel, O. H. Das suddeutsche Biirger- haus. Dresden. 1908. Text, i v. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i62.2 Goetz, W. Das nordische Wohnhaus wah- rend des 16. Jahrhunderts, sonderlich in Hinblick auf das Schweizerhaus. Ham- burg. 1891. [Sammlung gemeinver- standlicher wissenschaftlicher Vor- trage.] No. 11 in *59i4.50.26 Gotch, J. A. Domestic architecture [in England]. Plates. Plans. (In Barnard, F. P., editor. Companion to English history (Middle Ages). Oxford. 1902.) 4517.40 The growth of the English house. A short history of its architectural development from 1 100 to 1800. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8107.35 Grimshaw, R. Hints on house building. 2d edition. New York. 1889. 8099.19 Grossmann, E. Ausgefiihrte Familien- Hauser. Ravensburg. [1898?] Text, I V. Illus. Plans; Atlas, i v. *8ioo.78 Grossmann, E. (Continued.) Einfache Wohnhauser in modernen Aus- fiihrungen zu Baupreisen von 20000 bis 30000 Mark. Ravensburg. 1894. 40 plates. *8o9o.i6i Guenther, A. Entwiirfe fitr kleine Wohn- und Geschaftshauser in Farbendruck. Wien. [1909.] 73 plates. 4098.160 Habershon, M. The ancient half-timbered houses of England. London. 1836. Plates. *4ioo.22 Haenel, E., and H. Tscharmann. Das Ein- zelwohnhaus der Neuzeit. Leipzig. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.43 Die Wohnung der Neuzeit. Leipzig. 1908. Illus. Plates. 8107.37 Hammond, G. W. A mill-built dv/elling house. [Boston. 1892.] Plates. Plans. 8105.37 Hanftmann, B. Hessische Holzbauten. Mar- burg. 1906, 07. Text, I V. Illus. Maps. Plans; Atlas, 50 plates. *409o.i78 Harrison, W. Memorable Edinburgh houses. Revised and enlarged by O. Smeaton. London. 1898. Illus. 2478.76 Hasluck, P. N., compiler. Cheap dwellings actually built, costing from £75 to £300 each and upwards. Over 200 plans, sections, elevations, details and specifications, selected from "Building World." 9th impression. London. 1908. 8105.56 Hennmg, R. Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischen Entwickelung. Strassburg. 1882. Illus. *2902. 50.47 Die deutschen Haustypen. Strassburg. 1886. *2902.5o.55.Part 2 These two works belong to the series Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturge- schichte der germanischen Volker. Herbert, W. Houses for town or country. New York. 1907. Plates. Plans. Treats of American architecture. 8105.45 Hesselgren, G. C, Publishing Co. Apart- ment houses of the metropolis. New York. 1908. Illus. Plans. *409i.i87 Hirth, G. Das deutsche Zimmer der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock-, Rococo- und Zopfstils. 3. Auflage. Miinchen. 1886. Illus. Plates. *4ioT.6i Historic houses in New England. [Boston. 1896.] 49 photographs. *8i02.33 Historic houses of the United Kingdom. London. 1891. Illus. Plates. *246oa.iio Same. 1892. *246oa.ii4 Hodgson, F. T., and E. N. Braucher, editors. Practical bungalows and cottages for town and country. Perspective views and floor plans of one hundred and twenty-five low and medium priced houses and bungalows. Chicago. [1906.] 8108.25 Holly, H. H. Modern dwellings in town and country. New York. 1878. Illus. Plates. 4096.50 Holme, C, editor. Modern British domestic architecture and decoration. London. 1901. Plates. [The Studio.] *8o72.90 Hoist, H. V. von. Modern American homes. Chicago. 1912. 108 plates. 8103.73 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE 245 Home, R. J. Old houses in Edinburijh. Edinburgh. [1907.] 55 plates. *Cab.6o.i67.i Home building and furnishing; being a combined new edition of "Model houses for little money," by W. L. Price, and "Inside of 100 homes," by W. M. John- son. New York. [1903.] 2 parts in i V. Tllus. Plates. Plans. 4099.131 Homes in citv and country. By Russell Sturgis, J. W. Root, Bruce Price, D. G. Mitchell, Samuel Parsons, Jr., W. A. Linn. New York. [1893.] Tllus. Plates. 4105.54 Mr. Linn's part of this work is devoted to Building and loan associations. Hopkins, D. S. Houses and cottages. Book no. 6. 58 designs costing from $150 to $1,500. Grand Rapids. 1893. 8iooa.26.6 Same. Book no. 7. 57 designs costing from $1600 to S2500. Grand Rapids. 1893. 81003.26.7 Same. Book no. 8. 54 designs costing from $1,600 to $3,500. Grand Rapids. 1893. 8iooa.26.8 Same. 2d edition. 48 designs costing from $300 to $15,000. Grand Rapids. 1890. 8iooa.27 Same. Book no. 9. 20 designs costing from $3600 to $10,000, together with 12 stable designs, ranging in price from $150 to $1500. Grand Rapids. 1893- 8iooa.26.9 Hotel Huntington, Boston. [Geo. F. Meacham, architect.] Boston. [187-?] 7 plans. *8o9oa.40 Huber-Liebenau, T. von. Das deutsche Haus zur Zeit der Renaissance. Berlin. 1882. [Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage.] No. 2 in *59i4.5o.i7 Hunt, T. F. Exemplars of Tudor architec- ture, applied to modern habitations. London. •18-'! i. 37 plates. *8o9o.28 Hunziker, J. Das Schweizerhaus nach seinen landschaftlichen Formen und seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung. Aarau. 1900-08. 5 v. Illus. Plans. 4092.88 Hussey, E. C. Home building. New York. [1876.1 Plates. 4093.61 Isabey, L. M., and H. E. Leblan. Villas, maisons de ville et de campagne com- posees sur les motifs des habitations de Paris moderne dans les styles des xvi^- xixe siecles [etc.]. Paris. 1867. 55 plates. *Cab.6o.45.4 Isham, N. M., and A. F. Brown. Early Con- necticut houses: a historical and archi- tectural study. Providence. 1900. Illus. Plan. *8io2.42 Early Rhode Island houses. Providence. 1895. Plates. Plans. 4102.71 Jessen, P. Haus und Wohnung in alter Zeit. Plates. Plans. {In. Sohnrey, H. Kunst auf dem Lande. Pp. 101-156. Leipzig. 1905.) 4093-163 Some of the plates are colored. Jochem, E. W. Das Haus des Burgers. Projekt 1-5. Stuttgart. [1905.] 8107.29 Johnston, W. K. Modern homes. Chicago. [1894?] 52 designs with descriptive text. 8iooa.26 Jones, S. R. Old houses in Holland. Edited by Charles Holme. London. 1913. Illus. Plates. 8107.30 Some of the plates are colored. Jourdain, F. Constructions elevees au Champs de Mars par M. Ch. Gamier, pour servir a I'histoire de I'habitation humame. Paris. [1890.] 23 plates. T ir T T A nr *Cab.6o.i7.2 juilien, J. L. A. Monographies parisiennes. Un vieil hotel du Marais. Paris. 1891. Illus. 2631.102 Kerr, R. The gentleman's house. 2d edi- tion, revised, with a supplement. Lon- don. 1865. Plates. 4105.15 Klasen, L. Grundriss-Vorbilder von Wohn und Geschaftshausern. Leipzig. 1884. Illus- *4i03.58.i Krafft, J. C, and F. Thiollet. Choix des plus jolies maisons de Paris et de ses environs. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1849. ^ Plates. *Cab.6o.8o.6 Lafon, A. J., and A. Marcel. L'hotel du Bourgtheroulde a Rouen. Paris. 1888. II plates. *Cab.6o.89.6 Lamb, E. B. Studies of ancient domestic architecture. London. 1846. Illus. *4I00.20 Lang, W. B. Views, with ground plans, of the Highland cottages at Roxbury (near Boston). Boston. 1845. 9 plates. 8091.76 A short description accompanies each plate. Lange, C. Haus und Halle: Studien zur Geschichte des antiken Wohnhauses und der Basilika. Leipzig. 1885. Plates. Plans. 4106.33 Latham, C. In English homes. The internal character, furniture & adornments of some of the most notable houses of England. London. [1904, 07.] 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.69.6 Leffel, J., & Co. House plans: containing plans of houses costing from $500 to $3,000. New York. 1884.^ Plates. 8092.20 Lex, M. L. F. L. Maisons anciennes de Macon. La maison de bois. Paris. 1893. Plate. 4094.117 Linse, E. Aus meiner Praxis. Band i : Ein Wohnhaus in Aachen. [Aachen. 1892.] 76 plates. *4090.8i Lippert, J. Hausbaustudien in einer Klein- stadt. (Braunau in Bohmen.) Prag. 1903. Plates. [Beitrage zur deutsch- bomischen Volkskunde.] No. I in *2go4.65.5 Luthmer, F. Das deutsche Wohnhaus der Renaissance. Berlin. [1897.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.148 Macartney, M. E. English houses & gardens in the 17th and i8th centuries. London. 1908. Illus. 61 plates. Plans. *L.35.9 Macartney, M. E., editor. Recent English domestic architecture. London. 1908- 13. 5 v. Plates. Plans. [The Archi- tectural Review. Special issue.] 4091.188 The text is in English, French and German. MacGibbon, D., and T. Ross. The castel- lated and domestic architecture of Scot- land. Edinburgh. 1887-92. 5 v. Illus. Plates. 4102.52 246 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE 1 Magne, L. L'art dans Thabitation moderne. Paris. 1887. Illus. 24 plates. *8o9oa.io6 Malan, A. H., editor. More famous homes of Great Britain and their stories. New York. 1902. Portraits. Plates. *4093.i46 Malcolm^ J. P. Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London during the eighteenth century. Added, a sketch of the domestic architecture [etc.]. 2d edition. London. 1810. 2 v. Plates. ♦2496.106 Mandar, C. F. "fitudes d'architecture civile, ou plans, elevations, coupes et details necessaires pour elever, distribuer et decorer une maison et ses dependances. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1826. 122 plates. *Cab.6o.ii4.2 Martin, C. W. Mediaeval houses and cas- tles in England. {In Academic d'archeo- logie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. 19, pp. 1 13-125. Anvers. 1862.) *3389.5.i9 Mason, G. C. The old house altered. New York 1878. Illus. 4094.53; **K.26o.i6 Mead, E. C. Historic homes of the south- west mountains, Virginia. Philadel- phia. 1899. Plates. Map. 4476-76 Meehan, J. F. Famous houses of Bath and district. Bath [England]. 1901. Plates. Portraits. 2463.45 More famous houses of Bp.th & district. With an introduction by F.gerton Cas- tle. Bath. 1906. Illus. Portraits. 2463.46 Mely, F. de. Maisons normandes. Paris. 1889. Illus. Plates. 4091.122 Extrait de la revue illustree Les lettres et les arts, 1888 [•7385.5.3]. Miller, M. Bitrgerliche und landliche Bau- werke in der Rheinpfalz. Frankfurt a. M. 1905, 08. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.i57.4 Moore, F. C. How to build a home. The house practical. New York. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4094.67 Morse, E. S. Glimpses of China and Chinese homes. Boston. 1902. Plates. 3018.220 Japanese homes and their surroundings. Boston. 1886. Illus. 3012.64 Moss, F. The fourth book of Pilgrima.i^es to old homes [in England]. Didsbury. 1908. Illus. Plates. 2462.169 The fifth book of Pilgrimages to old homes [in England]. Didsbury. 1910. Illus. Plates. 2462.171 Pilgrimages to old homes [in England]. Didsbury. 1906. Illus. Portraits. Plates. 2464.179 Pilgrimages to old homes, mostly on the Welsh Border. Didsbury. 1903. Illus. Plates. 2462.170 Muller, S. La maison hollandaise au temps de Louis xiv. Utrecht. 1891. Photo- graphs. *8o90.ii5 Muller, S., and W. Vogelsang. Hollandi- sche Patrizierhauser. Vierzig Tafeln mit beschreibendem Text. Utrecht. 1909. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.T82.i National Architects' Union. Artistic one- story houses. New York. [1893?] 27 plates with descriptive text. Plans. ♦8102.30 National Architects' Union. (Continued.) Sensible low cost houses. Vol. [i-]3. New York. [1893?] 3 v. in i. 105 de- signs. ♦8iooa.2o Copyrighted by A. C. Child. Vol. 1, 35 houses costing from $400 to J 1,800 ; vol. 2, 35 houses costing from $1,800 to $4,000; vol. 3, 35 houses costing from $3,000 to $9,000. Nevill, R. Old cottage and domestic archi- tecture in south-west Surrey. Guild- ford. 1889. Illus. Plates. *8o93.23 Newson, J. H., editor. Homes of character. [2d edition.] Cleveland, Ohio. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8103.116 Niernsee, J. R. Report on the construction and embellishment of private dwellings in Vienna. Washington. 1875. Plates. Plans. [United States. Commission- ers to the Vienna International Exhibi- tion. Reports.] No. 2 in *8o25.59.4 Normand, L. M. Paris moderne, o* choix de maisons construites dans les nou- veaux quartiers de la capitale et dans ses environs. Paris. 1837-49. 3 v. Plates. ♦4090.6 Oakey, A. F. Building a home. New York. 1881. Plates. Plans. [Appleton's Home books.] 8107.23 Same. 1884. 8107.24 Oakley, H. A. Address to the National Board of Fire Ll^nderwriters of the United States, at the decennial meeting. New York. 1876. 12 plans of apartment houses. 5651.56 Osborne, C. F. The family house. Phila- delphia. 1910. Plates. Plans. [The family books.] 6006.138 Notes on the art of house-planning. New York. 1888. Plans. 8108.11 O'Shea, H. La maison basque. Pau. 1887. Plates. 4094.79 Ouradou, M. La Vedette, maison de Viol- let-le-Duc, a Lausanne. Paris. 1881. 4 plates. *8o8oa.25 Palliser, G., and C. Palliser. Model homes. Bridgeport, Conn. [1878.] Illus. 4094-54 Parker, R. B., and R. Unwin. The art of building a home. London 1901. Plates. Plans. 4097.30 Parloa, M. An ideal kitchen. 20th edition. Boston. [1887.] Illus. Plates. 6002.56 Perks, S. Residential flats of all classes, including artisans' dwellings. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.161 Petites constructions frangaises. Par un comite d'architectes. Dourdan. [1893, 94.] 4 V. 400 colored plates. *8o9oa.i22 Planat, P. Habitations particulieres. Paris. [1890, 91.] 2 V. [Bibliotheque de la construction moderne.] *Cab.6o.46.i Contents. — Hotels prives. 80 plates. 2. Maisons de campagne, villas & chateaux. 150 plates. Poore, G. V. The dwelling-house. Lon- don. 1897. Illus. 8107.19 Price, W. L. Model houses for little money. With chapter on doors and windows, by F. S. Guild. Philadelphia. [1898.] Plates. [Ladies Home Journal house- hold library.] 4099.117 Same. (In Home building and furnishing. Part I. New York. [1903]) 4099-i3i DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE 247 Radford, W. A. Brick houses and how to build them: a standard collection of new, original, and artistic designs. Chicago. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.10 Cement houses and how to build them . . . Perspective views and floor plans of concrete block and cement plaster houses. Chicago. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8012.213 Radford's Artistic homes. Chicago. [1908.] Illus. Plans. 8105.11 Reed, S. B. House-plans for everybody. New York. [1878.] Illus. 4098.8 Renouvier, J. Des vieilles maisons de Montpellier. [Anon.] Montpellier. 1835. Folded plates. 4613.84 Rhamm, K. Germanische Altertumer aus der slawisch finnischen Urheimat. Buch I. Braunschweig. 1910. Illus. Plans. fEthnographische Beitrage zur ger- manisch-slawischen Altertumskunde. Abteilung 2. . . .] 2832.78 Contents. — i. Die altslawische Wohnung: Das Wohnhaus der russischen Slawen . . . Richardson, A. E., and C. L. Gill. London houses from 1660 to 1820: a considera- tion of their architecture and detail. London. [191 1.] Plates. Maps. Plans. 8103.83 Ris-Paquot, O. E. L'art de batir, meubler et entretenir sa maison. 4e edition. Paris. [189.3?] Illtts. Plates. 8093.111 Robinson, P. F. Domestic architecture in the Tudor style. London. 1837. 17 plates. *8o90.io3 Root, J. W. The city house in the West. I Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Homes in city and country. Pp. 35-69- New York. 1893) 4105.54 ss, W. G. Some small houses. 2d edi- tion, enlarged. London, [1910.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8103.110 Sage Foundation Homes Company, New York, publishers. Forest Hills Gardens. New York. 1912. 24 plates. 4092.326 A collection of illustrations and plans of houses. Salem, Mass. [Old houses of Salem.] 83 photographs. *Cab.23.64.i Sanders, W. B. Half-timbered houses and carved oak furniture of the i6th and 17th centuries [in England]. London. 1894. 30 plates. *8o8o.ii3 Sauvageot, C. Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du xve au xviiie siecle. Paris. 1867. 4 v. Plates. *8ioo.6 Schmerber, H. Studie iiber das deutsche Schloss und Biirgerhaus im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Strassburg. 1902. Illus. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.345 Bibliography, pp. 140-144. hultz, A. Die Wohnung. Miinchen. 1903. Illus. [Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte.] 2215. 11 This forms the first part of his Das hausliche Leben der europaischen Kulturvolker vom Mit- telalter bis zur zweiten Halfte des xviii. Jahr- himderts, and relates principally to Germany and France. Schultze-Naumburg, P. Dorfer und Kolo- nien. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Miinchen. 1908. Illus. Plates. [Kulturarbeiten. Band 3.] 40993.164.3 Types of domestic architecture. Hausbau. 4. vermehrte Auflage. Miin- chen. 1912. Plates. [Kulturarbeiten. Band i.] 40993.164.1 Kleinbiirgerhauser. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Miinchen. 191 1. Plates. [Kulturar- o ^. \^^^^- ^^"d 5-1 40993.164.5 Schulz, F. T. Nurnbergs Biirgerhauser und ihre Ausstattung. Lieferung 1-9. Wien. [1909-13-] Illus. Plates. 4092.36 Scott, Sir G. G. Remarks on secular & domestic architecture, present & future. London. 1857. Engraved title-page. 4102.80 Shoppell, R. W. Artistic modern houses of low cost. New York. [1888.] Illus. ♦8103.9 Building plans for modern, low-cost houses. New York. [1884.] Illus. 8102.18 How to build; furnish and decorate. New York. 1883. IlJus. 8103.56 Modern houses. No. 1-33. [New York. 1886-QI.] 5 V. Illus. Plans. *8iooa.i4 Selected designs from Shoppell's Modern houses. New York. [1890.] Illus. 8iooa.i8 Simon, C. Studien zum romanischen Wohn- bau in Deutschland. Strassburg. 1902. 7 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.346 Litteratur, pp. 264-275. Smith, F. L. A cosy home: how it was built. 2d edition. Boston. 1887. Illus. 4099.90 Homes of to-day; or, modern examples of moderate cost houses. Boston. 1888, 89. Illus. *8o94.33 Societe centrale d'architecture de Belgique. Belgische Neubauten. Berlin. [1886.] 50 plates. [Maisons particulieres et hotels.] *Cab.6o.io8.i Sparrow, W. S. The English house. How • to judge its periods and styles. New York. 1909. Plates. ' 4098.158 Our homes and how to make the best of them. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o92.84 Contains architectural suggestions for building and furnishing English houses. Many of the plates are colored. Sparrow, W. S., editor. The British home of today. A book of modern domestic architecture & the applied arts. Lon- don. 1904. Illus. Plans. [The art and life library.] 8103.82 A collection of articles by several writers. Flats, urban houses and cottage homes. New York. [1906.] Plates. Plans. *8o92.87 The modern home. A book of British domestic architecture for moderate in- comes. New York. [1906.] Plates. Plans. [The art and life library.] ♦8092.86 State Street Trust Company. [Forty of Boston's historic houses. Boston. 1912.] (41) plates. 4097.171 ;*Cab.23.69.io 17 248 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Steinhart, F. X. Finzelheiten alter Bauern- bauten. Leipziij. [1906.] lUus. 48 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i62.i Stephani, K. G. Der alteste deutsche Wohnbau und seine Einrichtung. Leip- zig. 1902, 03. 2 V. Illus. Plans. 4094.28 Stevens, J C, and A. W. Cobb. Examples of American domestic architecture. New York. 1880. 59 plates. *8i03.i5 Stevenson, J. J. House architecture. London. 1880. 2v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4094.62 Sturgis, R., Jr. The city house in the East and South. Illus. Plate. Plans. (In Homes in city and country. Pp. 1-34. New York. 1893.) 4105.54 Swan, A. A collection of designs in archi- tecture, containing new plans and ele- vations of houses, with a variety of sec- tions of rooms, their decorations. Lon- don, 1757. 125 plates. *8o90.i64 Sylvester, W. A. Modern carpentry and building, giving methods of obtaining the various cuts in carpentry . . . also giving a number of half-tone views of beautiful modern residences . . - Read- ing, Mass. 1896. Plates. Plans. 80193.186 Tabor, C. H. Modern homes. Chicago. T889. ^S plates. 8093.22 Terhune, M. V. (Marion Harland). Colonial homesteads and their stories. New York. 1912. 2 V. in i. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Coats of arms. 4366.149 More colonial homesteads. By Marion Harland [pseud.]. New York. 1899. Illus. Plates. 4366.148 Some colonial homesteads. New York. 1897. IHus. Plates. 4366.147 Thompson, R. E. The development of the house. (In University of Pennsylvania. Publications. Political economy and public law series. Vol. i. no. i, pp. i- 25. Philadelphia. 1885.) *556oa.6.i Trotter, A. F. Old colonial houses of the Cape of Good Hope. London. 1900. 34 plates. *8io2.38 Turner, T. H., and J. H. Parker. Some ac- count of domestic architecture in Eng- land. Oxford. 1851-59 3 V in 4. Plates. *4095.i2 Tuthill, W. B. The city residence: its de- sign and construction. N. Y. 1890. Illus. Plans. 8094.107 Ungewitter, G. G. Entwiirfe zu Stadt- und Landhausern. 2. Auflage. Glogau. [1864.] Plates. *4090.57 Gothische Stadt- und Landhauser. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [1889, 90.] 2 v. 108 plates. *Cab.6o.i2.4 Vacquer, T. Maisons les plus remarquables de Paris, construites pendant les trois dernieres annees. Paris. [1863.] 80 plates. *8ioo.5i Same. Paris. 1870. *4090.62 Vallance, A. Art in England during the Elizabethan and Stuart periods. Lon- don. 1908. Plates. 8072.182 Special number of The Studio 1*4071.225']. Many of the plates are colored. Verschelde, C. The ancient domestic edi- fices of Bruges. Bruges. 1875. 40 plates. 4091.57 VioUet-le-Duc, E. E. Habitations modernes. ire partie. Paris. 1875. Plates. *Cab.6o.69.3 The habitations of man in all ages. Bos- ton. 1876. Illus. 4106.7 Same. London. 1876. 4106.9 Histoire d'une maison. Nouvelle edition. Paris. [1875.] Plates. 4095.59 Same. (In Magasin d'education et de recreation. Vol. 18, 19.) *729oa.5o.i8, 19 How to build a house London. 1874. Illus. 4106.6 The story of a house. Translated by G. M. Towle. Boston. 1874. Plates. 4107.9 Vitry, P. Hotels & maisons de la renais- sance frangaise: recueil de documents sur I'architecture privee des xve & xvie siecles avec une introduction et des notices. Paris. [1911, 12?] 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i72.6 Bibliographic generale. Tome i, p. 8. Vogel, F. R. Das amerikanische Haus. Band i. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plans. Contents. — i. Entwicklung. *8l03.I06 Wallis, F. E. Old colonial architecture and furniture. Boston. 1887. 60 plates. *8i0368 Weaver, L., editor. The house and its equip- ment. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Vignette. 4093.184 A collection of articles by various authors. Includes a section on landscape architecture. Weissbach, C. Wohnhauser. Stuttgart. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. [HandlDuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.2.i Literatur, pp. 437-440. Wheeler, G. The choice of a dwelling. With plans and views London. 1871. *4io8.2 White, C. E., Jr. Successful houses and how to build them. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8108.22 Whitefield, E. Homes of our forefathers in Boston. Old England, and Boston, New England. Boston [Mass.]. 1889. Colored plates. *8i02.45; *8i02.39 The homes of our forefathers in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Read- ing, Mass. 1886. Plates. *8io2.46 The homes of our forefathers in Massa- chusetts. Boston. 1879. Plates. *8i02.47 Same. New edition. 1892. *8i02.48 This edition lacks 41 plates which appear in the edition of 1879, a"d contains 26 new plates. The homes of our forefathers in P.hode Island and Connecticut. Boston. 1882. Plates. *8i02.49;*8i02.5i The text of the second copy is fuller. Whittemore, H., compiler. Homes on the Hudson: historical, illustrative, de- scriptive. New York. 11895?] 73 plates. ^ *Cab.23.66.8 Williams, D. Co. Cottage designs vnth constructive details, by various archi- tects. A series of twenty-five designs of cottages ranging in cost from $600 to $1500, togefther with the details of interior and exterior finish New York. [1897.] Plates. Plans. [Carpentry and building series. No. i.j *8iooa.34 I DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE 249 Williams, D. Co. (Continued.) Low-cost houses with constructive de- tails, designed by practical architects. Cottages costing from $750 to S;25oo; elevations, floor plans, and details of construction. New York. 1903. Plates. Plans. [Carpentry and building series. No. 2.] *8iooa.35 Willins, E. P. Quaint old Norwich. Nor- wich. [1884.] 50 plates. *409o.i45 Examples of eccclesiastical and domestic archi- tecture in Norwich. Willmott, E. C. M. English house design: a review. London. 191 1. Illus. Por- trait. Plates. Plans. 8107.36 Woodward, G. E., and E. G. Thompson. Na- tional architect. New York. [1869.] Plates. *8ioi.i4 Worth, H. B. The development of the New England dwelling house. Read before the Lynn Historical Society, March 10, 1910. Lynn. 1911. Illus. 8107.32 From vol. 14 of the Register of the Society. Wyatt, 5/r M. D. An architect's note-book in Spain, principally illustrating dom.es- tic architecture. London, [1872.] Plates. 4095.54 Zell, F. Bauern-Hauser und volkstiimliche Hausmalereien im bayerischen Hoch- land. Frankfurt am Main. 1900. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i44.2 I Country Houses and Rural Architecture. See also Landscape Architecture and Gardens. Abadie, M. La ferme moderne: traite de construction rurale. Paris. [1903.] Tllus. Plans. Diagram.s. [Bibliotheque rurale.] 3993. 1 13 Abigt, E. J., editor. Landhaus und Villa. Architektur, Innendekorationen, Garten. Wiesbaden. [1912.] Illus, Plates. Plans. 8107.38 Adams, M. B., editor. Modern cottage archi- tecture. London. 1904. 50 plates. *8iooa.3i Albro, L. C, and H. T. Lindeberg. Domes- tic architecture. New York. 1912. Plates. Most of these houses are in New York. *8l04.20 Allen, L. F. Rural architecture. New York. 1852. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8097.28 Same. 1856. 8097.3 American Architect, The. Garages, country and suburban: a series of authoritative articles on the structural features of the private garage and its equipment. New York. [191 1.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4094.183 American Architect and Building News. Detached dwellings. [Country and suburban.] New York. 1909, ti. 2 v. Plates. 8103.84 American Homes and Gardens. Bungalow number. Vol. 5 (no 5)- [New York.] 1008. Illus. Plate. Plans. 8103.80 The file' of this journal is on shelf-no. *409i.2io. Ames, R. C. B. Langwater. Estate of Mrs. Frederick L. Ames, North Easton, Mass. Photographed by N. L. Steb- bins. 17 photographs. *L.6i.3S Architectural Review. [Vol. 14 (no. 3). Country and seashore houses. Boston 1 1907. Plates. Plans. *8i02.37;*4io2.205.i4 Ashbee, C. R. A book of cottages and little houses. [London. 1906.] Illus. Plates Plans. 4097.78 A description of English cottages. Atlas Portland Cement Co. Concrete coun- try residences. New York. [1906.] Plates. Plans. 4092.129 Same. 2d edition. 1907. 4092.130 Baker, J. C, editor. American country homes and their gardens. Introduction by Donn Barber. Philadelphia. rT9o6.] Plates. 4091.138 Baudin, H. Villas & maisons de campagne en Suisse. Geneve. 1909. Plates. Plans. *8i04.i6 Baxter, S. The Hotel Cluny of a New Eng- land village [the Whipple House, Ips- wich. Mass.] by S. Baxter; and An old Ipswich house by W. H. Downes. Salem. 1901. Plates. [Ipswich His- torical Society.] *4354.i63.io Bianchi, C. Ville del Lago di Como e della Lombardia. Torino. [190-?] So plates. [Le ville moderne in Italia.] *Cab.6o.i65.3 Bicknell, A. J., & Co., publishers. Cottage & villa architecture. New York. " 1878. 66 plates. *8iooa.7 Detail, cottage, and constructive architec- ture. New York. 1873. 75 plates. 4100.50 Village builder. Troy. 1870. Plates. *8ioo.i6 Same. Supplement. New York. [1871.] 20 plates. 8100.17 Birch, J. Picturesque lodges. Edinburgh. 1879. 16 plates. 4091.64 Blondel, J, F. De la distribution des mai^ns de plaisance et de la decoration des edi- fices en general. Paris. 1737, 38. 2 v. 15s plates. *8o9oa.59 Briggs, R. A. Bungalows and country resi- dences. London. 1891. 29 plates. ♦8103.70 Same. 5th edition, revised. 1901. 47 plates. *8i03.74 The essentials of a country house. Lon- don. [1911.] Plates. Plans. 8108.20 Briseux, C. E. L'art de batir des maisons de campagne, oij Ton traite de leur dis- tribution, de leur construction, & de leur decoration. A Paris. 1761. 2 v. Plates. Plans. **Adams 102.13 Brown, H. C, compiler. Book of home build- ing and decoration, prepared in coopera- tion with and under the direction of the leading manufacturers of the country. Garden City, New York. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8104.22 A collection of articles by various authors. Brunner, A. W. Cottages; or hints on eco- nomical building. New York. 1884. .24 plates. 8094.27 250 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Buchard, J. Constructions agricoles et architecture rurale. Paris. 1889. lUus. [Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles.] 3999.104 Buchard-Huzard, L. Traite des construc- tions rurales. 2e edition, augmentee. Partie i, 2. Paris. [1869.] 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *L.4i.4 Butterfield, W. H., and H. W. Tuttle. A book of house plans, floor plans and cost data of original designs of various archi- tectural types, of which full working drawings and specifications are avail- able. New York. 1912. Plates. Plans. 8103.113 Capen, O. B. Country homes of famous Americans. With an introduction by T. W. Higginson. New York. 1905. Illus. Plates. *8o9oa.8o earlier, £. J. N. Types de constructions rurales. Culture mixte. Paris. 1881. 30 plates. 8090.78 Child, E. S. Sensible low-cost barns and stables. New York. [1893.] 24 designs on 4 sheets. [National Architects' Union.] *8iooa.22 Child and De GoU, architects, New York. Low cost cottages. [Twenty-five plates and plans pasted on blank pages.] New York. [1900.] *8io5.30 Chute, C. W. A history of the Vyne in Hampshire. Winchester. 1888. Plates. *249i.i03 Cleaveland, H. W., and others. Village and farm cottages. The requirements of American village homes with designs for such houses of moderate cost. New York. 1856. Plates. Plans. 8105.31 Same. 1864. -8105.32 Same. 1866. 8105.33 Coffin, W. [Plans and elevations of the house on Forest Hills Street, Jamaica Plain, built by Winthrop Coffin and afterwards sold to M. D. Ross.] Manu- script. [Boston. 189-?] (7) plates. *8io8.i4 Coleman, T. E. Stable sanitation and con- struction. London. 1897. Illus. 6oo9b.i Comstock, W. P. Garages and motor boat houses: garage construction, garage equipment. New York. [191 1.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4094.182 Comstock, W. T., publisher. American cot- tages. New York. [1883.] 44 plates. *8o9oa.28 Bungalows, camps and mountain houses; designs by a number of architects. New York. [1908.] Plates. Plans. 8105.47 Co-operative Building Plan Association. How to build, furnish and decorate. Consisting of elevations and plans for houses, barns . . . New York. 1883. Illus. Plans. *8i03.56 Cottages: how to arrange and build them to ensure comfort, economy, and health: with hints on fittings and furni- ture. By a sanitary reformer. London, [1879.] Illus. 41 plates. [Ready-to- hand guides.] 4109.11 Cram, R. A., compiler. American country houses of today. New York. 1913. 189 plates. Vignette. *8i03.79 A collection of designs by various architects. Cummings, M. F., and C. C. Miller. Archi- tecture. Designs for street fronts, sub- urban houses, and cottages, including details. 2d edition. Troy, N. Y. [1865.] Plans, *8o90.i5 Cyphers Incubator Company, Buffalo, New York. Poultry plant construction: com- plete building plans (drawn to scale) of incubator cellars, brooder houses for chicks, brooder houses for ducks . . . with bills of material in detail and full instructions on building. Buffalo, New York. 1904. Plans. 6oooa.66.7 Davie, W. G. Old cottages and farmhouses in Kent and Sussex. 100 plates printed in collotype. With some descriptive notes and sketches by E. Guy Dawber. London. 1900. Illus. 4093.85 Old cottages & farm-houses in Surrey. With an introduction and numerous sketches by W. C. Green. London. 1908, Illus. 100 plates. Plans. *4093.i58 Old cottages, farm-houses and other stone buildings in the Cotswold district. With an account of the architecture of the dis- trict by E. G. Dawber. London. 1905. 100 plates. *4093.i56 Day, F. M., editor. American country houses of to-day. New York. 1912. 183 plates. Plans. *8i03.75 Deininger, J. W. Das Bauernhaus in Tirol und Vorarlberg. Wien. [1893.] Plates. Plans, *Cab.6o.i93.i This work is divided into four parts of various numbered sub-sections, each prefaced by pages of explanatory text. Most of the plates are colored. Delforge, H. Traite des constructions rurales contenant vues, plans [etc.] des batiments de ferme. Liege. 1867. 33 plates. *Cab.6o.79.4 Denton, J. B. The farm homesteads of England. 2d edition. London. 1865. Plates. 5990.1 Dethlefsen, R. Bauernhauser und Holz- kirchen in Ostpreussen: mit Unter- stiitzung der Koniglich-preuss. Staats- Regierung . . . Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o9i.i5 Literatur, p. (6). Deutsche Villa, Die. Berlin. [1890, 91.] 2 V. in I. 100 plates. *8iooa.5i Dick, S. The cottage homes of England. New York. 1909. Colored plates. *8io7.33 Ditchfield, P. H. The charm of the English village. Illustrated by S. R. Jones. Lon- don. 1908. Illus. Plates. 4094.170 The cottages and the village life of rural England. London. 1912. Illus. Colored plates. Plans. *8i03.ii4 The manor houses of England. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.66 Many of the plates show architectural details. Picturesque English cottages and their doorway garden. With a prefatory note bv R. A. Cram. Philadelphia. 1905. Plates. . *L.6o.38 COUNTRY HOUSES AND RURAL ARCHITECTURE 251 Dodd, H. The healthful farmhouse. With an introduction by Ellen H. Picharrls. Boston. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4099.164 Downing, A. J. The architecture of coun- tr}"- houses. New York. 1856. Illus. Plates. 8102.40 Cottage residences, and their gardens and erounds. Adapted to North America. New York. 1842. Illus. Plates. 4102.59 Same. 2d edition. 1844. *L.4i.i Same. 4th edition. 1856. *L.4i.2 Same. 1863. 4102.78 Same. New edition. 1873. 4093.50; *L.4i.3 Rural essays. New York. 1853. Illus. Plates. *L.32.io; 5992.48 Pages 101-192 are on landscape gardening; pages 205-278 on rural architecture. Duncan, J. H. K. Country cottages and week-end homes. New York. 1907. Plates. Plans. 4093.183 The cottages are English. Dwyer, C. P. The immigrant builder: how to plan and construct dwellings in the bush, on the prairie, or elsewhere. Philadelphia. 1872. Illus. 4099.130 Same. loth edition. 1878. 4099-69 Eigl, J. Das Salzburger Gebirgshaus. (Pinz- gauer Typus.) Wien. 1894. Ulus. Plates. Plans. [Oesterreichische Holzarchitek- tur.] *8o8o.6i Elyard, S. J. Some old Wiltshire homes. With notices on their architecture, his- tory and associations. London. 1894. Illus. 26 plates. *5?49o.i39 Embury, A., 2d. The Dutch colonial house, iits origin, design, modern plan and construction. Illustrated with photo- graphs of old examples and American adaptations of the style. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The country house library.] 8107.43 Contains several chapters on the treatment of interiors. One hundred country houses. Modern American examples. New York. 1909. Plates. Plans. *8o9i.79 The question of cost. Illus. (In Saylor, H. H. Inexpensive homes of individuality . . . Pp. 17-24. New York. 1912.) 8105.59 Engel, F. Baulichkeiten fiir Viehhaltung und Viehzucht. Illus. Plans. {In Hand- buch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb- Band 3, pp. 5-96. Darmstadt. 1884.) ♦8092.52.3 Grossere landwirthschaftliche Gebaude- Complexe. Illus. Plans. {In Handbuch I der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 3, pp. 154-171. Darmstadt. 1884.) Literatur, pp. 170, 171. *8092.52.3 nglish country houses. Boston. 1898. 100 plates. *4ioo.93 Without text, arm buildings. New and enlarged edition. Chicago. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8093.128 A collection of articles from the Breeder's Ga- ; zette. fea, A. Old English houses. The record of a random itinerary. London. 1910. Fea, A. (Continued.) Picturesque old houses. London. [1902.] Plates. 8107.25 An account of old houses in England. Ferree, B. American estates and gardens. New York. 1904. Illus. Plates. *L.6o.3i Field, M. Rural architecture and landscape gardening. New York. 1857. Plates. 4098.42 Fiske, G. B. Poultry architecture. New York. 1902. Illus. Plans. 4018.141 Fitzwygram, Sir F. W. J., Baronet. Horses and stables. London. 1869. Illus. 6004.3 Same. 3d edition. [With additions.] 1886. 6001.33 Giraud, B. Stable building and stable fitting. New York. [1890.] Plates. 8107.18 Same. London. 1891. 8107.17 Gourlay, C. The construction of a house: being the study of building construc- tion presented by means of a set of forty plates containing plans and detail drawings, with letter-press, of a design for a country house, including motor- house and chauffeur's lodge. London. 1910. Plans. 8103.108 Gramm, J. C. Der Architekt fiir Freunde der schoenen Baukunst. Fagaden, Grundrisse und Details. Frankfurt am Main. 1854. 25 colored plates. *Cab.6o.i6o.2 Designs for German country houses. Grass!, P. Geschichte der deutsch-bomi- schen xA.nsiedelungen im Banat. Prag. 1905. Plates. [Beitrage zur deutsch- bomischen Volkskunde.] *2904.65.5 Gros, J. Holzbauten, Chalets und ver- schiedene schweizer Architekturen. Stuttgart. [1902-04.] 100 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.I72.4 Haberlandt, M. Das Bauernhaus in Oster- reich-Ungarn und in seinen Grenzge- bieten. Herausgegeben vom Osterr. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein. Wien. 1901-06. Text, i v. Illus. Plans; Atlas. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.i39.6 Haenel, O. Einfache Villen und Land- hauser. Dresden. 1894. 5 v 75 plates. Plans. *8o90.i57 The cost and location of each house is given. Otherwise there is no text. Hale, A. Old Newburyport houses. Boston. [1912.] 68 plates. *8i02.S2 Each plate is accompanied by an unnumbered page of descriptive text. Hale, E. E. Picturesque Massachusetts. Boston. [1899.1 Illus. Plates. [Pic- turesque and architectural New Eng- land.] *Cab.6o.ioi.8.2 Contains views of natural scenery and country estates. Hall, S. C. The baronial halls and ancient picturesque edifices of England. Lon- don. 1856. Plates. *409o.9i Same. 1858. 2 v. **K.i40.ii Halsted, B. D. Barn plans and outbuildings. New York. 1886. Illus. 3997-20 Harney, G. E. Stables, outbuildings and fences. New York. [1870.] Plates. *8i02.6 252 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Harrison, F. Annals of an old manor-house, Sutton place, Guildford. London. 1893. 68 plates. *246o.i29 Harrison, P. T. Bungalow residences: a handbook for all interested in building. London. 1909. Illus- Plates. Plans. 8108.28 Hebert, M. On the Hudson. Hommage classique aux maitres de la renaissance frangaise. Album illustre et descriptif des travaux . . . [New York. 1905.] 48 plates and facsimiles. 40903.113 The residence of Charles M. Schwab. Hemming, S. Designs for villas, parson- ages, and other houses. London. [1859.] Plates. *4o8o.i2 The plates, some of which are colored, are accompanied by descriptive text. On English architecture. Hering, O. C. Concrete and stucco houses: the use of plastic materials in the build- ing of country and suburban houses . . . New York. 1912. Plates. Plans. [The country house library.] 8102.61 Hibberd, S. Rustic adornments for homes of taste. 2d edition. London. 1857. Illus. Plates. *4093,2io; *L.56.5 Same. New edition. 1870. *4093,2ii Same. New edition, revised by T. W. Sanders. 1895- *4093.2i2 Hobbs, I. H., and Son. Architecture; con- taining designs and ground plans for villas, cottages and other edifices. Philadelphia. 1873- IHus. 4095-52 Same. 2d edition. 1876. 4095-64 Holly, H. H. Country seats: lithographic designs for cottages, villas, mansions, etc. New York. 1863. 4102.22 Holman, E. E. Picturesque summer cot- tages, including summer hotels, coun- try clubs and road houses. Philadel- phia. [190-?] 2 V. Illus. 81003.32 Holme, C. Old English country cottages. London. 1906. Plates. [The Studio. Special winter number.] 8072.178 Some of the plates are colored. Hooper, C. E. The country house. New York. 1905. Plates. Plans. 8105.39; *L.4i. 16 Reclaiming the old house: its modern problems and their solution as governed by the methods of its builders. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8107.44 Studies of colonial architecture, including in- teriors. Hopkins, A. Modern farm buildings. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8093.129 Houghton, A. A. Practical silo construction. New York. 191 1. Plates. Plans. [Con- crete worker's reference books.] 80193.386 Hunnewell, H. H. Hunnewell estate, Wellesley, Mass. Sixteen photographs. ♦L.70.I Hunt, T. F. Half a dozen hints on pictur- esque domestic architecture, in a series of designs for gate lodges, gamekeep- ers' cottages and other rural residences. 2d edition. London. 1833. 14 plates. *8i03.7i Hussey, E. C. Hussey's National cottage architecture. New York. 1874. 63 plates. 4101.51 Ideen-Magazin ftir Liebhaber von Garten . . . und fiir Besitzer von Landgiitern. 3e Auflage. Leipzig. [1799-180-?] 3 V. Plates. Plans. *L.20.i6 Continued in the Neues Ideen-Magazin [*L.2o.i7]. Jackson, A. W. The half-timber house: its origin, design, modern plan, and con- struction. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The country house library.] 8102.60 Jacques, D. H. The house: a manual of rural architecture with numerous origi- nal plans. Revised edition. New York. 1866. Illus. 4098.40 Jones, S. R. The village homes of England. Edited by C. Holme. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. 8103.112 Some of the plates are colored. Keeler, C. A. The simple home. San Fran- cisco. [1904.] Plates. 8108.13 Kellerstrass, E. "The Kellerstrass way" of building poultry houses, brooder houses, incubator cellars, coops and appliances. Kansas City, Mo. [1910.] Plate. Plans. *Cab.6o.i7o.4 Gives full working drawings and specifications. Kemp, O. Wilderness homes. A book of the log cabin. New York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. ' 8099.44 Kerr, R. A small country house. London. 1873- 4109.6 Kirby, J. H. Portfolio of cottages. Syra- cuse, N. Y. N. d. 24 plates. 8103.58 The text is a general introduction. Each plate gives a perspective view and the floor plans of a cottage with cost. Klasen, L. Grundriss-Vorbilder von Ge- bauden fiir die Zwecke der Land-, Gar- ten- und Forstwirthschaft. Leipzig. 1892. Illus. Plans. *4i03.58.i4 Krafft, J. C. Maisons de campagne, plans et decorations de pares et jardins fran- ^ais, anglais et allemands. Paris. 1876. 219 plates. *L.5o.3 Recueil d'architecture civile, contenant les plans, coupes et elevations des cha- teaux, maisons de campagne et habita- tions rurales situes aux environs de Paris et dans les departemens voisins. [Paris. 1806, 07.] 120 plates. *L.50.4 Lakey, C. D. Village and country houses, or cheap homes for all classes. New York. 1875. 84 plates. 4090.61 Leach, F., editor. The county seats of Shrop- shire. Shrewsbury. 1891. Plates. Plans. ♦2460. 105 Leland, E. H. Farm homes: in-doors and out-doors. New York. 1881. Illus. 3997.81 Lemonnier de la Croix, G. E., and L. M, Normand. Paris moderne; ou choix de maisons de campagne et constructions rurales des environs de Paris. 3e partie. Liege. [185-?] Plates. Plans. *L.6i.i Le Moyne, L. V. Country residences in Europe and America. New York. 1908. Illus. Plans. *8iooa.42 COUNTRY HOUSES AND RURAL ARCHITECTURE 253 Lent, F. T. Sensible suburban residences. Cranford, N. J. 1894. Plates. Plans. 8iooa.23 Sound sense in suburban architecture. Cranford, N. J. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8095.101 Leyland, J., editor. Gardens old & new. The country house & its garden en- vironment. London. [1901-3.] 3 v. Plates. [Country Life library.] *L.5i.23 Same. [190-?] *3990.i5 Vol. I is of the 4th edition. Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm, and villa architecture and furniture. Lon- don. 1833. Illus. Plates. Plans. *L.42.6 Same. New edition. 1846. 4093.1 The suburban gardener, and villa com- panion; the arrangement and furnishing of the house, and the general manage- ment of the garden and grounds. Lon- don. 1838. Illus. Plates. *L.32.6 Treatise on country residences. London. 1806. 2 V. Plates. *4io2.26; *L.4i.5 Low-cost suburban homes. Houses that have been built at costs ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 by representative architects. 2d edition. Philadelphia. [1909.] Plates. ^ 8105.58 Macartney, M. E. English houses and gar- dens in the 17th and i8th centuries. London. 1908. 61 plates. Plans, *L.35.9 McClure, R. The gentleman's stable guide. Philadelphia. [1870.] Illus. Plates. 8008.34 Mason, G. C. Newport and its cottages. Boston. [1875.] Plates. *446o.i8 Maynard, S. T. The small country place. Philadelphia. 1908. Plates. Plans. 3998.226 Menken, H., editor. Bungalowcraft.^ A book on bungalow and cottage building in its latest development. Los Angeles. 1908. Plates. Plans. 8108.27 Homes not houses. California bungalow homes. (Second edition of Bungalow- craft.) A book on bungalow and cottage building in its latest development. Los Angeles. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8108.29 Middleton, C. Designs for gates and rails suitable for parks, &c. Also designs for trellis work. [London. 1805.] 27 plates. 8093.26 Miles, W. J. General remarks on stables and examples of stable fittings. London. i860. 12 plates. 4002.30 Mitchell, D. G. The country house. Illus. Plate. Plan. (In Homes in city and country. Pp. 99-136. New York. 1893.) 4105.54 A freehold villa for nothing. By I. Marvel [pseud.]. Appended, How to construct a freehold villa, by D. Smith. London. [1873.] Illus. 4099.54 .Out-of-town places: with hints for their improvement. New York. 1884. Illus. 240ob.63 A re-issue of Rural studies PA.s962.4L Morris, G. L. I., and E. Wood. The country cottage. London, 1906. Plates. Plans. [The country handbooks.] 'Bioy.ig Morris, T. A house for the suburbs; so- cially and architecturally sketched. 2d edition. London. 1861. Illus. 4102.21 Same. 3d edition. 1870. 8095.4 Muthesius, H. Landhaus und Garten. Bei- spiele neuzeitlicher Landhauser nebst Grundrissen, Innenraumen und Garten mit einleitendem Text. Munchen. 1907. Illus. 241 plates. Plans. 8091.78 Some of the plates are colored. Narjoux, F. Architecture communale. Serie 1-3. Avec une preface de M, Viollet-le- Duc. Paris. 1870, 80. 3 v. in 2. 222 plates. *8ioi.57 Neues Ideen- Magazin fiir Liebhaber von Garten und fiir Besitzer von Land- gutern, [Heft 1-12.] Leipzig. 1806. 12 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. *L.20.i7 This continues the Ideenmagazin fiir Liebhabet von Garten [*L.20,i6]. Nevill, Lady D. F. Mannington and the Walpoles, Earls of Orford. London. 1894. Plates. 2464.127 Nevill, R. Old cottage and domestic archi- tecture in south-west Surrey. Guild- ford. 1889. Plates. *8o93.23 Newton, E, Sketches for country resi- dences, London. [1882.] 16 plates, *8i03.64 Niven, W. Illustrations of old Warwickshire houses. London. 1878. Plates. Plan. *8iooa.46 Illustrations of old Worcestershire houses, with notes, historical and descriptive. London. 1873. Plates. *8iooa.45 Monograph of Aston hall, Warwickshire. London. [1881?] 15 plates. *8iooa.8 Northend, M. H. Colonial homes and their furnishings. Boston. 1912. Plates. 8107.42 Oliver, B. Old houses and village buildings in East Anglia, Norfolk', Suffolk & Es- sex, London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *8i07.34 Treats largely of interiors and decoration. Osborne, C. F., editor. Country homes and gardens of moderate cost. Philadel- phia. [1907.] Illus. Plates. Plans, 8103.76 A collection of designs by well-known architects. The illustrations include interiors, Ould, E, A. Old cottages, farm houses and other half-timber buildings in Shrop- shire, Herefordshire and Cheshire. London. 1904. Illus. loi plates. Plans. *4093-i57 Palliser, G., and C. Palliser. Palliser's American cottage homes. [Bridgeport, Conn. 1878.] 40 plates with accom- panying letter-press. *8iooa.3 Papworth, J. B. Rural residences. Lon- don. 1818. Plates. **G.i54.2;*L.4i.7 Same. 2d edition. 1832. 4102.10 Parker, C. Villa rustica: selected from buildings in the vicinity of Rome and Florence. 2d edition. London. 1848. Plates. *409o.i5 Parsons, S. Small country places. Illus. Plate. (In Homes in city and country. Pp. 137-159. New York. 1893.) 4105.54 I 254 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Percier, C, and P. L. Fontaine. Choix des plus celebres maisons de plaisance de Rome et de ses environs. Paris. 1809. 75 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.i Same. 2e edition. 1824. *L.7o.6 Petit, V. Habitations champetres. Paris. [186-?] 100 plates. *8ioi.54 Petites maisons pittoresques. Villas, pavil- ions, cottages, habitations a bon marche recueillis en France, Belgique, Angle- terre, etc. Paris. [1909.] 66 plates. 15 plans. *Cab.6o.i72.5 There is no text. Philips, N. G. Views of the old halls of Lancashire and Cheshire. London. 1893. Illus. 28 plates. *246o.T33 Picturesque and architectural New Eng- land. Boston. [1899.] 2 V. Illus. *Cab.6o.ioi.8 Contents. — i. Architecture in New England. By H. L. Warren and E. M. Bacon. 2. Pictur- esque Massachusetts. By Edward E. Hale. Picturesque sketches of rustic scenery in- cluding cottages and farmhouses. [Lon- don?] i860. 54 plates. *L.6o.i2 There is no text. Plaw, J. Sketches for country houses, villas, and rural dwellings. New edi- tion. 1823. 41 plates. 8101.12 Price, B. A large country house. New York. [1887.] 24 plates. *8i03.65 The suburban house. Illus. Plates. Plan. (In Homes in city and country. Pp. 70- 98. New York. 1893.) 4105.54 Quennell, C. H. B. Modern suburban houses. A series of examples erected at Hampstead & elsewhere. London. 1906. 43 plates. *8i03.78 Radford Architectural Co , publishers. Rad- ford's Artistic bungalows . . . Best modern ideas in bungalow architec- ture. Chicago. [1908.] Illus. Plans. 8108.31 Raniett, W. H. The architect: a series of designs for domestic and ornamental cottages and villas, connected with landscape gardening, adapted to the United States. Vol. i. New York. 1847. Plates. *8o90.i33 Reed, S. B. Cottage houses for village and country homes. New York. 1883. Illus. Plans. 409974 Dwellings for village and country. New York. 1885. Illus. 8092.19 House-plans for anybody. For village and country residences, costing from $250 to $8,000. New York. [1878.] Illus. Plans. 4090.8 Same. 1881. 4098.13 Ricauti, T. J. Sketches for rustic work; in- cluding bridges, park and garden build- ings, seats and furniture. Exeter. 1842. 19 plates with description and estimates. *8o9oa.ii9 Richards, J. Quaint old Germantown in Pennsylvania. A series of sixty former landmarks of Germantown and vicinity. Collated, arranged and annotated by J. F. Sachse. Philadelphia. 1913. Por- trait. 60 plates. *8i02.53 Richardson, C. J. The Englishman's house from a cottage to a mansion. 2d edi- tion. London. [1871.] Illus. 4106.5 A republication, with slight changes, of his Picturesque designs. House-building, from a cottage to a man- sion. 2d edition. New York. 1873. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4099.50 A republication, under a new title, of the pre- ceding work. Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, lodges, &c. London. 1870. Illus. ♦8092.4 Ritch, J. W. The American architect, com- prising [24] original designs of cheap country and village residences, with de- tails, specifications [etc.]. New York. [1847?] 96 plates. 8o9oa.62 Same. [1857?] 8o9oa.67 Roberts, I. P. The farmstead: the making of the rural home and the lay-out of the farm. New York. 1900. Plates. [Rural Science Series.] 399747 Contains chapters on The relation of the farmer to the lawyer, by De F. Van Vleet; House fur- nishing and decoration, Cleanliness and sanita- tion, Water supply and sewage, Household administration, economy, and comfort, by Mary Roberts Smith; The home yard, by L. H. Bai- ley; Lightning protection, by H. H. Norris. Robertson, W. Dessins d'architecture, representans des sieges de jardin, des portes de maisons de campagne [etc.]. Traduit de I'anglais. Londres. 1800. 24 plates. *8o8oa.23 Robinson, P. F. Designs for farm build- ings. 3d edition. London. 1873. Plates. *8i02.i3 Designs for gate cottages, lodges and park entrances. 3d edition. London. 1S37. Plates. 8102.12 Designs for ornamental villas. 3d edition. London. 1836. 96 plates. *8o9o.ioi A new series of designs for ornamental cottages and villas. London. 1838. Plates. *4090.9 Village architecture. 4th edition. Lon- don. 1837. 40 plates. 8103.53 Robson, G., architect. Modern domestic building construction. London. 1876. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.53.2 Ross, J. A. Florentine villas. With repro- ductions from Zocchi's etchings, and drawings by Nelly Erichsen. London. 1901. Plates. *Cab.6o.i58.2 Rueckwardt, H. Villen-Neubauten der Um- gebung von Berlin. Berlin. [1892-98.] 3 V. in 2. 84 plates. *Cab.6o.88.3 Ruskin, J. The poetry of architecture: cot- tage, villa, etc. New York. 1873. Illus. 25793.73; 4099-51 Same. 1886. [Works. Vol. 7.] No. 4 in 4553.54 Same. 1890. *L.55.ii Same. Orpington. 1893. Illus. Plates. ♦80903.114 Same. [1895.] 2553.101 Samson, G. G. Houses, villas, cottages and bungalows, for Britishers and Ameri- cans abroad. A book showing how they COUNTRY HOUSES AND RURAL ARCHITECTURE 255 Samson, Q. G. (Continued.) should be built and what they ought to cost. London. 1910. Plates. Plans. 8108.21 Sanders, J. H., compiler. Practical hints about barn building, with suggestions as to the construction of other farm outbuild- ings. Chicago. 1893. lUus. Plans. 8016.172 Sanderson, J. Rural architecture. Lon- don. [i860.] Illus. Folded plates. 4098.41 This edition has been revised by G. Morgan, who contributes an additional paper on "Labour- ers' cottages." Saylor, H. H. Bungalows: their design, construction and furnishings, with sug- gestions also for camps, summer homes and cottages of similar character. Philadelphia. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8108.33 Same. 1913. 8108.35 Saylor, H. H., editor. Architectural styles for country houses: the characteristics and merits of various types of architecture as set forth by enthusiastic advocates. New York. 1912. Plates. Plans. 8107.41 A collection of articles by various authors. Inexpensive homes of individuality: being a collection of photographs and floor plans illustrating certain of America's best country and suburban homes of moderate size. A new and enlarged edi- tion . . . New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.59 Schlossmann, A. Stall. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Sommerfeld, P., editor. Handbuch der Milchkunde. Pp. 503-541. Wies-^ baden. 1909.) *5992.35 Literatur, p. 541. On the sanitary housing of cows. Schmitt, E. Gestiite und Marstall-Gebaude. Illus. Plans. {In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 3, pp. 31-53. Darmstadt. 1884.) *8o92.S2.3 Literatur, pp. 52, 53. Sportanlagen. i. Berlin. 1913. Illus. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.684 Scott, J» Farm buildings. London. 1884. Illus. 4099.75; No. 4 in 3997.121 Scott, M. H. B. Houses and gardens. Lon- don. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8i04.i4 Shaw, R. N. Sketches for cottages and other buildings. [London.] 1878. 28 plates. *8to3.63 Shawver, J. L. Plank frame barn construc- tion. New York. 1904. Diagrams. 4099.162 Sloan, S. The model architect. Philadel- rphia. 1873. 2 V. Plates. *4090.58 loan's homestead architecture, contain- ing 40 designs for villas. With essays on style, construction, landscape gar- dening, furniture, etc. 2d edition. Phila- delphia. 1870. *L.42.3 Soane, 5zV J. Sketches in architecture. Con- taining plans and elevations of cot- tages, villas, and other useful buildings. London. 1793. 52 plates. *Cab.6o.77.3 I Sohnrey, H., editor. Kunst auf dem Lande. Kin Wegweiser fiir die Pflege des Schonen und des Heimatsinnes im deutschen Dorfe. Leipzig. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4093.163 Some of the plates are colored. Sparrow, W. S., editor. Flats, urban houses and cottage homes. New York. [1906.] Plates. Plans. *8o92.87 Stickley, G. Craftsman homes. New York. [1909.] Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. Some of the plates are colored. 8105.60 More craftsman homes. New York City. [1912.] Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 8105.63 These two works treat largely of artistic furni- ture and interiors. Strickland, Sir C. W., Baronet. Cottage architecture. York. 1859. Plates. No. 20 in *7997.22 On cottage construction and design. London. 1864. IHus. Plans. 4095.19 Sturgis, R. C. Suburban homes. A plea for privacy in home life. [New York. 1899.] Illus. Plans. *L.33.33 Cut from The Cosmopolitan for June, 1896 [Per. Room(*724S. 60.20)]. Suburban and country homes, containing designs for houses of moderate cost contributed by various architects. With "Suggestions on house building," by A. W. Cobb, and "How to plumb a sub- urban house," by L. D. Hosford. New York. 1893. 44 plates with descriptive text. 4105-55 Tattersall, G. Sporting architecture. Lon- don. [1841.] Plates. *4i02.23 Taylor, H. Old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire. Manchester. 1884. 33 plates. *246o.7o Taylor, S. Inexpensive rural cottages and buildings for small holdings. London. 1906. Plates. *8io5.53 Tipping, H. A. English homes of the early Renaissance: Elizabethan and Jacobean homes and gardens. London. [1913.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.69.9 The examples are of country houses. This work supplements and completes the volumes already issued: In English homes [*Cab.6o.69.6), and Gardens old and new [♦L.S1.23]. Trendall, E. W. Original designs for cot- • tages and villas in the Grecian, Gothic, and Italian styles of architecture. Lon- don. [1831.] 30 plates. *4ioi.25 Tuthill, W. B. The suburban cottage: its design and construction. 2d edition. New York. 1891. Illus. Plates. 8093.119 Twycross, E. The mansions of England and Wales. London. 1847-50. 5 v. Plates. *246o.36 Contents. — 1, 2. Lancaster. Northern division. 3. Lancaster. Southern division. 4, 5. Chester. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Concrete construction on the live-stock farm. Washington. 1912. Illus. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin 481.] *7995.40.48i 256 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Universal Portland Cement Company. Small farm buildings of concrete, ist edition. Chicago. 1912. lUus. Plates. Plans. 8012.334 Upjohn, R. Rural architecture. New York. 1852. 22 plates. *Cab.6o.io8.6 Varin, A., and E. Varin. The picturesque architecture of Switzerland. American edition. Boston. 1875. Plates. 4091.51 Translation of L'architecture pittoresque en Suisse. Vaux, C. Villas and cottaeres. New York. 1857. Illus. *L.42.2 Same. 1864. 4102.15 Same. 1867. 4102.58 Same. 1S69. 4102.76 Same. 1874. 4102.79 Vernon, A. Estate fences: their choice, con- struction and cost. London. 1899. Illus. Diagrams. *L.53.89 Vesly, L. de. L'architecture pittoresque au xixe siecle. Recueil de villas [etc.]. Dessines d'apres les projets de MM. Cordier, Dardoize [etc.]. Paris. 1877. 60 colored plates. *8ioo.64 Villa and cottage architecture: select exam- ples of country and suburban resi- dences recently erected. London. 1868. 80 plates. *8o9oa.82 Villas normandes & anglaises. Paris. [1912?] 54 plates. *Cab.6o.i72.8 Ville di Torino. Facciate e piante. Torino. [1909.] 30 plates. [Le ville moderne in Italia.] *Cab.6o.i34.8 There is no text, Vincent, J. Country cottages. 2d edition. London. 1861. Plates. 4080.14 Walter, T. U., and J. J. Smith. Two hun- dred designs for cottages and villas. 2d edition. Philadelphia. 1847. 30 plates. 8102.11 Waters, T. F. Some old Ipswich houses. (In Essex Institute, Salem. Historical collections. Vol. 33, pp. 197-241. Salem. 1898.) *2358.20.33 Weale, J., editor. Designs of ornamental gates, lodges, palisading, and iron work of the royal parks. London. 1841. Illus. 50 plates. *L.6o.2Q Weaver, H. Hints on village architecture. Bath. [1855?] Plates. *4ioo.28 Weaver, L. the "Country Life" book of cottages costing from £150 to £600. London. 1913. Illus Plates. Plans. Illustrations of English building. 8108.24 Weaver, L., editor. Small country houses of to-day. London. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8103.77 Wharton, E. Italian villas and their gar- dens. Illustrated ... by Maxfield Par- rish. New York. 1904. Plates. *8o9i.i30 List of books mentioned, pp. 251, 252. Wheater, W. Some historic mansions of Yorkshire and their associations. Leeds. 1888. 89. 2 v. Plates. *246oa.72 Wheeler, G. Homes for the people, in suburb and country. New York. 1855. Plates. 8098.3 Same. Revised edition. 8098.11 Rural homes. New York. 1851. Plates. 8095.11 Same. Revised edition. 8095.54 Wickes, C. A handy book of villa architec- ture. Series [i,] 2. London. [1859, 62.] 61 plates. *8ioo.74 Wicks, W. S. Log cabins. How to build and furnish them. New York. 1889. Illus. 18 plates. 8099.18 Wilkinson, W. English country houses. 2d edition. London. 1875. Plates. 4094.74 Williams, D., Co. Modern dwellings with constructive details, by numerous archi- tects. A selection of twenty designs of artistic suburban dwellings at costs ranging from $2000 to $5000; embracing floor plans, elevations and constructive details. New York. 1903. Plates. Plans. *8iooa.36 Suburban homes, with constructive de- tails, ranging in cost from about $3000 upwards; embracing floor plans, eleva- tions and constructive details. New York. 1903. Plates. Plans. *8iooa.37 Wilson, E. T. Modern conveniences for the farm home. Washington. 1906. Plans. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers* bulletin 270.] *7995.40.270 Wilson, H. L. The bungalow book. Short sketch of the evolution of the bungalow from its primitive crudeness to its present state of artistic beauty and cozy convenience. 4th edition. Los Angeles. [1908.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8108.30 Woods, P. T. Open air poultry houses for all climates. Chicago. 1912. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 8017.409 Woodward, G. E. Architecture and rural ^ art. No. I. New York. [1867.] Illus. 4099.9 ;*L.56.3 Woodward, G. E., and F. W. Woodward. Country homes. New York. 1865. Illus. 41 09. 1 Same. 1866 4106.25 Same. Plans. 4106.26; *L.56.i Woodward's Suburban and country houses. New York. [1873.] Illus. Plates. *L.56.2 Woollett, W. M. Old homes made new; plans and views, illustrating the altera- tion and remodelling of several sub- urban residences. New York. 1878. . Plates. 409942 Same. 1879. 4098.38 Villas and cottages; or, homes for all. New York. 1876. 40 plates. 8092.6 "Ye planry" bungalows. A book contain-' ing many new and attractive types of California homes. 4th edition. Los Angeles. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8108.32 Yorke, A., pseud. Rustic carpentry. Illus. Plates. (In Young, F. C, editor. Car- pentry for river and garden. Pp. 51-98. London. 1893.) 8039.156 Young, W. Picturesque architectural studies and practical designs for gate lodges, cottages, etc. London. 1.872. Plates. 4091-56 Town and country mansions and sub- urban houses. London. 1879. 30 plates. *8iooa.4 COUNTRY HOUSES AND RURAL ARCHITECTURE 257 Zanth, C. L. W. von. La Wilhelma, Villa mauresque de Sa Majeste le roi Guil- laume de Wiirtemberg, executee d'apres les plans et sous la direction de L. de Zanth. Paris. 1855. 10 colored plates. *Cab.6o.52.2 Zeller-Werdmueller, H. Das Ritterhaus Bubikon. Ziirich. 1885. 4 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich.] Houses for Workingmen. See also the subdivision Housing under the section City Planning. Akroyd, E. On improved dwellings for the working classes London. 1862. 10 plates. 5570-1 , Allen, C. B. Cottage building: or, hints for improving the dwellings of the labour- ing classes. London. 1849, 50. Illus. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8099.11 Same. 2d edition. 1854. 8099.3 Same. 7th edition, enlarged. 1873. 8099.36 Ashpitel, A., and J. Whichcord. Town dwellings. An essay on the erection of fire-proof houses in flats; a modifica- tion of the Scottish and Continental sys- tems. London. 1855. Plans. 4i03-i4 Birch, J. Examples of labourers* cottages. London. 1871. 23 plates. 4092.63 Same. Edinburgh. 1892. 38 plates. 4092.61 Bunker Hill terraces. [Prospectus. Bos- ton. 1894.] Plans. 8093.113 Burn, R. S. Dwellings for the working classes. Edinburgh. 1853. 8090.13 Cacheux, £. F. J. L'economiste pratique. Construction et organisation des creches, salles d'asile, ecoles, habita- tions ouvrieres. Mecanisme, statuts, reglements des institutions de pre- voyance et de bienfaisance. Paris. 1885. Text, I v.; Atlas, 72 plates. *8o9o.i23 fitat des habitations ouvrieres a la fin du xixe siecle. Paris. 1891. Plates. 4094.81 fitude sur les habitations ouvrieres ex- posees en 1889 [a I'Exposition univer- selle]. (Jn Revue technique. Partie i, pp. 147-171. Paris. 1892.) *8o2i.ioo.i L'ingenieur economiste. i^ partie: Habi- tations ouvrieres et pour emploj-'es. Laval. 1885. 20 plates. 8103.7 Publication discontinued. Central Cottage Improvement Society. [Specifications and plans.] London. [1865-68.] *Cab.6o.98.5 Chambers, W. Improved dwelling-houses for the humbler classes. London. 1855. Plates. Plans. 8104.11 Chase, C. T. A manual on school-houses and cottatres for the people of the South. Washington. 1868. Illus. Plans. 4096.7 ICheysson, J. J. E. L'habitation du metayer K vigneron du Beaujolais autrefois et H aujourd'tiui. Notice et dessins. [Paris. K 1899?] Illus. Plans. 9331.8344 Banfield, S. W., and H. I. Potter. Houses W for the working classes. Comprising 52 Cranfield, S. W., and H. I. Potter. (Continued) plans, also descriptive text, &c. 2d edi- tion, enlarged. London. 1904. 26 plates. *8iooa.33 Houses for the working classes in urban districts. London. 1900. Plans. *8iooa.3o Fitzgerald, L. M. Labourers' prize cot- tages. Cork. 1883. 20 plates. 8092.18 Fletcher, B. Model houses for the indus- trial classes. London. 1871. Plans. 8095.7 Same. 2d edition. 1877. 4097.10 Fontenay, — de. Manuel pratique des con- structions rustiques, ou guide pour les habitants des campagnes et les ouvriers dans les constructions rurales. Paris. 1836. 2 folded plates. [Manuels-Roret.] 6oo9a.62 Goddard, H Royal Agricultural Society's prize model cottages for agricultural labourers. London. [1851.] Plates. Plans. 4106.2 Green, J. L. English country cottages: their condition, cost and requirements. London. [1899.] Illus. Plans. 8108.23 Treats of cottages for rural laborers. Harper, J. P. Design of houses in blocks for workmen & colliers. Leeds. [1881?] 4 folded plans. 8091.55 Harvey, W. A. The model village and its cottages: Bournville. London. 1906. Illus. Plans. 8104.12 Bournville is a village built for workingmen near Birmingham, England. Herkner, H. Wohnungsfrage und Bebau- ungsplan. Berlin. 1908. [Stadtebau- liche Vortrage. Band i, Heft 5.] Literatur, p. (i). No. S in 4092.178.I Kerrison, Lady C. Plans and estimates for labourers' cottages. London. 1864. 12 plates of plans. 4106.4 London. Cheap Cottages Exhibition, 1905. The book of the Cheap Cottages Ex- hibition, containing a complete cata- logue with plans, and articles on the origin of the exhibition, and Garden City and cottage building problems. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. 8105.41 Manega, R. Die Anlage von Arbeiterwoh- nungen vom wirthscnaftlichen, sanitaren und technischen Standpunkte. 3. Auf- lage, herausgegeben von P. Griindling. Weimar. 1894. Text, i v.; Atlas, 16 plans. 8101.59 Morgan, G. Labourers' cottages. (In San- derson, J. Rural architecture. Pp. 96- 109. London, i860.) 4098.41 Muller, fi. Habitations ouvrieres et agri- coles, cites, bains, lavoirs. Paris. 1855, 56. Text, I v.; Atlas, 45 plates. *Cab.6o.87.5 Muller, t.., and f.. Cacheux. Les habitations ouvrieres en tous pays. Paris. 1879. Text, I v.; Atlas, 70 plates. *8iooa.i2 Nettlefold, J. S. A housing policy. Birm- ingham. 1905. Plates. Colored plans. 4099.160 Neve, E., and H., Baron de Royer de Dour. Plans-types d'habitations ouvrieres. Bruxelles. 1892. Text, i v.; Atlas, 11 258 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Neve, F., and H. Royer de Dour. (Continued.) plates. [France. Ministre de Tagricul- ture. de I'industrie et de travaux pub- lics.] *8o90.i2i Perks, S. Residential flats of all classes, in- cluding artisans* dwellings. London. 1905. Illus. Plans. 4093-161 Quincy, J. Moderate houses for moderate means. A letter to Rev. E. E. Hale. Boston. 1874. Plate. Plans. 8099.16 Roberts, H. The dwellings of the labouring classes. London. [1850.] Illus. Plans. 8101.13 Society for improving the condition of the labouring classes. Plans and suggestions for dwellings adapted to the working classes. 4th edition. [London. 185-?] Plans. No. 2 in *8to2.2 Stclz, . Beamten- und Arbeiterwohn- hauser Verwaltungstechnisches und praktische Winke nebst einer Sammlung von Entwiirfen ausgefiihrter Bauten. Strassburg. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.61 Weissbach, C, and W. Mackowski. Das Arbeiterwohnhaus. Anlage, innere Ein- richtung und kiinstlerische Ausgestal- tung. Arbeiterkolonien und Garten- stadte. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4092-335 Wells Memorial Association. Prize plans for cottages. Boston. 1887. *Cab.6o.99.6 White, A. T. Improved dwellings for the working classes, 1879. Better homes for workingmen, 1885. Riverside build- ings, 1890. [Brooklyn. 1891.] Plates. Plans. 4105.51 Wiggington, W. Sanitary reform. Model town dwellings for the industrious classes. London. 1850. Plates. *409i-3 Wilds, W. Elementary and practical in- structions on the art of building cot- tages and houses for the humbler classes. London. 1835. Plates. 8095.12 Williams, R., and F. Knee. The labourer and his cottage. London. 1905- Plates. Plans. [Workmen's National Housing Council.] 8105.57 Worthington, T. L. The dwellings of the poor and weekly wage-earners in and around town. With introduction by G. V. Poore. London. i893- Ulus. Plates. Plans. 4099.96 Ecclesiastical Architecture and Decoration. See also Mediaeval Architecture ; Architectural Details ; Decoration and the sub-divisions under that heading. Academic nationale de Reims. Rapport de la commission chargee d'examiner la proposition faite . . . relativement a la conservation de la galerie qui couronne la facade septentrionale de la cathedrale de Reims. Reims. 1878. Plates. 4103.32 Adamy, R. Architektonik der altchristlichen Zeit. Hannover. 1884. IHus. Plates. Plans. [Architektonik des Mittelalters. Theili.] *8o93.4.i Addlngton, Rev. H. Some account of the Abbey Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, at Dorchester, Oxfordshire. [Anon.] Oxford. 1845. Plates. Plan. *4io6.32 Addis, M. E. L. Scottish cathedrals and abbeys: their history and associations. London. 1901. Plates. 4105.71 Addison, C. G. The Temple Church. Lon- don. 1843. 4 plates. *2498.77 Addleshaw, W. P. The Cathedral Church of Exeter. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.30 Adler, F. Mittelalterliche Backstein-Bau- werke des preussischen Staates. Berlin. 1862, 98. 2 V. Illus. 120 plates. *Cab.6o.i5i.5 Ainalov, D. V. IlaMflTHHKH xpHCiiaHCKaro xepcoHcca. BbinycK-b 1: PasBajiHHbi xpa- mobtj. [Monuments of the Christian Chersonese. Part i : Ruins of churches.] MocKBa. 1905. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4101.47 Aitken, G, S. The abbeys of Arbroath, Bal- merino, and Lindores. Dundee. 1884. 23 plates. 4102.87 Aldis, E. Carvings and sculptures of Worcester Cathedral. London. 1873. 27 plates. *8o7oa.ii5 Alinari, V. figlises et couvents de Florence. [Florence. 1905.] Plates. 4109.86 i^:glises et "scuole" de Venise. Florence. T906. Illus. Facsimiles. 4io9a.io9 Bibliographic, pp. 327, 328. Allen, F. H. The great cathedrals of the world. Boston. [1886.] i v. in 2. 130 plates. *Cab.6o.27.2 Allen, J. R. The monumental history of the early British church. London. 1889. Illus. 5518.51 Allersberger, F. X. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Pfarrei und des Miinsters in Ueber- lingen. Lindau. 1879. 2 plates. No. 2 in *682i.i5.9 AUmers, H. Die altchristliche Basilika als Vorbild des protestantischen Kirchen- baues. Oldenburg. 1870. 4109.12 AUom and Leitch. Seventy-five steel en- gravings of cathedrals, abbeys and cas- tles. [London?] N. d. **K.73.6 Allou, A. Notice historique et descriptive sur la cathedrale de Meaux. Meaux. 1839. Plate. 4095-101 Ambros, A. W. Der Dom zu Prag. Prag. 1858. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plan. Music. 4i09a.2 American Chapel, Rue de Berry, Paris. Paris. [18 — ?] Colored plate. *Cab.35.ii.2 American Unitarian Association. Types of Unitarian churches. [Boston. 1907.] Illus. 4106.47 Amico, B. Trattato delle piante & immagini de sacri edifizi di Terra Santa, disegnate in lerusalemme. Firenze. 1620. 47 plates. *8o93.67 The date on the title-page appears to have been changed with a pen from 1620 to 16 10. The colophon bears the date 16 19. Anderson, J. C. Antiquities of Croydon church. London. 1867. Illus. 4521.16 The parish church of St. John the Baptist, at Croydon, Surrey, as it was rebuilt ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 259 Anderson, J. C. (Continued.) during the years 1867-9, after the de- signs of G. G. Scott. [London.] 1871. Plates. Plan. *8ioo.io5 Andreae, C. Monumente des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus dem saechsi- schen Erzgebirge: die Klosterkirche Zschillen, jetzt Wechselburg und die Rochlitzer Kunigunden-Kirche. Dres- den. 1875. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.78.3 Angles, A. L'abbaye de Moissac. Paris. [191 1?] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.107 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 91, 92. Arbuthnot, G. A guide to the Collegiate Church of Stratford-on-Avon. Strat- ford-on-Avon. [1899?] Plates. 4593.165 Arcambeau, E. The cathedrals of France. New York. 1913. Plates. 4109CU4 Archdall, M. Monasticon Hibernicum. Ed- ited by P. F. Moran. Dublin. 1873, 76. 2 V. Plates. *242oa.5o Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Northampton. Architectural notices. Deaneries of Higham Ferrers and Had- don. London. 1849. Plates. *4i02.56 Armailhacq, Mgr. d'. L'eglise nationale de Saint Louis des Frangais a Rome. Rome. 1894. Plates. *8ioi.ioo Armellini, M. Scoperta della cripta di Santa Emerenziana e di una memoria relativa .^^ alia cattedra di San Pietro nel cemeterio l^n ostriano. Roma. 1877. 11 plates. 2732.23 I^Hxtaria, F. Description de la cathedrale de I^H| Milan. [Anon.] Milan. 1830. Plates. y^m 4095-115 I^^P The index of plates calls for 65, of which only I^^K one is present. II duomo di Milano. Milano. 1831. 63 plates. 4102.33 Nuova descrizione del duomo di Milano con prospetti e tavole . . . [Anon.] Milano. 1820. 4095.114 Ashpitel, A. Remarks on the architecture of Newstead Abbey. {In The home and grave of Byron. Pp. 70-80. London. [1852?] 4539.19 Assche, A. van. Monographic de I'eglise de Notre Dame de Pamela a Audenarde. [Gand. 1881?] 47 plates. *8o8oa.io Atkinson, T. D. English and Welsh cathe- drals. Boston. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4107.60 tSome of the plates are colored. uber, C. A., Ahhe. L'an mille et de son influence pretendue sur I'architecture religieuse. Paris. 1861. 4097.100 ubert, A. Die malerische Dekoration der San Francesco Kirche in Assisi. Leip- Izig. 1907. 69 plates. [Kunstgeschicht- liche Monographien.] *4o84.22i ufleger, O. Altare und Sculpturen des Munsters zu Salem. Miinchen. 1892. 20 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.io6.3 Die Klosterkirchen in Ottobeuren, Miin- chen. 1891, 92. 2 V. in T. 55 plates. Aufleger, O. (Continued.) Die kgl. Hofkirche zu Fiirstenfeld. Die Klosterkirche zu Diessen. Miinchen. 1894. 35 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.9 These three works form part of the series en- titled Suddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im XVI 1 1. Jahrhundert. Auriac, E. d'. Recherches sur I'ancienne cathedrale d'Alby. Preuves de I'exis- tence de deux eglises dediees a Sainte- Cecile, dans I'Albigeois, au xe siecle. Paris. 1851. 4098.107 Aveling, J. K. The history of Roche Abbey. London. 1870. Plates. *455o.2 Ayer, J. C, Jr. The rise and development of Christian architecture. Milwaukee. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. 41003.31 B., E. La chapelle Saint-Jean dans I'eglise Saint-Severin. [Paris. 1841.] No. 2 in 4083.117 A criticism of the work of M. Flandrin. Bachmann, W. Kirchen und Moscheen in Armenien und Kurdistan. Leipzig. 1913. Illus. 71 plates. Maps. Plans. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] *4iooa.8 Baddeley, J. J. An account of the church and parish of St. Giles without Cripple- gate, London. London. 1888. Plates. *249i.ii5 Baker, H. The Collegiate Church of Strat- ford-on-Avon & other buildings of in- terest in the town & neighbourhood. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.65 Baldwin, F. The old churches of our land. London. 1894. Illus. 8107.16 Ballu, T. Monographic de I'eglise Saint- Ambroise erigee par la ville de Paris. Paris. 1874. 24 plates. [Librairie gene- rale de I'architecture et des travaux pu- blics.] *Cab.6o.i8.6 Monographic de I'eglise de la Sainte Tri- nite construite par la ville de Paris. Paris. 1868. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i67.6 Banchero, G. II duomo di Genova illustrato e descritto. Genova. 1855. Plate. 4109.15 Barbet de Jouy, J. H. Les mosaiques chre- tiennes des basiliques et des eglises de Rome. Paris. 1857. 4098.124 The index gives lists of basilicas and early mosaics in Rome. Barbier de Montault, X. Les eglises de Rome etudiees au point de vue archeolo- gique. Arras. 1877. Illus. 2752.5 Bardwell, W. Temples, ancient and modern; or, notes on church architecture. Lon- don. 1837. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.11 Barnes, A. S. St. Peter in Rome and his tomb on the Vatican Hill. London. 1900. Illus. Plans. *4iooa.i6 Barozzi, S. Pianta e spaccato della celebre chiesa di S. Vitale di Ravenna. Bologna. 1782. Plates. 4101.84 Barr, J. Anglican church architecture, with some remarks upon ecclesiastical furni- ture. 2d edition. Oxford. 1843. 25 plates. 4105.24 260 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Barreau, — . Description de la cathedrale, des vitraux de Bourges et des autres monuments de la ville. 2e edition. Chateauroux. 1885. Plan. 4098.114 Bartolo, S. di. Monografia sulla cattedrale di Palermo. Palermo. 1903. Illus. Plan. Bibliography, p. iii. 4IOOa.27 Bauchal, C. Notre-Dame et ses premiers architectes. [Paris.] 1882. 4107.20 Baudot, J. E. A. de. figlises de bourgs et de villages. Paris. 1867. 2 v. Plates. ♦4090.66 Baudot, J. E. A. de, and A. Perrault-Dabot, editors. Les cathedrales de France. Paris. [1869.] 2v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i57.2 Baum, J. Drei Mainzer Hallenkirchen. Plates. (In Studien aus Kunst und Ge- schichte Friedrich Schneider . .*. ge- widmet . . . Pp. 353-370. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1906.) *4072.i67 Contents. — Sankt Stefan. — Sankt Quintin. — Liebfrauenkirche. Contains a description of their architectural features, also bibliographies. Baumeister, E. Rokoko-Kirchen Ober- bayerns. Strassburg. 1907- 3i plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.460 Baumstark, C. A. J. M. D. Die altchristlichen Kirch en von Amida. Illus. Plans. (In Berchem, M. van, and J. Strzygowski. Amida. Pp. 163-195. Heidelberg, igio.) ♦4090a. 1 18 Baux, J. M. J. Recherches historiques et archeologiques sur Teglise de Broii. Paris. [184^.] Plates. 40Q«;.i24 Bax, P. B. I. The cathedral church of Ban- gor. London. 1907. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.61 The cathedral church of St. Asaph. Bournemouth. 1896. Plates. 2468.151 Same. London. 1904. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 410Q.79 Baxter, L. E. The cathedral builders. The story of a great masonic guild [Coma- cines]. Bv Leader Scott [pseud.]. London, 1899. Plates. 4102.77 Baye, J., Baron de. Comnte-rendu des tra- vaux du neuvieme Congres russe d'ar- cheologie, 1893. precede d'une etude his- torique sur la Lithuanie et Vilna. Paris. 1894. Plates. 3064.154 Pages 23-39 are on Vilna and its churches. Kiev, la mere des villes russes. Paris. 1896. 24 olates. 3062.127 Several plates are of church arcWtectufe. Beale, S. S. The churches of Paris from Clovis to Charles x. London. 1893. Plates. 2666.100 Beaudoire, T. Genese de la cryptographic apostolique et de I'architecture rituelle du premier au seizieme siecle. Paris. 1902. Illus. Map. 4102.44 Beaurain, G. Le portail de I'eglise de Mimi- zan, etudie dans ses rapports avec I'his- toire du costume et du mobilier au moyen-age. Dax. [1903?] Plates. 4104.25 Beck, T. A. Annales Furnesienses. History and antiquities of the Abbey of Furness. London. 1844. Plates. ^2500.52 Becker, H., and H. Ritter von Foerster. Die Cathedrale zu Palermo. Wien. 1866. 9 plates. ♦Cab.6o.io.i Beckett, Sir E. Lectures on church-build- ing: with remarks on bells and clocks. 2d edition. London. 1856. Illus. 4109.78 Beeby, W. T. Bromley Church; its history and associations. Bromley. 1872. Illus. 2499a.io4 Beedham, L. E. Ruined and deserted churches. London. 1908. Plates. 4538.43 Devoted almost entirely to English churches. Beer, J. Chorgestiihl in der Certosa bei Pavia. Wien. 1894. 12 plates. [Vor- lagen fiir gewerbliche Unterrichtsan- stalten.] ♦Cab.80.195.3 Beesley, C. N. Beesley's Illustrated guide to St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S. C. [Charleston. 1898.] 4378.186 Begule, L. L'abbaye de Fontenay et I'archi- tecture cistercienne. Paris. [1913.] Illus. Plates. Plans. Coat of arms. [Petites monographies des grands edi- fices de la France.] 4107.117 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 123, 124. La cathedrale de Lyon. Paris. [191 1?] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites mono- graphies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.115 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 103-104. Monographic de la cathedrale de Lyon. Precedee d'une notice historique par M. C. Guigue. Lyon. 1880. Plates. ♦Cab.6o.i2.2 Les peintures murales de Saint-Bonnet-le Chateau (xvie siecle). Lyon. 1879. Illus. 4073.162 Belgrade, J. II trono di Nettuno [nel Tem- pio di San Vitale in Ravenna]. Cesena. 1766. Plate. ♦4103.36 Bell, G. L. The churches and monasteries of the Tur Abdin. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. (In Berchem, M. van, and J. Strzygowski. Amida. . . . Pp. 224-262. Heidelberg. 1910.) *409oa.ii8 Bellouard, L. Histoire de I'Abbaye de N.-D. de Fontgombault. Paris. 1899. Plates. 5518.17 Beloe, E. M. Our borough: our churches: (King's Lynn, Norfolk). With an after- work, the art of the Renaissance in King's Lynn. Cambridge. 1899. Plates. Maps. 2463.42 Beltrami, L. L'arte negli arredi sacri della Lombardia. Milano. 1897. 80 plates. ♦4100.45 La Certosa di Pavia. [Milano. 1893.] 42 plates. ♦Cab.27.28.3 Same. 1895. 4109.17 The first of these two works is a folio volume containing only a few pages of text; the second contains a much fuller text, but is a 16' in size, with plates of a corresponding character. The Church of S*. Maria delle Grazie in Milan and The Last Supper by Leon- ardo. Milan. 1910. Plates. [L'ltalia monumentale.] 4109a.45.1a Storia della facciata di S. Maria del Fiore in Firenze. Milano. 1900. Illus. Plans. 4102.86 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 261 Beltrami, L. (Continued.)^ La tarsia e la scultura in legno nelle sedie corali e negli armadi di alcune chiese di Milano e della Lombardia. Illustrazione di V. Forcella. 2a edizione. Milano. 1896. 27 plates. ^4100.42 Benard, P. Collegiale de Saint-Quentin. Discussion sur la nature & sur les causes de rinclinaison des piliers du choeur & des transepts. Paris. 1875. Plates. 4104.83 Benham, W. Old St. Paul's Cathedral. Lon- don. 1902. Plates. [The Portfolio.] Some of the plates are colored. *8o82.l53 Winchester Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English ca- thedrals. ] 4108.22 Benouville, L. fitude sur la cathedrale de Beauvais. Concours pour les fonctions d'architecte diocesain. Paris. 1892. Tllus. Plates. 4103.87 Bentham, J. The history and antiquities of the Conventual & Cathedral Church of Ely: 67^ to 1771. Cambridge. 1771. Plates. Plans. *4i02.48 Same. 2d edition, by the Rev. J. Bentham. Norwich. [1812.] Plates. Plans. 4iooa.25 Appended is a Supplement published in 18 17. Berghe, O. C. J. M. van den. L'unite artis- tique dans les cathedrales du xiiie sie- cle. {In Academic d'archeologie de Bel- gique. Annales. Vol. 14, pp. 437-462. Anvers. 1857.) 3389.5.14 Bergner, H. Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunstaltertiimer in Deutschland. Leip- zig. 1905. Plates. Plans. *4094.i3i Gegenstand und Literatur, pp. 1-6. Some of the plates are colored. Bernard, J. H. The Cathedral Church of Saint Patrick [Dublin]. A history & description. London. 1903. Plates. Por- trait. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.66 Bernard, J. H.. editor. The churches of Constantine at Jerusalem. Translations from Eusebius and the early pilgrims. London. 1891. Plans. [Palestine Pil- grims' Text Society.] *5074..55.i5 Berthier, J. J. Le convent de Sainte-Sabine a Rome. Roma. 1912. Portraits. Plates. Plan. 4104.12 L'eglise de la Minerve a Rome. Rome. 1910. Illus. Plates. 4104.10 L'eglise de Sainte-Sabine a Rome. Roma. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4104.11 La porte de Sainte-Sabine a Rome, fitude archeologique. Fribourg. 1,892. Illus. Plates. 2751.70 Berti, G. F. Sopra i disegni per la facciata di S. Maria del Fiore. [Anon.] Prato. 1843. 4085.118 Berton, C. Travaux de la cathedrale d'A- miens. Amiens. 1853. Illus. 4107.26 Besnard, C. H. Le Mont-Saint-Michel. Paris. [191 1?] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.116 Bibliographie sommaire, pp. 137-140. Beyer, A., and F. Pressel. [Ulmer] Mimster ^^ Blatter. Ulm. 1878-89. 6 parts in 2 v. Billings, R. W. Architectural illustrations and account of the Temple Church, Lon- don. London. 1838. 30 plates Sogoa.iio Architectural illustrations and description of Kettering Church, Northamptonshire. London. 1869. 20 plates. *8o9oa.io5 An attempt to define the geometrical pro- portions of Gothic architecture as illus- trated by the cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester. London. 1840. 5 plates. n,, . *4ioi.57 The geometric tracery of Branceneth Church. London. 1845. Plates. *4ioi.i5 Illustrations of geometric tracerv, from the paneling belonging to Carlisle Ca- thedral. London. 1842. 20 plates. *4ioi.55 Birch, G. H., editor. London churches of the 17th and i8th centuries. London. t8o6. 64 plates. *Cab.6o.Ti8.3 Birchenough, M. C, and E. T. B. Smith. The deanery guide to Westminster Ab- bey. 4th edition. London. 1890. Plates. Plans. 6531.13 Same. 12th edition, enlarged. 1900. «,t 653T.11 The popular guide to Westminster Abbey. With introductory chapter bv the Dean. 2d edition.* London. 1886. Illus. 6531.8 This is an earlier edition of the preceding work. Bishop, H. H. Architecture: especiallv in relation to our parish churches. Lon- don. 1886. Illus. 4099.81 Blavignac, T. D. Histoire de I'architecture sacree du quatrieme au dixieme siecle dans les eveches de Geneve, Lausnnne et Sion. Paris. 1853. Plates. . 8094.14 Bloom, J. H. Shakespeare's Church, other- wise the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity of Stratford-upon-Avon. Lon- don. 1902. Plates. Facsimiles. 4108.84 Bloxam, M. H. Companion to the Principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture. London.^ 1882. Illus. 4008.11 The principles of Gothic ecclesiastical ar- chitecture, nth edition. London. 1882. 2 V. Illus. 4098.10 Blunt, J. H. Tewkesbury Abbey and its associations. London. 1875. Plates. Plans. *24q8.7i Bock, F.^ Karl's des Grossen Pfalzkapelle und ihre Kunstschatze. Band i, Theil I, 2. Coin. [1866, 67.] Plates. 4103.84 Publication discontinued. Der Kronleuchter Kaisers Friedrich Bar- barossa im karolingischen Mimster zu Aachen und die formverwandten Lich- ter-Kronen zu Hildesheim und Com- burg. Aachen. 1863. Illus. *4090.ii6 Bodington, C. Lichfield Cathedral. London. 1899. Plates. Plan. 4109.53 Bogner, H. Das Arkadenmotiv im Ober- geschoss des Aachener Miinsters und seine Vorganger. Strassburg. 1006. Plates. 4074.382 Die Grundrissdisposition der Aachener Pfalzkapelle und ihre Vorganger. Strass- burg. 1906. 6 plans. 4074.441 Die Grundrissdispositionen der zweischif- figen Zentralbauten von der altesten 262 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Bogner, H. (Continued.) Zeit bis zur Mitte des ix. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg. 1906. 7 plans. 4074.440 These three works belong to the series: Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Boinet, A. La cathedrale de Bourges. Paris. [1910?] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.114 Bibliographic, pp. 136-139. Les edifices religieux: moyen age — re- naissance. Paris. 1910. Plates. fLes richesses d'art de la ville de Paris.] Bibliography, pp. 191-197. 4075.302 Boisseree, S. Histoire et description de la cathedrale de Cologne, accompagnee de recherches sur Tarchitecture des an- ciennes cathedrales. Stuttgart. 1821, 2.-^. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas. 17 nlates. Vignette. *Cab.8i.i8.i The title of the Atlas is Vues, plans, coupes et details de la Cathedrale de Cologne. Some of the plates are colored. Same. [Texte.] Nouvelle edition aug- mentee. Munich. 1843. Plates. Plans. *8ooi.54 The first part of this edition of the text differs largely from that of the earlier one, but the second parts of both editions are identical. Boito, C. II duomo di Mijano e i disegni per la sua facciata. Milano. 1889. 8=; plates. Bibliografia, pp. i-xxxvi. *8090a.5I Relazione sul progetto di restauro per la basilica di S. Maria e Donate in Murano. Milano. 1861. 2 plates. Plan. No. 3 in *4043.74 Santa Maria del Fiore e il Duomo di Mi- lano. d giudizii artistici nel secolo xtv.) (In Vita italiana, La. nel Trecento. Pp. ^ 374-401. Milano. 1904.) 2719-35 Boito. C, editor. The basilica of S. Mark in Venice. Translated by W. Scott and F. H. Rosenberg, f Venice.] i888r-95l. 3 parts in i v. Illus. *8o73.ii2 Bond. F. The cathedrals of England and Wales: being a fourth edition of English cathedrals illustrated. London. [1912.! Illus. Plates. Plans. 4108.15 Bibliographies at the end of the chapters. English cathedrals. London. 1899. t8o illus. 4108.14 Fonts and font covers. London. 1908. Plates. Plans. 4107.71 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xv. Gothic architecture in England. London. Tooc;. Plates. Plans. *4io4.2i Bibliography, pp. viii-xiL Same. 1906. 4104.22 Screens and galleries in English churches. London. 1008. Plates. Plans. 4095.178 Bibliography, pp. xi, xii. Visitors' guide to Westminster Abbey. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 6537.58 Wood carvings in English churches. Lon- don. 1910. 2 V. Illus. Plates. [Church art in England.] 4106.61 Bonney, T. G. Abbeys and churches of Eng- land and Wales. London. 1887. Illus. ♦2461.64 Bonney, T. G., and others. Cathedral churches of England and Wales. Lon- don. 1884. Illus. *8o9i.6o Bordeaux, J. H. R. Traite de la reparation des eglises. Principes d'archeologie pratique. 3e edition. Paris. 1888. Illus. 4096.70 Borromini, F. Opera cavata da suoi origi- nali, cioe la chiesa e fabrica della Sa- pienza di Roma. Roma. 1720. 45 plates. *Cab.6o.87.4 Bouet, G. Analyse architecturale de I'Ab- baye de Saint fitienne de Caen. Caen. 1868. Illus. Plans. 4095.100 Bouillet, A., Abbe. Une eglise disparue. Saint-Andre-des-Arcs. Paris. 1890. Plate. Map. 4105.29 Sainte-Foy de Conques, Saint-Sernin de Toulouse, Saint Jacques de Compostelle. Paris. 1893. 4108.73 Extrait des Memoires de la Soci^te nationale des antiquaires de France [*527S.i.53]. Boulogne, France. Benediction et pose de la premiere pierre de la nouvelle eglise, Notre Dame de Boulogne et des notes archeologiques et historiques sur la crypte ou chapelle souterraine de I'an- cienne cathedrale recemment decou- verte. Boulogne-sur-Mer. 1839. Plates. Plan. 4095.123 Bourasse, J. J., Abbe. Archeologie chre- tienne; ou, precis de I'histoire des monu- ments religieux du moyen age. Tours. 1841. 4103.6 Les plus belles eglises du monde. Tour. 1861. Plates. Plans. 4106.56 Bourasse, J, J., Abbe, and — Manceau, Abbe. Notice historique et archeologique sur I'eglise abbatiale de Saint Julien de Tours. [Tours. 1845.] 2 plates. Plan. 4093.106 Bowler, G. Chapel and church architecture, with designs for parsonages. Boston. 1856. Illus. 47 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.5 Bowman, H., and J. S. Crowther. The churches of the Middle Ages; being specimens of Early and Middle pointed structures, with a few of the purest Late pointed examples. London. [1857.] 2 v. 121 plates. *Cab.6o.T04.i Boyd, E. W. English cathedrals. 3d edi- tion. New York. 1888. Illus. 4099.49 Boyle, G. D. Salisbury Cathedral. London. 1897. Illus. Plates. [English cathe- drals.] 4108.25 Brakspear, H. Waverley Abbey. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Surrey Archaeological Society.] *2492.7i Brambilla, C. La basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo in Pavia, ed il suo musaico. Pavia. 1876. 4 plates. *4iooa.35 Brandon, J. R., and J. A. Brandon. The open timber roofs of the Middle Ages. Illus- trated by drawings of church roofs, London. 1849. 43 plates. *4090.io Parish churches. London. 1858. 2 v. Plates. *4io2.ii Brash, R. R. The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland, to the close of the twelfth century. Dublin. 1875. Plates. Plans. ♦4105.82 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 263 Braun, J. Die belgischen Jesuitenkirchen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kampfes zwischen Gotik und Renaissance. Frei- burg im Breisgau. 1907. Ulus. Plans. [Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. Ergan- zungsheft. 95-] 4106.45 Die Kirchenbauten der deutschen Jesuiten. Ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Kunstge- schichte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1908, 10. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. Erganzungsheft. 99. loo.l 4106.46 Contetits. — r. Die Kirchen der ungeteilten rheini- schen und der niederrheinischen Ordensprovtnz. a. Die Kirchen der oberdeutschen und der ober- rheinischen Ordensprovinz. Brayley, E. W. The antiquities of the priory of Christ-Church, Hants. Consisting of plans, sections ... by Benjamin Fer- rey. London. 1834. 18 plates. *4i02.69 History and antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. Lon- don. 1818, 23. 2 V. Plates. *25oi.io Brecon, Wales. The Priory Church of S. John the Evangelist (or, The Holy Rood) at Brecon. [Brecon? 1903I Hhis. Plan. . , 4109.68 Bridgens, R. Sefton Church, with part of the interior decoration. London. 1822. 31 plates. 4080.9 Britton, J. Cathedral antiquities. London. 1814-35. 13 V. in 6. Plates. **K.2oo.3 Same. V836. 5 v. *4ioi.6 The contents are differently arranged in the two sets. Brown, G. B. The arts in early England. London. 1903. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 4094.20 Contents. — i. The life of Saxon England in its relation to the arts. 2. Ecclesiastical architec- ture in England from the conversion of the Saxons to the Norman Conquest. From schola to cathedral. Edinburgh. 1886. Illus. Plates. 4094.69 Brown, J. W. The Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella at Florence. Edin- burgh. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4100.99 Brown, R. Sacred architecture, embracing the Babylonian, Indian, Egyptian, Greek. Also, the elements of church design. London. [1845.] Illus. Plates. 4092.82 Browne, E. A. Great buildings, and how to enjoy them. Norman architecture. Lon- don. 1907. Plates. 4097.163 Most of the examples are churches. Same. Romanesque architecture. Lon- don. 1910. Plates. 4097.165 Browne, J. The history of the Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York. London. 1847. Text, I v.; Atlas, 150 plates. *Cab.6o.27.i Bruges. Histoire de Notre-Dame de la Po- terie. Bruges. 1843. Plates. [Societe d'emulation de Bruges.] *282i.i5 Bryant. T. H. Norfolk churches. Norwich. 1898. 3 V. Plates. 4107.8 Buckler, G. Twenty-two of the churches of Essex architecturally described and il- lustrated. London. 1856. Plates. **K.i54.i Chronological history and graphic jUustra- Buckler, J. C. A description and defence of tions of Christian architecture in Eng- land. London. 1835. Plates. *409i.7 This forms vol. 5 of his Architectural antiquities of Great Britain [*4ioi.75; **K. 200.2.5]. It includes a list of architects. Graphical and literary illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire. London. 1823. Plates. *247i.5i An historical and architectural essay re- lating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol. London. 1813. Plates. *4i02.3; No. 2 in *249i.io6 k History and antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. London. 1825. Plates. No. I in *249i.io6 Same. Continued to the present time, with additional notes by R. E. M. Peach. Bath. 1887. *249i.i62 The history and antiquities of the Cathe- dral Church of Exeter: including bio- graphical anecdotes of the Bishops of the See. London. 1826. Plates. Plans. ♦4101.43 The edition of 1836 is in vol 4 of his Cathedral antiquities [*4 10 1.6. 4]. ^ History and antiquities of the Metropo- B litical Church of York. London. 1819. ■ Plates. *246o.76 Brock, A. C. The Cathedral Church of York. London. 1899- IHus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.40 Broquelet, A. Nos cathedrales. Preface de M. Barres. Paris. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 41093.3 18 the restorations of the exterior of Lin- coln Cathedral. Oxford. 1866. *2494.i39 Buckler, J. C, and C. A. Buckler. The Cathedral or Abbey Church of lona. London. 1866. Plates. ^4103.49 Bulteau, M. T. Description de la cathedrale de Chartres, suivie d'une courte notice sur les eglises de Saint-Pierre, de Saint- Andre et de Saint-Aignan de la meme ville. Chartres. 1850. Plates. Plans. 4105.73 Bumpus, T. F. The cathedrals and churches of Belgium. London. [1909.] Plates. 4108.44 The cathedrals and churches of Northern Italy. London. [1907.] Plates. 4104.19 Bibliography, p. 365. The cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. New York. [1908.] Plates, some colored. 4104.15 The cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and North Germany. London. [1006.] Illus. 4109.73 Bibliography, pp. 355, 356. The cathedrals of Central Italy. London. [191 1.] Plates. Map. 4108.46 The cathedrals of England and Wales. London [etc.]. 1905. 06. 3 v. Plates. 4109.82 Each volume contains a bibliography. Contents. — i. Introductory sketch. — Durham. — Ely. — Lincoln. — Salisbury. — Worcester. — Hereford. — Chichester. — Chester. — Bris- tol, a. Canterbury. — York. — St. Paul's. — 264 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Bumpus, T. F. (Continued.) Winchester. — Norwich, — Peterborough. — Exeter. — Wells. 3. Lichfield. — (Gloucester. — Rochester. — Carlisle, — Oxford. — Llandaff, Bangor, St. Asaph. — St. David's. — St. Al- ban's, Ripon, Manchester, Truro. — Southwell, Newcastle, Wakefield, Liverpool, Birmingham and Southwark. The cathedrals of Northern France. New York. 1910. Plates. Plans. 4108.40 These seven works belong to Laurie's Cathedral series. The cathedrals of southern France. New York. [1913-] Plates. Map, 4108.49 Holiday rambles among the cathedrals and churches of North Germany. Lon- don. 1903. Plates. 4105.79 London churches, ancient and modern. London. [1908.] 2 v. Plates. [The cathedral series. Laurie's.] 4108.43 Contents. — i. Mediaeval and early Renaissance. 2. Classical and modern. Bunsen, C. C. J., Freiherr von. Die Basiliken des christlichen Roms. Als Text zu dem Kupfer-Werke von Gutensohn und Knapp. Miinchen. [1843, 44.] Text, I v.; Atlas, 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.4 Burri, R. Saggio sulla stabilita della cupola di S. Pietro in Vaticano. Memoria. Roma. 1849. Plates. 4102.46 Bury, T. T. Remains of ecclesiastical wood- work. London. 1847. 20 plates. 4091.73 Buteux, C. J. Observations sur I'architecture ogivale et I'application de I'architecture grecque aux eglises. Paris. 1862. Litho- graph script. 4096.4 Butler, A. J. The ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. Oxford. 1884. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 3521.58 Butler, H. C. Scotland's ruined abbeys. New York. 1899. Illus. 4105.67 Butterfield, W. Elevations, sections, and details of Saint John Baptist Church at Shottesbroke, Berkshire. Oxford. 1844. 10 plates. *4ioo.67 Bygate, J. E. The Cathedral Church of Dur- ham. London. 1899. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.41 Cahier, C, and A. Martin. Decoration d'eglises. Paris. 1875. Plates. [Nou- veaux melanges d'archeologie, d'histoire et de litterature sur le moyen age. Vol. 3] *8o6o.iii.3 Monographic de la cathedrale de Bourges. Vitraux peints du 13^ siecle. Paris. 1841-44. Text and atlas of 75 plates, mostly colored. *Cab.8o.63.3 Caldecott, W. S. Solomon's Temple: its his- tory and its structure. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1908. Illus. Plans. 2299.113 Calliat, V. La Sainte-Chapelle de Paris apres les restaurations commencees par M. Duban, terminees par M. Lassus. Texte historique par M. Guilhermy. Paris. 1857. 48 plates. *Cab.6o.57.4 Calverley, W. S. Notes on the sculptured crosses, shrines and monuments in the present diocese of Carlisle. Edited by W. G. Colling\vood. Kendal. 1899. IHus. Plates. [Cumberland and Westmorland Calverley, W. S, (Continued.) Antiquarian and Archaeological Soci- ety.] * 24 1 5.80 Cambridge. First Parish and First Church in Cambridge (1636). In the matter of a new meeting-house. Stone vs. brick. Gothic vs. Colonial. Boston. 1900. Plates. Plan. *755i.i3i Cambridge Camden Society. Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Cambridge. 1845. Plates. **K.i72.i3 Canestrelli, A. L'abbazia di San Galgano. Monografia storico-artistica, con docu- menti inediti. Firenze. 1896. Illus. Plans. *409i.29 Caneto, F. Sainte-Marie d'Auch. Atlas monographique de cette cathedrale. Paris. 1855. 39 plates. *Cab.6o.59.2 Sainte-Marie d'Auch: son histoire, ses vitraux, son choeur, son avant-choeur et sa crypte. 5e edition. Auch. 1876. Illus. Plan. 4105.46 Une visite a Sainte-Marie d'Auch, ou etude descriptive de cette cathedrale. Auch. 1852. Plate. 4099a.iio Canina, L. Ricerche sull' architettura plu propria dei tempj cristiani. Edizione 2a. Roma. 1846. 145 plates. *Cab.6o.38.i Canterbury Cathedral, England. Notes on the painted glass in Canterbury Cathe- dral. With a preface by F. W. Farrar. London. 1897. Plates. 8026.41 Authorities, p. (7). Capes, J. M. The old and new churches of London. London. 1880. Plates. 4iooa.23 Caroe, W. D., and E. J. A. Gordon. Sefton: a descriptive and historical account comprising the collected notes and re- searches of the late Rev. Engelbert Hor- ley. London. 1893. IHus. Plates. 2491.138 Carter, J. Some account of the Cathedral Church of Durham [by Sir H. C. Engle- field] ; plans, elevations and sections [by J. Carter]. London. 1801. 14 plates. [Society of Antiquaries.] No. I in *Cab.6o.io.2 Some account of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester [by Sir H. C. Englefield] ; plans, elevations and sections [by J. Carter]. London. 1809. 17 plates. [Society of Antiquaries.] No. 2 in *Cab. 60.10.2 Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in England from the earliest period to the reign of Henry viii. New edition. London. 1887. 120 plates. *Cab.8o.92.2 Some of the plates are colored. Carter, O. B. A series of the ancient painted glass of Winchester Cathedral. Lon- don. 1845. Illus. *8o6i.79;**K.6i.i5 Cartier, £. Les sculptures de Solesmes. Nouvelle edition, augmentee d'une etude sur le plan primitif de I'eglise abbatiale de Saint-Pierre. Paris. 1877. Plan. 4085.124 Casano, A. Del sotterraneo della chiesa cat- tedrale di Palermo. Memoria. Palermo. 1849. Plates. Plan. 4091. loi Cathedral churches, The, of England. Lon- don. [1901?] 32 plates with text. 4102.40 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 265 Cathedral series. Plates illustrating Eng- lish cathedrals, cut from various archi- tectural periodicals. Mounted. 7 v. *Cab.6o.i40.i These plates are taken principally from The Architect and Contract Reporter [•4101.201], and The American Architect and Building News [*4097.205]. Cathedrale Ste Cecile d'Albi: ses richesses artistiques. Toulouse. 1882. 55 photo- graphs. *Cab.8o.87.2 Cathedrals, The, of England and Wales. London. 1894. Plates. Plans. [The "Builder" series.] *Cab.6o.i66.i The descriptions of the cathedrals are by vari- ous writers. Catti, A. II tempio della Beata Vergine detta del Pilastrello di Lendinara. [Venezia. 1830.] Plates. 4090a. 100 Caumont, A. de. Abecedaire ou rudiment d'archeologie (architecture religieuse). 3e edition. Paris. 1854. Illus. 4095.2 Cave-Browne, J. The history of the Parish Church of All Saints', Maidstone. Maid- stone. [1889?] Plates. *2495.i22 Caveler, W. Architectural illustrations of Warmington Church, Northampton- shire. Oxford. 1850. 19 plates. *8ioo.68 Cecchini, A. Due discorsi sopra la cupola di S. Maria del Fiore. {In Nelli, G. B. Discorsi d' architettura. Pp. 75-i03- Firenze. I753-) *4094.i04 Cessac, J. M. P. R. de. £glise collegiale de Moutier-Rauseille. Gueret. 1886. 2 photographs. Plan. 4104.85 Chalvet de Rochemonteix, A., Vicomte de. Les eglises romanes de la Haute-Au- vergne. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. *4i03.43 Chambers, W. Historical sketch of St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 1890. Illus. Plan. 4109.84 Champeaux, A. de, and P. Gauchery. Les travaux d'art executes pour Jean de France, due de Berry. Paris. 1894. 44 plates. *8o9oa.i26 The plates include many churches. Champneys, A. C. Irish ecclesiastical archi- tecture. With some notice of similar or related work in England, Scotland and elsewhere. London. 1910. Plates. 4102.105 Books and periodicals quoted or referred to, pp. xxiii, xxiv. Chartraire, E., Ahhe. L'autel de Salazar dans I'eglise primatiale et metropolitaine de Sens. Sens. 1894- Plate. 4108.77 Chartres Cathedral. Notre-Dame de Char- tres. 1850. Illus. 4633-1 Charvet, fi. L. G. fitude et compte-rendu f critique sur la Monographic de la cathe- drale de Lyon de M. Lucien Begule. Lyon. 1882. Illus. Plans. [fitudes historiques.] 4104.88 The work of which this is a review is on shelf- number *Cab.6o.i2.2. Chaudnic de Crazannes, J. M. C. A., Baron de. Notice historique et descriptive sur I'ancienne cathedrale de Montauban. Montauban. [183-?] 4097.102 Chester, A. H. Trinity Church in the City of Boston. An historical and descriptive account. With a guide to its windows and paintings. [2d edition.] Cambridge. 1888. Plates. *4io8.6i Chevalier, C. Les fouilles de Saint-Martin de Tours; recherches sur les six basi- liques successives elevees autour du tombeau de Saint-Martin. Tours. 1887. Plates. 4094.100 Chiese principal! d'Europa. Milano. [1824- 31.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.8i.2 Many of the plates are colored. Chomton, L. Histoire de I'eglise Saint- Benigne de Dijon. Dijon. 1900. 4 plans. 30 plates. *4iooa.33 Christian, E. Architectural illustrations of Skelton Church, Yorkshire. London. 1846. 17 plates. *Cab.6o.i2.5 Chur, Switzerland. Beschreibung der Dom- kirche von Chur. Zurich. 1857. 14 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquari- schen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 7 in *48ii.6o.ii Church, C. M. Wells Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [Eng- lish cathedrals.] 4108.30 Church bells' album of notable Yorkshire, Lancashire [and] Midland churches. London. [1886-88.] Plates. *249i.ii9 Church Builder, The. A quarterly journal of Church extension in England and Wales. 1864. Published in connexion with the Incorporated Church Building Society. London. [1865.] Plates. *4io7.ii Church decoration. A practical manual. London. [1874.] 16 colored plates. 4099.10 Church rambler, The. Articles on the churches in the neighbourhood of Bath. London. 1876, 78. 2 v. Plates. 2468.88 Churches of Yorkshire. [Edited by George Ayliffe Poole.] Leeds. 1844-55- 7 parts in I V. Plates. Plans. *4i04.35 Cibrario, G. A. L. Storia e descrizione della reale badia di Altacombe. Torino. 1845. 53 plates. *Cab.6o.96.3 Clarke, C. Architectura ecclesiastica Lon- dini; the cathedral, collegiate and pa- rochial churches in London, Southwark, and Westminster [etc.]. London. 1820. 122 plates. *4090.2 Clarke, S. Christian antiquities in the Nile valley: a contribution towards the study of the ancient churches. Oxford. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans 41003.40 Clausse, G. Basiliques et mosaiques chre- tiennes. Italie-Sicile. Paris. 1893.. 2 v. Plates. [Les monuments du christia- nisme au moyen-age.] *4ioi.63 Les cathedrales de Come et Bernardino Luini. Paris. 1904- Portrait. Plates. [Societe d'etudes italiennes.] ^ 4104-23 Les origines benedictines: Subiaco, Mont- Cassin, Monte - Oliveto [Maggiore]. Paris. 1899. Plates. Folded plans. 4101.73 Clemen, P. Die romanischen Wandmale- reien der Rheinlande. Diisseldorf. 1905. 266 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Clemen, P. (Continued.) Colored plates. [Gesellschaft fiir rheini- sche Geschichtskunde.] *Cab.8o.279.4 Principally on church decoration. Clemens, J. F., and others. Der Dom zu Magdeburg. Gezeichnet und heraus- gegeben von Clemens, Mellin und Rosenthal. Magdeburg. [1852.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i66.6 Clement, J. H. M. Nos eglises rurales. L'eglise de Saint-Pourgain de Marigny, canton de Souvigny (Allier). Moulins. 1893. Illus. Plan. 4104.49 Reprinted from the Bulletin-Revue de la Societe d'^mulation et des beaux-arts du Bourbonnais. Clericetti, C. Ricerche suU' architettura in Lombardia dal secolo v. all' xi. [Milano. 186-?] No. 5in*4o86.ii Cut from II Politecnico, Vol. 14. Clerval, J. A. Guide Chartrain. Chartres: sa cathedrale, ses monuments. 3e edi- tion. Chartres. [1905.] Plates. 4i09a.i Bibliographic, p. (2). Clifton, A. B. The Cathedral Church of Lichfield. London. 1898. Illus. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.31 Clinch, G. Old English churches: their architecture, furniture, decoration, and monuments. London. 1900. Plates. 4108.6 St. Paul's Cathedral, London. London. [1906.] Plates. Plans. [The little guides.] 2469a.232 Cocchi, A. Le chiese di Firenze dal secolo IV. al secolo xx. Vol. i: Quartlere di San Giovanni. Firenze. 1903. Illus. Plates. 4104.31 Contains a bibliography. Cockerell, C. R. Iconography of the west front of Wells Cathedral, with an appen- dix on the sculptures of other medieval churches in England. Oxford. 1851. Plates. 4102.42 Cole, Sir H. A handbook for the archi- tecture, sculpture, tombs and decora- tions of Westminster Abbey. London. [189-?] Illus. Plate. Plans. 2499a.i87 There are several earlier editions. Notes for a universal art inventory of works of fine art throughout Europe, for the most part in ecclesiastical build- ings and in connexion with architecture. London. 1867. *8o6o.76 Colling, J. K. Gothic ornament. London. [1848-50.] 2 V. 207 plates. *8o90.ii Collins, A. H. Symbolism of animals and birds represented in English church architecture. London. 1913- Plates. 4106.13 Collins, W. W. Cathedral cities of Spain. Illustrations by the author. New York. 1909. Colored plates. 4106.51 Combe, W. The history of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. London. 1812. 2 V. 81 colored plates. **K,83.2 Condeixa, — , Visconde de. O mosteiro da Batalha en Portugal. Lisboa. [1892.] Illus. 26 plates. *8iooa.54 Title and text repeated in French. Conder, E. L. Church of the Holy Trinity, Long Melford, Suffolk. A monograph. London. 1887. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.95 Coney, J. Engravings of ancient cathedrals and other public buildings in France, Holland, Germany and Italy. London, 1832. 32 plates. *Cab.6o.82.i The text is in English, French, Italian and Ger- man. Corlette, H. C. The Cathedral Church of Chichester. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.63 Comer, S. Rural churches: their histories, architecture and antiquities. London. [1869.] 18 colored plates. *4ioo.32 English churches only. Corroyer, £. J. Guide descriptif du Mont Saint Michel. Paris. 1883. Illus. Plans. 4092.109 [25 photographs of Mont St. Michel.] Paris. *Cab.6o.i36.2 Most of these photographs show the abbey and church of Mont St. Michel. Cottingham, L. N. Plans, elevations, sec- tions, details and views of the Chapel of King Henry vii. at Westminster x\bbey Church. London. 1822-29. 2 v. 72 plates. *Cab.6o.68.3 Couchaud, A. Choix d'eglises byzantines en Grece. Paris. 1842. 37 plates. *4ioo.96 Coulon, A. G. La menuiserie artistique. Paris. [1870.] 45 plates. *8oio.i52 Details of decorative woodwork from French churches. Courajod, L. C. L. fitudes iconographiques sur la topographic ecclesiastique de la France aux xviie et xviiie siecles. Le Monasticon Gallicanum. Paris. 1869. 4630.19 The Monasticon Gallicanum is on shelf-number 4630a. s6. Coutel de La Tremblaye, M. Solesmes. Les sculptures de l'eglise abbatiale, 1496- 1553- Solesmes. 1892. 38 plates. *Cab.8o.6o.6 Cox, J. C. Isle of Wight: its churches and religious houses. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plan. [County churches.] 4i09a.io Notes on the churches of Derbyshire. Chesterfield. 1875-79. 4 v. Plates. 4094.65 Cox, J. C, and A. Harvey. English church furniture. London. [1907.] Illus. [The antiquary's books.] 4105.85 Cox, J. E. The annals of St. Helen's, Bishopgate, London. London. 1876. Illus. Plates. Plan. *242i.53 Cram, R. A. Church building. A study of the principles of architecture in their relation to the church. Boston. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4104.63 English country churches. One hundred views. Boston. 1898. *4ioo.92 There is no text. The Gothic quest. New York. 1907. 4099a. 1 39 The ruined abbeys of Great Britain. New York. [1905.] Plates. 4105-83 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 267 Cranage, D. H. S. An architectural account of the churches of Shropshire. Welling- ton. 1901, 12. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4ioi.67 Cresy, E., and G. L. Taylor. Architecture of the Middle Ages in Italy: illustrated by views, plans ... of the Cathedral, Bap- tistery, Leaning Tower or Campanile and Campo Santo, at Pisa. London. 1829. 30 plates. *4090.27 Cros-Mayrevieille,J. P. Notice sur la chapelle et le mausolee de I'fiveque Guillaume Radulphe, situes a cote de la cathedrale St.-Nazaire dans la cite de Carcassonne. Carcassonne. 1840. Plates. 4103.39 Crosnier, A. J., Ahhe. Iconographie chre- tienne, ou etude des sculptures, pein- tures, etc., qu'on rencontre sur les monu- ments religieux du moyen age. Paris. 1848. Illus. Plates. B.4277.5 Reprinted from Bulletin monumental. Vol. 14 [*4090.24i.i4]. Monographic de la cathedrale de Nevers. Nevers. 1854. IHus. Plates. [Societe nivernaise des sciences, lettres et arts.] 4093.128 Crowther, J. S. An architectural history of the Cathedral Church of Manchester, dedicated to St. Mary, St. George and St. Denys. Edited by F. Renaud. Man- chester. 1893. 40 plates. *8ioo.i03 CruU, J. The antiquities of St. Peter's, or the Abbey Church of Westminster. 3d edition. London. 1722. 2 v. Illus. **K.235.2 Cubitt, J. Church design for congregations: its developments and possibilities. Lon- don. 1870. Plates. Plans. 4106.58 Cummings, E. M. The companion to St. Paul's Cathedral. A description of the various objects worthy attention. Lon- don. 1851. Plates. Plan. 4539a.23 Same. 17 th edition. 1854. 45393.22 Same. 23d edition. 1859. 2469.141; No. 2 in *2469.ii4 Cupples, J. G., publisher. Original drawings made to illustrate "Phillips Brooks, Bishop of Massachusetts: an estimate." By Newell Dunbar. [Boston.] 1891. Portrait. 8 plates. *Cab.6o.i62.3 Contains pen drawings of Trinity Church. Curzon, E. H. P. de. Notice archeologique sur I'eglise d'lseure-les-Moulins. Paris. 1884. Plans. 4104.75 Extrait du Bulletin du Comite des travaux his- toriques. • fst, A. P. P. Walks round York Minster. Leeds. 1907. Plates. 4103.82 if ork Minster. Illustrated by A. Ansted. London. 1897. Illus. [English cathe- drals.] 4108.21 tts, E. L. History of early Christian art. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. [Side- lights of church history.] 8065.137 llaway, J. William Wyrcestre redivivus. Notices of ancient church architecture in the fifteenth century, particularly in Bristol, with hints for practicable restorations. [Anon.] Bristol. [1823.] Illus. *4ioi.64 I Daniell, A. E. London city churches. West- minster. 1895. Illus. Plates. 4105.62 London riverside churches. Westminster. 1897. Plates. 4105.64 Danks, W. Ripon Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1899. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4109.52 Danna, C., and G. C. Chicchio. Storia artis- tica illustrata del Santuario di Mondovi presso Vicoforte. 1595-1891. Torino. 1891. Plates. 8073.119 Darby, J. L. Chester Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1898. Plates. Plan. 4109.23 Dart, J. The history and antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, and the once-adjoining monastery. London. 1726. Illus. 50 plates. *65io.io Westmonasterium; or, the history and antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. London. [1723.] 2 V. 148 plates. *65io.ii Dart, J., and F. Drake. An accurate descrip- tion and history of the metropolitan and cathedral churches of Canterbury and York. London. 1755. 117 plates. ♦2500.10 The history of Canterbury is an abridgment of Dart's work [*65io.io]. Dartein, M. F. de. Reponse aux observa- tions presentees par Alfred Rame sur I'figlise de Saint-Ambroise a Milan. Paris. 1883. Illus. 4107.23 Davies, T. F. A brief appeal in aid of the memorial to Samuel S. Harris, 2d Bishop of Michigan. With a description of the proposed church [St. Andrew's]. De- troit. 1894. Plates. Plan. 8096.103 Davin, V. Les antiquites chretiennes rap- portees a la Capella greca du cimetiere apostolique de Priscille. Paris. 1892. Plates. 2752.70 Davison, J., and M. Davison. The Triqueti marbles in the Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor. London. 1876. 117 photo- graphs with descriptive text. *Cab.8o.2i9.7 Deans, J. Melbourne Church. London. 1843. 3 plates. 2 plans. *2493.i35 Dearmer, P. The Cathedral Church of Ox- ford, London. 1897. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.28 The Cathedral Church of Wells. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.37 Fifty pictures of Gothic altars. London. 1910. Plates. [Alcuin Club collections.] ♦2502.184 Decloux, — , and — Doury. Histoire archeo- logique de la Sainte Chapelle du Palais. Paris. 1875. 25 plates. *Cab.26.i8.2 Many of the plates are colored. Dehio, G., and G. von Bezold. Die kirch- liche Baukunst des Abendlandes. Stutt- gart. 1887-92. Text, 2 V. Illus.; Atlas, 5 V. *8 100.52 Dehli, A., and G. H. Chamberlain. Norman antiquities of Palermo and environs. Boston. [1892.] Illus. 50 plates. ♦Cab.27.11.5 268 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Delahache, G. La cathedrale de Strasbourg: notice historique et archeologique. Paris. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Notices historiques et archeologiques sur les grands monuments.] 4ioga.99 Delaqueriere, E. Notice historique et de- scriptive sur I'ancienne eglise paroissiale de Saint-Jean de Rouen. Rouen, i860. Plates. 4094.107 Delignieres, £. D. Les retables de I'Eglise Saint-Paul a Abbeville et de I'figlise Saint-Pierre au Crotoy. [Anon.] Abbe- ville. 1883. Plate. Photograph. 4107.24 Extrait des Memoires de la Societe d'emulation d' Abbeville [*7227.i.i5]. Delsaux, J. C. L'eglise St. Jacques a Liege. Plans, coupes, ensembles, details. Liege. 1853. Text, I v.; Atlas, 15 plates. *Cab.6o.8i.4 Demaison, L. Album de la cathedrale de Reims. Reims. 1899, [1902.] 2 v. 300 plates. *4ioo.i02 The preface and a bibliography are by H. Jadart. La cathedrale de Reims. Paris. [1911?] Illus. Plates. Plan. [Petites mono- graphies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.109 Bibliographic sommaire pp. 130-132. Denmark. Ministeriet for Kirke- og Under- visningsvaesenet. Viborg Domkirke: Joakim Skovgaards Billeder, Domkir- kens Historic. Kj0benhavn. 1909. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i8i.3 Desmaze, C. La Sainte Chapelle du Palais de justice de Paris. Paris. 1873. Plates. 3549.53 Dethlefsen, R. Bauernhauser und Holz- kirchen in Ostpreussen: mit Unterstiit- zung der Koniglich Preuss. Staats-Re- gierung. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o9i.i5 Litcratur, p. (6). Dexter, H. M. Meetinghouses considered historically. Boston. 1859- IHus. 4394'i2 Reprinted from Congregational Quarterly, Vol. i [*75i6.2.i]. De Wette, W. M. L. Gedanken iiber Malerei und Baukunst, besonders in kirchlicher Beziehung. Berlin. 1846. B.i7ob.87 Dibelius, F. W. Die Bernwardstiir zu Hil- desheim. Strassburg. 1907. Illus. 16 plates. Plan. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.449 Dickson, W. E. Ely Cathedral. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.27 Didron, A. N. Rapport a M. de Salvandy, Ministre de instruction publique sur la monographic de la cathedrale de Chartres. [Paris. 1838.] 4095.122 A later edition of the monograph referred to is on shelf-number *Cab.6o.io3.i. Diehl, M. C. fitudes d'archeologie byzan- tine. L'eglise et les mosaiques du con- vent de Saint-Luc en Phocide. Paris. 1889. Plan. *2953.6i.55 Dieulafoy, M. A. La statuaire polychrome en Espagne. Paris. 1908, Plates. *8o8o.T40 Mostly sculptural decoration of altars, tombs, etc. Dimock, A. The Cathedral Church of Saint Paul. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.46 The Cathedral Church of Southwell. Lon- don. 1898. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.38 Dion, J. L. A., Comte de. L'eglise de Mont- fort-l'Amaury et ses vitraux. Tours. 1902. Plates. 4106.36 Disosway, G. P. The earliest churches in New York and its vicinity. New York. 1865. Plates. *554i.75 Ditchfield, P. H. The cathedrals of Great Britain. Their history and architecture. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4108.48 Dixon, H. C. The abbeys of Great Britain. London. [1911.] Plates. Vignette. [The cathedral series. Laurie's.] 4108.38 Dohme, R. Die Kirchen des Cistercienser- ordens in Deutschland, waehrend des Mittelalters. Leipzig. 1869. Illus. 8096.26 Dollman, F. T. Examples of antient pulpits existing in England. With descriptive letter press. London. 1849. 30 plates. ♦4090.5 The Priory of St. Mary Overie Southwark; the church and conventual buildings. London. 1881. Plates. *4ioo.37 Domical buildings. Topical architecture. Nos. II, 12, 16, 18, 20, 28, 30, 44, 50. Bos- ton. 1900-04. 9 parts. Plates. There is no text. *8090a.I35.II, 12, etc. Donnet, F. F. A. Monographic de l'eglise primatiale de Saint-Andre [de Bor- deaux. Bordeaux]. 1851. Plate. 4104.67 Dryden, Sir H. E. L. Description of the church dedicated to St. Magnus, and the Bishop's palace at Kirkwall. Kirkwall. 1878. Plates. 2469a.7o Du Bout, N. Histoire de I'Abbaye d'Orbais (Marne). Paris. 1890. Plates. Plans. 2632.114 Ducarel, A. C. History of the Royal Hospi- tal and Collegiate Church of St. Katha- rine, near the Tower of London, from its foundation in 1273 to the present time. [Anon.] London. 1782. Plates. Plan. [Bibliotheca topographica Britannica.] 6521.18 Dugdale, Sir W. The history of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. London. 1818. 69 plates. **G.3750.2 Monasticon Anglicanum. New edition. London. 1817-30. 8 v.* Plates. *252o.4 Dumont, G. M. Details des plus interes- santes parties d'architecture de la basi- lique de St. Pierre de Rome. Paris. 1763. Illus. 93 plates. *Cab.6o,5i.2 Contains a catalogue of Dumont's architectural works. Dupasquier, L. Monographic de Notre Dame de Brou. Paris. [1842.] 30 plates. The text is lacking. *Cab.6o.40.2 Duplessis, G. Les douze Apotres. £maux de L. Limosin, conserves a Chartres, dans l'eglise Saint-Pierre. Paris. 1865. Plates. *Cab.8o.2oo.6 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 269 Durand, G. Description abregee de la cathe- drale d'Amiens. Amiens. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4109.76 Monographie de I'eglise Notre-Dame, cathedrale d'Amiens. Amiens. 1901, 03. 3 V. Illtis. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i67.8 This is an unnumbered Memoire of the Societd des antiquaires de Picardie. Durand, J. Tresor de I'eglise Saint-Marc a Venise. Paris. 1862. Plan. 4092.114 Durm, J. Die Domkuppel in Florenz und die Kuppel der Peterskirche in Rom. Berlin. 1887. Plates. *Cab.6o.24.5 Durrer, R. Der mittelalterliche Bilder- schmuck der Kapelle zu Waltalingen bei Stammheim. Ziirich. 1898. Plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Ge- sellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 5 in *48ii.6o.24 Dusevel, F. H. G. Notice historique et des- criptive de I'eglise cathedrale de Notre- Dame d'Amiens. Amiens. 1830. 4098.111 Edinburgh Architectural Association. Illus- trated catalogue of photographs & sur- veys of architectural refinements in mediaeval buildings. Text and observa- tions by Wm. Henry Goodyear. Edin- burgh. 1905. Plates. Plans. *4094.i2o Bibliography, pp. 147, 148. Edmonds, W. J. Exeter Cathedral. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. 1897. Plates. [English cathedrals.] 4108.31 Egger, H. Francesco Borrominis Umbau von S. Giovanni in Lateranno. lUus. Plan. {In Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte Franz Wickhoff gewidmet. Pp. 154-162. Wien. 1903.) 4073.284 Eley, C. K. The Cathedral Church of Car- lisle. London. 1900. lUus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.24 EUacombe, H. T. The history of the Parish of Bitton in the County of Gloucester. Exeter. 1881, 83. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. ''2490a. 1 20 Elliott, R. Art and Ireland. Preface by E. Martyn. Dublin. [1902.] Plates. 4079.348 On church art in Ireland. Ely Cathedral. Architectural gems from Ely Cathedral and the monastic build- ings. Ely. N. d. 9 plates. Plan. 4094.68 Emden, H. Der Dom zu Mainz, und seine bedeutendsten Denkmaler. Mainz* 1858. 36 photographs. *8o9oa.i02 Enlart, D. L. C. fitude sur quelques fonts baptismaux du nord de la France. Paris. 1890. Illus. 4104.89 Reprinted from the Bulletin archeologique [•4690a.53.1890]. Manuel d'archeologie frangaise depuis les temps merovingiens jusqu'a la renais- sance. Premiere partie: Architecture. Vol, i: Architecture religieuse. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4106.24.1 Monuments religieux de I'architecture ro- mane et de transition dans la region pi- carde. Amiens. 1895. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o. 167.9 This is an unnumbered Memoire of the Societi des antiquaires de Picardie. Entwuerfe zu Kirchen, Pfarr- und Schul- Hauaern. Zum amtlichen Gebrauche Entwuerfe zu Kirchen. (Continued.) bearbeitet und herausgegeben von der Konigl. preuss. Ober-Bau-Deputation. 72 Tafeln mit erlauterndem Text. Pots- dam. 1852. *Cab.6o.7o.i Escher, H. Die Stiftung des Klosters Kap- pel. Zurich. 1844. Plates. [Mittheilun- gen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. i in *48i 1.60.2 Espaulart, A. d'. Notes sur les peintures mu- rales de la Chapelle de la Vierge a St. Julien du Mans et sur I'histoire de la peinture au moyen age. Le Mans. 1848. 4074.221 Esperandieu, J. £. Fouilles de I'eglise abba- tiale des Chatelliers. Carreaux emailles. [Paris?] 1890. 29 plates. 4105.41 There is no text. Essays on Gothic architecture, by T. Warton [etc.]. 2d edition. Added, a list of the cathedrals of England. London. 1802. Plates. *8o93.58 Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Die Ausgange der classischen Baukunst (christlicher Kirchenbau), Fortsetzung der classi- schen Baukunst im ostromischen Reiche (byzantinische Baukunst). Darmstadt. 1886. Plates. [Handbuch der Architek- tur.] *8o92.5o.3.i Contains bibliographies. Die farbige Ausstattung des zehneckigen Schiffes der Pfarrkirche zum Heil. Gereon in Koln durch Wand- und Glas- malereien. Frankfurt a. M. 1891. 36 plates. *Cab.8o.25.i Die mittelalterlichen Kunstdenkmale der Stadt Krakau. Graz. [1866.] Illus. 80 plates. Plans. '4iooa.42 I Etex, A. figlise des Sept Peches Capitaux et des Sept Sacrements. [Paris? 1864?] 4103.81 Evans, E. H., and D. A. H. Lawrance. The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban. What to see, and how to see it. With an introduction by the Dean of St. Albans (W. J. Lawrance). St. Albans. 1913. Plates. Plan. Vignette. 4109.110 Evans, E. P. Animal symbolism m ecclesi- astical architecture. With a bibliography. New York. 1896. Illus. 4106.17 Falke, J. von. Wanddecoration und Wand- malerei in der Kirche. {In Aus dem weiten Reiche der Kunst. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1889.) No. 6 in 4078.331 Falke, O. von. Der Dreikonigenschrein des Nikolaus v. Verdun im Coiner Dom- schatz. [Miinchen? 1912?] Illus. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.9 Fallow, T. M. The cathedral churches of Ireland: being notes, more especially on the smaller and less known of those churches. London. [1894.] Illus. 8104.9 Farcy, L. de. Monographie de la cathedrale d'Angers. Paris. 1901-10. Text, 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles; Atlas, I v. *Cab.6o.97.6 Farolet, J. J., Abhe. Discours prononce le jour de la fete de la Toussaint, 1840. Notes pour servir a I'histoire de 1'- ancienne cathedrale de Lisieux. Lisieux. 1840. No. 3 in 4098.106 270 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Farrar, F. W. Cathedrals of England. New York. 1893. Plates. 4105.59 Identical with his Our English minsters. Our English minsters. London. [1893.] Plates. 4105.58 Westminster Abbey. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English ca- thedrals.] 4108.20 Westminster Abbey. With a chapter on the Poets' corner by A. P. Stanley. New York. [1897?] Plates. 4108.19 Farren, R. Cathedral cities: Ely & Norwich. Drawn and etched by R. Farren. With introduction by E. A. Freeman. Cam- bridge. 1883. Plates. *Cab.6o.23.2 Same. Peterborough. With the abbeys of Crowland & Thorney. Cambridge. 1888. Plates. *Cab.6o.2s.6 Faucon, P. J. M. Notice sur la construction de I'eglise de la Chaise-Dieu (Haute- Loire). Nouvelle edition revue. Paris. 1904. Plates. Plan. 4104.27 Faulwasser, J. Die St. Katharinen-Kirche in Hamburg. Hamburg. 1896. Illus. 20 plates. *4ioo.46 Fea, C. D. F. L Descrizione della basilica e cappella papale di S. Francesco d'Assisi. Roma. 1820. II plates. 4750.53 Feasey, H. J. Westminster Abbey historic- ally described. With an account of the Abbey buildings by J. T. Mickelthwaite. London. 1899. 75 plates. *4ioo.94 Feldegg, F., Ritter von. Moderne Kirchen- Decorationen. Nach Original - Aufnah- men aus den Kirchen Wiens und der Umgebung. Wien. 1892. 32 colored plates. *8o90.i27 Ferabosco, M. Libro de I'architettura di San Pietro nel Vaticano finito col disegno di Michel Angelo Bonaroto et d'altri archi- tetti espressa inpiu tauole. Roma. 1620. 31 plates. No. i in *Cab.6o.76.6 Ferrario, G. Monumenti sacri e profani dell' imperiale e reale basilica di Sant' Am- brogio in Milano. Milano. 1824. 31 plates. *Cab.6o.i2.3 Ferrce, B. Christian thought in architecture. (/« American Society of Church His- tory. Papers. Vol. 4, pp. 113-140. New York. 1892.) *534oa.58.4 The chronology of the cathedral churches of France. New York. 1894. 8095.105 Bibliography, pp. 32-36. Ferstel, H., Freiherr von. Die Votiv-Kirche in Wien. Text von H. v. Riewel. Wien. 1892. 27 plates. [Wiener Moriumental- Bauten. 5.] *Cab.6o.50.5 Fett, H. Norges Kirker i Middelalderen. Kristiania. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Gammel Norsk Kultur i Tekst og Bil- leder.] 4102.111 Ffoulkes, E. S. A history of the Church of S. Mary the Virgin, Oxford. London. 1892. Illus. *2497.i2i Field, W. Stones of the temple. London. 1 87 1. Illus. 3438.50 Same. New York. 1873. 3438.56 Fisher, A. H. The Cathedral Church of Hereford. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4I09*35 Fisher, T. A series of . . . paintings m fresco, discovered on the walls of the Chapel of the Trinity, belonging to the gild of the Holy Cross at Stratford- upon-Avon. London. 1836. Illus. 22 plates. Plan. **G.40.2o Fleury, G. La cathedrale du Mans. Paris. [1910?] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.110 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 10 1- 104. Flury, S. Die Ornamente der Hakim- und Ashar-Moschee. Materialen zur Ge- schichte der alteren Kunst des Islam. Heidelberg. 1912. Plates. 4102.117 Fontana, G. Raccolta delle migliore chiese di Roma e suburbane. Tome 1-4, 6. Roma. i833-[89]. 5 v. in 3. 262 plates. Vol. 6 is of the 2d edition. *Cab.6o.I29.2 Footman, J. History of the Parish Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Chipping Lambourn. London. 1894. Hlus. Plates. _, . ^ *2503.I22 Fossati, G. Aya Sofia, Constantinople, as recently restored by order of the Sultan. London. 1852. Plans. 25 colored plates. „ *Cab.6o.ii6.i Foster, W. E. All Saints' Parish Church, Moulton, Co. Lincoln. Lincoln. 1891. 7 plates. 2498.123 The Parish Church of St. Mary, Whaplode, in the County of Lincoln. London. 1889. Plates. Plan. 2498.1 11 Fourcaud, L. de B. de. Les origines de I'architecture gothique et la question de Saint-Front de Perigueux, a propos des ouvrages de M. Corroyer. Paris. 1892. 4091. 116 Fowler, J. T. Durham Cathedral. Illus- trated by H. Railton. London. 1898. [English cathedrals.] 4108.32 France. Ministere de instruction publique. Copie du rapport fait au comite [des in- specteurs generaux des travaux dioce- sains] par M. VioUet-le-Duc. [Paris. 1873.] Plate. 4101.82 On the proposed reconstruction of the Cathe- drale d'£vreux. Ministere des travaux publics. Sainte- Chapelle. Rapport par la Commission chargee d'examiner la question d'isole- ment de la Sainte-Chapelle. [Paris. 1849.] Illus. Plan. 4101.83 Franchetti, G. Storia e descrizione del du- omo di Milano. Milano. 1821. Plates. 4091.107 Frantz, E. Geschichte der christlichen Male- rei. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1887, 94. 2 V. Plates. 8065.85 Contents. — i. Von den Anfangen bis zum Schluss der romanischen Epoche. 2. Von Giotto ' bis zur Hohe des neueren Stils. Fraser, R. W. The kirk and the manse. Sixty views of parish kirks and manses in Scot- land. Edinburgh. 1857. Plates. *457oa.i5 Fraser, SirW., editor. Registrum monasterii S. Marie de Cambuskenneth. 1 147-1535. Edinburgh. 1872. Illus. *25ooa.i32 Freeman, E. A. The architecture of the Middle Ages and its spire growth. ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 271 Freeman, E. A. (Continued.) [Anon.] (In Wickes, C. Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of England. Vol. i, pp. 1-12. London. 1853.) *Cab.6o.39.i.i An essay on the origin and development of window tracery in England. Oxford. 1851. Plates. *8o95.62 History of the Cathedral Church of W.ells as illustrating the history of the cathe- dral churches of the old foundation. London. 1870. Plan. *2499.ii4 On the architecture of the church and hos- pital of the Holy Cross [Winchester, England]. Illus. (In Royal Archaeo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings. London. 1846.) *2259.5o Remarks on the architecture of Llandaff Cathedral. London. 1850. 11 plates. 4105.52 Freeman, P. The architectural history of Exeter Cathedral. New edition. Exeter. 1888. Plate. Plan. 4097.53 Fremantle, W. H. Canterbury Cathedral. London. 1897. Illus. [English cathe- drals.] 4108.24 Frova, A. Chiese gotiche Cadorine. Milano. 1908. Plates. 4106.50 Fumi, L. II duomo di Orvieto e i suoi res- tauri. Roma. 1891. Plates. SoSoa.iS Fuxhoffer, D. Monasteriologia regni Hun- gariae. Weszprimii. 1803. 2 v. in i. Plates. *75io.i2 Gabelentz, H. von der. Die kirchliche Kunst im italienischen Mittelalter. Strassburg. 1907. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Aus- landes.] 8081.169 Gade, J. A. Cathedrals of Spain. Boston. 191 1. Plates. Plans. 4106.53 Gaedertz, C. T. Der Altarschrein von Hans Memling im Dom zu Liibeck. Mit Text von Dr. T. Gaedertz. Liibeck. 1901. 15 plates. *Cab.8o.2i8.2 Gailliard, J. J. Recherches historiques sur la chapelle du Saint-Sang a Bruges, avec une description detaillee de tous les monuments archeologiques. Bruges. 1846. Plates. *4i05.88 Some of the plates are colored. Gallichan, C. G. The cathedrals of southern Spain. New York. [1913.] Plates. 4109.87 Gallon, A. Ecclesiastical architecture [in England]. Plates. (In Barnard, F. P., editor. Companion to English history (Middle Ages). Pp. 1-25. Oxford. 1902.) 4517.40 Gardner, A. Theodore of Studium: his life and times. London. 1905. Plates. The plates illustrate the Church of St. John of The Studium at Constantinople. Gardner, E. C. Common sense in church building. New York. 1880. Plates. 4099.44 Gasquet, F. A. The greater abbeys of Eng- land. New York. 1908. Colored plates. 4107.67 I Gamier (de Dol), T. Cathedrale de Dol. Dol-de-Bretagne. [18 — ?] 4107.16 Geldart, E. Manual of church decoration and symbolism. Oxford. 1899. IHus. 52 plates. *4io2.84 Genard, P. Notice des oeuvres d'art qui ornent Teglise de Notre-Dame a Anvers. Anvers. 1856. 4099a.io5 George, W. S. The church of Saint Eirene at Constantinople. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Byzantine Re- search & Publication Fund.] *4ioo.io5 Geymueller, H. A. von. Baron. Architektur und Religion: Gedanken iiber religiose Wirkung der Architektur. Anhang: Bio- graphische Notiz und Bibliographie der Werke und Aufsatze des Verfassers von O. P. Tiocca. Basel. 191 1. Portrait. [Nachgelassene Schriften.] 4108.115 Le passe, le present et I'avenir de la cathe- drale de Milan. Paris. [1800,] 4103.27 "Extrait de la Gazette des beaux-arts" [*4o6i.- 221. 3e periode, t.3]. Les projets primitifs pour la basilique de Saint Pierre de Rome. Paris. 1875. Text, I v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.6o.2o.i In French and German. Gilbers, G. Die pramiirten und hervorra- gendsten Konkurrenz-Projekte zur Er- bauung der St. Petrikirche in Leipzig. Dresden. [1878.] 63 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.5 Gilbert, A. P. M. Description historique de la basilique metropolitaine de Paris. Paris. 1821. Illus. No. i in *4i03.4 Description historique de I'eglise cathe- drale de Notre Dame de Chartres. Nou- velle edition. Chartres. 1824. Illus. No. 5 in *6663.4 Description historique de Notre Dame de Rouen. Rouen. 1816. Illus. No. I in *4i03.5 Same. 2e edition. Rouen. 1837. 8099.7 Gilbert, G. Cathedral cities of England. Illustrated by W. W. Collins. New York. 1905. Colored plates. *4i07.59 Gilchrist, J. G. An itinerary of the English cathedrals. Revised and edited, with an introduction on cathedral architecture by T. Perkins. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.22 Glynne, Sir S. R., Baronet. Notes on the churches of Kent. London. 1877. Plates. 4107.61 Godwin, G. The churches of London. By G. Godwin, Jun., assisted by John Brit- ton. London. 1839. Plates. **K.i33.2o; *2493.i4o Gonzati, B. La basilica di S. Antonio di Padova descritta ed illustrata. Padova. 1852,53. 2 V. 51 plates. *4ioo.35 Goodyear, W. H. Associazione artistica fra i cultori di architettura in Roma. Cata- logo illustrativo delle fotografie di monumenti medioevali esposte dal Mu- seo di Brooklyn. Sala i . . . Testo ed osservazioni originali per W. H. Good- year. Roma. 1905. 4094.150 Nota bibliografica, pp. 30, 31. The photographs are of churches. 171 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Goodyear, W. H. (Continued.) Vertical curves and other architectural re- finements in the Gothic cathedrals and churches of northern France and in early Byzantine churches at Constanti- nople. New York. 1904. Plates. [Brook- lyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.] 4093.147 Contains a bibliography of the author's works on architectural refinements, etc. The widening refinement in Rheims Ca- thedral. London. 1907. *4i05.87 On the intentional divergence of vertical lines in the building, for the purpose of counteract- ing the effect of perspective. Gosset, A. La basilique de Saint-Remi a Reims. Paris. 1900. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.i47.2 Gostling, W. A walk in and about the city of Canterbury. 2d edition. Canterbury. 1777. Plates. 2496.6 Same. New edition. 1825. 2496.1 Goulbum, E. M., and others. The ancient sculptures in the roof of Norwich Cathe- dral. London. 1876. Plates. *4ioo.82 Gout, P. L'histoire et I'architecture fran- gaise au Mont Saint-Michel. Paris. 1899. Illus. Plans. *4095.2i Graf, H. Opus Francigenum. Studien zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge der Gothik. Stuttgart. 1878. 9 plates. 8101.52 Graham, J. G., and A. Christie. The chapel of St. Anthony the Eremite at Murthly, Perthshire. Edinburgh. 1850. 16 plates. Most of the plates are colored. *Cab.8o.69.3 Grainge, W. The castles and abbeys of Yorkshire. York. 1855. Plates. *2438.i4 Gramm, J. Spatmittelalterliche Wandge- malde im Konstanzer Miinster. Strass- burg. 1905. 20 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.371 Literaturverzeichnis, pp. xi, xii. Graves, J., and J. G. A. Prim. The history, architecture and antiquities of the Ca- thedral Church of St. Canice, Kilkenny. Dublin. 1857. Plates. Plans. *8iooa.57 Gravina, D. B. II duomo di Monreale. Palermo. 1859. Text, i v.; Atlas, 90 colored plates. *Cab.6o.54.i Green, H. J. Church of St. Martin, Thomp- son, Norfolk. Norwich. 1891. 6 plates. ♦Cab.60.78. 1 These plates were published as part of the il- lustrations of Some materials for a history of the parish of Thompson, by George Crabbe [*2S0i.i39]- Greenwell, W. Durham Cathedral. An ad- dress delivered September 24, 1879. 3d edition. Durham. 1889. Illus. Plan. 4108.59 Grille de Beuzelin, E. L. H. T. Essai his- torique et archeologique sur I'eglise et le couvent de Saint-Jacques ou Saint-Jacob des ficossois a Ratisbonne. Paris. 1835. Plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i3i.3 Statistique monumentale. (Specimen.) Rapport sur les monuments historiques de Nancy et de Toul. Paris. 1837. Text, I v.; Atlas, 37 plates. [Collection Grille de Beuzelin, E. L. H. T. (Continued.) de documents inedits sur l'histoire de France.] *Cab.6o.32.3 Most of the plates show churches or their de- tails. Grimm, D. I. Monuments d'architecture en Georgie et en Armenie. St. Petersbourg. 1864. 48 plates. *8o8oa.26 Gri§ar, H. II sancta sanctorum ed il suo tesoro sacro. Scoperte e studii dell' au- tore nella Capella palatina Lateranense del medio evo. Roma. 1907. Plates. Plan. 346oa.62 Gruyer, F. A. Des conditions de la peinture en France, et des peintures murales de M. Hippolyte Flandrin dans la nef de Saint-Germain-des-Pres. Paris. 1862. 4091. 1 17 Guasti, C. La cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore. Firenze. 1857. 4095.118 Santa Maria del Fiore. La costruzione della chiesa e del campanile. Firenze. 1887. 4096.64 Guepin, A. Description des deux eglises abbatiales de Solesmes. Le Mans. 1876. 4108.72 Mostly taken from Gueranger's Essai historique sur I'Abbaye de Solesmes. Guerinet, A., publisher. Les cathedrales et les eglises de France. Interieurs & ex- terieurs. Paris. [190-?] 135 plates. *Cab.6o.97.3 Guidi, C. A. Le basiliche di S. Francesco di Asisi e della Madonna degli Angeli. Roma. 1873. 4109.13 Guignard, L. Influence de I'art gaulois sur le portail de I'eglise de Mesland. Paris. [1885.] Illus. [Association frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences.] 2636.61 Guilhermy, R. F. M. N., Baron de. Descrip- tion de la Sainte-Chapelle. 4e edition. Paris. 1880. 6 plates. 2639.74 Guillaume, G. Architectural views and de- tails of Netley Abbey. Southampton. 1848. Plates. 8101.56 Guleke, R. Alt-Livland. Mittelalterliche Baudenkmaler Liv-, Est-, Kurlands und Oesels. Leipzig. 1896. 320 plates. Largely church architecture. *4IOI.27 Gurlitt, C. Historische Stadtebilder. Band 1-12. Berlin. 1901-12. Text, 12 v. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, 3 v. *Cab.6o.i37.4 This work treats mainly of church architecture. With Vol. 6 begins a 2d series, and with Vol. 11, a 3d series. Contents. — i. Erfurt. 2. Wurzburg. 3. Tan- germunde. Stendal. Brandenburg. 4. Bern. Zn- rich. s. Lyon. 6. Ulm. 7. Cambridge. 8. Breslau. 9. Luttich. 10. Potsdam. 11. Dantzig. 12. Brugge. Kirchen. Stuttgart. 1906. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.8 Gutensohn, J. G., and J. M. Knapp. Die Basiliken des christlichen Roms. Kup- fertafeln und Erklarung. Miinchen. [1843, 44.] 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.4.2 Reissued in this edition, as plates to Die Basiliken des christlichen Roms . . . von C. C. J. Bunsen [*Cab.6o.i7i.4]. ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 273 Guyer, S. Die christlichen Denkmaler des ersten Jahrtausends in der Schweiz. Leipzig. 1907. Plates. [Studien iiber christliche Denkmaler.] 4074.404 Hadfield, J. Ecclesiastical architecture of the County of Essex from the Norman era to the sixteenth century. New edi- tion. London. [1848?] 82 plates. *8o8oa.i5 Haendcke, B., and A. Mueller. Das Mun- ster in Bern. Bern. 1894. Illus. Plates. *4ioo.76 Hallett, C. W. C. The Cathedral Church of Ripon. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.55 Hancock, F. Dunster church and priory. Taunton. 1905. Plates. Plan. *4i07.63 Harrington, J. Abbey and palace of West- minster. London. 1869. 40 photographs. *246o.i9 Harrison, J. P. An account of the discovery of the remains of three apses at Oxford Cathedral. London. 1891. 2 plates. ♦4097.56 The pre-Norman date of the design and some of the stone-work of Oxford Ca- thedral. London. 1891. 3 plates. *4097'55 Harrison, W. An account of the diocese of Sodor and Man, and St. German's Cathe- dral. Douglas. 1879. Plates. [Manx Society.] *2486.53.29 Vol. I is of the 2d edition. Hartel, A. Altare und Kanzeln. Eine Samm- lung von Aufnahmen aus den beriihmtes- ten Kirchen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [191 1.] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i83.i Architektonische Details und Ornamente der kirchlichen Baukunst, in den Stylar- ten des Mittelalters. Berlin. [1891?] 2 V. no plates. *Cab.6o.i9.4 Vol. I is of the 2d edition. Harvey, W., and others. The Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem. Edited by R. W. Schultz. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Byzantine Research Fund.] Some of the plates are colored. *4IOO.I04 Hasak, M. Der Dom des heiligen Petrus zu Koln am Rhein. Berlin. [1910."] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. [Die deutschen Dome: eine Geschichte mit- telalterlicher Baukunst.] *4ioi.ioi Einzelheiten des Kirchenbaues. Stuttgart. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.5o.4.4 Geschichte der deutschen Bildhauerkunst im XIII. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1899. Illus. Plates. *Cab.8o.2i5.2 Die Kirchen Gross St. Martin und St. Aposteln in Koln. Berlin. [1899.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.158 Der Kirchenbau. Stuttgart. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Archi- tektur.] *8o92.5o.4.3 Haseloff, A. E. G. Die Glasgemaelde der Elisabetkirche in Marburg. Berlin. [1906.] Illus. 21 plates. *Cab.4o.i7.7 Hatton, W. H. The churches of Yorkshire. London. 1880. Plates. *8o9i.5i I Haupt, A. Portugiesische Friihrenaissance. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.152 On church architecture. Literaturnachweise, p. 20. Heales, A. The architecture of the churches of Denmark. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. 4094.82 The churches of Gottland other than those of Wisby. London. 1888. Illus. 36 photographs. *8iooa.55 Heath, S. Our homeland churches and how to study them. London. 1907. Plates. [The homeland handbooks.] 4io9a.io5 The story of Ford Abbey from the earliest times to the present day. London. 1911. Illus. Plates. Plan. Facsimile. 2463.177 Heisenberg, A. Grabeskirche und Apostel- kirche. Zwei Basiliken Konstantins. Leipzig. 1908. 2 V. Plates. *4i02.ioi Contents. — i. Die Grabeskirche in Jerusalem. 2. Die Apostelkirche in Konstantinopel. Helmken, F. T. The Cathedral of Cologne: its history, architecture, decorations, art-treasures and legends. Translated from the German by J. W. Watkins. 3d edition. Cologne. 1889. Illus. 4108.87 List of principal works consulted, p. 126. Hereford Cathedral. Ground plan with ref- erences; also, list of monuments, win- dows, brasses, miscellaneous objects of interest. Hereford. [1897?] 4104.29 Hiatt, C. Beverley Minster. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4109.47 The Cathedral Church of Chester. Lon- don. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.27 Notre Dame de Paris. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Handbooks to Continental churches.] 4108.53 Westminster Abbey: a short history and description of the Church and convent- ual buildings, with notes on the monu- ments. London. 1902. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.64 Hill, A. G. Architectural and historical notices of the churches of Cambridge- shire. London. 1880. *2469.i8i The architectural history of the Christian church. London, [1908.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [The arts of the church.] 41093.33 Hillebrand, E. Evangelische Kirchen und Pfarrhauser. Dresden. [1909.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i69.5 Hills, O. C. Saint Mary Stratford Bow. [London. 1900.] Illus. Plans. [Com- mittee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] *409o.i4i Historic churches of America. With full letter text by sixteen competent authori- ties. Philadelphia. [189-?] 2 v. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i34.4 Hodges, C. C. The Abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham: a monograph. [Edinburgh.] 1888. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.24.25.2 Hodges, G. Fountains Abbey. The story of a mediaeval monastery. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. 2468.93 274 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Holbom, J. B. S. An introduction to the architectures of European religions. Edinburgh. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4108.101 Holly, H. H. Church architecture. Hart- ford. 1871. Plates. 4091.53 Holtzinger, H. Die altchristliche Architek- tur in systematischer Darstellung. Stutt- gart. 1889. Illus. 8093.63 Altchristliche Basiliken in Rom und Ra- venna. Berlin. [1898.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.151 Die Sophienkirche und verwandte Bauten der byzantinischen Architektur. Berlin. [1898.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.157 Litter aturnachweise, p. 14. Home, P. The cathedral churches of Eng- land and Wales. With notes by Percy Home. 2d edition. London. [1902.] 35 plates. 4105.81 A short description accompanies each plate. Hope, W. H. St. J. Architectural descrip- tion of Kirkstall Abbey. Leeds. 1907. Illus. Plans. [Thoresby Society.] *2505.i25 The architectural history of the Cathedral Church and Monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester. London. 1900. Plates. 4105.69 English altars. From illuminated manu- scripts, with notes. London. 1899. Plates. [Alcuin Club collections.] *Cab.8o.2i3.i The letterpress is descriptive of the plates only. Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire. Leeds. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans, *4i04.48 Reprinted from the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, Vol. 15 [*2So8.6s.is]. Hopkins, J. H., Bishop of Vermont. Essay on Gothic architecture, with various plans and drawings for churches. Burlington. 1836. 13 plates. *409i.55 Houdoy, J. Histoire artistique de la cathe- drale de Cambrai. Paris. 1880. Plate. Plan. 4092.101 Howson, J. S., editor. Essays on cathedrals. London. 1872. Plans. 3526.51 Essays by Freeman, Venables and others. Huebsch, H. Die altchristlichen Kirchen nach den Baudenkmalen und alteren Beschreibungen. Carlsruhe. 1862. 63 plates. *Cab.6o.75.2 Hulbert, C. A. Annals of the Church and Parish of Almondbury, Yorkshire. Lon- don. 1882, 85. 2 V. Plates. *2504.53 Hunnewell, J. F. The imperial island: Eng- land's chronicle in stone. Boston. 1886. Plates. 8093.9; **K. 262.2 On English historical monuments, including churches, monasteries and palaces from the time of the Britons. Hunt, V. B. The story of Westminster Abbey. New York. 1902. Plates. 2498.38; *P.84.435.i Huppertz, A. Die Abteikirche zu Laach und der Ausgang des gebundenen ro- manischen Systems in den Rheinlanden. Strassburg. 1913. 22 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.561 Hurry, J. B. Reading Abbey. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4i04.4i Hussey, A. Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, including some account of the sepulchral memorials and other antiquities. Lon- don. 1852. Plates. *25o6.73 Huysmans, J. K. Trois eglises et trois primi- tifs. 2e edition. Paris. 1908. 2639a.i32 Contents. — Trois eglises: La symbolique de Notre-Dame de Paris; Saint-Germain-l'Auxer- rois; Saint-Merry. — Trois primitifs: I.es Griine- wald du Musee de Colmar; Francfort-sur-le- Mein. Ingram, J. Memorials of the churches and parishes of Oxford. 2d edition. Oxford. 1848. Illus. Plates. *2507.ii9 Inkersley, T. An inquiry into the chrono- logical succession of the styles of Ro- manesque and Pointed architecture in France. [Anon.] London. 1850. 4097.184 Inventaire general des richesses d'art de la France. Paris: monuments religieux. Paris. 1876, 88. 2 v. [Ministere de I'in- struction publique.] 8063.51 Same. Province: monuments religieux. Tome I. Paris. 1886. [Ministere de Tin- struction publique.] 8063.62 Jackson, T. G. Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. Cambridge. 1913. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. 4093.148 Mainly examples of church architecture. Some of the plates are colored. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, Ox- ford. Oxford. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plans. "4101.72 Jaeger, J. Die Klosterkirche zu Ebrach. Ein kunst- und kulturgeschichtliches Denk- mal aus der Bliithezeit des Cistercienser- Ordens. Wiirzburg. 1903. Plates. Plans. 410Z.88 Quellen- und Litteraturangahe, pp. 142-144. Jaffe, F. Die bischofliche Klosterkirche zu Curtea de Arges in Rumanien mit Un- terstiitzung der Landesbehorden und nach eigenen Studien herausgegeben. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Coat of arms. Genealogical charts. *Cab.6o.i88.i Literatur-Verzeichnis, pp. 51, 52. In German and French in parallel columns. Some of the plates are colored. James, G. W. In and out of the old missions of California. An historical and pictorial account of the Franciscan missions. Boston. 1905. Plates. 3531.20 The old Franciscan missions of California. Boston. 1913. Plates. 3539.I2I James, M. R. The sculptured bosses in the roof of the Bauchun Chapel of Our Lady of Pity in Norwich Cathedral. Norwich 1908. Plates. [Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society.] *25oo.i36 The sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely. London. 1895. 55 plates. *4ioi.79 Janssen, L. J. F. De gorinchemsche muur- schilderijen. [Amsterdam. 1858.] 21 plates. [Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. Af- deeling Letterkunde. Deel i.] 4094.114- ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 275 Johnson, R. J. Specimens of early French architecture, selected chiefly from the churches of the lie de France. New- castle-upon-Tyne. 1864. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.4 Jolimont, F. G. T. B. de. Vues pittoresques de la cathedrale de Paris, Amiens, Or- leans, Reims, Strasbourg, Sens, Auxerre, Chartres, Aries, Albi, Dijon, Autun, Senlis, et details remarqiiables de ce[s] monument[s]; dessines par Chajjuy. Paris. 1826-31. Text, 13 parts in i v.; Atlas, 115 plates. *4ioo.74 JoUivet, P. J. De la peinture religieuse a I'exterieur des eglises, a propos de I'en- levement de la decoration exterieure du porche de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul. Paris. 1861. No. I in 4093.101; 4106.34 Peinture en email sur lave. Paris. 1862. No. 2 in 4093.101 Regarding the decoration of the porch of the church of Saint Vincent de Paitl at Paris. Jones, W. B., and E. A. Freeman. The his- tory and antiquities of Saint David's. London. 1856. Plates. *249o.i2i Jouin, H. Les hauts dossiers des stalles de la chapelle du grand seminaire d'Or- leans. Orleans. 1889. 25 photographs. *8o7o.i49 Jouve, E. G. Statistique monumentale de la Drome, ou notices archeologiques et historiques sur les principaux edifices de ce departement. Valence. 1867. Plates. 4094.106 Jovanovits, C. A. Forschungen iiber den Bau der Peterskirche zu Rom. Wien. 1877. 4092.54 Jung, W. Die Klosterkirche zu Zinna im Mittelalter. Ein Beitrag zur Bauge- schichte der Zisterzienser. Strassburg. 1904. Illus. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.l 4074.368 Kanitz, P. F. t)ber alt- und neuserbische Kirchenbaukunst. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte. Plates. (In Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Philosophisch-historische Classe. Sit- zungsberichte. Band 45, pp. 3-13. Wien. 1864.) , *3340.3-45 Kellen, D. van der, Jr. Muurschilderingen in de Groote of St. Bavo's-kerk te Haar- lem, 's Gravenhage. 1861. 10 colored plates. *Cab.8o.i9i.4 Keller, F. Die Bauart des Grossmitnsters in Ziirich. Ziirich. 1844. Plates. [Mit- theilungen der antiquarischen Gesell- schaft in Ziirich.] No. 14 in *48ii.6o.2 Der Grossmiinster in Zurich. Abteilung 2: Architectur. Zurich. 1841. Plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Ge- sellschaft in Zurich.] No. 5 in *48ii.6o.i Kemmerich, M. P. A. Die fruhmittelalter- liche Portrat-plastik in Deutschland bis zum Ende des xiii. Jahrhunderts. Leip- zig. 1909. Plates. 8084.108 Kendrick, A. F. The Cathedral Church of Lincoln. London. 1898. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.36 Keppler, P. W. von, Bishop. Aus Kunst und Leben. Freiburg im Breisgau. [1911,] Keppler, P. W. von, Bishop. (Continued.) 1913. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4106.37 Volume I (1913) is of the fourth and fifth edi- tion; 2 (Neue Folge, 191 1) of the third. Some of the plates are colored. The two volumes treat mainly of Roman Catholic church archi- tecture, decoration and painting, history and education. Keyser, C. E. A list of Norman tympana and lintels, with figure or symbolical sculpture still, or till recently existing in the churches of Great Britain. London. 1904. Plates. *409i.i62 Kidder, F. E. Churches and chapels. De- signs and suggestions. New York. 1895. 52 illus. 4106.18 Same. 1906. 4106.27 Same. 4th edition, enlarged. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4106.39 Devoted exclusively to churches in the United States. King, H. C. The chancel and the altar. With a preface by Percy Dearmer. London. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [The arts of the church.] 41093.38 King, R. J. Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern division. London. 1862. Illus. 4098.3 Contents. — Oxford. — Peterborough. — Norwich — Ely. — Lincoln. Same. Northern division. 1869. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4098.2 Content.'!. — i. York. — Ripon. — Carlisle. 2. Durham. — Chester. — Manchester. Same. Southern division. 1861. 2 v. Illus. 4098.5 Contents. — i. Winchester. — Salisbury. — Exe- ter. — Wells. 2. Chichester. — Canterbury. — Rochester. Same. Western division. 1864. Illus. 4098.4 Contents. — Bristol. — Gloucester. — Hereford. — Worcester. — Lichfield. Same. 1867. 4098.1 The three choirs. A handbook of Glouces- ter, Hereford and Worcester. London. 1866. 3 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. **M.i26.23 King, T. H. Fonts baptismaux de la cathe- drale de Hildesheim en Hanovre. Bruges. 1858. Plates. 4090.118 The study-book of mediaeval architecture and art; being a series of drawings of the principal monuments of the Middle Ages. London. [i853-]68. 4 v. Plates. On Gothic churches. *4I00.58 Kinkel, J. G. Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste bei den christlichen Volkern. Bonn. 1845. Plates. 4095-5 Kiprianof, V. Histoire pittoresque de I'ar- chitecture en Russie. St. Petersbourg. 1864. 55 plates. 4101.62 Kirkstall Abbey. Historical, antiquarian, and picturesque account of Kirkstall Abbey. London. 1827. Plates. Plan. 24693.209 Kirsch, J. P. Die christlichen Cultusgebaude in der vorkonstantinischen Zeit. {In 276 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Kirsch, J. P. (Continued.) Ehses. Festschrift zum Jubilaum des deutschen Campo Santo in Rom. Pp. 6- 20. Freiburg i. B. 1897.) 34603.7 Kleiner, S. Vera et accurata delineatio om- nivm templorvm et coenobiorvm quae tarn in Vienna Austrise, quam in subur- bijs ejus reperiuntur. Wahrhaffte und genaue Abbildung aller Kirchen und Kloster welche sowohl in Wien als auch in denen umliegenden Vorstatten sich befinden. Augspurg. 1724-37. 4 parts in I V. 132 plates. *4ioo.75 Klinkenberg, J. Koln und seine Kirchen nebst einem Fiihrer durch die Stadt. Koln. 1903. Illus. 2864.30 Kloot Meijburg, H. van der. Onze oude dorpskerken: tachtig schetsen van dorpskerken in Nederland. Rotterdam. 1912. Plates. 4104.14 Knight, H. G. Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy from the time of Constantine to the fifteenth century. London. 1842, 43. 2 V. Plates. **G.20.3 Knoblauch, G., and F. HoUin. Die neue Synagoge in Berlin, entworfen und aus- gefiihrt von E. Knoblauch, vollendet von August Stuler. Berlin. 1867. Illus. 7 plates. *Cab.6o.i58.3 Koeniglich - preussische Messbildanstalt. [Photographs of German church archi- tecture. Berlin. 1908.] 471 mounted photographs in 14 portfolios. Silver prints. *Cab.6o.i8o.i Contents. — i. Aachen. — Akena. — AUenstein. — Andernach. — Bacharach. — Bamberg. — Belgard. — Berlin. — Bocholt. — Bonn. 2. Bran- denburg. — Braunsberg. — Bmunschwcig. — Brauwciler. — Bremen. — Breslau. — Burres- heim. — Caub. — Chorin. 3. Coblenz. — Co- chem. — Coin. 4. Coin. — Corvey. — Danzig. — Dietkirchen. — Dortmund. — Eltz. 5. Er- furt. — Flensbxirg. — Frankenberg. — Frank- furt a, M. — Frpiburg i. B. — Freyburg a. N. — Friedland. — Fritzlar. — Fulda. — Geln- hausen. 6. Gelnhausen. — Gernrode. — Goslar. — Groningen. — Halberstadt. 7. Halle. — Hamers- leben. — Hassfurt. — Heisterbach. — Hersfeld. — Hildesheim. 8. Hildesheim. — Huysburg. — Igel. — Jerichow. — Kitzingen. — Konigsberg i. N. — Konigsberg i. Pr. — Laach. — Limburg a. L. 9. Lubeck. — Ludinghausen. — Magde- burg. — Marburg. — Marienburg i. W.-Pr. — Marksburg. 10. Meissen. — Merseburg. — Metz. — Minden. — Munster i. W. — Miinster-Mai- feld. — Naumburg. 11. Neuss. — Niirnberg. — Oberlahnstein. — Oels. — Oliva. — Osnabriick. 12. Paderborn. — Posen. — Potsdam. — Prenz- lau. 13. Quedlinburg. — Rossel. — Schleswig. — Schwarz-Rheindorf. — Segeberg. — Soest. — Stargard. — Strassburg, — Tangermunde. — Tor- gau. 14. Trier. — Walkenried. — Weitzenfels. — Wetter. — Wittenberg. — Worms. Koldewey, R. Die Tempel von Babylon und Borsippa. Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.] *3030.78 Kothen, C. Notice sur les cryptes de I'ab- baye Saint- Victor-lez-Marseille. Mar- seille. 1864. Plates. Plan. 4104.86 Kowalczyk, G. von, editor. Denkmaeler der Kunst in Dalmatien. Mit einer Einlei- tung von C. Gurlitt. Berlin. 1910. 132 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.6 The plates include examples of church architec- ture and of architectural details. Kraus, F. X. Geschichte der christlichen Kunst. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1S96, 1908. 3 V. Plates. Plans. *407i.i44 Contents. — i. Die hellenistisch-romische Kunst der alten Christen. — Die byzantinische Kunst, — Anfange der Kunst bei den Volkern des Nordens. 2. Mittelalter. 3. Italienische Renais- sance. Die Wandgemalde der St. Sylvesterkapelle zu Goldbach ans Bodensee. Miinchen. 1902. Plates. *Cab.8o.23o.5 Goldbach is an old hamlet near Uberlingen on Lake Constance. Kreuser, J. Der christliche Kirchenbau. Bonn. 1851. 2 V. 4096.2 Wiederum christlicher Kirchenbau. Brixen. 1868, 69. 2 v. 4096.6 Kugler, F. T. Vorlesung iiber die Systeme des Kirchenbaues. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1852. Plate. 4105.60 Labande, H. L. fitude historique et archeo- logique sur Saint-Trophime d'Arles du lye au xiiie siecle. Caen. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4107.45 Labarte, J., editor and translator. L'eglise ca- thedrale de Sienne et son tresor d'apres un inventaire de 1467 traduit et annote. Paris. 1868. Plate. 4092.111 La Croix, C. de. Fouilles archeologiques de I'Abbaye de St.-Maur de Glanfeuil (Maine-et-Loire), entreprises en 1898- 99 d'apres des textes anciens. Paris. 1899. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Melanges archeologiques.] *4icoa.i9 La Fortelle, B. de. Histoire et description de Notre-Dame de Melun. Melun. 1843. 4092.113 Lahondes, J. de. Toulouse chretienne. L'eglise Saint-fitienne, cathedrale de Toulouse. Toulouse. 1890. Plates. Plans. 4636.7 Lampakis, G. Memoire sur les antiquites chretiennes de la Grece presente au Congres international d'histoire com- paree, Paris. 1900. Athenes. 1902. Plates. Plans. 29603.79 Lamperez y Romea, V. Historia de la ar- quitectura cristiana espafiola en la edad media. Madrid. 1908, 09. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409oa.i37 Landriani, G. La basilica Ambrosiana. I resti della basilica di Fausta. Milano. 1889. Plates. Plans. *Cab.27.24.3 Langlois, E. H. Essai sur les enerves de Jumieges et sur quelques decorations singulieres des eglises de cette Abbaye; suivi du Miracle de Sainte Bautheuch, public pour la premiere fois. Rouen. 1838. Plates. 4095.102 Laran, J. La cathedrale d'Albi. Paris. [1910?] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.111 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 110-112. ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 277 Larned, W. C. Churches and castles of mediaeval France. New York. 1895. Plates. 4104-57 Laspeyres, P. Die Kirchen der Renaissance in Mittel-Italien. Berlin. 1852. Plates. ♦8080.40 S. Maria della Consolazione zu Todi. Berlin. 1869. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.4 Lassus, J. B. A. Isolement de la Sainte- Chapelle. Rapport . . . de MM. les architectes du Palais de Justice. [Paris. 1849.] Illus. 4103-38 Monographic de la cathedrale de Chartres. Publiee par les soins du Ministre de I'instruction publique. Explication des planches par Paul Durand. Paris. 1867, 81. [Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 72 plates. *Cab.6o.i03.i Lassus, J. B. A., and E. E. Viollet-le-Duc. Monographic de Notre Dame de Paris. Paris. [186-?] Plates. *Cab.6o.46.3 Projet de restauration de Notre Dame de Paris. Paris. 1843. Illus. 4092,100 Lasteyrie du Saillant, R. C, Comte de. L* architecture religieuse en France a I'epoque romane: ses origines, son de- veloppement. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4i02.43 La deviation de I'axe des eglises; est-elle symbolique? Paris. 1905. Plans. 4102.47 Reprinted from the Memoires de rAcademie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, tome 37, ze partie 1*3292.2.371. L'eglise Saint-Martin de Tours, fitude critique sur I'histoire et la forme de ce monument du ve au xie siecle. Paris. 1891. Plan. 4103.31 Exrait des Memoires de I'Academie des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres, tome 34, ire partie 1*3292.2.341. £tude archeologique sur l'eglise Saint Pierre d'Aulnay (Charente-Inferieure). Paris. 1887. Illus. Plates. 41003.21 Reprinted from the Gazette archeologique de 1886. Lavalleye, E., and Vierset-Godin. £glise Notre-Dame a Huy. Liege. 1854. 16 plates. *Cab.6o.99.7 Lavergne, C. Restauration de l'eglise S.- Eustache. Paris. 1856. 4107.31 Leahy, W. A. The catholic churches of Boston and vicinity, and St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Boston. 1892. 39 plates with descriptive text. *445oa.ii9 Lebeurier, P. F., Abbe. Note sur la cathe- drale d'fivreux lue a la seance generale de la Societe libre de I'Eure du 15 mars, ' 1874. fivreux. 1876. Folded plate. 4108.74 Lebreton, A. Une visite au Mont Saint- Michel. Paris. 1875. Plates. 26393.96 Leclercq, H. Manuel d'archeologie chre- tienne depuis les origines jusqu'au vine siecle. Paris. 1907. 2 v. Illus. 4074.392 Chronologic [des livres] et sources litterdires, vol. I, pp. 34-59. 66-78. Le Conte, R. Etudes historiques et archeo- logiques sur les abbayes de Benedictins I Le Conte, R. (Continued.) en general, et sur celle de Hambye en particulier. Bernay. 1890. 6 plates. [Curiosites normandes.] 2634.53 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 91, 92. Lecureux, L. T. Saint-Pol-de-Leon. La cathedrale — Ic Kreisker. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites mono- graphies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107-105 Lee, F. G. The history, description and an- tiquities of the prebendal church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Thame, in the County and Diocese of Oxford. Lon- don. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. *247o.S2 Lees, J. C. St. Giles', Edinburgh, church, college and cathedral. Edinburgh. 1889. Plates. 249oa.ii6 Lefevre-Pontalis, E. A. L'architecture re- ligieuse dans I'ancien diocese de Sois- sons au xie et au xiie siecle. Paris. 1894, 96. 2 V. 65 plates. *8ioo.i04 Les fagades successives de la cathedrale de Chartres au xie et au xii^ siecle. Caen. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4107.43 Reprinted from Compte-rendu of the Congres archeologique de France, 1900 [*2638.6o.i9oo]. Monographic de l'eglise de Villers-Saint- Paul. Beauvais. 1886. Plate. 4104.74 Monographies des eglises de Juziers, Meu- lan et Triel. Versailles. 1886. 4105.43 Lefrov, W. C. Norwich Cathedral. London. 1897. Illus. [English cathedrals.] 4108.26 The ruined abbeys of Yorkshire. London. 1883. Plates. *4iooa.29 Le Grand de Reulandt, S. £. V. Fonts bap- tismaux de la Collegiale de Dinant. Anvers. 1865. Illus. 8074.152 Extrait des Annales de I'Academie d'archeologie de Belgiqtie [*3389-5-2il. Leibnitz, H. Die Organisation der Gewolbe im christlichen Kirchenbau. Leipzig. 1855. Illus. 8095.23 Leigh, J. W. Hereford Cathedral. London. 1901. Plates. Plan. 4109.51 Leixner-Gruenberg, O. von. Der Kirchen- bau der Hoch- und Spatrenaissance in Venedig. Berlin. [1901.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.165 Der St.' Stephansdom zu Wien. Berlin. [1902.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.169 Lemaire, R. L'origine de la basilique latine. Paris. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4106.35 Reprinted from Annales de la Societe d' archeo- logie de Bruxelles, t. 25, 191 1. Lenoir, A. A. Architecture monastique. Paris. 1852-56. 3 parts in 2 v. Illus. ♦2650.16 Leroux de Lincy, A. J. V. figlise Saint Eus- tache a Paris. Paris. 1850. 11 plates. *Cab.6o.35.3 Leroy-Beaulieu, H. J. B. A. Cathedrale d'fivreux. La restauration de nos monu- ments historiques devant I'art et devant le budget. Paris. 1875- Plate. 4105.35 Extrait de la Revue des deux mondes, 1874 [*33iSi.^874]. 278 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Le Seur, T. F. J., and R. G. Boscovich. Pa- rere di tre mattematici sopra i danni che si sono trovati nella cvpola di S. Pietro sul fine dell' anno mdccxlii. (In Scrit- tvre concernenti i danni della cvpola di San Pietro. Pp. 1-39. Venezia. [1744?]) *4095.i25 Letarouilly, P. Le Vatican et la basilique de Saint Pierre de Rome. Paris. 1882. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.52.i Lethaby, W. R. Westminster Abb^y & the kings* craftsmen: a study of medineval building. New York. 1906. Illus. Por- trait. Plans. 4097.176 Lethaby, W. R., and H. Swainson. The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constanti- nople. A study of Byzantine building. London. 1894. Plates. Plans. 4102.68 L?towski, L. "Katedra Krakowska na Wa- walu. W Krakowie. 1859. Colored plates. *Cab.6o.i22.3 Lewin, S. Descriptive & historical account of St. Botolph's Church. [Anon.] Bos- ton. 1842. 13 plates. 2493-1 A concise sketch of the history of St. Botolph's Church. Reprinted from the original edition of 1843 [sic], with a few alterations and additions. [Anon.l Lon- don. 1895. Plates. Plan. *2493.i3 Liddell, E. T. Canon of Durham. St. Alban's Abbey. Illustrated by F. G. Kitton. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.23 Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, England. Lin- coln Minster. [Architectural & histori- cal notes. Ground plan. Lincoln. 189-?] 4107.13 Lind, C, and W. A. Neumann. Die kirchli- chen Bauten ausser St. Stephan in Wien. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Alterthums Verein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band 3, part 2, pp. 49^550. Wien. 1907.) *483o.26.3 Lindner, A. Die Basler Galluspforte und andere romanische Bildwerke der Schweiz. Strassburg. 1899. Illus. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.2 *4074.i8i Loftie, W. j. The cathedral churches of England and Wales: their history, archi- tecture and monuments. London. 1892. 29 plans. 4097-54 Westminster Abbey. With illustrations chiefly by H. Railton. London. 1890. Illus. *246o.io6 Same. New edition. 1891. 2498.118 Same. New edition. Philadelphia. 1914- 2498.143 Loisel, A. La cathedrale de Rouen. Etude sur ses vitraux par Jean Lafond. Paris. [T913.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.118 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 131, 132. Lokeren, R. van. Histoire de I'abbaye de Saint-Bavon et de la crypte de Saint- Jean a Gand. Gand. 1855. Plates. Plans. *283i.55 Lonergan, W. F. Historic churches of Paris. New York. 1896. Plates. , 2661.26 Longman, W. History of the three cathe- drals dedicated to St. Paul in London. London. 1873. Plates. 2493.4; **K.i22.i Lopez, M. II Battistero di Parma. Parma^ [1864, 65.] 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i93.a Loriquet, H. M. F. La place Saint- Vaast et la croix dite de St. Bernard. Arras. 1884. Plate. Plan. 4103.85 The plan is of the Cathedral of Saint-Vaast. Lowrie, W. Monuments of the early church. New York. 1901. Illus. Plans. [Hand- books of archaeology and antiquities.] 4079-125 Lucas, C. Architecture et archeologie. De la reconstruction des contre-forts de la cathedrale d'fivreux. Paris. 1877. Plates. Plan. 4101.35 Reprinted from the Annales de la Societe cen- trale des architectes, Un projet de decoration du Pantheon et le concours de I'figlise du Sacre-Coeur a Montmartre. Paris. 1875. Plates. Illus. 4105.28 Reprinted from Revue de I'art Chretien, 1874 [•4072.201.17]. Les temples et eglises circulaires d'Angle- terre. Precede d'un essai sur Thistoire de ces monuments, et suivi de quelques eglises du Saint-Sepulcre. Paris. 1871. 4094.118 "Extrait de la Revue de Tart chretien" [•4072.201. 14]. Luebke, W. Der Dom von Aquileja. Illus. (In Kunstwerke und Kiinstler. Pp. 387- 401. Breslau. [1886.]) 8062.73 Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the Middle Ages. Translated from the 5th German edition v/ith appendix by L. A. Wheatley. London. 1870. Plates. *8o6i.6 Same. 2d edition. Edinburgh. 1873. **K.29o.io; **K.i65.5 Ein Mausoleum des Mittelalters. Illus. (In Kunstwerke und Kiinstler. Pp. 267- 302. Breslau. [1886.]) 8062.73 On the church at Brou, France. Luini, B. "Lo scaffele"; or presses in the sacristy of the Church of Sta. Maria delle Grazie at Milan. Executed in cromo-lithography under the direction of L. Gruner. London. 1859, 60. 31 plates. *Cab.8o.2ii.i Lundy, J. P. Monumental Christianity, or the art and symbolism of the primitive church. New York. 1876. Illus. 4074.60 Same. London. 1889. 4104.50 Luthereau, J. G. A. Notice historique et archeologique sur Teglise de la Made- leine. Paris. 1842. 4104.87 Luthmer, F. Romanische Ornamente und Baudenkmaler aus kirchlichen und pro- fanen Baudenkmalern des xi. bis xiii. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt a. M. 1896. 30 plates. *Cab.8o.i22.4 Lutsch, H. Die Dorfkirche. Plates. Plans. (In Sohnrey, H. Kunst auf dem Lande. Pp. 21-56. Leipzig. 1905.) 4093-163 Luzi, L. II duomo di Orvieto. Firenze. 1866. Illus. 47693.57 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 279 Lynam, C. The Abbey of St. Mary, Crox- den, Staffordshire: a monograph, Lon- don. 191 1. Portrait. Plates. Map. Plans. Facsimiles. *4ioi.44 The church bells of the County of Staf- ford. London. 1889. 173 plates. *246o.i09 The last Z7 plates are views of church towers. Macgibbon, D., and T. Ross. The ecclesiasti- cal architecture of Scotland from the earliest Christian times to the xviith century. Edinburgh. 1896. 2 v. Plates. 4102.73 The five great churches of Galloway. [Edited by H. H. Dalrymple.] Edin- burgh. 1899. Illus. Maps. [Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Associa- tion.] *2500.IOO.IO Of this work 300 copies only were printed. It is the tenth and final volume of the Archaeological and Historical Collections relating to Ayrshire and Galloway. Machmar, . Die Tragheimer Kirche zu Konigsberg i. Pr. : eine bau- und kunst- geschichtliche Studie. Strassburg. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.549 Literatur-Quellen, p. (i). Mackenzie, F. The architectural antiquities of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, the late House of Com- mons. London. 1844. 18 plates. *Cab.6o.iio.2 Mackmurdo, A. H. Wren's city churches. Orpington, Kent. 1883. Plate. 4104.58 Madan, W. N. A short guide to St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol. [Bristol.] 191 1. Plates. Plan. 4109.105 Maginnis, C. D. Catholic church architec- ture. [Boston.] 1906. Illus. Plan. Reprinted from the Brickbuilder. 4^09.75 Male, £. L'art religieux de la fin du moyen age en France, fitude sur I'iconographie du moyen age. Paris. 1908. Illus. 4071.177 L'art religieux du xnie siecle en France. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1902. Illus. Index hibliographique, pp. 45I-4S-I- 4073-^27 Mallay, J. E. B. Essai sur les eglises ro- manes et romano-byzantines du De- partement du Puy-de-D6me. Moulins. 