t'ifornia ional lity p .:" LION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Ex Libris Katharine F. Richmond and Henry C. Fall trie THE >'f TOWN REGISTER Farmington Milton Wakefield Middleton Brookfield 1 9 O 7-8 COMPILED BY DAVIS, BRYANT AND LAWTON AUGUSTA, MAINE: PUBLISHED BY THE MITCHELL-CONY Co., INC. 1908 TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION 9 INDIAN HISTORY 13 HISTORY OF FARMINGTON Description 15 Early Settlement 16 Incorporation 20 Town Officials 23 Ecclesiastical Account 26 Industrial History 30 Military Account 34 Professional Men 36 Farmington in N. H. Senate 39 Societies and Organizations 39 School Items 41 Items of Interest 42 CENSUS OF FARMINGTON 45 HISTORY OF MILTON Description 90 Early Settlement 91 Incorporation 94 Town Officials 95 Church History 99 Industries 107 Military History Ill Educational Account 114 Professional Men 116 Milton in N. H. Senate 119 Milton's Centennial 119 CENSUS OF MILTON... , 122 1G7SC38 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED HISTORY OF WAKEFIELD Description 159 Early Proprietary and Settlement 160 Incorporation 166 Town Officials 168 Churches 172 Industrial Account 179 Military History 182 Educational Account 184 Petition for Incorporation of Union Library, 1797 186 Professional Men 186 CENSUS OF WAKEFIELD 191 CENSUS OF MIDDLETON 225 CENSUS OF BROOKFIELD , 233 HISTORY OF MIDDLETON AND BROOKFIELD Early Settlement 240 Brookfield Tax List 241 Representatives to the Legislature 242 Incorporation 244 Incorporation of Middleton 244 Incorporation of Brookfield 246 Town Officers of Middleton 249 Town Officers of Brookfield 255 Military Matters 258 Facts of Interest... . 260 AGENT FOR H. F. WHITEHOUSE Choice Family Groceries and Flour. Daisy Brand Canned Goods. Wood's Boston Coffees and Teas MILTON N. H. CHAS. E. WENTWORTH SALE, BOARD and LIVERY STABLE Connected with Union Hotel. Telephone Connection . 3XT. W. H. WILLEY & SON DEALERS IN Grain, Groceries, Meat, Provisions, Wood and Lumber. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS SANBORNVILLE, N. H. A CARD. In presenting this REGISTER to the people of Farmington, Milton and Wakefield, we wish to acknowledge our indebtedness for historical data to articles written by Mrs. Adelaide Alley Waldron and Mr. Ned Parker on Farmington, to Mr. Arthur Thad Smith's address at Milton's Centennial Celebration, and to the Rev. Albert Thompson's sketch on Wakefield in the His- tory of Carroll County; also to the town records and documents kindly furnished by Messrs. White, Avery and Garvin, the clerks of these towns, to the clerks and pastors of the different churches, and to all the various sources from which our information has been obtained. Realizing the limitations of space, it has not been possible to deal with minor details, the purpose being to put the history in brief form into the great majority of the homes in these towns. We wish to thank the people here for their cordial encouragement and aid, for their courtesy and good will, in a word for the way in which they have "stood behind" the undertaking. We hope that they will find the REGISTER something which is worth while and for the most part authen- tic and satisfactory. INTRODUCTION. The group of towns included in this work, are located in the southeastern section of the State of New Hampshire ; Farm- ington and Milton in the County of Strafford, and Wakefield in the County of Carroll. The region in which they lie is for the most part hilly and broken, traversed by mountains which rise to a considerable height, and divide it into valley and small plateaus, through which flow many beautiful streams, the outlets of the ponds and lakes in which this section abounds. It is a picturesque region, only a few miles from the majes- tic Winnepesaukee, and within sight of the White Mountains, whose peaks towering far into the heavens, can be seen by the naked eye from the many elevations in these towns, which are just far enough removed from the "White Hills" to be outside the mountain country on the north. Combining the attractions of hill and lake, with stretches of low land and valley, this region has many attractions for every lover of the beautiful in Nature. Here, centuries ago, the Indian hunted and fished, and the wild beast roamed through the forest which man and animal shared alike, and which extended in unbroken, primeval vastness over upland and low- land to the waters of the sea. In 1623, the white man came, and made the earliest settle- ment in New Hampshire, at Dover, (Cocheco). The conflict between the races which so soon after ensued, continued for more 10 INTRODUCTION than a hundred years, and this section was the scene of many a terrible and bloody struggle, like that which occurred when "The Indian hordes came down At midnight on Cocheco town." The people of today little realize how great were the hard- ships and privations which their forefathers endured, how ter- rible were the years of suffering and conflict; first against the wild beasts and the Indians ; then the Indians of the North and their allies, the French; and finally against England to secure the liberty and freedom without which life is not worth while. More than one and a quarter centuries have passed since our country became a nation, and the changes that have come with the years are very great. The Indian has gone forever from New Hampshire, swept away by the superior strength and numbers of the white con- querors, and by the advance of civilization. Sometimes we unearth here and there, fragments of pottery, a bit of flint, a weapon perhaps, these are all that remain as relics of a departed race, and doubtless, they mingle in the earth with the dust of their former owners. The wild beasts, too, are gone, the forests that sheltered them have melted away. The old Winnepe- saukee trail, which the Indian followed in his journeys to and from the interior of the State, and the region to the north, is traversed by the railroad of modern days; the bridle paths of the settlers have given way to roads and drives; the wigwams and crude villages of the Indians, and the little clearings of the settlers, have been replaced by well-tilled farms, broad meadow lands, and villages ; industry and commerce rule where once war and bloodshed occupied men's thoughts and stirred them, and INTRODUCTION ll everywhere is manifest the onward march of Progress. The redman is gone, and as he passed away, so we, too, shall go, after we have played our part in the great Theatre of Life, but always the lordly mountains and the beautiful lakes will remain for our descendants, and the Piscataqua, the Salmon Falls, the Cocheco, and the other rivers of old New Hampshire will flow to meet the sea, and to tell their mother there of the men and women who were and are, and how well they per- formed their mission. INDIAN HISTORY. The native tribes of New Hampshire were all of the Abnaki nation; but probably had a separate government, and were for the most part independent of those who lived in what is now the State of Maine. The Indians were divided into several tribes, among which were the Pequaquaukes, or Pequawkets, whose ter- ritory embraced a part of Maine ; the Ossipees, the Squamscotts, the Winnecowetts, and the Piscataquas, all living in the eastern section of the State. The population of these tribes is not definitely known, in fact there is no certainty that any estimate of their numbers was ever made by any reliable authority. The population, however, was sparse. Here and there at remote distances was located a little village ; but of never more than a few hundred inhabitants. The Indians in this section probably acknowledged as their Great Sagamore, the famous Passaconaway, whose achievements and powerful reign have been told many times in song and story. He was a powerful warrior, an eloquent orator, a sachem whose sagacity, and reputation as a sorcerer were known by all the redmen in this part of the country, and a chief whose influence and power over his people were remarkable. He was friendly toward the settlers in spite of their unjust usurpation of his lands, and wished that the Indians and white men might always live in friendship, and that the wars might cease. The following extract from his farewell address to his war- riors in 1660, makes evident his view of the relations between INDIAN HISTORY 13 the natives and the white men: "The oak will soon break before the whirlwind, it shivers and shakes even now; soon its trunk will be prostrate, the ant and the worm will sport upon it! Then think, my children, of what I say! I commune with the Great Spirit. He whispers me now: 'Tell your people, Peace peace, is the only hope of your race. I have given fire and thunder to the pale-faces for weapons, I have made them plentier than the leaves of the forest ; and still shall they increase. These meadows they shall turn with the plow, these forests shall fall by the axe, the pale-faces shall live upon your hunting-grounds and make their villages upon your fishing places.' The Great Spirit says this, and it must be so! We are few and powerless before them! We must bend before the storm! The wind blows hard! The old oak trembles, its branches are gone, its sap is frozen, it bends, it falls! Peace peace, with the white man! is the command of the Great Spirit; and the wish the last wish, of Passacon- away. ' ' Wbnolanset, his son and successor, heeded his advice, and when King Philip's war broke out fifteen years later, in spite of the fact that practically all the other tribes of New England engaged in the war, his followers withdrew to a place remote from the scenes of conflict. In 1676, however, four hundred Indians who had been invited to Cocheco (Dover) to witness a training and sham fight, were seized by the whites, and although the Pennacooks were dismissed unharmed, the indignity was too great to be endured and disregarding the advice of the dead Passaconaway the Pennacooks went on the war path, and became, like the other tribes, the bitter foes of the white men. 14 INDIAN HISTORY The usual route of the Indians from the mountains and lakes to the white settlements was by the Cocheco and Newichawannoc (Salmon Falls) rivers, and doubtless the territory now compris- ing these towns was often visited by them, and the forests that covered it often rang with the war-whoop of many a hostile band. Many massacres took place and many battles were fought between the redman and the white in this part of the State. The massacre at Dover, in which Major Waldron was brutally murdered, took place June 27, 1689. The Indian war called "Love well's War" on account of the exploits of Capt. John Lovewell, began in 1722. Many success- ful expeditions against the Indians took place under his leader- ship. Lovewell's Pond in Wakefield takes its name from Capt. Lovewell, who surprised and killed ten Pequawket Indians at that place. He and his men, however, finally were attacked from ambush by a powerful force of Indians under the Chief Paugus, near the pond, and after a long and bloody fight, he and many of his followers were slain. After the close of the French and Indian War and the increase of population in the settlements, few Indians remained in New Hampshire, and the hostilities between the redmen and the white men soon ceased. History of FanminQton The town of Farmington, situated near the center of Straf- ford County, New Hampshire, is twenty-five miles from the State capital, Concord, and eighteen miles northwest of Dover, the county seat of Strafford. It was originally a part of Rochester, from which it was set off and incorporated December 1, 1798. The area of the township is about 21,000 acres, a large portion of which is covered with timber. The surface is broken, and the soil difficult to cultivate, though on the margin of the Cocheco river, there are tracts that produce excellent crops. Extensions of the Blue Hills are included within the town boundaries, traversing Farmington from north to south, the most important elevations of which are known as Nubble, Hussey, Chesley and Blue Job mountains. The last, Blue Job, attains a height of 1,400 feet above the sea level, and on a clear day a view of the White Mountains, Monadnock, and other mountains to the north and west can be seen distinctly, while the shipping in and off Portsmouth is visible to the naked eye. The principal villages are Farmington, West Farmington and Merrill's Cor- ner. The Lake Shore branch of the Boston & Maine Railroad passes through the first and most important village. The Cocheco and Mad rivers flowing through the town afford abundant water power for the manufacturing industries, to which principally Farmington owes her prosperity and growth. The population in 1900 was 2,265, but has increased to more than 3,000 probably at the present time. 16 FARMINGTON EARLY SETTLEMENT. Perhaps the earliest settler in what is now the town of Farm- ington was a Mr. Berry, who built a log house in the south part of the town as early as 1770. The first frame house erected here was built in 1781, for John Roberts, who came to this place the following year from Dover Neck, and resided here many years. Jonas C. March, a native of Portsmouth, constructed the second frame house in the neighborhood, some time prior to 1792. He was the son of Clement March, who, tradition has it, was a giant in size, and one who commanded the greatest respect from his fellow townsmen. It is said that the sight of his cane alone, was enough to awe them. Jonas March married Sally, daughter of Judge Aaron Wingate, and after her death, her sister Lydia. Mr. March was one of the earliest merchants in the town. It is very probable that it was because of the swamp behind his store, and the unloading of lumber on the platform, that the business section of Farmington received the name of "The Dock." However, it is thought also, that the name owes its origin to the abundant growth of weeds ("dock") in that vicinity. The name first occurs in the records in 1792. Capt. Richard Waldron, one of the original proprietors of Rochester, by his will dated August 26, 1777, bequeathed to his sons, John, Joseph, Richard, Samuel and James, certain tracts of land and water privileges in this township, and part, at least, of the property lay between the March place, and the lands of John Ham, another of the early proprietors. The village of Farmington is situated on the Ham place. Benjamin Jones HISTORICAL 17 erected a "half -house" next to Mr. March's place, on the spot now occupied by the Congregational Church. Eleazer Pearl built his residence on a spot facing Central street, where the Odd Fellows Hall now stands. Nearby was the house which Dr. Ben- jamin Libby occupied upon his arrival here in 1800. Lemuel Rand, too, constructed a house at the village, building it upon the site, where, at the present time the beautiful residence of Mrs. Arianna P. Davis is situated. John Wingate, Esq., built in this place in 1800, a house which is now the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Berry. "Squire" Wingate was a black- smith, and the shop where he carried on his trade, adjoined the house. Capt. Josiah Edgerly, a skilled cabinet maker from New Durham, who had married a daughter of Col. Thomas Nash, built a shop on Main street about the year 1807. The Hon. Nathaniel Eastman, a native of Gilmanton, who had married a sister of Gov. Levi Woodbury, had a beautiful mansion constructed for himself in the village in 1813. Benja- min Canney was another early builder in the village. Squire Waldron, whose wife was Mary Scott, of Machias, Maine, lived in the northern part of the town where he built a handsome residence in 1812. Samuel Jones, the Furbers, Ben- jamin Chesley, Paul Demeritt and others settled near Merrill's Corner long before Farmington became a town. The Leightons, who came here from Dover, made a settlement on the Ten Rod Road ; Moses Home, Caleb Varney and Aaron Wingate on Chest- nut Hill. William Tibbetts of England erected the first frame house on the New Durham Ridge Road. He died in 1788, and the property has come down to Mr. George A. Davis, a descendant. 18 FARMINGTON Ancient poplar trees, still standing, were brought here by Mr. Tibbetts. Just below Farmington village is a huge boulder weighing twelve tons, which marks the site of the little house where Farm- ington 's great statesman, Henry Wilson, was born in 1812. He was the son of Winthrop and Abigail Colbath, early residents of this town, and was named for another early resident, Jeremiah Jones, whose daughter, Mrs. Clara Augusta Trask, has won a very high place among American woman writers. When young Colbath had grown to manhood, he changed his name from "Jeremiah Jones Colbath" to the simpler and more easily spoken Henry Wilson. He was one of those "self-made men" so typi- cally American, and served his country as United States Senator from Massachusetts, and as Vice-President of the nation during the second administration of President Grant. The inventory taken by the selectmen in 1799 gives a com- plete, though partly illegible list of the residents in the town, and the names copied from this list complete the account of the early land holders and residents. In 1830, there were fifteen frame dwellings, five stores, one mill, and one tavern in town. INVENTORY OF APRIL, 1799. Mrs. Phebe Austin, Wm. and Job Allard, Peter Akerman, Enoch Burnham, Samuel and John Beck, Wm. Bennett, Alex. Berry, Sam'l Berry, Barrington, Benj. Chesley, Stephen Chapman, Stephen Clark, Richard and John Caverly, Daniel, Thomas and Jos. Canney, H. Colbath, Capt. John Colomy, N. Dm., Reuben Carr, John and Jas. Downs, Joshua and Benj. Downing, Timothy and Simon Dame, Thos. Davis, Daniel Durgin, Elisha Davis, N. Dm., Paul Demerit, Jon- athan Dame, Samuel Drown, John Downing, Daniel Davis, Jos. HISTORICAL 19 Emerson, Capt. Sam'l Furber, Benj. Furber, Col. Richard Fur- ber, Theodore Furber, David, David, Jr., Jas. Jonathan, Gilbert and Stephen French, Nath'l Garland, Tristram Garland, Sam'l Gray, Winthrop Glidden, Simon Green, Jedediah Hanson, Benj. Ham, Sam'l Holmes, Joshua Holmes, Jr., Rochester, Thos. Ham, Samuel Haves, Jeremiah Hodgdon, Jos. Holmes, Wentworth Hayes, Eben'r Home, Eph'm Howard, Wm. Horn, Paul Hayes, Esq., Alton, Enoch Horn, Daniel Horn, Jos. Horn, Nathan Horn, Paul Horn, Ichabod Hayes, Sam'l Hodgdon, Daniel Hayes, Moses Hayes, Moses Home, John Ham, Isaac Hanson, Moses Hodgdon, Moses Hammet, Rochester, Wm. Ham, Moses Hanson, Richd. Hodgdon, Miles Hanson, Capt. Alex. Hodgdon, Rochester, Mica- jah Hussey, Ichabod Hayes, Jr., Daniel Hayes, 3d, Nathan Hodg- don, Andrew Hayes, Barringtpn, Jos. Hayes, Rochester, Benj. Jones, Sam'l Jones, Joseph Jones, Moses Jennes, Rochester, Ephm. Kimball, Ensign Sam'l Knowles, Wm. Knight, Chas. Knight, Rob't Knight, Robt. Knight Edward Knight, John, Wm. Hatevil, Jas., Jos., Levi, Sam'l, Jr., and George Leighton, John Lock, Thos. Leathers, Isaac Libby, Hanson Libby, Jonaj^C. March, John Murry, Elijah Meder, Wm. More, Jos. Meder, Rochester, Abraham Nute, Jas. Nutter, Simon Otis, John Pearl, Ichabod Pearl, Anthony Peayey, Daniel Pevey, Lt. Eph'm Perkins, Place, Sam'l Pinkham, Jos. Plumer, Eleazar Pearl, Jos. Rand, Jos. Runnels, Lem'l Richards, Jas. Roberts, David Roberts, Ensign Eph'm Roberts, John Roberts, Eph'm Roberts, Jr., Jas. Runnels, J. Roberts, Ezek'l Ricker, John Rand, Lemuel Rand, Mark Reed, Nath'l Rand, Jos. Runnals, Benj. Runnals, Benj. Reed, Richard Rundlet, John Robinson, John Runnals, Morris Shannon, Valentine Sergeant, Capt. Thos. Shannon, Rochester, 20 FARMINGTON Timo. Stevens, Jona. Scruton, John Twombly, of Madbury, Lemuel Twombly, Jas. Twombly (estate), J. Thompson, Jr., Edmund Tebbets, Samuel Tuttle (Somersworth?), Edward, Stephen, Mordecai, Caleb, Moses, Daniel, Samuel, Varney and Samuel Varney, Jr., the Wingates, John Walker, the Watsons, the Wentworths, Col. John Waldron, of Dover, the Whitehouse family, White, Witham, and Joseph Young. INCORPORATION. The town of Farmington was incorporated by act of the New Hampshire Legislature, December 1, 1798. Prior to that time it had been included in the town of Rochester, of which it formed the "North West Parish." Rochester, embracing not only its present territory but also that which now forms the townships of Farmington and Milton, had increased so much in population that it became very diffi- cult to assemble the citizens from so large an area for civic meetings and the like. This was an important reason for divid- ing the town, but the primary object in separating the North- west Parish from the parent town was, probably, the attainment of greater religious liberty, and freedom from the payment of taxes for the support of a ministry, which on account of their remoteness from Rochester proper the citizens of Farmington were unable to enjoy. In 1783, the people of Farmington petitioned to be set off by themselves. This request was not granted, however, and no HISTORICAL 21 division was made. The agitation for a separation continued, and after several additional petitions had been dismissed and the dissatisfaction had become mutual on the part of the citizens of the "First Parish" (Rochester), and the other parishes (Farmington and Milton), the consent of the town was finally voted in 1798, and Farmington was incorporated as a town. The population at that time was about one thousand inhabitants. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. An Act to incorporate that part of the Town of Rochester, in the County of Stratford, commonly called the Northwest Par- ish into a separate town by the name of Farmington. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in general court convened, that the lands and inhabitants con- tained within the northwesterly part of said Rochester, as described within the following lines and boundaries (to wit) : Beginning at a stake standing upon Barrington line, twenty-two rods northwesterly from the outlet of Pickeral Pond (so called) , thence running upon a straight line across lot numbered forty- nine in the second division till it strikes the range line between lots numbered thirty-six and thirty-seven in said second division, thence running upon said range line about northeasterly till it strikes the southeast corner of lot numbered fifty-one in the said second division, thence turning at right angles with said range line and running from said corner about northwest upon the westerly side of the four rod range road to the head line of the said second division, thence upon the range line which divides lots numbered four and six, three and five, and ninety-eight and 22 FARMINGTON ninety-nine, in the third division, to Middleton line, thence upon said Middleton line about southwesterly till it strikes the north- easterly corner of Barrington, thence upon the division line of said Barrington and the said Town of Rochester to the bounds first mentioned, be and they hereby are incorporated into a sep- arate town by the name of Farmington, and the said Town of Farmington is hereby invested with all the powers, privileges, and immunities to which other towns in this State are or may be entitled, agreeable to the Constitution and Laws of this State, to have continuance and succession forever. The first town meeting was held March 11, 1799, at the house of Simon Dame, in accordance with the notification made out to the free holders and inhabitants of the town, February 23, 1799. Judge Aaron Wingate served as moderator. Jonas C. Marsh was elected town clerk; Ichabod Hayes, Lieut. Ephraim Kimball, and David Roberts, selectmen. The largest number of votes cast at this meeting was 141. The total collection of taxes for the year 1799, Farmington 's first as a town, amounted to $597.45. The balance of receipts over expenditures for the year was $92.47. The selectmen received $3.00 each for their services; a Mr. Genn was paid in part for preaching, $54.00; Capt. Furber's bill for the use of his barn took $1.66 from the funds and William Knight received $3.00, the full amount paid for the use of his barn. HISTORICAL 23 TOWN OFFICERS. CLERKS. Jonas C. Marsh, 1799-1802; Benj. Jones, 1803; Ephraim Kimball, 1804-08; Simon Dame, 1809-10; Thos. Plumer, Jr., 1811-26; John Roberts, 1827-36; Jas. N. Jones, 1837-38; Benj. R. Peavey, 1839-41; Peter Pearl, 1842-49; L. Wentworth, 1850-54; E. Pearl, 1856-57; J. P. Richardson, 1858- 59; J. B. Edgei-ly, 1860-61; Geo. P. Edgerly, 1862-63; J. B. Edgerly, 1863-65; D. C. Mellows, 1866-70; R. B. Foss, 1871-74; R. K. Pearl, 1875; Geo. E. Amazeen, 1876; A. W. Shackford, 1877-81; Eugene W. Emerson, 1882-83; L. C. Plummer, 1884; Patrick Connor, 1885-87; Chas. H. Pitman, 1888-91; W. J. Evans, 1892-93; H. S. Davis, 1894-97; W. J. Evans, 1898-99; Geo. I. White, 1900-07. SELECTMEN. 1799-1802 Ichabod Hayes, Ephraim Kimball, David Roberts. 1803 James Roberts, Jeremiah Waldron, David Roberts. 1804 James Roberts, Levi Leighton, Anthony Peavey. 1805 James Roberts, Levi Leighton, Ephraim Kimball. 1806 Levi Leighton, Ephraim Kimball, James Downs. 1807 Benj. Canney, Jas. Downs, James Nutter. 1808 Ephraim Roberts, Benj. Canney, James Downs. 1809 Jeremiah Waldron, Jas. Downs, Ephraim Kimball. 1810 Jas. Downs, Ephraim Kimball, Jeremiah Waldron. . , , . 1811 Jas. Downs, Levi Leighton, Stephen French. 1*~*A*' 1812 Levi Leighton, Jas. Downs, Jos. Jones, Jr. 1813 Jos. Jones, Jr., Levi Leighton, Jas. Downs. 1814 Jos. Jones, Jr., Levi Leighton, Anthony Peavey. 24 FARMINGTON 1815 Jos. Jones, Jr., Levi Leighton, Jas. Davis. 1816 Jos. Jones, Jr., Levi Leighton, Jas. Davis. %* 1817 Jas. Davis, Jos. Ham, Wentworth Hayes. 1818 Jos. Ham, Jas. Davis, Wentworth Hayes. 1819 Jos. Jones, Jr. n Levi Leighton, Jeremiah Waldron. 1820 Jas. Davis, WJIayes, Mark Demerit. 1821 Jas. Davis, Jos. Jones, Jr., Mark Demerit. 1822 Ephraim Roberts, W. Hayes, Jos. Hammons. 1823 Jos. Jones, Jr., Job Varney, J. D. Roberts. 1824 Ephraim Roberts, Job Varney, W. "Hayes. 1825 Ephraim Roberts, Levi Hayes, Thos. Plumer. 1826 Ephraim Roberts, Levi Hayes, Mark Demerit. 1827 Jos. Hammons, John H. Nutter, Nehemiah Eastman. 1828 T. H. Nutter, Wm. Varney, I. B. Edgerly. 1829 Mark Demerit, Benj. Reed, Jeremiah Dame. 1830-31 J. D. Roberts, Nicholas Ricker, Edmund Canney. 1832 W.' Hayes, P. W. Home, Jos. Jones. 1833 Jos. Jones, P. W. Home, N. Ricker. 1834 N. Eastman, Levi Hayes, Miles Scruton. 7 " i r / I 1835 T. T. Edgerly, Miles Scruton, Edmund Canney. 1836 Levi Hayes, N. Eastman, Miles Scruton. 1837 Ira V. Hayes, Thos. Cook, P. W. Home. 1838 T. T. Edgerly, Mark Demerit, Thos. Cook. 1839 Mark Demerit, John W. Varney, J. W. Waldron. 1840 Geo. L. Whitehouse, John Walker, Isaac Merrill. 1841 Jeremiah Dame, Jos. Leighton, J. M. W. Downs. 1842 Isaac Merrill, Edmond Canney, Jeremiah Roberts. 1843 Isaac Merrill, B. R. Peavey, S. F.' Hayes. 1844 Jeremiah Roberts, Levi Pearl, J. W. Nutter. HISTORICAL 25 1845 Jeremiah Dame, Benj. Downing, Jr., Sam'l Jones. 1846 Jeremy Wingate, Benj. Downing, Jr., J. F. Demeritt. 1847-48 Hiram Barker, Peter M. Home, J. M. W. Downs. 1849 Geo. W. Whitehouse, J. M. W. Downs, C. M. Demeritt. 1850 B. R. Peavey, C. M. Demeritt, Benj. Chesley. '- 1851 S._F. Hayes, Jos. R. Jones, Ivory Varney. 1852 G. N. Eastman, Benj. Downing, Edmund Canney. 1853 G. A. Edgerly, Benj. Downing, W. H. Parmenter. 1854 W. H. Parmenter, Jos. A. Roberts, Benj. Chesley. 1855 Reuben H. Copp, Aaron Hayes, Jos. Hayes. 1856 E. C. Colbath, Emerson Furber, C. M. Demeritt. 1857 E. C. Colbath, C. M. Demeritt, Emerson Furber. 1858 J. H. Plumer, G. L. Whitehouse, P. M. Home. 1859-60 R. H. Copp, Isaac Merrill, Parker W. Home. 1861-62 R. H. Copp, Daniel Pearl, John I. Huckins. 1863-64 R. H. Copp, John Kurd, John G. Johnson. 1865-66 R. H. Copp, J. G. Johnson, Albert Varney. 1867-68 J. G. Johnson, C. W. Wingate, Daniel Pearl. 1869 J. G. Johnson, Daniel Pearl, A. W. Dame. 1870-71 C. W. Talpey, Daniel Pearl, A. W. Dame. 1872 C. W. Talpey, J. 0. Nute, Levi Pearl. 1873 C. W. Talpey, Levi Pearl, A. L. Tibbetts. 1874 Jas. E. Fernald, D. C. Mellows, Chas. Emerson. 1875 J. A. Roberts, J. C. Herring, J. P. Tibbetts. 1876 Israel Ha^es, A. A. Hall, O. Varney. 1877-79 S. S. Amazeen, P. M. Home, J. L. Demeritt. 1880-81 S. S. Amazeen, J. L. Demeritt, Benj. Roberts. 1882-83 S. S. Amazeen, J. F. Hall, J. F. Hussey. 1884 S. S. Amazeen, G. H. Smith, W. W. Fuller. 26 FARMINGTON 1885-86 S. S. Amazeen, E. F. Cloutman, J. F. Hussey. 1887 D. C. Mellows, J. S. Roberts, J. E. 7 Hayes. 1888-89 S. S. Amazeen, J. L. Demeritt, F. G. Tebbetts. 1890 F. G. Tebbetts, J. L. Demeritt, Albert Garland. 1891 A. I. Nute, J. L. Demeritt, Albert Garland. 1892 D. E. Edgerly, J. F. Hall, F. A. Home. 1893 J. F. Hall, F. A. Home, J. B. Brown. 1894-95 D. W. Kimball, Geo. W. Gray, Wm. T. Hayes. 1896-97 D. W. Kimball, J. E. S. Hall, J. T. Bickford. 1898-99 J. F. Hall, S. S. Amazeen, R. E. Davis. 1900 S. S. Amazeen, R. E. Davis, F. A. Home. 1901 J. E. S. Hall, F. J. Smith, H. J. Noyes. 1902-04 F. J. Smith, C. T. Fall, J. I. Gray. 1905 F. J. Smith, V. S. Knox, J. W. Foss. 1906^1. JE. S. Hall, V. S. Knox, J. W. Foss. 1907 F. J. Smith, C. F. Nute, Jos. L. Bennett. OTHER OFFICERS FOR 1907. Treasurer, Geo. L. Perkins; Tax Collector, A. H. Hanscom; School Board, Chairman, A. H. Wiggin, Lizzie M. Carter, Dr. W. C. Chandler; Board of Health, Chairman, F. B. Wedgwood, C. C. Ricker, Geo. V. Card; Road Commissioner, W. L. Gil- man. ECCLESIASTICAL ACCOUNT. Religious services were held in Farmington as early as 1797, and conducted in barns by Benj. Green, then preceptor of Ber- wick Academy, afterwards a lawyer and judge. He was a very HISTORICAL 27 eloquent preacher, it is said, and people flocked from all the country round to hear him. No church was formed, however, until 1819, when James Walker from Concord preached alter- nately at Farmington and Milton. The first meetinghouse in this town stood on "Meeting- house Hill," south of the village, and near the centre of the town. It remained unfinished about fifty years, when it was removed to Rochester. In 1834, a meetinghouse was built a short distance below the village by several denominations, who united in the undertak- ing, but no regular preaching was maintained till six years later, at which time the people received aid from the New Hamp- shire Missionary Society. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. This church was organized in 1819, with the Rev. James Walker as pastor, and a membership of eight persons. In 1844, a Congregational church was dedicated in Farmington. It had been erected on Central Street on land given in trust by the Hon. G. L. Whitehouse, to be held by the parish so long as used for religious purposes. This structure becoming too small for the membership of the church, a larger edifice was built in 1870, on Main street. It was a beautiful church, and cost, when com- pletely furnished, about $25,000. It was destroyed by the great fire of 1875, and was replaced by the present commodious brick edifice in the tower of which is the town clock. The steeple, towering fifty feet above the clock tower, contains a fine toned bell which weighs more than a ton. The church was dedicated March 8, 1876. The pastors who remained longest at the church 28 FARMINGTON were the Revs. James Walker, D. D. Tappan, D.D., Walter E. Darling, who came in 1877, and remained many years, and Roger M. Sargent. Other pastors have been, the Revs. Clement Par- ker, who succeeded Mr. Walker, the first pastor of the church; S. H. Goodwin, who came in 1893 ; I. W. Sweet, whose pastorate began about 1897, to continue throughout a period of many years; Arthur L. Golder, who was here in 1901; and Edward D. Disbrow, who remained until the fall of 1907. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. The first Free Baptist Church was organized in 1854, with the Rev. Dexter Waterman as pastor. Meetings were held in the meetinghouse on Peavey Hill, where the Congregationalists worshipped. During the pastorate of Mr. Waterman the church membership increased to thirty-two. He resigned in 1856, and was succeeded by Rev. J. M. L. Babcock, who remained until 1858. A new church was erected in 1857, and dedicated in October of the same year. The Rev. D. P. Cilley, who was the next pastor of the church, remained until 1861, when he was appointed Chaplain of Eighth New Hampshire Vols. The Rev. Ezekiel True succeeded Mr. Cilley and remained until 1866. The Rev. S. N. Tufts, the next pastor, closed his pastorate in 1870, and the Rev. G. M. Parks, now of Presque Isle, Maine, became pastor of the church. The church was enlarged in 1871, and the next year a bell tower and steeple were constructed. The Rev. Mr. Parks remained until Nov. 1, 1874, when he closed his pastorate, leaving the church free from debt, and with the knowledge of faithful service attested by the ninety-two persons who joined the church and the seventy-four baptisms among that HISTORICAL 29 number. The Rev. David H. Adams was the next to take this pastorate, entering upon his labors Jan. 1, 1875. During his ministry here he solemnized 74 marriages, and was called to attend 216 funerals. Mr. Adams' successor, the Rev. C. A. Bickford, D.D., who afterwards became editor of the "Morning Star," came in the fall of 1878, and remained two years, at the end of which time the Rev. Mr. Adams returned to the church. He remained two and a half years. From August, 1883, to May, 1884, the society was without a pastor. At the end of this time, the Rev. Thomas Spooner came to begin a pastorate which con- tinued for four years. Extensive repairs and renovations cost- ing about $2,500 were made during the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Spooner. The Rev. Geo. L. White, enjoyed four years of endeavor and success here, after which he accepted a call to the church at New Hampton. The Rev. J. S. Harrington, an able man, came next. He remained seven years, when he was suc- ceeded by the Rev. Frank Pearson, a very worthy successor, who remained four years. Following Mr. Pearson's pastorate, the Rev. J. H. Wilkins came in May, 1903. This gentleman is the present able pastor of the church, which, with a large and active membership, enjoys a prosperity which compares excellently with that of the most prosperous of the Free Baptist denomination. ADVENT CHURCH. This society, the members of which worship in the chapel on Union street, has held regular meetings here for many years, but had no regular pastor until recent years. Among its mem- bers are one or two of the leaders in the movement that estab- 30 FARMINGTON lished the campground at Alton Bay, where many largely attended and successful meetings have been held. The Rev. B. J. Glazier was pastor for several years, and was succeeded by Elder Joy, the present pastor of the church. The society, though not enjoying so large a membership as its sister churches in Farmington, is in a very prosperous condition and exerts a very great and very worthy influence for the spiritual and moral welfare of the people of this town. There was a Quaker meeting house in the early days of the town, but services are not held here now as the number of Friends in Farmington is small. INDUSTRIAL HISTORY. Farmington was a pioneer town of New Hampshire in the manufacture of boots and shoes, and this has been the principal industry of the town for many years. Though not so fortunate as many other towns of this section of the State in the possession of great water power, the manufacturing industries of the town, through the indormitable purpose and perseverance of the early manufacturers, have been and still are among the most important in this State. In the early part of the last century, Hon. Geo. L. White- house dug a canal nearly a mile long, and in 1839 erected a fac- tory in which he combined the manufacture of cotton yarn, with HISTORICAL 31 that of shingles and clapboards, and operated a grist mill. The mill afterwards came into the possession of J. W. Waldron, and was, a few years ago, transformed by the owner, J. F. Cloutman, into an electric light station. Even prior to the construction of the Whitehouse canal, and as early as 1830, there was a mill in the village, and Elijah H. Badger was engaged in the manufacture of shoes. Farmington had attained some little prominence as a shoe town even before the Civil War, the "brogans," being made by many of the towns- people by hand. With the close of the war and the introduction of machinery, conditions changed, but the citizens of the town met the new aspect of affairs, erected factories, filled them with machinery, and continued to make shoes, and a large quantity of them, with the result that a hustling manufacturing centre was formed. Seventeen factories were in operation at one time, and the production has been well kept up. Elijah Badger's venture as a shoe man was one of fair suc- cess, and Martin L. Hayes, a native of Farmington, determined to undertake the business, and was very successful in the enter- prise. G. M. Herring of Framingham, Mass., began to manu- facture shoes here at about the same time (1837). Other early manufacturers were : The Roberts Brothers, Alonzo, Jeremy and C. W. Nute, Jas. B. Edgerly, Luther Wentworth, H. B. Edgerly, Israel Hayes, Wm. Johnson, N. T. Kimball and John L. Pratt, John H. Hurd, C. W. Thurston, Geo. A. and Edwin F. Jones, E. O. Curtis, E. C. Kinnear, John M. Berry, John F. Cloutman, A. E. Putnam and D. W. Kimball. In 1874, the wooden factory of Alonzo Nute, opened in 1849 by Nute Bros., was destroyed by fire; but with the energy and 32 FARMINGTON determination for which he was noted, Mr. Nute began the con- struction of a new factory, with the result that a large brick building, 32x185 feet, four stories high, was erected in a very short time, on the site of the factory which had been burned. After 1875, Eugene P. and A. Irving Nute became their father's partners. Many of the shoe firms which had enjoyed the greatest pros- perity prior to the panic of 1893, not long afterward, for one reason or another, suspended operations, among them those of G. A. Jones, I. Hayes & Sons, A. Nute & Sons, Cloutman & Bingham, and Wallace, Elliott & Co. Following the closing of these factories, Drew's underwear mill was burned, leaving only two large manufacturing concerns in Farmington, the pro- prietors of the Edgerly factory, and J. F. Cloutman & Co. The people of Farmington did not lose courage, however, and soon started several industries to replace those which had been lost. Through the co-operation of the Farmnigton Improve- ment Association and the local Board of Trade a corporation which had purchased the Nute factory, the Farmington Shoe Co. was organized and with its two factories has become one of the largest and most important, as well as one of the most suc- cessful industries in town.. The factories in which the company are located were pur- chased of the Wallace, Elliott & Co. shoe firm of New York. They were erected by the late Hon. John F. Cloutman, who sold them to Wallace, Elliott & Co. The first and larger one was built in 1877; and the second in 1884. Each factory is four stories high. They are connected by a large inclosed passage and really form a big double factory. The firm does a very large HISTORICAL 33 business, and employs about 250 persons at present, with a weekly pay roll of nearly $2,500. The average weekly produc- tion of shoes is about 600 dozen pairs, valued at about $25 a dozen. The firm's Boston office is at 165 Lincoln Street. The officers are : President, Elisha James, Jr. ; Treasurer, E. W. Cox ; General Manager, E. O. Teague; Superintendent, W. S. Fraser. The large H. B. Edgerly factory has been in successful operation for many years, and is now the property of F. E. Edgerly, only son of the original proprietor, and his partner, C. E. Aldrich of Boston. The Berry factory and the Nute factory on Main Street, which are occupied by J. F. Cloutman, Jr., and by the Thayer, Osborne Shoe Co., are in constant operation. On the site of the old Hayes mill just below the village, is the two-story factory where John R. Hayes manufactures shook and lumber. A number of men are employed at the mill, and the business has become extensive. In close proximity to this mill is the knife factory of F. W. Coburn, Jr. Here a pros- perous business in the manufacture of knives is carried on, and the products of the factory have a wide reputation for their quality. Charles W. Jenness, who began the manufacture of shook about 1880, conducts a large and successful carton business, and manufactures shook at his mill on East Grove Street, which originally one of small size, is now among the largest of the kind in this section of the State. John H. Jenness is connected with his brother in manufacturing interests. On the same street is the last factory of the late A. W. Flanders, where that gentleman once conducted an excellent 34 FARMINGTON business. The M. L. Hayes building on Central Street, occupied suc- cessively by J. R. Hayes, and the heel business of J. E. Hayes & Son, is n<5w the brush factory of F. W. Brown. In the Jones factory on Main Street the Nutter Co. carries on an extensive business in the manufacture of heels. The carriage and sleigh factory and repository of B. F. Perkins is on the corner of High and Central Streets, on the site of the late Alvin Tibbetts' lath and woodwork mill. The Mortimer Shoe Co. began the manufacture of shoes in the Nute factory, about four years ago, but remained in this town only a short time. It is worth while in passing, to mention the fact that the first wax-thread sewing machine used in New Hampshire was brought to Farmington by the late Hon. J. F. Cloutman, who began the manufacture of shoes in 1854. With this account of Farmington 's industries, the subject may be closed. This town may well be proud of her growth and prosperity as a manufacturing village, and of the splendid way in which her citizens have met and triumphed over reverses and vicissitudes in the upbuilding of an industrial centre. MILITARY ACCOUNT. REVOLUTION. General Richard Furber, by whom the town of Farmington was named, acted as adjutant or aide-de-camp at the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1777, later rose to the rank of gen- HISTOKICAL 35 eral. He lived at Merrill's Corner where he died in 1848, at the age of ninety-five years. Several other Farmington