Is>s ILLUSTRATED PHONICS M. LIVES ILLUSTRATED PHONICS A TEXT-BOOK FOR SCHOOLS BY M. I. IVES LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO, 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK LONDON, BOMBAY, AND CALCUTTA 1909 COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. Stanbope ipresa F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOS TO N, U.S. A. PREFACE. THE success of an earlier text-book of phonics leads the author to believe that this book needs no apology. The theory and methods herein described and illustrated have been used with success in many of our public schools and by public speakers and have the hearty endorsement of many prominent school teachers and officials. These methods make use of the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen, as an aid to the production of correct sound and purity of tone, thereby overcoming throaty and imperfect articulation. School authorities are agreed as to the vital and growing importance of work of this kind. A large and increasing number of children pass through the schools without having learned the proper use of the organs of speech, without having formed habits of correct enunciation, articulation, and pronunciation. This is especially true of children of foreign parentage, many of whom are preparing to be teachers. This urgent need can be met only by the systematic use of a correct method, based on scientific principles, such a method as it is the aim of this book to provide. A special feature of the method the value of which has been proved by long and successful experience is the use of appropriate motion exercises to accompany the utterance of the various sounds. Thus, an explosive sound is accompanied with an explosive gesture, a continuous sound with a long stretching 284Jt i 99 iv PREFACE. motion, syllables with clapping, accented syllables with accentuated clapping. Such exercises not only interest the children, but they also serve as objective and tangible signs of the required action of the vocal organs. The use of pictures to show the proper positions of teeth, lips, tongue, etc., needs no comment. The introduction pages of this book acquaint the pupil with motion exercises to be used in Part I, in connection with the utterance o vowel and consonant sounds. Added word drills furnish an application of the practiced sound. Part II contains facial positions of the special sound to be practiced. Exercises are given for the combining of vowels and consonants with the proper motion exercises. These are helpful and interesting to the pupil as well as valuable in gaining flexibility and firmness in utterance and positively improving enunciation, articulation, and pronunciation. In Part III practice words are added for advanced work with further application. M. I. I. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. PAGE Motion or Calisthenic Exercises . . 1 PART I. Combination of the Vowel or Consonant Sounds and Motion Exercises used with the Utterance of the Sound of the Letters and Words for Practice 7 PART II. Combination of Vowel and Consonant Sounds with Motion Exercises According to previous Directions and Words for Practice 59 Order of Arrangement. Vowels Short and Long Aspirated Element Palatal Sounds Nasal Sounds Lingual Sounds Dental Sounds Labial Sounds Combinations Practice with Short and Long Vowels with Accompanying Motion Exercises. PART III. Classification of Consonant and Vowel Sounds 103 Order of Arrangement. Sub- vocals or Vocal Consonants and Atonies or Aspirate Consonants Correlatives or Cognates Application of Short and Long Vowel Sounds to Words Classification of Consonants into Aspirates and Sub-vocals Classification of Consonants According to the Organs of Speech Used Special Practice with Homonyms Practice with Singular and Plural of Words Clapping Exercises for Use with Vowel Sounds, Syllable Drill Practice in Holding the Mouth Positions a Certain Time Before Uttering Other Sounds in Order to Gain Flexibility Diacritical Marks arranged in Simple Order. INTRODUCTION. MOTION EXERCISES USED WITH THE SHORT VOWELS IN PART I. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING- EXERCISE. This exercise is to be used when giving the sounds of all the short vowels : a, e, i, o, u, and y when a vowel. Take position as in Fig. 1. As sounds are uttered, quickly draw hands apart to position in Fig. 2. This gives the abrupt or expulsive sound and assists the pupil to bring into play the muscles of the diaphragm as well as the abdomen, thus overcoming the tendency toward throaty tones. i INTRODUCTION. MOTION EXERCISES USED WITH LONG VOWELS IN PART I. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LONG STRETCHING EXERCISE. This exercise is to be used when giving the sounds of all the long vowels : a, e, i, o, u, and y when a vowel. Take Position 1. As sounds are uttered, slowly draw hands apart to Position 2. This method differs from that for short vowels as the sound is more slowly given. NOTE. No one need suffer from weak, sore throats if the exercises given in this book are practiced regularly. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. INTRODUCTION. MOTION EXERCISES. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING- EXERCISE. This exercise is to be used in giving the sounds of the following letters : h, /, r, s, v, w 9 y, z, a, a, $,j, g. Place hands as in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2 as the breath is sent forth or the sound is uttered. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting sounds and words and overcoming faulty habits of articulation and pronunciation. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen, thus overcoming the tendency toward nasal twang and harsh, throaty tones. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. INTRODUCTION. MOTION EXERCISES. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE FOR THE PALATAL SOUNDS. This exercise is to be used in sounding c and g (hard) k, y. Take position as in Fig. 1. As sounds are uttered, push hand forward into Position 2, as in picture. Right and left hands may be used alternately. A good supply of breath is necessary for these palatal sounds. INTRODUCTION. MOTION EXERCISES. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LIFTING EXERCISE. This exercise is to be used when giving the sounds of the following letters : /, m, and n. Place hands in Position 1, and as sound is uttered, raise arms to Position 2. With the lifting exercise, the pupil sees that the tongue is lifted with the motion of the arms upward. With n, the exercise shows that the breath is vocalized through the nostrils. INTRODUCTION. MOTION EXERCISES. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. This exercise is to be used when giving the sounds of the following letters : 6, d, p, t. Place hands in Position 1 ? and as sound is uttered, bring one hand down with force to Position 2, as if in the act of pounding. Alternate the hands in continuing the exercise. The aim of this exercise is to call attention to the abrupt or explosive sounds of the above letters. PAET I SHORT VOWEL SOUND, a POSITION 1. POSITION 2, SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the short sound of letter a. Draw hands quickly apart from Posi- tion 1 into Position 2, showing the explosive sound. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. a at VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LONG VOWEL SOUND. a POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LONG STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this long stretching exercise while uttering the long sound of letter a. Shorten the closing sound of this letter. Draw hands slowly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the continuous or long sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. a ate VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. SHORT VOWEL SOUND. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the short sound o letter e. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the abrupt or explosive sound of the voweL NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. 10 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LONG VOWEL SOUND. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LONG STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this long stretching exercise while uttering the long sound of letter e. Draw hands slowly apart from Position 1 to Position 2 ? showing the continuous or long sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. eel VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 11 SHORT VOWEL SOUND. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the short sound of letter i. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the abrupt or explosive sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. it 12 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LONG VOWEL SOUND. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LONG STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this long stretching exercise while uttering the long sound of letter i. (Shorten closing sound of this letter.) Draw hands slowly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the continuous or long sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. ice VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 13 SHORT VOWEL SOUND. o POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the short sound of letter o. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the abrupt or explosive sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. o off 14 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LONG VOWEL SOUND. o POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LONG STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this long stretching exercise while uttering the long sound of letter o. Draw hands slowly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the continuous or long sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch, the voice too high for these sounds. O oak VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 15 SHORT VOWEL SOUND, u POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the short sound of letter u. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the abrupt or explosive sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. U US 16 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LONG VOWEL SOUND. u POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LONG STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this long stretching exercise while uttering the long sound of letter u. Draw hands slowly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the continuous or long sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. U use VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 17 BREATHING FOR LETTER h. h POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise with the expulsion of the breath for the letter h, pushing hands forward at the same time from Position 1 to Position 2 as the breath is sent forth. h hat 18 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. PALATE SOUND. IV like~O hard POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE FOR THE PALATE SOUND. Place the hand in front of the throat as in Position 1, showing that the sound is made by the aid of the palate. As sound is uttered, push hand forward to Position 2, " exploding the aspiration against the palate." A good supply of the breath is necessary for this sound. kite VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 19 PALATE SOUND. hard like fv POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE SHOWING PALATE SOUND. Place the hand in front of the throat as in Position 1, showing that the sound is made by the aid of the palate. As sound is uttered, push hand forward to Position 2, " exploding the aspiration against the palate." A good supply of the breath is necessary for this sound. cat 20 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. PALATE SOUND. g POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE FOR PALATE SOUND. Place the hand in front of the throat as in Position 1, showing that the sound is made by the aid of the palate. As sound is uttered, push hand forward into Position 2. This sound is uttered by an explosive effort in the back part of the throat or against the palate ; the back part of the tongue must press against the palate. g gun VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 21 PALATE SOUND, POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE SHOWING- THIS IS A PALATE SOUND. Place the hand in front of throat as in Position 1, showing that the sound is made in the throat in front of the palate. As sound is uttered, push hand forward to Position 2. yet 22 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. VOWEL SOUND. a POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING- EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the sound of letter a like a in ask. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the abrupt or explosive sound of the vowel. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. a ask VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 23 NASAL OR NOSE SOUND, n POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LIFTING EXERCISE. Use this lifting exercise while uttering the sound of letter n. Place hands in Position 1, and as the sound is uttered, raise arms to Position 2 as in picture. This exer- cise will show that the breathing is vocalized through the nose in giving the sound of letter n, as the hands are lifted upward. n net 24 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. NASAL SOUND, ng POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE FOR ng. Place the hand in front of throat as in Position 1. As sound is uttered push hand forward into Position 2. ng sing VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 25 NASAL SOUND, (n like ng, as n in ink.) HlikeHg POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE FOR n BEFORE k, LIKE ng. Place the hand in front of throat as in Position 1. As sound is uttered push hand forward into Position 2. NOTE. n like ng for n before the sound of k or hard g as in bank, linger, etc. n ink 26 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. VOWEL SOUND OF a (ITALIAN), a POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letter a (Italian). Place hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the proper sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. a arm VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 27 TONGUE SOUND. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LIFTING EXERCISE. Use this lifting exercise while uttering the sound of letter /. Place hands in Position 1, and as the sound is uttered raise arms to Position 2 as in picture. This exer- cise will show that the hands as well as the tongue are lifted upward while in the act of uttering the sound of the letter I. lap 28 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. TONGUE SOUND. r POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use tliis pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letter r. Place hands in Position 1 ? pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the sound. rat VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 29 THE SOUND OF a (BROAD). a POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of a broad. Place hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the proper sound of the letter. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. NOTE. Do not pitch the voice too high for these sounds. a all 30 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. VOWEL SOUND, (a like short o), a POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the sound of letter a like a in was. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the abrupt or explosive sound of the vowel. a was VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 31 TEETH SOUND. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. Use this pounding exercise while uttering the sound of letter t. Place hand in Position 1, and as the sound is uttered bring the hand down with force into Position 2, as if in the act of pounding. The aim of this exercise is to call attention to the explosive (breath) sound of the letter. tent 32 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. TEETH SOUND, d POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. Use this pounding exercise while uttering the sound of letter d. Place hand in Position 1 ? and as the sound is uttered bring the hand down with force into Position 2, as if in the act of pounding. The aim of this exercise is to call attention to the abrupt or explosive sound of the letter. d dog VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 33 TEETH SOUND. ch POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering sound of letters ch. ' Place the hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the breath. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. ch chest 34 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. TEETH SOUND. J like soft POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering sound of letter j. Place the hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. jet VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 35 TEETH SOUND. soft like J POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering sound of letter g soft. Place the hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. g gem 36 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. TEETH SOUND. S like C POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letter s or c soft. Place hands in Position 1 ? pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the breath. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. sun VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 37 TEETH SOUND. O soft like O POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letter c soft or s. Place hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the breath. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. cent 38 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. TEETH SOUND. z POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letter z. Place hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the proper sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. zone VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 39 TEETH SOUND. sh POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering sound of letters sh. Place the hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in project- ing the breath. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. sh shade 40 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. TEETH SOUND. zh POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of zh. Place hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in project- ing the sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. zh azure VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 41 DENTAL OR TEETH SOUND. Lil aspirate POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letters th aspirate. Place the hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the breath. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. th three 42 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. DENTAL OR TEETH SOUND. TJTi vocal POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letters til vocal. Place the hands in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. th them VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 43 SHORT VOWEL SOUND. like 1 POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the short sound of letter i for y. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the abrupt or explosive sound of the vowel. hymn 44 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LONG VOWEL SOUND. like 1 POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LONG STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this long stretching exercise while uttering the long sound of letter i for y. Shorten closing sound of I. Draw hands slowly apart from Position 1 into Position 2, showing the continuous or long sound of the vowel. my VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 45 LIP SOUND. P POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. Use this exercise with the aspiration or whispering effort for the letter p. Place hand in Position 1, and as the breath is expelled bring the hand down to Position 2, as if in the act of pounding. The aim of this exercise is to call attention to the abrupt or explosive nature of this letter. P pole 46 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LIP SOUND, b POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. Use this exercise while uttering the sound of letter b. Place hand in Position 1 ? and as the sound is uttered bring the hand down with force into Position 2, as if in the act of pounding. The aim of this exercise is to call attention to the abrupt or explosive sound of the letter. bib VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 47 LIP SOUND. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this exercise with the expulsion of the breath or the whispering effort for/. Place hands as in Position 1, pushing them forward as in Position 2 as the breath is sent forth. The aim of this exercise is to impress upon the pupils that they must push out breath for this letter. face 48 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LIP SOUND. V POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letter v. Place hands as in Position 1, pushing them forward into Position 2 like picture. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the proper sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. V vane VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 49 LIP SOUND. m POSITION 1. POSITION 2. LIFTING EXERCISE. Use this exercise while uttering the sound of letter m. Place hands in Position 1, and as the sound is uttered raise arms to Position 2- as in picture. m muff 50 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. LIP SOUND w POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Use this pushing exercise while uttering the sound of letter w. Place hands as in Position 1 ? pushing them forward into Position 2. The aim of this exercise is to assist in projecting the proper sound. It brings into play the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. W wall VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 51 COMBINATION EXERCISES, wh POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PUSHING EXERCISE. Place hands as in Position 1 ? pushing them forward into Position 2, as the breath sound of wh is uttered. wh white 52 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. COMBINATION EXERCISES. qu like kw POSITION 1. POSITION 2. FOR COMBINATION SOUND. Place the hand in front of throat as in Position 1. As sound is uttered, push hand forward into Position 2. A good supply of the breath is necessary for these sounds, q is always followed by u, and the two have the sound of kw. qu queen VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 53 COMBINATIONS. X. like KS and POSITION for the first part of the sound of x as k or g. POSITION for last part of the sound of x as s or z. COMBINATION EXERCISE. Showing 1 the two Sounds of x. When the hand is moved quickly from under the chin, the first part of the sound of x (k or g) is blended with the vanishing sound, s or z. The position of mouth for the first part of the sound of x is shown in the left-hand picture. The position of mouth for the vanishing sound of x (s or z) is shown in the right-hand picture. ax 54 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. VOWEL SOUND, (a like a in care.) a POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. Use this short stretching exercise while uttering the sound of letter like a in care. Draw hands quickly apart from Position 1 into Position 2. a care VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 55 INITIAL AND FINAL CONSONANTS OR BLENDS. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. Place hands in Position 1 ? and, as sound is uttered, bring one hand down to Position 2, as if in the act of pounding. Alternate hands in continuing the exercise. Use this exercise with the Initial and Final Consonants. INITIAL CONSONANTS. bl si ch cr tr cl spl sh dr sm fl sc th fr sn gl sk wh gr sp pi str br pr st FINAL CONSONANTS. ble It nt rd Id nd ng rm If mp pie rk rn sk 56 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. INITIAL CONSONANTS OR BLENDS. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. PRACTICE WORDS INITIALS. bl cl fl gl Pi sl spl S SC sk str ch sh black claw flag glass plate slant splash scar scene skate strap chair shad bless clean flesh glee please sled splen did scare scent sketch street cheese shed blind clip flint glide pli ers slide splint scarf scis sors skirt string child ship VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. 57 INITIAL CONSONANTS OR BLENDS. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. PRACTICE WORDS -INITIALS. th wh br cr dr fr gr pr tr sm sn sp st that whale brave crab drag frame grape pray trap small snap space start then when breeze creep dress free green press tree smelt sneeze spend step this white bride crisp drink frill grind price trip smile snip spin still 58 VOCAL AND CALISTHENIC EXERCISE. FINAL CONSONANTS OR BLENDS. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. POUNDING EXERCISE. PRACTICE WORDS FINALS. ble Id If It nd mp nt ng pie rd rm rk rn sk a ble cold self salt and lamp ant ring ap pie card arm lark earn ask Bi ble fold shelf melt land bump cent sing pur pie board charm fork learn task no ble gold elf colt hand lump lent spring sam pie lard farm pork horn mask PART II. COMBINATION OF SHORT VOWELS WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS a Short Stretch. ab ad absent act had a a t EXERCISE. Use Short Stretching Exercise. Short Stretch. Short Stretch. Short Stretch. al af ag am an ap ax as at -a-t PRACTICE WORDS. taffy album apple bag amber has agile and hat cat a t-a t-a-n tan 59 60 MOTION EXERCISES. LONG VOWEL WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. a POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE. Use Long Stretching Exercise. Long Stretch. Long Stretch. Long Stretch. Long Stretch. ab af 51 ap av ae ad ag ak am an as at able ache aid cL u PRACTICE WORDS. safe pale ape save age same base make pane ate ate a t-a t-a-p tape NOTE. Shorten sound in closing position of a. MOTION EXERCISES. 61 SHORT VOWEL WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. EXERCISE. Use Short 1 2 3 Short Stretch. Short Stretch. Short Stretch. eb ef em ec ed eg el en ep Short Stretch. Short Stretch. es ex et ev PRACTICE WORDS. ebb effort hem rest exit deck leg hen pet edge elm pepper ever e-n e-nd end e d-e d-e-n den 62 MOTION EXERCISES. LONG VOWEL WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. EXERCISE- Use Long Stretching Exercise. 1234 Long Stretch. Long Stretch. Long Stretch. Long Stretch. ed em er ev ef en es el ep et PRACTICE WORDS. seed team deer beef queen heel sheep e e-1 eel e b-e geese sheet sleeve be bee MOTION EXERCISES. 63 SHORT VOWEL WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. EXERCISE. Use Short Stretching Exercise. Short Stretch. Short Stretch. Short Stretch. Short Stretch. ib if im IS 1C Ik in It id ll IP IX bib pick lid I i-l ill PRACTICE WORDS. sift him his tick pin pit hill lip fix i l-i 1-i-p lip 64 MOTION EXERCISES. LONG VOWEL WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS, POSITION 1. POSITION 2. EXERCISE. Use Long Stretching Exercise. 123 Long Stretch. Long Stretch. Long Stretch. id II ip if im ir ik in is Long Stretch. it IV ripe hire PRACTICE WORDS. ride mile life lime like line rise I i-c ice I n-i NOTE. Shorten sound of closing position of t. mite hive n-i-n nine MOTION EXERCISES. 65 SHORT VOWEL WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. o Short Stretch, Ob oc od rob lock God o o-d EXERCISE. C/se Short Stretching Exercise. 2 3 Short Stretch. Short Stretch. of om og on ol op 4 5 Short Stretch. Short Stretch. or 5x OS ot PRACTICE WORDS. coffee log olive odd Tom con hop o d-o orange lost lot fox d-o-g dog 66 MOTION EXERCISES. VOWEL SOUND WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS, o POSITION 1. POSITION 2. robe road loaf o-ld EXERCISE. Use Long Stretching Exercise. 2 3 Long Stretch. Long ob od Og ok of 51 Long Stretch. Long Stretch. om or on OS op ot PRACTICE WORDS. rogue oak pole old home lone rope l-o ore rove rose boat 1-o-n lone MOTION EXERCISES. 