1841, 52. Plates. *4ioo.34 Manby, G." W. History and antiouities of the parish of St. David, South Wales. London. 1801. Plates. *2473-5 Mansfield, M. F. The cathedrals of Southern ^m France. By Francis Miltoun [pseud.]. ^m Illustrations by Blanche McManus. B Boston. 1905. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [The cathedral series.] 4108.41 Marcke, fi. van. Saint Brieuc. Paris. [1855.] 12 plates. Plan. [Anciens eveches de Bretagne.] *Cab.6o.79-i Marignan, A. fitudes sur I'histoire de l'art allemand. Quelques manuscrits attri- bues aux x^ et xi^ siecles: la porte en bois de Sainte-Marie de Cologne. Stras- bourg. 1913. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.558 Markland, J. H. Remarks on English churches, and on the expediency of ten- dering sepulchral memorials subservient to pious and Christian uses. 4th edition. London. 1847. Plates. 4099a.i02 Marriage, M. S., and E. Marriage. The sculp- tures of Chartres Cathedral. Cambridge. 1909. Plates. 8086.120 Text in English and French. Bibliography, pp. 269, 270, Marriott, C. The romance of the Rhine. London. 191 1. Colored plates. 2864.83 Mostly church architecture. Marshall, H. M., and H. Marshall. Cathe- dral cities of France. New York. 1907. Colored plates. 2664.121 Marson, C. L. Glastonbury: the historic guide to the "English Jerusalem." Bath. 1909. Illus. Plates. Map. Plan. Coat of arms. 4i09a.ii4 Mainly a history of the Abbey. Martin, C. L'art roman en France. L'archi- tecture et la decoration. Paris. 1910. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i87.6 Examples of church architecture. Saint-Pierre: ancienne cathedrale de Geneve. Geneve. 191 1. 45 plates. Bibliographic, pp. 205-207. *Cab.6o.5I.9 Martin, W. W. Manual of ecclesiastical architecture. Cincinnati. 1897. Plates. Plans. 4105.63 Martinof, A. Anciens monuments des envi- rons de Moscou. Dessins de N. Mar- tinow. [Moscou.] 1889. 25 colored plates. *3o6o.i04 Marucchi, O. Elements d'archeologie chre- tienne. [Tome] 3: Basiliques et eglises de Rome. Paris. 1902, Illus. Plans. Facsimiles. 4105.77 Bibliography, pp. viii-xv; Catalogue alphabe- tique de toutes les eglises de Rome, pp. 499-521. The book treats of monuments anterior to the sixteenth century. Mason, W. M. The history and antiquities of the Collegiate and Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, near Dublin. Dublin. 1820. Plates. Plan. *2490.ii2 Masse, H. J. L. J. The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury, with some account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst, Gloucester- shire. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4109.42 The Cathedral Church of Bristol. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.48 The Cathedral Church of Gloucester. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.39 The city of Chartres: its cathedral & churches. London. [1900.] Illus. [Bell's Handbooks to Continental churches.] 4108.58 A short history & description of the Church & Abbey of Mont S. Michel. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Handbooks to Continental churches.] 4108.56 Masselli, G. II tabernacolo della Madonna d'Orsanmichele. Firenze. 1851. 12 plates. *Cab.8o.i54.2 19 280 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Matthaei, A. Beitrage zur Baugeschichte der Cistercienser Frankreichs und Deutsch- lands. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Abteikirche Arnsburg in der Wette- rau. Darmstadt. 1893. Illus. 8103.103 Medcalf, T. On the architecture of the two churches [of Aughton]. Plates, (/w Newstead. Gleanings towards the an- nals of Aughton. Pp. 153-165. Liver- pool. 1893.) *2469.i7i Mediaeval architectural refinements. [Lon- don. 1904.] Illus. 4091.148 On vertical curves in church architecture. A discussion of Mr. Goodyear's lecture on the asymmetry of French cathedrals [4093.147]. Cut from The Architect & Contract Reporter for February, 1904 [*4ioi.20i.7i]. Mely, F. de. Le tresor de Chartres. 1310- 1793. Paris. 1886. Illus. Plates. *4093.i27 Merimee, P. Notice sur les peintures de I'eglise de Saint-Savin. Paris. 1865. 42 colored plates. [Collection de docu- ments inedits sur I'histoire de France.] *Cab.26.T7.4 Merlet, R. La cathedrale de Chartres. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edi- fices de la France.] 4107.101 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 93-96. Mesnard, L. Trois etudes sur I'art chretien. I. A propos de deux tableaux du Musee de Grenoble: Gaspard de Crayer & rficole flamande. 2. Bernardino Luini. 3. La chapelle de San Brizio a Orvieto. Grenoble. 1875. 4078.240 Contains an account of the work of Signorelli in Orvieto Cathedral. Messmer, J. A. Ueber den Ursprung, die Entwickelung und Bedeutung der Ba- silika in der christlichen Baukunst. Leipzig. 1854. 8105.19 Metzger, J. Historia Salisburgensis. Salis- burgi. 1692. Plates. *B.6o4i.i Meyer, A. G. Die Certosa bei Pavia, Berlin. [1900.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] Litteraturnachweise, p. 20. 4090.161 Meyer-Altona, E. Die Sculpturen des Strass- burger Miinsters. Theil i. Strassburg. 1894. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] *4074.i66 Meyer-Schwartau, W. Der Dom zu Speier und verwandte Bauten. Berlin. 1893. Illus. 32 plates. [Koenigliche technische Hochschule zu Berlin.] *4ioo.73 Micklethwaite, J. T. Modern parish churches. London, 1874. 4097.51 Milan Cathedral. Description de la facade et de I'interieur. Milan. 1833. 3 folded plates. 4108.52 The preface is signed P. C. Same. 5e edition, recorrigee et reaugmen- tee. [1851.] Plan. No. i in 4093.102 Same. i860. Illus. 4097.133 The preface is signed S. P. Descrizione della facciata e dell* interno. Milano. 1859. 3 folded plates. 2736.53 Per la facciata del dvomo di Milano. [Mi- lano. 1654?] Plates. *8o9oa.64 Opinions upon the designs of F. CastelH, F. M. Richino and others. Mileham, G. S. Churches in Lower Nubia. Edited by D. Randall-Maciver. Phila- delphia. 1910. illus. [University of Pennsylvania. Department of Archaeol- ogy. Egyptian section.] *305i.267.2 Millescamps, G. Les fonts baptismaux de Lassy (Seine-et-Oise). Paris. [1876?] Illus. 4093.132 Reprinted from the Musee archeologique. Millet, G. Le Monastere de Daphni: his- toire, architecture, mosaiques. Paris. 1899. Illus. Plan. [Monuments de Tart byzantin.] *4090.i40 Bibliographic, pp. xiii-xv. Millingen, A., and others. Byzantine churches in Constantinople: their his- tory and architecture. By A. Van Mil- lingen, assisted by R. Traquair, W. S. George, and A. E. Henderson. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4106.55 Books consulted in the preparation of this work, PP- 337-339- This is a sequel to Byzantine Con- stantinople . . . [3081.120]. Milman, H. H. Annals of S. Paul's Cathe- dral. London. 1868. Illus. 4521.25 Milne, F. A., editor. Ecclesiology. London. 1894. [Gentleman's Magazine library. Vol. 16.] *255oa.5o.i6 Minutoli, A., Freiherr von. Der Dom zu Drontheim und die mittelalterliche christliche Baukunst der skandinavi- schen Normannen. Berlin. 1853. 12 plates. *Cab.6o.96.2 Missirini, M. Del tempio eretto in Possagno da Antonio Canova. Venezia. 1833. *4i02.4 Mobilier d'eglises. Specimens des divers styles depuis le xie siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Ouvrages en bois. Paris. 1881. 65 plates. *4ioo.66 Modeme kirchliche Kunst in Osterreich- Ungarn. Gesammelt und herausgege- ben von A. R. Hecht. Heft 1-3. Wien. [1912?] Plates. *Cab.8o.286.i There is no text. In progress. Moise, F. Santa Croce di Firenze. Illustra- zione storico-artistica. Firenze. 1845. Plate. 2766.3 Molini, G. La metropolitana fiorentina illus- trata. Firenze. 1820. Plates. *276o.9 Molinier, £. Le tresor de la basilique de Saint Marc a Venise. Venise. 1888, Illus. *8o73.ii3 Monasticon Anglicanum: aedes Benedic- tinae. [Houses of the Black monks, Benedictines and Cluniacs.] 74 photo- graphs, with index. Map. *Cab.6o.iio.4 Monasticon Gallicanum. Collection de 168 planches de vues topographiques repre- sentant les monasteres de I'ordre de Saint-Benoit, congregation de Saint- Maur. Reproduit par les soins de M. Peigne-Delacourt. Avec une preface par Leopold Delisle. Paris. 1882. Text, i v.; Atlas, 2 v. 169 plates. 46303.56 From an unpublished work by Michel Ccrmam. Examples of church architecture. Reprinted from Rassegna d'arte, 19 10 t*407o.274. 10]. Monneret de Villard, U. L'architettura ro- manica in Dalmazia. Milano. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4099.153 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 281 Mont Saint Michel, Abbaye du. [Cloitre, cote sud, cote est, cote nord, cote ouest.] *4 1 oca. 1 3 Four photographs of architectural details mounted in sequence. Montaiglon, A. de C. de. L'architecture au Salon de 1876. [Paris. 1876.] Illus. Plate. 4093-137 Cut from the Gazette des beaux-arts [*4o6i,22i. 2e periode, tome 13]. Contains an account of church architecture in France. Montalembert, C. F. de T., Comte de. Ac- count of the destructive and revised pagan principle in France. {In Pugin, A. N. W. Contracts. 2d edition. Pp. 76-95. London. 1841.) *4ioi.54 This article is given in French under an English title. Montane, G. B. Diversi ornamenti capric- ciosi per depositi o altari. Roma. 1625. 40 plates. *8o9o.55 Montferrand, A. R. de. figlise cathedrale de Saint-Isaac. Saint-Petersbourg. 1845. Illus. 50 plates. Plans. *Cab.7o.ii.2 Moore, C. H. The mediaeval church archi- tecture of England. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.79 Moore, E. Croyland. The abbey, bridge, and Saint Guthlac. (2d edition.) Spal- ding. 1889, Plates. Plans. *2497.io8 Morand, S. J. Histoire de la Ste-Chapelle royale du palais. Paris. 1790. Plates. *4093-ii4 Moreni, D. Descrizione della gran Capella, delle pietre dure e della Sagrestia vec- chia eretta da Filippo di Ser Brunellesco situate ambedue nell' Imp. Basilica di S. Lorenzo di Firenze. Firenze. 1813. Plate. 4098.120 Descrizione istorico-critica della Imp. cappella de' principi eretta nella Basilica di S. Lorenzo di Firenze da Michelan- gelo Buonarroti. Firenze. 1813. 4105.56 Moreschi, L. Descrizione del tabernacolo che orna la confessione della basilica di San Paolo sulla via Ostiense. Roma. 1840. Plates. *Cab.6o.i34.2 Morey, M. P. Charpente de la cathedrale de Messine, gravee et lithographiee par H. Roux, aine. Paris. 1641. 8 colored plates. *Cab.6o.8i.6 Moriz-Eichbom, K. Der Skulpturencyklus in der Vorhalle des Freiburger Miin- sters. Strassburg. 1899. Illus. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] *4074.i8o More, L. del. La facciata di S. Maria del Fiore. Firenze. 1888. Plates. *Cab.6o.4i.3 Horris, J. A. Remarks on the existing build- ings at Crosraguel Abbey. Plates. {In Charters of the Abbey of Crosraguel. Vol. 2, pp. 79-143. Edinburgh. 1886.) . *2500.II2 Morns, W. Architecture and history, and I Westminster Abbey. [London. 1900.] ♦4097.63 Mortet, F. J. V. £tude historique et archeo- logique sur la cathedrale et le palais Mortet, F. J. V. (Continued.) episcopal de Paris du vie au xiie siecle. Paris. 1888. 3 plates. 4632.3 Bibliographie, pp. ix-xi. Morton, J. The monastic annals of Teviot- dale; or, the history and antiquities of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros, and Dryburgh. Edinburgh. 1832. 19 plates. *249o.i23 Mothes, O. Die Basilikenform bei den Christen der ersten Jahrhunderte: ihre Vorbilder und ihre Entwickelung. Leip- zig. 1865. 8105.17 Muelbe, W. H. von der. Die Darstellung des jiingsten Gerichts an den romanischen und gotischen Kirchenportalen Frank- reichs. Leipzig. 1911. Plates. [Kunst- wissenschaftliche Studien.] 4095.210 Muentz, L. F. E. Les anciennes basiliques & eglises de Rome [au xve siecle]. Paris. 1877. 4104.42 Reprinted from the Revue archeologique, July, 1877 [•2237.5o.serie 2. tome 34]. Muir, T. S. Descriptive notices of some of the ancient parochial and collegiate churches of Scotland. London. 1848. Plates. 8094.58 Ecclesiological notes on some of the islands of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1885. Plates. 247oa.76 Notes on remains of ecclesiastical archi- tecture and sculptured memorials in the southern division of Scotland. Edin- burgh. 1855. Illus. 4094.83 MuUer, S. De Dom van Utrecht. Utrecht. 1906. Illus. 30 plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i67.7 Murphy, J. C. Plans, elevations, sections and views of the Church of Batalha, in the Province of Estremadura, Portugal, with the history and description by Luis de Sousa. Prefixed, an introductory dis- course on the principles of Gothic archi- tecture, by James Murphy. [London. 1836.] 27 plates. *Cab.7o.i6.3 Murray, J. Handbook to the cathedrals of Wales: Llandaff, St. David's, St. Asaph, Bangor. London. 1873. Illus. *4098.6 Muthesius, H. Die neuere kirchliche Bau- kunst in England. Berlin. 1901. Plates. 4101.86 Mylne, R. S. The Cathedral Church of Bayeux. London. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Handbooks to Continen- tal churches.] 4108.57 Namur, A. La basilique de S. Willibrord a Echternach (grand-duche de Luxem- bourg). Anvers. 1866. Illus. 8094.60 From Annales de I'Academie d'archeologie de Belgique, vol. 22 [*3389-5.22]. Nardini Despotti Mospignotti, A. Del duo- mo di Milano, e della sua nuova fac- ciata. Milano. 1889. Plates. *4ioi.3i II Duomo di San Giovanni oggi Battistero di Firenze. Firenze. 1902. Illus. Por- trait. Plans. 4094.125 Nash, J. Architecture of the Middle Ages. London. 1838. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.49.5 282 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Natali, G. Pavia e la sua Certosa. Guida artistica con introduzione storica di Giacinto Romano. Pavia. 191 1. Illus. Map. Plans. 80798.379 Nava, A., Conte. Relazione dei ristauri intra- presi alia gran guglia del Duomo di Milano nell' anno 1844 ed ultimati nella primavera del corrente 1845. Milano. 1845. 9 plans. 4093.109 Neale, J. P., and J. Le Keux. Views of the most interesting collegiate and paro- chial churches in Great Britain. Lon- don. 1824, 25. 2 V. Plates. *4i02.55;**K.64,i3 The copy on shelf-number **K.64.i3 is bound in one volume. Nebbia, U. La scultura nel Duomo di Mi- lano, illustrata a cura della Amministra- zione della fabbrica. Milano. 1908. Plates. Plans. *4o8o.i22 Nelli, G. B. Piante ed alzati dell' insigne chiesa di S. Maria del Fiore, metropoli- tana fiorentina. Firenze. I755- 17 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.57.i.4 Neumann, W. Der Dom zu St. Marien in Riga. Baugeschichte und Baubeschrei- bung. Herausgegeben von der Gesell- schaft fiir Geschichte und Altertums- kunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. Riga. 1912. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. Literatur, pp. (1-3). 410I.IIO Neumann, W. A. Baugeschichte von Sanct Stephan in Wien (gothische Periode). Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Alterthums Verein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band 3, part 2, pp. 457-498. Wien. 1907.) *4830.26.3.2 Der Dom von Parenzo. Wien. 1902. 52 photographs. 2 plans. *Cab.6o.i5i.2 Neuwirth, J. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Geschichte der Baukunst. Band 2.] 4092.127.2 Mostly examples of church architecture. Der Dom St. Veit zu Prag. Berlin. [1897.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] Literaturnachweise, p. 16. 4090.149 Das Miinster zu Ulm. Berlin. [1899.] Plates, Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.159 Literaturnachweise, p. 24. New York, City. Cathedral of St. John the Divine. A portion of the designs sub- mitted in the first competition. Bos- ton. [1891?] 57 plates. *Cab.6o.i5i.4 Originally printed in the American Architect and Building News. Newbolt, W. C. E. St. Paul's Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English cathedrals.] 4108.28 Nichols, J. B. Account of the Royal Hos- pital and Collegiate Church of Saint Katharine, near the Tower of London. London. 1824. Plates. Plan. *246oa.67 Nicholson, H. J. B., and W. T. Page. St. Alban's Cathedral and Abbey Church. A guide by W. Page, being abridged from the guide and historical notes of the same church. 3d edition. London. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4109.111 Nicolaysen, N. Norske Bygninger fra Forti- den. (Norwegian buildings from former times.) Raekke 1-3. Kristiania. 1860- 80. 3 parts in i v. 56 plates. 4100.39 Deals almost exclusively with church architec- ture and ornamentation. Niedling, A. Kirchliche Decorationsmale- reien im romanischen und gothischen Style, nach alten Vorbildern. Berlin. [1890.] 24 colored plates. *8ioo.67 Kirchliche Tischler- u. Holzbildhauer-Ar- beiten im romanischen und gothischen Styl. Berlin. [1894, 96.] 32 plates. *4ioo.77 Niemeyer, W. Das Triforium. Plates. (In Kunstwissenschaftliche Beitrage August Schmarsow gewidmet. Pp. 41--61. Leip- zig. 1907.) *4072.i7i Niepce, L. Monographic de la cathedrale de Lyon par L. Begule. Compte-rendu et etude. Lyon. 1880. Illus. 4101.33 Begule's work is on shelf-number *Cab.6o.i2.2. Nieuwbarn, M. C. Church symbolism. A treatise on the general symbolism and iconography of the Roman Catholic church edifice. Translated from the Dutch, with the author's permission, by the Rev. John Waterreus. St. Louis, Mo. 1910. Illus. Plate. Plans. 4107.72 Niven, W. London city churches destroyed since 1800, or now threatened. London. 1887. Plates. *4ioo.33 Nizet, C. La mosquee de Cordoue. Illus. Plans. (In L'architecture. Annee 18, pp. 286-289, 296, 297, 355, 356, 392-394, 443-447. Paris. 1905-) *409i.25i.i8 Noack, A. Die Certosa bei Pavia. Leipzig. [1882.] Plates. *8iooa.ii Nodet, V. L'eglise de Brou. Paris. [1911?] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites mono- graphies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.113 Bibliographic sommaire, pp. 95, 96. Noel, M. J. de. La cathedrale de Cologne. Description archeologico-historique de cette eglise metropolitaine. Traduite par N. B. Sautelet. Cologne. 1835. Plan. 4105.23 Nolan, L. The basilica of S. Clemente in Rome. Roma. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4io9a.44 North, H. L. The old churches of Arllech- wedd. Bangor. 1906. Illus. Plates. 4109.88 Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church building in the Middle Ages. Venice, Siena, Florence. New York. 1880. 4096.55; **K.i57.i7 Notes on the cathedrals. Ely. London. [1904?] Plates. 4109-74 Notice historique sur l'eglise paroissiale de Notre - Dame -de - I'lmmaculee - Con- ception a Blois. Blois. 1855. 2 plates. 4107.33 Observations on the varieties of architecture used in the structure of parish churches. To which is added a description of the characteristics of the Saxon, Norman, and pointed arch styles; list of churches now remaining built by the Saxons; an ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 283 Observations. (Continued.) account of bishops and others who were architects; and the contemporary archi- tecture of the various periods. London. 1812. 4107.70 Oldfield, E. Saint Peter's & Saint Paul's. Notes on the decoration of churches in Italy, with suggestions for proceeding with the completion of Saint Paul's. London. 1876. 4097-7 Oliver, G. Ecclesiastical antiquities in Devon, being observations on several churches in Devonshire. Exeter. 1840, 42. 3 V. in I. 2494.8 Oltmans, A. Description de la chapelle carlovingienne et de la chapelle romane, restes du Chateau de Nimegue. Recher- che archeologique. Amsterdam. 1847. Plates. Plans. *8o8o.64 Ongania, F., publisher. La basilica di San Marco in Venezia. Venezia. 18S1-88. Text, 3 v.; Plates, 9 v. Namely: La basilica di San Marco illustrata nella storia e nell' arte, sotto la direzione di Camillo Boito. Parte 1-3. *Cab.6o.62.i Documenti. [t886.] Plates. *Cab.6o.62.2 II tesoro di San Marco. Illustrato da A. Pasini. 1887. 2 v. Text and plates. *Cab.6o.62.3 Rappresentazione degli antichi e dei moderrii musaici. [1881.] 27 plates. [Appendice: La processione del doge nella Domenica delle Palme. Incisa per Mattio Pagan. (1556-69.) 1880. 8 1^^^ plates.] *Cab.6o.63.i l^wTavole cromolifografiche.] 1881. 42 ^F" plates. *Cab.6o.63.2 Mosaici non compresi negli spaccati geometrici nell' interno della basilica. 126 plates. *Cab.6o.64.2 Dettagli del pavimento ed ornamenti in mosaico. 69 plates. *Cab.6o.64.i Dettagli di altari, monument!, scultura, ecc. 4 V. 391 plates. *Cab.6o.6i.i Orvieto Cathedral. [Plan and views of the Cathedral.] 38 plates. **Tosti, C.4.4 Otte, H. Abriss einer kirchlichen Kunst- Archaologie des Mittelalters, mit aus- schliesslicher Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Lande. 2. Ausgabe. Nord- hausen. 1845. Plates. Plans. 4095.121 Archaologischer Katechismus. Kurzer Unterricht in der kirchlichen Kunst- archaologie des deutschen Mittelalters. 3. Auflage neu bearbeitet von Dr. H. Bergner. Leipzig. 1898. lUus. 4103.74 Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunst-Archao- logie des deutschen Mittelalters. 5. Auf- lage. Leipzig. 1883, 85. 2 V. Plates. 4104.61 Our national cathedrals. London. 1887--89. 3 V. Plates. *4i02.53 An imitation in color, of the plates in Winldes's Cathedral churches of England and Wales [*4i02.i; **K.i53.6] with the text of the same work with additions. Overstraeten, H. D. L. von. Architectono- graphie des temples chretiens, spcciale- ment en Belgique. Malines. 1850. Illus. 80903.55 Owen, W. T. Bits of Canterbury Cathedral. New York. 1891. Illus. 12 plates. 4104.56 Oxford, A. W. The ruins of Fountains Ab- bey. By the Rev. A. W. Oxford. With illustrations and photographs by J. R. ' Truelove. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 41093.113 Pabst, A. Kirchen-Mobel des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Frankfurt a. M. [1891.] 18 plates. *Cab.4o.i9.2 Palmer, G. H. The Cathedral Church of Rochester. London. 1897. Illus. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.29 Palustre de Montifaut, L. Monographic de I'eglise Saint-Clement de Tours. Prece- dee d'une notice historique par L. Lhuil- lier. Tours. 1887. 15 plates. *4ioi.66 Papworth, J. W. On artistic ecclesiastic decoration. Plates. (In Weale, J., editor. Quarterly papers on architecture. Vol. I. London. 1844.) *409i.6.i Some of the plates are colored. Parker, F. J. Church-building. Boston. 1886. Illus. 4099.79 Parker, G. Studley Royal and Fountains Abbey. Revised and enlarged edition. Ripon. [1895.] Plates. No. 2 in *2467.3i Parker, J. H. Architectural notes of the churches and other ancient buildings of Norwich. [Norwich. 1847. Archaeo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.] No. 8 in *2465.i04 Same. (In Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Memoirs illustrative of Norfolk and Norwich, Pp. 157-197. London. 1851.) *2259.52 Architectural notes of the churches and other ancient buildings in Winchester. Illus. (In Proceedings of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, 1845. London. 1846.) *2259.5o Photographs of early Christian art. Lon- don. [1879.] *407i.72 From the churches and catacombs of Rome. Pastern, W. Romanische Kirchenmalereien. Berlin. 1893. 27 plates. *Cab.8o.24i.i Paulus, E. Die Cisterzienser-Abtei Beben- hausen. Stuttgart. 1886. 20 plates. *4ioo.59 Die Cisterzienser-Abtei Maulbronn. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart. 1889. 2 plans. 9 plates. *4ioo.6o Peet, H. Architectural and ecclesiological notes on Holbeach Church. Holbeach. 1890. Illus. 5 autotypes. *2493.i29 Pennell, E. R. French cathedrals. Monas- teries and abbeys and sacred sites of France. Illustrated by J. Pennell. New York. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.101 Pepys, Hon. W. C, and E. Godman. The Church of St. Dunstan, Stepney. [Lon- don. 1898.] Plates. JPlans. [Commit- tee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London.] 4090.138 Perkins, C. C. French cathedrals and cha- teaux. Vol. i: Cathedrals. Boston. 1903. Plates. *4097.i44.i 284 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Perkins, T. The abbey churches of Bath & Malmesbury, and the Church of Saint Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.43 The Cathedral Church of Amiens. Lon- don. [1902.] Illus. Plan. [Bell's Hand- book to Continental churches.] 4108.55 The Cathedral Church of Manchester, and the collegiate buildings now known as Chetham's Hospital [and Library]. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.21 The Cathedral Church of Saint Albans. London. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.77 The churches of Rouen. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Handbooks to Continental churches.] 4108.54 A short account of Romsey Abbey. Lon- don. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.70 Wimborne Minster and Christ-church Pri- ory. London. 1899. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109-44 Perrot, A. M. Tableau comparatif des cathedrales et principales eglises de France. Broadside. Paris. [184-?] Size 18^ X 25^ inches. f Cab.60.121.3 Contains six columns of descriptive text. Perry, J. T., and C. Henman, Jr. Illustra- tions of mediaeval antiquities in the County of Durham. Oxford. 1867. 51 plates. *Cab.6o.76.i Peruzzi, A. La chiesa Anconitana. Disserta- zione . . . con note e supplementi di L. Pauri e di S. Petrelli. Parte i. Ancona. 1845. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. *4i02.ii4 Apparently only one volume of the work was published. Petit, J. L. Remarks on church architecture. London. [1841.] 2 v. Plates. 4104.60 Petitgrand, V. Abbaye du Mont S* Michel. 24 vues photographiques, avec une pre- face. Paris. [1897. Les monuments historiques de la France.] *4iooa.i Petrie, G. The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Norman invasion. 2d edition. Dublin. 1845. Illus. 80903.24; *3290.6.2o Peyre, J. F. A. Manuel d'architecture re- ligieuse au moyen age. Paris. 1848. Plates. 8099.9 Pfleiderer, R. Das Miinster zu Ulm und seine Kunstdenkmale. Stuttgart. [1905.] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.i67.5 Miinsterbuch. Das Ulmer Miinster in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ulm. 1907. Plates. Plan. 4109.80 Phipson, E. Choir stalls and their carvings. Examples of misericords from English cathedrals and churches. London. 1896. loi plates. ♦4101.71 Photographs of the interiors of several churches, showing the lecterns. Also, illustrations of lecterns and pulpits. Collected by H. P. Arnold. *Cab.6o.4o.7 Pigeotte, L. £tude sur les travaux d'acheve- ment de la cathedrale de Troyes, 1450- 1630, Paris. 1870. Plate. Plan. 4097.104 Pillion, L. Les portails lateraux de la ca- thedrale de Rouen, fitude historique et iconographique sur un ensemble de bas- reliefs de la fin du xiiie siecle. Paris. 1907. Plates. 8086.110 Index bibliographique, pp. 246-248. Pinder, G. M. W. Deutsche Dome des Mittelalters. Diisseldorf. [1912.] Illus. 96 plates. Plans. [Die blauen Biicher.] 4101.112 Plea, A, for the use of the fine arts in the decoration of churches. New York. 1857. 4098.16 Pocock, W. P. Designs for churches and chapels, of various dimensions and styles [etc.]. London. 1819. 44 plates. *4i02.a Poggi, G., editor. II Duomo di Firenze. Documenti sulla decorazione della chie- sa e del Campanile. Parte 1-9. Ber- lin©. 1909. Illus. Plate. Plan. [Kunst- historisches Institut, Florence. Italieni- sche Forschungen. Vol. 2.] *4073.3i6.2 Pokryshkin, P. P. npaBocjiaBHaH uepKOBHan apxHTCKxypa xii-xviii ctoji b-l HbiH-fe- iiiHeMi} Cep6cK0M'b KOpojiCBCTBt. [Ortho- dox ecclesiastical architecture of the I2th-i8th centuries in the modern king- dom of Servia.] C.-neTep6ypn>. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4105.74 Poole, G. A., editor. Churches of Yorkshire. Leeds. 1844-55. 7 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. *4io4.35 Poole, G. A., and J. W. Hugall. The churches of Scarborough, Filey, and the neighbourhood. London. 1848. Illus. Plates. _ *2469a.34 Historical and descriptive guide to York Cathedral and its antiquities. York. 1850. Plates. Plans. **K.i35.2 Poquet, A. E. Notice historique et descrip- tive sur I'eglise abbatiale d'Essommes, pres Chateau-Thierry. Chateau-Thier- ry. 1842. Plates. 4098.109 Poree, C. L'abbaye de Vezelay. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plan. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.103 Bibliographic, pp. 91, 92. Potter, J. Remains of ancient monastic architecture in England. With histori- cal and descriptive accounts. London. [1847.] 79 plates. *Cab.6o.i5.3 Buildwas Abbey; Tintern Abbey. Specimens of antient English architecture. Ecclesiastical. London. 1848. 42 plates. *4ioo.68 Povillon-Pierard, £. F. X. Description his- torique de I'eglise de Notre-Dame de I'fipine, pres de Chalons-sur-Marne. Chalons. 1825. 4098.103 Description historique de I'eglise metro- politaine de Notre-Dame de Reims. Reims. 1823. 4098.105 Pratt, H. M. The cathedral churches of England. Their architecture, history and antiquities. With bibliography, itinerary & glossary. New York. 1910. Plates. 4108.102 Bibliography, pp. 58S-S93. ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 285 Prcstel, J.. Die Baugeschichte des jiidischen Heiligthums und der Tempel Salo- mons. Strassburg. 1902. Plans. [Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes.] Bibliography, pp. 55, 56. 8093-43 Prior, E. S. The cathedral builders in Eng- land. London. 1905. Plates. [The Portfolio. Monographs on artistic sub- jects.] 8082.168 On Gothic architecture. Some of the plates are colored. Prioux, S. Monographic de I'ancienne abbaye royale Saint- Yved de Braine. Paris. 1859. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii7.2 Procopius. Of the buildings of Justinian. London. 1886. Plates. Plans. [Pales- tine Pilgrims' Text Society.] *5074.55.3 Puerta Vizcaino, J. de la. El real monas- terio de San Lorenzo del Escorial. [Alarcon. 1876.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.7o.io.i Pugin, A. N. W. An apology for the re- vival of Christian architecture in Eng- land. London. 1843. Plates. *4i02.7 Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume. London. 1846. 74 colored plates. *4ogo.4 Same. Enlarged and revised by Bernard Smith. 3d edition. 1868. *4090.64 The present state of ecclesiastical archi- tecture in England. London. 1843. Plates. 4093.12 This work, reprinted from the Dublin Review, May, 1841, and Feb, 1842 [*3i86.i.io, 12], has reference exclusively to the building of modern Roman Catholic churches in the Gothic style, and to the vicissitudes of the ancient English churches. A treatise on chancel screens and rood lofts. London. 1851. 14 plates. *4io2.9 True principles of pointed or Christian architecture. London. 1853. Plates. *4i02.8 Pulgher, D. Les anciennes eglises byzan- tines de Constantinople. Vienne. 1878, 80. 2 v. in I. Text, i v.; Atlas, 30 plates. *Cab.6o.io4.6 Pullan, R. P. Elementary lectures on Chris- tian architecture. London. 1879. Plates. 4099.65 Studies m cathedral design. London. 1888. Plates. *8i03.66 Quast, A. F. W. R. von. Die alt-christlichen Bauwerke von Ravenna vom fiinften bis zum neunten Jahrhundert historisch geordnet und durch Abbildungen erlau- tert. Berlin. 1842. 10 plates, some colored. *Cab.6o.i5i.6 Die romanischen Dome des Mittelrheins zu Mainz, Speier, Worms. Berlin. 1853. 6 plates. 4103.66 Quennell, C. H. B. The Cathedral Church of Norwich. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.33 Quevedo, J. Historia del real monasterio de San Lorenzo, llamado comunmente del Escorial, desde su origen y funda- cion hasta fin del afio de 1848. Madrid. 1849. 4095.109 Same. 1854. **D.i3oa.34 Quicherat, J. E. J. Restitution de la basi- lique de Saint-Martin de Tours, d'apres Gregoire de Tours et les autres textes anciens. Paris. 1869. Plans. 4093.100 Quitt, J. Die Mosaiken von S. Vitale in Ravenna. Eine Apologie des Dyophy- sitismus aus dem vi. Jahrhundert. Plates. {In Ursprung und Sieg der altbyzantinischen Kunst. Pp. 71-109. Wien. 1903.) 40^3.272 Raffray, A. Les eglises monolithes de la ville de Lalibela (Abyssinie). Paris. 1882. 20 plates. 8090.118 Rahn, J. R. Die biblischen Deckengemalde in der Kirche von Zillis im Kanton Graubiindten. Zurich. 1872. 4 plates. No. 6 in *48ii.6o.i7 Grandson und zwei Cluniarcenserbauten in der Westschweiz. Ziirich. 1870. Illus. 6 plates. No. 2 in*48ii.6o.i7 The two abbeys described are those of Payerne and Romainmotier. Die mittelalterlichen Kirchen des Cister- cienserordens in der Schweiz. Zurich. 1872. Illus. Plans. No. 2in*48ii.6o.i8 These three works belong to the Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. tJber den Ursprung und die Entwicklung des christlichen Central- und Kuppel- baus. Leipzig. 1866. Illus. 4105.57 Rahn, J. R., and H. Zeller-Werdmueller. Das Fraumiinster in Ziirich. Ziirich. 1900-02. 3 parts in i v. Illus. Plans. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Ge- sellschaft in Ziirich.] *48ii.6o.25 Rahtgens, H. Die kirchlichen Denkmaler der Stadt Koln — St. Gereon — St. Jo- hann Baptist — Die Marienkirchen — Gross St. Martin. Mit Quelleniiber- sichten von J. Krudewig. Diisseldorf. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Kunst- denkmaler der Rheinprovinz. Band 7, Abteilung i.] 4071.265.7.1 Raine, J. Catterick Church, in the County of York. London. 1834. Plates. Plans. *4i03.45 Raine, J., editor. The priory of Hexham. Durham. 1864, 65. 2 v. Illus. Plan. [Surtees Society.] *2427.i6 Ramsay, Sir W. M., and G. L. Bell. The thousand and one churches. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4103.104 Contents. — Situation and history. — The build- ings. — Ecclesiastical architecture. — Other monu- ments of the Kara Dagh. — Index. These churches, of which only ruins are extant, were situated in a valley now called Maden Sheher, or Black Mountain, in European Turkey. Raphael. I mosaici della cupola nella Cap- pella chigiana di S. Maria del Popolo in Roma inventati da Raffaelle Sanzio d'Urbino, incisi ed editi da Lodovico Gruner. Roma. 1839. Plates. *409o.ii3 Raschdorff, J. C, and O. Raschdorff. Dom zu Berlin. Berlin. 1896. 9 plates. *Cab.6o.i52.i Ratel, S. Les basiliques de Saint Martin a Tours. Fouilles executees a I'occasion de la decouverte de son tombeau. Bruxelles. 1886. Plates. 4094.101 2^ ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Ratel, S. (Continued.) Les basiliques de Saint-Martin a Tours. Note supplementaire enreponse a une note complementaire de Mr. Chevalier sur Les fouilles de Saint-Martin de Tours. Tours. 1891. 4104.44 The Memoire by Chevalier to which this is a reply is on shelf-number 4094.100. Les basiliques de Saint-Martin a Tours. Supplement. Quelques observations sur les dernieres fouilles executees en 1887. Tours. 1890. Illus. 4104.43 Du lieu de sepulture de Saint Martin a Tours. Tours. 1889. Plate. Plans. 4104.84 Extrait du Bulletin de la Soctete archeologique de Touraine, tome 8, 18S9. Rauch, C. Die Kirche zu Segeberg. Preetz. 1903. Plans. 4107.57 Ravenscroft, W. The Comacines: their predecessors and their successors. Lon- don. 1910. Illus. Plates. Map. 40993.146 Rawlinson, R. The history and antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, and the Abbey Church of Bath. [Anon.] London. 1723. Plates. No. I in *4io8.45 Relton, H. E. Sketches of churches. Lon- don. 1843. Plates. *4ioi.i4 Richa» G. Notizie istoriche delle chiese fiorentine, divise ne' suoi quartieri. Firenze. 1754-62. 10 v. Plates. *472oa.3 Contents. — i, 2. Del quartiere di Santa Croce. 3, 4. Del quartiere di S. M. Novella. 5-8. Del quartiere di S. Giovanni. 9, 10. Del quartiere di S. Spirito. Richardson, E. The ancient stone and leaden coffins, encaustic tiles, etc., re- cently discovered in the Temple Church. London. 1845. Colored plates. Plans. ♦Cab.24.43. 1 Richardson, H. H. Trinity Church, Boston. Gambrill and Richardson, architects. Boston. 1888. 23 plates. [Monographs of American architecture.] *8ioo.7i.5 Richardson, M. A. A collection of armorial bearings, inscriptions, &c., in the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle on Tyne, and chapelries of Gosforth & Cramlington, Northumberland. Pre- fixed, a historical account of the Church of St. Nicholas. Newcastle. 1820. 2 v. Illus. Plates. '2435.49 Richardson, W. The monastic ruins of Yorkshire. York. 1843. Illus. 56 plates. *Cab.6o.i22.i Richter, J. P., Ph.D. Der Ursprung der abendlandischen Kirchengebaude. Wien. 1878. Illus. 8105.18 Rivoira, G. T. Lombardic architecture: its origin, development and derivatives. Translated by G. McN. Rushforth. London. 1910. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409i.i58 Le origini della architettura lombarda, e delle sue principali derivazioni nel paesi d'oltr' Alpe. Roma. 1901, 07. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4ioi.37 Rivoire, M. Description de I'eglise cathe- drale d'Amiens. Amiens. 1806. Plate. 8099.6 Robert, P., editor. Cathedrales de France. Cent cinquante-sept documents en pho- totypie. Paris. [1897?] 100 plates. ♦4100.48 There is no text except a Table of contents con- taining brief notes. Robertson, A. The Bible of St. Mark. St. Mark's Church: the altar and throne of Venice. London. 1898. Plates. 4108.16 Robertson, J. Scottish abbeys and cathe- drals. Aberdeen. 1891. *2467.i05 Robertson, T. S. The progress of art in English church architecture. London. 1897. Plates. Plans. 4109.20 Robinson, P. F. An attempt to ascertain the age of the church of Mickleham in Surrey, with remarks on [its] architec- ture. London. 1824. Plates. *247o.2 Robson, P. A. The Cathedral Church of Saint David's. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral se- ries.] 4109.45 Rochambeau, E. A. L. de V., Marquis de. L'eglise de Lavardin. Tours. [1880.] Illus. Plates. 4105.42 Extrait du Bulletin monumental [*4090.24i. (1880)]. Rodt, E. von. Bernische Kirchen. Ein Bei- trag zu ihrer Geschichte. Bern. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4103.70 Rohault de Fleury, C. Archeologie chre- tienne. Les saints de la Messe et leurs monuments. Paris. 1893-1900. 10 v. Plates. *8o7oa.i48 La messe: etudes archeologiques sur ses monuments. Paris. 1883-89. 8 v. Plates. *8o7i.ioo Rohault de Fleury, G. Le Latran au moyen- age. Paris. 1877. Text, i v.; Atlas, 64 plates. *4750.7o Roosval, J. Die Kirchen Gotlands: ein Bei- trag zur mittelalterlichen Kunstge- schichte Schwedens. Leipzig. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4102.108 Litteraturubersicht, pp. i-6. Rose, E. W. Cathedrals and cloisters of midland France. New York. 1907. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 4096.20 List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. xvii-xix. Cathedrals and cloisters of the Isle de France (including Bourges, Troyes, Reims, and Rouen). New York. 1910. 2 V. Illus. Plates. 4105.103 List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. xvii-xix. Cathedrals and cloisters of the south of France. New York. 1906. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 4096.18 List of works consulted, vol. i, pp. xiii-xv. Ross, F. The ruined abbeys of Britain. London. [18 — ?] Plates. *246o.ii2 Rossi, D. de. Studio d'architettura civile. Opera de' piu celebri architetti de' nos- tri tempi. Roma. 1702-21. 3 v. 280 plates. *Cab.8o.i90.i Contents. — i. Ornamenti di porte e finestre. 2, Varj ornamenti di cappelle e diversi sepolcri tratti da piu chiese di Roma. 3. Varie chiese, cappelle di Roma e palazzo di Caprarola. Rossi, G. Le tre porte di bronzo che ador- nano la facciata dell' insigne Primaziale di Pisa. Pisa. 1838. 3 plates. *Cab.8o.2oo.4 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 287 Rossi, G. B. Musaici cristiani e saggi dei pavimenti delle chiese di Roma anteriori al secolo xv. Con traduzione francese. Roma. [i872]-99. 56 colored plates. *Cab.8o.2io.i Rossi, G. G. de. Disegni di vari altari e cap- pelle nelle chiese di Roma. Roma. [1713?] 50 plates. **Tosti, D.I.I These are also in a collection of plates by Rossi on shelf-number No. 2 in *Cab.6o.7().5. Insignium Romae templorum prospectus exteriores interioresque . . . [Roma.] 1683. (39) plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.76.6 Same. [Different collection.] 1684. No. I in *Cab.6o.76.5; **Tosti, D.1.3 Rossi, L, M. The Santuario of the Madonna di Vico. Pantheon of Charles Emanuel I. of Savoy. London. 1907. Plates. Plans. 4103.86 Books referred to, pp. 225-230. Rossini, L. Scenografia degl' interni delle piu belle chiese e basiliche antiche di Roma. Roma. 1843. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.4o.3 Rosso, G. del. Ricerche storico-architet- toniche sopra il singolarissimo tempio di San Giovanni annesso alia metropoli- tana di Firenze. Firenze. 1820. Plate. 4098.100 Rostan, L. fitude d'archeologie comparee. Trois abbayes de I'ordre de Citeaux. Plates. {In Bulletin monumental. Vol. 18, pp. 107-138. Paris. 1852.) *4i09.50.i8 Roussel, R., Ahhe. Histoire de I'Abbaye des Celestins de Villeneuve-les-Soissons. Soissons. 1904. Plates. 3518.122 Routledge, C. F. The history of St. Martin's Church, Canterbury. London. 1891. 2 plates. 2497.116 Rouvet, M. L'eglise Saint-fitienne de Ne- vers. Nevers. 1886. Plans. 4103.80 Royet, L. E. Notice sur I'Abbaye de Notre- Dame dTssoudun. Paris. 1857. 8 plates. 4107.37 Extrait du Compte rendu des travaux de la Societe du Berry. Rudy, C. The cathedrals of northern Spain: their history and their architecture. London. 1906. Plates. 4098.154 Bibliography, p. 385. Runge, L. Der Glockenthurm des Doms zu Florenz. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. 1853. 4 plates. '-'8100.19 Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. La cathedrale de Seez (Orne). Paris. 1885. 4104.72 Russia. Imperial Archaeological Commis- sion. Les mosquees de Samarcande. I^m Fascicule i : Mosquee Gour-Emir. St. ^H Petersbourg. 1905. 18 plates. ^« *Cab.6o.i55.6 Saint-Andeol, F., Vicomte de. Une eglise cathedrale du v^ siecle, et son baptis- tere: Saint-£tienne de Melas (Ardeche). ^^ Paris. 1862. lUus. Plate. Plan. 4104.79 I^K^ Extrait de la Revue de I'art chretien 1*4072.201. Saint- Paul, A. Le present et I'avenir de I'architecture chretienne. Paris. 1875. 4097.5 I Saint Paul's Cathedral, London. Saint Paul's Cathedral; its history and archi- tecture; with engravings of all the monuments. London. N. d. Illus. 4539a.ii7 Saint Paul's Ecclesiological Society. Trans- actions. Vol. I (part 2, 4, 5) ; 2-5. Lon- don. 1884-1905. 5 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4i02.38 Salazaro, D. Studi sui monumenti della Italia meridionale dal iv al xiii secolo. Napoli. 1871-81. 3 V. 64 plates. Mostly church architecture. *Cab.27.I2.I Salin, P. L'eglise de Saint-Sulpice de Favieres. Paris. 1865. Plates. 4092.110 Salisbury: George Herbert's Church, Be- merton. Byzantine Church, Wilton. Amesbury. Stonehenge. Plan of Old Sarum. London. [1897.] Plates. 4103.72 Sanderus, A. Le grand theatre sacre du duche de Brabant. Recueilli des meil- leurs auteurs. [Traduit du Latin par Jacques Le Roy.] La Haye. 1729. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.28.i8.i Sandrart, J. von. Die romischen Altare. Plates. (In Teutsche Academic der Bau-Kunst. Vol. 2, part 2. Niirnberg. 1769.) **K.5o.i.2 Die Vorstellung der romischen Kirchen. Plates. Plans. (In Teutsche Academic der Bau-Kunst. Vol. i, part 2. Niirn- berg. 1768.) **K.5o.i.i Sant' Ambrogio, D. II borgo di Castiglione Olona presso Varese. [2a edizione.] Milano. 1893. 50 plates. 4092.25 Several of the plates show church architecture. Gra Car. Carpiano, Vigano-Certosino, e Selvanesco. Milano. 1894. Plates. 4073.80 Contents. — L'antico altare della Certosa di Pavia, ora a Carpiano. — La facciata della chiesa di Vigano-Certosino. — Un ancona di A. Luini. Santos, F. de los. Descripcion breve del monasterio de San Lorenzo el real del Escorial. Madrid. 1657. Plates. Plans. **D.272.7 Descripcion del real monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial por el Fr. A. Xi- menez. Madrid. 1764. Plates. Plans. *D.2io.46 A description of the royal palace and monastery of St. Laurence called the Escurial, and of the chapel royal of the Pantheon. London. 1760. Plates. ♦4090. 1 4 The Escurial . . . Translated into Eng- lish. London. 1671. Illus. *L.52.20 Sauvageot, C, and L. Sauvageot. Mono- graphic de la chapelle de Notre-Dame de la Roche. Paris. 1863. 27 plates. *4ioo.88 Savy, C. £tudes sur les pignons gothiques des eglises a toiture basse a propos des travaux entrepris a la cathedrale de Lyon en 1861. Lyon. 1869. Illus. 4103.34 Schaefer, C. Die Kathedrale von Reims. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.156 288 ILLUSTRATIONS -■-^ Schaefer, C, and O. Stiehl. Die mustergilti- gen Kirchenbauten des Mittelalters in Deutschland. Berlin. [1901.] 100 plates. [Romanische und gothische Baukunst.] *Cab.6o.76.4 Schaepkens, A. Notice sur le dallage des anciennes eglises. (In Academic d'ar- cheologie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. 10, pp. 259-267. Anvers. 1853.) *3389.5-io Schlosser, J. Die abendlandische Kloster- anlage des friiheren Mittelalters. Wien. 1889. 4 plans. 3516.79 Schmidlin, J, Geschichte der deutschen National-Kirche in Rom, S, Maria dell' Anima. Freiburg. 1906. Portraits. Plates. 2756.80 Schmidt, E. Solomon's temple in the light of other oriental temples. Chicago. 1902. Plans. 4094.22 Bibliography, pp. 64-65. Schmidt, P. F. Maulbronn. Die bauge- schichtliche Entwicklung des Klosters irn 12. und 13. Jahrhundert und sein Einfluss auf die schwabische und franki- sche Architektur. Strassburg. 1903. II plates. Map. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074-357 Literatur, pp. 116-125. Schmitz, F. Der Dom zu Koeln: seine Con- struktion u. Ausstattung. Erlauternder Text von T. Schmitz. Frankfurt a. M. [1910.] 123 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.8 Some of the plates are colored. Schneider, J. C. F. Der Dom zu Mainz. Berlin. 1886. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.3 Schubring, P. Der protestantische Kirchen- bau im xix. Jahrhundert. Illus. Plate. (In Werckshagen. Der Protestantismus am Ende des xix. Jahrhunderts. Band 2, pp. 854-864. Berlin. [1902.]) *352o.6o.2 Schuette, M. Der schwabische Schnitz- altar. Strassburg. 1907. Text, i v.; Atlas, 81 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.459 Schultz, A. Die deutschen Dombaumeister. Illus. {In Dohme, R., editor. Kunst und Kiinstler des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Vol. i, no. 4. Leipzig. 1887.) No. 4 in 8072.55.1 Schultz, R. W., and S. H. Barnsley. The Monastery of Saint Luke of Stiris, in Phocis, and the dependent Monastery of Saint Nicolas in the Fields, near Skri- pou, in Boeotia. London. 1901. Illus. 61 plates. Plans. [British School at Athens. Byzantine architecture in Greece.] *4ioo.97 Bibliography, pp. 73, 74. Many of the plates are colored. Schulz, F. T. Die Rundkapelle zu Altenfurt bei Niirnberg. Ein Bauwerk des xii. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg. 1908. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.462 Die St. Georgenkirche in Kraftshof. Strassburg. 1909. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.475 Schumann, P. T. Der Dom zu Pisa. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] Litteraturnachweise, p. 18. 4090*155 OF ARCHITECTURE Schwartzenberger, A. Der Dom zu Speyer, das Miinster der frankischen Kaiser. Neustadt a. d. Haardt. 1903. 2 v. Plates. 4101.111 Scott, Sir G. G. An essay on the history of English church architecture, prior to the separation of England from the Roman obedience. Lohdon. 1881. Plates. 80903.27 Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. Ox- ford. 1861. Illus. 2494.25 Same. 2d edition. Oxford. 1863. Illus. 2494.14 A plea for the faithful restoration of an- cient churches. London. 1850. 8096.25 Scritture concernenti i danni della cupola di San Pietro di Roma e i loro rimedi. Venezia. [1744?] Plate. *4095.i25 Seeker, H. F. Die fruhen Bauformen der Gotik in Scliwaben, insbesondere ihr Zusammenhang mit Details aus der Strassburger Munster-Bauhiitte. Strass- burg. 1911. 10 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.534 Sedding, J. D. Memorial: being illustrations from some of his works, compiled by the Architectural Association. With a sketch of his life by H. Wilson. Lon- don. 1892. 33 plates. *Cab.6o-ii4.4 Many of the plates show church interiors. Seidel, G. F. Baugeschichte des Domes und Klosters Ettal im bayerischen Gebirge bei Oberammergau. Berlin. 1890. Illus. 3 plates. *8o8o.24 Sonderabdnick aus der Zeitschrift fiir Baiiwesen, 1890 [*8ioo.20i.4o]. Seine, Prefecture du Departement de la. Rapport sur I'isolement de la Sainte- Chapelle. Paris. 1849. Plans. 4092.106 Direction des travaux. Inventaire general des oeuvres d'art appartenant a la ville de Paris. Edifices religieux. Paris. 1878-86. 4 V. Plans. _ *8o94.66 Semrau, M. Donatellos Kanzeln in S. Lo- renzo. Breslau. 1890. Plates. (In Schmarsow, A., editor. Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte. 2.] 8064.104.2 Sepp, J. N., and B. Sepp. Die Felsenkuppel. Eine justinianische Sophienkirche und die librigen Tempel Jerusalems. Miin- chen. 1882. Illus. 3042.72 Sergeant, P. W. The Cathedral Church of Winchester. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.32 Serradifalco, D. Lo F. Pietrasanta, Duca di. Del duomo di Monreale e di altre chiese siculo-normanne. Palermo. 1838. 28 plates. *8ioo.4 Serrure, L. A. La tour de I'eglise de Notre Dame, ou ancienne cathedrale d'Anvers, mesuree et dessinee par L. Serrure, re- duite par P. Erkes. Anvers. 1837, 40. Text, I V. Atlas, i v. *Cab.6o.io.3 The plates are of differerU: sizes and are here mounted on four folded sheets. Seymour, F. H. A. Siena and her artists. Lon- don. 1907. Plates. Folded map. 4079.329 Seymour, W. W. The cross in tradition, his- tory, and art. New York. 1898. Plates. Bibliography, pp. xxi-xxx. *407I.3I ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 289 Sharpe, E. An account of the churches vis- ited during the Lincoln excursion of the Architectural Association. London. 1871. 65 plates. *4i03.i9 Architectural parallels; or, the progress of ecclesiastical architecture in England, through the 12th and 13th centuries. London. 1848. 121 plates. *Cab.6o.37.4 Four letters on colour in churches, on wall and in windows. London. 1871. 8098.102 Reprinted from the Builder [*4i04.2oi.28]. Illustrated papers on church architecture. London. 1874, y6. Plates. *4ioo.64 Contents. — i, 2. The architecture of the Cister- cians. 3. The ornamentation of the transitional period in central Germany. A visit to the domed churches of Charente, France, by the Architectural Associa- tion of London, 1875. London. [1882?] 59 plates. *4ioi.65 Examples of Romano-Byzantine architecture. Sharpe, E,, and others. The churches of the Nene Valley, Northamptonshire. By Edmund Sharpe, and J. Johnson and A. H. Kersey. London. 1880. 112 plates. *4ioo.72 Shaw, H. The history and antiquities of the chapel at Luton Park, a seat of the Mar- quess of Bute. London. 1829. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.57.2 Shaw, P. J. An old York church, All Hal- lows in North Street. Its mediaeval stained glass and architecture. York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.9i No. 336 of an edition of 500 copies. Many of the plates are colored. Shinn, G. W. Grace Church, Newton: its architecture and adornments. Boston. 1875. Plate. No. 9 in *4455.72 Shell, C. Working designs for ten catholic churches. New York. 1869. 35 plates. *Cab.6o.io8.7 Shore, T. T. Worcester Cathedral. Illus- trated by Hedley Fitton. London. 1899. 4109.54 Sinclair, W. M. Memorials of St. Paul's Cathedral. Philadelphia. [1909.] Illus. Plan. *4io7.75 Bibliography, pp. 495, 496. Singleton, E., editor and translator. Historic buildings, as seen and described by fa- mous writers. New York. 1903. Plates. 4097.76 Contains several chapters on church architecture. How to visit the English cathedrals. New York. 1912. Plates. 4108.85 Turrets, towers, and temples. The great buildings of the world, as seen and de- scribed by famous writers. New York. 1898. Plates. 4104.64 Sladen, D. B. W. Old St. Peter's, and St. Peter's crypt at Rome, with a list of the popes. London. 1907. Plate. Plan. 4106.44 Smirke, S. Illustrations of the architectural ornaments and embellishments, and painted glass, of the Temple Church, London. From drawings by W. R. H. Essex. London. 1845. 31 plates. **K.72.I2 I Smith, H. E. Reliques of the Anglo-Saxon churches of St. Bridget and St. Hilde- burga. West Kirkby, Cheshire; with some of their sepulchral monuments. Liverpool. 1870. Illus. Plates. *243i.78 Reprinted from Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1870 [*25o8.i.23]. Snow, T. B., Ahhot. The home and church of St. Gregory the Great. Illus. (In Saint Gregory the Great, monk. [Yeovil. 1890.]) 3518.110 Societe des Pretres de la Misencorde. Notice sur I'eglise Saint-Euverte d'Or- leans. [Orleans.] 1855. Plates. 4105.40 Soler, G., and F. Rogent y Pedrosa. Cathe- drale de Barcelone. Traduction . . . par A. G. Bertal. [Partie i.] Barcelone. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Espana artistica arqueologica monumental.] ♦4100.103 Spence, H. D. M. Cloister life in the days of Coeur de Lion. With illustrations by Herbert Railton and R. Quinton. Lon- don. 1892. *249o.i25 Dreamland in history. Part 2: The story of a Norman Abbey [Gloucester]. Lon- don. 1891. Illus. 4521. 109.2 Gloucester Cathedral. Illustrated by H. Railton. London. 1897. [English ca- thedrals.] 4108.29 The white robe of churches of the xith century. Pages from the story of Gloucester Cathedral. New York. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4108.8 Spiers, R. P. Saint-Front of Perigueux, and the domed churches of Perigord and La Charente. London. 1896. Illus. 4101.69 Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Insti- tute of British Architects [*4iooa.so.i896]. Spooner, C. House and church furniture. Plates. {In The arts connected with building. Pp. 153-168. London. 1909.) 4097.187 Springer, A. H. Die Baukunst des chrlstli- chen Mittelalters. Bonn. 1854. Plates. 4096.5 Stabb, J. Some old Devon churches: their rood screens, pulpits, fonts, etc. Lon- don. [1908.] Plates. 4107.69 Bibliography, p. ii. Stanley, A. P. Historical memorials of Can- terbury. London. 1857. Illus. 2490.24 Same. 4th edition. 1865. 2496.12 Same. 5th edition. 1868. **K.27i.i8 Same. 2d American, from the nth Lon- don edition. New York. 1889. Plates. Plan. 2496.21 Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey. London. 1868. 4538.21 Same. 2d edition. 1868. **K.65.23 Same. 3d edition. 1869. 2493.50 Same, ist American, from the 6th Lon- don edition. New York. 1888. 3 v. Illus. 2494.103 Statz, V. Kirchliche Metallgerathe im gothi- schen Styl. Monstranzen, Kelche, etc. 2. Auflage. (Zugleich gothische Einzel- heiten, 6. Abtheilung.) Berlin. [1886?] 38 plates. ♦8070.172 290 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Steen de Jehay, X. van den. La cathedrale de Saint Lambert a Liege, et son cha- pitre de trefonciers. 2e edition. Liege. 1880. Plates. Plans. *Cab.35.i7.i Notice sur I'ancienne cathedrale de Saint- Lambert a Liege. Illus. (In Academie d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Vol. I, pp. 331-356; vol. 2, pp. 5-88. Anvers. 1843, 44.) *3389.5.i, 2 Stein, F. A. H. Les architectes des cathe- drales gothiques. fitude critique. Paris. [1910.] Plates. [Les grands artistes.] 4083.63 Le Palais de Justice et la Sainte-Chapelle de Paris. Notice historique et archeolo- gique. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. 4i09a.io6 Steinmann, E. Die sixtinische Kapelle. Miinchen. 1901-05. Text, 2 v. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 2 v. *Cab.8o.23i.i Contents. — i. Bau und Schmuck der Kapelle unter Sixtus IV. 2. Michelangelo. Stillfried- Alcantara, R. M. B., Graf von. Kloster Heilsbronn. Berlin. 1877. Illus. Plates. Plans. ^4104.39 Stockbauer, J. Der christliche Kirchenbau in den ersten sechs Jahrhunderten. Regensburg. 1874. 5 plates. 8105.14 Stokes, M. Early Christian architecture in Ireland. London. 1878. Plates. *4092.5i Stone, J. B. A history of Lichfield Cathe- dral. London. 1870. Plates. *25o6.5 Storck, H., and V. Koch. Kirkene i N0rre Herred i Sailing. Kj^benhavn. 1893. 38 plates. [N0rrejyllands Granitkirker. Deel I. Afdel 2.] *Cab.6o.io4.8 Storer, J. S. Ancient reliques; or, delinea- tions of monastic, castellated & domes- tic architecture. [Anon.] London. 1812, 13. 2 V. Plates. **K.68.5 History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain, London. 1814-19. 4 V. Plates. **G.3743.4; **K.2oi.4 Storer, J. S., and H. S. Storer. Delineations, graphical and descriptive of Fountains Abbey, York. London. [1820?] Illus. Plan. *2463.82 Strack, H, Central-und Kuppelkirchen der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1882. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 30 plates. Strange, E. F. The Cathedral Church of Worcester. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.62 Street, G. E. The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. An account of the restoration of the fabric by G. E. Street. With an historical sketch of the cathe- dral by Edward Seymour. London. 1882. Plates. *Cab.6o.i2.i Strzygowski, J. Der Dom zu Aachen und seine Entstellung. Ein kunstwissen- schaftlicher Protest. Leipzig. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4092.124 Kleinasien: ein Neuland der Kunstge- schichte. Kirchenaufnahmen. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. Map. Plans. 4101.80 Stubbs, C. W. Historical memorials of Ely Cathedral. New York. 1897. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4108.18 Succinte notizie intorno alia facciata della chiesa cattedrale napoletana. 2a edi- zione. Napoli. 1789. Plates. Plan. ♦4094.110 Sudre, J. P. La chapelle de Saint Ferdinand. Paris. 1846. 20 plates. *Cab.26.i8 The plates represent principally the stained glass windows of the chapel. Suida, W. Florentinische Maler um die Mitte des xiv. Jahrhunderts. Strass- burg. 1905. 35 plates. [Zur Kunst- geschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.145 Surigny, A. de. Le Tabernacle de la Vierge par Orcagna dans Teglise d'Or-San- Michele a Florence. Paris. 1869. Plates. 4092.112 Extrait des Annales archeologiques, vol. 26 [*336i.i.26]. Svoboda, A. The seven churches of Asia. With an introduction by H. B. Tris- tram. London. 1869. 20 plates. 504oa.6 Sweeting, W. D. The Cathedral Church of Ely. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.49 The Cathedral Church of Peterborough. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Bell's Cathedral series.] 4109.34 Swoboda, H. Ein ikonographisches Pro- blem vom Wiener Stephansdom. Illus. (In Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte. Pp. 33-45- Wien. 1903.) 4073.284 Synagoge fuer Berlin. Berlin. 1899. 19 plates. [Sammel- Mappe hervorragender Con- currenz- Entwuerfe.] *Cab.6o.89.i Taber, M. J. The cathedrals of England. Boston. 1905. Plates. [The cathedral series.] 4108.42 Bibliography, p. 277. Tarbe, P. Notre-Dame de Reims. Reims. 1845. Plates. 4098.112 Taylor, A. Ancient towers and doorways: being pictorial representations and restorations of masoncraft relating to Celtic and Norman ecclesiology in Scotland. London. 1896. *4ioo.44 Taylor, A. T. The towers and steeples de- signed by Sir Christopher Wren. Lon- don. 1881. Plates. 4096.60 Taylor, R. V. The ecclesiae Leodienses: or, historical and architectural sketches of the churches of Leeds and neighbour- hood. London. 1875. *2509.68 Taylor, W. Annals of St. Mary Overy; an account of St. Saviour's Church and parish. London. 1833. Plates. *2492.ii Texier, C. F. M., and R. P. Pullan. Byzan- tine architecture; illustrated by exam- ples of edifices erected in the East during the earliest ages of Christianity. London. 1864. 70 plates. *Cab.6o.24.4 Thode, H. Franz von Assisi und die An- fange der Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1904. 39 plates. Plans. 4083.54 Tholin, G. litudes sur I'architecture reli- gieuse de I'Agenais. Agen. 1874. Plates. 4097.3 Thomae, W. Der ehemalige Hochaltar in der Karmeliterkirche zu Hirschhorn a. N. Heidelberg. 1903. Illus. 16 plates. 4104.33 ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION 291 Thompson, A. H. The ground plan of the English parish church. Cambridge. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The Cam- bridge manuals of science and litera- ture.] 4i09a.2o Thompson, W. Southwark Cathedral: the history and antiquities of the Cathedral Church of St. Saviour (St. Marie Overie). 3d edition (revised) with a new appendix. London. 1910. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4109-58 Thorpe, M., and C. Thorpe. London church staves. With some notes on their sur- roundings. London. 1895. Plates. 2491.149 Thraen, G. C. F. Miinster in Ulm. Ulm. [18—?] Plate. Plan. 4107.21 Tiersot, E. P. L. Histoire et description de I'eglise de Brou. 2^ edition. Bourg. 1874. Plate. 4108.75 Tiffany, C. C. Expression in church archi- tecture. New York. 1875. ^ 8099.23 Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. London. [1870.] 2 V. 2 plates. 2539.9 Same. [2d edition.] Revised and enlarged by A. Gunn. London. [1872.] 3 v. Plates. 2468.9 Same. [Chandos library.] 2468.31 Todd, G. E., editor. The book of Glasgow Cathedral. A history and description. Glasgow. 1898. Plates. Plans. *4ioo.90 Toll, M. Die deutsche Nationalkirche S. Maria dell' Anima in Neapel. Beitrage zu ihrer Geschichte. Freiburg im Breis- gau. 1909. Plates. Facsimiles. *4ioi.76 Topham, J. An account of the Collegiate chapel of Saint Stephen, at Westminster. London. 1834. 2495.14 Tosi, F. M. Raccolta di monumenti sacri e sepolcrali scolpiti in Roma nei secoli xv e XVI. Roma. 1853. Plates. *Cab.49.i9.2 Contains many illustrations of altars and other details of church interiors. Trimen, A. Church and chapel architecture, with an account of the Hebrew church. Added, one thousand mouldings. Lon- don. 1840. 53 plates. *4097.i4 Troutbeck, G. E. Westminster Abbey. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. 4109.60 Tyack, G. S. The cross in ritual, architec-. ture, and art. 2d edition. London. [1900.] Plates. 6239a.4 Uggeri, A. Delia basilica de S. Paolo. Roma. [1823?] Illus. *4ioi.9 Ulbrich, A. Die Wallfahrtskirche in Heilige- linde. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des xvii. und xviii. Jahrhunderts in Ost- preussen. Strassburg. 1901. Plates. Plans. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074*339 Uldall, J. F. C. Redding Herreds Kirker. Med en Indledning om N^rrejyllands Granitkirker af Jacob Helms. kj 6, Heft 2, pp. 452-473. Darmstadt. 1888.) Literatur, pp. 471-473. *8092.52.6.2 School architecture. Architecture and Build- ing. Special school issue. Oct. 4, 1890. New York. 1890. Plates. Plans. 8090.33 Schrauf, C. Die Universitat [der Stadt Wien]. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Alter- thumsverein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Vol. 2, part 2, pp. 961-1017. Wien. 1905.) *4830.26.2.2 298 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Schwab, E. Die osterreichische Musterschule fiir Landgeraeinden auf der Wiener Weltausstellung von 1873. 3- Auflage. Wien. 1873. Text, 2 plates; Atlas, 10 plans. *8o8o.63 The plates and plans are by A. Krumholz. Spieker, P. Sternwarten und andere Obser- vatorien. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur, Theil 4, Halb-Band 6, Heft 2, pp. 474-567. Darmstadt. 1888.) Literatur, pp. 566, 567. *8092.52.6.2 Staunton, H. The great schools of England. London. 1865. Illus. 2470.13 Stone, C. Eton. London. 1909. Colored plates. *2497.i54 Tiedemann, L. von. Medicinische Lehran- stalten der Universitaten. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 6, Heft 2, pp. 330-451. Darm- stadt. 1888.) *8o92.52.6.2 University of California. The international competition for the Phoebe Hearst architectural plan for the University of California. [San Francisco? 1899.] Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4092.37 The text is in English, French, Italian, and German. The Phoebe A. Hearst architectural plan for the University of California. San Francisco, [189-?] 34 plates. 4092.38 An account of the International meeting at Antwerp, assembled to judge the plans sub- mitted for the University of California. The text is in French, German, Italian, and Eng- lish. University of Colorado. [22 views of the buildings and grounds. Denver. 1901.] 4485.181 University of Glasgow. Interior plans. No. 9-1 1 in *Cab.G.2,23 University of Illinois. Lincoln Hall. [Ur- bana? 1913?] Portrait. Plates. 4097.40 University of Texas. One-room and two- room rural school buildings with plans and specifications. Austin, Texas. [1910.] Plates. Plans. [Bulletin.] 8095.83 Vacquer, T. Batiments scolaires recemment construits en France, et propres a servir de types pour les edifices de ce genre. Paris. [1864.] 27 plates. *4ioo.79 Vaille, F. O., and H. A. Clark. The Harvard book. Cambridge. 1875. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *438o.3 Vallance, A. The old colleges of Oxford: their architectural history illustrated and described. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *Cab.24.49.2 Vetterlein, E. F. Die Baukunst des Schul- hauses. Leipzig. 1909. 2 v. Plates. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.443 Literatur, vol. i, pp. 7, 8. Wagner, H. Pensionate und Alumnate. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 6, Heft i, pp. 217-258. Darmstadt. 1889.) Literatur, pp. 257, 258. *8092.52.6.I Wheelwright, E. M. School architecture. Boston. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8093.80 Schoolhouse architecture. Boston. 1898. Illus. Plates. [Municipal architecture in Boston. Vol. i.] ♦Cab. Williams, J. R. The handbook of Princeton. With an introduction by Woodrow Wil- son. New York. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4492.199 Willis, R. The architectural history of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge. 1886. 4 V. Illus. *8o9i.62 Worcester, Mass. Dedication of the English High School. [Worcester. 1892.] Illus. Plans. 4355.119 Worcester, Mass. School Committee. Ven- tilation of school-houses in Worcester. Report of H. M. Quinby, and others, and Edward S. Philbrick, Nov. 30, 1888. Worcester. 1889. 8093.74 Young, A. G. School hygiene and school- houses. Illus. Plans. (In Maine. State Board of Health. Annual report, 7th, PP- 83-399. Augusta. 1892.) *776oa.62.7 Fountains. Borrmann, R. Monumentale Wasserkunst- anlagen im Stadtebau des Altertums und der neueren Zeit. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage.] No. 5 in 4092.178.3 Bruening, A. Thuergriffe und Brunnen- masken. Berlin. 1900. 15 plates. [Konig- liche Museen, Berlin.] *Cab.8o.8i.i7 Chenavard, A. M. Fontaines. Esquisses. Lyon. 1864. 65. 40 plates. *8o7o.T29 Comolli, G. B Progetto d'una fontana pub- blica. Parma. 1808. 15 plates. *8o8o.6o The title and text are repeated in French. Correll, F. Deutsche Brunnen. Frankfurt a. M. 1903. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i53.3 There is no text. Schweizer Brunnen. Frankfurt a. M. 1904. 32 plates. *Cab.6o.i53.4 Darcy, H. Les fontaines publiques de la ville de Dijon. Paris. 1856. 28 plates. *5940.59 Duval, A. P. Les fontaines de Paris, an- ciennes et nouvelles et les conduits pour la distribution de leurs eaux. [Planches gravees par A. Moisy.] Nou- velle edition. Paris. 1828. 70 plates. Plans *8o8o.65 Falda, G. B. Le fontane di Roma. Roma. [167s?] 104 plates. *6740.6 Gronau, G., editor, Meisterstitcke der Bild- hauerkunst. 120 Musterbeispiele. Ber- lin. 1909. 2 V. in I. * 8089a.11 Contains illustrations of a few fountains and sepulchral monuments. Plates only, Hasselbach-Brunnen fiir Magdeburg. Ber- lin. 1885. 10 plates. [Sammel-Mappe hervorragender Concurrenz-Entwiirfe.] *Cab.8o.62.3 Heubach, A. Monumentalbrunnen Deutsch- lands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz. aus dem 13. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig. 1003. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.6 Lambert, A., and A. Rychner. L'architec- ture en Suisse aux differentes epoques. Geneve. [1883.I S6 plates. *Cab.6o.37.2 Three of the plates are of fountains. Le Brim, C. Recneil de divers dessins de fontaines et de frises maritimes. Paris. [1693?] 27 plates. *Cab.8o.2i.4 FOUNTAINS 299 Ongania, F., publisher. Raccolta delle vere da pozzo (marmi pluteali) in Venezia. [Venezia.] 1889. 2 v. 260 plates. *8o7o.iii Rein, B. Der Brunnen im Volksleben. i. bis 5. Tausend. Miinchen. [1912.] lUus. Plates. 8085.128 Rossi, G. G. de'. Nvova racolta di fontane che si vedano nel alma citta di Roma, Tivoli e Frascati. Roma. [i6t8.] 27 plates. No. 2 in 8o9oa.37 Sandrart, J. von. Die merkwiirdigsten Springbrunnen in Rom. Plates. (In Teutsche Academie der Bait . . . kunst. Vol. 3, part 2. Niirnberg. I770-) No. 3 in **K.50.i.3 Vermiglioli, G. B. Le sculture di Niccolo e Giovanni da Pisa e di Arnolfo Fioren- tino che ornano la fontana maggiore di Perugia. Disegnate da Silvestro Alas- sari. Perugia. 1834. Plates. *8o6oa.65 Visconti, L. Fontaines monumentales con- struites a Paris et projetees pour Bor- deaux. Paris. 1870. 14 plates. *Cab.8o.25.2 Ware, W. R. Architectural odds and ends. No. 3. Minor fountains. [Boston. 1894.] 40 plates. *8o92.35 Wells and fountains. Boston. 1900-04. Plates. [Topical architecture. 32, 49.] There is no text. Sogoa.1 35.32, 49 Wilhadi-Brunnen ^iir Bremen. Berlin. 1881. 12 plates. [Sammel-Mappe hervor- ragender Concurrenz-Entwiirfe.] *Cab.8o.62.4 Galleries and Museums. Acland, Sir H. W. D. The Oxford Museum. By Henry W. Acland and John Ruskin. [With letters from John Phillips, etc.] London. 1859. Illus. Folded plan. 4095.24 Same. 2d edition. Oxford, i860. No. 3 in *6529.8; 8099.26 Same. [4th edition.] London. 1893. Por- traits. Plate. Folded plan. 4095.70 Brooklyn Art Association. Catalogue of the works of art, exhibited March 11. [Brooklyn. 1872.] 3 plates. *8o7o.8o The plates show the building of the Association. Clemen, P. Das Kaiser Friedrich Museum zu Berlin: Der Bau und seine Ge- schichte. Leipzig. 1904. Plates. Plans. No. I in 8070.237 Cleveland, Ohio. Museum of Arts. The new building in Wade Park. Cleveland. IQ12. t Plate. Plans. 4098.48 icke, K. Hand book of the Germanic Museum [Harvard College]. Cam- bridge, 1906. Plates. Plan. 4483.328 The illustrations include the elevation and plan of a proposed building for the Museum. ipe, T, Das germanische Nationalmu- seum [Nuremberg], von 1852 bis 1902. Leipzig. [1902.] Plates. Plans. *407o.i48 Some of the plates are colored. The plans are of the building. The plates are of the building Koch, H. Preisgekronter Concurrenz-Ent- wurf fiir das Museum des Konigreiches Bohmen. Prag. 1884. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.7 Lindheimer, O. Aquarien. Darmstadt. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.6.4 Bibliography, p. 471. Musee Greco-romain, Alexandria. Cata- logue des monuments exposes au Musee . . . Redige par G. Botti. Alexandrie. 1900. Plates. Plan. 30593.148 Contains a plan of the building and a view of its facade. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Communi- cations to the Trustees [regarding the new building. i-]4. March, December 1904, January 1905, 06. [Boston.] 1904- 06. 4 V. Plates. Plans. *8o74.30i Report on plans presented to the building committee. By R. C. Sturgis. [Boston.] 1905. Plate. Plans. Diagrams. *4097.i82 Neckelmann, F. S. Landes-Gewerbemu- seum in Stuttgart. Berlin. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i45.5 Papworth, J. W., and W. Papworth. Mu- seurns, libraries, and picture galleries, public and private; their establishment, formation, arrangement, and architec- tural construction. Appended, the Pub- lic libraries Act, 1850. London. 1853. 10 plates. *2i2o.i3 Pazaurek, G. E. Das Nordbohmische Gewerbe- Museum 1873-98. Denk- Schrift zur Eroffnung des neuen Museums- Gebaudes . . . Reichenberg. 1898. Illus. Portraits. Plate. Plans. *4093.i78 Quentin-Bauchart, M. Les musees munici- paux: Palais des beaux-arts — Musee Carnavalet — Maison Victor Hugo — Musee Galliera — Musee Cernuschi. Paris. 1912. Portraits. Plates. [Les richesses d'art de la ville de Paris.] 4075-305 Rathbun, R. A descriptive account of the building recently erected for the Depart- ments of Natural History of the United States National Museum. Washington. 1913- Plates. Plans. [United States. Na- tional Museum. Bulletin. 80.] *3904.5o.8o St. Louis. The advancement of St. Louis in and through art. A plan to advance St. Louis in art . . . through establishing the Art Museum in the Exposition Art Palace in Forest Park. [St. Louis. 1908.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 80793.363 Soberer, V. Deutsche Museen: Enstehung und kulturgeschichtliche Bedeutung unserer offentlichen Kunstsammlungen. Jena. 1913. Portraits. Plates. 8073.232 Literaturverzeichnis, pp. 259-268. Seidl, G. von, editor. Der Neubau des bayeri- schen Nationalmuseums in Miinchen. Miinchen. 1902. Illus. 82 plates. *Cab.6o.i5i.i Sitte, C. Die Ergebnisse der Vorconcurrenz zu dem Baue des Kaiser Franz Joseph- Museums der Stadt Wien. Wien. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4095.151 300 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Smith, F. W. A design and prospectus for a national gallery of history and art at Washington. [Washington. 1891.] Plates. Plans. [National Gallery Propa- ganda.] 4091.87 Another edition, printed as a Senate Document in 1900, may be found on shelf-number No. 2 in *8o73.4S. Petition for the site of the old naval ob- servatory for the National galleries of history and art. Descriptive hand-book of the Halls of the ancients constructed for promotion of said galleries accord- ing to design anexed. Washington. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. [United States. Congress, Senate Document. 209.] No. I in 8073.45 Stegmann, H. Das germanische National- Museum zu Niirnberg in seinen Raumen und Gebaulichkeiten, nach Originalauf- nahmen von Rudolf Albrecht. Mit Text. Niirnberg. [1896.] 50 plates. *Cab.40.49.4 Stuers, V. E. L. de, and P. J. H. Cuypers. Het Rijks-Museum te Amsterdam. Amsterdam. [1898.] 60 plates, some colored. *Cab.6o.i35.i3 Wagner, H. Museen. Darmstadt. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.6.4 Bibliography, pp. 401, 402. Government and Municipal Buildings. Albany, N. Y. [A collection of 15 photo- gravures illustrating the principal in- terior details of the Capitol.] New York. [1891.] *8095.i03 Axon, W. E. A., editor. An architectural and general description of the Town Hall, Manchester. Manchester. 1878. Plates. Plans. *4090.i23 Baddeley, J. J. The Guildhall of the City of London. London. 1899. Plates. 249oa.64 Beckett, F. K0benhavns Raadhus opf0rt 1893-1905. [Autoriseret udgave ved F. Hendriksen. Udgivet med st0tte af K0benhavns Kommunalbestyrelse.] K0- benhavn. 1908. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Map. Plans. *Cab.6o.i8i.4 Appended is a resume of the text in German, English and French. Berlin, Germany. Architektonische Details vom Reichstags-G^baude in Berlin. Berlin. [1897, 98.] 20 plates. *Cab.6o.i23.3 Bluntschli, F. Stadt- und Rathhauser. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 3-84. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8o92.52.7 Contains bibliographies. Boston, Mass. Architect Department. An- nual report, 1891-94. Boston. 1892-95. 4 V. Plates. Plans. 4454.230 Plans submitted with report on additional accommodation for municipal depart- Boston, Mass. (Continued.) ments. Boston. [1892?] 14 plans. ♦8090.32 Court House. Plans of the new Court House for Suffolk County, Mass. George A. Clough, architect. [Boston. 1886.] 4 folded plans. *8o8oa.30 Brayley, E. W., and J. Britton. History of the ancient palace and late houses of Parliament at Westminster. London. 1836. Illus. *2463.75 Breslau, Germany. Magistrat. Hafen-An- lagen zu Breslau. Breslau. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.28.25.2 Brette, A. Histoire des edifices ou ont siege les assemblees parlementaires de la Revolution frangaise et de la premiere Republique. Tome i. Paris. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Ville de Paris. Publications relatives a la Revolution frangaise.] *462o.30 Bridgman, A. M. Our state capitol. Boston. [1894J Plates. *4358.ii6 Brown, G. History of the United States Capitol. Washington. 1900-03. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *C.3849 Bibliography, pp. 224-236. Brussels, Belgium. History of the Market Place of Brussels, which contains the description of the ancient hotels and houses of corporations. Brussels. [1897.] Plates. 4869a.59 Bryant, G. J. F., and L. P. Rogers. [A de- sign for the intended new Capitol for the State of Connecticut. Letter to the President of the Board of Commission- ers.] Hartford. 1872. 4097.154 Caffin, C. H. Handbook of the new Capitol of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2372.124 Calliat, V. Hotel de ville de Paris. Avec une histoire de ce monument par Le Roux de Lincy. Paris. 1844. 28 plates. *Cab.6o.22.i ; *Cab.6o.i2i.i Carnegie Foundation, The Hague. Interna- tional competition of the Carnegie Foundation. The Palace of Peace at the Hague. The 6 premiated and 40 other designs chosen by the Society of Archi- tecture at Amsterdam. London. 1907. 76 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i6i.2 A building for the Permanent Court of Arbitra- tion. Some of the plates are colored. Coney, J. Engravings of ancient cathedrals . . . and other public buildings in France, Holland, Germany and Italy. London. 1832. 32 plates. *Cab.6o.82.i The text is in English, French, Italian and Ger- man. Connecticut. State Library. General de- scription of the new State Library and Supreme Court building. Hartford, Conn. 1909. Plate. Plans. [Bulletins. No. 4.] *6205.69.4 "Extract from 1907-8 Report" 1*6195.147. 1907/08]. Cottingham, L. N. Plans, elevations, sec- tions and details of Westminster Hall. London. 1822. 4 folded plates. ♦Cab.60.10.4 GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 301 Crane, W. Of the decoration of public buildings. {In Art and life and the building and decoration of cities. Pp. 111-166. London. 1897.) 4098.20 Desjardins, T. Monographic de I'Hotel de ville de Lyon. Paris. 1867. 76 plates. ♦Cab.26.49. 1 Ehmck, D. R., and H. A. Schumacher. Das Rathhaus zu Bremen. Bremen. 1862. Illus. Plates. [Kiinstlerverein, Bremen. Denkmale. Abtheilung i.] *8o9i.ii7.i Everaerts, A. Monographic de I'Hotel de ville de Louvain. Louvain. 1872. Plates. *Cab.6o.22.3 Foulston, J. The public buildings erected in the west of England as designed by Foulston. London. 1838. 117 plates. *8o9o.i4i Gagnon, E. Le Palais legislatif de Quebec. (Government buildings in Quebec.) Quebec. 1897. Plates. 44693.157 French text with an English translation by C. Lindsay. Gauthier, J. L. The Minnesota Capitol. Of- ficial guide and history. St. Paul. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plan. 2377.119 Genzmer, F. Wasch- und Desinfektions- Anstalten. Stuttgart. 1900. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.5.4 Litteratur, pp. 125-127, 166, 167. Germany. Postbauten des deutschen Reichs. Mit Genehmigung und Unter- stiitzung des Reichspostamts. Leipzig. [1887.] 30 photographs with destrip- tive text. *Cab.6o.i38.4 Girard, A. C., and J. A. Pabst. Laboratoires etrangers et municipaux . i8 plates. {In Encyclopedic chimique. Tome i, fasc. 2 [Supplement], pp. 27-74. Paris. 1882.) *5985.50.3 Goovaerts, A. J. M. A. Construction et in- auguration d'un Hotel de ville pendant la premiere moitie du xvi^ siecle (1526- 1538). L'Hotel de ville de Leau et son perron. Bruxelles. 1890. 2 plates. 8093.103 Gourlier, C. P., and others. Choix d'edifices publics projetes et construits en France depuis le commencement du xix^e sie- cle public, avec I'autorisation du Min- istre de I'interieur, par MM. Gourlier, Biet, Grillon, et Tardieu. Paris. 1825- 50. 3 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i7o.i Grisebach, A. Das deutsche Rathaus der Renaissance. Berlin. 1907. Illus. Plans. Literatur, p. (2). 4094.166 Hamburg, Germany. Das neue Rathhaus. Hamburg. 1896, 97. 47 plates. *4090.90 Hansen, T. von. Das K. k. Reichsraths- Gebaude in Wien. Text von Hans Auer. Wien. 1890. 27 plates. *Cab.6o.5o.3 Hazelton, G. C, Jr. The national Capitol; ^^^ its architecture, art and history. New ^^H York. 1897. Illus. Portraits. 4371-79 '^^ame. 1902. Plans. 4371.80 Hunt, F. K. The book of art. Cartoons, I frescoes, sculpture, and decorative art as applied to the new Houses of Parlia- Indiana. Custodian of Public Buildings and Property. Biennial report, 5th-ioth. 1897/98-1907/08. Indianapolis. 1898- 1908. 6 V. Plates. *4096.47 Jouin, H. Ancien hotel de Rohan affecte a rimprimerie nationale. Paris. 1889. 34 plates. *Cab.6o.89.7 Kortuem, A. Gebaude fiir Ministerien, Bot- schaften und Gesandtschaften. Plans. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 84-110. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8o92.52.7 Landauer, T. von. Gerichtshauser. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Handbuch der Ar- chitektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 170-252. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8o92.52.7 Bibliography, pp. 248-252. Le Carpentier, A. M. Recueil des plans, coupes et elevations du nouvel Hotel de ville de Rouen. Paris. 1758. 6 plates. *8090.I22 Leeds, England. [Eleven photographs of different parts of the municipal build- ings. 1886.] *Cab.6o.74.4 Lehmgruebner, P. Mittelalterliche Rathaus- bauten in Deutschland. Berlin. 1905. Illus. 34 plates. [Konigliche technische Hockschule zu Berlin.] *Cab.6o.i52.7 Literatur und Quellen, p. (4). Leybdld, L. Das Rathhaus der Stadt Augs- burg. Erbaut 1615 bis 1620 von Elias Holl. 2. Auflage. Berlin. [1892?] 93 plates. *Cab.8o.3o.2 Loftie, W. J. The Inns of court and chan- cery. London, 1893. Illus. *246o.i2i MacCracken, H. M. The Hall of Fame. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. 4484.121 Magne, L. Le Palais de Justice de Poitiers. £tude sur I'art frangais au xiv^ et au xve siecles. Paris. 1904. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii4.7 Manitoba. Minister of Public Works. Pub- lic buildings erected and improved, 1900-1906. [Winnipeg?] 1906. Plates. 4099.166 Massachusetts. State House. Perspective views and plans of the State House and grounds, showing possible extensions suggested by the Committee on State House, contained in their report printed as Senate Document no. 285, Massachu- setts Legislature, 1899. [Boston. 1899.] Plates. Plans. *8o90.34 Report of the Commissioners for the en- largement of the State House. [Boston. 1854.] 17 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.6 Same. [Plans only.] 8093.78 Minneapolis, Minnesota. Board of Court House and City Hall Commissioners. A history of the Municipal building of the City of Minneapolis & the County of Hennepin, Minnesota. 1887-1909. A final report. [Minneapolis. 1910.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *409oa.i36 Narjoux, F. Paris. Monuments eleves par la ville, 1850-1880. Paris. 1880-83. 4 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.97.i Contents. — i. t5:difices administratifs. — Edifices judiciaires. a. fidifices consacres a Tinstruction 302 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Narjoux, F. (Continued.) publique. — fidifices d'utilite j?enerale. 3. Edi- fices religieux. — fidifices consacres aux beaux- arts. 4. fidifices decorattfs. — Edifices sanitaires. — Edifices de la force publique, Neumann, R. Gebaude fur den Post-, Tele- grapher!-, und Fernsprechdienst. Darm- stadt. 1896. [Handbuch der Archi- tektur.] *8o92.52.2.3 Literatur, pp. 139-142. New York, City. [Working drawings for the United States Court House and Post Office, New York. Washington. N. d.] 32 folded plates. *Cab.6o.99.4 Court House Board. Competition for the New York Court House. New York. 1913. 88 plates. *Cab.6o.i96.i New York, State. Education Department. Proceedings of the dedication of the New York State Education Building, Albany, October 15-17, 1912. Albany. 1913. Portraits. Plates. [Annual report, 9th. Supplemental volume.] *65ooa.3i.9 Nichols, J. B. A brief account of the Guild- hall of the City of London. London. 1819. 2 plates. *2495.4 Opfermann, R. Archive. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 6, Heft 4, pp. 4-40. Darmstadt. 1893.) *8o9a.52.6.4 Bibliography, p. 40. Owen, R. D. Hints on public architecture, containing views of the Smithsonian Institution. New York. 1849. Plates. *4090.7 Paris. Municipal government. Reconstruc- tion de I'Hotel de ville. Paris. 1882. 12 plates. *Cab.26.25.i Vues des principaux monuments. [Paris? 1883?] 72 photographs. *Cab.26.25.3 Pauli, G. Das Bremer Rathaus. Berlin. [1898.] Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] Literaturnachweise, p. 18. 4090*153 Philadelphia. Commissioners for the erec- tion of public buildings. Proceedings at the laying of the corner stone of the new public buildings in Penn Square. Philadelphia. 1874. Plates. Plans. 2372.57 The new City Hall. [Philadelphia.] 1890. Plate. Plans. *4479a.i09 Plans of new public buildings. [The new City Hall. Philadelphia. 1888.] 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i6.3 Pilisi, B. N. A Magyar Orszaghaz. Steindl Imre alkotasa. Das ungarische Parla- mentshaus von Emerich Steindl . . . verfasst und redigirt von Bela Ney de Pilih . . . Budapest. [1906.] Illus. 62 plates. *Cab.6o.i57.5 Text is in Hungarian, German and French. Pittsburgh. The City Hall. [Dedicatory ceremonies, description of building, etc.] Pittsburgh. 1874. H plates and plans. 3370.33 Preston, W. G. [A collection of plans of houses and public buildings, prmcipally in Boston, Mass., and vicinity, and Savannah, Ga. Boston. 1865-1908.] 55 V. F.A.Gallcry *Cab.i.i Price, J. E. A descriptive account of the Guildhall of the City of London. Lon- don. 1886. Plates. *Cab.24.i8.2 Providence, Rhode Island. City Council. The City Hall. Providence. 1881. Plate. 5 plans. *435i'i85 Pugin, A. C, and J. Britton. Illustrations of the public buildings of London. 2d edi- tion. London. 1838. 2 v. Plates. *4092.9 Quellinus, A. Architecture, peinture et sculpture de la maison de ville d' Amster- dam. [Anon.] Amsterdam. 1719. 109 plates. *8o90.i54 Sculpturen im Koeniglichen Palais zu Am- sterdam. Nach den Radirungen von Hubert Quellinus. Berlin. 1892. 36 plates. *Cab.8Q.6o.3 Randall, G. P. A handbook of designs, con- taining plans in perspective, of court houses, universities [etc.]. Chicago. 1868. 30 plates. 8105.S Richardson, H. H. Description of drawings for the proposed new County buildings for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Boston. 1884. Illus. Plates. *8i02.24 Sauvan, J. B. B., and J. P. Schmit. Histoire et description pittoresque du Palais de Justice, de la Conciergerie et de la Sainte Chapelle de Paris. Paris. 1825. Illus. 17 plates. *Cab.6o.35.5 Schmitt, E. Leichenschauhauser. Illus. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil4, Halb- Band 7, pp. 163-169. Darmstadt. 1887.) Bibliography, p. 169. *8o92.52.7 Schoenthal, O., compiler. Wettbewerbsent- wiirfe fiir ein Amtsgebaude des Reichs- kriegsministeriums und fiir ein Gebaude des Militarwissenschaftlichen und Ka- sino-Vereines in Wien. Wien. [1908.] 64 plates and plans. *Cab.6o.i7i.2 Contains the plans of the successful architect. Schwecten, F., and H. Wagner. Geschafts- hauser fur staatliche Provinz-, Kreis-, und Ortsbehorden. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 1 10-137. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8o92.52.7 Segard, — , and — Testard. Picturesque views of public edifices in Paris. Aqua- tinted by Mr. Rosenberg. London. 1 81 4. 20 plates. *4633-7 Seine. Prefecture du Departement de la. Direction des travaux. Inventaire gene- ral des oeuvres d'art appartenant a la ville de Paris, fidifices civils. Paris. 1878, 89. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *8o94.67 Shaw, E. Proposed plan of a custom house in Boston, drawn 8 feet to an inch. Manuscript. Boston. 1837. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i29.3 Stein, F. A. H. Le Palais de Justice et la Sainte-Chapelle de Paris. Notice his- torique et archeologique. Paris. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4i09a.io6 Stiehl, O. Das deutsche Rathaus im Mit- telalter in seiner Entwickelung geschil- dert. Leipzig. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093-181 Streiter, R. Das neue Reichstagshaus in Berlin von Paul Wallot. Ein bauge- schichtliche Darstellung. Berlin. 1894. Plates. Plans. 4090.36 GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 303 United States. Architect of the Pension Building. Report on the construction of the new Pension Building made to the Secretary of the Interior. Wahsington. 1883-87. 5 V. Plates. Plans. *8o9S.66 United States. Architect of the United States Capitol. Report to the Secretary of the Interior. [For the year ending Nov. i] 1863-72; [ending June 30] 1873, 78, 80-92, 94-1901. Washington. 1864- 1901. 32 V. in 6. Plates. Plans. *8o95.65 United States. Supervising Architect. Annual report, 1868/69-97/98, 1907/08- lo/ii. Washington. 1869-1912. 33 v. in 28. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o95.9 United States. Treasury Department. A history of public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department. [Exclusive of marine hospitals and quarantine stations.] Washington. 1901. Plates. *8o92.i29 Plans of public buildings in course of construction under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Including the specifications thereof. [Washing- ton.] 1856. *Cab.6o.4o.i Upjohn, R. M. The State Capitol, Hartford. Boston. 1886. 22 plates. [Monographs of American architecture.] *8iog.7i.2 Vachon, M. L'Hotel de ville de Paris, 1535- 1905. Paris. 1905. Illus. Portraits. Plans. *4070.i62 Vacquier, J. Les vieux hotels de Paris. Le Ministere de la marine, ancien Garde- Meuble de ia couronne, construit par t Gabriel de 1762 a 1772. Decorations ex- terieures et interieures. Notices histo- rique et descriptive. Paris. 191 1. Illus. 60 plates. Plans. *Cab.26.54.4 nnois, F. Architecture civile bourgui- gnonne. Restauration & agrandisse- ment du Palais de Justice de Dijon. Paris. 1878. 12 plates. *8o9i.ii6 Wagner, H. Provinzial Standehauser. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Handbuch der Ar- chitektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 446-463. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8og2.52.7 Literatur, pp. 461-463, Wagner, H., and P. Wallet. Parlaments- hauser. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 404-445. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8o92.52.7 Bibliography, pp. 461-463. Walker, D. S., editor. 1 793-1893. Celebra- tion of the looth anniversary of the lay- ing of the corner stone of the Capitol of the United States. Washington. ^^ 1896. Illus. Plates. Plans. *437oa.i45 ^jfheelwright, E. M. Municipal architecture ^H in Boston. From designs by E. M. ^^ Wheelwright, city architect, 1891 to 1895. Edited by F. W. Chandler. Bos- ton. 1898. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i33.i te, W. H. Architecture and public buildings: Paris and London. London. 1884. Plate. 4095-68 Wielemans, A. von. Der K. k. Justiz-Palast in Wien. Text von Hans Auer. Wien. 1885. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.5o.2 Wilde, E. S. The New York City Hall. [New York. 1893.] Ulus. 4472.126 Yeigh, F. Ontario's parliament buildings; or, a century of legislation. 1 792-1892. Toronto. 1893. Plates. *43i2.i7o Young, A. B. [New Custom House, Bos- ton. Plans and sections.] Boston. 1840. ♦8080.46 Young, W. The municipal buildings, Glas- gow. Glasgow. 1890. Plates. *8o90.73 Landscape Architecture and Gardens. See also Parks and Playgrounds under the section City Planning. Abel, L. Garten-Architektur. Wien. 1876. Illus. Plates. *L.50.26 Abigt, E. J., editor. Landhaus und Villa. Architektur, Innendekorationen, Garten. ' Wiesbaden. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8107.38 Agar, M. Garden design in theory and practice. Philadelphia. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *L.34.3i Some of the plates are colored. Albee, H. R. Hardy plants for cottage gardens. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plan. 5817.67 Aiphand, J. C. A. Arboretum et fleuriste de la ville de Paris. Description, cul- ture et usage des arbres, arbrisseaux . . . employees dans I'ornementation des pares et jardins. Paris. 1875. *5840.57 Les promenades de Paris. Paris. 1867-73. 2 V. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, i v. Plates. *Cab.26j[3.i ; *Cab.26.22.i ; *L.7o.i5 American Society of Landscape Architects. Transactions of the Society . . . from its inception in 1899 to the end of 1908. [Harris burg. 1913.''] Plates. *4090.330 Ames, R. C. B. Langwater. Estate of Mrs. Ames, North Easton, Mass. 17 photo- graphs by N. L. Stebbins. *L.6i.35 Andre, £. L'art des jardins. Traite general de la composition des pares et jardins. Paris. 1879. Illus. Plates. Eleven plates are colored. 399I.53; *L.3I.I4 Ansell, W. The happy garden. London. 1912. Plates. Vignettes. 4098.64 Suggestions for garden planning, in the form of a narrative. Arcadie hollandaise, ou collection choisie de six-cent vues pittoresques d'antiquites, mines, chateaux, &c. du royaume de Hollande. Amsterdam. 1807. *L.20.2 Many of the plates show Dutch gardens. Auswahl von Park- und Gartenverzierun- gen. Berlin, 1891. 32 plates. *L.20.8 Bailey, L. H. Garden-making. Suggestions for the utilizing of home grounds. 3d edition. New York. 1899. Illus. [Garden craft series.] 3999-154 Same. 8th edition. 1904. Plates. Plans. 3999.167 Manual of gardenmg. A practical guide to the making of home grounds. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. 3999-178 304 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Bailey, L. H. (Continued.) Suggestions for the planting of shrubbery. Ithaca. 1896. Illus. Plates. [Cornell University. Bulletin.] *7996.i2(i896) Same. 3d edition. *L.22.43 Bailey, L. H., and W. Miller. Cyclopedia of American horticulture. New York. 1900-02. 4 V. Illus. Plates. *5983.io Same. 1906. 6 v. Maps. Plans. *5983.ii Baker, J. C, editor. American country homes and their gardens. Introduction by Donn Barber. Philadelphia. [1906.] Plates. 4091.138 Most of the pages are plates. Baker, T. Yard and garden : a book of practical information for the amateur gardener in city, town or suburb. In- dianapolis. [1908.] Illus. Plates. 3997.233 Bardswell, F. A. The book of town & win- dow gardening. London. 1903. Plates. [Handbooks of practical gardening.] 3998.197 Beeton, S. O. Beaton's All about garden- ing; being a popular dictionary of gar- dening. London. [1871.] Illus. 5997-58 Bennett, I. D. The flower garden: a hand- book of practical garden lore. New York. 1903. Plates. Plans. 3997.159 Bernard, L., publisher. Illustrated guide to the Trianon palaces and gardens. Ver- sailles. [1887?] Illus. Plates. Plans. 6639a.82 A French edition is on shelf-number *L.57.8. Blomfield, R. The formal garden in Eng- land. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. 3997-10$; *L.34.i7 Illustrated by F. Inigo Thomas. List of works referred to, pp. 242-244. Boitard, P. L'art de composer et decorer les jardins. Nouvelle edition. • Paris. [183-.?] 120 plates. *3997.i2o Manuel de Tarchitecte des jardins. Nou- velle edition. Paris. [1853.] 140 plates. [Manuels-Roret.] *L.56.7 A later edition of the preceding work. Bona, T. Trace et ornementation des jar- dins d'agrement. Geneve. 1859. Illus. Plans. *L.34.i4 Bouillet, A., Abbe. Contribution a I'histoire de l'art des rocailleurs. Paris. 1893. 3990a. 11 Boussard, J. M. Constructions et decora- tions pour jardins. Paris. 1881. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.2i.5 Bright, H. A. The English flower garden, with notes. London. 1881. 5999.62; *L.34.9 Brooks, S. W. A garden with house at- tached. Boston. 1904. Plates. 3990a. 18;* P.84. 1 1 7. 1 Burgess, H. W. Eidodendron. Views of the general character & appearance of trees, foreign & indigenous, as con- nected with picturesque scenery. Lon- don. [1827.] 54 plates. *L.20.2i Bum, R. S. The practical directory for the improvement of landed property, rural and suburban. Edinburgh. 1881. Plates. Plans. *399i-8 Caffin, C. H. Formal gardens, and a New England example. [New York. 1899.] Illus. Plan. *L.33.3i Cut from Harper's Monthly Magazine for Sep- tember, 1899 [Per. Room •5210.12.99], Caus, I. de, engraver. Wilton garden. [Lon- don. 1640?] 26 plates. 399oa.32 A facsimile reprint by Quaritch, 1895. Cecil, A. M. G. A history of gardening in England. London. 1895. Illus. Plates. 399oa-3i;*L.32.34 Bibliography, pp. 323-379- Includes an account of the rise and development of landscape garden- ing in England. Same. 3d edition, enlarged. New York. 1910. Plans. 399oa.43 Bibliography, pp. 332-377- London parks and gardens. New York. 1907. Colored plates. *3993-i48 Cenac-Moncaut, J. £. M. Les jardins du Roman de la rose compares avec ceux des Romains et ceux du moyen age. Orne d'un plan et d'une vue perspective des jardins des rois de Navarre au xve siecle. Paris. 1869. Plate. 2686.48 Ceris, A. de. Pares et jardins. Paris. [186S-] Illus. [Bibliotheque du jar- dinier.] *L.53.i04 Chambers, Sir W. A dissertation on orien- tal gardening. London. 1772. *L.3i.24 Same. 2d edition. 1773. *L.3i.25 Child, S. Landscape architecture: a defini- tion and a resume of its past and pres- ent. Chicago. [1911-] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4098.66 Presented before the Congress of Technology held in Boston, April 10-12, 191 1. Cleghorn, H. F. C. The forests and gardens of South India. London. 1861. Plates. Map. *L.24.i7 Bibliography, pp. 381-397- Cleveland, H. W. S. A few hints on land- scape gardening in the West. The rela- tion of engineering to landscape garden- ing. By W. M. R. French. Chicago. 1871. 7999.48; *L.32.27 Landscape architecture as applied to the wants of the West; with an essay on forest planning on the great plains. Chicago. 1873- 3999.136; *L.22.4o Codman, H. S. A list of works on the art of landscape-gardening. [New York. 1890.] *2i7o.54; L.io.i Cut from Garden and forest. Vol. 3 [*8ooa.5o.3; *L.ii.i.3]. Cole, N. The royal parks and gardens of London. London. 1877. Illus. 2498.11. Columbia College. Report of W. R. Ware and F. L. Olmsted on the occupation of the new site. [New York. 1893.] *L.52.ii Conder, J. The art of landscape gardening in Japan. [Yokohama. 1886.] *L.53.90 Cut from the Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. 14 [*5027.ii.i4]. Landscape gardening in Japan. [With] Supplement. Tokio. 1893. 2 v. Illus. 77 plates. *399oa.9;*L.20.i4 Cook, E. T. Gardens of England. London. 1908. Colored plates. 3994,203 Trees & shrubs for English gardens. New York. 1902. Plates. [The "Country Life" library.] *L.22.39 Cook, E. T., editor. The century book of gardening. A comprehensive work for every lover of the garden. [London. 1900.] Illus. Plates. ["Country Life" library.] 399oa.39 A collection of articles by various writers. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND GARDENS 305 Copeland, R. M. Country life: a handbook of agriculture, horticulture and land- scape gardening. Boston. 1859. IHus. Plates. Plans. *L.34.25 Same. New York. i860. 6004.101 Same. 5th edition. 1866. ^ 6004.52 Corpechot, L. Les jardins de rintelligence. 2e edition. Paris. 1912. 4098.71 On French landscape gardening, with chapters on Le Notre. Courval, E. A., Viconite de. Album du pay- sagiste pour I'arrangement des pares et des jardins. Paris. 1875. 2"^ plates. *Cab.39.i4.5 Curtis, A. C. The small garden beautiful. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 3994.176 Czullik, A. Wiener Garten im Jahre 1890. Wien. 1891. 24 plates. *L.5o.io Wiener Garten im vorigen Jahrhundert. Wien, 1891. 30 plates. *L.50.ii Darcel, J. £tude sur I'architecture des jar- dins. Paris. 1875. Plates. *L.3i.26 Davidson, K. L. Gardens, past and present. New York. [1909.] Plates. 3997.229 Davison, R. C. Concrete pottery and gar- den furniture. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 4028.74 Decker, P. Gothic architecture decorated. Consisting of a large collection of tem- ples, banqueting, summer and green houses, &c. [Part i,] 2. London, 1759. 2 V. in I. 23 plates. No. 2 in *L.5i.26 The plates are of summer houses and of lattice work. Delamer, E. S. The flower-garden. New edition. London. N. d. Plate. *L.24.6 Dennis, J. The landscape gardener; com- prising the history and principles of tasteful horticulture. London. 1835. Plates. 5992.12; *L.33.24 Descriptions pittoresques de jardins du gout le plus moderne. Leipzig. 1802. Plates. ,,. . o 3993.58 Same. 2e edition. 1805. 3995-103 Dezallier D'Argenville, A. J. La theorie et la pratique du jardinage. [Anon,] Paris. [1709?] Plates. *L.3i.i Same. Par L. S. A. L D. A. Nouvelle edi- tion. 1713. *L.3i.2 The theory and practice of gardening. Done from the French original by John James of Greenwich. London. 1712. *L.3i.3 Dezallier d'Argenville, A. N. Dictionnaire du jardinage. Paris. 1777. Plates. *L.24.8 Diesel, M. Erlustierende Augenweide in IVorstellung Herrlicher Lustgebaude. Aug. Vind. plates. Inserted is a manuscript translation of the title and preface. trict of Columbia. Public Library. Books on gardening. A brief annotated list prepared in the interest of school gardens and the work of the City Gar- dens Association. Washington, 1905, *2i79.76 Ditchfield, P. H. Picturesque English cot- tages and their doorway gardens. With a prefatory note by Ralph Adams Cram. Philadelphia. 1905. Plates. *L.6o.38 arten und [1730?] 52 *L.6i.2i Doubleday, N. B. De G. The American flower garden. By N. Blanchan [pseud.]. New York. 1909. Plates. *L.2i.9 Some of the plates are colored. Downing, A. J. Cottage residences, and their gardens and grounds. Adapted to North America. New York. 1842. Illus. Plates. 4102.59 Same, 2d edition. 1844. *L.4i.i Same. 4th edition. 1856. *L.4i.2 Same. 1863. 4102.78 Same. New edition. 1873. 4093.50; *L.4i.3 Rural essays. New York. 1853. Illus. Plates. 5992.48; *L.32.io Pp. 101-192 are on landscape gardening; pp. 205-278 on rural architecture. Same. 1857. Plates. Engraved title- page. 5992.46 Treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening. 2d edition. New York. 1844. Illus. Plates. 3994.44 Same. 4th edition. 1850. 3994*45 Same. 5th edition, enlarged. 1856. 3994.47 Same. 6th edition, enlarged. With a supplement by H. W. Sargent. 1859. 3994.46 Same. New edition. With supple- ment [s. 1879]. 3994.51 Du Cane, F. G. L. The flowers and gardens of Madeira. London. 1909. Colored plates. 5046.46 Duchesne, A. N. Sur la formation des jar- dins. Paris. 1775. No. 3 in *L.33.i5 Duvillers, F. Les pares et jardins. Paris. 1871, 78. 2 v. 80 plates. *L.5o.7 Earle, A. M. Old time gardens newly set forth. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. 3998.182 Eden, F. A garden in Venice. London. 1903. Illus. Plates. 3991.182 Eichler, G. Handbuch des gartnerischen Planzeichnens. Berlin. 1880. Illus. Plates. *L.3i.i9 Contains eighteen colored plates. Same. 1891. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, 18 colored plates. *L.3i.2o Ekart, T. P. Betrachtungen iiber bildende Landschafts-Gartenkunst in einer er- lauternden Beschreibung des Fiirstli- chen Parks zu Sonderhausen. Potsdam. 1840. Plan. *L.3i.29 Elements of modern gardening; or, the art of laying out of pleasure grounds, orna- rnenting farms, and embellishing the views round about our houses. London. [1800?] 4098.62 This has been ascribed to John Trusler. Elgood, G. S. Italian gardens. London. 1907. Colored plates. *L.6o.4i Contains a bibliography. Eliot, C. W. Charles Eliot, landscape archi- tect. Boston. 1902. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 399oa.i3;*L.66.4 Same. 1903. 399oa.i4 EUacombe, H. N. In a Gloucestershire gar- den. London. 1895. Plates. 5858.17 Elliott, F. R. Hand book of practical land- scape gardening. 2d edition. Rochester, N. Y. 1881. Plates. 3994-54; *L.32.i7 Elliott, J. W. A plea for hardy plants, with suggestions for effective arrangement. 306 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Elliott, J. W. (Continued.) New York. 1902. Plates. Plans. ♦L.32.26 Reprinted from the Transactions of the Massa- chusetts Horticultural Society, 1885 [*5874.3.- 1885]. Ellis, W. S. The parks and forests of Sus- sex. Lewes. 1885. Illus. *L.53.ii4 Ely, H. R. Another hardy garden book. New York. 1905. Plates. 3997.156 The practical flower garden. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. 3997-158 Some of the plates are colored. A woman's hardy garden. New York. 1903. Plates. Plans. 3997-155 Engelhardt, H. A. The beauties of nature combined with art. Montreal. 1872. *L.22.4I Emouf, A. A., Baron. L'art des jardins. Histoire — theorie — pratique de la composition des jardins — pares ■ — squares. Paris. 1868. 2 v. Illus. Plans. *L.35-6 L'art des jardins. Pares, jardins, prome- nades. 3e edition. Paris. [1885.] Illus. Plates. *399i.i4;*L.3i.2i European and Japanese gardens. Papers read before the American Institute of Architects. Edited by G. Brown. Phila- delphia. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. 399i.i9i;*L.53.3 Contents. — Italian gardens. By A. D. F. Ham- lin. — English gardens. By R. C. Sturgis. — French gardens. By J. G. Howard. — Japanese gardens. By K. Honda and C. H. Townsend. Farrer, R. J. Alpines and bog-plants. Lon- don. 1908. Plates. 3997-22$ In a Yorkshire garden. London. 1909. Plates. 3994-205 My rock-garden. London. 1907. Plates. 3993-144 Farthing, F. H. Saturday in my garden: a practical guide to the cultivation of small gardens, with hints on their care and management. NeW York. [1911.] Illus. Plates. 3994.211 Felton, S. Gleanings on gardens, chiefly respecting those of the ancient style in England. London. 1829. Plate. No. I in *L.33.io Femow, B. E. The care of trees. With a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. [American nature series.] 5817.63 Brief list of books on cognate subjects, pp. 375, 376. Ferree, B. American estates and gardens. New York. 1904. Illus. Plates. *L.6o.3i Field, M. Rural architecture and landscape gardening. New York. 1857. Plates. 4098.42 Fish, D. S. The book of the winter garden. London. 1906. Plates. 3998.204 Fitzherbert, S. W. The book of the wild garden. London. 1903. Plates. 3998.191 Flemwell, G. Alpine flowers and gardens. London. 1910. Colored plates. 3852.82 FoUen, C. C. Suggestions on landscape gardening, by C. Follen. Thorough drainage, by J. H. Shedd. Boston. 1859. No. 9 in *5992.22; 7999.106; *L.33.3o Forbes, A. Short hints on ornamental gar- dening. Kendal. 1829. Illus. Plates. Plans. *L.34.7 Forbes, A. H., editor. Architectural gardens of Italy. New York. 1902. 196 plates. *L.7o.2i Foster, Mrs. J. F. On the art of gardening: a plea for English gardens of the future, with practical hints for planting them. London. 1881. 5999.6i Fouquier, M. De l'art des jardins du xye au xxe siecle. Paris. 191 1. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. *L.6o.43 Gaertnerische Plankammer. Herausgege- ben von M. Bertram, F. Bouche, C. Hampel. Berlin. 1892-94. 3 v. Plans. *L.20.9 Geschwind, R. Beitrage zur Landschafts- gartnerei. Die Felsen in Garten und Parkanlagen. Stuttgart. 1880. [Biblio- thek fur wissenschaftliche Gartencul- ^ur.] *L.33.ii Gilpin, W. S. Practical hints upon land- scape gardening. London. 1832. Plates. *399i.ii5 Same. 2d edition. 1835. *L.32.i6 Girardin, L. S. C. X., Contte de. Promenade ou itineraire des jardins d'Ermenonville. [Anon.] Paris. 1788. Plates. *2634.56 Glenny, G. Glenny's Handbook of practical gardening. London. [1850.] *L.34.4 Gloag, M. R. A book of English gardens. Illustrated by Katharine M. Wyatt. New York. 1906. Colored plates. ^ , 3998.278 Godemann, H. Anleitung zur Landschafts- gartnerei. Stuttgart. 1891. Illus. 4 plates. 3994-109 Goetze, C. Album fur Teppichgartnerei und Gruppenbepflanzung. Erfurt. [189-?] Iljus. 399oa.7 Greenmg, C. E. The Greening pictorial sys- tem of landscape gardening. Monroe, Michigan. [1910.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *L.5i.29 Gressent, V. A. Pares et jardins. Paris. 1877. Illus. Folded plan. [Classiques du jardin.] 5999a-29; *L.53.io7 Same. 4e edition. *L.53.io8 Greville, F. E., Countess of Warwick. An old English garden. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. *L.6o.39 Gross, W. Ansichten iiber bildende Garten- kunst. Theil i. Berlin. 1868. 6009.18; *L.34.i5 Guiffrey, J. M. J. Andre Le Nostre: etude critique. Paris. [1912.] Illus. Plates. [Les grands artistes: leur vie — leur oeuvre.] 4083.352 Guiol, — . Essai sur la composition et I'orne- ment des jardins; ou, recueil de plans de jardins de ville et de campagne. [Anon.] Paris. 1823. 107 plates. *L.26.4 Hallier, E., M.D. Grundzuge der landschaft- lichen Gartenkunst. Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig. 1896. Illus. *L.32.ii Halsted, B. D. Live covers for country homes. [Trenton. 1900.] Illus. Plates. [New Jersey. State Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Bulletin.] *7996.i.i44 Hampel, W. Die moderne Teppichgartnerei. 4. Auflage. Berlin. 1891. Illus. 39903.6 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND GARDENS 307 Haweis, M. E. Rus in urbe: or flowers that thrive in London gardens & smoky towns. London. [1886.] Plates. 59993.80 Hawthorne, H. The lure of the garden. Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish, Jules Guerin, Sigismond de Ivanowski, Anna Whelan Betts, and others. New York. 191 1. Plates. *L.3i.37 Some of the plates are colored. Heeley, J. Letters on the beauties of Hag- ley, Envil, and the Leasowes. With observations on the modern taste in gardening. London. 1777. 2 v. in i. *L.57.6 Henderson, C. Henderson's Picturesque gardens and ornamental gardening illus- trated. New York. 1901. Illus. 39903.20 Henderson, J. A. Gardens shown to the children. [Illustrated] by J. H. Kel- man and O. Allen. London. [1912.] Colored plates. [The 'Shown to the children' series.] 3999'290 Hirschfeld, C. C. L. Theorie de I'art des jardins. Traduit de I'allemand. Leip- zig. 1779-83. 4 v. in 2. Illus. Plates. ♦L.2I.2 Theorie der Gartenkunst. Leipzig. 1775. Plate. *L.34.i Same. 1779-85. 5 v. in 2. Illus. Plates. *L.32.2I An enlargement and continuation of the edition of 1775. Hofland, T. C. Specimens of garden deco- rations and ornamental scenery selected from a seat of the late Duke of Marl- borough. London. 1846. 23 plates. There is no text. *L.20.4 Hole, S. R. Our gardens. London. 1899. Illus. Plates. [Haddon Hall library.] 3997.138 Holme, C., editor. The gardens of England in the midland & eastern counties. Lon- don. 1908. 136 plates. [The Studio.] 8072.184 Contains Notes on the illustrations by A. L. Baldry. The gardens of England in the northern counties. London. 191 1. 136 plates. [The Studio.] 8072.197 Contains Notes on the illustrations, by A. L. Baldry. The gardens of England in the southern & western counties. London. 1907. 136 plates. [The Studio.] 8072.181 Some of the plates are colored. Horticulturist, The, and journal of rural art and taste. Vol. 1-30. Albany [etc.]. 1846-75. 30 V. Illus. Plates. *L.ii.5 How to make a flower-garden: a manual of practical information and suggestions. New York. 1903. Illus. Plates. *L.2i.7 A collection of articles by a number of writers. How to set out trees and shrubbery. Bos- ton. [1901.] Illus. 5843-61 Hughes, J. A. Garden architecture and land- t scape gardening. London. 1866. Illus. Plates. 4106.10; *L.42.5 newell, H. H. Hunnewell estate, Wel- lesley, Mass. Sixteen photographs. ♦L.70.I Ideen-Magazin fiir Liebhaber von Garten und fiir Besitzer von Landgiitern. [Heft 1-36.] Leipzig. [ 1 799-1802?] 3 V. Plates. Plans. *L.20.i6 Vol. I is of the 3d edition; vols. 2 and 3 of the 2d edition. Continued in the Ncues Ideen- Magazin [*L.2o.i7]. Jaeger, H. Gartenkunst und Garten sonst und jetzt. Berlin. 1888. Illus. 3991.128; *L. 32.25 Lehrbuch der Gartenkunst. Berlin. 1877. ♦L.33.9 Same. Leipzig. [1877?] *L.34.26 Jekyll, G. Home and garden: notes and thoughts, practical and critical, of a worker in both. London. 1900. Plates. 3993.142; *L.24.i5 Some English gardens. After drawings by G. S. Elgood. London. 1904. Col- ored plates. *L.6i.27 Wall and water gardens. New York. 1901. Plates, Plans. 399i.i56 The English edition is on shelf-number *L.24.i6. Jekyll, G., and L. Weaver. Gardens for small country houses. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. Vignettes. *L.5i.33 Jessen, P. Gartenanlagen und Gartendeco- rationen nach alten Vorbildern. Berlin. 1892. 34 plates. *L.5o.9 Johnson, G. W. A dictionary of modern gardening. Edited, with additions, by D. Landreth. Philadelphia. 1847. Illus. ... . 5983.3, The gardeners dictionary. With a re- vised supplement including all the new plants and varieties to the end of 1880. By N. E. Brown. London. 1882. *L.34.23 Same. New edition, enlarged by C. H. Wright and D. Dewar. London. 1894. Illus. *5983.7 A history of English gardening. London. 1829. *L.33.26 Johnson, J. F. The ^ natural principles of landscape gardening. Belfast. [1874.] Plates. *L.3i.9 Residential sites and environments. New York. 1898. Illus. *399oa.36 Jonsson-Rose, N. Lawns and gardens. How to plant and beautify the home lot, the pleasure ground and garden. New York. 1897. Plates. 3991.16 Kaufmann, A. Der Gartenbau im Mittelal- ter und wahrend der Periode der Renais- sance dargestellt in fiinf Vortragen. Berlin. 1892. *L.63.4 Kellaway, H. J. How to lay out suburban home grounds. New York. 1907. Plates. Plans. 3991-150 Kemp, E. How to lay out a garden: in- tended as a general guide in choosing, forming, or improving an estate (from a quarter of an acre to a hundred acres in extent). [ist American edition.] New York. 1858. Illus. Plates. 399oa.4o;*L,34.io Same. 3d edition, enlarged. London. 1864. *L.34.ii Same. 2d [American] edition. New York. 1880. *L.34.i2 How to lay out a small garden: intended as a guide to amateurs in choosing. 308 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Kemp, E. (Continued.) forming, or improving a place (from a quarter of an acre to thirty acres in ex- tent). London. 1850. 5999a.i5 Later editions are entitled How to lay out a garden. Landscape gardening. Edited by F. A. Waugn. 4th edition. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. *L.34.29 Kennion, E. An essay on trees in landscape. London. 1815. Plates. *L.20.22 Kem, G. M. Practical landscape gardening, with reference to the improvement of rural residences. 3d edition. Cincin- nati. 1855. Illus. Plates. *L.34.i6 Kingsley, R. G. Eversley gardens and others. New York. [1907.] Plates. 3999.278 Krafft, J. C. Maisons de campagne, plans et decorations de pares et jardins frangais, anglais et allemands. Paris. 1876. 219 plates. ^ *L.50.3 Plans des plus beaux jardins pittoresques de France, d'Angleterre et d'Allemagne. Paris. 1809, 10. 2 v. Plates. *L.6i.22 Laborde, A. L. J., Comte de. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France et des anciens chateaux. Paris. 1808. Plates. *L.50.6 Same. [Incomplete collection of plates only.] *L.5o.i6 Lalos, J. De la composition des pares et jardins pittoresques. 2e edition, aug- mentee. Paris. 1824. Plates. Plans. *L.53.98 Lambert, A., and E, Stahl. Deutsche Resi- denzen und Garten des xviii. Jahrhun- derts. Teil i. Leipzig. [1909.] Plates. Plan. Bird's eye view. *Cab.6o.i6i.4 Contents. — i. Nymphenburg-Schleissheim. Die Garten-Architektur. Stuttgart. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.io Literatur, pp. 113-115. Landscape Architecture. A quarterly maga- zine. Official organ of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Vol. I, 191 1, to date. Harrisburg, Pa. Plates. Plans. *4090.329 Lange, W. Gartengestaltung der Neuzeit. Unter Mitwirkung fiir den Architektur- garten von O. Stahn. Leipzig. 1907. Plates. Plans. 3993.15©; *L.32.3o Some of the plates are colored. Langley, B. New principles of gardening; or the laying out and planting parterres, avenues, parks, &c. London. 1728. 28 plates. *L.2i.i Le Blond, E. A. F. The old gardens of Italy: how to visit them. London. 1912. Plates. Plan. 4098.70 Lecoq, — . Le paysagiste. Nouveau traite d'architecture de pares et jardins (ecole moderne). Paris, i860. Plates. *L.5o.29 Lefevre, A. Les pares et les jardins. Paris. 1867. Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque des merveilles.] 4008.16 Same. 2e edition. 1871. *L.53.io6 Le Rouge, G. L. Detail des nouveaux jar- dins a la mode. Paris. [1775-^5] 291 plates. ♦L.61.30 Levy, E. Muster-Album der modernen Teppichgartnerei. 5. Auflage, von B. Otte. Leipzig. 1892. Illus. *399oa.5 Leyland, J., editor. Gardens old & new. The country house & its garden environment. London. [1901-03.] 3 v. Plates. ["Country Life" library.] *L.5i.23 Same. [190-?] *399P.i5 Liger, L. Le jardinier fleuriste, ou la cul- ture universelle des fleurs, arbres, arbris- seaux servant a I'embellissement des jardins. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1764. Folded plates. *L,24.ii Long, E. A. How to plant a place. loth edi- tion. New York. [1892.] Illus. [Rural library series.] 7998.30 Landscape gardening. A collection of plans with explanations. [Buffalo. 1891.] 53993.67 Ornamental gardening. A treatise on beautifying homes, rural districts, towns and cemeteries. New York. 1885. Illus. 3994.68 Loudon, J. C. An encyclopaedia of garden- ing. London. 1822. Illus. *L.32.7 Same. [1830.] 3834.52 Same. New edition, by Mrs. Loudon. 1850. *3834.7 Hints on the formation of gardens and pleasure grounds. [Anon.] London. 1812. Plates. *L,3i.27 Observations on the formation and man- agement of plantations; on the theory and practice of landscape gardening. Edinburgh. 1804. Plates. *L.32.8 The suburban gardener, and villa com- panion; the arrangement and furnish- ing of the house and the general man- agement of the garden and grounds. London. 1838. Illus. Plates. *L.32.6 The villa gardener. 2d edition. London. 1850. Illus. Plates. 3994.88; *L.32.9 Lowell, G., editor. American gardens. Bos- ton. 1902. Plates. Plans. *L.6o.30 A collection of plates with brief introduction and explanations. Macartney, M. E. English houses & gardens in the 17th and i8th centuries. London. 1908. Illus. 61 plates. Plans. *L.35.9 McCauley, L. M. The joy of gardens. Chi- cago. 191 1. Plates. Plans. 4098.63 McCormick, H. H. Landscape art, past and present. Chicago. 1900. [American Park and Outdoor Art Association. Vol. 4, part 3.] *3994.25.4 McDonald, A. A complete dictionary of practical gardening. London. 1807. 2 v. Colored plates. *L.2i.3 M'Mahon, B. The American gardener's calendar. Also, the ornamental plant- ing of pleasure grounds in the ancient and modern stile. Philadelphia. 1806. 599oa.25 Same. 4th edition, improved. 1820. 7997.6 Same, nth edition, revised. 1857. Illus. Plates. 5994.16 McMillan, W. Landscape gardening in high-colored foliage. [Buffalo. 1889.] *L.3i.i3 Major, H. F. How to fix up the yard: some kinds of trees, shrubs and vines, and where to plant them. Urbana. 1910. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND GARDENS 309 Major, H. F. (Continued.) Illus. Plates. [University of Illinois. Agricultural Experiment Station. Cir- cular.] *5992.ii9.i35 Major, J. The theory and practice of land- scape gardening. London. 1852. Illus. Plates. *L.3i.i2 Mangin, A. Les jardins. Histoire et descrip- tion. Tours. 1867. Illus. Plates. *399oa.i ; *L.2o.i2 Manning, J. W., the Younger. Berry-bearing plants. Reading, Mass. 1905. Illus. [Manning's Monographs.] 3857.124 Treats of ornamental plants for landscape gar- dening. Manning, W. H. A handbook for planning and planting small home grounds. With a list of native and commonly cultivated plants. Menomonie, Wis. 1899. 3997.145 The influence of American expositions on the out-door arts. Boston. 1902. 399oa.i5 Relates principally to landscape gardening. Landscape gardening. Boston. 1893. *L.32.i4 From the Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society [*s874-3-i893]. Thomas Jefferson as a designer of land- scape. Plates. (In Lambert, W. A. Thomas Jefferson as an architect. Pp. 97-122. Boston. 1913-) *L.6i.42 Mansfield, M. F. Royal palaces and parks of France. With illustrations by Blanche McManus. Boston. 1910. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4666.85 Some of the plates are colored. Marietta, J. P. La theorie et la pratique du jardinage. 4e edition. Paris. 1747. Plates. *7g9oa.4 Marot, D. Das Ornamentwerk des Daniel Marot. Part 8: Gartenkunst und Gitter- werk. Berlin. 1892. Plates. No. 8 in *8o90.i35 Marshall, W. On planting and rural orna- ment. 3d edition. London. 1803. 2 v. *L.33.23 Planting and ornamental gardening. [Anon.] London. 1785. *L.33.2i Planting and rural ornament. 2d edition. [Anon.] London. 1796. 2 v. *L.33.22 Three different editions of the same work. Mason, G. An essay on design in gardening. Now greatly a igmented. London. 1795- *L.33.2 Mawson, T. H. The art & craft of garden making. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. *L.2i.6 Maxwell, Sir H. E. Scottish gardens. Illus- I, trated by Mary G. W. Wilson. New York. 1908. Colored plates. *L.32.33 aynard, S. T. Landscape gardening as applied to home decoration. New York. 1899. Illus. Portraits. *L.35.7 The small country place. Philadelphia. 1908. Plates. Plans. 3998.226 eader, J. The planter's guide: or pleasure gardener's companion. London. 1779- Plates. *L.22.35 Meason, G. L. On the landscape architec- Iture of the great painters of Italy. [London.] 1828. 55 plates. ♦8097.10; *L.4i.i2 Medikus, F. K. Beitrage zur schonen Gar- tenkunst. Mannheim. 1782. *L.35.4 Meyer, F. S., and F. Ries. Gartentechnik und Gartenkunst. Neu . . . erweiterte Ausgabe des Werkes: Die Gartenkunst in Wort und Bild. Leipzig. [191 1.] Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. *L.5i.34 Meyer, F. W. Rock & water gardens: their making & planting; with chapters on wall & heath gardening. Edited by E. T. Cook. London. [1910.] Plates. 3993.164 The heath garden is by W. Dallimore. Meyer, G. Lehrbuch der schonen Garten- kunst. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Berlin. 1873. Illus. 25 plans. *L.20.io Same. 3. Auflage. 1895. ^ 399oa.33 Miller, P. Dictionnaire des jardiniers. Ou- vrage traduit de I'anglois sur la 8e edi- tion par [Laurent de Chazelles]. Paris. 1785. 8 v. Plates. Plans. *L.2i.5 Miller, W. What England can teach us about gardening. Garden City, New York. 191 1. Plates. 4093.209 Some of the plates are colored. Milner, H. E. The art and practice of land- scape gardening. London. 1890. Plates. Plans. *399i.7o;*L.3i.22 Morel, J. M. Theorie des jardins. [Anon.] Paris. 1776. *L.32.4 Morris, R. Essays on landscape gardening. London. 1825. Plates. *L.3i.23 Mossdorf, O. Studien fiir Landschaftsgart- ner. Leipzig. [1888-90.] 2 v. in i. 20 plates. *399oa.4 Muthesius, H. Landhaus und Garten. Bei- spiele neuzeitlicher Landhauser nebst Grundrissen, Innenraumen und Garten mit einleitendem Text. Miinchen. 1907. Illus. 241 plates. Plans. 8091.78 Some of the plates are colored. Neide, E. Ausgefiihrte Gartenanlagen. Ber- lin. 1884. Plans. *L.20.ii Neubert, W. Schliissel zur bildenden Gar- tenkunst. Stuttgart. 1853. Colored plates. *L.33.i Neues Ideen-Magazin fiir Liebhaber von Garten und fur Besitzer von Land- giitern. [Heft 1-12.] Leipzig. 1806. 12 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. *L.20.i7 This continues the Ideenmagazin fiir Liebhaber von Garten [*L.2o.i6]. Newton, J. The landscape gardener. Lon- don. 1876. 24 plans. *3990.5i;*L.3i.28 Nichols, R. S. English pleasure gardens. New York. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. Bibliography, pp. 301-308. L.33.34 Nicholson, G., and others, editors. The illus- trated dictionary of gardening. Edited by G. Nicholson, assisted by J. W. H. Traill and J. Garrett. London. 1885-88. 4 V. Illus. *L.2i.4 Same. New York. 1885-1901. 6 v. ♦3834.53 Oakey, A. F. Home grounds. New York. 1881. Illus. Plates. [Appleton's Home books.] 5997.29 Ochs, J. Deutsche neuzeitliche Garten. Illus. Plates. (In Hegemann, W. Amerikanische Parkanlagen. Pp. (1-3)- Hamburg. [iQH-]) 409i-i93 310 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Olm Brothers. Plan of country residence. Springfield, Mass. [i8— ?] *L.5i.22 A plan of the grounds. Ompteda, L. F. C. C, Freiherr von. Rheini- sche Garten von der Mosel bis zum Bodensee. Berlin. 1886. Illus. Plates. Plans. *L.3i.i5 Osborne, C. F., editor. Country homes and gardens of moderate cost. Philadelphia. [1907.] Plates. Plans. 8103.76 A collection of designs by well-known architects. The illustrations include interiors. Oven C. Ornamental architecture in the Gothic, Chinese and modern taste, being designs of plans, &c., for gardens, parks, &c. London. 1758. Illus. *8o96.2o Papworth, J. B. Hints on ornamental gar- dening interspersed with occasional re- marks on rural architecture. London. 1823. 29 colored plates. 4003.1; *L.4i. 6 Park Jurjaves. Wien. [1853.] Plates. Map. Engraved title-page. *L.50.i4 The archiepiscopal park near Agram, Croatia. Parsons, S. How to plan the home grounds. New York. 1899. Illus. 3999-175 Landscape gardening. New York. 1891. Illus. Plates. 3992.75 ;*L. 32.23 Landscape gardening studies. New York. 1910. Plates. Plans. *L.34.28 Pean, A. L'architecte paysagiste. Paris. [1886.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 3991.62; *L.3i. II Percier, C, and P. L. Fontaine. Choix des plus celebres maisons de plaisance de Rome et de ses environs. Paris. 1809- 75 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.i Same. 2e edition. 1824. *L.7o.6 Petit, V. Pares et jardins des environs de Paris. Paris. N. d. 50 colored plates. *3990.5o Petzold, E. Beitrage zur Landschafts- Gartnerei. Weimar. 1849. Illus. *L.3i.5 Die Landschafts-Gartnerei. Leipzig. 1862. Illus. Plates. *L.3i.6 Same. 2. vermehrte Auflage. 1888. 3991.63; *L.3i.7 Same. 1896. *L.3i.8 Phillipps, E. M. The gardens of Italy. By Charles Latham. With descriptions by E. March Phillipps. [London.] 1905. 2 V. Plates. *L.6o.33 Phillips, H. Sylva florifera: the shrubbery historically and botanically treated; with observations on the formation of ornamental plantations, and picturesque scenery. London. 1823. 2 v. *L.22.23 Phillootts, E. My garden. London. 1906. Plates. Vignette. [The "Country Life" library.] ^ 3992.124 Pindemonte, I. Su i giardini inglesi e sul merito in cio dell' Italia. Verona. 1817. Plate. *L.33.25 Piringer, — . Garten-Verschonerungen, oder Entwiirfe zu geschmackvollen Garten- gebauden und Zierden. Wien. [1823.] 14 plates. ♦L.61.23 Plans de plusieurs chateaux, palais et resi- dences de souverains de France, d'ltalie, d'Espagne. et de Russie. [Anon.] Paris. [1833.1 38 plates. *L.7o.7 Many of the plates include plans of the grounds. Plans of flower gardens, beds, borders, rosa- ries and aquariums. London. [1868.] Illus. Plate. Plans. 5993-4 Piatt, C. A. Italian gardens. New York. 1894. Plates. 3991.124; *L.3i.io Monograph of [his] work. Introduction by R. Cortissoz. New York. 1913. 183 plates. *L.6o.29 Examples of American architecture and landscape gardening. Powell, E. p. Hedges, windbreaks, shelters and live fences. New York. 1900. Plates. Plans. 3999-198 Pray, J. S. The Italian garden. [Boston. 1900.] Illus. Plan. *L.30.i Cut from the American Architect and Building News, 1900 1*4097.205.67'!. Price, Sir Uvedale, Baronet. An essay on the picturesque, as compared with the sub- lime and the beautiful; and on the use of studying pictures for the purpose of im- proving real landscape. London. 1794. *L.32.i Same. New edition. 1796, 98. 2 v. 4067.12; *L.32.2 Essays on the picturesque, as compared with the sublime and the beautiful; and on the use of studying pictures for the purpose of improving real landscape. London. 1810. 3 v. 4068.26 A letter to H. Repton, on the application of landscape-painting to landscape-gar- dening. 2d edition. Hereford. 1798. 4067.13 Pueckler-Muskau, H. L. H., FUrst von. An- deutungen liber Landschaftsgartnerei. Stuttgart. 1834. Text, i v.; Atlas, 48 colored plates. 2 folded maps. 2 folded plans. *Cab. 39.15.2 ;*L.7o.i9 A French edition entitled Apergu sur la planta- tion des pares en general, joint a une description detaillee du pare de Muskau is on shelf-number •L.53-93. [Suggestions on landscape gardening. Translated by J. G. A. Haacke.] Manu- script. [Boston? 189-?] *L.3i.36 Reineck, C. Drei Pflegestatten deutscher Gartenkunst: ihre Schopfer und ihre Stellung in der Geschichte der bildenden Gartenkunst. Hamburg. 1895. [Samm- lung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaft- licher Vortrage.] *5924.6o.N.F.9 Repton, H. The art of landscape gardening. Edited by John Nolen. Boston. 1907. Illus. Plans. 3991.186 An enquiry into the changes of taste in landscape gardening. London. 1806. ♦L.33.28 The landscape gardening and landscape architecture of H. Repton. New edition, by J. C. Loudon. London. 1840. Illus. . 5992.4; *L.33.27 Observations on the theory and practice of landscape gardening. Including re- marks on Grecian and Gothic architec- ture. London. 1803. Plates. *L.3i.32 Same. 1805. *L.3i.33 Sketches and hints on landscape garden- ing. London. [1794] Plates. *L.3i.3i Some of the plates are colored. Repton, H., and J. A. Repton. Fragments on the theory and practice of landscape LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND GARDENS 311 Repton, H., and J. A. Repton. (Continued.) gardening. London. 1816. Illus. Col- ored plates. *L.3i.34 Rexford, R. E. Amateur gardencraft: a book for the home-maker and garden lover. Philadelphia. 1912. Illus. Plates. 3997,228 Riat, G. L'art des jardins. Paris. [i8g-?] Illus [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.59 Richou, — . Art de composer, de distribuer et de decorer, a peu de frais, toute espece de jardins. Paris. 1828, 29. Text, i v.; Atlas, 24 plates. *L.34.8 Robbins, M. C. The rescue of an old place. Boston. 1892. 4409a.i6i;*L.65.2 Roberts, H. The book of old-fashioned flowers and other plants which thrive in the open-air of England. London. 1901. Plates. 3998.176 Robinson, W. Alpine flowers for English gardens. New edition. London. 1875. Illus. Plates. 3848.61 Same. 3d edition. 1903. *L.24.i8 The English flower garden: style, posi- tion and arrangement. London. 1883. Illus. 3844.71 Same. 2d edition. 1889. *L.32.i9 Same. 3d edition. 3844-79 The garden beautiful: home woods and home landscape. London. 1907. Plates. 3993-146 Garden design and architects' gardens. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. 399i.iio;*L.32.i8 Gleanings from French gardens. London. 1868. Illus. Plates. *L.34.i3 Same. 2d edition. 1869. _ 3997-io8 The subtropical garden. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1879. Illus. Plates. 3999.120; *L.34.5 The wild garden; or, our groves and shrubberies made beautiful by the natu- ralization of hardy exotic plants. With a chapter on the garden of British wild flowers. London. 1870. Plate. 5859.7 Same. Illustrated by Alfred Parsons. 1881. 5854.4 Rogers, W. S. Garden planning. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 3993.166 Rossi, G. G. de'. [A collection of eight engravings of Roman gardens and pal- aces.] . *Cab.27.29.4 Ruempler, T. Illustriertes Gartenbau-Lexi- kon. Berlin. 1882. i v. in 3. Illus. *399i.33 Salisch, H. von. Forstasthetik, Berlin. 1885. 3857.70 Same. 2. vermehrte Auflage. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. ^ 3857.100 Sandrart, J. von. Die romischen Garten. Niirnberg. 1772. Plates. [Teutsche Academic der Bau . . . Kunst. Vol. 5, part 2.] **K.5o.i.5 Scherl, A. Hausgarten: Skizzen und Ent- wiirfe aus dem Wettbewerb der Woche. Berlin. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 399oa.27 Schmidlin, E. Die biirgerliche Gartenkunst. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart. 1852. Plates. Plans. *L.34.22 Schneider, C. E. Die Aesthetik der Garten- kunst. Leipzig. 1890. *L.34.27 Die schone Gartenkunst. Stuttgart. 1882. *L.34.3 Schoubin, J. Traite de la composition et de I'ornement des jardins. 56 edition. Paris. 1839. 162 plates. *799oa.3 Schultze-Naumberg, P. Garten. Miinchen. 1909, 10. 2 V. Plates. [Kulturarbeiten. Band 2.] 40993.164.2 Sckell, F. L. von. Beitraege zur bildenden Gartenkunst. Miinchen. 1819. Plates. Plans. *L-33.7 Same. 2. Ausgabe. [1825.] Plates. 3997.128; -L.33.8 Scott, F. J. The art of beautifying suburban home grounds of small extent. New York. 1870. Illus. Plates. 6001.6 Same. 1881. *L.33.29 Scott, M. H. B. Houses and gardens. Lon- don. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8104.14 Some of the plates are colored. Sedding, J. D. Garden-craft old and new. London. 1891. Illus. 3991.74; *L.32.i2 Same. 2d edition. 1892. *L.32.i3 Sedgwick, M. C, and R. Cameron. The gar- den month by month, describing the appearance . . . and cultivation of all desirable hardy plants for the formal or wild garden. New York. [1907.] Plates. 7993.80 Sewell, C. V. V. Common sense gardens. How to plan and plant them. New York. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3994-174 Shelton, L. The seasons in a flower garden. New York. 1906. Plates. 3998.257 Shurtleff, A. A. Some old New England flower gardens. [Boston. 1899.] Illus. Plans. *L.33.32 Cut from New England Magazine, December, 1899 [Per. Room *5322.ss. 27]. Siebeck, R. Die bildende Gartenkunst in ihren modernen Formen. Leipzig. 1853. 16 colored plates. *L.7o.i2 Same. 2. Ausgabe. 1856. Text, i v.; Atlas, 20 colored plates. ^ *L.7o.i3 Guide pratique du jardinier-paysagiste. Traduit de I'allemand par J. Rothschild. 36 edition. Paris. 1870. Text, 2 v. in i; Atlas, 29 plates. *Cab.58.i9.5 Same. Atlas only. *L.20.i Silva, E., Conte. Dell' arte dei giardini in- glesi. [Anon.] Milano. [1800.] Illus. Plates. *L.20.20 Sloan, S. Sloan's Hornestead architecture, containing 40 designs for villas . . . with essays on style, construction, land- scape gardening, furniture, etc. 3d edi- tion. Philadelphia. 1870. *L.42.3 Smith, C. H. J. Landscape gardening; or, parks and pleasure grounds. With notes and additions by L. .F. Allen. New York. 1853. 8008.1 Same. 1856. 8008.121 Parks and pleasure grounds. Philadelphia. [1852.] 8008.20 Same. London. 1852. 3997.149; *L.53.ioo Sprague, C. F. The Sprague estate, Brook- line, Mass. 68 photographs. *L.6o.23 Steuart, Sir H., Baronet. The planter's guide; or a practical essay on the best method 21 312 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Steuart, Sir H., Baronet. (Contijiued.) of giving immediate effect to wood, by the removal of large trees and under- wood. Edinburgh. 1828. Plates. 4003.6 Same. 2d edition. 1828. *L.22.20 Same, ist American from the 2d London edition. New York. 1832. *L.22.2i Same. 3d edition. 1848. 3982.5 Stieglitz, C. L. Descriptions pittoresques de jardins du gout le plus moderne. Leip- zig. 1802. Plates. 3993-58; *L.33.i3 Same. 2^ edition. 1805. 3993-i03 Gemahlde von Garten im neuern Ge- schmack. Leipzig. 1798. Plates. *L.33.i2 Swanwick, H. M. The small town garden. Manchester. 1907. lUus. Plans. 3997.217 Switzer, S. Ichnographia rustica. Contain- ing directions for the surveying of a country seat into rural and extensive gardens. 2d edition. London. 1742. 3 V. Plates. Plan. *L.35-3 Sypesteyn, C. H. C. A. van. Oud-neder- landsche tuinkunst: geschiedkundig overzicht van de nederlandsche tuinar- chitectuur van de iS^e tot de ig^e eeuw. 's-Gravenhage. 1910. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. *L.34.3o Tabor, G. The landscape gardening book. Philadelphia. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.208 Making the grounds attractive with shrubbery. New York. [1912.] Plates. Plans. [The house and garden making books.] 3997.208 Old-fashioned gardening: a history and a reconstruction. New York. 1913. Plates. Plans. 4093.216 Bibliography, pp. 255-258. Suburban gardens. New York. 1913- Plans. [Outing handbooks.] 3997.210 Taylor, H. O. Japanese gardens. London. [1912.] Colored plates. *L.5i.32 Thomas, H. H. The complete gardener. London. 1912. Illus. 3995.i6i Garden planning and planting. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3998.254 Gardening in town and suburb. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. 3998.273 The ideal garden. London. 1910. Plates. Plan. 3995-160 Many of the plates are colored. Thomas, R. F. Our mountain garden. New York. 1904. Plates. Plans. 3999.224 Thomas, R. H. Stone gardens, with prac- tical hints on the paving & planting of them. Together with thirteen original designs and a plan of the Vestal Virgins' Atrium in Rome. London. 1905. 16 plates. *L.3o.2 Short descriptions accompany the plates. Thompson, R. The gardener's assistant. London. 1878. Illus. Colored plates. . 3993.541 Same. New edition, by T. Moore. 1890. 3991.108 Thomson, D. Handy book of the flower garden. 2d edition. Edinburgh. 1871. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3999.6i Thonger, C. The book of garden design. London. 1905. Plates. 3998.203 The book of garden furniture. London. 1903. Illus. Plates. 3998.200 Thonger, C. (Continued.) The book of rock and water gardens. London. [1907.] Plates. 3998.210 The book of the cottage garden. London. 1909. Plates. 3998.183 These four works belong to the series Hand- books of practical gardening. Thouin, G. Plans raisonnes de toutes les especes de jardins. 3e edition. Paris. 1828. 58 colored plates. *L.5o.i8 Triggs, H. I. The art of garden design in Italy. Illustrated by Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. *L.7o.23 Formal gardens in England and Scotland. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. *L.5o.3o Garden craft in Europe. London. [1913.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *L.7o.22 Bibliography, pp. 312-321. Tuckermann, W. P. Die Gartenkunst der italienischen Renaissance-Zeit. Berlin. 1884. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3992.76; *L.3i.4 Underwood, L. The garden and its acces- sories. Boston. 1907. Plates. Plan. 3997.178 Useful and ornamental planting. London. 1832. Illus. [Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge.] 5997.63; *L.32.i5 Van Rensselaer, M. G. Art out of doors. Hints on good taste in gardening. New York. 1893. 3815.53; *L-34.6 Ver Beck, H. R. Let's make a flower gar- den. By Hanna Rion. Decorations by Frank Ver Beck. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. 5999.138 Vera, A. Le nouveau jardin. Paris. [1912 ] Plates. Plans. 4093.207 On decorative gardening. Vergnaud, N. L'art de creer les jardins. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1839. 24 col- ored plates and plans. *L.5o.i3 Viart, — , Vicomte de. Le jardiniste moderne. 2e edition. Paris. 1827. Plate. *L.34.2 Views. [36 views of Chinese pavilions, gar- dens, etc.] *L.6i.24 Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie, publishers. Les fleurs de pleine terre; suivies de plans de jardins. 3e edition. Paris. 1870. Illus. 3997.147 Vocation Bureau, Boston, Mass. The land- scape architect. Boston. 191 1. [Bulle- tin. No. 6.] *5587.220.6 Bibliography, pp. 9, 10. Vries, J. V. de. Hortorvm viridariorvmque nouiter in Europa prsecipue adotnato- rum elegantes et multiplices formae ad vivum delineatae et seri incisae. [Colo- nize.] 1655. 27 plates. *8o9i.i3 Walpole, H., 4th Earl of Orford. Essay on modern gardening. Strawberry-Hill. 1 785. *L.32.20 ; **G.384o.i7 In French and English. Same. Reprint in type facsimile. With a note by Alice Morse Earle. Canton, Pa. 1904. *L.32.29 Ward, C. Royal gardens. London. 1912. Plates. Plans. *L.6o.44 Most of the plates are colored. Ward, W. H., editor. French chateaux and gardens in the xvit^i century. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i56.4 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND GARDENS 313 Warner, A. B. Gardening by myself. New York. 1872. 5999.118 Watelet, C. H. Essai sur les jardins. Paris. 1774. *L.33.6; No. 2 in *L.33.i5 Waterfield, M. H., and others. Flower grouping in English, Scotch & Irish gardens. London. 1907. Colored plates. *L.32.3i Waterfield, M. H., editor. Garden colour. Notes and water colour sketches. Lon- don. 1905. *L.2i.8 Contents. — Spring, by M. T. Earle. — Summer, by E. V. B. — Autumn, by R. G. Kingsley. — Winter, by V. Gibbs. Watson, J. F. Flowers and gardens: notes on plant beauty. Edited by Rev. Canon Ellacombe. London. 1902. 3998.186 Watson, R. M. The heart of a garden. Philadelphia. [1906.] Plates. 3993-1 10 Watts, E. Flowers and the flower garden. With instructions on the culture of orna- mental trees, shrubs, &c. London. [1866.] 59993.76 Waugh, F. A. Landscape gardening. New York. 1900. Illus. *L.35.8 "Some books on landscape gardening," pp. 145- 148. Weaver, L., editor. The house and its equip- ment. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.184 A collection of articles by various authors. In- cludes a section on landscape architecture. Weichardt, C. Motive zu Garten-Architek- turen. Weimar. 1879. 25 plates. 3 sheets of details. *L.20.7 Weidenmann, J. Beautifying country homes. A handbook of landscape gar- ^E dening. New York. [1870.] Illus. Hp Colored plates. 4000.2; *L.3i. 30 ^■lls, F. M. The suburban garden and ^Twhat to grow in it. London. 1906. ^^ 3999-232 Wharton, E. Italian villas and their gardens. Illustrated by Maxfield Par- rish. New York. 1904. Plates. *8o9i.i30 List of books mentioned, pp. 251, 252. Whately, T. L'art de former les jardins modernes, ou l'art des jardins anglois. [Anon.] Traduit de I'anglois [par Frangois de Paule Latapie]. Paris. 1771. Folded plates. No. I in *L.33.i5; *L.33.i4 Observations on modern gardening. [Anon.] Dublin, 1770. *L.33.i6 Same. 2d edition. London. 1770. *L.33.i7 Same. 3d edition. 1771. *L.33.i8 Same. 4th edition. 1777. **Adams 290.9 Same. 5th edition. 1793. 3993-i8 Same. New edition: with notes by Hor- ace (late) Earl of Orford. 1801. Col- ored plates. *L.33.2o Wilkinson, Sir J. G. On colour; with re- marks on laying out dressed or geo- > metrical gardens. London. 1858. Illus. Plates. 4066.26; *L.62.3 Many of the plates are colored, iams, M. L. A garden in the suburbs. London. 1901. Plates. 3998.180 Wint, P. de. Essais historiques sur les jar- dins. Paris. 1855. *I-33.5 Woodbury, J. Water parks. [A resume of his lecture.] Typewritten. [Boston Public Library. Free lectures. 1902,] *399oa.i2 Woodward, G. E. Woodward's Architec- ture and rural art. No. i. New York. [1867.] Illus. Plates. 4099.9; *L.56.3 Wright, W. P. Beautiful gardens: how to make and maintain them. Enlarged edition. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 3999.276 Cassell's A B C of gardening. An illus- trated cyclopaedia of practical horticul- ture. London. 1908. Illus. *3998.269 An illustrated encyclopaedia of garden- ing. London. [1911-] Illus. Plan. [Everyman's library.] 5997-6i The perfect garden. 3d edition. London. [1909.] Plates. Plans. 3994-i84 Popular garden flowers. New York, [191 1.] Plates. 3998.252 Wright, W. P., editor. Cassell's Popular gardening. London. 1905. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 3992.125 Most of the plates are colored. Wright, W. P., and E. J. Castle. Pictorial practical flower gardening. A concise guide dealing with laying out gardens, making lawns, beds and borders, rock- work, arches. London. [1905.] Illus. Plates. 3998.267 Wroth, W. W. Cremorne and the later London gardens. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plan. Facsimiles. 2493.27 The London pleasure gardens of the eighteenth century. By W. Wroth, as- sisted by A. E. Wroth. London. 1896. Plates. Plans. 2493.157 Zeyher, C, and J. G. Rieger. Schwezingen und seine Garten-Anlagen. Mannheim. [1826.] Plates. Plan. *L.35.2 Libraries. American Architect and Building News. The New York Public Library. [A de- scription of the new building. New York. 1907.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *6 1 90. 130 Cut from The American Architect and Building News, vol. 92, Nov. 23, 1907 [*4097.205.92]. Bartlett, G. H. Public libraries of Massa- chusetts. [Map. Boston.] r904. *Cab,2i.24.7 A map of the state with pictures of the library buildings in each town. Prepared for the St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Baxter, S. The legend of the Holy Grail as set forth in the frieze painted "by Edwin A. Abbey for the Boston Public Li- brary. Boston. 1904. " 4077.285 Berghoeffer, C. W. Die Einrichtung und Verwaltung der freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'schen offentlichen Biblio- thek, 1887-90. Frankfurt a. M. [1890.] Illus. Plans. *6t46.83 Berlin, Germany. Neubau der Koniglichen Bibliothek. [Berlin. 1908?] 5 plans. *6i9oa.239 314 • ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Bodleian Library, Oxford. Six views of the Library buildings, exterior and interior. [Oxford. 1900.] *6i9oa.T59 Boston, Mass. Public Library. Boylston Street building. [Design by Luther Briggs. Boston. 1855.] 5 sheets. *Cab.6o.io5.6 Design by E. A. Cabot and J. E. Cabot. [Boston. 1855.] 2 designs containing 9 sheets. *Cab.6o.io5.2 [Design by Horace Gray. Boston. 1855.] 5 sheets.' *Cab.6o.io5.4 Designs by J. B. Hall. [Boston. 1855.] 2 designs, containing 10 sheets. *Cab.6o.io5.i [Five photographs of the Library.] *T.R.27.i7 [Photograph. Boston. i86-?l *Cab.23.25.6.i Taken from Boylston Street, looking east. [Photograph of the interior of Bates Hall. Boston. i86-?l *T.R.27.2S Plan of Public library lot. From plans by S. P. Fuller and A. Wadsworth. Boston. 1855. *6i90.44 [Plans and views of library buildings.] *Cab.6o.io9.4; *Cab.6o.42.2 Includes plans of the Central Library and branches. Plans by C. K. Kirby. [Boston.] i857- *Cab.6o.io9.2 [Plans.] By P. Schulze and J. F. Ed- wards. Boston. 1855. 6 sheets. *Cab.6o.io5.3 [17 stereoscopic views of the Library. Allen, photographer. Boston. 1866.] *T.R.25.30 [Studies of plans for the Central library and some of the Branches.] 10 plans. *T.R.Cab.i6.i Copley Square building. Boston Public Library illustrated. Newton. [1805.] Illus. Plate. 6190.124 Illustrations and plans of the building. [Boston.] 1889. *6i90.43 Photographs of progress of the work. Aug., 1888 to the completion. 258 photographs. 2 v. *Cab.6o.i28.i Preliminary description of the building for the Public Library of the City of Boston, in the competition for designs. Boston. 1883. Plan. *2I34.49; *T.R.25.33 Proposed new library building, Dart- mouth St. 1st, 2d. 3d floor plans. By G. A. Clough. [Boston. 1882.] 3 plans. *Cab.6o.io7.3 Seals and medallions of printers' marks on the facade and elsewhere. 37 photo- graphs. ' *Cab.6o.i28.2 [25 photographs.] N. W. Elwell, pho- tographer. Boston. [1896.] *Cab.6o.io4.2 Two photographs of the building during construction. *6i9oa.43 Branches. Photograph of the exterior of the Roslindale Branch of the Public Li- ]n-ary. and two of the Reading Rooms of the West Roxbury Branch. *6i90.i09 Boston Athenasum. Competition for a build- ing to be erected for the Boston Athe- nseum. [Boston. 1902.] Plan. 409849 Bostwick, A. E. The American public li- brary. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. 6196.146 Brickbuilder, The. The library competition. Vol. 13, extra edition to no. i. Boston. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4090.180 Most of the pages are plates. Brydon, J. McK., and F. J. Burgoyne. Pub- lic libraries. Read before the Royal In- stitute of British Architects. London. 1899. Illus, Plates. *62oi.48 Extract from the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 3d series, vol. 6, no. 8 [*4090.29o. Series 3, vol. 6]. Budapest. Bibliotheque municipale. Me- moire sur la creation d'une bibliotheque municipale a Budapest. Budapest. 1910. 17 plates. [Publications. No. 6.] No. 6 in *2 1 64.84 The plates represent exterior and interior views of American libraries. Burgoyne, F. J. Library construction, archi- tecture, fittings and furniture. London. 1897. Illus. Plates. [The library series.] *2202.46 Caffin, C. H. French's bronze doors for the Boston Public Library. [New York. 1904.] Illus. 4073.308 Cut from the International Studio [*407i.226. 19]. Cagnat, R. L. V. Les bibliotheques muni- cipals dans I'Empire romaine. Paris. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. 6200.74 Extrait des Memoires de TAcademie des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres [*3292.2.38, part i]. Champneys, A. L. Public libraries. A treatise on their design, construction, and fittings. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.152 Chicago. Public library Building. Floor plans and sections. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, architects. Chicago. [1896?] 8 sheets. *Cab.2i.io.7 Interior arrangement. [189-?] Plans. *6i90.46 Chilovi, D., and A. Papini. II nuovo palazzo per la Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Firenze. 1892. Plans. *2i4oa.67 Clark, J. W. The care of books. An essay on the development of libraries and their fittings from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century. Cambridge. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. *6l22.20 Connecticut. State Library. General de- scription of the new State Library and Supreme Court biiilding. Hartford, Conn. 1909. Plate. Plans. [Bulletin. No. 4.] *6205.69.4 Extract from 1907-8 Report [*6i95. 147. 1907/8]. Cotgreave, A. Views and memoranda of public libraries. London. 1901. Plates. *6i9oa.i57 Curtis & Cameron. The Holy Grail. An explanation of the meaning of the series of panels composing E. A. Ab- bey's frieze decoration in the Boston Public Library. Boston. 1904. 4079-228 Accompanied by an illustrated book, advertising the Copley prints of the frieze. Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Indus- try, Philadelphia. Library Department. LIBRARIES 315 Drexel Institute of art. (Continued.) Photographs of the exterior and in- terior, including- the Library; with a plan of the Library. lo photographs. *6i9o.io5 Eastman, W. R. The library building. Chi- cago. 1912. [American Library Asso- ciation.] *2207.47.io Bibliography, p. 17. Library building plans. Albany. 1906. Plates. Plans. [New York State Li- brary. Bulletin. No. 107. Library School. 22.] *2i44.89.22 Library buildings. B[oston, Mass.], 1908. Plans. [American Library Association. Publishing Board. Reprint series.] 6igoa.24g Reprinted after revision from the Proceedings of the American Library Association, Waukesha, July 3-10, 1901 [*6i7i.8.i9oi]. Ebrard, F. C, editor. Die Stadtbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main. 1896. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 6140.32 Elwell, N. W. The Boston Public Library. [25 photographs.] Boston. [1896.] *Cab.6o. 104.2 Fall River, Mass. Public Library. Nine photographs. *6i9o.86 FenoUosa, E. F. Mural painting in the Bos- ton Public library. Boston. 1896. 4079.93 Foster & Reynolds, publishers. A practical guide to the Library of Congress paint- ings. [New York.] 1903. Illus. Plates. 6203.89 Reprinted from the chapter on the Library of Congress in the Washington Standard Guide. Garnsey, E. E. The Boston Public Library. [Philadelphia. 1894] Ulus. Plates. . . *6i9oa.4i Gibbs, J. Bibliotheca Radcliviana: or. a short description of the Radcliffe li- brary at Oxford. London. 1747. 21 plates. *8o90.i42 Green, B. R. Book stack and shelving for libraries. Louisville. [189-?] Plates. ♦6190.45 Hamlin, A. D. F. Report [as] consulting architect to the Committee having charge of the erection of Carnegie li- brary buildings in the Borough of Brooklyn. [New York.] 1901. 6192.60 Haverhill, Mass. [9 photographs of the Public library and its interior. Haver- hill? 187-?] **G.29o.i Photograph of the exterior and ten photo- graphs, of the interior. Taken by G. W. W. Bartlett. *6i90.98 Hudson, New York. Library. Three plans of the interior. *6i9oa.i3i Kansas City. Public Library. The new Kansas City public library. [Kansas City.] 1898. Plates. Plans. *6i99a.5 Koch, T. W. A portfolio of Carnegie li- braries. Being a separate issue of the illustrations from "A book of Carnegie libraries." Ann Arbor. 1907. Plates. Plans. *6i9oa.2i5 Kortuem, A., and E. Schmitt. Bibliotheken. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band 6, Heft Kortuem, A., and E. Schmitt. '(Continued.) 4. Pp. 41-172. Darmstadt. 1893.) Bibliography, pp. 167-172. *8092.52.6.4 Krause, L. B. A reading list on library buildings. (In Bulletin of bibliography. Oct., 1898.) *2I2I.I5 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de. /itiide sur la construction des bibliotheques. Paris. 1845. Tllus. Plates. Plans. [De I'or- ganisation des bibliotheques dans Paris.] No. 4in*2i7o.i4 Le palais Mazarin, et les habitations de ville et de campagne au 176 siecle. Paris. 1845. Plates. Plans. [De I'or- ganisation des bibliotheques dans Paris.] No. 3 in *2i7o.i4 Same. [Avec notes.] 1845, 46. *2i7o.33 League of Library Commissions. Small li- brary buildings. A collection of plans. Introduction and notes by Cornelia Marvin. Boston. 1908. Plates. Plans. Literature, p. 7. *6 1 903.233 Library buildings: descriptions, plans, and views. Scrap-book. *Cab.6o.iog.4 Library Bureau, Boston. A descriptive list with prices of the various articles of fiirniture, equipment and supplies for libraries and museums. Boston. [1902.] Plates. *6i94'S5 Same. [1909.] *6i94.9i List, C. Die Hof-Bibliothek in Wien. Zwanzig Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Wien, 1897. Plates. *4ogo.ioo Louisville, Kentucky. Public Library. Pro- gramme of a competition for the selec- tion of an architect. Louisville. 1904. Folded plans. *6i9i.42 "Answers to questions submitted by competing architects," Louisville, 1904, may be found on shelf-number *6i9i.43. Ludlow, Vermont. Fletcher Memorial Li- brary. The book of the Fletcher Memo- rial Library. [Ludlow, Vt. 1902.] Illus. Plates. Plan. 61903.163 Magnusson, E. Spiral library buildings. [New York. 1886.] Illus. *6iq4^33 From the Library Journal, Vol. 11 [*6i7 1.5.11]. Massachusetts. Free Public Library Com- mission, Report, ist, 1891, to date. Bos- ton. Illus. . *6i4oa.95 Minzloff, C. R. Souvenir de la Bibliotheque imperiale publique de St. Petersbourg. Leipzig. 1862. Plates. *6iio.7 Neckelmann, F. S Landes-Gewerbemu- seum in Stuttgart. Berlin. 1898. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i45.5 The museum includes a library which is shown in some of the plates. New Jersey Library Association. Annual meeting, 13th. 1902. [Trenton.] 1902. Plates. Plan. *6i9oa.i7i The program of the meeting consists principally of a description of the Trenton Free Public Library. Newark, N. J. Front elevation and floor plans of the new library building. [Newark.] 1897. *6i9o.76 Nourse, H. S. The public libraries of Massachusetts. Boston. 189T. Illus. 6194.40 316 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Opfermann, R. Archive. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur Theil 4, Band 6, Heft 4. Pp. 1-40. Darmstadt. 1893.) Bibliography, p. 40. *8092.52.t).4 Paris, France. Bibliotheque Sainte-Gene- vieve. [Three photographs.] *Cab.6o. 104.3 Pascal, J. L. Les bibliotheques et les facultes de medecine en Angleterre. Paris. 1884. Plans. *8o9oa.33 Philadelphia. [Monthly.] Vol. 4, no. 4, April, 1911. [Philadelphia. 191 1.] Illus. Plates. Map. *6i9o.i35 Consists almost wholly of a description of the free library system of Philadelphia. Free Library and branches. 23 unmounted photographs. *6i9oa.ii7 Pittsburgh. The Carnegie Library of Pitts- burgh. A bit of history with some pic- tures. [Pittsburgh.] 1907. Plates. Plans. 61 90a. 1 66 Dedication souvenir. Containing a history and description of the Public Library, Music Hall, Art gallery and scientific halls. [Pittsburgh.] 1895. Illus. Plate. Plans. *6i94.56 [Designs for the library by various archi- tects. Views, elevations, sections and floor plans. Boston. 1892, 97.] *6i90.7o Cut from two architectural periodicals. Some information about the Carnegie Li- brary of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. 1902. Plates. Plans. 6i9oa.i65 Poole, W. F. The construction of library buildings. Washington. 1881. Plans. [United States. Bureau of Education. Circulars of information.] *6i97.44; No. i in *7596.59(i88i) Remarks on library construction. Ap- pended, An examination of J. L. Smith- meyer's "Suggestions on library archi- tecture, American and foreign." Chi- cago. 1884. 8095.20 Smithmeyer's work is on shelf-number 8095.22. Report on the progress of library archi- tecture, and resolutions of the [Ameri- can Library] Association concerning the building for the Library of Con- gress. Boston. 1882. *6i97.5i Providence, Rhode Island. Public Library. Exercises at the opening of the new building, March 15, 1900. With descrip- tion of the building. Providence. 1901. Plates. Plans. *6i9oa.io2 Reynolds, C. B. Library of Congress and the interior decorations. Washington. 1897. Illus. Plates. *6203.74 Same. New York. [1901?] Illus. Plans. ♦6203.76 The Library of Congress; architecture and mural decorations. Washington. 1900. Illus. Plates. 4092.153 Same. 36 plates. *Cab.8o.279.2 Richardson, H. H. University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Burl- ington. The Billings library. H. H. Richardson, architect. Boston. [1894.] 15 plates. *Cab.6o.96.4 Ross, A. R. [Views qf public libraries of which Albert R. Ross is architect. New York. 1906.] 29 plates. *6i9oa.225 Rossi, G. I. La libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana, architettura di Michelagnolo Buonarroti. Firenze. 1739. 22 plates. *Cab.6o.55.3 Same. Nuova edizione. 1755. No. 2 in *Cab. 60.57. 1.4 Rowell, J. C. Tentative plan proposed for a new library building for the Univer- sity of California. Berkeley. 1901. Plans. [University of California. Library Bul- letin.] *6i45.2i.i4 St. Louis, Missouri. Public Library. Pro- gram of conditions and instructions to govern a competition for the selection of an architect for a new central build- ing for the Saint Louis Public Library. [St. Louis. 1907.] Plan. *6i9o.i26 Program of conditions and instructions to govern a competition for the selec- tion of architects for two branch li- brary buildings. [St. Louis. 1908.] *6t9i.48 St. Louis Mercantile Library Association. [Description of the library building. New York. 1889.] 8 plates. *8o9o.27 Santa, L. della. Delia costruzione e del regolamento di una Pubblica universale biblioteca, con la pianta dimostrativa. Firenze. 1816. Plan *2i22.2 Schultze, E. Freie offentliche Bibliotheken, Volksbibliotheken und Lesehallen. Stettin. [1900.] Illus. Plates. *6i93.43 Scudder, H. E. Public libraries a hundred years ago. [Washington. 1876.] Plates. ♦2205.29 Small, H. Handbook of the new Library of Congress. With essay on the architec- ture, sculpture and painting by C. Caf- fin. Boston. 1897. Illus. Plates. 6203.70 Handbook of the new Public Library in Boston with contributions by C. H. Walker and L. Swift. Boston. 1895. Illus. 6203.60 Same. Plates. 6203.69 Same. 1908. Plates. Plans. *6203.94 Same. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. *6203.93 Same. Revised by T. T. Bouve. 1899. Illus. 6203.76 Same. 1903. Plates. 6203.82 Smithmeyer, J. L. Suggestions on library architecture, American and foreign, with an examination of Poole's scheme for library buildings. Washington. 1883. Illus. 8095.22 Somerville, Massachusetts. Public Library. [Six half-tone engravings giving exte- rior and interior views, Boston? 1901?] *6 1 90a. 1 39 Soule, C. C. How to plan a library building for library work. Boston. 1912. [Use- ful reference series.] 6i9oa.250 Works cited, pp. xv-xvii. Library rooms and buildings. Boston. 1902. [American Library Association.] ♦2207.45 Modern library buildings. [With supple- mentary photographs and plans of re- cently erected libraries in the United States. Boston. 1902.] Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦6190.117 From the Architectural Review for January, 190a [*4i02.205.9]. LIBRARIES 317 Springfield, Illinois. Lincoln Library. [Half-tone photograph with floor plans of the Lincoln Library. Chicago. 1902.] Plate. Plans. *6i9oa.i73 Cut from Public Libraries, October, 1902. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. A brief description of the State Historical Library building at Madison, Wisconsin. [Madison.] 1906. Illus. Plates. eigga.yi Exercises at the dedication of its new building, October 19, 1900; together with a description of the building. Madison. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. *6i9o.iii The library building. [Madison. 1901.] Illus. Plates. *6i9oa.i5i [View of the building. Milwaukee. 1901.] *6i9oa.i43 Statistics of cost, dimensions, capacity, etc. of various [American] libraries. Manu- script. *6i9oa.97 Stevenson, W. M. Carnegie and his libra- ries. [Pittsburgh.] 1899. Illus. *6i90.59 Sturgis, R., Jr. Bronze doors for the Bos- ton Public Library. [New York. 1904.] Illus. 4073-309 Cut from Scribner's Magazine [Per.Room (*7393-S-35)]. The doors were designed by D. C. French. Library architecture. Boston. 1897. Illus. *6i90.68 This forms Vol. 3, no. 2 of the Brochure series [8093.124]. United States. Bureau of Education. Pub- lic libraries in the United States of America. Part i. Washington. 1876. Illus. No. I in *2202.io fited States. Engineer Department. Letter from the Chief of engineers of the army, ^ transmitting a report relative to the construction of the building for the Library of Congress, 1888-94. Wash- ington. 1888-94. 4 V. Plates. Plans. *8o95.i4 United States. 56th Congress, ist session. House. Library building, Fort Monroe, Va. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting an estimate of the appropriation. [Washington. 1900.] Plans. [Doc. 336.] *6i93.45 United States. Library of Congress. Build- ing for Library of Congress. Report upon the construction of the building during the year ending Dec. i, 1894. [Washington. 1894.] Folded plates and plan. *6i98.40 Description of the Library. New York. 1897. Plates. *6i90.5o From Architecture and Building, 1897 [*4I02.2I0]. earings before the joint committee on the Library [of Congress. Washington]. 1897. Plans. *6203.73 he Library of Congress. New York. 1897. Plates. *6i9o.5i From New York Times, Vol. 47, no. 14457. 1897. !ural paintings in the colors of the origi- nals. New York. [1902.] 32 plates. *4073.2i7 'he new library building. [Washington. 1895.] Plate. Plan. *6203.58 United States. Library of Congress. (Con- tinued.) fPhotographs showing the Library in the early stages of its construction. Wash- ington? 1889.] 7 plates. *6i90.i22 Report of T. L. Casey, in charge of con- struction of new building. Washington. 1895. 2 plates. *6203.59 View of exterior, and interior plans of the adopted plan for the new building. By J. L. Smithmeyer and P. J. Pelz. 1885. No. 25 in *6i9o.25 University of Illinois. Library. [Views of the building. Champaign. 1899.] 5 plates. , *6i9oa.io9 Views. [Photographs of libraries.] *Cab.6o.42.2 [Photographs, etc., of library buildings.] *6i90.25 [Plans and elevations of library and other public buildings.] *6i90.24 [Plans and views of library buildings.] *Cab.6o.io9.4 Seven photographs of German and French library buildings. *6i90.62 Eleven photographs of American library buildings. *6igo.6i The buildings are at Ansonia, Conn. ; Chicago ; Concord, Mass. ; Groton, Conn. ; St. Johnsbury, Vt, ; Warner, N. H. ; Worcester, Mass. Whitney, J. L. Catalogue of the illustra- tions and plans of library buildings in the Boston Public Library. Boston. 1886. *6i90.4i ; **6i90.42 Reprinted from the Bulletin, No. 72, 1886 [*620oa.32.7; **62ooa.33.7], and the Library Journal, of October, 1886 [*6i7i.5.ii]. Same. Appendix. *6i9o.4i; **6i90.42 Reprinted with additions from the Bulletin, No. 77, 1888 [*620oa.32.8; *620oa.33.8]. Same. 2d enlarged edition. Boston. 1899. ♦6190.94 Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin for August, 1899 [*6202.S9.4; *6202.6o.4]. Willett, R. A description of the library at Merly in the County of Dorset. Lon- don.' 1785. 23 plates. *Cab.8o,i83.4 The title and text are repeated in French. Winona, Minnesota. Public Library. Laird Library building. Winona, Minn. [1901.] Plates. Plans. *6i9oa.i4i Winsor, J. Library buildings. [Washington. 1876.] Plans. No. i in *8o95.i9 Cut from United States. Bureau of Education. Public libraries in the United States [* 2202.10]. Wisconsin. Free Library Commission. Some Wisconsin library buildings. Madison. 1904. 32 plates. 61903.136 Lighthouses. Adams, W. H. D. Lighthouses and light- ships: a descriptive and historical ac- count of their mode of construction and organization. New York. 1870. Illus. Plates. [Illustrated library of wonders.] 5958.107 Same. London. 5958.24 318 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE AUard, £. Phares et balises. Paris. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. [Tra- vaux publics de la France. Tome 5.]* *Cab.26.2i.i.5 Les phares: histoire — construction — eclairage. Paris. 1889. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 3951.131 Ashpitel, F. W. Report on light-house con- struction and illumination. Madras. 1895. Plates. Map. Plans. Chart. ♦4090a. 1 02 Edwards, E. P. The Eddystone lighthouses (new and old) : an account of the build- ing and general arrangements of the new tower. London. 1882. Plates. 3955-81 Heap, D. P. Ancient and modern light- houses. Boston. 1889. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 3956.85 Johnson, A. B. The modern light-house ser- vice. Washington. 1889. Plates. [United States. Lighthouse Board.] *595i-66 Same. 1890. 5951-65 Renard, L. Les phares. Paris. 1867. Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque des merveilles.] 3920.61 Raynaud, F. L. Memoir upon the illumina- tion and beaconage of the coasts of France. Translated, for the use of the Light-House Board of the United States, by P. C. Hains. Washington. 1876. Illus. 39 plates. *3950.2i Smeaton, J. A narrative of the building and a description of the construction of the Edystone [sic] lighthouse with stone. Abridged by T. Williams from the origi- nal edition, 1791. Plates. (In Edwards, E. P. The Eddystone lighthouses. Pp. 31-186. London. 1882.) 3955-8i Stevenson, A. Account of the Skerryvore lighthouse, with notes on the illumina- tion of lighthouses. By order of the Commissioners of northern lighthouses. 1848. Illus. Plates. Edinburgh. ♦4090.12 A rudimentary treatise on the history, con- struction, and illumination gf light- houses. London. 1850. Illus. Plates. Plans. 5958.6 Stevenson, R. An account of the Bell Rock light-house, including the details of the erection and peculiar structure of that edifice. Edinburgh. 1824. Plates. Maps. Plans. "4090.13 Thiersch, H. Pharos: antike Islam und Occident: ein Beitrag zur Architekturge- schichte. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *4ogo.i2o Wryde, J. S. British lighthouses: their his- tory and romance. London. [1913.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 5956.153 Military Architecture. See also Mediaeval Architecture; Castles and Palaces. Allcroft, A. H. Earthwork of England: prehistoric, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and mediaeval. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. Maps. 2468.255 Armitage, E. S. The early Norman cas- tles of the British Isles. New York. 1912. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4096.23 Ashdown, C. H. British castles. London. 191 1. Illus. Colored plates. 2462.57 Ballard, L. P. Essai sur la fortification et sur les tours a batterie tournante. Pre- cede de quelques considerations sur I'etat de I'architecture a I'epoque de la renaissance des arts, et sur I'a-propo? de fortifier les villes de Paris et de Lyon. A Paris. 1831. Plates. 7955.22 Brizi, A. Delia rocca di Assisi, insigne monumento nazionale di architettura militare. Assisi. 1898. Plates. Plans. 4095-42 Bruce, J. C. The Roman wall. A descrip- tion of the mural barrier of the north of England. 3d edition. London. 1867. Illus. Plates. Plans. *246o.i5 Bniton, J. A., editor. The Roman fort at Manchester. Manchester. 1909. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Classical Associa- tion of England and Wales.] 2964.127 Casanova, P. Histoire et description de la citadelle du Caire. Paris. 1894, 97. Plates. Maps. [Mission archeologique frangaise du Caire. Memoires. Tome 6, fascicules 4, 5.] 5070.11.6.4,5 Clark, G. T. Mediaeval military architecture in fingland. London. 1884. 2 v. Illus. 4096.65 Conway, R. S., editor. Melandra Castle. With an introduction by E. L. Hicks. Manchester. 1906. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Classical Association. Man- chester and District Branch. Report, 1905.] 2468.260 A collection of articles by variotis authors. Deville, J. A. Comptes de depenses de la construction du chateau de Gaillon. Paris. 1850, 51. Text, i v.; Atlas, 16 plates. *Cab.26.i9.i Histoire du chateau-Gaillard. Rouen. 1829. Plates. 4620.9 Dieulafoy, M. A. Le chateau Gaillard et I'architecture militaire au xiii^ siecle. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Me- moires. Tome 36, pp. 325-386. Paris. 1898.) *3292.2.36(i) Eberle, L. Wien als Festung (i 530-1 740). Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Alterthums- verein zu Wien. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Band 4, pp. 218-282. Wien. 191 1.) *4830.26.4 Ebhardt, B. H. J. Die Burgen Italiens. Bau- geschichtliche Untersuchungen uber die Entwicklung des mittelalterlichen Wehrbaues und die Bedeutung der Wohnbaukunst im Mittelalter. Band I, 2: Oberitalien. Berlin. 1909, 10. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i73.2 Der Einfluss des mittelalterlichen Wehr- baues auf den Stadtebau. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 3, Heft 8.] No. 8 in 4092.178.3 Enlart, D. L. C. Manuel d'archeologie fran- gaise depuis les temps merovingiens MILITARY ARCHITECTURE 319 Enlart, IX L. C. (Continued.) jusqu'a la renaissance. Partie i, tome 2: Architecture civile et militaire. Paris. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans 4106.24.2 Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Die Kriegs- baukunst. Darmstadt. 1889. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Archi- tektur.] *8o92.5o.4.i Fabricius, M. P. Le Kremlin de Moscou: esquisses et tableaux, autrefois et au- jourd'hui. Moscou. 1883. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3061.14 Fraprie, F. R. The castles and keeps of Scotland. Boston. 1907. Plates. Plans. 2477.142 Gerola, G. Monumenti veneti nell' isola di Creta. Vol. i. [I centri abitati e le forti- ficazioni.] Venezia. 1905. i v. in 2. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *409oa.ii6.i Gottschalck, C. F. Die Ritterburgen und Bergschlosser Deutschlands. Halle. 1815-35- ' 9 V. Plates. 2864.10 Gower, Lord R. C. S. L. The Tower of London. London. 1901, 02. 2 v. Por- traits. Plates. 2493.173 Hartshorne, C. H. Feudal and military an- tiquities of Northumberland and the Scottish borders. Illustrated bj'- the baronial histories of Alnwick, Prudhoe and Wark. London. 1858. Plates. Plans. [Royal Archaeological In^itute of Great Britain and Ireland.] **2259.57.2 Harvey, A. The castles and walled towns of England. London. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Maps. [The antiquary's books.] 2462.56 Jourdan, J. B. E. Les tours de La Rochelle. LaRochelle. 1886. 15 plates. *266o.64 King, E. Munimenta antiqua, or observa- tions on antient castles. London. 1799- 1806. 4 V. 162 plates. *455o.5 Lange, W. Der Baracken-Bau, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Wohn- und Epidemic - Baracken. Leipzig. 1895. Illus. 8093.34 Merimee, P. Architecture militaire. [Paris. 1851.] Illus. II plates. Plans. [Le moyen age et la renaissance.] No. 2 in *8o6i.i5.5 Metzsch-Reichenbach, C. von. Die interes- santesten alten Schlosser, Burgen und Ruinen Sachsens. Dresden. 1902. Illus 2864.41 Oman, C. W. C. A history of the art of war: the Middle Ages. London. 1808. Plate. *"2oth".9o.3 Book 3, chapters 3, 4 and 6, and Book 6, chapter 7, treat of military architecture. Parker, J. H. The archaeology of Rome. I Vol. i: the primitive fortifications; the walls and gates of Rome; the historical construction of walls. Oxford. 1874. I V. in 2. 183 plates. 2754.6.1 The plates are in the second volume. l*iper, O. Osterreichische Burgen. Teil 1-8. Wien. 1902-10. 8 v. in 7. Illus. Plans. . 40903.111 Putzeys, F., and E. Putzeys. Hygiene des agglomerations militaires. La construc- tion des casernes. Liege. 1892. Text, I v.; Atlas, 10 plates. *395o.io9 Reithmayer, E. Die Burg Aggstein au der Donau in Niederosterreich. Erforschung und Beschreibung ihres jetzigen Zu- standes und Entwurf fur deren Rekon- struktion nach deni mutmasslichen Bestande zur Zeit ihrer im Jahre 1429 erfolgten Wiedererbauung. Wien. 1911. Text, I v. Illus. Colored plates; Atlas, I V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i24.8 Rey, A. E. G. fitude sur les monuments de I'architecture militaire des croises en Syrie et dans Tile de Chypre. Paris. 1871. Illus. *6640.52 Richter, F. Gebaude fiir militarische Zwecke. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 464- 588. Darmstadt. 1887.) *8o92.52.7 Rochas d'Aiglun, A. de. Principes de la fortification antique. Illus. Plates. (In Revue generale de I'architecture et des travaux publics. Vol. 37, col. 6-13, 40- 60, 97-103, 145-150, 193-199, 241-246; vol. 38, col. 49-55, 97-104, 145-150. Paris. 1880, 1881.) *409 1. 206,37,38 Rodocanachi, E. Le chateau Saint-Ange. Paris. 1909. Plates. "4092.159 I Rohault de Fleury, S. La Toscane au moyen-age: architecture civile et mili- taire. Paris. 1870, 73. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.ii2.2 La Toscane au moyen-age: lettres sur I'architecture civile et militaire en 1400. Paris. 1874. 2 V. Illus. 4093.56 This edition differs from the preceding in having fuller text, but no plates. Round, J. H. Geoffrey de Mandeville. Lon~ don. 1892. 2542.119 "Tower and castle," pp. 328-346. Schmidt, O. Burgen und Schlosser in Oesterreich. Mit Text von J. Meurer. Wien. 1894. 50 plates. *L.5o.i7 Schubring, P. Schloss- und Burgbauten der Hohenstaufen in Apulien. Berlin. [1901.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Die Baukunst.] 4090.164 Shelley, H. C. Royal castles of England . . . Boston. 1913. Plates. 2466.144 Bibliography, pp. 341-343- Suisse, C. Architecture militaire bourgui- gnonne. Restauration du chateau de Dijon. Paris. 1876. Plates. *3950.57 Thompson, A. H. Military architecture in England during the Middle Ages. Lon- don. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4096.24 TJibliography, pp. xiii-xxi. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Annals of a fortress. Translated by B. Bucknall. London. 1875. Illus. Plates. 3955.68 Same. Boston. 1876. 3955-74 Chateau de Pierrefonds. Paris. [1897.] Illus. Plates. Plan. [Les monuments historiques de la France.] *4iooa.2 La cite de Carcassonne (Aude). Nouvelle edition. Paris. [1900?] Illus. Plans. 4661.44 Description du chateaa de Coucy. 2e edi- tion. Paris. 1861. Plates. Plans. 4096.100 Description et histoire du chateau de Pierrefonds. 5e edition. Paris. 1869. Plates. Plan. 2635.68 320 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. (Continued.) An essay on the military architecture of the Middle Ages. Translated by M. Macdermott. With the original French engravings. Oxford, i860. 3955-72 Histoire d'une forteresse. Paris. [1874.] Plates. 3955-69 Wartburg, Die. Berlin. 1907. lUus. Plans. *Cab.28.28.4 Zeller-Werdmueller, H. Mittelalterliche Burganlagen der Ostschweiz. Leipzig. 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Mitthei- lungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 5 in *48ii.6o.23 Zuercherische Burgen. Leipzig. 1894, 95. 2 parts in i v. Illus. 6 plates. Plans. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesell- schaft in Ziirich.] No. 6, 7 in *48ii.6o.23 Prisons. Alboise de Pujol, J. E., and A. Maquet. Les prisons de I'Europe. Paris. 1845-50. Text, 8 v.; Plates, i v. *357i.52 Ausschussbericht an die gesetzgebende Ver- sammlung Gefangnissneubau betreffend. [Frankfurt a. M. 1856.] 4097.138 Belgium. Ministere de la justice. Adminis- tration des prisons. Memoire a I'appui du projet de loi sur les prisons. Avec un appendice et trois plans de prisons cellulaires. Bruxelles. 1845. *757i-57 Blouet, G. A. Projet de prison cellulaire pour 585 condamnes. Paris. 1843. Plans. *7570.59 Cook, J. B., and J. W. Heath. Prisons: their construction according to the Cook and Heath perfected system. [Memphis. 1876.] Illus. 4011.63 Dauban, C. A. Les prisons de Paris sous la revolution. Paris. 1870. 4 plates. 6655.2 Gould, J. S., and others. Prison architec- ture. By a Committee. [Albany. 1869.] Plates. 8o99a.6 Cut from the 24th Annual report of the Prison Association of New York [*6497. 1.1868]. Grillon, L., and A. N. Normand. Projets- specimens pour servir a la construction des prisons departementales. Paris. 1854. Plans. *Cab.6o.8o.9 Jebb, J. Modern prisons: their construction and ventilation. London. 1844. 10 plates. 8o9oa.54 Landauer, T. von, and others. Gefangen- hauser. Sonstige Straf- und Besserungs- Anstalten. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 7, pp. 252-402. Darmstadt. 1887.) Bibliography, pp. 258-360. *8092.52.7 McElwee, T. B. A concise history of the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 1835. 2 v. in i. Plates. Plan. *5577-i40 Pettigrove, F. C. An account of the prisons of Massachusetts. Prepared for the Massachusetts- Board of Managers for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Bos- ton. 1904. Plates. 5573-152 Zanotto, F. I pozzi ed i piombi, antiche prigioni di stato della repubblica di Zanotto, F. (Continued.) Venezia. Venezia. 1876. 2 plates. *5579a.ioo Railroad Stations and Buildings. Arnold, F. A. A study in railroad gardening. Boston. 1905. Illus. *L.6o.36 An account of the stations and surroundings of the Boston & Albany Railroad. Reprinted from the May issue of Suburban Life, 1905. ^erg, W. G. Buildings and structures of American railroads. New York. 1893. Illus. *8oioa.i23 Berlin und seine Eisenbahnen, 1846-1896. Berlin. 1896. 2 v. Illus. Maps. Plans. [Prussia. Koeniglich-preussisches Min- isterium fur Handel, Gewerbe und 6f- fentliche Arbeiten.] *938o.43 Boston and Albany Railroad. [Suburban stations and railroad gardens.] 53 pho- tographs. *L.6o.ii Chabat, P. Batiments de chemins de fer. Paris. 1862, 66. 2 v. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.7o.4 Coerper, C The electric central stations at Cologne and Amsterdam. Translated by e. P. Feldmann. London. 1894. Illus. 33 plates. *Cab.39.i3.2 Dillenbeck, C. Specifications for passenger stations [and freight houses]. Form A-D. Philadelphia. 1896. 4 parts. *4092.27 Contents. — A. Stone and brick passenger stations. B. Frame passenger stations. C. Stone and brick freight houses. D. Frame freight houses. Flattich, W. Der Eisenbahn-Hochbau in seiner Durchfiihrung auf den Linien der K. K. Pr. Siidbahn-Gesellschaft. Unter Mitwirkung des Architekten Franz Wil- helm. Wien. [1873-77.] Text, 2 v. in i. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 96 plates. *Cab.6o.i09.i Francis, G. B. The South terminal station, Boston, Mass. [New York. 1900.] Plates. Plans. 7658.221 Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, December, 1899 [•4010a.268.25]. Gilbert, B. L. Sketch portfolio of railroad stations and kindred structures. 5th edi- tion. New York. 1895. Plates. *8iooa.28 Contains illustrations and plans of the remodelled Grand Central Station, New York, reprinted from the Railroad Gazette, 1897. Glade, A. F. Proyecto de una estacion de segunda clase 1903. La Plata. 1904. Plans. [Universidad de La Plata. Fa- cultad de ciencias fisico-matematicas.] 4093.82 Grapow, W. Das Stationsgebaude zu Bres- lau. [Berlin, i860.] 8 plates. *8ioo.202 Reprinted from Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen, Jahr- gang 10, Heft 1-3, i860 [*8ioo.2or.i86o]. Robinson, C. M. A railroad beautiful. [Philadelphia. 1902.] Illus. 44503.137 Reprinted from House and Garden, Vol. 2, Nov., 1902 [*4092.207.2]. RAILROAD STATIONS AND BUILDINGS 321 Robinson, C. M. (Continued.) Suburban station grounds. Philadelphia. 1904. Illus. Plans. *L.6o.35 Reprinted from House and Garden, Vol. 5, April, 1904 1*4092.207.5}. Schmitt, E. Empfangsgebaude der Bahn- hofe und Bahnsteigiiberdachungen (Bahnsteighallen und -dacher). Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.2.4 Schwab, C. Hochbauten der Bahnhofe. i. Leipzig. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen. 515.] TSSga.sis Literatur, Band i, p. 2. Stein, T. Erweiterungsbauten der Berlin- Stettiner Eisenbahn ausgefuhrt 1864-69. Berlin. 1870. 23 plates. 8010.9 United States. Quartermaster General. San Antonio depot, Texas. [Plans, de- signed by M. C. Meigs.] Washington. [1877.] 4 sheets. *Cab.6o.i52.5 Watson, W., Ph.D. Description of the new terminus at Paris. 3 plates. Descrip- tion of the iron roof of the round-house at Montrouge, Paris. Plate. (In Civil engineering, public works and architec- ture. Pp. 20-25. Washington. 1875.) 8028.71; No. 3 in 8025.59.3 Weissenbruch, L. L'eclairage des gares de chemins de fer. Huile, gaz, electricite. Bruxelles. 1887. 4 plates. 3961. 112 Theatres and Public Halls. See aiso Amphitheatres. ^Architecture theatrale. Scrap-book. [N. p. IK, N. d.] Unpaged. Illus. Plates. Plans. I^r Diagrams. **T.ii.6 Plans of theatres and of stage machinery. Baes, J. Theatre flamand a Bruxelles. Bruxelles. [1893.] 17 plates. *Cab.6o.7o.5 Bayer, J. Das neue K. k. Hofburgtheater als Bauwerk mit seinem Sculpturen- und Bilderschmuck. Wien. 1894. Illus. [Die Theater Wiens. 3.] *Cab. Bibbiena, G. G. da. Theaterdecorationen. Innenarchitektur und Perspectiven. Ent- wurfe im Style des Barock. Berlin. [1888.] 26 plates. *Cab.8o.87.3 Birkmire, W. H. The planning and con- struction of American theatres, ist edi- tion. New York. 1896. Plates. Plans. 8093.31 Bodensteiner, E. Das antike Theater. Leip- zig. 1902. Text and 2 colored plates. 1^^ [Tabulae quibus antiquitates Graecae et I^K Romanae illustrantur. Tafel 12, 13.] P^*^ No. 12, 13 in *Cab.29.32.i Buckle, J. G. Theatre construction and maintenance. London. 1888. Plans. 8094.30; **T.75.3 Buesing, F. W. Die Sicherheit in Theatern und in grossern Versammlungs-Raumen. Jena. 1894. IHus. [Handbuch der Hy- giene.] *376oa.8o Capps, E. Vitruvius and the Greek stage. Chicago. 1893. Illus. [University of Chicago. Studies in classical philology.] 8096.106 I Caristie, A. N. Notice sur I'etat actuel de I'Arc d'Orange et des theatres antiques d'Orange et d'Arles. Paris. 1839. Plates. Plans. 2632.76 Cavos, A. Reconstruction du grand theatre de Moscou, dit Petrovski. Paris. 1859. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.7i.2 Traite de la construction des theatres. Paris. 1847. Text, i v.; Atlas, 25 plates. *8o9o.i24 Chauderlot, — , and F. Festeau. Proyecto de casas pertenecientes al S^ Don Jose de Fontagud Gargollo: Teatro Moratin. Madrid. 1871. 23 folded plates. *Cab.6o.82.5 Chaumont, -^ — , Chevalier de. Exposition des principes qu'on doit suivre dans I'or- donnance des theatres modernes. A Amsterdam. 1769. **T.78.i5 Cochin, C. N. Pro jet d'une salle de spec- tacle pour un theatre de comedie. [Anon.] A Londres. 1765. Plates. Plans. **T.78.i4 Daly, C, and G. J. A. Davioud. Architecture contemporaine. Les theatres de la Place du Chatelet: Theatre du Chatelet. Theatre-lyrique. Paris. [1874.] 64 plates. [Bibliotheque de I'architecte.] *Cab.6o.74.2 Dibdin, C, Jr. History and illustrations of the London theatres. London. 1826. Plates. Plans. **T.72.6 Dieckmann, — , Engineer. Die Feuersicher- heit in Theatern. Miinchen. [191 1.] Illus. Plans. Charts. 4oi9a.32 Doerpfeld, W., and E. Reisch. Das griechi- sche Theater. Athen. 1896. Plates. Plans. 4090.43 Donnet, A. Architectonographie des thea- tres. Paris. [i837-]i840. 2 v. in i. Plan. 69 plates. *8o9o.i2o Architectonographie des theatres de Paris, ou parallele historique et critique de ces edifices, consideres sous le rapport de I'architecture et de la decoration. Planches et plan de Paris graves par Orgiazzi. Paris. 1821. Text, i v.; Atlas, 25 plates. Illus. Map. Plans. **T.76.i35 Dumon, K. Etudes d'art grec. Paris. 1894. Illus. *4090.99 Contents. — Symetrie et harmonie. — Le logeion. Le theatre de Polyclete. Paris. 1889. Plates. *297o.63 Durm, J. Festhallen. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band 4, pp. 146-173. Darmstadt. 1885.) Literatur, p. 173. *8092.52.4 Falkener, E. A description of some impor- tant theatres and other remains in Crete, from a ms. history of Candia by Onorio Belli in 1586. London. 1854. Plans. *2962.4A Ferrario, G. Storia e descrizione de' princi- pali teatri antichi e moderni. Milano. 1830. Plates. **T.75.7o Filippi, J. de. Parallele des principaux theatres modernes de I'Europe et des machines theatrales frangaises, alle- mandes et anglaises. 2e edition. Paris. 1870. 2 V. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.77.i 322 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Gallo, A., di Messina. Descrizione istorica ed antiquaria dell' antico teatro di Tauormina. [Messina? 1773.] Plates. *40o8.ioi; **G.i7.53 Same. (In Opuscoli di autori siciliani. Vol. 19, pp. 245-281. Palermo. 1778.) ^ *4764.i.i9 Gardner, E. A., and others. Excavations at Megalopolis. With an architectural description by R. W. Schultz. London. 1892. lUus. Plates. Plans. [Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Supplementary papers.] *296o.8i.i Garnier, J. L. C. Le Nouvel opera de Paris. Paris. 1878-81. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 2 v. in I. 100 plates. **M.i7.i Some of the plates are colored. Le Nouvel opera de Paris. Bronzes, can- delabres, lustres [etc.]. Paris. 1875. 15 plates. *Cab.6o.33.2 Nouvel opera, Paris. [Copies of Garnier's original plans. Paris. 1867.] 4 v. *Cab.6o.72.i Le theatre. Paris. 1871. 8105.1; **T.75.46 Gerhard, W. P. The essential conditions of safety in theatres. New York. 1894. 4014.128 Reprinted from the American Architect of June and July, 1894 1*4097.205.44, 45]. Needed improvements in theatre sanita- tion. [New York. 1899.] 4014.129 Reprinted from Appleton's Popular Science Monthly, vol. 56, 1899 [*S9i6.5o.s6]. The safety of theatre audiences and the stage personnel against danger from fire and panic. London. 1899. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] *4oi9.i8o;**T.76.52 Theatre fire catastrophes and their pre- vention. New York. 1894. 4014.127 Theatre fires and panics: their causes and prevention. New York. 1896. 8015.179 Theatres. Their safety from fire and panic; their comfort and healthfulness. Boston. 1900. 4019.133 The water service and fire protection of theatres. New York. 1894. 4014.126 Reprinted from Fire and Water. Giesenberg, E. Das Opernhaus zu Frank- furt a. M. Berlin. 1883. 13 plates. *Cab.6o.96.7 Gilardone, F. Zum Brand der "Komischen Oper" in Paris. Wie schiit/t man die alteren Theatergebaude am Besten ge- gtn Feuergefahr-— wie beugt man in ihnen moglichst einer Panik vor? Wie baut die Neuzeit? Hagenau i. Elsass. 1887. Illus. Plates. Plans. **T.75.59 Gosset, A. Traite de la construction des theatres. Paris. 1886. 62 plates. *8o9o.59 Grobert, J. F. L. De I'execution dramatique, consideree dans ses rapports avec le materiel de la salle et de la scene. Paris. 1809. Plans. ^ **T.76.i67 Chapter 16 "donne la description d'un projet de theatre." Haigh, A. E. The Attic theatre. Oxford. 1889. Illus. 2963.71 Same. 2d edition. 1898. Plates. 2963.45 Same. 3d edition. 1907. Plans. 2964.105 Hammitzsch, M. Der moderne Theaterbau. Teil I. Berlin. 1906. Illus. Plans. 4093.140 Hasenauer, C, Freiherr von. Das K. k. Hof- burgtheater in Wien. Wien. 1890. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.8o.i Heberdey, R., and others. Das Theater in Ephesos. Bearbeitet von R. Heberdey, G. Niemann, W. Wilberg. Wien. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. [Oster- reichisches archaeologisches Institut, Vienna. Forschungen in Ephesos. Band ^ 2.] *Cab. Helm, L., and G. Buss. Das Konigliche Opernhaus fur Berlin. Berlin. 1910. Plan. 4049a.4g Howard, F., 5th Earl of Carlisle. Thoughts upon the present condition of the stage, and upon the construction of a new theatre. [Anon.] London. 1808. No. II in **G. 3823.15; No. 3 in **G. 3824.3 Same. New edition, with additions. 1809. **T.96.340 Huebsch, H. Entwurf zu einem Theater mit eiserner Dachriistung. Frankfurt a. M. 1825. 6 plates. *8o9o.i6o Kaemmerling, H. Das KroUsche Etablisse- ment zu Berlin. [Berlin. 1861.] 12 plates, with descriptive text. **T.7i.2 Das neue Victoria-Theater zu Berlin. [Berlin. 186-?] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i44.6 Some of the plates are colored. There is no title-page. Das Wallner-Theater zu Berlin. [Berlin. 1868.] 2 parts in i v. Plates. Plans. There is no title-page. *Cab.6o.I44.7 These three volumes form part of E. Titz's Ent- wiirfe zu ausgefiihrten offentlichen und privat- Gebauden. Klasen, L. Grundriss-Vorbilder von Ge- bauden fiir Kunst und Wissenschaft. Leipzig. 1887. Illus. Plans. *4i03.58.io Pp. 1009-1109 are devoted to theatres. Langhans, C. F. .Das Stadt-Theater in Leip- zig. Mit Text vom Architekt Briickwald. Berlin. 1870. 9 plates. **T.7i.3 Das Victoria Theater in Berlin. Berlin. i860. Text. I V. Diagrams; Atlas, 4 plates. **T.7i.i Lehner, G. Theater-Decorationen. Berlin. [1891.] *8o7o.i39 Contents. — i. H. v. Kleist's Kathchen von Heil- bronn. 15 plates. 2. Shakespeare's Konig Lear. 12 plates. 3. Goethe's Faust. 14 plates. Lindheimer, O. Turnanstalten. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 6, Heft i, pp. 289-311. Darm- stadt. 1889.) *8o92.52.6.i Literatur, pp. 309-311. Littmann, M. Die Koniglichen Hoftheater in Stuttgart. Darmstadt. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o9o.i72 Magne, A. Monographic du nouveau theatre du Vaudeville, erige par la ville de Paris. Paris. 1873. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.8i.3 Magrini, A. II teatro Olimpico nuovamente descritto ed illustrate. Padova. 1847. Plate. **T.96.4 Matthews, J. B. The theatres of Paris. Lon- don. 1880. Portraits. Plates. 2639.70 Same. New York. 2639.69 Milizia, F. de. Tratato del teatro. Venezia. 1794. 6 plates. Plans. *2i96.i2 THEATRES AND PUBLIC HALLS 323 Montenari, G. V., Conte. Del teatro OHmpico di A. Palladio in Vicenza. Padova. 1733. Portrait. 5 plates. *4095.io7 Same. 2a edizione. 1749- *8o96.io7 Moritz, C, and B. Schilling. Das neue Stadt- theater in Koln. Berlin. 1004. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i44-8 National Board of Fire Underwriters. Sug- gested ordinance regulating the con- struction and equipment of theatres adopted by the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the National Fire Protection Association. [New York.] 1913- 40193.56 Noverre, J. G. Observations sur la construc- tion d'une nouvelle salle de I'Opera. A Amsterdam. 1781. **T.77.48 Nuell, E. van der, and A. von Siccard von Siccardsburg. Das K. k. Hof-Opernhaus in Wien. Wien. 1885. 80 plates. *Cab.6o.5o.i Oehmichen, G. Das Biihnenwesen der Griechen und Romer. 3 plates. {In Handbuch der classischen Altertums- wissenschaft. Band 5, Abteilung 3, pp. 179-304- Miinchen. 1890.) 2973.50.5.3 Opitz, R. Schauspiel und Theaterwesen der Griechen und Romer. Leipzig. 1889. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Kulturbilder aus dem klassischen Altertume.] 29693.76 Paris. Le Nouvel opera. [A collection of plates, plans, portraits, etc., relating to the Nouvel opera, Paris, with descrip- tive text and newspaper cuttings. New York? 188-?] 280 plates. *Cab,8o.i43.4 Patte, P. Essai sur I'architecture theatral. Ou de I'ordonnance la plus avantageuse a une salle de spectacles, relativement aux principes de I'optique & de Tacous- tique. Avec un examen des principaux theatres de I'Europe. Paris 1782. Plans. **T.77.47 Peigne-Delacourt, A. Le theatre de Cham- plieu. Noyon. 1858. Plates. No. I in 4098.118; **T.76.42 This relates to the ruins of a Roman theatre. Same. Supplement. 1859. No. 2 in 4098.118; **T.76.43 Pickard, J. Der Standort der Schauspieler und des Chors im griechischen Theater des 5ten Jahrhunderts. Miinchen. 1892. Plates. Plan. 2972.27 Piermarini, G. Teatro della Scala in Milano. [Plans and elevations.] Roma. 1826. 8 plates. *Cab.6o.i85.2 Plans relatifs au Palais-Royal, et discussion des questions qu'ils ont fait naitre au proces entre le Due d'Orleans et le Sieur .Tulien. [Paris. 1818.] Plans. **T.75.35 The suit concerned the ownership of the Theatre- Fran^ais in the Palais Royal. Puchstein, O. Die griechische Biihne. Eine architektonische Untersuchung. Berlin. 1901. Illus. 4093-87 RevoU, H. A. Conference sur le theatre an- tique d'Orange, faite devant le Congres de la Societe frangaise d'archeologie. Tours. 1883. 2636.71 Rxtrait du Bulletin monumental, 1883 [*409o.24i. 1883]. Sachs, E. O., and E. A. E. Woodrow. Mod- ern opera houses and theatres. Exam- ples selected from play-houses recently erected in Europe. London. 1896, 98. 3 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.77.4 Saint-Saens, C. C. Note sur les decors de theatre dans I'antiquite romaine. Paris. 1886. Illus. Plates. 295oa.5o Saunders, G. A treatise on theatres. Lon- don. 1799. 13 plates. **G.3820.io;**T.73.2 Sauvageot, L. Considerations sur la con- struction des theatres, a propos de la re- construction du Theatre des arts, a Rouen. Paris. [1877.] Plates. Plans. No. 4 in **M. 122.38 Schmitt, E. Konzerthauser und Saalbauten. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band 6, Heft 3, part 3, pp. 195-292. Stuttgart. 1901.) ♦8092.52.6.3 Zirkus- und Hippodromgebaude. Stutt- gart. 1904. Illus. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.6.6 Literatur, pp. 112, 113. Schneider, L. Geschichte der Oper und des koeniglichen Opernhauses in Berlin. Mit den architektonischen Planen des 1740 vom Freiherrn von Knobelsdorf, und des 1844 vom koniglichen Ober-Bau-Rath Langhans neuerbauten Berliner Opern- hauses. Berlin. 1852. Illus. 11 plates. *Cab.8o.i83.3 Schoenborn, A. Die Skene der Hellenen. Leipzig. 1858. 2964.58 Semper, G. Das konigliche Hoftheater zu Dresden. Braunschweig. 1849. Illus. 12 plates. *Cab.6o.99.3 Semper, M. Theater. Stuttgart. 1904. Illus. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] Literatur, pp. 511-523. *8092, 52.6.5 Shaw, E. M. Fires in theatres. 2d edition. London. 1889. 8018.103 Strack, J. H. Das altgriechische Theaterge- baude. Potsdam. 1843. 9 plates. *Cab.6o.i38.3 Stratico, S., Conte. Dell' antico teatro di Padova. Padova. 1795. 6 plates. 4091.100 Streit, A. Das Theater. Untersuchungen liber das Theater-Bauwerk bei den klas- sischen und modernen Volkern. Wien. 1903. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.i55.3 Teuber, O., and A. Weil, Ritter von Weilen. Das K. k. Hofburgtheater seit seiner Begruendung. Wien. 1896-1906. 3 v. Illus. Plates. [Die Theater Wiens. Band 2.] *Cab. Tiffany Studios, New York. Mosaic curtain for the National Theatre of Mexico. New York. [1911?] Plates. 4099.176 Trelat, :fi. Le theatre et I'architecte. Paris. i860. **T.76.5i Tripier, A. £. P. Note sur la ventilation des theatres. Paris. 1859. Plans. **T.95.i40 Trost, A. Moritz von Schwind und das Wiener Opernhaus. Illus. {In Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhochsten Kaiserhauses. Band 21, Theil I, pp. 112-116. Wien. iqoo.) ♦8065.201.21 Truinet, C. L. £. Le Nouvel opera. Paris. 1875. Illus. 2639.59; ♦♦M.I 39. IT 324 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE Vaudoyer, A. L. T. Description du theatre de Marcellus, a Rome, retabli dans son etat primitif, Memoire joint aux plans, coupes, elevations et details. Paris. 1812. 4093.134 Wagner, H. Musik-, Schau- und Biihnen- spiel-Hallen; Tanz-Locale. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Halb-Band 4, pp. 107-131. Darmstadt. 1885.) *8o92.52.4 Saal-Anlagen. Illus. Plans. (In Hand- buch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band i, Wagner, H. (Continued.) pp. 241-255. Darmstadt. 1883.) *8o92.52.i Wieseler, F. Theatergebaude und Denk- maler des Buhnenwesens bei den Grie- chen und Romern. Gottingen. 1851. 14 plates. *296o.66 Wyatt, B. D. Observations on the design for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, as executed in . . . 1812. London, 1813. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. **T.72.3 Architectural Details. (Including Interiors.) See also Decoration and the sub-division under that head. Abigt, E. J., editor. Landhaus und Villa. Architektur, Innendekorationen, Garten. Wiesbaden. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8107.38 American Architect and Building News. The architectural treatment of reinforced concrete buildings. New York. 1907. Illus. Plans. 40903.129 Andersen, C. C. T. The chronological col- lection of the Kings of Denmark. Copenhagen. 1878. Illus. *4832.36 The illustrations are of interiors, furniture, etc. ; one is of Rosenborg palace. [Architectural decorations of Pompeii, en- graved by G. Morghen and others.] **Tosti, A.3.1 Amot, D. H. Gothic architecture applied to modern residences. New York. 1851. Plates. *4ioi.23 Artistic houses. Interior views of a number of homes in the United States. New York. 1883, 84. 2 parts in 4 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.26.i Aufleger, O. Siiddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im xviii. Jahrhundert. Miinchen. 1891-95. 10 v. in 7. Namely: 1, 2. Die Klosterkirchen in Ottobeuren, 2 V. in I. 55 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.i 3, 4. Miinchener Architektur des xviii. Jahrhunderts. Einleitung von K. Traut- mann. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.2 5. Innen-Decorationen des koniglichen Lustschlosses Schleissheim. Einleitung von J. Mayerhofer. 30 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.io6.3 6. Altare und Sculpturen des Miinsters zu Salem. 20 plates. No. 2 in *Cab. 60.106.3 7,8. Die reichen Zimmer der konigl. Residenz in Miinchen. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. Plan. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.4 9. Die kgl. Hofkirche zu Furstenfeld. Die Klosterkirche zu Diessen. Einlei- tung von K. Trautmann. Plates. *Cab.6o.io6.9 ID. Die Amalienburg im konigl. Schloss- garten zu Nymphenburg. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. 2. Auflage. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.io Baer, C. H. Deutsche Wohn- & Festraume aus sechs Jahrhunderten. Stuttgart. 1912. Illus. Plates. [Bauformen-Bi- bliothek.] *409oa.i49 Bajot, £. Interieurs d'appartements meu- bles vus en perspective. Stylvoll ein- gerichtete Wohnraume in perspectivi- schen Totalansichten. Zeichnungen im Style des xv. bis xvii. Jahrhundert. Berlin. [1885.] 25 plates. *Cab.6o.i24.3 Bankart, G. P. The art of the plasterer. An account of the decorative develop- ment of the craft, chiefly in England, from the xvith to the xviirth century. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plan. *409i.32 Benedetti, M. de. Palazzi e ville reali d' Italia. Con prefazione di C. Ricci. Firenze. 191 1, 13. 2 v. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. 4073.261 Treats especially of the works of art found in the palaces. Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Motive der deutschen Architektur des xvi., XVII. und XVIII. Jahrhunderts in his- torischer Anordnung. Herausgegeben von A. Lambert und E. Stahl. Stutt- gart. 1890, 93. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i88.6 Contents. — i. Friih-und Hochrenaissance. 1500- 1650. 2. Barock und Rokoko. 1650-1800. Bicknell, A. J. & Co., publishers. Detail, cot- tage and constructive architecture. New York. 1873. 75 plates. 4100.50 Binstead, H. E., compiler. Useful details in several styles. London. 1906. Plates. *4093'i67 These architectural and furniture details have appeared from time to time in the pages of The Furniture Record. Blomstedt, Y. Karelische Gebaude und ornamentale Formen aus Zentral-Rus- sisch-Karelien. [tJbersetzung von Gus- tave Schmidt.] Helsingfors. 1902. Illus. 90 plates. Plans. [Finska Fornminnes- foreningen.] *409i.i40 Blondel, J. F. Decorations exterieures & interieures des xvii^ & xviiie siecles. Monuments — decoration des apparte- ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 325 Blondel, J. F. (Continued.) merits — boiseries & plafonds — mobilier — f erronnerie — jardins — etc. Paris. [1913.] lUus. 225 plates. [Editions artistiques et scientifiques.] *Cab.6o.58.2 Boetticher, C. Die Tektonik der Hellenen. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. 1862, 74. Text, I v.; Atlas, 45 plates. *Cab.6o.i82.5 Same. 1874, 81. Text, 2 v. in i. i folded plate. *Cab.6o.i82.6 Bohnstedt, L., and H. Wagner. Vorraume, Treppen-, Hof-, und Saal-Anlagen. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Ar- chitektur. Theil 4, Band i, pp. 191-255. Darmstadt. 1883.) *8o92.52.i Boillot, J. Novveavx povrtraitz et figvres de termes pour vser en I'architecture; com- posez & enrichiz de diuersite d'animaulx. Legres. [1592.] Portraits. 55 plates. **G.i74.ii Book, The, of a hundred houses; a collec- tion of pictures, plans and suggestions for householders. Chicago. 1902. Plates. Plans. *4097.i4i The illustrations include interiors. Bourgerel, G. B. A. Fragments d'architec- ture et de sculpture. Paris. 1863. loi plates. *Cab.6o.98.i Bourgoin, J. Les arts arabes. Architecture, plafonds, pavements, vitraux, etc. Paris. 1873. 92 plates. *Cab.8o.iio.2 Precis de I'art arabe. Paris. 1892. Plates. ♦5070.11.7 Brandon, J. R., and J. A. Brandon. Analysis of Gothick architecture. London. 1847. Plates. *4ioi.3 Brayda, R. Stucchi ed affreschi nel reale castello del Valentino. Torino. [189-?] Illus. Plans. *Cab.8o.i5.4 Brinckmann, A. E. Die praktische Bedeu- tung der Ornamentstiche fiir die deutsche Friihrenaissance. Strassburg. 1907. 25 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.458 Contents. — Italienische Ornamentstiche. — Deutsche Ornamentstiche. — Niederlandische Ornament- stiche. — Schluss. Brown, H. C, compiler. Book of home building and decoration, prepared in cooperation with and under the direc- tion of the leading manufacturers of the country. Garden City, New York. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8104.22 A collection of articles by various authors. Buehlmann, J. Die Bauformenlehre. Darm- stadt. 1896. Illus. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.49.2 Die Gestaltung der ausseren und der in- neren Architektur. Illus. Plates. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4, Band i, pp. 120-190. Darmstadt. 1883.) ♦8092.52.1 Burges, W. Architectural designs. London. 1883,87. 2v. Plates. *8i03.62 Vol. 2 contains details of stone work. Canina, L. Particolare genere di architet- tura domestica decorato con ornamenti di svelte forme. Roma. 1852. 40 plates. ♦Cab.60.70.2 Caveler, W. Select specimens of Gothic ar- 1^ chitecture. 2d edition. London. 1839. Chabat, P. La brique et la terre cuite. Paris. i88i[-9o]. 2 V. 161 plates. *Cab.6o.23.3 Fragments d'architecture. Paris. 1868. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.48.2 Charles, C. J. Elizabethan interiors. Lon- don. [1911.] Plates. *Cab.6o.i73.6 One of an edition of 800 copies. Printed on one side only of the leaf. Clarkson, D. A. Fonts, mural tablets, chim- ney pieces and balustrades. London. [i860?] 48 plates. *Cab.8o.6o.8 Cluny, Hotel et Musee de, Paris. Le Musee de Cluny. Paris. [1895?, 97-] 2 v. 136 plates. Plans. *Cab.8o.i74.2 Contents. — i. La pierre, le marbre, I'albatre, la terre cuite. 2. Le bois: bahuts, buffets, sieges, lits, tables, portes, bureaux, details de sculptures, panneaux. Colinet, E. C. £. Recueil des restes de notre art national. Verzameling der over- blijfsels onzer nationale Kunst der xiste tot de xviiide eeuw. Jahrg. 1-3. Brus- sels. 1873-77. 3 parts in i v. 214 plates. ♦4090.88 The text, as well as the title-page, is in Dutch and French. Colling, J. K. Details of Gothic architecture (in England). London. 1856. 2 v. 190 plates. *8o9i.ii4 Examples of English mediaeval foliage and coloured decoration, taken from build- ings of the I2th-i5th century. Boston. 1875. Illus. 76 plates. ♦4091.52 Gothic ornament. London. [1848-50.] 2 v. 207 plates. ♦8090.11 Comstock, W. T. Modern architectural de- signs and details. New York. [1881.] 80 plates. ♦8103.55 Selected details of interior and exterior finish. New York. 1890. Plates. ♦Cab.60.100.7 Cornille, F. [Designs and elevations of portes-cocheres, pulpits, furniture, etc. Engraved by Monchelet.] Paris. 26 plates. ♦8o8oa.9 Cremer and Wolffenstein. Der innere Ausbau. Sammlung ausgefiihrter Ar- beiten aus alien Zweigen des Bauge- werbes. Abtheilung 1-4; 5, Lieferung 1-4. Berlin. [1886-1912.] 5 v. in 8. Plates. ♦Cab.60.163.1 Cummings, M. F. Architectural details. New York. 1873. Plates. ♦4090.54 Cummings, M. F., and C. C. Miller. Archi- tecture. Designs for street fronts, suburban houses and cottages, including details, for both exterior and interior, illustrated by elevations. 2d edition. Troy, N. Y. [1865.] 52 plates with de- scriptive text. ♦8090.15 Daly, C. Choix de fragments empruntes a des monuments frangais du commence- ment de la renaissance a la fin de Louis XVI. Paris. 1870. 2 v. 192 plates. ♦Cab.60.74.3 Decorations interieures empruntees a des edifices frangais du commencement de la renaissance a la fin de Louis xvi. Paris. 1880. 2 V. 200 plates. ♦Cab.80.11.3 Damiani de Almeyda, G. Istituzioni orna- mentali sull' antico e sul vero. Torino. [1890.] 60 plates. ♦Cab.80.34.2 326 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Daubourg, E. L'architecture interieure. Paris. 1876. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.io8.8 In French and English. Degen, L. Les constructions en briques, Paris. 1864. 48 plates. *8o9oa.i27 Motifs de decoration et d'ornement des constructions en bois. [Avec Supple- ment.] Paris, i860, 62. 2 V. in I. 84 plates. *8o8o.io9 Dehli, A. Selections of Byzantine ornament. New York. 1890. 2 v. in i. 100 plates. • *4090.76 Designs for shop-fronts and door-cases. London. [187-?] 27 plates. 8103.54 No text. Destailleur, H. A. W. Recueil d'estampes relatives a Tornementation des apparte- ments aux xvi^, xvii^ et xviiie siecles. D'apres les compositions de Du Cerceau, Lepautre . . . Paris. 1863, 71. 2 v. 144 plates. *Cab.8o.io.2 De Wolfe, E. The house in good taste. New York. 1913. Portrait. Plates. 4097.82 Mainly on interiors. Some of the plates are colored. Dietterlin, W. Le livre de I'architecture. Liege. 1862. 5 parts in 2 v. 209 plates. A reprint of the edition of 1598. *Cab.6o.99.5 Ditchfield, P. H. Vanishing England. The book by P. H. Ditchfield. The illustra- tions by Fred Roe. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. Map. 2463.169 Dohme, R. Barock- und Rococo-Architek- tur. Berlin. 1892. 3 v. Illus. 200 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i02.i Ebe, G. Architektonische Raumlehre. Ent- wickelung der Typen des Innenbaues. Dresden. 1900, 01. 2 v. Illus. Plans. *4093.88 Contents. — i. Von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Abschluss der gothischen Periode. 2. Renais- sance, Barock u. Neuklassik. Die Schmuckformen der Monumental- bauten aus alien Stilepochen seit der griechischen Antike. Leipzig. 1893, 98. 3 V. Plates. *4ioi.7o Contents. — i. Klassische Antike und nordische Kunstanfange. — Altchristliches, Byzantinisches und Karolingisches. — Romanische Epoche. — Gotische Epoche. 2. Frtih- und Hochrenaissance. — Spatrenaissance und erste Barockperiode. 3. Zweite Barockperiode. — Rokoko und Klassizis- mus. Elliott, C. W. The book of American inte- riors. From existing houses, with pre- liminary essays and letter press descrip- tions. Illustrated in heliotype. Boston. 1876. Illus. 22 plates. *Cab.8o.37.4 Ellwood, G. M. Mobel und Raumkunst in England 1680-1800. 2. Auflage. Stutt- gart. 191 1. 201 plates. [Bauformen- Bibliothek.] *409oa.i45 Elwell, N. W. Colonial furniture and in- teriors. Boston. [1896.] 56 plates. *Cab.8o.ii5.5 Embury, A., 2d. The Dutch colonial house: its origin, design, modern plan and con- struction. Illustrated with photographs of old examples and American adapta- tions of the style. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The country Embury, A., 2d. (Continued.) house library.] 8107.43 Contains several chapters on the treatment of interiors. Ewerbeck, F. Terrassen und Perrons. Illus. Plans. {In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Band 6, pp. 132-136. Darm- stadt. 1884.) *8o92.5i.6 Vordacher. Illus. {In Handbuch der Ar- chitektur. Band 6, pp. 156-161. Darm- stadt. 1884.) *8o92.5i.6 Ewerbeck, F., and E. Schmitt. Einfriedigun- gen, Briistungen und Gelander; Bal- cons, Altane und Erker. Illus. Plans. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Band 2, Heft 2, pp. 1-104. Darmstadt. 1891.) Contains bibliographies. *8092.5l.2.2 Ewerbeck, F., and others. Die Renaissance m Belgien und Holland. Leipzig. 1883- 89. ^ 4 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.44.i Flemish Renaissance. Exteriors and ex- terior details. New York. [190-?] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i73.3 The plates contained in this volume were evi- dently selected from the preeceding work. Fehrmann, E. G., and C. Weissbach, editors. Die architektonischen Formen der Renaissance und ihre Decoration. Pho- tographische Aufnahmen der plastischen Vorlagen fur Architekten [u. s. w.]. Ab- theilung I. Dresden. [1879.] 90 plates. *Cab.6o.i32.3 Contents. — i. Die architektonischen Gliederun- gen und ihre Decoration, Fonteyne, J. Documents pratiques d'archi- tecture. ire serie: Marbrerie. Paris. ^,[1875?] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.68.2 Fullerton, W. Architectural examples in brick, stone, wood and iron. London. 1890. 220 plates. *8o9oa.53 Gauthier, M. P. Vestibule, Gallerien, Innen- hofe, etc., aus genuesischen Palasten. Berlm. [18—?] 26 plates. *8i03.22 Gehs-Didot, P., and T. Lambert. La con- struction privee a la fin du xixe siecle. Hotels et maisons de Paris, fagades et details. Paris. 1893. 100 plates. ^ , , ,, *Cab.6o.24.2 Gerlach, M. Niirnbergs Erker, Giebel und Hofe. Photographische Aufnahmen. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Wien. [1897.] 55 plates. *407o.io5 Gibbs, J. A book of architecture, contain- ing designs of buildings and ornaments. London. 1728. 150 plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.9 Contains designs for monuments. Goeller, A. Gesimse. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 2, pp. 105-366. Darmstadt. ^ 189I.) *8092.5I.2.2 Goforth, W. D., and W. J. McAuley. Old colonial architectural details in and around Philadelphia. New York. 1890. 50 plates. *8o90.79 Goodyear, W. H. Architectural refinements exhibition, Edinburgh, September-No- vember, 1905. A reply to the article in The Builder of September 23, entitled "The glamour of crooked building." [Edinburgh.] 1905. 4094.48 Un vertical curves. The article referred to is on shelf-number *4io4.2oi.89. Bibliography, p. 27. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Z27 Goodyear, W. H. (Continued.) Illustrated catalogue of photographs & surveys of architectural refinements in mediaeval buildings, lent by the Brook- lyn Museum of Arts and Sciences [and published by the] Edinburgh Architec- tural Association. Text and observa- tions by Wm H. Goodyear. Edin- burgh. 1905. Plates. Plans. *4094.i2o Bibliography of publications on architectural re- finements, pp. 147, 148. Contains material on vertical curves. Vertical curves and other architectural re- fmements in the Gothic cathedrals and churches of northern France and in early Byzantine churches at Constantinople. New York. 1904. Plates. [Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Mem- oirs of art and archaeology.] 4093.147 Contains a bibliography of the author's work on architectural refinements, etc. The widening refinement in Rheims Cathe- dral. London. 1907. *4i05.87 On the intentional divergence of vertical lines in the building, for the purpose of counteracting the effect of perspective. Goujon, J. [La grande frise du Louvre.] 14 ^ . plates. *Cab.6o.27.4 Gnvaud de la Vincelle, C. M. Antiauites gauloises et romaines recueillies dans les jardins du Palais du Senat. Paris. 1807. Plates. *4632.ii A few plates represent architectural details. Gruner, L. Decorations de palais et d'eglises en Italic dans le cours du xye et du xvie siecle. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1854. ^ Plates. *Cab.8o.32.3 Guggenheim, M. Le cornici italiane dalla meta del secolo xyo alio scorcio del xvio, con breve testo. Milano. 1897. 100 plates. *4090.92 Hasak, M. Einzelheiten des Kirchenbaues. Stuttgart. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.50.4.4 Havard, H. Histoire et philosophic des styles (architecture, ameublement, deco- ration). Paris. 1899, 1900. 2 V. Illus. Plans. *Cab.8o.245.3 Some of the plates are colored. Helburn, W., publisher. Architectural details from the classic and Renaissance periods. New York. [190-?] yd plates. u , , ^ *4090.i87 Hochbau-Constructionen, Die. Darmstadt [etc.]. 1881-1903. 6 V. in 12. Plates. [Handbuch der Architektur. 3.] *8o92.5i Hooper, C. E. Reclaiming the old house: its modern problems and their solu- tion as governed by the methods of its . builders. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8107.44 Studies of colonial architecture, including in- teriors. ^°^^'. ^V ^'^ ^"^ ^- I^uller. Details from old New England houses. New York 1913- 50 plates. *8i02.54 Huber, A. Kleine Architekturen zur Aus- fuhrung in Holz. Berlin. 1891-99. 2 v mi. 90 plates. *Cab.6o.i47.i 22 Hussey, E. C. National cottage architecture. New York. 1874. 63 plates. 4101.51 Inffeld, A., Ritter von. tJber Aufbau und Detail in der Baukunst. Wien. 1907. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i3i.5 Innen-Dekoration: die gesamte Wohnungs- kunst in Bild und Wort. Herausge- ber: Alexander Koch. 23. Jahrgang. Darmstadt. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409i.34 A collection of articles by various writers. Some of the plates are colored. Ivanof, S. A. ApxHTeKxypHbiH H3Cjit;to- BBHiji. Architektonische Studien. Her- ausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen deutschen archaeologischen Institut. BepJiHH-b. 1892-98. Text, 3 V. Portrait; Atlas, 3. v. *Cab.6o.io7.i Contents. — i. Aus Griechenland. 2. Aus Pom- peji. 3. Aus den Thermen des Caracalla. Jacob, S. S. Jeypore portfolio of architec- tural details. London. 1890-94. 7 v. *Cab.6o.ii.i Contents. — i. Copings and plinths. 52 plates. 2. Pillars : caps and bases. 79 plates. 3. Carved doors. 68 plates. 4. Brackets. 69 plates. 5. Arches. 58 plates. 6. Balustrades. 50 plates. 7. String and band patterns. 64 plates. Jantzen, H. Das niederlandische Archi- tekturbild. Leipzig. 1910. Plates. 8062.148 Johnson, W. M. Inside of one hundred homes. Philadelphia. [1898.] Plates. [Ladies' Home Journal household li- brary.] 4099.118 Same. {In Home building and furnishing. Part 2. New York. [1903.]) 4099.131 Jurkovic, D. Prace lidu naseho. Lidove stavby, zarizeni a vyzdoba obydli, drobne prace. Les ouvrages popu- laires des Slavagnes. Viden. [1905.] 60 plates. *8o9o.i69 Kick, F., editor. Alt-Prager Architektur- Detaile. Attika-Aufbauten, dachlucken Dacher, Giebel, Balkone, etc. Wien. [1908.] 80 plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.3 Kinross, J. Details from Italian buildings, chiefly Renaissance. Edinburgh. 1882. 50 plates. *8o8o.37 Koch, A., editor. Alexander Koch's Hand- buch neuzeitlicher Wohnungskultur. [Darmstadt. 1912, 13.] 2 v. Plates. *409i.'^8 Contents. — [i.] Herrenzimmer. [2.] Speise- Zimmer. Views of interiors. Some of the plates are colored. Koch, H. Ausbildung der Fussboden-, Wand- und Deckenflachen. Stuttgart. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Hand- buch der Architektur.] *8o92.5i.3.3 Koehler, H. Polychrome Meisterwerke der monumentalen Kunst in Italien vom v. bis XVI. Jahrhundert. Leipzig. 1880. 12 plates. *Cab.8o.34.i Konnerth, E. Vestibule und Stiegenhauser aus Wien vom Anfang des xviii. Jahr- hunderts bis auf die Gegenwart. Wien 1894. Plates. *Cab.6c.88.4 Kowalczyk, G. von, editor. Denkmaeler der Kunst in Dalmatien. Mit einer Einlei- 328 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Kowalczyk, G. von, editor. (Continued.) tung von C. Gurlitt. Berlin. 1910. 132 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.6 The plates include examples of church architec- ture and of architectural details. Lacroux, J. Constructions en briques. La brique au point de vue decoratif. Texte par C. Detain. Paris. 1878-86. 2 v. in i. 155 plates. *Cab.6o.39.2 Lafosse, J. C. de. Nouvelle iconologie his- torique, ou attributs hieroglyphiques composees & arrangees de maniere qu'ils peuvent servir a toutes sortes de decorations. Te Amsterdam. [1768?] 113 plates. *Cab.8o.io.4 Lambeth, W. A., and W. H. Manning. Thomas Jefferson as an architect and a designer of landscapes. Boston. 1913- Portrait. Plates. Plans. *L.6i.42 The first section, by Lambeth, treats of Jeffer- son's work in connection with the University of Virginia and the interior decoration of Monticello. Landi, G. A. Raccolta di alcune facciate di palazzi e cortili de piti riguardevoli di Bologna. Bologna. [i75-?] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i38.5 Langley, B., and T. Langley. Gothic archi- tecture improved by rules and propor- tions. In many grand designs of columns, doors, windows, chimney- pieces, &c., with plans, elevations and profiles geometrically explained. Lon- don. [1742.] 62 plates. *8o9o.i04 Lasteyrie du Saillant, R. C, Comte de. La deviation de I'axe des eglises; est-elle symbolique? Paris. 1905. Plans. 4102.47 Reprinted from the Memoires de 1' Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, tome 37, 2e partie 1*3292.2.37.2]. Lefuel, H. M. Les appartements prives de I'imperatrice au palais des Tuileries. Publics par Eugene Rouyer. Paris. 1867. ^ 20 plates. Plan. *Cab.8o.32.i Leinhaas» G. A., compiler. Wohnraeume des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach gleich- zeitigen Darstellungen auf Gemaelden, etc. Berlin. 1901. 20 colored plates. ♦4090a. 1 07 Leixner-Gruenberg, O. von. Lehrbuch der Baustile mit besonderer Berucksichti- gung des architektonischen und tcchni- schen Details. Band i, 2. Leipzig. [1900, 1905?] 71 plates. *409oa.ii5 Contains bibliographies. Contents. — 1. Die Baukunst des Altertums. 2. Die Baukunst des Mittelalters. Little, A. Early New England interiors. Sketches in Salem, Marblehead, Ports- mouth and Kittery. Boston. 1878. 36 plates. *8iooa.2;**K.6oa.i4 London interiors: a grand national exhibi- tion of the religious, regal, and civic solemnities of the British capital. Lon- don. [1841?] Illus. 50 plates. *2490.i30 Luthmer, F. Malerische Innenraume mo- derner Wohnungen. Frankfurt am Main. 1885, 96. 50 plates. *Cab.8o.ii.2 Sammlung von Innenraumen, Mobeln und Gerathen im Louis-Seize- und Em- pire-Stil aus Schlossern und Kirchen Luthmer, F. (Continued.) zu Kassel, Wilhelmshohe und Wiirz- burg. Frankfurt am Main. 1897. 30 plates. *Cab.8o.i87.i A new series of his Malerische Innenraume. Macartney, M. E. The practical exemplar of architecture. Being measured drawings & photographs of examples of architec- tural details. Westminster, S. W. [1907-1910.] 3 V. Illus. 344 plates. Plans. *4090.i82 Mackenzie, F., and A. C. Pugin. Specimens of Gothic architecture, consisting of doors, windows, buttresses, pinnacles, &c. With the measurements. Selected from ancient buildings at Oxford, &;c. London. [1825?] 61 plates. . *4i02.6 MacLean, L., and M. C. Walther. Deutsches Bauhandwerk vor 100 Jahren: mass- stabliche Aufnahmen von Toren, Tiiren, Fenstern, Treppen, Gittern, Kaminen, Ofen, Grabsteinen . . . Ber- lin W. [1911-] Illus. 54 plates. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.6o.l73.5 Marot, J. Recveil de diverses pieces mo- dernes d'architectvre et novvelles in- ventions de portes, cheminees, ornemens et avtres. Paris. [1680?] 20 plates. *8o9oa.56 Marr, T. E., & Sons, Boston. [A collection of views of Fenway Court. Boston.] 1902-04. 42 mounted photographs. *Cab.23.69,i2 All but two of the views are of interiors. Marx, E. Wande und Wand-Oeffnungen. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft i, pp. 4- 517- Darmstadt. 1891.) *8o92.5i.2.i Mathewson, F. E. Architectural drawing plates. Details of construction. Spring- field. Mass. [1911-1 20 plates. 8o6oa.i35 Mebes, P. Um 1800. Architektur und Hand- werk im letzten Jahrhundert ihrer tradi- tionellen Entwicklung. Miinchen. 1908. 2 V. Plates. 4091.156 Plates, with introduction in each volume, relating principally to Germany. Mediaeval architectural refinements. [Lon- don. 1904.] Illus. 4091.148 On vertical curves in church architecture. A discussion of Mr, Goodyear's lecture on The asymmetry of French cathedrals. Cut from The Architect & Contract Reporter, Feb., 1904 [*4ioi.20i.7i]. The lecture referred to is on shelf-number 4093.147. Meisterwerke der Baukunst und des Kunst- gewerbes in Spanien, alphabetisch nach Orten herausgegeben von Hubert Joly. Wittenberg. [1908.] 2 v. Plates. [Meisterwerke der Baukunst und des Kunstgewerbes aller Lander und Zeiten.] 4094.174 A collection of architectural plates with indexes. Melani, A. Arte italiana. Raccolta di modelli architettonici, figurativi e orna- mentali di diverso stile. Milano. 1888. 150 plates. *8o7o.i66 Millar, W. Plastering, plain and decorative. With an account of historical plastering in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Lon- don. 1897. Plates. *409i.78 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 329 Modem Romanesque. A collection of exe- cuted examples of carving and sculpture as applied to architecture and the acces- sory arts. New York. 1892. 20 plates. *8o8o.i03 Moellinger, C. Elemente des Rundbogen- stiles mit erlauterndem Texte. Miin- chen. 1846-48. 2v.ini. Plates. *8o92.78 Montane, G. B. Diversi ornamenti capric- ciosi per depositi o altari. Roma. 1625. Portraits. 40 plates. *8o9o.55 Mueller, W. J. Sketches of the age of Francis ist. London. 1841. (26) plates. Views of buildings and interiors. *Cab.6o.Il6.3 Museo bresciano illustrato. [Vol. i.] Bres- cia. 1838. 60 plates. *6720.6 The plates are largely of classic architecture and architectural details. A collection of articles by different writers. Muthesius, H. Landhaus und Garten. Bei- spiele neuzeitlicher Landhauser nebs'. Grundrissen, Innenraumen und Garten mit einleitendem Text. Miinchen. 1907. Illus. 241 plates. Plans. 8091.78 Some of the plates are colored. Nash, J. The mansions of England in the olden time. London. 1839-49. 4 v. 104 plates. **K.407.i Same. With the illustrations reduced. 1869-72. *L.6o.io Same. New edition. Edited by C. Holme. London. 1906. [The Studio.] Principally interiors. 8072.175 Neubauten in Oesterreich. Fagaden, De- tails, Haustore, Vestibule, etc. [Ta- feln.] Serie 2: Modernes Barock, etc. Wien. [1908.] 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i72.2 Neubauten in Wien, Prag, Budapest. Fa- gaden, Details, Haustore, Vestibule. Wien. 1904. 65 plates. *Cab.6o.i33.5 Nicolai, H. G. Das Ornament der italieni- schen Kunst des xv. Jahrhunderts. Dresden. 1882. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.3o.8 Nicole, D. Architecture pratique. De I'em- ploi des briques ordinaires dans la con- struction et la decoration des edifices. Paris. 1877. 30 colored plates. *8oio.i32 Nieder-osterreichische Gewerbe-Verein. In- terieurs von der Jubilaums-Gewerbe- Ausstellung, Wien. 3. Auflage. Wien. 1892. 60 plates. *8o90.i59 Oakeshott, G. J. Detail and ornament of the Italian Renaissance. London. 1888. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.3i.8 Same. New York. [1888.] *8o70.i90 Oliver, B. Old houses and village build- ings in East Anglia, Norfolk, Suffolk & Essex. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *8io7.34 Treats largely of interiors and decoration. Opderbecke, A. Die Bauformen des Mittel- alters in Sandstein. 2. Auflage. Weimar. 1885. 36 plates. *Cab.6o.27.3 Oppenord, G. M. Architectonische und or- namentale Einzelheiten im Style des Barock. Berlin. [1891.] 85 plates. ♦8071. 1 22 Ortelius, A. Kartuschen im Style der ^^ flamischen Renaissance. 2te Auflage. Paley, F. A. A manual of Gothic moldings. 3d edition. With additions by W. M. Fawcett. Londi)n. 1865. Illus. 21 plates. 8095.64 Same. 5th edition. 1891. 8095.73 Same. 6th edition. 1902. 8095.78 Palliser, G., and C. Palliser. Useful details. Vol. I. Bridgeport. 1881. 40 plates. *Cab.6o.53.3 Paul, J. F. Bay-state moulding manufac- tory. [Designs for mouldings, etc. Bos- ton. 1869?] 25 plates. 4021.12 Phipson, E. Choir stalls and their carvings. Examples of misericords from English cathedrals and churches. London. 1896. loi plates. *4ioi.7i Picturesque sketches: comprising architec- tural sculpture, statues, fountains, capi- tals, cathedrals, &c. Boston. 1885. 26 plates. *8o9oa.36 Pinder, G. M. W. Einleitende Vorunter- suchung zu einer Rhythmik romanischer Innenraume in der Normandie. Strass- burg. 1904. Plates. [Zur Kunst- geschichte des Auslandes.] 8081.136 Pineau, D. [Dessins de cheminees, de 1am- bris, d'autels et de baldaquins a Paris. Augsbourg. 175-?] 24 plates. *8o6o.i02 Piatt, C. A. Monograph of [his] work. In- troduction by R. Cortissoz. New York. 1913. 183 plates. *L.6o.29 Examples of American architecture, including in- teriors and landscape gardening. Pocock, W. F. Modern finishings for rooms; a series of designs for vestibules, halls, stair cases [etc.]. London. 1823. 86 plates. ' *4i02.24 Preston, W. G., compiler. [A collection of plates and plans of buildings, interiors, and furniture. New York, etc.] 1870- 1895. 10 v. Plates. Plans. *4io4.202 Cut from various architectural periodicals. Some of the plates are colored. Prignot, E. La marbrerie moderne. Paris. [1878?] Plates. *8ioo.62 Prior, E. S., and A. Gardner. An account of medieval figure-sculpture in England. Cambridge. 1912. Illus. Plates. *8o85.i57 Prisse d'Avennes, E. L'art arabe d'apres les monuments du Kaire depuis le viie siecle jusqu'a la fin du xviiie. Paris. 1877. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 3 v. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.4i.i Pugin, A. C. Gothic ornaments selected from various ancient buildings, both in England and France. Exhibiting every description of decorative detail from the eleventh to the beginning of the eighteenth century. London. 1854, 91 plates. *409i.i A series of ornamental timber gables, from existing examples in England and France, of the i6th century. 2d edition. London. 1854. Plates. *4ioi.2 Specimens of Gothic architecture; from ancient edifices in England. London. 1821, 22. 2 v. Plates. *4ioi.5 Pugin, A. C, and A. N. W. Pugin. Examples of Gothic architecture: from ancient edi- fices in England. London. 1850. 3 v. Plates. *409i.2 330 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Pugin, A. N. W. Details of antient timber houses of the 15th & i6th cent"es. Lon- don. 1836. Plates. *4ioi.i2; No. I in **G.i54.i Rawlinson, Sir R. Designs for factory, fur- nace, and other tall chimney shafts. [London. 1859.] 24 plates. *Cab.6o.98.2 Rea, A. Dravidian architectural details. 6 plates. (In Journal of Indian art and industry. Vol. 5, PP- 57, 58. London. 1894.) *8o7oa.ioo.5 Redfarn, W. B. Ancient wood & iron work in Cambridge. Letterpress by J. W. Clark. Cambridge. [1886.] 28 plates. *8o8o.30 Remon, G. Interieurs d'appartements modernes. Dourdan. [1892?] 30 colored plates. *Cab.8o.i84.2 Ricci, C. Baroque architecture and sculpture in Italy. London. 1912. Plates. *409i.30 Baukunst und dekorative Skulptur der Barockzeit in Italien. Stuttgart. 1912. Plates. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] ♦4090a. 1 48 Ricci, S. de. Der Stil Louis xvi: Mobiliar und Raumkunst. Stuttgart. [1913-] IHus. (i), 256 plates. [Bauformen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i5i Richardson, C. J. Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James i. London. 1838. 13 plates. *Cab.6o.ii9.i Same. 1840. 32 plates. *Cab.6o.ii4.i Observations on the architecture of Eng- land during the reigns of Queen Eliza- beth and King James i. London. 1837. 49 plates. *8o90.io5 Riegelmann, G. Ausgefiihrte Ornamente. Berlin. [1900.] 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i47.4 There is no text. Rieth, O. Architektur-Skizzen. Berlin. 1891. 120 plates. *8o9oa.iii;*L.4i.i5 Skizzen. Berlin. 1892. 20 plates. *8o9oa.ii8 This is a new series of the preceding work. Riewel, H., Ritter von, and C. Schmidt. Bau- technische Vorlageblatter fur Maurer, Zimmerleute, Bautischler, etc. 3. Auf- lage. Wien. 1893. 46 folded plates. *Cab.6Q.i09.5 Rousseau, H. La sculpture aux xviie et xviii^ siecles. Bruxelles. 191 1. Plates. [Collection des grands artistes des Pays-Bas.] 4087.188 Bibliographie, pp. 158-160. Roussel, J. Statuaire et sculpture decorative. Motifs extraits des archives du Minis- tere de I'instruction publique et des beaux arts. Paris. [1898?] 64 plates. [Monuments historiques de la France.] *8o8o.i24 Rueckwardt, H. Architektur der Neuzeit. Eine ausgewahlte Sammlung moderner Fagaden und Details. Berlin. [1892- 96.] 3 V. 300 plates. *Cab.6o.7i.i Runge, L. Backstein-Architectur Italiens. Berlin. [1852.] Plates. *8ioo.20 Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C. Le chapiteau nor- mand aux xie & xiie siecles. Macon. [188-?] Illus. Plate. 4091.127 A preprint from his L'architecture normande aux xie et xiie siecles en Normandie et en Angleterre [*8o90.66]. Ruskin, J. [Examples of the architecture of Venice. Part 1-3. London. 1851.] 15 plates. *Cab,6o.33.3 No more was published. Sauvage, F. Holz-Architektur. Entwiirfe von Gebauden, Lauben, Pavilions, usw. Berlin. 1905-08. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i3o.4 Savy, C. fitudes sur ies pignons gothiques des eglises a toiture basse a propos des travaux entrepris a la cathedrale de Lyon en 1861. Lyon. 1869. Illus. 4103.34 Schmidt, O. Kunstschatze aus Tirol. Wien. i89i[-93]- 90 plates. *Cab.8o.3o.4 Schubert von Soldem, Z., Ritter. Die Sprache des Ornaments. Darmstadt. 1896. Illus. [Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Ar- chitektur.] 8o9oa.i32.9 Scott, M. H. B. Houses and gardens. Lon- don. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8i04.i4 Sharpe, E. The mouldings of the six periods of British architecture, from the Con- quest to the Reformation. London. i87i[-74]- 171 plates. 4100.63 Shaw, H. Details of Elizabethan architec- ture. London. 1839. 60 plates. *4090.i6;**K.ioi.2 A series of details of Gothic architecture, selected from various cathedrals, churches, &c. London. 1823. 21 plates. *Cab.6o.89.5 Shaw, R. N. Architectural sketches from the continent. London. 1872. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.i Views and details from France, Italy and Ger- many. Shinn, E. Mr. Vanderbilt's house and col- lection, described by Edward Strahan [pseud.]. Holland edition. Boston. [i883-«4-] 4 V. Illus. Plates. *Cab.8o.269.i No. 189 of an edition of 1000 copies. There are lacking nine plates and pages 103 and 104. Some of the plates are colored. Sluyterman, T. K. L., editor. Old interiors in Holland. The Hague. 1908. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i57.6 Small, J. W. Leaves from my sketch-books. Edinburgh. 1880. 65 plates with de- scriptive text. *409i.i84 Sketches of various . architectural details, etc., mostly from Scotland. Smith, J. M. Ornamental interiors, ancient and modern. London. 1887. Plates. ♦8062.66 Snyder, F. M. Building details. Part 1-9. New York. 1906-11. 90 plans. *Cab.6o.i68.i Speltz, A. Das Ornament der Renaissance, des Barock und Rococo, des Louis xvi.- und Empirestiles, sowie des klassizie- renden englischen Stiles. Berlin. [1906.] Plates. 4098.146 Separatausgabe des Werkes "Der Ornamentstil." Styles of ornament exhibited in designs and arranged in historical order with descriptive text. Translated by D. O'Conor. Berlin. [1906.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8064.158 Reference books, pp. 633-635. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 331 Soci^te des antiquaires'du Centre, Bourges. Catalogue du Musee lapidaire de Bour- ges. Bourges. 1873. Plates. 4077.161 Spring Gardens Sketching Club, London. The Spring Gardens note-book. Lon- don. 1874, 79- No. 2 in *Cab.6o.ii8.2 These notes accompany the first two volumes of the club's Sketch-book. The spring Gardens sketch-book. Lon- don. [1867-90?] 8 V. 577 plates. *Cab.6o.ii8.i Same. Topographical index, and index of subjects. With a brief account of the origin and objects of the club. London. 1891. Plate. *Cab.6o.ii8.2 Statz, v., and G. G. Ungewitter. Gotisches Musterbuch. 2. Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von K. Mohrmann. Leipzig. 1905. 200 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.4 Examples of Gothic ornament. Steiermaerkisches Landesmuseum Joan- neum, Graz. Altsteirische Wohnraume im Landesmuseum zu Graz, herausge- geben von K. Lacher. Leipzig. 1906. ^2 plates. [Ornamentale und kunstge- werbliche Sammelmappe.] *Cab.4o.30.6 Steinhart, F. X. Einzelheiten alter Bauern- bauten. Leipzig. [1906.] 48 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i62.i Stickley, G. Craftsman homes. New York. [1909.] Illus. Plans. 8105.60 Treats of artistic furniture and interiors. More craftsman homes. New York City. [1912.] Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 8105.63 Strack, H. Ziegelbauwerke des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in Italien. Berlin. 1889. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.33.i Strange, T. A. A guide to collectors. Eng- lish furniture, decoration, wood-work & allied arts during the last half of the seventeenth century, and the whole of the eighteenth century, and the earlier part of the nineteenth. Enlarged edition. London. [1901.] Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4093.29 An historical guide to French interiors, furniture, decoration, woodwork & allied arts during the last half of the seven- teenth century, the whole of the eight- eenth century and the earlier part of the nineteenth. London. [1903.] Plates. 40903.125 Stuers, V. E. L. de, and P. J. H. Cuypers. Het Rijks-Museum te Amsterdam. Tekst van Victor de Stuers. Platen van P. J. H. Cuypers. Amsterdam. [1898.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.i35.i3 The plates include some plans, and twelve of the plates are colored. Surigny, A. de. Le Tabernacle de la. Vierge par Orcagna dans I'eglise d'Or-San- Michele a Florence. Paris. 1869. Plates. 4092.112 Extrait des Annales archeologiques, vol. 26 [*336i.i.26]. Tanner, H., Jr. English interior woodwork Kof the XVI, XVII, & xviiith centuries. Examples of chimney-pieces, panelling, staircases, doors, screens, &c. London. ...... ._„ Topical architecture. Classified architec- tural motives and details. Published monthly by the American Architect. Boston. 1900-04. 60 V. Plates. *8o9oa.i35 Contents. — i, 2. Doorways. 3, 4, 21, 26, 38, 59. Capitals. 5, 6, 14, 15, 22. Ironwork. 7, 42, 60. Chimney pieces. 8, 46, 52, 56. Tombs. 9. Ara- besques. 10. Sgraffito. 11, 12, 16, 18, 20, 28, 30, 44, 50. Domical buildings. 13, 23. Cornices. 17. 33. Lions. 19, 37, 40, 58. Pulpits. 24, 31, 51. Fonts and stoups. 25, 29, 43, 47, 48, 57. Gates and railings. 27, Eagles. 32, 49. Wells and foun- tains. 34, 35, 41, 45, 54. Organs. 39, 55. Newels and ramps. 53. Sundials. There is no text. Publication discontinued. Topical architecture: a library of classified motives and details. Boston. 1901, 02. 2 V. Namely: Renaissance doorways: Italian. 104 plates. *8o9oa.i36 Door and window grilles in bronze and iron. 104 plates. *8o9oa.i37 Trocadero, Palais du. Album du Musee de sculpture coniparee (Palais du Troca- dero). Paris. [1898.] Plates. *Cab.8o.i76.i Contents. — i. £poque gallo-romaine. xiie siecle. 76 plates. 2. xiiie siecle. 85 plates. 3. xive & xve siecles. 56 plates. 4. xvie siecle. 86 plates. 5. xviie-xixe siecles. 54 plates. Tuthill, W. B. Interiors and interior details. New York. 1882. 52 plates. 4100.55 Uhde, C. The architectural forms of the classic ages; giving special attention to columns and cornices. English by M. W. Boehme. Berlin. [1896?] 70 plates. *Cab.6o.96.8 Ungewitter, G. G. Details fiir Stein- und Ziegel-Architektur im romanisch-gothi- schen Style. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [1890.] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.i Gothische Holz-Architektur. 3. Auflage. Berlin. [1890.] 48 plates. *Cab.6o.i4.2 Vorlegeblatter fiir Ziegel- und Steinarbei- ten. 3. Auflage. Glogau. [187-?] 49 plates. *Cab.6o.i32.5 Vaillat, L. SS. France. Paris. [1912.] (12) plates. *8o73.254 Interior views and decoration of the steamship. Some of the plates are colored. Vallance, A. Art in England during the Elizabethan and Stuart periods, with a note on the first century of English en- graving by Malcolm C. Salaman. Edited by Charles Holme. London. 1908. Plates. 8072.182 Many of the plates are colored. A special spring number of the Studio ['407 1.225]. Views. [Collection of engravings giving views of buildings and ruins chiefly in and about Rome, with architectural de- tails.] Rome. 1738-1814. Plates. *Cab.49.i6.i VioUet-le-Duc, E. E. Dessins inedits. Pu- blics par les soins de A. de Baudot [et] J. Roussel. Paris. [1895, 96.] 2 v. 268 plates. [Archives de la Commission des monuments historiques. Musee de sculpture comparee.] *4ioo.4i Vol. I contains architectural ornament. Vol. 2 contains architectural plans and elevations. 332 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Vollmer, W. A., editor. A book of distinc- tive interiors. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.164 A collection of articles by various authors. Vorbilder fiir Fabrikanten und Handwerker. Berlin. 1821-37. Text, 2 parts in i v.; Atlas, 148 plates. *Cab.8o.8o.5 Vries, J. V. de. [Architectura continens quinque ornamenta architecturae. H. Cock excudebat. Antwerpen. 1565-] 22 plates. *8o93.24 Caryatidvm. [Antwerp? circ. 1580.] 15 plates. *8o95.i5 Variae architecturae formae. Antverpise. 1601. [Bruxelles. 1877.] 40 plates. ♦8093.28 Vulliety, H. La Suisse a travers les ages. Histoire de la civilisation depuis les temps prehistoriques jusqu'a la fin du xviiie siecle. Bale. [1902?] Plates. 486oa.22 Many plates of Swiss architecture, interiors, etc. Wackernagel, M. Die Plastik des xi. und XII. Jahrhunderts in 'Apulien. Leipzig. Toii. Illus. Plates. [Koniglich-preus- sisches historisches Institut in Rom. Kunstgeschichtliche Forschungen.] *8071.2I2 Waring, J. B. Illustrations of architecture and ornament. London. 1871. 70 plates. *8o8oa.28 Waring, J. B., and T. R. Macquoid. Examples of architectural art in Italy and Spain, chiefly of the 13th and i6th centuries. London. 1850. 61 plates. *Cab.6o.ii3.2 Watt, J. C. Examples of Greek and Pom- peian decorative work. London. 1897. 60 plates. *Cab.8o.2oi.i Weaver, L., editor. The house and its equip- ment. London. 1911. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.184 A collection of articles by various authors. Weissbach, C, and E. Lottermoser. Archi- tektonische Motive. Leipzig. 1871. 30 plates. *8ioo.ii Some of the plates are colored. Wiener Fagadenbuch. 1860-1890. Wien. 1892. 20 plates. [Wiener Neubauten. Serie A. Privatbauten.] *Cab.6o.io9.3 Williams, D., Co. Cottage designs with constructive details, by various archi- tects. A series of twenty-five designs of cottages ranging in cost, from $600 to $1500. New York. [1897.] Plates. Plans. [Carpentry and building series.] *8iooa.34 Wood, R. W. Architectural details from the buildings at the World's Columbian Ex- position, Chicago, 1893. [Boston. 1893.] ♦4092.21 Wytsman, P. Choix d'interieurs beiges. Bruxelles. 1902. 28 plates. 8o9oa.78 Interieurs & mobiliers de styles anciens. Collection recueillie en Belgique. Vol. 2. Bruxelles. 1902. 57 plates. ♦4090.179 Zamarski, L. C. Bauschatz. Eine Sammlung hervorragender Bauwerke, Details, etc. Wien. [1870,81.] 2v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i4.7 Zanetti, G. Studii architettonico-ornamen- tali. 3a edizione. Venezia. 1870. Plates. ♦Cab.60.114.3 Domes, Towers and Wind- mills. Bader, C Turm- und Glockenbiichlein. Eine Wanderung durch deutsche Wachter- und Glockenstuben. Gies- sen. 1903. Illus. Plates. 4017.148 Baes, J. Tours & tourelles historiques de la Belgique. Bruxelles. [1889.] 50 colored plates. *Cab.6o.35.2 Cecchini, A. Due discorsi sopra la cupola di S. Maria del Fiore. (In Nelli, G. B. Discorsi di architettura. Pp. 75-103. Firenze. I753-) *4094.i04 Durm, J. Die Domkuppel in Florenz und die Kuppel der Peterskirche in Rom. Ber- lin. 1887. 4 plates. ♦Cab.60.24.5 Eeles, F. C. The church and other bells of Kincardineshire. Aberdeen. [1897.] Plates. ♦2502.142 Contains several plates of small bell towers. Eiffel, A. G. La tour de trois cents metres. Paris. 1900. 47 plates of plans. Map. ♦Cab.40.24.5 La tour Eiffel en 1900. Paris. 1902. Plates. Plans. 8oioa.i4i Eiffel tower. La tour de 300 metres. Plates. (In Revue technique. Partie i, pp. 114- 145. Paris. 1892.) ♦8021.100.1 The plates are in part i of the Atlas. Erizzo, N. Relazione storico-critica della torre dell* orologio di S. Marco in Vene- zia. Venezia. i860. 8 plates. 4093.112 Freeman, E. A. The architecture of the Middle Ages and its spire growth. [Anon.] {In Wickes, C. Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of England. Vol. i, pp 1-12. London. 1853.) ♦Cab. Gosset, A. Les coupoles d'Orient et d'Occi- dent. Paris. 1889. 25 plates. *8o90.65 Gozzadini, G., Conte. Delle torri gentilizie di Bologna e delle famiglie [cui] appar- tennero. Bologna. 1875. Illus. 2742.60 Guasti, C. La cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, illustrata con i documenti dell' archivio dell' Opera secolare. Firenze. 1857. 4095«ii8 Isabelle, C. £. Les edifices circulaires et les domes, classes par ordre chronologique. Paris. 1855. 80 plates. ♦Cab.60.34.1 Koencke, — . Glockenstiihle. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 6, pp. 47-65. Darmstadt. 1884.) Literatur, pp. 64, 65. ♦8092.51.6 Le Seur, T., F. Jacquier, and R. G. Boscovich. Parere di tre mattematici sopra i danni, che si sono trovati nella cvpola di S. Pietro sul fine dell' anno mdccxlii. (In Scrittvre concernenti i danni della cv- pola di San Pietro. Pp. 1-39. Venezia. [1744?]) *4905.i25 Levi, C. A. I campanili di Venezia. No- tizie storiche. Venezia. 1890. 8 folded plates. 8103.102 Lindberg, P. Moole boek, or eenige opstalle van moolens neffens haare gronden etc. Amsterdam. [1686?] 32 plates. ♦Cab.40.40.3 DOMES, TOWERS AND WINDMILLS 333 Lynam, C. The church bells of the County of Stafford. London. 1889. Plates. *246o.i09 The last thirty-seven plates are views of church towers. Natrus, L. van, and others. Groot volkomen moolenboek. Eerste, tweede deel. Am- sterdam. 1734. Plates. *Cab.40.40.5 Nelli, G. B. Discorsi di architettura. Fi- renze. 1753. *4094.io4 Contents. — Del fabbricarsi i ponti ne' fiumi della Toscana. — Ragionamento sopra la maniera di voltar le cupole senza adoperarvi le centine. Runge, L. Der Glockenthurm des Doms zu Florenz. 2. Ausgabe. Berlin. 1853. Plates. *8ioo.i9 Scrittvre concernenti i danni della cvpola di San Pietro di Roma e i loro rimedi. Venezia. [i744?] Plate. *4095.i25 Serrure, L. A. La tour de I'eglise de Notre Dame, ou ancienne cathedrale d'Anvers, mesuree et dessinee par L. Serrure; re- duite par P. Erkes. Anvers. 1837-40. 9 plates. *Cab.6o.io.3 Sutter, C. Architecture historique. Tours et clochers de tons styles et de tous pays. Paris. [1892.] 80 plates. *Cab.6o.29.2 Thurmbuch. Thurmformen aller Stile und Laender. Berlin. [1893.] 80 plates. *Cab.6o.ioo.5 Taylor, A. Ancient towers and doorways: masoncraft relating to Celtic and Nor- man ecclesiology in Scotland. From pen drawings by Alexander Galletly. London. 1896. *4ioo.44 Taylor, A. T. The towers & steeples de- signed by Sir Christopher Wren. Lon- don. 1881. 13 plates. 4096.60 Thiersch, H. Pharos: antike Islam und Occident. Ein Beitrag zur Architektur- geschichte. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4090.i2o An architectural history of lighthouses and towers. Tissandier, G. La tour Eiffel de 300 metres. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee. Paris. 1889. Illus. 8018.113 Vanni, B. Articolo estratto dalla parte prima del Discorso di . . . Vanni sopra la sta- bility della cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, contro le false voci sparse in Fi- renze. {In Scrittvre concernenti i danni della cvpola di San Pietro. Pp. 40-46. Venezia. [i744-]) *4095-i25 Wickes, C. Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of Eng- land; preceded by observations on the architecture of the Middle Ages and its spire growth [by E. A. Freeman]. Lon- don. 1853-59. 3 V. Plates. *Cab.6o.39.i Fireplaces and Chimney- pieces. Courajod, L. C. L. La cheminee de la Salle des Caryatides au Musee du Louvre. Paris. 1880. 2 plates. 4096.103 Forty, J. F. [Feu de cheminee. Paris. Probably before i75o-] Plate. *8o8o.ii2 Hebrard, P. Caminologie, ou traite des cheminees, contenant des observations sur les differentes causes qui font fumer les cheminees, avec des moyens pour corriger ce defaut. A Dijon. 1756. Plates. *8o99a.8 Hondt, F. J. de. Notice [et deuxieme no- tice] sur la cheminee de la grande salle d'assemblee du magistrat du Franc de Bruges. Gand. 1840, 46. 2 v. Folded plate. 8097.63 Howard and Sons. [Designs for chimney pieces and dadoes.] London. [189-?] 40 designs on 12 plates. *4io2.67 Marot, D. Nouveaux [sic].lievre [sic] de cheminees a la hollandoise. [The Hague? 1700?] 6 plates. *Cab.8o.6o.7 Nouvelle [sic] cheminees a panneaux de glace a la maniere de France. [The Hague. 1700?] 6 plates. *8o8o.iio Putnam, J. P. The open fireplace in all ages. Boston. 1881. Plates. 4099.67 Richardson, G. A new collection of chimney pieces. London. 1781, 36 plates. *Cab.6o.8o.iT Rothery, G. C. Chimneypieces and ingle nooks: their design and ornamentation. New York. [1911.] Illus. Plates. [The house decoration series.] 4099.180 Bibliography, pp. 227-231. Saylor, H. H. Making a fireplace. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The house & garden making books.] 4099.179 Schoy, A. La cheminee du Franc de Bruges et le portail de la chambre echevinale a I'Hotel de ville d'Audenarde. 2e edi- tion. Bruxelles. 1876. 8091.103 Shuffrey, L. A. The English fireplace: a his- tory of the development of the chimney, chimney-piece and firegrate with their accessories from the earliest times to the beginning of the xixth century. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o97.64 Urbani de Gheltof, G. M. Venezia dall' alto. I camini (fumajuoli). Venezia. 1892. Illus. *8o9oa.58 Wallis, U. The complete modern joiner; or, a collection of original designs in the present taste for chimney-pieces and door-cases. New edition. London. [1772.] 36 plates. No. 2in *4oi7.ii7 Ware, W. R. Architectural odds and ends. Fireplaces. Renaissance. [Boston. 1892.] 40 plates. *8o92.33 Gates, Doors and Windows. See also Stained Glass, Adelung, F. von. Die Korssijnschen Thiiren in der Kathedralkirche zur heil. Sophia in Novgorod. Berlin. 1825. Plates, ♦81003.58 Agnelli, G. Ferrara. Porte di chiese, di palazzi, di case. Bergamo. 1909. Illus. Plates. [CoUezione di monografie illus- trate. Serie 5. Raccolte d'arte.] 4073.507 Ame, fi. Recherches sur les anciens vitraux incolores du Departement de I'Yonne. Paris. 1854. Plates. 80203.41 334 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Berthier, J. J. La porte de Sainte-Sabine a Rome, fitude archeologique. Fribourg. 1892. Illus. Plates. 2751.70 Brayda, R. Porte piemontesi dal xv al xix secolo. Torino. 1888. 50 plates. ♦8090.144 Bronze ornaments of the palace gates of Balawat. [London. 1891.] 71 plates. [Society of Biblical Archaeology.] *Cab.8o.45.5 Buonarroti, Michelangelo. Le pone di Roma . . . Bologna. 1787. 7 plates. *Cab.6o.76.7 Caffin, C. H. French's bronze doors for the Boston Public Library. [New York. 1904.] Illus. 4073.308 Cut from the International Studio {.* 407 1.23 i.ig]. Carot, H. Carnet de dessins de tous styles pour vitrerie d'appartement. Paris. 1886. 132 plates. 8096.108 Cary, A., publisher. Cent portes cocheres photographiees d'apres nature. Paris. 1904. 100 plates. [Details d'architecture contemporaine.] 4092.140 Cesari, C. Genova ed alcuni portali del 1400. Milano. 1908. Plates. 8094.65 Reprinted from Rassegna d'arte, vol. 8, 1908 [*407o. 274.8]. [Collection, A, of photographs of doorways in the West End of Boston and in Salem. Boston. 191 1?] 59 photographs. ♦Cab.23.25.10 Correll, F. Freitreppen und Portale voni Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Frankfurt a. M. 1902. 50 plates. *8o9oa.76 Designs for shop-fronts and door-cases. London. [187-?] 27 plates. 8103.54 Dibelius, F, W. Die Bernwardstiir zu Hildesheim. Strassburg. 1907. Plates. Plan. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074.449 The doors are in Hildesheim Cathedral. Ditchfield, P. H. The manor houses of England. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8105.66 Donaldson, T. L. Collection des exemples les plus estimes des portes monumen- tales de la Grece et de I'ltalie. Paris. 1837. 25 plates. *8o8oa.2i Francine, A. Livre d'architectvre, contenant plvsievrs portiqves de differentes inven- tions sur les cinq ordres de colomnes. Paris. 1631. 40 plates. *8o8o.29 Freeman, E. A. An essay on the origin and development of window tracery in Eng- land. Oxford. 1851. Plates. *8o95.62 Geefs, E. Recueil de portes, style renais- sance flamande • (xvii^ siecle). Liege. 1880. 20 plates. *8o9oa.i25 Ghiberti, L. Porte principale du Baptistere de Florence. Gravee sous la direction de M. Blanchard. Paris. [1837.] 11 plates. *Cab.8o.55.3 Grossmann, E. Hausthuren und Hausthore. Ravensburg. [1896.] Plates. *4092.35 Hunt, R. M. Designs for the gateways of the southern entrances to the Central Park. New York. 1866. Plates. Plans. 4090.25 Keane, M. The towers and temples of an-. cient Ireland. Dublin. 1867. Illus. Plates. ♦2471.64; **K.i38.25 The illustrations contain many examples of doors and windows. Keyser, C. E. A list of Norman tympana and lintels, with figure or symbolical sculpture still, or till recently existing in the churches of Great Britain. Lon- don. 1904. Plates. *409i.i62 Koch, H. Fenster, Thiiren und andere be- wegliche Wandverschliisse. Illus. Plans. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 3, Heft i, pp. 24-387. Darmstadt. , ,1896) *8o92.5i.3.i Ledent-Degrace, T. Album de dessins de portes vitrees. [Bruxelles. 1864.] 88 plates. *8o92.4i Lessing, J. Thueren. Berlin. 1893. 15 plates. [Vorbilder-Hefte aus dem Koeniglichen Kunstgewerbe Museum.] *Cab.8o.8i.ii Marignan, A. fitudes sur I'histoire de I'art allemand: quelques manuscrits attri- bues aux xe et xie siecles, la porte en bois de Sainte-Marie de Cologne. Strasbourg. 1913. [Studien zur deut- schen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.558 Martin, F. R. Thiiren aus Turkestan. Stock- holm. 1897. Plates. [Sammlung F. R. Martin.] *Cab.40.58.2 Maryland. [Examples of colonial door- ways and interiors.] 77 photographs. *Cab.6o.i53.i Metzger, M., editor. Moderne schmiedeei- serne Schaufensterkonstruktionen. Aus- gefiihrte Entwiirfe tiichtiger Fachman- ner gesammelt und herausgegeben. 25 Tafeln . , . nebst kurzgefasstem Text. Lubeck. [1910.] *Cab.40.4i.4 Middleton, G. Designs for gates and rails suitable for parks, &c. Also designs for trellis work. [London. 1805.] 27 plates. 8093.26 Muelbe, W. H. von der. Die Darstellung des jiingsten Gerichts an den romanischen und gotischen Kirchenportalen Frank- reichs. Leipzig. 191 1. Plates. 4095.210 Planat, P., editor. Choix de portes d'entree de maisons frangaises modernes. Paris. [1904.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.7 Rehme, W. Die Architektur der neuen freien Schule. Erganzungsband i. Leipzig. [1902.] Plates. *Cab.6o.50.9 Principally doors and windows. Riolo, G. La porta arabo-normanna esis- tente nell' ex monastero della Mar- torana in Palermo. Disegnata ed incisa da Andrea Terzi. Palermo. 1871. 39 plates. 4091.108 Rossi, D. de. Studio d'architettura civile sopra gli ornamenti di porte e finestre tratti da alcune fabbriche insigni di Roma. Roma. 1702. 140 plates. *Cab.8o.i90.i.i Rossi, G. Le tre porte di bronzo che ador- nano la facciata dell' insigne Primaziale di Pisa. Pisa. 1838. 3 plates. *Cab.8o.200.4 Rossini, L. Le porte antiche e moderne del recinto di Roma. Roma. 1829. 35 plates. '''Cab.49.i4.a GATES, DOORS AND WINDOWS 33S Rueckwardt, H. Sculpturenschmuck am koniglichen Zeughause zu Berlin. Serie i: Thurfullungen. Berlin. [i88-?] 25 plates. *8o8o.49 Schubert, A. Eiserne Thore und Gelander. Leipzig. [1890.] 48 plates. *8oioa.i27 . Schultze-Naumburg, P. Der Garten auf dem Lande. lUus. (In Sohnrey, H. Kunst auf dem Lande. Pp. 181-190. Leipzig. 1905.) 4093-163 Contains examples of garden gates. Sharpe, E. A treatise on the rise and prog- ress of decorated window tracery in England. London. 1849. Text, i v. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 60 plates. *4io5.5-3 Siccard von Siccardsburg, A. von. Die Thur- und Fenster-Verschlusse nach ihrer technischen Entwickelung in den verschiedenen Landern bis auf die neueste Zeit. Herausgegeben von J. Storck [und] G. Gugitz, unter Mit- wirkung des K. k. Hof-Tischlermeisters F. Paulick. Wien. [1876.] Text, i v. Plates; Atlas, 2 parts in i v. *Cab.40.44.2 Plates 1-9, 13, 15-19 are lacking in the text. Part I of the Atlas lacks plates 21-25, and part 2, plates 10-12, 14. Sickel, C. Das Stadttor im Stadtbilde. Ber- lin. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 5, Heft 2.] No. 2 in 4092.178.5 Sturgis, R. Bronze doors [designed by D. C. French] for the Boston Public Li- brary. [New York. 1904.] Illus. 4073.309 Cut from Scribner's Magazine [Per. Room (*7393-5.3S)]. Tanner, H., Jr. Old English doorways. A series of historical examples from Tudor times to the end of the xviii cen- tury. London. 1903. Illus. 79 plates. Plans. 4094.137 Taylor, A. Ancient towers and doorways: masoncraft relating to Celtic and Nor- man ecclesiology in Scotland, From pen drawings by A. Galletl/. London. 1896. *4ioo.44 Thompson, E. H. Portal at Labna, Yuca- tan. Worcester. 1888. Plate. *43ii.ii4 Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 5, pp. 9-1 1 [*43 11.2.5]. Wallis, N. The complete modern joiner, or a collection of original designs in the present taste, for chimney-pieces and door-cases. New edition. London. [1772.] 36 plates. No. 2 in *40i7.n7 Weale, J., editor. Designs of ornamental gates, lodges, palisading, and iron work of the royal parks. London. 1841. Illus. 50 plates. *L.6o.2o Westpreussischer Architekten- und Inge- nieur-Verein, Danzig. Charakteristi- sche Giebelbauten und Portale in Dan- zig aus der Zeit vom 14. bis 18, Jahr- hundert. Danzig. 1901. 60 plates. ♦4092.136 Roofs. Anglin, S. The design of structures: a treatise on the building of . . . roofs, Anglin, S. (Continued.) &c. London. 1891. [Griffin's Scien- tinc text books.] 8019.162 Barkhausen, G. Balkendecken. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 3, pp. 2-140. Darmstadt. 1895.) *8o92.5i.2.3 Sonstige Decken-Constructionen. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 3, pp. 593-603. Darmstadt. 1895.) *8o92.5i.2.3 Barlow, P. Specimens of various ancient and modern roofs, in wood, cast iron, and malleable iron. (In Tredgold. Ele- mentary principles of carpentry. 4th edition. Pp. 303-324. London. 1853.) 4012.16 Same. (In Same. 5th edition. Pp. 303- 326. 1870.) 8oioa.i9 Boileau, L. A. Principes et exemples d'ar- chitecture ferronniere. Les grandes constructions edilitaires en fer. La halle-basilique. Paris. 1881. 8 folded plates. 80903.104 Brandon, J. R., and J. A. Brandon. Open timber roofs of the Middle Ages. Lon- don. 1849. 43 plates. *4090.io Campin, F. On the construction of iron roofs. London. [1866.] Plates. 80903.25 Collings, G. Roof carpentry. Practical les- sons in the framing of wood roofs. London. 1893. Diagrams. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 4099.99 Dempsey, G, D. Iron roofs. London. 1850. 10 plates. No. i in *40io.i3 Denfer, J. Architecture & constructions civiles. Couvertures des edifices. Ar- doises, tuiles, metaux, matieres diverses, chenaux & descentes. Paris. 1893. Illus. [Encyclopedie des travaux publics.] 8012.151 Derand, F. L'architecture des voutes, ou I'art des traits et coupes des voutes. Nouv^elle edition. Paris. 1743. 83 plates. *Cab.6o.69.4 Holly, H. W. The carpenter's and joiner's handbook: containing a complete trea- tise on framing hip and valley roofs. Revised edition. New York. 1890. Illus. 8039.150 Howe, M. A. The design of simple roof- trusses in wood and steel. New York. 1902. Plans. Diagrams. 8012.192 Koch, H. Dachdeckungen. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 5, pp. 1-282, Darmstadt. 1894.) *8o92.5i.2.5 Nebenanla.jjen der Dacher. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 5, pp. 358-476. Darmstadt. 1894.) *8o92.5i.2.5 Literatur, p. 453. Koerner, C. Gewolbte Decken. (Gewolbe.) Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 3, pp. 141-553. Darmstadt. 1895.) *8o92.5i.2.3 Literatur, pp. 145, 146. Landsberg, T. Dachstuhl-Constructionen. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 4, pp. 72-374- Stuttgart. 1897.) *8o92.5i.2.4 336 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Maginnis, O. B. Roof framing made easy. New York. 1896. Plans. 8013.70 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1903. 8013.73 Marx, E. Massive Steindacher. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 5, PP- 344-357- Darmstadt. 1894.) *8o92.5i.2.5 Matheson, E. Works in iron: roof struc- tures. London. 1873. Illus. 4014.51 Merlini, G. Sulla costruzione dei tetti degli edificj. Milano. 1842. Illus. 4095-6 Merriman, M., and H. S. Jacoby. A text- book on roofs and bridges. New York. 1890-98. 4 V. Illus. Folded plates. Part I is by Merriman alone. *8oi3.l26 Contents. — i. Stresses in simple trusses. 2d edition. 2. Graphic statics. 2d edition. 3. Bridge design. 4. Higher structures. Same. Part i. 6th edition, enlarged. 1905. 8013.175 Same. Part 4. 3d edition. 1907. 8013.181 Morse, E. S. On the older forms of terra- cotta roofing tiles. [Salem. 1892.] Illus. 8093.62 Perin-Grados, — . La decoration des toi- tures a I'aide du plomb, du cuivre, du zinc. Paris. 1889. 56 plates. *Cab.8o.ii2.4 Ricker, N. C. Elementary graphic statics and the construction of trussed roofs. 3d edition. New York. 1892. Illus. Diagrams. 8012.134 A study of roof trusses. Urbana. 1907. Charts. *4496.363.4.No.32 Ritter, A. Elementare Theorie und Berech- nung eiserner Dach- . . . Construc- tionen. 3. Auflage. Hannover. 1873. Illus. 4014-54 Elementary theory and calculation of iron . . . roofs. Translated by H. R. Sankey. London. 1879. 4016.75 Roofing. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. Plans. No. 3 in *8o27.i32.3i Roof-truss design. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. N.o. 5 in *8o27. 132.52 Roof trusses. [Scranton. 1908.] Plans. No. 6 in *8o27.i32.97 These three works form part of the International Library of Technology. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of construction in the carpentry and join- ery of roofs. Deduced from the works of Robison, Price and Tredgold. Lon- don. 1859. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 15 plates. 8oioa.5 Schmidt, E. Dacher im Allgemeinen. Dachformen. Illus. Plans. (In Hand- buch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 2, Heft 4, pp. 1-71. Stuttgart. 1897.) Literatur, p. 8. *8092.5I.2.4 Slating and tiling. London. [1901.] Illus. [The Illustrated Carpenter & Builder series of technical manuals.] 4017.132 Smith, J. Specimens of ancient carpentry, consisting of framed roofs from ancient buildings. Also specimens of mould- ings. [London. 1787.] 35 plates. *8oii.i37 Tarn, E. W. An elementary treatise on the construction of roofs of wood and iron. Deduced chiefly from the works of Robison, Tredgold and Humber. 3d Tarn, E. W. (Continued.) edition, with appendix. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8097.58 Timmins, T. Examples of iron roofs. Lon- don. 1882. 4 folded plates, with de- scriptive text. *8oii.i46 Trendall, E. W. Examples for roofs, etc. London. 1851. 30 plates. *4ioi.i9 Unwin, W. Wrought iron . . . roofs. Lon- don. 1869. Plates. 4018.40 Walmisley, A. T. Iron roofs. Examples of design. 2d edition. London. 1888. Plates. *Cab.4o.2o.2 Weale, J., publisher. A rudimentary treatise on the principles of construction in the carpentry and joinery of roofs. Text and atlas. London. 1859. Plans. 8015.5 Williams, D. Co., publishers. The roofing, cornice and skylight manual. Practical articles on laying flat and standing seam roofing, cornice shop practice, and skylight construction. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. 8017.255 Wood, De V. Treatise on the theory of the construction of . . . roofs. New York. 1873. Illus. 4014.50 Staircases. Becker, W. A. Der feuerfeste Treppenbau von natiirlichen und kiinstlichen Steinen. Berlin. 1857. 15 plates. *8o8oa.27 Behse, W. H. Der Bau holzerner Treppen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Konstruktion. Neu bearbeitet von A. Opderbecke. 5. Auflage. Leipzig. 1902. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. *8o9oa.79 Cipriani, G. B. Scala a chiocciola di Bra- mante. [Roma?] 1812. Plates. 4093.135 Collings, G. A practical treatise on hand- railing. 2d edition. Added, a treatise on stair building. London. 1890. Illus. Plates.. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8oi9a.i32 Cook, T. A. Spirals in nature and art. A study of spiral formations based on the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, with special reference to the architecture of the open staircase at Blois, in Touraine, now for the first time shown to be from his designs. With a preface by E. R. Lankester. New York. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. Facsimile. 4076.142 Correll, F. Freitreppen und Portale vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Frankfurt a. M. 1902. 50 plates. *8o9oa.76 De Graff, S. The modern geom.etric?l stair- builders' guide, being a practical system of hand-railing. Philadelphia. 1856. 22 plates. 8090.20 Delbrel, E. Der Treppenbau in Holz. Ber- lin. [1891.] 30 plates. *8o90.i36 Ellis, G. Modern practical joinery: with concise treatise on stair-building, and on hand-railing. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. *40i2.iii Ewerbeck, F. Freitreppen und Rampen- Anlagen. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 6, pp. 136-146. Darmstadt. 1884.) *8o92.5i.6 STAIRCASES 33:^ Forbes, W. Handrailing simplified. Sec- torian system. Being a novel method of finding the curves, twists, wreaths, ramps and cuts for handrailing over cir- cular and elliptical stairs. By an expe- rienced architect. Edited and revised by F. T. Hodgson. New York. 1900. Diagrams. 4019.131 Godfrey, W. H. The English staircase. An historical account of its characteristic types to the end of the xviiith century. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.145 Hasluck, P. N., editor. Practical staircase joinery. London. 1899. Illus. 4018.110 Made up of material originally published in the Building World. Hodgson, F. T. Common-sense handrail- ing. Chicago. [1903-] Plates. Plans. 4018.143 Stair building made easy. New York. 1884- 8018.124 Lange, W. Der Bau der Treppen. Ein Sammelwerk fiir Konstruktion und Architektur. Halle. 1901. Text, i v.; Atlas, 40 plates. *Cab.6o.88.6 Le Bnin, C. Grand escalier du chateau de Versailles dit Escalier des ambassadeurs. Paris. [1725.] 24 plates. *Cab.8o.i8i.2 Loth, C. E. The practical stair-builder. With a manual of elementary descrip- tive geometry and practical geometrical construction. Troy. 1868. 31 plates. *40io.3i Meyer, M. Der Bau holzerner Treppen. Eine Sammlung der gebrauchlichsten Konstruktionen. Zeichnungen und Ein- zelheiten nach Entwurfen und ausge- fiihrten Arbeiten im Stile der Gotik, der Renaissance und der modernen Richtung. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. [1904-] Plates. Plans. Diagrams. *8o9oa.75 Monckton, J. H. The national builder. New York. [1872.] 92 plates. 4091.50 Monckton, J. H. (Continued.) Stair-building in its various forms. New York. 1888. 78 plates. *8o3i.8 Mueller, W. Der Bau steinerner Treppen. Eine Darstellung in praktischen Bei- spielen . . . Leipzig. 1901. Plates. Plans. *8o9oa.77 Riddell, R. Lessons on hand railing, for learners. 3d edition. New York. 1884. Portrait. Plates. *4oio.38 The new elements of hand-railing. Re- vised edition. Giving a complete eluci- dation of the art of stair-building. Philadelphia. 1871. 41 plates. 8102.7 Rothery, G. C. Staircases and garden steps. New York. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. [The house decoration series.] 4099.182 Schmidt, O., and E. Schmitt. Treppen und Rampen. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 3, Heft 2, pp. 2-162. Darmstadt. 1892.) Contains bibliographies. 8092.51.3.2 Stair building. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International Library of Tech- nology.] No. I in *8o27.i32.3i Swan, A. The British architect; or, the builder's treasury of stair-cases. Con- taining an easier method of drawing the five orders . . . designs of arches, doors, windows, chimney pieces, cor- bels . . . London. 1745. 60 plates. *8iooa.53 Vaudou, L. Le menuisier en escaliers. Traite pratique de la construction des escaliers suivi des plafonds pleins et d'assemblages. Tours. 1882. 26 plates, with descriptive text. 8010.135 Walton, G. Walton's New treatise & prac- tical guide to staircasing & handrailing. Manchester. [187-?] 40 plates. 8010.133 Ware, W. R. Architectural "odds and ends." No. 2. Monumental staircases. [Bos- ton. 1891.] 40 plates. *8o92.34 Technical Details. Architectural Drawing. (Including Descriptive Geometry and Per- spective.) Adhemar, A. J. Traite de geometric descrip- tive. 3e edition. Paris. 1846. Text, i v.; Atlas, 80 plates. *Cab.39.2i.i Same. 4e edition. Paris. 1859, 60. At- las, 103 plates. *Cab.39.2i.2 Traite de perspective a I'usage des ar- tistes. 2e edition. Paris. 1846. Text, I v.; Atlas, 66 plates. *Cab.6o.i48.5 Traite des ombres. 2e edition. Paris. 1852. Text, I v.; Atlas, 41 plates. *Cab.39.2i.3 Andre, G. G. The draughtsman's handbook of plan . . . drawing. London. 1874. Illus. Plates. 4072.63 Armengaud, J. E., and others. Nouveau cours raisonne de dessin industriel, ap- plique principalement a la mecanique et a I'architecture. Paris. 1848, 49. Text, I v.; Atlas, 45 plates. *Cab.4o.35.2 The practical draughtsman's book of in- dustrial design. A course of . . . archi- tectural drawing. New York. 1854. Text, I v.; Atlas, 45 plates. *8o3oa.i3 Same. Philadelphia. 1868. *8o3oa.4 Same. 1875. *8o3oa.i4 Architectural drawing. [Scranton. 1903- 1 Illus. [International Library of Tech- nology.] No. 6, 7 in *8o27.i32.53 Aschieri, F. Geometria projettiva e descrit- tiva. Milano. 1883, 84. 2 v. Illus. **E.200.24 Aubre, L. E. Cours de geometric descrip- tive, d'apres la methode de M. Th. Oli- vier. Chalons s. Marne. 1862. 34 plates. **E.5o8i.66 33$ TECHNICAL DETAILS Bailby, E. Complements de perspective. Application de la perspective lineaire a la decoration architecturale des pla- fonds. Paris. 1876. 20 plates. 4073-58 Barozzi, G. Le dve regole della pros- pettiva pratica. Con i comentarij del R. P. M. Egnatio Danti. Roma. 1583. Illus. Plates. *8o90.77 Bartholomew, W. N. Linear perspective ex- plained. Boston. 1866. Illus. Plates. 8064.46 Bassi, M. Dispareri in materia d'architet- tvra et perspettiva. Con pareri di ec- cellenti et famosi architetti, che li riso- luono. Bressa. 1572. 12 plates. *8o99.28 Becker, H. Geometrisches Zeichnen. Neu- bearbeitet von J. Vonderlinn. Leipzig. 1905. Diagrams. Maps. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.58 Benjamin, A., and D. Raynerd. The Amer- ican builder's companion; or, a new sys- tem of architecture. Boston. 1806. 44 plates. *8o92.i5 Same. 2d edition. i8n. 59 plates. *8o92.36 Biddle, O. The young carpenter's assistant; or, a system of architecture adapted to the style of building in the United States. Philadelphia. 1810. Plans. *4094.i4i Binns, W. An elementary treatise on ortho- graphic projection. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1861. Diagrams. 4076.120 Same. 7th edition. 1874. 4076.65 The second course of orthographic pro- jection. London. 1869. Plates. 8oi6.i Blpmfield, R. T. Architectural drawing and draughtsmen. London. 1912. Plates. Map. Plans. 8o6oa.i37 Bradberry, R. The principles of perspective explained and applied; with the con- struction and uses of instruments. Edin- burgh. 1790. Plates. *8o67.64 Brisse, C. M. Cours de geometric descrip- tive. Paris. 1882. 2 V. **E.5ii3.8 Buckley, M. M. Cone drawing. Halifax. 1900. Diagrams. 8oi9a.322 Burchett, R. Linear perspective. London. [1856.] 24 plates. 4078.70 Same. 1885. 4078.48 Burn, R. S. The ornamental draughtsman and designer. London. 1892. 19 plates. 8065.127 Ornamental drawing, and architectural design. London. [1857.] Illus. Plates. 8064.142 Same. 1894. 8064.136 The self-aid cyclopaedia for self-taught students: comprising general drawing, architectural, mechanical, and engineer- ing drawing [etc.]. London. [1863.] Illus. *8o39.7 Same. [187-?] 8039.16 Workshop book. Practical problems and lines for working drawings. Manches- ter. 1885. Illus. 8018.77 Camp, F. T. "How can I learn architec- ture?" Directions in draftsmanship. New York. 1879. Illus. 8069.54 A later edition, with the title Draftsman's manual ; or, "how can I learn architecture?" may be found on shelf-number 8069.42. Carpenter, J. K. Reading architects' draw- ings from a painter's standpoint. {In Williams, D. Co. Reading architects' drawings. Pp. 20-2S. New York. 1903.) 4097-33 Carroll, J. The principles and practice of linear perspective. London. [1892.] Illus. 8o6i.ui Cassagne, A. Traite pratique de perspective appliquee au dessin artistique et indus- triel. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1879. Illus. 8065.61 Charruit, N. Problemes et epures de geo- metric descriptive. Tome i. Paris. 1890. Plates. **E.5i27.23 Chizzoni, C. Corso completo di prospettiva lineare conforme ai programmi degli Istituti di belle arti. Milano. 1886. Illus. **E.200.23 Choura, J. Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in der darstellenden Geometric. Parallel- und Central-Perspective. Kotierte Pro- jektionen. Wien. 1882. Illus. **E.22oa.7i Church, A. E. Elements of descriptive ge- ometry, with its applications. New York. 1865. Text, i v.; Atlas, 28 plates. 3924.48 Same. [Plates only.] 1867. 3924.49 Same. [Text and plates.] 1874. 3924.57 Same. 1877. 3924.47 Collins, W. H. Perspective, or the art of drawing what one sees explained. Lon- don. 1872. Illus. 8069.5 Crozet, C. A treatise on descriptive geom- etry. Part I. New York. 1821. Plates. 3926.11 ;**E.i96.4 Dana, W. S. B. A primer of architectural drawing for young students: being a progressive series of drawing board problems. New York. 1910. Plates. Plans. 4068.74 Davidson, E. A. Drawing for bricklayers. London. [1872.] Plates. 8016.86 Same. 5th edition. [1892.] 8016.148 Drawing for stone masons. London. [1871.] Plates. 8089.3 The elements of building construction and architectural drawing. 3d edition. Lon- don. [1871?] Illus. Plates. 8099.25 The elements of practical perspective. London. [1870.] Plates. 4079.3 [Linear drawing and projection. London. 1875.] 2 V. in I. Illus. 4078.78 Orthographic and isometrical projection. London. [1875?] Illus. 8069.12 These works belong to the series: Cassell's Technical manuals. Davies, C. Elements of descriptive geom- etry, with their application. Philadelphia. 1826. **E.i96.7 Same. 2d edition. New York. 1835. 33 folded plates. 3935-52 Decker, W. F. A manual of industrial draw- ing for carpenters. 2d edition. New York. 1892. 26 olates. 8012.143 Second grade perspective (theory and practice). 13th edition. London. 1891. Plates. 8o6oa.i9 Third grade perspective. 7th edition. Lon- don. 1896. Plates. 4068.29 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING 339 Dubreuil, J. La perspective pratique, neces- saire a tous peintres, graveurs, sculp- teurs, architectes, . . . 2e edition. Paris. 1679. 3 V. Plates. **E.5i23.20 Durand, J. N. L. Partie graphique des cours d'architecture faits a I'ficole royale poly- technique depuis sa reorganisation. Paris. 1821. 34 plates. *8o93.69 Easy lessons in perspective. Boston. 1830. Plates. 8o68.6i Edminster, C. F. Architectural drawing. [New York. 1899.] Plates. 4095-i6 Same. 7th edition. [Brooklyn. 1905-] 105 plates. 4095-17 Emerson, W. Perspective: or, the art of drawing the representations of all ob- jects upon a plane. [London. 1768.] IS plates. [Cyclomathesis. Vol. 5.] No. 2 in *59i9.6o.5 Faunce, L. Descriptive geometry. Boston. 1886. 10 folded plates. 3934.6o Same. 1898. 3934-88 Ferguson, F. O. Architectural perspective. London. 1891. Illus. *8o64.ii2 Fiedler, W. Die darstellende Geometric in organischer Verbindung mit der Geo- metric der Lage. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1875. Illus. 12 plates. **E.i9oa.76 Same. 3. Auflage. 1883-88. 3 v. in 2. **E.5ii4.6 Foster, V. H. L. Rudimentary perspective. London. [1891.] Illus. 8o69a.53 Francceur, L. B. An introduction to linear drawing. From the French, by W. B. Fowle. Boston. 1825. 8069.11; 8069.29 Same. Added, Elements of linear per- spective. 3d edition. 1830. 8068.34 Frederick, F. F. Architectural rendering in sepia. New York. 1892. 13 plates. ♦8091. 1 09 Freyberger, H. Perspektive; nebst einem Anhang liber Schattenkonstruktion und Parallelperspective. 3- Auflage. Leip- zig. 1905. Illus. Diagrams. [Samm- lung Goschen.l 7389^.57 Literatur, p. 8. Gibbs, J. Rules for drawing the several parts of architecture. 3d edition. Lon- don. 1753- Plates. *8ioo.7 Hachette, J. N. P. Traite de geometric de- scriptive. 2e edition. Paris. 1828. 74 folded plates. **E.5oii.6i Hallatt, G. W. T. Hints on architectural draughtsmanship. London. 1884. 8069.44 Hatton, R. G. Perspective for art students. London. 1902. Illus. Diagrams. 4068.77 Heine, G. Practischer kurzer Unterricht im perspectivischen Zeichnen zum Ge- brauche als Leitfaden fiir Lehrer und zum Nachstudium fiir Lernende. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. 1856. 27 plates. 4062.69 Hicks, I. P. Architectural drawing for me- chanics. New York. 1897. Illus. 4096.82 Hodgson, F. T. Builders' architectural drawing self-taught. [With] House plan supplement. Perspective views and floor plans of twenty-five low and medium priced houses. Chicago. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4068.73 Howe, C. B. Agricultural drafting. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4064.83 International Correspondence Schools. A textbook on architectural drawing . . . Scranton. [1901.] Illus. Plans. Dia- grams. . 4068.107 Jopling, J. The practice of isometrical per- spective. New [2d] edition. London. [1833.] 4067.40 Jorrin, B. J. S. Curso elemental de dibujo lineal. Habana. 1839. 4 folded plates. **D.22oa.37 Jousse, M. Le secret d'architectvre decov- vrant fidelement les traits geometriqves, covppes, et derobemens necessaires dans les bastiments. La Fleche. 1642. Illus. *4092.i03 Kirby, J. J. Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy. London. 1765. 2 V. in I. Illus. *Cab.6o.42.i Lacroix, S. F. Essais de geometric sur les plans et les surfaces courbes. (filemens de geometric descriptive.) 2e edition. Paris. i8o2v 10 folded plates. **E.iio.3S Same. 3e edition. 1808. No. 2 in 5928.15 Same. 4e edition. 1812. **E.i96.26 La Gournerie, J. de. Traite de geometric descriptive. Paris. 1862-73. Text, i v.; Atlas, 150 plates. **E.50ii.62 Langley, B. The city and country builder's and workman's treasury of designs: or, the art of drawing and working the orna- mental parts of architecture. London. 1756. 200 plates. *8o9i.i04 Langley, B., and T. Langley. The builder's jewel. Explaining short and easy rules for drawing and working the five orders of columns. loth edition. London. 1763. 100 plates. *8o99.io Laurent, P. Theorie de la peinture. Per- spective lineaire et aerienne. 2e edition. Paris. 1840. 8 folded plates. 8066.22 Lawrence, W. H. Principles of architec- tural perspective. 2d edition. Boston. 1902. Plates. 8064.49 Lebon, E. Traite de geometric descriptive. Paris. [1880-82.1 3 V. Illus. Plates. **E.2ooa.75 Lefebure de Fourcy, L. £. Traite de geo- metric descriptive. 4e edition. Paris. 1842. 2 V. in I. 32 plates. **E.5027.66 Same. 7e edition. 1870. 2 v. in i. 36 plates. 3926.50 Leroy, C. F. A. Die darstellende Geometric. Deutsch von E. F. Kauffmann. 2. Auf- lage. Stuttgart. 1853. 62 plates. 3921.64 Traite de geometric descriptive. 7e edi- tion. Paris. 1865. Text, i v.; Atlas, 71 plates. _ ^ 5921.41 Same. 8e edition, revue par E. Martelet. Paris. 1867. **E.5o8i.79 Linfoot, B. Architectural picture making with pen and ink. ist edition. No. i. Philadelphia. 1884. Illus. ["Old Ebor" folios.] *8o6oa.i8 Longfellow, W. P. P. Applied perspective for architects and painters. Boston. 1901. Plates. Diagrams. 8062.47 McGoodwin, H. Architectural shades and shadows. Boston. 1904. Plates. 4091.150 Maertens, H. Der optische Maassstab; oder die Theorie und Praxis des asthetischen Sehens in den bildenden Kunsten. Bonn. 1877. Illus. 8060.53 340 TECHNICAL DETAILS Mannheim, V. M. A. Cours de geometric descriptive de I'ficole polytechnique. Paris. 1880. lUus. 3932-53 Mathewson, F. E. Arcl:iitectural drawing plates. Details of construction. Spring- field, Mass. [1911.] 20 plates. 8o6oa.i35 Middleton, G. A. T. The principles of ar- chitectural perspective. London. 1903. Diagrams. Plates. 8065.187 Millar, J. B. Elements of descriptive geom- etry. London. 1878. **E.5029.6o Miller, L. W. The essentials of perspective. New York. 1887. IHus. 8068.57 Same. 1907. 8068.127 Minifie. W. A text-book of geometrical drawing. Baltimore. 1857. Plates. 4072.49 Same. i8S9. .,,.., xt *??H° Same. [7th revised edition.] New York. 1873. . 4072.61 Mitchell, C. F. Building construction and drawing. Part i. London. 1888. Illus. 4099.84 Same. 3d edition. 1894. 4099.98 Monge, G., Comte de Peluze. An elementary treatise on descriptive geometry, with a theory of shadow and perspective. From the French by J. F. Heather. Lon- don. 1851. 5939;56 Geometric descriptive. LcQons donnees aux ecoles normales. Paris. [ 1799-1 25 folded plates. *393i;66 •Geometric descriptive. Suivie d'une theo- rie des ombres et de la perspective. 7e _ edition^Paris. 1847. 27 plates. __*3920.i3 Moxon, J. Practical perspective; or per- spective made easie. London. 1670. Illus. 60 plates. *8o6i.207 Niemann, G. H. L. Handbuch der Llnear- Perspektive fiir bildende Kunstler. Stuttgart. [1885?] Illus. 18 olates. ♦♦E.5082.32 Norman,7- The town and country builder's assistant ... By a lover of architect [sic]. Boston. [1786.] 59 plates. 8o9oa.5o Plate 31 is mutilated, and plate 60 is missing. Olivier, T. Applications de la geometric descriptive aux ombres, a la perspec- tive [etc.]. Paris. 1847. Text, i v.; Atlas, 58 plates. **E.5oioa.5o Complements de geometric descriptive. Paris. 1845. Text, i v.; Atlas, 30 plates. **E.50ioa.5i Cours de geometric descriptive. Paris. 1843, 44. Text, 2 parts in i v.; Atlas, 96 plates. 5921.61 Same. 3e edition. Paris. [1870.] Atlas, loi plates. , **E.50ii.63 Developpements de geometric descriptive. [Suivis de notes par J. A. Serret.] Paris. 1843, 66. Text, I v.; Atlas, 27 plates. **E5oioa.59 Memoires de geometric descriptive, theo- rique et appliquee. Paris. i8si- Text, I v.; Atlas, 12 plates. **E.5oioa.52 Page, L Guide for drawing the acanthus, and every description of ornamental fo- liage. London. 1886. Plates. 8069.118 Pain, W. The practical builder, or work- man's general assistant; shewing . . . methods for drawing and working the Pain, W. (Continued.) whole or separate parts of any build- ing. 4th edition. Boston. 1792. 83 plates. *4094.43 Plates 46 and 82 are missing. Peker, C. G. How to read plans. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plans. 4099.157 Penley, A. The elements of perspective. 4th edition. London. 1853. 8068.114 Same. 15th edition. 1866. 8067.72 Same. i8th edition. 1870. 8068.7 Same. 20th edition. 1872. 8068.82 Same. 22d edition. 1874. 8068.36 Pequegnot, A. Legons de perspective. Paris. 1872. 2 V. in I. 28 plates. *8o6o.5i Peschka, G. A. von. Kotirte Projections- methode (kotirte Ebenen) und deren Anwendung. 2te Ausgabe. Briinn. 1882. 47 plates. **E.5o82.34 Petit, S. Dessin lineaire industriel applique a la mecanique et a la construction. Paris. [1863.] 72 plates. *Cab.8o.i48.3 Petits exercices de dessin lineaire. Paris. [1863.] 100 plates. ^ *8o6oa.4 Pinnock, W. A catechism of perspective. London. [1823.] Plates. 8069.161 Poudra, N. G. Histoire de la perspective ancienne et moderne. Paris. 1864. 12 plates. 8067.66 Pozzo, A. Rules and examples of perspec- tive proper for painters and architects. Engraved by John Sturt. Done into English from the original, printed at Rome, 1693, by John James. London. 1707. loi plates. *8o8o.27 In English and Latin. Pratt, R. Perspective; including the pro- jection of shadows and reflections, spe- cially prepared for art students. Lon- don. 1901. Plates. 4060.86 Sciography. Exercises in architectural and engineering drawing. London. 1891. 32 plates. 8011.122 Riddell, R. The artisan. Geometric draw- ings showing the methods that may be applied to works of building and other constructions. Philadelphia. 1879. 40 plates. 4012.62 Roberts, H. W. Architectural sketching and drawing in perspective. London. 1906. Plates. Diagrams. 8062.119 R's method of correct drawing and sketching in perspective. [6th edition.] London. 1906. Diagrams. *8o62.ii8 Ropes, J. Linear perspective. 2d edition. Portland. 1850. Plates. 4074.36 Same. 3d edition. Philadelphia. i8S4- 8064.180 Same. 4th edition. 1868. 4077'i3 Practical perspective. Portland. 1851. 8 plates. 8065.5 Ruskin, J. The elements of perspective. New York, i860. Diagrams. 8068.56 Same. 1873- 25793.56 Same. 1877. 8068.88 Same. 1886. [Works. Vol. 9.] No. 2 in 4553.56 Same. [1895.] 2553.91 Seidelin, C. Forel^esninger over Descrip- tiv-Geometri. Med Tegninger udf0rte af A. Ostenfeld. Kj0benhavn. 1886- 87. Text, I v.; Atlas, 32 plates. **E.2oo.30 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING 341 Selva, G. Delle different! maniere di de- •scrivere la voluta jonica, e particolar- mente della regola ritrovata da Giu- seppe Porta detto Salviati. Padova. 1814. 6 plates. *8o90.i28 Smith, Walter. Perspective drawing. No. 1-3. Boston. 1875. [American text books of art education.] 4068.32 Spiers, R. P. Architectural drawing. Lon- don. 1887. Plates. 8092.22 Tam, E. W. Practical geometry for the architect, engineer, surveyor and me- chanic. London. 1871. Diagrams. 3934.101 Same. 2d edition, with appendices. 1882. 3934.1 II Thenot, J. P. Practical perspective. From the French. New York. 1834. Plates. 4075.41 Same. 1838. 4075.11 Thompson, A. Principles of perspective. Boston. 1878. Plates. 8060.57 Tresca, H. E. Traite elementaire de geo- metric descriptive. Paris. 1852. Plates. 5928.43 Same. 2e edition. 1864. 5928.19 Trobridge, G. The principles of perspec- tive as applied to model drawing and sketching from nature. London. [1884?] Illus. 2z plates. 8067.32 Tuthill, W. B. Practical lessons in architec- tural drawing. New York. 1881. Plates. 4106.12 Valenciennes, P. H. Siemens de perspec- tive pratique, a I'usage des artistes. 2e edition. Paris. 1820. Plates. *8o6i.i2i Vallee, L. L. Traite de la geometric descrip-- tive. Paris. 1819. 60 plates. **E.i93.ii Vonderlinn, J. Parallelperspektive; recht- winklige und schiefwinklige Axonome- trie. Leipzig. 1905. Plate. Diagrams. [Sammlung Goschen.] 7389a.26o Schattenkonstruktionen. Leipzig. 1904. Diagrams. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.236 Ware, W. R. Modern perspective. Boston. 1883. Text, I v.; Atlas, 27 plates. *8o6o.66 Same. Revised edition. New York. 1900. *8o6o.69 Warren, S. E. Elements of descriptive ge- ometry, shadows and perspective. New York. 1877. Text, i v.; Atlas, 24 plates. 3922.57 Same. 1890. 3922.160 Elements of plane and solid free-hand ge- ometrical drawing, and some elements of geometrical ornamental design. New I York. 1881. Plates. 8069.36 reneral problems in the linear perspec- tive of form, shadow and reflection. New York. 1868. 17 folded plates. 4075.13 . manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form and shadow. New York. 1863. 8066.59 ame. 1873. 8066.31 tson, W. Course in descriptive geome- try. London. 1874. 32 plates. 3921.65 ishaupt, H. Elementar-Unterricht im Linear-Zeichnen. 2. Abdruck. Miin- chen. 1869. Text, i v.; Atlas, 24 plates. Wiener, L. C. Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometric. Leipzig. 1884, 87. 2 v. **E.i90.3i Williams, D., Co., publishers. Reading archi- tects* drawings. Practical suggestions for young mechanics. New York. 1903. Plans. 4097.33 Willson, F. N. The perspective of reflec- tions, for architects, engineering draughtsmen, artists, etc. New York. 1900. Illus. 8o6oa.i29 Wilson, V. T. Free-hand perspective. New York. 1900. Illus. Plates. 4063.71 Wolff, C, Reichsfreiherr von. Der Anfangs- Griinde aller mathematischen Wissen- schaften erster Theil, welcher einen Unterricht von der mathematischen Lehr-Art, die Rechen-Kunst, Geome- tric, Trigonometric, und Bau-Kunst in sich enthalt. 3. Auflage. Franckfurt. 1725. Portrait. Plates. **E.i99.25 Wolff, F, Die beschreibende Geometric, die geometrische Zeichenkunst und die Perspective. 3te Auflage. Berlin. 1861. Text, I v.; Atlas, 30 plates. *4o6i.58 Wood, D. A handbook of the Greek method. London. 1889. Plates. **E. 50803.77 Woolf, S. An elementary course in descrip- tive geometry. New York. 1888. Illus. 3932.63 Worthen, W. E., editor. Appleton's Cyclo- paedia of technical drawing. New York. 1889. Illus. Plates. *8o63.i6 Same. 1896. *8o63.3i Wright, F. A. Architectural perspective for beginners. 4th edition. New York. 1896. Plates. *8o9oa.3i Zanotti, E. Trattato teorico-pratico di pro- spettiva. Milano. 1825. Plates. *8o69a.i48 Construction. Adams, H. The practical designing of struc- tural iron work, ist series. London. 1894. Plates. 4015.37 Solutions to the questions set at the May examination of the Science and Art De- partment [of the committee of Council on education]. 1881-86. Building con- struction. London. 1889. 3 folded plans. 8019.111 Addison, P. L. Practical elements of con- struction. A reference book for en- gineers and builders. London. 1888. Illus. Plates. 8017.155 Advanced building construction. London. 1891. Illus. [Longman's Advanced science manuals.] 4095.69 Alberti, L. B. Dell' arte edificatoria. {In his Opere volgari. Tomo 4, pp. I93-37I- Firenze. 1847.) 2796.1.4 Allen, J. P. Practical building construction. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. 8012.141 Andrews, E. S. The theory and design of structures. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 4011.41 Barkhausen, G. Constructions-EIemente in Eisen. Plans. (In Handbuch der Archi- tektiir. Theil 3, Band i, pp. 133-227. Darmstadt. 1886.) *8o92.5i.i Literatur, pp. 226, 227. 342 TECHNICAL DETAILS Baukunde des Architekten. Berlin. 1890, 91. I V. in 2. Illus. 4096.76 Baxter, W., Jr. Hydraulic elevators. Chi- cago, 111. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8015.270 Same. New York. 1910. 8015.282 Benjamin, A. Elements of architecture. Containing the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders. Also, the theory and practice of carpentry. Boston. 1843. 28 plates. 409347 Bergh, L. de C. Safe building construction. New edition. New York. 1908. Plans. 40i9a.305 Birkmire, W. H. Architectural iron and steel, and its application in the con- struction of buildings. 2d edition. New York. 1892. Illus, 8013.135 Compound riveted girders as applied in the construction of buildings. New York. 1893, Diagrams, 8012.129 The planning and construction of high office-buildings. New York. 1898. Plates, Plans. Diagrams. 8093.126 Skeleton construction. New York. 1893. Plates. Plans. 8013.154 Black, A. First principles of building: be- ing a practical handbook for technical students. London. [1894.] Illus, 8017.187 Blagrove, G. H. Shoring and its applica- tions. Handbook for students. Lon- don. 1887. Illus. [Weale's Rudimen- tary series,] 8028.77 Bland, W, Experimental essays on the prin- ciples of construction in arches, piers, buttresses, &c. London, 1839. Illus. Plates. 4093-7 The principles of construction in arches, piers, buttresses, etc. 4th edition. Lon- don. 1875. Illus. Plates. [Weale's Rudi- mentary series.] 4099.136 This is a later edition of the preceding work. Bolton, R. p. Elevator service. New York City, 1908, Plans. Charts. 80103.176 Borgnis, G, A. Traite elementaire de con- struction appliquee a I'architecture civile. Paris. 1823. Plates. *4092.5 Brandt, E, Lehrbuch der Eisen-Construc- tionen mit besonderer Anwendung auf den Hochbau, 2te Auflage. Berlin. 1871. Illus, 4095.51 Breymann, G, A. Allgemeine Bau-Construc- tions-Lehre, mit besonderer Beziehung auf das Hochbauwesen. Stuttgart. 1872- 81. Text, 4 v.; Plates, 4 v. " *8o92.64 Bruy^re, L. fitudes relatives a I'art des constructions. Paris. 1823-28. 2 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.8o.4 Bum, R. S. Building construction; show- ing the employment of brick, stone, and slate, in the practical construction of buildings. London. 1873, 74. Text, i v. Illus. Plates; Atlas, ig plates. 4018.81 Same. New York. [1873, 74- Putnam's Elementary science series.] 8018.212 Building construction; showing the em- ployment of brickwork and masonry in the practical construction of buildings. London. 1876. Text, i v, Illus, Plates; Atlas, 37 plates. [Colliug* Advanced science series.] 4019.102 Burn, R. S. (Continued.) Same. New York. 1876. [Putnam's Ad- vanced science series,] 4018.74 Building construction: showing the em- ployment of timber, lead and iron work, in the practical construction of build- ings. New York. [1873, 74-] Text, i v. Plates; Atlas, 20 plates. [Putnam's Ele- mentary science series.] 40193.193 Handbook of the mechanical arts con- cerned in the construction and arrange- ment of dwelling-houses /and other buildings, 2d edition. Edinburgh, i860. Plates. 8018.91 Burrell, E. J. Elementary building con- struction and drawing, London. 1901. Illus. Plans, 4018.116 Campin, F, Materials and construction. London. 1881. Illus. [Weale's Rudi- mentary series.] 8019.38 Chandler, F, W, Construction details, pre- pared for students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [Boston. 1892,] 25 plates, *Cab.6o.89.4 Christie, W. W. Chimney design and theory. A book for engineers and architects. New York. 1899. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8094.84 Construction in earthquake countries: a compilation, with a few original articles, respecting building in earthquake coun- tries, Yokohama, [1890.] Folded plates. [Seismological Society of Japan, Trans- actions. Vol, 14.] *78i5.50.i4 Cullmer, H. R., and A, Bauer. Elevator shaft construction, or practical sugges- tions for the installation of electric elevators in buildings. New York. [1912,] Plates. Plans. 8015.284 Cyclopedia of the building trades: being a thorough and practical series of treatises upon bricklaying, masonry, cement work, plasters, mortars, stuccos, and concretes, . . . with directions for estimating and measuring the same. Editor-in-chief, F, T, Hodgson. Chi- cago, [1906, 07.] 6 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. *8o36.58 Contents. — i. Bricklayers' guide. 2, Stone- masons' gruide. 3, 4. Cements and concretes. 5. Hodgson's estimator and contractor's guide. 6. Steel square, — Carpentry and joinery. Debauve, A. Procedes et materiaux de con- struction. Paris. 1884-88. Text, 4 v. Illus.; Atlas, 4 v, 8011.108 Denfer, J. Architecture et constructions civiles, Charpente en bois et menuiserie. Paris. 1892. Illus. 8012.274 Same. Charpenterie metallique, menuiserie en fer et serrurerie. Paris. 1894. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *8oi2.275 These two works form part of the Encyclopedie des travaux publics. Derand, F. L'architecture des voutes, ou I'art des traits et coupes des voutes. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1743. 83 plates. *Cab.6o.69.4 Derleth, C, Jr. The destructive extent of the California earthquake. Its effects upon structures and structural materials. San Francisco. 1907. Plates. Maps. 4476.251 CONSTRUCTION 343 Dcs Biars, G. De remploi du fer dans la construction. Paris. 1874. 4015.68 Devillez, A. Elements de constructions civiles. Mons. 1869. Plates. 8094.26 Dobson, E. Rudiments of the art of build- ing. London. 1849. Illus. Plates. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8099.13 Same. 2d edition. 1854. 8099.1 Same. 3d edition. 1859. 8099.42 Same. 8th edition. 1871. 8099.40 Same. 12th edition. 1884. 8099.41 Famsworth, A. W. Constructional steel- work. London. 1905. Plates. 8014.221 Faulwasser, J. Die Technik des Bau- wesens. Plates. (/» Buch der Er- findungen. Band i, pp. 361-440. Leip- zig. 1896.) *4033.i3.i Freitag, J. K. Architectural engineering. With special reference to high build- ing construction. New York. 1895. Plates. 8093.30 Same. 2d edition. 1901. Plates. Plans. 8093-41 Garbett, E. L. Preliminaries to good build- ing. {In Papers and practical illustra- tions of public works of recent con- struction. Pp. 95-104- London. 1856.) 8oioa.4 Ginet, N. Toise general du batiment. Paris. 1761. 32 folded plates. 8097.5 Gonin, E. Manuel pratique de construction. Paris. 1877. Text, i v.; Atlas, 38 plates. *8oio.2i Guastavino, R. The cohesive construction: its past, its present, its future. Chicago. 1893. 8093.106 Written for the Congress of Architects, Colum- bian Exposition. Essay on the theory and history of co- hesive construction applied especially to the timbrel vault. Boston. 1892. Illus. Plans. *8o97.56 Same. 2d edition. 1893. 8097.57 Halfpenny, W., and others. The modern builder's assistant: or, a concise epitome of the whole system of archi- tecture. London. 1757. 3 v. in i. 85 plates. *8o9i.i8 Heinzerling, G. G. E. F. [Der Eisenhochbau der Gegenwart. Eine systematisch i.^ geordnete Sammlung neuerer eiserner ■jr- Hochbau - Constructionen.] Leipzig. " 1882-89. 3 parts in i v. *8ioo.59 Hodgson, F. T. Light and heavy timber framing made easy. Balloon framing, mixed framing, heavy timber framing, houses, factories, bridges, barns, rinks, timber-roofs, and all other kinds of timber buildings. Chicago. 1909. Plate. (Plans. Diagrams. 8017.402 'ractical steel construction. Chicago. [1910.] Plans. 40i9a.229 ol, G. A. The elements of structures. New York. 1912. Illus. Plans. Charts. [Engineering education series.] 4017.404 sking, W., and others. Treatises on architecture, building, masonry, join- ery, and carpentry. New York. 1852. . Plates. *4ioi.24 Howe, M. A. The design of simple roof- trusses in wood and steel. With an in- Howe, M. A. (Continued.) troduction to the elements of graphic statics. New York. 1902. Plans. Dia- grams. 8012.192 Johnson, J. B., and others. The theory and practice of modern framed structures. By J. B. Johnson, C. W. Bryan, F. E. Turneaure. 2d edition. New York. 1894. Illus. Plates. *8o9i.iio Same. 8th edition. 1904. Plans. Dia- grams. 8091.120 Kidder, F. E. Building construction and superintendence. New York. 1896, 1900. 2 V. Illus. Plans. 4011.43 Contents. — i. Masons' work. 2. Carpenters' work. Part 2 is of the 3d edition. Same. Part 2. 8th edition. 1909. Plates. 4011.44 Koch, H. Die Baufiihrung. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] Litteratur, pp. 262, 263. *8092.49.I.S Lachez, T. Acoustique et optique des salles de reunions publiques, theatres. Paris. 1848. Plans. 3966.48 Same. [2e edition.] 1879. Illus. 3966.70 Lanck, L. Traite pratique de la construc- tion moderne et description du materiel employe. Paris. 1877. 2 v. Illus. 4011.69 Le Bris, G. Les constructions metalliques. Paris. [1894.] Illus. Plates. [Biblio- theque des sciences et de Tindustrie.] 8014.169 Los Angeles, California. Public Library. A selected list of books for workers in the building and woodworking trades. Los Angeles. 1913. *4039.29 Maginnis, O. B. How to frame a house, or balloon and roof framing. New York. 1893. Illus. *8iooa.i9 Practical centring: treating of the prac- tice of centring arches in building con- struction. New York. 1891. Illus. 8095.21 Mandar, C. F. !fitudes d'architecture civile. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1826. Plates. *Cab.6o.ii4.2 Martin, C. A. Details of building construc- tion. Boston. 1899. 33 plates with ex- planatory notes. 4091.25 Marx, E. Sicherungen gegen Einbruch. Illus. Plans. {In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Theil 3, Band 6, pp. 1-31. Darmstadt. 1884.) *8o92.5i.6 Merriman, M., and H. S. Jacoby. A text- book on roofs and bridges. New York. 1891-98. 4 V. Plates. *8oi3.i26 Contents. — i. Stresses in simple trusses. 2. Graphic statics. 3. Bridge design. 4. Higher structures. Same. Part i. 6th edition, enlarged. 1905. 8013.175 Same. Part 4. 3d edition. 1907. 8013.181 Mignard, B. R. Guide des constructeurs. Paris. 1847. 87 plates. *Cab.6o.69.8 Same. 5e edition. [1879.] Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 83 plates. *8o20.ii3 Milne, J. On construction in earthquake countries. With an abstract of the dis- 23 344 TECHNICAL DETAILS Milne, J. (Continued.) cussion upon the paper. Edited by J. Forrest. London. 1885. Plate. 8035.16 From Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers [*40ioa.245.83]. Mitchell, C. F. Building construction and drawing. Part i. London. 1888. lUus. 4099.84 Same. 3d edition. 1894. Plates. 4099.98 Forty plates on building construction. London. 1891. *8ioo.25 Montessus de Ballore, J. B. F. M., Comte de. El arte de construir en los paises es- puestos a temblores de tierra. Tradu- cido del frances. Diciembre de 1906. Santiago de Chile. 1907. 8012.336 Indice bibliografico, pp. 181-187. Nicholson, P. The mechanic's companion. Boston. [182-?] Plates. 8017.67 Same. Philadelphia. 1832. 8027.15 Pain, W., and J. Pain. Pain's British Palla- dio; or, the builder's general assistant. London. 1793. 42 plates. *8o90.75 Paris. Exposition universelle internatio- nale de 1889. Congres internationale des procedes de construction. Comptes rendus des seances et visites du Con- gres. Paris. 1891. Illus. Plates. *8oi3.ii9 Philippe, G. M. G. De I'humidite dans les constructions et des moyens de s'en garantir. 2e edition. Paris. 1882. Illus. 8093.102 Pite, A. B., and others. Building construc- tion. Vol. I. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. [The Architects' library.] 4094.157 Progress of the art of building and a sure remedy for smoky chimneys. Edin- burgh. 1864. 4099.19 Prud'homme, L. Cours pratique de con- struction redige conformement au para- graphe cinq du programme officiel des connaissances pratiques exigees pour devenir ingenieur. Paris. 1870. 2 v. Illus. 8026.8 Radford, W. A. Framing. A manual of houseframing and construction. Chi- cago. [1909.] Illus. Plates. 4014.167 Portfolio of details of building construc- tion. Chicago. [1911-] Plans. 4011.46 Compiled with the assistance of B. L. Johnson and C. P. Rawson. ReboUedo, J. A. Traite general de con- struction. Paris. [1879.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 35 plates. 8010.134 Revue technique de I'Exposition univer- selle de 1889. Partie 2: La construc- tion. Paris. 1890, 93. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, 24 plates. *8o2i. 100.2 Riewel, H. von, and C. Schmidt. Bautechni- sche Vorlageblatter fiir Maurer, Zim- merleute, &c. 3. Auflage. Wien. 1893. Plates. *Cab.6o.i09!5 Robson, G. Modern domestic building con- struction, illustrated by plans and com- plete working details of a villa resi- dence, together with specifications. London. 1876. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.53.2 Rondelet, J. B. Traite theorique et pratique de I'art de batir. Paris. 1847-52. Text, 6 v.; Atlas, 105 plates. *Cab.6o.ii5.2 Sloan, S. Sloan's Constructive architec- ture. Philadelphia. 1859. Plates. 8090.35 Smith, C. G. Engineering papers. Mortar. Practical ironwork. Retaining walls. London. 1875. 4014.26 Smith, T. R. Acoustics in relation to archi- tecture and building. New edition. London. 1895. Illus. fWeale's Rudi- mentary series.] 4109.16 A rudimentary treatise on the acoustics of public buildings. London. 1861. Plates. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 4109.18 This is an earlier edition of the preceding work. South Kensington Museum. Notes on building construction. London. 1875- 91. 4 V. Illus. 4095.60 Spillner, E. Sicherungen gegen Feuer, Blitzschlag, Bodensenkungen und Erd- erschiitterungen. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 6, pp. 69- 118. Darmstadt. 1884.) *8o92.5i.6 Spofford, C. M. The theory of structures. New York. 191 1. Plans. Charts. Dia- grams. 4011.40 Stock, C. H. A treatise on shoring and underpinning, and generally dealing with ruinous and dangerous structures. London. 1882. Illus. 4017.20 Same. 3d edition. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4017.103 Sylvester, W. A. Modern carpentry and building, giving methods of obtaining the various cuts in carpentry; also giv- ing a number of half-tone views of beautiful modern residences. Reading, Mass. 1896. Plates. Plans. 80193.186 Tarn, E. W. The science of building, Lon- don. 1870. Illus. 8094.15 Same. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. London. 1890. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8094.21 Thomson, W. C. Bridge and structural de- sign. New York. 1905. Diagrams. Plans. 4014.177 Tucker, E. A.. Steel construction: a practical treatise on the modern use of steel in the erection of fireproof buildings, and its applications to structural work in general. Chicago. 1910. Plates. Plans. Charts. 4017.410 Upham, J. B. Acoustic architecture, or the construction of buildings with refer- ence to sound and the best musical ef- fect. New Haven. 1853. Diagrams. 4105.1 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Rational building. A translation of the article "Construc- tion" in the Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture frangaise, by G. M. Huss. New York. 1896. Illus. 8093.123 Wahl, W. H., editor. Constructive arts. Part i: Building. Philadelphia. 1889. 19 plates. [Iconographic encyclo- paedia. 5.J 7345.16.5 Wanderley, G. Traite pratique de construc- tions civiles. Edition frangaise par A. Bieber. Paris. 1885, 86. 3 v. Illus. Plates. 8023.108 Contents. — i. Le fer dans la construction. 2. La pierre et la brique. 3. Le bois. CONSTRUCTION 345 Ware, W. R. Examples of building con- struction. Boston. 1876. 48 plates. 4090.74 Warren, W. H. Engineering construction in iron, steel, and timber. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8013.160 Wilhelm, J. Architectura civilis. Zum drittenmal auffgelegt. Franckfurt am Mayn. 1662. 42 plates. No. 2 in *8o2oa.i02 Wolff, C, Reichsfreiherr von. Der Anfangs- Grunde aller mathematischen Wissen- schafften erster Theil, welcher einen Unterricht von der mathematischen Lehr-Art, die Rechen-Kunst . . . und Bau-Kunst in sich enthalt. 3te Auflage. Franckfurt. 1725. Folded plates. **E.i99.25 Grondbeginzelen van alle mathematische weetenschappen, 2de deel. Bevathende de bouwkunst [etc.]. t'Amsterdam. 1758. Folded plates. 5948.34 Young, F. C. Every man his own mechanic: a guide to every description of con- structive and decorative work. Lon- don. [1881?] Illus. 8017.37 Same. 6th edition. [1885?] *8o27.ii Applied Mechanics. (Including Statics.) Abbott, A. y. Improvements in methods for physical tests. [New York. 1884.I 2 plates. 8016.152 From the Transactions of the American Insti- tute of Mining Engineers, February, 1884 1*7866.50.12]. Adams, H. Theory and practice in design- ing. London. 1911. Diagrams. 4017.411 A study of stress. Anderson, J. The strength of materials and structures. Lcmdon. 1872. Illus. 5918.53 Atherton, W. H. An introduction to the de- sign of beams, girders and columns in machines and structures, with exam- ples in graphic statics. London. 1905. Plates. Charts. Diagrams. 8018.279 Barlow, P. An essay on the strength and stress of timber, founded upon experi- ments performed at the Royal Military Academy. 3d edition. London. 1826. Tables. Plates. No. i in **E.2i4.i7 A treatise on the strength of timber, cast and malleable iron [etc.]. London. 1837. Plates. *40ioa.72 Same. New edition. 1851. 4014.15 Barlow, P., and others. A treatise on the strength of materials. London. 1867. Plates. 4015.36 Bauschinger, J. Elemente der graphischen IStatik. 2te Auflage. Miinchen. 1880. ^o plates. 5941.15 esolutions of the conventions held at Munich, Dresden [etc.], for the purpose of adopting uniform methods for test- ing construction materials with regard to their mechanical properties. Wash- ington. 1896. 4014.31 Berg, W. G. Complete timber test record. Chicago. 1899. Chart. 4012.48 Birkmire, W. H. Compound riveted girders as applied in the construction of build- ings. New York. 1893. Diagrams. 8012.129 Blagrove, G. H. Dangerous structures. London. 1892. Illus. 4099.94 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1906. 4099.143 Bourguignon, A. J. C. Essai theorique et experimental sur la resistance du fer forge. Paris. 1820. 4 folded plates. ♦4012.10 Bovey, H. T. Theory of structures and strength of materials. New York. 1893. Illus. 8022.118 Same. 4th edition, enlarged. 1905. 8022.128 Bow, R. H. Economics of construction in relation to framed structures. London. 1873. Plates. 4015.73 Box, T. A practical treatise on the strength of materials. London. 1883. 27 plates. 8028.68 Burr, W. H. A course on the stresses in bridge and roof trusses, arched ribs [etc.]. New York. 1880. 12 folded plates. ^ 4094.61 . The elasticity and resistance of the mate- rials of engineering. New York. 1883. Illus. 4012.27 Same. 5th edition. 1896. 4012.29 Same. 6th edition, enlarged. 1903. Illus. Charts. 4012.30 Cain, W. Theory of solid and braced elastic arches. Graphical analysis. New York. 1879. Diagrams. [Van Nostrand's Science series.] 40193.134 Voussoir arches. New York. 1879. Illus. 80193.36 Cargill, T. The strains upon bridge girders and roof trusses. London. 1873. Illus. 4015.55 Cavalieri San-Bertolo, N. Istituzioni di architettura statica ed idraulica. Man- tova. 1845. 2 V. Plates. *394i.5 Chalmers, J. B. Graphical determination of forces in engineering structures. Lon- don. 1881. **E.5025.78 Chery, F. J. Pratique de la resistance de materiaux dans les constructions. Paris. 1877. 2 V. in I. Plates. **E.5oii.55 Church, I. P. Notes and examples in me- chanics; with appendix on the graphical statics of mechanics. New York. 1892. Illus. 6 plates. **E.5i27.i8 Contamin, V. Cours de resistance appli- quee. Paris. 1878. Illus. Folded plate. 4013.65 Cordier, E. Equilibre stable des charpentes en fer, bois et fonte. Paris. 1872. Iljus. 4010.50 Comu, L. Guide pratique pour I'etude et I'execution des constructions en fer a I'usage des architectes, ingenieurs . . . [Paris.] 1878. Lithograph script. Illus. 8oioa.i26 Comut, A. E. fitude sur les essais des fers et des aciers. (In Revue technique. Partie 2, pp. 1-160. Paris. 1892.) *802I.I00.2 The plates are in part 2 of the Atlas. 346 TECHNICAL DETAILS Cousins, R. H. A theoretical and practical treatise on the strength of beams and columns. New York. 1889. Diagrams. 8018.105 Cremona, L. Les figures reciproques en statique graphique. Ouvrage precede d'une introduction du Dr. G. Jung. Suivi d'un appendice extrait des me- moires et des cours de statique gra- phique de Ch. Saviotti. Traduit par L. Bossut. Paris. 1885. 2 v. in i. 34 plates. **E.502i.8o Graphical statics. Translated by T. H. Beare. Oxford. 1890. **E.5ii4.7 Culmann, C. Die graphische Statik. 2te Auflage. Band i. Zurich. 1875. IHus. 17 plates. 3943-54; **E.iooa.53 Diedrichs, J. H. The theory of strains. A compendium for the calculation and construction of bridges, roofs [etc.]. Baltimore. 1871. Plates. 4019.91 DuBoiS; A. J. The elements of graphical statics and their application to framed structures. New York. 1875. 32 plates. 3943.7 The strains in framed structures, with ap- plications to cranes, bridge, roof and suspension trusses, etc. New York. 1883. 28 plates. *8o2o.66 The stresses in framed structures. In- cluding the strength of materials and theory of flexure. loth edition. New York. 1896. Plates. *40ii.28 Durand-Claye, A. A. Stabilite des voutes. Paris. [1878.] Diagrams. [Associa- tion frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences. Congres de Paris.] 8014.156 Dwelshauvers-Dery, V. A. E. Principes de la resistance des materiaux. Liege. 1872. Illus. Plate. 4018.52 Egleston, T. Machine for testing the physi- cal properties of metals and alloys. New York. 1883. Plates. 8014.152 Ewing, J. A. The strength of materials. Cambridge. 1899. Illus. 4016.117 Favaro, A. Legons de statique graphique. Traduites par P. Terrier. Paris. 1879, 85. 2 V. **E.509i.62 Fenwick, S. The mechanics of construc- tion, including the theories of the strength of materials, roofs, arches [etc.]. London. 1861. 4095'9 Flamant, A. Stabilite des constructions. Resistance des materiaux. Paris. 1886. **E.i90.58 Foeppl, A. Ausgewahlte Capitel der mathe- matischen Theorie der Bauconstruc- tionen. Leipzig. 1880, 81. Illus. Plates. **E.5i27.28 Fr|incis, J. B. On the strength of cast-iron pillars. New York. 1865. 4014.14 Gillmore, Q. A. Notes on the compressive resistance of freestone, brick piers, hy- draulic cements, mortars and concretes. New York. 1888. Tables. *8o32.55 Report on the compressive strength, specific gravity, and ratio of absorption of various kinds of building-stone from different sections of the United States. Washington. 1874. Diagrams. [United States. Engineer Department.] ♦4014.30 Girard, P. S. Traite analytique de la resis- tance des solides, et des solides d'egale resistance. Paris. 1798. Plates. 5942.2 Gonzalez, C. Proyccto de puente de mam- posteria. 1903. La Plata. 1904. Plans. [Universidad de la Plata. Facultad de ciencias fisico-matematicas.] 4012.127 Graham, R. H. Graphic and analytic statics in their application to the treatment of stresses in roofs, solid girders and other frameworks. 2d edition. London. 1887. Plates. **E.5o82.4i Grashof, F. Theorie der Elasticitat und Festigkeit mit Bezug auf ihre Anwen- dungen in der Technik. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1878. Illus. **E.i9oa.55. Gray, J. Y., and G. Lowson. The elements of graphical arithmetic and graphical statics. London. 1888. **E.5o89a.69 Greene, C. E. Graphics for engineers, archi- tects, and builders. Trusses and arches analyzed and discussed by graphical methods. New York. 1888-92. 3 v. Plates. 8012.135 Contents. — i. Roof trusses. Revised edition. 2. Bridge trusses. 4th edition. 3. Arches. 2d edition. An earlier edition of part 2 is on shelf-number 4014.27. Structural mechanics: comprising the strength and resistance of materials and elements of structural design. Re- vised by A. E. Greene. 2d edition. New York. 1905. Diagrams. 4014.183 Hatfield, R. G. Theory of transverse strains, and its application in the con- struction of buildings. New York 1877. Illus. 4013-53 Hatt, W. K. Instructions to engineers oi timber tests. [Washington. 1906.] Dia grams. Charts. [United States. De- partment of Agriculture.] *5844.6o.38 Same. (Revised.) 1999. *3845.74 Heame, H. C. Tables of stresses in roof trusses, including tables of compression and tension members, and extracts from the building laws of various cities. New York. 1909. Diagrams. 40x2.152 Heller, A. H. Stresses in structures and the accompanying deformations. Colum- bus, Ohio. 1905. Diagrams. 4013.44 Humphrey, R. L. Organization, equipment and operation of the structural-mate- rials testing laboratories at St. Louis, Mo. Washington. 1908. Plates. Plans. *7872.55.329 The strength of concrete beams. Results of tests of 108 beams (ist series) Washington. 1908. Plate. Charts. [United States. Geological Survey. Bulletin.] *7872.55-344 Johnson, F. R. Stresses in girder and roof trusses. London. 1894. Diagrams. 8017.184I Johnson, W. R. Comparison of experiments on American and foreign building stones, to determine their relative strength and durability. New Haven 1850. 8095.109; No. I in *8o95.6 Ketchum, M. S. The design of steel mill buildings, and the calculation of APPLIED MECHANICS 347 Ketchum, M. S. (Continued.) stresses in framed structures. New York. 1903. Illus. Plans. 4017.123 Same. 3d edition, enlarged. 1913. 4017.124 Kidder, F. E. Contributions from the physi- cal laboratory of the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology. Experiments on the strength and stiffness of small spruce beams. Boston. 1881. 8014.133 From the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings, Vol. 16 [*337o.6,i6]. Strength of beams, floors and roofs: in- cluding directions for designing and detailing roof trusses. New York. 1905. Diagrams. 4014.166 Kirkaldy, W. G. Illustrations of David Kirkaldy's system of mechanical test- ing. London. 1891. Tables. *8oii.i2o Kommerell, O. Statische Berechnung von Tunnelmauerwerk. Grundlagen und Anwendung auf die wichtigsten Belas- tungsfalle. Berlin. 1912. Diagrams. Literatur, pp. 169, 170. 4017.415 Lanza, G. Applied mechanics. New York. 1885. 3945.68 Same. 7th edition. 1896. Illus. 3945.69 Strength of wooden columns. Boston. 1882. Illus. 8014.130 Transverse strength of large spruce beams. From tests at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology. Boston. 1882. Illus. 8015.140; No. I in *8o32.3 Levy, M. La statique graphique et ses ap- plications aux constructions. Paris. 1874. Text, I v.; Atlas, 24 plates. 3924.53 Same. 2e edition. 1886-88. Atlas, 44 plates. **E.509i.64 Machines for the physical tests of metals. [Washington. 1884.] 4 plates. [United States. Ordnance Bureau. Ordnance notes.] No. 341 of *395o.25 Madamet, A. Resistance des materiaux. Paris. 1891. *8oii.i23 Marburg, E. Framed structures and gird- ers: theory and practice. Vol. i, part i. New York. 191 1. Charts. Diagrams. Contents. — i. Stresses. 40I7«402 Martens, A. Handbook of testing mate- rials. For the constructor. Authorized translation and additions by G. C. Hen- ning. Part i: Methods, machines and auxiliary apparatus. New York. 1899. Text, I v.; Atlas, i v. Portrait. Plates. 4014.100 Das konigliche Materialpriifungsamt der technischen Hochschule Berlin. Berlin. 1904. Illus. Plates. *8oioa.i6o Martin, H. M. Statically indeterminate structures and the principle of least work. London. 1895. 40i7'47 Revised and reproduced from Engineering, Mason, J. L. An analytical investigation of the resistance of piles to superincum- bent pressure. Washington. 1881. Plate. No. 3 in *5953.39 No. 2 in the same volume is an earlier edition of the above. Mastaing, L. de. Cours de mecanique ap- plique a la resistance des materiaux. Paris. 1874. Illus. Plates. 4015.69 Maurer, M. Statique graphique appliquee aux constructions; toitures, planchers, Maurer, M. (Continued.) etc. 2e edition. Paris. 1886. Text, i v.; Atlas, 20 plates. **E.i9oa.65 Merriman, M. The strength of materials. For manual training schools. New York. 1897. Illus. 4018.92 A text-book on the mechanics of materials, and of beams, columns, and shafts. 7th edition. New York. 1897. Illus. 4013.40 Middleton, G. A. T. Strains in structures. London. 1889. Diagrams. 8018.108 Morin, A. J. Resistance des materiaux. 3e edition. Paris. 1862. 2 v. Plates. 4015.72 Moseley, H. The mechanical principles of engineering and architecture. 2d edi- tion. London. 1855. Illus. 4095.7 Same. 2d American edition. With addi- tions by D. H. Mahan. New York. 1869. Illus. 4015.50 A treatise on mechanics, applied to the arts. 2d edition. London. 1839. Illus. 3944.30 Mueller-Breslau, H. F. B. Die graphische Statik der Baukonstruktionen. 2te Auf- lage. Leipzig. 1887-1908. 2 v. Plates. **E.2ooa.74 A bibliography is appended to each volume. Ott, K. von. The elements of graphic sta- tics. Translated by G. S. Clarke. Lon- don. 1876. 3948.61 Same. 1885. **E.5028.64 Parkinson, R, M. Structural mechanics. London. 1890. 8018.128 Philadelphia. Commissioners for the erec- tion of the public buildings. Mechani- cal tests of building material. Philadel- phia. 1884. Illus. No. 2 in *8o32.3 Mechanical tests with the United States testing machine, at Wateitown arsenal, Mass. Philadelphia. [1884.I Illus. No. 3 in *8o32.3 Ranken, F. A. The strains in trusses. Lon- don. 1872. Illus. 4018.41 Rankine, W. J. M. A manual of applied mechanics. 15th edition. London. 1898. 5947.32 The 3d edition, 1864, is on shelf-number 5948.3; the 4th edition, 1868, is on shelf-number 5948.67; the nth edition, 1885, is on shelf-number **E.5028.77; the 13th edition, 1891, is on shelf- number 5948.49. Resal, J. Constructions metalliques. £las- ticite et resistance des materiaux, fonte, fer & acier. Paris. 1892. Illus. [En- cyclopedie des travaux publics.] 8012.130 Ricker, N. C. Elementary graphic statics and the construction of trussed roofs. 3d edition. New York. 1892. Illus. Diagrams. 8012.134 Ritter, W. Anwendungen der graphischen Statik. Nach C. Culmann. Zurich. 1888-1906. 4 V. Plates. **E.5ii4.4 Robin, F. Report on the wear of steels and on their resistance to crushing. Illus. Charts. Tables. (In Iron and Steel Institute. Carnegie Scholarship Me- moirs. Vol. 2, pp. 1-270. London. 1910.) ♦4028.145.2 Roffiaen, E. Traite th^orique et pratique sur la resistance des materiaux dans les constructions. Fleurus. 1858. 18 folded plates. 4015.87 348 TECHNICAL DETAILS Ruff, F. Reference book for statical cal- culations. (Rapid statics.) Vol. i. London. 1905. Colored chart. Dia- grams. 3947.134 Sands and cements. Plain concrete. Build- ing stone and brick. Elements of stone masonry. Elements of brick masonry. Field operations and concrete work. Tests on cement. Concrete building blocks. Heavy foundations. Piling. Steel and other metals. Loads in struc- tures. Insurance engineering. Water- proofing of concrete. Statics. Forces acting on beams. Stresses and strains. Theory of beams. Wooden posts. Cast- iron columns. Foundation soils. Sta- tics of masonry. Retaining walls. Walls subjected to lateral thrust. Ma- sonry arches. Scranton. [1910.] lUus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. [Interna- tional Library of Technology. Vol. 108, 109.] *8o27.i32.io8, log Schlotke, J. Lehrbuch der graphischen Sta- tik. Hamburg. 1887. Diagrams. **E.2ooa.52 Sergent, E. fitudes pratiques sur les fermes de charpente. Paris. 1887. Text, i v.; Atlas, 28 plates. *8o32.4 Traite pratique de la resistance des mate- riaux. 36 edition. Paris. 1881. Text, I v.; Atlas, 17 plates. **E.502oa.69 Sheilds, F. W. The strains on structures of iron-work. 2d edition. London. 1867. 5 plates. 8012.51 Shreve, S. H. A treatise on the strength of bridges and roofs. New York. 1873. 4015.53 Slocum, S. E., and E. L. Hancock. Text- book on the strength of materials. [Edited by Percey F. Smith.] Boston. [1906.] Illus. Diagrams. Charts. 4014.188 Smith, C. G. Engineering papers. Mortar. Practical ironwork. Retaining walls. London. 1875. 4014.26 Snell, G. On the stability of arches. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper, and an account of the Pont-y-tu- prydd over the Tafe, Glamorganshire. By Thomas Macdougall Smith. Lon- don. 1846. 17 folded plates. 8015.144 Sondericker, J. Graphic statics, with appli- cations to trusses, beams, and arches. New York. 1903. Diagrams. 3943.46 Spangenberg, L. Ueber das Verhalten der Metalle bei wiederholten Anstrengun- gen. (Fortsetzung der Wohler'schen Festigkeitsversuche.) Berlin. 1875. Illus. 40 z 0.67 Steiner, F. Die graphische Zusammenset- zung der Krafte. Wien. 1876. Illus. ♦*E.2ooa.29 Stelzel, C. Grundzuge der graphischen Sta- tik und deren Anwendung auf den con- tinuirlichen Trager. Graz. 1882. Illus. **E.5o85.93 Stetson, Moseley & Co. Tables showing the comparative strength of timber used for building purposes. Boston. 1881. 4016.102 Stock, C. H. A treatise on shoring and underpinning and generally dealing Stock, C. H. (Continued.) with ruinous and dangerous structures. 3d edition, revised by F. R. Farrow. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4017.103 An earlier edition is on shelf-number 4017.20. Stoney, B. B. The theory of stresses in girders and similar structures. New edition. London. 1886. Plates. **E.220.22 Earlier editions may be found on shelf-numbers 8092.2; 4095.55- Strength of materials. Diagrams. {In In- ternational Library of Technology. Vol. 6, pp. 74I-3IO. Scranton. [1902.]) ♦8027.132.6 Svilokossitch, M. Sur I'unification des me- thodes d'essais des materiaux de con- struction. Illus. Plates. {In Revue technique. Partie 2, pp. 161-169. Paris. 1893.) *802I.I00.2 The plates are in part 2 of the Atlas. Tarn, E. W. The mechanics of architecture. London. 1892. Diagrams. 8097.54 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1894. 8097.22 Tate, T. On the strength of materials. Lon- don. 1850. 4014.16 Thomson, W. C. Bridge and structural de- sign. New York. 1905. Diagrams. Plans. 4014.177 Todhunter, I. A history of the theory of elasticity and of the strength of mate- rials, from Galilei. Cambridge. 1886, 93- 2 V. **E.20oa.33 Tredgold, T. A practical essay on the strength of cast iron. London. 1822. Illus. 4018.4 Same. 4th edition. 1842. 4018.3 TumbuU, W. Treatise on the strength, flexure, and stiffness of cast iron beams and columns. London. 1832. 4018.1 United States. Board appointed to test iron, steel, etc. Report. [2d edition.] Washington. 1881. 2 v. Plates. *8oi2.ioi United States. Ordnance Bureau. (War.) Report of the tests of metals and other materials made with the United States testing machine at Watertown arsenal, Mass., during the year ending June 30, 1881, 84, 89-92. Washington. 1882-93. 6 V. *3953-i24 Unwin, W. C. The testing of materials of construction. London. 1888. Plates. 8037.13 Same. 2d edition. 1899. 8037.37 Warren, W. H. Engineering construction in iron, steel and timber. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8013.160 Weyrauch, J. J. von. Allgemeine Theorie und Berechnung der continuirlichen und einfachen Trager. Leipzig. 1873. IHus. _, 4014.63; **E.2ooa.8 Elastische Bogentrager einschliesslich der Gewolbe, Eisenbetonbogen und Bogenfachwerke. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart. 1911. Chart. Diagrams. 4017.412 Festigkeit und Dimensionenberechnung der Eisen- und Stahlconstructionen. Leipzig. 1876. 4 tables. 4013.70 Strength and determination of the dimen- sions of structures of iron and steel APPLIED MECHANICS 349 Weyrauch, J. J. von. (Continued.) Translated by A. J. Du Bois. With ap- pendix by R. H. Thurston. New York. 1877. 4014.79 Whildin, J. K. Memoranda on the strength of materials used in engineering con- struction. New York. i860. 8018.288 Same. 26. edition. 1867. 8018.8 Williamson, B. Introduction to the mathe- matical theory of the stress and strain of elastic solids. London. 1894. **E.si28.i8 Wood, De V. A treatise on the resistance of materials. New York. 1871. lUus. 4015.34 Woods, R. J. Strength and elasticity of structural members. London. 1903. Diagrams. 4014.137 Young, E. W. Simple practical methods of calculating the strains on girders, arches, and trusses. London. 1873. 13 plates. 4099.55 Building Materials. See also Concrete Construction; Fireproof Construc- tion. Andes, L. E. Iron corrosion, anti-fouling and anti-corrosion paints. Translated from the German by C. Salter. London. 1900. 4016.122 Architectural Iron Works, New York. Il- lustrations of iron architecture. New York. 1865. 102 plates. *409i.i74 Artificial stone, etc. London. [1904?] Illus. [Illustrated Carpenter & Build- er series of technical manuals.] 4017.141 Barba, J. The use of steel for constructive purposes. New York. 1875. Illus. 4019.101 Baterden, J. R. Timber. London. 1908. Plates. Diagrams. [The "Westminster" series.] 4014.171 Bibliography, pp. 333, 334. Birkbeck, G. A lecture on the preservation of timber by Kyan's patent for prevent- ing dry rot. With an appendix. Lon- don. [1835?] Plates. 8017.161 Birkmire, W. H. Architectural iron and steel, and its application in the con- struction of buildings. 2d edition. New York. 1892. Illus. 8013.135 Biston, V. Manuel de chaufournier, con- tenant I'art de calciner la pierre a chaux et a platre, de composer toutes sortes de mortiers [etc.]. 2^ edition. Paris. 1836. [Manuels-Roret.] 8029.51 Boulton, S. B. The preservation of timber, by the use of antiseptics. New York. 1885. 5979a.57 Bowen, J. H. Report upon buildings, build- ing materials and methods of building. Washington. 1869. [United States. Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867.] No. 6 in *C.245.3.4; No. 11 in *8o25.76.3 Britton, T. A. A treatise on the origin, progress, prevention, and cure of dry rot in timber. London. 1875. Illus. 3958.62 Brown, J. Brick ornament and its applica- tion. London. [189-.] 91 plates. ♦4090.89 Burnell, G. R. Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mortars, concretes, mas- tics, plastering, etc. 4th edition. With additional notes, by Sir W. Denison. London. 1862. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8019.221 Earlier editions may be found on shelf-numbers 8019.21; 8019.196. Byrone, A. T. Inspection of the materials and workmanship employed in con- struction. New York. 1899. 4019.121 Same. 3d edition. 1912. 4019.219 Cameron, K. Plasterer's manual. New York. 1879. 4017.68 Same. Revised edition. 1883. 4017-4 Chabat, P. La brique et la terre cuite. Paris. 1881, [189-?] 2 V. 161 plates. *Cab.6o.23.3 Chamberlin, T. C. Building material. (/» Wisconsin. Geological Survey, 1873-79. Geology of Wisconsin. Vol. i, pp. 663- 677. Milwaukee. 1883.) *3862.57.i Chandler, F. W. Notes on limes, cements, mortars and concretes. Boston. 1892. [Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy. Publications.] 4016.86 Chandler, W. H. Appliances and oroducts of methods employed for the preserva- tion of wood. Plates. (In United States. Commissioners to the Paris Exposition of 1889. Reports. Vol. 2, pp. 715-755- Washington. 1891.) *8o2i.iii.2; *8o2i.ii4.2; 8023.110 Chapman, W. A treatise containing the results of numerous experiments on the preservation of timber from premature decay. London. 1817. 3952.12 Chateau, T. Technologic du batiment, ou etude complete des materiaux employes dans les constructions. 2e edition. Paris. 1880, 82. 2 V. 4012.78 Corsi, F. Delle pietre antiche. Edizione seconda ... in molte accresciuta. Con I'aggiunta dell' indicazione . . . di tutte le colonne e ragguardevoli massi di pie- tre antiche che sono in Roma. Roma. 1833. 3865.19 Crafts, S. D. Wood vulcanizing. [Boston. 189-?] 8015.91 Describes the preservation of wood by the process carried on by the Haskin Wood Vul- canizing Company. Day, W. C. Granite industry in the United States. Washington. 1891. [United States. Census Bureau, nth census. Bulletin. No. 45.] *44ioa.i04.45 Limestone industry in the United States. Washington. 1891. [Census bulletin. No. 78.] *44ioa.io4.78 The sandstone industry in the United States. Washington. 1891. [Census bulletin. No. 73.] *44ioa.io4.73 Debauve, A. Proc^des et materiaux de con- struction. Paris. 1884-88. Text, 4 v. Illus.; Atlas, 4 v. *8oii.io8 Degen, L. Les constructions en briques. Paris, i860. 48 plates. *8o9oa.i27 350 TECHNICAL DETAILS Derby, N. L. Report on architecture and the materials of construction. Wash- ington. 1875. 8025.72 From the Report of the Commissioners to the Vienna International Exhibition, 1873, vol. 4 [*8o25.S9.4]. Dibdin, W. J. Lime, mortar & cement: their characteristics and analysis. With an account of artificial stone and as- phalt. London. [1901.] Illus. 4018.135 Duhamel du Monceau, H. L. De I'exploita- tion des bois. Paris. 1764. 2 v. Plates. 4013.15 Duquesnay, . Calcaires, chaux, ciments, mortiers. [Paris. 1883. Encyclopedic chimique.] *5985.50'38 Eastern Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, Philadelphia. Suggestions in brick- work. With illustrations from the architecture of Italy. Philadelphia. 1895. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4091.15 Eckel, E. C. Cements, limes, and plasters: their materials, manufacture, and prop- erties. New York. 1905. Illus. Maps. 4012.105 Falk, M. S. Cements, mortars and con- cretes. Their physical properties. New York. 1904. Plates. Charts. 8012.86 Fleuret. L'art de composer des pierres fac- tices aussi dures que le caillou. Paris. 1807. 32 plates. 4090.23 Fontaine, P. Prix elementaires des mate- riaux de construction dans I'Aube et a Troyes. 3^ partie: »Les terres cuites. Troyes. 1883. 8093.101 Foy, J. La ceramique des constructions; briques, tuiles, carreaux [etc.]. Paris. 1883. 12 plates. 4020.29 Gaudry, J. Guide pratique pour I'essai des matieres industrielles d'un emploi cou- rant dans les usines . . . les batiments, etc. Paris. [1876.] 3979.67 Gillmore, Q. A. A practical treatise on Coignet-beton, and other artificial stones. New York. 1871. Plates. 4013.66 Practical treatise on limes, hydraulic ce- ments, and mortars. 7th edition. New York. 1883. [United States. Engin- eer Department.] *4io6.i4 The edition of 1863 is on shelf-no. *4io6.i. Report on beton agglomere; or, Coignet- beton, and the materials of which it is made. Washington. 1871. Plates. *5953.42 Goodridge, J. C. Beton-Coignet. A descrip- tion of the material and its uses in France and America. New York. [1874.] Illus. No. I in *8o3i.3 Haberstroh, H. Die Baustoffkunde. Leip- zig. 1910. Illus. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 7389a.5o6 Hall, J. Report on building stones. Al- bany. 1868. No. 2 in *8o95.6 Hallopeau, P. F. A., and A. C. A. Lascombe. Les materiaux de construction et leur emploi. Illus. Plates. {In Revue tech- nique. Partie 2, pp. 179-444. Paris. 1892.) *802I.I00.2 The plates are in part 2 of the Atlas. Harris, G. F. Granites and our granite in- dustries. London. 1888. Illus. 3869.80 Hartig, R. Timbers and how to know them. From the German by W. Somerville. Edinburgh. 1890. Illus. 3859.83 Hauenschild, H. Die Technik der wichti- geren Baustoffe. Illus. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil i. Band i, pp. ' 53-228. Darmstadt. 1883.) 8092.49.1 Hawes, G. W. Report on the building stones of the United States. 1880. Washing- ton. 1884. 58 plates. [United States. Census Bureau. Tenth census. Vol. 10.] No. 3 in *C.28o.i.io Heinzerling, C. Die Conservirung des Holzes. Halle a. S. 1885. Illus. 8032.12 Hinton, L. J. Report on the working of stone; and on artificial stones. Wash- ington. 1876. [United States. Commis- sioners to the International Exhibition at Vienna. Reports.] No. 5 in *8o25.59.4 Hodgson, F. T. Mortars, plasters, stuccos, artificial marbles, concretes, Portland cements and compositions. Chicago. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4017.162 Plaster and plastering. Mortars and ce- ments: how to make, and how to use. New York. 1906. Plates. 40i9a.27o Hopkins, T. C. The building materials of Pennsylvania, i: Brownstones. [Har- risburg.] 1896. Illus. 8095.110 Appendix to the Annual report of Pennsylvania State College. Hough, R. B. The American woods, exhib- ited by actual specimens. Part i-ii. Lowville, N. Y. 1888-1910. 11 v. ♦5843.20 Representing 275 species by 275 sets of sections. Huguenet, I. Asphaltes. Considerations sur I'origine et la formation des as- phaltes, et de leur emploi comme ci- ment naturel. Paris. 1847. Plates. 4093.14 Hull, E. A treatise on the building and ornamental stones of Great Britain and foreign countries. With illustrations of their application in ancient and modern structures. London. 1872. 4095.53 John, J. F. Ueber Kalk und Mortel im all- gemeinen und den Unterschied zwi- schen Muschelschalen- und Kalkstein- mortel insbesondere. Berlin. 1819. No. 4 in 7849.1.9 Johnson, J. B. The materials of construc- tion. 4th edition. New York. 1910. Portraits. Maps. 4012.33 Jones, R. H. Asbestos and asbestic. Lon- don. 1897. Illus. 3865.151 Chapter IX is on: Application of asbestos to military, building, and fire preventive purposes. Kemp, W. The practical plasterer. A com- pendium of plain and ornamental plas- ter work. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 4099.100 Lanck, L. Traite pratique de la construc- tion moderne et description du materiel employe. Paris. 1877. 2 v. Illus. 40ZI.69 Lang, C. Ueber natiirliche Ventilation und die Porositat von Baumaterialien. Stutt- gart. 1877. Plate. 4096.53 Laslett, T. Timber and timber trees, na- tive and foreign. London. 1875. Illus. 3846.80 Same. 1894. 3846.76 BUILDING MATERIALS 351 Lebrun, F, M. Traite pratique de I'art de batir en beton. Paris. 1843. 6 plates. 4102.12 Lee, A. Marble and marble workers. Lon- don. 1888. 8038.33 Lefevre, L. Architectural pottery: bricks, tiles, pipes, enamelled terracottas . . . Translated from the French by K. H. Bird and W. M. Binns. London. 1900. Illus. 4014.46 Bibliography, pp. 485, 486. Lejeune, £. Guide du briquetier, du fabri- cant de tuiles, carreaux . . . suivi du guide du chaufournier et du platrier. Paris. 1870. Illus. 8oioa.29 Guide du briquetier et du chaufournier. 3e edition. Paris. [1892.] 2 v. Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheques des actualites in- dustrielles.] Namely: Briques, tuiles, carreaux, tuyaux et autres produits en terre cuite. 8016.160 Ciments, betons et mortiers hydrauliques. 8016.161 Loriot, A. J. Memoire sur une decouverte dans Tart de batir. La methode de com- poser un ciment ou mortier propre a une infinite d'ouvrages. Paris. 1774- No. 3 in **K.i6.38 A practical essay on a cement and arti- ficial stone. 2d edition. London. 1775. 4093.10 Luard, C. E. Stone: how to get it and how to use it. London. 1890. 7866.39 Mahiels, A. Constructions civiles, mari- times & militaires. Le beton et son em- ploi. Liege. [1893.] Illus. 4oioa.i09 Mehrtens, C Eisen und Eisenkonstructio- nen in geschichtlicher, hiittentechni ■ scher und technologischer Beziehung. Berlin. 1887. Illus. [Handbuch der Baukunde.] 8033.4 Merrill, G. P. The collection of building and ornamental stones in the United States National Museum. Illus. Plates. {In Smithsonian Institution. Report for 1886. Part 2, pp. 277-648. Washington. 1889.) *7928.56.i886.2 Stones for building and decoration. New York. 1891. Illus. 3873-57 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1897. 3873.62 Merzeau, A. Traite theorique et pratique de I'art du platrier. Dourdan. [1903-] 53 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.2 Meyer, A. G. Eisenbauten: ihre Geschichte und ^sthetik. Nach des Verfassers Tode zu Ende gefiihrt von Wilhelm Freiherr von Tettau. Esslingen a. N. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4011.110 Millar, W. Plastering, plain and decorative. . . . With an account of historical plas- tering in England, Scotland, and Ire- land. London. 1897. Plates. *409i.78 Munby, A. E. Introduction to the chemis- try and physics of building materials. London. 1909. Diagrams. Chart. Ta- ble. [The "Westminster" series.] 4014.130 Munroe, C. E. Preservation of wood. [Washington. 1882.] 2 plates. [United States. Ordnance Bureau. Ordnance notes, no. 214.] No. 214 of *3950.25 Munroe, C. E. (Continued.) Same. {In United States. Naval Insti- tute. Proceedings. 1877. Vol. 3, pp. 73786.) 5953.58.3 New England Anderson pressed brick com- pany. Catalogue of molded and orna- mental pressed brick. Boston. [1887.] Plates. 8oioa.ioi Noerdlinger, H. Les bois employes dans I'industrie; descriptions accompagnees de cent sections, en lames minces, des principales essences forestieres de la France et de I'Algerie. Paris. 1872. **G.307.2 Northwestern Terra Cotta Works. [Archi- tectural catalogue.] Chicago. 1882, 84. Plates. \ *8o9oa.30 Oslet, G. Cours de construction. le par- tie: Materiaux de construction et leur emploi. Paris. [1885.] Illus. [Ency- clopedic theorique et pratique des con- naissances civiles et militaires. Partie civile.] 8010.136 Palazzo, L. Su di un apparecchio destinato alio studio della permeabilita all' acqua dei materiali da costruzione. Roma. 1889. Illus. [Italy. Ministero dell' in- terno.] 8090.114 Peerless Brick Company, Philadelphia. Dia- grams of molded, ornamental and col- ored bricks. [Philadelphia. 1885.] ♦8030.10 Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Company. The architectural employment of terra cotta. [New York. 1880.] 8099.24 Reprinted from the Builder, Vol. 39 [•4104.201.39]. Petibon, M. Le wagon solidaire Lacote. La brique costiere et les boisseaux a te- moins d'£tienne Lacote. Paris. 1895. Illus. [Les grands industries du bati- ment.] 4oioa.iio Supplement au journal L'architecture, 23 mars, 1895 [*8o90.i38, 1895]. Philadelphia and Boston Face Brick Co. Il- lustrated catalogue. [Boston. 1896?] no plates with descriptive text. 8030.49 Pole, W. Iron as a material of construction. London. 1872. Illus. 8018.19 Porter, C. H. Paper on building stones. Al- bany. 1868. No. 3 in *8o95.6 Porter, M. W. What Rome was biiilt with. A description of the stones employed in ancient times for its building and deco- ration. London. 1907. 40i9a.299 PuUen, H. W. Handbook of ancient Roman marbles. London. 1894. 2759a.70 Robbins, L. S. A new process for preserv- ing wood. New York. 1866. Plate. No. 12 in *8o^T.3 Sargent, C. S. The woods of the United States. New York. 1885. [American Museum of Natural History. Jesup col- lection.] 3845.67; *L.22.24 Schoch, C. Die moderne Aufbereitung und Wertung der Mortel-Materialien. Ber- lin. 1896. Illus. 8013.176 Schultz, R. W. Reason in building; or, the commonsense use of materials. Illus. Plates. {In The arts connected with building. Pp. 1-40. London. 1909.) 4097.187 352 TECHNICAL DETAILS Skillings, D. N., and D. B. Flint. Illustrated catalogue of portable sectional build- ings. Boston. [1862.] 8093.8 Slating and tiling. London. [1901.] lUus. [The Illustrated Carpenter & Builder series of technical manuals.] 4017.132 Smith, C. H. Lithology, or observations on stone used for building. Treating chiefly of the magnesian limestones of Yorkshire, Derbyshire^ and Nottingham- shire. With reference to the selection of stone for building the exterior of the new Houses of Parliament. Plates. Map. {In Weale, J., editor, Quarterly papers on architecture. Vol. 4. Lon- don. 1845.) *409i.6.4 Smock, J. C. Building stone in the state of New York. {In New York. State Mu- seum of Natural History. Bulletin. Vol. I, no. 3. Albany. 1888.) *7825.i.i Standage, H. C. Cements, pastes, glues, and gums. London. 1893. 8039.147 Same. 2d edition. 1896. 8039.152 Taylor process. The, for preserving wood from decay. Boston. 1868. 5845.58 Thurston, R. H. A text-book of the materials of construction. Abridged from "Mate- rials of engineering." 5th edition. New York. 1894. Illus. Diagrams. 8013.152 United States. Geological Survey. Test- ing of fuels and structural materials for the United States. [Washington. 1907.] *40i4.36 Vicat, L. J. A practical and scientific trea- tise on mortars and cements. London. 1837. Plates. 4093.8 [Woods of Japan. 100 specimens with text in Japanese and Latin.] *5858.io Wright, W. H. A brief practical treatise on mortars. Boston. 1845. 8019.42 Carpentry and Joinery. See also Woodwork. Adams, H. Joints in woodwork. Paper read before the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society. [London. 1877.] Plate. 8017.174 Adhemar, A. J. Traite de charpente. 2e edition. Paris. 1854. Text, i v.; At- las, 48 plates. *Cab.40.37.6 Bayley, W. H. Hand-book of the slide rule. London. 1861. 3938-35 Same. New edition. 1876. 3938.62 Bell, W. E. Carpentry made easy; or, the science and art of framing on a new system. Philadelphia. [1858.] Illus. 38 plates. 8oioa.i3 Same. 2d edition. 1B91. 801 1. 132 Benjamin, A. The builder's guide, or com- plete system of architecture. Designed for the use of builders, particularly of carpenters and joiners. Boston. [1838.] Plates. Plans. *4093.i54 Biston, V. Nouveau manuel complet du charpentier. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1856. Diagrams. Tables. [Manuels- Roret.] 4019.15 Carpentry. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International Library of Technology.] No. 3 in *8o27.i32.3o Christy, W. J. A practical treatise on the joints made and used by builders in the construction of various kinds of engin- eering and architectural works. Lon- don. 1882. Illus. 8098.10 Collings, G. Circular work in carpentry and joinery. London. 1886. Illus. [Weal's Rudimentary series.] 8028.73 Cyclopedia of carpentry and contracting. . . . Chicago. 191 1. 4 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8oi7.405 Contents. — i. Carpentry. — Stair building. — Steel square. — Hardware. 2. Building super- intendence. — Masonry. — Wiring. 3. Contract- ing specifications. — Estimating. — Building law. 4. Architectural drawing. — Lettering. Davidson, E. A. The amateur house car- penter. London. 1875. Illus. 4012.55 Douliot, J. P. Cours de construction. 2^ partie: Charpente en bois. Paris. 1828. Text, I v.; Atlas, 136 plates. 4101.16 Ellis, G. Modern practical joinery. With concise treatise on stair-building, and on hand-j-ailing. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. "4012.111 Emy, A. R. Description d'un nouveau sys- teme d' arcs pour les grands charpentes. Paris. 1828. 7 plates. *Cab.40.38.2 Traite de I'art de la charpenterie. Paris 1837-41. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 15 plates. *Cab.40.37.5 Fletcher, B. F., and H. P. Fletcher. Car- pentry and joinery. London. 1898. Plates. ["The builder" student's series.] 4018.91 Foumeau, N. L'art du trait de charpen- terie. Paris. 1802, 07. 4 V. in i. Plates. ♦4010.19 Goss, W. F. M. Bench work in wood. Bos- ton. 1890. Illus. 8018.166 Same. Revised edition. [1905.] Dia- grams. 8018.224 Griffith, I. S. Essentials of woodworking: a textbook for schools. Peoria, Illinois. ^ [1908.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8017.408 Guilmard, J. D. Album du menuisier pari- sien. Paris. [1855-61.] 48 plates. 8oioa.ii9 Hale, B. Introduction to the mechanical principles of carpentry. Boston. 1827. Illus. 8oioa.26;**E.2i3.2 Hampshire County Council. Technical edu- cation committee. Lessons in wood- work for evening classes, comprising exercises in the principles of joinery, and studies for wood-carving. Lon- don. [1893.] 20 plates. 8oioa.i29 Harrison, W. R. The mechanic's tool book. New York. 1868. 4019.53 Hasluck, P. N. The wood-worker's handy- book of manual instruction. London. 1894. Illus. 8029.116 Woodworking. A book of tools, materials and processes for the handyman. Lon- don. 1906. Illus. Diagrams. 4014.154 Same. 1909. 4014.156 Hasluck, P. N., editor. Cassell's Carpentry and joinery. Philadelphia. 1907. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 4015.113 Hatfield, R. G. The American house car- penter. 8th edition. New York. 1880. Illus. 40x7.19 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY 353 Havard, Hi La menuiserie. Paris. [1891.] Illus. [Les arts de rameublement.] 4015.38 Heinzerling, J. G. E. F. Constructions-Ele- mente in Holz, Plans. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band i, pp. 91-132. Darmstadt. i886.) 8092.51.1 Literatur, pp. 131, 132. Hodgson, F. T. The carpenter's steel square, and its uses. New York. 1880. Illus. Plate. Diagrams. 8038.31 A supplementary volume, with the title Steel squares and their uses, may be found on shelf- number 8038.46. Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1883. 8038.39 Same. 4th edition. 1906. 8038.40 Modern carpentry. Chicago. [1902.] Dia- grams. Plans. 8019.222 Modern carpentry and joinery. Advanced series. Chicago. 1906. Portrait. Plans. Diagrams. 8019.223 A supplement to the preceding work. Steel squares and their uses. New York. 1890. Illus. Plate. Diagrams. 8038.46 A supplement to his The carpenters' steel square. Illustrated wood worker, The. Vol. i. New York. 1879. 8013.112 Joinery. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International Library of Technology.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.30 Jousse, M. L'art de charpenterie. Paris. 1702. Illus. *8o2oa.ioi Kilbon, G. B. Manual training. Elementary woodwork. Boston. 1893. Illus. 8017.158 Kretschmar, C. Die Holzverbindungen. Herausgegeben vom Technologischen Gewerbe-Museum in Wien. Wien. 1885. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 16 plates. *8oio.i48 Maginnis, O. B. How to join mouldings; or, the arts of mitring and coping. New York. 1892. Illus. Plates. 8016.171 Meloy, D. H. Progressive carpentry. Water- bury. [1890.] Diagrams. 8018.126 Mitchell, C. F. Forty lessons in carpentry workshop practice. Revised by G. C. Pope. London. 1890. Illus. [The polytechnic series.] 8016.151 Monckton, J. H. The national builder; a complete work on constructive carpen- try. New York. [1872.] 92 plates. 4091.50 The national carpenter and joiner. New York. [1873.] 86 plates. 8010.106 Moxon, J. Mechanick exercises. Began Jan. I, 1677, and intended to be contin- ued. London. 1683. 2 v. Plates. 6118.36 Vol, I is devoted to smithing, joinery, house carpentry, etc. Newlands, J, The carpenter and joiner's as- sistant. London. 1880, 100 plates, ♦4020.10 The edition of i860 is on shelf-no. 4020.19. Nichofson, P, The carpenter's new guide. i6th edition. Philadelphia, 1854. 107 plates, *4020.8 The new and improved practical builder and workman's companion. Revised by Nicholson, P, (Continued,) T. Tredgold. London. [1861.] 3 v. Plates. • *409o.i7 Practical carpentry, joinery, and cabinet- makmg, London. 1854. Plates, ._ , *40i2.i5 Nosban, , Manuel du menuisier, de I'ebeniste, et du layetier. Tome i. Nou- velle edition. Paris. 1843. Plates. [Manuels-Roret.] 8029.53 Pain, \V, The carpenter's and joiner's re- pository. New edition. London. 1792. Plates. *8o2o.62 The practical house carpenter: or, youth's instructor: containing a great variety of useful designs in carpentry and archi- tecture; . . . The 1st American from the 5th London edition, with additions. Boston. 1796. Plates. Plans. *8o94.49 Pearson, J. C. Manual instruction. Wood- work. London. [1893.] 42 plates. . *Cab.40.39.io Poutiers, A. Manuel du menuisier-modeleur. Paris. [1891.] Illus. 8019.184 Richey, H. G, Richey's guide and assistant for caroenters and* mechanics. New York, [1894.] Illus. 8013.158 Riddell, R. The carpenter and joiner mod- ernized. 3d edition. Philadelphia. 1880. Illus. 8021.11 Earlier editions are on shelf-numbers *40io,3o; *4020.i5. The slide rule, simplified, explained, and illustrated. Showing its wonderful pow- ers of calculation and its rapidity in solving all questions relative to me- chanical trades. D6signed for the in- struction of young carpenters and join- ers. Philadelphia. [1881.] Illus. 32 plates. 4012.79 Rothe, J. Vorlagen fur Bau- und Mobel- tischler. Wien. 1889-92. Text, i v.; Atlas, 40 plates. *Cab.40.36.3 This work was published in two series; series i is of the 26. edition. Roubo, J. A. L'art de la menuiserie. [Avec] Supplement. Paris. 1878-80. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *40io.32 The text is of the 4th edition, dated 1880; the Atlas of the 3d edition, dated 1878; the Supple- ment is dated 1878. Rudimentary treatise on the principles of construction in carpentry and joinery. From the works of Robison and Tred- gold. London, 1859, Text, i v.; At- las, 17 plates. 8oioa.7 St. John, G, Manual instruction. Wood- work designed to meet the requirements of the minute of the Science and art de- partment on manual instruction. Lon- don. [1891.] 8019.174 Sickels, I, Exercises in wood-working, with a short treatise on wood. New York. 1890. Illus, 8017.111 Silloway, T. W. Text-book of modern car- pentry, comprising a treatise on build- ing timber. Boston. [1858,] Illus. 8oi9a.i6 Sylvester, W, A, The modern house-car- penter's companion and builder's guide. Boston. 1883. Plates. 8019.62 354 TECHNICAL DETAILS Tredgold, T. Elementary principles of car- pentry. With additions [etc.] from the works of recent authorities, and a trea- tise on joinery. Edited by E. Wynd- ham Tarn. 3d edition. London. 1880. Diagrams. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 4018.117 Same. 6th edition. With 61 engravings. London. 1885. Illus. *4020.30 Earlier editions may be found on shelf-numbers *4oi2.i6; 8oioa.i9; 8018.14. Unwin, W. C. Exercises in wood-working. London. 1887. 28 plates. 8020.20 Wallis, N. The complete modern joiner, or a collection of original designs in the present taste, for chimney-pieces and door-cases. A new edition, London. [1772.] 36 plates. No. 2 in *4oi7.ii7 Wilson, J. Carpentry and joinery. 5th edition. Manchester. [1892.] Plates. 8018.186 Wood, G. Manual instruction in woodwork. Leeds. 1892. 19 plates. *8o33.54 Zabaglia, N. Castelli e ponti . . . con la descrizione del trasporto dell' obelisco vaticano. Roma. 1743. 54 plates. *Cab.6o.i7o.2 In Latin and Italian. Devoted largely to details of scaffolding. Concrete Construction. (Including Cement, Ferro-Concrete and Plaster.) Adams, H., and E. R. Matthews. Reinforced concrete construction in theory and practice. London. 191 1. Illus. Plans. 8012.331 Atlas Portland Cement Company. Concrete construction about the home and on the farm. New York. [1905.] Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 8016.255 Concrete country residences. New York. [1906.] Plates. Plans. 4092.129 Same. 2d edition. 1907. 4092.130 Baker, W. H. The cement-worker's hand- book. Akron, O. [1905.] 40193.264 Same. [4th edition.] Atlanta, Ga. [1906.] 40193.289 Brayton, L. F. Brayton standards: a pock- et companion for the uniform design of reinforced concrete. Minneapolis. 1906. Plans. Charts. 80193.301 Brooks, J. P. Reinforced concrete: mechan- ics and elementary design. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plans. Charts. 8012.330 Brown, C. C, editor. A handbook for ce- ment users. 3d edition, enlarged. In- dianapolis. 1905. Illus. Plans. Chart. 8017.319 Buel, A. W. Methods of calculation. Plans. Diagrams. Table. {In Reinforced con- crete. Pp. 1-127. New York. 1904.) 8015.240 Butler, D. B. Portland cement: its manu- facture, testing, and use. London. 1899. Illus. 4016.110 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1905. Plate. Diagrams. Plans. 4016.112 Cain, W. Theory of steel-concrete arches and of vaulted structures. 2d edition New York. 1902. Plans. [Van Nos- trand Science series.] 40193.203 C3lc3re, pseud. Cement users* & buyers' guide. London. 1901. 40193.190 Caveglia, C. Sulla teoria delle travi e dei lastroni di cemento armato caricati di pesi. [Appendice i, 2.] Roma. 1900, 01. 3 pamphlets in i v. Diagrams. Charts. 4014.110 Chile. Ministerio de industria i obras pii- blicas. Direccion de obras piiblicas. Normas para la ejecucion de construe- ciones de concreto armado. Santiago de Chile. 1912. Plans. *8oi2.335 Clarke, A. H. Architect's hand-book on ce- ments. Baltimore. 1899. Illus. Plans. Bibliography, pp. 49, 50. 8039.161 Condron, T. L. Tests of bond between con- crete and steel. St. Louis. [1906.] Plan. Charts. [Reinforced concrete bulletin.] ^ .^, A ^ • 8014.255 Considere, A. Experimental researches on reinforced concrete. Translated and ar- ranged by L. S. Moisseiff. New York. 1903. 4016.148 Same. 2d edition. 1906. Plates. 4016.147 Davis, A. C. Portland cement. 2d edition. London. 1909. Illus. Map. 8012.231 Eckel, E. C. Cement materials and industry of the United States. Washington. 1905. Maps. [United States. Geolog- ical Survey.] *7872.55.243 Elements of steel reinforcement. Systems of steel reinforcement. Concrete beam and column design. Reinforced-con- crete buildings. Engineering structures in reinforced concrete. Office practice in concrete design. Reinforced concrete spread footings. Reinforced concrete cantilever foundations. Form work. Specifications and cost of reinforced concrete. Failures in reinforced con- crete. Tests on reinforced concrete. Scranton. [1910.] Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. Tables. [International Library of Technology.] *8o27.i32.io7 F3iJ3, H. Portland cement for users. Lon- don. 1881. 4016.84 Forrest, J., editor. Portland cement con- crete: comprising papers [by] Henry Kelway Bamber, Alfred Edward Carey, William Smith. London. 1891. *4oi6.85 From Minutes of Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers [*4028.i.io7]. Gilbreth, F. B. Concrete system. New York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8016.283 Includes also ferro-concrete construction. Gillette, H. P., and C. S. Hill. Concrete con- struction. Methods and cost. New V^ork. 1908. Illus. Plans. 8011.85 Golinelli, L. How to use Portland cement. Translated by S. B. Newberry. Chi- cago. 1889. 4016.90 Hawkesworth, J. Graphical handbook for reinforced concrete design. New York. 1906. Plans. Diagrams. Charts. 80103.170 I CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 355 Hill, C, S. Representative examples. Meth- ods of construction. Illus. Plans. Dia- grams. (In Reinforced concrete. Pp. 129-428. New York. 1904.) 8015.240 Hool, G. A. Reinforced concrete construc- tion. Vol. I. Prepared in the Exten- . sion Division of the University of Wis- consin. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. [Engineering education series.] 8012.333 Contents. — i. Fundamental principles. Houghton, A. A. Concrete from sand molds. A practical treatise explaining a simple system of molding ornamental and plain" concrete . . . New York. 1910. Plates. 80193.387 Humphrey, R. L., and W. Jordan, Jr. Port- land cement mortars and their constitu- ent materials. Results of tests made at Forest Park, St, Louis. Washington. 1908. Plates. [United States. Geolog- ical Survey. Bulletin.] *7872.55.33i Jameson, C. D. Portland cement, its man- ufacture and use. New York. 1898. Illus. 4016.109 Kersten, C. Der Eisenbetonbau. Ein Leit- faden fur Baugewerkschulen und Bauge- werksmeister. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1906. 2 v. Illus. Plans. Diagram. 40193.281 Lesley, R. W., compiler. Concrete factor- ies. An illustrated review of the prin- ciples of construction of reinforced con- crete buildings, including reports of the Sub-Committee on Tests, the United States Geological Survey and the French rules on reinforced concrete. New York. [1906.] Plates. Plan. 4014.186 Marsh, C. F. Reinforced concrete. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. *8oii.i82 Meade, R. K., Chemist. Portland cement: its composition, raw materials, manu- facture, testing and analysis. Easton, Pa. 1906. Plates. Plans. Table. 4017.166 Mensch, L. J. Architects' and engineer^' hand-book of re-inforced concrete con- structions . . . Chicago. [1904.] Illus. Plans. 8012.214 Moersch, E. Der Eisenbetonbau: seine Theorie und Anwendung. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart. 1906. Plates. Plans. 4012.141 Moritz, E. A. Tests on reinforced concrete beams. Madison, Wisconsin. 1906. Illus. Charts. Diagrams. [University of Wisconsin. Bulletin.] *4oio.242.3 National Association of Cement Users. Pro- ceedings of convention, ist-5th. In- dianapolis, Indiana. [1905-09.] 5 v. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. Charts. Tables. 4014.196 Some of the plates are colored. Includes papers on ferro-concrete work. Newberry, S. B. Hollow concrete block building construction. Chicago. 1905. Plate. 40193.291 Newman, J. Notes on concrete and works in concrete. Especially written to as- sist those engaged upon public works. London. 1887. 8039.69 Same. 2d edition. 1894. 8039.157 Potter, T. Concrete: its uses in building from foundations to finish. 3d edition, enlarged. London. 1908. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 8017.330 Earlier editions of this work may be found on shelf-numbers 4018.77 ; 8017.134. Ransome, E. L., and A. Saurbrey. Rein- forced concrete buildings- a treatise on the history, patents, design and erection of the principal parts entering into a modern reinforced concrete building. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 8012.332 Reid, H. A practical treatise on natural and artificial concrete. London. 1879. Illus. 3973.62 A practical treatise on the manufacture of Portland cement. Added, a transla- tion of Lipowitz's work describing a new method adopted in Germany of manufacturing that cement, by W. F. Reid. London. 1868. Illus. *8o94.io Reinforced concrete. New York. 1904. Illus. Plans. 8015.240 Contents. — Methods of calculation. By A. W. Buel. — Representative structures. Methods of construction. By C. S. Hill. Sutcliffe, G. L. Concrete: its nature and uses. London. 1893. Illus. 8017.170 Talbot, A. N. Tests of concrete and rein- forced concrete columns. Series of 1907. Urbana. [1907.! Plates. [Uni- versity of Illinois. Bulletin.] *4496.363.S.n Taylor, F. W., and S. E. Thompson. Ex- tracts on reinforced concrete design se- lected from Concrete, plain and rein- forced, including essential elements in concrete construction. New York. 1910. Illus. Plate. Plans. 8012.203 A treatise on concrete, plain and rein- forced: materials, construction and de- sign of concrete and reinforced con- crete, with chapters by R. Feret, W. B. Fuller, & S. B. Newberry. New York. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4016.149 References to concrete literature, pp. 544-556. Same. 7th thousand. 1907. 4016.153 Taylor, W. P. Practical cement testing. New York. 1906. Plates. Plans. Bibliography, pp. 313-315. 8012.23O Turneaure, F. E., and E. R. Maurer. Prin- ciples of reinforced concrete construc- tion. 2d edition, enlarged. New York. 1909. Plates. Diagrams. 8015.241 Twelyetrees, W. N. Concrete-steel: a trea- tise on reinforced concrete construction. London. 1905. [Whittaker practical handbooks.] 80193.239 The practical design of reinforced con- crete beams and columns. London. 1911. Illus. Charts. Tables. 8019.270 United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Concrete construction on the live-stock farm. Washington. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Farmers' bulletin. 