men served during the war, but as this town was a part of Rochester at that time it is very difficult to ascertain who they were. Enoch Burnham was a sergeant in Capt. John Brewster's com- pany of Col. Pierre Long's regiment stationed at Newcastle from Aug. 7, 1776, to Jan. 7, 1777. Members of this company, in which Isaac Libby and several other Farmington soldiers were enlisted, joined the Northern Army in January, 1777, and were stationed at Fort Independence near Ticonderoga. Daniel Horn, Ebenezer Home, Lieut. John Ham, Jonathan Frengh. Joseph Plummer, Samuel Jones and Benj. Furber (?) are names found on the records which indicate that Farmington sent many men into the service during the seven long years of the war. In the wars that followed the War for Independence, Farmington had many representatives who upheld the military record of the town, but it is in the War of the Rebellion that she, like her sister town, Milton, has won the greatest glory, and secured the most renown. FARMINGTON IN THE REBELLION. When in April, 1861, Fort Sump'ter fell, and the great struggle of the War of the Rebellion began, the patriotism and loyalty of the citizens of Farmington responded nobly to the President's call to arms for the preservation of the Union. The records show that 232 men responded and are credited to this town, most of whom belonged here. In this list will be 36 FARMINGTON found the names of many who are numbered with the dead, for very many of them lost their lives in the service of their country. It is not necessary here to recount in detail the services which these men rendered in the four long years of suffering and con- flict. It is all familiar to the people of this town, sons and daughters, of the noble men who left their homes and loved ones to do their share for the cause of Liberty and Right, and the people of this town knowing that record, glory in the fact that Farmington's response was ready and loyal, and that their fathers were not afraid to go forth to battle and if necessary to die. Let us but remember as we read the roll, that we owe all that we possess to them, and, let us linger a moment over the roll of the brave and true soldiers whose names are recorded here. THE ROLL CALL. Col. Ralph Carlton, killed July 17, 1862 ; Capt. A. W. Hayes ; Capt. G. H. Richardson; Capt. G. B. Johnson; Capt. G. H. Smith; Rev. Daniel P. Cilley, chaplain from 1861 to 1865; Quartermaster-Gen. Alonzo Nute, Sixth N. H. Vols., served also on Gen. Hawkins' staff of the Ninth N. Y. Zouaves. PROFESSIONAL MEN. PHYSICIANS. The first resident physician in Farmington was Dr. Benja- min Libby, who located here in 1800, setting up an office in the store which afterwards was made into a dwelling house for HISTORICAL 37 Lemuel Rand. Dr. Libby entered the army in 1812. He left Farmington in 1816. Dr. David T. Parker was another of Farmington 's early physicians. His practice continued in this town more than fifty years. Dr. Parker's wife, too, was very skillful, and was called by the whole community "Mother Parker." Dr. Parker, the senior doctor's son, was a physician here also. Other physicians have been: A. M. Winn, 0. B. Hanson, W. A. Hersom, Rufus B. Foss, W. H. Nute of Exeter, Warren P. Blake, who removed to Springfield, Mass., John P. Elkins, who died Sept. 7, 1895, his brother, J. S. Elkins, Preston B. and John Young, John S. Parker of Lebanon, Me., brother of David T. and his elder son, John C. Parker, now of Providence, R. I., who was succeeded by Dr. Frank W. Blair of Boothbay Harbor, Me., and Dr. H. P. Wheatley, who has been here many years. Dr. G. H. Gray of Lynn, Mass., Dr. E. P. Huntress of Derry, Drs. Alvin and Roger S. York, Dr. Daniel P. Cilley now at Westboro, Mass., were formerly of this town. The father of the brothers Elkins was also a physician. It is indeed remarkable that a town should have so many instances of brothers following the same profession and of sons taking up that of their fathers. Dr. Geo. W. Ellison, who came here from Providence, R. I., about a year ago; Dr. C. C. Rogers, who came here from Union several years ago; Dr. E. C. Perkins, who came from Maine about four or five years ago; Dr. R. H. Greeley, a native of Swanville, Me., and a Bowdoin graduate, who has been in prac- tice about nine or ten years in this town, and Dr. C. 0. Smith, who came in the fall of 1907, complete the list of able physicians who have practised here. 38 FARMINGTON LAWYERS AND STATESMEN. In the list of statesmen which Farmington has given to the State and Nation, the names of four men, perhaps, stand forth most prominently : Nehemiah Eastman, Joseph Hammons, Alonzo Nute, and Henry Wilson. Hon. Nehemiah Eastman was a dis- tinguished lawyer of Strafford County, State Senator from 1820 to 1824, and representative in Congress during the years 1825-27. Dr. Joseph Hammons, who was the only physician in this town for many years, was in Congress 1829-33. Hon. Alonzo Nute, a manufacturer, was an officer in the Civil War, in which he rendered distinguished service, State Senator in 1867-68, and later, was a Representative in Congress from this State. Hon. Henry Wilson, born a poor farmer lad in 1812, through his individual enterprise and great natural ability, rose to the office of United States Senator from Massachusetts, and later to the second highest office in the gift of the Nation, Vice- President of the United States, during the second administra- tion of President Grant. Farmington has had and still has many lawyers of ability no less great. On the records we find the names of George N. Eastman, Col. Louis Bell, E. F. Cloutman, Weeks of Ossipee, E. H. Shannon of Laconia, G. E. Cochrane of Rochester, Frank Emerson, Charles Leighton of Lynn, Mass., A. H. Wiggin, I. E. Pearl, H. C. Waldron, now superintendent of schools in West- boro, Mass., and S. S. Parker. E. B. Hayes of Farmington practised law in Manchester several years ago. HISTORICAL 39 FAEMINGTON IN NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATE. Nehemiah Eastman, 1820-24 ; Jeremiah Dame, 1848-49 ; Geo. M. Herring, 1855-56 ; Alonzo Nute, 1867-68 j John F. Cloutman, 1876-77; Chas. W. Talpey, 1881-82; E. T. Wilson, 1889-90; Jas. F. Safford, 1899-1900. SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONS. WILSON GUARDS. The former local military organization, Company F, Second Regt., N. H. N. G., first went into camp at Concord under the command of Capt. Joseph B. Cilley, who at his death in 1866, was succeeded by Lieut. E. W. Emerson. Capt. Chas. H. Pitman, the next commander, after a long period of leadership, was succeeded by Capt. Herman J. Pike in 1895, who remained in that office until the company disbanded. CARLTON POST, G. A. R., was organized May 24, 1882, replac- ing one which had been formed shortly after the war. The membership has never been large, as so many veterans of the great struggle of the Rebellion have passed to the Great Beyond, but the ' ' old soldiers ' ' have always taken a great interest in this little branch of the Grand Army, and the Post has enjoyed a very flourishing period of activity. The fraternal and social organizations of Farmington are many, and we regret that limited space prevents a complete his- tory of each, and a list of all the officers. An alphabetical list is as follows: 40 FARMINGTON Checorua Tribe, No. 6, I. 0. of R. M. Cocheco Lodge, A. 0. U. W. Columbian Chapter, No. 18, R. A. M., constituted May 17, 1870. Membership about 100. Fraternal Chapter, No. 24, 0. E. S., constituted Nov. 23, 1897, with Mrs. Emma C. Fullerton as chief officer. Membership about 75. Fraternal Lodge, Masonic, constituted June 12, 1861, with A. M. Winn as master. Membership about 250. Harmony Lodge, No. 11, K. of P., instituted June 11, 1871, with 15 members. Daniel W. Edgerly, first C. C. Membership more than 200. Henry Wilson Colony, U. 0. P. F. Henry Wilson Grange, P. of H., Norman L. Otis, Master. Minnehaha Rebekah Lodge, organized July 30, 1875. Mem- bership more than 250. Minneola Council, No. 1, D. of P. Montauk Club, Pres., Leroy Elkin; Sec., W. C. Chandler; Treas., H. P. Wheatley. Rathbone Sisters. Security Lodge, K. of H. Sons of Veterans. Woman's Relief Corps. Woodbine Lodge, Mad River Encampment, I. O. O. F., Noble Grand, Fred Nelson; Rec. Sec., A. R. Jones. Membership more than 200. HISTORICAL 41 Harry S. Parker Co., No. 7, U. R. K. P., Capt., H. J. Pike; 1st Lieut., Jos. F. Nutter ; 2d Lieut., Wm. T. Hayes ; Treas., Geo. I. White; Chaplain, John Waldron; Recorder, I. S. Curtis. Organized Nov. 11, 1902. Hercules Fire Association, No. 1, Foreman, D. W. Gate; Treas., John Waldron; Clerk, H. B. Pearl. Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, Foreman, A. W. Card; Treas., Geo. I. White; Clerk, John F. Corson. Woodbine Lodge, No. 41, I. 0. 0. F., instituted Aug. 16, 1853, and reinstated April 5, 1871. Membership more than 200. Mad River Encampment, No. 22, I. O. O. F., organized Aug. 26, 1874, with W. W. Roberts, C. P. Membership about 100. SCHOOL ITEMS. The first schoolhouse in this town was built in 1791, at Mer- rill's Corner, but schools were held frequently in private houses. In 1799 there were thirteen school districts; in 1815, six- teen. The taxes for the support of the schools in 1900, were: Regular school tax, $2,720 ; special tax for school district No. 9, $1,500; for the "town school district," $150. In 1902-03, the taxes were : $3,264, school ; $1,900 for No. 9 ; $200 for the town district. In 1904 : $3,162, school ; $1,000, No. 9 ; $150 town dis- trict. 1905 : $3,952.50, school; $1,500, No. 9 ; $150, town district. The principal of the Farmington High School is Mr. W. B. Howard ; the assistant teachers, Misses McLean and Saunders. 42 FARMINGTON ITEMS OF INTEREST. FARMINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. The first library association in this town was organized in 1853. On January 1, 1891, a pub- lic library and reading room was opened by an association here, and has its present location in the Opera House. The first pres- ident of the association was Isaac E. Pearl, Esq. The library contains several thousand volumes, which are free to the people of the town, and in constant circulation. It is open every secular evening in the week from 7 to 9 ; Saturday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9.30 P.M., and is under the careful and efficient supervision of the librarian, Miss Emily Goodwin. FARMINGTON NEWS. This bright local newspaper was first issued, March 14, 1879, by the firm of J. E. Fernald & Son. It has a large circulation in this town and throughout this section of the State. It is printed in the Fernald Block at the corner of Central and Main Streets, and is issued every week. E. H. Thomas is the publisher. OPERA HOUSE. This theatre was opened in 1881, $20,000 having been appropriated for its construction, and has been the scene of many a successful engagement, since the opening night, when Sol Smith Russell in "Edge wood Folks," was the attrac- tion. Lectures and speeches have been given here by distin- guished men and women, and many important civic and social meetings have been held here. HISTORICAL 43 FARMINGTON BANKS. A State bank was in operation in Farmington before and during the Civil War, the Hon. John D. Lyman acting as treas- urer. FARMINGTON SAVINGS BANK was incorporated in 1868, with G. M. Herring as president and T. F. Cook as treasurer. The present officers are : Frank E. Edgerly, President, and Dwight E. Edgerly, Cashier and Treasurer. The banking quarters are located on Central Street. FARMINGTON NATIONAL BANK, on Central Street, was incor- porated in July, 1872. The officers are: John H. Barker, Pres- ident; James B. Edgerly, Cashier. Census- 19O 7 The population of the towns of Farmington, Milton, Wakefleld, Middleton and Brookfield has been arranged in families where that arrangement has been possible In ad- dition to the resident living members, the names of the non- resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former resi- dents of this town, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both of the parents are still living in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. Non-residents are indicated by the (*). When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in parenthe- sis, the name preceded by a small m, thus: (m ). Following the names of the population is the occupations. To designate these we have used the more common abbre- viations and contractions, as follows: Farmer far; car- pentercar; railroad service R R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (including all who have reached the age of five years) pi; housework ho; laborer lab; physician and surgeon phy & sur; clergyman clerg; mer- chant mer; teacher tr; blacksmith blk; clerk cl; book- keeper bk kpr; lawyer law; mechanic mech; machinist- mach; engineer-eng; maker mkr; worker wkr;-work wk; shoe shop operative s sop; cotton or woolen mill operatives mill op; weaver weav; spinner spin; electrician elec; painter ptr; carriage work car wk; dress maker dr mkr; insurance ins; traveling salesman, or commercial traveler sales, or coml trav; music teacher mus tr; teamster team; general work genlwk; mariner mar; employ emp; retired retd; telephone operative tel op; telegraph operative teleg op. This Census was compiled by a thorough canvass from house to house during the fall and winter of 1907-8, by Rev. B. V . Davis, of Kents Hill, Me., and A. J. Bryant of Auburn, Maine. Census of Fanmington NOTE The followiDg is a list of post office abbreviations used in the Census of the town of Farmington, N. H. Roch- ester Roch; North Rochester N Roch; Milton Mills M Mills; East Rochester E Roch. R. F. D. routes are indicated by the number of the route following the post office name from which they emanate. Where no post office address is given, Farm- ington, N. H., is understood. A Abbott, Eugene night watch Laura A (Abbott Grace H cl Abbott, James F far Roch 2 Emma F (Jordan ho Nellie F ho Hylas T far Abbott, May A ho Adams, Eugene pi Harold pi Adams, Frank A s s op Rachel K (Leighton Bernice L pi Adams, Flora L (Bellamy ho Roch R F D Akin, Edwin J far & s s op Mary A (m McKenelley Oscar S Aldrich, Ernest W s s op Lester E pi Jennie H (Clement ho Allen, Lillian F (Johnson bk kpr Winnifred E tr Allen, Myra P (Gerry Allen, W D mgr Elect. Lt & Power Co Nellie A (Cloud man Ruth E pi Amazeen, Rufus far R Alden tinsmith Martha A (Lydecker Amazeen, Geo E s s op Clara A (Merrill * Harry E druggist 392 Boylston, Boston, Mass *Clarence A bk kpr W Lynn, Mass Amazeen, Rev. Elvin Rhoda A (Shaw 46 FARMINGTON Amazeen, Emily ho Amazeen, S S far Maria E (Peavey ho *Carrie M (m Mills Brookline, Mass Andrews, Joseph R R eer Kate pi James pi Armstrong, Chas M s s op Alice E (Martin *Harry W s s op E Roch *Chas W s s op St Louis, Mo *Mortimer R s s op Manchester *John M cl Manchester *Grace V s s op Manchester Roy s s op Avery, Frank L janitor Sarah S (Perry *Grace L (m Emerson N Abbington, Mass Everett P s s op *Clara M s s op Lynn, Mass Georgie I box factory Frank electrician Winnifred M (m Benson Ruby A s s op Avery, E T retd Avery, James s s op Lizzie (Leigh ton Averill, Benj G bk kpr Lizzie N (Hutchinson *Wm H draftsman Dorchester, Mass *John H pat mkr Boston, Mass Flora M (m Haynes Ayers, John O watchman Addie A (Pettigrew *John S lum New Durham *Florence I (m Monteith 75 Comstock, Providence, R I Chas E asst P M *Harry C wood turner Hancock, Mass B Babb, Martha A (Emerson Solomon H lab *Geo M lab Laconia *Sarah A (m Willey Middleton *Chas H lab Roch John K s s op Babb, Solomon H lab Mary (Coates ho Lilla E (m Nutter *Horatio N undertaker Boston, Mass Mark W s s op Bailey, Everett e s op Barker, John H mer John H Jr clerk CENSUS *Helen (m Winn New Durham Emma M clerk Ethel clerk Barker, Hiram H retd Ella (Peavey ho William T lab Eda F pi Barber, Lucy J (Hudson mfg toilet articles Barnes, Nellie I (White ho Arland S s s op Barnes, Arland S s s op Pamelia (Gelouge ho Ethel C Ernest E Barnett, Lura S (Philbrick ho Roch Edna E pi Boston, B W marble business Belle (Neal ho Clara B stu Batchelder, E K clerk Inez A (Hussey Grace clerk Bernice pi Batchelder, Albert M s s op Laura M (Harrington Ralph M Batchelder, Betsey E ho Bean, Chas. F. s s op IdaM (Hyde Bean, L L retd Hannah W (Ham *J H Somersworth Bean, I N far Roch 2 Ida M (Wyatt ho Joseph D Beers, Alfred stu Places Bennett, John P mer Flora E (Hamlin *Hamlin P phy 26 Ocean, Lynn, Mass Lucy B (m Nutter Bennett, Stephen M team Bennett, Ida (Lowell ho *Florence ho Kittery, Me Bennett, Parker D far Roch 2 Grace M (Leighton ho Bennett, Emily M (Leighton ho Roch 2 Emma M (m Leighton *Geo W tar New Durham Joseph L far JohnL far Parker D far *Clara P (m Howard Roch Benson, Horace T s s op Berry, Eliza S (Emery ho *Chas H retd Mary E (m Gray Franklin P s s op Berry, Franklin P s s op Emma I (Davis ho Elverton C stu Eliza E stu Franklin G stu Berry, Lucy N (Chesley ho 48 FARMINGTON *Lyman E far Gilmanton Percy C lab Berry, Edna H (Huckins ho Ralph L far Berry, Chas H far Clara B (Barker ho Elsie M Berry, Nancy M ( ho *Georgia L (m Huckins Dexter Abbie J (m Lougee Elsie E (m Marston Edna B (m Willey Berry, Nathaniel H retd Breckenridge, Joseph mill op Bickford, J T far Roch R F D *Horace A far Roch Lizzie M (m York *Ida G (m Vickery Walter H far Ella N (m Tripp Bickford, W H far Roch Mary A (Varney ho Stella P pi Bishop, Everett J far Lizzie H (Page ho Bishop, Robert C far Hannah F (Kimball ho Everett J far Gertie E (m Stead man Blaisdell, Arthie M s s op Blaisdell, O M s s op Ada E (Jones ho Clarence L s s op *Esther M (m Swinerton Union Ernest O stu Bernice G pi Blaisdell, Clarence L s s op Ella F (Swinerton Lena F pi Clarence L pi Ruth A Blanchard, E J grain & wood dlr Etta S (Chase ho Jennie E stenog & bk kpr Hattie A tr Carl C pi Boies, Jack S s s op May M (Stowell ho Bossier, Harold pi Boudreay, Lafayette lab Eva (Drew ho Earl L pi Curtis C pi Raymond C Bourne, Andrew S fish dlr Mary A ( Andrew s s op William H pi Bowley, Fred E s s op Edith M (Swinerton ho Richard E pi Brackett, Wm brush mkr Bertha A (Hayes ho *E Emma milliner Leominster, Mass CENSUS 49 *Rena W mus tr Biddeford, Me Brackett, Nellie P e s op Hattie M B s op Bradbury, Geo W far Josie A (Downing ho Bradsbaw, Frank mill op Braynard, Gusta (Fletcher *Mamie N (m Roberts Haverhill, Mass *Alice M milliner Dover Brooks, Chas R lar *LenaP (m Twitchell Warren, Mass Brown, John W far RFD Augusta D (Dorr ho Brown, Nellie R ho R F D Brown, Chas H s s op Almeda S (Sanborn ho *Lindley R sales Brown, Henry A express Ethel Y (Card ho Brown, Leander F far Roch 2 *Horace F s s op Richmond, Me Jennie M (Richards ho Brown, John L far Mary E (Twombley ho *John H s s op Haverhill, Mass *L B s s op Lynn, Mass Walter I s s op Brown, Josephine ho Brown, Mary A ho Brown, Fred W brush mkr Jennie B ( Norma D Brown, John B s s op Fred W Herbert D druggist Henry A express Ella j (m Chandler Breen, Timothy far & milk dlr Ardena (Berry ho & s s op Bryant, Emma A (Paine ho *Alice M (m Airdsley Bunker, Cyrus S far Sadie E (Whitehouse Forest W s s op Bunker, Henry far Ann F (Rollins ho Burnham, Betsey ho *R D druggist Roch Florence A Alice C Burnham, Lucinda F ho *Horace H painter Ballard Vale, Mass Burnham, Jas M s s op Abbie M (Twombly ho *Henry M R R ser 32 Richfield, Roch Burnham, Frank B s boss Grace C (Smart ho Burnham, Geo H s s op Addie (Scruton ho Ralph H pi Burnham, Robert T e s op 50 FARMINGTON Melvin H *Flora (m Dore Milton Geo H s s op Frank s s boss Alice L (Hurlburt-Kelley Burrows, Mercy s s op Burleigb, Albert 8 s op Burleigh, Harry A s s op Estella M (Tuttle ho Lucy C s s op Harry A s s op Dean R pi Ray C pi Elsie E pi Bushmont, Nelson blk Butler. Frank piano tuner Buzzell, Sam H retd Josie M (Fernald Canney, Thos H retd Belle R (Dolby *Henry J Gilmanton cattle dlr & iron wk Ina B (m Pearl Caiiney, Ralph W Roch R F D Canney, A J far Roch R F D Caroline (Ham ho *Edgar E far Roch *Geo W box shop op Roch Canney, Cora B pi Roch Canney, Mabel pi Roch Canney, Laban L far Roch 2 Rachel H (Andrews ho *Isaac A mill op Roch Daniel J far Lizzie E ho Card, Geo V s s op Nancy J (Sampson Gertrude (m Kurd *Lizzie B Attleboro, Mass Edward F grist mill *Faith (m Miller Lowell, Mass Card, Jas W s s op Ellen M (Tibbetts ho Leonora E s s op Alvin W R R ser Doris M Card, B B cl Mamie A (Hainee ho Estella M Card, OH s s op Mary E (Yeaton ho Ralph pi William L pi Card, William W s s op Caroline J (Gilson ho Lillian E ho kpr Olion H s s op Ethel V (m Brown Card, Edward F cl Prue A (Colbath-Morris Carltou, C F far R F D *Edith M (m Cook New Durham CENSUS 51 *Etta (m Pope Newton Highlands. Mass Carter, Wm stone mason * Joseph lab N Con way William s s op Lelia B (m Adams-Carter Carter, Annie M pi Caswell, Laura A (Young Jennie M (m Marston *Elwin M far Barnstead Maud L s s op *0rland L eng Keene Gates, Chas A lab Lena ( Hattie F box factory Charlie A Chamberlain, S Adelia Roch Chandler, Willis C dentist Ella (Brown ho Cheney, William eng Cheney, Arnold Jas H pi Cheney, Hiram W s s op Marguerite M (Higgins Chesley, Delphina ho kpr Etta M (m Tibbetts *Georgia (m Holmes Lynn, Mass Chesley, Irving J cl Emma J (Berry ho Bessie M (m Dickey Harry M stu Harold J stu Chesley, Ada B ho kpr Chesley, Frank B far Roch 2 Louise A (m Wyatt ho Mabel F pi Ralph J pi Chesley, Herbert J cl Annie M (Kimball ho Myrtie E pi Fred H pi Nettie E Infant Child, James E far Ruth A (King ho *Chas E elec & cl 11 Stickney, Lynn, Mass Churchill, Amanda ( Agnes M pi Marjorie C pi Cilley, Daniel P phy & sur Velma A (Waldron ho Genevieve Clancey, Ardella *Frank W stenog & typ Fall River, Mass Clark, Jas F retd Lydia J (Tuttle ho Edith M (m Kelley Clark, Frank mill op Fannie (Smith Clarence B ptr *Gertie M (m Patch M Mills Ida B ho kpr Hattie E (m Rollins Florence E (m Connor Bertha E 52 FARMINGTON Clark, Clarence ptr Grace M (Davis Cloutman, John F shoe mfg Bessie E (Wentworth ho Ellen E Richard F Coburn, Frank W J knife mfg Leona (Smith Colbath, EC s s op Lucinda F (Hunt *George F lab Gilmanton Ida B (m Whitehouse Mary E (m Horn Colbath, Irving E car Olie (Dudley Colbath, LA s s op Zaphano M *Will L far & car New Durham Clarence E s s op Irving car Colbath, Bert D s s op Angie E (Tuffts Colbath, Clarence E lumber Colbath, Lizzie S ( Bessie M s s op Colbath, Elizabeth J (Pickering ho kpr Colbath, Dorothy ho kpr Lizzie E (m Downing Colbath, M E (Downing Fred E s s op Colbath, Fred E s s op Elizabeth S (Pray Helen P pi Colbath, Prue A (Morris Guy S lab Colbath, John L far & s s op Colbath, Mary C ho kpr Cole, Geo F s s op Emily W (Woodward John W Coleman, Jos W retd Abbie H (Hall Coleman, C D far, ins & R est Places Helen C (Kingsbury Chas D Jr Colomy, Wm H W s s op Matilda E W (Wakeham Colomy, Alice J (Curtis Alphonso lab *Cora S (m Remick Lynn, Mass *Annie M (m Goodwin Moultonborough Colomy, Clara B (Kimball s s op John F s s op Jennie (m Ricker Colomy, Alphonso far Sarah G (Dudley Colomy, Jonas H retd Maria A (Pinkham *Oscar L s s op Haverhill Harry I s s op Collins, Stephen lab Mary E (Tufts CENSUS Florence H EvaM Cook, Royal Rose ( ss op Pi lab cl Ernest Fannie E Clara Cookson, Geo W car & ptr Lizzie A (Connor Connor, Mary S (Gilman Chas E fore cutting room *Ida E (m Hayes Beachmont, Mass Fred C s s op Connor, C E boss cutting room Florence A (Miller s s op Georgia M tr Edith F (m Roberts Lillian M s s op Ida F pi Connor, Patrick P janitor Connor, Abbie M (Richardson John F s s op Chas E s s op Geo W s s op Wilber H s s op Connor, Chas E s s op Florence E (Clark Copp, Frank R car Laura H (Butler Copp, Chas far Corson, John F cl Minnie A (Dow Altice M Merle A pi Corson, John S s s op Lorana (Duntley Corson, Chas E s s op Melissa F (Durgin Corson, Mary J (Gilbert ho Roch2 *William A team Roch *Irving E team Haverhill, Mass Chas H lab Geo A lab Fred lab Grace D ho *Ada L (m Gonic John D US Navy Bessie M ho Cote, D W steam fit & plumb Belle V (Huckins Cotton, Phoebe L ( ho Abbie T pi Harry E pi Cove, John J s cutter Roch 2 Georgia A (Downing Gordon L stu Clinton J stu Byron A pi Winnie F pi Coverley, Sarah F P tr Crissell, John pi Crockett, John retd Crosby, Melissa A ho Chas M s s op 54 FARMINGTON Anna M s e op Currier, Geo E far R F D Burns A s s op Abbie A ho *Geo W s s op Roch Chas V s s op *John T s s op Roch Fred E far Currier, Chas V s s op Mary E (Ring Mary C ChasF Currier, Fred E far R F D Abbie L (Willey Alfred a M pi Currier, Augusta B s s op Sadie A (Lary Annie B ho Ray B pi Geo R stu Curtis, Sylvester R s s op Fannie E (Webster Curtis, Nellie C (Leighton Wilma tr Fred P s s op Eric P s s op Curtis, Fred s s op Carrie E (Howard Chester F Norman W Curtis, Henry B s s op Lizzie (Runnells ho & s s op Curtis, Wm B far Bessie G (Gilman Doris B Reginald Curtis, Edward A far Juna O (Rollins Perley C lab Curtis, William A far Melissa S (Pinkham Irving F far *Addie M (m Lucas Wolfboro William B far Curtis, Irving F far Hattie B (Amazeen Curtis, Richard E pi D Dame, Abbie H (Plummer ho Edwin F far *Isabelle D (m Billings Maiden, Mass Dame, Edwin F far Emeline L (Williams Chas L pi FP Isabelle M Dame, Walter S s s op Ethel M (Young Nettie E pi John F C Davis, Amanda F (Richardson Timothy lab John F car CENSUS 55 *Sadie (m Glennen 14 Templeton Dorchester, Mass Davis, Timothy lab Ebba A (Nelson Davis, Chas F bk kpr Clara B (Leighton dr mkr Earle R s s op Davis, Alonzo I car & s s op Effle C (Goodwin Elizabeth G pi Albert M Davis, Angela A ( Hester E (m Pinkham *Abbie A (m Berry Boston, Mass Lelia B (m Carter Davis, Arrie M ho Davis, Fred A box shop Emma ( Davis, Ruby pi Davis, Geo F s s op Davis, Henry S cl Nellie M (Lucas Davis, Geo N retd Davis, Chas E lab Ella A (Bunker EdnaM Chas S s s op Harry W pi Fred M pi Norman G Davis, Geo A far Eliza (Davis Hazel stu Ruth E pi Albert H pi Anna P Davis, Sadie L (Shortridge s s op Mildred F pi Davis, Ella A (Roberts s s op Davis, Ira O lab Davis, Ariana P (Hayes Eliza (m Davis *Minuie P (m Barker Boston, Mass *G H agent Boston, Mass Davis, Earl s s op Bessie (Haddock Hazel Dorothy Davis, Elizabeth ( *Melissa F (m Somerville, Mass *George F car *H S hotel Newburg, N C Alonzo I car Davis, John lab Dawkins, Fannie A (Card Roch2 Deland, Hannah ho kpr DeMerritt, J L far Roch 2 DeMerritt, Carrie E Dexter, Margie ( las R s s op Dexter, Jennie ( s s op Frank L s s op 56 FARMINGTON Ernest F pi Owen S pi Dickie, Howard A team Bessie W (Chesley Ralph I Dixon, Willie A car Emma J (Leighton *Myrta L (m Putnam West Peru, Me Eva J tr Winfield B lab Dixon, Elmore H s s op Annie L (Towle Dixon, Alvin car Alta M s s op Dodge, Herbert A team Alice M (Richardson Florence G pi Harry I Raymond E Dore, Chas W far Nellie E (Adams Nellie E (m Lee *C H R R ser Lynn, Mass *Ida M cap mkr Plymouth Dore, Ernest photog Inez B (Clough Eunice I Dore, Henry stone cutter Daniel C s s op Sarah A (m Roberts Mary E ho kpr Clara A ho kpr *Cora E (m Rogers flolderness Doty, Benj F s s op Nellie V s s op Douglass, Jas mill op Sarah (Clark Downing, Benton cl Lizzie (Colbath Perley cl Downing, Geo T far Roch 2 *Geo A sec fore Milton *Grace M (m Mclntire Roch Frank A mill op Roch 2 Etta A (Chamberlain ho Anna A stu Downing, E J far Roch 2 Katie C (Miller Pearl M pi Downs, Lewis F far Roch 2 Hannah M (Home L M (in Henderson Drapo, Chas mill op Minnie M (Stone Drew, Sarah E (Hall ho kpr Drew, Joseph far *Abbie J (m Clark Lynn, Mass *Frank J horse dlr 209 Belmont, Everett, Mass *Emma (m Clapp 75 E Ave, Lynn, Mass Annie (McCascle Drew, Lizzie C ( dr mkr CENSUS L Maude tr Ethel M ho kpr *Chas E cl 11 Stickney, Lynn, Maes Drew, Chas E lab Lizzie M (Whittier Drew, Geo F s s op Lizzie W (Warren Dudley, Lydia A (Tibbetts Oscar S lab Sarah G (m Colomy Ellen (m Whitehouse AE far Horace I s s op Viola J (tn Colbath *Geo A jeweler Derry Fred A car Dudley, Oscar S s s op Laura A (Bunker *NellieE(mEarle 52 Friend, Lynn, Maes Dudley, Horace I s s op Martha J (Whitehouse Dufresne, Fred s s op Nellie (Cota *Eva E (m Smith Derry MiiliaE e s op Pittsfield *Ernma J (m Foster Marlborough, Mass Harry D s s op Franklin pi Marie E pi Celia R pi Theodore J Dunn, Jerry L s s op Delia M *Mamie E s s op Newburyport, Mass Nellie M s s op Lily T pi William L pi Fred E pi Kenneth L Duquette, Joseph far Roch Caroline (Carvion *Wilhelmina M (m Roukey Roch *Henry box shop op Roch *Mary (m Carter Gonic *Joseph mill op Milton Lewis spinner Marianna pi Edgerly, Walter C mill op Ellen (Rice Earl R pi Roland R Edgerly, J B cashier Nat'l Bk Edgerly, Hannah M ho kpr Frank E shoe mfg Edgerly, Frank E shoe mfg Janet A (Ricker Beatrice J stu Edgerly, Mary E (Robinson Dwight E treas S Bank Edgerly, D E treas S Bank FABMINGTO Myra L (Price Edgerly, Carry M (Quint Clyde H cl Earl M brush mkr Edgerly, Willie H s s op Mattie A (Corson George H s s op Alta M pi Ida F pi Lula M Marion L Edgerly, EM far R F D Leroy M pi Minnie E (Gates ho Elkins, Georgia A (Bartlett Elkins, Geo s s op Laura I (Hoyt Roy T s s op Elkins, Leroy s s op Maud (Littlefield Elkins, Ira s s op Caroline A (Lewis *Chas s s op Stoneham, Mass *Cora B (m Harrison Haverhill, Mass Bert H s s op Eliott, Rosetta S (Otis William A mach Eliott, William A mach Florence E (Holmes Norman A William J Florence E Eliott, Chas H far R F D Frank H team Fred H team *India M ho kpr Warren *Hattie M ho kpr Warren *Ruth M pi New Durham Eliott, Frank H team Minnie D (Graton Cora M pi Florence H Nellie I RuthE Ellison, Geo W phy Adah G (Goldsmith *Geo W L dentist Boston, Mass *D J phy Boston, Mass Marguerite stu WH stu Arthur T stu Emerson, Mary E (Sumner William I pi Everett W pi Emerson, Chas far Roch 2 Vienna F (Dolby Geo R far *Julia E (m Thompson New Durham 1 Emerson, Geo R far Elizabeth Q (Quint Emerson, F far & law R F D Emery, Fannie s s op Emery, Edwin A team Ella F (Kenniston CENSUS *Clifton T s s op Dover Grace B (m Gibbs Viola A (Edgerly George E pi Ericson, Otto s s op Matilda (Parsons Esther M Ettenger, Sarah B Gertrude Evans, James I sec foreman Sarah A (Moult on Gertrude M (in Hackett *Mary A (m Wentworth Roch *Isaac C R R ser Roch William R pi Everett, Ida (Smith ho *Winfred H printer Lynn, Mass *Vena M cl Roch Florence M (m Maddocks Far well, Fred T s s op Angie W (Walker Fall, Rodney E s s op Capitola (Runnells *Blanche E ( m Gillmet Dover Fall, Louise ho Fernald, Laura A ( Whitehouse ho Ferretti, R A mer 8tu stu stu Fannie (Casassa Teresa I Fred G Johnnie R Louise E Field, GeoV R R ser Ethel M (Bod well Vernon B Fiffefield, Albert F mech Jennie (Kelley Albert D stu Flanders, Marcia A (Brown *Hellie A (m Bennett Houston, Tex *Arthur L druggist 6 Pearl, Salem, Mass Hermon T s s op *Harry L leather mer 238 Lake, Chicago, 111 *Eugenia M (m Wessell Beverly, Mass Flanders, Eliza A ho CoraG Fletcher, Emily F (Benson ho *Ira E s s op 19 Douglass, Montello, Mass *Henry A s s op 176 Summer, Auburn, Me *Lizzie M (m Childs Hallowell, Me *N Susie (m Childs 11 Stickney, Lynn, Mass Fletcher, Jas A Elizabeth P (Miller 60 FARMINGTON Fred P plumber *0ra A (m Tying Pittsfield 4 Carolyn M mus tr Fletcher, Fred P plumber Gusta A (Thayer *Ira M stu Plymouth Forbes, Geo E lab Ada A (Nutter *Leon F far Alton Will E painter Maud ho John C pi Foss, Chas A lab Foss, Sarah F (Foss ho Foss, Adelaide O (Hanson ho *Mildred (m Hamlin Lexington, Mass Foss, Melvin W blk Addie (Maxfield s s op Foes, Mattie L (Jones ho *Lizzie E (m Drew Sanbornville Henry E US Navy Foss, James W far Roch 2 Katie M (Hobbs Wilbur E far Harold J stu Amy L stu Henry T pi Foss, B Frank far Mary E (Chamberlain Foster, Lyman B mer A P (Wyman Foster, Chas W s s op Bessie M (Welch Kenneth R Fraser, William French, Lizzie M s s op French, Alden C team Laurentine E ( Ardena E pi Wilford A French, Frank livery stable Clara French, J P H supt steam heat plant Laura E (Deland John L baggage cl & teleg op French, J L baggage cl & teleg op Alice N (Beecher French, Chas H lab Martha J (Wentworth Bertin L lab E Luella (m Leighton s s op *Chas C s s op Newburyport, Mass *Irving s s op Roxbury, Mass French, Leander team Nettie (Tufts Lawrence Fuller, Ella A (Wiggin s s op Herbert s s op Fullerton, Chas E s s op CENSUS 61 Emma C (Cotton Furlong, Harriet L (Wingate Garey, Susie s s op Garland, John W s s op Garland, Eliza J (Hopkins Roch R F D Chas L far John F far *Clarence I baker Roch Elmer E far *Mary E (m Lewis Roch *Sarah E (mHussey Roch Frank R far Garland, Chas L far Roch 2 Mary E (Sullivan Geo F far Alice M (m Dodge Chas H far *Eliza G (m Palmer Roch Wilfred E far Garland, Wm L lab Roch 2 *C W far & s s op Perry *Lizzie J (m Abbott Haverhill, Mass Garland, Geo A s s op Ida F (Babb Garland, John lab Garland, Eli s s op Abagail F (Kirnball Nettie A pi Dewey G pi Arthama P pi Harvey E pi Wilbur E Carlton H Garland, Ann (Pinkham ho *Llewellyn far Milton Gerrish, Elisha P retd Lizzie M (Hersom Georgia A (m Wentworth * Jennie F (m Libby St Louis, Mo Gibbs, Ralph P s s op Grace B (Emery Marshall F pi Arlene F Giles, Fred A far No 1 Amanda (Kimball *C Inez cl Pearle N stu Evelyn M pi Gilkerson, William s s op Gilkerson, Cora E s s op Gilman, Byron C ptr Abbie B (Stevens Leo D ptr Bernice bk kpr Gilman, F I ptr & pap hgr Melissa E (Moore Gladys L stu Lloyd M stu Gilman, John M mer Gladys M (Sanborn Gilman, Warren L far Annie B (Avery 62 FARMINGTON *Leon E mill op N Roch *Beatrice M (m Gilmau Flushing, Long Island, N Y *Ermon F cl Flushing, Long Island, N Y Vertal P pi Gilson, F baggage master Clara (Jones Lewis train dispatcher Gilson, Levi H s s op Alice S (Downing Glidden, Grace M s s op Glidden, Mary M (Spence Glidden, Ira W s s op Nellie A (Watson manicure & shampooing Hazel M stu Glidden, E Louise (Wyatt Roch Geo W pi Goodwin, H O mer Susan C (Smith Alice M s s op *Emma F (m West Danville Goodwin, Emily librarian Goodwin, Alice M ho kpr Goodrich, Geo bk kpr Gordon, L A ( ho kpr Ruth T pi Gordon, F Jennie (Sumner Gordon, Frank pi Grace, Irvin S s s op Alice A (Home Grace, Benj far Lydia A (Frost Irvin S s s op IvaB Gray, Mary E (Berry ho kpr Gray, Francis E mach Adeliza (Dickey Marion E pi Dorothy H Gray, Diantha V (Chamberlain *Geo H phy & sur 26 Ocean, Lynn, Mass *0tis E jeweler Gettysburg, Iowa Adelaide C nurse "Herbert F supt Jordan & Marsh 130 W Newton, Boston, Mass Gray, Geo H s s op Ina M (Downs ho & s s op Pearle G (m Ham Gray, Geo W far Roch 2 Patience K (Scruton Edith M ho kpr Ralph H pi Gray, Samuel M far Roch 2 Sarah E (Blake *J F police Everett, Mass Chas H lab John I farmer Willie E far Roch *Ida M (m Bishop Everett, Mass CENSUS 63 Gray, John I far Roch 2 Ellen F (Varney Alice M ho kpr Fred C stu Arthur M pi John I Jr Gray, Eliza J ho kpr Roch 2 Gray, Jerry far Roch 2 Mary (Pinkham Gray, Everett S Central house Lizzie (Leahy hotel hostess Grey, Ellis S s s op Edith G (Butler Alfred R Gray, William S lab Myra C (Eliott Greeley, P H phy Nina G (Vose Henry P pi Arthur V Griffith, Newell P Keene Guptill, AM s s op Abbie F (Peaks H Hackett, Wesley sec hand Gertrude M (Evans Raymond W pi Geo E pi Fred I Haddock, Howard R s e op Luella B (Tibbetts Hector R .s s op Lura B (m Cathcart Bessie S (m Davis Herbert R pi Hagan, Edward F lab Haines, Harriet P ho kpr Haynes, Frank H truck Mabel F (Averill Haines, Roland W s s op Nellie S (Place Hall, Asa A car & lumb dlr John E S mill op Hall, J F mer Minnie F bk kpr Ham, Hannah W ( ho kpr Clarence M lab *Luella H (m Witham 196 Belmont, Manchester Elwin s s op Irvin L s s op Ham, Elwin s s op Eric E pi Ham, Clarence M far Mary E (Peavey Wm M s s op Edith M (m Moulton Irvin C 8 s op Herbert G far Everett A s s op John H s s op Mary E pi Ham, Alice M ( s s op Bennie e s op Ham, Geo W s s op 64 FARMINGTON Mabel pi Ham, Jacob H retd Sarah (Wiley Ham, William s s op Celia (Moulton Everett s 8 op Sarah (m Holland Hazel H pi Ham, Jas W wood worker Ham, Mary (Clough Roch 2 *Eliza C (m Varney Roch *Malinda (m Hobbs Roch Caroline (m Canney Ham, Irving C s s op Pearle G (Gray Ham, James wheel wright Hanscom, F J brass moulder Julia O (Reed Minerva s s op Gladys pi Ellen E Hanson, Fannie B (Jones Julian R s s op Maud J bk kpr Hanson, Fred J shoe mfg Edna M (Smith Harmon, John H s s op Cinda (Granville Harmon, Chas A s s op Clara A (Card * Jessie H (m Sargent Lawrence, Mass Harmon, Chas boss shoe shop Harmon, John s s op Hatch, Clara A (Roberts ho Chas R far *Gertrude E bk kpr 205 Lincoln, Boston, Mass Harrison, James s s op Mary A (Monathan William J s s op Lulu I pi Louis D pi Hart, Dana B far & s s op Mattie J (Stevens Bernice M s s op Abbie B pi Althea M pi Donald B Hartfield, Ray s s op Ruth E (Tufts Norman R Hartford, Nelson P sexton M J (Downing s s op Mattie C tr Nellie E saleslady Hayes, John R mill op Lura S (Johnson Leon R Hayes, W T cl & county com Inez R (Roberts Ruhama K Hayes, E W far Georgia A (Howe *R E sales Boston, Mass *N H sales Boston, Mass Morris W stu Hayes, Seth C s s op CENSUS 65 Lizzie M (Perkins Hayes, Rebecca P (Gooch Fannie E s s op Harry I s s op Hayes, Arthur GjsvjMsf s s op 'Ethel M (Brooks Marion E Fred A Hayes, Hannah E (Lord *Mary I (m Jarvis Haverhill, Mass *Hannah S (m Trafton Berwick, Me *Nellie F (m Hull Roch *John boss box factory Roch *Sadie E (m Emerson Haverhill, Mass Hayes, Ira C trav sales Mary E (Everett Everett F pi IraC Hayes, Jas E lumb Mary E (Peavey Eugene B law John R box shop Hayes, Jas B s s op Hattie N (Tash *Grace B (m Kurd Alton Bay Hayes, Winfield Se*# s s op Etta K (Davis Hayes, Laura E pi Hayes, Ralph E pi Hayes, Nehemiah B s s op Herbert brush inkr Bertha (m Brackett Allie A bar tender Jennie (m Brown Katie A (Sullivan ho Margie E Hayes, Augusta A (Willey Ira C agt United Shoe Co *Ida M (m Carlisle Exeter Hayes, Eugene B law Maude L (Lovejoy Richard L pi Blanch I pi Hayes, Lillian A (Rollins Hayes, J R retd far Henderson, G F mill op Roch L M (Downs Herbert J mill man *NellaM (m Otis Roch *Rose M (m Lee Groveland, Mass * Jessie L (m Tibbetts Groveland, Mass Harvey G mill man Mildred J ho Lewis S pi Hill, John S surveyor Loring S lab Addie M (m Huckins *Jas W mill op Belmont Nelson E pi Maud H (Kimball Hill, Loring S mill op 66 FARMINGTON Ada (Colburn Hill, Edwin E s a op Sarah J (Reed Edward Carroll C pi Hill, Chas K stable Nellie (Curren Annie M (m Kimball *Fred L mill op Alton Hobbs, Justin H far & inas Roch2 E Louise (Glidden Hodgdon, W G s s op Ellen A (Colbath *Nellie G (m Burbank 40 Alison, Revere, Mass *Maud E (H McMullen Wallaston, Mass Holmes, Chas L pi Holmes, Sarah T (Berry ho Holmes, Henry H far *Herbert E R R ser Bowling Green, Ky *Flora M (m Meader Wolfboro Emma A (Bryant ho Holmes, Celia E (Trefethen Holt, Alice L (Hayes nurse Roy D s s op *Sam J dentist Baltimore, Md Home, C E coal & wood Agnes L (Moore Leora F (m Otis Edna M pi Horn, Fred I s s op Mary (Grimes Irvin J s s op Oscar R pi Pearle E Horn, Irvin E cl Lena G ( Lucas Earle E Blanchard R Home, I A livery & hack Ida M (Holmes Home, Fred A far R F D Home, Eva ho Home, John W f ar R F D Lizzie M (Wiggins Fred A far Eva C ho *Agnes G (m Bean Dover Home, Wm H s s op Mary E (Colby Willie H s s op Chas A s s op Home, Clarence W pi Home, Isaiah N far Roch 2 Howard, Hannah M ho Chas F lab Herbert s s op "William H lab Roch *E C s s op Maiden, Mass Arthur P s s op *Mary E (m Williams Marlboro, Mass Carrie E (m Curtis CENSUS 67 Howard, Herbert F s s op Lizzie T (Miller Herbert F Jr pi Mardel E pi Lizzie T pi Alta M pi Everett E EffieM Hubbard, John W far Huckins, J I far Roch R F D Hannah E (m Peavey John A far *Laura S (m Boston, Mass Huckins, John A far Roch Ethel M (Scruton E Guy lab Laura E tr M Esther tr Alden D stu John L pi Abbie S Huckins, Mary A dr mkr Huckins, John B retd *Austin E s s op 16 Federal, Salem, Mass Belle Y (m Gate Mary A dr mkr Hudson, Lucy J (Bell ho *Annie M (m Caesety Cambridge, Mass *Geo E harness mkr Roch Clara M (m Laselle Hull, Arthur S mill op Lillian M (Parshley Arthur H pi Doris M pi Hurd, Wm G team Nellie A (Varney *Clara E Milton JG pi Bernice T pi Hurd, Hiram E meat cutter Gertrude E (Card Hurd, Geo H s s op Margie ( Arthur M pi Lena M pi Hurd, Delta C s s op Minnie E (Knox Bessie B stu Hurd, Thomas s s op Cassandra T (Tibbetts Marjorie E Hurd, J R far Places Sarah E (Place Harry W iar Hurd, Harry W far Places Cora P (Canney Florence E pi Hurlburt, Alice S (Kelley ho Charlie W type setter Hussey, OrenN boots & shoes Lucy A (Goodwin Hussey, James F retd Sarah A (Edgerly Mary A (m Parker Hutchins, Frank ptr 68 FAKMINGTON Alice M (Wiggin Norman C pi Hutchins, Maurice B vet Alice C (Walker Emma L Mary Aurilla Hyland, Nelson S s s op Lola M (Hill ho & s s op Irving, Joseph M s s op Sarah E (Trafton J Jackson, Chas retd soldier Jackson, G A boot & shoe rep Jackue, Etinne team Places May C (Jackue Jenkins, Dana E s s op Jenkins, Emma F s s op Ralph C tr Jenkins, Mary A (Pinkham Jenness, Lydia E ho Jenness, John H mill op Jenness, Chas W mill op V S (Weymouth Johnson, Jos W s s op Sophia J (Tibbetts *G F s s op Boston, Mass Johnson, Freeman mill op Carrie M (Churchill Lura S (in Hayes Johnson, Angie P ho *Rev Geo H 7 Rockland Swarnpscott, Mass *Edith M (m Hodgdon Dover Johnson, John C far Ida S (Meserve Johnson, Sarah tailoress Johnson, Chas W s s op Johnson, Joseph G far Roch 2 Johnson, Geo S far Roch 2 Johnson, Carrie (Willey ho R FD Jones, Arthur R cl Lucy A (Worster Evelyn M Jones, J W s s op Annie E (Corson Jones, Geo A bus mgr Emma A (Amazeen Jones, Geo A cl & bk kpr Jones, Lewis F retd soldier Ada (m Blaisdell Jones, Silence (Lord ho Belle L (m Colomy Loie J (m Kuox Jones, Lewis F retd soldier Georgia A (Lawrence Ethel B (m Wentworth Haverhill, Mass George F s s op *Maude (m Smith Roch Jones, William car CENSUS 69 Clara E (Emerson John F box mkr Jones, John F box mkr Florence M (Fern aid Jordan, Lydia A (Thompson Koch 2 Sarah J ho Chas E far Joy, Rev Edwin *Fred C poultry Pittsfield *H C s s op Pittsfield *A W s s op Pittsfield Harry F U S ser Ft Andrew, Boston, Mass Angie M (Palmer K Kelley, Sarah A (Home ho *Mary E (m Tibbetts Maiden, Mass Jennie P (m Fifefield *Everett B station agt Barnstead Albert A s s op Kimball, Anna M (Hayes ho Ralph M s s op *Geo A cashier bank S Pines, N C Kimball, Maurice D stu Kimball, C A far Union Clara F (Tripp ho Ella F S stu Chas A pi Lydia E pi Clarence A pi Kimball, Ralph s s op Carrie (Willey ho Annie (m Freeman Walter pi Kingston, Nellie (Sullivan ho N Roch John W R R ser *Jerry D mill op Millinocket, Me George s s op Elizabeth C bk kpr Mary E mill op Nellie F pi Knight, Wilber C s s op Sadie B (Maddox ho Lawrence H pi Knight, Elbridge G cigars & tobacco Knox, Ira S lab Susan A (Pinkham ho *Ella J (m Hayes Lynn, Mass *Alta M (m Durgin Eliot, Me Knox, Forest E R R ser Knox, Sadie L ho Knowles, Hattie M (Kimball ho Union Kelley, James far Abbie B (Cloutman- Tibbetts 70 FARMINGTON Kelley, James R cottage boarding house Ella D (Nason Kelley, Albert A s s op Edith M (Kelley Kelley, Arthur I mill op Cora M (Gault Harold U Keyes, Augustus s s op Kimball, Chas H mill op Augusta (Davis Kimball, Oscar F lum Lenora A (Hayes Chas H s s op Carroll H cl Harry B team Alma F (m Littlefield Kimball, Harry B team Mabel M (Dixon Norman L pi Edna M pi Harold S pi Helen N Kimball, S W s s op Maud H (m Hill John V mill op Edith B ho Florence E pi Kimball, M Florence nurse Kimball, Frank B s s op Annie M (Hill Frank G pi Kimball, Daniel s s op Mary A ( Wingate *Clara E s s op 76 Emerson, Haverhill, Mass B Frank s s op Mary E mus tr Ernest E s s op Kingsbury, James A far Georgia A (Thomas *Jennie A (m Cleveland Helen C (m Colman Knox, Simeon P car Sarah E (Bickford *Horatio B tr Creighton, Providence, R I Ulysses S car Knox, Ulysses S car Addie (Whitehouse John E pi Harry pi Mildred pi Knox, J R s s op Annette (Durgin Fred L cl Annie M s s op Knox, Leon E s s op Loie (Jones Knox, Mary E (Kenney Elmer S s s op Leon E s s op *Jesse L painter Haverhill, Mass *Grace I (m Gray Jamaica Plain, Mass CENSUS 71 Lang, William J painter Nina E (Dennett ho Maxine G Langley, Alonzo D far & truckman Laselle, Jos I barber Clara (Hudson Hudson A pi Irene F pi Leahy, Nora (Connor ho kpr Frank C s s op Michael s s op Mary ho kpr Elizabeth (m Gray Hotel Central Leahy, Joseph P s shop boss Alice J (Teague James F pi Leavitt, Almon retd Nellie S (Jones *S A mer Wells River, Vt Alice E (m Peavey Leighton, Chas W s s op Nellie A (Fuller Leighton, Marguerite ( Mary s s op Rachael (m Adams George F s s op John H cl Lizzie (m Tibbetts Nellie M (m Ware Leighton, John H cl Annie L (Perkins Blanche E pi Hazel M pi Doris A Leighton, Chas s s op Georgia M (Rines Lizzie (m Avery Leighton, John B far Roch 2 Susan I (Berry Leighton, Fred M liv Leighton, Jessie G ho kpr Leighton, Guy F s s op Leighton, Alice ( ho kpr *Edgar A bank cashier Somersworth *Warren E mfg Auburn Clara R dr mkr Leighton, Francena C (Brown Chas I s s op Bessie E (m White Leighton, Chas I s s op Earle D stu Leighton, Mark F s s op Fannie M (Lord Leighton, Freeman A 8 s op Emma M (Bennett Millie B music Leighton, John W s s op Jennie N (Tibbetts *AltaF (m Barker Worcester, Mass Leighton, Clara (Smith LeGro, Edwin jeweler Alice A (McClellan 72 FARMINGTON James 8tu LeGro, Albert W s s op Lydia A (Drew Lepene, Peter far Lena ( Augustus s s op John s s op *Delia (m Baker Salem, Mass Lewis, Geo M s s op Annie E (Akin *Etta (m Elkins Schnectady, N Y Libby, B A s s op Leon E (Main Libby, Emma J (Berry *I J phy Cranston, R I Libby, Irving A phy & sur Cranston, R I Littlefield, Fred A blk Alma F (Kimball Ethel B pi Gladys E pi Alta F pi Bertha A Lobont, Albert far Crissa A (Boody *Bertha A Boston, Mass Labina C (m Nedeau Adolphus G s s op Locke, J W mill op Ellen C (Thayer Lord, Jas J ptr Ella (Roberts ^Marion G (m W Manchester Lord, John H Hattie B (Smith William C stu Lougee, Walter S s s op Lilla H (Cook Lougee, Nehemiah s s op Julia E (Place Jacob A s s op Walter S s s op Allie A s s op Orrin H 8 s op Martha E ho kpr Herbert C pi Lougee, R P horse trader Cecil R team Celia R (m Willey Lougee, Clara ho kpr Lougee, Jacob A s s op Hattie M (Dyer Walter J Levering, Geo E cl Irma L (Davis Marguerite Loveriug, Etta G Lucas, Freeman D s s op Emma F (Whitehouse *Abbie E (m Emmond Roch Lena G (m Horn Mertie M (m Perkins CENSUS M Mack, Michael 8 s op Clara E (Smith Macomber, Oscar pi Manchester, Harriet E ho kpr Manson, Geo s s op Marcoux, Jos E s s op Annie D (m Woods Walter J Harry T Marston, Frank s s op Nellie (Berry Marston, Chas W mach Jennie M (Caswell Edith E (m Lang Matthews, Sumner F lab Gertrude (Cloudman Earl J pi Matthews, Frank s s op McCusker, Hugh G lab McDonald, Addie S stu McDonald, Florence E stu McDuffee, Frank team McGibbon, James barber Cora (Tibbetts s s op McGibbon, Andrew J mech Florence M (Willis Roger W pi Mabel L McLee, J B s s op & lunch cart Lena L (Richards Meader, William far Roch 2 Mellows, Frank s s op Meserve, Sam Y retd Julia S (Gilman Susan R (m Otis Carl G s s op Miller, Jos B far Mary A Miller, Henry B mill op Angie D (Lowell Milliner, Jas W team Mills, Chas E ptr S Josephine (Davis Milne, Agnes M ho kpr Mooney, Herman far Myra S (Granville Mooney, F E coal & wood Ina B (Bennett T A ho kpr Montgomery, Fred E s s op EmmaT (Hackett William P s s op Gertrude I pi Mabel S pi Morgan, Lois I (Durgin Harry D pi Beatrice P pi Morrill, Clarence J fireman Nellie M (Whitehouse Moulton, Jos J P retd Harriet N (Remick *W S s s op Lynn, Mass Amy E ho kpr Irving H s s op Moulton, Sidney s s op Moulton, Moses P far 74 FARMINGTON Laura S (Witham John P far Moulton, John P far Martha A (Babb Doris J pi Herbert J N Nason, Abbie M dr mkr Ethel B tr Leslie I ptr Nedeau, Emma J (Corson s s op Walter S s s op Nedeau, Walter S s s op Celia B (Labont Harold G Ralph I pi Nedeau, John F s s op Amelia (St Pierre Nelson, Fred W s s op Charlotte S (Burleigh Noyes, Henry J lab Mary A (Home Noyes, Chas F s s op Alice E (Nelson 'Blanche E (m Percival S Portland, Me Everett N s s op Leroy W brush mkr Noyes, Everett N s s op H Etta (Johnson s s op Noyes, W A F retd soldier 13th Mass "Charlotte A (m Fairbanks Haverhill, Mass "Chester S s s op Brockton, Mass Chas F s s op Nute, Chas W s s op Clara M (Varney Nute, Mary P (Pearl E P US Marshal A J far Nute, E P US Marshal Nellie S P (Parker "Stanley P stu Hanover Harry A pi Molly pi Nute, Chas F s s op Alcena M (Marshall Nute, Byron P R R ser Nettie (Pickering Nute, E F butcher Nutter, Linwood A stu Nutter, Frank team Sarah W (Pike Mary (m Butler Chas C s s op Nutter, Sarah E (Roberts Wesley I heel mfg Nutter, Wesley I heel mfg Florence E (Bryant Nutter, Lizzie s s op Nutter, Henry C far Roch 2 CENSUS 75 Arabella M (Leighton Nutter, Joseph F fore s s Lilla E (Babb Hazel I pi Zelraa pi Ralph A O Osborne, Downing shoe mfg Abbie M (Tuttle Otis, Albert J cl Leora F (Home Otis, Sarah A (Garland Roch2 *Frank J far Gonic Rosetta S (m Eliott Mary E (m Jones *Herbert K fore s s Dover Geo E far Otis, Geo E far Roch 2 Naomi M (Babb Everett E pi Otis. Alonzo A s s op Carrie M (Edgerly Otis, Susan B (Pitman box shop op *H L cook Boston, Mass John C student Otis, Geo W painter far s s op Kate (Carroll Parker, Jennie M s s op W Derry Lauren E pi Parker, H S retd shoe mfg Samuel S law Nellie S (m Nute *P F mer Spokane, Wash Ned L mer Parker, Samuel S law Mary E (Home Parker, N L mgr groc store Mary A (Hussey Harry F Parsons, Zella A stu Paulson, John A far Peabody, Chas A mill op Addie M (Davis Pearl, Sophrona ( Hollis B s s op Pearl, H painter Ina B (Canney Harold H pi Pearl, Fred L painter Pearl, Mattie P (Kearney Mildred L pi Preston L pi Pearl, Chas L s e op Pearl, Frank far Ida M (McDuffle Eleza Ann B (m Goodwin Helen H (m Thompson Ironwood, Mich 76 FARMINGTON Pearsons, Edward L s s op Mary J (Henderson Pearsons, Frank M s s op Ida F (Bailey Peavey, W L mer Merton stu Peavey, Paul II far Edna I H (Berry Peavey, Mary E (Richardson Carrie C (m Downs Sanbornville Peavey, Ernest F s s op Pansy E (Wallace Carroll W Pendexter, Geo W far R F D Perkins, Cyrus B s s op Mary A (Kimball Nellie S (m Sanders *Jas N s s op Dover Perkins, Llewellyn C s s op Mary A (Finnigan Ralph L pi Nellie F Perkins, Everett phy Louise M (m Todd Beatrice L pi Clifton T pi Alice M Perkins, John F 8 s op CoraE (Witham Perkins, Chas M s s op Sarah A (Abbott Llewellyn C s s op Alton M s s op Perkins, Alton M s e op Mer tie M (Lucas s 9 op Marion E pi Perkins, Willie L far Perkins, Mary A (Connoly *Forrest E carg trim Amesbury, Mass *Susan M (Browuell Dove Neck Thomas lab James lab Perkins, Chas H s s op Lillie G (Allen Forest A pi Perkins, Geo L meat dlr Mamie R (Roberts Perkins, Chas E far Mary M (Jordan Everett A Perkins, Sarah R (Deland Perkins, B F carriage mfg Lucy A (Stiles Ardena B tr Peterson, E L mach Sarah M (McDonald Oliver C clerk Roch Hildred C s s op Jas G pi Mabel pi Alice J pi Clayton pi Lester Lindsay V Pickard, Bertha ho CENSUS 77 Pike, Jacob H retd Pike, Herman J s s op Amanda E (Place Pike, John C s s op Alice M (Arnold *John C s s op Milton Grace E (m Sheehan Bertha C (m Dexter Viola M pi Alice E Pike, Edwin E s s op Etta M (Pearl Irvin s s op Elva s s op Pike, Harris elec mgr Adele M (Bishop Harry pi Pike, Edgar E bar tender Maude E (Kenney Wilber E pi Mildred I pi Kenneth B Pinkham, Abigail ho Pinkham. Sophronia s s op Minnie E bk kpr Vellie J stenog Pinkham, Hester E ( *Elsie M (m Home Roch John A pi Pinkham, Fred lab Clifton S s s op Pinkham, Mary (Hussey Roch *Chae far Strafford Pitman, Chas H ins Carrie L (Pearl Pitman, Frank D s s op Lizzie S (Lucas Place, Wm B far *Carrie (m Wentworth Union Amanda (m Pike Inez (m Wiggin Percy mill op Union *John bill cl Lynn, Mass Eva s s op Dean s s op Place, Albert J car Mary J (Austin *Mabel (m Garley Dover *Jennie E a s op 49 Church, Lynn, Mass *Lizzie D (m Swallow Dover Nellie S (m Haines Frank A pi Evelyn M Dorothea Plummer, William H lab Plummer, Chas painter Pray, William H team Fannie V (Pickard Prescott, H J ( ho 'Carrie A (Burnham New Durham, R F D *Grace H (m Putnam Spofford Pride, Joshua T retd soldier *Henry W elec conductor 78 FARMINGTON Worcester, Mass Mohn P Leicester, Eng agt United Shoe Co Lucy J (Smith ho Proctor, Nathan L s s op Catherine L (Rogers *Mary (m Waugh 48 Lexington, Everett, Mass Pulsifer, Walter H sales Helen L (Levering Pulsifer, Hattie I tr Harry H R R ser John L s s op Putnam, Albert E mer Abbie E (Wingate Quint, Ira A car Sophia A (Leigh ton Carrie M (m Otis Addie M (m Ricker Rand, Ray mill op Rand, David E cobbler & harness repr *Alta L pi Norway, Me Rank, Stephen B mech D E cobbler & harness repr Maurice W car Long Beach, Calif *Dannie M truck Mechanic Fall, Me Alvertia A (m Griffin milliner Bartlett *Ethel M (m Chase Norway, Me *Geo D mech Berwick, Me Leroy B lab Rand, Louisa (Peavey ho Randall, Will I s s op Ella F (Trafton Randall, Nettie A ( Page Union Raymond, Chas S dentist Mary L ( Reed, Herbert D lab Annie (Glidden Reed, Earl C teleg op Remick, Nathaniel P s s op Mary E (Sprague Joseph F s s op Geo P pl Nathaniel P pl Vera M pl Ruth E pl William L pl Clayton S Marjorie Remick, Chas E far R F D Edgar B pl Fred W pl *Lizzie pl Manchester Rhines, Geneva C s s op Richardson, A mason Richardson, Gertrude E (Card CENSUS 79 EarlD Battleship Maine U S N Vera E ho Nina V s s op Richardson, Leslie Richardson, Alice M (Garland Ernest A team Lizzie L pi Albert C pi Richardson, A mason Lydia A (Holden lona B (m Smith Olive D ho Alfred J L pi Annie L M pi Richardson, Mary E (Lougee Abbie M (m Connor Richards, Jennie M (Ford Roch *Albert L cl Sanbornville *Marjorie E (m Brogue Oregon Ernest W far Ralph P pi Ricker, Stella E ho Ricker, Chas H Concord Mary A (Cloutman Mabel pi Ricker, G B s s op Ricker, HE s s op Mattie P (Pearl Ricker, Jas E s s op Helen M (Currier Chester C s s op Burtred s s op *IJ mus Lynn, Mass Ricker, Mary H ho Ricker, William H cl Adelaide M (Quint James L Ricker, Oscar lab Lilla (Proctor Ricker. Chester C s s op Jennie S (Colomy Ring, Dennis blk Annie M (Connor Mary E (m Currier Terence F s s op Roberts, Nat F post master Helen A (Murch Roberts, Sarah E (Wiley Roberts, W W druggist George cl Helen stu Roberts, Gertrude L E pi Roberts, Anna M ho John P B saloon *Ida A (m Trefethen Exeter Roberts, H far & car Places *Fred H mill op Roch M B (m Perkins Geo H mill op Nellie A (m Allender West Va *Edith V (m Howard Brockton, Mass I E (m Hayes 80 FAEMINGTON Alice I type Better *Ernest L fireman Boston, Mass Edgar S far Roberts, Mary E (Place Places *John P far Horace H far *Henry B s s op 30, 17th Ave, Haverhill, Mass Roberts, Harry F R R ser Edith F (Connor ChasC Roberts, Chas W s s op Alice N (Nute Elizabeth F (m Washburn 33 High, Springfield, Mass Roberts, Ella (Pearl Roberts, H H far Places Mary E (Noyes Carl N lab Perley J stu Roberts, David S far Ellen (m Varney Winfield S s s op *Augusta (m Wentworth New Durham *Henry S tr Wolfboro Roberts, Winfield S s s op Ocanna (Fall Rosella (m Jones Robinson, A far Places Clara A (Walker Rockwell, Frank s s op Rogers, Ann G ho Roch 2 Rogers, C C phy Central Ho Roylins, John A cl Ruth L (Towle Lillian M cl Harold C bk kpr Rollins, John L s s op Eva M (Berry Romie, Jas mill op Myra (Roberts Rowe, Estella I ho Russell, Annie E ho Russell, Geo F bakery Lottie A (m Chamberlain Annie cl Russell, Frank S s s op Nellie E( Wells *Eugene S s s op Milton *H W s s op Lynn, Mass *Lenora (m Morley Lynn, Mass Warren B s s op Chester C pi V W pi Sanborn, John E peddler *Chas s s op Lynn, Mass *Will lab Scituate, Mass *Harry P s s op Haverhill, Mass Emma B (Wentworth CENSUS 81 Sanborn, Guy R pi Roch Sanborn, N C far Roch 2 Hannah M (Varney *Geo A mer Roch *Ada B (m Tanner Roch Sanders, William M cigars & tobacco Nellie S (Perkins s s op Sargent, Henry S far Roch 2 Scott, Jos W s s op Adeline D ( Violet M pi Chester L p] Oral Joseph A Schlenker, Agatha ho Schlenker, Jacob s s op Schoch, Mary C (Snovell William S elec 'Blanche N (m Van Vleck New Durham Maud G ho *Flossie L (m Beck Philadelphia, Pa Edgar J lab Scruton, E J s s op Lovey E (Otis Bessie L (m Coleman Scruton, J Irving lab Lizzie F (Preston Gerald F pi Gilbert P pi Laura Scruton, John F far Roch 2 *Lewis lab Dover Addie L (m Burnham *Frank restaurant Lynn, Mass Lydia (Varney ho *Sarah E (m Meader Roch Arthur G far Sheehan, D D Wilson House *Ellen L (m Johnson Roxbury, Mass *John T druggist Boston, Mass Henry H cl *Mary A cl Roxbury, Mass Daniel D lab Thomas pi Margaret (O'Connell hotel hostess Sheehan, Henry H hotel cl Grace A (Pike Shackford, A W photog Clara A (Lougee Slinker, Jacob s s op Small, Mrs Nellie C *I H dentist 140 Warren, Roxbury, Mass *Jennie A (m Babb 44 Kennilworth, Roxbury, Mass Small wood, M Ellen ho Smart, Wm lab Lizzie (Seymore Smart, Joel far 82 FARMINGTON Mary A (Smith William s s op Grace C (m Burnham *John W far Antrim *Joel mach Antrim Maud R ho Minnie F tr Gertrude M ho Jennie E pi Smith, Frank J far & s s op Ada E (Cookson Smith, Elbridge s s op Sarah (Curry Smith, W E box mill op lona B (Knights Albert M Lena A Edmond L Smith, Jos W s s op Abbie (Smith Walter R Smith, Frank J s s op Smith, Ann (Rogers Smith, Horace blk Mamie (Card Smith, Simon T liv stable Clara A (Leighton *Bessie M (m Young ERoch Smith, J W liv stable Hamy (m Stevens E Roch Simonds, E F mer Cynthia (Davis Stanley, Helen L (Blethen ho E Percival pi Helen P pi Frances E pi Stanley, Samuel S mill op Elvira E (Oakes *A R team Meredith Leonard T s s op Hazel G pi Samuel S Jr pi Mabel M pi Mary E Steadman, Gertie E (Bishop Stevens, Edgar N mill op Annie M (Cleveland Guy E box shop Winnie E ho Chester A pi Stevens, Jos E s s op EttaE (Everett *P E s s op Lynn, Mass Carroll C Stevens, Hiram H retd Charlotte A (Wallace Abbie B (m Gilman Stevens, W R mill & mech Roch, Box 37 Lura S (Barrett Stevens, John B phy Roch 2 *Geo G motorman Carrie E (Canney ho Willis R mill wright Ronella L far Stevens, Lydia A (Roberts Stevens, R J s s op CENSUS 83 Dean L stu Stoddard, Guy H s s op Ethel G (Roberts Sutherland, Bessie A tr Swinerton, Chas F Henrietta (Hepworth Swinerton, Wm M s s op Grace L (Durgin A lice L pi Talpey, Mrs Chas W Tanner, Geo W Ellen F (Young *Adella G (m ho 8 8 Op Biddeford, Me Everett C mech Creesie B s s op Tanner, Angela L ho Tanner, Henry H far R F D *Ralph G mech 13 Hancock, Roch *Lincoln G fireman 39 Austin, Portsmouth Tanner, Martha A (Giles RF D *Grace L (m Allen 155 W Newton, Boston, Mass *Lizzie M (m Piercy 155 W Newton, Boston, Mass Geo I s s op Tanner, Herbert far New Durham Marie A ( Waldo P Tanner, Chas R pi Roch 2 Tanner, Irving s s op Teague, Edward shoe mfg Nellie B (Douglass Wendell A pi Marjorie Tetherly, Edgar O pi Thayer, W F Ida B (Whitehouse Fred I elec Thayer, Fred I elec Lillian A^Hayes m , _,. v _. J \ r n ftiU v. * ft U*Uiw Thayer, Elmer F shoe mfg Annie E (Edgerly Jas E Thayer, Walter H harness dlr Susan A (Lord Harry E pool room Hattie A stu Thayer, Harry E pool room Ellen M (Babb Thomas, E H editor Jennie I (Shipman Carl S office Guy E stu Thompson, Hannah E Thompson, Jas H s s op Hattie M (Dow *Raymond C stu Tilton Thompson, Chas W s s op Jennie L (Emmonds Agnes M pi Thompson, J W far Roch 2 84 FARMINGTON Dorothy J (Hall Winslow P far Thompson, P far Roch 2 Georgia I (Colomy Thompson, Stillman B far & milk dlr Louisa M (Chesley Thompson, Joseph P far Hervey J far Stillman far & milk Chas W s s op Thompson, H J tar Florence J (Foss Marion W pi Esther E pi Stillman J pi Thompson, Geo L far Roch 2 Hattie J (Chesley Eugene H far Thorpe, Henry T s s op Alfred a (Leighton Thurston, Chas H far Ubie B (Leighton Blanche W pi Tibbetts, Grace M s s op Tibbetts, Henry s s op Bertena J (Smith Tibbetts, Chas W lab Tibbetts, Nora (Jordan ho *Gladys M pi Manchester *Florence H pi Manchester Goldie M Tibbetts, Hattie Howe s s op Tibbetts, Inez J (Ham ho Zelma B pi Tibbetts, Abbie D (Pinkham Fred N painter *Frank C team Alton Tneesy, Geo lab Edith M (Ricker Urban E pi Vinton E pi Melvina E pi Mildred E Towle, Emily M (Fletcher mer & bdg ho T F ptr & s s op Towle, Phoebe E (Leighton Bernice P pi Towle, T F painter Katie E (Earner ' Ruth B stu Harold J pi Georgia A pi Beatrice G Trafton, Mark retd Ella F (m Randall *Ida E (m Abbott Roch Trafton, Sarah E (Gray ho *Mabel F (m Hurd Dover Trask, Lyman W mill op Ida E (Whitehouse Nellie M stu Ralph C stu Trask, Sarah A ho Tremen, Tom R s s op Mary O (Hardwood Wilfred pi CENSUS 85 Edgar pi Eva A Theodore Tripp, Chas H far Roch 2 Clara A (Pierce *Edwin P s s op Roch Chas H Jr Tripp, Chas H Jr Roch 2 Ella N (Bickford J Thornton pi Louise E pi Tuttle, Levi W lab Joan L ( Lord Mabel F pi Blanchie E Tuttle, Shurl s s op Viola (Cuttin Earl pi Fred s s op Tuttle, Chas I s s op Abbie O (Furber Tuttle, John car & far *Allison E tr Bellows Falls, Vt Tufts, S S woodsman Katie J (Hogan Twombley, Susan A Twombley, L F far Carrie M (Thompson Tyler, Olive A (Edson Places Varney, Ellen E ho *Albert D far Alton *T S mech W Canaan *O team Alton *Sabrina trained nurse Staton, Vose Hall, Boston, Mass *Guy cl Alton Varney, Alfred s s op Eva A (Blake *Elsie M (m Horn E Roch Mildred G Bern ice C pi Varney, Hannah L ho Fred L s s op Leon R teamster Varney, Fred L lab Florence M (Kendall Varney, Elvin V s s op Eldora B (Brown Linnie V pi Harold C Varney, Fred s s op Angie (Corson Rosie E pi Vianna pi Walter E pi Varney, B P far R F D Lewis M far Nellie A (m Hurd Varney, Esther S ho R F D Varney, A L team Roch 2 Varney, Sarah M Roch 2 Varney, Owen M far Roch 2 Lillian B (Downing 86 FARMINGTON Etta G ho Belle stu Marjorie pi Varney, Daniel R s s op & far Fred s s op Vincent, Ella (Louther Roch George G W H W WaldroD, John justice, police & insurance Adelaide H C (Cilley * Adelaide C (m Looner 46 White, Haverhill, Mass Waldron, Arthur F lum Donald H Grace H (Herring Waldron, Augustus S harness Sarah H (Mullen Emma D tr J R stu Waldron, Abigal J Waldron, Eliza A ho Waldron, M P drawing tr Waldron, Mary A milliner Waldron, Samuel H far Margaret H (Worster Harrison G far Wallace, Walter s s op Etta (Drew Wallace, Albert S s s op Elvira E (Whitehouse *Lillian B (m Sager 32 Summit Ave, Salem, Mass Pansy E (in Peavey Wallace, Geo M s s op Belle E( Went wojth Berton M lab Ware, Arthur A s s op Nellie (Leighton Thelma E Marguerite A Ware, Alfred F f ar R F D Hannah E (Varney William V far Ware, William V far R F D Lizzie J (Varney Watson, Lydia O (Robertson Harriet D elocutionist Daniel W s s op Watson, Mary E (Peavey RFD Watson, Lydia B (Rhines Chas H far Webster, Irvin s s op Lizzie E (Twombley Webster, E retd Ruth E (Henderson Webster, Jos F retd *Edwin L grain & prov Maiden, Mass Irvin s s op Frank E Fannie E (m Curtis Webster, C L s s foreman Annie M (Gray Geo A pi CENSUS 87 Arthur G pi Chas W Wedgewood, Forest far Fannie (Patterson Wedgewood, Georgia drmkr Welch, John saloon Elizabeth (Kennedy Welch, Harold H s s op Ethel G (Pry or Ralph H Wentworth, Blanche s s op Gladys s s op Wentworth, Luther sales Flora N (Nelson Ambrose Wentworth, Geo G bar tender Lillian ( Leon pi Wentworth, Henry H s s op Hannah E (Howard *AliceM (m White Boston, Mass Wentworth, Nettie ho Wentworth, David W s s op Mary L (Colbath Albert W pi Wentworth, Loring G s s op Nellie F (Randall Reginald R pi Wentworth, G E meat market Lillian M (Maddox Hazel F pi Edison H pi Wentworth, Carrie (Laskey Nancy F pi Gladys BE pi W^eymouth, Harold mill op Weymouth, Edwin L s s op Wheatley, H P phy & sur White, Josie E (Averill Jennie A pi White, Geo I express Bessie E (Leighton White, Harley C far *Melvin J tr 208 N Brook, Madison, Wis *Ralph C Antrim Reta M ho Hattie A s s op Eunice L (Dudley-Rand White, H B s s op Emma J (Wingate Carl P C l White, Jas W s s op Lizzie H (Reed Whitehouse, John W lab Whitehouse, Chas s s op Annie A (Averill Whitehouse, Fred s s op Laura W (Ham Jennie M pi Whitehouse, LydiaM (Ranson Emma F (Lucas Ida E (m Trask *Frank J elec Lynn, Mass Whitehouse, John car Ellen (Dudley Whitehouse, Chas M far 88 FARMINGTON Ida N (Colbath s s op Chas C s s op Whitehouse, C Walter mach Whitehouse, Harry D s s op Carrie M (Johnson Whitehouse, Daniel P s s op M J (Howard ho Chas W fruit dlr Frank I cl Perley E s s op Whitney, W W Julia (Pinkham *0ra (m McGregor Haverhil), Mass *Will Haverhill, Mass Whitney, Clarence T s s op Mary E (Corson Whitten, Jas mason Etta A (Wentworth Whittier, Cora B Wiggin, Mrs Sarah *Chas E Roch Wiggin, Geo H meat cutter Jane (Rand Wiggin, Mrs Martha A Fred N s s op Alice (m Hutchins Archie C Wiggin, A H lawyer Harriet B (Bradeen Wiggin, Mrs Abbie S ho *Clara ho Roch *Harry exp agt Exeter Wiggin, Geo E s s op Georgia (Page Wiggin, Bertha (Ricker Bernice E pi Wilkins, Rev John Laura M (McLain *Lula (m Emerson Barnstead Percy D pi Ernest P pi Willey, Chas R Nellie (Smith Willey, John D team Celia R (Lougee ChasD Willey, Herbert A moulder Emma L (Montee Willey, Carrie (Corson Herbert A moulder Willey, Angelina ho Places Wilson, Edw T store Jessie H (Havens-Nelson Edw T Jr pi Wilson, Chas W T cl Nellie J (Joy Wilson, Henry C . cl Wilson, H far Roch R F D Lucy A (Whitehouse Mary E (m Canney *Joseph W mill wright Winslow, Levi clerg Mary J (Peabody Melvina tr Wingate, Eliza (Wiugate ho Emma J (White CENSUS 89 *Lillian M (m Brown 3,995 Drexel, Chicago, 111 Witham, Jno W street lighter & pumping sta Ada E (Ellis Carrie B e s op Witham, Susan P (Place *C C hotel prop Pittsfield John W street lighter Laura L (m Moulton *Lizzie B (m Bean Somersworth Wood, Sarah F ho Wood, Geo W station agt Lucy J (Jones Lizzie M (m Carter Lucy I tr Woodman, W eng Ida B (Temple Woodward, Melvina Woodward, Elvira J (Stevens Waburton, Clara A (Shory Mary C tel op Wyatt, GA far Roch K F D Wyatt, Asa far Roch 2 Louise E (m Hobbs *Grace C (m Wentworth Roch Edith L ho Edward far N Roch Wyatt, John far Roch R F D Wyatt, Henry I far Roch 2 Clara A (Varney Wyatt, Lyman far Roch 2 Geo H team Henry I far Ida M (m Bean Chas F far Wyatt, Geo H team Roch 2 Beulah ho Guy pi Ralph pi Fannie pi Wyatt, William S lab Wyatt, Chas F far Roch 2 Louisa A (Chesley York, Chas F team Lizzie M (Bickford Fannie I York, C E supt gas works Frances (Leighton Nellie M s s op Young, J H eng Jennie M (McKay *Henry S trav sales Maiden, Mass Young, Mina A (Brackett milliner Malcolm pi Young, Lizzie A (Foss s s op Young, Frank V far Mary E (Varney Sarah A ho Grace O ho Grover C team Ella M s s op Fred team Roy stu Nellie F pi Raymond pi Young, Nathaniel H far History of milton Milton, in the north-eastern section of Strafford County, is an irregular township of 27,000 acres, forty miles from the State capital, Concord, and twenty miles north-west from Dover, the county seat. It is the youngest town, except Rollinsford in the county of Strafford, having been originally a portion of the town of Rochester, from which it was set off and incorporated June 11, 1802. The surface is comparatively level, except that section of the town traversed by Teneriffe Mountain, and the soil is good for pasturage. Milton is an agricultural, as well as a manu- facturing community, and a large percentage of the inhabitants are engaged in farming, while stock, too, is raised to some extent. Milton Three Ponds are the principal bodies of water, forming with the Salmon Falls river a chain of lakes. The river itself runs along the whole eastern boundary, uniting near the centre of the town line with one of its branches which crosses from the south part of the town of Wakefield. The principal villages are Milton and Milton Mills ; both are on the boundary line of New Hampshire and Maine, and are important industrial centres. Milton is on the North Con- way branch of the Boston & Maine Railroad; Milton Mills is connected by a stage line with the railroad at Union Village in Wakefield. The population in 1900 was 1625. HISTORICAL 91 EARLY SETTLEMENT. The original settlers in Milton came principally from Dover, Madbury, Rochester and towns in that vicinity, and were a sturdy, industrious, and intelligent people, who even in the earliest days of the town manifested an interest in the education and religious welfare of themselves and their children. Jonathan Twombly, who took up a residence in the south part of the town about the year 1760, and Richard Walker, who came, probably, about the same time, share the honor of being the earliest white settlers in Milton. About ten or a dozen years later, in 1771 or 1772, John Twombly established himself in the so-called Varney neigh- borhood. His nearest neighbor, a man named Jenkins, lived upon Goodwin Hill at the time. Benjamin Scates was, perhaps, the next to make a home in town, settling on Plumer's Ridge about 1772 or 1773. Beard and Joseph Plumer, sons of John Plumer of Rochester, also settled at the Ridge, and may have been residents here even prior to the arrival of Mr. Seates. James C. Hayes, David Wallingford, Wm. Palmer, Elijah Home, and Moses Chamberlain were also among the pioneers. Paul Jewett, Amos Witham, Reuben Jones and others were the first settlers of the section near the West Branch river. They came probably about 1785 or 1786. At Milton Three Ponds, Samuel Palmer, Levi Bergen, John Fish, Paul Jewett, Pelatiah Hanscom, and Robert McGeoch were among the earliest settlers. Levi Jones, a native of Lebanon, Me., married Betsey Plumer of this town and settled here about the time of Milton's 92 MILTON incorporation. Wm. Jones of Berwick, Me., married Charlotte Gushing of Dover in 1798, and settled here probably at about that time. John Remick, Jr., son of Wm. and Lydia Eemick, was born at Kittery (Eliot) in 1771, married Mary, daughter of Capt. Edward and Eliza Butler of Portsmouth and settled here prob- ably in the early part of the year 1795. Thos. Eemick of Kit- tery was here a number of years later. John Witham of Kittery (Eliot), too, was an early settler. Josiah Witham, Jones' junior by three years, married Mehitable Jones of Berwick and came here not long after 1790. Isaac Brackett of Berwick married Priscilla Jones, and came here prior to May, 1789. Tristram Goodwin, son of James and Sarah Goodwin, was born in Lebanon, June 14, 1781; married Susanna Mitchell, daughter of John and Abigail Mitchell of Durham, and came here to reside in the early days of the settlement. Robert Mathes, a native of Lee, N. H., was a settler here in 1797. The Mathes family came to this place, probably from Durham, settling at West Milton. Pelatiah Hanscom, Jr., son of Pelatiah and Susanna Han- scom, was born at Kittery (Eliot), Dec. 28, 1777, married Betsey Tibbetts at Berwick in 1803, and settled here prior to the win- ter of 1804. Ephraim Plumer, of Rochester, married Nancy McDuffee of the same town, and came here with the early set- tlers. The Roberts and Drew families, too, were among the pioneers. HISTORICAL 93 SIGNERS OF PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. Rochester, May 28th, 1802. Benjamin Scate, Francis Drew, James Berry, James C. Hayes, Paul Jewett, Jeremiah Goodwin, Elijah Horn, John Witham, Hanry Rollins, Thomas Nutter, Humphrey Goodwin, Henery Rollings, Joseph Plumer, John Remick, Jr., Wm. Cor- son, Moses Chamberlain, Sam'l Chapman, Nath'l Jewett, James McGeoch, Isaac Brackett, Nat. Pinkham, John Hanson, Abra- ham Dearborn, William W. Lord, Richard Miller, Joseph Dear- born, Nathaniel Dearborn, Benjamin Jones, Shadrach Hard, William Berry, Samuel Twombly, Nathaniel Gilman, James Berry, Jr., Jotham Ham, Benjamin Haggins, Dudley Burnham, Joseph Cook, Samuel "*x marlc Wentworth, Jr., Shubel Roberts, John Twombly, Gilman Jewett, Stephen Jennes, Ernest Corson, Lias Ricker, Francis Berry, Otis Pinkham, Ebenezer Ricker, Joseph Berry, Francis Nute, Daniel Dore, James Merrow, Josiah Willey, Obadiah Witham, Samuel Nute, Jr., Robert McGeoch, Gershom Wentworth, William Tuttle, Nicholas Hartford, Ruben Jones, Robert Mathes, Samuel Nute, John Jones, Clement Hayes, John Ricker, Josiah Witham, Wm. Palmer, Wentworth Cook, Amos Witham, John Palmer, Gershom Downs, Samuel J. Went- worth, Dudley Palmer, Samuel Palmer, David Wentworth, Ephraim Drew, Peltiah Hanscom, Timothy Roberts, John Scates, Levi Jones, John Wentworth, Ephraim Twombly, Richard Walker, Jerediah Ricker, John Remick, John Twombly, Lemuel Ricker, David Corson, Ichabod Hayes, William Hatch, Frederick Gate, Caleb Wingate, John Downs, John Fifield, Daniel Hayes, Jr., Stephen Wentworth, Jr., Robert Heart, Jotham Nute, Samuel Twombly, Jr., William Jones, Ezekiel Hays, Joshua Corson, Joseph Walker, Richard Horn, Jonathan Dore. 94 MILTON INCORPORATION. State of New Hampshire, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two. An Act to incorporate that part of the Town of Rochester in the County of Strafford commonly called the Northeast Parish, into a separate town by the name of Milton. Whereas, a petition has been presented to the General Court by the inhabitants of that part of the Town of Rochester in the County of Strafford commonly called the Northeast Parish setting forth that some time prior to the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four the Town of Rochester at a legal meeting warned for that purpose, voted unanimously that said town should be divided into three towns, and a committee was chosen to run out and describe the lines of the same, that said committee accordingly made division of said Town of Rochester into three parts, that afterwards in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four the said Town of Rochester appointed another committee who were not inhabit- ants of said Rochester to examine the lines aforesaid and make such alterations therein as they shall judge proper, that said committee on the twenty-eighth day of August in the same year made their report to said Town of Rochester that the former lines and boundaries of the proposed towns be established which report was at a legal meeting of said town unanimously accepted that the said Town of Rochester in its present form was so large and the inhabitants so numerous as rendered it very inconvenient for them to transact business at their town meet- ings. HISTOKICAL 95 Wherefore, they pray that that part of the Town of Rochester commonly called the Northeast Parish within the bounds hereafter described, be incorporated into a separate town, the principal facts set forth in said petition being sub- stantiated and the prayer thereof appearing reasonable. Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives in General Court convened, that the lands and inhabitants contained within the northeasterly parish of said Rochester as described within the following bounds, viz. : Begin- ning at the south-easterly corner of the Town of Farmington and running north forty-six degrees east to Salmon Falls river and contain all the land between Farmington line and the eastern line or boundary of said State which is Salmon Falls river, be and they hereby are incorporated into a separate town by the name of Milton. And the said Town of Milton is hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities to which other towns in this State are or may be entitled to agreeably to the Constitution and the laws of this State to have continuance and succession forever. TOWN OFFICIALS. CLERKS. Oilman Jewett, 1802-06; John Fish, 1807-10; Levi Jones, 1811-22; Stephen M. Mathes, 1823-39; Jas. M. Twombly, 1840; Robert Mathes, 1841-51 ; D. E. Palmer, 1852-53 ; E. H. Twombly, 96 MILTON 1854-56; Jos. Mathes, 1857-58; Geo. W. Tasker, 1869; Jos. Mathes, 1870-74; Chas. H. Looney, 1875-88; Chas. D. Jones, 1889-96 (Nov.) ; Harry L. Avery, Nov., 1896-1907. SELECTMEN. 1802 Will Palmer, John Fish, John Remick, Jr. 1803 Will Palmer, John Fish, Bzekiel Hayes. 1804 Wm. Palmer, Jotham Nute, John Remick, Jr. 1805 Wm. Palmer, Eben Twombly, John Remick, Jr. 1806 Levi Jones, S. L. Wentworth, Lt. Jotham Nute. 1807-08 Wm. Palmer, John Remick, Jr., Wm. Tuttle. 1809-10 Wm. Palmer, John Remick, Jr., Isaac Worster. 1811 Beard Plumer, Wm. Palmer, John Remick, Jr. 1812-13 Ichabod Hayes, Jas. Roberts, Josiah Witham. 1814 Isaac Worster, T. C. Lyman, Isaac Scates. 1815-17 Jas. Roberts, Josiah Witham, Jos. Walker. 1818 Jas. Roberts, W. S. Nutter, Hopley Meserve. 1819-20 Hanson Hayes, H. Meserve, John Remick, Jr. 1821 Jas. Roberts, H. Hayes, H. Meserve. 1822 H. Hayes, Jas. Roberts, H. Meserve. 1823 H. Hayes, H. Meserve, Jos. Plumer. 1824 H. Hayes, H. Meserve, I. H. Wentworth. 1825 Jas. Hayes, Jr., I. H. Wentworth, Thos. Chapman. 1826 Jas. Hayes, Jr., Jas. Roberts, Thos. Chapman. 1827 Jas. Hayes, Jr., Thos. Chapman, H. Meserve. 1828 Stephen Drew, W. B. Wiggin, I. H. Wentworth. 1829 W. B. Wiggin, H. Meserve, J. M. Twombly. 1830 John Nutter, T. C. Lyman, Chas. Swasey. 1831 J. M. Twombly, Thos. Chapman, H. Meserve. HISTORICAL 97 1832 J. M. Twombly, Thos. Chapman, J. H. Varney. 1833 J. M. Twombly, W. S. Nutter, H. Meserve. 1834-35 J. H. Varney, Jas. Berry, Israel Nute. 1836 J. M. Twombly, Jas. Berry, Jos. Cook. 1837 Jas. Berry, Jos. Cook, J. H. Varney. 1838 Jas. Berry, J. H. Varney, J. Y. Pinkham. 1839 J. H. Varney, J. Y. Pinkham, Chas. Swasey. 1840 J. M. Twombly, Chas. Swasey, Ephm. Hayes. 1841 J. M. Twombly, R. J. Witham, Ephm. Hayes. 1842 J. M. Twombly, R. J. Witham, Enoch Banfield. 1843 Jas. Hayes, Jr., I. H. Wentworth, Asa Fox. 1844 Jas. Hayes, Jr., Asa Fox, I. H. Wentworth. 1845 Asa Fox, I. H. Wentworth, David Wallingford. 1846 Asa Fox, D. Wallingford, J. C. Varney. 1847 D. P. Warren, Chas. Swasey, J. C. Varney. 1848 Asa Jewett, Jos. Cook, Jos. Mathes. 1849 Jos. Mathes, C. C. Hayes, Jos. Cook. 1850 Jos. Mathes, C. C. Hayes, Asa M. Durrell. 1851. Asa Fox, D. P. Warren, Ichabod Hayes. 1852 Asa Fox, Eli Wentworth, Ichabod Hayes. 1853 Eli Wentworth, J. S. Hersey, J. N. Witham. 1854 J. S. Hersey, J. N. Witham, Lewis Plummer. 1855 Jos. Sayward, Lewis Plummer, J. C. Wentworth. 1856 Jos. Sayward, J. C. Wentworth, D. Wallingford, Jr. 1857 D. Wallingford, Jr., C. C. Hayes, S. S. Wakeham. 1858 Asa Fox, S. S. Wakeham, J. F. Hart. 1859 C. C. Hayes, J. F. Hart, C. H. Goodwin. 1860 C. H. Goodwin, Jos. Plumer, M. W. Shapleigh. 1861-^Jos. Plumer, M. W. Shapleigh, Jos. Cook. 98 MILTON 1862 Jos. Cook, Geo. Lyman, J. N. Witham. 1863 Geo. Lyman, J. N. Witham, T. H. Roberts. 1864 T. H. Roberts, Jos. Sayward, D. B. Goodwin. 1865 Jos. Hayward, J. U. Simes, Ebenezer Wentworth. 1866 J. U. Simes, E. Wentworth, Chas. Jones. 1867 Chas. Jones, Geo. Lyman, E. W. Fox. 1868 Geo. Lyman, E. W. Fox, Chas 6 Hayes. 1869 E. W. Fox, Chas. Hayes, H. B. Scates. 1870 Chas. Hayes, D. Wallingford, Jr., T. H. Roberts. 1871 Geo. Lyman, John Lucas, G. H. Plumer. 1872-73 Geo. Lyman, Geo. H. Plumer, T. H. Roberts. 1874-77 Geo. Lyman, Geo. H. Plumer, J. U. Simes. 1878-79 C. C. Hayes, Asa F. Fox, M. V. B. Cook. 1880 A. A. Fox, H. B. Scates, D. Wallingford. 1881 H. B. Scates, D. Wallingford, E. W. Fox. 1882-83 Geo. Lyman, W. H. H. Pinkham, J. U. Simes. 1884 Geo. Lyman, W. H. H. Pinkham, C. T. Haines. 1885-86 C. A. Jones, C. T. Haines, Chas. 4 Hayes. 1887 J. H. Avery, C. T. Haines, Chasf Hayes. 1888 J. H. Avery, Chas* Hayes, C. C. Hayes. 1889 C. C. Hayes, Chas.'Hayes, C. A. Jones. 1890 O. F. Marsh, L. F. Corson, C. A. Jones. 1891 O. F. Marsh, L. F. Corson, F. P. Jones. 1892 F. P. Jones, C. W. Gross, W. T. Wallace. 1893-94 Geo. Lyman, G. H. Plummer, C. W. Lowe. 1895 Geo. Lyman, G. H. Plummer, J. U. Simes. 1896-97 S. W. Wallingford, J. H. Avery, F. H. Lowd, 1898 S. W. Wallingford, G. E. Nute, F. H. Lowd. 1899 F. H. Lowd, G. E. Nute, E. L. Leighton. HISTORICAL 99 1900-01 F. H. Lowd, W. F. Mills, W. T. Wallace. 1902-03 H. R. Jewett, J. H. Avery, F. B. Roberts. 1904-05 H. R. Jewett, J. H. Avery, C. A. Jones. 1906 J. H. Avery, B. B. Plummer, E. A. Wentworth. 1907 B. B. Plummer, E. A. Wentworth, H. Plummer. CHURCH HISTORY. During the early years of Milton's history, when the town was the Northeast Parish of Rochester, the religious instruction of the people here was inadequate in proportion to the taxes which they paid, and as early as 1774, a vote was passed to the effect that preaching be furnished them. The amount appropriated for the purpose, however, was not large enough to give entire satisfaction, and to accomplish that end, and in 1780 the voters in the Northeast Parish objected to paying the tax for the erection of a new meetinghouse at Norway Plains, although the old one at Haven's Hill was unfit for use, and many absolutely refused to pay the tax for the minister's support. As it was too great a distance for the people living in the remote sections of the parish to go to the Haven Hill meeting- house for divine worship, the injustice of taxation without any benefit received soon became apparent to all with the result that the Northeast Parish was set off from Rochester and incorporated as a separate town, the religious instruction of the people here thus falling to their own personal supervision and care. Before 100 MILTON Milton had become a separate town from Rochester, the Rev. Joseph Haven of Rochester Hill had ministered to their spiritual needs, continuing to do so from 1776 to 1798. The first religious services known to have been held here were at the house of Lieut. Elijah Home on Plummer's Ridge. The first minister employed by the town after its incorpora- tion was Rev. Reuben Nayson, from Wakefield, who preached during the year 1801, receiving a salary of $82 for his services. The first meetinghouse in Milton was erected on the Ridge in accordance with a vote passed at the annual meeting in 1802. John Fish, Beard Plumer and Gilman Jewett, were the execu- tive committee. The lot on which the building was erected was purchased of Thomas and Aaron Downes for $26. The meeting- house was completed at a cost of about $2,400, by Caleb Win- gate, Capt. Daniel Hayes, and Gilman Jewett. The net cost of the church, however, was not so large, as the pews were sold for nearly $2,000. The first service was held in 1804, and from that time until after 1830, the meetinghouse was constantly in use. The first preachers to occupy the pulpit were Rev. Gideon Burt and Rev. Christopher Page, both of whom were here in 1804. After 1838, no regular services were held at the house on the Ridge, but the Rev. M. Willey preached there once a month during the year (except during the winter when the church was closed) until 1845, shortly after which the building went out of use. It was sold to the town in 1855, and was, not long after- ward, converted into a town house, which purpose the venerable building has served down to the present time. HISTORICAL 101 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The ''First Church of Christ" of Milton was organized at the old meetinghouse on Plummer's Ridge, Sept. 8, 1815, with the following members: Barnabus Palmer, Hatuel Nute, Benja- min Scates, Abigail Scates, Deborah Wentworth, Mary Cham- berlain, Aehsah Plumer and Mrs. - Nutter. The record of the institution of the church is signed by Curtis Coe, mis- sionary. The village at the ' ' Three Ponds ' ' having increased in popu- lation, the people there desired a nearer place of worship. A "Union" meetinghouse was erected in the village, and dedicated Nov. 19, 1835. Here the Congregationalists and members of other denominations held services. During the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Willey, in 1841 a parish house, which, with subsequent renovations, is the pres- ent parsonage, was erected on a lot purchased of Isaac Worster. In 1860, the remainder of the Worster lot was purchased, and soon after the present meetinghouse was built. It was ded- icated Jan. 9, 1862. In 1886 repairs, the expense of which was $1,000, were made on the meetinghouse and parsonage. In 1895, the interior was remodelled, and renovations made, the whole expense amounting to $1,200. Mr. Lewis Worster Nute, whose mother was born where the present church now stands, bequeathed $10,000 to the church, making the present funds about $11,000. The following is the list of pastors, both acting and resident : Revs. Curtis Coe, 1815; Dyer Burge; James Walker, 1819- 1826 (Sept.) ; Benj. G. Willey, 1832 (Dec.)-1846; E. F. Abbott, 102 MILTON 1846 (Aug.)-1848 (May); James Doldt, 1848 (May)-1870 (Jan.); Frank Haley, 1870 (Feb.) -1874 (April); John N. Lowell, 1875 (Aug.) ; S. W. Clarke, 1876 (April) -1877 (April) ; John N. Lowell, 1877 (Nov.) -1881 (June) ; Geo. Sterling, 1881 (Nov.) -1884 (April); Frank Haley, 1885 (June) -1891 (June); Robert T. Osgood, 1891 (June) -1893 (Jan.) ; Myron P. Dickey, 1893 (April), present pastor of the church. Between 1826 and 1832, the church was supplied by Revs. Clement Parker, E. S. Anderson, and by missionaries. The total number of people admitted to membership in the church has been about 350. The present membership is about 130. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. . For a number of years previous to 1860, meetings were held by the townspeople of the Free Baptist profession. The deed of the land for the first meetinghouse was given May 21, 1859, and the church was built that year. The Free Baptist Church of Milton was organized May 17, 1860, and the Rev. D. P. Cilley, chairman of the council, gave the right hand of fellowship. The following persons on examination had been found "in fellowship and eligible to church membership": Rev. E. Tuttle, Bro. Luther Hayes, Fred H. Tuttle, Frances Jones, Samuel Jones, E. G. Downs, Martha A. Varney, Benj. Scates, Mary H. Tuttle, Mary Jones, N. B. Varney, Elinor Hubbard. Luther Hayes was chosen Clerk of the church; Samuel Jones, Deacon; and Rev. E. Tuttle, Pastor, all by a unanimous HISTORICAL 103 vote. Rev. E. Tuttle and Benj. Scates were appointed delegates to the New Durham Q. M., to ask for admission to that body. Rev. Ezra Tuttle, first pastor of the church, was given a dismissal April 30, 1863, and was succeeded by Rev. S. P. Fernald, who remained several months. Rev. J. M. Bedell was received June 30, 1864, dismissed May 4, 1865; Rev. N. C. Lothrop, Jan. 5, 1866-Dec. 2, 1867; Rev. I. C. Guptill, May 2, 1868-April 3, 1869 ; Rev. Ezra Tuttle, who came from Wisconsin for a second pastorate, April 30, 1870- Jan. 6, 1872; Rev. Jos. F. Joy, Aug. 31, 1872-June 6, 1874; Rev. E. Owen, April, 1876- Dec. 30, 1877; Rev. E. G. York, Sept. 28, 1878-April 5, 1879; Rev. C. L. Plummer, Aug. 12, 1879-July 2, 1881; Rev. Win. Waldron remained about two and a half years, closing his period of service about June 21, 1885 ; Rev. C. E. Mason of the Cobb Divinity School, came July 18, 1885, and was, after a suc- cessful pastorate, succeeded by Rev. E. R. Chadwick, also of the Cobb Divinity School, who remained less than two years because of ill health. Rev. G. F. Durgin supplied the church until Rev. John Manter came to begin a pastorate which con- tinued more than seven years. During Mr. Manter 's residence here, the meetinghouse was destroyed by fire, and rebuilt on the same site shortly afterward. Mr. Manter closed his pas- torate here to accept one at Springvale, Maine. His successor, Rev. F. E. Carver, remained three and a half years, at the end of which time he went to Fort Fairfield, Maine. Rev. C. B. Osborne came in January, 1900, for a pastorate which he closed October 27, 1907, when he went to Franconia. Since that time the church has been supplied by visiting clergymen. 104 MILTON CATHOLIC CHURCH, MILTON. The Catholics of Milton began to hold services at the vil- lage about a dozen or fifteen years ago. Clergymen from the churches at Rochester and Gonic have supplied the church, which is a mission station and has not yet had any resident pastor. Among the clergymen who have ministered to the church here have been the Rev. Fr. Lemie, Rev. Fr. Laplante, now of Berlin, Rev. Fr. Laroque, Rev. Fr. Lesard, Rev. Fr. Melancon, and Rev. Fr. Godin, who comes from Gonic every fortnight, or as often as he is able, to say mass and to administer to the spiritual wants of the people. The first Catholic Church here was built about ten years ago. It was burned about two years ago, and was replaced by the neat little chapel on Charles Street. About thirty-five fam- ilies attend the church. Mass is said at eight o 'clock A.M. every fortnight, when very stormy weather does not prevent Father Godin 's coming up from Gonic. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF MILTON MILLS. Previous to 1871, the Calvin Baptists and Congregationalists of Milton Mills united in maintaining public worship in the old "Union" meetinghouse erected in 1834. Theological students supplied the pulpit here until the Con- gregational Church was organized Sept. 26, 1871. The church, at its formation, had a membership of about twenty people. Ebenezer Osgood and Benjamin G. Adams were the first deacons ; William McGibbon, the first clerk. The first settled pastor was Rev. Darius B. Scott, who came to the church in 1872. After a pastorate of several years' dura- HISTORICAL 105 tion, he was succeeded by Rev. Geo. Michael, who remained two or three years. Rev. Chas. F. Goldsmith came next, and remained until May 22, 1881. Rev. G. S. Butler came Aug. 1, 1882, and preached here during a period of four of five years, part of which time he supplied the church at Union. Rev. H. S. Ives came in the fall or winter of 1887 and remained two or three years. Rev. E. J. Akin supplied here for several months during a time when the society had no settled pastor. Rev. I. B. Short was the last resident preacher at the church, coming here in 1891, and remaining until about 1894. Since that time the church has depended upon theological students or visiting ministers for preaching and public worship. FIRST FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Free Baptist Church was reorganized by Rev. Gershom Lord, in 1802, and consisted of eight members. Sam- uel Runnells and Bart. Miller were first deacons, and Elder Lord was clerk. Rev. Gershom Lord was the first preacher, and was succeeded by Humphrey Goodwin, who was ordained in 1807, and continued to preach until his removal to Hollis, in 1814. Elder David Blaisdell supplied from 1815 to 1830. A house of worship was built in 1818, in the west part of the town, near Milton Mills, and replaced by a new one on the same ground, in 1840. Theodore Stevens became pastor in 1834, left in 1836, returned in 1839, and was succeeded, in 1843, by Elder J. Fuller- ton; by Horace Stanton, in 1847; and subsequently by Z. Jor- dan, Wm. Hurlin, Seth Perkins, Aaron Ayer, Dexter Waterman, James Potter ; Rev. Mr. McLain, in 1872 ; Hosea Quimby, 1875 ; 106 MILTON and at Mr. Quimby's death, in October, 1878, by Rev. B. F Sherwood, who remained until about 1880, when Rev. H. P. Mansur came. He remained until about 1885. The following have been pastors since that time : Revs. G. A. Anderson, 1887 ; C. E. Hurd, 1888-93; E. W. Fernald, 1894-7; R. W. Churchill, 1898. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, MILTON MILLS. Methodist meetings were held at Milton Mills as early as 1870, in Fox's Hall. The church was organized about 1871, and a meetinghouse erected the following year. The present parsonage was purchased during the pastorate of the Rev. A. M. Markey, 18.99-1902. The following clergymen have been pastors of the church: Revs. I. J. Tibbetts, 1870-73; James Crowley, 1873-75; N. H. McDaniels, 1875-76; A. B. Carter, 1876-79; J. M. Bean, 1879-81; N. C. Bartlett, 1881-82; J. P. Frye, 1882-83; J. J. Davis, 1883-84; H. E. Allen, 1884-87; G. J. Lowe, 1887-88; I. J. Tibbetts, 1888-89; M. H. Evans, 1889; G. F. Durgin, 1889-90; B. F. Estes, 1890-92; G. S. CoUer, 1892-95; Wm. Thompson, 1895-97; E. J. Dean, 1897-99; A. M. Markey, 1899- 1902; S. E. Quimby, 1902-04; Willis Holmes, 1904. The present membership is forty-six. The recording secretary is Mr. Fred L. Mudgett. NUTE CHAPEL, NUTE RIDGE. The Nute Chapel was built about 1891 or 1892, to be used for "Union" meetings, from a fund left by the late Hon. Lewis W. Nute, of this town, to whom Milton owes so much. The first HISTORICAL 107 pastor was Rev. "Wm. A. Bacon, who remained several years. The present pastor of the church is Rev. Robert M. Peacock, who bar Ven here about ten years. There was a Christian Church at West Milton about fifty years ago, but no services have been held there by that society for many years. INDUSTRIES. There are very few towns on the Atlantic slope which possess such excellent facilities for the development of water power as the town of Milton. The Salmon Falls river, which, with its tributaries traverses and bounds the township, is superior in available water power to all but one of the rivers of a similar size flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. The declivity of the river from its source (East Pond) to the sea is 499 feet, and more than half of this total fall (275 feet) is within the limits of Milton, giving this town the greatest water power on the river. The Cocheco Manufacturing Company of Dover have an available water power of 1,000 horse power; and a fall of 36 feet; the Great Falls Manufacturing Company of Somersworth, one of 2,500 horse power occasioned by a fall of 62 feet. It is interesting to compare the facilities of these important corporations with those of the town of Milton. It is possible for one plant to utilize, from the pond to and including the flume privilege, a fall of 140 feet, which with a run of 12,000 or more cubic feet of water per minute, will 108 MILTON develop from 2,500 to 3,000 horse power. One horse power being the rate of doing 33,000 foot-pounds of work per minute, the total power available would be from at least 82,500,000 to 99,- 000,000 foot-pounds of work a minute. As the foot-pound is the work done in lifting a mass of one pound through one foot, it can readily be seen that the potential energy of the water fall in Milton is indeed enormous. This does not include the fall of 47 feet at Milton Mills, with 231 horse power, nor that of Spaulding's upper mill with a fall of 21 feet and a horse power of 375. The first dam in town was built on the site of the present main dam at Milton Village, by Samuel Palmer about the year 1784. Saw mills and grist mills were built on each side. At the flume about that time was the old Jones saw and grist mill, washed away by the freshet of 1786. The Leighton privilege was located near the present upper leather board mill, and was one of the earliest in town. At this place in 1816, Thomas Leighton erected a cotton mill which he operated more than twenty years. The other privileges on the river were also utilized at an early date. Among the industries at Milton Mills in the early days of the town were several saw mills, a crude woolen mill, and a distillery where Stephen Watson manufactured whiskey from potatoes. Oilman Jewett, Nathaniel Jewett, Asa Jewett and a Mr. Wedgewood transformed the old woolen mill into a lathe and turning mill about sixty-five or seventy years ago, after which it was operated more or less irregularly up to the year 1847, when it was purchased by John Townsend, who used the machin- HISTORICAL 109 ery for the manufacture of fine flannels, until 1861, when the mill was burned. Mr. Townsend was a wonderfully astute buyer, and manufacturer, and one who understood the art of selling the manufactured goods. As a result, he was very successful. In June, 1863, he opened a much larger factory which replaced the mill that had been burned, and after continuing the manu- facture of flannels for some time, sold the mill to Mudge, Saw- yer & Co., of Boston, Mass. This firm, after occupying it for about six years, disposed of it to the Waumbeck Company, a stock corporation, of which John D. Sturtevant of Boston was the managing agent. Geo. W. Olney was the first superintendent under the Waumbeck Company, and was succeeded by Benj. J. Adams. During the management of John A. Buguey, a differ- ent concern assumed control of the mill, the Waumbeck Woolen Co. The mill was burned in 1898. The Miltonia Mills were built by Henry H. Townsend in 1872. Operations were begun in 1873, Mr. Townsend and his partner, Mr. S. H. Atkins, carrying on the manufacture of felt under the firm name of Townsend & Co. Felt was the principal output of the mill up to the year 1881, when it was replaced by blankets, and the plant called the Miltonia Mills. The original mill with the new factory and additions, make up the present plant. Mr. Henry Townsend died June 25, 1904, and was succeeded by his son, Mr. John E. Townsend, the present owner. Sixty- five hands are employed, and the industry has grown to exten- sive proportions. On the site of the shoe factory occupied by Andrews Bros., Edward Brierly erected a felt mill about forty years ago, where 110 MILTON he carried on a large business, employing a fair number of hands until it was burned in the spring or early part of the summer of 1873. He rebuilt the mill soon afterward, and the property later came into the possession of David H. Buffum of Somers- worth. After Mr. Buffum 's death, his son, Harry Buffum, sold it to Varney & Lane, who began the manufacture of shoes. The next owners of the factory were the Gale Shoe Co., of Haverhill, who, after several years of successful operation, leased the prop- erty to Andrews & Co., of Everett, Mass., who, under the name of the Boynton Shoe Co., carry on the industry successfully at the present time. At West Milton, formerly called Goodwinville, John E. and Chas. Goodwin built and operated a shoe factory which soon made that village a prosperous place. After the business had been carried on with success for a dozen or fifteen years, the factory was closed, John E. Goodwin going to Dover to take charge of a factory there, and Charles to become a traveling salesman for a Boston firm. At South Milton, in the forties or fifties, Eli and Hiram Wentworth had a factory but their business was discontinued many years ago. Milton Village with the excellent facilities for the utiliza- tion of water power which she is so fortunate to possess, has become a prosperous and active industrial community, like her sister village, Milton Mills. With her great shoe factory, leather- board and paper mills, and other industries, all enjoying an extensive and growing business, and employing many hands, she presents to the visitor, as she nestles between the mountain and the river and pond, the appearance of a perfect little hive HISTORICAL 111 of industry and activity. Were it not for the law suits and grasping methods of the owners of water privileges here in the early days of the town by which the Great Falls Manufacturing Company, about the year 1820, were prevented from utilizing the water power and establishing a plant, Milton probably would be an important city. The tremendous natural and artificial advantages still remain, however, and are being utilized more and more. Milton is constantly growing in prosperity and wealth, and the time seems not far distant when this town, increasing and developing her industrial activity, will become one of the most important manufacturing centres in eastern New Hampshire. MILITARY HISTORY. There is nothing in the history of the town of Milton, which is more worthy of a detailed and comprehensive account, noth- ing which confers more honor and glory upon her people, noth- ing which gives her so noble a right to one of the highest places among the towns and cities of New Hampshire as her military record, and the sympathy, assistance, and steadfast, self-sacrific- ing loyalty she has given to our country whenever the Nation was in peril or in need of aid. To do her military history jus- tice is a task which should be attempted only by one familiar with the men and ideals of her earlier days, one who has inherited a love for her and for all that is hers, for no one who does not truly know and love the town could do it well. 112 MILTON The military history of Milton antedates that of the town itself, for it was almost a quarter century after the Revolution closed that the ' ' Northeast Parish ' ' of Rochester became a town. It is recorded that many citizens of this part of Rochester left their homes to join the Continental Army and to do their share toward the winning of the independence of the colonies. One of the first men who enlisted from Rochester was John Bergin of Milton Three Ponds, who signed the roll on the second day of June, in 1775. He was a sergeant in Capt. Titcomb's Com- pany. Timothy Ricker, too, was in the American service, a man who possessed so magnificent a physique, that he served as one of the body guards of General Washington. Samuel Nute, sergeant in Capt. Wentworth's Company of New Hampshire volunteers, was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in the regiment Nov. 11, 1776, and served until Sept. 16, 1777. Daniel Cook, too, was a sergeant, a member of Capt. Benj. Ellis' Company in Col. Scammel's regiment. Joseph Pearl was in Capt. Rowell's Company of Col. Nathan Hale's Battalion, and William Palmer served in the Second N. H. Regiment in 1780. At the battle of Bunker Hill where so many New Hamp- shire men were engaged, Milton was represented by William Warren, who was wounded during that famous fight. Milton's record in the War of 1812 is no less glorious. This was the first struggle in which she as an incorporate town sent men into the service of the Nation. Fifty-four men were furnished from Milton alone, for the army and the navy, more than a third of those able to bear arms going to the front! Milton indeed had just cause to rejoice at the outcome, and the final and lasting establishment of American independence, and HISTORICAL 113 the famous celebration held in the old T. C. Lyman tavern, April 15, 1815, was one which fitly manifested the joy and satisfac- tion of the people here over the outcome of the war. New England, being far removed from the seat of war between Mexico and the United States, and opposed to the policy which brought on the conflict, took little part in the Mexican War, and it was carried on and brought to a successful close, for the most part, by the men of the South and West, though New England, indeed, was well represented and by no means played the part of the shirk. The great struggle of the Rebellion, however, was the true test of the spirit and patriotism of the people of the towns in this section of the North, and as in all the former struggles the citizens of Milton were not found wanting. They took a strong and emphatic stand against slavery and dis-union, and strong resolutions were passed in opposition to both. But they did not stop there. Believing that deeds and not words are the true indication to character and sincerity they made active prepara- tions to assist in the prosecution of the war. Scarcely had Fort Sumpter capitulated and the President 's call for volunteers been received throughout the North than the names of men of Milton were on the enlistment rolls, and the soldiers were ready to march to the front. "Their acts of bravery were recorded on nearly every field during the four years' struggle." There were approximately 355 able bodied voters in the town at the outbreak of the war, and of this number 150 enlisted, almost one-half of the male population going to the front! In response to the quota of 91 men demanded from Milton by the drafts, this town sent 103. This record is one of which 114 MILTON every Miltonian is and may be justly proud, for it is indeed a worthy one. From a financial standpoint, too, Milton's record does not suffer. Milton, with a population of 1,862 people, should have given for the support of the war, about $55,000, in proportion per capita to the population of New Hampshire, and the total amount furnished by the State. This proportion of $55,000 was exceeded by almost $30,000, the town voting the sum of $79,500 for the use of the Nation. This is the record then of the town of Milton in the great crises of our country. It is not necessary to recount in detail the individual services of the soldiers of the town, for the events and struggles in which they distinguished themselves are familiar to all. Their courage and pluck were unbounded; they fought and suffered, yes, and died with that indomitable will, that love of liberty, and that heroism which characterized their fathers and is still the legacy of their sons, handed down since the days of Sullivan and Stark and Hale, as their most priceless heritage to be preserved unsullied and undimmed from generation to generation, so long as the Republic exists. EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNT. The first teacher employed by the town of Milton was James F. Maston, who kept the winter term of 1803 in a school build- ing erected on the Ridge. He received as wages a sum equivalent to about $25 or $26, and was "boarded around." Miss Mary Walbridge, the first woman teacher engaged by HISTORICAL 115 the town, taught the summer term of 1804, receiving two pounds eight shillings (about $12) as compensation for her services. The schoolhouse at the foot of Silver Street, one of the "little red" buildings so common years ago, was constructed in 1827. It was renovated, and made a two-story structure in 1853, and continued in use as a school building until about 1890, when it was sold. In 1891, the present grammar school building was erected, and is the "proud possessor" of the bell which was formerly in the old schoolhouse, and which still performs its function effi- ciently and well. The central school building at Milton Mills has, for a number of years, been used by both the higher gram- mar and lower high school grades there. The first attempt at the establishment of a high school in Milton was made by the Rev. Ezra S. Anderson, in 1832. The most successful of the earlier institutions, however, was the Classical Institute, classes being held in the old Union meeting- house, remodeled in 1866, for that purpose. Many men of prom- inence in the community and State, today, point with pride and satisfaction to the early training they received there. The Nute High School was founded in 1889, as was the Nute Library, in accordance with the provisions of the will of Lewis Worster Nute, a native of Milton who died in 1888. Among the many worthy benefactions which Mr. Nute bequeathed to his townsmen were the $125,000 for the institu- tion which bears his name, and $50,000 for the public schools. As a result of Mr. Nute's generosity and the praiseworthy interest which Milton people have always had in education, this town has splendid educational facilities, which are second to those of no town of a similar size in New Hampshire. 116 MILTON PROFESSIONAL MEN. PHYSICIANS. \ Perhaps the earliest resident physician at Milton Village was Dr. Stephen Drew, a native of Newfield, Me., who came in the early days of the town, about the year 1820, and practised until 1873, a long period of more than fifty years of activity. Dr. D. E. Palmer came some time in the latter part of the decade 1850-1860, and remained until about 1865, when he went to Tuftonborough. Dr. G. W. Peavey, who came here from Ossipee, carried on the practice which Dr. Palmer had left, and remained about four years, at the end of which time he removed to Somersworth, where he died. Dr. Nute succeeded Dr. Peavey, but stayed only a short time. For several years there was no resident physician at the village until Dr. H. P. Pitcher came in 1879. Dr. Pitcher, after continuing in practice here about four years, went to Haverhill, where he still carries on the practice of his profession. The Rev. Frank Haley, M.D., who acted as pastor of the Congregational Church, was also a practising physician here about the middle of the seventies. Dr. W. F. Wallace, Milton's next physician, came in 1883. After about four years of practice here, he went to Bradford in 1887, in which year Dr. C. D. Jones, a native of Milton, and a graduate of Harvard, began practice here. Dr. Jones gave up his practice about the year 1891. Dr. J. Dearborn was here a short time in the latter eighties. Dr. M. A. H. Hart, like Dr. Jones, a Milton man, came here the same year (1891). After graduating at the University of HISTORICAL 117 the City of New York, Dr. Hart practised about three years in Fall River, Mass., at the end of which time he came to his native town, to begin a practice which has now grown to exten- sive proportions. Dr. W. F. Wallace returned to Milton in 1893, and practised until his removal to Plaistow four years later. Dr. John Wal- lace, a native of Ireland, came here in 1897. Three years later he removed to Roxbury, Mass. At Milton Mills, the first physician to carry on an extensive practice was Dr. Reuben Buck, a native of Massachusetts, who lived in Acton, and visited patients in this village as early as 1830, and continued to reside here until his death. Prior to Dr. Buck's practice here, ,Dr. Powers of Acton and Dr. Russell of Wakefield, attended sick calls. Dr. Jonathan S. Calef, who came from Maine, married one of Dr. Buck's daughters and settled here not many years after the latter 's arrival. He remained for some time, going from Milton to Manchester, later to Boston, Mass., and finally to San Francisco, Cal., where he died. Dr. John L. Swinerton, from Newfield, Maine, was in prac- tice in this village, contemporary with Dr. Buck, remaining here about twenty-five years. At the end of that time he went to Union where, later, he died. Dr. Jeremiah Crosby Buck, a son of Dr. Reuben, began practice here during the latter years of his father's residence in this locality, and continued in active practice almost up to the time of his death, which occurred about the year 1890. Dr. Chas. E. Swasey, who had been an army surgeon dur- ing the Civil War, married another of Dr. Reuben Buck's daugh- 118 MILTON ters, and began the practice of his profession shortly after the close of the war. He remained here about five years, removing, at the end of that time, to Rochester, from which place he went to Somersworth, where he died May 30, 1907. His remains were brought to his native town and buried in the Roadside Cemetery just outside the village. Dr. Wm. E. Pillsbury, a native of Shapleigh, Me., came sometime during the latter part of the decade 1860-1870, and remained until February, 1907. Dr. Charles W. Gross came at about the same time, and has enjoyed a long and successful practice which he still carries on at the present time. Dr. Frank Weeks, a graduate of the Baltimore Medical College, came to this village in March, 1902, and is one of the present resident physicians. Dr. L. B. Bradford came here about the month of June, 1907, but remained only a short time. Dr. Hugh D. Grant, like Dr. Weeks, an alumnus of the Baltimore Medical College, began practice at this place during the latter part of the summer of 1907, and has resided here since that time. LAWYERS. Ichabod Jordan practised law in Milton Mills nearly sixty- five or seventy years ago. He remained several years, going at the end of that time to Great Falls (Somersworth), where he continued to practice until his death. Wm. A. Kimball was the next lawyer here. He remained a few years, and then went to Rochester, where, later, he died. Frank Weeks, the next HISTORICAL 119 practitioner, resided here several years, subsequently removing to West Buxton, Maine, where he died. Edwin Cloutman practised here several years, until his removal to Farmington, where he practised until his death. Forrest L. March commenced the practice of law here about the year 1900, after having been admitted to the bar of Maine. He is still in practice at the village. Milton Village has had but one resident attorney, Harry B. Amey, who came in 1897. He removed several years later to Island Pond, Vt. MILTON IN NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATE. Beard Plumer, 1809-10-11-12-16. EH Wentworth, 1860-61. - Luther Hayes, 1879-80. Chas. H. Looney, 1887-88. Elbridge W. Fox, 1899-1901. MILTON'S CENTENNIAL. EVENTS OP THE DAT. "The centennial celebration of the town of Milton, held August 30, 1902, was in honor of the one hundredth anniver- sary of the first town meeting. This meeting convened at the tavern of Lieut. Elijah Home, August 30, 1802, only a short time after the charter, which gave Milton its independent existence, had been signed by Governor Gilman. This instrument had 120 MILTON been granted at the June session of the legislature of New Hampshire at the petition and largely through the efforts of Capt. Beard Plumer, one of the representatives from Rochester, who, with others, felt that the time had come for Milton to sever the ties which bound her to the mother town. "At the annual meeting held in March, 1902, it was voted to celebrate in an appropriate manner the closing of the first century of the town's existence. An appropriation was made and a general committee selected. As a result of the able and painstaking efforts of this committee, together with those chosen to assist, the observance of the centennial was made eminently fitting to mark the close of the first century of Milton's history. "Saturday, August 30, 1902, was a beautiful day; there was scarcely a cloud in the sky and the temperature was ideal for the purposes of the occasion. Sunrise was accompanied with the ringing of bells and a cannon salute of thirty-three guns. One hundred guns were fired during the day, a second thirty- three at noon and the remainder at sunset. Although the cele- bration had practically begun on Friday night with the huge bonfire on the summit of the historic Mt. Teneriffe, it was not until Saturday morning that the guests commenced to arrive in large numbers. "Every incoming train was heavily laden and hundreds came in teams from surrounding towns. It was the largest crowd that Milton ever saw, being variously estimated by the press at from seven to ten thousand. "From 8.30 to 10 o'clock field and water sports were held; from 9 to 10 o'clock the Hanson American band of Rochester gave a concert on the Upper square. Then came the street HISTORICAL 121 parade. This was a fine feature of the day, including many beautifully trimmed floats and private teams, bicycles, and not a few grotesque and humorous make-ups. The marshal was Major Charles J. Berry, Milton Mills, N. H. ; assistant marshal, James F. Reynolds, Wakefield, Mass.; aides, Clifford A. Berry and Charles Manser, Milton Mills; Walter Holden, Wakefield, Mass. ; Scott Ramsdell, Samuel E. Drew, and Fred S. Hartford, Milton. ''Following the parade a good old-fashioned New England dinner was served in large tents, on the Nute High School grounds, to over two thousand people. It was at high noon, also, that the new town clock in the Congregational Church was officially started. This was presented to the town of Milton by Mr. Albert O. Mathes of Dover, N. H., as a memorial to the Rev. James Doldt, who was pastor of the Congregational Church from 1850 to 1871. "Promptly at two o'clock the commemorative exercises began in the grove, on the Nute High School grounds, Hon. Elbridge W. Fox, of Milton Mills, Ex-Senator from this district, presiding as President of the day. In addition to those upon the official programme, Mayor Bradley of Rochester spoke in behalf of the mother town and Mr. Edward P. Nichols, of Lexington, Mass., treasurer of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company, delivered a short address. The violin used as an accompani- ment to the singing was played by Miss Annie B. Kimball, of Milton, while the old violincello, which took the place of the church organ in the early days of the town, was restrung and played by Mr. Sumner Hodsdon of Dover, N. H. ' ' One of the most attractive and appropriate features of the 122 MILTON day was the collection of antiquities in the old Worcester House, itself past one hundred years in age. These rare and valuable articles, from 75 to 200 or more years old and gathered from many sources, by Mr. Albert 0. Mathes, of Dover, N. H., were intimately connected with the early history of the town. Many of the interesting buildings in the village had placards placed upon them, giving the date of their erection and other matters of interest. Among these were the following: The home of Dr. Stephen Drew, 1820-1873, built by John Bergin in 1773; the house in which Lewis W. Nute was born ; the building formerly the Union meetinghouse, 1838-1859; John Fish's house, 1794, where was located the first post-office in 1818; the site of the first tavern built in 1787 by Benjamin Palmer; the house of Thomas Leighton, 1810-1860; the site of the house of Gilman Jewett, first town clerk, 1800; the site of the first tannery, owned by John Bergin, 1773. "The celebration was, in every respect, an unqualified suc- cess, and reflected the greatest credit upon all concerned. All of those present, whether natives of the town or friends, felt that the observance was in every way worthy of the occasion and of Milton." Census of Miilton. NOTE The following is the list of Post Office abbrevia- tions used in the Census of the town of Milton, N. H. Milton Mills Mills; Farmington Farm; East Rochester E Roch; South Wakefield S Wake; North Rochester N Roch; Spring- vale Spr'vle. R. F. D. routes are indicated by number of the route following the post office name from which they ema- nate. Where no post office address is given, Milton, N. H. is understood. A Allen, Henry G fireman Maud D (Dearborn ho Leon M Applebee, Chas H far Mills Sarah E (Pinkham ho Archibald, J F Mills boss card & spin Hannah H (Greenleaf ho Bernice M (m Cloutman Dover EmmaS s s op Avery, Brackett F far Harry L Sallie C ho John W s s op Avery, Harry L town cl Hattie L (Pinkham ho Theron W pi Louise P pi Avery, Jno W shoe cutter Emma B (Getchell ho Avery, Jos H post master Emma C (Hanscom ho Ayer, Harry C ptr Mills Charlotte II (Hanscom ho Richard E stu Willie R mail car Frances E pi Gladys H pi Theodore B Bachelder, Frank lab *Ira real est Nashua *Vial (m Beverly, Mass Banfield, Elizabeth L (Place Farm 124 MILTON Batch, Joseph mill op Baxton, J H plumber & far Union Alvina M (Downs ho Bean, Stephen retd Martha J (Abbott ho Ida M (in Smith ho *Chas S far Ossipee Herbert L mill op *Fred E far Ossipee *Dana H far Chester Bean, Herbert L mill op lantha E (Knowles ho Alger S stu Dana S stu Fred E pi Alice L pi Beaton, H A sta agt Myrtle F (Hartshorn ho lone E pi Gladys M pi Bellemen, Chas mill op Celina (m Murray ho Mike mill op Lucy M (Gostlin ho William far Nellie pi Belleville, F R R ser No Roch Exelia (Seymen ho Vena E stu Arthur A pi Frank G pi Ernest L pi William E Alice L Belleville, Louise (Provencher No Roch Fred R R ser Berryman, Geo mill op Berry, Chas J far Mills Rosabell (Farns worth * Arthur L sales 183 Coyle, Portland, Me 'Antoinette R (m Burnell 19 Lawrence Road, Matapan, Mass *C A ptr Lewiston, Me Berry, Florentine A (Elkins Anna F (Nute ho & tr Berry, Mary A ho Mills Berry, Mary E ho Mills Berry, Hiram H far Mills Mary J (Hanson ho Geo E lab Arthur H stu *Berry, Jesse W s s op Haverhill, Mass Mabel M (Bod well ho Chas L pi Leona M pi Beatrice Berry, Anna F tr Blaisdell, Chas L mer Minnie M (Page ho Blaisdell, S boarding house Almeda F (m Hersom ho Bluin, Jim far Ora pi CENSUS 125 Emma (Jewell ho Fred pi Hat tie Bodge, Chas A s s op Flora (Smith ho & s s op Florence S stu Bertena pi Alice pi Chas R pi Bodwell, Chas L retd Etta M (Hurry ho Mabel M (m Berry ho Eddie M lab Linwood C stu Bodwell, Eddie M lab Flossie (Minot ho Borley, Annie M (Dyer ho Bousquin, William s s op Lue S (Stevens ho Ethel pi Clarence E Boyd, Joseph mill op Mills Abbie E (Shaw ho Joseph A pi Brackett, Anna G (in Perkins Mills Geo A far *Fred L car Dover Edith M (m Pillsbury ho Bellows Falls, Vt Frank L s s op Middleboro, Mass *I G far S Waterboro, Me Arthur W R R ser S Waterboro, Me Sarah E s s op Clara A (m Rankings ho Winter, Wie Althea S S Acton, Me Bragdon, Ann M (Palmer ho Union Laura F ho Bragdon, S Millett far Carrie B (m Long ho Sanbornville Mildred L bk kpr Bradford, L phy & sur Mills Bragg, Carrie P (Littlefield Millie G actress Brasley, Fred B mill rt Roch Gertrude J (Currier ho Brock, Leslie C eng Hattie E (Brierly ho Brown, Fred L mill op Farm Edith M (Nute ho & s s wk Gordon N pi Buckley, James J phy & sur M Eula (Hussey ho Buerley, Hattie E (Webber ho Marion H pi Burlingame, Jane S (Remick ho Mills Butler, Abbie D (Dearborn ho S W 7 ake Burroughs, Lorania (Blaisdell ho Union Ada E (m Plummer 126 MILTON Burrows, Hiram J blk Mills Sarah E (Thomas ho & ss op Eva M s s op *John M invalid Concord Burrows, Will S far & s s op Farm Emma S (Knowles ho Maud C stu Martha A Calkins, H G mill op Union Emma M (Lancaster ho *Edna N (m Tucker ho N Roch * Jessie A (m Preble ho S Windham Josephine M stu Caron, Conrad mill op Marie L (Caron ho Marguerite pi Conrad Jr Pearl A Canney, G D far Farm R F D Addie B (Harch ho Carl B law stu Chamberlain,E W s s op Mills Winnie G (Marsh ho Kenneth W pi Chamberlain, S G far Mills R F D Ruth L (Littlefield ho Alexander H mill op *Adelia E (m Lowe Roch Fred M hotel kpr Moses G far Chamberlain, M G far Mills Arthie E (Jenkins ho Blanche J ho Chamberlain, F H hotel kpr Guy lab Pearle E stu Caroline E (Reed ho Chase, Geo H s s op Addie G (Willey ho Chandler, Clarence A Mills Chesley, Chas far Farm Clements, L D far Union 1 John B team Clements, J B team Union 1 Addie M (Lee ho Clements, Hanson E Martha B (Keyes ho Clements, Charlotte L (Ingalls Mertie E (m Hayes *Maud A (m Wentworth 12 Portland, Roch Clough, Jennie M( Piper Union Chas A eng Dennis F mill op Clough, D F mill op Union Elsie M (Tinker ho Clough, Chas A fireman Union Mabel A (Peasley ho Clark, Hannah A (Remick Mills CENSUS 127 Goaty, Emma J (Ham ho *Mary E ho Farm Florence E (m Welch ho Edwin E s s op Farm Cole, Eliza A (Nichols ho Chas H s s op *Geo F s s op Farm *Lilla M (m Chamberlain Wolfboro Coles, Harry D eng Abbie M (Foss ho Colby, Abby S (Ellis ho *Sumner H mill op Sanford, Me Mary E (m Philpot Sanford, Me *Roxana (m Hurd Roch Colomy, Florence F (Tibbetts ho Farm Colomy, John K farm Mills Columbus, O W lab Melvina Y (Hall ho Arthur V team *Lena M (m LaRochelle Roch Emma V s s op Clara E pi Willie A pi Vina H pi Chas E pi Connolly, Timothy Mills ptr & paper hgr *Grace L (m Hooper Roch Raymond W s s op Conrad, John F s s op Lelia J (McLaughlin ho Ethel M pi Andrew R pi Gladys L pi Clyde W pi Randoldh H Cook, Ida (Hatch ho Hattie E (m Allen Cook, John I far Farm Mary A (Davis ho *Dell (m McPhill Somersworth Mary J (m Longley Cook, F P far Farm R F D Lucy J (Hight ho Cook, Mary B ho Farm Cook, Annie E (Davis Farm dr mkr & tr Corson, Geo M far D H (Pierce ho John M truck Carrie L (m Hodges Herbert D mill op Allie M (m Dixon George N cl Corson, John M team Eva M (Postleton ho Gladys F pi Leon M pi Leo H pi Mary L pi Annie Corson, Chas W far 128 MILTON Annie B (Berryman ho Corsoii, Clara M (Downs ho Annie F (m Hayes Cote, Aaron J mach M Esther (Wentworth Currie, John H clerg Margaret B (Patterson John P pi Stewart G Curry, Williams S lab Mills Harriet F (Goodwin ho Edna May pi Currier, Diana pi Currier, Edith M pi Roch Currier, Geo W s s op Mary A (Delaney ho William G pi Joseph L Curtis, Moses P s s op Farm J uliaetta F (Cook ho *EverettI far Wolfboro *Henry B s s op Farm *Aea A far Barnstead 'Frederick s s op Farm Cushman, Martha S (Granger Cutts, William F far Mills *Chas W tr Merrimack, Mass *OraE(mFarnham Union Cutts, Thomas J far Mills Lydia M ( Jewett ho Alberta J (m Hargraves Custeau, Eldridge mill op Lizzie (Bluin ho Emma D Day, AurenaM(Goodwi nMills Lucy M (m Flanagan Susie F (m Wiggin Frank B mill op Day, Frank B mill op Mills Addie F (Hooper ho Freda L pi Everett H pi Frank C Day, John L far Mills Susan B (Patch ho Cora B (m Wiggin *Arthur W lab Lexington, Mass *John W mach Hyde Park, Mass *Harry E R R ser Braintree, Mass Florence M weaver Lovey A ho Mamie V ho *Alden B elec con Boston, Mass Margaret pi Day, Esther E (Harnden ho Union R F D Leslie S pi Davis, Lizzie M (Durgin ho *Mabel (m Fraser Amesbury, Mass CENSUS 129 *Herbert L s s op Amesbury, Mass Dearborn, HE far S Wake Leora G (Chapman ho *Nathan E ci Dover DeMeritt, Berthold I s s boss Musetta A (Dorr ho Bonnibelle I pi Bruce R Roebert E Delphin G Derruisseaux, Napoleon Anna (Letourneau ho Raone G Alice M Deseanhnier, Joseph s s op Mary (Gusto ho Arthur pi Mamie pi Celia Eva Henry De Wolfe, Hattie E (Hayes ho Helen M stu Dickey, M P Cong clerg Louise R (Shumway ho *Maurice W editor Boston, Mass *Ora S (m Smith 40 Lindsay, Boston, Mass Mark S mus tr Dickson, Ernest F mill op Allie M (Corson ho Franklin B pi Chas Leroy Dickson, William F mill op William A eupt Spaulding's mill Ernest mill op *Leon mach N Roch Dixon, Stephen E mill op Georgia M (Moody ho Elwood M pi PaulJ Elmer Doe, J F far Union R F D Etta F (Martin ho Ralph pi Rachel M Dorr, Chas C far Union R F D *Alta L ho N Conway Harvey W far *Janie M (m Rideout N Conway *Ava A (m Goodwin 239 Bridge, Manchester *Geo E far Roch *Daisy B (m Ramsell Lebanon, Me *Ray N stenog E Roch Dorr, H W far Union R F D Catherine M (Keene ho Dorr, Melvina M (Staples ho *Emily F (m Carr Sacramento, Calif *Rosetta (m Tuttle Alton *Augusta D (m Brown Farm 139 MILTON Alfonso F Fred H William W Irvin G Georgia M Dorr, Simon C s s op Lebanon, Me s e op cl mill op e s op far Hannah W (Hill ho Musetta A (m DeMerritt Dore, Augusta (Fox ho Mills James F far Dore, Freeman J far Mills Lizzie S (Maddox ho Grace E mill op Lottie (ra *Augusta (m Henderson San ford, Me Winnie (m Holmes Dore, Chas H lab Mary W (Duntley ho Dana M s s op Chas E pi Scott L pi Alta M pi Franklin W Dore, Herbert W s s op Flora E (Burham ho Blanche E (m Desjardins Lynn, Mass Mildred A s s op Essie I pi Lillian R pi Dodge, John supt s s Mills Nettie (Elley ho Arlene pi Donald pi Ruth pi Genevieve pi Dockham, Alphonso mill op May E (Birch ho Geo A pi Downs, Geo A ice man Ada R (Tanner s s op Blanch pi Downs, Fred C lab Eva M (West ho Arthur F Hazel M Downs, Hazen W truck Downs, John A ice man May L (Thompson ho Roy M pi Flora M pi Downs, Albert F soldier Dora M (Tuttle ho Geo A lab Hattie E (m Hartford *Grace M (m Morin Salem, Mass *Josie M (m Spr'vle, Me *Fred s s op E Roch Downs, Geo F butch & far Annette F (Piper ho Downs, Frank L s s op Augusta O (Kimball ho Chester K stu Ethel G pi CENSUS 131 Mabel S Downs, Geo Q ptr Downing, Chas W lab Farm Sarah J (Page ho Chas L lab Clara J pi EIrnaF Downing, Chas L lab Farm Katresia M (Leavitt ho Downing, Geo A sec fore Alice (Hodgdon ho Alice J pi Marion L pi Downing, Frank A fireman Gerda M (Anderson ho Drew, Henry far Emeline (Dyer ho Henry W team Benj T team Mary A s s op Blanche C s s op Roscoe C s s op Drew, William F s s op Hattie B (Hardy ho Nellie F pi Drew, Samuel E Ina F (Wentworth ho Geo W pi Drew, Hannah M (Pinkham William S mill op Fred W lab *Bertha M (m Chipman 449 N Mantella, Boston, Mass Drew, Zen as F far Mills Angle M (Ridley ho Dunlap, Louise E s s op Duntley, Clarence W far Duntley, Ira W blk Sarah A (Hodgman ho *Addie C (m Mclntosh 283 E Merrimack, Lowell, Mass Hattie M s s op Dupont, Alphonso lab Desange (Lafranche ho Joseph 8 s op Henry mill op Alina s s op Marion pi Arthur Dupont, Henry mill op Lucy D (Marshall ho Duquette, Leon fireman Emma (Hall ho Eva E s s op Victoria M s s op Leon F pi Helen E Alice E Durrell, Emma V ho Dyer, Chas iar Martha A (Drew Annie M (Bailey Nettie M (m Ellis *Hattie M (m Farm 132 MILTON Edgerley, Hiram V retd Ellis, Geo E lab Inez G (Duntley ho Iloyd F pi Ethel M pi Nellie B Ruby Myrtle M Ellis, Fred M far Union Ellis, Geo W far Union 1 Ida M (Varney ho Ellis, Nettie M (Dyer ho Virlena M Ellis, Henry P far Mills Emerson, Eugene W Mills Fannie C (Chamberlain ho *Harriet C (m Piper N Abbington, Mass Evans, Calvin J far Mills