67 VOWEL SOUND WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. u EXERCISE. Use Short Stretching Exercise. Short Stretch Short Stretch. Short Stretch. Short Stretch. ub uf iim US iic ud ug ul fin up rub luck mud PRACTICE WORDS muff bug mull u u-p iip-per upper u gum gun cup p-u dust p-u-p pup 68 MOTION EXERCISES. VOWEL SOUND WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. u POSITION 1, POSITION 2. EXERCISE. Use Long Stretching Exercise. .1 2 3 4 Long Stretch. Long Stretch. Long Stretch Long Stretch ub ul up Ut ud um ur UP" un us U tube sued huge u-s use PRACTICE WORDS. mule dupe pure fume tune muse u t-u mute t-u-n tune MOTION EXERCISES. 69 a (ITALIAN) WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. a a ar arm a ar art a ar barn EXERCISE. Use Long Pushing Exercise. PRACTICE WORDS. 2 345 ar arch ar ark ar cart ar lark ar are ar army ar card ar bark ar farm ar artist ar harm ar dark a ar a-rm arm a ar a-rt art a f-ar f-ar-m farm a 1-ark 1-ar-k lark 70 MOTION EXERCISES. a (BROAD) WITH CONSONANT SOUNDS. a EXERCISE. Use Long Pushing Exercise. 1 Long Push. Long Push. Long Push. Long Push. ba a da ball call dawn a-1 fa ha fall gall hall all la ma na pa qua PRACTICE WORDS. jaw naught law paw malt quart a b-a 5 6 Long Push. Long Push. ra va sa wa ta raw vault saw wall tall b-a-1 ball MOTION EXERCISES, 71 VOWEL SOUND, (y like I). PRACTICE WORDS. f h y mn hymn CD y n y mph nymph . co y baby baby (i) y Lil-y Lily y man-y many y a-byss abyss y ru-by ruby y hick-o-ry hickory y hol-ly-hock hollyhock MOTION EXERCISES. VOWEL SOUND, (y like I.) POSITION 1. NOTE. Shorten the closing sound of letter. PRACTICE WORDS. POSITION 2. y my my (I) y sky sky CO y fl y fly y hy-drant hydrant y hy-phen hyphen y cy-press cypress y hy-son hyson y sky-ward skyward y ed-i-fy edify MOTION EXERCISES. 73 BREATHING FOR h WITH VOWEL SOUNDS, h EXERCISE. 1 2 3 4 Short Stretch. Long Stretch. Short Push. Long Push, ha ha ha ha lie he he he hi hi hi hi ho ho ho ho ha hu hu hu PRACTICE WORDS. hat hate ham hail hen heed hem heel hid hide him high hop hope hot home hug huge hut hue h h-a h-a-t hat h h-o h-o-t hot 74 MOTION EXERCISES. PALATE SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. hard like K K like"v> Short Stretch. ae 6 1C oe U act peck pick lock luck c-a EXERCISE. 2 3 Long Stretch. Short Push. a a ke ke kl kl U U PRACTICE WORDS. Long Push. ke kl U 6 a~ cake cat cane keep kite kettle kick keel kind cone cot coat cute cut cube cat k k-I k-i-t kite MOTION EXERCISES. 75 PALATE SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. I 1 Short Stretch. ag eg 5g fig agate egg big dog bug g g-e EXERCISE. 2 Short Push. ga ge gu PRACTICE WORDS. gag get gig got gun g-e-t get g g-u 3 Long Push. ga go gate gold 2-u-n gun 76 MOTION EXERCISES. PALATE SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. EXERCISE. Short Stretching Exercise. ya Long Stretching Exercise. ya yo y ye y yo y ye y y g PRACTICE WORDS. yankee yellow yonder ye-t yet y yo-n yon y yel-low yellow y ye-s yes y yo yard year yoke yo-k yar-d yoke yard yar-n yo-n yarn yon MOTION EXERCISES. 77 NASAL OR NOSE SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. n EXERCISE. Short Stretch. Long Stretch. Short Push. Long Push. an an na na en en ne ne in in m ni on on no no un un nu nu n and end inch on uncle n-o n-6-t PRACTICE WORDS. angel nap seen net line nip lone nod tune nut not n n-o name need nice note nude n-o-t note 78 MOTION EXERCISES. NASAL SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. ng n like ng ng ang bang ng ing ring ng ong wrong ng ting sung PRACTICE WORDS. ng a-ng n m sa-ng sang in-k ink ng smg-er n fin-ger singer finger sting er swing er wring er spring er Ion ger lin ger fin ger him ger NOTE. ng is the equivalent of n marked with a bar below it. n is like ng, when n comes before the sound of k, or hard -g, as in ink, finger, etc. MOTION EXERCISES. 79 TONGUE SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. 1 Short Stretch. al el il 51 ul alley elm ill olive ulster 1 1-a 1-a-p EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. al el II ol ul la le II lo lu PRACTICE WORDS. ale eel mile old mule lap lamb let lit log lug 1 1-a l-a-< Long Push. la le II 15 lu lame lead light lone lute lace 80 MOTION EXERCISES. TONGUE SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. r Short Stretch. ar er ir or dr arrow errand bird orange urge r r-a r-a-t EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. ar er ir or ur ra re ri ro ru PRACTICE WORDS. Long Push. ra re ri ro ru rat air rat rain ear red read ire orb urn rip rod run ripe rope rude r r-i r-i-p ri MOTION EXERCISES. 81 TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. Short Stretch. at et it ot ut EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. attic etching itch otter utter t-a-p at ta et te it ti ot to ut tu PRACTICE WORDS. ate tan eat ten mite tin note mute top tub tap t a-t Long Push. ta te ti to tu tame team time topaz tube at-tie attic 82 MOTION EXERCISES. TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. d Short Stretch. ad ed id od ud add edge idiot odd rudder EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. ad ed id od ud da de di do du PRACTICE WORDS. aid dab heed den ride din road dog rude dug Long Push. da de di do du date deed dine dose dupe d-a d-a-b dab d d-o d-o-g dog MOTION EXERCISES. 83 TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS, Short Push. cha die chi cho chu chap chest chip chop chum ch ch EXERCISE. Long Push. cha che chi cho chu PRACTICE WORDS. change cheese child choke church Long Push. gha (There are very few words having this sound.) Chaise machine ch ch-e ch-e-k cheek ch ch-i ch-i-m chime 84 MOTION EXERCISES. TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. J like g soft g soft like J Short Stretch. ag eg og ug EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. ag ja eg je Long Push. ^g J 1 PRACTICE WORDS. badge edge ridge lodge nudge age siege huge jam jet Jill job J u g j-a j-a-m am Jane Jean jibe joke June j-o-b job MOTION EXERCISES. 85 TEETH SOUNDS. S like C Q like S S like Z EXERCISE. Use Short Stretching. as es is OS us ash escort is ostrich us s-a s-a-nd Long Stretching. Short Pushing. Long Pushing. ac, sa sa es se, 96 se is si si, 91 OS so so us JL su su PRACTICE WORDS. ace sat sane ease set, cent seed wise sip side, cite rose sop soap use sum suet sand s s-o s-o-p soap 86 MOTION EXERCISES. TEETH SOUNDS. O marked thus O like Z EXERCISE. Use Short Pushing. ze as zi is" Long Pushing. ze es ZO OS X Long Pushing. az ez 1Z zest zinc was _L visit z-e z-e-st z-i z-i n- PRACTICE WORDS, zebra zone easy close zest zinc z-e z-o blaze breeze prize ze-bra zebra z-o-n zone MOTION EXERCISES. 87 TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. sh sh EXERCISE. 1- 2 3 Short Stretch. Long Stretch. Short Push. ash sha ash esh she esh ish shi Ish osh sho osh ush ush PRACTICE WORDS. ash shade hash mesh dish sheep shine flesh fish bosh shone bosh rush rush sh-a sh-a-d shade sh sh- Long Push. sha she shi sho shy shape she shine show shy sh-i-p ship 88 MOTION EXERCISES. TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. zh EXERCISE. Use Short Pushing Exercise. zh a-zh zh e-zh zh e-zh azure exposure provision PRACTICE WORDS. grazier treasure rouge adhesion composure usury usual pleasure cohesion MOTION EXERCISES. 