481.] *7995.40.48i Universal Portland Cement Company. Small farm buildings of concrete. Chi- cago. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8012.334 356 TECHNICAL DETAILS Warren, F. D. A handbook on reinforced concrete. New York. 1906. Illus. Dia- grams. Charts. 8oi9a.274 Waterbury, L. A. Cement laboratory man- ual. New York. 1908. Illus. Plan. 4017.182 Withey, M. O. Tests on plain and rein- forced concrete. Series of 1906, 07. Mad- ison. 1907, 08. 2 V. Illus. Plans. [Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Bulletin.! *40I0.242.4 Fireproof Construction. See also Building Materials; Concrete Construction. Anderson, R. Lightning conductors: their history, nature, and mode of applica- tion. London. 1880. Illus. 3961.62 Contains a list of works consulted; also a bibli- ography of works bearing on lightning conduc- tors. Same. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. London. 1885. 3961.109 Ashpitel, H., and J. Whichcord. Town dwellings. An essay on the erection of fire-proof houses in flats. London. 1855- Plans. 4103.14 Bartholomew, A. Hints relative to the con- struction of fire-proof buildings. Lon- don. 1839. Illus. 4105.5 Blashill, T. Lessons from fire and panic. A paper. London. 1898. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] *40ig.i48 Bonner, H. The New York Fire Depart- ment. A paper. London. 1898. Illus. Plate, [British Fire Prevention Com- mittee.] *40i9.i44 Bonner, H., and L. Veiller. Tenement house fire escapes in New York and Brook- lyn. Prepared for the Tenement House Commission of 1900. New York. 1900. *40ioa.i34 Tenement house fires in New York. Pre- pared for the Tenement House Com- mission of 1900. New York. 1900. Ta- ble. *40ioa.i35 Brickbuilder, The, an architectural monthly. The Baltimore fire, a record of achieve- ment. Vol. 13, extra edition to no. 3. Boston. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4090.181 British Fire Prevention Committee. An- nual report, 7th, 8th. London. 1906, 07. 2 V. ["Red books."] 4019.291 The fire at the Iroquois Theatre, Chicago, 30th December, 1903, comprising a de- scriptive paper by Edwin O. Sachs. The new theatre regulations at Chicago, the verdict at the inquest, with some con- structional particulars by the National Fire Protection Association. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. 4019.263 Fire test as to the protection of window openings, the shutter being known as the "Kinnear" shutter (U.S.A.), sup- plied and fixed by Messrs. Arthur L. Gibson & Co., London. The Commit- tee's report. London. 1906. Illus. Plans. Chart. ["Red books."] 4019.294 Fire tests with automatic sprinklers. Au- tomatic sprinklers submitted for test by British Fire Prevention Com. (Continued.) the Albion Sprinkler Company, Limited, London. The report of the Committee. London. 1904. Illus. Plans. Dia- grams. 4019.269 Fire tests with ceilings. A ceiling by the Asbestos & Asbestic Company, Ltd. London. 1899. Plates. Diagrams. 4019.158 Same. A ceilmg constructed with silicate cotton (slag wool), by D. Anderson & Son, Ltd., and J. C. Broadbent & Co., Ltd., London. London. 1899. Plates. Plan. 4019.167 Same. A 2-in. ceiling formed with "Kulm" pumice ceiling slabs erected by Messrs. H. W. Cullum & Co., London. The Committee's report. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. Chart. ["Red books."] 4019.286 Same. A wood floor and ceiling protect- ed by an additional suspended ceiling by Banks' Fireproof Construction Syndi- cate, Ltd., London. The Committee's report. London. 1901. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. Chart. 4019.201 Fire tests with doors. A deal ledged door with one-inch boarding. A two-inch deal four-panel moulded both sides door. Particulars of experimental fire tests. London. 1900. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. Chart. 4019.198 Same. A door composed of deal and ura- lite covered externally (i. e. "ar- moured") with tinned steel. A door composed of deal and uralite covered externally with the latter. By the Brit- ish Uralite Company, Ltd., London and Higham. The Committee's report. Lon- don. 1902. Plates. Plans. Chart. 4019.206 Same. An "armoured" door, being a slid- ing door of four thicknesses of steel and covered externally (armoured) with tinned steel plates. London. 1909. Illus. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.320 Same. A ifi-in. framed "jarrah" door with i^-in. solid panels. A i^-in. framed "karri" door with i^-in. solid panels. The Committee's report. Lon- don. 1902. Plates. Plans. Chart. 4019.207 Same. (A) A set of two steel rolling shut- ter doors and (B) A single steel rolling shutter door supplied and known as the "Kinnear" door (U. S. A.) fixed by Messrs. Arthur L. Gibson & Co., Lon- don. The Committee's report. Lon- don. 1906. Illus. Plans. Chart. ["Red books."] 4019.292 Same. A set of two steel rolling shutter doors known as the "Wilson" rolling shutter door. London. 1909, Plates. Chart. ["Red books."] 4019.316 Same. A 2^ in. door in oak, constructed in three thicknesses. A 25^ in. door of teak, constructed in three thicknesses. Particulars of experimental fire tests. London. 1900. Illus. Plans. Diagram. Chart. 4019.193 Same. A 25^-in. door of Archangel deal, constructed in three thicknesses. A 2^- FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION 357 British Fire Prevention Com. (Continued.) in. door of Quebec pine, constructed in three thicknesses. Particulars of experi- mental fire tests. London. 1900. Illus. Plans. Chart. 4019.139 Same. A 2-in. framed American oak door, with 2-in. solid panels. A 2-in.^ framed American walnut door, with 2-in. solid panels. Particulars of experimental fire tests. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. Chart. ^ 4019.179 Same. A 2-in. framed pitch pine door, with 2-in. solid panels. A 2-in. framed deal door, with 2-in. solid panels. Par- ticulars of experimental fire tests. Lon- don. 1899. Plates. Plans. 4019.174 Same. Two fer;-o-asbestic doors. No. i: an iron-cased composite door panelled and moulded both sides, and No. 2: an iron-cased composite door, the external faces having vertical indentations sim- ilar to v-jointed boarding, by T. Hough- ton & Co., London. The Committee's report. London. 1906. Illus. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.298 Same. A 2-in. framed oak door, with 2-in. solid panels. A 2-in. framed teak door, with 2-in. solid panels. Particulars of experimental fire tests, London. 1899. Plates. Diagrams. 4019.165 Same. A 2-in. solid-framed leak door. A T^-in. four-panel pine door. A i%-in. four-panel pine door. Particulars of ex- perimental fire tests. London. 1899. Plates. Diagrams. 4019.163 Same. A wood door covered with tinned steel plates. An iron-framed and pan- elled door. Particulars of experimental fire tests. London. 1899. Plates. Plan. 4019.164 Fire tests with floors. A cement con- crete floor with bays of various ag- gregates; the Portland cement being provided by the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers (1900), Limited, London. Particulars of experimental fire test. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.282 Same. A floor by the Columbian fire- proofing company. London. 1899. Plates. Plans. 4019.162 Same. A floor by the Expanded Metal Company, Ltd., London. London. 1899. Plates. Plan. 4019.153 Same. A floor by the Mural and Decora- tions Syndicate, London. London. 1900. Illus. Plans. 4019.184 Same. A floor by the Mural and Decora- tions Syndicate, Ltd., London. The Committee's report. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. Charts. 4019.195 Same. A floor of broad flanged steel beams and clinker and coke breeze con- crete reinforced by light steel joists. Designed and materials supplied by H. J. Skelton & Co., London. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.289 Same. A floor of broad flanged steel beams and Thames ballast concrete re- inforced by light steel joists. Designed British Fire Prevention Com. (Continued.) and materials supplied by H. J. Skelton & Co., London. Particulars of experi- mental fire test. London. 1906. Illus. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.288 Same. A floor of deal joists and coke breeze concrete with expanded metal and plaster ceiling. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4019.194 Same. A floor of deal joists with coke breeze concrete. Particulars of experi- mental fire test. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. Chart. 4019.134 Same. A floor of jarrah wood by Millars' Karri and Jarrah Forests, Limited. The Committee's report. London. 1902. Plates. Plans. 4019.253 Same. A floor of reinforced brick and concrete on the Eggert girderless sys- tem, constructed by Messrs. C. Simeons & Co., Ltd., London. The Committee's report. London. 1907. Illus. Plans. Chart. ["Red books."] 4019.299 Same. A floor of reinforced concrete by the Patent Indented Steel Bar Com- pany, Limited, London. The Commit- tee's report. London. 1906. Illus. Plans. Charts. ["Red books."] 4019.295 Same. A floor of reinforced concrete on the Herbst "armocrete" tubular sys- tem, by W. Herbst, Berlin. The Com- mittee's report. London. 1907. Illus. Plans. Chart. 4019.300 Same. A floor of solid wood beams. Par- ticulars of experimental fire test. Lon- don. 1899. Plate. Plan. 4019.157 Same. A floor of steel joists filled in with concrete on corrugated iron with a sus- pended ceiling. London. 1899. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4019.160 Same. A floor of steel joists with coke breeze concrete. Particulars of experi- mental fire test. London. 1901. Plate. Plans. Chart. 4019.200 Same. A floor of the New Expanded Metal Company, Limited, London. The Committee's report. London. 1906. Illus. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.290 Same. A floor of wood joists filled in with concrete. Particulars of experi- mental fire test. London. 1899. Dia- grams. Plan. 4019-155 Fire tests with glass. Five skylights glazed by the British Luxfer Prism Syndicate, Ltd. London. 1899. Plates. Plans. 4019.169 Same. Three casements glazed by the British Luxfer Prism Syndicate, Ltd. London. 1899. Plate. Plans. 4019.159 Same. Three casements glazed by the British Luxfer Prism Syndicate. Lon- don. 1899. Plates. Diagrams. 4019.168 Same. Three casements glazed with wired glass by Pilkington Bros., Ltd. London. 1899. Plates. Plan. 4019.170 Same. Three veritcal openings filled in with wired glass. The Committee's re- port. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.277 Same. Two sky lights glazed with wired glass . . . The Committee's report. Lon- don. 1899. Plates. Diagrams. 4019.171 358 TECHNICAL DETAILS British Fire Prevention Com. (Continued.) . Fire tests with lamps. A lamp called the petrolite lamp, manufactured by Petro- lite, Limited, London. The Commit- tee's report. London. 1904. Illus. Plans. 4019.271 Fire tests with partitions. A lath and plaster partition. A brick nogged parti- tion. London. 1899. Plates. Diagrams. 4019.161 Same. A match-boarded partition, filled in with silicate cotton (slag wool). The Committee's report. London. 1899. Plates. Diagrams. ^ ^ 4019.166 Same. A matchboarded partition, filled in with silicate cotton (slag wool), by Messrs. D. Anderson & Son, Ltd., Lon- don, and Messrs. J. C. Broadbent & Co., Ltd., London. The Committee's report. London. 1900. Plates. Plans. Chart. 4019.136 Same. A partition erected by the Mural & Decorations Syndicate, Ltd., London. The Committee's report. London. 1900. Plates. Chart. 4019.183 Same. A partition formed with Jabez Thompson's patent "terrawode" brick- wood, and erected by Jabez Thompson, Northwich, Cheshire. The Committee's report. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. Chart. 4019.266 Same. A partition formed with Jabez Thompson's thin white partition slabs, and erected by Jabez Thompson, North- wich, Cheshire. The Committee's re- port. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. Chart. 4019.265 Same. A partition formed with "Kulm" partition slabs, and erected by Horace W. Cullum & Co., London. The Com- mittee's report. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. Charts. 4019.270 Same. A partition formed with Phoenix fire-resisting slabs, and erected by Mes- srs. Van der Vygh Bros. The Commit- tee's report. London. 1903. Plates. Plans. 4019.256 Same. A suspended partition by the Fire proof Partition Syndicate, Ltd., Lon- don. The Committee's report. Loft- don. 1901. Plates. Plans. 4019.197 Same. A 2}4 inch partition formed with Mantada partition slabs. London. 1905. 2 V. Plates. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.274 Fire tests with partitions and walls. A three-inch partition and a nine-inch wall formed of asbestic bricks, and erected by the Asbestic Brick and Tile Company, Limited, London. The Com- mittee's report. London. IQ05. Tlliis. Plates. Plans. ["Red books."] 4019.283 Fire tests with petrol tanks. Petrol tanks and metal vessels, fitted with safety de- vices comprising: a combination of (a) safety plugs, (b) interior safety tubes, made by Fabrik Explosionssicherer Ge- fasse (G. M. b. H.), Salzkotten. Ger- many, and submitted for test by Messrs. Cairns Patents, Limited, London. The Committee's report. London. 1907. Illus. ["Red books."! 4019.303 I British Fire Prevention Com. (Continued. ^ Fire tests with protective coverings, Girder coverings by the "Gypsine' Brick Company, Ltd., London anc Paris. London. 1900. Plates. Plans Diagrams. Chart. 4019.182 Fire tests with roofs. A slated roof and ceiling. Flat roof (covered with vul canite roofing) and ceiling. By Vulcan- ite, Ltd., London and Belfast. The Committee's report. London. 1902, Plates. Plans. Chart. 4019.254 Fire tests with stanchion encasements "Terrawode" encasements for steel stanchions erected by Messrs. Jabez Thompson, Northwich, Cheshire. The Committee's report. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. Chart. ["Red books."] 4019.285 Fire tests with textiles. London. 1910. Plates. Plans. 4019.329 Same. Textile fabrics untreated and tex- tile fabrics treated with "Flameoff." The Committee's report. London. 1908. Plate. Plan. ["Red books."] 4019.310 Fire tests with treated wood. A match- boarded partition of deal, painted with oil colour. A match-boarded partition of "non-flammable" deal, painted with non-flammable paint. By the Lon- don Non-Flammable Wood Co., Ltd., London. The Committee's report. Lon- don. 1900. Plates. Plans. 4019.196 Same. "Non-flammable" wood by the.i British Non-Flammable Wood Com- pany, Ltd., London. The Committee's report. London. 1899. Plates. Plans. 4019.175 Fire tests with unprotected columns. A report by the Committee on "fire-proof ing" tests. New York. London. [1898.I II double plates. Diagrams. 4019.15Q The official fire tests of the British Fire Prevention Committee as conducted at the Committee's testing station. Re- gent's Park, London. With an intro- duction by E. O. Sachs. London. 1905. Plates. Plans. 4012.114 The record of the special commission formed by the British Fire Prevention Committee to visit the principal cities of Italy (and certain German and Swiss cities en route), on the occasion of the International Fire Service Congress at Milan, 1906. Compiled by Edwin O. Sachs and Ellis Marsland. London. 1907. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. Fac- simile. 4010.122 Some American opinions on fire preven- tion, being abstracts from papers by Edward Atkinson, Chas. H. Bebb, J. M. Carrere, C. J. Hexamer, and C. T. Woodbury.' London. [1898.] 4019.141 The testing station of the British Fire Prevention Committee. Some descrip- tive notes. London. 1899. Plates. Dia- grams. 4019.152 Two fire tests with fire-resisting curtains. "Screen sail" curtains by Mr. Rasmus Bugge. The Committee's report. Lon- don. 1900. Illus. Plans. Chart. 4019.185 FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION 359 Chess, H; B. Slow combustion construc- tion of buildings. [Pittsburgh. 1891.I Illus. 4014.41 Croker, E. F. Fire prevention. New York. 1912. Plates. 40193.48 Crosby, E. U., and H. A. Fiske. Hand-book of fire protection for improved risks. Boston, Mass. 1904. Plates. Plans. _ , . 9368.ia2 Cushmg, H. C, Jr. Standard wiring for electric light and power, as adopted by- fire underwriters throughout the United States. [Boston.] 1896. Illus. 39693.150 Same. 14th edition. New York. [1908.! Chart. 39693.171 Cyclopedia of fire prevention and insurance. A general reference work on fire and fire losses, fireproof construction, building inspection, . . . Prepared by architects, engineers, underwriters, and practical insurance men. Chicago. 1912. 4 V. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *4033.37 Darbyshire, A. Theatre exits. With a de- scription of Sir Henry Irving's "safety theatre." London. 1898. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.143 Electric Fireproofing Company. The record of fireproofed wood. 26. edition. New York. 1900. Plates. 4019.135 Farrow, F. R. "Fire-resisting" floors used in London. A paper. London. 1898. Illus. [British Fire Prevention Com- mittee.] 4019.146 Fireproofing. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. [In- ternational Library of Technology. Vol. 52.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.52 Fitzpatrick, F. W. A chat with the ladies about house building. [Washington?] 1905. Illus. Plans. 8105.35 Largely on the necessity of fire-proof construc- tion. Reprinted from Fireproof Magazine, Feb, 1905. Freitag, J. K. The fireproofing of steel buildings. New York. 1899. Illus. 8013.189 Fuller, G. A., Co. Fireproof building con- struction. Prominent buildings erected by the Company. New York. [1904.] Plates. Plans. *4090.i43 Consists almost entirely of plates and plans, principally of office buildings. Gerhard, W. P. The essential conditions of safety in theatres. New York. 1894. 4014.128 Reprinted from the American Architect of June and July, 1894 [*4097-20S-44, 45] Gerhard, W. P. (Continued.) Theatres. Their safety from fire and panic, their comfort and healthfulness. Boston. 1900. 4019.133 ihe water service and fire protection of theatres. New York. 1894. 4014.126 Reprinted from Fire and Water. Goad, C. E. Conflagrations during the last ten years. A paper read before the In- surance Institute of Manchester. Lon- don. 1899. Maps. Plans. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.154 Horstmann, H. C, and V. H. Tousley. Modern electrical construction: a re- liable, practical guide for installing work of all kinds according to the safety rules of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Chicago. 1905. Illus. 4018.218 International Fire Prevention Congress, ist. London, 1903. [Announcement of the Congress.] Opening of Congress, July 6th. General and sectional meetings, July 7th, 8th and 9th. London. 1903. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.257 The official congress report with an in- troduction by E. O. Sachs. London. 1903. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. [Brit- ish Fire Prevention Committee.] T^r r ^ 4OIO.I2I Kaufman, G., and others. The effect of fire. A report on the Home building fire, Pittsburg. By G. Kaufman, E. Swens- son, and F. L. Garlinghouse. London. 1898. Plates. Plans. Tables. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.151 McKeon, P. J. Fire prevention: a treatise and text book on making life and prop- erty safe against fire . . . New York City. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 40193.46 Magdeburg, Germany. Konigliche Regie- rung. Abtheilung des Innern. Feuer- losch-Polizei-Ordnung und Bau- Poli- zei-Ordnung fiir das platte Land des Regierungsbezirks Magdeburg. Sten- dal. 1872. 4019.88 M3gistris, E. de. The fire service of ancient Rome. Some notes. Plan. Facsimile. {In British Fire Prevention Committee. The record of the special commission. London. 1907.) 4010.122 M3rsl3nd, E. The testing arrangements of the British Fire Prevention Com- mittee. London. 1902. Illus. Plans. ana juiy, 1894 L"4097-20S-44. 45J- . 4OI9.204 The prevention of fire. Chiefly with M3y, E. Fire-proof buildings. Indianapolis, reference to hospitals, asylums and ,, ^^^^U _ 8094.41 other public institutions. New York 1886. 8028.80 Same. 2d edition. 1887. 8028.53 The safety of theatre audiences and the stage personnel against danger from fire and panic. London. 1899. [Brit- ish Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019-180; **T.76.52 Theatre fire catastrophes and their pre- vention. New York. 1894. 4014.127 Theatre fires and panics: their cause and prevention. New York. 1896. 8015.179 24 Moore, F. C. Fire insurance and how to build. New York. 1903. Plans. Sched- ules. 4014.146 How to build "fire-proof." A paper. Lon- don. [1898. British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.149 N3tion3l Board of Fire Underwriters. "Na- tional electric code." Rules and re- quirements ... for electric wiring and apparatus as recommended by the Na- tional Fire Protective Association. [Boston.] 1911. 8017.426 360 TECHNICAL DETAILS National Board. (Continued.) Rules and requirements, specifications [etc. Chicago]. 1901-11. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *4oi9a.39 Suggested ordinance regulating the con- struction and equipment of theatres adopted by the National Board of Fire Underwriters . . . and the National Fire Protection Association . . . Feb- ruary, 1913. [New York.] 1913. 40i9a.56 Underwriters' laboratories (incorporated) . . . General information in reference to the organization, its purpose and its methods. [Chicago.] 191 1. Plates. 44193.306 On the testing of fire-proof materials. Uniform requirements recommended . . . for use of boards, bureaus and inspec- tors relating to standard mill construc- tion, "inferior" construction, general hazards, oil rooms, general protection, . . . [New York.] 191 1. Plates. Plans. 9368.17339 National Fire Proofing Company, Pitts- burgh. Catalogue. Author and com- piler, Henry L. Hinton. New York. 1903. Illus. Plan. 4019.137 Fireproof construction for houses and other buildings of moderate cost. 6th edition. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1912. Illus. Plans. 8107.45 On the use of Natco hollow tiles. Trial by fire at San Francisco. The evi- dence of the camera. Pittsburg. [1906.I Plates. *Cab.40.24.io A collection of plates, with brief descriptive text, showing the condition of fireproof build- ings after tfie great fire. New York, State. State Commission in Lunacy. Rules and suggestions as to plumbing work and drainage, sewerage and sewage disposal, water supply, and fire protection of New York state hos- pitals, adopted by the Commission Dec. I, 1898. Utica. 1899. 4oioa.i39 New York Board of Fire Underwriters. Bu- reau of Surveys. Report on fire, March 25, 191 1 : the Asch building. . . . Spe- cial edition. New York, 191 1. Plates. Plans. 4014.93 Parsons, H. de B. The tall building under test of fire. London. 1899. Illus. Plate. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.156 Robinson, W. C. The effect of fire. A re- port on the Parker building fire. New York. London. 1908. Plates. Plans. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.313 Sachs, E. O. Fires and public entertain- ments. A study of some iioo notable fires. London. 1897. *Cab.40.44.i List of fires with causes, casualties, etc. The Paris Charity Bazaar fire. A paper prepared for the Architectural Associa- tion. London. [1897.] Illus. Plate. Plans. [British Fire Prevention Com- mittee.] 4019.142 A record of the International Fire Exhi- bition, Earl's Court. London. [1903.] Sachs, E. O. (Continued.) Illus. Portrait. Facsimiles. Plans. *40i2.i46 Published under the auspices of the British Fire Prevention Committee. What is fire protection? A study. 2d edi- tion. London. [1898. British Fire Pre- vention Committee.] 4019.140 Scotter, R. H. Cotton fires & cotton bales. A paper. London. 1898. Illus. Plate. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.145 Sumner, H. Fire service in factories, works, &s. London, 1898. Plates. [British Fire Prevention Committee.] 4019.147 Taylor, F. The automatic control of fire. Boston. [1912.] Illus. Plate. Chart. 4oi9a.6i Thwaite, B. H. Our factories, workshops, and warehouses: their sanitary and fire- resisting arrangements. London. 1882. Illus. Plans. Charts. 4017.14 Wentworth, F. H. Factories and their fire protection: a tract for architects and builders. Boston. [1910.I Plates. Plans. 4014.90 Reprinted from the Architectural Record, Vol. 27 [*409o.273.27]- The prevention of fire. [St. Paul. 191 i-l 40193.45 Syllabus for public instruction in fire pre- vention. Boston. [1912.] 40193.41 Woodbury, C. J. H. Methods of reducing the fire loss. [New York. 1890.] Illus. [American Society of Mechanical En- gineers.] 8011.141 Masonry. (Including Foundations.) Baker, I. O. A treatise on masonry con- struction. 2d edition. New York. 1890. Illus. 8013.105 Same. 8th edition. 1893. 8013.153 Same. 9th edition, partially rewritten. 1907. Plans. 8013.173 Brown, G. Healthy foundations for houses. New York. 1885. Illus. [Van Nos- strand's Science series.] 5768.80 Cyclopedia of the building trades: being a thorough and practical series of trea- tises upon bricklaying, masonry, ce- ment work, plasters, mortars, stuccos, and concretes . . . with directions for estimating and measuring the same. Editor-in-chief, F. T. Hodgson. . . . Chicago. [1906, 07.] 6 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. *8o36.58 Contents. — i. Bricklayers' guide. 2. Stone- masons' guide. 3, 4. Cements and concretes. 5- Hodgson's estimator and contractor's guide. 6. Steel square, carpentry and joinery. Davy, C. The architect, engineer and opera- tive builder's constructive manual; ^ a treatise on the construction of artificial foundations. New edition. Part i. Lon- don. 1841. 13 plates. 4093.6 Delafield, R. Memoir on foundations in com- pressible soils, with experimental tests of pile-driving. Washington. 1868. 8015.137 MASONRY 361 Denfcr, J. Architecture & constructions ci- viles: Magonnerie. Paris. 1891. 2 v. Illus. [Encyclopedic des travaux pu- blics.] *8oi3.i2i Dobson, E. Foundations and concrete works. New edition. London. 1867. Illus. 8019.18 A rudimentary treatise on foundations and concrete works. London. 1850. Illus. 8019.23 This is an earlier edition of the preceding. A rudimentary treatise on masonry and stone-cutting. 2d edition. London. 1856. Plates. [Weale's Rudimentary se- ries.] 8028.69 The edition of 1849 is on shelf-no. 8019.20. Gilbreth, F. B. Bricklaying system. New York. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. Dia- grams. 8016.213 Grange, C. Chaux et sels de chaux ap- pliques a I'art de I'ingenieur. Paris. 1894. Illus. 8012.158 Etude sur I'emploi des pieux metalliques dans les fondations d'ouvrages d'art. Paris. 1892. Illus. 8011.130 Hammond, A. The art of practical brick- cutting and setting. London. 1889. Illus. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8037.24 Hart, J. A practical treatise on the con- struction of oblique arches. 2d edition. London. 1839. 10 plates. *4ioi.i8 Same. 3d edition. 1848. 4101.28 Hodgson, F. T. Practical bricklaying self- taught. Chicago. 1908. Diagrams. 8036.60 ■The 20th century bricklayer's and mason's \ assistant. Chicago. 1905. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4018.246 Howe, M. A. Symmetrical masonry arches, including natural stone, plain-concrete, and reinforced-concrete arches. New York. 1906. Plans. Diagrams. 4097.168 Langley, B. Ancient masonry, both in theory and practice. London. 1736. 471 plates. *Cab.40.30.9 Maginnis, O. B. Bricklaying. New York. [1901.] Illus. Plates. 8017.92 Marsden, R. E. Practical brickwork — with numerous engravings and diagrams. Edited by P. N. Hasluck. London. 1905. , . 4019.239 A series of articles contributed to the columns of the Building World, Marx, E. C. Constructions-Elemente in Stein. Plans. (In Handbuch der Archi- tektur. Theil 3, Band i, pp. 9-90. Darmstadt. 1886.) *8o92.5i.i Literatur, pp. 89, 90. Masonry. [Scranton, 1903.I 2 parts. Illus. Plans. [International Library of Tech- nology. Vol. 30.] No. I, 2 in *8o27.i32.3o Milly, N. C. de Thy, Comte de. Memoire sur la maniere d'assainir les murs nouvelle- ment faits. [Paris?] 1778. No. 4 in **K.i6.38 Mitchell, C. F., and G. A. Mitchell. Brick- Iwork & masonry. A practical text-book. London. 1904. Plates. 4016.130 ison, G. S. Masonry. [Chicago. 1898.] Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4014.175 Reprinted from the Journal of the Western Nicholson, P. A practical treatise on the art of masonry and stone-cutting. New edition. London. 1839. Plates. 4012.35 Patton, W. M. A practical treatise on foun- dations. New York. 1893. IHus. 22 folded plates, 8013.150 bame. 2d edition. 1906. Illus.. Plans. 8013.177 Powell, G. T. Foundations and foundation walls, for all classes of buildings. Added, a treatise on foundations [etc], by F. Baumann. New York. 1879. Illus. 8015.67 Same. Revised and enlarged. 1884. 8015.80 Same. 4th edition. Revised and enlarged „ 1889. 8014.126 Purchase, W. R. Practical masonry. A guide to the art of stone cutting. Lon- don. 1896. 50 plates. 4012.109 Richards, H. W. Bricklaying and brickcut- ting. New York. 1901. Illus. 4016.129 Rothe, J. Vorlagen fiir Maurer. Wien. 1892. Illus. 20 plates. *8oio.i4S Sands and cements. Plain concrete. Build- ing stone and brick. Elements of stone masonry. Elements of brick masonry. Field operations and concrete work. Tests on cement. Concrete building blocks. Heavy foundations. Piling. Steel and other metals. Loads in struc- tures.^ Insurance engineering. Water- proofing of concrete. Statics. Forces acting on beams. Stresses and strains. Theory of beams. Wooden posts. Cast-iron columns. Foundation soils. Statics of masonry. Retaining walls. Walls subjected to lateral thrust. Ma- sonry arches. Scranton. [1910.] Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. [Interna- tional Library of Technology. Vol. 108, 109] *8o27.i32.io8, 109 Schmitt, E. Fundamente. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band i, pp. 229-338. Darmstadt. 1886.) ♦8092.51.1 Maurer- und Steinhauerarbeiten. Leip- zig. 1909, II. 3 V. Illus. [Sammlung . Goschen.] 7389a.4i9 Literatur, Band i, pp. 140-142; Band 2, p. 122. Shaw, E. Operative masonry; or, a theoreti- cal and practical treatise of building. Boston. 1832. Plates. 4012.34 Smirke, S. Observations on the mode adopted by masons at various and dis- tant periods in forming a straight head over an aperture. London. 1838. Plates. No. S in *222i.78 Reprinted from Archaeologia. Vol. 27 [•33 "1.27]. Statics of masonry. Heavy foundations. Retaining walls. Wind bracing. [Scran- ton. 1903.] Illus. [International Li- brary of Technology. Vol. 52.] Nos. I, 2, 3, 6, in *8o27.i32.52 Stonemason, The, and the bricklayer. Lon- don. 1891. Illus. Plates. 8015.123 United States. Engineer Department. Hol- low brick. — Solution of equations and interpolations in series. — Foundations. — Arches in masonry bridges. By W. H. Bixby. Washington. 1880. *3936.76 562 TECHNICAL DETAILS Walker, F. Brickwork. A practical treatise embodying the principles of bricklaying, cutting, and setting. London. 1885. Illus. [Weale's Rudimentary series. 1 80 1 g. go Ziegler, P. Der Talsperrenbau: nebst Be- schreibung ausgefiihrter Talsperren. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plate. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4011.111 Verzeichnis selbstandiger Werke, pp. 388, 389. Sanitation. (Including Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation and Lighting.) AUemagne, H. R. d'. Histoire du lumi- naire depuis I'epoque romaine jusqu'au xixe siecle. Paris. 1891. Illus. Plates. *2220.I00 Allen, J. R. Notes on heating and ventila- tion. Chicago. 1905. Illus. 8oi9a.26i Alsberg, M. Die gesunde Wohnung. Ber- lin. 1882. [Sammlung gemeinverstand- licher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage.] No. 19 in *59i4.5o.i7 American steam and hot-water heating practice. New York. 1895. Illus. 4012.74 From the Engineering Record. Anderson, C. F. Enlargement of the Capi- tol of the United States. [With ex- tracts from works of different authors, on ventilation, heating, lighting, etc. New York. 1851.] 4477.135 Architectural Testing and Inspecting Bu- reau. What it is and what it does. Bos- ton. [1905?! 8018.268 This establishment tests plumbing. Armellini, T. L'architettura in ordine alia igiene. Roma. 1859. 8093.134 Arnott, N. On the smokeless fireplace, chimney-valves, and other means of ob- taining healthful warmth and ventila- tion. London. 1855. 8og2.25 Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Home sanitation. [Edited by Ellen H. Richards and Marion Talbot.] Boston. 1887. Illus. Plates. 5767.70; *P.42.33. 1 Baldwin, W. J. Baldwin on heating; or, steam heating for buildings revised. 14th edition. New York. 1897. Illus. 4017.101 Hot-water heating and fitting; or, warm- ing buildings by hot-water. 2d edition. New York. 1890. Illus. Plates. 8015.111 Same. 4th edition. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8015.99 An outline of ventilation and warming. New York. [1899.! 8ogg.37 Steam heating for buildings. 2d edition. New York. 1882. Illus. Plates. 4017.13 Same. 12th edition. 1891. 4017.87 The ventilation of the school room. New York. [1902.] Plate. Plans. 80993.5 Banner, E. G. Wholesome houses. New edition. London. 1882. Illus. 3768.94 Bardwell, W. What a house should be, versus death in the house. London. [1873.] /Illus. 4099.53 Barlet, . Rapport sur les procedes et les appareils de chauffage et d'eclai- rage [k I'Exposition universelle interna- Barlet, . (Continued.) tionale de 1878]. Paris. 1881. Illus. 4094.64 Bashore, H. B. Outlines of practical sanita- tion for students, physicians and sanita- rians. New York. 1906. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 5769.173 The sanitation of a country house. New York. 1905. Plates. 3768.200 Bayles, J. C. House drainage and water service in cities, villages and rural neighborhoods. New York. 1878. Illus. Plans. 4013.59 Beardmore, W. L. The drainage of habit- able buildings. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. 3766.109 Bell, L. The art of illumination. New York. 1902. Illus. Plate. 4014.144 Same. 2d edition. 1912. 4014.151 Bell, L. V. The practical methods of venti- lating buildings. Appendix, on heating by steam and hot water. Boston. 1848. Plates. , 8094.11 Berger, J. Moderne und antike Heizungs- und Ventilationsmethoden. Berlin. 1870. [Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wis- senschaftlicher Vortrage.] *59i4.50.5 Billings, J. S. The principles of ventilation and heating. 2d edition. New York. 1889. 4094.80 The edition of 1884 is on shelf-number 4094.77. Ventilation and heating. New York. 1893. Illus. 4094.84 This is a later edition of the preceding worlc. Bissell, M. T. Household hygiene. New York. 1890. [Fact and theory papers.] 3769.118 Bosc, E. Traite complet du chauffage et de la ventilation des habitations particu- lieres et des edifices publics. Paris. 1875- Illus. 4093.55 Bowditch, H. I. Public hygiene in Amer- ica: centennial discourse, with a digest of American sanitary law by H. G. Pickering. Boston. 1877. 3767.68 Box, T. A. practical treatise on heat. 2d edition. London. 1876. 3968.79 The edition of 1868 is on shelf-no. 5978.20. Boyle, R., Jr. Natural and artificial methods of ventilation. [With supplement. Anon.] London. 1899. Diagrams. 8099.38 Brookline, Mass. Report of the improve- ment of the acoustics and ventilation of the Town Hall. Brookline. 1886. Plans. 4454.113 Brown, G. Healthy foundations for houses. New York. 1885. [Van Nostrand's Science series.] 5768.80 Water-closets. A historical, mechanical j: and sanitary treatise. New York. 1884. j Illus. 8019.16s ! Brown, G. P. Sewer-gas and its dangers; i with an exposition of common defects ' in house drainage, and practical in- , formation relating to their remedy. ; Chicago. 1881. Illus. 5765:2i Buchan, W. P. Plumbing: a text-book with supplementary chapters upon house drainage. London. 1876. Illus. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 4018.72 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1880. 8016.88 Same. 6th edition. 1892. 8oi6.x8o SANITATION 363 Buckton, C. M. Our dwellings, healthy and unhealthy. London. 1885. Illus. 5767.51 Addressed to girls attending the Leeds board schools. Bunel, H. fitablissements insalubres, in- commodes et dangereux. Legislation, inconvenients de ces etablissenients et conditions d'autorisation ordinairement proposees par les conseils d'hygiene et de salubrite. Paris. 1876. 3766.65 Burn, R. S. Sanitary science: as applied to the healthy construction of houses in town and country. Glasgow. 1872. Illus. 5769a.i48 Bursill, A. The principles and practice of electric wiring for evening students. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. Table. [Longmans' Technical handicraft series.] 8017.421 Butler, W. F. Ventilation of buildings. New York. 1873. IHus. 8099.5 C, J. W. Our dwellings warmed as they are and as they might be; with a chapter on ventilation. London. 1875. Plate. 4099.13 Carpenter, R. C. Heating and ventilating buildings. 3d edition. New York. 1900. Illus. ' Plate. 8093.40 Carrington, T. S. Fresh air and how to use it. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4099.161 A study of the interior ventilation of dwelling houses. Cash, J. Sanitation. Plate. Plan. (In Sparrow, W. S., editor. The modern home . . . Pp. 161-176. New York. t[i9o6.]) *8092.86 starede-Labarthe, P. Du chauffage et de la ventilation des habitations privees. Paris. 1869. Plates. 8092.24 Bibliography, pp. 195-228. Chambers, W., and R. Chambers, publishers. Sanitary economy: its principles and practice, and its moral influence on the progress of civilisation. Edinburgh. 1850. 3769.45 Channing, E. Abridgement of a paper pre- pared in connection with a small civic cleanliness exhibit at No. 6 Marl- borough Street, Boston, on March 23, 1905. Boston. 1905. 3768.224 On the sanitation of schoolhouses in Boston. Clark, T. M. The care of a house. A vol- ume of suggestions ... for the eco- nomical and efficient care of dwelling- houses. New York. 1903. Plans. 4019.224 Clarke, E. C. Common defects in house- drains. Boston. 1879- Illus. 8016.110 From the Annual report of the Massachusetts State Board of Health [*64S7-i6.io]. Clarke, J. W. Lectures to plumbers. Lon- Idon. 1893- Illus. 8012.147 Plumbing practice. London. 1888. Illus. 8015.106 lewell, C. E. Factory lighting. New York. 1913. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. Charts. 1 Electric lighting exclusively. 4018.294 low, G. B. Practical up-to-date plumbing. Chicago. 1906. Plates. Plans. 8017.336 Coleman, T. E. Sanitary house drainage: its principles and practice. London. 1896. Plates. 4019.124 Colyer, F. Public institutions: their en- gineering, sanitary and other appliances. London. 1889. 8015.105 Constantine, J. Practical ventilation and warming. London. 1881. Illus. 4096.58 Corfield, W. H. Dwelling houses: their sanitary construction and arrangements. New York. 1880. . 5769.24 Same. London. 1880. Illus. 5769.33 Cosgrove, J. J. Plumbing plans and speci- fications. Pittsburgh. [1910.I Illus. Plate. Plans. 8015.219 Principles and practice of plumbing. Pittsburgh. [1906.] Illus. Diagrams. Plans. Charts. 8015.207 Cravath, J. R., and V. R. Lansingh. Practi- cal illumination. New York. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8012.184 Cyclopedia of heating, plumbing and sani- tation. Chicago. 1909. 4 V. Plates. Diagrams. *4092.i46 Damcke, E. R., and others. Koch-, Spul-, Wasch- und Bade-Einrichtungen. Illus. (/n Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 5, pp. 1-121. Darmstadt. 1883.) *8o92.5i.5 Davies, P. J. Standard practical plumbing. London. 1885, 96. 2 v. Illus. Portrait. Plate. *8o2oa.64 Same. 3d edition. Vol. i. 1892. 80203.59 Publication discontinued. Dempsey, G. D. On the drainage of lands, towns, and buildings. London. 1887. Illus. Plan. 8028.85 Same. 2d edition. 1890. 8017.148 Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of towns and buildings: suggestive of sanatory regulations. London. 1849. Illus. Map. Diagrams. [Weale's Rudi- mentary series.] 40193.307 Same. 2d edition, greatly extended. 1854. 40193.308 Denton, E. F. B. The water supply and sewerage of country mansions & estates. London. 1901. 40193.192 Denton, J. E. Experiments and researches on trap siphonage. Concord, N. H. 1891. Illus. 8015.153 From the Transactions of the American Public Health Association, Vol. 16 i* 3762.51.16}. Sanitary engineering. A series of lec- tures given before the School of mili- tary engineering at Chatham, 1876. London. 1877. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Chart. Tables. 4013.53 Devey, R. G. Mill and factory wiring. New York. 191 1. Plans. [Electrical in- stallation manuals.] 4018.307 Domestic house planner, and sanitary archi- tect. Edited by the editor of "The in- dustrial self-instructor." London. 1891. Illus. Plates. 8017.145 Donaldson, W. Modern hot water heating, steam and gas fitting. Chicago. 1906. Illus. Plans. 8017.334 Drysdale, J. J., and J. W. H3yw3rd. Health and comfort in house building; or, ven- tilation with warm air by self-acting 364 TECHNICAL DETAILS Drysdale and Hayward. (Continued.) suction power. London. 1872. Plates. 4099.56 Same. 2d edition, with supplement. 1876. 4099.60 Dulac, J. L'air: effets de son impurete sur la sante. Paris. 1909. Plans. 8099.50 Durham House Drainage Co., New York. The Durham patent system of screw- joint iron house drainage. New York. 1889. lUus. *8oi5.i58 Illustrations of the Durham patent sys- tem of house drainage. New York. 1883. Illus. 8015.152 Dye, F. Hot water fitting and steam cook- ing apparatus. London. 1893. Illus. 80193.56 Hot water supply: a practical treatise up- on the fitting of hot-water apparatus for domestic and general purposes. Lon- don. 1887. Illus. 8039.71 Same. 5th edition. 1902. Plans. 8039.90 A practical treatise upon warming build- ings by hot water. London. 1905. Plates. Diagrams. 8016.205 Eassie, W. Healthy houses. A handbook. New York. 1872. Illus. 4109.5 Sanitary arrangements for dwellings. London. 1874. Illus. Plans. 5768.153 Edis, R. W. Healthy furniture and decora- tion. London. 1884. Illus. Plates. [International health exhibition.] 3763.110 liters Reprinted from the Health exhibition literature, Vol. I [*3763-ioo.i]. Edwards, F. On the ventilation of dwell- ing-houses, and the utilization of waste heat from open fireplaces. London. 1868. Plates. 8092.1 Electric Storage Battery Company. The application of storage batteries to light- ing and power plants. "Chloride ac- cumulators" in residential lighting and power plants. Philadelphia. [1906.] Illus. 4013.121 Elliot, W. G. Ventilation of the Madison Square theatre. (Also, "On the ventila- tion of public buildings," by James Hogg.) New York. i88o. Illus. 8098.6 Elliott, S. M. Household hygiene. Chicago. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. [The library of home economics.] 6009.193 Emerson, F. Communication to the Amer- ican Academy of Arts and Sciences, rel- ative to a late report on ventilators and chimney-tops. Boston. 1848. Illus. B.i7o.g Engineering in relation to hygiene. Lon- don. 1892. Plans. [International Con- gress of Hygiene and Demography. Transactions. 7th Congress. Vol. 7.I ♦3761.103.7 Essay on ventilating sick rooms, for which a prize was awarded by the IVIassachu- setts Medical Society. [Boston. 1871.] 7761.66 Fischer, H. Heizung, Liiftung und Be- leuchtung der Theater und sonstiger Versammlungssale. Darmstadt. 1894. Illus. Plans. [Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur. 5.] 8o9oa.i32.5 Fischer, H. (Continued.) Heizung und Luftung der Raume. Illus. Plates. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 4, pp. 39-272. Darmstadt. 1881.) *8o92.5i.4 Contains bibliographies. Kunstliche Beleuchtung der Raume. Illus. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 4, pp. 5-38. Darmstadt. 1881.) Bibliography, pp. 37, 38. *8092.5I.4 Flavitsky, J. Notice sur un procede de chauffage et de ventilation par des dou- bles fenetres. Paris. [1876?] Plan. 80Q^.42 Fletcher, B. F., and H. P. Fletcher. Archi- tectural hygiene: or, sanitary science as applied to buildings. London. 191 1. Illus. Plans. [Whittaker's Practical handbooks.] 8099.51 Galton, D. Observations on the construc- tion of healthy dwellings. Oxford. 1880. Illus. 3763.62 Gerhard, W. P. Anlagen von Hausent- wasserungen nach Studien americani- scher Verhaltnisse. Berlin. 1880. ^. ^ , , 5763.109 Diagram for sewer calculations. New York. 1881. Plate. No.ii in *8o2oa.6i The disposal of household wastes. 2d edi- tion. New York. 1904. [Van Nostrand Science series.] 3769.111 The disposal of sewage of isolated coun- try houses. Providence. 1890. 4014.124 Reprinted from the 12th Annual report of the State Board of Health of Rhode Island [•7766.50.12]. The drainage of a house. Boston. 1888. 3765.121 Reprinted from Homes of to-day [8094.33.1]. Entwasserungs-Anlagen amerikanischer Gebaude. Stuttgart. 1897. [Fort- schritte auf dem Gebiete der Architek- tur. 10.] 8090a.132.10 Verzeichniss der Literatur, pp. 223-227. A guide to sanitary house-inspection. New York. 1885. 5768.81 Guide to sanitary inspections. 4th edi- tion, enlarged. New York. 1909. 8099.49 Bibliography, pp. 227-229. A half-century of sanitation. (1850-99.) A paper read at the meeting of the Brooklyn Engineers' Club. [New York.] 1890. 5766.68 Reprinted from the American Architect for February 23, March 4 and 11, 1899 [*4097-20S.63]. Hints on the drainage and sewerage of dwellings. New York. 1884. Illus. 5768.55 House-drainage and sanitary plumbing. 7th edition. New York. 1898. Plates. [Van Nostrand's Science series.] 3769.121 House drainage as constructed by the Durham House Drainage Co. of New York. New York. 1884. Plates. 4019.211 Reprinted from Engineering News. The leading principles of scientific house drainage and sanitary plumbing. New York. 1893. 4014.120 Originally published in the Metal Worker. SANITATION 365 Gerhard, W. P. (Continued.) Needed improvements in theatre sanita- tion. [New York. 1899.I 4014.129 Reprinted from Appleton's Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 56 [*59i6-S0.56]. On testing house drains and plumbing work. New York. 1893. 4014.123 Plumbing: the old, the modern and the advanced systems. [Rutland. 1900?! 4014.121 Reprinted from the Bulletin of Vermont State Board of Health. Plumbing simplified. New York. 1896. Plates. 4016.31 The plumbing, water supply and drainage of hospitals. [Albany. 1898.] 4014.122 Reprinted from the Albany Medical Annals. Sanitary drainage of tenement houses. Hartford. 1884. Illus. 5763.114 Sanitary engineering of buildings. Vol. i. New York. 1899. Plates. 5761.58 The first five chapters of Vol. i of this work constitute a revised edition of the authors Hints on the drainage and sewerage of dwellings [5768.55]. Sanitary house-inspection. [New York. 188-.] 4019.212 Extracts, with press notices, etc., from his Guide to sanitary house-inspection, the first edi- tion of which is on shelf-number 5768.81. Sanitary questions. {In Brunner, A. W. Cottages. Pp. 33-54. New York. 1884.) 8094.27 Sanitation and sanitary engineering. 2d enlarged edition of Sanitary engineer- ing. New York. 1909. 3766.175 Sanitation of public buildings. New York. 1907. 8099.48 The sanitation, water supply and sewage disposal of country houses. New York. 1909. Illus. Plans. 8099.45 The superintendence of piping installa- tions in buildings: sanitary, hydraulic and gas. New York. 1913. 8oi9a.254 Theatre sanitation. Brooklyn. 1898. 5766.66 Germinet, G. Le chauffage par le gaz con- sidere dans ses diverses applications. Paris. [1876.] Illus. 3978.78 Girdlestone, C. Letters on the unhealthy condition of the lower class of dwell- ings. London. 1845. Illus. 3767-34 Godinez, F. L. The lighting book: a manual for the layman setting forth the practical and esthetic sides of good lighting for the home. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. 4015.114 Gouge, H. A. New system of ventilation. 4th edition, enlarged. New York. 1881. 8094.13 -numbe Earlier editions may be found on shelf-numbers No. 20 in *5965.6o; 8095.46; 8094.17. j^^rrove, D. Ausgefiihrte Heizungs- und Liif- y^m tungs-Anlagen. Berlin. 1895. Text, i v.; H^ Atlas, 51 plates. *Cab.40.47.i I^Males, S, Treatise on ventilators. London. IH 1758. 2 parts in i v. Folded plates. !■ 4109.2 I^Hartshorne, H. Our homes. Philadelphia. IH. 1880. Illus. Plans. [American health IB primers.] 3799a.i34 *^ Chief works for consultation ... p. 150. Hatch, C. M. With, within, without our homes. Boston. 1882. Plan. 7764.56; No. 12 in *776i.56 Haynes, S. L. Healthy homes. London. 1881. 5765.16 Health exhibition literature. Vol. 1-3, 8. Health in the dwelling. London. 1884. 3763.100.1-3, 8 Healthy homes for rich and poor. New York. 1880. Plan. 7769.83 Heating and ventilation of buildings. [Scran- ton. 1903.] Illus. Plans. [Interna- tional Library of Technology. Vol. 32.] No. 2 in *8o27.i32.32 Hellyer, S. S. Lectures on the science and art of sanitary plumbing. London. [1882.] Illus. 4017.24 The plumber & sanitary houses. London. 1877. Illus. 4016.52 Principles and practice of plumbing. Lon- don. 1891. Illus. [Technological handbooks.] 8017.133 Hoffman, J. D., and B. F. Raber. Hand- book for heating and ventilating engi- neers. Lafayette, Ind. [1910.] Illus. Plans. 8oi9a.38i Hood, C. A practical treatise on warming buildings, ventilation [etc.]. Sth edi- tion. London. 1879. 8093.39 The 3d edition, 1855, may be found on shelf- number 8093.37. A practical treatise upon warming build- ings by hot water . . . with an inquiry respecting ventilation [etc.]. London. 1891. Illus. 8015.125 Horstmann, H. C, and V. H. Tousley. Modern illumination: theory and prac- tice. A handbook of practical informa- tion for the users of electric light, architects, contractors and electricians. Chicago. [1912.] Illus. 4018.292 Hot-air heating. Blower systems of heat- ing. Heating plans and specifications. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. [Internation- al Library of Technology. Vol. 75.] No. I, 2, 6 in *8o27.i32.75 Hot-water heating. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. [International Library of Technology. Vol. 74.] No. 6, 7 in*8o27.i32.74 Hot water supply and kitchen connections. New York. 1913. Illus. Plans. 8039.177 House, The, and its surroundings. London. 1878. [Health primers.] 5769a.i63 Houston, E. J., and A. E. Kennelly. Elec- tric heating. New York. 1895. Illus. Diagrams. [Elementary electrotech- nical series.] 39693.142 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1906. 39693.177 Hoyt, W. E. Household sanitation. Bos- ton. 1886, 5768.93 Hubbard, C. L. Power, heating and ven- tilation. A treatise for designing and constructing engineers, architects and students. Brattleboro, Vermont. 1908, 09. 3 V. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. 8093.132 Contents. — i. Boiler room equipment. a. Power and lighting. 3. Heating and ventila- tion. 366 TECHNICAL DETAILS Inman, W. S. Report of the committee of the House of Commons, on ventilation, warming, and transmission of sound. Abbreviated. London. 1836. Plates. 4105.2 Jacob, E. H. Notes on the ventilation and warming of houses, churches, schools, and other buildings. London. 1894. Illus. [Manuals of health.! 8029.118 Jenkin, H. C. F. Healthy houses. Adapted to American conditions by G. E. War- ing, Jr. New York. 1879. Illus. Plates. [Harper's Half-hour series.! 5769a.i64 Johnston, S. P., compiler. The furnace work manual. Chicago. 1895. Illus. [Amer- ican artisan manuals.! 4013.80 The house warming manual. Chicago. 1896. Illus. [American artisan manu- als.] 4013.81 Joly, V. C. Traite pratique du chauffage, de la ventilation et de la distribution des eaux dans les habitations particulieres. Paris. 1869. Illus. 8095.2 Bibliography, pp. 206-208. Jones, W. Heating by hot water. 2d edi- tion. London. 1894. Illus. Plan. 8016.177 Keim, A. W. The prevention of dampness in buildings, with remarks on the causes, nature, and effects of saline ef- florescences and dry-rot. Translated from the 2d edition by M. J. Salter. London. 1902. Illus. Colored plans. 8017.259 Kinealy, J. H. Charts for low pressure steam heating. New York. 1896. 4010.86 King, A. G. Practical steam and hot water heating and ventilation. New York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8093.49 Kittredge, A. O., editor. The metal worker: essays on house heating by steam, hot water and hot air. 2d edition. New York. 1892. Illus. 8012.118 Knauff, M., and others. Entwasserung und Reinigung der Gebaude. Ableitung des Haus-, Dach- und Hofwassers. Aborte und Pissoirs. Entfernung der Facalstoffe aus den Gebauden. Von M. Knauff, B. Salbach, und E. Schmitt. Illus. {In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 5, pp. 121-317. Darmstadt. 1883.) *8o92.5i.5 Koerting, J. Heizung und Liiftung. Leip- zig. 1907. 2 V. Illus. Plans. [Samm- lung Goschen.] 7389a.342 Literatur, Vol. i, pp. 5, 6. Krell, O. Altromische Heizungen. Miin- chen. 1901. Illus. Plans. 2752.81 Lang, C. Ueber natiirliche Ventilation und Porositat von Baumaterialien. Stutt- gart. 1877. Plate. 4096.53 Latham, B. Sanitary engineering. 2d edi- tion. London. 1878. Illus. Plates. 4016.64 Editions of 1873 and 1877 may be found on shelf-numbers 4015.58; 4010.100. Lawler, J. J. American sanitary plumbing. New York. [1896.I Illus. 4016.30 Same. Revised edition. [190-?! Plans. 4016.34 Lawler, J. J. (Continued.) Practical hot water heating; steam and gas fitting. New York. [1895.! Plates. 8016.188 Same. Revised edition. [1906.! 80x6.204 Leeds, L. W. Lectures on ventilation, in the Franklin Institute. New York. 1868. Illus. 4105.6 A treatise on ventilation. New York. 1871. Plates. 4103.23 A second edition of the preceding work. Lefevre, J. Le chauffage et les applications de la chaleur dans I'industrie et I'econo- mie domestique. Paris. 1893. Illus. [Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles.l 8018.168 Liger, F. Fosses d'aisances, latrines, uri- noirs et vidanges. Historique, construc- tion, ventilation, desinfection, etudes des differents systemes. Paris. 1875. Plates. [Dictionnaire historique et pra- tique de la voirie, de la construction, de la police municipale, et de la conti- guite.] 4014.53 Lorenz, A. Der Bau des Wohnhauses in sanitarer Richtung. Reichenberg. 1883. 3764.78 Lynde, C. J. Home waterworks: a manual of water supply in country homes. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The young farmer's practical library.! 6009.219 Maguire, W. R. Domestic sanitary drain- age and plumbing. Lectures. London. 1901. Illus. 8015.194 Editions of 1890 and 1896 may be found on shelf-numbers 80 15. 112; 8015. 117. Massachusetts. House. Committee on pub- lic buildings. Report on the ventilation of the Representatives' Hall. [Boston.! 1849. No. 4 in *3765.54 Massachusetts. State department of inspec- tion of factories and public buildings. School houses and public buildings. How they may be safely constructed and properly heated and ventilated. Drawings on exhibition at the World's Columbian Exposition. [Boston. 1893.] 35 plates. *8o93.i04 Merriman, M. Elements of sanitary engi- neering. New York. 1898. Illus. 4013.86 Same. 3d edition. 1906. Map. Plan. Chart. 4013.84 Metropolitan Working Classes* Association. On the ventilation of rooms, houses, workshops, etc. London. 1847. *3769.2i Middleton, G. A. T. House drainage. Lon- don. 1892. 19 plates. 8018.154 Mills, J. H. Heat. Science and philosophy of its production and application to the warming and ventilation of buildings. Boston. [1890.! 2 V. 8094.35 Heating by steam. Boston. 1877. Plates. 4012.68 Montillot, C. J., and L. Montillot. La maison electrique. Applications d'elec- tricite a la ville et a la campagne. Paris. [1893.] Illus. 39603.130 Morse, E. S. The utilization of the sun's rays in heating and ventilating apart- SANITATION 367 Morse, E. S. (Continued.) ments. [Boston. 1879.I 3763.118 Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society of Arts of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology 1*7215.65, 1879-86]. Moule's patent earth system. Closets and commodes. London. [1883.I Illus. 8015.27 Murphy, S. F., editor. Our homes and how to make them healthy. London. 1883. Illus. 6005.115 Natural ventilation. [London. 1899.I Illus. 8093.38 Reprinted from the Building News, Vol. 6i [*8o90.20i.6i]. New York, State. State Commission in Lunacy. Rules and suggestions as to plumbing work and drainage, sewerage and sewage disposal, water supply, and fire protection of New York state hos- pitals, adopted by the Commission Dec. I, 1898, Utica. 1899. 40ioa.i39 Niemann, W. B. Die Entwickelung der Be- leuchtung. Illus. Plates. (In Der Mensch und die Erde. Band 7, pp. 385- 468. Berlin. 191 1.) *23oo.i4.7 Noll, A. How to wire buildings. 2d edi-, tion. New York. 1894. Illus. 3965.148 Nussbaum, H. C. Die Hygiene des Woh- nungswesens. Leipzig. 1907. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 7389a.363 Ongaro, L. L'ingegneria sanitaria a Vene- zia. Venezia. 1893. Plan. 8011.153 Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary engi- neering. New York. 1881. Illus. 4016.82 The disposal of sewage by sub-surface ir- rigation in suburban residences. [New York. 1883.] Illus. Plan. 801Q.138 From the Sanitary Engineer, Vol. 7 [*8o92.2oi.7]. Planat, P. Chauffage et ventilation des lieux habites. Paris. 1880. Illus. Dia- grams. [Cours de construction civile.] 4092.74 Plumbing and gas-fitting. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International Library of Technology.] No. i in *8o27.i32.32 Plumbing and house drainage. Chicago. [1887.] Illus. 7769.41 Plumbing and house drainage problems. 6th edition. New York. 1904. Plans. 4014.149 Issued by the "Engineering Record" with im- portant additions compiled from the Metal Worker. Plumbing problems; or, questions, answers, and descriptions relating to house- drainage and plumbing, from the Sani- tary Engineer (since 1887 the Engineer- ing Record). 5th edition. New York. 1895. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 8015.211 Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors; or, household sanitation. New York. 1885. Illus. 5768.72 ^Poore, G. V. The dwelling-house. Lon- W^k don. 1897. Illus. Plans. 8107.19 I^H Treats especially of sanitation. I^Batt, H. Wiring a house. 4th edition. New W^m York. 1909. Plans. 8017.335 I^Hrice, G. M. Handbook on sanitation. . . . I^v' for health, sanitary, tenement-house, plumbing . . . and other inspectors; as Price, G. M. (Continued.) well as for candidates for all municipal sanitary positions. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. 37693.7 Same. 2d edition. 1905. 37693.8 Putnam, J. P. Improved plumbing appli- ances. New York. 1887. Illus. 4020.40 Reprinted from Building. Vol. 4-6 [*4i02.2io, 4, 5, 6]. Lectures on the principles of house drain- age. Boston. 1886. Illus. 5768.82 The open fire-place in all ages. Boston. 1881. Illus. 4099.67 Plumbing and household sanitation. A course of lectures delivered before the Plumbing School of the North End Union, Boston. Garden City, N. Y. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8015.228 Putzeys, F., and E. Putzeys. L'hygiene dans la construction des habitations pri- vees. Bruxelles. 1882. Illus. Plates. 3761.65 Rand, B. H. Two lectures on impure air and ventilation. Philadelphia. 1880. 8094.39 Reid, D, B. Illustrations of the theory and practice of ventilation. London. 1844. Illus. Plates. 4105.7 Reynolds, O. Sewer gas, and how to keep it out of houses. A handbook on house drainage. 3d edition. London. 1876. Illus. 40193.3 The 2d edition, 1872, may be found on shelf- number 4019.54. Richards, E. H. Sanitary science in the home. Philadelphia. 1888. 7765.21 Richardson, C. J. A popular treatise on warming and ventilation. 2d edition. London. 1839. Plates. *4io5.4 Ritchie, R. A treatise on ventilation, nat- ural and artificial. London. 1862. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. 8092.3 Salbach, B. Wasserversorgung der Ge- baude. Illus. Plans. (In Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3, Band 4, pp. 273- 320. Darmstadt. 1881.) 8092.51.4 Bibliography, pp. 319, 320. Santee, E. M. Farm sewage. New York. 1912. Plans. 80193.383 A treatise on the septic tank. Schmitt, E. Gas- und Wasserinstallationen. Leipzig. 1908. Plates. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.412 Hochschulen (Universitaten und techni- sche Hochschulen) mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der indirekten Beleuch- tung von Hor- und Zeicher-Salen. Darmstadt. 1894. Hlus. Plans. [Fort- schritte auf dem Gebiete der Architek- tur. 4.] 80903.132.4 Schum3nn, F. A manual of heating and ventilation. New York. 1877. Illus. 3969.75 Schwartze, T. Beleuchtung, Heizung und Ventilation. Illus. Plates. (In Buch der Erfindungen. Band i, pp. 575-721. Leipzig. 1896.) *4033-i3.i Shaw, A. Herring-. Domestic sanitation and plumbing: a treatise of the^ materials, designs, and methods used in sanitary engineering. London. 1909, 11. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 8093.136 368 TECHNICAL DETAILS Simpson, H. The dwelling-house in rela- tion to health. {In Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association. Health lectures. Pp. 111-132. Manchester. 1878.) No. II in 5769.161 Sraead, I. D. Ventilation and warming of buildings upon the principles patented by I. D. Smead. [Chicago.] 1889. IHus. 8013.102 Smeaton, J. Plumbing, drainage, water sup- ply and hot water fitting. London. 1893. Illus. 8013.156 Snow, W. B. Mechanical ventilation and heating by a forced circulation of warm air. [Boston? 1900.] Illus. 8093.42 Snow, W. G. Furnace heating: treatise on warming buildings with hot air. New York. 1900. Illus. 8017.235 Principles of heating. New York. [1907.] Illus. Plans. Charts. 8093.47 Societe centrale des architectes frangais. Rapport sur la proposition de M. Ha- rou-Romain, relative a I'assainissement des habitations insalubres. Paris. 1850. Tables. 4096.102 Starbuck, R. M. Modern plumbing illus- trated. Hartford. 1900. 50 blue-prints. ♦8015.192 Same. 1907. 8015.166 Same. 1909. Plans. 80103.167 Stiles, C. W., and L. L. Lumsden. The sani- tary privy. Washington. 191 1. Illus. Plans. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin, 463. 1 ♦7995.40.463 Sturtevant, B. F. Ventilation and heating. Principles and application. Boston. 1888. Illus. Plates. 8oioa.i24 Same. [1896.] 8oioa.i34 An advertisement of the steam hot blast ap- paratus. The ventilation and heating of school buildings. Boston. 1895. Illus. 8095.47 Tayler, A. J. Wallis-. The sanitary ar- rangement of dwelling-houses. Lon- don. 1894. Illus. 8017.182 Teale, T. P. Dangers to health. London. 1878. 55 plates. 3766.75 Theory and practice of warming and ven- tilating public buildings, dwelling- houses [etc.]. By an engineer. Lon- don. 1825. Illus. 8094.6 Thomas, J. W. The ventilation, heating and lighting of dwellings. London, 1906. Illus. Diagrams. 8093.45 The ventilation, heating and management of churches and public buildings. Lon- don. 1903. Diagrams. 8099.32 Thompson, C. B., compiler. Heating by steam and water. A practical treatise on house heating. New York. 1907. Illus. Plans. 4012.45 Thwaite, B. H. Our factories, workshops, and warehouses, their sanitary and fire- resisting arrangements. London. 1882. Illus. Plans. Charts. 4017.14 Tomlinson, C. A rudimentary treatise on warming and ventilation. 3d edition. London. 1864. Plate. 4099.6 The edition of 1850 may be found on shelf-num- ber 4099.121. Tracy, R. S. Hand-book of sanitary infor- mation for householders. New York. 1884. 5765.40 Trelat, fi. A monsieur le prefet de la Seine. (Deuxieme lettre.) Sur la necessite d' eclairer les salles des ecoles par un jour unilateral. Paris. 1875. 8095.49 Tredgold, T. Principles of warming and ventilating public buildings. 3d edition. London. 1836. Plates. 4105.3 Tudor, F. The pneumatic test. Boston. ^1892. 3765.115 Same. 1893. Plans. 3764.105 Same. 1895. 3765.155 Turner, E. Hints to househunters and householders. London. 1883. Illus. -_ 6003.61 Ventilation illustrated. London. 1849. 7767.79 Waring, G. E., Jr. Earth-closets; how to make them and how to use them. New York. 1868. 8015.25 How to drain a house. New York. 1885. c ^"''^' ^ ^. . o 5768.77 bame. 2d edition. 1895. 5768.no The sanitary condition of city and coun- try dwelling houses. New York. 1877. [Van Nostrand's Science series.] rr,, 3769.101 The sanitary drainage of houses and towns. Boston. 1876. 3764.84 Same, nth edition, enlarged. [1904.I 3769.220 Water closets. House drains. Soil, waste, and vent stacks, — Traps and vents. — Plumbing plans and specifications. [Scranton. 1906.] 5 parts. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. [International Library of Technology. Vol. 72.] No. 1-4, 12 in *8o27.i32.72 Watson, J. Thermal ventilation, and other sanitary improvements, applicable to public buildings, and recently adopted at the New- York hospital. New York. 1 85 1. Plan. 5766.64; No. 8 in 5965.60 Wazon, A. Genie sanitaire. Principes tech- niques d' assainissement des villes & habitations suivis en Angleterre, France, Allemagne, fitats-Unis et pre- sentes sous forme d'etudes sur I'assai- nissement de Paris. Paris. 1884. 5942.58 Whyatt, H. G. Sanitary construction in building. Edited by Paul N. Hasluck. Philadelphia. 1906. Illus. Plans. Dia- grams. [Technical instruction series. 1 4019.249 Willett, J. R, Heating and ventilation of residences. Chicago. 1893. Illus. 18 plates. 8094.104 Wood, F. Sanitary engineering. London. 1902. Plates. Maps. 4oioa.i37 Woodbridge, S. H, Upward versus down- ward ventilation. Extracts from report prepared on the ventilation of the Cap- itol, Washington, U. S. A. London. 1900. Colored plates. 3769.259 Reprinted from Building News, Vol. 77, 1900 [*8o9o.2io,77]. The warming and ventilation of the High School Building, Lynn, Mass. Lynn. SANITATION 369 Woodbridge, S. H. (Continued.) 1893. Plans. 8093.82 Reprinted from the Annual Report of the School Board of 1892. Woodley, W. The design of buildings: be- ing elementary notes on the planning, sanitation and ornamentive formation of structures, based on modern practice. London. 1894. Plans. 8095.104 Wyman, H. C. House building, from a sur- geon's standpoint. [Lansing. 1888.I 5764.123 Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Sanitary- Convention at Owosso, Mich., Nov. 23, 1887 [♦s762.77.1887]. Wyman, M. Experiments and observations on the summer ventilation and cooling of hospitals. [Boston. 1894.I 3764.120 Reprinted from Proceedings of American Academy of Arts and Sciences [*337o.6.3o]. A practical treatise on ventilation. Cam- bridge. 1846. 7765.12 Same. Boston. 7765.14 Stereotomy. Adhemar, J. Coupe des pierres. 5e edition. Paris. 1856. Plates. [Cours de mathe- matiques a I'usage de I'ingenieur civil.l ♦4010.26 Chaix, J. Cours de construction. 6e partie: Traite de coupe des pierres (stereoto- mie). Paris. [1888.] Illus. Plates. [Encyclopedie theorique & pratique des connaissances civiles & militaires. Par- tie civile.] *8oio.i36.6 Douliot, J. P. Traite special de coupe des pierres. Paris. 1825. Text, i v.; Atlas, 99 plates. *4i03'i French, A. W., and H. C. Ives. Stereoto- my. New York. 1902. Illus. Plans. 8013.196 Lejeune, £. Traite pratique de la coupe des pierres. Paris. [1872.] Text, 1 v.; Atlas, 50 plates. *8o2i.5o Leroy, C. F. A. Traite de stereotomie, com- prenant les applications de la geome- tric descriptive a la theorie des ombres, la perspective lineaire [etc.]. Paris. 1844. Text, I v.; Atlas, 74 plates. 4020.9 Same. loe edition, revue par E. Martelet. 1885. **E.i90.40 Mahan, D. H. Descriptive geometry as ap- plied to the drawing of fortification and stereotomy. New edition. New York. 1875. Diagrams. 5931-52 Same. 1893. **E.5i 12.39 Purchase, W. R. Practical masonry. A guide to the art of stone cutting. Lon- don. 1896. 50 plates. 4012.109 Rouche, E., and C. M. Brisse. Coupe de pierres. Precedee des principes du trait de stereotomie. Paris. 1893. Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 33 plates. [En- cyclopedic des travaux publics.] *8oio.i44 Schmid, H., engineer. Steinmetz-Arbeiten im Hochbau. Vorlageblatter zum Ge- brauche an gewerblichen Lehran- stalten. Wien. 1888. 27 plates. *Cab.40.36.2 Toussaint, C. J., and M. H. M. Toussaint. Nouveau manuel complet de la coupe des pierres. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1856. [Manuels-Roret] Text, i v.; Atlas, 15 plates. *4oii.i7 Warren, S. E. Stereotomy. Problems in stone cutting. New York. 1893. 10 folded plates. 8013.151 Decoration. See also Periodicals; Ecclesiastical Architecture and Decoration; Architectural Details. Adam, R., and J. Adam. The decorative work of Robert & James Adam; being a reproduction of the plates illustrating decoration & furniture from their "Works in architecture" published 1778- 1812. London. 1901. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.84.6 "Works in architecture" may be found on shelf- number *Cab.6o.84.i. Adams, L. G. Decorations interieures et meubles des epoques Louis xiii. & Louis XIV.; reproduits et releves sur des monu- ments de ces epoques. Paris. 1865. 100 fv^ plates. *Cab.40.29.i ^H|ecueil de sculptures gothiques. Paris. ^^^1866. 2 v. Plates. *4073.5o Albert, E. Rococo-Figuren. Berlin. [1893?] 12 colored plates. *8o7oa.i44 Album de decorations, ornements et ten- tures du ler au xviiie siecle puisees aux sources les plus autorisees. Paris. 1880. 3 V. 99 plates. *4090.ii9 Contents. — i. Antiquite. — fipoque romain. — Moyen age. 2. Renaissance. 3. xviie et xvilie Alexandre, A. Histoire de I'art decoratif du xvie siecle a nos jours. Ouvrage orne de 48 planches en couleurs, 12 eaux- fortes, 526 dessins. Paris. [1891.] ♦4070.102 Allen, J. R. Celtic art in pagan and Chris- tian times. London. [1904-] Plates. [The antiquary's books.] 4076.198 Some of the plates show interlaced ornament. Amoretten und allegorische figurliche Kom- positionen fur Plafond- und Wandde- corationen, fiir Glas- und Facher-Ma- lerei von F. Gonin, R. Morgari. Berlin. [1887.] 30 plates. *Cab.8o.3i.6 Ancient and modern ornament. New York. [1887.] 120 plates. *8o6i.67 Angeli, D. Mino da Flesole. Florence. 1905. Illus. Portraits. 4086.128 Anheisser, R. Ornament und Buchschmuck. Dresden. [1906?] 35 plates. *8o63.i46 Anonimo, The. Notes on pictures and works of art in Italy made by an anonymous writer in the sixteenth century. Trans- lated by P. Mussi. Edited by G. C. Wil- liamson. London. 1903. Plates. 4075.228 370 DECORATION Antonin^ C. Manuale di varj ornamenti tratti dalle fabbriche, e frammenti an- tichi per uso e commodo de' pittore, scultori, &c. Roma. 1781, 90. 4 v. in 2. Plates. *8o7o.ii5 Art omemental, L'. Annee 1-4. Paris. 1883- 87. 4 V. in I. Illus. 4070.203 Art studies from nature as applied to design. London. 1872. Illus. 4075.52; *L.54.8 Art work manuals. Edited by C. G. Leland. 2d (revised) edition. New York. 1881, 82. Plates. *8o62.43 Arts, The, connected with building. Lec- tures on craftsmanship and design. Ed- ited by T. R. Davison. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. 4097-187 Associacion artistico-arqueol6gica^ barce- lonesa. Album de la instalacion artis- tico-arqueologica de la real casa en la Exposicion universal de Barcelona. Afio 1888. Barcelona. [1889.] Plates. *8o73.ios Album de la seccion arqueologica de la Exposicion universal de Barcelona. Afio 1888. Barcelona. [1889.] Plates. ♦8073.104 Audsley, G. A. The ornamental arts of Japan. London. 1882, 84. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *Cab.8o.57.i Audsley, G. A., and B. Audsley. Artistic and decorative stencilling: a practical manual on the art of stencilling on paper, wood, and textile fabrics, for home adornment and articles of dress. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Allen's Technical and art manuals.] 4079.313 Some of the plates are colored. Audsley, G. A., and M. A. Audsley. The practical decorator and ornamentist. With descriptive text. Part 1-12. Glas- gow. [1891, 92.] 100 colored plates. *Cab.8o.40.i Audsley, W. J., and G. A. Audsley. Outlines of ornament in the leading styles. Lon- don. 1881. 60 plates. *407o.i9 Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles. Lon- don. 1882. 36 plates. *8o8o.42 Aufleger, O. Siiddeutsche Architektur und Ornamentik im xviii. Jahrhundert. Miin- chen. 1891-95. 10 V. in 7. Namely: I, 2. Die Klosterkirche in Ottobeuren. 1891, 92. 2 V. in I. 55 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.i 3, 4. Miinchener Architektur des xviii. Jahrhunderts.. Einleitung von K. Traut- mann. 1892. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.2 5. Innen-Decorationen des koniglichen Lustschlosses Schleissheim. Einleitung von J. Mayerhofer. 1891. 30 plates. No. I in *Cab.6o.io6.3 6. Altare und Sculpturen des Miinsters zu Salem. 1892. 20 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.6o.io6.3 7. 8. Die reichen Zimmer der koniglichen Residenz in Miinchen. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. 1893. Plan. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.4 9. Die konigliche Hofkirche zu Fiirsten- feld. Die Klosterkirche zu Diessen. Einleitung von K. Trautmann. 1894. Plates. *Cab.6o.io6.9 Aufleger, O. (Continued.) 10. Die Amalienburg im koniglichen Schlossgarten zu Nymphenburg. Ein- leitung von K. Trautmann. 2. Auflage. 1895. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.io6.io Bach, M. Die Renaissance im Kunstge- werbe. Stuttgart. [1884.] 72 colored plates. *8o70.iig Back, F. Mittelrheinische Kunst, Beitrsege zur Geschichte der Malerei und Plastik im vierzehnten & fiinfzehnten Jahrhun- dert. Frankfurt a. M. 1910. Illus. 68 plates. [Historischer Verein des Gross- herzogtums Hessen.] 4071.169 Baer, C. H., compiler. Farbige Raumkunst: Entwiirfe moderner Kiinstler. Stutt- gart. 191 1. 120 colored plates. [Bau- formen-Bibliothek.] *409oa.i47 Bajot, £. Motifs Louis xvi. Paris. [1900.] 24 plates. *Cab.8o.2i3.2 Balfour, H. The evolution of decorative art. London. 1893. Illus. 8078.139 Bankart, G. P. The art of the plasterer: an account of the decorative development of the craft chiefly in England from the xvi*h to the xviiith century, with chap- ters on the stucco of the classic period and of the Italian Renaissance. Lon- don. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plan. *409i.32 Bartholdi, A. Rapport sur les arts decora- tifs. Paris. 1877. [Exposition interna- tionale de Philadelphie en 1876. Sec- tion frangaise.] *8o72.i20 Bartoli, P. S. Recueil de peintures antiques. Paris. 1757, 60. 2 v. in i. Plates. *Cab.8o.93.2 Bassermann-Jordan, E. Die dekorative Ma- lerei der Renaissance am bayerischen Hofe. Miinchen. 1900. Illus. Plates. 8073.8s Batchelder, E. A. The principles of design. Chicago. 1904. Plates. 4064.67 Same. 2d edition. 1906. 4064.68 Bauer, L. Das Haus eines Kunst-Freundes. Wien. [1902.] 12 plates. [Meister der Innen-Kunst.] *Cab.6o.i58.i Some of the plates are colored. Baum, J. Ulmer Kunst. Stuttgart. 191 1. Illus. 4072.111 Die Ulmer Plastik um 1500. Stuttgart. 191 1. Plates. 8083.75 Bauzon, L. La sculpture decorative. (Sta- tues. Groupes. Bas-reliefs.) Paris. [1888?] Plates. [Dessins et modeles.l 8072.129 Bayet, C. Recherches pour servir a I'his- toire de la peinture et de la sculpture chretienne en Orient, avant la querelle des iconoclastes. Paris. 1879. *2953.6i.io Bedford, F. The treasury of ornamental art. London. [1858?] Plates. 8072.5; **K.i38.24 Bella, S. della. [Decorative designs.] 13 etchings. ^ *Cab.8o.i8.5 Nouvelles inuentions de cartouches. Paris. 1647. 7 plates. *8o6i.2i Benedetti, M. de. Palazzi e ville reali d' Italia. Con prefazione di C. Ricci. Fi- renze. 191 1, 13. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4073-261 Treats especially of the works of art found in the palaces. DECORATION 371 Benk, J., and others. Figuraler Schmuck im Kuppelraume und den Salen des K. k. naturhistorischen Hof-Museums in Wien. Wien. 1890. 22 plates. *8o7o.i5i Berain, J. 100 planches principales de I'oeu- vre de Jean Berain. 1649-1711. Paris. [1882?] *Cab.8o.97.4 Bergner, H. Handbuch der biirgerlichen Kunstaltertiimer in Deutschland. Leip- zig. 1906. 2 V. Plates. Plans. 4074.434 Literatur, vol. i, pp. 1-7. Berling, C. Kunstgewerbliche Stilproben. Leipzig. 1898. Plates. 40ioa.ii8 Bevier, L The house: its plan, decoration and care. Chicago. 1907. Plates. Plans. [The library of home economics.] 6009.191 Bezirdjian, S. Albert fine art album, containing original designs for orna- mental fine art decoration. Vol. i. Man- chester. [1889.] 26 colored plates. *8o82.28 Bieber, R. Details Berliner Neubauten. Ber- lin. [1893.] 25 plates. *8o94.io6 Bielefeld, C. F. On the use of the improved papier-mache in furniture, in the inte- rior decoration of buildings [etc.]. Lon- don. [1840?] Plates. *4ioo.23 Billings, R. W. The infinity of geometric design exemplified. Edinburgh. 1849. 40 plates. 8070.142 Blagrove, G. H. Marble decoration. Lon- don. 1888. Illus. 8039.68 Blanc, A. A. P. C. Grammaire des arts deco- ratifs. Decoration interieure de la mai- son. Paris. 1882. Plates. *4092.58 Same. Nouvelle edition. [1886.I 4091.67 Grammaire des arts du dessin. Paris. 1867. Illus. Plates. *8o63.i2 Blockhuys, J., and A. Gervais. Das Kunst- gewerbe. "Ubersetzung von Fr. Falk. Neuwied. 1895. Illus. 4098.21 Blondel, J. F. Decorations exterieures & interieures des xviie & xviiie siecles. Monuments — decoration des apparte- ments — boiseries & plafonds — mobilier — ferronnerie — jardins — etc. Paris. [1913.] Illus. 225 plates. [Editions ar- tistiques et scientifiques.] *Cab.6o.58.2 Bock, E. Florentinische und venezianische Bilderrahmen aus der Zeit der Gotik und Renaissance. Miinchen. 1902. Illus. Plates. 4074.399 Bode, W. Florentine sculptors of the Re- naissance. [Translated by Jessie Haynes.] New York. 1909. Plates. *8o84.ioi Same. London. [1910. Classics of art.] 8084.102 The German edition is on shelf-number *8o84.88. Boetticher, C. Ornamenten-Buch. Berlin. [1834-56.] 46 plates. *Cab.8o.68.7 Boito, C. Ornamenti di diversi stili. 11. edi- zione economica dell' opera completa- mente esaurita Ornamenti di tutti gli stili, con una nuova prefazione dell' au- tore. Milano. 1895. 108 plates. *4070.84 Bonnar, T. Notes on the present art re- vival. Read before the [Edinburgh Ar- chitectural] Association. Edinburgh. 1879. 6 plates. 8074.78 Book, The, of ornamental, architectural, and monumental designs, rare alphabets, etc. [London. 1850?] 36 plates. ♦8070.138 Borrmann, R. Die Keramik in der Bau- kunst. Stuttgart. 1897. Illus. [Hand- buch der Architektur.] ^8092.49.4 Literatur, pp. 151, 152, Boston. Public Library. Copley Square Building. Seals and medallions of print- er's marks on the fagade and elsewhere. [Boston. 1896.] 37 photographs. *Cab.6o.i28.2 Bourgoin, J. Les arts arabes: architecture, menuiserie, bronzes, plafonds, revete- ments, marbres, pavements, vitraux, etc. Avec une table descriptive et ex- plicative et le trait general de I'art arabe. Paris. 1873. 92 plates. *Cab.8o.iio.2 Les elements de Tart arabe. Le trait des entrelacs. Paris. 1879. 190 plates. 4071.71 Precis de I'art arabe, et materiaux pour servir a I'histoire, a la theorie et a la technique des arts de I'Orient musul- man. Paris. 1892. Plates. [Mission archeologique frangaise, Cairo. Me- moires. 7.] *5070.ii.7 Theorie de Tornement. Paris. 1873. 24 plates. 4072.53 Boyce, A. P. Modern ornamenter and inte- rior decorator. Boston. 1874. Plates. 8072.27 Brayda, R. Stucchi ed affreschi nel reale castello del Valentino. Torino. [189-?] Illus. Plans. *Cab.8o.i5.4 Brigham, W. T. Cast catalogue of antique sculpture. With an introduction to the study of ornament. Boston. 1874. Illus. Plates. *407i.6i Brinckmann, A. Die praktische Bedeutung der Ornamentstiche fiir die deutsche Friihrenaissance. Strassburg. 1907. 25 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.458 Contents. — Italienische Ornamentstiche. — Deut- sche Ornamentstiche. — Niederlandische Orna- mentstiche. Brinton, S. J. C. The renaissance in Italian art (sculpture and painting). London. 1898-1900. 3 V. Plates. 4077.100 Contents. — i. Florence, Pisa, Siena. 2. Padua, Verona, Ferrara, Parma, Venice. 3. Milan, the Umbrian border land, Perugia, Rome. Same. Part i. 2d edition. 1903. 4077.243 The later edition is greatly enlarged. Briseux, C. fi. L'art de batir des maisons de campagne, oti 1' on traite de leur distri- bution, de leur construction, & de leur decoration. A Paris. 1761. 2 v. Plates. Plans. ** Adams 102.13 Brown, J. Brick ornament and its applica- tion. London. [1896?] 90 plates. ♦4090.89 Brown, W. N., editor. Workshop wrinkles for decorators, painters, paperhangers and others. London. 1901. 8038.74 Brunner, A. W., and T. Tryon. Interior decoration. New York. 1887. Illus. 8091.65 372 DECORATION Brussels. Exposition internationale. 1910. German arts and crafts. Stuttgart. [1911.] 128 plates. 4091.165 Fine and industrial arts. with much about house furnishing. There is an introduction en- titled, An appreciation of the German style, by Robert Breuer. Cadness, H. Decorative brush-work and elementary design. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. 8o69a.8o Cahier, C, and A. Martin. Melanges d' archeologie. Paris. 847-56. 4 v. Illus. Plates. *8o6o.24 Calvert, A. F. Moorish remains in Spain: with a particular account of the Moharti- medan architecture and decoration in Cordova, Seville & Toledo. London. 1906. Plates. Plans. *4093.i69 Many of the plates are colored. Candee, H. C. Decorative styles and periods in the home. New York. [1906.] 4093.175 Carrier-Belleuse, A. E. Application de la figure humaine a la decoration et a I'or- nementation industrielles. Paris. [187-?] 2 V. 200 plates. ^ *Cab.8o.i45.3 Carter, J. Specimens of ancient sculpture in England. London. 1887. 115 plates. *Cab.8o.92.2 Cazalis, H. (Jean Labor.) W. Morris et le mouvement nouveau de Tart decoratif. Geneve. [1897.] Plate. 4099.113 Champeaux, A. de. Histoire de la peinture decorative. Paris. 1890. Plates. 8072.104 Champier, V., editor. Le Musee du Louvre. Modeles d'art decoratif. Paris. 1882. 50 plates. *Cab.8o.97.3 Chapuy, N. M. J. Moyen-age pittoresque. Paris. 1837-40. 180 plates. *Cab.8o.2i.i Charvet, A. Raccolta d'ornamenti antichi e moderni. [Vol. i.] Torino. [1800.I 25 plates. *Cab.8o.i88.2 Publication discontinued. Charvet, fi. L. G. Enseignement de Tart decoratif. Paris. [1888.] Illus. Plans. *8oqi.ii3 Chavannes, £. La sculpture sur pierre en Chine au temps des deux dynasties Han. Paris. 1892. 65 plates. *30ioa.io6 Chenavard, A. Album de I'ornemaniste. Paris. 1845. 7^ plates. *4070.62 Claesen, C. Motifs de decoration exterieure & interieure. Liege. [1869.] Plates. *Cab.8o.50.i Clifford, C. R. Period decoration. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. 4095-48 Codina y Sert, G. Farbige Flach-Ornamente hervorragender Meister Spanien's. Ber- lin. [1892?! 28 colored plates. ♦Cab.80.56.2 Colinet, E. C. 1&. Recueil des restes de notre art national. Verzameling der overblijfsels onzer nationale Kunst der xiste tot de xviiide eeuw. Jahrg. 1-3. Brussels. 1873-77. 3 parts in i v. 214 plates. *4090.88 The text, as well as the title-page, is in Dutch and French. Colling, J. K. Gothic ornament. London. [1848-50.] 2 V. 207 plates. *8o90.ii Collinot, E., and A. de Beaumont. Orne- ments arabes. Paris. 1883. 40 plates. ♦Cab.80.44.1 Collinot and Beaumont. (Continued.) Ornements de la Chine. Paris. 1883. 40 plates. '''Cab.80.44.6 Ornements de la Perse. Paris. 1883. 60 plates. *Cab.8o.44.2 Ornements du Japon. Paris. 1883. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.44.3 Ornements turcs. Paris. 1883. 30 plates. *Cab.8o.44.5 Ornements venitiens, hindous, russes, etc. Paris. 1883. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.44.4 These six volumes belong to the series Ency- clopedic des arts decoratifs de I'Orient. Colvin, S. Children in Italian and English design. London. 1872. Plates. *8o72.5i Consonni, E. [Raccolta d'ornamenti del me- dio evo. Milano. 1890.] 25 plates. *Cab.8o.47.4 Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kensing- ton. With notes on decorative art and architecture in England. London. 1882, Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4i02.5o Same, New York. 1882. 4102.49 Cook, C. C The house beautiful. New York. 1878. Illus. 4094.51 Coomaraswamy, A. K. Mediaeval Sinhalese art. Being a monograph on mediaeval Sinhalese arts and crafts mainly as sur- viving in the eighteenth century, . . . Broad Campden. 1908. Illus. Plates. 402oa.7o Co-operative Building Plan Association. publishers. How to build, furnish and decorate. New York. 1883. Illus. Plans. *8i03.56 Cottingham, L. N. A collection of architec- tural ornaments and decorations. [Lon- don. 1824.] 23 plates. *4ioo.io Crane, L. Art and the formation of taste. Six lectures. London. 1882. Illus. 4078.44 Crane, W. The bases of design. London. 1898. Illus. 8064.74 The claims of decorative art. London. 1892. 8074.139; *L.54.3 Same. Boston. 8074.138 The work of Walter Crane. With notes by the artist. London. 1898. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. [Easter Art Annual.] No. I in *8o6o.i26; No. 3 in *4o8o.7o Crouch, J., and E. Butler. The apartments of the house. Their arrangement, fur- nishing and decoration. London. 1900 Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093-27 Cruttwell, M. Donatello. London. [1911] 81 plates. 4083.279 Bibliography, pp. 150, 151. Cundall, J. Examples of ornament. Lon- don. 1855. 24 plates. *4070.54 Cutler, T. W. A grammar of Japanese or- nament and design. London. 1880. Plates. *8o6oa.ii Daly, C. L'architecture privee au xix^^^ siecle. Serie 2, 3. Paris. 1877. 5 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.i94.2.4-8 These volumes deal with the exterior and interior decoration of many modern Parisian buildings. Dardel, R. Monographie du palais du com- merce eleve a Lyon . . . accompagnee d'un texte historiquc et descriptif. DECORATION 373 Dardel, R.. (Continued.) Paris. 1868. Illus. 48 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i93.4 Most of the plates show the decoration of the building. David, E. Decors interieurs et exterieurs. [Texte par J. Bertot.] Dourdan. [1892?] 36 plates. [Bibliotheque du peinture en batiment] *Cab.8o.i86.i Davillier, J. C, Baron. Les arts decoratifs en Espagne au moyen-age et a la re- naissance. Paris. 1879. Illus. Plates. 4074.82 Davis, O. W. Instructions for the adorn- ment and embellishment of dwelling houses, entitled interior decoration. 4th thousand. London. [188-?] Illus. [One shilling hand-books on art.] 8068.242 The rudiments of decorative painting. London. [1887.] Plates. 8068.65 Day, L. F. Alphabets old and nevsr. With an essay on "Art in the alphabet." Lon- don. 1899. Plates. [Text books of or- namental design.] 6118.55 Same. 3d edition. 1910. Illus. Plates. 8068.146 The anatomy of pattern. London. 1887. Illus. Plates. [Text books of orna- mental design.] 8069.63 Same. 4th edition. 1898. 8069.67 The application of ornament. 2d edition. London. 1891. 42 plates. [Text books of ornamental design.] 8069.165 Decorative art of William Morris and his work. London. [1899.] Illus. Plates. [Easter Art Annual.] No,. 2 in *8o6o.i26; No. 2 in *4o8o.70 Every-day art. London. 1882. Illus. 4078.43 Instances of accessory art. Examples of ornament. London. 1880. 29 plates. *8o7oa.S5 Lettering in ornament. London. [1902.I Plates. 8068.148 Nature and ornament: nature the^ raw material of design, ornament its finished product. London. 1909. 2 v. in i. Ilhis. Plates. 8065.99 Nature in ornament. London. 1892. Illus. Plates. [Text-books of ornamental de- sign.] 8065.115 Ornament & its application. A book for students. London. 1904. Plates. 8068.110 Pattern design: a book for students. Lon- don. 1903. Illus. 8074.194 The planning of ornament. London. 1887. Illus. [Text books of ornamental de- sign.] 8068.60 Some principles of every-day art: intro- ductory chapters on the arts not fine. 2d edition. London. 1894. Plates. 4069.86 Decker, P. Chinese architecture, civil and ornamental. London. 1759. 2 v. in i. 36 plates. No. i in *L.5i.26 The plates are of Chinese pagodas and orna- ment. Dehli, A. Selections of Byzantine ornament. New York. 1890. 2 v. in i. 100 plates. ♦4090.76 Delf, T. The principles of form in orna- mental art. 2d edition. London. 1856. Illus. 4069.3 Same. 3d edition. 1857. 4069.133 Same. 4th edition. London. [1872.I Illus. [One shilling hand-books on art.] 8068.228 Delhi. Indian Art Exhibition. Indian art at Delhi, 1903, being the official cata- logue of the Delhi Exhibition by Sir G. Watt; the illustrative part by P. Brown. London. 1904. Plates. *4073.328 Delia Seta, A. Religione e arte figurata. Roma. 1912. Plates. 4073.323 Deneken, F. Japanische Motive fiir Flachen- verzierung. .Berlin. 1896. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.i73.3 Denon, D. V., Baron. Monuments des arts du dessin. Paris. 1829. 4 v. 310 plates. *Cab.8o.ii8.i Deshairs, L. Bordeaux: architecture et de- coration au dix-huitieme siecle. Paris. [1907.] Illus. 104 plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i72.3 Dessins originaux des maitres decora- teurs. Les dessins du Musee et de la Bibliotheque des arts decoratifs. Palais du Louvre, Pavilion de Marsan. xviiie siecle: epoque de Louis xv. Nicolas et Dominique Pineau. Paris. [1911.] 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i82.4 Dijon. Architecture et decoration aux dix-septieme et dix-huitieme siecles. Paris. [1909.] Illus. 120 plates. *Cab.6o.i69.6 Designer, The. All kinds of ornament for lithographers, architects [etc.]. Lon- don. [1877.] Plates. *4o6i.33 Details of decorative sculpture: French Re- naissance. Boston. [1893.] 50 plates. ♦8074.162 Same. Italian Renaissance. Boston. [1893.] 50 plates. *8o74.io7 Diefenbach, L. Geometrische Ornamentik. 2te Auflage. Berlin. [1889.] 87 plates. ♦80703.76 Diercks, G. Das arabische Ornament. Leip- zig. 1883. [Sammlung kunstgewer- blicher und kunsthistorischer Vortrage.] No. 9 in*8o69.ii4 Dilke, E. F., Lady. French furniture and decoration in the xviiith century. Lon- don. 1901. Plates. *409i.47 Dolmetsch, H. Ornamental treasure: a col- lection of designs of all styles and peri- ods, with descriptive text. New York. [1895?] 85 plates, mostly colored. ♦4070.86 Dott, Aitken, & Son, Edinburgh, publishers. Album du dessinateur. Vol. i. Edin- burgh. [189-?] 45 plates. *Cab.8o.i38.5 Some of the plates are missing. Dresser, C. Modern ornamentation. Lon- don. 1886. 50 plates. ♦4070.21 Studies in design. London. [1877.I 60 colored plates. ♦Cab.80.10.3 Duncan, J. H. E. The house beautiful and useful. Being practical suggestions on furnishing and decoration. London. 1907. Plates. 4093*28 374 DECORATION Duplessis, G. Les douze Apotres. £maux de L. Limosin, conserves a Chartres, dans I'eglise Saint-Pierre. Paris. 1865. Plates. *Cab.8o.20o.6 Ebe, G. Die Dekorationsformen des igten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1900. Illus. Plates. *409i-33 Die Schmuckformen der Monumental- bauten aus alien Stilepochen seit der griechischen Antike. Leipzig. 1893, 98. 3 V. Plates. *4ioi.7o Contents. — i. Klassische Antike und nordische Kunstanfange. — Altchristliches, Byzantinisches und Karolingisches. — Romanische Epoche. — Godsche Epoche. 2. Fruh- und Hochrenais- sance. — Spatrenaissance und erste Barock- periode. 3. Zweite Barockperiode. — Rokoko und Klassizismus. Edis, R. W. Decoration & furniture of town houses. London. 1881. Illus. 4096.56 Enlart, D. L. C. Le Musee de sculpture comparee du Trocadero. Paris. 191 1. Illus. [Les grandes institutions de France.] 8085.144 Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Kunst- und kulturgeschichtliche Denkmale des ger- manischen National-Museums. Leipzig. [1877.] 120 plates. 8o7oa.57 Everett, H. E. Decorative design. Illus. {In The fine arts. A university course. Chicago. [1909.]) 4073-391 Principles and history of decorative de- sign. Illus. Plate. {In The fine arts. Vol. 6, pp. 699-742. Chicago. 1900.) ♦4072.209.6 Ewald, E. Farbige Decorationen. Berlin. 1889-96. 2 V. 160 plates. *Cab.8o.i7.3 Facey, J. W. Practical house decoration. London. 1886. Illus. [Weale's Rudi- mentary series.] 4099.80 Falke, J. von. Art in the htouse. Authorized American from the 3d German edition. Edited by C. C. Perkins. Boston. 1879. Plates. 4091.61 ;**K.ii6.i2 Aus dem weiten Reiche der Kunst. 2. Auf- lage. Berlin. 1889. 4078.331 Contents. — Die arabische Kunst. — Die Kunst in Indien, — Wohnung und Palast im Orient. — Metall- und Schmuckarbeiten des Orients. — Die Gewebe des Orients. — Geschichte des Porzellans. — Der franzosische Geschmack. — Wanddecoration und Wandmalerei in der Kirche. Geschichte des deutschen Kunstgewerbes. Berlin. 1888. Plates. [Geschichte der deutschen Kunst.] 8071.64 Fehrmann, E. G., and C. Weissbach, editors. Die architektonischen Formen der Re- naissance und ihre Decoration. Photo- graphische Aufnahmen der plastischen Vorlagen fiir Architekten [u. s. w.]. Dresden. [1879.] 90 plates. *Cab.6o.i32.3 Contents. — i. Die architektonischen Gliede- rungen und ihre Decoration. Fenger, L. Dorische Polychromie. Berlin. 1886. Text, I v.; Atlas, 8 plates. *Cab.8o.35.2 Flasch, A. Zum Parthenonfries. Wiirz- burg. 1877. 2962.57 Flaxman, J. Classical outlines [illustrating Homer, ^schylus and Hesiod, reprint- Flaxman, J. (Continued.) ed, with] notes on their leading charac- teristics. By John C. L. Sparkes. Lon- don. 1885. *4997.il A full set of Flaxman's illustrations of ^schy- lus is on shelf-number *499oa.8; of Homer's Iliad, on shelf-number *499oa.9; of Homer's Odyssey, on shelf-number *499oa.ii, and of Hesiod, on shelf-number *499oa.io. Drawings in the gallery of University College, London. Reproductions with descriptions [etc.] by S. Colvin. Lon- don. 1876. 32 plates. *Cab.8o.72.3 Outline designs, for art studies and deco- rative purposes. Boston. [1877.] 20 plates. 4068.15 Floquet, A. Esquisses decoratives. Paris. 1885. 12 plates. *Cab.8o.44,7 Flury, S. Die Ornamente der Hakim- und Ashar-Moschee. Materialen zur Ge- schichte der alteren Kunst des Islam. Heidelberg. 1912. Plates. 4102.117 Freeman, E. A. An essay on the origin and development of window tracery in Eng- land. Oxford. 1851. Plates. *8og5.62 French, G. J. An attempt to explain the origin and meaning of the early inter- laced ornamentation found on the an- cient sculptured stones of Scotland, Ire- land and the Isle of Man. Manchester. 1858. 8 plates. *2472.62 French, L. H. The house dignified: its de- sign, its arrangement and its decoration. New York. 1908. Plates. 4094.168 On interior decoration. Frothingham, A. L. Early Christian and mediaeval art. Philadelphia. 1887. Plates. [Iconographic encyclopaedia. Vol. 3, part 2.] *7345.i6.3 Includes principally sculpture and painting. Ganneron, E. La cassette de Saint Louis, roi de France, donnee par Philippe le Bel a I'Abbaye du Lis. Reproduction en or et couleurs . . . accompagnee d'une notice. Paris. 1855. Plates. *Cab.8o.2oo.3 Ganz, H. F. W. Practical hints on modell- ing, design and mural decoration. With foreword by A. Gilbert. London. 1908. Illus. Plans. 8086.116 Garrett, R., and A. Garrett. Suggestions for house decoration in painting, woodwork, and furniture. London. 1896. Plates. [Art at home series.] 4099.18 Same. Philadelphia. [1877?] 4099.138 Gaucherel, L. Exemples de decoration ap- pliques a I'architecture et a la peinture, depuis I'antiquite jusqu'a nos jours, i^ partie. Paris. 1857. 120 plates. *8o7o.i8i Gautier, T. Tresors d'art de la Russie an- cienne et moderne. Paris. 1859. 3 v. in I. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.i2.i Gelis-Didot, P., and H. Laffillee. La peinture decorative en France du xi^ au xvi^ siecle. Paris. [1888-90.] Illus. 50 colored plates. *Cab.8o.6o.i Genevay, A. Le style Louis xiv. Charles Le Brun, decorateur. Paris. 1886. Illus. Plates. [Bibliotheque Internationale de I'art.] *4o8o.34 DECORATION 375 Gcrlach, M. Allegorien. [Neue Folge.] Serie I. Originalentwiirfe von nam- haften modernen Kiinstlern, mit erlau- terndem Text. Wien. [1896.] 120 plates. *8o8o.72 The first series, in English, is on shelf-number *8o8o.43. Allegories and emblems. Original designs by modern artists; also reproductions of old trade arms and designs by modern ones in the Renaissance style. Text by Dr. Albert Ilg. Vienna. 1882. 2 v. *8o8o.43 A new series, in German, is on shelf-number *8o8o.72. Germain, A. Les neerlandais en Bourgogne. Bruxelles. 1909. Plates. [Collection des grands artistes des Pays-Bas.] Bibliographie, pp. 123, 124. 4087.19O Germany. Reichstag. Das Kunstgewerbe im Reichstags-Gebaude in Berlin. Eine Sammlung der hervorragendsten Ar- beiten in Stein, Holz u. Metall. Berlin. [1897.] 3 parts. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i24.2 Gibbs, J. A book of architecture, containing designs of buildings and ornaments. London. 1728. 150 plates. *Cab.6o.ioi.9 Contains also designs for monuments. Designs for Gothic ornaments. London. 1853. Plates. *4090.i9 Glazier, R. A manual of historic ornament, treating upon the evolution, tradition and development of architecture and other applied arts. London. 1899. Illus. 4093-81 Same. 2d edition. 1906. Plates. 4093.86 Gomez-Moreno, M. M. Arte cristiano entre los Moros de Granada. Illus. {In Homenaje a Francisco Codera. Pp. 259- 270. Zaragoza. 1904.) *309i.i53 Gonse, L. L'art gothique. L'architecture, la peinture, la sculpture, le decor. Paris. [1890.] Illus. Plates. *Cab.8o.6o.5 L'art japonais. Paris. 1883. 2 v. Plates. *8o82.26 Les beaux-arts et les arts decoratifs. Paris. 1879. 2 V. Illus. 45 plates. ♦4023.53 Goodyear, W. H. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on representative nations, illustrated by their architecture and decorative arts. Philadelphia. 1898. Illus. [University extension lectures.] No. 12 in *3592.i63 Goujon, J. [La grande frise du Louvre.] 14 plates. *Cab.6o.27.4 CEuvre de Jean Goujon, grave d'apres ses statues et ses bas-reliefs. Nouvelle edi- tion. Paris. 1868. 88 plates. *Cab.8o.2.8.3 CEuvre de Jean Goujon, grave par M^. Re- veil. Paris. 1844. 90 plates. 4073-2 Graul, R. Das xviii. Jahrhundert. Dekora- tion und Mobiliar. Berlin. 1905. Illus. I[K6nigliche Museen, Berlin. Hand- bitcher. Kunstgewerbemuseum.] 8027.144 it Britain. Commissioners on the fine arts. Report, 2d, with appendix. Lon- Great Britain. (Continued.) don. 1843. Illus. 8070.70 Devoted to internal decorations, fresco paint- ing, etc., and their application to the new Houses of Parliament. Great masters of decorative art. London. 1900. Plates. [Art annuals.] *4o8o.70 Contents — Sir Edward Burne- Jones, by A. Val- lance. — William Morris, by L. F. Day. — Wal- ter Crane, with notes by himself. Gropius, C. Ornamente in verschiedenen Baustylen. 4te Auflage. Berlin. [1896?] 90 plates. *Cab.8o.i24.4 Gruner, L. Decorations de palais et d' eglises en Italic, peintes a fresque ou executees en stuc dans le cour du xv et du XVI siecle. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1854. 45 plates. *Cab,8o.32.3 Die decorative Kunst. Beitrage zur Orna- mentik fiir Architektur und Kunstge- w^erbe. Dresden. [1882.] 100 plates. *Cab.8o.28.2 Specimens of ornamental art, with descrip- tive text. London. 1850. Text, i v. Plates: Atlas, 80 plates. *Cab.8o 45.3 Grunow, C, editor. Plastische Ornamente der italienischen Renaissance, als Vor- lagen fiir Schule und Werkstatt. Ber- lin. [1883,93.] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i5o.2 Gniz, H. Farbi^e Motive der modernen De- corationsmaierei. 3e Auflapre. Berlin. [1892?] 60 colored olates. *Cab-8o.5o.2 Guedy, H., editor. Le Palais du Louvre: ex- terieur et interieur. Architecture — sculpture — decoration. Ensembles et details. Dourdan. [1905.] Illus. 60 plates. *C?b. 60. 134.3 Guerinet, A., editor. Le chateau de Chantilly. Reproduction phototypiaue des inte- rieurs des appartements et des details de sculpture ornementale et peintnres decoratives, meubles, etc. Paris. Ftoo-?] 64 plates. ^ *C«b.6o.';o.7 Guichard, "fi. Dessins de decoration des prin- cipaux maitres. Avec une etude sur l'art decoratif et des notices par E. Chesneau. Paris. 1881. 40 nlates. *Cab.8o.i7.2 Guillaume, E. L'histoire de l'art et de I'orne- ment. 2e edition. Paris. 1888. Illus. [Musee pedagogiaue et bibliothenue centrale de I'enseignement primaire. Memoires et documents scolaires.] , *3594.ii6 Guillot, E. Elements d'ornementation du xvie au xvTTie siccle. Paris. [1800-03?] 4 V. 64 colored plates. *6iio.42 The titles vary. Most of the examples are taken from illuminated manuscripts. Guilmard, J. D. La connaissance des styles de I'ornementation. Nouvelle edition. Paris. ^ [1875.] 42 plates. *8o7o.6i Les maitres ornemanistes. Paris. 1880, 81. Text, I v.; Atlas, 180 plates. *4o8i.28 Guilmard, J. D., publisher. La decoration au xixe siecle. Paris. [1872.] 48 plates. *Cab.8o.i8.4 Gurlitt, C. Das Barock- und Rococo-Orna- ment Deutschlands. Berlin. 1885-89. 80 plates. *Cab.8o.36.i 376 DECORATION Gurlitt, C. (Conknued.) , , . Tiere, Pflanzen und Minerahen als Motive und Materialien der bildenden Kiinste. Illus. Plates. {In Der Mensch und die Erde. Vol. 6, pp. 307-420. Berlin. [1909.]) *2300.i4.6 Several of the plates are colored. Haberfeld, H. Modern plastic work in Aus- tria. Plates. {In Holme, C, editor. The art-revival in Austria. Part 2. London. 1906.) No. 2 in 8072.177 Habermann, F. X. [Rococo.] Leipzig. 1887- 93. 3 V. 105 plates. [Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche Sammelmappe. Serie 1-3.] *Cab.40.30.7 Contents. — i. Rococo. Auswahl ornamentaler Motive des xviii. Jahrhunderts. 2, Rococo- Mobel. 3. Rococo-Ornamente. Auswahl mus- tergiltiger Motive des xviii. Jahrhunderts. Haberstroh, A. Art in decoration. Some modern examples with illustrations. Boston. 1880. 4099.95 Hahn, G. Ornamenten-Schule fiir den Zeich- nenunterricht und zum Selbststudium. Nach den vorziiglichsten Ornamenten aller Stylarten. Dresden. 1868, 69. 2 parts in i v. 25 plates. *Cab.8o.i3.3 Halm, P. Ornamente & Motive des Rococo- Stiles aus deutschen Kunstdenkmalen. Frankfurt a. M. 1887. 40 plates. ♦8060.104 Handbook of coloured ornament in the his- toric styles. London. [1886?] 36 plates. *8o7oa.65 Hart, E. Stencils of old Japan. London. 1895- 50 plates. *4O70.85 Hatton, R. G, A text-book of elementary design. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8069.76 Hauptmann, A. Moderne ornamentale Werke im Stile der italienischen Re- naissance. 3. Auflage. Dresden. 1876. 138 plates. 4070.35 Hauttmann, M. Der kurbayerische Hofbau- meister Joseph Effner: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der hofischen Kunstpflege, der Architektur und Ornamentik in Deutschland zu Anfang des 18. Jahr- hunderts. Strassburg. 1913. Portrait. 30 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.560 Literatur, pp. 211-215. Havard, H. L'art dans la maison (gram- maire de I'ameublement). Paris. 1884. Plates. *8o83.57 La decoration. Paris. [1891.] Illus. [Les arts de I'ameublement.] *8o86.27 Dictionnaire de I'ameublement et de la de- coration depuis le xiiie siecle. Paris. [1887-90.] 4v. Illus. Plates. *4ioo.56 Contents. — I. A-C. a. D-H. 3. I-O. 4- P-Z. Histoire et philosophic des styles (archi- tecture, ameublement, decoration). Paris. 1899, 1900. 2 V. Illus. plans. Some of the plates are colored. *Cab.8o.245.3 Les styles. Paris. [1897.] Illus. [Les arts de Tameublement.] 8087.102 Hawcis, M. E. The art of decoration. Lon- don. 1881. Illus. 4099.70 Heald, F. B. A selection of suggestive de- signs. Part I. (ist series.) Notting- ham. [1896.] Plates. *Cab.8o.i85.3 Heaton, J. A. Furniture and decoration in England during the eighteenth century. London. 1889, 92. 2 v. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.49.i A record of work: being illustrations of printing, stencilling and painting and other decorative works. London. [1893.] 92 plates. *8o7i.i38 Heideloff, C. A. von. Die Ornamentik des Mittelalters. [Neue Ausgabe.] Niirn- berg. [1855?] 4v. ini. Plates. *8o83.5i In German and French. Heiden, M. Motive. Sammlung von Einzel- formen aller Techniken des Kunstge- werbes als Vorbilder und Studienmate- rial. Leipzig. [1892.] 300 plates. *Cab.8o.62.i Hein, A. R. Die bildende Kunste bei den Dyaks auf Borneo. Wien. 1890. Illus. Plates. Map. 8072.113 Helburn, W., publisher. Interiors, decorations and furnishings of London guild halls. New York. [189-?] 39 plates. *Cab.6o.i73.4 Hendley, T. H. Memorials of the Teypore exhibition, 1883. [London. 1883.] 4 v. 387 plates. *4020.57 Herz, M. La polychromie dans la peinture et I'architecture arabes en figypte. Plates. {In Institut egyptien. Annee 1893, pp. 49-58; annee 1894, PP. 387-392.) *5053.55.i893, 1894 Hildebrand, H. The industrial arts of Scan- dinavia in the pagan time. [London.] 1883. Illus. [South Kensington Mu- seum art handbooks.] 4026.89 Same. 1892. 4026.90 Hillig, H. Die Geschichte der Dekorations- malerei als Gewerbe. Ein Streifzug durch zweitausend Jahre deutscher Kul- turgeschichte. Hamburg. [1911.] Illus. [Die Biicherei des Malers.] 4099.201 Hirth, G. Das deutsche Zimmer der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock- Rococo- und Zopfstils. 3. Auflage. Miinchen. 1886. Illus. Plates. *4ioi.6i Hittenkofer, — . Formen-Elemente aus der gesammten Ornamentik fur Architek- ten, Baugewerksmeister, etc. Leipzig. 1871. 25 plates. *4070.76 Hoffmann, J. Baukunst und dekorative Skulptur der Renaissance in Deutsch- land. Mit einer Einleitung von P. Klop- fer. Stuttgart. 1909. Plates. [Bau- formen Bibliothek.] *409oa.i44 Holbein, H., the younger. Dessins d'orne- ments de Hans Holbein. Texte par fi. His. Paris. 1886. 51 plates. *Cab.8o.78.2 Holme, C., editor. Modern British domestic architecture and decoration. London. T901. Plates. [The Studio.] *8o72.90 Many of the plates are colored. Peasant art in Austria and Hungary. London. 191 1. Plates. 8072.199 Howard and Sons. Designs for furniture & decoration. London. [189-?] 48 plates. ♦4102.66 DECORATION Z77 Huebner, P. G. Le statue di Roma. Grund- lagen fiir eine Geschichte der antiken Monumente in der Renaissance. Band i. Leipzig. 1912. Plates. [Romische Forschungen.] *8o8i.9 Contents. — Quellen und Samnilungen. Hulme, F. E. The birth and development of ornament. London. 1893. lUus. Plates. 8074.155 Same. 1894. 8074-176 Principles of ornamental art. London. [1875.] 32 plates. *407i.68 A series of outline examples of freehand ornament. London. 1870. 60 plates. *4072.57 Humann, G. Die Beziehungen der Hand- schriftornamentik zur romanischen Baukunst erlautert. Strassburg. 1907. Illus. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte.] 4074-454 An attempt to show the influence of the illum- inated manuscripts on Romanesque architecture. Hurrell, J. W. Measured drawings of old oak English furniture, also of some re- mains of architectural woodwork, plas- terwork, metalwork, glazing, etc. Lon- don. 1902. no plates. 4090.142 Huszka, J. Magyarische Ornamentik. t^ber- setzung von W. Semayer. Leipzig. 1900. Illus. 50 plates. *8o9oa.72 Ilg, A. Ornamente fiir Architektur und Kunst-Industrie nach den Gypsabgus- sen des K. k. osterr. Museums fiir Kunst und Industrie. Wien. [1893.! 50 plates. *8o7o.i8 Jackson, F. G. Lessons on decorative de- sign. London. 1894. Plates. 8085.77 Same. 1897- 8085.84 Same. 1900. 8085.48 Jaenecke, W. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Ornamentik. [i.] Hannover. 1902. Illus. 8071.163 Contents. — i. Ueber die Entwickelung der Akan- thusranke im franzosischen Rokoko. Litteratur, Band i, p. (32). James, M. E. How to decorate our ceilings, walls and floors. London. 1883. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 4099.72 James, M. R. The sculptured bosses in the roof of the Bauchun Chapel of Our Lady of Pity in Norwich Cathedral. Norwich. 1908. Plates. [Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. Publications.] ♦2500.136 The sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely. London. 1895. 55 plates. *4ioi.79 Jantzen, H. Das niederlandische Architek- turbild. Leipzig. 1910. Plates. 8062.148 Japanischer Formenschatz. Gesammelt von S. Bing. Jahrgang 1-3. Leipzig. fi888- 91.] 6 V. in 3. Plates. *407i.30o Some of the plates are colored. No more was published. Japon artistique, Le. Documents d'art et d'industrie reunis par S. Bing. Annee 1-3. Paris. [1888-91.] 6 v. in 3. Illus. Plates. *407o.205 This is a French edition of the preceding. Pub- lication discontinued. I Jollivet, P. J. De la polychromie de I'archi- tecture par Temploi des emaux. De- scription d'un exemple a Deauville. Paris. 1867. 4073.172 Jones, O. Examples of Chinese ornament, selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum [etc.]. London. 1867. 100 plates. *8o7oa.69 The grammar of ornament. London. 1856. 3 V. Plates. *Cab.8o.ii7.i The plates are colored. Same. 1868. *8o6o.52 Plans, elevations, sections and details of the Alhambra: from drawings by J. Goury and by O. Jones. London. 1845. 2 V, loi plates. *Cab.8o.i22.i ' Josephi, W. Kataloge des germanischen Nationalmuseums. Die Werke plasti- scher Kunst, Niirnberg. 1910. Illus. Portraits. 64 plates. *8o8i.7o Julienne, E. Industria artistica o raccolta di composizioni e decorazioni ornamen- tali. Venezia. 1851. 80 plates. *Cab8o.8Q.7 Kaiserlich-koenigliches oesterreichisches Museum fiir Kunst und Industrie, Vienna. Illustrirter Katalog der Orna- mentstich-SammUmg des Museums. Wien. t87i. Illus. *8o8i.ii3 Compiled by F. Schestag. Kunstgewerbeschule. Arbeiten der oster- reichischen Kunst-Industrie aits den Jahren 1868-1893. Heft 1-5. Wien. 1893- 99. Plates. *C?»b /io,bey, E. A. The quest of the Holy Grail. A series of paintings done for the Public Library of the City of Boston. New York. 1895. 5 plates. *4073.io Same. [Boston. 1909.] 15 photogravures. [Copley prints.] *4073.i3 Accompanied by a pamphlet containing half- tones of the prints. Aigremont, d'. Precis de I'histoire de la peinture, en Italic, aux 156 et i6e siecles. N. p. N. d. Lithograph script. . 4073-100 Amelio, P. d*, editor. Nuovi scavi di Pompei. Casa dei Vettii. Appendice a dipinti murali. Napoli. [1904.] 8 colored plates. Plan. *Cab.8o.i47.6 Angelico da Fiesole (Fra Angelico). [En- gravings after frescoes in the chapel of Nicholas v. in the Vatican.] London. 1849-69. II plates. [Arundel Society.] *Cab.8o.24.6 Le pitture della cappella di Nicolo v. Opere esistenti nel Vaticano disegnate ed incise a contorni da F. G. Romano. Roma. 1810. 16 plates. No. 2 in *Cab.8o.45.i ; No. i in **Tosti, C.6.8 Antiquities, The, of Herculaneum; trans- lated from the Italian by T. Martyn and J. Lettice. London. 1773. *475i.i6 Arundel Society, London. Arena chapel, Padua. A series of wood engravings from the frescoes of Giotto. Explana- tory notice by John Ruskin. [London. 1853-] i860. Text, I V. Plates; Atlas, 38 plates. *Cab.8o.24.3 Aubert, A. Die malerische Dekoration der San Francesco Kirche in Assisi. Leip- zig. 1907. 69 plates. [Kunstgeschicht- liche Monographien.] *4o84.22i Audsley, W. J., and G. A. Audsley. La peinture murale decorative, dans le style du moyen-age. Paris. 1881. 36 colored plates. *8o8o.39 Bailby, E. Complements de perspective. Application de la perspective lineaire a la decoration architectural des plafonds. Paris. 1876. 20 plates. 4073.58 Baldry, A. L. The art of J. S. Sargent, r. a. [London. 1900.] Portraits. Plates. ♦8072.48 Cut from The Studio. Vol. 19 [*407 1.225. 19]. Modern mural decoration. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. *4073.22i Bartoli, P. S. Picturae antiquae cryptarum Romanarum et sepulcri Nasonum, de- lineatae, & expressae ad archetypa a Petro Sancti Bartholi et Francisco ejus filio descriptae vero, & illustratae a J. P. Bellorio et M. A. Causseo. Romae. 1750. 94 plates. *Cab.29.i9.2 Same. 1791. *Cab.49.io.4 Same. 1819. **Tosti, D.1.6 Recueil de peintures antiques. Paris. 1757, 60. 2 V. in I. 34 colored plates. *Cab.8o.93.2 Baudry, P. J. A. Peintures decoratives du grand foyer de I'Opera. Notice bio- graphique et description par E. About. Paris. 1876. 33 plates. *Cab.8o.i43.3 An account of Baudry's work by About, but without plates, may be found on shelf-number 4079.192. Baxter, S. The legend of the Holy Grail as set forth in the frieze painted by Edwin A. Abbey for the Boston Public Library. Boston. 1904. 4077.285 Beauclair, R. Farbige Flachenmuster fiir das moderne Kunstgewerbe. Stuttgart. 1900. 32 colored plates. *Cab.8o.2i2.2 26 392 DECORATION Begule, L. Les peintures murales de Saint- Bonnet-le-Chateau (xvie siecle). Lyon. 1879. Illus. 4073-162 Beltrami, L. I dipinti di Bernardino Luini alia villa Rabia "La Felucca." Milano. 191 1. Illus. Plates. 4095-185 Berger, E. Die Maltechnik des Altertums, nach den Quellen, Funden, chemischen Analysen und eigenen Versuchen. Miinchen. 1904. Plates. [Beitrage zur Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Maltech- nik.] 4073-330 Berretini, P. (Pietro da Cortona). [Fres- coes.] **Tosti, A.3.2 Bigot, C. J. Raphael and the Villa Far- nesina. Translated by Mary Healy (Madame Charles Bigot). Engravings by Tiburce de Mare. London. 1884. Plates. *4o8o.39 Raphael et la Farnesine. Paris. 1884. Plates. *4o8o.38 Blashfield, E. H. Mural painting in America. The Scammon Lectures delivered before the Art Institute of Chicago, March, 1912, and since greatly enlarged. New York. 1913. Plates. 4072.134 Bode, W. Donatello in Padua. Paris. 1883. 23 plates. *Cab.8o.i36.i Boito, C. Arte utile. Decorazione poli- croma. Milano. 1894. 50 colored plates. *8o9i.i23 Borrmann, R., editor. Aufnahmen mittelal- terlicher Wand- und Deckenmalereien in Deutschland. Berlin. 1897 [-ipn]- Colored plates. *Cab.8o.i26.3 In progress. Borromee, — . Regeneration de la peinture a fresque, par des procedes equivalents a ceux des anciens. Paris. 1861. 4 plates. *8o70.22 Boston. Public Library. Descriptions of the mural decorations. Boston. 1902. 4079.227 Bourne, F. A. Huntington Hall frieze [Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology]. Boston. 1905. Plates. 4073.364 Cut from The Technology Review, April, 1905 [*735i.iS.7]. Brayda, R. Stucchi ed affreschi nel reale castello del Valentino. Torino. [189-?] Illus. Plans. *Cab.8o.i5.4 Breton, F. P. H. E. Notice sur la vie et les peintures a fresque d'Ambrogio Bondone dit le Giotto. St.-Germain- en-Laye. 185 1. 4084.122 Briggs. R. A. Pompeian decorations. Lon- don. [1911] Plates. *4090.i22 Mostly mural decorations. Some of the plates are colored. Callcott, M., Lady. Description of the chapel of the Annunziata dell' Arena; or, Giotto's chapel in Padua. London. 1835. Illus. 2 plates. *476o.i6 Cerroti, F. Le pitture della stanza Vaticana detta della Concezione, e la colonna eretta in piazza di Spagna. Roma. 1870. 7 plates. *Cab.8o.77.3 Charvet, A. Reiche Plafonds aus italie- nischen Schlossern und Palasten des 16., 17., 18. Jahrhunderts und der Neuzeit. Berlin. [1889.] 40 plates. *Cab.8o.i5.3 Clemen, P. Die romanischen Wandmale- reien der Rheinlande. Diisseldorf. 1905. Colored plates. [Gesellschaft fiir rhei- nische Geschichtskunde.] *Cab.8o,279.4 Principally on church decoration. Cornelius, P. von. Entwurfe zu den kunst- geschichtlichen Fresken in den Loggien der koniglichen Pinakothek zu Miinchen. Leipzig. 1875. 48 plates. *Cab.8o.3i.2 Correggio. [Fresco in the dome of the Cathedral at Parma, representing the Assumption of the Virgin, engraved by G. B. Vanni.] 15 plates. **Tosti, A.5.2, plates 9-23; **Tosti, A.5.3, plates 1-15 Crace, J. D. The art of colour decoration: being an explanation of the purposes to be kept in view and the means of attain- ing them. London. [1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *4072.i33 Treats of color decoration in its relation to architecture, with examples of mural painting largely drawn from Italy. Some of the plates are colored. Crastre, F. Puvis de Chavannes. [Anon.] Paris. [1912.] Portrait. Colored plates. [Les peintres illustres.] 4089.200 Same. New York. [1912.] Portrait. Colored plates. [Masterpieces in colour.] 4089.201 Crowe, J. A., and G. B. Cavalcaselle. A history of painting in Italy from the second to the sixteenth century. Edited by L. Douglas and S. A. Strong. [2d edition.] London. 1903-08. 3 v. Plates. Plans. 8067.120 Vol. I contains also biographies of the authors. Vol. 3 is of the ist edition. Contents. — i. Early Christian art. 2. Giotto and the Giottesques. 3. The Sienese, Umbrian and North Italian schools. Same. 1908, 09. 8067.98 Storia della pittura in Italia dal secolo 11. al secolo xvi. Firenze. 1883-1902. 9 v. Plates. 8067.123 Vol. I is of the 2d edition. Crowninshield, F. Figure painting applied to architecture. Address before the Architectural League of New York. New York. 1888. 8094.62 Mural painting. Boston. 1887. Illus. 8067.68 Curtis & Cameron. The Copley prints. Reproductions of work done by Edwin A. Abbey, E. H. Blashfield [and others. Catalogue]. Boston. [1896.] 8077.43 The Holy Grail. An explanation of the meaning of the series of panels com- posing E. A. Abbey's frieze decoration in the Boston Public Library. Boston. 1904. 4079.228 Dechelette, J., E. Brassart, and others. Les peintures murales du moyen age & de la renaissance en Forez. Montbrison. 1900. Illus. 20 plates. *Cab.8o.273.3 Dedaux, — . Chambre de Marie de Medicis au palais du Luxembourg, ou ornements qui la decorent. Paris. 1838. 34 plates. *Cab.8o.ii4.4 Droysen, J. G. Die Wandgemaelde im Ball- und Concert-Saal des konigl: Schlosses FRESCOES, MURAL PAINTING, CEILINGS 393 » Droysen, J. G. (Continued.) zu Dresden. Erf. u. ausgefiihrt v. E. Bendemann. [Erklart von J, G. Droy- sen.] Dresden. [1859.] 11 plates. *Cab.8o.248.5 The text is in German, English and French. Durrer, R., and R. Wegeli. Zwei schwei- zerische Bilderzyklen aus dem Anfang des XIV. Jahrhunderts. Zurich. 1899. lUus. Plates. Plans. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. ] No. 6in*48ii.6o.24 Ernst, R. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tafel- malerei Bohmens im xiv. und am An- fang des XV. Jahrhunderts. Prag. 1912. 60 plates. [Forschungen zur Kunst- geschichte Bohmens.] *407o.i36 Escher, C. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Wand- und Deckenmalerei in der Schweiz vom ix. bis zum Anfang des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg. 1906. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.384 Espaulart, A. d'. Notes sur les peintures murales de la Chapelle de la Vierge a St. Julien du Mans et sur I'histoire de la peinture au moyen age. Le Mans. 1848. 4074.221 Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Die farbige Ausstattung des zehneckigen Schiffes der Pfarrkirche zum Heil. Gereon in Koln durch Wand- und Glasmalereien. Frankfurt a. M. 1891. 36 plates. *Cab.8o.25.i Ettmueller, E. M. L. Die Frescobilder zu Konstanz. Zurich. 1866. 6 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. ] No. 6 in *48ii.6o.i5 Eyth, C.., editor. Das farbige Malerbuch. Erganzung zu Eyth und Meyers Maler- buch. Leipzig. 1901. 96 colored plates. Designs for walls and ceilings. *4073'394 Eyth, C, and F. S. Meyer. Die Dekorations- malerei mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der kunstgewerblichen Seite. Leip- zig. 1894. Text, I. V. lUus.; Atlas, 100 plates. *8o7i.29 Feldner, R. Moderne Decorations-Malereien. Farbige Entwiirfe fiir Decken, Wande, Friese, etc. 35 Tafeln [und 15 Detail- zeichnungen], Berlin. [1889.] *Cab.8o.69.i Fenollosa, E. F. Mural painting in the Boston Public Library. Boston. 1896. 4079.93 Fisher, T. A series of antient allegorical, historical and legendary paintings, in fresco, discovered in the summer of 1804, on the* walls of the Chapel of the Trinity, belonging to the gild of the Holy Cross, at Stratford-upon-Avon. » London. 1836. lUus. 22 plates. Plan. **G.40.2o nteyne, J. Plafonds. Berlin. [1887.] 30 plates. *Cab.8o.88.6 ster & Reynolds, publishers. A practical guide to the Library of Congress paint- ings. [New York,] 1903. Illus. Plates. 6203.89 Reprinted from the chapter on the Library of Congress in the Washington Standard Guide. Frisch, A. Farbige Entwiirfe fiir decorative Malereien aus der Zeit des Rococo. Herausgegeben von P. Jessen. Berlin. 1894. 12 plates. *Cab.8o.i36.'4 Fuchs, J. N. von. La stereochromie, pein- ture monumentale. Paris. 1861. 4078.267 Fumagalli, C. II castello di Malpaga e le sue pitture. Milano. 1893. 25 plates. 4092.19 Ganz, H. F. W. Practical hints on model- ling, design and mural decoration. Lon- don. 1908. Plates. Charts. 8086.116 Gerlach, M. Five beautiful plates of Pompeii. Berlin. [187-?] *Cab.27.i9.3 Giron, L. Les peintures murales du De- partement de la Haute-Loire (du xie au xviiie siecle). Paris. 191 1. Illus. *Cab.8o.284.2 Godard-Faultrier, V. Peintures murales du xiie siecle a la Haie des bons hommes. [Un peu de tout a propos d'archeologie. Angers. 1846.] Plates. 4097.125 Describes the antiquities of Anjou. Goodwin, T. G. The art of mural decora- tion. 2d edition. London. [1867.] 8068.6 Gramm, J. Spatmittelalterliche Wandge- malde im Konstanzer Munster. Strass- burg. 1905. 20 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.371 Literaturverzeichnis, pp. xi, xii. Greenslet, F. The quest of the Holy Grail. With illustrations from the frieze decoration in the Boston Public Library by E. A. Abbey. Boston. 1902. Plates. ♦4073.1 1 Grosso, O. Gli affreschi nei palazzi di Genova. 50 tavole, raccolte ed ordinate con testo explicativo. Milano. [1910.] *Cab.6o.34.5 Gruner, L. Decorations de palais et d'eglises en Italic, peintes a fresque ou executees en stuc dans le cours du xv^ et du xvi^ siecle. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1854. 45 plates. *Cab.8o.32.3 The decorations of the garden-pavilion in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. With an introduction by Mrs. Jameson. London. 1846. 16 plates. *Cab.8o.7i.2 Gruyer, F. A. Des conditions de la peinture en France, et des peintures murales de M. Hippolyte Flandrin dans la nef de Saint-Germain-des-Pres. Paris. 1862. 4091. 1 17 Les fresques de Raphael provenant de la Magliana. [Paris.] 1873. 4073.175 Halwas, A. Die Ruhmeshalle im koenig- lichen Zeughaus zu Berlin. Berlin. [1892.] 20 plates. *Cab.8o.56.3 The plates show the wall paintings and two statues. Hamilton, G., editor. Schola Italica pictvrae, sive selectae qvaedam svmmorvm e schola italica pictorvm tabvlae acre incisae. Romae. 1773. 38 engravings. *Cab.8o.i72.i Hammer, H. Die Entwicklung der barocken Deckenmalerei in Tirol. Strassburg. 1912. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.] 4074.555 Verzeichnis der abgekurzt zitierten Literatur, pp. vii-xi. 394 DECORATION Helbig, C. F. W. Untersuchungen iiber die campanische Wandmalerei. Leipzig. 1873. 4076.57 Wandgemalde der vom Vesuv verschiitte- ten Stadte Campaniens. Leipzig. 1868. Text, I v.; Atlas, 2^ plates. *4730.53 Herrmann, P., editor. Denkmaler der Ma- lerei des Altertums. Lieferung i-12. Miinchen. 1906-13. Text, i v. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, i v. *Cab.8o.235.5 In progress. Hofmann, J. Romanische Wandmalereien der Koenigl. bayer. Burg Neuschwan- stein. Photographie von Jos. Albert. Munchen. [1896.] 40 plates. *Cab.8o.ii4.9 Institut d' estudis Catalans. Pintures murals Catalans. Fascicle 1-3. [Barcelona. 1907 ?-io?] Illus. Colored plates. Plans. In progress. *8070.23 Jackson, F. H. Mural painting. London. 1904. Portrait. Plates. [Handbooks for the designer and craftsman.] 8077.133 Jahn, O. Der Tod der Sophoniba auf einem Wandgemalde. [Leipzig. 1859.] Plates. 2964.65 James, M. R. The frescoes in the Chapel at Eton College. Facsimiles of the drawings by R. H. Essex, with explan- atory notes by M. R. James. [Eton.] 1907. 6 plates. *Cab.8o.25i.4 Janssen, L. J. F. De gorinchemsche muur- schilderijen. [Amsterdam. 1858.] 21 plates. [Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. Af- deeling Letterkunde. Deel i.] 4094.114 Jequier, G. Decoration egyptienne. Pla- fonds et frises vegetales du nouvel empire thebain (1400 a 1000 avant J. C). [Partie I.] Paris. [1911.] Plates. [L'art decoratif dans I'antiquite.] *8o7o.255 Contents. — i. Plafonds. Jessen, P. Italienische Barock-und Rococo- Decken. Berlin. 1893. 12 plates. [Koenig- liche Museen. Berlin. Kunstgewerbe Museum.] *Cab.8o.8i.i2 Johnson, H. J. A collection of practical fresco designs and ornaments. Boston. [1889.] 24 plates. *8o6o.82 Kellen, D. van der, Jr. MuurscKilderingen in de Groote of St. Bavo's- kerk te Haarlem. 's Gravenhage. 1861. 10 colored plates. *Cab.8o.i9i.4 Keller, F. Die alten Wandverzierungen in dem ehemaligen Chorherrenhause ge- nannt "im Loch" zu Ziirich. Zurich. 1846. 8 plates. [Mittheilungen der anti- quarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 4in*48ii.6o.3 King, P. American mural painting. A study of the important decorations by distinguished artists in the United States. Boston. 1902. Illus. Plates. 4073.220 Kraus, F. X. Die Wandgemalde der St. Sylvest^rkapelle zu Goldbach ans Bodensee. Miinchen. 1902. 8 plates. *Cab.8o.23o.5 Goldbach is an old hamlet near tJberlingen on Lake Constance. La Rada y Delgado, J. de D. de. Frescos de Goya en la iglesia di San Antonio de la Florida. Madrid. 1888. 15 plates. X . . ^ *Cab.8o.77.7 Lasimo, G. P. Pitture a fresco del Cam- posanto di Pisa, disegnate da Giuseppe Rossi. Frenze. 1832. Illus. 46 plates. , ^ *Cab.8o.2i.2 Layard, Sir A. H. The frescoes by Bern: Pinturicchio in the collegiate church of S. Maria Maggiore, at Spello. [London. ^ 18^.] *8o7i.iii Lefuel, H. M. Les appartements prives de I'imperatrice au palais des Tuileries. Publics par Eugene Rouyer. Paris. 1867. 20 plates. Plan. *Cab.8o.32.i Lessing, J., and A. Mau. Wand- und Decken- schmuck eines roemischen Hauses aus der Zeit des Augustus. Berlin. 1891. 16 plates. *Cab.8o.i4.3 Lessing, O. Schloss Ansbach. Barock- und Roccoco-Dekorationen aus dem xviiie Jahrhundert. [Mit] Supplement- Heft. Berlin. [1892, 93.] 120 plates. *Cab.8o.i93.2 Leutz, L. Die Wandgemalde in der Burg- kapelle zu Zwingen a/N. Darmstadt. 1893. Plates. [Die mittelalterlichen Wandgemalde im Grossherzogthum Baden. Band i.] *8o8o.io8 Publication discontinued. Luebke, W. Die Stanzen und Loggien des Vatikans. Dresden. [1875.] Plates. *Cab.8o.249.5.3 Die Farnesina. — Verschiedene Fresken und Tapeten. Dresden. [1875.] Plates. *Cab.8o.249.5.4 These volumes form part of his Rafael- Werk. Luetzow, C. F. A. von. Raffaels Bildungs- und Entwickelungsgang. Wien. 1890. Illus. Portraits. 30 plates. *8o6o.77 Luini, B. "Lo scaffale;" or, presses in the sacristy of the Church of Sta Maria delle Grazie at Milan. Painted decoration by Bernardino Luini. Executed in chromo- lithography under the direction of L. Gruner. London. 1859, 60. 31 plates. *Cab.8o.2ii.i Manuel, E. V. The fresco manual. A col- lection of 500 designs. New York. [1879.] 8062.17 Marchese, V. F. S. Marco, convento dei padri predicatori in Firenze, illustrate e inciso principalmente nei dipinti del B. Giovanni Angelico. Firenze. 1853. 40 plates. *Cab.35.i7.4 Mareuse, E. Les peintures murales de la maladrerie de Poissy. Versailles. 1894. Plates. Plan. * 4094.115 Masaccio. [Le pitture di Masaccio esistenti in Roma, nella basilica di S. Clemente. Roma. 1809?] 17 plates. No. I in*Cab.8o.45.i; No. 2 in **Tosti, C.6.8 Mau, A. Geschichte der decorativen Wand- malerei in Pompeji. Berlin. 1882. Text, I v.; Atlas, 20 plates. *Cab.8o.i47.4 Meissner, F. H. Hermann Prells Wandge- malde im Thronsaale der deutschen Botschaft zu Rom, Palazzo Caferelli- . Dresden. [1899.] Plates. *Cab.8o.i47-3 | FRESCOES, MURAL PAINTING, CEILINGS 395 Merrifield, M. P. The art of fresco painting, as practised by the old Italian and Spanish masters. With a preliminary- inquiry into the nature of the colours used in fresco painting. London. 1846. 4075.54 Migeon, G. Chefs-d'oeuvre d'art japonais. Paris. [1905.] 100 plates. *Cab.8o.i85.4 Includes designs for wall decoration. Mucha, A. M. Figures decoratives. Paris. [1905.] 40 plates. *Cab.8o.233.3 Human figures as decoration. Mural paintings by Hugo Ballen in the Executive Chamber, State Capitol Build- ing, Madison, Wis. New York City. 1913. Illus. Plates. 4071.147 Niedling, A. Kirchliche Decorationsmale- reien im romanischen und gothischen Style. Wand- und Deckendecorationen, etc., nach alten Vorbildern. Berlin. [1890.] 24 colored plates. *8ioo.67 Novati, F. Freschi storici del Trecento. II cappellone degli Spagnuoli in Santa Maria Novella. Plates. (In Dei tempi antichi . ai tempi moderni . . . Pp. 595-601. Milano. [1904.]). *2772.33 Paris. Hotel de ville. [Panneaux decoratifs, plafonds allegoriques et autres 'decora- tions de I'Hotel de ville de Paris. Paris. 1892-1906?] 16 plates. *Cab.8o.i50.5 Passerini, L. Tavole sinottiche delle pitture a fresco fatte eseguire dalla famiglia Alberti in Santa Croce, a San Miniato al Monte e a Santa Caterina dell' Antella. Firenze. 1869. 9 plates. *Cab.8o.i8.3 The frescoes were painted by Agnolo Gaddi and Spinello Aretino. Pendentifs du Pantheon, peints par M. Gerard. [Paris. 18 — ?] Plates. 4076.174 Petit, A. Plafonds. Compositionen und Entwiirfe reicher Decken- und Wand- decorationen. Berlin. [1886.] 30 plates. *Cab.8o. 133.3 Phillipps, E. M. The frescoes in the Sixtine Chapel. New York. 1901. Plates. 8079.225 Pinturicchio. Cappella reale nella chiesa di S. M. d'Aracoeli, in 10 tavole. Roma. [188-?] *Cab.8o.35.i Ponce, N. Arabesques antiques des bains de Livie, et de la ville Adrienne, avec les plafonds de la ville-Madame, peints d'apres les dessins de Raphael. Paris. 1789. 15 plates. *Cab.8o.2io.3 Description des bains de Titus, ou collection des peintures trouvees dans les mines des termes de cet em- pereur. Paris. 1786. 60 plates. *Cab. 80.210.2 11, H. Das Rathhaus zu Hildesheim und die Fresken von Hermann Prell. Hildes- heim. 1893. Text, I v.; Atlas, 13 plates. *Cab.8o.i53.2 esuhn, E. Die pompejanischen Wand- decorationen. Leipzig. 1877. 24 colored plates. *4730-54 I vis de Chavannes, P. C. [Photographic reproductions of 14 of his paintings.] *Cab.8o.99.4 to^ Rahn, J. R. Die biblischen Deckengemalde in der Kirche von Zillis im Kanton Graubiindten. Ziirich. 1872. 4 plates. No. 6in*48ii.6o.i7 Die Kirche von Oberwinterthur und ihre Wandgemalde. Ziirich. 1883. 3 plates. No. 4 in *48ii.6o.2i Die mittelalterlichen Wandgemalde in der italienischen Schweiz, Ziirich. 1881. 6 plates. No. i, 2 in *48ii.6o.2i These three works form part of the Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. Raphael. Les lii tetes de I'ecole d'Athenes peinte au Vatican. Calquees par A. R. Mengs, et gravees par D. Cunego. A Rome. 1802. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.232.i Title repeated in Italian. Collezione ornati del palazzo di villa 'Madama alle falde di Monte Mario presso Roma, disegni di Raffaello Sanzio e compiuti da Giulio Romano e Giovanni da Udine. Roma. 1873, 75. 12 plates. *Cab.8o.63.2 Des fresques de Raphael: les stanze et les loges, copiees par MM. Paul et Ray- mond Baize. [Paris. 1852.] 4077.185 Interleaved, with MS. notes by A. de Montaiglon. The frescos of Raphael. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston. 1903. Portraits. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.i04; No. 40 in ^80803.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. Illustrazione storico-pittorica con incisioni a contorni dei dipinti della gran sala detta di Costantino nel Vaticano, accres- ciuta di diciotto soggetti inediti data alia luce da P. P. Montagnani. Roma. 1834. 51 plates. No. I in *407i.25 Illustrazione storico-pittorica con incisioni a contorni delle pitture nel Vaticano. Accresciuta di sopra venti soggetti inediti data alia luce da P. P. Mon- tagnani. Roma. 1834. 28 plates. No. 2 in *407i.25 [Imagines Raphaelis Vaticani.] Romse. N.d. 30 plates. *407o.ioi The plates were engraved by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi. Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti in Vaticani palatii xystis Jo. Jacobi de Rubeis cura delineatse ac typis editae. [Cass. Fantettus del. sculp. Romae. 1674-] 55 plates. *Cab.8o.ii5.6 Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano. J. Vol- pato, sculp. [Roma. 1774-76.] 43 plates. **Tosti, C.3.3 Same. 43 plates, colored by hand, 3 v. **Cab.8i.i6.i Loggien im Vatican. Nach den Stichen von Volpato. Dresden. 1878. 43 plates. *Cab.8o.40.3 Remon, G. Soixante planches de peinture decorative. Dourdan. [1895?] The plates are colored. *Cab.8o.I22.3 Reynolds, C. B. The Library of Congress: architecture and mural decorations. Pictures from photographs. Washing- ton. 1900. Illus. Plates, 4092.153 Same. 36 plates. *Cab.8o.279.2 396 DECORATION Richardson, G. A book of ceilings com- posed in the style of the antique errotesque. London. 1776. 48 plates. *Cab.8o.i8i.i The title is repeated in French. Rochette, D. R. De la peinture sur mur chez les anciens. [Also] Des Tribunaux vert et rouge d' Athenes. [Paris. 1833, ^y,] 8062.22 Peintures antiques inedites. Paris. 1836. 15 plates. *4o6i.4 Rodenwaldt, G. Die Komposition der pompejanischen Wandgemalde. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Plates. 8076.95 Romanino, G. [Heliogravures from the frescoes by Romanino in the castle of Malpaca, near Bergamo. By Le Mercier &cie. London.] 1891. 5 plates. [Arundel Society.] *Cab.8o:'26.2 Ronczewski, C. Gewolbeschmuck im romi- schen Altertum. Berlin. 1903. Plates. *4073'36o Rosini, G. Descrizione delle pitture del Campo Santo di Pisa, coll' indicazione dei monumenti ivi raccolti. Pisa. 1820. Plates. 4067.521 Same. 4a edizione. 1837. 4067.35 Rossi, G. J. de. Parerga, atq3 ornamenta, ex Raphaelis Sanctij prototypis, a loanne Nannio Vtinensi, in Vaticani palatij xystis expressa. Romae. N. d. 43 plates. *4070.92 More than half the plates were engraved by P. S. Bartoli. Rossmann, W. Die kiinstlerische Aus- schmuckung der Albrechtsburg zu Meissen. Dresden. 1878. 2 plates. 8o8oa.22 Rothery, G. C. Ceilings and their decora- tion: art and archaeology. London. [191 1.] Illus. Plates. [The house decoration series.] 4099.181 Bibliography, pp. 273-276. Sant' Ambrogio, D. II castello di Pandino e le sue pitture. Milano. 1895. 22 plates. 4092.23 Sarto, Andrea d'Agnolo. Pitture a fresco, esistenti nella Compagnia dello scalzo in Firenze. Firenze. 1830. Portraits. 14 plates. *Cab.8o.i84.4 These plates may also be found in **Tosti, A. 1.5. Savy, C. Les peintures murales de I'lle- Barbe. Lyon. 1878. 4074.192 Schlosser, J., Ritter von. Giusto's Fresken in Padua und die Vorlaufer der Stanza della Segnatura. Illus. Plates. (In Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Samm- lungen des allerhochsten Kaiserhauses. Band 17, pp. 13-100. Wien. 1896.) *8o65.20i.i7 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, J. The Nibelungen- Saga as displayed in the fresco paintings in the Royal Palace at Munich. [With text from the German of H. Holland, by R. R.] Munich. [1866.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 20 plates. *Cab.8o.254.4 Schottmueller, F. Fra Angelico da Fiesole. Des Meisters Gemalde. Stuttgart. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Klassiker der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben.] 4083.227 Schumann, P. T. Max Klingers Wandge- malde fiir die Aula der Universitat. Leipzig. 1909. Colored plate. 4073.306 Seler, G. E. Wandmalereien von Mitla. Eine mexicanische Bilderschrift in Fresko. Berlin. 1895. Illus. 13 plates. *Cab.23.38.2 Selvatico, P. Sulla cappellina degli Scro- vegni neir Arena di Padova, et sui freschi di Giotto. Padova. 1836. Plates. Plan. 8075.9 South Kensington Museum, London. Ita- lian wall decorations of the 15th and i6th centuries. A handbook to the models, illustrating interiors of Italian buildings, in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4078.268 A list of buildings in England having mural or other painted decorations, of dates previous to the middle of the i6th century. London. 1872. No. 5 in *4078.76 Starr, E. A. Three keys to the Camera della Segnatura of the Vatican. Chi- cago. 1895. Plates. *Cab.8o.i39.2 Stueckelberg, E. Fresken der Tellskapelle. Einsiedeln. 1886. 4 plates. *Cab.8o.23.i Taylor, W. B. S. A manual of fresco and encaustic painting. London. 1843. 4077.3 Ternite, W. Wandgemalde aus Pompeji und Herculaneum. Berlin. [1839-60?] 3 V. 80 plates. *Cab.27.i9.i Tesoro degli affreschi toscani, con illustra- zione. Firenze. 1864-66. 3 v, 100 colored plates. *8o6oa.io4 Contents. — i. GH affreschi dei chiostri della SS. Annunziata in Firenze. 2. Storia di Sant' An- tonio, scritta dal sacerdote Luigi Giacchi, e illustrata cogli affreschi di S. Marco. 3. Storia di San Francesco di Assisi, di Emilio Scavin de Melan . . . illustrata cogli affreschi di Ognis- santo. Thomas, W. C. Mural or monumental deco- ration. London. [1869.] 8094.3 Tintoretto. Photographs after the paint- ings in the Scuola di San Rocco, Venice. London. 1857. 2 plates. [Arundel Society.] *Cab.8o.24.5 Toschi, P. Toschi's engravings from fres- coes by Correggio and Parmegiano. Boston. 1875. 24 plates. **K.7i.9 Same. 1876. *4070.38 Trenet, C. Recueil de plafonds decoratifs de tons styles avec coupes et profils. Paris. [188-?] 60 plates. *8o8o.io6 Trost, A. Moritz von Schwind und das Wiener Opernhaus. Illus. (In Jahr- buch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlun- gen des Allerhochsten Kaiserhauses. Band 21, Theil 1, pp. 112-116. Wien. 1900.) *8o65.20i.2i Tulpinck, G. fitude sur la peinture murale en Belgique jusqu'a I'epoque de la renaissance. [Bruxelles. 1901. Academic royale des beaux-arts de Belgique. Memoires. 61.] *3398.i.6i United States. Library of Congress. Mu- ral paintings in the colors of the origi- FRESCOES, MURAL PAINTING, CEILINGS 397 United States. Library . . . (Continued.) nals, with the library quotations, the poems of the poetry series, and the Greek hero myths. New York. [1902.] 32 plates. *4073.2i7 Venturi, A. Tesori d'arte inediti di Roma. Roma. 1896. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.i74-i Some of the plates show wall-paintings. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Peintures murales des chapelles de Notre-Dame de Paris. Paris. 1870. 62 plates. *Cab.8o.i23.3 Voegelin, F. S. Die Wandgemalde im bi- schoflichen Palast zu Chur, mit den Darstellungen der Holbeinischen Todes- bilder. Zurich. 1878. Plan. 4 plates. [Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Ge- sellschaft in Zurich. ] No. 4 in *48ii. 60.20 Vogiie, C. J. M. Le temple de Jerusalem. Paris. 1864. Plates. *Cab.6o.iio.i On the temples of Solomon and Herod. Contains colored plates of wall decoration. Ward, J. Colour decoration of architec- ture: treating on colour and decoration of the interiors and exteriors of build- ings. With historical notices of the art and practice of colour decoration in Italy, France, Germany and England. London. 1913. Plates. 4094.140 Largely examples of mural and fresco painting. Some of the plates are colored. Fresco painting: its art and technique. London. 1900. Plates. 8074.310 Westlake, N. H. J. Outlines of the history of design in mural painting, principally during the Christian era. With an in- troduction on the art of the pre-Chris- tian period. London. 1902-5. 2 v. Illus. *Cab.8o.23i.3 Contents. — 1. From the Egyptian period (Seti I.) until the time of Constantine. 2. From the second until the twelfth century, A.D. Wetzel, H., and others, editors. Die Decora- tions-Malerei der Gegenwart. Ent- wiirfe fur Decken- und Wandmalereien. Berlin. [190-?] 30 colored plates. *Cab.8o.i48.4 Williams, M. E. The hours of Raphael in outline, together with the ceiling of the hall where they were originally painted [the Sala Borgia in the Vatican]. Bos- ton. 1891. 16 plates. *8o7oa.ii3 Wilpert, J. Ein Cyclus christologischer Ge- malde aus der Katakombe der Heiligen Petrus und Marcellinus. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1891. Plates. ^4071.127 Fractio panis. Die alteste Darstellung des eucharistischen Opfers in der ,,Cappella greca." Freiburg im Breisgau. 1895. Illus. *4ioo.43 tie Katakombengemalde. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1891. 28 plates. *2750.64 ie Malereien der Katakomben Roms. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1903. Text, i v.; Atlas, I V. *Cab.8o.7o.i Many of the plates are colored. ie Malereien der Sacramentskapellen in der Katakombe des hi. Callistus. Frei- burg im Breisgau. 1897. Illus. 4073.161 Wislicenus, H. Die Wandgemalde im Kaiserhaus zu Goslar; mit erlauterndem Text von Dr. Max Jordan. Goslar. [1901.] 12 photographs. *8o79.230 Woermann, C. Die antiken Odyssee-Land- schaften vom esquilinischen Hiigel zu Rom. Miinchen. 1876. 7 plates. Six of the plates are colored. *Cab.29.l5.l Zahn, W. Die schonsten Ornamente und merkwitrdigsten Gemalde aus Pompeji, Herculanum und Stabiae . . . Berlin. 1842. 2 V. Colored plates. *Cab.8o.20o.i Zander, W. Modern decorative painting. Designs for decorating ceilings and walls. New York. [1892?] 30 colored plates. *Cab.8o.ii5.3 Furniture. See also Architectural Details; Woodwork. Adam, R., and J. Adam. The decorative work of Robert & James Adam: being a repro- duction of the plates illustrating decora- tion & furniture from their "Works in architecture," published 1778-1812. London. 1901. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.84.6 "Works in architecture" may be found on shelf- number * Cab. 60. 84. 1. Adams, L. G. Decorations interieures et meubles des epoques Louis xiii & Louis XIV. Paris. 1865. 100 plates. *Cab.40.29.i Adams, M. B. Examples of old English houses and furniture. London. 1888. 36 plates. *Cab.6o.25.4 Asselineau, L. A. Meubles et objets divers du moyen age et de la renaissance. Paris. 1845. 2 V. 185 plates. *407o.i8 Vol. 2 is entitled Armes et armures, meubles . . . Bajot, fi. Interieurs d'appartements meu- bles vus en perspective. Stylvoll ein- gerichtete Wohnraume in perspectivi- schen Totalansichten. Zeichnungen im Style des xv. bis xvii. Jahrhunderts. Berlin. [1885.] 25 plates. *Cab.6o.i24.3 Baldry, A. L. The Wallace collection at Hertford House. London. 1904. Plates. Portraits. *4G72.ii2 The plates include furniture. Barabas, F. L'ameublement art nouveau. Paris. [1904.] 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i34.5 Bardini Collection. Catalogue des objets d'art antiques du moyen age et de la re- naissance. [Florence. 1899.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 73 plates. *Cab.8o.234.2 Catalogue des objets d'art antiques du moyen age, et de la renaissance, prove- nant de la Collection Bardini de Flo- rence. [Paris. 1902.] Text, i v.; Atlas, 130 plates. *Cab.8o.232.2 The first of these catalogues contains a list of articles to be sold in London in June, 1899; the second, those to be sold in May, 1902. Bassermann-Jordan, E. Die Geschichte der Raderuhr unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Uhren des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums. Frankfurt am Main. 1905. Illus. 25 plates. *8o3o.2i 398 DECORATION Benn, H. P., and H. P. Shapland. The na- tion's treasures. Measured drawings of fine old furniture in the Victoria and Albert Museum. London. [1910.] Plates. 4093.44 Benn, R. D. Style in furniture. With illus- trations by W. C. Baldock. London. 1904. 4093-41 Berlin, L., and L. Compagnon. Ameuble- ments complets de tous styles. Dour- dan. [1903?] 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i28.3 Bibliography of furniture and decoration. (hi Furniture Gazette, Vol. 6. London. 1876.) *8o92.2io.6 Binstead, H. E., compiler. Useful details in several styles. London. 1906. Plates. *4093.i67 The architectural and furniture details have appeared from time to time in the pages of the Furniture Record. Blake, J. P., and A. E. Reveiro-Hopkins. English furniture. New York. [1911,] 12. 4 V. Plates. [Little books about old furniture. 1-4.] 4099a.i Bode, W. Die italienischen Hausmobel der Renaissance. Leipzig. [1902.] lUus. Plates. [Monographien des Kunstge- werbes.] 4021.20 Bonnaffe, E. Le meuble en France, au xvie siecle. Paris. 1887. Plates. *8o9i.63 Braund, J. Illustrations of furniture, cande- labra [etc.], from the exhibitions of London and Paris [etc.]. London. [1856.] 48 plates. *Cab.40.io.7 Bridgens, R. Furniture with candelabra and interior decoration. London. 1838. 60 plates. *8o90.68 Britten, F. J. Old English clocks (the Wetherfield collection). With an in- troduction and notes. London. 1907. Illus. Plates. *8o30.28 Old clocks and watches and their makers. Being an historical and descriptive ac- count of the different styles of clocks and watches of the past, in England and abroad. London. 1899. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Diagrams. 8017.225 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1904. 8017.223 Brook, R. Elements of style in furniture and woodwork. London. [1889.] 50 plates. 4101.53 Brussels, Belgium. Exposition internatio- nale, 1910. German arts and crafts. Stuttgart. [191 1.] 128 plates. 4091.165 Fine and industrial arts, with much about house furnishings. Caspar, L. Mustergiiltige Mobel des xv.- XVII. Jahrhunderts aus Kunstsammlun- gen, Schlossern und Privathausern. Frankfurt a. M. 1888. 25 plates. *Cab.40.io.2 Cescinsky, H. English furniture of the eighteenth century. London. 1911. 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. *4093.2i Cessac, J. M. P. R. de. Le mobilier d'un bourgeois de Gueret en 1736. Chateau- roux. 1886. Illus. 4097.130 Contains part of an inventory of furniture belonging to Benjamin Mouffle. Champeaux, A. de. Le meuble. Paris. [1885.] 2 V. Illus. [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.18 Champier, V. Les industries d'art a I'Ex- position universelle de 1889. Fasc. 1-13, 17, 20. Paris. 1889-93. Plates. ♦8023.101 Chippendale, T. A collection of ornamental designs, applicable to furniture, frames and the decoration of rooms, in the style of Louis 14th. [London. 177-?] 24 plates. *8o82.2i The gentleman and cabinet-maker's direc- tor. 3d edition. London. 1762. 200 plates. *8o8o.2o There is also a German title-page: Vorbilder fuer Kunst- und Moebeltischler im gothischen, chinesischen und rococo-Stil. Clouston, K. W. The Chippendale period in English furniture. London. 1897. Illus. *4093.25 Clouston, R. S. English furniture and furni- ture makers of the i8th century. Lon- don. 1906. Plates. 4093.171 Comelsen, R. Modern American seat furni- ture. New York. [1897.] 45 plates. ♦4090.98 Cottages: how to arrange and build them to ensure comfort, economy, and health; with hints on fittings and furniture. By a sanitary reformer. London. [1879.] Illus. 41 plates. [Ready-to-hand guides.] 4109.1Z Crouch, J., and E. Butler. The apartments of the house. Their arrangement, fur- nishing and decoration. London. 1900. Illus. Plans. 4093-27 Daniels, F. H. The furnishing of a modest home. Worcester. 1908. Illus. 6009.182 Demidov, N., Prince. Palais de San Donato. Catalogue des objets d'art et d'ameuble- ment, tableaux, dont la vente aura lieu a Florence, le 15 mars, 1880 et les jours suivants. Paris. [1880.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *4o8o.23 Dilke, E. F., Lady. French furniture and decoration in the xviiith century. Lon- don. 1901. Plates. *409i.47 Dohme, R. Moebel aus den koeniglichen Schloessern zu Berlin und Potsdam. Berlin. 1889. 50 plates. [Dohme and Gurlitt. Die Architektur und das Kunst- gewerbe des xvii. und xviii. Jahrhun- derts.] *Cab.40.i3.2 Duncan, J. H. E. The house beautiful and useful. Being practical suggestions on furnishing and decoration. London. 1907. Plates. 4093-28 Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other details. London. 1868. Plates. *8i02.25 Same. 3d edition. 1872. 8102.28 Same. 4th edition. 1878. **K.i86.5 Same. Edited by C. C. Perkins, ist -American edition. Boston. 1872. Illus. 8102.27 Same. 4th American from the latest Eng- lish edition. 1876. 8102.29 PVRNITURB 399 Edis, R. W. Healthy furniture and decora- tion. London. 1884. Illus. Plates. [Inter- national Health Exhibition.] 3763.110 Reprinted from Health exhibition literature, . vol. I [3763- 100. i]. Ellwood, G. M. Mobel und Raumkunst in IjL, England, 1680-1800. 2. Auflage. Stutt- Wk: gart. 191 1. 201 plates. [Bauformen- Bibliothek.] *409oa.i45 Elwell, N. W. Colonial furniture and in- teriors. Boston. [1896.] 56 plates. *Cab.8o.ii5.5 English household furniture, mainly de- signed by Chippendale, Sheraton, Adam, and others of the Georgian period. Boston. 1900. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i44.i Falke, J. von. Art in the house. Author- ized American from the 3d German edi- tion. Edited by C. C. Perkins. Boston. 1879. Plates. 4091.61; **K.ii6.i2 Mittelalterliches Holzmobiliar. Wien. 1894. 40 plates. [Osterreichisches Mu- seum fiir Kunst und Industrie.] *8o8o.68 Fashionable furniture. A collection of de- signs, including sketches by B. J. Tal- bert; also a series of domestic interiors by Henry Shaw. London. [1881.] 116 plates. *4090.75 Fenn, P., and B. Wyllie. Old English furni- ture. London. [1905.] Plates. [Newnes* Library of the applied arts.] 4093.24 Bibliography, p. 84. Fleury, P. P. F. A. de. Inventaire des meubles existant dans les chateaux de La Rochefoucauld, de Verteuil et de La Terne a la mort de Frangois viii de La Rochefoucauld (1728). Angouleme. 1886. Plates. *4093.i26 Foley, E. The book of decorative furniture: its form, colour & history. London. 1910, II. 2 V. Illus. Colored plates. Charts. *4093.36 Includes also typical examples of fixed wood- work, such as panellings and chimney-pieces. French, Lillie H. Homes and their decora- tion. New York. 1903. Plates. 4097.27 Funck-Brentano, J. C. F. S. L'ameublement frangais sous la renaissance. Paris. 1913. Illus. Colored plates. [Bibliotheque de I'art decoratif.] 4093.186 Bibliographic des ouvrages consultes, p. 109. Gothic album for cabinet makers; designs for Gothic furniture. Philadelphia. 1868. 22, plates. 8077.11 Grand Rapids furniture manufacturers at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, ^^K^ 1904. [Grand Rapids. 1904.] Plates. ^^H 4091.168 ^Bkaul, R. Das xviii. Jahrhundert: Dekora- ^H tion und Mobiliar. Berlin. 1905. Illus. ^H [Konigliche Museen, Berlin. Hand- ^H^ biicher. Kunstgewerbemuseum.] ^P 8027.144 Grosvenor Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y. Reading lists on arts and crafts. Furni- ture. [Buffalo. 1900.] *2i43.74 Habermann, F. X. [Rococo.] Leipzig. 1887, 93. 3 V. 105 plates. [Ornamentale I Habermann, F. X. (Continued.) und kunstgewerbliche Sammelmappe.] *Cab.40.30.7 Contents. — i. Rococo. Auswahl ornamentaler Motive des xviii. Jahrhunderts. 2. Rococo- Mobel. 3. Rococo-Ornamente. Auswahl muster- giltiger Motive des xviii. Jahrhunderts. Hackett, W. H. Decorative furniture (Eng- lish and French) of the i6th, 17th and i8th centuries. London. 1902. Plates. 4093.35 Havard, H. Les BouUe. Paris. [1893.] Plates. [Les artistes celebres.] 4083.32 Essai de bibliographic, p. 91. L'ebenisterie. Paris. [1897.] Illus. [Les arts de l'ameublement.] 8087.101 L'horlogerie. Paris. [1893.] Illus. Plate. [Les arts de Tameublement.] 4025.31 Hayden, A. Chats on old furniture. Lon- don. 1905. Plates. 4093.42 Bibliography, pp. 19-21. Heaton, J. A., editor. Furniture and decora- tion in England during the eighteenth century. London. 1889, 92. 2 v. 200 plates. *Cab.8o.49.i Helbig, J. Gilde de S: Thomas et S: Luc. Recueil de modeles artistiques du moyen-age. Menuiserie et serrurerie de meubles (xv"^e et xvi^ne siecles). Gand. 1882. 42 plates. *Cab.8o.3i.3 Helburn and Hagen. Historical art furni- ture. Specimens of English, French, German, and Italian workmanship. New York. [1889.] 60 plates. 8090.61 Hepplewhite, A., & Co. The cabinet maker and upholsterer's guide; or, repository of designs for every article of house- hold furniture. London. 1794. (^^ Bell, J. M., editor. The furniture designs of George Hepplewhite. Pp. xiii-xix, 1-59. London. 1910.) *4090.78 Hessling, E. Le luminaire: recueil de docu- ments. New York. [19 — ?] Illus. 60 plates. [Documents de style empire.] *Cab.40.57.8 Hope, T. Household furniture and mterior decoration. London. 1807. 60 plates. *Cab.8o29.2 Howard and Sons. Designs for furniture & decoration. London. [189-?] 48 plates. *4i02.66 Easy chairs, sofas, & divans. London. [189-?] 6 plates. *4io2.65 Huber, A. Moebel-Vorlagen im englischen Style. Berlin. [1893.] 15 plates. *Cab.4o.27.4 Hurrell, J. W. Measured drawings of old oak English furniture, also of some re- mains of architectural woodwork, plas- terwork, metalwork, glazing, etc. Lon- don. 1902. no plates. *4090.i42 Illustrations and descriptions of cots, solid iron, caned, and corrugated, angle iron bedsteads; also of convertible chairs, couches [etc. London. 1870?]. 30 plates. ♦8030.52 Jackson, J. R. Furniture woods, with sug- gestions for the introduction of new kinds. (In Co-operative Wholesale So- 400 DECORATION Jackson, J. R. (Continued.) cieties, Limited. England and Scotland. Annual for 1894. Pp. 349-379- London. [1894.]) *3562.i48(i894) Jacquemart, A. Histoire du mobilier. Paris. 1876. Plates. 4093-60 A history of furniture. Edited by Mrs. Bury Palliser. London, 1878. Illus. 4093.62; **K.63.2i Jonquet, A. Original sketches for art furni- ture in the Jacobean, Queen Anne, Adams and other styles. London. 1879. Plates. *4ioo.83 Kaiserlich-koenigliche Gartenbau-Gesell- schaft. XVII. Mobel-Ausstellung, 1005. Veranstaltet vom Klub der Industriel- len fiir Wohnungseinrichtung in Wien. Wien. fi905.] 56 plates. *Cab.6o.i35.7 The plates are accompanied by a title-page and table of contents. Kellogg, A. M. Home furnishing, practi- cal and artistic. New York. [1905-] Plates. 4099-158 King, T. The modern style of cabinet work exemplified, and supplement. 3d edi- tion. London. [186-?] 100 plates. ♦4100.65 Labarte, J. Handbook of the arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as ap- plied to the decoration of furniture . . . etc. Translated from the French, with notes. London. 1855. Illus. 4077-69 Labarte, J., editor. Inventaire du mobilier de Charles v., roi de France. Paris. 1879. Plates. [Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] *2650.53 Lacroix, L. P. B. P. L'ameublement. Plates. (In xviiie siecle: lettres, sciences, et arts. France. 1 700-1 789. 2e edition. Pp. 443-475. Paris. 1878.) 222oa.57 L'art decoratif et I'ameublement. Plates. (In xvii^ siecle: lettres, sciences et arts. France. 1590-1700. Pp. 545-568. Paris. 1882.) 22203.58 Un mobilier historique des xvii^ et xviiie siecles, par P.-L. Jacob, bibliophile [pseud.]. Paris. 1865. Plates. 4094.109 A description of the collections of M. Leopold Double. Lafond, P. L'art decoratif et le mobilier sous la Republique et I'Empire. Paris. 1900. Plates. *409i.3i Lalonde, F. R. de. Ameublement & decora- tion, style Louis xvi. Paris. [1880?] 114 plates. *Cab.6o.i45.3 A reprint of plates published about 1760, Leinhaas, G. A., compiler. Wohnraeume des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach gleich- zeitigen Darstellungen auf Gemaelden, etc. Mit einem Vorwort von J. Lessing. Berlin. 1901. 20 plates. *409oa.io7 Lessing, J. Gothische Moebel. Berlin. 1889. 14 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.4 Italienische Moebel, xvi. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1893. 13 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.io Italienische Truhen, xv.-xvi. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1891. 15 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.8 Lessing, J. (Continued.) Kandelaber, xvi.-xvii. Jahrhundert. Ber- lin. 1889. 15 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.3 Moebel aus der Zeit Louis xvi. (Zopfstil.) Berlin. 1898. 15 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.i5 Moebel des xvti. Jahrhunderts. Berlin. 1895. 16 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.i3 Rahmen. Berlin. 1888-95. *Cab.8o.8i.i Contents. — Italienische Renaissance. 13 plates. — Italien und Deutschland, xvi. Jahrhundert. 13 plates. — XVII. Jahrhundert. 12 plates. — Anfang XVIII. Jahrhundert. 12 plates. — xviii. Jahr- hundert. 15 plates. Stuehle. Berlin. 1889. *Cab.8o.8i.2 Contents. — xvi.-xvii. Jahrhundert. 15 plates. XVII. -XIX. Jahrhundert. 15 plates. — xvi.-xviii, Jahrhundert. 15 plates. — Voi-nehmlich xix. Jahrhundert. 15 plates. These works by Lessing belong to the series Vorbilder-Hefte aus dem koeniglichen Kunst- gewerbe-Museum. Lievre, E. Meubles d'art. Paris. [1880.] 30 plates. [Bibliotheque des beaux- arts.] *Cab.40.io.8 Litchfield, F. How to collect old furniture. London. 1904. Plates. 4093.43 Illustrated history of furniture. London. 1892. *4ioi.58 Same. [5th edition.] 1903. 4101.74 Lochner, A. Germanische Moebel: eine Sammlung kunstgewerblicher Vorbilder aus dem Mittelalter von 1450 bis 1800, meist aus den Museen Nuernbergs. Nuernberg. [1897.] 100 plates. *Cab.6o.i44.3 Lockwood, L. V. A collection of English furniture of the xvii & xviii centuries. New York. 1907. Plates. *4093.2oo Colonial furniture in America. New York. 1902. Plates. ^4093.32 Same. New and enlarged edition. 1913. 2 V. *Cab.6o.i95.i The furniture collectors' glossary. New York. 1913. Illus. [Walpole Society.] *4033.3i Illustrated catalogue of a notable collec- tion of beautiful English furniture of the xvii. and xviii. centuries, the collec- tion formed by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, and acquired by the Tiffany Studios . . . New York. 1910. Illus. *4093.26 Louandre, C. L. Ameublement religieux et civile. Plates. (In Lacroix, L. P. B. P., editor. Le moyen-age et la renaissance. Vol. 4. Paris. 1851.) No. 9 in 8061. 15.4 Many of the plates are colored. Les arts somptuaires; histoire du costume et de I'ameublement et des arts et indus- tries qui s'y rattachent. Paris. 1857, 58. Text, 2 v.; Plates, 2 v. *8o72.6 Luthmer, F. Deutsche Mobel der Vergan- genheit. Leipzig. [1902.] Illus. Plates. [Monographien des Kunstgewerbes.] 4021.21 Lyon, I. W. Colonial furniture of New Eng- land. A study of the domestic furniture in use in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Boston. 1891. Plates. ♦4103.6a FURNITURE 401 Macquoid, P. A history of English furni- ture. London. 1904-6. 2 v. lUus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i56.3 Contents. — i. The age of oak. 2. The age of mahogany. Seme of the plates are colored. Malim, M. F. Old English wood-carving patterns from oak furniture of the Jacobean period. London. 1906. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.i30.5 Mallett, W. E. An introduction to old Eng- lish furniture. Illustrations by H. M. Brock. London. [1906.] Plates. 4091.83 Marcal, S. [Collection de 175 planches de toute sorte de meubles. Paris. 1870- 85?] *Cab.40.i8.3 Marshall, A. Specimens of antique furniture and woodwork. London. 1888. 50 plates. *Cab.40.ii.5 Maskell, W. The industrial arts. London. 1876. Plates. [South Kensington Mu- seum art hand-books.] 4025.32; 4025.54 Includes furniture, mosaics and textiles. Same. New edition. 4025.30 Same. New York. 1877. 8027.43 Meyer, A. G. Tafeln zur Geschichte der Mobelformen. Leipzig. 1902-11. Text, 10 V. in 5; Atlas, 12 v. in 8. *Cab.6o.i54.3 Contents. — i. Schemel-Stuhl. 2. Bank-Sofa. 3. Bett-Wiege. 4. Tischformen. 5. Truhen. 6, 7. Schrankformen. 8. Spiegel. Rahmen. 9. Uhren. 10. Englisches Mobiliar. ii, 12. Empire und Biedermeierstil. Molinier, fi. La collection Wallace. Meubles et objets d'art frangais des xvii^ et xviiie siecles. Paris. [i90-?J 100 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.5 A short description accompanies each plate. Musee du Louvre. Le mobilier frangais du xviie et du xviiie siecle. Paris. [1902.] Illus. Plates. *Cab.6o.i29.4 Molinier, £., and F. Marcou. Exposition retrospective de I'art frangais des origines a 1800. Paris. [1900.] Illus. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.25i.2 On objects of decorative art, including furniture. Moore, F. F. The commonsense collector. A handbook of hints on the collecting and the housing of antique furniture. New York. 191 1. Plates. 4098.162 Moore, N. H. The collector's manual. With engravings by Amy Richards. New York. [1906.] Plate. *4074.309 Includes furniture. The old furniture book, with a sketch of past days and ways. New York. [1903.] Plates. 4093-37 Morse, F. C. Furniture of the olden time. New York. 1902. Illus. Plates. 4093.33 Musees et palais nationaux, Les. Mobilier d'art conserve au Louvre, Garde-Meu- bles, Versailles, etc., des epoques gothique, renaissance, Louis xiii, xiv, txv, et XVI. Paris. [1891-1903.] 5 v. in 7. 420 plates. *8i04.5i htlicht, L. Deutsches Kunstgewerbe, St. Louis, 1904. Berlin. 1904. 80 plates. Plan. 4091.164 The text only is by Nachtlicht. Associate editors were J. M. Olbrich and B. Mohring. Naumann, P. Die Oefen der deutsch-natio- nalen Kunstgewerbe-Ausstellung, Miin- chen, 1888. Dresden. 1889. 25 plates. *8iooa.52 Normand, C. Empire ornaments, furniture, etc., during the epoch of Napoleon i. Berlin. [1896.] 36 plates. *4ioo.40 A reproduction of the work "Nouveau recueil en divers genres d'ornements et autres objets propres a la decoration." Northend, M. H. Colonial homes and their furnishings. Boston. 1912. Plates. 8107.42 Nye, A. C. A collection of scale-drawings, details, and sketches of colonial furni- ture. New York. 1895. 55 plates. 4100.38 Furniture designing and draughting. New York. 1900. Illus. Plates. 4093.65 O'Kane, J., publisher. The study-book of furniture & furnishing. Designs show- ing interiors, cabinet work, upholstery and sundries. New York. [187-?] 56 plates. *Cab.6o.i6o.3 Old furniture: being examples selected from the works of the best known designers, from the 12th to the i8th century. Lon- don. 1883. 50 plates. 8091.56 Penon, H. Le mobilier des siecles passes. £tude du mobilier a I'Exposition de rUnion centrale des arts decoratifs. Paris. [1882.] 4099.146 Pfnor, R. Le mobilier de la couronne et des grandes collections publiques et particu- lieres du xiiie au xixe siecle. Paris. [1874.] Plates. Plans. *4090.65 Pineau, N. Recueil des oeuvres de N. Pineau. Planches contenant nouveaux dessins de plaques, consoles, dessins de pieds de tables, de vases, de sculpture en bois; dessins de lits representant des dossiers, des ciels, des courtes-pointes, des soubassements et des lambrequins. Paris. [1889.] 24 plates. *4090.ii2 Pollen, J. H. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. [London. 1875.] Illus. [South Kensington Museum art hand- books.] 4099-59 Ancient & modern furniture and wood- work in the South Kensington Museum. London. 1864. Plates. [Science and art department of the Committee of council on education.] *4093.52; **K.64.7 Preston, W. G., compiler. [A collection of plates and plans of buildings, interiors & furniture.] New York. 1870-95- Plates. Plans. *4i04.202 Cut from various architectural periodicals. Some of the plates are colored. Pugin, A. N. W. Gothic furniture in the style of the 15th century. London. 1835. 24 plates. *4ioi.io; No. 2 in **G.i54.i Racknitz, J. F., Freiherr von. [Kupfer zu Racknitz Geschichte und Darstellung des Geschmacks.] 48 colored plates. *8o7oa.io3 These plates form part of a work published in Leipzig, 1796-99- Ransom, C. L. Couches and beds of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans. Chi- 402 DECORATION Ransom, C. L. (Continued.) cago. 1905. Illus. [Studies in ancient furniture.] 4091.154 Bibliography, pp. 113-115. Ricci, S. de. Der Stil Louis xvi: Mobiliar und Raumkunst. Stuttgart. [1913] Illus. (i), 256 plates. [Bauformen- Bibliothek.j *409oa.i5i Richardson, C. J. Studies from old English mansions: their furniture, gold & silver plate, &c. [London.] 1841-48. 4 v. Plates. *Cab.6o.29.i Robie, V. Historic styles in furniture. Chi- cago. 1905. Plates. 4093-40 Robinson, F. S. English furniture. New York. 1905. 161 plates. [The connois- seur's library.] *4093.i65 List of books useful for the study of English furniture, pp. xxxv-xl. Robinson, V. J. Ancient furniture and other works of art. London. 1902. Illus. 75 plates. *4092.i38 Roe, F. Ancient coffers and cupboards. London. 1902. Plates. *409i.8i Old oak furniture. London. [1905.] lUus. Plates. 4093-173 Note on authorities, pp. 324-326. Roubo, J. A, Kunsttischlerei. Neubear- beitet. Berlin. [1891.] Text, i v.; At- las, 100 plates. *4090.79 Rouveyre, £. Le style Piranesi, epoque Louis XVI. Deux cent soixante repro- ductions documentaires, cartels, chaises a porteurs, cheminees, etc. Paris. [1903.] 80 plates. [Comment discerner les styles enseigne par I'image.] *409i.85 Ruprich, C. Musees du Louvre et de Cluny. Collection de meubles anciens. Paris. 1890. 50 plates. *8o8o.22 Saglio, A. French furniture. London. [1907-] Plates. [Newnes' Library of the ap- plied arts.] 4093-185 Bibliography, pp. 167-172. Sanders, W. B. Examples of carved oak wood-work in the houses and furniture of the i6th and 17th centuries. London. 1883. 25 plates. *Cab.40.22.5 Half-timbered houses and carved oak furniture of the i6th and 17th centuries [in England]. London. 1894. 30 plates. *8o8o.ii3 Schwenke, F. Designs for decorative furni- ture and modern chamber-arrangement. London. 1882. 72 plates. *Cab.40.i5.3 Shackleton, R., and E. Shackleton. The quest of the colonial. Illustrated by H. Fenn. New York. 1907. Illus. Plates. 4093.187 Shapland, H. P. Style schemes in antique furnishing. Interiors and their treat- ment. Written by H. P. Shapland, the schemes being designed by H. P. Benn. London. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.152 Shaw, H. Specimens of ancient furniture. With descriptions by Sir S. R, Meyrick. London. 1836. 74 plates. **K.i62.i;*8ioo.io The copy on shelf-number *8ioo. 10 has colored plates. Shaw, H. (Continued.) Same. 1866. **K.ioi.i Sheraton, T. The cabinet-maker and up- holsterer's drawing-book. Revised by J. M. Bell. London. 1895. *40ii.3o Simon, C. English furniture designers of the eighteenth century. London. 1905. Plates. *409i.i66 Singleton, E. Dutch and Flemish furniture. London. 1907. Plates. *4093.i9o French and English furniture. Illustrated from original sources by H. D. Nichols. New York. 1903. Plates. *4093.39 Furniture. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. *4093.i9i The furniture of our forefathers. With critical descriptions by R. Sturgis. New York. 1900, 01. 2 v. Illus. Plates. . *409i.ii5 Small, J. W. Ancient and modern furniture. Edinburgh. [1883.] 50 plates. *8o9i.58 Smith, B. E. Designs & sketches for furni- ture in the Neo-Jacobean & other styles. Boston. [1877.] 36 plates. *8iooa.i Soderholtz, E. E. Colonial architecture and furniture. Boston. [1895.] 60 plates. *8ioo.76 Sparrow, W. S. Hints on house furnishing. New York. 1909. Illus. Plates. 8092.88 Some of the plates are colored. Our homes and how to make the best of them. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o92.84 Contains architectural suggestions for building and furnishing English houses. Many of the plates are colored. Spofford, H E. P. Art decoration applied to furniture. New York. 1878. Illus. _ ^ ^^ 4094.52; **K.29o.9 ipooner, C. House and church furniture. Illus. Plates. (In The arts connected with building. Pp. 153-168. London. 1909.) 4097.187 Stickley, G. Craftsman homes. New York. [1909.] Illus. Plans. 8105.60 More craftsman homes. New York City. [1912.] Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. 8105.63 These two works treat largely of artistic furnH ture and interiors. Talbert, B. J. Gothic forms applied to furni- ture, rnetal work and decoration for domestic purposes. Boston. 1873, 77- 2 v. 51 plates. *4090.55 Vol. 2 is entitled : Examples of ancient & modern furniture. Thomson, P. The cabinet maker's sketch book. Details for modern furniture. Glasgow. [1840?] Plates. *4ioo.54 Throop, L. A. Furnishing the home of good taste: a brief sketch of the period styles in interior decoration with sug- gestions as to their employment in the homes of to-day. New York. 1912. Plates. [The country house library.] 4093.23 Union centrale des arts decoratifs. Le musee des arts decoratifs. Collections exposees au Palais de I'industrie a Paris. Ceramique, meubles [etc.]. Paris. [190-?] 66 plates. *Cab.8o.48.4 FURNITURE 403 Vallance, A. Art in England during the Elizabethan and Stuart periods. Lon- don. 1908. Plates. 8072.182 Special number of The Studio. Many of the plates are colored. Verchere, J. L'art du mobilier. Recueil contenant tous les genres de meubles en usage, styles renaissance, Louis xiii, Louis XIV, Louis xv & Louis xvi. Paris. [1876.] 87 plates. *Cab.8o.2oo.7 Recueil d'ameublements. [Paris. 188-?] 62 plates. *8o8oa.37 Villeneuve, T. Kunst-Mobel verschiedener Style. Berlin. [1891.] 3 parts in 2 v. 116 plates. *8ioo.26 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier frangais de I'epoque carlo- vingienne a la renaissance. Paris. 1871- 76. 6 V. Plates. *4095.62 Vol. I is devoted to furniture. Vogelsang, W. Le meuble hollandais au Musee national d'Amsterdam. Amster- dam. [1910.] Plates. *Cab.6o.i35.i4 Wallis, F. E. American architecture, decora- tion and furniture of the eighteenth cen- tury. New York. [1896.] 52 plates. *4090.35 Waring, J. B. Examples of decorative art in furniture. Selected from the royal and other collections. London. [186-?] 15 colored plates. *8o9o.ii7 Watson, R. M. The art of the house. Lon- don. 1897. Illus. [Connoisseur series.] 4094.85 Watt, W. Art furniture from designs by E. W. Goodwin and others. London. 1877. 20 plates. 4109.10 Wells, P. A., and J. Hooper. Modern cabinet work, furniture & fitments. London. 1909. Illus. Plates. 4014.153 Wheeler, G. O. Old English furniture of the 17th and i8th centuries, London. 1907. Plates. 4099.168 Windsor, H. H. Mission furniture: how to make it. Chicago. [1909-12.] 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Popular mechanics handbooks.] 8017.412 Wood, H. A series of designs of furniture & decoration in the styles of Louis xivth, Francis ist, Elizabeth, and Gothic. London. [18.^-?] Colored plates. *Cab.6o.i56.5 Wytsman, P. Choix d'interieurs beiges. Bruxelles. 1902. 28 plates. 80903.78 Interieurs et mobiliers de styles anciens. Collection recueillie en Belgique. Vol. 2. Bruxelles. 1902. 57 plates. *4090.i79 Zell, F. Bauern-Mobel aus dem bayerischen Hochland. Frankfurt am Main. 1899. 30 plates. *Cab.6o.i44.4 Zuccani, E. Newest designs in chimney decoration, mirrors, consoles, giran- ^^ doles, etc. [London. 186-?] 119 de- ^H signs on 59 plates. *4090.82 m American art in bronze and iron. Exem- plified by work executed by Jno. Wil- Metal Work, American art. (Continued.) Hams Bronze Foundry. Compiled and edited by W. D. Mitchell. Vol. i, no. i- 6. New York. 1903-10. Illus. Plates. *8091.202 Beck, L. Die Geschichte des Eisens in tech- nischer und kulturgeschichtlicher Bezie- hung. Braunschweig. 1884-1903. 5 v. Illus. 6236.55 Bock, F, Der Kronleuchter Kaisers Fried- rich Barbarossa im Karolingischen Miinster zu Aachen und die formver- wandten Lichter-Kronen zu Hildesheim und Comburg . . . Aachen. 1863. Illus. Plates. *4090.ii6 Boeheim, W. Werke Mailander Waffen- schmiede in den kaiserlichen Sammlun- gen. Plates. (In Jahrbuch der Kunst- historischen Sammlungen des Aller- hochsten Kaiserhauses. Vol. 9, pp. 375- 418. Wien. 1889.) *8o65.2oi.9 Bordeaux, J. H. R. Serrurerie du moyen- age. Les ferrures de portes. Avec des- sins par H. Gerente et G. Bouet. Ox- ford. 1858. 40 plates. *8ioi.5i Boston Wire Works and Wire Railing Co. Catalogue of goods, consisting of win- dow guards, railings, gates, &c. Boston. [187-?] Illus. No. 2 in *8o3i.3 Brechenmacher, F. Moderne Kunstschmie- dearbeiten. Berlin. [1890, 92.] 2 v. 40 plates. *Cab.8o.68.5 Broesamer, H. Ein new Kunst-Biichlein. A book of ornamental designs for gold- smiths. Reproduced in fac-simile from the original edition (probably at Frank- furt about 1548). London. 1897. *4026.3o Bronze ornaments of the palace gates of Balawat. [London. 1891.] 71 plates. [Society of Biblical Archaeology.] *Cab.8o.45.5 Bruening, A. Italienische Thuerklopfer. Berlin. 1900. 15 plates. [Konigliche Museen, Berlin.] *Cab.8o.8i.i8 The examples are of bronze. Die Schmiedekunst seit dem Ende der Re- naissance. Leipzig. [1902.] Illus. Plates. [Monographien des Kunstgewerbes.] 4021.17 Thuergriffe und Brunnenmasken. Berlin. 1900. 15 plates. [Konigliche Museen, Berlin.] *Cab.8o.8i.i7 Clarkson, D. A. Ancient iron work. From the 13th century. London, [i860.] 48 plates. *Cab.40.i2.4 Cocks, A. H. The church bells of Bucking- hamshire. London. 1897. Illus. Plates. ♦2502.178 Contet, F. Documents de ferronnerie an- cienne de la seconde moitie du xviii^ siecle. Fin Louis xv & Louis xvi. Paris. [i909]-i2. 166 plates. *Cab.6o.i62.7 Coumault, C. Jean Lamour, serrurier du roi Stanislas a Nancy. Paris. 1886. Illus. [Les artistes celebres.] 4084.26 Door and window grilles in bronze and iron. [Vol.] I. Boston. 1902. Plates. [Topi- cal architecture.] *8o9oa.i37 There is no text. 404 DECORATION Downman, E. A. Ancient church bells in England. Laindon. 1899. lUus. Bibliography, pp. 10-17. *2495.l68 Ebbetts, D. J. Examples of decorative wrought iron work of the 17th & i8th centuries. London. 1879. 16 plates. *8iooa.6 Eeles, F. C. The church and other bells of Kincardinshire. Aberdeen. [1897.] Illus. Plates. *2502.i42 Ellacombe, H. T. The church bells of Devon, with a list of those in Corn- wall. Exeter. 1872. Illus. Plates. *2502.i46 The church bells of Gloucestershire. Exeter. 1881. Illus. Plates. *2502.i45 The church bells of Somerset. Exeter. 1875. Illus. 14 plates. *2502.i40 Erskine, F. J. Bent iron work. London. 1892. Illus. 8016.145 Falke, O. von. Der Dreikonigenschrem des Nikolaus v. Verdun im Coiner Dom- schatz. [Miinchen? 1912?] Illus. 25 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.9 Feller, J. AUerlei Schlosser- und Schmiede- Arbeiten einfachster Ausfiihrung fiir Stadt und Land. [Added] Preisberech- nungen mit Gewichtsangabe und Be- zugsquellenliste. Diisseldorf. [1892?] 100 plates. *8i05.20 Die Schmiedekunst zum praktischen Ge- brauche fiir Schlosser u. Schmiede. Diis- seldorf. [i890?-92.] 3 V. 300 plates. *8io5.2i Contents. — i. Thurfullungen. 2. There, Balkone, etc. 3. Veranden, Vordacher, Firmenschilder, etc. Ferrari, G. . II ferro nell* arte italiana. Mi- lano. [1910?] 100 plates. [CoUezione artistica Hoepli.] *402oa.i63 Fonteyne, J. Artistic wrought iron work. Railings, balconies, balustrades, etc. New York. [1893?] 30 plates. *Cab.8o.i94.2 Fordrin, L. Nouveau livre de serrurerie, contenant toutes sortes de grilles. Paris. [1891?] 30 plates. *Cab.40.38.6 A reprint of the edition of 1723. Fryer, W. J., Jr. Architectural iron work. New York. 1876. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4014.61 Gardner, J. S. Decorative ironwork. Illus. Plates. {In The arts connected with building. Pp. 205-224. London. 1909-) 4097.187 English ironwork of the xviith & xviiith centuries: an historical & analytical ac- count of the development of exterior smithcraft. London. [1911-] IHus. Plates. *8ioi.49 Ironwork from the earliest times to the end of the mediaeval period. [London.] 1893. Illus. Plates. [South Kensington Museum art hand-books.] 4029.107 Ghiberti, L. Porte principale du Baptistere de Florence. Gravee sous la direction de M. Blanchard. Paris. [i837-1 n plates. *Cab.8o.55.3 Giraud, J. B. Les arts du metal. Paris. 1881. 50 plates. *Cab.4o.23.5 Googerty, T. F. Hand-forging and wrought- iron ornamental work. Chicago. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 8oi9a.78 Gravembroch, W. Raccolta di battitori a Venezia. Venezia. 1879. 45 plates. *8o73.ii5 Harrison, J. The decoration of metals. Chasing, repousse and saw-piercing. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8077.109 Havard, H. Les bronzes d'art et d'ameuble- ment. Paris. [1897.] Illus. [Les arts de I'ameublement.] 8087.100 La serrurerie. Paris. [1892.] Illus. [Les arts de I'ameublement.] 8015.141 Hefner-Alteneck, J. H. von. Artistic wrought iron works, from the Middle Ages and Renaissance period. New York. [1889.] 2 V. 168 plates. *8oio.ioo Serrurerie ou les ouvrages en fer forge du moyen-age et de la renaissance. Paris. 1870. 84 plates. *8oio.2 Helbig, J. Gilde de S. Thomas et S. Luc. Recueil de modeles artistiques du moyen-age. i^ livraison: Menuiserie et serrurerie de meubles (xve et xvi^ siecles). Gand. 1882. 42 plates. *Cab.8o.3i.3 Huquier, G. Entwurfe fiir Schmiede-Eisen und andere Metall-Arbeiten im Stile des Rococo nach G. Huquier "Nouveau livre de serrurerie." Berlin. 1889. 30 plates. *8ioo.75 There is a facsimile of the original title-page. Husson, F. L'architecture ferronniere. Paris. 1873. 78 plates. *40io.59 Ilg, A., and H. Kabdebo. Wiener Schmiede- werk des xvii. und xviii. Jahrhunderts. Sammlung auserlesener Eisenarbeiten des Barock- und Rococco-Stils. Dresden. 1883. 60 plates. *8oio.i29 Ironwork. Boston. 1900-04. 5 parts. Plates. [Topical architecture. No. 5, 6, 14, 15, 22.] *8o9oa. 135.5, 6, i4» 15, 22 There is no text. Joseph, C. Le serrurier. Paris. [1888, 89.] Text, I V. Illus.; Atlas, 37 plates. [En- seignement technique.] *8oii.io7 Jousse, M. La fidelle ouverture de I'art du serrurier. Paris. 1874. 27 plates. *8oio.i2o Reproduction of illustrations of ornamen- tal metalwork, forming L'art du serru- rier. Fleche. 1627. Reprinted- [Lon- don.] 1889. *8oii.ii9; No. I in *8o7oa.i27 Kick, W. Musterbuch fiir Schlosser. Stutt- gart. [1890.] 70 plates. *8oio.i47 King, T. H. Orfevrerie et ouvrages en metal du moyen-age, mesures et dessines d' apres les anciens modeles. Bruges. 1852, [54]. 2 V. 200 plates. *Cab. 40.10.10 Krause, A. M. Muster-Buch und Preis-Ver- zeicHniss fiir Kunstschmiede-Arbeiten und gestanzte Ornamente. Berlin. [1899] 51 plates. 8030.47 Lamour, J. Recueil des ouvrages en serru- rerie que Stanislas, roi de Pologne a fait poser sur la Place royale de Nancy. Paris. [18—.] 24 plates. *Cab.8o.i5i.2 Leisching, J. Mobelbeschlage aus den Jahren 1770 bis 1840. Wien. 1907. 26 plates. *Cab.6o.i62.5 METAL WORK 405 Leland, C. G. Elementary metal work. Lon- don. 1894. Illus. Plates. *8oi4.i64 Le Pautre, J. Liure de serrurerie. Grave par Jacques Le Pautre. [Paris. 1690.] 14 plates. *8oio.i30 Lessing, J. Gitter aus Schmiedeeisen, xvi.- XVIII. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1889. 15 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.5 Oberlichtgitter aus Schmiedeeisen und Verwandtes, xvi.-xviii. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1889. 15 plates. *Cab.8o.8i.6 These two works belong to the series : Vorbilder- Hefte aus dem koenigUchen Kunstgewerbe- Museum. L'Estrange, J. The church bells of Norfolk. Norwich. 1874. Illus. Plates. *2502.i47 Lethaby, W. R. Leadwork, old and orna- mental, and for the most part English. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. 8017.167 Liger, F. La ferronnerie ancienne et mo- derne; ou monographic du fer et de la serrurerie. Paris. 1875. 2 v. Illus. 4014.24 Lueer, H. Kronleuchter und Laternen. Ber- lin. 1903. 2 V. 30 olates. [Koenigliche Museen, Berlin.] *Cab.8o.8i.24 Lueer, H., and M. Creutz. Geschichte der Metallkunst. Stuttgart. 1904, 09. 2 v. Illus. Plates. 4074.323 Lukis, W. C. An account of church bells. London. 1857. Plates. *2502.i6i Luthmer, F. Zeichen-Vorlagen fiir Kunst- schmiede. Frankfurt am Main. 1897. 