Flora B (Rines ho Carrie May Marion Evans, Chas W s s op Alice M (Tibbetts ho Robert C pi Sumner L pi Fall, Geo G express Lizzie (Lyman ho Ruth L (m Plummer Farmer, Thomas car Mills Mary ( ho *W H spinner E Roch Faruham, W lab S Wake Ferland, Thomas shop op Mary D (Marcous ho Dora F pi Lydia W pi Delda L Thomas E Fellow, L Ellen (Spinney ho Union Finegan, Herbert F bk kpr Clara B (Wakefield ho Rosalie B Fletcher, James H blk Farm Nellie M (Foss ho Flye, A M mer Mills Delia M (Douglass ho & cl Ford, Abbie J (Ricker ho Leroy J far Foss, Benj W retd far Abbie M (m Coles ho Eli W lab Foss, Eli W lab Gertrude M bk kpr Fountain, L W far Union R F D Charlotte E (Stokes ho Alvina (m Baxter Fox, Henry janitor Fox, A A undertaker funeral director Sarah E (Tuttle- Webster CENSUS 133 Chas D express Fox, C D expressman Mills Hattie M (Fox ho Edwina E stu Fox, Elbridge W mas Mills Sarah E (Buck ho Everett F mer Fox, Everett F mer Mills Carrie B (Ricker ho Helen G stu Fox, Hattie (Hart agt Mills French, H L s s op Eliza J (Perkins ho French, Chas H lab French, Thomas M lab Frost, Mary E (Whitehouse Mabel stu Gage, James M s s op Garland, L D far Farm 1 Cora B (Goodall ho *Ethel M (m Gilman Newbury, Vt Garland, Mary (Goodwin ho Mills Garland, Clarence E far Mills Verna M (Reynolds ho Nellie M George, A M (Chesley Roch Gerrish, Elisha S team Mills Ella M (Hersey ho Gerrish, Jane S (Gilman Mills Gerald, Catherine M (Tulley Lawrence E pi Viola L Gerald, Theodora A tr Gerould, A Annette (Darling *Ella H nurse 103 Henry, Orange, N J *Chas L eng 1,151 R Main, Pittsburg, Pa Theodora A tr Getchell, Gertrude music Gilbert, Louis mill op Celia (McNeal ho Gilbert, Daniel far Farm Ida M (Dutley ho Raymond s s op Ada L ho Wilfred pi John I pi Evelyn A Giles, Chas F Central Ho Mills *H E s s op Lynn, Mass Gilmore, Chas A ptr Eliza E (Twombley ho Going, Geo lab Eva E (Baker ho Alva M stu Ethel M ho John F pi Lura E pi Marjorie C pi Harold G Goodall, (Edgely Farm Cora B (m Llewellyn ho 134 MILTON Goodwin, Lincoln s s op Mills Mary F (McGill ho Lettie A (m Laporte Farm Arthur H s s op Goodwin, Emma A ( Wentworth ho Mills Hattie F (m Curry Frank W s s op Chas H s s op Goodwin, Leon H cl Mills Alice M (Lowd ho Goodwin, Chas. W s s op Eva M (Blanch ho Goodwin, Geo H far Farm 1 Gostlin, J mill op N Roch Lucy E (Bellemen ho Josephine L Beatrice E Grace, Frank L far Union 1 Lizzie B (Willey ho Mary E pi Flora M pi Lula V pi Carrie E pi Gross, Chas W phy &sur Mills G rover, Harry C hotel Mary F ( Emerson hostess Grover, Walter S retd Harry C hotel Grundy, Nancy (Guptill Mills Gustafson, Hermon N lab S A F (Miller ho CarlW H Haines, Calvin S Mills undertaker asst Cora H (Knox ho Haynes, Ella M pi Union 1 Haynes, J S far Farm R F D Ellen E (Varney ho Haley, Sarah (Plummer ho & librarian Susan P cl Hall, John mill op Mills Marcelin (Morrow ho Odelion s s op Mary mill op Levi pi Albert pi Laura Hall, Odelion s s op Mills Elsie (Connolly ho Hamilton, H R s s op Mills Minnie G (Remick ho Ralph C pi Ren a Hamilton, Fitz E fish dlr Mills Harry s s op Fred mill op Gonic Hamilton, Carrie A (Hooper ho Mills Stella D stu Hanson, Lizzie A (Caverly ho *Mary (m Griffin Barrington CENSUS 135 Hanson, Elmer D S Wake far & mech Florence (Norwood ho Harriet stu Hanson, John W far & s s op Mills Elmer D far S Wake Jennie C (m Philbrick Hanson, Chas C night watch Asenath (Spinney *Grace E (m Harlow Boston, Mass Rufus R shoe cutter Chas E cl Hapgood, Wilbur far Mills Maria E (Mills ho *Willie G mech Skowhegan, Me *Elmer H s s op S Royalton, Vt Hargraves, William F barber Alberta J (Cutts ho Carlton J barber Hargraves, Carlton J bar Lillian (Prescott ho Juanita C Hargraves, Amanda M (Page Asenath mill op Harrimao, Frank L car Sadie A (Hill ho Mabel H (m Babb Rochester, Mass Eugene E car Hartford, Fred S s s op Hattie E (Downs ho Harb, J B miner Ella M (Brewer ho Lena M mer Clara B s s op Hart, M A H phy & sur Estelle L (Draper ho M Wentworth stu Elgia D stu Hatch, G A far Farm R F D Clara (Roberts ho Chas R far *Gertrude M cashier 15 Keuilworth, Maiden, Mass Hawkesworth, J C s s op Mills Mary J (Buzzell ho & fore lady Hawkins, Nancy M (Foss ho Union *Andrew mill op Dover Alma J (m Jennis Hayes, Abbie P (Spinney ho Union AbbieL ho Hayes, Nellie M (Parmenter EM tr Frances I tr Florence A Geo W R R ser Chas T stu Nellie W stu Hayes, I W far Farm R F D Hayes, J P far Farm R F D Susan J (Sceggel ho 136 MILTON Hayes, Eliza A (Wentworth ho Farm Henry B far Herbert N shoe mfr 540 Essex, Lynn, Mass Hayes, Luther C N Roch far & milk dlr Cora E (McDuffie ho Hayes, Ellen R (Morrill ho *Clarence M eng Stanford, Conn Hayes, James H far Ida (Willey ho Jane tr Arlene pi Edna Hayes, Eunice A (Dixon ho Hayes, S Lyman U S Postal cl Annie C (Corson ho Walter W fireman Lawrence C mill op Luther H cl Maurice L stu Blanche C stu Norman H pi Helen F pi Milton W Hayes, Geo A car Dora (Tuttle ho *Theodore L s cutter Merrimack, Mass *Harry F paper box mkr St Louis, Mo Guy L con & bldr Hayes, Guy L car Mertie E (Clements ho Alice E pi Ethel M pi Philip G Mabel E Henderson, Geo F far Hersom, Frances E (Oliver *Kate I (m Noble Sanford, Me Anna J pi Mary M pi Hersom, Almeda F (Goodwin *Everett s cutter Stoneham, Mass Hersom, Ann A Wiggin ho Hersom, I P far & lumberman Hersey, Mary (Buzzell ho Edith S stu Austin E stu Hill, Elnora ho & far Hill, Annette ho Hobbs, Clara A(0rdway Mills *Lucy J (m Fitz Manchester Chas J R R ser Derry *Geo M R R ser Boston, Mass *Edward O bridge bldr Inham, N C Hodges, Edgar C s s op Carrie L (Corson ho Ruth C pi CENSUS 137 Alice M pi Hodgdon, Ellsworth A s s op Cora A (Maine bdg ho HodgdoD, Mary (Dearborn *0rrin C laundry Concord, N H Ellsworth A s s op Holmes, Willis Mills pastor M E church Ella E (Kimball ho *William mech Lincoln Clarence prin high school *Agnes (tn Poor Landaff *Nettie (m Poor Laudaff Norris lab Evelyn pi Hooper, Ann B (Reed Mills Carrie A (m Hamilton Geo L s s op Home, Emeline (Meserve ho J E gents fur goods Home, J E gents furn'g gds Olive A (Moulton ho Dor-is M pi Lor it a A Herman J Home, Chas A meat market Clara A (Knight ho Home, Herbert F trav sales Florence M ( Wilson ho Home, Betsey P ( ho James H far Mary E (m Eines Home, Frank G sales agt Mary C (Weeks ho Herbert F trav sales AnnaJ ho *Harriet E (m Cobb 265 Washington, Dover Home, John R team & far Maud F s s op Home, Martha A ho Hoyt, Lucy A (Drew ho Geo L lab Dean mill op Hoyt, Dean mill op Catherine G (Sullivan ho Hoyt, Hannah A (Gerrish ho Mills Hoyle, Benj mill op Mills Abbie J (Witham ho Howard, Fred a s op & chief police Castilla A (Scruton ho Effie s s op Howland, John J ptr Mills Lura A (Booth ho Howe, Thomas J far Farm 1 Mary A (Plummer ho *Cora J (m Thurston Plymouth Howe, Mary A ho Farm 1 Hubbard, Harry I mill op Emma J (Goaty ho Huff, Octavus P lab Hu.nl, Frank J fireman Mills Cora B ( Jeimess ho *Arthur L s s op Farm 138 MILTON Willie F mill op Carrie B (m Remick Grace M (in Smith Ralph mill op Edwina C pi Hurd,WH far Farm R F D Marietta (Boody ho * Willie G team Farm Gertrude A s s op Hard, Carrie E pi Farm Hurd, G H far & sales Union Arvilla H (Haines ho Hurd, Geo H far Farm 1 Cora E (Whitten ho *E E sec hand Alton Bay *Ella (m Bailey Roch *Alton A (m Welch *W L marker Meriden Jacques, Thomas s s op Jenness, Edwin P far Union Alma J (Hawkins ho *John H mill op Dover Edwin C team Fred W mill op Joseph C mill op *Chas W mill op Dover Eliza J pi Ella M pi Jenness, Clara E ho Jenness, Susan A ho Jenness, Chas T upholstering Ann J (Randall ho Hermon R R ser Jewett, Mary A (Richards Mills Lydia M (m Cutts ho Jewett, Haven R far Mills Mary N (Sibley ho Richard I far John C sawyer Helen M ho Emma S stu Haven F pi Johnson, James W far Minnie F (Sinclair ho *Harold bag master Rockport, Mass Jones, Frank s s op A Louise (Burrison ho Norman H Jones, C D retd phy sum res Pauline (Hart ho Mollie tr Levi D stu Russell H stu Varney pi Dorothy B pi Jones, F P far & lumberman Union Emma J (Cowell ho *Chas D Tarrytown, N Y tr A B Irving School Robert E stu Philip C stu Elizabeth pi CENSUS 139 Alice V pi Jones, A W mech & far Union Ella S (Kimball ho Laura E ho Jones, Chas A far J of P Mary E (Frost ho Lucy J pi Jones, Geo H retd Chas A far *Ira W hydraulic eng Lebanon, Me Jones, Geo A lab Jones, Lester C s s op Jones, Nellie E ho Jordan, Geo I retd mfg *F H M D S Portland, Me *Clara E (m Kamsdell Lebanon, Me Geo E s s op K Keay, James C s s op Keene, Catherine M (Keneally *Carl H elec cond 940 Broad, Providence, R I Kelley, C E Prin high school Caroline (Moore ho *Lucy J (m Tuck *Wingate *Henry E Ep'l clerg New Bedford, Mass Clarence M medical stu Keyes, Martha B (Twombley *F C fore s s Pittsfield Kimball, Sabrina (Downs ho Union *Sarah E dr mkr Somersworth Ella S (m Jones *Mary W (m Hayes W Lebanon Hattie M (m Knowles *Geo W agriculturist Lynn, Mass Chas A far Augusta (m Downs Kimball, Edith ho Farm Kimball, Carrie P (Bragg ho Kimball, Ralph M s s op Carrie E (Willey ho *Annie B (m Freeman Ridgeway, Pa Ralph W pi Langley, Thomas F far Farm Mary J (Cook ho Langley, Winnifred B pi Farm Lafave, Nelson s s op Diana (Lasse ho Lassard, Joseph lab (wife Eva pi Walter pi Bertha pi 140 MILTON Alma pi Laskey, Jonas S far Union Sarah A (Vinol ho Allie J far *Elizabeth R (m Hanson Sanbornville *John far Mills *Alice C (m Roberts Mills *Chas H team Mills Willie F far Laskey, Bessie M ho Union Laskey, Ira S lab Union Laskey, Allie J far & team Union Ira S team Bessie M ho Ralph D pi Lizzie A ( Weeks Gladys Clyde Leatherbarrow, Geo E Mills high school tr Harriet P (Gilman ho Damon G Leighton, E L shoe inspector Carrie B (Remick ho Leighton, James A s s op Lizzie E (Morse ho *Etta M (m Wentworth Haverhill, Mass Leighton, Adelbert O s s op Mary P (Amerald ho Vernie R (m Morrison Leighton, Lucinda J (Jones *Manilla (m Mahoney Malbon, Mass *Luella F (m Leighton Alton Bay Adelbert s s op Lemieux, H J mill op N Roch Nellie C (Minahone ho Joseph H Letourneau, Flora (Dognault Anna M (Desunsseaux ho Libby, E T P M & mer Mills Ida A (Eastman mill op Aubrey D asst P M & ptr Libby, A D asst P M & ptr Walter C lab Marguerite pi Florence E (Hatch ho Libby, Lucy ho Mills Libby, Laura B (Tibbetts ho Mills Lindsay, Elizabeth D ho Farm R F D Lindsay, A R s s op Mills Myrtle E (Stevens ho Bertha M Lock, J T harness mkr Mills Rosabelle (Perkins ho Lockhart, Daniel lab Geneva (Clement ho Looney, Emma E (Miller ho *Ned F s s op Haverhill, Mass Walter E Gov Off R M Prin pub schools CENSUS 141 Harry H s s op Lord, Dora P (Quint ho Mills EmmaT mill op Walter S lum Decatur Cora A (m Went worth Orestes T stone quarry Ft Collins, Colo Alice E (m Paul Lord, Draxa D (Dixon ho Chas L retd *Christie L ins & broker 452 Main, Worcester, Mass Tryphena L (m Went worth Josephine D invalid *James E mfg 77 Bedford, Boston, Mass Lord, Josephine ho Union *Sarah L (m Bumford Dover, N H Lowd, John far & sum house Mills Viola E (Coffin ho Helen E (m Small Lowd, Freeman H lum Mills Grace M (Marston ho Alice M (m Goodwin Lowe, Hannah R (Roberts ho Mills Ruby E s s op Pearle W stenog Rena N stu Lowell, Eliza A (Cole ho Lover, Peter J R R ser Alice M (Downs ho Margaret Valna I Levering, Geo L mer Mills Lyman, Amanda M (Dixon *N Florence (m Tasker sum res Brighton, Mass *Bertha L (m Smith sum res Brighton, Mass M Maddox, John H Olive F (Webber ho Lillian M (m Wentworth Farm Sadie B (m Knight Mahoney, Margaret T mill op NRoch Marsh, Oscar F mill foreman Mills Georgia W (Reed ho Forest L law Marsh , Forest L law Mills Mildred T (Tibbetts ho Doris pi Marsh, Carrie F (Carter Mills Winnie G (m Chamberlain Marsh, Frank L far Mills Julia E C (Sanborn ho Marsh, Edwin E Mills saw mill tender Lucy L (Earle ho Leroy A lab 142 MILTON Beulah N ho Marsh, Lucretia mill op Mills Marshall, Louis mill op Helen (Kneeley ho *Louis Jr lab Berlin Lydia (m Welch *Marion C (m Morse Wakefield, Mass Lucy D (m Dupont Irene B pi Marshall, Arthur barber Fannie (Valley ho Ora M pi Oscar W pi Alphonse pi Florence M pi Edgar P pi Arthur G pi Ernest G Gladys D Alice B Marston, W V s s op Mills Grace M (Lowd ho Ritta F Marcoux, Adelaide (Cyr ho Odule s s op Alfred s s op Gideon pi Alda pi Mary M (m Ferland Winnie M *Joseph E s s op Farm *F M R R ser Roch *Dianna (m Letourneau Roch Lydia (m Welch Grover s s op Arthur lab Mason, Calvin far Union Lydia A (Quint ho Mason, H S mer Alice G (Carr ho Matthews, O S barber Mills Hattie A (Jackson ho Hope A pi Oscar S Jr pi Owens S Hazel A Mayo, Leroy S mill op Lizzie E (Sanborn ho *Elwin S sales Dorchester, Mass * William mer Dorchester, Mass Bessie L stu Etta P stu Chas W pi Chauncy M pi Frank H pi McCabe, Barney mill op McClain, Olivia L(McClain ho Charles pi McDonald, Mary E (Sanborn ho Mills *Cassie B (m Reas Boston, Mass Elmer E lab CENSUS 143 *C R mill op Sanford, Me *S H lab Kezar Falls, Me Curtis H lab Luella M pi McFarane. William supt Mill Margaret L (Wilson ho Agnes stenog William pi Margaret B pi Robert G pi Meickle, W C mill op Mills Catherine M (Steel ho *Catherine A (m Allen Lowell, Mass *J S mill op Lowell, Mass William A mill op Mamie M (m Stevens *Ellen (m Rhodes Lowell, Mass Annie B tr *Jane B (m Lamson Manchester Merrow, Sarah J (Philbrick ho Mills *D W law Omaha. Neb Merrow, Sumner far Mills Merrill, Alby stone mas Mills Abe E s s op Merrill, Allie E mech Mills Nettie E (Stevens ho Ernest L pi Edna E pi Marthena L Meserve, John C far Mary M (Cotton ho *Grace (m Leslie Raymond John H s s op Miller, William H eng Christa G (McDonald ho Gladys V pi Doris A pi Audrey A pi Alice R Ren a M Miller, Mary J (Pinkham Mills Chas H mill op *Martha A (m Stevens Hinsdale *Mahala A (m Hammond Egypt, Mass Lizzie S (m Rhodes Josie (m Symes Miller, Sarah A F (Lord ho Merton H s s op Mabel E pi Emma A pi Florence V pi Hilda A Miller, Sarah M (Hodgdon ho Emily E (m Looney *Helen K (m Coles Dorchester, Mass Mills, Wm F far Union *Sarah A (m Burnham Sanford, Me *Mary S ho Wolfboro Asa F team 144 MILTON *Nettie (m Entwist Sanford, Me Nancy M (Hawkins ho Mills, Wm F ptr Mills Amanda M (Hargraves Mills, Frank A lab Union Emma (Thompson ho Mitchell, Joseph F far Union H Etta (Clough ho Mitchell, William P janitor Lillian E B (Durkee ho Moore, Abbie (Ellis ho Farm *Anson A gents driver S Wilton, Conn Moore, William E far Sarah E (Downs ho Malissa E (m Oilman Farm *Ida E (m Rand W Warren, Mass *Mary E (m Prince W Warren, Mass William E lab Lyle K lab Morrill, Geo W s s op Union 1 Ethel L (Rines ho Morrill, Alice E ho N Roch Morrison, Harry B mill op Vernie R (Leighton ho Harry A Moulton, Seth A civ eng Alfreda M (Peacock ho Lorna A Olena R Moulton Clara A (Russ ho Seth A civ eng Murry, D hardware dlr Mills Helen J (Smith ho Florence A ho & cl Stella A milliner Muir, John A retd Union Mohn A bldr 8 Forest Ave, Everett, Mass Mucci, Angelo cl Mills Julia (Lawrence ho Louise pi Marion Mucci, Ficola Mills fruit & groceries Teresa (Lorenzi ho Alice pi Susie pi Chas Ellen Nickerson, James T sawyer Lillian M (Mason ho Willis E pi Vane E pi Maurice W pi Blanche E Carrie M Norton, Frank E mill op Margaret (Ivers ho Geo M s s op William F mill op CENSUS 145 Mary A pi Nellie T pi Frank E pi Joseph A pi John L pi Margaret pi Lawrence Noyes, Eliza R (Mason ho Nute, John S s s op Emma L (Mooers ho *Fred S mill op Union Lizzie M (m Page * Willie H s s boss Farm *Harry Y s s boss E Roch *LewisS barber N Conway *Ethel G (m Hatch Wolfboro Elsie M (m Small Raymond E s s op Nute, John A far Farm R FD Ellen F (Foss ho Nellie F (m Aldrich Woodsville Nute, A H far Farm R F D Clara B (Chamberlain ho Harry G s s op Ray H pi Nute, Alonzo E far Farm Nute, Geo E far Farm R F D Abbie M (Russell ho & s s op Edith M (m Brown Nute, Samuel T s s op Farm Nute, Susan G (Hurd Farm Chas F s s op Nutter, Hartley A eng Ada (Huntress ho Addie S pi Malcolm L pi Francena I pi Nutter, Frank J mill op Gertrude E (Wentworth Everlyn R Nutter, Clarence I pi Farm Nutter, Ernest F pi Farm Nutter, Ruth V (Varney ho Nutter, J M far Farm Ada (Whitehouse ho O Osgood, Almira B mill op Mills Otterway, William far Mills Susan S (Moulton ho Flora (m Parmenter Olaflin, James s s op Adelaide (Knight ho Leon pi Page, Chas H asst P M *Harry s 8 op Roch Lizzie M (Nute ho Forest N pi Page, Joseph cobbler Odelia (Vashon ho 146 MILTON Alcide s s op Harvey F pi Walter pi Malvina V pi Valora A pi Page, Geo W mason Jeanette A (Rines ho Angle E Mavis L stu Bernice L etu Doris M pi Page, John W retd Mills Annette A (Marsh ho Robert barber Page, Robert barber Mills Ida (Sibley ho M Norma pi Page, J E retd soldier Mills Hannah IS (Marsh ho Amanda (m Hargraves-Mills Clara (m Lowd Palmer, Ann M (Wentworth Union *Eugene W Dover Parmenter, Flora M (Otterway Mills Margaret pi Chas O pi Vera pi Pastelton, Francena M (Paul *Annie M (m Sullivan 3 Lewis Ct, Maiden, Mass Eva M (m Corson Parker, Emma R (Rankins ho Mills Elizabeth G stu Patterson, John miller Emily L (Keay ho *Geo B R R ser Council Bluffs, Iowa Warren E s s boss Margaret B (m Currie Cora B s s op Patterson, Warren E s s fore May K (Burrison ho Paul, Geo H s s op Mills Alice E (Lord ho Geo W pi Peacock, R M Cong preacher Farm R F D Ada (Lee ho Alfie M (m Moulton *Harold L R R ser Boston, Mass Robert B stu Alfred G etu Peacock, Margaret Farm Perkins, C E mill op Mills Hattie B (Kimball ho Herbert A pi Perkins, Chas E far Union Jennie M (Clough ho Leslie A pi Henry E pi Otis I pi Perkins, Geo D far Mills Anna (Gardner-Brackett CENSUS 147 *Althea S ho S Acton, Me Petersilea, Wallace s s op Peverly, C L far Union R F D Saphrona A (Home ho Addie L (m Richardson 32 Fore, Dover Philbrick, Daniel far Mills Jennie C (Hanson ho Philbrick, Henry far Mills Lucy A (Fletcher ho Chas S far Philbrick, Chas S far Mills Jennie H (Applebee ho Bertha W stu Maud stu Pierce, Nettie C ( ho Farm R F D Clarence N stu Arthur E stu Pierce, Alvira B (Leigh ton Pike, Freeman D car Sophia (Ricker ho Addie C cl Lewis F stu Pike, R S butch & market Mills Fannie (Roberts ho Philip G butcher Ralph W stu Robert pi Pillsbury, Angie B (Brown ho Mills Pillsbury, Levi B far Mills Augusta A ( Wentworth Emerson D mill op Marion B stu Geo L pi Pinfold, William s s op Mills Annie E (Lewis ho Lucy E mill op Ellen L mill op Amy A mill op Edwin T pi William F pi Pinfold, James L s s op Mills Pinkham, Emily C (Corliss ho Hat tie L (m A very James D news dealer Pinkham, Albathana (Duntley *Lillian (m Johnson 60 John, Reading, Mass Pinkham, W T H H far Farm R F D Sarah A (Pinkham ho *Ida E (rn Hurd Alton Bay *Eldora (m Bennett Gloucester, Mass Harry W far Gertrude C (m Thurber Pinkham, J D news dealer Sarah ( ho Carl E mer Harold B stu Pinkbam, Sarah E (Chase ho Mills *Annie R (m Waldron Lynn, Mass 148 MILTON Geo H s s op Pinkham, Thomas H ptr Mary F (Cushman ho Henry C Pinkham, Sarah ho Mills Piper, J A far & car Union Laura (Evans ho Rosamond E stu Chas E stu Grover C pi Plummer, Sarah E (Clement *Frank confectionery Brockton, Mass Annie B ho & far Hazen agt *Sam C supt s s EauClaire, Wis Eunice (m Ricker Berwick, Me Plummer, Ephraim far Plummer, Samuel far Plummer, Joseph invalid Plummer, Hazen sales Nettie E( Pike ho Ray D pi Plummer, B B far & agri impl Union R F D Eliza D (Went worth ho *Lucia P (m Fox Mills Fannie W nurse B B Jr far Orinda tr Plummer, B B Jr Union R F D Ruth L (Fall ho Plummer, Carrie W (Fall ho Union R F D Jay B far Plummer, Hannah B (Clark Union Plummer, J B far Union 2 Annie B (Miner ho Plummer, Susan E (Pecker Plummer, Moses B far Elizabeth J (Hussey ho Francis B stu Joseph L stu D wight H stu Plummer, Geo H far Farm R F D Mary P (Hayes. ho Bessie A (m Twombley Plummer, G L saw mill & lum Ada E (Burroughs ho Agnes H ho Minnie R invalid Etta A ho Helen L stu Plummer, Chas A far Union Plummer, Oscar P mill op Pouliette, E s s op Mills Preble, Stephen E mach & eng Jessie A (Calkins ho Preper, William C s s op Mills Charlotte P (Dorr ho Quint, Geo B far Wilhelmina M (Forsyth Georgia W ho CENSUS 149 R Randall, Emily S (Colomy ho Mills Walter E s s op Dover Randall, Herman S R R ser Abbie ( ho & s s op Ragan, Margaret ho N Roch Regan, J J s s op N Roch Mary A (Mahoney ho Elizabeth M James B Regan, John mill op N Roch Reed, Caroline E (Armstrong Elmer pi Myrtle pi Reed, Leonard C mill op Mills Remick, Ellen s s op Mills Remick, T mill op N Roch Remick, A mill op N Roch Remick, Edgar B pi Remick, C E dep sheriff Mills EttaS (Home ho Lester C s s op Minnie G (m Hamilton Forest E stu Remick, Willie far Mills Carrie B (Hurd ho Christine Howard M Alfred Reynolds, Willis L eng Mills Myra (Miller ho Ricker, Walter D s s op Winnifred (Bragdon ho J Richard pi Ricker, Chas E lab Mary (Hodgdon ho *Allie M (m Mitchell Roslindale, Mass Rines, William T retd Mills Flora B (m Evans ho Hattie A (m Sanborn ho Rines, Ellsworth marker Rines, Sarah J (Sanborn ho Jeanette A (in Page ho Rines, Olive (Remick ho Mills Mark far & car *01ive A (m Hurd ho 613 S Warren Ave Brockton, Mass Hattie M Rines, Mark far & car Mills Mary E (Home ho Frank H lab Ada M stu Rines, James H team Emma A (Knox ho Roberts, William AC cl *John F car Berwick, Me *Geo W blk Berwick, Me Roberts, Sadie D ho Roberts, Fred B lumb Roberts, Clara M (Mathews Robbins, H retd drug Mills Roulon, Stephen s s op K (Lacasse ho Alfred 150 MILTON Dona Russell, Warren s s op Russell, E S s s op Rudd, Alfred T blk Mills Florence D (Gray ho Marion G pi Sanborn, W L far Union R F D Hattie A (Rines ho Eva M pi Sanborn, Etta L (Johnson Sanborn, Mary R ho Mills Scates, Henry B far Ellen M (Dixon ho Schofield, Gertrude M pi Shorey, Abbie (Miller ho Shaw, A B far & car Mills Sarah E (Rines ho Abbie (m Boyd Simes, Albert L s s op Mills Josie E (Miller ho Alberta M pi Simes, Geo E car Mills *Chas F confectioner Brookline, Mass Albert L s s op Simes, Elizabeth E ho Mills Simes, J U retd mer Mills *Walter as op Lynn, Mass "Chester J cl Lynn, Mass Florence B ho Simes, Edward S car Mills Mary E (Lowd ho Frederick H boss weaver *Laura E (m Smith 62 W 112, New York City Sinclair, Colon C s s op Etta F (Bearce ho Clarence C pi Neil L pi Thelma M Sinclair, Mylo M eng Minnie F (Johnson ho Arline M pi Sleeper, Fred B s s op Stella E (Dicey ho Pauline D pi Beatrice M pi Fred B Jr Small, Helen E( Lowd Mills Rogers L Mildred H Small, Chester W s s op Elsie M (Nute ho Smith, Lorenzo D ptr Mills Clara (Hobbs ho Smith, Ezra T s s boss Mills Grace M (Hurd ho Genevieve R Smith, Julius L ptr Mary A (Clark ho John L pi Smith, Mary E (Knox nurse Smith, Chellis V cl Mills Stanhope, A T foreman s s Lillie M (Tuck ho CENSUS 151 Staples, Annie J (Pike ho *Susan A (m Hatch Kennebunk, Me Harry W team Staples, Harry W team Henrietta (Signer ho Ruth E pi Stevens, Chas far & mill op Mills Sadie M (Merrill ho Stevens, F D chauffeur Mills Marguerite (Mickle ho Donald V pi Stevens, John H s s op Mills Winnifred V (Keegan ho Jennie E Helen M Gerald F Stevens, Freeman E far Mills Nettie E (m Merrill John H s s op *A May (m Booma Lynn, Mass Storm, Isadore sawyer Roch Mary M (Imbeault ho Rosa pi Alice pi Lucy pi Sturgeon, Fred H s s op Mills Emma T( Wood ho Henry J pi VinaO Swinerton, J M far & s s op Farm Emma A (Melville ho *Gertrude M (m Young Roch Henry M pi Margaret E pi Reginald C V pi Jacob M Jr Swinerton, William M far Farm R F D Marie A ( ho Swinerton, Richard G far Union R F D Augusta M (Whitehouse Jacob M s s op *Lydia I (m Hodge Dover *Chas F s s op Farm *Nellie A (m Barsentel Portsmouth *Delia M (m Townsend Limerick, Me Willie M s s op Farm *01ive A (m Wheeler Nashua *A J s s op Portsmouth *Ella F (m Blaisdell Farm Herbert B s e op *Edith M (m Bowley Farm Swinerton, H B s s op Union Esther M (Blaisdell ho Evelyn B pi Estella A 152 MILTON Tarbell, Walter E N Roch chauffeur & mech Bertha E (Brown ho Carl B mech, eng & stu Walter A lab Edgar L chauffeur Edna E stu Tappan, J Q A ptr Tasker, Geo W retd Lizzie A (Hanson ho *Chas W janitor 82 Bower, Boston, Mass Nellie B (m Webber *Dana J far Ossipee Thompson, Frank H mill op Kate E (Simpson ho *Alice B (m Barker Stoneham, Mass Thompson, Cornelius mill op Nellie T (Sullivan ho ChasE Thompson, Andrew J invalid Lizzie M (Fish ho *Chas H mill op Westbrook, Me *Geo A barber Providence, R I *Frank H police Roxbury, Mass Thompson, Eva F (Allen ho *Blanche M J (m Hatte Bradford, Me Thurber, Waldo F s s op Farm R F D Gertrude C (Pinkham ho Thelma B Isma G Thurston, H far Farm R F D Caroline A (Stockbridge Chas H far Tibbetts, Walter S far Farm *Bert M mill op Union Flora F (m Colomy *Fred W mill op Union *Chas far Middleton *S E team Wolfboro Chris H lab Tibbetts, AbbieS (Colby ho Frank M sawyer *Pheba L (m Cotton Farm Chas lab Alice M (m Evans Tibbetts, John s s op Mills Jennie B (Sanborn ho Arthur P Verne P Tinker, C A loom fixer Mills Elizabeth A (Whitworth *Dora (m Colbath S Wolfboro *Francis E (m Durgin Wolfboro Adelma G weaver *Elsie M (m Clough Union Jessie L pi 153 Townsend, J E woolen mfg Mills Eda B (Lowd ho Henry A pi Agnes M pi Townsend, J C R R ser Mills Grace M (Townsend ho Frank H pi Train, Walter R A L pi Union Trefethen, T A far Mills Ellen H (Runnells ho Trussell, Bertha M s s op Tucker, David H lab Florence A (Ells ho Twombley, J H far N Roch Ellen H (Wentworth ho Bertrand E mill op Sarah J bk kpr Florence A (m Going John W mill op Archie pi Twombley, James L far Olivia L (McLain ho James L Jr Christina R Twombley, B E far & mill op Farm R F D Bessie A (Plum mer ho Leslie B Tworabley, J H phy & drug Frances W (Plum mer ho Twombley, Mary J ho Twombley, Annie ho Varney, Albion F far Union Sarah E (Prescott ho Geo A lab Varney, Anna L s s op Farm R F D Varney, Abbie (Moore ho Farm R F D John C far *Lena M (m Ham E Roch Varney, Chas E mill op Jennie M (Remick ho Varnum, Elbridge far Mills W Wakefield, Roscoe A blind Clara B (m Finnegan ho Mary S ho N Roch Estella R (m Piper Troy *Paul C s s op Tovvnsend, Mass Wallace, William T bk kpr Francis S (Downs ho Wallace, Chas F team Dora (Perkins ho Dollie M tr Annie J pi Walch, Frank W fore s s Eva S (McCrillis s s op Leroy F pi Wallingford, Mary B (Plummer ho 154 MILTON Wallingford, Clarence M far Union R F D Ida E( Downs ho Amos D far Alice stu Webber, Royal K car & bldr Nellie B (Tasker ho Weeks, Matilda (Allen Union *Susie L (m Tibbetts N Wakefield *W G team E Wakefield Lizzie A (m Laskey *Albert team Roch *Matilda A (m King Somersworth *Mattie C (m Evans Wakefield Ella M stu Welch, Cora B (Kimball Mills James lumberman *Abbie E (ra Wiggin Ossipee *Dora E millinery Salem, Mass *Harry E Phila, Pa Hermon L lumb *Bertha M (m Bowman Beverly, Mass Amy I stn Sidney E pi Russell A pi Welch, Chas mill op Lydia G (Marcous ho Raymond C ChasW Welch, Fred mill op Lydia (Marshall ho Wilfred L Clyde R Wentworth, Arvilla (Farnham ho Union R F D Chas E livery stable Delbert R far Wentworth, Edgar A Mills 2d selectman Etta E (in Wiggins S Wakefield Cora A (Lowd ho Dora M etu Wentworth, E L fish business Florence A (Lucas ho Gertrude E (m Nutter Wentworth, D retd soldier Lydia J (Palmer ho Ernest L fish dlr *Effie M (m Hanson Chelsea, Mass Addie E s s op Wentworth, Isaac far N Roch Chas H far & milk dlr Abbie J ho Fannie (m Stanley *Mary E (m Cousins Lynn, Mass *Hattie B (m Hussey Berwick, Me Frank O far Wentworth, Hannah E (Gray CENSUS 155 ptr far *Chas W Martin G M Esther (m Cote *Geo A s s op Roch Nellie M tr * Lizzie A stenog 25 Rockville Park Roxbury, Mass Wentworth, Martin G s s op Farm R F D Georgia A (Gerrish ho Herbert A lab G Myron pi Russell G pi Wentworth, Sarah A ho Farm R F D Wentworfh, Geo C S *Lucia C M (Jones ho *Iua F (m Drew *Eugene H fore Detroit, Mich Wentworth, Smith mill op Emma (Wallace ho Mamie (m Sadie (m Wentworth, Hiram car Mills Clara E (Pierce ho Harry E bk kpr Almond H supervisor drawing 62 Main, W Haven, Conn Mary A mus tr *Clara B governess 62 Main, W Haven, Conn Margaret pi Wentworth, Reuben J retd soldier Mills Mary W (Lord ho Wentworth, Chas S far Mills HattieB (Patch ho Carrie B ho Jennie S s s op *Eva M (m Healey Raymond Eleanor H stu Lilla M stu Wentworth, Henry H lab Louisa M (Hayes ho *Annie H (m Chamberlain Brownlee, Neb Weuthworth, Samuel E lab Asenath (Conner ho Estella s s op Whitten, Lydia K (Drew ho Farm James B mason *Sarah I ( m Edgeley Dover Cora E (m Hurd Fred mason ^Ellsworth s s op Lynn, Mass Whipple, F E car & lar Mills Cora B ( Welch ho Wiggin, E M mill op Mills Susie F (Day ho Annie M mill op Agnes I mill op Wiggin, Harvey F team Mills 156 MILTON Myra L (Witham ho Ethel M Willey, Joseph F far Union Mary J (Laskey ho Fred K far Herbert far Sadie H ho Laura E ho Willey, Sadie H ho Mills Willey, J P steam fitter Frances P (Davis ho J Herbert Willey, Joseph D mer Annie (Roberts ho J Eugene cl Catherine R pi Williams, Mary A (Watson ho Mills *ElizabethA(m Hammond N Shapleigh Esther M s s op Witham, Everett T team Mills Jennie L (Colomy ho Perley B s s packing boss Ida J (m Heath *Bert E s s op 6th, Dover, N H Myra L (m Wiggin Witham, Mary A (Miller ho Wright, Albert W car Mills HattieR (Preper ho Wesley O Wyatt, Edgar far N Roch Hattie E (DeWolfe ho Harriet F J, E. HORNE CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS Large assortment and lowest prices- Your money back if goods are not satisfactory. MILTON MILLS, N. H. MILES C. WOODMAN Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salted and Smoked meats. Vegetables and Canned Goods, Teas and Coffees. NO. MAIN ST. MILTON, N. H. LENA M. HART A Complete Line of Hosiery, Underwear, Ladies' Furnishings, Fancy Goods Small Wares. Genuine line of Jewelry and Silver Ware. Souvenir Post Cards Next to Post Office Milton, N. H. ASA FOX & SON General Merchandise, Full Stock and Right Prices Central Square Milton Mills, N. H. CALL ON THE MILLS DRUG CO, MILTON MILLS NEW HAMPSHIRE For Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Confectionery Tobacco and Cigars. We carry a full line of Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Supporters etc., Elastic Stockings, Rubber Gloves, and Bandages to order E. W. EMERSON, Registered Pharmacist TELEPHONE CONNECTION CALL ON A. M. FLYE DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Dry and Fancy Goods. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Honest Goods at Honest Prices MILTON MILLS, N. H. H. S. MASON Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases MILTON, N. H. H. MUCCI DEALER IN Groceries, Fruit, Confectionery, Tobacco Cigars and Ice Cream MILTON MILLS, N. H. POST CARDS In Photos and prints, views of Milton Mills and nearby places, also a large selection of colored cards of views in Maine, New Hampshire and other places. A fine line of Men's, Women's and Children's Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Best goods at low prices. Soda, Confectionery, Tonic Beers, Tobacco and Cigars. Ice Cream a specialty in its season. Stationery of all kinds. Agent for the Portsmouth Steam Laundry. E. T. LIBBY, Post Office Building, Hilton Hills, N. H. History of CUakcficld. Wakefield, in the south-easterly corner of Carroll County, is fifty miles from Concord, and is bounded on the north-west by Ossipee and Effingham on the south-east by Milton, south- west by Middleton and Brookfield, and on the east by Newfield, Maine. The surface is diversified with hills, rocks, and ponds and is very broken, but there is much excellent land for agriculture, and the soil when brought under proper cultivation is very pro- ductive. The largest body of water in the township is East Pond, situated on the boundary line of Maine and New Hampshire, and lying partly in Wakefield and partly in Acton, Maine. It is a beautiful sheet of water, about three miles wide and six miles long, and formerly bore the Indian name of Newichwannoek. Not far below the outlet of East Pond are Wilton and Horn's ponds. The Salmon Falls river rises in East Pond, and flows along the whole eastern boundary of the town of Milton divid- ing New Hampshire from Maine. Lovewell's Pond, on the south-east side of the township, received its name from Capt. John Lovewell, the famous Indian fighter, and is about seven hundred rods long and two hundred and seventy-five rods wide. One branch of the stream that flows through Union Village 160 WAKEFIELD rises in this pond; the other branch takes its rise from Cook's Pond in Brookfield. Province Pond, a pretty sheet of water in the north-easterly part of the town, and Pine River Pond not far away, are the other important bodies of water in Wake- field. The latter is the source of Pine river which flows through Ossipee and Effingham into Ossipee Lake. The principal villages in the town of Wakefield are Union, Sanbornville, Wakefield, East Wakefield, and North Wakefield, all situated on the North Conway branch of the Boston & Maine Railroad. Population in 1790, 646; in 1900, 1,645. EARLY PROPRIETARY AND SETTLEMENT. The present town of Wakefield, formerly that section of the Masonian Patent, known as "East Town" or "Eastermost Township," said to have been a part of a town chartered in 1737 as "Kings- Wood" was, April 27, 1749, granted by a vote of the Masonian Proprietors, to John Ham, Gershom Downes, John Horn, and seventy-six others, all described as residents of Dover and Somersworth, except Noah Emery of Kittery, Maine. Soon afterward a survey was made, and April 11, 1750, at an inn in Portsmouth, the lot for the location of shares was cast, and the holdings in East Town (in first and second divis- ions) were divided among the several proprietors, of whom, very few, if any, settled here. The first tree felled within the township was in 1766. The HISTORICAL 161 first family to remain here any length of time passed the winter of 1767 in this place. The first settlers came, probably, from Exeter, and were soon followed by colonists from Dover, Roches- ter, Portsmouth, and other towns in that section of New Hamp- shire. They were a sturdy lot, most of them young men, eager to acquire broad acres and wealth in the wilderness. In 1769, there were eleven families here; thirty in 1770. Lieut. Jonathan Gilman, the first settler, married Mehitable Kimball in 1746, and in 1767, settled on the old main road from Wakefield to Milton. Capt. Jeremiah Gilman came with his family from Exeter, probably at about the same time, and built a house opposite the "Old Maid's Tavern," where he lived until May 1, 1791, the day of his death. John Horn, a native of Dover, was the third settler, taking up land here not long after the Gilmans came. His lot was probably 48. He was the first town clerk of Wakefield, and was one of the most prominent men in the early days of the town. He died in 1829, at the advanced age of almost ninety-two years. Capt. David Copp was another leading man in the early days. He was a native of Rochester, where he was born Dec. 11, 1738. In July, 1779, he bought of Samuel Austin, lot 37; but owned also lot 15, on Sanborn Hill, where he built his resi- dence. He had been an ofiicer in the Revolution, in which he rendered distinguished service. He was the first moderator of the town meeting in this town, and held many other offices dur- ing his life. He died in the year 1817. Deacon Simeon Dearborn (1727-87) came from Greenland, before 1770, and after living for several years in a log hut, 162 WAKEFIELD erected the first two-story house in town. He owned lot 42 next to the "minister's lot," 44. He, too, was a prominent man, in the early settlement, one of great intelligence and worth. His first wife was Anne Gookins; his second, Martha Haven, one of the Portsmouth family of that name. John Haven, the deacon's brother-in-law, lived here a few years, being an extensive dealer in lands, and a man of prom- inence. He sold his house and the lot on which it was located, to Joseph Leavitt in 1789. "Leavitt's Tavern," was the name given to it later, it having been made, probably, into an inn. Josiah Page bought "10 acres in S. W. of 42," of Simeon Dearborn in September, 1773. John Kimball (1741-1807) purchased in 1768, lot 40, near the lands of Jonathan Gilman. His younger brother, Noah Kimball, married Mehitable, daughter of Jeremiah Gilman, and settled here in 1770. He was one of the early town officials, and a man of some prominence. He died at the age of 66. Lieutenant, later Colonel Jonathan Palmer, a veteran of the French and Indian war, was a native of Rochester, where his father was a prominent man in church affairs, and h'is mother the "town physician." He was collector for the proprietors, 1770-74, and later was a leading Federalist in the town and State. He lived to a good old age. Lieut. Andrew Gilman was the son of Capt. Jeremiah Gil- man. Clement Steele, from Brentwood, was an early settler, also, locating probably near the Kimballs. Benjamin Kimball, tradition has it, came from Dover Point about 1768, began a clearing, went back to Dover, and returned in the fall to build a house, into which he moved, probably, HISTORICAL 163 the next spring. His brother, Thomas, lived nearby. Rev. Avery Hall, a native of Meriden, Conn., and a graduate of Yale, came here in 1777 after having been pastor of the Rochester church for a period of nine years. He held several important town offices, was a large land holder, a leader in the organization of the church in this town, and for many years was one of the ablest and most prominent men in this section. Samuel Sherborn lived opposite the ''minister's lot;" Wm. Moore, the first constable of the town, over the hill beyond Simeon Dearborn. The first settler on the site of the present village of Union, was either Samuel Haines or Joseph, his son, who came about 1775. The Haines family resided in the dwelling opposite the ancient Pike's Hotel. The Haineses came, probably, from Greenland. They were mill owners and leading manufacturers more than a century ago. These two men, Samuel and Joseph, lie buried directly opposite the railroad depot in Union Village. Robert Hardy, a mill man also, was an early settler, coming here from Exeter, in December, 1771. On lots 5 and 6, above Hardy's, Samuel Allen, Samuel Allen, Jr., and Abner Allen nearby were early residents. They carried on blacksmithing and operated a saw mill near the Allen bridge. Nathaniel Balch bought lot 64 in 1776, of John Horn. He was a man of fifty-eight years of age, one of the oldest men among the settlers. He was a staunch patriot, a man of wisdom and high moral character, and attained a high place among his fellow citizens. Beyond his residence, to the south, on the Garvin place, 164 WAKEFIELD Eliphalet Quimby of Exeter settled. His daughter Dorothy was probably the first white child born in Wakefield, and as the date of her birth is recorded as June 30, 1768, Mr. Quimby was, evidently, one of the earliest pioneers in this section. Daniel Hall, with his wife, Patience (Taylor) Hall, of San- bornton, settled to the north of Nathaniel Balch. Their only child, Hannah, married John Sanborn. Samuel Hall of Dover, John Scribner, and Reuben Lang come next, and the families, as can be seen from the records, were closely connected by inter-marriage. Near the "Lang" or "Lock" schoolhouse, close by, Jacob and Mehitable Lock made a home for themselves. The Weekses, originally from Greenland, were early set- tlers, and have many descendants in this part of the county. Mayhew Clark, of North Hampton, purchased of Capt. Copp in May, 1772, lot 15, "in from the road over Tuttle's Hill." There he made a home, to which later, his brother, Jacob, came with his young bride to remain until he located permanently a mile away "near the sweep in the North Wake- field road that brings us in sight of Mt. Washington." Nathan Mordough, of Greenland, bought lot 11 in 1772, and settled near the Clarks and Weekses. He owned lot 44 also. He sold one-half of 11 to Judith Lang. Joseph Maleham, having bought, Dec. 13, 1793, most of lot 89, of Meyhew Clark, sold the "Wormwood place" to Daniel Horn. He built a house on lot 90, and brought to his new home Frederica Lang, his second wife. John Huggins, from whom Huggins brook derives its name, lived near that stream as early as 1790. Benj. Safford's place HISTORICAL 165 adjoined that of Nathan Mordough; on the Richards lot beyond was Moses Gage; and on the Lucas lot was Joseph Pike, who had a brother Robert on the Brookfield side. Near Wakefield Corner, in the vicinity of lot 90 and the schoolhouse, John Wingate "broke the first ground," and not far away on lot 54, Eliphalet Philbrook built the first house erected in that vicinity. John Wingate was one of the select- men during the year 1780. His brother, Joshua, who "believed in witches," settled in that neighborhood, also. The Sawyers came into that section, too, to find homes. Wakefield Corner continued to grow in number of inhabit- ants and in prosperity, and with its taverns, stores, and numer- ous dwellings, became, about the year 1800 and later, a centre of trade and industry. Richard Dow from Kensington, whose descendants have lived, for many years, on the estate near the waters of beautiful Lake Newichwannock, came about the year 1781. Isaac Fellows, also from Kensington, had a house nearby. His daughter married Levi Neal, who lived on Tuttle's Hill. Not far away was the residence of Nathan Dearborn. Jacob Welch, Jonathan Binley and Ebenezer and John Hill lived near East Wakefield station. At the Pine River settle- ment (North Wakefield) were Jacob Clark, Simon Blake, Sil- vanus Wentworth, Lieut. James Young, Nathaniel Cook, and others. The Wentworths and Waldrons settled "over the river." Thomas Cloutman, who came to "Horn's Mills" from the Piper house in 1779, was a settler in Wakefield as early as 1780, coming to this place from Rochester. 166 WAKEFIELD Benjamin and David Horn were settlers in that locality at the time. At the head of Lovewell's Pond, was the home of the Wiggins, Simeon, Isaiah, perhaps, also, Jacob Wiggin, men prominent here many years ago. James Hutchins, too, was one of Wakefield's pioneers, as were John Garlin, Samuel Chapman, who sold to David Spin- ney, Christopher Skinner and William Blaisdell. With this account of the early settlement and the men to whom the people of Wakefield owe so much, the "early settle- ment" may be closed. It was not a difficult task, for we have but followed in the foot-steps of the Eev. Albert H. Thompson, who compiled the account from which this (with changes) has been "boiled down." Wakefield's settlers were of the best blood of the colonists of New Hampshire, and there were few weaklings among them. Theirs was a difficult and a dangerous task, the colonization of a region in the forests. They were soldiers, many of them, brave men of determination and perseverance, and of industry and achievement, who have handed down to their descendants the legacy of a work faithfully and ably performed, and of a mission fulfilled to the best of their ability. INCORPORATION. Wakefield was incorporated Aug. 30, 1774, by its present name, during the governorship of John Wentworth; prior to that time it had been called East Town, under a grant from the Masonian Proprietors. By act of the legislature approved June HISTORICAL 167 22, 1820, a gore of land, containing all that belonged to Wake- field on the northerly side of Province Pond, was severed from this town and annexed to Effmgham. June 23, 1858, an act was passed severing a tract of land from the town of Milton and annexing it to Wakefield. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. PROVENCE OP NEW HAMPSHIRE. To His Excellency John "Wentworth, Esq., Capt. General, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of said Province and the Honourable His Majesty's Council: Humbly shews, David Copp, James Garvin, and John Gage, that at a Proprietors' Meeting held at East Town so-called on the 28th day of June last your Petitioners were voted a committee to petition Your Excellency and Honors for an incorporation of said Tract or Township: Your Petitioners, therefore, humbly pray that the said Township beginning at the north-east corner of the Township of Rochester at Newichwanick river, and from said river run- ning westerly by the head line of Rochester five miles, and from that extent upon a strait line parallel with the general course of the said river as a strait line may be run at the said river and continuing the breadth of five miles adjoining said river and bounds of the Province so far northwardly as to make equal to six miles square in such form as that the head or northerly boundary shall be a line parallel with the head line of Rochester, and the westerly side line to be strait from Rochester line to 168 WAKEFIELD the head line of said Tract of Land, may be incorporated and invested with such powers and privileges as other towns in this His Majesty's Province usually have and enjoy; and your Peti- tioners as in duty bound shall ever pray. Portsmouth, 29th August, 1774. DAVID COPP JAMES GARVIN TOWN OFFICIALS. CLERKS. John Hall, 1775-79 ; Avery HaU, 1780-90 ; wanting, 1791-92 ; David Copp, 1793-95 ; Thos. Lindsay, 1796-99 ; Luther Dearborn, 1800-04; Wm. Copp, 1805-08; Joseph Wiggin, 1809-13; Porter K. Wiggin, 1814-20; John Wingate, 1821-24; H. L. Wiggin, 1825-26 (?)-29; wanting, 1830-35; Wm. Sawyer, Jr., 1836-38; John Wingate, 1839-42; Samuel Yeaton, 1843-49; Daniel Brackett, 1850; Jas. A. Chesley, 1851-54; Geo. H. Wiggin, 1855- 57; Chas. Chesley, 1858-60; Samuel H. Smith, 1861-62; G. H. Wiggin, 1863-64; Asa Brown, 1865-67; Wm. Sawyer, 1868-69; A. J. Milliken, 1870 ; Chas. H. Smith, 1871-74 ; Geo. A. Yeaton, 1875-78; H. G. Sawyer, 1879-80; Chas. H. Smith, 1881-82; Geo. S. Dorr, 1883-89; John H. Garvin, 1890-1904; W. H. Willey, Jr., 1905; John H. Garvin, 1906-07. TREASURER, 1907. Edwin A. Himes. HISTORICAL 169 SELECTMEN. 1775 (No record, but probably), Simeon Dearborn, Noah Kim- ball, Joseph Maleham. 1776 Jacob Wiggin, Nathan Mordough, John Kimball. 1777 Sam'l Hall, Jonathan Gilman, N. Balch. 1778 Simeon Dearborn, Jacob Wiggin, Samuel Hall. 1779 A very Hall, Jacob Wiggin, Samuel Hall. 1780 Avery Hall, Mayhew Clark, John Wingate. 1781-84 Avery Hall, John Wingate, Mayhew Clark. 1785 Avery Hall, Mayhew Clark, John Wingate. 1786 Avery Hall, John Horn, Jacob Welch. 1787 No record. 1788 Col. Jonathan Palmer, Lieut. R. G. Dearborn, John W T in- gate. 1789 Jonathan Palmer, David Copp, John Gilman. 1790 Col. Jonathan Palmer, David Copp, Col. John Gilman. 1791-92 Wanting. 1793 Isaac Fellows, Avery Hall, John Gilman. 1794 John Gilman, Walter Neal, Jonathan Palmer. 1795 Jonathan Palmer, John Gilman, Walter Neal. 1796 Jonathan Palmer, Isaac Fellows, John Gilman. 1797 Isaac Fellows, Col. J. Palmer, Col. J. Gilman. 1798 Col. J. Palmer, Col. J. Gilman, Lieut. Jas. Young. 1799 Isaac Fellows, Lieut. Jas. Young, Lieut. Joshua Wingate. 1800 Isaac Fellows, Lieut. J. Wingate, Col. J. Gilman. 1801 Jas. Young, Joshua Wingate, Luther Dearborn. 1802-04 Jas. Young, Luther Dearborn, Elisha Sanborn. 1805-06 Lieut. Jonathan Copp, Noah Robinson, J, Wingate. 170 WAKEFIELD 1807 Jonathan Copp, Noah Robinson, E. Sanborn. 1808 Jonathan Copp, Noah Robinson, John Wingate. 1809 Elisha Sanborn, Noah Robinson, Daniel Horn. 1810 Noah Robinson, Capt. Benj. Cook, Moses Gage. 1811 Moses Gage, Benj. Cook, John Fellows. 1812 Moses Gage, Benj. Cook, Wm. Blaisdell. 1813 Isaac Fellows, Noah Robinson, Jonathan Copp. 1814-15 Moses Gage, Benj. Cook, James Hardy. 1816 Moses Gage, Benj. Cook, G. W. Copp. 1817 James Young, H. L. Wiggin, Noah Kimball. 1818 H. L. Wiggin, G. W. Copp, Elias Wentworth. 1819 H. L. Wiggin, E. Wentworth, Jonathan Copp. 1820 Jonathan Copp, E. Wentworth, H. L. Wiggin. 1821 Elias Wentworth, J. Copp, Jos. Ayres. 1822 H. L. Wiggin, J. Copp, Jos. Ayres. 1823 H. L. Wiggin, Jos. Ayres, Elias Wentworth. 1824 J. G. Hall, Moses Gage, John Wentworth. 1825 J. A. Chesley, J. G. HaU, Benj. Cook, Jr. 1826 J. G. HaU, J. H. Hobbs, Benj. Cook. 1827-28 J. H. Hobbs, W. W. Kimball, Benj. Cook. 1829 Benj. Cook, W. W. Kimball, D. G. Rollins. 1830-35 Wanting. 1836 H. L. Wiggin, Wm. Burley, S. D. Hutchins. 1837 H. L. Wiggin, John Wentworth, W. W. Kimball. 1838-39 W. W. Kimball, John Wentworth, H. L. Wiggin. 1840-41 N. H. Cook, Alpheus Nutter, E. G. Colby. 1842 E. G. Colby, John Gage, E. G. Smith. 1843 John Gage, E. G. Smith, Ebenr. Garvin. 1844-45 John Gage, E. Garvin, Jr., Alvah Bickford. HISTORICAL 1?1 1846 E. Garvin, C. H. Sawyer, M. B. Smith. 1847 C. H. Sawyer, John Copp, M. B. Smith. 1848 C. H. Sawyer, John Copp, Jos. Hanson. 1849 E. Garvin, Jr., Hiram Paul, E. G. Smith. 1850 E. Garvin, Jr., Hiram Paul, J. F. Copp. 1851 H. Paul, Dan'l Brackett, J. F. Copp. 1852 D. Brackett, T. J. Dearborn, F. A. Copp. 1853 T. J. Dearborn, F. A. Copp, Jonathan Woodman. 1854 E. Garvin, J. Woodman, Albra Wentworth. 1855 John Gage, J. Buzzell, Oliver Nutter. 1856 Jonathan Buzzell, J. Woodman, J. W. Sanborn. 1857 J. Woodman, J. W. Sanborn, C. A. Wentworth. 1858 A. Wentworth, A. H. Sawyer, S. M. Young. 1859 A. Wentworth, A. H. Sawyer, Joshua Brooks. 1860 A. H. Sawyer, J. Brooks, Nath'l Paul. 1861 E. Garvin, D. Brackett, C. E. Swinerton. 1862 E. Garvin, C. E. Swinerton, J. H. Cloutman. 1863 E. Garvin, J. H. Cloutman, C. A. Wentworth. 1864 E. Garvin, A. J. Hayes, J. C. Philbrick. 1865-66 Elijah Wadleigh, W. A. Maleham, J. G. Sanborn. 1867 Elijah Wadleigh, W. A. Maleham, J. McN. Cook. 1868 Elijah Wadleigh, J. McN. Cook, I. N. Fellows. 1869 Elijah Wadleigh, E. Garvin, J. McN. Cook. 1870 E. Garvin, J. McN. Cook, Jas. Tucker. 1871 E. Garvin, G. H. Gage, J. C. Philbrick. 1872 G. H. Gage, J. C. Philbrick, J. W. Hill. 1873 G. H. Gage, C. A. Varney, A. F. Wood. 1874-75 G. H. Gage, A. F. Wood, Jos. Hanson. 1876 Dan'l Brackett, J. F. Garland, H. R. Waldron. 172 WAKEFIELD 1877 Dan '1 Brackett, S. H. Smith, H. R. Waldron. 1878-80 G. H. Gage, A. M. Brackett, G. L. Wentworth. 1881 G. H. Gage, A. C. Willey, G. A. Yeaton. 1882 G. H. Gage, G. A. Yeaton, P. 0. Cottle. 1883-84 G. A. Yeaton, P. O. Cottle, H. P. Gilman. 1885-86 P. 0. Cottle, H. P. Gilman, I. S. Loud. 1887-88 P. O. Cottle, H. P. Gilman, F. B. Shorey. 1889-90 A. F. Wood, F. B. Shorey, E. E. Brown. 1891 F. B. Shorey, E. E. Brown, F. E. Stevens. 1892 G. H. Gage, F. E. Stevens, J. H. Weeks (died), F. B. Shorey. 1893-94 G. H. Gage, J. D. Willey, H. B. Tuttle. 1895-96 J. D. Willey, H. B. Tuttle, I. S. Loud. 18971. S. Loud, J. S. Roberts, C. W. Lowe. 1898-991. S. Loud, C. W. Lowe, J. S. Roberts. 19001. S. Loud (died), C. W. Lowe (resigned), G. H. Gage, J. G. Sanborn, J. S. Roberts. 1901-04 F. J. Leavitt, J. W. Evans, N. 0. Weeks. 1905 F. B. Shorey, W. H. Willey, Sr., H. P. Gilman. 1906 F. J. Leavitt, J. W. Evans, N. O. Weeks. 1907 F. J. Leavitt, J. W. Evans, E. J. Wheeler. CHURCHES. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The first church formed in the town of Wakefield was organized Sept. 17, 1785, with the following members: Samuel HISTORICAL 173 Haines, Avery Hall, Abigail Hall, Richard Dow, Mary Dow, Simeon Dearborn, Martha Dearborn, Mayhew Clark and Mary Clark. The Rev. Asa Piper became the first pastor of the church, and was the first and only town minister. He served the church faithfully and well until May 17, 1835. Rev. Samuel Nichols, a graduate of the Bangor Theological Seminary, was ordained as colleague pastor, Sept. 17, 1828 and served until March 7, 1833, when he was dismissed by council. Rev. Nathaniel Barker, a Dartmouth and Andover graduate, came shortly after Mr. Piper's death, and remained here very many years. He died Oct. 13, 1853. His successors were: Rev. Marion Leifingwell, 1856-60; Jos. B. Tufts, a graduate of Harvard in 1849, 1861-64; Daniel T. Tappan (Bowdoin), Nov. 19, 1865-April 1, 1871; Rev. Alvan Tobey, a short pastorate, probably in 1871; Rev. Sumner Clark (Amherst), May, 1872-1875; Rev. Geo. O. Jenness, 1875-1880; Rev. A. H. Thompson (Andover, Amherst, Yale), 1880-1887; Rev. Lyman White (Dartmouth), June, 1888, died May 30, 1889. There have been many able pastors at the church since the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. White. The present pastor is the Rev. 0. G. Baker. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH UNION. The Congregational Church at Union Village was organized during the pastorate of the Rev. Joseph Fawsett, Sept. 5, 1880- Sept., 1882. Prior to the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Fawsett, Rev. Geo. 0. Jenness had preached during the period April 22, 1877-May 11, 1879, and Rev. C. F. Goldsmith from May 18, 1879 to May 16, 1880. Following Mr. Fawsett, Jan. 7, 1883, Rev. G. S. Butler 174 WAKEFIELD came to remain until May 4, 1888, since which time the follow- ing clergymen have been pastors of the church and brought it through nearly twenty years of prosperity and of great moral and spiritual influence upon this community: Rev. Hillis Jor- dan, May 11, 1888-Aug., 1888 ; Rev. Wm. France, Nov. 4, 1888- Oct. 31, 1891; Rev. L. C. Graves, Nov. 1, 1891-Nov. 1, 1894; Rev. Rob't L. Sheaff, Mar. 1, 1895-Mar. 1, 1897; Rev. B. W. Drawbridge, Oct. 5, 1897-June 4, 1900; Rev. L. W. Muttart, Sept. 28, 1900-Sept. 28, 1902 ; and Rev. E. P. Eastman, who came Dec. 1, 1902, and still continues as pastor of the church. The members of the church at the present time number fifty- two, of whom thirty-two are residents at Union village. Mr. Chas. W. Page and Mr. Chas. S. Boody are the deacons of the church, and Mrs. Helen M. Hanson is clerk. FREE BAPTIST CHURCHES. The First Free Baptist Church in Wakefield was probably at North Wakefield. The society after some time became extinct. The Second Free Baptist Church was organized in 1831, and was a centre of influence in South Wakefield for many years. The church was supplied by different preachers until 1835, when the meetinghouse was finished and dedicated. Joseph Spinney, one of the members, was the first pastor ordained. For many years he acted as pastor of the church, but in 1854 he became a zealous advocate of Adventism, and April 9, of that year, withdrew from the church. Twenty-two members, and later twelve others withdrew also. After that the following ministers were pastors of the church: Elders Cummins Parris, John Chick, and H. P. Mansur, who was ordained Oct. 30, 1862, HISTORICAL 175 and served the society for several years. He was the last pastor of the church. Rev. Mr. Churchill of Milton Mills supplies the church at present. The Third Free Baptist Church, in the vicinity of East Wakefield, has become extinct. Elder John Brooks preached many years. Meetings were held in the schoolhouse. The Fourth Free Baptist Church was organized at Union Village, July 22, 1868, with nineteen members. Rev. Joshua A. Stetson was pastor for a year, and Rev. Samuel P. Fernald preached in 1859 and 1860. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. There was a Methodist society in Wakefield as early as 1828, and circuit preachers visited the people here, among them being Revs. Roswell Putnam and Herschel Foster. The class was accustomed to meet at the house of Francis Chapman. A church at Union Village was for many years in active operation. Milton circuit, October, 1831, A. H. Houghton, preacher in charge, J. Worster, assistant circuit preacher, held quarterly meetings at Milton, Union Village, Brookfield and Wakefield. 1833, July, circuit divided into Milton and Wakefield circuits; quarterly meeting at new meetinghouse ; John Adams and Moses Chase, preachers. 1834, last quarterly conference at the old meetinghouse in centre of the town. 1839, Joseph Smith, preacher ; Elisha Mills, local preacher and class leader at Union ; 1842, Jan. 8, Caleb Dustin, preacher; 1844, John French; 1846, I. C. Emerson ; 1853-54, L. H. Gordon ; 1857, Daniel W. Barber, preacher, James Thurston, presiding elder. The last minister appointed was Rev. Jos. P ; . Frye (Milton Mills and Union), in * 176 WAKEFIELD 1882. At North Wakefield, years ago, there was an organized Methodist Episcopal Church, but about the year 1880, a new church was organized and services held in the new Wesley Chapel Rev. H. T. Barnard, a Free Baptist clergyman, preached for a time at Leighton's Corner and at North Wakefield. Rev. W. Burrell preached also, and was among the foremost in secur- ing the new place of worship. North Wakefield was then in the Tuftonborough circuit, embracing Tuftonborough, East Wolfborough, and North Wake- field. The old meetinghouse had a long line of ministers, and was a "Union" Church as it was supplied by preachers of both the Methodist and Baptist profession, among them Elders Tap- lin and Hayes, Methodists, and Elders Walker and Olin Page, Baptists. Rev. Henry E. Allen preached after 1880, to people at Brookfield, Hackett schoolhouse, and at North Wakefield. Rev. Frank Chamberlain, a local preacher, supplied for a sea- son. Revs. Frank Hooper, Dana Cotton Fogg have preached here. Rev. Mr. Yost is the present pastor. A church was organized at Sanbornville in January, 1887, with seven members, and a new circuit was formed embracing Wolfboro Junction (Sanbornville), Brookfield, East Wolfe- borough, and North Wakefield, and April, 1887, Rev. Geo. A. Luce was appointed minister in charge. He served two years and was followed in 1889 by Rev. J. M. Bean. The church building had been dedicated in November, 1887. In 1889 there were forty communicants. The following clergymen have si%2eeded the Rev. Mr. Bean HISTORICAL 177 as pastor of the church : Revs. A. G. Smith, J. T. Hooper, Crook, O. W. Bryant, Lowell, Geo. R. Locke, R. H. Hughes, J. G. A. Martin and W. J. Wilkins, the present pastor who came to this church in April, 1907. ADVENT CHURCH. Meetings were held by the followers of Win. Miller in 1842, and later, and April 5, 1852, Elder Joseph Spinney, and twenty- two members, followed later by twelve others, withdrew from the Free Baptist Church and became a separate society. The first minister, Elder Spinney, continued as pastor of the church at South Wakefield, which had been erected by the Free Bap- tists and Adventists, for very many years until his death. Rev. Joseph Libby and other clergymen have supplied. The present Adventist supply is Rev. E. A. Goodwin. A society existed at Woodman's Mills, also, and had regular preaching for several years, by Elders T. L. Churchill, Chas. Coleman, both of Brookfield, and other ministers. Meetings for prayer and conference were held also, with Brother AJonzo Wentworth. The church was organized about the year 1878, under the labors of Rev. R. F. Emerson of East Rochester. For a number of years the society worshiped in the schoolhouse at Woodman. About fifteen years ago a church was erected. Revs. R. F. Emerson, D. W. Stevens of Effingham, T. J. Coolbroth and many other clergymen have preached at the church. Rev. F. J. Hadley came three years ago and is the present pastor of the church. The society has grown in numbers and prosperity constantly sijjce the organization of the church and 178 WAKEFIELD has a neat, commodious little chapel at the present time. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. This church was built at Sanbornville about ten years ago. It is a mission station in the Wolfeboro, Wakefield, Milton cir- cuit, and is supplied by priests from Gonic, who say mass occasionally also at Union Village in this town. The Rev. Fr. Laroque began the construction of the church, and it was finished by the Rev. Fr. Lesard. Father Joseph Melancou, too, has supplied the church, which is now under the care of the Rev. Fr. Godin. About thirty-six families attend divine worship at the chapel, where mass is said every Sunday during the summer, and on Friday morning every fortnight in the winter. CHURCH OP ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST EPISCOPAL. The corner stone of the Episcopal Church at Sanbornville was laid on Saint John the Baptist's day, and the church of Saint John the Baptist was consecrated by the Rt. Rev. Wm. W. Niles, D.D., Bishop of New Hampshire, Sept. 14, 1877. The first rector was Rev. W. B. T. Smith. Rev. Wm. L. Himes was pastor during the six years between the winter of 1881 and that of 1887, and was succeeded in September, 1887, by Rev. Wm. S. Emery, who served until January, 1892. Succeeding pastors have been: Rev. W. S. L. Romily, who remained about four years; Rev. Chas. Bancroft, who remained about three years; Rev. Joseph Ames, who remained about four years; and John A. Chapin, the present pastor. I HISTORICAL 179 INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT. The earliest industries in the town of Wakefield were probably the mills of Messrs. Copp, Haines, Allen, and Hall, at which lumber was sawed, and grain ground for the benefit of the settlers. At Union, more than a hundred years ago, there was a "fulling mill," and very early a saw mill built by the settlers and operated by them on shares. On the site of the old saw mill, Luther G. Gate and others later did an extensive lumber business. The property was purchased by the Portsmouth, Great Falls and Conway Railroad Company and operated for the manufacture of car stock. The next industry in the old mill, was the chair manufactory of Reuben Sanborn, who continued his business there a few years, before building a factory near the station, where he carried on the work exten- sively until it was destroyed by fire. The old mill came into the possession of J. F. and G. E. Hart, who manufactured lum- ber and later excelsior, which they continued for years. J. F. Hart, after selling his share of the property to his brother, went to Tacoma, Wash. Later J. F. Farnham purchased a half interest, then the entire plant, and has since continued the manufacture of excelsior. About a dozen or fifteen hands are employed by Mr. Farnham, and the annual output of the mill is about 2,500 ton. The factory at Union occupied by the W. M. Lord Co., manufacturers of excelsior, was built about twenty-five or thirty years ago, by T. C. Pike, who erected it for the manufacture of woolen goods. Mr. S. L. Hutchins purchased the mill and after manufacturing excelsior there for some years, disposed of 180 WAKEFIELD the property to the W. M. Lord Co., which began operations January, 1902. About twelve or fifteen hands are employed at this mill, and the output for the present year will amount to about 2,500 tons. The present site of the brass foundry at Union has been occupied by several industries, first as a grist mill, then an excel- sior factory, where Chas. E. Varney and Frank B. Drew carried on operations. It was first occupied as a brass foundry by the Union Brass Co. The property later became the property of Mr. Edw. F. Hamlin, one of the principal share holders, who has since carried on the industry under the name of the E. F. Hamlin Brass Co. The woolen mill of Arthur L. Taft at Union was built by John Meikle, about thirty years ago. For twelve or fifteen years, Mr. Meikle manufactured felt and carried on block printing there, until the plant came into the possession of the Star Woolen Co., which remained only a few years. Not long after- ward, the present owner, Mr. Taft, acquired the property, which he still operates for the manufacture of woolen goods, employing a large number of hands. The monumental works at Union were first used for that industry by Herbert F. Stevens, who carried on an extensive business for many years before selling to Chas. "W. Law from whom, a few years later, M. L. Johnson, formerly sheriff of Carroll County, bought it. He carries on a large business, close by the railroad station, where several hands are employed in the turning out of excellent granite and marble work. Mr. Johnson has branch works at Farmington. Until about the year 1870, Union was the terminal of the HISTORICAL 181 railroad, and a centre for the stage lines through the surround- ing country. The railroad shops were located there, and gave the village an important industry. In 1817, there were in the town of Wakefield a cotton fac- tory, a carding industry, three grain mills, three saw mills, three fulling mills. In 1859, there were five saw mills, five grist mills, and ten shingle, clapboard and planing mills, and a large amount of lumber was manufactured. In 1868, there were seven mills in town, that of the Pine River Lumber Company near the Ossipee line; Luther G. Gate's at Union; a large one near Wakefield Corner, run by John W. Sanborn, and others. Six shingle mills were in operation, and shoe and salt boxes, flannel boards, etc., were made. Tinware was extensively man- ufactured, and the shoe industry had grown to large propor- tions. In 1872, Wakefield ranked fourth in point of wealth, and third in mechanical business, among the towns in the county. Sanbornville owes its growth and prosperity principally to the railroad. It is an important junction of the Wolfeborough and North Conway branches of the Boston & Maine, and is a railroad centre, with offices, car works, and so forth, the industry affording employment for many of the people of the village. Other manufacturing industries in town at this time are the saw mills of James Horn at Horn's Mills and L. P. Wiggin in that vicinity, the mill at Sanbornville, of which Mrs. Lillian Rogers is proprietor, the G. L. Plummer mill below Union Vil- lage, and the mill formerly owned by D. W. Libby, now the property of Geo. Chick, at Woodman's Mills. 182 WAKEFIELD MILITARY HISTORY. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Capt. David Copp was the first major in Col. Joseph Bad- ger's regiment in August, 1775; in November of the same year he commanded a company for the defence of the harbor and fortresses near Portsmouth; in November, 1780, he was lieu- tenant-colonel of militia. He was in command of a company at Bunker Hill. Lieut. Andrew Gilman served under Capt. Copp, Capt. Jeremiah Gilman "and 15 soldiers under him" served in the Bennington Expedition in 1777, Capt. Gilman being the Wake- field hero of that year. James Clark and Jona. Towle went to Rhode Island; Joseph Green served in the 3d N. H. Reg't; Dearborn Loverin and Joseph Dearborn were of Capt. Smith's Company of the Reynold Reg't; Jonathan Quimby and Paul Sanbourn enlisted in Capt. James Carr's Company; Jonathan Hazeltine served in Capt. Ellis' Company of Col. ScammeH's Reg't; Joshua Edgerly enlisted in Capt. Carr's Company Feb. 17, 1777, and probably served later in Capt. Wentworth's Com- pany; Joseph Edgerly was in Nathan Bale's Second Battalion; Timothy Ricker was in the 2d N. H. Reg't in 1780; Andrew Quimby enlisted in March, 1781, served in the 1st N. H. Reg't, was discharged in December of the same year, and died in the service of his country in 1782; Peter Barter served in Capt. Bell's Company in Col. Hale's Reg't, was taken prisoner on the retreat from Ticonderoga, and was wounded in the thigh at Monmouth, in consequence of which he was rendered unfit for HISTORICAL 183 duty and sent home. He was ordered to the fort and served under Col. Dame and Capt. Deering. The town voted $80 to five men who enlisted in 1776, for the expedition into Canada. These men were Josiah Miggin, Benj. Horn, Samuel Scribner, Henry Wentworth, and Jesse Wiggin. There were many splendid soldiers among them, fearless patriots, enured to hardship and privation, loving liberty, and disdaining suffering and death. Their names may be found on the State rolls of honor. WAR OP 1812. Major J. G. Hall and Lieut, or Capt. Jas. Hardy, stationed at Fort Constitution; Dr. Richard Russell, surgeon on privateer Polly, captured and confined in Dartmoor prison; Mayhew Clark, sent to Portsmouth. These men were not all natives of Wakefield, several of them not coming here until the close of the war. Lieut. Joseph Parker Smith was probably the only Wake- field man who served in the Mexican War. He was a graduate of West Point, and a brave soldier. He fell at Chapultepec. WAKEFIELD IN THE CIVIL WAR. The patriotism and loyalty to the Union, displayed by the citizens of the towns and cities throughout the New England States during the great War of the Rebellion, found an answer- ing chord in the hearts of the men of Wakefield, and they answered the call of duty with a willing and ready response. Thousands of dollars in bounties, aids, and contributions, and 184 WAKEFIELD a large quota of men were freely given to our country to aid her in the peril and conflict of the four long years. Wakefield's record of service in the Revolution was nobly maintained in the Civil War, for the men who fought and died to crush out slavery and to maintain the unity of the Republic were the descendants of the men who gave their all to win the independence of the new born Nation; the same blood flowed in their veins ; they were actuated by similar motives ; influenced by the same high ideals. In field, in camp, in hospital, they showed their worth as men, and their bravery and heroism never has, and never can be questioned. Wakefield's military record for a period going back even to the birth of the Nation has never been stained, and the names and deeds of the soldiers of the Rebellion, like those of the men of the Revolution reflect the greatest honor upon their native town. EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNT. In 1776, the town voted "8 for schooling, one-half to be laid out in the summer, the other half in winter." In 1777, Capt. David Copp, Daniel Hall, Wm. Moore, and John Kimball were chosen the first school committee, and 11 were voted for schooling, "One-half to be laid out below the pond, the other half above." In 1778, it was voted that the school be kept near John Kimball 's below the pond. 30 were appropriated that year ; in 1779, 60 ; in 1782, money sufficient to support a ' ' man school" for six months; in 1785, the interest of the school lot, HISTORICAL 185 and 24; in 1798, $200 including interest; in 1804-07, $200. Early teachers were: Elizabeth Piper, in the Hall district in 1807; Richard F. Dow, Sally Copp, and Samuel Fellows in 1808. Prior to this time, however, Masters Nicolson, Robinson, John Bosdel, David Glody, Evans; in 1795, John Dame, and Master Newlson. These were all teachers in town before the beginning of last century. The first schools were held, probably, in private houses, but in the fall of 1796 a schoolhouse was built, to be followed by several others later as new ones become necessary. ACADEMIES. In 1815, Mr. Josiah Dow, a leading merchant of Boston, built and established on his father's farm in this town, Dow Academy, which was dedicated Nov. 6, 1815. The institution flourished for several years, having an extensive patronage from students both in and out of the State, the roll of August, 1819, showing a student body of sixty-three. The building, after the school was closed several years after its foundation was removed to Sanbornville in 1886, to continue its usefulness as a hall for the societies of that village. Through the generosity of the founder's grandson, the Wakefield Academy incorporated in 1827, was, nearly sixty years after it had been closed, revived by the gift of one hun- dred dollars annually, and enjoyed a new period of prosperity for some time. 186 WAKEFIELD PETITION FOR AN INCORPORATION OF UNION LIBRARY, 1797. The petition of the subscriber in behalf of the proprietors of Wakefield and Brookfield Union Library being empowered by a vote of the proprietors for the purpose aforesaid, humbly prays that Timothy Johnson, Avery Hall, Jonathan Palmer, David Copp, William Chamberlain may be incorporated into a body politic with all the power and privileges that the Leg- islature in their wisdom may see proper for the benefit and continuance of the said institution, and your petitioner for and in behalf of said proprietors in duty bound will ever pray, etc. Wakefield, June 5th, 1797. DAVID COPP. The foregoing petition was granted in the House of Rep- resentatives, June 10, 1797, and the Senate concurred. PROFESSIONAL MEN. PHYSICIANS. Dr. Howe of Rochester was perhaps the first regular phy- sician to visit the people of this town. Another early physician was Dr. John Manning who was probably here from 1790 to 1800. Dr. Thomas Lindsay, too, must have been here very early, for he married a Wakefield woman, Polly Nudd, in 1787. He moved to Lincoln, Maine, in 1832. He had a long and suc- cessful practice. HISTORICAL 187 Dr. John McCrillis was one of the original members of the Strafford Medical Society and fifth president in 1832. His practice covered a period of many years. Dr. Richard Russell graduated at Dartmouth in 1813, and came to Wakefield soon after. He served as a surgeon in the War of 1812, but came back to Wakefield and practised with the exception of four years spent at Concord, from 1815 to 1833. After about twenty years of practice at Great Falls (Somers- worth) he died in 1855. Dr. Thos. Lindsay, Jr., began practice in this town about the year 1827. He went from here to Lincoln, Maine, where he continued to practice medicine until his death, Mar. 3, 1864. Dr. Nathaniel Grant and Dr. Jones (here in 1836) natives of Lebanon, Maine, were here between 1830 and 1840. The former went from here to Ossipee; the latter back to Lebanon. Dr. Sumner Gilman practised at Union and at Wakefield Corner. He was a graduate of the Dartmouth Medical School, 1833, married Miss Susan Wentworth of this town, and died here in 1841. Dr. Chas. L. Swasey came from Limerick about 1840, practised here some time, and went from this place to New Bedford, Mass., where he died. Dr. S. B. Twitchell came about 1849, married Miss Sarah E. Swasey, and went to Rushville, N. Y., returning later to Wakefield, where he continued in practice until October, 1854. He died the following year. Dr. S. W. Roberts, a native of Alton, and a Dartmouth alumnus, practised here many years. He was a member of the New Hampshire Medical Society, and its president, 1887-88. 188 WAKEFIELD Dr. Win. B. Reynolds of Acton, Maine, came to Union in 1855, and later went into the army. After the war he went to Lynn, Mass., where he died. Dr. John L. Swinerton, a native of Newfield, Maine, and a graduate of the Bowdoin Medical School, practised medicine in towns in this vicinity, and at Union, during a period of nearly fifty years. He died Nov. 2, 1882, at Union Village. Dr. John E. Scruton, a native of New Durham and a Bowdoin graduate, began practice at Union Jan. 1, 1871. He was a skilled surgeon and physician, and enjoyed an extensive practice throughout this whole section until his death. Dr. Chas. F. Roberts, born in Lebanon, Maine, Aug. 5, 1860, graduated at Columbia, and came to Sanbornville from New York in January, 1885, and practised in that village a number of years. Dr. P. T. Haskell came to Union after having practised a short time in the South, and remained several years, going from Union to Sanbornville, where he practiced for some time before removing to Concord. Drs. Merrill and Robinson practised a short time at Union Village. Dr. Chas. C. Rogers practised at the same place for a few years. He is now located in Farmington. Dr. John E. Stevens, a native of Wakefield, came here dur- ing the latter part of Dr. Rogers' stay, and still enjoys a suc- cessful and lucrative practice. Dr. H. A. Moody succeeded Dr. Haskell in practice May 1, 1905, coming here from a practice in Jackman, Me. He is still in practice at Sanbornville Village. HISTORICAL 189 Dr. "W. S. Davis of Fannington came here from a practice in Alton about fifteen years ago. The doctor not only attends to an extensive practice but also is proprietor of a modern and well-equipped pharmacy located in the same building as the offices of the town officials. LAWYERS. Joseph Tilton, Esq., born at East Kingston in 1774, grad- uated at Harvard in 1797, and commenced the practice of law in "Wakefield soon after 1800. He went to Eochester about 1805. "Squire" Sawyer, Amasa Copp, Josiah Hobbs practised law at Wakefield Corner years ago. The first lawyer at Sanbornville was John Sanborn, Esq., who practised at the village until his death. A. L. Foote, Esq., who came here from Somersworth many years ago, and John Gage, Esq., who is a later comer, are the present resident law- years in practice at Sanbornville, and in this town. L. M. TROTT DEALER IN Choice Groceries, Notions, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Agent for Lister's Fertilizers also J. H. Hanson's Subscription Agency NORTH WAKEFIELD N. H. HUNTING BOATING FISHING DAVIS HOUSE H. L. Whiting, Prop. Special attention given to Summer Guests. Nice Cosy Rooms, Acetylene Gas. A first class livery con- nected with the house EA5T WAKEFIELD DEPOT N. H. H. C. TIBBETTS DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Feed, Flour and Grain, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Pratt's Food and Veterinary Remedies WAKEFIELD NEW HAMPSHIRE ALICE C. MILLIKEN INSURANCE Representing Granite State Fire Insurance Co., Portsmouth, N. H. Continental Insurance Co., New York. Capital Fire Insurance Co., Concord, N. H. WAKEFIELD NEW HAMPSHIRE E. J. TIBBETTS DEALER IN Grain, Flour, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Also Agent for Swift's Fertilizers. NO. WAKEFIELD N. H. Census of UJakefield NOTE The following is the list of Post Office abbrevia- tions used in the Census of the town of Wakefleld, N. H. Mil- ton Mills M Mills; Farmington Farm; East Rochester E Roch; North Rochester N Roch; South Wakefleld So; East Wakefield East; Springvale Spr'vle; Sanbornville-San'vlle; Horn 's Mills H Mills. R. F. D. routes are indicated by num- ber of the route following the post office name from which they emanate. Where no post office address is given, Wake- field, N. H. is understood. Abbott, L R R ser San'vlle Florence A (Keniston ho Wallace S pi Adams, Myra(Sanborn Union Adams, Marion pi Union Adjutant, C L car & mason Lena (Eaton ho Joseph C pi EvaM Celia M Adjutant, John F Eli s s op Adjutant, Samuel team Jennie M (Tufifts Archibald, R B far Union Arnold, Wm F team Woodmans B Baker, Rev O G Alida M (Barnes *H B mgr sheep ranch Rawlins, Wyo John W stu Eliza L stu Paul G stu Stella K stu Edward E stu Faith pi Orin G pi Jane L Beacham, Mary F (Canney Union Howard A sta agt Beacham, H A sta agt Union Hattie F (Haines ho 192 WAKEFIELD Beaudette, Henry lab Mary (Patree Aleide pi Antoine Alice Berry, Wm W far South Elizabeth C (Farnham ho Bickford, Geo R car San'vlle *Geo F sales 228 Salem, Medford, Mass Alfred con & bldr Maplewood, N J Henry E cl Arthur B pi *Carrie A (m Jones 54 Reeves PI, Brooklyn, N Y Bickford, Albion M printer Bertha E (Rines Blake, Simon far Georgianna P (Palmer Simon Jr *Winfred S carrier Woburn, Mass *G A team Lowell, Mass Herbert I far Jessie far *Elsie M tr Roxbury, Mass *Mary E (m Haskett Concord Margaret stu Bod well, Josephine (Ricker *Blanch J (m Changler barber No Carolina Lillian E milliner Bowers, WE R R ser San'vlle R F D Sarah E (Wright WE Jr Brackett, Elizabeth R(Wiggin San'vlle Mary F (m Tucker Jennie E (m Hines Herbert C R R ser John E R R ser William F R R ser *Geo A lab Harry L R R ser Frank J far Flora P tr Brackett, John E eng Mary E (Kenney ho Helen M pi Estella L pi Doris M pi Ralph E Brackett, A M mer & car *C A New York City F L R R ser Ina E ho Brackett, F L R R ser Ada A (Remick mus tr Brackett, Ida M Brackett, Emeline (Southworth Horatio N car Brackett, Horatio car Blanche C (Ayers CENSUS 193 Winthrop F pi Theodore N Eveline E Bragdon, O D far & J of P Prov Lk Florence E J (Noyes * Florence E (m Peacor Conn Genevieve A ho *H O elec Boston, Mass Percy pi Brigham, Geo T exp messenger Union Emma J( Hayes ho *Chesley H grocer Roch Brintnall, Norman N Y sum bdg ho San'vlle 2 Brooks, Ida E (Brooks ho Woodmans Brown, Elmer E R R ser Frances E (Howe Brown, Plummer A R R ser Laura Y (Rice ho Audrey R stu Basil I stu Mason W pi Charlotte L pi Brown, Edward E mill op No Mabel G (Dore Chauncey E stu Marion D pi Brown, Asa P M Olive E (Rollins *Dauiel R phy 197 Lafayette, Salem, Mass Burleigh, Edwin P drug East Bourroughs, Edgar mech & mill op Grace (Ricker Mabel G tr Edgar H Jr stu Wilber W stu Ralph J stu Campbell, Ernest C R R ser May E (Perkins ho Inez E pi Thelma A Mildred E Chamberlain, A H mill op Union Sarah E (Corson ho Chamberlain, Helen (Long Union * Annie N (m Hanson 18 Austin, Somerville, Mass *Chas L R R ser 5 Benedict, Somerville, Mass *Ernest G ptr E Millinocket, Me *Lillian A (m Hammond Milford Chamblain, Telesphore lab Grace (Lamontague Antoinette M pi 194 WAKEFIELD Joseph L pi Romeo F pi Adelard St Flavien Canado Chapman, J E supt ice works Ella J (Snow ho Edna B dr mkr H Grace tr Homer L lab Harris W stu Chapin, Rev John A Chase, Eliza A (Hill ho Woodmans Chick, Louie E ho Union Chick, GH mill op Woodmans Jennie F (Waldron ho Ralph H car Harry W surveyor of lum L Sumner turner Ruth M pi Willard C pi Doris M GeoE Clark, Hannah L (Churchell San'vlle 1 Mayhew far Ellen I (m Adlington Clark, Mayhew far R F D 1 Elizie R (Furber Mina B tr Edwin L stu Clark, Geo W R R ser Lizzie M (Tibbetts J Frank office *Clough, Madeline stu 1 Elwood Av, Stoneham, Mass Cloutman, Harriet A (Home ho H Mills Nora A P M & ho *Geo J cl Portsmouth Cloutier, Lenora (Perlekent ho Union Celina (m *Delia (m Martell Seattle, Wash *Melvina (m Young Somersworth Olive M Cm Pippin Canada Coffrin, Sarah (Hayes Col bath A S retd Martha J (Ham Walter G road master *J B mill op Conway Abbie A (m Taylor *Chas W eng Kennebunk, Me *Herbert B R R ser Wolfboro Alden T blk *Mary A (m Moulton Lynn, Mass Colbath, W G R R ser San'vlle Emma B (Knox ho *E F Stony Ford, N Y Isabelle M (m White *Blanche M (m Schutt Leominster, Mass CENSUS 195 *R K R R ser "Water ville, Me Winnifred M ho Inez M stu Norman H pi Como, Albert J cl *Rose M (m Davis Woodmans Joseph A pi Cook, M K prof penmanship sum res Hartford, Conn Adeline E (Titcomb ho Cook, Emily A ho Union Cook, Archie lab Cook, Elmer M lab No 2 Lillian B (Clow Ethel S ho Hazel M pi Mamie E pi Emily A pi Wilfred J pi Harold M Cook, Nancy P (Page Copp, Fredrick retd Corson, Sarah (Nay ho Union Emma S (m Chamberlain Mary A (m Hutchins *Geo B eng Woburn, Mass John E far Corson, John E far Union Idella L (Wiggins ho Florence M pi Cate, Arthur W R R ser May E (Allen dr mkr Clifton J pi Florence B pi Richard L Raymond L Cottle, Phineas O retd Cottle, Martha M ho Cottle, Mary L ho Cottle, Emily ho Cox, Henry P blk East Clarice G (Willis Earl E stu Archie L stu Eugene pi Hazel N pi Clarence W Creatau, I Chas R R ser Mary (Dredeau Octil M pi Frank J pi Ernest J pi Albert J pi George J pi Raymond J pi OraM Alfred Creatau, Edward lab Emily (Hymer James E R R ser Phoebe E pi Alma C pi Joseph L pi Regina M pi Mary V pi Odianna L pi 196 WAKEFIELD Grace C Leo J Crocker, Geo H team Lydia E (Drowns Currier, Mary ho Curtis, J S cl *Winfred F real est New York City Edna A ho Davis, Daniel S far East *Alma F (m Mooney Franconia Lillian A ho *Clarence E R R ser Davis, Frank far San'ville Mary (Bearce ho *Estella (m Guptill Roch *Edward ptr Roch *Lena (m Masbury Roch Davis, W S phy & sur Annie J (Montgomery Bessie M mus tr Chas S stu Davis, Frederick H R R ser Florence B (McDonald Forest E pi Davis, Susan C (Home East * Jennie (m McKennon NY *Katie (m Langley Acton Ridge, Me DeCharno, MM R R ser Mary (Welch Doris pi Mary J Oscar Dehaner, Alfred R R ser Mandy (Ouallet Willie J pi DeLain, Alfred R lab Dora B (Fellows Deland, Julia ho Mas H blk Farm Florence E (m Wesley Delano, Geo W far Mary B (Ham ho Demarce, John lab Georgina (Tebo Demarce, Daniel team Myrtie M (Swett Deroches, Talbert lab Mary L (Marcoux Sadie A Alphonse H DeWltt, Chester W far Marcia C (Allard ho Dolan, Fred R R ser Ellen ( Domall, Lewis O boss finisher Union Catherine (McGray ho Douglas, Frank R R ser Jennie M (Harmon ho Charles F Florence M CENSUS 197 Douglas, Jas W far Ella (m Fifield *Clara (m Lewis Con way Rose A (Thureton Dow, Abbott Low prop of Homestead (been in family name 125 years) C S (Sanford ho *Margaret (m Green 308 W 77, New York *Cornelia (m Bancroft 157 Bay State Rd, Boston, Mass *Caroline (m Hiss 200 Cumberlain Hts, Brooklyn, N Y Downs, Thos J far San'vlle Cora L (Hamilton ho Harry A far Bessie L ho Winifred E stu Downs, Harry A far San'vlle Agnes (Sawyer ho Nellie M Hazel A Downs, Geo E retd Abbie E (Eastman Edna B milliner Doyle, John watchman Sadie (m Hamilton ho George H ' team Lizzie B s s op *Fred mill op 151 No Main, Roch Mabel E ho Drapeau, E Aurelia (m Carrier *Annie s s op Somersworth George R R ser Eusebe G pi Led a pi *Hiliodore pi Veuleara pi Euclide pi Eliianno Drew, Geo W grain dlr Union Nellie E (Stevens ho Lyle S stu Harold L stu Drew, J W far Francena (Kennett Drown, Stephen D far mgr Carrie C ( Peavey Edgar I pi Marjory V pi Carrol E pi Leon H pi Durrell, Geo W mill op Union Sarah E (Rogers ho Dyer, Joe lab Edith (Peron Delia M pi Frank J pi Ora M pi Eddie pi Olida M pi Alsen J 198 WAKEFIELD Lucie M Fred J E Eastman, Edward P Cong clerg Union Eliza N (Sawyer ho *Fred L Walliston, Maes asst inspector equip, USA "Louise S bk kpr Waltham, Mass *Harriet F bk kpr Waltham, Mass Charlotte H ho *Grace F bk kpr Waltham, Mass Eastman, Arthur team Marion (Swett Violet pi Jennie M pi Reed pi Madeline Ellis, Chas E barber *W M real estate