89 TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. th th EXERCISE. Short Stretching. Long Stretching. Short Pushing. Long Pushing ath ath tha tha eth eth the the ith Ith thi thi 8th oth tho tho uth thu PRACTICE WORDS. hath bathe than thaw breath seethe then theme with broth writhe clothe youth this thong thus thigh though i th-a th-a-nk thank th th-a th-a-t that 90 MOTION EXERCISES. TEETH SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. th th sh EXERCISE. Short Stretching Exercise. Short Stretching Exercise. Short Stretching Exercise. tha the thi tho thu PRACTICE WORDS. th th th-a th-e thank them thin thong thus th-a-n-k thank th-e-m then sh sh sha she sh! sho shu shad shed ship shop shut sh-a sh-a-d shad sh -t sh-i-p ship MOTION EXERCISES. 91 LIP SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. P Short Stretch. ap ep op up apple reptile UP mop cup p p-a p-a-n EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. ap pa ep pe op up pu PRACTICE WORDS. ape keep ripe mope u pas pan pad pet pin poll pup Long Push. pa pe Pi po pu paid peel pine pole pure p p-a p-a-n pane MOTION EXERCISES. LIP SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. b Short Stretch. ab eb ib ob ub cab ebony ribbon job tub EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. ab eb Ib ob ub ba be bi bo bu PRACTICE WORDS. able bat feeble bed jibe bib Job box tube bug b b-a b-a-t bat b-i Long Push. ba be bi bo bu bait bead bite boat bugle b-i-b bib MOTION EXERCISES. 93 LIP SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. Short Stretch. af ef if of afford left lift offer cuff EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. af ef If of fa fe fi fo fii PRACTICE WORDS. safe reef life loaf fat fat fed fish fox fun f f-a Long Push. fa fe fi fo fu fate feed fine foam fume f-a-t fate 94 MOTION EXERCISES. LIP SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. V Short Stretch. av ev IV ov EXERCISE. Long Stretch. Short Push. av ev IV ov va ve v! vo Long Push. va ve VI vo NOTE. o thus marked like u short, as in oven, son, etc. PRACTICE WORDS. save van eve velvet hive village oval volley van v v-a v-a-n avenue ever river oven v v-a v-a-n vane veal vine vote MOTION EXERCISES. 95 LIP SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. m Short Stretch. am em im om um ham hem him romp hum EXERCISE. Long Stretch. S am em im om um PRACTICE WORDS. game mat beam met lime mill home human rt Push. Long Push. ma ma me me mi mi mo mo mu mu mop mud mate meat mine mope mute m m-a m-a-n man m m-a m-a-n mane 96 MOTION EXERCISES. LIP SOUND WITH VOWEL SOUNDS. w EXERCISE. Long Stretching Exercise. wa we wi wo Short Stretching Exercise. wa we wi wo NOTE. Letter o thus marked like short oo as in wolf, etc. PRACTICE WORDS. wag wave wet weep wig wipe wolf woe w wa-x wax w wa-v wave MOTION EXERCISES. 97 MOTION EXERCISES WITH COMBINATIONS. X like kS X like gZ POSITION 1. POSITION 2. Short Pushing Exercise. ax ix ex ex 'ox PRACTICE WORDS. wax exact flax exist vex example six auxiliary x ax wa-x wax x ex ex-am-ple example x ox b-o-x box x ox f-o-x fox 98 MOTION EXERCISES. MOTION EXERCISES WITH COMBINATIONS. qu Hke kw EXERCISE. Stretching Exercise. Short Stretching Exercise. Long Stretching Exercise. qua que qui quo qua qua que qui quo qua PRACTICE WORDS. quail queen quite quote quarter qu quo quo-t quote . q is always followed by u and the two have the sound of lav. Quack like kwak, quote like kwot. qu qua quack quell quick quod quart qua-k quack MOTION EXERCISES, 99 MOTION EXERCISES WITH COMBINATIONS. wh EXERCISE. Pushing Exercise. Use Short Pushing Exercise. Long Pushing Exercise. wha wha whe whe whi whi PRACTICE WORDS. what when whip whatnot whetstone whisper wh wh-a-t what wh whale wheel white whalebone wheat whiten whine wh-a-1 whale NOTE. h aspirate before wh. 100 MOTION EXERCISES. PRACTICE IN SHORT VOWEL SOUNDS. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. SHORT STRETCHING EXERCISE. For short vowels assume Position 1. As sounds are uttered, have hands drawn quickly apart to Position 2. This gives the necessary abrupt or expulsive, sound. a-e-i-o-u s^x s^.x v ' ^-x ^*^ sx a-e i-o u-a ^ ^ ^^ X ^^X "***^S ***S ^^^ ^ S **+^S \i^^ a-e-i a-i-o a-o-u MOTION EXERCISER, 101 PRACTICE IN LONG VOWEL SOUNDS. POSITION 1. POSITION 2. Use this exercise with these vowel sounds. a-e a-e- a- e--o _ -o j^o o-i o-a-i o-a-e 102 MOTION EXERCISES. SHORT AND LONG VOWELS COMBINED, Use the short and long stretching exercises with these vowels. a-a e-e T-I 6-0 u-u a-a e-e I-T o-o u-u a-e e-T 1-6 Use the long and short stretching exercises with these vowels. a-e e-o a-y ( as e-e-e a-a~a T-T- 6-6-6 ia-u-u a-a-a e-e-e 1-1-1 PART III. VOWELS AND CONSONANTS CLASSIFIED. NOTE. Vowel sounds depend upon the extent and manner of open- ing the mouth. They are unobstructed voice sounds or pure tones. Sub-vocals or Vocal Consonants are uttered with a slight degree of vocality ; that is, tone united with breath. They are obstructed voice sounds. Sub-vocals or consonants require a greater effort of the speak- ing organs than vocals or vowels. Sub-vocals or Vocal Consonants are b, d, g, j, 1, in, n, ng, r, v, w, y, z, th, zh. Atonies or Aspirate Consonants have no tone or vocality. They are breathings only, or produced by a current of the whispering breath through certain parts of the mouth. Atonies or Aspirate Consonants are f, h, k, p, s, t, th, sh, ch, wh. CORRELATIVES OR COGNATES. Eight sub-vocals and eight aspirates may be arranged in pairs called correlatives or cognates, because they are formed with the same position of the organs. The first four pairs are explosive ; the others are continuous. Sub-vocals or voice sounds. Aspirates or breath sounds. b P d t g k j CQ th th v f z s zh sh 103 104 VOWEL SOUNDS WITH CONSONANTS. PRACTICE WORK. VOWEL SOUNDS. a a at ate ankle apron candy baker apple paper attic April e e egg eel edge eagle entry hero net neat west east I I imp ice inch high silk time infant iron idiot tiger 5 odd old God glory office home coffee poet chop story u ii us use tub tube usher unit tumbler tulip umpire June y like y like i short 1 long y y hymn my nymph fly lily reply every rely monkey July a a arm ask half past march class army glass park master a a all was ball watch waltz wash water wan August wander a air where pair there hair heir fare heiress care their er ir ur err firm fur her sir furl verse girl purse person bird purple perch first church CONSONANTS CLASSIFIED INTO ASPIRATES AND SUB-VOCALS. 105 PRACTICE WORK. CONSONANTS CLASSIFIED. Aspirates Breath. Sub-vocals Tone with Breath. h hash hiss 1 lash list h home high. 1 late lie wh wh white when whisper whale W W wit wen wisp wail P P pin pole pun push b b bin bowl bun bush c k cash kind coat Kate g g gash gin goat gate ch ch chap chase choose cheer j j jam jet June July f f fast face fishy fine V V vast vase vale vine s sink sent z zinc zest s signal seal z zigzag zeal t tin tint d din dint t tick tell d Dick dell th thick thistle til them soothe th think thigh th then smooth sh shine sheriff zh azure treasure sh th sh ch shame thirty hush cherry shell thirsty blush cheese zh th zh j pleasure mother grazier judge measure father glazier January 106 CONSONANTS CLASSIFIED. PRACTICE WORK. CONSONANTS DIVIDED ACCORDING TO THE ORGANS USED. Palate or Throat Sounds. -k g came game card guard cape gape cold gold y yard yacht yoke yonder Nasal or Nose Sounds. n navy nephew ninety November ng n sing kink sang pink singer finger singing ink Lingual or Tongue Sounds. 