20 plates. *Cab.40.40.i Lynam, C. The church bells of the County of Stafford. London. 1889. Plates. *246o.i09 Martin, P. La serrurerie. Recueil des ou- vrages en fer et en bronze du xe au xviiie siecle. Paris. 1865. 20 plates. 8011.143 Menard, R. Histoire artistique du metal. Paris. 1881. Illus. Plates. *8o8o.5i Metman, L., editor. Le metal. Paris. [1909, 10.] 2 V. Plates. [Le Musee des arts decoratifs.] *Cab.8o.272.2 Contents. — i. Le fer, par L. Metman [et] H. Le Secq des Tournelles. 2. Le bronze, le cuivre, I'etain, le plomb, par L. Metman [et] J. L. Vaudoyer. Meyer, F. S. A handbook of art smithing. With introduction by J. S. Gardner. London. 1896. Illus. Plates. 8013.172 Musterbuch moderner Schmiedeisen-Ar- beiten einfacher Art. Reihe 2, 3. Karls- ruhe. 1890, 91. 2 V. Plates. *8o93.ii5 Mdlinier, £. Les arts du metal. (Orfevrerie. Bijouterie. Ferronnerie. Bronze.) Paris. [1888?] Plates. 8072.126 Moser, F. Der Kunstschlosser. Entwiirfe im St54e des 16., 17. und 18. Jahrhun- derts. Berlin. [1891.] Plates. *8ioo.6g Motifs de serrurerie extraits de publications diverses. Paris. 1874. IHus. Plates. *40ii.59 Mullins, W. H. Catalogue of architectural ornaments and statuary, in sheet zinc, brass, or copper. 6th edition. New York. 1891. Illus. *8o9oa.38 Murphy, B. S. English and Scottish wrought ironwork. London. 1904. 80 plates. *Cab.4o.24.6 North, T. The church bells of Bedford- shire. London. 1883. Illus. *2492.ioo The church bells of Hertfordshire. Com- piled and edited by J. C. L. Stahl- schmidt. London. 1886. Illus. *2502.i49 The church bells of Leicestershire. Leicester. 1876. Illus. Plates. *2502.i4i The church bells of Northamptonshire. Leicester. 1878. Illus. *2502.i6o The church bells of Rutland. Leicester. 1880. Illus, 2491.130 The church bells of the County and City of Lincoln. Leicester. 1882. Illus. Plates. 2502.162 Ornamental ironwork. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International Library of Technology.] No. 2 in *8o27.i32.3i Owen, T. M. N. The church bells of Hunt- ingdonshire. London. 1899. Illus. *249i.i8 Pattern book for art-metal workers. Lon- don. [1883?] 122 plates. *8oioa.59 Pazaurek, G. E. Kunstschmiede- und Schlos- serarbeiten des 13.-18. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1895. 30 plates. [Ornamen- tale und kunstgewerbliche Sammel- mappe.] *Cab.40.30.4 Pugin, A. N. W. Designs for iron and brass work in the style of the xv. and xvi. centuries. London. 1836. Plates. *4ioi.ii;No. 4 in **G.i54.i Puis, E. Mustersammlung moderner schmiedeeiserner Ornamente. 3. Auf- lage. Leipzig. 1879. 100 plates. *80I0.I22 Raven, J. J. The bells of England. London. [1906.] Illus. Plates. [The antiquary's books.] ^ 2502.176 The church bells of Cambridgeshire. Ap- pended a list of the inscriptions of the bells. Lowestoft. 1869. Plate. *2496.io7 The church bells of Suffolk. London. 1890. Illus. 8 plates. *2502.i3i Redfarn, W. B. Ancient wood & iron work in Cambridge. Letterpress by J. W. Clark. Cambridge. [1886.] 28 plates. *8o8o.30 Most of the examples are taken from Cambridge University. Rossi, G. Le tre porte di bronzo che ador- nano la facciata dell' insigne Primaziale di Pisa. Pisa. 1838. 3 plates. *Cab.8o.2oo.4 Salin, B. Die altgermanische Thierornamen- tik. Typologische Studie iiber ger- manische Metallgegenstande aus dem ly. bis IX. Jahrhundert, nebst einer Studie iiber irische Ornamentik. Aus dem schwedischen Manuskript iibersetzt von J. Mestorf. Stockholm. 1904. Illus. *4073-362 Schroth, E. Gravirte und geatzte Orna- mente. Dresden. 1876. 11 plates. *Cab.8o.ii4,3 Schubert, A. Artistic wrought iron work of the 16. 17. and 18. centuries. Doors, rail- ings and other details. New York. [1893?] 20 plates. *Cab.8o.i94.3 Eiserne Thore und Gelander. Leipzig. [1890.] 48 plates. *8oioa.i27 406 DECORATION Shaw, H. Examples of ornamental metal work. London. 1836. Plates. **K.83.ii Sheet-metal work. [Scranton. 1903.] lUus. Plans. [International Library of Tech- nology.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.3i Siccard von Siccardsburg, A. von. Die Thiir und Fenster-Verschliisse. Herausgege- ben von J. Storck [und] G. Gugitz, un- ter Mitwirkung [von] F. Paulick. Wien. [1876.] Text, I V. Plates; Atlas, 2 parts in I V. *Cab.40.44-2 Stahlschmidt, J. C. L. The church bells of Kent. Boston. 1887. Illus. 4 plates of ancient lettering. *249i.i02 Teirich, V. Bronzen aus der Zeit der italieni- schen Renaissance. Wien. 1877. lUus. 20 plates. *Cab.40.36.7 Travaux simples de serrurerie. Paris. [1893- 1901.] 6 V. Plates. *40i2.26o Troup, F. W. External leadwork. Illus. Plates. (In The arts connected with building. Pp. 187-203. London. 1909) 4097.187 Twopeny, W. English metal work. Ninety- three drawings. New York. 1906. *8021.23 Walters, H. B. Church bells. London. [1908.] Plates. [Theartsof the church.] 41093.32 Walther, C. Die Kunstschlosserei des 16. 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart. [1888.] 50 plates. *Cab.8o.i94.4 Wasmuth, E. Die Schmiedekunst nach Originalen des xv. bis xviii. Jahrhun- derts. Berlin. 1887. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.63.3 Williams, J. Cast and wrought brass and bronze work, wrought iron work, to special design. New York. 1899. Plates. *8o3oa.57 Winslow Brothers Company. "Ornamental iron." Reproductions from photographs of ornamental iron and art metal work. [Chicago. 1894.] 8030.46 Wlha, J. Kunstschmiede-Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Schlosse Schlosshof. Wien. 1883. 25 photographs. *8o7oa.i33 Wood and Perot's portfolio of original de- signs of ornamental iron work, Phila- delphia. 1858. 177 plates. *Cab.40.i5.4 Wyatt, Sir M. Digby. Metal-work and its artistic design. London. 1852. Plates. *Cab.40.2i.3 Young, F. C, editor. Metal working for amateurs. In 3 parts, i. Brazing and soldering, by George Edwinson. 2. Practical gas-fitting, by E. W. Denniss. 3. Brass casting at home, by F. J. Dur- rance. London. 1893. Illus. [Ward, Lock and Bowden's Amateurs* practical aid series.] 8017.172 Zetzsche, C. Eisen und Bronze. Ihre Ge- winnung, Verarbeitung und kiinstleri- sche Gestaltung, insbesondre fiir Bau- zwecke bis zum Ausgang des 18, Jahr- hunderts. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Uhde, C. Die Konstruktionen und die Kunstformen der Architektur. Band 4, Halbband 2.] 4090a. 1 05.4. Halbband 2 Mosaics and Tiles. • Artis, E. T. The Durobrivae of Antoninus. Plates exhibiting the excavated remains of that Roman station in the. vicinity of Castor, Northamptonshire. London. 1828. 60 plates. *246o.iii Several of these plates show mosaic pavements. Barbet de Jouy, J. H. Les mosaiques chre- tiennes des basiliques et des eglises de Rome. Paris. 1857. 4098.124 Index gives lists of basilicas and early mosaics in Rome. Barthelemy, A. J. B. A. de. Carreaux his- tories et vernisses avec noms de tuiliers. Caen. 1887. Illus. 8019.208 Extrait du Bulletin monumental, 1887 [*409o.- 24I.S3-I Becking, E. Fliesen-Boden nach Gemjilden des fiinfzehnten und sechzehnten Jahr- hunderts von Jan van Eyck, Hans Hol- bein und Anderen mehr. Stuttgart. [1903.] 48 colored plates. 40203.47 Bolton, A. Examples of mosaic pavings from rubbings of floors at Pompeii & Venice. With additional patterns from Palermo and Rome, London, 1891. 12 plates. *Cab.8o.35.3 Borrmann, R. Die Keramik in der Bau- kunst. Stuttgart. 1897. Illus. [Hand- buch der Architektur.] *8o92.49.4 Bursian, C. Mosaikbild von Orbe. Ziirich. 1868. 4 plates. [Mittheilungen der an- tiquarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 2 in *48ii.6o.i6 Champollion-Figeac, A. L. Peinture sur verre. Mosaique. — fimaux. Plates. (In Le moyen-age et la renaissance. Tome 5. Paris. 1851.) *8o6i.i5.5 Clausse, G. Basiliques et mosaiques cbre- tiennes. Italie-Sicile. Paris. 1893. Ihus Plates. [Les monuments du christia- nisme au moyen-age.] *4ioi.63 Craven, Dunnill and Co., Broseley, England. Tile pavements, geometrical and en- caustic, manufactured by them. Brose- ley. 1872. 22 plates. *8o30.5o Cust, R. H. H. The pavement masters of Siena. 1369-1562. London. 1901. Illus. [Handbooks of the great craftsmen.] 8029.135 Davison, J., and M. Davison. The Triqueti marbles in the Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor. London. 1876. 117 photo- graphs, with descriptive text. *Cab.8o.2i9.7 Esperandieu, J. £. Fouilles de I'eglise ab- batiale des Chatelliers. Carreaux emailles. [Paris?] 1890. 29 plates. There is no text. 4105.4I Fontana, G. Raccolta delle migliore chiese di Roma e suburbane. Tomo 1-4, 6. Roma. 1833 [-S9]. 5 V. in 3. Plates. *Cab.6o.i29.2 The plates show mosaics and Cosmaten work. Forrer, R. Geschichte der europaischen Fliesen-Keramik vom Mittelalter bis MOSAICS AND TILES 407 Forrer, R. (Continued.) zumjahre. 1900. Strassburg 1. Els. 1901. Illus. 107 colored plates. *4020.45 Bibliography, pp. 85-86. Fowler, W. [Engravings of mosaic pave- ments, stained glass, etc.] Winterton. 1796-1829. 4 V. 113 colored plates. *Cab.8o.33.i An account of these engravings may be found in works on shelf-numbers *2i5oa.6; *8o68.76. Frantz, E. Geschichte der christlichen Malerei. Freiburg im Breisgau. 1887, 94. 2 V. Plates. 8065.85 Contents. — i. Von den Anfangen bis zum Schluss der romanischen Epoche. 2. Von Giotto bis zur Hohe des neueren Stils. Vol. I includes mosaics. Furietti, G. A. De musivis. Romae. 1752. Illus. Plates. *4073;i49 Furnival, W. J. Leadless decorative tiles, faience and mosaic. Stone. 1904. Plates. So^e of the plates are colored. 4023.45 Gauckler, P. Mosaiques tombales d'une chapelle de martyrs a Thabraca. Illus. Plates. Plan. (In Institut de France. Academic des inscriptions et belles-let- tres. Monuments et memoires. Tome 13, pp. 175-227. Paris. 1906.) *222o.i02.i3 Thabraca is in Tunis. Gerspach, fi. La mosaique. Paris. [1881.] Illus. [Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.] 8087.4 Gestoso y Perez, J. Historia de los barros vidriados scvillanos desde sus origenes hasta nuestros dias. Sevilla. 1903. Illus. Plates. 4091. 171 Includes decorative tiles. Some of the plates are colored. Jones, O. Designs for mosaic and tessel- lated pavements. With an essay on their materials and structure by F. O. Ward. London. 1842. 12 plates. *8ioi.58 Kurth, F. E. J. Die Mosaiken der christ- lichen Ara. Teil i: Die Wandmosaiken von Ravenna. Berlin. 1902. Plates. Publication discontinued. 4091.132 Laborde, A. L. J., Comte de. Description d'un pave en mosaique decouvert dans I'ancienne ville d'ltalica, aujourd'hui le village de Santiponce, pres de Seville. Paris. 1802. Plates. *Cab.8o.73.i Lafaye, G., and others. Inventaire des mo- saiques de la Gaule et de I'Afrique. Public sous les auspices de I'Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Paris. 1909, 10. 2 V. *4ioi.87 Contents. — i. Gaule, par G. Lafaye et A. Blanchet. 2. Afrique proconsulaire (Tunisie), par P. Gauckler. Layard, Sir A. H. Paper on mosaic decora- tion, read at a meeting of the Royal In- stitute of British Architects. London. [1869.] 4096.88 Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Institute, 1868, 69 [*4090.289.i868, 69]. Lessing, J. Majolika-Fliesen aus Siena. 1500-1550. Nach Originalzeichnungen von G. Brenci. Berlin. 1884. 30 plates. *Cab.8o.96.i Low, J. F., and J. G. Low. Plastic sketches. [Tiles.] Boston. [1883?] 8069.72; **K.64.i I Same. 1887. *8o7o.74 Low, J. G., and J. F. Low. Illustrated cata- logue of art tiles. Chelsea. 1884. 30 plates. *8o2o.28 Maskell, W. The industrial arts. London. [1876.] Plates. [South Kensington Museum art hand-books.] 4025.32; 4025.54 Same. New edition. 4025.30 Same. New York. 1877. 8027.43 Includes furniture, mosaics and textiles. Maxe-Werly, L. :6tude sur les carrelages au moyen age. Paris. 1894. Illus. No. I in 8oiq.2o7 Extrait des Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, tome 53 [*5275-i-S3l- Meurer. M. Carreaux en faience italienne de la fin du xye siecle. Paris. 188.S. 24 colored plates. *C^b. 80.68.1 Millet. G. Le Monastere de Daphni: his- toire, architecture, mosaiques. Paris. 1800. Plates. Plan. [Monuments de Tart bvzantin.] *4ogo.i40 Bibliographie, pp. xtii-xv. Minton, Hollins and Co. Designs of Min- ton's tiles. For purnoses of architectu- ral decoration. Philadelphia. [1876?] 15 plates. *4090.72 Illustrated patterns of tiles for purposes of decoration. Stoke-upon-Trent. [1876?] 25 plates. *4090.73 Morgan, T. Romano-British mosaic pave- ments. London. 1886. Plates. 4083.20 Muentz, L. F. E. La mosaique chretienne pendant les premiers siecles. Paris. t8o3- Illus. 8075.138 Extrait des Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, tome 52 [*S27S-i-S2]. Niccolini, A. Quadro in musaico scoperto in Pompei a di 24 Ottobre 1831, descritto ed esposto in alcune tavole dimostrative. Napoli. 1832. Plates. 4093.131 Nichols, J. G. Examples of decorative tiles. London. 1845. loi plates. *4ioi.20 Nogara, B., editor. I mosaici antichi con- servati nei palazzi pontifici del Vaticano e del Laterano. Milano. 1910. Illus. 76 plates. [Collezioni archeologiche, artistiche e numismatiche dei palazzi apostolici.] *Cab.8o.234.7 Parker, J. H. Mosaic pictures in Rome and Ravenna. Oxford. 1866. Illus. 8075.116 Price, J. E. A description of the Roman tessellated pavement found in Bucklers- bury. Westminster. 1870. Illus. *4520.5 Raphael. I mosaici della cupola nella capella chigiana di S. Maria del Popolo in Roma, inventati da Raffaelle Sanzio d'Urbino, incisi ed editi da L. Gruner, illustrati da A. Grifi. Roma. 1839. Plates. ^4090.113 The plates are engravings of the designs for the mosaics. Quitt, J. Die Mosaiken von S. Vitale in Ravenna. Eine Apologie des Dyophysi- tismus aus dem vi. Jahrhundert. Plates. 27 408 DECORATION Quitt, J. (Continued.) (In Ursprung und Sieg der altbyzantini- schen Kunst. Pp. 71-109- Wien. 1903.) 4073.272 Richter, J. P. Die Mosaiken von Ravenna. Beitrag zu einer kritischen Geschichte der altchristlichen Malerei. Wien. 1878. 4078.129 Richter, J. P., and A. C. Taylor. The golden age of classic Christian art. London, 1904. 52 plates. *407o.i64 The illustrations are mostly from mosaics of the Basilica of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome. Rossi, G. B. Musaici cristiani e saggi dei pavimenti delle chiese di Roma anteriori al secolo xv. Con traduzione francese. Roma. [1872-199. 50 colored plates. *Cab.8o.2io.i Scaglia, S. I mosaici antichi della basilica di S. Maria Maggiore in Roma descritti ed illustrati. Roma. 1910. Illus. Plates. 4101.85 Smith, C. R. Illustrations of Roman Lon- don. London. 1859. Illus. *249i.67 There are a few plates of tessellated pavements. Sogliano, A. Platone nell' Accademia. Mu- saico pompeiano. Napoli. 1900. Colored plates. 4071.90 Tichelaar, Gebrs., Makkum. Tegel-en pla- teel bakkerij. [Makkum? 1904.] 40 colored plates. 40208.43 Tiffany glass and decorating company, N. Y. Tiffany glass mosaics for walls, ceil- ings, inlays and other ornamental work. New York. [1896.] Plates. 4029.23 Tiffany Studios, New York. Mosaic curtain for the National Theatre of Mexico. New York. [1911?] Plates. 4099.176 Tilly, H. L. Glass mosaics of Burma. Ran- goon. 1901. Illus. 13 plates. *407o.i90 Weerth, E. aus'm. Der Mosaikboden in St. Gereon zu Coin restaurirt und gezeich- net von T. Avenarius. Bonn. 1873. Plates. *Cab.8o.85.2 Wilmowsky, J. N. von. Roemische Mosai- ken aus Trier und dessen Umgegend. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir niitzliche Forschungen in Trier. Trier. ^ 1888. 9 plates. *Cab.8o.i55.3 Winter, F. Das Alexandermosaik aus Pompeji. Strassburg i. E. 1909. Illus. Colored plates. *Cab.27.22.3 Wyatt, Sir M. D. Specimens of the geome- trical mosaic of the Middle Ages. Lon- don. [1848.] 21 colored plates. *Cab.8o.39.i Painting, Paper-Hanging, Etc. Benson, W. Principles of the science of colour. London. 1868. Plates. 8071.19 Berthelon, E. Neue Vorlagen fiir Holz- und Marmormalerei mit Text von J. Berlot. Berlin. [1891.] 32 colored plates. *8o8o.25 Bezold, W. J. F. von. The theory of color in its relation to art and art industry. Boston. 1876. Illus. Plates. 3926.76 Brannt, W. T., editor. A practical treatise on the fabrication of volatile and fat varnishes, lacquers [etc.], from the Ger- man of E. Andres. With additions on the manufacture and application of var- nishes, stains for wood [etc.], from the German of E. Winckler and L. E. An- des. Philadelphia. 1882. 4017.7 Cameron, J. Oils and varnishes. 3d edition. London. 1896. Illus. [Churchill's Tech- nological handbooks.] 3978.125 Chevreul, M. E. The laws of contrast of colour. Translated by J. Stanton. [3d edition.] London. 1883. Plates. 4076.27 Church, A. H. The chemistry of paints and painting. London. 1890. 8065.104 Same. 3d edition, enlarged. 1901. 8065.158 Colour. London. [1872.] Illus. Plates. [Cassell's Technical manuals.] 80698.23 Same. New edition. 1887. Colored plates. 80693.49 Davidson, E. A. A practical manual of housepainting, graining, marbling, &c. London. 1888. Illus. 8018.143 Decorator's assistant, The. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1887. 8038.24 Denning, D. Polishes & stains for wood. London. [190-?] Illus. 8029.120 Desaint, A. Three hundred shades & how to mix them. For architects, decorators, painters. London. 1907. 100 colored plates. *8o3o.30 Ducompex, "fi. A. Traite de la peinture en batiment et du decor. Paris. 1878, 83. 2 V. 4065.50 Field, G. Chromatography; or, treatise on colours and pigments. New edition by T. W. Salter. London. [1869.] 8063.14 A grammar of colouring applied to decora- tive painting and the arts. 6th edition by E. A. Davidson. London. IQ03. Illus. 80693.29 Fuchs, J. N. von. La stereochromie, pein- ture monumentale. Traduite de I'alle- mand par L. D., avec le concours de ses amis G., S., G., et W. Paris. 1861. Por- trait. 4078.267 On preserving stone by painting with special preparation. Fumell, J. Student's handbook of paints, colours, oils, and varnishes. London. 1903. Illus. Plates. 8019.232 Gardner, F. B. Everybody's paint book. New York. 1884. Illus. 8095.26 How to paint. New York. 1872. Illus. 80193.62 Same. 9th edition. 1885. 80193.48 Guichard, ]6. La grammaire de la couleur. Texte explicatif en frangais, allemand et anglais. Paris. 1882. 3 v. 765 colored ^ plates. *8o69.35 Guignet, C. E. Fabrication des couleurs. Paris. 1888. [Encyclopedic chimique. Tome 10, partie 15.] *5985.5o.93 Hasluck, P. N. House decoration: compris- ing whitewashing, paperhanging, paint- ing, etc. London. 1894. Illus. ["Work" handbooks.] 80193.158 Same. 1897. • 4018.104 PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING, ETC. 409 Hasluck, P. N. (Continued.) Same. 1908. lUus. Plates. [Handicraft series.] 40193.259 Hay, D. R. The interior decorator. With observations on house painting, ist American edition. Philadelphia. 1867. Illus. 8077.14 Hints for painters, decorators, and paper- hangers. New York. 1882. 8039.108 Hurst, G. H. Painters' colours, oils, and varnishes. 3d edition, enlarged. Lon- don. 1901. Illus. Plans. 8015.201 Jennings, A. S. House painting and decora- tion: a popular guide. London. 1912. Illus. 8018.320 Includes a chapter on paper hanging. Johns, H. W., Manufacturing Co. Artistic house painting. [New York. 1895.] Colored plates. 4099.101 Maire, F. Carriage painting. Chicago, [toit.] Illus. 80393.136 Wood finisher: a series of practical treatises on hardwood finishing and all its branches . . . Chicago. [1911-] Illus. Plates. 8o39a.i37 Masury, J. W. House painting and graining. New York. 1881. 8037.18 How shall we paint our houses. New York. 1868. 4034.12 Same. 1872. 4034-2i Mathieson, E. Painting, graining, and deco- rating, to prevent blisters. London. [1889.] 8039.129 Painter, gilder, and varnisher's companion. 27th edition. Revised by W. T. Brannt. Philadelphia. 1894. Illus. 4019.43 Painters Magazine, The, New York. 739 paint questions answered: a reference encyclopedia answering knotty prob- lems that confront the painter, deco- rator and paint manufacturer. 2d edi- tion. London. [1904I *8o37.i49 Painting and decorating. [Scranton. 1903.] Illus. [International Library of Tech- nology.] No. 3 in ^8027.132.32 Painting and interior decoration. Scranton. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Charts. [International Library of Technology.] *8o27.i32.ioo, loi Pearce, W. J. Painting and decorating. London. [1898.] Illus. Plates. 8036.30 Prang, L., and Company. Alphabets, plain, ornamented and illuminated. A selec- tion from the best ancient and modern styles. Boston. [1875.] 12 plates. 6118.10 Ridner, J. P. The artist's chromatic hand- book. A practical treatise on pigments. New York. 1850. 8069.13 Riffault, J. R. D., and A. D. Vergnaud. Manuel du fabricant de couleurs et de vernis. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1850. Illus. [Manuels-Roret.] 8029.72 Rossiter, E. K., and F. A. Wright. Modern house painting. Exterior and interior. New York. 1882. 20 colored plates. 8092.12 Same. 2d edition. 1883. 8092.21 Sabin, A. H. House painting, glazing, paper hanging, and whitewashing. New York. 1908. 40193.27 Scott, W. G. White paints and painting materials: source and manufacture; composition and properties; uses and formulas. Chicago. 1910. Illus. Plates. Tables. 8037.131 References, p. viii. Standage, H. C. The practical polish & var- nish maker. London. 1892. *8o39.i35 Sutherland, W., and W. G. Sutherland. The art of graining & imitating woods. [London. 1892?] Illus. 20 colored plates. *Cab.40.i3.5 Terry, G. Pigments, paint and painting. London. 1893. Illus. 8016.174 Teschendorff, T. Musterblsetter fuer Holz- malerei. Berlin. 1881. 11 plates. *Cab8o.T84.i Whigelt, G. Architectural hardwood finish- ing. A oractical treatise on modern methods of finishing the wood work of new buildings. New York. 1006. 8010^.-^ '^i Republished from the Painters Magazine for 190S. Whittock, N. The decorative painters' and glaziers' guide. London. 1841. Illus. Plates. *40i2.i7 Wulliam, C, and L. Farge. Specimens de tons pour la decoration et la peinture en batiment. Paris. [1896?] Colored sam- ples. *8o74.i77 Stained Glass. See also Gates, Doors and Windows. A., A. An introduction to the study of painted glass. London. 1878. 4068.18 Andre, A. De la verrerie et des vitraux peints dans I'ancienne province de Bre- tagne. Rennes. 1878. *4024.68 Balet, L. Schwabische Glasmalerei. Stutt- gart. 1912. Illus. Plates. Facsimile. [Kataloge der Kgl. Altertiimersamm- lung in Stuttgart.] *4i02.i07 Literatur, pp. 49-59. Some of the plates are colored. B3llantine, J. A treatise on painted glass, shewing its applicability to every style of architecture. London. 1845. Illus. Plates. ^ 8064.69 Begule, L. Les vitraux du moyen age et de la renaissance dans la region lyonnaise et specialement dans I'ancien diocese de Lyon. Lyon. 191 1, Illus. Plates. Coats of arms. Illuminated title-page. 4102.109 Cahier, C, and A. Martin. Monographic de la cathedrale de Bourges. Vitraux du xiiie siecle. Paris. 1841-44. Text, i v.; Atlas, 74 plates, mostly colored, *Cab.8o.63.3 C3nterbury C3thedr3l, England. Notes on the painted glass in Canterbury Cathe- dral; with a preface by F. W. Farrar. London. 1897. Illus. Plates. 8026.41 Authorities, p. (7). C3rter, O. . A series of the ancient painted glass of Winchester Cathedral. London. 1845. Illus. *8o6i.79;**K.6i.i5 410 DECORATION Champollion-Figcac, A. L. Peinture sur verre. Mosaique. — fimaux. Plates. (/» Le moyen-age et la renaissance. Tome 5. Paris. 1851.) *8o6i.i5.5 Cox & Sons illustrated catalogue of designs for stained glass windows for churches and domestic use. London. 1870. No. 3 in *8o3i.3 Crowninshield, F. [Circular regarding his mural decorations and stained glass windows.] Boston. 1883. 6 plates. 8072.115 Window in memory of Mrs. Howard Pay- son Arnold, erected in Emmanuel Church, Boston, August, 1899. Chro- molithograph. *Cab.4o.i7.2 Day, L. F. Stained glass. London. 1903. Illus. [South Kensington Museum art hand-books.] 4024.146 Windows. A book about stained and painted glass. London. 1897. Illus. 4024.85 Same. 2d edition. 1902. 4024,144 Descamps, H. P. V., and I. P. E. Le Maistre d*Anstaing. Les vitraux de la cathedrale de Tournai, dessines par J. B. Capron- nier. Bruxelles. 1848. 14 colored plates. *Cab.6o.iio.3 Didron, fi. Les vitraux a I'Exposition uni- verselle de 1867. Paris. 1868. 8021.29 Dissertation sur la restauration et la com- position des vitraux peints, lue a la seance publique de la Societe des anti- quaires de Picardie, a Amiens, en re- ponse a cette question: Vaut-il mieux, dans I'execution des peintures sur verre, imiter les vitraux anciens ou suivre les progres des arts et du dessin? [Cler- mont. 1847.] No. 3 in *4o66.5 Drake, M. A history of English glass- painting with some remarks upon the Swiss glass miniatures of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. London. 1912. Plates. Facsimiles. *4iooa.38 A bibliography of stained-glass, pp. 187-196. Some of the plates are colored. Eggert, F. X. Die Glasgemalde in der Mariahilf-Kirche in der Vorstadt Au [zu Miinchen]. Miinchen. [1865.] 19 plates. *8o7oa.i4 Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von. Die farbige Ausstattung des zehneckigen Schiffes der Pfarr-Kirche zum heil. Gereon in Koln, durch Wand-und Glasmalereien. Frankfurt a. M. 1891. Plates. *Cab.8o.25.i Faber, W. F. Stained glass windows. An essay. With a report to the vestry on stained glass windows for Grace Church, Lockport, N. Y. Lockport. 1900. 8029.130 Fowler, W. [Engravings of mosaic pave- ments, stained glass, etc.] Winterton. 1796-1829. 4 V. Colored plates. *Cab.8o.33.i An account of these plates may be found in works on shelf-numbers *2 1503.6; *8o68.76. Fromberg, E. O. An essay on the art of painting on glass. London. 1851. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8069.18 Fromberg, E. O. (Cotttinued.) Rudimentary essay on the art of painting on glass. From the German [by J. H. Clarke]. 3d edition. London. 1857. [Weale's Rudimentary series.] 8069.192 Same. 4th edition. 1878. No. 2 in 8069.93 Same. 5th edition. 1884. No. 2 in 8069.94 Gessert, M. A. Rudimentary treatise on the art of painting on glass or glass-stain- ing. London. 1851. [Weale's Rudimen- tary series.] 8068.38 Same. 3d edition. 1857. 8069.99 Same. 4th edition. 1878. No. i in 8069.93 Same. 5th edition. 1884. No. i in 8069.94 Geyling, R., and A. Loew. Meisterwerke der kirchlichen Glasmalerei. Text von K. Lind. Wien. [1897.] 50 colored plates. *Cab.8o.36.6 Gilbert, J. Fragments towards the history of stained glass and the sister arts of the Middle Ages. London. [1840?] Tllus. ^. Plates. *8o8oa.3 Giusto, E.^ M. Le vetrate di S. Francesco in Assisi: studio storico iconografico. Milano. [1911.] Illus. Portrait. Plates. TJ-Kl- r r. *4I02.I06 Bibhografia, pp. 14, 15. Some of the plates are colored. Hafner, A. Chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture Suisse sur verre. Berlin. [1887.] 60 ,^ plates. *Cab.8o.5o.4 Haseloff, A. E. G. Die Glasgemaelde der Elisabetkirche in Marburg. Berlin, [1906.] Illus. 21 plates. *Cab.4o.i7.7 Hiersemann, C. W. Katalog No. 133. Kunstgewerbe. iv: Glasmalerei. Leip- zig. 1894. *6i87.22 Holiday, H. Stained glass as an art. Lon- don. 1896. Illus. 64 plates. 4024.37 Hucher, E. F. F. Vitraux peints de la cathe- drale du Mans. Paris. 1865. 20 nlates. *Cab.8o.32.2 Joyce, T. G. The Fairford windows. Lon- don. 1872. Illus. 43 plates. *Cab.8o.72.2 Most of the plates are colored. Koenigliche Akademie des Bauwesens, Ber- lin. Vorbildliche Glasmalereien aus dem spaten Mittelalter und der Renaissance- zeit. Lieferung i, 2. Berlin. 1912. Illus. Colored plates. *Cab.8o.32.4 Kolb, H. Glasmalereien des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Stuttgart. [1886- 89.1 60 colored plates. *4ioo.78 Lafond, P. Vitraux. Illus. Plan. (In Loisel, A. La cathedrale de Rouen. Pp. 110-123. Paris. [1913.]) 4107.118 Langlois, E. H. Essai historique et descrip- tif sur la peinture sur verre ancienne et moderne. Rouen. 1832. 7 plates. *4o66.5 Lasteyrie, F. C. L., Comte de. Histoire de la peinture sur verre, d'apres ses monu- ments en France. Pans. 1853. Text, I v.; Atlas, 100 colored plates. *Cab.40.i6.2 Lenoir, M. A. Musee des monumens fran- gais; histoire de la peinture sur verre, et description des vitraux anciens et mo- dernes, pour servir a I'histoire de I'art, relativement a la France. Paris. 1803. Plates. *4o86.4.6 STAINED GLASiS 411 Le Vieil, P. Art de la peinture sur verre, et de la vitrerie. [Paris. I774-] Plates. 8020.57.4 L6vy, E. Histoire de la peinture sur verre dans les diverses contrees et particu- lierement en Belgique. Bruxelles. i860. Text, I v.; Atlas, 37 colored plates. *8o8i.i03 The plates are done by J. B. Capronnier. Liebenau, T. von. Die Glasgemalde der ehe- maligen Benediktinerabtei Muri im Aar- gau. Aarau. 1892. 30 plates. *4ioo.69 Luebke, W. Die Glasgemalde im Kreuz- gange zu Kloster Wettingen. 2. Auf- lage. Zurich. 1863. 3 plates. [Mitthei- lungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Ziirich.] No. 5 in *48ii.6o.i4 Magne, L. L'oeuvre des peintres verriers frangais: Montmorency, £couen, Chan- tilly. Paris. 1885. Text, i v. Plates; Atlas, 8 plates. *Cab.8o.i9i.i Les vitraux de Montmorency et d'^couen. Paris. 1888. Illus. 9 plates. 80703.138 Marchand, J. Verrieres du choeur de I'eglise metropolitaine de Tours. Vitraux peints du 13. siecle. Texte par Bourasse et Manceau. Paris. 1849. 17 plates, mostly colored. Plan. *Cab.8o.69.2 Meloizes, A. des. Marquis. Vitraux peints de la cathedrale de Bourges posterieurs au xiiie siecle. Paris. 1891-97. Colored plates. *Cab.8o.63.4 A continuation of the work by Cahier and Martin [*Cab.8o.63.3]. Miller, F. Glass-painting . . . and the prin- ciples of design. London. [1884?! IHus. Plates. [Wyman's Technical series.] 8028.42 Ottin, L. Le vitrail: son histoire, ses mani- festations a travers les ages et les peu- ples. Paris. [1896.] Illus. Plates. 4071.20 Prost, B. Notice sur les anciens vitraux de I'eglise de Saint-Julien (Jura), et in- cidemment sur ceux de Notre Dame de Brou (Ain). [Lons-le-Saulnier.] 1885. 6 plates. [Publications archeologiques de la Societe d'emulation du Jura.] *4ioo.36 Rahn, J. R. Die Glasgemalde in der Rosette der Kathedrale von Lausanne. Ein Bild der Welt aus dem xiii. Jahrhun- dert. Ziirich. 1879. plates. No. 2 in *48i 1.60.20 Die schweizerischen Glasgemalde in der Vincent'schen Sammlung in Constanz. Leipzig. 1890. 2 plates. No. 6 in *48ti.6o.22 These two works form part of the Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. Reboulleau, M. E. F. Nouveau manuel com- plet de la peinture sur verre. Paris. 1844. [Manuels-Roret.] 8029.78 Same. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. D. Magnier. 1866. 80193.2 Schaefer, C., and A. Rossteuscher. Orna- mentale Glasmalereien des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Berlin. 1888. 45 colored plates. *Cab.8o.65.3 Schmitz, H. Die Glasgemalde des Konig- lichen Kunstgewerbemuseums in Ber- lin. Mit einer Einfiihrung in die Ge- schichte der deutschen Glasmalerei von Hermann Schmitz. Herausgegeben mit Unterstiitzung der Orlopstiftung. Ber- lin. 1913. Text, I v. Illus. Portraits. Plates; Atlas, 70 plates. *Cab.8o.32.5 Contents. — i. Geschichte der deutschen Glas- malerei. 2. Die Glasgemalde des Kunstgewerbe- Museums und des Kaiser Friedrich-Museums. Katalog und Tafeln. Sherrill, C. H. A stained glass tour in Italy. London. 1913. Plates. Map. 4102.112 Stained glass tours in England. London. 1909. Plates. Maps. 4102.118 Stained glass tours in France. New York. 1908. Plates. 4102.119 These three works contain many examples of mediaeval windows. Smirke, S. Illustrations of the architectural ornaments and painted glass of the Temple Church, London. From draw- ings by W. R. Essex. London. 1845. Plates. **K.72.i2 Snell, H. J. Practical instructions in enamel painting on glass . . . tiles, etc. London. [1874.] illus. Plates. 4078.60 Stained glass by the improved process of diaphanie. loth edition. London. [1866?] Plates. 4069.10 An earlier edition, with the title Stained win- dows and painted glass ^. . . may be found on shelf-number 4068.65. Stolberg, A. Tobias Stimmer: sein Leben und seine Werke, mit Beitragen zur Ge- schichte der deutschen Glasmalerei im sechzehnten Jahrhundert. Strassburg. 1901. Plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte.j 4074.341 Alphabetische Litteraturangabe, pp. 147-149. Sudre, J. P. La chapelle de Saint Ferdinand. Paris. 1846. 20 plates. *Cab.26.i8.4 The plates represent principally the stained glass windows of the chapel. Suf fling, E. R. A treatise on the art of glass painting. London. 1902. Illus. Plates. 8027.41 Tiffany glass & decorating company. Me- morial windows. New York. [1896.] Plates. 4079.95 Tiffany Studios, New York. Thomas memo- rial windows erected to the memory of Jonathan Thomas . . . New York. 191 1. Plates. 41093.7 The windows are placed in the First Presby- terian Church, Topeka, Kansas. Wackernagel, W. Die deutsche Glasmalerei. Geschichtlicher Entwurf. Leipzig. 1855. 4063.14 Waring, J. B. Examples of stained glass [etc.]. London. 1858. Plates. *Cab.8o.92.3 Wamecke, F. Musterblatter fiir Kiinstler und Kunstgewerbtreibende, insbeson- dere fiir Glasmaler. Nach Original- I^ntwiirfen von Hans Holbein, Manuel Deutsch [etc. 2. Auflage]. Berlin. [1883.] 100 plates. *Cab.8o.39.2 412 DECORATION Warrington, W. The history of stained glass. London. 1848. 27 colored plates. *Cab.8o.ii5.4 Weale, J. Divers works of early masters of Christian decoration. With examples of ancient painted and stained glass. Lon- don. 1846. 2 V. Plates. *Cab.8o.i8o.2 Westlake, N. H. J. A history of design in painted glass. London. 1881-94. 4 v. Illus. Plates, *8o7oa.io6 Whall, C. W. Stained glass work. A text- book. New York. 1905. Illus. [The artistic crafts series of technical hand- books.] 8026.43 Wichmann, E. Vorlagen fur moderne Glas- malerei und Glasatzerei. Diisseldorf. [1900.] 34 plates. *Cab.40.i7.4 Willement, T. A concise account of fhis] principal works in stained glass. [Lon- don.] 1840. Plate. *8o73.4 Winston, C. An inquiry into the difference of style observable in ancient glass paintings, especially in England: with hints on glass painting by an amateur. Oxford. 1847. Text, i v.; Atlas, 75 plates. *4o66.i Memoirs illustrative of the art of glass- painting. London. 1865. Plates. ♦4065.28 Woodwork. Beer, J. Chorgestiihl in der Certosa bei Pavia. Wien. 1894. 12 plates. [Vor- lagen fur gewerbliche Unterrichtsan- stalten.] *Cab.8o.i95.3 Beltrami, L. La tarsia e la scultura in legno nelle sedie corali e negli armadi di alcune chiese di Milano e della Lom- bardia. Illustrazione di V. Forcella. 2a edizione. Milano. 1896. 2y plates. ♦4100.42 Bemrose, W. Fret cutting and perforated carving. 2d edition. London. [1868.] Plates. 8072.2 Same. 7th edition. [1875.] 8072.11 Manual of buhl-work and marquetry. London. [1872.] Colored plates. 4021.52 Bobrinski, A. A., Count. Volkstumliche rus- sische Holzarbeiten. Hausindustrie, Haushaltungs- und Kirchengerate. [Moskau.] 1910. 3 parts. Plates. ♦Cab.40.42.3 Boetticher, C. Die Holzarchitectur des Mittelalters. Theil i, Heft 1-4. Berlin. 1836-42. Plates. *8ioo.2i Publication discontinued. Bond, F. Wood carvings in English churches. London. 1910. 2 v. Illus. Plates. [Church art in England.] 4106.61 Contents. — i. Misericords. 2. Stalls and taber- nacle work. — Bishops' thrones and chairs. Bury, T. T. Remains of ecclesiastical wood- work. London. 1847. 20 plates. 4091.73 Caspar, L. Vorlagen zu Holz-Intarsien in verschiedenen Stilarten. Dresden. 1888. 20 plates. ♦Cab.80.36.5 Cluny, Hotel et Musee de. Musee de Cluny. Serie 2: Le bois. Paris. [1897.] 72 plates. ♦Cab.80.174.2 The text is merely a description of the plates. Coulon, A. G. La menuiserie artistique. Paris. [1870.] 45 plates. *8oio.i52 Details of decorative woodwork from French churches. Dekorative Holzarbeiten aus der Konkur- renzausstellung des Wurttem. Kunst- gewerbevereins. Stuttgart. [1896?] 60 plates. *8o70.85 Denning, D. Fretwork and marquetry. London. [1896.] Illus. 8077.39 Woodcarving for amateurs. 2d edition. London. 1894. Illus. Plates. 8018.185 Doering, P. O. Michael Pacher und die Seinen: eine Tiroler Kunstlergruppe am Ende des Mittelalters. M. Gladbach. [1913.] Illus. Plates. [Monographien zur Geschichte der christlichen Kunst.] 4075.342 Eigl, J. Oesterreichische Holzarchitektur. Das Salzburger Gebirgshaus (Pinzgauer Typus). Wien. 1894. Illus. 37 plates. ♦8080.61 Falke, J. von. Mittelalterliches Holzmo- biliar. Wien. 1894. 40 plates. [Kaiser- lich-konigliches osterreichisches Mu- seum fiir Kunst und Industrie.] ♦8080.68 Foley, E. The book of decorative furniture: its form, colour & history. London. 1910, II. 2 v. Illus. Colored plates. Charts. ♦4093-36 Includes also typical examples of fixed wood- work such as panellings and chimney-pieces. FruUini, C. L. A collection of ornamental carvings from nature. Boston. [1896.] 42 plates. ^8070.82 Italienische Holzsculpturen. Serie i. Ber- lin. [1889.] 20 plates. ♦Cab.80.47.5 Panneaux et ornements en bois sculpte. Paris. N. d. 29 photographs. ^8093.27 Hampshire County Council. Technical edu- cation committee. Lessons in wood- work for evening classes, comprising exercises in the principles of joinery and studies and designs for wood-carv- ing. London. [1893.] 20 plates. 8oioa.i29 Hefner-Alteneck, J. H. von. Ornamente der Holzsculptur von 1450-1820, aus dem bayerischen National-Museum. Frank- furt a. M 1881. 40 plates. ♦8o8oa.35 Huber, A. Kleine Architekturen zur Aus- fiihrung in Holz. Serie i, 2. Berlin. 1891-99. 2 V. in I. 90 plates. ♦Cab.60.147.1 Hulme, F. E. Examples for fret-cutting and wood-carving. London. 1877. 24 plates. ♦8070.16 Jackson, F. H. Intarsia and marquetry. New York. 1903. Plates. [Handbooks for the designer and craftsman.] 4017.114 Kunstgeschichtliche Gesellschaft, Berlin. Deutsche und niederlandische Holz- bildwerke im Berliner Privatbesitz. Leipzig. [1904.] 50 plates. ♦Cab.80.193.4 WOODWORK 413 Lachner, C. [Geschichte der Holzbaukunst in Deutschland.] Leipzig. 1885. 2 v. Illus. Colored plates. *8o9i.ii9 Leland, C. G. A manual of wood carving. Revised by J. J. Holtzapffel. London. 1890. Illus. Plates. 8014.116 Same. New York. 1891. 8014.180 Lerebours, P. V. Sur d'anciennes construc- tions en bois sculpte de I'interieur de la Norvege. Paris. 1842. 3 plates. 4092.120 Lostalot, A. de. Les arts du bois. (Sculp- ture sur bois. Meubles.) 3e edition. Paris. [1893?] Plates. 8072.124 Malim, M. F. Old English woodcarving patterns from oak furniture of the Jaco- bean period. London. 1906. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.i30.5 Marshall, A. Specimens of antique furni- ture and woodwork. London. 1888. 50 plates. *Cab.40.ii.5 Martineau, G. A village class for drawing and wood carving. Hints to teachers. London. 1891. Illus. 8069.140 Maskell, A. Wood sculpture. London. 191 1. Plates. [The connoisseur's library.] Bibliography, pp. xv-xxxii. 8085.26 Miller, F. Wood-carving; with notes on de- sign as applied to carved wood. Lon- don. [1885?] Illus. Plates. [Wyman's Technical series.] 8018.79 Moser, F. Pflanzenornamente fiir Holz- techniken. Berlin. [1897.] 2 parts. 48 plates. *Cab.8o.i73.2 Niedling, A. Kirchliche Tischler- u. Holz- bildhauer-Arbeiten im romanischen und gothischen Styl. Berlin. [1894-96.] 32 plates. "4100.77 Phipson, E. Choir stalls and their carvings. Examples of misericords from English cathedrals and churches. London. 1896. loi plates. *4ioi.7i Pollen, J. H. Ancient & modern furniture and woodwork in the South Kensington Museum. London. 1864. Plates. [Science and art department of the Committee of council on education.] *4093.52; **K.64.7 Redfarn, W. R. Ancient wood & iron work in Cambridge. Letterpress by J. W. Clark. Cambridge, [1S86.] 28 plates. *8o8o.3o Most of the examples are taken from Cambridge University. Resides, G. H., and H. Diemer. Wood-turn- ing, wood-working machines and pat- ternmaking. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4012.41 Rhenius, W. Eingelegte Holzornamente der Renaissance in Schlesien. 1550-1650. Berlin. 1881. 20 plates. *Cab.8o.6i.6 Rowe, E. French wood carvings from the National museums. Printed in collo- type from photographs. London. 1896- 97' 3 V. 54 plates. *Cab.8o.i44.3 Contents. — i. Late 15th and early i6th centuries. 2. 1 6th century. 3. 17th and i8th centuries. Hints on wood-carving. 2d edition. [Lon- . don. 1889.] Illus. Plates. 8069.122 Sanders, W. B. Examples of carved oak woodwork. London. 1883. 25 plates. *Cab.40.22.5 Sauvage, F. Holz-Architektur. Entwiirfe von Gebauden, Lauben, Pavilions usw. Berlin. 1905. 20 plates. *Cab.6o.i30.4 Schauermann, F. L. Woodcarving in prac- tice & theory, as applied to home arts. London. [1890.] Illus. 8017.122 Scherer, C. Technik und Geschichte der In- tarsia. Leipzig. 1891. Illus. 4066.52 Small, J. W. Scottish woodwork of the i6th & 17th centuries. Edinburgh. [1878.] 100 plates. *Cab.8o.i42.i Tanner, H., Jr. English interior woodwork of the XVI, XVII, & xviiith centuries. Examples of chimney-pieces, panelling, staircases, doors, screens, &c. London. 1903- 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i5i.3 Twopeny, W. Specimens of ancient wood- work. London. 1859. 13 plates with descriptive text. *Cab.40.39.2 Ungewitter, G. G. Vorlegeblatter fiir Holz- arbeiten. 2. Auflage. Glogau. [1864.] 48 plates. *Cab.40.i5.2 Williams, H. T. Ornamental designs for fret-work, fancy carving and home deco- rations. Part I, 3. New York. 1875. 65 plates. *8o7o.62 Williams, R. F. An historical sketch of the art of sculpture in wood. London. 1835. 4077.2 Wood-Mosaic Co. Parquetry: description and catalogue. [Boston. 1893.] 16 plates, with descriptive text and price- list. 8020.125 Young, F. C, editor. Ornamental carpentry. In 3 parts. Part i : Wood carving, for amateurs, by L. Pansey. Part 2: Decora- tive carpentry, by S. [sic] W. Gleeson- White. Part 3: Oriental lattice work, by C. H. Ozanne. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. [Ward, Lock & Bowden's Ama- teurs' practical aid series.] 8018.184 I Handbooks. (Including Contracts, Estimates, Formulae, Specifications.) Addison, P. L. Practical elements of con- struction. A reference book for en- gineers and builders. London. 1888. Illus. Plates. 8017.155 Agenda Oppermann a I'usage des ingenieurs, architectes [etc.]. Paris. 1881. *8oi9a.29 I Agenda special des architectes et des entre- preneurs de batiments pour I'annee 1881. Paris. 1881. *8o99.8 Allen, J. T. Suggestions for specifications and notes on plastering. [Philadelphia. 1901.] 4oi9a.i89 414 Handbooks Arthur, W. The building estimator. [Omaha.] 1904- Plates. Plans. 40193.248 The new building estimator. New York. 1909. Plates. Plan. 40193.249 Baker, W. H. The cement worker's hand- book. Akron, O. [1905.] 40193.264 Same. [4th edition.] Atlanta, Ga. [1906.] 40193.289 Bales, T. The builder's clerk. A guide to the management of a builder's business. London. 1877. 8039.11 Beaton, A. C. Pocket technical guide, measurer, & estimator for builders and surveyors. 6th edition. London. 1891. Illus. *8o39a.io2 Quantities and measurements: how to cal- culate and take them in bricklayers', masons', carpenters' and joiners' work. London. 1867. Illus. [Weale's Rudi- mentary series.] 8029.121 Same. 3d edition. 1871. 8029.123 Berg, L. de C. Safe building. A treatise giving the rules and formulae used in the construction of buildings. Boston. 1889, 92. 2 V. Tables. Illus. 8035.14 Berthot, J. B. E. Notes pour servir a re- soudre quelques-unes des questions qui se presentent le plus souvent lorsqu'on projette ou qu'on dirige les travaux pu- bliques. Paris. 1837. 2 folded plates. 8039.65 Beutinger, E. Die Baufiihrung. Kurzge- fasstes Handbuch. Leipzig. 1908. Dia- grams. 73893.399 Bl3ck3ll, C. H. Builders' hardware. A manual for architects, builders, and house furnishers. Boston. 1890. Illus. Plates. 8015.109 Boston. Architect Department. Specifica- tion for the alteration of the Public Li- brary according to plans prepared by C. K. Kirby, architect. Boston. 1871. *2 1 34.50 Specification for alteration in Public Li- brary building. C. K. Kirby, architect. Boston. 1874. *2i34.5i Specification of painting and decorating of Bates Hall (Public Library building). Boston. 1874. *T.R.25.i9 Commissioners on the Erection of a Building for the Public Library. Speci- fications. Boston. 1855. *T.R.25.i8;*2i34.37 Same. [Materials and labor for complet- ing.] 1856. *2i34.72;*T.R.25.2i Bower, vV. F. Specifications. A practical system for writing specifications for buildings. New York. 1896. *8i03.26 Boxer, F. N. Architects' and artisans' price book, tables, glossary [etc.]. Montreal. 1876. 2 V Plates. *8o303.7 Brsyton, L. F. Brayton standards: a pocket companion for the uniform design of re- inforced concrete. Minneapolis. 1906. Plans. Charts. 80193.301 Brown, C. C, editor. A handbook for cement users. 3d edition, enlarged. Indianapo- lis. 1905. Illus. Plans. Chart. 8017.319 Builder's and contractor's price-book for 1861. 6th edition. Revised by G. R. Bur- nell. London. 1861. 4034.19 Building superintendence. [Scranton. 1903.] illus. Plans. [International Library of Technology.] No. 5 in *8o27.i32.3i Calc3re, pseud. Cement users' & buyers' guide. London. 1901. 40193.190 Cl3rk, T. M. Building superintendence: a manual for young architects [etc.]. Boston. 1884. Illus. 4096.74 Same. New York. 1894. 4096.80 Same. 14th edition. 1896. 4096-85 Same. New edition. 1903. Plans. 4096.73 Clarke, A. H. Architect's hand-book on cements. Baltimore. 1899. Illus. Plans. Bibliography, pp. 49, 50. 8039.161 Claudel, J. Formules, tables et renseigne- ments pratiques; aide-memoire des in- genieurs, des architectes, etc. 3e edition. Paris. 1854. 3 folded plates. 4033.6 Coleman, T. E. A price-book for the use of architects, engineers, and builders. Lon- don. 1897. 80993.3 Construction moderne. La. Cours officiels des materiaux de construction et bulle- tin des adjudications du Departement de la Seine. (Extrait du Moniteur general, par autorisation speciale.) Paris. 1906. [Supplement 1-3, 6-1 1, 13-40, 42-52.] ^4092.202 La construction moderne may be found on shelf- number *4092.20I. Contracts and permits. [Scranton. 1903. International Library of Technology.] No 6 in *8o27.i32.3i Cosgrove, J. J. Plumbing plans and specifi- cations. Pittsburgh. [1910.] Illus. Plate. Plans. 8015.219 Craigen, G. J. Practical methods for ap- praising lands, buildings and improve- ments. [New York.] 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 9333-3a24 Crosby, T. Builders' price book for 1858. 57th edition. London. 1858. 4033.8 Davy, C. The architect, engineer and opera- tive builder's constructive manual. New edition. London. 1841. Plates. 4093.6 Dillenbeck, C. Specifications for passenger stations [and freight houses]. Form A- D. Philadelphia. 1896. 4 parts. ♦4092.27 Dixon, D. B. Vade mecum: a work of refer- ence for the use of architects, architec- tural iron workers, builders. Chicago. 1893. 8037.100 Donaldson, T. L. Handbook of specifica- tions. With a review of the law of con- tracts, by W. Cunningham Glen. Lon- don. [i860.] 2 V. Plates. 4095.11 Dufour, F. O. Structural drafting: a prac- tical presentation of drafting and detail- ing methods used in drawing up speci- fications for structural steel work. Chicago. 1913. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 4065.73 Eassie, P. B. Wood and its uses: a hand- book for contractors, builders, archi- tects, etc. Gloucester. 1874. Illus. 4017.16 HANDBOOK^ 415 Bdison Electric Light Company. Specifica- tions for the New Waterside power house of the New York Edison Com- pany. New York. 1907. Plate. Plans. 4095.170 Estimating and calculating quantities. [Scranton. 1903. International Library of Technology.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.32 Fall River, Mass. Central Congregational Church. Specifications. Hartwell, Swa- sey & Co., architects. Boston. 1873. 4012.42 Farrow, F. R. Specifications for building works and how to write them. A manual for architectural students. Lon- don. 1898. ["The builder" student's series.] 8108.7 Faxon, J. L. [Specifications for proposed Columbian building. Boston. 1893.] Plate. 2 photographs. *8o9i.72 Fletcher, B. Dilapidations; a text-book for architects and surveyors, in tabulated form. 4th edition. London. 1891. 3667.87 Quantities; a text-book for surveyors, in tabulated form. London. 1877. lUus. 3938.64 Gallier, J. The American builder's general price book and estimator. Boston. 1834. 8016.183 Gilbreth, F. B. Concrete system. New York. 1908. Illus. Plans. 8016.283 Forms for instructions from the contractor to the workmen. Gillette, H. P. Handbook of cost data for contractors and engineers. New York. 1905. Diagrams. Charts. *40i9a.25i Same. 1906. *40i9a.252 Same. 1907. *40i9a.253 Gillette, H. P., and C S. Hill. Concrete con- struction. Method and cost. New York. 1908. Illus. Plans. 801T.85 Gould, L. D. Carpenter's and builder's as- sistant, and woodworker's guide. 9th edition. New York. 1897. Diagrams. 4016.150 Hallett, W. T. Specifications for frame houses, ranging in cost from 2,000 to 20,000 dollars. 3d edition. New York. 1881. 4012.70 Hawkesworth, J. Graphical handbook for reinforced concrete design. New York. 1906. Plans. Diagrams. Charts. 8oToa.i70 Hawkings, J. The tradesman's guide to superficial measurement. 4th edition. London. 1891. 3938.97 Hicks, I. P. Builders' guide, comprising an easy system of estimating material and labor. New York. 1893. Illus. Por- trait. 8039.149 Hodgson, F. T. The builder's guide, and estimator's price books. New York. 11890. *8o39.io7 Builders' reliable estimator and contrac- tors' guide. Chicago, 111. 1911. 2 parts in I V. Illus. Plates. Plans. Table. *8o36.59 Estimating frame and brick houses, barns, stables, factories and outbuildings. New Hodgson, F. T. (Continued.) York. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4019.232 Hodgson, F. T., and W. M. Brown. The builders' and contractors' guide to cor- rect measurements. Chicago. 1906. Diagrams. 8019.256 Holly, H. W. The carpenter's and joiner's handbook: containing a complete treatise on framing hip and valley roofs. Revised edition. New York. 1890. Illus. 8039.150 Hoskins, G, G. The clerk of works. A vade mecum for all engaged in the superin- tendence of building operations. 5th edition. London. 1893. 8029.117 Humber, W. Handy book for the calcula- tion of strains in girders. New York. 1869. Illus. 4109.3 Joslin, A. W. Estimating the cost of build- ings: a systematic treatise on factors of cost and superintendence, with import- ant chapters on plan reading, estimating the cost of building alterations, and on system in the execution of building contracts. [2d edition.] New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4019.233 Kerr, R. The consulting architect. London. 1886. 4096.69 Kidder, F. E. The architect's and builder's pocket-book of mensuration, geometry. 13th edition. New York. 1897. Illus. Plans. 8039.153 Same. 15th edition. 1909. *8o28.ii5 Building construction and superintend- ence. New York. 1909, 10. 3 v. Illus. Portrait. Plans. *40ii.39 Leaning, J. Building specifications for the use of architects, surveyors, builders, &c. London. 1901. Plans. Diagrams. *4097.i64 Lockwood, Crosby, & Company. Lock- wood's Builder's, architect's, contrac- tor's & engineer's price book . . . for 1876, 79, 98, 1901. Edited by Francis T. W. Miller. London. 1876-1901. 4 v. Illus. Plans. *4029.66 The titles vary. Macey, F. W. Specifications in detail. Lon- don. 1898. Illus. 4093-75 Maiden, Mass. Specification. Methodist Episcopal Society. George A. Clough, architect. Boston. 1872. 3547-85 McDonald Brothers. Specifications of work- manship and material for the completion of the Kansas State Capitol building at Topeka. [Topeka. 1889?] 8096.110 Moerman, C. Traite des constructions civiles ou memorial vade mecum des en- trepreneurs, architectes-metreurs, etc. 2e edition. Paris. 1876. 3 folded plates. 4099.62 Moloney, T. The carpenter's and joiner's pocket companion. Also, a treatise on the framing square. New York. 1888. 8029.108 Neubecker, W. Easy lessons in roof meas- urements. Lessons in figuring from architects' or scale drawings the amount 416 HANDBOOKS Neubecker, W. (Continued.) of material required. New York. 1903. Plans. 4017.129 These articles originally appeared in the Metal Worker and in Carpentry and Building. New Jersey Steel and Iron Co. Useful in- formation for engineers, architects and constructors. New York. 1891. Illus. *8o39.i32 New York, City. Astor Library. Specifica- tion and description of the work and materials to be contracted for in build- ing, according to plans exhibited, a li- brary edifice for the trustees of the Astor Library. [New York. 185-?] 2128.26 Nicholson, P. The new and improved prac- tical builder and workman's companion. London. [1848-50.] 3 v. *4090.i7 Pain, W. The practical builder, or work- man's general assistant. 4th edition. Boston. 1792. 83 plates. *4094.43 Plates 46 and 82 are missing. Parry, W. K. Office management; a hand- book for architects and civil engineers. London. 1901. Plans. 3933.7I Peabody, A. Specifications for the con- struction of the superstructure for the northwest wing of the State Historical Library . . . Madison. 1912. No. 3 in 8097.40 Peoples, W. Pocket stair builder and car- penters' hand book. Pittsburgh, 1892, 52 plates. *8oi4.i66 Pewtner, W. Pewtner's Comprehensive specifier. A guide to the practical speci- fication of every kind of building-arti- ficer's work. Edited by W. Young. Lon- don. 1870. 8095.24 Plant, J. C, and A. E. Zapf. Contracts and specifications. A working manual of correct forms covering the relations of architect, contractor, and owner, Chi- cago. 1908. Plates. Plans. 4095.20Z Rankine, W. J. M. Useful rules and tables relating to mensuration, structures [etc.]. 2d edition. London. 1867. Charts. Diagrams. 4018.46 Same. 5th edition, revised by E. F, Bam- ber. 1876. 4018.120 Same. 7th edition, ... by W. J. Millar. 1889. 4018.86 Richey, H. G. The building mechanics' ready reference. Carpenters' and wood- workers' edition. New York. 1906. Illus. Diagrams. Plans. 8oi9a.303 Same. Stone and brick masons' edition. New York. 1907. Illus. Diagrams. 40i9a.297 Richey's Guide and assistant for carpen- ters and mechanics. New York. [1894.] Illus. 8013.158 A handbook for superintendents of con- struction, architects, builders, and build- ing inspectors. New York. 1905. Illus. Diagrams. 40i9a.i8 Roberts, A. and P., & Co. Wrought iron and steel in construction. Rules, formulae, and tables. 8th edition. Philadelphia, [1892.] 44 plates. *8o39.i30 Rogers, F. The architect's guide, being a text-book of information for architects, engineers, surveyors, etc. London. 1877. 4099.36 Same. 3d edition. 1894. 8099.27 The architect's text book of useful in- formation. London. [1872.] 4019.52 Specifications for practical architecture. Prefixed, an essay on the structure and science of modern buildings, upon the basis of the work of Alfred Bar- tholomew, 3d edition, London. 1893. Folded plates. *8o93.ii2 Ryde, E, A general text book for the con- stant use and reference of architects, en- gineers, surveyors, solicitors, auc- tioneers, land agents and stewards. London. 1854. Illus. Plates. 8032.69 Sayward, W. H. A specification reminder for the use of architects, builders and others. Boston. 1902. 4099.156 Scott, W. F. Structural designers' hand- book, giving diagrams and tables for the design of beams, girders and columns with calculations based on the New York City building code. New York. 1904. Charts. 4014.162 Simon, J. D. The house owner's estimator; or, "What will it cost to build, alter, or repair?" Edited and revised by F. T. W. Miller. London. 1874, Illus. 4018.56 Same. 3d edition. 1881. 4017.83 Smeaton, A. C. The builder's pocket com- panion; containing the elements of building, surveying, and architecture. Philadelphia. 1852. Illus. 8039.12 Same. 1859. 8039.36 Specifications. [Scranton. 1903. Interna- tional Library of Technology.] No, 4 in *8o27. 132.33 A different article with the same title may be found on shelf-number No, 7 in *8o27. 132,52. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Spe- cifications for the completion of the Li- brary and museum building. By Ferry and Clas, architects. Madison, 1897. 8094.76 Sthamer, E, Dokumente zur Geschichte der Kastellbauten Kaiser Friedrichs 11. und Karls I. von Anjou. Band i: Capitinata (Capitanata). Leipzig, 1912. [Die Bauten der Hohenstaufen in Unter- italien, Erganzungsband 2, Band i,] 4091. 161 Stephenson, G, Estimating: a method of pricing builders' quantities for competi- tive work. 2d edition. London. 1890. 8039.113 Repairs: how to measure and value them. A handbook for the use of builders, decorators, &c. London. 1890, 8018.134 Stetson, Moseley & Co, Tables showing the comparative strength of timber used for building purposes. Boston. 1881. 4016.102 Stroebel, C. L., and F, H, Kindl, editors. Pocket companion, containing informa- tion and tables, appertaining to the use of wrought iron and steel, as manufac- tured by Carnegie, Phipps & Co. Pitts- burgh. 1892. Illus. *8o39.i3i HANDBOOKS 417 Sturgis, J. H., and C. Brigham. Specifica- tions of the materials to be provided and labor to be performed in the construc- tion of a portion of a building on the corner of St. James Avenue and Dart- mouth Street, Boston, for the Museum of Fine Arts, in accordance with plans and working drawings. Boston. 1874. *8toi.5o Tedesco, N. de. Tables et graphiques pour le calcul des arches surbaissees en ma- Qonerrie, d'apres la methode de M. Tour- tey. Paris. 1891. 25 plates, **E.5i2i.20 Thwing, C. Rules of carpenters' work. New Haven. 1805. *8oi9a.i2i Tough, E. Specifications for material, con- struction, and installation of cases, etc., for the northwest wing of the State Historical Library at Madison, Wiscon- Tough, E. (Continued.) sin. Specifications for metal book stacks, mezzanine floors, iron stairs, etc. . . . Madison. 1913. 2 parts in i v. No. I, 2 in 8097.40 United States. Library of Congress. Speci- fications. [Washington. 189-?] No. 2 in *8o95.i9; No. 2 in *2205.3i Walker, S. F. A pocket book of electric lighting and heating, comprising useful formulas, tables, data, and particulars of apparatus and appliances. New York. 1907. Illus. Diagrams. Charts. 40i9a.3oi Wilson, J. The mechanic's and builder's price book; added a dictionary of me- chanical terms and a treatise on archi- tecture. New York. 1859. Plans. 4018.123 Related Topics. Architectural Competition. American Institute of Architects. Matters relating to competitions. Washington, D. C. 1908. 4095.180 Extracts from the Proceedings of the American Institute of Architects, 1905-1908 [*4090.- 210.1905-1908]. Autornobile Club, L', de France. Concours d'installations de chambres d'hotels. Chambres a coucher et cabinets de toilette. Paris. [1905?] 24 plates. *Cab.6o.i56.2 Benouville, L. fitude sur la cathedrale de Beauvais. Concours pour les fonctions d'architecte diocesain. Paris. 1892. Illus. Plates. 4103.87 Boston Athenaeum. Circular of informa- tion supplementary to the programme of competition for a new library build- ing. [Boston. 1902?] 4098.50 Competition for a building to be erected for the Boston Athenaeum. [Boston. 1902.] Plan. 4098.49 Carnegie Foundation, The Hague. Inter- national competition of the Carnegie Foundation. The Palace of Peace at the Hague. The 6 premiated and 40 other designs chosen by the Society of Architecture at Amsterdam. London. 1907. 76 plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i6i.2 A building for the Permanent Court of Arbitra- tion. Some of the plates are colored. Concours publics, Les, d'architecture par L. Farge. Publication mensuelle. Annee 4, 5. Paris. 1898/99-1900. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i38.2 Subscription discontinued. "Daily Mail." Architects' competition. Ideal homes. An illustrated record of the prize designs and many others. London. [1909.] Illus. Plans. 8103.88 Deutsche Konkurrenzen. Herausgegeben von A. Neumeister und E. Haberle. Deutsche Konkurrenzen. (Continued.) Band i-ii. Leipzig. 1892-1900. 11 v. Illus. Plans. *4093-67 Same. Erganzungsheft 1-5. Leipzig. 1897-99. 5 V. Plates. *4093.69 This work is supplemented by the Konkurrenz- Nachrichten ['4093. 68]. £cole nationale et speciale des beaux-arts, Paris. Les concours d'architecture de I'annee scolaire 1911-1912. Annee 6, serie 1-6. Paris. 191 1, 12. 6 parts in I V. 254 plates. *Cab.6o.i64.2 Les medailles des concours d'architecture. Annee 3-14. Paris. [1900-12.] 12 v. *Cab.6o.i64.i In progress. Consists almost entirely of plates. France. Bureau des beaux-arts. ^ Concours ouvert pour le monument a elever a Paris, sur I'emplacement de I'eglise de la Madeleine. [Paris. 1806.] Plan. 4103.29 Gilbers, G., publisher. Die pramiirten und hervorragendsten Konkurrenz-Projekte zur Erbauung der St. Petrikirche in Leipzig. Dresden. [1878.] Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i4.5 Great Britain. Courts of Justice Commis- sion. The Acts of Parliament, commis- sion, minutes and proceedings of the commission, and the instructions for competing architects. London. 1866. 8092.30 Institut de France. Academic des beaux- arts. Grands prix d'architecture. Pro- jets couronnes par I'Academie royale des beaux arts de France. Graves et publics par A. L. T. Vaudoyer et L. P. Baltard. [Tome 3.] Paris. 1818. 122 plates. *Cab.6o.i8.4 Les Grands prix de Rome d'architecture. 1850 to date. Paris. Plates. *Cab.6o.i8.7 Koch, H. Preisgekronter Concurrenz-Ent- wurf fiir das Museum des Konigreiches Bohmen. Prag. 1884. 10 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.7 418 ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION Konkurrenz-Nachrichten. Beiblatt zu den Deutschen Konkurrenzen. Heraus- gegeben von A. Neumeister und E. Haberle. No. 1-84. Leipzig. 1894- 1900. 84 parts in 7 v. *4093.68 No. 60, for Dec, 1898, is lacking. Louisville, Kentucky. Public Library. Answers to questions submitted by com- peting architects. Louisville. 1904. *6i9i.43 Prograrnme of a competition for the selection of an architect. Louisville. 1904. Folded plans. *6i9i.42 Lucas, C. Un projet de decoration du Pantheon et le concours de I'eglise du Sacre-Coeur a Montmartre. Paris. 1875. lUus. Plates. 4105.28 Reprinted from the Revue de I'art chretien, 1874 [•4072.201.17]. New York, City. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine. A portion of the designs submitted in the first competition. Bos- ton. [1891?] 57 plates. *Cab.6o.i5i.4 Originally printed in the American Architect and Building News. New York, City. Court House Board. Com- petition for the New York Court House. New York. 1913. 88 plates. *Cab.6o.i96.i New York, City. Public Library. Terms of competition for the building to be erected for the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations. [New York.] 1897. Plans. *6i90.54 Rotch Travelling Scholarship. Envois of the Rotch Travelling Scholarship: being a series of measured drawings of European architecture, . . . with the successful designs submitted in the competitions. New York. [i889-]i902. 3 V. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i9i.i Some of the plates are colored. The volume for 1891-1900 is the 2d series. The volumes for 1885-1892 and 1891-1900 are published by the Boston Society of Architects. In progress. St. Louis, Mo. Public Library. Program of conditions and instructions to govern a competition for the selection of an architect for a new central building for the Saint Louis Public Library. [St. Louis. 1907.] Plan. 6190.126 Program of conditions and instructions to govern a competition for the selec- tion of architects for two branch library buildings. [St. Louis. 1908.] *6i9i.48 Sammel-Mappe hervorragender Concur- renz-Entwiirfe. Namely: Hasselbach-Brunnen fiir Magdeburg. Berlin. 1885. 10 plates. *Cab.8o.62.3 Maerkisches Provinzial-Museum fuer Ber- lin. Berlin. 1893. 57 plates. *8o90.i40 Synagoge fuer Berlin. Berlin. 1889. 19 plates. *Cab.6o.89.i Wilhadi-Brunnen fiir Bremen. Berlin. 1881. 12 plates. *Cab.8o.62.4 Schoenthal, O., compiler. Wettbewerbs- entwiirfe fiir ein Amtsgebaude des Reichskriegsministeriums und fiir ein Gebaude des Militarwissenschaftlichen und Kasino-Vereines in Wien. Wien. Schoenthal, O., compiler. (Continued.) [1908.] 64 plates and plans. *Cab.6o.i7i.2 Sitte, C. Die Ergebnisse der Vorconcur- renz zu dem Baue des Kaiser Franz Joseph-Museums der Stadt Wien. Wien. 1902. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4095.151 Soule, C. C. Modern library buildings. [With supplementary photographs and plans of recently erected libraries in the United States, or competitive de- signs therefor. Boston. 1902.] *6i9o.ii7 From the Architectural Review for January, 1902 [*4I02.20S.9]. T Square Club, Philadelphia. American competitions. [Philadelphia. 1907,] 08. 2 V. Plates. *409o.i88 University of California. The international competition for the Phoebe Hearst architectural plan for the tlniversity of California. [San Francisco? 1899.] Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4092.37 Text in English, French, Italian and German. The Phoebe A. Hearst architectural plan for the University of California. San Francisco. [189-?] 34 plates. 4092.38 An account of the International meeting at Antwerp assembled to judge the plans sub- mitted for the University of California. The text is in French, Italian, German and English. Programme for an international competi- tion for the Phebe Hearst architectural plan of the University of California. Berkeley. 1897. 8092.80 Wells Memorial Association. Prize plans for cottages. Boston. 1887. *Cab.6o.99.6 Wettbewerb Gross-Berlin. 1910. Die preisgekronten Entwiirfe mit Erlaute- rungsberichten. Berlin. 191 1. 4 parts in I V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. Profile. *Cab.6o.i89.i Architectural Schools. (Including Courses of Study.) Barkhausen, G., and W. H. Lauter. Ueber die praktische Ausbildung der Studiren- den des Baufaches wahrend der Stu- dienzeit. Darmstadt. 1894. [Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur.] *8o9oa. 132.3 Beule, C. E. L'ficole de Rome. Discours prononce a I'Assemblee nationale a propos de la loi du recrutement. Paris. 1872. 4076.177 L'ficole de Rome au dix-neuvieme siecle. [Paris. 1863.] 4074.233 Boito, C. L'architettura odierna e I'inse- gnamento di essa. Milano. i860. No. 5 in *4043-74 Boston. School Committee, Special re- port on drawing in the evening schools. Boston. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8064.176 Buckley, E., and others, editors. The fine arts: a course of university lessons on sculpture, painting, architecture and decoration. Chicago. 1900. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. *4072.209 Published by the International Art Association. ARCHITECTURAL SCHOOLS 419 Buckley, E, (Continued.) These articles originally appeared as monthly publications under the title of "Progress." Bibliographies arc appended to some of the sections. Some of the plates are colored. Same. 1907. 4073-391 This edition was published by the National Art Society. The bibliographies are omitted in this volume, but are included in twelve brochures pre- pared to accompany this work, which are on shelf-number 40793.350. Chesneau, E., editor. Le decret du 13 novem- bre et rAcademie des beaux-arts, Paris. 1864. 4077.196 On the protest of the Academie des beaux-rirts against the reorganization of the £cole des beaux-arts. Columbia College. School of Mines. Annual exhibition, 5th, of the Department of Architecture. Catalogue. New York. [1892.] Illus. Plates. *4494.248 Cornell University. Book of the College of Architecture. Ithaca. [1903.] 30 plates. Plans. 4093.144 Courajod, L. C. L. Histoire de I'enseigne- ment des arts du dessin au xviiie siecle. L'ficole royale des eleves proteges. Paris. 1874. Plate. 4076.59 Deseine, L. P. Notices historiques sur les anciennes academies royales de pein- ture, sculpture de Paris, et celle d'archi- tecture. Paris. 1814. 4077.182 Dilke, E. P., Lady. The Royal Academy of Architecture. {In Art in the modern state. Pp. 51-80. London. 1888.) 8065.82 Refers to the Academy in France under Louis XIV. ficole nationale et speciale des beaux-arts, Paris. The ficole des beaux-arts. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. [The Archi- tectural Record. January, 1901.] 4095.40 Contents. — The history of the school, by E. Muntz. — From nouveau to ancien — social life and study; requirements for admission, by J. M. Howells. — Design in the ficole des beaux- arts, by W. Cook. — The influence of the ficole des beaux-arts upon American architecture, by T. Hastings. — The result in the United States. A duplicate is in the file of the Architectuial Record on shelf-number *4090.273. 10. ficole nationale et speciale des beaux-arts. Section d'architecture. Les diplomes d'architecte en France. Projets d' architecture des eleves . . . ayant obtenu le titre de diplome d'architecte. Paris. [189-?] 176 plates. *Cab.6o.i48.6 Most of the plates are plans. There is no text. Franchi-Verney, G. I., Conte delta Valetta. L'Academie de France a Rome. 1666- 1903. Turin. 1903. 4074.296 Giraud, C. J. B. De la reorganisation de rficole des beaux-arts. Reponse a la rlettre de M. Ingres. Paris. 1864. 4075.187 odyear, W. H. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on representative nations illustrated by their architecture and decorative arts. Philadelphia. 1898. Illus. [University extension lectures.] "•■"■"' Guedy, H. L'enseignement a Tficole na- tionale et speciale des beaux-arts. Sec- tion d'architecture. Preface de J. Guadet. Historique par Eug. Miintz. Paris. [1899.] Illus. Plates. 4092.80 Harvard College. Announcement of a four years' programme of courses in land- scape architecture [at the] Lawrence Scientific School. March, 1900. [Cam- bridge? 1900.] 399oa.42 Announcement of the Department of Architecture. 1902/03-05/06, 07/08. Cambridge. 1902-08. Plates. Plan. 4483.277 Graduate schools of applied science. School of Landscape Architecture. [An- nouncement of courses.] Cambridge, Mass. [1912.] 4098.65 Issued as Vol. 9, no. 20, of the Official Register of Harvard University. Herville, H. d'. La section d'architecture a I'ficole nationale et speciale des beaux- arts. Paris. [1896.] Plates. 8094.53 Kaiserlich-koenigliche Akademie der bilden- den Kiinste, Vienna. Verein der Archi- tekten. Studien aus der Special-Schule von Th. R. V. Hansen. Wien. [1893.] 72 plates. *Cab.6o.i9.5 Kimball, S. F. The Department of Archi- tecture [of the University of Illinois] : development, condition, ideals. Urbana. 1913- . Illus. Plates. [University of Illinois. Publication.] 4092.28 Lecoy de la Marche, R. A. L* Academie de France a Rome. Correspondance in- edite de ses directeurs, precedee d'une etude historique. Paris. 1874. 4076.149 Lemaistre, A. L'ficole des beaux-arts des- sinee et racontee par un eleve. Paris. 1889. Plates. *8o7i.i4 Lowthorpe School of Landscape Architec- ture, Gardening and Horticulture for Women, Groton, Mass. [Prospectus. Groton. 1909.] Plates. 4098.72 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Catalogue of drawings [of the] Depart- ment of Architecture. Boston. 1892. Plates. Plans. *8o95.44 The title on the cover is: Annual exhibition of the Department of Architecture. Catalogue of the premiated drawings of the Architectural Department, 1899- 1900. Boston. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4095-47 [Course in architecture.] Boston. 1901. Plates. Plans. 4094.41 The course in landscape architecture. [Boston. 1903.] Illus. Plan. 399oa.4i ; *L.32.28 Reprinted from the Technology Review, Vol. 5, no. I [*73Si.i5-5]- Department of Architecture. Reprinted from Pres. Runkle's Annual report for the year 1875. Boston. 1876. 4492.104 President Runkle's report is on shelf-number *4493-S6(i87S). Ohio State University. Bulletin illustrating and describing the work of the Depart- ment of Architecture. Columbus, Ohio. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4098.165 420 ARCHITECTURAL SCHOOLS Pray, J. S. The department of landscape architecture in Harvard University. [Harrisburg, Pa.] 191 1. 4092.180 Reid, D. B. A college of architecture and its relation to professional education and to the improvement of public health. Hartford. 1857. 4095-i53 Reprinted from Barnard's American Journal of Education [*5593-i.i]- Rhode Island School of Design, Providence. Year-book. i8th year, 1895, to date. Providence. Illus. Plates. *4079.96 The 23d year, 1900/01, is missing. Ruprich-Robert, V. Reflexions sur I'en- seignement de I'architecture en 1881. Paris. 1882. 4094-37 A criticism of the methods of teaching archi- tecture at the ficole nationale et speciale des beaux-arts, Section d'architecture. Travers, W. I. Architectural education: a history of the past and some criticisms of the present system, upon which are founded some suggestions for the future with particular reference to the position of the universities. London. 1908. Bibliography, p. 114. 4095.187 University of Liverpool. School of Archi- tecture. Prospectus . . . for the session 1911/12, 12/13. Liverpool. 191 1, 12. 2 v. *4099.i74 Prospectus [of the] Department of Civic Design for the session 1911-12 . . . With an appendix descriptive of the Architectural School. [Liverpool.] 191 1. 4099.175 University of Pennsylvania. The School of Architecture. A biennial review illus- trating the work in design and drawing, with a statement of the courses of in- struction. [Philadelphia.] 1902. 18 plates. [University bulletins.] ^ *409oa.io3 Ware, W. R. Columbia University. The study of architectural drawing in the School of Architecture. [Lancaster, Pa.] 1896. 22 plates. 4094.86 Reprinted from the School of Mines Quarterly, April and July, 1896 [*7878.i.i7]. An outline of a course of architectural instruction [proposed for the school of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology]. Boston. 1866. 8094.1 The School of Architecture [at Columbia University] ; its resources and methods [by W. R. Ware]. Instruction in prac- tice [by C. P. Warren]. New York. 1900. Plans. 4097,23 The article by Ware is reprinted from the Columbia University Quarterly, June, 1900 [*448i. 73-2]. School of Architecture [of Columbia Uni- versity]. An address to the Architec- tural League of New York. New York. 1898. 4097.21 The study of architectural history at Columbia College. [New York. 1896.] Plate. 4093-77 Reprinted from the School of Mines Quarterly [♦7878. 1. 17]. Waterhouse, A. Architects. {In Pitcairn, E. H. Unwritten laws and ideals. Pp. 342-358. London. 1899.) 7593-40 Architectural Societies and Congresses. This heading includes only such miscellaneous publi- cations as cannot be classified elsewhere. American Institute of Architects. Conven- tion proceedings of the American In- stitute of Architects, the Western As- sociation of Architects and [their] con- solidation, Cincinnati, November, 1889, Chicago. 1890. 8o9oa.59 Architects', property-owners' and builders' association, The, of the city of New York. An expose of the frauds and blackmailing of the Department of buildings in the city of New York. . . , New York. [1872.] No. 9 in *4372.6a Bloor, A. J. The architectural and other art societies of Europe. [New York.] 1869. *8o9o.53 Boston Society of Architects. Catalogue of the first exhibition, February i8th to March 4th, 1886. Boston. 1886, Illus. 8093.13 California. Board of Architecture. Re- port, 1st, 1903, to date. The law, rules of the Board, and list of certificated architects. [San Francisco.] *4097.i4g Charvet, fi. L. G. Historique de la Societe academique d'architecture de Lyon. Lyon. 1880. 4091. 1 14 Publications de la Societe, pp. xxx-xxxv. Cleveland Architectural Club, Cleveland, Ohio. Constitution . . . revised . . . No- vember, 1912, and the articles of in- corporation. [Cleveland. 1912.] *4099a.i75 International Congress of Architects. [Proceedings.] 2d-7th Congress, 1878- 1906. Paris [etc.]. 1881-1908. 6 v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. Maps. Charts. *4095.83 In progress. Report upon the iv Congress, Brussels, 1897, [to the] Secretary of the Treasury. By G. O. Totten, jr. Washington. 1898. 4095.80 Institute of Architects of New South Wales. Exhibition of architectural drawings, etc., ist, 1905. [Sydney. 1905.] 4098.148 National Association of Builders of the United States of America. Official re- port. Annual convention, ist-ioth, 1887-96. Boston. 1887-98. 10 V. *4092.33 National Association of Cement Users. Proceedings of convention, ist-5th, 1905-1909. Indianapolis, Indiana. [1905- 1909.] 5 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. Dia- grams. Charts. Tables. *4oi4.i96 Some of the plates are colored. Includes papers on ferro-concrete work. Peabody, R. S. Address . . . delivered at the 35th Annual Convention of the American Institute of Architects, Octo- ber 3, 1901. Washington. 1902. 8o9oa.74 DIRECTORIES AND YEARBOOKS 421 Directories and Yearbooks. American Institute of Architects. Annuary, 191 1. [New York.] 191 1- *4092.2os American Institute of Architects. New- York Chapter. Yearbook. 1909, 11, 12. [New York. 1909-12. 3 v. *4099a.i23 Annuaire des artistes et des amateurs, public par P. Lacroix. Paris. 1860-62. 3 V. Illus. Portraits. 4097.i Architects', contractors' and material deal- ers' directory of Boston. Containing a compendium of the building laws of the city and state. Boston. 1886, 87. 2 v. *8o38.i3 Architects' directory, The, and specification index for 1903/04-05/06, 09, 13/14, con- taining a complete list of the architects in the United States and Canada. With a brief specification index of prominent dealers and manufacturers of building materials and appliances. New York. 1903-13. 5 V. *4092.45 Architectural Record Co. "The book of catalogues." Sweet's indexed catalogue of building construction for the year 1906, 09-13. New York. 1906-13. 6 v. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. *4090.i85 Association des artistes, peintres, sculpteurs, architectes, graveurs & dessinateurs. Annuaire. 1870-75, 80, 85, 89-95. Annees 26-31, 36, 41, 45-51. Paris. i87o[-95]. 14 V. in 12, *407i.235 Boston Society of Architects. Year-book for 1901, 05. With a list of the officers and members of the Society. Boston. 1901, 05. 2 V. *4099a.ii8 Directory of architects and classified di- rectory of first hands in the building trades. 1884, 85, 93. Holyoke, Mass. [etc.]. 1884-1893. 3 V. 4096.67 Hendricks' Architectural, engineering & mechanical directory of the United States. New York. 1901. 2382.17 Hendricks' Commercial register of the United States for buyers and sellers, especially devoted to the interests of the architectural, mechanical, engineer- ing, contracting, and kindred industries. Annual edition, 17th, i8th, 20th. New York. 1908-11. 3 V. *638oa.67 Master Builders Association of the City of Boston. Year book. 1911. Boston. 191 1. _ *8o99.55 Societe des architectes diplomes par le Gouvernement. Groupe americain. Year book. [New York.] 1912. Plate. *4ogga.ii4 Society of Architects, London. Year book and list of members. 1897/8, 99/1900- 04/05,07/08. London. [1898-1908.] 7 v. in 4. *4096.84 Expositions and Exhibitions. .{Messel, A. Ausstellungsbauten. Darni- ■j^ stadt. 1893- Illus. Plates. Plans. [Hand- IH^ buch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.6.4 Norton, C. B. World's fairs, from London, 1851, to Chicago, 1893. Chicago. 1890. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 8025.101 Atlanta, Ga. Cotton States Exposition. The Cotton States and International Exposition and South, illustrated. Including the official history of the exposition. By Walter G. Cooper. Atlanta. 1896. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *4020.8i Barcelona, Spain. Exposicion universal, 1888, Album de la instalacion artistico-arqueologica de la real casa en la Exposicion. Barcelona. [1889.] Plates. ^ *8o73.io5 Album de la seccion arqueologica de la Exposicion. Barcelona. [1889.] Plates. *8o73.io4 These two works were issued by the Asociacion artistico-arqueologica barcelonesa. BouRGEs, France. Societe des antiquaires du Centre. Cata- logue du Musee lapidaire. Bourges. 1873. Plates. 4077.161 Brussels, Belgium. Exposition Internationale, 1910. German arts and crafts. Stuttgart. [1911.] 128 plates. 4091.165 Fine and industrial arts, with much about house furnishing. There is an introduction entitled, An appreciation of the German style, by Robert Breuer. Budapest, Hungary. Milleniums - Ausstellung. Budapest - Mille- nium. Die Architektur der Milleniums- Ausstellung. Herausgegeben und mit erlauterndem Texte versehen von Zol- tan Balint. Wien. [1897.] 35 plates. ♦4090. 1 01 Die historischen Denkmaler Ungarns in der i896er Millenniums-Landesausstel- lung. Budapest. 1896. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Some of the plates are colored. *4090.I04 Buffalo, N. Y. Pan-American Exposition, 1901. [Circular. Buffalo. 1901.] Illus. 40293.124 La exhibicion chilena en la Exposicion Pan-Americana. Por J. Taddeo Laso J. Santiago de Chile. 1902. Plates. 40203.148 General outline of the plans and pur- poses of the Exposition. [Buffalo. 1901.] Illus. Plans. 40293.123 Official catalogue and guide book. Buffalo. 1901. Illus. Maps. *4029a.i26 Chicago, Illinois. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Ar- chitectural details from the buildings at the World's Columbian Exposition. [By] R. W. Wood. [Boston. 1893.] *4092.2I 422 EXPOSITIONS AND EXHIBITIONS World's Columbian Exposition. (Continued.) Art and architecture. By W. Walton. Vol. 3: Architecture. Philadelphia. [1893.] Plates. *Cab.8o.247.i.3 California. World's Fair Commission. Final report. Chicago, 1893. Sacra- mento. 1894. Plates. Map. 4022.120 Connecticut. Commissioners of the Col- umbian Exhibition of 1893. Report. Hartford. 1898. Illus. Plans. *402i.i30 Illinois. Board of World's Fair Commis- sioners. Report. May i-October 30, 1893. [Springfield. 1895.] IHus. *8o24.i04 Massachusetts. Board of World's Fair Managers. Report. Boston. 1894. Plates. ♦4021.101 Michigan. Board of World's Fair Mana- gers. Report. Lansing. 1899. Plates. *8o24.io7 Minnesota. Souvenir manual of the ]V[in- nesota educational exhibit. [Minne- apolis. 1893.] Illus. Plates. *7598.33 New York, State. Board of General Managers of the exhibit of the State. Report. Albany. 1894. Plates. Plans. ♦4020.106 Report of the Director of Works [D. H. Burnham]. Chicago. 1892. *402oa.io6; *L.52.6 The Columbian Exposition album. [Pub- lished by] Rand, McNally & Co. Chi- cago. 1893. *402oa.iio The Dream City. A portfolio of photo- graphic views of the World's Colum- bian Exposition. Published weekly [by the] N. D. Thompson Publishing Com- pany. St. Louis. [1893, 94.] 17 parts in IV. Plates. *Cab.8o.247.3 Exposition internationale de Chicago en 1893. Rapports publics sous la direc- tion de C. Krantz. Comite 36. Genie civil, travaux publics, architecture. Paris. 1894- [France. Ministere du commerce.] 4091.9 Contents. — J. Hermant: L'architecture et les industries qui en dependent en Amerique. — P. Debray: Genie civil, travaux publics, architec- ture. Harper's Chicago and the World's Fair. By Julian Ralph. New York. 1893. Plates. *4375.i20 The historical World's Columbian Ex- position and Chicago guide. By H. H. Morgan. St. Louis. 1892. Plates. ♦2371.100 [Lithographic views of the Fair buildings, by the Orcutt Company. Chicago. 1894?] II plates. *4375.i2i Revue technique de I'Exposition univer- selle de Chicago en 1893. Par [C. J. A.] Grille [et] H. Falconnet. Partie i, 10. Paris. 1894, 96. Text, 2 v. Illus.; Atlas, 2 V. ♦40203.114.1, 10 Contents. — i. Architecture. Collaborateur Ch. Labro. 10. Les travaux publics aux £tats-Unis. Par M. Grille et M. Laborde. Some artists at the Fair. New York. 1893. Illus. Plates. 8064.131 ;*L.54.2 Contents. — The decoration of the Exposition by F. D. Millet. — Types and people at the Fair, by J. A. Mitchell. — The art of the White City, World's Columbian Exposition. (Continued.} by W. H. Low. — Foreground and vista at thf Fair, by W. H, Gibson. — The picturesque side by F. H. Smith. A week at the Fair: illustrating the ex-i hibits of the World's Columbian Ex- position. [Published by] Rand, Mc- Nally & Co. Chicago. 1893. Illus, Plans. 402oa.ii2 World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago. 1891-93- 3 V. Illus. ♦4020.107 World's Fair photographed. [By] J. W. Shepp and D. B. Shepp. Chicago. [1893.] Plates. ♦4020.105 Delhi, India. Indian Art Exhibition, 1902-1903. Indian art at Delhi, 1903, being the official cata- logue of the Delhi Exhibition by Sir G. Watt; the illustrative part by P. Brown. London. 1904. Illus. Plates. ^4073.328 Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh Architectural Association. Illus- trated catalogue of photographs & surveys of architectural refinements in mediaeval buildings lent by the Brook- lyn Museum of Arts and Sciences. Text and observations by Wm. H. Good- year. Edinburgh. 1905. Plates. Plans. ♦4094.120 Bibliography of publications on architectural re- finements, pp. 147, 148. International Exhibition, 1886. Catalogue of the pictures and works of art. 5th edition. [Edinburgh.] 1886. Plan.'^ 40793.180 Grottaferrata, Italy. Muiioz, A. L'art byzantin a I'Exposition de Grottaferrata. Rome. 1906. Illus. Plates. ♦4072.165 Jeypore, India. Hendley, T. H. Memorials of the Jeypore exhibition, 1883. [London. 188-?] 4 v. 387 plates. ♦4020.57 Leipzig, Germany. Deutsche Industrie-Ausstellung, 1850. Mit einem Vorwort von F. G. Wieck. Leip- zig. 1850. Illus. Plates. 8021.105 Liege, BELGtUM. Belgium. Ministere de Tindustrie et du travail. La Belgique: institutions, in- dustrie, commerce. Bruxelles. 1905. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 9314.93322 Printed for the Exposition universelle et inter- nationale de Liege, 1905. London, England. Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society. Cata- logue of the third exhibition. [Lon- don.] 1890. Illus. 80793.156 The [fifth] Arts and Crafts Exhibition. [By Mabel Cox, Chiswick. 1896.] Illus. Plates, No. 2 in ♦4080.56 EXPOSITIONS AND EXHIBITIONS 423 London. (Continued.) Colonial and Indian Exhibition. Remin- iscences of the exhibition. Illustrated by T. Riley. Edited by F. Cundall. London. 1886. Illus. Plates. Plan. ♦4020.17 Exhibition of 1851. The year-book of facts in the great exhibition of 185 1: its origin and progress; constructive de- tails of the building [etc.]. By J. Timbs. London. 1851. *79i9.2 International Exhibition of 1862. The year-book of facts in the International Exhibition of 1862: its origin and pro- gress; constructive details of the build- ing [etc.]. By J. Timbs. London. 1862. *79i9.3 A description of the building now erect- ing at South Kensington. Designed by Captain Fowke. London. 1861. Plate. 8027.65 Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences. Catalogue of the exhibition of paint- ings, sculpture, architectural drawings, and art workmanship. [London.] 1881. 80793.250 Mechlin, Belgium. Weale, W. H. J. Instrumenta ecclesiastica. Choix d'objets d'art religieux du moyen- age et de la renaissance exposes a Malines, en septembre, 1864. [Brux- elles. 1866.] 57 photographs. *8o8o.34 Munich, Germany. Deutsch-nationale Kunstgewerbe-Ausstel- lung, 1888. Die Ofen der Ausstellung. Nach Auswahl von Paul Naumann. Dresden. 1889. 25 plates. *8iooa.52 Ausstellung „Miinchen 1908." Eine Denk- schrift. Vorwort und Einleitung von W. Riezler. Erlauternder Text von G. von Pochmann. Herausgegeben von der Ausstellungsleitung. Miinchen. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. *402oa.i6i New York City. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Catalogue of the collection of casts (sculpture and architecture). New York. 1908. Plates. Plan. *8o77.ii5 Bibliography, pp. xvii-xxxiv. Collections Georges Hoentschel. Notices de A. Perate et G. Briere. Paris. 1908. 4 V. Plates. *Cab.8o.26o.i Contents. — i. Moyen age & renaissance : Le marbre et la pierre; Le bois — statues et groupes, meubles, panneaux et frises ; Tapisseries. 72 plates. 2. xviie & xviiie siecles : Mobilier, boiserie. 59 plates. 3. xviiie siecle: Mobilier, boiserie. 136 plates. 4. Bronzes d'ameublement. 60 plates. Acquises par J. Pierpont Morgan et pretees au Metropolitan Museum de New-York. Omaha, Neb. ins-Mississippi and International Ex- position, 1898. [Prospectus.] Revised edition. [Omaha. 1898.] Illus. Plates. 8025.38 Paris, France. Exposition universelle de 1855. Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture et architecture des artistes vivants, ex- poses au Palais des beaux-arts. Paris. 1855. *4078.i84;*8o79a.27 Exposition universelle, 1867. L'architecture des nations etrangeres. fitude sur les principales constructions du Pare. Par A. Normand. Paris. 1870. 73 plates. *8o90.i58 Peinture, sculpture, architecture. Album autographique. L'art a Paris en 1867. [Paris. 1867.] Illus. *8o6o.i6 Les vitraux a I'Exposition. Par fidouard Didron. Paris. 1868. 8021.29 Exposition universelle, 1878. L'album de I'Exposition. Par Gliicq. Vues in- terieures et exterieures du palais de I'Exposition [etc.]. Paris. [1878.] 104 plates. *Cab.8o.37.3 Catalogue de I'exposition des archives de la Commission des monuments his- toriques de France. Paris. 1878. [Mi- nistere de I'instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux-arts.] 4613.75 Exposition universelle internationale, 1889. L'album de I'Exposition. [Public] par Gliicq. Paris. [1890.] 2 parts in i v. 100 plates. *Cab.4o.i3.3 Civil engineering, public works, and architecture. By William Watson. Washington. 1892. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8o2i.ii8 Reprinted from the Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Exposition of 1889. Vol. 3 t*8o2i.iii.3; **8o2i.ii4.3]. Congres international des procedes de construction. Comptes rendus des seances et visites du Congres. Paris. 1891. Illus. *8oi3.ii9 Les constructions frangaises et etrangeres. Reunies par L. Farge. Paris. [1890.] 80 plates and plans. *8o90.7i La decoration et l'art industriel a I'Ex- position universelle de 1889. Par R. Marx. Paris. 1890. Illus. Plates. 8020.114 L'exposition de Paris (1889). Paris. 1889. 2 V. Plates. *8o20.ioi Figaro exposition. Paris. [1889.] Illus. Plates. *8oioa.i04 Some of the plates are colored. The French edition is on shelf-number *8oioa.io3. Guide historique a travers l'exposition des habitations humaines reconstituees par Charles Garnier. Par A. Ammann. Paris. 1889. Illus. Plates. Table. 8108.10 Les industries d'art a la fin du xixe siecle d'apres les oeuvres ayant figure a I'Ex- position universelle de 1889 et a I'Ex- position de Chicago. Par V. Champier. Fascicule 1-13, 17, 20. Paris. 1889-93. Plates. *8o23.ioi Revue technique de I'Exposition univer- selle de 1889. Partie i: L'architecture; partie 2: La construction. Paris. 1889-93. Text, 2 V. Illus. Plates; Atlas, 80 plates. *8o2i.ioo.i, 2 424 EXPOSITIONS AND EXHIBITIONS Paris. (Continued.) Exposition retrospective de Tart frangais. Des origines a 1800. Par E. Molinier et F. Marcou. Paris. [1900.] Illus. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.25i.2 On objects of decorative art, including furniture. 1900. L'Exposition retrospective de Tart decoratif frangais. Description par G. Migeon. Paris. [1900.] 10 portfolios. Plates. *Cab.8o.232.4 Exposition universelle de 1900. L'architec- ture & la sculpture. Serie 7. Les palais des beaux-arts. [Plates.] M. Girault, architecte en chef, M. Deglane, archi- tecte, M. Louvet, architecte, M. Thomas, architecte. Paris. [1900?] 127 plates. Plan. *Cab.6o.i39.4 Catalogue officiel du royaume de Dane- mark. Paris. 1900. Illus. Map. 8o2ga.22 Contains a list of the architectural works. Catalogue officiel illustre de I'exposition centennale de I'art frangais de 1800 a 1880. Paris. [1900.] Plates. Plans. 8075.216 L'exposition du siecle. [Par] A. Quantin. Paris. [1901.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plan. *8o20.i33 Guide pratique du visiteur de Paris et de TExposition. [Paris. 1900.] Illus. Maps. *8o29a.7 Official catalogue. Exhibition of the German empire. [Berlin. 1900.] Illus. Plans. *8o23.i3o Contains a list of architectural works and the names of architects. Official illustrated catalogue. Fine arts exhibit, United States of America. Boston. [1900.] Plates. Plans. *8o29a.2 The French edition is on shelf-number 8029a. 3. It contains a list of the works of American architects. Le pavilion historique de la Hongrie a I'Exposition universelle de Paris en 1900. Redige avec le concours de fimerich de Szalay et Arpad de Gyory par Eugene de Radisics. Paris. [190-?] Illus. *8o2o.io3 Exposition des arts musulmans au Musee des arts decoratifs. Par G. Migeon. Paris. [1903.] 100 plates. *Cab.8o.7o.4 Salon de 1857. L'art frangais au Salon de 1857. Peinture, sculpture, architecture. Par Charles Perrier. Paris. 1857. n 1 4078.177 Salon de 1872. L'architecture au Salon. [Par] A. Fabre et L. de Vesly. Annee i. Pans. 1872. 31 plates. *4090.53 No more was published. Salon de 1876. L'architecture au Salon de 1876. [Par A. de Montaiglon. Paris. 1876.] Illus. Plates. Plan. 4093.137 Cut from the Gazette des beaux-arts [*4o6i.- 221.1876.1]. Salon de 1878. Architecture. [Par Ruprich- Robert.] Paris. [1878.] 4091.118 Reprinted from the Revue generale de l'archi- tecture et des travaux publics, 1878 [*8o90,- 110.35]. Paris. (Continued.) Salon de 1882. fitude sur l'architecture. Par fidouard Corroyer. Paris. 1882. 4093.133 Salon de 1884. Notes sur le Congres des architectes et sur l'architecture au Salon de 1884. Par fidouard Corroyer. Paris. 1884. 4091.123 Extrait de la Revue generale de l'architecture et des travaux publics, t. 41 [*409i. 206.41]. Salon de 1890-96. Catalogue des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture . . . architecture et objets d'art exposes au Champs-de- Mars, 1890, 92-94, 96. Paris. [1890- 96.] 6 V. Plans. 40793.152 Salon de 1900. L'architecture aux Salons, 1900. Public par Armand Guerinet. Paris. [1900.] 166 plates. *Cab.6o.i47.3 Salon. Champs-filysees. Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, archi- tecture [etc.] des artistes vivants, ex- poses au Palais des Champs-filysees, 1850, 52, 53, 57, 59, 61, 63-70, 72-92, 94, 95, 97. Paris. 1850-97. 38 v. Plans. 80793.85 Salon de 1883. Champs-filysees. Catalogue officiel des ouvrages de peinture, sculp- ture, architecture . . . des artistes vi- vants, exposes le 15 septembre, 1883. Paris. 1883. Plan. 40793.168 Salon d'architecture. Livre d'or, ler, du Salon d'architecture. Fonde et dirige par Charles Normand. Paris. [1893.] Plates with descriptive text. *8o90.i3i Union centrale des arts decoratifs. Les arts du metal: recueil descriptif et raisonne des principaux objets ayant figure a I'Exposition de 1880 de I'Union centrale des beaux-arts, par J. B. Giraud. Paris. 1881. 50 plates. *Cab.40.23.5 Palais de I'industrie. Exposition des arts de la femme. Guide-livret. 2e edition. Paris. 1892. Illus. Plans. *P.75.9i5.i Le mobilier des siecles passes, fitude du mobilier a l'exposition de I'Union cen- trale des arts decoratifs. Par Henry Penon. Paris. [1882.] 4099.146 Le Musee des arts decoratifs. Collec- tions de rUnion centrale des arts decoratifs exposees au Palais de I'in- dustrie a Paris. Ceramique, meubles [etc.]. Paris. [190-?] 66 plates. *Cab.8o.48.4 Perugia, Italy. Mostra. L'arte umbra alia Mostra di Perugia, [di] Umberto Gnoli. Ber- gamo. 1908. Illus. Plates. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie 5. Rac- colte d'arte.] 4073.506 Philadelphia, Pa. Centennial Exhibition. Centennial port- folio: a souvenir of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia. Descrip- tion by T. Westcott. Philadelphia. 1876. Plates. Maps. Plans. *2377.3;**G.29i.i The century: a history and description of the Centennial Exhibition. By E. C. Bruce. Philadelphia. 1877. Illus. 4025.60 EXPOSITIONS AND EXHIBITIONS 425 Philadelphia. (Continued.) Treasures of art, industry and manufac- ture, represented in the American Cen- tennial Exhibition. Edited by C. B. Norton. Philadelphia. 1876. Buffalo. [1877.] *Cab.40.32.2 Portland^ Oregon. Lewis & Clark Exposition. Official cata- logue. Portland. 1905. Plates. Plans. *4025.i44 St. Louis, Mo. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, Cata- logue of the furniture and works of art in the Connecticut State Building, in- cluding a sketch of early Connecticut colonial history. St. Louis. 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plates. 4074.389 Deutsches Kunstgewerbe, St. Louis, 1904. Berlin. 1904. 80 plates. Plan. 4091.164 The text is by Leo NachtHcht. Associate edi- tors were J. M. Olbrich and B. Mohring. Deutschland am Mississippi. Neue Ein- driicke und Erlebnisse von Hermann Knauer. Berlin. 1904. Illus. Plates. 2366.96 Grand Rapids furniture manufacturers at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. [Grand Rapids. 1904.] Plates. 4091.168 The greatest of expositions completely illustrated. St. Louis. 1904. *8o2i.i39 The Saint Louis World's fair of 1904. A handbook of general information. By C. M. Kurtz. Saint Louis. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8029.41 The story of Pennsylvania at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. Prepared by James H. Lambert. Philadelphia. 1905. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *4023.i22 The Universal Exposition of 1904. E'x- hibits, architecture [etc. St. Louis. 1904]. 4 parts in i v. Illus. Plans. *8o20.i5i World's Fair Bulletin. Devoted to the interests of Louisiana Purchase Cen- tennial. Vol. 2 (no. 7-12); 3-5, 6 (no. I, 2). May, 1901-Dec., 1904. St. Louis. 1901-04. 5 V. in 4. Illus. Plates. *402o.i33 Rome, Italy. American Academy in Rome. Catalogue of the first annual exhibition. New York. 1896. Plates. 8079.211 Esposizione fotografica dell' Associazione artistica fra i cultori di architettura in Roma. Catalogo della Esposizione fotografica nel Palazzetto Le Roy, detto La Farnesina ai Baullari. [Aprile. 1905.] Roma. 1905. Illus. 4094.149 The illustrations are of the Farnesina Palace. The catalogue is preceded by an article entitled Appunti storici e tecniei sul Palazzetto della £ Farnesina ... in Roma. ^■Catalogo illustrativo delle fotografie di l^y monumenti medioevali esposte dal Museo di Brooklyn. Testo ed osser- RoME. (Continued.) Esposizione fotografica. (Continued.) vazioni originali per W. H. Goodyear. Roma. 1905. 4094.150 Nota bibliografica, pp. 30, 31. San Francisco, Cal. Panama- Pacific International Exposition, 1915. [Circulars. San Francisco. 1912.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. *402o.i55 International Fair illustrated. Showing the progress in the construction of the Panama-Pacific International Exposi- tion, 1915. Vol. I, no. 1-7. December, 1911-January, 1913- San Francisco. 1911-13. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *8020.72 Standard guide to San Francisco and the Panama-Pacific International Exposi- tion. Compiled and published by the North American Press Association. San Francisco. 1913. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 8026.102 Universal Exposition, San Francisco, 1915, celebrating the opening of the Panama Canal. A pictorial review of the Exposition's progress to March 15, 1913. [San Francisco. 1913.] *8o26.ioi Saragossa, Spain. Exposicion retrospectiva de arte, 1908. Texto historico y critico por E. Ber- taux. Zaragoza. 1910. Illus. Por- tiaits. Plates. [Real junta del cen- tenario de los sitios de 1808-09.] *807I.220 Siena, Italy. Mostra d'antica arte senese. II Palazzo pubblico di Siena e la mostra d'antica arte senese di Corrado Ricci. Bergamo. 1904. Plates. Plans. [Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie 5. Rac- colte d'arte.] 4073.501 Stuttgart, Germany. Konkurrenzausstellung des Wtirttem. Kunstgewerbevereins. Dekorative Holz- arbeiten. Stuttgart. [1896?] 60 plates. *8o7o.85 Tours, France. Exposition nationale, 1892. Journal officiel. [Hebdomadaire.] No. 1-36. 20 fevrier- 25 octobre. Redacteur en chef: Auguste Chauvigne. [Tours.] 1892. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *8o2o.3o Turin, Italy. Esposizione del 1884. Mostra della citta di Roma alia Esposizione. [Roma. 1884.] *8o2i.ii7 Esposizione italiana di architettura, 1892. Ricordo della prima esposizione italiana di architettura. Torino. [1892.] 2 v. 130 plates. *Cab.6o.79.2 426 EXPOSITIONS AND EXHIBITIONS Turin. (Continued.) Esposizione del 1902. L'arte decorativa all' Esposizione di Vittorio Pica. Bergamo. 1903. Illus. Plates. 4074-297 Some of the plates are colored. Turin, 1902. Berlin. 1902. 50 plates. *Cab.6o.i50.4 Contains picttires of the buildings and architec- tural exhibits. The preface is signed Leo Nacht, pseud, of Leo Nachtlicht. Vienna, Austria. Weltausstellung, 1873. Die osterrelchische Musterschule fur Landgemeinden in der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. Wien. 1873. Text, I V. 2 plates; Atlas, 10 plans. *8o8o.63 The text is of the 3d edition, and is by Erasmus Schwab; the plates are of the 2d edition, and are by August Krumholz. A record of the Vienna Universal Exhibi- tion of 1873. By W. H. Maw and J. Dredge. London. 1874. Plates. *Cab.4o.i8.4 These plates accompany the official report of the exhibition submitted to Parliament. Reports of the Commissioners of the United States to the International Ex- hibition held at Vienna. Edited by Robert H. Thurston. Vol. 4: Archi- tecture [etc.]. Washington. 1876. Plates. *8o25.59.4 Contents. — Buildings of the Exhibition, by L. Bridges. — Construction of dwellings in Vienna, by J. R. Niernsee. — Architecture and materials of construction, by N. L. Derby. — Wood in- dustries, by N. M. Lowe. — Working of stone; artificial stone, by L. J. Hinton. A separately printed copy of the report by N. L. Derby is on shelf-number 8025.72. Section frangaise. Les monuments his- toriques de France a I'Exposition. Par E. Du Sommerard. Paris. 1876. Map. 6630.53 Jubilaums-Gewerbe-Ausstellung, 1888. In- terieurs. Veranstaltet vom Nieder- osterreichischen Gewerbe-Vereine. 3. Auflage. Wien. 1892. 60 plates. *8o9o.i59 Mobel-Ausstellung, 1905. Kaiserlich-koenig- liche Gartenbau-Gesellschaft. xvii. Mobel-Ausstellung, 1905. Veranstaltet vom Klub der Industriellen fiir Woh- nungseinrichtung in Wien. Wien. [1905.] S6 plates. *Cab.6o.i35.7 The plates are accompanied by a title-page and table of contents. Restoration of Buildings, See also Preservation of Antiquities. Boito, C. Relazione sul progetto di restauro per la basilica di S. Maria e Donato in Murano. Milano. 1861. 2 plates. Plan. No. 3 in *4043.74 Bordeaux, J. H. R. Traite de la reparation des eglises. Principes d'archeologie pratique. 3e edition. Paris. 1888. Illus. 4096.70 Buckler, J. C. A description and defence of the restoration of the exterior of Lincoln Cathedral. With a comparative examination of the restorations of other cathedrals, parish churches, &c. London. 1866. *2494.i3g Dallaway, J. William Wyrcestre redivivus. Notices of ancient church architecture in the fifteenth century. With hints for practicable restorations. [Anon.] Bristol. [1823.] Illus. Plate. 4101.64 Lerov-Beaulieu, H. J. B. A. Cathedrale d' Evreux. La restauration de nos monu- ments historiques devant Tart et devant le budget. Paris. 1875. Plate. 4105.35 Extrait de la Revue des deux mondes, 1874 [*33i5-i.i874]. Newlands, F. G. The White House restora- tion. Compensation of architects. Re- marks. Washington. 1904. 2389.71 Quicherat, J. E. J. Restitution de la basilique de Saint-Martin de Tours, d' apres Gregoire de Tours et les autres textes anciens. Paris. 1869. Plates. Plans. * 4093.100 Restauration de la cathedrale de Nevers et culte de St. Cyr et de Ste. Julitte. Nevers. 1873. 4104.81 Scott, Sir G. G. A plea for the faithful restoration of ancient churches. Lon- don. 1850. 8096.25 Street, G. E. The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. An account of the restoration of the fabric. With an his- torical sketch of the Cathedral by E. Seymour. London. 1882. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. *Cab.6o.i2.i VioUet-le-Duc, E. E. On restoration. Lon- don. 1875. Portrait. 4098.7 Willement, T. An account of the restora- tions of the collegiate Chapel of St. George, Windsor. London. 1844. 2 plates. *8o9i.57 Worth, T. B. Exeter Cathedral and its restoration. Exeter. 1878. Plate. Plan. *2495.i33 City Planning, General Works. Art and life, and the building and decora- tion of cities: a series of lectures by- members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibi- tion Society, delivered at the fifth ex- hibition of the Society in 1896. London. 1897. 4098.20 Contents. — Of art and life. T. J. Cobden- Sanderson. — Of beautiful cities. W. R. Lethaby. — Of the decoration of public buildings. Walter Crane. — Of public spaces, parks and gardens. R. Blomfield. — Of colour in the architecture of cities. H. Ricardo. Marsh, B. C. An introduction to city plan- ning: democracy's challenge to the American city. New York. [iQOQ-] Illus. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4092.169 Contains Various kinds of city sections, by J. Stuebben, and The technical phases of city planning, by George B. Ford. Some good books on city planning, pp. 153-156. Mawson, T. H. Civic art: studies in town planning, parks, boulevards and open spaces. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. ^ *L.7o.24 Nolen, J. Replanning small cities: six typical studies. New York. 1912. Plates. Maps. 4092.317 Robinson, C. M. The improvement of towns and cities. New York. 1901. 5569.114 Same. 1906. 5569.112 Modern civic art. New York. 1903. 4094.24 Same. 3d edition. 1909. Plates. Maps. 4094.25 Sitte, C. L'art de batir les villes. Notes et reflexions d'un architecte, traduites et completees par C. Martin. Geneve. [1902.] Plates. Plans. *4097.i8o Der Stadte-Bau nach seinen kiinst- lerischen Grundsatzen. Ein Beitrag zur Losung moderner Fragen der Architektur und monumentalen Plastik, unter besonderer Beziehung auf Wien. 3. Auflage. Wien. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4096.109 Same. 4. Auflage. 1909. 4096.110 Stuebben, H. J. Der Stadtebau. Darmstadt. 1890. Plans. [Handbuch der Architek- tur.] *8o92.52.9 Triggs, H. I. Town planning, past, present, and possible. London. [1909.] Plates. Plans. 4092.162 United States. 61 st Congress. 2d session. Senate. City planning. Hearing before the Committee on the District of Columbia. Washington. 1910. [Docu- ment no. 422.] C.5658 Unwin, R. Town planning in practice. London. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4092.161 Bibliography. American City Bureau. Selected list of municipal and civic books. 2d edition. New York. 1913. *4092.356 Boston. Public Library. Catalogues. Civic architecture. A list of references. Bos- ton. 1899. *2i5oa.i36 Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Library [*6202.59.i899]. This list was prepared at the time of C. H. Walker's lecture on civic architecture in the course of Free municipal lectures. Boston. Public Library. Free lectures. The aesthetic development of cities. [Pro- spectus of lectures given in the Library, March lo-May 5, 1902. With a list of references. Boston. 1902.] *559oa.23 Brooks, R. C. A bibliography of municipal administration and city conditions. New York. 1897. [Municipal Affairs. Vol. I, no. I.] *2i45.25;*3563.i7o.i A bibliography of municipal problems and city conditions. New York. 1901. [Municipal Affairs. Vol. 5.] *3563.i7o.5, no. i Budapest. Bibliotheque municipale. Cata- logue systematique, fascicule i: I'habi- tation et les questions correlatives de la construction des villes. Budapest. 1907. No. I in '''2164.84 Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Reference and Extension Department. The housing problem literature in central Chicago libraries. Chicago. [1912. Bulletin No. 16.] *4033.33 Indiana. State library. Bulletin. 3d series, no. 2. Bibliography of cities and towns. Indianapolis. 1898. *6i56.8 Kansas City. Public Library. Quarterly. Vol. 8, no. 2. April. 1908. *6i56.2o8.8 Contains a bibliography of works on municipal betterment. Municipal Art League of Chicago. Exhibi- tion Committee. [Announcement.] 1902/03, 1904/05. [Chicago. 1902, 04.] ♦4079.270 The issue for 1904/05 contains a bibliography of municipal art. New York, City. Public Library. Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. List of works relating to city wastes and street hygiene. New York. 1912. ♦2174.129 Select list of works relating to city plan- ning and allied topics. New York. 1913. *4092.354 Selected list of references bearing on the city plan of New York. New York. 1913- 4092.352 428 CITY PLANNING New York Research Council. Civic bibliog- raphy of Greater New York. Edited by J. B. Reynolds. New York. 191 1. [Russell Sage Foundation.] 3563-317 Pray, J. S., and T. Kimball. A city-plan- ning classification: preliminary outline (printed as manuscript). Cambridge. 1913. *4092.3i9 City planning: a comprehensive analysis of the subject arranged for the classi- fication of books, plans, photographs, notes and other collected material, with alphabetical index. Cambridge. 1913- ♦4092.353 Russell Sage Foundation. Library. The social survey. [A bibliography.] New York. 1913. [Bulletin. No. 2.J *6i56.20i St. Louis, Missouri. Public Library. A list of books and articles on city planning and civic centers. Compiled and an- notated by Jesse Cunningham. [St. Louis. 1912.] *4092.35i Seattle, Washington. Public Library. Har- bors and docks; a list of books and references to periodicals in the Seattle Public Library. [Seattle.] 1913. [Refer- ence list. No. 5.] *4oiob.36 Municipal plans: a list of books and refer- ences to periodicals in the Seattle Public Library. Seattle. 1910. [Reference list no. I.] 4092.355 United States. Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography, compiler. Check list of references on city planning. Compiled by the Division of Bibliography, Li- brary of Congress, and the Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University. Indianapolis, Indiana. 1912. [Special Libraries. Vol. 3, no. 5.] *4092.3i2 Periodicals. American City, The. [Monthly.] Vol. i, 1909, to date. New York. lUus. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. Facsimiles. ♦4092.177 American Municipalities. Successor of the City Hall-Midland Municipalities. [Monthly.] Official bulletin, League of American Municipalities, League of Iowa Municipalities, League of Ne- braska Municipalities, League of Kan- sas Municipalities. Vol. 22, 191 1, to date. [Marshalltown, Iowa.] Illus. ♦5560.142 In October, 19 11, The City Hall, Bulletin of the League of American Municipalities [*556o.i39] and Midland Municipalities consolidated taking the title, The City Hall-Midland Municipalities. In October, 19 12, the present title was assumed. Architectural Review. Town Planning Supplement. Vol. 27, nos. 158, 159. London. 1910. *4090.326.27 Beautiful World, A. The journal of the Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising. No. i-io. Nov., 1893-Sept., 1909. London. 1893-1909. Published at irregular intervals. *4094.3II City Hall, The. [Monthly.] Bulletin of the League of American Municipalities. Vol. II, 12. [Des Moines, la.] 1910, II. 2 V. Illus. Plates. *556o.i39 In October, 191 1. this periodical combined with Midland Municipalities. These later became consolidated with other journals under the title American Municipalities [*556o. 142], City Hall-Midland Municipalities. See American municipalities. Denver Municipal Facts. [Weekly.] Vol. 4, 1912, to date. Denver. Illus. Por- traits. Plans. *4092.i55 Current numbers are kept in the Periodical Room. Landscape architecture. A quarterly maga- zine. Vol. I, October, 1910, to date. Harrisburg. Illus. Plates. Plans. Dia- grams. *4090.329 Municipal Affairs. Quarterly. Vol. i-6. New York. 1897-1902. 6 v. Illus. *3563'i70 Includes articles and bibliographies on municipal improvement. Publication discontinued. Municipal Development Magazine. H. M. Weir, editor. Vol. i, 1911, to date. Bloomington, Illinois. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *3563.35 Municipal Engineering. A monthly maga- zine devoted to the improvement of cities. Vol. 3, 1892, to date. Indian- apolis. Illus. *40I0.226 Volume 4 is lacking. Municipal Journal. [Weekly.] Vol. 28, 1910, to date. New York. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. Charts. *40i4.220 Vols. 28, 29 have the title: Municipal Journal and Engineer. Current numbers are kept in the Periodical Room. New Boston. A monthly record of progress in developing a greater and finer city. Published by the directorate of Boston — 1915. Vol. i; 2 (no. 1-7). May, 1910- November, 1911. Boston. 1910,11. 2 v. Illus. Plates. *445oa.i76 Publication discontinued. Park and recreation bulletin. No. i, May 15, 1913, to date. Boston. Illus. ♦4000.39 Playground Association of America. The playground. [Monthly.] January, 1909, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. *5566.i37 Staedtebau, Der. Monatsschrift fiir die kunstlerische Ausgestaltung der Stadte. Jahrgang i, 1904, to date. Berlin. Plates. Plans. ♦4090.316 Survey, The. [Weekly.] Vol. 6, January, 1901, to date. New York. Illus. Por- traits. Plates *Per. Room Town Planning Review, The. Quarterly. Edited by P. Abercrombie. Vol. i, 1910, to date. Liverpool. Plates. Plans. ♦4092.175 United Improvement Association Bulletin: official organ of the improvement as- sociations of Boston. [Monthly.] Vol. i, 1910, to date. Boston. Illus. Portraits. Maps. *4092.i76 PERIODICALS 429 Society Publications. (Including Conferences and Congresses.) American Civic Association. Bulletins. 1-5, Philadelphia. 1907. 5 v. in i. *5579.2i3 [Circulars.] Philadelphia. 1905. 3560.25 An inserted sheet contains an account of the first annual convention of the Association at Cleveland, October, 1905. Department leaflets. No. i, 3-14. [Phila- delphia, etc. 190-?] 13 V. in 3. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 35603.140 In progress. ■ American Institute of Architects. Proceed- ings of the 38th annual convention, Dec, 1904, and Jan., 1905. New York. 1905. Illus. *4090.2io.38 Contains the Report of the Committee on Muni- cipal Improvement. American League for Civic Improvement. Preliminary announcement [of the Con- vention]. 1902. [Springfield, Ohio? 1902.] 9352.07337 The twentieth century city. A record of work accomplished for civic betterment. [Springfield, Ohio.] 1901. Illus. 39903.24 Proceedings of the annual convention, 190 1. American Society of Municipal Improve- ments. Proceedings of the sixteenth annual convention . . . held at Little Rock, Arkansas, November 9th-iith, 1909. Milwaukee. [1909.] Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Tables. 5565.135 Art public, L': organe de V Institut inter- national d'art public. Directeur: E. Broerman. No. 9-12, 1912. [Bruxelles.] 1912. 4 parts in i v. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Map. *407i.3io Contains a report of the 4th Congres inter- national de I'art public, Brussels, Belgium. Boston, Mass. Public Library. Exhibi- tions. Catalogue of an exhibition illus- trating the program of the fourth Na- tional Conference of City Planning, Boston, May 27-29, 1912. Boston. 1912. 4092.308; *T.R.35.36 Boston Chamber of Commerce. European tour, 1911. Views. [Photographs of cities, parks, streets. Boston. 1911.] 2 v. Silver prints. *Cab.22.36.i Boston Society of Architects. Report made by its committee on municipal improve- ment. Boston. 1907. Plates. Plans. Maps. 40903.123; *L.6i.37 Civic Improvement League, St. Louis. An- nual report, ist, 2d. March, 1903, 04. St. Louis. 1903, 04. *9352.o778 A new day for St. Louis. [Practical work done by the League. St. Louis. 1903.] 4378.39 Civic League of St. Louis. [Annual report.] 1907,09, 12. St. Louis. [i907-]i3. Illus. 3567.261 Garden City Association. Conference. Lon- don. 1907. Town planning in theory and practice. Papers and speeches . . . London. [1907?] Maps. 40993.174 Hegemann, W. Der Stadtebau nach den Ergebnissen der allgemeinen Stadtebau- ^ Ausstellung in Berlin nebst einem I Hegemann, W. (Continued.) Anhang: Die internationale Stadtebau- Ausstellung in Diisseldorf. Teil i. Ber- lin. 191 1, 13. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4091.194 Contents. — i. Berlin. 2. Verkehrswesen, Frei- flachen. In progress. Home Gardening Association of the Public Schools of Cleveland. Annual report, 1st. 1900. [Cleveland. 1901.] Plate. 3996.76 Institution of Municipal and County En- gineers. Housing and town planning conference held at the Institute, West Bromwich, July 5 and 6, 191 1. Edited by T.Cole. London. 191 1. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4092.194 A collection of articles by various authors. Proceedings. Vol. i, 1873/74, to date. London. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. ♦3947.50 Previous to 1890/91 entitled Proceedings of the Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. International Housing Congress. 4th, 8th, 9th Congress. 1897-1910. [Proceedings, etc.] Bruxelles [etc.]. 1897-1911. 5 v. Plates. Plans. Tables. *556i.i94 Kongress fiir Stiidtewesen, Dusseldorf. Verhandlungen des ersten Kongresses fiir Stadtewesen, Dusseldorf, 1912. Her- ausgegeben im Auftrage der Stadt- verwaltung Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. 1913- 2 V. in I. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *4092.349 The congress was held in connection with the "Stadte-Ausstellung Diisseldorf, 19 12." League of American Municipalities. Pro- ceedings of the annual convention, 2d, 4th, 1898, 1900. [New York?] 1898, rJ^^°* r 1 ^ , *9352.073a9 [Programme of the] loth annual conven- tion . . . held at Chicago, September 26, 27 and 28, 1906. [Chicago. 1906.] Por- traits. Plans. *9352.07335 This also contains several articles about the city of Chicago, and an account of the League by J. Mac Vicar, M3SS3chusetts Civic League. The spring conference on village betterment. [North Scituate. 1907.] 5579.220 M3SS3chusetts Conference for Town and Village Betterment. Report of annual meeting, 2d. Boston. 1905. *5568.i23 Same. 3d annual meeting, 1906. [Pro- gramme. Boston. 1906.] 5568.124 Metropolitan Improvement League, Boston. The better city. Bulletin of the League, No. 1-3. [Boston. 1909-12.] Illus. Plate. 4097.185 Municipal Association of Cleveland, Ohio Annual report, ist, 2d. [1896/7, 97/98. Cleveland. 1897, 98.] *6393.57 National Conference on City Planning. 2d- 5th conference. Proceedings. Boston. 1910-13. 4 V. *4092.i7o The proceedings of the ist National Conference held at Washington may be found in the Hearing before the Committee on the District of Columbia ... on the subject of city planning [4092.173]. 430 CITY PLANNING National Housing Association. National Conference on Housing in America. [Announcements of the first Confer- ence. New York. 191 1-] 2 leaflets. 5561.198 Proceedings [of the ist and 2d Confer- ence]. New York. 191 1, 12. 2 v. 8093.138 The Proceedings of the first Conference may also be found in the Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Vol. 2, no. 3 [»3s6oa.i5o.2,no.3]. National Park Conference. Proceedings . . . 191 1, 12. Washington. 1912, 13. 2 v. [United States. Interior Department.] 399oa.20i Royal Institute of British Architects, Lon- don. Town planning conference, Lon- don, loth to 15th October, 1910. Exhi- bition of drawings & models at the Royal Academy from the loth to the 22nd October. London. [1910.] Plan. 40993.150 Transactions. London. 191 1. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. Plans. *4092.32o Trustees of Public Reservations, Massa- chusetts, a corporation. Annual report, ist-iSth. 1891-1908. Boston. 1892-1909. 18 V. in 3, and unbound parts. Plates. ♦L.53.7I West Ewing Improvement Association. Proceedings of anniversary meetings . . . Sept. 2d, 1880, and other valuable matter. Trenton, N. J. 1880. Illus. Plates. Plans. 5763.96 West Side Association of the City of New York. Proceedings of . . . public meet- ings held December, 1870-November, 1873. New York. 1871-74. *4477.2i Discussions of public improvements in New York City. Winston, A. P. Work of the Civic Im- provement League. (/n American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 21, p. 481. Philadelphia. 1903.) *3565.i09.2i Women's Municipal League, Boston, Mass. Bulletin. March, 1910, Jan. 1912-May, 1913. [Boston.] 1910-13. *5574-205 Woodhead, H. The first German municipal exposition. (Dresden, 1903.) Plates. Plans. {In American Journal of Sociol- ogy, Vol. 9, pp. 433-458, 612-630, 812-831 ; Vol. 10, pp. 47-63- Chicago. 1904, 05.) Per.Room *5564.40.9, 10 Wuttke, R., editor. Die deutschen Stadte geschildert nach den Ergebnissen der ersten deutschen Stadteausstellung zu Dresden, 1903. Leipzig. 1904. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. *8o2o.z53 History. Andrews, J. A collection of plans of the most capital cities of every empire, kingdom, republic and electorate in Europe and some remarkable cities in the other three parts of the world, with Andrews, J. (Continued.) a description of their most remarkable buildings, trade, situation, extent, &c., &c. [Anon. London. 1771.] 42 maps. ♦6282.54 Baumeister, R. Stadtbauplane in alter und neuer Zeit, Stuttgart, 1902. [Zeitfragen des christlichen Volkslebens.] 4099a.i67 Below, G. von. Das altere deutsche Stadte- wesen und Biirgertum. Bielefeld. 1908. Illus. Plates. [Monographien zur Weltgeschichte.] 6252.25 Bergner, H. Die Stadt. Illus. (In Hand- buch der biirgerlichen Kunstaltertiimer in Deutschland. Vol. i, pp. 184-203. Leipzig. 1906.) 4074.434.1 Bradshaw, G. Plans of towns to accompany Bradshaw's Continental railway guide and general handbook. [London. 185-?] 28 folded maps in i v. *4529a.30 Contents. — Paris. — Lyons. — Marseilles. — Ostend. — Ghent. — Brussels. — Antwerp. — The Hague. — Cologne. — Mayence. — Frank- fort-on-Maine [sic]. — Dresden. — Hamburgh. — Munich. — Berlin. — Trieste. — Vienna. — Geneva. — Florence. — Genoa. — Milan. — Naples. — Rome. — Turin. — Venice. — Verona. Palermo. — Constantinople. Braun, G., and F. Hohenberg. Civitates orbis terrarvm. [Colophon: Coloniae Agrippinse . . . m.d.xcix]-m.id.c.xviii. 6 V. in 3. Plates. Maps. *628o.62 Brinckmann, A. E. Deutsche Stadtbaukunst in der Vergangenheit. Frankfurt a. M. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4092.302 Brix, J. Aus der Geschichte des Stadtebaues in den letzten 100 Jahren. Berlin. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4. Heft 2.] No. 2 in 4092.178.4 Ebhardt, B. Der Einfluss des mittelalter- lichen Wehrbaues auf den Stadtebau. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 3. Heft 8.] No. 8 in 4092.178.3 Franz, W. Bilder aus der Geschichte des deutschen Stadtebaues. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Maps. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2. Heft 3.] No. 3 in 4092.178.3 Bilder aus der Geschichte des deutschen Stadtewesens. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Maps. Plan. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 3. Heft 7-] No. 7 in 4092.178.3 Gaebler, E. Special-Atlas der grossten Stadte des Deutschen Reichs, nebst ihren Umgebungen. 26 Karten in gleichem Massstabe von i: 125,000 der natiirlichen Lange in sechsfachem Far- bendruck. [Also, Gaebler's Verkehrs- karte des Deutschen Reichs, zur t)ber- sicht sammtlicher Eisenbahnen, der wichtigsten Strassen-Verbindungen u. Dampferlinien. Massstab, i: 1,750,000.] Leipzig-Neustadt. [1885?] *2835.55 Genzmer, F. Stadtgrundrisse: ein Riickblick auf ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung. Berlin. 191 1. Maps. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4. Heft i.] No. I in 4092.178.4 HISTORY 431 Lichtenberg, R., Freiherr von. Haus, Dorf, Stadt: eine Entwicklungs-Geschichte des antiken Stadtebildes. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4094.179 Literaturverzeichnis, pp. 276-280. Luffmann, J. Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts, &c., in the world. London. 1801. 2 v. 160 maps. *5959.7i Merckel, C. Die Ingenieurtechnik im Alter- thum. Berlin. 1899. Illus. Map. Plans. *403i.i2 Nissen, H. Pompeianische Studien zur Stadtekunde des Alterthums. Leipzig. 1877. 2735.10 Poehlmann, R. Die Ubervolkerung der antiken Grossstadte im Zusammenhange mit der Gesammtentwicklung stadtischer Civilisation. Leipzig. 1884. [Fiirstlich Jablonowski'sche Gesellschaft. Preis- schrift.] 3560.52 Pueschel, A. Das Anwachsen der deutschen Stadte in der Zeit der mittelalterlichen Kolonialbewegung. Berlin. 1910. 10 plans of cities. [Hansischer Geschichts- verein.] 2815.28 Zueblin, C. American municipal progress. New York. 1902. 9352.0733.2 A decade of civic development. Chicago. 1905. Plates. 5569.115 Preservation of Antiquities. Ashbee, C. R. A report to the Council of the National Trust for places of historic interest and natural beauty, on his visit to the United States, 1900/01. [Lon- don.] 1901. *399oa.22 Brown, G. B. The care of ancient monu- ments. An account of the legislative and other measures adopted in Europ- ean countries for protecting ancient monuments and objects and scenes of natural beauty, and for preserving the aspect of historical cities. Cambridge. 1905. 2238.59 Clemen, P. Die Denkmalspflege in der Rheinprovinz. Diisseldorf. 1896. 4098.177 Die Denkmalspflege in Frankreich. Berlin. 1898. 4094-5 Congres international pour la protection des oeuvres d'art et des monuments, 1889. Proces-verbaux sommaires. Paris. 1889. ♦8022.127 The Congress was held in connection with the Pai-is Exposition of 1889. Conwentz, H. W. The care of natural monuments, with special reference to Great Britain and Germany. Cambridge. 1909. Plates. Maps. 5812.43 Corroyer, fi. J. fitudes sur I'archeologie a propos du Salon d'architecture de 1890. Paris. [1890.] 4093.104 I On the preservation of historical monuments. merich, H. Der Schutz des Ortsbildes. Das Elsass-Lothringische Landesgesetz betreffend baupolizeiliche Vorschriften sowie das Ortsstatut und die Verord- nung zum Schutze des Ortsbildes von Strassburg. Strassburg. 191 1. Plates. Hewett, E. L. Circular relating to historic and prehistoric ruins of the Southwest and their preservation. [New edition.] Washington. 1904. Plates. Map. [United States. General Land Office.] 4364.29 Bibliography, pp. 17-19. An earlier edition is on shelf-number 4364.28. Marsy, A. C. A., Comte de. De la legislation danoise sur la conservation des monu- ments historiques et des antiquites nationales. Paris. [1878.] 4839.42 Morris, W. Architecture and history, and Westminster Abbey. [Papers read be- fore the Society for the protection of ancient buildings, July i, 1884, and June, 1893. Colophon: Kelmscott Press. 1900. London.] *4097.63 Normand, C. Societe des amis des monu- ments parisiens, constituee dans le but de veiller sur les monuments d'art et la physionomie monumentale de Paris. Paris. 1884. 4097.137 Rhine Province. Berichte iiber die Tatigkeit der Provinzialkommission fur die Denk- malpflege in der Rheinprovinz und der Provinzialmuseen zu Bonn und Trier vom I April, 1908, bis 31 Marz, 191 1. Bonn. 1910-13. 3 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. 40903.138 Beilage zu Bonner Jahrbucher, Heft 119, 120, 122 [*28si.s, 119, 120, 122]. Scott, Sir G. G. On the conservation of ancient architectural monuments and remains. Oxford. 1864. 4099.8 Societe archeologique de Bordeaux. Monu- ments historiques de la Gironde. Loi, decrets relatifs a la conservation des monuments classes. Bordeaux. 1905. 463oa.3 Societe des amis des monuments parisiens. Protestations contre la mutilation de I'Esplanade des Invalides par I'eta- blissement d'une gare sur son emplace- ment. [Macon. 1893.] IHus. 4095.139 Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d* Alsace. Bulletin. [Serie i.] Vol. 1-4; serie 2, vol. 1-20. Paris, etc. 1857-1902. 24 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *6636.6i Vol. 14 et seq. have a second title-page: Mit- theilungen der Gesellschaft fiir Erhaltung der geschichtlichen Denkmaler im Elsass. Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities. Bulletin. Vol. i, no. i. May, 1910, to date. Boston. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Map. *4354.i97 Southard, J. H. Efforts made by the Maumee Valley Monumental Association to- wards preserving historic sites in north- western Ohio. (In Battlefields, The, of the Maumee Valley . . . Pp. 19-22. Washington City. 1896.) 4411.214 Spagnolo, A. II congresso internazionale per il restauro degli antichi codici e la capi- tolare di Verona. Verona. 1899. 2739.27 Wieland, C. A. Der Denkmal- und Heimat- schutz in der Gesetzgebung der Gegen- wart. Programm zur Rektoratsfeier der Universitat Basel. Basel. 1905. 4831.76 Wussow, A. von. Die Erhaltung der Denk- maler in den Kulturstaaten der Gegen- wart. Berlin. 1885. 2 v. 4094.6 432 CITY PLANNING Growth of Cities. Adickes, F. Stadterweiterungen. (In Hand- worterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Band 5, PP- 847-851. Jena. 1893.) *356o. 104,5 Baumeister, R. Moderne Stadterweiterungen. Hamburg. 1887. [Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-Fragen. Neue Folge. Jahrgang 2. Heft 23.] No. 5 in *52i6.5o.N.F.2 Stadt-Erweiterungen in technischer bau- polizeilicher und wirthschaftlicher Beziehung. Berlin. 1876. 3563.57 Bertillon, J. Essai de statistique comparee du surpeuplement des habitations a Paris et dans les capitales europeennes. 2e edition. Paris. 1895. Maps. Charts. Diagrams. 933i-8344a3 Cerda, I. Teoria general de la urbanizacion, y aplicacion de sus principios y doctrinas a la reforma y ensanche de Barcelona. Madrid. 1867. 2 v. **D.220.55 Graham, P. A. The rural exodus; the prob- lem of the village and the town. Lon- don. 1892. [Social questions of today.] 3569.222 Heart, The, of the Empire. Discussions of problems of modern city life in England. With an essay on imperialism. New edition. London. 1901. 9304.04232 Same. 2d edition, 1907. 9304.04237 James, E. J. The growth of great cities in area and population. Philadelphia. 1899. [American Academy of Political and Social Science.] 3564.226 Kuczynski, R. R. Der Zug nach der Stadt. Statistische Studien liber Vorgange der Bevolkerungsbewegung im Deutschen Reiche. Stuttgart. 1897. [Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien.] 3644.27 Legoyt, A. Du progres des agglomerations urbaines et de 1* emigration rurale en Europe et particulierement en France. Marseille. 1867. 9312.94433 Meuriot, P. Des agglomerations urbaines dans I'Europe contemporaine. Essai sur les causes, les conditions, les conse- quences de leur developpement. Paris. 1898. Plans. Diagrams. Tables. 9352.001 On the recent growth of cities and towns. Illus. (In Samuelson. The civilisation of our day. Pp. 314-319. London. 1896.) 2301.64 Scott, J. W. A presentation of causes tend- ing to fix the position of the future great city of the world in the central plain of North America, showing that the centre of the world's commerce is moving westward to the city of New York. Toledo. 1868. 4472.10 It is the opinion of the author that Toledo, Ohio, is destined to be the largest city in the world. Stickney, A. B. The conditions precedent to the revival of business in the cities ... [St. Paul.] 1894. Map. 3654.20 Stuebben, H. J., and — Becker. Uber Stadte- erweiterung, insbesondere in hygie- nischer Beziehung. Braunschweig. 1886. 5763.113 Tappan, H. P. The growth of cities: a discourse before the New York Geo- graphical Society on March 15, 1855. New York. 1855. No. 3 in *6285.i7 Weber, A. F. The growth of cities in the 19th century. A study in statistics. New York. 1899. Chart. [Columbia College. Studies in . . . economics. Vol. 11.] 3563.110.11 Promotion of Town Planning. Brix, J. Aufgaben und Ziele des Stadtebaues. Berlin. 1908. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band i. Heft i.] No. i in 4092.178.1 English, H. D. W. The function of business bodies in improving civic conditions. Philadelphia. 1909. [National Municipal League. Leaflets. New series. No. 7.] *9352.074.N.S.7 Forbath, E. Stadtebauliche Studien: Schriften zur Forderung eines besseren Stadtebaues und der Kleinwohnungsfiir- sorge in Stadten. Leipzig. 1912. 4092.306 Geddes, P. Civics. Charts. (In Sociological papers . . . [Vol. i,] pp. 101-144; [vol. 2,] pp. 55-119. London. 1905, 06.) • ^u ^- . 35603.25 Accompanied by discussions, written communica- tions, press comments, and Geddes's replies. Goodrich, E. P., and G. B. Ford. Report of suggested plan of procedure for City Plan Commission, City of Jersey City, New Jersey, as of November 30th, 1912 [and] addenda memoranda. Jersey City. 1913-. , , 4092.318 Helps, Sir A. Public improvements. (In his Friends in council. Vol. i, pp. 165-177. Boston. 1853.) 4578.124 Howe, F. C. The British city. The begin- ning of democracy. New York. 1907. 3569-309 The city the hope of democracy. New York. 1909. 3569.308 Jewett, F. G. Town and city. Boston. [1906.] Plate. Plan. 5768.192 League of American Municipalities. The book of American municipalities. What is what in our cities. An authentic summary of civic progress and achieve- ments. [Edited by H. S. Grosser. Annual edition, 2-4. Chicago?] 1907-10. 3 V. Portraits. *356i.2ii in progress. Matheson, A. S. The city of man. London. 1910. Plates. 40993.172 Contents. — Civic religion. — The making of the city. — Civic art an expression of civic life. — Citizenship and larger problems. Pollock, H. M., and W. S. Morgan. Modern cities: progress of the awakening for their betterment here and in Europe. New York. 1913. Plates. Map. Plan. 40993.182 Scott, W. D. The psychology of advertis- ing. Boston. 1908. 5639.52 Same. 1910. 5639.89 Based on The theory of advertising [5639.46] by the same author. REPORTS OF EXPERTS AND COMMISSIONS 433 Reports of Experts and Commissions. See also Society Publications; Parks; Civic Art. Berkeley, Cal. Olmsted, F. L. Report upon a projected im- provement of the estate of the College of California, at Berkeley. San Fran- cisco. 1866. 4496.275 Manning, W. H. Landscape phase of the University of California plan. Boston. 1898. 4496.348 Berlin, Germany. Brix, J., and others. Grundplan fiir die Bebauung von Gross-Berlin: Preis- gekronter Wettbewerbs-Entwurf von J. Brix, Felix Genzmer [und] Hochbahn- gesellschaft. Berlin. 191 1. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *4090.402 Eberstadt, R., and others. Gross-Berlin: ein Programm fiir die Planung der neuzeitlichen Grossstadt. Von R. Eber- stadt, B. Mohring, und R. Petersen. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4091.190 Vereinigung Berliner Architekten, publisher. Anregungen zur Erlangung eines Grundplanes fiir die stadtebauliche Ent- wicklung von Gross-Berlin. Berlin. [1907?] Maps. 4091. 191 BiNGHAMTON, N. Y. Robinson, C. M. Better Binghamton: a report to the Mercantile-Press Club of Binghamton, N. Y. [Binghamton, N. Y. 191 1.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Chart. Facsimile. *L.5i.30 Boston, Mass. Baxter, S. Greater Boston. A study for a federalized metropolis comprising the City of Boston and the surrounding cities and towns. Boston. 1891. Map. 4354.104; *L.53.73 Copeland, R. M. The most beautiful city in America. Essay and plan for the im- provement of the City of Boston. Bos- ton. 1872. Map. 4354.50 Massachusetts. Joint Board on Metropolitan Improvements. Final report. Boston. 1911. Maps. Plans. Diagrams. [House. 1550.] *6429.5o.House i9ii,no.i55o Snelling, G. H. [Memorial to the Legisla- ture of Massachusetts with remarks and letters in favor of a modification of the Back Bay plan.] Boston. 1859. Plate. Plan. 4454.137; *L.53.6i Cedar Rapids, Iowa. obinson, C. M. Report with regard to civic affairs in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. With recommendations for city im- provement and beautification. Cedar Rapids. 1908. Plates. Map. 5567.176 I Chicago, III. Chicago Plan Commission. Chicago's great- est issue, an official plan. [Chicago.] 1911. Illus. Plans. 4092.182 Hegemann, W. Der neue Bebauungsplan fiir Chicago. Berlin. [1910.] Illus. Plates. Maps. 4091.192 Plumbe, G. E. Chicago, the great indus- trial and commercial center of the Mississippi Valley. Chicago. 1912. Plates. Maps. [Chicago Association of Commerce.] 938i.773a3 The plan for a new city, pp. 137-142. Cleveland, Ohio. Bolton, C. E. A model village of homes [East Cleveland, Ohio]. Boston. 1901. *24o6.i65 Columbus, Ohio. Plan Commission. Report. [Columbus.] 1908. Illus. 3560.30 Denver, Col. Robinson, C. M. Proposed plans for the improvement of Denver. Denver. 1906. Diagram. 5567«i73 Dubuque, Iowa. Robinson, C. M. Report on the improve- ment of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. [Dubuque. 1907.] 5567-172 Times Journal, The. Greater Dubuque. Dubuque, Iowa. 191 1. Illus. Plates. 4090.176 Dunfermline, Scotland. Whitehouse, J. H. Problems of a Scottish provincial town. London. 1905. Plates. 5566.45 On municipal improvement in Dunfermline. Florence, Italy. Poggi, G. Sui lavori per I'ingrandimento di Firenze (1864-1877). Firenze. 1882. Plates. Plans. *40ioa.63 Fort Wayne. Ind. Robinson, C. M. Report for Fort Wayne Civic Improvement Association. Fort Wayne, Ind. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plan. 4092.171 Glasgow, Scotland. City Improvements Department. Report on work of the past year by W. C. Menzies, manager. Glasgow. 1901, 02. Plates. Plans. *5564.i43 Glen Ridge, N. J. Nolen, J. Glen Ridge : the preservation of its natural beauty and its improvement as a place of residence. Glen Ridge, New Jersey. 1909. Plates. Maps. 4092.158 Grand Rapids, Mich. Brunner, A. W., and J. M. Carrere. Pre- liminary report for a city plan for Grand Rapids. [Grand Rapids. 1908.] Plates. Maps. 4092.167 434 CITY PLANNING Harrisburg, Pa. McFarland, J. H. The awakening of Harris- burg. Some account of the improve- ment movement begun in 1902; with the progress of the work to the end of 1906. [Philadelphia. 1906.] Plates. 9352.aii Harrisburg's advance: a lesson to smaller municipalities. Philadelphia. 1902. Illus. 9352.a8 Hartford, Conn. Carrere & Hastings, New York City. A plan of the City of Hartford: prelimin- ary report ... to the Commission on the City Plan of the City of Hartford, Connecticut in relation to the rectifica- tion of the present plan and the de- velopment and extension of the City of Hartford on comprehensive lines of order and harmony, with recommenda- tions. [Hartford.] 1912. Plates. Maps. 40993.156 The preface is written by Frederick L. Ford. Appended is, "Extract from Mr. S. D. Ads- head's 'Editorial foreword and an introduction to the study of civic design.' " Commission on the City Plan. Annual report, ist-5th. [Hartford.] 1908-12. ♦5568.105 Department of Engineering. Annual re- port, 5th, ... to the Court of Common Council. Hartford. 1912. Plates. Plans. Reports on civic affairs. *4099a.I48 Honolulu, Hawaii. Robinson, C. M. The improvement of Honolulu. [2d edition. Honolulu. 1907.] Map. Plans. 30493.295 Karlsruhe, Germany. Moser, C. Bebauungsplan fiir das alte Bahnhofgelande und den Festplatz der Stadt Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe. 1912. Plates. Plans. 4091.196 London, England. Cawston, A. A comprehensive scheme for street improvements in London. Lon- don. 1893. Illus. Plates. *8oii.i48 Essays on the street re-alignment, recon- struction, and sanitation of central Lon- don, and on the re-housing of the poorer classes. London. 1886. Maps. Plans. [Westgarth Prize essays. 1885.] ♦4099a. 1 80 Los Angeles, Cal. Bartlett, D. W. The better city: a socio- logical study of a modern city [Los Angeles]. Los Angeles. 1907. Plates. 5569a.239 Robinson, C. M. Report of the Municipal Art Commission for Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. Los Angeles. 1909. Plates. Plans. 4092.164 Madison, Wis. Nolen, J. Madison: a model city. Boston, Mass. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4092.179 Manitoba. Public Utilities Commission. Report, ist, 1912, to date. [Winnipeg, Manitoba.] Plate. Map. Chart. *40ii.ii3 Milwaukee, Wis. City Planning Commission. Preliminary reports. [Milwaukee.] 1911. Illus. *4099a.i53 Plates. Maps. Plans. MONTCLAIR, N. J. Montclair: the preservation of its natural beauty and its improvement as a resid- ence town. Report of John Nolen, landscape architect to the Municipal Art Commission, and the Commission's recommendations to the citizens of Montclair. Montclair, New Jersey. 1909. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. Diagrams. 4092.168 Inserted is a notice of a special election to be held May 26, 19 10, to decide whether Montclair shall adopt the Town plan and Art Commission act. Montreal, Canada. Olmsted, F. L. Mount Royall, Montreal. New York. 1881. Plan. *L.53.97 Munich, Germany. Henrici, C. F. W. Preisgekronter Konkur- renz-Entwurf zu der Stadterweiterung Miinchens. Miinchen. 1893. 20 plates. Map. *4092.338 New Haven, Conn. New Haven Civic Improvement Commis- sion. Report ... to the New Haven Civic Improvement Committee. New Haven. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Charts. *409i.i8i New York, N. Y. Serrell, J. E. Plan and description pro- posing to re-model the City of New York, and its vicinity, by annexing Brooklyn, Williamsburgh, Bushwick, Greenpoint. New York. 1867. Plate. No. 5 in *447g.70 Newark, New Jersey. City Plan Commission. [City planning re- ports.] No. 1-4. Newark, N. J. 191 1, 12. 4 V. 40993.183 Contents. — i. Text of enabling act, members, officers, rules and outline of work. a. General statement with regard to city planning in New- ark, New Jersey. 3. Newark market problem. 4. Report on Broad Street paving, by George B. Ford and E. P. Goodrich. Oakland, Cal. Robinson, C. M. A plan of civic improve- ment for Oakland, California. Oak- 1906. 5567.175 Ogdensburg, N. Y. Robinson, C. M. Report on the improve- ment of Ogdensburg, New York. [Og- densburg. 1907.] 5567-171 REPORTS OF EXPERTS AND COMMISSIONS 435 Paris, France. Prefecture du Departement de la Seine. Plan parcellaire du prolongement de la rue de Rivoli. fichelle de 2 millemetres pour I metre ... 4 aout 1851. *4630.2 Colored plan (1:500) showing properties affected by widening of streets and extension of the rue de Rivoli from the Louvre to the Hotel de Ville. Philadelphia, Pa. City Parks Association, Philadelphia. Annual report, loth, nth, I5th-24th. 1898, 99, 1903-12. Philadelphia. 1898-12. ♦39903.132 Special report on the City plan, 1902. [Philadelphia. 1902.] Plates. Maps. *399oa.i33 Philadelphia Vacant Lots Cultivation As- sociation. Annual report, 2d-i5th. [Philadelphia. 1898-1911.] *3993.i40 Pittsburgh, Pa. American Institute of Architects. Pitts- burgh Chapter. Proposed improve- ments for the City of Pittsburgh. [Pittsburgh. 1909-] Plates. Plans. *409i.i99 Providence, R. I. Arnold, B. J. Report on the traction im- provement and development within the Providence District, to the Joint Com- mittee on Railroad Franchises, Provid- ence City Council. Providence, Rhode Island. 1911. Plate. Maps. Plans. Charts. Tables. *40ioa.29 Commission on East Side Approach. Re- ports . . . approved February 8th, 1910, including the reports of John R. Free- man relative to improved highways and parkways for the east side of Provid- ence. [Providence.] 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Geological section. ♦4092.322 Reading, Pa. Nolen, J. Replanning Reading, an in- dustrial city of a hundred thousand. Boston. 1910. Illus. Plans. 4092.166 Ridgewood, N. J. Robinson, C. M. The improvement of Ridgewood, New Jersey. Ridgewood. 1908. 5567.174 Riverside, III. Olmsted, Vaux & Co. Preliminary report upon the proposed suburban village at Riverside, near Chicago. New York. 1868. No. II in ♦4477.75 Hk Roanoke, Va. ^Klen, J. Remodeling Roanoke. Report to the Committee on Civic Improve- ment. [Cambridge. 1907.] Plates. Maps. 3993*152 Rochester, N. Y. Brunner, A. W., and others. A city plan for Rochester. A report prepared for Rochester. (Continued.) Brunner, A. W., and others. (Continued.) the Rochester Civic Improvement Com- mittee by A. W. Brunner, F. L. Olm- sted, B. J. Arnold. [Rochester, N. Y.] 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4092.181 St. Louis, Mo. Civic League of St. Louis. A city plan for Saint Louis. Reports of the several com- mittees appointed by the executive board to draft a city plan. [St. Louis.] 1907. Plates. Maps. Plans. 447oa.i29 A map, prepared by J. C. Travilla, to accom- pany these reports is on shelf-number No. 8 in •Map 1 1 6.8. St. Paul, Minn. Cleveland, H. W. S. The aesthetic de- velopment of the united cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. [Minneapolis. 1888.] Map. ♦L.53.102 San Diego, Cal. Nolen, J. San Diego. A comprehensive plan for its improvement. Boston. 1908. Plates. Plans. ♦L.53.127 Short list of books and reports relating to civic improvement, pp. 108, 109. San Francisco, Cal. Arnold, B. J. Report on the improvement and development of the transportation facilities of San Francisco. San Fran- cisco. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. Tables. ♦40ioa.28 Manson, M. Report to the Mayor and Committee on Reconstruction on those portions of the Burnham plans which meet our commercial necessities and an estimate of the cost of the same; fire avenues and thoroughfares, lowering Rincon Hill, auxiliary fire system, water front improvements. [San Fran- cisco.] 1906. ♦4097.186 San Jos6, Cal. Robinson, C. M. The beautifying of San Jose. [San Jose. 1909.] 5567.177 Santa Barbara, Cal. Robinson, C. M. The report regarding civic affairs of Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia. [Santa Barbara?] 1909. Plans. 5567.165 Seattle, Washington. Municipal Plans Commission. Plan of Seattle. Report . . . submitting report of Virgil G. Bogue, engineer. [Seattle.] 191 1. Plates. Maps. Plans. ♦4092.185 Springfield, Mass. Springfield Republican. Let us make a beautiful city of Springfield, Mass. Springfield. [1901.] Illus. 4357.129 436 CITY PLANNING Springfield. (Continued.) Tower, J. E., editor. Springfield, present and prospective. Springfield, Mass. 1905. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *4456.i75 Washington, D. C. Brown, G. The development of Washing- ton, with special reference to the Lincoln Memorial. Washington, D. C. [1910.] Plates. Plans. 4095.183 Published by the Chamber of Commerce of Washington. Gall, G. H. The new Washington. Wash- ington, D. C. 1913. Illus. Portraits. Plates. 4479.280 Judson, W. V. Washington: a model city. Address [before] the American Civic Association, December, 1911. Wash- ington. 1912. 5569a.240 Smith, F. W. Designs, plans and sugges- tions for the aggrandizement of Wash- ington. Washington. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. [United States. Congress. Senate Document 209.] No. 3 in *8o73.45 [Washington: a model city.] Illus. Plates. Map. Plan. (In Charities and the Com- mons. Vol. IS, pp. 739-741. 754-831. New York. 1906.) Per.Room Waterloo, Iowa. Robinson, C. M. The well-being of Water- loo: a report to the Civic Society. Water- loo. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. 5566.162 Design and Construction. See also Civic Art. Adshead, S. D. Extract from "Editorial foreword and an introduction to the study of civic design." (In Carrere & Hastings. A plan of the City of Hart- ford. Pp. 93-1 1 1. [Hartford.] 1912.) 4099a.i56 Published in Town Planning Review, Vol. i, No. I. [•4092.175.1]. Andersen, H. C. Creation of a world centre of communication. Paris. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *Cab.6o.i89.2 Contents. — The great monumental conceptions of the past, by G. Leroux. — Creation of an international world centre of communication, by H. C. Andersen. A history of architecture in general, followed by a plan for a city which shall be a world centre. Atkinson, W. The orientation of buildings, or planning for sunlight, ist edition, ist thousand. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 4095.215 Behrendt, W. C. Die einheitliche Blockfront als Raumelement im Stadtbau: ein Bei- trag zur Stadtbaukunst der Gegenwart. Berlin. 1911. Plates. Plans. 4099a.i63 Brinckmann, A. E. Platz und Monument: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Asthetik der Stadtbaukunst in neuerer Zeit. Berlin. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4097.181 Buckingham, J. S. National evils and prac- tical remedies, with the plan of a model town. London. [1849?] 3566.15 Crawford, A. W. The house beautiful and its relation to the city beautiful. Illus. Plates. (In American Civic Association. The house beautiful . . . Pp. 3-24. [Philadelphia.] 1905.) 356oa.i39.i Dudgeon, M. S. Civic improvement and de- velopment. (In Wisconsin Library Bulletin. Vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 60-64. Madi- son. 191 1.) *6i56.273.7 Eberstadt, R. Neue Studien iiber Stadtebau und Wohnungswesen. Jena. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8093.141 Ely, R. T. The coming city. New York. [1902.] 9352.a5 Fassbender, E. Grundzuge der modernen Stadtebaukunde . . . Leipzig. 1912. Plan. 4099a. 165 Fischer, T. City building. A translation made for the Metropolitan Improve- ments Commission, Boston, by Sylvester Baxter. Typewritten manuscript. [Bos- ton. 1908.] 5560.137; *L.5i.27 Gerhard, W. P. The laying-out of cities and towns. Abstract from lecture on "Sani- tary engineering," before the Franklin Institute, Feb. 15, 1895. New York. 1895. 4098.139 Reprinted from Architecture and Building, Aug. 10, 1895 [*4I02.2I0.23]. Goodhue, W. F. Municipal improvements. 2d edition, enlarged. New York. 1894. Plates. Plans. 3567.154 Guadet, J. Elements et theorie de I'archi- tecture. Cours professe a I'ficole na- tionale et speciale des beaux-arts. Paris. [1902, 03.] 4 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. Tables. *409i.i36 Includes theory of building-grouping for dif- ferent points of view. Gurlitt, C. German city planning. A transla- tion made for the Metropolitan Im- provements Commission, Boston, by Sylvester Baxter. Typewritten manu- script. [Boston. 1908.] Plans. *556o.i36 Howe, F. C. European cities at work. New York. 1913. Plates. Plan. 3569.315 A study of municipal problems in cities of Ger- many and Great Britain. Landscape Architecture. City-planning studies for the National Conference on City Planning, April, 1913. [Harris- burg, Pa. 1913.] Maps. Plans. Table. ♦4092.314 City planning number and supplement to Land- scape Architecture, Vol. 3, no. 3 [*4090.329.3]. McVey, F. L. The making of a town. Chi- cago. 1913. Chart. 4099a.i78 References, pp. 213-218. Mawson, T. H., and H. Vivian. Two notable addresses on town planning and hous- ing. Calgary. [1912.] Portraits. 4099a. 1 66 Contents. — The city of the plain and how to make it beautiful, by T. H. Mawson. — How to apply town planning to Calgary, by H. Vivian. Morse, E. S. Can city life be made endur- able? An address delivered at the annual Commencement of the Worcester Poly- technic Institute, June, 1900. [Wor- cester. 1900.] 9352.4a2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 437 Ncaring, S. Social adjustment. New York. 191 1. 5569.155 City planning, pp. 115-122. Olmsted, F. L. City planning: address de- livered at the second National Confer- ence on City Planning. Hartford. 1910. [American Civic Association. De- partment of City Making.] *356oa.i40.Ser.2.4 Riess, A. Kommunale Wirtschaftspflege. Leipzig. 191 1. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.534 Contents. — Begriff, Abgrenzung, &c. — Das kommunale Siedelungswesen. — Kommunale Be- triebe. — Arbeiterfursorge. Literatur, pp. 5, 6. Rowald, p. Anlage und gemeinniitzige bauliche Einrichtungen der Stadte. Plates. (In Buch der Erfindungen. Band i, pp. 441-574. Leipzig. 1896.) *4033.i3.i Schultze-Naumburg, P. Staedtebau. Miin- chen. 1909. Plates. Plans. [Kultur- arbeiten. 4.] 40993.164.4 Sickel, C. Das Stadttor im Stadtbilde. Berlin. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 5, Heft 2.] No. 2 in 4092.178.5 Stuebben, H. J. Vom Stadtebau in Eng- land. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Maps. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4, Heft 8.] No. 8 in 4092.178.4 Waterhouse, P., and R. Unwin. Old towns and new needs: also the town exten- sion plan: being the Warburton lec- tures for 1912. Manchester. 1912. Map. Plans. Charts. [Manchester Univer- sity lectures.] 40993.149 Wuarin, L. The problems of the urban community. (In Congress of Arts and Science ... St. Louis, 1904. Vol. 7, PP- 775-788. Boston. 1906.) *79i6.i02.7 Zimmermann, M. G. Kiinstlerische Lehren aus der Geschichte des Stadtebaus. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Map. [Stadtebau- liche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft 5.] No. 5 in 4092.178.2 Topography. Enthoffer, J. Manual of topography, and text-book of topographical drawing. New York. 1870. Text, i v. Atlas, 24 plates. *Cab.59.24.i Gannett, H. A manual of topographic methods. Washington. 1893. Folded map. [United States. Geological Sur- vey. Monographs.] *jS7o.'j2 Same. 1906. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. [United States. Geological Survey. Bulletin.] *7872.25.307 Grund, A. Die Veranderungen der Topo- graphic im Wiener Walde und Wiener ^L Becken. Leipzig. 1901. Diagrams. [Geo- |r graphische Abhandlungen. Band 8, Heft I.] *6273.20.8 Hinks, A. R. Maps and surveys. Cambridge. 1913. Plates. Maps. Diagrams. 3936.130 Reed, H. A. Topographical drawing and sketching, including applications of Reed, H. A. (Continued.) photography. New York. 1886. Illus. 14 folded plates. *4o8i.i8 Salisbury, R. D., and W. W. Atwood. The interpretation of topographic maps. Washington. 1908. Plates. Maps. Dia- grams. Geological sections. [United States. Geological Survey. Profes- sional papers.] *586oa.i34 Smith. R. S. A manual of topographical drawing. Revised and enlarged by C. McMillan. 3d edition. New York. 1905. Illus. Diagrams. Maps. 6284.22 United States. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Methods and results. Standard topo- graphical drawings, ist and 2d series. [By E. Hergesheimer.] Washington. 1884. Maps. 5930.24 Reprinted from Report for 1883, Appendix 14 [*C.24oa.2.i883]. Van Ornum, J. L. Topographical surveys: their methods and value. [Madison. 1896. University of Wisconsin. Bulle- tin. Engineering series.] *40io.242.i Vemer, W. W. C. Map reading and the elements of field sketching. London. 1893- Plate. 2288.63 Rapid field-sketching and reconnaissance. London. 1889. Illus. Plates. Maps. 3953.131 Village Improvement. See also Society Publications; Civic Art. Anderson, W. L. The country town: a study of rural evolution. With an introduc- tion by Josiah Strong. New York. [1906.] 5569.117 Bolton, C. K. What the small town may do for itself. [Boston. 1896.] 4413.66 Reprinted from the New England Magfazine, Vol. 14 [*5322.S5.I4]. Connecticut. Board of Education. Baby- lonian willow, Salix Babylonica. [New Haven. 1878.] 3844»33 Relates to village improvement. Egleston, N. H. Villages and village life, with hints for their improvement. New York. 1878. 4006.75 Eickemeyer, R. Ueber die Erbauung der Dorfer. Frankfurt. 1787. 8 plates. 8094.78 Farwell, P. T. Village improvement. New York. 1913. Plates. Plan. 40993.181 Bibliography, pp. 350-356. Good, J. M. The how of improvement work. Springfield, Ohio. 1901. Illus. Plans. 5579;2i8 The work of civic improvement. Spring- field, Ohio. 1900. Illus. 5578.229 Manning, W. H. Suggestions for beautify- ing the home, village and roadway. Philadelphia. [1906.] Illus. [American Civic Association. Outdoor Art De- partment. Pamphlet no. 5.] *355oa.i39.5 Reprinted from the Youth's Companion. Mielke, R. W. Das Dorf : ein Handbuch der kiinstlerischen Dorf- und Flurgestal- tung. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. Vignettes. Maps. Plans. 8105.62 438 CITY PLANNING Olmsted, F. L. Village improvement. [Boston, Mass. ipoS- Massachusetts Civic League. Leaflets. No. 5.] 5579-204 Sohnrey, H., editor. Kunst auf dem Lande. Leipzig. 1905. lUus. Plates. Plans. 4093.163 Waring, G. E. Village improvements and farm villages. Boston. 1877. Ulus. 3999-36 Garden Cities. Adams, T. Garden city and agriculture: how to solve the problem of rural de- population. London. [iQOS-] Plates. Plans. 5569-183 Beeson, E. W. Port Sunlight: the model village of England. A collection of photographs. New York City, N. Y. [191 1.] 46 plates. Map. Plan. 4092.184 Benoit-Levy, G. La cite-jardin. Vol. i: Garden City. [2e edition.] Paris. [1911-] Illus. Plates. Plans. 4092.329 Cites-jardins d'Amerique. Paris. 1905. Plates. Tables. [Bibliotheque du Musee social.] 4092.330 L'enfant des cites-jardins. Avant-propos par M.-Brandon-Salvador. Paris. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plan. 4092.332 Le roman des cites-jardins. Paris. [1912.] Plates. 4092.333 La ville et son image. Paris. [1910.] Illus. Plates. Maps. [Editions des cites-jardins de France.] 4092.174 Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Die Garten- stadtbewegung in England: ihre Ent- wickelung und ihr jetziger Stand. Miinchen. 191 1. Plates. Plans. 4092.328 Same. 1912. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Die Kultur des modernen England in Ein- zeldarstellungen.] 4092.337 Co-Partnership Tenants' Housing Council, London, England. Garden suburbs, villages and homes. London. [1906?] Illus. Plates. Plans. 5561.193 Culpin, E. G. The garden city movement up-to-date. London. [1913.] Illus. Plate. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4092.334 Deutsche Gartenstadt Gesellschaft. Aus englischen Gartenstadten. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *L.5i.28 Die deutsche Gartenstadtbewegung: zu- sammenfassende Darstellung iiber den heutigen Stand der Bewegung. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. ^ , . 4092.331 Garden city movement. The. (In Bliss, W. D. P., editor. The new encyclopedia of social reform . . . New edition. P. 532. New York. 1908.) 55603.32 Garden Suburb Development Company (Hampstead) Ltd. Garden suburbs, town planning and modern architecture. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4092.172 The proposed garden suburb at Hamp- stead. [London. 1906.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plan. -^092.183 Town planning and modern architecture at the Hampstead Garden Suburb. Lon- Garden Suburb Company. (Continued.) don. 1909. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4092.165 Contains articles by R. Unwin and M. H. B. Scott. Some of the plates are colored. Gartenstadt Hellerau. Ein Bericht iiber den Zweck, die Organisation, die Ansiede- lungs-Bedingungen, die bisherigen Er- folge, und die Ziele. Hellerau. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Maps. Plan. 4092.336 George, W. L. Labour and housing at Port Sunlight. London. 1909. Plates. Maps. Plans. 40993.177 Harvey, W. A. The model village and its cottages: Bournville. London. 1906. Illus. Plans. 8104.12 Howard, E. Garden cities of tomorrow. London. 1902. Portrait. Plans. 5568.128 The 3d edition of To-morrow : a peaceful path to real reform. Garden City Association, pp. 169-171. Letchworth Garden City in fifty-five pic- tures. Letchworth. [1911.] Illus. Plates. 4099a.i76 Purdom, C. B. The Garden City [Letch- worth, Eng] : a study in the develop- ment of a modern town. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. 40993.179 Sage Foundation Homes Company, New York. Declaration of restrictions, etc., affecting property known as Forest Hills Gardens at Forest Hills, Borough of Queens, Long Island, New York City. [New York. 191 1.] 4092.324 Forest Hills Gardens. New York. 1912. 24 plates. 4092.326 A collection of illustrations and plans of houses. Forest Hills Gardens. Pamphlet. No. i, 2. New York. [1911.] 2 v. Illus. Plates. Map. 4092.325 Salomon, H. Gartenstadte. Berlin. 1913. Illus. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 6, Heft 3.] No. 3 in 4092.178.6 Schiavi, A. Le case a buon mercato e le citta giardino. Bologna. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. [Biblioteca di coltura popolare.] 4099a.i7i Sennett, A. R. Garden cities in theory and practice. London. 1905. 2 v. Plates. Plans. *5568.i25 Housing, See also Houses for Workingmen; Society Publica- tions ; Building Associations. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Housing and town planning. Philadelphia. [1914. Annals.] Per.Room *3565.i09.5i This is a special number for January, 19 14. It contains thirty-six articles by various authors. Artizan's, Labourer's and General Dwel- lings Company Limited. Annual report [with prospectus], 4th, 5th. 1871, 72. [London.] 1871, 72. *8o98.27 Baumeister, R. Bauordnung und Woh- nungsfrage. Berlin. 191 1. Plans. Chart. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4, Heft 3.] No. 3 in 4092.178.4 HOUSING 439 Bentley, E. G., and S. P. Taylor. Housing, Town Planning, etc., Act, 1909. A practical guide in the preparation of town planning schemes, with appendices containing the text of the Act, the procedure regulations, extracts from the Hampstead Garden Suburb Act, 1906, extracts from the Liverpool Cor- poration (streets and buildings) Act, 1908, etc. Also specimen forms of notices and advertisements and a model set of coloured plans . . . With a fore- word by Raymond Unwin. London. 191 1. Text, I v.; Atlas, 3 maps. *4090.40i Birmingham, England. City Council. Hous- ing Committee. Report. Birmingham. [1906.] Maps. *556i.i92 Contains information about housing conditions and town-planning in Germany. Cheap Cottages Exhibition, 1905. The book of the Exhibition, with plans, and articles on Garden City, and cottage building problems. London. 1905. Illus. Plans. 8105.41 Comes, J. Modern housing in town and country, illustrated by examples of municipal and other schemes of block dwellings, tenement houses, model cot- tages and villages. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. *8ogi.i27 Cranfield, S. W., and H. I. Potter. Houses for the working classes. 2d edition. London. 1904. 26 plates. 8iooa.33 Houses for the working classes in urban districts. London. 1900. Plates. 8iooa.30 Eberstadt, R. Handbuch des Wohnungs- wesens und der Wohnungsfrage. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Jena. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 8093.142 Bibliographies are interspersed in the text. Neue Studien iiber Stadtebau und Woh- nungswesen. Jena. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. * 8093.141 Emerson, G. B. Houses for working men and working women. N.p. N.d. No. 2 in 7449a. 1 25 Gerhard, W. P. Sanitary drainage of tene- ment houses. Hartford. 1884. Illus. 5763.114 Goltz, H. A. A., Freiherr von der. Die Wohnungsinspektion und ihre Aus- gestaltung durch das Reich. Gottingen. 1900. [Verein Reichs-Wohnungsgesetz. Die Wohnungsfrage und das Reich.] 9692.9 Hale, E. E., and others. Workingmen's homes. Essays and stories on the homes of men who work in large towns. I^^^_ Boston. 1874. Plate. Plan. 5578.103 ^^k. Contents. — Introduction. — Co-operattive homes, ^fc^ — The Quincy Association. — The village in Dedham. — Cheap trains in Massachusetts. — 1 Homes for Boston laborers. — Boston Co-opera- ttive Society. — How they lived at Naguadavick, How they live in Vineland. — How they live in Boston, and how they die there. w, G. Britain's homes. London. 1902. 9331-834238 29 Kley, W. Bei Krupp. Eine socialpolitische Reiseskizze unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Arbeiter-Wohnungs- fiirsorge. Leipzig. 1899. Illus. Plans. Charts. 933i.8a6 Lasius, O. Das friesische Bauernhaus in seiner Entwickelung wahrend der letz- ten vier Jahrhunderte vorzugsweise in der Kiistengegend zwischen der Weser und dem Dollart. Strassburg. 1885. Illus. Plans. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der ger- manischen Volker.] *2902.50.55.i London. County Council. Workmen's trains. Report[s] of the Statistical Officer on the need for a general ex- tension of the service [and on the in- adequacy of the services of the South London railways. London. 1897.] 2 parts in i v. 9352.542ia6 Printed by order of the Housing of the Working Classes Committee. Massachusetts. Homestead Commission. Report. January, 1913. Boston. 1913. [House. No. 2000.] *644i.i4 Much of the Report refers to Boston. Mawson, T. H. Two notable addresses on town planning and housing. [Calgary. 1912.] Portraits. 4099a.i66 Contents. — The city of the plain and how to make it beautiful, by T. H. Mawson. — How to apply town planning to Calgary, by Henry Vivian. Meakin, J. E. B. Model factories and vil- lages. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. 9331.834237 Menu le Saint-Mesmin, E. Les habitations economiques. Paris. 1868. [Conferences populaires faites a I'asile imperial de Vincennes.] No. 6 in 66793.25 Nettlefold, J. S. Practical housing. With a preface by Alfred Lyttelton. Popular edition. London. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 40993.173 A list of literature, p. 194. Contains the text and explanation of the Hous- ing and Town Planning Act, 1909, and chapters on the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890. Norton, C. E. Dwellings and schools for the poor. [Anon.] Cambridge. 1852. Illus. Plan. 5575.238 Reprinted from The North American Review for April, 1852 [*3 143. 1.74]. Penot, A. Les cites ouvrieres de Mulhouse et du Departement du Haut-Rhin. Nou- velle edition. Mulhouse. 1867. Plans. 9331-844 Quincy, J. Moderate houses for moderate means. An argument for cheap trains as essential to independent homes for the working classes; and an address before the Quincy Homestead Associa- tion. With the organization of the As- sociation, and the requirements for ad- mission. Boston. 1871. 7572.197 Schneider, C. Die Bewegung fiir Errichtung von Heimstatten. Hamburg. 1891. [Deutsche Zeit-und Streit-Fragen. Neue Folge. Jahrgang 6, Heft 83.] No. 2 in *52i6.50.N.F.6 440 CITY PLANNING Shaw, R. N. Sketches for cottages and other buildings: designed to be con- structed in the patent cement slab system of W. H. Lascelles. From sketches and notes by R. Norman Shaw. Drawn by Maurice B. Adams. [Lon- don.] 1878. 28 plates. *8i03.63 Smith, T. S. Results of sanitary improve- ments illustrated by the operation of the metropolitan societies for improv- ing the dwellings of the industrious classes, etc. London. 1854. 7765-76 Society instituted at London for the En- couragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Report by the special committee on the statistics of dwel- lings improvement in the metropolis. London. 1864. 557oa.36 Strickland, Sir C. W., Baronet. On cottage construction and design. London. 1864. Illus. Plans. 4095.19 Sykcs, J. F. J. Public health and housmg. The influence of the dwelling upon health in relation to the changing style of habitation. Being the Milroy lec- tures delivered before the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. London. 1901. Diagrams. 3769.273 Thaer, C. W. A. Ueber landliche Arbeiter- Wohnungen. Berlin. 1872. Plans. [Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-Fragen. Jahrgang i, Heft 15.] No. 13 in *52i6.5o.i Thompson, P. Healthy moral homes for agricultural labourers. London. 1863. Plates. 3570.14 Thompson, W. The housing handbook. A practical manual for the housing of the working classes. 2d edition. London. 1903. Illus. Plates. Plans. 933i.8342a5 Published by the National Housing Reform Council. Twining, T. Club chambers for the work- ing classes in the metropolis. [London. 1865.] 7572.190 Reprinted from the Builder [*4i04.20i.23]. United States. Department of Labor. The housing of the working people. Pre- pared under the direction of C. D. Wright, by E. R. L. Gould. Washing- ton. 1895. Plans. . *357o.i67.8 Vaughan, V. C. Healthy homes and foods for the working classes. (In American Public Health Association. Public health. Pp. 1-62. Concord, N. H. 1886.) *376i.62 Veiller, L. Housing and health. New York. 1911. [National Housing Association.] 5561.197 Reprinted from Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for March, 1911 tPer.Room *3S6S- 109.37]. Verein fiir Socialpolitik, Leipzig. Verhand- lungen der . . . Generalversammlung iiber die Wohnungsverhaltnisse der armeren Klassen in deutschen Gross- stadten und iiber innere Kolonisation mit Riicksicht auf die Erhaltung und Vermehrung des mittleren und klei- neren landlichen Grundbesitzes. Leip- zig. 1887. [Schriften. 33.] *9330.436.33 Vincent, J. Country cottages: a series of designs for agricultural labourers. Lon- don. 1861. 21 plates. *4o8o.i4 Weaver, L. The "County Life" book of cottages costing from £150 to £600. London. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8103.24 Weiss, A. Konnen die in den heutigen grossstadtischen* Wohnverhaltnissen liegenden Mangel und Schaden behoben werden? Vom Architekten-Verein zu Berlin preisgekronte Wettbewerbarbeit um den Wilhelm-Strauch-Preis 191 1. Berlin. 1912. Illus. Maps. Plans. 8091.28 Willis, W. A. Housing and town planning in Great Britain: being a statement of the statutory provisions relating to the housing of the working classes and to town planning, including the Housing, Town Planning, etc.. Act, 1909. Lon- don. 1910. 3669.42 Wolfe, A. B. The lodging house problem in Boston. Boston. 1906. Plans. Charts. [Harvard economic studies.] Bibliography, pp. 185-187. 933I-8373a4 Working-class dwellings. By J. Honeyman, H. Spalding, W. E. Wallis and O. Flem- ing. Illus. Plate. Plans. (In Journal of the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. Series 3, Vol. 7, pp. 249-278. London. 1900.) *4090.29o.Ser.3.7 Housing Problem and Social Surveys. Albrecht, H. Wohnungsstatistik und Woh- nungsenquete. (In Handbuch der Hy- giene. Band 4, pp. 13-34- Jena. 1895.) *376oa.78 Austria. Kaiserlich-koenigliches Handels- ministerium. Arbeitsstatistisches Amt. Die Wohnungs- und Gesund'heitsver- haltnisse der Schuhmacher. Wien. 1906. *933 1. 834336 Bowditch, H. I. Letter from the chairman of the State Board of Health, concern- ing homes for the people, convalescent homes, and the sewage question. [Bos- ton. 1871.] No. 2 in *556o.59; No. 7 in *776i.56 From the 2d Annual Report of the State Board of Health [*6457. 16(1871)]. BuUar, E. P. Open street doors and the supervision of tenement houses. [Lon- don. 1883.] 7573-25 Cohn, L. Die Wohnungsfrage und die Sozialdemokratie. Ein Kapitel sozial- demokratischer Gemeindepolitik. Miin- chen. 1900. 9331-834234 Crotch, W. W. The cottage homes of Eng- land. The case against the housing system in rural districts, with an intro- duction by G. K. Chesterton. 3d edi- tion. London. 1908. 9331.834239 DeForest, R. W., and L. Veiller, editors. The tenement house problem, including the report of the New York State Tene- ment House Commission of 1900. By HOUSING 441 DeForest and Veiller, editors. (Continued.) various writers. New York. 1903. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. Diagrams. Tables. 933 1 •8332 Du Mesnil, E., and A. Mangenot. Etude d' hygiene et d'economic sociale. Enquete sur les logements, professions, salaires et budgets. (Loyers inferieurs a 400 francs.) Avec une lettre de Jules Sieg- fried. Paris. 1899. Tables. Chart. 933i.82a2 Fuld, L. Die Wohnungsnoth der armeren Klassen. Hamburg. 1889. [Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-Fragen. Neue Folge. Jahrgang 3. Heft 47-] No. 13 in *52i6.5o.N.F.3 Haw, G. The Englishman's castle: the problem of the people's homes. Lon- don. [1908.] 55693.261 Labourer's Friend, The: for disseminating information on the dwellings of the poor. Sept., 1837, June, 1844, 1858, 59, 61. London. i837[-6i]. 4 v, in 3. *7577.io This is the organ of the Labourer's Friend Society, afterward called the Society for Im- proving the Condition of the Labouring Classes. The issue for 1847 is entitled The Labourers' Friend Magazine. Lawrence, F. W. The housing problem. {In The heart of the Empire. Pp. 53- iio. London. 1902.) 9304.40232 Raffalovich, A. Le logement de I'ouvrier et du pauvre: £tats-Unis, Grande-Bre- tagne, France, Allemagne, Belgique. Paris. 1887. 3569.172 The house of the working-classes and of the poor. {In Mackay, Thomas, editor. A plea for liberty. Pp. 273-301. Lon- don. 1891.) 3561.111 Reynold^, M. T. The housing of the poor in American cities. Prize essay, 1892. [Baltimore.] 1893. Illus. Plates. Plans. [American Economic Association. Pub- lications. Vol. 8, no. 2, 3.] *556oa.io.8 Bibliography, pp. 126-132. Sanborn, A. F. Moody's lodging house and other tenement house sketches. Boston. 1895. 24093.137 Berne, Switzerland. Landolt, C. Die Wohnungs-Enquete in der Stadt Bern, vom 17. Februar bis 11. Marz, 1896. Im Auftrage der stadtischen Behorden bearbeitet. Bern. 1899. Folded map. 9314.9436 Boston, Mass. Commission to Investigate Tenement-House Conditions. Report of the Commission. Boston. 1904. Plans. Tables. [Docu- ment 77- 1904.] 5575-151 Gray, H. Some comments on the report of the Boston Tenement House Com- mission. Offered for the consideration of the Boston Co-operative Building Co. Wellesley Hills. [1904?] 5578.236 Phelps, R. F. South End factory opera- tives: employment and residence. Bos- ton. 1903. Plates. [South End House Association. Publications.] 9331.8373 Boston. (Continued.) Porter, D. Report upon a sanitary inspec- tion of certain tenement-house districts of Boston. Boston. 1889. Plates. Plans. ♦7763.68 Sanborn, A. F. The anatomy of a tene- ment street [Bulfinch Street]. Boston. [1895. Andover House Bulletin, no. 6.] 557oa.97 Bremen, Germany. Bremischcs statistisches Amt. Untersuchung der Wohnungen der minder bemittelten Klassen in Bremen. Bremen. 1905. Illus. Plans. *933i.8343 Chicago, III. Addams, Jane. The housing problem in Chicago. {In American Academy of Political and So,cial Science. Annals. Vol. 20, pp. 99-107. Philadelphia. 1902.) Per.Room *3565.i09.20 The spirit of youth and the city streets. New York. 1909. 3588.289 City Homes Association, Chicago. Tene- ment conditions in Chicago. Report by the Investigating Committee of the Association. Text by Robert Hunter. Chicago. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 933i.8373a3 Bibliography, pp. 203, 204. Fall River, Mass. Aronovici, C. Housing conditions in Fall River. Report prepared for the As- sociated Charities Housing Committee. [Fall River. 1912.] Illus. Plate. Map. 8093.139 Homestead, Pa. Byington, M. F. Homestead: the house- holds of a mill town. New York. 1910. Plates. Tables. 3563.307.3 Jersey City, N. J. Sayles, M. B. Housing conditions in Jersey City. Philadelphia. 1903. Map. Plans. [American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Supplement to Vol. 21.] 9331-8373^2 Lawrence, Mass. Trustees of the White Fund. The report of the Lawrence survey. Lawrence. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 5561.200 Contents. — i. Housing conditions, by Robert E. Todd. — 2. Public health, by Frank B. Sanborn. Liverpool, Eng. Health Department. Report on the health of the city during 1891-1910. Liverpool. 1892-1911. 20 V. in 13. Plates. Maps. Charts. Tables. *96i4.042a2 Some of the reports discuss extensively the subject of insanitary dwellings. 442 CITY PLANNING London, Eng. Cooper, C. P. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir George Grey . . . with papers respect- ing the sanitary state of part of the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, Lon- don. 3d edition. London. 1850. No. 2 in *55i7-3 The papers are reports relating chiefly to Church Lane and Carrier St., Seven Dials. Same. 2d edition. No. 12 in *3463.i2 Cooper, C. P., editor. Papers respecting the sanitary state of Church Lane and Carrier Street in the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, London. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1850. No. II in*3463.i2 Hand, J. E. The housing of the poor [in London]. (In Hand, J. E., editor. Good citizenship. Pp. 113-145. London. 1899.) 9304.a6 Haw, G. No room to live. The plaint of overcrowded London. With introduc- tion by Sir Waltel" Besant. [2d edition, enlarged.] London. 1900. 9339-042 Knowles, C. M. The housing problem in London. London. 1899. [London Re- form Union. Pamphlet no. 81.] Bibliography, p. 21. 9331.834236 Lazarus, H. Landlordism. An illustration of the rise and spread of slumland as • evinced on the great estates of the great ground landlords of London. London. 1892. 35693.140 Mansion House Council on the dwellings of the poor. Report for 1885, 87, 88. [Lon- don. 1886-89.] *5570.65 These reports deal largely with the sanitary condition of tenement houses, etc. Ruprecht, W. Die Wohnungen der arbei- tenden Klassen in London. Gottingen. 1884. 4096.66 New York, N. Y. Citizens* Union. New York's tenement houses. New York. 1897. Plates. [Pamphlet no. 4.] *5579-i53-4 Tammany and the tenements. [New York. 1901.] 4226.167 Crosby, E. H. Trinity Church tenements. The cause of their condition and the cure. New York. 1895. [Stirling library.] 35603.112 Elsing, W. T. Life in New York tenement houses as seen by a city missionary. Illus. Plates, (In The poor in great cities. Pp. 42-^5. New York. 1895.) 3575.146 Herzfeld, E. G. Family monographs. The history of twenty-four families living in the middle West Side of New York City. Preface by Elsie Clews Parsons. New York. 1905. 5566.88 "The object of these studies is to throw light on the family of the New York tenement-house dweller." New York, State. Legislature. Reports. Report of the Tenement House Com- mittee. Transmitted January 17, 1895. Albany. 1895. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 3573.136 New York, N. Y. (Continued.) Potter, E. T. "Points about which in- formation is desired in reference to tenement houses," by the New York Tenement House Committee. E. T. Potter's Answers and remarks. June, 1900. [Newport, R. L 1900.] 933i.8374a2 A study of some New York tenement- house problems. [New York. 1892.] Plate. 3573.140 Reprinted from The Charities Review, January, 1892 [*757oa.i2.i892]. Riis, J. A. How the other half lives: studies among the tenements of New York. With illustrations chiefly from photo- graphs. New York. 1890. 3572.101 Tenement House Department. Report, ist- 4th, 6th. 1902-08, 10/11. [New York.] 1903-12. 5 V. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *557i.88 Trinity Church. Report as to the sanitary condition of the tenements of Trinity Church, and other documents. Printed by order of the Vestry. New York. 1895. 7566.69 Newburgh, N. Y. Russell Sage Foundation. Department of Surveys and Exhibits. The Newburgh survey. New York City. 1913. Illus. Plates. Charts. [Publication. No. SE2.] 3563.337 Reports of investigations of social conditions in Newburgh. Nuremberg, Germany. Hess, H. Die Wohnungsverhaltnisse der Niirnberger Arbeiterbevolkerung. Niirn- berg. 1893. 15565-178 Paris, France. Laspeyres, E. Der Einfluss der Wohnung auf die Sittlichkeit. Eine moral- statistische Studie iiber die arbeitenden Klassen der Stadt Paris. Berlin. 1869. Tables. 3567.57 Philadelphia, Pa. Fox, H. Tenement house work in St. Mary street. [Philadelphia. 1891.] 35793.104 Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh Survey, The. Findings -in six volumes. Edited by Paul U. Kellogg. Vol. 2-5. New York. 1909, 10. 