broker 416 E 38, Los Angeles, Cal Emerson, Clara A (Whitcomb Evans, Melvina (Farnham San' vile *Laura A (m Piper Union "Calvin J far M Mills *Frank J millman Berwick, Me *Clarence D mer & sta agt E Wolfborough Garfield J far Victor C far Evans, Victor C far San'ville Mattie (Weeks ho Evans, Albert L far San'ville Anna M (Swanson ho *Abbie J (m Hannan 118 Roger Williams Ave Providence, R I Fall, Dorcas D (Home ho Lucy N Clarabel bk kpr *George G ex agt & far Milton Farnham, Albert J car Lena M (Lowd ho Ruby F Morris A Farnham, Mary (Jones So *Martha M (m Wilkins Jamaica Plain, Mass Marietta ho Ella F ho Herbert E invalid Farnham, J F exc mfg Union Ora E (Cutts ho *Fred H bk kpr Maiden, Mass Hazel A pi CENSUS 199 Farnham, E E far San 'vile 2 Albert J car Katie M(m Buzzell M Mills Annie M stenog Farnham, John F far Emma R (Ellis ho Feeny, Wm J far San'ville 2 *Lena M (m Curry M Mills *Edith M (m Crosby Roxbury, Mass William L s s op Harold L s s op Geo F pi Raymond pi Laura E (Watson ho Fellows, John K R R ser Kate (Fennely Harold F Fellows, J P far San'vlle Mary A (Pike ho *Sadie M (m Woodman Milton *Nettie J milliner Milton Annie P ho Edna M s s op Fellows, H B car San'ville Anstreff (m Nichols *Ceclia (m Brown A Wolfborough Dora (m Dealon Bertha (m Rand Ethel (m Fellows, Chas S San'ville R R ser & iar Hattie L (m Young Carrie E (Tufts ho *Bessie M cash 52 Pearl, Boston, Mass Fellows, H M far San'vlle Fellows, Oscar F far San'ville *Geo P meat cutter Mass John K R R ser Fellows, Mary A ho San'ville Fields, Jas R R ser Bessie (Thibeau ho Frank L R R ser Mamie E (m Haynes *Fifield, Frank F meat cutter Conway *Chas H stone mason Brook field George R lab Freeman, E K mer Helen M (Fursden ho Mary M pi Everett pi Wm Radmore pi *French, Alden C team Farm Frost, Arthur H real estate Cambridge, Mass Grace C (Clark ho Sherman C pi sum res Gage, Geo H John Gage, John law far law San'vlle 200 WAKEFIELD Sarah M (Mills Gagnon, Ernest lab Georina (Legary Arthur E pi Oscar G pi Eugene J pi EvaM Leon J Marion M Gagnon, Delphine (Obeen Gagnon, Amedee lab Annie (Lamee Gagnon, Emile lab Gagnon, Gene R R ser Manda (Butler Mary M Grace N Orie J Lucie M Garland, Geo mill op Union Nellie M (Stillings ho Alda B mill op Bertha F pi Olive A pi Bernice M pi Garland, Alvah S far San'vlle Ruth Y (m Yeaton Joseph S civ eng Garland, L (Sears San'vlle 2 Garland, A F s s op & mer Jerome F lab *Augustus lab Newburyport, Mass Melissa J (Drown ho Carrie Arthur A Garland, John T *Edwin tr mer retd eng Springvale, Me *Geo mill op Union Fred cl *Mary s s op Berwick, Me Garvin, Alrnira (Lang John H mer Garvin, John H mer Catherine P (Dow J Howard pi Josiah D pi Garvin, James W mer Charlotte J (Maleham *Bertha M deaconess Grace Church 802 Broadway, N Y City Clara N kindergarden school James P cl *S F stu Dartmouth Col 2 Sanborn, Hanover Mary A stu Charlotte R stu Gerry, Lydia M ho Gilman, H P eug Union Mary E ( ho Gilman, W W i , Union *Clara (in Tunbridge, Vt Gilman, T far San'vlle 1 Gliddeu, Loreu J stable CENSUS 201 Goldiere, Augustin pi Goodhue, Laura (Lovering Goodwin, H S foresee Union Stella L (Campbell ho *Leou H cl M Mills Harry S stu Ray T lab Pauline M H Hackett, Chas A R R ser Hadley, F J advent preacher Woodmans Haines, Almira M ho Haines, J M plum & tinsmith Elvira (Hillard Edw M plum & tinsmith Chas L cl Haines, E M plum & tinsmith Mamie (Fields Shirley M Hall, F W brass finisher Union Mary A L ( Wilson ho Hazen J pi Hall, Harriet A (Moulton ho Union John A heel mfg Percy E far Ham, Nathaniel retd Hamilton, John E R R ser Sadie M (Doyle Ernest E s s op Raymond E pi Hamlin, E F brass mfg Union Josephine S (Littlefield Clara B (m Morrison Hammond, Olive (Moulton East Ursha H (m Hart Eva V ho *J M team Brookfield Albert A mill op N Roch Hammond, A (Nealey Union Flora E (m Mullen Roslindale, Mass *Mabel (m Mayhew Boston, Mass *Edward F wood worker Milford Geo F R F D 1 carrier Hammond, Geo L mail agt Union Carl W pi Lloyd Hanson, Frances H (Tucker Willis G eng Hanson, Edward G mill op Hanson, F A far & R R ser Lizzie R (Laskey *Annie M cashier 14 Hancock, Boston, Mass *Edna H cashier 14 Hancock, Boston, Mass Hanson, M far Woodmans Hanson, Susan M Woodmans Hanson, A P ptr Union 202 WAKEFIELD *Fred S R R ser 18 Austin, Somerville, Maes Helen M (Chamberlain ho Hanson, L mill op Union Addie (Shackford ho Mabel M pi Hanscom, Nellie M (Kimball Union *Frank J moulder Farm Harmon, John M team Sarah M (Eaton John H team Jennie M (m Douglass Reuben S pi Alice B pi Hart, Loami team East Hannah U (Harmon ho Henry mill op *Bernice M (m Litchfield Kennebunkport, Me Bertha E (m Robinson Woodmans *Lula P (m Trainer W Newfleld Walter H mill op Ella M pi Blanche I Hayden, Wm F far Etta P (Burnham Myra S Lillian E WmC Hayes, Grace (Haines cook Iva L table girl EvaC Doris A Joseph E Heath, Chas C Alice E Hill, Rilla Hill, Leonard Pi Pi Pi blk Union pl&ho dr mkr lab Union *Pearl A (m Davis Somerville, Mass Lena mill op *Sadie I (m Garnett Roch Leslie brass finisher Leon brass fiuisher Hill, Leslie mill op Union Ellen E (Willey ho Waldo L Hill, James W far East *Lucy A (m Cook Middleton *A F car Boston, Mass *M W (m Woods Natick, Mass Lucy M (Seward ho Clara E (m Wood Hill, W M sales Woodmans Fannie F (Frost ho Claudian F stu Helen M stu Hill, A D mer East Hattie M (Robinson Hill, Matilda (Jones East VolaC Viela F flines, H E mer CENSUS 203 Jennie E (Brackett Hixon, Sophia (Emery Frances E (m Howe Hodgdon, Geo H car Sarah (Glidden *A C far Beverly, Mass Harold E stu Doris E pi Hodsdon, Horace S watchman R R Terese H (Harmon Alice M Wm F stu Elliott E stu Sumner M stu Martha E stu Hooper, E C far San'vlle 2 John lab Roy car *Chas plum Boston, Mass *Sidney cl Mass Ray lab Hattie pi Jesse pi Hooper, Roy E R R ser Sylvia M (Stevens ho Home, Mary F (Allen Union Home, P E far & sum bdg ho Union Annie M (Pillsbury hostess Edith L (m Hattie M (m Johnson Home, C S mill man H Mills Home, John J East far & stone mason *Ada M (m Murry San ford, Me *J M elec moterman N Y *Wm H s s op Lynn, Mass Horn, Jackson car Mary M (Quimby *Edwin J eng No Con way *Blanche (m Wentworth 15 Gillish, Nashua Houde, Edward R R ser Nell M (Pauliot Edward J R R ser *Lucy M mill op Somersworth Howe, Geo M far Prov Lk Louise M (Breen ho Hurd, Isaac lab Rosie (Marcoux Albert ha A pi Eva I Wilfred O Doris P Hutchins, Mary A (Corson Union Susie B stu Hutchins, E H far San'ville Iva (Linscott ho Mason R R ser Joseph pi Infant 204 WAKEFIELD J Jenness, Chas H far Lizzie M (Weeks Perley A mill op Blanche E Jesewik, John J Amelia (Jesewik ho Jettie, Arthur R R ser Jestine (Gagnon Jones, Hiram far San'ville 2 Elizabeth (Libby ho * Waldo s s op Lynn, Mass Gertrude A tr Harry R R ser Jones, Wm E jeweler Union Sarah A (Ely ho Gerald B Johnson, Sarah F (Tibbetts ho Union Myron L marble work *Anna F (m Lovejoy Conway *W L mill op Bartlett *Nelson T ice business E Bridgewater, Mass Freeman L mill op Albert R brass moulder Johnson, Myron L Union marble business & dep sheriff Ellen F (Durgin ho & chiropody Myrtle M (m Stevens Iva M pi Johnson, F L mill op Union Cora L (Mears ho Hazel M Joy, Frank D sec hand Union Alice P (Kimball ho Infant K Keniston, Joseph C lab Union Augusta J (Varney ho *Ida A (m Bower Efflngham *GeoA lab Effingham Chas A lab Sarah E ho ME pi Keniston, Randolph far San'ville Delia N (Canney ho Isaac H far *Cyrus G ptr Florence A (m Abbott Kennett, Ralph R Kershaw, Hattie (Young Sunnyside Hotel Keyes, Chas E far Union Lizzie S (Chick ho Vera L ho Kimball, Frank E far Union Annie (Patch ho Frank E Jr lab Ray H lab Jessie M (m Sanger CENSUS 205 Ethel P ho Kimball, Orin sum res agt Stickney & Poors Fannie (Merrill ho *Yictor cl 84 Mt Vernon, Boston, Mass Kimball, Elizabeth A (Dolloff ho East Selden W team *Addie F (m Goodwin Canaan, Me *D B mill op Lowell, Mass *Angie cl Lowell, Mass Ida M (in Purington Skowhegan, Me Kimball, Selden W team East Sarah J (Peters ho *Ada M Westford, Mass Elmer H lab Walter P fireman *Effie E ho Lowell, Mass Inez F (m Shea Alson W team Eva May -ho Kimball, John W far San'ville Violet H (Cummings ho W Cummings pi Kimball, Nellie M (Hanscom Union *ClaraB (m Colomy Farm Walter S brass finisher *Alphonso E lab Farm Ralph M lab *Addie M (m Tufts Middleton *Fred A s s op Farm Herbert M lab Ruby M ho & s s op Kimball, A sum res Union 727 Park Ave, N Y Mary E (m Marsh ho Knight, M E tel op Florence E pi L Marjorie pi Knight, Wilber E tel op Carrie L (Emerson Krabek, Axel pat mkr Union Florence L (Burleigh ho Lamson, D L lab Woodmans IdaM(Wynot ho John P pi Kenneth A pi Hazel I pi Daniel P Robert A Lane, Samuel F far San'vlle Mary A (Fitzgerald ho *Nellie M (m Furbush ERoch Chas A team Harry L far Stella G (m Sanborn M Mills Geo F team 206 WAKEFIELD Lane, Harry L far San' vile Emma E (Watson ho Harris L Lane, Frank far San'vlle 2 *Maud M (m Pike Portland, Me Ellen (Watson ho May A ho Lane, Wm H far Sarah E (Nichols ho Lane, Geo F team Ida M (Davis ho Beatrice M pi Bernice F Annie M Lane, Chas A lab Lane, Chas T far Gertrude M (Sanborn Gladys G pi Edith M pi Margaret L Lang, Reed A stable Carrie ( Lannay, Geo R R ser Phoebe J (Poulit Lamee, Moise Leo (Carries Alfred Arthur Demerise Euzebe Joseph E Mary^Ann Mary E Joseph A Lamie, Fred L bag master Emma (Virgneaul Lamontagne, J J R R ser Annie M ( Jice *Eva (m Fowler Roch *Sadie M (m Diletril Boston, Mass Willie J R R ser Elsie J pi Lapoint, Cyerille R R ser Aurillie (Marcoux Celina M Georgia J Lavertie, Eugene lab Marguerite (Moore Eva pi Marie pi Eugene pi Grace Rose Legary, Joe lab Addline (Hood Georgana (m Gagnon Leavitt, Frank J R R ser Leighton, J car Woodmans Frank A car Leighton, F A car Woodmans Ella E (Woodman ho Evelyn M stu Marion E pi Lewis, John W draftsman So Gertrude H (Titcomb ho Abbie E pi CENSUS 207 Henry T Gertrude M Frank T Libby, Daniel S Libbey, Jos W Pi Pi Pi far Union news agent Libbey, Nathan J R R ser E Belle (Wilkinson ho Light, Henry lab San'vlle 2 Nellie (Pelkey ho Depheny pi Albert pi Anty Littlefield, Simeon far Mahala (Roes *Emily (m Morang Brunswick, Me *Ida F (m Yeaton Springvale, Me 'Caroline P (m Kim ball Milton Daniel S team Charleston, Mass Lord, I L liv stable Union Lena J (McCliiitock ho Pauline pi Lord, William M mer, lum & excelsior mfg Julia (Rowell ho Lover, A mill op Union Cilema (Cloutier ho Joseph R R ser Somersworth Olive (m Mackie *Chas box shop op Danvers, Mass Frena M (m Place Peter R R ser Lover, Chas mill op Union Mary J (Raymond ho William A lab Mamie C (m Remy Minnie G (m Monahan Fred J pi Lover, William A lab Union Rosie D (Remy ho Lowd, Cora M (Ricker ho Lena M (m Lowd Lynch, Julia A (Shea Union M Mackie, Geo R lab Union Olivia M (Lover ho Clifford F pi Rudolph A Maleham, Sarah C milliner San'ville Maleham, Chas H car Grace M (Burroughs Herbert W stu Robert H Elmer B Ernest H Maleham, Wm H car Sarah L (Farnham ho *Mary W (m Boyd E Hebron, Me 208 WAKEFIELD Chas H eng Mansur, H S P M, far & car So Lizzie L (Cummings ho *Maud (m Oilman 14 Ellis, Lynn, Mass Marcoux, Oliver stone mason Sadie (Marshall ho Mary L Rose A Oscar L R R ser Henry A R R ser Phebe S Edward J pi Jennie M pi Marsh, M A sum res Union 727 Park Ave, N Y Mary K (Kim ball ho Dorothy K stu Kimball K pi Mary E K pi Marshall, Frank R R ser Phoebe M (Pauliot Frank J lab Marshall, Frank lab Phoebe J (Littlefield Samuel E Louis F Arthur W Mathews, John W retd No I Emma (m Trott *Mary I (m Hackett W Peabody, Mass Fannie (Welch ho May, Hustin mer Catherine (Durgin ho Charles H pi McCrillis, Frank G eng Sarah E (McCrillis Ora F R R ser Harry H R R ser Marion A stu McDonald, Malcolm R R ser Amanda D (Crockett Florence B (m Davis *Mary E(m Ward Madison Christy G (m Miller Milton Effle M (m Trott Elsie E (m Plant Malcolm J fireman *Alonzo M mill op Gilmanton Iron Works *McDonald, Arthur W lab John A lab Carroll W lab Scott W pi Meader, Lyman fireman No Almeda (Hall Florence M pi Merrill, Asa far Union Susan S (Randall ho Merrows, Millett W far Union EttaR(Rhines ho Menard, Felix lab Adeline (Theoret Menard, Edmond R R ser Ethel M (Fellows Caswell Meserve, J H far Woodmans CENSUS 209 Emma E (Fall *Herbert E mill op Wolfborough Clarence O far Leon E pi Miller, Daniel W lab Abbie E (Rand Olga M pi Samuel R Milliken, Sarah E (Hill Alice C insurance Mills, Fred W R R ser Annie L (Eaton Ralph S pi Agnes B pi Clara M Mitchell, Harriet L (Sampson ho Union *Mabel L (m Ham Leighton's Corner Hattie M ho Mitchell, Lydia S (Stevens ho Union *Edward C bank watch Roslindale, Mass Monnahan, Frank T Union brass foundry op Minnie D (Lover ho Monson, Geo W Union supt brass works Clara B (Hamlin ho Roger H pi Ruth M Moody, Harry A phy & sur Mildred L (Libby Morrison, Chas L R R ser Minnie (Savage ho Marion R pi Moulton, H far San'ville Mary E (Thompson ho Sarah N (m Roberts *Geo H meat market 67 Hancock, Boston, Mass Moulton, Ella E (Hamlin ho Union Moulton, Isaac C far San'ville Murch, H A postal cl May E (Hill ho Dorothy L N Nasou, Lucinda F (Thorn *Eva L (m Hill No Fryeburg, Me *Fred E elec South Easton, Mass Adda M (m Spinney Almond E far Cora M (m Remick Elsa I ho Nason, Almond lab Nancy J (Streeter Willis L pi Lucinda A Fred H Nason, Horace B overseer of Homestead 210 WAKEFIELD *Frank W far Freedom *Rosie E (m Giles Eaton Clara P (Cole ho Nason, Sudan A Nealey, Henry lab Henry ptr *B P R R ser Bartlett *Charlie 8 s op Milton Mary L Nellie (m York *Alice A mill op Leeds, Mass Nealley, Henry L ptr Elsie N (Nichols Donald H Nelbert, Blanchet lab Alson (Simon Alice pi Eva pi Catherine Leo Nevens, Augusta (Farnham H Mills Lloyd E elec *Clarence E chaffeur Newton Upper Falls, Mass Llewellyn F lab Newling, Chas H R R ser Etta M (Straw ho Seth E pi Earl H pi Carrol pi Nichols, Sarah W (Lane ho Wm H R R ser Elsie N (Nealley Lorenzo D R R ser Nute, Eli barber Elvira A (Johnson Edna M ho *E E s s op 4 High, Derry Myrtle B (m Wentworth Nute, Frank W team Union Lilla E (Bartlett ho Nute, Fred S mill op Union Josephine A (Pike ho Nutter, Chas A far San'vlle Nutter, Carrie C ho San'vlle Nutter, John W far Union O far Obrien, Levi Mattie E (Look O'Connell, John boss carder Union Edith L (Evans ho Elizabeth pi Arthur pi Eugene J Ouellette, Armond lab Lydia (Lamontagne Page, Chas W far San'vlle Mary A (Chapman ho Laura G tr Myra L tr CENSUS 211 Josephine W tr Patch, Frank H lab Union Paul, Almira ho San'vlle Paul, Arthur H postal cl Annie H (Nairn ho Edward A stu Joseph N stu Chesley A stu Arthur H pi Samuel H pi Louise M pi Caroline N pi Paul, Mary P (Copp *Martha P (m Sawyer 58 Forest Ave, Bangor, Me *KateP(m Chesley 1 So State, Concord *Amasa C law Minneapolis, Minn Arthur H postal cl Henry A sta agt *Mary P (m Brown 197 Lafayette, Salem, Mass Richard law Minneapolis, Minn Paul, Henry A sta agt Nancy L (Libby Margaret P pi Katherine L Peron, Theodore lab Delphine (Belanger Delia Alice Dianna Perkins, Samuel Jr lab Union Bridget L (McNamara ho James A pi Stanley A pi Eva M pi Perkins, Henry M far East Daisy H (Hayes Peterson, W F Union Hotel Union Lula A (Albin ho Pettengill, Victor C far Amanda M (Francis *C E car Brockton, Mass Herbert A far Asa E pi Pickering, B F R R ser Nettie L (Sanborn Bertha E stu Frank M stu Pike, Mary E (Miller San'vlle Edith M pi Marion pi Susan H pi Esther pi Dorothy pi Grace E Arthur L Raymond E Pike, Henry A mas Union William H printer N Y Bertha M (m Nute *Laiayette mill op NT *Harry mill op NY Lillian pi NY 212 WAKEFIELD Pike, Robert A retd hotel kpr Union Pike, John W mer Union Eva B (Thurston ho Helen E pi Pike, Edwin L far No Belle M (Wentworth Roland E pi Ruby pi Myra B Mildred C Lester E Pike, Winthrop J R R ser Augusta (Tibbetts Maud W s s op Alice G s s op Scott W R R ser Bernice H stu Violet N stu Forest S pi Pillsbury, Sarah C( Johnson ho Union *Clara E (m Jenness Washington, D C *Walter H saw mill & lum S West City, Mo *J W real estate & ins Dewitt, Neb Annie M (m Hall Pinkbam, Josie L ho Union Piper, Geo F retd Mary E (Jenness Idella M (m Garland Pipin, Victor R R ser Union Susan (Thibedeau Fred L mill op Annie L weaver Victor C mill op *Emma M (m Doyle Roch Franklin J mill op Louisa R ho Pitts, Herbert butcher Union Josephine (Adams ho Place, Percy mill op Union Freena C (Lover ho Arleen C Paulette, Edward car Phoebe (m Languay *Edward s s op M Mills Prescott, John W Union P M & news dlr Adelaide (Jewett ho Quimby, J W retd eng Union Ella A (Wentworth ho *Dora J (m Sanborn dr mkr Acton, Me Forest G lab Quimby, Forest G lab Union Carrie E (Piukham ho Quimby, Frank H car Union Mary A (Varney ho Quimby, Daniel retd Kesiah (Quimby *Ella (m Davis E Lebanon, Me CENSUS 213 R Robinson, Albert Am Ex & station agt Clara E (Davis Agnes W pi Robinson, David stable Rosie A (Leville ho Delia E Frank Robinson, Samuel M R R ser Annie J (Keating ho Daniel pi Annie J pi Robinson, Samuel M R R ser *Mary M (m Floyd 52 Addison, Chelsea, Mass *Ella L (m Morgan 52 Addison, Chelsea, Mass Rogers, Lillian S (Sanborn Herbert S stu Wm N etu Eleanor A stu Walter E pi Vincent D pi Roles, Laura A (Dore East *Lucy M (m Wilkinson Moultonville Nellie E ho Arthur A R R ser Rollins, J A far Woodmans Sarah J (Ballard ho *Ethel N (m Aredision 195 Salem, Medford, Mass Rowell, Frances A (Hemingway Union *Chas cl Emery's Mills, Me *Alonzo ranch Beck with, Cal Julia (m Lord Runnells, Alvah far Union May blk San'ville *Francena (m Trefethen Dover *Ellen H (m M Mills Samuel blk *Abraham L team Ossipee *Hannah (m Home N Con way Runnells, Samuel blk Union Mary R (Harriman ho Elizabeth F Martha P Runuells, Jay blk San'vlle Emma F (Fellows ho *Sabra M saleslady 273 Appleton, Lowell, Mass *Edith (m Blaisdell Somersworth *Martha C (m Kennerson 58 Summer, Roch Russell, Irving team Union Rena (Wheeler ho Clyde Rand, Sarah A (Drown ho *Irving H far & car 42 Beanson, Laconia *J P plumber Meredith 214 WAKEFIELD Lucilla F (m Thyng 164 Pleasant, Laconia Eva A (m Miller Randall, Earl F pi San'ville Reed, Edwin S mill op Union Inez M (Dicey ho Florence D ho Arthur G pi John B pi Iva M pi Maud M pi Hazel G pi Theodore E Reed, Elmer E lab East Cora J (Martin ho Lillian M pi Remick, Alonzo M con & bldr Hattie M (Maleham Rachel H pi Helen M pi Mark A pi Remick, Ellen S (Young Chas E car & bldr Ruth A *Ella M (m 41 Johnson, Lynn, Mass *Ariel L (in Huse 112 Violet, Lynn, Mass *0tis D blk Centerville *Mame S ho 37 Summer, Dover Remick, Cora A (Mason ho WmA Remick, Crosby hotel 8anborn House Ada (m Brackett Remy, Louis P lab Union Mamie E (Lover ho RoseE Rice, Ivory F R R ser Edwina J (m Cheney *Irving D eng 59 4th, Dover Laura Y (m Brown *Lizzie L (m Frazer 396 No Hampton, Boston, Mass Richards, Esther A pi Union Richards, Mabel L ho Union Richards, Kesiah (Quimby Ida (m Cook Lena G ho Mabel L ho Ethel M (m Libbey Walter W far Edna B stu Richardson, A M Prov Lk Ellen A ho *Helena M (m Fritz Mexico Edith A ho & nurse Leontine A ho Ricker, John R far San'vlle 2 Fred R far *Iona L (m Archibald Worcester, Mass *C E cook Lemon, S Dak CENSUS 215 *C A lab Palmer, N Y Ricker, Fred R far San'vlle Bertha E (Allen ho Rines, Samuel H far & miner Prov Lk Nettie M (m Cotton Pittsfield 'Georgia (m Leighton Farm Warren H far *Geo W s s op Derry *Ida P (m Beacher Roch Ripley, Julia (Sturgis ho Walter S teleg op Union Ripley, W S teleg op Union Clifford pi Roberts, John S far Sarah M (m Moulton Samuel W Roberts, Sam W phy & sur Elizabeth (Smith *Mary E (m Knox 12 Creighton, Providence, R I John S far Sanborn, Julia A (Pierce ho *flattie P (m Burnham Freedom Sanborn, Minnie A (Wiggin Ansel N stu Sanboru, L M real est agt Wilbur F far Sanborn, Dora E (Golden ho Hermon H printer *R E mill op Bristol Sanborn, W M asst supt B & M Clara H (Fernald *Harry B elec 86 Partridge Ave, Winter Hill, Mass Maud F ho Sanborn, C T supt schools Charlotte H (Osgood Sanborn, L ho Union Sanger, John S lab Union Jessie M (Kimball ho Sawyer, Lucy M (Bickford Sawyer, Wm S R R ser *Lillian (m Hunter No Conway *Leo A stone cutter No Conway Mary E (Pierce ho Scott, Ernest E sta agt Senart, B J far Woodmans Eliza H (Welch Mary F pi Seymour, Edward D far Ellen F (Proctor ho Sharp, Frank mill op Shea, Joseph F team East Inez F (Kimball ho Herbert J pi Walter R Shortridgn, E D team No 216 WAKEFIELD Alice J (Thompson Gladys F pi Fannie M pi Shorey, Fred B far East Georgia A (Roberts ho Maud E tr H Herbert R R ser Sibley, Fred D R R ser Sarah A (Longley ho Sibley, Ernest R coal & wood Ethel R (Richards Hazel R Sibley, Emma B (Buzzell ho Sau'vlle 2 *Cora E (m DeShon Everett, Mass *Nellie (m Jewett M Mills Forest F far *EdnaM(m Norway, Me *Ida F (m Page M^Milln Fred D coal & wood Ernest R lab Sibley, F F far San'vlle 2 L Mabel (Cloutman ho Smith, A J far Woodmans Willie H far *Andrew far Parsonsfield, Mass Harry pi Smith, W H far Woodmans Mary G (Smith ho *Harrv pi Shapleigh, Me ChasH Smith, Blanche E pi Woodmans Smith, G M R R ser Ruth A (Smith Spiller, R O far San'vlle 1 Jennie M (Palmer ho Spinney, Chas H mach Clara M (Darling *Chas H mach Wakefield, Mass Harold H pi Fannie M pi Leola C Spinney, Geo M car Addie M (Nason ho Chester A stu Spinney, Mary A (Farnham San'vlle 2 William A blk & far Geo M car Stevens, Calvert R far East Delia J (Benson *Caddie M (m Heath Woodmans Gertrude A asst P M *Roscoe J Manatee, Fla artesian bottling works Ralph W far Percy C baggage master Gladys E pi Stevens, Ralph W lar East Helen R ( Weeks ho Philip L Stevens, Frank L cl Union CENSUS 217 Myrtle J (Johnson ho Maurice L Richard R Stevens, Henry D car Union Bertha K (Runnells ho Robert W pi Samuel R pi Stevens, John G far Union Harriet A (Moulton ho *Harriet M (m 19 W 84th, N Y J A phy & sur Stevens, J A phy & sur Union Jennie L (McDonald ho Stevens, E W R R ser Lizzie A (Glidden ho Guy W pi Lloyd E pi Stone, Edgar L car Mary E (Maghan Stone, Anna E (Reed ho Woodmans N A (m Wyman ho Streeter, Wm H lab St Pierre, Andre lab Aurelie (Vigneault Lillian E Armond Joseph A Sweet, Chas fore Union Annie J (Stevens ho Mary L pi Swett, Lydia E (Drown Mertie M ( m Deware Marion G (m Eastman Fred D pi Swift, Arthur J team Union Maud R (Morse ho Harrison I pi Mabel A pi Taft, A L far & mfg Union Nellie W (Dunham ho *C May (m Brackett N Conway Leroy C stu Isabelle pi Tanner, H E car Mary A (Chase ho Eva M ho Geo L R R ser Marion L ho Stanley C lab Chas E pi Consuelo pi Patrick J pi Elenora T pi Audrey A pi Hughi'e C Tarbox, Miriam G (Haley ho Nettie H (m Watson Taylor, Abbie (Colbath Thompson, Geo R R ser Thurston, Lillian M ho Union Tibbetts, Emily J (Roberts Fred eng 218 WAKEFIELD HC mer *Charles A R R con Worcester, Mass *F L jeweler Somersworth *Susie (m Seavey 8 Langdon, Portsmouth *Imogene (m Lock 8 Langdon, Portsmouth Tibbetts, Fred eng Lucy P (Maleham Willis F stu Benj F pi Tibbetts, E J sta agt & mer No Susie L (Weeks Dorothy L pi Louis E Tibbetts, Eliza A (Avery No Everett J mer Titcomb, John F far So *Frank C mech Hyde Park, Mass *Chas D dentist Boston, Mass Gertrude H (m Lewis *Carrie B (m Thayer Hyde Park, Mass Abbie M (Morse ho Leon H lab Towle, Wm far & retd soldier Prov Lk Mary A E (Dustin ho Chas E far *Augusta(m Gordon Mass *Carrie (m Bryant Mass Towle, Chas E far Prov Lk Bertha (Staples ho Annie M pi William pi Infant Tozier, Edw E team Marietta (McCallin ho Granville team Walter M pi Trafton, R B barber Union Iva M (Ham ho Roger H pi Dorothy S pi Nellie A pi Norman E Esther M Catherine H Trafton, A R mill op Union Bertha M (Lord ho Blanche E Trafton, C J mill op Union Trask, Joseph E far Augusta F (Wallace ho Trask, Carrie F ho Trott, Leander M mer Trufant, Herbert H tr Grace E (Towle Tucker, Jas F R R ser Mary F ( Bracket t *Chas H cl 44 Cambridge, Boston, Mass Grover C R R ser James C stu CENSUS 219 Willard pl Morris A pl Willis F pl Harris W pl Mary E Tufts, FrankS^ lab San'vlle Fannie L (Thompson ho Verlie E ChasF Tufts, Carrie E (Wyatt San'vlle Frank J lab Tuttle, Daniel N far R F D 1 Ora F (Tibbetts *John C car 11 Herrick, Beverly, Mass Florence E ho Fred L lab Dana C stu Manora stu Abbie F pl Irvin D pl Twombley, Nelson F ptr Charlotte G Emma E (Burleigh ho Twombley H A far East Laura A (Roles ho Varney, L N fireman Union Grace F (Pinkham ho Ralph G pl Roy J Harold H Varney, Elmira S (Clark Union *0rin eng Mexico City Albion F far * Alfred C s s op Farm *Geo G s s op E Roch John F ptr Varney, John F ptr Union Nancy M (Prescott ho *Chas C lab Roch Guy G lab Harry H pl Velleubar, Obed lab Emma (Varsell Eva L Lena Vigneault, Maria W Wadleigh, F F far Union Mary J (Gilmore ho J Elijah etu Francis G stu Charlotte K stu Helen E pl Walch, Geo L far San'vlle 2 Carrie M (Briggs ho Earl L pl Charles B pl Ralph W Waldron, L G motorman sum res, Cambridge, Mass 220 WAKEFIELD Cora E (Lemon ho GL Waldron, T B mill op Mattie A (Lewis Waldron, Chas D mer Woodmans May F (Philbrick ho Roger H pi Sarah H pi Louise N Waldron, J D far Woodmans Anna E (Stone ho *J D Jr mach Lynn, Mass Hiram E blk T Bertwell millman Waldron, H B pi Woodmans Walker, O B moulder Union A M (Lamb ho Ernest B tr Walker, Ernest B tr Union Myrtle A (Allen ho & tr Wallace, Augusta F (Wentworth *Wilfred F printer Haverhill, Mass Watson, John M mill op Nettie H (Tarbox Webb, Frederick cl Clara H (Hutchinson Evelyn H pi F Theodore Dorothy V Webster, Arthur far Webster, A A lab San'vlle Weeks, Orra E (Fernald Aim on F far Weeks, S far Susie B (Proctor ho Weeks, Elizabeth (Moulton Union Weeks, Wm G team East Millie C (Robinson Guy B pi Alice M pi Irene J Weeks, N O East far, grain dlr & P M Gertrude E ho Helen R (m Stevens Harriet J ho Raymond A lab Rufus J pi Arthur A pi Wentworth, Gilbert Y Union brass works Nellie E (Chadbourne ho Edward L pi Wentworth, Mary F (Hurd Union *Mary M (m Pike Mer ri mack Gilbert B mill op John P jeweler Wentworth, J P jeweler Union Wentworth, Abbie C H (Hurd Union Belle H P cl Wentworth, Fred S car Union CENSUS 221 Delia M (Barker ho Carrie S stu Herbert B pi DS pi Harold F pi Ernest E Wentworth, Chas E Union liv & sale stable Clara L (Place ho Roscoe C pi Robert J pi Homer R pi Gladys M pi Ruth L pi Lucile Wentworth, Edw H far Lydia M (Corson Belle M (m Pike Wentworth, Madison far Alice (Looney Austin far Perley far *Adeline cl Somerville, Mass Wentworth, Ruth J (Seward ho Union Ella A (m Quimby Wentworth, Samuel G far Sarah J (Roberts ho *Oscar E s s op Ipswich, Mass Wentworth, Oria H far Woodmans Mary A (Leonard ho *Vivian milliner 365 Mass Ave, Boston, Mass Harry D far Wentworth, Harry D far Woodmans Lena A (A very ho & tr Everett Wentworth, Olive J (Farnham No Adrien T team Wentworth, Henry ptr Mabel (Heath Wentworth, Phyla (Jones ho *Mary L (m Towle E Madison Wesley, Chas W far Florence E (Fletcher ho Wheeler, Edward J far East Lillian A (Pierce ho Clarence J stu Florence A pi White, Allen R R ser Isabelle M (Colbath W Leroy pi Whiting, H L East Davis Ho & liv stable Georgia E (Barton *Nettie (m Morse 33 Summer, Waterville, Me Wiggin, Sarah E (Burleigh Union Edwin O R R ser *Everett B mill op *Susie E (m Badger 222 WAKEFIELD 20 Judson, Roxbury, Mass Wiggin, E O R R ser Union Margaret L ( ho Ralph E stu Wiggin, L A hostler Union Wiggin, John W lab Union Mary A (Elliott ho Albert W lab Barry L lab Perley E s s op Roscoe A s s op Lelia S ho Austin C pi Maurice E pi Wiggin, Albert W lab Union Alice A (McMullen ho Minnie F Wiggin, W E loom fix Union Laura E (Fox ho Stanley L Wiggin, F J far & team So Augusta C (Farnham ho *A C Rep Scrauton College 20 Austin, Portsmouth *Mildred E 8 s op 42 Friend, Lynn, Mass *Harvey F team M Mills Wiggin, Luther E lum dlr So Carrie E (Wentworth ho Margaret pi Walter W pi Wiggin, Charlotte (Nason *Marion W (m B re water Auburndale, Mass Henry L far *Aunie M (m Christie 9 Silver, Dover Wiggin, Alvah A R R ser Etta M (Taylor ho Alvah T pi Wiggin, Harry L lab San'vlle Mabel E (Drown Harry R pi Raymond W Leroy C Wiggin, Mary (Rines *Idella (m Corson Union Minnie A (m Sanborn *Eldora (m Elliott 101 Church, Laconia Chas W car & far Sibyl (m Lord Wilcox, W B far Wilkins, H W team II Mills Mary B (Hutchins ho Edna A ho Arthur W pi Wilkins, Wesley J clerg Annie L (Lincoln Willey, W H far Sau'vlle 2 *Annie M (m Gerry Sanford, Me M J (Folsom ho Cortez W far Abbie S tr Edward F R R ser Joseph A C far L Alice stu CENSUS 1 223 Willey, John D far San'vlle 2 Olivia P (DeMerritt ho Clarence D far *Addie G (m Chase Milton Gertrude H stu John A stu Edward C stu Martha A pi Willey, Edwin E far Union Sarah F (Woodman ho Ellen E (m Hill Mary B pi Willey, Chas H retd Ella F (Hidden Williams, Maria (Tate ho *Ernest E rest Nashua *Edson M team Marshfield Hill, Mass *Irene M manicure 1022 Stale, Erie, Pa Albert F pi Wilson, W J mill op Union Edith M (Hall ho Wilson, Silas C far So *N S agt Braintree, Mass *Grace W (m Twiss Boston, Mass Lizzie E (Morse ho Wishart, Elsie M pi Wood, F E upholsterer East Clara E( Hill ho Mary E Wood, Fred I far, car & P M Prov Lk Grace L (Wentworth ho & asst P M Annie L pi Woodman, Frank E far Woodmans Maud M (Johnson bo Herman E cl Harry E lab Clayton R pi Kenneth A pi Kintland C pi Bessie Woodman, F W lab Union Lavona (Drew ho Jessie pi Woodman. Sarah A (Leigh ton ho Woodmans Ella E (m Leighton *Chas E Somerville, Mass Lillian E P & ho Woodman, Sarah F (Patch ho Union Alphonzo mill op Wright, Hannah Yeaton, Mary A (Swasey Yeaton, Susan R (Coggins ho H Mills Edward P far Yeaton, Geo E far San'ville Ruth G (Garland ho Yeaton, Wm A eng 224 WAKEFIELD Lottie M (Palmer Lena A Clarence P pi Helen D pi York, Fred ice man Nellie (m York ho Aldric pi Yost, Rev Jesse J No Mona L (Luttenbacker Young:, G Aaron far Celia( Lilly Young, Jas C blk Samuel K pi Hattie L (Fellows-Young Alden N UNION HOTEL W. S. PETERSON, Prop. Rates, $2.00 per day, special terms by the week Telephone Connections Union, N. H. ISAAC L. LORD LIVER* AND FEED STABLE Auto service to passengers. Pleasure parties driven Call and see us MAIN STREET UNION, N. H. CHAS. E. HEATH General Blacksmithing a specialty, Repairing and Woodwork NORTH MAIN STREET UNION NEW HAMPSHIRE Census of tDiddleton NOTE Where no post office address is given Middleton is understood. Other post offices are abbreviated thus: Wake- field Wake; Rochester Roch; Sanbornville San'vlle. R. F. D. routes are designated by the number of the route. B Babb, Hazel pi Union 1 Bickford, J C retd soldier Union Maria B (Sumner ho Boody, Rebecca W (Chamberlain ho Union Chas S far Boody, Chas S far Union Eunice (j (Moulton ho Brackett, H E lab Union Brown, H B mill man Union 1 William U pi Bradford Burrows, Betsey (Witham ho Union *Matilda (m Murphy ho David far Lilla (m Stevens Burrows, David far Union Mina (Pinkham ho Carl laborer Agnes pi Bessie pi Ruth Burrows, David P pi Union C Chapman, W A far Union 1 . Chas L far Jessie M ho Joseph B pi Robert L pi Sarah M pi Eliza pi Cook, Mary E (Furber ho Union 1 Cook, Geo H far Union 1 Cook, Lucy A (Hill Union 1 Fred R far & R M C Helen M (m Leigh ton Cook, Edwin mill op Union 1 Eunice M (Jones ho Clarence E ChasL Cook, MaryE (Home Union 1 Annie A ho Corlin, Frank J sawyer Union 226 MIDDLETON D Dame. F A (Philbrook Union Daniel E cl Dame, Daniel E cl Union Daniel pi Delma E pi Davis, Elizabeth (Colbath Farm Davis, Geo S far Farm Davis, M H far & lum Union 1 Eva J (Gale ho Downs, Isabelle (Ellis Union *Florence P (m Roch *Alice M (m Lover Milton Downing, L H far Union 1 Rosella P (Hartford ho Drake, Nellie E (Littlefleld ho Union 1 Drawbridge, Geo D Union 1 far, ptr & paper hgr Abigail (Littlefield ho *Mary A (m Desper Worcester, Mass *Geo N plumber Holden, Mass Robert W Cong clerg Pepperell, Mass * Ed ward F tel inspector Brookline, Mass Drew, Benj N far Union 1 Annie E (Maloney ho Drew, Wesley far Union 1 Drew, Ellsworth Union 1 far & mill man Flora M ( Bryant ho Lucinda M pi Robert B Drew, Horace C far Union 1 Maggie E (Walker ho Lizzie S (m Leighton Edwin C far William D far Clifton H far Clifford T far John J pi Eastman, Chas F far Union 1 Mary A (Tufts Eastman, H far Union 1 Ruth A (Tufts ho Emery, Lester lab Union Emery, Geo E night watch Union AddieS(Tibbetts ho F Foss, Hat tie C (Varney Union Mary B pi Roscoe H pi G Garland, Alice (Parker-Miller ho Union CENSUS 227 *Gertrude C (m Rhoades Oxford, Mass George, Frank G far Union 1 Martha B (Kimball ho Gerrish, Abbie B ho Union Gerrish, Ruth B (Stevens ho Union H Hanson, Wm F mill op Union Hoitt, Joseph lab Union 1 Home, J E far Union 1 *Gladys M (m Cousin Lynn, Mass *Harry E team Dover *Mary (m Home Dover *George s e op Dover J Jones, Addie L (Lane Union Addie M dr mkr K Kelley, A B far & lumberman Union 1 Chester A mill man & far Keyes, Everett F far Union 1 Cora L ho Bessie I (m Knowles Kimball, Martha B (Ham ho Union *0 F lumberman Farm Geo W far *Samuel W s s op Farm Annie dress maker Kimball, Geo W far Union Eliza S (Hanscom ho *0scar F R R ser San 'vile Alice P (m Joy Geo B mill op Lester E pi Elmer B pi Villa L pi Knowles, Chas far Union Bessie I (Keyes ho M Helen pi J Franklin pi Lane, America car Union Eliza A (Furber ho Addie L (rn Jones Lawrence, S A far & butcher Union 1 Annie A (Miller ho *Annie V (m Bradford Cambridge, Mass Helen P tr Leighton, Chas H far Union Walter F car & far ChasL (ar Lucy A (Drew ho James P far Effie A (m Young 228 MIDDLETON FredL Oscar W Grace M Leighton, W F mill & far lab stu car & far Union Elizabeth S (Drew ho Walter E pi Maggie E pi Delwin H pi Annie I pi Presto F pi William T pi Mad aline G pi Violet M Leighton, J P far Union 1 Etta M (Young ho Maud M ho Fred R pi Leighton, Fred L far Union 1 Helen M (Cook ho Leighton, Chas L far Union 1 Olivette T (Piggott ho Lougee, Mary A,( Parsons ho Union 1 * William T salesman 57 Tufts, E Somerville, Mass M Merrow, M W far & team Union 1 Etta M (m Hartford Geo I lab Ethel (Rines ho Miller, Annie A (Home ho Union 1 *J B far Springvale, Me Alice M (m Shapleigh Moore, James D far Union 1 *01ive B stenog Roch Janette M ho Fidelia A (Dame ho Moore, Albert C far Union Emma E ho Lydia A ho Eli S far Moore, Eli S far Union Ethel I (Wentworth ho Myrtle I pi Gladys S pi N Nutter, John N far Union Aunie J (Singerland ho O Orne, Frederick far Union 1 *Chas W tailor Roch Mattie E (Ay ere ho Perkins, Willie mach Union Eliza pi Perkins, Samuel far Union 1 *George mill op Wolfborough CENSUS 229 Abbie (Goodwin ho Willie mach Salmon Falls Samuel far Walter lab S Wolfboro Arthur Wolfboro Harry sawyer Wake Pike, James D far Union Susan L (Cloutman ho Frank A far Effingham Alva B New York fore Vienna Oneida Co Alta S s s op Pike, Eliza A (Witham Union Pinkham, Geo E far Union 1 Etta L (Brown Mina (m Burrows Carrie L (m Quimby Wake Willard team Alton Grace (m Varney Wake Herbert P team Josie ho Place, William B far Union Lydia A (Whitehouse ho Carrie L (m Went worth Amanda E (mPike Farm Inez (m Wiggin Farm John M elec 65 Commercial, W Lynn, Mass Percy mill op Eva M s 8 op Farm Dean A s s op Farm R Roberts, W A far Union 1 Roberts, Edwin E far Union 1 Charlotte E (Jones ho Sanders, Sadie F ho Union Shapleigh, Geo H far Union Shapleigh, F U S ser Union 1 Alice M (Miller-Garland Sheehan, Thomas lab Union Simonds, Hannah W (Stevens ho Union *A W eng Denver, Colo Adelaide S (m Emery Lenora E (m Piper Boston, Mass Mary A s s op *Geo H s s op Denver, Col Slingerland, Annie J (Battersby ho Union Wm L brass moulder Stevens, Alvah J far Union 1 Lilla P (Burrows ho Stevens, Albert M far Union Bernice M (m Tufts ho Walter A pi Margaret E pi Alberta J pi Melvin E pi Herbert J Sidney A 230 MIDDLETON Arthur L Stevens, Thomas J far Union *Roekwell s s op Farm Byron H far *Thomas J far Lee Henry D car M E (m Grew Stevens, Byron H far Union Louisa M (Webber ho Geo W John I Stevens, Hiram S Union sec hand & town cl Hattie B (Ross ho Roland R pi Eva pi Tibbitts, Leander far Union 1 * Frank team Alton Tibbitts, Addie S (Simouds ho Union *Maud M (m Hartford Lebanon Tibbitts, Bert lab Union Lillian B (Tuttle ho Harold L Tibbitts, F W mill op Union Myrtle E (Thurstou ho Verna M Hattie F Tinkham, Orin far Union 1 Tut'ts, Geo J far Union 1 Emma F (Whitehouse ho Beruice M (in Stevens Leon G mill op *Clara M (m Smith Boston, Mass *Ruth E (m Hartfield Farm James R lab John D lab Nellie V pi Agnes E pi Blanche E pi Tufts, J W far Union 1 Hattie C (Foss ho Franklin I far Herbert G far Ransom L pi Moses D pi Tufts, Leon G mill op Union Addie M (Kimball ho Clyde L pi George D Grace T Twombley, EP far Union 1 Mary E (Home ho *Samuel baggage master Danvers, Mass W Walker, Annie A (Willey ho Union 1 Chas R far *Leiia G (m Perkins Wake CENSUS 231 Wentworth, J H far Union 1 Martha A (Perkins ho *Bessie E (m Clout man Farm Joseph D lab Whitehouse, Harvey J far Union R F D Isabelle, (Downs ho Harvey J Jr pi Ethel B pi Ernest F pi Abbie E pi Whitehouse, C W far Union 1 Iva B stu Whitehouse, Emma A (York ho Union 1 Chas W" far *Addie E (m Knox Farm *LizzieS(m Wallace Dover *NellieM (m Morrill Farm *Albert R R ser Alton *Lena F (m Hall Roch Whitehouse, Eliza H (Col bath ho Union 1 Ellen D (m Stevens Willey, Cyrus D far Union 1 Addie S (Babb ho Willey, B far Union 1 Jennie M (Kenison ho Willey, Jonas D far Union 1 Abbie (Home ho *Geo H hotel proprietor Newmarket *Carrie E (in Kim ball Milton Young, Mary A (Lougee ho Union 1 Young, John H far Union 1 Etta M (m Leightou ho Lewis F far Young, Lewis F far Union 1 Effie A (Leighton ho Perley L pi EliS L. C. HAYES MAPLE WOOD FARM Pure Milk, Wholesale and Retail. Milk Route to South Milton NORTH ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS N. H. DAVID E. RAND Harness Repairing a specialty. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Repaired. Expert Saw Filing. Rubber Soles and Heels at- tached, all work promptly attended to. CENTRAL STREET FARMINQTON, N. H. WILSON HOUSE D. D. SHEEHAN, Prop. Special attention given to Traveling Men Sample Room and Livery Connected RATES &2.OO PER DAY GEO. A. JACKSON Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Repaired in a first class manner Rubber Heels attached on short notice flAIN STREET FARMINQTON, N. H. Census of Bnookfield NOTE Where no post office address is given Brookfield is understood. Other post offices are abbreviated thus: San- bonville San'vlle; Milton Mills M Mills. R. F. D. routes are designated by the number of the route. Allen, Samuel M mas & far San'vlle 1 Emma F (Cummings *Cora (m Colomy M Mills *Herbert A mason 148 Main, Roch *Harry G fireman Milton Bertha E (m Ricker 'Chester mill op S Wolfborough mill op M Mills mason Fred L pi Atkins, Joseph R retd *Zaccheus R R R con 1421 S Clarkson, Denver, Col Lauretta (m Gate Martha J elocutionist & writer Sarah M Philip M B Boston, J W far Susan A (Drew San'vlle 1 CoraE Nathan W George H Willie F AsaF Arthur G EvaM Brown, Langdou D ho far far far far far stu mill & far San'vlle 1 Lucy A (West *Lilla M (m Weymouth 1(W Haverhill, Lawrence, Mass *Minuie ho 5 Douglass Ct, Rochester Retta E (in Towle Dover ,Anna E stu Mary E pi *Gusta E ho Dover 1 Brown, E L far San'vlle 1 Susan E (Willey Grover C lab Lillian M (m West Brown, G C lab San'vlle 1 Emma (Huntress 234 BROOKFIELD Burleigh, Angie San'vlle 1 Burroughs, H far San'vlle 1 Grace M (m Maleham *Abbie Lawrence, Mass Mercy (Kimball ho Dana pi Roy Howard Warren pi Campbell, Walter mill op San'vlle 1 Guy F lab Lena E ho Campbell, Walter lab Carrie (Ellis ho Flossie Forest Chadwick, J ohn T San'vlle 1 Church, Guy lab San'vlle 1 Alice M ( Emerson Randolph E Churchill, Chas tr & far Churchill, Chas J San'vlle 1 Ethel G (Burhoe Frederick W Ethelda Churchill, T L retd San'vlle 1 *Azelia C (m Lucas Derry *C E retd Lawrence, Mass *Herbert H horse dlr Medford, Mass *Annette E (m Saunders 249 Broadway, S Lawrence, Mass Sadie L ho Lester Nancy M (Seward ho Chas J horseman Churchill, LL far San'vlle 1 Harriet F (Ferguson Guy L far Gladys F stu Churchill, Mrs Sadie L nurse San'vlle 1 Jewell M pi Clark, J C far San'vlle 1 Charles E far Clark, Charles San'vlle 1 Ella (Willand James E far Colman, Wilson speculator Helen P (Chamberlain Colman, Rev Charles Mary E ho Henry postal cl Wilson *Leon C tr 27 Burrough, Jamacia Plains, Mass Colman, Henry postal cl San'vlle 1 Harriet S (Ford Colman, D C far San'vlle 1 Cook, G H car&far San'vlle 1 Cook, James L far San'vlle 1 CENSUS 235 Ida (Richards ho Cook, Sarah (Gage San' vile I *Mary (m Hodgdon Boston, Mass James L far Gilbert H far Gate, Geo A retd San 'vile 1 Gate, C F retd San Vile 1 Lauretta A (Atkins Gate, Harry W far San'vlle 1 Aimee (Beaugez Raymond K pi Bernice E pi Vera W pi Dana W pi Norris E pi Myron J pi Evelyn E pi Neal W Cotton, C S far San'vlle 1 Emma S (Nute Marion A pi Clark D pi Sherman C pi Drew, John E lab Lizzie E (Foss Drew, John W far Ada (Thibodeau *John E lab San'vlle Clarence L lab Drew, Abbie San'vlle 1 Drew, Chas lab San'vlle 1 E Eaton, M H far Sau'vlle 1 Florence L (Elkins Forest M Eaton, J C far San'vlle 1 Lois H (Martin Martin H far Eaton, Samuel far San'vlle 1 Mary (Berry Sarah M (m Harmon Etta (m Stevens * Jennie M (m Roberts Dover Plains, N Y *Abbie (m Masur Portsmouth *Ida B (m Mackie Lowell, Mass Seliua (m Adjutant *Albert F mech M Mills Edgcomb, Chas lab San'vlle 1 Ferguson, J H ret San'vlle 1 *Alice (m Bowdon Portland, Me *Nellie (m Wilson Cleveland, Ohio *Augusta insurance Chicago, 111 Hattie (m Churchill 236 BROOKF1ELD Fifield, Chas H stone mason San'vlle 1 H Hackett, John far San'vlle 1 *SamuelS lab Wolfboro *Lester elec Somerville, Maes Albert far Hanson, Chas H far Mary C H (Buzzell *Gertrude L (m Chamber- lin Wolfborough Falls Mabel A (m Lang Sidney I R R ser *Joseph H R R ser 6 Pearl Terrace Somerville, Mass Hattie H (m Cook Hanson, S J R R ser San'vlle 1 Mary T (Johnson Ralph W stu Lottie M ho Hutchins, Betsey (Lyford ho San'vlle 1 Stephen H *Frank mfg excel Wolfborough Falls flutchins, S H far San'vlle 1 Lizzie M (Wentworth Florence E ho John L pi Lang, Mabel (Hanson asst P M Florence M stu Ethel G pi John H pi Lang, Lillian (Cowell San'vlle 1 *Hattie ho Wolfborough Frank far Lang, H L far San'vlle 1 Lang, John E butch & far San'vlle 1 Lizzie (Palmer Wallace far Reuben P stu M Mattson, Otto far San'vlle 1 Johanne M (Hanson Martin G pi Louise J pi Mills, Clara A nurse Sanv'lle 1 Elizabeth A pi N Neal, Chas H far San'vlle 1 Ida F (Rankins ho *Mary S (m Cotton Wolfborough Chas H far Nutt, Elizabeth (Edgecomb San'vlle 1 CENSUS 237 Llewellyn Willie F lab Pi Palmer, Mary E (Blake ho San' vile 1 *Georgie (m Blake Wakefleld Lizzie (m Lang *A B tr Somerville, Mass *E T police Everett, Mass *J T tr Fitchburg, Mass Peavey, H W blk & far *Annie F Wolfborough Falls Lura M ho Albina M (Robar ho Carrie R pi Shirley A Perry, James E San 'vile 1 Pearl D pi Peterson, A far San'vlle 1 Mary (Hanson Clarence A pi Pike, Caleb far San'vlle 1 Lydia (Clow Estella (m Tyler Wolfborough George pi Guy pi Cecil Pike, JC lumber San'vlle 1 Anna (Johnson Piper, Frank ptr & mason San'vlle 1 *Annie cl New York City Plummer, S H far San'vlle 1 Rhines, Elihu hull corn & vegetables Mary E (Dearborn *Gracie M (m Guyger 50 Worcester, Boston, Mass Ellsworth B mill op Fred M ptr Walter F far Union Herbert R lab Bessie K pi Roberts, N H lab San'vlle 1 Robinson, J F far San'vlle 1 Walter L far *Mary A nurse 206 Hingham, Rockland, Mass Rosa ( Hardy- Witham ho Robinson, W far Sanvlle 1 Daisy M (Thompson Sanborn, Elizabeth (Buzzell Walter W far *Caroline J ho Parker House, Boston, Mass Mary ho Sceggel, Arthur L far & car San'vlle 1 238 BROOKFIELD Emma O (Went worth Ellen W pi Roland J Shortridge, Asa A far San'vlle 1 Stevens, W J far San'vlle 1 Laura E (Eaton Viola E (m Brackett *Frank L cl Union *Myrtle E (m Lindsay M Mills Sylvia M (m Hooper Carrie A pi Clara A pi Shortridge, S L far San'vlle 1 Emma F (Clark ho Albert S far Shortridge, A S far San'vlle 1 Grace M (Stevens ho Marjorie G pi Ralph S Skinner, HE pi San'vlle 1 Thomes, C B far San'vlle 1 Emma M (Wentworth Tibbetts, TB far San'vlle 1 Etta J (Hamilton *Bertha A (m Ellis EWake Leon F pi W Wentworth, W R far San'vlle 1 Myrtle B (Nute Albert S pi Reginald E pi Marion E pi Wentworth, J S far San'vlle 1 Mary E (Weeks Sherman Lizzie M (m Hutchins Emma (m Sceggel W r illie R far West, Geo E lab San'vlle 1 Lillian M (Brown Lillian Wey mouth, J F far & car *John team Ossipee Sarah (Brown ho Wiggin, John F far San'vlle 1 Sarah P (Brackett Bertha S *Chas E cl 47 St Peter, Salem, Mass Wiggin, G A far San'vlle 1 Amy F (Ordway Frank H far *Harry F s s op 3 Cornwall, Portsmouth *William P ins 325 Lamartine, Jamacia Plains, Mass Wiggin, Frank H San'vlle 1 CENSUS 239 Mabel A (Pike ho Willey, Chas far San'vlle 1 Mattie A (Willey Bessie N tr C Tracy bus col Leon M pi Willey, JasH far San'vlle 1 Almira F (Shortridge Chas far *Wltham, George 11 elec car Sherman, Canton, Mass *Charles A elec car 700 Randolph Ave, Milton, Mass Woodus, FJ far San'vlle 1 Eliza A (Edgerly Maud E stu Ethel M pi 'H 'N 'S11IIAI juannurj 8ijjoj\[ S3HSINHVA ^ioox ' pur S1IO 'S1NIVJ '3HVMHVH Nl M31V3Q 13INVQ History of tTHddlcton and Bttookfield. EARLY SETTLEMENT The township of Middleton was granted by the Mason- ian proprietors March 21, 1770, and incorporated by the Legislature March 4, 1778. In 1785, the inhabitants of the north part of Middleton and those of a portion of Wolfeborough, attempted to get set off from their respective towns and be incorporated into a separate town. The scheme did not succeed, being strongly opposed by Wolfeborough and the south part of Middleton. In 1794, the matter was again brought before the Leg- islature and the town was divided by an act passed Dec. 30, of that year, the north part being incorporated into a town by the name of Brookfield. The town was settled by men from Rochester and Lee. The following are the names of some of the early settlers of this town. David Varney, Nathaniel Varney, John Drew, Silas Varney, Aaron Drew, Eeze K. Varney, Jonah Keiinis- ton, William Buzzell, Wm. Clark, Job Allard, James Bry- ants, Nathaniel Wentworth, Isaac Drew. Among the early settlers of the town of Brookfield was HISTOKICAL 241 Tabias Hanson a Quaker, he settled near the base of Moose Mountain, and looking around he discovered a cave into which he moved before commencing the erection of his future habitation, and continued to live there during the time it took him to dig and stone his cellar, a part of which was done with split stone, and to erect a house thereon, the main part of which was two stories high, the cellar contained a spring of water which never went dry. That section of Moose Mountain near where he settled is called Hanson Mountain and the cave Tabias' Cave. The house no longer stands and the land through which a stream of water runs has been purchased by some wealthy men of Boston and other places and a dam constructed across it sufficiently large to flow a number of acres of land and a trout pond established. The place is called Mountain Lake Camp, and with what the proprietors have done added to what Nature has done, makes a very attractive place of it. BROOKFIELD TAX LIST 1796. The following names are on the town of Brookfield book showing the inventory on which the taxes were based for the year 1796, many of which must have been among the early settlers. John Tascan, Andrew Drew, Josiah Wiggin, Asa Wiggin, Samuel Wiggin, Benjamin Clay, Jonathan Clay, Charles F. Whitehouse, John Dearborn, David Watson, Joseph Watson, John Roberts, John Palmer, Reuben Han- son, Richard Hanson, Thomas Kinnison, Levi Kinnison, Moses Kinnison, Moses Perkins, Isaiah Perkins, Thomas Chamberlain, James Chamberlain Joseph Ricker, William 242 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD Willey, Samuel Watson, Moses Willey, Daniel Wentworth, William Trickey, Obediah Drew, Tabias Hanson, James Edgerly, Neal Gate, Daniel Delan, Samuel Delan, John Delan William Kent, Timothy Martin, John Giles, Charles Giles, James Burke, Stephen Willey, Turner Willey, Thomas Baker, Ebenezer Kent, Jonathan Delan, Daniel Sawyer, Richard Wentworth, Edmond Horn, Nathan Watson, John Cham- berlain, Waldron Kinnison, John Perkins, Ezekiel Sanborn, Ezekiel Sanborn, Jr., Robert Pike, Joseph Pike, Josiah Rob- inson, Josiah Robinson, Jr., Walter Robinson, Stephen Lyford, John Furnald, Robert Lyford, Joshua Guppy, Capt. Amaly, William Guppy, Turner Whitehouse, Moses White- house, Timothy Johnson, Widow Calder, Robert Calder, Phinehas Johnson, John Willey, Samuel Tebbets, William Tebbets, Dearing Stoddard, John Famaignan, Paul Tuttle, Charles Willey, John Durgin, John Stanton, Charles Stan- ton, John Martin, Obediah Daniels, Reuben Daniels, John Tebbets, Samuel Tebbety, Jr., Joseph Brown, John Weeks, Daniel Horn, Robert Pike, Jr., Reuben Drew, Nathaniel Willey, William Watson, John W. Calder, Michael Sawyer, Jacob Ham, Samuel Satridge, John Tash, Daniel Sawyer, Jr., Jesse Wiggin, William Chamberlain. REPRESENTATIVES IN THE LEGISLATURE FROM BROOKFIELD AND MIDDLETON. 1785, Capt. Francis Mathus, 1788, Nicholas Austin, 1796-1799-1801-1803, Wm. Chamberlain, 1805-1807-1809, Capt. Thos. Chamberlain, 1811, Charles Stanton, 1813, Thos. Chamberlain, 1815, Chas. Stanton, 1817, Thos. HISTORICAL 243 Chamberlain, 1819, Ichabod Richards, 1821-1823, Charles Giles, 1825, Brookfield and Middleton voters met to choose a representative and adjourned to March 1826, 1827-1828, John T. Churchill, 1829-1830, Dudley Pike, 1831-1832, Joseph T. Churchill, 1833, Dudley Pike, 1834, Joseph T. Churchill, 1835-1836, Asa Wiggin, 1837, Loring Stoddard, 1838, John T. Churchill, 1839-1840, Thomas Burley, 1841, William T. Cate, 1842, Noah Robinson, 1843, William T. Gate, ]844, Noah Robinson, 1845, John Hodge, 1846-1847, Joseph Goodhue, 1848, John Hodge, Jr., 1849-1850, John Churchill, 1851, Freeman Chamberlain, 1852-1853, Theopi- lus W. Lyford, 1854, Henry Tibbetts, 1855, Freeman Cham- berlain, 1856-1857, Silas M. Giles, 1858-1859, Ezekiel Pres- cott, 1860-1861, Dearin F. Stoddard, 1862, No Choice, 1863-1864, Dudley C. Colman, 1865-1866, Daniel D.Stevens, 1867-1868, Peter Cook, 1869, William Blake, Jr., 1870, Joshua Neal Cate, 1871, No Choice, 1872-1873, Joseph Pike, 1874, Joshua Neal Cate, 1875, William Blake, Jr., 1876- 1877, Plummer G. Levering, 1878, John B. Lord, 1879, Henry Lang, 1881, Middleton and Brookfield election for two years, held in Middleton, 1883, James H. Willey, 1885, Jonas D. Willey, 1887, James C. Clark, 1889, Cyrus D. Wil- ley, 1892, George A. Wiggin, 1896, William A. Bixby, 1898, John E. Witham, 1900, Charles Colman, 1904, Charles Churchill, 1906, Charles B. Thomes. 1876-1889, Dudley C. Colman chosen Delegate to revise the State Constitution, 1879, Dudley C. Coleman, chosen State Senator, 244 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD INCORPORATON. In the following lines will be found various papers of in- terest and value to the towns of Middleton and Brookfield. These papers are among those which tell the story of the legal shaping of the career of the two towns. INCORPORATION OF MIDDLETON. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight - An act to incorporate a place called Middleton within the County of Strafford Whereas, a patition hath been presented to the General Court in behalf of the Inhabitants of said Middleton, Pray- ing that the same place may be invested with Town Privi- leges by incorporation of which Petition and the order of Court thereon due Notice hath been given, and no objection been made, and the Prayer of said Petition appearing Rea- sonable. Be it therefore Enacted by the Counsil and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled, and by the authority of the same, that there be and hereby is a town- ship Erected and Incorporated within the following bounds, viz., Beginning at the Soushwesterly corner of a tract of land granted to John Ham, Gersham Downee and others, upon and at Rochester Head Line, and from that Extent to HISTORICAL 245 run Westerly by said line of Rochester Five miles, and con- taining the Breadth of five miles, to extend from the head line of Rochester so far Northeasterly as to make equil to six miles Square Adjoining to the said tract of land granted to the said John Ham, Gersham Downes, and others, and the head line of the same to be a line paralel with the head line of Rochester, and the said lines to be strait the Bounds thereof to be the same as expressed in the Charter by the name of Middleton, and the Inhabitants of said place are erected into a Body Politic and corporate to have continu- ance and successions forever, and are hereby invested with all the powers and Infranchised with all the rights, privil- eges, benefits and immunities which any town within this State by law hold, posess and enjoy. To hold to the said inhabitants and their successors forever, and Capt. John Gage of Dover is hereby fully au- thorized and im powered to call a meeting of said inhabi- tants for the purpose of cbusiug all necessary and custemary town officers, giving fourteen days' notice at least of the time, place and design of such meeting, and the officers then and there chosen shall be invested with all the power and authority that the officers of any other town in the State are by law invested with, and every other meeting of the said Inhabitants which shall be held in said town for that purpose shall be on the last Wednesday of March Annually forever. State of New Hampshire, In the House of Representa- tives, February the 28, 1778, the foregoing Bill having been Read a third time, Voted that the same Pass, be Enacted, sent up for concurance. JOHN DUDLEY, Speaker. 246 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD In Council March ye 4, 1778, this Bill was read a third time and voted that the same be Enacted. JOSIAH BARTLET, Pres. A true copy examined by E. THOMPSON, Secy. A true copy of the Incorporation of said Middleton. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, To wn Clerk. INCORPORATION OF BROOKFIELD STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. In the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two. An Act to incorporate the Northerly part of Middleton in the County of Strafford into a seperate town by the name of Brookfield. Whereas, a petition has been presented to the General Court by a number of the inhabitants of the North part of the town of Middleton in the County of Strafford, setting forth that their local situation is very inconveniant for town meetings, public worships, and other necessary town privileges, by reason of a large ridge of mountains which intersects said town, and praying that the Northerly part of said Middleton might be set off into a seperate town. Therefore, be it enacted by the Senate and house of Rep- resentatives in General Court convened, that the Lands and Inhabitants contained within the Northerly part of said Middleton, as described by the following boundries from the HISTORICAL 247 Southerly part thereof, to wit: Beginning at Wakefield line at the Easterly corner of lot number Eighty-Six, thence running Southwesterly to the Easterly corner of lot number Eighty-five, thence Northerly to the Easterly corner of lot number Eighty-Three, thence Southwesterly to the Easterly cornerof lot number Seventy-eight, thence Northerly to the Easterly corner of lot number Ten, thence South- westerly to the Easterly corner of lot number Twelve, thence Northerly to the Easterly corner of lot number Nina in the Second Division, thence Southwesterly to the East- erly corner of lot number Thirty, thence Northerly to the Easterly corner of lot number Thirty-Four, thence Southwestly to the Easterly corner of lot number Nineteen, thence Northerly to the Easterly corner of lot number Eighty-Two, thence Southwesterly to the Easterly corner of lot number Eighty -One, thence Northerly to the Easterly corner of lot number Sixty, thence Southwesterly to New Durham line. Be and they hereby are, incorporated into a seperate town by the name of Brookfield, and the said town of Brookfield is hereby invested with all the powers, privil- eges and immunities to which other towns in this State are or may be entitled, agreeable to the Constitution and Laws of this State, to have continuance and succession forever. And be it further enacted, that the inhabitants of the said town of Brookfield shall pay all the arrears of taxes which have been assessed on them by the town of Middleton, or which may be assessed on them from this time to the first day of March next, and shall pay their proportionable part of all debts due from said town of Middleton, and shall take 248 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD and support a proportionable part of all the poor persons which are now in said town of Middleton, and which may be therein on the first day of March next, and shall be entitled to receive their proportion of all money and debts now due to said town of Middleton, and also their proportionable part of all other property of the said town ot Middleton of every kind and description whatsoever. And be it further enacted, that the proportion of the said town of Brookfield shall pay Two Pounds six shillings to every Thousand Pounds of the Public Taxes from and alter the First day of March next until a New Proportion shall be made and established, which sum of Two Pounds Six Shillings shall be taken out of the proportion of said town of Middleton. And be it further enacted that William Chamberlain Esq. be and he is hereby authorized and impowered to warn a meeting of the said inhabitants by posting up advertise- ments in said town fourteen days previous to said meeting, and the said William Chamberlain shall preside in said meet- ing till a moderator shall be chosen for that purpose, and the annual town meeting in said town of Brookfield shall be holden on the second Tuesday of March annually. State of New Hampshire, In the House of Representa- tives, December 25th, 1794. The foregoing bill having had three several readings passed to be enacted, sent up for con- currence. JOHN PRENTICE, Speaker. HISTORICAL 249 In Senate December 26th, A. D. 1794. This bill having been read a third time voted that the same be enacted. ABIAL FOSTER, President of the Senate. Approved December 30th, 1794. J. T. GILMAN, Governor. A true copy. Attest. NATH. PARKER, Depty Secy. A true copy. Attest. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN 7 , Town Clerk. TOWN OFFICERS OF MIDDLETON CLERKS. Nathanial Rines, 1824-27; Samuel Downing, 1828-29; Nathanial Rines, 1830-33; Samuel H. Whitehouse, 1834-35; M. R. Warren, 1836-41; James Hilton, 1842; M. R. Warren, 1843; Isaiah G. Orne, 1844-49; David E. D. Frost, 1850-51; Carlton Small, 1852-54; John Home, 1855-56; Benjamin P. Chesley, 1857; David E. D. Frost, 1858; Charles York, 1859-62; Charles W. Davis, 1863-64; Benj. P. Cheeley (Ap- pointed Aug. 6, 1864-1865; America Lane, 1866-69; Warren H. Whitehouse, 1870-71; Frank Marston, 1872-73; Cyrus B. Perkins, 1874-75; Oscar F. Kimball, 1876-80; Amlrcia Lane, 1881; Augustus G. Orne, 1882; Oscar F. Kimball, 1883-84; Luther H. Downing, 1885; Mark B. Penney, 1886; Samuel D. Jones, 1887; Luther H. Downing, 1888; Frank Shapleigh, 1889; David E. D. Frost, 1890; Augustus G. Orne, 1891; 250 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD David E. D. Frost, 1892; Charles H. Leighton, 1893-96; Hiram S. Stevens, 1897-1905: Samuel A. Lawrence, 1906; George D. Drawbridge, 1907 res'd; Hiram S. Stevens, chosen Aug. 5, 1907. TREASURERS. David Stevens, 1841; John Roberts, 1853; Jeremiah S. Colbath, 1854; James Hilton, 1855; Jonathan T. Garland, 1856; James Hilton, 1857; Augustus G. Orne, 1858; James D. Moore, 1859; Charles W. Davis, 1860; James Hilton, 1861-62; Not known, 1863: Jeremiah S. Colbath, 1864; John D. Roberts, 1865; James Hilton, 1866-67; Charles W. Davis, 1868; James Hilton, 1869-72; Amos W. Whitehouse, 1873; Charles W. Davis, 1874-75; Benjamin P. Chesley, 1876-78; Havilah Chesley, 1879; Dudley S. Cook, 1880-82; Jacob H. Cook, 1883-85; John H. Young, 1886; Jacob H. Cook, 1887- 88; Havilah Chesley, 1889-90; Albert C. Moore, 1891; Lewis F. Young, 1892-96; Albert C. Moore, 1897-1903; John H. Young, 1904; Meander H. Davis, 1905-06; Charles S.Boody, 1907. SELECTMEN AND ASSESSORS. 1823 John Chadwick, George L. Whitehouse, David Davis. 1824-25 John Roberts, John W. Varney, Nathaniel Davis. 1826 John Chadwick, John W. Varney, Jacob R. Pills- bury. 1827 Jacob R. Pillsbury, John Roberts, Samuel H. HISTORICAL 251 Whitehouse. 1828 John Chadwick, David Davis, Samuel H. White- house. 1829 John Chadwick, John W. Varney, David Stev- ens Jr. 1830 Oilman L. Bennett, Enoch Kimball, Samnel Downing. 1831 Oilman L. Bennett, Jacob R. Pillsbury, Samuel H. Whitehouse. 1832 David Davis, Samuel H. Whitehouse, John W. Varney. 1833 Jacob R. Pillsbury, John Roberts, Alvah Scates. 1834 Jacob R. Pillsbury, Jacob P. Buzzell, Levi Han- naford. 1835 John Roberts, Alvah Scates, John L. Pike. 1836 Jacob P. Buzzell, John L. Pike, John Chadwick 1837-38 Jacob P. Buzzell, John Roberts, Hiram B. Frost. 1839 Jacob P. Buzzell, Moses Place, Edward V.Perkins. 1840 Jacob P. Buzzell, Moses Place, David Stevens Jr. 1841 David Stevens, Ebeneazer S. Pike, Moses Place. 1842 David Stevens, Ebeneazer S. Pike, J. Buzzell. 1843 John Roberts, Jeremiah S. Colbath, Jacob P. Buzzell. 1844 Jacob P. Buzzell, Moses Place, James Hilton. 1845 Jacob P. Buzzell, James Hilton, Leighton Col- bath Jr. 1846 John Roberts, Jeremiah S. Colbath, Moses Place. 1847 Jacob P. Buzzell, Augustus 0. Orne, Jonathan T. Garland. 252 MIDDLETON^and^BROOKFIELD 1848 James Hilton, Jonathan T. Garland, James D. Stevens. 1849 James Hilton, Robert P. Whitehouse, James D. Stevens. 1850 Augustus G. Orne, William H. Cloutman, Charles French. 1851 Isaiah G. Orne, Moses Place, Benjamin P.Chesley. 1852 John Roberts, James Hilton, Leonard Colbath. 1853 J. S. Colbath, H. B. Home, John Roberts. 1854 J. S. Colbath, H. B. Home, I. H. Place. 1855 James Hilton, Jonathan T. Garland, John L. Pike. 1856 John L. Pike, Jonathan B. Stevens, David E. D. Frost. 1857 James Hilton, Jeremiah S. Colbath, John Rob- erts. 1858 Augustus G Orne, Ebeneazer S. Pike, Amos W. York. 1859 James D. Moore, Lewis Cook, Charles W. Davis. 1860 Charles W. Davis, Ebeneazer S. Pike, Varnun H. Leigh ton. 1861 James Hilton, Varnum H. Leighton, John F. Pike, 1862-63 James Hilton, John L. Pike, Jeremiah S. Col- bath. 1864 Jeremiah S. Colbath, John D. Roberts, Charles York. 1865 John D. Roberts, James D. Moore, James Hilton. 1866-67 James Hilton, Franklin Colbath, Jacob H. Cook. HISTORICAL 253 1868 Charles Davis, William H. Cloutman, John S. Pike. 1869 James Hilton, John S. Pike, Jonathan B.Stevens. 1870 James Hilton, Amos W. Whitehouse, Franklin Colbath. 1871 James Hilton, Amos W. Whitehouse, Nathaniel Brown. 1872 James Hilton, Amos W. Whitehouse, Charles L. Peverly. 1873 Amos W. Whitehouse, Charles L. Peverly, Charles W. Jenness. 1874 Charles W. Davis, Charles W. Jenness, Oscar E. Brown. 1875 Charles W. Davis, Charles W. Jenness, Frank R. Marston. 1876 Benjamin P. Chesley, William H. Cloutman, Wil- liam F. Hanson. 1877 Benjamin P. Chesley, Jonathan B. Stevens, Frank R. Marston. Frank R. Marston res'd, Cyrus B. Perkins chosen Sept. 29. 1878 Benjamin P. Chesley, Jonathan B. Stevens, Jo- seph J. Penney. 1879 Benjamin P. Chesley, Joseph J. Penney, Cyrus B. Perkins. 1880 Cyrus B. Perkins, Joseph J. Penney, Samuel D. Jones. Aug. 14 John H. Young was appointed first Select- man. 1881 John C. Penney, Samuel D. Jones, James F. D. Stevens. 254 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD 1882 Benjamin P. Chesley, James F. D. Stevens, Hor- ace Drew. 1883 Benjamin P. Chesley, Dudley S. Cook, Horace Drew. 1884 John H. Young, Dudley S. Cook, Charles H. Leighton. 1885 John H. Young, Charles H. Leighton, Jonathan B. Stevens. 1886 Dudley S. Cook, Jonathan B. Stevens, David E. D. Frost. 1887 Dudley S. Cook, David E. D. Frost, George J. Tufts. 1888 Dudley S. Cook, George J. Tufts, James F. D. Stevens. 1889 Benjamin P. Chesley, James F. D. Stevens, Daniel B. Jones. 1890 Benjamin P. Chesley, Daniel B. Jones, Edgar N. Stevens. 1891 Benjamin P. Chesley, Thomas Drew, James D. Moore. 1892 John H. Young, Thomas Drew, Luther H. Down- ing. 1893 John H. Young, Luther H. Downing, Warren J. Stevens. 1894 John H. Young, Warren J. Stevens, Charles F. Wallace. 1895 John H. Young, Charles F. Wallace, John S. Pike. 1896 John H. Young, Luther H. Downing, Jonathan B. Stevens. HISTORICAL 255 1897 John H. Young, George D. Drawbridge, Henry D. Stevens. 1898 George D. Drawbridge, Eli S. Moore, Henry D. Stevens. 1899 George D. Drawbridge, Eli S. Moore, Samuel Young. 1900 Eli S. Moore, Samuel Young, Charles S. Boody. 1901 Eli S. Moore, Willie H. Chapman, Samuel Young. 1902-03 Eli S. Moore, Alvah J. Stevens, Walter F. Leighton. 1904 Eli S. Moore, Walter F. Leighton, James P. Leighton. 1905 George W. Morrill, James P. Leighton, John H. Young. 1906 John H. Young, Warren H. Whitehouse, George J. Tufts. 1907 Eli S. Moore, Charles W. Whitehouse, Horace Drew. TOWN OFFICERS OF BROOKFIELD. CLERKS. Jeremiah Chamberlain, 1850-51; Dudley Pike, 1852-53; Noah Robinson, 1854; D. C. Colman, 1855; Chas. Colman, 1856-58; Geo. W. Chamberlain, 1859; Chas. Colman, 1860- 61; M. C. Gate, 1862-68; Henry M. Libby, 1869; Moses C. Cate, 1870; Henry M. Libby, 1871; Moses C. Gate, 3 872-74; Chas. A. Hackett, 1875; Edgar M. Cate, 1876-77; Jno. F. 256 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD Hackett, 1878; Frank A. Hanson, 1879-81; Jno. F. Robin- son, 1882-86; Robt. L. Chamberlain, 1887-89; Ed. L. Brown, 1890-91; Chas. 0. Neal, 1892; Jno. F. Robinson, 1893; Robt. L. Chamberlain, 1894-96; Jno. F. Hackett, 1897-1903; Robt. L. Chamberlain, 1904-07. TREASURERS. Dudley C. Colmau, 1881-84; John B. Lord, 1885-86; Dudley C. Colman, 1887-89; Jas. H. Willey, 1890-91; Sylves- ter L. Shortridge, 1892; John C. Pike, 1893; Wm. H. Hub- bard, 1894-95; Dudley C. Colman, 1896; Wm. H. Hubbard, 1897-98; Chas. Willey, 1899-1900; Dudley C. Colman, 1901- 04; Sylvester L. Shortridge, 1905-07. SELECTMEN. 1850 Wm. T. Cate, Wm. Blake, Jr., Sam'l J. Dealand. 1851 Jno. Churchill, Wm. Blake, Jr., Wm. T. Cate. 1852-53 Noah Robinson, Jno. Hodge, Albin Johnson. 1854 T. W. Lyford, S. M. Giles, Jno. W. Lang. 1855 Wm. T. Cate, Albin Johnson, Jonathan W. San- born. 1856 Noah Robinson, Jno. W. Lang, Garland Allen. 1857 T. W. Lyford, Garland Allen, D. F. Stoddard. 1858 Garland Allen, Dudley C. Colman, Geo. W. Cham- berlain. 1859 Dudley C. Colman, Garland Allen, Jonathan W. Sanborn. 1860 Dudley C. Colman, Jno. W. Lang, Mark F. Furber. HISTORICAL 257 1861 D. C. Colman, Jno. Lang, Joshua N. Gate. 1862 Noah Robinson, J. W. Sanborn, Jno. W. Lang. 1863 Jos. Pike, J. W. Sanborn, Garland Allen. 1864 Jos. Pike, Joshua N. Gate, Garland Allen. 1865-66 D. C. Colman, Wm. Blake, Jr., J. N. Gate. 1867 D. C. Colman, Wm. Blake, Jr., Garland Allen. 1868 A. B. Chamberlain, Garland Allen, Jeremiah Chamberlain. 1869 Noah Robinson, Jno. W. Lang, Geo. A. Wiggin. 1870 J. Chamberlain, Jno. W. Lang, Geo. A. Wiggin. 1871 J. W. Sanborn, Geo. H. Robinson, Chas. H. Neal. 1872-73 Geo. H. Robinson, Garland Allen, Jos. B. Buz- zell. 1874 D. C. Colman, Jno. B. Lord, Thorn. Goodhue. 1875 Jno. B. Lord, Sam'l H. Plummer, Orin J. Eaton. 1876 Geo. H. Robinson, Chas. Churchill, Thos. Good- hue. 1878 John B. Ladd, S. H. Hutchins, Jas. H. Willey. 1879 Chas. Churchill, Noah Robinson, Geo. E. Good- hue. 1880-81 Chas. Churchill, Edgar M. Gate, John F. Rob- inson. 1882 Chas. Churchill, Luther M. Sanborn, John W. Lang. 1883 Chas. Churchill, L. M. Sanborn, Wm. A. Lang. 1884 Chas. Churchill, L. M. Sanborn, Thos. Goodhue. 1885-86 Stephen H. Hutchins, John C. Pike, Wm. A. Bixby. 1887-88 Chas. Churchill, Chas. B. Thomas, Henry E. 258 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD Went worth. 1889 Chas. Churchill, Chas. Willey, John E. Lang. 1890-91 Wm. A. Bixby, Chas. Willey, Jas. H. Tibbets. 1892 Chas. Willey, Jas. H. Tibbets, Horace L. Thomas. 1893 D. C. Colman, H. L. Thomas, Jas. L. Cook. 1894-John C. Pike, H. L. Thomas, Jas. L. Cook. 1895 John C. Pike, H. L. Thomas, Harry L. Lang. 1896 Chas. Churchill, Gilbert Cook, Harry L. Lang. 1897-98 Wm. A. Bixby, G. H. Cook, Isaiah W. Palmer. 1899-1900 Wm. A. Bixby, Jas. L. Cook, Arthur L. Sceggel. 1901-03 Chas. Churchill, Robt. L. Chamberlain, L. L. Churchill. 1904 Chas. Churchill, Chas. Willey, L. L. Churchill. 1905-07 Chas. Willey, Jas. L. Cook, Walter L. Robin- son. MILITARY MATTERS. These two towns have a joint and separate military record of which they may be justly proud. There are few towns which can boast a more loyal response to the calls for arms than these. They of course were most active in the war of the rebellion and we are most concerned with the names of the men who were called to serve in that terrible struggle. The list of men who served there as we have it given to us by residents of the two towns, may be incomplete, but we HISTORICAL 259 have endeavored to get it as complete as the knowledge of these citisens would permit. The names follow: MIDDLETON IN THE CIVIL. WAR. John Waldron, Drake S. Durbon, Daniel Burrows, John Hanson, James Stevens, John F. Dore, Thomas Stevens, William Merrill, Benjamin Gerrish, Stilman Simond, Daniel Burleigh, Joseph Knowles, James D. Moore, John S. Pike, Chas. Cloutman, Samuel Aspinwall, Cyrus G. Piukham, Sam- uel Tufts, Geo. Willey, Geo. Shapleigh, Oscar F. Kimball, Sylvester Wallace, Frederick A. Orne, John Tufts, Leighton D. Colbath, John Home, Amos W. Whitehouse, Nathaniel Dearborn, John C. Pike, Joseph Miller, Richard Miller, Chas. York. Geo. Stevens, Henry Stevens, Joseph Ricker, Lafayette Colbath, Daniel C. Emery, Nathan Boston, King Emery, Jaford Emery. BROOKFIELD IN THE CIVIL WAR. Filth N. H. Regt., Sam'l M. Allen, Chas. L. Hubbard; Co. H. Sixth N. H. Regt., David L. Wentworth; Co. D. Thirteenth N. H. Regt., Andrew Berry, Jesse G. Berry (d. Nov. 8, 1867, in Brookfield), Aaron K. Blake (k. June 4, 1864, Cold Har- bor, Va.), Geo. L. Ricker, (k. June 15, 1864, Petersburg, Va.), Jasper H. Warren, Mark A. L. Colbatb, Henry Church- ill (d. March 18, 1885, at Concord, N. H.), John J. Curtis (d July 30, 1864; all in Co. A. Geo. P. Blake (d. Dec. 27, 1878, in Brookfield), C. Goodhue (d. March 5, 1896, Hamp- ton, Va.), Thos. Goodhue (d. May 5, 1896, at Brookfield), 260 M1DDLETON and BROOKFIELD all of Co. F. Sixteenth N. H. Regt.; Geo. E. Goodhue, Co. B. Seventeenth N. H. Regt.; Geo. W. Tebbetts, Co. A. (k. July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.) Eighteenth N. H. Regt.; Derius W. Ham, Co. K. FACTS OF INTEREST The town of Middleton is in fortunate possession of a library of appropriate and useful books. This library at the opening of the year 1908, numbered 1,362 volumes and has been a source of much pleasure and profit to the citizens of the town. The trustees of the library are as follows: Jas. D. Moore, Mrs. M. H. Davisand F. A. Orne. Mrs. M. H.Davisis Librarian. The town votes an annual appropriation of $25 for the purchase of new books. MIDDLETON TRAINING FIELD. In the early part of 1800, one of the most familiar spots in this region was the old training field, or "muster field" which was large enough to accommodate about 2,000 people. It was equipped with all the utensils of war and included in the supply was one small brass cannon. The scenes presented here in the famous old muster days were inspiring to the hardy folks of this region, and the associa- tions that cling around the event are not entirely forgotten to this day. The cannon sometime before the Civil War was carried to Alton and from there was demanded by the national HISTORICAL 261 government, but was hidden in a forest to prevent the government's securing its property. The attempt has been to date unsuccessful. OFFICERS OF MIDDLETON OLD HOME DAY, DURING THE YEARS 1906-1907. President, Meander H. Davis; First Vice President, Chas. Knowles; Second Vice President, Samuel A. Lawrence, Secre- tary, Mrs. M. H. Davis; Treasurer, Mrs. F. A. Orne; Recep- tion Committee, Mrs. M. H. Davis, Mrs. F. A. Orne, Mrs. S. A. Lawrence, Chas. H. Leighton, George Cook, Jonas D. Willey. GRANGE CHARTER MEMBERS. Wm. F. Hanson, Meander H. Davis, Mrs. Meander H. Davis, Fred R. Cook, Geo. H. Cook, Oscar W. Leighton, Grace M. Leighton, Fred L. Leighton, Mrs. Fred L. Leigh- ton, Mrs. John H. Young, James D. Pike, John H. Young, Mrs. James D. Pike, Mrs. Emma Whitehouse, Warren H. Whitehouse, Mrs. Addie A. L. Jones, Addie Mae Jones. GRANGE OFFICERS. Master, Wm. F. Hanson; Overseer, Meander H. Davis; Lecturer, Fred R. Cook; Steward, Geo. H. Cook; Asst. Stew- ard, Oscar W. Leighton; Chaplain, Mrs. John H. Young; Treasurer, Warren H. Whitehouse; Secretary, Mrs. Fred L. Leighton; Gate Keeper, James D. Pike; Ceres, Mrs. Warren H. Whitehouse; Pomona, Mrs. Meander H. Davis; Flora Grace M. Leighton; Lady Assistant Steward, A. Mae Jones. 262 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD First two years the members met the first and third Wednesday of each mouth. The third year this date was changed to the second and iourth. Meetings were held in the Town Hall. PROMINENT MEN OF BROOKFIELD. John Trickey, a son of William Trickey, was born in Brookfield, in early life went to Dover, N. II., where he lived for many years. He was very successful in the mill and lum- ber business. Jesse and Simon Blake, both natives of Brookfield, went to Massachusetts when young men and became very suc- cessful in the Patent Leather business. Daniel Chamberlain the noted hotel keeper and owner of the Adams House in Boston, was a decendent of John Chamberlain, who was town clerk for thirty-four years and selectman several years. Freeman Chamberlain a son of Trueworthy Chamberlain, was for many years engaged in the hotel business. John Hodge was for many years a hotel keeper in Exeter, N. H. and Kingston, N. H. S tep hen Ly ford, son of Stephen, studied law with William Sawyer of Wakefield, and for several years was a practising lawyer in Laconia, N. H. Cyrus K. Sanborn was in early life a popular school teacher, he afterward studied law with Josiah H. Hobbs of Wakefield and practised for many years in the city of Rochester, N. H. Asa Adams Wiggin, son of Daniel Wiggin, who was Post Master in Brookfield for 30 years, became a very suc- cessful merchant in Boston. Noah Wiggin, brother of Asa HISTORICAL 263 A., also became a merchant in Boston. One of his daughters became the wife of Thomas Star King, the famous preacher and lecturer. Another sister of Mrs. King married Herbert Magoun, treasurer of the Suffolk Savings Bank in Boston, and two other sisters were teachers in the schools of Boston for twenty-five years. Joseph T. Churchill was a life long resident of Brook- field, he held the office of selectman for several years and was elected Representative to the Legislature for three terms. His son Charles Churchill has also represented the town two years, has been chairman of board of selectmen several years and is now town clerk ol Brookfield. Alfred Lang became a very successful contractor and builder in Lawrence, Mass. Noah Robinson was for many years selectman and also represented the town two years in the Legislature, his son Albert 0. Robinson is now station agent at Sanbornville, having held that position on the Boston and Maine Rail Road and express agent for thirty-four years. Charles Warren, son of John Warren, became a physician and was an active practitioner at Wolfeboro and Exeter, N. H. for more than 20 years. Samuel Parsons, son of Ephraim Parsons, went to Man- chester, N. H., and became quite wealthy as a contractor and carpenter. Henry R. Chamberlain, a son of James Chamberlain, was born in Brookfield, went to Manchester, N. H., when quite a young man and was for a number of years city clerk in that place. 264 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD William R. Chamberlain, son of Thomas Chamberlain, was a fine scholar and teacher in his young days, afterwards became a minister and settled in Ohio where he died about 20 years ago. Henry and Josiah Johnson went to California in 1849, and made a large amount of money. Charles A. Hackett at one time superintendent of the car shop at Sanbornville, and William H. Willey, the grain dealer, were both natives of Brookfield. Samuel and Frank Hutchiiis have each made a fortune in the excelsior business. Frank has recently presented the town with a bell for its Town Hall. JohnC. Pike, a present resident of the town has met with very good success in the lumber business, he was also born in Brookfield. Henry Colmau who is a resident of this town and has been nearly his whole life, is now in the employ of the United States as a Rail Road Mail Clerk and has been so employed for about fifteen years, has been promoted several times since first entering the service. Dudley Colman bought the farm now owned by George A. Wiggin in 1796, he was an officer in the Revolutionary War. One of his descendants Leon C. Colman, born in Brook- field, is a teacher in the high school in Jamacia Plain, Mass. Men who served in our State and Town Militia: Major Noah Robinson was an officer in a State Cavalry Regiment, Col. John T. Churchill, Col. Jonathan W. Sanborn and Major John Churchill were officers in a Town Cavalry Regi- ment. HISTORICAL 265 Capt. John Hodge, Capt. Joseph Goodhue, Capt. William Willey, Capt. John A. Chamberlain and Capt. Jeremiah Chamberlain were all officers in the Infantry. TOWN MEETINGS IN BROOKFIELD. When Brookfield was first set off from Middleton, the town was without any Town House in which to hold their town meetings and it was customary to call the same at the house of some inhabitant of the town. In the year 1815 the meeting was called at the house of Daniel Wiggin, with the following result: After the meeting was organized and they had proceeded for a while the chamber in which the meeting was assembled broke down and the voters all fell with it. No lives lost nor any one badly hurt. The voters went out into the road and carried on the meeting. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH MIDDLETON. Religious services were held at Middleton many years previous to the organization of 1827, at which time, by the request of a number of brethren and sisters living in the vicinity, wishing to associate themselves together as a church of Christ, Elders John H. Nutter, Simeon Swett, and Joseph Banfield, met with them March 3, 1827, at the home of Jonathan Howes in Milton, for the purpose of acknowl- edging them as such. The first settled minister was Rev. Nehemiah Ordway, (Orthodox), his successor was Rev. John Buzzell, a Freewill Baptist, who later established a society. Members of the Society with Rev. John Buzzell preacher 266 MIDDLETON and BROOKFIELD in charge: Joseph Goodwin, John N. Frost, Daniel Goodwin, Enoch York, Bethuel Ellis, Joseph Brooks, Elijah Curtis, Anna Goodwin, Eliza Rines, Mahitable Clark, Martha Frost, Betsy Curtis, Purliney Brooks, Betsy Ellis, Belinda Treph- ren, Abigail Watson, Mary Goodwin. The first clerk chosen was Enoch York. March 3, 1827. This church was later received into fellowship with the New Hampshire conference. The old meeting house which 104 years ago stood near the Enoch York larm was moved by Squire Wingate to what is now called Middleton Corner, upon a part of the six acre lot which was set apart for the support and main- tenance of the Gospel ministry. Latter ministers of Middleton were Revs. William Buz- zell, Elder Butler, Simeon Swett, J. H. Nutter, Joseph Boody, Joseph Banfield, John York, John Swett, Luther Penney, Geo. York, Joseph Brooks, William Blaisdell, John Flanders, Timothy Cole, Elder Furnell, Seth Sawyer being the last settled minister in Middleton. Since that religious services have been held regularly by different preachers. This Free Baptist church, the most historic building in the town, is occupied also by the Old Home Week Associa- tion, the place of meeting being on the second floor. This is a historic place and was erected more than a century ago, is in the center known as the Four Corners, and around it is the Town Common, several acres in area. The seating ca- pacity will not accommodate more than a quarter of the people, while the addresses and musical exercises took place in the church, the banquet was held in the Town Hall on HISTORICAL 267 first floor. This Landscape Hall, painted in 1842 by John A very of Farmington, is famous throughout the Granite State as the Landscape Church. The landscape was painted to rep- resent large shade trees on a plat of ground, which extends around the four walls. This is the only house of worship in town, and during 112 years it has been used as a meeting house, and attended by the ancestors of the present generations. Because of that fact and the other associations it is held dear to the heart of every native, and all denominations meet here for divine worship. Formerly there was a club that met here yearly in Sep- tember, spending several days in town, going over their old haunts and bringing it to a close with a dinner. The members of the present Association declare that it was through the annual gathering at Middleton that the Old Home Week idea was first agitated. THE ORIGINATORS OF MIDDLETON REUNION. The First Reunion of Middleton was held May, 1867. Members present were: George B. Roberts, John E. Good- win, Samuel Varney, Wingate Whitehouse, Robert White- house, John Crocket, Elizabeth Daniels, Elder Daniel Good- win, Shepard Goodwin, James D. Moore, Benjamin Chesley, Jonathan Daniels, Augustus G. Orne, Chas. Whitehouse, Jeremiah Downing, Havilah Chesley, John Rines, Geo. Pike. S. C. MALEHAM DEALER IN Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Millinery and Small Wares SANBORNVILLE, N. H. A. F. GARLAND DEALER IN Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Repairing a Specialty. Sole Agent for the Braimigan Rubbers, best made. SANBORNVILLE NEW HAMPSHIRE Sanborn House Stable LOREN J. GLIDDEN, Prop. First Class Teams to let at Reasonable Prices Telephone Connection Sanbornville, N. H. James W. Garvin John H. Garvin Edwin A. Hitnes Established in 1871 J. W. GARVIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Feeds, Sugar, Kerosene Oil, etc. Also Retailers of General Merchandise. Connected with New England and Ossipee Valley Telephone Companies SANBORNVILLE NEW HAMPSHIRE Beech -Nut ^ e * a ^ e pleasure in asking to call on us. Courteous treatment assured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Best goods obtainable at right prices C. E. PINKHAM MILTON, GOODS DELIVERED FREE N. H. TEL. 13-2 Groceries, provisions, teas coffees, canned goods, post cards, fruit, moxie, tonic, pat. medicines, hardware tinware, glassware, and gen- eral merchandise Full line of confectionery tobaccos and finest cigars Sole agent for Town Talk flour, Sherwin Williams paints, Ward's tip-top bread Drake's cakes Try our 20c coffee as good as most 35c ASA A. FOX Registered and Licensed FOR MAINE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE FUNERAL DIRECTOR The largest and finest stock of Undertaker's Supplies in this section, consisting of all the newest styles and shades of Plush and Cloth Caskets, also solid oak and other finished woods, and imitation oak, rosewood, walnut, etc., at most reasonable prices. Hearse furnished when desired. Long Distance Telephone Connections at Residence. Calls and Orders promptly attended to. MILTON MILLS N. H. UNION, N. H. FOR MARBLE WORK AND GRAVESTONES l^p|!laI^gPi&|?s ?g^f f ->6 M P^IS* e^l a$ESggi8|$ C >H f ir 1 w' S fc^pfi-!-P*3 Ci*< I (2i I 09 6> < rh M I I M P &SE (5 i^\ CD K^ >^ O 53 .' ro w n ? S- 3 3 vj w 2 g n 3 SL2. to d i . S. S* 5 ^- 3^ 05 W ft 8- a" 2fl> l-ts M> O O ^ >-i II 3< ^ 2 ^ ? 3 - 3 TO 3* woe _. 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Flewelling of Farmington will show his 'beau- tiful colored slides. On Sunday at 11 a. m., Mrs. Bigelow will bring the message and there will also be special music. At 7 p. m., Rev. E. Lin- coln Bigelow, former pastor, now from Union Village, Vt.. will prea-ch at the evening fellowship hour. The neighbors and friends are invited to attend these special meetings. Among me jLn^ua.iiciu people who intended the meeting of the Wake- field-Brookfield Historical Society at Little Red School House last fuesday evening were Mrs. Roland Hughes, president of the Scciety, Mrs Joseph Podrasnik, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Rines, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Per- ison, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Mc- Causlamd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wi- tham, Mr. Leon Colman, Mr. Paul Nelson and Miss Esther Dimick who is living in the small house at Brook- field Corner. Milton To Observe 1 50th Anniversary MILTON Tentative plans for the celebration of the 150th anni- versary of the founding of Milton, call for, 1 a big program to be held August 10th. Lyman__P]u^.mer, general chairman of the affair, states that the celebration will in- clude a band concert, a speaker of national prominence, a short history of Milton, and other varied entertainment for the day. A meeting of the committee will be held next week to formulate further plans. L Un