1 r lake rake leap reap light right locket rocket lusty rusty Dental or Teeth Sounds. t tame tent time toe trunk d dame dent dime doe drunk ch char chest chill choke chunk j jar jest Jill joke junk th thatch three thin throat south th that thee thine those thou 3 base seal hiss sink dose Z baize zeal fizz zinc doze sh ash fresh shaver shame show zh azure treasure glazier brazier hosier Labial or Lip Sounds. i pack back peg beg pile bile pony bony pug bug f V fail vale ferry very fine vine fowl vow fern verge m May men mill mow morn w way wen will woe worn COMBINATION OF SOUNDS. 107 PRACTICE WORK. ai like a a mail male sail sale pail pale hail hale gait gate paint cage ea like e e e like a beat beet they heal dear hear peal heel deer here peel eight eighteen eighty sleigh speak cheek skein ie like I pie flies cries skies spies dried ie like e grief brief thief chief thieve lief ea like e deaf death dead wealth health breath ight like it light might right sight tight plight oa like o soap road boat goat coat load ow like o elbow yellow willow grow know snow oi y oil boy boil toy point coy moist jy coil enjoy voice oyster ou ow out owl ounce gown loud town proud towel mouse vowel trout flower do 06 good moon wool noon wood boot book spool look spoon brook food o like do woman wolf wolves wolfish 6, o like a cork corn cork force fork horse u like oo rude rule rural rumor truth fruit u like 06 full pull push pushing bushel bush 108 COMBINATION OF SOUNDS. PRACTICE WORK. ex like ks. ex like gz. ex vex exit ex ex extra express ex exact exhaust example examine qu like kw. ' q quack queen queer q quite quote quail ed like d aimed pleased filled feared ed like t kissed danced dropped wished ed like ed minded banded crowded guided whit when whip whistle whittle whimper whisper whirlpool whisker white while what has phrase catch w is silent. whoop who whole whom whose wholesome s marked thus s has the sound of z. nose rise prose muse rose wise prison tch like sound of ch. patch batch crutch watch amuse match COMBINATIONS. 109 SPECIAL PRACTICE WORK. Simple Sound of ng. ang ing 5ng ung rang king song sung slang fling strong flung bang sting wrong swung banging singing wronging ng sing ng sing er ing spring er spring ing sting sting er ring er ing ring ing n like ng before the sound of k or hard g. n fin ger Ion ger jin gle hun ger finger longer jingle hunger n lin ger stron ger tin gle an gle linger stronger tingle angle n like ng followed by k aspirate sound. n like ng ink wink pink link prink n like ng kink mink drink sink shrink n followed by g soft in these words. stin gy gin ger singed plun ger stingy ginger singe plunge SPECIAL PRACTICE WITH wh. wh wh wh wh what when whip whale whack wheth er which whim what ev er whence whin whist 110 COMBINATIONS. SPECIAL PRACTICE WORK. PRACTICE WITH ing. ing advancing beating clapping mg delaying ending- finding ing giggling hanging icing ing jumping kindling longing 7 ing ringing swinging tingling ing mending needing opening ing usurping visiting washing ing pushing quenching ushering 9 ing examining yachting zigzagging ch chap chaff chance h chord PRACTICE WITH ch. ch ch ch ch check chest chick chick chop en choose chum chuck chess chip choc o late chunk h h h chorus choral chorister strength PRACTICE WITH th FINAL. width length breadth health SPECIAL PRACTICE WORK. Ill PRACTICE WORK. HOMONYMS. beet blew bow bury bear cite beat blue beau berry bare site bear sight cede clause chord climb coarse cent seed claws cord clime course sent scent dear due draft flower flee fair deer dew draught flour flea fare ring rite blue tear vail hare wring write blew tier vale hair bow bread ceil course cell ball bough bred seal coarse sell bawl PRACTICE WITH SINGULAR AND PLURAL WORDS. calf man foot tooth half calves men feet teeth halves life lives knife knives wife wives chief chiefs gulf gulfs leaf leaves loaf loaves thief thieves safe safes proof proofs sheaf sheaves mouse mice goose geese woman women city cities wharf wharves shelf shelves half halves fly flies cry cries 112 CLAPPING EXERCISE USED WITH THE VOWEL SOUNDS. CLAPPING EXERCISE. Clap the hands together- as many times as denoted by the number of syllables in the given word, clapping with added force as the accented syllable is uttered. Clap the hands for the vowel sounds above the divided word ; also clap for each syllable in the word. The accented syllable is marked thus ( ' ). Hence, a louder clap is required for the accented syllable. SPECIAL PRACTICE y a a al'ways always a o al'so also e o he'ro hero o e po'et poet a e mar'ket market o e ro'ses roses a i art'ist artist U 1 u'nit unit u i u nite' unite a o a au ro'ra aurora o 6 so'lo solo ba'by baby e a re mark' remark o a so'fa sofa o y ho'ly holy o y sto'ry story ler sis'ter sister i er high'er higher e i e de light'ed delighted 1 office office o e coffee coffee o y glo'ry glory WORDS DIVIDED INTO SYLLABLES. 113 SPECIAL CLAPPING EXERCISE USED WHILE UTTERING THE WORDS OF TWO OR MORE SYLLABLES. a a ap'ple apple a'corn acorn bar'rel barrel ba'by baby can'dy candy la'dy lady dai'sy daisy pa'per paper gaHon gallon ha'lo halo han'dy handy na'vy navy spar'row sparrow gra'vy gravy satch'el satchel ta'ble table cam'el camel ca'per caper tal'ly tally ta'per taper val'ley valley va'por vapor e e emp'ty empty Eas'ter Easter ber'ry berry bea'ver beaver cel'lar cellar crea'ture creature fer'ry ferry fea'ture feature lem'on lemon he'ro hero mer'ry merry teach-'er teacher ten'nis tennis read'er reader pen'ny penny sleep'er . sleeper ce'dar cedar ce ment' cement cen'tral central ce're al cereal eb'o ny ebony ea'gle eagle net'ting netting nee'dle needle 114 WORDS DIVIDED INTO SYLLABLES. SPECIAL CLAPPING EXERCISE USED WHILE UTTERING THE WORDS OF TWO OR MORE SYLLABLES. i I in'sect insect i'cy icy bis'cuit biscuit di'et diet crick'et cricket di'a mond diamond riv'er river bi'son bison pic'ture picture Mac lilac lil'y lily mi'ner miner sis'ter sister high'er higher din'ner dinner gi'ant giant lim'ber limber li'on lion ticket ticket ti'dy tidy lit'tle little live'ly lively o office office o'pen open offer offer ho'ly holy or'ange orange glo r ry glory ol'lve olive sto'ry story coffee coffee po'ker poker choc'o late cbocolate so'lo solo dol'lar dollar clo'ver clover pock'et pocket po'et poet lob'ster lobster lo'cust locust gob'let goblet go riria gorilla dol'phin dolphin dole'ful doleful top'ic topic to'tal total WORDS DIVIDED INTO SYLLABLES. 