4 v. Portraits. Plates. Charts. [Russell Sage Foundation publications.] 3563.307 Woods, R. A. Pittsburgh's civic problem. (/« National Municipal League. Pro- ceedings, 1908. Pp. 388-391. Pittsburgh. 1908.) *3562.i65.i9o8 Richmond, Surrey, Eng. Thompson, W. Housing of the working classes, with a description of the Rich- mond Municipal Cottages. [Richmond. 1899.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 9331.8342 HOUSING 443 St. Louis, Mo. Civic League of St. Louis. Housing condi- tions in St. Louis. Report of the Hous- ing Committee. Text by Charlotte Rumbold. St. Louis. 1908. Illus. Plans. 5568.107 Trent, Austria. Ufficio statistico municipale. Prospetti statistici desunti dal rilievo sulle con- dizioni d'abitazioni della citta di Trento. 1888/89. Trento. 1890. *g3i4.364aii Wohnverhaltnisse. [Wien. 1889?] 93i4.364ai2 Ulm, Germany. Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Boden- politik und gemeindliche Wohnungsfiir- sorge der Stadt Ulm an der Donau. Miinchen. [1910?] Illus. Maps. Plans. 4091.197 Wagner, H. von. Die Tatigkeit der Stadt Ulm a. D. auf dem Gebiet der Woh- nungsfiirsorge fiir Arbeiter und Be- dienstete (Hauser zum Eigenerwerb). Ulm a. D. 1903. Plates. Maps. Plans. 8093.140 Vadergrift, Pa. Vandergrift Land and Improvement Com- pany. Vandergrift: its homes and in- dustries. [Vandergrift.] 1900. Plates. 4472.187 Washington, D. C. Weller, C. F. Neglected neighbors. Stories of life in the alleys, tenements and shanties of the national capitol. Phila- delphia. 1909. Plates. Plans. 5572.190 YONKERS, N. Y. Bogart, E. L. The housing of the working people in Yonkers. {In American Eco- nomic Association. Economic studies. Vol 3, pp. 267-348. New York. 1898.) *556oa.i4.3 Housing Reform. The works listed under this heading contain recom- mendations for attaining improved conditions. Alden, P., and E. E. Hayward. Housing. London. [1910. Social service hand- books.] 55793.340 Bibliography, pp. 157-161. Baldwin, F. S. The housing problem; a 1^™ study of tenement reform in cities. ^^■^ Boston. 1900. 9331-83 |Hnisel- Stadt, Canton, Switzerland. Sta- tistisches Amt. Denkschrift iiber die staatlichen Massregeln zur Verbesse- rung der Wohnungsverhaltnisse ini Kanton Basel-Stadt. Im Auftrage des Regierungsrates des Kantons Basel- Stadt verfasst von F. Mangold. Basel. ti9o6. [Ausstellung in^^ailand. 1906. Zur Eroffnung des Simplon-Tunnels.] *933i.8349ai5 Borie, J. Aerodomes. Nouveau mode de maisons d'habitation a dix et onze etages. Paris. 1867. 8091.4 Bosse, A. Die Forderung des Arbeiter- wohnungswesens durch die Landesver- sicherungsanstalten. Jena. 1907. [Ab- handlungen des staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Jena.] 356oa.35.4 Clarke, E., Jr. The hovel and the home; or, improved dwellings for the labour- ing classes, and how to obtain them. [London. 1863?] Colored plate. 3570.11 Committee to Consider the Expediency of Providing Better Tenements for the Poor, Boston. Report on better tene- ments for the poor. Boston. 1846. 933i.8373a5 Dewsnup, E. R. The housing problem in England. Manchester. 1907. [Victoria University, Manchester, England. Pub- lications.] 933i.8342aio Dodd, J. T. The housing of the working classes. London. 1891. No. 4 in *3566.i52(i892) List of books, General literature, etc., pp. 33-38. Flagg, E. The New York tenement-house evil and its cure. Plans. {In The poor in great cities. Pp. 370-392. New York. 1895-) 3575.146 Forbath, E. Stadtebauliche Studien: Schrif- ten zur Forderung eines besseren Stadtebaues und der Kleinwohnungsfiir- sorge in Stadten. Leipzig. 1912. 4092.306 Ford, J. The housing problem: a summary of conditions and remedies prepared to accompany the housing exhibit in May, 1911, of the Harvard Social Museum. Cambridge, Mass. 191 1. [Harvard University. Department of Social Ethics.] 5561.199 Gatliff, C. On improved dwellings . . . with suggestions for their extension. Lon- don. 1875. Map. 7765.32 Gould, E. R. L. The economics of improved housing. Boston. 1896. [Church Social Union.] 3595-190.1 Reprinted from the Yale Review, May, 1896 [*74S4-2.5]. Griscom, J. H. The sanitary condition of the laboring population of New York. With suggestions for its improvement, A discourse (with additions) delivered 30th December, 1844 . . . New York. 1845. 5766.62; B.170.67 Hare, T. The facilities which the law may give for small investments in real pro- perty, and the means they would afford of improving the dwellings of the people and the condition of the working classes. London. 1864. [National Association for the Promotion of Social Science.] No. 31 in *5566.6 Hasse, E. Die Wohnungsverhaltnisse der armeren Volksklassen in Leipzig. [An- hang: Die Wohnung des Leipziger Arbeiters, von O. Gruner; Ein Versuch zur Beschaffung guter Wohnungen fiir Arme in Leipzig, von Gustave de Liagre.] Leipzig. 1886. 3575-70 Separatabdruck aus Schriften des Vereins fiir Socialpolitik, Band 31. 444 CITY PLANNING Hill, O. Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters. Edited by C. E. Maurice. Lon- don. 1913. Portraits. Plates. 4548.276 Hirschberg, E. Die Wohnungsfrage und die Eingemeindung der Berliner Vor- orte. Berlin. 1905. Diagram. [Volks- wirthschaftliche Zeitfragen. Jahrgang 27, Heft 4.] No. 4 in *3562.53.27 Hole, J. The homes of the working classes, with suggestions for their improvement. London. 1866. Plates. 3S70-i6 Homesteads for city poor. A twelve per cent, charity. Boston. [1854.] 7572.159 Horsfall, T. C. The improvement of the dwellings and surroundings of the people. The example of Germany. 2d edition. Manchester. 1904. Plans. 3762.176 House famine, The, and how to relieve it. Seven papers and a bibliography. Lon- don. 1900. Table. [Fabian Tracts. No. loi.] *3564.i73.ioi;933i.8342a2 Houses for the people: a summary of the powers of local authorities under the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890. and the use which has been and can be made of them. 2d edition. Lon- don. 1899. [Fabian Tracts. No. 76.] *3564-i 73.76 Houses for the working classes. How to provide them in town and country. London. [1900.] 9331.834232 Papers presented to a National Conference on the Housing Problem, March i, 1900. Contents. — Bad housing in rural districts. By Clement Edwards. — Laborer's cottages. By Constance Cochrane. — Facts as to urban over- crowding. By Edward Bowmaker. — The exist- ing situation in London. By Mrs. R. C. Philli- more. — Powers of local authorities. By W. Thompson. — Considerations of practical diffi- culties. By H. C. Lander. — General prin- ciples. By F. Lawson Dodd. — A select bibliog- raphy. By Sidney Webb. This was also issued as Fabian Tract no. loi, under the title: The house famine and how to relieve it [*3564.i73.ioi]. Improved Dwellings Association, Boston. Annual report, 3d-5th. Boston. 1889-91. *5576.i24 Improved dwellings for the laboring classes. The need, and the way to meet it on strict commercial principles, in New York, Brooklyn and other cities. New York. 1877. Folded plans. 7572.87=No. 8 in *7562.59 This is not the same pamphlet as the following. Improved dwellings for the laboring classes. The need, and the way to meet it on strict commercial principles in New York and other cities. New York. 1879. lUus. Folded plan. No. 10 in *7562.59 Jacobi, D. Die gemeinniitzige Bautatigkeit in Deutschland: ihre kulturelle Bedeu- tung und die Grenzen ihrer VVirksam- keit. Miinchen. 1913. [Staats- und sozial- wissenschaftliche Forschungen. Heft 167.] *5644.2i.i67 Literatur, pp. 136-139. Janes, E. H. Health of tenement popula- tions and the sanitary requirements of their dwellings. (In American Public Health Association. Reports. Vol. 2, pp. 1 15-124. New York. 1876.) *3762.5i.2 London. County Council. Housing of the working classes. Opening ceremony by . . . the Prince of Wales of the Bound- ary street area, Bethnal Green; a brief description . . . and a summary of action under the Housing of the Work- ing Classes Act, 1890. London. 1900. Maps. *9352.442ia2 The housing question in London: an ac- count of the housing work done by the Metropolitan Board of Works and the London County Council, 1855-1900. London. [1900.] *933i.8342a3 Macleod, M. Healthy houses! How to get them. Manchester. [1868.] 5769a.i77 Martin, W. H. Unhealthy houses, "the terror of Europe and the disgrace of Britain." The remedy. A letter ad- dressed to the Earl of Derby. [Lon- don.] 1870. 8098.26 Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics. Homesteads for workingmen. Boston. 1912. [Labor bulletin. 88.] ♦9331.0744a3.88 Massachusetts. Homestead Commission. Report. January, 1913. Boston. 1913. [House. No. 2000.] *644i.i4 Much of the Report refers to Boston. Mead, E. D. Better homes for the Boston poor. [Boston. 1899.] 3575.^54 Reprinted from the New England Magazine, January, 1899 [Per.Room *5322.5S.2s]. Summary of the work of the Tenement-house committee of the Twentieth Century Club. Nathan, P. Die Wohnungsfrage und die Bestrebungen der Berliner Baugenos- senschaft. Berlin. 1890. Plans. [Volks— wirthschaftliche Zeitfragen. Jahrgang 12.] No. 3 in *3562.53.i2 Paine, R. T. Homes for the people. A re- port read at Saratoga, Sept. 9, 1881. Boston. 1882. No. 9 in *757i.69 Reprinted from the Journal of Social Science, No. 15 [*5572.67.no.is]. The housing conditions in Boston. Bos- ton. 1902. Plans. No. 23 in *757i.69 Reprinted from American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. July, 1902 [Per. Room *3565. 109.20]. Parish Council cottages, and how to get them. 2d edition. Revised September, 1898. London. 1895. [Fabian Tracts. No. 63.] *3564.i73.63 Pohle, L. Die Wohnungsfrage. Leipzig. 1910. 2 V. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.495 Contents. — Das Wohnungswesen in der modernen Stadt. 2. Die stadtische Wohnungs- und Boden- politik. Literatur, Band i, p. 4; Band 2, p. 4. Reich, E. Der Wohnungsmarkt in Berlin von 1840--1910. Miinchen. 1912. [Staats- und sozial^jrissenschaftliche Forschun- gen. Heft 164.] *5644.2i.i64 Literatur-Verzeichnis, pp. 152-160. HOUSING 445 Riis, J. A. The peril and the preservation of the home. Philadelphia. [1903.] Plates. [Philadelphia Divinity School. William Levi Bull Lectures.] 3575-158 On tenement-hoitse life in New York City. Roth, L. Die Wohnungsfrage der minder- bemittelten Klassen in New-York. Tiibingen. 191 1. [Archiv fiir Sozial- wissenschaft und Sozialpolitik. Ergan- zungsheft 4-] *7645.ii.4 Bibliographic, pp. vii, viii. Sax, E. Die Wohnungszustande der ar- beitenden Classen und ihre Reform. Wien. 1869. 3566.157 State Charities Aid Association, Ne^y York. New York tenement houses, with dia- grams showing their worst evil and how to avoid it. [New York.] 1877. Plans. 4473.101 Signed: W. C.- T. Inserted is a three-page circular on the same subject by the same author. Steadman, W. C. Overcrowding in Lon- don and its remedy. A speech. With the text of the Housing of the Work- ing Classes Act, 1900. London. 1900. [Fabian Tracts. No. 103.] *3564.i73-i03 Tremoehlen, E. Wohnungsfiirsorge fur In- dustriearbeiter in der Provinz West- falen, unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Kleinwohnungsbaues. Jena. 191 1. [Abhandlungen des staatswissen- schaftlichen Seminars zu Jena. Band II, Heft I.] 3560a.35.11 Literatur-Verzeichnis, pp. 77, 78. Veiller, L. Tenement house reform in New York, 1834-1900. New York. 1900. 5574.148 Housing reform. New York. 1910. [Russell Sage Foundation.] 3563.308 Walcker, C. Die grossstadtische Woh- nungsnoth: ihre Ursachen und Heil- mittel. Hamburg. 1892. [Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-Fragen. N. F. Jahrgang 7, Heft 102.] No. 6 in *52i6.50.N.F.7 Workingmen's advocate. A plan for assist- ing working men and others to easily obtain houses and lots of their own, for homes. N.p. N.d. No. 26 in *5574.ioo Housing Laws. See also Legislation. Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. A bill to amend the law relating to the housing of the working classes, . . . [London.] 1909. [Parliamentary papers. Vol. 3, 1909.] , , *F. Housing, town planning, &c., bill. [Lon- don.] 1909. [Parliamentary papers. Vol. 3, 1909-] *F- mgary. Law xlvi of 1907. State-aided erection of agricultural labourer's dwel- lings. Budapest. 1907. *933i-7439a3 Publication of the Hungarian Minister of Agri- culture. English version only. London. County Council. Housing of the Working Classes Committee. Building regulations approved . . . Dec. 3, 1889. [London. 1889.] *9352.442i Sanitary Laws Enforcement Society. What to do and how to do it. A manual of the law affecting the housing and sani- tary condition of Londoners, with special reference to the dwellings of the poor. London. 1884. 3764.104 Willis, W. A. Housing and town planning in Great Britain: being a statement of the statutory provisions relating _ to town planning, including the Housing, Town planning, etc.. Act, 1909. Lon- don. 1909. 3669.42 Ports and Waterfronts. Albert, J. J. Report in reference to the canal to connect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal with the City of Baltimore. 1838. Reprinted for the use of the Engineer Department, U. S. A. Wash- ington. 1874. Map. *8oio.i6 Association internationale permanente des Congres de Navigation. Fleuves, ca- naux et ports: notes bibliographiques comprenant la liste des principaux ouvrages parus en librairie et articles publics par les periodiques de 1892 a 1906 y compris les rapports, communica- tions et etudes diverses auxquels ont donne lieu les Congres de Navigation, de travaux maritimes et du genie civil de 1885 a 1905. Bruxelles. 1908. *6i77.35 Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association. The Atlantic Deeper Waterways Con- ference, held at Philadelphia, November 18, 19, 20, 1907. Report of the proceed- ings. Compiled and edited by Addison B. Burk. Philadelphia. 1908. Plate. Map. *7656.ii5 Bulletin: a monthly journal devoted to the development of interior waterways along the Atlantic coast. Vol. 4, 1912, to date. Philadelphia. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *7656.ii7 Austria. Kaiserlich-koenigliches Handels- ministerium. Direktion fiir den Bau der Wasserstrassen. Austrian waterways- exhibition. Ausstellung der osterr. Wasserstrassen. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. [Vienna. 1904] 5947.43 In English and German, on opposite pages. Barry, P. The dockyards and the private shipyards of the Kingdom. London. 1863. No. 6 in *7658.4 Beazeley, A. The reclamation of land from tidal waters. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Plans. 5996.88 California. Board of State Harbor Com- missioners. Biennial report for the fiscal years commencing July i, 1908, and ending June 30, 1910. Sacramento. 1910. Illus. Plates. Map. Plans. Table. *40iob.26 Harbor rules, regulations and rates adopted [for] San Francisco. 1909. Sacramento. 1909. Map. *40iob.25 Laws and statutes relating to the Board. Compiled by W. H. Davis. July i, 1907. [Sacramento.] 1907. *40iob.27 Relates principally to the San Francisco waterfront. 446 CITY PLANNING Clapp, E. J. The navigable Rhine: the de- velopment of its shipping the basis of the prosperity of its commerce and its traffic in 1907. Boston. 191 1.' Plates. Map. [Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays.] 9387'943a6 [Collection of photographs of docks and harbors, principally in Europe. Liver- pool, etc. 191-?] 59 photographs. *Cab.40.6o.6 Colson, C. Notes on docks and dock con- struction. London. 1894. IHus. Maps. Plans. Diagrams. [Longmans' Civil engineering series.] 40iob.38 Conry, J. A. Report of inspection of European ports. 1912. Boston. 1913. [Boston, Mass. Directors of the Port.] *40iob.5i Cunningham, B. A treatise on the prin- ciples and practice of dock engineering. London. 1904. Plans. 3942.87 Egerton, F., first Earl of Ellesmere. Aque- ducts and canals. {In his Essays, Pp. 201-251. London. 1858.) 2552.16 From the Quarterly Review, March, 1844 [*3ii4,i]. Flamant, A. A. Canaux, ports maritimes & fluviaux. Plates. Plans. {In Revue technique. Partie 3, pp. 3-1 18. Paris. 1892.) *8o2i. 100.3 Forchheimer, P. Verfahren zur Berech- nung von Schwimmdocks. Berlin. 1892. Illus. 5951.68 Friederichsen, L. Die deutschen Seehafen: ein praktisches Handbuch fiir Schiffs- kapitane, Rheder, Assekuradeure, Schiffsmakler, Behorden, etc. Hamburg. 1889, 91. 2 parts in i v. Maps. 4010b.11 Harcourt, L. F. V. Harbours and docks: their physical features, history, con- struction, equipment, and maintenance with statistics as to their commercial development. Oxford. 1885. [Clarendon Press series.] 3944.66 Accompanied by a volume of plates, maps and plans. Hartford, Conn. City Engineer. A study of some representative European ports in the summer of 1909. Plates. Maps. Plans. {In Connecticut. Rivers and Harbors Commission. Report. Pp. 23-71. Hartford. 191 1.) *40iob.8o Haupt, L. M. Canals and their economic relation to transportation. {In Ameri- can Economic Association. Publica- tions. Vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 59-85. [Balti- more.] 1890.) No. 4 in *556oa.io.5 Hepburn, A. B. Artificial waterways and commercial development (with a his- tory of the Erie Canal). New York. 1909. 7656.105 A general review of the canal systems of the woi Id. International Congress of Navigation. 7th Congress. Brussels, 1898. Rapports. Tome 4: Ports maritimes. Bruxelles. 1898. Plans. Maps. Charts. , „ . , . , *395oa.5.7.4 A collection of articles by various authors. Johnson, E. R. Inland waterways: their relation to transportation. Philadelphia. 1893. [American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Supple- ment, 1893.] *3565.i49 Bibliography, pp. 157-160. Lehnert, J., Ritter von, and others. Die Seehafen des Weltverkehrs, dargestellt von Josef Ritter von Lehnert, Johann Holeczek, Karl Zehden, Theodor Cicalek, Ernst Becher, Rudolf Pajer, Adolf Schwarz, unter Redaction von Alexander Dorn. Wien. 1891, 92. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4oiob.i9 Contents. — i. Hafen Europas sowie der asiatischen und afrikanischen Kusten des Mittelmeerbeckens. 2. Hafen ausserhalb Europas und des Mittel- meeibeckens. Luffmann, J. Select plans of the principal cities, harbours, forts, &c., in the world. London. 1801. 2 v. Maps. *5959-7i National Rivers and Harbors Congress. 6th annual convention, Washington, D. C., 1909. Proceedings. Cincinnati. 1910. *7656.ii3 Peabody, R. S. A holiday study of cities and ports. Boston. [1908.] Plates. Maps. Plans. Tables. 409oa.i33 Rappold, O. Kanal- und Schleusenbau. Berlin. 1912. Illus. ' Plates. Plans. Profiles. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.585 Reinhard, R. Die wichtigsten deutschen Seehandelsstadte. Ein Beitrag zur Geographic deutscher Stadte. Stutt- gart. 1901. Plates. Maps. [For- schungen zur deutschen Landes-und Volkskunde. Band 13, Heft 6, pp. 427- 507.] No. 6 in *6284.8.i3 Rhodes, H. G., and M. W. Dumont. A guide to Florida for tourists, sportsmen and settlers. With a chapter on the inland waterways from New York to Key West. New York. 1912. Portrait. Plates. Maps. Tables. 4379a.i88 Schulz, W. Der Wasserbauverwaltungs- dienst in Preussen. Handbuch fiir Ortsbaubeamte, Regierungs-Baumeister und -Baufiihrer, Bureaubeamte usw. 3. Auflage. Berlin. 1907. 5616.34 Schulze, F. W. O. Seehafenbau. Berlin. 191 1, 13. 2 V. Illus. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4oiob.2 Contents. — i. AUgemeine Anordnung der Seehafen. 2. Ausbau der Seehafen. Seattle, Washington. Public Library. Har- bors and docks: a list of books and references to periodicals in the Seattle Public Library. [Seattle.] 1913. [Refer- ence list. No. 5.] *40iob.36 TurnbuU's Dock and port charges for the United Kingdom of Great Britain. loth edition. North Shields. 1910. Maps. Plan. *365oa.75 Wislicenus, G. Die deutschen Hafenstadte. In Bildern von Willy Stower. Berlin. [1910.] Illus. Colored plates. *Cab.4o.6o.5 The preface is by Karl Weydekamp. PORTS AND WATERFRONTS U7 ' Amsterdam, Holland. Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The harbour of Amsterdam. [Amsterdam.] 1907. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. Coat of arms. 40iob.i7 Antwerp, Belgium. Hafen, Der, von Antwerpen. [Antwerpen? 1910.] Illus. Plates. Plan. Maps. 40iob.5 Port, The, of Antwerp. [Antwerp? 1910?] Illus. Plates. Maps. 40iob.9 Baltimore, Md. Harbor Board. Annual report to the Mayor and City Council for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1909, 10. Balti- more. 1910, II. 2 V. in I. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. Tables. *40iob.30 Boston, Mass. Baxter, S. The waterfront of Boston Bay. (In Massachusetts. Metropolitan Im- provements Commission. Public im- provements for the Metropolitan Dis- trict. Report. Pp. 294-318. Boston. 1909.) *6457.36 Boston. Preliminary Water Front Com- mission. [Records, Oct. 29, 1906-Nov. 30, 1907, with copy of report to the Mayor, letters, copies of letters, reports on water fronts of various cities, and newspaper clippings.] Manuscripts. [Boston. 1906, 07.] *4oiob.8 Davenport, C. Map and description of the new Boston, the metropolis of New England, and the Charles River Bay. Boston. 1886. Plate. *4354.i26 New Boston and Charles River Basin. [Map and view.] Boston. [1886?] *435oa.i9i Proposed Charles River Park. [Plan. Boston. 188-?] *435oa.i92; No. 26 in *Map 36.1 Submap. — Boston and vicinity. View from the foot of Mt. Vernon St. With explanatory leaflet. Fitzgerald, D. New docks for Boston. Statement before the Joint Commis- sions of the Transit, Harbor and Land, Railroad and Metropolitan Park Com- missions. Boston. 1909. 40iob.i Report on docks for Boston. [Boston. 1909.] Charts. Plans. 5656.59 Same. {In Massachusetts. Metropolitan Improvements Commission. Public im- provements for the Metropolitan Dis- trict. Report. Pp. 155-182. Boston. 1909.) *6457.36 Higginson, H. L., and others. The im- provement of the Charles River Basin. A brief consideration of the arguments for and against the establishment of a water park near the centre of metro- politan Boston. Boston. 1901. Plates. ^ . . 4351.159 International Congress of Navigation. 12th I Congress. [Boston. 1912.] Plates. 40iob.i3 Boston. (Continued.) Lamb, T. Plan and suggestions for improv- ing Boston harbor, and, incidentally, the vicinity. [Anon.] Boston. 1867. Map. 4454.275 Massachusetts. Charles River Basin Com- mission. Reports. Oct. i, 1903-Dec., 1908. Boston. 1904-10. Plates. *6348.42 Massachusetts. Directors of the Port of Boston. Report, Dec. 6 to Dec. 31, 1911. Boston. 1912. [Public document. No. 94] *40iob.53 Massachusetts. Joint Board upon the Im- provement of Charles River. Report. Boston. 1894. Plates. Maps. *4454.259;*L.53.68 Report. May, 1896. Boston. 1896. Maps. *L.53.66 Proposed Commission, The, to investigate the feasibility of turning Charles River Basin into a water park. Cambridge. [1901.] Plates. 4351.160 Breslau, Germany. Magistrat. Hafen-Anlagen zu Breslau. Denkschrift zur Eroffnung des stadti- schen Hafens. Breslau. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. *Cab.28.25.2 Bruges, Belgium. Compagnie des installations maritimes de Bruges. Zee-Brugge — Bruges. Bruges. [1908.] Illus. Maps. Plans. 4oiob.i8 A description of the ports of Zeebrugge and Bruges. Cardiff, Wales. Cardiff Railway Company. Description, rates, etc., of the Bute docks, Cardiff. [Cardiff. 1910.] Plates. Maps. 4oiob.2 Chicago, III. Harbor Commission. Report. Chicago. 1909. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *3943.i87 Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany. Uhlfelder, H. Frankfurt a. M. Der neue Osthafen. Berlin. [1911?] Illus. Maps. Plans. Chart. [Historisch-biographische Blatter. Industrie, Handel und Gewerbe. Der Regierungsbezirk Wiesbaden.] *Cab.4o.6o.2 Hamburg, Germany. Buchheister, M. Die Elbe und der Hafen von Hamburg. [Hamburg. 1899.] Map. 4010b. 10 Clapp, E. J. The port of Hamburg. New Haven. 191 1. Plates. Maps. 9387.943a7 Bibliography, pp. 21 1-2 14. Griese, C, and O. Schwindrazheim. Der Hamburger Hafen. Hamburg. 1897. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Maps. Plans. *Cab.28.26.2 Accompanied by 41 plates in a portfolio. Hamburg port system. Hamburg. [190-?] 3 V. 103 photographs. *Cab.4o.6o.3 448 CITY PLANNING Hamburg, Germany. (Continued.) Schmidt, F., and O. Kofahl. Hafen von Hamburg im Bild: eine Rundfahrt durch die Hafenanlagen der freien und Hansa- stadt Hamburg. Hamburg. 1908. Plates. Map. Charts. *Cab.28.26.4 Liverpool, Eng. Cheshire Lines Committee, England. Traffic for Birkenhead. [Map showing] . . . the position of the various docks, works, shipping sheds, lairages, and other buildings on the dock estate . . . Liver- pool. 1907. No. 72 in *Map 69.11 Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. The port of Liverpool: its rise and progress. Liverpool. [1911.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 40iob.6 Same. 2d edition. [1913-] *40iob.29 London, Eng. Court, C. "Wet and dry;" or, the docks of London: being an inquiry concerning the (proposed) Northfleet docks. Lon- don. 1859. No. 7 in *7658^ "The docks of London;" their deficiencies, defects, and disadvantages; showing how the port will be improved, and its shipping accommodated, by the new Dagenham (Thames) docks. London. 1868. No. 2 in *8o28.6i East and West India Dock Company. De- scription (with plans) of plans of the company's docks, warehouses, &c., for the guidance of visitors. [London.] 1883. 7658.8 The plans are missing. East London; or a plan for the improve- ment, ornament, convenience, comfort, health, & general utility of the eastern part of the metropolis, to correspond with the great national emporiums of commerce in the London and the St. Catherine's docks. London. 1828. No. I in *7658.5 Great Britain. Acts and laws. Port of Lon- don Act. [London. 1908.] *704ia.505 London & India Docks Company. Guide for the use of visitors to the docks and warehouses. [London.] 1905. Por- traits. Plates. Map. 40iob.23 Plain statement of facts connected with the proposed St. Katharine dock, in the port of London, to be established upon the principle of open and general com- petition. London. 1824. No. 7 in *76s8.5 Plan of the East and West India Docks. Washington. 1841. No. 15 in *Map 85.2 Tabberner, J. L. The proposed Northfleet docks; the past, present and future wet and dry dock accommodation of the port of London; . . . London. 1861. No.ioin*7658.4 Manchester, Eng. Manchester Ship Canal Company. The Manchester docks. [Map.] Manchester. 1910. No. 74 in *Map 69.1 1 Manchester, Eng. (Continued.) Manchester Ship Canal Co. (Continued.) Port of Manchester. [Map.] Manchester. 1908. No. 7Z in *Map 69.11 A map of the district of the Manchester Ship Canal. Tracy, W. B. Port of Manchester. A sketch of the history and development of the Manchester Ship Canal. Man- chester. 1901. Portraits. Plates. Map. *Cab.4o.4i.3 Mannheim, Germany. Verkehrs-Verein, Mannheim. Eine Fahrt durch die Mannheimer Hafenanlagen. [Mannheim.] 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. 40iob.i4 New Orleans, La. Board of Port Commissioners. Facts about the port of New Orleans. New Orleans. [1912.] Portraits. Plates. 4oiob.i2 Report, 15th, i6th. January i, 191 1, to December 31, 1912. New Orleans. 191 1, 12. Plate. Facsimiles. *40iob.33 New York, N. Y. A brief description of proposed plan for the metropolitan piers and warehouses for New York City. [Anon,] New York. 1870. No. 7, 8 in *4479.7o Brooklyn, New York. Committee on Ferries. All the proceedings in rela- tion to the New South Ferry, between the cities of New York and Brooklyn, from Dec, 1825, to Jan., 1835. New York. 1835. No. I in *4479.7o New Jersey. Senate. Report on the en- croachment upon the bay and harbor of New York with the report of E. L. Viele. New Brunswick. 1855. Maps. No. 4 in *4479.7o New York, City. Committee on Wharves. Report relative to the erection of a great pier in the North River. New York. [1836?] Maps. No. 2 in *4479.7o New York, City. Comptroller. The city piers and slips. [New York. 1853.] 6494.23 New York, City. Department of Docks. Annual report. ist-4th, 8th, loth, 24th. 1871-74, 77, 78, 80, 94. New York. 1871- 94. 3 V. *649i.8o Public meetings ... to hear persons in- terested in improving the river front. New York. 1870. No. 9 in *4479.70 Reports of John Newton, Q. A. Gillmore, Wm. E. Worthen, on the bulkhead walls at Canal and King Streets. FNew York.] 1876. Plates. 5952.77 New York, City. Department of Docks and Ferries. Joint report on proposed reclamation of land between 8ist and 129th Streets, North River. New York. 1910. Plans. *40iob.iio Report on Jamaica Bay improvement. New York. 1910. Map. *4oiob.iii Re-^ort on the mechanical equipment of New York harbor, by B. F. Cres- son, Jr., and Charles W. Staniford. PORTS AND WATERFRONTS 449 New York, N. Y. (Continued.) New York, City. (Continued.) [New York. 1912.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *40iob.n3 Report on the organization of the South Brooklyn waterfront, between Brook- lyn Bridge and Bay Ridge at the port of New York. Submitted by Calvin Tomkins. New York. 191 1. Map. 40iob.io6 New York Pier and Warehouse Company. Piers and wharves of New York. Remedy proposed by the Company. New York. 1869. Plan. No. 6 in *4479.7o Post, J. J. Old streets, roads, lanes, piers and wharves of New York. New York 1882. ^4472.159 Tomkins, C. New York's port problem: railroad monopoly vs. city control. [New York. 1913. Reform Club. Com- mittee on Port of New York.] 4oiob.ii7 Water front photographs of New York City [New York. 187-?] 7 photographs. *Cab.23.69.7 Wyeth, N. J. Speech on the bill to create a metropolitan harbor district, and a Board of wharves and piers therein. [Albany? 1867.] No. 6 in *637i.68 Newark, N. J. Bush, I. T., and E. P. Goodrich. Recom- mendations of I. T. Bush accompanied by report of E. P. Goodrich, on the development of public docks and ship- ping facilities, and the utilization of meadow lands in connection therewith, in the City of Newark, N. J. [New York.] 1912. 40iob.i23 Paris, France. Pawlowski, A. Les ports de Paris. Paris. 1910. Plates. 5959.115 Philadelphia, Pa. Taylor, F. H., and W. H. Schoff. The port and city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1912. Illus. Plates. Map. 4oiob.i5 Rotterdam, Holland. Burgemeester en Wethouders. The port of Rotterdam. Rotterdam. 19 12. Illus. Plates. Maps. Charts. 40iob.22 Stettin, Germany. Krause, F. Neue Hafenanlagen in Stettin. Berlin. 1899. Illus. Maps. Plans. 4oiob.7 Railways and Transporta- tion. Arnold, B. J. Report on the engineering and operating features of the Chicago transportation problem, submitted to I Arnold, B. J. (Continued.) the Committee on Local Transporta- tion. Chicago. 1902. 2 V. Charts. Plans. 8015.217 Report on the Pittsburgh transportation problem. Pittsburgh. 1910. Maps. Charts. Table. *9388.7488 American Institute of Architects. The rela- tions of railways to city development. Papers read before the Institute. Glenn Brown, editor. [Washington, D. C. 1910.] Plates. Plans. 4092.197 Banderali, D. J. F. S. Les chemins de fer metropolitains a New-York & dans les grandes cites americaines. Conference faite au Conservatoire national des arts et metiers a Paris. Paris. 1886. Plates, Map, Plans. 4oioa.2i Boston. Public library. Catalogues. Pas- senger transportation. A list of refer- ences. Boston. 1899. *2i5oa.i35 A revised edition of this list appeared in the Bulletin of the Boston Public library for March, 1899 [*6202.6o.i899]. The list was prepared at the time of G. G. Crocker's lecture on passenger transportation in the course of free municipal lectures, Boston, 1899. The works named refer chiefly to Boston and New England. Cattier, E, Cinquantenaire des chemins de fer beiges. Cortege historique des moyens de transport. Dessins et aquarelles de A. Heins. Bruxelles. 1886. Illus. 36 colored plates. *Cab.4o.52.3 This parade was organized by the Bourse des metaux et des charbons, Bruxelles. Chamberlain, J. F. How we travel. A geographical reader. New York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Map. [Home and world series.] Z.5oa9.i Treats of the different means of transportation in different countries. Same. 1909. Z.soa 9.2 Same. 1910. **7599-256 Civic League of St. Louis. Committee on Railroad Electrification. Report, June, 191 1. St. Louis. 1911. 8011.220 Crocker, G. G. From the stage coach to the railroad train and the street car. Written with special reference to public convey- ances in and around Boston in the nine- teenth century. Boston. 1900. Plates. Facsimiles. 7656.87 Decombes, V. fitudes sur I'exploitation du chemin de fer de ceinture de Paris: son insuffisance et son avenir. Necessite d'un second chemin de ceinture autour de Paris. Thorigny. 1870. 8018.17 Foville, A. de. La* transformation des moyens de transport et ses consequen- ces economiques et sociales. Paris. 1880. 3655.69 Gallois, L. J. U. N. Les chemins de fer illustres. Environs de Paris. Paris. [1863.] Illus. Maps, *463i.76 Great Britain. Royal Commission on Lon- don Traffic. Report of the Royal Com- mission appointed to inquire into and) report upon the means of locomotion 450 CITY PLANNING Great Britain. (Continued.) and transport in London. London. 1905, 06. 8 V. Plates, Maps. Plans. Charts. Tables. *9388.42i Contents. — i. Report. 2. Minutes of evidence, with index and digest. 3. Appendices to ihe evidence. 4. Appendices to the Report. 5, 6. Maps and diagrams. 7. Report by the Advisory Board of Engineers. 8. Appendix to the Report by the Advisory Board of Engineers. Many of the maps, plans and charts are colored. Hungerford, E. The modern railroad. Chi- cago. 191 1. Plates. Chart. 40ioa.io Treats of the management of railroads in the United Sttes. Kirkman, M. M. The science of railways. With illustrations of the inception, growth and evolution of primitive trans- portation. [With supplements.] Chi- cago. 1894-1904. 17 V, Illus. Plates. 4016.127 Contents. — 1. Organization and forces. 2. Financiering, building and maintaining. 3. Operation of trains. 4. Passenger business. 5. Freight business. 6. Baggage, express and mail business. 7. Economical purchase, care and use of material. 8. Economy of rates. Private versus government control. 9. Fiscal affairs. — Disbursements. 10. Fiscal affairs. — Collec- tion of revenue. 11. General fiscal affairs. 12. Fiscal duties of agents and conductors. — General index. [13.] Supplement: Building and repairing railways. 17. Supplement: Surplus material and track accounts. 18. Supplement: Supervision of locomotives. 19. Supplement : Supervision of cars. 20. Supplement: Telegraph and telephone. London. County Council. Locomotive ser- vice; return of services and routes by tramways, omnibuses, steamboats, rail- ways and canals in the County of Lon- don and in extra-London, together with an examination of the present system and of the requirements. London. 1895. 2 parts in i v. Map. Chart. *9352.542ia3 Workmen's trains. Report[s] of the Sta- tistical Officer on the need for a general extension of the service [and on the inadequacy of the services of the South London railways. London. 1897.] 2 parts in i v. *9352.542ia6 Printed by order of the Housing of the Working Classes Committee. Macassey, L. Transportation facilities and street railway traffic. (In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 27, pp. 66-71. Phila- delphia. 1906.) Per.Room *3565.i09.27 McPherson, L. G. Transportation in Europe. New York. 1910. Colored map. 9385.9432 References, pp. 271, 272. Merchants' Association of New York. Com- mittee on Engineering and Sanitation. Passenger transportation service in the City of New York. A report. [New York.] 1903. Diagrams. *9388.747 Moore, E. C. Report on the removal of the New York Central Railroad tracks from the surface of Eleventh Avenue and the improvement of the New York Moore, E. C. (Continued.) Central tracks between West 6oth Street and Spuyten Duyvil; also the relation of these improvements to the general question of freight handling on the West Side. [New York.] 1910. 40iob.ii5 New York, State. Board of Railroad Com- missioners. Before the Board of Railroad Commissioners. Report in the matter of the transportation problem in Greater New York. [Albany. 1903.] 7658.235 Petersen, R. Die Verkehrsaufgaben des Verbandes Gross-Berlin. Vortrag ge- halten zum Schinkelfest des Architek- ten-Vereins zu Berlin den 13. Marz, 191 1. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Maps. Chart. Bird's eye views. 4090.403 Sonderdruck aus der Wochenschrift des Archi- tekten-Vereins zu Berlin, Sommer 191 1. Peyton, J. H. The American transportation problem. A study of American trans- portation conditions. [2d edition.] Louisville. 1909. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Autograph facsimiles. 7656.107 Prussia. Koeniglich-preussisches Minis- terium fiir Handel, Gewerbe und offent- liche Arbeiten. Berlin und seine Eisen- bahnen, 1846-1896. Berlin. 1896. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. Diagrams. *938o.43 Rankin, G. A. An American transportation system: a criticism of the past and the present and a plan for the future. New York. 1909. [Questions of the day.] ^ o X. M 9385-973398 Rea, S. Railways termmatmg in London, with a description of the terminal sta- tions, and underground railways. New York. 1888. Map. Tables. *3652.7i Richards, J. T. The railroad as a factor in civic improvement. Philadelphia. 1908. T> t.. . ^ 35693.323 Robinson, A. P. Report upon the contem- plated metropolitan railroad of New York. New York. 1865. 5642.18 Uzanne, O. Sports et transports en France et a Tetranger. La locomotion a travers I'histoire et les moeurs. Paris. 1900. Illus. Plates. 4011.81 Treats almost exclusively of wheeled vehicles. Bibliographic, pp. iv-xx. Wolff, T. Vom Ochsenwagen zum Auto- mobil: Geschichte der Wagenfahrzeuge und des Fahrwesens von altester bis zu neuester Zeit. Leipzig. 1909. Illus. [Wissen und Konnen.] 8017.384 Rapid Transit. Beavan, A. H. Tube, train, tram, and car: or, up-to-date locomotion. With an in- troduction by L. Preece. London. 1903. Illus. Plates. 4013.118 Treats of electrical locomotion. Buch, Das, der Erfindungen, Gewerbe und Industrien. 9. Auflage. Band i, 9. Leipzig. 1896, 1900. 2 V. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. *4033.i3 Contents. — i. Einleitung: Entwickelungsgang und Bildungsmittel der Menschheit. Von H. RAILWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION 451 Buch, Das, der Erfindungen. (Continued.) Schmitz. — Entwickelung der Baukunst. Von G. Ebe. — Technik des Bauwesens. Von J. Faul- wasser. — Ortsanlagen. — Gemeinniitzige bau- liche Einrichtungen der modernen Stadte. Von P. Rowald. — Beleuchtung, Heizung, Ventila- tion. Von Th. Schwartze. 9. Der Weltverkehr und seine Mittel. Theil i. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Rapid transit in New York City and in other great cities. [New York.] 1905. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 9388.74733 Chretien, J. Chemin de fer electrique des boulevards a Paris. Paris. 1881. Illus. Plate. 7962.69 Citizens' Union, New York City. Bureau of City Betterment. The City of New York, the street railroad companies and a million and a half dollars. A state- ment of the street paving obligations of the street railroad companies. New York. 1906. 9388.7471 Engineering, publisher. The Langem mono- rail suspended railway of Elberfeld- Barmen. London. 1900. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4010.130 Reprinted from "Engineering" [*40 10.240.69]. Ford, Bacon & Davis. Pennsylvania State Railroad Commission in the matter of the complaints against the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company. Report to the Commission. [New York.] 191 1. 2 v. Maps. Diagrams. *9388.748i Griggs, D. L. A few facts concerning Tre- mont Street tracks. [Boston. 1898.] Plate. 7658.228 Grosse Berliner Strassenbahn, Die. 1871- 1902. Denkschrift aus Anlass der voll- standigen Durchfiihrung des elektro- motorischen Betriebes. Berlin. 1902. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4010a. 1 5 Heilman, R. E. Chicago traction. A study of the efforts of the public to secure good service. [London. 1908. Ameri- can Economic Association Quarterly. Series 3, vol. 9, no. 2.] No. 2 in *556oa.io.Ser.3.9 Howes, O., Jr. Report on the transporta- tion of passengers in and around the cities of Europe, made to the Rapid Transit Commission of the State of Massachusetts and the City of Boston, November 10, 1891. Boston. 1891. *6357.74 Massachusetts. Rapid Transit Commission. Report to the Massachusetts Legisla- ture. April 5, 1892. [Boston. 1892.] Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *6357.79 A separate edition of the plans, which show the routes and stations of the proposed subway, and suggested street improvements, may be found on shelf-number *Cab. 23. 17. 5. New York, City. Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners. Report to December 31st, 1901, 02. Accompanied tby reports of the Chief Engineer and of the Auditor. New York. 1902, 03. Plates. Plans. Maps. Diagrams. *765i.42 ■ Pinanski, A. E. The street railway service of metropolitan Boston. New York. 1908. 4017.180 Bibliography, pp. 49-58. Speer, A. Treatise on city travel, with a true solution of rapid transit. Speer's plan of an endless train for rapid through transit of passengers without stops. Passaic, N. J. 1875. Folded plates and plans. No. 14 in *4479a.66 Troske, L. Die Pariser Stadtbahn. Berlin. 1905. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 4oioa.i3 United States. Census Bureau. Report on transportation business in the United States at the eleventh census, 1890: street railways. [By C. H. Cooley.] Washington. 1892. *365o.47 Vcindenburgh, O. City improvements. Rapid railway conveyance in the City of New York. New York. 1866. No. 6 in *8o35.5 Willson, H. B. The story of rapid transit. New York. 1903. Illus. Plates. Fac- similes. 7656.45 Wittig, P. Die Weltstadte und der elek- trische Schnellverkehr. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 8010.160 Subways and Tunnels. Castanier, J. Nouveau projet de tunnel transmarin pour la traversee de la Manche et autres detroits ou bras de mer. Paris. 1875. Plates. *4oii.6i East Boston tunnel. Submarine tramway tunnel at Boston, U. S. A. Illus. (In the Engineer. Vol. 92, no. 2382, pp. 196, 197. London. 1901.) *40io.2i9.92 Gerlach, F. Die elektrische Untergrund- bahn der Stadt Schoneberg. Berlin, 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8010.161 Gilbert, G. H., and others. The subways and tunnels of New York: methods and costs. With an appendix on tunneling machinery and methods and tables of engineering data. By Gilbert H. Gil- bert, Lucius I. Wightman and W. L. Saunders. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4oioa.20 Helene, M. Les galeries souterraines. Paris. 1876. Illus. Plates. Map. [Bibliotheque des merveilles.j 40i9a.272 Hervieu, F. J. J. Le chemin de fer metro- politain municipal de Paris. Precede d'une preface par F. Bienveniie. Paris. 1903. Illus. Plans. 8014.217 Illinois Telephone Construction Company. Chicago tunnel system built for the Illinois Tunnel Company by the Illi- nois Telephone Construction Company.. [Chicago. 1906.] Plates. Plans. Tables. 40i9a.i97 New York, City. Public Service Commis- sion for First District. New subways for New York: the Dual System of rapid transit. New York City. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4oioa.i9 Spalding, H. C. Local transportation at Boston. Comprising swift transit by tunnel railways . . . and rapid transit 452 CITY PLANNING Spalding, H. C. (Continued.) by the aid of subways. Boston. 1891. Illus. Maps. Diagrams. 5654-28 Thames Tunnel Company, London. An ex- planation of the works of the tunnel under the Thames from Rotherhithe to Wapping. London. 1837. Plates. Maps. Plans. 8oi9a.26 Thames Tunnel. [View. London. 184-?] *8oi9a.72 Terminals. American Society of Civil Engineers. Rapid transit and terminal freight facilities. Report of committee ap- pointed to investigate the best means of rapid transit and of handling freight in and about the city of New York. [New York.] 1875- 8017.28 Bush Terminal Co., New York City. Economy: making dividends by saving them. [New York City. 191 1-] IHus. Plates. 9385.973aiio Cleveland, H. W. S. Terminal facilities. The Cove Park and the Woonasqua- tucket Valley. Providence. 1883. Plan. ♦4438.100 Droege, J. A. Freight terminals and trains. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Map. 4oiob.io2 Yards and terminals and their operation. New York. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. , 40iob.ioi International Congress of Navigation. 12th Congress. Boston. Local Commission. [Views of Boston and vicinity, with special reference to terminal freight facilities. Boston. 1912.] 48 plates. 40iob.2i Massachusetts. State Board on Docks and Terminal facilities. Report. Feb., 1896, Jan., 1897. Boston. 1896-97. Map. *3654.8i The report for 1896 is a preliminary report. Mordecai, G. A report on the terminal facilities for handling freight of the railroads entering the port of New York; especially of those railroads having direct western connections. New York. 1885. Illus. Map. Plans. 40ioa.62 New York, City. Department of Docks and Ferries. New York City freight terminals. (Explanation and synopsis of bills — "Enabling Act," "Incorpora- tion Act" and "New York Central Act.") [New York. 191 1.] 4oiob.io9 Plans for freight terminal systems at South Brooklyn and west side lower Manhattan, with explanatory statement as to each. [New York.] 1912. Plates. 4oiob.ii2 Reply to criticisms of reports of the De- partment relating to Manhattan ter- minals at the port of New York. [New York. 1910.] 4oiob.io4 Report accompanying submission of plans for an elevated freight railroad connecting Manhattan terminals at the port of New York. Submitted by Cal- vin Tomkins, Commissioner of Docks. New York, City. (Continued.) January 26, 191 1. [New York. 191 1.] Plates. 40106.105 Report on transportation conditions at the port of New York, with special reference to a joint railroad terminal in Manhattan on the North River above 25th Street. [New York.] 1910. Maps. 4010b. 103 Supplementary report on Manhattan ter- minals at the port of New York. New York. 1910. Map. Plan. 4oiob.io8 There is no title-page. Waterfront improvements — Manhattan freight terminals. [New York.] 191 1. 4oiob.io7 Advises the building of an elevated road along the water front. Report of the Joint Commission (Harbor Commissioners and Railroad Commis- sioners) on the subjects referred to them by Chap. 301, Sect. 2, Acts of 1870. Boston. 1871. Map. Plans. 5656.50 The two boards were to consider the improve- ment of the harbor and the terminal facilities on the north side of Boston. Report on the subject of the terminal fa- cilities of the railroads on the northerly side of Boston. Submitted to the Joint Commission composed of the Board of Harbor Commissioners and Board of Railroad Commissioners. Boston. 1870. Maps. Table. 7658.256 St. Louis. Municipal Bridge and Terminals Commission. Report, 3d, to the Muni- cipal Assembly. St. Louis. 1906. Maps. Plans. Charts. *6389.ii Walker, G. H., & Co., publishers. Map show- ing the terminal facilities of Boston. Boston. 1893. *Map 12.6 Same. 1899. No. 74 in *Map 32.1 Same. 1902. No. 20 in *Map 35.2 Streets. Alphand, J. C. A. Les promenades de Paris. Paris. 1867-73. Text, i v. Illus.; Atlas, I V. *Cab.26.i3.i ; *Cab.26.22.i ; *L.7o.i5 Ariste, P. d', and M. Arrivetz. Les Champs- filysees. fitude topographique, his- torique et anecdotique jusqu'a nos jours. Paris. 1913. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4661.92 Baltimore, Maryland. Burnt District Com- mission. [Report made to the Board of Estimates and the Board of Public Im- provements of the City of Baltimore. Baltimore. 1904.] *4099a.i69 Mainly on the widening and improvement of certain streets. There is no title-page. Bloch, F., and A. Merchlein. Les rues de Paris. Arrondissement 1-4. Dessins et illustrations sous la direction de M. V. A. Poirson. Paris. 1889-91. *2630.53 Boston, Mass. Board of Street Commis- sioners. A record of the streets, alleys, places, etc., in the City of Boston. With an appendix containing a description of STREETS 453 Boston, Mass. (Continued.) the boundary line of the City, and also a description of the changes which have been made in it by annexation, etc., from the date of the settlement of the Town to 1910. Boston. 1910. Facsimile. *6358.74 An edition of 1902, issued by the Street Laymg- Out Department, may be found on shelf-number *6358.7o. The facsimile is of a broadside entitled The names of the streets, lanes & alleys, within the Town of Boston in New England ... 1708 [**H. 903.269; *2350.47; **H.9oa.503]. Cawston, A. A comprehensive scheme for street improvements in London. Lon- don. 1893. Plates. Maps. 801 1. 148 Davis, R. H., and others. The great streets of the world. New York. 1892. Illus. Plates. 2261.109 Eberstadt, R. Bodenparzellierung und Wohnstrassen. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Plates. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4, Heft 7.] No 7 in 4092.178.4 Edwards, P. J. History of London street improvements, 1855-1897. London. 1898. Plans. [London. County Council.] 9352.042iai3 Eno, W. P. Street traffic conditions: public carriage service and automobile licens- ing in London and Paris, September- November, 1909. Including an account of the introduction of the New York traffic regulations in Paris, and sugges- tions for further improvements in New York. New York. 1910. 3661.28 Street traffic regulation. New York. [1909.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 3661.27 Falke, J. von. Die Strasse im Mittelalter. (In his Geschichte des Geschmacks im Mittelalter. 2. Auflage. Berlin. 1892.) No. 2 in 8028.144 Genzmer, E. Die stadtischen Strassen. Heft I, 2. Stuttgart. 1897, ipoo. [Der stadtische Tiefbau.] *8oii.8i Genzmer, F. Die Ausstattung von Strassen und Platzen. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 3, Heft 2.] No. 2 in 4092.178.3 Die Gestaltung des Strassen- und Platz- raumes. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft I.] No. I in 4092.178.2 Haupt, L. M. On the best arrangement of city streets. Plans. (In Franklin Insti- tute. Journal. Vol. 103, pp. 252-257. Philadelphia. 1877.) *4027.5o.i03 Hemstreet, C. The Broadway of yester- day: a collection of 20 prints of old Broadway, together with a full descrip- tion. [New York. 1905.] Plates. *447i.i77 Issued under the direction of the National Society for Historical Research. Jenkins, S. The greatest street in the world. The story of Broadway, old and new, from the Bowling Green to Al- bany. New York. 191 1. Illus, Plates. Maps. 4471.201 Kerf cot, J. B. Broadway. Drawings by L. G. Hornby. Boston. 191 1. Plates. 4471.202 I Macullar Parker Company, Boston, Mass. Washington Street, old and new: a his- tory in narrative form of the changes which this ancient street has undergone since the settlement of Boston. [Bos- ton. 1913-] Illus. Plates. Map. 4454-313 Massachusetts. Highway Commission. An- nual report, 2d, 1895, to date. Boston. Illus. Plates. *8oi3.i48 The first report may be found in Massachusetts House Documents [*6429.5o.i894]. The ninth report is lacking. Report. [Preliminary.] Boston. 1893. Plates. *8oi3.i44 Merchants' Association of New York. Com- mittee on City Conditions. Mainten- ance of pavements and administration of streets in the City of New York. A report. [New York. 1906.] 6497.40 Nolen, J. Standardized street widths. [Cambridge. 1910.] 4092.196 Olmsted, F. L. Pittsburgh main thorough- fares and the down town district. Im- provements necessary to meet the city's present and future needs. [Pittsburgh.] 191 1. Illus. Maps. Charts. 4092.186 Page, L. W. Roads, paths and bridges. New York. 1912. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. [The farmer's practical library.] 80193.173 Authorities consulted, pp. 257-259. Petersen, R. Die Verkehrsaufgaben des Verbandes Gross-Berlin. Vortrag ge- halten zum Schinkelfest des Architek- ten-Vereins zu Berlin. Berlin. 191 1. Illus. Maps. Chart. Bird's eye views. 4090.403 Post, J. J. Old streets, roads, lanes, piers and wharves of New York. New York. 1882. ^ *4472.i59 Rappaport, P. A. Steigende Strassen: eine Studie zum deutschen Stadtebau. Ber- lin. 191 1. Illus. Colored plates. Maps. Charts. 4092.305 Literatur, p. (3). Ravenel, S. W. Ravenel's Road primer for school children. Chicago. 1912. Illus. Plates. 8019.274 Robinson, C. M. A report for the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and El Paso Good Roads Association, on the development of the streets. [Colorado Springs.] 1905. 5567-178 The width and arrangement of streets: a study in town planning. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. 40993.151 Shurtleff, A. A. The street plan of the Metropolitan District of Boston. Har- risburg, Pa. 1911- Maps. 4092.189 Ulmann, A. A landmark history of New York. Also the origin of street names, and a bibliography. New York. 1901. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 4478.326; Z.2om 4.6 United States. Bureau of Statistics. Streets and highways in foreign countries. Washington. 1891. Plans. [Special consular reports. Vol. 3.] *7643.22.3 454 CITY PLANNING Street Construction. Baker, I. O. A treatise on roads and pavements, ist edition. 9th thousand. New York. 1910. Illus. Plans. 8016.83 Bayley, G. W. R. Communication on con- struction and management of streets, street gutters and drainage canals. [New Orleans.] 1872. No. 7 in 5762.59 Brix, J. Die ober- und unterirdische Aus- bildung der stadtischen Strassen- querschnitte. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft 2.] No. 2 in 4092.178.2 Frost, H. The art of roadmaking; treating of the various problems and operations in the construction and maintenance of roads, streets, and pavements, written in non-technical language. New York. 1910. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Maps. Plans. 8012.256 Bibliography, pp. 505-533- Liebmann, A. Der Landstrassenbau. Ber- lin. 1912. Illus. Plans. [Sammlung Goschen.] 7389a.598 Maxwell, W. H. British progress in muni- cipal engineering: a series of three lectures. London. 1904. Plates. Plans. [National engineering and trade lec- tures.] 4012.123 Literature, pp. 179-182. Contents. — General. — Road engineering and maintenance. — Main drainage, sewage disposal, destructors. — Water supply. — Conclusion. Tillson, G. W. Street pavements and pav- ing materials. A manual of city pave- ments: the methods and materials of their construction. 2d edition. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Chart. 8014,273 Whinery, S. Specifications for street road- way pavements. 2d edition. New York. 1913. Plan. 8012.337 Bridges. Aquaroni, A. Ponti antichi. Roma. 1836. 12 plates. *Cab.27.i3.2 Boiler, A. P. The architecture of bridge building. Plates. (In Practical treatise on the construction of iron highway bridges. Pp. 82-87. New York. 1876.) 4014.68 Same. (/« Same. 4th edition. 1890.) 8014.141 Chile. Direccion general de obras publicas. Album de obras publicas. [Santiago de Chile.] 1909-1910. (loi) plates. *Cab.40.3i.4 Views of bridges and railroads and plans of reservoirs. City Club of New York. The Department of Bridges of the City of New York. A statement of facts. New York. 1903. Plates. Tables. 4479a.i86 Dartein, M. F. de. fitudes sur les ponts en pierre remarquables par leur decoration anterieurs au xix^ siecle. Vol. 2-4. Dartein, M. F. de. (Continued.) Paris. 1907-09. 3 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. *409oa.i3i On bridges in France. Delon, A. Memoires sur le Pont du Gard, construit par les Romains; ou de la restauration de son aqueduc pour con- duire les eaux a la commune de Nismes. Nismes. An iii [1794]. Plates. *4098.ii3 Dempsey, G. D. [Bridges.] London. 1850, 52. Text, 4 parts in i v.; Atlas, 40 plates. *Cab.4o.29.i2 Contents. — Brick bridges, sewers and culverts. — Examples of trussed bridges and viaducts for supported railways and other works. — Examples of iron bridges for railways and other works. — Examples of moving bridges, iron, suspension and oblique bridges and viaducts. Duplomb, C. Histoire generale des ponts de Paris. Tome i, partie i. [Paris.] 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4661.91 Contents. — i, partie i. Les ponts sur la Seine. Genzmer, F. Briicken in Stadt und Land. Berlin. 1913. Illus. Plates. [Stadte- bauliche Vortrage. Band 6, Heft i.] No. I in 4092.178.6 Gonzalez, C. Proyecto de puente de mam- posteria. 1903. La Plata. 1904. Plans. [Universidad de La Plata. Facultad de ciencias fisico-matematicas.] 4012.127 Leonard, J. B., and W. P. Day. The con- crete bridge: a book on why the con- crete bridge is replacing other forms of bridge construction. San Francisco. [1913-] Plates. 8oi9a.390 Mehrtens, G. C. A hundred years of Ger- man bridge building. Translated by L. Mertens. Berlin. 1900. Illus. Plates. *40io.io6 Table of literary references, pp. 133-135. Merckel, C. Briicken und Viadukte. Illus. Plates. (In Buch der Erfindungen. Band 9, pp. 379-412. Leipzig. 1901.) *4033.i3.9 Moehring, B. Stein und Eisen. [Heraus- gegeben von R. Krohn. Lieferung 1-8.] Berlin. [1903.] Plates. *Cab.4o.57.2 A collection of designs for bridges. In progress. Molitor, D. A. The aesthetic design of bridges. Plates. (In Johnson, J. B., and others. The theory and practice of modern framed structures. 2d edi- tion. Pp. 411-425. New York. 1894.) *8o9i.iio Same. Plans. Diagrams. (In Same. 8th edition. 1904.) 8091.120 Morandiere, R. Traite de la construction des ponts et viaducs en pierre, en char- pente et en metal pour routes, canaux et chemins de fer. Paris. 1880, 88. Text, 2 V. in i. Illus. Plates. Plans; Atlas, I V. Maps. Plans. *Cab.40.27.i Morison, G. S. Bridge construction. [Ithaca 1893.] 4014-173 Reprinted from the publication of the Associa- tion of Civil Engineers of Cornell University. Bridges regarded as commercial tools [New York.] 1890. 4014.17a BRIDGES 455 Nelli, G. B. Discorsi di architettura. Firenze. 1753. Plans. *4094.i04 Contents. — Del fabbricarsi i ponti ne' fiumi della Toscana. — Ragionamento sopra la maniera di voltar le cupole senza adoperarvi le centine. Papers and practical illustrations of public works of recent construction both British and American. London. 1856. 50 plates. 8oioa.4 Contents. — Memoir of the Niagara Falls and International suspension bridge, by J. Roebling. — Memoirs of S. Bentham, with an account of his inventions [by M. S. Bentham]. — The Paddock viaduct, Lockwood viaduct, Denby Dale viaduct, Tithebarn Street viaduct, by J. Hawkshaw. — Newark Dyke bridge on the Great Northern Railway, by J. Cubitt. — Mountain Top track in Virginia, by C. Ellet. — Preliminaries to good building, by E. L. Gar- bett. — Suggestions for increasing the circulat- ing medium in aid of commerce and mechanical enterprise [by J. Weale]. Perronet, J. R. Description des projets et de la construction des ponts de Neuilly, de Nantes, . . . du projet du canal de Bourgogne. Paris. 1782, 83. 2 v. Portrait. 60 plates. *Cab.40.2i.i Regnauld, H. V. Traite pratique de la construction des ponts et viaducs metalliques. Paris. 1870. Text, i v. Diagrams; Atlas, 31 plates. *8oioa.9 Roebling, J. A. Long and short span rail- way bridges. New York. 1869. 13 plates. *Cab.4o.i9.4 Shiffler Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Penn. Album of designs. Building depart- ment. Pittsburgh. 1894. Plates. 8oioa.73 Theory, The, practice and architecture of bridges of stone, iron, timber, and wire; with examples on the principle of sus- pension. London. 1843. Text, 2 v. in i; Plates, 2 V. 4014.2 Same. Supplement. 6 parts in 4. Lon- don. 1852, 53. 4014.3 Thomson, W. C. Bridge and structural design. New York. 1905. Diagrams. Plans. 4014.177 Same. 1910. 4014.190 Tyrrell, H. G. Concrete bridges and cul- verts for both railroads and highways. Chicago. 1909. Plates. Plans.' Dia- grams. Charts. 8oi9a.385 History of bridge engineering. Chicago. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4011.38 Berlin, Germany. Stadtbaurath. Die Strassen-Briicken der Stadt Berlin. Herausgegeben vom Magistrat. Berlin. 1902. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Plans. Diagrams. *Cab.28.29.2 Contents. — i. Text. 2. Tafeln. Quellenangaben, vol. i, p. x. Brooklyn, N. Y. Barnes, A. C. The New York and Brook- lyn suspension bridge. [New York. 1883.] Illus. 4475.130; **K.295.9 Sty Club of New York. The Brooklyn bridge problem and its solution. [New York.] 1905. Plate. Plans. 42293.98 30 Brooklyn, N. Y. (Continued.) Conant, W. C, and M. Schuyler. The Brooklyn Bridge: a history of the bridge, by W. C. Conant; the bridge as a monument, by M. Schuyler. New York. 1883. Illus. Plates. 2371.34 Green, S. W. A complete history of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. New York. 1883. Illus. 2378.76 New York, City. Rapid Transit Comrnis- sion. In the matter of the proposition to equip the Brooklyn Bridge, and other bridges and their approaches, with movable platforms. O/al presentation of proposition by J. T. Davies. Argu- ments submitted by G. S. Morison and W. D. Edmonds, showing feasibility for relieving present congestion. [New York. 1902.] 7657.152 Roebling, W. A. Pneumatic tower founda- tions of the East River suspension bridge. New York. 1872. Plates. Plans. 8012.120 Same. [1873-] No. 1 1 in 4479.66 Burmah, India. Pennsylvania Steel Company, Steelton, Penns -Ivania. From Steelton to Man- dalay: a short description and pictorial history of the construction of the Gok- teik viaduct. [New York.] 1902. Illus. Plates. Map. 40193.220 Cairo, Illinois. Morison, G. S. The Cairo bridge: report. [Chicago.] 1892. Plates. Plans. Maps. Charts. *Cab.40.29.7 Garabit, France. Eiffel, A. G. Memoire presente a I'appui definitif du viaduc de Garabit. Paris. 1889. Text, I V. Diagrams; Atlas, i v. Plates. Plans. Charts. *Cab.40.32.4 Kansas City, Mo. Chanute, O., and G. S. Morison. The Kansas City bridge. New York. 1870. Plates. Map. Plans. Charts. 8010.51 Mannheim, Germany. Fischer, C. Eisenbahnbauten bei Mann- heim, i: Die Rheinbriicke zwischen Mannheim und Ludwigshafen. Mann- heim. 1869. Text, I V. 3 plates; Atlas, 37 plans. *Cab.4o.28.2 Memphis, Tenn. Morison, G. S. The Memphis bridge: a report. New York. 1894. Plates. Map. Plans. Charts. *Cab.40.29.ii The river piers of the Memphis bridge. London. 1893. Plans. 4014.174 Nebraska City, Neb. Morison, G. S. The Nebraska City bridge. [Chicago. 1892.] Plates. Plans. Map. Charts. *Cab.40.29.3 456 CITY PLANNING New York, N. Y. Trowbridge, W. P. Design for a bridge across the East River, New York, at Blackwell's Island. Plate, (/m Con- necticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Transactions. Vol. 2, pp. 263-268. New Haven. 1873.) This bridge was never built. Omaha, Neb. "5312.51.2 Morison, G. S. The new Omaha bridge. A report... [New York.] 1889. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *Cab.40.39.i QuiNCY, III. Clarke, T. C. An account of the iron rail- way bridge across the Mississippi River at Quincy, Illinois. New York. 1869. 21 plates. 8oioa.3 Sioux City, Iowa. Morison, G. S. The Sioux City bridge: a report. [Chicago.] 1891. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *Cab.40.29.io Washington, D. C. United States. Engineer Department. Me- morial bridge across the Potomac River at Washington, D. C. [Washington. 1900.] Plates. Plans. No. 578 in *C.3995 Parks. See also Landscape Architecture and Gardens. Abel, L. Garten-Architektur. Wien. 1876. *L.5o.26; *Cab.39.io.i Allied Organizations, Philadelphia. The existing and proposed outer park sys- tems of American cities. [Harrisburg. 1906?] Maps. 399oa.i37 The cover title is: American park system. American Park and Outdoor Art Associa- tion. [Circulars, ordinances, laws, etc., reprinted by request. Rochester. 1902.] *L.53.i25 Programme of the 5th, 6th annual meet- ing. Milwaukee. 1901, 02. Illus. Plates. 3990a. 1 02 Programme of the meetings of the As- sociation and of the American League for Civic Improvement to be held in St. Louis, June 9-1 1, 1904. [Rochester, New York.] 1904. 39903.16 Report. Vol. 1-7. 1897-1903. Louisville [etc.]. 1897-1904. 7 V. in 2 and supple- ment. Illus. Plates. Maps. Charts. *3994.25 American Park and Outdoor Art Associa- tion. Woman's Auxiliary. [Annual circular. Louisville. 1901.] 3994.26 Dock, M. L. A summer's work abroad, in school grounds, home grounds, play grounds, parks and forests. [Harris- burg.] 1900. Plates. [Pennsylvania. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin. No. 62.] *5g96.38.62 Eckman, W. H. Public parks. A compila- tion of facts and statistics relative to the benefit and profits derived therefrom in large communities. With a brief his- tory of the park undertakings in the United States. Cleveland. 1888. 5854.15; *L.53.84 Eliot, C. W. Charles Eliot, landscape archi- tect; a lover of nature and of his kind. Boston. 1902. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. Facsimiles. 39903.13; *L.66.4 Same. 1903. 39903.14 Ernouf, A. A., Baron. L'art des jardins: histoire — theorie — pratique de la com- position des jardins — pares — squares. Paris. 1868. 2v. Illus. Plans. *L.35.6 L'art des jardins. Pares, jardins, pro- menades, fitude historique, principes de la composition des jardins, plantations. Paris. [1885.] *399i.i4; *L.3i.2i Falke, J. von. Der Garten. Seine Kunst und Kunstgeschichte. Berlin. [1884.] Plates. *L.3i.i8 Famous parks and gardens of the world. London. 1880. Illus. 12 plates. *399oa.2;*L.5i.i7 Forestier, J. C. N. Grandes villes et systemes de pares. Paris. [1906.] Plates. Plans. 3999.256 Geddes, P. City development. A study of parks, gardens, and culture-institutes. A report to the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. Edinburgh. 1904. Illus. Plates. Plans. *L.5i.25 Gould, E. R. L. Park areas and open spaces in American and European cities. {In American Statistical Association. Publications. New series [Vol. i], pp. 49-61. Boston. 1888.) *5658.6o.i Grosser, H. S., and others. Parks and public playgrounds: the record of a year's advance. A symposium. {In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 26, pp. 7^A-77Z-) Per.Room *356s. 109.26 Hansen, G. What is a kindergarten? San Francisco. 1891. Plates. [Park and Pavement.] 7599.161 A plea for out-of-door kindergartens, with sug- gestions for laying out the grounds. Hegemann, W. Amerikanische Parkan- lagen. Hamburg. [1911-] Illus. Plates. Maps. 4091.193 King, G. R. One hundred photographs of American parks. In 2 cases. *L.6o.27 Kirkega3rd, J. A practical handbook of trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials: hardy and ornamental varieties, their characteristics, uses and treatment. Boston, Mass. [1912.] Plates. Plans. 3848.9 Lefevre, G. J. S., ist Baron Eversley. Com- mons, forests and footpaths: the story of the battle for public rights over the commons, forests and footpaths of Eng- land and Wales. London. 1910. 3564.248 English commons and forests: the story of the battle for public rights over the commons and forests of England and Wales. London. 1894. 3564-247 This is an earlier edition of the preceding work. PARKS 457 Long, E, A. Ornamental gardening. A treatise on beautifying homes, rural districts, towns and cemeteries. New- York. 1885. Illus. 3994.68 Major, H. F. How to fix up the yard: some kinds of trees, shrubs and vines, and where to plant them. Urbana. 1910. Illus. Plates. [University of Illinois. Agricultural Experiment Station. Cir- cular. No. 135.] *5992.ii9-i35 Manning, W. H. Arbor Day. [Philadelphia. 1905?] Illus. [American Civic Associa- tion. Department of outdoor art.] 3560a. 1 37 Marcus, H. Die ornamentale Schonheit der Landschaft und der Natur als Beitrag zu einer allgemeinen Asthetik der Landschaft und der Natur. Miinchen. 1912. Illus. Plates. *L.63.7 Matthews, A. The word park in the United States. (In Colonial Society of Massachusetts. Publications. Vol. 8, PP- 373-399. Boston. 1906.) *4353.i48.8 Mawson, T. H. Civic art: studies in town planning, parks, boulevards and open spaces. London. 1911. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *L.70.24 Olmsted, F. L. A consideration of the justifying value of a public park. Bos- ton. 1881. 3990a. 103 ;*L.53.4 Public parks and the enlargement of towns. Cambridge. 1870. 5843.18; *L.53.ii7 Olmsted, F. L., Jr. The relation of reser- voirs to parks. Boston. 1899. Illus. Map. [American Park and Outdoor Art Association. Report. Vol. 3, part 2.] *3994.25.3 Our trees and public grounds. Why they should be under the care of our Park Commissions. Boston. 1902. 399oa.iii Parker, G. A. The development of public grounds in cities and villages. [Colum- bia. 1905. The Clemson Agricultural College Extension Work. Vol. i, no. 3.] *7993.72.i Parks for the people. Proceedings of a public meeting held at Faneuil Hall, June 7, 1876. Boston. 1876. 399oa.io5 Seguin, E. Our parks: to be or not to be. 3d edition. New York. 1878. 5991.17 Stoddard, J. L. Famous parks and public buildings of America. [Views, with notes. ] New York. 1899. *436oa.ii2 Views. [A collection of plans and views of parks.] *Map.48.io Wagner, H. Volksbelustigungs-Garten und sonstige grossern Anlagen fiir offent- liche Lustbarkeit. Plans. (In Hand- buch der Architektur. Theil 4. Halb- Band 4, pp. 131-146. Darmstadt. 1885.) ^L Literatur, pp. 145, 146. ^8092.52.4 Albany, N. Y. Murray, D. A plan for a park for the City of Albany. Map. (In Albany Institute. Transactions. Vol. 4, pp. 229-242. Al- bany. 1858-64.) 7947.5.4 Same. Albany. 1863. No. 9 in *4474.64; No. 2 in *6497.30 Albany, N. Y. (Continued.) Olmsted, Vaux & Co. Report on the pro- posed city park [in Albany]. Albany. 1868. No. 5 in 6497.30 Baltimore, Md. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port, 9th, loth, 15th, i6th, i8th, 22d-32d, 35th-37th, 39th, 41st, 44th, 45th. Balti- more. 1869-1905. 9 V. Plates. Maps. *399oa.i40 Olmsted Brothers. Report upon the de- velopment of public grounds for Greater Baltimore. [Baltimore.] 1904. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. *399oa.i28 Berlin, Germany. Geitner, H. Der Thiergarten bei Berlin. Chromo-lithographischer Plan, nebst Text. Berlin. 1880. *L.53.86 Boston, Mass. Boston. City Council. Joint Committee on Public Lands. Report in relation to the Public Garden. Boston. 1850. Folded plan. *L.53.6o Boston. Park Commissioners. Annual re- port, ist, Dec, 1875, to date. Boston. Plates. Maps. *4353.5o Notes on the plan of Franklin Park. [Boston.] 1886. Folded map. Folded plan. *4353.79;*L.53.7o Plan of portion of park system from Common to Franklin Park, including Charles River Basin, Charlesbank, Com- monwealth Avenue, Back Bay Fens, Muddy River improvement,* Leverett Park, Jamaica Park, Arborway and Arnold Arboretum. Olmsted, Olmsted and Eliot, landscape architects. [Bos- ton.] 1894. No. 14 in *Map 39.17 Preliminary report . . . with plans and estimates for a zoological garden at Franklin Park and an aquarium at Marine Park. Boston. 1910. Plates. Plans. *78ii.25 Report [not annual]. ist-4th, 6th. Bos- ton. 1876, 77. I V. and unbound parts. *4353.49 Report on proposed Arboretum at West Roxbury. [Boston. 1880.] Folded plan. 3990a. 1 08 Rules for the use and government of the public parks, pleasure grounds, park- ways and boulevards under the jurisdic- tion of the Board. Boston. 1897. 5845.44 Ayer, M. F. Boston Common in colonial and provincial days. Boston. 1903. Plates. Maps. *Q.2i.8 Early days on Boston Common. Boston. 1910. Plates. Plans. *Q.2i.7 A later edition of the preceding work. Baxter, S. Boston park guide, including the municipal and metropolitan systems of Greater Boston. Boston. 1895. Plates. Maps. 4454.256 Same. 1898. 4454.265 458 CITY PLANNING Boston, Mass. (Continued.) Baxter, S, (Continued.) A study of Boston's metropolitan park problems from the economic point of view. Plates. Maps. (In Massachusetts. Metropolitan Park Commissioners. Re- port [preliminary]. Boston. 1893.) *L.53.65;*4353-i2i Boston Common, The. By a friend of im- provement. Boston. 1838. Plate. *4457'3 Boston park system. 31 photographs. *L.6i.33 Brief description of the principal facts about the City. Presented by the City of Boston to the fifth International Congress of Chambers of Commerce Boston. 1912. Plates. Map. 2359.134 [A collection of maps and plans of the parks of Boston, proposed and laid out.] Portfolio. *Map.36.i Crocker, U. H. Map and description of proposed metropolitan park for Bos- ton. [Anon.] Boston. 1870. *4454.9;*L.53.62 The map was drawn by Col. F. G. Lee. Plan for a public park. Letter to the Committee of the City Government. [Boston. 1869.] Map. 399oa.io9 De Las Casas, W. B. The Boston Metro- politan park system. Map. (In Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 35, pp. 280-286. Philadelphia. 1910.) Per.Room *3565.io9.35 Eliot, C. Vegetation and scenery in the Metropolitan reservations of Boston. A forestry report presented to the Metro- politan Park Commission, Feb. 15, 1897, by Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot. Boston. 1898. 57 plates. 3 folded maps. 5845.42 Gourlay, R. F. A plan of a pagoda and flower garden in the Common. Bos- ton. 1843. No. 2 in *L.53.i24 Howe, M. A. De W. Boston Common: scenes from four centuries. Cambridge. 1910. Plates. Map. Plan. *445oa.i78 Sources of information, pp. 80-82. Kellaway, H. J. Report on proposed park & parkways from Charles River Reser- vation to West Roxbury Parkway, con- necting the northern and southern group of metropolitan parks. Boston, Mass. 1908. Plates. Map. 399oa.45 Kelley, E. G. Boston in the future: its park grounds, and a grand avenue through the city, with a map of the suburbs. [Anon.] Boston. 1871. 4454.24 Massachusetts. Metropolitan Park Com- missioners. Manual relating to public parks in Massachusetts, containing the Metropolitan Park Commission act and other general and local park acts, and decisions of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts relating to the same. Boston. 1894. **Ch.N.i.7 Report, Annual [ist-i9th]. 1894-1911. Boston. 1894-1912. 19 V. Plates. Maps. Plans. *L.53.69;*4454.229 Report [preliminary. Boston]. 1893. lUus. Maps. Plans. *L.53.65; *4353.i2i Boston, Mass. (Continued.) Massachusetts. Metropolitan Improvements Commission. Public improvements for the Metropolitan District. Report. Bos- ton. 1909. Text, I V. Maps. Plans. Chart; Atlas, 7 maps. *6457.36 Metropolitan park system. 23 photographs. *L.6i.34 Parker, E. J. Boston Common. Paper read June, 1899. Quincy. [1899?] 4454.263 Sargent, C. S. A guide to the Arnold Ar- boretum. Cambridge. 191 1. Plates. Maps. 5849a.2o Sawyer, S. E. History of the West Rox- bury park: how obtained. Disregard of private rights. Arbitrary laws. Gloucester. 1887. *435i.52 Shurtleff, A. A. A history and description of the Boston metropolitan parks. Boston. 1900. Plates. Maps. 399oaiiio;*L.53.67 Brookline, Mass. Park Commissioners. Reports of the Park Commissioners, the Committee on planting trees, and Trustees of Walnut Hill Cemetery for the year ending January 31, 1901. Brookline. 1901. 399oa.ioi Brooklyn, N. Y. Park Commissioners. Annual report, ist- 8th, loth, I4th-25th, 27th, 34th. Brook- lyn. 1861-95. Plates. Plans. *4474.i Same. ist-i2th. 1861-73. Reprinted. [Brooklyn.] 1873. Plates. Plans. *4475.32 Same. [ist-i3th.] 1861-73. *L.53.5o Olmsted, Vaux & Co. Observations on the progress of improvements in street plans. With special reference to the park-way proposed to be laid out in Brooklyn. Brooklyn. 1868. *L.53.56 This forms a part of the Annual report to the Brooklyn Park Commission. Preliminary report to the commissioners for laying out a park in Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn. 1866. Plan. *L.53-54 Brussels, Belgium. Plan du Bois de la Cambre. Bruxelles. [1888.] *L.57.i2 Buffalo, N. Y. Olmsted, Vaux & Co. The park and ap- proaches. Buffalo. [i8a-?] No. 2 in *Map 48.10 Park Commissioners. Annual report, ist- 37th. Buffalo. 1871-1906. Plates. Maps. Plans. *4474.i8 The projected park and parkways on the south side. Two reports by the land- scape architects [F. L. and J. C. Olm- sted. Buffalo]. 1888. Folded plan. 4474-163; *L.53.i2 The question of approaches to the pro- posed South Park. [Buffalo.^ 1888. Illus. 4474.233 PARKS 459 Cambridge, Mass. Park Department. Annual report for 1895- 1904, 06, 07, 09-12. [Cambridge. 1895- 1912.] 16 V. Plates. Plans. *6356.52 Chattanooga, Tenn. Nolen, J. General features of a park system for Chattanooga. Boston. 191 1. Plates. Map. 39903.170 Chicago, III. Benson, O. Plan of Lincoln Park, Chicago. Chicago. [188-?] No. 6 in *Map 48.10 Cleveland, H. W. S. The public grounds of Chicago. How to give them character and expression. Chicago. 1869. No. 7 in *4377-7 Same. 2d edition. *L.53.i22 Illinois. Acts and laws. South Park. Acts of the General Assembly relating to the same. Chicago. 1875. No. I in *4472.5i.i872 Rauch, J. H. Public parks: with special reference to the city of Chicago. Chi- cago. 1869. *4375-8;*L.53.8o South Park Commission. Plan of the South open ground, the Upper plaisance, the Midway plaisance, the Lake open ground, the Lagoon plaisance and the Parkway quadrant, as proposed to be laid out by Olmsted, Vaux & Co., land- scape architects. [New York. 1871.] No. 7.in *Map 48.10 Report from their organization to Febru- ary 28, 1913. Chicago. i872[-i9i3]. *4472.5i West Chicago Park Commissioners. An- nual report, ist-ioth. Chicago. 1870-79. Plates. Plans. *4377.72 System of parks and boulevards of Chi- cago. 1879, 80. [Chicago. 1880.] No. 5 in *Map 48.10 Cleveland, Ohio, Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port, 2d-7th. 1894-99. Cleveland. 1895- 1900. 6 V. Illus. *399oa.i55 No. I was never published. Detroit, Mich. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port, 7th. Detroit. 1889. *399oa.i62 The Board of Park Commissioners was suc- ceeded by the Commissioners of Parks and Boulevards. Commissioners of Parks and Boulevards. Annual report, 5th, 9th, I2th-I5th. 1893, 1897/98, 1900/01-1903/04. Detroit. 1894- 1904. Illus. Portraits. Map. Plans. *399oa.i63 Essex County, N. J. Kelsey, F. W. The first county park system. A complete history of the in- ception and development of the Essex County Parks of New Jersey. New York. [1905.] Plates. Map. 3999.244 Park Commission. Annual report, 4th. 1898/9. Newark. 1900. Plates. *399oa.i23 Fort Wayne, Ind. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port, 8th, 1912, to date. Fort Wayne. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *L.53.i33 Harrisburg, Pa. Civic Club of Harrisburg. Proceedings at the dedication of the Market Street en- trance to the City of Harrisburg, Pa. [Harrisburg.] 1906. Illus. Plates. *4474.3i5 The entrance belongs to the park system of Harrisburg. Hudson County, N. J. Muirhead, W. G. The park system of Hud- son County, New Jersey. (In Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 35, pp. 273-279.) Per.Room *3565.io9.35 Park Commission. Report. November 30, 1910, to November 30, 1912. [Jersey City. 1912.] Illus. Plates. Map. Tables. Chart. *L.53.44 Jamestown, N. Y. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port, I St. [1907/08. Jamestown. 1908.] Illus. Plates. *399oa.i39 Includes a plan for the establishment of a city park system, by C. M. Robinson. Kansas City, Mo. Board of Park Commissioners. Report . . . for the fiscal year ending April i8th, 1910. [Kansas City, Mo. 1910.] Illus. Plates. Maps. *4098.68 London, Eng. Bean, W. J. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: historical and descriptive. Lon- don. 1908. Plates. Map. *L.32.32 Some of the plates are colored. Cecil, A. M. G. London parks and gardens. With illustrations by Lady Victoria Manners. New York. 1907. Colored plates. *3993-i48 Chambers, Sir W. Plans, elevations, sections and perspective views of the gardens and buildings at Kew. London. 1763. 43 plates. *Cab.6o.96.6 Cole, N. The royal parks and gardens of London: their history and mode of em- bellishment. London. 1877. 2498.11 County Council. Note book on the parks, gardens, recreation grounds and open spaces of London. 3d edition. [Lon- don. 1902.] 5575.260 Sadler, L. R. The story of the London parks. London. [1871.] 2 v. 2496.9 Sexby, J. J. The municipal parks, gardens, and open spaces of London: their his- tory and associations. London. 1898. Illus. Plates. *L.53.ioi Same. 1905. ' 3991.178 Lynn, Mass. Park Commissioners. Annual report, ist- 14th, i6th-20th. Lynn. i890-[i909]. Plates. *6345.7i 460 CITY PLANNING Madison, Wis. Brown, C. N. The park movement in Madi- son, Wisconsin. (In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 35, PP- 297-303. Philadelphia. 1910.) Per.Room *3565.io9.35 Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Associa- tion. Reports of the officers for the year ending April 14, 1903. [Madison.] 1903. Illus. Plates. 399oa.i65 Minneapolis, Minn. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port. ist-6th, 8th-23d. Minneapolis. 1884-1905. *6396.7i Minnesota. Brower, J. V. Itasca State Park. An illus- trated history. St. Paul. 1904. Illus. Portraits. Maps. [Minnesota Historical Society. Collections.] *4472.27.ii Moscow, Russia. Petzold, E. Der Park von Muskau. Hoyers- werda. [1856.] Plan. 3999-i4o;*L.53-94 New York, N. Y. Board of Commissioners of the Central Park. Annual report, ist-i4th. New York. 1858-71. Plates. Maps. Plans. *6484.5 An incomplete file may be found on shelf- number *L.53.i8. Department of Public Parks. Annual re- port for 1870/71, 72/73, 98-1910, 12. New York. 1871-1913. 17 v. in 11. Plates. *399oa.ii8 Map of the Central Park. [New York. 186-?] No. 13 in *Map 48.10 Map of the lands included in the Central Park. — Plan for the improvement of the Central Park. [New York.] 1856. 2 maps on i sheet. No. 22 in *Map 48.10 Map of that part of the City of New York north of iSSth Street, showing the progress made in laying out streets, roads, public squares and places, by the Commissioners of the Central Park. New York. 1870. No. 14 in *Map 48.10 Map showing the portions of the City of New York and Westchester County under the jurisdiction of the Depart- ment of Public Parks. [New York. 188-?] No. 17 in *Map.48.io Topographical map ... of that part of Westchester County adjacent to the City and County of New York . . . New York. 1874. No. 18 in *Map.48.io Report of the special Committee on parks relative to laying out a new park in the upper part of the city. New York. 1852. Map. [Board of Aldermen. Document no. 83.] *L.53.i5 Same. 1853. 399oa.i2i Bellows, H. W. Cities and parks: with special reference to the New York Central Park. [Boston. 1861.] 399oa.i25 Cut from the Atlantic Monthly, April, 1861 [Per. Room *53i4-i.7]. New York, N. Y. (Continued.) Benque, W., and C. Rawolle. Notices of sketches for laying out the Central Park. New York. 1858. *L.53.25 Bureau of Municipal Research, New York City. The park question. New York. 1908. 2 parts in i v. Plates. 9352a.i4 Cook, C. C. A description of the New York Central Park. New York. 1869. Illus. Plans. ' *4474-3;*L-53-34 Copeland & Cleveland. A few words on the Central Park. Boston. 1856. *L.53.20 Davis, G. The establishment of public parks in the city of New York. [New York. 1897.] 58493.1 Description of the design for laying out the Central Park, bearing the motto, "Ars longa vita brevis est." New York. 1858. *L.53.26 Foord, J. The life and public services of Andrew Haswell Green. Garden City. 1913. Portraits. Plate. 4346.219 Chapters 4-6 treat of the development of the park system of New York City, and there is much material regarding the growth of the city. Guide to the Central Park, with a map of the proposed improvements. New York. 1859. 4479a.50 Gustin, S. I. Plan for Central Park. N.p. N.d. *L.53.22 Appended, a description of the Bois de Boulogne. Hall, E. H. McGowan's Pass and vicinity: a sketch of . . . Central Park in the City of New York. New York. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4479a.235 Hunt, R. M^ Designs for the gateways of the southern entrances to the Central Park. New York. 1866. Plates. Plans. 4090.25 Larke, J. K. Davega's hand book of Central Park. [New York. 187-?] Illus. No. I in *4476.i2 Mattel's New York Central Park. [Bird's eye view.] New York. 1864. No. 17 in*Map97.2 New York, State. Commission to Select and Locate Lands for Public Parks in the 23d and 24th Wards of New York City. Report to the New York Legislature. New York. 1884. Plate. Maps. *L.53.48 Commissioners of the Palisades Inter- state Park. Annual report, [ist-]5th. 1900-1904. Albany. 1901-05. *399oa.ii7 Olmsted, F. L. The spoils of the park. With a few leaves from the deep laden note books of "a wholly unpractical man." New York. 1882. Relates to Central Park. 6493.17; *L.53.43 Olmsted, F. L., and C. Vaux. Map of the Central Park. 1871. [New York. 1871.] No. 15 in *Map 48.10 Same. 1871-2. [1872.] No. 16 in *Map 48.10 Ormsbee & Pine. [Views of Central Park, New York City.] New York. [189-?] 2S photographs. *L.70.3 Peet, L. H. Trees and shrubs of Central Park. New York. [1903.] Plates. Maps. 3849a.6 Perkins, F. B. The Central Park. New York. 1864. Plates. *399oa.ii6 PARKS 461 New York, N. Y. (Continued.) Report, accompanying design for laying out "Central Park," marked "Arcadia." New York. 1858. *L.53.28 Scoville, J. A. Plan for Central Park. [By Manhattan, pseud. New York. 1858.] 399oa.i2o; *L.53.27 Wilkins, G. M. In the matter of the ex- tension of Central Park. [New York. 1861?] *L.53.32 Oakland, Cal. Park Commission. The park system of Oakland. [Oakland. 1910.] lUus. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. Plan. *4098.67 Contents. — Report of Park Commission. — Re- port of Playground Commission. — Flora of Oakland park system, July ist, 1910. Paris, France. Alphand, J. C. A. Les promenades de Paris. Histoire, description des embellisse- ments, depenses de creation et d'entre- tien des Bois de Boulogne et de Vin- cennes, Champs-filysees, pares, squares. Paris. 1867-73. Text, i v.; Atlas, i v. *Cab.26.i3i.i ; *Cab.26.22.i ; *L.7o.i5 Petit, V. Pares et jardins des environs de Paris. Paris. N.d. 50 colored plates. *3990.50 Plan du Bois de Boulogne. [Paris. 185-?] No. 42 in*Map 69.11 Robinson, W. The parks, promenades & gardens of Paris. London. 1869. lUus. 4635.1 Same. 2d edition. The parks and gardens of Paris. London. 1878. Illus. 4635.2; *L.53.i Same. 3d edition. 1883. Plates. *L.53.2 Philadelphia, Pa. Commissioners of Fairmount Park. Annual report. ist-6th. Philadelphia. 1869-99. 6 V. in 5. Plates. Maps. *4472.3o Nothing was piiblished between 1878, the date of the 5th, and 1899, the date of the 6th report. Report of the Committee on plans and im- provements of the Commissioners, upon the extension of the park. Phila- delphia. 1867. No. 4 in *4472.3o.i Same. 1868. Map. 399oa.i29 Views in Fairmount Park. Philadelphia. 1871. 17 plates. *4472.29 City Parks Association of Philadelphia. Annual report, loth, nth, I5th-25th. 1898, 99, 1903-13. Philadelphia. 1898- 1913. Plates. Maps. Plans. *399oa.i32 Crawford, A. W. City planning and Phila- delphia parks. {In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 35, pp. 287-296. Philadelphia. 1910.) Per.Room *3565-io9.35 Kelsey, A., editor. The proposed parkway for Philadelphia. [Philadelphia.] 1902. Illus. Plans. *L.5i.24 Keyser, C. S. Lemon Hill and Fairmount Park. The papers of C. S. Keyser and T. Cochran relative to a public park for Philadelphia. Published in 1856 and Philadelphia, Pa. (Continued.) Keyser, C. S. (Continued.) 1872. Philadelphia. 1886. Plate. Map. 4473.104 Lemon Hill, in its connection with the efforts of our citizens and councils to obtain a public park. [Anon.] Phila- delphia. 1856. No. 5 in *437oa.79 Sidney and Adams. Description of plan for improvement of Fairmount Park. Philadelphia. 1859. 399oa.i3i Plymouth, Mass. Burbank, A. S., publisher. A souvenir of Plymouth parks. Plymouth. 1901. Por- trait. Plates. Map. 4458.184 Portland, Me. Baxter, J. P. The park system of Portland. Portland, Maine. 1905. Plates. Maps. *L.53.i3o Portland, Ore. Park Board. Report, 1903. With the re- port of Olmsted Bros., outlining a system of parkways, boulevards and parks. [Portland. 1903.] Folded plate. *399oa.i78 Portsmouth, N. H. Langdon Park. An account of building the park, and opening exercises, May 25, 1876. Portsmouth. 1876. 4436.181 QuiNCY, Mass. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port. 1892. Quincy. 1893. Map. *L.53.77 Rochester, N. Y. Origin, The, and development of Rochester's park system. [Rochester.] 1908. Illus. Plates. 399oa.i45 St. Louis, Mo. Board of Commissioners of Forest Park. Report. [Semi-annual, ist.] 1875. Saint Louis. 1876. Plates. Maps. *4473.io8; *L.53.82 Board of Improvement of Lafayette Park. Report presented July, 1874. St. Louis. 1874. Photographs. *399oa.i53 St. Paul, Minn. Cleveland, H. W. S. Park systems of St. Paul and Minneapolis. An address. St. Paul. 1887. Plan. 4379.II5 Public parks, radial avenues, and boule- vards. Outline plan of a park system for the city of St. Paul. [St Paul.] 1885. 4479.243 Stickney, A. B. A comprehensive system of parks for the City of Saint Paul . . . [St. Paul. 1910.] Illus. Plates. Maps. 4099a.i54 San Francisco, Cal. Board of Park Commissioners. Report, 3d biennial, 1874/75, 28th annual, 1898/99. San Francisco. 1875, 99- 2 v. Plates. *399oa.i75 462 CITY PLANNING Seattle, Washington. Board of Park Commissionets. Seattle: parks, playgrounds and boulevards. Seattle, [ipn?] IHus. 4092.199 Springfield, Mass. Park Commissioners. Report [i6th. Spring- field. 1898]. Plates. Map. *399oa.ioo Toledo, Ohio. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual re- port, 1900. [Toledo. 1901.] Plates. *399oa.i57 Washington, D. C. United States. Congress. The improve- ment of the park system of the District of Columbia: i. Report of the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia. 2. Report of the Park Commission. Edited by C. Moore. Washington. 1902. Illus. Plates. Maps. *L.53.46; 3990a. 74 Park improvement papers. A series of 17 papers relating to the improvement of the park system of the District of Columbia. Edited and compiled by C. Moore. Washington. 1902. Maps. 399oa.72 Same. No. 1-8. [Washington. 1901.] Maps. 399oa.i34 Wilmington, Del. Board of Park Commissioners. Report. 1896-1898. Wilmington. 1897-99. Illus. Plates. *399oa.i24 Winchester, Mass. Kellaway, H. J. Report upon Mystic Val- ley improvement, along the Aberjona River, Winchester, Mass., from upper Mystic Lake to Swanton Street. Bos- ton. 1911. Illus. Plate. Map. 399oa.52 Wisconsin. Nolen, J. State parks for Wisconsin. Re- port. [Madison. 1909.] Plates. Maps. Plan. 3990a. 1 67 Worcester, Mass. Parks Commission. Annual report for the year ending November 30, 1896. Wor- cester. 1897. Portrait. Plates. *399oa.ii3 Youngstown, Ohio. Rogers, V. A partial description of Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio, with some papers, reports, and laws con- nected with park work. [Youngstown. 1904.] Illus. Plates. 399oa.i59 Playgrounds and Recreation Centres. Citizen's Union, New York City. Small parks and recreation piers for the people. New York. 1897. Illus. [Pam- phlet no. 6.] *5579-i53-6 Curtis, H. S. The reorganized school play- ground. Washington. 1912. [United States. Bureau of Education. Bulle- tin 488.] *7596.63.488 Same. Revised edition. 1913. Plates. [United States. Bureau of Education. Bulletin 550.] *7596.63.55o Johnson, G. E. The country boy. [Boston. 1906. Massachusetts Civic League. Leaf- lets. No. 8.] 5579-208 On the need of playgrounds in the country. Lee, J. Play and playgrounds. Boston. [1906.] Illus. *356oa.i40.ii Leland, A., and L. H. Leland, editors. Play- ground technique and playcraft. Vol. i. A popular text-book of playground! philosophy, architecture, construction and equipment. Springfield, Mass. 1909. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. Bibliography, vol. i, pp. 260-274. 5574*2 1 1 Massachusetts Civic League. [Circular of information concerning facilities for supervised play afforded by the towns and cities of the Commonwealth. Bos- ton. 1913.]. . 5575-265 Mero, E. B., editor. American playgrounds: their construction, equipment, mainten- ance and utility. Boston. [1908.] Illus. Plates. Plans. 5566.135 A list of available books, pp. 268-270. Playground, The. [Monthly.] Jan., 1909, to date. New York. Illus. Plates. ♦5566.137 Playground Association of America. Pro- ceedings of the [ 1st-] 3d annual Play- ground Congress [i907-]i909, and Year Book, 1908, 09. [New York. 1907-09.] 3 V. Illus. Plates. *5566.i39 The Proceedings for 19 10 and later years have been published in The playground. Tentative report of the Committee on a normal course of play. [Part 1-3.] New York. [1909.] *5566.i36 Boston, Mass. Department of School Hygiene. Manual for the public school playgrounds of the City of Boston. Boston. 1909. *3596.298 Massachusetts Civic League. [Report of the] Committee on playgrounds for the year ending October 31, 1905. [Bos- ton. 1905.] 356oa.i36 North End playground. [Cambridge. 1905.] Plates. 4009a.8o [Views of the public playgrounds of Bos- ton. 1907.] 38 photographs. *L.6i.39 Brookline, Mass. Fitzgerald, D. Brookline playgrounds. [Brookline. 1907.] 5576.276 Cambridge, Mass. Playground Commission. Annual report, ist. [Cambridge.] 1910-11. Illus. Plates. Plans. *5575.262 Playgrounds Committee. The story of Cambridge playgrounds in school-yards and public parks for the summer of 1909. Cambridge. [1909-] 5575-263 PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION CENTRES 463 Cambridge, Mass. (Continued.) Rindge Park Playground. Annual report, 4th. [Cambridge. iQOS-] IHus. 5572.166 Chicago, III. Taylor, G. R. Recreation centers in Chi- cago parks. Abstract of lectures before the City Parks Association of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia. [1906.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [American Civic As- sociation.] 5579.214 Los Angeles, Cal. Stoddart, B. D. Recreative centers of Los Angeles. (In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 35, pp. 426-435. Philadelphia. 1910.) Per.Room *3565.iog.35 Louisville, Ky. Recreation League. The public playgrounds of Louisville. Louisville. 1905. Plan. [Bulletin. 3.] 3564.274 New London, Conn. Nolen, J. General plan of a park and play- ground system for New London, Conn. Boston. 1913. Plates. Plans. 4098.74 Pawtucket, R. L Olmsted, F. L., and J. C. Olmsted. Plan of public recreation grounds for Paw- tucket. Report. Boston. 1888. Map. 4431.100; *L.53.6 Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh Playground Association. Annual report, I2th-i6th. [Pittsburgh.] 1907-11. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *5575.26i St. Louis, Mo. Civic Improvement League of St. Louis. Report of the Open Air Playgrounds Committee. St. Louis. [1903.] Plates. Plans. 4373-184 St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul Playground Committee. Annual report, ist. [1904. St. Paul. 1905?] Illus. Plates. Plan. 5576.226 Seattle, Washington. Board of Park Commissioners. Park play- grounds and boulevards of Seattle, Washington. [Seattle, Washington.] 1909. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3990a. 1 82 Somerville, Mass. Somerville playgrounds. Old Prospect Hill School Yard Playground. First year. Teacher's report. [Also, The Gurney Playground, Somerville, Mass., second year. Somerville. 1905.] Illus. There is no title-page. 5572. 1 72 Washington, D. C. Curtis, H. S. Washington sites available for playgrounds. Map. (In Charities and the Commons. Vol. 19, pp. 1699- 1703. New York. 1908.) Per.Room *757oa.i3.i9 Squares and Civic Centres. See also Railroad Stations. Brinckmann, A. E. Platz und Monument: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Asthetik der Stadtbaukunst in neuerer Zeit. Berlin. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 40^7.181 Civic League of St. Louis. Civic centers. Preliminary report. St. Louis. 1906. 3568.230 Denver, Colorado. Art Commission of the City and County of Denver. A short history of the civic center. [Denver.] 191 1. Map. 4099a.i6o Ford, F. L. The grouping of public build- ings. Connecticut's opportunity. The State Capitol at Hartford to be the center of a conspicuous group of public buildings. Hartford. [1905?] Plates. Plans. 4095-154 From the Bulletin of the Municipal Art Society of Hartford, No. 2 [*3s62.2i4,2]. Genzmer, F. Die Ausstattung von Strassen und Platzen. Berlin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 3, Heft 2.] No. 2 in 4092.178.3 Die Gestaltung des Strassen- und Platz- raumes. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Plates. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft I.] No. I in 4092.178.2 Hampel, C. Gartnerische Schmackplatze in Stadten: ihre Anlage, Bepflanzung und Pflege. Berlin. 1897. 24 plates. ♦4090.408 Rappaport, P. A. Die Entwicklung des deutschen Marktplatzes. Berlin. 1914. Illus. Maps. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 7, Heft 3.] No. 3 in 4092.178.7 Boston, Mass. American Architect and Building News. Suggested rearrangement of Copley Square. [Plans by various architects.] Boston. 1893. *4090.93 Boston. Park Commissioners. Report upon laying out the land bounded by Boyl- ston St., Huntington Ave. and Dart- mouth St. as a public park. Boston. 1881. Plan. [City document. 120.] 4353.142 Eliot, C. A report upon the opportunities for public open spaces in the Metro- politan district of Boston, made to the Metropolitan Park Commission, 1892. Boston. 1893. Maps. Plates. *4353.i2i ; *L.53.65 ; *L.53.64 Harriman, J. E., Jr. [Bird's eye view of proposed plan for the improvement of 464 CITY PLANNING Boston, Mass. (Continued.) Harriman, J. E., Jr. (Continued.) Copley Square. Boston.] 1914- No. 3 in *Cab.8i.i9.4 Massachusetts. General Court. Committee on Cities. Schedules to accompany petition for legislation to protect Cop- ley Square. [Boston. 1898.] 6355.76 [Plan of proposed alterations in Copley Square. Boston.] 1899. No. 23 in *Map 35.1 Walker, C. H. [Copley Square improve- ment. General plan. Boston.] 1899, 1912. No. I, 2 in *Cab.8i.i9.4 Plan for rearrangement of Copley Square. [Boston? 190-?] No. 2 in *4090.93 Statement of plan for rearrangement of .Copley Square. Boston. 1907. Plates. Plans. 4097.183 London, Eng. Chancellor, E. B. History of the squares of London. London. 1907. Plates. Maps. 2492.161 Paris, France. Ariste, P. d', and M. Arrivetz. Les Champ s- filysees, Place de la Concorde, Cours- la-Reine . . . £tude topographique, his- torique et anecdotique jusqu' a nos jours. Paris. 1913. Plates. Plans. 4661.92 Boue, G. Les squares de Paris: le pare de Monceaux. Paris. 1864. Illus. No. 2 in *667i.8 Henard, R. Les jardins et les squares. Paris. 191 1. Plates. Plans. [Les richesses d'art de la villa de Paris.] 4075.308 Philadelphia, Pa. Broad Street, Penn Square and the park. Philadelphia. 1871. Maps. No. 16 in *437oa.79 Rome, Italy. Falda, G. B. Li giardini di Roma con le loro piante alzate e vedute in prospet- tiva. Roma. [1670?] 20 plates. *Cab.39.i8.6 Salzburg, Germany. Feldegg, F., Ritter von. Die Platz- und Strassenanlage von Salzburg. Wien. [1909.] Illus. Plan. 4092.163 Washington, D. C. Newlands, F. G. The building line on the Mall. District of Columbia Park Com- mission. Remarks. Washington. 1904. 3990a. 1 36 Cemeteries. See also Commemorative Monuments. Brunner, — , Dr. Sanitatliche Bedenken gegen die Lagerung von Leichenackern in zu grosser Nahe der Stadte; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Lage des katholischen Friedhofes zu Augs- burg. [Erlangen. 1863.] 6234.28 Cleveland, H. W. S. A few words on the arrangement of rural cemeteries. Chi- cago. 1881. *L.53.ii9 [Collection of plans of cemeteries in the United States.] *Map 48.13 Fayans, S. Bestattungsanlagen. Stuttgart. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.8.3 Holmes, Mrs. B. The London burial grounds. London. 1896. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2493.156 Modern cemeteries. A selection of papers read before the annual meetings of the Association of American Cemetery Superintendents. 1887-1897. Chicago. 1898. Illus. Plates. 2234.85 Watertown, Mass. Board of Health. Re- port upon the laying out of Ridgelawn cemetery. [Watertown.] 1899. Folded plan. 4357.113 Weed, H. E. Modern park cemeteris. Chi- cago. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4108.7 Sanitation and Safety. See also Baths; Fireproof Construction. Allen, W. H. Civics and health. With an introduction by W. T. Sedgwick. Bos- ton. [1909.] Illus. Charts. 3768.237 Baker, M, N. Municipal engineering and sanitation. New York. 1902. [The citizen's library.] 80193.73 Bashore, H. B. The sanitation of recreation camps and parks. New York. 1908. Plates. 3768.201 Bechmann, G. Salubrite urbaine: distribu- tions d'eau, assainissement. Paris. 1888. Illus. Maps. Plans. Charts. [Encyclo- • pedie des travaux publics.] 5942.13 Bologna, Italy. Giunta municipale. Pro- getto per I'esecuzione diretta dei servizi della nettezza pubblica e dell' innaffia- mento stradale. Bologna. 1904. *9352.0454a6 Bonacina, L. C. W. Climatic control. Lon- don. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. 3967.20 Human life and activities as affected by climate. Boston, Mass. Board of Health. The sani- tary condition of Boston. Boston. 1875. Charts. 5765.67; **G.304.io Boulnois, H. P. Dirty dustbins and sloppy- streets. A practical treatise on the scavenging and cleansing of cities and towns. [London.] 1881. 5765.31 The municipal and sanitary engineer's handbook. London. 1883. Illus. 8071.71 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1892. 8071.143 Bonner, H., and L. Veiller. Tenement house fire escapes in New York and Brooklyn. New York. 1900. *40ioa.i34 Tenement house fires in New York. New York. 1900. *4oioa.i35 Cadoux, G. La vie des grandes capitales. 2e edition. Paris. 1913. Map. 4oiob.39 Channing, E. Abridgement of a paper pre- pared in connection with a small civic cleanliness exhibit at No. 6 Marlborough Street, Boston. Boston. 1905, 3768.224 On the sanitation of schoolhouses in Boston. SANITATION AND SAFETY 465 Chapin, C. V. Municipal sanitation in the United States. Providence, R. I. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. Tables. 5762.98 City Club of New York. The Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity of the City of New York. A statement of facts. [New York.] 1903. Plates. Map. Chart. Tables. 5948.63 Civic League of St. Louis. Public comfort stations for St. Louis. Report. [St. Louis.] 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 3560a. 1 47 Clark, H. G. Draft of a metropolitan sani- tary code. Boston. [1858.] 5760.7 Same. [1862?] No. 17 in *3765.54 Same. [1865.] No. 2 in *5792.59 Sanitary code for cities; revised and adopted by the National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. [Boston. 1865.] 7763.65 Durand-Claye, A. A. Communication sur I'assainissement des villes. Paris. 1880. [Congres du genie civil.] 5943.6o Ford, F. L. Public comfort stations. [Phila- delphia. 1907.] Illus. Plans. [American Civic Association.] 3560a.140.14 The removal of overhead wires, [Phila- delphia. 1907.] Illus. [American Civic Association.] 3560a.140.13 Fox, R. T. Report on street cleaning, Street Watering Department and Sanitary De- partment of the City of Boston. Bos- ton. 1907. Plates. *635o.87 This report was made to the Citizens' Committee on Street Conditions. Gemuend, W. Bodenfrage und Boden- politik in ihrer Bedeutung fiir das Wohnungswesen und die Hygiene der Stadte. Eine Untersuchung iiber die wirtschaftlichen Voraussetzungen der Stadtehygiene fiir Architekten, Inge- nieure, Verwaltungsbeamte, Hygieniker . . . Berlin. 191 1. 8093.137 Godfrey, W. H. The health of the city. Boston. 1910. 8099.47 A selected bibliography, pp. 346-358. Hugo, C. Die deutsche Stadteverwaltung: ihre Aufgaben auf den Gebieten der Volkshygiene, des Stadtebaus und Wohnungswesens. Stuttgart. 1901. Map. 3764.156 Hunt, E. M. Building ground in its relation to health. {In American Public Health Association. Reports and papers. Vol. 2, pp. 306-316. New York. 1876.) *3762.5i.2 Jeannel, J. F. Memoire sur les plantations d'arbres dans I'interieur des villes. Paris. 1850. 3849-25 Extrait des Annales d'hygidne publique et mede- cine legale, 1849, tome 42. Relates to the insanitary effects of trees. Jephson, H. The sanitary evolution of Lon- don. London. 1907. Map. 3763.158 Kassner, C. J. H. Die meteorologischen Grundlagen des Stadtebaues. Berlin. 1910. Illus. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 3, Heft 6.] No. 6 in 4092.178.3 King, C. L. The regulation of municipal utilities. New York. 1912. 40i9a.340 Krautwig, — , Dr., editor. Naturwissenschaft und Gesundheitswesen in Coin. Fest- schrift fiir die Teilnehmer an der 80. Versammlung der Gesellschaft deut- scher Naturforscher und Arzte in Coin. Coin. 1908. Plates. Plans. 4831.79 Lange, E. Die Versorgung der grossstadti- schen Bevolkerung mit frischen Nah- rungsmitteln unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Marktwesens der Stadt Berlin. Eine wirtschaftswissenschaft- liche Studie. Leipzig. 1911. [Staats-und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Heft 157.] *5644.2i.i57 Literaturnachweis, p. 83. Lederle, E. J. New York City's sanitary problems, and their solution. {In Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 23, pp. 311-321. Philadelphia. 1904.) Per.Room *3565.io9.23 Leffmann, H. Civic hygiene. Illus. Plates. Plans. {In Cohen, S. S. A system of physiologic therapeutics. Vol. 5, pp. Z2Z-3^^' Philadelphia. 1902.) *3782.8i.5 Miers, H. A., and R. Crosskey. The soil in relation to health. London. 1893. Illus. Plate. 3768.126 Nussbaum, H. C. Die Hygiene des Stadte- baus. Leipzig. 1907. Plans. Diagram. [Sammlung Goschen.] 73893.348 Pignant, P. Genie sanitaire. Principes d' assainissement des habitations des villes et de la banlieue. Dijon. 1890. Text, I v.; Atlas, 36 plates. *8oio.i25 Poore, G. V. Essays on rural hygiene. London. 1893. Illus. Plates. 3767.112 Price, G. M. Handbook on sanitation. For health, sanitary, tenement-house, plumb- ing . . . and other inspectors; as well as for candidates for all municipal sani- tary positions. New York. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. 37693.7 Same. 2d edition. 1905. 37693.8 Prince, D. The sanitation of small cities; soil, drainage, sewerage, and the dis- posal of sewage. [Chicago. 1879.] No. 15 in*8o2oa.6i Salomon, H. Die hygienischen Vorbedin- gungen fiir die Ortsansiedelungen. Ber- lin. 1910. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 3, Heft 3.] No. 3 in 4092.178.3 Slagg, C. Sanitary work in the smaller towns and in villages. London. 1876. Illus. Plans. 3769.85 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. 1884. 3769.191 Stuebben, H. J. Hygiene des Stadtebaus. Illus. {In Handbuch der Hygiene. Band A, pp. 397-516. Jena. 1896.) *376oa.78 Stuebben, H. J., and — Becker. Uber Stadteerweiterung, insbesondere in hy- gienischer Beziehung. Braunschweig. 1886. 5763.113 Ward, R. De C. Climate, considered especi- ally in relation to man. New York. 1908. Maps. Charts. [The science series.] 5966.117 Wazon, A. Genie sanitaire. Principes tech- niques d'assainissement des villes & habitations suivis en Angleterre, France, 466 CITY PLANNING Wazon, A. (Continued.) Allemagne, fitats-Unis, et presentes sous forme d'etudes sur rassainissement de Paris. Paris. 1884. 5942-58 Weber, F. P., and G. Hinsdale. Climatology. — Health resorts. — Mineral springs. Philadelphia. 191 1- 2 v. Maps. Charts. [Cohen. A system of physiologic ther- apeutics. Vol. 3, 4-] *3782.8i.3,4 Wilson, G. Sanitary defects in villages and country districts and how to remedy them. London. 1876. 7767-30 Public Works. McCullough, E. Engineering work in towns and cities. 2d edition. Chicago. 1908. Illus. Plate. Plans. Charts. 4017.178 New England Water Works Association. Notes on New York City and vicinity, describing engineering works and places of general interest . . . New York, 1905. Illus. Plates. Maps. 4478.439 Petersen, R. Zeichnerische Darstellung von Ertragsberechnungen fiir wirtschaft- liche Unternehmungen der Stadte. (Stadtbahnen, Strassenbahnen, Elek- trizitats-, Gas-, Wasserwerke u. s. w.) Berlin. 1900. Charts. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft 8.] No. 8 in 4092.178.2 Whinery, S. Municipal public works: their inception, construction and manage- ment. New York. 1903. 9352.534 Waste Disposal. Boston, Mass. Special Commission to In- vestigate Questions Affecting the Col- lection and Disposition of Garbage and Offal in the City of Boston. Report. November 8, 1908. Boston. 1908. No. I in *4oioa.i95 Special Commission, 2d, on the Collection and Disposal of Refuse. Report. Bos- ton. 1910. Charts. No. 2 in *40ioa.i95 Civic Improvement League of Saint Louis. Public Sanitation Committee. Disposal of municipal waste. [St. Louis.] 1906. 3768.210 Goodrich, W. F. The economic disposal of towns' refuse. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 40103.132 Refuse disposal and power production. New York. [1904.] 40103.151 Locke, W. W., and J. B. Taylor. Reports on: I. Garbage disposal in the outlying wards; 2. History of the garbage con- tract; 3. Refuse disposal of cities. [Brooklyn. 1897.] Plans. 40103.144 Maxwell, W. H. The removal and disposal of town refuse. London. [1898.] Illus. Plates. Charts. 40103.152 Morse, W. F. The collection and disposal of municipal waste. New York. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 3766.179 New York, City. Department of Docks and Ferries. Report on the disposal of city wastes with accompanying map show- New York, City. (Continued.) ing opportunities for disposition. New York. 1913. Map. Table. *40i03.i64 Public Library. Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. List of works relating to city wastes and street hygiene. New York. 1912. *2i74.i29 Parsons, H. de B. The disposal of muni- cipal refuse. New York. 1906. Plates. Plans. Charts. 40103.169 Ven3ble, W. M. Garbage crematories in America. New York. 1906. Plates. Plans. 40103.193 Viele, E. L. Report on civic cleanliness, and the economical disposition of the refuse of cities. New York. i860. Plans. [National Quarantine and Sanitary Con- vention.] 8oioa.22 Waring, G. E., Jr. A report on the final disposition of the wastes of New York by the Department of Street Cleaning. New York. 1896. Illus. Plates. *649i.56 Sewage Disposal. Baker, M. M. British sewage works and notes on the sewage farms of Paris and on two German works. New York. 1904- 40103.174 Baumeister, R. The cleaning and sewerage of cities. New York. 1891. Illus. 8014.135 Same. 2d edition. [1895.] Plates. Charts. 8014.194 Bayles, J. C. House drainage and water service in cities, villages and rural neighborhoods. New York. 1878. Illus. Plans. 4013-59 Brix, J. Kanalisation und Stadtebau. Ber- lin. 1910. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Stadte- bauliche Vortrage. Band 3, Heft i.] No. I in 4092.178.3 Broom, G. J. C. Drainage with regard to health, and modes of disposal of town sewage. London. 1889. Illus. Plans. 3765.126 Fox, C. B. The disposal of the slop water of villages. London. 1875. Plans. 7767.29 Fuller, G. W. Sewage disposal. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. 40103.127 Harcourt, L. F. V. Sanitary engineering with respect to water-supply and sew- age disposal. London. 1907. Plans. Diagrams. [Longmans' Civil engineer- ing series.] 40ioa.i92 Jackson, D. D. Report on" the sanitary con- dition of the Cleveland water supply, on the probable effect of the proposed changes in sewage disposal_ and on the various sources of typhoid fever in Cleveland. [Cleveland. 1912.] Maps. Charts. Tables. *3766.i8o Kinnicutt, L. P., and others. Sewage dis- posal. By L. P. Kinnicutt, C. E. A. Winslow and R. W. Pratt. New York. 1910. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 40103.154 N3dieine, M. P. New system of sanitary drainage and treatment of sewage matter. London. 1893. Plate. 3764.106 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 467 Overbeek de Meijer, C. van. Les systemes d'evacuation des eaux et immondices d'une ville. Refutation des observa- tions et des documents . . . Paris. 1880. No. I in *8oi8.6o Les systemes d'evacuation des eaux et immondices d'une ville. Revue critique. Paris. 1883. No. 2 in *8oi8.6o Robinson, H. Sewage disposal. London. 1880. 4019.127 Sewage purification and disposal. [Scran- ton. 1908.] Plate. Plans. Diagrams. [International Library of Technology. Vol. 98.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.g8 Tagle Rodriguez, E. El alcantarillado de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Construc- cion y explotacion de cloacas externas y domiciliarias. Buenos Aires. 1905. Illus. Maps. Plans. Chart. 4oioa.i6i Injenieria sanitaria. El alcantarillado de las casas. Instalaciones sanitarias de desagiie i agua potable en los edificios privados i colectivos. Trabajo^ pre- cedido de algunos datos historicos sobre los desagiies de Santiago i acom- pafiado de una recopilacion de dis- posiciones reglamentarias vijentes en el pais i en el estranjero. Edicion oficial. Santiago de Chile. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 40ioa.i6o Tyson, H. The plan for the improvement of the channel of Jones' Falls, and drainage of the adjacent portions of the city [of Baltimore]. Baltimore. 1871. Plates. Plans. 3941-69 United States. Bureau of Foreign Com- merce. Disposal of sewage and garb- age in foreign countries. Washington. 1899. Plans. No. i in *7643.22.i7, 18 Street Cleaning. Citizens* Union. New York City. Clean streets. New York. 1897. Plate. Plans. [Pamphlet no. 2.] *5579.i53.2 Citizens' Union, New York City. Bureau of City Betterment. Some phases of the work of the Department of Street Cleaning of New York City. New York. 1906. Table. [Bureau of Muni- cipal Research, New York City.] 9352.5747a2 Committee for promotmg the greatest attainable cleanliness in the public thoroughfares of the metropolis. [State- ment of facts. London. 1844.] 7766.76 District of Columbia. Street-Cleaning De- partment. Manual of rules and regula- tions governing the collection and dis- posal of city refuse and the cleaning of streets. [Washington. 1900.] . , ^ . *9352.7753a2 Report of the Supermtendent for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898-1900. Washington. 1900. 3 v. *9352.7753 Eigenbrodt, C. Die Stadtereinigung zur Verhiitung der steigenden Verunreini- gung des Erdbodens unserer Wohnorte, als wichtigste Aufgabe der Sanitats- polizei. Darmstadt. 1868. 8017.15 New York, State. Assembly. Reports. Report of the Committee on the affairs of cities^ as to the system of street cleaning in the City of New York [etc.]. Albany. 1880. No. 13 in *649oa.54 Staternent and report of the citizen's com- mittee of twenty-one, respecting the efforts to procure reform in the system of cleaning the streets of the City of New York. New York. 1881. *6494.i6 Waring, G. E., Jr. Street cleaning in the City of New York, 1895, 96, 97. New York. 1898. Illus. Plate. Tables. [Municipal affairs. Vol. 2, no. 2, sup- plement.] *3563.i7o.2,part 2,suppl. Smoke Prevention. Barr, W. M. A catechism on the combus- tion of coal and the prevention of smoke. New York. 1900. Illus. 3974.79 Bement, A. The economical burning of coal without smoke with especial refer- ence to the use of washed coal. Chicago. 1904. Plates. Plans. 3979-30 The title on the cover is: A clean chimney. Booth, W. H., and J. B. C. Kershaw. Smoke prevention and fuel economy (based on the German work of E. Schmatolla). New York. 1905. Illus. Plans. 8015.92 Boston Chamber of Commerce. Committee on Fuel Supply. Smoke abatement. Report . . . April, 1910. [Boston. 1910.] Charts. 8014.277 Breckenridge, L. P. How to burn Illinois coal without smoke. Urbana, Illinois. 1907. Plates. Diagrams. Charts. [Uni- versity of Illinois. Bulletin. Vol. 4, no. 31.] *4496.363.4.No.3i Civic League of St. Louis. The smoke nuisance. Report of the Smoke Abate- ment Committee. St. Louis. 1906. Plates. Chart. 3566.278 Frazer, P. Search for the causes of in- juries to vegetation in an urban villa near a large industrial establishment . . . with a bibliography of the subject. [Philadelphia.] 1907. Illus. Map. 3853.156 On the destruction of vegetation by smoke. Great Britain. General Board of Health. Consumption of smoke. Copy of a letter . . . July, 1854; with a digest of the information obtained with regard to the operation of inventions for the con- sumption of smoke. London. 1855. [Sessional papers. 1854. Vol. 61.] *F Great Britain. Parliament. Acts and laws. The nuisances removal and diseases prevention act. Added, the smoke nuisance act and the common lodging house acts. London. 1855. 3769.143 Hart, E. A. Smoke abatement. [London.] 1884. [Health exhibition literature. 3.] No. 9 in 3763.100.3 Haselhoff, E., and G. Lindau. Die Beschadi- gung der Vegetation durch Rau6h: 468 CITY PLANNING Haselhoff, E., and G. Lindau. (Continued.) Handbuch zur Erkennung und Beur- teilung von Rauchschaden. Leipzig. 1903. Illus. 3853.134 Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Arbeiten fiber Rauchbeschadigung, pp. 395-400. Klose, H. T. Regenerativ-Halbgasfeue- rungen. Rauchverbrennungs-Anlagen. Berlin. 1891. Plate. 8012.131 Kneeland, S. On economy of fuel, and the consumption of smoke, as effected by "Amory's improved patent furnace," with an investigation of the principles involved. Boston. 1866. Plates. The cover is dated 1867. 8039.164 Liefmann, H. "Qber die Ranch- und Russ- frage, insbesondere vom gesundheit- lichen Standpunkte und eine Methode des Russnachweises in der Luft. Braunschweig. 1908. Illus. Diagrams. Table. 4018.275 Literatur, pp. 74-90. Lov, A. Die Losung der Ranch- und Russ- frage durch eine neue Theorie der Rauchverbrennung, nebst praktischer Anleitung zur Ausfiihrung derselben. Berlin. 1899. 8019.234 McClelland, E. H. Bibliography of smoke and smoke prevention. Pittsburgh. 1913. [Mellon Institute of Industrial Research and School of Specific In- dustries. Smoke Investigation. Bulle- tin. No. 2.] *4039-30.2 Nicholson, W. Practical smoke prevention. London. 1902. Illus. Plans. 8015.90 Smoke abatement. A manual for the use of manufacturers, inspectors, medical officers of health, engineers, and others. London. 1905. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 8014.225 Olmsted, F. L., Jr., H. P. Kelsey, and others. The smoke nuisance. Philadelphia. [1908.] 'Illus. [American Civic As- sociation. Department of Nuisances. Series 2, no. i.] 356oa.i4o.9 Perutz, H. Warme- und Brennmaterialen: ihre Anwendung fiir industrielle Zwecke und Beschreibung der besten Rauch- verbrennungs-Anlagen. Berlin. 1864. Illus. 5973-28 Popplewell, W. C. The prevention of smoke combined with the economical combustion of fuel. London. 1901. Illus. Plates. Diagrams. 8015.89 Randall, D. T. The burning of coal without smoke in boiler plants. A preliminary report. Washington. 1908. [United States. Geological Survey. Bulletin 334.] *7872.55.334 Bibliography, pp. 22-26. Randall, D. T., and H. W. Weeks. The smokeless combustion of coal in boiler furnaces, with a chapter on central heating plants. [Revised by Henry Kreisinger.] Washington. 1912. Plans. Charts. [United States. Bureau of Mines. Bulletin 40.] *7864.i26.40 Reprinted from the United States Geological Survey. Bulletin 373 [*7872.5S.373]. St. Louis. Report of special committee on prevention of smoke. [St. Louis. 1892.] 8014.154 Smoke Abatement Committee. Report of the Smoke Abatement Committee, 1882. With reports of the jurors of the ex- hibition at South Kensington, and re- ports of the testing engineer. Added, the official reports of the Manchester exhibition and 76 plates of illustrations, and 34 tables of results of tests of heat- ing and cooking-grates and stoves, steam-boiler appliances, fuels, &c. Lon- don. 1883. *8oi2.66 Tschorn, B. Die Rauch-Plage. Diagrams. (In Handbuch der Hygiene. Supple- ment-Band 3, pp. 127-200. Jena. 1903.) Literatur- Verzeichnis, p. 197. *376oa.87 Willard, Z. A. Report on the smoke nuis- ance. [Boston. 1908.] 3562.228 Concerns the burning of soft coal on the line of the Boston & Albany Railroad, especially the Brookline Circuit. There is no title-page. Smoke nuisance in Europe and America: its menace and cure. [Boston. 1909.] There is no title-page. 8015.48 Williams, C. W. The combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke chemically and practically considered. Part i. 2d edition. London. 1841. Text, i v.; Atlas, 14 plates. *397i.2 Most of the plates are colored. Publication dis- continued. On the combustion of coal and prevention of smoke. [Abridged.] Illus. (In Clark, D. K., editor. Fuel: its combustion and economy. Pp. 3-186. London. 1879.) 3979.72 Same. (In Same. 2d edition. 1880.) 3979.31 Prize essay on the prevention of the smoke nuisance. London. 1856. Illus. Portrait. 3971-3 Light and Air. Atkinson, W. The orientation of buildings, or planning for sunlight. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 4095.215 Fletcher, B. Light and air: a text-book for architects and surveyors. 2d edition. London. 1886. Plates. 8oi9a.i56 Miethe, A. C. H. t)ber Lichtverhaltnisse in Grossstadten. Berlin. 191 1. Chart. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4, Heft 6.] No. 6 in 4092.178.4 Civic Art. See also Society Publications; Reports of Experts and Commissions. Art and life, and the building and decora- tion of cities: lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. London. 1897. 4098.20 Contents. — Of art and life. T. J. Cobden-San- derson. — Of beautiful cities. W. R. Lethaby. — Of the decoration of public buildings. W. Crane. CIVIC ART 469 Art and life. (Continued.) — Of public spaces, parks and gardens. R. Blomfield. — Of colour in the architecture of cities. H. Ricardo. Boston. Board of Art Commissioners. An- nual report for the year ending January 31, 1911, 13. [Boston. 1911, 13.] Plates. *8o76.i23 Boston. Public Library. Free lectures. The aesthetic development of cities. [Prospectus of lectures given in the Library, March lo-May 5, 1902. With a list of references. Boston, 1902.] 559oa.23 Reprinted from the Bulletin for March, 1902 [*6202.S9.i902 ; *6202.6o.i902]. Carrere, J. M. City improvement from the artistic standpoint. Hartford. 1908. lUus. Portrait. Plan. [Municipal Art Society of Hartford. Bulletin. No. 7.] *3562.2i4.7 Denver, Colorado. Art Commission of the City and County of Denver. General report. 1911. [Denver.] 1911. 4099a.i59 Escholier, R. Le nouveau Paris. La vie artistique de la cite moderne. Preface de Gustave Geffroy. Paris. [1913 ] Illus. Plates. 4093.124 Genzmer, F. Kunst im Stadtebau. [Berlin. 1908. Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band i, Heft I.] No. I in 4092.178.1 Gourlay, R. F. Plans for beautifying New York, and for enlarging and improving the City of Boston. Boston. 1843. No. 3 in *L.53.i24 Hemenway, H. D. How to make home and city beautiful. Northampton, Massa- chusetts. [1911.] Illus. Plates. Plan. 399oa.25 Henrici, C F. W. Beitrage zur praktischen Asthetik im Stadtebau: eine Sammlung von Vortragen und Aufsatzen. Miinchen. [1904.] Illus. Maps. Plans. 4092.301 Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de. Projets pour I'amelioration et Tembellissement du loe arrondissement. Paris. 1842. 2632.33 Lange, W. Landschaft und Siedlung. Ber- lin. 1912. Illus. Plate. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 5, Heft 6.] No. 6 in 4092.178.5 Manning, W. H. Suggestions for beautify- ing the home, village and roadway. Philadelphia. [1906.] Illus. [American Civic Association. Outdoor Art Depart- ment. Pamphlet no. 5.] 356oa.i39.5 Massachusetts. Art Commission. Report, 1st. [October, 1910- December, 1912. Boston. 1913-] *8o76.i37 Municipal Affairs. Vol. 2, no. i. Municipal art number. New York. 1898. Illus. Maps. Plans. 4096.86; *3563.i 70.2 Municipal art in the United States. Plates. (In American Art Annual. Vol. 5, pp. 132-147. New York. 1905.) *4072.240.5 Municipal Art League of Chicago. Year- book. [1901-04, 06.] Chicago. [1901- 06.] Illus. *3S62.220 Municipal Art Society of Hartford, Conn. Bulletin. No. 1-15. Hartford. 1904-11. Illus. Plates. Plans. *3562.2i4 Municipal Art Society of New York. Bulle- tin. No. 3-5, 7, 10, 14, 18-20. [New York. I903?-I905-] Maps. Plans. *4077.362 Year-book, 1908. [New York.] 1908. Illus. 8077.75 New York, City. Art Commission. Annual report. 1902, to date. New York. *4077.334 The Art Commission of the City of New York: its powers, organization and methods. [New York. 1904.] 4073.384 Works of art belonging to the City of New York. Tentative list for the Borough of Manhattan. [New York.] 1904. *4073-382 Pattison, A. M. G., editor. Handbook of art in our own country. [Published by the General Federation of Women's Clubs. St. Louis. 1908.] 8076.107 Same. 2d edition. [1910.] 8076.108 Public Art League of the United States. A bill for a national advisory board on civic art and a plea showing the demand for and the necessity of such a board. [Washington. 1906.] 3562.222 St. Louis. Museum of Fine Arts. The advancement of St. Louis in and through art. St. Louis. 1908. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8o79a.363 Scheffler, C. Die Architektur der Grossstadt. Berlin. 1913. Plates. 4098.151 Shuey, E. L. Outdoor art and working- men's homes. Illus. (In American Gardening. Vol. 19, no. 185. New York. 1898.) 399oa.35 Sohnrey, H., editor. Kunst auf dem Lande: ein Wegweiser fiir die Pflege des Schonen und des Heimatsinnes im deutschen Dorfe. Bielefeld. 1905. Illus. Plates. Plans, 4093.163 White, M. A. Book of the western suburbs: homes, gardens, landscapes, highways and byways past and present. Chicago. 1912. Illus. Plates. 4092.307 Zimmermann, M. G. Kiinstlerische Lehren aus der Geschichte des Stadtebaus. Ber- lin. 1909. Illus. Map. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft 5.] No. 5 in 4092.178.2 Die Plastik im Stadtbilde. Berlin. 1913. Illus. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 6, Heft 8.] No. 8 in 4092.178.6 Street Furniture and Decora- tion. See also Commemoraitive Monuments; Fountains. Bergner, H. Oeffentliche Schmuckanlagen. (In Handbuch der biirgerlichen Kunst- altertiimer in Deutschland. Vol. 2, pp. 337-37^' Leipzig. 1906.) 4074.434.2 Bischoff, E., and F. S. Meyer, editors. Die Festdekoration in Wort und Bild. Leip- zig. 1897. Illus. *8o92.i27 On the decoration of buildings, streets, squares, etc. Bournon, F. A. M. La voie publique et son decor. Paris. 1909. Plates. [Les richesses d'art de la ville de Paris.] 4075-304 470 CITY PLANNING Decoration of cities. With co-operation of Municipal Art Society. [New York. 1901.] Illus. Plans. [Municipal Affairs. Vol. 5, no. 3] 4094.30 Contents. — Parks and tree planting. F. W. Kelsey. — Plant decoration. Katharine C. Budd. — Municipal sculpture. C. A. Lopez. — Decora- tion of public buildings. C. M. Shean. — Beautifying Columbus Circle, N. Y, A. P. Doyle. — Street signs and fixtures. N. S. Spencer. — Advertising and art. M. R. Maltble. McFarland, H. Furnishing the streets in suburban communities. Washington, D. C. 191 1. Illus. *4092.i6o Street Lighting. Bryant, J. M., and H. G. Hake. Street light- ing. [Urbana. 191 1-] Illus. Charts. [Uni- versity of Illinois. Bulletin.] *4496.363.9.8 Cravath, J. R., and V. R. Lansingh. Prac- tical illumination. New York. 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8012.184 Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ornamental street lighting with gas. Pittsburgh. 1913. Illus. Plates. Charts. No. i in 8o39a.i7 United States. Bureau of Manufactures. Municipal art commissions and street lighting in European cities. Washing- ton. 1910. [Special consular reports. Vol. 42, part I.] 7643.22.42 Whipple, F. H. Municipal lighting. De- troit. 1889. Illus. 3965.108 Street Trees. Abel, L. Die Baumpflanzungen in der Stadt und auf dem Lande. Wien. 1882. Illus. Plates. *L.22.i7 Alphand, J. C. A. Arboretum et fleuriste de la ville de Paris. Description, culture et usage des arbres, arbrisseaux . . . employees dans I'ornementation des pares et jardins. Paris. 1875. *5840.57 Chargueraud, A. Les arbres de la ville de Paris. Paris. 1896. Illus. Plans. 39903.21 Engelmann Botanical Club. Tree planting in St. Louis. Report. St. Louis. 1902. Illus. Plates. 3846.48 Fox, W. F. Tree planting on streets and highways. Albany. 1903. Plates. 5841.44 Jeannel, J. F. Memoire sur les plantations d'arbres dans I'interieur des villes. Paris. 1850. 3849.25 Northrop, B. G. Village improvement. Tree planting. (In his Lessons from European schools ... Pp. 96-106. New York. ^^77-) 559oa.62 Saltonstall, R. M., and W. Motley. The law of the roadside: how to protect our landscape. Electric lines in public ways. Shade trees in public ways. 2d edition. [Boston.] 1911. [Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture.] 3638.23 Sipe, S. B. Good roads Arbor Day. Sugges- tions for its observance. Washington. 1913. Plates. [United States. Bureau of Education. Bulletin 536.] *7596.63.536 Solotaroff, W. Shade-trees in towns and cities: their selection, planting, and care as applied to the art of street decora- tion. New York. 1911. Illus. Plates. Plan. 3842.27 Tree Planting and Fountain Society, Brook- lyn, New York. Bulletin. No. i, 2. Brooklyn. 1894. Plate. *3848.20 Webster, A. D. Town planting and the trees best adapted for resisting smoke London. [1910.] Plates. 39903.26 Outdoor Advertising. Billboards. Civic League of St. Louis. Signs and Bill- boards Committee. Billboard advertis- ing in St. Louis. Report. St. Louis. 1910. Illus. Plates. 4094.300 Evans, R. The age of disfigurement. Lon- don. 1893. 4094.301 "Views of an individual member of the National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Ad- vertising." Architecture and advertisements. A paper read before the Society of Arts, Nov. 29, 1893. London. 1893. 4094.302 Reprinted from the Journal of the Society of Arts, Dec. i, 1893 [*40i2. 375-42]. Massachusetts Civic League. The adver- tising nuisance: the law and how to work it. [Boston. 1905?] 4094.304 Report of the Committee on advertise- ments for the year ending November 30, [Boston. 1904.] 4094.305 National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising, Wimbledon, Eng- land. [Leaflets. Wimbledon. 1897- 1900.] 9 papers in i v. 4094.306 A retrospect. Feb. 14, 1893-Feb. 21, 1901. [London. 1901.] 4094.308 Olmsted, F. L. Public advertising. Bos- ton. 1900. [American Park and Out- door Art Association.] *3994.25.4 Warner, J. De W. Public advertising. 1902. Typewritten copy. [Boston Public Li- brary. Free lectures. The aesthetic development of cities.] 4092.383 Woodruff, C. R. The billboard nuisance. Philadelphia. [1908.] Table. [Ameri- can Civic Association. Department of Nuisances.] 4094.312 Taxation, Land Valuation and Development. Alexander-Katz, P. Enteignung und Stadte- bau. Berlin. 1909. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft 6.] No. 6 in 4092.178.2 Baumann, A. A. Betterment, worsement and recoupment. With a note on better- ment in America. London. 1894. 3647.78 Bolton, R. P. Building for profit: principles governing the economic improvement of real estate. New York. 191 1. Plates. Charts. 9333-3327 TAXATION. LAND VALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT 471 Boston. Park Commissioners. Schedule of assessments made by the Board upon the estates benefitted by the locating and laying out of a public park or parks in the City, as passed Dec. 27, 1879. [Boston. 1880.] ^ *6350.25 Congres international de la propriete batie, Paris. 1900. Premier Congres organise par la Chambre syndicale des proprietes immobilieres de la ville de Paris. Paris. 1901. [Exposition universelle interna- tionale de 1900.] *g336.22a2 Craigen, G. J. Practical methods for ap- praising lands, buildings and improve- ments. [New York.] 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 9333-3a24 Denver, Colorado. Park Commission. In- formation concerning the issue of bonds of the City and County of Denver on account of the East Denver Park Dis- trict, issued to acquire lands for parks and parkways . . . [Denver. 1912.] Plates. Map. *4092.3i5 Donaldson, J. On landed property. (In Ryde, E. A general text book , . . for architects [etc.]. Pp. 857-1033. Lon- don. 1854.) 8032.69 Ensley, E. The tax question. (Abridged.) Introduction by L. Purdy. New York. 1 90 1. 9336.2073a. 1 5 Fillebrown, C. B. The A B C of taxation. New York. 1909. 9333-oi4ai9 Same. 2d edition. 9333.014325 Floy, H. Valuation of public utility prop- erties. New York. 1912. Charts. 9338.71 Hare, T. The facilities which the law may give for small investments in real prop- erty, and the means they would afford of improving the dwellings of the people and the condition of the working classes. London. 1864. [National As- sociation for the Promotion of Social Science.] No. 31 in *5566.6 Hoffmann, J. G. tlber die wahre Natur und Bestimmung der Renten aus Boden-und Kapital-Eigenthume. (In Koeniglich- preussische Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Philosophisch - historische Klasse. Abhandlungen. 1836, pp. 103- 130. Berlin. 1838.) *3322.2.i836.2 Hurd, R. M. Principles of city land values. New York. 1903. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Diagrams. 9333.01 Liverpool Fabian Society. Rights of way, common lands & roadside wastes. [Liverpool. 1895.] 9333-042a7 Maitland, F. Building estates. A rudi- mentary treatise on the development, sale, purchase, and general management of building land, including the formation of streets and sewers, and the require- ments of sanitary authorities. London. 1883. Illus. Plans. [Weale's Rudi- mentary series.] 8019.70 Marsh, B. C. Taxation of land values in American cities. The next step in ex- terminating poverty. New York City. 191 1- 9333-oia2 Massachusetts. Acts and laws. Synopsis of the Acts of the Legislature of 1905 affecting real estate interests in Boston. Massachusetts. Arts and laws. (Continued.) Compiled by the Treasurer for the use of members of the Real Estate Ex- change and Auction Board. [Boston. 1905.] 9333-3744a2 Contents. — Real estate titles and laws. — Taxa- tion. — Streets and sewers. — Building laws. — Parks: Boston and Metropolitan. — Miscel- laneous. Massachusetts Single Tax League. The taxation of ground rent. Resolved: That it would be sound public policy to make the future increase in ground rent a subject of special taxation. Boston. 1905. 9333-014323 Contents. — Letters from C. F, Adams. — Pre- face by C. B. Fillebrown. — Address by E. R. A. Seligman. — Closing remarks by J. Quincy. Extracts from the nth dinner-discussion of the Economic Club of Boston. Model Lodging House Association. Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court, Suffolk, ss. April term, 1873, in equity. Model Lodging House Association et al. vs. the City of Bos- ton, on exceptions of Karl Kraft and Anton Stocker, trustees, and Catherine Krumschied. Report of Commissioners. [Boston. 1873.] 7691.46 The petitioners claimed damages for the taking of real estate. Murray, D. The land and the Finance Bill. Glasgow. 1909. 9336.224234 The Finance Bill provides for the taxation of land values in Great Britain. Napier, T. B. The new land taxes and their practical application. London. 19 10. 9336.204238 National Tax Association. State and local taxation. First national conference under the auspices of the Association, Columbus, Ohio, November 12-15, 1907. Addresses and proceedings. New York. 1908. 9336.2314 Orr, E. G. The real estate broker's cyclo- pedia. A compilation of selling plans, advertising phrases, practical methods, general information. A collection of suggestions, arguments, contract forms, building specifications and land meas- urements. Also short talks on renting, insurance, contracts, banking, partner- ship, sub-divisions, advertising and sell- ing. Including hints and helps on how to draw leases, mortgages, liens, options and contracts. Cincinnati. 191 1. ^ . , , , *9333.3a25 Practical real estate methods for broker, operator and owner: thirty experts on hoAV to buy, sell, lease, manage, ap- praise, improve and finance real estate. New York. 1909. 9333.3322 Same. 1910. 9333-3a23 Rosewater, V. S. Special assessments. A study in municipal finance. New York. 1893. [Columbia College. Studies in history. Vol. 2. No. 3.] *3563.iio.2 Bibliography, pp. 148-149. Sargent, L. M. The betterment law. [By Sigma, pseud.] No. 2 in *7634.i In opposition to betterments. 31 472 CITY PLANNING Seligman, E. R. A. Essays in taxation. 8th edition. London. 1913- 9336.2a2i Stucbben, H. J. Die Durchfuhrung von Stadterweiterungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Eigentumsver- haltnisse. Berlin. 1908. Plans. [Stadte- bauliche Vortrage. Band i, Heft 6.] No. 6 in 4092. 1 78. 1 Tarbuck, E. L. Handbook of house prop- erty: a guide to the purchase, mort- gage, tenancy and compulsory sale of houses and land; including the law of dilapidations and fixtures; with ex- planations and examples of all kinds of valuations, and useful information on building. 4th edition, enlarged. London. 1887. 3667.77 Whitridge, F. W. Official valuations of private property. {In American Eco- nomic Association. Publications. Series 3, vol. 10, no. I. Pp. 239-258. Cam- bridge. 1910.) *556oa.io.Ser.3.io Building and Cooperative Associations. Blodget, L. A building system for the great cities; the business and social influences of building systems illustra- trated. {In Penn Monthly. Vol. 8, pp. 285-304. Philadelphia, 1876.) *5254.50.8 Published also as one of the Papers of the Philadelphia Social Science Association. Boston Co-operative Building Company. Annual report, ist-i4th, i6th-22d, 24th- 43d. Boston. 1872-1914. *5642.3i Canada. Department of Finance. Report of the loan companies and building societies for 1887-98. Ottawa. 1888-99. 12 v. in 3. *9332.3237 Corson, R. T. The first building associa- tion in the United States. {In Frank- ford. A souvenir booklet . . . Pp. 65- 74- [Frankford, Penn. 1912?]) ^ . . , 447oa.i57 Cummings, A., Jr. Building and loan as- sociations. Boston. 1854. 7577'37 Doran, J. L The operations of our build- ing associations. Philadelphia. [1876. Philadelphia Social Science Association. Papers. 1876.] No. ^3 in *7562.5i Reprinted from The Penn Monthly, Vol. 7 [*S2S4.S0.7]. Frankfurter gcmeinniitzige Bau-Gesell- schaft. Jahresbericht [i]-io, 15-17, 20- 22, 24. [i86i-]7o, 75-77, 80-82, 84. [Frankfurt a. M. 1862-85.] Plates. Plans. *9332.3234a4 Satzungen . . . i860, 1881. [Frankfurt a. M. i860, 81.] 2 V. in I. 9332.3234a5 Franklin, W. The building associations of Connecticut and other states examined. With a review of the New York and Massachusetts systems. New Haven, Conn. 1856. 5651.3 Indiana. Building and Loan Association Dcparlineiit. [Report.] 1901. |Indian- apuiis. 1902. *9332.3277 Jacobi, D. Die gcmeinniitzige Bautatigkeit in Deutschland: ihre kulturelle Bedeu- tung und die Grenzen ihrer Wirksam- keit. Miiflchen. 1913. [Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Heft 167.] *5644.2i.i67 Literatur, pp. 136-139. Kenyon, R. The errors and fallacies of the "British" and other building societies, exposed: and a new system explained. [London.] 1846. No. 2 in *7649.i3 Koehne, C. Die Baugenossenschaften. Ber- lin. 1912. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 5, Heft 4.] No. 4 in 4092.178.5 Literatuf, p. 49. Lette, W. A. Die Wohnungsfrage. Berlin. 1866. [Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenchaftlicher Vortrage. 4.] No. 4 in *59i4.5o.i On the erection of houses for workingmen by building associations. Linn, W. A. Building and loan associations. Illus. {In Homes in city and country. Pp. 160-214. New York. 1893.) 4105.54 Michigan. Department of State. Report on building and loan associations for fiscal year^ 1898/99. Lansing. 1899. *9332.3274a2 Millar, T. J. Building society finance and statistics. A useful handbook for officials and members, present and pro- spective, of building societies. Edin- burgh. 1905. 9334.1 New York, State. Banking Department. Annual report of the Superintendent of banks relative to building and loan and co-operative savings and loan as- sociations. 1892, 94-97. Albany. 1893- 98. 5 V. 9332.3247 Ohio. Bureau of Building and Loan As- sociations. Annual report, ist-[8th], of the inspector. Columbus. 1892-99. 8 v. *9332.3276 Pennsylvania. Banking Department. An- nual report of the Commissioners, ist- 5th, being the 4th-8th Annual report of the Department. [i895]-99. [Phila- delphia, etc.] 1896-IQ00. 10 V. ♦9332.0748 Contents each year. — Part i. Banks, savings in- stituitionfe and trust companies. Part a. Building and loan associations. The i8t-3d reports of the Banking Department were those of the Superintendent of Banking, 1892-94 [*636o.68]. Pranard, C. fitude sur les building associa- tions americaines. "The American home, the safeguard of American liberties." Paris. 1907. 9334.173 Ouvrages a consulter, pp. 5-8, Real Estate & Building Association. Wake- field, Mass. By-laws. Boston. 1869. 5659a.ioi Rosenthal, H. S. Building, loan and savings associations: how to organize and suc- cessfully conduct them ... 3d edition. Cincinnati. 191 1. Plate. 5560.141 The ist edition, entitled Manual for building and loan associations, may be found on shelf-number 5560.128. Scratchley, A. A practical treatise on huild ing societies and average invcslnicnt BUILDING AND COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS 473 Scratchley, A. (Continued.) ^ societies or trust associations investing in public securities. 6th edition revised, with supplement. London. 1886. [Treat- ise on associations for provident invest- ment. Division 2.] No. i in 3664.28 Smith, W. R. Building and loan associa- tions: their character, operations and disadvantages. Boston. 1852. 7572.133 Societe des cites ouvrieres de Mulhouse. Note sur les cites ouvrieres. [Paris. 1867.] 7572.149 United States. Department of Labor. Build- ing and loan associations. Washing- ton. 1894. Tables. [Annual report, 9th, of the Commissioner of Labor. 1893.] *933i.073a2i.9 United States League of local building and loan associations. Proceedings of the [ist]-isth annual meeting. 1893-1907. Chicago. 1893-1907. 5 v. *3562.i4i Varrentrapp, G. Aufforderung zur Griin- dung einer gemeinniitzigen Baugesell- schaft in Frankfurt am Main. [Frank- furt a. M. i860.] 9332.3234-3 Wrigley, E. The advantages of the co- operative features of the building as- sociations compared with other plans of saving. Philadelphia. [1876. Phila- delphia Social Science Association. Papers. 1876.] No. 32 in *756i.i25 Reprinted from Penn Monthly, Vol. 7 [*5254.- 50.7]. How to manage building associations. Philadelphia. 1873. Folded sheet. 3567.82 Same. 2d edition. 1876. 3567.83 The working man's way to wealth: a treatise on building associations. 6th edition. Philadelphia. 1874. 3567.73 Legislation. Building Law and Contracts. Architects* Law Reports, The, and Review. By Arthur Crow. Legal editor: A. F. Jenkin. Vol. i, 2. 1904, 05. London. 1905. 2 V. Plates. Plans. *366o.i5 "A series of revised reports of cases decided in the Superior Courts, of importance to archi- tects, surveyors, and others interested in the construction and maintenance of buildings in London and the provinces." Vol. I is of the 2d edition and has the title The Architects' Law Reports. Bulletin judiciaire de L'architecte, revue mensuelle. A. Bonpaix, redacteur en chef. Paris. 1906. 3661.23 The periodical L'architecte may be found on shelf-number *4090.3i9. Bniynaeel, J. P. De rechtspositie van den architect. Proefschrift, Rijks-Univer- siteit te Leiden. Leiden. 1900. 4094.33 Clark, T. M. Architect, owner and builder before the law. New York. 1894. 8095.107 Glen,^ W. C. The law in relation to the legal liabilities of engineers, architects [etc.], including the law of contracts [etc.]. London, i860. No. 2 in 4095.1 1.3 Jenkins, E., and J. Raymond. On building contracts: a legal handbook for archi- tects, builders [etc.]. London. 1873. 3667.6 Masselin, O. ^ Nouvelle jurisprudence et traite pratique sur la responsabilite des architectes, ingenieurs . . . Paris. 1876. 5662.12 Ravon, H. De la responsabilite de l'archi- tecte et de la responsabilite de I'en- trepreneur. Paris. 1873. 4095.57 Wait, J. C. Engineering and architectural jurisprudence. A presentation of the law of construction for engineers, archi- tects, contractors, builders, public officers and attorneys at law. New York. 1898. 3663.84 The law of operations preliminary to con- struction in engineering and architec- ture. Rights in real property, bounda- ries, easements . . . for engineers, archi- tects, contractors, builders, public officers and attorneys at law. New York. 1900. 3664.86 Same. 1901. 3664.87 Weaver, L., editor. Architectural copyright: a comprehensive handbook, including a correspondence from "Country Life," three appendices and an introduction by J. W. Simpson. [London. 191 1?] 4098.30 Building Regulations and Restrictions. Alexander-Katz, P. Ortsstatutarische Bau- verbote in Preussen. Berlin. 191 1. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4, Heft 4.] No. 4 in 4092.178.4 t)ber preussisches Fluchtlinienrecht. Ber- lin. 1908. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band i. Heft 7.] No. 7 in 4092.178.1 Benton, J. H. Argument for legislation to limit the height of buildings on and near Copley Square, Boston, before the Joint Committee on cities of the Massa- chusetts Legislature. Boston. 1898. 6355.68 Bornhak, C. Verwaltungsrechtliches im Stadtebau. Berlin. 1908. [Stadtebau- liche Vortrage. Band i, Heft 3.] No. 3 in 4092.178.1 Chambers, T., and G. Tattersall. The laws relating to buildings, comprising the Metropolitan building act; fixtures; in- surance against fire; actions on builders' bills; dilapidations; and a glossary of technical terms. London. 1845. 3634.5 Hosking, W. A guide to the proper regula- tion of building in towns, as a means of promoting and securing the health, comfort, and safety of the inhabitants. London. 1848. 8017.168 Sanitary Laws Enforcement Society. What to do and how to do it. A manual of the law affecting the housing and sani- 474 CITY PLANNING Sanitary Laws. (Continued.) tary condition of Londoners, with special reference to the dwellings of the poor. London. 1884. 3764.104 Tarbuck, E. L. Handbook of house prop- erty; a guide to the purchase, mortgage, tenancy and compulsory sale of houses and land; including the law of dilapida- tions and fixtures. 4th edition. Lon- don. 1887. 3667.77 Whitman, E. A. Change of limitation in height of buildings in Copley Square. Address. Boston. [1903.] 6355.77 Town-planning Laws. Arnoux, W. H. The Dutch in America. A historical argument. New York. 1890. *447i.iio An argument in an elevated railroad case upon the question whether the Dutch Roman law prevailed in Manhattan island before 1664, under which law the railroad claimed that the State absolutely owned the streets and that adjacent owners had no rights or easements therein. Baumeister, R. Bauordnung und Woh- nungsfrage. Berlin. 191 1. Plans. Chart. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 4, Heft 3.] No. 3 in 4092.178.4 Bentley, E. G., and S. P. Taylor. Housing, Town Planning, etc., Act, 1909. A prac- tical guide in the preparation of town planning schemes. Also, a model set of coloured plans . . . London. 191 1. 2 v. Maps. *4090.40i Bornhak, C. Verwaltungsrechtliches ini Stadtebau. Berlin. 1908. [Stadtebau- liche Vortrage. Band i, Heft 3.] No. 3 in4092.i78.i Eberstadt, R. Bauordnung und Volkswirt- schaft. Berlin. 1909. Illus. Plans. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft 7.] No. 7 in 4092.178.2 Great Britain. Acts and laws. An act for the prevention of the multiplicity of buildings in and about the suburbs of London. At the Parliament . . . 1656. London. 1657. **H.69a.24 Koehne, C. Die Grundsatze des Erbbau- rechts und dessen Anwendung beini Bau von Stadten und Ortschaften. Ber- lin. 1908. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band i, Heft 2.] No. 2 in 4092.178.1 Kyllmann, W. Bebauungsplan und Baupoli- zeiverordnungen in der Nahe von Gross- stadten — praktische Winke. Berlin, 1908. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band I, Heft 4.] No. 4 in 4092.178.1 Lcfevre, G. J. S.-, ist Baron Eversley. Com- mons, forests and footpaths: the story of the battle during the last forty-five years for public rights over the com- mons, forests and footpaths of England and Wales. Revised edition. London. 1910. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 3564.248 A reprint of the author's English commons and {uresis [3564-247]. Nettlcfold, J. S. Practical housing. Lon- don. 1910. Illus. Plates. 4099a.i73 Contains the text and explanation of the Hous- ing and Town Planning Act, 1909, and chapters on the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890. New York, State. Acts and laws- An Act to provide for the improvement and maintenance of the public parks of the City of Brooklyn. Passed May ist, 1868. [Brooklyn, N. Y.? 1868.I No. 2 in *4474.i.i868 Appended arc three other acts relating to Brook- lyn parks, dated April 24, May 6 and 15, 1868. Stuebben, H. J. Uber den Zusammenhang zwischen Bebauungsplan und Bauord- nung. Berlin. 1909. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 2, Heft 4.] No. 4 in 4092.178.2 White, A. The law of town planning for Scotland. With preface by Barry Parker. Edinburgh. 191 2. 3669.91 Building Codes. Architects', contractors', and material deal- ers' directory of Boston. Containing a compendium of the building laws of the city and state. Boston. 1886, 87. 2 v. *8o38.i3 Berlin, Germany. Bau-Ordnung fiir Berlin. [Berlin. 1847?] 8091.25 Boston. Department for the Inspection nf Buildings. Digest of the statutes re- lating to the inspection and construc- tion of buildings. 1877, 82, 86, 87, 89, 1901. Boston. 1877-1901. 6 V. Plates. Diagrams. *6355.67 Pocket manual of the Boston building laws. Revised and corrected to July r, 1896. 4th edition. Boston, 1896. Por- trait. 3668.10 Same. Revised and corrected to July, 1898. 6th edition. 1898. 3668.12 See also, below, Massachusetts. Cambridge, Mass. The building ordinance of the City of Cambridge, Massachu- setts. Cambridge. i9"o8. 3669.83 Chicago, Illinois. Revised building ordin- ances of the City of Chicago, passed December 5, 1910, with amendments and additions up to January i, 1912. With an index thereto. [Chicago.] 1911. '^■3661.73 Damrell, C. S. A half century of Boston's building. The construction of build- ings, the enactment of building laws and ordinances [efc.]. Boston. 1895. Illus. Portraits. Plates. 4451.T41 Pages 162-260 are on building laws. Dedham, Mass. By-laws for inspection and survey of buildings. Dedham. 1902. 6348.76 Fitzpatrick, F. W. Building code: a com- pilation of building regulations covering every phase of municipal building ac- tivity, with special emphasis on fire pre- vention features. Chicago. 1913. Plates. 4098.173 BUILDING CODES 475 Fletcher, B. The London building acts: a text book on the law relating to build- ing in the metropolis for the use of architects, surveyors, builders, etc. 4th edition, with further notes and cases, by B. F. Fletcher and H. P. Fletcher. Lon- don. 1907. Plans. 3669.89 Fryer, W. J., editor. Laws and ordinances relating to buildings in Greater New York. New York. [1900.] Ilhis. Maps. Plans. Tables. 3661.72 The New York laws relating to apartment and tenement houses. With headings, paragraphs, marginal notes and full in- dexes. New York. 1903. Diagrams. 3661.18 Great Britain. Acts and laws. The Metro- politan Building Act, i8th and 19th Victoria, Cap. 122. With notes, index, and engravings by D. Gibbons and R. Hesketh. London. 1859. Folded plates. ♦3669. 12 Lepage, P. Lois des batiments, ou le nouveau Desgodets, contenant la theorie ct la pratique. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1857. 2 V. 3664.65 Lloyd, A. P. A treatise on the law of build- ing and buildings. Boston. i883. 3661.13 Same. 2d edition. 1894. 3661 17 London. County Council. The LiOndon Building Act, 1894, and the . . . (amend- ment) Act, 1898, with the byelaws and regulations at present in force in re- lation to buildings in London. London. 1 90 1. *3669.84 Magdeburg, Germany. Konigliche Regie- rung. Abtheilung des Innern. Feuer- losch-polizei-Ordnung und Bau-polizei- Ordnung fiir das platte Land des Re- gierungsbezirks Magdeburg. Stendal. 1872. 4019.88 Manchester, N. H. Ordinances relating to construction and inspection of build- ings. Manchester. 1885. 8016.61 Manuel des lois du batiment. 2e edition. Paris. 1879. 2 v. in 5. *8o93.ioo Massachusetts. Acts and laws. An Act in addition to an Act to provide for the regulation and inspection of buildings, the more effectual prevention of fire [etc.] in Boston. [Boston. 187-?] 8096.8 The building laws of 1872, and the amend- ments to the same. Boston. 1873. 12 folded sheets. *8oi5.75 The building law of the city of Boston. Being chapter 550 of Acts of 1907 with amendments to date. Published by W. H. .Sayward. Boston. 1909. *366i.7i Same. 1912. 4098.174 Massachusetts. (Continued.) Tenement building law, and extracts from ordinances. 1868. Boston. 1868. 3669.85 Massachusetts. Commission on Building Laws. Report of the Commission, created by Acts of 1904, Chapter 424. January, 1905. Boston. 1905. *366i.68 For members of the Real Estate Ex- change and Auction Board. The new Boston building laws in effect August i, 1907. Based chiefly on the Report of the Commission on Revision of the Building Laws. [Boston. 1907.] 3661.69 See also, above, Boston. New York, State. Building law. Passed Apr. 20, 1871. [An Act to amend and reduce to one act the several acts re- lating to building in the city of New York. New York. 1871.] No. 9 in *649i.55 New York, County. The law relating to buildings and the keeping and storing of combustible materials in the city of New York. New York. 1867. No. 7 in *649i.55 Salomonsohn, G. Der gesetzliche Schutz der Bauglaubiger in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Ein Beitrag zu den Entwiirfen eines Reichsgesetzes betreffend die Sicherung der Bauforde- rungen und eines preussischen Ausfuh- rungsgesetzes. Berlin. 1900. 3663.49 Saran, W. Baufluchtliniengesetz: Gesetz betreffend die Anlegung und Veran- derung von Strassen und Platzen in Stiidten und landlichen Ortschaften vom 2. Juli, 1875. Berlin. 191 1. [Taschen- Gesetzsammlung.] 3669.90 Skyring's Builders' prices. Containing the Metropolitan Buildings Act [etc.]. London. [1890.] 8039.76 Societe centrale des architectes. Manuel des lois du batiment. 2e edition. Paris. 1879. 2 v. in 5. Illus. *8o93.ioo United States. Consuls. Fire and building regulations in foreign countries. Re- ports from the consuls of the United States. Washington. 1892. Plan. *7643.22.8 Veiller, L. Housing conditions and tene- ment laws in leading American cities. Prepared for the Tenement House Com- mission. New York. 1900. Tables. 933i-8373a7 A model tenement house law. New York. 1910. [Russell Sage Foundation publica- tion.] 3563.309 Tenement house legislation in New York. 1852-1900. Albany. 1900. 9331.837386 Supplementary Titles. Architecture. Adams, Henry. 1846-. Cassell's Building construction: comprising notes on ma- terials, processes, principles, and prac- tice. London. IQH- Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. 4014.158 The mechanics of building construction. London. 1912. Diagrams. 8012.329 Adams, Henry. 1838-. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. With an introduction by Ralph Adams Cram. Boston. 1913. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Genealogical charts. 4090a. 122 Published by authority of the American In- stitute of Architects. An earlier edition may be found on shelf-number '40908. 121. Adams, M. B. Modern cottage architecture. London. [1912.] Illus. 84 plates. Plans. *8iooa.29 Allen, P. Peeps at architecture. London. 1913. Illus. Colored plates. Z.i2oa 13.1 American Academy in Rome. Annual re- port for the year ending February 11, 1913. [New York?] 1913. Plates. ♦8079.212 Aravantinos, A. P. ' AGy,'Kr\Ki6<; xal 'Aax^ri- jciEia. AeiiJJia, 1907. Illus. Plates. Plans. 2964.109 Auld, D., Jr., and F. H. Conger. The slate roofer. Cleveland, O. [1905-] IHus. Plates. 4017.133 B * * * ^ ig chanoine. Description de la cathedrale de Reims a I'usage des visiteurs. 7e edition augmentee. Reims. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plan. 4i09a.i04 Bamett, L. D. Architecture. Plates. (In his Antiquities of India. Pp. 232-249. New York. 1914.) 4098.179 Benoist, P., and L. J. Jacottet. Nouvelles vues de Paris. Paris. [186-?] 43 plates. Map. *Cab.26.45.4 Some of the plates are by Bachelier and Provost. Bergner, H. Rom im Mittelalter. Leipzig. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plan. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.482 Literatur-Verzeichnis, p. 138. Bethmann, H. Der Aufzugbau. Ein Hand- buch fiir das Konstruktionsbureau. Braunschweig. 1913. Illus. Plans. Dia- grams. 8015.285 Bond, F. An introduction to English church architecture from the eleventh to the sixteenth century. London. 1913. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4102.41 Bone, J. Edinburgh revisited. With draw- ings by H. Fletcher. London. 191 1. Illus. Plates. 2472.111 Boni, G. The Roman marmorarii. Rome. 1893. 8085.29 Book, The, of a hundred houses. A collec- tion of pictures, plans and suggestions for householders. New York. 1906. Illus. Plates. Plans. *4097.i4i Illustrations of country and seashore houses. Boston Architectural Club. The Petit Trianon. Boston. 1913. Plates. Plans. [Year book. 1913-] *4093.78.i9i3 Bragato, G. Da Gemona a Venzone. Ber- gamo. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. [Col- lezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.452 Briggs, M. S. Baroque architecture. New York. 1914. Illus. Plates. Plans. ♦4091.28 Bibliographies at the end of each chapter. Brinckmann, A. E. Baumstilisierungen in der mittelalterlichen Malerei. Strass- burg. 1906. Plates. 4074.381 Bristol, England. City Museum. An ac- count of the remains of a Roman villa discovered at Brislington, Bristol, De- cember, 1899, with a classified list of the objects found, all of which are placed in the Bristol Museum. By W. R. Barker. Bristol. 1901. Plates. Plan. 8098.33 Buildings and Building management. [Monthly.] Vol. 12, January, 1912, to date. Chicago. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *409i.258 Current numbers are in the Fine Arts Depart- ment. Cantell, M. T. Reinforced concrete con- struction. Elementary course with examples worked out in detail for all types of beams, floors and columns. London. 191 1. 8oi9a.393 Chile. Inspeccion jeneral de instruccion primaria. Seccion locales. Edificacion de escuelas. Especificaciones adminis- trativas, particulares i tecnicas para la edificacion de escuelas en las provincias del centro sur de la Republica. Santiago de Chile. 1910. [Boletin. Afio 1910, no. 5.] *3593.258.i9io.5 Clapham, A. W., and W. H. Godfrey. Some famous buildings and their story: being the results of recent research in Lon- don and elsewhere. Westminster, S.W. [1913.] Plates. Plans. 4098.163 Cole, F. J. An analysis of the Church of St. Mary, 'Cholsey, in the County of Berk- shire. Oxford. 191 1. 23 plates. Plan. [University College, Reading. Studies in local history.] 4107.62 Literature consulted, pp. vi-viii. Compton, W. B. D. M., 6th Marquis of North- ampton. Compton Wynyates. London. 1904. Plates. Plan. *8io5.65 ARCHITECTURE 477 Cosgrove, J. J. Wrought-pipe drainage systems. Pittsburgh. 1909. Illus. Plates. 80193.260 Dalman, G. H. Palastinische Forschungen zur Archaolomid Topographic. Leip- zig. 1908, 12. 2 V. Tllus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 3043-304 Contents. — [i.] Petra und seine Felsheiligtiimer. a. Neue Petra- Forschungen und der heilige Felsen von Jerusalem. Davidson, N. J. Things seen in Oxford. New York. 1914. Plates. 2499.156 Davies, N. de G. Five Theban tombs (being those of Mentuherkhepeshef, User, Daga, Nehemaway and Tati). London. 1913. Illus. 43 plates. Plan. I Archaeological Survey of Egypt.] *305o.i89 Detroit. Public Library. Detroit Public Library branches, 1914. [Detroit. 1914.] Plates. Plans. 61903.4 Diest, W. von, and others. Nysa ad Maean- drum nach Forschungen und Auf- nahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909. Unter Mitwirkung von H. von Coler, K. Graefinghoff, F. Freiherr von Gaert- ringen, H. Pringsheim und K. Regling, dargestellt von W. v. Diest. Berlin. 1913. Illus. 13 plates. Maps. [Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich deutschen archaologi- schen Instituts. Erganzungsheft 10.] ♦3041 204 Disposiciones administrativas sobre la edi- ficacion escolar en Francia i en Ingla- terra. (Traducido por Juan Lopez, Corina Valdes i Filomena Trincado.) Santiago de Chile. 191 1. [Chile. In- speccion jeneral de instruccion primaria. Seccion locales. Boletin. Afio 1910, no. 12.] *3593.258.i9io.i2 Donaldson, T. L. Architectura numismatica; or, architectural medals of classic an- tiquity: illustrated and explained by comparison with the monuments. Lon- don. 1859. Illus. Plates. 2960.32 Duveen, E. J. Colour in the home, with notes on architecture, sculpture, paint- ing, and upon decoration and good taste. London, [1911.] Plates, some colored. *409i.i5i Ekblaw, K, J. T. Farm structures. New York. 1914. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8017.406 Elder, P. The old Spanish missions of Cali- fornia: an historical and descriptive sketch. San Francisco. [1913.] Illus. Plates. *4ioi.78 Inserted are some unnumbered pages contain- ing matter quoted from various authors. Fage, R. La cathedrale de Limoges. Paris. [1913.] Illus. Plates. Plans. [Petites monographies des grands edifices de la France.] 4107.119 Bibliographic sommaire, p. 112. Ffoulkes, C. J. Decorative ironwork from the xith to the xviiith century. Lon- don. [1913] Illus. Plates. '"8101.48 Bibliography, pp. xix, xx. Fitzpatrick, F. W., and T. L. Condron. Fireproof construction : an authoritative presentation of the fire prevention prob- Fitzpatrick and Condron. (Continued.) lem . . . and the best modern practice in fireproof and fire-resisting construc- tion. Chicago. 1914. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. Charts. 40i9a.3i Freitag, J. K. Fire prevention and fire pro- tection as applied to building construc- tion. New York. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 40193.84 Gauckler, P. Basiliques chretiennes de Tunisie (1892-1904). Paris. 1913. Illus. 33 plates. *Cab.6o.i7i.6 Most of the plates are plans. Granger, A. H. Charles Follen McKim: a study of his life and work. Boston. 1913. Portraits. Plates. Map. Plans. 4091. 131 Griswold, F. M. Fire prevention and fire protection for manufacturing plants. New York. [1911-] 40193.87 Explains the operation of automatic sprinklers, Gromort, G. Choix de plans de grandes compositions executees, presentant, avec leurs jardins ou leur entourage une serie d'ensembles de I'antiquite, de la renaissance et des temps modernes. Paris. 1910. 22 plans. *Cab.6o.i97.4 Bibliographie, p. (7). Guenther, R. T. Pausilypon: the imperial villa near Naples. Oxford. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. ^4094.8 Haupt, A. Lissabon und Cintra. Leipzig. 1913, Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunst- statten.] 4074.505 Havell, E. B. Indian architecture: its psy- chology, structure and history from the first Muhammadan invasion. London. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. 4093.168 Hiersche, W. Pellegrino de' Pellegrini als Architekt. Parchim i. M. 1913. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans, 4093.150 Literaturverzeichnis, p. vi. Hildebrandt, H. Regensburg. Leipzig. 1910. Illus. Plates. [Beriihmte Kunst- statten.] 4074.495 Hodgkin, J. E. Durham. London. [1913.] Plates. Maps. Plans. [The little guides.] 24693.257 Hodgson, F. T. Practical stonemasonry self-taught: especially designed for home study . . . Chicago. 1908. Illus. Plans. Diagrams. 4018.247 This is an enlarged edition of Part 2 of the author's The 20th century bricklayer's and mason's assistant [4018.246]. Hoeber, F. Peter Behrens. Miinchen. 1913. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. [Moderne Architekten.] *409oa.i26 Literatur fiber Peter Behrens in ihrer zeitlichen Folge, pp. 229-243. Imperial Archaeological Society, Moscow. [Antiquities. Moscow.] 1865-94. 5 v. in 16. Illus. Plates. *5o6oa.5o In Russian. Kaiserlich deutsches archaeologisches In- stitut, Athens. Tiryns. Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Instituts. Athen. 1912. 2 V. Illus. Plates. Plans. *297oa.57 Contents. — i. Die Hera von Tiryns, von August Frickenhaus. — Die 'geometrische' Nekropole, 478 SUPPLEMENTARY TITLES Kaiserlich deutsches archaeologisches In- stitut, Athens. (Continued.) von Walter MuUer und Franz Oelmann. 2. Die Fresken des Palastes von Gerhart Rodenwaldt, mit Beitragen von Rudolf Hackl und Noel Heaton. The preface in each volume is by Georg Karo. Some of the plates are colored. Keller, J. Balthasar Neumann. Eine Studie zur Kunstgeschichte des 18. Jahr- hunderts. Wiirzburg. 1896. Illus. Por- trait. Plate. Plans. 4095-i57 Kingman, R. C. New England Georgian architecture: measured drawings with full size details. New York. 1913- 55 plates. *409oa.i24 Koerting, J. Die Baumaschinen. Berlin. 1913. Illus. [Sammlung Goschen.] ^z%g^i,^02 Larsson, C. At solsidan. En bok om bo- ningsrum, om barn, om dig, om blom- mor, om allt taflor och prat. Stockholm. [1910!] 32 plates. *Cab.28.28.5 AH the plates but one are colored. Ett album bestaende af malningar med text och teckningar. [Andra upplagan.] Stockholm. [1910.] Illus. 32 colored plates. *Cab.28.28.6 Ett hem. Malningar [med text]. 3. upp- lagan. Stockholm. [1910.] Illus. 25 colored plates. *Cab.28.28.7 These three works -show a number of interiors. Lehmann, O. K. L. Hausgeographie von Dithmarschen. Stuttgart. 1913- Plates. Map. Plans. [Forschungen zur deut- schen Landes- und Volkskunde. Band 20, Heft 4.] No. 4 in *6284.8.20 Leitschuh, F. F. Bamberg. Leipzig. 1914. Illus. Portrait. Plates. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.] 4074.506 Luckenbach, H., and C. AdamL Arte e storia nel mondo antico. Bergamo. 1912. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8083.72 Lueer, H. Technik der Bronzeplastik. Leipzig. [1902.] Illus. Plates. [Mono- graphien des Kunstgewerbes.] 4021.18 Macartney, M. E., editor. Standard examples of architectural details. [Part i.] West- minster. [1913?] 25 plates. *Cab.6o.i98.i Chiefly examples of English Renaissance. Marignan, A. Les fresques des eglises de Reichenau. Les bronzes de la cathe- drale de Hildesheim. Strasbourg. 1914. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.565 A study of mediaeval art. Mayer, A. L. Segovia, Avila und El Es- korial. Leipzig. 1913. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Plans. [Beriihmte Kunst- statten.] 4074.504 Literatur, p. 176. Middleton, G. A. T. The evolution of archi- tectural ornament. Philadelphia. [1913?] Plates. 4063.70 Nagel, O. The lay-out, design and con- struction of chemical and metallurgical plants. New York. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Plans. 8014.39 National Fire Protection Association. Quar- terly. Vol. 1-3; 4 (no. i); 5, 6. Hart- ford, Conn. 1907-12. 6 v. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. Charts. *40i4.222 National Fire Protection Association. (Con- tinued.) Proceedings. 4th, 5th, 8th-i7th annual meeting. [Boston.] 1900-13. 12 v. in 7. Illus. Plates. Plans. Charts. 4014.163 Nielsen, T. Calculation of columns: a prac- tical application of the theory. Lon- don. 191 1. Charts. 4017.418 Owen, I. J. Notes on hydraulics. A pocket book of useful data for engineers, archi- tects, fire insurance inspectors and students. New York. [1907.] Illus. Plates. Diagrams. Charts. 40i9a.323 Pergamus Museum, Berlin. Guide. Trans- lated by Mary McMahon Honan. Ber- lin. 1904. Plates. Plans. *8o89.ii6 [Photographs of antiquities from Perga- mos. Magnesia and Priene, in the Mu- seum. Berlin. 1900.] 23 plates. *Cab.8o.242.2 Pessler, W. Hausgeographie der Wilster Marsch. Eine ethno-geographische Untersuchung. Stuttgart. 1913. Plates. Plans. Map. [Forschungen zur deut- schen Landes- und Volkskunde. Band 20, Heft 6.] No. 6 in *6284.8.2o Phythian, J. E. Trees in nature, myth and art. London. [1907.] Plates. 4078.377 Trees in architecture, pp. 173-195. Pokrovski, N. V. [Mural decoration of early Greek and Russian churches. 27 plates. {In Proceedings of the 7th Archaeological Congress, Yaroslav, 1887. Vol. I, pp. 135-305. Moscow. 1890.)] In Russian. *5o6oa.5I Pomtow, H. Die beiden Busstempel zu Delphi als Musterbeispiele altionischer und altdorischer Marmorarchitektur. Illus. Plates. {In Klio. Band 13, pp. 199-248. Leipzig. 1913.) *22i2.34.i3 Radcliffe College. Illustrated with draw- ings by J. A. Seaford. Boston. [1913-] Illus. Plates. 4092.151 Rahtgens, H. Die Kirche S. Maria im Kapi- tol zu Koln. Diisseldorf. 1913. Illus. 22 plates. Plans. *4iooa.i8 Railton, H. Pen drawings of Florence. Cleveland, O. [1913-] (7o) plates. ♦4093.205 Rea, A. Pallava architecture. Madras. 1909. 124 plates. [Archaeological Survey of India.] *3040.i72 The running title is Pallava temples of Kaiichi- puram. Reber, F. von. Ueber das Verhaltniss des mykenischen zum dorischen Baustil. Plates. {In Koeniglich-bayerische Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Munich. Historische Classe. Abhandlungen. Band 21, pp. 473-528. Miinchen. 1898.) *3274.i.2i Ueber die Anfange des ionischen Bau- stiles. {In Koeniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich. Historische Classe. Abhandlungen. Band 22, pp. 89-134. Miinchen. 1902.) *3274.1.22 Uber einige Probleme altkretischer Architektur. Vorgetragen am 5. Juli 1913. Plans. (In Koeniglich-bayeri- sche Akademie der Wissenschaften, ARCHITECTURE 479 Rebcr, F. von. (Continued.) Munich. Philosophisch-philologische und historische Klasse. Sitzungs- berichte. Jahrgang 1913, Abhandlung 8. Miinchen. 1913.) No. 8 in *3266.5o.i9i3 Reventlow, C. E. F. L. E., Greve. Les fresques du Chateau de Malpaga, repre- sentant la visite du roi Christiern ler chez Bartolomeo Colleoni. Copenhague. 1903. Illus. Plates. *Cab.8o.i44.4 Title and text in French and Danish. Riddell, R. The new elements of hand- railing. 2d edition. Philadelphia. 1900. Plates. Plans. 4010.39 Roth, V. Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte. Siebenbiirgens. Strassburg. 1914. 61 plates. [Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte.] 4074.566 Schlie, F. Die Kunst- und Geschichtsdenk- maler des Grossherzogtums Mecklen- burg-Schwerin. Schwerin. 1896-1902. 5 V. Illus. Plates. *4094.i53 Schmeller, J. A. Ueber Raphael Sanzio als Architecten, nach Handschriften der k. Bibliothek zu Miinchen. [Miinchen. 1843.] 4095.22 Reprinted from Koeniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich. Historische Klasse. Abhandlungen, 1843 [*3274.i.4]. Schneider, D. F. Elias Holl von Augsburg am Bau des kurfiirstlichen Schlosses in Mainz, 1630 bis 1632. Mainz. [1904.] Illus. Portrait. Plate. 4095.159 Reprinted from Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen, Jahr- gang 1904 [*8ioo.20i.54]. Schuyler, M. The works of Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson, 1892-1910. [New York. 1911. Plates. Plans. [Architectural Record. Vol. 29, no. i.]. *409o.273.29 Sheldon, G. W. Artistic country-seats: types of recent American villa and cot- tage architecture, with instances of country club-houses. New York. 1886. 2 V. in 5. Plates. Plans. *Cab.6o.i92.i Short chronological history, A, of British architecture. [London. 1913?] Illus. Plates. Plans. 40903.120 A collection of articles by various authors. Snider, D. J. Architecture as a branch of aesthetic psychologically treated. St. Louis, Mo. [1905.] Plans. [The new system of thought. 4. Aesthetic. Vol. i.j 4098.171 Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. Centenaire 1804-1904: recueil de me- moires publics par les membres de la Societe. Paris. [1904.] Illus. Plates. Plans. *407i-i55 Starbuck, R. M. Practical wrinkles for the plumber: a collection of valuable and handy methods, devices and contriv- ances in plumbing work. Hartford. [1907.] Plates. 80193.262 Questions and answers on the practice and theory of sanitary plumbing. [6th edition.] Hartford. [1904, 10.] 2 v. Plans. 4019,208 Stobart, J. C. The grandeur that was Rome: a survey of Roman culture and Stobart, J. C. (Continued.) civilisation. Philadelphia. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. *4072.i84 Bibliography, pp. 325-327. Some of the plates are colored. Street, G. E. Some account of Gothic archi- tecture in Spain. Edited by G. G. King. [New edition.] London. 1914. 2 v. Illus. Plates. Plans. Vignettes. 40993.140 An earlier edition may be found on shelf-number 8091.5. Stuart, C. M. V. Gardens of the great mughals-. London. 1913. Plates. Plans. Some of the plates are colored. *L.56.9 Talbot, A. N. Reinforced concrete wall footings and column footings. Urbana, 111. 1913- Illus. Plates. Charts. [Univer- sity of Illinois. Bulletin. Vol. 10, no. 27] *4496.363-io.No.27 This is also Bulletin no, 67 of the Engineering Experiment Station. Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897. Art album of the Tennessee and International Exposition. Photographs by W. G. and A. J. Thuss. Nashville. 1898. 142 plates. *4092.22 Trocadero, Palais du. Musee de sculpture comparee. Les chefs-d'oeuvre d'archi- tecture et sculpture du xiie au xixe siecle. Paris. [1913?] 120 plates. *Cab.8o.i76.2 Examples of French architecture, largely ecclesi- astical. United States. Board of Management of the United States Government Exhibit at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897. Report. Washington. 1901. Portraits. Plates. Plans. *4025.i33 United States. Consul's reports. Muni- cipal markets and slaughterhouses in Europe. Washington. 1910. Illus. Plates. [Special consular reports. Vol. 42, part 3.] 7643.22.42 Urbini, G. Spello, Bevagna, Montefalco. Bergamo. 1913. Illus. Plates. [Col- lezione di monografie illustrate. Serie i. Italia artistica.] 4073.453 Vallois, G. M. First steps in collecting. Philadelphia. [1913-] Plates. 4029.163 On the collecting of old furniture, pottery, and glass. Bibliographies, p. 12, p. 132-133. Van Deman, E. B. The Atrium Vestae. Washington. 1909. Plates. Plans. [Car- negie Institution of Washington.] 7910.208 Van Pelt, J. V. The essentials of com- position as applied to art. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. Diagrams. ... 4098.170 Composition in architecture. An earlier edition with a slightly different title may be found on shelf-number 4097.32. Vaubourg, H. Guide pratique du construc- teur en ciment arme. Paris. 1913. Illus. Plans. 8012.339 Vogel, J. P. Antiquities of Chamba State. Part I. Inscriptions of the pre-Muham- madan period. Calcutta. 191 1. Illus. Plates. Maps. Facsimiles. [Archaeo- logical Survey of India.] *304o.i74 Bibliography, pp. ix-xi. 480 SUPPLEMENTARY TITLES Wall, J. C. Porches and fonts. London. [1912.I Illus. Plate. Plans. 4093.123 Examples of British architecture. Ward, J. S. M. Brasses. Cambridge. 1912. Illus. Plates. [ The Cambridge manuals of science and literature.] 4098.178 Mostly examples of English monumental brasses. Bibliography, p. 148. Waterhouse, P. L. The story of the art of building. With an account of architec- ture in America. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Plans. [The library of useful stories.] ' 40993.125 Selected list of books, p. 210. Weller, C. H. Athens and its monuments. New York. 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4098.157 Bibliography, pp. 40 j, 404. City Planning. Brinckmann, A. E. Stadtbaukunst des acht- zehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin. 1914. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. [Stadte- bauliche Vortrage. Band 7, Heft i.] No. I in 4092.178.7 Brunner, A. W., and F. L. Olmsted, Jr. Proposed change of map for Riverside Drive extension. Report and plans. [New York.] 1913. Plates. Maps. 4092.364 Buls, C. F. G. Esthetique des villes: I'isole- ment des vieilles eglises. Bruxelles. 1910. Plates. Plans. 4094.9 Chicago. Chicago Plan Commission. Creat- ing a world famous street. Argument of Charles H. Wacker, chairman of the Chicago Plan Commission, in behalf of widening and extending Michigan Avenue . . . with ordinance for same, detailed drawings and estimate of cost as prepared by the Board of Local Im- provements of the city of Chicago. [Chicago. 1913-] 95 plans. *4099a.i84 City Plan Association, St. Louis, Mo. Re- port. 1910/11. St. Louis. 191 1. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4092.360 Comey, A. C. Town planning for Dover, N. J. Report to the Mayor and Com- mon Council. 1913. Dover, N.J. [1913.] Plates. Map. Plans. *4099a.i85 Evans, R. Some account of SCAPA: its aims and its methods. London. [1897.] ^ . . 4094.303 Guarnieri, G. G. Origine e sviluppo del porto di Livorno durante il governo di Ferdinando i dei Medici. Livorno. 191 1. Plate. 40iob.32 Nomenclatura delle fonti, pp. vii-x. Haverfield, F. Ancient town planning. Ox- ford. 1913. Illus. 4092.339 Massachusetts. Acts and laws. Statutes relating to trees. Compiled by Harvey N. Shepard. For the Committee on Massachusetts. (Continued.) Forestry and Roadside Improvement of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. [Boston. 1890.] 3664.41 National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising. Memorandum respecting the advertising provisions in private bills lodged by municipal bodies in England and Wales for the session of 1901. [London. 1901.] 4094.307 New York, City. Mayor's Billboard Adver- tising Commission. Report . . . August I, 1913- [New York. 1913.] Plates. 4094-310 Newark, N. J. City Plan Commission. City planning for Newark. Newark. 1913. Plates. Plans. Chart. 40993.187 Olmsted, F. L., Jr. Proposed improvements for Newport. A report. [Cambridge.] 1913. Illus. Plates. Maps. Diagrams. *409i.i95 Philadelphia. Department of City Transit. Report of Transit Commissioner . . . July, 1913. [Philadelphia. 1913-] Text, I v.; Maps, i v. *9388.748ia2 Planting trees in school gardens [by F. B. Hough] and The celebration of Arbor Day [by J. B. Peaslee]. Washington. 1885. [Bureau of Education.] 5844.24 Redlich, J. Hygiene, Bauordnung und Par- zellierung. Berlin. 1914. Table. Chart. [Stadtebauliche Vortrage. Band 7, Heft 6.] No. 6 in 4092.178.7 Robinson, C. M. The advancement of Al- ton, Illinois: a general city plan study for the Board of Trade. [Alton.] 1914. Plates. Map. Plan. 4092.361 St. Louis. Board of Public Improvements. Annual report for the fiscal year ending April nth, 1881. [St. Louis. 1881.] Profile. Tables. *6373.4 St. Louis, Mo. City Plan Commission. Central traffic-parkway. [St. Louis.] 1912. Plates. Map. Plans. No. I in 4092.358 Charter amendment: establishment of parks and parkways. [St. Louis.] 1913. No. 2 in 4092.358 The river front: possible municipal owner- ship of a railway from Chain of Rocks to River des Peres, with additional ap- proach to municipal bridge. [St. Louis.] 1913- Map. 4092.359 River des Peres: establishment of a sani- tary district recommended . . . [St. Louis.] 1914- 4092.357 Seattle, Washington. Port of Seattle Com- mission. Annual report, 2d. 1913. [Seattle.] 1913. Plates. Plans. *40iob.35 Toronto, Canada. Harbor Commissioners. Toronto waterfront development. 1912- 1920. Toronto, Ont. [1912.] Illus. Colored plates. Maps. *Cab.40.6o.7 Veiller, L. A model housing law. New York. 1914. Plans. [Russell Sage Foundation publication.] 4098.172 Index of AuthorSo A., A., 409. Abadie, M., 249 Abbey, E. A., 391- Abbott, A. v., 345. Abbott, H., 45. Abeken, W„ 45- Abel, L., 303. 470. Abercrombie, P., editor, 428 (Town). AMgt, E. J., editor, 249. Abney, Sir W. de W., no. About, E. F. v., 391 (Baudry). Academic celtique, Paris, 30. Acad6mie de France a Rome, 45. Academic nationale de Reims, 258. Academic royale d'archeologie de Belgique, Antwerp, 30. Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels^ 4. Ackermann, R., publisher, 153 (Combe), 168 (Combe), 196, 295- Acland, Sir H. W. D., 165. Acton, F. S., 149. Adam, F. E., 133 (Champeaux). Adam, J., 147 (Adam, R.), 369 (Adam, R.). Adam, T. C, editor, 139 (Haenel). Adam, J. C. A., 196. Adam, R., 147, 206, 369. Adam, W., 172. Adami, C, 478 (Luckenbach). Adams, C. K., 212 (Richardson). Adams, C. L., 225. Adams, Henry. 1838-, 476. Adams, Henry. 1846-, 341, 345, 352, .^ 354, 476. Adams, H. C, 294. Adams, L. G., 80, 369. Adams, M. B., 2>^2, 476. Adams, M. B., editor, 249. Adams, S. H., translator, 8 (Grimm). Adams, T., 438. Adams, W. H. D., 45, 93, 317. Adamy, R., 17. Addams, Jane, 441. Addington, H., 258. Addis, M. E., 258. Addison, C. G., 258. Addison, P. L., 413. Addleshaw, W. P., 258. Addy, S. O., 242. Adeline, J., 15. Adelung, F. von, 333. Adhemar, A. J., 337 352, 369. Adhemar, J. See Adhemar, A. J. Adickes, F., 432. Adler, F., 17, 45, 65. Adshead S. D., 436. Agar, M., 303. Agnelli, G., 174, 333. Agostinoni, E., 174. Aigremont, — — d', 391. Aikin, E., 45. Ainalov, D. V., 258. Aitchison, G., 4, 77. Aitchison, G., editor, 385 (Ward). Aitken, G. S., 258. Ajello, C, 174, Akroyd, E., 257. Albcc, H. R., 303. Albert, Hi., 369. Albert, F., 390. Albert, J., 135, 225. Albert, J. J., 445. Alberti, L. B., 17. Alboise de Pujol, J. E., 320. Albouy, A., 107. Albrecht, E. W., 389 (Stoll). Albrecht, H., 440. Albrecht, R., 300 (Stegmann). Albrizzi. G. B,, 190. Albro, L. C, 249. Alcahali y de Mosquera, J. M. Ruiz de Lihorey y Pardines, Bar6n de, 4, Alcott, W. A., 294. Alden, P., 443. Aldis, E., 258. Alexander-Katz, P., 470, 473. Alexandre, A., 369. Algarotti, F., Conte, 17. Algeria. Service geographique de I'armee, 109. Alinari, V., 258. Alizeri, F., 233. AUard, £., 318. Allason, T., 115. Allcroft, A. H., 318. AUemagne, H. R. d', 362. Allen, C. B., 257. Allen, C. G. B., 174. Allen, F. H., 258. Allen, 1'. P„ 242. Allen, T. P., 341,. Allen, John Robins, 362. Allen, John Romilly, 234, 258, 369. Allen, John Romilly, editor, 38 (Illustrated Archaeologist), 41 (Reliquary). Allen, J. T., 413. Allen, L. F., 249. Allen, L. F., editor, 311 (Smith). Allen, O., illustrator, 307 (Hender- son). Allen, P., 476. Allen, T., 149. Allen, W. H., 464. Allersbcrger, F. X., 258. AUfrey, E. W., 294. Allied Organizations, Philadelphia, 456. AUier, A., 119. AUmers. H., 258. AUom, T., 77. AUom, T., illustrator, 132 (Wright). Allom and Leitch, 147. AUou, A., 258. AUsop, R. O., 222. Almagro-Cirdenas, A., 199. Aloe, S. d' 45. Alphand, /. C. A., 303. Alphen, D. van, 195 (Mieris). Alsberg, M., 362. Altmann, W., 234. Alvino, F., 218. Amanton, C. N., 4. Ambros, A. W., 258. Amei ineau, h.., 2^4. Amelio, P. d', editor, 45. Amelung, W., 45. American Academy in Rome, 425, 476. American City Bureau, ^27. American Civic Association, 429. American Institute of Architects, i, 31, 417, 420, 421, 429, 449. Brooklyn Chapter, 209. New York Chapter, 210, 421. Philadelphia Chapter, 210. Pittsburgh Chapter, 435. Rhode Island Chapter, 210. American League for Civic Im- provement, 429. American Numismatic and Archaeo- logical Society, New York, 216. American Park and Outdoor Art Association, 456. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 32. American School of Classical Studies, Rome, 32. American School of Oriental Study and Research in Palestine, 32. American Society of CLvil Engineers, 452. 1, C. t., 362. 1, J. C, 45, r. 1, John, 345. 1, Joseph, 172. 1, R., 119. American Society of Municipal Im- provements, 429. American Society of Landscape Architects, 303, 308. American Unitarian Association, 258. Ames, Mrs. F. L. See Ames, R. C. B. Ames, J. B., 212 (Richardson). Ames, R. C. B., 303. Amico, B., 258. Ammann, A., 244 (Garnier), 423 (Exposition, 1889). Andcl, A., 390. Andersen, C. C. T., 324. Andersen, H. C, 18. Anderson, C. F., 362. Anderson, J. C, 45, 149, 258. Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, K., 119. Anderson, Richard, 356. Anderson, W. C. F., editor, 16 (Schreiber). Anderson, W. J., 45, 87. Anderson, W. L., 437. Andes, L, E., 349, 408 (Brannt). Andrae, W., 106. Andre, A., 409. Andre, £., 303. Andre, G. G., 337- Andreae, C, 259. Andres, E„ 408 (Brannt). Andrews, E. J., 114 (Perring). Andrews, E, S., 341. Andrews, F. H., 386. Andrews, F. M., 210. Andrews, J., 430. Andrews, R, U., editor, 210 (Bos- ton). Andrews, W., 149. Andrews, W. F., 234. Androuct du Cerceau, J., 18, 119, 232 (Ward). Angeli, D., 45, 369. Angelico da Fiesole (Fra Angelico), 391. Angelini, G., 45. Angles, A., 259. Anglin, S., 335. Angus, W., 225. Anhcisser, R., 115, 135, 204, 369. Anker, H., 378 (Klinger). Anscll, M., 303. Ansted, A., illustrator, 153 (Cust), 174. Anthon, C, editor, 17 (Smith). Antiquarischc Gesellschaft, Ziirich, 31. Antolini. G. A., 18, 46. Antonini, C, 370. Aoyagi, A., 103 (Tokio). Appell, J. W., 65. Appleyard, W.» 294. Aquaroni, A., 174. Aravantinos, A. P., 476. Arbuthnot, G^ 259. Arcambeau, E., 259. Archaeological Institute of America, 32. Archdall, M., 259. Archer, J. W., 167. Archinti, L., 182 (Selvatico). Architects' Property-owners' and Builders' Association, The, of the City of New York, 420. Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society for the County and City of Chester and North Wales, 33. Architectural Association, London, I. Architectural Association of Boston. See Boston Architectural Club. Architectural Iron Works, New York, 349. 4S2 AUTHOR INDEX Architectural League of America, Architectural League of New York, 210. Architectural Publication Society, London, 15, 18. Architectural Record Co., 421. Architectural Society of the Arch- deaconry of Northampton, 259. Architectural Society of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 33, 43 (Technology). Architectural Testing and Inspect- ing Bureau, 362. Architekten & Ingenieur Verein, Frankfort on the Main, 1:55. Architekten- und Ingenieurverein, Augsburg, 135. Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein, Bremen, 135. Architekten- una Ingenieur- Verein, Hamburg, 135. Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein fiir Elsass-Lothringen, 135. Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein zu Hannover, 44 (Zeitschrift). Architekten-Verein, Berlin, 146. Arco, C. d', 174. Arendt, C, 136, Aringhus, P., 185. Ariste, P. d', 452. Armailhacq, Mgr. d', 259. Armbruster, F., 386. Armellini, M., 185. Armellini, T., 362. Armengaud, J. E^ 337. Armengaud, J. G. D., editor, 196 (La Fite de Pellepore). Armstrong, E., 184. Armstrong, Sir W., 147. Armstrong, Sir W., editor, 80 (Cor- royer). Armstrong, Sir W., translator, loi (Perrot). Armitage, E. S., 149, 225. Arnaldi, E., 174. Arnaud, A. F., 119. Arnold, B. J., 435, 435 (Brunner), 449. Arnold, C. F., 174. - Arnold, F,, 165. Arnold, F. A., 320. Arnot, D. H., 80. Arnott, J. A., 119. Arnott, N., 362, Arnoux, W. H., 474. Aronovici, C, 441. Arrivetz, M., 452 (Ariste). Art Club, Philadelphia, 210. Artamof, P., pseud. See La Fite de Pellepore, V., Count. Artaria, F., 259. Artaud de Montor, A. F., Chevalier, 185. Arthur, W., 414. Artis, E. T., 406. Artizan's, Lai)ourer's and General Dwellings Company, Limited, 438. Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society, 422. Arundel Society, London, 391. Aschieri, F., 337. Ashbee, C. R., 4, 149, 167, 431. Ashbee, C. R., editor, 160 (Lon- don). Ashbee, H. S., no (Graham). Ashbee, T., 23p (Newton). Ashby, T., Junior, 185. Ashdown, C. H., 147, 149. Ashenhurst, T. R., 386. Ashpitel, A., 259, 356. Ashpitel, A., editor, 18, Ashpitel, F. W^ 318. Ashpitel, H. See Ashpitel, A. Assas, M. de, 201 (Monumentos), 202 (Monumentos), 203 (Monumentos). Assche, A. van, 259. Asselineau, L. A., 397. Asgodaci6n artistico-arqueologica barcelonesa, 370. Associated Architectural Societies, Association des artistes, peintres, sculpteurs, architectes, gra- veurs & dessinateurs. 421. Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland, 34. Association internationale perma- nente des Congres de naviga- tion, 445. Association nationale pour favoriser les arts en Belgique, 35. Association of Collegiate Alumnse, 362. Association of Engineering Societies of the University of Illinois, 43 (Technograph). Athenaeum frangais, 35. Atherton, W. H., 345- Atkinson, T. D., 15, 46, 166, 259. Atkinson, W., 219, 468. Atlantic Deeper Waterways Associa- tion, 445. Atlas Portland Cement Company, 242, 354. Atwood, D. T., 242. Atwood, W. W., 437 (Salisbury). Atz, C, 116. Aube, R., 119. Aubert, A., 391. Auberville, D., 386 (Deflorenne). Aubre, L. E., 337. Audot, L. A., 174. Auer, H., 223. Auer, H., editor, 301 (Hansen), 303 (Wielemans). Audsley, B., 370 (Audsley, G. A.). Audsley, G. A., 370. Audsley, M. A., 370 (Audsley, G. A.), Audsley, W. J., 15, 37°, 39i. Aufleger, O., 136. Auge de Lassus, L., no, 234. Auld, D.. Jr., 476. Aurfes, A., 46. Auriac, E. d*, 259. Ausschuss fiir das saechsische Volks- trachtenfest, Dresden, 136. Austin, H., translator, 195 (Schayes). Austria. ICaiserlich - koenigliches Handelsministerium, 440, 445. Automobile Club, L', de France, 233. Auvergne, E. B. d', 225. Aveling, J. H., 259. Aveling, J. K. See Aveling, J. H. Avellino, t'. M., 46. Avenarius, F., editor, 40 (Kunst- wart). Avenarius, T., illustrator, 292 (Weerth). A viler, A. C. d', 18. Axon, W. E. A., editor, 300. Ayer, J. C, Jr., 65. Ayer, M. F., 457. Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeo- logical Association, 35. Ayrton, E. R., no, 114 (Naville). B. B * * * — , le chanoine, 476. B * * *, C. F., 80. B., C, 4. B., E., 259. Babeau, A. A., 132. Babelon, E., 99. Bacci, A., 222. Bacci, P., 174. Bach, M., 87. Bachmann, W., 259. Bachofen, J. J., 234. Back, F., 6s. Backus, T. J., 212 (Richardson). Bacon, E. M., 215 (Picturesque). Bacon, F. H., editor, 46 (Archaeo- logical). Baddeley, J. J., 259, 300. Baddeley, M. J. B., 149. Baddeley, W. St. C, 46. Badel, E., 119. Bader, C, 332. Badger, G. P., 191. Badia y Leblich, D., 99. Badischer Architecten- und In- genieur- Verein, 136. Baehr, C. C. W. F., 107. Baer, C. H., 136, 370. BaeSj J., 193. Baglione, G., 4. Bailby, E., 338. Bailey, L. H., 303, 304. Bailey, L. H., editor, 36 (Country Life in America). Bailey, Banks & Biddle, 36 (Con- noisseur). Baillairg6, C. P., 210. Baillarge, A. J., 119. Baines, E., 149. Baines, T., 149, Baird, N. H. J., 149. Baird, S. F., translator, 22 (Heck). Bajot, £., 370, 397. Baker, A., 149, Baker, G., 149. Baker, H., 149 (Baker, A.), 259. Baker, I. O., 360, 454. Baker, J. C, editor, 249. Baker, M. N., 464, 466. Baker, T., 304. Baker, W. H.. 414. Balch, E., ISO. Baldinucci, F., 4. Baldock, W. C, Illustrator, 398 (Benn, R. D.). Baldry, A. L., 307 (Holme), 391, 39'i'- Baldus, £„ 132. Baldwin, F., 259. Baldwin, F. S., 443. Baldwin, J. D., 208. Baldwin, W. J., 362. Bales, T., 414. Balet, L., 409. Balfour, H., 370. Balint. Z., n6. Ball, E. A. R., no. Ball, J. I., 225. Ball, J. T., 18. Ballantine, J., 409. Ballardie, J. de C, 103. Ballin, A. G., 46. Ballu, A,, 109, 109 (Boeswillawald). Ballu, T., 259. Baltard, L. P., 18, 87, 132, 4x7 (Institute). Baltard, V., 132. Baltimore, Maryland. Board of Park Commissioners, 457. Baltimore, Maryland. Burnt Dis- trict Commission, 452, Baltzer, F., 102. Balzano, V., 174. Bamber, E. F., editor, 416 (Ran- kine). Bamber, H. K., 354 (Forrest). Banchero, G., 259. Bandelier, A. F., 208. Banderali, D. J. F. S., 449. Bangs, E, M., 213. Bank of Pittsburgh, 223. Bankart, G. P., 370. Banks, E. J., 106. Banner, E. G., 362. Barabas, F., 397. Barb a, J., 349. Barber, D., 249 (Baker). Barberot, E., 18. Barbet de Jouy, J. H., 406. Barbier de Montault, X., 234, li'-.g- Barca, A., 18. Barclay, E., 150. Bardswell, F. A., 304. Bardwell, W., 259, 362. Bargagli-Petrucci, F., 174. Baring, Sir T., no. Barker, A. A., 213. Barker, E. R., 46. Barker, W. R., 476 (Edinburgh). Barkhausen, G., 335, 341, 418. Barlet, — , 362. Barlow, P., 33S» 345- Barnard, A., 223. Barnard, F. P., editor, 65. Barnard, H., 294. Barnes, A. C, 455. Barnes, A. S., 259. Barnett, L. D., 476. Barnsley, S. H., 288 (Schultz, R. W.). Baron, A. A., 193. Barozzi, G., 18, 174, 338. Barozzi, S., 259. Barqui, F., 119. Barr, J., 259. Barr, W. M., 467. Barre, L., 46. Barreau, — , 260. Barrett, C. R. B., 150. AUTHOR INDEX 483 Barron, L. rig, 132. Barry, A., 4. Barry, Sir C., 167, 233. Barry, E. M., 18. Barry, P., 445, Barth, H., 206. Barth, W., 13 (Semper), 182 (Semper). Barthelemy, A. J. B. A. de, 406. Bartholdi, A., 370. Bartholomew, A., 356, Bzirtholomew, W. N., 3^8. Bartlett, D. W., 434. Bartlett, G. IT., 313. Bartley. G. C. T., translator, 14s (Stielcr). Bartoli, ¥., 46 (BartoH, P. S.). Bartoli, P. S., 46, 396 (Rossi). Bartolo, S. di, 260. Barucci, G., 225. Basel-Stadt, Canton, Switzerland. Statistisches Amt, 443. Basile, G. B. F., 46. Bashore, H. B., z'^2, 464. Basire. J., 389 (Stothard). Bassermann-Jordan, E., 370, 397. Bassi, M., 338. Batchelder, E. A., 370. Batcheller, T. B., 174. Baterden, J. R., 349. Bates, C. J., 150. Bates, W. N., 46. Bateson, E., 150. Batissier. L., 18, 119, 119 (Allier). Batty, R., 120, 136, 193. Baudial, C, 260. Baudin, H., 204. Baudot, J. E. A. de, 260. Baudot, J. E. A. de, editor, 123 (France), 260, 331 (Viollct-le- Duc). Baudry, P. J, A., 391. Bauer, A., 342 (Cullmer). Bauer, L., 242. Baum, H., editor, 40 (Monumental Records), 41 (Records). Baum, J., 83, 136, 370. Baumann, A. A., 470. Baumeister, A., editor, 15, 46. Baumeister, E., 260. Baumeister, R., 430, 432, 438, 466. Baumgartner, A., 196. Baumstark, C. A. J. M. D., 260. Bauschinger, J., 345, Baux, J. M. J., 260. Bauzon, L., 370. Bax, P. B. I.. 260. Baxter, L. E., 4, 88, 184, 260, Baxter, J. P., 461. Baxter, S.. 208, 213, 391, 433, 447, 457, 458. Baxter, S.. translator, 436 (Fischer, Gurhtt). Baxter, W., Jr., 342. Bayard, £., 390. Bayardi, O. A., editor, 58 (Museo). Baye, J., Baron de, 80, 196. Bayer, J., 321. Baycrischer Architekten- und In- genieur-Verein, 136. Bayet, C, 4, 77, 370. Bayles, J. C, 362. Bayley, G. W. R., 454. Bayley, J., 169. Bayley, W. H,. 352- Bayne, A. D., 150. Bayrisches Gewerbemuseum, Nurem- berg, 35. Bazin, H., 132. Bazot, A., 4. Beale, S. S., 18, 260. Beamont, W., 150. Bean, W. J., 459. Beardmore, W. L., 362. Beare, T. H., translator, 346 (Cre- mona). Beaton, A. C, 414. Beattie, W., 150, 172. Beauclair, R., 391. Beaudoire, T.. 66. Beaudot, A. de. See Baudot, J. E. A. de. Beaumont, A. de, 372 (Collinot). Beaumont, C. F. fi., Comte de, 4. Beaurain, G., 260. Beavan, A. 11. , 167, 450. Beaver, A., 150. Beazeley, A., 445. Bechard, £., no. Bechmann, G^ 464. Beck, F., & (Jo., 386. Beck, L., 403. Beck, T. A., 260. Becker, — , 465 (Stuebben). Becker, F, 234. Becker, H., 3^8. Becker, Heinnch, 260. Becker, W. A., 336. Beckett, Sir E., Baron Grimthorpr, 18, 260. Beckett, F., 300. Becking, E., 406. Bedford, F., 370. Bedford, F., Jr., 150. Bedford, J.. 226. Bedford, W. K. R., 192. Beeby, W. T., 260. Beedham, L. E., 260. Beer, J., 412. Beesley, C. N., 217. Beeson, E. VV., 438. Beeton, S. O., 304. Begule, L., 260, 409. Behnke, G., 219, 294. Behrend, W., 136. Behrendt, W. C, 4, 436. Behrens, W., 378 (Kramer). Behse, W. H., 336. Beidleman, H. F., 217 (Wise). Belcher, J., 18, 150, 167, 242. Belgium. Commission centrale do I'instruction primaire, 294. Ministere de la justice, 320. Ministere de I'industrie et du travail, 422. Ministere de I'interieur, 35. Belgrado, T., 260. Belgrand, F. E., 125 (JulHot). Belknap, R. R., 242. Bell, Mrs. A. See Bell, N. R. E. Bell, A. G., illustrator, 226 (Bell, N. R. E.). Bell, C, translator, 112 (Ebers). Bell, G. L., 260, 285 (Ramsay). Bell, J. M., editor, 402 (Sheraton). Bell, L., 362. Bell, L. v., 219, 362. Bell, N. R. E., 4, 18, 167, 226. Bell, N. R. E., editor, 19 (Capitales), i8q (Schoener). Bell, W: E., 352. Bella, S. della, 370. Bellier de la Chavignerie, J. B. E., 4. Bellori, G. P., 4, 46 (Bartoli). Bellori, G. P., editor, 382 (Psyches). Bellot, A., SI (ficole). Bellouard, L., 260. Bellows, H. W., 460. Bellows, J., 146. Beloe, E. M., 260. Below, G. von, 430. BeltramelH, A., 77, 174. Beltrami, L., 174, 226, 234, 260, 261, 392. Belzoni, G. B., no. Bement, A., 467. Bemrose, W., 412. Benard, P., 261. Bendemann, E., 392 (Droysen). Bender, H., 46. Benedetti, M. de, 370. Benguiat, V., 386. Benham, W., 66, 261. Benjamin, A., 338, 342, 352, Benk, J., 371. Benn, H. P., 398, 402 (Shapland). Benn, R. D., 398. Benndorf, F. A. O., 99. Bennett, C. W., 66. Bennett, F. P. & Co., Inc., pub- lishers, 223. Bennett, I. D., 304. Bennett, J., 150. Benoist, F., 66. Beno-ist, P., 476. Benoit-Levy, G., 438. Benouville, L., 261. Benouvnie. P. L. A., 232 (Tholin). Benque, W., 460. Benson, O., 459. Benson, W., 408. Bentham, J., 261. Bentham, Rev. J., editor, 261 (Ben- tham, J.). Bentham, M. S., 45s (Papers). Bentley, L, G., 474- Benton, J. H., 473. Benvenuti, P., 234. Berain, J., 371. Berard, A., 4. Berchem, M. van, 65, 85. Berg, L. de C. See Bergh, L. de C. Berg, W. G., 320, 345. Berger, E., 392. Berger, J., 362. Bergh, L. de C, 342, 414. Berghe, O. C. J. M. van den, 261. Berghoeffer, C. W., 313. Bergmann, L., 18. Bergner, H., 261, 371, 476. Bergner, H., editor, 143 (Otte). Beringer, J. A., 5. Berks Archaeological and Architec- tural Society, 35. Berlam, A., 174. Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von 136, 438, 443. Berlin, Germany. Stadtbaurath, 455. Berliner Verein fiir Volksbader, 222. Berling, C, 371. Berlot, J., 408 (Berthelon). Bermejo, D., 199. Bernard, J. H., 261. Bernard, L., publisher, 304. Bernasconi, C, 5. Bernhardi, C, 46. Bernoville, R., 196. Berretini, P. (Pietro da Cortona), 392. Bertal, A. G,, translator, 289 (Soler). Bertaux, £., 120, 174, 383 (Sara- gossa). Berthele, J., 120. Berthelon, E., 408. Berthier, J. J„ 261. Berthot, f. B. E., 414 Berti, G.F., 261. Bertillon, J., 432. Bertin, L., 398. BertoH, G. D., 174. Bertolotti, A., 5. Berton, C, 261. Bertot. J., 373 (David). Bertram, M., editor, 306 (Gaertne- rische). Bcrty, A., 5, 88, 132. Besant, Sir W., 107, 167. Besnard, C. H., 261, Besnier, M., 46. Betham, Sir W., 46. Bethmann, H., 476. Beuchat, H., 208. Beule, C. E., 46, 418. Beule, E. See Beule, C. E. Beutinger, E., 234, 414. Bevier, I., 242. Beyaert, H., 193. Beyer, A., 261. Beylie, L. M. E. de, 77, 206. Bezirdjian, S., 371. Bezold, G. von, 88, 267 (Dehio). Bezold, W. J. F. von, 408. Biagi, G., 184. Biais, £., 5. Bianchi, C, 174. Bianchini, F., 234. Bibbiena, G. G. da, 321. Bibby, G. H. 219. Bicknell, A. J., & Co., 94, 249. Biddle, O., 338. Bidlake, W. H., 242. Bieber, A., translator, 344 (Wand- erley). Bieber, R., 371. Bielefeld, C. F., 37^- Biermann, C. W. G., 174, 193. Biermann, G. See Biermann, C. W. G. Biet, L. M. D., 124 (Gourlier). Biggs, T., 105 (Hope). Bigland, R., 150. SJI9*' C. J., 392. Billings, J. S., 219, 221, 362, Billings, J. S., editor, 221 (Inter- national). Billings, R. W., 172, 261, 371. Billington, J., 18. Billmark, C. J., 198. Bing, S., editor, 39 (Jai)anischcr) (Japon). 484 AUTHOR INDEX Binion, S. A.,_iio. translator, 351 (Le- Binns, W., 338, Binns, W. M., fevre). Binstead, H. E., compiler, 398, Biondelli, B., 175. Birch, G. H., 167. Birch, J., 257- Birch, W. de G., 150. Birchenough, M. C., 261. Bird, K. H., translator, 351 (Le- fevre). Birge, M. H, & Sons Company, 386. Birkbeck, G., 349. Birkmire, W. H., 321, 342. Birmingham, England. City Coun- cil, 439. Bischof, M., 18^ 136, 137. Bischoff, E., editor, 469. Bishop, H. H., 120, 147, 175, 261. Bissau, M. T., 362. Bissing, F. W., Freiherr von, editor, no. Biston, v., 349. 352- Bixby, W. H., 361 (United States). Black, A., 342. Black, C. C, 5. Blackall, C. H., 414. Blackmar, F, W., 217. Blaeu, J., 175. Blagrove, G. H., 342, 345, 371. Blake, K. Jex-, translator, 25 (Pli- nius). Blake, J. P., 398. Blakeway, J. B., 160 (Owen, H.). Blanc, A. A. P. C, 85, 88, 371. Blanch, W. H., 150, Blanchan, N. See Doubleday, N. B. De G. Blanchet, J. A., 47, 407 (Lafaye), Bland, W., 342. Blandot, L., 193. Blaney, H. R., 213. Blashfield, E. H., 392, Blashfield, E. H., editor, 14 (Vasari). Blashfield, E. W., editor, 14 (Vasari). Blashill, T., 356. Blavignac, J. D., 261. Bleton, A., 120. Blight, T. T., 150. Bliss, H. A., editor, 234. i5iocn, J?., 132. Blockhuys, J., 371. Blodget, L., 472. Blomfield, R. T., 5, 19, 120, ^04, 427 (Art). Blomstedt, Y., 196. Blondel, F., 19. Blondel, J. F., 120, 132, 249, 324, 371. Bloom, T. H., 261. Bloor, A. J., 210 (American Insti- tute), 420. Blore, E., 234. Blouet, G. A., 47, 320. Bloxam, M. H., 261. Bluemner, H., 47. Bluemner, H., editor, 59 (Pau- sanias). Blunt, J. H„ 261. Bluntschli, F., 300. Bobrinski, A. A., Count, 386, 412. Bock, E., 371. Bock, F., 137, 403. Bock, V. de, 66. S^S*''.!^-' ^?' '75, 386 392, 398. Bode, W.^ editor., 175 (Burckhardt). Bodenstemer, E., 321. Bodington, C, 261. Boegner, T., 137. Boeheim, W., 403. Boehm, M. W., translator, -i-ii (Uhde). Boehn, M. U. von, 199. Boerger, H., 137, Boerschmann, E., 102. Boesch, H., 144 (Schotte). Boeser. P. A. A., iii. Bceswillwald, £., 109. Boetticher, A., 47. Boetticher, C, 47, 66, 371, 412. Bogart, E. L., 443. Bogner, H., 137, 261, 262. Bogue, V. G., 435 (Municipal). Bohn, C. T. R., 47, 99. Bohnstedt, L., 325. Boileau, L. A., 19, 223. Boilleau, L., 120. Boillot, J., 325. Boinet, A., 262. Boissard, J. J., 186. Boisseree, S., 137. Boissier, M. L. A. G., 109. Boitard, P., 304. Boito, C, 5, 94, 175, 184, 371, 392. Boito, C, editor, 190, 262, Boldetti M. A., 186. Boiler, A. P., 454. Bologna, Italy, Giunta municipale, 464. Bolton, A,, 406. Bolton, C. E., 433. Bolton C. K., 437. Bolton, R. P., 342, 470. Bona, T., 304. Bonacina, L. C. W., 464. Bona via. E., 390. Bond, F., 262, 476. Bond, T., 151. Bone, J., 476. Boni, F. de, 5. Boni, G., 476. Bonnaffe, E., 398. Bonnar, T., 5, 371. Bonnard, L., 120. Bonner, H., 356. Bonney, T. G., 262. Bonney, T. G., translator, 108 (Pierotti), Bonomi, J., 106^ 113 (Jones), Bonpaix, A., editor, 473 (Bulletin). Bonucci, A., 5. Bosse, A., 443. Bossut, L., 346 (Cremona). Booth, W. H., 467. Borchardt, L., in. Bordeaux, J. H. R., 262, 403. Borgnis, G. A., 342. Borie, J., 242. Bories, E., 120. Bornhak, C., 473. Borrel, E. L., 120. Borrmann, R., 19, 47, 57 (Mauch), 8s, 146, 298, 406. Borrmann, R., editor, 66. Borromee, , 392. Borromini, F., 262. Borsari, L., 47. Bortier, P. L. A., 5. Bosc, E., 15, 362. Boscovich, R. G., 332 (Le Seur). Bosio. A., 186. Boston. Architect Department, 300, 414. Board of Art Commissioners, 46". Board of Health, 464. Board of Schoolhouse Commis- sioners, 294. Board of Street Commissioners, ^.452. City Architect, 294. City Council, 457. Commission to Investigate Tene- ment-House Conditions, 441. Commissioners on the Erection of a new Court House, 213. Department for the Inspection of Buildings, 474. Department of School Hygiene, 462, Park Commissioners, 457, 463, 471. Preliminary Water" Front Com- mission, 447. Public Library, i, 314, 392, 427, 429 449, 469. School Committee, 294, 418. Special Commission to Investi- gate Questions Affecting the Collection and Disposition of Garbage and Offal in the City of Boston, 466. Boston and Albany Railroad, 320. Boston Architectural Club, 210, 476. Boston Art Museum. See Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston Art Students' Association, Museum of Fine Arts, 34 (Art Student). Boston Athenaeum, 417. Boston Chamber of Commerce, 467. Boston Co-operative Building Com- pany, 472. Boston Merchants Association, 223. Boston Society of Architects, 35, 420, 421, 429. Boston Souvenir View Book Com- pany, publishers, 213. Boston Wire Works and Wire Rail- ing Co., 403. Bostwick, A. E., 314. Bos worth, N., 210. Botta, P. E., 106. Bottani, G., 175, Bottari, G. G., 19, Botti, G., editor, 299 (Musee). Bouchard, G., editor, 185 (Rug- gieri). Bouche, F., editor, 306 (Gaertne- rische). Boucher de Molandon, R., 294. Boue, G., 464. Bouet, G., 262. Bouet, G., illustrator, 126 (Le « „ Hericher), 403 (Bordeaux). BouiUet, A., Abbe, 120, 304. BouUier, Ay 190. Boulnois, H. P., 464. Boulton, S. By 349. Bourasse, J. J., Abb^, 15, 66, 120, ^ 411 (Marchand). Bourdon, C, editor, 126 (Le Heri- cher). Bourgerel, G., 19. Bourgoin, J., 371. Bourguignon, A. J. C, 345- Bourne, F, A., 19 (Brown), 392. Bournon, F. A. M., 469. Bourquelot, L. F., 5. Boussard, J. M. 234, 242, 304. Boutard, J. B. B., Marquis, 15. Boutell, C, 147, 235. Boutmy, £. G., 47. Boutovsky, V., editor, 380 (Museum), Boutroue, A., 199. Bovey, H. T., 345. Bow, R. H., 345. Bowditch, H, I., 362, 440. Bowen, J. H., 349. Bower, W. F., 414, Bowler, G,, 262. Bowles, J. M., editor, 40 (Modern Art). Bowman, H., 262. Bowman, W., 151. ^ox, T,, 345, 362. * Boxer, F. N., 414. Boyce, A. P., 371. Boyd, E. W., 262. Boyle, G. D., 262. Boyle, J. Rm 151. Boyle, R., Jr., 362. Boynton, W. G., editor, 36 (Con- crete), Brach, A., 5, Bradberry, R., 338. Bradbury, E., 151, Bradlee, N, J., 213, 219. Bradley, A, G., 151. Bradshaw, G., 430. Bragato, G., 476. Bragdon, C. P., 175. Brakspear, H., 262. Brambilla, C, 262. Brandi, C, 184. Brandon, J. R., 80, 262. Brandt, E,, 342. Brandt, L., 219. Brannt, W. T.,* editor, 408, 409 (Painter). Brash, R. R., 262. Brassart, E., 392 (Dechelette). Brasseur de Bourbourg, E. C, 208. Braucher, E, N., editor, 244 (Hodg- son). Braulik, A., 386. Brault, fi., 5. Braun, G., 430. Braun, Joseph, 263. Braun, Julius, 19. Braund, J., 398. Brayda, R., 226, 334. Brayley, E. W., 151, 151 (Britton), 167, 226. 263. Bray ton, L. F., 414. Brechenmacher. F., 403. Breckenridge, L. P., 467. AUTHOR INDEX 485 Brehier, L., 122 (Desdevises du Dezert). Bremen, Germany. Bremischcs sta- tistisches Amt, ^441. Brenci, G., 407 (Lessing). Breslau, Germany. Magistrat, 447. Bresson, A., 208. Breton, F., translator, 204 (Vuillier) Breton, F. P. H. E., 5, 47. Brette, A., 300. , Brcttingham, M., 226. Breuer, R., editor, 421 (Brussels). Brewer, H. W., 166. Breymann, G. A., 342. Bridgens, R., 263, 398. Bridges, J., 151. Bridges, L,. 116. Bridgman, A. M., 300. Briere, G., 76 (Vitry). BriSre, G., editor, 380 (Metro- politan). Briggs, M. S., 175, 476. Briggs, R, A., 249, 392. Briggs, W. R., 294. Brigham, C, 417 (Sturgis). Brigham, W. T., 371. Bright, H. A., 304. Brimmer, M., iii. Brinckmann, A. E., 371, 430, 463, 476. 480. Brindley, W., 235. Brinton, S. J. C, 175, 371. Briseux, C. fi., 19, 249, Brisse, C. M., 338, 369 (Rouche). British Archaeological Association, 32 (Archaeological Journal), 35. British Fire Prevention Committee, „ , 3S6, 357, 3S8. British Museum, London, 106. British School at Athens, 35. British School at Rome, 186. Britten, F. J., 398. Britton, J., 15, 147, 151, 151 (Bray- ley), 162 (Robinson, P. F.), 167 (Brayley), i68 (Godwin), 170 (Pugin), 263. Bntton, J., editor, 67 (Carter), 84 (Pugin). Bntton, T. A., 349. Brix, J 430, 432, 433, 454, 466. Brizi, A., 318. Brock, A. C, 263. Brock, H. M., illustrator, 401 (Mallett). Brockhaus, H., 77, 184. Brodrick, M., 15. Broerman, E., editor, 429 (Art). Broesamer, H., 403. Brook, R., 398. Brookline, Mass. Park Commission- ers, 458. Brooklyn, New York. Committee on Ferries, 448. Park Commissioners, 458. Brooklyn Art Association, 209. Brooks, A. M., 19. Brooks, J. P., 354. Brooks, R. C, "427. Brooks, S. H., 242. Brooks, S. W., 304. Broom, G. J. C, 466. Broquelet, A., 263. Brossard, C, 121. Broughton, A. M. A. D., 47. Brower, J. V., 460. Brown, A. F., 214 (Isham). Brown, C. C, editor, 414. Brown, C. N., 460.. Brown, E. B., 47. Brown, F. C, 19. Brown, F. H., 219. Brown, G., 300, 362, 436. Brown, G., editor, 306 (European). Brown, G. B., 263. 431. Brown, G. B., editor, 28 (Vasari). Brown, G. P., 362. Brown, H. C, compiler, 249. Brown, H. F., translator, 190 (Mol- menti). Brown, J., 349. Brown, J. B., publisher, 226. Brown, J. W., 184. Brown, N. E., 307 (Johnson, G. W.). Brown, P., illustrator, 373 (Delhi). Brown, R., 242, 263. Brown, W. G., 294. Brown, W. M., 415 (Hodgson). Brown, W. N., editor, 371. Browne, E. A., 80, 83. Browne, J., 263. Brownlow, W. R., editor, 73 (Palmer), 189 (Rossi, G. B. de). Bruce, E. C, 424 (Centennial). Bruce, J. C^ 318. Bruce, W. C, 294. Bruce, W. G., 294, 295. Bruckner, W., 116. Brueckner, A., 47. Bruel, F. L., 121. Bruening, A., 403. Brugsch, H. C, called Brugsch-Bey, III. Bruhns, L., 137. Brunet, — , 386. Brunn, H., 5, 47. Brunner, — , Dr., 464. Brunner, A. W., 249, 371, 433, 435, 480. Brussels, Belgium. Exposition In- ternationale, 19 10, 421. Brutails, E. J. A., 66. Bruton, F. A., editor, 318. Bruyere, T Bruynzeel Bryan, C. W., 343 (Johnson) % Bruyere, L., 342, - J, P.. ^ ^ ^-'343 Uohnson;. Bryant, G. J, F., 213, 215, 219, 300. Bryant, J. M., 470. Bryant, T. H., 263. Brydall, R., 172. Brydon, J. McK, 314. Buchan, W. P., 362. Buchard, J., 250. Buchard-Huzard, L,, 250. Bucher, B., editor, 34 (Art Work- manship). Buchheister, M., 447. Buchner, O., 66. Buck, C. C, 94. Buckingham, J. S., 436. Buckle, J. G., 321. Buckler, C. A., 263 (Buckler, J. C). Buckler, G., 263. Buckler, J. C, 263. Buckley, E., editor, 418, 419. Buckley, M. M., 338. Buckmaster, M. A., 19. Bucknall, B., translator, 319 (Viollet- le-Duc). Buckton, C. M., 36^. Budapest. Bibliotheque municipale, 427. Milleniums-Ausstellung, 421. Budge, E. A. T. W., 106. Buechler, C, 222. Buehlmann, J., 19, 48, 60 (Reber), 325. Buel, A. W., 354. Buelau, T., 82 (Popp). Buerkel, L. von, 40 (Muenchner). Buesing, F. W., 321. Buffalo, N. Y. Park Commission- ers, 4t;8. Bullar, E. P., 440. Bullinger, H., 204. Bullock, J., 242. Bullock, J., editor, 19. Buls, C. t\ G., 480. Bulteau, M. T., 263. Bumpus, T. F., 263, 264. Bunel, H., 363. Bunker Hill Monument Association, 233- Bunnett. F. E., translator, 8 (Grimm), 15 (Wolzogen), 379 (Luebke). Bunney, M., 243 (Field). Bunsen, C. C. J., Freiherr von, 264. Buonarroti, M., 5, 33^. Burbank, A. S., publisher, 461. Burchett, R., 338. Burckhardt, J. C, 10, 88, 175, 226. Burda, A., editor, 4 (Baldinucci), 97 (Riegl). Burdett, .Sir H. C, 219. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York City, 460. Burger, F., 184. Burges, W., 325. Burgess, H. W., 304. Burgess, J., 103, 104 (Fergusson). Burgess, J., editor, 105 (Gruen- wedel). Burgess, R^^ 4^. Burgoyne, F. J., 314. 3i4 (Brydon). Burmester, A., 223. Burn, R., 48. Burn, R, S., 19, 94, 257, 304, 338, 342, 363. Burn, W., 172 (Billings). Burnell, G. R., 340. Burnell, G. R., editor, 31 (Annual), 414 (Builder's). Burnett, W., 154 (Dugdale). Burnham, D. H., 422 (World's). Burnouf, E., 48. Burr, G. G., 173 (Munro). Burr, W. H 345- Burrell, E. J., 342. Burri, R., 264. Burrow, E. T., 48. Burrowes, T. H., 295. Burrows, R. M., 48. Bursian, C, 406. BursiU, A., 363. Burton, E^ 48. Bury, T. T., 19, 412. Busch, C, 19. Busch, M., 48. Buschmann, T. E., editor, 34 (Art flamand). Bush, I. T., 449. Bush Terminal Co., New York City « . 452. Busin-Vici, A., 5. Buss, G., 322 (Heim). Buteux, C. J., 264. Butler, A. J., 264. Butler, C. A., 107. Butler, D. B., 354. Butler, E., 398 (Crouch). Butler, H. C, 48, 172. Butler, N. M., 25 (Moore). Butler, S., 175. Butler, W. F., 363. Butte, Montana. Free Public Li- brary, I. Butterfield, W., 264. Butterfield, W. H., 250. Butterworth, G., 152. BuzonniSre, L. de, 121 Bygate, J. E., 264. Byington, M. F., 441. Byrne, AT.. 349. iJyrne, W., engraver, 175. c. c., J., s. C.,J. W 36^. Cabaret, P. E., 235. Cabinet, E., 121. Cacheux, fi F. J., 257. 257 (Muller). Cadness, H., 372. Cadorin, G., 5. Cadoux, G., 464, Caffin, C. H., 300, 304, 334- Caggese, R., 175. Cagnat, R. L. V., 109, 109 (Boes- willwald), 314. Cagnola, G., editor, 41 (Rassegna d'arte). Cahier, C, 121, 264. Cailleux, A. de, 131 (Taylor). Cailhaud, F., in. ^ain, W., 345, 354. Game, W. S., 103. Calcare, pseud., 414, Caldecott, W. S., 264. Calderini, G., editor, 60 (Petersen). Caldesi, L., & Co., 235. California. Board of Architecture, 420. Board of State Harbor Com- missioners, 445. Callcott, M„ Lady, 392. Callejo y Caballero, G., compiler, 203 (Museo). Callet, , s. Callet, F. E., 132 (Baltard). Calliat. v., 132, 133, 134 (Le Roux de Lincy). Calverley, W. S., 235. Calvert, A. F., 199. Calvi, G. L., 5. Calzini, E,, 175. Cambray-Digny, L. de, 234 (Ben- venuti). Cambrian Archaeological Associa- tion, 36. 486 Cambrian Institute, 36 (Cambrian Journal). _. „ . , , Cambridge, Mass. First Parish and First Church in Cambridge, 264. Park Department, 459- Playground Commission, 462. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Cambridge, England, 36. Cambridge Camden Society, 235. 264. Cameron, C, 222. Cameron, T., 408. Cameron, K., 349- _ , • , ^ Cameron, R., 3" (Sedgwick). Camm, C. B., 152. Camp, F. T., 338. ^ ^. Campaner y Fuertes, A., editor, 199. Campbell, C, 147. Campbell, R. E., 210 (Cleaveland). Campbell, W. S., 167. CamRJn, F„ 335, 342- Campori, G., S- , _. Canada. Department of Finance, 472. Candee, H. C, Z72, 386. CanestreUi, A., 264. Caneto, F., 264. Canina, L., 48, dT^ 107, i7S. 186, 242. Cannon, J. G., 25 (Moore). Canova, A., 241 (Vivere). Cantell, M. T., 476. Capart, J., iii. Capen, O. B., 250. Capes, J. M., 264. Capps, E., 321. Capra, A., 19. Caprin, G., i7S- Capronnier, J. B., 410 (Descamps). Cara, C. A. de, 48. Carden, R. W., 91 (Middleton), 175. Carden, R. W., editor, 5 (Buonar- roti). Carderera y Solano, V., 235. Cardiff Raliway Company, 447. Cardonnel, A. de, 172. CarelH, F., editor, 48. Carette, A. E. H., no (Marcel). Carey, A. E.,354 (Forrest). CargiU, T., 145. Caristie, A. N., 48, 321. earlier, £. T. N., 250. Carnegie Foundation, The Hague, 193. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, i. Carocci, G., 175. Caroe, W. D., 152. Carot, H., 334. Carotti, G., 19. Carotto, G.j^ 17^. Carpenter Carpenter, R. C, 363, , K. C, 338. Carr, J. C, editor, 34 (Art and Letters). Carrftre, J. M., 433 (Brunner), 469. Carrire & Hastings, 216 (New York, Carrey, J., 55 (Laborde). Carrier-Belleuse, A. E., 37... Carrington, T. S., 219, 363. Carroll, J., 338 Carter, C. F., 217. Carter, G., 390. Carter, H., 112 (Herbert), 114 (Newberry). Carter, J., 67, 264. Carter, J. B., translator, 54 (Huel- sen). Carter, O. B., 409. Cartier. fi., 264. Cartwright. E.. 153 (Dallaway). Cartwrighf, J. M., 152. Cary, A., publisher, 334. Cary, H. t., 216. Casalius, J. B., 222. Casano, A., 264. Casanova, P., 318. Casey, C, in. Cash, J., .^63. Caspar, J., editor, 24 (Luebke). Caspar, L., 398, 412. Cassagne, A., 338. Cassas, L. F., 99. Castan, A., 6. Castanier, J., 451. Castaride-Labarthe, P., 363. AUTHOR INDEX Castell, R., 49. Castelnau, F. de, 208. Castermans, A., 242. Castle, E. J., 313 (Wright). Castle, E. S., 246 (Meehan), Castro, C, 208 (Decaen). Cataneo, P., 19. Caton, R., 49- Cattaneo, R-, 175- ,„ ^ ,. Cattermole, R., 389 (Raphael). Catti, A., 26s. Cattier, £., 449- . . Cattois, F. P., 76 (Verdier). Caumont, A. de, 19, 67, 265. Caus, I. de, engraver, 304. ^ Causseus, M. A. See La Chausse, M. A. Cauwenberghs, C. van, 6. Cavalcaselle, G. B., 6 (Crowe), 392 (Crowe). Cavalieri San-Bertolo, N., 345. Cavallari, F. S., 192. Cavallucci, C. T., 6. Cave-Browne, J., 226, 265. Caveda, J., i99- Caveglia, C, 3i4- Caveler, W., 80, 265. Kabbadias, P. 3^8. di, 99. Cavos, A., 321. Cawadias, P. See Cawston, A., 453. Cayeux, L., 51 (£cole). Cazalis, H., 372. Cazes, E., 226. Cean Bermudez, J. A., 6, 199. Cean Bermudez, J. A., editor, 201 (Llaguno y Amirola). Cecchi-Conti, G. B., 13 (Serie). Cecchini, A., 332. Cecil, A. M. G., 304. Cenac-Moncaut, J. £. M., 304. Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 424, 425. Central Cottage Improvement So- ciety, 257. Cerdll, I., 432. Ceris, A. de, 304. Cerroti, F., 392. Ceruti, G., 231 (Sacchi). Cesari, C, 334- Cescinsky, H. Cesnola, L. P. m, 99, Cessac, J. M. P. R. de, 26s, 398. Chabat, P., 15, 20, 235, 320, 349. Chabret, A., 199. Chacon, A., 235. Chadwick, J. W., 20. Chaillou des Barres, — , Baron, 226. Chaix, J., 369. Challice, A. E., 226. Chalmers, A., 166. Chalmers, J. B., 345. Chalvet, M. de. Marquis de Roche- monteix, in. Chalvet de Rochemonteix, A., Vi- comte de, 265. Chamber of Commerce, Albany, New York, 242. Chamber of Commerce and In- dustry, Amsterdam, Holland, 447. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 451. Chamberlain, G. H. See Chamber- lin, G. H. Chamberlain, H., 167. Chamberlain, T. F., 449. Chamberlain, J, L., editor, 210. Chamberlain, N. H., 213. Chamberlin, G. H., 192 (Dehli). Chamberlin, T. C, 349. Chambers, R., 242. Chambers, R., publisher, 363 (Cham- bers, W.). Chambers, T., 473. Chambers, W., 257, 265. Chambers, W., publisher, 363. Chambers, Sir W., 20, 304, 454. Chambray, R. F., Sieur de, 20. Champeaux, A. de, 121, 133, 372, 386, 398. Champier, V., 135, 398. Champier, V., editor, 372. Champneys, A. C, 265. Champneys, A. L., 314. Champneys, B., 152. ChampoUion, J. F., in. ChampoUion-Figeac, A. L., 410. Champollion-Figeac, J. J., 121. Chancellor, E. B., 6, 167, 464. Chancellor, F,, 235. Chandler, F. W., 342, 349. Chandler, F. W., editor, 303 (Wheel- wright). Chandler, J. E., 242. Chandler, W. H., 220, 295, 349, Channing, E., 363. Channing Home, Boston, 220. Chanute, O., 455. Chapin, C. V., 465. Chapman, W., 349. Chapuy, N. M, J., 67, 145 (Schweig- haeuser). Chardon, E. H., 6, 235. Chargueraud. A., 470. Charles, C. J., 325. Charles, R., Abb6, 6, 121. Charlotte, -;; , engraver, 189 Charnay, D., 208, 209 (Viollet-le- Duc). Charruit, N., 338. Chart, D. A., 171. Charton, M. E., editor, 44 (Tour). Chartraire, E., Abbe, 265. Charvet, A., 372, 392. Charvet, £. L. G., 265, 372, 420. Chase, C. T., 295. Chase, G. H., 64 (Waldstein). Chassinat, E., 235. Chassinat, E., editor, ni (Chalvet). Chateau, L., 121. Chateau, T., 349. Chatelain, L., 49. Chauderlot, — , 321. Chaudruc de Crazannes, J. M. C. A., Baron de, 265. Chaumont, — , Chevalier de, 321. Chauvigne, A.^ editor, 425 (Exposi- tion nationale). Chavannes, £., 372. Chazelles, L. de, translator, 309 (Miller, P.). Cheap Cottages Exhibition, 1905, 439. Cheetham, S., editor, 17 (Smith). Chenavard, A., 119 (Allier), 372. Chenavard, A. M., 298. Cheruel. P. A., translator, 16 (Rich). Chery, F. J., 345. Cheshire Lines Committee, England, 448. Chesneau, E., 375 (Guichard). Chesneau, E., editor, 419. Chess, H. B., 359- Chester, A. H., 265. Chester Archaeological and Historic Society. See Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society for the County and City of Chester, and North Wales. Cheval, V., 220 (Depage). Chevalier, C, 235, 265. Chevreul, M. E., 408. Cheysson, J. J. E., 257. Chicago. Chicago Plan Commission, „433, 480. . ^ Harbor Commission, 447. South Park Commission, 459. Chicago Architectural Club, 210. Chicago School of Civics and Phil- anthropy, 427. Chicchio, G. C, 267 (Danna). Chiesi, G., 192. Child, A. C, 246 (National). Child, E. S., 242, 250. Child, S., 304. Child and De Goll, Architects, New York, 250. Chile. Direccion general de obras piiblicas, 454. Inspeccion jeneral de instruc- cion primaria, 208, ^476. Ministerio de industria i obras publicas, 354. Chilovi, D., 314. Chipiez, C, 49, 59 (Perrot), 107, 108 (Perrot), 114 (Perrot). Chippendale, T., 398. Chirtani^ L., pseudf. Sec Archinti, L. Chizzom, C, 338. AUTHOR INDEX 487 Chodzko, L., 196. Choiseul-Goufficr, M. G. F. A., Comte de, 49. Choisy, A. See Choisy, F. A. Choisy, F. A,, 20, 49, 77, iii. Choisy, F. A., editor, 29 (Vitruvius). Cholmeley, I. Curtis-, Contessa, translator, 175 (Cattaneo). Chomton, L., 265, Chopin, J. M., 196. Choura, J., 338. Chretien, J., 451. Christian, E., 265. Christie, A., 272 (Graham). Christie, W. W., 342. Christy, W. J., 352. Chudleigh, J., 152. Church, A. E., 338. Church, A. H., 408. Church, C. M., 265. Church, I. P., 345- Chute, C. W., 152. Ciampi, S., 235- Cibrario, G. A, L., 265. Cichorius, C, 49- Cicognara, L., Conte, i, 88. Cipriani, G. B., 336. Cipriani, G. B., editor, 25 (Milizia). Citizens' Union, New York City, 442, 45 1» 462, 467. Cittadella, L. N., 6. City Club of New York, 454, 455, 465. City Homes Association, Chicago, 441. City Parks Association, Philadel- phia, 435, 461. City Plan Association, St. Louis, 480. Civic Club of Harrisburg, 459. Civic Improvement League, St. Louis, 429, 463, 466. Civic League of St. Louis, 429, 435, 443, 449, 464, 465, 470. Claesen, C, 372. Clapham, A. W., 476. Clapp, E. J., 446, 447. Clarac, C. O. F. J. B., Comte de, 6. Clark, E. E., 390. Clark, E. L., iii. Clark, G. T., 318. Clark, H. A., 298 (Vaille). Clark, H. A., editor, 212 (Richard- son). Clark, H. G., 220, 465. Clark, J. T. See Clark, G. T. Clark, J. W., 166, 166 (Fletcher), 314, 413 (Redfam). Clark, T. M., 295, 363, 414, 473- Clarke, A. H., 414. Clarke, C, 265. Clarke, C. P., editor, 387 (Kaiser- lich). Clarke, C. S., 103. Clarke, E., Jr., 443. Clarke. E. C, 363. Clarke, E. D., 235. Clarke, G. S., translator, 347 (Ott). Clarke. H. G., 167. Clarke, J. H., translator, 410 (From- berg). Clarke, J. T., 46 (Archaeological), 49- Clarke, J. T., translator, 60 (Reber), 74 (Reber). Clarke, J. W., 363. Clarke, S., 265. Clarke, T. C, 456. Clarkson, D. A., 235, 325, 403. Clarkson, S. S., 223 (Dyson). Claudel, J., 414. Clausse, G., 6, 88, 199, 235, 265, 406. Clay, F., 295. Clayton, J., 152. Cleaveland, G. A., 210. Clcaveland, H. W., 250. Cleghorn, H. F. C, 304. Clemen, P., 265, 299, 431. Clemen, P., editor, 141 (Kunstdenk- maler). Clemens. J. F., 266. Clement, C, 6. Clement, C. E., 6, 20, 186. Clement, J. H., 67, 266. Clericetti, C, 266. Clermont-Ganneau, C, 99. 107. 32 Clerval, J. A., 122. Cleveland, H. W. S., 304, 435, 452, 459, 461, 464. Cleveland, Ohio. Board of Park Commissioners, 459. Museum of Arts, 299. Cleveland Architectural Club, 210, 420. Clewell, C. E., 363. Clifford, C. R., 372. Clifton, A. B., 266. Clifton Antiquarian Club, 36. Clinch, G., 152, 266, Clive, R., 106. Clochar, P., 176. Cloquet, L., iii, 193. Clough, G. A., 213 (Boston. Com- missioners), 300 (Boston), 415 (Maiden). Clouston, K. W., 398. Clouston, R. S., 398. Clouzot, H., 6. Clow, G., 363. Clutterbuck, R., 152. Clutton, H., 242. Cobb, A. W., 248 (Stevens), 255 (Suburban). Cobb, D., 214. Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. See Sander- son, T. J. C. Cobern, C. M., iii (Davis). Cocchi, A., 266. Cochet, J. B. D., Abbe, 235. Cochin, C. N., 321. Cochran, T., 461 (Keyser). Cock, H., 49. Cock, H., engraver, 332 (Vries). Cockerell, C. R., i, 49, 266. Cocks, A. H., 403. Codina y Sert, G.. 372. Codman, H. S., 304. Codman, O., Jr. 385 (Wharton). Coerper, C, 320. Coffin, W., 250. Cohn, L., 440. Cohn-Wiener, E., 137, 226. Coi, G., 20. Colasanti, A., 176. Cole, A. S., 386. Cole, B., engraver, 25 (Palladio). Cole, F. J., 476. Cole, Sir H., 266. Cole, H. H., 104. Cole, N., 304. Cole, T., editor, 429 (Institution). Coleman, O., 243. Coleman, T. E., 250, 363, 414. Coler, H. von, 477 (Diest). Coifs, J. F., 80. Colinet, E. C. £., 67. CoUegio toscano degli ingegneri ed architetti, Florence, 36. Collignon, L. M., 49, 60 (Pontre- moli), 235. CoUignoii, M. See Collignon, L. M. Colling, J. K, 80, 152, 390. Collings, G., 335, 336, 352. Collingwood, W. G,, editor, 235 (Calverley). Collinot, E., 372. Collins, A. H., 372. Collins, W. H., 338. Collins, W. L., 29s. Collins, W. W., 266. Collins, W. W., illustrator, 271 (Gilbert). Collinson, J., 153. Colomb, L. C, 6. Colon y Colon, J., 199. Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 423. Colson, C, 446. Columbia College, i, 304, 419. Columbus, Ohio. Plan Commission, 43 3. Colvin, S., 372. Colvin, S., editor, 374 (Flaxman). Colyer, F., 223, 363. Combe, W., 153, 168, 295. Comelli, F., 20. Comey, A. C, 480. Comitate milanese per le onoranze a Giuseppe Piermarini, 6, Comite archeologique de Senlis, 36. Commaille, J., 10.4. Commission de I'oeuvre de Saint Martin, 235. Committee to Consider the Expedi- ency of Providing Better Tenements for the Poor, Bos- ton, 443. ComoUi, G. B., 298. Compagnie des installations mari- times de Bruges. 447. Compagnon, L., 398 (Bertin). Comparetti, D. P. A„ 49. Compton, W. B. D. M., 6th Marquis of Northampton, 476. Comstock, W. P., 250. Comstock, W. T„ 325. Comstock, W. T., compiler, 243. Comstock, W. T., publisher, 250. Comte, J., 386, Conant, W. C, 455. Condeixa, — , Visconde de, 266. Conder, C. R., 108, 109 (Warren). Conder, E. L., 266. Conder, J., 304. Condron, T. L., 354, 477 (Fitz- patrick). Conestabile, G., Conte, editor, 241 (Vermiglioli). Coney, J., 266. Conger, F. H., 4?6 (Auld). CongrSs international^ de la pro- priete batie, Paris, 1900, 47i- Congres international des procedes de construction, 344 (Paris). CongrSs international pour la pro- tection des ceuvres d'art et des monuments, 1889, 431. Congress of archaeological societies in union_ with the Society of Antiquaries, i. Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche, Rome, 20. Connecticut. Board of Education, State Library, 300. Conry. J. A., 446. Consentius, E., 146. Considere, A., 354. Consonni, E., 372. Constantine, J., 363. Contamin, V., 345. Contet, F., 403. Contreras, E. M., Conde de la Oliva, 199. Contreras, R., 199, Conway. M. D., 372. Conway, R. S., editor, 318. Conway, Sir W. M., 67. Conwentz, H. W., 431. Conze, A. C. L., 49. Cook, C, 20, 372, 460. Cook, C, editor, 24 (Luebke). Cook, Edward Tyas, compiler, 49. Cook, Ernest Thomas, 304. Cook, Ernest Thomas, editor, 304, 309 (Meyer, F. W.). Cook, T. B., 320. Cook, "T. A., 20, 122. Cooke, G., i';3 (Cooke, W. B.), 168. Cooke, W. B., 153. Coolidge, J. R., Jr., editor, 19 (Brown). Coomaraswamy, A. K., 372. Cooper, C. H., editor, 167 (Wright). Cooper, C. P., 442. Cooper, T. P., 153. Cooper, W. G., 421 (Cotton), Cooper, W. R., iii. Co-operative Building Plan Associa- tion, publishers, 243, 250. Co-Partnership Tenants' Housing Council, London, 438. Cope, Sir W. H., Baronet, 153. Copeland, R. M., 305, 433. Copeland & Cleveland, 460. Corbett, L. C, 223. Corde, L. T., 235. Cordero, G., 176. Cordier, E., 345. Corfield, W. H., 363. Corlette, H, C, 266. Cormick, C. A., illustrator, 151 (Bryant). Cornelius, C, 88. Cornelius, P. von, 392. Cornell University, 419. Cornelsen, R., 398. Corner, J. M., 243. Corner, S., 266. 488 AUTHOR INDEX vies, E., 220. t, J. C, 153, 266. c, T. E., 266. t, J. E., editor, i6{ c, M., 422 (Arts). Cornes, J., 243. Cornille. F., 325- Cornish, F. W., iS- Cornu, L., 345- Cornut, A. E., 345- Corpechot, L., 305. Corradini, E., 176. Corrcggio. 392. Correll, F., 298, 334- Corroyer, £. J., 80, 83, 266, 424 (Salon de 1882, 1884), 43 1- Corsi, F., 49- Corson, R. T., 472. Cortissoz, R., 6, 310 (Piatt). Cosgrove, J. J., 363. 477- . ^ Costc, P. X., 85, 86, 106 (Flandin). Cotgreave, A„ 314. Cotman, J. S., 85 (Turner), 153, 235. Cottingham, L. N., 266, 300, 372. Cotton, F. A., 295. Cotton States Exposition, 421. Couchaud. A., 266. Coufopoulos, D. G., 77- Cougny, G., 49. 67, 88, 95. 99- Coulon, A. G., 412. Courajod, L. C. L., 6, 88, 122, 236, 266, 333, 419. Courby, F., 50. Cournanlt, C, 403. Court, C, 448. Courval, E. A., Vicomte de, 305. Courvoisier, , 133. Cousens, II., 103 (Burgess), 104. Cousins, R. H., 346. Coussin, J. A., 20, 45 (Academic). Coutant, H., 226. Coutel de La Tremblaye, M., 266. Cowie, G., 220. Cowles, E., 220. Cox, ~ Cox, Cox, J. E., editor, 168. Cox, M., 422 (Arts). Cox & Sons, 410. Coxe. W., 153. Crabbe, G., 272 (Green). Crace, J. D., 392. Crafts, S. D., 349. Craig, G., editor, 37 (Dome). Craigen, G. J., 414- Cram, K. A., 102, 266, 305 (Ditch- field), 250, 476 (Adams). Cram, R. A., editor, 36 (Christian). Cranage, D. H. S., 267.s Crane, E. A., 217. Crane, L., z72. Crane, W., 301, 372, 375 (Great). Cranfield, S. W., 257. Crastre, F., 6. Cravath, J. R.^ 363. Craven, Dunnill and Co., Broseley, England, 406. Crawford, A. W., 436, 461. Creeny, W. F., 236. Crelle, A. L., editor, 39 (Journal filr). Cremer, A.. 295. Cremer and Wolffenstein, 325. Cremona, L., 346. Cresson, B. F., 448 (New York, City. Department of Docks and Ferries). Cresy, E., 63 (Taylor), 176. Creutz, M., 405 (Lueer). Crocker, G. G., 449. Crocker, U. H., 458. Croff, G. B., 210. Croizier, E. C, Marquis de, 104. Croker, E. F., 359. Croly, H., 243 (Desmond). Cromwell, T., 168. Cros, J. P., 267. Crosby, E. H., 442. Crosby, E. U., 359- Crosby, T., 414. Crosmer, A. J., Abbe, 267, Cross, A. W. S., 222. Crosskey, R., 465 (Miers). Croston, J., editor, 149 (Baincs, E.). Crotch, W. W., 440. Crouch, T., 398. Crow. A., editor, 473 (Architects). Crowe, J. A., 6, 392. Crowninshield, F., 392, 410. Crowther, J. S., 262 (Bowman), 267. Cro*et, C, 338. CruU, J., 267. Crum, W. E., iix. Cruttwell. M., 6. Cubitt, J., 267. CuUmer, H. R., 342. Culmann, C, 346, 347 (Ritter). Culpin, E. G., 438. Cumberland and Westmorland An- tiquarian & Archaeological Society, Z7- Cummings, A., Jr., 472. Cummings, C. A., 176. Cummines, E. M., 168. Cummings, M. F., 210. 325. Cummins, E. A., 372 (Keith). Cundall, F., editor, 423 (Colonial). Cundall, J., 372. Cunego, D., engraver, 395 (Raphael). Cunningham, A., 7- Cunnnigham, Sir A., 104. Cunningham, B., 446. Cunningham, J., 428 (St. Louis). Cunningham, P., 7. Cupples, J. G., 214, 267. Currelly, C. T., 114 (Petrie), 236. Curtis, A. C, 305. Curtis, C. D., 236. Curtis, H. S., 462, 463. Curtis, W. E., 198. Curtis & Cameron, 314, 392. Curtius, E., 50. Curzon, E. H. P. de, 133, 267. Curzon, G. N., 106. Gushing, H. C, Jr., 359. Cust, A. P. P., 153. Cust, L. H., 295. Cust, R. H. H., 406. Cutler, T. W., 372. Cutts, E. L., 67. Cuypers, P. J. H., 300 (Stuers). Cybulsky, S., 50. Cyphers Incubator Company, Buf- falo, New York, 250. Czobor, B., editor, 116 (Budapest). Czullik, A., 305. Dahlberg, E. J., 198. Dallaway. J., 153, 166. Dallimore, W., 309 (Meyer, F. W.). Dalman, G. H., 108, 477. Dalmatov, K., 386. Dalrymple, H. H., editor, 279 (Mac- gibbon). Dalton, O. M., 77. Daly, C, Damame- 325. , 122, 133, 236, 372. ■Demartrait, M. F., 196. Damcke, E. R., 363. Damiani de Almeyda, G., Damrell, C. S., 214. Dan, H., 153. Dana, W. S. B., 204, 338. Daniell, A. E., 267. Daniell, T., 104. Daniell, W., 104 (Daniell, T.). Daniels, F. H., 398. Danks, W., 267. Danna, C, 267. Danske Turistforening, 198. Dante, 236. Danti, E., editor, 338 (Barozzi). D'Anvers, N., pseud. See Bell, N. R. E. Darby, J. L., 267. Darbyshire, A., 359. Darcel, A., 67, 386. Darcel, J., 305. Darcy, H., 298. Dardel, R., 372. Daressy, G., iii. Dargenty, G., 7. Dargenty, G., editor, 34 (Art ornc- mental). Darmstadt, Germany. Grossherzog- liche Biirgermeisterei, 222. Dart, J., 267. Dartein, F. de. See Dartein, M. F. de. Dartein, M. F. de, 83, 176, 454. Daub, H., 20. Dauban, C. A., 320. Daubourg, E., 326. Daughters of the American Revolu- tion. Old Colony Chapter, 214. Daumet, H., 99 (Heuzey). Daux, A., 110. Davenport. C, 447- Davey, R. P. B., 168, David, E., 373. Davidson, E. A., 338, 352, 408. Davidson, E. A., editor, 408 (Field), Davidson, K. L., 241, 305. Davidson, N. J., 477. Davie, W. G., 122, 250. Davies, C, 338. Davies, G. S., 7. Davies, N. de G., 11 1, 477. Davies, P. J., 363. Davies, T. F., 267. Daviet, C, editor, 33 (Architecture pour tons). Davillier, J. C, Baron, 373. Davin, V., 267. Davioud, G. J. A., i, 133 (Daly). Davis, A. C, 354. Davis, C. H. S., iii. Davis, C. T., 236. Davis, G., 460. Davis, O. W., 373. Davis, R. H., 453. Davis, T. M., 112. Davis, W. H., compiler, 445 (Cali- fornia). Davison, J., 406. Davison, M., 406 (Davison, J.). Davison, R. C, 305. Davison, T. R., 243. Davison, T. R., editor, 370 (Arts). Davy, C, 414. Dawber, E. G., 250 (Davie). Day, C, 223. Day, E. H., 153. Day, F. M., editor, 38 (H 38 (House &), 250. Day, L. F., 373, 375 (Great), 410. Day, W. C, 349. Day, W. P., 454 (Leonard). Dean, S., 223. Deans, J., 267. Dearmer, P., 267. Debauve, A., 349. Debray, P., arc. Decaen, — , 208. Dgchelette, J., 392. Decker, P., the elder, 137. Decker, P., the younger, 305, ^7^. Decker, W. F., 338. Decloux, — , 267. Decombes, V., 449. De Cou, H. F., 64 (Waldstein). Decrow, W. E., 295. Dedaux, — , 392. Deflorenne. B., 386. De Forest, L., 243. De Forest, R. W., editor, 440. Defrasse, A., illustrator, 56 (Lechat). Degen, L., 220, 326. Deglane, — , 424 (Exposition uni- verselle). De Graff, S., 336. Dehaisnes, C, 193. Dehio, G., 81, 137, 267. Dehli, A., 192, 373. Deininger. J. W., 250. Delafield, R., 360. Delahache, G., 268. Delamare, A. H. A., no, no (Gsell). Delamer, E. S., 305. Delaporte, L., 104. Delaqueriere, E., 268. De Las Casas, W. B., 458. Delbrel, E., 336. Delbrueck, R., 50. Delf, T., 373. Delforge, H., 250. Deligniires, fi. D., 268. Delineator, The, 243. Delisle. L. V., 280 (Monasticon Gallicanum). Dell, R., editor, 36 (Burlington). Delia Seta, A., ^^73. Del Moro, L. See Moro, L. del. Delon, A., 50. Delorme, P., 20. Delorme, T. C, 50. Delpy, E., 137. Del Rosso, G. Sec Rosso, G. del. Delsaux, J. C, 193. Demaison, L., 7, 268. Demidov, N., Prince, 398. Demmin, A. F., 15. AUTHOR INDEX 489 Demmler, T., 236. Dcmoget, A., 220. Dempsey. G. D., 223, 335, 363, 454. Denecourt, C. F., 226. Deneken, F., 373. Denfer, J., 335, 342, 361. Denglcr, G., editor, 39 (Kirchen- schmuck). Denis, F., 199, Denmark. Ministeriet for Kirke- og Undervisningsvaesenet, 268. Dennie, J., 50. Dennie, J., translator, 90 (Klaczko). Denning, D., 408, 412, Dennis, G., 50. Dennis, H. J., 338 (wrongly entered under Decker). Dennis, J„ 305. Denniss, E. J., 406 (Young). Denon, D. V., Baron, 112, 373. Denton, E. F. B., 363. Denton, J. B., 250, 363 (wrongly entered as Denton, J. E.). Denton, J. E., 363. Denver, Colorado. Art Commission of the City and County of Denver, 463, 469. Park Commission, 471. Depage, A., 220. Derand, F., 335. Derby, N. L„ 350. Derleth, C, Jr., 342. Desaint, A., 408. Des Biars, G., 343. Descamps, H. P. V., 410. Desdevises du Dezert, G. N., 122. Deseine, F. J., 50. Deseine, L. P., 419. Desforges, £., 122. Desgodetz, A., 50. Deshairs, L., 373. Desjardins, A., 7, 226. Desjardins, T., 301. Desmaze, C, 268. Des Meloizes, A., Marquis. Sec Meloizes, A. des, Marquis. Desmond, H. W., 243, Destailleur, H. A. W., 7, 326. Destailleur, H. A. W., editor, 119 (Androuet du Cerceau). Destree, J., 386. Desvergers, J. M. A, N., 50. Detain, C, 328 (Lacroux). Dethlefsen, R., 268. Detroit, Mich. Board of Park Commissioners, 459. Commissioners of Parks and Boulevards, 459. Public Library, 477. Detroit. Photographic Company, 211. Deutsch-nationale Kunstgewerbe- Ausstellung, 1888, 423. Deutsche Gartenstadt Gesellschaft, 438. Deutsche Industrie-Ausstellung, 422. Deutscher Palaestina-Verein, 44 (Zeitschrift des). De Vere, G. Du C, translator, 14 (Vasari). Devey, R. G., 363. Deville, J., 387. Deville, J. A., 122. Devillez, A., 343. G. W.) De Vinne, -~ -. -. -", '93. Dewar, D., editor. 307 (Johnson, De Wette, W. M. L., 268. De Wolfe, E., 326. Dewsnup, E. R., 443. Dexter, H. M., 268. DezalHer d'Argenville, A. J., 305. Dezallier d'Argenville, A. N., 305. Diaz y Perez, N., 200 (Espaiia). Dieckmann, — , 321. Diedrichs, J. H., 346. Diefenbach, L., 373. Diehl, M. C, 50, 77, no, 192. Diemer, H., 413 (Resides). Diercks, G., 86, 199. Diesel, M., 305. Diest, W. von, 477. Dieterich, A., 50. Dietrich, W., 243. Dietrichson, L. H. S., 198. Dietterlin, W,, 20. Dieulafoy, M., 106, 200, 318. Dieulafoy, J., 106, 200. Diez, E., 77. Digonnet, F., 122. Dilke, E. F., Lady, 7, 89, 373, 419. Dillenbeck, C, 414. Daley, A. U., 387. Dimier, L., 220. Dimock, A., 268. Dion, J. L. A., Comte de, 268. Diprose, J., 168. Dirr, P., 137. Disosway, G. P., 268. District of Columbia. Street-CIean- inj? Department, 467. Public Library, 305. Ditchfield, P. H., 154, 233, 250, 268. Ditmas, C. A,, 243. Dixon, D. B., 414. Dixon, H. C, 268. Djelal Essad, 78. Dobson, E., 343, 361. Dock, M. L., 456. Dodd, H., 251. Dodd, J. T., 443. Doderer, W., Ritter von, 20. Dodwell, E., so. Doenges, W, F., 137. Doering, P. O., 7, 68, 137. Doerpfeld, W., 50, 63 (Tsountas). Dogny, P., 220. Dohme, R., 7, 95, 122, 137, 146, 398. Dohme, R., translator, 140 (Keane). Dollman, F. T., 243, 268. Dolmetsch, H., 373. Domaszewski, A. von, editor, 60 (Petersen). Domenech y Montaner, L., 200. Dominici, B. de, 7. Donald, R., 23 (Lefevre). Donaldson, J., 471. Donaldson, T L., 7, 334, 414, 477- Donaldson, W., 363. Donat, F., 387. Donatus, A., 186. Donnet, F. F. A., 268. Donovan, J., 186. D'Ooge, M. L., 50. Doolittle. T. S., 212 (Richardson). Doran, J. L, 472, Dorigny, N., engraver, 382 (Psy- ches). Dorian, A., 138. Dorovius, E., 237 (Haupt). Dorregaray, J. G., editor, 201 (Monumentos). Dott, Aitken, & Son, publishers, 373. Doubleday, N. B. De G., 305. Doudart de Lagree, E. M. L. de G., 104. Douglas, H., 7, Douglas, L. M., editor, 224 (Schwarz). Douglas, R. L., 176. Douglas, R. L., editor, 392 (Crowe). Douliot, J. P., 3?2, 369. Doury. — , 267 (Decloux). Dow, J, W., 243. Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry, 314. Droege, J. A., 452. Droysen, J. G., 392. Drummond, J., 172. Dryden, A., editor, 154. Dryden, Sir H. E. L., 268. Drysdale, S J., 363, .364.^ Duban, J. F., 133 (Calliat). Du Barry de Merval, Comte, 112. Dubois, — , 133 (Courvoisier). Du Bois, A. J., 346. Du Bois. A. J., translator, 349 (Weyrauch). Dubois de Montpereux, F., 99. Dubourg, M., 50. Du Bout. N., 268. Dubreuil J 339. Dubut, L. A., 45 (Academic), 243. Du Cane, F. G. L., 305. Ducarel, A. C, 83, 268. Duchesne, A. N., 305. Duchesne, G., 236. Duchesne, H. G., 123. Ducker Portable House Co., 243. Du Cleuziou, H., 123. Ducompex, ]£. A., 408. Dudgeon, M, S., 436. Duemichen, J., 112, Dufour, F. O., 414. Dugdale, T., 154. Dugdale, Sir W., 154, 268. Duhamel-Dec6jean, 123. Duhamel du Monceau, H. L., 3<;o. Duhn, F. C. von, 50. Dulac, J., 364. Dulaure, J. A., 133. Du Mesnil, E., 441, Dumon, K., 321. Dumont, G. M., 268. Dumont, M W., 446 (Rhodes). Dumont-Wilden, L., 193. Dumonthier, E., 387 (France) Duncan, J. H. E., 251, 17, Dunkin, E. H. W., 236. Dupaix, G., 208. Dupasquier, L., 268. Du Perac, fi., 51. Dupezard, fi., 133 Duplessis, G., I, 268, 382 (Reynard). Duplomb, C, 454. Dupont-Auberviile, — , 387 Duquesnay, — , 350. Durand, G., 269. Durand, H., 193. Durand, J., 269. Durand, J. N. L., 20, 339. Durand, P., 125 (Lassus). Durand-Claye, A. A., 346, 465. Durham House Drainage Co., New York, 364. Durm, J., ^i, 89, 269, 321. Durrance^ F. J., 406 (Young). Durrer, R., 269, 393- Du Seigneur. M., 133. Dusevel, F. H. G., 269. Du Sommerard, A., 123. i?i Dussieux, L., 7, 123 Dustman, U. M., 247. Dutert, F., 51. Duval, A. P 298. Duveen, E. J., 477. Duvillers, F., 305. DvoHk, M., editor, 97 (Riegl). Dwelshauvers-Dery. V,, 346 Dwyer, C. P., 251 ' Dye, F., 364. Dyer, G., 166. Dyer, T. H., 51. Dyson, S. S., 223. Dibdin, C, Jr., 321. Dibdin, T. F., 137, i 47. Dibdin. W. J., 350. Dibelius, F. W., 334. Dick, S., 250. Dickerman, L., editor, 113 (Mar- riette). Dickinson, W., 154. Dickson, J.. 227. Dickson, W. E., 268. • Didron, A. N., 268. Didron, £., 410. Downes, W. H., 213 (Baxter). Downing, A. J., 30 (Wightwick), ^ 251, 305. Downing, H. P. B., 154, Downman, E. A., 404. Drake, F., 154, 267 (Dart). Drake, H. H., editor, 156 (Hasted). Drake, M., 410. Drake, S. A,, 243. Dredge, J., 426 (Weltausstellung). Dreger, M., 387. Dresdener Architekten-Verein, 138. Dresser, C, 102, 373. Dresslar, F. B., 295. Earle, A. M., 305, 312 (Walpole). Earwaker, J. P., 154. Eassie, P. B., 414, Eassie, W., 364. East and West India Dock Com- pany, 448. Eastern Hydraulic-Press Brick Com- pany, Philadelphia, 350. Eastlake, C. L., 81, 398. Eastman, W, R., 315. Ebbetts, D. J., 404. Ebe, G., 20, 89, 326, 374. Eberle, L., 318. 490 AUTHOR INDEX 88 (Mirabilia Eberldn, G., 236, Eberlein. H. D., 243- Ebers, G., 112. Ebersolt, J.. 206. Eberstadt, R., 433. 436, 439. 453, 474. Ebhardt, B., 138, ^18. Ebrard, F. C, editor, 315. Eckardt, A., 116. Eckel, E, C, 350, 354. Eckman, W. H., 456. Ecole nationale et specialc des beaux-arts, Paris, 417, .419. Eden, F., 305. Edgar, C. C, 236. Edinburgh Architectural Associa- tion, :s7, 269. Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art, I. Edis, R. W., 5^4, 399. Edison Electric Light Company, 415. Edkins, J., 102. Edminster, C. F., 339. Edmonds, W. J„ 269. Edwards, A. B,, translator, 113 (Maspero). Edwards, E. P., 318. Edwards, F., 364. Edwards, H. S., 133. Edwards, P. J., 453. Edwinson, G., 406 (Young). Eeles, F. C, 404. Egerton, F., ist Earl of Ellesmere, 446. Egger, H., 51, 186. Eggers, F., editor, 37 (Deutschcs). Eggert, F. X., 410. Eggert, H., 295. Egle, W. H., 216. Egleston, N. H., 437. Egleston, T., 346. Egypt. Comite de conservation des monuments de I'art arabc, 112. Ehmck. D. R., 301. Ehwald, R., editor, i Romae). Eichholz, P., 243. Eichler, G., 305." Eickemeyer, R., 437. Eidlitz, L., 20. Eiffel AG. 332, 455. Eigenbrodt, C., 467 Eigl, J., 116. Eisenlohr. L., editor, 3^ (Architek- tonische). Eitelberger von Edelberg, R., 206. Eitelberger von Edelberg, R., editor, 70 (Heider). Ekart, T. P., 305. Ekblaw, K. It:, 477. Elder, k, 477. *^^ Elderkin, G. W., 51. Electric Fireproofing Company, 3^9. Electric Storage Battery Company, 304. Eley, C. K., 269. Elgood, G. k, 305. Elgood G S., illustrator, 307 (Jekyll). Ehot, C, 4s8, 463. Eliot, C. WV7 EUacombe, H. N., 305. Ellacomhe, H. N., editor, 313 (Wat- son, J. F.), Ellacomhe, H. T., ,54, 404. tiler, G., 154, g||.«t. <^;v 455 (Papers). Elhot, W. G., 364. Elliott, C. W., 326. Elliott, F. R., 3o<;. Elliott, J. W., 305. Elliott, R., 269. Elliott, S. M., 364. ElUs, A. C, 295. Ellis, G., 352. Ellis, W. S., 306. EUwaneer. W. De L., 387 EUwood, G. M., 399. Elmes, J., 7, 15, 20, i68. Elsing, W. T., 442. Elson. A. W., & Co., 51, 112. Elwell, N. W., 3 1 5, 399. Elwes, D. G. C.r 154 Ely, H. R., 305. Ely. R. T., 436. Elyard, S. J., 251. Embury, A., 2d, 251. Emdcn, H., 138. Emerald Isle Album Company, Dub- lin, 171. Emerich, H., 431. Emerson, F., 364. Emerson, G. B., 439. Emerson, W., 339. Emy, A. R., 352. Enault, L., 208. Ende, H., editor, 95, Engel, F., 251. Engelhardt, H. A., 306. Engelmann, R., 51. Engineering, publisher, 451. Englefield, Sir H. C, 82 (Smirke), 264 (Carter, J.). English, II. D. W., 432. Enlart, D. L. C, 20. 81, 89, 123, T76, 269, 374. Eno, W. P., 453. Ensley, E., 471. Enthoffer, J., 437. Equitable Life Assurance Society, 214, 216. Erichsen, N., 181 (Ross). Erichsen, N., illustrator, 117 (Luet- zow), 191 (Okey), 254 (Ross). Erizzo, N., 332. Erkes, P., 333 (Serrure). Ernouf, A. A., Baron, 306. Ernst, R., 393. Errard, C, illustrator, 78 (Gayet). Errera, C, 176. Errera, I., 387. Erskine, F. J., 404. Erskine, M. G. Z. C, 168. Escher, C, 393. Escher. H., 269. Escholier, R., 469. Espaulart, A. d', 393. Esperandieu, J. £., 406. Espinay, G. d', 123. Esposizione fotografica dell' As- sociazione artistica fra i cultori di architettura in Roma, 425. Esposizione italiana di architettura, 425. Espouy, H. d', editor, 45 (Academic), 65 (Academic). Esquie, P., editor, 18 (Barozzi). Essenwein, A. O., Ritter von, 20, 68, 78, 269, 319, 374. Essex, R. H., illustrator, 394 (James). Essex, W. R., 411 (Smirke). Essex County, N. J. Park Com- mission, 459. Esswein, J., 227, Etex, A., 269. Ettmueller, E. M. L., 393. Euting, L, illustrator, 62 (Simon- sen). Evans, E. H., 269. Evans, E, P., 269. Evans, H. A., 154. Evans, R., 470, 480. Eveleth, S. F., 295. Evelyn, J., editor, 20 (Chambray). Everaerts, A., 301. Everett, H, E., 374. Ewald, E., 374, Ewerbeck, F., 138, 326. Ewing, A., 172 (Buckler). Ewing, J. A., 346. Eye, J. L. A. von, 243. Eyre, W., editor, 38 (House &). Eyries, G., 123. Eyth, C. 393. F. Faber, R., 295. Faber, W. ¥., 410. Fabre, A editor, 424 (Salon dc 1872). Fabricius, E., 51. Fabricius, M. P., 196. Fabriczy, C. von, 7. Fabriczy, C, von, editor, 17=; (Burckhardt). Facey, J. W., 374. Faeh, A., 20. Faehnlein, L, 205. Faesch, J. R., 89. Fagan, L., 333. Page, R., 477. Fago, v., 86. Faija, H., 354- Fairchild, T. IL, _'i2 (Richardson) Falcon, M.. 200. Falconnet, H., editor, 422 (World's) Falda, G. B., 298, 464. Falguera, A. de, 203 (Puig y Cada falch). Falk, F., translator, 371 (Block buys). Falk, M. S., 3SO. Falke, J. von, 51, 68, 95, 99, 206 _ „ 374, 399, 456. Falke, O. von, 404. Falkener, E., 51. Fallow, T. M., 269. Falls, J. C. E., 112. Faluschi, G., 176. Famin, A.. 90 ((5randjcan de Mon tigny). Farcy, G., 295. Farcy, L, de, 269. Farge, L., 409 (Wulliam). 423 (Ex position universellc inter nationale). Farge, L., editor, 41 (Recucil), 41J (Concours). Farmer, J. E., 227. Farnsworth, A. W., 343. Farolet, J. )., Abbe, 260. Farrar, C. S., i. Farrar, F W., 270, 409 (Canter- bury). Farren, R., 270. Farrer, R. J., 306. Farrow, F. R., 359, 415. Farrow, FR editor, 348 (Stock). Farthing, F. H., 306. Farwell, P. T., 437. Fassbender, E., 436. Faucon, P. J. M., 270. Faulkner, T., 236. Paulwasser, J., 270, 343. Faunce, L., 339. Faure, P., 20. Favaro, A., 346. Favart, £., 390. Fawcett, W. M., editor, 329 (Paley). "* ^ Fawkes, F. A., 241. Faxon, J L., 415. Fayans, S., 236. Fea, A., 45 (Angelini), 251. Fea. C. D. F. L, 186, 270. Fea. C- .D- F. I., translator, 30 (Winckelmann). Fearnside. W. G., editor, 145 (Tombleson), 168. Fcasey, H. J 270. Fechheimer, S. S., 7. Federici, N. G., 7. Fehrmann, E. G., editor. 374, Feilchenfeld, F. W., 200. Feldegg, F., Ritter von, 11 (Nie- mann), 270, 464. Feldmann, C. P.. translator, 320 (Coerper). S^^ln^*-. R-. 393. Felibien, A., 7. Feller, J., 404. Fellows, Sir C, 51. Felton, S., 306. Fenger L., 374. Fenn, F., 390. Fenn, H., illustrator, 402 (Shackle- ton). FenoUosa, E. F., 393. Fenton, It. 155. Fenwick. S.. 346. Feoli, v.. 186. Ferabosco, M., 270. Ferand, L., 7. Feret, R., 355 (Taylor). Ferguson, F. O., 339. Ferguson, S., 20. Fergusson, J., 21, 51, 68, 95, 99, T04, 105 (Hope), 106, 108. Fernandez-Guerra y Orbc, A., 236. Fernow, B. E., 306. Fernow, C. L., editor, 30 (Winckel- mann). Ferrari, G^ 404. Ferrario, G., 270, 324. Ferree, B., 7, 211, 270. Ferrerio, P., 227. AUTHOR INDEX 491 Ferrero, E., 176, Ferrey, B., 7. Ferry and Clas, architects, 416 (State). Ferstel, H., Freiherr von, 118. Ferstel, M. von, n8 (Ferstel). Festeau, b\, 321 (Chauderlot). Fett, H., 270. Fewkes, J. W., 208, 217. Feydeau, E., 236. Ffoulkes, C. J., 477. Ffoulkes, E, S., 270. Fichot, C, 236. Ficoroni, F. de', 186. Fiedler, W., 339- Field, G., 408. Field, H., 243, Field, M., 95, 251. Field, W. T., 186. Field, Walter, 270. Field, William, 155- Figaro Exposition, 423. Filarete, A., 21. Filippi, J. de, 321. Fillebrown, C. B., 471. Firmenich-Richartz, E., editor, 142 (Merle). Firth, J. B. 155. Fischbach, F., 387. Fischbach, F., illustrator, 382 (Pulszky). Fischer, C, 455. Fischer, H., 364. Fischer, J. L., 138. Fischer, T., 436. Fisenne, L., Freiherr von, 68. Fish, D. S., 306, Fisher, A. H., 270. Fisher, T., 155, 393. Fiske, G. B., 251. Fiske, H. A., 359 (Crosby). Fittler, J., engraver, 173 (Nattes). Fitzgerald, D., 447, 462. Fitzgerald, L. M., 257. Fitzgerald, P. H., 7, 168. Fitzgerald, S., 200. Fitzherbert, S. W., 306. Fitzpatrick, F. W., 359, 474. 477- Fitzwygram, Sir F. W. J., Baronet, 251. Flach, J., 243. Flagg, E., 443. Flamant, A., 346, 446. Flandin, E., io6 (Botta), 106. Flandreysy, J. de, 123. Flasch, A., 374. Flattich, W., 320. Flavitsky, J., 364. Flaxman, J., 374. Flechsig, E., 140 (Koeniglicher). Flemwell, G., 306. Fleres, U., 186. Fletcher, B., 21, 257, 415, 468, 475. Fletcher, B. F., 7, 21, 352, 364. Fletcher, B. F.,editor, 475 (Fletcher, B.). Fletcher, H., illustrator, 166, 168, 476 (Bone). Fletcher, H. P., 352 (Fletcher, B. F.), 364 (Fletcher, B. F.). Fletcher, H. P., editor, 475 (Fletcher, B.). Fleuret, 350. Fleury, £,, 123. Fleury, G., 270. Fleury, M., Comte, 123. Fleury, P. P. F. A. de, 399. Flint, D. B., 352 (Skillings). Floetner, P., 140 (Hirschvogelsaal). Floquet, A., 374. Flottwell, E. von, 138. Floy, II., 471. Flury, S., 374. Poeppl, A., 346. Foerster, E., 7, 21, 138, 176. F o c r s t e r, II. Ritttr von, 260 (Becker). Fogolari^ G., 176. Foley, E., 412. FoUen, C. C, 306. Folsom, N., 221 (Johns TTopkins). Fonssagrives, E. J. P. M., 102. Fontaine, P., 350, Fontaine, P. F. L., 91 (Percier), ijju (Percier), 381 (Percier). Pontana, T., s?, 187. Fontana, D., 187, Fontana, G., 406. Fontani, F., 176, 177. Fontenay, — de, 257. Fontenay, L. A. de B., Abbe, 7. Fonteyne, J., 326, 393, 404. Foord, J., 460. Foord, Rev. J., 390. Footman, J., 270. ForbSth, E., 432, Forbes, A., 306. Forbes, A. H., editor, 33 (Archi- tecture), 306. Forbes, W., 337. Forcella, V., 261 (Beltrami). Forchheimer, P., 78, 446. Ford, F. L., 434 ((jarrere), 464, 46s. Ford, G. B., 432 (Goodrich), 434 (City Plan). Ford, J., 443. Ford, R., 227. Ford, Bacon & Davis, 451. Fordrin, L., 404. Fordyce, W., 155. Forestier, J. C. N., 456, Forrer, R., 16, 112, 387, 406. Forrest, J., editor, 343 (Milne), 354. Forster, K., 196. Forsyth, J., 236. Forsyth, R., 172. Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Chil- dren, Boston, 220. Fort, G. F., 68. Fort Wayne, Ind. Board of Park Commissioners, 459. Forty, T. F., 333. Fosbroke, T. D., 16, 155. Fossa, F. de P. M. J. R. de, 123, 227. Fossati, G., 270. Foster, J., 166. Foster, Mrs. J., translator, 14 (Vasari). Foster, Mrs. J. F., 306. Foster, M. B., 155. Foster. V. H. L., 339. Foster, W. E., 270. Foster & Reynolds, publishers, 393. Foucart, G., 390. Foucart, P. F., 21. Fouche, M., 7. Foucher, A., 104. Fougeres, G., 52. Foulston, J., 301. Fouquier. M., 306. Fourcaua, L. de B. de, 81. Fournereau, N., 352. Fourniss, W., 384 (Sutherland) Foussier, E., 387. Foville, A. de, 243, 449. Fowke. F. R., 387. F o w 1 e, W. B., translator, 339 (Francceur). Fowler, J. T., 270. Fowler, J. T., editor, 155, Fowler, O. S., 243. Fowler, W., 407. Fox, C. B., 466. Fox, H., 442. Fox, R. T., 465. Fox, W. F., 470. Foy, J., 3SO. Fra Angelico. See Angelico da Fiesole. Fraipont, G., 300. Fraipont, G., illustrator, 132 (Bar- ron). France, Anatole, pseud. See Thibault, ^ J- A. France. Administration du mobilier national, 387. Bureau des beaux-arts, 417. Commission temporaire des arts, 123- Ministere d'etat, 123. .Vlinistere de I'instruction pu- blique, 37, iio, 220, 270. Ministere de I'interieur, de 1' agriculture et du commerce, 222. Ministere de la marine et des colonies, 104. Ministere des travaux publics, 133. Franceschi-Marini, Signora — , 7. Franchetti, G., 270. Franchi-Verney, G. T., Conte della Valetta, 419. Francine, A., 334. Franciosi, G., 177. Francis, G. B., 320. Francis, J. B., 346. Francis, V. H., illustrator, 130 (Rose). Franck-Oberaspach, C, 138. Francke, K., 299. Francceur, L. B., 339. Francogalli & compagnia, 117. Frank, L., 110 (Marcel). Frankfurter gemeinnutzige Bau- Gesellschaft, 472. Franklin, A. L. A,, 133. Franklin, G. E., 108. Franklin, W., 472. Frantz, E., 407. Franz, J., Pasha, 86, 112. Franz, W., 430. Franzini, F., 187. Fraprie, F. R., 319. Eraser, R. W., 270. Eraser, Sir W., editor, 270. Frauberger, H., 108. Frazer, J[. G., translator, 59 (Pau- sanias). Frazer, P., 467. Frederick, F. F., 339. Freeman, A. C, 220, 236. Freeman, E. A., 21, 81, 124, 155, 158 (Jones), 177, 270 (Farren), 270, 271. Freeman, H. W., 222. Freeman, L. J., 89. Freeman, P., 271. Freitag, J. K., 343, 359, 477- Fremantle, W. H., 271. French, A. W., 369. French, G. J., 374. French, L. H., 374, 399- French, W. M. R., 304 (Cleveland). Freund, R., editor, 220. Frey, C, 184. Freyberger, H., 339. Frickenhaus, A., 477 (Kaiserlich). Friedberg, E. A., 295. Friederichsen, L., 446. Friedlaender, W., 187. Friedmann, A,, 224. Friedrich, T., 108. Frisch, A.. 393. Frisi, P., 81. Frith, F., 113. Fritsch, K. E. O., 89. Fritze, E., 138. Frizzoni, G., 177. Frobenius, H., 104, no. Frohne, H. W., 243 (Desmond), Fromberg, E. O., 410. Frond, V., editor, 187. Frontinus, S. J., 29 (Vitruvius), 52. Frost, H., 454. Frost, M., 217. Frothingham, A. L., 52, 68, 374, 379 (Marquand). Frova, A., 271. Frullini, C. L., 412. Fryer, A. C, 236. Fryer, W. J., editor, 475. Fryer, W. J., Jr., 404. Fuchs, C, publisher, 138, Fuchs, J. N. von, 408. Fuehrer. A., 104. Fuehrer, J., 236. Fuente, V. de la, 200 (Espana), Fuentes, M. A., 208. Fuessli, W., 205. Fuld, L., 441. Fuller, A. W., 244. Fuller, C, 327 (Howe). Fuller, G, A., Co., 359- Fuller, G. W., 466, Fuller, W. B., 355 (Taylor). FuUerton, W., 326. Fulleylove, J., 166. Fumagalli, C, 393. Fumi, L., 271. Fumigalli, A., 68. Funck-Brentano, J. C. F. S., 399. Funk, A., 220. Furchheim, F., i. Furcy-Raynaud, M., 124, Furietti, G. A., 407. 492 AUTHOR INDEX Furnell, T., 408. Furnival, W. J., 407- Furno, E., 21. , Furtwaengler, A., $2, 55 (Koerte). Fuxhoffer, D., 271. Gabelentz, H. von der, 190, 271. Gabet, C, 8. Gade, J. A., 271. Gadow, H. F., 200. Gaebler, E., 430. gTcmSgcn; F./feiherr von, 477 (Diest). Gage, J., 155. Gagnon, E., 301. Gailhabaud, J., 69. GaUhabaud, J., editor, 21. Gaillard, H.,^86. GaiUiard, J. J., 271. Gaimard, J. P., 198. Gall, G. H., 436. Gallaccini, T., 21. Galland, G., i94. Gallee. J. H., 194. Gallcnga Stuart, K A., i77- Gallctly, A., 333 (Taylor, A.). Gallichan, C. G., 200. Gallichan; W. M.. i99 (Calvert). Gallicr, J., 415. „ Gallo, Agostino, 8. Gallo, Andrea, 52. Gallois, L., 51 (%ole). Gallois, L. J. U. N., 449- Galton, A., 271. Gallon, D., 220, 364- „. Gandy, J. P., 52 (Cell). Ganneron, E., 374- Gannett, H., 437- Ganz, H. F. W., 374- Garbett, E. L., 21, 3^3- Garden City Association, 429- ^ Garden Suburb Development Com- pany (Hampstead), Ltd., 438. Gardiner, A. H., 114 (Petrie). Gardner, Alice, 271. Gardner, Arthur, 382 (Prior). Gardner, E. A., 52- .„..,, Gardner, E. A., editor, 57 (Middle- ton, J. H.), 59 (Penrose). Gardner, E. C, 244, 271. Gardner, F. B., 408. Gardner, T. E. G., 177, 184. Gardner, J. S., 404. Gardner, J. S., translator, 405 (Meyer). Gardner, P., 52, 100 (Michaelis). Garland, R., 293 (Winkles, B.). Garlinghouse, F. L., 359 (Kaufman). Garner, T., 244. Gamier, J. L. C, 45 (Academic), 244, 322. Garnier, M. J. F., 104. Garnsey, E. E., 315. Garnsey, G. O., 16. Garrett, A., 374 (Garrett, R.). Garrett, R., 374- Garrucci, R., 69. Garrucci, R., editor, 72 (Macarius). Garstang, J^ 112. Gasc6n de Gotor, A., 200. Gascon de Gotor, P., 200 (Gascon de Gotor, A.). Gasparoni, F., 177. Gasquet, F. A., 271. Gateuil, N., editor, 33 (Architecture pour tous). Gatliff, C, 443. Gau, F. C, 57 (Mazois), 112. Gaucherel, L., 374. Gauchery, P., 265 (Champeaux). Gauckler, P., 52, 407, 407 (Lafaye), ^ . 477. Gaudry, J., 350. Gauthier, T. L., 301. Gauthier, M. J., 8, 177. Gauthier, M. P., 227. Gautier, L,, illustrator, 133 (Cham- peaux). Gautier, T., 196. Gautier (de Dol), T., 271. Gaye, G., editor, 8. Gayet, A. J., 78, 86, 112. Geary, S., 236. Gebbie & Husson Co., 138. Geddes, P., 456. Geefs, E 334. Geffroy, G., 227. Geier, F. X., 84. Geitner, H., 457. Geldart, E., 271. Gelis-Didot, P., 227, 244, 374. Gell, Sir W., 52. Gellin, E. F. M. (misprint for Sel- lin), 108. Gemuend, W., 465. Genard, P.. 194. 271. Genevay, A., 374. Genzmer. E., 453. Genzmer, F., 222, 301, 430, 433 (Brix), 453, 454, 469. George, E., 194. George, W. L., 438. George, W. S., 271, 280 (Millingen). Gerard, F. A., 171. Gerardi, F. M., 187. Gerente, H., 403 (Bordeaux). Gerhard, F. W. E., 52. Gerhard, W. P., 220, 222, 322, 359, 364, 365, 436. Gerlach, F., 451. Gerlach, M., 326, 375, 390, 393- Gerlach, M., editor, 116. Gerland, O. G. C, 138, 228 (Laske). Germain, A., 375. Germain, M., 280 (Monasticon Gal- licanum). Germany. Reichstag, 375. Germinet, G., 365. Gerola, G., 52. Gerold & Co., i. Gerrare, W., 196. Gerspach, £., 387, 407. Gerstenberg, A., 295. Gerstfeldt, O. von, 177- Gervais, A., 37 t^ (Blockhuys). Geschwind, R., 306. Gessert, M. A., 410. Gestoso y Perez, J., 407. Geul, A., 224, 244. Geyling, R., 410. Geymueller, H. von, Baron, 6 (Courajod), 8, 52, 89, i77. 271, Ghiberti, L., 404- Giacchi, L., 396 (Tesoro). Giacomo, S. di, 177. Giacosa, G., 227. GiDb, W., illustrator, 172 (Lamb). Gibbons, D., editor, 475 (Great). Gibbons, J., Cardinal, 25 (Moore). Gibbs, J., 81, 236, 315, 339- Gibson, A. C. translator, 105 (Gruenwedel). Gibson, L. H., 244. Gibson, W. H., 422 (World's). Giesecke, A., 8. Giesenberg, E., 322. Gietmann, G., 21. Gil Sanz, Aj, prefacer, 200 (Falcon). Gilardone, F., 322. Gilbers, G., publisher, 417. Gilbert, A., 374 (Ganz). Gilbert, A. P. M., 271. Gilbert, B. L., 320. Gilbert, G., 271. Gilbert, G. H., 451. Gilbert, J^^ 410. GUbreth, F. B., 361, 415. Gilchrist, J. G., 271. Gill, C. L., 247 (Richardson). Gilles, I., 124. Gillette, H. P., 415. Gillmore, Q. A., 346, 350, 448 (New York City. Department of Docks). Gilpin, W. S., 306, Ginet, N., 343. Giovannoli, A., 52, Girard, A. C, 301. Girard, P., 53. Girard, P. S., 346. Girardin, L. S. C. X., Comte de, 306. Giraud, B., 251. Giraud, C. J. B., 419. Giraud, J. B., 424 (Union). Giraudet, E., 8. Girault, C, 424 (Exposition uni- verselle). Girault de Prangey, M., 200. Girdlestone, C, 365. Giron, L., 393. Gironde, L., Comte de, 53. Giulini, G., Conte, 177. Giusto, E. M., 410. Gladbach, E., 205. Gladden, V., 212 (Richardson). Glade, A. F., 320. Glasgow, E., 166. Glasgow, Scotland. City Improve- ments Department, 433. Glazier, R., 375. Glen, W. C, 473- Glenn, T. A., editor, 211. Glenny, G., 306. Gloag, M. R., 306. Gliicq, — , 423 (Exposition, 1878, 1880). Glynne, Sir S. R., Baronet, 271. Gnauth, A., editor, 34 (Art Work- manship). Gnoli, D., editor, 33 (Archivio), (Arte, L'). Gnoli, U., 424 (Mostra). 34 Goad. C. E, ^59. Godard-Faultrier, V., 393, Goday y Casals, J., 203 (Puig y Cadafalch). Godbillon, M., 387. Goddard, H., 257. Godde, j., 2. Godemann, H., 306. Godfrey, E., pseud. See Bedford, T. Godfrey, Walter H., 168, 337, 476 (Clapham). Godfrey, William H., 465. Godinez, F. L., 365. Godley, A. D., 166. Godman, E., 227, 283 (Pepys). Godon, J., 387. Godron, R., 390. Godwin, G., 168. Goebel, O. H., 244. Goeck, C, 295. Goecke, T., 220, Goeller, A., 21, 326. Goerz, R. R., 84 (Geier). Goetghebuer, P. J., 194. Goethe, 138. Goetz, Walter, 177. Goetz, Wilhelm, 244. Goetze, C, 306. Goff, C, 177. Goforth, W. D., 326. Golinelli, L., 354. Goltz, H. A. A., Freiherr von der, 439- Gomez-Moreno, M. M., 375. Gomme, bir G. L., editor, 147. Gonin, E., 343. Gonino, 1., editor, 10 1 (Perrot). Gonnelli, G.,„^236. Gonse, L., 375. Gonzlilez, C, 346. Gonzalez de Leon, F., 200. Gonzati, B., 271. Good, J. M., 437. Goodhue, W. F., 436. Goodrich. E. P., 432, 434 (City Plan), 449 (Bush). Goodrich, W. F., 466. Goodridge, J. C, 350. Goodwillie, E., 237. Goodwin, T. G., 393. Goodyear, W. H., 21, 53, 89^ 177, 326, 327^ 390, 425 (Esposizione fotografica). Googerty, T. F., 404. Goovaerts, A. J. M. A., 301. Gordon, C, 168. Gordon, E. J. A., 264 (Caioe). Gordon, G. H., 4th Earl of Aber- deen, 53. Gorham Manufacturing Company, 237. Gori, A. F., 53. Gorringe, H. H., 112. Gosche, A., 177. Goss, W. F. M., 352. Gosset, A., 272, 322, 332. Gostlinp, W., 155. Gotch, T. A., 155, IS6. Gotti, A., 227. Gottlob, F., 81. Gottschalck, C. F., 319. Gouge, H. A., 365. AUTHOR INDEX 493 Goujon, J., 375. Goulburn, E. M., 272. Gould, E. R. L., 440 (United States), 443» 456. Gould. J., 8. Gould, J. S., 320, Gould, L. D., 415. Gourlay, C, 251. Gourlay, R. F., 458, 469. Gourlier, C. P., 124. Goury, J., 377 (Jones). Gout, P., 8, 272. Go wans, J., 172. Gower, Lord R. C. S. L., 168. Gozzadini, G., Conte, 53, 177. Gozzini, V., illustrator, 236 (Gon- nelli). Gracklauer, O., 2. Graef, P., conipiler, 95. Graefinghoff, K., 477 (Diest). Graevius, T. G., editor, 53, Graf, H., "81. Graham, A., no. Graham, J. G., 272. Graham, P. A., 432. Graham, R. C, 237. Graham, R. H., 346. Grainee, W., 156. Gramm, J., 393. Gramm, J. C, 251. Grandjean de Montigny, A. H. V., 90, 237. Grandmaison, L. C. A. L. de, 237. Grandsaigne, II. de, 227 (Duchesne). Grange, C, 361. Granger, A. H., 477. Granges de Surgdres, L. R., Mar- quis de, 8. Grant, J., 172. Grapaldi, F. M., 16. Grapow, W., 320. Grasel, P. (misprint for Grass!) , 251- Grashof, F., 346. Grasset, E., 385 (Verneuil), 390. Grassi, R., 177. Grassl, P. (wrongly entered as Gras- sel), 251. Grassoreille, G., 227 (Gelis-Didot). Graul, R.. 375. Grautoff, O. N., 138. Gravembroch, W., 404. Graves, J., 272. Gravina, I). B., 272. Gray, C., 53. Gray, H., 441. Gray, J. Y., 346. Great Britain. Acts and laws, 448, 474,. 475.* Commissioners on the Fine Arts, 37.';. Courts of Justice Commission, 417. General Board of Health, 467. Parliament, 445, 467. Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, 156. Royal Commission on London Traffic, 449. Grebaut, E., editor, 114 (Miisee). Green, B. R., 315. Green, H. J., 272. Green, J., 220. Green, J. L., 257. Green, M. A., 156, Green, S. W., 455. Green, V., 156. Green, W. C, 153 (Davie). Greene, A. E., editor, 346 (Greene, C. E.). Greene, C. E., 346. Greening, C. E., 306. Greenough, J. B., 53. Greenslet, F., 393. Greenwell, W., 156. Greenwood, C, 156. Gregorovius, F. A., 237. Gregory, F. M., illustrator, 191 (Yriarte). Greg;son, M., 156. Greig, J., 148 (Storer), 170 (Views). 51g, J-, Greig, J., illustrator, 166 (Chalmers). Gremer, A., 53. Gressent, V. A., 306. Greve, M., 220. Greville, F. F., Countess of War- wick, 306. Griese, C, 447. Griffin. Sir L. H., 104. Griffith, F. LI., 113 (Maciver). Griffith, I. S., 352. Griffith. S. Y., & Co., 156. Grifi, A., engraver, 407 (Raphael). Grifi, E., 184. Grifi, L., 237. Griggs, D. L., 451. Griggs, F. L., illustrator, 149 (Ash- bee). Griggs & Son, London, 387. Grille, C. J. A., editor, 422 (World's). Grille de Beuzelin, E. L. H. T., 272. Grillon, L., 124 (Gourlier), 320. Grimm, D. I., 272. Grimm, H., 8. Grimshaw, R., 244. Grindlay, R. M., 104. Grindon, L. H., 156. Grisar, H., 69, 187. Griscom, J. H., 443. Grisebach, A., 139, 301. Griswold, F. M., 477. Grivaud de la Vincelle, C. M., 327. Grobert, J. F. L., 322. Gromort, G., 477. Gronau, G., 8. Gronau, G., editor, 298. Gropius. C, 375. Gropius, P., 233. Gros, J., 251. Grosch, H., 388 (Kunstindustrie- museet). Grose, F., 147, 156, 171, 172. Gross, W., 306. Grosse Berliner Strassenbahn, Die, 451- Grosser, H. S., 456. Grosser, H. S., editor, 432 (League). Grossmann, E., 244, 334. Grosso, O., 393. Grosvenor, E. A., 78. Grosvenor Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y., 399. Grothe, II., editor, 41 (Orienta- lisches). Grove, D., 365. Growse, F. S., 105. Gruendling. P., 237. Gruendling, P., editor, 257 (Manega). Gruenwedel, A., 102, 105. Grund, A., 437, Gruner, L., 375, 393, 394 (Luini). Gruner, L., editor, 177, 407 (Ra- phael). Gruner, O., 443 (Hasse). Grunow, C, editor, 375. Grunwald, M., 237. Gruyer, F. A., 8, 393. Gruz, H., 375. Gsell. S., 53, no. Guadet, J. 21, 55. Gualandi, M., editor, 22. Gualdi, P., 208. Guardabassi, M., 177. Guarienti, P., editor, 11 (Orlandi). Guarnieri, G. G., 480. Guastavino, R., 343. Guasti, C, 272. Guattan'i, G. A., 53. Gubernatis, A. de, editor, 8. Guedy, H., 419. Guedy, H., editor, 227. Guenebault, L. J., 16. Guenther, A., 244. Guenther, R. T., 477. Guepin, A., 272. Guerin, H. V., 108. Guerin, J., illustrator, 228 (Lans- dale), 307 (Hawthorne). Guerinet, A., editor, 227, 390, 424 (Salon de 1900). Guerinet, A., publisher, 124. Guest, J.. 156. Guggenheim, M., 327. Gugitz, G., editor, 406 (Siccard von Siccardsburg). Guhl. E. C. 53. Guhl, E. C, editor, 24 (Luebke). Guichard, £., 375, 387, 408. Gu'idi, C. A., 272. Guiffrey, J. M. J., 8, 387, 388 (Migeon). Guignard, L., 124. Guignet. C. E., 408. Guigue, M. C, 120 (Begule). Guild. F. S.. 246 (Price). Guild. R. A., 212 (Richardson). Guilhermy, R. F. M. N., Baron de, 133 (Calliat), 133. Guillaume, E., 375- Guillaume, G., 272. /xxr w Guillaume, G. H., editor, 30 (Wight- wick). Guillaumot, A. A., 227. Guillen Robles, F., 200. Guillon, A. I., 22. Guillot, E., 375. Guilmard, J. D., 352, 375- Guiol, — , 306. Guleke, R., 69. Gulick, C. B., S3. ,,^. , , Gunn, A., editor, 163 (fimbs). Gunn, E., 168. . ^ Gunyon, T., editor, 16 (Nicholson). Guppy, H., 3. Gurdji, v., 387. Gurlitt, C, 8, 69, 96, 124, 139, 145 (Steche), 201 (Junghaendel), 207, 272, 276 (Kowalczyk), 375, 376, 436. Gurlitt, C, editor, 139 (Haenel). Gurney, C. S., 214. Gusman, P., 53* Gustin, S. I., 460. Gutbier, A., editor, 10 (Luebke). Gutensohn, J. G., 272. Guttstadt, A., editor, 222 (Virchow). Guyer, E., 233. Guyer, S., 273. Gwilt, J., 16, 20 (Chambers), 22. Gwilt, J., editor, 25 (Nicholson). H. Haack, F., 96. Haacke, J. G. A., translator, 310 ( Pueckler-Muskau) . Haas, H., 192. Habel, S., 208. Haberfeld, H., 376. Haberlandt, M., 251. Habermann, F. X., 376. Habershon, M., 244. Haberstroh, A., 376. Haberstroh, H., 350. Hachette, J. N. P., 339. Hackett, W. H., 399. Hackl, R., 478 (Kaiserlich). Haddon, T., illustrator, 190 (Okey). Hadfield, J., 273. Hadley, A. T., 295 (Four). Haeberle. E., editor, 417 (Deutsche), 418 (Konkurrenz). Haendcke, B., 2, 22, 273. Haenel, C. M., 139. Haenel, E., 96. Haenel, O., 251. Haeutle, C, 228, 232 (Seidel). Haferkorn, H. E., 2. Hafner, A., 410. Hagen, F. H., von der, translator, 207 (Raczynski). Hagger, J., publisher, 237. Haghe, L., 194. Hahn, G., 376. Hahr, A., 8. Haigh, A. E., 53. Haight, R. J., editor, 40 (Monu- mental News). Haines, H., 237. Hains, P. C, translator, 318 (Rey- naud). Haite, G. C. 390. Hake, H. G., 470 (Bryant). Haldrenius, A., translator, 79 (Pro- copius). Hale. A., 214. Hale, B., 352. Hale, E. E., 214, 439. Hales, S., 365. Halfpenny, W., 22, 343. Hall, E. C, pseud. See Obenchain, E C Hall. E. H., 460. HaU. H. R., 114 (Naville). Hall, J., 350. Hall, Sir J., 81. Hall, P., 156. Hall, S. C, 156, 158 (Jewett). Hall, S. R., 295. Hallatt, G. W. T., 319. Hallett, C. W. C, 2)3. 494 Hallett, W. T., 41S. , ^ Halliday Historic Photograph Com- pany, 214. Hallier, E., M.D., 306. Hallopeau, P. F. A., 3S0. Halm, P., 376. Halm, P. M., 237. Halphen, L., 133. Halsted, B., 251, 306. Halwas, A., 393- Hamdy-Bey, O., 53- Hamerton, P. G., 124, 133- Hamerton, P. G., editor, 41 (Port- folio). Hamilton, G., editor, 393- Hamilton, W. J., 99- . , Hamlin, A. D. F., 22, 96, 306 (European), 3i5- Hammer, H., 393; ^ „ .. Hammer-Purgstall, J., Freiherr von, 78. Hammitzsch, M., 322. Hammond, A,, 361. Hammond, G. W., 244. Hampe, T., 299. Hampcl, C, 463. ^ ._ ^ Hampel, C., editor, 306 (Gaertne- rische). Hampel, W., 306. Hampshire County Council. 412. Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust, Ltd. See Garden Suburb De- velopment Company (Hamp- stead), Ltd. Hancock, E. L., 348 (Slocum). Hancock, F., 273. Hand, C. R., 228. Hand, J. E., 442. Hanfstaengl, E., 8. Hanftmann, B., 244. Hanriot, C, 53- Hansen, C, 61 (Ross). Hansen, G., 45 6. .„ . Hansen, T., von, 301, 4^9 (Kaiser- lich). Hantich, H., 116. Harboe, E. V.,_i98. ^ ^^ Harcourt, L. F. V., 446, 466. Harding, T. D., 22. Harding, j. D., engraver, 173 (Law- son). Hare, T.. 443- ^, Harlan, J., 25 (Moore). . Harland. J., editor, 149 (Barnes, E.), 156 (Gregson). Harland, Marion, pseud. See Ter- hune, M. V. Harney, G. E., 251. Harper, J. P., 257. Harrall, T., editor, 168 (Fearnside). Harriman, J. E., Jr., 463. Harrington, J., 168. Harris, G. F., 350. Harris, T., 156. Harris, W., translator, 172 (Ware). Harrison, F., 252. Harrison, Harrison, Harrison, Harrison, P. T., 252. Harrison, William, 273. Harrison, Wilmot, 168, 172. Harrison, W. R., 352. Hart, E., 376. Hart, E. A., 467. Hart, J., 361. Hartel, A., 139, 273. Hartford, Conn. City Engineer, 446. Commission on the City Plan, ^434. , ^ . Department of Engineering, 434. Hartig, E., editor, 237. Hartig, R., 350. Hartleben, A., publisher, 207. Hartley, E., illustrator, 200 (Gal- lichan). Hartmann, C. O., 22. Hartmann, P., 139. Hartshorne, C. H., 228. Hartshorne, H., 365. Hartung, H., 69, 81. Hartwell, E. M„ 22. Hartwell, Swasey & Co., 415 (Fall River). 1, F., 252. ». I-. 404. 1, J. E., 53. 1, 1 P., 273. 1, P. T., 252. AUTHOR INDEX Harvard College, 295, 296, 419. School of Architecture, 33 (Ar- chitectural Quarterly). Harvard Engineering Society, 38 (Harvard). Harvey, A., 266 (Cox, J. C), 319- Harvey, W., 273. Harvey, W. A., 257. Harwood, J., 168. Hasak, M., 273, Hase, C. W., editor, 69. Haselhoff, E., 467. Haseloff, A. E. G., 237, 410. Hasenauer, C, Freiherr von, 322. Hasluck, F. W., 99' Hasluck, P. N., 352, 408, 409. Hasluck, P. N., editor, 241, 244, 337, 352, 361 (Marsden), 368 (Whyatt). Hasse, E., 443. Hasted, E.. 156. Hastings, G., 178. Hatch, C. M., 365. Hatfield, R. 6., 346. 352. Hatt, W. K, 346. Hatton, L, 233. Hatton, R. G., 339, 376, 390. Hatton, W. H., 273. Haudebourt, L. P., 54, 232 (Suys). Hauenschild, H., 350. Haugwitz, E. G., 54. Haupt, A., 8, 69, 90, 178, 237, 477. Haupt, L. M., 453, 446. Hauptmann, A., 376. Hausmann. S., 139. HaussouUier, B„ 60 (Pontremoli). Hautecoeur, L,, 196. Hauttmann, M., 376. Havard, H., 8, 22, 124, 194, 353, 376, 387, 399, 404- Havell, E. B., 105, 477. Haverfield, F., 480. Haw, G., 439, 44 1, 442. Haweis, M. E., 307, 376. Hawes, G. W., 350. Hawkesworth, J., 415. Hawkings, J., 415. Hawkins, B. H., 211. Hawks, F, L., translator, 209 (Rivero). Hawkshaw, J., 455 (Papers). Hawthorne, H., 307. Hay, D. R., 409. Hayden, A., 399. Haynes, J., translator, 371 (Bode), Haynes, S. L., 365. Hay ward, E. E., 443 (Alden). Haywood, J. W., 363, 364 (Drys- dale). Hazelton, G. C, Jr., 211. Hazlitt, W., translator, 12 (Quatre- mere de Quincy). Head, B. V., 54 (Hogarth). Headlam, A. C.,- 54. Headlam, C, 124, 139, 166, 168, 178. Heald, F. B,, 376. Heales, A.. 273. Heap, D. P., 318. Hearne, H. C, 346. Hearne, T., 147, Heath, J. W., 320 (Cook). Heath, S., 157, 273. Heaton, j. A., 376. Heaton, N., 478 (Kaiserlich). Heberdey, R., 54, 10 1 (Oesterrei- chisches). Hebert, M., 252. Hebrard, A„ 22. Hebrard, P., 333. Hecht, A. R., editor, 280 (Moderne). Heck, J. G., editor, 22. Heeley, J., 307. Heffncr, C, 139. Hefner-Alteneck, J. H. von, 404, 412. Hegemann, W., 429, 433, 456. Heideloff, C. A. von, 22, 376. Heiden, M., 376. Heider, G., 70. Heider, H., 237 (Halm). Heilman, R. E., 451. Heim, L., 322. Hein, A. R., 376. Heine, G., 339. Heins, A., illustrator, 449 (Cattier). Heinzerling, C, 350. Heisenberg, A., 373. Helbig, C. F. W., 394- Helbig, J., 22, 54, 70, 399. Helburn, W., publisher, 327, 376. Helburn and Hagen, 399. Helby, T., editor, 160 (Ormerod). Helene, M., 451. Heller, A. H., 346. HeUyer, S. S., 365. Helmken, F. T., 273. Helms, J., 291 (Uldall). Helps, Sir A., 432. Hemenway, H. D., 469. Hemingway, J., 157. Hemming, S., 252. Hemstreet, C, 453. Henard, R., 464.^ Henderson, A. E., 54 (Hogarth), 78 (Millingen). Henderson, C, 307. Henderson, J. A., 307, Hendley, T. H., 387, 422. Hendrie, R., translator, 17 (Theo- philus). ._ , Hendriksen, F., editor, 300 (Beckett). Henman, C, Jr., 73 (Perry). Henne, A., 194. Henning, G. C, translator, 347 (Martens). Henning, R., 244. Henrici, C, 220. Henrici, C. F. W., 434. 469- Henszlmann, I., 70. Hepburn, A. B., 446. Hepplewhite, A., & Co., 399- , . Herbert. G. E. S. M., 5th Earl of Carnarvon, 112. Herbert, W., 244. Herbet, M. P. F., 8. Herder, B., publisher, 22. Here, E., 228. _ .tt ,4^ Hergesheimer, E., 437 (United). Hering, O. C, 252. Herkner, H., 257- Herluison, H., 8. Hermann, E., 22. Hermant, A. P. A., 8. Hermant, J., 211 (Krantz). Herrmann, P., editor, 394. . Herschel, C, editor, 52 (Frontinus). Herz, M., 112 (Egypt, Comite), 112, 376. Herzfeld, E., 87 (Sarre), 107 (Sar- re), 207. Herzfeld, E. G., 442. Hervieu, F. J, J.. 45 1- Herville, H. d', 4i9- ,_ ^. Hesketh, R., editor, 475 (Great). Hess, H., 442. ^ ,_,. ^. n Hesselgren, G. C, Pubhshing Co., 244. ^ Hessling, E., 399. Hessling, E., editor, 133. Hetsch, G. F., 57 (Muenter). Heubach, A., 298. Heuzey, L., 99» ^06. Hevesi, L., 8, 116. Hewett, E. L., 217, 43 1- Heyer, R., 139. , /r ,1 ^ Heyse, P., translator, 199 (Caveda). Hiatt, C, 373. Hibberd, S., 241, 252. Hichens, R. S., 112. Hicks, E. L., 318 (Conway). Hicks, 1. P., 339. 4i5. Hiersche, W., 477- Hiersemann, C. W., 2, 410. Hieser, J., editor, 70 (Heider). Higginson, H. L., 447. Higginson. T. W., 250 (Capen). Hildebrand, Hans, 376. Hildebrand, Heinrich, 103. Hildebrandt, H., 70, 477- Hildrup, J. S., 218. HiU, A. G., 273. Hill, C. S., 355, 415 ((iillette). Hill, O., 444. Hillebrand, E., 273. Hiller von Gaertringen, J. F. W., Freiherr, editor, 54. Hillig, H., 376. Hills, O. C, 273. Hinckeldeyn, K., 211 (Graef). Hinds, A. B., translator, 14 (Vasari). Hine, T. C, 228. Hinks, A. R., 437. AUTHOR INDEX 495 Hinrichs. W. T., 8. Hinsdale, G., 466 (Weber). Hinton, H. L., compiler, 360 (Na- tional Fire). Hinton, L. J., 350. Hintraeger, C, 296. Hirschberg, E., 444. Hirschfeld, C. C. L., 307. Hirschfeld, O. G., 54. Hirt, A. L., 54. Hirth, G., 376. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 38. Hitchcock, R., 103. Hittenkofer, — , 376. Hittorff, J. I., 8, S4, 192. Hitzig, F., 96, 224. Hitzig, H., editor, 59 (Pausanias). Hoare, Sir R, C, Baronet, 157. Hobbs, I. H., and Son, 252. Hodges, C. C, 237, 273. Hodges, G., 273. Hodgins, J. G., 296. Hodgkin, J. E., 477. Hodgkin, T., 54. Hodgson. F. T., 337, 339, 343, 350, 353, 361, 415, 477- Hodgson, F. T., editor, 244^ 337 (Forbes), 360 (Cyclopedia). Hodgson, J., 157. Hoeber, F., 477. Hoefer, F., no (Marcel). Hoelscher, U., 112. Hoffbauer, F., 133. Hoffman, J, D., 36s. Hoffmann, J., 376. Hoffmann. J. G., 471. Hofland, T. C, 307. Hofmann, A., 237. Hofmann, F. H., 140. Hofmann, T., 394. Hofmann, R., 390. Hofmann, T., 8, 90. Hogarth, D. G., 100. Hogg, J., 364 (Elliot, W. G.). Hohenberg, F., 430 (Braun). Holbein, H., the younger, 376. Holborn, J. B. S., 274. Hole, J., 444. Hole, S. R., 307. Holiday, H., 410. Holland, H., 396 (Schnorr). HoUeaux, M., 54. HoUin, F., 276 (Knoblauch). Hollister, H. A., 296. Holly, H. H., 244, 252, 274. Holly. H. W„ 335. Holman, E. E., 252. Holme, C, 252. Holme, C, editor, 91 (Nash), 194 (Jones), 244, 252 (Jones), 307, 376, 384 (Vallance), Holmes, Mrs. B., 464. Holmes, C. J., editor, 36 (Burling- ton). Holmes, W. H., 218. Holroyd, C, 8. Hoist, H. V. von, 19 (Brown), 244. Holt, R. B., 387. Holtzapffel, J. J., editor, 413 (Le- land). Holtzinger, H., 45 (Amehing), 54, 274. Holtzinger, H., editor, 88 (Burck- hardt). Home, B. J., 245. Home, P., 274. Home Gardening Association of the Public Schools of Cleveland, 429. Hommaire de Hell, I. X. M., 207. Homolle, J. T., 54. Honan, M. M., translator, 478 (Pergamus). Honda, K., 306 (European). Hondt, F. J. de, 333. Hood, C, 365. Hool. G. A., 343. 3^5. Hooper, C. E., 252. Hooper, J., 403 (Wells). Hope, T., 22, 399. Hope, T. C, IDS. Hope. W. H. St. J., 274. Hopkins, A., 252. Hopkins, A. A., editor, 14 CVasari). Hopkins, D. S., 245. Hopkins, J. F,, 22, 81. Hopkins, J. H., 274. Hopkins. T. C, 350, Hoppin, J. M., 54, 81, Hornby, L. G., illustrator, 453 (Kerfoot). Horner, J., 184 (Horner, S.). Horner, S., 184. Horsfall, T. C, 444- Horsfield, T. W., 157. Horsley, G. C, illustrator, 82 (Prior). Horstmann, H. C, 359, 365. Horton. C. W., 22. Hosford, L. D., 255 (Suburban). Hosking, W., 343. 473- Hoskins, G. A., 113. Hoskins, G. G., 415, Houdoy, J., 274. Hough, ¥. B., 480 (Planting). Hough, R. B., 350. Houghton, A. A., 252, 355. Hourticq, L., 124. Houston, E. J., 365. Howard, E,, 438. Howard, F., 5th Earl of Carlisle, 322. Howard, J. G., 306 (European). Howard and Sons, 333, 399. Howe, C. B., 339. Howe, F. C, 432, 436. Howe, L. L., 327. Howe, M. A., 335. 361. Howes, O., Jr., 451. Howitt, M., 148 (Howitt, W.). Howitt, W., 148. Howlett, B., engraver, 157. Howson, J. S., 157. Howson, J. S., editor, 274. Hoyt, W. E., 365. Hrvatsko arheolosko drustvo, Agram, 38. Hubbard. C. L., 365. Huber, A., 327, 399. Huber, M., translator, 30 (Winckel- mann). Huber-Liebenau, T. von, 245. Hucher, E. F. F., 410. Hude, H. von der, 233. Hudson. W. H., 218. Hudson County, N, J. Park Com- mission, 459. Huebner, P. G., 377. Huebsch, H., 140, 274, 322. Hueffer. F., translator, 53 (Guhl). Huelsen, C. C. F., 54 (Haugwitz), 54. 187. Huet, E., 124. Huet, J. C, 22. Hugall, J. W., 284 (Poole). Hugford, I., illustrator, 13 (Serie). Huggins, S., 22, 23. Hughes, J. A., 307. Hughes, T., 157, Hugo, A., 124. Hugo. C, 465. Huguenet, I., 350. Hulbert. C, 157, 161 (Phillips, T.). Hulbert, C. A., 274. Hull, Edward, 350. Hull, Eleanor, 171. Hulme, F. E., 377, 390, 410. Humann, C, 54, 100. Humann, G., 140, 377. Humber, W., 415. Humbert, A., 103. Humphrey, R. L., 346, 355. Hungarian Academy of Science, 32 (Archseologia). Hungary. Acts and laws, 445. Hungerford, E., 450. Hunnewell, H. H., 307. Hunnewell, J. F,, 124, 157. Hunt, E. M., 465. Hunt, F. K., 301. Hunt, M. A., 241. Hunt. R., editor, 17 (Weale), Hunt, R. M., 237, 334. Hunt, T. F., 90, 245, 252. Hunt, V. B., 169. Hunter, James, 172. Hunter, Joseph, 157. Hunter, R., 441 (City). Hunter, W. W., 105. Hunziker, J., 245. Huppertz. A., 274. Huquier, G., 404. Hurd, H. M., editor, 221 (Inter- national). Hurd. R, M., 471. Hurrell, J. W., 399- Hurry, J. B., 274. Hurst, G. H., 409. Huss, G. M., translator, 29 (VioUet- le-Duc). Hussey, A., 274. Hussey, E. C, 245, 252. Husson, F., 404. Husson, J. C. A., 220. Huszka, J., 377. Hutchins, J., 157. Hutchinson, W., 157. Hutton, E., 157, 178, 184, 200. Hutton, W., 157. Hutton, W. H., 228. Huysmans, J. K., 274. Hyett, F. A., 184. Hymans, H., 194. Hymans, S. L., 194. Hymans, P., 194 (Hymans, S. L.). Hyvernat, H., 100 (Mueller- Simonis). I'Anson, E., 100. Ijzerman, J. W., 105. Ilg, A,, 118, 375 (Gerlach), 377, 390 (Gerlach), 404. Ilg, A., editor, 17 (Theophilus), 116. Illinois. Acts and laws, 459. Eastern Hospital for the Insane, Kankakee, 220. Illinois Telephone Construction Company, 451. Immerzeel, J., Jr., 9. Imperial Archaeological Society, Moscow, 477. Improved Dwellings Association, Boston, 444. Incorporated Church Building So- ciety, 26s (Church Builder). Indiana. Building and Loan As- sociation Department, 422. Custodian of Public Buildings and Property, 301. State Library, 427. State Soldiers Home, 217. Inffeld, A., Ritter von, 327. IngersoU-Smouse. F., 237. Inghirami, F., 237. Inglott, Sir F. V., 387. Ingram, J., 166. Inkersley, T., 274. Inman, W. S., 366. Institut archeologique liegeois, 38. Institut de France, 16. Academic des beaux-arts, 417. Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 38. Institut d' estudis Catalans, 394. Institute of Architects of New South Wales, 420. Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, 429. Institute di corrispondenza archeo- logia, Rome, 38, 39. International Congress of Archi- tects, 420. International Congress of Charities, Correction and Philanthropy, 221. International Congress of Naviga- tion, 446, 447, 452. International Correspondence Schools, 339. International Fire Prevention Con- gress, 359- International Housmg Congress, 429. Intime Club, Pans, 39, Inwards, R., 208. Inwood, H. W., 55- lozzi, 0., 187. Ireland, S., 125, 157, 194. Irvine, H. D,, 172. Isabelle, C. £., 178, 332. Isabey, L. M., 245. Isambert, fi., 100. Isham, N. M., 55, 214, Italy. Ministero della pubblica istruzione, 39, 178. 496 AUTHOR INDEX Ito, C, 103 (Toldo). Ivanof, S. Ay. 55- Ivanowski, S. de, illustrator, 307 (Hawthorne). Ivekoviif, C. M., 207. , ^ Ives, H. C, 369 (French). J. Jackson, A. W., 252. Jackson, D. D., 466. Jackson. F. G., 377- Jackson, F. H., 70. 394. 4I2- Jackson, J. R., 399- Jackson, T. G., 23. 70, 81, 166, 274- Jackson, T. G., editor, 27 (Shaw). Jackson, W. H., 218. Jacob, E. H., 366. ^ , Jacob, P. L., pseud. See Lacroix, L. P. B. P. Jacob, S, S., 327- Jacobi, D., 472- Jacobi, L., 50 (Duhn). Jacoby, H. S., 343 (Mernman), Jacottet, L. J., 476 (Benoist). Jacquemart, A., 400. Jacques, D. H., 252- Jacquier, F., 332 (Le Seur). [adart, H., 268 (Demaison). jaeger, H., 307, Jaeger, J., 274. Jaenecke, W., 377. Jaffe, F., 148, 274. Jahn, Oy 394. James, E. E., 178. James, E. J., 432. James, G. W., 274. James. J., translator, 305 (DezalHer D'Argenville), 340 (Pozzo). James, M. E., 377. James, M. R., 377, 394. ameson, C, D., 355. Jamestown, N. Y, Board of Park Commissioners, 459. Jamin, E., 228. Janes, E. H., 444. Janin, J., 132 (Wright). Janitsch, J., o- janssen, L. J. F., 394. Jantzen, H., 327. Janvier. A., 4 (Bazot). Jaquemet, H., 221. Jarves, T. J., 23. Jaussen, A., 108. Jeannel, J. F., 470. Jebb, J., 320. Jekyll, G., 307. Jenkin, A. F., editor, 473 (Archi- tects'). Jenkin, H. C. F., 366. Jenkins, E., 473. Jenkins, S., 453. Jenney, W. L. B., 24 (Loring). Jennings, A. S., 387, 409. Jephson, H., 465. J6quier, G., 394. Jessen, F. von, editor, 198 (Danske). Jessen, P., 2-15, 307, 394^ Jessen, P., editor, 393 (Frisch). Jevons, F. B., 52 (Gardner, P.). Jewett, F. G., 432. Jewitt, L., 228. Jimenez de la Romero, W., 200 (Espana). Jobbins, t. R., 243 (Dollman). Jochem, F, W., 245. John v., of Portugal, 237. John, J. F., 350. Johns, H. W., Manufacturing Co., 409. Johns Hopkins Hospital, 221. Johnson, A., 221. Johnson, A. B., 318. Johnson, B. L., 344 (Radford). Johnson, E. R., 446. Johnson, F. R., 346. Johnson, G. E., 462. Johnson, G. W., 307. Johnson, H. J. "ohnson, 343. 350. 307. 1. H, 1, R. 394- 289 (Sharpe). Johnson, J. B Johnson, J. F Johnson, Johnson, Johnson. W., Johnson, W. M., 327 Johnson, W. R., 346. ohn, 70. J., 275. [58. Johnston, S. P., compiler, 366. Johnston, W. K, 245. "oliment, F. G. T. B. de, 125. ollivet P. J.. 275, 377. oley, H., publisher, 200. oly, V. C, 366. Jones, A. L., 214. Jones, H. L., 167 (Wright). Jones, I., 158. Jones, J., 221 (Johns Hopkins). Jones, O., 55, 113, 201, 377. 407- Jones, R. H., 350. Jones, S. R., 245, 252. Jones, S. R., illustrator, 250 (Ditch- field). Jones, T., 158. Jones, W., 366. Jones, W. B., 158. Jones, W. C, 296. Jonquet, A., 400. Jonsson-Rose, N., 307. Topling, J., 339- Jordan, H., 55. Jordan, M., editor, 397 (Wislicenus). Jordan, W., Jr., 355 (Humphrey), Jorio, A. di, 55, 178. Jorrin, B. J. S., 339- Joseph, C, 404. Joseph, D., 2, 23, 100, 140, 178, 187. Josephi, W., 377. Joslin, W. A., 415. ^ „, Josse, Monsieur, pseud. See Bleton, A. Jouin, H., 27s, 301. Jouin, H., editor, 23. Jourdain, F., 245. Jourdan, J. B. E., 319. Jourdanne, G., 125. Jousse, M., 339, 353. 404* Jousset, P., 140, 178, 201. Jouve, E. G., 275. Jovanovits, C. A., 275. Joyce, J. G., 410. Joyce, T. A., 208. Jubilaums-Gewerbe-Ausstellung, 426. Jubinal, M. L. A., 387. Judson, W. v., 436. Julienne, E., 377. Jullien, J. L. A., 245. Julliot, G., 125. Jung, R., 136 (Baudenkmaeler). Jung, W., 275. Junghaendel, M., 201. Junk, C, 296. Jurkovic, D., 116. Jusserand, J., 25 (Moore). Justi, C, 9, 201. Kabbadias, P., 55, 61 (Rhomaides). K^bdebo, H., 404 (Hg). Kaemmel, O., 187. Kaemmerling, H., 322. Kahnweiler, B., translator, 57 (Mi- chaelis). Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Vienna, 207. Kaiserlich deutsches archaeologi- sches Institut, Athens, 477. Kaiserlich-deutsches archaeolo- gisches Institut, Berlin, 32 (Archaeologische), 39. Kaiserlich-deutsches archaologisches Institut, Rome, 2. K a i s e r 1 i c h-koenigliches oesterrei- chisches Handel s-M use um, Vienna, 387. Kaiserlich-koenigliche Akademie der bildenden Ktinste, Vienna, 2, 419. Kaiserlich-koenigliche Fachschule, Warnsdorf, Bohemia, 390. Kaiserlich-koenigliche Gartenbau- Gesellschaft, 400. Kaiserlich-koenigliche Zentral-Koni- mission fur Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst- und his torischen Denkmale, Vienna, 39. 116. K a i s e r 1 i c h-koenigliches oesterrei- chisches Museum fiir Kunst und Industrie, Vienna, 39, 377. 388. Kalvoda, A.. 228. Kane, J., 222. Kanitz, P. F., 207, 377. Kansas City, Mo. Board of Park Commissioners, 459, Public Library, 427. Kassner, C. J. H., 465. Kastromenos, P. G., .55. Kauffman, E. F., editor, 339 (Le- roy). Kaufman, G., 359. Kaufmann, A., 307. Kaufmann, C. M., 70, 113. Kawerau, G., 55 (Kabbadias). Keane, A. H., editor, 137 (Dohme), 140. Keane, M., 334. Keeler, C. A., 252. Keim, A. W., 366. Keim, DeB. R, 237. Keith, H. P., 377. Kekule, R., 55- Kellaway, H. J., 307, 458, 462. Kellen, T). van der, Jr., 394. Keller, F., 205, 237, 292 (Voegelin), 394. Keller, H., publisher, 140. Keller, J., 478. Kellerstrass, E., 252. Kelley, E. G., 458, Kellogg, h. M., 400. Kellogg, P. U., editor, 442 (Pitts- burgh). Kelman, J., 100. Kelman, J. H., illustrator, 307 (Hen- derson). Kelsey, A., editor, 33 (Architectural League), 461. Kelsey, Francis W., translator, 57 (Mau). Kelsey, Frederick W., 459. Kelsey, H. P., 468 (Olmsted). Kemmerich, M. P. A., 275. Kemp, E., 307, 308. Kemp, O., 252. Kemp, W., 350. Kendall, J., 81. Kendrick, A. F., 275. Kennelly, A. E., 365 (Houston). Kennion. E., 308. Kent, W., editor, 158 (Jones, I.). Kent Archaeological Society, 39. Kenyon, R., 472. Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, 296. Keppler, P. W. von, Bishop, 27';. Ker, C. H. B., 9. Kerckerinck zur Borg, E., Freiherr von, 140. Kerfoot, T. B., 453. Kerler, A., 241. Kermode, P. M. C, 237. Kern, G. M., 308. Kerp, H., 140. Kerr, R., 245, 252, 415. Kerr, R., editor, 21 (Fergusson). Kerrison, Lady C, 257. Kersey, A. H., 289 (Sharpe). Kershaw, J. B. C, 467 (Booth). Kersten, C, 355. Kesser, H., 205. Ketchum, M. S., 224. Kettelle School of Design, Boston, 388. Keussen, H.. editor, 142 (Merlo). Keyser, C. E., 334. Keyser, C. S., 461. Kiash, K. D., 106. Kick, F., editor, 317. Kick, P., 224. Kick, W., 404. Kick, W., editor, 382 (Roesch). Kidder. F. E., 275, 343, 347, 415. Kilbon, G. B., 353. Kimball, K., illustrator, 19=; (Smith). Kimball, S. F., 419. Kimball, f., 428 (Pray). Kinch, K. F., 237. Kindl. F. H., editor, 416 rStrnebd). Kinealy, J. H., 366. King, A. G., 366. King, C. L., 46s. King, E., 319. King, G. G., editor, 479 (Street). King, G. R,, 218, 41^6. King, H. C, 275. King, M., 214. King, P., 394. King. R. J.. 27^. King, T., 400. King, T. H., 81, 276, 404. AUTHOR INDEX 497 Kingman, R. C, 478. Kingsley, R. G., 125, 308. Kingsley, W. L., 212 (Richardson), 296. Kinkel. J. G., 275. Kinnicutt, L. P., 466. Kinross, J., 327. Kiprianof, V., 196. Kirby, H. P., 23. Kirby, T. H., 25; J. Jm 339- Kirkaldy. W. G., 347- Kirkbride, T. S., 221. Kirkegaard, J., 456. Kirkman, M. M., 450. Kirsch, J. P., 275. Kitchener, H. H., 108 (Conder). Kite, E 237. Kitton, F. G., illustrator, 149 (Ash- down), 278 (Liddell). Kittredge, A. O., editor, 366. Klaczko, J., 90. Klaiber, H., 228. Klapheck, R,, 140 (Kerckerinck zur Borg). Klasen, L., 140. Kleiner, S., 276. Kleinpaul, R., 70, 178, 184, 187. Klenze, L. von, 96. Kley, W., 439. Klimsch, C, 377. Klinger, L, 377, 378. Klinger, J. H^ 222. Klinkenberg, J., 140. Kloeden, K. F. von, 9. Kloot Meijburg, H. van der, 276. Klopfer, P., 23. Klopfer, P., editor, 40 (Moderne). Klose, H. T., 468. Klub der Industriellen fiir Woh- nungseinrichtung in Wien, 400 ( Kaiser lich). Knackfuss, H., 9, 23, 100, 140. Knapp, F., 9, 378. Knapp, J. M., 272 (Gutensohn), Knauer, H., 425 (Louisiana). Knauff, ¥., 221. Knauff, M., 366. Knee, F., 258 (Williams). Kneeland, S., 468. Knight, C., 158, 169. Knight, H. G., 70, 192. Knight, W., 237. Knights, M., 158. Knobelsdorff, W. von, 9, Knoblauch, G., 276. Knoll, C., 378. Knowles, C. M., 442. Knowles, W. H., illustrator, 151 (Boyle, J. R.). Koch, A., editor, 37 (Deutsch), 39 (Kind), 327 (Innen), 327. Koch, Hans, 299. Koch, Herbert, 378. Koch, Hueo, 327, 334, 335, 343. Koch, T. W., 315- Koch, v., 290 (Storck). Koditek, J., 2. Koechlin, R., 125, Koehler, H., 327. Koehne, C., 472, 474. Koeniglich-bayerische Julius-Max- milians-Universitat, Wiirzburg, 296. Koeniglich-preussische Messbildan- stalt, 141, 276. Koenigliche Akademie des Bau- wesens, Berlin, 410. Kon'igliche Museen, Berlin, 2, 55, 113, 378. Koenigliche technische Deputation fiir Gevverbe, Berlin, 378. Koeniglicher saechsischer Altertums- verein, Dresden, 140. Koepcke, — , 332. Koerner, C, 296, 335. Koerte, C. E. G., 55. Koerting, J., 366, 478. Kofahl, O., 448 (Schmidt). Kofoid, C. A., 296. Kohl, H., editor, loi (Puchstein). Kolb, H., 410. Koldewey, R,, 46 (Archaeological), 55. 276. Kommerell, O., 347. Kondakof, N. P. See Kondakov, N. P. Kondakoff. N. P. See Kondakov, N. P. Kondakov, N. P„ 176 (Tolstoi), 78, 108, 197 (Tolstoi). Koner, W. D., S3 (Guhl). Kongeligt nordiske Oldskriftsel- skab, 41 (Nordiske). Kongress fur Stadtewesen, Dussel- dorf, 429. Konkurrenzausstellung des Wiirttem. Kunstgewerbevereins, 425. Konnerth, E., 327. Konody, P. G., translator, 10 (Meyer), 185 (Philippi), 191 (Pauli). Korsak, A. de, 378. Kortuem, A., 301, 315. Koser, R., 239 (Prussia). Koss, R.. 296. Kossmann, B., 228. Kothen, C., 276. Kowalczyk, G. von, editor, 276. Krafft, J. C, 245, 308. Kramer, T. von, 378. Kramm, C, 9. Kramp, W. €., publisher, 237. Krantz, C., editor, 422 (World's). Kraus, F. X., 2, 2^6. Kraus, F. X., editor, 189 (Rossi, G., B. de). Krause, A. M., 404. Krause, F., 449. Krause, L. B., 315. Krausse, A. S., 158. Krautwig, — , Dr., editor, 465, Krell, O., 366. Krencker, D., editor, loi (Puch- stein). Kretschmar, C.,. 353. Kreuser, J., 276. Krieg von Hochfelden, G. H., 205. Krohn, R., editor, 454 (Moehring). Kroker, E., 141. Krook, L., 194. Krudewig, J,, 140 (Klinkenberg), 143 (Rahtgens). Krumholtz, A., 426 (Weltausstel- lung). Kuby, W., 296. Kuczynski, R. R., 432. Kuehn, A., editor, 221. Kuehn, P., 141. Kuehne, H., 295 (Ellis). Kuehnei, E., no, 201. Kugler, F. T., 23, 55, 81, 84, 276. Kugler, F. T., editor, 199 (Caveda). Kuhlow, K, 228. Kuhn, A., 23, Kuhn, O., 221. Kumsch, E., 388. Kumsch, E., editor, 378. Kunstgeschichtliche Gesellschaft, Berlin, 412. Kunstindustriemuseet i Kristiania, 388. Kurth, F. E. J., 407. Kurth, J. See Kurth, F. E. J. Kurtz, C. M., 425 (Louisiana). Kuss, J., 23, Kutschmann, T., 192. Kyllmann, W., 474. Labadie, E., 42 (Societe archeo logique). Labande, H. L., 276. Labarte, J., 207, 378, 400. Labarte, J., editor, 276. La Boissiere, P. B. de, 135 (Scott). Laborde, A. J., 422 (World's). Laborde, A. L. J., Comte de, 125, 201, 228, 407, Laborde, L. E. S. J., Marquis de, 55, 100, 108, 315, 469. Labro, C., 422 (World's). Labrouste, L., 23. Labrouste, P. F. H., 55. Lacau, P., 238. Lacey, A. B., 212 (T Square). La Chausse, M. A., 46 (Bartoli). Lacher, K., editor, 331 (Steiermaer- kisches). Lachfiz, T., 343. Lachner, C, 413. Lackner, L., 378. La Croix, C. de, 276. Lacroix, E., 2. Lacroix, L. P. B. P., 9, 71, 378, 400. Lacroix, L. P. B. P., editor, 90, 421 (Annuaire). Lacroix, S. F,, 339. Lacroux, J., 328. La Farge, J., 25 (Moore). La Farina, G., 178. Lafaye, G., 407. Lefever, M., 23, 96. _. , ^ Laffillee, H., 374 (Gelis-Didot). Lafforgue, P., 125. ,, ^ La Fite de Pellepore, V., Count, 196. Lafollye, A. J., 228. Lafon, A. J., 245. Lafond, P., 400, 410. La Font de Saint-Yenne, de, 23. Laforge, E., 201. La Fortelle, B, de, 276. Lafosse, J. C. de, 378. La Gournerie, J. de, 339. La Grange, — , 37^- Lagrange, L., 9. Lagreze, G. B. de, 187. Lahondes, J. de, 276. Labor, J., pseud. See Cazalis, H. Lakey, C. D., 252. Lalaisse, H., 66 (Benoist). Lalanne, F. A. M., 125. Lalanne, F. A. M., illustrator, 194 (Havard). Lalonde, F. R. de, 400. Lalos, J., 308. Laloux, v., 56. Lamb, A. C., 172. Lamb, E. B., 245. Lamb, T., 447. Lambert, A., 96, 298, 308. Lambert, A., editor, 136 (Berlepsch- Valendas). Lambert, B., 169. Lambert, H., 390. Lambert, J. H., 425 (Louisiana). Lambert, T., 244 (Gelis-Didot). Lambeth, W. A., 296. Lambin, £., 390. Lamborn, E. A. G., 166. Lami, E., 132 (Wright), Lamour, J., 404. Lampakis, G., 78. Lampe, F^, 146. Lamperez y Romea, V., 276. Lance, £. A., 9. Lanciani, R. A., 56, 187. Lanciani, R. A., editor, 16 (Ram- say). Lanck, L., 343. Lanckor6nski-Brzezie, C, Graf, 56. Landauer, T. von, 301, 320. Landie, G. A., 328. Landolt, €., 441. Landon, C. P., 9, 134 (Legrand). Landreth, D., editor, 307 (John- son, G. W.). Landriani, G., 276. Landsberg, T., 335. Lane-Poole, S. See Poole, S. [.. Lang, A., 166, 173. Lang, C., 366. Lang, E. M., 158. Lang, H,, 296^ Lang, W. B., 245. Lange, C., 245. Lange, E,, 465. Lange, H. O., 113. Lange, J. C, F. W. von, 56. Lange, Walther, 56, 319, 337. Lange, Willy, 308, 469. Langenegger, F., 86. Langhans, C. F., 322. Langles, L. M., 105. Langley, T., 328 (Langley, B.), 339 Langley, B., 308, 328, 339, 361. ley, T., 328 (Langley. B. (Langley, B.). Langlois, E. H., 276, 4K Langton, M. B., 388. Lankester, E. R., 20 (Cook, T, A.). Lansdale, M. H., 228. Lansingh, V. R., 363 (Cravath). Lanza, G., 347. Lanza, L,, illustrator, 191 (Urbani de Gheltof). La Rada y Delgado, J. de D. de, 394. 498 AUTHOR JNDRX Laran, J., 276. Larenaudiire, P. F. de, 208. Larke, T. K, 460. Larned, W. C, 125. Larrainzar, M., 200. Larroumet, L. B. G. P., 378. Larsson, C, 478. La Saussaye, J. F. de P. L. P. de, 228. Lascombe, A. C. A., 350 (Hallo- peau). Lasimo, G. P., 394- Lasinio, G. P., engrraver, 236 (Gon- nelli). Lasius, O., 141. Laske. F^ 228. Laslett, T., 350. Laspeyres, E., 442. Laspeyres, P., 277. Laso J., J. T., 421 (Pan-). Lassar, O., 222. Lassaulx, F. de. See Lassaulx, J, C, de. Lassaulx, J. C. de, 146 (Whewell). Lasser, M. von, 238. Lassus, J. B. A., 72 (Michiels), 125, 133 (Calliat), 134. Lasteyrie, F. C. L., Comte de, 410. Lasteyrie du Saillant, R. C, Comte de, 81, 277. Latapie, F. de P., translator, 313 (Whately). Latham, B., 366. Latham, C., 378. Latham, C., illustrator, 310 (Phil- lips, E. M.). Latrobe,J. H. B., 211. Laufer, B., 238. Laugier, M. A., 23. Launay, M. de, 208 (Turkey). Launitz, R. E., 238. Laur, W. F., 294 (Zingeler). Laurent, P., 339. Laureys, F., 23. Laurie, A. P., 378. Lauter, W. H., 418 (Barkhausen), Lauterbach, A., 238. Lauzun, P., 228. Lavalleye, E., 277. Lavergne, C., 277. Law, E. P. A., 229. Lawler, J. J., 366. Lawrance, D. A. H., 269 (Evans, E. H.). Lawrence, C., 221, Lawrence, F. W., 441. Lawrence, W. H., 339. Laws, E., 158. Lawson, J. P., 173. Lauton, F., translator, 188 (Rodo- canachi). Lay, F., 388. Layard, Sir A, H., 106, 107, 394, 407. Lazarus, H., 442. Leach, A. F., 296. Leach, F.. editor, 252. League of American Municipalities, 429, 432. League of Library Commissions, Leahy, W. A., 271. Leakey, A., 194. Leaning. J., 415. Lebas, J. B, A.. 113. Le Bas, P., 56. Lebeurier, P. F., Abbe, 126. Leblan, H. F., 245 (Isabey), Le Blant, c. F., 238. Le Blond, Mrs. A. See Le Blond, E. A. F. Le Blond, E. A. F., 308. Le Blond, E. A. F., illustrator, 312 (Triggs). Lebon, E., 339. Le Bon, G., 86, 100, 105. Lebreton, A., 277. Le Breton, G., 238. Le Bris, G., 343. Le Brun, C, 298, 337- Lebrun, F. M., 351. Lebrun, L., 23. Le Carpentier, A. M., 301. Lechat, H., 56. Lechevallier-Chevignard, E., 126. Leclercq, H., 277. Le Comte, F., 23. Le Conte, R., 277. Lecoq, — , 308. Lecoy de la Marche, R. A., 419. Lecureux, L. T., 277. Ledent-Degrace, T., 334. Lederle, E. J., 465. Ledrain, E., editor, 42 (Revue d' assyriologie). Ledwich, E., 171. Lee, A., 351. Lee, E., translator, 113 (Maspero). Lee, F. G., 277. Lee, T., 462. Lee, S. L., 158. Leeds, L. W., 366. Leeds, W. H., 23, 81 (Moller), 96, 170 (Pugin), Leemans, C, editor, 105. Lees, J. C, 277. Leeuw, H., 224, Leeuw, O., 224 (Leeuw, H.). Lefebure de Fourcy, L. fi., 339. Lefebvre, T., 113. Lefevre, A., 23, 308. Lefevre, G. J. S., ist Baron Evers- ley, 456. Lefdvre, L, 366. Leffevre, L., 351. Lefevre- Pontalis, E. A., 229, 277. Leffel, J., & Co., 245. Leffmann, H., 465. Lefroy, W. C, 277. Lefuel, H. M., 394. Leger, A., 56. Legoyt, A., 432. Legrain. J., 378. Legrand, J. G., 23, 134. Le Grand de Reulandt, S. E. V., Legr6, L., 9. Le Hericher, £., 126. Lehfeldt, P., 141. Lehmann, J. G. C, 296. Lehmann, O. K. L., 478. Lehmgruebner, P., 301. Lehner? G., 322. Lehnert, G. H., 378. Lehnert, J., Ritter von, 446. Leibnitz, H., 277. Leigh, J. W., 277. Leighton, J., 378. Leinhaas, G. A., 400. Leisching, J., 404. Leith, S., 378. Leitschuh, F. F,, 141, 478. Leixner-Gruenberg, O. von, 2^, 277. Lejeal, G^ editor, 179 (Martmi). Lejeune, E., 351, 369. Le Keux, J., 148 (Neale). Le Keux, J., engraver, 15 (Britton), 77 (Wild), 129 (Pugin), 166 (Ingram), 167 (Wright). Le Keux, J. H., engraver, 167 (Barry). Leland, A., editor, 462. Leland, C. G., 378, 405, 413. Leland, C. G., editor, 370 (Art work). Leland, E. H., 252. Leland, L. H., editor, 462 (Leland, A.). Lemaire, R., 277. Lemaistre, A., 419. Le Maistre d'Anstaing, I. P. E., 410 (Descamps). Le Moine, J. M„ 211. Lemonnier, A. L. C., 194. Lemonnier, H. See Lemonnier, J. H. Lemonnier, J. H., 126. Lemonnier de la Croix, G. E., 252. Le Moyne, L. V., 252. Le Muet, P., 24. Le Nail, E., 229 (Mieusement). Lenhartz, H., 221. Lenoir, A. A., 71. Lenoir, M. A., 71, 126, 378, 379, 410. Lenormant, C, 90. Lent, F. T., 253. Leonard, J. B., 454. Leonhardt, K. F., 238. Leoni, U., 56. Leosini, A., 9. L'Epinois, H. de, 187. Lepage, P., 475. Le Pautre, J., 405. Le Preux, E. F., ia6. Lepsius, R., 113. Lepszy, L., 117, 196. Lerebours, P. v., 4x3. Le Rouge, G. L., 308. Leroux, G., 24, 51 (£cole). Le Roux de Lincy, A. J. V., 132 (Calliat), 277. Leroy, C. i?. A., 339, 369. Le Roy, J., Baron, 229. Le Rojr, J., Baron, translator, 287 (Sanderus). Leroy, M., editor, 40 (Materiaux et documents d'art). Leroy-Beaulieu, H. J. B. A., 277. Lersch, J. H. L., editor, 141. Le Seur, T., 332. Lesley, R. W., 355. Lesley. R. W., editor, 36 (Cement Age). Lessing, J., 238, 334, 388, 394, 400, 400 (Leinhaas), 405, 407. Lessing, O., 379. 394- L'Estrange, A. G. K., 158. L' Estrange, J., 405. Lesueur, J. B. C, 24, 45 (Aca- demic). Letarouilly, P. M., 187. Letch worth, W. P., 221. Lethaby, W. R., 24, 71, 278, 405, 427 (Art). Letowski, L., 278. Lette, W. A., 472. Lettice, J., translator, 45 (Anti- quities). Leuchars, R. B., 241. Leutz, L., 394. Levetus, A. S., 379. Levi, C. A., 190. Le Vieil, P., 411. L6vy, Edmond, 24, 411. Levy, Ernst, 308. Levy, L.. 56. Levy, M., 347- Lewin, S., 278. Lewis, T. H., 24, 78 (Naville). Lewis, T. H., editor, 79 (Procopius). Lewis & Clark Exposition, 425. Lewis Brothers, publishers, 158. Lex, M. L. F. L., 245. Leybold, L., 141. Leyland, J., editor, 253. Liagre, G. de, 443 (Hasse). Libonis, L., 379. Library Bureau, Boston, 315. Licht, H., 96. Lichtenberg, R., Freiherr von, 24, 238. Liddell, E. T., Canon of Durham, 278. Liebenau, T. von, 230 (Rahn), 411. Liebmann, A., 454. Liebrecht, W., 221. Liechtenstein, C. E., Fiirst von, 24. Liefmann, H., 468. Lienard, — , 379. Lievre, E., 400. Liger, F., 366, 405. Liger, L., 308. Light, W., 56. Ligorio, P., 187. Lilienthal, S., 9, 194. Lilley, A. E. V., 390. Limburger, W., 184. Lincoln, D. F., 296. Lind, C, 71, 278. Lind, K. See Lind, C. Lindau, G., 467 (Haselhoff). Lindberg, P., 332. Lindeberg, H. T., 249 (Albro). Lindenberg, H. A., 379. Lindheimer, O., 299, 322. Lindner, A., 141, 278. Lindsay. A. W. C, Earl of Craw- ford and Balcarres, 71. Lindsay, C, translator, 301 (Ga- gnon). Lindsay, IJ. A. \l.. Lord Balcarres, 9. Lineham, R. S., 24. Linfoot, B., 339. Linfoot, B., editor, 31 (American Architect and Builder's). Linn, W. A., 472. Linse, E., 245. AUTHOR INDEX 499 Lion, G. da, 238. Lipowitz, A., 355 (Reid), Lipparini, G., 178. Lippert, J.. 117, 245. Lippincott II. M., 243 (Lbcrlcin). Lipscomb, G., 158. Lipsius, (i., 9. . Lipsius, T., 218. List, C, 3 IS. Lister, R., 9. i Litchfield, F., 400. Little, A., 214. Littmann. M., 322. Liverpool, England. Free Public Library. Museum and Walker Art Gallery, 2. Health Department, 441. Liverpool Fabian Society, 471. Llaguno y Amfrola, E., 201. Llorente, T., 200 (Espatia). Lloyd, A. P., 475. Lloyd, W. W., 49 (Cockerell). Lochner, A., 400. Locke, W. W., 466. Lockington, W. N., editor, 24. Lockwood, L. V., 400. Lockwood, Crosby & Co., 415. Lodge, G. H., translator, 30 (Winckelmann). Loeper, R,, 56. Loew, A., 410 (Geyling). Loewis, C. von, 196. Loewy, J., 118 (Hasenauer), 119 (Wien). Loffredo, F., Marchese di Trevico, 222. Loftie, W. J., 158, 169. Loftus, W. K, 107. Loga, V, von, 378 (Knapp). Lohde, L., 57 (Mauch). Loiseau, Mile A., 9. Loisel, A., 278. Lokeren. R. van, 278. Lomax, E., editor, 16 (Nicholson). Lotnazzo, G. P., 24. Londi, E., 9. London. County Council, 439, 444, 44=:. 450, 459. 475. London & India Docks Company, 448. Lonergan, W. F., 278. Long, E. A., 308. Longfellow, W. P. P., 24, 339. Longfellow, W. P. P., editor, 16. Longman, W,, 278. Longnon, H., 229. Longstaffe, W. H. D., 158. Lopez, J.,_ translator, 477 (Dis- posiciones). Lopez, M., 278. Lord, R. T., 388. Lorenz, A., 366. Lorenz, F., 179, 192. Lorenzen, V., 198. Lorenzi, G. B., editor, 229. Lorenzo, G. de, 179, 192. Lorenzoni, A., 179. Loring, S. E., 24, 97. Loriot, A. J,, 351. Loriquet, H. M. F., 278. Los Angeles, California. Public Li- brary, 343. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 218. Lossnitzer, M., 379. t Lostalot, A. de, 413. I Loth, C. E., 337. ' Lottermoser, E., 332 (Wcissbach). Louandre, C. L., 400. Loudon, t. C, 253, 308. Loudon, J. C., editor, 33 (Archi- tectural Magazine), 310 (Rep- ton). Loudon, Z. C, See Loudon, J. C. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, 425. Louisville, Kentucky. Public Li- brary, 418. Louvet, — , 424 (Exposition uni- verselle). Lov, A., 468. Loveridge, B. G., 24. Lovett, R., editor, 113 (Manning). Low, J. F., 407. Low, J. G., 407. Low, W. IL, 422 (World's). Lowell. G., editor, 308. Lowell, P.. 103. Lowrie, W., 278. Lowson, G., 346 (Gray). Lawth, T. H^ 24. Lowthorpe School of Landscape Architecture, Gardening and Horticulture for Women, Gro- ton, Mass., 419. Lozano, P., 201. Luard, C. E., 351. Lucangeli, C, 56. Lucas, C, 10, 56, 301, 278. Lucas, E. v., 159. Luce, W. B., 214. Luckenbach, H., 56, 478. Ludwig, A., 221. Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria and Tuscany, 100, no, 117, 201. Luebbecke, F., 379. Luebke, W., ro, 24, 90, 91, 142, 379, 411. Luebke, W., editor, 23 (Kugler). Luebker, F., 16. Lueer, H.. 405, 478. Luetzow, C. F. A. von, 24 (Luebke), 179, 394. Luetzow, F. H. V., Graf von, 117. Luffmann, J., 431. Lugari, G. B., 187. Luini, B., 394. Luker, W., Jr., illustrator, 169 (Loftie). Lukis, W. C, 405. Lumisden, A., 56. Lumsden, L. L., 368 (Stiles). Lundy, J. P., 278. Luschan, F. von, 60 (Petersen). Luthereau, J. G. A., 278, Luthmer, F., 245, 328, 379, 400, 405. Lutsch, H., 278. Lux, J. A., 142, 194. Luzi, L.. 278. Lyell, A. H., 2. Lynam, C, 279. Lynch, H., 201. Lynde, C. J., 366. Lynn, Mass. Park Commissioners, 450. Lyon, I. W., 400. Lyongruen, A., 379. Lyons, A. W., 379. Lysons, D., 148, 159. Lysons, S.. 148 (Lysons, D.). Lyte, H. C, 296. Lyttelton, A., 439 (Nettlefold). M. M., H., 187.. Maatschappij tot bevordering der bouwkunst, Amsterdam, 195, Macarius, J., 72. Macartney." M. E., 242 (Belcher), 253, 328. Macartney, M. E., editor, 245, 478. Macassey, L,, 450. McAuley, W. J., 326 (Goforth). Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, 470. Maccari, E., 229. McCarthy, J., 169. McCauley, L. M., 308. McClelland, E. H., 468. McClure, M. L., translator, 100 (Maspero). McClure, R., 253. McCormick, H. H., 308. MacCracken, H. M., 301, McCracken, L., 179. McCullough, E., 466. Macdermott, M., translator, 320 (ViolIet-le-Duc). McDonald, A., 308. 'McDonald Brothers, 415. McElderry, H., 222 (World's). McEIwee, T. B., 320. Macey, F. W., 415. McFarland. H., 470. McFarland, J. H., 434. Macgibbon, D., 72, 173. McGinty, W. H., 171. McGooQwin, H., 339. Machmar, — , 279. Maciver, D. R., 113. Maciver. D. R., editor, 280 (Mile- ham). Mackay, H. S., 379. Mackenzie, E., 159. Mackenzie, F., 279, 328. Mackenzie, Sir J. D., Baronet, 229. Mackenzie, W. M., 56. McKeon, P. J., 359. Mackie. C, 229. Mackie, S. J., 390. Macklin, H. W., 238. 'Mackmurdo, A. H., 279. Mackowski, W., 258 (Weissbach). MacLean, L., 328. Maclehose, L. S., translator, 28 (Vasari). McLeary, J. T., 25 (Moore). Macleod, M., 444. M'Mahon, B., 308, McManus, B. See Mansfield, B. M. McMillan, C, editor, 437 (Smith). McMillan, W., 308. Mcpherson, L. G., 450. Macquoid, P., 401. Macquoid, T. R., 76 (Waring). MacuUar Parker Company, 451. McVey, F. L., 436. iMadan, W. N., 279. Madden, R. R., 238. Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association, 460. Madrazo, P. de, 200 (Espana), 201 (Monumentos), 202 (Monu- „ , mentos), 203 (Recuerdos y). Madrazo, P. de, illustrator, 200 (Espafia artistica). Madsen, A. P., 198. Maertens, H., 339. Maes, C, 56. Maestri, V., 72. Maffei, F. S., Marchese, 126, 179, 218, 219. Maffei, G., 10. Magdeburg, Germany. Konrgliche *)r ^%g?erung, 359 Maghenni-Graziani, G., 179. Maginnis, C. D., 279. Maginnis, O. B., 336, 343. 353, 361. Magistns, E. de, 359. Magne, A., 322. Magne, L., 56, 97, 246, 301, 411. Magni, B., 179. Magni, G., 188. Magnier, M. D., editor, 411 (Reboul- leau). Magnus, E., 379, Magntisson, E., 315. Magrini, A., 10, 323. Maguire, W. R., 366. Mahaffy. J. P., 115 (Petrie). Mahan, D. H., 369. Mahan D H., editor, 349 (Moseley). Mahiels, A., 351. Maindron, G. R. M., 105. Maine. State Superintendent of Public Schools, 296. Maire, F., 409. Maisey, F. C, 105. Maitland, F., 471. Maitland, W., 169, 173. Major, E., 205. Major, H. F., 308. Major, JL, 309. Major, T., 57. Malaguzzi Valeri, F., 10, 179 Malaguzzi Valeri, F., editor, 41 (Rassegna). Malan, A. H., editor, 148. Malberg, A., 2. Malcolm, J. P., 246. Male, fi., 279. Malim, M. F., 413. Maliphant, G., 238. Mallay, J. E. B., 270. Mallett, W. E., 401. Malosse, P., 127. Malton, J., 171. Manatt, J. I., editor, 63 (Tsountas). Manby, G. W.. 159. Manceau, — , Abbe, 262 (Bourasse), 411 (Marchant). Manchester Ship Canal Company, 448. Mancini, G., 179. Mandar, C. F., 246, Mandelgren, N. M., 379. Maneea, R., 257, Manfredi, F. M., 17 (Abbraccio). Mangeant, P. £., 10. Mangenot, A., 441 (Du Mesnil). 500 Manghi, A., i79- Mangin, A., 309.. . , „ , ,. Manitoba. Minister of Public Works, 301. Public Utilities Commission, 434- Mann, E. A., 169. Mann, H., 296. Mannheim, V. M. A., 340. Manni, D. M., 219. Manning, J. W., the Younger, 309. Manning, O., 159. Manning, S., 113. Manning, W. H., 309. 433, 437, 457- 'Mansfield, B. M., illustrator, no (Mansfield. M. F.), 127 (Mans- field, M. F.). Mansfield, M. F., no, 127. Manship, H., 159. Mansion House Council on the dwellings of the poor, 442. Manson, M., 435. Mantovani, D., 190 (Molmenti). Manuel, E. V., 394. Maquet, A., 97, 320 (Alboisc de Pujol). Marburg, E., 347. Margais, G., 86 (Mar^ais, W.). Margais, W., 86. Marcal, S., 401. Marcel, A., 245 (Lafon). Marcel, J. J., 113. Marcel, T. J., editor, no. iMarch, F. A., 212 (Richardson). Marchal, C. L. J. B., 57. Marchand, J., 411. Marchandon de La Faye, J., 115 (Prisse d'Avennes). Marchese, V. F., 10, 394. Marchese, V. F,, editor, 57. Marchi, G., 72. March!, P., 188. Marcke, fi. van, 279, Marcou, F. See Marcou, P. F. Marcou, P. F., 424 (Exposition retrospective). Marcou, P. F., editor, 131 (Troca- d^ro). Marccy, P., pseud. See Saint Cricq, L. de, Marcus, H,, 457, Marden, P. S,, 201. Mareuse, E,, 394. Marggraff IL, 223. Marifejol, J. H., 201. Mariette, A., translator, 113 (Ma- riette, F, A. F.). Mariette, F. A. F., called Mariette- Bey. 113. Mariette, J. P., 309. Marignan, A., 279, 478. Marionneau, C. C., 10, Mariotti, C, 179. Markham, C. A., 238. Markland, J, H., 279. Marks, A., editor, 170 (Society). Marks, P, L., 24, Marliani, B., 57. Marmier, X., 198. iMarmottan, P., 238. Marot, p., 127 (Marot, J.), 333. 379- Marot, J. 57, 127, 328. Marquand, A., 57, 379. Marquet de Vasselot, J. J. M. A., 125 (Koechlin). Marquez, F,, 209. Marr, T. E., & Sons, 328. Marriage, E., 279 C Marriage, M. S.). Marriage, M. S., 279. Marriott, C, 279. Marriott, H. P. F., 57. Marriott, W. B., 72. Marryat, H., 198. Marsden, R. E,, 361. Marsh, B. C, 427, 471. Marsh, C, F., 355. Marshall, A., 401. Marshall, b. H., 57. Marshall, H., 279 (Marshall, H. M.). Marshall, H. M,, 279. Marshall, J., 379, Marshall, W,, 309. Marsland, E., 358 (British), 359. Marson, C. L., 159. Marsy, A. C. A., Comte de, 127, 31. 460. Martet AUTHOR INDEX Martel, fi. A., 171. Martelet, E., editor, 339 (Leroy), 369 (Leroy). Martens, A., 347- Martha, J., 57. Martigny. J. A., Abbe, 16. Martin, A., 264 (Cahier), 372, 411. Martin, C, 127, 279. Martin. C, editor, 427 (Sitte). Martin, C, A,, 343- Martin, C, W., 159. Martin, F. R., 334. 388 (Kaiserlich-), 388. Martin, H. M., 347. Martin, J., translator, 29 (Vitruvius). Martin, P., 405. Martin, W, G. W„ 171. Martin, W, H., 444- Martin, W. W., 279. Martineau, G., 413. Martini, G., 179. Martinof, A., 196. Martinow. N,, 196 (Martinof), Martyn, E., 269 (Elliott), Martyn, T., translator, 45 (Antiqui- ties). Marucchi, O., 57, 113, 188. Marucchi, O., editor, 238. Marvel, 1., pseud. See Mitchell, D. G. Marvin, C, editor, 315 (League). Marx, E., 328, 336, 343, 361. Marx, R., 423 (Exposition, 1889). Marzo, G. di, 379. Masaccio, 394. Maskell, A., 413. MaskeU, W., 379. Mason, G., 309. Mason, G. C, 214, 246. Mason, J. L., 347. Mason, W. M., 279. Mason, W. S., 238. Maspero, Sir G. C. C, 113, 113 (Mariette), 238. Maspero, Sir G. C. C, editor, 37 (Egypt), III (Chalvet), 113 (Mariette). Maspero, Sir G. C. C, translator, 112 (Ebers). Massachusetts. Acts and laws, 471, » 475. . . Art Commission, 469. Board of Education, 296. Bureau of Statistics, 444. Charles River Basin Commis- sion, 447. Commission on Building Laws, Commissioners upon the Erec- tion of the New Hospital for the Insane [at Danvers], 221. Directors of the Port of Bos- ton, 447. Free Public Library Commis- sion, 315. General Court, 301, 464. House. ^ Committee on Public Buildings, 366. Highway Commission, 453. Homestead Commission, 444. Joint Board on Metropolitan Im- provements, 433. Joint Board upon the Improve- ment of Charles River, 447. Metropolitan Improvements Commission, 458. Metropolitan Park Commission- ers. 4.'58. Rapid Transit Commission, 451. State Board on Docks and Term- inal Facilities, 452. State department of inspection of factories and public build- ings, 366. Massachusetts Civic League, 429, 462, 470. Massachusetts Conference for Town and Village Betterment, 429. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 419. Architectural Society. Sec Ar- chitectural Society of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Single Tax League, 471. Masse, H. J. L. J., 166, 279, Masselin, O., 473. Masselli, G,, 279. Massimo, C. V., Prince, 188. 'Masso, A., 201. Masson, R. O.. 173. Mastaing, L. de, 347. Master Builders Association of the City of Boston, 421. Masury, J. W., 409. Matheson, A. S., 432. Matheson, E., 336. Mathews. C. T., 24, 91. Mathewson, F. E., 340. Mathien, C, illustrator, 1 1 1 (Ca- part). Mathieson, E., 409. Matignon, J. J., 103. Matsumato, S., printer, 388 (Ket- telle). Matthaei, A., 280. Matthews, A., 457. Matthews. E, R., 354 (Adams). Matthews. J. B., 295 (Four), 322. Matthias, J. C, 379. Mau, A 57, 3p4, 394 (Lessing). Mau, A., editor, 2 (Kaiserlich- deutsches), Mauceri, E., 192. Mauch, J. M. von, 57. Mauclair, C, 184. Maudslay, A. C., 209. Maudslay. A. P., 209. Maurer, E. R., 355 (Turneaure). Maurer, M.. 347. Maurice, C. E., editor, 444 (Hill). Maviez, R., 379. Maw, W. H., 426 (Weltausstellung). K^'^^T?/ T- ^•' 309, 427, 436. 439. Maxe-Werly, L., 72. Maxwell, Sir H. E., 309. Maxwell, W. H., 454, 466. May, E., 359. May, E. von, 10. Mayer, A. L., 201, 478. Mayer, B., 209. Mayer, F., 142. Mayer, L.. 100, 108. Mayerhofer, J., 370 (Aufleger), Mayeux, H,, 379. Mayhew, I., 296. Maynard, S. T,, 309. Mayr, A. 192, 379. Mazois, F., 57. Meacham, G. F., 245 (Hotel). Mead, E. C, 217. Mead, E. D., 444. Meade, R K., 355. Meader. J., 309. Meakin, J. E. B., 439, Meason, G. L., 309. Mebes, P., 379. Mechin, — , 380. Medcalf, T., 280. Medikus, F. K., 309. Meehan, C. P., translator, 10 (Mar- chese). Meehan, J. F., 246. Mehrtens, G., 351, 454 (entered under Mehrtens, C, on page 351). Meier, P. J., 142. Meigs, M. C, 211. Meissner, F. H,, 394, Meissonnier, J, A., 380. Meitzen, A., 198. Melani, A., 380. Meldahl, F., 198. Mellier, E., 123 (Flandreysy). Meloizes, A. des, Marquis, 411. Mely, F. de. 246, 280. M ernes, J. S., 24. Menard, L., 127. Menard, R., 10, 24, 72, 380, 405. Menasci, G., 380. Mengs, A. R., 305 (Raphael). Menken, H., editor, 253, Menorval, E. de, 134. Mensch, L. J., 355. Menu de Saint-Mesmin, E., 439. Menzies, J., 114, Menzies. "W. C, 433 (City). Meomartini, A., 179. Merchants' Association of New York, 450, 453. AUTHOR INDEX 501 Merchlein, A., 132 (Bloch). Merckel, C., 431, 454. Merian, M., 24. Merimee, P., 72, 280, 319. Merlet, R., 280. Merlini, G., 336. Merlo, J. J., 142, Mero, E. B., editor, 462. Merrifield, M. P., 395. Merrill, G. P., 351. Merriman, M., 343, 347, 366. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 448. Mcrtens, I.., translator, 454 (Mehr- tens). Merzeau, A., 351. Mesnard, L„ 280. Messel, A., 421. Messenger and Co., 241. Messmer, J. A., 72. Mestorf, J., translator, 405 (Salin). Metcalfe, W. B. D., translator, 230 (Paspates). Metman, L., editor, 405. Metropolitan Improvement League, Boston, 429. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, 423. Metropolitan Working Classes' As- sociation, 366. Metz, A. de., 297. Metze, O., 27 (Schneider), Metzger, J,, 280. Metzger, M., 142. Metzger, M., editor, 334. Metzmacher, — , 380. Metzsch-Reichenbach, C. von, 319. Meurer, J., 319 (Schmidt). Meurer, M., 380, 390, 407. Meuriot, P., 432. 'Meusel, J. G., 10. Meydel, L. von, 380. Meye, H., 209. Meyer, A. G., 10, 179, 351, 401. Meyer, F. S., 309, 380, 393 (Eyth), 40s. Meyer, F. S., editor, 469 (Bischoff). Meyer, F. W., 309. Meyer, G., 309. Meyer, H., 224 (Osthoff). Meyer, Hans, 223. Meyer, Heinrich, editor, 30 (Win- ckelmann). Meyer, M., 337. Meyer-Altona, E., 280. Meyer-Schwartau, W., 280. Meyer von Knonau, G., 205. Meyrick, S. R., 159, 402 (Shaw). Micali, G., 179. Michaelis, A. T. F., 57, 100. Michel, Andre, 10, 24. Michel, Adolphe, 119 (Allier). Michel, E., 127, Michiels, J. A. X., 72. 'Michigan. Department of State, .472. Michigan Cremation Association, 238. Michigan State Horticultural So- ciety, 297. Michon, £., 57. Mickelthwaite, J. T., 270 (Feasey), 280. Middleton, C, 253. Middleton, G. See Middleton C. Middleton, G. A. T., 340, 347, 366, 380, 478. Middleton, J. H., 57. Middleton, J. I., 57, Midgley, W., 390 (Lilley). Mielke, R. W., 142, 238. Mieris, F. van, 195. Miers, H. A., 465. Miethe, A. C. H., 468. Mieusement, — , 127. Migeon, G.. 86, 380, 388, 395- Mignard, B. R., 343. Migne, J. P., Abbe, editor, 15 (Bourasse). Milanesi, G., editor, 14 (Vasari). Milchhoefer, A., 55 (Koerte). Mileham, G. S., 280. Miles, W. J., 253. Milizia, F., 10, 16, 25, 322. Millar, A. H., 229. Millar, J. B., 340. Millar, T. J., 472. MUlar, W., 380. Millar, W. J., editor, 416 (Ran- kine). Miller, C. C, 325 (Cummings). Miller, F., 380, 411, 413. Miller, F. T. W., editor, 415 (Lock- wood), 416 (Simon). Miller, J.. 218. Miller, L. W., 340. Miller, M., 246. Miller, P., ^09. Miller, T., editor, 148. Miller, V. F., 196. Miller, W., 304 (Bailey), 309. Millescamps, G., 280. Millet, F. D., 422 (World's). Millet, G., 407. Millin de Grandmaison, A. L., 16, 57, 127. Millingen, A., 207. Millot, A., 229. Mills, F. W., 25. Mills, J. H., 366. Mills, W. T., 297. Milly, N. C. de Thy, Comte de, 361. Milman, H. H., 169. Milman, L., 10. Milne, F. A., editor, 280. Milne, T., 343. Milne, J. G., 115 (Pctrie). Milner, H. E., 309. Milner, J., 159. Miltoun, F., pseud. See Mansfield, M. F. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. City Plan- ning Commission, 434. Mina, L., «29. Mindeleff, C, 218. Minifie, W., 340. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Board of Court House and City Hall Commissioners, 301. Board of Park Commissioners, 460. Minton, Hollins and Co., 407. Minutoli, A., Freiherr von, 280. Minutoli, H. C. M., Freiherr von, Minzloff,*C. R., 315. Mission archeologique fran^aise, Cairo, Egypt, 40. Missirini, M., 10, 179. Mitchell, C. F., 344, 353, 361. Mitchell, D. G., 253. Mitchell, G. A., 361 (Mitchell, C. F.). Mitchell, T. A., 422 (World's). Mitchell, T., 25. Mitchell. W. D., editor, 31 (Ameri- can Art in Bronze). Mitford, W., 25. Mocker, J., 117. Model Lodging House Association, 471. Moehrin?. B., 433 (Eberstadt), 454. Moehring, B;, editor, 425 (Louisi- ana). Moeller van den Bruck, A., 179. Moellinger, C, 329. Moerman, C, 415. Moersch, E,, 355. Mohrmann, K., editor, 82 (Statz), 83 (tJngewitter). Moisft, F., 280. Moisseiff. L. S., editor, 354 (Con- sidere). Moisy, A., 298 (Duval). Moke, H. G., 195. Moldenke, C. E., 114. Molini, G.. 185. Molinier, £., 190, 280, 384 (Spitzer), 4or, 405. Molitor, D. A., 454. Moller, G., 142. Mollett. J. W., 16. Molmenti, P. G., 179, 190, 191 (Ongania). Moloney, T., 415. Monaldini, G. A., 10 (Milizia). Monceaux, P., 56 (Laloux). Monckton, J. H., 337, 353. Monge, G., Comte de Peluze, 340. Mongeri, (j., 179. Monneret de Villard, W., 207. Montagnani, P. P., 395 (Raphael). ;, J. A., 297. J, J. W., 211. ;, N. H., 401. Montaiglon, A. de C. de, 10, 424 (Salon de 1876). Montalembcrt, C. F. de T., Comte de, 281. Montano, G. B., 281. Montelatici, D., 229. Montenari, G. V., Conte, 323. Montessus de Ballore, J. B. F, M., Comte de, 344. Montfaucon, B. dfe, 16. Montf errand, A. R. de, 281. Monthelier, J., 225 (Baillarge). Montillot, C. J., 366. MontUlot, L., 366 (Montillot, C. J.). Montiroli, G., 57. Montlaur, J. E. de V., Comte de, 201. Monumental Brass Society, 238. Moore, C, compiler, 25. Moore, C, editor, 462 (United States). Moore, C. H., 281. Moore, E., 281. Moore, E. C, 450. Moore, F. C, 246, 359. Moore, F. F., 401. Moore, J., 148. Moore, J., illustrator, 148 (Parkyns), 148 (Schnebbelie). Moore, Moore, Moore, Moore, T., 159. Moran, P. F., editor, 259 (Arch- dall). Morand. S. J., 134. Morandidre, R., 454. Morant, A. W., editor, 164 (Whi ta- ker). Morant, Py 159. Mordani, F., 10. Mordicai, G., 452. Mordtmann, A. D., 78. Morel, J. M., 309. Morel & Cie, 2. Moreland, F. A., 388. Moreni, D., 180, 281. Morera y Llaurado, E., 203. Moreschi, L., 281. Moretti, G., 226 (Beltrami), 229. Morey, M. P., 380. Morgan, G., 257. Morgan, G., editor, 255 (Sander- son). Morgan. H. H., 422 (World's). Morgan, J. de, 107. Morgan, L. H., 211. Morgan, T., 407. Morgan, W. S.. 432 (Pollock). Morin, A. T., 347. Morison, D., 229. Morison. G. S., 361, 454, 455, 455 (Chanute), 456. Moritz, C, 323. Moritz, E. A., 355, Moriz-Eichborn, K., 281. Moro, L. del, 281. Morrell, W. W., 159. Morris, C, 221 (Johns Hopkins). Morns, F. O., 148. Morris, G. L. L, 253. Morris, Morris, Morris, k., 309. Morris, T., 253. Morris, W., 25, 81, 82 (Ruskin), 169, 380, 388. Morrison, G. B., 297. Morrona, A. da, 180. Morse, E. S., 103, 336, 366, 436. Morse, F. C, 401. Morse, W. F., 466. Mortet, F. J. V., 281. Mortet, F. J. V., editor, 25. Morton, A. A., 15 (Brodrick). Morton, J., 281. Moschetti, A., 180. Moscioni, R,, 72. Moseley, H,, 347. Moser, C, 434. Moser, D. H., 380. Moser, F., 380, 390, 405, 413. Moser, H., 100. Mosler, H., 10. Moss, F., 159. Mossdorf, O., 309. ris, u. JL,. 1., 21 ris, T. A., 173. ris, J. E., 159. ris. R.. 300. 502 Mosso, A., 57' Moszkowski, M., 105. Mothes, O., 16, 180, 190, 281. Motley, W., 470 (Salstonstall). Mouat, F. J., 221. Moule. T., 238. Moura, J., 105. Moxon, J., 340. Mucha, A, M., 395- Muelbe. W. H. von der, 334. Mueller, A., 273 (Haendcke). Mueller, C. O., 25, 63 (Ternitc). Mueller, F. A., 86. Mueller, G. A., 57- Mueller, H. A., 16. Mueller, W., 337. 478 (Kaiserlich). Mueller, W. J., 128. Mueller-Breslau, H. F. B., 347- Mueller-SimoniSj P., 100. Muensterberg, C, 103. Muenter, F., 57. Muentz, L. F. E., 2, 10, 11, 72, 73, 91, 18s, 281, 297, 380, 388, 407. Muir, T. S., 173- Muirhead, F., translator, 54 (Hel- bif?). Muirhead, J. F., translator, 54 (Hel- big). Muirhead, W. G., 459- Muller, E., 257. MuUer, S., 195, 246. MuUins, W. H., 405. Mumford, J. K„ 388. Mummenhoff, E., 142. Munbjr, A. E., 378. Municipal Art League of Chicago. Exhibition Committee, 427, 469, Municipal Art Society of Hartford, Conn., 469. Municipal Art Society of New York, 469. Municipal Association of Cleveland, Ohio, 429. Muiioz, A., 422. Munro, A. M., 173. Munroe, C. E., 351. Munthe, H,, 198 (Dietrichson). Murcier, A., 239. Murguia, M., 203. Murphy, B. S., 405. Murphy, J. C, 203. Murphy, S. F., editor, 367. Murray, A. S., 57, 239. Murray, David, 457. Murray, David, F.S.A.Scot., 471. Murray, J,, 281. Murray, M, A., 114. Musee ^g^ptien, Le, 114. Musee Greco-romain, Alexandria, 299. Museo espafiol de antiguedades, 203. Museo nazionale, Naples, 58, 380. Musees royaux des arts decoratifs et industriels, Brussels, 11, 40. Museum ot Art and Industry, Mps- cow, 380. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 299. Musil, A., 108. Mussi,^ P., translator, 369 (Ano- nimo). Muther, R., 381. Muthesius, H., 159, 253, 381. Mylius, J., 221. iMylne, R. S., 73, 128, 173. Myskovsky, V., 73. N. Nacht, L., pseud. Sec Nachtiicht, Nachtlicht, L., 180, 401. Nadieine, M. P., 466. Nagel, O., 478, Nairn, M., & Co., 388. Nait, A. de, translator, 203 (S.. P.), Nail, J. G., 160. ^ V , .7. Namur, A., 281. Nansouty, M. de, 134. Napier, G. G., 173. Napier, T. B., 471. Napione di Cocconato, G. F. G., Conte, 11, 58. Nardi, L.. 180. Nardini, F., 58. Nardini Despotti MosoiKnotti, A., 381. AUTHOR INDEX Narjoux, F., 142, 253, 297, 301. Nash, F., 135 (Scott). Nash, J., 73, 229. Nash, T. R., 160. Natali, G., 282. Nathan, P., 444. National Architects' Union, 246. National Association of Builders of the United States of America 420. National Association of Cement Users, 355- National Board of Fire Under writers, 359, 360. National Conference on City Plan ning, 429. National Fire Proofing Company Pittsburgh, 360. National Fire Protection Associa tion, 478. National Housing Association, 430 National Park Conference, 430. National Rivers and Harbors Con gress, 446, National Shawmut Bank, Boston 224. National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising 428 (Beautiful), 470, 480. National Tax Association, 471. Natrus, L. van, 333. Nattes, J. C, 134. 173- Naumann, P., 423 (Deutsch-). Nava, A., Conte, 282. NavUle, H. E^ 114. Navllle, H. E., editor, 113 (Lep- sius). Neale, J. P., 148. Nearing, S., 437- Nebbia, W., 180. Neck, L. van, 195. Neckelmann, F. S., 299, 381. Needham, R., 169. Neide, E,, 309. Nelli, G. B., II, 185. Nelson, J., 160. Nelson, T. & Sons, publishers 166, Nesfie1d,^*W. E., 73. Nettlefold, J. S., 257, 474. Nettleship, H., editor, 17 (S'eyffert). Neubecker, W., 415. Neubert, W., 309. Neumann, R., 302, Neumann, W., 196, 197. Neumann, W. A., 73, 278 (Lind), 282. Neumeister, A., editor, 417 (Deutsche), 418 (Konkur- renz-), Neuwirth, J., 19 (Borrmann), 117, 282. NSve, E., 257. Nevill, Lady D. F., 253. Nevill, R., 246. New, E. H., illustrator, 293 (Wren). New England Anderson Pressed Brick Company, 351. New Engljmd Trust (Company, Bos- ton, 224. New England Water Works As- sociation, 466. New Hampshire Historical Society, New Haven Civic Improvement Commission, 434. New Jersey. Senate, 448. New Jersey Library Association, 315. New Jersey Steel and Iron Co., 416. New Orleans, _ La. Board of Port Commissioners, 448. New York, City. Art Commission, 239, 469. Astor Library, 416. Board of Commissioners of the Central Park^ 460. Board ^ of Rapid Transit Com- missioners, 451. Committee on Wharves, 448. Comptroller, 448. Court House Board, 302. Department of Docks, 448. Department of Docks and Fer- ries, 448, 449, 452, 466. Department of Public Works, 460. New York, City. (Continued.) Mayor's Billboard Advertising Commission, 480, Public Library, 2, 381, 418, 427. Public Service Commission for First District, 451. Rapid Transit Commission, 455. Tenement House Department, 442. New York, State. Acts and laws, ^ 474, 475. Assembly, 467. Banking Department, 472. Board of Railroad Commission- ers, 450. Commission to Select and Locate Lands for Public Parks in the 23d and 24th Wards of New York City, 460. Commissioners of the Palisades Interstate Park, 460. Department of Public Instruc- tion, 297. Education Department, 302. State Board of Health, 297. State Commission in Lunacy, 367. tenement House Committee, 442. New York Association for Improv- ing the Condition of the Poor, 223. New York Board of Fire Under- writers, 360. New York Hospital, 221. New York Pier and Warehouse Company, 449. New York Research Council, 428. Newark, New Jersey. City Plan Commission, 434, 480. Newberry, P. E., 114. Newberry S B., 355, 355 (Taylor, F. W. ) . Newberry, S. B., translator, 354 (Golinelli). Newbery. R., 381. Newbolt, W. C. E., 282. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Public Li- braries, 2. Newlands, F. G., 426, 464. Newlands, J., 353. Newman, J., 355. Newnes, G., publisher, 169. Newson, J. H., editor, 246. Newton, C. T., 58. Newton, E., 253. Newton, F. G., 239. Newton. John, 448 TNew York, City. Department of Docks). Newton, Joseph, 309. Nibby, A., 58, 188. Niccolini, A., 180, 407. Niccolini, F., 58. Nichol, W., editor, 385 (Watteau). Nichols, F. M., 58. Nichols, F. M., translator, 188 (Mirabilia vrbis). Nichols, H. D., illustrator, 402 (Singleton). Nichols, J., 160. J. B., 169. Nichols. Nichols, J, G., 407. Nichols, R. S'., 309. Nicholson, G., editor, 309. Nicholson, H. J, B., 282. Nicholson, P., t6, 25, 344, 353, 361, 416. Nicholson, W., 468. Nicolai, H. G., 329. Nicolaysen, N., 282. Nicole, D., 329. Nicolle, E. F., illustrator, 119 (Aube). Nieder-osterreichische Gewerbe- Verein, 329. Niedling, A., 282. Nielsen, T., 478. Niemann, G. H. L., it, 54 (Heber- dey), loi (Oesterreichisches), 207, 234 (Benndorf), 340. Niemann, G. H. L., illustrator, 60 (Petersen). Niemann, W. B., 367. Niemeyer, W., 282. Niepce, L., 282. Niernsee, J. R., 119, 221. Nieuwbarn, M. C, 282. AUTHOR INDEX 503 Nieuwenhuis, A. W., 105. Nightingale, F., 221. Nind, J. N„ editor, 38 (Furniture Journal). Niox, G. L., 134. Nispi-Landi, C, 58. Nisscn, H., 58. Niven, W., 169, 253. Nizet, C, 282. Noack, A., 282. Noack, F., 58. Nodet, v., 84, 282, Nodier, C, 131 (Taylor). Noe, L., editor, 128. Noehring, J., 142. N o e h r i n g, J., illustrator, 196 (Loewis). Noel, M. J. de, 282. Noerdlinger, H., 351- Nogara, B., editor, 407. Noire, L., 25. Nolan, L., 282. Nolen, J., 427, 433, 434, 434 (Mont- clair), 435, 453, 459, 462, 463. Nolen, J., editor, 310 (Repton). Nolhac, A. M. P. G. de, 230, 338. Noll, A., Z67. Nonn, C, 11. Norden, F. L., 114. Nordensvan, G., 198. Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, 41. Norman, J., 340. Norman, P., 169, 233 (Rendle), 233 (Way). Normand, A., 320 (Grillon), 423 (Exposition, 1867). Normand, C, 58, 128, 134, 381, 43i- Normand, C, editor, 424 (Salon d' architecture). Normand, L. M., 134, 239, 252 (Le- monnier de la Croix). North, E., 212 (Richardson). North, H. L., 282. North, T., 405. North American Press Association, publisher, 425 (Panama-)- North Carolina. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 297. Northcote, I. S. 5"^^ Northcote, J. S. Northcote, J. S., 188. Northcote, J. S., editor, 7^ (Palmer), 189 (Rossi, G. B. de). Northend, M. H., 253. Northrop, B. G., 470. Northwestern Terra Cotta Works, 351. Norton, C. B., 421. Norton, C. B., editor, 425 (Cen- tennial). Norton, C. E., 58, 282, 295 (Four), 439. Norton, C. E., editor, 182 (Ruskin), 191 (Ruskin). Norton, M. M., 211. Nosban, — , 353. Nourse, H. S., 315. Nourse, W. B., 213 (Barker). Novati, F., 395. Noverre, J. G., 323. Nowak, C. F., 143. Noyes, D., illustrator, 160 (Noyes, E.), 180 (Noyes, E.). Noyes, E., 160, 180. Noyes, I. P., 25. Nuell, E. van der, 323. Nueschler-Usterai, A., 205. Nugent. Hon. Emma E. G., 110. Nussbaum, H. C, 367. Nye, A. C, 401. Oakeley. R. B., 105. Oakeshott, G. J., 329- Oakey, A. F., 246, 309- Oakland, California. Park Commis- sion, 461. Oakley, H. A., 246. Obenchain, E. C, 338. Oberlin, J. J., 188. Ochs, J., 309- Ochsner, A. J., 221. O'Conor, D., illustrator, 384 (Speltz). Oehmichen, G., 323. Oelmann, F., 478 (Kaiserlich), Oesterreichisches archaeologisches Institut, Vienna, 10 1. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein, 117, 119. Oettingen, W. von, 147. Offord, G. E., 391. Ogawa, K., 103 (Tokio). Ogden, W. S., 224. Ogilvy, J. S., 169. Ohio. Bureau of Building and Loan Associations, 472. State University, 419. O'Kane, J., publisher, 401. Okey, T., 190, 191. Olavarria y Ferrari, E. de, 209 (Riva Palacio). Olbrich, J. M., editor, 401 (Nacht- licht). Oldfield, E., 160, 283. Oldfield, H. A., 105. Oleson, W. B., 212 (Stevens, J. L.). Oliver, B., 329. Oliver, G., 283. Oliver Hurtado, J., 203. Oliver Hurtado, M., 203 (Oliver Hurtado, J.). Olivier, T., 340. Oilier, C, 169. Olm Brothers, 310. Olmsted, F. L., 304 (Columbia), 433, 434, 457, 458 (Buffalo, N. Y.), 460, 463. Olmsted, F. L., Jr., 435 (Brunner), 437. 438, 453, 457, 468, 470, 480 (Brunner), 480. Olmsted, J. C, 458 (Buffalo, N. Y.), 463 (Olmsted, F. L.). Olmsted Brothers, 457, 461 (Port- land). Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot, 458 (Eliot). Olmsted, Vaux & Co., 435, 457, 458. Oltmans, A., 283. Olufsen, O., 197. Oman, C. W. C, 319. Omont, H., editor, 59. Ompteda, L. F. C. C, Freiherr von, 310. Oncken, W., 230. O'Neill, H., 171. Ongania, F., publisher, 41, 191, 381. Ongaro, L., 367. Onofri. P. d', 180. Opderbecke, A., 329. Opfermann, R,, 316. Opitz, R., 323. Oppe, A. P.. II. Oppenord, G. M., 329, 381. Oppert, F., 221. Oppert, J., loi. Oppert, J., editor, 42 (Revue d' assyriologie). Orbaan, J. A. F., 91. Orioli, F., 239. Orlandi, P. A., n. Ormerod, G., 160. Orrasbee & Pine, 460. Ornsby, G., 160. Orr, E. G., 471, Orrinsmith, L., 381. Orsi, P., .<;9. Orsini, L., 180. Ortelius, A., 329. Ortwein, A., 143. Osborn, M., 143, 147. Osborne, C. F., 246. Osborne, C. F., editor, 253. O'Shea. H., 239, 246. Oslet, G., 351. Osten, F., 180. Ostervald, J. F. d', editor, 192. Osthoff, G., 223, 224. Ostwald, W., 297. Ott, K. von, 347. Otte, B., editor, 308 (Levy). Otte, H., 143. Ottin, L., 411. Ould, E. A., 253. Ouradou, M., 205. Over, C, 310. Overbeck, J. A., ^g. Overbeek de Meijer, C. van, 467. Overstraeten, H. D. L. von, 283. Owen, E., 160. Owen, H., 160. Owen, I. J., 478. Owen, R. D., 302. Owen, T. C, 105. Owen, T. M. N., 405, Owen, W. T., 283. Oxford, A. W., 160. Ozanne, C. H., 413 (Young). P. P., C, 180. Pabst, A., 283. Pabst, J. A., 301 (Girard). Paccard, A., 55 (Laborde). Packard. G. T., 212 (Richardson). Pagan, J., 173. Pagan, M., engraver, 191 (Ongania). Page, L, 340. Page, L. W., 453- Page, W. T., 282 (Nicholson). Pailloux, X., 108. Pain, T., 344 (Pain, W.). Pain, W., 340, 344, 353- Pame, R. T., 444. Paine, T. O., 108. Palazzo, L., 351. Paleologue. G. M., 38. Palestine Exploration Fund, 41 Paley. F. A., 329. Palladio, A., 46 (AntoHni), 25, 180, 223. Palladio, A., editor, 12 (Scolari). PalHser, Mrs. Bury. See Palliser, Palliser, C, 246 (PalHser, G.), 253 (Palliser, G.), 329 (Palliser, Palliser', F. B., 128. Palliser, F. B., editor, 400 (Jacque- mart). Palliser, G., 246, 253, 329. Palmer, C. J., editor, 159 (Man- ship). Palmer, E. H., 107 (Besant). Palmer, G. H., 283. Palmer, H. S.. 109 (Wilson). Palmer, R. M., publisher, 216. Palmer, W., 73. Paluka, B., 78. Palustre de Montifaut, L., 91, 128. Panama-Pacific International Ex- position, 425. Pan-American Exposition, 1901, 421 Pancrazi, G. M., 192. Panini, F., 188. Pansey, L., 413 (Young). Pantlni, R.. 180. Panvinio, O., 219. Paoletti. P., 191. PaoH, P. A., 180. Pape, T., 381. Pape, J., editor, 41 (Praktisches). Papmi, A., 31a (Chilovi). Papworth, T. B., 253, 310. Papworth, J. W., 283, 209. Papworth, W., 299 (Papworth, J. W.). Paravicini, T. V., or, 182 (Sel- vatico), 230. Pareto, R.. Marquis, 178 (Italic). Paris, M. J. P., 59, 203. Paris. Conseil ereneral des hospices civils de Paris, 221. Municipal government, 302. Parker, C, 253. Parker, C. A., 239. Parker, E., 160. Parker, E. T., 458. Parker, F. j., 283. Parker, G., 160. Parker, G. A., 457. Parker, J. H., 16, 59, 82, 82 (Rick- man), 114, 164 (Turner), 166, 287 407. Parker, R. B., 246. Parkes, S. T. H., 82. Parkinson, R. M., 347. Parkinson, W., illustrator, 175 (Car- den), 184 (Hutton). Parkyns, G. I., editor, 148, 148 (Schnebbelie). Parkyns. G. J. Sec Parkyns, G. I. Parloa, M., 246. Parrish, M., illustrator, 256 (Whar- ton), 307 (Hawthorne). 33 504 Parrocel, t. A., ir. Parry, W. K., 416. Parsons, A., illustrator, 311 (Robin- Parsons, k. C, 442 (Herzfeld). Parsons, H. de B., 360, 466. Parsons. S., 253. 3 10. Parthey, G. F. C, 114. Partington, C. F., editor, 169. Partridge, W. O., 73, Qi- ParvU16e, L., 381. Pascal, J. L., 316. Pascoli, L., II. Pasini, A., illustrator, 191 (On- gania). Paspates, A. G., 230. Passavantj J. D., 11. Passeri, G., 11. Passerini, L., 395- Passer on, J. S., 11. Passow, W., 59. Pastern, W., 283. Patek, C, 381. Paternd-Castello, G., 192. Patte, P., 25, 323- Pattison, A. M. G., editor, 469, Patton, W. M., 361. Patzak, By 230. Paukert, F., 82. Paul, J. F.. 329. Paul, R. W., 169. Pauli, G., 143. 191. 302. Paulick, F., editor, 406 (Siccard voii Siccardsburg). Paulin, E., 223. Paulus, E., 283. Paulus, R. A. L., 11. Pavlinof. A. M., 73- Pawlowski, A., 449. Pazaurek, G. E., 117, 405. Peabody, A., 416. Peabody. R. S., 25, 420, 446. Peach, R. E. M., 263 (Britten). Pean, A., 310. Pearce, W. J., 384 (Sutherland), 409. Pearson, J. C, 353. Peaslee. J. B., 480 (Planting). Pecht, A. F., II. Peck, H. T.5 editor, 16. Peerless Brick Company, Philadel- phia, 351. Peet, H„ 283. Peet, L. H., 460. Peet, S. p., editor, 31 (American Antiquarian). Peet, T. E., 239. Peigne-Delacourt, A., 59, 223, 280 (Monasticon GalHcanum). Peker, C. G., 340. Pelet, A., 128. Fella y Forgas, J., 203. Pellassy de I'Ousle, J. J. F., 230. Periafiel, A., 209. Penley, A., 340. Pennell, E. R., 283. Pennell, J., illustrator, 169 (Mc- Carthy), 283 (Pennell, E. R.), 291 (Van Rensselaer). Pennethorne, J., 59. Pennsylvania. Banking Department, 472. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 212. Pennsylvania Steel Company, 455. Penon, H., 424 (Union). Penot, A., 439. Penrose, F. C, 59. Pensee, C, 294 (Bouclier dc Molan- don). Peoples, W., 416. Pepys, Hon W. C, 283. Pequegnot, A., 340. P6rate, A., 73, 128. P6rate, A., editor, 423 (Metropoli- tan). Percier. C, 45 rAcademie), 188, 230, 381. Perelle, A., 230. Pereyra, M. A., 209. Perin-Grados, — , 336. Perkins, Charles C, 11, 38. Perkins, Charles C, editor, 398 (Eastlake), 399 (Falke). Perkins, Clara C, 128. Perkins. E. R., translator, 50 (Diehl). AUTHOR INDEX Perkins, F. B., 460. Perkins, F. M., 11. Perkins, M. E., 215. Perkins, T., 284. Perkins, T., editor, 271 (Gilchrist). Perks, S., 258. Pernull, H. von, 192 (Rivela). Perrault, C, translator, 29 (Vi- truvius). Perrault-Dabot, A., editor, 123 (France), 260 (Baudot). Perrens, F. T., 73. Perret, L., 188. Perret, P., 123 (Eyries). Perrier, C, 424 (Salon de 1857). Perring, J. S., 114. Perronct, J. R., 455- Perrot, A. M., 284. Pcrrot, G., S9. 60, loi, 107, 107 (Chipiez), 114. Perrot, J. F. A., 129. Perry, J. T., 73. Perry and Reed, architects, 297. Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Com- pany, 351. Perutz, H.. 468. Peruzzi, A., 284. Pervanoglu, P., 60. Peschka, G. A. von, 340. Pessler, W., 143. 478. Petersen, C, 296 (Lehmann). Petersen, E., 60. Petersen, R., 433 (Eberstadt), 453, 466. Petibon. M., 351. Petit, A., 395. Petit, J. L„ 284. Petit, S., 340. Petit, v.. 97» 129, 230, 254, 310. Petitgrand, V., 129. Petit-Radel. P., 180. Petra, G. de, 49 (Comparetti). Petrie, G., 284. Petrie, W. M. F., 114, 115. 381. Petrina, H., 381. Pettigrove, F. C, 320. Petting, G., 180. Petzold, E., 310, 460. Pewtner, W., 416. Peyre, J. F. A., 284. Peyton, J. H., 4S0. Pezolt, G., 117. Pfaff, C, 143. Pfeifer, H., 381. Pfleiderer, R., 284. Pfnor, R.. 230, 381, 401. Pfnor, R., illustrator, 131 (Tlu- bault). Phelps, R. F., 441. Phelps, W., 160. Philadelphia. Commission for the Erection of Public Buildings, 302, 347. , Commissioners of rairmount Park, 461. Department of City Transit, 480. Philadelphia and Boston Face Brick Cq., 351- Philadelphia Vacant Lots Cultiva- tion Association, 435. Philbrick, E. S., 367. Philippe, G. M. G., 344. Philippi. A., 181, 185. Philips, N. G., 160. Phillimore, L., 11, 97. Phillipps, E. M., 310, 39S. Phillipps, L. M., 25. Phillips, G. S., 1 6 1. Phillips, H., 310. Phillips, T., 161. Phillpotts, E., 310. Phipson, E., 413. Phythian, J. E., 148 (wrongly en- tered as Pythian), 478. Pi y Margall, F., 200 (Espafia), 203 (Recuerdos y). Pic, J. L., editor, 41 (Pamatky). Pica, v., 426 (Esposizione). Piccioni, M,, 239. Pickard, J., 323. Pickering. H. G., 362 (Bowditch). Pickett, W. v., 97. Piermarini, G., 323. Pierotti, E., 108. Piferrer, Pablo, 200 (Espafia: Islas). Piferrer, Pedro, 200 (Espana: Cata- lufia), 203 (Recuerdos y). Pigeon, E. A., 129. Pigeotte, L,, 284. Piggott, Sir F. T., 381. Pignant, P., 465. Pigou, — , 103 (Architecture). Pilisi, B. N,, 302. Pillion, L., 284. Pilters, J., 391. Pinanski, A. E., 451. Pinchart, A. J., 388. Pindemonte, 1., 310. Pinder, G. M. W., 284, 329. Pine, J., 388. Pineau, D., 329. Pineau, N., 401. Pinnock, W., 340, Pinturicchio, 395. Piper, O., 230. Piper, R., 381. Pireila, P., 200 (Espana). Piranesi, F., 60 (Piranesi, G. B.). Piranesi, G. B., 60. Piringer, — , 310. Piroli, T., 60, 386 rZoega). Pisa, A., illustrator, 56 (Mackenzie). Pistolesi, E., 60. Pite, A. B., 344. Pitman, B., 391. Pitman, C. B., translator, 185 (Yriarte). Pittoni, L., II. Pittsburgh Architectural Club, 212. Pittsburgh Playground Association, 463. Place, v., 107. Planat, P., 221, 246, 367, 381. Planat, P., editor, 36 (Construc- tion)^ 334- Plant, J. C, 416. Plassmann, E., 381. Plates, E.. publisher, 230. Plainer. E., 188. Platner, S. B., 60. Piatt, C. A., 310. Plauszewski, P., 391. PI aw, J., 254. Play fair, R. L., no. Playground Association of America. 428, 462. Plinius Secundus, Caius, 26. PIo y Gamin, A„ 26. Plumbe, G. E., 433. Plunkett, Mrs. H. M., 367. Pochmann. C. von, 423 (Ausstel- lung). Pocock, W. F., 284, 329. Poehlmann, R., 431. Poertner, B., 239, 241 (Wiede- mann). Poggi, Giovanni, editor, 284. Poggi, Giuseppe, 433. Pohle, L., 444. Poire. E., 239. Pokrovski, N. V., 478. Pokryshkin, P, P., 284. Polaczek, E., 73, 139 (Haussmann). Pole, ,W 351. Poleni. G., 2. Poler6 y Toledo, V., 2-10. Pollak. O., 118. Pollak. O., editor, 4 (Baldinucci). Pollen, J. H.. 239, 381, 401. Pollock, H. M., 432. Polwhele. R., 161. Pomtow. H., 478. Ponce, N 395. Pons, A. T, Z., II. Pontani. C, 92. PontremoH. E., 60. Ponz, A., 203. Poole, G. A., 284. Poole, S. L., irq (Petrie), iis. Poole, W. F., 316. Pooley. C, 161. Poor. H. W., 381. Poore, G. V., 367, 465. Pope, G. C, editor, 353 (Mitchell). Pope, W., compiler, 33 (Architects'). Popp, H., 205. Popp, J., 82. Popplewell, W. C, 468. Poquet, A. E., 284. Porcher, T., 104 (Fourncau). Poree, C, 284. Port, F. C, II. Porta. G., 341 (Selva). Porter, A. K., 73. AUTHOR INDEX 505 Porter, C. H., 351. Porter, D.. 441. Porter, E. G., 215. Porter, M. W., 3S1. Porter, Sir R. K., loi. Portfolio Club, 33 (Architectural sketch book). Portland, Ore. Park Board, 461. Post, J. J., 449. Potter, E. T., 442. Potter, H. I., 257 (Cranfield). Potter, J., 284. Potter, T., 355. Potter, W. I., 439 (Cranfield). Pettier, A. A., 77 (Willemin). Poudra, N. G., 340. Poulson, G., 161. Poutiers, A., 353- Povillon-Pierard, £. F. X., 129. Powell, E. P., 310. Powell, G. T., 361. Pozzo, A., 340. Pozzo, B., Conte dal, 11. Prado, G., 108. Pranard, C., 472. Prang, L., and Company, 381, 382, 391, 409. Pratt, H., 367. Pratt, H. M., 161. Pratt, R., 340. Pratt, R. W., 466 (Kinnicutt). Pray, J. S., 310, 420, 428. Preece, L., prefacer, 450 (Beavan). Prefontaine, — , Chevalier de, 209. Prell, H., 395. Prentice, A. N., 92. Preobrazhenski, M. T., 197. Pressel, h\, 261 (Beyer). Prestel, J.. 285. Preston, W. G., 302. Preston, W. G., compiler, 329. Presuhn, E., 60, 395. Preusser, C, loi. Price, B., 254. Price, F., 336 (Rudimentary). Price, F. G. H., 161 (Price, T. E.). Price, G. M., 465. Price, J. E., 161, 170, 302, 407. Price, Sir U., Baronet, 310. Price, W. L., 245 (Home building), 246. Priestman, D. T., 382. Prignot, E., 329, 382, 389. Prim, J. G. A., 272 (Graves). Prince, D., 465. Pringsheim, H., 477 (Diest). Prior, E. S., 161, 382. Prioux, S., 285. Prisse d'Avennes, E., 87, T15. Procopius Caesariensis, 79. Prokop, A., 118. Prost, A., II, 60. Prost, B. See Prost, P. H. B. Prost, P. H. B., II, 411. Prou, J. M., 134. Proust, A., editor, 129. Providence, Rhode Island. City Council, 302. Commission on East Side Ap- proach, 435. Prud'homme, L., 344. Prussia. Koniglich-preussisches Ministerium der geistlichen Unterrichts- und Medizinal- Anpelegenheiten, 239. Koeniglich-preussisches Minis- terium ftir Handel, Gewerbe und offentliche Arbeiten, 450. Public Art League of the United States, 469. Public School Art League of Bos- ton, 382. Puchstein, O., 55 ( Koenigliche, Kol- dewey), 60, loi. Pudor. H., 181. Pueckler-Muskau, H. L. H., Furst von, 310. Puerta Vizcaino, J. de la, 285. Pueschel. A., 431. Puget, P., 12. Pugin, A. C, 84, 134, 170, 328 (Mac- kenzie), 329. Pugin, A. C, illustrator, 168 (Combe). Pugin, A. N. W., 26, 28s, 329 (Pugin, A. C), 330, 39if 401, 40s. Puig y Cadafalch, J., 203. Pulgher, D., 285. Pulignani, M. F., 181. PuUan, R. P., 26. 58 (Newton), 10 1, 285, 290 (Texier). PuUen, H. W., 35 1. Puis, E., 405. Pulszky, K., 382. Pungileoni, L., 12. Pupikofer, J. A., 230. Purchase, W. R., 361, 369. Purdom, C. B., 438. Purdy, L., 470 (Ensley). Putnam, J. P., 26, 367. Puttrich, L., 74. Putzeys, E., 319 (Putzeys, F.), 367 (Putzeys, F.). Putzeys, F., 319, 367. Puvis de Chavannes, P. C, 395. Puys de Labastie, J. L. O., 26. Pyne, W. H., 168 (Combe), 230. Pythian, J. E., 148 (misprint for Phythian). Quadrado, J. M., 200 (Espafia), 203 (Recuerdos y). Quaglia, F., 239. Quantin, A., 424 (Exposition, 1900). Quast, A. F. W. R. von, 12, 285. Quast, A. F. W. R. von, editor, 75 (Schulz, H. W.). Quatremere de Quincy, A. C, 12, 16, 60, 115. Quellinus, A., 382. Quellinus, H., 382 (Quellinus, A.). Quennell, C. H. B., 254, 285. Quentin-Bauchart, M., 299. Quevedo, J., 285. Quibell, J. E., 115 (Petrie), 115, 239- Quicherat, J. E. J., 74, 285. Quicherat, J. E. J., editor, 76 (Vil- lard de Honnecourt). Quilter, H., 12. Quin, E. R. W., 3d Earl of Dun- raven, 171. Quinby, F. C, 239. Quincy, Mass. Board of Park Com- missioners, 461. Quincy, J., 258. Q u i n t o n, A., illustrator, 163 (Spence). Quitt, J., 407. R. Rabal, N., 200 (Espaiia). Rabel, J., 239. Raber, B. F., 365 (Hoffman). Racinet, A., 382. Racknitz, J. F., Freiherr von, 401. Raczynski, A., Graf, 12, 97. Raczynski, E., Count, 207. Radford, W. A., 247, 344. Radford, W. A., editor, 36 (Cement World). Radford Architectural Co., pub- lishers, 254. Radisics. J., 118. Raffalovich, A., 441. Raffles, Sir T. S., 105. Raffray, A., 285. Ragg, L., 191. Ragg, L. M., 191 (Ragg, L.). Raggi, P., 12. Raguenet, A., editor, 40 (Materiaux), 4T (Petits). Rahn, J. R., 74, 230, 285, 395, 411. Rahtgens, H., 285, 478, Railton, H., 478. Railton, H., illustrator^ 124 (Head- lam), 164 (Tristram), 166 (Headlam). 169 (Loftie, New- bolt), 228 (.Hutton), 261 (Ben- ham), 265 (Church, C. M.), 267 (Banks, Darby), 269 (Ed- monds), 270 (Farrar, Fowler), 289 (Spence). Raine, James, D.C.L., 285. Raine, James, Canon of York, editor, 285. Raine, John, 161. Rait, R. S., 297. Rait, R. S., editor, 161, 172 (Irvine). R&jendral& Mitra, 105. Ralph, J., 422 (World's). Ramee, D., 16, 26, 74, 129. Rdm Raz, 105. Ramsay, A. M., loi. Ramsay, W., 16. Ramsay, Sir W. M., 285. Ramsay, Sir W. M., editor, 239. Ranalli, F., 181. Rand, B. H., 367. Randall, D. T., 468. Randall, G. P., 302. Randall-Maciver, D. See Maciver. D. R. Ranken, F. A., 347. Rankin, G. A., 450. Rankine, W. J. M., 347, 416. Ranlett, W. H., 254. Ransom, C. L., 401. Ransome, E. L., 355. Raphael, 389, 395, 407. Rappaport P. A., 453, 463. Rappold, O., 446. Raschdorff, J. C, 231, 285. Raschdorff, O., 231, 285 (Rasch- dorff, J. C). Rassam, H.^, 107. Rastall, W. D., 161. Ratel, S., 129. Rathbun, R., 299. Ratti C G., editor, 13 (Soprani). Rauch, C, 286. Rauch, J. H., 459. Rauda, F., 74. Raven, J. J., 405. Ravenel, S. W., 453. Ravenscroft, B. C., 242. Ravenscroft, W., 26. Ravenshaw, J. H., 105. Ravioli. C, 60. Raviosie, A., no. Ravon, H., 473, Rawlinson, R., 286. Rawlinson. Sir R., 330 Rawolle, C, 460 (Benque). Rawson C. P., 344 (Radford). Rayet, O., 26, 60. Raymond, G. L., 26 Raymond J., 423 (Jenkins). Rayner, S., 161. Raynerd, D., 338 (Benjamin). Rea, A, ics, 478. Rea, H., 12. Rea, S., 4^0. Read, D. H. M., 161. Read, S., 26. Real Estate & Building Association, Wakefield, Mass., 472 Reale galleria di Firenze, 2 Keale accademia dei lincei, 41. Reau, L.. 197. Reber, F. von, 60, 74, 143, 231, 478, Rebolledo. J. A., 344. Reboulleau, M. E. F., 411. Recreation League, Louisville, Ky 463. '" Redfarn, W. B., 413. Redgrave, G. R., editor, 382 Redgrave, R., 382. Redgrave. S., 12. Redlich, J., 480. Redtenoacher, R., 74. 02 R6e, P. L, 43. Reed, H. A., 437. Reed, S. B., 254. RegUng, K., 477 (Diest). Regnauld F. V., 455- Rehme, W., 97. Reich, Emil, editor, 17 (Seyffert). Reich, Emmy, 444. Reichensperger, A., editor, 14 (Un- gewitter). Reid, D. B., 367, 420. Reid, H., 355. Rein, B., 299. Reina, J., 239. Reinach, S., 26, 76 (Tolstoi), 239. Reinach, T., 53 (Hamdy-Bey). Reindel, A., 241 (Vischer). Reineck, C, 310. Reiners, H., 143. Reinhard, R., 446. Reinhardt. R., 61, 231, 297. Reisch, E., 50 (Doerpfeld), 54 (Hel- bie). Reisner, G. A., editor, 115. Reithmayer, E., 319. 506 Rclton, H. E., 286. Remon. G., 33°, 395- Rem-Picci, A., 61, ' Renan, E., loi, Renard, E., 138 (Franck-Oberas- pach), 139 (Hartmann), 143- Renard, L., 318. Renaud, F., editor, 153 (Crowther). Rendle, W., 233. Renouvier, J., 12, 129, 181. Repton, H.. 161, 310. Repton, J. A., 310 (Repton, H.). Resal, J., ^47. Resasco, r., 239. Resides, G. H., 4i3- Retberg, R. L. von, 143- Reuther. F., 378 (Knoll). Reuther, O., 207. ,„, , ^ Reveiro-Hopkins, A. E., 398 (Blake). Reventlow, C. E. F. L. E., Greve, 479. Revett. N., 63 (Stuart). Revilla, M. G., 209. R6voil, H. A., 61, 84. Rew, H. C, 105. Rexford, R. E., 311. Rey, A. E. G., 319. Reymond, M., 185. Reymond, W., 26. Reynard, O., 382. Reynaud, F. L., 26, 318. Reynolds, C. B., 316. Reynolds, M. T., 441- Reynolds, O., 367. Rhamm. K., 197- Rhead, G, W., 382. Rhenius, W., 413. Rhine Province. Provmzialkommis- sion fiir Denkmalpflege, 431. Rhizos Rhankabes, A., 61. Rhoniaides, K., editor, 61. Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, 420. Rhodes, H. G., 446. Rhone, A., 115. Riaiio, J. F., 382. Riat, G., 134, 311. Ricard, A., pseud. Sec Sandre, G. Ricardo, H., 427 (Art). Ricauti, T. J., 254. Ricci, A., Marchese, 181. Ricci, C., 181, 370 (Benedctti), 425 (Siena). Ricci, S., 61. Ricci, S. de, 402. Rich, A„ 16. Rich, R., translator, 209 (Saint Cricq). Richa. G., 286. Richards, A., illustrator, 401 (Moore, N. H.). Richards, E. H., 251 (Dodd), 362 (Association), 367. Richards, F,, 166. Richards, H. W., 361. Richards, J., 216. Richards, J. T., 450. Richardson, A. E., 247. Richardson, C. F., editor, 212. Richardson, C. J., 161, 254, 367, 382, 402. Richardson, E., 239. Richardson, G., 333, 396. Richardson, H. H., 286, 297, 302, 316. Richardson, M. A., 286. Richardson, T. A., 26. Richardson, W„ 286. Richey, H. G., 416. Richow, — , 311. Richter, F,, 319, Richter, b. F., 197. Richter, T. P., 12, 286, 408. Richter, J. P., editor, 29 (Vinci), 79 (Quellen). Richter L. M., 181. Rickaras, C. G., 209. Ricker, H., & Sbtis, 233, Ricker, N. C., 2, 336, 347- Rickman, T., i6t, 162. Riddell, K., 337, 340, 353, 479. Rider, W., 162. Ridgely, U. W., 239. Ridner, T. P., 409. Riegelmann, G., 382. Riegcr, J. G., 313 (Zeyher). AUTHOR INDEX Riegl, A., 97, 382, 388 (Kaiser- lich), 389. Riegl, A., translator, 4 (Baldinucci); Riehl, B., 12, 144. Ries, F., 309 (Meyer, F. S.). Riess, A., 437. Rieth, O., 26. Riewel, H., Ritter von, 270 (Fer- stel), 330. Riezler, W., 423 (Ausstellung). Riffault. T. R. D., 409. Rigaer ^ Technischer ^ Verein and Rigaer Architekten-Verein, 197. Riggs, A. S., 192. Riis, J. A., 442, 445. Rijks-Museum van Oudheden, Ley- den, 239. Riley, A., 79- Riley, T., illustrator, 423 (Colonial). Rimmer, A., 144, 162. Rindge Park Playground, Cam- bridge, Mass., 463. Rintelen, F., 12. Rio, A. del, 209. Riolo, G., 334. Rios, T. A. de los, 201 (Monu- mcntos), 202 (Monumentos), 203 (Monumentos), 203, 230. Rios, R. A. de los, 200 (Espana), 201 (Monumentos), 202 (Monumentos), 203 (Monu- mentos). Ripley, M. C, 389. Ris-Paquot, O. E., 247. Ritch, T. W., 2';4. Ritchie, R., 367. Ritter, A., 336. Ritter, L., 137 (Dohmc). Ritter, W.. 347. Riva Palacio, V., editor, 209. Rivela, A., 192. Rivero, M. E. de, 209, Rivers, T., 242. Rivoira, G. T., 181. Rivoire, M., 286. Robbia, A. della, 382 (Robbia, L. della). Robbia, L. della, 382, Robbins, L. S., 351. Robbins, M. C., 311. Robert, C, 239. Robert, li.., 198 (Gaimard). Robert, P.. editor, 286. Roberto, F. dc, 192. Roberts, A. and P., & Co., 416. Roberts, J)., 109, 115, 203. Roberts, Harry, 311. Roberts, Henry, 258. Roberts, H. W., 340. Roberts, I, P., 254. Robertson, A., 286. Robertson, J., 286. Robertson, T. S., 286. Robertson, W., 254. Robida, A., 129, 135, 195, 203, 206. Robie, v., 402. Robin, F., 347. Robins, E. C, 109, 297. Robinson, A. P., 450. Robinson, C. J., 154 (Elwes), 162. Robinson, C. M., 320, 321, 427, 433, 434, 435, 436, 453, 480. Robinson, F. S., 402. Robinson, H., 467. Robinson, J. A., 170. Robinson, John B., 26. Robinson, Joseph B., 239, 391. Robinson, P. F., 162, 254. Robinson, V. J., 389, 402. Robinson. W., 311, 461. Robinson, W. C, 360. Robison, J., 336 (Rudimentary), 353 (Rudimentary). Robson, E. R., 297. Robson, G., 344. Robson, P. A., 286. Robuchon, J., editor, 129. Rocchi, E.. editor, 188. Rocco, S., 192. Rochambeau, E. A. L. de V., Mar- quis de, 286. Rochas d'Aiglun, A. de, 319. Rochette. D. R., 188, 396- Rock, D,, 389. Rodenwaldt, G., 396, 478 (Kaiser- lich). Rodocanachi, E. P., 188. Rodriguez Ayuso, E., 12. Rodt, E. von, 286. Roe, A. S., 215. Roe, Fy 402. Roe, F., illustrator, 326 (Ditch- field). Roebling, J. A., 455 (Papers), 455. Roebling, W. A., 455. Roesch, W., 382. Roessler, C, 240. Roffiaen, E., 347. Rogent y Pedrosa, F., 289 (Soler). Roger-Milfes, L., 382. Rogers, C, 240. Rogers, F., 416. Rogers, L. P., 300 (Bryant). Rogers, V., 462. Rogers, W. H. H., 240. Rogers, W. S., 311. Rohault de Fleury, C, 74 (first title wrongly attributed here to G. Rohault de Fleury), 286. Rohault de Fleury, G., 181, 188. Rohde, H., editor, 233 (Kuehn). Roland le Virloys, C. F., 16, Rolfs, W., 181. Roller, T., 188. Romagnoli, E., 12. Romanino, G., 396. Romanis, A. de, 61. Romano, t. G., 391 (Angelico). Romano, Giacinto, 180 (Natali). Romano, Giulio^ 395 (Raphael). Rome. Commissione archeologica comunale, 42. Romstorfer. C. A., 79. Ronchaud, L. de, 389. Ronczewski, C, 396. Rondelet. A., 12. Rondelet, J. B., 52 (Fronlinus), 344. Rooses, M.. iQS. Roosevelt. T., 25 (Moore). Roosval, J., 286. Root. E., 25 (Moore). Root, J. W., 247. Ropes, T.. 340. Rose, E. W., 286. Rosellini, N. F. I. B., 115. Rosenberg, A., 96 (Licht). Rosenberg, F. H., translator, iqo (Boito), 191 (Ongania). Rosenberg, M.. 231. Rosengarten, A., 26. Rosenthal, C. A., 26, Rosenthal. H. S., 472. Rosevs^ater, V. S., 471. Rosieres, R., 130. Rosini, C. M., editor. 58 (Museo). Rosini, G., 240. Ross, A. R., 316. Ross, F., 148. Ross, T. A., 191, 185. Ross. J. W., 382. Ross, L., 6t. Ross. M., 159 (Mackenzie, E.). Ross, T., 173 (Macgibbon). Ross, W. G., 247. Ross, W. T., 26. Rossi, A., 181. Rossi, D. de, 188. Rossi, F. de, 61. Rossi, G., 405. Rossi, (t. B. dc, i8g, 408. Rossi, G. B. de, editor, 35 (Bullet- tino). Rossi, G. G. de', 240, 287, 299, 311. Rossi, G. G. de', engraver, 395 (Raphael). Rossi, G. T. de, 396. Rossi. G. T., 316. Rossi, L. M., 287. Rossini, T.., 61, 181, 189, 287. Rossiter, E. K., 409. Rossmann, W., 396. Rosso, G. del, 287. Rossteuscher, A., 411 (Schaefer). Rostan. L., 287. Rostovtsev, M. T., 61. Rotch Travelling Scholarship, 418. Roth, L., 445. Roth, v., 240, 383, 479. Rothe, T., 361. Rothery. G. C, 333. 337- Rothschild, J., translator, 311 (Sic- beck). AUTHOR INDEX 507 Rott, H., 74, 1^4. Rotterdam, Holland. Burgemeester en Wethouders, 449. Rottmann, L., 117 (Pezolt). Rouaix, P., 383. Roubo, J. A., 353, 402, Rouche, E., 369. Round. J. H., 319. Rousopoulos, A. S., editor, 46 I' ApxaioXoyiKi]) . Rousseau, H., 383. Roussel, J., 330. Roussel, J., editor, 29 (Viollet-le- Duc). Roussel, P. D., 231. Roussel, R., Abb6, 287. Rousselet, T. L., 105. Routledge, C. F,, 287. Rouvet, M., 287. Rouveyre, £., 402. Roux, A., 231. Roux, H., 61. Roux, H., engraver, 281 (Moray), Rouyer, E., 130, 231, 383. Rowald, P., 437. Rowe, E., 413. Rowe, S. H., 297. Rowell, J. C, 316. Rowlandson, T., illustrator, 168 (Combe). Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2. Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences, 423. Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 32 (Archaeological Journal), 162, 170. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 42, Royal Institute of British Archi- tects, 3, 42, 430. Royal Sanitary Institute, 42. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 42. Royer de Dour, H., Baron de, 257 (Neve.) Royet, L. E., 287. Rozet, C. A., 1 10 (Marcel). Rubens, P. P., 231. Rucca, G., 181. Rudder, S., 162. Rudy, C. 287. Rueckwardt, H., 118, 147, 330, 383. Ruempler, T., 311. Ruff, F., 348. Ruggieri, F., 185. Ruggiero, M., 6t. Rumbold, C, 443 (Civic), Rumohr, C. F. von, 181, Runge, L., 182, 333. Ruppei, F., 221 (Lenhartz), 221. Ruprecht, W., 442. Ruprich, C, 402. Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C, 61, 130, 330, 391, 420, 424 (Salon de 1878), Ruschweyh, F,, 385 (Wagner). Rusconi, A. J., 182. Ruskin, J,, 26, 82, 182, 18^, 191, 240, 254, 299 (Acland), 340, 383. Ruskin, J., editor, 391 (Arundel). Russell, T. O., 171. Russell Sage Foundation. Depart- ment of Surveys and Exhibits, 442. Library, 428. Russia. Commission imp6riale archeologique, St. Petersburg, Ryan, C, 115. Ryan, H., 391. Rychner, A., 298 (Lambert). Ryde, E., 416. s. S., P., 203. Sabatini, F. L., 166. Sabin, A. H., 409. Sacchi, A., 231. Sachs, E. O., 323, 356 (British), 358 (British), 359 (International), 360. Sachse, J. F., editor, 216 (Richards). Sadeler, G., 182. Sadler, L. R., 459. Sadoux, E., illustrator, 109 (Cag- nat). Saechsischer Ingenieur- und Archi- tekten-Verein, 36 (Civilin- genieur), 44 (Zeitschrift). Sage Foundation Homes Company, 438. Saglio, A., 402. Saint-Andeol, F., Vicomte de, 287. Saint Cricq, L. de, 209. Saint Gaudens, A., 25 (Moore). St. John, G., 353- Saint Louis, Mo. Board of Com- missioners of Forest Park, 461. Board of Improvement of La- fayette Park, 461. Board of Public Improvements, 480. City Plan Commission, 480. Municipal Bridge and Terminals Commission, 452. Museum of Fine Arts, 469. Public Library, 418, 428. Saint Louis Architectural Club, 212. St. Louis Mercantile Library As- sociation, 316. Saint-Non, J. C. R. de, 192. Saint-Paul, A., 97, 130, 287. Saint Paul's Ecclesiological So- ciety. 287. St. Paul Playground Committee, 463. Saint-Saens, C. C, 323. Saladin. H., 87, 109 (Cagnat), no. Salaman, M. C, 384 (Vallance). Salazaro, D., 287. Salbach, B., 366 (Knauff), 367. Sale, E. T., 217. Salin, B., 405. Salin, P., 287. Salisbury R. U., 437, Salisch, H. von, 311. Salomon, H., 438, 465. Salomonsohn, G., 475. Salter, C, translator, 349 (Andes). Salter, M. J., translator, 366 (Keim). Salter, T. W., editor, 408 (Field). Saltonstall, R. M., 470. Salucci, G. de, 189. Salviati, G. See Porta, G. Salzenberg, W., 208. Salzmann, H., 224. Sambin, H,, 12. Samson, G. G., 254. Samson, (], W., 82. Samuel, A., 12. Samuelson, J., 105. Samyn, A., 240. San Francisco, Cal. Board of Park Commissioners, 461. Sanborn, A. F., 441. Sanborn, F. B., 441 (Trustees). Sanborn, K. A., 389. Sanders, J. H., compiler, 255. Sanders, W. B., 402. Sanderson, J., 255. Sanderson, T. J. C, 427 (Art). Sanderus, A., 287. Sandrart, J. von, 26. Sandre, G., 12 (Renouvier). Sandys, J. E., editor, 17 (Seyffert). Sangiorgi, G., 185. Sanitary Laws Enforcement Society, 473. Sankey, H. R., translator, 336 (Ritter). Sansonetti, V., illustrator, 387 (Ju- binal). Santa, L, della, 316. Sant* Ambroglio, D., 182. Santee, E. M., 367. Santos, F. de los, 287. Saragossei, Spain. Exposici6n retro- spectiva de arte, 1908, 425. Saran, W., 475. Sargeant, W., 170. Sargent, C. S., 351, 458. Sargent, H. W., editor, 305 (Down- ing). Sargent, L. M., 471. Sarre, F., 87, 107. Sartiaux, F., 61. Sarto, Andrea d'Agnolo, 396. Sarzec, E. de, 107. Sauer, B. W., 61. Sauerlandt, M., 12. Saunders, G., 323. Saunders, W. L., 451 (Gilbert). Saurbrey, A., 355 (Ransome). Sauvage, 1'., 330. Sauvageot, C, 12. 130. Sauvageot, L., 130 (Sauvageot, C), 323. Sauvan, J. B. B., 302. Saville, M. H., 209. Savinac, R,, 108 (Jaussen). Saviotti, C, 346 (Cremona). Savy, C, 82, 396. Sawyer, S. E., 458. Sax, E., 445. Sayce, A. H., editor, 113 (Maspero). Sayles, M. B., 441. Saylor, H. H., 255, 333. Sayward, W. H., 416. Sayward, W. H., publisher, 475 (Massachusetts). Scaglia, S., 408. Scamell, G., 224. Scamozzi, O. B., editor, 180 (Pal- ladio). Scamozzi, V., 26. Scapa. See National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising. Schack, A. F., Graf von, 204. Schaden, A. von, 144. Schaefer, C, 26, 144, 287, 288, 297, 411. Schaefer, C. editor, 383. Schaefer, H. See Schaefer, J. H. Schaefer, J. H., 1x3 (Lange), 115. Schaepkens, A., 240, 288. Scharf, G., 61. Schaubert, E., 61 (Ross). Schauermann, F. L., 383, 413. Schauffler, R. H., 144. Schaupert, C, 297. Schayes, A. G. B., 195. Schazmann, P., 49 (Conze). Scheffer, T. von, 182. Scheffers, A., 143 (Ortwcin). Scheffler, C, 4 (Behrendt), 147, 469. Scheffler, K. See Scheffler, C. Scheltema, J. F., 105. Schenck, C., editor, 240. Schenkl, H., 80 (Urspruag), Scherer, C, 413. Scherer, V., 299. Scherl, A., 311. Schestag, F., 377 (Kaiserlich-). Schiaparelli, E., editor, 113 (Maruc- chi). Schiavi, A., 438. Schiemann, T., 197. Schiepmann, H., 224. Schilling, B., 144, 323 (Moritz). Schillmann, F., 182. Schinkel, C. F., 12, 98. Schirmer, R., 147. Schlegel, C. W. F. von, 82. Schleinitz, O., Freiherr von, 170. Schlie, F., 479. Schliemann, H,, loi, 102. Schlosser, J. See Schlosser, J., Ritter von. Schlosser, J^ Ritter von, 74, 396. Schlosser, J., Ritter von, editor, 75. Schlossmann, A., 255. Schlotke, J., 348. Schlueter, A., 383. Schlumberger, L. G., 79. Schmarsow, A., editor, 182. Schmeller, J. A., 479. Schmerber, H., 118, 144. Schmid, A., 383. Schmid, H., 369. Schmid, W. M., 144, 389 (Spengel). Schmidlin, E., 311. Schmidlin, J., 288. Schmidt, C, 344 (Riewel). Schmidt, C. E., 204. Schmidt, C. W., 75- Schmidt, E., 288. Schmidt, F., 448. Schmidt, G., translator, 196 (Blom- stedt). Schmidt, H., 75. 508 AUTHOR INDEX Schmidt, O., 319. 330, 337- Schmidt, O. E., 62. Schmidt, P. F., 144. Schmidtner, L., 197. Schmieden, H., 233 (Gropius). Schmit, J. P., 302 (Sauvan). Schmitt, E., 233, 241 (Kerler), 255, 296 (Lang), 297, 302, 315 (Kortuem), 321, 323, 336, 337 (Schmidt), 361, 366 (Knauff), 367. Schmitz, B., 240. Schmitz, F., 288. Schmitz, H., 144, 411. Schmitz, L. D., translator, 10 1 (Schliemann). Schmitz, T., editor, 288 (Schmitz, F.). Schnaase, C, 26. Schnatter, J., 27. Schnebbelie, J., editor, 148. Schneeli, O., 92. Schneider, A. A., 62. Schneider, C, 439. Schneider, C. E., 311. Schneider, D. F., 479. Schneider, J., 27. Schneider, J. C. F., 288. Schneider, L., 147. Schnorr, J. See Schnorr von Carols- feld, J. Schnorr von Carolsfeld, J., 396. Schnorr von Carolsfeld. J., editor, 34 (Art-Workman). Schnuetgen, A., editor, 44 (Zeit- schrift fiir christliche). Schoch, C, 351- Schoenborn, A., 62. Schoener, R., 189. Schoenermark, G., editor, 98. Schoenfeld, P., 12. Schoenthal, O., compiler, 119. Schoff, VV. H., 449 (Taylor). Schorn, O. von, editor, 35 (Bay- risches). Schotte, t.., 144- Schottmueller, F., 396. Schoubin, J., 311. Schoy, A., 195. Schrader, H., 64 (Wiegand). Schramek, J. 118. Schrammen, t., 383. Schrammen, J., editor, 65 (Winter). Schrauf, C, 297. Schreiber, G.,'383. Schreiber, G. T., 16, 62. Schroth, E., 405. Schubert, A., 405. Schubert, O., 204. Schubert von Soldem, Z., Ritter, 197. 