115 SPECIAL CLAPPING EXERCISE USED WHILE UTTERING THE WORDS OF TWO OR MORE SYLLABLES. up'per un'cle num'ber pup'py hunt'er Sun'day muffin thun'der u upper uncle number puppy hunter Sunday muffin thunder u u'nit unit use'ful useful stu'dent student stu'pid hu'mor stupid humor tu'tor tutor Tues'day plu'ral Tuesday plural art'ist artist aun'ty aunty bar'ley barley car'pet carpet garment garment fa'ther father far'ther farther mar'ket market au'thor author au'tumn autumn al'ways Au'gust au ro'ra always August aurora daughter wa'ter daughter water sau'cer saucer SPECIAL PRACTICE. Hold mouth positions as illustrated in this book for the time of five silent counts, long enough to train the organs to correct action before uttering the sound. Practice lifting the tongue for the letters I and r. Hold tongue in position while counting five before uttering the sound. Hold mouth 'wide enough open to make room for the vibrations in the mouth before uttering the sound, drop- ping the jaw readily for the sound of a broad, as well as 116 DRILL IN QUANTITY OR TIME WITH VOWELS. opening wide for a Italian. . Practice holding position firmly before uttering the sound. VOWELS. Time Drill. Vowels with Consonants. a a-t at a h-a-nd hand, gal lop gallop e e-nd end e 1-e-nd lend, mel on melon I i-t it I p-i-n pin, sil ver silver o-n on -0 s-o-ng song, dol lar dollar u u-s us u s-ii-n sun, Sun day Sunda Hold mouth position for simple vowel sounds time of two counts before uttering the consonant sounds, although ex- plosive in utterance. Compound Vowel Sounds. a a-c ace a f-a-c face, la dy lady e e-1 eel e f-e-1 feel, he ro hero I I-c ice I v-I-n vine, ti dy tidy o-ld. old t-o-ld told, sto ry story, glory u u-s use u t-u-n tune, Tues day Tuesday Hold mouth positions for compound vowel sounds time of two counts for the first part of the sound, quickly closing into the vanishing sounds, after which hold the facial positions time of two counts before uttering consonant sounds and words. a a-rt art a f-a-rm farm, art ist artist a a-11 all a b-a-11 ball, al ways always a ai-r air a f-ai-r fair, fai ry fairy e er err e h-er her, ear nest earnest Hold mouth positions for vowel sounds time of three counts before uttering consonant sounds. DRILL IN QUANTITY OR TIME WITH CONSONANTS. 117 SPECIAL PRACTICE. Time Drill. Consonants with Vowels. b b-ot boat b b-and band, ban ner banner c-k c-ak cake c c-ak cake. can dy candy d d-ep deep d d-al dale, di et diet f f-obl fool f f-am fame, fin er finer g g-am game g g-old gold, glo ry glory h h-om home h h-old hold, ho ly holy 1 l-Tp HP 1 1-one lone, low ly lowly m m-at mat m m-an man, Ma ry Mary n n-ip nip n n-ot not, noi sy noisy P p-m pin P p-ole pole, po ny pony qu qu-en queen q quot quote, quick ly quickly r r-ap rap r r-ed read, rush ing rushing s s-ip sip s s-e see, sto ry story t t-ip tip t t-6ol tool, ti dy tidy V v-ex vex V v-im vim, vie tor victor w w-ax wax w w-av wave, win ter winter X a-x ax X w-ax wax, ax is axis y ye-t yet y y-es yes, yon der yonder z z-on zone z z-on zone, zig zag zigzag ch ch-ip chip ch ch-ep cheap, chil ly chilly sh sh-ad shad sh sh-ep sheep, sha dy shady th th-at that th th-em them, thick ly thickly wh wh-ich which wh wh-it white, whi ter whiter ng s-ong song ng b-ang bang, sing er singer n-k in-k ink nk 1-in-k link, fin ger finger To gain strength and flexibility hold mouth positions for the above consonant sounds while counting three before uttering the other sounds. DIACRITICAL MARKS. DIACRITICAL MARKS. VOWELS. a short as in at, hat. a long as in ace, fac^e. a Italian as in art, arm. a as in ask, last. a broad as in all, ball. a like o as in what, wan, was. a as in air, care. VOWELS. e short as in end, met. e long as in eve, me. e like a as in their, heir, e as in ermine, verge, e like a as in eight, obey. VOWELS. i short as in ill, pin. I long as in ice, fine. I as in bird, virgin, Irksome, 'i like e as in pique, machine. y short like i as in nymph, hymn. y long like I as in fly, sky. DIACRITICAL MARKS. 119 DIACRITICAL MARKS. VOWELS. o short as in on, odd, God. o long as in old, no, note. 6 like u as in son, dove, other. o like oo as in do, move, prove. like do as in wolf, woman. 6 like broad a as in order, form. 06 short as in good, book, wool. 60 as in moon, food, noon. VOWELS. u short as in us, tub, up. u long as in use, tube, tune. u as in urge, burn. u long preceded by r as in rude, rule. u like 06 as in put, bull, push. y is either a vowel as any, etc. ; or a consonant as ye, etc. REGULAR DIPHTHONGAL SOUNDS. 01 or oy, same sound unmarked as in oil, oyster. ou or ow, same sound as in out, owl. 120 DIACRITICAL MARKS. DIACRITICAL MARKS. CONSONANTS. hard like k as in call, cat, an. 9 soft like s as in gede, gent, mercj. ch unmarked as in child, touch, much. ch hard like k as in chorus, echo, epoch. qh soft like sk as in cjhaise, machine. g hard as in get, game. g soft likej as in gem, engine, ginger. s sharp unmarked as in same, so, gas. s soft or vocal like z as in has, is, prison. th unmarked (whispered) as in think, path, truth. th vocal as in that, thine, them. ng unmarked as in long, singer, tongue, rang. n with horizontal line under, like ng as in ink, anger, lank. x like gz as in example, exact. x like Jcs as in exercise. ph like / unmarked as in phonics, seraphic, sylph. qu like lew as in queen, quart, quantity. wh like Juv unmarked as in what, white, while. zh as in vision, measure, treasure. The diacritical marks used here are based on Webster's International Dictionary, published by G. & C. Merriam Company, Springfield, Mass. INDEX. LIST OF SUBJECTS AND II PAGE Illustrated motion exercises 1 PART I. Vowel and consonant sounds with motion exercises and appli- cation to words. Letter a short - - 7 .LUSTRATIONS SPECIFIED. Dental sounds: Letter t , . d ch i g soft S CL Ion " 8 c soft . . 6 short 9 z e long 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 sh i short i long o short o long u short u long zh th aspirate th vocal Vowel sounds: Aspirated element: Letter h 17 y like i long Labial sounds: Letter p Palate sounds: Letter k 18 7, c hard . . 19 f q hard 20 J y y Vowel sound: Letter a as in ask Nasal sounds: Letter n 21 22 23 TH ... w Combinations: wh like kw qu like kw 24 OK. n 9 x like ks and gz Vowel sound: Letter a Italian . . 26 Vowel sound: Letter a as in air, care Initial and final consonants . . . Initial consonants and Applica- tion Lingual sounds: Letter 1 27 .. 28 29 .. 30 Vowel sounds: Initial consonants and Applica- tion a as in was Final consonants and Application 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 121 122 INDEX. PART II. Combination of vowel and consonant sounds with motion exercises and practice words. Vowel sounds 59 Aspirated element h 73 Palatal sounds 74 Nasal sounds 77 Lingual sounds 79 Dental sounds 81 Labial sounds 91 Combinations 97 Vowels with additional motion exercises. . . 100 PART III. Vowels and consonants defined and classified with varied exercises. Table of correlatives or cognates 103 Practice work application of short and long vowel sounds to words 104 Classification of consonants into aspirates and sub-vocals, with word drill 105 Classification of consonants ac- cording to the organs of speech used, with word drill 106 Practice work 107 Practice work continued 108 Homonyms Practice with sin- gular and plural of words Ill Clapping exercises used with vowel sounds and syllable drill 112 Special practice with mouth posi- tions 116 Diacritical marks 118 Diacritical marks 120 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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