383. Schubnng, P., 12, 182, 191, 288. Schuchhardt C, 62. Schuelt, F. L., 182. Schuette, M., 288. Schultz, A., 27, 144, 247. Schultz, G., 182. Schultz, T. C, 144. Schultz, R. W., 52 (Gardner, E. A.), 288, 351. Schultz, R. W., editor, 273 (Har- vey). Schultz, W., 62. Schultze, E., 316. Schultze, M. v., 75, 189, 192 (Fuehrer). Schultze, R., 223. Schultze, V. See Schultze, M. V. Schxiltze-Naumberg, P., 231, 247, „ , 311, 335, 437. Schulz, B., 231. Schulz, F. T., 144. Schulz, H. W., 75. Schulz, W., 446. Schulze, F. C, 182 (Semper). Schulze, F. W. O., 446. Schulze, H., 16. Schulze, J., editor, 30 (Winckel- mann). Schulze, P., 240. Schulze-Kolbitz, O., 231. Schumacher, F., 12. Schumacher, G., 109. Schumacher, H. A., 301 (Ehmck). Schumann, F., 367. Schumann, P. T., 145, 182, 396. Schuyler, M., 27, 212, 455 (Co- nant), 479. Schwab, C, 321. Schwab, E., 426 (Weltausstellung). Schwalb, H., 383. Schwartze, T., 367. Schwartzenberger, A., 288. Schwarz, O., 224. Schwecten, F., 302. Schweighaeuser, J. G., i45- Schweinfiurth, J. A., 27. Schweitzer, H., 240. Schweizerisjcher Ingenieur- und Ar- chitekten-Verein, 206. Schwenke, F., 402- Schwindrazheim, O., 447 (Gnese). Sckell, F. L. von, 3". Scoggin, G. C., 63 (Tolman). Scolari, F., 12. Scott, F. J., 311- ^. ^ ^ Scott, G. G. See Scott, Sir G. G. Scott, Sir G. G., 75, 98, 258 (Ander- son), 288, 431. Scott, John, 13s. , , A • 1 Scott, John, Professor of Agrxcul- ture, 255. Scott, J. W., 432. ^ ^ _ _ Scott, L., pseud. See Baxter, L, E. Scott, M. H. B,, 311. 438 (Garden Suburb). Scott, T., 3. Scott, Sir Walter, 148, i73- Scott, William, translator, 262 (Boito). Scott, W. D., 432. Scott, W. F., 416. Scott, W. G., 409. Scotter, R. H., 360. Scoville, J. A., 461. Scratchley, A., 472. Scribner's, Charles, Sons, 3. Scudder, H. E., 316. Seaford, J. A., 478 (Radcliffe). Seattle, Washington. Board oi Park Commissioners, 462, 463. Municipal Plans Commission, 435. Port of Seattle Commission, 480. Public Library, 428. Seeker, H. F., 82. Sedding, J. D., 288, 3". Seder, A., 383, 390 (Gerlach). Sedgwick, M. C, 311. Seemann, E. A. (wrongly entered Seaman), 27. Seesselberg, F., 75. Segard, — , 135. Seguin, E., 457. Seidel, .G F., 14S. Seidel, P., 145. Seidelin, C., 340. Seidl, G. von, editor, 299. Seine, Prefecture du Departement de la, 13s, 240, 302, 435. Seler, C, 209. Seler, G. E., 209, 396. Seligman, E. R. A., 472. Selincourt, B. de, 12. Sellin, E. F. M. (wrongly entered under Gellin), 108. Sellers, E. See Strong, E. Selva, G., 341. tico. P., 27, S e m a y e r, v., translator, 377 Selvatico, P., 27, 182, 191, 396. a y e r, V (Huszka). Semayer, W. See Semayer, V. Semper, G., 27, 323, 383. Semper, H., 13, 92. Semper, M., 323. Semrau, M., 182 (Schmarsow), 288. Semrau, M., editor, 24 (Luebke). Semsch, O. F., 216. Seni, F. S., 182. Sennett, A. R., 438. Sepp, B.. 288 (Sepp, J. N.). Sepp, H., 3. Sepp, L N., 288. Sere, F., editor, 90 (Lacroix). Sergeant, P. W., 288. Sergent, E,, 348. Serlio, S., 27. Seroux d'Agincourt, J. B. L. G„ 75. Serra, L., 182. Serradifalco, D. Lo F. Pietrasanta, Duca di, 192. Serrell, J. E., 434. Serret, J. A., 340 (Olivier). Serrure, L. A., 333. Serwaes, F. T. H., 119. Sethe, K, 112 (Garstang). Sewell, C. V. V., 311. Sexby, J. J., 459- Seyffert, A. O., 17. Seymour, E., 290 (Street). Seymour, F. H. A., 182. Seymour, W. W., 288. Seynes, A. de, 130. Sgrilli, B. S., 185 (Nelli). Shackleton, E., 402 (Shackleton, R.). Shackleton, R., 402. Shapland, H. P., 398 (Benn), 402. Sharpe, E., 162^ 289, 330, 335. Shaw, A. Herrmg-, 367. Shaw, C, translator, 197 (Ander- son). Shaw, E., 27, 215, 361. Shaw, E. M., 323. Shaw, IL, 289, 330, 383, 399 (Fashionable), 402, 406. Shaw, P. J., 289. Shaw, R. N., 25s, 330. Shaw, R. N., editor, 27. Shaw, S., 162. Shawver, J. L., 255. Shedd, J. H., 306 (FoUen). Sheilds, F. W., 348. Sheldon, G. W., 479. Shelley, H. C, 170, 319. Shelton, L., 311. Shepard, H. N., 480 (Massa- chusetts). Shepherd, T. H., 168 (Elmes), 170. Shepherd, T. H., illustrator, 151 (Britton). Shepp, J. W., 27. Sheraton, T., 402. Sherrill, C. H., 411. Shiffler Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, 455. Shilleto, A, R., translator, 59 (Pau- sanias). Shinn, E., 216. Shinn, G. W., 289. Shoberl, F., 162. Sholl, C, 289. Shoolbridp^e, L. K. H., 64 (Wald- stein). ShoppelL R. W., 247. Shore, T. T., 289. Shreve, S. H., 348. Shuey, E. L., 469. Shuffrey, L. A., 333. Shurtleff, A. A., 311, 453, 458. Shute, J., 27. Siccard von Siccardsburg, A. von, 323 (Nuell), 335. Sickel, C., 335. Sickels, I., 353. Sidney and Adams, 461. Siebeck, R., 311, Siena, Italy. Mostra d'antica arte senese, 425. Sillig, C. J., 13. Silloway, T. W., 353. Silsbee, E. A., 27. Silva, E.. Conte, 311, Simakof, N., 383. Simmonds, F., translator, 26 (Rei- nach). Simon, Carl, 85. Simon, Constance, 402. Simon, J. D., 416. Simoneau, G., 292 (Voisin). Simonsen, D. J., 62. Simpson, F. M., 27. Simpson, H., 368. Simpson, H. T., 162. Sinclair, W. M., 289. Singleton, E., 212, 289, 402. Sipe, S. B., 470. Sitte, C, 299, 427. Situ, C, 27. Sitwell, F. J., translator, 191 (Yriarte). Skelton, J., 162, 166. Skillings, D. N., 352. Skinner, C. R., 216 (New York, State). Skomal, C, 380 (Moser, F.). Sladen, D. B. W., 189, 192. Slagg, C, 465. Slater, T.. 27 (Smith, T. R.). AUTHOR INDEX 509 Slatter, H., publisher, i66. Slezer, J., 173. Sloan, S., 98, 255, 344. Sloan, S., editor, ^3 (Architec- tural Review and). Sloane, W. & J., 383. Sloane, W. M., 295 (Four). Slocura, S. E., 348. Sluyterman, T. K. L., editor, 330, Small, H., compiler, 316. Small, J. W., 173, 402, 413. Smead, I. D., 368. Smeaton, A. C, 416. Smeaton, John {1724-1792), 318. Smeaton, John, C.E., 368. Smeaton, O., editor, 172 (Harri- son). Smirke, Sir R., 27, 192. Smirke, S., 13, 27, 107, 193, 361, 411. Smith, Agnes, translator, 55 (Kas- tromenos). Smith, Alexander, & Sons Carpet Company, New York, 389. Smith, A. H., 54 (Hogarth), 62. Smith, K., 204- Smith, B. E., 402. Smith, C. (]., 348. Smith, Cecil. H., 54 (Hogarth). Smith, Charles H., 352. Smith, C. H. J., 311. Smith, C. R., 62, 170. Smith, D., 253 (Mitchell). Smith, E. G., 195. Smith. E. T. B., 261 (Birchenough). Smith. E. W., 104 (Fuehrer), 105. Smith, 1^. H., 191, 422 (World's). Smith, F. L., 247, Smith, F. M., 215. Smith, F. W., 436. Smith, G. G., illustrator, 195 (Smith, E. G.). Smith, H. E., 162. Smith, J., 336. Smith, J. J., 256 (Walter). Smith, T. M., 330, 383. Smith, J. T., 170. Smith, P. F., editor, 348 (Slocum). Smith, Sir R. M., 107. Smith, R. S., 437- Smith, S., 221 (Johns Hopkins). Smith, T. M., 348 (Snell). Smith, T. R., 27, 82, 344. Smith, T. S„ 440. Smith, V. A., 106. Smith, Walter, 341. Smith, William, 354 (Forrest). Smith. William, F.S.A.S., 162. Smith, William, F.S.A.S., editor, 163. Smith, Sir William, editor, 17. Smith, W. J., 27. Smith, W. R., 473. Smither, J. G., 106. Smithmeyer, J. L., 212, 316. Smock, J. C, 352. Smoke Abatement Committee, 468. Smyth, C. P., 115. Smyth, E. L., 218. SneU, G., 348. Snell, H. J., 411, Snell, H. S., 221 (Mouat), 221 (Royal), 221. Snell, J. F. C, 224. Snelling, G. H., 433. Snider, D. J. 479. Snow, T. B„ Abbot, 189. Snow, W. B., 368. Snow, W. G., 368. Snyder, F. M., 3^0. Snyder, J. F., editor, 31 (American Archaeologist). Soane, Sir J., 98, 255. Societa degli ingegneri e degli ar- chitetti italiani, 42. Societal italiana di archeologia e storia dell' arte, 35 (Ausonia). Societe archeologique de Bordeaux, 42. 431- . Societe archeologique du Departe- ment de Constantine, 42. Soci6te archeologique du midi de la France, 42. Societe centrale d'architecture de Belgique, 247. Societe centrale des architectes, 475. Societe centrale des architectes frauQais, 33 (Architecture, L'. Journal), 368. Societe de I'art ancien en Belgique, Bruges, 383. Societe des amis des monuments parisiens, 43, 431. Societe des antiquaires de I'Ouest, 43- Societe des antiquaires du Centre, Bourges, 331. Societe des architectes diplomes par le Gouvernement, 32 (Archi- tecte, L'). Croupe aniericain, 421. Societe des cites ouvrieres de Mul- house, 473. Societe des Pretres de la Miseri- corde, 289. Societe fran^aise d'archeologie, 35 (Bulletin monumentale), 43. Societe imperiale d'encouragement des arts, 382 (Recueil). Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, 43, 479, Societe nationale des beaux-arts, 13. Societe philotechnique, Paris, 130. Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d' Alsace, 43. Societe pour la propagation de 1' architecture, Amsterdam. See Maatschappij tot bevordering der bouwkunst. Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising. See Na- tional .Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Adver- tising. Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes, 258, 441 (Labourer's). Society for Photographing Relics of old London, 170. Society for Preserving Memorials of the Dead, 240. Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 431. Society for the Promotion of Hel- lenic Studies, 3, 62. Society instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, & Commerce, 440. Society of Antiquaries, London, 43. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 43. Society of Architects, London, 22 (Architects' Magazine), 43, 421. Society of Dilettanti, 62. Soderholtz, E. E.. 212, 214 (Corner), 217 (Crane). Soeder, L., 384 (Sutherland). Sogliano, A., 408. Sohnrey, H., editor, 255. Soil, E.. 389. Soldi, E., 75. Sbler, (]., 289. Solitro, G., 183. Solotaroff, W., 470. Solvay, L., 204. Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 43. Somerville, W., translator, 350 (Hartig). Somerville, M., 106. Sondericker, J., 348. Sons of the Revolution, 240. Sophoulis T., 61 (Rhomaides). Soprani, R,, 13. Soule, C. C, 316. Sousa, L. de, 281 (Murphy). South Kensington Museum, 3, 344, 389. 396. Southard, J. H., 431. Soyer, L. C, 27. Spagnolo, A., 431. Spalding. H. C, 451. Spangenberg, L, 348. Sparkes, J. C. L., editor, 374 (Flax- man). Sparrow, W. S., 247, 402. Spearing, H. G., 27, Speer, A., 451. Speltz, A., 384. Spence, H. D. M., 289. Spengel, j., 389. Spieker, P., 298. Spiers, R. P., 27, 45 (Anderson, W. J.J 87, 107, 109, 115. 289, 341. Spiers, R. P., editor, 21 (Fergus- son). Spillner, E., 224, 344. Spitzer, F., 384. Spofford, C. M., 344. Spofford, H. E. P., 402. Spon, J., 183. Spooner, C, 402. Spooner, S., 13. Sprague, C. F., 311. Spring Gardens Sketching Club, London, 331. Springer, A., 13, 28, 75. Springer, J., 384. Springfield, Mass. Park Commis- sion, 462. Springfield Republican, 435. Stabb, J., 289. Stackelberg, O. M., Baron von, 240. Stade, P.. 28. Stahl, E., 96 (Lambert), 308 (Lam- bert). Stahl, E., editor, 136 (Berlepsch- Valendas). Stahl, F., pseud. See Lilienthal. S, Stahlschmidt, J. C. L., 406. Stahlschmidt, j. C. L., editor, 405 (North). Stahn, U., 308 (Lange). Stancovitch, P., 62. Standage, H. C, 352, 409. Stanley, A. P., 270 (Farrar), 289. Stanton, I., translator, 408 (Chev- reul). Starbuck, R. M., 368, 479. Stark, C. B., 28. Starr, E. A,. 396. Stasof, V. v., 384. State Charities Aid Association, New York, 445. State Historical Society of Wis- consin, 317, 416. State Street Trust Company, 215. Statham, H. H., 28, 98. Statz, v., 82, 289. Stauffacher, J., 391. Staunton, H., 298. Steadman, W. C, 445. Stebbing, E., 389. Steche, R., 145- Steen de Jehay, X, van den, 290. Stegmann, C. M. von, 384. Stegmann, H., 300. S t e i e r m a erkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 331. Steiger, E., 3. Stein, F. A. H., 131, 290. Stein, H. See Stein, F. A. II. Stein, M. A., 103. Stein, T„ 321. Steinbrecht, C, 145. Steindorff, G., 115. Steiner, F., 348. Steinhart, F. X., 331. Steinhauser, W., 384. Steinmann, E., 189, 240. Stelz, — , 258. Stelzel, C., J48. Stephani, K. G., 248. Stephens, J. L., 209. Stephenson, C, 389. Stephenson, G., 416. Stephenson, H. T., 170. Stern, G., 232. * Sternfeld, R., 239 (Prussia). Stetson, Moseley & Co., 416. Steuart, Sir IL, Baronet, 311, 312. Steuart. J. R., 102. Stevens, G. P., 62. Stevens, J. C, 248. Stevens, J. L., 212. Stevenson, A., 318. Stevenson, H. M., 189. Stevenson, J. J., 240, 248. Stevenson, R., 318. Stevenson, R. L., 173. Stevenson, W. M., 317. Stewart, A., translator, 79 (Proco- pius). 510 Sthamer, E., 416. Stickley, G.. 402. Stickney, A. B., 432, 461. Stieglitz, C. L., 62, 312. Stieler, C. 14S, 183. Stiles. C. W., 368. ^„. , ^ ^ Stille, C. J., 212 (Richardson). StUler, H., 62. Stillfried-AlcSntara, R. M. B., Graf von, 290. Stillman, W. J., 62. Stirling-Maxwell, Sir W., Baronet, 3. 13. Stobart, J. C, 63, 479- Stock, C. H., 344. Stockbauer, J., 290. Stoddard, J. L., 28, 212. Stoddart, B. D„ 463. ^„ Stoddart, J. H., 173 (Paga"). Stoewer, W.. illustrator, 446 (Wis- licenus;. Stokes, M., 183, 290. ,^ . ^ Stokes, M., editor, 171 (Quin). Stolberg, A., 4". Stoll, C, publisher, 384, 389. Stolze, F., 107. Stone, C, 298. Stone, E. M„ 13- Stone, J. B., 290. ... Stone & Webster Engineering Cor- poration, 224. Stoney, B. B,, 348. Storck, H., 290. Storck, J., editor, 406 (Siccard von Siccardsburg). Storck, J. J., editor, 34 (Arts decora- tings). ^^ X O X Storer. H. S., 163 (Storer, J. S.), 166 (Storer, J. S.). Storer, J. S., 148, 163, 166, 170 (Views). Storer, J. S., illustrator, 166 (Chalmers). Stothard, C. A., 240, 389. Stow, J.. 170. Strachey, H., 13. Strack, H., 63, 93- Strack, J. H., 323. Straeten, E. van der, i3- . Strahan, E., pseud. See Shinn, E. Strange, E. ¥., 3 (South), 290, 391- Strange, T. A., 33 !• Stratico, S., Conte, 63. Stratton. A^ 13. iS5 (Garner). Street, A. E., 13. ,^ . , ^ „ Street, G. E., 24 (Lewis), 76. 82, 83, 172, 479- Streit, A., 323. Streiter, R., 232, 302. Strickland, Sir C. W., Baronet, 255, 440. Strobel, C. L., editor, 416. Stroganof, S. G. Count, editor, 197. Stroganof School of Industrial De- sign, 380 (Motives). Strong, E., 63. Strong, E., editor, 19 (Carotti), 25 (Plinius), 45 (Amelung), 52 (Furtwaengler). Strong, E., translator, 62 (Schuch- hardt), 64 (Wickoff). Strong, S. A., editor, 392 (Crowe). Strong, Mrs. S. A, See Strong, E. Strong, J., 437 (Anderson). Stroobant. F., 195. Struck, A., 63, 79. Strype, J., editor, 170 (Stow). Strzygowski, L, 63, 66 (Berchem), 76, 78 (Forchheimer), 79, 80 (Ursprung), 290. Stuart, C. M. V., 479. Stuart, L, 63. Stuart, R., 17. Stubbs. C. W., 163. Stuebben, H., 427, 437, 465, 472, 474. Stuebel. A., 209. Stueckelberg, £., 396. Stueler, F. A., 146 (Knoblauch). Stuers, V. E. L. de, 300. Sturgis, J. H., 417. Sturgis, R., 3, 13, 17, 28. 63, 248, 317, 384, 402 (Singleton). Sturgis, R., editor, 24 (Luebke). Sturgis, R. C, 215, 255, 299 (Museum), 306 (European). AUTHOR INDEX Sturm, M. J., 221 (Ochsner). Sturt, J., engraver, 340 (Pozzo). Sturtevant, B. F., 368. Styan, K. E., 240. Suardi, B., 76. Suckling, A., 163. Suddards, F., 389 (Stephenson). Sudre, J. P., 4"- Suffling, E. R., 411. Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 43. Suida, W., 183, 290. Suisse, C, 319. Sulzer, J. G., 17. , ^ ^ , „• Summerly, F., pseud. See Cole, bir H. Sumner, H., 360. Sundbarg, A. G., editor, 198. Supino, 1. B., 183. Surigny, A. de, 290, Surtees, R., 163. ^ . Sussex Archaeological Society, 43. Sutcliffe, G. L., 355- Sutherland, W., 384. 409. Sutherland, W. G., 384, 389, 409 (Sutherland, W.). Sutter, C, 333. Suys, T. F., 232. Svilokossitch, M., 348. Svoboda, A., 290. Swainson, H., 278 (Lethaby). Swan, A., 248, 337. Swanwick, H. M., 312, Swarbreck, S. D., 173. Swarzenski, G., 384. Sweeting, W. D., 290. Sweetinp, W. D., editor, 161 (Phillips). Sweetser, M. F., 13- ,. . ^ Swem, E. G., compiler 3 (Virginia). Swensson, E., 359 (Kaufman). Swete. H., 221. Swinburne, H., 204. Switzer, S., 312. Swoboda, H., 290. Sybel, L, von, 28, 115, 189. Sykes, J. F. J., 440. Sylvester, W. A., 344, 353- Symonds, J. A., 13, 93- Sympson, E. M^ 163. Sypesteyn, C. H. C. A. van, 312. Szalay, E. von, editor, 116 (Buda- pest). T., M. A. R., 187 (M., H.). T Square Club, Philadelphia, 212. T. W. Harvey Lumber Co., 98. Taber, M. J., 163. Tabor, C. H., 248. Tabor, G., 312. Taccani, F., 28. Taft, L. R., 242. Tagle Rodriguez, E., 467. Taillandier, A. H.. 13. Talbert, B. J., 384. 399 (Fashion- able). Talbot, A. N., 355. 479- Talbot, M., editor, 362 (Associa- tion). Tallack, J. C, 242. Tanner, H., Jr., i 413 3 (Triggs), 335, E. W., 336, 341, 344, 348. E. W., editor, 354 (Tredgold). Tanswell, J., 163. Tappan, H. P., 432. Tarb6, P., 290. Tarbell, F. B., 63. Tarbuck, E. L., 472. Tardieu, E., 124 (Gourlier). Tarn, E. W., 336, 341, 344, 348. Tarn, Tarver, E. J., 28. Tassi, F. M., 13. Tate, G., 232. Tate, T., 348. Tatham, C. H., 384. Tattersall, G., 255, 473 (Chambers). Taylor, Alexander, editor, 63 (Taylor, G. L.). Taylor, Andrew, 333. Taylor, A. C, 408 (Richter): Taylor, A. J. WalUs-, 368. Taylor, A. T., 333. Taylor, F., 360. Taylor, F. H., 449, Taylor, F. W., 355- Taylor, G. L., 13, 63, 67 (Cresy). Taylor, G. R., 463. Taylor, H., 28, 163. Taylor, H. O., 31a. Taylor, I. T. S., Baron, 131. Taylor, J. B., 466 (Locke). Taylor, J. E., 163. Taylor, M. W., 163. Taylor, R. V.., 290. Taylor, S., 255. Taylor, S. P., 439 (Bentley). Taylor, T.. translator, 59 (Pau- sanias). Taylor, W., 170. Taylor, W. B. S., 148. 396. Taylor, W. P., 355. Teale, T. P., 368. Tedesco, N. de, 417. Teirich, V., 406. Tejera, M., 209. Temanza, T., y. Ter Bruggen, E., 3. Terhune, M. V., 248. Ternite, W., 63. Terrier, P., translator, 346 (Favaro). Terry, G., 409. Teschendorff, T., 409. Testard, — , 302 (Segard). Testi, L., 183. T e 1 1 a u, W., Freiherr von, 351 (Meyer). Teuber, O., 323. Texier, C, 79, 102. Texier, E., 135. Thaer, C. W. A,, 440. ^ ^ Thames Tunnel Company, London, 452. Thedenat, M. H., 63. Thenot, J. P., 341. Theophilus, presbyter, 17. Thibault, T. A., 131. Thiersch, H., 240, 318. ThioUet, F., 134 (Krafft). Thode, H,, 93. Tholin, E. G., 131. Tholin, G. See Tholin, E. G. Thomae, W., 290. Thomas, A., 424 (Exposition um- verselle). Thomas, E., 166. Thomas, F„ 107 (Place). Thomas, F. I., illustrator, 304 (Blomfield). Thomas, H. H., 312. Thomas, J., 63. Thomas, J. W., 368. Thomas, it. F., 312. Thomas, R. H., 312. Thomas, William, 98. Thomas, Rev. William, editor, 154 (Dugdale, Sir W.). Thomas, W. C, 396. Thomas, W. W, 198. Thompson, A., 341. Thompson, A. H., 291, 319- Thompson, C. B., 368. Thompson, E. G., 249 (Woodward). Thompson, E. H., 209. Thompson, P., 440. Thompson, R., 312. Thompson, R. E., 248. Thompson, S., 240. ^ Thompson, S. E., 355 (Taylor, F. W.). Thompson, W., 440, 442. Thompson, William, 291. Thomson, D., 312. Thomson, P., 402. Thomson, W. C, 344. Thomson, W. G., 389. Thonger, C, 312- Thornbury, G. W., editor, 170. Thornely, J. L., 240. Thorpe, C, 291 (Thorpe, M.). Thorpe, M., 291. Thorwaldsen, B., 384. Thouin, G., 312. Thraen, G. C. F., 291. Throop, L. A,, 402. Thumeloup, N. A., 28. Thurston, R. H., 349 (Wey ranch), 352. Thurston, R. H., editor, 426 (Welt- ausstellung). Thuss, W. G., 479 (Tennessee). AUTHOR INDEX 511 Thwaite, B. H., 360, Thwing, C, 417. Tichelaar^ debrs., Makkum, 408, Ticozzi, S., 13, 19 (Bottari). Tiedemann, L. von, 298. Tierney, M. A., 163. Tiersot, E. P. L., 291 Tietz, O., 22s (Wussow). Tiffany, C. C, 291. Tiffany Glass and Decorating Com- pany, 240, 408, 411. Tiffany Studios, 241, 389, 408, 411. Tillson, G. W., 454- Tilly, H. L., 408. Timbs, J., 163, 423 (Exhibition, In- ternational), Times Journal, The, 433. Timmins, H. T., 163. Timmins, T., 336. Tintoretto, 396. Tiocca, O. P.. 271 (Geymueller). Tipping, H. A., 255. Tissandier, G.. 333. Titz, E., 322 (Kaemnierling). Tocco, E. L., 63. Tod, J., 106. Todd, G. E,, editor, 291, Todd, R. E., 441 (Trustees). Todhunter, I., 348. Toelzer, J,, 206. Toesca, P., 183. Tokio, Japan. Imperial Museum, 103. Toledo, Ohio. Board of Park Com- missioners, 462. Toll, M,, 291. Toilet, C, 221, 222. Tolman, G. R., 215, Tolman, H. C, 63. Tolstoi, I, I., 76, 197. Tombleson, W., 145. Tomiogi, T., translator, 232 (Tokio). Tomkins, C, 449. Tomlinson, C, 368. Tompkins, H. W., 164. Tondeur, A., 384. Topham, J., 291. Toronto, Canada. Harbour Commis- sioners, 480, Toschi, P., 396. Tosi, F. M., 291. Totten, G. O., Jr., 420 (Inter- national). Tough^ E., 417. Tournier, C, 131. Tousley, V. H., 359 (Horstmann). Toussaint, C. H., 384. Toussaint, C. H., illustrator, no (Aube). Toussaint, C. J., 28, 369. Toussaint, M. H, M., 369 (Tous- saint, C. J.). Tower, J. E., editor, 436. Towle, G. M., translator, 248 (Viol- let-le-Duc). Townsend, C. H., 306 (European). Townsend, W. G. P., 391. Tracy, R. S., 368. Tracy, W. B., 448. Trafton, E. H., editor, 34 (Art Review). Traill, H. D., editor. 19 (Capi- tals). Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, 423. Traquair, R., 207 (Millingen). Trautmann, K,, 136 (Aufleger), Travers, W. I., 420. Travilla, J. C, 435- Treat, J, H., 189. Tredgold, T., 336 (Rudimentary), 348, 353 (Rudimentary), 354, 368. Tredgold, T., editor, 353 (Nichol- son). Tree Planting and Fountain So- ciety, 470. Trelot, £., 323, 368. Treloar, W. P., 170. Tremoehlen, E., 445. Trendall, E. W., 241, 255, 336. Trenet, C, 396. Trent, Austria. Ufficio statistico municijpale, 443. Tresca, H. E., 341. Tresham, Sir T., 155 (Gotch). Treu, G., 63. Triggs, H., 13, 312, 427. Trim en, A., 291. Trincado, r., translator, 477 (Dis- posiciones). Trinity Church, New York City, 442. Tripier, A. £. P., 323. Tristram, H. B., 107, 109. Tristram, W. O., 164. Trobridge, G., 341. Trocadero, Palais du, 479. T r o 1 1 o p e, F. E,, translator, 183 (Stieler). Troske, L., 451. Trost, A., 323. Trotter, A. F., 248. Troup, F. W., 406. Troutbeck, G. E., 291. Trowbridge, W. P., 4S6. Truchis, P., Vicomte de, 85. Truelove, J. R., illustrator, 283 (Oxford). Truinet, C. L. £., 323- Trusler, J., alleged author, 305 (Elements). Trustees of Public Reservations, Massachusetts, 430. Trustees of the White Fund, 441. Tryon, T., 371 (Brunner). Tscharmann, H., 96 (Haenel). Tschorn, B., 468. Tschudi, J. J., 209 (Rivero). Tsountas, C, 63. Tubeuf, G., 28. Tubino, F. M., 201 (Monumentos), 202 (Monumentos). Tucker, E. A., 344. Tuckerman, A. L., 28. Tuckermann, W. P., 312. Tudor, F., 368. Tuer, A. W., 384. Tuetey, L., editor, 123 (France. Commission). T u 1 p i n c k, C, editor, 34 (Arts anciens). Tulpinck, G., 396. Tupper, G., 164. Tuquet, M., 389. Turkey, Ministry of Public Works. 208. TurnbuU, — , 446. TurnbuU, W., 348. Turneaure, F. E., 343 (Johnson), 355- Turner, D., 131, 162 (Rickman), 235 (Cotman). Turner, E., 368. Turner, F. C, 28. Turner, J. H., editor, 44 (Yorkshire Notes). Turner, J. M. W., 28. Turner, L. A., 384. Turner, T. H., 248. Tuthill, L. C, 13. Tuthill. W. B., 248, 255, 33i, 34i- Tuttle, H. W., 250 (Butterfield). Tuyn, W. J., 195. Twelvetrees, W. N., 355. Twining, L., 76. Twining, T., 440. Twiss, R., 204. Twopeny, W., 406, 413, Twycross, E., 255. Tyack, G. S., 291. Tyler, R., 204. Tyndale, W., 115. Tyrrell, H. G., 224, 455. Tyrwhitt, R. St. J., 28. Tyson, F. Mad,, translator, 196 (Gautier). Tyson, H., 467. u. Udine, G. da, 395 (Raphael). Uggeri, A., 63, 291. Ugoletti, A., 183. Uhde, C, 28, 63, 14s, 148, 204. Uhde-Bernays, H., 145. Uhle, F. M., 209 (Stuebel). Uhlfelder, H., 447. Ulbrich, A,, 291, Uldall, J. F, d, 291. Urin, — , 14. Ulmann, A., 453, Underwood, L., 312. Underwood, M., 293 (Williams, R. L.). Unger, F. W., 291. Unger, F. W., editor, 79 (Quellen). Ungewitter, G. G,, 14, 82 (Statz), 83, 248, 291, 331. 413. Union centrale des arts decoratifs, 424. Union Club, Boston, 215. United Improvement Association, 428, , , United States. Architect of the Pension Building, 303, Architect of the United States Capitol, 303. Board appointed to test iron, steel, etc, 348, Bureau of Education, 317, Bureau of Foreign Commerce, 467, Bureau of Manufactures, 470. Bureau of Statistics, 453- Census Bureau, 451. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 437. Congress, Senate, 427. Consuls, 475. Department of Agriculture, 355- Department of Labor, 440, 473. Engineer Department, 317, 361, 456. Geological Survey, 352. Interior Department, 218. Library of Congress, 317. 4i7. 428. Ordnance Bureau, 348. Quartermaster General, 321. Supervising Architect, 216, 303- Treasury Department, 303. United States League of local building and loan associations, 473. Universal Portland Cement Com- pany, 355. ,. _, ^ .„ Universite catholique de Lille, 19S. University of California, 418. University of Colorado, 298. University of Glasgow, 298. University of Illinois, 298. University of Liverpool, 420. University of Pennsylvania. Depart- ment of Archaeology, 44- School of Architecture, 420. University of Texas, 298. Unwin, R., 246 (Parker), 427. 437 (Waterhouse), 438 (Garden Suburb), 439 (Bentley). Unwin, W. See Unwin, W. C. Unwin, W. C, 336, 348, 354- Upham, J. B., 344- Upjohn, R,, 291. Upjohn, R. M., 303. Upmark, G. H. V., 199. Urbani de Gheltof, G. M., 191. Urbini, G., 479- Ussing, J. L., 63. Uzanne, C, 450. Uzanne, C, editor, 34 (Art, L', et). V. Vacher, S.. 100 (I'Anson), 389- Vachon, M,, 14, 197. 303. 387 (Ha- vard). Vacquer, T., 248, 298. Vacquier, J., 135, Vaglieri, D., 63. Vaillat, L., 331. Vaille, F. C, 298. Valadier, G., 63. Valdes, C, translator, 477 (Dis- posiciones). Valencia de Don Juan, V., Conde de, 389. Valenciennes, P. H., 341. Valentin, V., 14. Valentini, A., editor, 291. Valera, J., translator, 204 (Schack). Vallance, A., 298, 384. Valle, G. della, 291. VaUee, L. L., 341. Vallois, G. M., 479. Van Bemmel, E. P. P., 195. Van Brunt, H., 28, 241 (Ware). Van Deman, E. B., 479. 512 Vandenburgh, O., 451. Van den Ven, P., 386 (Destree). Vandergrift [Pennsylvania] Land and Improvement Company, 443. Vandervelde, P., 220 (Depage), Vanni, B., 333. Vannini, G., 28. Van Ornum, J. L., 437. Van Pelt, J. V., 28, 479- Van Rensselaer, M., 14, 28, 291, 312. Vanvitelli, L., the elder, 232. Vanvitelli, L., the younger, 232. Varin, A.. 206. Varin, Jb., 206 (Varin, A.). Varming, K,, editor, 198 (Loren- zen). Varrentrapp, G., 473. Vasari, G., 14, 28. Vasili, P., Comte, pseud. See Adam, J. C. A. Vasseur, C, 131. Vatican, Rome. Museo etrusco, 64. Vauboure:, H., 479. Vaudin, £., 241. Vaudou, L., 337. Vaudoyer, A. L. T., 324, 417 (In- stitut). Vaudremer, £., 291. Vaudremer, £., editor, 32 (Archi- tecte L'). Vaughan, H., 185. Vaughan, V. C, 440. Vaux, C, 256, 460 (Olmsted). Vedriani, L., 14. Veiller, L.. 356 (Bonner), 440, 445, 464. 475, 480. VeiUer, L., editor, 440 (De Forest). Velde, C. W. M., van de, 106. Venable, W. M., 466. Venables, E., 164. Venturi, A., 183, 394. Venturi, A., editor, 34 (Arte, L'). Venuti, R„ 64. Ver Beck, F„ illustrator, 312 (Ver Beck, H. R.). Ver Beck, H. R., 312. Vera, A., 312. Verband deutscher Architekten- und Ingenieur-Vereine, 145. Verchdre, J,, 403. Verdier, A., 76. Verein fiir Geschichte des Boden- see's und seiner Umgebung, Lindau, 44. Verein fur Geschichte und Alter- thum Schlesiens, 44. Verein fur Socialpolitik, Leipzig, 440. Verem von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande, 44. Vereinigung Berliner Architekten, 433. Vergnaud, A D., 409 (Rif fault). Vergnaud, N., 312. Verhaegen, A., 291. Verhaeren, £., 193 (Dumont- Wilden). Verkehrs- Verein, Mannheim, 448. Vermiglioli, G. B., 241, 299. Verneilh-Puiraseau, F. de. 80, Verner, W. W. C, 437. Vemeuil, P., 385, 389, 391. Vernon, A., 256. Verrall, M. de G., translator, 53 (Harrison), Verschelde, C, 248. Vertue, G., engraver, 241. Vesaliensis. A. See Haldrenius, A. Vesly, L. de, 256, 291. Vesly, L. de, editor, 424 (Salon de 1872). Vetterlein, E. F., 298. Viart. — , Vicomte, 312. Viaud, P., 291. Vicat. L. J 352. Vicentino, G. R., 64. Victor, P pseud. See Lerebours, Viel de Saint-Maux, C. F., 29. Viele, E. L., 448 (New Jersey), 466. Vierset Godin, — , 277 (Lavalleye). Vigil, J. M., 209 (Riva Palacio). Villa-Amil, G. P. de, 204. Villain, A., 45 (Academie). AUTHOR INDEX Villalpando, J. B., 108 (Prado). Villars. P., 149. Villebresme, — , Vicomte de, 13S. Villeneuve, T., 403. Villeneuve-Bargemont, L. F., Vi- comte de, 241. Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie, 312. Vincent, J., 256. Vincent, J. E., 164. Vincent, W. T., 241. Vincenti, C. von, 119. Vinci, Leonardo da, 29. Vine, G., 2 (Guppy). Vinet, E., 3. . , j n Vinton, F., 212 (Richardson). Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., 3, 29, 131 (Trocadero), 131, 146, i97. 209, 248, 270 (France), 277 (Lassus), 297 (Narjoux), 319. 320, 381 (Parvillee), 397. 403, 426. Vionnois, F., 303. Virchow, R. L. C, editor, 222. Virey, J., 85. Virginia. State Library, 3. Virtue, G., 164. Vischer, E., 291. Vischer, F. T., 29. Vischer, P., 241. Visconti, L., 299. Vitet, L., 64, 291. Vitruvius PoUio, M., 29. Vitry, P., 131, 132. Vivere, E. K. J. van de, 241. Vivian. H., 436 (Mawson). Vocation Bureau, Boston, Mass.. 29, 312. Voege, W., 76. Voegelin, A. S., 206. Voegelin, F. S., 397. Vogel, F. R., 248. Vogel, J. P., 479. Vogelsang, W., 246 (MuUer), 403. Vogiie, C. J. M., Maiquis de, 109, 385. Voiart. J. P., 241. Voisin, A., Abb6, 292. Volkmann, L., 183. VoUmer, W. A., editor, 332. Volpato, G., engraver, 395 (Raphael). Volpicella, S,, 183. Vonderlinn, J., 341. Vonderlinn, J., editor, 338 (Becker). Vries, J. V. de, 312, 332. Vuillier, G., 204. Vulliamy, L., 185. VuUiety, H,, 206. Vyse, H., 115. w. W., H.. 292. Waal, A. de, 190. Wacker, C. H., 480 (Chicago). Wackernaeel, M., 76, 206. Wackernagel, W., 411. Wade, W. M., 166. Wadleigh, H. R., 146. Waern, C., 193. Wagner, A., 60 (Reber). Wagner, C. F. C, 64. Wagner, G. M., 64. Wagner, H., 29, 221 (Melius), 233, 298, 300, 302 (Schwecten), 303, 324, 325 (Bohnstedt), 457. Wagner, H. von, 443. Wahl, W. H., editor, 344. Wait, J. C, 473. Wakeman, W. F., 172. Walcker, C, 445. Walcott, M. E. C, 17, 292. Waldeck, F. von, 208 (Brasseur de Bourbourg), 209. Waldmann, E., 146. Waldstein, C, 64. Walford, E., editor, 170 (Thorn- bury). Walker, C. H., 464. Walker, D. S., editor, 303. Walker. F.. 362. Walker, G. H. & Co., publishers. 4';2. Walker, J. L., 94 (Architectural precedents). Walker, J. R.. 292. Walker, S F., 417. Walker, T. L., 29. Wall, J. C. 241, 479. WaUace, H. B., 83, 292. Wallace, S. B, 217. Wallen, W.. 292. Waller, A. B., 241 (Waller, J. G.). Waller, F. S., 292. Waller, J. G., 241. Wallis, F. E., 29, 213. WaUis, U., 333, 385. Wallot, P., 303 (Wagner). Walmisley, A. T., 336. Walpole, H., 4th Earl of Orford, 312. Walpole, H., 4th Earl of Orford, editor, 313 (Whately). Walpole Society, 385. Walsh, R., 102. Walter, P. A. F., 217 (Frost). Walter, T. U., 256. Walters, H. B., ,64, 406. Walther, C, 297 (Schaupert), 406. Walther, M. C, 328 (MacLean). Walton, G., 337. Walton, W., 135. Walton, W., editor, 422 (World's). Wanckel, O., editor, 140 (Koenig- licher). Wanderley. G., 344. Warburton, J., 172. Ward. C. 312. Ward, F. O., 407 (Jones). . Ward, J. S. M., 480. Ward, James, 385, 397- Ward, John, F.S.A., 115. Ward, John, of Birmingham, 385. Ward, John, of Derby, 164. Ward, R. DeC. 465. Ward, T. H.. 166 (Fulleylove). Ward. W. H., 132, 232. Ware, I., 29. Ware, Sir J., 172. Ware, S. H., 164. Ware. William Robert, 29, 304 (Columbia), 341, 345, 385, 420. Ware, William Rotch, 299, 333, 337- Ware & Van Brunt, 214 (Harvard). Waring.G. E Jr., 368, 438, 466, 467. Waring, G. E., Jr., editor, 366 f Jen- kin). Waring, J. B., 14, 29, 76, 77 (Wyatt), 80 (Wyatt), 93 (Wyatt), 403, 411. Warnecke, F., 411. Warner, A. B., 313. Warner, J. DeW., 470. Warrack, J., 292. Warren, Mrs., 385. Warren, Sir C, 109. Warren, C. P., 420 (Ware). Warren. F. D., 356. Warren. H. L., 29, 215 (Pictur- esque). Warren, S. E., 341, 369. Warren, W. H., 348. Warrington, W., 412. Warton, T, 269 (Essays). Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeological Society, 292. Washington Architectural Club, 213. Wasmuth, E., 3, 147, 406. Watelet, C. H., 313. Waterbury. L. A., 356. Waterfield, L. D. G., 183. Waterfield, M. H., 313. Waterhouse, A., 14. Waterhouse, P., 437. Waterhouse, P. L., 29, 480. W a t e r r e u s, J., translator, 282 (Nieuwbarn), Waters, T. F., 256. Waters, W. G., 241. Watertown. Mass. Board of Health, 464. Watkins, C. F., 292. Watkins, J. W., translator, 273 (Helmken). Watson, J., 368. Watson, J. F., 313. Watson, R. M., 313, 403. Watson, R. W. S., editor, 118. Watson, T. L.. 292. Watson, W., 321, 341, 423 (Ex. position 1889). AUTHOR INDEX 513 Watson, W. C, 204. Watt, Sir G., 422 (Indian). Watt, J. C, 38s. Watt, W., 403. Watteau, J. A., 385. Watts, E., 313. Watzinger, C, 108 (Gellin), 241. Waugh, F. A., 313. Waugh, F. A., editor, 308 (Kemp). Wauters, A., 194 (Henne), 390. Way, T. R., 170. Wazon, A., 368. Weale, J., 3, 17. 336, 412, 455 (Papers). Weale, T., editor, 256, 292. Weale, W. H. J., 423. Weatherly, S., 235 (Brindley). Weaver, H., 256. Weaver, L., 256, 307 (JekylJ). Weaver, L., editor, 248, 473. Webb, S. J^ 444 (House). Weber, A. F., 432. Weber, F. P. 466. Weber, C, 64. Weber, L., 183. Webster, A., 169 (Needham). Webster, A. D„ 470. Weddigen, F. H. O., 241. Weed, H. E., 464. Weeks, H. W., 468 (Randall). Weeks, L. H., editor, 31 (Aineri- can Art). Weerth, E. aus'm, 408. Weese, A., 292. Wegeli, R., 393 (Durrer). Weibel, W., 190. Weichardt. C, 64, 313. Weidenmann, J., 313. Weigall, A. E. P., 114 (Petrie). Weigand, E., 292. Weigel, R., 3. Weigle, C, editor, 33 (Architek- tonische). Weigmann, O. A., 98. Weigner, T., 391. Weigner, T., editor, 390 (Kaiser- lich-). Weil, A., Ritter von Weilen, 323 (Teuber). Wdngaertner, W., 292. Weir, H. M., editor, 428 (Muni- cipal Development). Weise, K., 292. Weishaupt, H., 341. Weiss, A., 440. Weiss, F. G. A., 146. Weissbach, €., 248 258, 385. Weissbach, €., editor, 374 (Fehr- mann). Weissenbruch, L., 321. Weissman, A. W., 67 (Documents), 196. Welch. C, 167 (Benham). Welcker, F. G., 63 (Ternite). Weller, C. F., 443. Weller, C. H., 480. Wells, C. L., 219. Wells, F. M., 313. Wells. P. A., 403. Wells, W., 212 (Richardson). Wells Memorial Association, 258, Wentworth, F. H., 360. Werner, H. M., 196. Wessely, I. E., 14, -18s. West, G. H., 83. " West, W., 164. West, W. R., 64. West Side Association of the City of New York, 430. West Chicago Park Commission- ers, 459- West Ewing Improvement Associa- tion, 430. Westcott, T., 217, 424 (Centennial). Westlake, N. H, J., 397, 412. Weston, J. W., editor, 40 (Monu- mental News). Westpreussischer Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein, Danzig, 335. Westropp, T. J., 172. Wettbewerb Gross-Berlin, 418. Wette, W. M. L. de, 292. Wettig, H. H. M., 241. Wetzel, H., editor, 397. Weydekamp, K., 446 (Wislicenus). Weyrauch, J. J., 348, 349. Whall, C. W., 412. Wharton, E., 313, 385. Whately, T., 313. Wheater. W., 164. Wheatiey, H. B., 170 (Way), 171. W h e a 1 1 e y, L. A., editor, 278 (Luebke). Wheatiey. R., 293. Wheeler, C. T., 385. Wheeler, G., 248, 256. Wheeler. G. O., 403. Wheelwright, E. M., 298, 303. Wheler, G., 183 (Spon). Whewell, W., 146. Whibley, L., editor, 64. Whichcord, J., 257 (Ashpitel). Whigelt, G., 409. Whildin, J. K., 349- Whinery, S., 454, 466. Whipple, F. H., 470. Whishaw, B., 204. Whishaw. E. M., 204 (Whishaw, B.). Whitaker, H., 385. Whitaker, J., 293. Whitaker, T. D., 164. White, A.. 474. White, A. T., 258. White, C. E., Jr., 248. White, C. H. E., 293. White, G. M., 215. White, Gleeson. See White, J. W. G. White, J. W. G., 293, 413 (Young). White, M. A.. 469. White, T. P., 173. White. W., 29. White, W. H., 303. Whitefield, E., 215. Whitehouse, J. H., 433. Whitman, E. A., 474. Whitney, J. Lewis, 214 (Harvard). Whitney, James Lyman, 317. Whitridge, F. W., 472. Whittaker, T., 167. Whittemore, H., 217. Whittington, G. D., 132. Whittock, N., 409. Whyatt, H. G., 368. Wichmann, E., 412. Wickes, C, 256, 333. Wickoff, F., 64. Wicks, W. S., 256. Wiebeking, C. F. von, 30. Wiedemann, A., 241. Wiegand, T., 64. Wiel, A., 183. W i e 1, A., translator, 190 (Mol- menti). Wieland, C. R., 431. Wielemans, A. von, 303. Wiener, A., 225. Wiener, L. C, 341. Wieseler, F., 324. Wiethase, H., 293. Wiggington, W., 258. Wight, C. A., 293. Wightman, L. I., 451 (Gilbert). Wightwick, G., 30, 64, 83. Wigram, E. T. A., 204. Wilberg, W., 54 (Heberdey), loi (O ester reichisches). Wilbert, A., 14. Wild, C, 77. Wilde, E. S., 303. Wilde, H., 80. Wilder, F. W., 225. Wildridge, T. T., 165, 293. Wilds, W., 258. Wilhelm, J., 345- Wilhelm, P., 119. Wilkins, G. M., 461. Wilkins, W., 64. Wilkinson, Sir G. See Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Wilkinson, Sir J. G., 115, 208, 313. Wilkinson, R., 171. Wilkinson, W., 256. Willard, A. R., 98. Willard, Z. A., 468. Willement, T., 293, 412. Willemin, N. X., 77. Willett, J. R., 368. Willett, R., 317. Williams, C. W., 468. Williams, D., 165. Williams, D., Co., 248, 249, 256, 336, 341- WUUams, E. R., Jr., 183. Williams, G., 293. Williams. H. T., 413. Williams, J., 406. Williams, J. R., 298. Williams, L., 204, 385. Williams, M. E., 397. Williams, M. L., 313. Williams, R., 258. Williams, R. F., 413. Williams, R. L., 293. Williams, T., editor, 318 (Smeaton). WilliamsQn, B., 349- ,^„ - Williamson, G. C, 15. i74 (Allen). Williamson, G. C, editor, 369 (Anonimo). Willins, E. P., 165. ,„„, Willis, R., 3, 17. 77, 109 (Wil- liams), 165, 298. Willis, R., translator, 76 (ViUard). Willis, W. A., 440. ^^ ^ WUlmott, E. C. M., 153 (Dan), 165. Wills, F., 293. WUlson, F. N., 341. Willson, H. B., 45 1. Willyams, C. 102. ,,01 Wilmington, Del. Board ol Park Commissioners, 462. Wilmowsky, J. N. von, 293, 408. Wilpert, J., 190, 397- Wilson, C. H., 15. Wilson, Sir C. W., editor. 79 (Pr^' copius), 108 (Great), 109- Wilson, E. T., 256. Wilson, G., 466. Wilson H., 15. WUson, H. L., 256. Wilson, J., 417- Wilson, John, architect, 225 (Ar- nott). Wilson, John, of Manchester, 354- Wilson, Joseph, 167. Wilson, M. G. W., illustrator, 309 (Maxwell). Wilson, S., 149. Wilson, V. T., 341. Wilson, W., 298 (Williams). Wilson, W. E., 293. _. , ^ Winchester, C. T.. 212 (Richard- son). Winckelmann, J. J., 30. Winckler, E., 408 (Brannt). Windsor, H. H., 403- Winkles, B., 293. Winkles, H., 293. Winnefeld, H., 64. , . Winnefeld, H., editor, 55 (Koemg- liche). _^. . Winslow, C. E. A., 466 (Kinm- cutt). Winslow & Bigelow, 213 (Boston). Winslow Brothers Company, 406. Winsor, J., 317. Winston, A. P., 430- Winston, C, 412. Wint. P. de, 313. Winter, F., 385. Wisconsin. Free Library Commis- sion, 317. Wise, H. C, 217. Wise, H. C. editor, 38 (House & Garden). Wislicenus, G., 446. Wislicenus, H., 397. Withers, F. C, 293. Withey, M. O., 356. Withrow, W. H., 190. Wittig, P^ 451. Witting, P., 293. Wlha, J., 406. Woehler, M., 233. Woelfflin, H., 93- Woermann, C, 30, 385 (Wolt- mann), 397. Woillez, E. J., 293. Wolfe, A. B., 440. Wolff, C, 136 (Baudenkmaeler), 223. Wolff, C, Reichsfreiherr von, 345. Wolff, F., 341. Wolff, T. H., 30, 65. Wolff, O., 109. Wolff, T., 450. 514 Wolfram. L. F., 30. ^ Wolfrum, Friedr., & Co., 385. Wolfsgruber, C, 293. Wolters, P., 241. Woltmann, A., 147, 385. Wolzogen, C. A. A., Freiherr von, IS. 99- „ Women's Municipal League, Bos- ton, 430. Wood, C. W., 204. Wood, D., 341. Wood, De v., 336, 349. ^ , ^ , Wood. E., 253 (Morris, G. L. I.). Wood, F., 368. Wood, G. 354- Wood, H., 403. Wood, J. T., 65. Wood, L. I., 173. Wood, R., 109, Wood, R. W., 421 (World's). Wood, W., 30. Wood. W., editor, 15. Wood, W. M., 233. Woodbridge, S. H., 368. Woodbury, C. J. H., 360. Woodbury. J., 313. Woodhead, H., 430. Woodley, W., 30. Wood-Mosaic Co., 413. Woodrow, E. A. W., 323 (Sachs). Woodruff, C. R., 470. Woods, John, illustrator, 168 (Fearnside). Woods, Joseph, 30. Woods, P. T., 256. Woods, R. A,, 442. Woods, R. J., 349. Woodward, B. B., 165, 232. Woodward, F. W., 242 (Wood- ward. G. E.), 256 (Wood- ward, G. E.). Woodward, G. E.. 3, 242, 249, 256, 293. Woolf, S., 341. Woolhouse, W. S. B., 81 (MoUer). Woollett, W. M., 256. Woolley, C. L., 115. Woolnoth, W., 165, 226 (Brayley). Worcester, A., 222. Worcester, Mass. Parks Commis- sion, 462. School (Committee, 298. World's Columbian Exposition, 421, 422. Worley, G., 293. Wornum, R. N., 385. Worsaae, J. J. A., 385. Worth, H. B., 249. Worth, T. B., 293. Worthen, W. E., 448 (New York, City. Department of Docks). Worthen, W. E., editor, 341. Worthington, T. L., 258. AUTHOR INDEX Wotton, Sir H., 20 (Chambray), 30. Wren, Sir C, 293. Wren, C, 293. Wright, C. D., editor, 440 (United). Wright, C. H., editor, 307 (John- son, G. W.). Wright, F. A., 341. 409 (Rossiter). Wright, F. A., editor, 94 (Archi- tectural studies). Wright, F. B., editor, 41 (Records). Wright, G. N., 103, 132, 172. Wright, J., 294. Wright, T. H., translator, 49 (Col- lignon). Wright, T., 165, 167. Wright, W. H. K., editor, 44 (Western). Wright, W. P., 313. Wrigley, E., 473. Wrigley, M., no. Wroth, A. E., 313 (Wroth, W. W.). Wroth, W. W., 313. Wryde, J. S., 318. Wuarin, L., 437. Wuerttembergischer Kunstgewerbe- verein, 425 (Stuttgart). Wulff, O., 80. Wulliam, C, 409. WuUiam, C, editor, 41 (Recueil). Wurm-Arnkreuz, A. M. von, 30. Wurzbach, A., Ritter von Tannen- berg, editor, 15. Wussow, A. von, 431. Wussow, D. E. von, 225. Wuttke, R., editor, 430. Wyatt, B. D., 324. Wyatt, K. M., illustrator, 306 (Gloag). Wyatt, Sir M. D., 30, 77, 80, 93. 171, 204, 386, 406, 408. Wyeth, N. J.. 449. Wylie, W. G., 222. Wyllie, B., 399 (Fenn). Wyman, H. C., 369. Wyman. M., 369. Wyse, H. T., 391. Wyss, H. G. von, 294. Wytsman, P., 332. Wyttenbach, J. H., 146. Yamanaka and Co., 103. Yates, R., 294. Yates, W.. 294 (Yates, R.). Yeigh, F., 303. Yorke, A., pseud, 256. Yorkshire Archaeological and Topo- graphical Association, 165. Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 44- Young, A. B., 303. Young, A. G., 298. Young, E. W., 349. Young, F. C, 345. Young, F. C, editor, 406, 413. Young, G., •294. Young, N., 190. Young, W., 256, 303. Young, W., editor, 416 (Pewtner). Yriarte, C. £., 15, 184, 185, 191. Ysendyck, J. J. van, 67 (Docu- ments). Yurindo, T. A., editor, 389 (Ueno). z. Zaar, A. L., 225 (Zaar, C). Zaar, C, 225. Zabaglia, N., 354. Zabel, E., 197. Zahn, A. von, 386. Z a h n, A. von, editor, 39 ( Jahr- bucher), 175 (Burckhardt). Zahn, W., 386, 397. Zamarski, L. C., 30. Zander. W., 397, Zanetti. G., 386. Zani. P., 17. Zanotti, E., 341. Zanotti, F. M., 17 (Abbraccio). Zanotto. F., 191, 320. Zanotto, F., editor, 88 (Cicognara). Zanth, C. L. W. von, 192 (Hittorff), 257. Zapf, A. E., editor, 19 (Brown), 416 (Plant). Zarate, J., 209 (Riva Palacio). Zeiller, M., 24 (Merian). Zell, F., 386, 403. ZeUer, A., 85. Zeller-Werdmueller, H., 206 (Rahn), 206. Zellner, E., 386. Zerffi, G. G., 30. Zestermann, A. C. A., 294. Zettler, F. X., 294. Zetzsche, C, 406. Zeyher, C, 313. Ziegler, E., 294. Ziegler, J., 30. Ziegler, P., 362. Ziller. H., 15. Zimmermann, M. E., 2^ (Knack- fuss). Zimmermann, M. G., 77, 146, 193, 469. Zingeler, C. T., 294. Zippelius, A., 102. Zmigrodzki, M. von, 87. Zoega, J. G., 30, 65. Zuccagni-Orlandini, A., 184. Zuccani, E., 403. Zueblin, C, 431. Zurlauben, B. F. A. J. D., Baron de La Tour Chatillon de, 206. Index of Subjects and Places, Aargau, vSwitzerland. 205 (Kneg von Hochfelden). Muri Abbey. 411 (Liebenau). Abattoirs. See Slaughter houses. Abbeys. 147 (Allom, Dixon, Hewitt), 148 (Ross), 149 fWheatley). 150 (Beattie), 151 CBonney), 15 5 (Gasquet), 156 (Grainge), 158 (Lefroy), ii5o (Perkins), 163 (Timbs), 172 (Addis, Butler), 173 (Robertson), 266 (Cram), Abbotsford, Scotland. 173 (Napier). Aberdeen, vScotland. 173 (Munro). University. i73 (Rait). Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 172 (Castles). Abruzzi, Italy. 174 (Agostinoni, Balzano). Abydos, Egypt, no (Ayrton), iti (Capart), 113 (Maciver, Mari- ette), T14 (Petrie), 236 (Cur- relly). nsireion. 114 (Murray). Abyssinia. See Egypt. Acanthus. 379 (Ondenberg). Acoustics. 344 ("Smith, T. R., Up bam), 362 (Brookline). Adam. R. 7 (Fitzgerald). Adel, England. 162 (Simpson). Admont, Austria. 117 (Mayr). Aegae, Asia Minor. 47 (Bobn). Aegina.^ 52 (Furtwaengler), 53 (Gironde). Tupiter Olympius, Temple of. 4Q (Cockerell), 58 (Norton), fin (Ouatremere de Quincy). Jupiter Panhellenius. Temple of. 45 (Academic), 49 (Cockerell). Aesculapius, Temple of. See Athens; Epidaurus. Aesthetics. 17 (Adamy), t8 (Bal- tard), 2T (Fergusson, Giet- mann), 23 (Labrouste), 26 (Puys de Labastie), 27 (Sel- vatico), 28 (Vischer). 30 (Wolff. Ziegler), 62 (Schultz, W.), 66 (Berghe), 95 (Falke). 479 (Snider). Agen, France. 76 (Tholin). Aggstein Castle, Austria. 118 (Reithmayer). Agra, India. 85 (Cole), tos (Havell, Smith), 479 (Smith). Taj Mahal. 105 (Havell, In- dian architecture, Rew), 240 (Taj). Agram, Croatia. Jurjaves Park. 310 (Park). Ahmadabad, India. 85 (Burgess), 105 (Hope). Ahnas el Medineh, Egypt. Sec Ehnasya, Egypt. Aisne, Department. 68 (Fleury). Rssommes, Abbayc de. 129 (Poquet). Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. 79 (Reber), 141 (Linse). Karolingisches Muenster, 137 (Bock, Bogner), 145 (Strz- gowski), 261 (Bock). Ajanta, India. T03 (Burgess). Akhmim, Egypt. 68 (Ferrer), 387 (Forrer). Albacete. Province, Spam. 200 (Espafia). Albany, N. Y. 216 (Albany, Gary), 302 (New York). 457- .^ Alberti, T.. B. .s (Bonucci), 9 (Londi), 12 (Schumacher). Albi Cathedral. 121 (Cathedrale), 259 (Auriac), 276 (Laran). Alcala de Henares, Spain. Santa Maria, Capilla de. 201 (Monu- mentos). Alcantara, Valley, Sicily. 192 (Roberts). Albrechtsburg. See Meissen. Alessandria, Italy. 229 (Mina). Alexandria, Egypt. 115 (Thiersch). Musee Greco-romain. 299 (Musee). Algeria, Tunis, etc. 109, no. Alhambra. Sec Granada. Allegheny County, Pa., 216 (Rich- ardson). Allier, Department, France. 67 (Clement). Almondbury, Yorkshire. 274 (Hul- bert). Aim-houses, 90 (Hunt), iS7 (Heath), 2n (Johnson, Law- rence, Letchworth). Alnwick. England. 163 (Tate). Alphabets. See Lettering. Alsace. 73 (Polaczek). 135 (Ar- chitekten). 139 (Hausmann), 142 (Menard). 431 (Societe pour la conservation). Alt. R. 8 (Hevesi). Altacomba. Italy. 17.") (Cibrario). Altars. 60 (Petersen), 64 (Wight- wick), 65 (Winter), 69 (Har- tel), 81 (Dearmer), 92 (Rossi), 04 (Aufleger), 189 (Sandrart, Tosi). 191 (Ongania). 200 (Dieulafoy). 274 (Hope), 275 (King, H. C). 281 (M< tano). 294 (Wright), .- on- 329 (Pineau) Altdorfer, A., 8 (Hildebrandt). Alton. 111. 480 (Robinson). Altona, Prussia. 135 (Architekten), T37 (Burmester). Amalfi, Italy. 183 (Volpicella). Amboise, Chateau d'. 120 (Boil- leau). Amesbury, England. 162 (Salis- bury). Amida. Asiatic Turkey. Sec Diarbc- kir. Asiatic Turkey. Amiens Cathedral. 120 (Berton). T23 (Dusevel), 128 (Perkins, T.), 129 (Rivoire), 269 (Du- rand). Amphitheatres. 218, 219. Amsterdam, Holland. 190 (Ha- vard), 19s (Maatschappij, Neubauten, Quellinus), 320 (Coerper), 447. Riiks Museum. 331 (Stuers), 403 (Vogelsang). Anapo Valley, Sicily. 192 (Mau- ceri). Ancona Cathedral. 284 (Peruzzi). Ancy-le-Franc, France. 226 (Chail- lou des Barres). Andre, J., 10 (Marionneau). Androuet du Cerceau, J., s (Berty), 9 (Janitsch), 14 (Ward), 326 (Destailleur). Androuet du Cerceau family. 5 (Berty), 8 (Geymueller, Guif- frey). Anet. Chateau de. 130 (Roussel), 230 (Pfnor), 231 (Roux). Angelico da Fiesole, Fra Giovanni. 184 (Marchese), 396 (Schott- mueller). Angels. In art. 380 (Menasci). Angers Cathedral. 123 (Farcy), 389 (Tapisseries). Angkor, Cambodia. 104 (Com- maille, Fotirnereau). Animals. In art. 381 (Piper), 383 (Seder), 385 (Verneuil), 390 (Gerlach, Kaiserlich-koenig- liche), 40s (Salin). Anjou, France. 393 (Godard-Fault- rier). Ansbach Castle. 394 (Lessing). Antoninus, Temple of, Rome. See Rome. Antwerp, Belgium. 194 (Genard), 195 (Rooses), 196 (Views), 447- Notre Dame. 271 (Genard), 288 (Serrure). Plantin-Moretus Museum. 193 (De Vinne). Antwerp Cathedral. Sec Antwerp, Notre Dame. A n u ra d h a p u r a, Ceylon. 106 (Smither). Aosta. Valle d', Italy. 177 (Gia- cosa) . Apartment houses. 224 (Guenther), 242 (American), 243 (Com- stock), 244 (Geul, Grossmann, Hesselgren). 246 (Oakley, Perks), 255 (Sparrow), 2^7 (Ashpitel). Applied mechanics. 345-349- Approaches. 480 (Buls). Apses, 156 (Harrison, J. P.). Apulia, Italy. 72 (Moscioni). 76 (Wackernagel), 178 (Hase- loff). 182 (Schubring). Aquariums. 299 (Lindheimer), 3tn (Plans). Aqueducts. 52 (Frontinus), 44'> (Egerton"). Aquileia. Italy. 174 (Sertoli). Cathedral. 179 (Luebke). Aquitaine, France. 80 (Verneilh- Puiraseau). Aragon. Spain. 200 (Espafia). 203 (Recuerdos). Arbroath Abbey. 172 (Aitken). Arches. 24 (Longfellow), 61 (Rossini), 7r (Leibnitz), tos (Jacob), 329 (Moellinger), 33.") (Koerner), 337 (Swan), 342 (Bland), 343 /Guastavino, Ma- ginnis), 345 (Cain), 346 (Fen- wick, Greene), 348 (Sonde- ricker, Weyrauch). 349 (Young). 354 (Cain), 361 (Hart, Howe), 417 (Tedesco). See also Vaults. Arches. Groined. 292 (Watson). Arches. Memorial. 46 (Bartoli), 50 (Curtis). Architectural competition. 417, 418. Architectural composition. 2% (Guadet). 23 (Kirby), 26 (Reynaud, Robinson), 28 (Van Pelt), 29 (Wagner), 94 (Boileau), 477 (Gromort), 479 (Van Pelt). Architectural criticism. 22 (Gwilt). 23 (Jackson, Jarves). 26 (Pugin), 28 (Sturgis), 29 (Wallis). Architectural details. 324-332. Architectural drawing. 337-341- Architectural ornament. 41 (Prak- tisches Skizzen-Buch). See also Architectural details; Decoration. Architectural practice. 29 (Walker), 97 (Loring). Architectural schools. 418-420. Architectural societies and con- gresses. 420, Ardebil, Persia. 389 (Stebbing). Arezzo, Italy. 177 (Franciosi). 516 SUBJECT INDEX A r g o s, Greece. Heraion. 64 (Waldstein). Arizona. 217 (Fewkes), 218 (Jack- son, Mindeleff, C). Casa Grande. 217 (Fewkes), 218 (Mindeleff, G.. United States). Montezuma Castle. 218 (Miller). Aries. France. 48 (Caristie), 126 (Le Blant). Saint Trophime, 71 (Labande). Arllechwedd, Wales. 160 (North). Armenia. 69 (Grimm), 99 (Hamil- ton), 259 (Bachmann). Arno Valley. 175 (Carocci), 182 (Ruskin). Arnsburg Abbey. 127 (Matthaci). Arras, France. Saint Vaast Abbey. 126 (Loriquet). Artois. France. 193 (Dehaisnes). Arundel, England. 163 (Tierney). Asbestos. 350 (Tones). Aschaffenburg, Bavaria. Schloss. 144 (Schulze-Kolbitz). Ascoli Piceno, Italy. 179 (Ma- riotti). Asia Minor. 99 (Hamilton), 100 (Humann, Laborde, Le Bas), 10 1 (Rott, Sartiaux), 102 (Strzygowski, Texier, Walsh). Asphalt. 350 (Dibdin, Huguenet). Assisi, Italy. 177 (Goetz, Goff), 178 (Guidi), 183 (Water- field), 318 (Brizi). Minerva, Temple 01. See Santa Maria della Minerva. Saint Francis of Assisi, Church of. 176 (Fea), 183 (Ven- turi), 259 (Aubert), 272 (Guidi), 410 (Giusto). Santa Maria della Minerva. 46 (Antolini). Assos, Asia Minor. 49 (Clarke). Assur. See Kalah Shergat. Assyria. 42 (Revue d'assyriologie). Aston Hall, Warwickshire. 91 (Niven). •Asturia, Spain. 200 (Espafia), 203 (Recuerdos). Asylums. Hospitals, etc. 219-222. Athens. 47 (Breton, Broughton), 48 (Butler), 49 (Cockerell), 51 (Dver), 52 (Fougeres, Gardner), 53 (Hanriot, Har- rison), 55 (Illustrated, Kas- tromenos, Kekule, Laborde). 56 (Loeper), 57 (Middleton), 59 (Omont, Penrose), 60 (Petersen), 62 (Society), 63 (Stuart), 64 (Views), 239 CPervanoglu, Poertner), 480 (Weller). Acropolis. 46 (Beul^), 47 (Boet- ticher. Bohn), 50 (D'CDoge), 51 (Durm), 55 (Kabbadias), 56 (Lechatj Luckenbach), 60 (Pontremoli), 61 (Rhomaid^s, Ross), 62 (Stillman), 64 (Wiegand). Aesculapius, Temple of. 49 (Caton), S3 (Girard), 476 (Aravantinos). Daphni, Convent of. 78 (Mil- let). Erechtheum. 51 (Elderkin), 55 (Inwood). Parthenon. 46 (Antolini). 47 (Boutmy), 49 (Collignon), 51 (Fergusson), 52 (Flasch), 55 (Laborde), 56 (Magne), 57 '^Marchal, Michaelis, Michon, Murray), 59 (Omont, Pas- sow) 60 (Quatrem^re de Quincy), 61 (Sauer), 62 (Smith, A. H.), 64 (Wald- stein), 389 (Ronchaud). Propylaea. 51 (Elderkin). Theseum. 55 (Kekul^), 61 (Reinhardt, Sauer). Tholus. 53 (Hanriot). Athos, Mount. 77 (Brockhaus), 79 ^ , (Riley). 378 (Kondakov). Atlanta, Ga. 421. Aube, Department, France. 65 (Arnaud), 350 (Fontaine). Auch Cathedral. 121 (Canito). Audenarde, Belgium. Notre Dame de Pamele. 193 (Assche). Hotel de ville. 195 (Schoy). Aughton, England. 159 (Medcalf). Augsburg, Germany. 135 (Archi- tekten), 137 (Dirr), 141 (Ley- bold), 144 (Riehl), 464 (Brun- ner). Aulnay de Saintonge, France, figlise Saint Pierre. 126 (I^asteyrie du Saillant). Aurangabad, India. 103 (Burgess). Austro-Hungary. 11 5-1 18. Automatic sprinklers. 3S6 (British). Auvergne, France. 76 (Taylor), 83 (Chalvet de Rochemonteix), 132 (, Witting), Auxtaboues, J. 13 (Stein). Avignon, France. PaJais des Panes, 122 (Digonnet). Avila, Spain. 200 (Espafia). 201 (Monumentos), 203 (Recuer- dos), 478 (Mayer). Ayrshire, Scotland. 35 (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association). B. Baalbec, Syria. 108 (Frauberger), 109 (Wood); Temple. 57 (Marot). Babylon. 47 (Borrmann), 100 (Kol- dewey), 106 (Banks, British Museum, Layard). Badajoz, Spain. 200 (Espafia), 201 (Monumentos). Baden. 70 (Kunstdenkmaler), 146 (Views), 276 (Kraus). Badenweiler, Germany. 222 (Buech- ler). Baireuth, Germany. 96 (Hofmann). Balawat. 334 (Bronze). Balconies. 117 (Kick), 326 (Ewer- beck). Baldachins. 329 (Pineau). Bsilduccio, G. di. 72 (Meyer). Balearic Islands. 199 ((Talvert), 200 (Espafia), 201 (Ludwig Salvator), 204 (Vuillier). Ballas, Egypt. 115 (Petrie). Ballen, B. 395 (Mural). Balmerino Abbey. 172 (Aitken). Baltic Provinces. 69 (Guleke). Baltimore, Maryland. 447, 457, 467 (Tyson). Johns Hopkins Hospital. 219 (Billings), 221 (Johns Hop- kins). Balustrades. 105 (Jacob), 325 (Clarkson), ^26 (Ewerbeck), 336 (Collings, De Graff, Ellis). 337 (Forbes. Hodgson, Rid- dell, Walton), 479 (Riddell). Bamberg, Germany. 98 (Weig- mann), 146 (Weese), 478 (Leitschuh). Bamburgh Parish, England. 150 (Bateson). Banat, Hungary. it6 (Grassl). Bangor Cathedral. 150 (Bax). Banks. 213 (Boston), 223 (Bank, Dean), 224 (Kick). Barios de Cerrato, Spain. San Juan Bautista, Basilica de. 201 (Monumentos). Baptismal fonts. See Fonts. Barcelona. Spain. 95 (Domenech y Montaner), 370 (Associaci6n), 421. 432 (Cerda). Cathedral. 204 (Soler). San Pablo del Campo. 201 (Monumentos). San Pedro de las Puellas. 201 (Monumentos). Barmen, Prussia. 139 (Hartig), Baroque. 19 (Burckhardt). 23 (Knackfuss), 70 (Hirth), 93 (Woelfflin), - - ■ - (Gurlitt, Jes Ricci, Riegl), 11; (Gurlitt, Jessen), 97 (Phihppi, Ricci, Riegl), 117 (Pazaurek), [36 (Berlepsch-Valendas), 139 451 (Engineering). 250 (Child, Co-operative), Bams. 251 (Engel, Halsted), 255 (Sanders, Schlossmann, Shaw- ver). Sec also Stables. Baroda, India. 103 (Burgess). (Gurlitt), 140 (Keller), 143 (Popp), 188 (Magni), 190 (Weibel), 196 (Loewis), 204 (Schubert), 321 (Bibbiena), 329 (Oppenord), 330 (Speltz), 381 (Pape), 393 (Hammer), 404 (Ilg), 476 (Briggs). Barozzi, G. 18 (Aviler), 22 (Heide- loff). Barracks. 319 (Lange, Putzeys). Barry, Sir C. 4 (Barry), 8 (Hit- torff). Basel, Switzerland. 205 (Major), 206 (Wackernagel). Cathedral. 205 (Lindner). Basilicas. 56 (Lange, J. C. F. W.), 57 (Michaelis), 65 (Allmers, Arnaldi, Barbet de Jouy), 66 (Bunsen), 67 (Clausse), 70 (Holtzinger), 72 (Marucchi, Messmer, Mothes), 74 (Ros- sini), 76 (Watkins), 77 (Zestermann), 178 (Landriani), 188 (Muentz), 272 (Guten- sohn), 277 (Lemaire), 477 (Gauckler). Basque Provinces of Spain. 200 (Espaiia), 203 (O'Shea), 239 (O'Shea). Bas-reliefs. 56 (Le Bas), 64 (Wag- ner), 65 (Zoega), 106 (Kiash), 115 (Prisse d'Avennes), 260 (Beer, Belgrado). Bassae, Greece. Apollo Epicurius, Temple o/. 49 (Cockerell), 64 (Wagner). Batalha. Portugal. Monastery. 199 (Condeixa), 203 (Murphy). Bath, England. 95 (Green). 149 (Baddeley), 151 (Britton), 154 (Famous), 158 (Lewis), 159 CMeehan), 222 (Freeman), 265 (Church rambler). Abbey. 151 (Britton), 160 (Per- kins), 161 (Rawlinson). Baths. 222, 223. Bautzen, Germany. 74 (Rauda). Bavaria. 81 (Hanfstaengl), 94 (Baumeister), 141 (Kunst- denkmale), 144 (Riehl), 146 (Zell, Zimmermann), 206 (Toelzer), 225 (Albert), 238 (Leonhardt), 370 (Basser- mann-Jordan), 403 (Zell). Bayeux Cathedral. 128 (Mylne). Bayeux tapestry. 386 (Comte). 389 (Stothard). Beams. 345 (Atherton), 346 (Cousins, Humphrey), 347 r Kidder. Lanza), 348 (Sonde- ricker, Turnbull), 416 (Scott). Beaujolais, Province, France. 257 (Cheysson). Beaumesnil, Chateau de. 1 20 (Bouillet). Beauvais Cathedral. 120 (Benou- villc). Beauvais-is, France. 85 (Woillez). Bebenhausen, Cistercian Abbey. 143 (Paulus). Bedfordshire, England. 148 (Ly- sons), 155 (Fisher, T.), 405 (North). Beds and bedsteads. 399 (Illus- trations), 401 (Ransom). Behrens, P. 477 (Hoeber). Belanger, F. J. 9 (Loiseau). Belford, England. 150 (Bateson). Belgam, India. 103 (Burgess). Belgium. 30 (Acad6mic royale), 35 (Association nationale. Belgium). 193 (Baes, Baron, Batty. Beyaert, Bezold, Blan- dot, Braun, Bumpus, Dumont- Wilden, Ewerbeck), 194 (George. Haghe, Joseph, Le- nionnier), 195 (Moke, Robida, Schayes, Socictc, Stroobant, Van Bemmcl), 196 (Wild), SUBJECT INDEX 517 Belgium. (Continued.) 283 (Overstraeten), 294 (Bel- gium), 29s (Goeck), 297 (Narjoux), 332 (Wytsman), 396 (Tulfjinck), 411 (Levy), 449 (Cattier), Bell Rock Lighthouse. 318 (Steven- son, R.). Bells. 152 (Church bells), 260 (Beckett), 332 (Eeles), 403 (Cocks), 404 (Downman, Ella- combe), 405 (L'Estrange, Lukis, Lynnm, North, Owen, Raven), 406 (Stahlschmidt, (Walters). Bemerton, England. 162 (Salis- bury). Benevento, Italy. i79 (Meomar- tini). Berkshire, England. 35 (Berks), 148 (Lysons), 164 (Vincent). Berlin, Germany. 146, 147. 433. 444 (Hirschberg, Nathan), 445 (Reich), 450 (Petersen, Prussia), 451 (Grosse), 455, 457, 465 (Lange). Boersc. 224 (Hitzig). Cathedral. 147 (Raschdorff). Kaiser Friedrich Museum. 146 (Clemen), 411 (Schmitz). Koeniglich-preussische Friedrich Wilhelms Universitaet. 146 (Cremer). Koenigliche Bibliothek. 313- Koenigliche technische Hoch- schule. 296 (Koss, Martens), 297 (Schaefer). Koenigliches Kunstgewerbe Mu- seum. 411 (Schmitz). Koenicrliches Opernhaus. 147 (Schneider), 322 (Heim). Koenigliches Schloss. 146 (Ger- many), 147 (Rueckwardt), 227 (Dohme). 398 (Dohme). Koenigliches Zeughaus. 383 (Rueckwardt, Schlueter), 393 (Halwas). Neues-Opern Theater. 146 (Kaemmerling). Pergamus Museum. 478 (Per- gamus). Reichstags-Gebaudc. :^7f, (Ger- many). Victoria Theater. 146 (Kam- merling), 322 (Langhans). Wallner Theater. 146 (Kaem- merling). Bcrnabei, D. 11 (Prost), 14 (Va- chon). Berne, Switzerland. 205 (Gurlitt), 206 (Rodt), 441. Cathedral. 205 (Haendcke). Bernini, G. L. 4 (Baldinucci). Bernwardus, St. 12 (Schultz). 140 (Keane). Berry, J. de. Due dc France, 26.5 (Champeaux). Bethlehem, Palestine. 80 (Wei- gand). Church of the Nativity. 80 (Weigand), 273 (Harvey). Beton-Coignet. 350 (Gillmorc, Goodridge). Bevagna, Italy. 479 (Urbini). Beverley, England. Minster. 157 (Hiatt). 161 (Poulson). Saint Mary. 16 r T Poulson). Bharhut, India. 104 (Cunningham). Bibliography. 1-3, 427, 428. Bidar, India. 103 (Burgess). Biedermeier style. 385 (Wolfrum). Bignor, England. 63 (Tupper). Billboards. See Outdoor advertis- ing. Billings Library, Burlington, Vt. Sec Vermont University. Binghamton, N. Y. 433. Biography. 4-15. Biological stations. See Labora- tories. Birds. In art. 390 (Albert, .Japanese). Bithynia. 60 (Pcrrot). Bitten, England. 154 (Ellacombe). Bizerta, Tunis. 110 (Ludwig Sal- vator). Blasset. N. 4 (Bazot). Blind asylums. 220 (Henrici). Blois, France. Chateau. 20 (Cook), 119 (Baillarge). Notre Dame de I'lmmaculee- Conception. 128 (Notice). Blondel, J. F. 11 (Prost). Blouet, G. A. 8 (Hermant), 9 (Lance). Blum. H. 10 (May). Blyth, England. 161 (Raine, John). Boat houses. 250 (Comstock, W. P.). Bodleian Library. See Oxford. Boeotia, Greece. Saint Nicholas in the Fields, Monastery of. 79 (Schultz). Boghazkoi, Asia Minor. 101 (Puch- stein). Bohemia. 96 (Hantich), 117 (Neu- wirth), 118 (Schramek), 393 (Ernst). Bokhara. 102 (Schubert von Sol- dern), 107 (Olufsen), 386 (Bobrinski). Bolivia. 208 (Bresson). Bologna, Italy. 178 (James, Landi), 332 (Gozzadini). San Petronio. 183 (Weber). Bologne, J. 7 (Desjardins). Bonaguil, Chateau de. See Fumel. Bondone, A. 4 (Bayet), s (Bre- ton), II (Perkins), 12 (Quil- ter, Rintelen, Selincourt), 77 (Zimmermann), 391 (Arun- uce), 215 (Porter, Smith, State, Tolman, Warren, Wheelwright), 250 (Coffin), 334 (Collection), 428 (New Boston, United Improve- ment). 429 (Metropolitan), 430 (Women's), 433, 439 (Massachusetts), 441, 444 (Mead, Paine), 447, 449 (Crocker), ^gi (Griggs, Massa- chusetts, Pinanski, East Bos- ton, Spalding), 452 (Interna- tional, Report, Walker), 453 (Macullar, Shurtleff), 457, 458, 462, 463, 464, 464 (Chan- ning), 469 (Gourlay), 471 (Massachusetts), 474 (Archi- tects', Damrell), 475 (Massa- chusetts). Athenaeum. 417 (Boston). Channing Home. 213 (Chan- ning). Charles River Basin. 447 (Bos- ton). City Hospital. 219 (Boston, Bryant), 220 (Clark, Cowlcs). Columbian Building. 415 (Faxon). Common. 457 (Boston), 458 (Boston). Copley Square. 463 (Boston), 464 (Boston), 473 (Benton), 474 (Whitman). Custom House. 215 (Shaw), 216 (Young). Emmanuel Church. 410 (Crowninshield). Edinburgh, The. 214 (Edin- burgh). English High School, 294 (Bos- Boston, Mass. (Continued.) ton. City Architect). Equitable Building. 214 (Equit- able). Fenway Court. 328 (Marr). Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children. 220 (Forsyth). Franklin Park. 457 (Boston). Hotel Huntington. 214 (Hotel). Latin School. 294 (Boston. City Architect). Massachusetts Building. 215 (Massachusetts). Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Huntington Hall. 392 (Bourne), 420 (Ware). Museum of Fine Arts. 215 (Museum), 417 (Sturgis). National Shawmut Bank. 224 (National). New England Trust Company. 224 (New England). Old Corner Book Store. 214 (Cupples). Public Library. 215 (Small), 313 (Baxter), 314 (Boston, Caff in, Curtis), 315 (Elwell, FenoUosa, Garnsey), 317 (Sturgis, Whitney), 391 (Abbey), 393 (Greenslet), 4x4 (Boston). South Terminal Station. 214 (Francis). State House. 213 (Boston), 214 (Massachusetts), 215 (Massachusetts, Roe), 300 (Bridgman). Trinity Church. 213 (Chester), 267 (Cupples), 286 (Richard- son, H. H.). Tuileries, Hotel. 379 (Mackay). Union Club. 233 (Union). Warren Chambers. 215 (War- ren). Boucher, F.. 10 (Michel). BouUe family. 8 (Havard). Boulogne, France. Notre Dame. 120 (Boulogne). Bourbon-l'Archambault, Chateau de. 124 (Gelis-Didot). Bourbonnais, France. 65 (AUier). Bourg-en-Bresse, France. Notre Dame de Brou. 120 (Baux), 123 (Dupasquier), 131 (Tier- sot), 282 (Nodet), 411 (Prost). Bourgerel. G.^ B. A. 8 (Granges de Surgeres). Bourges, France. 421. Cathedral (Saint fitienne de Bourses). 119 (Barreau), 121 (Cahier), 262 (Boinet), 411 (Meloizes). Bournville, England. 257 (Har- vey). Brabant. i2."5 (Ireland), 130 (Sanderus), 194 (Le Roy). Court Saint fetienne. 240 (Samyn), Brackets. 105 (Jacob). Bradford-on-Avon, England. St. T^awrence, Church of. 160 (Perkins). Braisne-sur-Vesle, France, Monas- tery. 129 (Prioux). Bramante, D. 6 (Courajod), 12 (Pungileoni), 336 ((Cipriani). Bramshill, England. 153 (Cope). Brancepeth, England. 150 (Bil- lings). Brandenburg, Germany. 96 (Hof- mann), 141 (Lampe), 272 (Gurlitt). Brasses. 234 (Andrews), 235 (Bou- tell, Cambridge), 2^6 (Creeny, Dunkin), 2^7 (Hames, Kite), 238 (Macklm, Manual, Monu- mental), 240 (Thornely), 241 (Waller), 40S (Mullins, Pu- gin), 406 (WilliaAis, Young), 480 (Ward). Braunau, Bohemia. 117 (Lippert). Brazil. 208 (Brazil). Brazing. 406 (Young). 518 Brecon, Wales. 158 (Jones, T.). Saint John, Priory Church of. 151 (Brecon). Bremen, Germany, 83 (Waldmann), 135 (Architekten), 143 (Pauli), 144 (Schaefer), 299 (Wilhadi-Brunnen), 301 (Ehmck), 441. Brescia, Italy. 183 (Ugoletti), 329 (Museo). Breslau, Germany. 136 (Bischof), 146 (Weiss), 272 (Gurlitt), 300 (Breslau), 320 (Grapow), 447- Breweries, 223 (Barnard), 224 (Geul, Scamell). Brianza, Italy. 180 (Nebbia). Bricklaying, See Masonry. Bricks. 35 (Brickbuilder, Brick- maker), 36 (Clay Record), 50 Doerpfeld), 65 (Adler), 75 (Strack). 83 (Ungewitter), 85 (Stiehl), 94 (Chabat), 96 (Lacroux), 97 (Nicole), 107 (Sarre), 138 (Gottlob), 176 (Eastern), 182 (Runge), 247 (Radford), 326 (Degen), 338 (Davidson), 342 (Burn, Cy- clopedia), 344 (Wanderley), 349 (Brown), 350 (Foy), 351 (Lejeune, New England, Peerless, Philadelphia), 371 (Brown, J.). Bridges. 31 (Annales des batimens), 454-456. Brighton, England. 161 (Repton). Brighton, Mass. Saint John's Sem- inary. 214 (Leahy). Brislington, England. 476 (Bristol). Bristol, England. 149 (Baddeley), 151 (Britton), 162 (Royal). Cathedral. 151 (Britton), 159 (Mass6). Redcliffe Church, 151 (Brit- ton), 279 (Madan), St. Mary Redcliffe. See Red- cliffe Church. Brittany. ^6 (Taylor), 92 (Robida), 409 (Andr6). Briviesca, Spain. 201 (Monu- mentos). » Bromley, England. 260 (Beeby). Bromley-by-Bow, Palace. 168 (God man). Bromley-by-Bow, Parish, London. 169 (London). Bronze. 31 (American Art), 38 (Granite), 235 (Cabaret), 241 (Williams), 334 (Bronze), 403 (Bruening, Door), 404 (Havard), 405 (Martin). 406 (Teirich, Zetzsche), 478 (Lueer, Marignan). Brookline, Mass. 311 (Sprague), 458, 462 Brooklyn, N. Y. 315 (Hamlin) La) (i^Iew York). 444 (Improved), 455, 458, 470 (Tree Planting), 474 Riverside buildings. 258 (White). Brooklyn Art Association. 299 (Brooklyn). Bruchsal, Germany. 231 (Renard). Bruges, Belgium, 93 (Verschelde), 193 (Bruges), 194 (Gurlitt, Hymans), 105 (Sch 333 (Hondt), 447. Chapelle du i^aint Sang. 194 ((5ailliard). ^ Notre-Dame de la Poterie. 193 (Bruges). Saint Sauveur, Cathedrale de, 196 (Verhaegcn). Brunelleschi, F. 4 (Baldinucci, Baxter), 7 (Fabriczy), 185 (Moreni). Brunswick, Germany. 137 (Doe- ring), 142 (Meier), 145 (Uhde). Brusa, Asia Minor. 80 (Wilde). Brussels, Belgium. 94 (Caster- mans), 193 (Baes. Brussels), 194 (Henne, Hymans, Lilien- thal) 195 (Neck, Neubauten, Smith), 196 (Views, Wyts- man), 421, 458. SUBJECT INDEX Bryn Mawr College. 216 (Bryn). Bubastis, Egypt, 114 (Naville). Bubikon, Switzerland. 206 (Zeller- Werdmueller), Bucarri, Austria. 117 (Ludwig Salvator). Buchlowitz, Moravia, Buchlau, Burg. 117 (Kalvoda). Buckinghamshire, England. 35 (Berks), 148 (Lysons), 156 (Great Britain), 158 (Lips- comb), 403 (Cocks). Bucklersburg, England. 407 (Price). Budapest, Hungary. 97 (Neu- bauten), 116 (Balint), 118 (Pilisi, Rueckwardt), 3i4 (Budapest), 421. Buddh Gaya, India. 104 (Cunning- ham). Buenos Ayres. 467 (Tagle Rod- riguez), B u e r g 1 e n, Switzerland. Tell's Chapel. 396 (Stueckelberg). Buffalo, N. Y. 421, 458. Buhl work. 412 (Bemrose), Builders' prices. 475 (Skyring). ^ Building and Cooperative associa- tions, 472, 473. Building codes, 474, 475. Building law and contracts. 473. Building line, 473 (Alexander- Katz), 475 (Saran). Building materials. 349-352. Building regulations and restric- tions. 473, 474- Buildwas Abbey. 161 (Potter). Bulgaria. 207 (Kaiserliche). Bullant, J. 6 (Courajod). Bungalows. 218 (Menken, Wilson, "Ye planry"), 243 (Dustman), 244 (Hodgson), 249 (Ameri- can Homes, Briggs), 250 (Comstock), 252 (Harrison), 254 (Radford, Samson), 255 (Saylor). Buonarroti, M. 4 (B., C), 5 (Black, Boito), 6 (Clement), 7 (Davies), 8 (Grimm, Gro- nau, Holroyd), 9 (Justi, Knackfuss, Knapp)^ 12 (Qua- tremere de Quincy), 13 (Springer, Symonds), 15 (Wilson), 18 (Aviler). Burglar-proof buildings, 343 (Marx). Burgos, Spain. 199 (Calvert), 204 (Waring). Cathedral. 201 (Monumentos). Miraflores, Monastery of. 201 (Monumentos). Santa Maria la real de las Huel- gas, Monastery. 201 (Monu- mentos). Burgundy. 76 (Taylor), 85 (Tru- chis), 375 (Germain), 455 (Perronet). Burma. 206 (Beylie), 408 (Tilly), 455. Bury St. Edmund's. Abbey. 165 (Yates). Business buildings. 223-225. Busiris, Egypt. m (Borchardt). 115 (Schaefer). Bussy, France. 85 (Truchis), Buttresses. 342 (Bland). B y z a c i u m. North Africa, no (Daux). Byzantine architecture. 77-80. Byzantine Empire. 78 (Mordt- mann). c. Cabinet work, 44 (Travaux simples de menuiserie). See also Car- pentry and joinery, Caceres, Spain. 200 (Espaiia), 201 (Monumentos). Cadiz, Spain, 200 (Espana), 203 (Recuerdos). Cadore. Italy, 81 (Frova), 179 (Lorenzoni), Caen, France, 121 (Caumont). Saint fitiennc, Abbaye de. 83 (Bouet). Cairo, Egypt. 85 (Berchem, Coste), 86 (Egypt, Herz, Migeon), 87 (Pnsse d' Avenues), no (Ball), III (Daressy) 115 (Poole. Rhone), 318 (Casanova). Azhar, Mosque of. 86 (Flury) Hakim, Mosque of. 86 (Flury) Sidi Okba, Mosque of. 87 (Saladin). Sultan Hassan, Mosque of. 86 (Egypt), Sultan Kait-Bai, Mosque of. 86 (Franz). Cairo, Illinois. 455. Calabria, Italy. 59 (Orsi). Calgary, Canada. 439 (Mawson). ^^^^x?.T,"^^- 2^7 (Carter), 218 (Hildrup Hudson, James, Menken, Old missions, Smyth). 477 (Elder). ' University. 218 (Jones), 298 (University), 316 (Rowell), 433 (Olmsted, Manning). Calvados, Department, France. 84 (Normandie monumentale). Camberwell Parish, England. 150 (Blanch). Cambodia, 104 (Croizier, Doudart de Lagree), 105 (Moura). Cambrai, Cathedral. 124 (Hou- doy). Cambridge, England. University. 29s (Combe) 298 (Willis). 40 i^ (Redfarn). Canibridge, Mass. 459, 462, 463. First Parish and First Church. 213 (Cambridge). Harvard University. 214 (Har- vard), 215 (Vaille, Ware), 241 (Ware), 294 (Brown), 295 (Four, Harvard), 296 (Harvard), 297 (Richardson), 299 (Francke), 420 (Pray). Radcliffe College. 478 (Rad- cliffe). Cambridge and Oxford. 165-167 Cambridgeshire, England. i48 (Lysons), 152 (Cambridge), I.S7 (Hill), 164 (White), 405 (Raven). Cambuskenneth Abbey, t 72 (Eraser, Sir W.). Campania. 45 (Adams), 55 (Koch), 394 (Helbig). Campione family. 72 (Meyer). Camprodon, Spain. 201 (Monu- mentos), Camps. 250 (Comstock), 255 (Saylor), 464 (Bashore). Canals, 446 (Egerton, Flamant, Haupt, Hepburn, Johnson, Rappold). Candelabra. 398 (Braund, Bridg- ens), 400 (Lessing). Candia, See Crete, Canina, L. 12 (Raggi). Cannstatt, Germany. Wilhelma, villa. 257 (Zanth). Canova, A. 241 (Vivere). Canterbury, England. 155 (Gost- ling). Cathedral. 151 (Britton), 155 (Fremantle), 163 (Stanley), 164 (W., H.), 165 (Willis, Woolnoth), 264 (Canterbury), 267 (Dart), 283 (Owen). St. Martin's Church. 287 (Rout- ledge), Cape of Good Hope, 248 (Trotter), Capitals. Ionic. 46 (Bates), 49 (Clarke), 60 (Puchstein), 341 (Selva). Capitanata. See Foggia. Capitol buildings. 211 (Hazelton), 213 (Boston), 214 (Roe), 216 (Albany, (Baffin), 300 (Bridg- man. Brown, Bryant), 301 (Gauthier, Massachusetts), 303 (United States, Upjohn, Walker), 415 (McDonald), 426 (Newlands), 463 (Ford). Caprarola Palace. 179 (Maccari), Capri, Island of. 164 (Wcichardt). Capua, Italy. 61 (Rucca), 218 (Alvino). SUBJECT INDEX 519 Carcassonne, France. 125 (Jour- danne), 131 (Viollet-le-Duc). St. Nazaire. 122 (Cros-Mayre- vieille). Cardiff. Wales. 447- Cardigan County, Wales. 159 (Meyrick). Caria, Asia Minor. 46 (Benndorf), 59 (Parrot). Carinthia, Austria. ii6 (Kaiser- lich). Carlisle, England. 152 (Calverley). Cathedral. 80 (Billings), 154 (Eley). Carpentry, 38 (Illustrated Car- penter), 44 (Travaux simples de menuiserie). See also Car- pentry and joinery. Carpentry and joinery. 352-354- Carpets. 386-390. Carpi, Italy. 92 (Semper). Carpiano, Italy. 182 (Sant' Am- brogio). Carthage. 109 (Cagnat). Caryatids. 332 (Vries). Casements. Fireproof. 357 (British), 358 (British). Caserta, Palace of. 183 (Vanvitelli). Cashmere. 104 (Cole). Castel del Monte. 120 (Bertaux). Castello, Citta di. 179 (Magherini- Graziani). Castiglione Florentine, Italy. 179 (Mancini). Castiglione Olona, Italy. 182 (Sant' Ambrogio). Castile, Spain. 200 (Espafia), 203 (Recuerdos). Castles. 225-232. Castor, England. 407 (Artis). Catacombs. See Naples; Rome. Catalonia, Spain. 84 (Puig y Cada- falch), 199 (Calvert), 200 (Espafia), 203 (Pella y For- gas, Recuerdos), 394 (In- stitut). Santa Maria de Poblet, Monas- tery of. 72 (Masso). Catania, Italy. 192 (Roberto). Catterick, England. 161 (Raine, James). Cattle markets. 224 (Osthoff, Schwarz). Caucasus. 99 (Dubois de Mont- pereux). Cave temples. 103 (Burgess), 104 (Cousens, Fergusson), 477 (Dalman). Cayenne, French Guiana. 209 (Pre- fontaine). Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 433. Ceilings. See Frescoes. Ceilings. Fireproof. 356 (British). Celts. 30 (Academie celtique). Cement. 36 (Cement Age, Cement World, (Toncrete-Cement Age), Cement and mortar. 348 (Smith), 349 (Biston, Burnell, Chand- ler, F. W.), 350 (Dibdin, Du- quesnay, Eckel, Falk, Gill- more, Hodgson, John), 351 (Lejeune, Loriot, Schoch), 352 (Vicat, Wright), 414 (Baker, Brown, Calcare, Clarke), 420 (National). Cemeteries. 464. See also Com- memorative monuments. Centering. 343 (Maginnis). Central and South America. 208, 209. Central and Southern States of the , United States. 217. Certaldo, Italy. 180 (Pantini). Cervetere, Italy. 48 (Canina), 237 (Grifi). Ceylon, 104 (Coomaraswamy), 106 (Smith). Chairs. 400 (Lessing). Chaise-Dieu, La, France. Saint Robert, Abbaye de. 123 (Faucon). Chaldaea. 228 (Heuzey). Chalets. 204 (Dana), 205 (Gros). Chalons-sur-iMarne, France. Notre Dame de I'fipine. 129 (Povil- lon-Pierard). Chamba, State, India. 479 (Vogel). Chambiges. P. 14 (Vachon). Chambiges family. 14 (Vachon). Chambord, Chateau de. 125 (La Saussaye), 127 (Millot). Champagne, France. 76 (Taylor), 125 (Koechlin). , Champlieu, France. 59 (Peigne- Delacourt), 131 (Viollet-le- Duc). 223 (Peigne-Delacourt). Chancels. 69 (Hartel), 275 (King, H. C). Chandeliers. 261 (Bock), 405 (Lueer). Chantilly, France. 411 (Magne). Chateau. 227 (Guerinet). Chapels. 211 (Kidder), 262 (Bowler), 284 (Pocock), 291 (Trimen). Charente, France. 79 (Sharpe, Spiers). Charleston, S. C. 217 (Crane). Saint Michael's Church. 217 (Beesley). Chartres, France. 69 (Headlam), 122 (Clerval), 127 (Masse). Cathedral. 121 (Bukeau), 122 (Didron), 124 (Gilbert), 125 (Lassus), 126 (Lefevre-Pon- tahs), 127 (Marriage, Masse). 265 (Chartres), 280 (Mely), 476 (Adams, H.). Saint Pierre. 268 (Duplessis). Chastellux, France. 226 (Chaillou des Barres). Chateaux. 31 (Annuaire des chateaux), 92 (Petit), 98 (Sauvageot), 120 (Bourasse), 123 (Eyries), 124 (Here), 125 (Laborde, Lansdale), 127 (Mansfield, Minor), 128 (Per- kins, C. C), 132 (Vitry), 193 (Arcadie), 226 (Chaillou des Barres, Cook), 227 (Gue- rinet), 230 (Percier, Pfnor), 232 (Ward), 252 (Krafft), 310 (Plans). Chatelliers. France. 269 (Esperan- dieu). Chattanooga, Tenn. 459. Chelsea, England. 150 (Beaver). Cheltenham, England. 156 (Grif- fith). Chemical works. 223 (Dyson), 478 (Nagel). Cheshire, England. 33 (Architec- tural, Archaeological), 148 (Lysons), 154 (Earwaker), 157 (Hulbert), 160 (Ormerod, Philips), 163 (Taylor, H.), 164 (Twycross). Chester, England. 33 (Architec- tural, Archaeological), 152 (Chester), 157 (Heming^way), 157 (Hughes), 160 (Orme- rod). Cathedral. 153 (Darby), 157 (Hiatt). Chesterfield, England. Hardwick Hall. 162 (Robinson, P. F.). Chests. 400 (Lessing), 402 (Roe). Chiana, Val di, Tuscany. 174 (Bar- gagli-Petrucci). Chiapas, Mexico. 209 (Stephens). Chicago, Illinois. 217 (Chicago, Freitag), 429 (League), 433 441, 447, 449 (Arnold), 451 (Heilman, Illinois), 459, 463, 469 (Municipal Art League), I Iroquois Theatre. 356 (British). Michigan Avenue. 480. Public Library. 314. World's Columbian Exposition, 421, 422. Chichester, England. 162 (Royal). Cathedral. 153 (Corlette). Chile. 208 (Chile), 209 (Laso). Chillon, Castle of. 205 (Rahn). Chimney-pieces. See Fireplaces. Chimneys. 191 (Urbani de Ghel- tof), 330 (Rawlinson), 333 (Hebrard), 342 (Christie), 344 (Progress). Chippendale furniture. 398 ((Chip- pendale, Clouston). China and Japan. 102, 103. Chiusi, Italy. 174 (Bargagli-Pet- rucci). C h o 1 s e y, England. St. Mary, Church of. 476 (Cole). Christchurch, England. Priory Church. 160 (Perkins). Christian art. 15 (Bourasse), 16 '(Guenebault, Martigny), 17 (Smith, Theophilus, Walcott), 20 (De Wette), 27 (Sittl, Smith, T. R.), 35 (Bullettino di archeologia), 36 (Christian Art), 42 (Revue de I'art Chre- tien), 44 (Zeitschrift fiir christliche Kunst), 67 (Clausse, Crosnier, Cutts), 69 (Garrucci), 70 (Kraus), 71 (Lindsay), 72 (Macarius, Marchi, Marriott), 74 (Ro- hault de Fleury), 75 (Schmid), 76 (Theophilus), 78 (Kurth), 79 (Strzygowski), 126 (Le Blant), 127 (Male), 141 (Luebke), 150 (Barr), 202 (Monumentos), 234 (Becker), 235 (Boutell), 262 (Bourasse), 270 (Frantz), 280 (Mesnard), 283 (Parker, J. H., Pastern), 374 (Frothingham), 375 (Go- mez-Moreno), 380 (Muentz), 385 (Woltmann), 407 (Muentz). Chronology. 20 (Chart), 22 (Hug- gins), 123 (Ferree), 125 (Ink- ersley), 151 (Britton), 157 (Hoare), 162 (Sharpe), 197 (Andersen), 479 (Short). Chur, Switzerland. 397 (Voegelin). Cathedral. 204 (Chur). Church architecture. 36 (Church Builder), 41 (New- York Ec- clesiologist). See also Eccle- siastical architecture and decoration. Church decoration. 39 (Kirchen- schmuck). See also Ecclesi- astical architecture and deco- ration. Church furniture. See Ecclesiastical architecture and decoration. Cilicia Trachea, Asia Minor. 54 (Headlam), loi (Ramsay). Cintra, Portugal. 477 (Haupt). Circular buildings. 159 (Lucas, C), 178 (Isabelle). Circus buildings. 323 (Schmitt). See also Rome, Circus. Ciriaco d'Ancona. 54 (Huelsen). Cistercian abbeys. 68 (Dohme), 74 (Rostan), 75 (Sharpe), 120 (Begule), 127 (Matthaei), 140 (Jaeger, Jung), 143 (Paulus), 144 (Schmidt), 202 (Monumentos), 206 (Rahn). Cities, Growth of. 432. City halls. 83 (Waldmann), 89 (Goovaerts), 126 (Le Carpen- tier), 134 (Paris), 139 (Grise- bach), 141 (Lehmgruebner, Leybold), 142 (Neue), 143 (Pauli), 14s (Stiehl), 193 (Everaerts), 195 (Quellinus), 197 (Beckett), 300 (Axon, Bluntschli), 301 (Desjardins, Ehmck, Hamburg), 302 (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Providence). Civic art. 468, 469. Civic centres. See Squares, Cividale del Friuli, Italy. 176 (Fo- golari). Civitali, M. 15 (Yriarte). Classical antiquities. 15 (Bau- meister, Cornish, Diction- naire), 16 (Fosbrooke, Lueb- ker, Montfaucon, Peck, Ram- say, Rich, Schreiber), 17 (Seyffert, Smith), 35 (Bulle- tin de correspondance). Classic architecture. 45-65. Classicism. 19 (Burckhardt), 23 (Joseph, Klopfer), 96 (Gur- litt). Clerkenwell, England. 163 (Storer). 34 520 SUBJECT INDEX Cleveland, O. 429 (Home Garden- inpr, Municipal), 433, 459. 466 (Jackson). Museum of Arts. 299 (Cleve- land). Climate. Influence of. 28 (Stade). Clocks. 260 (Beckett), 397 (Bas- scrmann-jFordan), 398 (Brit- ten). Cloisters. See Monasteries. Club houses. 233. Cluny Abbey. 121 (Bruel). Clusy, France. 131 (Viollet-le- Duc). Clwyd, Vale of, Wales. 160 (Owen, E.), Cobergher, W. 5 (Bortier). Coburg, Germany. 137 (Bischof). - ■ -■ - R. 13 (S • ■ buildings. Cockcrell, C. College buildings. See Educational 13 (^^Smirke). Sc ~' Co\ognt, Germany. 81 (Lueb- becke), 83 (Waldmann), 96 (Hartel), 135 (Anheisser), 137 (Delpy), 140 (Klinkenberg), 142 (Menlo), 144 (Schilling), 320 (Coerper), 323 (Moritz), 46s (Krautwig). Cathedral. 137 (Boisseree), 139 (Helmken), 146 (Wiethase). 269 (Faike), 273 (Hasak), 282 (Noel), 288 (Schmitz). Gross St. Martin. 84 (Hasak), 143 (Rahtgens). St. Apostelnkirche. 84 (Hasak). Saint Gereon. 143 (Rahtgens), 260 (E s s e n w e i n), 292 (Weerth). Saint Johann Baptist. 143 (Rahtgens). St. _ Maria im Kapitol. 143 ' tge ' 478 (Rahtgens). (Rahtgens), 279 (Marignan ^'. Colomban, A. 4 (Amanton). Colonial architecture. 94 (Child), 211 (Georgian, Glenn, Hooper, Northend), 212 (Soderholtz), 213 (Wallis), 214 (Corner, Daughters, Drake. Hale, A., Halliday, Historic, Howe, I sham, Jones), 21S (Whitefield), 216 (Ditmas, Eberlein, Goforth, Seventy-two), 217 (Wallace, Chandler), 217 (Wise, Sale), 243 (Detroit), 248 (Terhune), 251 (Embury), 478 (King- man). Colonial furniture. 326 (Elwell), 400 (Lockwood, Lyon), 401 (Northend, Nye), 402 (Shackleton, Soderholtz) Color. 62 (Schultz, W.), 80 (Col- ling), 385 (Ward), 408 (Ben- son, Bezold, Chevreul, Church, Desaint, Field. Gui- chard). 477 (Duveen). Colorado. 218 (Holmes). Mesa Verde National Park 217 (Fewkes). University. 298 (University). Colorado Springs, Colo. 453 (Rob- inson). Columbaria. 239 (Newton). Columbus, O. 433. Columns. 24 (Longfellow), 61 (Rossi), 63 (Uhde), 105 (Jacob), 416 (Scott). Columns. Fireproof. 358 (Fire- proof). Columns. Strength of. 345 (Ath- erton), 346 (Cousins, Fran- cis), 347 (Lanza), 348 (Turn- bull), 355 (Talbot), 478 (Niel- sen). Comadnes. 26 (Ravenscroft), 88 (Baxter). Comburg, Germany. Abteikirche. 261 (Bock). Commemorative monuments. 233- 241. 477.(Davies). Commercial buildings. See Business buildings. Como Cathedral. 6 (Claussc) Como. Lake. 174 (Bianchi). Competitions. See Architectural competition. Compiigne, Arras. 127 (Marsy), 128 (Pellassy de I'Ousle). Concrete. 36 (Concrete, Concrete- Cement Age). Concrete construction. 354-356, 476 (Cantell), 479 (Talbot, Vaubourg). See also Beton- Coignet. Coner, A. 185 (Ashby). Conisborough Castle. 162 (Smith, H. E.). Conjeeveram, India. 4.78 (Rea). Connecticut. 214 (Isham), 215 (Whitefield), 472 (Franklin). State Library. 314 (Connecti- cut). Connecticut Valley. 215 (Wight). Conques. France. Sainte-Foy. 120 (Bouillet). Conservatories. 241, 242. Constance, Germany. 44 (Verein fiir Geschichte des Bodensees), 393 (Ettmueller), Cathedral. 272 (Gramm). Constant-Dufeux, S. C. 7 (Ferand). Constantine, Algeria. 42 (Societe archeologique). Constantinople. 77 (Allom, Barth, Coufopoulos), 78 (Djelal Es- sad, Ebersolt, Forchheimer, George, Grosvenor, Gurlitt, Hammer-Purgstall, Millingen), 79 (Pulgher, Quellen, Salzen- berg), 102 (Walsh), 239 (Poertner). Aya Sofia. 78 (Fossati, Holt- zinger, Lethaby). Constantine's Palace. 78 (La- barte), 79 (Paspates), 206 (Ebersolt). Holy Apostles, Church of the. 78 (Heisenberg). Saint Eirene, 78 (George). Studium, Monastery of, 78 (Gardner). Construction. 341-345. Contant d' Ivry, P., 14 (Ulin). Contour, G. (misprint for Contour). 14 (Ulin). Contracts. See Building law and contracts. Convalescent homes. 219 (Behn- ke), 440 (Bowditch). Cooperative associations. See Building and Cooperative as- sociations. Coorg, India. 105 (Rea). Cdpan, Honduras. 209 (Meye). Copenhagen, Denmark. 197 (Ander- sen. Beckett), 198 (Danske, Harboe, Kj^benhavn). Christiansborg Palace. 384 (Thorwaldsen). Ny-Carlsberg Glyptothek. 62 (Simonsen). Rosenborg Palace. 197 (Ander- sen), 388 (Martin). Copings. 105 (Jacob). Copley prints. 392 (Curtis). Copper. 336 (Perin-Grados), 405 (Mullins). Coptic art. 69 (Gayet), 11 1 (Crum), 387 (Gerspach). Coptic churches. in (Butler). Corbels. s:s7 (Swan). Cordova. Spain. 87 (Nizet), 199 (Calvert), 200 (Espaiia), 201 (Monumentos), 203 (Recuer- dos), 204 (Schmidt). Mosque. 203 (Nizet). Corea. 103 (Lowell). Corfe Castle. 151 (Bond). Cornelius, P. von. 14 (Valentin). Cornices. 63 (Uhde), 326 (Goel- ler), 336 (Williams). Cornwall, England. 44 (Western Antiquary), 148 (Lysons), 150 (Blight), 151 (Britton), 154 (Downing), 236 (Dunkin), 404 (Ellacombe). Cathedral. 164 (Whitaker). Correggio. 396 (Toschi). Cortona, P. da. 392 (Berretini). Cortona, W. da. 12 (Schubring). Cortona, Italy. 179 (Mancini). Cosmatesque architecture. 66 (Boito). Cotswold, England. 153 (Davie), 154 (Evans). Cottages. 153 (Davie. Dick), 154 , (Duncan), 157 (Holme), 160 (Nevill. Ould), 164 (Weaver), 242 (Atlas, Bullock), 244 (Hodgson), 245 (Hopkins), 248 (Williams), 249 (Wil- liams, Adams, Ashbee, Bick- nell, Brunner), 250 (Child, Cleaveland, Comstock, W. T., Cottages, Cummings, Ditch- field), 251 (Downing), 252 (Hobbs, Holly, Holman, Hunt, Hussey, Kirby), 253 (Loudon, Morris, G. L., Palliser), 254 ( Picturesque, Ranlett, Reed, Richardson, Robinson, Rus- kin, Samson), 255 (Saylor, Shaw, Soane, Sparrow, Strick- land, Taylor, Trendall, Tut- hill), 256 (Vincent, Walter, Woollett, Young), 257 (Al- len, Birch, Central, Chase, Fitzgerald, Goddard, Green, Harvey, Kerrison, London, Morgan), 258 (Wells, Wilds, Williams), 440 (Crotch), 444 (Parish), 476 (Adams, M. B.). Cotton mills. 223 (Bennett). Coucy, Chateau de. 131 (Viollet- le-Duc), 229 (Lefevre-Pon- talis). Country houses and rural architec- ture. 249-257, 476 (Book), 479 (Sheldon). Court houses. 213 (Boston), 216 (New York, United States), 301 (Landauer), 302 (Ran- dall). Court yards. 227 (Gauthier). Contour, G. (wrongly entered as Contour). 14 (Ulin). Covadonga, Spain. 201 (Monu- mentos), 240 (Sarcofago). Coverings. Fireproof. 3S8 (British). Cracow, Austria. 90 (Lauterbach), 117 (Lepszy, Lossnitzer), 196 (Lepszy), 269 (Essenwein). Cathedral. 117 (L?towski). Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson. 479 (Schuyler). Cramlington, England, Chapel. 286 (Richardson, M. A.). Cranes. 346 (Du Bois). Craven, England. 164 (Whitaker, T. D.). Crematories. 236 (Freeman), 2.^7 (Haupt), 238 (Michigan), 240 (Seine), 241 (Wettig). Crete. 48 (Burrows), 51 (Falk- ener), 52 (Gerola), 57 (Mos- so), 478 (Reber). Criticism. See Architectural critic- ism. Crosraguel Abbey, Ayrshire, Scot- land. 173 (Morris). Crosses. 150 (Blight), 152 (Cal- verley), 159 (Markham), 160 (Owen, E.), 161 (Pooley), 162 (Rimmer), 172 (Small), 236 (Cutts), 237 (Hagger, Kermode), 239 (Parker, Rob- inson), 288 (Seymour, W. W.), 291 (Tyack), 391 (Prang). See also Market crosses. Crotoy, Le, France. 268 (Deli- gnieres). Crowland Abbey. 155 (Farren), 281 (Moore, E.). Croxden, England. St. Mary, Ab- bey of. 279 (Lynam). Croyden, England. 149 (Ander- son). Saint John the Baptist. 258 (Anderson). Croyland Abbey, Lincolnshire. See Crowland Abbey. Crystal Palace, London. 55 (Jones), 61 (Scharf), 77 (Wy- att), 80 (Wyatt), 86 (Jones), 93 (Wyatt), 107 (Layard), 113 (Jones), 171 (Wyatt). SUBJECT INDEX 521 Cuba. 200 (Espana). Culverts. 455 (Tyrrell). Cumberland, England, 148 (Ly- sons), 163 (Taylor, M. W.). Cupboards. 402 (Roe). Curtains. 387 (Foussier), 389 (Prignot, Tuquet). Curtains. Fireproof. 358 (British). Curtea de Arges, Roumania. 207 (Jaffe). Curves. Vertical. 272 (Good- year), 328 (Mediaeval). Custom houses. 215 (Shaw), 216 (Young). Cutch, India. 103 (Burgess). Cuvillies, F.. the elder, 4 (Be- rard). Cuvillies, F., the younger. 4 (Be- rard). Cyzicus, Asia Minor. See Kapu Dagh, Asia Minor, Cyclopean walls. 57 (Middleton, J, I.), 176 (Dodwell). Cyprus. 74 (Rey), 81 (Enlart), 99 (Cesnola), 100 (Hogarth, I'Anson), 109 (Rey), D. Dadoes. 1^3 (Howard), Dale, England. 164 (Ward). Dalmatia. 62 (Spon), 116 (Gayet, Jackson), 206 (Eitelberger von Edelberg), 207 (Hartle- ben, Ivekovic, Kowalczyk, Monneret de Villard, Wilkin- son). See also Spalato. Damascus. Mosque of the Omei- yades. 87 (Spiers), Dammarie-lSs-Lys, France. Notre Dame du Lys, Abbaye de, 374 (Ganneron). Danvers, Mass. State Hospital. 219 (Bradlee), 221 (Massa- chusetts), Danzig, Germany, 139 (Grise- bach), 140 (Keller), 141 (Lindner), 144 (Schultz), 146 (Westpreussischer), 272 (Gurlitt), Dardel. R, 6 (Charvet), Darlington, England. 158 (Long- staffe). Dauphine, France. 76 (Taylor), Deaf and dumb schools, 220 (Hen- rici). Debrosse family, 8 (Guiffrey). Decoration, 16 (Rouaix, Schulze), 30 (Album pratique), 33 (Art and decoration), 34 (Art or- nemental, Art pour tous, Art- Workman, Art Workmanship, Arte italiana. Arts and deco- ration, Arts decoratifs pra- tiques), 36 (Connoisseur), 7,7 (Decoration, Decorator and Furnisher, Dekorative Vor- bilder. Designer, Deutsche Kunst, Furniture and Decora- tion), 38 (Furniture Gazette, Gewerbehalle, Home Decora- tion, Home Decorator, Il- lustrated Magazine), 39 (Jour- nal manuel), 40 (Materiaux et documents d'architecture, Ma- teriaux et documents d'art es- pagnol, Musees royaux des arts), 41 (Ongania, Porte- feuille, Praktisches, Skizzen- Buch), 42 (Revue des arts decoratifs), 44 (Workshop, Year's Art), 369-386. Deerhurst, England, 83 (Butter- worth), 159 (Masse). Defects, Structural. 344 (Stock), 345 (Blagrove), Deir-el-Bahari, Egypt. 113 (Mari- ette), 114 (Naville), Deir el Gebrawi, Egypt. iii (Davies), Delhi, India. 422. Delia Quercia, J. 176 (Cornelius), Delorme. P. 5 (Blomfield), 6 (Charvet, Clouzot), 11 (Pas- seron), 14 (Vachon), 221 (Toilet). Delos, Island of. 50 (Courby), 51 (£cole frangaise d'Athenes), 54 (Holleaux, Homolle). Delphi, Greece. 51 (ficole frangaise d' Athenes), 478 (Ponitow). Athena Pronaia, Temple of. 54 (Homolle). Denbighshire, Wales. 165 (Wil- liams, R. L.). Denderah, Egypt, 113 (Mariette). Denver, Colorado. 428 (Denver), 433. Derbyshire, England. 148 (Ly- sons), 153 (Cox), 155 (Firth), 157 (Hutton). Haddon Hall, 161 (Rayner), Detroit, Michigan, 459. Saint Andrew's Memorial Church. 217 (Davies), Devonshire, England. 44 (Western Antiquary), 148 (Lysons), 151 (Britton), 152 (Chud- leigh), 159 (Moore, T.), 161 (Polwhele), 240 (Rogers), 283 (Oliver), 289 (Stabb), 404 (Ellacombe), Dewsbury, England. 164 (Whit- aker, T, D.). Dharwar, India. 103 (Architec- ture). Diarbekir, Asiatic Turkey, 66 (Berchem), 260 (Baumstark), Dictionaries. 15-17. Didymi, Greece. 60 (Pontremoli), 61 (Sartiaux). Apollo, Temple of. 60 (Rayet). Diessen, Germany. 94 (Aufleger), Dijon, France. 95 (Deshairs), 298 (Darcy). Chateau. 131 (Suisse). Saint-Benigne Cathedral. 121 (Chomton). Dilapidations. 415 (Fletcher). Dinant, Belgium. Notre Dame. 277 (Le Grand de Reulandt). Directories and Yearbooks. 421. Dispensaries. 221 (Oppert), Distilleries, 224 (Geul). District of Columbia, 427 (United States), Dithmarschen, Germany. 478 (Leh- mann). Docks. See Ports and Waterfronts, Dockyards, 445 (Barry), Dol Cathedral. 124 (Gautier), Dolci, G. de'. 10 (Muentz). Domes, towers and windmills. 332, 333- Domestic architecture. 242—249. Donatello. 4 (Baxter), 6 (Caval- lucci, Cruttwell), 7 (Fech- heimer), 9 (Lindsay), 10 (Meyer, Muentz), 12 (Schu- bring), 392 (Bode). Door handles. 403 (Bruening). Doors. Fireproof. 356 (British), 357 (British). See also Gates, Dorchester, England, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Abbey Church of, 149 (Addington). Dorchester, Mass. All Saints' Church. 214 (Dorchester). Doric architecture. 45 (Aikin), 47 (Borrmann), 49 (Clarke), 50 (Doerpfeld), 51 (Fenger), 478 (Reber). Dorsetshire, England, 157 (Hutch- ins). Dover, N. J. 480 (Comey), Drainace. See Sewerage, Draperies. See Carpets. Dresden, Germany. 137 (Doenges), 138 (Dresdener), 140 (Koenig- licher), 145 (Schumann, Semper), 378 (Kumsch), 430 (Woodhead, Wuttke). Koenigliches Schloss. 392 (Droysen). Drome, Department, France. 84 (Nodet), 125 (Jouve). Dublin, Ireland. 67 (Chart), 171 (Emerald, Gerard, Malton), 172 (Warburton). Christ Church. 172 (Street). Saint Patrick's Cathedral. 171 (Bernard, Mason) . Dubuque, Iowa. 433. D u e r e n, Germany. 139 (Hart- mann). Duesseldorf, Germany. 429 (Hege- mann, Kongress). Akademie fiir praktische Medi- zin. 220 (Greve). Allgemeine Krankenanstalten. 220 (Greve). Dundee, Scotland. 172 (Lamb). Dunfermline, Scotland. 433. Dunstanburgh Castle, England. 227 (Dunstanburgh), Dunster, England. 156 (Hancock). Durand, J. N. L. 12 (Rondelet). Durham, England. 70 (Hodges, C, C), 73 (Perry), 150 (Bil- hnus), 155 (Fordyce), 157 (Hutchinson), 159 (Macken- zie), 160 (Ornsby), 163 (Sur- tees), 477 (Hodgkin). Cathedral. 83 (Fowler), 152 (Bygate, Carter), 156 (Green- well). Durobrivae, England, 407 (Artis), Earth closets. 367 (Moule's), 368 (Waring). Earth houses. no (Frobenius). East, The. 99-102. Ebrach, Germany. Klosterkirche. 140 (Jaeger). Ecclesiastical architecture and deco- ration. 258-294 476 (Bond), 478 (Pokrovski). Echternach, Luxembourg. Saint Willibrord, Basilique de. 195 (Namur). Ecouen, France. 411 (Magne). Eddystone lighthouse. 318 (Ed- wards, Smeaton). Edinburgh. Scotland. 172 (Cham- bers, R., Drummond, Edin- burgh, Gowans, Grant, Harri- son Home), 173 (Maitland, Masson, Stevenson, Views, Wood), 422, 476 (Bone). Saint Chiles. 172 (Chambers, W.), 173 (Lees), Educational buildings. 294-298, 476 (Chile). Effner, J. 139 (Hauttmann). Egypt. IS (Brodrick), 37 (Egypt. Service des antiquites), Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia, 110-115. Ehnasya, Egypt. 78 (Naville), 114 (Petrie). Eiffel Tower. 134 (Nansouty), 332 (Eiffel), i33 (Tissandier). Einhardus. 140 (Keane). Einsiedeln, Switzerland. Benedic- tine Abbey. 56 (Lanciani). El-Amarna, Egypt. See Tell el- Amarna, Egypt. El Amrah, Egypt. 113 (Maciver). El Paso, Texas. 453 (Robinson). Elatea. Athena Carnia, Temple of, 59 (Paris), Elberfeld, Germany. 451 (Engineer- ing). Elche, .Spain. 201 (Monumentos). Elevators, 342 (Baxter, Bolton, Cullmer), 476 (Bethmann), Elgin marbles. 48 (Burrow). Eliot, C. 7 (Eliot). Elizabethan architecture, 93 (Tip- ping), 152 (Charles), 156 (Gotch), 161 (Richardson, C. J.), 162 (Shaw, H.), 164 (Val- lance). Elura, India. 103 (Burgess). Ely, England. 152 (Cambridge), 154 (Farren), 164 (White), i6i (Willis). Cathedral. 150 (Bentham), 154 (Dickson, Ely), 163 (Stubbs, Sweeting), 271 (Freeman), 377 (James, M. R.). Emblems. 375 (Gerlach). Enamels. 410 (Champollion- Figeac). England and Wales. 149-165. Envil, England. 307 (Heeley). Ephesus. 54 (Heberdey, Hogarth), 58 (Ocsterreichisches), 67 (Sarteaux), 64 (Weber). 522 Ephesus. (Continued.) Diana. Temple of. 51 (Falken- t-r), 6s (Wood). Epidaurus. Temple of Aesculapius. 49 (Caton), S5 (Kabbadias), S6 (Lechat). Theatre of Polyclitus. 51 (Du- mon). Episcopal palaces. 134 (Mortet), 149 (Allen), 161 (Rait), 164 (Venables). Eretria, Greece. 46 (Archaeologi- cal Institute). Erfurt, Germany. 66 (Buchner), 272 (Gurlitt). Ermenonville, France. 306 (Gi- rardin). Escorial. 88 (Bermejo), 199 (Cal- vert), 203 (Puerta Vizcaino, Ouevedo), 204 (Santos), 478 ("Slayer). Essex County, England. 150 (Bar- rett). 151 (Buckler), 156 (Hadfield), 159 (Morant), 165 (Wright), 235 (Chancellor). Essex County, N. J. 459- Esslingen. Germany. 223 (Meyer). Estremadura, Spain. 200 (Espaiia). Etchmiadzin, Armenia. 79 (Strzy- gowski). Etex, A. 10 (Mangeant). Etna, Mount. 192 (Lorenzo). Eton College. 295 (Cust), 296 (Lyte), 298 (Stone), 394 (James). Etruria. 46 (Betham), 47 (Borr- mann), 50 (Dennis, Desver- gers), 51 (Durm), 53 (Gori, Gray), 57 (Martha), 63 (Tay- lor). 180 (Orioli), 234 (Bar- toli), 237 (Inghirami). Ettal, Baravia. 14s (Seidel). E u r e, Department, France. 84 (Normandie monumentale), 235 (Corde). Eversley, England. 308 (Kingsley). Evreux, Cathedral. 124 (France), 126 (Lebeurier, Lucas). 277 (Leroy-Beaulieu). Exeter, England. 149 (Baird). Cathedral. 149 (Addleshaw), 151 (Britton), 154 (Ed- monds), 155 (Freeman, P.), 165 (Worth). Exposition buildings. 421 (Mes- sel). Expositions and exhibitions. 421- 426. Fagades. 41 (Praktisches Skizzen- Buch), 95 (Fuchs, Gelis-Di- dot), 97 (Neubauten, Rueck- wardt), 98 (Wiener), 126 (Le- fevre-Pontalis), 138 (Gramm), 175 (Boito), 178 (Landi), 179 (Milan), 180 (Nardini Despotti Mospignotti, Onofri, P., C), 281 (Moro), 290 (Succinte). Factories. 224 (Tyrrell), 360 (Sum- ner. Thwaite, Wentworth), 363 (Clewell, Devey), 366 (Massachusetts), 439 (Mea- kin). Fairford, England. 410 (Joyce). Fala, Scotland. 172 (Hunter). Falaise, Chateau de. 130 (Rup- rich-Robert). Falcini, M. 10 (Maffei). Fall River, Mass. 441. Central Congregational Church. 415 (Fall River). Public Library. 315 (Fall River). Farm buildings. 249 (Abadie), 250 (Buchard, Carlier, Delforge), 251 (Engel, Farm buildings, Halsted, Harney), 252 (Hop- kins), 254 (Robinson), 255 (Sanders, Scott, United States), 256 (Universal), 339 (Howe), 354 (Atlas), 477 (Ekblaw). Farm houses. 153 (Davie), 160 (Ould), 250 (Cleaveland, Den- ton), 351 (Dodd), 252 (Le- SUBJECT INDEX Farm houses. (Continued.) land), 253 (Loudon), 254 (Picturesque, Roberts), 256 (Wilson). Fatchpur Sikri, India. 105 (Smith). Favieres, France. Saint Sulpice. 130 (Safin). Fences. 2t;6 (Vernon, Weale), 326 (Ewerbeck), 334 (Middleton). Ferrara, Italy. 174 (Agnelli), 180 (Noyes). Fcrro-concrete construction. 35 (Beton & Eisen), 36 (Con- crete-Cement Age). See also Concrete construction. Fez, Morocco. 86 (Gaillard). Fiesole, Mino di Giovanni da. 87 (Angeli). Fifeshire, Scotland. 173 (Walker). Filey, England. 161 (Poole). Finland. 196 (Blomstedt), 296 (Hintraeger). Fiorentino. A. 209 (Vermiglioli). Fire places. 333, 367 (Putnam). Fireproof construction. 356-360, 477 (Fitzpatrick, Freitag, Griswold), 478 (National). Flatbush, New York. 216 (Dit- mas). Flettner, P. 8 (Haupt). Floating docks. 446 (Forchheimer). Floors. Fireproof. 356 (British), 357 (British), 359 (Farrow). Floral design. 390, 391. Florence, Italy. 184, 185, 433. Bargello. 185 (Sangiorgi). Biblioteca Laurenziana. 185 , (Rossi). Biblioteca nazionale centrale. 184 (Chilovi). Campanile. 185 (Runge, Rus- kin), 265 (Cecchini), 269 (Durm), 284 (Poggi), 332 (Guasti), 333 (Vanni). Cathedral. i7S . (Boito), 184 (Beltrami, Berti, Guasti), 185 (Nelli), 281 (Moro), 284 (Poggi). Loggia dei Lanzi. 184 (Frey). Or San Michele. 290 (Surigny). Orti Oricellari. 184 (Baxter). Palazzo Vecchio. 227 (Gotti). Reale galleria di Firenze. 92 (Redtenbacher), 386 (Wyatt). San Donato, Palace of. 398 (Demidov.) San Giovanni. 185 (Nardini Despotti Mospignotti), 287 (Rosso), 334 (Ghiberti). San Lorenzo. 182 (Schmar- sow), 184 (Brockhaus), 185 (Moreni), 240 (Steinmann), 288 (Semrau). San Marco, Convent of. 184 (Marchese), San Trinita, Ponte. 185 (Vul- liamy). Santa Caterina dell' Antella. ^ 395 (Passerini). Santa Croce. 184 (Moise). Santa Maria del Fiore. Sec Cathedral. Santa Maria Novella. 184 (Brown). Santa Miniato al Monte. 395 (Passerini). Florida. 446 (Rhodes). Foggia, Province, Italy. 175 (Cag- gese), 416 (Sthamer). Foligno, Italy. 181 (Pulignani). Fontaine, P. F. L. 7 (Fouche). Fontainebleau, Chateau de. 125 (Jamin), 127 (Mieusement), 226 (C hampollion-Figeac, Denecourt), 230 (Pfnor). Fontenay, Abbaye de. 120 (Be- gule). Fonterombault Abbey. 120 (Bel- louard). Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire, England. 263 (Britton). Fonts. 262 (Bond), 269 (Enlart), 27s (King, T. H.), 277 (Le Grand de Reulandt), 280 (Millescamps), 289 (Stabb), 325 (Clarkson), 479 (Wall). Ford Abbey, Dorsetshire. 273 (Heath). Forest Hills Gardens, Forest Hills, L. I. 438 (Sage Foundation). Forez, France. 392 (Dechelette). Forfarshire, Scotland. 229 (Millar). Fort Wayne, Ind. 459. Forts. 47 (Bruton), 172 (West- ropp), 319 (VioUet-le-Duc), 431 (Luffmann). Foundations. See Masonry. Fountains. 298, 299. Fountains Abbey. 70 (Hodges, G.), 157 (Hope), 160 (Oxford, Parker, G.), 163 (Storer). Frames. 400 (Lessing). France. 1 19-132. France, La, steamship. 331 (Vail- lat). Franche-Comtc, Province, France. 76 (Taylor). Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany. 135 (Architekten), 136 (Bau- denkmaeler), 138 (Giesen- berg), 144 (Schmidt), 223 (Wolff), 295 (Frankfort), 313 (Berghoeffer), 315 (Ebrard), 447, 473 (Varrentrapp). Freiherrlich Carl von Roth- schild'schen oeffentliche Bi- bliothek, 313 (Berghoeffer). Thurn und Taxis, Palace. 142 (Luthmer). Frascati, Italy. 299 (Rossi). Freart de Chantelou, R. 6 (Char- don). Freart de Chantelou family. 6 (Chardon). Fredensborg, Denmark. 386 (Dal- matov). Freiburg, Baden. 136 (Badischer). Cathedral. 281 (Moriz-Eich- born). Freight houses. 320 (Dillenbeck). Frejus, France. 129 (Petit). Fres de Val, Monastery. 202 (Monumentos). Frescoes. 391-397. Fret-cutting. 412 (Bemrose, Den- ning, Hulme), 413 (Wil- liams). Friesland. 141 (Lasius). Fuehrich, J. 14 (Valentin). Fuerstenfeld, Germany. 94 (Auf- leger), Fumel, France, Chateau de Bona- guil. 126 (Lauzun). Furnaces. 366 (Johnston, Kit- tredge), 368 (Snow). Furness Abbey. 150 (Beck). Furniture. 37 (Furniture and Deco- ration), 38 (Furniture Ga- zette, Furniture Journal, Fur- niture Record, Home Decora- tor), 40 (Menuiserie ebeni- sterie), 397-403. Gables. 90 (Hunt), 117 (Kick), 138 (Gerlach), 146 (West- preussischer), 329 (Pugin). Gagini, A. 379 (Marzo). Gaillard, Chateau. 122 (Deville), 227 (Dieulafoy), Gaillon, Chateau de. 70 (Hessling), 122 (Deville). Galatia. 60 (Perrot). Galicia, Spain. 200 (Espafia), 203 (Murguia). Galleries. 151 (Bond), 227 (Gau- thier), 299, 300. Galloway, Scotland. 35 (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association), 173 (MacGib- bon). Gambler. Ohio. Kenyon College. 217 (Kenyon). Gandhara, India. See Pfeshiwar, India. Garabit, France. 455. Garages. 249 (American Architect), 250 (Comstock, W. P.), 251 (Gourlay). Garbage crematories. 466 (Ven- able). Garda, Lake. 183 (Solitro). SUBJECT INDEX 523 Garden cities. 438. Garden furniture. 254 (Ricauti), 255 (Sloan), 256 (Yorke), 305 (Davison), 312 (Thonger), 400 ( Kaiserlich-koenigliche). Gardens. Sec Landscape architec- ture ; Parks. Gargano, Italy. 174 (Beltramelli). Garnier, J. L. C. 245 (Jourdain). Gas fitting. 366 (Lawler), 367 (Plumbing, Schmitt), 406 (Young). Gas heating. 294 (Behnke). Gas works. 223 ((Tolyer). Gascony. 125 (Lafforgue). Gates, doors and windows. 333-335- Gateshead, England. 151 (Boyle). Gatinais, France. 127 (Michel). Gaur, India. 105 (Ravenshaw). Gemona, Italy. 476 (Bragato). Geneva, Switzerland. 204 (Blavi- gnac). Saint Peter's Cathedral. 205 (Aiartin). Genoa, Italy. 89 (Gauthier), 92 (Reinhardt) 175 (Garden), 181 (Rubens), 183 (Suida), 184 (Hutton), 227 (Gauthier), 334 (Cesari), 393 (Grosso). Cathedral. 174 (Banchero). Georgia, Asia. 69 (Grimm). Germantown, Pa. 216 (Richards). Germany. 135-146. Ghent,^ Belgium. 194 (Hymans). Chateau des Espagnols. 195 (Notices). Saint Bavon, Monastery of. 194 (Lokeren), 195 (Notices). Ghiberti, L. 4 (Baxter), 11 (Per- kins). G h i s t e 1 1 e s, Belgium. 194 (Le Grand de Reulandt). Ghizeh, Egypt. 18 (Beckett), iii (Casey), 114 (Perring), 115 ( Petrie, Smyth, Vyse) . Gilding. 409 (Painter). Giotto. See Bondone, A. Girders. 342 (Birkmire), 345 (Atherton, Cargill), 346 (Graham, Johnson, F. R.), 347 (Marburg), 348 (Stoney), 349 (Young), 415 (Humber), 416 (Scott). Girgenti, Sicily. 49 (Cockerell), 192 (Rocco). Gittard, D. 13 (Taillandier). Giusto. 396 (Schlosser). Gjoelbaschi, mountain, Lycia. 46 (Eenndorf). Glasgow, Scotland. 173 (Pagan, Young), 433. Cathedral. 173 (Todd), 292 (Watson). University. 298 (University). Glastonbury Abbey. 159 (Marson), 165 (Willis). Glen Ridge, N. J. 433. Gloucester, England. 155 (Fos- brooke). 160 (Pooley). Cathedral. 151 (Britton), 152 (Carter), 158 (King), 159 (Masse), 163 (Spence), 164 ( Waller). Gloucestershire, England. 150 (Big- land), 151 (Britton), 154 (Ditchfield), 155 (Fosbrooke), 162 (Rudder), 236 (Davis), 305 (Ellacombe), 404 (Ella- combe). Gobelin tapestry. 387 (Gerspach, Havard), 388 (Nolhac). Goldbach, Baden. St. Sylvester- kapelle. 276 (Kraus). Goldsmiths' work. 403 (Broe- samer), 404 (King)*. Gonin, F. 369 (Amoretten). Gontier, Chateau de. 121 (Charles). Gonzaga family, s (Bertolotti). Gorkum, Netherlands. St. John's Church. 274 (Janssen). Gosforth, F^ngland. 239 (Parker). Goshen, Egypt, 114 (Naville). Goslar, Germany. 138 (Overland), 397 (Wisliccnus). Gosworth Parish, England. Gos- worth Chapel. 286 (Rich- ardson, M. A.). Gothic architecture. 80-83, 479 (.Street). Gottland. 74 (Roosval), 198 (Heales). Goujon, 1. 9 (Lister), 10 (Mon- taiglon), 131 (Stein). Government buildings. 300-303. Gozo, Malta. 191 (Badger). Grado, Austria. 116 (Jackson). Graining. 409 (Masury, Mathie- son, Sutherland). Granada, Spain. 199 (Calvert), 200 (Espana, Girault de Pran- gey), ■ 201 (Kuehnel), 203 (Oliver Hurtado, Recuerdos). Alhambra. 55 (Lagreze), 85 (Borrmann, Calvert), 86 (Gi- rault de Prangey, Jones), 202 (Monumentos), 203 (Oliver Hurtado). Grand, £. 6 (Charvet). Grand Rapids, Mich. 433. Grandson, Switzerland. 20s (Rahn). Granite. 38 (Granite, Marble & Bronze), 349 (Day), 350 (Harris). Great Britain. 147-149. Greece. 45 (Adams, Adamy, An- derson), 47 (Bluemner, Borr- mann, Boutmy, British Mu- seum, Brunn), 48 (Busch, Carelli), 49 (Chipiez, Choiseul- (jouffier, Choisy, Collignon, Comparetti, Conze), 50 (Cy- bulski. Diehl, Dodwell), 51 (Durm, Elson, Falke), 52 ((Gardner), 53 (Guhl, Gulick), 54 (Hirt, Hittorff, Hoppin), 55 (Koldewey), 56 (Laloux, Lange, Le Bas, Lebrun, Le- roux), 57 (Marchese, Mar- quand, Mauch, Murray), 58 (Normand, Oehmichen), 59 (Overbeck, Pausanias, Pen- rose, Perrot), 60 (Pervanoglu, Prang, Puchstein). 61 (Rein- hardt), 62 (Schoenborn, Schultz, Stackelberg, Stieg- litz), 63 (Stobart, Strack, Struck, Tarbell, Tsountas), 64 (Views, Wagner, Whibley, Wieseler, Wilkins), 65 (Wolff, Wolters), 198 (Meitzen), 222 (Casalius), 266 (Couchaud) 325 (Boetticher), 327 (Iva- nof). Greenhouses. See Conservatories. Greenland. 198 (Gaimard). Grilles. 331 (Topical architecture), 403 (Door), 404 (Fordrin). Grotesques. 378 (Klinger). Grottaferrata, Italy. 78 (Muiioz). Grottoes. Artificial. 304 (Bouil- let). Guadalajara, Spain. 202 (Monu- mentos). Guardi, A. 12 (Schubring). Guarrazar, Spain. 202 (Monu- mentos). Guatemala. 208 (Larenaudiere), 209 (Maudslay, Seler). Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa. 208 (Habel). Gubbio, Italy. 176 (Colasanti), 179 (McCracken). Guildford, England. Sutton Place. 156 (Harrison, F.). Guilds. 170 (Way), 376 (Hel- burn). Gujarat, India. See Guzerat, India. Guzerat, India. 103 (Burgess). Gymnasiums. 296 (Lang), 322 (Lindheimer). H. Haarlem, Netherlands. St. Bavo. 27s (Kellen). Hackney, London. Brooke House. 169 (Mann). Hadrianus, Publius MWus, Emperor of Rome. 10 (Lucas). Hagley, England. 307 (Heeley). Hague, The, Holland. 195 (Neu- bauten). Palace of Peace, 193 (Car- negie). Hainaut, Belgium. 193 (Dehais- ncs). Half-timbered houses. 139 (Hanft- mann), 136 (Habershon), 160 (Ould), 162 (Sanders), 252 (Jackson). Sec also Timber work. Halicarnassus. Mausoleum. 51 (Fergusson), 58 (Newton), 61 (Rcessler), 62 (Stevenson). Hall of Fame. See New York, City, University. Halls. 233 (Wagner), 321 (Bue- sing, Durm), 323 (Schmitt), 324 (Wagner), 32 s (Bohn- stedt), 329 (Pocock), 343 (Lachez). Halton Castle. 150 (Beaumont). Ham, England. 226 (Bell). Hambie, France. Monastery. 126 (Le Conte). Hamburg, Germany. 135 (Archi- tekten), 137 (Burmester), 138 (Fuchs), 142 (Neue), 296 (Lehmann), 301 (Hamburg), 447, 448. Saint KatharinenrKirche. 138 (Faulwasser). Hampshire, England. iS7i (Cox), 161 (Read), 165 (Woodward). Christ Church Priory. 263 (Brayley). Vyne, The. 152 (Chute). Hampstead, England. 97 (Ouen- nell), 438 ((warden Suburb), 439 (Bentley). Hampton Court. 157 (Hutton), 158 (Law). Handbooks. 413-417. Hangings. See Carpets. Hanover, Germany. 98 (Schoener- mark). Hansen, T. von. 11 (Niemann). Harbors. See Ports and water- fronts. Hardouin, J. See Mansart. Harrisburg, Pa. 216 (Caffin, Egle), 43''. 459- Hartford, Conn. 300 (Bryant, Con- necticut), 303 (Upjohn), 434, 463 (Ford), 469 (Municipal Art Society). Harvard College. See Cambridge, Mass. Hatfield, England. Hatfield House, 162 (Robinson, P, F.). Hatra, 106 (Andrae). Haute-Loire, Department, France. 393 (Giron). Haverhill, Mass. Public Library. 315 (Haverhill). Havre, France. 94 (Burn). Hawaii. 212 (Stevens, J. L.). Heidelberg. Germany. 90 (Haupt), 135 (Album), 141 (Koss- mann), 143 (Pfaff), 226 (Bed- ford), 227 (Esswein), 230 (Pfnor), 231 (Rosenberg). Heiligelinde, Germany. Wall- fahrtskirche. 145 (Ulbrich). Heilsbronn, Germany. 145 (Still- fried-Alcantara) . Heinsberg, Germany. 138 (Franck- Oberaspach). Hellerau, Germany. 438 (Garten- stadt). Heracleopolis Magna. See Ehnasya, Egypt. Herculaneum. 45 (Adams, An- tiquities), 46 (Barker, Barre), 47 (Boissier), 58 (Museo), 60 (Pistolesi), 61 (Roux), 63 (Ternite), 64 (Waldstein), 65 (Zahn). Hereford Cathedral. 151 (Britton), 155 (Fisher, A. H.), 157 (Hereford), 158 (King, Leigh). Herefordshire, England. 162 (Rob- inson, C. J.), 163 (Timmins). Hermannstadt, Hungary. 116 (Bruckner). 524 SUBJECT INDEX Hertfordshire, England. 152 (Clut- terbuck), 156 (Great Britain), 164 (Tompkins), 234 (An- drews), 405 (North). Cassiobury Park. 162 (Robin- son, P. F.). Herzegovina. 94 (Austria), 116 (Hintraeger). Hesse, Germany. 65 (Back), 139 (Hanftmann). Hexham Priory, Northumberland. 157 (Hodges), 28s (Raine). Hierapolis, Asia Minor. 61 (Sar- tiaux). Hildesheim, Germany. 85 (Zeller), 138 (Gerland), 139 (Heyer), 395 (Prell). Cathedral. 261 (Bock), 268 (Dibelius), 27s (King, T. H.), 478 (Marignan). Hill, Octavia. 444 (Hill). Hindustan. 104 (Daniell, Fergus- son, Langles). Hingham, Mass. 214 (Daughters). Hirschhorn am Neckar, Germany. Karmeliterkirche. 290 (Thomae). History of architecture. 17-30. Hofwyl, Switzerland. 205 (Faehn- lein). Hohenzollern, Germany. 294 (Zin- geler). Holbeach, England, 160 (Peet). Holderness, England. 165 (Wil- dridge). Holkham Hall, Norfolk, England. 226 (Brettingham). HoU, E. 4 (Baum), 479 (Schnei- der). Homestead, Pa. 441. Honolulu, Hawaii. 434. Hospitals. See Asylums, hospitals, etc. Hot water heating. 362 (Ameri- can, Baldwin, Bell, L. V.), 363 (Donaldson), 364 (Dye), 365 (Hood, Hot-water), 366 (Jones, King, Kittredge, Law- ler), 368 (Thompson). Hotels. See Club houses. House painting. See Painting, paper-hanging, etc. Household art. 33 (Art Amateur), 38 (Home Decoration, Home Decorator). Houses for working men. 257, 258. Housing. 438-440. Housing laws. 445, 480 (Redlich, Veiller). Housing problem. 440-443. Housing reform. 443-445. Hudson, New York. Library. 315 (Hudson). Hudson County, N. J. 459. Huelva, Spain. 200 (Esparia). Hull, England. 165 (Wildridge). HuUabid, Mysore. 105 (Oakley). Hunt, R. M. 7 (Ferree), 12 (Schuyler). Huntinecdonshire, England. 405 (Owen). Huy, Belgium. Notre Dame. 126 (Lavalleye). Hydraulics. 478 (Owen). Hypaethron. 49 (Clarke), 51 (Fer- gusson), 64 (West). Hypostyle buildings. 24 (Leroux). I. Ice houses. 223 (Corbett), 224 (Spillner). Iceland. 198 (Gaimard). Ile-Barbe, France. 396 (Savy). lie de France. 70 (Johnson, R. J.), 73 (Porter), 130 (Rose). Ile-Dieu, Abbaye de 1'. 238 (Le Breton). Illinois, University of. 217 (Uni- versity), 419 (Kimball). Imitation. 21 (Foucart). Imola, Italy. 180 (Orsini). India. ^9 (Journal of Indian Art), 103-106. Indians. 217 (Cotton). Infirmaries. 221 (Oppert). Inns. i6i (Rendle), 170 (Shelley). Insane asylums. 219 (Behnke, Bell, Bradlee), 220 (Funk, Illinois), 221 (Kirkbride, Letchworth, Massachusetts), 222 (Gerhard). Institut de France. Academic des beaux-arts. 419 (Chesneau, Dilke). Intarsia work. See Mosaics. Wood. lona, Scotland. 236 (Drummond). Cathedral. 172 (Buckler). Ionia. 62 (Society of Dilettanti). Ionic architecture. 60 (Rayet), 478 (Reber). Ipswich, England. 163 (Taylor, J. E.). Ipswich, Mass. 256 (Waters). Whipple House. 213 (Baxter). Ireland. 171, 172. Iron construction. 223 (Boileau), 335 (Barlow, Campin, Demp- sey), 336 (Matheson, Ritter, Tarn, Timmins, Unwin, Wal- misley), 341 (Adams, Bark- hausen), 342 (Birkmire, Brandt, Burn, Denfer), 343 (Des Biars, Heinzerling), 344 (Wanderley), 345 (Warren, Cordier, Cornu, Cornut), 347 (Resal), 348 (Shields), 349 (Architectural), 351 (Mehr- tens, Meyer, Pole), 416 (Rob- erts. Stroebel), 454 (Moeh- rmg). Iron work. See Metal work. Isauria, Asia Minor. See Cilicia Trachea, Asia Minor. Iseure-les-Moulins, Izeure. 122 (Curzon). Islay, Island. 237 (Graham). Isle of Man. 237 (Kermode), 374 (French). St, German's Cathedral. 273 (Harrison, W.). Isle of Wight. 152 (Clinch), 153 (Cox). Islington, London. 168 (Crom- well). St. Mary. 169 (Nelson). Issoudun, France. Notre Dame, Abbaye d'. 130 (Royet). Istria. 116 (Gayet, Jackson). Italian gardens. 305 (Eden, Elgood), 306 (European, Forbes), 308 (Le Blond), 309 (Meason), 310 (Phillipps, Pindemonte, Piatt, Pray), 311 (Rossi, San- drart), 312 (Triggs, Tucker- mann), 313 (Wharton). Italy. 173-184. Ithaca. 62 (Schliemann, Schuch- hardt). Ulysses, Palace of. 56 (Lucas), Jacobean architecture. 93 (Tip- ping), 156 (Gotch), 401 (Malim). Jamestown, N. Y. 459. Japan. 39 (Japanischer Formen- schatz, Japon artistique). See also China and Japan. Japanese gardens. 304 (Conder), 306 (European), 312 (Taylor). Jaulan, Syria. ' 109 (Schumacher). Jaunpur, India. 104 (Fuehrer). Java. 105 (Raffles, Scheltema). Boro Boudur, Temple of, 105 (Leemans). Jefferson, T. 296 (Lambeth). Jericho, Palestine. 108 (Gellin, misprint for Sellin). Jersey City, N. J. 432 (Goodrich), 441. Jerusalem. 65 (Amico), 76 (Ville- neuve-Bargemont), 107 (Al- bouy, Amico, Bernard, Be- sant), 108 (Fergusson, Great Britain, Guerin, Pierotti), 109 (Sepp, Warren, Wilson). Aksa, Mosque of. 79 (Sepp). Dome of the Rock. See Omar, Mosque of. Felsenkuppel. See Omar, Mosque 01. Jerusalem, (Continued.) Holy Sepulchre Church of the. 78 (Heisenberg), 79 (Unger), 109 (Williams). Omar, Mosque of. 79 (Sepp), 477 (Dalman). Temples. 107 (Albouy, Baehr, Butler, C. A., Caldecott, Ca- nina, Chipiez), 108 (Fergus- son, Friedrich, Guerin, Pail- loux, Paine, Prado), 109 (Prestel, Robins, Vogue, Wolff), 237 (Knight), 288 (Schmidt), Jeypore. 105 (Jacob), 376 (Hend- ley), 387 (Hendley). Joinery. 44 (Travaux simples de menuiserie). See also Car- pentry and joinery. Jokjokarta, Java. 105 (Ijzerman). Jones, Sir E. Burne. 385 (Val- lance), Jones, I. 7 (Cunningham), 9 (Lof- tie), 13 (Triggs), 29 (Ware). Jupiter Ammon, Temple of. See Libyan Desert. Jutland. 198 (Marryat). Juziers, France. 126 (Lefevre- Pontalis). K. Kaladgi, India. 103 (Burgess). Kalah Shergat, Turkey in Asia. Anu-Adad Temple. 106 (An- drae). Kanchipuram, India. See Conjee- veram, India. Kankakee, Illinois. 220 (Illinois). Kansas City, Mo. Public Library. 315 (Kansas). Kappel, Switzerland. 204 (Bul- linger), 205 (Escher), 206 (Voegelin). Kapu Dagh, Asia Minor. 53 (Has- luck). Kara Dagh, European Turkey. 207 (Ramsay). Karanog, Nubia. 115 (Woolley). Karlsruhe, Germany. 144 (Rott), 241 (Wiedemann), 434. Karnac, Egypt. 114 (Naville). Kathiawad, India. 103 (Burgess). Kemp, G. M. 5 (Bonnar). Kensington, England. 169 (Loftie). Kent, England. 152 (Clinch), 153 (Davie), 155 (Glynne), 156 (Hasted), 157 (Hussey), 406 (Stahlschmidt). Kettering, England. 150 (Bil- lings). Kew, England. 226 (Bell). Kherson, Russia. 206 (Ainalov). Khiva. 10 1 (Olufsen). Khooz-istan. 106 (Dieulafoy), 107 (Loftus). Khotan. 103 (Stein). Kiev, Russia, 196 (Baye). Kilkenny, Ireland. Saint Canice. See next entry. Cathedral. 171 (Graves). Kincardineshire, Scotland. 332 (Eeles). Kineton, England. Compton Wyn- yates. 476 (Compton). Kings Countv, New York. 216 (Ditmas). Kirkstall Abbey, Leeds. 157 (His- torical, Hope), 275 (Kirk- stall). Kirkwall, Orkney Islands. Saint Magnus. 268 (Dryden). Kitchens, 246 (Parloa), Kloten, Switzerland. 55 (Keller). Knobelsdorff, H. G. W., Freiherr von. 9 (Knobelsdorff). Knockers. 403 (Bruening), 404 (Gravembroch). Koati, Island. 208 (Bandelier). Koenigsberg, Germany. Tragheimer Kirche. 279 (Machmar). Koordistan. 259 (Bachmann). Kraftshof, Germany. Saint Georgen- kirche. 144 (Schulz), Krupp, F., firm of, Essen, Ger- many. 4^9 (Kley). Kukus, Bohemia. 117 (Pazaurek). SUBJECT INDEX 525 Kusejr 'amra. Castle of. loS (Musil). Kyburg, Switzerland. 230 (Pupi- kofer). L. La Rochefoucauld, Chateau de. 399 (Fleury). La Rochelle, France. 125 (Jour- dan). La T e r n e, Chateau de. 399 (Fleury). Laach, Germany. Abteikirche. 84 (Huppertz). Labna, Yucatan. 335 (Thompson). Laboratories. 295 (Chandler), 296 (Kofoid), 297 (Schmitt), 301 (Girard). Lacquer. 408 (Brannt). Lalibala, Abyssinia. 115 (Raffray). Lambourn, England. Saint Michael and All Angels. 155 (Foot- man*. Lamour, y 403 (Cournault). Lamps. Fireproof. 358 (British). Lancashire. England. 149 (Allen, Baines), 152 (Church bells' album), 156 ((^regson, Grin- don), 160 (Philips), 163 (Tay- lor. H.), 164 (Twycross). Land valuation and development. See Taxation. Landscape architecture and gardens. 37 (Floral Life), 38 (House cS: Garden), 40 (Landscape archi- tecture), 303-313, 479 (Stuart). See also Italian gardens; Japanese gardens ; Parks; Rock gardens ; Wall gardens ; Water gardens ; Window gardening. Langeais, Chateau de. 128 (Notice). Langhans, C. G. 8 (Hinrichs). Languedoc, France. 76 (Taylor). Lanterns. 405 (Lueer). Lascelles, W. H. 440 (Shaw). Lassus, t. B. A. 14 (Wilbert). Lassy, France. 280 (Millescamps). Latium, Italy. 50 (Uelbrueck). Lattice work. 305 (Decker) 413 (Young). Laundries. 222 (Allsop, Cross), 301 (Genzmer). Lausanne, Switzerland. 204 (Bla- vignac), 205 (Ouradou). Cathedral. 411 (Rahn). Lavardin, France. £glise de. 130 (Rochambeau). Lavatories. 465 (Civic League, Ford). Lawrence, Mass. 441. La ye, France. St. Germain, Chateau de. 122 (Desforges). Leadwork. 336 (Perin-(3rados), 342 (Burn), 405 (Lethaby), 406 (Troup). Leau, Belgium, 89 (Goovaerts). Lecce, Italy. 175 (Briggs). Leclere, A. F. R. 9 (Lance). Lecterns. 284 (Photographs). Ledoux, C. N. s (C, J.). Leeds, England. 163 (Taylor, R. v.). 164 (Whitaker, T. D.), 301 (Leeds). Leeds Castle, Kent. 159 (Martin). Le Grand, J. G. 11 (Notice his- torique). Leicester, England. Wyggeston's Hospital. 220 (Cowie). Leicestershire, England. 40 (Leicestershire and Rutland Notes), 154 (Dryden), 160 (Nichols), 405 (North). Leipzig, Germany. 139 (Gropius), 141 (Kroker), 322 (Langhans), 1422, 443 (Hasse). Saechsische Landes-Univer- sitaet, 295 (Friedberg), 297 (Ostwald), 396 (vSchumann). St. Petrikirche. 271 (Gilbers). ndinara, Italy. Tempio della Beata Vergine. 175 (Catti). Le Nostre, A. 8 (Guiffrey). Leon, .Spain. 199 (Calvert), 200 (Espafia), 202 (Monumentos), 203 (Recuerdos). Lerida, Spain. 202 (Monumentos). Letarouilly, P. M. 9 (Lance). Letchworth. England. 438 (Letch- worth). Lettering. 371 (Book), 373 (Day), 379 (Lyons), 384 (Springer), 409 (Prang). Levant, The. 58 (Newton), 62 (Spon), 114 (Parthey), 178 (Longfellow). Levkosia, Cyprus. 100 (Ludwig Salvator). Lewes, England. 157 (Horsfield). Leyden, Holland. 195 (Nieris). Leyton, England. Great House. 168 (Gunn). Libraries. 313-317. Library fittings. 315 (Green, Li- brary Bureau). Libyan Desert. 70 (Kaufmann), 112 (Falls), 115 (Steindorff). Amnion, Temple of. 114 (Minu- toli). Lichfield Cathedral. 67 (Dalla- way), 150 (Bodington), 151 (Britton), 152 (Clifton), 163 (Stone). Liege, Belgium. 38 (Institut archeologique liegeois), 67 (Delsaux), 194 (Gurlitt, Hel- big), 422. Saint Jacques. 193 (Delsaux). Saint Lambert, cathedrale de. 195 (Steen de Jehay). Light and air. 468. Lighthouses. 317, 318. Lightning conductors. 356 (Ander- son). Liguria, Italy. 233 (Alizeri). Lille, Universite de. 195 (Univer- site). Lima, Peru. 208 (Fuentes). Lime. 349 ( Biston, Burnell, Chand- ler, F. W.), 350 (Dibdin, Du- quesnay, Eckel, Gillmore, John), 361 (Grange). Limestone. 349 (Day). Limoges Cathedral. 477 (Fage). Lincoln, England. 162 (Royal, Sharpe), 405 (North). Cathedral. 152 (Buckler), 158 (Kendrick), 278 (Lincoln Cathedral). Lincolnshire, England. 149 (Allen), 157 (Howlett), 163 (Symp- son), 405 (North). Lincrusta- Walton. 386 (Beck). Lindores Abbey. 172 (Aitken). Linoleum, 388 (Nairn). Lisbon, Portugal. 477 (Haupt). Lisieux Cathedral. 123 (Farolet). Lithuania. 196 (Baye). Little Maplestead, England. 164 (Wallen). Little Rock, Ark. 429 (American Society). Liverpool, England. 441, 448. Castle. 156 (Hand). Livonia, Rus.sia. 196 (Guleke), 197 (*Plates, Schiemann). Livorno, Italy. 480 (Guarnieri). Llandaff Cathedral. 155 (Freeman, E. A.), 165 (Willmott), 281 (Murray). Locarno, Switzerland. 206 (Rahn). Loches, Indre-et-Loire. 237 (Grand- maison). Chateau. 123 (Espinay). Lockport, N. Y. Grace Church. 410 (Faber). Locks. 406 (Walther). Locks Canal. 446 (Rappold). Lodges. 249 (Birch), 2.S1 (Gour- lay), 252 (Hunt), 254 (Rich- ardson, Robinson), 256 (Weale, Young). Lodging houses. 233 (Schmitt), 440 (Wolfe), 441 (Sanborn), 471 (Model). Lodi, Italy. 182 (Sant' Ambrogio). Log cabins. 252 (Kemp), 256 (Wicks). Logroiio, Spain. 200 (Espafia). Loiret, Department, France. 124 (Huct). Lombardy. 26 (Rivoira), 68 (Fumi- galli), 72 (Meyer), 73 (Osten, Porter), 77 (Dartein), 83 (Clericetti), 91 (Meyer, Para- vicini), 174 (Bianchi), 178 (Hutton), 260 (Beltrami), 261 (Beltrami). London, England. 167-17 1, 422, 4-23, 434, 442, 445 (Stead- man, Sanitary Laws), 448, 449 (Great Britain), 450 (Rea), 453 (Cawston, Ed- wards, Eno), 459, 464, 464 (Holmes), 465 (Jephson), 474 ((jreat Britain), 475 (Flet- cher), 476 (Clapham). Aldwych. 168 (Gordon). Apsley House. 227 (Ford). Bishopsgate. 168 (Cox). Buckingham Palace. 393 (Ou- ner). ' C r e m o r n e G a r d ens. 313 (Wroth). Drury Lane Theatre. 324 (Wyatt). (luildhall. 170 (Price), 300 (Baddeley), 302 (Nichols). Hertford House. Wallace Col- ilecUion. 397 (Baldry), 401 (Molinier). High Court of Chancery. 169 (Loftie). Inns of Court. 168 (Headlam), 169 (Loftie). Institute of Chartered Account- ants. 233 (Belcher). Kingsway. 168 (Gordon). Lambeth. 149 (Allen), 163 (Tanswell). Lambeth Palace. 149 (Allen), 226 (Cave-Browne). Ludgate Hill. 170 (Treloar). Parliament Houses. 167 (Bray- ley), 168 (Harrington), 170 (Westminster), 171 (West- minster), 301 (Hunt), 37.S (Great Britain), 388 (Pine). Reform Club. 233 (Fagan). Saint Bartholomew's. 171 (Wor- ley). Saint Clement Danes Parish, Westrninster. 168 (Diprose). .Saint Giles in the Fields. 442 (London). Saint (liles without Cripple- gate. 259 (Baddeley). Saint Helen's, Bishopsgate. 168 (Cox). Saint Katharine, Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of. 154 (Ducarel), 169 (Nichols). Saint Mary Overic. See Saint Saviour's. Saint Mary Stratford Bow. 169 (Hills). Saint Paul's Cathedral. 160 (Newbolt), 167 (Benham), i68 (Clinch, Cummings, Dimock, Dugdale), 169 (Longman, Mil- man, Oldfield), 170 (Saint, .Sinclair). .Saint Saviour's. 154 (Doll- man), 170 (Taylor), 171 (Wor- ley), 291 (Thompson). .Saint Stephen's Chapel. 169 (Mackenzie), 170 (Topham). Savoy, The. 169 (Loftie). Somerset House. 169 (Need- ham). South Kensingtqn Museum. 153 (Conway), 377 (Jones), 381 (Pollen), 396 (South Kensing- ton), 398 (Benn), 401 (Pol- len). Temple Church. 167 (Addison, Billings), 171 (Worley), 239 (Richardson), 289 (Smirke). Tower. 167 (Baylcy), 168 (Gower). Travellers' Club. 233 (Barry). Trinity Hospital. 167 (Ashbee). University (Tollege. 170 (Perry), 374 (Flaxman). Victoria and Albert Museum. 5"^^ South Kensington Mu- seum. 526 SUBJECT INDEX London. (Continued.) Westminster, 167 (Clarke, C), 169 (Paul), 170 (Robinson, Smith, J. T., Stow, Trout- beck). Westminster Abbey. 153 (Cot- tingham), 154 (Farrar), 163 (Stanley), 167 (Brayley, Clarke, H. G.), 168 (Cole, Combe, Crull, Dart, Feasey, Harrington, Hiatt), 169 (Hunt, Lethaby, Loftie, Mor- ris), 170 (Scott, Westminster), 238 (Moule), 261 (Birchen- oiasrh), 262 (Bond). Westminster Cathedral. 170 (Westminster). Westminster Hall. 168 (Cot- tingham). Westminster Palace. See Par- liament Houses. Whitehall Palace. 169 (Loftie). Long Melford, England Holy Trinity Church. 153 (Con- der). Longwood, Mass. 213 (Channing). L'Orme, P. de. See Delorme, P. Lorraine. 124 (Here), 135 (Archi- tekten), 142 (Menard). Los Angeles, California. 218 (Los Angeles, Menken), 434, 463. Louis, L. N. 10 (Marionneau). Louis, V. See Louis, L. N. Louisville, Kentucky. Public Li- brary. 3 IS, 463. Louvain, Belgium. 193 (Everaerts). Lowestoft, England 160 (Nail). Lucca, Italy. 181 (Ross). San Martino, Cathedral. 182 (Schmarsow). Lucerne, Switzerland. 205 (Kes- ser). Ludlow, Vermont. Fletcher Me- morial Library, 315. Luebeck, Germany. 138 (Grautoff), 142 (Metzger, Noehring). Cathedral. 271 (Gsedertz), Luini, B. 15 (Williamson), 265 (Clausse), 392 (Beltrami). Luton, England. Luton Park. 162 (Shaw, H.). Luxor, Egypt. 113 (Lebas). Temple. 112 (Gayet). Lycia. 46 (Benndorf), 51 (Fel- lows), 59 (Perrot), 60 (Peter- sen). Lydia, Asia Minor. 59 (Perrot), 102 (Steuart). Lynn Regis, England. 88 (Beloe). Lyons, France. 76 (Tournier), 120 (Bleton), 272 (Gurlitt), 301 (Desjardins), 386 (Arm- bruster), 409 (Begule). Cathedral. 82 (Savy), 121 (Charvet), 128 (Niepce), 260 (Begule). Palais du commerce. 122 (Dar- del). Societe academique d'architec- ture de Lyon. 420 (Charvet). M. Macedonia. 54 (Heuzey). McKim, C. F. 6 (Cortissoz), 477 (Granger). McKim, Mead & White. 13 (Stur- RJs). Macon, France. 85 (Virey), 126 (Lex). Madaillan, Chateau de. 131 (Tho- lin). Madeira. 305 (Du Cane). Maden Sheher, European Turkey. 207 (Ramsay). Madison, Wisconsin. 317 (State), 416 (Peabody, State), 417 (Tough), 4^4, 460. Madras Presidency, India. 103 (Burgess), 105 (Rea). Madrid, bpain. 199 (Calvert, Chau- derlot), 204 (Williams), 394 (La Rada y Delgado). Latina, Hospital de la. 202 (Monumentos). San Andr6s. 202 (Monu- mentois). Madrid. (Continued.) San Antonio de la Florida. 394 (La Rada y Delgado). San Isidro el Real. 202 (Monu- mentos). Teatro Moratin. 199 (Chauder- lot). Magdeburg, Germany. 68 (Flott- well), 298 (Hasselbach-Brun- nen), 359 (Magdeburg). Cathedral. 266 (Clemens, J. F.). Magliana, La. 393 (Gruyer). Magne, L. 11 (Musees royaux des arts). Magne, M. 11 (Musees royaux des arts). Magnesia, Asia Minor. 478 (Per- gamus). Magnesia am Maeander, Asia Minor. 54 (Humann). Mahabodhi. 104 (Cunningham). Maidstone, England. All Saints' Church. 265 (Cave-Browne). Maine. 215 (Whitefield), 296 (Maine). Maine, Department, France. 124 (Freeman). Mainz, Germany. 136 (Baum), 238 (Lessing). Cathedral. 83 (Emden), 84 (Quast), 142 (Meyer-Schwar- tau), 144 (Schneider). Kurfuerstliches Schloss. 479 (Schneider). Majorca, Island. 199 (Campaner y Fuertes), 203 (Recuerdos, S., P.). Malaga, Spain. 206 (Guillen Robles). Malmesbury Abbey. 160 (Perkins). Malpaga, Castle of. 68 (Fuma- galli), 396 (Romanino), 479 (Reventlow). Malta. See Sicily and Malta. Maltby, England. Roche Abbey. 149 (Aveling), 165 (York- shire). Manche, Department, France. 84 (Normandie). Manchester, England. 47 (Bru- ton), 448. Cathedral. 153 (Crowther), 160 (Perkins), 164 (Ware). Chetham's Hospital. 160 (Per- kins), 164 (Ware). Chetham's Library. 160 (Per- kins). Manchester School. 164 (Ware), Melandra Castle. 153 (Conway, R. S.). Mandeville, G. de, Earl of Essex. 319 (Round). Manitoba. 434. Mannheim, Germany. 136 (Ba- discher), 448, 455. Mannington Parish, Norfolk, 253 (NeviU, Lady D. F.). Mans, Le. Cathedral. 121 (Char- don), 132 (Voisin), 269 (Es- paulart), 270 (Fleury), 410 (Hucher). Mansart, J. Hardouin-. 7 (Dohme). Mantua, Italv. 174 (Arco), Palazzo de Te. 175 (Bottani). Marble. 38 (Granite), 329 (Pri- gnot), 351 (Lee, PuUen), 371 (Blagrove), Marburg, Germany. Elisabetkirche. 273 (Haseloff). Margam Abbey, Glamorganshire, 150 (Birch), Marigny, France. Saint Pourgain. 121 (Clement). Market cross. 173 (Small). Market places, 193 (Brussels), 463 (Rappaport). Markets, 144 (Schilling), 224 (Friedmann, Osthoff), 479 (United States. Consul's re- ports). See also Cattle mar- kets. Marly-le-Roi, Chateau de. 124 (Guillaumot). Marmorarii, 476 (Boni). Marquetry, 412 (Bemrose, Den- ning, Jackson), 413 (Rhenius). 'Marseilles, France. 97 (Parrocel). Saint Victor, I'Abbaye. 276 (Kothen). Martellanee, £, 6 (Charvet), Martorana, Monastery. See Pa- lermo, Italy. Maryland. 216 (.Chandler, Seventy- two), 239 (Ridgely), Marzabotto, Italy. 53 (Gozzadini), Mashita Palace. 106 (Fergusson), 107 (Tristram). Masonry. 360-362, 477 (Hodgson). Massachusetts, 214 (Hale, E. E,), Halliday), 215 (Pettigrove, Whitefield), 296 (Lincoln), 297 (Moore), 313 (Bartlett), 31S (Nourse), 430 (Trustees). Mathura, India. See Muttra, India. Maulbronn. Cistercian Abbey. 143 (Paulus), 144 (Schmidt). Meaux Cathedral. 119 (Allou). Mechlin, Belgium. 292 (Weale, W. H. J.). Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 479 (Schlie). Mediaeval architecture. 15 (Brit- ton), 65-87. Medici family. 21 (Filarete). Medinet Abu, Egypt. 112 (Hoel- scher). Mediterranean Region. 63 (Stur- gis), 77 (Diehl). Megalopolis, Greece. 52 (Gardner). Meissen, Germany. Albrechtsburg. 382 (Rossmann). Mel as Cathedral. 130 (Saint- Andeol). Melbourne, England. Church. 153 (Deans). 'Melun, France. Notre-Dame. 125 (La Fortelle). Memling, H. 271 (Gsedertz). Memphis, Egypt. 86 (Migeon). Serapeum. 113 (Mariette), Memphis, Tenn. 455. Mergentheim, Germany. Hoch-und Deutschmeisterschloss. 228 (Klaiber). Merida, Spain. 202 (Monumentos). Meroe, Africa. 11 1 (Cailliaud), 112 (Garstang), Merly, England. 165 (Willett). Merseburg, Germany. 136 (Berg- ner). Merten, France. 60 (Prost). Mesland, France. 124 (Guignard). Mesnil Saint Denis, France. Notre Dame de la Roche, Abbey. 130 (Sauvageot). Mesopotamia. 63 (Tarbell), 86 (Langenegger), loi (Oppert, Preusser, Sarre). Deir-el-Za'aferan, Monastery. 108 (Parry). Messel, A. 4 (Behrendt). Messina. 178 (La Farina), 242 (Belknap). Cathedral. 192 (Morey). Metal work. 31 (American art in bronze), 39 (Journal de ser- rurerie), 40 (Metaux ouvres), 44 (Travaux simples de ser- rurerie), 403-406, 477 (Ffoulkes). Metapontum, Italy. 58 (Normand). Metopes. 61 (Sauer). iMetz, Germany. 53 (Grenier). Meulan, France. 126 (Lefevre- Pontalis). Meuse, Department, France. 22 (Helbig). 194 (Helbig). Mexico. 323 (Tiffany). See also Central and South America. National Theatre, 408 (Tif- fany). Michelangelo. See Buonarroti. Michigan. 296 (Mayhew). Mickleham, England. 162 (Robin- son, P. F.). Middlesex, England. 40 (London), IS9 (Lysons). Mid-Lothian, Scotland. 227 (Dick- son). Milan, Italy. 6 (Comitato), 68 (Fumigalli), 69 (Giulini), 88 (Clausse), 175 (Biondelli), 177 (Francogalii, Gosche), 178 SUBJECT INDEX 527 Milan. (Continued.) ( Italic, Landriani), 179 (L«J- renz, Malaguzzi Valeri, Mil- ano, Mongeri), 261 (Bel- trami), 323 (Piermarini), 392 (.Beltrami). 403 (Boeheim). Arch of Peace. 239 (Reina). Castle. 174 (Beltrami), 180 (Moretti), 226 (Beltrami). Cathedral. 91 (Meyer), 174 (Artaria), 175 (Boito), 177 (Franchetti, Geymueller), 179 (Milan). 180 (Nardini Des- potti Mospignotti, Nava, Neb- bia. P., C). Palazzo Marino. 230 (Para- vicini). Sant' Ambrogio, Basilica di. 176 (Dartein, Ferrario). Santa Maria delle (jrazie. 260 (Beltrami), 278 (Luini). Miletus, Asia Minor. 55 (Knack- fuss). 61 (Sartiaux). Military architecture. 318-320. Milizia, F. 18 (Antolini). Mills. 223 (Bennett), 224 (Ket- chum, Tyrrell), 360 (National Board), .363 (Devey). Milwaukee, Wis. 434. Mimizan, France. figlise de. 66 (Beaurain). Minneapolis, Minn. 460. Minnesota. 460. Minorca, 201 (I.mdwig Salvator). Misericords. 284 (Phipson), 412 (Bond). Mission furniture. 403 (Windsor). Missions. 217 (Carter), 218 (Hild- rup, Hudson, James, Old mis- sions, Smyth), 477 (Elder). Mistra, Greece. 78 (Millet). Mitla, Mexico. 209 (Saville, Seler). Moab. 107 (Tristram), 108 (Musil). Moated houses. 164 (Tristram). M o d e n a, Province, Italy. 72 (Maestri). Modern architecture. 93-99- Mobel-Ausstellung, Vienna, 1905. 426. ■Moissac Abbey. 259 (Angles). Molinos, — , architect. 11 (Notice historique). Monasteries. 68 (Dugdale), 71 (Lenoir), 72 (Monasticon Gal- licanum), 73 (Parkyns), 74 (Schlosser), 75 (Storer), 116 (Fuxhoffer), 121 (Clausse), 128 (Pennell), 130 (Rostan), 147 (Hearne), 148 (Moore, Schnebbelie), 157 (Hulbert), 159 (Monasticon), 161 (Rich- ardson, W.), 171 (Archdall), 173 (Morton), 260 (Bell), 266 (CJourajod), 286 (Rose), 289 (Spence). Mondovi, Italy. 176 (Danna). Monmouthshire, England. 153 (Coxe), 16s (Williams, D.). Mono-rail system. 451 (Engineer- ing). Monreale Cathedral. 85 (Serradi- falco), 192 (Gravina). Monroe, Fort, Va. Library. 317 (United States. 56th Con- gress). Mont Saint Michel. 122 (Corroyer), 124 (Gout), 126 (Lebreton, Le Hericher), 127 (Masse), 129 (Petitgrand, Pigeon), 130 (Socieite philotechnique), 261 (Besnard), 281 (Mont Saint Michel), 476 (Adams, H.). Montalcino, Italy. 174 (BargagH- Petrucci). Montauban Cathedral. 121 (Chaud- ruc de Crazannes). Montclair. N. J. 434. Montecchio Vesponi, Italy. 179 ( Mancini). Montefalco, Italy. 479 (Urbini), Montenegro. 70 (Jackson, T.), 208 (Wilkinson). Montepulciano, Italy. 174 (Bar- gagli-Petrucci). Montezuma Castle. .9^^ Arizona. Montf ort-l'Amaury, France. St. Pierre. 122 (Dion). Montmorency, France. 411 (Magne). Montpellier, France. 129 (Renou- vicr), 222 (Toilet). Montreal, Canada. 2x0 (Bosworth), 4.^4- Royal Victoria Hospital. 221 (Royal). Monuments. 21 (Gibbs), 40 (Monu- mental News), 106 (Kiash). Sec also Commemorative monuments. Monza, Ltaly. Palazzo communalc. 231 (Sacchi). Moravia. 118 (Prokop). Morgari, R. 369 (Amoretten). M o r g e s, Switzerland. Vufflens Castle. 226 (Burckhardt). Morgues. 302 (Schmitt). Morley, England. 162 (Smith, W.). Morris. W. 6 (Cazalis), 7 (Day). Mortar. See Cement and mortar. Morton, England. 161 (Price). Mortuaries. 220 (Freeman). Mosaics and tiles. 406-408. Mosaics. Wood. 412 (Beltrami, Caspar, Jackson), 413 (Rhe- nivis, Scherer). Moscow, Russia. 76 (Stroganof), 97 (Recueil), 196 (Acker- mann, Gerrare, Martinof), 197 (Zabel), 4.60. Kremlin. 68 (Fabricius). Petrovski Theatre. 196 (Cavos). Mosques. 85 (Berchem), 87 (Nizet), 197 (Russia), 259 (Bachmann). Mouldings, 82 (Paley), 105 (Jacob), 326 (Goeller), 329 (Paul), 330 (Sharpe), 336 (.Smith), 353 (Maginnis). Moulton, England. All Saints' Church. 155 (Foster, W. E.). Moutier-Rauseille, France. figlise collegiale. 121 (Cessac). Muelhausen, Germany. 439 (Penot), 473 (Societe), Muenster, Germany. 144 (Schmitz). Mukden, Manchuria. 103 (Mati- gnon). Munich, Germany. 65 (Wolters), 93 (Albert), 94 (Aufleger), 136 (Bayerische), 144 (Scha- den). 145 (Seidel, Seidl), 146 (Wadleigh, Weese), 228 (Haeutle), 238 (Lasser), 396 (Schnorr von Carolsfeld), 423, 434. Bayerisches National Museum, 397 (Bassermann-Jordan), 412 ( Hefner-Alteneck). Koenigliche Residenz. 94 (Auf- leger), 294 (Zettler), Mariahilf-Kirche. 410 (Eggert). Pinakothek. 392 (Cornelius). Municipal buildings. See Govern- ment buildings. Mural painting. See Frescoes. Murano, Italy. 191 (Urbani de Gheltof). Cathedral. 426 (Boito). Murcia, Province, Spain. 199 (Cal- vert). 200 (Espafia). Murthly, Scotland. Saint Anthony the Eremite, Chapel of. 172 (Graham). Museums. See Galleries. Muttra, India. 85 (Cole), 105 (Growse). Mycenae, Greece. 62 (Schliemann, Schuchhardt), 63 (Tsountas), 478 (Reber). Mysore, India. 103 (Architecture). Mytilene. 55 (Koldewey). N. Naga-ed-Der, Egypt. 115 (Reisner). Nancy, France. 69 (Grille de Beuze- lin), 119 (Badel), 404 (La- mour). Nantes, France. 455 (Perronet). Naples, Italy. 174 (Ajello), 177 (Ciiacomo), 178 (Kleinpaul), 181 (Rolfs), 182 (Scheffer), See also Posilippo. Catacombs. 178 (Torio), 182 (Schultze). Naples. (Continued.) Santa IVIaria dell' Anima. 183 (Toll), 189 (Schmidlin). Naples, Kingdom of. 192 (Haas, Saint-Non). Naqada, Egypt. 115 (Petrie). Narva, Russia. 196 (Loewis). Naumburg, Germany. 136 (Berg- ner). Navaho houses. 218 (Mindeleff, C). Navarre. 200 (Espaiia). Nazareth, Palestine. Annunciation, Church of the. 291 (Viaud). St. Joseph's Church. 291 (Viaud). Neandreia, Asia Minor. 49 (Clarke), 55 (Koldewey). Nebraska City, Neb, 455, Nepaul, India. lo.s (Oldfield). Nesle, France. 68 (Duhamel-Dece- jean). Netley Abbey. 156 (Guillaume). Netherlands. 193-196. Neuchatcl, Switzerland. 205 (Du- bois de Montperreux). Neuilly, France, 455 (Perronet), Neumann, B, 478 (Keller). Neuschwanstein Castle. 394 (Hof- mann). Nevers, l< ranee. Cathedral, 122 (Crosnier), 426 (Restaura- tion). Saint Etienne. 130 (Rouvot). New England, 213-216. New Hampshire. 215 (Whitefield). New Haven, Conn. 434. Yale College. 214 (Decrow, Kingsley), 295 (Four). New Jersey. See New York, Penn- sylvania, New Jersey. New London, Conn. 463. New Mexico. 217 (Frost, Hewett). New Orleans, La. 448. New York, City, 216 (Disosway, Equitable, Semsch, United States), 217 (Wilde), 222 (Gerhard), 223 (New York), 239 (New York), 244 (Hesselgren), 297 (New York), 3SO (Shinn), 420 (Ar- chitects'), 423, 430 (West Side), 434, 442, 443 (Gris- com), 444 (Improved dwel- lings), 445 (Riis, Roth, State Charities, Veiller), 448, 449, 450 (Merchants, Moore, Rob- inson), 451 (Chamber, Citi- zens' Union, Vandenburgh, Gilbert), 452 (American, Mor- decai). 453 (Hemstreet, Jen- kins, Kerfoot, Merchants', Post, Ulmann), 454 (City Club), 456, 460, 465 (City Club), Lederle), 466 (New England, Waring), 467 (Citi- zens' Union, Statement, War- ing), 469 ((lourlay, Municipal Art Society), 475 (Fryer, Veiller), Central Park, 334 (Hunf), 460 (New York), Cleopatra's Needle, 114 (Mol- denke). Columbia University. 295 (Four), 304 (Columbia), 420 (Ware), Court House. 216 (New York). Dewey Arch. 216 (Schenk). Equitable Building. 223 (Equit- able), Madison Square Theatre. 364 (Elliot). Public Library. 216 (American Architect), 416 (New York), 418 (New York). Riverside Drive. 480 (Brun- ner). St, John the Divine, Cathedral of. 282 (New York). Singer Building. 216 (Semsch). University. Hall of Fame. 216 (MacCracken). New York, State, Hospital. 221 (New York), New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, 216, 217. Newark, England. 154 (Dickinson). 528 SUBJECT INDEX Newark, N. J. 434. 449. Free Public Library. 315 (New- ark). Newburgh, N. Y. 442. Newburyport, Mass. 214 (Hale, A.). Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. 151 (Boyle), 159 (Mackenzie). St. Nicholas. 286 (Richardson, M. A.). Newport, R. I. 214 (Mason), 480 (Olmsted). Newstead Abbey. 149 (Ashpitel). Newton, Mass. Grace Church. 215 (Shinn). N i c a e a, Turkey. Assumption, Church of the. See Sleep of the Virgin, Church of the. Greek Church. See Sleep of the Virgin, Church of the. Koimesis Church. See Sleep of the Virgin, Church of the. Sleep of the Virgin, Church of the. 80 (Wulff). NUe Valley. 265 (Clarke, S.). Nimes, France. 57 (Menard), 59 (Pelet), 60 (Perrot), 62 (Seynes), 454 (Delon). Nineveh. 106 (Bonomi, Botta, Fergusson, Layard), 107 (Layard, Place), Norfolk County, England. 41 (Nor- folk;), 151 (Bryant), 158 (Kniq-hts), 162 (Rickman, Royal), 235 (Cotman), 405 (L'^Estrange). Normand, C. P. J. 11, 25 (Nor- mand). Normandy. 66 (Benoist), 70 (Knight), 73 (Porter), 76 (Taylor), 83 (Ducarel), 84 (Normandie, Pinder, Pugin, Ruprich-Robert), 92 (Robida), 124 (Freeman), 127 (Mely), 131 (Turner), 256 (Villas). North Easton, Mass. Langwater. 213 (Ames). Northamptonshire, England. 1^9 (Architectural, Baker, G.), 151 (Bradbury, Bridges), 155 (Gotch). 159 (Markham), 162 (Sharpe), 405 (North). Warmington Church. 152 (Caveler). Northumberland, England. 69 (Hartshorne), 150 (Bates), 157 (Hodgson), 162 (Royal). Northwestern Provinces and Oudh. 104 (Fuehrer), 105 (Smith). Norton Abbey. 150 (Beaumont). Norwich, England. 41 (Norfolk), 154 (Farren), 160 (Parker, J. H.), 162 (Royal), 165 (Wil- lins). Cathedral. 151 (Britton), 156 (Goulburn), 158 (Lefroy), i6i (Quennell), 271 (Freeman), 274 (James, M. R.). Norwich, Connecticut. 215 (Per- kins). Nottingham, England. 157 (Hine). Not tin "'ham shire, England. 154 (Dickinson). Novelli, G. P. 8 (Gallo). Novgorod. Russia. St. Sophia. 333 (Adelung). Noyon Cathedral. 129 (Ramee), 291 (Vitet). Nubia. 280 (Mileham). See also Egypt. Nuremberg, Germany. 69 (Head- lam), 73 (Mummenhoff), 74 (Ree. Schaefer), 75 (Schotte), 90 (Hirschvogelsaal), 93 (Al- bert), 117 (Lossnitzer), 137 (Cohn- Wiener, Dohme), 138 (Gebbie, Gerlach), 142 (May- er), 144 (Schulz), 145 (Uhde- Bemays), 241 (Vischer), 442. Germanische National-Museum. 299 (Hampe)j 300 (Steg- mann), 374 (Essenwein), 377 (Josephi). Nymphenberg, Germany. 94 (Auf- leger), 141 (Lambert), 145 (Streiter). Nymwegen. Netherlands. 195 (Olt- "Padua, Italy. 63 (Stratico), 180 mans). Nysa, Asia Minor. 477 (Diest). o. Oakland, Cal. 434, 461. Obelisks. 30 (Zoega), 45 (Ballin), 61 (Rossi), III (Cooper), 112 (Gorringe), 113 (Lebas, Ma- rucchi), 114 (Moldenke, Parker), 187 (Fontana, D.). Oberwinterthur, Switzerland. 395 (Rahn), Observatories. 298 (Spieker). Oceanica. 104 (Fuehrer). Office buildings. 217 (Freitag), 225 (Wiener), 342 (Birk- mire). Ogdensburg, N. Y. 434. Ohio. 431 (Southard). Oils. 408 (Cameron), 409 (Hurst). Okheidir, Asiatic Turkey. 207 (Reuther). _ ^, ^ Olympia, Greece. 45 (Adler), 47 (Boetticher). 50 (Curtius), 52 (Funde, Die). 56 (Laloux), 58 (Normand), 59 (Olympia), 63 (Treu). Omaha, Neb. 423, 456. Onias, Egypt. See TeU el Yahu- dijeh, Egypt. Ontario, Canada. 213 (Yeigh). Opera houses. 138 (Giesenberg), 147 (Schneider), 323 (Sachs). Orange, France. 48 (Caristie), 49 ( Chatelain) , . 6 1 ( Revoil) . Orbais, Abbaye d'. 123 (Du Bout). Orbe, Switzerland. 406 (Bursian). Orcia, Val d', Italy. 174 (Bargagli- Petrucci). Orissa, India. 105 (Hunter, Rajen- dralala Mitra). Orleans, France. 67 (Buzonniere). Grand seminaire. 275 (Jouin). Saint Euverte. 130 (Societe des Pretres). Universite. 120 (Boucher de Molandon). Orne, Department, France. 84 (Nor- mandie). Orvieto, Italy. 182 (Schillmann). Cathedral. 177 (Fumi), 180 (Orvieto), 183 (Valle), 240 (Sarcofago), 278 (Luzi). Ossola Valley, Italy. 176 (Errera). Ottobeuren, Germany. Kloster- kirche. 94 (Aufleger), Outdoor advertising. 470, 480 (Evans, National Society, New York). Overbeck, J. F. 14 (Valentin). Oviedo, Spain. 202 (Monumentos). Cathedral. 202 (Monumentos). San Juan. 202 (Monumentos). Santa Clara. 202 (Monumentos). Oxford, England. 154 (Evans), 162 (Royal), 274 (Ingram), 328 (Mackenzie), 477 (Davidson). See also Cambridge and Ox- ford. Bodleian Library. 314 (Bod- leian). Cathedral. 151 (Britton), 156 (Harrison, J. P.), 166 (Dear- mer). Radcliffe Library. 166 (Gibbs). Saint Mary the Virgin. 166 (Ffoulkes, Jackson). University. 295 (Combe), 298 (Vallance), 299 (Acland). Brasenose College. 165 (AU- frey). Magdalen College. 166 (Glasgow), Wadham Col- lege. 166 (Jackson). Win- chester College, 294 (Adams), 296 (Leach). Oxfordshire, England. 35 (Berks, Bucks & Oxon), 162 (Skel- ton), P. Pacher, M. 7 (Doering). Pacific Islands. See India. Packing houses. 225 (Wilder). a, Italy, 63 (Stratico), 180 (Moschetti), 183 (Volkmann), 238 (Lion), 391 (Arundel), 392 (Bode), 396 (Schlosser, Selvatico). San Antonio, 177 (Gonzati), Santa Maria dell' Arena 392 (Callcott). P a e s t u m. 45 (Academie), 46 (Aures), 55 (Labrouste), 57 (Major), 59 (Paoli). Pahr family. 8 (Hahr). Painting, paper-hanging, etc. 408, 409. Palaces. See Castles, Palatinate, Germany. 136 (Baudenk- male), 142 (Miller). Palencia, Spain. 200 (Espafia), Palenque, Mexico. 209 (Rio). Palermo. Sicily. 75 (Springer), 83 (Dehli), 192 (Diehl). Cathedral. 83 (Bartolo), 191 (Becker), 192 (Casano). Martorana, Monastery. 74 (Riolo). Palestine. 32 (American School of Oriental Study), 41 (Pales- tine), 44 (Zeitschrift des). See also Syria and Palestine. Palladio, A. 5 (Blomfield, Boito), 7 (Fletcher), 10 (Magrini), 11 (Napione di Cocconato), 12 (Scolari), 13 (Temanza), 22 (Heideloff), 46 (Antolini), 179 (Montenan), Palma, Balearic Islands. 201 (Lud- wig Salvator). Palmyra. 62 (Simonsen), 109 (Wood). Pamphylia. 56 (Lanckoronski- Brzezie). Pandino Castle, 182 (Sant' Am- brogio). Panellin«'. 329 (Pineau), 331 (Tan- ner). Paper-hanging. See Painting, paper- hanging, etc, Paphlagonia, Asia Minor. 99 (Hirschfeld). P a p h o s. Temple of Venus. 37 (Muenter). n Papier-mache. 371 (Bielefeld), Parenzo Cathedral. 78 (Neumann). Paris. 43 (Societe des amis), 132- 135, 423, 424, 435. 442, 449, 449 (Decombes), 451 (Chre- tien, Troske, Hervieu), 452 (Ariste, Bloch), 453 (Eno), t54 (Duplomb), 461, 464, 466 ; Baker), 469 (Escholier), 470 (Alphand, Chargueraud), 471 (Congres), 476 (Benoist). American Chapel. 258 (Ameri- can). Arc de triomphe de I'fitoile. 236 (Duchesne), 239 (Nor- mand). Beauharnais, Hotel de. 133 (Hotel). Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve. 316 (Paris). Bois de Boulogne. 123 (Du- chesne), 461 (Paris). Cathedral. See Notre Dame. Champs-£lysees, 452 (Ariste), Chatelet, Theatre du. 321 (Daly). Cluny, Hotel et Musee de. 68 (Du Sommerard), 134 (Nor- mand)^ 325 (Cluny), 402 (Ruprich). Conciergerie^ La. 135 (Sauvan), £cole militaire. 295 (Farcy). ficole nationale et speciale des beaux arts. 297 (Muentz), 419 (Giraud, Guedy, Herville, Lemaistre), 420 (Ruprich- Robert). Faubourg Saint-Honor^. 135 (Vacquier). Garde-Meubles. 401 (Musees). Halles centrales. 223 (Baltard), 224 (Seine). Hotel de ville. 134 (Paris, Prost), 135 (Vachon), 300 (Calliat), 395 (Paris). SUBJECT INDEX S29 Paris. . (Continued.) Hotel des Invalides. 134 (Niox), 220 (Dimier), 431 (Societe des amis). Louvre. Musee du. 401 (Mo- linier, Musees), 402 (Ru- prich). Louvre, Palais du. 132 (Baldus), [33 (Guedy), 225 (Architec- ture), 327 (Goujon), 333 572 (Champier). Luxembourg Palace. 392 (De- (Courajod), 372 (Champier) daux). Madeleine, La. 134 (Luthereau), 417 (France). Madrid, Chateau de. 123 (Du- chesne), Malmaison, Chateau de. 128 (Percier). Marais, Hotel du. 134 (JuUien). Marche St. Germain. 223 (Blondel). Ministere de la Marine. Build- in?. 135 (Vacquier). Notre Dame Cathedral. 132 (Bauchal), 133 (Gilbert, Hiatt), 134 (Lassus, Mortet), 291 (VioUet-le-Duc). Opera, L'. 133 (Garnier), 135 (Truinet), 323 (Noverre), 391 (Baudry). Palais Bourbon. 226 (Coutant). Palais de Justice. 135 (Sauvan), 290 (Stein). Palais du Senat. 327 (Grivaud de la Vincelle). Palais episcopal. 134 (Mortet). Palais Mazarin. 134 (Laborde). Palais Royal. 133 (Champier, Dupezard, Franklin), 323 (Plans). Pantheon. 278 (Lucas), 395 (Pendentifs). Rohan, Hotel de. 134 (Jouin). Sacre-Coeur a Montmarte. 278 (Lucas). Saint Ambroise. 132 (Ballu). Saint Andre des Arcs. 120 (Bouillet). Saint Denis, Abbey of. 236 (Fichat). Saint Eustache. 134 (Lavergne, Leroux de Lincy), Saint Ferdinand, Chapelle de. 135 (Sudre). St. Germain-des-Pres. 272 (Gruyer). Saint-Louis, Hopital de. 220 (Dogny). St. Pierre de Montrouge. 131 (Vaudremer). Saint Severin. 132 (B., E.). Saint Vincent de Paul. 275 (Jollivet). Sainte Chapelle. 133 (Calliat, Decloux, Desmaze, Guil- hermy), 134 (Lassus, Mo- rand), 135 (Sauvan, Seine), 270 (France), 290 (Stein). Sainte Trinite. 259 (Ballu). Temple de Paris. 133 (Cur- zon). Trocadero. 75 (Soldi), 331 (Trocadero),^ 374 (Enlart), 479 (Trocadero). Tuileries. 132 (Baldus), 225 (Architecture), 229 (Lefuel). Parish houses. 27^ (Hillebrand). Parks. 456-462. Parma, Italy. 179 (Lopez), 183 (Testi). Cathedral. 392 (Correggio). Parmegiano. 396 (Toschi). Parquetry. See Mosaics. Wood. Parsonages. 90 (Hunt), ps (Ent- wuerfe), 252 (Hemmmg), 262 (Bowler). Partitions. Fireproof. 358 (British). Pasadena, California. 218 (Men- ken). Passau, Germany. 144 (Schmid). Pau, (Chateau de. 125 (Lafollye). Pavia, Italy. 180 (Natali). Certosa, 174 (Beltrami), 179 (Manghi, Meyer), 180 (Na- tali, Noack), 260 (Beer). Pavia. (Continued.) Santa Maria del Popolo. 175 (Brambilla). Pavilions. 305 (Decker, Diesel), 312 (Views), 330 (Sauvage). Paving. See Street construction. Pawtucket, R. I. 463. Payerne, Abbey of. 205 (Rahn). Pekin, China. 103 (Tokio). Si-ling. 102 (Fonnsagrives). Ta-chiieh-sy, Temple of. 103 (Hildebrand). Pelasgi. s8 (Cara). Pelesch Castle. 206 (Falke). Pellegrini, Pellegrino. 477 (Hiersche). Peloponnesus. 47 (Breton), 62 (Schliemann). Pembrokeshire, Wales. 155 (Fen- ton), 163 (Timmins). Pennsylvania. See New York, Penn- sylvania, New Jersey. Pennsylvania. State Penitentiary. 320 (McElwee). Percier, C. 7 (Fouche). Pergamos. 49 (Conze), 55 (Koenig- liche Museen), 60 (Pontre- moli), 61 (Sartiaux), 62 (Stiller), 63 (Ussing), 65 (Winter), 383 (Schrammen), 384 (Tondeur), 478 (Per- gamus). Athena Nike, Temple of. 47 (Bohn), 55 (Kekule). Athena Polias, Temple of. 47 (Bohn). Dionysos, Temple of. 47 (Bohn). Perigord, France. 79 (Spiers). Perigueux, Prance. Samt Front. 79 (Spiers), 80 (Verneilh- Puiraseau), 8i (Fourcaud). Periodicals. 30-44, 428-430. Perreal, J. 6 (Charvet). Persepolis. io6 (Fergusson), 107 (Stolze). Perthshire, Scotland. 229 (Millar). Peru. 208 (Larenaudiere), 209 (Rivero, Stuebel). Perugia, Italy. 177 (Gallenga Stuart), 181 (Rossi), 299 (Vermiglioli), 42-1. Volumnii, Tomb ot. 64 (Ver- miglioli). Peruzzi, B. 12 (Redtenbacher). Pesaro, Italy. Villa imperiale. 91 (Patzak). Peshawar, India. 104 (Foucher). Peterborough, England. 155 (Far- ren). Cathedral. 151 (Britton), 161 (Phillips, G. S.), 163 (Sweet- ing). Petersham, England. 226 (Bell). Petra, Arabia. 477 (Dalman). Petrolite lamps. See Lamps. Fire- proof. Pforzheim, Germany. Schloss- kirche. 146 (Vischer). Phigaleia, Greece. 56 (Lanckoron- ski-Brzezie, Le Bas), 61 (Sauer). Philadelphia, Pa. 216 (Eberlein, Goforth, Pennsylvania), 217 (Wallace, Westcott), 302 (Philadelphia), 316 (Phila- delphia), 424, 435, 442, 449, 461, 464. Drexel Institute. 314 (Drexel). Philippeville, Algeria. Musee. 53 (Gsell). Philippine Islands. 200 (Espafia), 211 (Norton). Phocis, Greece. Saint Luke, Con- vent of. 77 (Diehl), 79 (Schultz), 80 (Wulff). Phoenicia. 25 (Mitford), 10 1 (Per- rot, Renan). Photography. 25 (Mills). Phrygia, Asia Minor. 59 (Perrot), 10 1 (Ramsay), 102 (Steuart). Piacenza, Italy. 176 (Descrizione). Picardy, France. 76 (Taylor), 83 (Enlart). Piedmont, Italy. 175 (Blaeu), 334 (Brayda). Piedra, Monastery of. 202 (Monu- mentos). Pienza, Italy. 174 (Bargagli-Pet- rucci). Pierrefonds, Chateau de, 131 (Viol- let-le-Duc). Piers. 342 (Bland). Pietro di Benedetto degli Fran- ceschi. 7 (Franceschi-Ma- rini). Piles. 347 (Mason), 360 (Dela- field). Pillars. See Columns. Pineau family. 5 (Biais). Piranesi, G. B. 8 (Giesecke), 12 (Samuel), 402 (Rouveyre). Pisa, Italy. 74 (Rohault de Fleury), 177 (Grassi), 180 (Morrona), 181 (Renouvier, Ross), 182 (Schubring), 183 (Supino), 286 (Rossi). Campanile. See Leaning Tower. Campo Santo. 67 (Cresy), 72 (Martini), 235 (Ciampi), 238 (Lasinio), 240 (Rosini). Cathedral, 182 (Schumann). Leaning Tower. 67 (Cresy), 72 (Martini). Pisano, G. 5 (Brach), 12 (Sauer- landt), 299 (Vermiglioli). Pisano, N. 5 (Brach), 299 (Ver- miglioli). Pisidia. 56 (Lanckoronski-Brzezie). Pittsburgh, Pa. 216 (Palmer), 316 (Pittsburgh), 435. 442, 449 (Arnold), 453 (Olmsted), 463. Bank of Pittsburgh. 223 (Bank). Carnegie Institute. 297 (Pitts- burgh), Carnegie Library. 316 (Pitts- burgh). City Hall. 302 (Pittsburgh). Plas Mawr, Conway, Wales, 149 (Baker, A.). Plastering. 413 (Allen). Plasterwork. 87 (Bankart), 328 (Millar), 377 (Kemp), 384 (Turner). Playgrounds and recreation centres, 462, 463. Plinths, 105 (Jacob), Plumbing. See Sanitation. Plymouth, Mass, 461. Po Valley. 174 (Beltramelli). Poissy, trance. 120 (Bories), 394 (Mareuse). Poitiers, France. Palais de Justice. 72 (Magne). Poitou, France. 84 (Robuchon), 120 (Berthele). Pola, I stria. 45 (Allason), 62 (Schwalb, Stancovich). Pola de Lena, Spain. 202 (Monu- mentos). Poland. loi (Raczynski), 196 (Chodzko, Forster), 197 (Schiemann). Poland Springs, Me. Poland Spring House. 233 (Ricker). Polishes, 408 (Denning), 409 (Standage). Polychromy. 49 (Comparetti), 51 (Fenger), 55 (Jones, Kugler), 86 (Herz), 125 (Jollivet), 200 (Dieulafoy), 327 (Koehler), 370 (Audsley), 379 (Magnus), 381 (Petfina), 382 (Racinet), 392 (Boito). Pompeii. 45 (Adams, Aloe, Araelio), 46 (Avellino, Barre), 4:7 (Bre- ton, Briggs), 49 (Collignon), 50 (Dieterich, Duhn), 51 (Dyer, Engelmann, Falkener), 52 (Gell, Gerlach), 53 (Gus- man), 55 (Italy, jorio, Koch, Lagreze), 56 (Light, Mac- kenzie), 57 (Marriott, Mau, Mazois. Millin de Grand- maison), 58 (Museo, Nic- colini, A., Niccolini, F.), sj> (Overbeck), 60 (Pistolesi, Presuhn), 61 (Rossini, Roux), 62 (Smith, F. W., Sogliano), 63 (Ternite), 64 (Weichardt), 65 (Zahn), 324 (Architec- tural), 327 (Ivanof), 332 530 SUBJECT INDEX Pompeii. (Continued.) (Watt), 378 (Laloux), 396 (Rodenwaldt), 406 (Bolton). 408 (Winter), 431 (Nissen). Vettii, Casa dei. 45 (Amelio). Pomposa, Italy. 174 (Agnelli). Pontine Marshes. 181 (Rossi. A.). Pontypridd, Glamorganshire, Wales. 348 (Snell). Porches, 479 (Wall). Porchester Castle. 156 (Harts- home). Port Sunlight, England. 438 (Bee- son, George). Porta, G. 341 (Selva), Portable houses. 243 (Ducker), 352 (Skillings). PortesA:och4res. 325 (Cornille), 334 (Gary). Portiftres. 389 (Prignot). Portland, Maine. 461. Wadsworth-Longfellow House. 213 (Bangs). Portland^ Oregon. 425, 461. Portland cement. 35^4 (Atlas, But- ler, Davis, Faija, Forrest, Golinelli). 355 (Humphrey, Jameson. Meade, Reid, Uni- versal). Porto Rico. 200 (Espana). Ports and waterfronts. 445-449, 480 (St. Louis, Toronto). Portsmouth, N. H. 214 (Gurney), 215 (Sturgis), 461. Portugal. See Spain and Portugal. Posilippo, Naples. Pausilypon, villa. 477 (Guenther). Possagno, Italy. 179 (Missirini). Post offices. 217 (United States), 301 (Germany), 302 (Neu- mann). Potsdam, Prussia. 226 (Cohn- Wiener). 272 (Gurlitt), 398 (Dohme). Charlottenhof. 141 (Kuhlow). Sans Souci. 143 (Nowak). Poultry houses. 250 (Cyphers), 251 (Fiske), 252 (Keller- strass), 256 (Woods). Power stations. 224 (Snell, Stone). Po22uoli. Italy. 59 (Paoli), 61 (Sadeler), 222 (Loffredo). S'erapis, Temple of. 58 (Nicco- lini). Praesos, Crete. 57 (Marshall). Prague, Bohemia. 71 (Luetzow), 97 (Neubauten), 117 (Kick, Neuwirth), 118 (Pollak, Schmerber). Cathedral. 117 (Neuwirth), 258 (Anibros). Museum kralovstvi ceskeho. 299 (Koch). Prato, Italy. 76 (Corradini). Praxiteles. 49 (Comparetti). Prehistoric architecture. 27 (Spearing), 208 (Beuchat), 217 (Hewett). Preservation of antiquities. 431. Preservation of building materials. 349 (Andes, Birkbeck, Boul- ton, Britton, Chandler, Chap- man. Crafts), 350 (Heinzer- jipg), 351 (Munroe, Rob- bins), 352 (Taylor). Preti, F. M. 20 (Coi). Priene, Asia Minor. 55 (Sartiaux), 64 (Wiegand), 102 (Zip- pelius), 478 (Pergamus). Princeton University. 216 (Prince- ton), 295 (Four), 298 (Wil- liams), Prisons. 320. Privies. 368 (Stiles). Prome, Burma. 206 (Bejrlie). Promotion of town planning, 432. Proportion. 18 (Architectural pro- portion, Barca), 20 (Faure), 27 (Schultz), 49 (Chipiez), 150 (Billings). Provence. 49 (Cook, T. A.), 57 (Malosse), 72 (Macgibbon), 92 (Robida). Providence, R. I. 213 (Art), 435, 452 (Cleveland). Butler Hospital for the Insane. 219 (Bell), Provins, France. 123 (Du Som- merard). Prussia. 137 (Dethlefsen), 446 (Schulz), 473 (Alexander- Katz). Public advertising. See Outdoor advertising. Public halls. See Theatres. Public kitchens. 233 (Schmitt). Public works. 466. Pueblo architecture. 218 (Minde- leff. v.). Puget, P. 9 (Lagrange), 11 (Pons). Pugin, A. N. W. 7 (Ferrey). Pullan, R. P. 4 (Aitchison). Pulpits. 268 (DoUman), 284 (Photo- graphs), 325 (Cornille). Putu, island. 102 (Boerschmann). Puvis de Chavannes, P. C. 6 (Crastre). Puy-de-D6me, France. 84 (Mallay). Pyramids. 1 15 (Ward). I^ramids of Ghizeh. See Ghizeh. Quebec, Canada. 210 (Baillairge), 211 (Gagnon, Hawkins, Le Moine). Quie Ngola, Mexico. 209 (S'eler). Quincy, 111. 456. Quincy, Mass. 461. Quirigua, Guatemala, 209 (Meye), R. Railing. See Fences. RsUlroad gardening. 320 (Arnold, Boston. Robinson), 321 (Rob- inson). Railroad stations. 320, 321. Railways and transportation, 449, 4S0. Rain baths. 220 (Gerhard), 295 (Gerhard). Rajputana, India. 103 (Burgess), 106 (Tod). Rambouillet, Chateau de. 126 (Longnon). Randazzo, Sicily. 192 (Roberto). Raphael. 4 (Bell), 6 (Clement, Crowe), 7 (Foerster), 8 (Gey- mueller, Gruyer, Hofmann), 9 (Knackfuss, Landon), 11 (Muentz, Oppe, Passavant), 12 (Quatremere de Quincy), 13 (Springer, Strachey, Sweet- ser), 14 (Wessely), 15 (Wol- zogen), 388 (Muentz), 392 (Bigot), 393 (Gruyer), 394 (Luetzow), 397 (Williams), 479 (Schmeller). Rapid transit. 450, 451, 480 (Phila- delphia). Ratisbon, Germany. 65 (Aufleger), 82 (Popp). Saint Jabobskirche. 139 (Grille de Beuzelin). Ravenna, Italy. 70 (Holtzinger), 77 (Beltramelli), 78 (Goetz, Kurth), 79 (Quast, Ricci, Richter), 176 (Diehl), 178 (Hutton), 407 (Parker). San Vitale. 77 (Barozzi), 260 (Belgrado), 285 (Quitt). Reading, Pa. 435. Reading Abbey. 157 (Hurry). Recreation centres. See Playgrounds and Recreation centres. Regensburg, Germany. 136 (Auf- leger), 477 (Hildebrandt). Reggio, Italy. 242 (Belknap). Reichenau, Baden. 478 (Marignan). Reichenberg, Austria. Nordboeh- misches Gewerbe Museum. 117 (Pazaurek). Reinforced concrete. See Concrete construction. Religion. Architecture and. 21 (Geymueller). Renaissance. 4.1 (Renaissance illustree). 87-93. Repairs. 416 (Stephenson). Reservoirs, 454 (Chile), 457 (Olm- sted). Restaurants, See Clubhouses. Reuss, Germany, 141 (Lehfeldt). Reval, Russia. 196 (Loewis), 197 (Neumann). Rheims, France. 387 (Godbillon). Cathedral. 129 (Povillon-Pie- rard), 130 (Schaefer), 131 (Tarbe), 258 (Acad^mie) 268 (Demaison), 272 (Goodyear), 476 (B** *), Saint-Remi. 124 (Gosset). Rhine Province. 137 (Braun), 141 (Kunstdenkmaler), 265 (Cle- men), 431 (Clemen). Rhine River. 446 (Clapp). Rhode Island. 214 (Isham), 215 (Whitefield). Ri c hards on, H. H. 14 (Van Rensselaer). Richmond. England. 226 (Bell), 442. Richmondshire, England. 164 (Whitaker, T. D.). Ridgewood, N. J. 435. Riding academies. 297 (Rein- hardt). Riga, Russia. 196 (Loewis), 197 (Neumann, Rigaer). St. Marien. 196 (Neumann). Rimim, Italy. 180 (Nardi). Ripon, England. 162 (Royal). Cathedral. 153 (Danks), 155 (Fowler), 156 (Hallett). Riverside, 111. 435. Riviera. 72 (Macgibbon), 174 (Ansted, Banchero), Rizzo, A. 5 (Bernasconi). Roanoke. Va. 435. Robbia family. 379 (Marquand). Roche Abbey. See Maltby, Eng. Rochester, N. Y. 435, 461. Rochester Cathedral. 157 (Hope), 160 (Palmer). Rock gardens. 306 (Farrer, Flem- well, Geschwind), 309 (Meyer, F. W.). 312 (Thonger). Rock sculpture. 107 (Sarre). Rock temples. See Cave temples. Rock tombs. iii (Davies). Rococo. 19 (Burckhardt), 23 (Knackfuss), 70 (Hirth), 94 (Baumeister), 95 (Dohme), 96 (Gurlitt, Jessen), 136 (Berlepsch-Valendas), 139 (Gurlitt, Halm), 143 (Popp), 330 (Speltz), 369 (Albert). 376 (Habermann), 377 (Jaenecke), 381 (Pape), 393 (Frisch), 404 (Huquier, Ilg). Romainmotier, Abbey of. 205 (Rahn). Roman Wall. 318 (Bruce). Romanesque architecture. 83-85. Romanesque painting. 265 (Clemen). Rome, Classic. 45 (Abbott, .\cademie, Adams, Adamy, Alte, Amelung, Anderson, Angeli), 46 (Ballin, Bender), 47 (Bluemner, Boissier, British Museum), 48 (Buehl- mann, Burgess, Burn, Bur- ton, Cagnat, Canina), 49 (Choisy. Cock), 50 (Curtis, Cybulski, Delbrueck, Denk- maler, Dennie, Deseine, Des- godetz, Donatus, Donovan, Dubourg). 51 (Du Perac, Durm. Elson, Falke, Fea), 52 (Ficoroni, Frontinus, Giovan- noli), 53 (Greenough, Guat- tani. Guhl), 54 (Helbig, Hirt, Hodgkin, Holtzinger), 55 (Jordan, Krell), 56 (Lanciani, Lange, Lebrun, Leger, Le- roux. Lumisden), 57 (Mar- Hani. Mauch, Middleton), 58 (Nardini, Oehmichen), 59 (Parker), 60 (Petersen, Piroli, Platner, Porter, Pullen. Re- ber), 61 (Ronczewski, Rossi, F., Rossi. G., Rossini. Ros- tovtsev, Sadeler). 62 (Schnei- der, Stieglitz). 63 (Strack, .Strong, Taylor), 64 (Venuti, Vicentino, Views, Walters, Weichardt, Wickoff, Wieseler, Wilkins). 65 (Joega). 219 (Wells), 222 (Cameron). 223 (Palladio), 479 (Stobart). SUBJECT INDEX 531 Rome. "Mediaeval. 476 (Bergner, Boni). Rome. Modern. 185-190, 425, 464. Academie de France a Rome, 418 (Beule), 419 (Franchi- Verney, Lecoy de la Marche). Accademia di San Luca. 48 (Canina). Agrippa, Baths of. 52 (Gey- mueller), 56 (Maes). Antoninus, Column of. 46 (Bartoli), 60 (Petersen). Antoninus, Temple of. 45 (Academie). Appian Way. 47 (Bianchini), 48 (Burgess, Canina), 61 (Rem-Picci). Caiffarelli Palace. 394 (Meiss- ner). Campagna. 48 (Burgess), 56 (Lanciani), 58 (Noack), 186 (Fleres), 187 (Kaemmel). Caracalla, Baths of. 47 (Blouet), 327 (Ivanof). Caracalla, Circus of. 58 (Nibby). Casino of Pius iv. 89 (Fried- laender). Catacombs. 55 (Lagreze), 72 (Marriott, Marucchi), 185 (Aringhus, Armellini, Ar- taud de Montor), 186 (Bol- detti, Bosio), 187 (lozzi, L' Epinois), 188 (Northcote, Per- ret, Rochette, Roller), 189 Rossi, Schultze, Sybel, Treat), 190 (Wilpert, Withrow), 267 (Davin), 397 (Wilpert). Circus. 48 (Burgess), 219 (Panvinio). Colosseum. 52 (Fontana), 53 (Guadet), 56 (Lucangeli), 64 (Wagner), 219 (Parker). Constantine, Arch of. 239 (Piccioni). Diocletian, Baths of. 45 (Aca- demic), 52 (Geymueller). Farnese Palace. 392 (Bigot), 394 (Luebke). Forum. 45 (Angelini), 46 (Bad- deley), 47 (Borsari, Brown), 48 (Canina), 51 (Dutert), 52 (Gatteschi), 54 (Huelsen), 56 (Levy), 57 (Marucchi, Mon- tiroli), s8 (Nibby, Nichols), 60 (Ravioli), 63 (Thedenat, Tocco, Vaglieri), 188 (Ober- lin). Forum holitorium. 50 (Del- brueck). Lateran Palace. 407 (Nogara), Livius, Baths of. 395 (Ponce). Marcellus, Theatre of. 64 (Vau- doyer). Marcus Aurelius, Temple of. See Antoninus, Temple of. Palatine Hill. 54 (Haugwitz), e,7 (Marucchi). Palazzo Massimo. 188 (Mas- simo), 189 (Suys). Pantheon. 51 (Fea), 52 (Gey- mueller), 54 (Hirt), 56 (Maes), 58 (Nispi-Landi), 63 (Thomas). Pudicitia patricia, Temple of. 45 (Academie). Saint Angelo, Castle. 188 (Rodocanachi). Saint John Lateran. See San Giovanni in Laterano. Saint Louis des Frangais. 259 (Armailhacq). Saint Peter's. 169 (Oldfield), 185 (Armellini, M.), 186 (Barnes, Dumont, Ferabosco), 187 (Gerardi, Geymueller, Jo- vanovits, Letarouilly), 189 (Sladen), 264 (Burri), 269 (Durm), 278 (Le Seur), 288 (Scritture). San Clemente. 73 (Mylne), 282 (Nolan). San Giovanni in Laterano. 186 (Egger), 187 (Gerardi), 188 (Rohault de Fleury). San Gregorio. 189 (Snow). San Martino. 48 (Canina). Rome. (Continued.) San Paolo. 189 (Uggeri), 281 (Moreschi). Santa Maria d' Aracoeli. 395 (Pinturicchio). Santa Maria del Popolo. 285 (Raphael). Santa Maria Maggiore. 187 (Gerardi), 408 (Richter, Scaglia). Santa Sabina. 46 (Berthier), 186 (Berthier). Sistine Chapel. 189 (Stein- mann), 395 (Phillipps). Titus, Arch of. 237 (Knight), 2.T0 (Reinach). Titus, Baths of. 60 (Ponce), 61 (Romanis). Trajan's Column. 45 (Acade- mie), 46 (Bartoli), 49 (Cicho- rius), 235 (Chacon), 239 (Pic- cioni, Pollen). Ulpian basilica. 45 (Academie), 63 (Uggeri). Vatican. 64 (Vatican, Wight- wick), 69 (Grisar), 89 (Feoli, Fontana), 187 (Letarouilly, Ligorio), 188 (Pistolesi), 189 (Stevenson), 238 (Marucchi), 336 (Cipriani), 388 (Muentz), 391 (Angelico da Fiesole), 392 (Cerroti), 394 (Luebke), 395 (Raphael), 396 (Rossi, Starr), 397 (Williams), 407 (Nogara). Vesta, Temple of. 45 (Acade- mie), '55 (Jordan), 479 (Van Deman). Villa Borghese. 186 (Canina), 229 (Montelatici). Villa Madama. 187 (Hofmann), 395 (Ponce, Raphael). Romney Marsh, England. 152 (Champneys). Romsey Abbey. 160 (Perkins). Rood screens. 151 (Bond), 285 (Pugin). Roofs. 3^5, 336. Roofs. Fireproof. 358 (British). Rostock, Germany. 136 (Behrend). Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Bavaria. 137 (Boegner), 145 (Uhde- Bernays). Rotherham, England. 149 (Armit- age), 156 (Guest). Rotterdam, Holland. 195 (Neu- bauten), 449. Rouen, France. 119 (Aube), 125 (Lalanne), 126 (Le Carpen- tier), 128 (Perkins, T.), 323 (Sauvageot). Cathedral. 122 (Deville), 124 (Gilbert), 129 (Pillion), 278 (Loisel), 410 (Lafond). Bourgtheroulde, Hotel de. 125 (Lafon). Saint Jean. 122 (Delaqu6riere). Roumania. 79 (Romstorfer). Round churches. 164 (Wallen), 179 (Missirini). Roxbury, Mass. 245 (Lang). Rudolstadt, Germany. 137 (Bischof). Rueti, Switzerland. 206 (Zeller- Werdmueller). Rural architecture. See Country houses. Russia. 477 (Imperial). Russia and Poland. 196, 197. Rutlandshire, England. 40 (Leices- tershire), 405 (North). Rye, England. 152 (Champneys). Saalfeld, Germany. 137 (Bischof). Sacro Monte. See Varallo, Italy. Sagunto, Spain. 199 (Chabret). Saint Albans, England. 46 (Ash- down). Abbey. 158 (Liddell), 160 (Perkins), 269 (Evans), 282 (Nicholson). Saint Andrews, Scotland. 173 (Lang). Saint Asaph Cathedral. 150 (Bax), 281 (Murray). Saint-Bonnet-le-Chateau, France. 260 (Begule). Saint Brieuc, France. 127 (Marcke). Saint Cloud, France. Palace. 123 (Fleury, M.). Saint David's, Wales. 158 (Jones, W. B.), 159 (Manby). Cathedral. 162 (Robson), 281 (Murray). Saint Denis, France. 128 (Nattes). Saint Fargeau, France. 226 (Chail- lou des Barres). Saint Germain, France. 131 (Vas- seur). Saint Julien, Jura, France, figlise de Saint Julien. 411 (Prost). Saint Louis, Mo. 299 (St. Louis), 425, 429 (Civic), 435, 443, 461, 463, 465 (Civic League), 470 (Civic League), 480 (City Plan). Saint Maur-des-Fosses, France. 276 (La Croix). Saint Paul, Minnesota. 301 (Gau- thier), 435, 461, 463. Saint Petersburg, Russia. 196 (Hautecoeur), 197 (Reau, Zabel). Saint Isaac. 196 (Montf errand). Saint Pierre de Jumieges, Abbaye de. 276 (Langlois). Saint Pol-de-Leon, Belgium. 277 (Lecureux). Saint Quentin, France. £glise col- legiale. 120 (Benard). Saint Remy, Provence. 52 (Gilles), 57 (Malosse). Saint Savin, France. 280 (Meri- mee), Sakkarah, Egypt. ni (Capart, Davies), 115 (Quibell). Salamanca, Spain. 199 (Calvert), 200 (Espaiia, Falcon), 202 (Monumentos), 203 (Recuer- dos). Salem, Mass. 214 (Halliday), 215 (Salem, White). Salem, Germany. 94 (Aufleger). Salisbury, England. 156 (Hall), 160 (Noyes), 162 (Royal). Cathedral. 151 (Boyle, Britton), 161 (Rawlinson), 162 (Salis- bury), 165 (White), 280 (Metzger). Salisbury, Diocese of. 162 (Salis- bury). Sailing, Jutland. 198 (Storck), 199 (Uldall). Salonica, Turkey. 207 (Kinch). Salzburg, Austria. 116 (Eckardt, Eigl), 117 (Pezolt), 384 (Swarzenski), 464. Samarkand, Turkestan. 197 (Schu- bert von Soldern). Gour-Emir, Mosque. 197 (Russia). Samarrah, Turkey. 86 (Herzfeld), 206 (Beylie). Sambin, H. 6 (Castan). Samothrace. 49 (Conze). San Antonio, Texas. 321 (United States). San Bartolomeo, Island. 46 (Bes- nier). San Bassiano, Italy. 182 (Sant' Ambrogio). San Diego, Cal. 435. San Francisco, Cal. 425, 435, 445 (California), 461. San Gimignano, Italy. 177 (Gard- ner), 180 (Pantini). San Jose, Cal. 435. San Marino, Italy. 181 (Ricci, C), 182 (San Marino). San Mateo, California. 218 (Price). San Roman de Hornija, Spain. 202 (Monumentos). Sanchi, India. 105 (Maisey). Sandstone. 329 (Opderbecke), 349 (Day). Sanitation. 42 (Royal Sanitary In- stitute, Sanitary News), 362- 369, 464-468, 479 (Starljuck). Sansovino, A. C. 12 (Schoenfeld). Sansovino, J. 11 (Pittoni), 13 (Temanza), 14 (Vasari). Santa Barbara, Cal. 435. Santander, Spain. 200 (Espaiia). 532 SUBJECT INDEX Santerno, Valley, Italy. i8o (Orsini). Santi. (i. II (Passavant). Santiago de Compostela. Cathedral. \2Q (Bouillet). Santo Domingo de Silos, Spain. 202 (Monumentos). Santorin, Island. S4 (Hiller von Gaertringen). Saone-ct-Loire, France. 85 (Virey). Saorge, France. La Madona del Poggio. 131 (Vesly). Saracenic architecture. 85-87. Saragossa, Spain. 200 (Gascon de Gotor), 425. ^ . ^, Saratoga Springs. Pompeia, The. 216 (Smith). Sarcophagi. 61 (Robert), 126 (Le lilant), 234 (Altmann, Bous- sard), 235 (Chassinat), 238 (Lacau, Maspero), 239 (Mur- ray, Robert), 240 (Sarcofago), 241 (Watzinger). Sardiniau 183 (Vuillier). Sargent. J. S. 391 (Baldry). Savannah, Georgia. 217 (Crane). Savoy. 120 (Borrel), 175 (Blaeu). Saxe-Altenburg. 141 (Lehfeldt). Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 141 (Lehfeldt), 14J (M orison). Saxe-Meiningen. 141 (Lehfeldt). Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. 141 (Leh- feldt). Saxony. 65 (Andreae), 69 (Hase), 74 (Puttrich), 136 (Aus- schuss), 137 (Dietrich), 139 (Haenel), 142 (Metzsch- Reichenbach), 143 (Pessler), 145 (Steche). Scaffolding. 354 (Zabaglia), Scamozzi, V. 12 (Scolari), 13 (Temanza). Scandinavia. 41 (Nordiske), 43 (Tegninger), 197-199. Scarborough, England. 161 (Poole). Scaurus, Palace of. 57 (Mazois). Scenery, Preservation of. 431 (Brown. Conwentz, Emerich). Schinkel, C. F. 7 (Dohme), 8 (Grimm), 9 (Lilienthal), 12 (Quast), 15 (Wolzogen, Zil- ler). Schleissheim Castle. 94 (Aufleger), 141 (Lambert), 145 (Streiter). Schlettstadt, Germany. 138 (Dor- Ian). Schliemann, H. 55 (Joseph), 56 (Luebke), 62 (Schuchhardt). Schlueter, A. 7 (Dohme), 8 (Gur- litt), 9 (Kloeden). Schmalkalden, Prussia. Wilhelms- burg. Schloss. 141 (Laske). Schnorr von Carolsfeld, J. 14 (Valentin). Schoenebcrg, Germany. 451 (Ger- lach). School architecture. See Educational buildings. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Germany. 141 (Lehfeldt). Schwetzingen, Germany. 313 (Zey- her). Schwind, M. von. 323 (Trost). Science. Art in relation to. 381 (Pollen). Scotland. 43 (Society of Anti- quaries), 172, 173. Seattle, Wash. 435, 462, 463. Sedding, J. D. 15 (Wilson). Seeon Monastery. 237 (Halm). Secz Cathedral. 130 (Ruprich- Robert). Sefton, England. 151 (Bridgens), 152 (Caroe). Segeberg, Germany. 143 (Rauch). S e g e s t.a, Sicily. 192 (Mauceri, Sladen). Segovia, Spain. 200 (Espafia), 202 (Monumentos), 203 (Recuer- dos), 478 (Mayer). Selby, England. 159 (Morrell). Selinunte, Sicily. 192 (Mauceri, Sladen). Empedocles, Temple of. 54 (Hittorff). Selvanesco. Italy. 182 (Sant' Am- brogio). Semper, G. 9 (Lipsius). Senlis, France. 36 (Comite archeo- logique). Sens, France. 125 (Julliot), 134 (Prou). Cathedral. 121 ( Char tr aire). Septic tank. 367 (Santee). Sepulchral monuments. 34 (As- sociation), 40 (Monumental News). See also Commemora- tive monuments. Serlio, S. 6 (Charvet), 22 (Heide- loff). Servia. 207 (Kanitz, Pokryshkin). Seville, Spain. 199 (Calvert, Colon y Colon), 200 (Espaiia, Gon- zales de Leon), 202 (Monu- mentos), 203 (Recuerdos, Rios), 204 (Schmidt), 407 (Gestoso y Perez, Laborde). Sewage disposal. 466, 467. Sewage farms. 466 (Baker). Sewerage. 362 (Bayles, Beard- more, Brown, Buchan), 363 (Clarke, E. C. Coleman, Dempsey, Denton, E. F. B., Durham), 364 (Gerhard), 365 (Gerhard), 366 (Maguire, Middleton), 367 (Philbrick, Plumbing, Putnam, Reynolds), 368 (Waring), 440 (Bow- ditch), 477 (Cosgrove). Sec also Sewage disposal ; Waste disposal. Sforza family, 88 (Clausse). Shafts. 347 (Merriman). Shantung Province, China. 238 (Laufer). Sheffield, England. 149 (Armitage). Ruskin Museum. 29 (White). Skeikh Said, Egypt, iii (Davies). Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge. 13 (SturgisX Shop fronts. 326 (Designs). Shops. 224 (Leeuw), 225 (Wiener, Zaar). Shoring. 342 (Blagrove), 344 (Stock). See also Defects, Structural. Shottesbroke, England. Saint John Baptist Church. 152 (Butter- field). Show windows. 142 (Metzger), 153 (Dan). Shrewsbury, England. 160 (Owen, H.), 161 (Phillips, T.). Shrines. 152 (Calverley), 183 (Waters), 238 (Madden), 269 (Falke, O. von), 271 (Gse- dertz). Shropshire, England. 149 (Acton, Anderson), 153 (Cranage), 157 (Hulbert), 158 (Leach), 160 (Phillips, T.), 163 (Tim- mins), 164 (West, W.), Shutters. Fireproof. 356 (British). Siam. 103 (Preussischc Expedi- tion), 104 (Fournereau). Sicily and Malta, 191- 193. Sidon, Phoenicia. 53 (Hamdy- Bey). Siebenbuergen. See Transylvania. Siena, Italy. 75 (Schubring), 176 (Douglas, Faluschi), 177 (Gardner), 178 (Hastings), 180 (Norton), 181 (Richter), 182 (Rusconi, Schubring, Seymour), 406 (Cust), 407 (Lessing), 425. Cathedral. 276 (Labarte). San Galgano, Abbey of. 175 _ (Canestrelli), Silesia, Germany. 44 (Verein fiir Geschichte und Alterthum), 413 (Rhenius). Silos. 252 (Houghton). Simoneau, G. 292 (Voisin). Sion, Switzerland. 204 (Blavignac). City, ^ 1, En_ (Christian). Skerryvore Lighthouse, Hebrides. 318 (Stevenson, A.). Skopas. 49 (Comparetti). Skylights. 136 (Williams). Skylights. Fireproof. 357 (British). Slate. 342 (Burn). Sioux City, Iowa. 456. Skeltopj^ Eng. Skelton Church. 15; Slating, 33(i (Slating), 476 (Auld). Slaughter houses. 224 (Osthoff, Schwarz), 225 (Wilder), 479 (U. S, Consul's reports). Slavic art. 384 (Stasof), 388 (Lay). Slide rule. 352 (Bayley), 353 (Riddell). Sligo, Ireland. 171 (Martin). Slovak architecture. 327 (Jurko- vic). Smoke prevention. 467, 468. Soane, Sir J. 7 (Donaldson). Social surveys. See Housing prob- lem. Sodor and Man, Diocese of. Isle of Man. 273 (Harrison, W.). Soissons, France. 71 (Lefevre- Pontalis). Soldering. 406 (Young). Solesmes Abbey. 121 (Cartier), 124 (Guepin), 266 (Coutel de La Tremblaye). Solomon's Temple. See Jerusalem, Temple of. Somersetshire, England. 44 (West- ern Antiquary), 150 (Barrett), 151 (Britton), 153 (Collin- son), 157 (Hutton), 160 (Plielps), 161 (Pooley), 404 (Ellacombe). Somerville, Massachusetts. Public Library. 316 (Somerville), 463, Sondershausen, Germany. 305 (Ekart). Soria, Spain. 200 (Espaiia). Soudan. no (Frobenius). South America, 5"^'^ Central and South America. Southern States of the United States. See Central States. Southwark, England. 161 (Rendle), 167 (Clarke, C). Cathedral. See London, Saint Saviour's Church. Southwell, England. 154 (Dickin- son), 161 (Rastall). Cathedral. 154 (Dimock). Soutra, Scotland. 172 (Hunter). Spain. 40 (Materiaux et docu- ments d'art espagnol). Spain and Portugal. 199-204. Spalato, Dalmatia. Diocletian's Palace. 45 (Adam), 58 (Nie- mann), 63 (Strzygowski), 231 (Schulz). Spello, Italy. 479 (Urbini). .Santa Maria Maggiore. 394 (Layard). Speyer Cathedral. 84 (Meyer- Schwartau, Quast), 145 (Schwartzenbergcr). Spirals. 20 (Cook). Spires. Sec Towers. Sporck, F. A., Reichsgraf von. T17 (Pazaurek). Sporting architecture. 255 (Schmitt, Tattcrsall). Springfield, Illinois. I.incoln Li- brary. 317 (Springfield). Springfield. Mass. 435, 462. Squares and Civic centres, 463, 464. Stables. 245 (Hopkins), 250 (Child, Coleman), 251 (Fitz- wygram, Giraud, Harney), 253 (McClure, Miles), 255 (Schmitt). See also Barns. Staffordshire, England. 162 (Shaw, S.), 164 (West, W.), 279 (Ly- nam). Staglieno, Italy. 181 (Resasco). Stained glass. 409-412. Stains, 408 (Denning). Staircases. 336, 337. Stammel, J. T. 117 (Mayr). Steam heating. 362 (American, Baldwin, Bell), 366 (Kinealy, King, Kittredge, Lavvler, Mills), 368 (Thompson). Steel construction. 224 (Ketchum), 335 (Howe), 342 (Birkmire), 343 (Farnsworth, Hodgson), 344 (Tucker), 345 (Warren, Cornut), 347 (Resal, Robm), 348 (Weyrauch), 349 (Barba), .^59 (Freitag), 416 (Roberts, Stroebel), SUBJECT INDEX 533 Steel square. 353 (Hodgson). Steeples. See Towers. Stencilling. 370 (Audsley), 376 (Hart, Heaton), 384 (Suther- land, Tuer). Stendal, Prussia. 272 (Gurlitt). Stepney, England. Saint Dunstan. 283 (Pepys). Stereotomy. 369. Stethaimer, H. 8 (Hanfstaengl. Stettin, Germany. 449. Stimmer, T. 411 (Stolberg). Stirling, Scotland. 173 (Small). Stock exchange buildings. 223 (Auer). Stone. 83 (Ungewitter), 336 (Marx, Becker), 337 (Mueller), 342 (Burn, Cyclopedia), 344 (Wanderley), 346 (Gillmore, Johnson, W. R.), 349 (Corsi), 350 (Hall, Hawes, Hinton, Hopkins, Hull), 351 (Luard, Merrill, Porter, C. H., Porter, M. W.), 352 (Smith, Smock), 361 (Marx), 454 (Moehring). Stone. Artificial. 349 (Artificial), 350 (Dibdin, Fleuret, Gill- more, Hinton), 351 (Loriot). Stone monuments. 172 (Waring). Stonehenge, England. 150 (Bar- clay), 162 (Salisbury). Stonemasons' marks. 22 (Guillon), 57 (Marriott). Stores. See Shops. Stoss, V. 117 (Lossnitzer). Stoves. 401 (Naumann). Strassburg, (jermany. 141 (Leit- schuh). Cathedral. 82 (Seeker), 142 (Meyer-Alton a), 14s (Schweighaeuser), 268 (Dela- hache). Stratford-on-Avon, England. 149 (Baker, H.), 158 (Lee), 162 (Rider). Holy Trinity Church. 149 (Ar- buthnot), 150 (Bloom), 393 (Fisher). Street, A. E. 13 (Street). Street architecture. 65 (Anderson). Street cleaning. 467. Street construction. 454. Street decoration. See Street furni- ture. Street furniture and decoration. 469, 470. Street lighting. 470. Street trees. 470, 480 (Massa- chusetts). Streets. 452-454. Strength of materials. Sec Applied mechanics. Streoneshalh Abbey. See Whitby Abbey. Stresses. See Applied mechanics. Stucco. 252 (Hering). Studley, England. Studley Royal. 160 (Parker, G.). Stuttgart, Germany. 322 (Litt- mann), 425. Koeniglich - wuerttembergisches Landes-Gewerbemuseum. 299 (Neckelmann). Landes-Gewerbemuseum. Sec Koeniglich - wuerttembergisches Landes-Gewerbemuseum. Style. In architecture. 18 (Bar- berot, Bergmann, Bischof), 19 (Busch), 20 (Doderer), 21 (Godfrey, Goeller), 22 (Haend- cke, Hamlin, Handbuch der Architektur, Havard, Hug- gins), 23 (Leixner-Gruen- berg), 25 (Noyes, Observa- tions), 26 (Pullan, Rosen- garten), 27 (Schneider, Sem- per), 28 (Uhde), 69 (Hartel), 76 (Voege), 95 (Fergusson), 123 (Enlart), 126 (Lecheval- lier-Chevignard, Libonis), 128 (Noe), 129 (Ricci), 255 (Say- lor), 374 (Ebe), 375 (Gro- pius), 382 (Roger-Miles), 384 (Toussaint). Styria, Austria. 118 (Steiermaer- kischcs). Subways and tunnels. 451, 452. Suffolk County, England. 155 (Gage), 163 (Suckling), 235 (Cotman), 405 (Raven). Sumatra. 105 (Moszkowski). Summer houses. See Pavilions. Surakarta, Java. 105 (Ijzerman). Surrey, England. 151 (Brayley), 153 (Davie), 157 (Hussey), 159 (Manning), 160 (Nevill, Parker, E.). Susa, Italy. Arch of Augustus. 52 (Ferrero). Susa, Persia. 106 (Dieulafoy), 107 (Morgan). Sussex, England. 43 (Sussex), 153 (Dallaway, Davie), 154 (El- wes), 157 (Horsfield, Hussey), 159 (Lucas, E. v.), 162 (Sho- berl), 306 (Ellis). Swabia. 82 (Seeker), 141 (Ley- bold), 288 (Schuette), 409 (Balet). Switzerland. 204-206. Sydney, New South Wales. 98 (Views). Syria and Palestine. 107-109. Symbolism. jz (Palmer), 75 (Schmid), 76 (Twining), 234 (Bachofen), 266 (Collins, A. IL), 269 (Evans), 271 (Gel- dart), 275 (Keyser), 278 (Lun- dy), 282 (Nieuwbarn). Synagogues. 146 (Knoblauch), 290 (Svnagoge). Syracuse, Sicily. 192 (Diehl, Mau- ceri). T. Tabachetti. See Tabaquet, J. B. Tabaquet, J. B. 175 (Butler). Tangermuende, Prussia. 272 (Gur- litt). Tanlay, France. 226 (Chaillou des Barres). Taormina, Sicily. 192 (Mauceri). Teatro Greco. 52 (Gallo). Tapestry. See Carpets. Tarcona, Italy. 52 (Gerhard). Tarentaise, Savoy. 66 (Borrel). Tarragona, Spain. 203 (Morera y Llaurado). Taverns. 170 (Shelley). Taxation. 470-472. Tebessa, Algeria. 109 (Cagnat). Tefft, T. A. 13 (Stone). Telegraph stations. 302 (Neu- mann). Telephone exchanges. 302 (Neu- mann). Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, iii (Davies). Tell el Yahudijeh, Egypt. 114 (Na- ville). Temples, 45 (Academic, Adams), 47 (Borrmann). 48 (Buehl- mann), 49 (Caton), 50 (Del- brueck, Duhn), 55 (Koldewey, Labrouste), 56 (Lechat), 58 (Nissen), 64 (Views, West), 68 (Fergusson), 98 (Soane), 100 (Koldewey), 106 (Som- merville), 110 (Abney), 113 (Maspero), 114 (Naville), 115 (Petrie), 171 (Keane), 259 (Bardwell), 478 (Rea). Sec also Cave temples. Tenement houses. 356 (Bonner), 365 (Gerhard), 367 (Price), 440 (Bullar, De Forest), 441 (Sanborn, Boston, Chicago), 442 (New York, Philadelphia), 443 (Baldwin, Committee, Flagg), 444 (James), 445 (Riis. State Charities, Veil- ler), 475 (Veiller). Tennessee Centennial Exposition. 479 (Tennessee). Terek, Russia. 196 (Miller). Terminals. 452. Terra cotta. 55 (Koch), 69 (Gru- ner), 94 (Chabat), 239 (Mur- rajf), 336 (Morse), 350 (Fon- tame), 351 (Northwestern, Perth, Petibon), 371 (Borr- mann.) Terraces. ^26 (Ewerbeck). Terracina, Italy. 181 (Rossi, A.). Teviotdale, Scotland, 173 (Morton). Tewkesbury, England. 150 (Ben- nett). Abbey. 159 (Masse), 261 (Blunt). Texas, University. 298 (Univer- sity). Thame, England. Blessed Virgin Mary, Church of the. 158 (Lee). Theatres and public halls. 321-324. Thebes. iio (Abney), iii (Cail- liaud), 112 (Herbert), 113 (Jequier), 115 (Petrie, Wil- kinson), 477 (Davies) . Theory of architecture. See His- tory of architecture. Thompson, England. Saint Martin, Church of. 156 (Green, H. Thorn, Prussia. 75 (Steinbrecht). Thorney, Abbey. 155 (Farren). Thurgau, Switzerland. 205 (Meyer von Knonau). Thuringia. 66 (Buchner), 141 (Leh-' feldt). Tiles. See Mosaics and tiles. Timber. Preservation. See Preser- vation of building materials. Timber work. 152 (Clayton), 262 (Brandon). See also Half- timbered houses. Timgad, Africa. 47 (Boeswillwald), 109 (Ballu, Cagnat). Tintern Abbey. 161 (Potter). Tiryns, Greece. 62 (Schliemann, Schuchhardt), 477 (Kaiser- lich). Tischbein, C. W. 11 (Nonn). Titicaca, Island of. 208 (Bande- lier). Tivoli, Italy. 57 (Mueller), 61 (Sadeler), 62 (Schultz, G.), 299 (Rossi). Villa Adriana. 53 (Gusman), 56 (Leoni), 58 (Nibby), 62 (Schultz, G.), 64 (Winne- feld), 395 (Ponce). Villa d' Este. 182 (Seni). Tlemencen, Algeria. 86 (Margais). Toddington, England. 151 (Brit- ton). Todi, Italy. Santa Maria della Con- solazione. 178 (Laspeyres). Toledo, Ohio. 462. Toledo, Spain. 71 (Lynch), 199 (Boehm, Calvert), 201 (May- er), 203 (Monumentos arqui- tectonicos, Rios), 204 (Wil- liams). El Cristo la Luz, Mezquita. 202 (Monumentos). San Juan Bautista. 202 (Monu- mentos). Santa Maria la Blanca. 202 (Monumentos), Santiago del Arrabal, 202 (Monumentos). Tornerias, Mezquita de las, 202 (Monumentos). T o p e k a, Kansas. Capitol. 415 (McDonald). First Presbyterian Church. 411 (Tiffany). Toro, Spain. 202 (Monumentos). Toul, France. 69 (Grille de Beu- zelin). Toulouse, France. Saint Sernin. 120 (Bouillet). Cathedral. 125 (Lahondes). Touraine, France. 66 (Bourasse), 92 (Robida), 122 (Cook), 125 (Lansdale), 127 (Mansfield), 132 (Vitry). Tournai, Belgium, 194 (Hymans), 389 (Soil). Cathedral. 125 (Lahondes). Tours, France. 425. Cathedral. 409 (Bourasse), 411 (Marchand). Saint Clement. 128 (Palustre de Montifaut). Saint Julien. 120 (Bourasse). Saint Martin. 121 (Chevalier), 122 (Commission), 126 (Las- teyrie du Saillant), 129 (Qut- cherat, Ratel). 534 SUBJECT INDEX Towers. See Domes. Town planning laws. 474. Tracery. 85 (Bourgoin), 150 (Bil- lings), 271 (Freeman), 335 (Sharpe). Transportation. See Railways. Transylvania. 118 (Roth), 479 (Roth). Trees. In architecture and decora- tion. 475 (Brinckmann), 478 (Phythian). Trellis work. 334 (Middleton). Trent, Austria. 443- Trenton, N. J. 315 (New Jersey). Tresguerras, F. E. de. 4 (Baxter). Treves, Germany. 75 (Schmidt), 136 (Arendit), 146 (Wytten- bach), 408 (Wilmowsky), 431 (Rhine Province), Cathedral. 146 (Wilmowsky). Trianons, Les. See Versailles, France. Trie, C. 6 (Charvet). Triel, France, 126 (Lefevre-Pon- talis). Trieste. Italy. 174 (Berlam), 175 (Caprin). Triforium. 282 (Niemeyer). Triqueti, H., Baron de, 267 (Davi- son). Trondhjem Cathedral. 84 (Minu- toli). Troy, Asia Minor, 50 (^Doerpfeld), 52 (Cell), 61 (Schliemann), 62 (Schliemann, Schuchhardt), 63 (Tolman), Troyes, France. 65 (Arnaud), 125 (Koechlin), 350 (Fontaine). Cathedral. 129 (Pigeo